diff --git "a/amis-english-segmented.csv" "b/amis-english-segmented.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/amis-english-segmented.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,78207 @@ +,row_id,ind,ami,eng,split +0,1,1,saka haeminhaemin wahatira maemin tu maemin,so I drank it all Wow that is it I drank the whole thing,train +1,2,2,tayra hu i Panciaw,we still have to go to Banqiao,train +2,3,3,uni patangicen tu nu nangra a fana,they used their wisdom to barely make rules for the native peoples,train +3,4,4,anu misasakeru idengay tu,even when you are dancing,train +4,5,5,ninlingciyecen,age group,train +5,6,6,anu cima namu ku mangalayay a malasakakaay i ka malukuli nu tamdamdaw,and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all,train +6,7,7,suwal sa ciira Patiku kaku a minukay tuya nanu kaitiraan aku a luma saan ciira patiku satu ciira i awaay ku cimacima itira Maasik a malusimet ku laluma nuya luma,then it says I will return to the house I left when it arrives it finds the house unoccupied swept clean and put in order,train +7,8,8,kaered tu,rope,train +8,9,9,anu tangasa tu i Sibuluay u muhtingaytu,if you reach the bottom of the moon your eyebrows will be black,train +9,10,10,araw sa ya Kawasay a uner kemanay tu tamdaw,you know the man eating python,test +10,11,11,ey kataluma han tu nu Maʼuwid,Malverde asked him to come home,train +11,12,12,mahemek ku itiraay a tamdaw haw u tamdaw,the people of little Liuqiu are very excited about this,train +12,13,13,ku langaw nina kilang,the way wood grows,train +13,14,14,naay temaqsey yanakelisiw maytu kelisiw sakulika,you do not have any money for your studies so to speak,train +14,15,15,hakelung tu kaku minukay tayni tini i,I came back here with you,train +15,16,16,u mimaanay ku heni han nu maku a palita,what am I doing asking them that,train +16,17,17,misuayaw tu cidal,face the sun,train +17,18,18,u makaamisay ku luma nira nawu sikawasay cira inaayaw,used to be a wizard his home was in the far north,train +18,19,19,saka cecay hahekalan iraay ku maanan tinakuan misawacayay wa ngaˈay maremu nu tamdaw ku misakakinihay harateng a makelec malacecay,what example from the first century proves that people can overcome prejudice and unite as one,train +19,20,20,han tu i,afterwards,test +20,21,21,tatuelep,clams,train +21,22,22,ada,enemy,train +22,23,23,nawhani yu iratu ci Yuhani i caay ka kumaen caay pitauwak cingra suwal sa ku tamdamdaw O maaruay nu palafuay cingra saan,for John came neither eating nor drinking and they say He has a demon,train +23,24,24,ya ya lamit nu suwal nu Aims haw,in terms of the origin of the Amis language,train +24,25,25,Lalumaˈ nu 55 miheca u madimadiay a kaput aku ci Lila kalacafay takuwanan matayal tu masakenaay a demak,for years Leila has been my faithful companion and has performed various services with me,train +25,26,26,o mamalepun tu tuna kaciherangan,we are graduating this summer,train +26,27,27,Hayken caka fana kaku,I do not know I do not understand,train +27,28,28,mifuting tu tayra i Takaw misifi tu pina a fulad haw i,started his career as a fishing boat and first went to Kaohsiung for a few months to report and train,train +28,29,29,tahira,getting there,train +29,30,30,ni penen kaku tu nu dungec ira,I will Harvest the hearts of the grasses,test +30,31,31,na iraan tu aesesan hananay kiraan,that is why it is interpreted as the age of the wind and the rain,train +31,32,32,Ladihif Ladihif hananay kura,cave team it is called the Cavemen,train +32,33,33,Anu hacuwa a ira kunini a dmak Anu u mamalahcitu kunini a dmak a ma^min i u maan ku kacipinangan niyam a mafana saw Pasuwalen kami han nangra,Tell us when will these things happen and what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled,train +33,34,34,Nikawrira aka saadaen cingra samatiya han u salikaka cingra a palimuut,yet do not regard him as an enemy but warn him as a brother,train +34,35,35,makapahay,nice,train +35,36,36,talacuwa u Kawas ku pinangan Ningra nikawrira haenentu aku tu nu Kawas a milcad a citudung tu micidekay a sakuwan caay ka saan,Who being in very nature God did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,train +36,37,37,ira hu ku tamina nu malitengay,the elders had rafts,train +37,38,38,aya ira ku sasuwalen aku kisunan,Oops I have something to tell you,train +38,39,39,paluma tu tebus paluma tu tabaku itiya,in those days sugar cane and tobacco were grown,train +39,40,40,ira ku diyung sa tayra sa ku niyaru kumaen tu titi,it is only when they say there is pork that the tribesmen go over and eat it,test +40,41,41,pana,arrows,train +41,42,42,minukay ku kaluayam i Dipung nira i kaludian,the birds will return to their nests in the evening,train +42,43,43,nu i hekalay nu i waliay nu tipay adihay i tu,on the shore east side and more fry caught on rafts,train +43,44,44,masakapah tu kaku itiya hu,I am an adult,train +44,45,45,ta ira saan kusalung nu sa kaʼurip paytemek nu lalumaʼan,covering the cost of living for the family,train +45,46,46,aca,nothing more,train +46,47,47,o akung han aca,that is why it is called Gong,train +47,48,48,mapululay,Caged,train +48,49,49,matenes tu haw na minanam,how long have you been studying where did you learn,train +49,50,50,yu u Ripun ku nikuwanay i macengel a pala nu Ripunen ku lekakawa u ruma satu ikur nu 1945 a micaan i palasawaden nu Cenfu ku suwal caay ka ngaay a sumuwal tu suwal nu tireng saka lasawad sa ku suwal nu Yincumincu atu nu Tangafulan,However with Japanese rule aiming to assimilate and turn all into imperial subjects and with the ROC government banning tribal languages after indigenous peoples languages suffered great losses most Pingpu languages have disappeared,test +50,51,51,caay kahalafin ci ina aku,not for long,train +51,52,52,o mamimaan kita tuya piungtukayan,what will we do in the sports day,train +52,53,53,sa kaku satu itira satu i salikaka aku i Pisirian,I had to live in my brothers sheep pen,train +53,54,54,nu mita i piseking,ethnic language Proficiency test,train +54,55,55,kaka^,brother,train +55,56,56,taraay i Kiwit ami palusiyan tu ngangan,go to Chimay to publicize,train +56,57,57,Isan,Jade mountain,train +57,58,58,tu makawalitu,to the east,train +58,59,59,tangasa sahu kami aci wama itini a,my dad and I are just back now,train +59,60,60,u malitengay itiya hu haw i,our early elders,test +60,61,61,hufuc,production,train +61,62,62,iraay tini kira misahatini hay,just line up here,train +62,63,63,misakuku,crow,train +63,64,64,nikaw,poverty,train +64,65,65,minanamay,Learners,train +65,66,66,mihecan,surname Nian,train +66,67,67,mihaen kira,that is the way it is,train +67,68,68,sasepat ku paliw saka lalima kiya u ina,change worksheets,train +68,69,69,o maan ku matang saan a milicay ku wawa aku a sumuwal,my children ask me what is meant by uncultivated land,train +69,70,70,Nawiru caay ka munanaw kisu,why did not you wash your hands,test +70,71,71,tada mahemek,I am very happy,train +71,72,72,kaliyalaway,Yellow,train +72,73,73,kina kaheciday a nanum han i,and this salt water,train +73,74,74,hatira ku nu niyam itiya hu,that is what we were like,train +74,75,75,Mafanaay kamu a caciyaw tu nu Amis ha tada fangcal,you speak Pangcah that is great,train +75,76,76,kalaliyangan,dispute,train +76,77,77,na i tini Taeman a niyaru fafahian nangra,from the women of the Galliman tribe they are here,train +77,78,78,o ringi nu pising nira kaying atu ina rira,that lady looks a lot like his moms face,train +78,79,79,ta nani Kalala setul han nangra pasayni,getting here from Ghana,train +79,80,80,nikawitan,textile,test +80,81,81,tayra i pakukuan cingra milepel tu kuku,she went to the chicken coop to catch chickens,train +81,82,82,fangcal kuna niyaru itini,the tribe here is great,train +82,83,83,Maaraw nu maku ku umi ni fai tu mirucukan a kakaenen tada malemed atu malitang ku falucu aku,seeing my grandmothers passion for traditional food I feel very proud and honored,train +83,84,84,ini i umah,in the field,train +84,85,85,anu matira tu i cayka filu kunu Taywan,if that is the case we still cannot handle the Flatlanders,train +85,86,86,ira ku nipatukawan nu maku itini ura ku sakafan aku tu tilu^ nu maku,I make a mark here so I know where my trap is,train +86,87,87,kacedu,movie,train +87,88,88,pasuwal ku singsi tamiyanan,the teacher told us,train +88,89,89,Kamuku ku kimad nu singsi anini,the teachers speech today was very short,train +89,90,90,mama^,father,test +90,91,91,adada tu ku funguh aku,I have got a headache,train +91,92,92,ariri^,warehouse,train +92,93,93,piyaken,open up please,train +93,94,94,ta minukayay tu,but some of them went back,train +94,95,95,mapalal,sober up,train +95,96,96,o cuis niyam a mapulin i sitingsiya,we fell off the bike,train +96,97,97,tadafangcal ku fulad anini,the moon is extraordinarily beautiful tonight,train +97,98,98,ku damak i,these things,train +98,99,99,wuhai fangcal tu,Oh yeah look at this it is really good,train +99,100,100,ta pakaynien i ngangan nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristuan ku nika rarid a miahuwid tu wama a Kawas i masamaamaanay a dmak,always giving thanks to God the father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,test +100,101,101,na mahaen haw i anini satu haw i,and now,train +101,102,102,mapatikamiay,sent,train +102,103,103,pasevanaʼen tisuwan i nanamen aku,you teach me I will learn,train +103,104,104,itini tu kisu,you were here in,train +104,105,105,Papaen ku nikaenan ta enucen,chew before swallowing,train +105,106,106,alumanay tu ku ciwnaninay haw a mifuting,many people have been running boats for over years,train +106,107,107,ysayen nira ku suwal niyam,he stopped our quarrel,train +107,108,108,anu capakafilu kisu rarahan miemin sa ku matuʼasay,if you do not the elders say you can drink him slowly,train +108,109,109,cima saw ku mangalay tu nisalisinan anini,who is left to worship now,train +109,110,110,papiliyasen kuya wawa tu wacu,get the child away from the dog,test +110,111,111,kiya,not until,train +111,112,112,Salikakaaw kaku aci Apulus ku nisuwalan aku a patinaku tunini i tamuwanan Ngaay mafana kamu tu tatudung nu a imeren a suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad ta caay ka lataang kamu tu ccay a tamdaw caay pi^pec kamu tu ruma a tamdaw,Now brothers I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying Do not go beyond what is written then you will not take pride in one man over against another,train +112,113,113,parikur tu suwal,to make a farewell speech,train +113,114,114,Karakusiw ku tusiya ni mama,Dads car breaks down quite often,train +114,115,115,mahaen haw,that is it,train +115,116,116,baluhay a tayni masasuwal tu cabay,I have to tell my friends about the newcomer,train +116,117,117,kaku ku miadiay tu hemay a caay kasikul ku pisacacak,I did not keep an eye on the rice when I was cooking it so it had a potty mouth,train +117,118,118,Pacauf sa ci Filip a sumuwal Anu alamamamamang cangra kahaccaccay a kumaen i caay ka deng tu niacaan tu tusa a suut a tinali a kakaenen han ningra,Philip answered him Eight months wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite,train +118,119,119,nanay pakayni i nika lakaput ita a mitier i Kawas ku sakatungal a mafana tu nika mangaay a malmed ku urip ita u malaccayay aci Kristu saan ku nipilunguc aku,I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ,train +119,120,120,ira i sacumud nu niyaru ku pikacawan u pikecuran a minengneng tu rakat nu ada^,the watchtower is at the entrance to the horde and is used to observe enemy movements,test +120,121,121,teruc,coir,train +121,122,122,cipakaʼaraw cira tu petun,she is never met her brother either,train +122,123,123,Nikawrira i tini i tamuwanan i caay ku hahaenen nu namu anu cima namu ku mangalayay a malatadamaanay i ka u malumatayalay namu,not so with you Instead whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,train +123,124,124,kasilufuc,you have to wear a strap,train +124,125,125,u futi nura nu kawala i cecay lipay aca haratengen,that is only one weeks sleep,train +125,126,126,matusay,seniors,train +126,127,127,sepat a mihecaan ku faʼinay aku adada,sir has been sick for four years,train +127,128,128,ana ira ku nanum awa ku maan u tukus tilra na,why is there water there is nothing there it is a hill,train +128,129,129,Iru ku suwal nura ci Kawasay milaliw ku adingu,the witch said my soul was out of my head,train +129,130,130,macaculi ku mararamuday,that is why couples fight,test +130,131,131,matalaw cangra tu saka talaungcuyaw nu lunan saka tfad han nangra ku spat a enur i kaikur ta tala han nangra ku nika ta^ngad,fearing that we would be dashed against the rocks they dropped four anchors from the stern and prayed for daylight,train +131,132,132,nu paytenek nu luma itini i Cawi,I have built a house here in Tranquility,train +132,133,133,ca maedengtu satu ku falucu,I think that is about right,train +133,134,134,Safelut saan kira wawa a midanguy i tarawadaw,the boy was bent on swimming in the river,train +134,135,135,isu ku mabanaʼay tu itiniay ma,you know the situation better than I do,train +135,136,136,awaay hen ku mikuw,there was no one to run it,train +136,137,137,Miuway kami yu u kakaenen nu lalavu nu luma,we even went to pick rattan for our family to eat,train +137,138,138,hatiraay kura pipakaʼuraday,that is what the rain Festival is all about,train +138,139,139,O Tapang nu pipanayan ci Yihufa pakalalukay tu adihayay salikaka nai rumaruma Kitakit malinah tayra i Miyanmar tayni i Asia Kitakit padama tu mipanayay tu nuˈadinguan a demak,the Lord the Master of the Harvest has inspired many brothers and sisters to move to Myanmar to assist in the spiritual Harvest in this southeast Asian country,train +139,140,140,ci cukuray,and the mule,test +140,141,141,aka kaapac a talapicudadan,do not be late for school,train +141,142,142,mafawahay,in business,train +142,143,143,kakaesu,be gluttonous,train +143,144,144,papising tu finawlan kita,we call on the tribal people,train +144,145,145,pulung nu urip hanay ku pisaʼicelan nu maku a mitintu,Rather it is the whole of preaching for all of life needs,train +145,146,146,luma,housing,train +146,147,147,Singsi adada ku funguh aku mamipahanhan kaku tu herek nu lahuk,it is almost time for class to end wait a little longer,train +147,148,148,anini han tu maherek cacay a pilipayan,after a week,train +148,149,149,tatu,more than,train +149,150,150,paekelen,pressure,test +150,151,151,i luma ira aca,so at home,train +151,152,152,ina sera namu nu matuasay haw,does your land belong to the old man,train +152,153,153,makefing ku wawa nira,her child had measles,train +153,154,154,o cerenuh aku tu talaw,I am scared so creeper out,train +154,155,155,u mama tira ku sapikuku tu lifung tura lafang hananay,that is why we are trying to drive out the epidemic,train +155,156,156,caay ka talakakarayan ci Tafiti nikawrira matini ku suwal ningra Pasuwal ku Tapang tu Tapang aku Kamaru kisu i kawanan Aku,for David did not ascend to heaven and yet he said The Lord said to my Lord Sit at my right hand,train +156,157,157,sa nengneng han naku pasatimul,So I am looking south,train +157,158,158,mahaen hiri tatamaruray kita anini tayra sefi kita,come on we have had a long day let us go to the kitchen,train +158,159,159,awaay ku pakaesesay a sumuwal ngraan,no one is able to speak pointedly to him,train +159,160,160,Orasaka kakteren aku kuya finawlan o suwal aku i caay ku sulinay ku falucu nangra tada u maliyangay haca tu limuut aku ku pinangan nangra,that is why I was angry with that generation and I said Their hearts are always going astray and they have not known my ways,test +160,161,161,waay tu cipikilim,No I am not looking,train +161,162,162,Pituay ku rumiad,there are seven days,train +162,163,163,kinatulu a ira ku matiniay a dmak ta makakuy a talakakarayan kuya patlian,this happened three times and then it was all pulled up to heaven again,train +163,164,164,anu pisasaʼan i masuʼupu tu kami,we will be together on vacation,train +164,165,165,tayra kaku itiya saka tusa kaku ku kangkufu,I am the second nurse to check in,train +165,166,166,tini ku ngaayay a demak,this is the standard way to do it,train +166,167,167,Nikawrira miliyas ci Yis a tayra i katuulan a mitulun,but Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed,train +167,168,168,Ofak u sapatelung kisuwanan kuni,Ufak this is a gift for you,train +168,169,169,paliwalan,Buy and sell,train +169,170,170,misanga tu a mitangtang ku matuʼasay,the elders are going to prepare the meal,test +170,171,171,pacacamul han kura fanglay atura tamud atura falingkud a mitifek,they mixed the two plants together and pounded the rice,train +171,172,172,o ira ku tefus i pusung haw,do you have sugarcane in Taitung,train +172,173,173,pacengelay,a person who colors,train +173,174,174,malaciwciw,turn into a chicken,train +174,175,175,sanay kiya,that is right,train +175,176,176,maʼupuh tu cira a miʼatul atulen tu ningra mitafa,he is plugging up the Creek fast,train +176,177,177,lecad tu kailaan nu futing,it is like a school of fish,train +177,178,178,maefer tu nihiya,that one jumped too far,train +178,179,179,cudaden aku ku malitemuhay a demak tu rumiamiad,I write down what happens every day,train +179,180,180,saka ila nuni singsing ha ha,that is why there are these little bells Whoa whoa whoa,test +180,181,181,palingsiwen nu wama aku,my father trained me,train +181,182,182,saka mu^tep a fulad,October,train +182,183,183,lahecien ta samanen a milaheci sa,no matter what you have to finish it,train +183,184,184,onini i u nika lahci nu nisuwalan ni Isaya u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya Cingra ku mialaay tu rarima ita Cingra ku mikuyuday tu adada ita a masemsem sanay,this was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases,train +184,185,185,tiya kaka aku lalima tu ku usaw,there are only five members left at home,train +185,186,186,anu caay alai kira tutuy kiyami haw,if you do not have a puppy,train +186,187,187,minukay aca ku wawa aku tayni i pusung,my kids are coming back to Taitung,train +187,188,188,tahira i alu ku lalan,just take the temporary right of way in the riverbed,train +188,189,189,Parakaraken kira wacu nu misu i palapalaan tamafana a miadup,let your dog run around the field before you hunt,train +189,190,190,adihay ku sasadaken tuna falucuʼay,Yes there is a lot to share from the heart,test +190,191,191,haypau,poster,train +191,192,192,hatira ku pasuwal ningra taminan,that is all father did to encourage us,train +192,193,193,mirengusay,grass cutter,train +193,194,194,misangaʼay a luma,the family makes sweet rice cakes,train +194,195,195,ira ku masasulutay micukaray tu mali cumikayay masakeruay atu mipanaay,there were tug of war soccer running dancing and archery,train +195,196,196,cacayay cira hay cacayay cira,he is the only one,train +196,197,197,piilisian,festival days,train +197,198,198,mihemiheca,surname Nian,train +198,199,199,hay mahiyaay,it is that one,train +199,200,200,nisakafian,soup,test +200,201,201,saciker,lock,train +201,202,202,ulah saan a mawumah i enaenaran masevek ku nikawumahan,Leye is located in the plains and fields and has a wealth of industries,train +202,203,203,papihululen niyam ira hu ku itiya tu tu sa,at that time we had million dollars a year in matching funds,train +203,204,204,malialac hananay nu mita,we have got clean fishers,train +204,205,205,masuwav,yawn,train +205,206,206,mimingay ku amutuʼay ku pitilid ira turanan tura nu mita,he writes very little about us very briefly,train +206,207,207,Tuaya saan kira uner a sapitekakan i takuwanan,the snake raised its head and tried to bite me,train +207,208,208,mitaʼelif ku hiya ney Tawyen,you have to go through the peach orchard,train +208,209,209,Rihenaw kaku tu wawa aku a caay ka taluma tu dadaya,I am afraid the kids will not come home at night,train +209,210,210,o silalangaway kira niadupan,the prey is full of flies,test +210,211,211,tufur a siri,a kid young goat,train +211,212,212,kita sa salikaka matuʼasay,we as elders,train +212,213,213,miapesakay,lack of viscosity due to insufficient rice water,train +213,214,214,Madu^du namu itiya ku ngirus a pinangan nunini a hkal Mihaklung kamu tu kakridan nu mikuwanay tunini a hkal uya mikuwanay tu paculiay tu limuut nu Kawas a tamdamdaw a palafuay,in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air the Spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient,train +214,215,215,nani tira i,from there,train +215,216,216,Papicapeten tu piyang kira lutung,tell the monkey to catch the candy,train +216,217,217,itiyahu awaay ku pakayraan,there was no faith in the past,train +217,218,218,micelem,set,train +218,219,219,u ruma han tu,other rituals,train +219,220,220,kitanan saan mafana mitengil maemin yu,our people all understand,test +220,221,221,ira ku tahidang nu i kafekangay mamidemak misanga tu tilid nu Amis,there is a notice from the higher ups to edit the Amis book,train +221,222,222,ta mapulung pakaen tu matuʼasay,honor your elders together,train +222,223,223,18 anu misawidang tu ikakarayanay widang u mamilayaphu tu rumaruma hafay,those who make heavenly friends will also bear other valuable estates,train +223,224,224,awa ku pitelian tu cifar sanay,there is no room for a big boat,train +224,225,225,tukinil,side lying,train +225,226,226,Masafiku ku hakhak,the glutinous rice has been brewed into wine,train +226,227,227,Mahkulungay tu kami a mitengil tu nipakungku nu kalas u mavanaay kami a misanu Pangcah,we often listen to the elders telling stories together and we both can speak the Amis proficiently,train +227,228,228,nawhan i kaku i caykafana kaku,Because I am not really sure,train +228,229,229,patayra han ira i,the mother went to Hualiens Minong Hospital,train +229,230,230,itini sahu kisu sanay kura suwal nura cukuan niyam kira,the manager asked for my permission to stay,test +230,231,231,i ayaw wayhu ku tangku ita,there was no running water,train +231,232,232,hayi,good for you too it is okay,train +232,233,233,manaay,do not,train +233,234,234,misatapang i,in the first place,train +234,235,235,nanutuʼas iraay tu ku tumuk hananay,in the name of the chief,train +235,236,236,u cadiway amin ku sapivuting,it is all about fishing with trammel nets,train +236,237,237,i tatihi^ nu luma niyam ku picudadan aku rumakat kaku a talapicudadan tu rumiamiad taluma i rumakat kaku,my school is next to our house I walk to school every day and I also walk home,train +237,238,238,masamaan ku rumiad anini,what is the weather like today,train +238,239,239,Paalanengen a misafa^eluh i terung nu funun ita,please make new ridges in the center of our paddies,train +239,240,240,Kaupuhen a dademak,do things a little more diligently,test +240,241,241,malesa tu,it is also because of the leak,train +241,242,242,a hiya satu u fafaʼinay i pasisi tu,the men are distributing,train +242,243,243,pafataan,headcount and packing,train +243,244,244,anu nipisa Kristu namu ku sakapades i aka ka ngudu malasakadil nu Kawas ku nika cingangan namu tu ni Kristu,However if you suffer as a Christian do not be ashamed but praise God that you bear that name,train +244,245,245,u niyaru cayku masamamanay ku niyaru,a tribe is not something you can just call a tribe,train +245,246,246,Masuesu^ tu kisu haw,have you gained weight,train +246,247,247,madademec kaku a mavakec,I participated in the running competition,train +247,248,248,Nawhani yu ira a tayra i tamuwanan ku patnakay a tamdaw tu caay ku nipatnakan niyam a ruma a Yis hananay i lipahak kamu a milayap o rumasatu yu ira ku ruma a adingu atu caay ku nipatnakan niyam a ratuh i hai sa kamu a milayap tunini,for if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached or if you receive a different Spirit from the one you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted you put up with it easily enough,train +248,249,249,miterungay,Moderator arbitrator,train +249,250,250,midafu,gathering grain from the barn and milling the rice,test +250,251,251,milunuk,Automatic Spontaneous,train +251,252,252,pasilsilen aca tu epah,arrange the wine again,train +252,253,253,fetiren,a toast,train +253,254,254,hay i kisu han tu,Yeah well it is a pain in the ass,train +254,255,255,matuʼasay hu kira nu Pangcah han hu i ayaw amisinafel,this is an old Amis dish,train +255,256,256,sanay u,Nobel prize in literature for Stillness on the river Don,train +256,257,257,Mangata^ tu mipahanhan nahuni tu a tayra,it is almost time for class to end wait a little longer,train +257,258,258,ka piepudan tura lalusidan itiya,after the shipment,train +258,259,259,Kinacecay kinatusa^ kinatulu^ i pacaliwen hu^ nu kaput ciira,Once twice three times everyone would lend him something,train +259,260,260,ci ngangan ku ina kira,we will talk about the mothers name,test +260,261,261,tadamaanay,high,train +261,262,262,patefucay kami tu payci,we will be fined,train +262,263,263,nengnenghan ku malunem,he saw that it was a deer,train +263,264,264,Kaurira,yet,train +264,265,265,Sikul sa ci Pitiru a minengneng i maaraw ningra ku nipituur nuya ccay a kaulahan ni Yis a nisawawaan,Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them,train +265,266,266,cecay a lipay cai ka mayi,one week without the big one,train +266,267,267,sacikacikay,to run this and that direction,train +267,268,268,Maanufay cangra saka u papakaynien nangra i ku^sanay a suwal ku nipisafana i tamuwanan a mili^tan Nanitiya aca a mipatala ku mamisawkit cangraan a Kawas Saka caay ka ^ca u mamatkup cangra,in their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up their condemnation has long been hanging over them and their destruction has not been sleeping,train +268,269,269,pulakit han kirana mahanay kiyami,this is a gourd wine bottle,train +269,270,270,saan ci kaka aku minukay kaku,I will go home as soon as you say so,test +270,271,271,anu sukuy tu anu paheku tu mikalang,whether it is picking woodchucks cat food or catching crabs,train +271,272,272,ziday caay tu kalecad ku ziday haw,the times are different so are the practices,train +272,273,273,masadak satu i,when I am going out,train +273,274,274,hatu nira,that is what he said,train +274,275,275,misasiemel,take advantage of the coolness of the weather,train +275,276,276,itini i hananay a,at Shiodome camphor elementary school,train +276,277,277,kalaheci,realization,train +277,278,278,anu huni mavana kisu,you will see,train +278,279,279,capa,branches,train +279,280,280,tayrahu kaku itini Takaw a mifuting,later I went fishing in Kaohsiung,test +280,281,281,fuenuten,plucking the animals hair,train +281,282,282,Dimata han ni kaka ku capux,my brother carries the seedlings on his shoulders,train +282,283,283,tatakula,frog,train +283,284,284,kaliki a mapaliwal ku dateng niyam suwal sa ku fufu Iraay kisu a mipadang kira,our goods sold out quickly and my grandmother said It is all thanks to your help,train +284,285,285,Mafaca tu ni ina kuya fuduy,did mom wash that dress,train +285,286,286,dengan kisu u fafahiyan a wawa ni mamu,do you have only one daughter grand mom,train +286,287,287,Ku^tem sa ku fukes isu,your hair is so dark,train +287,288,288,Madudu hu nu saetip anini manengneng hu aku ney,so far I have seen that the Amis in Quang Foo have kept their ancestral customs,train +288,289,289,mafana tura,know that one,train +289,290,290,pawacay kaku tu pikinafalah nangra a pafli nawhani lunuk saan cangra a padahuf ikaka haca nu iraay i tireng nangra ku nipipadahuf,for I testify that they gave as much as they were able and even beyond their ability entirely on their own,test +290,291,291,mafukiray kami sanay cangra kamangay,these people do not know,train +291,292,292,nai Taypak kami mikalic tu siacefelay a tayra i Pusung,we took the train from Taipei to Taitung,train +292,293,293,masawawa ihu cahu ka tuʼas kiya falucu,at this stage of the rudder you are still a child mentally,train +293,294,294,naayaw saan ci vay yaku,in the past my grandma said it was true,train +294,295,295,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ku i Lautikiyaay a salikaka atu kiwkay i luma ni Nimfa,give my greetings to the brothers at Laodicea and to Nympha and the church in her house,train +295,296,296,adada tu cingra,he is sick,train +296,297,297,palapayci,become a coin,train +297,298,298,milinsiw kaku tu nu paylang saliyaliyaw han aku itni i tatihi nu haw milininsiw tura paylang sa,so I started practicing speaking Taiwanese around the construction site,train +298,299,299,u talumaay i niyaru a masakapahay,youth returning to the tribe,train +299,300,300,ta ira ku micakayay,there is always someone on the prowl,test +300,301,301,o tamina ku saka tayra aku i Futud,I want to take a boat to Lanyu,train +301,302,302,savahevahersa i varuvaruan,flying around in the flowers,train +302,303,303,Macekcek ku pipaluma tu anip,the rice plants are put too close together,train +303,304,304,makumud,joint,train +304,305,305,misanga tu ku Ripun,made in Japan,train +305,306,306,Avu,charcoal ash,train +306,307,307,i tini i Takaw halafin kaku a maʼurip,I lived in Kaohsiung for a long time,train +307,308,308,Lulumaʼay maherek tu palamal pakasuy,the family got a fire going,train +308,309,309,saka ira nu na itini tu i takuwanan,so during my tenure I completed the cultural park district,train +309,310,310,Ilepelan maremes,that is strange it bled when I caught it,test +310,311,311,anu ira ku tungal la hu,if it is redundant,train +311,312,312,ta tayni i kawali i,and then to the east,train +312,313,313,sasawen mikiskis cimira,cleaning also requires a scrape,train +313,314,314,hinengen,peek,train +314,315,315,a mawaswas,decentralized,train +315,316,316,muesus,fart,train +316,317,317,itini i niyaruaru u saka tadamaan a nikaira i ira ku pipaluma tu lukut u daecitu u sasasimalen tira arengeray a ucia tu u simumutu,crops with local characteristics include shanshu arrow bamboo shoots bitter tea and plums there are Pingdi townships in Hualien County with Pingdi Township aborigines,train +317,318,318,4 itini i saka cecay hahekalan u ruma tamdaw na micadaay tu milasilan ni Yis a kimad kawra ikurtu cuwa piduedu tu suˈlinay kimad a midemak,in the first century there were those who accepted the truth of Jesus preaching and then ceased to walk in accordance with it,train +318,319,319,mangaʼayay tu,that is it,train +319,320,320,ta u rakat i pakala iraw i,the route is to take north Yee,test +320,321,321,ailucanliel,neck,train +321,322,322,niparuma tu ku suwal tu nika Kebalan,that is another way of putting it,train +322,323,323,anini matuʼasay tu cingra,Now as I grow old,train +323,324,324,o mala Imengay kaku,I am a police officer,train +324,325,325,hatira aluman kami malikaka,many of our brothers and sisters are like that,train +325,326,326,mirmir tirtir,tremble,train +326,327,327,caay pakacada kakunan,you will never catch me,train +327,328,328,mimelaw tu itiya cira,he is watching,train +328,329,329,ci,come,train +329,330,330,Marahid ku panay niyam,we have more rice Harvest than we thought,test +330,331,331,ku misasiraway hananay ianu masamisi hu ku nipacilah i,for those who cook salted meat if you do not salt it enough,train +331,332,332,o fuʼis u pana u nian i,Star sword this what is it,train +332,333,333,itinin tu i hekal papipuhpuh tu sikawasay,it is for rituals,train +333,334,334,salisin nu finacadan kuninian ya Fataʼan sa hananay sa,in the rituals of the tribes there are also tree peas,train +334,335,335,masasuwal cangra,we have a deal,train +335,336,336,Miktun tu suwal ku Kawas i ci Aprahaman u tatuasan ita tuya,the oath he swore to our father Abraham,train +336,337,337,mapatay kiya wama aku,after my fathers death,train +337,338,338,i kalcapuwan nu niyaru a malcapu,meetings at tribal gatherings,train +338,339,339,anu iraira ku mifalahay tu urip tu saki mu^celay a tamdaw i awaay ku kinafalahay tu urip tu saki maimeray tu Rikec a tamdaw,very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die,train +339,340,340,maketun tu ku suwal,the promise decision is made,test +340,341,341,Arenim,salty,train +341,342,342,Saamelasen nira tayring a miraud tu maamelasay a kapah,the policeman pretended to be a sleazebag to get close to the sleazebag youth,train +342,343,343,micudad tu kaku itini i tukar,I am in fifth grade at Kwun Yum Elementary,train +343,344,344,tataʼangay ku pitaʼung aku tu wama,I deeply honor my heavenly Father,train +344,345,345,maherek kaku mi micudad itira,when I finished my nursing school program,train +345,346,346,malawidangay kami,we are friends,train +346,347,347,Itiyasatu supaen nangra ku pising ningra Skungen haca nangra cingra,then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists others slapped him,train +347,348,348,Nikawrira u misatkeday u caay pidu^du tu sulinay a suwal nu Kawas u paci^ci sanay a mituur tu caay ka mu^cel a tamdaw i u kakteren nu Kawas cangra,but for those who are self seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil there will be wrath and anger,train +348,349,349,Sakiruen ku dateng a miparu i kureng,salt the vegetables and store them in a large earthen vessel,train +349,350,350,o kaesuay ku lafi ita,our dinner was delicious,test +350,351,351,nu paʼuripay,physical Wellness,train +351,352,352,mamin itira mahadak,there will be information on all of them,train +352,353,353,ku kalikudaan sanay ku,happy hour,train +353,354,354,maan haw tahanini kaku itini i seykay,to live today,train +354,355,355,ceruhan ceruhan tawa talalikul makelec tu,Push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push,train +355,356,356,midaatay,chase something choke on it,train +356,357,357,tahira kala tumuk nu maku,I am out of office in years,train +357,358,358,manengneng aku siniada ku falucu aku,I am always saddened when I see these things,train +358,359,359,sakalima nu pitilidan,Fridays,train +359,360,360,itini i masaparuday a niyaru nu Cikasuwan,it is in the Chichibukawa tribes home,test +360,361,361,u kakitaan tu anini kina niyaru,the tribes are rich now,train +361,362,362,hay matiraay ku naw haw iraay ku nu niyam haw na i kalala saan,almost half of them are from Ghana,train +362,363,363,anu mahaen tu,if it is always like this,train +363,364,364,anca ura fana aku pasifanʼen aku ku,or do you want to pass on what you know to,train +364,365,365,ngaʼay hu kisu singsi,Hello teacher,train +365,366,366,kaalaan,Hunted,train +366,367,367,salikaka,siblings,train +367,368,368,angliway anca acicimay yu pasawali cuka paelawen nira cukangaʼay kaʼenen,Searching for a watery flavor weird or sour flavor that some people do not add to their recipes and it is not as good,train +368,369,369,langa,basket,train +369,370,370,ira ku uner i laluma ira ku uner falahen nangra ku uner,if there is a snake in the fish trap throw it out,test +370,371,371,a matira sa i ʼaʼayaway aku a tumuk haw i,these are my former bosses,train +371,372,372,miparatuh,go and tell the information,train +372,373,373,icuwa patelien kura,where do I put it,train +373,374,374,ci paysu tu ku cipaysuay,some people have money,train +374,375,375,dihdihen,fondle,train +375,376,376,tengilen ina atu wama nira maan sa ku falucu ni ina nira aci mama nira haw i,let us go hear what her parents have to say,train +376,377,377,halikien,hurry up,train +377,378,378,malifawa ku faeng ni Osay,Osays cheeks are swollen,train +378,379,379,u facal hu ku urip haw,Oh life is good,train +379,380,380,Hay maherek tu kaku a misawsaw tu kaysing,I already washed the dishes,test +380,381,381,nawhani mapatalahkaltu nu Kawas ku mikumi ningra a paurip tu pulung nu tamdaw,for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,train +381,382,382,pakatupelakay,it is reelable,train +382,383,383,yan tu painipaini sa ku malitengay tuni ngaʼay kura sa kira,the elders will make a good match for us,train +383,384,384,tahekal,go away,train +384,385,385,yama malaluwad hu kuya kaying huw ira ku palimuʼut nu wina nira miladek tu icep,when the girl is going to the Toyotomi Festival her mom will make reminders to wrap the betel nut,train +385,386,386,u maan han kiya niyaru,what is the name of that tribe,train +386,387,387,u hananum,it is just water,train +387,388,388,o apuruay ku cacaedungan a fuduy,I want to buy the clothes with short sleeves,train +388,389,389,hay maapa kiya matuʼasay,Yes the elders are so stupid and foolish,train +389,390,390,Mapapisipising kita,let us meet face to face,test +390,391,391,ira ku citingsya^ aku,I have a bicycle,train +391,392,392,Malatarawadaw kina sauwac a talararem,the lower reaches of this stream become a river,train +392,393,393,saka ira a tahanini irahu kira utuc,that is why Stonehenge is still standing,train +393,394,394,matuedu,like a rat,train +394,395,395,mapekpek nu wawa kuya kulung,that water buffalo was beaten by the children,train +395,396,396,anca tapayen,or drying,train +396,397,397,u lilu caay ka terep ku lilu a mahetik,the whole thing did not slip,train +397,398,398,o fafuy u mangcel u malunem ku maadupay ni mama aku,my dads hunts included wild boar muntjac and water deer,train +398,399,399,cacayen ita ku valucu,let us be united,train +399,400,400,edeng,only if,test +400,401,401,twa malinatu a miasip,I just started counting,train +401,402,402,setul,bang,train +402,403,403,makapah ku nguhah nu widang aku,my friends lover is beautiful,train +403,404,404,caay katataʼang caay hu kapapina ku tamdaw,it is small and not very crowded,train +404,405,405,mimaan tu pakelang tu,and then what about the celebration,train +405,406,406,o mantu,I want some bread,train +406,407,407,masacacay,alone,train +407,408,408,o maliyangay kaku a wawa,I was a disobedient child,train +408,409,409,sakenikeni,Blink,train +409,410,410,pina mihecaan isu kiya oh wakay hu,how old are you now you look young,test +410,411,411,ci Dungi^ kaku tayni kaku mihulul,I am Dongi I am here to play,train +411,412,412,tu ku lifan nira sanay ku maku a harateng itiya,the right person will be able to afford it that is what I thought at the time,train +412,413,413,adah saan ku duka anu caay pasipasipen tu sapaiyu haw,will the wound heal without medication,train +413,414,414,itiya i ira a masadak ku ccay a kahngangay a ^fa Mapaturud ku midakaway tuya ^fa tu icel a mipaluwad tu sakalaluuluud nu tamdaw i tini i hkal ta masasipatapatay ku tamdaw mapafli cingra tu tataangay a funus,then another horse came out a fiery red one its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other to him was given a large sword,train +414,415,415,Siw Ni,nun or sister,train +415,416,416,a mamin tu ku sapacakay nu niyam suwal satu ci vayi iraay kisu itini a mipadang kiyami,our goods sold out quickly and my grandmother said It is all thanks to your help,train +416,417,417,a patangsa i tangsa itini i luma,I will drop him off at home,train +417,418,418,mafulud kami talalutuk miʼadup,should not we go hunting together,train +418,419,419,anuayaw,in the future,train +419,420,420,cuwa kangaay kaku a kumaen tu mami u lingku tu ku kaenen nu maku,I cannot eat oranges I will have some apples instead,test +420,421,421,anucila tayni hu kaku a milicay kisunan pakayraay tu misanga tu patireng tu luma,next time I will come back to ask you about building a traditional house,train +421,422,422,neneng han i suʼlinay macidal saw,the sun will really come out,train +422,423,423,cilamit ku suwal nu was i falucu aku,Gods words have become established in my heart,train +423,424,424,itini a matayal nawhani ira ku kaka aku a mikerid i takuwanan,I feel very comfortable working here because I have my brother to guide me,train +424,425,425,caciyaw,speak,train +425,426,426,sa ku falucu a maanen ku fana,I know that,train +426,427,427,u saawaayay a vinacadan i,which tribe has the least number of people,train +427,428,428,taynian samaanen niluec liwliwen hay,bring it over here how do you make a rope roll it up Yes it is,train +428,429,429,mansanay iri anu maan aca,what if it is like this,train +429,430,430,maulah kisu miyakiw,do you like baseball,test +430,431,431,yan tu i ngaʼay maluwaluwan kuni,just think if we could cut down on these kids,train +431,432,432,nu tamdawan hananay,same as human nature,train +432,433,433,i ka Dipungan hu,in the Japanese era,train +433,434,434,mihakelung,follow,train +434,435,435,hiya a,That,train +435,436,436,hai,Yeah,train +436,437,437,ngiyangi^,swing,train +437,438,438,Nikawrira mitala kita tu nanu nisuwalan nu Kawas a fa^luhay a kakarayan atu fa^luhay a sra mararid ira ku mu^cel itira,but in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth the home of righteousness,train +438,439,439,hatiniay kunu i lumaʼay,that is what the tribes do,train +439,440,440,takarakaraw,very high,test +440,441,441,anu i timul,in the south,train +441,442,442,talateruterung kita,we can go to the center,train +442,443,443,mitudungmilulud,imitate,train +443,444,444,sanay ku maku pipaʼicel tuna kaemangay,this is my encouragement to all athletes,train +444,445,445,Pluma han tu nu Cikasuwan tu vitunay ku liwliw nu niyaru,the clan planted bamboos in the outskirts of the village,train +445,446,446,mafana tu kaku mawmah,learned to farm,train +446,447,447,anu tala cuwacuwa,where do you think you are going,train +447,448,448,makamelaw vikat satu tu kumu,when you see it draw your bow and arrow,train +448,449,449,tulu ku mihecan hiwa,years of drought,train +449,450,450,Sausi han nira wa ilaay ku masidayay,he counted them to see if any were missing,test +450,451,451,saka u cicukuray tu a makat cingra,that is why he walks with a cane,train +451,452,452,mahaenay a Kawas ha adiwawa haw sa,such a thrilling ghost,train +452,453,453,sa mahaenay ku urip tu tuʼas nu maku,this is the life I grew up with,train +453,454,454,naw han i ira ku naemangan aku a mirakat tu niyaru,I visited a lot of tribes when I was young,train +454,455,455,matarsquuelif,be behind in doing something,train +455,456,456,kalingsesan,frightening,train +456,457,457,sa u ama aku mikadabu itini i ci Kanu ci inaan naku,my father was born to a mother in Kano,train +457,458,458,Taypak,Taipei capital of Taiwan,train +458,459,459,malalinciw ku wama aku i,my father was the mayor,train +459,460,460,miliata tu kaku,I will go with you,test +460,461,461,mahaen han ca kuni mahan,that is how it is,train +461,462,462,hanaw tuliʼi tu kura kapah nu niyaru,the Clans teenage girl was hurt raped and disappeared,train +462,463,463,adihay ku katayalan i tukay saka masulut ku kapah atu kay^ing,there are many job opportunities in the metropolis so it attracts young men and women,train +463,464,464,awa aca ku riku aku sapatidus,I do not even have any clothes to change into,train +464,465,465,ka u tatudung nu kinaira nu tireng ku sapasadak namu anu u nai falucuay namu ku nipipadahuf namu i u karahkeran nu Kawas kunini aka ka u nipaci^cian kunini a dmak,for if the willingness is there the gift is acceptable according to what one has not according to what he does not have,train +465,466,466,pasuwal sa kuya tawki Suwalen aku kamu u iraay ku nitatuyan i matungal a matungal a mapafli o awaay ku nitatuyan i halunitatuyan ningra a maafas,He replied I tell you that to everyone who has more will be given but as for the one who has nothing even what he has will be taken away,train +466,467,467,pakamaanay kisu a minukay,how do you go home,train +467,468,468,urung,carry on ones shoulder,train +468,469,469,aray han kisu singsi,thank you sir,train +469,470,470,kupal,codpiece,test +470,471,471,ya falucu hatu u pipaluwwad tu hatiraay haw i,thank God the key that started it all in my heart,train +471,472,472,milaliw ta awa awa satu ku suwal tu,no one talks about it after they run away,train +472,473,473,Kinmun facal tu san nani dadimaw tu paini,let us just say that Gammon is not bad either,train +473,474,474,pisalawla,you are kidding,train +474,475,475,maulah ku huwak a misalama i fanaw,ducks like to play in the pond,train +475,476,476,pakerahay,it is dry,train +476,477,477,u varasay,packaging,train +477,478,478,nu wawa ita fadi satu ya,the enthusiasm of our police boys has been wilting for three or four years,train +478,479,479,nu caka sakilangen i,not finishing the wood,train +479,480,480,a ya radiw isu,Aah your song,test +480,481,481,Fadien hu ku kulang ta misakiru,mustard must be dried before making savory dishes,train +481,482,482,cuwa kahalafin maedeng cecay a lipay ngaayay tu Rahekaden hu ku duway atu felac palamlamen tu utung a mitiyul nga ngaayay tu a paruen i kureng,No it only takes about a week after steaming the sticky rice and white rice we mix it with yeast powder and then it can be stored in a jar,train +482,483,483,misateker,catch,train +483,484,484,aka pilaliw haw,do not run away,train +484,485,485,alumi,aluminum,train +485,486,486,iraay i luma cingra ka picumud,she is at home please come in,train +486,487,487,ya suna nu maku mangalay nisanga,my granddaughter she wants to learn,train +487,488,488,nikasasuwal,speech,train +488,489,489,Mafetas nu pacek ku taya nu utufay aku,the tire of my motorcycle was punctured by a nail,train +489,490,490,nikawrira kamu u salikaka i tuna caay ka i tumanay ku urip namu saka caay ka matiya u mitakaway a talifahal sa kuya rumiad a tayni,but you brothers are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief,test +490,491,491,Saka^nem a rumiad misahemay malikuda ku kapah patayra i sefi tu faes ku fafahiyan palilam tu titi,on the sixth day the youths dance to entertain the spirits and the women bring glutinous rice cakes to the gathering place and share the pork,train +491,492,492,hatu sa u,almost masters universities,train +492,493,493,caay tu cevari ku saung,No I do not have an umbrella,train +493,494,494,cayka kahi,they will not,train +494,495,495,kihepicaykuhepicay,thin,train +495,496,496,matu suwal ni Isaya a paliayaw Anu caay ka usawen nu Ciicelay a Tapang ku tluc ita i kuna itiya aca kita a mapalcad tu Sutum atu Kumura saan,Isaiah cries out concerning Israel Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea only the remnant will be saved,train +496,497,497,nengneng papinengneng hatu nira miceli niya takula cingra,he kept looking and called the frog,train +497,498,498,malingad ci mira a mifuting,he went fishing in the ocean,train +498,499,499,nanay ira ku faeruhay a nu mita Amis,I hope we Amis will have a new,train +499,500,500,a micudad ku idaidang,if a partner wants to go to school,test +500,501,501,ha hay,Oh yeah,train +501,502,502,aku anini pakafana tamuwana haw,I am going to teach you how to make it now,train +502,503,503,hay ngaʼay tu kaciluma tu kamu sa kuni a tau,they say you can have a family now,train +503,504,504,tenged san kisu a maru i tini saw,why are you sitting here all alone,train +504,505,505,ikur tu u kuku u futing ku maacaay niyam tahaluma mitangtang tumes sa ku dateng i cukuwi,in the end we bought chicken and fish and went home to cook a table of food,train +505,506,506,yufing,letter carrier,train +506,507,507,misamaan kita patahekal tu nika pidupu tu satadamaanay nuka pikuwan ni Yihufa hani,we see from Scripture that Jehovah has the right to rule and that his way of ruling is the best,train +507,508,508,ira ku futing ira ku afar ira ku maamaan,there is fish there is shrimp there is everything,train +508,509,509,oyaan tu i u ngangan ira i Paʼunucan,in those days it was called a flat burden,train +509,510,510,Paafu anini tu panay ci mama,dad fertilized today,test +510,511,511,mipaiyu tu panay,to spray the rice fields with insecticide,train +511,512,512,mansan ku suwal nuya fafahi nira alis,Madam what is going on,train +512,513,513,Ramut pikidufut aka kasaan tu paysu i lalan,do not put money in your pocket when you pick it up on the road,train +513,514,514,safaw enem ku Yincumin a finacadan i Taywan,there are indigenous people in Taiwan,train +514,515,515,misi,pee,train +515,516,516,Miʼasikay adahayay ku demak ira haw,there is sweeping and there is a lot to do in their house,train +516,517,517,patuur hu,and,train +517,518,518,Ngaayay kuya rumiad cuwa ku mamaurad,it will have no rain and be sunny that day,train +518,519,519,o mafuluday a kakunah kami,we are a bunch of ants,train +519,520,520,Pakayaten nu mama nu kapah ci Kacaw tu kayuing,the youth leader takes the girl into Kacaws hand,test +520,521,521,ngalay,care for somebody,train +521,522,522,saka man han,So what is the word,train +522,523,523,ruhuen,bend over,train +523,524,524,perepet sa kaku tuya atul i tiya hu ira kumaan awa ku nu itiay hu tayra iriyar,I gripped the stone wall tightly in the early days when there were no toilets I had to go to the beach to go to the toilet,train +524,525,525,tatusa ku kaka aku cecay ku safa aku tu fainayan,I have two brothers and sisters and one younger brother and sister,train +525,526,526,hay u luma niyam,Yes it is our home,train +526,527,527,o maatipilay ku tangal nu wawa aku,my child has a flat head,train +527,528,528,sa,Indicates Phenomenal Word,train +528,529,529,sa langdaw sa ku kakarayan tu rumuad cuwa kafa^det cuwa kasi^naw saemelay ku falifali,the sky is blue during the day the weather is neither cold nor hot and the wind is cool,train +529,530,530,haenaw nu mita a mihalimel,it is all done with our heart and soul,test +530,531,531,rakat,declare,train +531,532,532,matanamay,tried it,train +532,533,533,makicay,economize,train +533,534,534,minengneng ku matuʼasay,elderly people are also very careful in choosing,train +534,535,535,ey halafin tu anu cecay tu ku tuki tassa tuku tuki a madiw,it is been a long time almost an hour or two,train +535,536,536,matinisa tu kakitaan micakaytu,modern people have money to buy things,train +536,537,537,caay tu pakatuutuur tu pihafiduc a pitafesiw nu urip nu aniniay micaengaw a pasiaayaw atu pasikul tu rarikurikur iring sahu tu tangal i hilam mataelif tu a mafatad ku mihecaan,the sad thing is that I cannot catch up with the pace of life and the doubt of looking forward and backward has gone as far as I can go,train +537,538,538,patayran icuwa kanpuyaku sakiya,just get it to the pharmacy,train +538,539,539,ci Mayaw Mayaw nimawawa Mayaw uya mituktukay sa pangangan hantu niyaru tu Mayawtuktuk,which one the one who plays the drums that is why the tribesmen nicknamed him Ma Yao,train +539,540,540,anu mahaenay itiya tayni kamu,if you would come over here like you did back then,test +540,541,541,ya mapatayay a tamdaw,departed,train +541,542,542,hu kaku tiya,I was,train +542,543,543,Oy i luma ay si Piyaw haw,Hello Hello is Piyaw home please,train +543,544,544,Masaupu ku nai cuwacuwaay a niyaru a finawlan a miaraw ci Yisan yu masauputu ku finawlan i patinaku han ni Yis cangra a sumuwal,while a large crowd was gathering and people were coming to Jesus from town after town he told this parable,train +544,545,545,tipeluk,paper,train +545,546,546,Cikasuwan,Chikagawa,train +546,547,547,parayrayay,legacy,train +547,548,548,safa^,brother and sister,train +548,549,549,mangaʼay tu saan ku suwal nura paru nura luma,my family says it is fine,train +549,550,550,ay daduduan nu,learn to be a role model,test +550,551,551,citumay,bear,train +551,552,552,tuemanan,get dark,train +552,553,553,ulaan san alaen kura a kapah,if it is young people go and get that thing,train +553,554,554,u rumatu niyan,get the next one,train +554,555,555,ngaʼay tu kaku mikilem tu kadademakan aku sanay,it is only when they have good employment opportunities that they are able to,train +555,556,556,u sakakapah nu tireng,for my health,train +556,557,557,o sacecay tu i,one of them,train +557,558,558,i matini rita u iʼayaw kaku i mamang hu kaku,when I was young,train +558,559,559,anu haen han palasawad haw i,if we just let it go,train +559,560,560,maharateng aku itiyaʼay hu a demak nu liteng,I just remembered something from the early days a long time ago,test +560,561,561,itiya hu tanu funus han misanga miiya mikerac,Previously only straight hunters cutters were used to sharpen,train +561,562,562,kalim,hope,train +562,563,563,Matalienang a maemin kami i kafutian,we all lay down on the bed,train +563,564,564,malawaay,lost,train +564,565,565,malasingsiay ci mira,she was also a teacher,train +565,566,566,masasipadang,help each other,train +566,567,567,maurun tu kaku tiniyan u vaki nu maku,I miss my grandfather,train +567,568,568,itiya tu awaay ku tamdaw haw i,there were not a lot of people there,train +568,569,569,pahanhan,breaks,train +569,570,570,mikuli,wage jobs,test +570,571,571,culeken,straightway,train +571,572,572,anini^,Now,train +572,573,573,pasayra,just go there,train +573,574,574,Ituan tu kaku o tatayni hu^ kaku a mitengil tu adihayay a kungku^ isu,I am going to leave now and look forward to hearing more stories next time,train +574,575,575,o niulawan ni faki aku kinian a kawil nu pitaw,the handle of this hoe is blackened by my uncles smoke,train +575,576,576,u fafahifahi nu nura alumanay haw i,many wives,train +576,577,577,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad Onini ku saka liyasen nu tamdaw ku mama atu ina ningra a malaccay atu fafahi ningra Malaccaytu ku tireng nuya tatusaay saan,For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh,train +577,578,578,ya matuʼasay kahacecacecay patatiku,one by one from the elders back to the mother tribe,train +578,579,579,itiya hu na ira ku umah awa,there was not much farmland back then,train +579,580,580,pina a miheca,how many years,test +580,581,581,kietecsienaw,cold,train +581,582,582,hatini tu tangic nu fulucu nu naku tu matini,it is the job I am most looking forward to right now,train +582,583,583,simed,hide,train +583,584,584,misapaysu,making money making money,train +584,585,585,herek nu lahuk kahengang tu ku kakarayan,in the afternoon the sky turned red,train +585,586,586,pakacinamalay,catch a train,train +586,587,587,o ngangan nu maku tu nu Hulam,my name is Magnolia,train +587,588,588,as,expression of surprise,train +588,589,589,yasa kaku i,and me,train +589,590,590,tengil tu suwal nu matuʼsay irahu ku kanusi cincya itiyahu,the elders told me that there is a temple over there,test +590,591,591,u vutul nu edu vutul nu edu ku wawa kami yu wawa henay suvawen kaenen,mouse testicles that is what they used to say when I was a kid wash it and you can eat it,train +591,592,592,dudu han ta kiya nu matuʼasay itiya hu,learning the cultural practices of our ancestors and elders,train +592,593,593,fayang,yarns,train +593,594,594,mainget,curse,train +594,595,595,aka pipeca tu caang nu kilang,do not break loose the tree branch,train +595,596,596,o caay pihamham tamuwanan a niyaru i tihtihen ku alafuh nu saripa namu a miliyas itira onini i u sapahapinangaw i cangraan tu sapapiimer tu dmak nangra han ni Yis,if people do not welcome you shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town as a testimony against them,train +596,597,597,o pitaungan a luma kunini,this is a place of worship temple,train +597,598,598,tataʼang ku sipun,it is a big loss,train +598,599,599,Karalalipana ku lalidec a kilang,caterpillars grow easily on rhizome trees,train +599,600,600,mangalef a mangalef ku nika caculiculi nangra Saka talaw satu kuya Tapang nu sufitay tu sakapcasaw nu tireng ni Pawlu Saka ucuren ningra ku sufitay ningra a paliklun a papiala nai cangraan ci Pawluan a pacumud i luma nu sufitay,the dispute became so violent that the commander was afraid Paul would be torn to pieces by them he ordered the troops to go down and take him away from them by force and bring him into the barracks,test +600,601,601,falic han kuni a cudad,replace this book,train +601,602,602,u masalalumlumaay nu Cikasuwan,the family of the Shichigotsugawa people,train +602,603,603,anu mahaen ca ka muraraw a miʼangʼang,if that is the case would it be confusing,train +603,604,604,sapipatayan kisu i takuwanan a matiya u nipipatay isu inacila tuya Icip a tamdaw haw han ningra,do you want to kill me as you killed the Egyptian yesterday,train +604,605,605,mansa Sanayasay hanay nu pangangan nu itiniay niyaru kuni a niyaru,that is why it is called the burning Island,train +605,606,606,mangata tu ku kilumaan minukay kisu haw,the Harvest Festival is coming up will you go back,train +606,607,607,ku nipisanga adihay,it takes a lot of,train +607,608,608,iraira kura mihadakan nura nu mita tura haw i,although the indigenous Peoples Association has published a textbook for the ninth grade,train +608,609,609,Kuti kisu,you deserve it,train +609,610,610,tangasa kaku itiraan a kamakatan aku i,by the time I got to the section I was talking about,test +610,611,611,Cifuladay a dadaya,nights with the moon,train +611,612,612,kamu aca^ sa maurun tu kaku i tamuwanan,it is you guys I missed you so much,train +612,613,613,ta patayraan niyam i Pusku,we are going to Yuris hospital,train +613,614,614,mafana patalaʼayaw mafana patararikur,know what is up and what is down,train +614,615,615,faliwfiw ku fali i kasi^enawan,the wind rustles in winter,train +615,616,616,o mamalcad tunini a dmak ku nika talahkal nuya wawa nu tamdaw tuya rumiad,It will be just like this on the day the son of man is revealed,train +616,617,617,yana cirah i,where is Yimba,train +617,618,618,saka misaharakaay tu saka arawrawaw,prepare for gradual rounding,train +618,619,619,cecay tusa tulu sepat han nira,one step two steps three steps four steps counted,train +619,620,620,o papahmeken ita ku Kawas tu nika tadamaan nu mikumi Ningra nawhani padteng sa cingra a pafli i titaanan tu kaulahan ningra a Wawa,to the praise of his glorious grace which he has freely given us in the one he loves,test +620,621,621,atu ya ʼuripʼuripan,and life stories,train +621,622,622,anu ira aca ku cecay fitaʼul telihan ciyanhan,even if it is just one egg,train +622,623,623,yu tadancahu kita i itiya a mapatay ci Kristu tu saki ciraraway a tamdaw i nipatunekan nu Kawas a rumiad,you see at just the right time when we were still powerless Christ died for the ungodly,train +623,624,624,hu yu i rarum macayu kina tireng aku lina ama,Dad Mom I am going to be sad,train +624,625,625,yu i lalanhu cangra i masasuwasuwal cangra Cima hakini ku papatadu titaanan a miwalin tu fukluh nai fawahan nu tadem saan cangra,and they asked each other Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb,train +625,626,626,kaurira itini i telec nu mira haw i,but at the belt around his waist,train +626,627,627,lusimeteng tu nangra huduceng nangra kuya kilang,So they are organizing packing up the wood,train +627,628,628,nga matatudungay kura ira iya,that is how it is going to fit right in,train +628,629,629,u ruma ku falucu,the mind will be different,train +629,630,630,hatira ku mikilisetu a pipasuʼlinay,that is what faith in Jesus is all about,test +630,631,631,sakay itini,related to,train +631,632,632,Misafinawlan ku mafulaway a tayniay a tamdamdaw,the people who moved here formed tribes,train +632,633,633,katimul,the southern part of the country,train +633,634,634,dihap,crevice,train +634,635,635,payayuka^,passion fruit,train +635,636,636,kakawang san ciira,he is naked,train +636,637,637,Hay maurad tu nika caay ka cicacelakan kaku,it is raining and I do not have an umbrella with me,train +637,638,638,u cikawasay ci ina nu maku,my moms an altar boy,train +638,639,639,sa ira tini ku kaaluman nu finawlan itini,so there will be a lot of Amish clans here,train +639,640,640,tinakuen ita tunu,in terms of the Maori experience,test +640,641,641,mapudac ku hiya nira yu tataak cira haw iri,when it grows up it peels its skin,train +641,642,642,O matayalay aku a kuli kunini o nipilian Aku u kaulahan aku cingra o papaflien aku cingra tu Adingu Aku o paparatuh cingra i kasafinawlan tu pakayniay i pisawkit Aku,Here is my servant whom I have chosen the one I love in whom I delight I will put my Spirit on him and he will proclaim justice to the nations,train +642,643,643,u piyam haw i u nu,the biscuits are for the General Secretary of the Farmers Union,train +643,644,644,tu padama ningra takuwanan,help me,train +644,645,645,mansan,and then,train +645,646,646,iniyan haw adidi henay kinakilang,Well this tree is still small,train +646,647,647,ura haw sakangaʼay tu nu urip,bucks for three hours was a pretty good living in the,train +647,648,648,itini i aru nu kalas ira ku aisidan itira,unlimited capacity,train +648,649,649,pasayra,tendency,train +649,650,650,maminukay tu ku urip namu,maybe I will go back to my hometown,test +650,651,651,malupilimekan,For a hiding place,train +651,652,652,tengil sa tu kungku nu matuasay,I heard a story from an old man,train +652,653,653,caay kawu Pangcah ku saayaway a tayni,so the Amis were not the first to stop here,train +653,654,654,Mafanaay kisu tu ngangan nira haw,do you know his name,train +654,655,655,a maturin a misakeru,keep dancing,train +655,656,656,o ciaresingay ku rumiad nu mita i dafak,in the morning we have dewy weather,train +656,657,657,ku emu ku,Japanese mocha,train +657,658,658,siwkayenhu ku ngangan nu misu,introduce yourself,train +658,659,659,u fulad,it is the moon,train +659,660,660,mimisa hu milisu kami maherek a mimisa,before Mass we get parishioners to come to Mass,test +660,661,661,u sasasimsimen nu niyaru nu Cikasuwan,the war is worth our while,train +661,662,662,san kira,let us put it this way,train +662,663,663,veded,dragonfly,train +663,664,664,dadaya tu malisaʼut ku kapah nu finawlan tayra i luma,at night the youth of the tribe gather at my house,train +664,665,665,malaʼud ku rumiʼad maacang ka lipahak,it is time to laugh and be happy,train +665,666,666,Sidsid san ku panay naipawti caacaay ka fana ciira,rice from burlap bag,train +666,667,667,cacacacay,sparse,train +667,668,668,da ini ku tudung tunu hu kangalayan nu namu han,Yes I saw a suitable item,train +668,669,669,ina nikalalais,this fight,train +669,670,670,u suwal nu maliterngay mafanaʼay,the older generation only knew a little about Mr Hidakas life by word of mouth,test +670,671,671,tangasaen,to get there,train +671,672,672,tusa a fulad kaku a nikelut tina a tusa aimpian na sera,I have been digging these mounds for two months to get the job done,train +672,673,673,maefecay,stuck,train +673,674,674,Orasaka u harateng aku i aka pakarurayen kuya pasasiyuray a pasayra i Kawas a ruma a finacadan,It is my judgment therefore that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God,train +674,675,675,fafalu ku sufucan nara u sasafaay ya pecer kaku,my parents had eight siblings and I was the youngest,train +675,676,676,o nakamayan tu masangaay a lalusidan haw i ira ku kapuwa u sanpulu u dangah u tilung u katutung u faniyaatu masamaamaanay,pottery products include earthenware pots earthenware urns earthenware pots earthenware urns offering cups offering jugs,train +676,677,677,tatusaay tu,there is already two,train +677,678,678,Nikawrira caay ka sapihaklungan ku tatuasan ita i cingraan Siikur han nangra cingra a caay pikihar pasayra i Icip ku falucu nangra,But our fathers refused to obey him Instead they rejected him and in their hearts turned back to Egypt,train +678,679,679,pasasifinay,for the towel,train +679,680,680,mamaan mapapadang kita tu tayal,how about us helping each other with the work,test +680,681,681,awaay ku nanum kawaysu ne,there is no water to drink so I am sorry,train +681,682,682,u sulinayay,it is true,train +682,683,683,sanay ku suwal ngira,help with the housework,train +683,684,684,malitemuh,run into,train +684,685,685,kereng,clap of thunder,train +685,686,686,iraay kura pasuwalay a faʼinayan sa kura suwal nu wina aku,there was a young man who is mother said this,train +686,687,687,u mama aku atu ina aku,my father and mother,train +687,688,688,ci funguhay ku itiyaay hu matuʼasay nu mita,our former elders were very wise,train +688,689,689,Orasaka unini a suwal ku sapipalal nu matuasay tu falucu nu wawawawa^,this is why the elders of the Amis tribe always warn their descendants with these words,train +689,690,690,adihay,terrific,test +690,691,691,sanawina hananay nu mita,our family,train +691,692,692,diputen nura Payrang kura sera i,when this man was running this land,train +692,693,693,nu dikidikian Pintung,the Paiwan in Pingtung,train +693,694,694,Picaa a mineneng tu tahaf nu kakarayan a sinasera,please look up and see the earth beneath the sky,train +694,695,695,ma kita ma,we help each other,train +695,696,696,makamihecaan,about one year,train +696,697,697,haenhan hanhan mitaluh,it is just like that,train +697,698,698,kasuvucan,birthdays,train +698,699,699,rakar,fishing for fish and shrimp by cage,train +699,700,700,mimaan han kiya nu Pangcah sanay kaku,what do we call that meaning,test +700,701,701,saayaway hu i caayay ka pihayda ku cengfu tu tu tunini tiya tu nu lumaci saka,the government did not approve of the use of the Roman alphabet,train +701,702,702,anini u kararuman,this is what we elders have in mind when it comes to,train +702,703,703,milisu,go and visit,train +703,704,704,maherek cangra mifacu,we have to finish the construction,train +704,705,705,satu ku kapah kira mahaen,our tribe is having a Harvest festival,train +705,706,706,makapah ku lengaw nu panay tina mihecaan,the rice is growing beautifully today,train +706,707,707,i etip ku luma nu faki aku,my uncles house is on the west side,train +707,708,708,iraay i tini,it is here,train +708,709,709,tayra ci Yuhanian ku nai Yirusalimay atu nai niyaruay nu Yutaya atu nai tatihiay nu Yurtan a alu a tamdamdaw,people went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan,train +709,710,710,minukay,going home,test +710,711,711,acaay alay ku tinaiʼhaw,do not you want to take this offal,train +711,712,712,ka u misapu^neray u damsayay u kudaitay u ciulahay ku falucu a masasipaayaw kamu,be completely humble and gentle be patient bearing with one another in love,train +712,713,713,tacapilaliw haen han mikedec,this way the wire will not run away when it is tightened,train +713,714,714,amatira i,that is it then,train +714,715,715,awaay tu ku wawa nira,he does not have children anymore,train +715,716,716,Cifacu tu nu wacu,there are dog shapes,train +716,717,717,iduc,spear,train +717,718,718,makalisin,frequent sacrifice,train +718,719,719,mahaenay ku kafanaʼan naku tiya itiniay a Taywan,that was the life of the Flatlanders I knew then,train +719,720,720,Sikumu ku kamay nira,he had rubber bands on his hands,test +720,721,721,tayni satu sumuwal i Satufu Lingacay ceruh satu iraay ku kumulis a niyaru,for example Shimodaewu Lingya Kasuga the eastern tribes there is this festival,train +721,722,722,tayra satu kaku i Tayhuk i,until we get to Taipei,train +722,723,723,yu cahu ka tahira kuya fafahiyan i tayra i niyaru ku papinapina nuya misimaway tu tadem a sufitay a paratuh i kakridan nu citudungay tu taung tu nanu dmak a ma^min,while the women were on their way some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened,train +723,724,724,saan ku suwal nu citudungay a liteng,the elders in charge said this,train +724,725,725,ama,father,train +725,726,726,Panayaw han nira a miangang,Go Banai,train +726,727,727,Cuwa u Punung cingra,No she is a Bunun,train +727,728,728,i timina san i,get to the boat,train +728,729,729,suʼlinaytu itira san ku matuʼusay a maen kita kini a itini sa kita awa ku kakaen i tini caay ka adihay ku kakaenen,Honestly the old man thinks we are not staying here and there is not much food to eat,train +729,730,730,miseti tu fafahiyan,it is impossible to hit a girl,test +730,731,731,yu rumakat ca Yis i micafer cangra i ccay a niyaru hamhamen ni Marta hananay a fafahiyan ci Yis a pacumud i luma ningra,as Jesus and his disciples were on their way he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him,train +731,732,732,u heci nira iri dengay kaenen cilemin,its fruits are edible and tart when eaten,train +732,733,733,patafu ya na madingacay i,and then I am going to dress the wound,train +733,734,734,rakat sanay nani tini Tafalung tayni mikilim tu kakaenen,we walked from Tiberias to this place in search of food,train +734,735,735,aka pacunuh tu tayal isu i takuwanan,do not give me your work,train +735,736,736,nawhani itini i aru nu kalas tiyan haw i,because among the tribal elders,train +736,737,737,tuwa vesulen kira hiya iri,then go through,train +737,738,738,u nu Kwaping aku i ci hananay,his Chinese name is Yu Chao Ming,train +738,739,739,sa itiraay ku pakalungay a milecad,so young people learn from there,train +739,740,740,ci Kulas ku ngangan niira,he is called Kolas,test +740,741,741,kapah tu saw a remadiw iri,you can sing,train +741,742,742,sisa sankingcu han ku nipangangan tina niyaru,that is why this tribe is called the three Alms,train +742,743,743,u niyaru nu Farangaw itiya hu,the Malan tribes of that time,train +743,744,744,harateng sa cingra i latek ira i ya ufang niya kilang kiya takula nu maku sa i,he thought that perhaps my frog was inside the tree hole,train +744,745,745,diput han nira kaku hay kaku ri,and she took care of me with all her heart Yes me,train +745,746,746,raheker ku falucu,spiritual fulfillment,train +746,747,747,salafii saan ciira a minukay,he drove all night to get home,train +747,748,748,niengidan,go Corrupted,train +748,749,749,uyaan tu maharek i patikur kaku tayra i tukus,then when it was over I went back up the hill,train +749,750,750,o nimetekan nira kura rumadiway a tayal nanu mamangan,since she was a child she has always wanted to be a singer,test +750,751,751,mangalev anu caay tu ka mawmah i lutuk satu ci vaki aku,when there is no farm work my Grandpa stays in the mountains,train +751,752,752,satakaraway,supreme,train +752,753,753,caay ka ciwawa,Inability to conceive,train +753,754,754,samaanay ku rumiad i kautal,how is the weather outside,train +754,755,755,paaraw sanay,to do something openly,train +755,756,756,Micaedung maemin ku fafahiyan tu lusid i kailisinan,each girl wears a Toyonen Matsuri dance costume,train +756,757,757,caay ku maan ku nengnengan aku,I will not look at anything else,train +757,758,758,liliden nu niyam a pataluma,we are all moving home,train +758,759,759,pusung,Taitung,train +759,760,760,tatalikan,wooden mortar,test +760,761,761,saʼayaway sakakaay,it is the first it is the biggest,train +761,762,762,awaay ku piliyaliyasan,there was no place of escape,train +762,763,763,pawalien nga,it is ready to be tanned,train +763,764,764,nawhan nanay kita,because we are expected to,train +764,765,765,sisa u suwal nu heni itila ku heni mipupuh,but they said they would do the ceremony over there,train +765,766,766,sa mafana kura matuʼasay ci cuʼung hu kura hiya haw,so the elder knows that when a new shoot grows on a tree,train +766,767,767,tayra ku faʼinay aku,my husbands gone,train +767,768,768,aka hu tanamen aku anu suni a miaculcul,I will try to turn it later,train +768,769,769,u anu u Iwatan tu anu u Taruku tu,like the Bunun and the Taroko,train +769,770,770,o papatanekteken nu Tapang ku pitier namu tahira i pahrekan ta anu iratu a tayni ku Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu i caay ka pastek kamu i raraw,he will keep you strong to the end so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ,test +770,771,771,hay mafana kaku,I know,train +771,772,772,nikarut iʼayaw cipisakuli kami iʼayaw,Plowing plowing the fields cutting rice is our job,train +772,773,773,awaay ku ungtufay aku,I do not have a motorcycle,train +773,774,774,raang,female,train +774,775,775,sakinatusa tayni ti itini,it is the second time I have been here,train +775,776,776,fakin fakin han nangra,they will be fined,train +776,777,777,ira ku fau i lalinik nu lingku,worms in apples,train +777,778,778,tamurung,carry,train +778,779,779,pakuyuc ku urip,living in poverty,train +779,780,780,itini i lalavu nu luma awaay ku,on the contrary in our family there are almost no,test +780,781,781,naw mimanay ku pilihay nu namu ta caay kafana a minengneng tu tilid nu Amis saan ku cecay a singsi nu Amilika,one of the foreign ministers said why do not you watch what you are doing in church,train +781,782,782,yamayam,raging inferno,train +782,783,783,han satuway kami tira Talacan,we will settle in Darazan,train +783,784,784,haen han nira a miala tu vanges kiyami haw,after carefully removing the bark,train +784,785,785,masafa^luhay,rehabilitated man,train +785,786,786,Kalasangraay hu a lumuwad tu dafak,be the first to get up in the morning,train +786,787,787,hahakenu,I do not know,train +787,788,788,pacafay kami tu ina aku i,we accompany our mothers,train +788,789,789,ciduka,there is a wound,train +789,790,790,anu mapalaccayay kita aci Kristu a mapatay i u milcaday kita i cingraan a mapaluwad a mapaurip nai patay,if we have been united with him like this in his death we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection,test +790,791,791,u maan kuni nanayan nu falucu isu,what exactly is my wish,train +791,792,792,hay tikenir san,and tilted like this,train +792,793,793,o han nu Hulam kura,in Chinese it is called a levee,train +793,794,794,papinaay kamu malahakelung,how many of you are going,train +794,795,795,faluhang,chests,train +795,796,796,Pulung i tusapulu ira ku cecay tusa aca a pulu ngaaytu,the total is just count,train +796,797,797,yu matiya mafunur ku papah nu hiya nu raʼu kiyami haw,just as the leaves of the Sapindales are falling one after another,train +797,798,798,Safalucu sa cingra a miharateng Maanen aku hakini awaaytu ku patlian aku tu kinaira nu umah aku,he thought to himself What shall I do I have no place to store my crops,train +798,799,799,ci Mayaw ku ngangan nira,is his name Mayaw,train +799,800,800,kaw,reason,test +800,801,801,mitefad,unload,train +801,802,802,anaya hu ku rarakaten ita,we have got a ways to go,train +802,803,803,matayalay kaku turanan aku a,I will just do my hobby,train +803,804,804,tuki,Hourly,train +804,805,805,yu mihaenay mihiya ca,just like Mrs Lau from the,train +805,806,806,anu terep han kiya pui isu haw,what if you do not communicate after you have scolded me,train +806,807,807,mahaenay ku singsi aku sa caay ka kafangcal ku aku aku,I had teachers who spoke like that so my Chinese or Mandarin was not very good,train +807,808,808,u hatini sa tu haw i u ruma tu ku shiday anini,it is different now,train +808,809,809,Nikawrira milukes kunini a singsi tu kafukilan nangra a dmak matiya u aadupen cangra Matuur nangra ku nu aadupen a pinangan Saka urira a kafanaan nangra a dmak ku sakatkup nangra,yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand and what things they do understand by instinct like unreasoning animals these are the very things that destroy them,train +809,810,810,ira kiya suwal na wama niyam maharekay tu sa i,that is when our father said It is done,test +810,811,811,Cecay tusa tulu se^pat lima ^enem pitu^ falu siwa Aya Canguutay tu saka mu^etep,One two three four five six seven eight nine Oops not enough for ten,train +811,812,812,itiya hu i caka fana ca hu kapikalic tu tamina i,I did not realize at the time that this was my first voyage of inner thought,train +812,813,813,hatiraay yaca ku nipalumaan aku,it is just what I planted,train +813,814,814,pakayni i Rikec ku sakafana isu tu nafalucuan nu Kawas Saka mafana kisu a mihapinang tu ngaayay a dmak,if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law,train +814,815,815,mafiyuk,blown by the wind,train +815,816,816,kausuy,late,train +816,817,817,fetiken,a toast,train +817,818,818,hacecacecay,one by one,train +818,819,819,misaʼupu i tu dafak,we have to meet in the morning,train +819,820,820,awaay ku nu Pangcah,there is no Amish,test +820,821,821,Kitusur saan kira wawa a tumangic i lalan,the boy was on his knees in the road crying,train +821,822,822,adahen ku adadaay a tamdaw nuya niyaru suwalen cangra Mangatatu a malahci ku pikuwan nu Kawas i tamuwanan han cangra,heal the sick who are there and tell them The kingdom of God is near you,train +822,823,823,kasalumaluma,each family,train +823,824,824,matuʼasay nu kalala tamdaw,the elderly people of Ghana said that,train +824,825,825,malcad takuwanan cangra a u caay ku nu hkalan,they are not of the world even as I am not of it,train +825,826,826,hai awaay ku wawa ira,Yeah he does not have kids,train +826,827,827,Katayni,please come here,train +827,828,828,itiya hu fawahan nu luma i,the door to the house,train +828,829,829,u Kinanuka u katengilan nu maku nanu emang,just the antlers the ones I heard when I was a kid,train +829,830,830,pakayra i Kalingku,going to Hualien,test +830,831,831,anu matatudung tu ku salang ira,if it does not have enough water,train +831,832,832,matawa kapahtu,you can smile happily,train +832,833,833,mamiditek tu saselaʼan nu adadaay,it is a necessary tool for measuring a patients heartbeat and respiration,train +833,834,834,tarakaw,high,train +834,835,835,u pidaytay yaku kuni yu,it is for wearing,train +835,836,836,anu kilemel,it is very powerful,train +836,837,837,itiyahu kaemanhu kami matakup nu niyam,we were too young to experience this,train +837,838,838,makapahay ku mata nu wina,mom has beautiful eyes,train +838,839,839,o naripaan nu fafufafuy kina misukadiay tu pasinafelan,these vegetable gardens are all traces of pigs footsteps,train +839,840,840,u pida ku nengnengen nu mita tamdaw kira,because it is the treatment that makes us decide if we want to work or not,test +840,841,841,dadipis,cockroaches,train +841,842,842,mangalefay aca mapatay kiya saan,or die as a result,train +842,843,843,o caayhu pidii tu fafahiyan a pakarungay cangra tuuren nangra ku rakat nu Tufur a siri a talacuwacuwa o matdalay a mapaliyas nai alumanay a tamdamdaw cangra o saayaway cangra a malasapacakat i Kawas atu Tufur a Siri,these are those who did not defile themselves with women for they kept themselves pure they follow the Lamb wherever he goes they were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb,train +843,844,844,Pakaaraw kisu tu cuca nu mata nu salikaka isu i nawiru caay pakahapinang kisu tu nika ira nu mifalatay a kilang i mata isu saw,Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye,train +844,845,845,dungdung han niyam uraan ku sakaurip,we will just live with it that is how we live,train +845,846,846,nisausian,calculated content,train +846,847,847,liyucen,please turn around,train +847,848,848,Pasisyan namu tu sera malemed ku wawa,the children are happy they have land to share,train +848,849,849,malalipuing hu kisu i ya nanay nu fulucu isu,what you want to accomplish during your term of office,train +849,850,850,makatengil ku iisaamisay a apet aku tu nisalisinan nira,because of that my brother in law who lives up north heard him doing his rituals,test +850,851,851,awaay ku mipadangay,there is no one to help,train +851,852,852,kusiyaw,elementary school,train +852,853,853,mirepetaytu kaku minengnengay tu kaku itiya,by that time I could see that I had already been exposed to architectural work,train +853,854,854,ca kafana kami,we just do not know,train +854,855,855,micaliw tu luma madeng ku maan ku pida,renting a house not balancing income and expenses,train +855,856,856,pahicera satu icuwa ku kahiceraan itira tu i Kalingku tu sa ku kahiceraan,the seat is in Hualien,train +856,857,857,misuy hu i paputal,I had to rent a house,train +857,858,858,itiya i maharateng aku ku suwal nu Tapang tuya O nanum ku sapainu ni Yuhani Nikawrira u mamilayap kamu tu nu Fangcalay Adingu a sapainu sanay a suwal,then I remembered what the Lord had said John baptized with water but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit,train +858,859,859,macungedis,Exposure of teeth,train +859,860,860,maulah micucul takuwanan,like to send me,test +860,861,861,tuni pakaʼurad i,song of the prayer for rain,train +861,862,862,tu suwal nu liteng,the old man said,train +862,863,863,tarudu,finger,train +863,864,864,i mahaen ku sakaku,Gee I thought that would be the way to ask at this age,train +864,865,865,hai Mataraway kaʼafasan nu tau,Yes he is afraid someone will take it away from him,train +865,866,866,Karaurang ku riyar,the sea is full of lobsters,train +866,867,867,tangasa i pacakayan tirana papacakayen nu maku nu niyam atu matuʼasay nu maku,to get to our sales location,train +867,868,868,Mirangrang tu kami tira titi,let us get this barbecue started,train +868,869,869,hatini han nira hatinien,that is it,train +869,870,870,pikudasingan,Peanutspotatoes,test +870,871,871,lingatu nu,learning environment,train +871,872,872,tayraan mikilim tu ʼaʼadupen haw,you can go hunting,train +872,873,873,mafanaʼay tu kaku a nu maulad,I will see if it rains,train +873,874,874,pacaliwan isu ci Kacaw han,did you lend it to Kacaw,train +874,875,875,cay tu kaku ka tayni i tayku,I am not going to another country,train +875,876,876,hatiyatu cakatama ku sasuwalen nira,I am really looking for it,train +876,877,877,misarakarakat,take a stroll,train +877,878,878,Ikurtu iraku ˈaˈideman nu KGB pasuwalan nu mitiyawcaay ngaˈayay ku macadaay nangra,Later when the NSC chief came the investigators told him that they had been treated kindly,train +878,879,879,ura pikadafuan nu maku,where I married,train +879,880,880,maanen a misalama,how do we play this,test +880,881,881,cay palataʼang ku falucu nu misu haw,I will not brag about it,train +881,882,882,Orasaka u nanu suwal nu Tapang ku sapaicel aku a pasuwal i tamuwanan akatu ka matiya u dmak nu caay pituur tu Kawas a tamdaw ku dmak namu awaay ku ^puc nu nisafalucuan nangra,so I tell you this and insist on it in the Lord that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do in the futility of their thinking,train +882,883,883,pawawa tahira celak han fangcal ku picelak nu tafukud,when you increase the number you have to start a gossip network to make it beautiful,train +883,884,884,u inian u kumu hananay haw,what about this slingshot,train +884,885,885,ira kami mahicera tura ira kafafaw,I have been right on top of it,train +885,886,886,u ruma tu i maan a nu Amis masamaanay hakiya san kisu atek,you probably want to know something else about the Amis,train +886,887,887,nawhani u mu^celay atu parihadayay atu lipahak ku nanu Fangcalay Adingu ku pikuwan nu Kawas caay ku pakayniay i kakaenen ku pikuwan ningra,for the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,train +887,888,888,Mauraday tu haw,is it raining,train +888,889,889,u misamukungay haw i pitu a pulu ku pida ira ku lima cecay rumiʼad,carpenters were paid bucks a day back then,train +889,890,890,mikuma,tribes,test +890,891,891,Nikawrira anu caay ka citapudu ku fafahiyan yu mitulun anu ^ca i yu pakimad tu suwal nu Kawas i u mipakanguduay cingra tu fainay ningra malcad tu maisisay ku funguh ningra,and every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head it is just as though her head were shaved,train +891,892,892,tu kalaluʼud kafudfud,battles of dispute,train +892,893,893,mamalafangcalay,become an excellent,train +893,894,894,davak,mornings,train +894,895,895,uniya tu ku fana kira,it is up to you,train +895,896,896,takusi,cab,train +896,897,897,a mangalay kita a misakapah,when the merchant Navys,train +897,898,898,epuden,down,train +898,899,899,pakafana kisu,I am telling you,train +899,900,900,mitilid kisu i Taypak i hacuwaay tu pakafana sa fufu isu,you studied in Taipei when did Grandpa and the others teach you,test +900,901,901,mahenay kaku itiyahu,this is how I grab the food,train +901,902,902,mala tumu tu nu,he is a leader in Hoodley,train +902,903,903,Pakucusitaen ku safa,help your sister put on her socks,train +903,904,904,ya cima haca ku licayen sanay kaku,who do I ask,train +904,905,905,atah san kaku,I was helpless,train +905,906,906,ta tayni sa tu cingra i fafaed nu ungcuy a miceli,he went up onto the rock and called,train +906,907,907,masakeru,Motion Dance,train +907,908,908,mapiyas,diarrhea,train +908,909,909,iniyan hantuay u muwa,this is a kind of hemp plant,train +909,910,910,Ciaraparay ku nituduhan ni mama tu asisiw,dad burned the straw to spread the flames,test +910,911,911,milaliway tu kura adingu nuna wawa san kiya cikawasay minengneng,the sorcerer said that the child soul had already been released,train +911,912,912,micefus,Dewatering,train +912,913,913,Saka suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Nawiru mafuti kamu saw Kalumuwad Pitulun tu saka^caaw ka sawi han ningra,Why are you sleeping he asked them Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation,train +913,914,914,malalicay kita,let us the two of us chat,train +914,915,915,cima ku ngangan su,what is your name,train +915,916,916,mahaen aniniay awawa manaay tu iluma,kids do not like to stay home,train +916,917,917,an caykacifukeluh sa kiayaw kiayaw han nu misa Amisay,as long as the land is not stony the Amis will take it,train +917,918,918,cangal,it is too late,train +918,919,919,umaku kala tumuk hu itiyahu,when I was in charge,train +919,920,920,muetep ira ku tulu,thirteen,test +920,921,921,tira sa ku pidemak aku a mitefus,I have been working there as a sugar cane cutter,train +921,922,922,licayen nangra Cingra Pasuwalen kami ci Kristu Kisu haw han nangra Nikawrira suwal sa Cingra Anu pasuwasuwalen aku kamu i caay ku papasulin kamu,If you are the Christ they said tell us Jesus answered If I tell you you will not believe me,train +922,923,923,Mafana ci Futul misateka,Fodor is good at inventing,train +923,924,924,a palcapuen ku tamdaw nu niyaru,and gather the people of his tribe,train +924,925,925,alahan tu aku kuya kuhtingay satahepu tuya lukut,I took a piece of black cloth to cover the plant,train +925,926,926,tunian nitu sakaenem kuni,this is number six,train +926,927,927,ta rakat sa mahicera i Kiwit,walk to Chimay,train +927,928,928,lawad,leisure,train +928,929,929,Mafulad kira fafahian,the girl had her period,train +929,930,930,u lalengac ku nian sa ci ina,Auntie says it is a moon peach tree,test +930,931,931,anu haen han ku pilifet i matini haw,this mode of examination,train +931,932,932,han ya tumuk pasuwal mamaan satu,the boss said yes,train +932,933,933,Nikawrira sulinay ku hinatala nu maku u nipitaung anini i i lalumaay hu nunini a Kitakit a tamdaw i pasayraen i kasasisulul ku litapang ku ngaay,but I do hope with all my heart that today apology will set this country and all its people on the path towards reconciliation,train +933,934,934,maaraway,seen,train +934,935,935,ta pakalicen nira itini i kurisiw nira,then he put it onto the bicycle,train +935,936,936,Lingwaen hu ku ina isu,go and take care of your mother,train +936,937,937,u sadimecmecan hananay nu,the Amis were active in the development of agricultural societies,train +937,938,938,suwal sa kuya cuyuh Kalumuwad Kriden kunini a Wawa atu ina Ningra a minukay i kitakit nu Israil Nawhani mapatayaytu kuya sapipatayananay tunini a Wawa han ningra,and said Get up take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel for those who were trying to take the child life are dead,train +938,939,939,cefus,splash,train +939,940,940,ta pafeli han tu payci,I will give her the money,test +940,941,941,ayaw nu puwa kyami,before that it was called a huckleberry,train +941,942,942,han tu ku ngangan nura kudasing,peanuts were thus called Kudasing,train +942,943,943,matama aca ku nu niyam a,it is us,train +943,944,944,hamay aka kalalumuwa han ku wawa halimelen,do not let the kids become hooligans take care of them,train +944,945,945,samaen aku mi midemak samaen misanga sa kaku,how do I do it how do I make it,train +945,946,946,maemin,full,train +946,947,947,Tavalung,Tai Po long Valley,train +947,948,948,unini kiya ca hu katuduhen kuni,this one has not been burned yet,train +948,949,949,caitu kacinglaw ci kakaan aku itiya,I never dared to tell my sister again,train +949,950,950,urung satu kami u wawa tu sapur itiya hen,when we were kids we were picking seedlings,test +950,951,951,sasepatay kala lalimaay tu ku kakakaka nu maku,I have four or five brothers and sisters,train +951,952,952,itiraay mahapinang haw ku a,it can be felt in this moment,train +952,953,953,o pipatalahekal tu demak isu ku nngaay,you should confess the truth about what you did,train +953,954,954,haenen ku nipikumu mipivikat tangasa itini haw,the slingshot has to be pulled like this pull it here,train +954,955,955,maraud kira karengwan nira haw,in its season of growth,train +955,956,956,papikuracen,Please clean,train +956,957,957,o nicaliwan isu ci Kacawan kina impic hay,did you borrow this pen from Kacaw,train +957,958,958,antu cuculen ira kaku miʼurung tu safa mipahalama tu talacuwacuwa,I was asked to carry my siblings everywhere,train +958,959,959,Miletekeng kiya,what about when you are going to cut,train +959,960,960,masakakereman,it is getting darker,test +960,961,961,madudu tu nangra mifetik tu ayaw,they have a popping ceremony with the elders,train +961,962,962,anu masasiulaulah kamu i pakayni tunini ku sakafana nu tamdamdaw tu nika u nisawawaan aku kamu han ningra,by this all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another,train +962,963,963,kakitaan,chieftain,train +963,964,964,rarakaten,the road to travel the program to accomplish,train +964,965,965,papacem nenengen ira misiwkakaw sa tu i,I went to see it in the morning and it was still there and when I wanted to Harvest it,train +965,966,966,a sumuwal tu haw kisu anini,are you going to start now,train +966,967,967,ku pipainaay i takuwan,the vast majority of people vote for me,train +967,968,968,Pina^ tu ku mihecaan nu safa^ isu tu fainayan,how old is your younger brother,train +968,969,969,misaturun,common millet,train +969,970,970,mahatira i,Well here is the deal,test +970,971,971,ya han nu Hulam,the Chinese word for mountain kiang,train +971,972,972,pakucisu kamunan han ningra,the Qing soldiers are going to hold a banquet to celebrate their success,train +972,973,973,Saka alaclicli saan kuya lumaucay a mipu^et tu tangila nangra laccay sa cangra a mikilumut ci Stifanuan,at this they covered their ears and yelling at the top of their voices they all rushed at him,train +973,974,974,mipacuk tu fafuy maamaanan cecay a luma mipacuk,the pigs were killed and so were all the families,train +974,975,975,tiya matayal kita,it is the only way to work,train +975,976,976,caay hu piʼaul caay hu pikiuway ku finawlan,the villagers have not yet taken bamboo and rattan,train +976,977,977,yu matalaw isaw ku matuasay a mararac ira,but the old mans afraid,train +977,978,978,pina ku aca^ nu fuduy,how much for the clothes,train +978,979,979,mahemek ku wawa kihatiya sa kita a mahemek kira,we are happy when our kids are happy,train +979,980,980,kumaen ku takura kiya,the frogs eat it,test +980,981,981,ira ku ama u mama u ina atu fafahiyan a safa aku,there is Grandma Dad Mom my sister and me,train +981,982,982,nu maku a pasuelin tu tada u mauripay,believe firmly in Jesus as the living God,train +982,983,983,tumatu,tomato,train +983,984,984,matakup,a chance encounter,train +984,985,985,tu adihay adihay ku luma malalumalumaan tu aca,and that is how it is slowly clustered into many homes,train +985,986,986,o maan ku kaulahan isu a kakaenen,what do you like to eat,train +986,987,987,han namu ngaʼay aca tayni kamu,you can say this I am glad you are here,train +987,988,988,ngaʼay caka ruray micumuli tura seciyuhaw sanay kura,it is good to pick up snails on the you will not get tired,train +988,989,989,pisaparud,become a home,train +989,990,990,saka 1943 miheca Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa pacaˈelayay tu paya i tireng a rumakat i lalan misinting tu Pasalatay a Kitakit a taykay i 12 naniyaruˈan,in Jehovahs Witnesses in Mexico took to the streets with sandwich boards to publicize the Free Nation congress of divine Rule which was to be held in different cities,test +990,991,991,u mahaenay kura pasifana,that is what they teach young people,train +991,992,992,mirusaru ku mirusarusay misasapad,there are some sawyers who go out and make boards out of wood,train +992,993,993,i hacuwa kura saʼusi,where are you,train +993,994,994,patafu tu saw iri cima ku patafuay u cikawasay ku patafuay citudungay a mi paini i tarakaway misangaʼay misuʼayaw tuni u malataw,who prepares these offerings it is the shaman or witch who prepares all the sacrifices to fulfill the rituals of the gods and ancestors,train +994,995,995,tusa,two,train +995,996,996,Sakuesan sa a kaenen kuna kunga,the sweet potato is so sweet,train +996,997,997,ur^ur,acquiescence,train +997,998,998,mikakuyay,lift up the man,train +998,999,999,taelingan,lie down,train +999,1000,1000,liyawen,do it again,test +1000,1001,1001,sakalmkam a saan kita amasadak,we have got to get out of here,train +1001,1002,1002,suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Sangaayen ku namu Matiya u nipiucur nu Wama i Takuwanan ku nipiucur Aku i tamuwanan han ningra,again Jesus said Peace be with you as the father has sent me I am sending you,train +1002,1003,1003,itini tu i Tapang nu niyaru niyam,right here in my tribe,train +1003,1004,1004,salavi sa midakaw tu lunan tangasa i tini,took a boat all night to get here,train +1004,1005,1005,Pakaarawtu ku mapuhaway rumakattu ku mapiiway makuractu ku malunuay pakatngiltu ku maduengay mapaluwadtu a mapaurip ku mapatayay mapatngiltu ku pakuyuc a tamdaw tu Ngaayay Ratuh,the blind receive sight the lame walk those who have leprosy are cured the deaf hear the dead are raised and the good news is preached to the poor,train +1005,1006,1006,u suwal nuna fafakian niyam i,my uncles,train +1006,1007,1007,kuesan ku suwal nira,she speaks sweetly,train +1007,1008,1008,fecul,eat your food,train +1008,1009,1009,sanay mafanaʼay kisu tura angas hananay mafanaʼay kaku hay,it is like this Do you know what it means to be alone,train +1009,1010,1010,Sungilaen ku tayal isu,do your work well and completely,test +1010,1011,1011,palimuʼut nu singsi,Teachers explanation,train +1011,1012,1012,ngaay hu,greetings,train +1012,1013,1013,taʼelif sa palapalaan ari,when he routinely passes through the wilderness,train +1013,1014,1014,cuwa ku nuni hekal ku Hungti Kitakit aku,my kingdom is not of this world,train +1014,1015,1015,iraay ku ngaʼay adihaay mimaliay itini i pusung sa,Taitung has a lot of good players,train +1015,1016,1016,sisa a mavulaw tu ku Ripun sa,that is why Japan lost the war,train +1016,1017,1017,itiya mivahvahtu tu tuwid,in that case we must drive away birds like sparrows,train +1017,1018,1018,san ku paratuh ku matiraay,that is what I told you,train +1018,1019,1019,o tarukus ni Kristu kami pakaynien nu Kawas i tamiyanan ku nipipaicel i tamuwanan Saka pataduen niyam ci Kristu a milunguc tu sakalaliayaw namu atu Kawas,we are therefore Christs ambassadors as though God were making his appeal through us we implore you on Christs behalf be reconciled to God,train +1019,1020,1020,aka pipecec tu fau,do not smash living creatures,test +1020,1021,1021,malaheci kura mitaring miletek tura aul,after cutting the bamboo,train +1021,1022,1022,awaayay ku ceka awaayay ku ceka nu nian hay,it is an amaranthine without thorns,train +1022,1023,1023,anu malingad kita i mahatatusa ku kapah,young people work in teams of two,train +1023,1024,1024,saka lima haw i u saan,Nansei Ami,train +1024,1025,1025,isaka 1961 miheca uni madimadiay a salikaka malinahay tayni i Kante uniya pala mingataay tu niyaruˈ aku,in this faithful brother moved to Canter a town very close to my hometown,train +1025,1026,1026,adidi hen ira a mavana aca,children are still young and can be taught slowly,train +1026,1027,1027,tatengteng kita,let us pull against each other,train +1027,1028,1028,patefaden,drop it,train +1028,1029,1029,aka ka u pitngil a ccay tu suwal ka u milahciay kamu tu nitngilan namu a suwal anu caay haenen namu i u misafanaay kamu tu tireng namu,Therefore get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you,train +1029,1030,1030,kimad nu fulad haw ilaay ku kimad nu,stories about the moon,test +1030,1031,1031,ira tu ku nika caka hakuwa tu i,there is a piece of it there is not much of it,train +1031,1032,1032,tangasa itini i,until this,train +1032,1033,1033,heni,Them,train +1033,1034,1034,uraan tini sa,I will stay here then,train +1034,1035,1035,tira na alatek mitanam tura nanum,maybe try to drink some water in there,train +1035,1036,1036,patikul,I will give it back,train +1036,1037,1037,malalifet tu nu masasitengtengay kita,we will compete in tug of war,train +1037,1038,1038,tusa miheca cira tusa miheca cira i,two years two years of military service,train +1038,1039,1039,miseking kami tu suwal nu pangcah,we went to take a test in the Aboriginal language,train +1039,1040,1040,anu si wawa tu a maanen ku nikaurip nu mita,if we have children we will live like this,test +1040,1041,1041,tala,There,train +1041,1042,1042,samanen u,because of,train +1042,1043,1043,tayra kami a milaedis,my wife and I attended a tribal fishing festival,train +1043,1044,1044,tangsulen,immediately,train +1044,1045,1045,talatiyam,in store,train +1045,1046,1046,u maalaay haw adihayay ku maalaay u salungasung,I got sea vegetables,train +1046,1047,1047,pafatisen marurayay mipadang,it is hard to help so I will share,train +1047,1048,1048,Atkak ku falucu nira,his heart is stubborn resistant,train +1048,1049,1049,tayra sa kami miradum,where to bring water,train +1049,1050,1050,iniay a micudad,I read here too,test +1050,1051,1051,ruma mapatayay tu ku lukut,some of them will die too,train +1051,1052,1052,Maurad i huni nika masalaw tu imatini,it just rained and now it is stopped,train +1052,1053,1053,tanektek,sturdy,train +1053,1054,1054,suwal satu ku ruma a tamdaw fangcal tu patireng,others agree,train +1054,1055,1055,u rumasa makamelaw ku matuasay sinaada,Besides old people feel sorry for themselves when they see it,train +1055,1056,1056,cicaedung,got it on,train +1056,1057,1057,Tanektekan ku pisanga tu sarawacan,the bamboo roof skeleton should be made strong,train +1057,1058,1058,matiya u mitaungay ku hana,the flowers seem to be nodding,train +1058,1059,1059,rara,red beans,train +1059,1060,1060,awa ku riku,no clothes,test +1060,1061,1061,tuas,juju,train +1061,1062,1062,Piala^ kisu tu sapifahuy tu ayam,you go get the bird catcher,train +1062,1063,1063,sanu Pangcahan nu maku,I will just say it in my own language,train +1063,1064,1064,adihayay,a lot,train +1064,1065,1065,pimelawan,observation,train +1065,1066,1066,saka itiya tu i haw i,so in years,train +1066,1067,1067,ira ku suwal nu faki aku i takuwanan,my uncle said to me,train +1067,1068,1068,ranap,spike bag of betel nut,train +1068,1069,1069,suwal sa ci Cakariya tuya cuyuh O maan ku sakafana aku tu nika u sulinay kunini a dmak saw Matuastu kaku Matuas ku fafahi aku han ningra,Zechariah asked the angel How can I be sure of this I am an old man and my wife is well along in years,train +1069,1070,1070,patingalawen,clear something clear,test +1070,1071,1071,aka tawalen ku likisi nu tuas,do not forget the history of our ancestors,train +1071,1072,1072,tuna caay ka ki^tec caay ka fa^det u alafafay kisu saka u autaen aku kisu,So because you are lukewarm neither hot nor cold I am about to spit you out of my mouth,train +1072,1073,1073,Dungi,female name,train +1073,1074,1074,nawhaw,Why I do not know,train +1074,1075,1075,pipakcangan,dragon boat Festival,train +1075,1076,1076,nu niyam a,our,train +1076,1077,1077,tulu lalumaʼan ku itiniay iri,there are only three families here,train +1077,1078,1078,palafaluan aku hatiraay ku ninian,use it as a seed,train +1078,1079,1079,halikaen,gluttonous,train +1079,1080,1080,aka ka patelac ku rakat,do not get lost,test +1080,1081,1081,ayi cacay a mihcaan ku lingatu tu mihmihcaan,will be in the next year every year,train +1081,1082,1082,hatira saka kita tu maharek patireng tira hiya i tiya linah san kami tayni san,that is it when the police station was built we moved straight here,train +1082,1083,1083,midadimaway,going to rock and rollsleepy,train +1083,1084,1084,tayni tu i sawali,here we are at the shoreline,train +1084,1085,1085,a tamdaw satu kiya hiya,the missing clan,train +1085,1086,1086,iya taluan haen sa mavahekul nu vali,that hut was blown down by the wind,train +1086,1087,1087,masasuwal kita pakayni i ramud,let us talk about the wedding,train +1087,1088,1088,hai anu fangcal ku kamay su,if your hands fit,train +1088,1089,1089,nga pacamul hananay kalafila hananay tu miming,then mix it with betel leaves just a little bit,train +1089,1090,1090,hatini tuna,now it is about,test +1090,1091,1091,malalamlam malalamlam tu,they are all mixed up,train +1091,1092,1092,nika caay ka pilayap ku salikaka tu hatiniay a falucu nu,However the brothers and sisters do not want the preacher to take this matter seriously,train +1092,1093,1093,misangasaʼan caay kapalaheci kira,and the production will not work,train +1093,1094,1094,tudung u la imikuni,suitable for what it means,train +1094,1095,1095,adihay ku simal nunini a titi,this meat is full of fat,train +1095,1096,1096,Ama malahuk tu,Dad lunch,train +1096,1097,1097,o cecay pakayraan a patahekal tu ulah atu hinapaladaˈay i anu ira ku saali nu salikaka padangen cangra,one of the ways we show love and generosity is to help our brothers and sisters in need,train +1097,1098,1098,Misangatuwa,the way you open your mouth,train +1098,1099,1099,mangasanay,people with skin diseases,train +1099,1100,1100,Mafana ku ccay nangra tu nika adah nu tireng ningra i lkal sa Kalanipipahmek han ningra tu Kawas a patiku a tayra i ci Yisan,one of them when he saw he was healed came back praising God in a loud voice,test +1100,1101,1101,pipacufelan,where you keep the sheath,train +1101,1102,1102,o pisaali tu kakalayan patefad tu ulad paulip tu pinaluma,in order to pray to the gods for rain to grow crops,train +1102,1103,1103,Pacacaen i putal malu kamaruan nu mita,a bamboo mat will be spread outside for our seats,train +1103,1104,1104,kihpic kuhpic,fine,train +1104,1105,1105,u safa aku,much younger than me,train +1105,1106,1106,hakakerem,the sun goes down,train +1106,1107,1107,aaimeren,well,train +1107,1108,1108,tafutafukan,oasis,train +1108,1109,1109,cinais,uneasy,train +1109,1110,1110,macahiw1,hungry,test +1110,1111,1111,u niyan,Mihos,train +1111,1112,1112,itira i talawadaw i riyar ku heni a mifuting,at the mouth of the sea,train +1112,1113,1113,halafinay tu kaku itini i nu hakikakay paisingan matayal sanay kiya harateng aku,I feel like I have been in a TB sanatorium for too long too long,train +1113,1114,1114,malatuluay,it becomes three,train +1114,1115,1115,misapaysu,outreach,train +1115,1116,1116,militek tu hiya a puhpuhen naku sa,I am going to do it,train +1116,1117,1117,patihiay,supportive,train +1117,1118,1118,hay tusa pulu ku mata mahaen tu,you see that is how it is done,train +1118,1119,1119,fana tu kaku mi,when I graduated from sixth grade,train +1119,1120,1120,sulinayay kiniyan,this is the most traditional Amis tribe,test +1120,1121,1121,Pakacitingen ku pinanam tu Cudad nu Hulam,Mandarin is learned from the dictionary,train +1121,1122,1122,sacupelak,astringent,train +1122,1123,1123,Aya Anengelay ku dungec falicen,Oops the heart of the vine is very bitter change it,train +1123,1124,1124,2 cahu ka masangaˈ ci Atam aci Ifa i patahekalaytu ci Yihufa tu ulah i tamdamdaw,the Lord showed love to mankind before he created Adam and Eve,train +1124,1125,1125,iraay ku ngaˈayay a kasasuwal isu ci Yihufaan han,do you have good communication with the LORD,train +1125,1126,1126,u miʼadupan,hunting is better,train +1126,1127,1127,u vutulan hanira a,it is a man,train +1127,1128,1128,cuwa kacidal matuem taangay aca ku fali anu cila,it will be cloudy and windy but not sunny tomorrow,train +1128,1129,1129,mangata tu a maherek haw i,when it is almost done,train +1129,1130,1130,Sausien anu ira ku masidayay,count them are there any missing ones,test +1130,1131,1131,o manamanan ku tayal nu Dimeng hani,what kind of work do the police do,train +1131,1132,1132,ya wacu hananay,that is what dogs do,train +1132,1133,1133,i sangsangdev nina remiad a taluma ku sava tu vavainayan,my younger brother is going home this evening,train +1133,1134,1134,hadhad,arid,train +1134,1135,1135,maanen nu mita kunini han nu ya matuʼasay tu kira,elderly people discussing what to do,train +1135,1136,1136,ya misulsulan kuni,it is traditional embroidery,train +1136,1137,1137,Saka tireng satu ci Pawlu a mikawih tu kamay a sumuwal Kamu u finacadan aku u Israil atu mitaungay tu Kawas a ruma a finacadan pitngil,standing up Paul motioned with his hand and said Men of Israel and you Gentiles who worship God listen to me,train +1137,1138,1138,saka inian sakacingangan nu niyaru tu Makutaay,that is why the tribe was named Magudam,train +1138,1139,1139,i sfi cangra masaʼupu maala nu pingiliway ku dafung nangra kira,everyone was at the square when the ghosts came to steal their belongings,train +1139,1140,1140,sapipaypay,Bye bye,test +1140,1141,1141,a caaytu kaku kala,I do not want to be,train +1141,1142,1142,o Paʼunucan hanay kura ngangan ira,the name of the place is Hanging Flatbread,train +1142,1143,1143,Cihakelung kaku,I have someone to go with me,train +1143,1144,1144,rihay pihululan,plenty of places to play,train +1144,1145,1145,Paliwan kisu,you are from Paiwan,train +1145,1146,1146,kakeriden nu singsi kita a tayra i lutuk,teacher will take us to the mountains today,train +1146,1147,1147,nina niyaru,the name of the tribe,train +1147,1148,1148,sa ku matuʼas tu huni nu ayam sa itini kuni kafana,this is the way our ancestors differentiated between various phenomena based on bird calls,train +1148,1149,1149,adihayay,awful,train +1149,1150,1150,ila ku titi nu kuku fitaul kalitang atu lukut ku sakalahuk niyam anini,our lunch today consisted of chicken eggs string beans and sans,test +1150,1151,1151,I cuwatu kuya tamdaw han nangra a milicay i Caay ka fana kaku han ningra a pacauf,Where is this man they asked him I do not know he said,train +1151,1152,1152,karakutu,easy to get head lice,train +1152,1153,1153,luma,homes,train +1153,1154,1154,anu sakaciraraw isu ku ccay a waay i ktunen o nika putun nu ccay nu waay isu a micumud i midaucay a urip ku ngaay tu nika tusa nu waay isu a mafahkul i pisemseman,and if your foot causes you to sin cut it off it is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell,train +1154,1155,1155,Ocung ku talud i lawac nu lakelal,lots of manzanita along the river,train +1155,1156,1156,mipakalemed tuni kasihafay nu mita anini a mihecaan,to celebrate our Bountiful Harvest this year,train +1156,1157,1157,Kupiten ni fufu ku mata mitulun,grandma closed her eyes and prayed,train +1157,1158,1158,Dada,Please,train +1158,1159,1159,anu masalalan haw i tengil satu mitengil tu radiw a,when I got on the track I listened to the music again,train +1159,1160,1160,anu awaay ku kalcapuwan,if you do not get together in one place,test +1160,1161,1161,kasuvucan,birthday,train +1161,1162,1162,maanen pacici sa haw makavatikar maveli tu kiyami haw,could not hardly ride the bike anymore it was turned upside down,train +1162,1163,1163,suwalen cayka patanginga,you do not listen to me,train +1163,1164,1164,kaku tu dadaya mihumun kaku tu salikaka,by Itabashi Shinjo Nakanaka and Nagiwas place,train +1164,1165,1165,matumay,it is a bears temper,train +1165,1166,1166,Satukien,write,train +1166,1167,1167,mamangata tu anucila a lipay,we are almost there next week,train +1167,1168,1168,siputut,there is a bucket,train +1168,1169,1169,saalet han mahaen haw maalaw,circling around you see it like this see,train +1169,1170,1170,ku sangaʼan nu vavaʼinay a misanga,it is a mans job to produce,test +1170,1171,1171,katayra i patiyamay kumaen tu kaulahan isu a kakaenen,go to your favorite store and eat your favorite food,train +1171,1172,1172,Mipadaduy tu kudasin kaku anini,today I went to weigh peanuts,train +1172,1173,1173,misaicel,endeavor,train +1173,1174,1174,mitilid haw i,in writing,train +1174,1175,1175,Tupelaken ku cudad,open the book,train +1175,1176,1176,macuwa ku kataluma naira,how do they go back to their own class,train +1176,1177,1177,sakalahuk,luncheon,train +1177,1178,1178,itiya i pacauf sa ci Pitiru Nengnengen masawadaytu nu niyam ku maamaan a mituur i Tisuwanan O maan ku hamamalayap niyam saw han ningra,Peter answered him We have left everything to follow you what then will there be for us,train +1178,1179,1179,unu tawuwan a vinacadan ku Taluku,Gaijin,train +1179,1180,1180,anu sapipawacayan cangra tu pakayniay i dmak aku i yu ka^manghu ku urip aku mafanatu cangra tu nipituur aku i saca^desay a misa Farisayay a pituuran,they have known me for a long time and can testify if they are willing that according to the strictest sect of our religion I lived as a Pharisee,test +1180,1181,1181,maulahay kaku a misasing,my hobby is photography,train +1181,1182,1182,kasufucan,birthdays,train +1182,1183,1183,pakayni hantu i hekal,from the outside,train +1183,1184,1184,initu,I am coming,train +1184,1185,1185,pasteken namu i raraw ku awaay ku raraw a tamdaw a mipatay i caay pipaculi cangra,you have condemned and murdered innocent men who were not opposing you,train +1185,1186,1186,mansa isaka 1953 miheca ka pituan a fulad mirienangay kaku tu Faeluhay hekal a taykay i Niwyuk,Thus in July I participated in the local congress of the New world Society,train +1186,1187,1187,salaw u kamay ku sapipitin nu niyam tu lukut,that is why we break the sassafras by hand,train +1187,1188,1188,Misalama^,enjoy oneself,train +1188,1189,1189,maketermainget,angry,train +1189,1190,1190,anu caay kadengay misapud,if you do not have enough go get it,test +1190,1191,1191,kaciherangan tu matini mihifang tu kami a mitilid,it is summer we are on summer vacation,train +1191,1192,1192,i cudad malaluk a misausi matungal ku fana nu mita,in books studying hard can help us to increase our knowledge,train +1192,1193,1193,pakarikecen,from the legal,train +1193,1194,1194,ci Singkuy han kira lutuk haw,the mountain God we call Hunger,train +1194,1195,1195,papipisayan maala mikumu,playing field playing slingshot going to tournaments for prizes,train +1195,1196,1196,mafaha,cough,train +1196,1197,1197,lalima ku tamdaw nu luma niyam,there are five people in our family,train +1197,1198,1198,titaan maulah ku tau titaan,leave a good name and be praised,train +1198,1199,1199,papidadimawen,Please rock me to sleep,train +1199,1200,1200,ngitu,broken tooth,test +1200,1201,1201,da,please,train +1201,1202,1202,mangiciay,chipped,train +1202,1203,1203,Paʼanifung tayni hai hai,from Hing Cheong Yes yes,train +1203,1204,1204,tanusuni^,sing a song,train +1204,1205,1205,hakeriday cingranen tu rakat nira,follow him,train +1205,1206,1206,makilim masupa ali,they are going to throw up when they find them,train +1206,1207,1207,valuhang,thoracic cavity,train +1207,1208,1208,enem pulu ku mihecaan nira,he is years old,train +1208,1209,1209,nengneng han aku ku lawac suelin itu,I am looking around I am really depressed,train +1209,1210,1210,salitaang,thumb,test +1210,1211,1211,mahemek tu kiya falucu,and I felt joy in my heart,train +1211,1212,1212,caay isaw pisulul tina demakan,I just did not agree to the marriage,train +1212,1213,1213,savaw tu tusa,twelve,train +1213,1214,1214,taʼangayay a cinah kiysaw haw,large saltines,train +1214,1215,1215,minuwad,plums,train +1215,1216,1216,saman han kumaen,how else are we going to eat,train +1216,1217,1217,Niefecan nu niyam ku ratuh nu safasafa i pisaselalan,we stopped our brothers proposal at the grassroots level,train +1217,1218,1218,saan kaku a calemcem,I am a little nervous inside,train +1218,1219,1219,na kurira kumaen na mingusngusay tu sama,look at them eating that mountain lettuce and wild greens raw,train +1219,1220,1220,yasa i saayaway micumuday i,first to report,test +1220,1221,1221,pasayra i pipatusukan,to take a step towards the goal,train +1221,1222,1222,nikakapah,beautiful,train +1222,1223,1223,miadahay tu anu makefing,it can treat measles,train +1223,1224,1224,misatapang tu kaku a mi hiya misalama,I will start playing baseball,train +1224,1225,1225,u sakalacaveng nu liwliw nu niyaru,the purpose of planting bamboos is to build a wall around the tribe,train +1225,1226,1226,Kacitaneng kamu tu maludadmaken namu tu saki caay pituur tu Kawas a tamdaw kalimlaen ku kangaayan namu a rumiad,be wise in the way you act toward outsiders make the most of every opportunity,train +1226,1227,1227,awaay a marpet nangra ku patlac nu suwal ni Yis i kaayaw nu finawlan Fahka cangra tu nipipacauf ni Yis saka trep satu cangra,they were unable to trap him in what he had said there in public and astonished by his answer they became silent,train +1227,1228,1228,caay ku kafahkaan kunini Halu ci Satan a misamatiyatiya u madilay a cuyuh,and no wonder for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light,train +1228,1229,1229,u saalumanay,Mostly,train +1229,1230,1230,macafiʼcafiʼ hu tu paputalay tamdaw,communication with outsiders,test +1230,1231,1231,Miucil kaku ci amaan mangalay a mihakulung ci amaan a miadup,every time I quarreled with my father I wanted to go hunting with my father,train +1231,1232,1232,iraay ku tadamaʼanay a sasuwalen nu matuʼasay,the elders make special exhortations,train +1232,1233,1233,o maan hakiya u wacu hakini sa kaku naʼay kaku kumaen,what the hell is it is it dog meat I will not eat dog meat,train +1233,1234,1234,ca panay kura pikadafuan ni Mayaw,Mayaw is in trouble with Panay and his family,train +1234,1235,1235,anu eca i u mamitalahu kami tu ruma a tamdaw haw,John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus Are you the one who is to come,train +1235,1236,1236,salafii satu kaku maru tuya,I took the train all night,train +1236,1237,1237,awahu ku tingwa itiyahu,there were no phones back then,train +1237,1238,1238,o cipuutay a selal caira,they are the class responsible for the distribution of meat,train +1238,1239,1239,yu mikelut satu ku matuʼasay tu sapaenip,when the elders were shoveling seedlings,train +1239,1240,1240,a luma,Rome,test +1240,1241,1241,tiya matalaw kami aya,we are still worried and scared,train +1241,1242,1242,safilufilu sa cimira,it is starting to drift,train +1242,1243,1243,anu kamimingay a futing i misasirawan misakiru,even a small fish can be marinated,train +1243,1244,1244,mu^etep tu ku mihecaan aku,I am years old,train +1244,1245,1245,Caay makavasu kaku,No I took the bus,train +1245,1246,1246,hakenu saw tu matuʼasay u kakahung han ku nu niyamay,I do not know why but we call them flying fish,train +1246,1247,1247,lasawad tangasa i,lost in Translation until,train +1247,1248,1248,Tulu^ ku Cudad i faled nu sapad,there are three books on the top of the table,train +1248,1249,1249,kakapah,make it better,train +1249,1250,1250,sa na itini i Kuw Cung miteka tu kaku i Siw Ni Yen hay,that is why I started attending the convent,test +1250,1251,1251,Itiya miharateng kaku hatu u saˈupu nu matuˈasay fafahiyan,I thought the local congregation looked like an old ladies club back then,train +1251,1252,1252,pela,cut open,train +1252,1253,1253,mahanahanaca,it must be in this form,train +1253,1254,1254,malu kaemangay nu matuʼasay itiya hu,we were children at that time,train +1254,1255,1255,o malalukay kaku a mituur tu Kawas anu saasaan ku tamdaw anu caay pakamet tu nguyus ningra i u misafitay cingra tu tireng ningra awaay ku ^puc tu nika laluk ningra a mituur tu Kawas,but the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues to do this not forgetting what he has heard but doing it he will be blessed in what he does,train +1255,1256,1256,Fufu ci Hungay aci Dakuc kami fawahen hu ku luma,Grandma we are Hongay and Dakoc please open the door for us,train +1256,1257,1257,Nuka han a misaadidi tu keliw,weaving threads into tiny balls,train +1257,1258,1258,itiraay tu a,there it is,train +1258,1259,1259,malikelun ku aʼadupen i,downward tampering of the prey,train +1259,1260,1260,u mihiyaay titaan u,heads,test +1260,1261,1261,mikalilingay,I am using a spoon,train +1261,1262,1262,maala nu maku kira seking itiya,I am so lucky I got in,train +1262,1263,1263,Lusimet hantu ku sakalingad nu fainay isu,prepare your husbands bag for the trip,train +1263,1264,1264,sirikuʼay ku liteng hu tu tulak nu kilang,I am just saying that the ancients wore bark coats,train +1264,1265,1265,sakakaay,eldest son,train +1265,1266,1266,awa tu,no more,train +1266,1267,1267,Mangyangi nu fali ku papah,the wind moves the leaves,train +1267,1268,1268,itiya i suwal sa i ci Yisan ku mikaputay tu finawlan a papinapina a Farisay a tamdaw Singsiaw lalangen ku nisawawaan isu han nangra,some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus Teacher rebuke your disciples,train +1268,1269,1269,et et hananay aku mihatira,I am just enjoying myself like this,train +1269,1270,1270,ya usaw hu nura kaemangay,left behind when the kids left,test +1270,1271,1271,yan tu i urira ku tuur han nira kura,they even follow the tracks of wild animals,train +1271,1272,1272,caengar,steamed,train +1272,1273,1273,ila ira kira sasing itini i,the photo hanging there,train +1273,1274,1274,tala Taypak,go north,train +1274,1275,1275,hey,hey,train +1275,1276,1276,Malahakelung kaku atu kaput a tayra i picakayan tu Cudad i nacila,yesterday I went to the bookstore with my classmates,train +1276,1277,1277,Masadim tu ku futing,the fish are poisoned stunned,train +1277,1278,1278,pasuwal sa ci Yis Matama ku suwal isu Haenen ku dmak isu ta ciurip kisu han ningra,You have answered correctly Jesus replied Do this and you will live,train +1278,1279,1279,aka ka kumaen kamu tu nipacakatan i samiyay a kakaenen atu rmes atu titi nu nimecan namu a mipatay a aadupen aka ka udang kamu anu sawaden namu kunini i u ngaayaytu Sangaayen ku namu saan ku tilid nangra,you are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols from blood from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality you will do well to avoid these things Farewell,train +1279,1280,1280,heci,fruitfulness,test +1280,1281,1281,pasuwal sa ci Yis Yu irahu i pitahkaan ku papararamuden a fainay i ma^deng kisu a papisaliway tu widang ningra saw Caay,Jesus answered Can you make the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them,train +1281,1282,1282,inhuhu san mafukilay kaku haen saca matini i haen saca,that is how you do it,train +1282,1283,1283,kumulisay,Kawasai,train +1283,1284,1284,ira hen ku usaw sa yu,not all of them fled some stayed,train +1284,1285,1285,Maaraw aku ku tatuluay a matiyaay u takura a kaackan a adingu a masadak nai nguyus nuya kangic atu nai nguyus nuya aadupen atu nai nguyus nuya mangah a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas,then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs they came out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet,train +1285,1286,1286,nuhir,crawling on the dusty ground,train +1286,1287,1287,malacuyuh,become an angel,train +1287,1288,1288,u sanay masamaan ku sa,what about the schools,train +1288,1289,1289,lkal sa cingra a sumuwal Maplengaytu ku tataangay a Papilun a niyaru Maplengaytu Saka maladihif nu kaackan a adingu malarfung nu tatiihay a kawakawas maladipung nu masamaamaanay a kaackan a kausian a ayam cingra,with a mighty voice he shouted Fallen fallen is Babylon the Great she has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird,train +1289,1290,1290,a havay,millet,test +1290,1291,1291,vavainay,male,train +1291,1292,1292,cecay tu ku safaw i,it is been families,train +1292,1293,1293,u hiya,it is that one,train +1293,1294,1294,Pahifang kisu anini i,you are on vacation today,train +1294,1295,1295,nuraraan,that,train +1295,1296,1296,Mulesaay tu ku kupu nifayi i sapad,the mug on my aunts desk is cracked and leaking,train +1296,1297,1297,mipalal,wake somebody up,train +1297,1298,1298,matalaw a mikafit tu sicekaay a kilang ku tamdaw,human beings grasp and support a tree with a thorn in its side,train +1298,1299,1299,nu namu,yours,train +1299,1300,1300,Orasaka sarihaday satu ku pulung nu kiwkay i Yutaya i Kalili atu Samariya a ma^min Mitaung cangra tu Tapang mapaicel nu Fangcalay Adingu Satanektek satu cangra Saka matungal a matungal ku nika aluman nu mituuray tu rumiamiad,then the church throughout Judea Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace it was strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit it grew in numbers living in the fear of the Lord,test +1300,1301,1301,nuli,surname Bai,train +1301,1302,1302,mafelih,inverted,train +1302,1303,1303,o kakahemekan ku picudad i takaraway a picudadan,studying at the highest institution is something to be appreciated,train +1303,1304,1304,kisu tu pasalang tuna felac,let us say you are the one who adds the water to the rice,train +1304,1305,1305,u lafak tu ma u lafak tu i nengnenghan nira awa tu kuya takula sanengnengnengneng sa cangra tatusa mikilim awa,in the morning he saw that the frog was gone and they looked around looking for the frog but did not find it,train +1305,1306,1306,itiyahu awaay,there was no religion back then,train +1306,1307,1307,Maranih isu ku tayal isu saw,can you handle your work alone,train +1307,1308,1308,navi,stockpot,train +1308,1309,1309,mifuting ku ngaay,he said it is good to go fishing,train +1309,1310,1310,caay lepeli caay tu karemes,it does not bleed when it does not grab her,test +1310,1311,1311,lifes,monsoon,train +1311,1312,1312,misaturun,making glutinous rice dumplings,train +1312,1313,1313,kulawlaway,yellow,train +1313,1314,1314,kisu,You,train +1314,1315,1315,tadasuʼlin tu cingra malaciwlu tu cingra,becoming an elder in the church,train +1315,1316,1316,u cwususyang hananay nu tiniay,this side is called left hand Fragrance,train +1316,1317,1317,haenen nu tumuk a suwal ku suwal nu ina ni Madadingu,the boss told me the truth,train +1317,1318,1318,acah,it is awesome,train +1318,1319,1319,misyakay tu ku tau,everyone else is in the city,train +1319,1320,1320,nika cuway tu pakatungud ku nu aniniay fucingkay tura radiw,even though the present day women clubs have not taken up that song,test +1320,1321,1321,katalawan sanay haw i u dadaya,the worst thing is to do your homework at night,train +1321,1322,1322,awaay hu kina picaliwan hananay,there is no such thing as the flower east temporary House,train +1322,1323,1323,Palihaen han kuya ^mi atu samadu tangasa i pipanayan anu maraud ku pipanayan i pasuwalen aku ku mipanayay i ayawen a misaupu ku samadu a mirurung ta tuduhen ta saupuen ku ^mi a miparu i ariri aku wa han aku a sumuwal han ningra,let both grow together until the harvest at that time I will tell the harvesters first collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn,train +1323,1324,1324,tayratu nenghan ri mafelih tu kura na kangic,by the time we got here the dragon had already rolled over and died,train +1324,1325,1325,hatira ku pakuyuc ku niyam a luma,that is how poor we are,train +1325,1326,1326,u Pangcah ku,the Amis are,train +1326,1327,1327,Nika lumuwad kaku a taleayaw aca a mavekac,but I stood up and continued running forward,train +1327,1328,1328,tayni sa i luma nu maku haw,come to our house,train +1328,1329,1329,canglalan,full moon,train +1329,1330,1330,patikulen tu ku lalusid nu mialaan isu lusidan nuya kapah,give the boy back the costume you took,test +1330,1331,1331,cipinang ku ising patatudung tu,the anesthetics can only be adjusted according to the status of the inquiry,train +1331,1332,1332,awa ku pisiyakayyan i luma sanay ku kapah,young people have no place to work so they stay at home,train +1332,1333,1333,u Palidaw kita malacecay,it turns out we are all from the Hengchun clan,train +1333,1334,1334,sa maulaha kaku fana satu kaku a micelem nawhani ira kura pakafanaʼay aku a wama,I liked diving so much and then I got good at it because my dad taught me,train +1334,1335,1335,nu matuʼasay nu niyam,our ancestors,train +1335,1336,1336,awaay hu ku lumalumaʼan itinitini,there are not any homes here yet,train +1336,1337,1337,mamiculu,to be shipped,train +1337,1338,1338,misakeru makeru kita,let us dance,train +1338,1339,1339,caay ka ciwawaay,I am not going to have a baby,train +1339,1340,1340,saku matuʼasay a maaini,Yeah do this,test +1340,1341,1341,talaumah a mikamacal ci ama,random went to pick strawberries in the field,train +1341,1342,1342,a itilaen isu apateli i karimucu nu luma,you are going to put it in that corner of your house,train +1342,1343,1343,mahaenay mahaen,this and that are explained one by one,train +1343,1344,1344,tapangan,treetop,train +1344,1345,1345,nanay,prayer,train +1345,1346,1346,Hayda naunen ku pinukay,Okay take care and go home,train +1346,1347,1347,ona tamana ngaayaytu a lituden ura hukuki a talud cahu kangaay a ritriten,the cabbage here is ready to be harvested but the Showa grass there is not yet ready to be harvested,train +1347,1348,1348,mahelup nu ngangusuan nu mita iri,by our noses,train +1348,1349,1349,fatad,midway,train +1349,1350,1350,tatihikatihi,side,test +1350,1351,1351,ta ilisin satu,we are going to hold the Harvest Festival,train +1351,1352,1352,Aray suwal hatu ci Panay,thank you and thank Panay for me,train +1352,1353,1353,ta testes saan mipaini,I will be lectured in a very harsh way like this,train +1353,1354,1354,naan tira i,from that,train +1354,1355,1355,Liked han nu masay ku lalidec,climbing up he encircles the nine lighters,train +1355,1356,1356,a matukaay wawa sanaw mimali cingra sanay itiyahu,I played baseball because I am lazy and I am a farmer,train +1356,1357,1357,u mamaan haw,Whatever,train +1357,1358,1358,sakacepa,reasons for Wetness,train +1358,1359,1359,o tatefucen ku raraw nira,his sins must be punished,train +1359,1360,1360,malingatu,commencement,test +1360,1361,1361,ku nipahiya,put into,train +1361,1362,1362,salikaka tu misyakayay wawa nu maku a mapulung,my brothers and sisters and my sons and daughters abroad,train +1362,1363,1363,o facu nu luma ku mirenafan,what is being planned is the shape of the home,train +1363,1364,1364,mahaen pataluma patayran i selal niira,that is what I am talking about,train +1364,1365,1365,nawhani wawa hananay haw,why the children,train +1365,1366,1366,han naku sakatusa kuni haw,I will pull up the second one like this,train +1366,1367,1367,ira ku falu,it will bloom,train +1367,1368,1368,Ocuren ningra ku kuli a micuracur tuya namitahidangan ningra a mamitahka a lafang Nikawrira caay kakahi cangra a tayra,he sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come but they refused to come,train +1368,1369,1369,anu ira ku tumuk a papising itini faluhay a masufuc,and bless the baby in the womb,train +1369,1370,1370,O rumasatu u Kitakit nu Kawas i matiya u pisalil i riyar a misaupu tu masamaamaanay a futing,Once again the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish,test +1370,1371,1371,Hapericen nu maumahay ku panay ta paruen naira i pawti,the farmer puts the grains into sacks,train +1371,1372,1372,kacisiuy,bring a rice pan,train +1372,1373,1373,patingwa han nira,he called,train +1373,1374,1374,itiratu a patirengen kuya nga,set up the walls,train +1374,1375,1375,ta nisanga,I have been trying to make it,train +1375,1376,1376,alaw yaratu i terung a mitakus tu aca tu sapi,sometimes you have to call him from a distance,train +1376,1377,1377,mariwasak,decentralized,train +1377,1378,1378,u mita u Amis itiya hu away ku maan,the Amis used to have nothing,train +1378,1379,1379,u malu sakadademak a mi laʼis tu lifung,it is a way to keep the epidemic at bay,train +1379,1380,1380,Du^du han nu tarukus kunini a suwal yu sakata^ngadantu i micumud cangra i Fangcalay Pitaungan a misatapang a pasifana Pasaupuen nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung atu kaput ningra ku pulung nu kalas nu niyaru nu Yutaya a papilauc ta ucuren nangra ku tamdaw i pirufuan a papipasadak a patayni tuya tarukus,at daybreak they entered the temple courts as they had been told and began to teach the people when the high priest and his associates arrived they called together the Sanhedrin the full assembly of the elders of Israel and sent to the jail for the apostles,test +1380,1381,1381,anu hatira i kamu u ruma a finacadan caaytu ku tau atu lafang u kaputtu nu finawlan nu Kawas kamu u ccayaytu a lalumaan nu Kawas kamu,Consequently you are no longer foreigners and aliens but fellow citizens with Gods people and members of Gods household,train +1381,1382,1382,Pataduen aku kisu a micaliw makena,I can borrow it for you,train +1382,1383,1383,tangasatu,in the end,train +1383,1384,1384,sawali,Oriental,train +1384,1385,1385,ca ka maumah kami,if the old man does not go to work,train +1385,1386,1386,adihay ku kamuku nu saʼayaway nu undukay,on the first day of the Games there were many and varied programs,train +1386,1387,1387,i ecah sa ku suwal nira,his words are easy to understand,train +1387,1388,1388,malingad,set out,train +1388,1389,1389,u selangawan a lisin u mihmihecaan ira ku lisin nu tuas miaray haw tu pauripay misa kanguduwan haw tu matuasay sakay tini i wawawawa caay haw pipaneng tu dadadudu nu lamal,yearly rituals and cultural activities are held every year and the themes of these activities are to worship the gods of creation to honor the elderly to respect the wise and to pass on the fire to future generations,train +1389,1390,1390,mangata tu ku Tafitu,when approaching tin Cheung,test +1390,1391,1391,saʼsaʼen a misaʼsaʼ,it is a bit dry,train +1391,1392,1392,ci Mayaw haw ku ngangan nu nira,is his name Mayaw,train +1392,1393,1393,nawhani sumuwal ku singsi O nasupedan ku mamamamang sakailaaw nu adihay saan,because the teacher said A little goes a long way,train +1393,1394,1394,kacanglahan,spring,train +1394,1395,1395,nawhan i tangila aku,because I heard it,train +1395,1396,1396,u sakangaʼay nu Pangcah a ma ku kecay,the indigenous people will change significantly for the better economically,train +1396,1397,1397,pinaluma,planted,train +1397,1398,1398,i aayaw nu siri a rumakat ku pasiriay,the shepherd walks in front of the sheep,train +1398,1399,1399,awa maʼaraw nu tamdaw kaku i liyaliyalan,no one saw me at the beach,train +1399,1400,1400,haw misekingtu,each exam,test +1400,1401,1401,o mangayaway ku niyaru nu Pangcah i ayaw tu mafulaw,in the past the Amis tribes were affected by the ancient War so they migrated,train +1401,1402,1402,unu maka a tayal kuranan i,it is my duty to teach in my mother tongue,train +1402,1403,1403,Talapicudadan tu kaku,I have to go to school,train +1403,1404,1404,o suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad i O mitieray i Cingraan a tamdaw i caaytu ku mamasefad ku falucu saan,as the Scripture says Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame,train +1404,1405,1405,caay pipaini ku tumuk paini sanay,only the places that pass by know about it,train +1405,1406,1406,sadak nu malekakaay,cousins,train +1406,1407,1407,malafiyaway,neighbor,train +1407,1408,1408,mana eca,of course,train +1408,1409,1409,Taangay ku urad anu sawni alaen ku linay,it is going to rain heavily you have to remember to bring an umbrella,train +1409,1410,1410,lalangan aku cira a masadak,I forbid him to go out,test +1410,1411,1411,caay aca kalecad ku nipakungku nu itiniyay ku aru a tamdaw,the stories told by the people on the ground are different,train +1411,1412,1412,kami mararamud,married years,train +1412,1413,1413,matira ku damak tuan tu,that is the way it is and then it is gone,train +1413,1414,1414,aka pisalama tu suta,do not play with dirt mud,train +1414,1415,1415,Maruruk,name of the horse gathering tribe,train +1415,1416,1416,Karalawla ciira,he likes to joke around a lot,train +1416,1417,1417,pili,choice,train +1417,1418,1418,tu namaherek masakeru,after the dance,train +1418,1419,1419,kapah ku vali ssan,the air is good here,train +1419,1420,1420,Nikawrira matngil ni Yakup ku nika ira nu kakaenen i Icip saka ucuren ningra ku wawa ningra u tatuasan ita a patayra,when Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt he sent our fathers on their first visit,test +1420,1421,1421,sapipalasawadaw,eliminating,train +1421,1422,1422,o maan ku tayal isu,what do you do for a living,train +1422,1423,1423,yu misatapang a misausi ku hungti i mapatayra i cingraan ku ccay a kuli tu citadahay tu ccay ufad a talantu i cingraan u hungti,as he began the settlement a man who owed him ten thousand talents was brought to him,train +1423,1424,1424,makaen nira,it will be devoured,train +1424,1425,1425,nihadidian kuni a urip nu niyaru itiya hu,I used to live a life of patience and hard work,train +1425,1426,1426,walaw,removals of small houses of order Orthoptera,train +1426,1427,1427,hawikid,to carry,train +1427,1428,1428,afay ayu kaesuʼ tu ri ta,Wow it is so good,train +1428,1429,1429,o sakararidaw nu nisawawaan a mitulun atu saka^caaw ka tuled nangra saka patinaku han ni Yis cangra a sumuwal,then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up,train +1429,1430,1430,miala tu riku kumaen tura miluku,there are clothes and milk powder that can be shared,test +1430,1431,1431,saka mahaen hu ku,that is it,train +1431,1432,1432,kirana ngiha sa,that rhyme,train +1432,1433,1433,miala tiniyan u vulekan a vavuy,take the piglet too,train +1433,1434,1434,ka padutuc a mipitin mikilim,keep picking keep looking,train +1434,1435,1435,u rumaay tu ku sera nunini,this earth is different,train +1435,1436,1436,o nisaepahan ni ina kuni,this is the wine that mom made,train +1436,1437,1437,Pela satu ku sinar a maruhem,the watermelon is ripe and cracked,train +1437,1438,1438,hanaku saw misakangan naku tafukud,I am going to briefly explain the process of making a gossip website here,train +1438,1439,1439,papinaay,how many,train +1439,1440,1440,da,Please,test +1440,1441,1441,aya maedengtu ku kala sufitayan san,ah Yas going to serve in the army,train +1441,1442,1442,i ciris a mivuting,fishing in the Creek,train +1442,1443,1443,itiraway Silangku mafulaway tayni mahaenay kina niyaru itiniay,there are also people who moved from Gensei that is what this tribe is like,train +1443,1444,1444,luwan,minimize,train +1444,1445,1445,maluhecek,as a wood pile,train +1445,1446,1446,ya ira ku hatiniay ini malengaway,there is this kind of plant growth,train +1446,1447,1447,awaay ku fufu namu i luma i umahan cingra i luma sahu kamu a mitala tu pinukayan ningra,your grandfather is not at home he is in the field wait for him to come back,train +1447,1448,1448,funun,paddy field,train +1448,1449,1449,milifun satu cingra itra i pilifunan,make money with your bare hands,train +1449,1450,1450,ta ciepuc ku urip nu niyam,our lives have meaning,test +1450,1451,1451,u hay,Oh yeah,train +1451,1452,1452,inian tu u lalidec ku nipiala,it is also made from the nine Ligustre Tree,train +1452,1453,1453,paini kaku tu sakangaay nu tireng a sapaiyu,I am going to suggest the best medication for your body,train +1453,1454,1454,maulah mama aku tu pancu,dad is very proud of himself,train +1454,1455,1455,anu ira sa ku tuwid a mingata i,if a bird comes near the field,train +1455,1456,1456,pacarcar sa cingra itira tu pinapina a rumiad ta lumuwad cingra a mirakat tu Kalatiya atu Frikiya a pala a paicel tu pulung nu nisawawaan,after spending some time in Antioch Paul set out from there and traveled from place to place throughout the region of Galatia and Phrygia strengthening all the disciples,train +1456,1457,1457,kamacal,wild strawberry,train +1457,1458,1458,ngaʼay tu,you can take it one stage at a time,train +1458,1459,1459,matuʼasay haen han pakamaru han itira,sit wherever you like seniors,train +1459,1460,1460,maherek kami tu saka enem picudadan i,when I graduated from the sixth grade,test +1460,1461,1461,Pakalilid kura tatusaay wawa tu karetengay a anengan,those two kids can lift heavy chairs,train +1461,1462,1462,taw itini i nu Suylinpi aniniay ri mahaen tu i tiraay ku hiya nuheni ta pakayni i Suylinpi a tamdaw iri,the same is true for the water products tribes here on the coastline,train +1462,1463,1463,hay sasalama sanay,I am just going to have some fun,train +1463,1464,1464,aru,live,train +1464,1465,1465,misirimrim,selection,train +1465,1466,1466,awa ku kafanaʼan nu wina nu fainayan kira,the boys mother will not know either,train +1466,1467,1467,elu,to beg,train +1467,1468,1468,Tatalacuwa^ kisu i pipahanhanan,what are you going to do after school,train +1468,1469,1469,wa tatayra kaku i katayalan mikilim tu singsian,I am going to the office to see the teacher,train +1469,1470,1470,samaanen a miseter tu titi kunini mangiciay a puut saw,how can this notched knife be used to cut meat,test +1470,1471,1471,minukay tu kami tayra i Taypak haiken maxeraay tu nifaki kuya matakaway a utupay hakiya,now that we are back in Taipei I do not know if my uncles motorcycle has been found,train +1471,1472,1472,ku suwal,words,train +1472,1473,1473,matengil aku ku suni nu edu,I heard the sound of a rat,train +1473,1474,1474,misangaay tu tiniay nga mituduh itira i paputal,make it burn it outdoors like this,train +1474,1475,1475,nidupuhan,due to the rapid work,train +1475,1476,1476,o tatudung nu mafulsakay i fuklukluhan a sapaluma hananay i mitngil ku tamdaw tu suwal nu Kawas i tangsul sa a lipahak a milayap,the one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy,train +1476,1477,1477,ci Nakay i u wawa ni Maat ci Maat i u wawa ni Matatiyas ci Matatiyas i u wawa ni Simin ci Simin i u wawa ni Yusik ci Yusik i u wawa ni Yuta,the son of Maath the son of Mattathias the son of Semein the son of Josech the son of Joda,train +1477,1478,1478,pahanhan tu,Rested,train +1478,1479,1479,Mangaay ku rumiad i tisuwanan,how is the weather there,train +1479,1480,1480,mangataay tu anu cila a lipay,we are almost there next week,test +1480,1481,1481,papangkiwen,half and half,train +1481,1482,1482,nu demak nu mita u masapangcahay saan,the significance for Aboriginal people is,train +1482,1483,1483,akawang,tall and thin,train +1483,1484,1484,macanguʼut tu futi kira,I do not get enough sleep,train +1484,1485,1485,Kau mafanaay a mangudu tu matlitengay sanay ku nu maku a wina atu wama,my parents say it is best to marry someone who knows how to honor their elders,train +1485,1486,1486,saka tuʼas nu maku,to grow up,train +1486,1487,1487,Talipaelal tu kaku anini tu demak nira,I finally realize what he is doing,train +1487,1488,1488,hai mihawikid,with,train +1488,1489,1489,ira ku tataʼangay a faliyus,there is a big typhoon coming,train +1489,1490,1490,Milingatu tu haw harakat kura caciyaw aku,Ah I am talking too fast,test +1490,1491,1491,u wawa haw kalikiay hayi,kids are fast Yeah they are,train +1491,1492,1492,lipahak ku falucu aku a pakalayap tu tikami^ isu anini^,I was very glad to get your letter today,train +1492,1493,1493,Kahut han nira kuya piyang,he grabbed those candies with one hand,train +1493,1494,1494,yasan ci mama aku i mapatay tu ci ina aku awa tu ci ina aku,my mother had already passed away in the year of the Republic of China,train +1494,1495,1495,sapalimuut,exhortation,train +1495,1496,1496,Tataang ku cidal malileng ku funguh aku,the sun is so big it makes me dizzy,train +1496,1497,1497,fetak,crack,train +1497,1498,1498,o piuntukayan nu kungkuan anini adihayay ku misadayan nu kungkuan tu sakalalifet,today was the schools sports day and the school organized many competitions,train +1498,1499,1499,uni sangaʼan nu Kitakit ku saka lasawad nu suwal nu mita,policies that make our language disappear on its own,train +1499,1500,1500,malaʼud ku pilihayan,it is time for church,test +1500,1501,1501,kapunipuni satu ku heni a mi,they are just reclaiming every bit of it,train +1501,1502,1502,maanen niyam ku nika ^ca ka sumuwal tu ninengnengan atu nitngilan niyam saw han nangra a pacauf,for we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard,train +1502,1503,1503,tuwa u luma han tu,the whole family must be united,train +1503,1504,1504,Mamu^eceray kaku mangaay aca a sakasasuwal taniktikay ku demak,I am an outgoing personality good at communication and I move quickly,train +1504,1505,1505,Caay katenes a initu,it will not be long it is coming back,train +1505,1506,1506,Papikurahuten nu mita kira pusi tu tu edu,we let the cat catch the mouse,train +1506,1507,1507,Namihicay tu kaku mahaen isaw ku mihicayay,that is how you catch fry I have caught fry,train +1507,1508,1508,i sawaliay a tamdaw,and people from the east,train +1508,1509,1509,Manihar munihar ku dafak,the morning is dawning,train +1509,1510,1510,nihiya tiya facal,go organize the fields,test +1510,1511,1511,minukay kaku tayra i kamawmahan aku itiya hu,I will go back to where I used to work,train +1511,1512,1512,caay tu pi cahu pisucuki kami itiya,we had not graduated yet,train +1512,1513,1513,tu niya a dafdaf a can unini ya hadhad,whether paddy or dryad,train +1513,1514,1514,sapaluma^,seed,train +1514,1515,1515,anu hatira maan sa itiya hu,if that is the case why do not we start at the beginning,train +1515,1516,1516,mipatirengan,Build construct,train +1516,1517,1517,halhalen,welcome guests,train +1517,1518,1518,paherekan,end,train +1518,1519,1519,i falufaluan a misaefeefer,flying around in the flowers,train +1519,1520,1520,hay iratu,Yes there is,test +1520,1521,1521,satapes,round bamboo basket,train +1521,1522,1522,ekel,Pressing with a heavy object,train +1522,1523,1523,caka filu ita sa ku kaput kira,our companions cannot match his strength,train +1523,1524,1524,san ku falucu nu maku,in my heart I think so,train +1524,1525,1525,pisafacalan ira,Shui tin district,train +1525,1526,1526,pasuwal sa ci Yis tuya tusa ku safaw a tarukus Halu amu a sapiliyasan saw han ningra,You do not want to leave too do you Jesus asked the Twelve,train +1526,1527,1527,Tatangasa^ tu,almost there,train +1527,1528,1528,tayni tu ku litengan i iraay ku Kaningafal nu Tulan,ancestors came here from Hsin Chong Duran,train +1528,1529,1529,Kacifaluhang tu riyar a milayap tu firang nu tawu,we have to accept the abuses of others with a great deal of acceptance,train +1529,1530,1530,ilutuk,bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons,test +1530,1531,1531,minhun,flour,train +1531,1532,1532,tu na miliyas tu niyaru micudad,from schooling to leaving the tribe,train +1532,1533,1533,milepel ku wawa tu facacidu,children chasing dragonflies,train +1533,1534,1534,Pakamaan kisu a talakiwkay,how do you go to church,train +1534,1535,1535,hay,will,train +1535,1536,1536,sapaumiyaki nu itiniay Padaka tayni,these gifts were donated from the united States,train +1536,1537,1537,Hay mangalay haw tu hemay,do you need plain rice,train +1537,1538,1538,u sikawasay a lutuk sa,sacred mountain,train +1538,1539,1539,kuʼtengay haw,mocha Oh,train +1539,1540,1540,Munihartu ku dadaya mangatatu a ta^ngad Saka falahen ku nu tumanay a dmak Cadungen ku sapiluud a riku a pasayra i ta^ngaday,the night is nearly over the day is almost here so let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light,test +1540,1541,1541,aya i ti raw kita i kafafaw,do not worry we are going to the upper stream no problem,train +1541,1542,1542,mata^,eye,train +1542,1543,1543,sa itiya hu,before,train +1543,1544,1544,cecay a lafin kaku i tira,I spent the night there,train +1544,1545,1545,o macakcakay a saytaw kiraan i fakiciay,inside the bucket are carrots cut into large chunks,train +1545,1546,1546,matatudungay ku limuˈut nu taneng 1813 sanay ku suwal Cahu ka harek a mitengil Halu pacaˈufay a tamdaw i u apa ningra atu sakangudu ningra kunini,the exhortation of Proverbs is apt as the verse says To answer before you hear is folly and shame,train +1546,1547,1547,ecaan cingra,he has a chronic illness,train +1547,1548,1548,kaemed haw kaemeday ni,so it is very cheap very cheap,train +1548,1549,1549,Hepiken nu ayam ku sapikpik niira a midiput tu ciwciw,the chicken drops its wings to protect the chick,train +1549,1550,1550,saka mikilimay hu cingra tuya takula han nira,he was still looking for his frog,test +1550,1551,1551,u surit kini,it is a break in the relationship,train +1551,1552,1552,Saka du^du hantu nu nisawawaan ku nanu suwal ni Yis a mipatala tu tahka tu saki Pitalifan a Lisin,so the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover,train +1552,1553,1553,masatamdaway,tender,train +1553,1554,1554,namal,fire,train +1554,1555,1555,makapahay kuna titi tunian a,this pork is great,train +1555,1556,1556,anini,in the process of,train +1556,1557,1557,tukaci,card reader,train +1557,1558,1558,cifanaw,Pond,train +1558,1559,1559,maaraw nira itini i kawali nu niyaru nu Makutaay,he saw the place where the tribes east,train +1559,1560,1560,u mantu ku demak sa ku suwal nu malitengay haw i,the old people will say that they have to do those things,test +1560,1561,1561,Namaucur nu Fangcalay Adingu kuya tatusaay i tayra satu cangra i Siliukiya nanitira pakalunan cangra a tayra i Sayprus hananay a kanatal,the two of them sent on their way by the Holy Spirit went down to Seleucia and sailed from there to Cyprus,train +1561,1562,1562,suʼelinay tu kunian,Seriously,train +1562,1563,1563,maruʼay ku malitengay hatini malikuda alatek,maybe the old man is sitting on a footrest to present the Toyonen Matsuri,train +1563,1564,1564,yan saka itini i aru nu selal itiya hu i,Thus within the age classes of the colony the,train +1564,1565,1565,o ruma finacadan ku mama,dads are a different breed,train +1565,1566,1566,keliw,the thread is relatively thin,train +1566,1567,1567,cima ku sivekacay nu heni,which one of them is faster,train +1567,1568,1568,cuwa kafana kaku,I do not know,train +1568,1569,1569,Ocur hantu ningra ku tamdaw a patayra i pirufuan a papiktun tu liel ni Yuhani,and had John beheaded in the prison,train +1569,1570,1570,As u maan ku tatudung nuni,Yay why did you get me a present,test +1570,1571,1571,o kaka aku cingra ci Maysang cingra,he is my brother his name is Maysang,train +1571,1572,1572,liyawen a miusi Taangayen ku ngiha,read it again please speak louder,train +1572,1573,1573,kahalamham kamu i tamiyanan a mipatala awaay ku tatiihay a dmak niyam i cimacimaan awaay ku nikariangan niyam awaay ku nisafanaan niyam a tamdaw,make room for us in your hearts we have wronged no one we have corrupted no one we have exploited no one,train +1573,1574,1574,nanay kisu u wawa nu maku,I hope my children,train +1574,1575,1575,liel ailucan,neck,train +1575,1576,1576,o dutuc a lalakaw wa milengu tuniya salicay,the next text will talk about this,train +1576,1577,1577,matiya u nika lulud nu Cudad a malulud ku kakarayan a malahdaw malinah a ma^min ku lutuk atu kanatal nai kaitiraan nira,the sky receded like a scroll rolling up and every mountain and Island was removed from its place,train +1577,1578,1578,hahakiya mihiay pacavayay takuwan,Ha Ha the one who is with me,train +1578,1579,1579,hatuya Taywan itiya,at that point it was just like the Flatlanders,train +1579,1580,1580,cepcep,suck in,test +1580,1581,1581,aciyah saw hay,that is great Yeah,train +1581,1582,1582,o nipalumaan tu kulang kina facal a umah,this field was planted with mustard greens,train +1582,1583,1583,itini tu cangra i sefi a masasuwalsuwal,discussing each other at the tribal meeting place,train +1583,1584,1584,mahaen ku niyaru caay kangaʼay,tribes do not work like that,train +1584,1585,1585,Misakalitang ci faki aku i rafar,my uncle grows string beans in his garden on the hillside,train +1585,1586,1586,Nikawrira itira i kakarayan ku kika ita o halamhamay kita a mitala tu nika sadak nu Pauripay titaanan a Tapang ci Yis Kristu nai kakarayan,but our citizenship is in heaven and we eagerly await a Savior from there the Lord Jesus Christ,train +1586,1587,1587,cucuk cucuk hanira ku arar,then you stick a branch in it to mark it,train +1587,1588,1588,caay manuneng kaku,I am very well behaved,train +1588,1589,1589,o maatimay nu sapad ku kamay nu maku,my hands are held hostage by the table,train +1589,1590,1590,taʼakaʼakayay ku cinah ira,very big,test +1590,1591,1591,o papalataangen nu niyaru ku piilisin tu mihecahecaan,each year the tribe has made organizing the Harvest Festival even more acclaimed,train +1591,1592,1592,Miaca kaku tu cecay a ku^epu,I want to buy a cup,train +1592,1593,1593,lawiten,cross over,train +1593,1594,1594,caaytu pikafit cingra i ci Kristuan u Tapang nu saupu nu mituuray pakayni i ci Kristuan ku sakakakafit nu kasapukupukuh nu tireng a ma^min a madiput ta mapalahad nu Kawas kunini,he has lost connection with the Head from whom the whole body supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews grows as God causes it to grow,train +1594,1595,1595,mapaterik,drop dead,train +1595,1596,1596,sakatangasa itini i kakarayan,heavenly,train +1596,1597,1597,nengneng han ku isu kura duduh,look at that storage tank,train +1597,1598,1598,aratek iraay ku saka ulah ira cinguhahay tu kura mamalahitay a wawa a kapah nu mita,maybe a kid in the army has a girlfriend he loves,train +1598,1599,1599,deng u nika mirmir ita a mitala tu pisawkit nu Kawas atu mamitkup a mituduh tu paculiay tu Kawas a tamdaw a marengrengay a namal,but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God,train +1599,1600,1600,ci Ofad u safa ni Ramay,called Ofad he is Ramays brother,test +1600,1601,1601,a mi itiya hu ta tahanini,until now,train +1601,1602,1602,ira acaw hanay tu tulamukang kiyami,there is a ladle in the kotatsu is not there,train +1602,1603,1603,Macarekah nu tahefud ku kafutian niyam,our sleeping quarters were roughened by dust,train +1603,1604,1604,latek,also,train +1604,1605,1605,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Pinaun kamu tu tamud nu Farisay atu Satukay a tamdaw han ningra,Be careful Jesus said to them Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees,train +1605,1606,1606,hatiniay ku litapangan,it started out like this,train +1606,1607,1607,mikulit kaku tu wina nu maku,I am drawing my mom,train +1607,1608,1608,paputalen,leave it outside,train +1608,1609,1609,tatangasa i tuvur,it is a calf,train +1609,1610,1610,satuktuk,hammer,test +1610,1611,1611,u kilu kaenen haw Kuengel hu ciira i tikilu kaenen kalasinafel kalasinafel maikes tu ri malapaepa tu paepa tu,Ladle it is a gourd can I eat it you can eat it when it is young and tender you can age it and use it as a dipper as a dipper,train +1611,1612,1612,itini i kitanan u awaayhu,we do not have it in Hualien or Taitung,train +1612,1613,1613,malaayay,it is far away,train +1613,1614,1614,Pacadici tu falucu nu maku ku suwal nira,his words hurt my heart,train +1614,1615,1615,pakaynian ni Yihufa i masamaanay pakayraan mihinum kita,by what means will Jehovah comfort us,train +1615,1616,1616,tangic satu ci Kacaw tu caruh ningra keter sa a sumuwal mana cuwa kakahi kamu a pacaliw i takuwanan tu sailus,Kacaw burst into tears he said angrily why do not everyone lend me toilet paper,train +1616,1617,1617,ira ku wacu a mi siayaw cangra tura takula itini i kafuti nu nira,there was a dog and they faced the frog it slept here,train +1617,1618,1618,papiala,apprehend,train +1618,1619,1619,u anu ira ku mapatayay i,for example the death of,train +1619,1620,1620,hakelung sanay tu nu a fana ku taneng nu Pangcah,the Aboriginal man will talk to the common man with the wisdom of his brain,test +1620,1621,1621,adihay,a lot,train +1621,1622,1622,anu mafana kamu i takuwanan i mafana kamu tu wama Aku Mafanatu kamu anini tu wama Aku Maarawaytu namu Cingra han ningra,if you really knew me you would know my father as well from now on you do know him and have seen him,train +1622,1623,1623,mikadafu ku mikadafuay,getting into trouble,train +1623,1624,1624,malalakelal,turning into a riverbed,train +1624,1625,1625,caka ala ku lalusidan,I did not have time to get my stuff out of the house,train +1625,1626,1626,kafer,women long pant,train +1626,1627,1627,rakuraku^,tree frogs,train +1627,1628,1628,palangla,scaffold,train +1628,1629,1629,papateken,to make a knife handle,train +1629,1630,1630,malemed,good fortune,test +1630,1631,1631,rariden a caciyaw rariden a sumuwal ka lalicay tu widawidang kapukaput anu talacuwa tu kisu,you have to speak the language all the time with your friends and classmates and wherever you go,train +1631,1632,1632,yu miliyas ci Yis tu finawlan a micumud i luma i licayen nu nisawawaan cingra tu pakayniay tunini a tinaku,after he had left the crowd and entered the house his disciples asked him about this parable,train +1632,1633,1633,Ciker hatu ku saedef nu luma,be sure to lock your doors,train +1633,1634,1634,saka mafukil hu,I do not even know how to do it yet,train +1634,1635,1635,miperuk,stamp ones feet,train +1635,1636,1636,pinaay ku tuki ita,let us set a time,train +1636,1637,1637,hay sanay ira tu kiya wama nira minukay nami,the kid said yes just as his dad came home from work,train +1637,1638,1638,Lileng satu ku tangal nifaki i kafutian i matini,Grandpa is now dizzy in bed,train +1638,1639,1639,maanen tu saw kunu muwa,that is the only way to pick it,train +1639,1640,1640,mararid cangra a mitngil tu pipasifana nu tarukus Sakapulungan sa ku tayal nangra malaccay ku tahka nangra o rumasatu malaccay cangra a mitulun,they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer,test +1640,1641,1641,matiya mahiya tu ma tu,her mother was also a widow in her,train +1641,1642,1642,papaceken kuni mikiwat han,knitting with a stitch hook,train +1642,1643,1643,sanu Amis han nira mifalic haw miratuh miratuh haw,let us tell it in Ami,train +1643,1644,1644,dudusa papiwnung,after that you will have to wear a nose ring,train +1644,1645,1645,ya ci aciang a ci namuh kura citudungay miaca tuya fafuy,Aciang and Namuh bought the pig,train +1645,1646,1646,safanuhan,pubic hair,train +1646,1647,1647,sanay ku harateng,what somebody is thinking,train +1647,1648,1648,yu kemaen tu epah tayiraen tu nunheni i karimucu a patakid,when they are drinking they go over to the corner and make a toast,train +1648,1649,1649,samahan sakuheting sa,Otherwise it will be burnt to a crisp,train +1649,1650,1650,maulahay tisuwanan kira saw,then he likes you a lot,test +1650,1651,1651,u nu Kuwaping i han ira kiya saw,the Chinese name for the place is Shiraito,train +1651,1652,1652,sasapalaen,to be a field,train +1652,1653,1653,misa Kiristuay,Christians,train +1653,1654,1654,tukayen,urban,train +1654,1655,1655,kakeriden nu wina kaku paising,mom wants to take me to the doctor,train +1655,1656,1656,mihiyatu kapahay a remiʼad,have a great day,train +1656,1657,1657,tudatudaan,lots of eels,train +1657,1658,1658,malcad tunini anu cimacimatu namu anu caay pifalah tu dafung nu tireng a ma^min i caay ka ngaay a malanisawawaan Aku,in the same way any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple,train +1658,1659,1659,ya milicay kami i suwal sa tu maamaan tu pakayniay miadupay a pinangan nu litengan atu taneng,during our interview the old man talked about a lot of traditional knowledge about hunting,train +1659,1660,1660,tayraan tu cangra haca a ma miketun tu suwal,they went back to make sure everything was okay,test +1660,1661,1661,awaay ku rakar i tamiyanan u tiked ku sapilepel niyam tu futing,we do not have any fish traps there so we catch fish with a fishing rod,train +1661,1662,1662,uni kawalian hay,my dad bought this school from here on out yes,train +1662,1663,1663,itiya,formerly,train +1663,1664,1664,ku heni itiya,friends and family,train +1664,1665,1665,o safaduwacen ku pisilsil tu rawac,arrange the rafters like ribs,train +1665,1666,1666,parakat,drive,train +1666,1667,1667,hatiraay ku demak aku itiya hu,here is what I was doing at the time,train +1667,1668,1668,mitamurungay tiya,carrying coffins and other work,train +1668,1669,1669,cadan nu hantui,indigenous languages,train +1669,1670,1670,awaay i cangraan ku canguutay tu maan nawhani mapacakaytu nu ciumahay atu cilumaay a tamdaw ku dafung nangra,there were no needy persons among them for from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them brought the money from the sales,test +1670,1671,1671,cilafang,I have a friend,train +1671,1672,1672,tademen kuya mapatayay,bury that dead person,train +1672,1673,1673,u kafanaʼan aku sa kaku,what will be known,train +1673,1674,1674,sa anini ira tu ku u hananay u,so now there are four apartments,train +1674,1675,1675,ci Avas siyawcang ku misaducuc tu 70 ku mihecaan a matuasay mitali vana anu maenen ku nu matuasay a misanga,the fieldwork was conducted and collected and the tribal women over years of age were invited,train +1675,1676,1676,ira tu ku mamuetepay mikiliman niyam,we have found members of the clans leadership,train +1676,1677,1677,tuna tahini kami i pusung,we are here in Taitung,train +1677,1678,1678,sakapina nu pilipayan anini,what day of the week is it,train +1678,1679,1679,Mayukayuk tu nu kapah ku maluyuhay nu faliyus a luma,houses that were half collapsed by typhoon have been righted by tribal youths,train +1679,1680,1680,lima kaku a mihecaan a midakaw kaku,I spent five years sailing the oceans,test +1680,1681,1681,cuwa pihawad ku tau tayni niʼacaaledetay kura ni sangaʼan isu kirainacila nisangaan aku i,I have already refused the clientèle Your cooking is so delicious last time I made it,train +1681,1682,1682,pakakawtyi kisu a tala Kawsyung hay,do you go to Kaohsiung by high speed Rail,train +1682,1683,1683,hay kiskisen hu a sawni,wait a minute one more scratch,train +1683,1684,1684,fawahen ningra kuya awaay ku para a ufang i masadak ku matiyaay u acfel nu tataangay a parud Satuman sa ku cidal atu kakarayan tu nanu acfel nuya ufang,when he opened the Abyss smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace the sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss,train +1684,1685,1685,ni,INDICATORS,train +1685,1686,1686,tu Cudad ni kaka aku,my brothers books,train +1686,1687,1687,o laluk nuya patnakay i tamuwanan i caay ku sulinay ku falucu nangra o sapakacacayaw nangra i takuwanan ku patusukan nangra ta pasayra tu ku laluk namu i cangraan,those people are zealous to win you over but for no good what they want is to alienate you from us so that you may be zealous for them,train +1687,1688,1688,lilengawan,root,train +1688,1689,1689,misasalama tayra tura Pungudan,dedicated to the bridge,train +1689,1690,1690,haenen a mipudac matini cilawuc ciira,strip ten hearts like this,test +1690,1691,1691,papinaay,a few people,train +1691,1692,1692,Kamu u macahiway anini i u malmeday nawhani u mamapafcul kamu Kamu u tumangicay anini i u malmeday nawhani u mamatawa kamu,blessed are you who hunger now for you will be satisfied blessed are you who weep now for you will laugh,train +1692,1693,1693,aka hu ka hu,wait a minute,train +1693,1694,1694,hatiraay,here is the thing,train +1694,1695,1695,yu mauriphu cingra tuna pasulin i takuwanan saka caaytu ku mamapatay a tahadauc Pasulin kisu tunini haw han ningra,and whoever lives and believes in me will never die do you believe this,train +1695,1696,1696,u kavanaʼan nu misu maanen ku nipilisimet tu mavelecay tuway,you know how to do funerals,train +1696,1697,1697,nanu mifuludan hu nu kapah,I have been following it since I was a kid,train +1697,1698,1698,hacul,draw water with a ladle,train +1698,1699,1699,o finawlan nu Kawas kamu saka caay ka ngaay a masuwal i tamuwanan ku nika udang atu masamaamaanay a kaackan atu maanufay a dmak,but among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality or of any kind of impurity or of greed because these are improper for Gods Holy people,train +1699,1700,1700,malayap nu kapah nu luma ku sakalasufitay nu wawa nu mita haw i,when the family receives their child enlistment notice,test +1700,1701,1701,cengu nu naniwac,bean sprout,train +1701,1702,1702,o ruma satu caay ka lasawad ku pisakakinih tu Yincumincu,Meanwhile stereotypes and even discrimination against indigenous peoples have not gone away,train +1702,1703,1703,tinitu ci baki tira,Grandpas already there,train +1703,1704,1704,saka pina tu nu lipay i anini,what day is it today,train +1704,1705,1705,Hay mahemekay kaku kisu i hacuwa tu,I am glad and you when is your birthday,train +1705,1706,1706,mituduhan ku malitengay,the elders used to burn them first,train +1706,1707,1707,o niredatan nu maku kira kakamayan isu,I ripped the stitching on your sleeve,train +1707,1708,1708,picudad nu niyam itiya i,what we were reading at that time,train +1708,1709,1709,initu ku sakalahuk ita sa,we finally have lunch,train +1709,1710,1710,a maanen tu a caay kakapah ku tireng araw a caay pakacaradaw,sometimes you have to you have to be physically fit or you will be so out of breath you cannot sing,test +1710,1711,1711,tu fulu tu sapihulul nangra,some arrow bamboo,train +1711,1712,1712,sulinay isaw anu i malcaday a remiad ku nipilimuut,Honestly if we all do it at the same time,train +1712,1713,1713,lepet,catch,train +1713,1714,1714,sayhu^,master,train +1714,1715,1715,Ax enaw,Sigh Why,train +1715,1716,1716,u caciyaw nu mita nu Amis i,presentation of our culture in the Amish language,train +1716,1717,1717,hay u ruma hu tu ku sumuwal nu maku,I will share the next one,train +1717,1718,1718,matawal aku mihawikid tu kafang a talapitilidan,when I was going to school I forgot to bring my backpack,train +1718,1719,1719,puki^,female genitalia,train +1719,1720,1720,narurayan,I have worked hard,test +1720,1721,1721,mafana mafana ku matuʼasy ira ku hicay,the elders know there are fish fry,train +1721,1722,1722,9 itini paru nu lumaˈ nu Pitil iraay ku matuˈasay atu malunayay ku tireng a salikaka,there were also older and infirm brothers and sisters in the Bertram family,train +1722,1723,1723,ta alekapadapadang satu a narikay ku pitafa inian a demakan cai kau mamadayum a safalucuen nikawrira u mamatinitini aca a mafafilufilu ku pitafa,under the direction of the leadership the youths support each other in every situation one command at a time,train +1723,1724,1724,hantu aci Singkuy hananay,the other one is Tsz Wan Shan,train +1724,1725,1725,cecay tafu i ku paysu itiya i,at that time a lunchbox cost about cents,train +1725,1726,1726,milawuday tu Kaluluan tu una dikidikian tu una kakawasan hananay,come to the Garulan Tribe the Lige Tribe and the stone mountain tribe,train +1726,1727,1727,mifuhad cingra tu fekeluh,he flipped over a stone,train +1727,1728,1728,sadaken kiya micirahan ta tuya manta kiyami,take the meat out before it is done,train +1728,1729,1729,adihay ku kasasiruma nu fana nu tamdaw a matayal nikawrira uyanan a Kawas ku pafliay tu sakafana nu kahaccaccay nu tamdaw a matayal,there are different kinds of working but the same God works all of them in all men,train +1729,1730,1730,mifariw tu ya pungapung kiya,chopping weeds from graves,test +1730,1731,1731,mihulula tu,go play,train +1731,1732,1732,marariday kaku mi hiya,I have been doing it a lot,train +1732,1733,1733,pacenaen,Please take a break,train +1733,1734,1734,macuca,dust in the eyes,train +1734,1735,1735,hay mitenun tu keliw,Yes the knitting thread,train +1735,1736,1736,itiya i ira haca kuya ngiha a pasuwal i cingraan O makuracay a nengnengen nu Kawas a maamaan i u kaackan aka ka saan kisu saan,the voice spoke to him a second time Do not call anything impure that God has made clean,train +1736,1737,1737,saicelen,effort,train +1737,1738,1738,matiniay ku tepi nira mateng,this is the right size,train +1738,1739,1739,Lukesen nangra ci Yis a sumuwal tu masamaamaanay a tatiihay a suwal,and they said many other insulting things to him,train +1739,1740,1740,lalimaay kami,there were five of us,test +1740,1741,1741,kaku imatini haw,I am now,train +1741,1742,1742,tangsa i luma i,when we get home,train +1742,1743,1743,matiyatu,it seems,train +1743,1744,1744,u sapicucuk niyam i,our spikenard,train +1744,1745,1745,Ha anu hacuwa ila a minukay ku mira,Oh when is she coming back,train +1745,1746,1746,unian sa a itini tayniay tu itini,move this one over here,train +1746,1747,1747,sanay Mikuwaday tamiyanan kuni suwal,these words encourage us to take action,train +1747,1748,1748,ta sapinang tu sukitang hananay sa mahaenay,the last part to be discarded,train +1748,1749,1749,malitengay matuʼasay tu ku mihecaan nu misu,you are very old,train +1749,1750,1750,mifanaway kisu tu kaysing,did you wash the dishes,test +1750,1751,1751,itiya i ira haca kuya ngiha nai kakarayan suwal sa O makuracay a nengnengen nu Kawas a maamaan i kaackan aka ka saan kisu saan,The voice spoke from heaven a second time Do not call anything impure that God has made clean,train +1751,1752,1752,saanay kira maenen pikawi tafukud,how exactly do you weave a gossip web,train +1752,1753,1753,Milidafak ci ina a mifaca,mom got up before it was too late to do laundry,train +1753,1754,1754,turus,knee,train +1754,1755,1755,icuwa ku lalan icuwa ku lalaan saw salalan han,wherever there is a road it is a road,train +1755,1756,1756,tunu a nu riku na nu Dipung,wedding Kimono,train +1756,1757,1757,4 suwal ni Yis ci akuma Satan miliyangay tu suˈlinay kimad samanen awaay ku suˈlinay kimad ilalumaˈ ningra,Jesus said that Satan the devil has not stood firm in the truth because the truth is not in him,train +1757,1758,1758,huni huni mafacu i pitilidan,often punished at school,train +1758,1759,1759,awaay ku faking kiraan mikaykic kiraan,Exemption from liability and fines,train +1759,1760,1760,yakaka nu niyam saan tu haw caay ka ngaʼay ku falucu aku,I feel bad that I cannot recognize my brother,test +1760,1761,1761,facacidu,dragonflies,train +1761,1762,1762,anu maemaenan sa a,there are rituals to be observed by each other,train +1762,1763,1763,o pipatay piafas nu Olanda atu ni Cen Cenkung tu urip nu Tangafulan,the Dutch and the Koxinga kingdom massacred and exploited the Pingpu ethnic group,train +1763,1764,1764,misuped itini i,tonguing pinyin,train +1764,1765,1765,Nanay ira a mikaput i tamuwanan a mapulung ku parihadayay a Kawas Amin,the God of peace be with you all Amen,train +1765,1766,1766,mimaan aca saw u araaw sa,it is nothing,train +1766,1767,1767,Sapiraudan ci Pawlu tuya finawlan nikawrira caay haydaen nu nisawawaan,Paul wanted to appear before the crowd but the disciples would not let him,train +1767,1768,1768,tu pakaʼurad ku matuʼasay,the old man is praying for rain,train +1768,1769,1769,saayaway puruden nu heni ku ninukaan,First roll up the knitted thread,train +1769,1770,1770,cirut,red backed Burrowing bird,test +1770,1771,1771,nu heni,their verdict,train +1771,1772,1772,saka saʼaluman satu anini hatiraay,there are more and more people now,train +1772,1773,1773,maherek a mifalat tiya awul haw i silac han nira kuya ruma a awul,tie the bamboo poles horizontally and assemble the other poles,train +1773,1774,1774,i tepar nu riyar tala micerem,diving at the beach,train +1774,1775,1775,anu masaesa tu mangaay kaku a masadak,if it stops raining can I go out,train +1775,1776,1776,a wina kuya mikadafuay a wawa,my mother her son in law her daughter in law and her children,train +1776,1777,1777,saka anu hakuwa tayra kita i,when do we get to,train +1777,1778,1778,nawhani anu caay pihapinang ku tamdaw tu tatudung nu tireng nu Tapang i ayaw nu nika kumaen ningra i malasakatfuc ningra ku nika kumaen ningra,for anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself,train +1778,1779,1779,nu rumaay a niyaru itiniay,there are other tribes that come here,train +1779,1780,1780,tayra tu kaku mimatayal,I will report for work,test +1780,1781,1781,nacaay ka lemed ku luma tara haw ku alumanay i tarawadaw mivuting hani pililuc han misuvaw tu vanglihay,in order to release the evil Spirit of the funeral he went down to the river to purify himself and catch fish,train +1781,1782,1782,patiku han tu aku anudafak kisu,I will give it back to you tomorrow,train +1782,1783,1783,o misasalaay ku tayal aku,my job is to make plates,train +1783,1784,1784,misafel,cooking time,train +1784,1785,1785,mahaenay ku nu mira,so much for him,train +1785,1786,1786,Sahetu u Yencumin ku palu nu luma isu han,are all your family members indigenous,train +1786,1787,1787,masanuliay,terrific,train +1787,1788,1788,hatumi^,brake,train +1788,1789,1789,pasuwal cingra tu i falucuay nira,he told spoke what was in his heart,train +1789,1790,1790,mitulun kami tu Kawas tu saka^caaw pidmak namu tu maan aca a tatiihay a dmak onini i caay ku sapahapinangaw tu nika u pakalifetay kami anu matfatfaday kami a nengnengen namu i nanay u mu^celay ku dmak namu,now we pray to God that you will not do anything wrong not that people will see that we have stood the test but that you will do what is right even though we may seem to have failed,test +1790,1791,1791,matuka tu kaku tu kararaayan nu katayalan nu mita,I am tired of the distance between our workplaces,train +1791,1792,1792,pitu tu a pulu,I am in my,train +1792,1793,1793,tafuen,packing,train +1793,1794,1794,u tireng isu safa,your body brother,train +1794,1795,1795,panay,glutinous rice,train +1795,1796,1796,malepun minukay,you will go home when you are done,train +1796,1797,1797,patadu,For to help,train +1797,1798,1798,o mituuray tu pinangan nu tireng i makuwan nu anuf nu tireng ku falucu ningra o mituuray tu falucu nu Fangcalay Adingu i makuwan nu Fangcalay Adingu ku falucu ningra,those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires,train +1798,1799,1799,pangiruan,station,train +1799,1800,1800,o sapipatala tu lafang kunini,these are for entertaining guests,test +1800,1801,1801,o hiyahu u eli hu kuya kuykay niyam,our church used to have thatched roofs,train +1801,1802,1802,ura kaemangay nu mita haw i,some of our schoolchildren,train +1802,1803,1803,malu,for example,train +1803,1804,1804,kaurira haw,still,train +1804,1805,1805,hatiya,as if,train +1805,1806,1806,Tahidangaen ni mama ku milalatay i umah a milalat,dad invited the surveyors to the field,train +1806,1807,1807,fafaway,sir,train +1807,1808,1808,araw mavanaʼtu ku i sasaʼay a rumadiw tu radiw nira,without realizing it the farmers who work at the foot of the mountain also sing her songs,train +1808,1809,1809,sanay ku suwal na tafu,the first mate said this to us,train +1809,1810,1810,i suemetay atu atu atulan a milimek cira,it hides in wet places and rocks,test +1810,1811,1811,telihanen aka fuhaten kura heyanira anu misanga tu kaku san,just leave it do not open it if I want to do it myself,train +1811,1812,1812,raraya ku urip nira haw,natural longevity of life,train +1812,1813,1813,mangaʼay tu,it is okay,train +1813,1814,1814,pavalici,replace it with,train +1814,1815,1815,imaapulu makerah malenu,minutes for low tide high tide,train +1815,1816,1816,maanen itiya awa ku macahiway,how to care for the hungry and poor,train +1816,1817,1817,caay ka hakuwa itiya hu,not much for the time being,train +1817,1818,1818,u sanga nu niyaru kaku pikayki nu niyam u fanaʼinayan,we said at the men conference that we are the walls of the tribe,train +1818,1819,1819,awaay ku nu niyam paysin,as far as we are concerned there are no taboos,train +1819,1820,1820,Maaraw ni Yakup aci Yuhani u nisawawaan ni Yis kunini a dmak i suwal sa Tapangaw mamaan tahidangen niyam ku namal nai kakarayan a mituduh a mitkup cangraan han nangra,when the disciples James and John saw this they asked Lord do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them,test +1820,1821,1821,nu mita pasurut tu hiyakuing,I also see that they all donate dollars,train +1821,1822,1822,tahka^,Eat,train +1822,1823,1823,o laluudan tu maruhem tu ku mami,it is fall and the oranges are ripe,train +1823,1824,1824,aka patangicen kaku,do not beseech try to force me,train +1824,1825,1825,wawa,kid,train +1825,1826,1826,awa tu kuyu a pakaʼurad a pakacidal sanay awa ku matilaay niyam,we do not have a rain Festival or a sunshine Festival anymore,train +1826,1827,1827,tahini aca ku pinanam nu mita ancila han tu a minanam,class dismissed see you next week,train +1827,1828,1828,Sitaekuk tu,put on your helmet,train +1828,1829,1829,u sakatayal,operate,train +1829,1830,1830,hayda,Oh yeah,test +1830,1831,1831,hay matam,it is true,train +1831,1832,1832,nu ka Ripunan hen,from the Japanese period,train +1832,1833,1833,o haw u hananay itini paru nu harateng nu maku haw,you should be happy as a princess that is what I thought,train +1833,1834,1834,u kawpir atu papak pataynien isaw,one plate of groundnut leaves and one plate of pumpkin hearts,train +1834,1835,1835,makaalatu tu cecay fulad ku tayal,I have been working for a month,train +1835,1836,1836,i raay a maaraw aku cingra,I saw him a long distance away,train +1836,1837,1837,u malcadaytu,it is the same thing,train +1837,1838,1838,maruray sa heluhelu han nira mihelung,he can take it off when he is tired,train +1838,1839,1839,maulahay,favorite,train +1839,1840,1840,nga tu cila cilaen tu i,it took some time,test +1840,1841,1841,Hakuwa a mipidah ku widang tu maku,you are always better than the person you are with,train +1841,1842,1842,Sipasip han tu supa maadahay tu,just put some saliva on it and it will be fine,train +1842,1843,1843,caay picudad itiya mimaan tu saw,no reading,train +1843,1844,1844,hanita ku demak han aku kiya mamuetepay hai satu,there are of them everyone has a consensus,train +1844,1845,1845,tusa a tingting ku aacaen aku,I want to buy two patties,train +1845,1846,1846,pananumen aku kisu,I will bring you some water,train +1846,1847,1847,anu tayra i lalan anu masulep,on the road if you get hungry,train +1847,1848,1848,mafukilay,No I will not,train +1848,1849,1849,nu Recurd,uh huh,train +1849,1850,1850,o sapahatini kiya haw tuedaway,it is cut like this because it is too long,test +1850,1851,1851,tataan ku vali kiyami haw,when it is windy,train +1851,1852,1852,vangcal,pretty,train +1852,1853,1853,daemuh,soft,train +1853,1854,1854,wa panenengen naku kisu tura sasing nira ama aku a tura wina aku,I want you to see a picture of my father and mother,train +1854,1855,1855,Hakelung satu kaku ca ciiraan,I went with them,train +1855,1856,1856,Maliyunay ku tangal aku,I feel dizzy,train +1856,1857,1857,anu kakulukulu sa ku tupi tu papacem i cakaca ka fangcal ku rumiad,if pigeons are crowing in the morning the weather must be fine,train +1857,1858,1858,mipaypayay,Bye bye,train +1858,1859,1859,nu Hulam satu irey ci Wan Cin Yin,Han named Wan Qing Yuan,train +1859,1860,1860,na ira tu ku paliding awaay hu ku paliding,there were no cars,test +1860,1861,1861,teker,trap apparatus,train +1861,1862,1862,cumikay,run,train +1862,1863,1863,sanay kunian hatira ku suwal nu maku,that is all I have to say,train +1863,1864,1864,paraput kaku tu demak nu kaput,I am by Association included with my coworker in his act,train +1864,1865,1865,cima ku pakatedalay tu rawraw niyam,who can resolve our problems,train +1865,1866,1866,meteng tu nanum a pasalil,plugging up the waterway for fishing nets,train +1866,1867,1867,yuvin,post office,train +1867,1868,1868,ilaay ku kiya mililamay ku mira pahiketay,it was only at the end of the day that the Paiwanese applied,train +1868,1869,1869,misiraw tu tamdaw misiraw tu kangic,curing human and dragon meat,train +1869,1870,1870,hiya nu luma nu,relieve the evil Spirit of funerals,test +1870,1871,1871,itira misangpan tu misakaysay nu unglayay,worked there as a pineapple factory,train +1871,1872,1872,Mausuyay kaku talakungkuan i papacem,I was late for school this morning,train +1872,1873,1873,u fanaʼinay ku urip su,you are a man,train +1873,1874,1874,Patidusen ku riku nuya wawa,change the child clothing,train +1874,1875,1875,17 ci Yis mihadidiay a mitala,Jesus too had been waiting patiently,train +1875,1876,1876,masinanut,Confirmation,train +1876,1877,1877,ira ku makakitinay nu wawa atu ina,and mom and kid running hand in hand,train +1877,1878,1878,Orasaka suwalen aku kisu u ungcuy kisu Pitiru o papatireng kaku tu kiwkay aku i tini tuna ungcuy caay ku mamaluwid nu icel nu patay kunini,and I tell you that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it,train +1878,1879,1879,a kemaen tu turun,we are going to eat glutinous rice cake,train +1879,1880,1880,Mahenutay ku lalan nu sakatalapicudadan i tiya hu,the road to school used to be muddy,test +1880,1881,1881,caay tu ka aluman tulu tu ku usaw nu luma itini,the number of households has decreased to only three,train +1881,1882,1882,suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Caay ka fana kamu tunini a tinaku saw anu hatira i maanen namu ku nika fana tu rumaruma a tinaku,then Jesus said to them Do not you understand this parable how then will you understand any parable,train +1882,1883,1883,malcad turira anu caay pahapinangen namu i dmak namu ku nipitier namu ci Kristuan i awaay ku ^puc,in the same way faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action is dead,train +1883,1884,1884,Masaupu i untufa ku kaemangay a maemin malacafay mimali malacafay mihulul,all the children will gather in the playground play ball and chat together,train +1884,1885,1885,o mililisay tu riyar a paniyaru saka pasawalian a Pangcah han,it is so called because it borders on the sea,train +1885,1886,1886,uteng,lead,train +1886,1887,1887,pueneener caira kami takarakaraw Kalingkuay kira,they are all short and we are all tall in Hualien,train +1887,1888,1888,Nikawrira yu patnak ci Filip tu pakayniay i Ngaayay Ratuh tu pikuwan nu Kawas atu pakayniay i ngangan ni Yis Kristuan a pasulin cangra haw i ta mapainu cangra u fainayan atu fafahiyan,but when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both men and women,train +1888,1889,1889,awaay maʼafas tu nu Taywan ku luma kira,there is no home after the Min Mins robbed it,train +1889,1890,1890,Namakamaan kisu a tayni makakarireng,how did you get here Driving,test +1890,1891,1891,o lamaay kami a tayni,we came to visit and relax,train +1891,1892,1892,ku kakaenen ta,our food,train +1892,1893,1893,mikuku tu tau malinah tu,I will move with the others,train +1893,1894,1894,lilid han naira a tatusa ku fafuy nani pafafuyan,two of them carried the pigs out of the barn,train +1894,1895,1895,suwal sa cangra Caay ka ci Yis hananay a wawa ni Yusif kunini saw Mafana kita tu mama atu ina ningra Nawiru u ma^puday kaku nai kakarayan saan cingra saw saan cangra,they said Is this not Jesus the son of Joseph whose father and mother we know how can he now say I came down from heaven,train +1895,1896,1896,maherek a mitipus haw iri valuden kira rarami iri,when you are done cutting rice you will make bundles of straw again,train +1896,1897,1897,pilipalipayan,Weekly,train +1897,1898,1898,misakuli tu kaku itini i hananay,I started working on the ranch,train +1898,1899,1899,icuwa a makatepa tina sapacauv nu demak,where can I find the answers to these questions,train +1899,1900,1900,ngaˈayay pafelien nu Kawas ku cidal tu taˈangayay a ˈicel wa awa ku pakayraan ningra pafeli kitanan tu haˈicel a misaysay tu pasangaray han,if God can fill the sun with great energy cannot he give us enough strength to cope with our problems,test +1900,1901,1901,o miunucay a patalapala tu tafu ci kaka aku,my sister carried a lunch bag and a stretcher to the field,train +1901,1902,1902,Panulien a pafeli kaku tu paysu,give me a hundred dollars,train +1902,1903,1903,miliyaway ci Isaya pasuwal tu patikulay i nalaculan a Israil tamdaw hamaan matalaw tu ˈaˈadupen atu mariˈangay a tamdaw,Isaiah re emphasizes that the Israelites returning to their homeland need not be afraid of fierce beasts or fierce men,train +1903,1904,1904,mihaenay haw i sinanuten isu tu mamisamaan kisu kalasaka dademak tu hakelung nu ˈurip isu,Therefore you need to think about how you intend to use your life,train +1904,1905,1905,salunguc ngitangican tu ci mama aku ri,I pleaded with my father,train +1905,1906,1906,suwalen hu ku itiniay,do we still have to talk about this,train +1906,1907,1907,Pasi Pusung ku rakat niyam,we headed in the direction of Taitung,train +1907,1908,1908,i pisuayaw,relative,train +1908,1909,1909,nanu pakatngilaytu cingra tu dmak ni Yis saka mukmuk saan cingra tu finawlan a miraud a pakaaikur ni Yis a mitfing tu kafafang ningra,when she heard about Jesus she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak,train +1909,1910,1910,matawalay aku a miala tu payci ngaayay a micaliw kaku kisunan tu payci han,I forgot to bring money can I borrow money from you,test +1910,1911,1911,awaay aca ku mimaamaanay,no one else has any programs,train +1911,1912,1912,ha mala awaay tu matini awaaytu hatini tu ku usaw hay hay hay Hatinitu ku usaw hatinitu uh,Whoo being not anymore no more not much Range now Yeah,train +1912,1913,1913,herek tu nu tayal itini mihecaheca tu tu i,soon to be retired,train +1913,1914,1914,maketer,you are losing your temper,train +1914,1915,1915,hacuwaanu hacuwa,when,train +1915,1916,1916,pakacecay tu kaku,I am isolated from the rest left alone,train +1916,1917,1917,kusi,firms,train +1917,1918,1918,u suelinay kinana ratuh u urip i ayaw hu anu awaiwai ku pakacudaday a sarikec nu finawlan nikawrira pakihtini i wawa nu Pangcah ku nikalingatu,it is true that in early life although the tribes had no legal literal constraints and social norms the,train +1918,1919,1919,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O nipiliantu Aku kamu kyami u tusa ku safaw a tamdaw Arawhani u palafuay ku ccay namu han ningra,then Jesus replied Have I not chosen you the Twelve yet one of you is a devil,train +1919,1920,1920,Nanuya maaraw aku ku nika luklun nu ccay a cuyuh nai kakarayan mitatuy cingra tu safawah tu awaay ku para a ufang atu ccay a taangayay a lunayi,and I saw an angel coming down out of heaven having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain,test +1920,1921,1921,Kamaru u maan ku kangalayan nu misu a maen,have a seat what would you like to eat,train +1921,1922,1922,o maan ku paliwalan nu misu,what do you sell,train +1922,1923,1923,tuduhen,grill up,train +1923,1924,1924,hatu hatiraay tu ku suwal nu singsi,as the teacher mentioned in the lesson at the assembly hall,train +1924,1925,1925,matungfungay kura faʼinay aku,my husband has gout,train +1925,1926,1926,u manan a kilangan kiraan nialaan isu,what kind of tree did you use for this,train +1926,1927,1927,anu caay u marad a nisangan ku alaen,it is not just that iron,train +1927,1928,1928,namaka Hualien kaku,I am from Hualien,train +1928,1929,1929, misamaanay hanu cuwa ka lecad ku cengel nu efa,why are the horses different colors,train +1929,1930,1930,kacieng,cheeks,test +1930,1931,1931,o maan ku tadamaanay a lawla i kailisinan,what are the special events at the Harvest Festival,train +1931,1932,1932,mamikarkar kita tu sera haw,are we going to loosen the soil,train +1932,1933,1933,u Pangcah ku vavainay isu ina hayi u Pangcah,Yes Ami,train +1933,1934,1934,makatay kaku tu mamangay a lalan,I am walking down a narrow road,train +1934,1935,1935,tansul hananay tayra i kureng,then it goes straight into the urn,train +1935,1936,1936,maanangay,preservation,train +1936,1937,1937,matu irang nu tireng nu mita,our culture is like human blood,train +1937,1938,1938,matiya miniwaniw,like getting down on your knees and pulling weeds in a field,train +1938,1939,1939,kuniyan i,this one,train +1939,1940,1940,Misatueman tu laluma ku pikaceduan,movie theaters darken the room,test +1940,1941,1941,u ruma sa tu haw i anu talacuwa kita kiyami,Besides wherever we go,train +1941,1942,1942,pamu^celen,surname Zhi,train +1942,1943,1943,manen mafana hukiya sanay,I wondered how she could sew,train +1943,1944,1944,adadasa ku funguh,I have a headache,train +1944,1945,1945,cika u Fataʼan cecay,it is not just about restoration,train +1945,1946,1946,u sanuziw han nu itiraay,that is what they call it over there,train +1946,1947,1947,hay haw itini i kiya,in elementary school yes,train +1947,1948,1948,misaurad,pray for rain,train +1948,1949,1949,ci Titus i u kaput aku a matayal a mipadang i tamuwanan oya tatusa a mihaklungay cingraan a salikaka i u taypyaw nu kalukiwkay cangra o padilay ci Kristuan ku tayal nangra,as for Titus he is my partner and fellow worker among you as for our brothers they are representatives of the churches and an honor to Christ,train +1949,1950,1950,mimaan a miilisin mitulun tu tuʼas milicay tu tuʼas,festivals are the channel through which we communicate with the spirits of our ancestors,test +1950,1951,1951,Nawiru mafana cangra a sumuwal tu suwal nu paytmek ita saw,then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language,train +1951,1952,1952,Madu^du nangra ku pulung nu matiliday i Fangcalay Cudad tu pakayniay ci Yisan mahrek nangra kunini a dmak i ^pud hantu nangra cingra nai ciwcika a minaang i tadem,when they had carried out all that was written about him they took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb,train +1952,1953,1953,malatusa,half,train +1953,1954,1954,asaan kyami u tahidang tangsul milauʼd,when you hear that someone is sick you go there immediately,train +1954,1955,1955,aka samatiyatiya u mafanaay,do not act like you know everything,train +1955,1956,1956,naitiya kala,at that time,train +1956,1957,1957,saadihay han ira ku mipalumaan,they are very diverse,train +1957,1958,1958,ngaʼay hacafay ira maumah sanay kura wina ira,his mom wanted to say that she could work with her son,train +1958,1959,1959,o nika tungangan aku tu nanu pituur aku tu Misiya ku ngaay tu nika cidafung aku tu tadamaanay a dafung nu Icip saan cingra nawhani pasayra i aira a sapakaulah ku falucu ningra,he regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt because he was looking ahead to his reward,train +1959,1960,1960,ira huw ku cinglaw,but we still have a language,test +1960,1961,1961,nika,because of,train +1961,1962,1962,itira i tiraw tayni maemin tu micumud,from a distance to a tribal intersection,train +1962,1963,1963,katul nira kuni,this is its skin,train +1963,1964,1964,o wail nu miadupay tu fafuy kunini,it is a hunters trap for mountain hogs,train +1964,1965,1965,pakinsa,check,train +1965,1966,1966,mipalumaay tu tefus,sugar cane,train +1966,1967,1967,o salama hu ku kafanaʼan aku itiya,I did not know any better,train +1967,1968,1968,ta lecad han nu alumanay tatudung sa masadak kura ngiha,so let us get up and sing,train +1968,1969,1969,iraay ku nani tira i niyamay Cilamitay,some of them are from our Ghiramidai,train +1969,1970,1970,tayra kami i pusung i,we are going to Taitung,test +1970,1971,1971,iratu sapafeli tu matuasay,then you can have an income to support your elders,train +1971,1972,1972,suni tu miuraur hu kaku tu wadis,Wait I will brush my teeth first,train +1972,1973,1973,o nirekadan nu kakeridan ku kalahitay nu fainayan,men in the military are ordered by their commanding officer to be divided into echelons,train +1973,1974,1974,tusaay,stupid,train +1974,1975,1975,adihay ku karurayan nu falucu,for this there is much regret and sadness in my heart,train +1975,1976,1976,mivuras tu hatiniyay,Cracked,train +1976,1977,1977,lutulutukan,mountain Range,train +1977,1978,1978,tayu,slowly,train +1978,1979,1979,taung,Salute,train +1979,1980,1980,mapatalamucu,squeezed against the wall,test +1980,1981,1981,hah ilaay tu kiya tamdaw,who is coming,train +1981,1982,1982,Nikaurira yu tayni tu ku Ripun a mikuwan tu Taywan haw i misatapang misawad ku Pangcah a misaatumu pasayra tu pisafunun a paluma^ tu panay,However during the Japanese colonial period the people gradually gave up their pottery making skills and engaged in farming and rice cultivation,train +1982,1983,1983,saka pakungku han nu maku i matini a pasuwal,that is why I am sharing this story,train +1983,1984,1984,u masakiyawkiyaway amin kina,they are all standing up,train +1984,1985,1985,mietan tu ku mietanay ta adihay tu ku etan ira tu ku sapipatireng tu luma ala patiretireng satu tu amutu tu ku luma nu misa Cawiʼay,those who could afford it made more and more money so gradually more and more people in the Jingpu tribe built concrete houses,train +1985,1986,1986,itiyahu u sikawasay ci ina aku,my mom used to be a witch,train +1986,1987,1987,waniwanian,Crocodile Habitat,train +1987,1988,1988,Hayken licayen hu aku cira,I do not know I will go and ask her,train +1988,1989,1989,i sakaenem a tungruh,on the sixth floor,train +1989,1990,1990,Micuca ku arapar nu lamal,Mars wound Eyes,test +1990,1991,1991,dadu,comfort,train +1991,1992,1992,mahaʼen kamu misanga pacakayan haw,are you selling this,train +1992,1993,1993,icuwaay tu kami nu hatini,where are we,train +1993,1994,1994,yu tahira cingra i mahapinang ningra ku pipalmed nu Kawas i cangraan saka salipahak sa cingra Saicelen ku falucu namu Kararid a mitier tu Tapang han ningra cangra a paicel,when he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts,train +1994,1995,1995,talapatiyamay,go onto the streets,train +1995,1996,1996,i tiyasatu i irasatu kura,he is a believer at the moment,train +1996,1997,1997,masungtul,bang,train +1997,1998,1998,kiniyan a suwal haw,there is more to it than that,train +1998,1999,1999,itiya i ira ku papinapina a Farisay a tamdaw a sumuwal Nawiru midmak kamu tu caay ku dadmaken i Paslaan a Rumiad saw han nangra,some of the Pharisees asked Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath,train +1999,2000,2000,hacikayay,running,test +2000,2001,2001,madadu^du^,one by one,train +2001,2002,2002,nukay saan ci akung namu,your Grandpa is back again,train +2002,2003,2003,limela tadukaʼurip nu mitatini pisyakayan,let us live out our lives in the metro area,train +2003,2004,2004,nanitiya a misatapang ku kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw a misahalaka tu sapipatayaw ci Yisan,so from that day on they plotted to take his life,train +2004,2005,2005,karireng,automobile,train +2005,2006,2006,i kacumikayan malalifet cangra a cumikay,they play on the sports field,train +2006,2007,2007,adihay ku kakituhen i caway nu urip nu Pangcah,there are many stories to tell about the Amish life history,train +2007,2008,2008,awu maan tu ku mamamelawan nu vaki nu misu,what else do your grandads need to see,train +2008,2009,2009,narikay lipahak ku tayal nu tamdaw,people do things quickly and happily,train +2009,2010,2010,o misafidacay ku tayal nira,her job is to pick clams,test +2010,2011,2011,u tefad tu matefad tiya caay ka fana kami,maybe we fell yesterday we do not even know,train +2011,2012,2012,matayalay itira,worked there,train +2012,2013,2013,u Tafalung itiya,Tai Pak long at that time,train +2013,2014,2014,faki u likuda tahiraay yaca tamuwanan samanay ku likuda tiya hu maharateng hu isu,Uncle have you ever thought of or known about the Toyotomi Matsuri at this stage,train +2014,2015,2015,hatiniay kiya fulucu aku itiya,at that time I was determined to do so,train +2015,2016,2016,caykasimaw ku panaluma,Inability to take care of crops,train +2016,2017,2017,kasahuluhulud nu mita maru,get together,train +2017,2018,2018,parafiyasen,overflow something,train +2018,2019,2019,mitilid hu kaku i kumingkaku haw,I went to national elementary school at that time,train +2019,2020,2020,Nanuya ira ku kdal i pulung nu Icip atu Kanan Saka tataang ku pades itiya awaaytu ku pialaan nu tatuasan ita tu kakaenen,Then a famine struck all Egypt and Canaan bringing great suffering and our fathers could not find food,test +2020,2021,2021,o tatapangan nu urip cingra o pata^ngaday tu tamdaw kunini a urip,in him was life and that life was the light of men,train +2021,2022,2022,nanu,I am from,train +2022,2023,2023,mipa^pa,chew,train +2023,2024,2024,tuya,then,train +2024,2025,2025,kiya,there,train +2025,2026,2026,Saka suwal sa Caay ku Kalili a tamdaw kunini a sumuwalay a tamdaw a ma^min saw,utterly amazed they asked Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans,train +2026,2027,2027,cima ku sa,who is the chairman of the board,train +2027,2028,2028,rumakatay iʼayaw nina niyaru haw,used to walk around the tribe,train +2028,2029,2029,sifu,middle,train +2029,2030,2030,i cuwaan a vinacadan ku winaay ku tapang,which ethnic groups are matrilineal societies,test +2030,2031,2031,sanu kawpin sanay ku paru nu luma nura kaemangay,his family has always said that Chinese is the language of the world,train +2031,2032,2032,aka pisamamaan ku falucu tamaen tu i falucuʼay isu faʼinayan ku pafelien tuninian a icep haw,do not be too casual you should only give this betel nut if you find the guy you want,train +2032,2033,2033,i hekal kaku a niyaru,tribes in the field,train +2033,2034,2034,i nemnem itiya malengaw kura matiraʼay a rengas,it grows where there is spring water,train +2034,2035,2035,anu tuluay a pulu,there are circles,train +2035,2036,2036,yana sakatayraan i Satefu,that is where we are going to Shimotokwu,train +2036,2037,2037,tayraay i pipaisingan pakinsa haw,did you go to the hospital for a checkup,train +2037,2038,2038,Repunen han,to finish,train +2038,2039,2039,Laliepah sa ku matuasay u maramuday tu,old people get together and drink it is kind of a wedding,train +2039,2040,2040,itiya i miliyaw haca ci Yis a misatataang tu ngiha a micli ta lafut satu ku sla ningra,and when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice he gave up his spirit,test +2040,2041,2041,sanu Pangcah,but that Jesus does not look like my dad does he look Amish,train +2041,2042,2042,paadawangan,meeting place,train +2042,2043,2043,cilumaay,at home,train +2043,2044,2044,caay ku nangra a caay ka tatudung hay,it is not their fault,train +2044,2045,2045,Sumeling ku fukes nu mira,her hair is dark and shiny,train +2045,2046,2046,awaay hu kura matayalay maumahay,no one has opened up a field there yet,train +2046,2047,2047,mahaen tu kiya ira tu ku kakaenae nu binawlan,if so all the tribesmen will have fish every year,train +2047,2048,2048,natusaen cira miala,I will take two,train +2048,2049,2049,Ira itira ci Ananiyas hananay a tamdaw o maimeray tu Rikec a malalukay a mituuray tu Kawas cingra u ngaayay ku lihaf ningra itira i pulung nu i Tamaskusay a Yutaya a tamdaw,A man named Ananias came to see me he was a devout observer of the law and highly respected by all the Jews living there,train +2049,2050,2050,mararid a talariyar a mifuting ku mifutingay,fishermen often go out to sea to catch fish,test +2050,2051,2051,ona matiniay pihetatanam haw i caayay ku edeng u sapilifetaw tuicel tariktik hacikay u taneng sakiurip u tada kalimelaan i minanam tu tatamurungen a tatayalen tu sakifinawlan a maurip,such training is not only to train young peoples physical strength acuity speed and life skills but more importantly to learn to live in a group to take responsibility for,train +2051,2052,2052,anu hatira u nika ktun nuya caang i u sakangaayaw aku a mitungud i kilang sa kisu,you will say then Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in,train +2052,2053,2053,milipet kamu hatiniay sa kiya falucu aku itiya,why did you hold the incense in your hands when my heart was thinking this,train +2053,2054,2054,itiya i hinukup sa kuya tusa a pulu ira ku spat a ciwlu atuya saspatay a mauripay a mitaung tuya maruay i tadamaanay a anengang a Kawas Amin Haliluya saan cangra,the twenty four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who was seated on the throne and they cried Amen Hallelujah,train +2054,2055,2055,suwal sa ci Yis Anu cima ku misawiay tu ccay nunini a sasafaay a mitieray i takuwanan a paliyas i u nika pisuut tu liel ningra tu tataangay a fukluh a tailangan a mafahkul i riyar ku ngaay,And if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck,train +2055,2056,2056,Hima hatu ku parud nu kaka isu,comfort your brothers family,train +2056,2057,2057,nanay pakayra tu niniʼan a,so take this opportunity,train +2057,2058,2058,hay mifediʼfediʼ mifedi han nu mita u Pangcah ku matiniʼay,it is called ripped meat in the Amish,train +2058,2059,2059,miasip,read,train +2059,2060,2060,hadimel,be careful,test +2060,2061,2061,matayalay i paisingan cingra,she works in a hospital,train +2061,2062,2062,midaduy,weigh,train +2062,2063,2063,Cuwa u fafahiyan ku mira,No she is a girl,train +2063,2064,2064,tada kahemekan ku falucu numisu,it is very touching and happy to see your vision and wishes,train +2064,2065,2065,Namakayni i liyaliyalan i timul nu liyal saan,he came ashore from the south side of the sea,train +2065,2066,2066,pahahaen satu tu wakung,and drink it from a big bowl,train +2066,2067,2067,anu alaen ku sasifin atu piayaw ni Pawlu a mitli i adadaay i maadah ku adadaay milaliw ku palafuay,so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them,train +2067,2068,2068,dadahalay,wide,train +2068,2069,2069,damay,Habitat with water source and grass,train +2069,2070,2070,linahen kuna lamal i rumaay a palud sanay,I will move the fire to the other stove,test +2070,2071,2071,mamaakik,the wound is healing,train +2071,2072,2072,pakasaw,Bar Mitzvah,train +2072,2073,2073, m caay karulay kisu tu kapihiya,are not you tired doing this,train +2073,2074,2074,mikihatiya haw kisu a remadiw a misakeru i pilalikidan,do you sing and dance at the festival,train +2074,2075,2075,anu miradiw kisu samanay ku kaulahan isu,what kind of songs do you like to sing,train +2075,2076,2076,hatiraay ku malitengay mafanaʼay misaʼusi tu ngaʼayay a kilang,older people know how to choose materials,train +2076,2077,2077,aka ka malecad uraan,do not be like this,train +2077,2078,2078,a pisaday atu pifacu tu luma,this kind of preparation for building a house and making a base,train +2078,2079,2079,micafer kami i Sirakus itira kami tu tulu a rumiad,we put in at Syracuse and stayed there three days,train +2079,2080,2080,u riyal i han aku u tukus i,describe the mountains as being as dangerous as the sea,test +2080,2081,2081,sanga tu patelian tu kasuy kiyami patileng patileng han,make a lumber yard stack it up,train +2081,2082,2082,itiya satu mikaykic kaku i,I dealt with it at the time,train +2082,2083,2083,kapah ku demak nu Pangcah itiya,Amis traditions are precious,train +2083,2084,2084,u muwa tevi u nipaluma tu kuwa,there is jute cherries beans and papayas,train +2084,2085,2085,walu ku kuku nu kalang,crabs have eight legs,train +2085,2086,2086,Isup,Aesop,train +2086,2087,2087,a micalap haw ititaan,it will not affect us,train +2087,2088,2088,yasariyal i,and the sea,train +2088,2089,2089,u citapangay tira,Tatsuo that,train +2089,2090,2090,mikerit tu a,holding a Harvest Festival,test +2090,2091,2091,Kimulu ku tangal nina wawa,the kids head is so round,train +2091,2092,2092,paranaan nu luma,the buildings foundation,train +2092,2093,2093,Karaedu ku pitenguan tu tefus,lots of rats where the sugar cane is cut,train +2093,2094,2094,tastas,break down,train +2094,2095,2095,anu caayay saliyawliyawen isu cacay ka fana,you cannot learn if you do not repeat it over and over again,train +2095,2096,2096,anini anu cahu ka tatudung i falucu isu kunian ini haw umaling ira,Now if you are not feeling soft enough,train +2096,2097,2097,adihayay ku talud Mifaresiway kaku tu talud rasuen aku anu sawni,there is too much grass I am cutting it I will have to water it later,train +2097,2098,2098,u wawa tu i ku midiputay caay haw,the kids are taking care of it now,train +2098,2099,2099,Tadakaemihay ku aca nu panay anini,the price of rice is really too cheap now,train +2099,2100,2100,o taya nu paliding aku kiraan,that is my cars tire,test +2100,2101,2101,Hay Ira Du^du^ han kina lalan i maaraw itu,Yes if you go straight ahead you will see the bus stop,train +2101,2102,2102,samaanen su a mitapid hay,how long have you been embroidering Yes I did,train +2102,2103,2103,away tu ku wawa nu maku,I do not have kids,train +2103,2104,2104,caay ka pina ku ku nikaira,the economy is in bad shape,train +2104,2105,2105,fidang,pomelo fruit one petal,train +2105,2106,2106,Cilahuday ku fali,the wind is vaporous humid,train +2106,2107,2107,aka pisaakuwakuway,do not think you are right,train +2107,2108,2108,itiya i pilaliw a talalutuk kamu u maruay i Yutaya a tamdaw kamu u i niyaruay a tamdaw i kasadak nanitira kamu u i umahay a tamdaw i aka picumud i niyaru,then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains let those in the city get out and let those in the country not enter the city,train +2108,2109,2109,lusid,traditional blouse,train +2109,2110,2110,Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa u lipahakay a tamdaw,Jehovahs Witnesses are a happy bunch,test +2110,2111,2111,saka hatira tu ku sasuwalen aku,I shared it here,train +2111,2112,2112,Nawiru cai ka i tukay a malasingsi^,why not teach in the city,train +2112,2113,2113,anu haenen u masapinangay tu,that is clear,train +2113,2114,2114,Pacauf sa ci Yis Plengen kunini a Fangcalay Pitaungan ta liyawen Aku a patireng tu tulu a rumiad han ningra,Jesus answered them Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days,train +2114,2115,2115,kumud,together,train +2115,2116,2116,Nikawrira u katalawan aku i u nika puni nu falucu namu a matiya u nipisafit nu uner ci Ifaan ta mauning ku falucu namu misawad kamu tu sulinay a makuracay a falucu tu saki ci Kristuan,but I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpents cunning your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ,train +2116,2117,2117,terep saan tu cingra,he closed his mouth,train +2117,2118,2118,kapaysinan,contraindicated,train +2118,2119,2119,sali^tec,ice cold,train +2119,2120,2120,ya kafahekaen na falucu aku haw i,what surprised me was that,test +2120,2121,2121,sekup,turner,train +2121,2122,2122,tayra i Pisirian,to the Bishops Bank,train +2122,2123,2123,17 Misamanay hanu Papadutuc a Ciheci kita Hani,pages why do we need to keep on bearing more fruit,train +2123,2124,2124,hatira hananay tu aku ku falucu aku mitengil,I told myself to think that way,train +2124,2125,2125,samaanen ningra a tayra i pukutu,how do you go to Penghu,train +2125,2126,2126,angliw,sour smell,train +2126,2127,2127,maku a nima nara kura mama tateku san ku tayal itiyahu,we do not separate from each other we do all our work together,train +2127,2128,2128,humung,visiting,train +2128,2129,2129,nacaay picudad haw nacaay picudad kiya i,you did not go to school you did not go to school did you,train +2129,2130,2130,Pariwan,Paiwan one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,test +2130,2131,2131,mmh maeci tu aku ci kuucintienan ku payci tu ipan saan,I have sent money to Kuo Chintien half of it,train +2131,2132,2132,o rumasatu ira i kaayaw nuya tadamaanay a anengang ku matiyaay u nika rayas nu riyar a tingalaway a dadinguan ira i taliyuk nuya tadamaanay a anengang ku maldefay nu mata ku kaayaw atu aikur a saspatay a mauripay,also before the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass clear as crystal in the center around the throne were four living creatures and they were covered with eyes in front and in back,train +2132,2133,2133,wa ngaˈay haratengen nu mita Anu mahecaday ku pakayraan aku tura mitusilan a tamdaw wa samaan ku harateng aku tu lihaf nu Hungti Kitakit hani,we can think How would I react to a kingdom message if I were in the same situation as the person to whom I was preaching,train +2133,2134,2134,nanaw,go to the toilet,train +2134,2135,2135,aha awaay ku sinavel sa,Aah there is no food,train +2135,2136,2136,kulang,mustard,train +2136,2137,2137,tataangay,great,train +2137,2138,2138,mangata cikawasay ci Tapiya,the wizard just happened to be next door,train +2138,2139,2139,yu rumakat ci Yis i pangpangan ni Sulumun hananay i Fangcalay Pitaungan i,then came the Feast of dedication at Jerusalem it was winter,train +2139,2140,2140,Safanaen ningra ku finacadan ita pasemsemen ningra ku tatuasan ita Paci^ci han ningra cangra a papifalah tu nihufucanhu a wawa nangra tu saka^caaw ka urip nuya wawa,he dealt treacherously with our people and oppressed our forefathers by forcing them to throw out their newborn babies so that they would die,test +2140,2141,2141,i laenu nu kilang a telien nu maku ku talakal,my trap is under that tree,train +2141,2142,2142,Ngaay hu^,Okay,train +2142,2143,2143,caay ka hecad hay,it is completely different,train +2143,2144,2144,udadaya tayra kaku i rumaay a,at night I went to work in another factory,train +2144,2145,2145,Halikien wa malingad tu kita,hurry up we have to go,train +2145,2146,2146,karacinglaw,in many words,train +2146,2147,2147,mihaen kantang kuna matiniay,that is the easiest one,train +2147,2148,2148,ta miradum kita,let us go let us go get some water,train +2148,2149,2149,padeteng,intentional,train +2149,2150,2150,i ikur nunini tamur sa ci Mariya a lumuwad a tayra i ccay a i lutukay a niyaru nu Yuta,at that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea,test +2150,2151,2151,u mimaan haca tu masamatini awa ku tatayalen tu masamatini mangaay tu tayra mifunsia sa kaku,there is nothing to do we will go there to spray pesticides,train +2151,2152,2152,mamaan,why,train +2152,2153,2153,paliluc,Give Wash,train +2153,2154,2154,macengaw,open up,train +2154,2155,2155,caay ku hahaenen a mipararaw a misamsam ku malcaday atu kisu a mituuray a salikaka mahaen ku papinaun niyam i tamuwanan i ayaw a pasuwal tu nika u mamatfuc nu Tapang ku matiniay a dmak a ma^min,and that in this matter no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him the Lord will punish men for all such sins as we have already told you and warned you,train +2155,2156,2156,una faki caka lima anca enem han,he was born in the or year of the Republic of China was not he,train +2156,2157,2157,midungdung tu sararaya sanay a enar atu makasawaliay milawit tangasa i Palidaw nu Pingtung,Hengchun in the eastern foothills of the Sawaliyan a luck mountain Range and in the territory of Pingtung County,train +2157,2158,2158,masamanay,how about,train +2158,2159,2159,i nana suwal aku i huni,what I just said,train +2159,2160,2160,mipacedas,it brings flooding,test +2160,2161,2161,itiya satu ira ci Yis nai Kalili a tayra i Yurtan a alu a miraud ci Yuhanian a milunguc tu sapipainu ningra,then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John,train +2161,2162,2162,a sani pacumud tu kami itini,wait a minute we will add it here,train +2162,2163,2163,cahu kasaʼusi ku ngangan nu fulad,in the unnamed time,train +2163,2164,2164,Kuhetingen kaku tura cengel,I think the color is too dark,train +2164,2165,2165,o ngaayay a lihaf nu niyaru kiraan,that is very good news for the tribe,train +2165,2166,2166,mamaan aca kisu hani,Good and you,train +2166,2167,2167,ira kura palafuay mitengteng cingranen,there is an evil Spirit on him,train +2167,2168,2168,ila ku kuhaw nu dungec u auwang kedep,there are vine heart soup sea urchin and sea scallop,train +2168,2169,2169,Mipatilu i riyal maalaay tu,if you go to the beach and cast a net you will get it,train +2169,2170,2170,meduku ci ina aku saan,mom was recovering from her illness,test +2170,2171,2171,fainayan,a man,train +2171,2172,2172,suwal sa tu kiya ina aku ci,my mother Chan Chia Mou said,train +2172,2173,2173,misatipusay,planted in Lai Mee,train +2173,2174,2174,lalusidan,tool,train +2174,2175,2175,Caay kanca katumes nu vuting atu urang ku lunan,the boat is always loaded with fish and shrimp,train +2175,2176,2176,ira ku mafukilay i,if there is something you do not know,train +2176,2177,2177,hay a malasawad ku lisin ita u Pangcah,our Amish rituals will disappear,train +2177,2178,2178,o masamanay ku han isu,what kind of clothes do you like,train +2178,2179,2179,a malialac,just fish,train +2179,2180,2180,talaen hu ita sa Miciyang,let us wait for Miciyang and the others,test +2180,2181,2181,iri i cining i kay,for one year,train +2181,2182,2182,cecay a tatukian tahiratu i tayciw,is it a long drive to Ulai,train +2182,2183,2183,i tini aca ku ngaʼayay itin wali haw i u riyar ku kawali,it is perfect the oceans on the east side,train +2183,2184,2184,mipecu,tear down,train +2184,2185,2185,pinaay tu ku misangaʼan aku tu caay kuranan,it is not the number of laws that have been enacted that is not the point,train +2185,2186,2186,paayaway kiya vuting,think of the fish,train +2186,2187,2187,Malikuay kami,how honored we are,train +2187,2188,2188,Nawhani anu u maamaan ku tayal nu tamdaw ira aca ku patusukan atu niharatengan ningra,it is because a person has his ideals and goals in everything he does,train +2188,2189,2189,carekah ku fanges nu kamay nu misu,the skin of your hands is rough,train +2189,2190,2190,sapisuʼut tura falat,tie the beams to hold them in place,test +2190,2191,2191,misakawanan,housekeeping,train +2191,2192,2192,anu hatira i caay kunini a tayal ita a ccay ku mamasipun latek halupitaungan tuya tadamaanay a fafahiyan a Kawas ci Artimisan a caaytu ku mamasikul hatu mamalasawadtu ku nika tadamaan nuya nitaungan nu pulung nu Aciya atu pulung nu hkal a tadamaanay a fafahiyan a kawas han ningra,there is danger not only that our trade will lose its good name but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be discredited and the goddess herself who is worshiped throughout the province of Asia and the world will be robbed of her divine majesty,train +2192,2193,2193,makapahay ku sakura a hana nu niyaru yu macelak ku hana i kilimen kaku haw,the cherry blossoms in our tribe are beautiful when they bloom come find me when the flowers bloom,train +2193,2194,2194,ira,also,train +2194,2195,2195,kalaw,brow,train +2195,2196,2196,teli i taʼakay a iya a matiya tu u kureng,prepare a very large urn,train +2196,2197,2197,iraay hu itiya kiyami,there was more at that time,train +2197,2198,2198,taynien i i tayra tu i cuwacuwa kiya haw,put it in your bag so that you can go wherever you want,train +2198,2199,2199,sasalungan kunu nira a milecaday a ladiw,it is all intentionally symbolic,train +2199,2200,2200,mahaenay ku nu maku kamamang hu,we do,test +2200,2201,2201,tira i Singku kisu a tayni haw,did you come from Chengkung,train +2201,2202,2202,o misaaceray ku tayal ni faki aku i Dumung,my uncle does dam work at Coppergate,train +2202,2203,2203,urip nu maku tangasa i kakapahan,this is my coming of age,train +2203,2204,2204,unini sa a suwal aku,this is my story,train +2204,2205,2205,a maanen saw nu misu paliluc,you cannot help with the shower,train +2205,2206,2206,kakanguduan,honorable Objector,train +2206,2207,2207,^etu,table,train +2207,2208,2208,takalaluk minanaw tu kamay,and wash your hands,train +2208,2209,2209,kalakapahan,becoming a youth,train +2209,2210,2210,patilid i tamuwanan u i Kulusayay a sulinay ku falucu a mituuray ci Kristuan a salikaka Nanay mapaini nu wama a Kawas ita kamu tu mikumi atu rihaday,to the Holy and faithful brothers in Christ at Colosse grace and peace to you from God our Father,test +2210,2211,2211,siday,lose,train +2211,2212,2212,o maricaricay nu maku kira piyang,that candy was rubbed off on me,train +2212,2213,2213,sarawacay,bamboo roof skeleton,train +2213,2214,2214,mimaan kisu,what are you doing,train +2214,2215,2215,ira ku ccay a Farisay a tamdaw ci Nikutimus ku ngangan ningra o kakridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw cingra,now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a member of the Jewish ruling council,train +2215,2216,2216,Sahetu u ku^sanay ku nifiwaan ni ina a fiwa,all the loquats mom harvested were sweet,train +2216,2217,2217,Karauneray kina sauwac,there are a lot of snakes in this creek,train +2217,2218,2218,caay ka anuulah sa haw,not really,train +2218,2219,2219,u tamdaw nu Yincumin malatusa ku maruay i niyaru,about half of the Aboriginal population lives in tribes,train +2219,2220,2220,Mitungtungay cingra tu panay,he is milling out the left over grain in the mill,test +2220,2221,2221,Saka pasuwal i ci Yisan ku salikaka Ningra Piliyas kisu nanitini a tayra i Yutaya ta maaraw nu nisawawaan ku dmak isu,Jesus brothers said to him You ought to leave here and go to Judea so that your disciples may see the miracles you do,train +2221,2222,2222,nipahafayan,feeding,train +2222,2223,2223,u ciʼadaay kita u misa Pangcahay tu inian u nu nietipan,we Amis are hostile to the people from the west,train +2223,2224,2224,papisaturunen,call someone to make mocha,train +2224,2225,2225,Iraay mafutiay cingra i kafutian,Yes she is sleeping in her room,train +2225,2226,2226,emin han ku maen ku takura mingaʼayay tu tatitrengan sa,eat the whole frog it is good for you,train +2226,2227,2227,o mamahawikid nu finawlan nu kasakitakit ku nika tadamaan atu nika cidafung nangra a micumud tuya niyaru,the glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it,train +2227,2228,2228,nawhani caay ku nanu nafalucuan nu tamdaw ku sakaira nu nipaliayawan a suwal o mangiyangiay nu Fangcalay Adingu ku falucu nu tamdaw a papipasuwal tu nai Kawasay a suwal,for prophecy never had its origin in the will of man but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit,train +2228,2229,2229,ira tu ku papelu nu tumak,the leader started shouting,train +2229,2230,2230,u saayaw a malatumuk,the first head,test +2230,2231,2231,Orasaka u fa^luhay a ^pah i caay ka^ca u fa^luhay a falaku a lufuc ku piparuan,No new wine must be poured into new wineskins,train +2231,2232,2232,surita,squid,train +2232,2233,2233,hay mainuʼay tu cepet han ni ina aku,I said I have washed it mom came over and grabbed my hand,train +2233,2234,2234,Oya Aka ka udang aka pipatay aka pitakaw aka ka anuf sanay a limuut atu rumaruma a limuut a ma^min i masalaluma nuya Samatiyaen u nika ulah isu tu tireng ku nika ulah isu tu tau sanay a limuut,the commandments Do not commit adultery Do not murder Do not steal Do not covet and whatever other commandment there may be are summed up in this one rule Love your neighbor as yourself,train +2234,2235,2235,wawa^,child,train +2235,2236,2236,Pingan ci hani Oluʼuh kungangan nu maku,Peace I am John Tsang,train +2236,2237,2237,o cima kura fainayan,who is that man,train +2237,2238,2238,matatungud kura kilang,put it back together again,train +2238,2239,2239,mapuʼiay ku Paliwan tura malingad tayra lutuk ku Amis i,that is why the Paiwan people hate it when the Amis come to the mountains,train +2239,2240,2240,kalafi,supper,test +2240,2241,2241,tayra tu kaku i Madawdaw i awaay tu ku kaluʼudan,there is nothing for me to do if I go back,train +2241,2242,2242,kira Tangafuran iraw mafana milangsay mafanaʼay mipakuntaw sakira,the Pingpu there specialize in boxing and dragon and lion dances,train +2242,2243,2243,iraay ku cecay a utupay aku,I have a motorcycle,train +2243,2244,2244,mahaen ku nu maku misiki,it is my ritual,train +2244,2245,2245,o pineneng tu kaying ku sakatulu ni kaka,the reason for my brothers fall was that he kept looking at Ms,train +2245,2246,2246,matayalay anini kuya pakalimekay a paculiay tu Rikec a tamdaw Nikawrira tangasa i nikaalaan nuya mitnaay i itiyatu a talahkal kunini a dmak,for the secret power of lawlessness is already at work but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way,train +2246,2247,2247,adingu nira,his soul,train +2247,2248,2248,o ngangan aku i cuwa ku,my name is,train +2248,2249,2249,mahaen itiyahu ku kamaruan,as for places to stay,train +2249,2250,2250,u iraan tu a ukuy,Yes I drank it out of a huckleberry,test +2250,2251,2251,padangen kaku a miala tu saasik,please help me with the broom,train +2251,2252,2252,awaay ku ccaccay aca a tamdaw tu satked sanay tu urip anu ^ca i tu patay,for none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone,train +2252,2253,2253,Maamelas kina tamdaw yu kapah hu ciira,this man was a great flirt when he was young,train +2253,2254,2254,matumes nu acfel tu nanu dil atu nanu icel nu Kawas ku Fangcalay Pitaungan tangasa i pahrekan nu nipikariang nu kahaccaccay nuya papituay a cuyuh i awaay ku pakacumuday tuya Fangcalay Pitaungan,and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed,train +2254,2255,2255,anu u pihinum ku rucek ita i ka pihinum kita anu u pipalada ku rucek ita i ka pipalada kita anu u midiputay ku rucek ita i kalaluk kita a midiput anu karasiniadaay ku rucek ita i ka lipahak kita a siniada,if it is encouraging let him encourage if it is contributing to the needs of others let him give generously if it is leadership let him govern diligently if it is showing mercy let him do it cheerfully,train +2255,2256,2256,pina ku yusang nu misu a miaca tu fa^luhay a riku,what is your budget for new clothes,train +2256,2257,2257,maapac ku urip nu Pangcah i tiya hu,the standard of living of the Amis in the past was very outdated,train +2257,2258,2258,itini tu masuwal hatiniay ku Kaluluan,now Garulan is being brought up here,train +2258,2259,2259,tala Kimmung,to Kinmen,train +2259,2260,2260,maedengay hu ku paliding,the cars just right,test +2260,2261,2261,Naay caay hu panukas kisu tuya nacilaay,No you have not paid me back the money you borrowed last time,train +2261,2262,2262,pisakungaan nira sa ya urip kiya Taywan,Flatlanders grow groundnuts for a living,train +2262,2263,2263,tangasa itini i kakereng nu rumiʼad ta miʼedaw kunini a cikawasay,priestly divination should arrive in the daytime during thunder and lightning,train +2263,2264,2264,tangsul sa a tumrep ku nika lesles nu rmes ningra Mahapinangtu ningra ku nika adah nu tireng ningra,immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering,train +2264,2265,2265,Micucu caira tu paliding niyam,they were right next to our car,train +2265,2266,2266,matekung,hit,train +2266,2267,2267,matayal tu mala,go back to the plate mold,train +2267,2268,2268,nu maku hantu,and my,train +2268,2269,2269,tatinul cangra a rumadiw,they sang in rounds,train +2269,2270,2270,rumiad,weather,test +2270,2271,2271,kakurut,bitter gourd,train +2271,2272,2272,kaemangay anini caedung,developing children clothes,train +2272,2273,2273,cincengsu,national police Agency,train +2273,2274,2274,makakilim tu ngangan kiyami haw,are you looking for a name,train +2274,2275,2275,suwal sa kira kakahulul,the senior officer then said,train +2275,2276,2276,palituluen niyam ku sapacakay,sell it in three equal parts,train +2276,2277,2277,Orasaka patiku sa ciira i maaraw niira ku nika asik nuya luma a malusimet,when it arrives it finds the house swept clean and put in order,train +2277,2278,2278,Singsi^ mipaluma^ kita tu sinafel i umah hay,Teacher are we going to grow some vegetables in the fields,train +2278,2279,2279,kasiniadaan,it is worth pitying,train +2279,2280,2280,u miduduay tu mama nu kapah,it is in the young mans dads sort of,test +2280,2281,2281,milicay kura safa aku cay tu kafana pacaʼufu,my brother cannot respond,train +2281,2282,2282,o celedan nu hafay atu falinunu ku mapateliay i amanaw,placed on the stove rack are millet bundles and glutinous rice bundles,train +2282,2283,2283,cecay a kahut ku nialaan nira a piyang,he takes a handful of grabbed candy,train +2283,2284,2284,hai,agree with,train +2284,2285,2285,atu akasiya atu sapafangsis a aped atu ^xiw atu fangsisay a simal atu tada^xiw atu ^pah atu simal atu aped nu ^mi atu ^mi atu kulung atu siri atu ^fa atu paliding nu ^fa atu kuli atu tamdamdaw atu rumaruma,cargoes of cinnamon and spice of incense myrrh and frankincense of wine and olive oil of fine flour and wheat cattle and sheep horses and carriages and bodies and souls of men,train +2285,2286,2286,a caka rumakat,the day I could not walk,train +2286,2287,2287,dengay a misasing tu maan nu i liyalay,you can take photos of the underwater world and fish,train +2287,2288,2288,nifuʼut takuwanan,keep me,train +2288,2289,2289,aku tu i ku papicudaday tu wawa atu sakalahuk,I take care of the children in the morning and cook for them at noon and I am also a mother,train +2289,2290,2290,sapilaliwaw,to avoid it,test +2290,2291,2291,o malimuuday kiraan,it is round,train +2291,2292,2292,yu mamang hu^ kaku u dadaya^ ku sakalingad ni mama^ aci faki^ cifunus atu cikuwang caira,when I was little my dad and uncle would go out at night with hunting knives and guns,train +2292,2293,2293,anu Fataʼan anu kalitang aca sa,it does not matter if it is a tree bean or a long bean,train +2293,2294,2294,mapaluma^,species,train +2294,2295,2295,Panahay mipadang,accompany and keep watch over the Spirit to keep watch over somebody,train +2295,2296,2296,tiyaay hu matuʼasay haw i Liyaki han nan kuranan,in the early days the old people called it Lo Shan,train +2296,2297,2297,teluc nura lukut tura kasadakan nu nanum,all the way to the sea,train +2297,2298,2298,tataangay tavaki,Very very big,train +2298,2299,2299,Makamihecaan tu naminanam i cacudadan,it took about a year of schooling,train +2299,2300,2300,Halu ci Yuhani a mipainu i Ainun i ngata nu Salim nawhani tataang ku nanum itira alatayrayra sa ku tamdamdaw i cingraan ta painuen ningra cangra,now John also was baptizing at Aenon near Salim because there was plenty of water and people were constantly coming to be baptized,test +2300,2301,2301,hilam,original,train +2301,2302,2302,mamitilid,to be read,train +2302,2303,2303,cepaʼcepaʼ han aku i uu aku ku nanum,pour water on your feet and go back to the house,train +2303,2304,2304,masamaan ku rumiad itiya yu pihululan nu mita,how was the weather that day,train +2304,2305,2305,sa kaku sa han hanaku ku suwal itamuwan,that is what I am saying,train +2305,2306,2306,Matulu kaku nacaay pinaun a mimali,I fell down accidentally when I was playing soccer,train +2306,2307,2307,i sakacuwa,somewhere,train +2307,2308,2308,mana caka iyaen nura tintusi kisu a miatian muradiw,why did not the bishop invite you to sing with him,train +2308,2309,2309,parasrasen kura katelang a tamud,a sprinkle of old yeast flour,train +2309,2310,2310,maharek tu kisu a misafedangfedang mipecal,if you are going to slice and dice,test +2310,2311,2311,Nikawrira maluwid kuya kangic Saka awaaytu ku malukamaruan nira atu cuyuh nira i kakarayan,but he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven,train +2311,2312,2312,ira ku nutireng a pikimad tunu sakaku,a host who can have a full Aboriginal language time slot,train +2312,2313,2313,ira itila ku sapisurit nu maku,my pencil is over there,train +2313,2314,2314,manay anu i cuwa ku nikalecapu i taluan nu Pangcah ira aca ku nipatireng tu adawang masa tektek nu niyaru,Therefore wherever the Amis people meet there must be a lookout which also recognizes the unity and strength of a tribe,train +2314,2315,2315,hanahanaan,in the bush,train +2315,2316,2316,cilimaw kisu anini,why are you free today,train +2316,2317,2317,karatudaay,a lot of eel,train +2317,2318,2318,etengen mihiya tu nanum,block up the river,train +2318,2319,2319,Saikuray a suwal aku i salikakaaw pitulun tu saki tamiyanan ta matiya u dmak i tamuwanan ku nika ranikay a matnak ku suwal nu Tapang a makahmek nu mitngilay,Finally brothers pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored just as it was with you,train +2319,2320,2320,pakainaay,matriarchal,test +2320,2321,2321,savaw tu siwa,nineteen,train +2321,2322,2322,itini i Kiliyat atu cafacafay micudad,and students at the Killette school,train +2322,2323,2323,u Yencuming kisu haw,are you Aboriginal,train +2323,2324,2324,sa hatini ku sapaini nu maku,this is what I have experienced,train +2324,2325,2325,kalahad tu,grow,train +2325,2326,2326,Salikakaaw nanay mafana kamu tu nika masamaan ku dmak nu Kawas tu nanu siniada ningra tu i Makituniyaay a kalukiwkay,and now brothers we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches,train +2326,2327,2327,malileng ku funguh aku,I am dizzy,train +2327,2328,2328,kurira a kasasiruma nu radiw,it is just a different song,train +2328,2329,2329,unini a kecikeli maxeraay aku itini i kunini ya manengneng aku,a few years ago I came across this information at the soon Yi Museum,train +2329,2330,2330,u pifalah nu malitengay,the old man pushed it away and threw it away,test +2330,2331,2331,yasiyas,lit water splashing all over the place,train +2331,2332,2332,misaulampalamlam,mix something with something,train +2332,2333,2333,tuul hananay ita hiwawa,we are all following the tradition are not we,train +2333,2334,2334,anu cecay a diyung,if it is a pig,train +2334,2335,2335,safa aku tu fafahiyan mipauciyaay,my sisters salary for serving tea is,train +2335,2336,2336,lecad,the same,train +2336,2337,2337,pataluma han tu cecay lipay haw i,youth in a week,train +2337,2338,2338,Itiya tuya rumiad i anu i fadahungay kisu i aka ka ^pud a micumud i luma a miala tu maamaan o rumasatu anu i umahay kisu i aka pinukay i luma,on that day no one who is on the roof of his house with his goods inside should go down to get them Likewise no one in the field should go back for anything,train +2338,2339,2339,anu matalaw a misiket ku hiya nira,and then it is like being on top of him,train +2339,2340,2340,paciherangen,to givepeace of mind,test +2340,2341,2341,Saka u mamipitusur ku i kakarayanay atu i hkalay atu i lalinikay nu sra a mauripay a ma^min a mitaung ci Yisan,that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth,train +2341,2342,2342,u sakakaay a fafahiyan anca maemin mialaay tu faʼinay,is it the eldest daughter or all the daughters who are looking for husbands,train +2342,2343,2343,nawhani u Fangcalay Adingu ku mamituru i tamuwanan tu malusasuwalen namu itiya han ni Yis,for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say,train +2343,2344,2344,luma,accommodation,train +2344,2345,2345,pasadaken,take it out,train +2345,2346,2346,iraay kura kaysa itini sanay,there is a company here,train +2346,2347,2347,suni nu takura,frogs chirping,train +2347,2348,2348,kaku ci Kulas,I am Kolas,train +2348,2349,2349,a tingwa cipiwaypin kaku,I do not need a guard on a call,train +2349,2350,2350,nu mihiyaay nu tayling,the police station,test +2350,2351,2351,mikedec haen satu masu anu mata,tighten up the hole,train +2351,2352,2352,Caienhu kaku,let me go first,train +2352,2353,2353,manan taktaken isu kuna nanum hanay ku milicay,I asked why we dumped the water,train +2353,2354,2354,siniʼada ku falucu tu mama,Daddys heart is aching,train +2354,2355,2355,cicidem tu ku wasid hay cicidem mahenenay sa,the teeth will be sharp very sharp,train +2355,2356,2356,kakenakenay sa makakenikenis kira lutuk ini i kawali,or will it be an equal division of the land on the east side,train +2356,2357,2357,Miahuwid kaku tu Kawas tu nika ikaka namu ku nika adihay nu nika sumuwal aku tu nu Adinguan a suwal,I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you,train +2357,2358,2358,atu atu sapi tu tamdaw,it can also be specialized in crystal glass and even personnel management,train +2358,2359,2359,Nawiru macepa ku sinasera nu mita,why are our floors so wet,train +2359,2360,2360,mulimuli^,roll down,test +2360,2361,2361,tu hatini i,calling the Wakame,train +2361,2362,2362,aka pi hiya maala nu tau ku falucu niyan niyan rakat han,do not be easily tempted to follow your ideal goal,train +2362,2363,2363,tatalacuwa,where are we going,train +2363,2364,2364,hanen ku tayal ta mafana kamu u wawa,this is how children learn,train +2364,2365,2365,situper,stigmatize,train +2365,2366,2366,aka kacekcek han a mitumes ku capux i kanas,do not crowd the basket with seedlings,train +2366,2367,2367,Rumasatu a Paslaan a Rumiad i makrih a masaupu ku pulung nu finawlan nu niyaru tu sapitngilaw tu suwal nu Tapang,on the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord,train +2367,2368,2368,o citulakuay ku ci kaka aku,my brother has the truck,train +2368,2369,2369,sadaken ku cacudaden nu misu,take out your homework,train +2369,2370,2370,nikaherekan nisasaw tu tangal kinian tu macaʼitay maemin,the place where the cleaned tusks of the mountain pig hang,test +2370,2371,2371,havay iri,seedling stage,train +2371,2372,2372,Nalemuwad tu ku heni a micaculi,there was violence,train +2372,2373,2373,u salengac saca ku masangaʼay nira,most of them are made from bay peach bark,train +2373,2374,2374,nafi^,stockpot,train +2374,2375,2375,masipun san ku matuʼasay,the elders say you will suffer,train +2375,2376,2376,a tumuk i maansan,Boss what is wrong,train +2376,2377,2377,maelucay,worn,train +2377,2378,2378,an tala Kinmun macuwa ku Kinmun sa ku falucu ri halamhan tu,I am looking forward to going to Kinmen and seeing what it is like,train +2378,2379,2379,tayni a micakay,come and buy,train +2379,2380,2380,riyar,sea,test +2380,2381,2381,i tireng ningra cuwa ku matatudungay a malatumuk,it would be inappropriate to incarnate culture without,train +2381,2382,2382,yu pakatamina cangra a milacal i marda ci Yis a mafuti itiya i talifahal sa a mafaliyus i fanaw matumestu nu nanum ku tamina saka sacalemcem sa cangra,as they sailed he fell asleep a squall came down on the lake so that the boat was being swamped and they were in great danger,train +2382,2383,2383,saka 2017 miheca ka Tuluan fulad itiniay i Padaka Niwyuk a Wurwik a cungpu mapatirengay ku patelian tu katelangay Fangcalay Cudad a kitiraan,April Museum of the Bible at world Headquarters in Warwick new York USA is open for tours,train +2383,2384,2384,anu tapalen ku kasaniyaru nu Pangcah i pasawali tadafangcal ku talihuc nu salawacan mililis tu lawac nu riyar aluman ku sayfu nu mituetuay misateka misanga,the Amis tribes have a beautiful natural ecological landscape along the ocean many craftsmen are based here,train +2384,2385,2385,u niya can itini i cuwa ku Paliwan,all farmland water conservancy is not owned by the Paiwan,train +2385,2386,2386,mikingkiway hu,still working on it,train +2386,2387,2387,patala tu pinafuting nu fainayan a misahemay atu mitalik tu turun,meet the man who catches fish and cooks glutinous rice and pounded glutinous rice cake,train +2387,2388,2388,suʼelinay malecaday tu kita,I believe it is the same as mine,train +2388,2389,2389,mipiyiy tu tuna sakaenem a fulad,graduation is coming up this June,train +2389,2390,2390,o miememay tu ruray ku masikuay ku urip,that enduring a life of pain will succeed,test +2390,2391,2391,titi^,meat,train +2391,2392,2392,pecu,pluck,train +2392,2393,2393,kuesit,hard,train +2393,2394,2394,hay safaled nu kayakay,it is on top of the bridge,train +2394,2395,2395, mirienang kita tu Saˈupu nu Piharatengan tu kapatay ni Yis paihekalay tu kanguduˈ ita ci Yihufaan aci Yisan mihaen tu demak tada fangcalaytu,by attending a crucifixion memorial service we show that we honor the Lord and Jesus and how wonderful it is to do so,train +2395,2396,2396,Ngaay hu tu papacem ina,good morning Mom,train +2396,2397,2397,maharateng aku na ku mimingan aku,long dusted memories emerge from the past,train +2397,2398,2398,Pakiseraayen ku pisacacak tu sinafel,add some ginger to your cooking,train +2398,2399,2399,o harateng nura malanguhaay a tatusa,thoughts of a couple of friends,train +2399,2400,2400,adihayay ku uul awaay ku cidal ikakarayan,there are a lot of clouds but no sun in the sky,test +2400,2401,2401,man itiya haw i,it was hard at the time,train +2401,2402,2402,caay kataluma yu,you are not going home,train +2402,2403,2403,Kakumaen kita tu heci nu lusay,let us eat fruit,train +2403,2404,2404,caaytu,unable to,train +2404,2405,2405,aniniay,modern,train +2405,2406,2406,liyuc,twist,train +2406,2407,2407,u nikaurip nu Pangcah,life at that time,train +2407,2408,2408,u caay ka tuan,unbeliever,train +2408,2409,2409,luec,tie it up,train +2409,2410,2410,nawhani matngil aku ku suwal tu pakayniay i pitier isu tu Tapang ci Yisan atu nika ulah isu tu pulung nu mituuray,because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints,test +2410,2411,2411,maliayaw kita misakang tu tafukud hanen,it is like this before you start weaving a gossip web,train +2411,2412,2412,Ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan ku i tiraay i Papilun a kiwkay a sakalcad namu a u nipilian nu Kawas a salikaka atu wawa aku ci Maruku,she who is in Babylon chosen together with you sends you her greetings and so does my son Mark,train +2412,2413,2413,tukung,take,train +2413,2414,2414,o saripa nu fafuy kunini saka u rarakaten nu fafuy kuni a lalan,these are the footprints of the boar so this is the path the boar took,train +2414,2415,2415,daeci,herb,train +2415,2416,2416,misauh^uuh^uh,sweet and sour,train +2416,2417,2417,enem a lalumaʼan ku i niyaruʼay nu Cikasuwan,there are six members of the Chichibukawa tribe,train +2417,2418,2418,mitangtang kaku,I cook,train +2418,2419,2419,u akung u ama ya kaemang hu kaku,grandma and grandpa I was very young then,train +2419,2420,2420,Mahidefung nu piadaada ku niyaru nu mita,our tribe has been invaded by the enemy,test +2420,2421,2421,awaʼay ku paysu sapi saan haw,no money for tutoring,train +2421,2422,2422,makakinih,unfair,train +2422,2423,2423,u mihicayay,those who catch small fry,train +2423,2424,2424,mitadimtimay,gathering of free vegetables,train +2424,2425,2425,ira tu ku nikavana tu nipiadup,I also know about the hunting culture,train +2425,2426,2426,kaheciday,very salty,train +2426,2427,2427,icuwa caira a miʼaradum hakini miaraw cingra tu niʼayaway tu nikalatumuk,anytime you want to teach a previous leader,train +2427,2428,2428,Nau mahaenay kaku i ayaw tada u papaculien aku ku pakayniay i ci Yisan nu Nacali saan kaku,I too was convinced that I ought to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth,train +2428,2429,2429,anu caay kalemed ku rakat nira,if he is lucky on the road,train +2429,2430,2430, hanu ira ku hatiniay a harateng ni Pawlu hani,B why does Paul feel this way,test +2430,2431,2431,kaayaw,beforehand,train +2431,2432,2432,idahi,better than nothing,train +2432,2433,2433,mitafukud i riyar adihay kiya futing nira,catch a lot of fish with a net at the beach,train +2433,2434,2434,Mapacaliw aku ci Panay,I lent it to Pany,train +2434,2435,2435,u wawa katalawan macukerukeruh a mililuc,it is dangerous to push each other around when you are swimming,train +2435,2436,2436,Hamanmanay tu ku malitengay tura,elderly peoples anticipation,train +2436,2437,2437,maceled,bunched up,train +2437,2438,2438,nanutiya,from that moment on,train +2438,2439,2439,na minukay kura tau i,when the guys were going home,train +2439,2440,2440,ci Banti,personal name,test +2440,2441,2441,awaay ku sapatenas nu Pangcah i tiya hu tu sinafel,in the past the Amis did not have vinegar flavoring,train +2441,2442,2442,suʼlinaytu ya itiniay hen a itini kami san ku rumaruma aru san i tini i Makutaay aru san i tini i Cawi,the others who were here we stayed here some in the harbor some in Shizura,train +2442,2443,2443,pafeli,give it to me,train +2443,2444,2444,cura,makeup and accessories,train +2444,2445,2445,midiput tu safa pakaen tu kuling,feeding the cows and taking care of my siblings,train +2445,2446,2446,pasu i niyan u makayraay i sawaliyan,and then there is the one to the east,train +2446,2447,2447,anu pakaen tu kuku,if you want to feed the chickens,train +2447,2448,2448,halafin ku nika itira ni Pitiru i Yupa i luma ni Simun u misafalakuay a milafin cingra,Peter stayed in Joppa for some time with a tanner named Simon,train +2448,2449,2449,Maduit ku lingad ita,it was late for us to leave,train +2449,2450,2450,ta uyaan a heci tu ku nu Payrang pakahengaan ningra,they are Min Min people they will take this woodchuck and ripen it to red flesh,test +2450,2451,2451,nengnengen matini anini,look at this,train +2451,2452,2452,Idengaw ngaayay kisu anini han,Hi honey how are you today,train +2452,2453,2453,Wa Sakuesan sa a kaenen,Wow the corn tastes so sweet,train +2453,2454,2454,tu matiya a demak itiyahu nikasan kunini san,that is what is been done,train +2454,2455,2455,ririk,grasshopper,train +2455,2456,2456,matalaw kaku caka pakaawas kaku han ku mama aku,I said I was afraid I would not make it,train +2456,2457,2457,nu kusi nga cietan tu kaku alatek a mifuting,I could make money too maybe go fishing,train +2457,2458,2458,uyaan tu i taʼangay tu hiwawa,later on he grew up to be a big man,train +2458,2459,2459,hay punengtaw,Yes it cannot go down,train +2459,2460,2460,mitekep,catching,test +2460,2461,2461,kaemangay mi,Kids,train +2461,2462,2462,naayaway wanahuy han haw hay u anahuy ku naayaw,Yes the old fire wood rods,train +2462,2463,2463,u misangaʼay haw misatahafay,the ones we make now have lift off lids,train +2463,2464,2464,pimaan tini sa,what is this house for,train +2464,2465,2465,singsi^,teacher,train +2465,2466,2466,o cengfu tu ku cacitudung a mitamurung,the government has to bear a great deal of responsibility,train +2466,2467,2467,tini palanan macukacuk,I am going to climb up to the land over there,train +2467,2468,2468,anca u lamit nu kilang alaen kura,or pick up the roots,train +2468,2469,2469,masamaan ku rumiad tu paaliwacan,how is the weather on the weekend,train +2469,2470,2470,sa hadidi sa a maen ku wawa i ayaw mahaenay ku kakaenen niyam i ayaw,in order to fill our stomachs we ate even as children and this was the life we lived when we were young,test +2470,2471,2471,Pacauf sa ci Marta i ci Yisan Mafana kaku tu nika u lalumuwad cingra a maurip nai patay i saikuray a rumiad han ningra,Martha answered I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day,train +2471,2472,2472,mihca,year,train +2472,2473,2473,Nikawrira Paururen nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung ku finawlan a sumuwal ka u ci Parapas ku tatdalen han ci Pilatu han nangra,but the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead,train +2473,2474,2474,Matngiltu namu ku nanu dmak aku a mituur tu pakayraan nu Yutaya atu nika cudah aku a mikariang tu kiwkay nu Kawas tu sapipalasawadaw,for you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it,train +2474,2475,2475,nawhani u apa nu Kawas i ikaka nu nika citaneng nu tamdaw o nika tadanca nu Kawas i ikaka nu nika ciicel nu tamdaw,for the foolishness of God is wiser than mans wisdom and the weakness of God is stronger than mans strength,train +2475,2476,2476,macuwacuwaay nu finawlan tiya,all crops of the tribe,train +2476,2477,2477,o rumasatu anu milunguc ku wawa isu tu futing i tisuwanan u mama i cima namu ku pafli sanay i wawa tu uner saw,Which of you fathers if your son asks for a fish will give him a snake instead,train +2477,2478,2478,ina hananay atu wama,parent child language teachers,train +2478,2479,2479,awaaytu ku akakaken itira o aira tuya niyaru ku tadamaanay a anengang nu Kawas atu Tufur a Siri o mamitaung a ma^min ku matayalay nu Kawas i Cingraan,no longer will there be any curse the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city and his servants will serve him,train +2479,2480,2480,i ayaw,before,test +2480,2481,2481,kamaru hu satu itira i sauwac,let us sit by the river in the valley,train +2481,2482,2482,marepi,tear open,train +2482,2483,2483,miliyaw tu kaku a pasuwal haw i,I will restate it,train +2483,2484,2484,Nulatekay u pakayraan ningra a mipadang kitanan cuwa ka hatira u mitalaan ita,Sometimes he helps us in ways we do not expect,train +2484,2485,2485,hinapec ku falucu aku tu pinangan nuni wawa,I am concerned about this child behavior,train +2485,2486,2486,ngasaw,clan,train +2486,2487,2487,sasurutsurut satu tu mi laliway a miliyas tu niyaru,the tribesmen are dying one by one,train +2487,2488,2488,o wina ni Isin kaku ci Panay kaku,I am Isins mom Panay,train +2488,2489,2489,kaku tu i maliten tu kaku i,I am old,train +2489,2490,2490,19 mahaen u masuwalay i fafekang a tinakuan anu misaˈicel kita a midemak ira ku pakasuˈlin nu falucuˈ mitala ci Yihufaan wa ngaˈaytu kita mitafu tu rihadayay falucuˈ,as in some of the examples mentioned above if we do our best and wait in faith for the LORD we will be able to keep our inner peace,test +2490,2491,2491,Hungay iraay kisu i luma haw,Hongay are you home,train +2491,2492,2492,tuwa a maan hakiya,love each other,train +2492,2493,2493,u karireng,will use the car,train +2493,2494,2494,awaay tu ku harateng tu mana ura aca uranan,I do not have any other ideas that is all,train +2494,2495,2495,Muetep ira ku lima ku mihecaan nira anini,he is fifteen years old,train +2495,2496,2496,tatekung cangra tatusa,the two of them bumped each other,train +2496,2497,2497,ta u caay pasulin tu sulinay a suwal uya maulahay tu tatiihay a dmak i u mamapastek i patay,and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness,train +2497,2498,2498,nanu davak tangasa,from morning,train +2498,2499,2499,mikulit,draw,train +2499,2500,2500,i wali ku cidal a masadak tu dafak,the sun comes out in the east in the morning,test +2500,2501,2501,mialemay,pangolin,train +2501,2502,2502,Ngaayay tu tala hantu aku kisu iluma,Sure I will wait for you at home,train +2502,2503,2503,o faʼinayan tu ku tireng nu wawa aku sa malahitay tu sa,when you enlist in the army it means that your child is a real man,train +2503,2504,2504,hay i maruyaruya a midakaw mamaan,Yeah let us take a ride together,train +2504,2505,2505,anu ira i pafeli han tu kaku aray,thank you if you can borrow it please bring it to me,train +2505,2506,2506,saringasaen,making ridge drains,train +2506,2507,2507,midakaw tu liyal adihay ku lipida,competitive pay for ocean going vessels,train +2507,2508,2508,tekep,trap,train +2508,2509,2509,vangcalay a kaying,pretty girl,train +2509,2510,2510,materter a maru i paliding,to be jolted while riding in a vehicle,test +2510,2511,2511,ci Nawisan,one is the fire Mountain,train +2511,2512,2512,surit a sa kita malamama cai tu kalawawa nu maku kisu saan mama,we are going to stop being father and son,train +2512,2513,2513,pifalic,replace,train +2513,2514,2514,Pareduen ku wakawak itiya ta fangcal ku pitapal nu alumanay,motion has to be very consistent to look good,train +2514,2515,2515,a mi paru a mipadang a mipudpud,helped pick up,train +2515,2516,2516,tuki,tick the clock,train +2516,2517,2517,malecaday kiniyan isaw a nipisanga tu inian,it is done the same way,train +2517,2518,2518,anu tira i padatengan,if in the garden,train +2518,2519,2519,sava tu vavahiyan,my sister,train +2519,2520,2520,itiyahu i yu milaliw tu ku Ripun haw i,in the past after the Japanese left,test +2520,2521,2521,o maan ku kuhaw ita,what kind of soup do we want,train +2521,2522,2522,sa haen han i misa haen cira,he just did it again,train +2522,2523,2523,tiyaan u,seemingly the same,train +2523,2524,2524,ku niharatengan nu maku,it changed me completely,train +2524,2525,2525,o rumasatu pitulun tu saki takuwanan Ngaay anu sumuwal kaku i mapafli nu Kawas kaku tu malusasuwalen aku ta caay paska kaku a pakafana tu pakakmuday a suwal nu Kawas a Ngaayay Ratuh,pray also for me that whenever I open my mouth words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,train +2525,2526,2526,madehi sa ku ruray aku,though I have had a hard time,train +2526,2527,2527,licay han aku ci ina mana kahengang ku kakarayan,I asked my mother why the sky is red,train +2527,2528,2528,mahaenay kiya demak nu Pangcah,this is how the Amis work,train +2528,2529,2529,tu cecay nu Payrang a caciyaw,a Minnan phrase,train +2529,2530,2530,nian u sakapitu tu,it is number seven,test +2530,2531,2531,atu matatudungay a suwal,and in the right language,train +2531,2532,2532,amapaluma,planting,train +2532,2533,2533,u hari kura sasuwasuwal caay ku nika naʼay,that is true but it is not like I do not like it,train +2533,2534,2534,u sakasaan hantui mangalay,school of continuing and professional studies,train +2534,2535,2535,i ikur nu nika lumuwad ni Yis nai patay i masadak cangra nai tadem a tayra i Fangcalay a Niyaru itira a maaraw nu alumanay a tamdaw cangra,they came out of the tombs and after Jesus resurrection they went into the Holy city and appeared to many people,train +2535,2536,2536,aniniay satapang hayken kami atek malitengay pasuwalay,it is only recently it is not clear and we may perhaps have to be told by the older generation that the,train +2536,2537,2537, pakayni i pipadang ni Yihufa ci Hicikiyaan u manan ku mamananam nu mita,B what do we learn from the way the Lord saved Hezekiah,train +2537,2538,2538,anuhakuwa,when,train +2538,2539,2539,marikec haw,it is very unifying,train +2539,2540,2540,u sakayi niyaru nu Cikasuwan,about the Shichibukawa tribe,test +2540,2541,2541,Misamanay hanu padutucen nu wama wina pasifanaˈku wawa hani,why do parents need to keep teaching their children,train +2541,2542,2542,mihepul kuya a kapah tu lusud nira na masakeru,the young man is out of costume,train +2542,2543,2543,u nipipainu ni Yuhani i u nanu Kawas anu ^ca i u nanu tamdaw haw han ningra,Johns baptism was it from heaven or from men,train +2543,2544,2544,o wacu nu namu ku miawaway i takuwanan,it is your dog that keeps barking at me,train +2544,2545,2545,tayni satu kisu itini itini satu kisu ina,you are back here and you are staying here,train +2545,2546,2546,paytemek saan misanga tu safang,each to his own net,train +2546,2547,2547,madengay hen,it is not too late,train +2547,2548,2548,o funus ku sakapatay nangra u mamapalit cangra a mapatayra i cuwacuwa a kitakit o mamasakasak nu ruma a finacadan ku Yirusalim tangasa i kalpunan nu sausi nu rumiad nangra,they will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled,train +2548,2549,2549,ngata tu tu tiya ta mifulesak,seeds will not be sown until the end of February December,train +2549,2550,2550,ira hu ku nanum niyam i tukus tahanini,we still have water from the mountains we have until now,test +2550,2551,2551,Saka anu hakuwaay ku nilahcian ita a mituur i hatiraen ita ku dmak a talaayaw,only let us live up to what we have already attained,train +2551,2552,2552,malawaay,turn into a foot,train +2552,2553,2553,itini dutuc a lalakaw wa mananam ita uniya tatulu a tamdaw tanuktukay mitafu tu madimadi samanen suˈliˈlinay mafanaˈ cangra ci Yihufaan,as we will see in the next lesson these three men were able to remain faithful because they truly knew the LORD,train +2553,2554,2554,miharateng kaku,I am thinking,train +2554,2555,2555,saka maharek kuranan haw tayra tu i Tucen Cunhe Pangciyaw Singcuwan,after that we will go to the northern part of the city to Tochigi Chunghwa and Itabashi Shinjyou,train +2555,2556,2556,Enu ira tu,Oh my God here we go again,train +2556,2557,2557,u dadaya u sakatayal nayra i itiya hu,in those days they worked at night,train +2557,2558,2558,miala haw tu mikuku,chase after him,train +2558,2559,2559,iratu iraw iratu iraw adadada ati ati ati ati,come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on,train +2559,2560,2560,matatapesi,splash each other with water,test +2560,2561,2561,saan ku tumuk,to make you a mother,train +2561,2562,2562,o fuhcalay ku cengel nu cahid i kakarayan,the clouds in the sky are white,train +2562,2563,2563,o sapiadetum niyam kiraan a rarar,we use that hoe to dig up sedge,train +2563,2564,2564,ina tuluway ku tataakay,there are three major tribes,train +2564,2565,2565,Ngaay,desirable,train +2565,2566,2566,tawinaan,female,train +2566,2567,2567,haw hay nu adidiay a demak mangaay tu,is that right,train +2567,2568,2568,matuwayway,Like behavior,train +2568,2569,2569,kira ngangan nura niyaru tira,the tribes there,train +2569,2570,2570,aitini kisu itini kisu san,you are here here,test +2570,2571,2571,yu mifulsak cingra i ira ku matfaday i lalan a sapaluma kaenen nu ma^feray a ayam kunini,as he was scattering the seed some fell along the path and the birds came and ate it up,train +2571,2572,2572,paliding,car,train +2572,2573,2573,Misatamuhung kira faki,that uncle makes hats,train +2573,2574,2574,tunika,Because,train +2574,2575,2575,kalinahan nu matayalay itini i tiraw i Kalingku,the site where the workers were relocated in Hualien,train +2575,2576,2576,sanay pasuwal ku fafahi takuwanan Matengilay aku ku mikiriwiˈay a demak,my wife told me I heard great things,train +2576,2577,2577,kakuway tu ku sumuwalay tu faʼinay su satu ku sakakaay tu itini i kaysiya di,my sister in the sugar factory said I would tell your husband,train +2577,2578,2578,Mafuyul kira matuasay tu sinawar nira,the old man was dizzy and about to fall,train +2578,2579,2579,Paangtulen nu mariangay a tamdaw ku fanaw niyam,that bad man went and made our pond stink of rotting meat,train +2579,2580,2580,milafin tu itira i,spend the night there,test +2580,2581,2581,Milinsiway hu kami mafana tu kami haihari pakafanaen kami hanen wawa hu,in many agricultural tasks such as planting rice and searching for thatch the clan elders need to be taught,train +2581,2582,2582,mitilid tu i,I went to three elementary schools,train +2582,2583,2583,hay tuktukan culuk sa mituktuk,I have been knocking and knocking one by one,train +2583,2584,2584,idang,friends,train +2584,2585,2585,Usapacaluk amin tu dingki,all lampshades,train +2585,2586,2586,misawadtu,the Amis have given up,train +2586,2587,2587,itiya satu,at this point,train +2587,2588,2588,Haysaw sakanguduan,Yeah Yeah so shy,train +2588,2589,2589,fitelak,the opening of an egg,train +2589,2590,2590,uwalen,go move something heavy with a crowbar,test +2590,2591,2591,iraan a cacay uya pawli,just bananas,train +2591,2592,2592,u maan ku awa,why not,train +2592,2593,2593,matakaw nira kiya ccay a langa nu ya suiguu nira a kyafes,he stole a basket of fruits that is guavas,train +2593,2594,2594,lima felih ku aasipen nu mita anini,we are going to read five pages today,train +2594,2595,2595,aiyay saw kuna wawa,Aiya this kid,train +2595,2596,2596,anini a rumiʼad tayni kaku sa,Today I am here,train +2596,2597,2597,sulinay haw i pasaupuen aku ku kapah,it is true that in I gathered all the youths together,train +2597,2598,2598,mainuʼay tu kisu sa ku ina aku,mom asked me if I would taken a bath,train +2598,2599,2599,o pulung nu demak i masakararumantu nika ira tu ku tawa itini a maaraw ku nika u rahudayay ku pinangan nu masapangcahay a tamdaw,the whole atmosphere is one of sadness and laughter which shows the optimistic nature of the Amis people,train +2599,2600,2600,anu caliw han kunini a suwal haw i,to paraphrase,test +2600,2601,2601,yusay payusayay,teaching tailoring,train +2601,2602,2602,saksaken kuya eli,laying down the old thatch,train +2602,2603,2603,miteka tu kaku misiwkay takuwan haw,Okay first I will introduce myself,train +2603,2604,2604,ta pacekentu nangra ci Yis i ciwcika ta mararitus haca cangra a misakilac tu riku ningra,and they crucified him dividing up his clothes they cast lots to see what each would get,train +2604,2605,2605,malafi^,have dinner,train +2605,2606,2606,nimaan cikacinglaw mimi,you do not say anything it is a secret,train +2606,2607,2607,cifafuy,there are pig farming,train +2607,2608,2608,o maefuay kaku tu paunul nu ina a midiput tu safa i Taypak,I could not do what my mom asked me to do to take care of my sister in Taipei,train +2608,2609,2609,milacal cira tu tusa a katayalan,he works two jobs,train +2609,2610,2610,sawni,soon after,test +2610,2611,2611,sakapah han nira ku nipaluma,he planted it with great care,train +2611,2612,2612,anu tahira tu i hekal kisu,after landing,train +2612,2613,2613,milaliw,flee,train +2613,2614,2614,anu tatangsulen tangsulen,if you want to use it as a building material right away use it right away,train +2614,2615,2615,iraay ku mialaan aku a patafuan malacafay kita kumaen,I have brought a lunchbox today let us eat together at noon,train +2615,2616,2616,nawhani u sasalamaen nu wawa,it is one of the children games,train +2616,2617,2617,nanay u ninan haw i,I hope so,train +2617,2618,2618,pakayni aca i kalas nu niyaru kamauc ta mipili a patireng tu malatumukay saka maaraw nu mita ku pirayray tu demak sikipaputal atu mirayray tu sakitini i finawlan,the authority of the head elected by the elders at the meeting is manifested in the direction of external dealings and internal organization of public affairs,train +2618,2619,2619,sasuraraten,away,train +2619,2620,2620,lalikul,back,test +2620,2621,2621,u lupu ku sademak,ropes,train +2621,2622,2622,Palingkuen ku picacak tu waay nu fafuy a mitenger,put apple in the stewed pigs feet,train +2622,2623,2623,kaala,apprehend,train +2623,2624,2624,O pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw i pitngil tu pipasuwal nu Fangcalay Adingu i kasakiwkay O pakaluwiday a tamdaw i caay ku mamakariang nu saka tusa a patay,he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches he who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death,train +2624,2625,2625,anucila maharek tu kura siukenciu ta patayra haca kaku tu payci,a few days later when the title deed is done I will pay the balance,train +2625,2626,2626,Patiliden wlu ku salikaka nu Luma,Paul wrote to the brothers in Rome,train +2626,2627,2627,masinangay,a very sharp knife,train +2627,2628,2628,o singsingsi ku picudadan,there are many teachers in the school,train +2628,2629,2629,u emu saan pipatala,only the prepared sweet rice cakes,train +2629,2630,2630,i kaamis nu Pangcah haw i ira ku Taluku i kaetip haw i ira ku Iwatan i katimul haw i ira ku Piwma^ u masasiadaay kunini a kasakitakit,in the north of the Amis tribes there are the Taroko in the west there are the Bunun and in the south there are the Puyuma and there is hostility between the communities,test +2630,2631,2631,tu luma sa cina aku ku,just mom,train +2631,2632,2632,masadak tu kaku,I am going out,train +2632,2633,2633,uya maku san a pihiya misangaʼay tu tinki nu fasu,my job is to take care of the headlights on the buses,train +2633,2634,2634,Mafana,will,train +2634,2635,2635,matuiya sa mi,kind of,train +2635,2636,2636,ancaay kunini pakakafitan ita,if it is not connected by this ring,train +2636,2637,2637,hai tusa tu a pulu a mihecaan a paluma i,of course because it is been planted for over years,train +2637,2638,2638,masamatira kira sasaka suwal san kiya matuʼasay,that is why the old man said,train +2638,2639,2639,tatusaay,two persons,train +2639,2640,2640,man han namu u timul,what do you call it in the south,test +2640,2641,2641,ami satuvang ku kaka u maku,I am going to be a maid,train +2641,2642,2642,anu saan tata misakeru kita,if so we will go dancing together,train +2642,2643,2643,halipakangic,decorating with dragons,train +2643,2644,2644,i dangah tu hatiniay,a pot like this,train +2644,2645,2645,matayal anu dafah ku niyaru saan ku tengil nu maku,what I am hearing is that the whole tribe is going to be working together tomorrow morning,train +2645,2646,2646,tipus atu panay atu sakaytini i havay,crop millet has an intense,train +2646,2647,2647,nisangaʼan ni akung niyam tu cyang kita han niyam,our grandfather made clogs that we called Jagida,train +2647,2648,2648,anu mikawit kamu haw enam a pulu ku mata nira,if you want to make holes you have to knit loops,train +2648,2649,2649,Anca miaca tu citing miwanglu i tinnaw,or buy a dictionary or look up information on the Internet,train +2649,2650,2650,Sapikuwang u vulu ku sapisanga,it is used for shooting guns made of arrows and bamboo,test +2650,2651,2651,wa kacye sa kiya Taywan,Wow the Minnan said there is a lot of them,train +2651,2652,2652,kiemel ku falucu nira,he is strong in heart courageous,train +2652,2653,2653,tayra ci Kulas tura lutulutukan,Kolas goes to that mountain,train +2653,2654,2654,o nu i ta^ngadaytu a tamdaw kamu a matiya u nu rumiad caaytu ku nu i tumanay kita a matiya u nu dadaya,you are all sons of the light and sons of the day we do not belong to the night or to the darkness,train +2654,2655,2655,o milakuwitay tu riyar a mitusilay anu saka ciepucaw ku pipadama tu salikaka wa minanam tunu itiraay a suwal,if we as missionaries are to be more effective in helping the brethren we need to learn the local language,train +2655,2656,2656,sanu Kuwaping han ningra sanu Pangcah han aku mikimad,if he speaks Chinese I will turn it into ethnic,train +2656,2657,2657,maangcepay,burnt,train +2657,2658,2658,cikayen,run,train +2658,2659,2659,mitilid kaku,I read,train +2659,2660,2660,nanay mapakalmed nu Kawas ku aira a Kitakit nu tatuasan ita ci Tafiti Hmeken ku Isatakaraway a Kawas saan,Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David Hosanna in the highest,test +2660,2661,2661,Paaresingen ku nipalumaan nu misu a hana ta makapah ku lengaw,the flowers you plant need dew to grow beautifully,train +2661,2662,2662,Nikawrira anu misakakinih kamu tu tamdaw i u ciraraway kamu o ciraraway kamu han nu Rikec kamu a mipastek i raraw,but if you show favoritism you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers,train +2662,2663,2663,micumuday,the man who came in,train +2663,2664,2664,hatini maliteng tu kami i,now we are old,train +2664,2665,2665,i tingnaw mafana anini a wawa,young people can get this kind of information from their computers,train +2665,2666,2666,nengneng han aku,I saw it,train +2666,2667,2667,Mimingayhu kaku itiya caka fanaˈ misakadademak tura kikay kawra anu milisuˈ atu pacekiw cangra i maulahay kaku padama cangranan pahuni tu kimad nu salikaka ci Rusufu,I was too young to do it but I enjoyed assisting them in showing brother Lus speech when they renewed their visits or conducted Bible classes,train +2667,2668,2668,itiya hu mahaenay ku demak niyam u niyaru,that is how our tribe lived and worked back then,train +2668,2669,2669,pakaenay tu kulung nira i futing,lit letting a cow graze on grass,train +2669,2670,2670,Futul,mans name,test +2670,2671,2671,hatira malakayakayat a makeru,it is dancing hand in hand,train +2671,2672,2672,mahaen tuwa,Fairy Karma,train +2672,2673,2673,anuira ku salilit haw,if there is a crown,train +2673,2674,2674,micerur,succession,train +2674,2675,2675,anu pakayni i pasikawasan amaadahay a adadaay inian a tamdaw irikur tu i u mamalamitaungay tu a mipakaen cira tirana akawakawas anu cai i malasaka ciadada haca nira a mitiyul,if he is cured the patient must worship the Spirit that caused his illness in the future otherwise he will suffer a relapse or even fall ill,train +2675,2676,2676,sanay saka tira kami a matayal,that is why we work there,train +2676,2677,2677,Matapa nu funus ku waay nu maku,I was cut on my foot with a fencers knife,train +2677,2678,2678,misamadah,Gently,train +2678,2679,2679,taludu,finger,train +2679,2680,2680,ira kuya ccay a wawa dadaya tu i u tihi nira u widang nira u ccay wacu atu ccay takula,there was a child at night his partner and friend a dog and a frog,test +2680,2681,2681,piypingyang,Arctic ocean,train +2681,2682,2682,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu anu cima ku maimeray tu suwal aku i tahadauc a caay ka patay kuya tamdaw han ningra,I tell you the truth if anyone keeps my word he will never see death,train +2682,2683,2683,o luma i anu mafukilay mifalid i,and the old man who will not be using a raft,train +2683,2684,2684,Mafau ku panay satu mafau adihay kya mikuyuday tutayi afau nu panay kiyami satumili sakupanay cayay hai,if there are worms growing on the ears of rice they are worms with shit on their backs and the whole ear looks very shiny,train +2684,2685,2685,remiad,Festival,train +2685,2686,2686,Tunamahaen iya masasauwacay,and then the river,train +2686,2687,2687,pucu,goiter,train +2687,2688,2688,u kahengangaay satu anini ri,only red cane is left at the moment,train +2688,2689,2689,maulah kiyaru,it is a natural death,train +2689,2690,2690,u maan manikaw tu kakaenen kiyami ku ayaway a tamdaw,in the past people were poor and lacked food,test +2690,2691,2691,halafin a misanga kiya haw,it is been a long time,train +2691,2692,2692,maharatengay nu maku,here is what comes to mind,train +2692,2693,2693,sahetu u sanay ku hatiraay maʼalaway aku haw,all I see is fallow,train +2693,2694,2694,o ruma satu i nu maku a paru nu luma aku haw i,Now about my family,train +2694,2695,2695,misa Tafalungay,the long Valley clan of Taiwan,train +2695,2696,2696,han numaku a paini,that is what I am talking about,train +2696,2697,2697,ulah san na mama niyam a minengneng,our father was very happy to see it,train +2697,2698,2698,o sapakafana niyam tu pakayniay i tamiyanan a tilid i u kamu ira i falucu niyam kunini tu maluaasipen nu alumanay a tamdaw,you yourselves are our letter written on our hearts known and read by everybody,train +2698,2699,2699,Papinuhiren nira kaka kaku i putal i dafak,in the morning the brother made us crawl on the dusty ground,train +2699,2700,2700,tura anini tura maʼaraway ita i,what we see here,test +2700,2701,2701,enar,at the foot of the mountain,train +2701,2702,2702,cayay pasuʼlin tu Kawas cingra,he does not believe in Upland,train +2702,2703,2703,naw ira ku utufay awaay fekac hananay mahaen,did they have motorcycles back then No they ran,train +2703,2704,2704,caay ku nu tamdawan ku pihufuc tu maluwawa nu Kawas o nanu niktunan nu Kawas tu suwal a nihufucan ku sulinay a mamaluwawa nu Kawas tu malutluc ni Apraham u sanay aku,nor because they are his descendants are they all Abrahams children on the contrary It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned,train +2704,2705,2705,Kamu u Cipulun atu Naftali a pala u pasayraay i riyar a pala u itiraway nu Yurtan a alu u kamaruan nu ruma a finacadan u Kalili,Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali the way to the sea along the Jordan Galilee of the Gentiles,train +2705,2706,2706,u namal u datung saku saka sasiʼayaw,seize dry wood fire surrounded,train +2706,2707,2707,itiya miliyaw haca kaku a minengneng i matngil aku ku ngiha nu alumanay a cuyuh i taliyuk nuya tadamaanay a anengang atuya saspatay a mauripay atuya ciwlu Pina a ufad ku nika aluman nangra,then I looked and heard the voice of many angels numbering thousands upon thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand they encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders,train +2707,2708,2708,samanen sahadidi sa kita u misa Pangcahay,there is nothing we can do about it we are aboriginals,train +2708,2709,2709,matefing,shaken,train +2709,2710,2710,Milikakicuh ci ina a micikcik tu lingku,mom removes the apple pits and cuts them up,test +2710,2711,2711,sawlan nu tau itira ku safa isu han nu sakakaay,I heard from someone where your sister is now,train +2711,2712,2712,patalafanaw,pools,train +2712,2713,2713,kiya mahaen kiya mahaen,Why,train +2713,2714,2714,Hayda hinatala ku falucu aku,Alright I am looking forward to it,train +2714,2715,2715,awa Pangcah di awa san ci kaka itiya di,No there is no Amis that is what my sister said,train +2715,2716,2716,Mamusuay kira itisakiay a siraw isu faki,octopus in your bag Grandpa,train +2716,2717,2717,suelin satu niyam kuya taladaw,I am sure we are halfway to the Xiuguluan River,train +2717,2718,2718,huntu caay ku pakakafiten kuni,I did not plan on putting this up,train +2718,2719,2719,itini picekiw,when you are collecting,train +2719,2720,2720,iraay ku harateng aku maanen aku urip,at that time I was thinking about my future,test +2720,2721,2721,lahecien ita hananay aku,tell her we have to finish it,train +2721,2722,2722,kaku,I am years old,train +2722,2723,2723,saan sa ku maku a pisaʼicel hatiratira ku falucu i,I have been thinking about this very seriously,train +2723,2724,2724,kalung,gallon,train +2724,2725,2725,adihay hu ku sufitay i Kinmung iʼayaw,there used to be a lot of soldiers in Kinmen,train +2725,2726,2726,itiraay kisu i kungkuan nu niyaru a mitilid haw,do you study in your tribes school,train +2726,2727,2727,misakerukeruay,dancer,train +2727,2728,2728,enemay ku tuki nu maku a lemuwad,I get up at six of the clock in the morning,train +2728,2729,2729,ming han nu ripun ku kakaenen miala,the Japanese took it all,train +2729,2730,2730,i haysan iayaw kiyami matekup maemen mapatay,all tribesmen were killed in a huge accident at the had Shan mine,test +2730,2731,2731,o niya tireng ira haw,it is got to be the body in one piece,train +2731,2732,2732,pinganganan,naming is based on,train +2732,2733,2733,I ikur nunini a rumiad i u papatirengen Aku ku matiniay a katatlekan atu cangra O paparuen Aku i falucu nangra ku rikec Aku u tatiliden Aku i harateng nangra saan ku suwal nu Tapang saan,This is the covenant I will make with them after that time says the Lord I will put my laws in their hearts and I will write them on their minds,train +2733,2734,2734,nengneng sa ci Yis tuya maruay i taliyuk ningra a tamdamdaw a sumuwal Nengnengen unini a tamdamdaw ku ina atu salikaka Aku,then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said Here are my mother and my brothers,train +2734,2735,2735,sepat ku tuki rumuwad tu milicihap,I wake up at to shave the fish,train +2735,2736,2736,anu talapicudadan tu anu taluma tu,whether you are going to school or coming home,train +2736,2737,2737,kuʼesit tay haw,cannot you pull it,train +2737,2738,2738,tayra nani tira kami i nung Yanmey,we are going through Yangmei,train +2738,2739,2739,patatikul,turn back,train +2739,2740,2740,na akung i,polite address for an elderly man or a woman father in law,test +2740,2741,2741,o makatimulay ku dakawen a fasu,you will have to take a bus from the south,train +2741,2742,2742,uya saka tayra i Cawi,to the Shizura tribe,train +2742,2743,2743,pacaefasen,it is overflowing,train +2743,2744,2744,aka ketunen ku nu Amis a wayway,do not cut off the Amis tradition,train +2744,2745,2745,itiya a urip i,life at that time,train +2745,2746,2746,maraay kira karumakat i,it is a long walk,train +2746,2747,2747,Itiyasatu fahal sa a maaraw nu tatuluay a nisawawaan ci Iliya aci Musi a masasicaciyaw i ci Yisan,and there appeared before them Elijah and Moses who were talking with Jesus,train +2747,2748,2748,Otaen,vomit,train +2748,2749,2749,mansa caay pacefa ira ku mitenaay masamamaanay haw i,that is why I do not ignore signs like these,train +2749,2750,2750,man sanay ku iyang yu sanay,what do you mean Same as you,test +2750,2751,2751,keliw,ramie,train +2751,2752,2752,sawarak,poison,train +2752,2753,2753,hatiraay ku demak nu maku,this was the situation back then,train +2753,2754,2754,o cahid ku sikaen a malafi,the dish for dinner was dried taro stems,train +2754,2755,2755,nengnengan aku niala ku matuʼasay i ayaw tini paheku,I see old people taking,train +2755,2756,2756,tihelum,stand around something,train +2756,2757,2757,ancaacaay ka hakuwa ku lifung nu niyam i,although we do not make much money,train +2757,2758,2758,misetiʼan ira kaku,he hit me,train +2758,2759,2759,san ku itiraay tu a tamdaw sasaka caay kangaʼay nu niyam a itira maru,the people there said so so they cannot live there,train +2759,2760,2760,sipinang ku Taywan tunu rumaan a vuting,the Minnesotans know it is a different species,test +2760,2761,2761,nanamen,study,train +2761,2762,2762,mahaen ini hen ci baki,that is how it was when Grandpa was still alive,train +2762,2763,2763,misasing,photography,train +2763,2764,2764,sapihiya nu adiwawa haw itiya henay haw,when I was a kid I was a kid,train +2764,2765,2765,u malitengay i mapapalipaliway misanga tu luma,the old generation built houses by changing laborers,train +2765,2766,2766,papimecmecen,Letthe palm of your hand squeeze the,train +2766,2767,2767,Macaur nu maku ku pipacakay naira tu umah saka lalangan aku ku pipacakay naira,I caught up with their dealings to buy and sell the fields so I stopped them from selling in time,train +2767,2768,2768,tangulan nira aysu ku,you are in charge of the coffin,train +2768,2769,2769,ruma,later,train +2769,2770,2770,nawhani micudad kaku tu ku sanay tu paini kaku tu wawa,one of the reasons why I am now studying in university is that I am going to teach children,test +2770,2771,2771,Iraw tura canul tura tulas nura kamatini,in the Xiuguluan River there is a wide place on the sea at the end of the impact wave,train +2771,2772,2772,Mifalud tu kasuy ciira,he is tying up the wood,train +2772,2773,2773,o mitngilay a tamdaw i fahka a ma^min tu nika fana ni Yis a pacauf,everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers,train +2773,2774,2774,ta u yanan sa mihicay mahaen,if you are catching fish for a living,train +2774,2775,2775,nima ku alay ku tu nu lalemed sa,there is a need for each other yes that is why we are fishing here yes,train +2775,2776,2776,matenes caay karemadiw,it is been a long time since I sang,train +2776,2777,2777,Pakapaurip cingra tu tau i caay pakapaurip tu tireng anu u Hungti nu Israil cingra i mamaan ma^pud cingra i matini nai ciwcika ta pasulin kita i Cingraan,He saved others they said but he cannot save himself he is the king of Israel let him come down now from the cross and we will believe in him,train +2777,2778,2778,ira tu ku keter ni wina aku haw i,my mom is very angry,train +2778,2779,2779,niyaru,room,train +2779,2780,2780,o suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad i u tluc ni Tafiti ci Kristu o hahufucen cingra i Piclihim i niyaru ni Tafiti saan kyami saan,does not the Scripture say that the Christ will come from Davids family and from Bethlehem the town where David lived,test +2780,2781,2781,ura niyam a matuʼasay nani mangutaay,our parents have been in grand harbor since,train +2781,2782,2782,Cuncun wawa nira,it is his child,train +2782,2783,2783,maulah ku kulung a kumaen tu semut,cows like to graze,train +2783,2784,2784,hay ngaʼay hu mamaan aca,Hi Hi Hello good to see you,train +2784,2785,2785,aca ku hakasi,there are per thousand Ph Ds,train +2785,2786,2786,u fangcal kira m anudafak kami a tayra tu niyam patien tiya patademan a pipatademan,T we are going the tombs at of the clock tomorrow P to the tombs,train +2786,2787,2787,maʼemin tu micumud kura Pangcah,all the Amis youth are here,train +2787,2788,2788,Mikunuc ci ina tu ayam,mom plucks chicken feathers,train +2788,2789,2789,micalap,transporter occupation,train +2789,2790,2790,maliwasak,Distribution decentralization,test +2790,2791,2791,awaay ku katalawan,there is nothing to be afraid of,train +2791,2792,2792,tu sapirumrum i tira i ya i kakeruan,to light the campfire at the dance,train +2792,2793,2793,riharay kunu maku,I am more relaxed,train +2793,2794,2794,ayu Fangcalay i,wow ah very nice so,train +2794,2795,2795,Nikawrira mapakatayal nu ruma a lkakawa ku tireng aku u mipaculiay tu kaulahan nu falucu aku a ngaayay a dmak mipalit i takuwanan kunini a papituur tu pinangan nu raraw onini a lkakawa ku mingiyangiay tu tireng aku,but I see another law at work in the members of my body waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members,train +2795,2796,2796,hen,when,train +2796,2797,2797,kakereman,toward evening,train +2797,2798,2798,kaku,I am the mediator,train +2798,2799,2799,salaluma,Middle between,train +2799,2800,2800,uwi han nira ku salawina,ask your relatives to help you with your work,test +2800,2801,2801,a micumcum tu ku cinah,only then will they go into the salt,train +2801,2802,2802,ya kadafu nu kaka aku,my sister in law,train +2802,2803,2803,saw u nian ku hanen salaw limela kaku titanan u misyakayay,that is what makes my heart ache for the folks in the metro area,train +2803,2804,2804,Papidemaken ni ina ci safa langiwngiw saan cira,mom told her sister to do things and she kept complaining,train +2804,2805,2805,Masamulal tu ku fulad anini,the moon is starting to show a little sliver,train +2805,2806,2806,yi mafanaʼay kisu mafekac i,Say Hi you are the one who is good at,train +2806,2807,2807,cima ku ci Piday,who is Piday,train +2807,2808,2808,Maluwan ku nika aluman ita,there are less of us,train +2808,2809,2809,o maminukay tu kami liyaw a rumiad tayra satu milisu cangraan,I said goodbye to them and said I would see them next time,train +2809,2810,2810,cikarahay,with sunshade,test +2810,2811,2811,uni sakangkang haw caay tu tayra i masenaʼay a mikangkang,this kind of mechanical plowing cannot even get to the muddy soil,train +2811,2812,2812,malalacal,contact us,train +2812,2813,2813,langdaway,green,train +2813,2814,2814,pakitangalen,on top of the head on top of the head,train +2814,2815,2815,aanayaen hu ku nananamen aku tu suwal nu Pangcah,I need to work on my Aramaic,train +2815,2816,2816,misu atu ciira kiran,you are over there with him,train +2816,2817,2817,mikiluma,go to sleep,train +2817,2818,2818,iraay ku mita nu Amis a tilung,we Amis have pottery jars,train +2818,2819,2819,pataluma,classifier for families or businesses beg shops companies,train +2819,2820,2820,ayaw nu ranan i,up until that point,test +2820,2821,2821,cirihadayay,peaceful,train +2821,2822,2822,Suelinay kuna suwal,this statement is true,train +2822,2823,2823,ku hatiniay u dateng nu mita u Amis,this Amis wild vegetable,train +2823,2824,2824,awaay ku kadiheku nu luma niyam itiyaay hu,there is no warmth in the house,train +2824,2825,2825,Anangen,save it,train +2825,2826,2826,u caiyay hu kadeng kisu a misatekel,it means you have not practiced enough,train +2826,2827,2827,Citulas ku fana nu mita,our knowledge is limited,train +2827,2828,2828,i kawili nu luma ku cawka naira,his kitchen is on the left side of the house,train +2828,2829,2829,icyinse Repensetay picyawyi ma haw,it used to be the Japanese education era,train +2829,2830,2830,o maan ku pakafanaan isu,what do you teach,test +2830,2831,2831,u hahiratengen awaay hu ku katamaay kina kinaʼutuc,no one knows the meaning of that stone tablet,train +2831,2832,2832,malalisanay kaku,I have a fever,train +2832,2833,2833,cieci,Creek,train +2833,2834,2834,spat hu kaku a miheca,when I was years old,train +2834,2835,2835,a pasyira i ci Vavuy Liyalan,to the whales in the sea,train +2835,2836,2836,pitu mihecaan ku kalasinging nu maku,I have been a crewman for seven years,train +2836,2837,2837,mitapid,stitching,train +2837,2838,2838,kamuku^,cessation,train +2838,2839,2839,i ayaw nu pitu^ pulu nu mihecaan u luma nu Pangcah u kilang u awul u uway u eli ku sapisaluma,in the early days before the and the building materials of traditional Amis houses were mainly locally sourced wood bamboo rattan and thatch,train +2839,2840,2840,mikasuy tu alaway i,where is the mokumeboshi wood,test +2840,2841,2841,Pangciyaw tu Cunhe tu Yunhe tu mahenay,Itabashi Central and Yonghe are the main districts,train +2841,2842,2842,12 harek sahu misemsem ci Yupu patudicek han ni Yihufa mirikec cingra tada pakinaliay kura han,would it be too harsh for the Lord to counsel job directly after he had endured a severe trial,train +2842,2843,2843,matiraay ku away ku raraw a singsi i,it is a sinless person like that so Master,train +2843,2844,2844,alaen nira ku tamaku,take the cigarettes,train +2844,2845,2845,papak,pumpkin core,train +2845,2846,2846,maliyas aku ku ruray aku itini tuna katey,I will be able to leave the labor of the family,train +2846,2847,2847,u maan hani ku caay tu pituur tu naira a hiya,what is the factor that they no longer follow the beliefs of the past,train +2847,2848,2848,tuwad,pry open,train +2848,2849,2849,ilaenuay ikalaenuay,object below,train +2849,2850,2850,Cidadipis ku pakaysingan nu misu,there are cockroaches in your bowl kitchen,test +2850,2851,2851,kisu u Kapirnaum u mamapacakat kisu a tayra i kakarayan saan kisu saw o mamatfad kisu i pisemseman han ni Yis,and you Capernaum will you be lifted up to the skies No you will go down to the depths,train +2851,2852,2852,caay katatudung tu nikas naira mimaan ku huing han itiya hu,to maximize or avoid recourse to the courts,train +2852,2853,2853,keriden aku kamu a talalutuk anini^ a rumiad,I will take you to the mountains today,train +2853,2854,2854,Efaw han ni Kacaw kunini a tayal,this job Kacaw contracted,train +2854,2855,2855,les ku puut aku,my knife is dull,train +2855,2856,2856,malaluud kira huwa niman cik,because there was a war how could you not be scared,train +2856,2857,2857,kilim satu kami tu fukeluh kamuruʼan nu matuʼasay,move stones around the staff activity area for the elderly to sit,train +2857,2858,2858,anu sulinayay a mahaen,if that is the case,train +2858,2859,2859,samiyay,idols,train +2859,2860,2860,ura mipakafanaʼay san kiya haw nengnengen ku na mipakafanaʼay,whether or not to first assist and finalize a new coach teaching,test +2860,2861,2861,ruma^,additionally,train +2861,2862,2862,o pasamuay tu nu i kakarayanay a Taluan ku tayal nangra a citudung tu taung mahaen itu ku ni Musi yu talaayaw cingra a misanga tu Taluan i palimuuten nu Kawas cingra a pasuwal Aka ka ^ca du^duen ku nipatirian tisuwanan i lutuk a facu a ma^min a misanga saan,they serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven this is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain,train +2862,2863,2863,mahemek ku matuasay tu pipafatis nu kapah,the old man was glad the youth shared the hunt,train +2863,2864,2864,i kana nu Kalili a midmak ci Yis tunini a saayaway a kafahkaan a dmak itira a pahapinang cingra tu nika tadamaan ningra Saka pasulin satu ku nisawawaan ningra i Cingraan,This the first of his miraculous signs Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee he thus revealed his glory and his disciples put their faith in him,train +2864,2865,2865,Capet han ku nitekulan aku a mali,to catch the ball I threw,train +2865,2866,2866,mangudu cingra tu mama,he is respectful to his father,train +2866,2867,2867,o tasaay ku parud ni ira,he has two families,train +2867,2868,2868,umanan hu kyasaw,whatever it is,train +2868,2869,2869,kamimingen,it is a little piece,train +2869,2870,2870,ni sarakatay sahu ri nifunpay hu tu hitay,at the beginning they were still arranging soldiers,test +2870,2871,2871,o mipausaay kaku a talapala,I am going to the field to deliver the meal,train +2871,2872,2872,adihay satu ku mikaenan isu tu waneng saka manguhed tu ku wadis,you eat too much candy so your teeth get cavities,train +2872,2873,2873,o mipaypayay ku mahaenay kira,that is what Buddhism is all about,train +2873,2874,2874,awaay ku lalalukuten tu hatiniay,Comparatively no arrestable,train +2874,2875,2875,o ariwadang nu suni nu hikuki ku saka naay nu maku a paluma i tini,the disturbing sound of airplanes makes me reluctant to buy a home here,train +2875,2876,2876,ruma i ira ku i niyaruay tu anca i rumaay a niyaru nu malininaay tayni milisu tu cipadesay a luma unini i mirikap han ku suwal,in addition a group of relatives from the tribe or other tribes visit the funeral home called Mirikap,train +2876,2877,2877,sakacecay mifacu cangra,they have to be grounders first,train +2877,2878,2878,tataak tataak ku laing sivaliyus aca,the waves are getting bigger and bigger and there is a typhoon coming,train +2878,2879,2879,u tumuk hananay cecay nu piʼarawan nu finawlan,leader of the show,train +2879,2880,2880,tapangan,tree head,test +2880,2881,2881,misatukituk,continuous,train +2881,2882,2882,kaulahan nu Kawas a salikaka mafana kami tu nika u nipilian nu Kawas a tamdaw kamu,for we know brothers loved by God that he has chosen you,train +2882,2883,2883,taynien tu kiya sakatayal aku han ningra kiya kankufu,he told the nurse to bring his work clothes,train +2883,2884,2884,mitala ku micakayay,the fish buyer has been waiting there,train +2884,2885,2885,Mafana kisu tu nipiliyas nu i Aciyaay a tamdamdaw takuwanan Halu ci Fikilus aci Hermukinis a miliyas,you know that everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me including Phygelus and Hermogenes,train +2885,2886,2886,mana ira kura na lutukimu hananay,what is volunteer labor like,train +2886,2887,2887,pasuwal sa ci Yis Filipaw halafintu Kaku a mikaput i tamuwanan i caayhu ka fana kisu i Takuwanan saw O pakaaraway i Takuwanan i u pakaaraway tu Wama Nawiru Paarawen kami tu Wama saan kisu saw,Jesus answered Do not you know me Philip even after I have been among you such a long time anyone who has seen me has seen the Father how can you say Show us the Father,train +2887,2888,2888,anucila hantu aku a patikul cira,I will return to him tomorrow,train +2888,2889,2889,samaan ku demak ita ngaˈ eca ka fiyur nu mararaway a cuus,what can we do to avoid being influenced by wrong desires,train +2889,2890,2890,miyat saan ku dingki nu tamina i riyar tu daydaya,every night the lights of the ships at sea shine,test +2890,2891,2891,pakaduhay,seducer,train +2891,2892,2892,lawac nu riyar,seashore,train +2892,2893,2893,Saicelen ku sakararihaday atu pulung nu tamdaw Saicelen ku sakafangcal nu dmak namu anu caay ka fangcal i caay ku papakaaraw kamu tu Tapang,make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy without holiness no one will see the Lord,train +2893,2894,2894,o rumasatu ka u ngaayay ku lihaf a tamdaw i finawlan nu niyaru ta caay ka lukes a matilu nu Palafuay cingra a mapakangudu,he must also have a good reputation with outsiders so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devils trap,train +2894,2895,2895,patatudungen aku ku cecay miheca,I will do it for exactly one year,train +2895,2896,2896,matuʼasay,it is the old man,train +2896,2897,2897,maherek tu i ngaʼay tu mahadak tu sanay tu,when the program is over he says he is ready to go ashore,train +2897,2898,2898,fafahiyan a safa,young woman,train +2898,2899,2899,nga maluwad nga ira ku tayal nu kapah ta minukay tu kapah i tini i niyaru,I hope the young people are willing to go back to their tribes and farm,train +2899,2900,2900,talaw kaku tiya matuʼasay niyam,fear of our old man,test +2900,2901,2901,u wawa a mapulung tu misyakayay,all the kids in the metro area,train +2901,2902,2902,ayah awaay kuna payci wa cuwa kakaedeng hani sa,I do not have enough money left,train +2902,2903,2903,o lawmingay a nengneng ku sufitay nu aniniay,the soldiers nowadays seem to be weak and feeble,train +2903,2904,2904,o fiyaw nu maku ciira,he is my neighbor,train +2904,2905,2905,tuwa taynien itini,just come here,train +2905,2906,2906,limaay,five dollar,train +2906,2907,2907,Orasaka tataang ku lipahak nu finawlan nuya niyaru,so there was great joy in that city,train +2907,2908,2908,dafak satu taengad tu,in the morning at first light,train +2908,2909,2909,Mi^mi han tu kamay kira malifawaay a waay isu,please press your finger on your swollen foot,train +2909,2910,2910,pilet,twist,test +2910,2911,2911,tayra satu kuya fafahiyan i,what about when the girls go,train +2911,2912,2912,savaluhay,update,train +2912,2913,2913,umaku miharateng ya mifaway saayaway haw i,this is what I wanted the old contractor,train +2913,2914,2914,Tahacu^cua,do not fall in,train +2914,2915,2915,felac,rice,train +2915,2916,2916,u sama hananay kuni ini tu nu iya,it is also called a dandelion,train +2916,2917,2917,anu pasadaken nu mita papipakafana tu wawa i,come on let them teach the kids,train +2917,2918,2918,rarami,straw,train +2918,2919,2919,u kasuling ku sakatayra ningra i pusung haw,did he take a train to Taitung,train +2919,2920,2920,cifukes,Hair,test +2920,2921,2921,hatucepi,the size of a thigh,train +2921,2922,2922,dafak satu maratar ca Yis a rumakat i lalan i maaraw nangra ku nika tahalamit ku nika icang nuya sukun a kilang,in the morning as they went along they saw the fig tree withered from the roots,train +2922,2923,2923,i Minku way a mihcaan,in the year of ROC,train +2923,2924,2924,Masaapeladay ku turun nu finawlan a patala tu lafang,the tribal people prepare cubes of rice cakes for their guests,train +2924,2925,2925,Hitaci sanay haw,about Hitachi,train +2925,2926,2926,masamaan ku harateng nu misu ku urip nu misu tangasa matini,what do you think how has life improved so far,train +2926,2927,2927,ira hu ku aalaen tu liyaw saan,and then there is always food,train +2927,2928,2928,Hinasuraray cira tu raraw nu tau,he easily forgives others for their mistakes,train +2928,2929,2929,Hayda malacafay kita a tayra,Sure let us go there together,train +2929,2930,2930,pasevana ku singsi haenen haenen ku nipaluma sa,teachers have taught these farming methods,test +2930,2931,2931,hakaeledan,to make the rope,train +2931,2932,2932,iraaytu kita maemin,all present and accounted for,train +2932,2933,2933,tu picacukangan naca tahira tu secisuwiy,in the course of my work I became a year old girl,train +2933,2934,2934,awa ku fangcal ku funguh aku,the headache has not gone away at all,train +2934,2935,2935,ira ku titi^ nu ayam u fitaul u kalitang atu lukut i sakalahuk nu niyam anini^,Todays lunch consisted of chicken eggs string beans and sans,train +2935,2936,2936,sa u sakakaay kaku,I am the biggest,train +2936,2937,2937,u nian u sasuwalen iri,et,train +2937,2938,2938,Mitatuy cingra tu hatapes tu sapitapes ningra a mihimrac tu niparparan a ^mi o nanaangen ningra i ariri ku ^mi o tatuduhen ningra ku tpes i caay ku mamapadeng a namal han ni Yuhani,his winnowing fork is in his hand and he will clear his threshing floor gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire,train +2938,2939,2939,Kaedah kuni daydam,this little pepper is very hot,train +2939,2940,2940,sapiritrit,tools for cutting rice,test +2940,2941,2941,Miparakar ci mama i alu,Dads laying fish cage traps in the river valley,train +2941,2942,2942,an pakaynihan i piseking hantui,by means of the Aboriginal language Proficiency certification test,train +2942,2943,2943,kaʼemeday hu,very cheap,train +2943,2944,2944,huni ira ku tatulu a sakalecad tunira a wawa tatulu raudhan nuya tatuluay,after a while there were three children who were as old as he the three approached him,train +2944,2945,2945,nu padadiw a hiya a kakawaw,this is the use of Aspergillus coryza,train +2945,2946,2946,miliyaw tayni kamu a mi,the next time you are in class,train +2946,2947,2947,tapulung,overturn,train +2947,2948,2948,i tiraw,over there,train +2948,2949,2949,itira matayal kuna mama aku,that is where dad works,train +2949,2950,2950,suʼelinay satu,Seriously,test +2950,2951,2951,mahaennay,that is it,train +2951,2952,2952,ira ku misu a sasasuwalen tuna wawa,do you have anything to say to these kids,train +2952,2953,2953,mahaen,it is the same,train +2953,2954,2954,hatu sa itini i tukay haw,it is all in the city now,train +2954,2955,2955,Tengu,female name,train +2955,2956,2956,hatini awid i hatini sa ku kedal i,there is a drought like this,train +2956,2957,2957,icuwa ku singsi isu,where is your teacher,train +2957,2958,2958,anu hatira i cilicay kaku o sakatkup nu Yutaya a tamdaw ku nika tulu nangra hakiya Caay ciraraw cangra saka pasayra i ruma a finacadan ku sapaurip nu Kawas ta mapaluwad ku sakaciinap nu Yutaya a tamdaw,again I ask did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery not at all Rather because of their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious,train +2958,2959,2959,yu mapatay,it is called evil death,train +2959,2960,2960,tada maketeray cangra ngaliwngiwayhu ci Musian mansa pasayra ci Musi ci Yihufaan a micangacang Samaanen aku kunini a finawlan,they were very angry and they blamed Moses so Moses cried out to the LORD What shall I do with this people,test +2960,2961,2961,hay mahenay kita iayaw mafakir a mitengil tu suwal nu Minkuk,because we used to be,train +2961,2962,2962,Papituuren tu Tapang nangra ku kuli Papipalipahaken cangra tu Tapang nangra i masamaamaanay a dmak aka papipaculien cangra,teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything to try to please them not to talk back to them,train +2962,2963,2963,samanen,opens voles,train +2963,2964,2964,talalutuk ci Tumay a paatingid tu pilasung nu singsi nira,Tomay goes up the mountain on purpose to avoid the teachers visit,train +2964,2965,2965,Sakasepat Tudungay tu piucil tu miliyasay tu a tamdaw,to express condolences for the deceased,train +2965,2966,2966,o aimeren kuni a saway papainien ku sulinay a demak a pangiha,unless we deny that we are a country of justice we must face up to this history we must tell the truth,train +2966,2967,2967,u suwal nu matuasay anu matayal tumaan,the old man said Do everything,train +2967,2968,2968,u hahalhalen nu matuasay ku kilemel nu cengfu a mimelaw tu lisin nu mita,seniors want the County to be able to afford and value our celebrations,train +2968,2969,2969,caka mafana kaku a mitafukud i,I do not know how to cast a net,train +2969,2970,2970,Makemut nira kaku,I was fooled by him,test +2970,2971,2971,cidek2,Kashiki,train +2971,2972,2972,uya sa u wina nu kaying,and the woman,train +2972,2973,2973,kucakuc,climb,train +2973,2974,2974,yu caay tu pakadudu kaku yu,I cannot keep up with the old mans way of doing things,train +2974,2975,2975,tulu ku luma kiyami sisa sankincu han ku nipangangan,since there are only three square houses it is called the three Alms House,train +2975,2976,2976,Pangcahay,traditional Aboriginal life,train +2976,2977,2977,huni aca,just now,train +2977,2978,2978,mapatay nu sapaiyu,being drug drunk to death,train +2978,2979,2979,Oninan aca ku tayal isu han,is that all you do,train +2979,2980,2980,caay tu katayra i Kiw Kay kira,it is been a long time since I have been to church,test +2980,2981,2981,Nikawrira ira i cangraan ku papinapina a Sayprus a tamdaw atu Kirini a tamdaw yu tahira cangra i Antiyuk i pasuwal han nangra ku Krisiya a tamdaw a mipatnak tu pakayniay i Tapang ci Yisan,some of them however men from Cyprus and Cyrene went to Antioch and began to speak to Greeks also telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus,train +2981,2982,2982,mainain,limp,train +2982,2983,2983,Papicikciken kura wawa tu funga,tell that little kid to go cut up the groundhog,train +2983,2984,2984,likaku,bend,train +2984,2985,2985,mancel,muntjacs reeves,train +2985,2986,2986,u niyaru sa u Kaliyawan u niyaru,the name of the tribe is Kaliwan,train +2986,2987,2987,Malaheciaytu ka demak i sawni,it is just all done,train +2987,2988,2988,kakitaan tahamatini matayal tumaemin i kaysa i Taypak,so far they have all gone to work in Taipei,train +2988,2989,2989,watah tayra hu tataʼang ku tapelik,the wave of typhoon has not subsided yet,train +2989,2990,2990,sapisanga tu saʼedef,yellow vines for bundling and weaving,test +2990,2991,2991,nika canguʼut ku saka ngaʼay san,we have to eat too but it is not enough,train +2991,2992,2992,o maan ku kangalayan nu misu,what do you want to eat,train +2992,2993,2993,ku nipawaneng,add sugar,train +2993,2994,2994,adihayay ku nisasingan nu maku sapipanengneng ci amaan atu ci inaan,I took a lot of pictures and showed them to my parents,train +2994,2995,2995,palusayan,fruit garden,train +2995,2996,2996,picudad,letter,train +2996,2997,2997,mipela kuna iya,split this,train +2997,2998,2998,as ira kuna iya tamdaw san puhay han tu nira kaku tala i hiya kasufitayan a mimali,if you think you have got something to offer you can get me to play for the team,train +2998,2999,2999,kanahatu caay kaw saayaway kaku nika lipahak kaku namaherekay tu kaku namadademec kiyami,although I did not get first place I am glad because I completed the race,train +2999,3000,3000,paluma,classifier for families or businesses beg shops companies,test +3000,3001,3001,kararid a pakayra i mu^celay a lalan a rumakat ta caay ka ngalef ku piiw nu waay isu ta maadahtu ku waay isu,Make level paths for your feet so that the lame may not be disabled but rather healed,train +3001,3002,3002,masanawsaw,worried,train +3002,3003,3003,Ciuneray i palapalaan,there are a lot of snakes in the field,train +3003,3004,3004,takula^,ugly guy,train +3004,3005,3005,nu tumuk atu ina nira,dialogues,train +3005,3006,3006,wama,Father,train +3006,3007,3007,tumuk,chieftain,train +3007,3008,3008,atu niyan u tipustu yu wawa hen kaku,when I was growing rice when I was a child,train +3008,3009,3009,sakafalu pulung u matuʼasay,last but not least all the old people,train +3009,3010,3010,kamelengay,slick,test +3010,3011,3011,o laenuay tinakuan nu Fangcalay Cudad papadama kitaanan cipinang anu paratuh u mahemekay militemuh saan ku piharateng nu tamdaw adihayay ku epuc,the following biblical examples will give us an idea of how greetings can do more than just make people feel welcome,train +3011,3012,3012,papah nu runi kuni haha ira ku sukuy,Ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha,train +3012,3013,3013,adihay ku pinanaman aku tu demak nangra atu matengil ku kunhku nangra,I listened to their stories and learned from them,train +3013,3014,3014,mahaenay anu namakelah kiyami,it is like when the tide goes out,train +3014,3015,3015,kaamisay,northward,train +3015,3016,3016,papanaen,the target to shoot at,train +3016,3017,3017,nu Recurd,Everyone,train +3017,3018,3018,u ina u Natawran ma u Natawran amin,Moms a Nadolan,train +3018,3019,3019,ngaay,can,train +3019,3020,3020,Damsayaw ku kaludemak a minanam tu tayal,learn to work with a gentle heart,test +3020,3021,3021,hay sakuhecal sa cimira,Yeah it is turning white,train +3021,3022,3022,mangalay haw kisu tu aledahay,excuse me do you want it spicy,train +3022,3023,3023,acicimay,sour,train +3023,3024,3024,namicudad,go to class,train +3024,3025,3025,mamangay,I,train +3025,3026,3026,macafi,I have been kicked out,train +3026,3027,3027,Ocungen ku pihawikid tu felac,bring more rice,train +3027,3028,3028,kemkem,nibble,train +3028,3029,3029,anu pakaluwid kaku tu sakayhid i tada mahemekay ku harateng,every time I overcome temptation I feel happy,train +3029,3030,3030,tu niyah a tatudung haca tu nu wawa nu fafahi,save it for the family,test +3030,3031,3031,kudasing,peanuts,train +3031,3032,3032,Tinupangan i anucila^ talakiyukay kaku atu ci ina^,tomorrow will be Sunday I will be going to church with my mom,train +3032,3033,3033,Malulud kaku tura tatiihay a demak,I was involved in that bad thing,train +3033,3034,3034,samaanay ku pidiput nu misu tu wawa,the way you raise your children,train +3034,3035,3035,paceful,midnight snack,train +3035,3036,3036,kamu ku pawacayay tunini a dmak,you are Witnesses of these things,train +3036,3037,3037,u mama nu maku haw ci Caluh han,my father,train +3037,3038,3038,o ngangan nu lusid ngangan nu kakaenen ngangan nu tatirengan atu ngangan nu pinalengaw,it is the chapter of clothing food body and plants,train +3038,3039,3039,sasamaan ku demak ita ngaˈ eca ka lahedaw ku epuc nu makapahay falucuˈ hani,the laws and principles of Scripture are profitable for teaching for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness,train +3039,3040,3040,Lumuwi kuya mamapacuk a fafuy,the pig that is about to be slaughtered is crying,test +3040,3041,3041,o kuduh nima kunini,whose gloves are these,train +3041,3042,3042,anu sadak sa cingra tu rumiad i,if you suddenly show up at home,train +3042,3043,3043,o kuhtingay ku wacu^ nu maku,my dog is black,train +3043,3044,3044,hanay tanu tingki han tu,it is called an electric kiln it is fired with electricity,train +3044,3045,3045,Matadim tayra ceruh licayan hu aku,I am running to the Springtime Riders and I am asking,train +3045,3046,3046,ira ku ccay a adadaay ci Lacarus hananay a Pitani a tamdaw o niyaru ni Mariya aci Marta a malikaka ku Pitani,now a man named Lazarus was sick he was from Bethany the village of Mary and her sister Martha,train +3046,3047,3047,minengnengay tu a adupen ira i,looking for a place to hunt,train +3047,3048,3048,itiya hu kira,in the old days,train +3048,3049,3049,kenu mafukil tu kaku kira wawa hu itiya huwi,I do not know I was just a kid,train +3049,3050,3050,mansa itini i pidakawan han,so let us start with transportation,test +3050,3051,3051,iraay kiya,Yes it is,train +3051,3052,3052,pilipayan,Sunday Sunday,train +3052,3053,3053,maʼaraw aku ku iya ku ira waira ci ekim,I see them with their Christmas cards glittering,train +3053,3054,3054,tahpu tahpu haw i,and it is got a lid,train +3054,3055,3055,anu pieliʼan tu itira ku sakacitudung a malaʼalaw tu ranaay a finacadan itiyaʼayhu,when collecting thatch conflicts arise between them,train +3055,3056,3056,maan han kura pinangan hani,what kind of habits,train +3056,3057,3057,itini inu Krisiya Fangcalay Cudad 70 sumuwal ci Aprahaman,in addition the Greek Scrolls mention the name of Abraham more than times,train +3057,3058,3058,tayhini sahu numiyam faka nu maku,when we first got here,train +3058,3059,3059,tangtang han tu kunkun,he is clean put him in the water,train +3059,3060,3060,o sakaapaan kira lasang,drunkenness makes people disorderly,test +3060,3061,3061,nikawrira itini ika ayaw nira itini i tireng ningra,it is about leading by example,train +3061,3062,3062,u fucud nu ina ningra kura safa ci hananay,Soo mi he is a bastard,train +3062,3063,3063,u saysalu,it is jonquil,train +3063,3064,3064,anu hatini kuna hatiniay a sapaiyu mansa uni aca ku maalaay aku,it is hard to get all the herbs so I only brought these,train +3064,3065,3065,niyah tu luma saan ku niyanan,it is because of this house,train +3065,3066,3066,ta saupu san cangra tuya tayra i sefi,meet me at the clubhouse,train +3066,3067,3067,anu itiniay tu i Taywan haw i mangata a malalisu sa,if you are in Taiwan you will be able to visit nearby,train +3067,3068,3068,ira tu ku nu mitaay haw,do we have any,train +3068,3069,3069,tanamen,try it,train +3069,3070,3070,mifuhad cingra tuya fekeluh,he flipped over a stone,test +3070,3071,3071,ya caay tuya caay tu kakihad nuya singsi,it is a bunch of marginalized students or a bunch of students whose teachers cannot lead them,train +3071,3072,3072,malitemuh tunu aniniay a wawawawa,Todays children,train +3072,3073,3073,tusaay saku tafu,I brought two lunches,train +3073,3074,3074,o rumasatu haenen ni Musi a mifarsi tu rmes ku Taluan atu sapitaung tu Kawas a lalusidan a ma^min,in the same way he sprinkled with the blood both the tabernacle and everything used in its ceremonies,train +3074,3075,3075,sa itini tu kaku i kakawasan,that is why I am transferring to the stone mountain tribe,train +3075,3076,3076,mihetec tu simal nu kudasing,peanut oil extraction,train +3076,3077,3077,o miadipelay ci akung nu maku i matini,my Grandpa is making a fence,train +3077,3078,3078,funufununan,surname Tian,train +3078,3079,3079,talacuwa tadancanca kami ki^mel kamu nika u kakalipahakan niyam kuni o milungucan niyam i malasakasungilaaw namu,we are glad whenever we are weak but you are strong and our prayer is for your perfection,train +3079,3080,3080,malalid,regularly,test +3080,3081,3081,malalaay,menstrual,train +3081,3082,3082,paceva hanay ku nipihiya,it is random,train +3082,3083,3083,Mapahapinangay itu isu kaku tu sakaciurip a lalan u nika ira isu a mikaput i takuwanan i u sakatadamaan nu lipahak aku saan,you have made known to me the paths of life you will fill me with joy in your presence,train +3083,3084,3084,hatini satu ku lamit nu kilang,the roots of the tree are stuck in the earth like this,train +3084,3085,3085,u lalan aca caay ka fana kira ha ha ha,cannot even walk ha ha ha ha,train +3085,3086,3086,hatiray ku maku matakupay a maʼurip,I grew up in an era that has caught up with previous lifestyles,train +3086,3087,3087,o suwal nu iraay itiya a tamdaw pakayniay tu matiniay a tuki minanam tu suˈlinay kimad ku ˈalumanay tamdaw sanay,according to some of those present many people have learned the truth through such opportunities,train +3087,3088,3088,Singsi u maan ku nanengnengen nu mita i tukus,Teacher what are we going to see in the mountains,train +3088,3089,3089,cilamit,root,train +3089,3090,3090,mahaen kamu mibuting icuwaen itira,where do you keep all the little fry you catch like this,test +3090,3091,3091,misangaan maku emin,it is all my work,train +3091,3092,3092,mi suvaw tu kaysing mi vaca mimamaan,such as washing dishes and laundry or any work,train +3092,3093,3093,Pasifanaen nu singsi kita anini tu samaan han a misanu Amis ku 植物,I will teach everyone all kinds of plants in Pangcah language today,train +3093,3094,3094,maruray tu kiya tayal itira,very hard,train +3094,3095,3095,Misaluma ku kakunah i funafunakan,ants build houses in the sand,train +3095,3096,3096,o harateng niyam i unini a tamdaw ku papaurip tu Israil nasa kami naira kura dmak i u saka tulutu a rumiad anini,but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel and what is more it is the third day since all this took place,train +3096,3097,3097,o ngaayay a tamdaw i u ngaayay a ninaangan ningra i falucu ku nisadakan ningra tu ngaayay o tatiihay a tamdaw i u tatiihay a ninaangan ningra i falucu ku nisadakan ningra tu tatiihay,the good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him,train +3097,3098,3098,ku itira,there is a lot of work there,train +3098,3099,3099,mafanaʼay ku malitengay awaay ku maan niyam saan,the elders know they have nothing,train +3099,3100,3100,o nanicuwa kita a misatapang,where do we start,test +3100,3101,3101,enem pulu ku safaw a mihecaan,almost years old,train +3101,3102,3102,saka malinah san haw i itini i lutuk,they are all moving to the mountains,train +3102,3103,3103,fa^keten,bear a heavy burden,train +3103,3104,3104,matahpu nuya hiyasatahpu,covered by something,train +3104,3105,3105,a saʼusien,if it is a small number not too many,train +3105,3106,3106,nika caay tu kaytira i ci ama aku,but my dad left the railroad,train +3106,3107,3107,adihay ku sepel i pakulungan haw,is there a lot of pasture in the barn,train +3107,3108,3108,anu mararid makedal ira ku,if it is always sunny it is still there,train +3108,3109,3109,Itiya hu adihay ku lafang aku,I have had a lot of friends come to visit in the past,train +3109,3110,3110,mikafus,catch shrimp,test +3110,3111,3111,Nanuya curuken ni Yis a mirakat ku tataangay atu mamangay a niyaruaru a mipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay i pikuwan nu Kawas Mihaklung kuya tusa ku safaw a tarukus i Cingraan,after this Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God the twelve were with him,train +3111,3112,3112,maapesak,insufficient rice lacks viscosity,train +3112,3113,3113,hayken ney awaay ku tesus matakup niyam,I do not know what it is like to give up but we have never seen sugar cane,train +3113,3114,3114,varuru,bamboo back basket,train +3114,3115,3115,tunian saan ya cecay ca a tafu,this bag costs bucks a piece Yeah yeah,train +3115,3116,3116,tu rayray a kungku nu nira,his historical story,train +3116,3117,3117,cikuliay,with ice cubes,train +3117,3118,3118,Masuni^,Called,train +3118,3119,3119,talayufing,go to the post office,train +3119,3120,3120,palalimiten tini i Taynan i,taking root in Tainan culture,test +3120,3121,3121,i kawili kura mavanaʼay a mihiya tu tuda,the guy who is good at catching eels is on the left side of the river,train +3121,3122,3122,miveresiw tu kakitilaan nu heni,cutting the grass in the settlement,train +3122,3123,3123,mansasaka,this,train +3123,3124,3124,pacedeten,fix hot,train +3124,3125,3125,Mailul kaku tu niyaru mangalay kaku a pacuay tu niyaru niyam,because I miss my hometown and I also want to give back to the tribe,train +3125,3126,3126,mahaen tuwa,that is it,train +3126,3127,3127,caay katatutung misaetay tu falucu ita,it is like an unnecessary confusion deep inside,train +3127,3128,3128,micakayan,what I bought,train +3128,3129,3129,ya muwa hananay uninian han,is this Boehmeria,train +3129,3130,3130,o kilumaan aca ku lisin nu Amis haw,do the Amis only have the Harvest Festival,test +3130,3131,3131,maurat sa,he was bored,train +3131,3132,3132,Mifiyac tu kapal ciira a misaali tu pida ci inaan nira,he reached out to his mom for money,train +3132,3133,3133,saruma satu nengnengen,looks like it is starting to change,train +3133,3134,3134,misalamal mingiru,around the fire,train +3134,3135,3135,sauʼsi hananay nu iraan saka,it is all been calculated,train +3135,3136,3136,malifetay tu,experience,train +3136,3137,3137,singsiay,Teachers,train +3137,3138,3138,papitu kami a malakaka,I have seven brothers and sisters,train +3138,3139,3139,hamham,welcome,train +3139,3140,3140,lalima a malacafay kami tayra,there were five of us traveling together,test +3140,3141,3141,cascas,waterfalls,train +3141,3142,3142,lima suut a pida kunian,it is dollars,train +3142,3143,3143,mutepay tu a tuki itiya,it was about am,train +3143,3144,3144,lalumaʼay kaenen nian,take the inside of the food,train +3144,3145,3145,anu icuwacuwaay a na itini i ruma a Kitakit a pala matini tu,the same applies to any place or region,train +3145,3146,3146,anu micumud kamu tu ccay a luma i Nanay marihaday kamu han ku suwal,as you enter the home give it your greeting,train +3146,3147,3147,Milawup kami tuya milaliway a fafuy,let us go round up the mountain pig that got away,train +3147,3148,3148,licayen nangra ci Yis O maan kisu han nangra pasuwal sa ci Yis Mahrektu kaku a pasuwal i tamuwanan i ayaw orira Kaku,Who are you they asked Just what I have been claiming all along Jesus replied,train +3148,3149,3149,Nawhani dengan ci Yis Kristu ku mipatirengantu nu Kawas a malaparanaan Saka caaytu ku papatirengen ku ruma a paranaan,for no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Jesus Christ,train +3149,3150,3150,katumerep,cessation,test +3150,3151,3151,tudung,suitable,train +3151,3152,3152,cecay a tatukian minukay a masaupu,we will be back in an hour,train +3152,3153,3153,nengnenghan a ayaci Amy a iki kaku sakufalucu,and then I saw it is Annie it is too good to be true,train +3153,3154,3154,mapatay tu kina cipucuʼay iʼayaw,people who used to have enlarged necks should be dead,train +3154,3155,3155,mamangata,will be close,train +3155,3156,3156,cuwa ka ngudu ku tamdaw tu Kawas,the world in General has no respect for God,train +3156,3157,3157,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ca Asinkritus aci Flikun aci Hirmis aci Patrupas aci Hirma atuya mikaputay i cangraan a salikaka a ma^min,greet Asyncritus Phlegon Hermes Patrobas Hermas and the brothers with them,train +3157,3158,3158,macuwaay tu ku urip nu matiniay,what kind of life is this,train +3158,3159,3159,macuay,avenged,train +3159,3160,3160,umaan tangasa tayni i Kuciw a mamin atu tumuk haw i u tahidang satu tu tayrin a nikaykic,Arrested sent to the police station and punished by the police,test +3160,3161,3161,sulin malaʼud tura rumiʼad,it is really close to that day,train +3161,3162,3162,malumed aca ku katayni aku i Taypak,I felt lucky to have come to Taipei,train +3162,3163,3163,o sakitini kasafinawlan nu masapangcahay i ira tu ku nikacai kalecad nu pakayraan nikawrira cai kahacuwa ku kasasiruma^,although the age classes of the American groups can be divided into a number of different types the principles of organization are similar,train +3163,3164,3164,nawhani sasisanga han namu,for when you have established good relations with one another,train +3164,3165,3165,Pafeli^ ci mama^ aku tu faeluhay a tuki^ i takuwanan,dad gave me the new watch,train +3165,3166,3166,u cihing,bayonet,train +3166,3167,3167,tatuluay ku salikaka aku,I have three brothers and sisters,train +3167,3168,3168,o nanu icel ni Yis atu nanu pitier ningra ci Yisan ku sakatanektek nu waay nunini a maaraway kafanaan namu a tamdaw Saka maadahtu cingra a maaraw namu,by faith in the name of Jesus this man whom you see and know was made strong it is Jesus name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him as you can all see,train +3168,3169,3169,ya narikuran nu palumaay tu kacipaʼay kiya makacipaʼay tu i malengaway ku hatiraay,a field of freshly harvested ginger where prickly onions can easily grow,train +3169,3170,3170,nika tu pisucekiw tu nu maku haw,but when I graduated,test +3170,3171,3171,pawacuen,guard,train +3171,3172,3172,ora Pacidal hananay pakani tuni a nu cidal,the sun clan is related to the sun,train +3172,3173,3173,o hay aca,so that is how it is,train +3173,3174,3174,Pacauf sa cangra Ci Yuhani u Painuay ira ku sanay Ci Iliya ira ku sanay O ccay nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas ira ku sanay han nangra,they replied Some say John the Baptist others say Elijah and still others one of the prophets,train +3174,3175,3175,Orasaka sungilaen aku a sumuwal kamu anini anu matkup nu Kawas ku cima namu i awaay ku raraw aku,Therefore I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of all men,train +3175,3176,3176,niterekan,keep,train +3176,3177,3177,nani Ripunay na wawa ka Ripunan fangcal wawa su kira mafanaay tu suwal nu ripunen,the kids look like they are from Japan Japanese Wow your granddaughters great not familiar with thatch,train +3177,3178,3178,talariyar mifuting ci Futing,Fudin went fishing at the beach,train +3178,3179,3179,Tumangic kura wawa i kafekang kira,the kid up there just keeps crying,train +3179,3180,3180,mavanaʼay midakaw iri picas picas han iri,if you know how to climb a tree you climb it and then you pick it,test +3180,3181,3181,aka ka talaw,not flinching in fear,train +3181,3182,3182,Mapalamitakaway cira,he was mistaken for a thief,train +3182,3183,3183,tatayra i katayalan nu singsi mikilim tu singsi,I am going to the office to see the teacher,train +3183,3184,3184,palenlenen,flood,train +3184,3185,3185,mikuyud,be in charge of,train +3185,3186,3186,o wawa^ nu icuwaay a finacadan kisu,what ethnic group are you from,train +3186,3187,3187,mangalef ku kailisinan ni niyaru talumaʼlumaʼ aku,especially not the tribal festival,train +3187,3188,3188,mangalay a mihakelung tu matuasay a miadup saka minanam kaku a misanga tu tilu^ tu rumiamiad ta narikay kaku a pakaala^ tu aadupen,in order to go hunting with adults as soon as possible I practiced making traps every day and soon my traps can really catch prey,train +3188,3189,3189,tiya hu hana,the flowers there,train +3189,3190,3190,O tudung nu likat kamu i tini i hkal o nipatirengan i lutuk a niyaru i caay ka ^ca u mamahapinang,You are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden,test +3190,3191,3191,anu caecaeca ka lecad ku miacaan a tilid i kaurira tatudung sa malecad ku aca,even though the books are not the same the prices are exactly the same,train +3191,3192,3192,unini nu Amis kuni ila hu ila nu Amis mimingay haw hay mimingay hu,this is the Amis onion the Amis onion is smaller,train +3192,3193,3193,nisanga tu paluwad tu suwal tu Amis haw,to create words that revitalize the Amis mother tongue,train +3193,3194,3194,tahira ci Yuta i tangsul sa a micupa ci Yisan lkal sa Singsiaw saan a micucup i Cingraan,going at once to Jesus Judas said Rabbi and kissed him,train +3194,3195,3195,o nu malitengay hu ku niya ini,it is from the old days,train +3195,3196,3196,Fanuhungay ku siraw ira sanay tanamen aku,I hear the cured meat here is very good I am going to try it,train +3196,3197,3197,a pawali tu niyan,sun dried,train +3197,3198,3198,o aapeten nu misu ciira,you have to call him a brother in law,train +3198,3199,3199,macaciyawhu ku maku,I will start,train +3199,3200,3200,patangasaen,please arrive,test +3200,3201,3201,mahaen satuay,at that time,train +3201,3202,3202,maamaan,what are the possibilities,train +3202,3203,3203,Ayyah yamicaliwan isu i ayaw cahu kapatikulen isu i takuwanan,No you have not paid me back the money you borrowed last time,train +3203,3204,3204,kinaira haw i,we will share what we have accomplished,train +3204,3205,3205,hatiraay kunu u misatipayay,this is how the raft works,train +3205,3206,3206,cinglaw aca a macaculi,it is another dispute,train +3206,3207,3207,tangasa ci Yis ci Simun Pitiruan i suwal sa ci Pitiru Tapangaw u papataduen Isu kaku a misawsaw tu waay aku saw han ningra,he came to Simon Peter who said to him Lord are you going to wash my feet,train +3207,3208,3208,emin han tu nu tau kaku patakukung,every one of my classmates wants to hang my license plate for me,train +3208,3209,3209,anu mipacuk tu diyung kyasaw nahaw,if it is time to kill a pig,train +3209,3210,3210,hay hay ira aca ku imi Tinaku nira,Yes yes there is this again it says,test +3210,3211,3211,Nikawrira anu maˈaraw nu salikaka ci Tayanna i kasaˈupuan atu pitusilan i kamayan a lipahak cingra,However Diana was always very joyful when brothers and sisters from the congregation saw her in the kingdom hall or at the mission field,train +3211,3212,3212,pipalafu,shift the blame onto someone else,train +3212,3213,3213,o maan ku sapacakat nuya misalisinay,what does that person who is practicing a rite have for an offering,train +3213,3214,3214,u tavukud haenentu kunipisang,this is how the gossip page is produced,train +3214,3215,3215,u mama nu kapah,young mans father,train +3215,3216,3216,haykuicaw sanay ca haw hay,Yes and firm and hard Oh Yes it is,train +3216,3217,3217,saka u niyanan hatiraay ku tadung nu demak nu maku,that is what my missionary work is all about,train +3217,3218,3218,ayaw i anu miletek tu kilang i mirufu,in the past woodchopper,train +3218,3219,3219,kituc,pluck,train +3219,3220,3220,maainiini,mutual discussion,test +3220,3221,3221,u eli hu ku fadahung,the roof is still thatched,train +3221,3222,3222,makahi,agree with,train +3222,3223,3223,Onu tireng a harateng ku tatuuren,one should follow ones own thinking,train +3223,3224,3224,na umaumahan amin itini,it is all fields here,train +3224,3225,3225,faluen,eight,train +3225,3226,3226,Huwaw alesu caay tu kaalengel,Wow it is very good not bitter anymore,train +3226,3227,3227,niyanan mapasanga tu turaan,it is a done deal,train +3227,3228,3228,tala Taypak,go to Taipei,train +3228,3229,3229,iraay tu ku likapu nu maku,I got my first paycheck,train +3229,3230,3230,ha initu kina pakaenay tu rarapa aca sakatu,Oh shit here come those cattlemen again that is all,test +3230,3231,3231,pihadidi kamu ta mapaurip ku tireng namu,by standing firm you will gain life,train +3231,3232,3232,iratu ibataday mahiya,some of them are on the way,train +3232,3233,3233,kamimingay tu masidayay tu ni,it is a small abandoned one,train +3233,3234,3234,satu i tuʼas satu kami,we have grown up over time,train +3234,3235,3235,u sapakaen tuni wawa i u kangcumi nu talacay dengan u salang,for now this child can only drink canned pineapple juice,train +3235,3236,3236,lima a mihecaan ku pisaday ningra,they need five years to build it,train +3236,3237,3237,mahaen itiya hu u kalas ku pafeliay tu likakawa tu pisaniyaru itini i malatumukay,the elders of the tribe give advice and recognition to the chiefs and the clan recognizes them accordingly,train +3237,3238,3238,taakay a falucu nu maku,my greatest wish,train +3238,3239,3239,Pisilesili a midakaw tu vasu,there is a queue for buses,train +3239,3240,3240,awa ku payci han i anu mitilid kisu i kawcung sa kisu i,I told you there is no money if you insist on going to high school,test +3240,3241,3241,icuwa ku tatudung aku,where is my portion,train +3241,3242,3242,patanekteken,carry something Strong,train +3242,3243,3243,Miaca kaku tu kamacal,I am going to buy strawberries,train +3243,3244,3244,sa kura falucu aku,I thought to myself,train +3244,3245,3245,o ngangan nunini a tusaay ku safaw a tarukus i ci Simun ku saayaway ta u safa ningra ci Antiri ta u wawa ni Cipitay ci Yakup ta u safa ni Yakup ci Yuhani,these are the names of the twelve apostles first Simon and his brother Andrew James son of Zebedee and his brother John,train +3245,3246,3246,Pakakahaday a papineneng tu finawlan,to broaden the horizons of the tribal people,train +3246,3247,3247,o fali ku suwal nira,his words are useless,train +3247,3248,3248,kilumaan,pas take,train +3248,3249,3249,nipacamulan,doped,train +3249,3250,3250,Maraudtu ku Pitalifan a lisin nu Yutaya a tamdaw Saka tayra ci Yis i Yirusalim,when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover Jesus went up to Jerusalem,test +3250,3251,3251,itiraay ifatiian nu tanumal cumud sa kisu maaraw tu,it is next to the round basket you will see it when you enter the warehouse,train +3251,3252,3252,u mamisanga kita tu saka cidafung nu Kitakit ita,we are supposed to be creating tribal economic industries,train +3252,3253,3253,o pakayniay aca tunu,so much so that,train +3253,3254,3254,kasilikesan,time for mosquitoes,train +3254,3255,3255,pakalunan,travel by ship,train +3255,3256,3256,o singsi aku cingra ci Kanas ku ngangan ningra,he is my teacher Kanas,train +3256,3257,3257,o ringu ku sapifadisaw ita tu nanum,this boiling water is roasted over a fire,train +3257,3258,3258,Mata^taay kaku ira i laluma ku safawah,I was unlocked and the key was in the room,train +3258,3259,3259,o makafafaway a pida ku sapicupu tu umah,the funds for the construction of the dike were subsidized by the higher level of government,train +3259,3260,3260,malikuda,Chinese new year song and dance,test +3260,3261,3261,yu mitahka ci Yis i luma ni Matay i ira a miraud ku alumanay a milisataay atu tatiihay a tamdaw a mikaput i ci Yisan atu nisawawaan ningra a kumaen,while Jesus was having dinner at Matthews house many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples,train +3261,3262,3262,Manahatira han i,why is this happening,train +3262,3263,3263,mangalay kaku miaca tu talupung,I am going to buy a hat,train +3263,3264,3264,u mamifuraw caira,they are specialized in harassing the enemy,train +3264,3265,3265,pangta ku kafanaan aku minanam hu kaku anini,a little bit I am learning,train +3265,3266,3266,hay nawu mahaenay,if this is the case,train +3266,3267,3267,kiemel cingra a matayal,he works with endurance,train +3267,3268,3268,anu ci^ta^tan ku cima a tamdaw tu pulung nu hkal i nikawrira anu mafalah ningra ku urip nu tireng i u maan ku ^puc saw,what good is it for a man to gain the whole world yet forfeit his soul,train +3268,3269,3269,tusa,stupid,train +3269,3270,3270,damsayaw,must be gentle,test +3270,3271,3271,tayra i lutuk midungec mitanguled kuya matuʼasay itiya hu samatira,it was forbidden to go to the mountains to pick wild vegetables and fungus and that is how the people lived,train +3271,3272,3272,Pacauf sa ci Yis Sulinen Aku a sumuwal kamu i ayaw nu nika hufuc ci Aprahaman i O iraaytu Kaku han ningra,I tell you the truth Jesus answered before Abraham was born I am,train +3272,3273,3273,nengneng sa kaku i ira ku ccay a kuhcalay a ^fa Mitatuy tu pana ku midakaway tuya ^fa Mapatamuhung cingra o pakaluwiday cingra saka u mamiluwiluwid aca ku nika lumuwad ningra,I looked and there before me was a white horse its rider held a bow and he was given a crown and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest,train +3273,3274,3274,falinunu,glutinous rice,train +3274,3275,3275,mitupelak kaku tu tutang i fadahung nu luma ni faki aku,I went to my uncles roof to strip the tin,train +3275,3276,3276,itini i rakat nu sakaurip u milalangay tu kaciharateng atu pinangan nu tamdaw ku paysin hananay u litapangan nu sakamatini i ira ku papasifana tu sakingudu a demak,taboos are thoughts and behaviors that are forbidden in the living and living of a person for no other reason than having to teach etiquette,train +3276,3277,3277,caay tu kita a raecus caay pipaceva tu sings,we do not mess around and we do not lie to our teachers,train +3277,3278,3278,o kuli ni Yis Kristu kaku ci Pawlu aci Timuti patilid kami i tamuwanan u malaccayay aci Yis Kristu a finawlan nu Kawas atu kakrikridan atu mipadangay tu kiwkay itira i Filipi,Paul and Timothy servants of Christ Jesus to all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi together with the overseers and deacons,train +3278,3279,3279,papiwnungan ku rarapa,cows wearing nose rings,train +3279,3280,3280,tu,a little,test +3280,3281,3281,paicel,encourage,train +3281,3282,3282,ku misangaʼan nira u mira kura sa,make the style your own,train +3282,3283,3283,misamaanay hanu masawad ni Stifen ku keter atu kaacekan a suwal hani,Stephen a father from Australia says I used to swear a lot or get angry about little things,train +3283,3284,3284,u kahemay han ku matiraay itiyahu,it was a staple in those days,train +3284,3285,3285,i mahini,it is been a while,train +3285,3286,3286,na i Puskuay,from Yuri,train +3286,3287,3287,tu pakatengilay tu suwal nu maku,anyone who is listening to this,train +3287,3288,3288,mavaher mahan u hikuki iri,it flies like an airplane,train +3288,3289,3289,semuutan,percentage,train +3289,3290,3290,yu micumud haca ci Yis i kasaupuan a luma i ira ku ccay a mapikingay ku tatihi a kamay a tamdaw,another time he went into the synagogue and a man with a shriveled hand was there,test +3290,3291,3291,caay kaidi ci ama aku,very generous,train +3291,3292,3292,kinapina kinapinapina kaku a milicay ngraan,I asked him a number of times,train +3292,3293,3293,ira sa eneenep sa i tatihi ira minengneng,crouching beside them watching and familiarizing themselves with their instruments,train +3293,3294,3294,hay minukay kita tu kasiwngacan i,when home for the Chinese new year,train +3294,3295,3295,sisa ita u Pangcah makamelaw,so look at us Amis,train +3295,3296,3296,taynian kaku mitengil kaku tu pakayni tu karamud sa ku suwal kiya,I heard he wants to hear about the wedding,train +3296,3297,3297,mamapacuk,they are going to be slaughtered,train +3297,3298,3298,mahaen tu ku niya na cuka aku,just like the one I drew,train +3298,3299,3299,hatiniay ira kakumud una kahengangay,just like this crimson fabric,train +3299,3300,3300,yu itira kaku i Tamaskus i papisimawen nu kararem ni Aritas a hungti a mikumuday ku mikifiay a tayring tu fawahan nu niyaru tu sapirpetaw i takuwanan,in Damascus the governor under king Aretas had the city of the Damascenes guarded in order to arrest me,test +3300,3301,3301,sakangaʼay nu urip,let us live in peace,train +3301,3302,3302,u wawa haw hayi naayaw,Yes I was,train +3302,3303,3303,Tatusatusa ku wawa a cina aku a tira vavainay,I have two or three children with that man,train +3303,3304,3304,Mianaku ci Osay tu picucuk nu ising i kamay nira,the doctor moans in pain as he injects Woodseys hand,train +3304,3305,3305,misanga tu tilid,editing,train +3305,3306,3306,Kapinaun kamu anu matiya u aadupen kamu a makakalakalat atu marariariang i u mamatkup kamu,if you keep on biting and devouring each other watch out or you will be destroyed by each other,train +3306,3307,3307,hai milusalus lusalus kita matuntun tu hatitini kira ku mituntunan kira,it is sawing wood the wood is sawed like this one section at a time,train +3307,3308,3308,kaku,me,train +3308,3309,3309,lulay sa kaku a rumakat,I walked hard to get water,train +3309,3310,3310,nengneng sa kaku i ira ku ccay a ariyahay a ^fa o ngangan nu midakaway i ci patay saan Mituur i aikur ningra ku kaitiraan nu mapatayay mapafli cangra tu sakacitudung a mipatay tu tamdaw nu ccay nu kalispat nu hkal o kalaluud u kdal u adada atu aadupen ku sapipatay nangra,I looked and there before me was a pale horse its rider was named Death and Hades was following close behind him they were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword famine and plague and by the wild beasts of the earth,test +3310,3311,3311,yu ma^deng lima ^nem a kungli ku niiwasan nangra i maaraw nangra ku nika rumakat ni Yis i fanaw a miraud tu tamina Saka matalaw cangra,when they had rowed three or three and a half miles they saw Jesus approaching the boat walking on the water and they were terrified,train +3311,3312,3312,Suʼelinay na nu makayniay i finacadan nu mita i ira ku ini nu Pangcah hananay iri,talking about the Amis section,train +3312,3313,3313,sapedec,whip,train +3313,3314,3314,o kimad ni Antusen ku miacaan nira u sakimad ni isu ku miacaan aku,he bought Hans Christian Andersens Fairy Tales and I bought Aesops Fables,train +3314,3315,3315,miming ku tafukud,gossip network tiny,train +3315,3316,3316,Salikakaaw pakaynien niyam i ngangan nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu ku pipalimuut i tamuwanan liyasen ku matukaay a salikaka uya caay pidu^du tu suwal niyam a tamdaw,in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we command you brothers to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us,train +3316,3317,3317,pitilidan,classrooms,train +3317,3318,3318,rakaten nu misu tangasa itila ngucih satu ku nguyus a puhpuhen a misang,wherever you go you are like that,train +3318,3319,3319,sanay ku suwal ningra,he told me this,train +3319,3320,3320,Lifuk,mans name,test +3320,3321,3321,alaen ta sawni manay,let us do it,train +3321,3322,3322,fuut,brake,train +3322,3323,3323,ta hatini i milicay kaku tisunan,I need to ask you something now,train +3323,3324,3324,u ukak tu kuni ya tukus ira kuni,this is the bone this is the spine,train +3324,3325,3325,pakungkuen,please tell the story,train +3325,3326,3326,pikaumah haca,spring plowing,train +3326,3327,3327,Limaen ku kaysing,ask for five bowls,train +3327,3328,3328,o pakalawacay nu niyaru a luma kunini,this is the last house at the edge of the village,train +3328,3329,3329,itiya satu haw i,at the same time,train +3329,3330,3330,O Amis cingra saw,is she Pangcah too,test +3330,3331,3331,hatiraay ku malitengay itiyahu patireng tu luma,that is what the old timers used to do,train +3331,3332,3332,ka u mahaenay ku mipadangay tu tayal nu kakrikridan nu kiwkay o ngaayay ku pinangan u sulinay ku suwal u caay ka hali^pah u caay ka anuf tu paysu,Deacons likewise are to be men worthy of respect sincere not indulging in much wine and not pursuing dishonest gain,train +3332,3333,3333,caayay,No it is not,train +3333,3334,3334,Tanuduka satu tu nikatiluan,Multiple wounds all over the body due to a fall,train +3334,3335,3335,nawhani u papaflien aku kamu tu taneng a sumuwal tu saka^caaw ka filu nu ada namu a paculi i tamuwanan,for I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict,train +3335,3336,3336,angang,calling,train +3336,3337,3337,kikung sahu kami san,they said they just got married,train +3337,3338,3338,ravur,pocket money,train +3338,3339,3339,Mafecul,I am full,train +3339,3340,3340,misalama i luma kaku atu kaka,my sister and I play at home,test +3340,3341,3341,tusa^ pulu ira ku tusa^,twenty two,train +3341,3342,3342,haen satu iri matuas tu kiyami tayni a maru,that is how it is been I have grown up since I have been here,train +3342,3343,3343,Saka ucur hantu nu i Yirusalimay cangra ta tayra satu cangra i Antiyuk tahidangen nangra ku mituuray nuya saupu a ma^min a mipaturud i cangraan tuya tilid,the men were sent off and went down to Antioch where they gathered the church together and delivered the letter,train +3343,3344,3344,1952 17 ku mihecaan aku ˈayaw nu mamala sufitay,my are enlistment picture in when I was years old,train +3344,3345,3345,tuan tu silufuc tu,I am on my way I have got my backpack too,train +3345,3346,3346,itiya i marawraw ku falucu aku nawhani caay ka lalitmuh kami aci Titus a salikaka Saka liyas satu kaku tu i tiraay a tamdaw a tayra i Makituniya,I still had no peace of mind because I did not find my brother Titus there so I said good by to them and went on to Macedonia,train +3346,3347,3347,takaraw kaku ci Panayan tu mamang,I am a little bit taller than Panay,train +3347,3348,3348,na iraay ku suwal nu Yincumincu,indigenous peoples had their own languages,train +3348,3349,3349,anu hiya uraan nu a,if you are a first grader,train +3349,3350,3350,tadakalimelaan tu,it is a shame,test +3350,3351,3351,alatek,maybe,train +3351,3352,3352,itini i laenu a misilsil pakafana tuna lima a finacadan,the five regional language groups are summarized below,train +3352,3353,3353,matngil aku ku ngiha i pipatuayaan suwal sa Hai u ciicelay a Tapang a Kawasaw O sulinay atu mu^celay ku nipisawkit Isu saan,and I heard the altar respond Yes Lord God Almighty true and just are your judgments,train +3353,3354,3354,o takaraway a maemin ku lumai pasaetip,the houses in the west are tall,train +3354,3355,3355,cuwa kasubecen kaku itiya,I was not even born yet,train +3355,3356,3356,nika caay ka laluk misa siwasiwar ku felac,but Mee will not move very hard,train +3356,3357,3357,samaanay ci Yihufa pakalaluk tu tamdaw,how does the Lord encourage people,train +3357,3358,3358,matalaw masasivud,I am afraid I will get tangled up,train +3358,3359,3359,awa ku amutu ku lalan,no asphalt road,train +3359,3360,3360,fulang,bubbles,test +3360,3361,3361,o pipacufelan ni faki aku i tini,this is where my uncle kept his sheath,train +3361,3362,3362,away tu maʼaraw ira ku pasicuwaay,I cannot see which way I am going anymore,train +3362,3363,3363,Paramuden ku wawa isu,find a mate for your child,train +3363,3364,3364,mihiya haca kita,that is what we are going to do,train +3364,3365,3365,masamatini inian a lifung u hananay haw i,now there are plagues like the Wuhan epidemic,train +3365,3366,3366,man han ku nu mita u Amis,how do the Amis have to take the test,train +3366,3367,3367,Tu^mantu minukaytu kaku,it is late I am going home,train +3367,3368,3368,Futul Kacaw,Ford delivery SHOTS,train +3368,3369,3369,anini awaay tu kira ku matiraay,they do not make those anymore,train +3369,3370,3370,aka ka u patahafikuday ku dmak namu tu Yutaya a tamdaw atu ruma a finacadan atu kiwkay nu Kawas,do not because anyone to stumble whether Jews Greeks or the church of God,test +3370,3371,3371,Akakaeni ku tinayi,you cannot eat offal,train +3371,3372,3372,o maifenekay a tamdaw kuni u piaduan ita,this man is a hard worker and a good role model for us,train +3372,3373,3373,miacaway,scooping,train +3373,3374,3374,pasuwal sa ci Kurnilius I ayaw nu spat a rumiad yu mitulun kaku i luma tu hrek nu lahuk tu tulu ku tuki fahal sa a ira a tumireng i kaayaw aku ku matdiay ku riku a tamdaw,Cornelius answered Four days ago I was in my house praying at this hour at three in the afternoon suddenly a man in shining clothes stood before me,train +3374,3375,3375,ta matini satu maemintu a mafalic ku kaciluma,but now the houses they build are not the same anymore,train +3375,3376,3376,maan matiniay,what is this,train +3376,3377,3377,Cekad saan ku falucu nu maku a macengud,just wake up in the moment,train +3377,3378,3378,awaay ku tilid ira tu ikur,there is no record of what happened after that,train +3378,3379,3379,nikaurira minanam tu cangra,However they learn,train +3379,3380,3380,halafinay tu kisu a ca katayni mailulay tu kaku i tisuwanan,you have not been here for a long time I missed you so much,test +3380,3381,3381,ta tatusa macakat tu cangra tayra,and the two of them went ashore,train +3381,3382,3382,u mita unumisaʼAmisay misa Pangcahay,We the Amis,train +3382,3383,3383,saka misanga tu cangra tu luma itira,So they started building houses,train +3383,3384,3384,mapapa mapacpac kaku tuya dadaya,I got beat up pretty bad that night,train +3384,3385,3385,o warak tu nu epah kira wayway nira,his behavior is already a sign of alcoholism,train +3385,3386,3386,laum,wastage,train +3386,3387,3387,ysin aka ka saan a kumaen tu titi,do not consider it taboo to eat meat,train +3387,3388,3388,nu mafana kisu i,how would you know,train +3388,3389,3389,suwal ni Pawlu Nawhani yu tadanca kaku i ciˈicel kaku o maanan ku tatudung nuniya suwal ningra hani,Paul said Whenever I am weak I am strong what did he mean by that,train +3389,3390,3390,caayay ka pihawikid kita tu maan a malasufitay,you do not have to bring anything with you when you join the army,test +3390,3391,3391,paangsiten,go it smells like bedbugs,train +3391,3392,3392,laliw,flee,train +3392,3393,3393,kiya mavana kisu,how do you know,train +3393,3394,3394,anini adihay,there are so many of them today,train +3394,3395,3395,aka pilalang tu tayal nu Fangcalay Adingu,do not put out the Spirits fire,train +3395,3396,3396,Mapuliti nu fukeluh ku paliding aku i lalan,my car was stoned on the road,train +3396,3397,3397,anu pakayni,thereby,train +3397,3398,3398,hatira ku tayal nura tamdaw,that persons ability to work,train +3398,3399,3399,maedeng papinaay kamu,how many of you were there,train +3399,3400,3400,maedengay tu ci tihi saku ina haw,mother says it is time to get married,test +3400,3401,3401,marucekay hanima ku harateng nu maku kuninian,I do not know if we are going to agree on anything,train +3401,3402,3402,nanu tatuʼasan nu mita Pangcah a sinafel,it is what raised our people,train +3402,3403,3403,taʼakayay ku misangaʼan niyam,we are taking very large ones for this,train +3403,3404,3404,adididiway a siruma a kunga,little groundnut,train +3404,3405,3405,sikafung,stigmatize,train +3405,3406,3406,kukuy hananay,sweet rice cake,train +3406,3407,3407,ta kilim satu ku niya awa ku nikiliman nira anu han,I tried to find it but I could not,train +3407,3408,3408,Misuedac kita tu sauwac a miadup,we went hunting upstream from the gully,train +3408,3409,3409,ci safa aku ci Sawa,my sister Savva,train +3409,3410,3410,Mila^pa kuya sakatatusa a cuyuh ta mafahkul i riyar ku matiyaay u mailuhay a tataangay a lutuk ta malarmes ku ccay nu kalitulu nu riyar,the second angel sounded his trumpet and something like a huge mountain all ablaze was thrown into the sea a third of the sea turned into blood,test +3410,3411,3411,kay han makumud kami atu kaput a mitengil,so that we can listen with our classmates,train +3411,3412,3412,Mianang tu fuduy ci ina,mom collects clothes,train +3412,3413,3413,i kaayaw nu Kawas kaku a sumuwal tu nika caay ku mangah kunini a suwal aku,I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie,train +3413,3414,3414,anu hatira samatiyaen uni,So it is like surgery,train +3414,3415,3415,i kaetip kamu a maru,you are sitting on the west side,train +3415,3416,3416,Kamu u mafculay anini i u cacilafu nawhani u mamacahiw kamu Kamu u matawaay anini i u cacilafu nawhani u tatumangic kamu a mararum,Woe to you who are well fed now for you will go hungry Woe to you who laugh now for you will mourn and weep,train +3416,3417,3417,adihay tu kami haw i,we have got a lot of people here,train +3417,3418,3418,maurat,I do not know what to do,train +3418,3419,3419,awaay tu ku usaw itira i caʼang u papah hananay,there is not a leaf left on the branch,train +3419,3420,3420,salilen,surrounding,test +3420,3421,3421,u ama tu kira hay,I am a grandmother Yes,train +3421,3422,3422,malacecayay kisu tu akung atu ama isu a maruhaw,do you live with your grandparents,train +3422,3423,3423,u herek nu nipicudad niyam anini a remiad,today is our graduation day,train +3423,3424,3424,cafi,meet head on,train +3424,3425,3425,adihay ku lilas a buting isaw itini,there is a lot of fish here,train +3425,3426,3426,pakidemay,it is serious,train +3426,3427,3427,ta matuʼas ku wawa,the child is growing up,train +3427,3428,3428,adihay ku kunga itini kiyami papalumaan nu Taywan itiya hu,at that time there were a lot of groundnuts grown by Minnan people here,train +3428,3429,3429,malinaay,relatives,train +3429,3430,3430,palakeliwen,as a rope,test +3430,3431,3431,i kaemang hu kaku u dadaya hu mahadak tu ci ama atu ci faki mihawikid tu funus atu kuwang,when I was little my dad and uncle would go out at night with hunting knives and guns,train +3431,3432,3432,faki umaan ku kafanaʼan isu,Uncle did you know,train +3432,3433,3433,kasangasawen,interest something make it a family,train +3433,3434,3434,itiya hu harateng nu maku i,what I thought back then,train +3434,3435,3435,tatukiyan,Hourly,train +3435,3436,3436,Tataang ku rarum ni Yis saka mangalef a mangalef ku pitulun ningra samatiya satu u nika tara^ta nu rmes ku nika lusu nu sinu^et ningra i sra,and being in anguish he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground,train +3436,3437,3437,micinah tu kaumaay hu nu diyung,as long as it is from a pigs body,train +3437,3438,3438,sapisangaaw,claim something,train +3438,3439,3439,ye cumikay cingra i,he ran toward,train +3439,3440,3440,anu hatira i,that is it,test +3440,3441,3441,tangasa i larem,until the dying of life,train +3441,3442,3442,Maaraw ningra i putal nu Fangcalay Pitaungan ku pacakayay tu kulung tu siri tu tupi atu mifalicay tu paysu a tamdaw a maru i cukui nangra,in the temple courts he found men selling cattle sheep and doves and others sitting at tables exchanging money,train +3442,3443,3443,enemay ku widi^ a lumuwad kaku,I get up at six in the morning,train +3443,3444,3444,nika matengil ku alumanay a salikaka matefad mapulin sanay i tini i akawangay haw,but I have heard from many brothers and sisters that there are many people who have fallen from heights,train +3444,3445,3445,hay mahaen kamu anu hay sa ku vavainay maan sa kita saw,what are we going to do if you do what the man wants,train +3445,3446,3446,haharatengen ita ci Yis itini 30 ira ku pina ku mihecaan a malaheci ku ˈinurung i cikiw,let us also consider that Jesus was only in his early when he completed his earthly mission,train +3446,3447,3447,yu maraudtu ku pilitudan tu fadisusu i ucuren ningra ku kuli ningra a patayra i mifuluday a papiala tu lilam ningra Nikawrira paluen nuya mifuluday kunini a kuli a pawakawak a papinukay,at Harvest time he sent a servant to the tenants so they would give him some of the fruit of the vineyard but the tenants beat him and sent him away empty handed,train +3447,3448,3448,Tanagsatu i luma mitala,when we get home we will wait,train +3448,3449,3449,Cufcuf saan ci Mayaw tu nitayalan nu safa nira,Mayaw enjoys the benefits his brother has earned for nothing,train +3449,3450,3450,mihelupay,drink up,test +3450,3451,3451,cuwa ku mamacidal anucila mauulay taangayay ku fali,it will be cloudy and windy but not sunny tomorrow,train +3451,3452,3452,mifadahungtu,the roof is up,train +3452,3453,3453,u finawlan nu Makutaʼay haw i,Maguadam tribesmen,train +3453,3454,3454,satamec,belt,train +3454,3455,3455,sa kura misangaʼay saʼayaw sa,it is so touching to be the first to say it,train +3455,3456,3456,makedal haw i caka ngaʼay kita haw,there is a drought we are having a hard time,train +3456,3457,3457,dungdunglilis,along the mountains,train +3457,3458,3458,utunasien kisuwan matiya suwal hay hay saan,maybe I think you are a good girl,train +3458,3459,3459,Hai u mitiliday hu kaku,Yes I am a student,train +3459,3460,3460,salikulay,results,test +3460,3461,3461,o hay,it is from a flour bag,train +3461,3462,3462,maherek a mitilid nimaan kisu,what do you do after school,train +3462,3463,3463,awas,cross over,train +3463,3464,3464,yu talaʼayaw ku patakusay ira ku tusa lipay a mitutic ku mama nu patakus itiya hu,there is a ceremony to convey the message to the tribal youth cadre during the first two weeks of the year,train +3464,3465,3465,ala tu hiya,go get that,train +3465,3466,3466,itini i,at that time,train +3466,3467,3467,saka alumanaluman ku tamdaw nu Makutaay itiyahu,a lot of people used to live in this place,train +3467,3468,3468,mahirateng aku haw,when I think about it,train +3468,3469,3469,malaymay,shoot ones mouth off,train +3469,3470,3470,hapimaan niyam sa ku kaemangay tura,the kids will think we are not doing anything with that,test +3470,3471,3471,Pakamaan ci panay a talakungkuan,how does Panay go to school,train +3471,3472,3472,Halilafang ci mama nu maku,my dad is very hospitable,train +3472,3473,3473,falah,discard,train +3473,3474,3474,amin,one another,train +3474,3475,3475,ku taʼemesay a mikuwa itira i Singku,Co ordination management,train +3475,3476,3476,Maulahan i takuwan,just like me,train +3476,3477,3477,nawhanni tadatalulung ku imi ira hay,Because well it is really profound Yes it is,train +3477,3478,3478,alaf^afay,lukewarm water,train +3478,3479,3479,puut,knives,train +3479,3480,3480,tuduhan nira kura taliyukan i,the fire is burning all around,test +3480,3481,3481,suwal satu mikikung tu kamu,the elders say Get married,train +3481,3482,3482,kuranan,those,train +3482,3483,3483,anu u runi tu davak,if you have loofah for breakfast,train +3483,3484,3484,anu anu mahaen anu padamsu,if it is like paying taxes,train +3484,3485,3485,masadak kiya ekung,the owl came out,train +3485,3486,3486,Papipakafiten ci ina tu sakufit nu fuduy isu,ask your mom to sew the buttons on your dress,train +3486,3487,3487,sakitakuwan tu niharatengan aku i ayaw,in fact I cannot wait to get out of this poverty,train +3487,3488,3488,nawhan i tiyaay hu ku falucu nu matuʼasay hu,because the older generation of seniors still follow the old system,train +3488,3489,3489,milikat cangra tu namal i putal maru ku tamdamdaw itira a milaup kihatiyatiya sa ci Pitiru i laluma nangra,but when they had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and had sat down together Peter sat down with them,train +3489,3490,3490,aayaw,front,test +3490,3491,3491,atu ya widang aku,and my friend,train +3491,3492,3492,tungal itini i punu nu heni,increase their knowledge of the ethnic language,train +3492,3493,3493,micaliw kami tu nisafukesan a kuhetingay a Fayfay,borrowing black lace fabric for our hair,train +3493,3494,3494,tatudung sa tu midiput tu safasafa i,I am at home taking care of my siblings,train +3494,3495,3495,cecay aca ku miacaan aku pafelien kaku tu faeluhay,I will just buy one piece please give me a new one,train +3495,3496,3496,samatira pasaʼupu han tu kiya niyaru ya itiraay ca a niyaru,gather the tribes there and have a meeting,train +3496,3497,3497,saka salipahak sa ku kaput nu paliw a matayal,so the people who work together are very happy,train +3497,3498,3498,madengay hen a miepud tu pida haw,is it too late to get the money,train +3498,3499,3499,kuliung,crayon,train +3499,3500,3500,kuemih ku falucu,agreeable,test +3500,3501,3501,mikalic cingra i fafaed pakawal han nira a mi kalic,he climbed up he climbed up with a ladder,train +3501,3502,3502,duduay hu tiya alu ira kiya kayakay itira kiya,there is a bridge along the stream,train +3502,3503,3503,anu falicen itini hulic san,if you really want to practice the Dharma,train +3503,3504,3504,niyanan saʼayaw nisangaʼan isu haw,this is your first creation,train +3504,3505,3505,cahu ka pikusiaw kami i alaʼen tu nira kami,ever since I was a kid even before I went to elementary school,train +3505,3506,3506,i terungay ningra mahaen masadak kuengel,new shoots will grow in the middle,train +3506,3507,3507,o kahufucan ni fufu anini,today is grand moms birthday,train +3507,3508,3508,yu luengel ira haw midateng u u kiyaves ni ina kuni,step on it when it is still young,train +3508,3509,3509,maherek tu kuya,when it is done,train +3509,3510,3510,o manan ku kalicen ita tayla Pusung,what bus are we taking to Taitung,test +3510,3511,3511,maemin a mimaan ku sasipalafang tangasa i palafang nu kasa niyaru,chieftain to chieftain Interaction and exchange of ideas,train +3511,3512,3512,hiya tapawakuy tacacak han,cooked into rice cakes,train +3512,3513,3513,matefuc,penalized,train +3513,3514,3514,nuka han tu nira kira muwa iri,roll rolled jute,train +3514,3515,3515,iyuyen,yell,train +3515,3516,3516,uninian kiya u dangah nu liteng ita kuni,this is our traditional pot,train +3516,3517,3517,malakangkufuay,as a nurse,train +3517,3518,3518,Pakamaan ci panay a talapicudadan,how does Panay go to school,train +3518,3519,3519,Nikridantu aku cingra a patayra i nisawawaan isu a papiadah i nikawrira caay pakaadah cangra han ningra,I brought him to your disciples but they could not heal him,train +3519,3520,3520,anu itra i kapulungan caay katefuc han nu niyam,we do not call it punishment in our group,test +3520,3521,3521,u niya tu a,come,train +3521,3522,3522, aredet,delicious,train +3522,3523,3523,Piyakung,robin,train +3523,3524,3524,tengilen ku suwal nu singsi,listen to what the teacher says,train +3524,3525,3525,paluma,plant,train +3525,3526,3526,hacikay cingra,he is a fast runner,train +3526,3527,3527,tatusa ku wawa tu vavahiyan,I have two daughters,train +3527,3528,3528,malulalulayay ku miladumay i,it is hard work for a man who carries water,train +3528,3529,3529,mapalinahay tu kura kungkuan,the schools been moved,train +3529,3530,3530,liteng,forebears,test +3530,3531,3531,mipananum kita tu umah mafilu ita caay kafilu kira,irrigation on a farm is not easy to do,train +3531,3532,3532,anu kisu ku tayniaw kami,if it is if it is you we will come we will come,train +3532,3533,3533,kaymi,is not it,train +3533,3534,3534,Makadit nu misu ku fuduy nu maku,you got my clothes dirty,train +3534,3535,3535,mimisa kami itira tu sentanciye,attend Christmas Mass,train +3535,3536,3536,cayku numita a finacadan cangra,they are not our people,train +3536,3537,3537,Pirenuk kisu i ngraan,go to him,train +3537,3538,3538,ngaʼayay sapiadah tu lasang yanu hatiniay hu a dateng,it is also good for getting rid of hangovers,train +3538,3539,3539,caay ka u palu kiraan,that is not a fight,train +3539,3540,3540,o nu aniniay u misa Kiristuay tu ku parud nu luma anu simakapatayay a situanay ku parud nu luma i,and now that a death has occurred in a Christians family,test +3540,3541,3541,Masikeda ku pikuwang nira,he shot his gun and hit the target,train +3541,3542,3542,saanay haw,it is like this,train +3542,3543,3543,tatudung tu nu saka,it represents hope,train +3543,3544,3544,Fangcalay,wonderful,train +3544,3545,3545,Enaw,Why,train +3545,3546,3546,tadafangcal,rare,train +3546,3547,3547,maalaay,elected,train +3547,3548,3548,sulac,scrub,train +3548,3549,3549,nu wawa aca a lusid mizunvi aca ku heni tu panay misiwasiw tu rara,they also make children costumes and prepare glutinous rice and sifted beans,train +3549,3550,3550,maruray kaku tuni sepat a mihecaan,I have worked very hard these past four years,test +3550,3551,3551,aray han naku ku pakafung isu tu pakaulah isu huni tu suwal,thank you so much for the compliments and encouragement,train +3551,3552,3552,mapecih,cut open,train +3552,3553,3553,alatek nu huni ira hu ku laluwaden ita tarariyad alatek talalutuk alatek awa ku pinang,maybe there is something important coming up maybe we are going to the beach maybe we are going to the mountains I do not know,train +3553,3554,3554,o maan kuyaan,what is that,train +3554,3555,3555,ta sacaciyaw satu aci Kurnilius a micumud i luma Maaraw ni Pitiru ku nika saupu nu alumanay a tamdaw,talking with him Peter went inside and found a large gathering of people,train +3555,3556,3556,o ciraitay ku fuduy nu maku,my clothes have hooks,train +3556,3557,3557,ira ku Fangcalay ku tireng i,some of the bodies are good yet,train +3557,3558,3558,ura nu sawmuci hananay akawakawangay taakayay,the one planted on tomb sweeping day grows tall and thick,train +3558,3559,3559,tatengilen nu mita ku mihadakan a kungku ningra itini,she will share with us how she overcame all kinds of things here,train +3559,3560,3560,micumuday kami Tingsukiw i tiya hu,we were Catholic in the old days,test +3560,3561,3561,suwal sa ci mama aku,father told me,train +3561,3562,3562,nika kiʼeciw hananay miala kita tu tatudung nu ngiha nu alumanay,what about the lead singer it is to match all the voices,train +3562,3563,3563,hiyaen mitenteng mafana kami saan ira kuya,just pull the cord and let us know,train +3563,3564,3564,naʼay nidiputan nu tau kakuwan di,No I am a dependent,train +3564,3565,3565,nu mawmahay,teaching materials for working farmers,train +3565,3566,3566,hay hatiniay a sapalu icuwa piciwian hiwa,Yeah you cannot dodge a stick that long,train +3566,3567,3567,a misiku tura talawadaw,to cross the stream,train +3567,3568,3568,Pakacaemut tu suwal nu tumuk kaku,I can understand what the boss said,train +3568,3569,3569,maedes sisataes yu,very strict with a whip,train +3569,3570,3570,makumud ku sikawasay a remadiw a misakeru a milunguc tu tuas a midiput tu niyaru,the priests chant ritual songs and perform ritual dances together to pray for the blessings of the ancestral spirits,test +3570,3571,3571,i tini,it is here,train +3571,3572,3572,tadalipahak kaku nawhani mafana kaku ira i laluma nu wawa isu ku midu^duay tu limuut nu wama atu mauripay i sulin a tamdaw,it has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth just as the father commanded us,train +3572,3573,3573,tuduhan hu cimira,after you burn it,train +3573,3574,3574,anininay,Now,train +3574,3575,3575,naw tunian itiya hu matuʼasay talaʼayaw sasuwalen,our ancestors used to say,train +3575,3576,3576,u serangawan nu niyaru,tribal culture,train +3576,3577,3577,hay tadakahemekan kuna rumiʼad ka dadafakan anini,it is a beautiful day,train +3577,3578,3578,micelem mimaan miala tu maan,what do you take on a dive,train +3578,3579,3579,nawhani u pihiningan nu wawawawa,because I want the next generation of kids to follow suit,train +3579,3580,3580,Atata misalama kita i paputal,let us go let us go play outside,test +3580,3581,3581,u paliding san awaay hu ku cinamalay tangasa tangasa itini i Suaw,even the train did not go directly to Taipei it only went to Suao,train +3581,3582,3582,nu nima,whose is it,train +3582,3583,3583,i malaliw,I wonder why I gave up,train +3583,3584,3584,defit,vomit,train +3584,3585,3585,ila ku suwal nu salikaka aku O kilumaan nu niyaru ku sakailulan niyam i Taypak saan,my cousins say In Taipei we miss the Harvest Festival in our hometown the most,train +3585,3586,3586,awaay tuni ciwkuya itini kaikur ciwkuya tu niya,not on the day of the full moon but after,train +3586,3587,3587,mala hananay malasayaay,it is an apprenticeship,train +3587,3588,3588,suelinay ira ku nanum ira ku maan,it is true there is a lot of water here,train +3588,3589,3589,remadiw ku a cacayan a tamtamdawan iri,there is a man singing,train +3589,3590,3590,u ngangan ningra i ci,his name is Chan Ka Chun,test +3590,3591,3591,kaulahan aku a salikaka haratengen ku nanu suwal nu tarukus nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu i tamuwanan i ayawtu,But dear friends remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold,train +3591,3592,3592,cecay fulad haw lima kungkung enem kungkung,or cans a month,train +3592,3593,3593,o mamisaicel kaku a micudad,I am going to study hard,train +3593,3594,3594,lalepelen nu mita u hiya kira nu maʼuripay,that is the creature we are after,train +3594,3595,3595,u nafalucuʼan misu haw i matini,it is your sincerity,train +3595,3596,3596,malasikawasay,become a priest,train +3596,3597,3597,Papicelien a miuwaw ku kakeridan nu kapah,ask the youth leadership to lead the youth in their voices,train +3597,3598,3598,Angcuh san ku safadut nu dipudiput,babies are usually swaddled in clothes that smell like urine,train +3598,3599,3599,hanu awaay ku cecacecay a mirikecay tu ngangaˈay mifalic tu pakayraan a mirenec tu saali nu tamdamdaw hani,why is it that no government in the world has been able to revolutionize the status duo and meet the needs of mankind,train +3599,3600,3600,Mikunun kami a milungec tu pisulul nu matuasay,we are on our knees begging the elders for forgiveness,test +3600,3601,3601,tu pakayniay tu edef nu Taywan a Yincumin,it is for the entire indigenous people of Taiwan,train +3601,3602,3602,ira hu ku patinaku tu sawal nu mama nu kapah nu kapah ningra,the fathers of youth also encourage their youth,train +3602,3603,3603,sera^,soil,train +3603,3604,3604,hacuwa a patikulen nu misu,Then when will you return the money,train +3604,3605,3605,anu u radiw tu han patedu pacefa saan rumadiw cayka tatudung anu lecaden nu alumanay,it is not appropriate to sing with the group if you are not singing along,train +3605,3606,3606,fangcal kiya kanakelus,it is good to cut down the rest,train +3606,3607,3607,macakat a macakat ku fana nu tamdaw,the wisdom of mankind is ever increasing,train +3607,3608,3608,matatama ku nika ira nu ccay a mafutusay a tamdaw,there in front of him was a man suffering from dropsy,train +3608,3609,3609,Naunen Tahacu^cua i arifateng,be careful do not fall into the spiders web,train +3609,3610,3610,iayaw nu ningra,prior to construction,test +3610,3611,3611,Miaca tu kami tu unglay atu lupas,we bought pineapples and peaches,train +3611,3612,3612,katuemanan,evening,train +3612,3613,3613,kibetul ku sera nu tiniay tadasera,the land here is more fertile fertile land,train +3613,3614,3614,u vavahi malingatu tu a misatarin tu umah,the girls started to make a ridge,train +3614,3615,3615,hen han naku minengneng ri,I have been looking at it like this,train +3615,3616,3616,Nikawrira ccay aca ku kakalimlaan a dmak matama tu ni Mariya ku safangcalay caay ku mamaaafas nu tamdaw nai kapal ningra han ni Yis,but only one thing is needed Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her,train +3616,3617,3617,angrer ku suwal,words that hurt,train +3617,3618,3618,pangkiw,incomplete,train +3618,3619,3619,mapulung kami tu cafacafay a mitengil,I listened with my classmates,train +3619,3620,3620,Mala cafayay kaku tu cecay salikaka matayal kawra cuwa ka malangaˈay kami,I work with a brother but I do not get along with him,test +3620,3621,3621,Palakida aka kasaan tu kiyafes,do not mistake Balak for Shakyamuni,train +3621,3622,3622,caay pakaala tu tusa a miheca matekengaytu ku Titanik tamina,the Titanic sank in less than two years,train +3622,3623,3623,awaay ku kakaenen ya ata tu kungkuan sa,there is nothing to eat at home,train +3623,3624,3624,Caay u Piyuma cingra,No she is a Puyuma,train +3624,3625,3625,saka u laluwadan nu sikawasay ya iraan a utuc saan,that is why witches start their rituals at Stonehenge,train +3625,3626,3626,suwalen ku aniniay a wawa,sue the children of the present,train +3626,3627,3627,lusimeten tu aku,I will organize it,train +3627,3628,3628,anu anu pina tu a miheca,no matter how many years,train +3628,3629,3629,oya tatihiay a tawki suwal sa katayni miaca tu futing aku kaemeday a taangay ku futing nu maku,the boss next door said come and buy my fish my fish is big and cheap,train +3629,3630,3630,o nanu tuas ku sakaira atu nai niyaruay ku saka ira nuni pinangan a sarikec uni pinangan a sarikec nu niyaru malu sapisafangcal tu niyaru atu nanu tuas parayrayan tu pinapina a lisin u ruma i ira ku nanu miketunan nu kakitaan mipacarcaran a sarikec,customary laws are inherited from ancestors and tribal practices tribal customary law is a set of taboos that have been passed down from time immemorial for the purpose of maintaining public safety in some cases it is a temporary law that has been decided upon by a Council of tribal elders,test +3630,3631,3631,hatiraay,here is the deal,train +3631,3632,3632,asa ku kaʼemangay hay,that is what happens to kids is not it,train +3632,3633,3633,matiya san mafaliyus i,it is like a typhoon,train +3633,3634,3634,Maparenget,put on the headdress,train +3634,3635,3635,tangasa i luma kira wawa u tefad nira tu Cudad a misalama i sakafiyaw,when that child comes home he puts away his books and goes to the neighbors house to play,train +3635,3636,3636,liyas,leave,train +3636,3637,3637,pisarsquuatumu,pottery,train +3637,3638,3638,Sakaepeday kuni,this one is the softest,train +3638,3639,3639,karemadiw nu Pangcah,singing the songs of the Amis tribe,train +3639,3640,3640,Palamuen ni mama kuya fafuy tu fafuy nu fiyaw,dad mated his pig with the neighbors pig,test +3640,3641,3641,na mapatay kura faʼinay isu cay ka ngaʼay masadak malingad,if the other half of the couple passes away do not go out or work,train +3641,3642,3642,Karutan kiya sera tuwa paluma tiya tabaku,digging before growing tobacco,train +3642,3643,3643,ku samiciw tu mahiniay a,as a center of gravity,train +3643,3644,3644,mangaʼay aca u pinanam nu maku kunini tu,give me a chance to try it,train +3644,3645,3645,tengtengen patayni kura futing pataduen nu maku kisu a mitengteng,pull the fish to my side and I will help you pull it up,train +3645,3646,3646,Saka sapipatayan ci Hiruti cingraan Nikawrira matalaw cingra tu Yutaya a finawlan nawhani O paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas ci Yuhani saan cangra,Herod wanted to kill John but he was afraid of the people because they considered him a prophet,train +3646,3647,3647,savahvah tu cirekay hananay,insect repellent rituals,train +3647,3648,3648,aka pahacikay a miparakat tu tusiya,no fast cars,train +3648,3649,3649,mu tusa pulu ila ku pitu tayni tusa pulu ila ku falu i,XXVII XXVIII,train +3649,3650,3650,Mainain kura masu^suay a rumakat,that fat man walks with a limp,test +3650,3651,3651,o nanu tadamaanay a rmes ni Kristu u matiyaay u rmes nu caay ka cisamu a tadasiri ku sapitdal tamuwanan,but with the precious blood of Christ a Lamb without blemish or defect,train +3651,3652,3652,maulah tu acang ciira,she enjoys going to parties,train +3652,3653,3653,o kafiyur nu cidal atu fulad ku cikiw saka ira ku pilenu atu pierac nu riyar saka mikiriyaray maurip a tamdaw mafana patatudung tu tatukian a tayra i riyar mifuting micekiw atu mirengus ta makadufah ku niluwadan anu malaliw nu erac kisu u maan hu ku mamaala nu misu,the ebb and flow of the ocean occurs because the earth is influenced by the sun and the moon so people who live by the sea go to the beach to fish collect conch and pick sea vegetables in accordance with the tides in order to have a good harvest if you do not catch the ebb tide what else can you get,train +3653,3654,3654,waay ku misafaay tu nira a cedi,no one has ever surpassed his wisdom and courage,train +3654,3655,3655,masaalitaday,lumpy,train +3655,3656,3656,Kasasiulah,love each other,train +3656,3657,3657,Kaliyawan,old place names,train +3657,3658,3658,lalidingan,steamer,train +3658,3659,3659,caayay awaay ku singsi nu niyam pasifana tamiyanan,No we do not have a teacher,train +3659,3660,3660,Hai akuwiday singsi,Yes thank you,test +3660,3661,3661,tangsul han tu kuniyan mipafesuc,it is just going to slide straight down,train +3661,3662,3662,mahecaday kita ci Yihufaan makalimay micada ku tamdaw tu suˈlinay kimad a maˈurip,like Jehovah we hope with all our hearts that others will accept the truth and live,train +3662,3663,3663,tayla umah tayla tu kami i lutuk,we will go to the fields and the mountains,train +3663,3664,3664,ya ruruh ya yapana tipelak a telang a luma,use the old thatch that was removed,train +3664,3665,3665,u nu niyah sanay tu a fana,it is all up to you,train +3665,3666,3666,Malitaang ku Taywan tu adihayay a kasasiruma nu serangawan sanay,Taiwan is known as a culturally diverse society,train +3666,3667,3667,anu maurad tu anu macidal tu ku rumiad,it does not matter if the weather is sunny or rainy,train +3667,3668,3668,sahiyaen nu tau anini,people nowadays treat it like,train +3668,3669,3669,o sapitamurungan kira kapah tu pawti,the young man was trying to carry the bag of rice on his head,train +3669,3670,3670,u Pukpuk u Lidaw u Natawuran kiniyan,this is Nam Cheong Nanpu Lilian Dalian,test +3670,3671,3671,aka kamatiya u rakarak sanay ku tayal,work must not be like wandering around,train +3671,3672,3672,anengan,chair,train +3672,3673,3673,pafeli hananay nu wina aku kura tau,mom married me into their family,train +3673,3674,3674,patahira,delivery,train +3674,3675,3675,kuyud tamurung,carry,train +3675,3676,3676,hayken ney,I do not know,train +3676,3677,3677,o sakamuraraw nu tamdaw ku tanu adifat sanay a lalan i lutuk,there are many crossroads in the mountains where one can get lost,train +3677,3678,3678,o mananuwangay nufali kira nanum,that water is shaken by the wind,train +3678,3679,3679,han nu Kuwaping,the southernmost bridge is called Nankei Bridge in Chinese,train +3679,3680,3680,awa ku sapimaamaan ta,provide peace of mind for your family,test +3680,3681,3681,mimaan saw ira ku sasuwalen aku,I need to talk to you,train +3681,3682,3682,aya micumud tu ku tamina hanen itiyahu,that is why many people are looking forward to the arrival of the fishing vessels,train +3682,3683,3683,caay kahemhem ku falucu nira tu saka tamaaw tuya takula,he did not give up he wanted to find the frog,train +3683,3684,3684,kakaaw,Sister,train +3684,3685,3685,mahenay ku demak nu mifutingay,it was a necessary process for the fishermen at that time,train +3685,3686,3686,Mikiudax kuya wawawa talakiyukay,little kids come to the church and want to share the candy,train +3686,3687,3687,saw anu ira ku demak itini Paʼanifung,so if anything happens to Hing Cheong,train +3687,3688,3688,rayray nu urip niyam atu nikafulaw,it is always about moving around,train +3688,3689,3689,nanu lalimaaytu ku fainay isu ora cafay isu a fainay anini i caay ku fainay isu Saka sulinay kura suwal isu han ningra,the fact is you have had five husbands and the man you now have is not your husband what you have just said is quite true,train +3689,3690,3690,Sahetu i lawacay nu Siwkulan a alu atu cipa nira saka pangangan han tu Siwkulan a Pangcah han,it was named so because it lived near the Xiuguluan river and its tributaries,test +3690,3691,3691,nitafukudang nira pasela panengneng tamiyanan,spread the nets and watch us,train +3691,3692,3692,pasuwal tu ngangan nira,Mothers name will be mentioned,train +3692,3693,3693,velun,pour,train +3693,3694,3694,cima mama alaen isu malufaʼinay isu mamaan hanaku kura wina aku cahu saka,who is it be your husband I will answer that,train +3694,3695,3695,sawsawwen tu niyam,we will take it to the cleaners,train +3695,3696,3696,Karacikaf kunini a futing,this fish has a lot of scales,train +3696,3697,3697,o wama wina aku na itiniay Okeran malinah tayra i Kanata itini i Ruspun nu Manitupa a mikilumaˈ,my parents immigrated to Canada from Ukraine and settled in Roseburn Manitoba,train +3697,3698,3698,tadafangcalay tu makadufah ku kinaira ita anini matumes ku paru nu kanas,Great it is a bumper crop today with full fish baskets,train +3698,3699,3699,Miaca kaku tu tusa lulung a kenaw,I want to buy two green onions,train +3699,3700,3700,saikuran,back,test +3700,3701,3701,ira ku patiyamay u payufingan atu paisingan itira,there are stores a post office and a hospital,train +3701,3702,3702,kuku,chicken,train +3702,3703,3703,minukay satu tahilaluma unaaytu tayra iratu ku aku tayra i lutuk hanaku,after returning home I never want to go to the mountains again because I have a license to go to the mountains,train +3703,3704,3704,hakama^,skirts,train +3704,3705,3705,o fufu aku o samafanaay a mitenuuy i niyaru cira,it was my grandmother she is the most skilled weaver in our tribe,train +3705,3706,3706,u ngasaw tu nu ya luma,it is the owners idea,train +3706,3707,3707,nanitira tayra kami i Filipi onini a niyaru i itira i saka ccay a kuwan nu Makituniya hananay a pala o nisaniyaruan nu Luma i tini tunini a niyaru kami tu pinapina a rumiad,from there we traveled to Philippi a Roman colony and the leading city of that district of Macedonia and we stayed there several days,train +3707,3708,3708,tadamaanay ku ngangan nira,he is a man of good reputation above average intelligence,train +3708,3709,3709,kakedadan awaay ku nanum nu niyaru,the tribes do not have water sources during drought,train +3709,3710,3710,hatini aluman ku fufu,we have a lot of grandchildren at home,test +3710,3711,3711,adihayay ku tataakay ku lifung itiya,many infectious diseases,train +3711,3712,3712,pataduay,labor representative,train +3712,3713,3713,pakaenan tu hiya lafang itiya i taluʼan itiay hu wata adihay ku dateng dungec kunu hiya ku caay picakay kiya tangtang han nu kapah pakaen tu lafan,in the past when we invited guests to eat at a gathering place we used to have a very rich menu with all kinds of food not bought and the young people would cook it for the guests to eat,train +3713,3714,3714,a demak,affair,train +3714,3715,3715,mamaanay,What,train +3715,3716,3716,kirami,however,train +3716,3717,3717,falican,exchange,train +3717,3718,3718,halikaen,eat more,train +3718,3719,3719,ciyafupinfang,intensive care unit,train +3719,3720,3720,teluhu,phlegm,test +3720,3721,3721,Misaliyaliyad ku adada nu tiyad aku,my stomach hurts in spurts,train +3721,3722,3722,awaay ku sakasasuwal nu maku,I do not have anyone to talk to,train +3722,3723,3723,lalimaay kami a malikaka,we have five brothers and sisters,train +3723,3724,3724,papinaay ku kaka isu tu fainayan atu fafahiyan,how many older siblings do you have,train +3724,3725,3725,o hawad nira wawa a micudad tu ngangan nira i pisekingan,that child gave up writing his name in the exam room Abandonment of Examination,train +3725,3726,3726,u siraw ira tu haw misasiraw ku matuʼasay,there is cured meat old people cured meat,train +3726,3727,3727,itini i Makutaay haw,in the Maguadam tribe,train +3727,3728,3728,atu,indistinct,train +3728,3729,3729,nura sunul nura hiya nura taladaw saan kiya ina,follow the impact end of the Xiuguluan River,train +3729,3730,3730,kelakelas kiyami haw,sound and motion like this,test +3730,3731,3731,tevurtevur han taluma kemaen,you can get sweet rice cakes at any time by public transportation,train +3731,3732,3732,filuuk,goiter,train +3732,3733,3733,o nisangaan tu uway ku kakuyudan ni ina,the basket that mom carried was made of rattan,train +3733,3734,3734,sainanengay a matayal itini,I am very serious about foraging,train +3734,3735,3735,na makapahay ku,it was good after that,train +3735,3736,3736,Haflut hantu nu fali ku lunan caay pakacuaang tu fali a talaaayaw Saka pakunira hantu niyam ku nika likid nu lunan,the ship was caught by the storm and could not head into the wind so we gave way to it and were driven along,train +3736,3737,3737,Saka liyas hantu ni Apraham ku Kaltiya a niyaru a tayra i Haran a maru namapatay ku mama ningra i pakalinahen nu Kawas cingra nanitira a pakamaru i tini tunini a kamaruan ita a sra i matini,So he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran after the death of his father God sent him to this land where you are now living,train +3737,3738,3738,Halafinaytu miheca sakina cecay maˈaraw aku ku kahemek ningra,after the funeral Peters sister Umi said About two years ago Peter contacted me,train +3738,3739,3739,ikur i tu,afterwards,train +3739,3740,3740,tayni tu ku tapatapang a tamdaw,officials have come,test +3740,3741,3741,caay kaadihay isaw ku nipaluma nu matuʼasay,the old man did not grow much,train +3741,3742,3742,Hay ngaay tu,Yeah I am good too,train +3742,3743,3743,o aadihay ku paysu aku anu matuas tu,I will have a lot of money when I grow up,train +3743,3744,3744,nawhani yu pakafana hu kaku i pitilidan kimi haw,Because at that time when I was still teaching,train +3744,3745,3745,ya wacu sa i safuhafuhat sa mipadang mikilim caay pakatama,the dog made a thorough search but did not find the frog,train +3745,3746,3746,fuhat han tu nangra i iratu,they lifted the lid and it turned out to be inside,train +3746,3747,3747,u lamit nu kilang ku tukar niyam macacukacuk tayraw,we used the roots of the trees as our stairs to get up,train +3747,3748,3748,akung atu ama ku pahiceraay tunini ulah saku irahu tahani ira hu kura suwal nu matuʼasay sa kaku,I am very happy that I was able to tell the truth about the past and to pass it on,train +3748,3749,3749,yu a tayni itini iri,when I come here I might have to,train +3749,3750,3750,pidaecian,herb,test +3750,3751,3751,ciku^,elbow,train +3751,3752,3752,hakakaenen niyam sa ku halateng tu,and then there is food to be harvested,train +3752,3753,3753,taʼangayay caka kahecid,the big ones are not salty,train +3753,3754,3754,adah saan ku duka anu caay kasipasipen tu sapaiyu haw,if the wound is not rubbed it will,train +3754,3755,3755,itiya nu miciw taluay hu ku mita kiymi miciw nu caay ku micakayan caay kunu talid tawlu pinaru han i pataʼuwak,at that time our rice wine was still xxxxxs it was xxxxxs not bottled and bought we filled it up and drank it,train +3755,3756,3756,iraay kura kasasuwal ku misu i tiya mikumud i,once the decision is made at the meeting it will be put together and implemented,train +3756,3757,3757,Mafuti Yis i caniiw nu tamina,Jesus slept in the hold of the ship,train +3757,3758,3758,tilid kaku i ira tu ci ama aku i,while I was writing dad came,train +3758,3759,3759,sanay ku nu maku a hareteng nu falucu a mitengil tuna a pacauf tu kilumaʼan,so here is how the Harvest Festival tribe operates,train +3759,3760,3760,a matayal mitilid hatira sanay ku pinangan nu demak aku,children work in factories and go to school,test +3760,3761,3761,u wawa aku lumuwad tu papacem i pasuwal as san,my kids wake up in the morning and say good morning to their parents,train +3761,3762,3762,itiya tuya rumiad i u mamafanatu kamu tu nika laccay aku atu wama atu nika laccay ita,on that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you,train +3762,3763,3763,patikulan tu aku i nacila,I returned it yesterday,train +3763,3764,3764,misaciwciway,chicken hatches,train +3764,3765,3765,aka tu,that will not be necessary,train +3765,3766,3766,Taypey,Taipei capital of Taiwan,train +3766,3767,3767,talaliyal kita a mihulul saan,we went to the beach,train +3767,3768,3768,maan ku sapicudad,what can I read with you,train +3768,3769,3769,ya maliyaliyangay,they are a bunch of no tellers,train +3769,3770,3770,hatiraay kura saʼusi,that is how it happened,test +3770,3771,3771,ya lavii saasuʼay a nikalavi kuraan makakaen aca kita,dinner that day was one of the best meals we have ever had,train +3771,3772,3772,tura katayraan ira i riyal mifuting,I will go fishing again,train +3772,3773,3773,i tiraay i Taytung kawcung kaku a mitilid,I went to Taitung high School,train +3773,3774,3774,aka paraecus tu tamdaw,do not hurt people,train +3774,3775,3775,o tumuk kura pakungkuay,the storyteller is the ringleader,train +3775,3776,3776,tayra,leave for,train +3776,3777,3777,Sahetu u Fangcalay,it is all good,train +3777,3778,3778,Suelin i tira kami paherek wata kafangcal,that is great dad was right on the money he was right about the bamboo stop,train +3778,3779,3779,hay i sakilemelaw i saw a matungal aca ku cavay,it is nice you can meet a lot of people,train +3779,3780,3780,o ruma satu,on the other hand,test +3780,3781,3781,aahuwiden,worth the trip,train +3781,3782,3782,rihaked kaku i tisuwanan a malawidang,I trusted you as a friend,train +3782,3783,3783,Satataang sa cangra tu ngiha a paulic a rumadiw o matatudungay ku nipacukan a Tufur a Siri a mapafli tu sakuwan tu kadufah tu taneng tu icel tu sakatadamaan nu ngangan tu dil atu nipipahmek,in a loud voice they sang Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise,train +3783,3784,3784,mikihatiya tu kaemangan kira tayra tu i,I joined the Taitung agricultural Workers junior high School,train +3784,3785,3785,Cicahid caay ka sadak ku cidal,there are a lot of clouds but no sun in the sky,train +3785,3786,3786,Duhetemay caay kahaen u muheting ku kulit duhetem hananay,it is like a color that is a little lighter than black,train +3786,3787,3787,lalamitan,root,train +3787,3788,3788,ciakawayay,stem,train +3788,3789,3789,ira haca ku sasuwalen nu maku tini u pilaedes hananay,elders want to tell stories about the meaning of fishing rituals,train +3789,3790,3790,anini,modern,test +3790,3791,3791,hai una yiwulaudung han nu kuwaping,in Chinese it is called volunteer labor,train +3791,3792,3792,masusuay,plump,train +3792,3793,3793,samanen saka cecay a lingad,because it is my first time at sea,train +3793,3794,3794,fer maefer tu,Jump just jump,train +3794,3795,3795,ci Nuami Kulas kaku,my name is Noami Kulas,train +3795,3796,3796,o maan ku manengnengay isu,what did you see today,train +3796,3797,3797,mangudu latek awa kuna panukayan sa masetik hu kaku saan,avoid embarrassment by saying I am going to go hunting when you might not bring something home,train +3797,3798,3798,mimaan kita i matini,what do we do now,train +3798,3799,3799,u maan han nu mita u niyaru haw maan han kiya haw,Misbehavior likes to drink,train +3799,3800,3800,mitesek i falucu aku ku suwal nira,his words stabbed me in the heart,test +3800,3801,3801,masahiya tu kina,it is so strange,train +3801,3802,3802,Mangata^ tu cyataw ku luma ni faki^ anu pakapaliding culek sa tangasa^ tu,the station is not far from my uncles house and it is just a short drive away,train +3802,3803,3803,Karafawu ku nipalumaan a sinafel,vegetables that are planted are susceptible to insect growth,train +3803,3804,3804,aya ngaʼay ama san,if this that is great,train +3804,3805,3805,tanam a kita kumaen naniya mawarak mapatay,let us try to see if maybe we will get poisoned or maybe we will die,train +3805,3806,3806,sulinay itiya u ka Ripunan ka Ripunan ku mikuwanay,it is true Japan ruled at that time,train +3806,3807,3807,saru mia miadhan nira a minengneng,he looked at it everyday,train +3807,3808,3808,Anuhatira ura kuhetingay a riku ku aacaen aku,Alright then I will take a black piece of clothing,train +3808,3809,3809,u maan ku kaulahan nu misu a remiad,what is your favorite season,train +3809,3810,3810,yay hilam mala malahitay maturu tu nu i faleday,I did not realize I was going to be a soldier but I was drafted by my superiors,test +3810,3811,3811,Matala u,it is like,train +3811,3812,3812,miawul,bamboo gathering,train +3812,3813,3813,kiyluk ira,his lover,train +3813,3814,3814,suwal sa cingra Onini a rmes ku laluwadan nu katatlekan namu atu Kawas O nipalimuutan i tamuwanan a dadu^duen namu kunini saan,he said This is the blood of the covenant which God has commanded you to keep,train +3814,3815,3815,o nu hkalan kuya singsi Orasaka u pakayniay i nuhkalan a dmak ku suwal nangra mitngil ku nu hkalan a tamdaw tu suwal nangra,they are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world and the world listens to them,train +3815,3816,3816,Malakadang nu kamay,bracelet,train +3816,3817,3817,awaay ku wawa nu maacicay a fafahian,infertile women do not have children,train +3817,3818,3818,haenen ku pifana tu ngangan nu Pangcah,and teach the Aborigines how to write their names,train +3818,3819,3819,talararem,downstream,train +3819,3820,3820,ta anu pakunira han huw ira hu ku lamit nira haw,if you ignore him the silk will keep growing,test +3820,3821,3821,O ngaayay a pakaenay tu siri Kaku kinafalah sa tu urip nu tireng ku ngaayay a pakaenay tu siri tu saki siri ningra,I am the good shepherd the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep,train +3821,3822,3822,itira kawali cikawkana kasiwa mapawan tu kaku,what is on the east side I have forgotten,train +3822,3823,3823,iru masasipakukut ku salikaka a tayra i caayhu pasulin tu Tapang a tamdaw a papisawkit,but instead one brother goes to law against another and this in front of unbelievers,train +3823,3824,3824,tu tasulan aca tapila aca,to carry bamboo tray,train +3824,3825,3825,suwal sa ku malatumukay,the bosses said,train +3825,3826,3826,Mafana kamu mitengil tu suwal aku haw,do you understand what the teacher says,train +3826,3827,3827,Patahtahen nira ku ifalucuay nira a sumuwal,he told everything that he felt,train +3827,3828,3828,taak,oldest,train +3828,3829,3829,alaan tu nu maku kiniyan u vaki,I have my grandson with me,train +3829,3830,3830,Siniʼadʼadaan,very sad,test +3830,3831,3831,kansuʼen nira miʼicang,they take it to dry,train +3831,3832,3832,cangra,Him her,train +3832,3833,3833,anu mahaen kita u heni,if we were like them,train +3833,3834,3834,tuya hangkaci mitala tu tireng aku lina,and a handkerchief waiting for me to come back,train +3834,3835,3835,u maan saw masapinang adadidi malcad amin,it is very clear what it is the heads are all small and the same,train +3835,3836,3836,pacauv,responsive,train +3836,3837,3837,tu sakaytini i,church,train +3837,3838,3838,kaʼuripan nu niyaru tini haw itiya hu,in the past it was a necessary part of tribal life,train +3838,3839,3839,yu mapacidal iri,when the sun shines,train +3839,3840,3840,a talacuwaen saw a mikilim a,look over there,test +3840,3841,3841,nga mifakeciw kaku itini i cukuwi,and then measure it on the table,train +3841,3842,3842,caay kapitek kira mahiraay haw,it will not break,train +3842,3843,3843,ngaʼay haw i ye inian a matayalay tini hatu,have the best workmates and the best facilitators,train +3843,3844,3844,Cuyuh,angels,train +3844,3845,3845,anu pakiliyuh tu cecay ku suwal nu tumuk,in the event of a tribal fire the leader must say some words of wisdom at this time,train +3845,3846,3846,ira kura malikakaay miʼadup kita saan,a couple of brothers went on a hunting trip,train +3846,3847,3847,malufafahi,schoolgirl,train +3847,3848,3848,i ayaway hu kaemangay hu kiya haw aya u ekim i ayaw,it is bright and shiny and it makes me very curious,train +3848,3849,3849,cinaniulay,with tadpoles,train +3849,3850,3850,han tu i mavanavana hakiya kita,I did not insist on learning the language,test +3850,3851,3851,maedeng maedeng yusanay,enough is enough,train +3851,3852,3852,miliyas,go,train +3852,3853,3853,Dadicu saan kina kucu i takuwanan,these shoes are perfect for me,train +3853,3854,3854,yasa matuʼasay i fafalu ku mihufucan nura ina aku ci,her mother Chen Cha you has eight children,train +3854,3855,3855,luwad satu ci Sawlu nai sra cngaw han ningra ku mata i caaytu pakaaraw tu maamaan Saka kayat hantu nu kaput ningra cingra a patayra i Tamaskus,Saul got up from the ground but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing so they led him by the hand into Damascus,train +3855,3856,3856,suelin i ayaw nu mamalingad a dadaya a malasufitay haw i,Really the night before I enlisted in the army,train +3856,3857,3857,awaay ku ngala,there are no gaps,train +3857,3858,3858,langiwngiw,mumbling and complaining,train +3858,3859,3859,karademak hananay ra,you can keep yourself busy all day long,train +3859,3860,3860,caka tatama anu haenetu,it does not make sense,test +3860,3861,3861,mikalang itu,go catch some crabs,train +3861,3862,3862,icel,forces,train +3862,3863,3863,mikiskisay,scratchy,train +3863,3864,3864,hai,yes,train +3864,3865,3865,maku,me,train +3865,3866,3866,itiay hu itiay kira,in the old days it was possible,train +3866,3867,3867,kasikul,Look look,train +3867,3868,3868,mirasrasay,scatter something,train +3868,3869,3869,Parahiden nu awaayay a maaraw a Kawas ku kina ira nu mita,the unseen God has made our Harvest more than we expected,train +3869,3870,3870,hatiniay malitemuhay tu hatiniay aka tu a piliyaw,do not go through this again,test +3870,3871,3871,ya miseking haca kaku,I am still planning on taking the test,train +3871,3872,3872,Tahacelem sa tu dademakay hu tu tayal nu luma ku mira,it is getting late and she is still doing housework,train +3872,3873,3873,Pasifanaen nu singsi kita anini tu samaan han a misanu Amis ku 水果,I will teach everyone all kinds of fruits in Pangcah language today,train +3873,3874,3874,nidanguy i riyariyaran,some of them will die,train +3874,3875,3875,ngulngulan pukuh,joint,train +3875,3876,3876,ngaʼay kura tayal sa kaku haw nika karurayan kura tayal,I thought that job was good but it was very hard,train +3876,3877,3877,Ripun,Japanese,train +3877,3878,3878,ricaric,knead,train +3878,3879,3879,henhatu mipitek,take it like this,train +3879,3880,3880,ka i taluʼan tu haw,you have to stay in the hut,test +3880,3881,3881,ila,yes,train +3881,3882,3882,pakacaradaw,chorus,train +3882,3883,3883,panukay,return home,train +3883,3884,3884,kaefuan,Incompetence,train +3884,3885,3885,u maan ku ninengnengan nu mita itiya hu,so what are we looking at,train +3885,3886,3886,matini kami a mama tayniyanay kami a,we informers come here,train +3886,3887,3887,itini hu sawali tu palumaan tu aku ku lukut,I have been growing sassafras since I was in the East,train +3887,3888,3888,pakaynien aku i nipaflian nu Kawas a siniada i takuwanan ku sapasuwal aku i kahaccaccay namu aka pilakuwit ku harateng namu a misatakaraw ka u icel nu pitier namu i Kawas uya nipaflian ningra i kahaccaccay ku sakasinanut namu a mihapinang tu tatudung nu tireng,for by the grace given me I say to every one of you do not think of yourself more highly than you ought but rather think of yourself with sober judgment in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you,train +3888,3889,3889,saka tangsul sa misawad tuya mitayalan tu manmaan a midemakan mitulun tu misalunguc tu caciyaw mifetir tu atu patuaya tu mifahfah a misalisin mipalasawad tu katalawan a demak,if you stop all the activities you are doing immediately and adopt the means of purification such as prayers incantations spraying of alcohol and offerings you will be relieved of the possible danger,train +3889,3890,3890,ci maci ama isu,what is your fathers name,test +3890,3891,3891,Nengnengen matini ku nika tataang nu tilid aku a patilid i tamuwanan,see what large letters I use as I write to you with my own hand,train +3891,3892,3892,Namakayira ii nipaturuyan nu tuas a kungku tangsa anini,from that legendary story to the present day,train +3892,3893,3893,tayniay kami Nangkang Cesen,I live in the vicinity of Nankang Chi St Hospital,train +3893,3894,3894,hay fangcal ku pafilung nu Taywan anu cila i luma,Todays lunar new year,train +3894,3895,3895,malaluk kura miututay tu semut nu umah,those weeding people are hard workers,train +3895,3896,3896,hatiray tu nu sa nu Dipungay tu a luma,like a Japanese style house,train +3896,3897,3897,ha ngaʼay tu kerid han aku ku wawa aku sanay,Well I will take my kids,train +3897,3898,3898,una nanum haw i faedeten,boil this water,train +3898,3899,3899,Nglu matayal,exhausting work,train +3899,3900,3900,anu u finawlan nu mita i,if it is one of our people,test +3900,3901,3901,Maaraw nu i tiraay i Lita atu Sarun a tamdamdaw ci Ayniyas i sasiyur satu ku falucu nangra a pasayra i Tapang,all those who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord,train +3901,3902,3902,u masamanay ku nu iya,what does the salted grass look like,train +3902,3903,3903,paayaw,think for others,train +3903,3904,3904,u nian haw siheciay hakiya,is there any fruit here,train +3904,3905,3905,itira tu kaku a miteka a mala,that is when I started to serve on the Mediation Committee,train +3905,3906,3906,Caay u sa ka^medaytu kunini,No this is already very cheap,train +3906,3907,3907,kapadesan a rumiad,time of trouble,train +3907,3908,3908,nanuamisan i Hupu nu Kalingku tangasa i katimul i Tipud nu Pusung u ruma i itira i Palidaw sakuwan nu Pintung sahetu u mingataay tu alu anca mililis tu riyar a paniyaru,from Beipu in Xincheng Township in the north to Benxi in Taitung County in the south most of the settlements in Pingtung County and other large and small settlements live on the plains near the water and the sea,train +3908,3909,3909,pakayni tu,related electricity Companies engineers,train +3909,3910,3910,Singsi papaluma kita tu dateng i umah haw,Teacher are we going to grow some vegetables in the fields,test +3910,3911,3911,nananaman,learning,train +3911,3912,3912,Mifuwi ci ina tuya sinar,mom cut open the watermelon,train +3912,3913,3913,valiyusan,typhoon,train +3913,3914,3914,atu radiw atu punka aca nu niyaru,traditional songs and tribal culture,train +3914,3915,3915,malalitemuh tu ku nikasaselal anini a mihcaan,this year it is just one cycle one after the other,train +3915,3916,3916,midihdih,fondle,train +3916,3917,3917,o masarekaday ku nikalahitay niyam a malakaput,our classmates were in the military in a ladder,train +3917,3918,3918,mahemekay samanen,Joyful because,train +3918,3919,3919,anu cifakeluh ku tireng isu,if you have stones in your body,train +3919,3920,3920,haen han niyam,we are trying your breath,test +3920,3921,3921,satu ci Angah Alimulu,Anahang Ali Moulu thinks,train +3921,3922,3922,lipahak,I am glad,train +3922,3923,3923,awaay tu awa kira,sometimes not,train +3923,3924,3924,maedeng 16 kungli ku mirakatan nangra saikur tayraay i lumaˈ niyam,they walked about kilometers through the town and ended up at our house,train +3924,3925,3925,caayay pinengneng kami tu,we do not look at what the government has done,train +3925,3926,3926,maikakungay,crooked,train +3926,3927,3927,Cadiwen ku hawan nu misu,to sharpen your knife,train +3927,3928,3928,tu saʼusi tu awaay a maʼaraw,thank God for that,train +3928,3929,3929,ira kura itiyahu masaupu ya kaput mitakaw tiya,our team was assembled to snoop on the unique golden snails of the time,train +3929,3930,3930,ci Takuy meru,a hungry ghost that eats,test +3930,3931,3931,adihay tatu ku mikaenan isu a udax haw mansa manguhed ku wadis isu,are you eating too much candy that is why you have cavities in your teeth,train +3931,3932,3932,caay kasawad nu niyaru kina iraan,the tribe did not abandon the pillar,train +3932,3933,3933,nawhani u misatakarakaraway a tamdaw i u mamasapu^ner o misapu^neray a tamdaw i u mamapacakat han ningra,for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted,train +3933,3934,3934,anumipanay tusa mipanay,the Harvest season follows,train +3934,3935,3935,Palataang tu tatiihay a kakawaw nu tireng,make your bad behavior bigger,train +3935,3936,3936,raadiw saca i mangic i kakamangic hana aku pasuwal ci Wangcenfa,I cried during the song so I told Wang Chengfa not to cry,train +3936,3937,3937,o sikawdan ni Yihufa micangacangay tu mikitiniay fafekang a taneng hatu makelecay a malacecay,the servant of the Lord seeks wisdom from above and is united in love,train +3937,3938,3938,u ngiha nu mita haw hiletengen,our voices must be remembered,train +3938,3939,3939,matefad a materik ku alapit i sara,chopsticks fall down and bounce on the ground,train +3939,3940,3940,ira ku cecay a cirut i fafaed nu facidul,there is a painted bird on the breadfruit tree,test +3940,3941,3941,tayni kami mawmah tu umah hira masakunga kami,we are going to grow groundnuts,train +3941,3942,3942,ta fayfahi masufucan ku fayfahi di pafeli han isu ku tau,it is a daughter and then you have another daughter and you give it away,train +3942,3943,3943,raraen,slowly,train +3943,3944,3944,o sasisiten nu Kawas a mi^min ku lusa nu mata nangra caaytu ku mamapatay caaytu ku mamararum caaytu ku tatumangic caaytu ku mamisemsem ku tamdaw a ma^min malasawadtu ku i ayaway a dmak saan,he will wipe every tear from their eyes there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away,train +3944,3945,3945,maʼedeng kaku itini maʼedeng mala faʼinayan aku kunini saan misimsim kura fafahiyan kira,I could be here and this one could be my husband so the girl in the selection,train +3945,3946,3946,nawhan tataang ku riyal kira,it was a roaring sea,train +3946,3947,3947,cuwa tuka rarid itira,you do not stay at your partners house all the time,train +3947,3948,3948,pihaen nu matuʼasay,when the old man did it,train +3948,3949,3949,dengay tu tara i hiya,then you can go,train +3949,3950,3950,Mipacaenget ku kudic tu tireng,skin diseases make the body itchy,test +3950,3951,3951,emecenimecen,pinch,train +3951,3952,3952,kafaliyus,typhoon,train +3952,3953,3953,anu midu^du kita tu limuut nu Kawas i i tini a mahapinang ita ku nika fana ita i Cingraan,we know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands,train +3953,3954,3954,hadidisa kaku fahal matuʼas ku wawa kira mahaen di,I have been patient and the kids are growing up that is all,train +3954,3955,3955,Mangiep ku pising,the face is moon shaped,train +3955,3956,3956,Rikec hu nu malitengay mirepel tu lukedaw,catching tigers is a tradition of the old man,train +3956,3957,3957,naw han i u pitengil nangra tu suwal ita u Ains i,Why their perception of the Amis,train +3957,3958,3958,ka,however,train +3958,3959,3959,Orasaka suwalen aku kamu i matini Akatu pikihar tunini a tamdaw Pakunira han cangra anu u nu tamdawan a nisafalucuan kunini a dmak i u mamalasawadtu,Therefore in the present case I advise you leave these men alone let them go for if their purpose or activity is of human origin it will fail,train +3959,3960,3960,sapakaen nu mita sawni tu diyung kuninan,this is for the pigs,test +3960,3961,3961,satapang tu kita caciyaw hai,we are going to start talking Yes we are,train +3961,3962,3962,tini,here,train +3962,3963,3963,anu pudac han kuna tatirengay ira ini mihatini haw,if you strip it of the stems like this,train +3963,3964,3964,i pahutingan keriden ni faki kami pariri tu siri atu mikalic tu efa,in the ranch my uncle took us to feed the sheep and ride horses,train +3964,3965,3965,Orasaka ^minen a patiku ku tadah anu u papaturuden pipaturud anu papasataen pipasata anu u kakatalawan i katalaw anu u kakanguden i pingudu,give everyone what you owe him if you owe taxes pay taxes if revenue then revenue if respect then respect if honor then honor,train +3965,3966,3966,o Tayan ku fafahi^ nira aluman ku kananaman nira a Ngayngay i katayalan Orasaka adihay ku kafanaan nira a suwal,his wife is an Atayal and he knows many Hakkas at work so he can speak so many languages,train +3966,3967,3967,u wawa u wawa u suna tu palimuay ri,when the grandchildren come in to make a toast,train +3967,3968,3968,u ayna tu kuya hukhuk han isu minengneng,I will just sneak a peek,train +3968,3969,3969,Saka mahufuc cingra tu fainayan a fisac a wawa Puput han ningra tu kiradum a mipakafuti i tuptup nu pa^faan nawhani awaaytu ku malukafutian nangra i pilafinan a luma,and she gave birth to her firstborn a son she wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn,train +3969,3970,3970,maasik tu,and cleaned up,test +3970,3971,3971,marauday tu kami,I have been approached by them before,train +3971,3972,3972,misenger,immerse,train +3972,3973,3973,awaw saan kiya wacunay,that dog will be barking all the time,train +3973,3974,3974,capay,men earring,train +3974,3975,3975,madadutus,inheritance,train +3975,3976,3976,anu saan i kisu anu sa pinanaman ngaʼay tu san,you can if you want to,train +3976,3977,3977,macacamul tu lipahak atu rarum nu falucu,it is a mixture of sadness and joy,train +3977,3978,3978,Cuwa u hikuki ku mikalican niira a talapung,No he took a plane to Taitung,train +3978,3979,3979,itiya i ira ku ccay a cuyuh nai kakarayan a tayra i ci Yisan a paicel,an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him,train +3979,3980,3980,macauwaway,jumpy,test +3980,3981,3981,caay ka awaay awaay tu ku waay nu maku,there will not be no prey there it is my legs that are weak,train +3981,3982,3982,u tuker nura malitengay a tayni i,the reason why the elders insisted on coming,train +3982,3983,3983,ingeten,criticize,train +3983,3984,3984,adihay ku adada nu aniniyay,Nowadays a lot of diseases,train +3984,3985,3985,Katemireng,please rise,train +3985,3986,3986,o rumasatu ku suwal aku,let us get the next one,train +3986,3987,3987,Patevusa lengaw satu,the landing is long,train +3987,3988,3988,misukitang,coal mining,train +3988,3989,3989,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad Oya adihayay ku nialaan i awaay ku rafas Oya caay ka adihay ku nialaan i caay ka canguut saan,as it is written He who gathered much did not have too much and he who gathered little did not have too little,train +3989,3990,3990,mitiliday,student,test +3990,3991,3991,Mavana a pakungku ku vaki,Grandpa is a good storyteller,train +3991,3992,3992,a matukah,it is lazy,train +3992,3993,3993,lkal sa cingra a sumuwal Kanguduen ku Kawas Pahmeken ku nika tadamaan nu Kawas Nawhani maraudtu ku pisawkitan Ningra tu tamdamdaw Taungen Cingra u misangaay tu kakarayan atu hkal atu riyar atu nemnem a ma^min saan,he said in a loud voice Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come worship him who made the heavens the earth the sea and the springs of water,train +3993,3994,3994,Pakakuhkuhen nu mariangay a tamdaw ku lalan niyam,the bad guys put cobras in our way,train +3994,3995,3995,tir^tirmirmir,tremble,train +3995,3996,3996,lumuwad,get up get going,train +3996,3997,3997,sakaretengay,top,train +3997,3998,3998,lisuen,go and visit,train +3998,3999,3999,u u lalusidan kumi ku manhan,Oh it is a tool,train +3999,4000,4000,kafaedetan ku pikilumaʼan nu liteng nu Amis,in the Amis tradition the Harvest Festival is held in the hottest part of the summer,test +4000,4001,4001,Hai sulin a ngaay a kaenen,Yes it is really delicious,train +4001,4002,4002,caka halafin malu fanekfekay a mitusilay ci Satike,soon after Sadiq also became a zealous evangelist,train +4002,4003,4003,o nu radiw atu miuntuay,it is music and physical education,train +4003,4004,4004,yu ccay a rumiad yu pasifana ci Yis i ira a maru itira ku nai niyaruaruay nu Kalili atu Yutaya atu nai Yirusalimay a papinapinaay a Farisay a tamdaw atu pasifanaay tu Rikec ira ku icel nu Tapang i ci Yisan tu sapiadah tu adadaay,one day as he was teaching Pharisees and teachers of the law who had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem were sitting there and the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick,train +4004,4005,4005,Pakawkawen,Kamakatsu,train +4005,4006,4006,saka tusa rumiad satu i pihiya tu palimuan nu Pangcah,the next day was the Amish xxxxx,train +4006,4007,4007,macaliw,borrow,train +4007,4008,4008,u teluc kiniyan,it is the top of the tree,train +4008,4009,4009,a mingitangic tayni i,the pain in my heart even made me go to Miaoli to pray on the mountain,train +4009,4010,4010,minukay sa tayni i niyaru,when we get back to the tribe,test +4010,4011,4011,mangalay a pakadada tu tamdaw pabaher tu ku tingalaway,if you want to make someone sick place that,train +4011,4012,4012,ina i,where is mom,train +4012,4013,4013,kiwkay,church,train +4013,4014,4014,Paalangaden kira wawa isu tu hemay,please serve rice with your hands for your child,train +4014,4015,4015,patalaluma,classifier for families or businesses beg shops companies,train +4015,4016,4016,cekiw,to pick and dig,train +4016,4017,4017,adihay ku tayal hiwa,there is a lot of work to be done oh,train +4017,4018,4018,malahitay haw i,and when I was in the army,train +4018,4019,4019,hatiyatiya han naca paenengay tu tuya kaʼayaw kaikur nu talip,it can also be said to be showing the beauty of the front and back of the bodice,train +4019,4020,4020,yan saka matiraay ku,come on let us go,test +4020,4021,4021,itini sa i lawalawac nu niyaru,they are next to the tribe,train +4021,4022,4022,incay,Empty hearted vegetable,train +4022,4023,4023,o ciwidiay ku fanaw nu niyam,we have leeches in our pond,train +4023,4024,4024,sa itiya hu yu i Tabalung kami haw,it is like when we were still in Tai Po long Valley,train +4024,4025,4025,malafanaw sa kura alu ira san,the river extends down a large drainage ditch,train +4025,4026,4026,anu hacuwa tu micudiyap kisu,when will you graduate,train +4026,4027,4027,atekakay,very hard,train +4027,4028,4028,miteker mitarakar,hunt,train +4028,4029,4029,patatudung kitaanan tu tayal,you can find a more relevant job,train +4029,4030,4030,nanu kaemang i u miyusayay ku ina aku,Chai my moms been sewing since she was a kid,test +4030,4031,4031,Cuwa pakapasu kaku a talakungkuan,No I go to school by bus,train +4031,4032,4032,Pinaun kamu latek yu maacang kamu yu malasang marawraw ku falucu namu tu saki urip i talifahal sa a ira kunini a rumiad a mitakup i tamuwanan,Be careful or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation drunkenness and the anxieties of life and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap,train +4032,4033,4033,onini,this one,train +4033,4034,4034,u nu Lidaw han tu ira aca ku vulekan,the Dongchang tribe also sends piglets,train +4034,4035,4035,tira lutukan a maumah,must have food and drink for the mountains,train +4035,4036,4036,Nikawrira i tiyahu i kariangen nu tamdawan a niharatengan a nihufucan a wawa ku nanu Fangcalay Adingu a nihufucan a wawa mahaen itu anini,at that time the son born in the ordinary way persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit it is the same now,train +4036,4037,4037,tayra tu mitapi kura fafahiyan tura a luma,the girl went to that house to help out,train +4037,4038,4038,misiˈayaway kisu tu adada canguˈut nu sakaˈurip anca sarueru han,are you facing problems such as illness financial difficulties or persecution,train +4038,4039,4039,misafiyuk,blow,train +4039,4040,4040,sa kapah han nanay pawali i tira tura pikeretan,the thatch is cut in neat rows,test +4040,4041,4041,kasinawan,in winter,train +4041,4042,4042,kasanawsawan,worried about people,train +4042,4043,4043,pakeras,blessing,train +4043,4044,4044,pakaynien i eng itiya,on the basis of the original conditions the original advantage is,train +4044,4045,4045,kaku mangalay kaku ri kisu san is,I wish he said you were coming Isis,train +4045,4046,4046,pakayni i pitier ita i ci Kristuan ku sakatanektek nu falucu ita a caay paska a miraud i kaayaw nu Kawas,in him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence,train +4046,4047,4047,wa,Estimates,train +4047,4048,4048,raheker ku falucu nuya yufing,the mailman heart was also pleased,train +4048,4049,4049,o marenukay nu tau caira,they are violated by others,train +4049,4050,4050,Orasaka suwal sa ku papinapina nu i Yirusalimay a tamdaw Caay hakiya kunini a tamdaw ku nisaimeran nu kakrikridan nu niyaru tu sapipatayaw,at that point some of the people of Jerusalem began to ask Is not this the man they are trying to kill,test +4050,4051,4051,rasa ka matira ku Pangcah han aku a emin,so I am looking forward to our people living as frugally as we do,train +4051,4052,4052,anu tataataang ku fali,no matter how strong the wind is,train +4052,4053,4053,Halikiay ku picumikay ni Kacaw,the card photo runs fast,train +4053,4054,4054,micupcup,sucking,train +4054,4055,4055,u nu liteng hu,it is very old place,train +4055,4056,4056,Saka pasayra satu kuya tatusaay i cangraan a mitihtih tu alafuh nu saripa nangra ta tayra satu cangra i Ikunium,so they shook the dust from their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium,train +4056,4057,4057,cima ku mafanaʼay,no one will,train +4057,4058,4058,awaayay,No it is not,train +4058,4059,4059,masufuc,give birth,train +4059,4060,4060,sakapina nu lipay anucila,what day will it be tomorrow,test +4060,4061,4061,u lusay hananay haw i,and fruit,train +4061,4062,4062,Sulinay mapaflitu aku kamu tu icel tu sapiripa tu uner atu rarikah atu sapiluwid tu icel nu ada Saka awa ku maan aca a mamiriang i tamuwanan,I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy nothing will harm you,train +4062,4063,4063,a luma,classifier for families or businesses beg shops companies,train +4063,4064,4064,tangasa anini na kafang namu halafinay tu,I have kept it until now which is quite a long time,train +4064,4065,4065,tayra picudadan,at school,train +4065,4066,4066,u kamukuay ku taca^dungan a riku ku aacaen aku,I want to buy the clothes with short sleeves,train +4066,4067,4067,caʼay tu pakalunuh ku mikuliay,the production department cannot do it all,train +4067,4068,4068,Mituris,write,train +4068,4069,4069,mansa haw ila ku hatinitiniay aku mi,so I am all there now,train +4069,4070,4070,a kaenen haw ku,taste it,test +4070,4071,4071,u maan tuku saka urip,how can I live,train +4071,4072,4072,Ruma i,on the other hand,train +4072,4073,4073,Kararamud tu kamu,you guys go get married,train +4073,4074,4074,misanga tu palud tu pidawdawan tura kasuy tura mantaʼay hu da,we will start building a stove and smoke the wood dry,train +4074,4075,4075,sisa aka pacici tayra,Because you have to go,train +4075,4076,4076,aka ka fahka kisu a miharateng tuya O lalaliyawen aca kamu a mihufuc sanay a suwal Aku,you should not be surprised at my saying You must be born again,train +4076,4077,4077,Tatiih ku hufuc ni Saumah,Saomahs production is not going well,train +4077,4078,4078,kiʼeciw hananay nu mita a Pangcah,the meaning of lead singing for the Amis people is,train +4078,4079,4079,milunguc haca kaku tu Kawas a papifuhat tu mata nu falucu namu tu sakafanaaw namu u maan ku lalayapen a pafalucuan tu pitahidang ningra i tamuwanan atu tadakadufah ku nihaydaan ningra a sapafli tu finawlan ningra a dafung,I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,train +4079,4080,4080,itiya i ira ku tatuluay a wawa tuni padanghan nira a miparu kunini a wawa,there were three children and they helped the child,test +4080,4081,4081,lutung,monkey,train +4081,4082,4082,mafana,will,train +4082,4083,4083,pafelien kaku tu alaf^afay a nanum,warm water please,train +4083,4084,4084,cuka tuedaw maedeng a micumud kura iya i,probably not long enough to get it into the network,train +4084,4085,4085,samatira kuya faliyus itiya,here is what happened in the typhoon that night,train +4085,4086,4086,Pataeta sa tu funguh i cidacidalan,heads are exposed to the sun,train +4086,4087,4087,panukay han ku payci tu kuay tu i niyaruʼay,bucks a month,train +4087,4088,4088,tamina^,ship,train +4088,4089,4089,Namahkulung kaku aci ama nu maku a milisu ci ama ci Kacaw i nacila,Yesterday my father and I visited my uncle,train +4089,4090,4090,caay ka patedu saan u ruma a rengus kira haw caay kalengaw,and the grass does not just grow,test +4090,4091,4091,u sapimaan kiran,what is it for,train +4091,4092,4092,kalitang,beans,train +4092,4093,4093,cena,temporary,train +4093,4094,4094,ci panay ciira o fayi^ nu maku,she is Panay she is my aunt,train +4094,4095,4095,Hayda naunen tu a minukay,Okay take care and go home,train +4095,4096,4096,satefu han kura niyaru,that village is called Shimodaewu,train +4096,4097,4097,masarayarayay,it is a bridge,train +4097,4098,4098,sapilifetaw,special tests,train +4098,4099,4099,hatiniay ku caciyaw nu mamu nu maku,my mother and fathers language is like this,train +4099,4100,4100,mirenac,sharpen,test +4100,4101,4101,ha ha ha,uh huh,train +4101,4102,4102,manga tu lamakung a tayra itini fafaw i,even the grout truck can reach the top,train +4102,4103,4103,sisa ini ku niyan u,so there is this irregular,train +4103,4104,4104,masanek itu tatiʼihay kamay,unsuitable hand cured ones still stink,train +4104,4105,4105,paselaʼen han pasela sa tu kura a tamina,I told everyone the boat stops when the boat stops,train +4105,4106,4106,faled,on top of,train +4106,4107,4107,o lalngatan nu nipipakukut nangra i u pakayniay i nika laliyaliyang nangra tu Rikec nu Yutaya a tamdaw awaay a matama aku ku sakapatay atu sakarufu ningra a raraw,I found that the accusation had to do with questions about their law but there was no charge against him that deserved death or imprisonment,train +4107,4108,4108,ira ira kiya niyam itiraw,at that time one of the governors of the district,train +4108,4109,4109,matu nika fana namu u sakapipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh aku i tamuwanan i saayaw i u nika adada nu tireng aku,as you know it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel to you,train +4109,4110,4110,nawhani u suwal nu Pangcah,and yet the Aboriginals say this,test +4110,4111,4111,hay caay kalcalcad ku nikasubuc nu vuting,Yes fish have different birth dates,train +4111,4112,4112,Ina cahiw sanay kaku iraay ku kakaenen haw,I am hungry is there anything to eat,train +4112,4113,4113,tu pakayniay tunu saka ci tanan nu niyaru,for the economic development of the tribe,train +4113,4114,4114,unen ku puyapuy isu,be careful of the babe in your belly,train +4114,4115,4115,macelakay,blooming,train +4115,4116,4116,iraʼay ku Rikec nu niyam u Cawi hananay,I have learned a lot of things here,train +4116,4117,4117,takuwanan,I,train +4117,4118,4118,tedi saan ku cidem nura puut,the tip of that knife was shiny,train +4118,4119,4119,o piap^apan nu mita i tini anu cila,this is where we will catch the chickens tomorrow,train +4119,4120,4120,fafahi ku Tapang ita hay,it is female oriented,test +4120,4121,4121,ya tihi niyam maru itiya,sit next to me,train +4121,4122,4122,sanay a latek sa,Maybe,train +4122,4123,4123,Turaturaw naunen ku rakat,Again take it slow along the way,train +4123,4124,4124,Micurafay ku fali,the wind is burning hot,train +4124,4125,4125,cima kisu,who is it,train +4125,4126,4126,nengneng han i caayay u Sinciku kuni sa,it is not Keelung it is Hsinchu,train +4126,4127,4127,Orauren ita ku rakat,we have to go faster,train +4127,4128,4128,o mamisaicel hu kaku a mitilid,I have to study harder,train +4128,4129,4129,maulah ku kulung a misarunang i mangutaay a nanum,cows like to roll over in the murky water,train +4129,4130,4130,mitengil,listening,test +4130,4131,4131,mahanen ku ni papiwnung,like putting a nose ring on it,train +4131,4132,4132,anu caʼay pisulul tu tireng aku lina ama,Dad Mom if you do not agree,train +4132,4133,4133,awaaay kasumuwal tunu u Sakiraya kaku sa,no one recognizes me as a Zachariah,train +4133,4134,4134,tunineng,aim,train +4134,4135,4135,ira ku mamihulul nira mitala i lalan haw hay,he is got a loving girlfriend waiting for him on the road,train +4135,4136,4136,kalimeraan aku kuni kungku cay kapawan nu maku,I cherish and forget this story this story,train +4136,4137,4137,Hai pacaliwen hu kaku tu impic isu makena,Yes can you lend me a pen,train +4137,4138,4138,u misiʼuwayay kaku,I sliced the bamboo rattan,train +4138,4139,4139,anca u cecay a luma i sa tu ku aca,some of them are sold for over million dollars,train +4139,4140,4140,awa ku suʼelinay a pitilid nu maku,I cannot study hard enough,test +4140,4141,4141,caay ku cacitudung kisu tunini a tayal niyam nawhani caay ka mu^cel ku falucu isu i kaayaw nu Kawas,you have no part or share in this ministry because your heart is not right before God,train +4141,4142,4142,Suelinay,it is true,train +4142,4143,4143,ira ci Yis nu Nacali saan a matngil ningra saka cli sa cingra a sumuwal O Wawa ni Tafiti Yisaw kasiniadaenhu kaku saan cingra,when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to shout Jesus son of David have mercy on me,train +4143,4144,4144,tu mamicumud itini i kalahitayan,that is to say those who will be called up for military service,train +4144,4145,4145,ira kiniyan a mivetiktu,blessing ceremony,train +4145,4146,4146,matawa kaku a mitengil tu suwal nira,I laughed as I listened to what he said,train +4146,4147,4147,itira sa mahapinang ira aca ku cecay awaayay a tamdaw sa,there is a man from the past in that spot,train +4147,4148,4148,o tahira tu i timul caay hu tangasa tahira i,I am going south I have not gotten there yet,train +4148,4149,4149,u mamikelut tu sapaenip,Spade seedlings,train +4149,4150,4150,a misaan,that is it,test +4150,4151,4151,wa mamipaaca kita tu kakaenen i piuntukayan han,will we sell food at the sports day,train +4151,4152,4152,huni,in an instant just now,train +4152,4153,4153,samanen mafukiray u kilang sa tuktuk,I do not know I cannot help it I can just knock and look,train +4153,4154,4154,Calaw u ngangan nu tireng Luuh u ngangan nu wama Pacidal u ngangan nu ngangasawan nika aniniyaytu u ngangan satu nu tireng atu nu wama ku nisuritan caay tu suriti kunu ngangasawan,Calaw is the name of the self Looh is the name of the father and Pacidal is the name of the clan However the present custom is to retain only the name of the self and the name of the father and to omit the name of the clan,train +4154,4155,4155,anu miʼangʼang tu kaka i,what if I were to call you brother,train +4155,4156,4156,tatangila,agaric,train +4156,4157,4157,pakacinamalay iri pakahikuki^ kisu a tala Pusung,are you going to Taitung by train or by plane,train +4157,4158,4158,nuhatini,now,train +4158,4159,4159,caay kapawan kaku tu matuʼasay,I will not forget what the old man told me,train +4159,4160,4160,caytukaalaen nira kya lakes tangtaʼang kira lakes tini i kawali nu niyaru,the camphor trees on the east side of the tribe are no longer cutting rafts,test +4160,4161,4161,harateng han misatikutikul haw i,repeated thoughts,train +4161,4162,4162,amin i luma ku wawa,the kids are at home,train +4162,4163,4163,o fatis nu kaka kuni a mitama,this is my brothers share of the hunt,train +4163,4164,4164,awaay aca ku piraradiwan awa ku kakeruan,there is no singing no dancing,train +4164,4165,4165,Kangdaw ku tatirengan nu kangdaway saka caay kahapinang ita anu caay ka tatefin caira i kilang,the green bamboo threads are very green so it is hard for us to notice when they are standing still on the tree,train +4165,4166,4166,naw tu kamu han naku,why are you doing this,train +4166,4167,4167,saka aka tu picudad kisu,that is why you do not read,train +4167,4168,4168,nanu miming hu sanu Pangcah sanay ku mama,Why my father spoke Amish to me since I was a child,train +4168,4169,4169,siwawa satu kami iri,we are having a baby,train +4169,4170,4170,tueman tu,it is getting darker,test +4170,4171,4171,pingan cihana kaku,Peace I am Hana,train +4171,4172,4172,Maalul nu lenlen ku niyaru,flooding destroyed the tribe,train +4172,4173,4173,fungafungaan,in the groundnut garden,train +4173,4174,4174,kasasiruma,there is a difference,train +4174,4175,4175,pakacinamalay cingra a tayra i pusung haw,did he take a train to Taitung,train +4175,4176,4176,hay kira ri haydada micumud i,come on in,train +4176,4177,4177,mahaen ku masakafiyaway hananay,that is what makes a good neighbor,train +4177,4178,4178,cangray satu tu kilang kaku tu ruray nu tireng,because I was physically tired I leaned on a tree,train +4178,4179,4179,mahalek malahuk tayra kami i padatengan midateng,after lunch we went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables,train +4179,4180,4180,lasang,become drunk,test +4180,4181,4181,sakatulu u mitieciway a rumadiw u sakatadamaan nu keru atu radiw nu Pangcay u patieciway atu pilecad nu alumanay,Third the leader the most characteristic feature of Amis songs and dances is the chorus between the leader and the crowd,train +4181,4182,4182,awaay tu anini,not anymore,train +4182,4183,4183,u heci ira i tatapangan mahecad tu tali haw,its fruits and size are similar to taro,train +4183,4184,4184,maherek satu a misanga,after production,train +4184,4185,4185,haenen ku demak,this is how it is done,train +4185,4186,4186,naingusu,noses,train +4186,4187,4187,mikika tu cangra i tayra i kingsa lalafu,go to Jinfeng Township to discuss how to get water,train +4187,4188,4188,misinsi,application,train +4188,4189,4189,Anu makahmek nu tamdamdaw kamu i u cacilafu kamu nawhani hatiraaytu a makahmek nu tatuasan nangra ku mangah a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas,Woe to you when all men speak well of you for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets,train +4189,4190,4190,caka saʼicelen nu misu i caay ka tapiy nu misu nu kunini a,if you do not take it seriously the Aborigines will never win,test +4190,4191,4191,tusa a tungruh ku purul nu heni,they have levels,train +4191,4192,4192,harakat ku nangra a malahad,they expand very quickly,train +4192,4193,4193,o sakatnak nu Ngaayay Ratuh ku pulung nu dmak aku ta pakayni i Ngaayay Ratuh a mikihatiya a pakalayap ku tamdamdaw tu sakalmed,I do all this for the sake of the gospel that I may share in its blessings,train +4193,4194,4194,an pakaynien,only through the Aborigines,train +4194,4195,4195,ira ku utufay isu hay,do you have a motorcycle,train +4195,4196,4196,fulful,shatter,train +4196,4197,4197,paysin sa nanay u miliyasay tu tada lalan nu mauripay atu wayway nu tamdaw a papiliyasen haw ku raecusay a nisimsim atu wayway,taboos are thoughts and behaviors that are forbidden in the life and living of the,train +4197,4198,4198,itiya hu misanga tuna minatu i,in the early days of the fish port,train +4198,4199,4199,maansapi umi kina Kanata,am I enjoying myself here,train +4199,4200,4200,panay,paddy,test +4200,4201,4201,o nu finawlan san ku piʼaraw,look at the tribesmen,train +4201,4202,4202,maraay kira i tira tenuk kura niyaru kira,that is a long way off the tribes in the middle,train +4202,4203,4203,Ocuren ku wawa isu,send your child,train +4203,4204,4204,ha ura demak mihuyu hananay,this is a barter situation,train +4204,4205,4205,Ngaayhu kita mapulung tayra kita i pa^cuan anini,hello everyone we are going to the zoo today,train +4205,4206,4206,itiyahu a turapas away tini,not in the past,train +4206,4207,4207,u lakelal ku umah ita itiya i umaan sapikurkur,it used to be dry land how do we reclaim it,train +4207,4208,4208,mahadimel tu ku putaputal,the patio is perfectly organized,train +4208,4209,4209,aapeten,call a brother in law,train +4209,4210,4210,u rumiʼad,and look at day or night,test +4210,4211,4211,naw Ripun namin ku itiraay sa sisa haw,Japanese people live there,train +4211,4212,4212,saka maherek miceli cangra,so after they shouted,train +4212,4213,4213,saka itiya i awaay hu ku tamdaw itini i Makutaay san sa ku suwal,I have heard that the Magadhaan tribe was still uninhabited,train +4213,4214,4214,cadiw,sharpen,train +4214,4215,4215,anucila tayni tu a miangang,I will be here tomorrow,train +4215,4216,4216,palahedaw,spend,train +4216,4217,4217,anini caay kahaen,it is not like that nowadays,train +4217,4218,4218,laliw,evade,train +4218,4219,4219,ya tatiih sahetu upangcah kami,all the people who work here are Amis,train +4219,4220,4220,nu faeluhay tu kuni hatini hay,this is now up to date,test +4220,4221,4221,itini i kina urip aku,I have been living in Shiodome,train +4221,4222,4222,o sakapihaen ningra i ngaay mikilim ku tamdaw cingraan u Kawas ta latek matama nangra cingra u sanay ningra Sulinay caay piraay ku Kawas i titaanan u kahaccaccay,God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him though he is not far from each one of us,train +4222,4223,4223,suwalen aku kamu anu ci Sulumuntu u tadamaanay ku urip i caay pakapilcad tu ccaccay aca nunini a hana ku nika kapah nu riku ningra,yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these,train +4223,4224,4224,itini Hipray suwal a Fangcalay Cudad u Satan a ngangan kina 18 a masadak kawra itiniay nu Kirisiya suwal a Fangcay Cudad mataˈlifay ku 30 a masadak,the name Satan appears only times in the Hebrew Scriptures but more than times in the Greek Scriptures,train +4224,4225,4225,suemetay,moist,train +4225,4226,4226,naay naay tu Tafalung matukaʼay ku kaying nu Tafalung,No no no a restored woman is lazy,train +4226,4227,4227,sapisurit,pen,train +4227,4228,4228,maledef,cover the whole,train +4228,4229,4229,paini tu paputalay u,just explain it to the world uh huh,train +4229,4230,4230,nipanunuhan aku tu fuduy kisu iyasa ku fuduy su,those are the clothes I gave you for charity you wear those clothes,test +4230,4231,4231,saka cecay haw i u saan,the first is Hengchun Ami,train +4231,4232,4232,haykaen u ngangan nuna niyaru i u tatudung ira i,it is not clear where he got his name from and really what,train +4232,4233,4233,naunen,take care,train +4233,4234,4234,nu paru nu luma,apiece,train +4234,4235,4235,saka papitu tu kami,so we are down to seven,train +4235,4236,4236,saan kura suwal tu matuʼasay,that is what the old man said,train +4236,4237,4237,u luma,or the house,train +4237,4238,4238,kaliyut nira,it is over there,train +4238,4239,4239,minanam ku safa nu maku a minafuy,my sister is practicing crawling,train +4239,4240,4240,maraʼud tu ku cikang ku kuciay haw i,at in the morning,test +4240,4241,4241,ira kiya faki niyam,I have an older relative,train +4241,4242,4242,i saayaw maherekay tu ku suwal aku,I have said it before,train +4242,4243,4243,hemin hantu nu Ripun a miyala,the Japanese will confiscate all of it,train +4243,4244,4244,Masa Pangcahay kalapaysing i tiya humahanay tey,the Amis used to have a lot of taboos,train +4244,4245,4245,Malaluwaluwah sa ku makaaraw tu nu paenipay,rice planters laugh when they see their work,train +4245,4246,4246,maletep aku ku tatiihay a suwal nira,I caught the bad things he was saying in time,train +4246,4247,4247,pakumud,pray for blessings,train +4247,4248,4248,Matelep nuya kilang ku wawa nira,that tree fell on his son,train +4248,4249,4249,saka suʼelinay tanam han aku,I will try it later,train +4249,4250,4250,lukedaw,leopard,test +4250,4251,4251,u nu nikisa nikisa naʼayaw kiyami ya kerker,we used a machine to mix it up earlier,train +4251,4252,4252,sikumu,with rubber bands,train +4252,4253,4253,mi i i u iya u sakakaay nu mita a rumiʼad kuninian ku ka nu mita haw,is a big day for Taiwan,train +4253,4254,4254,urasaka nanu kaemangan awa tu ku ina nu maku,So I have had no mother since I was two years old,train +4254,4255,4255,Lisuen ku matuasay nu misu,visit your elders,train +4255,4256,4256,uya cucyaw niyam,it was our current bishop who did the organizing,train +4256,4257,4257,i kasasuwalsuwal,ethnic dialogue,train +4257,4258,4258,maherek mitengteng u mamacakat i,I was about to pull it up,train +4258,4259,4259,tusa suut a limuud ku cecay lufuc,for a pack,train +4259,4260,4260,haen han haen han i malecad ku ku,that is it that is it that is the way it is going to be,test +4260,4261,4261,hayi haw,Yes,train +4261,4262,4262,Macelcel hananay i,what about Manchuria,train +4262,4263,4263,tahadadaya tu i Tatata milacal kita a tayra i tiraw a lawac han ni Yis a sumuwal ku nisawawaan ningra,that day when evening came he said to his disciples Let us go over to the other side,train +4263,4264,4264,madudemay a rumiad,cloudy day,train +4264,4265,4265,nenengen ku kilang ira i,look at the trees in this place,train +4265,4266,4266,mararukay kina faʼinay nu maku,he is a very hard worker,train +4266,4267,4267,tatiitiihay itini i hekal ku tatiihay,I have spent my whole life watching out for myself,train +4267,4268,4268,lafung,bury,train +4268,4269,4269,o dademakay itini i kusi nu Dipung,he works for a Japanese company,train +4269,4270,4270,kacifuladan,moonlit night,test +4270,4271,4271,u lalingataan han u lalingataan a mivuting,before the fishing,train +4271,4272,4272,padangen aku kisu a matayal,I will work for you,train +4272,4273,4273,kuhetingay,black,train +4273,4274,4274,Mapetek ku rayaray saka u kefuh tu niyam i tarawadaw,the bridge broke so we fell into the river,train +4274,4275,4275,mamuni ngaay mitemi,soft and creamy texture easy to mix,train +4275,4276,4276,mabanaʼtu,known,train +4276,4277,4277,oniya tusa lalakaw mitadtaday tu pipakalaluk ni Yihufa tu madimadiay sikawdan Ningra mitadtadayhu tu madimadiay sikawdan Ningra anu hacuwatu mitudungay cingranan a pakalaluk tu tau,these two texts show that the Lord always encourages his faithful servants and that his faithful servants follow his example of encouraging others in all times,train +4277,4278,4278,ciheci,results,train +4278,4279,4279,aka tuka matuka kamu u manan ku kakaenen,do not be lazy or you will have nothing to eat,train +4279,4280,4280,kita taniyan u Pangcah misaniyaruʼay itini,let our people,test +4280,4281,4281,ura cecay tusa tuiu sepat,this,train +4281,4282,4282,maliyut ku kamay aku,my hand was twisted sprained,train +4282,4283,4283,liyas han niyam kuya pulung nuya matuʼasay a miliyas mahaen sapimaan kuya pulung sapatalaw nira tu Kawas,we will walk right past the plants what does this do the elders say it is a plant to keep out the epidemic,train +4283,4284,4284,aenem ku paliw,there are six working partners,train +4284,4285,4285,sapisanga,Make,train +4285,4286,4286,makanid ku falucu aku,I was eager,train +4286,4287,4287,nu maku malahitay,my military,train +4287,4288,4288,o papafelien tu sakangud ciira,this value deserves dignity,train +4288,4289,4289,Kalikiday ku nanum nu tarawadaw,the waters of the great river are swift,train +4289,4290,4290,Alanguyus languyus cingra,he talks a lot,test +4290,4291,4291,cacevaren,umbrella,train +4291,4292,4292,maratar sa uya tu sakalafi,it is so early then we will wait for dinner,train +4292,4293,4293,awai ku lawad nu maku a mikaput tu saupu namu i nacila,I really did not have time to join you yesterday,train +4293,4294,4294,Maurad,raining,train +4294,4295,4295,ey sepat a malasepat ku ngangan nu Makutaay,the tribes are divided into four sectors,train +4295,4296,4296,kapukaput,tongue,train +4296,4297,4297,ci Madadingu,beautifully crafted,train +4297,4298,4298,Orasaka tayra ci Yis i kasaupuupuan a luma nu Yutaya a patnak,and he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea,train +4298,4299,4299,Paangsawen nu mita ku taluan a mihudhud tamatalaw ku fau,let us smother the barbecue hut to make the bugs afraid of the smell of smoke and barbecue,train +4299,4300,4300,Hay o Pangcah a maemin ku lalumaan nu niyam,Yes my whole family is Amis,test +4300,4301,4301,Warwaren nira ku cukui,he overturned the table,train +4301,4302,4302,Pakararum kisu tu falucu nu maku,you make me sad,train +4302,4303,4303,cecay ku kaka atu faʼinay,a sister and her husband,train +4303,4304,4304,maherek mitilid nimaan cingra,what is he doing after school,train +4304,4305,4305,mipapaketing tu hatiniay,I want to hang it freely,train +4305,4306,4306,Anu matahidang nu nima kamu i pitahkaan nu pararamuday i aka ka maru i satadamaanay a kamaruan nawhani latek ira a matahidang ku ikakaay namu ku nika tadamaan a tamdaw,When someone invites you to a wedding feast do not take the place of honor for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited,train +4306,4307,4307,Macefis nu wacu ku alangad nuya wawa,the dog snatched the rice ball from the child hand,train +4307,4308,4308,miamutuay ku tayal nu nira,he is a cement worker,train +4308,4309,4309,Manaun,slowly,train +4309,4310,4310,onini a katatlekan i caay ka lcad atuya katatlekan aku atu tatuasan nangra i ayawtu yu patadu kaku cangraan a mikayat a pasadak nai Icip caay ka imer cangra tu katatlekan niyam Saka suwal sa ku Tapang caay kiharen aku cangra,it will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt because they did not remain faithful to my covenant and I turned away from them declares the Lord,test +4310,4311,4311,mahaen sa naʼayaw,that is what happened in the past,train +4311,4312,4312,Malupisak,decentralized,train +4312,4313,4313,titaanan u misaʼAmisay,We the Amis,train +4313,4314,4314,ceka,thorns,train +4314,4315,4315,hay yu adidi kami,Yeah when we were kids,train +4315,4316,4316,mitekupay,actors in the sweeping net,train +4316,4317,4317,funun nu matuʼasay kira,a grown ups paddy,train +4317,4318,4318,takaraw ku lutuk i nuetipan,the mountains on the west side are all very high,train +4318,4319,4319,a alumantu ku tayniyay a midiput itisuwan,there will be plenty of people to take care of you,train +4319,4320,4320,papicupcupen,grab something Suck,test +4320,4321,4321,micwancyaw kaku itira i Singku hu,when I was a missionary in Success,train +4321,4322,4322,malingad kaku cecay kaku mlingad,I am going to walk alone,train +4322,4323,4323,sasepat,Four,train +4323,4324,4324,hay unu riyaray kura kira,because it is from the beach,train +4324,4325,4325,samaanen ita ku tayal,how do we do the work,train +4325,4326,4326,mahaen matini,that is the way it is now,train +4326,4327,4327,o maan ku kakaenen isu tu kalafian,what would you like for dinner,train +4327,4328,4328,Awaay masadakay tu cingra ihuni dadaya tu nga minukayay,No she is not she just went out and will be back in the evening,train +4328,4329,4329,Pediken ku tatipeluk,fold the paper over,train +4329,4330,4330,pacengceng tu inaayaw,in the past there were homes where fish were made,test +4330,4331,4331,matini anini haw piked han isu kunini haw,if now you bend it,train +4331,4332,4332,mihayhay,dry,train +4332,4333,4333,o maanan a demakan ku sakafalic aku saw,what has happened to change me,train +4333,4334,4334,e harateng tu saka ciluma nu caciluma,planning the houses for those would like to divide up family property,train +4334,4335,4335,suwal sa haca ku ruma a tamdaw Fa^luhayhu kaku a ciramud caay ka ngaay kaku a tayra saan,Still another said I just got married so I cannot come,train +4335,4336,4336,masidayay nu niyaru a tamdaw,missing tribesmen,train +4336,4337,4337,anu hacuwacuwa kita a misarahteng a malikuda a remadiw saʼan,whenever we celebrate we sing and dance,train +4337,4338,4338,en en u mama aku ta,Yes it is my father,train +4338,4339,4339,rasa i lumaʼay kami malikaka i aenem,so there are six brothers and sisters in the family,train +4339,4340,4340,o sma ku sapipahmek ita tu Tapang a wama ita i kakarayan o rumasatu u sma ita ku sapikak ita tu niparingian nu Kawas tu tireng ningra a misanga a tamdaw,with the tongue we praise our Lord and Father and with it we curse men who have been made in Gods likeness,test +4340,4341,4341,kapah ku aku i kiyaru,maybe I excelled in school,train +4341,4342,4342,masuʼut tu ku tireng i haen satu ku tireng,I cannot move because I am tied up,train +4342,4343,4343,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Pakaaraw kisu i Takuwanan saka pasulintu kisu saw Anu caacaay pakaaraw i Takuwanan pasulin sanay a tamdaw i u malmeday han ningra,then Jesus told him Because you have seen me you have believed blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed,train +4343,4344,4344,anini tu kami a sumuwal i tamuwan,I did not tell you until now,train +4344,4345,4345,kalahukan satu masaselan tu ku,by midday we will begin the grading process,train +4345,4346,4346,hananay ci tutuy han ku,hence the way I named it,train +4346,4347,4347,lalima ku faʼinay tatusa ku fafahi,five men and two women,train +4347,4348,4348,maesam,Troublesome,train +4348,4349,4349,ngaay kaku a palicay tisuwanan haw,can I interview you,train +4349,4350,4350,uul,fig short lasting,test +4350,4351,4351,anu kakitaan kiya luma i kefetul kiya turun,if this family is a bit richer the glutinous rice cake is very thick,train +4351,4352,4352,Palikaemangay han ku pipasifana,just choose the small ones to teach,train +4352,4353,4353,cima han kiya Censiwmey te cima han kiya,who went to Chen Xiu Meis who went to Chen Xiu Meis,train +4353,4354,4354,ati tayni a minengneng ira ku riku atu kafung ku mipaacaan,come and take a look we sell clothes and hats,train +4354,4355,4355,dadahal ku umah mavukil a mawmah,it is a big farm but I do not know how to plow it,train +4355,4356,4356,anu micudaday kaku itiya tunu hulic i wa mahecad cangranan a mala pingkusi,if I had gone to law school I probably would have been a lawyer like them,train +4356,4357,4357,ri maan han kuran,from there the flush,train +4357,4358,4358,tamaka,asphalt,train +4358,4359,4359,nu Cikasuwan,Chikagawa,train +4359,4360,4360,mimaru kaku tu kasuling,I will take the train myself,test +4360,4361,4361,tuki,watch,train +4361,4362,4362,nu itiya hu kiya haw u fafahiyan ku misangaay,at that time it was made by girls,train +4362,4363,4363,itini ku babelunan u sukaay tu mahaenay u bintang,there is a plastic bucket to put it in,train +4363,4364,4364,16 anu pasayra ci Yihufaan kita mikilim tu sadiput pakasuˈlin tu sapatefuc ni Yis ngaˈ,if we want to seek refuge in the LORD we must have faith in the ransom price of Jesus,train +4364,4365,4365,nawhani u ya palalanay i,because leaders,train +4365,4366,4366,Manaunay cingra,he is careful not impulsive,train +4366,4367,4367,pakayni tunini ku sapahapinang nu Fangcalay Adingu a pakafana tu nika caayhu ka fawah ku picumudan i Safangcalay a Kaitiraan nawhani irahu a tumireng ku saka ccay a rawang nuya Taluan,the Holy Spirit was showing by this that the way into the most Holy place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still standing,train +4367,4368,4368,Turuen ku kangalayan isu,point at what you want,train +4368,4369,4369,Maturuʼay mala nu itiraay san nu sakungpuay,he was appointed by the people of Kung Po to be the head of the village,train +4369,4370,4370,tahkal a mihulul kaku aci ina i anini a remiad,I went out with my mother today,test +4370,4371,4371,Mafana kisu u hungti tunini a dmak saka caay paska kaku a sumuwal tisuwanan Sulinay mahapinangtu nu hungti ku kahaccaccay nu dmak nawhani mafanaaytu ku tamdamdaw tunini a dmadmak,the king is familiar with these things and I can speak freely to him I am convinced that none of this has escaped his notice because it was not done in a corner,train +4371,4372,4372,pahaciway,Showa grass,train +4372,4373,4373,manay simsim sa kaku iri,so I thought,train +4373,4374,4374,damek,manure,train +4374,4375,4375,Calap aka ka saan tu salaedan nu umah nu mita,do not encroach on the border between us,train +4375,4376,4376,masa i,the reason why,train +4376,4377,4377,sisi,divide,train +4377,4378,4378,o nipahapinangan nu wama aku i takuwanan ku nisuwalan aku tamuwanan kamu sa i u nisuwalan nu mama namu i tamuwanan ku nidmakan namu han ningra,I am telling you what I have seen in the Fathers presence and you do what you have heard from your father,train +4378,4379,4379,seka,shock,train +4379,4380,4380,kalamkam ku taylukehaw sa haw,I heard that the Taroko is also very fast,test +4380,4381,4381,Mapaseta kaku nai paliding,I fell out of the cart flat on the ground,train +4381,4382,4382,suʼlinay midakaw kaku tu lunan,that is the way it is done,train +4382,4383,4383,cakadayum ma ku naʼayaway,it was not easy in the old days,train +4383,4384,4384,tahidangen ku wawa a patayni,call the child to come here,train +4384,4385,4385,midateng ci ina tu pahku,Aunties been picking cat ferns,train +4385,4386,4386,ari,indistinct,train +4386,4387,4387,misafalucu,serious,train +4387,4388,4388,itini i Lidaw han tu i,at the Tung Cheong tribe,train +4388,4389,4389,tayra satu kuya nisawawaan a patnak a papipasasiyur tu falucu nu tamdamdaw a pasayni i Kawas,they went out and preached that people should repent,train +4389,4390,4390,cifaluhang,generous,test +4390,4391,4391,o mamahufuc cingra tu fainayan a wawa ci Yis han ku pipangangan nawhani u papaurip cingra tu finawlan ningra a paliyas tu raraw han ningra,she will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins,train +4391,4392,4392,malalid a talariyal mifuting ku mifutingay,fishermen often go out to sea to catch fish,train +4392,4393,4393,Ngitid han nu wacu ku fafiya nu maku,the dog had my off shoes in his mouth,train +4393,4394,4394,kalutamdamdaw,man,train +4394,4395,4395,Mipitusur ciira a miciep tu nanum i nemnem,he knelt up at the well spring and sucked water through his mouth,train +4395,4396,4396,ka itini i malitengay kaku,that is what I learned from the old man,train +4396,4397,4397,matngil nu i tiraay i Yirusalim a tarukus ku nipilayap nu Samariya a tamdaw tu suwal nu Kawas Saka ucur hantu nangra ci Pitiru aci Yuhani a patayra i cangraan,when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God they sent Peter and John to them,train +4397,4398,4398,mihiya tu misatekel tu,fasting again,train +4398,4399,4399,saiputalpu,Dept of state,train +4399,4400,4400,kay^ing,adolescent girls,test +4400,4401,4401,ira ku lusay nu luma nu namu haw,do you have a fruit tree,train +4401,4402,4402,ura kahemekan ku kaʼayaw aku a suwalen aku,I will start with the happy stuff,train +4402,4403,4403,ura sapisanga tura tamud haw,what about that way of making yeast,train +4403,4404,4404,hatira sanay ku demak niyam,that is how we all live our lives,train +4404,4405,4405,mahawhaw ku fali,it is loose,train +4405,4406,4406,talaw sa,I am afraid,train +4406,4407,4407,Ciwacu^ atu ciayam kaku o malu paru^ nu luma aku caira,I also keep a dog and a bird they are my family,train +4407,4408,4408,misalama,enjoy oneself,train +4408,4409,4409,matira anu,like that,train +4409,4410,4410,i nipicudad satu micaliw cira tu sapisurit savuric ansa u sasasuritan tu teparay a kaputan,during class he borrowed pencils erasers or notebooks from his classmates,test +4410,4411,4411,Suʼelinay u selal pakayniay i selal nu Pangcah siwaʼay kunu heni tu itini haw siwaʼay ku selal i tini i Kicufi,on this side of the moons brow there is a section on age classes and they are divided into nine age classes,train +4411,4412,4412,o sakapisiday aku i tisuwanan i Kriti i u sapilahciaw isu a milusimet tu caayhu ka lahci a dmak atu sapatirengaw isu tu ciwlu i kasaniyaruaru haratengen ku suwal aku i ayaw,the reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town as I directed you,train +4412,4413,4413,paysu,money,train +4413,4414,4414,dukduk han,stealthily,train +4414,4415,4415,pisawadan,graduated,train +4415,4416,4416,aka piwarak tu futing,do not poison the fish,train +4416,4417,4417,Pinaun kamu tu suwal atu dmak namu nawhani pakayni tunini a mitdalay tu tamdaw a Rikec a u mamaliclic kaku han ku falucu namu,speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom,train +4417,4418,4418,Naunen ku namu,take care of yourselves,train +4418,4419,4419,tayhaw,bamboo tube,train +4419,4420,4420,takukung han tu tana,covering with prickly onion,test +4420,4421,4421,a lunuk han nira mihacecacecay kura niyaru sa,she traveled from tribe to tribe teaching the art of tailoring,train +4421,4422,4422,adihayay ku namu a iya,you have a lot of that,train +4422,4423,4423,itira ku umah niyam itira,that is where our farmland is,train +4423,4424,4424,matini matuʼas tu nu falucu tu a ruray,now the hard work comes from within,train +4424,4425,4425,mangaʼay tu ku harateng nu ina atu ama,it is a relief for parents,train +4425,4426,4426,maraud ku piʼanipan,when it is time to plant rice seedlings,train +4426,4427,4427,Mangatatu,almost there,train +4427,4428,4428,hatirahu ku ruray nu itiyaayhu a matuʼasay,that is how hard it was for the elders in the old days,train +4428,4429,4429,maharatengay nira dengan u laciw,all he could think of was the radio,train +4429,4430,4430,cipuutay,knife bearer,test +4430,4431,4431,Tanami kisu sa kaku,watch out for me,train +4431,4432,4432,nawhani swanlinpin kira,because I am the messenger,train +4432,4433,4433,panukay,return,train +4433,4434,4434,sapiadetum,a tool for digging up sedge,train +4434,4435,4435,o saka lifung tayni tini uya nisuwalan,the reasons for moving here are,train +4435,4436,4436,mauwang sa ma palawilay nu Pangcah,the sea is surrounded by the Amis,train +4436,4437,4437,halikacipa,ginger,train +4437,4438,4438,misanga tu kalas atu,production of glasses with mufti layer grinding technology,train +4438,4439,4439,nu nairaan a niyaruʼan,it is their tribe,train +4439,4440,4440,ngatuwa,open your mouth,test +4440,4441,4441,kingkiwen tu isu taluma,after all your research,train +4441,4442,4442,itira i sawali hu nuya pitingtu kaku,when I was in the East I was on a mission,train +4442,4443,4443,miasikay tu kami tu rumiamiad sungilaen ita a miasik ku pitilidan,some people clean the windows some sweep the floor,train +4443,4444,4444,lenu,water surge,train +4444,4445,4445,caka piʼaca tu faeluhay a riku,I have not bought any new clothes,train +4445,4446,4446,maʼupuh tu kiya mama mikarkar talulungen nira,the father began to dig but he dug deeper,train +4446,4447,4447,anu mahadak tui patireng sanay kuya wawa,when the title is complete our son will build a house on it for us to live in,train +4447,4448,4448,tahic,assistant,train +4448,4449,4449,Mapisut ku ciwawa nira,she stopped bearing children,train +4449,4450,4450,Marang namaka cuwa kisu,Marang where are you from,test +4450,4451,4451,Hay mifahuy kaku tu ayam,Okay I will go and catch the birds,train +4451,4452,4452,Nikawrira pasuwal sa ku ccay nangra ci Kayafas hananay a tumirengay tuya mihcaan a sakakaay a citudungay tu taung Caay ka fanafana kamu tu maan aca,then one of them named Caiaphas who was high priest that year spoke up You know nothing at all,train +4452,4453,4453,a mifaca,when doing laundry,train +4453,4454,4454,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Olili tahidangenhu ku fainay isu a patayni han ningra,he told her Go call your husband and come back,train +4454,4455,4455,mahaalaan maemin aku ku teluc alaen ku mahiniay teluc u,all of them I have picked all the shoots like this one,train +4455,4456,4456,puwal sanay ku nanum itiraw haw i,there is a big spring coming up,train +4456,4457,4457,mimanay ku tayal nira,what does she do,train +4457,4458,4458,misalamal,make a fire,train +4458,4459,4459,o makumimitay nu ruma a wawa ku wawa isu,your kids are getting screwed by other kids,train +4459,4460,4460,pakina nu falucuʼan,think with your heart,test +4460,4461,4461,ancila tu mitutu kita satu,we will continue tomorrow,train +4461,4462,4462,mipurang tu,start replacing buds,train +4462,4463,4463,yu milikaf ku tau i takuwanan i paading kaku tu tireng aku,this is my defense to those who sit in judgment on me,train +4463,4464,4464,kahngangay,red,train +4464,4465,4465,Mitara tu miʼanip a maedeng tu miʼanip saan miʼanip tu ku miʼanipay,they waited for the rice planting and when it was ready to be planted the rice planters planted the rice planting,train +4465,4466,4466,u caay ku tataʼakay kura a lisin,this is not a big festival,train +4466,4467,4467,malingad tu kaku i luma,during the stay at home,train +4467,4468,4468,anu i,if,train +4468,4469,4469,iraan ka katalawan sa,it is a terrible thing,train +4469,4470,4470,sapiraud tu pipanay tu ruma miheca haw i,eat until next years rice Harvest,test +4470,4471,4471,yu kaemang hu kaku dadaya mahadakay ca ama atu faki u funus atu kuwang ku nihawikidan naira,when I was little my dad and uncle would go out at night with hunting knives and guns,train +4471,4472,4472,kayhan,wish,train +4472,4473,4473,milinsiw tu ci Angah taluma,Anahole went home to practice,train +4473,4474,4474,hay mapulita sanay naku,you will see it better if I do,train +4474,4475,4475,mangalay ci Parnapas a papihaklung ci Yuhani Marukuan,Barnabas wanted to take John also called Mark with them,train +4475,4476,4476,u hatiniay masilsil mateliay,as far as the eye can see,train +4476,4477,4477,o nafalucuan nu Kawas i u nika kurac namu atu nipiliyas namu tu maudangay a dmak,it is Gods will that you should be sanctified that you should avoid sexual immorality,train +4477,4478,4478,lusimeten,pack up,train +4478,4479,4479,mahaen ku kapah nu finaʼulan,young people from such a tribe,train +4479,4480,4480,hatira han ku saʼusi turaan,let us just leave it at that,test +4480,4481,4481,u cima tu ku mamihayum tu ruray nu falucu nu paru nu luma,relief and comfort for families in distress,train +4481,4482,4482,wina inini icep haw,Mom where is the betel nut,train +4482,4483,4483,nanilipay,from the day of worship,train +4483,4484,4484,Pacifalan hananay satefadan han nu luma itira,a place where a boat docks sometimes called a landing place,train +4484,4485,4485,fufu,female elder,train +4485,4486,4486,o sera mangaʼay a malaekim sakusuwal tu sera,as the saying goes land can turn into gold,train +4486,4487,4487,harateng sa haw i u mifutingay tu ku ngaʼay sa ku harateng,on second thought I think fishing is better,train +4487,4488,4488,malingad tu kami a masatapang a milaedis hananay,official fishing Festival,train +4488,4489,4489,unini ku sakafana nu maku,I realized,train +4489,4490,4490,tadaadihay,too many,test +4490,4491,4491,tala han tu ira ku mituduhan,just wait until after the fire,train +4491,4492,4492,haenen tu nidmakan aku ku pidmak namu u sakapalipahak aku i tamuwanan kuni Saka caay piharateng kaku tu sakangaay nu tireng o sakaci^puc nu alumanay a tamdaw ku niharatengan aku,even as I try to please everybody in every way for I am not seeking my own good but the good of many so that they may be saved,train +4492,4493,4493,mikilim u araaw masasi paini kami wawa tu suwal mahaenay ku maku,there is a rumor that they are going to make a futon,train +4493,4494,4494,mipadang,it will help,train +4494,4495,4495,anu tikulen miharateng ku mieminay tu tuki a katayal mataˈlifay ku maharatengay tu sapafeli ni Yihufa a sakaraheker,when I think back to the times when I served full time I can feel in my heart that the Lord has blessed both of us more than we could have imagined,train +4495,4496,4496,hetecen,drying,train +4496,4497,4497,paliwalan,store,train +4497,4498,4498,Piladum aca awaay tu ku ruma a demak,you have nothing else to do but carry water,train +4498,4499,4499,Na ini ku sasifin,here is a towel take it,train +4499,4500,4500,masa,I cannot even roll over,test +4500,4501,4501,salilit han nu matuʼasay itiya hu,the elders used to call me Tau Kwan back in the day,train +4501,4502,4502,sa aray han naku kisu anu ira hu,with all due respect and gratitude and if there is any more I would like to thank you,train +4502,4503,4503,mamiketun,decision maker,train +4503,4504,4504,o ruma sa ku misu i,Others,train +4504,4505,4505,Maduka ku kuku nu safa aku,my sisters foot is injured,train +4505,4506,4506,iraay atek mapatayay a rarukuh mapawpaway sahu kiya falucu,thinking that maybe there is a dead turtle floating in the ocean,train +4506,4507,4507,Aciyah ku Pungudan masakaputay,the warriors are marching majestically,train +4507,4508,4508,tulu ku ciciw,there are three piglets,train +4508,4509,4509,masatatihiay,opposite,train +4509,4510,4510,malininaay,friends and family,test +4510,4511,4511,Malamicukaay kaku anu matuas tu,I want to be an artist when I grow up,train +4511,4512,4512,Hayda kakuy han tu aku,I will carry it up I will carry it up,train +4512,4513,4513,lalumaan,family run,train +4513,4514,4514,malenu tu ku liyal itiya a micumud,you go down only when the tide is high,train +4514,4515,4515,Orasaka tuur hantu nu sufitay ku limuut ni Lisiyas a mikrid ci Pawluan a patayra i Antipatris tuya dadaya,so the soldiers carrying out their orders took Paul with them during the night and brought him as far as Antipatris,train +4515,4516,4516,a misuayaw,be faced with,train +4516,4517,4517,mana hanen,ask him how many paragraphs,train +4517,4518,4518,ira milicay ku malitengay tu samanay,then the old man would ask about the situation at the seaside with concern,train +4518,4519,4519,Marataratar a lumuwad ku wawa nu Pangcah,the Amis children all get up very early,train +4519,4520,4520,sisa u velekan sakaremakat,so the piglet is a walking tool,test +4520,4521,4521,hai,really,train +4521,4522,4522,tanufaduwac,just the ribs,train +4522,4523,4523,o Pangcah ku ramud isu hay,is your spouse Aboriginal,train +4523,4524,4524,mapalal tu ku falucu aku i,my mind was enlightened,train +4524,4525,4525,maulah kaku a misaidang i cimacimaan mangaay kami a makumud a rumadiw atu midanguy,I love meeting new people we can sing and swim together,train +4525,4526,4526,maharekay tu aku a miasik,I have finished cleaning up,train +4526,4527,4527,cufcuf,to eat or drink heavily,train +4527,4528,4528,matngil nu alumanay a tamdaw ku nipidmak ni Yis tunini a kafahkaan a dmak saka litmuh sa cangra ci Yisan,many people because they had heard that he had given this miraculous sign went out to meet him,train +4528,4529,4529,nanuyanan hiwawa i,from that moment on,train +4529,4530,4530,minengneng,currently viewing,test +4530,4531,4531,adihayen ku nikaenan ira ini ku adihayay,enjoy yourself there are plenty here,train +4531,4532,4532,awaay ku tasalamaan,there are no toys to play with,train +4532,4533,4533,anu miucur ku mira miculcul cingara,usually I am an errand boy,train +4533,4534,4534,uninian ku saʼayaw a dademak aku,that is the first thing I want to do,train +4534,4535,4535,Picaa a mitulun tu Kawas,please look up and pray to God,train +4535,4536,4536,cicarufacuf,foggy,train +4536,4537,4537,nawhan,and I am so young,train +4537,4538,4538,pakafung,cap,train +4538,4539,4539,Saka itira sahu cingra i Kalili,having said this he stayed in Galilee,train +4539,4540,4540,Fuwi han ku tiyan nira fitakula a miala tu tinai,split open the frogs stomach and take out the guts,test +4540,4541,4541,u aniniay tu nu fafahiyan nu,about women today,train +4541,4542,4542,e milaliw kamu mafulaw kamu itira,when they leave and move on,train +4542,4543,4543,sakasepat malakacaway hananay,layer Lala Gajo love,train +4543,4544,4544,mahaen ku hiya ku tadud kaesu kaenen,it is mango grass and it is delicious,train +4544,4545,4545,itiya iri vavahen tu nu ka Ripunan i saka Ripunan,they were driven away by the Japanese during the Japanese occupation,train +4545,4546,4546,ha u ruma misangaʼay acicimay ma,Some hands have a sour taste No I will not,train +4546,4547,4547,ira tu ku suwal naw,I have said that before,train +4547,4548,4548,e a ira ku mi e lituday tu haci nu lusay,there was a person who was plucking fruit,train +4548,4549,4549,danguy han nu Yincuming nura Amis,the Amis used to swim,train +4549,4550,4550,nisaepahan,wine made,test +4550,4551,4551,anu macuwacuwa ku nipaini nu maku,share our Amis life in Tainan,train +4551,4552,4552,karacanemay,it is always foggy,train +4552,4553,4553,caenget ku tireng aku anu kumaen tu kafus,I get itchy when I eat shrimp,train +4553,4554,4554,siwaren,adjustment position,train +4554,4555,4555,misadumikuday,curl,train +4555,4556,4556,itiya kaku,I used to,train +4556,4557,4557,hamanen anu laliw han aku cima tu ku midiputay kuna adadaay kiya harateng aku sa hadidi sa kaku matayal tu nu hakika a piliwingan hatiraay,when I think of them being left unattended I push myself to continue at the lung clinic,train +4557,4558,4558,ira ku sapaiyu ni faki,uncle has medicine,train +4558,4559,4559,maalaw namu mahaen tu yu,you see what is happening now,train +4559,4560,4560,matalaw kaku,I am afraid,test +4560,4561,4561,Liwkinhing hanay nu Payrang,it is called Liao Jinxing in Minnan,train +4561,4562,4562,papacem haw i,Rene Day,train +4562,4563,4563,nipaluma tu havay,millet,train +4563,4564,4564,kacipaʼay han,it is called ginger,train +4564,4565,4565,mirafasay,residual,train +4565,4566,4566,tatinakuan,hoist,train +4566,4567,4567,sueda,frost,train +4567,4568,4568,Uniniyan u keliw nu Pangcah nipalumaan aku,my Ami Boehmeria,train +4568,4569,4569,Epuden ku enur ta caay ka likid ku tamina ita a talalawac nu riyar,lower the anchor so that the boat will not be pushed overboard by the waves,train +4569,4570,4570,sataliyuliyuk sa kura anekak sa ninengneng,the crows have been circling overhead looking down,test +4570,4571,4571,suwal sa Kurniliusaw Matngilaytu nu Kawas ku pitulun isu Maharatengaytu nu Kawas ku pipalada isu,and said Cornelius God has heard your prayer and remembered your gifts to the poor,train +4571,4572,4572,tayra i ci Yisan ku ccay a malunuay a tamdaw Pitusur sa cingra a mingitangit Anu u falucu Isu i pakakurac Kisu i takuwanan saan,a man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees If you are willing you can make me clean,train +4572,4573,4573,sa mieli kami sapiʼeteng tu nanum sapikiyaki sa itini kami a nieli tatihi nu runem ha,we come here to collect thatch for the next generation to build a dike to attract fish Ah,train +4573,4574,4574,Mafutili i huni u mamaurad anuhuni,there was thunder just now and it is supposed to rain later,train +4574,4575,4575,u mira ku misangaay,it is Mr Hidakas original story right,train +4575,4576,4576,Onu tamitanan cangra,they are on our side for us,train +4576,4577,4577,uyas,eccentricity,train +4577,4578,4578,palifun,Payoffs,train +4578,4579,4579,uni paini ningra itini i tuna urip,in their life experience,train +4579,4580,4580,i salawacan tu nu niyaru cingra,he lives on the outskirts of the tribe,test +4580,4581,4581,Limelaen ku urip nu misu,to cherish your life,train +4581,4582,4582,lawal,flying squirrel,train +4582,4583,4583,i Kiwit hananay a niyaru ku luma aku,my tribe is in Chimay,train +4583,4584,4584,tiliden aku tu rumiamiad ku malitemuhay a demak,I write down what happens every day,train +4584,4585,4585,Itiyasatu raud han nu nisawawaan ci Yis a milicay Nawiru u tinaku ku sapasuwal Isu i finawlan saw han nangra,the disciples came to him and asked Why do you speak to the people in parables,train +4585,4586,4586,itira unlung sakaku tuya matuʼasay,the old man must be in the Wenlong tribe,train +4586,4587,4587,falu nira,does it have flowers,train +4587,4588,4588,paluma^,plant,train +4588,4589,4589,samahaenay a pinasanga matiniay a katayalan,we will take care of it right here where it is convenient,train +4589,4590,4590,Matakup nu ising ku adada nira,the doctor was able to treat his sickness in time,test +4590,4591,4591,kaluadada,various diseases,train +4591,4592,4592,u Cilamitay hananay,the so called geramidai,train +4592,4593,4593,ira micifalucu tu matiraay,I will plan that kind of work with all my heart,train +4593,4594,4594,hatu u kikay kira,all of them are machines,train +4594,4595,4595,Orasaka u papatalahkal ku kahaccaccay ita a pasuwal i Kawas tu nanu dmak nu tireng,so then each of us will give an account of himself to God,train +4595,4596,4596,ngaay mahemek ku tau,praised,train +4596,4597,4597,maruyaruya,going with a partner,train +4597,4598,4598,i lutuk ku pimangcelan ni akung,Grandpa hunted for Qiang in the mountains,train +4598,4599,4599,tira sa i luma,only at home,train +4599,4600,4600,mawmahay,peasant,test +4600,4601,4601,mamaan kisu ina han aku,I asked her what was wrong,train +4601,4602,4602,ri suwal sa ci mama aku,my father told me,train +4602,4603,4603,Si^naw i paputal,is it going to be cold outside,train +4603,4604,4604,Matukitakit nu Amilika,much like America,train +4604,4605,4605,kungfuyin,flight attendant,train +4605,4606,4606,ya milihay kamu i mana misalisin kamu,you are worshippers why are you casting spells,train +4606,4607,4607,ira i ayaw ku matiniay a lifung nu niyaru,there used to be a plague like this in the Horde,train +4607,4608,4608,o ruma i anini maemin tu u amutu tu ku luma nika u salawacan nu luma caykaeca ira ku icep atu facidul mapaluma saka ira ku suwal anu tayra kisu i pasawali misalama pakaaraw hu kisu tuya tusa pinaluma caykanca u niyaru tu nu Pangcah,Secondly although modern houses are made of reinforced concrete betel nut trees and breadfruit trees are still planted around the houses Therefore when you travel to the east Coast if you see these two kinds of plants you can be sure that it is an Amis tribe,train +4608,4609,4609,Ciceka ku saripa nu maku,I have spines on my paws,train +4609,4610,4610,aka tu kapisasing,no photographing either,test +4610,4611,4611,marihateng tu nu widang,it just occurred to my friend,train +4611,4612,4612,u puʼeni nira ta,stem ten hearts of Mangrove,train +4612,4613,4613,i ci,lit fling something at the vessel,train +4613,4614,4614,anaku,moans of pain,train +4614,4615,4615,oniya lalakaw wa milengu hanu kaemanghu patireng tu nuˈadinguan a patusukan paisalakat i kaˈurip tu mitusilay a demak,this text will talk about why we need to set spiritual goals at a young age and make evangelism a priority in our lives,train +4615,4616,4616,aka pilaum tu nanum,do not waste water,train +4616,4617,4617,ikur tu nu lahuk maharek misulimet tu kalimaamaan,organize the family business in the afternoon,train +4617,4618,4618,makenaay,how about that,train +4618,4619,4619,caay pisawud kani tu pahanhanan,no time is wasted at casual gatherings,train +4619,4620,4620,cecay ri tamaataata adada ri mapatay,one of them got sick and died of a lack of intelligence,test +4620,4621,4621,ya mikuliciway sa tu a wawa nengnenghan nira kuya nasi itira i langa,the child that rode a bike looked at the pears in the baskets,train +4621,4622,4622,melawen saw awaay ku ama u ina sa tu iri,Look there is no father it is just mom,train +4622,4623,4623,u nu maku haw cafay u nu maku haw mapatay itini i kaenu nu tamina,my classmates died down there,train +4623,4624,4624,nika aluman ku mapatayay a salikaka ma anca maetuk nu,but a lot of people died some from paint poisoning some from heatstroke,train +4624,4625,4625,pakiskis,blow,train +4625,4626,4626,sulinay ira hen ku demak,Seriously there are other things,train +4626,4627,4627,o masuutay nu tayring ku mikuliniway,the thief was tied up by the police,train +4627,4628,4628,falalangad,stag beetle,train +4628,4629,4629,caka pafeli ku tuʼas nu mita tu sakafangcal nu mita a maʼurip pisyakayan,and the Spirit of God will not bless us and keep us good and safe in all our ways,train +4629,4630,4630,ana misaeli hu tu kulung sa,why ask for a cow,test +4630,4631,4631,tusa a miheca tatusa ku wawa nira itini i ci Kanu,it is only been two years since I had two kids in Kano,train +4631,4632,4632,Nawiru caay pacakayen kunini a fangsisay a simal a palapaysu tu tulu a suut nu tinali ta malusapafli i pakuyuc a tamdaw han ningra,Why was not this perfume sold and the money given to the poor it was worth a years wages,train +4632,4633,4633,tu suy suy,at years old years old,train +4633,4634,4634,hay i nika u davak a cacay,Yes but only in the morning,train +4634,4635,4635,caciheci,fruit,train +4635,4636,4636,salihaday sa kiya falucuh niya wawa,the child felt lighthearted,train +4636,4637,4637,Nawiru mafana kisu,how do you know,train +4637,4638,4638,Cukuy sa ku mama aku a rumakat,my dad walks with his head hanging down,train +4638,4639,4639,miasikay kaku ci Kacaw ku papi alaen,I am sweeping the floor you ask Kacaw to help you,train +4639,4640,4640,pacafay miulung pacafay mikasuy ku nu faʼinayan a demak,carrying and chopping wood it is a boys job,test +4640,4641,4641,caay ka u halifutingay kami mapulung,we do not like fish at all,train +4641,4642,4642,itini itini i Wen Cyin Can haw i,at Wenjian Station,train +4642,4643,4643,u papacekilen a demak nu mita,our wake up call,train +4643,4644,4644,sa tamikunlingy kaku,I will train,train +4644,4645,4645,nawhani yu ira ci Yuhani u Painuay i caay ka kumaen tu ^pang atu fadisusu a ^pah cingra suwal sa kamu O maaruay nu palafuay cingra saan,they are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other We played the flute for you and you did not dance we sang a dirge and you did not cry,train +4645,4646,4646,san ku nu maku a misafalucuʼan cai ka tastasen nu maku kinaluma,there is no intention of taking it down Oh yeah Yeah,train +4646,4647,4647,mitakus ciraan tuwa mivetik,blessing after calling him,train +4647,4648,4648,u aku kura hay,Yeah that is my great aunt,train +4648,4649,4649,sarakat haw i tayra i alu ya mama icuwa ku kangaʼayan,he went to the Creek first to see where it would be better to put grass to lure the fish,train +4649,4650,4650,ruma haen tu ku pisiwkay nu maku tu tadud hu a cecay,I would like to introduce the next one,test +4650,4651,4651,hatira sa ku urip aku,this is my life,train +4651,4652,4652,kaepud,come down here please,train +4652,4653,4653,u nian tu ini matiniay masamaan san,all of these things all of them all of them all of them,train +4653,4654,4654,hatira ku suwal aku aray,that is all I have to say thank you,train +4654,4655,4655,misieday,sore,train +4655,4656,4656,maulah ku wawa nu wawa mivuting,that is why our children and grandchildren like to catch fish,train +4656,4657,4657,ira sa itiya ya fafahi ya idang na kapah,there are only the old and the weak left in the tribe the old and the weak left in the tribe,train +4657,4658,4658,mareku,complete,train +4658,4659,4659,han nira kaku u maan ku apa sa minengneng ha ha ha ha,he said Come here you I kept looking at the teacher and thinking What do you mean Come here ha ha ha ha ha,train +4659,4660,4660,adihay ku pades aku ruray nu falucu nu maku,I have a lot of pain and a lot of suffering in my heart,test +4660,4661,4661,misasing i nipiicaul tu emu pacumud tu tusa a waneng,putting sugar in the operation actual situation,train +4661,4662,4662,matini i ira tu matini ku hiya matiniay misiwfay kira,starting a business now,train +4662,4663,4663,patiluc,drain,train +4663,4664,4664,mahanay ku pirihateng nu maku,my personal thoughts,train +4664,4665,4665,miliyaw tu sefi,to renovate the tribal meeting house,train +4665,4666,4666,tatulu kuni a fufu aku,I have three grandchildren,train +4666,4667,4667,fakeluh,the rock that will not go down,train +4667,4668,4668,faecal a arawen ku teker ni Idek hay,is the rainbow beautiful,train +4668,4669,4669,kapilian nu wina aku a ngangan,mother hated the name,train +4669,4670,4670,tayra i lutulutukan caay haw,not in the mountains,test +4670,4671,4671,litemuh,meet,train +4671,4672,4672,anu mangalay kisu a tayra mihulul i niyaru dungdung han ku nika kilakilac nu niyaru,if you want to travel to Amis tribes for sightseeing the tour route can be arranged according to the Amis tribal territorial group,train +4672,4673,4673,u ranan ku sakaʼurip nu matuʼasay i tiyahu,the elders used to live on lemongrass,train +4673,4674,4674,tayraan i lakelal miradum,we have to go to the river to get water,train +4674,4675,4675,tini lusfulu cingmi,Scenic beauty at Roosevelt roads,train +4675,4676,4676,ta matayal cira tunu finawlan,I want to work for my people,train +4676,4677,4677,makimaday rakimaday a tamdaw,a person who is good with words a story teller,train +4677,4678,4678,anu itini aca itini lutulutukan tu saiʼayawen tu ningra,or go to the mountains to gather,train +4678,4679,4679,Nawiru caay pihapinang kamu tu nika u maan ku matatudungay a dmak saw,Why do not you judge for yourselves what is right,train +4679,4680,4680,saayaway u u sapikangkang,the first to use iron oxen for plowing,test +4680,4681,4681,cima ni sacacakay i,who is cooking,train +4681,4682,4682,maladudu tu u kaka kaku safa ciira,I am the older sister she is the younger we were born right next to each other,train +4682,4683,4683,cirahuday,Vaporized,train +4683,4684,4684,u aliʼali,sisters in law together,train +4684,4685,4685,mararumay ira aca ku,voices of Complaints,train +4685,4686,4686,o matanengay cingra tu tayal nu misakilangay,he is experienced skilled in working with wood he is a skilled carpenter,train +4686,4687,4687,u pikungling tu nu Kawas i tini i kaemangay anca itini i kapah,it is all Gods plan to train a child or a young person,train +4687,4688,4688,Saka saupu han nangra i matumes ku tusa ku safaw a fakar tu kinapcih tu nanu usaw nangra a kumaen tuya limaay a aplad nu ^pang,so they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten,train +4688,4689,4689,o maan ku sakahanhan nu futing,what do fish breathe,train +4689,4690,4690,hatini ku tuʼas nu maku haw i nanay,and I am at an age where I wish,test +4690,4691,4691,marucekay hanima kuna caciyaw nu maku,I am not sure if I am right,train +4691,4692,4692,omaan ku fetik u maan ku kuwat saan ku heni cakafana,what is a spritzer and what is the measurement I do not know,train +4692,4693,4693,kita ku nisuwalan tunini a tinaku saan ku pasifanaay tu Rikec atu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung saka sapirpetan saan cangra ci Yisan itiya Nikawrira matalaw cangra tu finawlan,the teachers of the law and the chief priests looked for a way to arrest him immediately because they knew he had spoken this parable against them but they were afraid of the people,train +4693,4694,4694,itini ku pinengneng nu matuʼasay sa aya u cirut,that is how our ancestors judged the good and the bad by the movements and calls of the birds,train +4694,4695,4695,mihecaheca,every year,train +4695,4696,4696,sa caay kafana kaku ya cahu kalakapah tura,I did not even know about it until I became a young man,train +4696,4697,4697,anu awaay ku vayi,without my grandmother,train +4697,4698,4698,Miliyastu kaku liyaw satu kaku a tayni milisu tisuwanan,I am leaving I will see you next time,train +4698,4699,4699,anu icuwcuwa ku rakat nu misu haw a wawa,wherever you go do not forget your tribe,train +4699,4700,4700,mahaen kina demak,ending with the Ikura Festival,test +4700,4701,4701,tahanini kura kafana nu maku,I have kept it in my heart until now,train +4701,4702,4702,caay kalecad,it is not the same,train +4702,4703,4703,acis,female infertility,train +4703,4704,4704,huwak aa,duck,train +4704,4705,4705,caytu picudad kaku,I do not read anymore,train +4705,4706,4706,Kasasiulah kadadama^ atu idang,be kind and helpful to your friends,train +4706,4707,4707,Ngaayay sa mira haw,how are they,train +4707,4708,4708,marakrak tu ku tamdaw maemin,all people are decentralized and positioned for their responsibilities,train +4708,4709,4709,yu kumaen cangra i suwal sa ci Yis Sulinen Aku a sumuwal kamu ira i tamuwanan ku ccay a mamipacakay i Takuwanan han ningra,and while they were eating he said I tell you the truth one of you will betray me,train +4709,4710,4710,makutem,cloudy day,test +4710,4711,4711,o mifakungay ci ina nu maku a mipaluma i kasalaed nu luma,my mom went to pick up some crabapples and planted them in the middle of the house,train +4711,4712,4712,ku nengneng han naku i,in my opinion,train +4712,4713,4713,maparu ku falucu aku tunu niyaru a demademak,I am really realizing the tribal thing,train +4713,4714,4714,Caay cakahacuwa^ ka maen aku tu sweykwu,No I rarely eat fruit,train +4714,4715,4715,ilaay mamangay hatira turaan aniniay hatini aca,Yes a little bit like this just a little bit,train +4715,4716,4716,hay awaay tu ku minanaman i Taypak i,I did not learn anything in Taipei,train +4716,4717,4717,ityatu ku adiwawa i,the kids at the time,train +4717,4718,4718,o masapaputalay nu kaput kaku a misalama,my classmates excluded me from the game,train +4718,4719,4719,anu haenen nu mita ku demak haw i caʼay kangaʼay,this is an inappropriate way of handling the matter,train +4719,4720,4720,paafufu,to graft onto,test +4720,4721,4721,matnak i pulung nu Yutaya a Kitakit atu i taliyukay a pala kunini a suwal tu pakayniay i ci Yisan,they were all filled with awe and praised God A great prophet has appeared among us they said God has come to help his people,train +4721,4722,4722,patikulen tu aku i cingranan anu cila,I will return to him tomorrow,train +4722,4723,4723,a malasawad tu ku niyaru nu mita,our tribe will disappear,train +4723,4724,4724,o,name,train +4724,4725,4725,makeru,dances,train +4725,4726,4726,hananay a haratengen nu maku,my thoughts,train +4726,4727,4727,hay paririkan tu kakaenen,Yes there are placed baits,train +4727,4728,4728,miliyuc,change direction,train +4728,4729,4729,sanek,smell,train +4729,4730,4730,mafukil hu tu nu kuwaping ku urip,I did not know any Chinese at that time,test +4730,4731,4731,ta afa miha halafin tu i ira ku ccay a kaemangay wawa mikulisiw mitaelif tura pipitpitan nira tura kilang a heci i,there was a child riding a bike passed the tree where he picked fruits,train +4731,4732,4732,a minengneng tu acfel nu nika tuduh nuya niyaru tangic sa cangra a sumuwal Iraayhu a mimaan ku hatiniay a tataangay a niyaru saan,when they see the smoke of her burning they will exclaim Was there ever a city like this great city,train +4732,4733,4733,maedeng,approximately,train +4733,4734,4734,u kapah sa tu haw i milidafak miala tu e uway,the youths picked vines before breakfast,train +4734,4735,4735,ura sahetu malitengay araw hananay,all the elders so I went looking for them,train +4735,4736,4736,dadaya aca lima a rumiʼad,it is all about these five nights,train +4736,4737,4737,matakup pina tu ku mihecaan ira,I cannot make it he is a couple of years old,train +4737,4738,4738,o lamit nu masamaamaanay a tatiihay ku nika anuf tu paysu onini ku sakapisawad nu rumaruma a tamdaw a mitier ci Kristuan ta mapades a mararum ku falucu nangra tu masamaamaanay,for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil some people eager for money have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs,train +4738,4739,4739,malalid a maru i lidung nu kilang kaku,I often sit under the shade of a tree,train +4739,4740,4740,ta militapang ku kakahulul pasaupu tu kapah,the rank and file leader will start recruiting the age of the rank and file,test +4740,4741,4741,u hadhad heng ku,it is all dry land,train +4741,4742,4742,misurit henay kaku,and I take notes,train +4742,4743,4743,hatu malemeday tu haw kuni kaʼurip itini i sekal,I am really lucky,train +4743,4744,4744,Salikakaaw u saikuraytu a suwal aku i anu u sakalatamdamdaw anu u kakahmekan nu falucu tu sulinay a dmak u Fangcalay a dmak u mu^celay a dmak u makuracay a dmak u kakaulahan a dmak u tadamaanay a dmak i u papakifalucuen namu kunini a ma^min,Finally brothers whatever is true whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things,train +4744,4745,4745,malehuluhulul,chatting,train +4745,4746,4746,pulung a salikaka finawlan ngaʼay hu,Hello folks,train +4746,4747,4747,midakaw tu cinamalay,by train,train +4747,4748,4748,pusadak nu malekakaay,cousins,train +4748,4749,4749,patayra hatu nira Salingaʼ han tu ira misisit kiya mitukadan ningra paiyuen ningra,the doctor will take a closer look at the incision site and change the medication,train +4749,4750,4750,nahacuwa,when,test +4750,4751,4751,talaen hu kaku matimel ku waay aku,wait for me my feet are tired,train +4751,4752,4752,makakuring,have a big ass,train +4752,4753,4753,naw mafana kisu,how do you know,train +4753,4754,4754,fatawngi,edible tree fungus,train +4754,4755,4755,alemem,soreness,train +4755,4756,4756,i aayawan nu cincya a niyaru sanay,tribe before the shrine tribe,train +4756,4757,4757,pararamud han ci panay a ci Kaʼti san kiya mama atu kiya faki niyam,our elders said I am old enough to get married,train +4757,4758,4758,mawanik nira kura fukeluh,he wrenched the stone,train +4758,4759,4759,araw mailuhtu aca ku kuring nira,as a result it burned its own ass,train +4759,4760,4760,Anuhatila kalahuk yu kisu,Then please have some Chinese food,test +4760,4761,4761,samanen isu tayra i kiwkay,how do you go to church,train +4761,4762,4762,ta miaʼuwang,seize sea urchins,train +4762,4763,4763,samatiyaay,resemble something,train +4763,4764,4764,niculukan,spear,train +4764,4765,4765,tu mafaliw tu isu nga makapah ku lengaw ira,if you have cut it down it will grow fine,train +4765,4766,4766,sakapina,the first few,train +4766,4767,4767,mivutingay,fisherman,train +4767,4768,4768,kalisafunan,gathering,train +4768,4769,4769,awaay ku paculiay,no one is disobedient,train +4769,4770,4770,a maanen hakiya ku kapahay saan,what is going to happen,test +4770,4771,4771,ta tahira itini maaraw nira ku ccay a malunem,he saw a deer there,train +4771,4772,4772,ira ku cecay a kaput aku ci Kacaw ku ngangan nira,I have a classmate named Kacaw he often forgets to bring things,train +4772,4773,4773,axnan,chair,train +4773,4774,4774,nika iraay i adihay ku tatekuh a maefer i kaayaw nangra,there were bees flying in front of them at a distance,train +4774,4775,4775,miaca hu kaku tu fitaul iraay han,I want some eggs too do you have some,train +4775,4776,4776,tuyanan tu haw i,at this time,train +4776,4777,4777,kasasiulah,love,train +4777,4778,4778,singsi iray tu kisu tayni sanay,Teacher you are finally here,train +4778,4779,4779,ura unini i hatinien caka ngaʼay,but this one cannot be made into a backpack,train +4779,4780,4780,han niya ising ci ina aku,that is what the doctor told the mother,test +4780,4781,4781,mapiciway kuni hay,it is broken,train +4781,4782,4782,mahaen ku suwal nu inaayaway a matuasay,that is what the old man used to say,train +4782,4783,4783,nikimadan,I am going to say it,train +4783,4784,4784,i nipisurit tu demak i remiremiad adihay ku nikarahtengan nu maku,I have many memories in my diary,train +4784,4785,4785,leneng,sink,train +4785,4786,4786,liyasen niyam ku milimekay a kanguduan a dmak caay pisafit caay piakung kami tu suwal nu Kawas Matapal nu Kawas ku pipatalahkal niyam tu sulin pakaynien niyam i ngaayay a pinangan ku sapaluwad tu ngaayay a falucu nu kahaccaccay a tamdaw,Rather we have renounced secret and shameful ways we do not use deception nor do we distort the word of God on the contrary by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every mans conscience in the sight of God,train +4786,4787,4787,pulung a tura kalacilumaʼan mahapinang tu,the number of households is about so you can see it at a glance,train +4787,4788,4788,Hai u mipatalaan nu pitilidan kunini i tamiyanan,Yes these are prepared by the school for us,train +4788,4789,4789,kufung,document,train +4789,4790,4790,kakilukilu satu mikilim i papu i satiratiraw,so they went out in groups to look for them in places not too far away,test +4790,4791,4791,itiya tu misatapang ira ku tilid nu niam u mis,then we had written Amis,train +4791,4792,4792,masaysay tu ku fali,the wind stopped blowing,train +4792,4793,4793,mana pakaharateng hu kisu,how do you remember,train +4793,4794,4794,Itiyasatu pasuwal ku Farisay a tamdaw i ci Yisan Nengnengen midmak ku nisawawaan Isu tu caay ku dadmaken i Paslaan a Rumiad saan,the Pharisees said to him Look why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath,train +4794,4795,4795,tayra san cangra i ya cikawasay a,they went to the wizard,train +4795,4796,4796,tatayni,I am coming,train +4796,4797,4797,Pakakasuling kami a minukay,we took the gasoline train home,train +4797,4798,4798,ya adihay ku mihatatanaman ira tu tahatatanamen tu pakafana nu pitilidan,they have to learn the regular school curriculum,train +4798,4799,4799,mamalitud,Receivable,train +4799,4800,4800,misatapang tu a miseking pacaliw ku kaput tu impic atu sararup i takuwanan,during the exam a classmate lent me a pen and an eraser,test +4800,4801,4801,nilakisan,it is been passed down,train +4801,4802,4802,Mitudaay ku wawa i tarawadaw,children catching eels in the river,train +4802,4803,4803,milaheci kina falucuʼan,it is about realizing ones wishes and ones ideals that kind of mentality,train +4803,4804,4804,tu sakafanaʼaw nu maku a,so I can focus on American Optical,train +4804,4805,4805,salunan,typhoon grass,train +4805,4806,4806,tangasa tu i Feyliping tu an icuwa ku tulas nu mata ri,all the way to the Philippines as far as the eye can see,train +4806,4807,4807,a misaturuntu ku matuasay,Ah the Elders going to make sticky rice cakes again,train +4807,4808,4808,matama ku takula haw,will it hit the frog,train +4808,4809,4809,anu cahu ka a patay mimaan a mitulas sa ku falucu aku a maulah,as long as I am not dead yet why would I stop doing what I like,train +4809,4810,4810,sisumuwalay,at this point someone spoke,test +4810,4811,4811,way maʼaraʼaraw ku mama,I have not even seen my father yet,train +4811,4812,4812,o tatiihay a tamdaw cingra,he is an evil person,train +4812,4813,4813,cayen piʼunip,because there is no rice planting,train +4813,4814,4814,Salikakaaw caay ku papatiliden aku kamu a pasuwal tu nika anu hakuwa aira kuya rumiad,Now brothers about times and dates we do not need to write to you,train +4814,4815,4815,atekak kiyami,because the material is hard,train +4815,4816,4816,pafesuc kaku itini i tangaʼsa anini,arrived at Shiodome until now,train +4816,4817,4817,anu cuwa kaalaala ku sakacecay a ngangan i kaurira mahemekay kaku nawhan i malaheciay aku ku kalalifet,although I did not get first place I am glad because I completed the race,train +4817,4818,4818,hay saan kisu,just say yes,train +4818,4819,4819,cacay ku lahengangay tusa ku muhetingay,one is red and two are black,train +4819,4820,4820,o mangah tu ku suwal nira i matini,he is lying now,test +4820,4821,4821,ira ku nu i kakarayanay a citirengay ira ku nu i hkalay a citirengay Nikawrira caay ka lcad ku nika kapah a madil ku tireng nu citirengay i kakarayan atu citirengay i tini i hkal,there are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another,train +4821,4822,4822,micuhcuhay,sucker,train +4822,4823,4823,saku kiʼeciw,this is the lead singer,train +4823,4824,4824,minanam tu i malacecay minengneng tu tilid kaku atu kaput,during class I and my classmates read the textbook together,train +4824,4825,4825,pakaynien ita i matuʼasay,we have to do this through the elderly,train +4825,4826,4826,saedaw,witchcraft appliance,train +4826,4827,4827,cecaycecay ku luma,that one over there,train +4827,4828,4828,tikulen hu ku nu ʼayaʼayaway a demak kalimlaan sa kaku,I think it is a great pity to revert to the old traditional way of life,train +4828,4829,4829,tada u karahkeran nu falucu niyam ku dmak isu i cuwacuwa a ma^min,everywhere and in every way most excellent Felix we acknowledge this with profound gratitude,train +4829,4830,4830,maulah mitamek tu kunga ci akung,Grandpa likes to roast groundnuts,test +4830,4831,4831,takus,invite,train +4831,4832,4832,nika pakayni i pisuayaw,However parent child face to face,train +4832,4833,4833,ira hu sapatenak a lacu iʼayaw kiyami,there used to be bullets,train +4833,4834,4834,kaliepah,wine,train +4834,4835,4835,pakayni,from,train +4835,4836,4836,Alingatu han aku madengtu ku kimad aku,this is all I have to say thank you for listening,train +4836,4837,4837,a icuwa ci vaki sa tu ku yaraay i lutuk,Yes Grandpa is alone in the mountains,train +4837,4838,4838,o ruma wa miharateng kita tu sasamaan pakalaluk tu cafay ita a mitusil,in addition we need to think about how we can encourage our fellow preachers,train +4838,4839,4839,haenen ku pinanam,you have to be determined to learn,train +4839,4840,4840,misangaʼay mikawit tu fuduy ku tayal anini,in the work of creation,test +4840,4841,4841,ka malitengay nu niyam patebu sa i,when we came down with the old man we were at the Jingzhong college of Commerce,train +4841,4842,4842,anu caay ka adihay ku waneng,if it is not sweet enough,train +4842,4843,4843,u awul kuni haw u sapipakcang u sapitavu,it is for wrapping rice dumplings,train +4843,4844,4844,na mama ni hiya ni Ocihwa,that Oh Juhuas mom,train +4844,4845,4845,Satingsaen nu maku talakungkuan tu rumiamiad,I ride my bike to school every day,train +4845,4846,4846,silsil,permutation,train +4846,4847,4847,u na tatirengay ira ini,and this trunk of it,train +4847,4848,4848,Mifahuy tu ayam ci mama i umah,dad was driving the birds away in the field,train +4848,4849,4849,u lise nu niyaru nu Cikasuwan,history of the Shichibukawa tribe,train +4849,4850,4850,kahatira,that way,test +4850,4851,4851,micurcur misamaan,it is a push to do anything,train +4851,4852,4852,cimama,father,train +4852,4853,4853,pakayni i sakaurip haw i itini i saenaf u hafay ku nipaluma^,in terms of economic life the mainstay was millet cultivation in Yamada Kiln,train +4853,4854,4854,Suwalsa,in this way,train +4854,4855,4855,maʼedef ya luma ni ina aku saan awaay ku nanengnengen a siyasing,the house burned down and there is nothing left including the photos,train +4855,4856,4856,sinavel,cuisine,train +4856,4857,4857,nu wawa hay,little kids Yes,train +4857,4858,4858,Nikawrira ira ku caay ku kahmekan aku a dmak namu Saka ira ku sasuwalen aku i tamuwanan caay ku sakaci^puc ku nika saupu namu malasakasipun namu,in the following directives I have no praise for you for your meetings do more harm than good,train +4858,4859,4859,pitu pulu,seventy,train +4859,4860,4860,nisangaan,a finished product,test +4860,4861,4861,malingaday kami,we went along again,train +4861,4862,4862,miaca tu titi miaca tu futing caka pakaeming,I cannot buy enough meat and fish,train +4862,4863,4863,nanay kasihafay tu anini a mihecaan,I hope this year will be a great harvest,train +4863,4864,4864,patala,greet,train +4864,4865,4865,anini ri adihay tu ku fukesu,there is a lot of pasture now,train +4865,4866,4866,malu aucuren nangara,they came to dispatch,train +4866,4867,4867,han sa ku matuʼasay misanga mahaʼen saca ku pisanga tu siraw nu matuʼasay hansa kaku,I think that is what old people do when they make salt pork,train +4867,4868,4868,i raw kiya sining luʼud han kuya turun,the young man threw Asakichi to someone to catch him,train +4868,4869,4869,mihatefu,a runaway bull attacking another bull,train +4869,4870,4870,tangasa tu itini kalahukan pulung han tu nangra kuna kalalukan i dafak a malahacecay itini misafel a mitangtang cecay ku taheka nangra itini paliyalan,at midday the clan will gather the seafood in the morning and enjoy the freshly harvested natural food together,test +4870,4871,4871,ira ku tatudung nu hananay a milaedis hananay,the tribe has a fishing Festival once a year,train +4871,4872,4872,kedal,drought and famine,train +4872,4873,4873,Nanay mapafli nu wama a Kawas atu Tapang ci Yis Kristu kamu u salikaka tu rihaday atu ulah atu mitieray a falucu,peace to the brothers and love with faith from God the father and the Lord Jesus Christ,train +4873,4874,4874,macuʼay ku tayal hatini san cakafana,work content is not known at all,train +4874,4875,4875,sapimaan kinian sa sapimaan na eli,what is it for what is this thatch for,train +4875,4876,4876,tawalen,forget,train +4876,4877,4877,Mateked nira ku ruray,he kept to himself carried alone his burdens,train +4877,4878,4878,saka Rikec aca nu alumanay ami rumadiw sa kaku kira,leader means to unitecoalesce the group,train +4878,4879,4879,masadahtalay,the open plains,train +4879,4880,4880,malikuwat,covers the area,test +4880,4881,4881,a mitima tu haw kira sikawasay anu mangalay kemaen,if the witch wants to eat it does he put a curse on it,train +4881,4882,4882,Nisaerawan nu maku yu,I made it myself,train +4882,4883,4883,haen hanca pafana kamunan alumanay,and let everyone know the meaning of the Harvest moon Festival,train +4883,4884,4884,nu niya nipaluma,cultivation techniques,train +4884,4885,4885,Farangaw,Maryland,train +4885,4886,4886,ku vuduy valuhay,putting on new clothes,train +4886,4887,4887,u maan ku imi nura pakelang hananay,what is the meaning of Bako Wave,train +4887,4888,4888,Mikalilingay kami tu rara a malafi,we are spooning bean soup for dinner,train +4888,4889,4889,hay mahaenay ku suwal nu wama niyam,Yeah that is what our dad said,train +4889,4890,4890,kalcadcadantu a mahaen ci Ceng ayue,Tsang ah yuk is more or less the same,test +4890,4891,4891,yu mitahidang ci Yis ci Lacarusan a paluwad a paurip nai patay a pasadak nai tadem i aluman ku mikaputay a tamdaw itiya onini a mikaputay ku paratuhay tunini a dmak,now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to spread the word,train +4891,4892,4892,matiya u sasangaʼan tu mutan,good material for making charcoal,train +4892,4893,4893,Matahpu nu caay ka mu^cel a dmak atu raraw nu tamdaw ku sulin nu Kawas Saka pasayra i tatiihay ci raraway ku dmak a tamdaw ku kter nu Kawas a mapatalahkal nai kakarayan,the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,train +4893,4894,4894,a taluma tu kita,we were going home too,train +4894,4895,4895,ca hu kaku pinengneng tiya tilidan ma,I have not looked at the Amis characters yet,train +4895,4896,4896,silunantu kiyami haw,there is a boat now,train +4896,4897,4897,ngaʼay tu kadafu kisu tayra sanay tu ku wina aku,my mother said You can marry over there,train +4897,4898,4898,matuka aca,so lazy,train +4898,4899,4899,amerek hu siheciay tu,it is just that I have only grown short and it is over,train +4899,4900,4900,mamaan tu hanaku futiʼsa kaku,I said it is okay so I went to bed,test +4900,4901,4901,kudafes,guava,train +4901,4902,4902,o tatalacuwa kisu anudafak,where are you going tomorrow,train +4902,4903,4903,a pakafana tu mitiliday umali aca ku mimaanay u leykey,teaching students more than just hitting skills at the time,train +4903,4904,4904,an dafak i alaen ku ngangan iasu tu nu Hulam haw san kura singsi,bring your Chinese name tomorrow,train +4904,4905,4905,sulin a mapacekuk milaliw tu kiya wacu nira,the dog was frightened and ran away,train +4905,4906,4906,saka anu malihateng itmatini huw i,now that I think of the past,train +4906,4907,4907,u tuʼas hay ura tura Ladihif nu Etulan kira,Elderly it is a cave team from the Tulane tribe,train +4907,4908,4908,minanam i pakafanaen nu singsi kami tu sausi nu Amis,in class the teacher taught us the Amis language of numbers,train +4908,4909,4909,miliyaw hu miala kami,we will go back and get it again,train +4909,4910,4910,tu matiniyay a gaku kiya adihay,this aquatic school has a good salary in the future,test +4910,4911,4911,awaay ku tanangaʼayan makedal satu ku,Seriously there is no chance of life here,train +4911,4912,4912,tuku,park,train +4912,4913,4913,maraud,expiration,train +4913,4914,4914,misanu Pangcah kina suwal,speak Amis,train +4914,4915,4915,neneng han aku awaay ku faʼinay away hu ku fafahi nu niyam itiya,I was alone without a spouse,train +4915,4916,4916,mahelek kisu miheya kira,when you are done with it,train +4916,4917,4917,caay kalecad tunu u,this is not your average watercolor,train +4917,4918,4918,yu ccay a rumiad matama ku kasakaput ni Cakariya a malacitudungay tu tayal i kaayaw nu Kawas,once when Zechariahs division was on duty and he was serving as priest before God,train +4918,4919,4919,masekaay,shocked,train +4919,4920,4920,maetutmaesus,fart,test +4920,4921,4921,u kapah nu niyaru i u mama nu kapah ya mialaay tu,it was the father of the tribal youth who went to get the material,train +4921,4922,4922,Micupcupay kura tutuy tu cucu nu ina nira,the dog was sucking on its mothers milk,train +4922,4923,4923,kakarayan,sky,train +4923,4924,4924,uninian kiya u dangah hananay ita kuni,this is the pot we are talking about,train +4924,4925,4925,caay yaca katenes cara itira,they did not stay there long,train +4925,4926,4926,tamek,roast,train +4926,4927,4927,samanen haw u minalayay hu kura maku,because I am still learning,train +4927,4928,4928,mikurkur tu ha patireng tu luma ku demak nu malitengay,the old man dug a hole to place the foundation beams and pillars,train +4928,4929,4929,tuka,lazy,train +4929,4930,4930,Karumadiw a pahemek ci Yihufaan misamaanay Hani,why praise the LORD,test +4930,4931,4931,u macikayay san,sports can run,train +4931,4932,4932,Matinaku tu aku ku tiraay a pades,I have experienced that kind of trouble,train +4932,4933,4933,anu caay pisulul kamu tu,if you do not say yes,train +4933,4934,4934,pafeli tamuwanan caykanca pafeli tamuwaan tu,I am sure I will give you the greatest blessing of all,train +4934,4935,4935,Mipasata kaku tu nanum,I have to pay the water bill,train +4935,4936,4936,karakimaday,good storyteller,train +4936,4937,4937,Anu hakuwa a talahkal ku pikuwan nu Kawas han nu papinapina a Farisay a tamdaw ci Yis a milicay Pacauf sa ci Yis i cangraan Caay ku maaraway ku nika talahkal nu pikuwan nu Kawas,Once having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come Jesus replied The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation,train +4937,4938,4938,cecay mihecaʼan na cecay marengaw kura tamud,the plant of Aspergillus coryza grows only once a year,train +4938,4939,4939,hahatira sa,that is it,train +4939,4940,4940,alapacakay kita tu Pangcah atu Taiwan,it is being sold regardless of ethnicity,test +4940,4941,4941,nu kelakela amin,it is a cattle drive,train +4941,4942,4942,yu matiya mavana ku wama nu maku a Micelem taluma sa tu davak matumes kuni kaalaan,my father used to love to dive and always came home early in the morning with a big catch,train +4942,4943,4943,caay ka matira anu caay ka mu^cel ku Kawas i ma^deng cingra a misawkit tu hkal haw,certainly not if that were so how could God judge the world,train +4943,4944,4944,mipanengneng tu imeng cahu kaku kalasang,showing him in front of the police that I am not drunk,train +4944,4945,4945,sarumiad,full,train +4945,4946,4946,saka eyrumakat saku kulung haw i,so when the cows go by,train +4946,4947,4947,o maakung ku lalan a talafakung,the road to Toyohama is crooked,train +4947,4948,4948,o kayang tu nu tireng ni akung aku,my grandpas body has become a hunchback,train +4948,4949,4949,ni man han,what is that,train +4949,4950,4950,itiniay i Australia ci Ruteni atu fafahi ci Cen 50 ku mihecaan tatusaay ku wawa ci Ciutan aci Tanika itini 2010 miheca malinah tayra i Miyanmar a mitusil,Rodney and his wife Jean who live in Australia and are in their have two children Jordan and Danica and their entire family moved to Myanmar in to support evangelistic activities,test +4950,4951,4951,mapastek i raraw ku pulung nu tamdaw tu nanu nika cirarawan nu ccay a tamdaw malcad tunini pakayni i mu^celay a dmak nu ccay a tamdaw ku sakatdal nu pulung nu tamdaw nai sapalit nu raraw ta ciurip tu midaucay,Consequently just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men so also the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men,train +4951,4952,4952,masa mahaninian hay,and he is the son of such a one,train +4952,4953,4953,patay nura fulad sanay,the dying moon,train +4953,4954,4954,nitefadan,drop something Dropped,train +4954,4955,4955,Titatitasa a masuni cira,it makes a ticking sound,train +4955,4956,4956,mararitin tu ku vunga itatapangan,groundnuts are connected in a series,train +4956,4957,4957,sainihukira u wawa aku ini i Taypey,so we are still here but my kids live in Taipei,train +4957,4958,4958,10 licayen ku niyah O kaˈurip aku paihekalay tu suˈlinay kaku mafanaˈ ci Yihufa han,we can ask ourselves Does my lifestyle show that I really know the Lord,train +4958,4959,4959,lumuwad,rise,train +4959,4960,4960,waaw u pulung yu,Wow all that work,test +4960,4961,4961,away ku futing i mangutaay a nanum,there are no fish in murky water,train +4961,4962,4962,tahiyaen nu maku i luma a mi,I brought home a craft,train +4962,4963,4963,hay han,is that right,train +4963,4964,4964,nu Recurd,that is about right,train +4964,4965,4965,pasaira,Somewhere,train +4965,4966,4966,kucusita,sock,train +4966,4967,4967,ira ku patelian nu niyam tu maanmaan nu niyam Wen Cyin Can nu maku harateng,so that we can place the equipment for the Wenjian station event,train +4967,4968,4968,nira haw sa kaku,I do not think it is helpful to be wrong,train +4968,4969,4969,nanumen,classifier for number of washes,train +4969,4970,4970,miadicaway,marble,test +4970,4971,4971,mamaanay ku namu a muwa ira tu satu ku tau takuwan,people are asking why you have jute in your house,train +4971,4972,4972,Lungucen aku ku Kawas a papipawacay tu pakayniay i takuwanan o saka^ca ka tayra aku i tamuwanan u Kurintu i u siniada aku i tamuwanan,set his seal of ownership on us and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come,train +4972,4973,4973,haen satu,continue,train +4973,4974,4974,papitamaku,urge somebody to smoke,train +4974,4975,4975,lalikid hananay,just as,train +4975,4976,4976,itini i abesaay a nanum,it is different in Danshui,train +4976,4977,4977,naayaw tini i,past,train +4977,4978,4978,cangra haw i mapacangrap naira a mifariw,wood is used for cooking,train +4978,4979,4979,u maan ku demaken nu tayring hani,what kind of work do the police do,train +4979,4980,4980,i talaw san kaku,I am scared,test +4980,4981,4981,ihacuwa^,when,train +4981,4982,4982,mahaen ku pisasapur yu itiya henay,that is how nurseries were back then,train +4982,4983,4983,ngaʼayay tu,it is okay I will cut it,train +4983,4984,4984,paluma kita hawi citaluday,grass will grow when we plant it,train +4984,4985,4985,ciwming,notebook,train +4985,4986,4986,Saka pasuwalen aku kamu u maan ku kakaenen u maan ku sasarikuen aku aka ka saan a marawraw ku falucu namu a miharateng tu pakayniay i sakaurip caay hakiya ka ikaka nu kakaenen atu riku ku nika u kalimlaan ku urip atu tireng,Therefore I tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or drink or about your body what you will wear is not life more important than food and the body more important than clothes,train +4986,4987,4987,Pakamaan ciira a talapicudadan tumatira,how does he usually go to school,train +4987,4988,4988,simata hu inanengen a mitesel,embroidery while your eyes are still good,train +4988,4989,4989,itiya i mapafli tu kuhcalay a kafafang ku kahaccaccay nangra ira ku pasuwalay i cangraan Pahanhanhu tangasa i nikalpunan nu sausi nu papatayen a kaput namu a matayal atu salikaka namu saan,then each of them was given a white robe and they were told to wait a little longer until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed,train +4989,4990,4990,Hay mangudu i tamuwan,Okay thank you,test +4990,4991,4991,Nikawrira malahcitu aku ku tatayalen aku i tini tunini a pala o rumasatu halafintu ku harateng aku tu sakatayraaw i tamuwanan a milisu saka,but now that there is no more place for me to work in these regions and since I have been longing for many years to see you,train +4991,4992,4992,o ruma a sapaluma i matfad i cifadalay a sra Lumahad kuya fadal i macu kuya lngaw,other seed fell among thorns which grew up and choked the plants,train +4992,4993,4993,midemak tunu kiwkay,to doing the ministry of the church,train +4993,4994,4994,Henut sa ku lalan tu nikararid nu urad talahenut san a rumakat,the weather has been raining and the roads are muddy,train +4994,4995,4995,u kivisi cira hananay,Serious,train +4995,4996,4996,napunuan,intelligence,train +4996,4997,4997,mikangkang,plowing,train +4997,4998,4998,hatira ku tayal aku itini i talaʼayaw i siyakay han aku ku paini sakitanan,this is where I will tell you how I first came to work in the city,train +4998,4999,4999,pasuwal cingra i tamiyanan maufangay ku fadahung nu luma,he told us that there was a hole in the roof of his house,train +4999,5000,5000,Nawhani munanaw kaku tu kamay i ayaw nu tahka^,it is because I will wash my hands before eating,test +5000,5001,5001,kungkuan u sapad,School with boards,train +5001,5002,5002,Pina^,which,train +5002,5003,5003,o mifuluday kaku i tamuwanan a tayra i picudadan,I am going to follow you to school,train +5003,5004,5004,a maan han,A what do you mean,train +5004,5005,5005,mahadakay tu ku suwal tuni kungkukan pananuman tu nanum haw,there is a rumor going around that the buyers they are adulterating the water right,train +5005,5006,5006,i lutuk ku heni makakilim tu ku heni,when they started searching for that mountain,train +5006,5007,5007,Makakapi ku Cudad ita a tayra i kiyukay,we carry companion books to church,train +5007,5008,5008,anu suʼlin ya mafukilay a tamdaw cika tapa asa kiya asi ira,if you do not know how to do it you will cut your own feet,train +5008,5009,5009,ngaʼay mamiliyaw aca cimira miala tu rumaruma a wawa i,and then he continued to look for other children,train +5009,5010,5010,u caci alafu,who is carrying that bag,test +5010,5011,5011,saan kuya matuʼasay,Narrative of an elder,train +5011,5012,5012,Nikawrira aka fakciwen ku putal nu Fangcalay Pitaungan nawhani u mapaturudaytu i ruma a finacadan kurira u mamasakasak nangra ku Fangcalay Niyaru tu spat a pulu ira ku tusa a fulad,but exclude the outer court do not measure it because it has been given to the Gentiles they will trample on the Holy city for months,train +5012,5013,5013,mitarang tu kucuseta cira,he is warming his boots,train +5013,5014,5014,kasinuwayan,peaceful,train +5014,5015,5015,Misafelafelat ku fuis i kakarayan,the stars in the sky are shining brightly,train +5015,5016,5016,nu Recurd,there is more,train +5016,5017,5017,satueman,darkly,train +5017,5018,5018,awaay ku etah hananay,there is no such thing as an unfruitful spikelet,train +5018,5019,5019,u paheku saan ku matuʼasay,just like the old man said about the cat,train +5019,5020,5020,a mangudu aca ku safa kira mahananay aca ku nu mita,this is our education,test +5020,5021,5021,taangayay ku fali adada sanay ku funguh mafiwfiw nu fali,the wind is blowing so hard that my head hurts,train +5021,5022,5022,awaay ku suni,it will not make a sound,train +5022,5023,5023,fafalu a tatulung ku kaenen nira,about servings,train +5023,5024,5024,tahanini iraʼay hu ku kaadayayan nu falucu,of course there is a heavy regret in my heart,train +5024,5025,5025,o miliyasay tu niyaru matayalay a kapah atu limecedan taluma a maemin mikaput a micada^ tuna ilisin tu tulu lima^ a rumiad,children who work far away from home return to their tribes to participate in the three to five days of the Harvest Festival,train +5025,5026,5026,saka anini tu u maan tu ku sasuwalen,then there is nothing to say now,train +5026,5027,5027,o fadatek aca ku demak niyam anini,we are only taking typhoon precautions today,train +5027,5028,5028,misalama^,something used for amusement,train +5028,5029,5029,awaay tu ku talenakan ku takula,frogs cannot even breed,train +5029,5030,5030,kiya pangangan sa saw ku Pangcah tu mahiniyay a ngangan,why would an Amish person have a name like that,test +5030,5031,5031,hacuwa mipiyiy kisu,when are you graduating,train +5031,5032,5032,matekunfmasetul,bump into,train +5032,5033,5033,saneken,smells like it,train +5033,5034,5034,etan,profit,train +5034,5035,5035,itini ini i hekal,in the world,train +5035,5036,5036,masatusa kura niyaru niyam u sakawali i u sakaetip i maka kalitusa,So our tribe is split into two east and west,train +5036,5037,5037,Pakunira han nira ku siri a mingusngus i rengurengusan tu remiremiad,he let us the sheep graze on the grass every day,train +5037,5038,5038,nu tamdaw,process,train +5038,5039,5039,hay haene ku pisanga nu mita,we made it this way,train +5039,5040,5040,makapahay ku kacifuladan a dadaya mikisiemal ku lumaluma i putal,the moonlit night was beautiful and families were enjoying the cool air in their courtyards,test +5040,5041,5041,ta lecad hatu nu alumanay a kura radiw nura mikiʼeciw kara a matuʼasay,they will sing along with the old man who started it,train +5041,5042,5042,hay icuwaan hakiya ku kakakenen inian luengelay haenen a miyala haw,this one pick it like this,train +5042,5043,5043,aka pitawal tu wayway nu malitengay,do not forget the traditions and cultures of our predecessors,train +5043,5044,5044,minanam tu nu tireng a serangawan mingudu tu matuasay minanam tu sakinutamdawan sakatanestes nu tatirengan minanam tu radiw atu keru,this includes learning about your culture honoring the elderly dealing with people physical training and learning songs and dances,train +5044,5045,5045,anu tahekal tahekaltu ku hicay iratu,if the fishermen land and show up again,train +5045,5046,5046,anu mavana tina mahiniyay,if we know these,train +5046,5047,5047,fangsis,fragrance,train +5047,5048,5048,natala lutuk,go to the mountains,train +5048,5049,5049,pesien,mix in chili peppers,train +5049,5050,5050,tahidangen ningra kura faki kina luma,invite them too,test +5050,5051,5051,cai pinanam kaku hiawi,I did not participate in the study,train +5051,5052,5052,raecus tu,it is still not good,train +5052,5053,5053,anu hatira i nawiru paturcek han nu Kawas ku tamdaw hakiya cima ku pakapaculiay tu nafalucuan nu Kawas saw a saan kamu i takuwanan,for the Scripture says to Pharaoh I raised you up for this very purpose that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth,train +5053,5054,5054,o papatayen aku ku nisawawaan nuya fafahiyan ta mafana ku kalukiwkay tu nika u minikiway kaku tu laluma nu falucu nu tamdaw o dmak nu kahaccaccay namu ku piarawan aku a pafli tu tatudung,I will strike her children dead then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds and I will repay each of you according to your deeds,train +5054,5055,5055,kaku sa i pafelian nu iya nu pakalungay,Me when the young people are shouting like this they will give them water to drink,train +5055,5056,5056,u urip nu Pangcah caay ka laliyas tu palapalaan u arunu Pangcah itini i sawaliyan nu Taywan u Kalingku atu Taytu,this is because the Amis live in harmony with nature the Amis traditionally live in the Hualien and Taitung areas of eastern Taiwan,train +5056,5057,5057,Micaduk tu sinafel nani dangah ku cumpu a patalasala,the head chef uses a spatula to serve the dish from the pot to the plate,train +5057,5058,5058,na mahufuc tu sakacecay a fulad pangangan tu tadangangan nu tireng anu caayay kafalic tahira sa i patay malungangan nu tireng,the name will be given within one month after birth and it will be the correct name if not changed it will be the name for life,train +5058,5059,5059,Hay o cacumikay kaku,Yes I will compete in running,train +5059,5060,5060,Palilamay tu tikami i lumalumaan tu rumiamiad,every day they go to every house and deliver the mail,test +5060,5061,5061,aka kataynian,do not come over here,train +5061,5062,5062,Hay kapah tu nika alengel ku dungec dengay tu haw,Okay but the heart of the vine is a little bitter can you live with that,train +5062,5063,5063,vulekan han tu i,this little piggy,train +5063,5064,5064,Cakay tu unmah,purchase of land,train +5064,5065,5065,u iraay tu hatiniay kararuman u ruray samanen u,Inevitably there are times of sadness and fatigue in the course of our work,train +5065,5066,5066,mawuc ku finawlan,folks preparing for the organizer,train +5066,5067,5067,lipahak ku matuʼasay itini a malacafay,to add joy to each others old age,train +5067,5068,5068,tapal,observe,train +5068,5069,5069,o mamirenaf kaku ci inaan,I want to paint my mom,train +5069,5070,5070,mahaenay kira malitengay i,what about the old man,test +5070,5071,5071,nanu tu suwal nira,beware of what he says,train +5071,5072,5072,palakakeridan,pushed to be a leader,train +5072,5073,5073,a malahisikur kasiniʼadaan,it is really sad that you have to worry about your future,train +5073,5074,5074,i kungkuan kaku matayal,I am working at school,train +5074,5075,5075,u i lutukay haw,Yes in the mountains,train +5075,5076,5076,penec,squash,train +5076,5077,5077,Tarakaw masusu aca kaku puener makupit aca ci Kacaw,I am tall and overweight while Kacaw is short and thin,train +5077,5078,5078,o maifuwas ku ngangan nu niyaru nu mita i taywan,our tribes reputation has been spread all over Taiwan,train +5078,5079,5079,ya calina,not for a while,train +5079,5080,5080,milekakawa,pack,test +5080,5081,5081,a sumuwal O maan ku sakacitudung Isu a midmak tunini O nanu nima ku sakacitudung Isu a midmak tunini han nangra,By what authority are you doing these things they asked And who gave you authority to do this,train +5081,5082,5082,taluan,Plaza,train +5082,5083,5083,mikilim,locate,train +5083,5084,5084,anu maan a tu atayalan anu mangaʼay a mi hawkita u mi ay,serve God no matter what the job is as long as it glorifies God and benefits people,train +5084,5085,5085,talacuwa mararid kunini a fafahiyan a minanam nikawrira caay ku mamafana cangra tu sulin,always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth,train +5085,5086,5086,malakalikiday,it becomes turbulent,train +5086,5087,5087,mahelek tu ku ina aku mama aku sa kaku,I think mom and dad are done,train +5087,5088,5088,iraay ku cecay taangayay a pala tu pipakaenan tu aadupan i ngata nu luma ni faki malacecay kami a mikuliciw a tayra,there is a big ranch near my uncles house and we rode bicycles to the ranch together,train +5088,5089,5089,kalalikidan,year of Abundance Festival,train +5089,5090,5090,Anusanay i mituur kaku tisuwanan a tayra,Then I will go with you,test +5090,5091,5091,8 hanu u tadamaanay a dafung mitelian i sera a kureng sa ci Pawlu tu mitusilay demak,why did the apostle Paul describe the work of the ministry as a treasure in a vessel,train +5091,5092,5092,mamaan saw kina lutuk,this is a strange mountain,train +5092,5093,5093,maharektu a mieteng,plugging of Watercourses completed,train +5093,5094,5094,caay ka lahuday ku nu hatiniay u iya a kakaenen nu,this Aboriginal food is not easy to come by,train +5094,5095,5095,naʼayaway a matuasay caay kakapah ku lalan vekeluh henay ku lalan,the roads used to be bad they were all stone,train +5095,5096,5096,niimeran,cherished,train +5096,5097,5097,ya aku i ci ku ngangan ningra,my aunts name is Zheng Guimei,train +5097,5098,5098,langas,cut off,train +5098,5099,5099,pacakay nu tau itira u ku icep u lawuc nu icep hatini nian,that is why some people choose to sell betel nut in hotels,train +5099,5100,5100,Alaf^af ku nanum ta nanumen,the water is warm then drink it,test +5100,5101,5101,sa itiya i aluman ku maaraway aku,I saw a lot of sad situations back then,train +5101,5102,5102,ira ku rengus i umaumahan,there is grass in the field,train +5102,5103,5103,o nian ku saka tadanca nu tatirengan nu misu saan,that is why you are suffering,train +5103,5104,5104,4 ˈAlumanay Yutaya tamdaw cuwa ka ulah tu suˈlinay kimad samaanay ku harateng ni Pawlu hani,how did Paul feel about the lukewarm response of many Jews to the truth,train +5104,5105,5105,mararumay cira tu nikapatay nu wacu nira,she was saddened by the death of her dog,train +5105,5106,5106,Orasaka liyasen ita ku saayaway a ninanaman ita tu pakayniay i ci Kristuan pasayra i sakaikes nu falucu a mitier a talaayaw u nipifalic tu falucu a miliyas tu awaay ku ^puc a dmak atu nipipasulin tu Kawas,therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death and of faith in God,train +5106,5107,5107,paʼicelen kaku ciʼicelen aku mihiya micudad,you have to support me very hard I am studying very hard too,train +5107,5108,5108,hay nu niyaru a tamdaw,yeahallthetribes whatdoyousay,train +5108,5109,5109,papinapinaay a laluman ku talumaʼay,there are also a few families who have returned to their hometowns,train +5109,5110,5110,Hanaku kisu a mitalivana caay ka vana kaku sa kisu,I remember when I asked you Where are we from you said I do not know I do not know,test +5110,5111,5111,ha ku nika ira ku cuci a malahitay a saan,soon after I received a notice to enlist in the army,train +5111,5112,5112,o rakar kinian telien i alu^ u sapilepel tu futing,this is a fish trap which we put beside the river for fishing,train +5112,5113,5113,a nikasadak,such a sight,train +5113,5114,5114,u sasuwalen aku tuninian u kudasing sanay a suwal,I will talk about peanuts,train +5114,5115,5115,i hakuwa cingra a tangasa,when did he arrive,train +5115,5116,5116,ini haw ku katalawan matengilay i ayaw aca malitemuhay maku itini i u urip nu Amis,the most worrying thing is the lives of the indigenous people in Kaohsiung that I have heard about or encountered,train +5116,5117,5117,mamaw kami i lakulakuan miniwaniw,we are mowing the paddies,train +5117,5118,5118,futing,fish,train +5118,5119,5119,cikasuay,gas switched,train +5119,5120,5120,hadidi sa kami atu fafahi aku makaala tu,he and his wife put up with everything to buy it,test +5120,5121,5121,misiyakay ku ngaʼay sa,the factory is better,train +5121,5122,5122,papaliw,laborers,train +5122,5123,5123,kaku ku mikaykicay itiya,I was the one who handled it,train +5123,5124,5124,o kadafu nu Farangaw kaku,I am the daughter in law of the Malan tribe,train +5124,5125,5125,samaan itini i caay pakatuur tu nu tau itini i pasaetip i,I cannot keep up with life in the North,train +5125,5126,5126,kilemel caay tu ka hiya ka cekeruh,if the current is strong we cannot move forward,train +5126,5127,5127,suwal sa ku wama u aahuwiden ita ku pipalemed nu liteng tu sakaadihay nu tama ita,dad said we want to thank the ancestors for their blessings so that we have a lot of prey to harvest,train +5127,5128,5128,kura mituuran a papiyuk a miterucan,jumping and swaying to the beat,train +5128,5129,5129,kaikuray tu haw i,at last,train +5129,5130,5130,na nu limuʼut nu matuʼasay na nu kitemal nu salikaka,the exhortation of the old man and the promise of the elder brother,test +5130,5131,5131,a misikul cingra tu nguha nu nira haw,meet his lover,train +5131,5132,5132,u siyakay ci apa aku misufucay takuwan,my biological father had a career,train +5132,5133,5133,Tusapulu tu miheca ku pi ku malihitay nu maku,in the years of my military career,train +5133,5134,5134,itini a minanam kiya simpu citanengay kira saw itini a minanam kiya simpu,the priest studied with my father very wise,train +5134,5135,5135,i sawalian,on the east side,train +5135,5136,5136,tacuwa ka kami tatusa mamahadefek kisu kamu tatusa,wherever you go you will both be exterminated,train +5136,5137,5137,misakafahay tu 20 miheca a fafahiyan salikaka ci Matireta sanay cingra Mafanaˈ tu papalifunen ni Yihufa ku pisaˈicel aku tada pakahemekay takuwanan kunini,sister Matilda who has been a pioneer for years said It gives me joy to know that the Lord will reward me for my efforts,train +5137,5138,5138,u hiya hananay nu tamdaw,everyone knows that,train +5138,5139,5139,anu iraay hu pinaay tu ku mihecaan,how old are you now if you are still alive,train +5139,5140,5140,Oy Kulas singsi mimaan kita,Hey Mr Kolas what are we doing,test +5140,5141,5141,itiya satu haw i itiya hu mahaen tu,it was the same in those days,train +5141,5142,5142,mifawa isu a mikakuy kura pawti nu panay haw,can you lift that bag of rice,train +5142,5143,5143,o nanam tu aku a miulukang tu rumiamiad,I practiced playing the piano every day,train +5143,5144,5144,oyanan tu ku demak nira,he is doing the same thing no change,train +5144,5145,5145,u fila cecay,only the Lao leaves are wrapped,train +5145,5146,5146,sanay,keep doing that this way,train +5146,5147,5147,mifahfah,pray for good luck and avoid disasters,train +5147,5148,5148,furiak,ground Excavation,train +5148,5149,5149,macedet nu fadisaw ku kamay nira,his hands were scalded by boiling water,train +5149,5150,5150,Mangangata ku luma niyam saka malacafay kami talapicudadan tu rumiamiad,we live close to each other so we go to school together every day,test +5150,5151,5151,sakacecay i sadak sa haw i kuengel ku papah ira i,the first is the freshly grown young leaves,train +5151,5152,5152,eres,replacement,train +5152,5153,5153,padiyac,scar,train +5153,5154,5154,han saan mitier kiya matuʼasay,the old man came up to me like this,train +5154,5155,5155,pavaheren tu ku tingalaway saan,just put the cups away,train +5155,5156,5156,anu ira hu mihifang i,if there is a stolen break,train +5156,5157,5157,Palidaw,Hengchun,train +5157,5158,5158,na minukayay tu kami tayni i iiya i Sasadak,and then we migrated back to the new Shannon tribe,train +5158,5159,5159,cima ku nu Amis a ngangan nu misu,I have not asked you for your Amis name yet,train +5159,5160,5160,lecad,identical,test +5160,5161,5161,ira itira ci Mariya nu Maktala atu ruma a Mariyaan misiayaw tu tadem a maru itira sa a misimaw,Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting there opposite the tomb,train +5161,5162,5162,ikur nu cecay liyad u ruma paru nu lumaˈ ningra mala Misawacayay tamdaw,after a while some of his family members also became Jehovahs Witnesses,train +5162,5163,5163,micepcepay,sucker,train +5163,5164,5164,Cirudisay ku riyar anini,the sea had waves rolling in today,train +5164,5165,5165,tayra i riyal,go to the beach,train +5165,5166,5166,lalipayan,Weekly,train +5166,5167,5167,mafedfed,bundle,train +5167,5168,5168,itini yaca itini i niyaru,living in tribal construction,train +5168,5169,5169,pahku,crossing the cat,train +5169,5170,5170,o mahapinangay ku nika ngaay nu lihaf a fafahiyan u mafanaay a midiput tu wawa ningra u halilafangay u misawsaway tu waay nu mituuray u mipadamaay tu mapadesay a tamdaw u malalukay a matayal tu masamaamaanay a ngaayay a dmak ku tatiliden,and is well known for her good deeds such as bringing up children showing hospitality washing the feet of the saints helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds,test +5170,5171,5171,tangsa kami u maratar,we arrived early,train +5171,5172,5172,u mikingkiway ku malitengay,the older generation did study it seriously,train +5172,5173,5173,nasani a kakurut sa nu Taywan a kakurut,I have just seen the Minnan variety of bitter melon,train +5173,5174,5174,Papisuedacen kami tu tarawadaw a misalama tu nanum,let us play in the water against the current at the river,train +5174,5175,5175,salavii sa a misanga,overnight,train +5175,5176,5176,Paalepaden nu kakeridan ku kapah a patayra i lutuk a mikasuy,the leaders wanted the youth to go in groups to the mountains to cut wood,train +5176,5177,5177,mana ngernger sa kuna a rumiʼad hakini,why is it raining so terribly,train +5177,5178,5178,masiedmaiyak,choke,train +5178,5179,5179,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu caaytu piliyaw kaku a kumaen tu ^pah nu fadisusu tangasa i kakumaenan aku tu fa^luhay a takid i Kitakit nu Kawas han ningra,I tell you the truth I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew in the kingdom of God,train +5179,5180,5180,i tenuk tu nu na lawla keliden tuna kakitaʼan ku salikaka atu na sakaselal,in the middle of the entertainment the leaders lead their fellow clansmen at all levels,test +5180,5181,5181,i dahiay tu,it is great too,train +5181,5182,5182,o papusian ni kaka kinian a haku,this box is my brothers cat carrier,train +5182,5183,5183,i Taypak ku hecra nu mita a nu huni,we will settle in Taipei later,train +5183,5184,5184,o sulinay a suwal kuya Anu mikaput kita i cingraan a mapatay i u mamikaput kita cingraan a maurip,here is a trustworthy saying if we died with him we will also live with him,train +5184,5185,5185,saka cecay a rumiʼad i pitekaan haw i,on the first day of the Toyonen Festival,train +5185,5186,5186,a haenen ita,what about our problem,train +5186,5187,5187,alatek mafana ku matuʼasay,maybe the elders know,train +5187,5188,5188,pacufelis tu tikami,return a letter,train +5188,5189,5189,Cakay hatu nu fafahi aku kiya nu sarad nu Cudad a Cudad,my wife bought me an ethnic dictionary,train +5189,5190,5190,i fafaw nu Puseku ku kayakay nu sinamalay,the railroad bridge is upstream of Yuli,test +5190,5191,5191,piayaw,breastplate,train +5191,5192,5192,a malilafalafang kita sa ku matuʼasay kira,the old people said they wanted to wish each other a peaceful new Years greeting,train +5192,5193,5193,mitinuuy,woven cloth,train +5193,5194,5194,radiwen aku hakelukelung sa ku malitengay a makeru,my elders danced with me when I sang,train +5194,5195,5195,a,Aah,train +5195,5196,5196,mangaʼay tu mitilu,it is feasible,train +5196,5197,5197,mangtaʼay hu a Pangcah san pangangan nara itiya hu ha ha ha,in his time he was named after the Sengoku ha ha ha,train +5197,5198,5198,micumud tu kami i pinanuwangan suwal sa ku singsi u ayaayaman ku i kaayaway u uneruneran ku kaikuray pakuniyaniyah sa kita a miaraw,after entering the zoo the teacher said there are birds in the front and snakes in the back,train +5198,5199,5199,tera,drop by drop,train +5199,5200,5200,itiya mivulesaktu tu sasapuran,it is time to sow the seeds,test +5200,5201,5201,tiyad nira sisa,it is in its stomach,train +5201,5202,5202,falat,Beams,train +5202,5203,5203,Matekup na Mayaw ku kulafaw nura umah,Ma Yiu and the others have caught all the voles in the field,train +5203,5204,5204,maʼedeng tu anu sa kura hiya haw,if the lease expires,train +5204,5205,5205,tataʼak ku kunga,groundnuts are very big,train +5205,5206,5206,manengneng,looks like it,train +5206,5207,5207,Saaraaw sa cira tu sakacifafahiaw,he longed to marry a beautiful woman,train +5207,5208,5208,ya licayen i ya maʼaraway namu kura,I am going to ask you further if you have ever seen that,train +5208,5209,5209,kusiw saan tu ku kikay a maeminm,the machines are all malfunctioning,train +5209,5210,5210,u nipihicay nu naayaway kiniyan,that is what they used to do with fry,test +5210,5211,5211,iraan u masankakuway iri,the one that is triangular,train +5211,5212,5212,kiyari namahiya ku Ripun,the Japanese colonial period,train +5212,5213,5213,Kasu ku heci niniyan,its meat is delicious,train +5213,5214,5214,Sinpung nu Aielan palusiyangay tu mikimaday a saˈupu saka 5 Fulad 1910,may Irish times publishes public speaking engagements,train +5214,5215,5215,Patungud tu dafak tu a haw,I am going to pick up where I left off this morning,train +5215,5216,5216,kalafian,dinner time,train +5216,5217,5217,cacay fulad kinacecay ku lisawut nu niyaru,a monthly tribal gathering,train +5217,5218,5218,8 sidaˈitay ci Yihufa misaday tu Mitusilay atu Nikaˈurip a Saˈupu padama kitaanan macakat i mitusilay a demak,the loving Lord provides preaching and life meetings so that we can do a better job at preaching,train +5218,5219,5219,tu sasafaay nu kapah ha hay,is it the youth on the bottom floor Yes,train +5219,5220,5220,ini ku kakaenen Tadu han a miala,here is food help yourselves,test +5220,5221,5221,nisangaan,made,train +5221,5222,5222,anu minanam,if you want to learn,train +5222,5223,5223,talafekang,to go up,train +5223,5224,5224,matama,found it,train +5224,5225,5225,Paaresingen nu Kawas tu dafadafak ku semut,every morning God makes the grass dewy,train +5225,5226,5226,Misafiku ku pilumaluma,every house is making wine,train +5226,5227,5227,Kuiday hanaku kisu u kakalimelaan aku kuna sapatelung isu,thank you for giving me such a precious gift,train +5227,5228,5228,latusa,half,train +5228,5229,5229,itiya i mikilim ku kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw ci Yisan i pisalisinan I cuwa cingra hakiya saan cangra,now at the Feast the Jews were watching for him and asking Where is that man,train +5229,5230,5230,tataang,greater,test +5230,5231,5231,kemuday,deep,train +5231,5232,5232,a mucidid,it will come loose and fall apart,train +5232,5233,5233,yu mahrek a pasuwal kuya pituay a kakleng i sapitilidan kaku tu suwal naira Nikawrira ira a matngil aku ku ngiha nai kakarayan suwal sa Aka patalahkalen ku suwal nuya pituay a kakleng Aka tiliden saan,and when the seven thunders spoke I was about to write but I heard a voice from heaven say Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down,train +5233,5234,5234,vukes,hair,train +5234,5235,5235,sa fufu aku,it is Grandpa and Mom,train +5235,5236,5236, Cuku ci Yis aca pakatengilay ku painuˈay a Yuhani tuniya suwal,it seems that besides Jesus only John the Baptist heard these words at that time,train +5236,5237,5237,Hai u mimaanay ku tayal isu,Yes I do what kind of work do you do,train +5237,5238,5238,rumadiway,singing,train +5238,5239,5239,itira maala aku,I am in,train +5239,5240,5240,kaku ku midiput tura kaysa hananay ra,tell him I will manage the land,test +5240,5241,5241,sumuwal kaku tu nini u cecay patahekal aku tu,I am here to tell you about my only ambition,train +5241,5242,5242,samaanen i fafaed cingra a mipitpit,he could not do anything he was plucking above,train +5242,5243,5243,o misatarimasaay i pihululan ku tayal nu maku anini,my job today was to make waterfalls at the playground,train +5243,5244,5244,Hay ini ku saasik,Okay here is a broomstick for you,train +5244,5245,5245,yu cahu ka pacakayen isu kuya umah i u nu misutu yu mapacakay nu misu kuya umah i u nu misutu a tudung kuya aca Nawiru misafalucu kisu tu matiniay a dmak saw caay ku tamdaw ku nisamangahan isu o Kawas ku nisamangahan isu han ningra,did not it belong to you before it was sold and after it was sold was not the money at your disposal what made you think of doing such a thing you have not lied to men but to God,train +5245,5246,5246,nu hananay nu Hulam,it is an improved variety as the Han Chinese say,train +5246,5247,5247,hay mahapinang kuna imi nuna raridiw kira,Yes the meaning of the song is clear,train +5247,5248,5248,mivadukud kami han tu,when we picked the cormorants,train +5248,5249,5249,aturay,earthquake,train +5249,5250,5250,tasa miheca kaku itini i Hay Sing micuda,I went to Hualien for two years and read that starfish for two years,test +5250,5251,5251,o hemay ari nu misu i,Rice what about you,train +5251,5252,5252,misimaway tu tu suna,taking care of grandchildren,train +5252,5253,5253,kina cingkulan nu hiya,the boss said to use a cane,train +5253,5254,5254,Sakatulu o pihapinang suelinay tu mapatay u sanay sa miangang,Thirdly the call is also to confirm whether the person is really dead or not,train +5254,5255,5255,kaku sai tayra i Tuwic mirienang tu taykay i Hanpaw,I myself took a flight to Germany and attended the congress in Hamburg,train +5255,5256,5256,Pariku han nangra ci Yis tu tarangitangay a kafafang Sanged han nangra ku fadal a mipakafung i Cingraan,they put a purple robe on him then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him,train +5256,5257,5257,cisata i tiya hu ku fafuy a nu mipacuk hanaw,in those days there was a tax on killing pigs,train +5257,5258,5258,licay hatu cingranan,you can teach him yourself,train +5258,5259,5259,malufic,statuesque,train +5259,5260,5260,away tu ku tudungay tu,when there is no certainty,test +5260,5261,5261,malacecay kami isaw,we are all in this together,train +5261,5262,5262,fafaed nira,above it,train +5262,5263,5263,Tahasifed ku waa nu siri i demedemetan,the goats horns were caught in brush,train +5263,5264,5264,mata manamavutek,that is why he will go blind,train +5264,5265,5265,malitengan tu kaku,I am old,train +5265,5266,5266,ira ku masamamanay a demak,lots and lots of things happened,train +5266,5267,5267,icuwa kara icuwa kara,where is the thickness of that,train +5267,5268,5268,matumes,fill it up,train +5268,5269,5269,tulu a pakeciw alatek kiya lihi,three points of field width,train +5269,5270,5270,Ktun sa tu falucu ci Pitiru Anu caay ku sulinay ku suwal aku i ngaaytu a tfucen nu Kawas kaku Caay ka fana kaku tuya nisuwalan namu a tamdaw saan,he began to call down curses on himself and he swore to them I do not know this man you are talking about,test +5270,5271,5271,Mafana kisu rumadiw tunu tatuasan a radiw atu patikiri,do you sing old traditional ballads and choruses,train +5271,5272,5272,akaa kaadihay ku balucu,mind do not have too much to worry about so magical,train +5272,5273,5273,Lahuday a nanamen tadakahemekan tu,very good very interesting,train +5273,5274,5274,haen saan ku tayal nu maku,my job has always been like this,train +5274,5275,5275,hay anu tataʼang kura fali hay caay tu kaefer,if it is windy you will not be blown away,train +5275,5276,5276,anu lumuwadtu a maurip nai patay ku tamdaw i caaytu ku caciramud matiyatu u i kakarayanay a cuyucuyuh ku urip nangra,at the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage they will be like the angels in heaven,train +5276,5277,5277,o harateng nu maku i,my thoughts,train +5277,5278,5278,Kalimela^,cherish,train +5278,5279,5279,pida,money,train +5279,5280,5280,malumanay,old,test +5280,5281,5281,Maleviyaway kita,I live next door to you,train +5281,5282,5282,fiteki,eat up,train +5282,5283,5283,mikiudax,seeking candy,train +5283,5284,5284,Napaluma kami tu kakaenan nu Pangcah,we grow a lot of Amish food too,train +5284,5285,5285,suraratan,clubhouse Plaza,train +5285,5286,5286,o dil nu Kawas ku patdiay tuya niyaru matiya u nika mali^mi nu matkesay a tadamaanay a fukluh matiya u nika mali^mi nu kangdaway a tingalaway a udu ku nika tdi nira,it shone with the glory of God and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel like a jasper clear as crystal,train +5286,5287,5287,deng cingra a ccay ku papakapaurip tu tamdaw awaaytu i cuwacuwa nu hkal ku ruma a ngangan nu Kawas tu papakapaurip titaanan han ni Pitiru,salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved,train +5287,5288,5288,Kalasapaiyu han nira kura datimtimay,he eats rabbit greens as an herb,train +5288,5289,5289,lihaday,quiet and safe,train +5289,5290,5290,Mapadiheku ku falucu aku tu sahinum nira,my heart was warmed by her comfort,test +5290,5291,5291,mafanaʼay kisu i na minanamay tu kisu saan ku suwal nira,tell me that you did not arrange it because you learned the organ,train +5291,5292,5292,yu mafulaw hu ku tuʼas nu niyam,that is when our ancestors moved,train +5292,5293,5293,iraay tu ku pasuwal aku,I also put my own burden,train +5293,5294,5294,hu,Please,train +5294,5295,5295,Ocung ku runung i tarawadaw nu Siykulaki,there are many carp in the Xiuguluan River,train +5295,5296,5296,o ciyulukiyukay caira,they are Presbyterians,train +5296,5297,5297,misatapang tu ku rakat atu fafaw tangasa i Tafitu,I started to walk to tin Cheung with my shopping bag,train +5297,5298,5298,malecalecad ku tayal ita,our jobs are similar,train +5298,5299,5299,kiya luma haw,burial of bereaved family members,train +5299,5300,5300,ketun han tu kura naliti,I will cut the grass off and take it,test +5300,5301,5301,yu matama ningra cingra i krid hantu ningra ci Sawlu a tayra i Antiyuk ccay a mihca cangra a mikaput tu i tiraay a kiwkay Pasifanaen nangra ku alumanay a tamdaw itira i Antiyuk a misatapang a mapangangan tu Misa Kristuay hananay ku nisawawaan,and when he found him he brought him to Antioch so for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch,train +5301,5302,5302,samaanay cangra suˈliˈlin a mafanaˈ ci Yihufaan a mitafu tu madimadi hani,how do they truly know the Lord and remain faithful,train +5302,5303,5303,Misakalupuy ku Payrang i kaayaw nu pafilungan,the Han Chinese make dumplings for the winter solstice in the year before last,train +5303,5304,5304,nu eliʼhu a luma i sefi nu pasawali,Tomioka Ribasawalli clubhouse,train +5304,5305,5305,malitemuhay aku a tayal atu urip nu Amis,Amish work and life experienced,train +5305,5306,5306,hay u keliw,Yes with Boehmeria never,train +5306,5307,5307,mikuliniway,thief,train +5307,5308,5308,u caay paculi pamumatuʼasay kiya,if I had known I would not have pushed the old man,train +5308,5309,5309,u maan saku pinang makinapatay makinaʼalul ku tireng aku lina,this is a tragedy,train +5309,5310,5310,kecuren nuya ekung cingra,the owl was looking at it,test +5310,5311,5311,pasuwal sa kuya fafahiyan Singsiaw awaay ku nitatuyan isu a sapihacul talulung kunini a tfun Saka i cuwa kisu a miala tuya mauripay a nanum hananay isu saw,Sir the woman said you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep where can you get this living water,train +5311,5312,5312,ketunen,cut off,train +5312,5313,5313,tira masidayay ta a hiya,the lost ones,train +5313,5314,5314,nira,its,train +5314,5315,5315,malasingciway tu kaku,I made captain,train +5315,5316,5316,u heci,it is heart,train +5316,5317,5317,icuwacuwa pala a madimadiay maluhemay malitengay mahecaday ku harateng ci Keenan,faithful older brethren around the world feel the same way as Cane,train +5317,5318,5318,Tadamaruray,it is so hard,train +5318,5319,5319,masadak tu kaku talapaputal,I am going out,train +5319,5320,5320,Palakakeridan i takuwanan ku finawlan,the tribesmen pushed me to be the leader,test +5320,5321,5321,maraayay haw tayra i Cilamitay,if you are far away you can go to Fengnan village in Fuli Township,train +5321,5322,5322,u nipakayni i misuritay tu,from the Authors record,train +5322,5323,5323,Ilalumaˈ nuniya mitusilay u akung atu fufu nangra itini 1925 miheca na pakatengilay tu kimad nu salikaka ci Rusufu,some of these preachers had grandparents who had listened to brother Lukes speech in,train +5323,5324,5324,tengil han i fangcal ku likuda nu niyaru namu,sounds like your tribe has a great year of song and dance,train +5324,5325,5325,tusa a langa kiya patelian aku,I put two baskets,train +5325,5326,5326,Suˈlin mapaciˈci malaliyas tu fafahi atu wawa kawra maharateng tu padutucay madimadiay kaku aci Mariya ci Yihufaan masayaray ku falucuˈ aku,although I was forced to separate from my wife and my two daughters I am comforted by the thought that both Maria and I continue to be faithful to the LORD,train +5326,5327,5327,siheci haw cira,does it grow fruit,train +5327,5328,5328,mataktak ku hicay awaaytu,there is nothing left of the fish fry,train +5328,5329,5329,censu,clinic,train +5329,5330,5330,pafelien ku malitengay u malitengay ku mi hiya midiput tura payci isu,it should be left in the custody of the parents,test +5330,5331,5331,aku ku luma aku paenengen aku tu payci,make my home profitable,train +5331,5332,5332,kangikangican,Crocodile Habitat,train +5332,5333,5333,Tareden ku kawil nu pitaw,put a wedge in the connection between the handle and hoe,train +5333,5334,5334,Cilasatu a rumiad i maaraw ni Yuhani ku nipiraud ni Yis i cingraan suwal sa Nengnengen unini kuya mamihpul tu raraw nu tamdamdaw a Tufur a siri nu Kawas,the next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said Look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,train +5334,5335,5335,itiya hu matuʼasay,the old man from before,train +5335,5336,5336,samatira tayal itiya saw hu nuna niyaru haw i malapakuyucay,the tribes were very poor in those days,train +5336,5337,5337,nawhanni caka tuedaw kara cikang i,because there is not enough time,train +5337,5338,5338,dateng,green vegetable,train +5338,5339,5339,kamu u mararamuday ka u Fangcalay makuracay ku falucu namu a mimet tu tireng nu niyah,that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is Holy and honorable,train +5339,5340,5340,tayra a malalifet,there goes the race,test +5340,5341,5341,mataelif,more than,train +5341,5342,5342,caay ka hacuwa ku mimihiyan naku repunen aku,Luckily I made it half finished and did not have to do a lot of work,train +5342,5343,5343,u aʼul,bamboo,train +5343,5344,5344,a mikilim tu maku katayalan,go get my job,train +5344,5345,5345,icuwa ku pafeli nu Kawas tu taʼangay adup,look at the luck of Gods bounty,train +5345,5346,5346,o tatieren ita Yis,Jesus is trustworthy,train +5346,5347,5347,maraʼudtu,it is getting close,train +5347,5348,5348,kiya,only then,train +5348,5349,5349,tatusa ku Pangcah ku kaka nu maku tu parakatay,there are two Amis brothers,train +5349,5350,5350,hayi sa u nasaan ri,Yes Oh later,test +5350,5351,5351,sa suwal sa kira,the contractor replied,train +5351,5352,5352,tuntun han kinian mitifek,it is dry mash him,train +5352,5353,5353,Lapic misalama kita,Lapic I am here to play with you,train +5353,5354,5354,falah,throw away,train +5354,5355,5355,anu cekiw tu i liyasen ku tapangan,shellfish should be kept away from juveniles,train +5355,5356,5356,i tini a mafana kisu malalilid ku nipitier ni Apraham tu Kawas atu dmak ningra Saka pakayni i dmak ningra ku sakasungila nu pitier ningra tu Kawas,you see that his faith and his actions were working together and his faith was made complete by what he did,train +5356,5357,5357,tiya tayni kakuwanan,I will come to the ethnic language class,train +5357,5358,5358,i cuwa ku niyaru isu Rungac,Rongac where is your tribe,train +5358,5359,5359,maala aku itiya ka ta,I took the,train +5359,5360,5360,ci ama nu maku nasuwalan nira ci ina aku,my dad had discussed it with my mom,test +5360,5361,5361,16 samaanay ci Yupu mafanaˈ tu Kawas,how did job know God,train +5361,5362,5362,namalaylutuk,caldera,train +5362,5363,5363,adihay mavana kisu misanga,you are doing a lot and doing a great job of it,train +5363,5364,5364,Mikaway tu amin a maruyaruy tayni ku namakaamisay makatimulay a tamdaw,from the north from the south they come here in droves with their backpacks,train +5364,5365,5365,ura saan nura ciwkangan hananay maedeng a ira ku mamu te tep kiya ku tudung nu cikawasay nu niyaru,in Ciwkangan there are more than ten wizards who are in charge of tribal matters,train +5365,5366,5366,mahenay ku tudungay nu pirakat itiya sa,that is how the Mass is administered,train +5366,5367,5367,miaca kaku tu kunga,I want to buy sweet potatoes,train +5367,5368,5368,nawhani hama ku mita u matuʼasay sa ku falucu niyam sa,I think it is a good idea to keep the old mans brain from aging,train +5368,5369,5369,ila ku facidul i paputal nu pitilidan,there is a bread tree outside the classroom,train +5369,5370,5370,anu caay hu katahira ku tatudung nu malatumukay ca ka tatudung cira a malamama nu niyaru,if he does not give comfort to his people,test +5370,5371,5371,Orungen ku nu misu a pades a malamalalukay a sufitay ni Yis Kristu,endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus,train +5371,5372,5372,iluh,burn,train +5372,5373,5373,u katalawan nu matuʼas a mirepet tuna haw i,what was the prey that our ancestors feared to catch,train +5373,5374,5374,saka itira sa maru,that is why I settled down,train +5374,5375,5375,a mahaen tuku falucu ningra,she is got the same idea,train +5375,5376,5376,nu capa,it is for a bow holder,train +5376,5377,5377,nawhani u nuna Pangcah haw i,in terms of Amish talent,train +5377,5378,5378,eruren,get angry,train +5378,5379,5379,ira ku hakhak ira ku siraw,there is sticky rice and salted pork,train +5379,5380,5380,Mafiyuk nu fali ku kafung aku,the wind blew off my hat,test +5380,5381,5381,cingsenke,psychiatry,train +5381,5382,5382,uman han kiya tali kiya,what is this taro called,train +5382,5383,5383,cayka hecad tu tu i niyaruʼay,unlike in the tribal,train +5383,5384,5384,tayra hu i miala tiya misingsi tu,but you have to apply for a copy of your account at the village office first,train +5384,5385,5385,ora kalimlaan tura sapatinaku itiniay tura nuka kaliki ningra mitatuy tu demak au cuwa kura nuka falah ningra,However rather than focusing on the reasons for the stewards dismissal Jesus parable focuses on the actions taken by the steward,train +5385,5386,5386,u niyah a pikadafuan nu maku maraayay,I married far away,train +5386,5387,5387,Cifanuh ku pudac nu kamaya,hairy persimmons have hairy skins,train +5387,5388,5388,Pakarurayaw aku cangra ta matdal ku ruray nu tau caay ku nika saan aku,our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed but that there might be equality,train +5388,5389,5389,dudu sani tangasay tusa pulu ira ku lima,I went on to serve for years,train +5389,5390,5390,saan ku maku a mikatan a misiwkay tu itiniay a niyaru,I am going to briefly introduce you to the tribes here,test +5390,5391,5391,tukituk tuna lima a rumiʼad a satapang na i tini tuna pihalhal atu pakaen tuna matuʼasay,on the fifth day of the festival the Festival begins to welcome and offer food to the elders,train +5391,5392,5392,tadamahemekay kaku pakaulah isu tu kaemangay,I admire you for working so hard,train +5392,5393,5393,anu misinga lulud han pateliyan a misinga,if you want to put it away roll it up before storing it,train +5393,5394,5394,kaulahan,I like it,train +5394,5395,5395,malacecay ku aru aku tu mama ina atu kaka,I live with my father mother and brother,train +5395,5396,5396,madakaway niyam ku saikuray a pasu,we took the last bus,train +5396,5397,5397,aka ka mitira u simaʼanay han haw,do not make it look like you are making it up on the fly,train +5397,5398,5398,miʼaca tu,I am going to buy it,train +5398,5399,5399,caay ka fana kaku tu tatudung nu nidmakan aku nawhani u kangalayan aku i caay pidmak kaku o kausian aku a tatiihay a dmak i midmak kaku,I do not understand what I do for what I want to do I do not do but what I hate I do,train +5399,5400,5400,malaidahiay,become an excellent,test +5400,5401,5401,ta masafacu ni Yis Kristu i falucu namu ku mu^celay a dmak ta makahmek nu tamdaw ku Kawas tu nika tadamaan ningra,filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God,train +5401,5402,5402,Kaepud tu kisu,you please come down,train +5402,5403,5403,away hu i ayaw ku husu saka un^un nihanan hu nu kapah,a long time ago when there were no radios young people used to shout,train +5403,5404,5404,fawahan,doorway,train +5404,5405,5405,aray ku pihayda isu i takuwanan a milisu,thank you for accepting the interview,train +5405,5406,5406,saka masanga aku ku adawang ta satu itiya,that is why after the building of the clubhouse was completed we all got along peacefully,train +5406,5407,5407,mimaan tu kaku sa ri dudu han aku tu wawa aku micudad,my children are growing up and I want to finish my unfinished school work and go to school with them,train +5407,5408,5408,itira i hekal,in nitro,train +5408,5409,5409,painiay,Interpreters,train +5409,5410,5410,o umah hananay i unini a hkal o ngaayay a sapaluma hananay i u nu Kitakit nu Kawas a tamdaw o samadu hananay i u makuwanay nu Palafuay,the field is the world and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom the weeds are the sons of the evil one,test +5410,5411,5411,iraay tu ku tayringtayring tiya micepet tuya Tumay,that is when the police came for the bear,train +5411,5412,5412,matiya san u,it is like,train +5412,5413,5413,cika cececay lipay kami maru itira deng,we did not even get a week in there No,train +5413,5414,5414,luhu,squat down,train +5414,5415,5415,cayay pinengneng kuya a lumanay yasa cangra kuya itiraay,when they are doing it the tribesmen will not look and will not come near them,train +5415,5416,5416,ha i,that is right,train +5416,5417,5417,inu,take a shower,train +5417,5418,5418,kuna faki,Hidaka Mitsusho,train +5418,5419,5419,iraay tu kura imi nura radiw,songs are intentional,train +5419,5420,5420,naitira ku hufuc nu maku,I was born there,test +5420,5421,5421,o sapiked nu Pangcah tu miheca ku piilisin,the Harvest Festival is the turning point of the year for the Amis,train +5421,5422,5422,mafulufulud ri nu a enemay tu,there were six of them,train +5422,5423,5423,hanahan,breathing,train +5423,5424,5424,Tawyin,director,train +5424,5425,5425,nu wama nu maku han,Parental language,train +5425,5426,5426,maeminan turira takid nu kalas,drink the wine poured by the elders,train +5426,5427,5427,oya tatiihay a tamdaw atu misafitay a tamdaw i tatiih a tatiih cangra o mamisafit cangra tu tau o mamasafit nu tau cangra,while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived,train +5427,5428,5428,aya ninan ku tayal caay katatudung kuniya tayal san kaku,I do not think this job will last long,train +5428,5429,5429,anca i u kituh ira anca i u panasi ira,there are rumors there are legends,train +5429,5430,5430,i Hwalyen nga iraay ku hatiniay a tarud,you can only find this grass in Hualien,test +5430,5431,5431,pacakat,move up,train +5431,5432,5432,matiya malakayat ri radiw,it is like holding hands and singing,train +5432,5433,5433,tulu a ditek ku umah niyam,we have a three quarter section of land at home,train +5433,5434,5434,tada mahemek ku falucu a palicay tisuwanan pakayni tuna miadupay a lisin ngaay haw a suwalen,it is a pleasure to interview you today can you talk about the taboo of hunting,train +5434,5435,5435,Takus hatu nu niyam ku malaynaay mapulung kami a malafi^,we invited friends and family to have a great dinner together,train +5435,5436,5436,caay kaiyuf nira a mifesu kura kikuya,he cannot blow up that balloon,train +5436,5437,5437,yan saka itini i tiring nu malatumukay,it can therefore be seen that the purpose of the head is to show that,train +5437,5438,5438,kakaniten a keliw,yarn,train +5438,5439,5439,Hai mafana kaku rumadiw tu radiw nu Pangcah,Yes I will be singing Amish songs,train +5439,5440,5440,Mangaay kita a talapatiyamay a miaca tu lalusidan,we can go to the store and buy things,test +5440,5441,5441,tahira haw i,get over there,train +5441,5442,5442,o niasipan ningra a rkad nu Fangcalay Cudad i Matiya u nikitingan a siri a patayra i pipacukan matiya u pahater sanay a tufur a siri i kaayaw nu misaitay tu fanuh cingra a trep saan,the eunuch was reading this passage of Scripture He was led like a sheep to the slaughter and as a Lamb before the shearer is silent so he did not open his mouth,train +5442,5443,5443,o kaka i sahetu sa i misangaʼay tu luma nu tau,the boss is the construction industry,train +5443,5444,5444,Cu kaulah Cu kahecahecad ku falucu,not interested everyone thinks differently,train +5444,5445,5445,vaki niyam,male elders,train +5445,5446,5446,ira ku kapahay ku patay,the other is called hospice,train +5446,5447,5447,o uway ku satelec nu Pangcah i tiya hu,Amis belts used to be made of rattan,train +5447,5448,5448,suʼeling i tayra,Really just go,train +5448,5449,5449,mipiliʼay,selection,train +5449,5450,5450,o maan a awulan kura kiya,what kind of bamboo is it,test +5450,5451,5451,anu maduka tatiʼihay sa nani tira i riyal hatiraay kuriraan,no injuries all come back from the beach in one piece,train +5451,5452,5452,naunen nay naunen aguy sa ku matuʼasay i ayaw,we must not criticize each other,train +5452,5453,5453,patusukan,according to,train +5453,5454,5454,saan ku nisimsim nu tumuk,headline,train +5454,5455,5455,anu caay ka itira kaku i cangraan a patiri tu caay ka filu nu tau a dmak i kuna awaay ku raraw nangra Maaraw nangra ku nidmakan Aku Arawhani miintel cangra i takuwanan atu wama Aku,if I had not done among them what no one else did they would not be guilty of sin but now they have seen these miracles and yet they have hated both me and my Father,train +5455,5456,5456,Suʼelinay Fangcalay ku misuwalan nu misu,Kokone that is very nice of you to say,train +5456,5457,5457,sa caka ira ku pafeli nu Kawas tu Nala hananay,then came typhoon Nala,train +5457,5458,5458,Cuep han nu mita a minanum i lakelal,we sip directly from our mouths as we amble over the surface of the water in the gully,train +5458,5459,5459,Pakunira aka haenen ku wawa a papisalama,do not let children a child go play without supervision,train +5459,5460,5460,mikaput tu itini matuʼasay,with the old man,test +5460,5461,5461,misiʼuwayhu,tidying up the rattan,train +5461,5462,5462,o cecay ci Katalina a fafahiyan salikaka itini 17 ku mihecaan ningra patirengay tu patusukan pasayra i cecacecay cafay matayal a mitusil,one sister Katharina set a goal at the age of to preach to every one of her coworkers,train +5462,5463,5463,runung,carp,train +5463,5464,5464,ya miperaan i,the dissected one,train +5464,5465,5465,maluluay,purple,train +5465,5466,5466,kareteng ku parad kahemaw ku anengan,the table is heavy and the chairs are light,train +5466,5467,5467,macahcah,pant,train +5467,5468,5468,Tueman tu talaluma tu kaku,it is late I am going home,train +5468,5469,5469,o mausalay ku nipalumaan i pala,the leaves of the groundnut planted in the field are very lush,train +5469,5470,5470,u maan ku tayal isu,what kind of work do you do,test +5470,5471,5471,natayraay tu,gone,train +5471,5472,5472,anu mihiya kaku maumah tu kaku anu saan malaliw aku,taking advantage of the gap,train +5472,5473,5473,u suelinay nu tafukad,orthodox gossip,train +5473,5474,5474,anu u dateng tu anu miming kura dateng i,it is the same with wild greens when they are still short,train +5474,5475,5475,haliki sa pina a rumiʼad mangaʼay makaen,how long does it take to eat,train +5475,5476,5476,hay ka Hulam tu,it is the national government,train +5476,5477,5477,yayunayan minukay tu cangra awaay tu ku maalaay maalaay tu nu tau makuril nu tau,I came back with nothing someone stole it,train +5477,5478,5478,aca,surname Ye,train +5478,5479,5479,tura miperaan a awul,press the thatch with a cut in half bamboo,train +5479,5480,5480,itiya i iratu kunini a fafahiyan a tahira a mikansiya tu Kawas ta pasuwal cingra tu pakayniay tuya wawa i hinatalaay tu pitdal nu Kawas tu i Yirusalimay a tamdamdaw a ma^min,coming up to them at that very moment she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem,test +5480,5481,5481,caay ka ngaay kamu a pasneng caay ka fana kamu saw tu nika pakafihahak tu alitad nu ^mi a ma^min ku mimingay a tamud,hand this man over to Satan so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his Spirit saved on the day of the Lord,train +5481,5482,5482,ku itiya,expanding Hualien harbor,train +5482,5483,5483,suwal sa ku cuyuh i takuwanan O malmeday ku matahidangay a papitahka i pararamudan tu Tufur a Siri han ku nipitilid saan Ta O sulinay a suwal nu Kawas kunini saan cingra a patuur,then the angel said to me Write Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb and he added These are the true words of God,train +5483,5484,5484,niyan makapatay kita,we have relatives who have passed away,train +5484,5485,5485,saʼayaw alaen panukay kura suta pawalien hu,first of all take home the mud and dry it first,train +5485,5486,5486,a makerah itiya ku riyal i,it is low tide day,train +5486,5487,5487,caay malikid nu nanum mananuwang raecus tu sa,No it is not it is not good if the current is strong,train +5487,5488,5488,caka likat tuemanay itiya sa kaku,there is no light yet,train +5488,5489,5489,ciferang ku rumiad nu mita tina mihecaan,we have had very hot weather this year,train +5489,5490,5490,sasaturunen,ingredients for glutinous rice dumplings,test +5490,5491,5491,pasadaken tuku lafang namu a saan,let us get the customers out of here,train +5491,5492,5492,henut,mud,train +5492,5493,5493,cecay a fulad nga iraay haw ku enem a suʼut ku lifun,you have to work for a month to get dollars,train +5493,5494,5494,macedem,Eloquent,train +5494,5495,5495,maeming tu ciira matudis ta,all of it,train +5495,5496,5496,tusa^,stupid,train +5496,5497,5497,Ngaay hu o maan ku cakayen isu,Hello what do you want to buy,train +5497,5498,5498,hai maharateng caay ka kahi ku wawa,have you thought about this,train +5498,5499,5499,suwal sa ku ruma a tamdaw talahkalaytu ci Iliya u ruma a tamdaw i lumuwadaytu a maurip nai patay ku ccay a itiyaayhu a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas saan,others that Elijah had appeared and still others that one of the prophets of long ago had come back to life,train +5499,5500,5500,felut,to be unconsenting,test +5500,5501,5501,kahemaw,light,train +5501,5502,5502,kasivaliyan,when the wind comes,train +5502,5503,5503,cima ku caay ka kariangen nu tatuasan namu a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas saw patayen nangra kuya aira a mu^celay a Kuli sanay ku suwal nu paliayaway tu suwal anini sa i u kamu ku mipacakayay a mipatay tuya Kuli,was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute they even killed those who predicted the coming of the righteous One and now you have betrayed and murdered him,train +5503,5504,5504,san itini i Taypak,in Taipei,train +5504,5505,5505,sapaluma^,seeds,train +5505,5506,5506,o,Received,train +5506,5507,5507,pasuwalay ku wama aku i tu nini,to say something like that my father,train +5507,5508,5508,Cayaten ku halafak a mafuti,you will share a blanket to sleep on,train +5508,5509,5509,o mamicalw kaku tu tulu a tilid,I would like to borrow these three books,train +5509,5510,5510,malu sapitilid nu safa,tuition fee for earning a younger brothersister,test +5510,5511,5511,tayra tukus kamu haw i,when you go up the mountain,train +5511,5512,5512,simed,concealment,train +5512,5513,5513,itinien cingra i fuan,put him here in the center,train +5513,5514,5514,he,uh huh,train +5514,5515,5515,saan tu ku harateng nu wina atu mama nura fainayan,so do the mans parents,train +5515,5516,5516,tataakay a bubu,it is a big fish trap,train +5516,5517,5517,mihawikid,carrying,train +5517,5518,5518,aniniay a tamdaw han i sapalamlam,the modern generation cooks together,train +5518,5519,5519,ku nipimelaw nu mak,I think,train +5519,5520,5520,mafana tu kaku a misanga tu cuwacuwaay,beginning to master the art of making all kinds of equipment,test +5520,5521,5521,kiniyan saw piseking,as a preparation for the ethnic language certification test,train +5521,5522,5522,mikadafuay maemin,I have got them all,train +5522,5523,5523,u niyantu,instead,train +5523,5524,5524,Tulu^,surname San,train +5524,5525,5525,nimaay,who was it,train +5525,5526,5526,maamelasay,talented in letters and unconventional in life style,train +5526,5527,5527,mangalay,very keen,train +5527,5528,5528,pina a tatukian na tahira,how long will it take,train +5528,5529,5529,miingkay kita malasufitay ku wawa ira malahulu ku kasalawinawina kasa a miinkay tu la lumuwad malahitay,when a child goes off to the army relatives and friends come together to give him their blessing and organize a celebration,train +5529,5530,5530,inian kiya mahapinangay aku minengneng tu malitengay,I understood it when I saw how the elderly behaved,test +5530,5531,5531,maulah ku urang u kalang u tuda,I love shrimps crabs and eels,train +5531,5532,5532,maladafdaf,turn into flat land,train +5532,5533,5533,diku,animal sleeping position,train +5533,5534,5534,Cilalipana kinian a papah nu kilang,this tree has caterpillars on its leaves,train +5534,5535,5535,Ikakalikidan nu sauwac ku nipa cengceng nira,he built the fish home in the middle of the stream where the current is stronger,train +5535,5536,5536,kangaay,suitable,train +5536,5537,5537,hadakan kuna titi ini pasufawan,take it out and wash it with rice wine,train +5537,5538,5538,Hakuwaaytu ku mihecaan isu,how old are you,train +5538,5539,5539,saka cangra ku mamifacu tura luma,that is why they are doing the basic design of the house,train +5539,5540,5540,nanifadahung,roof,test +5540,5541,5541,o pikulasan anini,it is the season for vaccinating,train +5541,5542,5542,cikcik han pacamul han tu kuhaw,chop everything up and add it to the soup,train +5542,5543,5543,tu haaila kura cecay a tamdaw pasuwalay,and then there is someone who seems to be telling me,train +5543,5544,5544,Rauden ni Yis cingra a tumireng i tatihi ningra kakteren ningra kuya lalisan saka fasaw satu tangsul sa cingra a lumuwad a mihamham i cangraan,so he bent over her and rebuked the fever and it left her she got up at once and began to wait on them,train +5544,5545,5545,anu talahkaltu ci Kristu u tatapangan nu urip namu i Halu amu a talahkal a mikaput ci Kristuan i nika tadamaan ningra,when Christ who is your life appears then you also will appear with him in glory,train +5545,5546,5546,Sulimeten tu ku impic,put your pen away,train +5546,5547,5547,anu Mafana kisu,how do you know,train +5547,5548,5548,hay hatiraay ku suwal haw,that is all I have to say,train +5548,5549,5549,malaluk caay ka awaʼay ku pafeli nu Kawas mahaenay,as long as you work hard to get to the top God gives you what you deserve,train +5549,5550,5550,tu nu Hulam sa mafana kaku,learn Chinese so I can,test +5550,5551,5551,mipadangay ciranang,help him,train +5551,5552,5552,maumah ci mama i umah,dad worked in the fields,train +5552,5553,5553,tayni kitira niyam luma iri,when I came to our house,train +5553,5554,5554,aledahay,spicy,train +5554,5555,5555,kaay i ii ay a mihcaan a tayni kami tanektek tu ku rakat nu vaki nu maku,we came here in or and our grandchildren are walking steadily,train +5555,5556,5556,mamaan aca,it is okay,train +5556,5557,5557,malecalecaday kura caciyaw hatiraay sa,all those talks are similar to this little piece of information,train +5557,5558,5558,nipacufelisan,letter written,train +5558,5559,5559,adada tu kaku,I have a medical condition,train +5559,5560,5560,Efeng han ni mama ku fakeluh a mipulu ci kaka,dad threw a stone to hit his brother,test +5560,5561,5561,saʼayaw pisanga nira nau eli ku pipatireng,Initially it was built with thatch,train +5561,5562,5562,nipakaenen,stammer,train +5562,5563,5563,milarekal sanay nu masakaputay miiya,all these teams do is harass and shout,train +5563,5564,5564,cakayhan kuni luma Cakay kami tu,this is where we buy the first and second floors,train +5564,5565,5565,malitengay,the mothers character,train +5565,5566,5566,Yu mangatatu ku pilahcian nu Kawas tu niktunan ningra a suwal ci Aprahaman i matungal a matungal ku aluman nu finawlan ita u Israil i Icip,As the time drew near for God to fulfill his promise to Abraham the number of our people in Egypt greatly increased,train +5566,5567,5567,pamataan,purpose,train +5567,5568,5568,sasekung cangra tatusa,the two of them had a fist fight,train +5568,5569,5569,ficekut,cramps,train +5569,5570,5570,mapapadapadang kita a micukeruh,let us all help push,test +5570,5571,5571,itini i kapah nu niyaru haw,young people in the tribe,train +5571,5572,5572,semuwalay nu matuasay tu sakayi,to describe the,train +5572,5573,5573,tatulu kami a malekaka,I have three siblings,train +5573,5574,5574,naniwac,hung bean,train +5574,5575,5575,malacafay kaku atu wina a misalama anini,I went out with my mother today,train +5575,5576,5576,kasaluma,Architecture,train +5576,5577,5577,cacay hu pikikung awaay hu ku tatudung nu niyam,we are still not planning on having a family,train +5577,5578,5578,samaan kita hakini sa ku malitengay,what to do when elders are worried and distressed,train +5578,5579,5579,namililis tu furang i ira ku nani tukusay ira ku nani riyalay sa i,some were along the coast some from the mountains some from the sea,train +5579,5580,5580,tilefus cecay,is there only one kind of beech tree,test +5580,5581,5581,Itiyasatu pakatngiltu ku tangila ningra mangaaytu ku sma Mahapinangtu ku suwal ningra,at this the mans ears were opened his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly,train +5581,5582,5582,i samanen haw kita u salikaka,all the fathers and brothers,train +5582,5583,5583,u ralem nu Pangcah nu Amis hananay,the next generation of Amis,train +5583,5584,5584,ira itira anini kurahiya kura adingu nuna wawa,the boys Spirit is there I wonder if we can lure him back,train +5584,5585,5585,malaluk ku itiniay palumatu kunga kiyami haw,here is a very carefully planted plot,train +5585,5586,5586,tuni,this one,train +5586,5587,5587,onini ku sapiucur aku cingraan a patayra i tamuwanan tu sakafanaaw namu tunu i tiniay a dmak niyam ta mapaicel ku falucu namu,I am sending him to you for this very purpose that you may know how we are and that he may encourage you,train +5587,5588,5588,tayniay tu ku singsi,the teacher is here,train +5588,5589,5589,pametekan,target,train +5589,5590,5590,iraay ku nanum saan caay kafana nanicuwaay kura nanum tuninian,there is going to be water I wonder where it is coming from,test +5590,5591,5591,o nguta tu i narikuran nu faliyus ku tarawadaw,after a typhoon the water in the rivers is very turbid,train +5591,5592,5592,ta patirengtu tu luma,housing,train +5592,5593,5593,as kina kaemangay tayla i paputal a mimali,how do these kids get out there and play ball,train +5593,5594,5594,o sakapipatilid aku i tamuwanan u wawa tunini i u saka^caaw ka ciraraw namu Nikawrira anu ciraraw ku cima namu i ira ku papaading titaanan i kaayaw nu Kawas uya mu^celay a Yis Kristu,my dear children I write this to you so that you will not sin but if anybody does sin we have one who speaks to the father in our defense Jesus Christ the righteous One,train +5594,5595,5595,Hayda suwal hantu aku ci Kacaw,Okay I will tell Kacaw for you,train +5595,5596,5596,pudpudhan tu nira kuya heci nu kilang a miparu itini i fakar,they helped the child put the fruits in the basket,train +5596,5597,5597,riharay a mieteng kunu aniniyay,the current one is very easy to plug up,train +5597,5598,5598,hatira sanay ku urip aku,that is how I live my life,train +5598,5599,5599,Cirarikahay ku kafutian nu maku i dadaya,there are centipedes in the sleeping quarters at night,train +5599,5600,5600,Camulay tu fafahiyan i ca pitafukud ku fafahiyan,one of them is a daughter and daughters do not participate in casting nets,test +5600,5601,5601,luwanenhu nu tamdaw kumaen tu kunga,poor people are still robbing the groundnuts,train +5601,5602,5602,maherekay tu ku tayal itini nu han nu kuwapin,although I am about to retire from the workplace,train +5602,5603,5603,mamaanay,what is going on,train +5603,5604,5604,ma masamsam nu ya u,being cheated and taken advantage of,train +5604,5605,5605,o mikadkaday tu suwal nu Pangcah ci Sawmah,Sauma is a scholar of Amis languages,train +5605,5606,5606,miletek,felled,train +5606,5607,5607,Matalif nangra ku saka ccay saka tusa a mikifiay a tayring tahira cangra i picumudan tu niyaru a marad a adawang i lunuk sa a mafawah kuya adawang Saka sadak satu cangra tahira cangra i ruma a lalan i fahal sa a miliyas kuya cuyuh cingraan,they passed the first and second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city it opened for them by itself and they went through it when they had walked the length of one street suddenly the angel left him,train +5607,5608,5608,hakulungen kaku nu wina a tala ising,mom took me to the doctor,train +5608,5609,5609,kaysing,bowl,train +5609,5610,5610,malacafay,keep somebody company,test +5610,5611,5611,ira ku hiya saʼayaway a paradiw,there was a lead singer,train +5611,5612,5612,Mahinacay kami anini a talalutuk ku rakat,our trip to the mountains today was a non event,train +5612,5613,5613,mikedec ci mama tu saketing nu kulung,dad tied the cows bolt,train +5613,5614,5614,o lemed nira kunini,this is a blessing for him,train +5614,5615,5615,Maluc nu nanum ku fukeluh,the rocks are worn by the water,train +5615,5616,5616,Dada picumud kamaru i laluma,come in please sit inside,train +5616,5617,5617,kunu niyan u Kawas,millet Fairy,train +5617,5618,5618,miʼatalan i patayraen i siuy,put it in the pot,train +5618,5619,5619,hadidi sa kami a mi,we are just going to have to get out of here,train +5619,5620,5620,u widang nu maku kura takula han nira,The frog is my friend said he,test +5620,5621,5621,Laliupen,wash,train +5621,5622,5622,wata kahalafin tu ca ka tayni kisu mailul tu kaku tisuwanan,you have not been here for a long time I missed you so much,train +5622,5623,5623,u cilah,use the saltpeter,train +5623,5624,5624,ira ku,there are,train +5624,5625,5625,makupit ci ina^ aku u ising ci ina^ aku,my mother is thin and my mom is a doctor,train +5625,5626,5626,iraay i falucu aku patirengen ita,it is always been in my heart we have to revive it,train +5626,5627,5627,cima ku pituʼulan isu,who did you learn from,train +5627,5628,5628,mahaenay kami,that is how we got here,train +5628,5629,5629,i ikur nu pinapina a rumiad i sumuwal ci Pawlu ci Parnapasan Masamaan tayra kita i nipatnakan ita i ayaw tu suwal nu Tapang a niyaruaru a milisu tu salikaka a minengneng tu nika masamaantu cangra han ningra,some time later Paul said to Barnabas Let us go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing,train +5629,5630,5630,nika urip nu maku itini,the story of my life,test +5630,5631,5631,pilaliwan,fleeing,train +5631,5632,5632,Adihayhu ku rumaruma a nidmakan ni Yis anu haccaccayen a mitilid i caay ku mama^deng a tlien i tini i hkal ku nitilidan a Cudad saan ku harateng aku,Jesus did many other things as well if every one of them were written down I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written,train +5632,5633,5633,micucup,to suck,train +5633,5634,5634,tulu ku vavainay,three boys,train +5634,5635,5635,paadipelen,please set up a fence,train +5635,5636,5636,muʼetep ira ku enem ku mihecaan,when I was sixteen,train +5636,5637,5637,ku,her,train +5637,5638,5638,tangasa i sasa,down there,train +5638,5639,5639,caka sungila mirarakat haw matefad itini i laenu nu tamina saan,if you walk you will fall under the boat,train +5639,5640,5640,tunu liteng tunu tuʼas tusakitini i faki,in the ancestral spirit in the ancestors or uncles life,test +5640,5641,5641,ya lemed aku ku nian,this is the dream I had back then,train +5641,5642,5642,nengneng han ra ku Kiwit,he is looking at the Chimay tribe,train +5642,5643,5643,ungsing,hot spring,train +5643,5644,5644,hacul nu kulung,cow milk,train +5644,5645,5645,mapatuayaay,an offering has been made,train +5645,5646,5646,Matilra tangasa sa kami i lutuk,when we get to the mountains,train +5646,5647,5647,awaay hu ku saʼusi tura tu tatiʼihay,no bad luck no bad things,train +5647,5648,5648,micungpian ku hakali patayni,the reason for this is that they came prepared with the aqueduct,train +5648,5649,5649,saka i luma satu kaku a pakaen tu kulung,Thus I stayed at home to take care of the cows,train +5649,5650,5650,u manan ku midemakan nu misu i kakaemangan hu,what do you do when you are young,test +5650,5651,5651,o Amis ku saalumanay i niyaru niyam,most of the people in our tribe are Amish,train +5651,5652,5652,cahu ka pelaʼen isu ka diyung kyasaw,before we cut open the pig,train +5652,5653,5653,u lamlam tu kami,we are not pure anymore,train +5653,5654,5654,tireng nira,health care,train +5654,5655,5655,sapiʼ ku tiyad maem tinian,it is cool to the stomach,train +5655,5656,5656,adicaw,marble,train +5656,5657,5657,ta pisahuluhu kisu saan,you will be the cook first,train +5657,5658,5658,hay anca adada ku tiyad i,what if your stomach hurts,train +5658,5659,5659,anini,Now,train +5659,5660,5660,o niucuran nu Kawas a malacuyuh ku ina ita,our mothers are angels sent by God,test +5660,5661,5661,ci Matay aci Tumas u wawa ni Alfayus ci Yakup aci Simun hananay O malalukay tu nu kitakit,Matthew Thomas James son of Alphaeus Simon who was called the Zealot,train +5661,5662,5662,cima ci Apetayan,who is Apetayan,train +5662,5663,5663,arawraw,circular,train +5663,5664,5664,mipakawanan,direct,train +5664,5665,5665,o caay ka mu^cel a dmak a ma^min i u raraw Nikawrira ira ku caay ku sakapatay a raraw,all wrongdoing is sin and there is sin that does not lead to death,train +5665,5666,5666,halhalen naira kami a misalafang tu tulu a rumiad,they hosted us for three days,train +5666,5667,5667,kakitilaan nu Pangcah u niyaru han i lalavu nu rangat sananay u liyut nu niyaru ku rangat caay pacumud tu nu tau a tamdaw ina limaay a nikakilac ira ku malecaday kitilaan nu Pangcah u niyaru han i lalavu nu rangat sananay,the Amis call the tribe Niyaru the original meaning of which is the people inside the fence the tribes outer perimeter should be fenced off so that outsiders are not allowed to enter at will,train +5667,5668,5668,malahul amin,it is all rotting away,train +5668,5669,5669,12 midemakay ci Yihufa tu maanan parihaday tu finawlan ningra hani,what did the Lord do to reassure his people,train +5669,5670,5670,u lalumaʼan nira vayi haw,the grandmothers relative,test +5670,5671,5671,i lutulutukan i umah i lakulakuʼan nu Pangcah haw,we Amis work in the mountains on the farms in the rice fields,train +5671,5672,5672,misahatira hatira tu kiya haw i pakaʼetimen matuʼas tu kaku kira tahira tu i sepasuy kaku,that is it I am years old and I am talking about marriage,train +5672,5673,5673,maan sanay ku imi nianay,does it have a special meaning,train +5673,5674,5674,o mamicuka kaku ci inaan,I want to paint my mom,train +5674,5675,5675,masaʼupu cangra itini i hananay cingkungsiw,meet me at the town hall,train +5675,5676,5676,tuna siwa tura ngangan ningra,about the origins of the nine place names,train +5676,5677,5677,hatini haca matira i awaay sa kisu,just do what you can,train +5677,5678,5678,anu matilatu ku demak ku matuʼsayhu a,if only the old man had known,train +5678,5679,5679,mangalay kaku tunini a sinpi,I want this packet of cookies,train +5679,5680,5680,nikatangasa,accomplish,test +5680,5681,5681,selal,hierarchy,train +5681,5682,5682,Nikawrira anu sulinay ira ku Adingu nu Kawas a maru i falucu namu i caaytu pituur kamu tu pinangan nu tireng namu o mituuraytu kamu tu falucu nu Fangcalay Adingu o awaay ku Adingu ni Kristu i caay ku ni Kristu cingra,You however are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit if the Spirit of God lives in you and if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he does not belong to Christ,train +5682,5683,5683,o nihululan ni kaka aku ku padaemuhay tu falucu nira,my sisters love softens her heart,train +5683,5684,5684,kuletu^,yam,train +5684,5685,5685,i lutuk icuwan nanay a lutuk,it is on a mountain where is that mountain,train +5685,5686,5686,Hay Ngaʼay hu hayanu cima sa kamu i takuwanan i,Hi everyone you may ask who I am,train +5686,5687,5687,pakaen tiniyan u tuʼas,come home,train +5687,5688,5688,kamaru,have a seat,train +5688,5689,5689,o maan a kasafinacadan a wawa kisu,what ethnic group are you from,train +5689,5690,5690,ha cima tu kumi,I am surprised who this is,test +5690,5691,5691,Mirangi kita tu was a masanga,we were made to resemble God,train +5691,5692,5692,sakahengang saan ku pising nu misu anu mangudu,you blush when you are shy,train +5692,5693,5693,Hai u Amis kaku,Yes I am an Amis,train +5693,5694,5694,i lakelal cacay ku waayay ku talud,only in the riverbed there are no reeds,train +5694,5695,5695,maalul,against the water,train +5695,5696,5696,Ka^mangay hu kisu,you are so young,train +5696,5697,5697,malecal kanian samau angrer,it is as bitter as this wild gooseberry,train +5697,5698,5698,nimaay,whose is it,train +5698,5699,5699,mahrek ci Yis a pasifana tunini i safahka sa ku finawlan a mitngil tuya suwal,when Jesus had finished saying these things the crowds were amazed at his teaching,train +5699,5700,5700,kira pinaluma nira,the things that were planted,test +5700,5701,5701,18 o ciraramuday Krisciyang anu maulahay ci Yihufaan tatudungen cingra,married Christians who love the Lord imitate him,train +5701,5702,5702,tay iraay tu sa madengay tu,it is about time,train +5702,5703,5703,hatini san tu uu,raise your feet and step on the ground,train +5703,5704,5704,atu kaka aku,and my brother,train +5704,5705,5705,o itiniay tamdaw tayraay i niyaruˈ isu mikilim tu katayalan cuka fanaˈ kisu han,do not you know that everyone here goes to your hometown to get a job,train +5705,5706,5706,misetulay,impact,train +5706,5707,5707,facen,let the animal go free,train +5707,5708,5708,anini satu kamu minengneng kami tu misanga tu siraw sa kamu u wawa anini,and now you kids want to see how we make salt pork,train +5708,5709,5709,Hayda tayra kita i alu,Great let us go to the riverside,train +5709,5710,5710,cacay,one radical in Chinese characters,test +5710,5711,5711,han ningra ku suwal a paliwasak tuya masaupuay,after he had said this he dismissed the assembly,train +5711,5712,5712,caay kaw niyaruʼan nu mita kinian,it is no longer habitable,train +5712,5713,5713,hay mahecahecaday sa,intentional attachment is similar,train +5713,5714,5714,o talayufinay kaku a mianang tu paysu,I went to the post office to deposit money,train +5714,5715,5715,11 misawkit tu tamdaw tu papaˈuripen ha papatayen ha cuwa kunu mita a demak,it is not our job to judge people and decide whether they live or die,train +5715,5716,5716,satu ci tumuk haw,the chieftain is of the opinion that,train +5716,5717,5717,mifangad,uproot,train +5717,5718,5718,hai aray sa kaku tu,I would like to thank you in advance,train +5718,5719,5719,marara,slow,train +5719,5720,5720,pasuwal tu matuasay,No,test +5720,5721,5721,a talacuwa kami a padamsu sa,where are we going to pay our taxes,train +5721,5722,5722,anini,until now,train +5722,5723,5723,cuwa kamisanga ku mira,I did not participate in those,train +5723,5724,5724,micudad,read,train +5724,5725,5725,itiya makamihiya ku,at that time the newly established,train +5725,5726,5726,Mapacahekit nu fiteli ku dipudiput i pipaisingan,babies in a hospital are frightened by the sound of lightning,train +5726,5727,5727,katayni a minengneng ira ku riku atu kafung itini,come and take a look we sell clothes and hats,train +5727,5728,5728,ciferangay,it is hot,train +5728,5729,5729,suwal sa ci vavuy liyal ira ku kakaulahan aku,and the whales said In you,train +5729,5730,5730,pacufelan,put a lasso on,test +5730,5731,5731,i sakatimul nura kungyen,it is on the south side of that park,train +5731,5732,5732,laenu nu,beneath something,train +5732,5733,5733,ira ku ccay a nai kahufucanhu a mapiay a tamdaw mapatayra cingra tu rumiamiad a mapatli i kapahay hananay a adawang onini i u sapiayiaw ningra tu sapafli nu tayraay i Fangcalay Pitaungan a tamdaw,now a man crippled from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts,train +5733,5734,5734,Orasaka kumud han nu maku ku Cenfu a mitaung tu Yincu mincu,for this I apologize to the Yami people on behalf of the government,train +5734,5735,5735,karaludakay,a lot of hundred paced snakes,train +5735,5736,5736,nika hirateng han aku,but I am thinking,train +5736,5737,5737,alapina,how much did each pay,train +5737,5738,5738,anu u epah i micakayan hay,what about the wine for example did you buy it,train +5738,5739,5739,cipat,attach,train +5739,5740,5740,Iayaw nu pisalisin iayaw itira i tefun nu fulad mikurac tu tatirengan miduedu tuni a lekakawa nu salisin ta maurad tu saan ku suwal,before praying for rain one must purify oneself in a moon cave and it is said that rain will fall after this ritual,test +5740,5741,5741,hatini maliteng tu kami i mapuhaw tu ku mata niyam hiyan,now that we are getting older our eyesight is deteriorating,train +5741,5742,5742,suut,Bundle hundred,train +5742,5743,5743,ci Kristu ku sakacitaneng tu nu Kawas atu sakafana nu tamdaw tu Kawas,in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,train +5743,5744,5744,ducuh,to loosen,train +5744,5745,5745,caay tu ku tamdaw kiya hiya ningra haw,is it no longer human,train +5745,5746,5746,Cifenefenek kaku,intelligent,train +5746,5747,5747,Kaisasingaran a micait kuya fuduy,hang that shirt in the window,train +5747,5748,5748,maherek tu malahuk pahanhan tu ku heni itila,they rested there after lunch,train +5748,5749,5749,tangsa satu i Kuhkuh,to Mizuho,train +5749,5750,5750,nawhani adihay matengil ku,because I once heard that a soldiers son in Kinmen was a soldier,test +5750,5751,5751,fangcal,desirable,train +5751,5752,5752,malalukay,diligent,train +5752,5753,5753,mililit anu caay kumaen capi tamaku kaku haw i,wrap the headdress around it because I do not smoke,train +5753,5754,5754,Pasuwalaw aku kisu u falinunu^ ku sasaturunen,let me tell you mocha is made from fragrant glutinous rice,train +5754,5755,5755,tanameng,window,train +5755,5756,5756,samaanay ha ina ku pinangan nu misu itiya i takuwanan,what was it like when mom was pregnant,train +5756,5757,5757,o ka kahafayan anini a mihecaan,this years Harvest will be even more plentiful,train +5757,5758,5758,nipadetengan,intentional,train +5758,5759,5759,nawhani macinuwas tu ku salikaka ira tu i ira tu i cuwa cuwa,brothers and sisters are scattered all over the world and some are joining the Ranch,train +5759,5760,5760,tek,a drop,test +5760,5761,5761,na i Dipungay,from Japan,train +5761,5762,5762,rayray,pass on,train +5762,5763,5763,sapaluma,seed,train +5763,5764,5764,sa caka caay kacumud nu lifung saan,prevention of epidemic infection,train +5764,5765,5765,saka u kita u inaina nu niyaru,for this reason we as women of the tribe,train +5765,5766,5766,patireng tu cahung hananay,that is how you build a good house,train +5766,5767,5767,papikuwang kura Hulam,let the Qing soldiers shoot,train +5767,5768,5768,mihecaan,surname Nian,train +5768,5769,5769,masapinang nu mita ku pipaini ningra tu niʼan a kimad,through this we can also have a clear understanding of the cultural events shared by chief Executive Lam,train +5769,5770,5770,Mihakelung kaku ci faian tayra i kalaliacaan adihay ku nihawikidan tu palumaan ni fai a dateng atu nisangaan tunu Yin Cu min a kaesuay kakaenen sapalfeli tu alumanay,Yesterday I went to the market with my grandmother to set up a stall my grandmother brought a lot of vegetables that she grew herself and also prepared indigenous cuisine for everyone,test +5770,5771,5771,siwar han nu maku kira sapad i luma,I moved the tables around the house,train +5771,5772,5772,mihawang,transversal,train +5772,5773,5773,anu pacekuk kisu mafaha kiya nu matuʼasay itiya hu,the elders have told me not to be frightened by them,train +5773,5774,5774,miman aca ku matuʼasay sa itini saan aca misanka hawi,it is better for the old man to stay at home than to come here,train +5774,5775,5775,Ngaayay haw,Okay is it okay,train +5775,5776,5776,Salikakaaw aka ka ngaliwngiw a masasilikaf ta caay ka sawkit nu Kawas kamu mangatatu a tayni ku misawkitay a Tapang o a iratu cingra i fawahan,do not grumble against each other brothers or you will be judged the judge is standing at the door,train +5776,5777,5777,kapa hantu nuya tatusaay cangra i malayaptu nangra ku Fangcalay Adingu,then Peter and John placed their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit,train +5777,5778,5778,ira kiyaru ku,people might,train +5778,5779,5779,malusanga,walls,train +5779,5780,5780,Matedalay nu huing ku patelac nira kapah,the court saved the young man from his mistake,test +5780,5781,5781,maherek a tayraan cangra a masasuwal haw i,after they have finalized all the wedding arrangements,train +5781,5782,5782,han satu mitaluh ku matiniay haen sa,that is how you pull it out,train +5782,5783,5783,mafaking tu haw,punished he,train +5783,5784,5784,apet aku turanan a macekuk kaku,that is why I was surprised,train +5784,5785,5785,Paci^ci kami tina urad nu rumiad a talalutuk,we braved the rain on this rainy day to make it up the hill,train +5785,5786,5786,maulah kaku tu cidufutay a fuduy,I like clothes with pockets,train +5786,5787,5787,caay hen miyuciing hen ku sakakaay,not yet the older one is still in kindergarten,train +5787,5788,5788,itansuy tu mi taykuwan tuna luma,when I get to Freshwater I will take out a loan to buy the house I am living in,train +5788,5789,5789,tireng sa ci Cakay a sumuwal i Tapang Tapangaw paflien aku ku pakuyucay a tamdaw tu latusa nu dafung aku Anu cima ku nisafanaan aku a miala tu maan i spatentu aku a patiku i cingraan saan cingra,but Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord Look Lord here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor and if I have cheated anybody out of anything I will pay back four times the amount,train +5789,5790,5790,mihirateng tu hatiniay a ka cipinangan tu mitiluay,emulate our hunting skills,test +5790,5791,5791,kacipades,scourge,train +5791,5792,5792,likaten,Lights please,train +5792,5793,5793,i pungkang ku pifidadukian niyam,we were catching bats in the mountain,train +5793,5794,5794,Adidian a misanga tu kafang,looking back at the time,train +5794,5795,5795,atu i riyar saan anu micuka kaku,and the sea when I was painting,train +5795,5796,5796,pacuk,sting,train +5796,5797,5797,vavaen nu maku kira tutuy,I am carrying about five or six puppies on my back,train +5797,5798,5798,tinien niyam han ku lican i,we asked the governor to put the equipment here,train +5798,5799,5799,misakalafi,cook dinner,train +5799,5800,5800,tayni tu,entering Hualien,test +5800,5801,5801,tusaen,there are two,train +5801,5802,5802,kapah haw a nanaman ku suwal nu Pangcah,is it easy to learn Amis,train +5802,5803,5803,micakay,I will take it,train +5803,5804,5804,way hu sinafel i ayaw,I did not have any before,train +5804,5805,5805,Tatulu^ kami a malekaka^,we have three brothers and sisters,train +5805,5806,5806,alitek caay hu kafana kaku tu tilid nu Amis tangasa anini,maybe I still do not know how to read Amish writing symbols until now,train +5806,5807,5807,u hiya nu ʼaluʼaluan itila saka malinah tayra i laenu nu lutuk,it is right next to the riverbed that is why they moved to the foothills,train +5807,5808,5808,i sauwacen ku pisenger,it will be immersed in the stream,train +5808,5809,5809,puces,Hemorrhoids,train +5809,5810,5810,masuutay,tied up,test +5810,5811,5811,kaku ri makat tu ciira ri manafuy hu,I am walking and she is crawling,train +5811,5812,5812,Nikawrira matdaltu kamu anini nai sapalit nu raraw Saka malakulitu nu Kawas kamu o mipacakataytu kamu i Kawas tu pulung nu urip namu o hci nunini a dmak namu i u midaucay a urip,but now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God the benefit you reap leads to holiness and the result is eternal life,train +5812,5813,5813,u kaedengan tu waca,this crop,train +5813,5814,5814,u tayring kaku,I am a cop,train +5814,5815,5815,iraan ku paʼpaʼ hay masapaʼpaʼay a ukuy,it is shaped like a scoop,train +5815,5816,5816,matiya akacyan ya wawa nanam sa makat,walking hard like a baby,train +5816,5817,5817,hatira i fekac nu misu i cai kaedeng,it is not enough for you to run at this pace,train +5817,5818,5818,diput,take care of,train +5818,5819,5819,sarakat,at the outset,train +5819,5820,5820,ma haenay ku urip nu maku,this is my life,test +5820,5821,5821,mahaen itiya awaay hu ku tingki itiya,at that time there was no electricity,train +5821,5822,5822,itiya matatudung a makafit i duʼes nu urip ita,it is the only way that life can be connected at all,train +5822,5823,5823,kinli,rights,train +5823,5824,5824,hatiraay kira arumanay itini,these are the only ones that have a larger number of people,train +5824,5825,5825,nawhan tura i kaʼesuʼ kura papah ira kira fangsis,because of the special aroma of the leaves,train +5825,5826,5826,saayaw aku tala itini i hiya i Huwalien kiwkay,first to Hualien church,train +5826,5827,5827,hay,Yes,train +5827,5828,5828,kahirahira nu kalitang,various types of beans,train +5828,5829,5829,mahaen ku niyam Matadim itiyahu,that is what we were doing in Matalin,train +5829,5830,5830,milaput,picking groundnut leaves,test +5830,5831,5831,mahaen ku ni piliʼalac,this is the process of mourning,train +5831,5832,5832,anu misanga,if the are production,train +5832,5833,5833,i lawac nu alu puwalpuwal sa ku nanum itira itiyahu,what about the river water was coming up,train +5833,5834,5834,fangafangasan,need forest,train +5834,5835,5835,mapacekil,to be awakened,train +5835,5836,5836,ira ku paini tu nu maku cecay aca,I have a word of encouragement,train +5836,5837,5837,kita tu sakadademak ita,about the materials we need,train +5837,5838,5838,aluman kura malawinaay mipatay tu eli,a lot of people go and cut thatch,train +5838,5839,5839,mitilid tura uhung,write a text,train +5839,5840,5840,aka satatihi,do not show favorites,test +5840,5841,5841,Paturud han i Kawas ku pulung nu rawraw nu falucu namu nawhani paayaw ku Kawas a sidait i tamuwanan,cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you,train +5841,5842,5842,aluman,terrific,train +5842,5843,5843,pakinali,excess,train +5843,5844,5844,Lunuk sa cira malahad maʼicang ta pala han ta kira,it is that it grows old and dries up to make scoops,train +5844,5845,5845,u laud ku cice kira,you always need equipment,train +5845,5846,5846,u dadahal nira kiyami,what about its width,train +5846,5847,5847,a mivadukuk,Mullets,train +5847,5848,5848,i kaka maku tu,in which we,train +5848,5849,5849,iraw kaamisay a rawang,it is over there the one on the north side,train +5849,5850,5850,kiya mahaen saw ku nipanganga,why is it called that,test +5850,5851,5851,menac,leather trim,train +5851,5852,5852,tahira satu i tuʼas aku,until I am older,train +5852,5853,5853,ira satu i micukang sa,where to work,train +5853,5854,5854,mala malaituy kami tira taypiyaw sari,we were elected to represent the honor guard there,train +5854,5855,5855,maharateng aku kunian tayal nu matuʼasay,so I remembered how the old man used to make tools,train +5855,5856,5856,sulinay itiya hu niyam a rekad itiya i,enlisted in our time,train +5856,5857,5857,nawhani caay pisakakinih ku Kawas,for God does not show favoritism,train +5857,5858,5858,mikasuy,chopping wood in the mountains,train +5858,5859,5859,maecad cisetu suy ceyangti,he is in his,train +5859,5860,5860,kuring,ass,test +5860,5861,5861,naayaw u wawa,past childhood,train +5861,5862,5862,tanutuem sanay awaay a masadak ku cidal i kakarayan,there are a lot of clouds but no sun in the sky,train +5862,5863,5863,amisanga tura kilang saan,material to be made,train +5863,5864,5864,naw hani anu milisin tu ku niyaru,it is because of the festivals,train +5864,5865,5865,ini kiya suwal naku na huni,that is what I just said over there,train +5865,5866,5866,malalen,Consistentaverage,train +5866,5867,5867,maku ʼuwaʼuway,and the yellow vine,train +5867,5868,5868,maulah kaku a sicavay tu valuhay a cavay malecavay tu kami a remadiw a midanguy,I love meeting new people we can sing and swim together,train +5868,5869,5869,tulu a vicing,pounds,train +5869,5870,5870,o lawal u turun atu dungec,Grandpa treated us to flying squirrel meat mocha and vine heart soup,test +5870,5871,5871,kami,let us,train +5871,5872,5872,Fuhat han hu ku sasingaran ta malahedaw ku sanek nu kasu,keep the windows open for a while so that the gas odor disappears,train +5872,5873,5873,paayaman,she would,train +5873,5874,5874,laenu,arrive at,train +5874,5875,5875,i ngata haw nu cacudadan ku luma nu namu,do you live near a school,train +5875,5876,5876,ala tu mintang u hiya u fakici iʼayaw,prepare buckets to be filled with rainwater,train +5876,5877,5877,lima rumiʼad,only five days,train +5877,5878,5878,mapudac tu yu mavuwah cira,it also peels when it expands,train +5878,5879,5879,fainay,her husband,train +5879,5880,5880,cauwaw,difficulty in the use of a car,test +5880,5881,5881,nawhani u milayapay kamu anini tu hci nu pitier namu tu Kawas uya pipaurip tu saluafang namu,for you are receiving the goal of your faith the salvation of your souls,train +5881,5882,5882,ira ku felac niʼicangan niliyun,there is very little rice it is dry,train +5882,5883,5883,anu anini minengneng tu itiyaay hu,from today point of view,train +5883,5884,5884,fawu^,insect,train +5884,5885,5885,mahaenay ku matuʼasay itiyahu,that is how it used to be with the elders,train +5885,5886,5886,o yaan tu i,Later,train +5886,5887,5887,o talakal ku sapiadup nu maku ulatek miulung tu wacu kuwang a miadup,I usually catch my prey with a trap but occasionally I hunt with a gun and a dog,train +5887,5888,5888,patedu samaanen niyam ku urip nasa kami,cannot find a stable life,train +5888,5889,5889,Ikurtu patayraan kami i salawac nu Pracil a mitusil,Later we were commissioned to preach in an area near the Brazilian border,train +5889,5890,5890,cay ka nga ku matiniay micumud,so it is not appropriate to wear it through,test +5890,5891,5891,salawinawina,family run,train +5891,5892,5892,Masakawili ku demak nuni wawa,this child behavior is deviant,train +5892,5893,5893,yu wawa hen kami itini i niyaru,when we were little,train +5893,5894,5894,saremiʼad sa tangasa i kalabian,all day long until the sun goes down,train +5894,5895,5895,vanut,pluck,train +5895,5896,5896,nu maku wawa haw,when I was a kid,train +5896,5897,5897,matifac ku tamdaw san kira na suwal,it is taller than a man,train +5897,5898,5898,anu uninitu a mamangay a dmak i caay pakafilu kamu Nawiru maruray kamu a miharateng tu rumaruma a dmak saw,since you cannot do this very little thing why do you worry about the rest,train +5898,5899,5899,o nikaca kanarikay nu niyam a pakahapinang tu rarima nu namu,because of this your hardship has continued to this day,train +5899,5900,5900,o maan ku cacahuken tu makerahay a tefun,what water is there to draw from a dry well,test +5900,5901,5901,kuengel ku falucu,easily influenced,train +5901,5902,5902,mahecad u malifetay aku u fanekfekay a kaemangay salikaka mahecaday ku raraw teluctu matuleday ku niyah,as in my experience eager young brethren are prone to make similar mistakes and end up disappointed in themselves,train +5902,5903,5903,anu ʼurad anu sa mahaen teli satu kira,if it keeps raining we will have to leave it there,train +5903,5904,5904,u kuni awaay ku ngangan nira tayni i Amis awaay,it is an exotic species and there is no record of its name in the Amis,train +5904,5905,5905,Patuneken ku suwal,make a decision,train +5905,5906,5906,u manikaway yucay,a poor person,train +5906,5907,5907,niresresan,shredded,train +5907,5908,5908,Pakafanaen hu aku kisu misanga tuna tusa a satalakal,then I will teach you how to set up these two traps,train +5908,5909,5909,onini a mikumi ku sakafana ita i hkal a mafana a mipa^deng minaun a mu^cel ku dmak atu sakangaay ita a makurac ku urip,it teaches us to say No to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self controlled upright and godly lives in this present age,train +5909,5910,5910,cuwa cuwa talafekang tu,No no or go up and do it,test +5910,5911,5911,o cima cingra,who is he,train +5911,5912,5912,adihay ku kakaalaan,there are a lot of choices,train +5912,5913,5913,tu nanum iʼayaw nu urad,uses of rainwater,train +5913,5914,5914,a mipakimad aca misacaciyaw tu nu paylang sanay ku maku haw,I can speak in Taiwanese sometimes,train +5914,5915,5915,o suwal nu Kawas ci Aprahaman i Ci Isak ku mamihufuc tu malutluc isu saan,even though God had said to him It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned,train +5915,5916,5916,Mafedfed nu masay ku waay aku,my feet are caught in the vines,train +5916,5917,5917,pafahfah,ritual of purification,train +5917,5918,5918,niney ney icineyhang kami itini Taywan,we were in Taiwan for two and a half years,train +5918,5919,5919,paradiw,singing,train +5919,5920,5920,kuheni,they,test +5920,5921,5921,ci Calaw kaku,my name is Calaw,train +5921,5922,5922,unini a a tinaku,these are three obvious examples,train +5922,5923,5923,nika iraan sa u ruma haw,but that is more special,train +5923,5924,5924,Walinen kura fukluh han ni Yis suwal sa ci Marta u kaka nuya mapatayay Tapangaw u saka spattu a rumiad anini saka u mamasanektu ku hurac a tireng han ningra,Take away the stone he said But Lord said Martha the sister of the dead man by this time there is a bad odor for he has been there four days,train +5924,5925,5925,tayra kaku tura kiyakaku i mimaan kaku kiya sa kaku,I have been thinking a lot about what I am going to do when my contract is up,train +5925,5926,5926,adihay ku lamlam nira kahirahira,it is going to mix a lot of different kinds,train +5926,5927,5927,midakaw cingra tu ciyun a tayra pitilidan,he took the subway to school,train +5927,5928,5928,tu saka lenak tu nian,it is for the chance to reproduce,train +5928,5929,5929,matalaway kaku tu uner mansa cuwa pinengneng kaku tu uneunelan,I am afraid of snakes so I do not look at snakes,train +5929,5930,5930,kararamud,get married,test +5930,5931,5931,minanam hu kaku matini minanam tu nananamen tu u ngiha nu tuʼas,I am still learning the language and sounds of the older generation,train +5931,5932,5932,pafesut,go straight,train +5932,5933,5933,malalimay iraay tu ku sinafer ri,a group of people have picked up some wild vegetables,train +5933,5934,5934,sarakat i u fafayuh hu cingra,at first it was a caterpillar,train +5934,5935,5935,matngil ningra ku nika pitalif nu finawlan i O maan a dmakan kunini saan cingra a milicay,when he heard the crowd going by he asked what was happening,train +5935,5936,5936,kaitira tuya luma kamu a maru layap han ku nipatalaan nangra tu kakaenen atu nananumen nawhani matatudung a milayap tu lifun ku matayalay a tamdaw aka pisalinalinah tu kamaruan a luma,stay in that house eating and drinking whatever they give you for the worker deserves his wages do not move around from house to house,train +5936,5937,5937,lumalumaan,every family,train +5937,5938,5938,ya adihayay ku fangafang,there is been a lot of trouble,train +5938,5939,5939,ku radiw,the song,train +5939,5940,5940,nipadakawan,carrier,test +5940,5941,5941,itiya i mafalic ku tireng ni Yis i kaayaw nangra matu cidal a madil ku pising Ningra haluriku a malikat a tumli,there he was transfigured before them his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light,train +5941,5942,5942,tuway kiya tumuk haw ha,the head of the tribe,train +5942,5943,5943,sanengseng a nengengan kira fainayan a wawa isu,that boy of yours looks very handsome,train +5943,5944,5944,aka caciyaw tu nu Amis sanay ku sifu itiya,the government of the day said you could not speak in tongues,train +5944,5945,5945,hatu u kamay ku mitiliday tu adada nu adadaay,all of them record the patients condition with their hands,train +5945,5946,5946,nga mangaʼay milakec tu riyal mangaʼay milakec tu alu sa,migratory journeys can be made easily along the coast and across rivers,train +5946,5947,5947,misaariray,growing corn,train +5947,5948,5948,nanay kakaenen san lafulufulud sa kami tu,to save money,train +5948,5949,5949,lalungucen,requirement,train +5949,5950,5950,cakayen,I will take it,test +5950,5951,5951,u sasimsimen ita ku niyan a,issues for our consideration,train +5951,5952,5952,sarareem,senior,train +5952,5953,5953,payakayak,spreading rumors,train +5953,5954,5954,edeng,only,train +5954,5955,5955,mikayat ku kawili kawanan a kamay tu tatihi masakawanan ku rakat a mitaliyuk lahuday ku piperuk matuasay u wawa atu lafang maemin mangaay a masakeru,simply hold hands and move to the right to make a circle it is very easy and suitable for all ages,train +5955,5956,5956,mihamedac,biography,train +5956,5957,5957,hatira ku falucu niyam tu Kawas,our dependence on the Lord,train +5957,5958,5958,o Tayan Saysiyak Taruku Secik,the Atayal Saisiyat Taroko Sedgwak and others,train +5958,5959,5959,hatiya u sefi tiya nu liteng hu ya nu eli hu,the early meeting houses were thatched buildings,train +5959,5960,5960,Matamurung nira ku tataangay a kureng a minukay,she carried a large earthen vessel home,test +5960,5961,5961,tu emu hiya sananay,make rice cakes,train +5961,5962,5962,le kila hay saʼan mikutud,it is very simple to follow,train +5962,5963,5963,malikuda tu ku u maku finawnawlan,the tribesmen are having a festival,train +5963,5964,5964,pasuwal haca ci Yis i cangraan Anu cima ku sapituurananay i takuwanan i falahen ku nu tireng a harateng urungen tu rumiamiad ku ciwcika nu tireng tuuren Kaku,then he said to them all If anyone would come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me,train +5964,5965,5965,itini tura pakayraan papatahekal kisu tu timulu a matatudung ku pitadtad tura lalangian han,how do the verses in Psalm and Hebrews help parents show courage,train +5965,5966,5966,Pinapina a rumiad a awa a maaraw niyam ku cidal atu fuis mangalef a mangalef kuya faliyus a milfa saka awaaytu ku kauriuripan niyam a pafalucuan,when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging we finally gave up all hope of being saved,train +5966,5967,5967,milipapah,leaf stripping,train +5967,5968,5968,o maan ku mapitaway nira,what did he dig up with the hoe,train +5968,5969,5969,miladum,waterproofing,train +5969,5970,5970,mifacidulay,breadfruit picking,test +5970,5971,5971,ruma satu,additionally,train +5971,5972,5972,milinsiw kaku tu nu kuwapin sanay,but he said I want to learn Mandarin,train +5972,5973,5973,o maan tu haca^,may I help you,train +5973,5974,5974,pihatatanaman tu nu kararem a wawa,as a basis for future generations to learn,train +5974,5975,5975,Matayu ku rakat nu kamukuay a rinum,the short pin goes slow,train +5975,5976,5976,iraay ku Tumay,Arigatou appears,train +5976,5977,5977,a lise u liseay a niyaru,history,train +5977,5978,5978,Orumasatu u malatumukay han i,Secondly for verbal purposes,train +5978,5979,5979,o kakarayan tu dadaya awaay ku uul cuwa kahadak ku fuis,there were no clouds in the sky at night and the stars came out,train +5979,5980,5980,itiya tuya rumiad i pakaynien namu i ngangan aku ku pilunguc ci Wamaan Pataduen aku kamu a mingitangit ci Wamaan caay ku nika saan aku i tamuwanan,in that day you will ask in my name I am not saying that I will ask the father on your behalf,test +5980,5981,5981,Natahekal a singkiwen ci Wu aniyang,Auntie Wu came out to vote,train +5981,5982,5982,ising,Doctor,train +5982,5983,5983,kapah haw kaku a mihulul i namalahuk,can I go play this afternoon,train +5983,5984,5984,tuna u cifafahiay cangra a ma^min tuya fafahiyan saka anu kalumuwadantu a maurip nai patay i cima nuya papituay ku cacifafahi tuya fafahiyan saw han nangra,now then at the resurrection whose wife will she be of the seven since all of them were married to her,train +5984,5985,5985,sisa palahut sa kiniyan u Pangcah,So this is the Amish custom of roasting fires,train +5985,5986,5986,pasaira,go,train +5986,5987,5987,tira hu Neyli mafukilay hu,in Nei Li I do not know yet,train +5987,5988,5988,patigami han nira katayni tikuen hen ku katayalan isu,he wrote a letter asking my husband to come back to work,train +5988,5989,5989,tatiih ku tireng anu mitamaku,smoking is bad for you,train +5989,5990,5990,awa ku fuyfuy nu liel nira mapakarungay tu,there are no juvenile colorful ribbons around the neck,test +5990,5991,5991,Pakacieying kaku minukay,I go home by MRT,train +5991,5992,5992,Mangici ku funus ni akung,Gongs fang knife is chipped,train +5992,5993,5993,sanga acucul,making gyros,train +5993,5994,5994,namafana kaku tuna demak,when I found out about it,train +5994,5995,5995,kareteng ku inurung nu falucu nira,his heart was heavy,train +5995,5996,5996,mali^,sphere,train +5996,5997,5997,Wamaaw paruceken kami tu sakafana niyam a mihinum tu salikaka,father gives us abilities to know how to comfort the Christians,train +5997,5998,5998,mamaanay hakiya ku itiniyay mahaen tu,it is the same here is not it,train +5998,5999,5999,cicedi kaku mifaʼkur ku uteng,if you think you cannot handle twelve pounds of strength,train +5999,6000,6000,ira ku mialaʼay tu vatili ira i terun ku mavanaʼay micekiw tu vuting,some people bring batteries and are very good at catching fish right into the center,test +6000,6001,6001,ira ku mavanaʼay,there is a very good one,train +6001,6002,6002,matengil ku wina nu maku haw samaanay a,growing up I used to hear my mother talk about my birth,train +6002,6003,6003,talacuwa adihay ku kasasiruma nu suwal i tini i hkal nikawrira awaay ku caay ka citatudung a suwal,Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world yet none of them is without meaning,train +6003,6004,6004,itiya ku misu a rumiʼad i,after determining the date of,train +6004,6005,6005,masamaan hakiya,what is going on,train +6005,6006,6006,na sumuwal ku paini ku kakahulul ri,you know what I used to say,train +6006,6007,6007,u kika sa iri u hiya iri u Paliwan sa,our household registration is Paiwan,train +6007,6008,6008,maalitaday,Stiff,train +6008,6009,6009,nu Recurd,too ambitious too self righteous,train +6009,6010,6010,aka tu ka adihayen ku lalusidan a miala sa,you do not have to carry much luggage,test +6010,6011,6011,Fadih Inuci Hingiw,it is called,train +6011,6012,6012,macukacuk naitini i kalaʼenu,push up from the bottom,train +6012,6013,6013,Sanged hantu nu sufitay ku fadal a pakafung i Cingraan parikuen nangra tu maluluay a kafafang,the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head they clothed him in a purple robe,train +6013,6014,6014,vuhati,open,train +6014,6015,6015,cima kiya awaay minukay,which one did not come home,train +6015,6016,6016,awaay ku safa aku tu fainayan tatuluay ku safa tu fafahiyan,I do not have any younger brothers but I have three younger sisters,train +6016,6017,6017,kinamu^tep tu,have done it ten times,train +6017,6018,6018,miala kaku tu safa aku sa kisu i,you said you were coming to take your sister,train +6018,6019,6019,micakcak i tepar nu umah,Loosening the soil and digging the ground next to the field for refurbishment,train +6019,6020,6020,tu u maan ku mingaʼayan ningra u samaanay hukiya,what kind of treatment has it provided what is the situation,test +6020,6021,6021,nu padiyadiyacan,at the reefs,train +6021,6022,6022,sikawasay a lutuk sa,the clan claimed there were ghosts on the mountain,train +6022,6023,6023,tuʼasay tu kaku i,I am getting older,train +6023,6024,6024,mitngil ku mituuray tunini a suwal i laccay sa ku falucu nangra a pasayra i Kawas a pangiha a mitulun Tapangaw u misangaay kisu tu kakarayan atu sra atu riyar atu i lalumaay nunini a maamaan a ma^min,when they heard this they raised their voices together in prayer to God Sovereign Lord they said you made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them,train +6024,6025,6025,hadaken ku impic,please take out your pen,train +6025,6026,6026,paliding,vehicle,train +6026,6027,6027,tini kisu misimaw haw,you are going to have to stay here and watch over it,train +6027,6028,6028,Maselen nu maperaray a lutuk ku sauwac,the landslide filled in the ravine,train +6028,6029,6029,Mihaemin,practically nothing left,train +6029,6030,6030,Micuaang ku rakat nu lunan ita i matini,our ship is now traveling in the opposite direction,test +6030,6031,6031,niyana wawa tu fafahi,this girl,train +6031,6032,6032,u ruma ku ulah nira tina limecedan,he longs for this maiden,train +6032,6033,6033,itini kita i kiyukay,we are at church,train +6033,6034,6034,matiya mahaenay ku nikatengilan nu maku,that is what I heard,train +6034,6035,6035,o maan ku datuk atu tuliluc,what is a harmonium and a flute,train +6035,6036,6036,u vaʼinay aku itiniay tini Vataan,my husband is from Tai long Valley,train +6036,6037,6037,malekaka,brother,train +6037,6038,6038,kiya maurip amin haw,why are you all alive,train +6038,6039,6039,mapatayay tu awaawaay tu,they are all gone,train +6039,6040,6040,tatuyhan nira tiya kilang u kilang kunian sa celi saceli nenghan u n u lunem,he held on to the tree but the tree turned out to be a deer,test +6040,6041,6041,itira cangra mapulung a rumadiw atu makeru u cecay tu pirayray nangra tu fenek atu serangawan,the purpose of the program is to promote fellowship education and heritage through song and dance,train +6041,6042,6042,o pakayniay i nika urip nu mapatayay i mapahapinangtu ni Musi i suwal ningra tuya malikatay a fadal ku nika u Tapang i O Kawas ni Apraham u Kawas ni Isak u Kawas ni Yakup ku Tapang saan,but in the account of the bush even Moses showed that the dead rise for he calls the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob,train +6042,6043,6043,cila ancila anucila hawi ira haca ku maan a kungku ta,if we have another story some other time,train +6043,6044,6044,naitiniay i pasawalian,I am from the east Coast,train +6044,6045,6045,nawhai maulah ku niyaru kunika caay pisakakinih kita kira,because the tribe likes me to be fair,train +6045,6046,6046,o ruma i ci Yuana u fafahi ni Kuca u citudungay tu tayal i luma ni Hiruti ci Susana atu rumaruma a alumanay a fafahiyan o dafung nangra ku sapipadang nangra a matayal ci Yisan,Joanna the wife of Cuza the manager of Herods household Susanna and many others these women were helping to support them out of their own means,train +6046,6047,6047,matawalay,forgettable,train +6047,6048,6048,kalafian ku pipateli niya mama tiya cahulak ta minukay kiya mama,we will release the fish at dusk before we go back,train +6048,6049,6049,tahira sahu kaku i katayalan,I just went to the place where he works,train +6049,6050,6050,salipahak,a happy face,test +6050,6051,6051,malusakangaʼay nu paʼuripay a tamdaw,Gods gift of life,train +6051,6052,6052,hekal,world,train +6052,6053,6053,sa luwad sa malingad sa kura,we will get up and go again,train +6053,6054,6054,patayra i laenu ku paliding,pull the car from the bottom,train +6054,6055,6055,a kaku a ccay itini ci fudu ku tihi aku,I on my own or with Fodo sometimes,train +6055,6056,6056,matayalay kaku tu hatiniay halafin ku tayal nu maku i tini i Takaw,I have done this kind of work before I spent a lot of time in Kaohsiung,train +6056,6057,6057,cekiw,sea she will,train +6057,6058,6058,u lisin,it is a tribe,train +6058,6059,6059,mipacenguay,new shoots are sprouting,train +6059,6060,6060,Nikawrira pacauf sa ci Pitiru Idang caay ka fana kaku tura nisuwalan isu han ningra yu sumuwalhu cingra i maskak ku ayam,Peter replied Man I do not know what you are talking about just as he was speaking the rooster crowed,test +6060,6061,6061,milkal ku i kaayaway a rumakat atu mituuray i aikur ni Yis a tamdamdaw Hmeken ku Kawas nanay mapakalmed nu Kawas ku niucuran nu Tapang pakayni i ngangan ningra,those who went ahead and those who followed shouted Hosanna Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,train +6061,6062,6062,a misanga kita tu hiya vadahung sa,let us do the roof together,train +6062,6063,6063,misuniay,sound,train +6063,6064,6064,satisil ku sufitay a rumakat,the soldiers walked in a straight line,train +6064,6065,6065,Nanuya tayra kuya mama i safa a wawa haenen haca ningra a sumuwal Pacauf sa kuya safa Hai Mama saan Arawhani caay ka tayra cingra,Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing he answered I will sir but he did not go,train +6065,6066,6066,Safahka sa ku tamdamdaw saka lalicalicay sa a sumuwal O maan a dmakan kunini O fa^luhay a sifana kuni saw Ciicel ku pipalimuut Ningra halukaackan a adingu a mituur tu suwal Ningra saan,the people were all so amazed that they asked each other What is this a new teaching and with authority he even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him,train +6066,6067,6067,yu mapataytu ci Hiruti i i tirahu i Icip ca Yusif Maaraw ningra i lmed ku cuyuh nu Tapang,after Herod died an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,train +6067,6068,6068,awaay tu micudad tu cangra i caay tupisimaw i,my grandson is in school I do not have to take care of him anymore,train +6068,6069,6069,hanaw maketer kuya matuʼasay watah ku pilukes,the village elders are blaming him he is gone too far,train +6069,6070,6070,cangaw,necklace,test +6070,6071,6071,cefcef,shout loudly,train +6071,6072,6072,Malaidangay kura tatusaay,those two are friends,train +6072,6073,6073,u mama tu aku ku mituʼasay takuwanan,I grew up with my father,train +6073,6074,6074,hay tangasa sa i kalahukan melaw han nu heni,what they saw at noon,train +6074,6075,6075,aray pataduen tu kaku a miaray ci Panayan,thank you and thank Panay for me,train +6075,6076,6076,mamalakakeridananay,become a leader,train +6076,6077,6077,Maranikayay ku tayal naira nani katayalan,they work quickly in the factory,train +6077,6078,6078,ta dakaw satu cangra tu tamina a milacal a tayra i Kapirnaum itiya i tumanaytu Caayhu ka tayra ci Yis i cangraan,where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum by now it was dark and Jesus had not yet joined them,train +6078,6079,6079,caay haw kamu pisacengcng,do you have a home for fish,train +6079,6080,6080,Orasaka aka ka talaw kita a miraud a talaayaw nu kamaruan nu matumesay nu mikumi a Kawas ta mangaay a milayap kita tu adayay atu mikumi Ningra tu saka tangsul ita a mapadama,let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need,test +6080,6081,6081,Nikawrira sapatirian cingra tu nika ngaay nu dmak ningra saka suwal sa ci Yisan Cima kura fiyaw aku saw han ningra,but he wanted to justify himself so he asked Jesus And who is my neighbor,train +6081,6082,6082,hantuay kataluma sananay kira imi,it means you are not coming back,train +6082,6083,6083,tayra i cifa kaku aci fufu miaca tu kuku misaday tu sakalafi nu safa tu fainayan,my grandma and I went to the market to buy chickens and prepared a delicious dinner for my younger brother,train +6083,6084,6084,teli han nira tu kalafian tu ku cahulak nawhani nu caay pateli tu rumiʼad san,release the fish at dusk never during the day,train +6084,6085,6085,macacak cira alahan cikiw,cook it and dig it out with a fork,train +6085,6086,6086,yu mamiliyas kaku i cina lahadan tu kaku saan cifaki mihemek i takunan tanestes aca ku laleku saan,before I left my uncle praised me for growing taller and becoming more handsome,train +6086,6087,6087,tayran kami i kaysya nipalifun ku Pangcah tu ayam,we went to the sugar plantation to give chickens to the tribe for wages,train +6087,6088,6088,ira ku cicediay niyam i Cawi a kapah,at that time we had a great warrior of the great Harbor,train +6088,6089,6089,tuki^,watch,train +6089,6090,6090,pakayni tu kavana tunu maku,it is a chance for me to learn a little something,test +6090,6091,6091,mangic kisu waw waw sa,you are crying,train +6091,6092,6092,sapialaaw tu tipay,want to buy a raft,train +6092,6093,6093,Nikawrira u mararid a ira ku pitier atu pafalucuan atu ulah onini a tulu i u ulah ku satadamaanay,and now these three remain faith hope and love but the greatest of these is love,train +6093,6094,6094,pisatapang,commencement,train +6094,6095,6095,wata i,Wow,train +6095,6096,6096,i paputalen a mipafali kira fuduy,put the clothes outside to ventilate,train +6096,6097,6097,o pang ku kakaenen nu maku,I want some bread,train +6097,6098,6098,wawa tu kaku kiyami haw,I was just a kid,train +6098,6099,6099,anu pakuyuckuyuc ku urip,I am not well off,train +6099,6100,6100,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Anu u mapuhaway kamu i kuna awaay ku raraw namu Nikawrira Pakaaraway kami tuna saan kamu saka cirarawayhu kamu han ningra,Jesus said If you were blind you would not be guilty of sin but now that you claim you can see your guilt remains,test +6100,6101,6101,na misapawsapaw yaan maku,I deliver food all the time,train +6101,6102,6102,tada tefuy itiyahu,real fine woven fabrics,train +6102,6103,6103,hakhak,glutinous rice,train +6103,6104,6104,lanu amisan malu amisan lunu timulan malu timulan,north is north south is south,train +6104,6105,6105,mineneng tu hiya nu malitengay hu,please also look back to the ancestors who,train +6105,6106,6106,anu maan tu ku maharatengay,fancy,train +6106,6107,6107,miringiay,rely on something,train +6107,6108,6108,ira ku facacidu a maefer iraw,there are dragonflies flying around,train +6108,6109,6109,i tiya hu haw i u matuʼasay hu,the early days are still the days of the old man,train +6109,6110,6110,o maan ku saka lahuk isu anu kalahukan,what are you having for lunch,test +6110,6111,6111,Masacacakelaw ku cengel nu cukur ni faki,the color of my uncles clutches is like an umbrella Festival snake,train +6111,6112,6112,ira ku vau caay pakaala tu uning,I have Sapindus but it still will not wash out,train +6112,6113,6113,caka pahanhan nanu rumiad taha lafii,from day to night there is no rest,train +6113,6114,6114,anuhuni,I will see you later,train +6114,6115,6115,reken,hold it down,train +6115,6116,6116,maulah ni hining,appreciate it and love it,train +6116,6117,6117,u paliwalan isu haw hay runicen aku i liwalan aku,do you have any retail when I am done marinating I will take it to retail,train +6117,6118,6118,yu mangata nangra ku Pitifaci atu Pitani a niyaru itira i Olif hananay a lutuk i suwalen ni Yis ku tatusa a nisawawaan ningra a miucur,as he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives he sent two of his disciples saying to them,train +6118,6119,6119,o mamikaput parengreng pakasaw ku malapakarungay iayaw nu piparengreng milayap tu serangawan nu Yencumin a sifana,in other words young people who are going to participate in the coming of age ceremony must be trained in the basic education of the Aboriginal culture beforehand,train +6119,6120,6120,u tabukud atu salil ku nu aniniay,use an eight hanging net and a fishnet,test +6120,6121,6121,aya u niyaru nu niyam mahaen satu saw saan ku maku a harateng,Aah how can our tribe be like this think like this,train +6121,6122,6122,u mamikilim tiya mira a tau,it is to go to your relatives,train +6122,6123,6123,nipasifanaan,realize,train +6123,6124,6124,raheker,satisfied,train +6124,6125,6125,Hai ira i parad ku kunga ala han,there is groundnuts on the table take them,train +6125,6126,6126,Pakakawtiy cingra a tayra i Takaw,he took the THSR to Kaohsiung,train +6126,6127,6127,manan ku fana anu misiykay tu sa ku matuʼasay,how do you know the elders will say they will go to work,train +6127,6128,6128,satu ku suwal pikitemeran nu kalahulul,that is what they say,train +6128,6129,6129,a tamdaw tuwa hay,public works staff,train +6129,6130,6130,ura sakalahuk nu matuʼasay haw i,including the elders lunch here,test +6130,6131,6131,Kawra mapacakay tayra i Icip tu ikur nu 13 miheca mafalicaytu ku demak,but years after Joseph was sold into Egypt things suddenly took a turn for the worse,train +6131,6132,6132,haen sa macucu takudul,that is how they were elected to the top,train +6132,6133,6133,macakat i kilang palami san ni haen,climbing on trees and growing roots on tree trunks,train +6133,6134,6134,a mitukad kaku tu tatelecan aku i,even my health after the operation,train +6134,6135,6135,itira i,though it is the back of a cowherd,train +6135,6136,6136,i caliw saan tu luma itaypey cangra,the family is renting a house in Taipei,train +6136,6137,6137,tusa miheca malasufitay i minukay tu kaku,I will go home after years of military service,train +6137,6138,6138,itiraay kaku i saʼayaw a mikilidung kiya,before that I used to sit under that tree,train +6138,6139,6139,cuwaay ku mamafilu a en,we will never beat the Hans hands up,train +6139,6140,6140,u misimsiman tu kuranan a kilang,the trees are selected,test +6140,6141,6141,maladahetalay,it is turned into a plain,train +6141,6142,6142,caay kawu nikahaen nu Cikasuwan kiyami,but the Nanakagawa tribe is not like that,train +6142,6143,6143,onini u kaeled,this is the rope,train +6143,6144,6144,hay anu i tukal tu haw,leadership or not,train +6144,6145,6145,yu miktun cangra tu enur a mifalah i riyar i itiya cangra a mitdal tu safalud tu sawihawih ta pacakat han nangra ku i kaayaway a fayang a pahalhal tu fali ta pasayra sa i citafukay a patalaayaw tu lunan,cutting loose the anchors they left them in the sea and at the same time untied the ropes that held the rudders then they hoisted the foresail to the wind and made for the beach,train +6145,6146,6146,milimek,dodge,train +6146,6147,6147,paini nu matuasay itiyahu,elders remind me of this,train +6147,6148,6148,caay ku mapakuniraay kaku saw caay ku tarukus kaku saw caay ku nanu pakaaraway kaku tu Tapang ita ci Yisan saw caay ka u kamu ku hci nu tayal aku tu nu Tapang saw,am I not free am I not an apostle have I not seen Jesus our Lord are you not the result of my work in the Lord,train +6148,6149,6149,watah tu ku sakimukimul namu tu demak,you guys really put your heart and soul into your business,train +6149,6150,6150,sa itiniay tu nu amisan a lalumaʼan kaku a lumahad,so I grew up in an Amish family,test +6150,6151,6151,anu masawi ku cima namu tu nanu pades i O nisawian nu Kawas kaku aka ka saan a sumuwal nawhani caay ka sawi nu tatiihay ku Kawas o rumasatu caay pisawi cingra i cimacimaan,blessed is the man who perseveres under trial because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him,train +6151,6152,6152,ading,to protect,train +6152,6153,6153,mafetas,burst,train +6153,6154,6154,o niecuan nu maku kinian a kamaruan i pinengnengan tu ika,I was able to squeeze in a seat in the theater,train +6154,6155,6155,Pitulun kamu tu saka^caaw ka tama i kasi^nawan kunini a dmak,pray that this will not take place in winter,train +6155,6156,6156,awaay hu ku mitanamay paluma anini nu kaemangay,the younger generation has never heard of this practice,train +6156,6157,6157,o kapulungan a saupu kunini,this is a gathering for all who belong,train +6157,6158,6158,Caay caay ka paaca kami tu icep,No we do not sell betel nut,train +6158,6159,6159,awa ku nihawikidan aku a maamaan,I did not bring anything with me,train +6159,6160,6160,milakec tu sauwac,we must cross the river,test +6160,6161,6161,midiputan aku ku safa aku maemin,I am in charge of my siblings,train +6161,6162,6162,niyan kina pahku kakaenen kuengelay hu,this is the one that is tender enough to eat,train +6162,6163,6163,onini i caay ku sakangaayaw nu dmak a tapalen nu Tapang a ccay o sakangaayaw a tapalen nu tamdamdaw saan ku harateng niyam,for we are taking pains to do what is right not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men,train +6163,6164,6164,tu sakafana tu tilid ku sanay nu maku maraheker ku falucu saan,I thought I could learn a lot of things this way,train +6164,6165,6165,madadipudiput sa kami itini Taynan,we took care of each other in Tainan,train +6165,6166,6166,tiya sa kaku,I was,train +6166,6167,6167,icangen,drying,train +6167,6168,6168,nikarahtengan,recall,train +6168,6169,6169,o keru atu radiw nu Pangcah caay ka sasawad,Amis songs and dances are inseparable,train +6169,6170,6170,miaray tu palemeday adihay ku tama ita anini^,thanks to the blessing of our ancestors we had a great Harvest today,test +6170,6171,6171,matucirut,like a red backed woodpecker,train +6171,6172,6172,itiya ri pali Pangcah san kisu kira a ha ha ha,you were only with the Amis then ha ha ha,train +6172,6173,6173,hayi,who did the sewing,train +6173,6174,6174,Mu^tep tu ku mihecaan nu maku anini^ a mihecaan,I am years old,train +6174,6175,6175,Pasatimul han ku rakat,keep going south,train +6175,6176,6176,awaay a matama nangra Saka halunipikilim han nangra a patiku a tayra i Yirusalim,when they did not find him they went back to Jerusalem to look for him,train +6176,6177,6177,ta malcad kamu atu pulung nu finawlan nu Kawas a ma^deng a mihapinang tu nika hakuwa ku kakahad kakaya takaraw atu talulung nu ulah ni Kristu,may have power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,train +6177,6178,6178,tinakuen aku sakunu Ka Ping,Like I am going to the doctor that is how it is written in Chinese,train +6178,6179,6179,onini a suwal ni Yis i u nipahapinang ningra tu nika u mamasamaan ku patay Ningra,he said this to show the kind of death he was going to die,train +6179,6180,6180,mitengil mafana tu,how much do you understand,test +6180,6181,6181,ciem,to patronize,train +6181,6182,6182,matihemuk kura luma han aku,the house is upside down,train +6182,6183,6183,malasingsiay kaku,I am a teacher,train +6183,6184,6184,saalaen patayni sa cingangan satu kina tali,taro from the south Seas,train +6184,6185,6185,ura tata angay a hecek,the biggest pillar of all,train +6185,6186,6186,cay kaulah ku tamdaw tu ukus nu nimanima,no matter who it is people do not like to brag,train +6186,6187,6187,sa ku malitengay itira mipenen,this is where the old man picks his reeds,train +6187,6188,6188,ka haenen haenen kunian satu cingra,he taught me to do this and that,train +6188,6189,6189,saayaway makasasa a mivahuy ku matuasay,at first the old man started downstream,train +6189,6190,6190,tu mahiniyay sakaytini,about the Seeding Festival,test +6190,6191,6191,kalas,elder,train +6191,6192,6192,Pasuvanaen kami tu wayway nu misu,can you talk about your personality,train +6192,6193,6193,u ruray nira mipitpit maharateng aku ku u ruray nu malingaday nu mita matiya u malingaday itini i niyaru nu mita,his toil of picking fruits is reminiscent of our toil as farmers like the farmers in our village,train +6193,6194,6194,pingsyang,refrigerator,train +6194,6195,6195,mipatay kami tu tamdaw kumaen tu tamdaw u niyam a fatac kuniyan,it is our tradition to kill and eat human flesh,train +6195,6196,6196,hatini ku paini nu maku,the above is what I have shared,train +6196,6197,6197,pina tu ku mihecaan ningra,how old is he,train +6197,6198,6198,kaaraawan tu vuduy kiyami i naayaw,in the past clothes we were lacking,train +6198,6199,6199,kumimit,pinch,train +6199,6200,6200,likecen halecacayen ku niyaru saan,that is it,test +6200,6201,6201,i pahanhannan i tadamaulah kaku a mi pacemut mansa hanatayla i alualuan a mipacemut,I like fishing during holidays so I often go to the river to fish,train +6201,6202,6202,Nikaʼurip Nikaurip aku kiniyan i wawa henay,I am talking about my childhood,train +6202,6203,6203,matayal itu,just start working,train +6203,6204,6204,Hinatengilay kami malacafay tu pakimad nu matuasay sakafana niyam sumuwal tu suawl nu pangcah,we often listen to the elders telling stories together and we both can speak the Amis proficiently,train +6204,6205,6205,sa kinatusa aku a pacakat haw i,the second time I went online,train +6205,6206,6206,sulepcahiw,hungry,train +6206,6207,6207,ci akung aku,my grandfather,train +6207,6208,6208,aka ka tuka Saicelen a matayal ka u masarucuday ku falucu a matayal tu saki Tapang,never be lacking in zeal but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord,train +6208,6209,6209,u fafahiyan awa tu ku karu fafahi ita,the tribal youths saw their loved ones suffer,train +6209,6210,6210,Mavana kisu a misanu Pangcah,do you speak northern Amish,test +6210,6211,6211,maru,sitting,train +6211,6212,6212,itini pitusilan samaan kita misaka dademak tu Lalusidan nu Sapasifanaˈ pasifanaˈ tu tamdaw tu suˈlinay kimad,how do we use the teaching Toolkit to teach people the truth when we preach,train +6212,6213,6213,kacudu,movie,train +6213,6214,6214,nanumatira nika u demak maan san kumu u demak nu mita sa cangra,if that is the case we will do everything together,train +6214,6215,6215,pasuwal sa ci Pitiru i cingraan Mamana makak kisu a tura paysu isu nawhani ma^deng a maaca nu ^kim ku sapafli nu Kawas a Fangcalay Adingu saan kisu,Peter answered May your money perish with you because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money,train +6215,6216,6216,micefung,plunge into,train +6216,6217,6217,Piraud kamu tu Kawas ta miraud ku Kawas i tamuwanan kamu u ciraraway a tamdaw kuracen ku kamay kamu u misamangahay a tamdaw kuracen ku falucu namu,come near to God and he will come near to you wash your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double minded,train +6217,6218,6218,o sakasaan ni Yis i mafana cingra tu nika u papacakay ku ccay nangra i Cingraan Orasaka Caay ka ^min a makurac kamu saan,for he knew who was going to betray him and that was why he said not every one was clean,train +6218,6219,6219,u nian malecaday tu hay melacaday amin ku heni u cihin amin kuni haw,Yes they are all the same they are all amaranth,train +6219,6220,6220,samanen ningra tayra i Futud,how did he get to Orchid Island,test +6220,6221,6221,o ilisin nu i tini Taeman a niyaru kuna rumiʼad,it is the day of the rituals of the Tolman tribe,train +6221,6222,6222,kavi,soup,train +6222,6223,6223,Papiundukayen ku matuasay a papiyatayat tu tireng,allow the elderly to stretch their bodies by participating in sports events,train +6223,6224,6224,icep,betel nut,train +6224,6225,6225,u nani cuwaay kamu a tayni,where did you come from,train +6225,6226,6226,maharek kuriraan kiya,after it is done there,train +6226,6227,6227,u mananmanan misasiraw haw,anything that can be pickled anyway,train +6227,6228,6228,Orasaka u nika kumaen u nipinanum atu nipidmak namu tu maamaan i ka u sapahmek tu Kawas a ma^min,so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do it all for the glory of God,train +6228,6229,6229,siyasing,image,train +6229,6230,6230,minukay tu kita,we were going home too,test +6230,6231,6231,pitu tuku mata malukulen,use of the seventh hole,train +6231,6232,6232,mitafu,bind up,train +6232,6233,6233,kiya ilangan tu emu kikay i,rice is ground with a machine to make rice cakes,train +6233,6234,6234,ya kafanaʼan nu maku i ya mitapi sanay kiya faʼinayan,I know a guy who is working on a prep,train +6234,6235,6235,Anuca haw napululan nangra itini,the other one is here to be slaughtered in a trap,train +6235,6236,6236,mahaen ayaw ku urp kafanaʼan imamang nu maku,a memory from when I was a kid,train +6236,6237,6237,ya masidayay ta a giha kungku itini i La Ciw haw i ta,historical stories on the radio,train +6237,6238,6238,anu patatikul kisu katayni i luma malahulul malafi,when you get back please come over and chill at the house for dinner,train +6238,6239,6239,matepuc mangalay matepec itini yu,it is going to break especially here,train +6239,6240,6240,u nu tinnaw a Cudad ku cacaliwan nu maku,I would like to borrow a book about computers,test +6240,6241,6241,itiya i Pakahadhad kaku a rumakat a tayra i Asus saan ci Pawlu a miktun tu suwal i tamiyanan Saka i ayaw kami a pakalunan a tayra i Asus ta u a itira i Asus kami a padakaw ci Pawluan i lunan,we went on ahead to the ship and sailed for Assos where we were going to take Paul aboard he had made this arrangement because he was going there on foot,train +6241,6242,6242,Parengrengen nu matuasay kami,the elders held a physical fitness test for our Bar Bat Mitzvah,train +6242,6243,6243,Nikawrira anu ccay aca a tamdaw ku citudungay tu dmak i malumaan ku pakayakayay ccay aca ku Kawas,a mediator however does not represent just one party but God is one,train +6243,6244,6244,temireng,standing,train +6244,6245,6245,o mirangiay tu kakawaw nu faki kisu,your behavior is very similar to that of your uncle,train +6245,6246,6246,Hakuwaay tu ku kahalafin nu demak isu,how long have you been working,train +6246,6247,6247,kaku ri paʼicelen aku tu mihiya pahiya paini tu suwal nu Pangcah aka kapawan kita u Pangcahay san ku falucu aku ciʼicel,I have been working very hard to improve my speaking of Amis and I have been teaching and I am thinking I hope that people will speak Amis more often,train +6247,6248,6248,anu iraʼay aca ku demak nu luma,and if there is something going on at home,train +6248,6249,6249,mimilmil,feel with ones fingers,train +6249,6250,6250,o ruma a sapaluma i matfad i ngaayay a sra Mulngaw a lumahad kunini a cihci tu smuut han ningra pasuwal sa ci Yis Pitngil kamu u pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw han ningra,still other seed fell on good soil it came up and yielded a crop a hundred times more than was sown when he said this he called out He who has ears to hear let him hear,test +6250,6251,6251,Tadafaedet,it is hot,train +6251,6252,6252,Maedeng,approximately,train +6252,6253,6253,lawa han isu kaku saw,how come you left me out,train +6253,6254,6254,yu itira i Pitani ci Yis itira cingra i luma ni Simun u nanu malunuay,while Jesus was in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper,train +6254,6255,6255,nengneng han araw han,look like,train +6255,6256,6256,o upu nu panay kura maaraway nu mita i putal na Mayaw,in the Mayaws courtyard we see mountains of rice,train +6256,6257,6257,Tpiken ku nifacaan isu a riku,fold the clothes you washed,train +6257,6258,6258,ira ku vaesingan hananay kiyami,when you sneeze,train +6258,6259,6259,isaka 1964 miheca macadaay ni Aser ku faeluhay tayal tayni i fenpu nu Aielan mala sikawdan nu fenpu,in Arthur took a new job as a branch servant in the branch office in the Republic of Ireland,train +6259,6260,6260,ci Kacaw han ku sangaayay a widang aku o wawa nu Amis cingra,my good friends name is Kacaw and he is also an Amis child,test +6260,6261,6261,iyasatu ya finawlan nara mikared satu kya tu keliw,tribal people let us all roll up and do it,train +6261,6262,6262,u faluca nu wawa sanay kaku,turn their hearts to the positive,train +6262,6263,6263,nawhani mangaʼay sanu Pangcah pakungku anu rumadiw tu,Why you can speak Amish tell stories dance and music and so on,train +6263,6264,6264,tayra i kafutian niyam,come to our dormitory,train +6264,6265,6265,o tadakasiniadaan ku pakuyucay a luma,the poor people are really pitiable,train +6265,6266,6266,tengteng han ni Yis ku kamay nuya wawa cli sa a sumuwal Wawaaw kalumuwad han ningra,but he took her by the hand and said My child get up,train +6266,6267,6267,menah,buttocks,train +6267,6268,6268,talatukus kaku anu papacem caka ilumakaku,I am going to the mountains tomorrow so I will not be home,train +6268,6269,6269,na tayniay i Kilung a misalama,I have been to Keelung before,train +6269,6270,6270,nu vavainay,a male,test +6270,6271,6271,matamur,very urgent,train +6271,6272,6272,Licayayaw hu u mamaanay ku tayal isu yu kapah hu kisu,what do you do when you are young,train +6272,6273,6273,neng kura misangaʼan nira nu hatini,now look at all this she is done,train +6273,6274,6274,marahumer,melt,train +6274,6275,6275,vuhecalay,white,train +6275,6276,6276,itiyaay i Panifung ku niyaru aku,my tribe is in Hing Cheong,train +6276,6277,6277,mahuni,sound,train +6277,6278,6278,Mahaperic maemin ku panay,all the grains of rice are stripped,train +6278,6279,6279,pakadang hantu matiyaay mahecad tuya mamimaan ira ku misinkiw tu maan,she is wearing a belt like she is running for office,train +6279,6280,6280,ura falat,the beam,test +6280,6281,6281,paafu,fertilize,train +6281,6282,6282,keriden nu heni ku nipuhpuhhan a turun,then take them back with you,train +6282,6283,6283,o rumasatu aluman ku kacacrucrur nu i ayaway a citudungay tu taung nawhani mapataytu cangra caay tu kangaay a mararid a tayal,because of this oath Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant,train +6283,6284,6284,u ilumaʼay tahidan hantu ku malinaay,calling friends and family to gather,train +6284,6285,6285,lisin,festivals,train +6285,6286,6286,yu cicicit yu cicicit cicit ku rira edu haw i mucu,in the corner of the workhouse the rats squeaked and squeaked,train +6286,6287,6287,lahengangay,red,train +6287,6288,6288,sapakaen tu wawa hatini satu i,raising children,train +6288,6289,6289,ira mitaelif ku cecay a faki,there is an uncle passing by,train +6289,6290,6290,Orasaka anu pakaynien namu i ngangan aku ku pingitangit tu maan i u lalahcien Aku,you may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it,test +6290,6291,6291,awaay ku rayray kinaʼutuc nu Makutaay,there is no history of monuments,train +6291,6292,6292,kamaruan,live,train +6292,6293,6293,ira ka suwal isu i sawni,you just said that,train +6293,6294,6294,tada u pacikemay tu pising nu maku ku kietec nu rumiad i kasienawan,the cold winter weather really makes my face tingle,train +6294,6295,6295,Ax enaw,Oh my God what is going on,train +6295,6296,6296,o cisulipaay maemin kami,we all wore slippers,train +6296,6297,6297,suwal sa ci Yis Maliyas namu ku limuut nu Kawas a pasayra i lkakawa nu tamdaw a maimer saan,you have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men,train +6297,6298,6298,kupit,to glue,train +6298,6299,6299,rurud han tu kadup a,rolled and rounded,train +6299,6300,6300,palumaan,planting period,test +6300,6301,6301,o makececay ku mata nu misu i matini haw,are your eyes blinking now,train +6301,6302,6302,misasing i nipitemi tu emu pacumud i langseng,operation and stirring actual steamer basket,train +6302,6303,6303,maefer kira kuku,the chicken flew up,train +6303,6304,6304,Matungalmatungal tu ku fana i na u Aims ku tireng u tadamasarumaay tu u kanunuan tu a malitaang,the more I know the more I feel that being a Aims is unique and something to be proud of,train +6304,6305,6305,pinaay ku tuki a mafuti kisu tu dadaya,what time do you go to bed at night,train +6305,6306,6306,hamanen u kuli aku san kura tawki,the boss says it is okay,train +6306,6307,6307,u mahetikay i sera a pusak atu cirekay,rice grains and worms that fall on the floor,train +6307,6308,6308,maalalay,rocks were dug up in the field,train +6308,6309,6309,o ninian a talusidan nu aniniay ku sakadepuc nu urip ita,these modern facilities make our life convenient,train +6309,6310,6310,u maan ku kaulahan a midanguy,what are the benefits of swimming,test +6310,6311,6311,micucukay,spiny,train +6311,6312,6312,maala nira ku ccay a a langa,he took one basket,train +6312,6313,6313,masamata kilim han ira i caay tu kafana anu masamaan i,after the search it is not clear what is going on if anything,train +6313,6314,6314,papina hu naʼay tu papitiliden ta ku wawa ita,do not let our children,train +6314,6315,6315,pinsyang,freezer cabinet,train +6315,6316,6316,Dudu mililis tuni lawac nu riyal,migrating along the coast,train +6316,6317,6317,maharek a malafi,eat your dinner,train +6317,6318,6318,caay tu kita,we will not have to,train +6318,6319,6319,cudah,courageous,train +6319,6320,6320,tey hatini ku takudul mihaen tu,just raise it a little bit and measure it,test +6320,6321,6321,ku vavahiyan a wawa,daughter of,train +6321,6322,6322,safa^ nu maku tu fafahiyan,my sister,train +6322,6323,6323,o cuwa ku mamapatay a ˈurip u kafahkaˈan a sapalemed samanen itini Hipray suwal Fangcalay Cudad cuwacuwahu ka sadak,immortality appears to be an unexpected blessing since it is not mentioned in the Hebrew Scrolls,train +6323,6324,6324,nika tatuke raecus misimanta,but you cannot eat it raw,train +6324,6325,6325,iraay ku lalicayen aku kisu nan hatini i,I need to ask you something today,train +6325,6326,6326,iraay kiya fana aku i tiyahu mamang kaku i,I knew something when I was a kid,train +6326,6327,6327,malahuk han ci akung isu,talk to your Grandpa about dinner,train +6327,6328,6328,aka pipa^kel a mikuwan tu nipaturudan i tamuwanan a siri ka u malupiarawan nu masaflaway a siri kamu,not lording it over those entrusted to you but being examples to the flock,train +6328,6329,6329,pina ku hecek nu mucu,how many piles,train +6329,6330,6330,adihayay ku likes i tuluk saan ci Ina,mom says that there are lots of mosquitoes in the mountains,test +6330,6331,6331,hatira ku tatudung nu malatumukay,that is what tribal leaders are all about,train +6331,6332,6332,mamaladadipis,it is going to be a cockroach,train +6332,6333,6333,suni,just now,train +6333,6334,6334,talud,weed,train +6334,6335,6335,Katayra kamu tura niyaru anu tahira kamu i u mamaaraw namu itira ku mapaktingay a tufurhu a lufa u caayhu ka dakawen nu nimanima tdalen namu caira a mikiting a patayni i Takuwanan,saying to them Go to the village ahead of you and just as you enter it you will find a colt tied there which no one has ever ridden untie it and bring it here,train +6335,6336,6336,anu palahad tu ulah iraay ku manan a epuc hani,So what are the other benefits of cultivating love,train +6336,6337,6337,Kamaru nanumhu ku na uciya,please sit down and have some tea,train +6337,6338,6338,Vawu u tasutasunan ku lalan inaayaw,Wow the roads used to be muddy,train +6338,6339,6339,anu awa awa ku kafanaan niyam mitengil i kaurira luingen niyam i hawikidan a tingwa nga ngaay kami miliyaw a mitengil,although we could fully understand it we could record it on our cell phones and listen to it more,train +6339,6340,6340,ira aca ku tatudung tu kafi hahananay,put the soup in another pot,test +6340,6341,6341,masuni ku dadayday i ayaw nu kalafian,Cicada chirping before dinner,train +6341,6342,6342,kaenen laluma nira maikes ta kahengang ku heci,the fruit inside is red when it is old,train +6342,6343,6343,adapaw,lie in wait for,train +6343,6344,6344,u sasavaay i,what about the little one,train +6344,6345,6345,tilefes kuriraan hay,that is the beech tree is not it,train +6345,6346,6346,u vuhecalay ku varu,white flowers,train +6346,6347,6347,han hanaku ku suwal sa hatiʼay ku suwal aku,that is all I have to say,train +6347,6348,6348,u maʼulipay hu cecay hai maʼulipay cecay tu,is there only one person living Yes there is only one person,train +6348,6349,6349,caay kacitudung tu nu tamdaw a lalan,there is no such thing as a human path,train +6349,6350,6350,ira i pingsiyang ku mamedacen,there are some treats in the fridge help yourself,test +6350,6351,6351,rurud han nira ku alu i ilaay kura masakaliay,they followed the stream and saw a deep large erosion gully along the riverbed,train +6351,6352,6352,is caka ngaʼay ku kuliciw,Hey the bikes fine,train +6352,6353,6353,Misatataakay kami tu luma niyam,we are making our house bigger,train +6353,6354,6354,aya,Oops what a shame,train +6354,6355,6355,ira sa tina numaku a suwal,then I will say my part,train +6355,6356,6356,mafana ciira pacaʼuf tu pilicay nu milicayay yan saka syiwen han nu Hulam,this is what is meant by the Chinese term,train +6356,6357,6357,anu mafanaˈ kita tu nanu demak ita ngaˈ ngaˈay palaˈusi tu araaw nu Kawas maedeng wa lipahak kita,if we know that what we do every day will do our part in Gods will we will be happy,train +6357,6358,6358,rahekad,steaming,train +6358,6359,6359,misahatira kiya demak kiya haw i,after that incident,train +6359,6360,6360,Pakacifar ku lafang tayra i Futud,tourists take a boat to Orchid Island,test +6360,6361,6361,aka paturuden i raraw ku tireng namu a malalalusidan nu tatiihay a dmak o mapauripaytu nai patay kaku han ku harateng a pacakat i Kawas tu tireng namu a malalalusidan nu mu^celay a dmak,do not offer the parts of your body to sin as instruments of wickedness but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness,train +6361,6362,6362,nawhani uya aira a pades itiya i awahu ku hatiniay a nika tataang nu pades nai satapangan nu nipisanga nu Kawas tu hkal a tahanini o a awatu i ikur ku matiniay a pades,for then there will be great distress unequaled from the beginning of the world until now and never to be equaled again,train +6362,6363,6363,aka pitawal tu kamu tu demak,do not forget the right thing to do,train +6363,6364,6364,o tudung nu tufur a siri Yis,Jesus represents himself as the lamb,train +6364,6365,6365,si^naway i paputal haw,is it going to be cold outside,train +6365,6366,6366,o sakapatelac nu niyam kinian,that is what makes us criminal,train +6366,6367,6367,mahaen ku nipisanga tu emu,this is how to make homemade sweet rice cake,train +6367,6368,6368,picucuk,spike something,train +6368,6369,6369,Nikaurira caay ka lecad ku nicakayan niyam tu nu kungku^ a cudad,However the storybooks we bought are different,train +6369,6370,6370,awa tu ku,I did not,test +6370,6371,6371,tu fana nu Tapang Tapang tu pakayni urip ita u Pangcah,breaking the superior officers knowledge of the indigenous people to awaken them,train +6371,6372,6372,Papisukadien kira kulung tu funun a maumah,let the buffaloes trample the paddy fields for plowing,train +6372,6373,6373,pasuwalay kiya maku wama wina i,my parents used to talk about it,train +6373,6374,6374,dipang,defense,train +6374,6375,6375,nasaan ri,here is the deal,train +6375,6376,6376,ira hu kira saʼemu san,do you still have rice cakes to grind,train +6376,6377,6377,Saicel sa cingra a mingitangit i ci Yisan Sakapatayantu ku fafahiyan a wawa aku Nanay taynihu Kisu a mikapa i cingraan adahen cingra pauripen cingra han ningra a sumuwal,and pleaded earnestly with him My little daughter is dying please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live,train +6377,6378,6378,Halu amu a mahaen yu matngiltu namu ku sulin a ratuh uya sapaurip tamuwanan a Ngaayay Ratuh i pasulin satu kamu ci Kristuan saka paflien nu Kawas kamu tuya nihaydaan ningra a Fangcalay Adingu mala ningra tu a nitupaan kamu,and you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation having believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit,train +6378,6379,6379,mahaenay ku fana nu kalutamdamdaw nu Pangcah i ayaw hu,early Amis all thought that,train +6379,6380,6380,ka Dipungan sa,from the days of the Japanese,test +6380,6381,6381,wata ku Rikec nu malitengay itiya hu anu haratengen,think about the rituals that the old people used to emphasize,train +6381,6382,6382,kaku itini i pitilidan haw i,I am at school,train +6382,6383,6383,Misakudasingay ku luma niyam,our family grows peanuts,train +6383,6384,6384,nipafeli nu Kuka tu hacecay nu lalumaʼlumaʼan,Nationally distributed water,train +6384,6385,6385,o rararay ku sakamaumah niyam tu pisakudasingan,we work with small hoes in the peanut garden,train +6385,6386,6386,rutu,men mesh bag,train +6386,6387,6387,pataluʼan sa ca ama aku itini,Dads building a hut here,train +6387,6388,6388,rumuhu,bend over,train +6388,6389,6389,pacuerungen,please store bundles of firewood upside down,train +6389,6390,6390,Ngaay tu u maan ku lalicayen isu,you are welcome what would you like to know,test +6390,6391,6391,ira ku lilam kira,I will be there too,train +6391,6392,6392,Miraud cangra ci Yisan i Hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw ngaayhu han nangra ta patpi hantu nangra cingra,and went up to him again and again saying Hail king of the Jews and they struck him in the face,train +6392,6393,6393,hatiraay ku tahanini,that is how it is today,train +6393,6394,6394,Cuwa maminengneng tu kita tumpu,No we are going to see dragonflies,train +6394,6395,6395,tunu hefu hanay nu kuwaping,wrap the baby up in clothes,train +6395,6396,6396,tayra hu kaku i Singcuwan tira i Singcuwan kami,if I go to Shinjyou I will visit here,train +6396,6397,6397,kisu saan u Paliwan,then you are from Paiwan,train +6397,6398,6398,hay ngaʼay hu ngaʼay hu hay,Yes I am how are you,train +6398,6399,6399,ruma salumiʼad saan misalama micekiw,sometimes I play all day or pick up snails,train +6399,6400,6400,remadiw,recite,test +6400,6401,6401,icuwaay tu kiya pacek sa i,I will ask where the nails are,train +6401,6402,6402,mana miharateng a minanam a mitenuuy kisu,how did you develop an interest in learning weaving,train +6402,6403,6403,Ngayngay,Hakka people,train +6403,6404,6404,Hai panukayen ita i niyaru paini tu finawlan,Yeah let us take it back to the tribe and share it,train +6404,6405,6405,Makakinih ku pisawkit nuna tamdaw,this persons comments are unjust,train +6405,6406,6406,maedeng tulu tatukian,it takes about three hours,train +6406,6407,6407,cuwa satapangan kua suwal ira,it is asking what activities you are doing on your first day,train +6407,6408,6408,anu malaheci a mitilid u mamalasingsi tu kisu saan ku matengilay,I hear you are going to be a teacher when you graduate,train +6408,6409,6409,o sinufu aku i tamuwanan kiraan a cepi nu siri saan cifaki aku,uncle said that the goats leg is a token of my appreciation for bringing it to you,train +6409,6410,6410,keriden nira ciira i pafesucay a lalan,he led him on the straight and narrow,test +6410,6411,6411,makasiheci yu,it just came to fruition,train +6411,6412,6412,samaanen a mitudung tu demak nu itiyaay hu,how to learn from the past,train +6412,6413,6413,nawhani i saayaw a masanga ci Atam i ikur a masanga ci Ifa,for Adam was formed first then Eve,train +6413,6414,6414,namahaen sa iri ya kakaenen ya muwa hayi ya muwa,after this I will be able to get jute Yes it is jute,train +6414,6415,6415,miketus sa ku malitengay tu panay,elders will symbolically pick the ears first,train +6415,6416,6416,ngangan saan ta talumatu,name it just go home,train +6416,6417,6417,hatira tu ku hiya ku falucu aku atu lisu aku,that is what is on my mind,train +6417,6418,6418,hatiraay ku urip nu maku,that is my life,train +6418,6419,6419,nu pelapela saan tu caay pitengil kira wawa sa baw,beat those disobedient children with a bamboo blade,train +6419,6420,6420,adihayay ku paini nangra a pasifana,I have told this kind of coming of age story many times,test +6420,6421,6421,nawhani yu macahiw kaku i caay pafli kamu tu kakaenen i Takuwanan yu masuaw kaku i caay pananum kamu i Takuwanan,for I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,train +6421,6422,6422,kaenen isu haw kuʼicaway tu,it is hard when you eat it,train +6422,6423,6423,Aluman ku widang aku,I have a lot of friends,train +6423,6424,6424,patatiyul han ni aku hai san cangra,Mr barks at them again and they respond well,train +6424,6425,6425,misakaniw kisu i,if you lie,train +6425,6426,6426,tu i umahay,in the field,train +6426,6427,6427,hay i u raan a silamalay ku dakawen nu maku anu talataypak,that is right I take that train every time I go north from Hualien,train +6427,6428,6428,matiniay tu,that is it,train +6428,6429,6429,idadaya,last night,train +6429,6430,6430,miliyas cira tu niyaru,he left the tribe,test +6430,6431,6431,atek i mutep ira ku falu ku rumiʼad micingkangay tu,or in days,train +6431,6432,6432,anu ira ku milimulaay,if there is a spoiled brat,train +6432,6433,6433,ta anu mikilim kamu tura rengus sa i lutuklutukan,so you are looking for those plants in the mountains,train +6433,6434,6434,tira sa ca ama aku palunan ci ama aku itira,just stay there my dads a ferryman,train +6434,6435,6435,adihay tu kuya tipay mimihicayay,many people use bamboo rafts to catch fish,train +6435,6436,6436,kaliepahan,wine,train +6436,6437,6437,u mabanaʼay a mipuhpuh cira,he is going to do the Rang ceremony,train +6437,6438,6438,a kungcing,over hectares,train +6438,6439,6439,tartar,poles,train +6439,6440,6440,anu,as if,test +6440,6441,6441,Pasuˈlin kita papacaˈuf ci Yihufa tu satulun ita,we can be sure that Jehovah will answer our prayers,train +6441,6442,6442,a tura mikilang ku matuʼasay a talalutuk,the old man went to the mountains to cut wood,train +6442,6443,6443,u fafafahiyan fucingkay,women are also divided into three groups,train +6443,6444,6444,itiya tu mangata talasifu,the hierarchy is on the brink,train +6444,6445,6445,nengneng han kuniyaru itini i Madawdaw wata kafangcal,Really the natural attractions of Success town are obvious to all,train +6445,6446,6446,Maafes ku mantu a patelien i pinsiyang,dumplings will be very hard in the fridge,train +6446,6447,6447,Patitien ku tamana a mikeling,stir fry cabbage with some pork,train +6447,6448,6448,Suuten ku ngusu atu nguyus anu mafaesing,cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief when sneezing,train +6448,6449,6449,anu mamamaan kisu radiw han ku radiw wa caay tu,you can sing if you are in a bad mood really,train +6449,6450,6450,hay maemin misungila kita misasaw kiyami ta cirahen caay,do not we always wash before we pickle,test +6450,6451,6451,Nikawrira u caay pidu^du tu nitngilan a suwal aku i matiya u patirengay i tafuk tu luma nu tireng a mafulaay a tamdaw,but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand,train +6451,6452,6452,pecih,half,train +6452,6453,6453,u maan ku sakaeres ita,what can we do to beautify ourselves,train +6453,6454,6454,o sakapina nu mitiliday anini,what day is it today,train +6454,6455,6455,i ʼayaw kafanaan aku,Previously as far as I know,train +6455,6456,6456,Kamu u atkakay ku falucu u caay pitaung tu Kawas u caay pitngil tu suwal nu Kawas a tamdaw mararid kamu a paculi tu Fangcalay Adingu matiya u tatuasan namu kamu,You stiff necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears you are just like your fathers you always resist the Holy Spirit,train +6456,6457,6457,o telec ku pinenengan a miditek,to be measured by the waist,train +6457,6458,6458,i kaingid nu kungkuan ku luma aku rakat sanay kaku a talakungkuan tu rumiamiad rakat sanay a minukay,my school is next to our house I walk to school every day and I also walk home,train +6458,6459,6459,o mitatakaway a tamdaw i akatu pitakaw o nika mu^cel nu falucu ningra a malaluk a matayal ku ngaay ta ira ku sapalada ningra i pakuyuc a tamdaw,he who has been stealing must steal no longer but must work doing something useful with his own hands that he may have something to share with those in need,train +6459,6460,6460,han ku na tuʼud ira tuni,it is this root,test +6460,6461,6461,kapadeng,extinguished,train +6461,6462,6462,kangawi,not choose ones words,train +6462,6463,6463,picpic han tu,just use the tear,train +6463,6464,6464,nu heni,They they,train +6464,6465,6465,pina ku kakaenen a mamin,there are several kinds of food that can be eaten all kinds of food,train +6465,6466,6466,pasaʼetip tu kami i,we are settling in the north,train +6466,6467,6467,takula aku saan cingra a,My frog he said so,train +6467,6468,6468,u ina misataring,women build ridges,train +6468,6469,6469,matila ku demak,that is the way it is,train +6469,6470,6470,aca han aku kiya ungtu,buy this pipe right now,test +6470,6471,6471,kacangalan,unsatisfactory part,train +6471,6472,6472,tini itira iraw laenu nura cahid,just over the hill is our hunting ground,train +6472,6473,6473,Maukak kina wawa tu fafahiyan,this little girl is very small,train +6473,6474,6474,Caay o misamangahay i mamangay a dmak i u misamangahay i tataangay a dmak o sulinay ku falucu i mamangay a dmak i u sulinay ku falucu i tataangay a dmak,Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much,train +6474,6475,6475,a u herek anu herek nu lahuk,after noon,train +6475,6476,6476,palapalipaliway,become a mutual helper,train +6476,6477,6477,Orasaka akatu pisamangah a sumuwal ka u sulinay a suwal ku sakalalicalicay namu a ma^min nawhani u tudung nu caang nu tireng ni Kristu kita a ma^min,therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor for we are all members of one body,train +6477,6478,6478,nikaurira awaay ku tawal nu maku tu caciyaw nu Pangcah,but I have not forgotten my language Amis,train +6478,6479,6479,u ruma,Other in addition,train +6479,6480,6480,Kaliyawan amin kina hiya,this place is full of Kalyvans,test +6480,6481,6481,anu iraay kisu i tatihi aku,if you would been there for me,train +6481,6482,6482,Nanudafak,from morning,train +6482,6483,6483,u wawa nipakungku niya matuasay,stories that old people tell their children,train +6483,6484,6484,o kuhetingay ku cengel nira,it is black,train +6484,6485,6485,Pinaun latek iraaw ku maudangay anu ^ca i malamilcaday ci Isauan a caay ka ngudu tu Kawas pakayni i mamangay a kakaenen paliwal han ni Isau tu fisac a ngangan ningra,see that no one is sexually immoral or is godless like Esau who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son,train +6485,6486,6486,ciiraananay,in his,train +6486,6487,6487,Papikececen nu isin kaku tu mata a mihapinang tu adada nu mata,the doctor told me to blink my eyes to observe the lesions,train +6487,6488,6488,cima kura kaingiday isu,who is that next to you,train +6488,6489,6489,nika awaay hu ku katayalen nu kapah itiya tini sanay i luma,in those days young people did not have work to do and stayed at home,train +6489,6490,6490,taenang,recline,test +6490,6491,6491,Tueman sahen masuni ku tatakula,it is dark and the frogs are calling,train +6491,6492,6492,sawaliyan,East,train +6492,6493,6493,tataʼang ku cedas,it is a big flood,train +6493,6494,6494,sapatiku nuniyam tu,we have to pay the loan,train +6494,6495,6495,Kalikat i tumanay yasanay a Kawas ku patdiay i falucu ita tu sakafana ita tu nika tadamaan ningra u Kawas mahapinang kunini i pising ni Yis Kristu,for God who said Let light shine out of darkness made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ,train +6495,6496,6496,hasaman han isu misanga si tingsa kisu,how do you do it you ride a bike,train +6496,6497,6497,awaʼay ku pikilimam kira,because there is no place to look,train +6497,6498,6498,suwal sa kiya matuasay i takuwan,the old man said to me,train +6498,6499,6499,maharatengay nangra itini 1977 miheca a Sapahatatanam tu Misakafahay pakalalukay tu minanamay malinah tayra misaaliay tu mitusilay a kilac,they were reminded of the pioneer training Course which had been started in to encourage trainees to move to serve in areas where there was a need for more preachers,train +6499,6500,6500,u malialac hananay,to relieve the evil Spirit of the funeral,test +6500,6501,6501,isu,You you,train +6501,6502,6502,hay milimek,Yes hide,train +6502,6503,6503,maanen nira hakiya pisanga sa kaku,I want to talk about how he made it,train +6503,6504,6504,nu penen tu nu uway tu mihatinian,I do not know if it is the heart of a manzanita or the heart of a vine,train +6504,6505,6505,hatiraay haw ku nu tamdaw a mapuduh minengneng,they are so jealous of me,train +6505,6506,6506,kaesuay,it is delicious,train +6506,6507,6507,u aayaw nu 40 atu 50 a mihecaan u niyarunu Pangcah u elihen ku vadahung nu lumalumaan u liyut nu luma ira ku nipaluma tu icep kamaya apalu,when I entered the Amis tribe in the and I could see thatched roof houses with betel nut trees planted as fences around the houses as well as a few persimmons and bread trees,train +6507,6508,6508,haw ku pisanga nu mita,we made it for,train +6508,6509,6509,hay saman i,because there is nothing we can do about it,train +6509,6510,6510,matuasay,the mothers character,test +6510,6511,6511,kapah melawan nu maku kamu,I see you are all in good health,train +6511,6512,6512,anu Pangcah kaku hay,it is hard for me to express myself in Amrican yes,train +6512,6513,6513,sa haw u kalang han tu nu mita u Amis,so we Amis call it Kalang,train +6513,6514,6514,u nini hangru samanan namu kumaen,how to cook palace cuisine,train +6514,6515,6515,Mikadafu ku fainayan tayra i fafahiyan ku pisaparud nu Pangcah nawhani ciicelay a fainayan i ta ira ku maulahay a fafahiyan u mafanaay misakawanan tu dademaken nu luma ta ira ku maulahay a fainayan,in Amis marriages the man is married into the woman family because only capable and fit men are favored by women and women who can manage the household are also courted by men,train +6515,6516,6516,anca u kapuwa anca u dangah,or soup bowls or pots,train +6516,6517,6517,kalahitay,military,train +6517,6518,6518,pasifana nu malitengay,the old man taught me,train +6518,6519,6519,ci mamu aku u tada mafanaay cingra a mitenuun a tamdaw i niyaru niyam,it was my grandmother she is the most skilled weaver in our tribe,train +6519,6520,6520,ka caka iya ma,but not into,test +6520,6521,6521,itiya i fahal sa a ira ku tataangay a lunen mangernger ku paranaan nu pirufuan saka alafawafawah sa ku sadef nu pirufuan matdal a ma^min ku sapalit a lunayi nuya marufuay a tamdaw,suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken at once all the prison doors flew open and everybody chains came loose,train +6521,6522,6522,u pakalungay tu kata tu malakapah tu kaku itiya,at that time I had been promoted to the youth class,train +6522,6523,6523,Tataak ku cidal,the sun is high noon time,train +6523,6524,6524,Mikisaemel kuya matuasay,that old person is sitting in the shade to cool off,train +6524,6525,6525,o mitenuuyay ku serangawan ita mangalay midutuc tu serangawan kaku,weaving is a part of our culture and I want to ensure its continuity,train +6525,6526,6526,anu malecad ku kamay atu waay nu masakeruay haw i salungan ciicel tanestes a arawen kaulahan nu kapah ku matiniay a keru^,if the dance is performed in a neat and tidy manner it is indeed very beautiful showing the power and beauty of the dance which is most popular among young people,train +6526,6527,6527,Natauran,Dalian,train +6527,6528,6528,awaay ku felac aku a itakuan mitifek sa,if you run out of rice you can come to my place to pound it,train +6528,6529,6529,lipay,sundae,train +6529,6530,6530,Cahu adihay hu ku nananamen,not yet there is still a lot to learn,test +6530,6531,6531,Mapakafusay nu misacacakay ku sinafel,the cook put in a little shrimp,train +6531,6532,6532,muecelay,straight,train +6532,6533,6533,pukung satu,soft feet,train +6533,6534,6534,iyu,medicine,train +6534,6535,6535,Karaunih ku papah nu tefus,sugar cane leaves are full of caterpillars,train +6535,6536,6536,hu yu i rarum macayu kinatireng aku lina ama,Dad Mom I am going to be sad,train +6536,6537,6537,misungila,Maintenance Compendium,train +6537,6538,6538,matama itu,and had the answer,train +6538,6539,6539,kamu u malatapangay i ka u mu^celay atu malalenay ku dmak namu tu saki kuli aka kafukil Halu amu a ira i kakarayan ku Tapang,Masters provide your slaves with what is right and fair because you know that you also have a master in heaven,train +6539,6540,6540,Nikawrira kararid kisu a maimer tu ninanaman atu nipasulinan isu a sulin Mafana kisu tu nika cima ku singsi isu,but as for you continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of because you know those from whom you learned it,test +6540,6541,6541,hayi saharaharateng tu kaku,I started thinking,train +6541,6542,6542,ira ku kafanʼaan ira tu na tayni i siyakay mimaan san kaku,I think they will be able to understand manners when they go out into the world,train +6542,6543,6543,mahaen milulud mahelup a micumud i laying,just roll it up and suck it in,train +6543,6544,6544,mala hiya,be that,train +6544,6545,6545,cay pimaan i katayalan kaku i,when I am at work and nothings going on,train +6545,6546,6546,pina ku kuku nu kalang,how many legs does a crab have,train +6546,6547,6547,u maan kuna katangican nura wawa tengil han,why is this kid so sad because I do not understand,train +6547,6548,6548,kuhepicay,thin,train +6548,6549,6549,kapakapah,great,train +6549,6550,6550,mitiʼtiʼ micikcik tu,some of them are in Cut,test +6550,6551,6551,saka mihaen nu kayakay,to make the bridge so elastic,train +6551,6552,6552,satiraw,over there,train +6552,6553,6553,i tiyatu i,before,train +6553,6554,6554,ci Canglah Kaynga kaku mu^etepay ku mihecaan aku,my name is Canglah Kaynga and I am years old,train +6554,6555,6555,o mafanaay cingra,he is the one who knows the most,train +6555,6556,6556,caay ka kahi kaku kumaen tu tali,I am very reluctant to eat taro,train +6556,6557,6557,nengnengen caay kaku kalasung sa mi haw,look at me not drunk bouncing on one foot,train +6557,6558,6558,miahengmilada,ask,train +6558,6559,6559,situ satu kaku,teach students to knit too,train +6559,6560,6560,maharek,do a good job,test +6560,6561,6561,cacahanen cacahan u kafi nira kasuʼ kaenen,make it into soup,train +6561,6562,6562,licayen,ask,train +6562,6563,6563,u sababaay niyam i maliayaway tu,the youngest of us will go first,train +6563,6564,6564,sasirawen,pickle,train +6564,6565,6565,kakitaan,Chieftains nobles,train +6565,6566,6566,tu mahaenay kunu pakaenay tu rarapa,that is what they do in the summer when they are herding cattle,train +6566,6567,6567,lepun satu nangra tuna tusa pulu miheca haw,after years,train +6567,6568,6568,matatudung kisu cifuduy turaan,you fit into that dress very well,train +6568,6569,6569,Hayda misakalahuk kaku,Okay I will make lunch,train +6569,6570,6570,aray,thank,test +6570,6571,6571,tulu kaysing ku nikaenan nu maku a fadukus,I had three bowls of groundnut soup,train +6571,6572,6572,valud,bundle,train +6572,6573,6573,u ruma satu saka tulu satu haw i,and the third point,train +6573,6574,6574,pateli han tu kiya navi i,put the pot there,train +6574,6575,6575,Mafanaay kamu paini ku Kawas tu mikumi saka mapaturud kaku tu ccay a tayal tu sakangaay namu,surely you have heard about the administration of Gods grace that was given to me for you,train +6575,6576,6576,omaan tu kika taangayan nuna faliyus saan kiya mama takunan,dad said What kind of typhoon is this,train +6576,6577,6577,misarahteng tu nikasevek nu nikawumahan nu mita,we have a big harvest so we are celebrating,train +6577,6578,6578,Pasuwalen Aku kisu kalumuwad Alaentu ku kafutian isu a minukay i luma isu han ningra,I tell you get up take your mat and go home,train +6578,6579,6579,nengneng han nira kuni niyaru,they saw this tribe,train +6579,6580,6580,ina na,the one who is mom,test +6580,6581,6581,mahadak kuni hana i tumeliay,the flowers are white,train +6581,6582,6582,Tuemanaytu minukaytu kaku,it is late I am going home,train +6582,6583,6583,yu rumakat ci Yis i lalan i maaraw ningra ku nai kahufucanhu a mapuhaway,as he went along he saw a man blind from birth,train +6583,6584,6584,i ka ilisinan a tayni kisu da,then come during our Harvest Festival,train +6584,6585,6585,licayen,ask to see,train +6585,6586,6586,madenga nu tataakay a adada ciira,he was infected with a very serious disease,train +6586,6587,6587,itini tu i Kalingku,in Hualien,train +6587,6588,6588,ira tu ku salikaka niyam tahanini marikec kami a malikaka,we are blood brothers and we will stick together,train +6588,6589,6589,Pacauf sa ci Yuhani Kamu u tusaay ku riku i paflien ku awaay ku riku a tamdaw Kamu u iraay ku kakaenen i haenen ku dmak namu a mipafli han ningra,John answered The man with two tunics should share with him who has none and the one who has food should do the same,train +6589,6590,6590,ira tu madadicu tukura paniyaruʼan a maemin,the tribe is now full,test +6590,6591,6591,tanamem kiya na,why do not you try the other one,train +6591,6592,6592,falu han kakumaen,take eight,train +6592,6593,6593,malahad mengaw,growth,train +6593,6594,6594,tiraan u langaw sananay,the ones that germinate on their own,train +6594,6595,6595,nu kufa itiya i,I am just about to make my mark,train +6595,6596,6596,cipaycipayciay atamdaw haw i,those who have money,train +6596,6597,6597,matuduhay,burned,train +6597,6598,6598,kaemeday tu ku aca saan ku suwal nu tawki cuwa tu kangaay a luwanen,but the boss said that it is already very cheap and cannot be reduced any further,train +6598,6599,6599,mikasuy tu alaway sa i,what is the meaning of chopping wood,train +6599,6600,6600,malutimulan tu,I am heading south,test +6600,6601,6601,ngaʼay kina kifetul nirakifetulay tatuiyaca tumiming,is this thickness okay is it too thick split it up,train +6601,6602,6602,para,buttocks,train +6602,6603,6603,o rupay tu nu piunipan,the field where the seedlings were planted is pretty flat now,train +6603,6604,6604,matira ku nu maku a mifana,I have had experience with this,train +6604,6605,6605,ey haen satu,that is it you see,train +6605,6606,6606,ruma miheca miseking haw tu nu singciw haw,next year you are going to get your captains license,train +6606,6607,6607,aririden isu kami,you have to lead us,train +6607,6608,6608,Mitatuy cingra tu niclakan a mamangay a nanu maluluday a cudad Miripa tu riyar ku kawanan a waay ningra Miripa tu sra ku kawili a waay ningra,he was holding a little scroll which lay open in his hand he planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land,train +6608,6609,6609,Kamaru,please sit down,train +6609,6610,6610,cimaciay,urban,test +6610,6611,6611,suedakuli,ice,train +6611,6612,6612,mapulin cingra tu pikiliman aca nira makunkun itini i kilakilangan,he fell when he was searching falling down from the tree,train +6612,6613,6613,kelikelit han nira,we all put each other,train +6613,6614,6614,misanga tu tu cikikayyay a tipay,making organic rafts,train +6614,6615,6615,hatira,that is it,train +6615,6616,6616,Awaay o sasumuwal kisu i cingraan Pisakalafihu tu sakalafi aku Kacisafaked a matayal tu saki takuwanan tangasa i kahrekan nu maku a kumaen Ta itiyatu kisu a kumaen u sasaan kisu,would he not rather say Prepare my supper get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink after that you may eat and drink,train +6616,6617,6617,adada ku suwal ni kaka nira sa laliwan nu maku,his brother spoke very harshly so I ran away,train +6617,6618,6618,micakay kaku tu epah ira itini i tamuwan haw,I am looking for rice wine do you have any rice wine,train +6618,6619,6619,u vavainay ku mikikayay,the men use foot strippers,train +6619,6620,6620,o sapiadup namu a talakal iraay ku kapaysinan haw,do you have any taboos about hunting weapons,test +6620,6621,6621,ku kamuʼkal takarakaraway,tall and stout,train +6621,6622,6622,sanay hatiraay,that is how it was in our moms day,train +6622,6623,6623,o maefecay ku nafalucuan nu niyaru nu mita,what our tribe wants is being stopped,train +6623,6624,6624,sapakaen tu matuasay tu vinawlan,we must honor our countrymen and women,train +6624,6625,6625,karanikay,swift,train +6625,6626,6626,runang,muddy pond,train +6626,6627,6627,mimaan u awaay saan,how is it possible that you did not come as you say,train +6627,6628,6628,tira masidayay a tamdaw,the lost and the missing,train +6628,6629,6629,matngil niyam kunini a suwal i lalangen niyam atu i tiraay a salikaka ci Pawlu tu saka^caaw ka tayra ningra i Yirusalim,when we heard this we and the people there pleaded with Paul not to go up to Jerusalem,train +6629,6630,6630,mipadang tu ina,I will help mom,test +6630,6631,6631,cacudaden,writing,train +6631,6632,6632,singsi u manan ku nanengnengen nu mita a talatukus,Teacher what are we going to see in the mountains,train +6632,6633,6633,Mafana kaku tu laluk nu falucu namu Nai rumahu a mihca a mipatala ku i Akayaay a mituuray han aku a sumuwal a pasneng ku i Makituniyaay a tamdaw tu dmak namu onini a laluk namu ku sakangiyangi nu falucu nu alumanay itira,for I know your eagerness to help and I have been boasting about it to the Macedonians telling them that since last year you in Achaia were ready to give and your enthusiasm has stirred most of them to action,train +6633,6634,6634,u nian u depi haw misu saharateng,it is up to you to decide,train +6634,6635,6635,awai ku paherekan awai ku tulas,there is no end to learning,train +6635,6636,6636,kaku mala tumuk tahira,I was in charge from to,train +6636,6637,6637,caay urumaay a fulahata kiraan,No maybe it is a different kind it looks different,train +6637,6638,6638,patikiriay,sing in tandem,train +6638,6639,6639,saka tusa tulu satu a rumiʼad minukay heca,I stayed in the mountains for two nights and had to go home again,train +6639,6640,6640,pasidsid,one by one I am missing out,test +6640,6641,6641,Masiruma tu ku urip imatini ina haw matini atu i ayaway,think of the past and how life has changed,train +6641,6642,6642,nu tireng,the Spirit of God has blessed us all,train +6642,6643,6643,tada u kasumadan ira ku pakapapiliyasay i takuwanan tunini a hkal a dmak o airaira aca ku matiniay a dmak nikawrira u cacilafu kuya paci^ci sanay a misawi a tamdaw,Woe to the world because of the things that because people to sin such things must come but Woe to the man through whom they come,train +6643,6644,6644,hay u kura ta i ayaw u han niyam pangangan anu han kenu mafukil kaku,before the Yongfu tribe it was called Shao Bei I am not sure what it means,train +6644,6645,6645,fi kita,let us eat dinner,train +6645,6646,6646,iray matira ku mimaanay,it will not hurt,train +6646,6647,6647,nu Recurd,almost,train +6647,6648,6648,fukelukeluhan,stone pile,train +6648,6649,6649,Misaicel kaku a micudad,I am going to study hard,train +6649,6650,6650,ayu hani maraay rumakat rakat sa pasietip sa kaku kira,Ouch it is a long way to go I have been walking west,test +6650,6651,6651,maukak,thin,train +6651,6652,6652,anu caka haenen u manan ku kakaenen nu kaemangay,you have to work hard for your family,train +6652,6653,6653,mahemak kaku nihining kaku tu wawa,I admire the kids now,train +6653,6654,6654,ya micinahan ita inacila hai,is that the fish we marinated yesterday Yes it is,train +6654,6655,6655,o miefecay a ma^min ku matuasay i pipanayan,all the old people at the place where the rice is cut tie their heads with towels,train +6655,6656,6656,pavana ku misataday i tumuk anu papina ku tamdaw herek sa mipadaesu ku tumuk pakalemed tu sapiseveng tu niyar ua demak i tuheniyan,after the last person in the age group reports the number of people to the headman the headman prays for them and asks God to bless them with health and happiness,train +6656,6657,6657,lima miheca ku,it will take five years,train +6657,6658,6658,sa sasepat ku wawa isu hay hay,you have four children Yes four children,train +6658,6659,6659,ci Fayan kaku pacelem patingwa ngaay hu ku palu nu luma han,it is Fayan you are calling early how have you been,train +6659,6660,6660,Kirami adihay ku faliyus,However there are many typhoons,test +6660,6661,6661,tayrayra sera itra i,that place,train +6661,6662,6662,anu ciwawaay kisu ngitangiten ku Kawas tu Fangcalay saucur padama tisuwanan maulah a mirikec tu wawa au cuwa ka maketer a misetiˈ tu wawa,if you have children ask God to give you the Holy Spirit to help you discipline your children in love rather than in anger,train +6662,6663,6663,Misaicel kaku a mitilid,I am going to study hard,train +6663,6664,6664,manengneng niya Taywan kuya matuasay tiya mialaan nira makalat ku kamay nira,the Taiwanese saw the old man his hand was bitten,train +6664,6665,6665,anu cifafahiyay tu ku salikaka nu maku hay,we will help each other,train +6665,6666,6666,alatek caay katama i falucu nangra kura kamaruʼan nangra kiya sa kaku miharateng,I wonder if they live in places that do not live up to their ideals,train +6666,6667,6667,o riku tu u kucu tu u kucuseta,Clothes shoes and socks available,train +6667,6668,6668,o mararamuday kami,we are mates married,train +6668,6669,6669,Micuraf ku ringu nu fiyaw niyam a tayni i tamiyanan,our neighbors fire burned down to us,train +6669,6670,6670,kita i sanu Pangcahay i Taynan sanay sa,sharing in Tainan in your own language,test +6670,6671,6671,atu pida sa kenu hakiya kiraan,and coins to see if they have been offered,train +6671,6672,6672,maemin malepun tuna tatulu kaʼayaw ku kaulahan nira i,what if he likes the first three,train +6672,6673,6673,matuka,lazy,train +6673,6674,6674,malatumuk satu kaku itini tu fuladfuladan,I will be the chief,train +6674,6675,6675,maeduxay,strawberries have been picked,train +6675,6676,6676,u lusilan a vuting awaay tu anini,there is no more fish like Taiwans bitter Blossom,train +6676,6677,6677,tu remiremiʼad kiyami haw,on a daily basis,train +6677,6678,6678,pakayni sapilasilaw tu Hungti Kitakit pakafitan niyam i tireng ku mitilidan a paya masalayalay rumakat i niyaruˈ,in order to proclaim the Kingdom we would hang placards on our bodies and parade through the city,train +6678,6679,6679,taruh han kuni capecec han kuni,this one pulls it over this one flattens it,train +6679,6680,6680,mala Imengay,police officer,test +6680,6681,6681,anu,either one or the other,train +6681,6682,6682,Sainanengay nu maku a situ ci Kingciyang,Kingciyang is my most serious student,train +6682,6683,6683,Saka tayra satu cangra i pirufuan a misangaangaay a pasuwal ta krid han tu nangra cangra a papiliyas tuya niyaru,they came to appease them and escorted them from the prison requesting them to leave the city,train +6683,6684,6684,hatira ca ku kimad aku,this is the story of my life thank you,train +6684,6685,6685,milalang cangra tu nipipatnak niyam tu sapaurip a suwal nu Kawas i ruma a finacadan mahaen ku nika rarid nangra a mitaring tu raraw nangra Saka caaytu ka samadah ku kter nu Kawas a pasayra i cangraan a tahadauc,in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved in this way they always heap up their sins to the limit the wrath of God has come upon them at last,train +6685,6686,6686,iraay ku utufay isu haw,do you have a motorcycle,train +6686,6687,6687,Ramuten ku suwal nira,take what he has to say,train +6687,6688,6688,mamilicay tisuwan tu nanuemangan,I would like to interview you since you were a child,train +6688,6689,6689,rarikurikur,senior,train +6689,6690,6690,Midipdip ci Mayaw tu picudad nu wawa nira i picudadan,Mayaw went to peek at his children schooling,test +6690,6691,6691,nika rarum maku tu nipimelaw,there is also some concern,train +6691,6692,6692,mahaenay ku caciyaw nu Amis saan,that is what they say in Amish,train +6692,6693,6693,tangasa ku heni a i luma i,father and son just arrived home,train +6693,6694,6694,fanul,feral pigeon,train +6694,6695,6695,o paˈuripay ci Yis atu sakakaay a saysi samaanay paˈicel tu nika pakasuˈlin ita tu sidaˈit nu Kawas,how does knowing that Jesus is our Savior and high priest make us more sure of Gods mercy,train +6695,6696,6696,ta mafana milecad ku alumanay tura ngiha isu,so people will sing along with you,train +6696,6697,6697,Talud ku nian ngaʼayay tu,this herb is very good,train +6697,6698,6698,kamu u mama atu ina i aka pakakteren ku wawa namu ka u nanu Tapang a pasifana atu palimuut ku sapalatamdaw i cangraan,Fathers do not exasperate your children instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord,train +6698,6699,6699,tira,then,train +6699,6700,6700,mihemihca,each year,test +6700,6701,6701,u man sanay ku ta tudung nura,what does it stand for,train +6701,6702,6702,tahira i rumiˈad ni Nuwa adihayay miedefay ku mariˈangay a demak icuwacuwa,in fact in the days of Noah atrocities were committed throughout the land,train +6702,6703,6703,han nu hulan hay hay,made from flour sacks Yes,train +6703,6704,6704,mapaluwadtu,Revitalized revived,train +6704,6705,6705,Inaaw haya amaaw sululen kaku lina,Mom Father make me whole,train +6705,6706,6706,u lemed aku kunian,in my dreams,train +6706,6707,6707,hay si Futul si Futul hay,I am just trying to get through the day Yes Fukudoji,train +6707,6708,6708,itini i itiraw i,in our part of the world,train +6708,6709,6709,u urang u maan aca,what else is there besides lobster,train +6709,6710,6710,matngil nu i tiraay i Yirusalim a kiwkay kunini a dmak saka ucur han nangra ci Parnapas a patayra i Antiyuk,news of this reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem and they sent Barnabas to Antioch,test +6710,6711,6711,misaturun kami anudafak,tomorrow we will make mocha,train +6711,6712,6712,hay caay kuheci kuranan,Yeah is not that fish,train +6712,6713,6713,mialaan hu niyam ku demak nu malitengay,we still live according to the customs of our ancestors,train +6713,6714,6714,sapisanga tu waneng,sugar making Yes,train +6714,6715,6715,Cima^ ci Kulas,who is Kolas,train +6715,6716,6716,anu iraay ku wawa ira,if he has children,train +6716,6717,6717,anu tusa i,if it is two people,train +6717,6718,6718,miaca kaku tu cecay kupu,I want to buy a cup,train +6718,6719,6719,adihayen ku nikaenan adihayay hu ini,enjoy yourself there are plenty here,train +6719,6720,6720,henu sanay,it will sink in,test +6720,6721,6721,marengreng,participation in adult running ceremony,train +6721,6722,6722,u rama tamdaw ya suwal aku huni,there is a kind of person like I just said,train +6722,6723,6723,anu a itira i Singcuwan tayra kaku i Tanfun Taysan,if I go to Xinzhuang I will also go to Danfeng and Taishan,train +6723,6724,6724,ngaʼay parikec a ira mimisa cangra,Instead we can bring them together at Mass,train +6724,6725,6725,anu malingatu tina lisinan u maan ku sapatata tu sapaini hakiya,do you have to prepare a lot before the festival,train +6725,6726,6726,mahaenay ku tayal nu niyam itiyahu,that is what we were doing,train +6726,6727,6727,hekal,global,train +6727,6728,6728,Ciwidian,Sealy,train +6728,6729,6729,hen,Please,train +6729,6730,6730,adihay,that is a lot a lot a lot,test +6730,6731,6731,i tiya hu tura matuʼasay saka,these elderly people in the early days,train +6731,6732,6732,citanengay,it is smart,train +6732,6733,6733,ruma mihecaan haw i makapah ku demak,you will be fine the next year,train +6733,6734,6734,Malutlut nu paliding ku nipalumaan niyam a tefus,the sugar cane plants we planted are crushed by a vehicle,train +6734,6735,6735,papisukadien,trample,train +6735,6736,6736,ura niyaru kinanuka hananay na icuwaay ku kura niyaru nu kinanuka,that is where the tribes roots are,train +6736,6737,6737,suelin miuuk sa ku ayam manengneng nira hay uya tayal aku saan lumuwad tu cingra a tayni i umah nira,when chickens crowed he thought ah my work and he got up and went to his farm,train +6737,6738,6738,misamaanay hanu sakahecadaw kisu ci Martaan pakasuˈlin tu mamiliyaw a maˈurip ku mapatayay,But like Martha are you sure that dead friends and relatives will come back to life in the future,train +6738,6739,6739,tatiʼih ku waʼay aku,my feet do not feel good,train +6739,6740,6740,enem ku tuki kima a malingad tu dafak,we leave at six of the clock in the morning,test +6740,6741,6741,awaay hu ku kikay u sapipamatang,there is no machine to plow the fields yet,train +6741,6742,6742,ta mafana ku,that is why,train +6742,6743,6743,caay maamaani u nipateli hananay,there is nothing to dispose of it is just a placeholder,train +6743,6744,6744,o miraraay ca ina aku i pala anini a rumiad,today my mother and her family went to the field to pick red beans,train +6744,6745,6745,aluman ku widang aku,I have a lot of friends,train +6745,6746,6746,sa hiyasahu fangcal,it is starting to look good,train +6746,6747,6747,mifukeluh,pick up stones,train +6747,6748,6748,pakawarakay,toxic,train +6748,6749,6749,Naitini yari ku luma nira,his hometown,train +6749,6750,6750,lima celed ku niketusan nu ina aku tu hafay anini,my mom harvested five bunches of millet today,test +6750,6751,6751,miliceka cira anini,he is picking a fight now,train +6751,6752,6752,maairic,mincing,train +6752,6753,6753,Pacauf asa cingra i laluma Aka pakalifut i takuwanan Madeftu ku fawahan Mafutitu kami atu wawa aku i kafutian saka caay ka ngaay kaku a lumuwad a pafli i tisuwanan wasa cingra,Then the one inside answers Do not bother me the door is already locked and my children are with me in bed I cannot get up and give you anything,train +6753,6754,6754,14 o paputal aca nu tamdaw ku minengnengan isu Han,pages do you judge people by their appearance,train +6754,6755,6755,a itini kamu milikilid tini tu itini a mihiya iri,you all do everything in this place,train +6755,6756,6756,tahira ira hu ku kilang,until the trees grow up,train +6756,6757,6757,macedas saka malakalikiday ku nanum,the water has become very turbulent due to flooding,train +6757,6758,6758,salungan,Nice beautiful,train +6758,6759,6759,micakay kita tu impic haw,let us go buy a pen shall we,train +6759,6760,6760,nani fufuay tu wawa,Hey it is from grand moms kid Ha,test +6760,6761,6761,itiya malinah kami tala Kangcang i,I was years old and I was in labor,train +6761,6762,6762,Kungkung han ningra ku sadef nu fawahan i sadak sa ci Ruta hananay a matayalay a fafahiyan a tayra a mitngil,Peter knocked at the outer entrance and a servant girl named Rhoda came to answer the door,train +6762,6763,6763,tu nika,nevertheless,train +6763,6764,6764,Cialilis i paayaman nu niyam i dafak,in the morning there were eagles in our henhouse,train +6764,6765,6765,fangcal ku rumiad tuya pipahanhanan,it will be sunny on the weekend,train +6765,6766,6766,a micumud itini Eʼtulan,return to Duran,train +6766,6767,6767,Kuwaden ku hemut nu misu miliyas hu miasik kaku,get your ass up and out of the way I am sweeping,train +6767,6768,6768,Nanuya cahu ka halafin i ira ku nai waliay pakaamisay hananay a tataangay a faliyus a pakayni i hadhad a matfu i riyar,before very long a wind of hurricane force called the northeaster swept down from the island,train +6768,6769,6769,Fahekaˈay kaku milumal ku salikaka ci Pulayse tuniya demak i matawaay ku pising,I was surprised to see brother Hughes remembering this with a smile on his face,train +6769,6770,6770,ta itira tu nika pimamaan nu falucu nu finawlan ku malatumukay a saan,it is the godfather of the tribal people,test +6770,6771,6771,halikamaya,I really like hairy persimmons,train +6771,6772,6772,awaay ku usaw nu matuʼasay milimuʼut,of course the old mans exhortations are not far behind,train +6772,6773,6773,Haydaw Sausien hu aku,Okay I will count it first,train +6773,6774,6774,hai misalama,Yeah go play,train +6774,6775,6775,Mataliftu ku tulu a fulad itiya Saka dakaw satu kami tu nanitiraay i Aliksantriya tu kasi^nawan a lunan a lumuwad o Maapiay a kawas saan ku ngangan nunini a lunan,after three months we put out to sea in a ship that had wintered in the island it was an Alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin gods Castor and Pollux,train +6775,6776,6776,caay tu kahecal,it is different,train +6776,6777,6777,ta ya dafak satu maherek tu pakaen i ya dafak maratal pahiwa tu tu kapah u mama nu kapah pahiwa tu Fangcalay tamdaw atu tatiihay a tamdaw,after the morning meal offering very early in the morning the fatherly man comes to give prizes to the good and the unruly young people,train +6777,6778,6778,cicengu,sprouting,train +6778,6779,6779,pafeli,hand over,train +6779,6780,6780,itira tu kaku afangcal tu ku pifuting,there is some good fishing there,test +6780,6781,6781,o Amis Tayan Paywan Punung Lukay Piwma Tau Saysiyak Taruku Cu Kafalan Sakilaya Secik atu Saw,the Amis Atayal Paiwan Bunun Rukai Penan Yami Saisiat Taroko Tsou Kavalan Sakia Sedek and Thao,train +6781,6782,6782,u mama aka ku ci patyiliay i,only dad has a battery,train +6782,6783,6783,faecal palumaen a misasapal,and easy to grow,train +6783,6784,6784,ci Kulas kisu hay,are you Kolas,train +6784,6785,6785,pacafay tiya caay kararum ku,grief is eased by companionship,train +6785,6786,6786,maleka,each,train +6786,6787,6787,sacipaʼcipaʼ sanay kura lengaw nira sa kacipaʼay sanay hai matama kura suwal tura,ginger grows randomly in the tuber when it is long and it is called it,train +6787,6788,6788,misakasiay,candy making,train +6788,6789,6789,tafayar,giant elephants ear,train +6789,6790,6790,mifakic tu nanum i u sasuʼut paetang,water is picked with ropes buckets,test +6790,6791,6791,anu miciw tu ku nipikumu haw,if the slingshot is already accurate,train +6791,6792,6792,Taringen ita i kakarayan ku malu dafung,let us pile up our treasures in heaven,train +6792,6793,6793,Aluman,terrific,train +6793,6794,6794,Wawaaw aka ka u nguyus aca atu suwal ku nipiulah namu tu tamdaw ka u sulinay a falucu atu ngaayay a dmak ku nipiulah namu,dear children let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth,train +6794,6795,6795,awa ku limaw aku mitukung kaku tu facidul malu sakalafi,I do not have time I am going to pick breadfruit for dinner,train +6795,6796,6796,mafana midiput,very good at taking care of you,train +6796,6797,6797,wa kunini,this was unintentionally omitted,train +6797,6798,6798,caluwayan,metro,train +6798,6799,6799,o finawlan satu nu Pangcah anini anu mafalifalic tu ku mikumuday tu finawlan nikawrira pinangan a lekakawa nu finawlan ira hu ku pinapina pinasiday,Nowadays although the Amis society has changed to village and Township governance the original social organization system still exists to a greater or lesser extent,train +6799,6800,6800,a tayira i niyaru nu Rinahem,come to the Shoufeng tribe,test +6800,6801,6801,caaytu ka sumuwal kaku tu ruma a sasuwalen deng u nilahcian ni Kristu pakayni i takuwanan a papituur tu ruma a finacadan i Kawas ku sasuwalen aku o sakapilahci ni Kristu tunini i,I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done,train +6801,6802,6802,pasifanaen tunu,they sent an accountant to teach me,train +6802,6803,6803,remes,blood,train +6803,6804,6804,acek,hated,train +6804,6805,6805,Ocuren nu mauripay a wama Kaku cingra ku tatapangan nu urip Aku malcad tunini u kumaenay takuwanan i kaku ku tatapangan nu urip ningra,just as the living father sent me and I live because of the Father so the one who feeds on me will live because of me,train +6805,6806,6806,mililisay tu tukus,along the mountains,train +6806,6807,6807,tanamay,try it,train +6807,6808,6808,a maharekay tu,the cover is finished,train +6808,6809,6809,ofangen itini,there is a hole in it,train +6809,6810,6810,uya tu kuranan u tuʼemanay tu,that is it it is getting dark,test +6810,6811,6811,maherek ku sincya i mifetik tu kaku,when the believers are ready I will start playing the wine and praying,train +6811,6812,6812,han tu nira a mihiya may pateki,tap this stone with your walking stick,train +6812,6813,6813,haan sanay tu ku mihicayay,so much for catching fish fry,train +6813,6814,6814,saʼusian ningra kura uhung,he then put the math text,train +6814,6815,6815,lipahak ku saluafang aku tu Pauripay takuwanan a Kawas,and my Spirit rejoices in God my Savior,train +6815,6816,6816,yu ccay a rumiad mihaklung ku alumanay a finawlan i ci Yisan a rumakat Saka pasayra sa ci Yis i cangraan a sumuwal,large crowds were traveling with Jesus and turning to them he said,train +6816,6817,6817,cudaden,write it down,train +6817,6818,6818,utupay,motorcycle,train +6818,6819,6819,nu matuʼasay tiyahu tu cahung,in the old thatched roof of the old mans house,train +6819,6820,6820,Mafanaay kaku a kuliciw,I can ride a bicycle,test +6820,6821,6821,malafufu,becoming a grandmother,train +6821,6822,6822,kasarayaray,line up,train +6822,6823,6823,iniyan ku kapah caʼay tu pisaʼusi kami tu matuʼasay,Nowadays the younger generation does not reject their elders anymore,train +6823,6824,6824,o maan kinianay,what is the allusion,train +6824,6825,6825,anu paihekal kita tu manunuˈ falucuˈ u lalipahak a macacawmaˈ kita,in fact if we really care about our guests we can make each other happy,train +6825,6826,6826,aciyus,hairspring,train +6826,6827,6827,Talacuwa^ ci Kacaw,where is Kacaw going,train +6827,6828,6828,emin han a miala,take it all,train +6828,6829,6829,mihalaka,programs,train +6829,6830,6830,pateli maherek tu,it is done,test +6830,6831,6831,mifuheci,peel,train +6831,6832,6832,matira haw i una kapah nu niyaru i tiya hu,the young men of the tribe in those days,train +6832,6833,6833,anu ira ku mipakukutay tu dmak isu a pacakat i pilaucan i ayaw nu nika liclic namu i kilimen ku sakangangaay namu a malaliay anu caay haenen isu i latek tengtengen ningra kisu a patayra i misawkitay ta paturuden nu misawkitay kisu i mirufuay ta rufuen ningra kisu,as you are going with your adversary to the magistrate try hard to be reconciled to him on the way or he may drag you off to the judge and the judge turn you over to the officer and the officer throw you into prison,train +6833,6834,6834,i ira kiyana misakilangay a tamdaw,there is a reforested,train +6834,6835,6835,urip tu ku saan,there are also,train +6835,6836,6836,u uway si kaku u sapi,I thought it was yellow vine to be,train +6836,6837,6837,u suwal nu singsi takuwanan i,my teacher told me,train +6837,6838,6838,anini satu hineing han matiniay,I see the water now,train +6838,6839,6839,Mafangafang ku i lumaay tu tayal nu umah,the family is busy in the fields,train +6839,6840,6840,icuwa ku niyaru nu misu,where are you from,test +6840,6841,6841,hay nani tiray i Farangaw kadafu sanay tu kisu,so you married out of the Malan tribe Yes,train +6841,6842,6842,ikur tu haw i mafana tu kaku tu tireng nu niyah u Amis u tadamaanay u micidekay u kalitaangan tu kunini,the more I know the more I feel that being a Amis is unique and something to be proud of,train +6842,6843,6843,Nanay caay ka citulas ku pikuwan nu Kawas Amin,to him be the power for ever and ever Amen,train +6843,6844,6844,saan kiya Sinpu,the priest said this,train +6844,6845,6845,nanitira i tukus urungen kura kilang,it is hard to carry it back from the mountains,train +6845,6846,6846,Sakatulu mikalic tu kakayaay a dudang caayay kalecad ku kahiceraan,Secondly the places reached by the rectangular wooden mortar are also different,train +6846,6847,6847,u niyan tu ngaʼangaʼayay a fulad ku niya,I will pick the lucky days,train +6847,6848,6848,Hai u Amis kami,Yes we are aboriginals,train +6848,6849,6849,Mifarasi ci hana tu nipalumaan nira a hana,Hana watered the flowers she planted,train +6849,6850,6850,mihimaw,take care of,test +6850,6851,6851,tu tireng aku lina,I am going to lose my life,train +6851,6852,6852,takawan ni vaki aku,my grandfather sold it,train +6852,6853,6853,o picangrayan nu mita ku ina atu mama,father and mother are our support,train +6853,6854,6854,pitu ira ku tusa,seventy two,train +6854,6855,6855,atek mafaretikay matefad,may be dropped as a result,train +6855,6856,6856,milicay kaku ngaay a heduten aku a misasink haw Ngaay caluway a matidid,can I record the video it will be easier to record in the future,train +6856,6857,6857,akung han nuya wawa ci Mayaw a mipuhay,the child called out to Mayaw as Grandpa,train +6857,6858,6858,tingting,amnesia,train +6858,6859,6859,mala tu ha ha ha ha,five years and you are an alcoholic ha ha ha ha,train +6859,6860,6860,tayni i mangaʼayay tu sa ku malitengay,it is good to have a senior here,test +6860,6861,6861,o papiharateng nira i takuwanan tu suelinay a demak kunini,what he is doing is making me consider what I really ought to do,train +6861,6862,6862,anu Hulamhulam tu mamaan,it is okay if it is a pop song,train +6862,6863,6863,pacicisan kami a milihay,we are still going to Sunday service,train +6863,6864,6864,maledef nu nanum ku umah niyam,our fields were filled with water,train +6864,6865,6865,aka tusa hu ku mihecaan aku,when I was two,train +6865,6866,6866,malakaying kaku i ayaw,when I was young,train +6866,6867,6867,u wawa tu ku ucuren nu matuʼasay,that is when the adults entrust the children,train +6867,6868,6868,sisa caay kalecalecad ku nitengilan nu mita,so we are not hearing the same thing,train +6868,6869,6869,Owah u wawa aku sakakaay,it is my oldest child,train +6869,6870,6870,malifetay,experience,test +6870,6871,6871,anu ira ku cifainayay a salikaka tu caayhu pipasulin ci Kristuan i anu maulah kuya fainay a cicafay tu fafahi ningra i aka piliyas tuya fainay,and if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her she must not divorce him,train +6871,6872,6872,o nikatengil aku mataneng ku fana isu tu rayray nu Pangcah saka mangalay kaku a mitengil i tisuwanan,I heard that you know a lot about the traditional customs of the Amis and I would like to ask you something,train +6872,6873,6873,satu ku imengimeng hiwawa ha ha ha ha,police officer you are so happy you are forgetting yourself ha ha ha ha,train +6873,6874,6874,mifaliwan a paluma tu kusuy,mowing lemongrass,train +6874,6875,6875,paalepaden,pursue something Troops,train +6875,6876,6876,hanen naku ku paliayaw ku suwal nengnengen kuna mamay aku,I am going to say this right up front look at my hand,train +6876,6877,6877,samaanen a mifalic ta fangcal ira ku hananay kiya,what changes are needed to move the industry forward,train +6877,6878,6878,hay makaʼen nu cilahhay caʼay kasanek ku siraw sa,that way the salt will penetrate it will not smell,train +6878,6879,6879,matelii kaku a mitengil tu suwal nira,I am outraged to hear what he said,train +6879,6880,6880,hay eli haw,is it thatch,test +6880,6881,6881,Taluma sa i niyaru kilacen niyam ku tama a pavatis tu lalumaan,when returning to the village share the hunted prey with the tribe,train +6881,6882,6882,mangalay kisu tu kaedahay haw,excuse me do you want it spicy,train +6882,6883,6883,papitefucen,pursue something punishment,train +6883,6884,6884,ngaʼay tu haw,may I,train +6884,6885,6885,anu caay ka lumuwad ci Kristu a maurip nai patay i awatu ku ^puc nu nipipatnak niyam Awatu ku ^puc nu nipitier namu ci Kristuan,and if Christ has not been raised our preaching is useless and so is your faith,train +6885,6886,6886,caay tu piharateng a cipayci tu kaku say,I have forgotten my family when it comes to money,train +6886,6887,6887,pakunirahan tu aku kira,I did not manage to deal with it,train +6887,6888,6888,cahiw,I am hungry,train +6888,6889,6889,tayni cira i sawali,he is come to the shoreline,train +6889,6890,6890,tahira i kakuʼetengan ningra,until he thickens,test +6890,6891,6891,anu ku yu mikuli itiya iri,let us say you make bucks a day,train +6891,6892,6892,nipisaefit,deception,train +6892,6893,6893,awaʼay ku mikuliay awaʼay ku,no staff and no more orders,train +6893,6894,6894,u pukaw nu rarapa,make it a cows neck on a cows neck,train +6894,6895,6895,mirakat tu kura malikakaay,two brothers walking,train +6895,6896,6896,nawhani pakaluwiday tu dmak nu hkal ku wawa nu Kawas a ma^min o nipitier ita tu Kawas ku sapakaluwid ita tu nu hkalan a dmak,for everyone born of God overcomes the world this is the victory that has overcome the world even our faith,train +6896,6897,6897,midakaw,to take a ride,train +6897,6898,6898,nu Recurd,patch,train +6898,6899,6899,nu hiya caay pitengil haw kisu,Just,train +6899,6900,6900,cima hakiya ku mitngilay tu suwal nu Kawas a paculiay i Cingraan caay kuya nikridan ni Musi a pasadak nai Icip a finawlan a ma^min saw,who were they who heard and rebelled were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt,test +6900,6901,6901,deng u payci nu niyam ku awaay tu sapi,I just do not have the money to hire a bulldozer,train +6901,6902,6902,mapatay kina tamdaw itiya,at that time we went to the afterlife,train +6902,6903,6903,ira tu ku misangaʼay nu Taywan saan,some Minnan people are making it,train +6903,6904,6904,panan,doorway,train +6904,6905,6905,cedaah,sigh,train +6905,6906,6906,malapakuyuc itiya hu,life at that time was very difficult,train +6906,6907,6907,sisa u nu Lidaw han tu pavavuy,that is why it is customary to send a pig to Dongchang,train +6907,6908,6908,Pakautupay cingra a micakay tu dateng,she went to the grocery store on a motorcycle,train +6908,6909,6909,Limaaytu ku mihecaan ningra anini,he is five years old,train +6909,6910,6910,o tangal u pulut falud tu hiya uʼasisiw han namu kiya unian haw u,the head and tail of the fish must be tied separately with straw,test +6910,6911,6911,minukay,I am back,train +6911,6912,6912,a pasatahef hanira,add the lid,train +6912,6913,6913,hasapisanga,produce,train +6913,6914,6914,caay kawu matepa,not easy to find,train +6914,6915,6915,awa caka tahacekis cingra away ku mamaanay ningra,there were no accidents,train +6915,6916,6916,paekel han ciira,press him,train +6916,6917,6917,mihumun,family prayer,train +6917,6918,6918,Cu ka pasangal limaay pulu a limuud ku payci,it is not expensive only dollars,train +6918,6919,6919,padungus tu makapatayay,funeral issues,train +6919,6920,6920,mihuka tu falucu,to open the heart become more open minded,test +6920,6921,6921,naira ku mahaenay,there is such a thing,train +6921,6922,6922,aku ku wina aku atu salikaka nu maku,not even mom or the brothers can see it,train +6922,6923,6923,o sapilifukaw tu pihayda nu tau a harateng hanu wa pakidem a mararaw hani,why does the idea of wanting to be recognized become distorted,train +6923,6924,6924,Maulahtu,I like it,train +6924,6925,6925,tayya,tire,train +6925,6926,6926,Macucuk ku falucu nu tamdamdaw a mitngil tunini suwal sa ci Pitiruan atu rumaruma a tarukus Salikakaaw maanen niyam ku dmak ta ngaay saw han nangra,when the people heard this they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles Brothers what shall we do,train +6926,6927,6927,Tatalalutuk kita anini^ hay,are we going to the mountains today,train +6927,6928,6928,a pala i Taytung,the area is Taitung,train +6928,6929,6929,Pakukahemaway tu pawti a mitamurung,Shouldering a sack looks like a light savings,train +6929,6930,6930,kaenen ku nian hay,I am eating this,test +6930,6931,6931,mikamacal,strawberry picking,train +6931,6932,6932,masaʼupu tu ku daysang kakitaan,all the cadre leaders will be assembled,train +6932,6933,6933,caay kakemaen tu pah,no alcohol,train +6933,6934,6934,haenen naku nengnengay ku tayal aku haw,watch me knit and make it,train +6934,6935,6935,duʼeduen nira a malaluk,he will get the job done just the way mom wants it done,train +6935,6936,6936,Saka licayen haca nangra ci Yis Nawiru caay ka ^ca u a i ayaw a tayni ci Iliya saan ku suwal nu pasifanaay tu Rikec saw han nangra,and they asked him Why do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first,train +6936,6937,6937,maan sa mangaʼay hu kaku itini,I do not know because I have got a lot going on,train +6937,6938,6938,mihamham ci ina tu lafang,mom entertained the guests,train +6938,6939,6939,nifariwan,chopped,train +6939,6940,6940,Hayda nunengen tu ku tireng,Alright take care of yourself,test +6940,6941,6941,pamucirid,divert something Skewed,train +6941,6942,6942,anini u mabanaʼay a misanga tu vuvu matuka tu,now I know how to make it but I do not want to make it,train +6942,6943,6943,diheku ku falucu aku a pakatengil tu suwal isu,I hear your words are warm,train +6943,6944,6944,Menek sa kura wawa tu rumiamiad caay ka cinglaw,the child was quiet all day long and did not say a word,train +6944,6945,6945,Sangaay ku harateng aku anini,I feel much better now,train +6945,6946,6946,adihayen ku nikaenan adihayay hu ini,enjoy yourself there is a lot more,train +6946,6947,6947,pakucusitaen,Help put on your socks,train +6947,6948,6948,tier,depend on,train +6948,6949,6949,kafasaw,relaxation,train +6949,6950,6950,sahetu matuʼasay tu sa itira ku mararum ku falucu,it is hard to be an old man,test +6950,6951,6951,mitanengtu,tried it,train +6951,6952,6952,itiya i licayen ni Yis cangra O nima a facu kunini saw O nima a tilid kunini saw han ningra,and he asked them Whose portrait is this and whose inscription,train +6952,6953,6953,mausuy minukay maratar minukay neng han kuya futing matumes itira tadanguyay,no matter how early or late you go back the cages are full of fish,train +6953,6954,6954,palatuh saka wama aku,my father informed me,train +6954,6955,6955,tangasa itini micing kaku i kusiyaw isaw iri,until I graduated from elementary school,train +6955,6956,6956,cima ku mikikakaay isu tu tau sanay tisuwanan saw caay ku nanu nipaflian nu Kawas kuya iraay i tisuwanan a ma^min saw anu hatira i nawiru malataang kisu saw a mipalanutireng tu nanu Kawas a nipaflian,for who makes you different from anyone else what do you have that you did not receive and if you did receive it why do you boast as though you did not,train +6956,6957,6957,ngaʼay kaenen ku ninan,it is edible,train +6957,6958,6958,vahkulen nu heni ku vunga,they threw away the groundnuts,train +6958,6959,6959,talacuwacuwa tu cingra a minukay,I do not know where I am going on the way home,train +6959,6960,6960,awaay tu ku ilisin,I am not doing the Festival anymore,test +6960,6961,6961,Cecay hay ah caay hu kalahuk kamu haw,just one Yes Ahh you guys have not had lunch yet,train +6961,6962,6962,u maan han sa o hana han tu,it is a pattern,train +6962,6963,6963,tayli hananay tu nira peceking nu hatini itini,instead of being so Plugged in,train +6963,6964,6964,hakenu cilangkes saw kura hemay,not necessarily sand in the rice,train +6964,6965,6965,Sailalek sa kisu a mililuc,why do you take so long in the shower,train +6965,6966,6966,pekpek,smash to pieces,train +6966,6967,6967,faduwac,ribs,train +6967,6968,6968,lakulung hananay aku ku falucu,I am working like a man on a mission,train +6968,6969,6969,Kaesu ku kafi nu futing anu pacamulen tu adiyam,fish soup is especially good if you add some ginger,train +6969,6970,6970,tanuulah saan a miriri ca Saumah i umah,Saomah and the others enjoyed catching grasshoppers in the field,test +6970,6971,6971,cira mahaen tuway,burial of the bodies of the deceased,train +6971,6972,6972,Tadaarenim ku pipatenas ni kaka tu sinafel,too much vinegar in my sisters dish is too acidic,train +6972,6973,6973,iki kaku matamaaca nu falucu nu misu kaku saan ira ku lalicay nangra tatusa tu pinukay nangra,I am glad you saw me we talked to each other on the way back,train +6973,6974,6974,matini ini kami adawang,we are at the dance floor,train +6974,6975,6975,karuhem,mellow,train +6975,6976,6976,kumaing,soft,train +6976,6977,6977,kaenen,edible,train +6977,6978,6978,ira haca ku ccay a nisawawaan a pasuwal ci Yisan Tapangaw papinukayenhu kaku a papitadem tu mama aku han ningra,another disciple said to him Lord first let me go and bury my father,train +6978,6979,6979,10 o mifulesakay a tinakuan u sapaluma atu sera mitaypiyaway tu maanan hani,what do the seed and the soil represent in the parable of the sower,train +6979,6980,6980,Matalipaelal tu kaku,I was awakened suddenly I suddenly realized,test +6980,6981,6981,anu ruma haw i anu caay kariyad haw i caay kariyad anu ciʼilu cingra haw i,Secondly a person who is not kind,train +6981,6982,6982,nai tini i,I am also on the high speed Rail,train +6982,6983,6983,itiya mahaen kina ina ati na mama han kisu,that is what I told you about the grand mom and dad,train +6983,6984,6984,saka fangcal nu Matadim san ku maku paini tamuwanan,that is what I am trying to tell you about Matalin,train +6984,6985,6985,tawiw,soy sauce,train +6985,6986,6986,ya aulhu,and bamboo,train +6986,6987,6987,ya maparuay i talid a takula awaay tu maaraw ningra,he did not see the frog which he put in the bottle,train +6987,6988,6988,madangkic ku valucu nu niyan u Pangcah hananay,the Amis are very united,train +6988,6989,6989,haen sa kaku itini awaay ku maamaan,I have been here for nothing,train +6989,6990,6990,suwal saan ku ina ni Madadingu,the mother of a flawless delicate girl,test +6990,6991,6991,tireng,oneself,train +6991,6992,6992,u Taywan hu maemin ku tiniay Uhira,all the people here in Fengping are Minnan,train +6992,6993,6993,namilipay,after Sunday,train +6993,6994,6994,u wawa a nini nanima taha matini,how can future generations be so happy,train +6994,6995,6995,matuʼas tu wawa hu mapenec nu tayal nu ruray kaku,but I had to work hard at a young age,train +6995,6996,6996,nengnengen haw na mahaen,look at this,train +6996,6997,6997,ku palimuʼut nu minukayay tu a malahitayay,instructions for returning from military service,train +6997,6998,6998,san ku harateng mitikul miharateng hani,I have been thinking about it a lot,train +6998,6999,6999,mahaentu sanay cayka maan,it has not disappeared,train +6999,7000,7000,o tahadaucay ku ulah o citulasay ku fana a pakimad anu hacuwaay a rumiad i u mamalasawad ku rucek nu tamdaw a sumuwal tu nu Adinguan a suwal o mamalasawad ku fana nu tamdaw tu maamaan,love never fails but where there are prophecies they will cease where there are tongues they will be stilled where there is knowledge it will pass away,test +7000,7001,7001,a tuluen a vicing yu,it is pounds,train +7001,7002,7002,inacila maʼaraw aku i tilifi ira ku mipudpuday tu fulahata ri maciwtuk sa,a few days ago I saw on TV that someone was poisoned by picking up those mushrooms and eating them,train +7002,7003,7003,lalima kami a tangasa,we have five applicants,train +7003,7004,7004,facal ku falucu nu itiraay talu,in fact people in China have good hearts,train +7004,7005,7005,mifaca,wash,train +7005,7006,7006,aya kuna duka nuna wawa san,Aye the boys wound,train +7006,7007,7007,o nipipatnak aku tunini a Ngaayay Ratuh ku sakapades aku a mapalit tu lunayi a matiya u ciraraway a tamdaw Nikawrira caay ka palit ku suwal nu Kawas,for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal but Gods word is not chained,train +7007,7008,7008,tatihi a tangsul a mauta mangudu tu matuʼasay,you cannot throw up right away you would be ashamed of your elders,train +7008,7009,7009,sa mipadang a miʼurung tu panay,that is why they are carrying rice,train +7009,7010,7010,malalid,recurrent,test +7010,7011,7011,cuwa u maminengneng kita tu facacidu,No we are going to see dragonflies,train +7011,7012,7012,ira ku nanitimulay haw i mainuay minanumay,anyone from the south must take a bath and drink water,train +7012,7013,7013,misaared haw tusatusa han haw,what about knotting,train +7013,7014,7014,sakeru^,squat down,train +7014,7015,7015,saka kilutuklutuk sanay hu itiyahu matiya ku matuʼasay,maybe they are all trying to make a living in the mountains,train +7015,7016,7016,mafangad,uprooted,train +7016,7017,7017,adihay ku maaraway nu maku a ayam saefeefer sa cangra i kilakilangan maaraw haca ku ekung i ufang nu kilang a mafuti,I saw a lot of birds flying around in the trees and saw owls sleeping in tree hollows,train +7017,7018,7018,kuskus,scratch itching,train +7018,7019,7019,sapisuʼut tura hecek,tie the kidneys some of them,train +7019,7020,7020,o lalahcien nu fainay a cisikining tu saki fafahi malcad tunini u lalahcien nu fafahi a cisikining tu saki fainay a masasipaayaw tu falucu,the husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife and likewise the wife to her husband,test +7020,7021,7021,Pakaikur a mituur tu kulung ku wawa,the child chases the cow from behind,train +7021,7022,7022,awaay tu ku kakakaka nu niyam,there is no one older than us,train +7022,7023,7023,Suelinay ku falucu nuya tamdaw,that person is sincere faithful,train +7023,7024,7024,tuluay naniyaruʼan nani tini i fafaw haw i masacecay tu kita itini i paniyaruʼan ta,the three tribes from the headwaters are gathered here as one tribe,train +7024,7025,7025,mahirateng nu ayawayaw a misaniyaruʼay kira utuc,the ancestors and elders remembered the stone pillar,train +7025,7026,7026,matu ya cahuay kaʼecak a hemay sa kaku,how did my Aboriginal self confidence begin,train +7026,7027,7027,sakatayalsakadademak,tool,train +7027,7028,7028,lawpawci,Bureau of labor insurance,train +7028,7029,7029,o tadakacaluwayan a micaliw tu pida ku kingku,banks are the most convenient place to borrow money,train +7029,7030,7030,tu sapikawmah tu havay,when harvesting millet,test +7030,7031,7031,piilisinan,Harvest Festival,train +7031,7032,7032,Nikawrira pakatengil tu lihaf nu Hungti Kitakit ku tamdaw cuwa ka sahetu saan mangaˈay ku kapicada,However not everyone responds favorably when they hear the message of the Kingdom,train +7032,7033,7033,u manan ku aalaen tu na lalumaʼan ira,what is in it to take,train +7033,7034,7034,si umah aca kami i yara i Lidaw,we also have farmland in Lilongsha,train +7034,7035,7035,19 Anini u finawlan ni Yihufa mahemekay pakayni i ngangan ni Yis mihadidi tu sapalak anca sapalifet,even today the LORDs people joyfully endure persecution or trials for the name of Jesus,train +7035,7036,7036,licay han ni Yis cingra O maan ku lalungucen isu i Takuwanan saw han ningra Pacauf sa kuya mapuhaway Singsiaw u sapakaarawaw aku han ningra,What do you want me to do for you Jesus asked him the blind man said Rabbi I want to see,train +7036,7037,7037,o pilicay ngraan ku ngaay,should ask him,train +7037,7038,7038,mapalasawad ku yufayuf atu caaytu ku mamahayda ku salunguc nu urip,the fabric of traditional societies was torn apart and the collective rights of peoples were not recognized,train +7038,7039,7039,hatini han,do something in this way,train +7039,7040,7040,takinay,Cricket,test +7040,7041,7041,mihadidiay kaku micada tu salikaka a cipinangtu pakayraan nangra han,am I patient with my brothers and sisters and understand their situation,train +7041,7042,7042,misupa,spitting,train +7042,7043,7043,saan tu,that is the way it is,train +7043,7044,7044,Suˈlin mahaen micerid a paratuh wa ira ku ngaˈayay a minaruˈan alatek,Nonetheless a small greeting can have unexpectedly good results,train +7044,7045,7045,ira ku maku ira hen kiya dateng ina u,Mines over there,train +7045,7046,7046,micaradaw ku cavay itila i laku a miniwaniw,friends who mow together sing together,train +7046,7047,7047,iniyatu haw kamu,so you are all here,train +7047,7048,7048,u maan a,what kind of airplane food,train +7048,7049,7049,i i ina nima,Yes whose mother,train +7049,7050,7050,Resresen ku dateng,cut the vegetables into small pieces,test +7050,7051,7051,u maan ku pafelien nu misu,what do you want to teach,train +7051,7052,7052,o pipurangan tu u karuheman tu nu mami,it is fall it is orange ripening time,train +7052,7053,7053,maening,nice,train +7053,7054,7054,tuna matalaw tu finawlan ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec kilim saan cangra tu pakayraan a midukduk a mipatay ci Yisan,and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus for they were afraid of the people,train +7054,7055,7055,puyapuy,pregnant,train +7055,7056,7056,tu hicay a pahufuc,how to reproduce,train +7056,7057,7057,rakat sanay ku itiyaay hu a malitengay,at that time the old people used to walk,train +7057,7058,7058,iniyan haw,Here,train +7058,7059,7059,isaka 1965 miheca saka cecay a kuksay taykay i Aielan itiniay i Tuplin a misikay,in Irelands first International congress was held in Dublin,train +7059,7060,7060,anu mafalic ku kaˈurip i paratuhay a Filip misamaanay padadutuc misarucud tu mitusilay a demak hani,how did Philip the evangelist continue to focus on evangelism even when circumstances changed,test +7060,7061,7061,Katumrep han nu alumanay a tamdaw cingra a mikakter nikawrira mangalef a mangalef ku nipicli ningra O Wawa ni Tafiti kasiniadaenhu kaku saan,many rebuked him and told him to be quiet but he shouted all the more Son of David have mercy on me,train +7061,7062,7062,micuisay,Inverted opposite,train +7062,7063,7063,Mavalisa versa tepusa lenaw,when the wind starts to blow it grows long after it falls to the ground,train +7063,7064,7064,kaisasingaran,deploy something in the window,train +7064,7065,7065,dihif,grotto,train +7065,7066,7066,pakayni i madimadiay a Yutaya maˈurip itini i mararaway piduyungan a Papilun u taˈangayay sapalifet,for the faithful Jew life in pagan Babylon was a major test,train +7066,7067,7067,tulu a pulu ira ku cacay,thirty one,train +7067,7068,7068,matira sa mama mahaen haca sa i,since fathers thoughts are so,train +7068,7069,7069,han nu Hulam kiran,that is what the Han people call love education,train +7069,7070,7070,caay kalecad tu i tukayay ku paisingan,it is that tribal health care is not as good as in the city,test +7070,7071,7071,maru,reside,train +7071,7072,7072,anu nima a nipatirengan ku mausaway i u mamilayap kuya tamdaw tu sapakaulah,if what he has built survives he will receive his reward,train +7072,7073,7073,u kaka aku ku sumuwalay,my brother said,train +7073,7074,7074,piharateng aku uhay,that is what I thought Yes it is,train +7074,7075,7075,wawa mapatayay tu,the child died too,train +7075,7076,7076,maanen,what can be done,train +7076,7077,7077,Mapacaliwtu aku ci Osay,I lent it to Osay,train +7077,7078,7078,tomirengay ci Stifanu i ˈaˈayaw nu Lumaucay a tamdaw mariˈangay kuniya tamdaw cingraanan,Stephen stood before the members of the council who were hostile to him,train +7078,7079,7079,milahkadan,boiled,train +7079,7080,7080,tayni tu kami i tukus miiya,we will come to the mountains,test +7080,7081,7081,lima ku nikakilac Palidaw a Pangcah Valangaw a Pangcah sawali a Pangcah Siwkulang a Pangcah Amis a Pangcah,they are divided into five subgroups Hengchun Amis Malan Amis Coastal Amis Xiuguluan Amis and Nanshi Amis,train +7081,7082,7082,sa paytemek sa mitatuy kuya fafahiyan,so the girls each took their own,train +7082,7083,7083,kalutayal,operate,train +7083,7084,7084,halafin sa awa hu a tayni puhayen hu aku cangra a mapulung a malahuk,it is been a while let us have a meal together,train +7084,7085,7085,ira tu ku pimali nu malitengay,with the Evergreens playing baseball,train +7085,7086,7086,mingataay,approach,train +7086,7087,7087,nengneng han ku tireng kaʼemang,the body looks small again,train +7087,7088,7088,e urasaka haen sanay tu ku eʼurip nuya faʼinayan nu niyaru,that is how tribal boys live,train +7088,7089,7089,Mataturuturud kita tu tayal,let us pass on the work from one to the other,train +7089,7090,7090,maharateng aku a,I remembered ahoy,test +7090,7091,7091,pikidufut,pockets,train +7091,7092,7092,nanay nu nafalucuʼan haw,the promise of the heart,train +7092,7093,7093,capitilid ku malitengay itiyahu,go to school and go to this old generation,train +7093,7094,7094,maulah kaku tuya pafelian isu i takuwanan a cudad,I love the book you sent me,train +7094,7095,7095,itiyahu kina cacay miheca kina cacay cangra masasa iri,in the old days they used to hold a Festival once a year,train +7095,7096,7096,kasasuwal,speech expression,train +7096,7097,7097,tuluhu,phlegm,train +7097,7098,7098,kihatiya san kami maridiw,and we sang along,train +7098,7099,7099,mapatay tu i paisingan,died in the hospital,train +7099,7100,7100,o maidiay a tamdaw cira,he is a miser,test +7100,7101,7101,kura piritrittan niyam tu kusuy,the place where we cut lemongrass,train +7101,7102,7102,ya fafaed Fadangawan,butterfly Valley,train +7102,7103,7103,i cuwacuwa a niyaru,even to the townships,train +7103,7104,7104,tanukucu,just the shoes,train +7104,7105,7105,paciimay,sprout,train +7105,7106,7106,Marataw hananay kiya haw cuwa ka u Kawas kura,the so called Maladao is not a demon,train +7106,7107,7107,miyakiw,play baseball,train +7107,7108,7108,tiraay miladum kita ayaw,he is there too carrying water,train +7108,7109,7109,itiya tu tusa tu ku fulad hiwawa,it was two months ago right,train +7109,7110,7110,matu nika fana namu u Filipi a tamdaw yu miliyas kaku tu Makituniya i saayaayawhu aku a patnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh i dengan u kiwkay namu ku mipadangay takuwanan lcad sa kamu takuwanan a macahiw anu ^ca i marnec,Moreover as you Philippians know in the early days of your acquaintance with the gospel when I set out from Macedonia not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving except you only,test +7110,7111,7111,wina,Mom,train +7111,7112,7112,tuan satu caira,they are on their way,train +7112,7113,7113,sapatiyam,merchandise,train +7113,7114,7114,Runic han nu maku ku kuyasi i sinasera,I rubbed the fertilizer on the ground,train +7114,7115,7115,Cuwa u tatayra i umah anini kita,No we are going to the fields,train +7115,7116,7116,i tira tu i Kuhkuh iraay tu ku,where in Mizuho and where it was,train +7116,7117,7117,sakatulu,Third,train +7117,7118,7118,Cuwa u malitengay nu niyaru niyam cingra falu pulu tu ku mihecaan ningra,No he is an elder of our tribe he is years old,train +7118,7119,7119,anu caay ka saan ku malatumukay cakatatudung ku pidmak nira tu pacauf tu licay nu milicaay,the headship is to support and do good in a very just manner,train +7119,7120,7120,kaku hu ku micalcalay tu kasuy i saikuran,let me chop wood in the backyard,test +7120,7121,7121,Tangahang,name of the Nagahashi tribe,train +7121,7122,7122,mipudpud tu kami kina falah nu Hulam a kucu,scavenging for discarded shoes,train +7122,7123,7123,Orasaka mausi cangra i Cingraan pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O mikanguduan nu i cuwacuwaay nu niyaru nu tireng atu paru nu luma ku paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas han ni Yis,and they took offense at him but Jesus said to them Only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor,train +7123,7124,7124,mikingsa sa kura ising kami takuwanan sa,the doctor examined me and told me,train +7124,7125,7125,o caciyaw caciyaw han hai,you want to talk Yes I do,train +7125,7126,7126,sa pakayn itini i rakat nu urip nu amis nu marauday a ma takupay nu niyam u kasararem i matini i,from the life of Amis what the younger generations see and keep abreast of,train +7126,7127,7127,u usaw ita a malahuk,what is left of our Chinese food,train +7127,7128,7128,kaulahen,love,train +7128,7129,7129,kahemekan,I cannot say enough about it,train +7129,7130,7130,malaliyang,to argue,test +7130,7131,7131,Kafukilan ku teker i lutuk,trap instruments on the mountain are unrecognizable,train +7131,7132,7132,halinanges,love mango,train +7132,7133,7133,i hacuwaanu hacuwa,when,train +7133,7134,7134,ciʼirangay kira,because there is still blood,train +7134,7135,7135,anini sa ku suwal nu Kuwaping,in Chinese it means it is dry,train +7135,7136,7136,u mahaenay kina sakacingangan nu Makutaay kuninian a ngangan,that is why it is called tribal Maguadam,train +7136,7137,7137,cima ku ngangan ni ama isu,what is your fathers name,train +7137,7138,7138,u adihayay hu itiyahu licay han aku,he said that there were a lot of them in the past so I followed up,train +7138,7139,7139,yu ruma pina tu ku usaw nu hicay,there is that bucket of small fry that is all that is left,train +7139,7140,7140,tektek,column,test +7140,7141,7141,u karawraw niyam iten ku iten a,day after day I am disturbed,train +7141,7142,7142,u pakayniay itini i kalalakaw hananay nu matuasay turu misaluma sanay wa,as for what the elders mean by kalalakw is to build houses,train +7142,7143,7143,kerid han tu niya mama kaku,my father took me with him,train +7143,7144,7144,itira tatihi nu lalan han nu tau a milicay,it is on the side of the road,train +7144,7145,7145,u sawal nu citangalay nu,there was a western philosopher in China,train +7145,7146,7146,sumuwal,sermon,train +7146,7147,7147,Malakaput kami a micudad,we became classmates,train +7147,7148,7148,atu kita u misasingay hu mangalay kamu tu hatiniʼay a misangaʼay tu siraw a demak,this is what you want to know about and photograph the salted meat,train +7148,7149,7149,Icuwa^ kisu a minanam tu suwal nu Pangcah,where did you learn Amis,train +7149,7150,7150,misaediday,wheat grower,test +7150,7151,7151,cuwa ka ngaay u saka emedaytu kuni,No this is already very cheap,train +7151,7152,7152,o pakatastasay tu fatikar kira wawa,the kid used the bike until it broke,train +7152,7153,7153,mahenay kina Cudad cuka aku,that is what I mean by this painting,train +7153,7154,7154,a tepaen ku ngangan nu malitengay,ask for the exact name of the old man,train +7154,7155,7155,tangsa tu piilisinan a rumiad u pulung nu niyaruay lipahak a maemin mikaput tu kalusaupu^ nu selal nikaurira,on the day of the Harvest Festival all the tribesmen participated in the activities of each age group with great joy,train +7155,7156,7156,taʼakay kureng misanga tu piiya aca nangra Pikitupan tu adupen,that container is designed to hold the animals you have hunted,train +7156,7157,7157,Mitakula cangra,they were hunting for frogs,train +7157,7158,7158,hai kita pulung,Yes all of us,train +7158,7159,7159,imatini haw una falucu aku haw,Now I think,train +7159,7160,7160,Masaasulu ku piutut tu sariri,Sculptural pillars like wooden pestles,test +7160,7161,7161,ci Salmun ku mama ni Puwac ci Puwac ku mama ni Opit ci Opit ku mama ni Yisi,Salmon the father of Boaz whose mother was Rahab Boaz the father of Obed whose mother was Ruth Obed the father of Jesse,train +7161,7162,7162,masasirsquuada,mutual enemies,train +7162,7163,7163,awiday,thank you for your time and thank you for your advice,train +7163,7164,7164,kamec,grasp,train +7164,7165,7165,tu latak hananay,this board rolled wood implement,train +7165,7166,7166,sa ciwawa tu tu ha ha ha ah,and the baby will be nine ha ha ha ha ha,train +7166,7167,7167,o puhaw tu nu matuasay a caytu pakaneneng tu cudad,that is because the old man is blind so he cannot read,train +7167,7168,7168,Mangaay kaku a munanaw haw,may I go wash my hands,train +7168,7169,7169,fiyur,effects,train +7169,7170,7170,Haluya kaput isu katayni aca i luma a malafi,even your classmate came to the house,test +7170,7171,7171,miceris,Ignition,train +7171,7172,7172,malecaday kuniyan,it is all the same,train +7172,7173,7173,a mimaan tu lavii a misanga tu tavukud,what are we going to do tonight we are going to weave a gossip web,train +7173,7174,7174,Miʼalud i tamiyan,just throw it at us,train +7174,7175,7175,yu patireng kami malekaka tatulu hawri,we are all working together,train +7175,7176,7176,anu ira sa kuna wacu nu maku huni,like my dog just now,train +7176,7177,7177,Maukusi,Mavugu Creek,train +7177,7178,7178,Safahka sa ku mama atu ina nuya wawa a mitngil tu suwal ni Simiyun tu pakayniay i wawa nangra,the child father and mother marveled at what was said about him,train +7178,7179,7179,hatiraay ku demak nu malitengay itaya,the way the old generation used to do things,train +7179,7180,7180,Paraputen ku tayal,continue working on,test +7180,7181,7181,sahetu uturun kunikaenan itiyahu,food was scarce back then and eating make was the highest form of enjoyment,train +7181,7182,7182,o singsi nu mita ci Panay,Barnet is our teacher,train +7182,7183,7183,piparadiw,song,train +7183,7184,7184,marenaf,cover the whole,train +7184,7185,7185,uni kaulah aku a mi sausi tu cutad ku sakafana aku tu mamaan a demakan,I like reading the Bible which helped me learn about many things,train +7185,7186,7186,manen aca cuwa ka hapinang aku,I am sorry I did not get a good look,train +7186,7187,7187,fadisusu a epah,wine,train +7187,7188,7188,Mafanaay a mitengil tu suwal nu singsi haw,do you understand what the teacher says,train +7188,7189,7189,kihatiya tu nu nu mahaenay,same as the mayors term,train +7189,7190,7190,Tukahen ku pawli,Prop up the banana tree,test +7190,7191,7191,matngil nu nisawawaan kunini i talaw satu cangra Saka hinukup sa cangra,when the disciples heard this they fell facedown to the ground terrified,train +7191,7192,7192,cuyi,operations,train +7192,7193,7193,i ngataay nu ciyataw ku luma nifaki parakat tu paliding cahu cahu tahira tu,the station is not far from my uncles house and it is just a short drive away,train +7193,7194,7194,tulu kaku a mihecaan i Fataan misiwfay tu layku,spent years selling cabinets and other furniture in Gwangju,train +7194,7195,7195,Papina^ kamu a malekaka^,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +7195,7196,7196,na uya na nu i cula han tu nuya malunem cingra a matamurum tayra i apilis nu lutuk,at that moment the deer carried it to the cliff of the mountains,train +7196,7197,7197,tuna mituur kamu i takuwanan i u mamakaintel nu tamdaw a ma^min kamu Nikawrira u pakahadidiay a tamdaw tahira i pahrekan i u mamapaurip,all men will hate you because of me but he who stands firm to the end will be saved,train +7197,7198,7198,ya maku a tihi mapatay anini a fulad ta miilisin katayra mi saan,we must attend the Toyonen Festival when Mr Kobayashi died less than a month ago,train +7198,7199,7199,matayal ci mama aci ina,dad and mom went to work,train +7199,7200,7200,Pataynien ku pitilidan a sapad saan ci Cakariya Ci Yuhani ku ngangan ningra han ningra a mitilid Saka safahka sa ku tamdamdaw a ma^min,he asked for a writing tablet and to everyone is astonishment he wrote His name is John,test +7200,7201,7201,mansa tahaninien tu ku misu i,so until now,train +7201,7202,7202,velavelat sa a mikawih tu hangkaci mitala tu tireng aku sananay a radiw,holding a handkerchief and waving it flickeringly she waits for her beloved,train +7202,7203,7203,Caluhen ku tayal a miherek,get the job done,train +7203,7204,7204,alumanay,many,train +7204,7205,7205,cecin,diameter,train +7205,7206,7206,o marakamay kini cay tu kasaan kira matuasay a cay kacikucu a talalutuk,the old man who went to the mountains without shoes no longer felt the pain of his bare feet,train +7206,7207,7207,adihay ku widi,Leech special,train +7207,7208,7208,anucila i ira ku rumiad isu herek nu lahuk tayra kaku tisuwanan,Then are you available tomorrow I will visit you tomorrow afternoon,train +7208,7209,7209,nawhan i adupan mangata tini sera haw i,because if the prey you are hunting is close to the ground,train +7209,7210,7210,o wawa nira ku tayniay anini,it is his child who is here today,test +7210,7211,7211,mitngil cangra tunini i hmek satu cangra tu Kawas ta pasuwal sa cangra ci Pawluan Salikakaaw matu nika fana isu pinatu a ufad ku pasulinay ci Kristuan a Yutaya a tamdaw Maimer cangra a ma^min tu Rikec ni Musi,when they heard this they praised God then they said to Paul You see brother how many thousands of Jews have believed and all of them are zealous for the law,train +7211,7212,7212,misilsil,permutation,train +7212,7213,7213,anu u talip tu anu riku tu uraan,pants or clothes,train +7213,7214,7214,u umah aca awa ku pilietanan,there is only fields no place to make money,train +7214,7215,7215,anu misacacak tu ci vayi i tepar tu kaku a miangang tu lavang kalamkamen a tayni a micakay tu nipalumaan nu niyam tu tadadateng nu Pangcah han aku ku micakayay,while my grandmother was cooking I was on the side attracting customers I shouted The vegetables are self grown,train +7215,7216,7216,hatiray i a wawa i,instructing such a child,train +7216,7217,7217,satu caira,here is what they think,train +7217,7218,7218,a makaremadiw kita tu raan a radiw niradiwan aku,we are going to sing together the song I finished,train +7218,7219,7219,aka ka pi ka singpay,do not feel discouraged,train +7219,7220,7220,ca ka halabin kami itini,we have not been here long,test +7220,7221,7221,5 wa ngaˈay pakasuˈlinen ita ci Yihufa u papadama cingra kitanan,we can be confident that the Lord will help us,train +7221,7222,7222,fangcal ku sapal nira san,it is a very good seed,train +7222,7223,7223,afih,rice bran,train +7223,7224,7224,mibuting kamu itla mitala ma haw,they are waiting there for the fishermen to come back,train +7224,7225,7225,tudungan tu aku,I practiced the steps,train +7225,7226,7226,u sakapulungan a malafi kiraan,eat it for dinner and share it with your relatives,train +7226,7227,7227,aray han aku ku salikaka,I would like to thank my brother,train +7227,7228,7228,masa hiya tuway,evolving,train +7228,7229,7229,Hay mafana kaku a rumadiw,Yes I can sing,train +7229,7230,7230,caay pasuwal kami tu pakayniay i tireng niyam o mipasuwalay kami tu nika u Tapang ci Yis Kristu o mamatayal namu kami tu saki ci Yisan,for we do not preach ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your servants for Jesus sake,test +7230,7231,7231,samaanay ku rumiad i paaliwacan,how is the weather on the weekend,train +7231,7232,7232,o pinangan nu futi nira kura a piekur,snoring is his sleeping habit,train +7232,7233,7233,Suʼelinay,Really,train +7233,7234,7234,ci Kulas kaku,I am Kulas,train +7234,7235,7235,ruhruh,thunder,train +7235,7236,7236,patefu tu suwal,to decide to do something,train +7236,7237,7237,cerem sahu ku cidal minukay tu kami,as soon as the sun goes down we go home,train +7237,7238,7238,ya makapahay ngaʼayay alaen ha falat nu luma ku rira,great value for a very nice and accessible beam,train +7238,7239,7239,Wawaaw u paliayaway tu suwal nu Isatakaraway a Kawas wa han kisu nawhani u mamalaaayaw nu Tapang kisu a mipatala tu malulalan ningra,And you my child will be called a prophet of the most High for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him,train +7239,7240,7240,caay pitengil tu suwali matulu hanima,if you do not listen you deserve to fall,test +7240,7241,7241,18 ˈayaw nu kinafalah ci Yis tu ˈurip na pasuwalay tu nisawawaan u wawa nu tamdaw tulu a rumiˈad tulu a dadaya i lalumaˈ nu sera,before giving his life Jesus told his disciples that the son of man will be in the earth three days and three nights,train +7241,7242,7242,kacumuli tataangay,big snail,train +7242,7243,7243,o kaciatay kisu a midimukus tu niyaru nu tireng,I hope you are thinking of your own tribe,train +7243,7244,7244,o tarukus nu niyaru cingra,he is a village representative ambassador,train +7244,7245,7245,taketakec santu tu tamdaw ayya kami,holding each other in comfort,train +7245,7246,7246,a ira haw sa kaku mahaen paini,you have to report information too,train +7246,7247,7247,hay han aku,I said yes,train +7247,7248,7248,pakatingsa kisu a talakungkuan haw,do you go to school by bicycle,train +7248,7249,7249,u lawac nu lalan tusaan haw,on both sides of the road,train +7249,7250,7250,pasuwal sa cangra i ci Yisan Singsiaw u nirpetan i nika udang ningra kunini a fafahiyan,and said to Jesus Teacher this woman was caught in the act of adultery,test +7250,7251,7251,miadingalay,glossy,train +7251,7252,7252,u cecay saan ya suwal na matuʼasay,the first elder said,train +7252,7253,7253,fitaysasasa,filter net,train +7253,7254,7254,lisin,male or female name,train +7254,7255,7255,ngaʼay kaenen,can I eat,train +7255,7256,7256,akawangay ci wama isu haw,is your father very tall,train +7256,7257,7257,tinac,lick,train +7257,7258,7258,ku kalalitemutemuhan nu nani amisay nani timulay a ngasaw,it was a meeting place for clans from the south and the north,train +7258,7259,7259,a huni mitengil ta suwal nu misu i,I have just heard your story,train +7259,7260,7260,awaay ku epuc nu nipalumaan tu panay,the rice planted in this way will not be harvested,test +7260,7261,7261,tadamatamata han aku a minengneng i caay ka hapinang aku,I looked very closely at it but could not make out what it was,train +7261,7262,7262,nu Recurd,also with a thick,train +7262,7263,7263,nu luma haen san ku demak niyam,we will start looking for a house and a loan,train +7263,7264,7264,watah kura matuasay sa kura Taywan a minengneng tu nika sainaneng sa kuya matuasay a tatusa mipitau paluma tuya kudasing sa,Wow the old people the Taiwanese saw the old couple work hard to grow peanuts,train +7264,7265,7265,ngaʼay satu kamaru niyam,we began to live in comfort,train +7265,7266,7266,u caci alafu,Higher who is carrying that bag,train +7266,7267,7267,malanam,breakfast,train +7267,7268,7268,demak nu niyaru mararum a sa,to avoid worrying about the tribe,train +7268,7269,7269,namaka lutuk tu ku heni a,they went from the mountains to the plains,train +7269,7270,7270,mangalay a mitilid,I wanted to study,test +7270,7271,7271,anu u nu hkalan a tamdaw kamu i kuna kaulahen nu i hkalay a tamdamdaw kamu Nikawrira caay ku nu hkalan a tamdaw kamu o nipilian aku kamu a micidek nai tamdamdaw nu hkal Orasaka kaintelen nu i hkalay a tamdaw kamu,if you belonged to the world it would love you as its own as it is you do not belong to the world but I have chosen you out of the world that is why the world hates you,train +7271,7272,7272,fa luhen ku falucu isu,renew your heart make changes in your attitude,train +7272,7273,7273,pahku nu lutuk,wild fern Taiwan China fern,train +7273,7274,7274,anu u hakelung han ita ku nu Payrang nu Kaping a fana,if we follow the standards of the Han Chinese,train +7274,7275,7275,henu sanay caay kangaʼay nu kikay mikangkang,it is too sticky to plow with a machine,train +7275,7276,7276,ura heciheci mapiliay ku tau citingalay san,I do not like the lean parts because they are hard to chew,train +7276,7277,7277,cay ka maan ku wawa aku a,my child will be safe,train +7277,7278,7278,misaʼusi tu sanay a Cudad,read the worlds great books,train +7278,7279,7279,sakasepat a dadaya i malemed,on four nights,train +7279,7280,7280,mikalatim,wipe out or exterminate,test +7280,7281,7281,Lima^ pida^ ku impic siwa^ pida^ ku ciwming,pencils are each and notebooks are each,train +7281,7282,7282,patayenhu ku ina tiya tayra kisu han ningra kaku,unless you kill mom first,train +7282,7283,7283,Si^naway tu miming kapinanum tu fa^detay a nanum,it is a bit cold so you need to drink more warm water,train +7283,7284,7284,Ciuduay kira makapahay a kaying matayal,that pretty lady wears Jade to work,train +7284,7285,7285,mitalik,pound,train +7285,7286,7286,pataynien i takuwanan a mitengteng ku futing pataduen nu maku kisu a patalafekang,pull the fish to my side and I will help you pull it up,train +7286,7287,7287,o rara ku sakalafi nu mita,our dinner was bean soup,train +7287,7288,7288,u makayniay i timul u makayniay i Bataʼan,from the South from the saddle,train +7288,7289,7289,ira tu ngiha niya ma Saraway,the ghostly voice appeared,train +7289,7290,7290,anu masamaantu mafalic ku kalusuwal nu tamdaw u kimad nu Kawas u mamaterek,in John Wycliffes day why was it so difficult for most people to benefit from the Bible,test +7290,7291,7291,tuaynan a kapah,the youth,train +7291,7292,7292,man ku nian cudadan aku mitudung tira na matuʼasay sakafiyaw,I am learning from the old man next door,train +7292,7293,7293,ya suwal isu tusa tingting haha,two pounds you said,train +7293,7294,7294,Naay miculu hu kami tu cudad,No we have to carry books first,train +7294,7295,7295,tu kakaluwaluwa han katawaan a isu,make some hilarious clay art,train +7295,7296,7296,Kinaherek satu micudad nu maku itini,when school is over,train +7296,7297,7297,u ruma tu a radiw u mahaen haw hayi,I will sing something else that is right,train +7297,7298,7298,saka anu minengneng kamu tu,business Weekly if you ever get a chance to read business Weekly,train +7298,7299,7299,karakat ku fekac,running fast,train +7299,7300,7300,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu caay ka ci Musi ku pafliay i tamuwanan tuya nai kakarayanay a ^pang o wama aku ku pafliay i tamuwanan tu nai kakarayanay a sulinay a ^pang,Jesus said to them I tell you the truth it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven but it is my father who gives you the true bread from heaven,test +7300,7301,7301,matiraay ri,that is why it is so important,train +7301,7302,7302,aka tu pihalama kalikien a maru i kamaruan,stop playing and quickly sit in your seat,train +7302,7303,7303,sanay nira kura sa,because he thinks so,train +7303,7304,7304,siri,sheep,train +7304,7305,7305,awaay ku nu mita u Amis a pikitaduan,we Amis have nothing to go on,train +7305,7306,7306,mavukil tunu Pangcah,and I do not speak the language,train +7306,7307,7307,salihaday tu,that all may be at peace,train +7307,7308,7308,o sapiucuran kaku tu matayalay a talaumah,I would love to send workers to the fields,train +7308,7309,7309,ta pitusur sa a misatataang tu ngiha a micli Tapangaw aka patamurungen cangra tunini a raraw saan ta patay satu cingra,then he fell on his knees and cried out Lord do not hold this sin against them when he had said this he fell asleep,train +7309,7310,7310,adihay ku lingsiwen,there is so much to learn,test +7310,7311,7311,maamelas,talented in letters and unconventional in life style,train +7311,7312,7312,aluman ku mifutingay,many of the tribesmen depend on the sea for their livelihoods,train +7312,7313,7313,sa rumrum satu amin kiya masakapahay,all the young warriors in each household,train +7313,7314,7314,Hualien,Hualien County,train +7314,7315,7315,u itis macaday u depi,it is the same tool as the ruler,train +7315,7316,7316,oli paecuyen ari,take it to the heat,train +7316,7317,7317,lima a remiad,only five days,train +7317,7318,7318,a pasunul tu nanum nu alu cedas patawali,the logs are pulled into the river hung Creek and run east,train +7318,7319,7319,itira mitilung,into the urn,train +7319,7320,7320,anu lihuway i ira ini Pumpum saan haw,if it is loose it will have to be here,test +7320,7321,7321,tatiih,be out of the question,train +7321,7322,7322,tamdamdawen nu mama kaku,my father disciplined me made me well behaved,train +7322,7323,7323,mangerutu,it is been hard,train +7323,7324,7324,o awaay ku Rikec ni Musi a ruma a finacadan anu mararaw cangra i caay ka sawkit nu Rikec a matkup ci Rikec ku Yutaya a tamdaw saka anu mararaw i mamasawkit nu Rikec cangra,all who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law,train +7324,7325,7325,Miahuwid tu palemed nu tatuasan adihay ku tama niyam anini,thanks to the blessing of our ancestors we had a great Harvest today,train +7325,7326,7326,o sasapalaen nu niyam kina nahikuan,this reclaimed land is to be treated as a field,train +7326,7327,7327,haw ya tadaawa tu ku demak i,if it is if you do not do anything,train +7327,7328,7328,a u rumaay tu kira haw tayra iraay ku miuntukayay sa,it is rare to have this kind of inclusive movement,train +7328,7329,7329,nga sarumiʼad ku futi dadaya malingaday,we sleep all day and sail at night,train +7329,7330,7330,nipicudad,read,test +7330,7331,7331,ira kiya fufu,there is an old man,train +7331,7332,7332,tulaku,trucks,train +7332,7333,7333,maherek tu a malafi i tahidangay ku faʼinay aku,after the meal my husband said,train +7333,7334,7334,misausi tu malenu makelah,calculating the time of ebb and flow,train +7334,7335,7335,o katalawan nu wawa iu pikereng nu rumiad,a child greatest fear is thunder in the sky,train +7335,7336,7336,maanen hani ira ku demak aku,I am sorry I am busy,train +7336,7337,7337,o nikacaan pidemak ku ngaay,it is best not to do it,train +7337,7338,7338,Iratu adihay ku kasasiruma nunini o saka ccay i mapaturud nu Kawas i Yutaya a tamdaw ku suwal ningra,much in every way first of all they have been entrusted with the very words of God,train +7338,7339,7339,anu ila ku mipalafangay tayni i pasadaken nu silumaay ku saaledetay a kakaenen,when a guest comes to visit the host family will serve the most delicious food,train +7339,7340,7340,mahadeng tu ku adada nu adadaay,healing the sick,test +7340,7341,7341,u itiraay ka dadahal ku umah saan,the land there is more spacious like this,train +7341,7342,7342,kaku mi,Me years,train +7342,7343,7343,makeru kisu i pikilumaan haw,do you dance at the festival,train +7343,7344,7344,tahira cangra i Yirusalim i hamhamen nu kiwkay atu tarukus atu ciwlu cangra a militmuh Saka pakafanaen na Pawlu cangra tu pakayniay i pikaput nu Kawas cangraan a matayal,when they came to Jerusalem they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and elders to whom they reported everything God had done through them,train +7344,7345,7345,Matakec nira kaku,she embraced me,train +7345,7346,7346,tahekalaytu irahenay ku vuduy,check again for clothing offerings,train +7346,7347,7347,pakaʼaraw tu nisangaʼan fangcal haw sa kaku,I feel more and more satisfied when I look at the clothes I have made,train +7347,7348,7348,kaesu kaenen san ku lafang nu itiraay a riwli,hotel guests said the betel nut is very good,train +7348,7349,7349,kalat han nu wadis aku ku sema aku,my teeth bit my tongue,train +7349,7350,7350,Himaw han ni mama ku umah nira,dad watches over his fields,test +7350,7351,7351,na ceruh hananay,and weaving,train +7351,7352,7352,miketun tu suwal,to make a promise,train +7352,7353,7353,o nisaapilisan nu matuasay niyam kinian a pala,our elders reclaimed that hillside land,train +7353,7354,7354,maarik arik kaku san,wow I feel so bad,train +7354,7355,7355,aka pilakuwit ku harateng namu a misatakaraw,do not look at yourself more than you should,train +7355,7356,7356,palecad han ku dadahal nu capa haw,if you make the frame the same width,train +7356,7357,7357,makapatay anini,those who are now living,train +7357,7358,7358,caay ka fana cangra tu nika u wama ku nisuwalan ni Yis,they did not understand that he was telling them about his Father,train +7358,7359,7359,fangsisay kaenen kuni,aroma of the city Delicious,train +7359,7360,7360,hay matiya laliw sanay kami,I think so let us get out of here,test +7360,7361,7361,dufut,bags,train +7361,7362,7362,ira ku mitengilay a,someone can listen,train +7362,7363,7363,tuuren,follow,train +7363,7364,7364,sasingaen iri,storage,train +7364,7365,7365,hahululan,entertainment,train +7365,7366,7366,u maan ku ngangan nunini,what is the name of this one,train +7366,7367,7367,u hicay ku adihay sa,higher wages for catching small fry,train +7367,7368,7368,papisawad,give up,train +7368,7369,7369,Satukien aku tu rumiamiad,I wear a watch every day,train +7369,7370,7370,a mimiciw,Aiming,test +7370,7371,7371,o tatalacuwa kisu,where are you going,train +7371,7372,7372,patnaken ku Ngaayay Ratuh anu kangaayantu anu katatiihantu a rumiad i patnaken ka u tadakudaitay a falucu a pasifana pulacen paicelen pasifanaen,preach the Word be prepared in season and out of season correct rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction,train +7372,7373,7373,adihay kura mitafukudan isu i,when you catch a lot of fish,train +7373,7374,7374,pulung,full,train +7374,7375,7375,ngaʼayay tu alatek hay taʼangay sa kaku u salaw han nu tau kaku i,maybe it is a good thing that I am tall and people say I look like a demon,train +7375,7376,7376,natu saketipi saʼupuen na ina aku tu kusuy haw i,mom and dad gathered up the lemongrass,train +7376,7377,7377,patihien tu ni ina nu maku tatulu kami tayra u safahu ina aku,my moms brother and I went with her,train +7377,7378,7378,naay pisiketiyaan,avoid being possessed,train +7378,7379,7379,na ira ci turis mapatihi aku i,after Turis came I accompanied,train +7379,7380,7380,paperukay misahatini,I am going to stomp my feet like this,test +7380,7381,7381,mihcahcaan,each year,train +7381,7382,7382,ira ku cecay o sawayan nu Taywan tung se sanay a cudad,there is a book called The General history of Taiwan published in,train +7382,7383,7383,pakahemaway,light,train +7383,7384,7384,mihecaan,year,train +7384,7385,7385,u pinanaman tu tilid tiya hawi,it was a time to learn to read,train +7385,7386,7386,kuri^,thin,train +7386,7387,7387,matu namauraday maupic ku lalan,it seems to have rained and the road is wet,train +7387,7388,7388,caay ku pipakafana aca tu nu Amis a suwal,it is not just about teaching the language,train +7388,7389,7389,mipili tu ku,in the selection,train +7389,7390,7390,Kumaena hu kita tu sweykwu,let us eat fruit,test +7390,7391,7391,makat mafuw na u fales tangasa i faeled,after a rugged mountain road we finally reached the end of the road,train +7391,7392,7392,tahini i dafak micingkangay,we did not get in until am,train +7392,7393,7393,Nanuya miliyas ci Yis itira pakayra cingra i lilis nu fanaw nu Kalili a macukacuk i lutuk ta maru itira,Jesus left there and went along the sea of Galilee then he went up on a mountainside and sat down,train +7393,7394,7394,wata,a ya,train +7394,7395,7395,ina lalan na ira tu u ka Ripunan,has this road existed since Japanese times,train +7395,7396,7396,samanay ku harateng isu adihay ku,how do you feel at the moment so much for that,train +7396,7397,7397,ti u nganginguyay naku ladum han ni ina aku i taladaw san,the water I use for bathing is the water my mother painstakingly picks up from the Xiuguluan River,train +7397,7398,7398,siwa pulu ira ku tulu sepat,years old,train +7398,7399,7399,Tataak ku cawang nu hakama nura fafahiyan,the lady skirt was open very high,train +7399,7400,7400,pisarakesan niyamatuʼasay a Ngayngay tira lutuk,the Hakka people planted camphor trees on that mountain,test +7400,7401,7401,kacedah,salty,train +7401,7402,7402,pacawien,Please answer,train +7402,7403,7403,halikien a kumaen,eat fast,train +7403,7404,7404,miilisin ku niyaru caay tu pinengnengnengneng tu ilisin kaku,I cannot even participate in my hometown tribes Harvest Festival,train +7404,7405,7405,mikunis,lines,train +7405,7406,7406,uya lamit tu nuya kunga,it looks like a sweet potato root,train +7406,7407,7407,saka papitu kaku,my seventh,train +7407,7408,7408,misanga tu kita tu hatiniyay,when we are making it now,train +7408,7409,7409,futingtu han ku mama namu saku suwal nu ina aku matuur miyan kuni suwal,mom said Tell dad to come home loaded,train +7409,7410,7410,pasuwal sa ci Yis Caay ku paayaway i takuwanan kunini a suwal u paayaway tamuwanan kunini a suwal,Jesus said This voice was for your benefit not mine,test +7410,7411,7411,matungal ku nika aluman nu pasulinay ci Yisan tu nanu suwal ningra,and because of his words many more became believers,train +7411,7412,7412,mamiririd,leaders,train +7412,7413,7413,awaay saenen samaenen hu kini ku hatiniay,he said he did not what should I do,train +7413,7414,7414,iya fangsis tu saan,Oh it smells good,train +7414,7415,7415,itini i Kurunpiya ˈApilis lalan a matayal tu pina puluˈ miheca,I worked at Columbia hill road for decades,train +7415,7416,7416,cima saw han ni tumuk,who did the boss say it was,train +7416,7417,7417,o maan ku tatudung nunini a demak,what is the meaning of this affair what is this all about,train +7417,7418,7418,caay ka likat sa tu,I would not have clicked,train +7418,7419,7419,yunense kaku itiya saka sepat nu mitiliday a mihecaan,I was in the fourth grade,train +7419,7420,7420,anca u,if there is a mountain pig,test +7420,7421,7421,Anangen kura sasalamaan,put your toy away,train +7421,7422,7422,itiniay tu ku wama aku itini i mapatay ku wama aku,our father left us in,train +7422,7423,7423,pakafana kitanan u pasaʼamisay,we have come to inform the people from the north,train +7423,7424,7424,mipacafay ci ina nira ci Mayawan talapicudadan,his mom accompanies Mayaw to school,train +7424,7425,7425,awaay tu ku taku anini,there are no more small ponds,train +7425,7426,7426,cikafung,wear,train +7426,7427,7427,o mamaladadipis kura fau i tira,that bug will turn into a cockroach there,train +7427,7428,7428,inian i tatusaay i kalaʼnuay,these two are underneath,train +7428,7429,7429,o sakalapakuyuc ku maluyaay a tamdaw,waste makes you poor,train +7429,7430,7430,Pasaira i timul ku rakat naira,they are headed south,test +7430,7431,7431,o maan ku laluma nira ira ku awaay tu u maamaan lalusidan nu matuʼasay oh,what is inside Yes nothing just some old peoples stuff from the past Yo,train +7431,7432,7432,kapahay kura suwal,good point,train +7432,7433,7433,caacaay piteving tu kenaw,never touch green onions,train +7433,7434,7434,cipucuʼan,tumor area,train +7434,7435,7435,itiya satu,from then on,train +7435,7436,7436,mahan ku matiniyay racusay a tamdaw,that is what they call an evil man,train +7436,7437,7437,utiih caay haw makavatikar,it is hard to get on a bike,train +7437,7438,7438,Malahciaytu aku kunini a dmak o masungilaaytu kaku caay ka saan kaku deng u pisaicel aku tu sapilahciaw tu patusukan nu nipipili ni Yis Kristu i takuwanan,not that I have already obtained all this or have already been made perfect but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me,train +7438,7439,7439,ya naikuran nu saikuray kafafulaw nu hiay,at the time of the final migration it was,train +7439,7440,7440,kina,there are,test +7440,7441,7441,ina emuy emuy han kiniyam haw adidiʼay ku langaw haw,it is called spring Fountain and it grows small,train +7441,7442,7442,kalafer,exile,train +7442,7443,7443,putal,Plaza,train +7443,7444,7444,anini satu u kaemangay i,Todays children,train +7444,7445,7445,ma midudu tiya wacu,follow the dogs,train +7445,7446,7446,cacupi ney,maggot,train +7446,7447,7447,pafelian nuniya mararamuday cingra tu tusa kihpicay a Cudad Pipuwalan nu ˈorip sasimsimen a lima salicay atu Namisangaˈan ku ˈurip han,the couple gave him two booklets The origin of life five questions to Ponder and Does life come from Creation,train +7447,7448,7448,u nanay numaku sai sakacay maemin a sumuwal tunu Yincumim a suwal,my ultimate hope is to have a full fledged ethnic language,train +7448,7449,7449,ruma satu sasuwalen nu maku haw i,another thing I would like to say is this,train +7449,7450,7450,o kumuing nu sifu ita cira,he is a civil servant in our county,test +7450,7451,7451,nika anu maedeng ku rumiʼad,if there is enough time,train +7451,7452,7452,matumesay yaca tu nanum kura lufuc karetengay tengtengen,the bag is filled with water so it is very heavy to pull up,train +7452,7453,7453,tiya malipahak tu maemin ku malinaay,our family is happy,train +7453,7454,7454,anu ira aca ku valuhayay nu aniniay tu a radiw,and if there is a new song that is recently come out,train +7454,7455,7455,man,what is that,train +7455,7456,7456,nu Recurd,Oh years old,train +7456,7457,7457,Tangabulan,sika deer,train +7457,7458,7458,niira,he,train +7458,7459,7459,cacayen ku piala tu tamurak,just take a pumpkin please,train +7459,7460,7460,Nikawrira u nika sumuwal aku tu sulinay a suwal ku saka^ca pipasulin namu i Takuwanan,yet because I tell the truth you do not believe me,test +7460,7461,7461,kaduit,late,train +7461,7462,7462,hana niya ising ca ina aku,that is what the doctor told the mother,train +7462,7463,7463,Nanuya liyas satu cangra tu kasaupuan a luma Lahaklung satu ci Yakup aci Yuhani a tayra i luma na Simun aci Antiri,as soon as they left the synagogue they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew,train +7463,7464,7464,masaselaselal kura pisanga,and the class will come to help build the house,train +7464,7465,7465,u matiniya sangaʼan nira tu riku,it is all about making clothes out of this,train +7465,7466,7466,Pakahikuki^ kaku a tala Pengfu,I go to Penghu by plane,train +7466,7467,7467,sapilawalaw,deliberate forgetfulness,train +7467,7468,7468,o caay ka tupa uya caay ka citilid tu ngangan nuya aadupen anu ^ca i u sausi nu ngangan nuya aadupen i caay ka ngaay a micakay caay ka ngaay a pacakay tu maamaan,so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark which is the name of the beast or the number of his name,train +7468,7469,7469,i hacuwa ku pikilumaan namu,when is your Bountiful year Festival,train +7469,7470,7470,u wakung ku sapipalatang nu kakahulul,they gave us wine in big bowls,test +7470,7471,7471,ku niyan a taterungan,ethnic language preservation and,train +7471,7472,7472,itira sa i maʼaraw nu maku ku Amis,I am going to see the Amis at the construction company,train +7472,7473,7473,Orasaka satanekteken ku nipitier namu a pararid a mituur yu mitngil kamu tu Ngaayay Ratuh i tiyahu i iratu ku pafalucuan namu aka sawaden kunini Mapatnaktu anini kunini a Ngaayay Ratuh i pulung nu tamdamdaw kaku ci Pawlu ku matayalay a patnak tunini,if you continue in your faith established and firm not moved from the hope held out in the gospel this is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven and of which I Paul have become a servant,train +7473,7474,7474,Patikuen ku nicaliwan isu a cudad,return the book you borrowed,train +7474,7475,7475,fangcal na fuduy nira haw saan kaku,appreciate the traditional costumes worn,train +7475,7476,7476,u vavainay kura,that is a boy,train +7476,7477,7477,miʼaca tu utufay,just get the motorcycle,train +7477,7478,7478,caay ka sulut niyam cingra saka trep satu kami deng tu Nanay malahci ku nafalucuan nu Tapang han niyam cingra a pasuwal,when he would not be dissuaded we gave up and said The Lords will be done,train +7478,7479,7479,hana ira niyaru niyam haw a Maysan kisu sa u tatiihay ngangan ku Maysan ha,in our tribe you are called Buysan and the worst name you can be called is Buysan,train +7479,7480,7480,Namaansatu,since,test +7480,7481,7481,u maan ku dademaken aku kanga a,what is the best job for me,train +7481,7482,7482,Wata ku nika tadamakadufah ku mikumi nu Kawas i titaanan pakaynien nu Kawas i talulungay a taneng atu fana,that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding,train +7482,7483,7483,tini hantu ningra misiwkay,I will introduce her to you through her,train +7483,7484,7484,nacaay,No it is not,train +7484,7485,7485,iraay ku matikedaay nu misu tu,have you encountered,train +7485,7486,7486,rakarak han rakarak han pakatufay pakatufay i rikinay muku kira,look around look around look around look around on a motorcycle,train +7486,7487,7487,Mituuray kaku i tisuwanan a rumakat,I am walking with you,train +7487,7488,7488,ira sapiira sapiira haenan ku nika haen nu urip itiyahu,it was always like this talking about doing something doing something,train +7488,7489,7489,saka matiya u mipihpihay a saemel,it is like being cooled by a fan,train +7489,7490,7490,o nipalumaan aku kina funga^ tanamen a kumaen ari,this is the sweet potato I grow try it,test +7490,7491,7491,adipel,Walls fences,train +7491,7492,7492,ciraitay,with fish hook,train +7492,7493,7493,kumuden,set,train +7493,7494,7494,keliw,it is a rope,train +7494,7495,7495,anu miliyas kisu tu niyaru,no matter what your background is,train +7495,7496,7496,mahaenay tu isaw,that is it,train +7496,7497,7497,caay kaherek kiniyan u Pangcah,this Amis thing is never ending,train +7497,7498,7498,hecep,suck in,train +7498,7499,7499,vuhang nu lutuk,cave,train +7499,7500,7500,acaw han acaw han,spoonful by spoonful,test +7500,7501,7501,hai hananay tu kura faʼinayan kira,So I promised that boy,train +7501,7502,7502,o laliyawen a mirenaf kunini a patih,this wall needs to be repainted,train +7502,7503,7503,nawhan nanay sicudad tu kira imatini kira,Why it is a good thing we have words,train +7503,7504,7504,pakayni itiya i,previously,train +7504,7505,7505,micadcad tu uway ku malitengay,the old man peels the thorny yellow vine,train +7505,7506,7506,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Pataynien ku pinapina a futing tu maalaay namu i huni han ningra,Jesus said to them Bring some of the fish you have just caught,train +7506,7507,7507,tafukud,cast a net,train +7507,7508,7508,Marawisay nu maku kira kamaya i sarikuran nu luma,the red persimmon at the back of the patio was grabbed by my outstretched hand,train +7508,7509,7509,icuwaay,somewhere,train +7509,7510,7510,itila i naviyuwan,at the temple,test +7510,7511,7511,i tepar ni Singkuy a lutuk,in the neighborhood of the starving mountain gods,train +7511,7512,7512,tama,medium,train +7512,7513,7513,misamaanay u tarukus ci Pawlu hanu palimuˈut tu Hiprayay a Krisciyang tungalen ku pisaˈicel a pakalalulaluk saan hani,why did the apostle Paul exhort Christians of Hebrew descent to make a greater effort to encourage one another,train +7513,7514,7514,cukuwi,desks,train +7514,7515,7515,maharek tu a misadim ku heni iri,after they release the poison ivy,train +7515,7516,7516,Caay u malawidangay cangra,No they are friends,train +7516,7517,7517,u widang aku cingra ci Lamen ku ngangan ningra,she is my friend and her name is amen,train +7517,7518,7518,u faʼinay nu maku,my husband,train +7518,7519,7519,anu tali haw,what if it is taro,train +7519,7520,7520,catu kafana mitakula,I do not know how to catch frogs,test +7520,7521,7521,a mangaʼayay haratengen,So I think it is better,train +7521,7522,7522,Mangengen nura iya ya tayniay itini mafulaw ca mira tayni i,those who want to migrate see after they migrate here,train +7522,7523,7523,pinaru,items to be loaded,train +7523,7524,7524,mapapaliw,laborer by turn,train +7524,7525,7525,pasuwal sa cingra i tamiyanan maepung ku fadahung nu luma,he told us that there was a hole in the roof of his house,train +7525,7526,7526,Paaruriren nu matuasay i ayaw ku pisafel tu daeci,the old man used to put swallows to cook bamboo shoots,train +7526,7527,7527,u maku a pilifet itiya hu,in my trial at that time,train +7527,7528,7528,miliyaw,again,train +7528,7529,7529,Dengtu ci Luka ku i tiniay i takuwanan Tamitaen ci Maruku a tayni nawhani u sakaci^puc nu tayal aku cingra,only Luke is with me get mark and bring him with you because he is helpful to me in my ministry,train +7529,7530,7530,cainsiw kura sapifuting,the main reason for the training was to qualify for fishing,test +7530,7531,7531,mahaen tu ku demak,that is the job now,train +7531,7532,7532,ka u i Taytu a micakat,he came ashore in Taitung,train +7532,7533,7533,taypiyawhuy,representative Councils,train +7533,7534,7534,a huykuy,Feedback,train +7534,7535,7535,cuyuh,angels,train +7535,7536,7536,yu mapatay,death of the victim,train +7536,7537,7537,tusiya,car,train +7537,7538,7538,kilemel ku vavainay a mikikay,because men are powerful,train +7538,7539,7539,vavainay,schoolboy,train +7539,7540,7540,mahiniay ku lacu aku,that is the kind of bullet I am using,test +7540,7541,7541,sala^,dish,train +7541,7542,7542,Nikawrira nanu mapatayay kunini a safa isu i miliyaw a maurip nanu malafelay cingra i minukaytu Saka u lalipahapahak aca kita a maacang han nuya mama han ni Yis,but we had to celebrate and be glad because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found,train +7542,7543,7543,caay hu kafana tu ulid ku wawawawa,kids do not know how to talk about love,train +7543,7544,7544,malacecay,one,train +7544,7545,7545,mifitelak,blooming,train +7545,7546,7546,anu melawan ku niyaniyaruan nu Pangcah i sawali a niyaru vangcal ku Mamelawan aluman ku mavanaay tu isu,the Amis tribes the Coastal Cluster have a beautiful marine landscape and many craftsmen are based there,train +7546,7547,7547,talariyar,go out to sea,train +7547,7548,7548,anu miliyas hu tuni a litapangan,if it is rooted,train +7548,7549,7549,pakayni i luma 101 2 misamaanay hanu padadutuc fanekfek a mitusil ci Pawlu tu Yutaya tamdaw hani,according to Romans why was Paul able to persevere in preaching to the Jews,train +7549,7550,7550,midisdis ku ina aku tu tefus i palapalaan,my mom is in the field peeling the leaves of a sweetbrier,test +7550,7551,7551,minukay cira milusimet tu lalusidan nu nira ta tayra satu i alu,go home get your gear and head for the creek,train +7551,7552,7552,matu itiraʼay ku sapainiaw aku kitanan u pulung nu paru nu kanatal,this is something I want to share with everyone,train +7552,7553,7553,man san ku pihulul man san talacuan san ku Pangcah ufasang di,I asked my aunt where Amis playing and where she was going,train +7553,7554,7554,Ina^ tayni kaku a milisu i tusuwanan,Grandma I am here to see you,train +7554,7555,7555,kangkufu itiya saka tusa kaku,I am the second nurse,train +7555,7556,7556,Tatusa^,stupid,train +7556,7557,7557,tatulu ku faʼinayan,there are three men,train +7557,7558,7558,o Amis ku fafahi nu misu haw,is your wife also Amis Please change Amis to your ethnic group,train +7558,7559,7559,milawup,round up,train +7559,7560,7560,taʼangʼangay a cinah,it is all big saltines,test +7560,7561,7561,misadufutay,making Valentine bags,train +7561,7562,7562,mirmir,tremble,train +7562,7563,7563,diyafa diyafa sampuy han kura sadiyafaay a tukus sanay kura,the mountain where millet is grown harvesting the name Leaha fat Sambuyi,train +7563,7564,7564,ira kya hananay nu mita mi kita tu itiya,a tribal community college was established at that time,train +7564,7565,7565,paaresingay,dewy,train +7565,7566,7566,Cakatay tu,Yes I did,train +7566,7567,7567,ku matiniay a nipainian nu matuasay,assets passed down from generation to generation,train +7567,7568,7568,Midauc a macakat ku pasemsemay cangraan a acfel Midauc a caay pasla ku pisemsem nu mitaungay tuya aadupen atu facu nira halucitupaay a tamdaw tu ngangan nuya aadupen a misemsem tu rumiamiad tu dadadadaya saan,and the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever there is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image or for anyone who receives the mark of his name,train +7568,7569,7569,nu Recurd,Tom Tom I am only in charge,train +7569,7570,7570,dabak maherek tu kamu masasuwal ma haw hay,Morning do you have a deal Yes,test +7570,7571,7571,Nawhani u pipatalaan nu Yutaya a tamdaw tu Paslaan a Rumiad itiya mangata kuya tadem saka i tiraen nangra a mitli ku tireng ni Yis a mitadem,because it was the Jewish day of preparation and since the tomb was nearby they laid Jesus there,train +7571,7572,7572,ku masanek fanglih malecad tu,it is good it smells good,train +7572,7573,7573,matuastuay saan ku suwal namatuasay niya vayi niyam iri,grandma says it is because we have grown up,train +7573,7574,7574,nengneng nu mita a umah,look at our farmland,train +7574,7575,7575,Pikuen tu mamang i terung nu keliw a pasakawili,the line in the center bends a little to the left,train +7575,7576,7576,hatini aca^ ku pipalicay aku anini^ Aray,that is all for today interview thank you very much for sharing with us,train +7576,7577,7577,milicay kaku tuninian u deng namu ku matayalay tu hatiniay han naku sumuwal,I have asked if your tribe is the only one that makes Sapindus,train +7577,7578,7578,mapaamuut,come it smells wet,train +7578,7579,7579,Talaayaw ci Yis tu mamang i maaraw ningra ku ruma a malikakaay a tatusa u wawa ni Cipitay ci Yakup aci Yuhani pacafay cangra tu mama nangra a misulimet tu salil i tamina tahidang han ni Yis cangra i,going on from there he saw two other brothers James son of Zebedee and his brother John they were in a boat with their father Zebedee preparing their nets Jesus called them,train +7579,7580,7580,yu talakakarayan ci Yis i pamutek sa cangra a pasikakarayan a minengneng itiya i fahal sa a ira ku kuhcalay ku riku a tatusaay a tamdaw a tumireng i tatihi nangra,they were looking intently up into the sky as he was going when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them,test +7580,7581,7581,amu wawa haw nasikungku,you kids have heard it before,train +7581,7582,7582,u ranam ku saka cacay a remiad u lahuk ku sakatusa a remiad,breakfast on the first day the second day is for Chinese food,train +7582,7583,7583,ngasifen ku felac,put rice in the kettle,train +7583,7584,7584,a tangsa i Taytu,arriving in Taitung,train +7584,7585,7585,mahrek ci Yuta a kumaen tuya ^pang i micumud ci Satan tu falucu ningra suwal hantu ni Yis cingra Kalamkamen a midmak kura dadmaken isu han ningra,as soon as Judas took the bread Satan entered into him What you are about to do do quickly Jesus told him,train +7585,7586,7586,itiraay a sera hantu ci Ripun han,that is why the place was named Chilgapcheon,train +7586,7587,7587,mapud cingra miteli tulu ku langa nira i laenu,he went down to put in the three baskets below,train +7587,7588,7588,mimaan kamu saw wama,Dad what are you doing,train +7588,7589,7589,awaay ku mimukmukay a kasuling itini pakahaya sa kisu,there is no MRT station here you can only take a taxi,train +7589,7590,7590,tu papacem tu i,in the morning,test +7590,7591,7591,O pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw i pitngil tu pipasuwal nu Fangcalay Adingu i kasakiwkay O pakaluwiday a tamdaw i u hahaydaen aku ku nika kumaen nangra tu hci nu sakaciurip a kilang uya i tiraay i Palusayan nu Kawas,he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches to him who overcomes I will give the right to eat from the tree of life which is in the paradise of God,train +7591,7592,7592,awa ku tadasay nu fufu,and the grandchildren have no headbands to wear,train +7592,7593,7593,mineneng kaku tu tatiliden anini,be sure to preview the homework you will be teaching today,train +7593,7594,7594,maherek tu ku kalumaan mitayalan cecay ku celi nu mama nu kapah tangsul tu ku kapah a misedef tu nanum macacuker a milaheci tu manmaan a tatayalen,once all the preparations are in place the youths are under the direction of the leadership and support each other in a variety of situations one by one with one command and one by one action,train +7594,7595,7595,pikenawan,place where green onions are picked,train +7595,7596,7596,o miadicaway ku tayal niyam i ayaw,in the old days we worked in marble quarrying,train +7596,7597,7597,ilaay pakatamina pacemut atu pakacitingsiya mi taliyuk tu fanaw,Yes there is boating fishing and biking around the lake,train +7597,7598,7598,mahaen ku nisimsim nina babuy nu liyal,that is what the whales think,train +7598,7599,7599,anu vavainay iri,a man,train +7599,7600,7600,misakilmel,endeavor,test +7600,7601,7601,u maan nisangaan kini,what is this made of,train +7601,7602,7602,ka u mamalupiarawan nangra kisu i masamaamaanay a dmak ka u sulinay a falucu atu masinanutay ku falucu isu a pasifana,in everything set them an example by doing what is good in your teaching show integrity seriousness,train +7602,7603,7603,adidi han nira mimetmet haw kura sasuʼut,he grasped the rope with great patience,train +7603,7604,7604,Halu akuen a pafeli,include me when you give,train +7604,7605,7605,mihaen mihiya misamukung,carpentry,train +7605,7606,7606,i niyan ri u fukesu han kinian,this is pasture,train +7606,7607,7607,tadafangcal a nengnengen ku ludi nu kakarayan,the sunset in the sky looks so beautiful,train +7607,7608,7608,i talukan a madiku kira wacu,the dog is nesting in the chicken coop,train +7608,7609,7609,taya sakatulu satu kirahaw hai sakatulu satu tayni satu mifulaw,the third Clearance challenge,train +7609,7610,7610,Masapi ku panay anini,the grain is now fallen on the ground from its weight,test +7610,7611,7611,itiya i mapaicel nu Fangcalay Adingu ci Pitiru saka suwal sa i cangraan Kamu u kakrikridan nu finawlan atu kalas nu niyaru,then Peter filled with the Holy Spirit said to them Rulers and elders of the people,train +7611,7612,7612,u suwal ni ama aku i,dad said,train +7612,7613,7613,tu parud,household,train +7613,7614,7614,ta itini tu ku aru nu maku tiya ri,that is where I started,train +7614,7615,7615,sa kunu mamangan nu misu ma,So you have been around since you were a kid,train +7615,7616,7616,mangudu,shyness,train +7616,7617,7617,o mituruay ci Yis tu raraw niyam i kaayaw nu Wama aka ka saan ku harateng namu oya pafalucuan namu ci Musi ku mituruay tu raraw namu,But do not think I will accuse you before the Father your accuser is Moses on whom your hopes are set,train +7617,7618,7618,ku luma itiya,at the time and the loss of the family,train +7618,7619,7619,hilam han ira kura Kawas itatihi ningra,I found a ghost sitting next to me,train +7619,7620,7620,saminukay hu ku tamina mahecaday tu u maheraay,it is like picking up a ship when it comes into port,test +7620,7621,7621,yus maefer ri,Good Jumping,train +7621,7622,7622,nira matuasay,that old man,train +7622,7623,7623,u nakinatusaay tu yu a tayni,it is the second time I have been here,train +7623,7624,7624,i tiraen,put there,train +7624,7625,7625,helipcepcep,suck in,train +7625,7626,7626,tumeked,alone,train +7626,7627,7627,pakunira,arbitrary,train +7627,7628,7628,u Sei Lei atu cuyuh,there are Holy gods and angels,train +7628,7629,7629,ya tayni i riyar tani i alu,if you want to go to the sea go to the river,train +7629,7630,7630,caay pilitinaʼi cira tu takura,he is not going to get rid of the offal,test +7630,7631,7631,Pitusur a mitulun ci Wamaan,please get down on your knees and pray to God,train +7631,7632,7632,matuʼasa satu,growing up,train +7632,7633,7633,caay ka madiw i kalahitayan,they do not sing in the army,train +7633,7634,7634,tilid hananay ira pasadak i Kaluluanay haw,he wrote this song that went viral in Carolina,train +7634,7635,7635,Celcel han ni Mayaw kuya mikiaraway a tamdaw talaaayaw,Mayaw rushed through the crowd of onlookers to get to the front,train +7635,7636,7636,malakakahaday,it is a wide one,train +7636,7637,7637,teli han kafekang nu saʼupuan a kasuy kira,putting on the top layer of wood,train +7637,7638,7638,paceva saan ku naayaway haw,the old way was more casual,train +7638,7639,7639,masamaan nanumen ku nanum nu riyar,how does seawater taste,train +7639,7640,7640,pakamawmah hanay tu kami mafulaway tayni,let the work of those who have moved here be done,test +7640,7641,7641,Nikawrira unini ku mimaanay anu u pacfaaytu anu u sulinaytu i u pakayraan a ma^min a mipatnak tu pakayniay ci Kristuan Saka lipahak kaku tunini o mamararid kaku a lipahak,but what does it matter the important thing is that in every way whether from false motives or true Christ is preached and because of this I rejoice Yes and I will continue to rejoice,train +7641,7642,7642,anini singasu tu kita,nowadays we use gas,train +7642,7643,7643,awaay ku maan awaay ku kaadayayan nu falucu,there is nothing that is lacking in the heart,train +7643,7644,7644,tangsa i ay,up to,train +7644,7645,7645,Pacauf sa kuya kaka Naay saan Nikawrira i ikuray i mafalictu ku falucu ningra ta tayra satu cingra,I will not he answered but later he changed his mind and went,train +7645,7646,7646,aya sawid ira aca safa aku tayni i i,my brother was working in the middle east in Arabia at the time,train +7646,7647,7647,suwal sa cangra Malasawadtu ku kacifalucuan isu a maamaan Malasawadtu ku dafung atu sakatadamaan nu urip isu Caaytu ku mamakra isu kunini saan,They will say The fruit you longed for is gone from you all your riches and splendor have vanished never to be recovered,train +7647,7648,7648,masuvuc i takuwan ira tu milaliw,I ran away when I was born,train +7648,7649,7649,karihakedan,trust,train +7649,7650,7650,cikanuus,has fingernails,test +7650,7651,7651,viyuk,flutes,train +7651,7652,7652,Tataang ku esun nura nanum a marukruk,that water is boiling really loud,train +7652,7653,7653,na u misafafuyay ku tayal aku i ruma miheca,my original job last year was to raise pigs,train +7653,7654,7654,kirikiri,scratch and itch,train +7654,7655,7655,tadabaedet,Overheating,train +7655,7656,7656,Sanitu misulac hen kaku tu wadis,Wait I will brush my teeth first,train +7656,7657,7657,tayring nu mita,our police,train +7657,7658,7658,anu caacaay ku makimaday kaku i awaay ku kaisafaan nu fana aku Mapahapinangtu niyam i tamuwanan i masamaamaanay a dmak niyam kunini,I may not be a trained speaker but I do have knowledge we have made this perfectly clear to you in every way,train +7658,7659,7659,o hikuki ku nikalican aku kalikiay ku hikuki tu siacefelay,I will take the plane because it is faster than the train,train +7659,7660,7660,Sipalumaay tu havay atu panay i lutuk,millet and glutinous rice are grown in the mountains,test +7660,7661,7661,anu ira ku caay pikihar tu malininaay atu paru nu luma ningra a tamdaw i u misiikuray cingra tu pituur ningra ci Kristuan ikaka nu caay pipasulin tu Kawas ku nika tatiih ningra,if anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for his immediate family he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever,train +7661,7662,7662,makulapay,careless,train +7662,7663,7663,yu caciyaw cangra a masasuwal i fahal ira ci Yis a miraud a mikaput cangraan a rumakat,as they talked and discussed these things with each other Jesus himself came up and walked along with them,train +7663,7664,7664,hatinian tu anini ku pisanga aku,now I am going to stereotype it this way,train +7664,7665,7665,mikedec,fasten,train +7665,7666,7666,herek hu nu lahuk tu tusa tuki,two of the clock in the afternoon,train +7666,7667,7667,akawang si Kanas amerek si Diway,Kanas is tall and Diway is short,train +7667,7668,7668,liteng,old,train +7668,7669,7669,Fa^det ku paputal haw,will it be hot outside,train +7669,7670,7670,kafanaʼan i,known,test +7670,7671,7671,a wawa sanay sanay isa,the use of this book can be emulated by future generations,train +7671,7672,7672,u sapad kiniyan,this is the table,train +7672,7673,7673,a misakilmel kaku a micudad,I am going to study hard,train +7673,7674,7674,o maan ku nitelian isu itira,what is that thing you put there,train +7674,7675,7675,anu han anini haw,for real if you are screening now,train +7675,7676,7676,anu maraudtu ku rumiad i itiya a milahci ku Kawas tunini a nisahalakaan Ningra a mipalaccay i ci Kristuan tu i kakarayanay atu i hkalay a maamaan a nisangaan Ningra a paku Tapang i Cingraan,to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head even Christ,train +7676,7677,7677,u vaki niyam,our Grandpa,train +7677,7678,7678,watah ku kakumaen nira tamdaw,Wow that guys a good eater,train +7678,7679,7679,urasatu niʼanip tu sakuama aku i,my fathers planting seedlings,train +7679,7680,7680,itini ku sasamiciw,aim here,test +7680,7681,7681,o mariangay a tamdaw cingra,he is a mean person he is a criminal,train +7681,7682,7682,Secik,Sedgwick,train +7682,7683,7683,situ^,student,train +7683,7684,7684,mitedal,save the situation,train +7684,7685,7685,itini i kami tira a maru,I lived there for years,train +7685,7686,7686,Orasaka u matiniay pisedef tu nanum a tayal kalamkamen tatiih patelac mapapadang malacecay ku falucu a milaheci,that is why everything at the weir gate is done quickly accurately cooperatively and in one fell swoop,train +7686,7687,7687,mavana kisu nei haw misanga tu mahiraay,you know how to make that stuff,train +7687,7688,7688,Hay milafinay i pipaisingan nu hatini a pakinsa,Yes I am currently hospitalized,train +7688,7689,7689,talatimul,southward,train +7689,7690,7690,Tusa^ daduy,I want to buy two patties,test +7690,7691,7691,a micakay tu maan sa hakiya,we are going to Hualien what did the old man want me to buy,train +7691,7692,7692,u sakaranam sakalahuk sakalafi,breakfast meals lunch meals dinner meals,train +7692,7693,7693,mahaenay u titi nu runung,it is got the meat of a mackerel,train +7693,7694,7694,caay piharateng a mangaʼay milinsiw misanga,I am not talking about practicing production,train +7694,7695,7695,tu heni tu mahaenay a,weakness of language is the because,train +7695,7696,7696,pacuay,returns,train +7696,7697,7697,Caengaw san kuya nitukadan awaay maaraw nira ku mama nira,the man who was operated on did not see his father when he woke up,train +7697,7698,7698,Hepul hatu ku tatiih nu hanghang nu misu,forgive your best friend for not being,train +7698,7699,7699,paveli,give,train +7699,7700,7700,talarikuray tu ku singing maemin,the whole crew is backing up,test +7700,7701,7701,o ngangan nu maku tu nu Pangcah ri,my Amish name,train +7701,7702,7702,mapatay tu kura ina aku,my mother died of exhaustion,train +7702,7703,7703,miming,few,train +7703,7704,7704,malaʼadaw tu nanum hen sa kaku,I saw a conflict over water for rice,train +7704,7705,7705,Alapawan Alipawan sa,Alabao Million Arriba Million,train +7705,7706,7706,matiniyay ku demak,that is the way it is,train +7706,7707,7707,marafi,overflow,train +7707,7708,7708,mamitulun,Officiating and praying,train +7708,7709,7709,tayniay tu kami a mafulaw,move here,train +7709,7710,7710,icuwaay ci mama^ isu,where is your father,test +7710,7711,7711,wa miˈimer kaku tu niyah atu wawa aka pakidem a minengneng tu milawlaay a kamuk anca lalakaw han,will I discipline my children and myself to stay away from too many entertainment programs or information,train +7711,7712,7712,maraekeday,we all went together,train +7712,7713,7713,u mamangaʼay saka ku hay haw hayi,I think it is the best thing to do Oh yeah Yes it is,train +7713,7714,7714,ira aca ku nanges itini i lalan atatayni i kungkuan haw,there is also a mango tree I have been walking around it every day to go to school,train +7714,7715,7715,faes,sticky rice balls,train +7715,7716,7716,cifar1,boat shaped plate made of leaves,train +7716,7717,7717,cifalinunuay,tall stem glutinous rice seeds,train +7717,7718,7718,minengneng kita tu facacidu,we are going to see dragonflies,train +7718,7719,7719,cedet,hot,train +7719,7720,7720,micunacun,Go Stirring,test +7720,7721,7721,tahira tu iya,high,train +7721,7722,7722,aka patefaden ku lusa isu,do not let your tears fall,train +7722,7723,7723,sahetuay,all of them,train +7723,7724,7724,ta suwal han naku kuya,and they said to the pastor,train +7724,7725,7725,ira manhan kura radiw,what is the song,train +7725,7726,7726,nai luma nu mita tayra i tiraw i,our house goes that way,train +7726,7727,7727,Pacemet a pahanhan,take a break for a nap,train +7727,7728,7728,Talaʼayaw talaʼayaw san mafukil patararikur,thinking that if you go forward you will not go back,train +7728,7729,7729,hatiraay tu hiwawa ku urip nu Amis itiya hu,that is how the Amis lived at the time,train +7729,7730,7730,saʼetip i miaca tu ku luma ku wawa aku,my kids work upstate,test +7730,7731,7731,Maduka ku waay,foot injury,train +7731,7732,7732,mamang,not so,train +7732,7733,7733,anucila,three days later,train +7733,7734,7734,nu icuwacuwaay kiyami haw,wherever it came from,train +7734,7735,7735,Inaaw uyi naayaw i anu tayra kamu i umah i,Yes Yes,train +7735,7736,7736,o tataangay a tarawadaw ku Siukulan a tarawadaw,Xiuguluan river is a very large river,train +7736,7737,7737,mitudung,imitations,train +7737,7738,7738,patayraen ku kulung i runang,let the cows go to the mud pond,train +7738,7739,7739,Cuwa^ muraraw pinengneng isu,No you are mistaken,train +7739,7740,7740,camul,to mix,test +7740,7741,7741,Sacudahen ku falucu namu ta pakaluwid tu tawu,you have to be brave to win,train +7741,7742,7742,nawhani nanu mapatayay kunini a wawa aku i maurip haca nanu malafelay i minukaytu han ningra Saka satapang satu cangra a maacang,for this son of mine was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found so they began to celebrate,train +7742,7743,7743,anca wata kuni a adihay nura paysu saan ku mietanay,sometimes people who make are so excited to get that kind of money,train +7743,7744,7744,Cucup han ni mama ku nitenasan a titi,dad sucked the salted meat and ate it,train +7744,7745,7745,iraay ku pisimsim tu rumiʼad mikiluma haw,is there a custom of choosing a date for a housewarming,train +7745,7746,7746,o citangalay a wawa cingra,he is a brilliant child,train +7746,7747,7747,Samiyamiyat san matedi ku fuis i kakarayan,the stars in the sky are shining brightly,train +7747,7748,7748,melaw sa kaku tu singvung,I read the papers looking for a job,train +7748,7749,7749,caay ka ca kalumuwi ku fafuy anu lepelen,a pig caught in the act will surely squeal,train +7749,7750,7750,tu tireng,sacrificing the body,test +7750,7751,7751,mami^ mami,tangerine,train +7751,7752,7752,sipacakayen nira kiya palumaʼan nu itilaay,sell the house where it is located,train +7752,7753,7753,Hananghang ku tireng nu maku saan ci faki aku,my uncle said that his body was in pain,train +7753,7754,7754,alaen nu ripun ku kakaenen mamin,so the Japanese took all the food,train +7754,7755,7755,yu i tirahu kaku i Tisalunika i caay ka kinaccay kinapinapina kamu a patayni tu maamaan a mipadang tu kacanguutan aku,for even when I was in Thessalonica you sent me aid again and again when I was in need,train +7755,7756,7756,naka caay kahatira ku harateng nu salikaka,but brothers and sisters think differently,train +7756,7757,7757,ura saca i u anekak haw i mafanaʼay ira ku tatiʼihay ira ku mapatayay saan,and crows know where the bad ones die,train +7757,7758,7758,mana marurum kura wawa milaud takuwanan,why is that kid hugging me so sadly,train +7758,7759,7759,mipatikur sa tu cingra micucukaytu i tireng kira haw,when he is about to swim out stab him in the body,train +7759,7760,7760,pinaay ku tuki anini,what time is it,test +7760,7761,7761,nangra,He she,train +7761,7762,7762,Parafiyasen aku ku nanum i fanaw,I will make the pond overflow,train +7762,7763,7763,cukis hay ya hatiniay cukis,such a big rafter,train +7763,7764,7764,ira tu ku tingki nu mita u finawlan,the tribes had electricity in,train +7764,7765,7765,ngaʼay ku limecedan u kayuing ha,is it okay to be a teenage girl or a teenage pattern girl,train +7765,7766,7766,dingki^,light,train +7766,7767,7767,Arawhani pakasifusifu sa nu finawlan cingra a milaliw,but he walked right through the crowd and went on his way,train +7767,7768,7768,painian nu matuasay,reminders from our elders,train +7768,7769,7769,ira ci Mariya hananay a safa ningra Aru sa ci Mariya i tatihi nu waay nu Tapang a mitngil tu suwal ningra,she had a sister called Mary who sat at the Lords feet listening to what he said,train +7769,7770,7770,Hay mavanatu kaku,Okay,test +7770,7771,7771,piati,invitation,train +7771,7772,7772,marukruk sa i cefus han nira kura namal,I saw that pot of beef broth boiling and overflowing,train +7772,7773,7773,sasirawan nu tau kura tinaʼi nu kakahung,some people pickle the guts of flying fish,train +7773,7774,7774,i tiya hu ku demak nu niyaru nu misa Cawiʼay,early Era customs of the Shizura tribe,train +7774,7775,7775,hauiya kura haw u ilisin nu ayaw kura hai,is this the ceremony before the Toyotomi Festival Yes it is,train +7775,7776,7776,i cuwa kamu a minanges,where did you pick the mangoes,train +7776,7777,7777,sayhu,master,train +7777,7778,7778,tamdaw u mapatay itiya,natural death,train +7778,7779,7779,tamiyanan,us,train +7779,7780,7780,mitala ku finawlan ci Cakariyaan Maurat cangra a miharateng tu nika halafin ningra i laluma nu Fangcalay Pitaungan,Meanwhile the people were waiting for Zechariah and wondering why he stayed so long in the temple,test +7780,7781,7781,natala Ripun,going to Japan,train +7781,7782,7782,Hunihuni adada ku tiyad aku,not long after that my stomach hurt,train +7782,7783,7783,kuli,penal servitude,train +7783,7784,7784,sadama tu luma sa kaku,it is a favor to the family that is the way I see it,train +7784,7785,7785,saremiremiad,everyday,train +7785,7786,7786,adihay ku demak itiya,that is a lot of things,train +7786,7787,7787,nawhani u nanu kinapinapinaaytu a turuen ni Yuhani ci Hiruti tu Caay ka ngaay kisu a miafas tu fafahi nu salikaka isu sanay,for John had been saying to Herod It is not lawful for you to have your brothers wife,train +7787,7788,7788,maherek tu kami patireng tu luma maʼemin tu malinah tini tiya ira ku saʼupu,we will have a meeting only after we have moved here and built a house,train +7788,7789,7789,u mipalamlam nu,Multi cuisine mixes are available,train +7789,7790,7790,paratih hananay,Psychic,test +7790,7791,7791,tu raraw aku,my mistake,train +7791,7792,7792,nguhed,dental cavities,train +7792,7793,7793,pulul,cage,train +7793,7794,7794,i saamisan nu Kiku,north of the mouth of the stream,train +7794,7795,7795,mansa mahererektu ku laluud i matuleday ku falucuˈ niyam tu mikuwanay nu Kitakit atu kiyukay,after the war my family and I were very disappointed in the church and the government,train +7795,7796,7796,minengneng kami tu fuis,we went stargazing,train +7796,7797,7797,tuwa,consequently,train +7797,7798,7798,o cecay kawcung a kapah ci Tuni miminghu awaaytu ku wama,there is a high school kid named Tony who grew up without a dad,train +7798,7799,7799,saka cecay a patafu hananay i u raan u dademakay ku lalafu nu luma nu mita tira i pala haw,the first description is of family members working in the fields,train +7799,7800,7800,micunpi tu kamu haw,you have to be prepared,test +7800,7801,7801,masulep kaku ira haw ku kakaenen,I am hungry is there anything to eat,train +7801,7802,7802,salaluma nu pikuwan nu was kita,we are inside Gods rule under his jurisdiction,train +7802,7803,7803,ngaay a minanam a mituris anu hatiraen,not only can you practice your writing,train +7803,7804,7804,maruray mipalu ta masadak i tira patang,everything has a manpower working to install rice buckets,train +7804,7805,7805,hatini satu saka mangata tu,we are almost there now,train +7805,7806,7806,miduka,wounds,train +7806,7807,7807,ira ku cecay a rumiad tu saka talapitilidan a lalan,one day on the way to school,train +7807,7808,7808,awaay ku nu maku awaay ku,Lin Chiu Yu is not bipolar,train +7808,7809,7809,tefad han tu ningra kuya micekiwan tu nu ningra,so drop what you have gathered right now,train +7809,7810,7810,nu Recurd,Amis heads,test +7810,7811,7811,hatira ku kalaluk ita i mahemek ku malitelitengay,the elders love me because I am very hardworking and I please them,train +7811,7812,7812,pipipay,race day,train +7812,7813,7813,misalamaay,playful,train +7813,7814,7814,tuas,growing up,train +7814,7815,7815,nani Falangaway,from the Malan tribe,train +7815,7816,7816,sapakaen nira tu wawa cuwa awaay ku,I cannot and will not be able to raise a child,train +7816,7817,7817,sanawnawan,the Watercourses,train +7817,7818,7818,ya ca kangaʼay ku falucu nu maku,my bad mood,train +7818,7819,7819,adidiʼay a mabana haw kita,how would we know if we were so small,train +7819,7820,7820,anu ira tu ku pilidungan caay katama nu urad,as long as there is shelter from the rain,test +7820,7821,7821,anu minukay kisu namitilid mimaan kisu,what do you do after school,train +7821,7822,7822,tangasa tu i alu haw i ini tu ku pasilusian aku haw i,I went to river Creek and saw that the markings were still there,train +7822,7823,7823,sapikacedu,it is used to make movies,train +7823,7824,7824,sapakatelay,wired,train +7824,7825,7825,hayda,yea,train +7825,7826,7826,adihay tu mahaen tu matiya tu fadahung kasukayap i kilang,the wooden scallops will grow wide like canopies,train +7826,7827,7827,Paradacen ku lalan,level the road,train +7827,7828,7828,o sapalipahakaw ni Pilatu tu finawlan saka tdal hantu ningra ci Parapas ta mipalimuut haca a mipalu ci Yisan paturud hantu ni Pilatu cangra a papipacek i ciwcika ci Yisan,wanting to satisfy the crowd Pilate released Barabbas to them he had Jesus flogged and handed him over to be crucified,train +7828,7829,7829,saka saan u lawla nu mita u Pangcah a matatawa nanu tuas kapahay a salangawan nu mita,this naming culture gave rise to the early so called data a form of humor and wisdom inherited from our ancestors,train +7829,7830,7830,kafaliyusan,typhoon,test +7830,7831,7831,milipayci,getting paid,train +7831,7832,7832,masasiday kami tu hanghang kini,I lost my friend,train +7832,7833,7833,na maharek ka mitilid haw i a alumanaluman tu ku sarikaka itini i,after I graduated there were many disciples,train +7833,7834,7834,Pina^ tu ku mihecaan isu anini^,how old are you,train +7834,7835,7835,fuhet,squirrels,train +7835,7836,7836,ceseaysiwciye la kuranan,it is just a kind of Ms Love,train +7836,7837,7837,macakat,go up,train +7837,7838,7838,ura tu cidal i tefay,it is making the sun angry Yuck,train +7838,7839,7839,awaay ku nu maku nika ira ku ni Panay tanamay aku a sumuwal cingra,I do not but Panay does I will try to get a message to her for you,train +7839,7840,7840,rurungenfaluden,bundle,test +7840,7841,7841,anu maysi tu fihetak han ngaʼay caluway sanay,it is easy to lift it up when you want to take a leak,train +7841,7842,7842,Nacima ku misangaay tu sapakatelay a suwal,who invented the telephone,train +7842,7843,7843,anu misalamaay tu maliyangay tu inangayay tu maʼaraw itini i pimalian,Fun rebellious competitive player performance and skills,train +7843,7844,7844,a ilisin,year of Abundance Festival,train +7844,7845,7845,tiay tutung,the torch,train +7845,7846,7846,anini ira henay mahaen henay,that is how it is done nowadays,train +7846,7847,7847,adipapang,butterfly,train +7847,7848,7848,wawa,Child,train +7848,7849,7849,tayni kisu masaupu anucila haw,are you coming to the party tomorrow,train +7849,7850,7850,a pakasaw a mitangic tu wama,seek his face through fasting and prayer,test +7850,7851,7851,Papataen aku ku mantu a kumaen,I eat my buns with cream,train +7851,7852,7852,kilimen ku tau u mamikilim hu kaku tu singsi,you find someone else I am going to find the teacher,train +7852,7853,7853,ri matiray ri,this thing,train +7853,7854,7854,anu kaʼemang haw kuengelay,if it is still small it is more tender,train +7854,7855,7855,Nikawrira u pakayniay aca i suwal atu ngangan tu matiliday i Rikec namu kunini a dmak saka kamu ku cacitudung a milusimet tunini a dmak Naay kaku a misawkit tu matiniay a dmak han ningra,but since it involves questions about words and names and your own law settle the matter yourselves I will not be a judge of such things,train +7855,7856,7856,o mipalumaay kami i tamuwanan tu saki nusaluafang a sapaluma o pakinaliay ku nipiala niyam i tamuwanan tu sakaurip niyam saw,if we have sown spiritual seed among you is it too much if we reap a material Harvest from you,train +7856,7857,7857,culuh han nu malitengay talaʼamis,the old man pushed it to the north,train +7857,7858,7858,nawhan i nengneng han nura ayam sa kiya cecay Tapang,because the woodpecker looks at the trunk of the tree,train +7858,7859,7859,karapiyatay,bolt,train +7859,7860,7860,pafeli tu wawa Ningra,thou hast given the throne to Christ,test +7860,7861,7861,ta mangaay kami a masarucud a mitulun a patnak tu suwal nu Kawas han nangra,and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word,train +7861,7862,7862,nawhani nu itiyaay a sasalamaan,early Childs play,train +7862,7863,7863,u nu Hulam a Cudad iri hacuwa minam,Chinese,train +7863,7864,7864,Iʼayaway a kimad nu matuʼasay,legendary stories of our ancestors from the past,train +7864,7865,7865,ci Macu ci maay tu hakiya,who else would it be,train +7865,7866,7866,itini i Lidaw han tu,at the Tung Cheong tribe,train +7866,7867,7867,yasa kaku itiya,that is when I,train +7867,7868,7868,i cuwaay ku talakal nu misu,where is your trap,train +7868,7869,7869,anudafak haw saan,dad said tomorrow,train +7869,7870,7870,a malayap itiya,receive,test +7870,7871,7871,o kungkung nu rakes kunini,this is camphor trunk,train +7871,7872,7872,mahaenay aku u wawa henay sa,I used to do that when I was a kid,train +7872,7873,7873,nuninian,this one,train +7873,7874,7874,Pararamuday,couple,train +7874,7875,7875,midakaw tu pasu hakuwa ku halafin tahira i pitilidan,how long does it take to get to the school by bus,train +7875,7876,7876,hai malukes,Yes humiliated,train +7876,7877,7877,ku wawa aku tu hasuwal sa,exhortation and blessing for children,train +7877,7878,7878,anu tahini taminan kafanaʼan nu maku i,my generation knows a few things,train +7878,7879,7879,ya,at the new town bed and breakfast,train +7879,7880,7880,kunukawas saan,worshipping ghosts and gods like this,test +7880,7881,7881,u vulad ku arawan masadak ku vulad,look at the moon the moon has just risen,train +7881,7882,7882,Saka suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Onini a nitngilan namu a tusir i malahciaytu anini han ningra,and he began by saying to them Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing,train +7882,7883,7883,vangcalay,Beautiful,train +7883,7884,7884,Cuw,Chow,train +7884,7885,7885,haliradiway,love to sing,train +7885,7886,7886,han han aku masinawar i lalinik ku fadahung nuya luma han aku,I told my grand mom that my head is spinning and the house looks like it is underneath,train +7886,7887,7887,san ku kuciw a nisawkit cangraan ta,Therefore with the mutual understanding of both parties,train +7887,7888,7888,maliten tu kaku i,in my old age,train +7888,7889,7889,pakeyi san,tell me about when I was eight months old,train +7889,7890,7890,mapalifunay,it is already on the payroll,test +7890,7891,7891,mahanay tiyahu kita u Pangcah hananay a faʼinayan a mitapi hai,is this how early Amish boys worked before marriage Yes,train +7891,7892,7892,dungpaw,traditional blouse,train +7892,7893,7893,remadiw hen tu likul a radiw sacacacacay satu kami a miliyas i cacudadan a misuayaw tu valuhay a urip,as the stainless steel song plays we walk out of the school one by one and move on to a new life,train +7893,7894,7894,haenen pilikakawa haenen pilikakawa,it is about respecting the individual respecting the individual,train +7894,7895,7895,itini i niyaru,home,train +7895,7896,7896,aredet,taste,train +7896,7897,7897,anu hatira i cilicay kaku Sulinay falahen nu Kawas ku finawlan ningra hakiya Caay Halu aku a u Israil a tamdaw u tluc ni Apraham u ngasaw ni Pinyamin,I ask then did God reject his people by no means I am an Israelite myself a descendant of Abraham from the tribe of Benjamin,train +7897,7898,7898,ira ku sera ita mamaʼan,tell them there is land,train +7898,7899,7899,vahal saan a masadak ku tataakay a vavuy nu liyal,suddenly the whale appears,train +7899,7900,7900,nawhani itiyahu awaay hu ku tamdaw nu niya Liyaki,in the early days there were not many people here in Roshan,test +7900,7901,7901,li^tec,surname Leng,train +7901,7902,7902,aayaw nu,in front of the activity center,train +7902,7903,7903,Sapakuyucen ku falucu nu mita a maurip,our hearts must learn to live like the poor,train +7903,7904,7904,Du^du han kira muecelay a lalan a rumakat,follow that straight path,train +7904,7905,7905,Saka luwad satu ci Yusif a mikrid tuya wawa atu ina nuya wawa a minukay i Kitakit nu Israil,so he got up took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel,train +7905,7906,7906,Paafalaen kaku tu tayal nu luma,give me the mission to shoulder the work of the family,train +7906,7907,7907,talacuwa aluman ku pacfaay a pawacay tu pakayniay i Cingraan nikawrira caay ka tatama ku nipawacayan nangra,many testified falsely against him but their statements did not agree,train +7907,7908,7908,itira kita i luma nu kakitaan nga sa,I will be at the directors house,train +7908,7909,7909,ira ku kaka^ isu tu fainayan,do you have a brother,train +7909,7910,7910,fangcal ciira takara hatini kaku katakaraw,if you are good you will be as tall as me,test +7910,7911,7911,hay ira ku laba hananay,Yes there are Japanese baldhead sharks,train +7911,7912,7912,manawnaway,floating,train +7912,7913,7913,ca kalifanaʼan,abrupt,train +7913,7914,7914,Tanufaduwac saan ku kulung nu misu,your cows are so skinny you can only see your ribs,train +7914,7915,7915,caay awaay ku tulas nananamen nu mita sa maku,never give up learning on any occasion,train +7915,7916,7916,dengen ku namal,put the fire out,train +7916,7917,7917,Maemin tu a mapacakay ku hakhak ira hu ku nisaepangan tu tana mangalay kisu a micakay haw,the rice is sold out I have tana pancakes would you like to buy them,train +7917,7918,7918,sakalihaday,life is going well,train +7918,7919,7919,Kafuti,lie down,train +7919,7920,7920,talalutuk ku wina atu mama aku mikelit tu kusuy,mom and dad went to the mountains to cut lemongrass,test +7920,7921,7921,makeru^,dances,train +7921,7922,7922,makedal,dry and drought like,train +7922,7923,7923,mahaenay u runung u cihpilay,it is like a squids it is also flat,train +7923,7924,7924,ci sera Luʼuh,Slat,train +7924,7925,7925,u fadahung i pasiwali pasietip masaapilis laluma makilatusa ku takal malukafutian paenan i kalilafangan pahanhanan tu rumiamiad kaayaw u fatiian nu lumamapatireng ku demi atu ariri,the roof slopes down to the east and west and the house is divided into a dormitory a living room for daily life and a guest room the kitchen and storage room are built on both sides of the house,train +7925,7926,7926,mafana kuya matuʼasay i tiya hu,the old people in the past knew,train +7926,7927,7927,a masaupu cangra,they are meeting there,train +7927,7928,7928,pakayniay tuna lifung i,what about the epidemic,train +7928,7929,7929,o masacacay puluay kami a talapicudadan a mimali,we have up to ten people who go to the school to play ball,train +7929,7930,7930,maala tu ku safaw enem ku enem ira ku safaw mihecaan,at the age of,test +7930,7931,7931,nu maku,mine,train +7931,7932,7932,yu ruma ku vavuy tusa ku nikala,sometimes three and two,train +7932,7933,7933,a mimaantu saw i luma sa kaku,my life in retirement planning,train +7933,7934,7934,uratu tau malaud tu ku mita kamaumahan,it is our turn to work,train +7934,7935,7935,misahapinangpinang tu,listen very carefully,train +7935,7936,7936,uni hatiniay tuku mata ni,a hole in the net like this,train +7936,7937,7937,Masaka^manghu kisu,you are so young,train +7937,7938,7938,Pacauf sa cangra ci Pilatuan Anu caay ka tatiih ku dmak nunini a tamdaw i mimaan a pataynien niyam cingra i tisuwanan saw han nangra,If he were not a criminal they replied we would not have handed him over to you,train +7938,7939,7939,ira ku facidul i paputal nu pitilidan,there is a bread tree outside the classroom,train +7939,7940,7940,niya alaan nira a vavuy,he caught the mountain pig,test +7940,7941,7941,anu awaay ku bingtu i a umaan ku kaenen mapatay nu sulep i,I will be hungry,train +7941,7942,7942,kita u niyaru masamaan kita,if anything happens to the tribe,train +7942,7943,7943,caay kaʼaraw aku,I did not see it with my own eyes,train +7943,7944,7944,hadidisa kami a paʼurip tu wawa niyam,we have worked very hard to raise our children,train +7944,7945,7945,itiya i alaen nu ccay a ciicelay a cuyuh ku ccay a matiyaay u nika tataang nu tailangan a fukluh a mifahkul i riyar suwal sa O mamahaen ku tataangay a Papilun a niyaru a maulatek a ma^feng caaytu ku mamaaraw cingra,then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea and said With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down never to be found again,train +7945,7946,7946,anu cahu kakuʼeteng sa liyawen hu micefus,if you do not think it is strong enough go ahead and sprinkle it,train +7946,7947,7947,miilang,rice milling,train +7947,7948,7948,pasaksaken ku tavayar i vekeluh,and they stick the leaves of the taro on it,train +7948,7949,7949,ira ku cecay a rumiʼad,one day,train +7949,7950,7950,Lawup han nu wacu kira fafuy nu lutuk,the dogs surrounded the mountain pig,test +7950,7951,7951,Orasaka aka sawaden ku cicdiay a falucu namu anu hatini ku falucu namu i caay ka ^ca ka mapakaulah kamu,so do not throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded,train +7951,7952,7952,u vengka sengarawan,cultural Festival,train +7952,7953,7953,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u caay pakaadawang nu pasirian a micumud uya lakuit sanay tu adipel a tamdaw a micumud i u mitakaway u mariangay cingra,I tell you the truth the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate but climbs in by some other way is a thief and a robber,train +7953,7954,7954,itiyahu saʼayaway itini i Kalingku tiya ta tiniay i pusung,it was the first team in Hualien and later Taitung was founded,train +7954,7955,7955,hu sahu ira kisu,I was thinking about you when you suddenly turned up,train +7955,7956,7956,cuwa hu patikul kisu tu sasipasip aku,you have not returned me the eraser,train +7956,7957,7957,Hayasida Huling malifasi kamiyamatu Yamatu silakawa micehu nikasasuy hilu tamasatu hiyahuyan,Xikou Linrong Nanping Fenglin Mizuho Heya Vuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh,train +7957,7958,7958,masamaan kuni kahengangay a riku,how about this red one,train +7958,7959,7959,katama,locate,train +7959,7960,7960,safaw pitu,seventeen,test +7960,7961,7961,o marasrasay i sinasera ku kudasing,peanuts are scattered all over the floor,train +7961,7962,7962,u vadukuk haw,bracken,train +7962,7963,7963,dengay tu sipihiya tu i lalavu nu luma haw,the prizes are all available at home,train +7963,7964,7964,Midaˈuc i tatihi,they will be around for a long time,train +7964,7965,7965,ira haw ku hemay nu namu,do you have any food,train +7965,7966,7966,alatek away ku mafnaʼay tura imikiya,maybe no one knows what it means,train +7966,7967,7967,mitan tu sapitilid nu salikaka nu maku,I want to earn money to pay for my brothers and sisters,train +7967,7968,7968,matulu mahaen kuraan,and there is a fall,train +7968,7969,7969,mikasuy talalutuk mikasuy tuya intip hananay tahira,so we went to the mountains to cut wood,train +7969,7970,7970,o fainay aku ciira,he is my husband,test +7970,7971,7971,midudu tu sinang nu tukus haw,followed the mountain up the ridge,train +7971,7972,7972,miacaan,purchased,train +7972,7973,7973,aka fuluka aka tini i paputal aka mipacikaycikaay tu tu utufay u tusia,watch your speed and do not drive fast when driving or riding a motorcycle,train +7973,7974,7974,miasik ci panay tu putal,Barnett scans the outside patio,train +7974,7975,7975,anu tepek san kiya,until his breath is gone,train +7975,7976,7976,kaku tu ta tayni yini hay,I came here by myself yes,train +7976,7977,7977,pasuwal ci Yis i cangraan tu ruma a tinaku suwal sa O Kitakit nu Kawas i matiya u nipifulsak nu tamdaw tu ngaayay a sapaluma i umah ningra,Jesus told them another parable The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field,train +7977,7978,7978,matiya satu maraud tu ku picudadan tu sakacecay,it is time for first grade,train +7978,7979,7979,u ufacyang iyang yu han naku ri,Oh I told you grand mom I do not want it,train +7979,7980,7980,u maan hu ku haharetengen maliteng tu i,what is there to think about when you are old,test +7980,7981,7981,haensanay ku urip itiya hu,that is how tribes used to be formed,train +7981,7982,7982,milalang kiyami ku cengfu ititaan a talalutuk a miadup,because the County will not let us go hunting in the mountains,train +7982,7983,7983,oya piacaan tu lusay a tawki suwal sa kuesanay ku unglay atu lupas aku miaca tu miming makenaay saw,the owner of the nearby fruit stand said My pineapples and peaches are very sweet buy some,train +7983,7984,7984,ka,INDICATORS,train +7984,7985,7985,sumad tu iri mala Taywan tu a,so you have become a Minnan,train +7985,7986,7986,masasawad ku kararamud,divorced,train +7986,7987,7987,pasuwal sa ci Yis i ci Pitiruan Sulinen Aku a sumuwal kisu anini a dadaya i ayaw nu sakinatusa nu ayam a maskak i wa kinatulu kisu a mihakenu i Takuwanan han ningra,I tell you the truth Jesus answered today yes tonight before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times,train +7987,7988,7988,ura kataedipedip nu tukus,it is because of the mountains,train +7988,7989,7989,awata ku riʼang nu luma alatek,the fierce north winds could have hurt the house too right,train +7989,7990,7990,ta palalan,pull the strings,test +7990,7991,7991,pacici a milualel makelec atekak,Strong strict tough,train +7991,7992,7992,oya ina ni Yis Kristu ci Mariya i mapatapangtu aci Yusif Nikawrira yu cahu ka raramud cangra i mahapinang ni Mariya ku nika cipuyapuy ningra tu nanu Fangcalay Adingu,this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about his mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph but before they came together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit,train +7992,7993,7993,miradum,carry water,train +7993,7994,7994,nawi wawa aku san ci mama aku di,my father said My poor child,train +7994,7995,7995,nimaay misangaʼan kuniʼan saan ku hawi,senior executives see my work,train +7995,7996,7996,mataelifay tu,going through the past,train +7996,7997,7997,a sihicay anini sa,now we are going to fish for fry,train +7997,7998,7998,ta matakalay ku,very few,train +7998,7999,7999,ira hu tusa hu u maan han,And two kinds of what do you mean,train +7999,8000,8000,nu hakini sanay kaku,maybe all over the world,test +8000,8001,8001,o salama ku saayaway a nisafalucuan nu wawa ita,the first thing that comes to mind for our children is play,train +8001,8002,8002,mapilik ku Fangcalay sapisanga tu siraw,choose the best ingredients for your savory meat,train +8002,8003,8003,runirun,Erythrina variegate,train +8003,8004,8004,ka Timulu patenak tu ngaˈayay Lihaf,moving forward with good news for the kingdom,train +8004,8005,8005,tinana,Here,train +8005,8006,8006,nawhan awa ku tilifi itiya hu mau lah ku wawa mikiʼaraw tura sakeru salungan kura sakeru nira salungan,since we did not have TV we used to go and watch the priest do his rituals because he was so good and we loved it,train +8006,8007,8007,Kahufucan,birthdays,train +8007,8008,8008,i siwaay ku tuki ira ku pangkiw a mavuti kaku,I went to bed at am,train +8008,8009,8009,tuya mihcaan yu mafukil ku Futud a tamdaw i liapa^ han nu Cenfu a midukduk mitli i Futud ku cisawarakay a afu nu heneng,without the knowledge of the Yami tribe the government stored nuclear waste on Orchid Island,train +8009,8010,8010,u kafanaʼan aku,as far as I know,test +8010,8011,8011,Citatangalan sa ci Yis a mafuti i pakaikur nu tamina itiya palalen nu nisawawaan ci Yis a sumuwal Singsiaw u mamapataytu kita i caay pikihar Kisu saw han nangra,Jesus was in the stern sleeping on a cushion the disciples woke him and said to him Teacher do not you care if we drown,train +8011,8012,8012,lahedahedaw,fade away,train +8012,8013,8013,hay madupuh tu ku heni a mawmah,Meanwhile they are working very hard at farming,train +8013,8014,8014,matnak i pulung nu Kitakit nu Siriya kunini a lihaf tu pakayniay ci Yisan Saka patayraen nu tamdamdaw i ci Yisan ku pulung nu adadaay u misemsemay tu masamaamaanay a adada atu maaruay nu palafuay atu mafuriakay atu mapiay a tamdaw adahen ni Yis cangra a ma^min,news about him spread all over Syria and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases those suffering severe pain the demon possessed those having seizures and the paralyzed and he healed them,train +8014,8015,8015,Citumay ku lutuk nu Taywan,there are bears in the mountains of Taiwan,train +8015,8016,8016,o mirarakatay a tamdaw cingra,he is a wanderer,train +8016,8017,8017,o cinganganay cingra tu tayal,he has a reputation for his work,train +8017,8018,8018,milepet,arrest,train +8018,8019,8019,Saka tireng sa ci Yis palimuuten ningra ku tamdaw a papikrid tuya mapuhaway a patayni yu miraud cingra i ci Yisan i licay han ni Yis cingra,Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him when he came near Jesus asked him,train +8019,8020,8020,awaay ku tingki,maybe it is the photosynthesis or the moon or something,test +8020,8021,8021,ta macakat i lutuk ta maʼepud i Ciwidian,climbing up the hill to Shuilian village,train +8021,8022,8022,panengneng han ca hay hay hay,let us show it off,train +8022,8023,8023,o mipacamul,is mixed into the,train +8023,8024,8024,mana,Why I do not know,train +8024,8025,8025,Maudang cingra saka ira lu lafu nu luma,he committed adultery so the home has a stigma,train +8025,8026,8026,fatikar,bicycle,train +8026,8027,8027,mafanaʼay tu ku faʼinay nu maku tu nu Amis,my husband speaks Amis,train +8027,8028,8028,nu Tangbulan,Nagamalan one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +8028,8029,8029,herek nu lahuk,after the noon meal,train +8029,8030,8030,Orasaka u mitngilay a midu^du tunini a suwal aku i matiya u patirengay i ungcuy tu luma nu tireng a citanengay a tamdaw,Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock,test +8030,8031,8031,matulu,fig suffer a reverse,train +8031,8032,8032,sisa papiwnungan tu,that is why I need a nose ring,train +8032,8033,8033,tanu awul hanay ira miiya maedeng hatini sa i,bamboo for walls length and width measured,train +8033,8034,8034,kuna talumaʼay san ri,I was supposed to come back,train +8034,8035,8035,pipi,squash,train +8035,8036,8036,hemayhakhak,glutinous rice,train +8036,8037,8037,5 Rumadiway ci Pawlu aci Silas pahemek tu Kawas tatuutuur sanay mafekad ku demak,as Paul and Silas sang and praised God a series of unexpected things happened,train +8037,8038,8038,Ngaay,Okay,train +8038,8039,8039,Cunhe ciyutwe mipisay tira i Cunhe,neutralization team to participate,train +8039,8040,8040,pafalien tu nanum,make sure you give water,test +8040,8041,8041,savaw tu sepat a maemin anini,there are now fourteen clans,train +8041,8042,8042,maremes,bleed,train +8042,8043,8043,faecal tu ku urup nu wawa,Childrens affluence,train +8043,8044,8044,nawhani i,why do you say that,train +8044,8045,8045,ta mafulaw haca satu ku matuʼasay nu maku,my parents are proposing to move again,train +8045,8046,8046,u matuasay kiraan turasa kumatuasayi,it is the old man who is always at the beach,train +8046,8047,8047,hai ya falu matefad nira kira haw,Yes and the plant will begin to grow fruit,train +8047,8048,8048,malasyencungtuwmu kaku itini Tuwyen,I am the County chief in Taoyuan County,train +8048,8049,8049,laluma,home,train +8049,8050,8050,a hay,Yeah,test +8050,8051,8051,kahemekan aku,I am glad to hear it,train +8051,8052,8052,micumud,enter,train +8052,8053,8053,adihayay ku kaikaka nu mihecaan tu fainayan a kaka isu i tisuwanan han,is your brother much older than you,train +8053,8054,8054,maraeked,whole body,train +8054,8055,8055, Milungucay ci Yihufa tu sasamaan ku demak nu wama wina hani,b how will the Lord help parents to take responsibility for the upbringing of their children,train +8055,8056,8056,nu miiya tu kaku ha maedeng tu kaku a mitukad tu niya sa kaku i,I kill my piggy bank about once every six months or so,train +8056,8057,8057,papikunuc,sweep somebody off his feet,train +8057,8058,8058,tu kaw mabana tu kisu,you are years old you should know a lot of things,train +8058,8059,8059,paru hantu ku epah ri,put the wine in the gourd,train +8059,8060,8060,arawen,looks like it,test +8060,8061,8061,a mahaen haw i itini satu ku aru nu matuʼasay nu niyam,Nevertheless our ancestors have settled here since then,train +8061,8062,8062,hayda anu sapifutingaw kamu i,Well if you want to fish,train +8062,8063,8063,Singsi matawal aku mihawikid ku tilid,Teacher I did not bring my textbook,train +8063,8064,8064,Taangay tu kaku nga hakelungen nira kaku a miadup san ci ama,dad said that he would take me with me when I grew up,train +8064,8065,8065,u tevi ku ini yu u tevi kuni ina haw,this is a magpie,train +8065,8066,8066,anu ciharatengay kisu tu sapicuwataw tu rihaday a misaysay tu lacungis latek wa ira ku ngaˈayay a minaruan,if we try to resolve disputes or disagreements with the goal of promoting harmony we may achieve unexpectedly good results,train +8066,8067,8067,kakahad kura pifaliwan niyam edeng kini sa cakat sanay tu ku lifun niyam,the scope of work has widened and the pay has gone up,train +8067,8068,8068,nengneng han kiya na wawa away kiya na wawa,look at the kid the kids gone,train +8068,8069,8069,papirameten,Let hold on tight,train +8069,8070,8070,panganganan tu haw sa,did you name it,test +8070,8071,8071,matalaw kami maen,we are all scared,train +8071,8072,8072,Kaemanghu kaku atu tatulu fafahiyan mipiliˈan tu papafeli tu hana ci Atawf Sitelean anu mikimad cingra i tayra pafeli tu hana i cingranan,when I was a child I was chosen with three girls to lay flowers for Adolf Hitler after his speeches,train +8072,8073,8073,itiya hu tiya,at that time,train +8073,8074,8074,vavahi,women,train +8074,8075,8075,cingra anu paʼilu i manaʼay kira u maan ku sapafaking,how do you claim damages,train +8075,8076,8076,hay matini kiya matuʼasay itiya hu,the elders used to be like this,train +8076,8077,8077,u telatela hananay,the so called bird driven soundboard,train +8077,8078,8078,Pacaculi ku i lutukay,and resist on the hill,train +8078,8079,8079,hen,still,train +8079,8080,8080,icah,vanity,test +8080,8081,8081,u Pangcah hananay adihay ku,Aborigines are a people of dreams,train +8081,8082,8082,nanitiya a paskatu ku tamdaw a milicay i ci Yisan tu salicay,and no one dared to ask him any more questions,train +8082,8083,8083,pakahikukiay kaku a tayra i Penghu,I go to Penghu by plane,train +8083,8084,8084,kacacipaan,bifurcation,train +8084,8085,8085,Tataang ku lamal i parud,the fire on the stove is too big,train +8085,8086,8086,Saka raud hantu ningra kuya tamdaw a mipalusu tu simal atu ^pah i duka ningra ta tafuen ningra kuya duka ningra ta padakaw han ningra i lufa ningra a mikrid a patayra i pilafinan a midiput,he went to him and bandaged his wounds pouring on oil and wine then he put the man on his own donkey took him to an inn and took care of him,train +8086,8087,8087,pikaceduan,Cinema,train +8087,8088,8088,saka masetek ku rumiʼad,that is when it was finalized,train +8088,8089,8089,o namu han tu sirimrim,bear with me,train +8089,8090,8090,iniyan ku saung nu maku,my umbrella is this one,test +8090,8091,8091,Miaca hu kaku tu sakalahuk kilim han tu aku kisu anusawni,I will go buy lunch first and then I will meet you later,train +8091,8092,8092,Nikawrira u Farisay a tamdaw atu pasifanaay tu Rikec i minaay tu nafalucuan nu Kawas tu saki cangraan saka caay ka kahi a mapainu ni Yuhani,All the people even the tax collectors when they heard Jesus words acknowledged that Gods way was right because they had been baptized by John,train +8092,8093,8093,itini i radiw nu sakiilisin ira ku micidekay a kakahemekan uya mikieciway macacaliway a rumadiw kieciwen nu tumuk haw i u selal atu finawlan ku micaufay,one of the most distinctive features of the songs of the Toyonen Matsuri is the duet song which is usually sung by a leader and sung by an age group or a group of people,train +8093,8094,8094,yu namivunga langaw saan ku maliwaliway a vunga,when the groundnuts sprout naturally after the harvest,train +8094,8095,8095,Kurawat han,hooked,train +8095,8096,8096,Hpulen ku raraw niyam nawhani hpulen niyam ku misatatiihay tamiyanan a ma^min kriden kami tu saka^caaw ka sawi niyam han ku pitulun han ni Yis,forgive us our sins for we also forgive everyone who sins against us and lead us not into temptation,train +8096,8097,8097,micungdas tu nanum ku vuting itini mateva ku buting itini,swimming against the current so the fish fell here,train +8097,8098,8098,nanay mahapinang nu tamdamdaw ku nika damsay nu falucu namu mangatatu a tayni ku Tapang,let your gentleness be evident to all the Lord is near,train +8098,8099,8099,yu,when such,train +8099,8100,8100,o ngudu nu maku tu matuasay,I respect the elderly,test +8100,8101,8101,patayen,uncrossable,train +8101,8102,8102,cacay,One,train +8102,8103,8103,ya Cepu han kura kafafuraw kalaluudan nu itiya hu,that big harbor tribe is a war zone,train +8103,8104,8104,paaca,pay,train +8104,8105,8105,i kuyumien a mitilid ku fangku nu tingwa nira,write his phone number on the calendar,train +8105,8106,8106,Puni saku ku pawli naniruheman ni fayi aku,my aunts ripe bananas are already soft,train +8106,8107,8107,tanu masamaanay pakayraan ci Iliyas Hute padama tu tamdaw minanam tu Hipray a suwal hani,what methods did Elias Huttel use to help people learn Hebrew,train +8107,8108,8108,Milunuk a dademak ku ngaay talaen hu cima,instead of waiting for someone to help it is better to do it on your own accord,train +8108,8109,8109,milihacul,milk run,train +8109,8110,8110,Nikawrira mangalef a mangalef a matnak ku lihaf tu pakayniay i ci Yisan Saupu sa ku alumanay a finawlan tu sapitngilaw tu suwal ni Yis atu sapiadahaw ningra tu adada nangra,yet the news about him spread all the more so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses,test +8110,8111,8111,Maurad tu Awa^ ku cacelakan aku pacaliwen hu^ kaku tu cacelakan haw,it is raining I do not have an umbrella can you lend me your umbrella,train +8111,8112,8112,kelingan haca niira u,and he is been fired Oh,train +8112,8113,8113,Ha u maan ku demak,Oh yeah can I help you,train +8113,8114,8114,ca tu kalecad kiya,it is different is not it,train +8114,8115,8115,ira tuna tungal ini,add it here,train +8115,8116,8116,miʼaca cingra tu titi nu kalung,he is going to buy beef,train +8116,8117,8117,sakaspat nu safaw nu dadaya yu malikid kami i Atriya hananay a riyar tu tnuk nu lafii i matu mingataay tu i cuwaay a hkal a haratengen nu palunanay,on the fourteenth night we were still being driven across the Adriatic Sea when about midnight the sailors sensed they were approaching land,train +8117,8118,8118,kiya dengay kita,so that we can,train +8118,8119,8119,anu tusilin kiya maanmaan i matusilay tu nu kaka aku i,my brother has already listed them if I am repeating myself,train +8119,8120,8120,cecay patek,one thousand,test +8120,8121,8121,Malakamay nu maku kamu mapulang,each one of you becomes my hand,train +8121,8122,8122,u pangciw ku kaulahan nu maku,I like baseball,train +8122,8123,8123,tu,marked,train +8123,8124,8124,ira kiya hiya sapihiya nu heni hatini kali,there is that one they want like that one,train +8124,8125,8125,Ciheci^ tu mihecahecaan kura a lusay haw,do those fruit trees bear fruit every year,train +8125,8126,8126,o suwal nu pakayni ʼamiʼamisan a suwal nu Pangcah iraay ku nu ayaway a suwal nu Pangcah tu nu namaka cuwacuwaay haca,early Amis society was in the Nanshi Amis group area and actually came from clans from various places,train +8126,8127,8127,tira milafin,spend the night there,train +8127,8128,8128,nanu katahinian caay pilaliw kaku,I have been here since I got here and I have never left,train +8128,8129,8129,i awaay tu itini maxera i tukay,you will not find it in the metro area,train +8129,8130,8130,a mangata tu ku pifilungan nu mita misaraʼu tu kita san,the Chinese new year is approaching and we are going to make Sapindales,test +8130,8131,8131,kahirahira nu caciyaw,various languages,train +8131,8132,8132,sadaken ku impic,please take out your pen,train +8132,8133,8133,Mihumung kaku ci Fadasan u milungcay tu sefu tu pipakafit tu ngangan nu Yencumini i nifunsiw a kapah nu niyaru cira,I interviewed Fadas a young tribal member who has long been advocating for the inclusion of tribal names on identification cards,train +8133,8134,8134,o cuyuh nu mita ku ina,our angel is mom,train +8134,8135,8135,awaay ku ulat nuni a titit nu kulung,this man does not think things through,train +8135,8136,8136,o manan a finacadan ku saalumanay ku tamdaw,which group has the largest number of people,train +8136,8137,8137,mangalef,notably,train +8137,8138,8138,saka matira ku pi,so that is it,train +8138,8139,8139,Nikawrira u pakahadidiay a tamdaw a tahira i pahrekan i u mamapaurip,but he who stands firm to the end will be saved,train +8139,8140,8140,awaay tu ku fafanaʼen nura itiraay nalaculan a tamdaw,the people who live on tribal sites have nothing left to learn,test +8140,8141,8141,anekak,crow,train +8141,8142,8142,kayap,skirt,train +8142,8143,8143,anu miculi,if the top bump,train +8143,8144,8144,mamimamian,orange orchard,train +8144,8145,8145,ku makasangaʼay tu,in addition to crystal glass,train +8145,8146,8146,Padadaydayen i mamangay a haku u papatayraen nu maku i picudadan,I am taking the box with the Cicada to school,train +8146,8147,8147,u nikataelivan adihay tu itini i niyaniyaruʼan,in the course of your life you have had a lot of experience in the tribe,train +8147,8148,8148,pakucira,being Him Her,train +8148,8149,8149,Ngaayay tu,may also,train +8149,8150,8150,u kura ku nikaredan nu matuʼasay,it is all the old mans,test +8150,8151,8151,sa maherek tu kita a mireper iraen tu i bintang ma hay,when we catch it we put it in a barrel Yes,train +8151,8152,8152,lecep sanay i kaluma nu titi,the saltiness is penetrating the flesh,train +8152,8153,8153,o cirawangay ku taluan niyam i pala,we have cubicles in the field,train +8153,8154,8154,cipaka ala tu muketep ku paya nu heni,the most they ever got was votes,train +8154,8155,8155,mipacuk ca Sawmah tuya nipahafayan naira a fafuy,Sauma and they slaughtered the pigs they kept,train +8155,8156,8156,sakalima a miheca,fifth year,train +8156,8157,8157,pakayni,teachers through,train +8157,8158,8158,hiya nu Kawas sa,Titan God,train +8158,8159,8159,metmeten,grasp,train +8159,8160,8160,u pulung nu niyaru masuʼupu ku kapah san,gather all the youths in the tribe,test +8160,8161,8161,nengel han itira faedetay,soak in hot water,train +8161,8162,8162,kadayum mitemi,not easy to mix,train +8162,8163,8163,taluma,come back,train +8163,8164,8164,nengneng han ningra kura kaying haw ri,he watched the girl,train +8164,8165,8165,pisaharaterateng nu maku pisaʼicel nu maku,the only way to do this right is to work hard,train +8165,8166,8166,fidaul,Cucumber,train +8166,8167,8167,hetu u ngcah ku ruay itira,the great majority of people living there are Amis,train +8167,8168,8168,Malakaput,in the same place,train +8168,8169,8169,misanga aca tu nu vanuh nu siciminciw,and they make headdresses out of Turkey feathers,train +8169,8170,8170,u Cikasuwan a Pangcah,Shichikotsukawa Amis,test +8170,8171,8171,malikaf hu kuna,how picky,train +8171,8172,8172,hadefek satu kya tamina na kuntung saka,the ships in Guangdong were wiped out,train +8172,8173,8173,nu litengan a pafeli tu ngangan nira,it is a name given by our ancestors,train +8173,8174,8174,Aluman hu ku matuasay u pilicayan,there are still many elders to ask for advice,train +8174,8175,8175,mametek,concentrating ones thoughts and efforts,train +8175,8176,8176,mitilid sa ku maku i kwusyaw i,when I was in elementary school,train +8176,8177,8177,u wawa nu malitengay itiya hu,early childhood,train +8177,8178,8178,patnak cangra tu Ngaayay Ratuh itira tuya niyaru Palanisawawaen nangra ku alumanay a tamdaw ta patiku cangra a tayra i Listra i Ikunium i Antiyuk,they preached the good news in that city and won a large number of disciples then they returned to Lystra Iconium and Antioch,train +8178,8179,8179,a misakilang,work in the mountains cutting timber,train +8179,8180,8180,minanam,practice,test +8180,8181,8181,cikeren,lock it up,train +8181,8182,8182,matiya u nika urad nu cangrahan itini,it is like spring rain here,train +8182,8183,8183,ira ku suwal aku i wawa,that is why I used to say to my kids,train +8183,8184,8184,u mama aku atu u ina aku cika san kisu itiya hu tu akung ama,did you think your grandparents were your parents,train +8184,8185,8185,Tatiih a fuenuten ku fanuh nu huwak,duck feathers are very difficult to pluck,train +8185,8186,8186,o matengilay i mafanaay kisu tu kakawa nu litengan u sapilicay nu maku tisuwanan,I heard that you are very familiar with the traditional customs of the Amis so I would like to ask you a few questions,train +8186,8187,8187,sapipi ku riku nira,her skirt is pleated,train +8187,8188,8188,Mipiyi tu,Graduation,train +8188,8189,8189,sulinay,Confirmation,train +8189,8190,8190,Langtuen ku kasuy malusapiidid tu titi,firewood is burned to make charcoal for grilling meat,test +8190,8191,8191,a mahanay aca mahanay aca ku urip i,previously,train +8191,8192,8192,kakitaan,ancestral hall,train +8192,8193,8193,caay kaaluman ku tamdaw,not much of a population,train +8193,8194,8194,Liwaayen nura tamdaw a mipacpac ku wawa nira,the man whipped the child from his feet all the way,train +8194,8195,8195,kayatmisulut,pull,train +8195,8196,8196,licayen aku ilaay han,I will ask if there are any,train +8196,8197,8197,mamaan saw mahaen saan a palita ci panay ci Tumukan,so Barnabas asked the chief what he was talking about,train +8197,8198,8198,kuhecalay sera han u suʼelinay,white dirt really,train +8198,8199,8199,hatiraay kura demak aku itiya hu,I used to work at a school,train +8199,8200,8200,uni puheci han nu malitengay,that is how elders skin people,test +8200,8201,8201,nawhani u nafalucuan nu Kawas i u nipipakatumrep namu tu maapaay a suwal nu mafulafulaay a tamdaw pakayni i ngaayay a dmak namu,for it is Gods will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men,train +8201,8202,8202,atu u tilid awai awaay ku paysu,and the paper there is no money to buy,train +8202,8203,8203,itiya matalaw ku tuwid u ayam aca,at this time sparrows and other birds will be frightened,train +8203,8204,8204,anu tumuwa hu ku ngapa^ nira i caay tu kacaluway a milaliw ku edu atu takula^,if you open your mouth it is hard for a mouse or a frog to escape,train +8204,8205,8205,mahaen ku taukakay tiniay,that is what is going on here,train +8205,8206,8206,Matenten nu fukeluh ku waay nu safa aku,my sisters foot was crushed by a rock,train +8206,8207,8207,piperukan nura saʼayaway a tamdaw,the first to jump,train +8207,8208,8208,o singsi cingra,what does your father do,train +8208,8209,8209,ha ha sanay kura wina aku da telep hananay tu aku maketelay kaku da,mother said that and I kept my mouth shut because I was angry,train +8209,8210,8210,sananay sulinay u nu Lidaw hatu i,it is from Dongchang,test +8210,8211,8211,mitafukud,cast a net,train +8211,8212,8212,mamiaca,purchase,train +8212,8213,8213,ira maʼara aku ku pinapina a lukut tu paluma han aku itini,I found a few seedlings and planted them here,train +8213,8214,8214,micidekay,separate,train +8214,8215,8215,yu upup up up up up sa kuya kakuʼkuʼ,Froggy Wobbly Whoop Chirping,train +8215,8216,8216,a hacuwa,when,train +8216,8217,8217,cuwa tu kaharateng nu maku hena licayen hu aku cingra,I do not know I will go and ask her,train +8217,8218,8218,keliw,fine line,train +8218,8219,8219,Cifunguhay a kakeridan ciira,he is a wise leader,train +8219,8220,8220,kiyukay,church,test +8220,8221,8221,u hiya u paheku,for mountain vegetables,train +8221,8222,8222,mikucung,attend secondary school,train +8222,8223,8223,anu mangalay kisu adidi adidien haw,if you want a small point use a small point,train +8223,8224,8224,mawmah tu talalutuk,I am going to work in the mountains,train +8224,8225,8225,pakaʼen kami tu kulung i,we let the cows eat grass,train +8225,8226,8226,upuh,work quickly and diligently,train +8226,8227,8227,o maan ku tadakaulahan isu,what are your interests,train +8227,8228,8228,ku heni caay ka,the weakening of the Aboriginal language is the reason for this,train +8228,8229,8229,tatuy,take away,train +8229,8230,8230,i emud nu lutuk nu Fakung tini i tingalaw,on top of the hill of the Ting Tsai leakage tribe in Fung Bin,test +8230,8231,8231,falat tu u icep,whenever you make a beam you use betel nut,train +8231,8232,8232,Itiyasatu pasuwal han ni Yis ku nisawawaan Ningra pasacfacfangen ku finawlan a pakamaru i rngurngusan,then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass,train +8232,8233,8233,caka papina kiya,I do not think there are many of you,train +8233,8234,8234,anu huni ala lima tu teluc satu,we will assign reeds to each of you later,train +8234,8235,8235,tatayra i tura patirengan luma a suta,just go to the base of the house,train +8235,8236,8236,adada tu,still sick,train +8236,8237,8237,i ayaw matengilay aku,I have heard that before,train +8237,8238,8238,kaacekan,Hateful things,train +8238,8239,8239,maala tu haw,did you get a hit,train +8239,8240,8240,Mamedac kira vakivakiyan tu nipacengceng nira,the old mans very mean this is the fish part of the family,test +8240,8241,8241,Okunga iayaw,sweet pot,train +8241,8242,8242,misahalaka kita tu sakatayraaw,we are making plans to go,train +8242,8243,8243,mangaʼlay tu tusa nuli nu mitaʼisay,about tailors are being recruited,train +8243,8244,8244,tiyahu tu sasalumaʼan ningra a kilang maamaan,various materials used in the construction of the house,train +8244,8245,8245,ya micakay kaku tu kikay yaku,I bought the machine,train +8245,8246,8246,maan han itiya,what did I say,train +8246,8247,8247,ira ku ciwlu ira ku tingsikiw,one sects faith is Christianity and the other is Catholicism,train +8247,8248,8248,tatuluay ku safa aku sahetu u fafahiyan,I do not have any younger brothers but I have three younger sisters,train +8248,8249,8249,nawhani itini saan i lalusidan ku sapitena tu lifung kunu liteng,in the early days tools were used to prevent epidemics,train +8249,8250,8250,kararamud kalanguhah,Marriage love et,test +8250,8251,8251,mikilim tu kadamsayay kaʼuripan,find a more free and peaceful way of life,train +8251,8252,8252,mala adihayay,it is become a lot,train +8252,8253,8253,u nikalemangaw kiya maluvic,Harvest well grow fruitful,train +8253,8254,8254,taliyuk hananay kiya namal a mimakeru,dancing around the campfire,train +8254,8255,8255,Pacauf sa ci Yuhani Anu caay ku niparucekan nu Kawas ku tamdaw i caay ku mamidmak cingra tu matiraay,to this John replied A man can receive only what is given him from heaven,train +8255,8256,8256,o ni Kacaw kiraan a mali,that is Kajos ball,train +8256,8257,8257,patunguden,connections,train +8257,8258,8258,kamaumahan,operate,train +8258,8259,8259,hacafay han ku kaput a minengneng,share the book with your classmate next to you,train +8259,8260,8260,sangaʼayen ku rakat namu kaemangay mapuling,be careful not to fall down when your kids are walking,test +8260,8261,8261,pahatifek pahatifek han nira tiya kicun mafana micutu sanay ma,throwing people to the ground one by one because he knows Taekwondo,train +8261,8262,8262,Ciicel ku falucu aku a pasulin anu u pataytu anu u nika uriptu anu u cuyuhtu anu u aniniaytu anu u a iratu a mikuwanay i kakarayan a kawakawas,for I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers,train +8262,8263,8263,milefis,take,train +8263,8264,8264,mahenay itiyahu ku mifuting,this is how we fished back then,train +8264,8265,8265,tusa ira ku pitu,years old years old and gone,train +8265,8266,8266,matulumapulin,stumble,train +8266,8267,8267,talu singaraʼngaraʼ sa ku maʼaraay panukay han singara pangangan hantu nu niyara tu Mayawkasingara umahaenay,the only thing that came back was the gills so the tribesmen anonymously called them fish gills,train +8267,8268,8268,Macahekit ku diput tu suni nu tatelaan,a baby is frightened by the sound of firecrackers,train +8268,8269,8269,Nikawrira anu mapadepades kamu tu nanu nika mu^cel nu dmak namu i u malmeday kamu aka ka talaw kamu tu pipatalaw nu nimanima aka ka rawraw ku falucu namu,but even if you should suffer for what is right you are blessed Do not fear what they fear do not be frightened,train +8269,8270,8270,culed saan i alufu nura tumuk kura lacu,but all the bullets went into the ringleaders bag,test +8270,8271,8271,Kalaceracerahan ku kulid,the color is light gray,train +8271,8272,8272,nu niyam tu sakiitini i ilisin,this is the way to be loyal to the tribal Toyotomi Festival,train +8272,8273,8273,tahekul tahekul han misa hatini,I have been throwing like this for a long time,train +8273,8274,8274,milaliw itu kuya takula,the frog left,train +8274,8275,8275,tiihan ku hufuc,she aborted naturally,train +8275,8276,8276,awaay ku wawa ira san,thinking that he does not even have children,train +8276,8277,8277,nirunican,kneaded,train +8277,8278,8278,Anini misaˈicelay ku ruma wama wina ira ku adihayay a dafung nu wawa suˈlin u pihaen tu demak wa malingat ku kalalaˈed nu wawa aci Yihufa,Today some parents want the best for their children materially no matter what even if doing so will jeopardize their children relationship with the LORD,train +8278,8279,8279,Miemetay kaku tu sakasu^suaw nu tireng aku,I am controlling my body gradually obesity,train +8279,8280,8280,pinengneng aca aku tiya kilang tiya Pinaaw hananay,I am just going to see the trees,test +8280,8281,8281,hiyaen hulaen nu heni ku vuduy milakec tu nanum,they took off their clothes and waded into the water,train +8281,8282,8282,mialaw tu kami sa awa tu maala tu nu Palang,when we tried to get it it was gone taken by the Minamese,train +8282,8283,8283,onini ku saka pacakaten nu Kawas ci Kristu a palasakakaay mapangangan nu Kawas cingra tu satadamaanay a ngangan,therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,train +8283,8284,8284,mafukilay kaku miharateng hatini,I still do not get it,train +8284,8285,8285,Hinam tudung kira,there is something to look at,train +8285,8286,8286,awu maan saw ku sapieteng,Plugged waterway to take,train +8286,8287,8287,kiskisen,scrape away,train +8287,8288,8288,caay ka pakacakay kura ina aku,my mother could not afford it,train +8288,8289,8289,kilimen hu aku masamaan kuni,I will look for it how is the top,train +8289,8290,8290,Yakayak satu ku tatiihay a suwal i niyaru nu mita,our tribe is spreading bad rumors,test +8290,8291,8291,pakelang sa itira i iya,when celebration is in full swing,train +8291,8292,8292,tu pikawit tu tafukud,that is how you weave the web of gossip,train +8292,8293,8293,cuwa ku ku fiyawfiyaw nu misu haw,the mayor is not your neighbor,train +8293,8294,8294,kamay,helper,train +8294,8295,8295,matemitu cingra taw,a rice cake that is ready to go,train +8295,8296,8296,naun han nu Taywan a miasip ku nipacakayan nu mita marucektu,Minnan slowly counted the number of fry we sold correctly,train +8296,8297,8297,marukawitay kura kura aliwad hay mikaduf tu nanum,the bamboo pole with the bends to adjust the water level,train +8297,8298,8298,anu citangatangal kaku,or there may be wisdom and knowledge,train +8298,8299,8299,maharateng maku ira ku idang suwal san ira ku itiraay mahaenay san,then I remembered that a friend had made some suggestions,train +8299,8300,8300,mawmahan tu nira kura suta nira,and they began to cultivate the fields,test +8300,8301,8301,o emin i tusapulu ira ku cecay a rimuud tusaen aca a pulu a rimuud,the total is just count,train +8301,8302,8302,fafuy,mountain pig,train +8302,8303,8303,caniiw,dead center,train +8303,8304,8304,o mamipapelu kaku anu huni,I am going to speak later,train +8304,8305,8305,Hitaka singsi,Mr Toshimasa Hidaka,train +8305,8306,8306,tahenay,plain spoken,train +8306,8307,8307,tuduhen kuya titi,roast barbecue that meat,train +8307,8308,8308,itiya hu iraay tu kuna pitilidan,it used to be at this school,train +8308,8309,8309,tanektek kisu haw muikay muikay u maan ku sapaiyu kiya,no wonder you are still fit Ahh Again what are those herbs,train +8309,8310,8310,marurungay,bound,test +8310,8311,8311,wadwad,flipping,train +8311,8312,8312,fafahiyan tayniay mi,the woman from the social affairs Bureau,train +8312,8313,8313,tura ngangan tunia mana ci Amuy han,she protested vigorously,train +8313,8314,8314,Mafana kita patatudungen nu Kawas ku kaludmak tu sakangaay nu maulahay tu Kawas a matahidangay ningra a tamdamdaw a malaci^pucay ku dmak a ma^min,and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose,train +8314,8315,8315,i tukayay a Pangcah Namakayni i 60 a mihcaan masarumatu ku sakaurip nu Taywan manay aluman ku miliyasay i niyaru nu kapah,Metropolis since the Taiwans social economic structure has changed and young clansmen have been seeking jobs and work,train +8315,8316,8316,matuʼatuʼas kaku haw i mihecaan nu maku i tu kaku hawi,I have reached the age of,train +8316,8317,8317,hatiraay ku katayni ira tini,that is how they all got here,train +8317,8318,8318,ini,here,train +8318,8319,8319,tungruh,above,train +8319,8320,8320,maaditay,the wounds crusted,test +8320,8321,8321,u piniwaniwan tu,just start pulling weeds,train +8321,8322,8322,makeru tu ku kapah i makeru tu kapah sa,dance young people so some young people danced,train +8322,8323,8323,tunika miliyas nu maku tu niyaru,leaving the home where I was raised,train +8323,8324,8324,akex,roar of pain,train +8324,8325,8325,caay kaaluman ku maruʼay itini,not many people lived here at that time,train +8325,8326,8326,melawen aku ku lipida haw,I am here because of the good pay,train +8326,8327,8327,sa ku saʼusi,take stock,train +8327,8328,8328,Mafana kaku micunga,I can draw,train +8328,8329,8329,Caay caay ka lacecay ku aru aku i cangraan,No I did not live with them,train +8329,8330,8330,matengilay,it is said,test +8330,8331,8331,tarudu,thumb,train +8331,8332,8332,Cacecel saan caira a madakaw tu takusi,they crowded into cabs,train +8332,8333,8333,Masaremiad ku kapah a malikuda,young people celebrate and dance all day long,train +8333,8334,8334,Mitaelif kami tu picakayan tu sinafel adihay ku faeluhay a sinafel itira,we passed the vegetable stand which had a lot of fresh green vegetables,train +8334,8335,8335,caay ka awa ku kappa i utufay aku,I always put a raincoat on my motorcycle,train +8335,8336,8336,mala ising mala kangkufu i taraw i Kalingku kaka aku di,my brother and sister are doctors and nurses in Hualien,train +8336,8337,8337,micakay kaku tu fuduy,I want to buy some clothes,train +8337,8338,8338,Pasakakarayan ciira a mituaya,he raised his head to the sky,train +8338,8339,8339,i mataay isu pipakafana niira,do you think the new coach is up to the task,train +8339,8340,8340,taluma tangasa i luma epud kiya rapac,when we get home we will put the hay down,test +8340,8341,8341,Orasaka pahapinangen ku ulah namu i cangraan ta mafana ku kalukiwkay tu nika u sulinay ku nika lataang niyam tu pakayniay i tamuwanan,therefore show these men the proof of your love and the reason for our pride in you so that the churches can see it,train +8341,8342,8342,halikuwaw,flying fish,train +8342,8343,8343,o na nau luma niyam kunini,this was our former home,train +8343,8344,8344,kumaen kaku tu siraw sa haw,when you want to eat cured meat,train +8344,8345,8345,malapawiruwirukan,become a pomelo garden,train +8345,8346,8346,matukaay,sluggish,train +8346,8347,8347,aniniay a ziday,current generation,train +8347,8348,8348,kalulalusidan,all artifacts,train +8348,8349,8349,erid,bird trap,train +8349,8350,8350,mapiiw,lame,test +8350,8351,8351,caemut,memory,train +8351,8352,8352,tukuvicu,compliance with,train +8352,8353,8353,u papakaenan nira tu rarapa,where he grazes his cattle,train +8353,8354,8354,vavahiyan,female,train +8354,8355,8355,atkak ku falucu,stubborn resistant,train +8355,8356,8356,fakeluh,stone,train +8356,8357,8357,tulu^,surname San,train +8357,8358,8358,maraay ku pikamacalan nu maku,I pick strawberries far away,train +8358,8359,8359,tahidang,notifications,train +8359,8360,8360,hanen isu ci tucyang hanen aku,is that what you told your father I told him that,test +8360,8361,8361,liclicen aku tu halafinay milunguc tu cengfu a kapah nu niyaru tu sapicidek pangangan nu finacadan i mifunsiw,I interviewed Noami Kulas a young tribal member who has long been advocating for the inclusion of tribal names on identification cards,train +8361,8362,8362,yu itiya hen awaay ku lalan sakataluma nu makaumah,in those days there was no road home from the fields,train +8362,8363,8363,sarumiʼad sa matayal nawhani maumah,busy plowing in the fields,train +8363,8364,8364,malafafahi,Mrs Becoming,train +8364,8365,8365,yu ccay a rumiad maraud ku pitulunan tu tulu ku tuki tu hrek nu lahuk i macukacuk ci Pitiru aci Yuhani a tayra i Fangcalay Pitaungan,one day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer at three in the afternoon,train +8365,8366,8366,miparu itini i kulisiw a fakar laklak sa tu kunini a heci,the fruits were scattered so he put them on the bike,train +8366,8367,8367,paniyaru pahecek san,when establishing a tribe,train +8367,8368,8368,safaw tulu^,thirteen,train +8368,8369,8369,ta arawhan i awaay ku madukaʼay ngaʼay aca,Fortunately no one was injured during the beach activities and they are all safe and sound,train +8369,8370,8370,o suaw tu nira wawa a ukuk saan tu nanum,the boy was really thirsty and took a big gulp of the water,test +8370,8371,8371,maulahay kaku a midanguy,my hobby is swimming,train +8371,8372,8372,Cli sa cangra a sumuwal Yis singsi kasiniadaenhu kami saan cangra,and called out in a loud voice Jesus Master have pity on us,train +8372,8373,8373,watah samanen hatu kuwawa aku,how I am going to raise my children,train +8373,8374,8374,mahaenay,it is like this,train +8374,8375,8375,hanaw i tahayra i kalahitayan,that is why I went to the army,train +8375,8376,8376,aray tumuk,thank you boss,train +8376,8377,8377,paseteku i patay kuya ciraraway a tamdaw,that sinner is condemned to death,train +8377,8378,8378,miyala,go and get it,train +8378,8379,8379,pasisi titaanan,share us,train +8379,8380,8380,tangasa i wawa nira hay mahaen kiya ku ayaway,Yes that is how it used to be,test +8380,8381,8381,misiket ku vunga ii tatapangan,the groundnut vine is stuck to it,train +8381,8382,8382,awaay henay ku ira ku,what is not there,train +8382,8383,8383,layapen ku sapakaulah nu maku,please accept my gift,train +8383,8384,8384,ira hu hay,there is still the roar,train +8384,8385,8385,yu mafanatu kaku i sarahker kaku,when I knew I was satisfied,train +8385,8386,8386,nani cuwa^ kisu a tayni,where are you from,train +8386,8387,8387,sa anini haw i ira patingwa han ira ku mamiulung kitanan tayra ising,it is not like now when we can call and get a car to take us to the hospital,train +8387,8388,8388,deng ccay aca ku Kawas palcaden ningra ku nipilayap tu Yutaya a tamdaw atu ruma a finacadan a malaliay pakayni i nipitier nangra,since there is only one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith,train +8388,8389,8389,mapasaʼupu tu ku matuʼasay itini i hananay a itira tu masasihuluhulul ku matuʼasay a caciyaw tu likisi tu nu nangra,elderly people gathered at the health station where they talked to each other and accompanied each other telling their history,train +8389,8390,8390,aray faki tu pi tisuwanan,thank you for accepting the interview,test +8390,8391,8391,u wa mamikaysiya tu kaku mipakafana tu kaku,now I am going to explain the names of places to you,train +8391,8392,8392,aya,interjection of wonder shock or admiration,train +8392,8393,8393,tahidangen su ku ising mikiku cangra,in such a place a doctor is invited to give a lecture,train +8393,8394,8394,Kawrira awaay ku pakayraan nangra palahedaw tu laluud tatiihay demak adada atu nikaw edeng u Hungti Kitakit nu Kawas ku ngangaˈay palahedaw tu pades,However these powerful people have no way of eliminating war crime disease and poverty only the kingdom of God can solve these problems,train +8394,8395,8395,matama ni Yis ku lufa i dakaw han ningra onini i matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad tuya,Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it as it is written,train +8395,8396,8396,tuwa ma malasingsiyay naayaw itini,in the past there was a teacher who recognized the culture before he was deployed,train +8396,8397,8397,nu mulenus nu han kura ngangan sakura matuʼasay,the old man said why is it called the Yongfu tribe,train +8397,8398,8398,papacengu,will grow new shoots,train +8398,8399,8399,ata sa ku falucu samanen caayay kunu kananaman nu tireng kira,it is not my field of expertise after all,train +8399,8400,8400,cawka,kitchen,test +8400,8401,8401,ca kafana ku maku,but I do not quite get it yet,train +8401,8402,8402,han naku kura ruray miʼemʼem,no matter how hard life gets you have to be patient,train +8402,8403,8403,ira aca ku pilungc nu maku,I have a deeper desire for an ethnically speaking family,train +8403,8404,8404,tafesiw,over,train +8404,8405,8405,paterungan kaku u hahifahi,I am the middle wife,train +8405,8406,8406,pafinawlan,into tribal communities,train +8406,8407,8407,masamaanay tu ku urip nangra hakiya,I wonder how their lives are going,train +8407,8408,8408,micuka,draw,train +8408,8409,8409,saan a palita ci Tumukan,Flawless delicate mother,train +8409,8410,8410,yu tayra haca ci Yis tu sakinatulu i suwal sa i cangraan Mafutihu pahanhanhu kamu saw Nengnengen maraudaytu ku tuki u mamapacakay ku wawa nu tamdaw i kamay nu ciraraway a tamdaw,returning the third time he said to them Are you still sleeping and resting Enough the hour has come Look the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners,test +8410,8411,8411,kuni tesel sa kiya,recognize the embroidery Patterns,train +8411,8412,8412,satu,indistinct,train +8412,8413,8413,i ayaw awaay ku tipeluk i,in the past when there was no waste paper,train +8413,8414,8414,anu mifiting tu,fishing is good too,train +8414,8415,8415,sapaiyu tu kukacipaʼay,yam is medicine,train +8415,8416,8416,matatudung,just in time,train +8416,8417,8417,matiya pacang kira kakitaan ney,it is like a meat dumpling it is really rich,train +8417,8418,8418,lemed,dream,train +8418,8419,8419,lalesiyan kina liyal,a tsunami in the ocean,train +8419,8420,8420,itiya hu adihay ku kiyam nira hanu,why did he have so many debts then,test +8420,8421,8421,fangas,need,train +8421,8422,8422,ri sailisin saca ri mahelek satu ri,we will go to the festival and that is the end of it,train +8422,8423,8423,u niyan u alutuc nu riyar,it is a snail on the beach,train +8423,8424,8424,hatiniay ku kasipiray,it is called Ham Fung Choi,train +8424,8425,8425,O malmeday ku adayayay a tamdaw nawhani u aadayayen nu Kawas cangra,blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy,train +8425,8426,8426,sapucupucu saan ku nikalevawa nu kamay kamay nira,it is a lump on my hand that is all,train +8426,8427,8427,Cuenek han ku puut i cafeng nu luma,stick the knife in the corner of your home,train +8427,8428,8428,Cicuung ku kilang i matini,now all the trees have new shoots,train +8428,8429,8429,maku,You,train +8429,8430,8430,mahaenay kura nu itiyaayhu kuraan,that is how it was before,test +8430,8431,8431,yungziwicinin,years,train +8431,8432,8432,hatinima ku kilang haw nialaan nira iri,he is got a piece of wood this size,train +8432,8433,8433,u mihecaan aku i,I am this year,train +8433,8434,8434,alaʼen aku ku safa nu maku mala,he is looking for his own brother to be a civil servant,train +8434,8435,8435,atu wina aku,with my mother,train +8435,8436,8436,ira ku daydam atu lukiyu u nipalumaan nu maku a maemin,I have chili and okay both grown by myself,train +8436,8437,8437,cecay a panay cayay kalecal tu nu tau,a bag of rice it is different from others will it grow Yes,train +8437,8438,8438,Cidafdafay a mapaluma ku funga,groundnuts were planted in the flat,train +8438,8439,8439,Mirasit kaku anuhuni i Tafalung,I have to go from house to house in Tai Po long Valley to report the good news,train +8439,8440,8440,alaen ku kawkaw i kufaw tayra kita i umah mifariw tu semut akawangay tu ku semut i umah,the grass in the fields is too tall go to the warehouse to take the sickle and let us go to the fields,test +8440,8441,8441,kami yatu Amis itini ku paniyaruʼan niyam i Sasadak,we have got the Amis and the Paiwan,train +8441,8442,8442,sadaten san tu kaku,I had to grow vegetables,train +8442,8443,8443,kereng,filth,train +8443,8444,8444,ira kiya tulatulaw kiya,and the egret,train +8444,8445,8445,o maan kura niurungan ni Mayaw,what is Mayaw carrying,train +8445,8446,8446,milisu,observe,train +8446,8447,8447,kiyamilafinay tu itira,they spend the night there,train +8447,8448,8448,papitiku kura funguh nura fafuy,putting the head of a mountain pig,train +8448,8449,8449,pikayni pimelaw nu wawa haw,picture cards for kids,train +8449,8450,8450,sumuwal tuku faki i,the elders are talking,test +8450,8451,8451,Nanuya minukay kaku i Yirusalim yu mitulun kaku i Fangcalay Pitaungan i cimapulusi kaku,When I returned to Jerusalem and was praying at the temple I fell into a trance,train +8451,8452,8452,o mapapancuay tu nu ina kira wawa,mom has already put pants on the boy,train +8452,8453,8453,Nanuya masadak cingra i ^catu ka caciyaw cingra nawhani maapatu cingra Saka mafanatu cangra tu nika u mapaaraway nu Kawas cingra i laluma nu Fangcalay Pitaungan o kamay satu ku sakasumuwal ningra i cangraan,when he came out he could not speak to them they realized he had seen a vision in the temple for he kept making signs to them but remained unable to speak,train +8453,8454,8454,caykanca,Definitely,train +8454,8455,8455,Pacauf sa ci Yis Anu kamutu i nawiru pakaynien namu i nipiimer tu nisangaan namu a lkakawa ku nipiliyang namu tu limuut nu Kawas saw,Jesus replied And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition,train +8455,8456,8456,kurac,Clean,train +8456,8457,8457,matiya satu ira ku paysin,if the tribe has a taboo thing,train +8457,8458,8458,aka pitafu i falucu isu tu keter,do not keep anger in your heart,train +8458,8459,8459,Kaipaenan kisu a tumireng,you stand at the door,train +8459,8460,8460,nu maku ta mikadafu ci inaan aku,where is Dad and then he married my mother,test +8460,8461,8461,turun,Mi go a kind of rice cake,train +8461,8462,8462,hay samaanen itiyahu i awaay kura kamaumahan i,I did not have a job at that time,train +8462,8463,8463,Papicauren nu maku ci Mayaw tu kalingad na Osay,I told Mayaw to catch up with Osay and the others in time for their departure,train +8463,8464,8464,Pina^ tafu^ ku picakay isu,how many packs do you want to buy,train +8464,8465,8465,Nunima a rarapa nu Taywan,whose cow the Hans,train +8465,8466,8466,wakalang ney han naku ri sa,I told you I did not know,train +8466,8467,8467,marayray ku wawa mahanay ku niyan sukuy hanay,continuing the legacy for the next generation,train +8467,8468,8468,onini a kalumipatirengan i u sakarahuday nu urip ita anini,these modern facilities make our life convenient,train +8468,8469,8469,fer han ta yu mita,we are going to jump,train +8469,8470,8470,palahedaw tu,because to disappear,test +8470,8471,8471,mitiˈeray kisu ci Yihufaan a milimek Han,do you seek refuge in the LORD,train +8471,8472,8472,u siraw i u sapiʼadah tu ruray talalutuk miʼala tu siraw tala lutuk,what about savory meat it is a good way to relieve your fatigue I always bring salted meat when I go to the mountains,train +8472,8473,8473,sicimilay,it is got a nickname,train +8473,8474,8474,kaulahan nu maku,something to be happy about,train +8474,8475,8475,awaay ku pinang tu demak nira,it is impossible to figure out what he is doing,train +8475,8476,8476,milalingan,groan,train +8476,8477,8477,tuʼas sa ci ina aku muʼetep ira ku tulu safaw pafaʼinayen tu tunu ina atu mama,when she was her parents let her get married,train +8477,8478,8478,awayay ku salikaka nu faʼinay nu maku u cecayay cingra,my husband has no brothers or sisters just his only son,train +8478,8479,8479,nu aniniay a uʼrip nu aniniay awawa,the life of a child today,train +8479,8480,8480,nawhani matanengay kisu tu pakayniay i lkakawa atu kalaliyaliyangan nu Yutaya a tamdaw a ma^min Saka milunguc kaku i tisuwanan hadidi han a mitngil ku pipaading aku tu tireng aku,and especially so because you are well acquainted with all the Jewish customs and controversies Therefore I beg you to listen to me patiently,test +8480,8481,8481,atu aluman ku hanghang nira,and he has a lot of friends,train +8481,8482,8482,o lalitien ni karu ku wacu nira,taro will have to castrate his dog,train +8482,8483,8483,mireku kitanan a milecad kitanan itini tuna papukuhan nu mihecaan a tayni,join us for this special day,train +8483,8484,8484,u malalukay kami a masakaput a lalunah,we are a bunch of hardworking ants,train +8484,8485,8485,anu ci fenefenek kisu,even with skills,train +8485,8486,8486,paliyuten tu cering,use the fish curtains to surround it,train +8486,8487,8487,kawit mihaen miala,just take the knitting,train +8487,8488,8488,makumud amin a malcapu,all together,train +8488,8489,8489,sukun,traditional skirt,train +8489,8490,8490,wey icuwa kisu,where are you,test +8490,8491,8491,u mahiniay amin ku nipiala,it is all about taking this kind,train +8491,8492,8492,o mamidaˈuc ku ˈurip i sera a tamdaw u rarihaked a milifuk tu maamaan a kinaira nu sera,those who hope for eternal life on earth will fully enjoy the best the earth has to offer,train +8492,8493,8493,pakungkuay,storyteller,train +8493,8494,8494,kurukuru,roll down,train +8494,8495,8495,mahenay iri matuʼasay amin ku wawa,and so the child grew up,train +8495,8496,8496,lukedaw iraay,is there a tiger,train +8496,8497,8497,i riyariyaran,at the beach,train +8497,8498,8498,maʼepud tu kaku a mikalic tuni u,I do not take Keelungs steel hulled boats anymore,train +8498,8499,8499,naayen,none,train +8499,8500,8500,pinaay ku widi^ a mafuti kisu,what time do you go to bed at night,test +8500,8501,8501,an haenen nu mita hantui caay,we motivate inspire and engage each other in the work we do for,train +8501,8502,8502,tahini han i,up until now,train +8502,8503,8503,misiyukay hu kaku tu takunan,let me introduce myself,train +8503,8504,8504,nipilaylay,sports,train +8504,8505,8505,adihay ku futing pateli itira awa ku kafi,leftover fish put it in a pot and take it home,train +8505,8506,8506,kapahay ku nikimadan nu misu,your speech was great,train +8506,8507,8507,Orasaka aka ka talaw kamu tu tamdaw nawhani u tatalahkal a ma^min ku masimeday a maamaan o mamahapinang a talahkal a ma^min ku nikilifan a dmak,So do not be afraid of them there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known,train +8507,8508,8508,nangra,they,train +8508,8509,8509,u sama nu Amis ku mipalumaan nu maku,and the Aboriginal mountain lettuce,train +8509,8510,8510,saka falucu sa,in my heart,test +8510,8511,8511,awa hu ku cengu nunini a kilang,this tree has not yet sprouted,train +8511,8512,8512,Itiyasatu paturud hantu ni Pilatu ci Yis i cangraan a papipacek i ciwcika Saka ala hantu nangra ci Yis,finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified so the soldiers took charge of Jesus,train +8512,8513,8513,maemin tu ku satipus nu finawlan ta,after the tribes rice cutting period is complete,train +8513,8514,8514,miciris tu ku micirisay,those who want to do plumbing will do plumbing,train +8514,8515,8515,atu hiya mahiraay u punpunsye,and transportation vehicles similar to bumper cars,train +8515,8516,8516,Mafanatu cangra i matini tu nika u nanu misu a ma^min kuya nipaturudan isu i Takuwanan,now they know that everything you have given me comes from you,train +8516,8517,8517,u tapangan kura,this is very important to say,train +8517,8518,8518,u tudung tu saʼalumanay a ngasaw,the number of people in the clan migration is the largest and most numerous,train +8518,8519,8519,namahaen namahaen sisa mabana tu ku wawa,that is it that is all the kids know,train +8519,8520,8520,palecad han cacay han kuya mangaʼay tu,it is possible to make a pattern,test +8520,8521,8521,Mamaurad hay,is it going to rain,train +8521,8522,8522,anu ira ku rumiad isu i tayni satu i niyaru niyam mikihatiya,if you have time you are welcome to come to our tribe for the Harvest Festival,train +8522,8523,8523,sweykwuan,fruit,train +8523,8524,8524,nawhan awayay ku umah tini fafaw,because there are no fields up there,train +8524,8525,8525,mu^tepay,ten,train +8525,8526,8526,u hatiraay kura demak ka hatiraay tu kura,this is how it is going to be,train +8526,8527,8527,sa inga inga ing sa tu misaingiingir kuya tamdaw a minengneng tuya nika awa nu ccay a langa nuya mipitpitan nira a nasi,that person shook his head his head was lopsided looking at the basket which not was filled with pears,train +8527,8528,8528,kuwad,to lift,train +8528,8529,8529,anu maluvic haw duyic saan,if it is weighed down it will hang down,train +8529,8530,8530,ri u makaʼamis,from the far north,test +8530,8531,8531,Nikawrira suwal sa ku Farisay a tamdaw O nanu icel nu palafuay ku sapifahfah Ningra a pasadak tu palafuay saan cangra,but the Pharisees said It is by the prince of demons that he drives out demons,train +8531,8532,8532,tusaay ku mihecaan nu urip maku itira,I was there for years,train +8532,8533,8533,anu tadaadihay ku nikaenan tu piyang i manguhed ku wadis,if you eat too much candy you will get tooth decay,train +8533,8534,8534,sumuwal tu kiya ina aku atu ya mama aku,that is what my parents said,train +8534,8535,8535,masaupu haca ku finawlan u lauc,meetings assembled in the assembly hall,train +8535,8536,8536,u ruma limecedan ta a wawa tu,we have some teenage girls or children,train +8536,8537,8537,kafutian,make the bed,train +8537,8538,8538,kami a talaumah mianip malefanaw,they were taken to the fields to play,train +8538,8539,8539,mateliiay,dread,train +8539,8540,8540,a cima tu padang niyam a mawmawmah,who is available to help with the plowing,test +8540,8541,8541,o iraay ku nitatuyan i u mamapatungal a mapafli o awaay ku nitatuyan i halunitatuyan ningra a mamangay a maafas saan,whoever has will be given more whoever does not have even what he has will be taken from him,train +8541,8542,8542,caay ka haen ku maku,I do not have a problem with people,train +8542,8543,8543,itini han cidal anca itini aca tuniya sangaluan ku,in the sun or in the hallway,train +8543,8544,8544,u maan kura mikiskisan isu,what are you shaving now,train +8544,8545,8545,ngangan nu faʼinay niira,her husbands name is Ari Mulu,train +8545,8546,8546,iraay ci lisin i luma haw,may I ask if Lisin is home,train +8546,8547,8547,micelemay,diving,train +8547,8548,8548,malikera tu kura wina ira atu wama ira,with dad mom,train +8548,8549,8549,o nika fana isu tunini ku ngaay,your knowing this is good you should know this,train +8549,8550,8550,ku pakalungay i tiya hu,this is the way we used to be in the youth class,test +8550,8551,8551,cyawsu^,lecture on,train +8551,8552,8552,sienaw,very cold,train +8552,8553,8553,han nira ku wawa tatusa luwad tu tatusa ta alaen nangra kiya cahulak,wake up the kids and get them checked out right away,train +8553,8554,8554,anu maanen pisanga asaan tu kita u kaemangay wawa,young people will want to know how to make it,train +8554,8555,8555,padefung han tiya mikurkuran ira,put it in the hole and stand it up,train +8555,8556,8556,Cianekakay ku niyaru nu Kalutungan,the tribes of Gali cave have crows,train +8556,8557,8557,talapicudadan tu,go to school,train +8557,8558,8558,mavana,learning,train +8558,8559,8559,maulah tu mamunuʼay a vunga tayira mihiya ku vuting a kemaen,when the groundnuts rot the fish love the smell and come to eat them,train +8559,8560,8560,adada,thoroughly,test +8560,8561,8561,aka pacefa tu suwal,do not talk off the top of your head make up a story,train +8561,8562,8562,a misamiciw tu,aim well,train +8562,8563,8563,Malakuli ku nanum,water becomes ice,train +8563,8564,8564,kafi,soup,train +8564,8565,8565,adihay kuu suwal tu niyan,year of Abundance Festival,train +8565,8566,8566,Saayaway i pakaynien aku i ci Yis Kristuan ku nipiahuwid i Kawas aku tu saki tamuwanan nawhani malusiyang i pulung nu hkal ku nipitier namu,First I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you because your faith is being reported all over the world,train +8566,8567,8567,Uyi siyavan satu makatar,Hey hey hey that is a mean thing to say,train +8567,8568,8568,yu,when when,train +8568,8569,8569,midahecung,plunge,train +8569,8570,8570,u cima ku mifutingay nu namu mana ira kura futing,are any of you guys fishing how come there is all this fish,test +8570,8571,8571,Nikawrira tuya lafii i fawahen nu cuyuh nu Tapang ku sadef nu pirufuan a mikrid i cangraan a pasadak suwal sa kuya cuyuh,but during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out,train +8571,8572,8572,ini ini i,it is in that area,train +8572,8573,8573,u alu kafanaʼan nu mtuʼasay hatira,the elders know where the river is by its name,train +8573,8574,8574,kawaw,to act,train +8574,8575,8575,ira tu haw mavana kisu anu a pacauv tu suwal aku yu,if I say you will respond to me then yes,train +8575,8576,8576,hay iraay kura kaulahan aku,I do have a favorite,train +8576,8577,8577,minaʼun yu,be careful,train +8577,8578,8578,hatutamdaw,like a human being,train +8578,8579,8579,mafanaʼay kumaen tu epah,they are the best drinkers,train +8579,8580,8580,sasawen hu cimira,you have to clean it first,test +8580,8581,8581,tuya mihecaan ka 12 a fulad iraay ku Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa tayra i niyaruˈ niyam a mitusil naitiniay i Angat cangra,in December of the same year a group of Jehovahs Witnesses came from the town of Angat to preach in our village,train +8581,8582,8582,o mipitusuray cingra a mitulun,he is kneeling in prayer,train +8582,8583,8583,itini Hapakuk 23 ngaˈayay pakasuˈlin kita tu maanan hani,what does Habakkuk assure us of,train +8583,8584,8584,maisafay,seedling Thinning,train +8584,8585,8585,u paycian ku sa duduen nuna na demak haw i,it is an economically oriented era,train +8585,8586,8586,caay,prohibit,train +8586,8587,8587,masengsengay,perfect,train +8587,8588,8588,saka cecay cinsenlingsiw saan u rarikur kiraan,Firstly it is called spiritual leader,train +8588,8589,8589,tayra sefi satu,in the kitchen,train +8589,8590,8590,hay saw anu hatira i u tamana sa atu laput,that is right in that case let us order cabbage and groundnut leaves,test +8590,8591,8591,tu mifaliwan aku a lutuk itini,the mountain I cut down,train +8591,8592,8592,Tataang ku fali saka tadipi kaku i ungcuy,the wind is blowing hard so I stayed close to the huge rock,train +8592,8593,8593,sa ku tangic nu falucu nu maku,what is going to happen is my biggest worry,train +8593,8594,8594,1988 miheca itini i pali Masadafdafay ku Kawas kasapala taykay mikimaday ku salikaka ci Cilase micuyakay kaku,in I served as an interpreter for brother Theodore Geras at the Gods Fairness regional convention in Paris,train +8594,8595,8595,u titayay yu nikatayniyay kami,what we were going through,train +8595,8596,8596,pelas saan kuʼengel tu a mahiya malaklak,it is easy to spill after pouring,train +8596,8597,8597,sa atihan ni ufad malahuk cangra itira malahuk,Ofad invited them there,train +8597,8598,8598,paculiay,head on,train +8598,8599,8599,cuwa ka ciwawa sanay ku mra,So he does not have any children,train +8599,8600,8600,misanawa,straw rope,test +8600,8601,8601,oh nianay cecay nianay cecay,Oh yeah just this one,train +8601,8602,8602,kiʼeciw hananay ira kura sasiruma nu radiw nu mita a Pangcah,there are different ways to perform Amis chanting,train +8602,8603,8603,nengnenghan nira ira ku tatusaay a takula manengneng nira,he saw there were two frogs,train +8603,8604,8604,tayraen kuya hicay mipaʼaca tuya kaying,I am going to sell the girl the fry I caught,train +8604,8605,8605,karakat,go fast,train +8605,8606,8606,malupatih,as a sidewall,train +8606,8607,8607,o mahaenay aca,Oh that is it,train +8607,8608,8608,Namiusiay,I have read it,train +8608,8609,8609,adihay ku katayalan i tukay saka masulut ku kapah atu kaying,there are many job opportunities in the metropolis so it attracts young men and women,train +8609,8610,8610,sa ku suwal nu malitengay,the older generation says so,test +8610,8611,8611,mikilang a misaluma ci mama,dad chopped down a tree to build a house,train +8611,8612,8612,dafak satu dafak dafak miʼucur tu ku wina,and in the morning every morning mom started ordering,train +8612,8613,8613,kaurira minukay awaay tu,but when I got home it was gone,train +8613,8614,8614,nika caay ka tayra ku suwal nu mita,but I will not say anything like that in front of everyone,train +8614,8615,8615,Nikawrira pasuwal kuya mama i kuli ningra Kalamkamen a patayni ku sangaayay a riku a pariku cingraan ta pafatien ku tarudu ningra Pacukapen ku waay ningra,But the father said to his servants Quick bring the best robe and put it on him put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet,train +8615,8616,8616,tusa a laya ku sarayaʼay nu matuasay dadahal ku nikacebar,the old mans is the most common it is very big,train +8616,8617,8617,macahiway,a poor person,train +8617,8618,8618,pasuwal haca ci Yis Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas i caay ka hamham nu niyaru nu tireng cingra,I tell you the truth he continued no prophet is accepted in his hometown,train +8618,8619,8619,mangalef,especially,train +8619,8620,8620,anu ira tu kura fafahiyan a miala tu namal ku misu i,if a woman wants to take kindling,test +8620,8621,8621,matayalay ku luma ningra,it is a hardworking family,train +8621,8622,8622,milacal,simultaneous,train +8622,8623,8623,itini i lutuk,up in the mountains,train +8623,8624,8624,matini awa tu,not anymore,train +8624,8625,8625,a mapuripur ku wawa saan ku suwal nu matuasay,the old man said the baby would collapse,train +8625,8626,8626,layap hatu ku nipaeferan nu maku tu sinafel,I received my groceries in the mail when they arrived,train +8626,8627,8627,sasikaken anca ya limulu ira hahecek han,is the tree trunk in a quadrangle or the original round shape of the tree trunk,train +8627,8628,8628,miherek,fulfillment,train +8628,8629,8629,wawa nu Amis,I am an Amish child,train +8629,8630,8630,nu lalan nu cilamalay itiya hu,on the train tracks at that time,test +8630,8631,8631,Hay ka^su ku lahuk niyam,Yes we ate heartily,train +8631,8632,8632,Icuwa^ ci mama^ nu misu,where is your father,train +8632,8633,8633,vakic,bucket,train +8633,8634,8634,makapah ku maku caay kasaanay,and I am not the only one who has the prettiest ideas,train +8634,8635,8635,pacamul hatu matiniay tu sukuy niyan,add this kokeshi,train +8635,8636,8636,o cialemay kina fesul,this cave has pangolins,train +8636,8637,8637,mawmahay tu,Farming too,train +8637,8638,8638,itira Sieracay ku saʼayaw niyam,the earliest camps were right here on the parks waterfront,train +8638,8639,8639,singciliw papidadumay tu,on Saturday I asked someone to fetch water,train +8639,8640,8640,dihif,cavern,test +8640,8641,8641,awa ku kuliciw awa ku utupay itiya hu,there were no bicycles or motorcycles,train +8641,8642,8642,u niyaru tu Uhira,it is the Fengping tribe,train +8642,8643,8643,u maamaan u vunga paanipan,we have everything we have groundnuts we have rice,train +8643,8644,8644,kapahtu,possible,train +8644,8645,8645,caay kanca,it is necessary for our people,train +8645,8646,8646,misapud aca tira adidiay a vekeluh,and pick up that little rock,train +8646,8647,8647,militevuc,penalty,train +8647,8648,8648,patimay itira i tuyuta kura faki,he runs a store in Toyota,train +8648,8649,8649,saka tusa haw i saan,Malanamy,train +8649,8650,8650,mangru tu maanen saw,it is exhausting and there is nothing I can do about it,test +8650,8651,8651,sakuheting sa kaku,I am getting darker,train +8651,8652,8652,u matini ku tayal nu misu,that is what you are doing right now,train +8652,8653,8653,icuwa kaku ama misalama han aku,I said Dad where am I going to visit people,train +8653,8654,8654,u mawmahay ku maku a urp tami i,my life was farming until I graduated from elementary school,train +8654,8655,8655,laheci han niyam ku falucu a miala tu luma,we decided to buy the house,train +8655,8656,8656,nu niya papacem niya kelang hananay,during tomorrows song wave,train +8656,8657,8657,ca kangaay kaku kumaen tu asiru u lingku sa ku kaenen nu maku,I cannot eat oranges I will have some apples instead,train +8657,8658,8658,iraay kuya nura akung kira,this Grandpa has cousins,train +8658,8659,8659,ca hu kafana ca hu kahadak kaku,I do not know yet I have not been born yet,train +8659,8660,8660,Sulingaen ku naang tunini a tilid,put this writing away in complete order,test +8660,8661,8661,anu hanen ku tayal misiyakay itiya hu,if our previous work,train +8661,8662,8662,sisa anini iri a mala Pangcah mala Kaliyawan sa,So now I want to be an Amis I want to be a Kalywan,train +8662,8663,8663,saayaway,upfront,train +8663,8664,8664,anu mipanay satu kita haw i anu talacuwaen ita pawali kura panay,if we reap the rice where should we dry it,train +8664,8665,8665,mahrek ci Yis a sumuwal i ira ku ccay a Farisay a tamdaw Katayni i luma aku a kumaen han ningra ci Yis Saka tayra satu ci Yis i luma ningra a mitahka,when Jesus had finished speaking a Pharisee invited him to eat with him so he went in and reclined at the table,train +8665,8666,8666,takula aku icuwa tu saan cingra miceli,Where is my frog he said so and called,train +8666,8667,8667,hatini sa ku kifetul nu taedip,the overlap is so thick,train +8667,8668,8668,ira kuna tu cecay,the first one is here,train +8668,8669,8669,tu mikesi sikalahuk nu micilisay misacilisay,the guy who built the ditch he took it for lunch,train +8669,8670,8670,anu taluma ku wawa na i,those far from,test +8670,8671,8671,inian i,this one,train +8671,8672,8672,hay,Yes all year long,train +8672,8673,8673,atu,as well as,train +8673,8674,8674,awaay ka tu ha marikec kunini maʼikes tu,it does not matter this stage of learning is enough,train +8674,8675,8675,mahedek tu mitapid,after paving,train +8675,8676,8676,licayen hu aku kisu pakayni tu miadupay iraay ku kapaysinan a demak,I would like to ask you about the taboos of hunting,train +8676,8677,8677,pataynien ku filu u sayta atu uciya,Beer soda and tea please,train +8677,8678,8678,miala tu cingra a pakayakay a miala tu kiyafes nira,he took a ladder to pluck guavas,train +8678,8679,8679,mansa kisu tuna niyaru isu caka sapinukayan kisu tayra niyaru,what do you think will you want to go back to the tribe,train +8679,8680,8680,pina ku tadah ningra i tisuwanan saw,how much does she owe you,test +8680,8681,8681,miliyaw haca cingra a mikalic mipitpit i fafaed ku,he climbed up again to pluck up there,train +8681,8682,8682,nu Recurd,thank God God is a God of prayer,train +8682,8683,8683,ca ku kilang ca ku puliyaw nimaan,this is not wood this is not a normal fabric,train +8683,8684,8684,miariwadang,to obstruct,train +8684,8685,8685,Ngaayay sasirawen ku tangal nu futing,can I pickle the fish head,train +8685,8686,8686,masarsquuapilis,ramp,train +8686,8687,8687,ruhem,ripe,train +8687,8688,8688,mahapinang ningra ku nika ulah nu kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw tunini a dmak saka Halu ci Pitiru a rpeten ningra,when he saw that this pleased the Jews he proceeded to seize Peter also this happened during the Feast of Unleavened Bread,train +8688,8689,8689,liyawen hu,let us do it again,train +8689,8690,8690,tani kaku i,the rest of the time I go to Danshui Station,test +8690,8691,8691,o rumasatu itini kasatumuk nu niyaru,Secondly in the heads of the tribes,train +8691,8692,8692,a itira mipatinaku haw,if we are talking about this,train +8692,8693,8693,kingkiw nira a u pikingkiw nira hay sa kaku kira,P they do research T I think so,train +8693,8694,8694,tippay hananay ya tamina haw,Boat is a bamboo raft,train +8694,8695,8695,Mu^tep ira ku sepat,there are now fourteen clans,train +8695,8696,8696,macengel,catch,train +8696,8697,8697,Sacekecekem ku adada aku,I have a sharp pain,train +8697,8698,8698,makeda,find,train +8698,8699,8699,rakaten haw namu a talaliyal,how do you get to the beach do you walk,train +8699,8700,8700,awaay a manengneng nira sadak sa tu a,he did not see outside,test +8700,8701,8701,tusa pulu ira ku tulu tusa pulu ira ku tusa miheca kalahitay nu maku itini,in more than years of military service,train +8701,8702,8702,Alapacaliw han nu mita tu felac ciira,and we lent him our rice separately,train +8702,8703,8703,mi kami tu singsi hay,we will discuss it with the teacher Yes we did,train +8703,8704,8704,maherek mituduh haw,after the barbecue,train +8704,8705,8705,ta ma i mahaenay aca misanga tu fuduy haw,Then I realized that this is what tailoring is all about,train +8705,8706,8706,Miˈusi ci Yuhani tuniya Cudad i u suˈlinay kimad kunini sanay,as John read the book he saw that he was reading the truth,train +8706,8707,8707,saka u pipasifana aku kitanan u maruʼay aca,then I am here to tell everyone in the room,train +8707,8708,8708,anu tatusa sasepat,if two of the four,train +8708,8709,8709,picaa,please raise your head,train +8709,8710,8710,hatini hananayra mihawang,walk like this,test +8710,8711,8711,mahaen tu,that is it,train +8711,8712,8712,o mitiliday tunini a salicay i kaku ci Pawlu Ngaayhu ku namu o pinangan nu nipitilid aku i kalutilid aku kunini,I Paul write this greeting in my own hand which is the distinguishing mark in all my letters this is how I write,train +8712,8713,8713,a demak kadademakan nira,where they work,train +8713,8714,8714,ci Pawlu kaku nipalimuutan nu pauripay a Kawas ita atu kacifalucuan ita a Kristu Yis a malatarukusay ni Kristu Yis kaku,Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope,train +8714,8715,8715,terik,drop dead,train +8715,8716,8716,a hanay aku,I will respond to that,train +8716,8717,8717,ayaway tayni miʼaraw tura pala,the first time I came to this place,train +8717,8718,8718,Saka licay sa ku nisawawaan i ci Yisan Nawiru caay ka ^ca u a i ayaw a tayni ci Iliya saan ku suwal nu pasifanaay tu Rikec saw han nangra,the disciples asked him Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first,train +8718,8719,8719,Papicipuhen kura kay^ing nu mita,ask our lady to do her makeup,train +8719,8720,8720,ilaay tu ku micumuday u,families have followed their relatives and clansmen to the area,test +8720,8721,8721,Pacauf kaku tuya nipatilidan namu a licay o nika ^ca ka ciramud nu fainayan ku sangaayay,now for the matters you wrote about it is good for a man not to marry,train +8721,8722,8722,tanulaha,to scream,train +8722,8723,8723,fafa^,carrying,train +8723,8724,8724,o paysu saca ku sakarumakat nu aniniay a tamdaw,money is the only thing that makes people walk nowadays,train +8724,8725,8725,Orasaka caay pidmak ci Yis tu ccaccay aca a kafahkaan a dmak itira deng u pikapa ningra a miadah tu papinapina a adadaay a tamdaw,he could not do any miracles there except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them,train +8725,8726,8726,ta paluma sa cangra haw i itira lawac nu umah maluʼadipel mahaenay kura,when they planted they planted along the edge of the field like a hedge that is all,train +8726,8727,8727,naayaw maurip kamu u mahiniyay u pawli,I used to live on banana plants,train +8727,8728,8728,pakaen tu rarapa hayi,Yes I do,train +8728,8729,8729,Tapang,root,train +8729,8730,8730,sepat,four,test +8730,8731,8731,u turun saan ku kaenen u maan saw ku sapasinabel,what about the side dishes,train +8731,8732,8732,sapiedaw,magic weapon,train +8732,8733,8733,ilaay tu ku micumpian nu malitengay,but the elders were prepared,train +8733,8734,8734,cacay kisu mikitin tuya rarapa hayi,Yes,train +8734,8735,8735,ayi,please give me,train +8735,8736,8736,o luma i caka tatudung kami sa i,some people think that they are not suitable for living there,train +8736,8737,8737,pacadaen,please pick up,train +8737,8738,8738,mama ni Fahan,Farhans dad,train +8738,8739,8739,hatini aca haw ku piradiw nu misu,is that all you sing,train +8739,8740,8740,itini i kiwkay,push,test +8740,8741,8741,Saka tahidang hantu nangra kuya tatusaay Akatu pakaynien i ngangan ni Yis ku pipasuwal atu pipasifana han nangra cangra a milalang,then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus,train +8741,8742,8742,hatiraay kura pinangn nura malitengay niyam,this is the custom of our old people,train +8742,8743,8743,tu iri pakayluvuc pakayluvuc han tu niyam pakayluvuc,then we put as much as we can in our pockets,train +8743,8744,8744,icuwaay hakiya ku saayaway awaay tu ku mavanaʼay,I do not know which class was the first no one knows anymore,train +8744,8745,8745,Halu safa ku tayraay i Taypak cecay kaku i luma,my sister went to Taipei with me and I was left alone at home,train +8745,8746,8746,itiya i matngil aku ku matiyaay u rarawraw nu alumanay a finawlan atu matiyaay u suni nu cdas atu matiyaay u tataangay a harengheng nu kakleng suwal sa cangra Haliluya Malahungtiaytu ku Ciicelay a Tapang a Kawas ita,then I heard what sounded like a great multitude like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder shouting Hallelujah for our Lord God Almighty reigns,train +8746,8747,8747,nga a adihay ku futing,catch a lot of fish,train +8747,8748,8748,say kiya haw hay,at the age of,train +8748,8749,8749,Nikawrira saicel sa cangra a micli a milunguc tu sapipacekaw ci Yisan i ciwcika Saka maluwid nu ngiha nangra ci Pilatu,but with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified and their shouts prevailed,train +8749,8750,8750,Mihumung kaku tu halafinay a milungc tu seyfu tu pipakafit tu ngangan nu Yencumin i nifunsiw a kapah nu niyaru ci namuh Tungsu,I interviewed Namoh Tongso a young tribal member who has long been advocating for the inclusion of tribal names on identification cards,test +8750,8751,8751,anu misuʼuy ku wawa nu mita itini i niyaru,when we kids leave the tribe,train +8751,8752,8752,o manan a finacadan ku mipacengelay tu pising,which ethnic group has tattoos,train +8752,8753,8753,Maserser tu ku sera nu pipalumaan,the foundation of the house to be covered is ready for sinking works,train +8753,8754,8754,mangudu^,be sorry,train +8754,8755,8755,pararaen,put red beans,train +8755,8756,8756,awaay ku ngiw,not a sound can be heard,train +8756,8757,8757,saka e matuʼas tu kaku i,So uh when I grow up,train +8757,8758,8758,o aaluman ku mitudungay cangraan a mautit pakayni i pinangan nangra ku sakalukes nu sulin,many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute,train +8758,8759,8759,Mapakacihrang mapakangudu matungangan makahmek kami Pakumisafitay ku tau tamiyanan Nikawrira u sulinay ku suwal niyam,through glory and dishonor bad report and good report genuine yet regarded as impostors,train +8759,8760,8760,matiya hanhan sanay hikuki kira matalaway kaku,it scares me when airplanes go around like that,test +8760,8761,8761,anu caay pakadangen ku efa i caay pihakelung tu tamdaw,a horse will not go with anyone unless they put a nose ring on it,train +8761,8762,8762,i kacidalan i tayra i riyal ku fafahiyan miadipit milalacan,Yes that is right on sunny days women can also go to the beach to collect shellfish,train +8762,8763,8763,sinuet,sweat,train +8763,8764,8764,aka ka matiya ci Kainan kita o mikitiraay cingra tu Palafuay Saka patayen ningra ku safa ningra Nawiru patayen ningra ku safa ningra hakiya nawhani tatiih ku dmak ningra o mu^cel ku dmak nu safa ningra,do not be like Cain who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother and why did he murder him because his own actions were evil and his brothers were righteous,train +8764,8765,8765,miliyas kaku tu matuʼasay,I left the old people,train +8765,8766,8766,lisimet,sort out,train +8766,8767,8767,namakapatay tangasa i,from the time of the funeral until,train +8767,8768,8768,tayra satu kura kayakay a mipangaʼay,the matchmaker went over to propose marriage,train +8768,8769,8769,hatiraay ku likisi nu matuʼasay itiya hu,that is the history of the early old man,train +8769,8770,8770,Pacauf sa ci Yis Suwalen Aku kamu anu tumrep cangra i cli asa ku fukluh han ningra,I tell you he replied if they keep quiet the stones will cry out,test +8770,8771,8771,itiniay ku pahicelaan nira nu saʼayaw a mafulaw,this is the first temporary stopover of the migration,train +8771,8772,8772,tahira i Pusung parakatay cifaki tu paliding a militemuh tamiyanan,when we arrived in Taitung my uncle drove to the station to pick us up,train +8772,8773,8773,i taluan a malecapu kita,let us meet at the clubhouse,train +8773,8774,8774,ta anini ara hanaku kuna i hetalay nila,I will start by comparing the edges,train +8774,8775,8775,milaliw tu kami u ruma,we will have to leave right away,train +8775,8776,8776,ta plengen nangra kisu atu i lalumaay isu a finawlan o a awatu ku ccaccay a fukluh i kafkang nu ruma a fukluh nawhani caay ka hapinang isu ku pipauripan nu Kawas a rumiad saan cingra,they will dash you to the ground you and the children within your walls they will not leave one stone on another because you did not recognize the time of Gods coming to you,train +8776,8777,8777,rarid saan cingra tu rumiad tu dadaya a milkal i tadem anu ^ca i i lutuk Riangen ningra a miduka ku tireng ningra tu fukluh,night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones,train +8777,8778,8778,ri hatini sapaini nu niyam sa ku kahulul,that is it for the seniors,train +8778,8779,8779,naadahan,recovered,train +8779,8780,8780,Kiyanca caay kalecad ku nicakayan nu niyam a cudad nika malecad ku aca,although we bought different books the price was the same,test +8780,8781,8781,mikeling tu sinafel i sefi^ ciira tahidangen aku haw,he is in the kitchen cooking let me go call him,train +8781,8782,8782,pakaen,an offering,train +8782,8783,8783,maʼurad satu matumes tumes ku nanum,it is raining buckets,train +8783,8784,8784,kanarikay a mikilim anu icuwaay tu,hurry up and find it I do not know where it is gone,train +8784,8785,8785,caay ka kapah ku mitilida nu misu saan,you do not write well,train +8785,8786,8786,lalengawan,lifeline,train +8786,8787,8787,Kumaingay kura wawa aku a masakeru,that kid of mine is a very soft dancer,train +8787,8788,8788,mipitpit cingra tu nasi nira,he plucked pears,train +8788,8789,8789,Matadtad tu ku keliw nu riku aku,the stitching has come out of my clothes,train +8789,8790,8790,cadici,salt in the wound,test +8790,8791,8791,Ma^deng lima ku tuki tayra haca cingra a mikilim i maaraw ningra ku rumaruma a tumirengay itira Nawiru sarumiad sa kamu i tini a caay ka tayal saw han ningra a milicay,about the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around he asked them Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing,train +8791,8792,8792,saka aluman aluman ku tamdaw nu Makutaay itiyahu,more and more people used to live in this place,train +8792,8793,8793,o ukak nu wacu kinian,it is a dogs bone,train +8793,8794,8794,cinglaw aca mafukiʼlay,you cannot even talk,train +8794,8795,8795,caay ka selic hanaw u salengac kura maselicay sanay ku matuʼasay,it is less slippery so the old people say that the bark of the moon peach tree is more slippery,train +8795,8796,8796,u i cian siyangay a pala,area in Jian Township,train +8796,8797,8797,Tikuren a minengneng ku nukaˈurip aku mahapinangay aku tu samaanay palemed ci Yihufa tu mitusilay demak i Aielan,looking back I can see that Irish evangelism has indeed been guided and blessed by the LORD,train +8797,8798,8798,maʼedeng tuku dadaya tuku madeng muʼetep ku tuki,there is enough time in the evening,train +8798,8799,8799,ta iri u ruma satu ini ku,the other is,train +8799,8800,8800,iri u heci haw iri kaenen niyam yu adidi awaay ku kakaenan niyam yu adidi,we ate its fruits when we were young because there was nothing to eat at that time,test +8800,8801,8801,cira,she,train +8801,8802,8802,itiya tusaay aca kasakupang itira u cecay u kuhecalay tamdaw a kasakupang ura ruma u kuhetingay tamdaw a kasakupang,at that time there were only two groups of congregations one white and the other colored or black,train +8802,8803,8803,sapa ayaw nu radiw a suni,this is the into music,train +8803,8804,8804,namu hatu mafuti tini han tu namu han tu nu macaciyaway,the man who led them said you should rest here,train +8804,8805,8805,citulas,there is an end point,train +8805,8806,8806,o rumasatu caay ka matiya u canguutay tu maan cingra a milunguc tu nika tayal nu tamdaw i Cingraan nawhani cingra ku pafliay tu urip atu saslaan atu kalumaamaan i pulung nu tamdamdaw,and he is not served by human hands as if he needed anything because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else,train +8806,8807,8807,teked han nira a kemaen,I am eating alone,train +8807,8808,8808,o ruma satu i,additionally,train +8808,8809,8809,itiniay,Here,train +8809,8810,8810,uul carufacuf,cloud,test +8810,8811,8811,iayaw nu nini yu patireng kaku tu kufa,prior to the establishment of the company,train +8811,8812,8812,hay ceka fana ku tau a mipaluma,no one else grows palace Vegetables,train +8812,8813,8813,mituris,writing,train +8813,8814,8814,caayay,it is not,train +8814,8815,8815,malafinacadan,become a community,train +8815,8816,8816,ira ku ilisin hananay,there is a claim of rationality,train +8816,8817,8817,anu misanga kisu tura tamud i,what if you make a yeast,train +8817,8818,8818,hatiraay kura demak na,that is what happened,train +8818,8819,8819,rasa yuna mama ku palasuʼupuʼupuʼay,he brought us Amis together,train +8819,8820,8820,sa kaku palitan aku matini,I would like to ask the truth about this story,test +8820,8821,8821,u maan tu ku tayal mafana tu kafana,thank you for your guidance,train +8821,8822,8822,itiya satu ku urip i Taypak tahira i,my life in Taipei until,train +8822,8823,8823,o pinganganan nu maku ku ngangan ni faki aku,I was named after my uncle,train +8823,8824,8824,caay ka itini a ccay unini anu changping a kuan tangansa i makutaay,not only here I also went to Changbin and the port,train +8824,8825,8825,i umah saan a kemaen,eat in the field,train +8825,8826,8826,Adepet kira wawa tu ina nira,the kid was mean to his mom,train +8826,8827,8827,matimel,Numb,train +8827,8828,8828,sapakecangan nu malitengay,elders making meat dumplings,train +8828,8829,8829,caay kadayum adihay henay ku nananamen,it is not easy there is a lot to learn,train +8829,8830,8830,sa kiya harateng saka,Considerations like this,test +8830,8831,8831,kaka,brother and sister,train +8831,8832,8832,tayni i Kiwit,go to Chimay,train +8832,8833,8833,a mi kuku tuya palafuay tiya akuma hananay,to expel the demons the so called karma,train +8833,8834,8834,malacecay tu katayni nu niyam i Taypak,let us go to Taipei together,train +8834,8835,8835,taneng,wisdom,train +8835,8836,8836,hai akawang ku paru nu luma niyam,Yes we are all very tall,train +8836,8837,8837,o marahemeday tu ku kafang tunani pawalian tu rumiad,the quilts are very soft because they have been exposed to the sun during the day,train +8837,8838,8838,mahaen haw ku pisanga tu emu,it is so homemade sweet rice cake,train +8838,8839,8839,tangasa i Angcuh haw i mahaen tu awaay ka,I have arrived at the Antong tribe without a kindergarten,train +8839,8840,8840,Culed han i cufel ku hawan isu,insert your knife into the sheath,test +8840,8841,8841,tuur,chase after,train +8841,8842,8842,ira ku midanguyay talamidanguay,there were also those who swam across the sea to come here,train +8842,8843,8843,Lukuingen nu maku ku mikimadan ni fufu,I am going to record the stories my grandmother told me,train +8843,8844,8844,singasif,boil water,train +8844,8845,8845,Pudacen aku ku heci^ nu lusay u kakaenen isu,let me peel the fruit for you,train +8845,8846,8846,o kacidalan ku ka ulahan aku,summer is my favorite time of year,train +8846,8847,8847,tariktik,shrewd,train +8847,8848,8848,hasakamalu,purpose,train +8848,8849,8849,i ka Dipungan hu mitilidan a radiw,songs written during the Japanese era,train +8849,8850,8850,saka sadiheku sa cangra itira samatira satu haw i,they feel very warm,test +8850,8851,8851,tangasa anini mahaenay tu,it is still the same today,train +8851,8852,8852,Mareda ku futi nura wawa i fafisunan,the kid was sleeping soundly in the crib,train +8852,8853,8853,saka mahirateng ku matiniay haw i,that is why I thought of this,train +8853,8854,8854,malahakelung tu kami,we will follow you home,train +8854,8855,8855,Micamulay kaminan kiraan,that is for joining our troops,train +8855,8856,8856,daysang dadahal pala niyam irasa pafelisa,we have a lot of land but do we have any,train +8856,8857,8857,minengneng tu tu uhung,start reading,train +8857,8858,8858,siwawa tu i,we are having a baby,train +8858,8859,8859,nga kaliki haw,it is just a matter of time,train +8859,8860,8860,satu,as for,test +8860,8861,8861,mipitaw,plowing with hoes,train +8861,8862,8862,panguseten,runny,train +8862,8863,8863,saka timul nira i Pasiyasi,the south side of it is known as the overflow,train +8863,8864,8864,maan han kura,what about that,train +8864,8865,8865,mimingay,few,train +8865,8866,8866,alayung,good Bye,train +8866,8867,8867,tutu,Cucumber,train +8867,8868,8868,o hitay ku tireng ni mama nu maku i ka Ripunan,my father was a Japanese soldier in Japan,train +8868,8869,8869,i kaayaw nu Kawas aci Yis Kristu atu mapiliay a cuyucuyuh kaku a palimuut i tisuwanan Imeren kunini aka pisakakinih kisu tu dmak,I charge you in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels to keep these instructions without partiality and to do nothing out of favoritism,train +8869,8870,8870,u sikawasay ku sitatudungay a miraver pasuelin kita u pangcah iraay ku adingu hananay a kilimen nu sikawasay ku adingu nira,the burial ceremony is officiated by a priest the clan believes that each person has a possessed soul that must be invoked by the priest,test +8870,8871,8871,kakahaday,it is too big,train +8871,8872,8872,Pacauf sa kuya adadaay Singsiaw anu macuwacu ku nanum i awaay ku mamipakfuh i takuwanan i fanaw Yu tayrayrahu kaku i makiayawtu nu tau kaku a mikfuh han ningra,Sir the invalid replied I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred while I am trying to get in someone else goes down ahead of me,train +8872,8873,8873,dikinay a mapud ri,cannot go on,train +8873,8874,8874,mifanaˈay ku Fangcalay Cudad kitaanan ira ku ngaˈayay kalalaˈed nu tamdaw aci Yihufa ngaˈ suˈliˈlin ku lipahak,the Bible tells us that people are truly happy when they have a good relationship with the LORD,train +8874,8875,8875,Aluman ku finawlan a mituur i cingraan saka adahen ningra ku adadaay nangra itira,large crowds followed him and he healed them there,train +8875,8876,8876,anu tataataang ku fali^,no matter how strong the wind is,train +8876,8877,8877,ridrid,guide,train +8877,8878,8878,anu a initu saan,if it is coming,train +8878,8879,8879,sair,witchcraft,train +8879,8880,8880,Pihakulungi i takuwanan u matuasay miadup i lutuk,you come with the old man to hunt in the mountains,test +8880,8881,8881,ciraay,it must be him,train +8881,8882,8882,ira tu kaya wama niya widang naku,my friends father is here,train +8882,8883,8883,taangayay,large,train +8883,8884,8884,u nguyus ita ku pasuwalay,it is our mouths that say it,train +8884,8885,8885,Mafana kamu tu nika u sapipalasawadaw tu raraw ku nika talahkal ni Kristu a tayni awaay ku maan aca a raraw ningra,but you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins and in him is no sin,train +8885,8886,8886,ya raʼu ya suwal aku tuni haw,what about this Sapindales,train +8886,8887,8887,Orasaka masadak malingad mifuting miadup atu manmaan a demakan i ayaw nu kalumuwad misaharateng aca tu tatayalen ngaayay tatiihay hakiya saan ku Pangcah a tamdaw,Therefore when the Amis people go out to farm fish or hunt or whatever they do they must first consider the good or bad weather conditions before doing anything,train +8887,8888,8888,malatamdawtu ku suwal a mikaput i titaanan a maru matumesay nu mikumi atu sulin Maaraw nu mita ku nika cidil Ningra unini a dil u lalayapen nu dengan a wawa nu Kawas,the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us we have seen his glory the glory of the one and Only who came from the Father full of grace and truth,train +8888,8889,8889,satenas,dip in sauce,train +8889,8890,8890,Naw^iru inain saan kisu a rumakat,why are you limping,test +8890,8891,8891,paunulen,EMPOWERMENT responsibility,train +8891,8892,8892,amaanen aca mapawan kaku han nira,I am so sorry I forgot,train +8892,8893,8893,tatapangan,tree head,train +8893,8894,8894,maraay i tayra i Pungudan han aku,I said it is far away it is over by the bridge tribe,train +8894,8895,8895,o piuntukayan nu pitakcian anini adihay ku lalifetan tu mipatirengan nu pitakcian,today was the schools sports day and the school organized many competitions,train +8895,8896,8896,cingra ku patalahkalay tu dil nu Kawas u rumasatu cingra ku tudung nu masungilaay a pinangan nu Kawas o ciicelay a suwal ningra ku sapidiput ningra tu pulung nu maamaan mahrek cingra a mihpul tu raraw nu tamdaw i maru cingra i kawanan nu tada Ciicelay a Kawas i kakarayan,the son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of his being sustaining all things by his powerful word after he had provided purification for sins he sat down at the right hand of the majesty in heaven,train +8896,8897,8897,na misawsaw tu kisu tu ngapa^ hay,did you rinse out your mouth,train +8897,8898,8898,kalumipatirengan,facilities,train +8898,8899,8899,1956 miheca miucuran kaku tayra i Hayti,in I was sent to Haiti,train +8899,8900,8900,Macuwacu ku nanum i fanaw nu mita,the water in our pond was stirred,test +8900,8901,8901,ni makeru sa ku fanaw tayniay ku kiya tayni,Ikegami Bountiful years Festival Kanos people are here,train +8901,8902,8902,wawaay hu nu tayal,in the past it was the physical labor of work,train +8902,8903,8903,o ramud nu maku ciira,she is my wife,train +8903,8904,8904,saka u Makutaay han kinaniyaru,that is why I named it that way,train +8904,8905,8905,Paicel kaku i tamuwanan a pasuwal ka u makriday nu Fangcalay Adingu ku dmak namu ta caay ka tuur namu ku anuf nu tireng,so I say live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature,train +8905,8906,8906,itira a lalicaylicay saan cangra tatusa,and that is how they exchanged pleasantries,train +8906,8907,8907,i cuwa kisu a malahuk anini,where did you have lunch today,train +8907,8908,8908,suni malaklakay,all at once it will fall apart again,train +8908,8909,8909,ira kura mararamuday kiya haw,there is a couple,train +8909,8910,8910,sakatusatsukikage awaku,in the night light sprinkled land,test +8910,8911,8911,kina,Here,train +8911,8912,8912,manan sa ku epuc nu mita saan,what are we going to do with this worthlessness,train +8912,8913,8913,talal Taytung ku saayaway tuwa tayraen i Cilung,Taitung and then Keelung,train +8913,8914,8914,ira tu ku laciw saan mahemek,I am very happy to have a radio,train +8914,8915,8915,itini katayalan nu misu tura parakatay tu hananay,when you were working as a bus driver,train +8915,8916,8916,miala tu tu papah nu pakaen tu fafuy laput pakaen tu fafuy,I am going to pick groundnut leaves to feed the pigs,train +8916,8917,8917,Papicuhungen nu mama kami a malekaka tu nirakatan ni akung niyam,my father told us siblings to follow where our grandfather walked,train +8917,8918,8918,yu i tirahu i Kurintu ci Apulus i pakahadhad ci Pawlu a tayra i Ifisu Malitmuh ningra itira ku papinapina a nisawawaan,while Apollos was at Corinth Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus there he found some disciples,train +8918,8919,8919,taʼangayay malitengay tu kuni adidem,this mulberry tree has grown big and old,train +8919,8920,8920,kasiniʼadaan kuraan,those people are pathetic,test +8920,8921,8921,Takuy medac sa,hungry ghosts,train +8921,8922,8922,Alaclicli sa ku finawlan Paceken Cingra i ciwcika saan,Crucify him they shouted,train +8922,8923,8923,mipacuk tuya fafuy patungal han nu ilumaʼay a fafuy han adihaysaannenghan ku fafuy nu lutuk caka tataʼang,then they kill the pigs plus the ones they keep at home because mountain pigs are not too big,train +8923,8924,8924,hay u dadaya ku,Yes at night,train +8924,8925,8925,masubuctu i takuwan,I have been born,train +8925,8926,8926,Cimalulemay i tini i takaraway a lutuk,this high mountain is full of mergansers,train +8926,8927,8927,mikitemel,words of encouragement,train +8927,8928,8928,atu kadafa u safa haw ri,my brother in law who is gone,train +8928,8929,8929,tahadauc,forever and ever,train +8929,8930,8930,mipiyiy,graduation,test +8930,8931,8931,Tfaden ningra nai tadamaanay a kamaruan ku ciicelay a hungti pacakaten ningra ku sasafaay a tamdaw,he has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble,train +8931,8932,8932,u wawa amin nu misu ku vinawlan nu niyaru,the tribesmen are all your children,train +8932,8933,8933,han tu ha,that is it,train +8933,8934,8934,Mapakafanatu aku cangra tu pakayniay i Tisuwanan o papakafana haca kaku i cangraan ta ira i falucu nangra ku matiyaay u ulah isu i takuwanan a ulah ta malaccay kita atu cangra saan,I have made you known to them and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them,train +8934,8935,8935,o niucuran nu was Yis,Jesus was sent by God,train +8935,8936,8936,u matengilay kimad kiya,that is what the old timers tell us,train +8936,8937,8937,Miiyutay kami tu kilang malusanga nu luma,we drilled holes in the wood for the walls of our home,train +8937,8938,8938,o mipacumuday i takuwanan a pakatayal ciira,he is the one who let me in to work,train +8938,8939,8939,o mamiaca kaku tu riku,I want to buy some clothes,train +8939,8940,8940,maharatengay tu ku pasifana nu malitengay itiya hu,I remembered what my elders used to teach me,test +8940,8941,8941,e mihicay ya matuʼasay,the old man went to catch a fish fry,train +8941,8942,8942,malileng,dizzy,train +8942,8943,8943,mahaen pisiwkay tu nu sinafel nu matuʼasay,this is me sharing the old mans wild vegetables,train +8943,8944,8944,hay ngaʼayay tu kura licay,that is a good question,train +8944,8945,8945,hina huluhulul kaku tu matuasay inaayaw,I used to get together with old people,train +8945,8946,8946,tamdaw,People,train +8946,8947,8947,na ku tuki,what time is it,train +8947,8948,8948,tusa kiy malaheciay tuya maralipuying i hu,when I was a legislator I accomplished two things,train +8948,8949,8949,u aru aku haw i,where I live,train +8949,8950,8950,faki^,uncle,test +8950,8951,8951,ekur,snoring,train +8951,8952,8952,milunguc,pray for,train +8952,8953,8953,matiya mielikay ku pikadi tu riku,it is like rubbing your feet against your clothes,train +8953,8954,8954,malahci ni Parnapas aci Sawlu ku tayal nangra i krid hantu nangra ci Maruku hananay a tamdaw ci Yuhani a minukay nai Yirusalim,when Barnabas and Saul had finished their mission they returned from Jerusalem taking with them John also called Mark,train +8954,8955,8955,kamatiya itiya san i ayaw,looking back on life,train +8955,8956,8956,o nipacimilan nu tumuk caira,they were given nicknames by their leaders,train +8956,8957,8957,anu caku hatini ku maku a ngiha i,if only my vocal cords were not like this,train +8957,8958,8958,tini tayni kaku i hiya i Cunhe,even to neutralization,train +8958,8959,8959,manca hatira han naku ku kimad nu maku,so I will tell you what I knew before,train +8959,8960,8960,suʼlinay tu,tell me the truth,test +8960,8961,8961,paiyuy,call out to,train +8961,8962,8962,u rengus i tahalipa han haw,when you step on the grass,train +8962,8963,8963,Fetas han ku kaliwates masadak ku fena,puncture the boil and the pus comes out,train +8963,8964,8964,tu Seraʼan ran sa wawa sa nu maku haw ri,I am naming my kid Zilla,train +8964,8965,8965,maan han nu Hulam,what is it called in Mandarin I do not know,train +8965,8966,8966,sananar,sunrise,train +8966,8967,8967,malikelun tu kura cecay a tamdaw,when someone gets off the field,train +8967,8968,8968,karaw unian nu Amis ya misuwalan aku i suni,but I was talking about us Amis,train +8968,8969,8969,palamalmilikat,ignite,train +8969,8970,8970,awaay ku mamaan nu Kiwit awaay ku nanum,there is nothing there is no water,test +8970,8971,8971,cinciw itiya saka matira,the mayors business at the time,train +8971,8972,8972,anu ira aca ku maan nu malainaay,any event in the Giovanni family is an opportunity for me to learn,train +8972,8973,8973,caay ka ^ca u mamilayap cingra anini tu adihayay a sapakaulah u rumasatu u mamarnec haca cingra tu midaucay a urip i aira a hkal han ningra,will fail to receive many times as much in this age and in the age to come eternal life,train +8973,8974,8974,Paadipelan tu na Kacaw ku luma naira,Kacaw and his family have built a fence,train +8974,8975,8975,mifelih,to turn over,train +8975,8976,8976,mirasras tu panay,strike and grind rice cake,train +8976,8977,8977,Ngaay hu kita a maemin ci Kulas ku ngangan aku,hello everyone my name is Kolas,train +8977,8978,8978,tangsa anini sacacacacay saan a yaratu ku matuasay,it seems like the old people are leaving one by one now,train +8978,8979,8979,karurayan,when you are tired,train +8979,8980,8980,sansa kira sa,our programs,test +8980,8981,8981,yu miclemtu ku cidal i patayraen nu malininaay i ci Yisan ku ciadadaay tu masamaamaanay a adada curuk han ni Yis kuya adadaay a mikapa maadahtu cangra,when the sun was setting the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness and laying his hands on each one he healed them,train +8981,8982,8982,o pipanemnem nu Kawas ititaanan,this is the wellspring of Gods gift to us,train +8982,8983,8983,i wawa hu kaku hawiri,when I was a kid,train +8983,8984,8984,Saka afufu hantu ni Yis kuya ka^mangay a wawa haccaccayen ningra a mikapa cangra a pakalmed,and he took the children in his arms put his hands on them and blessed them,train +8984,8985,8985,andafak limaay ku tuki karatar lumuwad satu,please get up at am and get up early,train +8985,8986,8986,u ruma satu kiyami haw,So what else,train +8986,8987,8987,Cudad,books,train +8987,8988,8988,nai tini ku misu ira hu ku pera tu awul tusa pisuʼutan,from here put two pieces of bamboo where you want to tie them,train +8988,8989,8989,i kapulungan satu,let us March together,train +8989,8990,8990,o pitaungan a rumiad anini,this is a day of worship,test +8990,8991,8991,kalalarsquued,spacing,train +8991,8992,8992,hay mitangtangay kisu haw,did you cook,train +8992,8993,8993,o picumudan a paenan kirawan,that door is the entrance,train +8993,8994,8994,matungal a matungal tu ku fana i mahemeken tu tuna u Amis ku tireng u sirumaay u tadakairayan,the more I know the more I feel that being a Amis is unique and something to be proud of,train +8994,8995,8995,caay ku ayam atu fafuy ku sapaini nu mita uraʼna aca u turun u niʼan u icep fila u niʼan u epah tamaku u sapa tudung nu matuʼasay itiya,instead of preparing chicken and pork glutinous rice cakes betel nut and betel nut leaves rice wine cigarettes et are the real rice packets we need to worship our ancestors,train +8995,8996,8996,u tumuk nu niyaru,the head of the tribe,train +8996,8997,8997,u raecusay ku nira iri,what if he is unlucky,train +8997,8998,8998,wangka,Internet café,train +8998,8999,8999,u pikerit tu cecay tu taturuʼan,just cut a gutter in the eaves,train +8999,9000,9000,o mipatayay cangra tu finawlan nu Kawas atu paliayaway tu suwal Isu Saka cuayen isu cangra a mipatay matatudungay ku nipihaen isu a misawkit i cangraan saan,for they have she would the blood of your saints and prophets and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve,test +9000,9001,9001,Enemtu ku mihecaan nu vavahiyan a sava nu maku,my sister is six years old,train +9001,9002,9002,aka tu paleka itini aʼayaʼayaw,do not be a pushover,train +9002,9003,9003,oya mamalukasuy i parud anucila a mauripayhu anini i palapalaan a talud i madiput nu Kawas kunini mangalef ku nipidiput nu Kawas i tamuwanan Aya ku nika tadanca nu pitier namu tu Kawas,if that is how God clothes the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire how much more will he clothe you O you of little faith,train +9003,9004,9004,kedecen naca mikedec hanfana aku pinatu,I am pulling this way and this way and this way several times,train +9004,9005,9005,kiya kumimitan nu maku cay katumangic,I squeezed as hard as I could and she did not even cry,train +9005,9006,9006,edeng aca u na fafahian kuna mangaay i tini a makeru,only women are allowed to dance here,train +9006,9007,9007,mangaʼayay radiwen han radiwen hena,can you sing sing it,train +9007,9008,9008,Kumeceday ku tireng nunini wawa,this child body is very solid,train +9008,9009,9009,anini mahalateng ku maku,I remember now,train +9009,9010,9010,hanaaay kuka a kanatal,Ukrainian Canadian countries,test +9010,9011,9011,masaterep,park,train +9011,9012,9012,Tadamakalim ciira tu sapidafu a makakiing,he is eager to run for the legislature,train +9012,9013,9013,Sangaay sa a nanumen kuna epah,this millet wine is delicious,train +9013,9014,9014,Naunen a rumakat i lalan,be careful walking on the road,train +9014,9015,9015,siniʼadaan tu kura urip,it is a pitiful life,train +9015,9016,9016,mariangay,inmates,train +9016,9017,9017,wacu,dog,train +9017,9018,9018,Ngaay tu,okay,train +9018,9019,9019,ira hu ku wama nu maku,when my father in law was alive,train +9019,9020,9020,Hay u Pangcah kaku,Yes I am an Amis,test +9020,9021,9021,mangalay tu fatuwa tu maku i,I long for,train +9021,9022,9022,Malataang kami a ira ci panay i kaput niyam,we are proud to have Barnet in our class,train +9022,9023,9023,tadaciepucay,very valuable,train +9023,9024,9024,hay ura,rephrase,train +9024,9025,9025,aka pisaakuakuway,do not think you are right,train +9025,9026,9026,14 15 anu makalimay kita ira ku mahecaday ni Yihufa a harateng ngaˈayay misimsim tu maanan,what should we think about if we want to see things the same way as the LORD,train +9026,9027,9027,pakaemihen,Cheaper,train +9027,9028,9028,anu icuwaay tu ci Sawa,which one is Savva,train +9028,9029,9029,itiraw masaʼatipilay a lalan,it is on that mountainside trail,train +9029,9030,9030,Nanay mapahmek ku i tiraay i satakaraway ku aru a Kawas Nanay rihaday ku i tiniay i hkal a kaulahan nu Kawas a tamdaw saan,Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests,test +9030,9031,9031,Fangcalay hanima ku tilid sanu Amis,I do not know if it is written in Ami,train +9031,9032,9032,na u kungku nu matuʼasay i ayaw,stories told by early elders,train +9032,9033,9033,Mangaay saw a miparu tu samiyay i pitaungan tu Kawas a Fangcalay Pitaungan o pitaungan tu mauripay a Kawas a Fangcalay Pitaungan kita matu suwal nu Kawas Mikaput Kaku i finawlan Aku a maru O mamala Kawas nangra Kaku O mamalafinawlan Aku cangra saan,what agreement is there between the temple of God and idols for we are the temple of the living God as God has said I will live with them and walk among them and I will be their God and they will be my people,train +9033,9034,9034,o palumaay kaku o micfusay ci Apulus Nikawrira u Kawas ku palahaday tunini,I planted the seed Apollos watered it but God made it grow,train +9034,9035,9035,kisu u Kapirnaum u mamapacakat kisu a tayra i kakarayan saan kisu saw o mamatfad kisu i pisemseman nawhani anu i tiraay i Sutum kaku a midmak tu nidmakan aku i tamuwanan a kafahkaan a dmak i kuna tahanini a ira ku niyaru nu Sutum,and you Capernaum will you be lifted up to the skies No you will go down to the depths if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom it would have remained to this day,train +9035,9036,9036,iraay matiya kiya puʼut,the knife might still be there,train +9036,9037,9037,Fungfung san ku fukes aku tu nikaiyufen nu fali,my hair is very disheveled from the wind,train +9037,9038,9038,mihaenay haw i u micukaan nu mita pakayni i tatirengan atu pising ni Pawlu matuuray ku matiliday a likisi nulitengan a lalakaw,Thus the picture we have drawn of Pauls appearance corresponds to the ancient documentary records,train +9038,9039,9039,Hayhay,Yes,train +9039,9040,9040,o talakal ku sapiadup aku ruma i mitatuy kaku tu kuwang ira ku wacu a miadup,I usually catch my prey with a trap but occasionally I hunt with a gun and a dog,test +9040,9041,9041,anu u nika ^ca ka sulin nu dmak aku ku sakatalahkal nu sulinay a dmak nu Kawas tu nika tadamaan ningra i nawiru pastek han kaku i raraw a misawkit saw,someone might argue If my falsehood enhances Gods truthfulness and so increases his glory why am I still condemned as a sinner,train +9041,9042,9042,o makaamisay ku pala niyam,our field is the northernmost one,train +9042,9043,9043,halikiyafes,love guava,train +9043,9044,9044,masamaan ku pikinafalah,how can we sacrifice our lives,train +9044,9045,9045,u hufuc aku itini i ciwkangan,I was born in Ciwkangan,train +9045,9046,9046,maimacay,Sharp,train +9046,9047,9047,ira ku hemay haw,do you have a meal,train +9047,9048,9048,kinapinapina a paaraw ci Yis tuya mikaputay i cingraan nai Kalili a tayra i Yirusalim anini i unini a tamdamdaw ku pawacayay i finawlan tu pakayniay ci Yisan,and for many days he was seen by those who had traveled with him from Galilee to Jerusalem they are now his Witnesses to our people,train +9048,9049,9049,micepet tura Tumay huw i tayraay ku niyaru alumanay ku niyaru tayraay kapakapah hu ra,when it came to catching bears again a lot of tribesmen came especially young men,train +9049,9050,9050,suʼelin uya Tangafulan ku panganganay i tiyahu,in the early days this place name seems to have been named after the Pingpu tribe,test +9050,9051,9051,Manaay cira,he does not want it,train +9051,9052,9052,kuni,Here,train +9052,9053,9053,kuayam,chickens,train +9053,9054,9054,adihay ku falalutung i kilakilangan,there are a lot of spiders in the forest,train +9054,9055,9055,minatu nu Singku u kaʼiwilan,Success harbor is very depressing,train +9055,9056,9056,mawmahay itiya,cultivated,train +9056,9057,9057,satu,then,train +9057,9058,9058,itiyahu aluman ku masatakawtakaway matukaay a tamdaw,there used to be a lot of lazy people who stole things,train +9058,9059,9059,riyar,seaside,train +9059,9060,9060,itira kami i kami,we have been in the Kian Kei mine for a total of years,test +9060,9061,9061,Tadaawaay hakiya ku misafalucuʼan,I did not think about it at all,train +9061,9062,9062,i sanu Yincumin neng tu ku kimad,when you host you have to act like an aboriginal,train +9062,9063,9063,ura tusa kaput,the two classes,train +9063,9064,9064,Hay mangalay tu nananuman haw,Okay can I get you a drink,train +9064,9065,9065,itira i Kalingku,first in Hualien,train +9065,9066,9066,Sulinay,truly,train +9066,9067,9067,na lutuk haw i adihay ku rakes itiyahu,there used to be a lot of camphor trees in the hills,train +9067,9068,9068,lingatu satu watah awa kufalucu aku talacuwa tu,when we started I was so scared my heart ran away,train +9068,9069,9069,hayi tadangaay samaanen ita ku katayra,Awesome how are we going to get there,train +9069,9070,9070,sanay sisa caay picudad itiy ahu,So no school,test +9070,9071,9071,makurahay,coffee color,train +9071,9072,9072,arik,female name,train +9072,9073,9073,tayra tuya fukeluh cingra i tuya a tumireng,would rather stand up,train +9073,9074,9074,awaay ku tusaay cecay,no two no two just one,train +9074,9075,9075,mahaʼenay maharek kaku paini tu hiya kungku tu piʼadupan u hiya u parud hananay nu mita haw,Above the sharing of stories about hunting and hearth is probably related to these main points,train +9075,9076,9076,u Kiristukiw ku ayaw u canglaw ku kiwkay itini,there was a Christian church here,train +9076,9077,9077,pakayni ii ngangan nu niyaru nu Cikasuwan,from the boundaries of the Shichibukawa tribe,train +9077,9078,9078,Mihiningay haw Mihiningay haw,do you have to go to the newspaper first to collect the match fee,train +9078,9079,9079,o maan ku matefaday,what fell,train +9079,9080,9080,hay i patayni i tu hemay,Okay let us have a white rice,test +9080,9081,9081,mangaʼay ku aniniay a suka,plastic is very convenient nowadays,train +9081,9082,9082,maulah ku matuasay a pahaku adihay ku nivutingan,the old man enjoyed placing the box to catch a lot of fish,train +9082,9083,9083,Masausiay tu aku fangcal kuna cudad,I have read it it is a great book,train +9083,9084,9084,Pakaci^in kaku minukay,I go home by MRT,train +9084,9085,9085,maemin tu maperar,it is all collapsed,train +9085,9086,9086,Mapaluma^ ku fataan i taliyuk nu luma niyam,we have tree peas growing around our house,train +9086,9087,9087,malasawad tu haw malasawad tu a,just lose it,train +9087,9088,9088,caay ka saʼusian aku kira,I do not remember peoples families,train +9088,9089,9089,nu maku sa falucu nanay,at the time my idea was that I wanted,train +9089,9090,9090,han salikaka i,ladies and Gentlemen,test +9090,9091,9091,cu^cu,to crowd,train +9091,9092,9092,ona niyaru a maemin i caayay kalalecad ku rayray nu lilengawan u rakat nu kafulaw u taliyuk nu paniyaruan atu kasasiruma nu sakaurip caayay kalecad ku ngarngar nu suwal atu serangawan,the above tribes have different historical origins migration history geographic environments and lifestyles resulting in differences in language and culture,train +9092,9093,9093,takarakaraw,high,train +9093,9094,9094,manengneng aca aku kuya rengus ningra,just because I saw that grass,train +9094,9095,9095,fangcal ku salengac a tate mi,the leaves of the moon peach are easy to obtain,train +9095,9096,9096,pina nianan hay cecay limaay hay ku nufainayan limaay,the men has five pieces,train +9096,9097,9097,rekuh,a stinger,train +9097,9098,9098,litud,to pick,train +9098,9099,9099,mipakilac ci faki tu titi tu selal nira,the uncle distributes meat to his peers,train +9099,9100,9100,Ehuh san cira a mafaha,he coughed and spat,test +9100,9101,9101,dangah,casserole,train +9101,9102,9102,anu sailailay saakuwakuway san haw,if I think I am,train +9102,9103,9103,u rayray ri,that is why it is a gourd,train +9103,9104,9104,aciyah kafangcal a nengnengen matiya cinguhahay tu kisu hay,Wow that is nice you are in love are not you,train +9104,9105,9105,anu icuwa ku ku lafi nangra,maybe this performance was there for dinner,train +9105,9106,9106,17 o kahacecay a tamdaw cuwa ka hecad ku tuki a maadah ku sumad nu falucuˈ,each person who has lost a friend or family member takes a different amount of time to get over the pain,train +9106,9107,9107,haenen nu matuasay a nisangaan tu cadiway,it is like a triangular fishnet made by an old man,train +9107,9108,9108,funut,pull up,train +9108,9109,9109,anu caay kademaken ita,if we do not move,train +9109,9110,9110,makingkiway tu matengilay aku ku ngaʼayay kaenen,because I have heard it is good for the body and I have tried it very well myself,test +9110,9111,9111,tahanini tuas nu misu,so far you have grown up,train +9111,9112,9112,cay han ita cay kacelak ku tafukud,if we did not do that Gossipcom would not have started,train +9112,9113,9113,anu pisakalafian i u maminukay tu ku safa tu fainayan,my younger brother is going home this evening,train +9113,9114,9114,anu mitengil haw i tumuk hatini ku pades nu paru nu luma niyam hatini ku ruray nu paru nu luma niyam,talking to the ringleader about the family problems and predicaments,train +9114,9115,9115,Makalielay ku ama aku saka ci Kaliel ku cimil nira,Grandmas neck was so long that her nickname was Kaliel,train +9115,9116,9116,adihay ku ayam tu maaraway nu maku ira i kilang cangra a miaefer maaraw haca ku ekung i ufang nu kilang a mafuti,I saw a lot of birds flying around in the trees and saw owls sleeping in tree hollows,train +9116,9117,9117,Hayda sakaemeden tu tusa pulu a pasentu ku hamisu,Alright I will give you a discount,train +9117,9118,9118,u vinawlan nu niyaru namu atu isu tumuk,your tribesmen and your leader,train +9118,9119,9119,matiya i raay ku ngiha,where does it seem to be,train +9119,9120,9120,anu mifekad ku nuka falic i wa samaan kita mitafu tu rihadayay a falucuˈ padutuc a misarucud mitiˈer ci Yihufaan hani,how can we keep a calm heart and continue to trust the Lord with all our heart when change happens,test +9120,9121,9121,tu kafangcal nu tireng nu maku haw,always healthy,train +9121,9122,9122,makapah anini kisu u tadalusid namu kuna caedung,you look beautiful today are you wearing your traditional clothes,train +9122,9123,9123,sumuut,dollars,train +9123,9124,9124,malamama kaku anucila,I am going to be a dad tomorrow,train +9124,9125,9125,o matefaday i sasera a pusak atu fau i,rice grains and bugs that fall on the floor,train +9125,9126,9126,mikalic,take,train +9126,9127,9127,ya iala tu masacakucaku ila kiya han,the subsequent discussion seems to have led to something,train +9127,9128,9128,iniyan han tu a imi,this means,train +9128,9129,9129,Papelek ku mata,the eyes blinked,train +9129,9130,9130,tu suwal nu,indigenous languages,test +9130,9131,9131,ruray,pain,train +9131,9132,9132,akahenay,just a minute,train +9132,9133,9133,u malikakaay,we are brothers and sisters,train +9133,9134,9134,Sitatatata umaan ku tulun hanira,the wizard began to recite a spell and I could not understand the wizards words,train +9134,9135,9135,cudaden ku ngangan nu nu misu,write down the name of the chairman of your board,train +9135,9136,9136,isaka 1948 miheca miliyaway haca mapalit ci Aser tu 3 fulad,in Arthur was again sentenced to three months in prison,train +9136,9137,9137,sa mafana kaku tu nu Hulam tu mamang ri,so I know some Chinese,train +9137,9138,9138,masasiyur,change direction,train +9138,9139,9139,caay hen kabana kakilemel ku Singku nu inaayaway,in the past it was not clear that the faith was too strong,train +9139,9140,9140,Kamu u cidafungay a tamdaw anini i u cacilafu nawhani mahrektu kamu a lipahak,But Woe to you who are rich for you have already received your comfort,test +9140,9141,9141,micucu,lean closely against,train +9141,9142,9142,hay maemin nu aul,Yes all the bamboos are in bloom,train +9142,9143,9143,Papitamaku han nima kisu,who told you to smoke,train +9143,9144,9144,idengaytu papululen nu maku tira tusaay a maalatu,it is working I caught it in two cages,train +9144,9145,9145,picengelan,dyeing vats,train +9145,9146,9146,yu pakatngil ku malininaay ni Yis tunini i pakumaapaay cangra i ci Yisan Saka tayra satu cangra a sapialaan Cingraan,when his family heard about this they went to take charge of him for they said He is out of his mind,train +9146,9147,9147,Tadamaruray ci ina^,mom is so hard,train +9147,9148,9148,pakaen tu Isi tu kaka saan,Saying Why do you give us urine to drink,train +9148,9149,9149,u i sakacuwaay kura ira,where did you get that,train +9149,9150,9150,macefis,robbed,test +9150,9151,9151,yu misalisin tu Pitalifan a lisin i i tirahu i Yirusalim ci Yis Maaraw nu alumanay a tamdaw ku kafahkaan a dmak ningra Saka pasulin satu cangra ci Yisan,now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name,train +9151,9152,9152,fahal mafana nitengil tu suwal nu Hulam,over time I have learned to listen to Chinese,train +9152,9153,9153,Hayda nanay masasuarawhu kia,Okay goodbye,train +9153,9154,9154,anu misalama kami tacuwa i atu safa i masulep kami ri tayrasa i ecaw ri miwarwar tu kakaenen nu fafuy i mitepa tu kakaenen nu hiya kunga mapalu tu aca nu ina mimaan mimaen tu kaenen nu fafuy saan,I took my sister out to play and when I was hungry I went to the big stove where the pigs were cooking and looked for groundnuts to eat but my mom found out and beat me up,train +9154,9155,9155,miala i fafaed caay tu kafana tu kaala nu tau tuya ccay a langa,he was plucking above he did not know that one basket had been stolen,train +9155,9156,9156,namalahuk a taw mahenay maraay,because it is a long way home,train +9156,9157,9157,pataluma,Goto Kura Festival,train +9157,9158,9158,maumah,hoeing,train +9158,9159,9159,itiya tuya rumiad i tayra i Imaus hananay a niyaru ku tatusa a mituuray ci Yisan o kararaay nunini a niyaru atu Yirusalim i ccay ku safaw a kungli,now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus about seven miles from Jerusalem,train +9159,9160,9160,Ngaay malemed amin ku lalavu nu luma nu mita,may our whole family be safe,test +9160,9161,9161,tatayalen,work that needs be done,train +9161,9162,9162,Tuem satu ku rumiad i palahu kita,it is already dark and we are still in the field,train +9162,9163,9163,hay matamaay,Yeah yeah yeah,train +9163,9164,9164,adihay kisu malaluk kisu misimaw tu matuʼasay,but the under Secretary praised me for my experience in taking care of elders,train +9164,9165,9165,Timutiaw imeren ku nipacunuhan i tisuwanan liyasen ku caay ka ngudu tu Kawas a kasasuwasuwal atu pacfaay a kalaliyaliyang tu pakayniay i Fana hananay,Timothy guard what has been entrusted to your care turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge,train +9165,9166,9166,nanu pades atu tangic nu falucu aku saka talalusa sa kaku a patilid i tamuwanan i ayaw onini i caay ku sapakasmeraw i tamuwanan o sakafanaaw namu tu nika ulah aku i tamuwanan,for I wrote you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my love for you,train +9166,9167,9167,u verus u verus kini i itini aca i adidiʼay i sasa nira u emuy,underneath it is spring Fountain,train +9167,9168,9168,satapang tu,here we go,train +9168,9169,9169,nu itiyaayhu a tamdaw asan saka,many types of toys can be made,train +9169,9170,9170,navekac saan kira sikawasay araw matevad,the wizard kept running and fell,test +9170,9171,9171,Hay Tata,Okay let us go,train +9171,9172,9172,ira i a iraan cecay,is that the only one,train +9172,9173,9173,palahecien ku suwal i,we can make a conclusion,train +9173,9174,9174,o ulah ni Yis samaanay mifiyur kitaanan,how does the love of Jesus affect us,train +9174,9175,9175,malahurac,emptiness,train +9175,9176,9176,atekakay,stiff,train +9176,9177,9177,wata ku kaesu,it is so delicious,train +9177,9178,9178,taruh,pull,train +9178,9179,9179,ta mapalmed kisu nawhani caay pakapacuay cangra anu u kalumuwadantu nu mu^celay a tamdaw a maurip nai patay i itiya a mapacuay nu Kawas kisu han ni Yis,and you will be blessed although they cannot repay you you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous,train +9179,9180,9180,panukayen tuna faʼinayan kuya fafahiyan,and the boys send the girls back,test +9180,9181,9181,ta patiku haca cingra i nisawawaan suwal sa Mafutihu pahanhanhu kamu saw Nengnengen maraudtu ku tuki o mamapacakay ku wawa nu tamdaw i kamay nu ciraraway a tamdaw,then he returned to the disciples and said to them Are you still sleeping and resting Look the hour is near and the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners,train +9181,9182,9182,hay na edeng pakini ku pilaliw nira sa i,it will anticipate the preys escape route,train +9182,9183,9183,iraan a babahi u acu ni Mataypiyaw,his wife is Joe the horse representative,train +9183,9184,9184,ha hay kini,Okay,train +9184,9185,9185,nu cilaay a lipay,next week,train +9185,9186,9186,widang,friend,train +9186,9187,9187,kinavalah han ku tireng a paayaw i tamiyan,sacrificed themselves for us,train +9187,9188,9188,ngaʼayay alaen hatini,it is possible now,train +9188,9189,9189,tayra i saewac tayra i lutuk,go to the mountains and bring water,train +9189,9190,9190,tu ruray matayal,hard work,test +9190,9191,9191,matalaw tu kaku sa,I am afraid,train +9191,9192,9192,mahaen iri a u,that is why,train +9192,9193,9193,tayni kiya mama niyam aci ina aku,my parents are coming,train +9193,9194,9194,Kau takamayan ku sapicada tu mali,to catch the ball with a hand set,train +9194,9195,9195,mafana kaku,I am not sure,train +9195,9196,9196,aya adadaay,Oops sick,train +9196,9197,9197,sananay kiya demak niyam puhpuh satu kami a milaedis,the fishing Festival has officially begun,train +9197,9198,9198,i cila sahu kaku a micakay tu tusiya nu maku,I just went to buy my car yesterday,train +9198,9199,9199,a tayni niyam a kiwkay,come to our church,train +9199,9200,9200,10 anu misaka dademak kisu tu wa samaan ku Kaˈurip Nuikur Hani,if you use the phrase What do you think the future holds,test +9200,9201,9201,Mapacedi tatu ku picukeruh nu misu,you are pushing too hard,train +9201,9202,9202,patikamien aku ci kaka aku,I am going to write a letter to my brother,train +9202,9203,9203,tangsul aka sa i tumuk,do not toast directly to the boss,train +9203,9204,9204,kita u misaʼAmisay Pangcah hananay tamdaw,our Aboriginal Amis group,train +9204,9205,9205,telec,girdle,train +9205,9206,9206,citama,there is a hunt,train +9206,9207,9207,adihay ku tupi i fadahung nu luma niyam,there are a lot of pigeons on the roof of my house,train +9207,9208,9208,yu kumaen ci Yis i ira a miraud i cingraan ku ccay a fafahiyan a mitatuy tu cipinaruay a atumu tu tadamatkesay a fangsisay a simal a palusu i funguh ni Yis,a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table,train +9208,9209,9209,tatayra kita i alu anini haw,are we going to the riverside today,train +9209,9210,9210,karafirang,irritable,test +9210,9211,9211,o pela kunini,this is half of something split,train +9211,9212,9212,mitengil kaku tu suwal nu matuʼasy,listening to the oral culture of the elderly,train +9212,9213,9213,mahaenay naayaw,that is how it used to be,train +9213,9214,9214,u sapalangawtu,sowing Festival,train +9214,9215,9215,u finawlan a demak,Folks work,train +9215,9216,9216,mikuwang tunar itiya mangaʼay caira micumud kira,they are shooting at the flats to get in,train +9216,9217,9217,dimukus simukud,love and care,train +9217,9218,9218,lilit han tu ira mikutingkuting,it is fixed after the cut,train +9218,9219,9219,patuayaay,who has made an offering,train +9219,9220,9220,cecay rumiˈad u cecay matuˈasay ising ci Frete Atak tayniay i lumaˈ aku mitusil,one day an elderly doctor Fred Hudak came to my home to preach,test +9220,9221,9221,na u makacuwaay kina Pangcah nina Yusinu,where are the Amis from in Jian,train +9221,9222,9222,Vavaen nu maku kira tutuy,I will carry the puppy on my back,train +9222,9223,9223,ini ci fangping u suna papinanam mieli,among them is my granddaughter,train +9223,9224,9224,mitngil tunini a suwal ku ccay nu mikaputay ci Yisan a mitahka i suwal sa Malmeday ku mitahkaay i Kitakit nu Kawas han ningra ci Yis,when one of those at the table with him heard this he said to Jesus Blessed is the man who will eat at the Feast in the kingdom of God,train +9224,9225,9225,aka kahaen kamu haw lufang,Elders do not be like this,train +9225,9226,9226,o icel nu pituur nira kunini,this is evidence of his spirituality faith,train +9226,9227,9227,o nanikmuday nu falucu nu tamdaw kunini a tatiihay a dmak a ma^min a paacek tu tamdaw saan,all these evils come from inside and make a man unclean,train +9227,9228,9228,mamaan saw kina paringad siheci maluluh tu ira u,it is tilted because of the fruit,train +9228,9229,9229,tayra sa tu i nanum i kalichan tu nuya wacu kuya wawa,after falling into the water the dog climbed onto the child,train +9229,9230,9230,o wawa nu Pangcah kaku,I am an Amish child,test +9230,9231,9231,Ngaay kita a talapatiyamay a micakay tu maamaan,we can go to the store and buy things,train +9231,9232,9232,ira vurak rurak sa caay haw,it is all blowing up is not it,train +9232,9233,9233,misanga tu bubu,making fish Fryers,train +9233,9234,9234,patirengen nu Kawas kaku a palapatnakay palatarukus palapasifanaay tunini a Ngaayay Ratuh,and of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher,train +9234,9235,9235,anu mapuʼi tuna suwalan,I am sure I will,train +9235,9236,9236,itira i hiya itini i,I was at the Starfish,train +9236,9237,9237,Pasulinen ku suwal aku tu nika laccay niyam atu Wama anu ^ca i u dmak aku ku kacipinangan namu a pasulin,believe me when I say that I am in the father and the father is in me or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves,train +9237,9238,9238,Suʼelinay itiyasatu u Lidaw itiya hu mingataay tu riyar,Dongchang tribe is near the beach,train +9238,9239,9239,kamu u wawa i anu u maantu a dmakan i pitngil tu suwal nu mama atu ina nawhani u kalipahakan nu Tapang kunini,Children obey your parents in everything for this pleases the Lord,train +9239,9240,9240,sulinay iri mavutitu kami itiya sivakiya,Really we only wear slippers during bedtime,test +9240,9241,9241,tarayaay a aul haen han pacuker,with a long bamboo pole,train +9241,9242,9242,awaay i luma ci akung i pala^ ciira talaen hu ku kafelec,your grandfather is not at home he is in the field wait for him to come back,train +9242,9243,9243,hansa ku matuasay sukapen maala tu ku vuting,the old man said this is the way to catch fish,train +9243,9244,9244,mitafa tina sawaʼelan,plugging up the headwaters,train +9244,9245,9245,haensaku urip nu maku tahira i pitilidan,my life was like this until I went to school,train +9245,9246,9246,mitali,digging for taro,train +9246,9247,9247,onini a dmak i deng u pakayniay i kakaenen atu kasasiruma nu mikuracay a lisin aca u nu paputalan a lkakawa u nika ci^puc naira i tangasa aca i pulung nu pisafa^luhan nu Kawas a mapahrek,they are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings external regulations applying until the time of the new order,train +9247,9248,9248,ya mitantang ku fufu i mitahidang kaku tu tamdaw Miuwing kaku Sahetu u mipalumaan nu fufu aku kuna dateng cuwa kapaiyuen halikien a miaca,while my grandmother was cooking I was on the side attracting customers I shouted The vegetables are self grown,train +9248,9249,9249,kesip,whistles,train +9249,9250,9250,nu maku a tuʼas,my growth,test +9250,9251,9251,ca tu katunguden,do not take it that way,train +9251,9252,9252,alaen,to take away,train +9252,9253,9253,kawmahen naca kura lihi ura masemutay sa,first we will clear the fields then we will cut the grass,train +9253,9254,9254,Nikawrira suwal satu ci Yis Aka lalangen cingra Nawiru pakasmeren namu ku falucu ningra saw o ngaayay kunini a dmak ningra tu saki Takuwanan,Leave her alone said Jesus Why are you bothering her she has done a beautiful thing to me,train +9254,9255,9255,muetep ira ku falu,eighteen,train +9255,9256,9256,sa hiningen nuya wacu kuya patelian tuya takula i,the dog looked at where the frog was kept,train +9256,9257,9257,hantui cina nu Madadingu,flawless white and delicate girl,train +9257,9258,9258,kalahukan tu i malacafay kaku aci mamuan a misakalahuk,at noon I cooked lunch with my grandma,train +9258,9259,9259,telian i dangah,put it on the pot,train +9259,9260,9260,madakaw tu tikpay,I came on a bamboo raft,test +9260,9261,9261,a sanay ku mutuʼasay itiya hu,in the past the elders had this encouragement,train +9261,9262,9262,a tara tira lutukan,go to that mountain,train +9262,9263,9263,kaemeday,very cheap,train +9263,9264,9264,u Hulam tu kiya radiw nira,they sang the song of the Flatlanders,train +9264,9265,9265,malatilid tu malalen tu ku caciaw,our speech was unified as we had a writing system,train +9265,9266,9266,Cifuduy tu kandaway ku yufing,the letter carrier wears green,train +9266,9267,9267,cima ku a idaen mapatay tu ku faʼinay,I cannot help it sir he is dead I am on my own,train +9267,9268,9268,hananay,schools known as junior high schools at the time,train +9268,9269,9269,kina urip aku nai tiyaay hu,lifestyle,train +9269,9270,9270,saka kumaenaw kaku tu tali,I want to eat taro,test +9270,9271,9271,Pacauf sa cangra Mafilu niyam saan pasuwal sa ci Yis Hai u nananumen namu ku nananumen aku a pades a takid o lalayapen namu ku lalayapen aku a inu,We can they answered Jesus said to them You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with,train +9271,9272,9272,sa maseking aku,my screening results,train +9272,9273,9273,inaayaw,in the past,train +9273,9274,9274,nu,Grid marker,train +9274,9275,9275,o sakacitaneng nu maku ku pinanam,learning makes me wise,train +9275,9276,9276,Maˈarawtu ni Cikariya ku saka 7 mapulusi ikur samaanayhu ku pakayraan nu Yirusalim,Zechariah saw the seventh vision but what was the situation in Jerusalem,train +9276,9277,9277,anu ira ku faʼinayan cacay satikultikul hananay nira ku inulung ita,if there was a man he would be back and forth to the creek,train +9277,9278,9278,Masafeleng ku takura i yil a alu,frogs swarmed in the Nile river,train +9278,9279,9279,miliyaw kita milungc tu icel nu Ku Ka,that is why we are going to use the power of the state,train +9279,9280,9280,icuwa tauma sahu kami anini san,What we just got back,test +9280,9281,9281,kaciw,goose,train +9281,9282,9282,kaemangatwawa,child,train +9282,9283,9283,maʼedeng kaku taylapaputal matayal han aku,I said I can work outside the home,train +9283,9284,9284,ufangan aku ira pasuka han nanay aku,I will drill a hole through there and pull a plastic hose down here,train +9284,9285,9285,saan hatira ku naʼayaw taring taring,and that is how it became a ridge road,train +9285,9286,9286,Maicang tu kura nipawalian a fuduy ngaay tu a lidungen,the laundry is dry and ready to be put away,train +9286,9287,9287,o manan a kilangan ku hecek ita,what kind of trees are we going to use to erect the pillars,train +9287,9288,9288,unian i,this one,train +9288,9289,9289,nian i caay ku matiyaay u ciwcika,it is not like a cross,train +9289,9290,9290,haliku ira ku Payrang i maʼecu tu nu Payrang,at that time they were overrun and oppressed by the Han Chinese,test +9290,9291,9291,mipacing,whitefish,train +9291,9292,9292,u sepi tu ku tamina milaliw,let us just get the hell out of here,train +9292,9293,9293,hacuk,bail,train +9293,9294,9294,Awa masadak kaku macidal hu ku rumiad,No it was sunny when I left,train +9294,9295,9295,mangata tu cecay tu tatukian ku nanitini luma,I need an hour,train +9295,9296,9296,ah i nacila hu niʼunip niʼanip tu hanaku ku wama aku,I told my father that we planted rice yesterday now we have to plant rice again,train +9296,9297,9297,matiniay ku tudung u mamangay ku mata,this is the official tiny hole gossip site,train +9297,9298,9298,lalavu,inside,train +9298,9299,9299,Paicelen aku ci Titus a patayra i tamuwanan Papihaklungen aku ku ccay a salikaka i cingraan Namisafit ci Titus i tamuwanan saw caay ka lcad saw ku falucu atu dmak niyam a tatusa,I urged Titus to go to you and I sent our brother with him Titus did not exploit you did he did we not act in the same Spirit and follow the same course,train +9299,9300,9300,pikalican,vehicle,test +9300,9301,9301,suwal han nu kaput cingra nawhani nacuwa pihawikid kisu ruma satu pacaliwen kisu tu manmaan cuwa patikul,the classmate told him because you did not bring it yourself and you would not return the things lent to you,train +9301,9302,9302,nimaan kisu anudafak,what will you be doing tomorrow morning,train +9302,9303,9303,mitahepu,covering,train +9303,9304,9304,kalacuyuh,please become an angel,train +9304,9305,9305,iraw,over there,train +9305,9306,9306,Palimuuten ni Yis cangra a sumuwal Pinaun tu tamud nu Farisay a tamdaw atu tamud ni Hiruti han ningra,Be careful Jesus warned them Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod,train +9306,9307,9307,amuway,you guys you guys,train +9307,9308,9308,ngayangay nu senafel facal ku tapangan nian a icep,and betel nut trunks can be used to make fences,train +9308,9309,9309,Tikulen ita milumal ku itiyaayhu saharatengen kuya pakayraan itiya,let us go back in time and imagine what it was like,train +9309,9310,9310,nahani tu tahenay,wait a minute it is too soon,test +9310,9311,9311,anini a rumiʼad le saan,Todays the day,train +9311,9312,9312,paru han tu nira i paliding ta u paliding tu ku miculuay tayra i alu,put it on the oxcart and the ox will take the bamboo poles to the stream,train +9312,9313,9313,mafetir,to eject,train +9313,9314,9314,a saʼusien wa,count it,train +9314,9315,9315,salil nu iya aʼadupen,a net for hunting,train +9315,9316,9316,dadahalay kura nicakayan nira a luma,did he buy a spacious house,train +9316,9317,9317,sasiwaen,Nine,train +9317,9318,9318,Kalacukuren ni akung ku cacelakan,Grandpa used the umbrella as a walking stick,train +9318,9319,9319,tini i Halawan malatulu ku niyaru,within the Harawan tribe there are three factions,train +9319,9320,9320,sakapatelac,the reason for the crime,test +9320,9321,9321,Tihemuken a pahanhan kisu,lie down and rest,train +9321,9322,9322,tu namahaen nananam satu a mahaen ku demak,it is become a regular occurrence,train +9322,9323,9323,a mawuc tu ku finawlan,folks are getting ready for the party,train +9323,9324,9324,micawiay,answered,train +9324,9325,9325,a u hiya ku Tapang,Hey the main thing is,train +9325,9326,9326,nipacafay,companionship,train +9326,9327,9327,o mikiskisay kaku tu para nu dangah ita,I am scraping the bottom of our wok,train +9327,9328,9328,u Ta Luay ca ka matiya tu nu mama aku a ngiha,she is from the mainland not like my fathers Taiwanese accent,train +9328,9329,9329,caelayen,please put it on,train +9329,9330,9330,mivuhat,open up,test +9330,9331,9331,Tumireng ci panay i tatihi aku,Panay is standing next to me,train +9331,9332,9332,tayra kita mihinum,we will support each other and cry with my family,train +9332,9333,9333,caduk,shovel,train +9333,9334,9334,suvucan,births,train +9334,9335,9335,papili han nira a mi ira ku mituruay iraw ya singsi,my father was rifling through his books and someone pointed a finger at him and said,train +9335,9336,9336,minanam tu harateng ni Kristu wa ira ku manan a haepuc nu mita,please think about the fact that we eat nutritious food to keep our bodies healthy and strong,train +9336,9337,9337,tahekal,come on,train +9337,9338,9338,29 O Muecelay Tamdaw pakayniay ci Yihufaan a Lipahak,The righteous shall rejoice in the LORD,train +9338,9339,9339,kalien a pataluma,dig it up and take it home,train +9339,9340,9340,nawhani yu i tirahu kami i tamuwanan i Aka ka kumaen ku caay ka tayal a tamdaw saan ku suwal niyam i tamuwanan,for even when we were with you we gave you this rule If a man will not work he shall not eat,test +9340,9341,9341,Nikawrira paururen nu caay pasulin a Yutaya a tamdaw ku ruma a finacadan a pakatlii tu salikaka,but the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers,train +9341,9342,9342,haen kedecen haen han mikedec,that is it,train +9342,9343,9343,maumahay,peasant,train +9343,9344,9344,Tatiih anu keruren haca awa ku lifun nu maku,No if I lower it further I will lose money,train +9344,9345,9345,ta karakat ku rakat,it is not that fast,train +9345,9346,9346,u taʼarawan nu ngaʼayay wama hananay,there are pictures of model fathers,train +9346,9347,9347,kupu^,cups,train +9347,9348,9348,nga suʼutentu ku rira palalitemuh,it is only then that it can be tied and secured,train +9348,9349,9349,Lumadiway makeruay latek i mitawcikelay ku wama aku,singing and dancing and sometimes my dad would tell stories,train +9349,9350,9350,ca hu kalaheci,it is not done yet,test +9350,9351,9351,Cai cecay a lipay maherek tu cacaken hu ku hakhak atu hemay ta diwadiw han a mipacamul tu tumud ta fa^cal tu paruen i atumu,No it only takes about a week after steaming the sticky rice and white rice we mix it with yeast powder and then it can be stored in a jar,train +9351,9352,9352,awaay ku saʼusi,I have never heard of it,train +9352,9353,9353,maherek ni karut miʼunip tu kaku,I am good at plowing and farming,train +9353,9354,9354,ir ku hanghang ira ku parakatay tu hikuki,I have a friend who flies,train +9354,9355,9355,Lalumaˈ nu 40 miheca itiniay adihayay pala tanu milakuwitay tu riyar a mitusilay ku saaruˈan ni Awlafu a matayal,for the past years Olaf has served in various locations as a missionary evangelist,train +9355,9356,9356,kaku tu i mitangtang tu hulu nu maumahay san,I cook for the staff,train +9356,9357,9357,alaen ku tilid isu,take out your textbook,train +9357,9358,9358,rengreng saan i falucuˈ,like a fire burning inside,train +9358,9359,9359,pacena hu kaku minanum hu,I will take a break for water,train +9359,9360,9360,paliding,automobile,test +9360,9361,9361,u lekakawa nu rayray atu urip nu mita u Pangcah,this is a traditional practice of our Amis people,train +9361,9362,9362,Macedeng ku tayal nira,he works slow,train +9362,9363,9363,suwal sa kuya tawki i kuli ningra O tatiihay a kuli kisu pakaynien aku i suwal isu ku nipipastek i raraw tisuwanan o ca^desay a tamdaw cingra o caayay ku nu tireng i miala cingra o caayay ku nipalumaan ningra i militud cingra,His master replied I will judge you by your own words you wicked servant you knew did you that I am a hard man taking out what I did not put in and reaping what I did not sow,train +9363,9364,9364,mihibang kami anini saremiʼad mihibang,we can take the day off if we want to,train +9364,9365,9365,palacici,seem like a stream,train +9365,9366,9366,helung,get rid of,train +9366,9367,9367,samaanan iru tumangic cingra,what brought on his crying,train +9367,9368,9368,tu ku mihecaʼan aku itiya,when I was that age,train +9368,9369,9369,Saka aka ka rarima kita tu ngaayay a dmak anu caay ka tuled kita anu maraudtu ku rumiad i u mamalayap ita ku tatudung nu ngaayay a dmak ita,let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a Harvest if we do not give up,train +9369,9370,9370,tirahu sa itira a,like that,test +9370,9371,9371,u lingatu nu nikamawmah,to plant rice before the start,train +9371,9372,9372,a mihecaʼan caay kaara ku fafutien,it is been so many years it is hard to sleep,train +9372,9373,9373,cecay kaku u Pangcah,I am the only aboriginal,train +9373,9374,9374,o Tapang nu kaput nu Huing nu Padaka ku miekuay tu salikaka misafelitay tu sarikec nu Spay suwal sa uniya sarikec u sapicunged tu salasil a ciepucay lalusidan sanay,the Attorney General of the united States indicted these individuals for violating the Espionage Act which he described as an effective weapon against propaganda,train +9374,9375,9375,sa i tayni kisu itini i sa,so you go to Pingzhen,train +9375,9376,9376,cecay kakapahan tatulu sasepat kura i fatiʼian mikayat,next to a young man there will be three or four of them leading him,train +9376,9377,9377,apelad,a big chunk,train +9377,9378,9378,tuwa tayra tu ku heni tayra i lutuk,take them to the mountains,train +9378,9379,9379,awaay kaysiya,there are no factories,train +9379,9380,9380,punu hantu i,to strengthen the brains memory,test +9380,9381,9381,suwal sa ci Yis O niucurantu Aku ku cuyuh i kalukiwkay a papipasuwal i tamuwanan tunini a dmak O tluc nu lalumaan ni Tafiti Kaku O matdiay tu dafak a sapata^ngad a fuis Kaku saan,I Jesus have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning Star,train +9381,9382,9382,iraay ku usaw a afih,rice bran will remain,train +9382,9383,9383,tasacuwacuwa cangra,they are all wandering around,train +9383,9384,9384,na u caay ka u mahiniyay kinaluma,this house was not meant to be like this,train +9384,9385,9385,hawa winaan aku haw i,my labor and,train +9385,9386,9386,a turapas hay turapas u tadasay,So Headdresses bonnets and headbands,train +9386,9387,9387,nikasuni^,yelling,train +9387,9388,9388,katukatuk,drowsy,train +9388,9389,9389,Macuis ku pipaluma ni fayi tu tefus,grandmother planted the sugar cane upside down,train +9389,9390,9390,caay kita kasivuduy i namikikungay saan iri,I did not wear a bridal gown when I got married,test +9390,9391,9391,malaliyaliyang ku papinapina a nisawawaan ni Yuhani atu ccay a Yutaya a tamdaw tu pakayniay i pikurac a lisin,an argument developed between some of Johns disciples and a certain Jew over the matter of ceremonial washing,train +9391,9392,9392,kaenen ita,we can eat,train +9392,9393,9393,cecay a picudadan niyam pedped han nira ku tamdaw u,we are uh a classroom full of people yeah,train +9393,9394,9394,terung tu nu lafii^ i matayal hu ciira,it is late at night and she is still doing work,train +9394,9395,9395,hay kahecid haw maaraw i matini haw awaaytu ku kaysya i awaay tu,Yeah will it be sweet can we see it now the factory is gone there is nothing to see,train +9395,9396,9396,anu papinaay tu kura matuʼasay mafukil kaku awaay kura sumuwalay,I do not know how many elders there were at that time because no one told me,train +9396,9397,9397,miculu,move,train +9397,9398,9398,awaay ku cay a mata ira,he is missing an eye,train +9398,9399,9399,taylukehaw,Taroko,train +9399,9400,9400,Saka tangsul sa cingra a mikrid tu sufitay atu kakrikridan nu sufitay a cumikay a tayra i finawlan Maaraw nu finawlan kuya Tapang nu sufitay atu sufitay a ma^min i sawad han nangra a misti ci Pawlu,he at once took some officers and soldiers and ran down to the crowd when the rioters saw the commander and his soldiers they stopped beating Paul,test +9400,9401,9401,pakavekac kami tu rarapa yu,we will run with the cows,train +9401,9402,9402,u tuluay a lunguc nu valucu,make three wishes,train +9402,9403,9403,tayra i kiwkay nu kilistukiw nu haw i,I went to Christianity while my family was away,train +9403,9404,9404,kafilu,competent,train +9404,9405,9405,humut,buttocks,train +9405,9406,9406,mihahaytu misanga tu turun,as far as I can remember there is always Asakichi at the Harvest Festival,train +9406,9407,9407,kalitusa^,half,train +9407,9408,9408,Naunen ku rakat,walk carefully,train +9408,9409,9409,nengneng han aku i cuwaay kisu a miala han aku kura,I looked at the guy who got it with envy,train +9409,9410,9410,tu awayay Paʼilasen cecay,with at least one,test +9410,9411,9411,u ruma a luma,we will just have to find another one,train +9411,9412,9412,o tayring ku mama aku,my dad was a cop,train +9412,9413,9413,o pulung niyam u i lunanay i tusa a suut pitu a pulu ira ku ^nem a tamdaw,altogether there were of us on board,train +9413,9414,9414,mitatuy tira matatingay a safalud sumuwal tu urip nu ituanay a tamdaw u nanu ka sufuc tangasa i nikaituaan a kaludemademak ira ku tatiihay ira ku nanu kemut,while pulling on the rope that hangs down he talks about the life of the deceased the events that happened between birth and death both funny and sad both good and bad,train +9414,9415,9415,onini u kilang ku uu ira,this one has wooden legs,train +9415,9416,9416,anca katumireng,if there are no penalty stations,train +9416,9417,9417,o niyaru nu maku Fataʼan,my tribe is in Matthews saddle,train +9417,9418,9418,sa hemek sa kaku ya suwal nu kuaping hananay,makes me feel accomplished,train +9418,9419,9419,mamisaicel,we still have to work hard,train +9419,9420,9420,Mafanaay kaku a mitingsa,I can ride a bicycle,test +9420,9421,9421,matatahay tu kuya kararuman katatiihan kakeseman nu misu a falucu kiya san suwal aku kita,you will be comforted by the sadness and grief in your heart and by the bad things you say to everyone,train +9421,9422,9422,hay Orasaka misanga kami a tatusa,Yes it is So the two of us are going to make,train +9422,9423,9423,anu iraira ku tatiihay haw i aka i falucuʼen sa fangcalen numita ku falucu,if something bad happens do not take it to heart let us worry about it and save it for a good because,train +9423,9424,9424,ku matuasay,old man or woman,train +9424,9425,9425,Karakalang ku sauwac nu Tafalung,lots of crabs in the mountain streams of Taipa Long,train +9425,9426,9426,pafli ku Kawas i mifulsakay a tamdaw tu sapaluma atu malukakaenen nangra a ^pang onini a Kawas ku papafli i tamuwanan tu adihayay a sapaluma a palahad a patungal tu hci nu ngaayay a dmak namu,now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the Harvest of your righteousness,train +9426,9427,9427,kaulahan aku a salikaka nanay mapalmed ku pulung nu dmak isu nanay tanektek ku tireng isu a matiya u nika tanektek nu saluafang isu saan kaku a mitulun,dear friend I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you even as your soul is getting along well,train +9427,9428,9428,anu sapi nengnengan haca kisu tu tilid suwalen kaku,you can tell me what else you want to read,train +9428,9429,9429,o ˈaˈideman nu KGB tangsulay mikilim tamiyanan miniknik tu lumaˈ niyam sapikilimaw tu Cudad nu Fangcalay Cudad,NSC investigators were soon at our door searching our home trying to find Bible books,train +9429,9430,9430,pakayni i sasangaen hu nu liteng hu a luma,regarding the construction of traditional houses,test +9430,9431,9431,o maaletay nu masasetulay a paliding i lalan ku rakat niyam a talapicudadan,vehicle accidents on the road hindered our trip to the school,train +9431,9432,9432,sa itiyahu kaemangay hu itiya,previous physical condition,train +9432,9433,9433,alatak misatakaraw ku tangal,maybe I am just proud of my title,train +9433,9434,9434,maketun ku ulat,the hamstring was cut to the bone,train +9434,9435,9435,o mamanan a lalusidan nu mita i luma haw i,all the luggage in the house,train +9435,9436,9436,Adihayhu ku sasuwalen aku i tamuwanan nikawrira caay ka ngalay kaku a pakatilid a pasuwal i tisuwanan o harateng aku i tayra sa kaku i tamuwanan a milisu a masasuwasuwal ta tataang ku lipahak ita sa kaku,I have much to write to you but I do not want to use paper and ink Instead I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face so that our joy may be complete,train +9436,9437,9437,tusa ku kuwan i niyaru nu Tafalung,there are two management units in Tai Po long Valley,train +9437,9438,9438,u raan tu nu lalidec a kilang ku nipiala,that is to say it is taken from the nine Ligustre Trees,train +9438,9439,9439,karalangkes,lots of sand,train +9439,9440,9440,matayalay,workers,test +9440,9441,9441,kaemangay ta a milinsiw tu suwal nu mita u Amis,there is not much time for ethnic languages,train +9441,9442,9442,pafasiyawan,kite flying place,train +9442,9443,9443,Pitulun kamu tu saka^caaw ka tama i kasi^nawan anu^ca i Paslaan a Rumiad kunini a dmak,pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath,train +9443,9444,9444,kahemeken kunina a demak tunina,it is a beautiful thing,train +9444,9445,9445,aka tu,Stop,train +9445,9446,9446,han nakusaw u uteng,I am assuming that on the way down,train +9446,9447,9447,saka alaen nu ruma a finacadan ku tangal nira a malitafad malitangal,so they were beheaded and taken away by the other tribe,train +9447,9448,9448,ta maʼicang tu cingra i,what if he is dry,train +9448,9449,9449,u sapaluma maikesay tu haw ina hay,it is for planting Auntie Auntie yes,train +9449,9450,9450,ira ku takaraway ira ku pueneray,some are taller and some are shorter,test +9450,9451,9451,o niyah a misa^epahan yu,I made it myself,train +9451,9452,9452,caay pitaeliv tu sauwac ku,a train cannot go through a river,train +9452,9453,9453,milikat,ignite,train +9453,9454,9454,mipatayay,killer,train +9454,9455,9455,matiya u mitelatelaay tu kamay ku rengus,the grass seems to be clapping,train +9455,9456,9456,suʼelin itiya satu i taʼangay taʼangay tu ku kaku i,I am growing up too,train +9456,9457,9457,enu mapatay suwal sa itiya ri,I do not know I am dead I said so at the time,train +9457,9458,9458,ira ku tayal nu niyam na saan,this is what happened,train +9458,9459,9459,cuwa ka cecay aca ku pakayraan,Apparently they describe the time of day in different ways the,train +9459,9460,9460,mikuhaw,Soup,test +9460,9461,9461,Mafanatu kamu anu paturud kamu tu tireng a palakuli nu nima a mituur tuya tawki i u kuli ningra kamu anu malakuli nu raraw kamu i u patay ku pahrekan anu mihaklung tu Kawas kamu i u mamalamu^celaytu a tamdaw kamu,do not you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves you are slaves to the one whom you obey whether you are slaves to sin which leads to death or to obedience which leads to righteousness,train +9461,9462,9462,sanay tu a pakafana kami u matuʼasay,that is what we old folks have to share,train +9462,9463,9463,u maan kura hemek aku,I am glad,train +9463,9464,9464,alu^,streams,train +9464,9465,9465,suraratan han ayaw ku suwal,previously known as a meeting place,train +9465,9466,9466,ci panay ku ngangan ni ina nu maku,my mothers name is Panay,train +9466,9467,9467,oya ci Simun atu safa ningra ci Antiri ci Yakup aci Yuhani ci Filip aci Partulumay,Simon his brother Andrew James John Philip Bartholomew,train +9467,9468,9468,mafanaʼay maulahay kaku rumadiw sa,you said you can sing and you like to sing,train +9468,9469,9469,saman sa kisu Maawid,what do you think,train +9469,9470,9470,malaina,dear friends and family,test +9470,9471,9471,Naun hatu ku rakat nu namu u matuasay a mafelec,elderly go back and be careful,train +9471,9472,9472,anucila^,the day after tomorrow,train +9472,9473,9473,teli han hu,let it sit,train +9473,9474,9474,yu ma^pud cangra nai tamina i tangsul a kafanaan nu finawlan ci Yis,as soon as they got out of the boat people recognized Jesus,train +9474,9475,9475,ita u Pangcah kiya itini a maru,why do we Amis live here,train +9475,9476,9476,Ocung i kitasi ku kasi nu wawa,there is a lot of kids candy in the drawer,train +9476,9477,9477,tu,slanting,train +9477,9478,9478,wa padutuc hu kisu a mitakci han,will you continue your education,train +9478,9479,9479,tacuwacuwa tu,I am going somewhere,train +9479,9480,9480,pateli han ira ku hiya haw ku,set up the Bowtie bottle,test +9480,9481,9481,malasawad,it is gone,train +9481,9482,9482,saka saʼaluman satu hatiraay saka mahaenay ku tatapangan nu Talampu hananay,that is why there are more and more people,train +9482,9483,9483,mimaan misawad tu ngangan niyam itini han niyam,why are we changing names here,train +9483,9484,9484,riku,dress,train +9484,9485,9485,pilaedisan i tiya,at the fishing Festival,train +9485,9486,9486,^epip,bamboo flute,train +9486,9487,9487,haen han akumilaliw kuni,I will do it this way it is going to run away,train +9487,9488,9488,Wawaaw aku pakaynien i nipainian ni Kristu Yis a mikumi kaki^mel kisu,you then my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus,train +9488,9489,9489,tata misalama kita tu yakiw haw,shall we go play baseball,train +9489,9490,9490,masasiruma,various,test +9490,9491,9491,Saka pamutek han ningra a minengneng kuya tatusaay Latek pafli tu maan cangra saan cingra,so the man gave them his attention expecting to get something from them,train +9491,9492,9492,pasuelin tu Kawas u,to believe in the gods,train +9492,9493,9493,Matayu,slowly,train +9493,9494,9494,Nika anu simapatayay nu lalavu nu luma caay kangaay a miviyuk miapa anu caay pilimuut,However if a relative has passed away it cannot be played otherwise it will violate the taboo,train +9494,9495,9495,yu mitulun kami maharateng niyam kamu mararid kami a mikansiya i Kawas tu saki tamuwanan a mapulung,we always thank God for all of you mentioning you in our prayers,train +9495,9496,9496,cima haca ku fafahiyan ku kaulahan saw,what other woman would like that,train +9496,9497,9497,tayuen ku demak katalawan aki,slow down a little bit it is a little discouraging sauce is fine,train +9497,9498,9498,Pakaulahen kuya wawa,reward that child,train +9498,9499,9499,nira han nu tau sa mafaheka ku,I was so impressed with my talent I started talking about me,train +9499,9500,9500,caay tu ka pikihal a mitahidang,no more invitations,test +9500,9501,9501,niliyunan tu kutengay panay,mash the glutinous rice into flour,train +9501,9502,9502,lamal i ya lamal iri miala tu anahuy,with a stick of fire wood,train +9502,9503,9503,nanay maupimi pakafana takuwanan tu,have a chance to interview you,train +9503,9504,9504,malinah haca kaku i Kalingku tu,Later he also got a job in Hualien,train +9504,9505,9505,sasawa kuranan,that is why that one needs to be cleaned off,train +9505,9506,9506,tayni kamu u maan ku palumaan namu,what have you come to plant,train +9506,9507,9507,tiya malisaut,we will meet then,train +9507,9508,9508,itiyahu ka Ripunan hu haw i,in the Japanese era,train +9508,9509,9509,Palapusi saan kaku tu wacu,I see dogs as cats,train +9509,9510,9510,satuedaw han kura urungen talariyal,it is a long ride back to the beach camp,test +9510,9511,9511,Natala Taytung tu kami,like we are going to Taitung,train +9511,9512,9512,kahemekan nu malitengan itiyahu kura,it is the most joyous time for the elderly,train +9512,9513,9513,adadungac,beetles,train +9513,9514,9514,sedak satu ci Vavuy Liyal,and the whale appeared,train +9514,9515,9515,Icuwa^,where,train +9515,9516,9516,minaw,unable speak clearly,train +9516,9517,9517,hay suelinay tu kuna kami i tiraay hu i Fakung ci Calaw ku ngangan aku,Qin Minxing tribal story my name is Errand and I am from Fengbin,train +9517,9518,9518,nikawrira yu lumahad ku falu nu kulang i u satataangay nu kaludateng a ma^min ku lahad niira a malakilang Saka haluma^feray a ayam a tayra a padipung i caang niira han ningra,though it is the smallest of all your seeds yet when it grows it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches,train +9518,9519,9519,ona impci i umi caliwan isu ci Kacawan haw,did you borrow this pen from Kacaw,train +9519,9520,9520,Itiyasatu uya maruay i anengang nu tireng i kaayaw nu Kawas a tusa a pulu ira ku spat a ciwlu i hinukup sa a mitaung tu Kawas,and the twenty four elders who were seated on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God,test +9520,9521,9521,o limuud a facu^ a makeru i u tudung nu nikarikec u makakakiting nu kamay haw i u tudung nu nikadadama^ a malacecay ku falucu saanay,the whole thing looks tightly knit together the circle represents unity and holding hands represents cooperation,train +9521,9522,9522,Naitilay i laenu a luma,the original home down there,train +9522,9523,9523,pakaynien kedecen han haen han,from here we will go around like this,train +9523,9524,9524,Lukay,Rukai,train +9524,9525,9525,21 Masuwalay i ˈayaw ci Liyute aci Alisantera sanay milengu mafalic ku pakayraan micadaay ku pakasuˈlin nu falucuˈ tu sapalifet,Lloyd and Alexandra mentioned earlier spoke of how the change in circumstances had put their faith to an unexpected test,train +9525,9526,9526,ira ku misamsamay kamiyanan a paylang i,when some Minnan bullied us,train +9526,9527,9527,Kasasiulah kamu a malikaka saan ku limuut ni ina,great uncle encouraged our brother,train +9527,9528,9528,itiya 150 a tamdaw ku mirienangay tura taykay hanu falawfaw ku ˈalumanay tamdaw a minengneng tuni demak hani,but why is this conference attended by only about people so highly publicized,train +9528,9529,9529,tadamaanay kuriranan,that is very impressive,train +9529,9530,9530,adidi,it is shallow,test +9530,9531,9531,miurang,catch lobster,train +9531,9532,9532,anu haratengen ita mahecad nu maku a niyaru,think about it it is like my tribe,train +9532,9533,9533,sapisanga tu acucul nu fufu,to make gyros for my grandson,train +9533,9534,9534,maruyaruy tu ku micakayay,the whole group is buying,train +9534,9535,9535,patamurungay,Make on your head,train +9535,9536,9536,sapat,Scanning tribe name,train +9536,9537,9537,cecay saselal lima ku mihecaan itira,there are age combinations in one level,train +9537,9538,9538,adahay ku pinanam aku tu tawyi hananay,I want to learn more pottery skills,train +9538,9539,9539,maru mahaen,sitting like this,train +9539,9540,9540,ketunpitek,rip,test +9540,9541,9541,iniyan u mavelecay nu mita,our departed,train +9541,9542,9542,epud sa kuya kaka aku mama aku kaʼayaway itu,my brother and father who had already gone ahead walked back,train +9542,9543,9543,hakelungen,form companionship,train +9543,9544,9544,anu matira hatu rarimaay a caang nu tatirengan caayay ku a awa i tatirengan ita,on the contrary those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,train +9544,9545,9545,ta matiraay ku demak aku,that is what happened to me,train +9545,9546,9546,mahaen kami itiyahu,that is what we did back then,train +9546,9547,9547,ritus,whip or thrash,train +9547,9548,9548,paparaan,bottom,train +9548,9549,9549,a malekep tu amin kita,we are all going to die,train +9549,9550,9550,tini i Arapawan itira ku pikadafuan nu maku,I married in Taiyuan,test +9550,9551,9551,mikikung tanu tamdaw sa,a lot of people came to the wedding,train +9551,9552,9552,pakayni ci Yis Kristuan a malahci nu Kawas ku niktunan ningra a suwal a ma^min Orasaka pakayni i cingraan ku sakasumuwal ita tu Amin sanay a padil tu Kawas,for the son of God Jesus Christ who was preached among you by me and Silas and Timothy was not Yes and No but in him it has always been Yes,train +9552,9553,9553,sakapina anini namilipay,how many weeks is it today,train +9553,9554,9554,fatad,half,train +9554,9555,9555,maapac kaku tu dafak a talapitilidan,I was late for school this morning,train +9555,9556,9556,piliyas tu masakefengan a lalan,out of the way please,train +9556,9557,9557,caay ca kakahi mifalic yu hay,he will not change it either,train +9557,9558,9558,mangaʼay haenen hakiya ku ikuikur tu teluc ita saan,in the future our children and grandchildren will face a cultural crisis,train +9558,9559,9559,Sacuyuhen ku wayway ita,we must behave like angels,train +9559,9560,9560,Maatiliec nu Ayciput ku finawlan nu Iserail,the people of Israel were mistreated by the Egyptians,test +9560,9561,9561,kakitikiting,hand in hand,train +9561,9562,9562,kasaupuan,meeting place,train +9562,9563,9563,fanaˈen ku tamdaw,may they hear the truth,train +9563,9564,9564,Talapicudadan a mililam tu Cudad ku kaka,my brother went to school to get his books,train +9564,9565,9565,tini i Kalingku sawali pariyar Cawi,Jingpu tribe on the east coast of Hualien,train +9565,9566,9566,han tu i ancaay pisavalucu,native American ethnic language education or learning site,train +9566,9567,9567,yu maaraw nangra ci Yis i mitaung cangra Nikawrira ira ku hinapecay a tamdaw,when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted,train +9567,9568,9568,hay ira hu tahadaʼuc,allow species to have a chance to nourish and rest,train +9568,9569,9569,aluman ku hanhan kiya,a lot of friends,train +9569,9570,9570,fanaw,fishpond,test +9570,9571,9571,Mapedped ku salikaka a milihay,the Christians were packed crowded in the worship service,train +9571,9572,9572,paluma ku heni tiya tabaku,they grow tobacco,train +9572,9573,9573,anu cai ka tatudung suwalan aku kira,correct me if I am wrong,train +9573,9574,9574,misasapad misakilang,making boards to make wood,train +9574,9575,9575,Nikawrira paururen nu Yutaya a tamdaw ku tapatapang nu niyaru atu tadamaanay a mitaungay tu Kawas a ruma a finacadan a fafahiyan a papikariang ci Pawluan aci Parnapasan Saka laplap hantu nangra kuya tatusaay nanitira tuya pala,but the Jews incited the God fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city they stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them from their region,train +9575,9576,9576,kacumuli,snail,train +9576,9577,9577,a u maan ku sapimaan sa anu maeluc vakiyab a u maan ku saala sa,I will not be able to wear it,train +9577,9578,9578,mansa nani tira tuna Sanayasay na,so from the burning Island there and then,train +9578,9579,9579,matiya u siterungay tu maan hani,there is something in the middle,train +9579,9580,9580,tayra hatu alamika,when we get there,test +9580,9581,9581,Caedesen kami tu suwal ni faki a mikitemel i tamiyanan,we felt very harshly about the reluctant words our uncle used against us,train +9581,9582,9582,ya kapah kiyasaw cuwacuwa,young people wherever they are,train +9582,9583,9583,ira tu ku likuda,it is time for the festival,train +9583,9584,9584,radum,fetching water,train +9584,9585,9585,matayal nu maku a misaliyaw tu saka ngaʼay nu urip ita u tamdaw,finding your best life,train +9585,9586,9586,misakuli sa matayal itini,if there is a job,train +9586,9587,9587,cifuisay,starry,train +9587,9588,9588,ira ku mavukila a sumuwal,some of them do not talk,train +9588,9589,9589,unini kafana an naku,what I know,train +9589,9590,9590,itiyaay tu kami caka caciyaw tu nu Amis,that is when we started to stop speaking in tongues,test +9590,9591,9591,teng cumud na ama ri,the grand mom kept dragging us in,train +9591,9592,9592,minukay tahira i niyaru i palilamen ku finawlan tu tama,when returning to the village share the hunted prey with the tribe,train +9592,9593,9593,o maulaway ku cirunirunay a niyaru,ancient tribes have spiky trees,train +9593,9594,9594,itiniay i nitiihan cimira a pakaʼaraw tura fai,but she saw this elder in her dream during labor,train +9594,9595,9595,kalimelaen,you have to love it,train +9595,9596,9596,kefeng,hole,train +9596,9597,9597,Cepa nusaan ku sinasera ita,why is our floor so wet,train +9597,9598,9598,u tudung nu kiyuku kira,it is called military education training,train +9598,9599,9599,e caay ka matiya uni uruk acu tu atu ni tuana kuya pitengil nira tu pasifana aku saka,after he heard what I taught him he found that it was different from what Urok and Tuana spoke,train +9599,9600,9600,nanicicilitan a kakaenen,Genetically modified foods,test +9600,9601,9601,hacuwa a miviyuk,when can I play the flute,train +9601,9602,9602,ciduduhay,tubes,train +9602,9603,9603,sakaurip,lives,train +9603,9604,9604,maherek ku lalikid,end of Harvest Festival,train +9604,9605,9605,tayni ku Dipung a misalama i,the Japanese came here to play,train +9605,9606,9606,Ngaayhu u manan ku aacaen nu misu,Hello what are you looking for,train +9606,9607,9607,mipiatihi tu matuʼasay miʼunip haca,helping elders plant rice seedlings,train +9607,9608,9608,Ciicel ku ciafetuyay a tamdaw,a calf belly is a man of great strength and power,train +9608,9609,9609,nawhani anu maulah kamu i cimaanan i caay pikariang kamu tuya tamdaw Saka anu maulah ku tamdaw i u midu^duay cingra tu Rikec,love does no harm to its neighbor therefore love is the fulfillment of the law,train +9609,9610,9610,o misatakarakaraway a tamdaw i u mamasapu^ner o misapu^neray a tamdaw i u mamapacakat,for whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted,test +9610,9611,9611,anu tayni kisu i hawikidentu kuya nisidayan aku a kafafang i ci Karpusan nu Truas atu Cudad aku o kalimlaan aku i uya rafir a cudad,when you come bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas and my scrolls especially the parchments,train +9611,9612,9612,Caay u fafahiyan ciira,No she is a girl,train +9612,9613,9613,o mifulsakay tu samadu a ada hananay i u kakridan nu palafuay ci Satan o pipanayan hananay i u pahrekan nunini a hkal o mipanayay a tamdaw hananay i u cuyuh,and the enemy who sows them is the devil the Harvest is the end of the age and the harvesters are angels,train +9613,9614,9614,Sisit han nira wawa ku nguset nu safa niara,the kid wiped his brothers nose,train +9614,9615,9615,ta lingatu tu mifulaw kura Hulam Hulam,began planning to rid the tribe of insurgents,train +9615,9616,9616,ku suwal,that is what I said,train +9616,9617,9617,ketun ketun han malatusa mahaʼen kira a kihepic,just cut cut cut make it two pieces that is how it gets thinner,train +9617,9618,9618,mitilidhu awa hu ku kucung itiya hu,I did not go to middle school before,train +9618,9619,9619,cecay a melet ku keter nira,she is only angry for a moment,train +9619,9620,9620,kaay way tu ku mihcaan nu vaki nu maku,it was about my grandson was about years old,test +9620,9621,9621,maherek kiniyan haw,it is over,train +9621,9622,9622,naw mafana cangra tuya minengneng tuni sapaluma pakayni,when they learn what crops to plant when,train +9622,9623,9623,mahetik ku varu kiyami,when the flowers fall,train +9623,9624,9624,madengaay,infections,train +9624,9625,9625,sa ku matuʼasay,this is how the elders explain it,train +9625,9626,9626,kiyami,because,train +9626,9627,9627,maepud haca tangasa i Pusingan,I took a car and went to Taroko alone,train +9627,9628,9628,mahaenay u lasawad atu sarahevarnu vulad,like the full moon and the rising and setting of the moon,train +9628,9629,9629,laliywen,I am leaving,train +9629,9630,9630,samaan sa maduka tu awa tu kira malahedaw tu kira awa tu pilifenan isu,ten thousand if you get hurt you lose your financial resources,test +9630,9631,9631,Paluen kisu tira matiraay calenget,that is the one that tickles,train +9631,9632,9632,cahu kaadihay ku paisingan itiya,there are not many health care workers and hospitals,train +9632,9633,9633,mitumes,full,train +9633,9634,9634,halafin tu caka maaraw,long time no see,train +9634,9635,9635,alaen ku kawkaw ikufaw tayra kita i umah nifaliw tu semut akawangay tu ku semut iumah,go to the warehouse to get the sickle we go to the field to cut the grass the grass in the field is too high,train +9635,9636,9636,pipatireng tu cahung,building a thatched roof,train +9636,9637,9637,Ngaay,be close,train +9637,9638,9638,rasa,nevertheless,train +9638,9639,9639,o citanengay kaku,thinks he is wise,train +9639,9640,9640,taliyuk ira kiya,around,test +9640,9641,9641,pakaysyak sa ku malitengay i tuna radiw i,the old man explained the meaning of the song,train +9641,9642,9642,Ah mautang aca kaku,Ah I am so sorry I am late,train +9642,9643,9643,anu macuwacu ku ruray,no matter how hard it is,train +9643,9644,9644,makapah ku cascas i sawalian nu niyaru niyam,the waterfalls east of our tribe are beautiful,train +9644,9645,9645,matira,I will,train +9645,9646,9646,masahatira tusa a lihay,that is two weeks in a row,train +9646,9647,9647,Ciriku tu maluluay atu kahngangay kuya fafahiyan Mapa^res tu tada^kim atu tadamaanay a udu atu cincu ku tireng ningra Mitatuy cingra tu tada^kim a takid o matumesay nu kasimelangan atu kaackan a dmak nu nika udang ningra kuya takid,the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet and was glittering with gold precious stones and pearls she held a golden cup in her hand filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries,train +9647,9648,9648,yan tu ira tu kura u salikaka tu ira,after their brothers and sisters come here,train +9648,9649,9649,o tadamaanay ku sakalahuk anu mapacamul tu siraw i u saka^esuay atu sakarenec a sakalahuk,for lunch the soup will not be just wild vegetables but also the marinated raw meat which will satisfy your taste buds with its rich taste,train +9649,9650,9650,o kasilikesan anini,now is the time when mosquitoes are in abundance,test +9650,9651,9651,sa akawang sanay tu ku talud nu umah katayra hu kisu i suku a miala tu kawkaw talaumah kita,the grass in the fields is too tall go to the warehouse to take the sickle and let us go to the fields,train +9651,9652,9652,maʼiray kaku nihining tu wawa nu tawu,I admire other peoples children,train +9652,9653,9653,adahayay kura ngangan tira,this place has several names,train +9653,9654,9654,misa Pangcahay sanay ku akung nu niyam sa,that is what the Amis are like that is what my grandfather told me,train +9654,9655,9655,tura nu pakaʼurad,praying for rain,train +9655,9656,9656,sa kaku,I will,train +9656,9657,9657,hay u rumaay tu ku dademakan ita kira,because we do things differently,train +9657,9658,9658,Namatiya hay hay wama ira tu iraw saan,at that moment the sorcerer said nervously Father he is here and there,train +9658,9659,9659,i picengelan caira malikaka a matayal,that brother works in a dyeing factory,train +9659,9660,9660,Maulahay kaku tu kacanglahan diheku ku rumiad,I like spring because the weather is warm,test +9660,9661,9661,u,name,train +9661,9662,9662,aka patedu tu demak,do not do things without regard for principle,train +9662,9663,9663,caay,negate,train +9663,9664,9664,miluwi,exclamation,train +9664,9665,9665,a mikadademak,one week,train +9665,9666,9666,kalumuwad,get out of bed,train +9666,9667,9667,cuwa o manan ku ngangan ira,No what is the name of the stream,train +9667,9668,9668,Satakutakud,jump,train +9668,9669,9669,sakifetulen,thick,train +9669,9670,9670,tira i,in Shillings,test +9670,9671,9671,sulinga,repairs,train +9671,9672,9672,maedeng tu sa kiya mama i tayra tu cingra mineneng hu nira,father thought it was enough after days so he went to have it examined,train +9672,9673,9673,aitini kita malingatu a maru sa kiya matuasay,the old man said we have been living here since the beginning,train +9673,9674,9674,sisa misanga tu capa haw,that is why when making a bow frame,train +9674,9675,9675,cima ku pakatupelakay tu fadahung nu luma,who can pry open the roof of the house,train +9675,9676,9676,hay mahaenay ha ha ha ha hay,Yeah that is the way to split it ha ha ha ha,train +9676,9677,9677,Salikakaaw ka u pakayniay i ngangan nu Tapang a paliayaway tu suwal ningra a tamdaw ku piarawan namu a mihadidi tu pades,Brothers as an example of patience in the face of suffering take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord,train +9677,9678,9678,citamuhung,stigmatize,train +9678,9679,9679,makaala,I bought it,train +9679,9680,9680,mimaan hamamaan ku upih sa kita haw,we will wonder what the feathers are for,test +9680,9681,9681,cilacila,not today,train +9681,9682,9682,aka pipacefa a sumuwal,do not talk nonsense,train +9682,9683,9683,ci Saumah ku ngangan nu fufu aku,my grandmothers name was Saomah,train +9683,9684,9684,tayra kaku i katayalan a mikilim tu singsi,I am going to the office to see the teacher,train +9684,9685,9685,muketeptu ku mihecaan nu maku,I am ten years old,train +9685,9686,9686,mitilid,reading,train +9686,9687,9687,ta hacera san ini i kalala,reaching the Kanana tribe,train +9687,9688,9688,anu ila ku suwal nu malitengay i,if one has ears to hear the wisdom of our ancestors,train +9688,9689,9689,riyar,numerous,train +9689,9690,9690,nansay kisu mikikung ina sarat sa tayni,I married on the street,test +9690,9691,9691,tayra kaku hiya i a a micudad,I went to the mustard seed society school for Babysitters,train +9691,9692,9692,ni Mayaw Luhuk a wawa kaku,I am Mayaw Lohoks child,train +9692,9693,9693,ngaʼayay a paluma tu kalitang,you can plant beans,train +9693,9694,9694,Edengkini ikur nu mimudac dumikud sa misukiyaw,after shedding its skin it curls up into a chrysalis,train +9694,9695,9695,iraay tu ku suwal itiya haw,it was known as,train +9695,9696,9696,ila ku kaka isu tu fainayan,do you have a brother,train +9696,9697,9697,u Malaluungay a niyaru hananay han ku ninian sa,this is the Dongxing tribe,train +9697,9698,9698,sanaw awaay malengaw kura rengus,that is why that kind of grass does not grow,train +9698,9699,9699,Sapu^neren ningra ku falucu tangasa i nika patay ningra i ciwcika ku nipihaklung ningra tu nafalucuan nu Kawas,and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to death even death on a cross,train +9699,9700,9700,Taytung te sinlyancungsin,training center in Taitung,test +9700,9701,9701,katang han tu hatini,it is still called the Yoshitoki Tree,train +9701,9702,9702,pakaen tu wacu kiyami salikaen ma,give it to the dog he loves it,train +9702,9703,9703,caay ka talaw ciira,he is not even scared,train +9703,9704,9704,Hakuwaay ku halafin isu a mikalic tu cieying a tayni i luma aku,how long did it take you to come to my house by subway,train +9704,9705,9705,masadak,go out,train +9705,9706,9706,haen san ku urip nu matuʼasay itiya hu,this is how elders used to live,train +9706,9707,9707,itini i laluma nu Kitakit,to the Amis in the other world,train +9707,9708,9708,matini tu ku caciyaw ita,that is what you are going to say,train +9708,9709,9709,tangasa i luma sa itiya pakaen,you do not feed them until you get home,train +9709,9710,9710,mafatad,midway,test +9710,9711,9711,cahu pisafunun hatu san u nagʼayay ku liayaw nu nangra,at that time there was no farmland but only dryad plants,train +9711,9712,9712,alaaw,plus,train +9712,9713,9713,hatiyaay ku urip ni akung a tu ama nira,that is what life was like for grandmothers and grandfathers at that time,train +9713,9714,9714,mipanayay,rice cutter,train +9714,9715,9715,mitahidang,invitation,train +9715,9716,9716,ketun han itini ri,cutting here,train +9716,9717,9717,na cipaliding hi matuʼasay tu nika saan,the elders did not have cars yet,train +9717,9718,9718,saan,in this way,train +9718,9719,9719,matenak tuku tamdaw pulung nu tamdaw nu kinanuka,the number of people with antlers is expanding,train +9719,9720,9720,cuwa u malawidangay cangra,No they are friends,test +9720,9721,9721,Mifaca ci ina tu riku i alu,mom is washing clothes by the river,train +9721,9722,9722,alaen ku taangayay a kidung,large ladle please,train +9722,9723,9723,malacafay kami a mitilid i Tafalung a niyaru,we study together in the Tafalong tribe,train +9723,9724,9724,ungung,burnt,train +9724,9725,9725,Pauduen nu ina nira kira mikikungay a fafahiyan a wawa nira,that mother puts a Jade stone on her daughter who is married off,train +9725,9726,9726,a mahemin haw a kaenen nira ku adihay a turun,will he be able to eat all those sticky rice cakes,train +9726,9727,9727,mifuefu,fishing for fish and shrimp by cage,train +9727,9728,9728,takula,frog,train +9728,9729,9729,futeken,close it,train +9729,9730,9730,i tini sanay i Takaw ku urip niyam,we are living in Kaohsiung,test +9730,9731,9731,o masepelay tu nu tau kina facal,the pasture on this block has been cut by others,train +9731,9732,9732,lima ku safaw nu mihecaan nu maku kiya,when I was,train +9732,9733,9733,ku nipisanu satavuan,mothers prepare lunchboxes,train +9733,9734,9734,pacaliwen kisu tu sasipasip nu maku,I will lend you my eraser,train +9734,9735,9735,hakuwa ku nika lalaed nu luma ita,how far is it between our homes,train +9735,9736,9736,misu,you,train +9736,9737,9737,u widang itiniay haw i a mifuting,because my friend is fishing in northern Australia,train +9737,9738,9738,misangaʼay tu hananay,that is the factory that makes the looms,train +9738,9739,9739,han tu i ira aca ku,I am from the other side of the,train +9739,9740,9740,pitangtang kakunan,tell me to cook,test +9740,9741,9741,nani alu kiyami,from the river,train +9741,9742,9742,Salikakaaw mafana kamu tu nika u ci^pucay ku nipilisu niyam i tamuwanan,you know brothers that our visit to you was not a failure,train +9742,9743,9743,ci Hili i u wawa ni Matat ci Matat i u wawa ni Lifi ci Lifi i u wawa ni Milki ci Milki i u wawa ni Yanay ci Yanay i u wawa ni Yusif,the son of Matthat the son of Levi the son of Melki the son of Jannai the son of Joseph,train +9743,9744,9744,Makumad kaku a maru aci mama^ ci ina^ ci kaka tu fainayan atu kaka^ tu fafahiyan,I live with my father mother brother and sister,train +9744,9745,9745,mamapades,the one who will suffer,train +9745,9746,9746,urungen tu tayra luma kura uner,they are carrying the snake,train +9746,9747,9747,sanay kura wina aku misasuwal atuya wama aku atiya akung aku,that is what my mother always said including my father and my grandfather,train +9747,9748,9748,iraan u lemangaway a lutuc,that is the bud that is coming out,train +9748,9749,9749,na nengnengen aku kiya aku,I glanced at my classmates,train +9749,9750,9750,mapulung ku kaemangay a masaupu i kasaupuan a malacecay ku pisalama kalalicay,the teachers also play with us the school is one big family,test +9750,9751,9751,Saka licay han ningra Tapangaw cima kisu saw han ningra Pacauf sa kuya ngiha Oya nikariangan isu ci Yis Kaku,Who are you Lord Saul asked I am Jesus whom you are persecuting he replied,train +9751,9752,9752,semuwal ku pasuvanaay i tamiyanan,the teacher told us,train +9752,9753,9753,i pidanguyan cingra wa mamilifet tu midanguyay cingra anusawni,he is at the swimming pool he is going to compete in a swimming competition later,train +9753,9754,9754,kanahatu,although,train +9754,9755,9755,mahiya nu pudtipud nu,it is still being centralized,train +9755,9756,9756,kuhecalay,white,train +9756,9757,9757,ku kawmah iri,there is a good harvest,train +9757,9758,9758,matawad nira ku kafung,he forgot the hat,train +9758,9759,9759,maanen nu heni a miʼangʼang,what do they call it,train +9759,9760,9760,dacidac,I am sorry,test +9760,9761,9761,pa matini sa tu haw i anu ira ku adadaay anu u papakawasen caay ka ca ka mipacuk tu fafuy ta pakaen tu Kawas a misalisin,Now if someone is sick and is to be cast a spell on people would kill pigs to worship God,train +9761,9762,9762,masangaay tu haw sa kita,we expect good things,train +9762,9763,9763,sulep,hungry,train +9763,9764,9764,Miruwaru miuraur tu wadis maharek a kumaen,rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after eating,train +9764,9765,9765,nawhani malacafay tu kami tu pina,because we have all been together,train +9765,9766,9766,caay kadayum a misanga tu emu,not an easy thing to make traditional sweet rice cake,train +9766,9767,9767,cacay ku nisuvuc ni vayi aku,grand mom had him only,train +9767,9768,9768,a pihaceng ku adada,I am going to be very sick,train +9768,9769,9769,sutasutaan,mud,train +9769,9770,9770,itiya hu,in the old days,test +9770,9771,9771,murekuhay,he is not moving at all,train +9771,9772,9772,icuwa ku satahaf,where is the lid,train +9772,9773,9773,wa irahu ku kaciki nu faling,if there are sailfish and umbrella sailfish in traffic,train +9773,9774,9774,mamaan nu tuʼas iraay ku kafanaʼan nu maku,that is why I know about these traditions,train +9774,9775,9775,ta mihaen pakayni i,and then we will go around like this,train +9775,9776,9776,itiya hu mafana micelem,I was a good diver back then,train +9776,9777,9777,saikulay tu,lastly,train +9777,9778,9778,paparariden,long,train +9778,9779,9779,Kuhenac san ku tuda a cepeten,the eel is so smooth,train +9779,9780,9780,hay mankura adada sa ku kahung aku adadaay tu kuna kahung aku da cakangaʼay dademak,So I am years old and it hurts and it is inconvenient,test +9780,9781,9781,Ocil saan kira wawa i takuwan a tumangic,the child cried and followed me,train +9781,9782,9782,kalikudaan,song and dance venue,train +9782,9783,9783,Luuh,banana,train +9783,9784,9784,awaay ku pitulasan nu ulah,love never ends,train +9784,9785,9785,awa tu ku ʼuraʼurad i,it is not even raining,train +9785,9786,9786,tangtangan ira ka caka,he will cook it then it will not be bitter,train +9786,9787,9787,lakat sanay kaku tayni,I came on foot,train +9787,9788,9788,omaan ku tayal ni mama i sancung,what kind of work does your husband do,train +9788,9789,9789,Ngaay hu tahidangen nu singsi kamu a milisu tu malitengay nu niyaru anini,hello everyone today I am taking you to the tribe to interview the elders,train +9789,9790,9790,itira,there it is,test +9790,9791,9791,ira ku tayal anini cuwa kailuma kaku cila tu,I am out today how about another day,train +9791,9792,9792,saka itiya,So at that time I had to grasp a principle,train +9792,9793,9793,lacal kami tawadaw i,we swam through the Xiuguluan River,train +9793,9794,9794,matama nu kakridan nu sufitay itira ku tatayra i Itali a lunan nu Aliksantriya saka padakaw hantu ningra kami itira,there the centurion found an Alexandrian ship sailing for Italy and put us on board,train +9794,9795,9795,mikaykian nu iing,venue of Members meetings,train +9795,9796,9796,saan,because of the people But there is another reason,train +9796,9797,9797,Remadiw misakeru amin i taluan a rimurak tina remiad,everyone celebrated the Festival by dancing and singing in the square,train +9797,9798,9798,puut,knife,train +9798,9799,9799,u ilalumaay a maamaan,the things inside,train +9799,9800,9800,Mitiwtiw cingra a matayal,he works to excel,test +9800,9801,9801,maharek i ura satuku,Finished the big center column of the house,train +9801,9802,9802,mitala tu,wait for,train +9802,9803,9803,Mu^tep ira ku lima a efun tahila i pitilidan,minutes to school,train +9803,9804,9804,tira han pinsiyang tiya,just store it in refrigeration,train +9804,9805,9805,cecay tingting lima pulu ku paʼaca aku,I will sell it for bucks a pound I will sell it in the morning,train +9805,9806,9806,ini palalitemuhen kuni malecad,this one ties it all together the same way,train +9806,9807,9807,muketep ku siri ni Kulas,Kulas has ten sheep,train +9807,9808,9808,alamaanan kalamkam ku yu ina a mavekac,some moms run fast,train +9808,9809,9809,cucuk hananayra itira i nguyus nira haw,just stick it in his mouth,train +9809,9810,9810,Sapiyupiyuk han nira ku kamay a makeru,she waved her arms and danced,test +9810,9811,9811,anu hayi saan ku kakuliyan a panuker tu tusaay tuluway a remiad tu sapahanhan,if the public and private sectors can grant to days of vacation time,train +9811,9812,9812,anu kapah ku niyaru nu mita,if our tribe is good,train +9812,9813,9813,o fila atu icep ku paru nu alufu nu matuasay i tiya hu,the old man used to carry betel nut and Lao leaves in his backpack,train +9813,9814,9814,awa ku kucu,no shoes,train +9814,9815,9815,tayra i fukung,go to Fukong Creek,train +9815,9816,9816,han nu Hulam,in Mandarin it is difficult to give birth,train +9816,9817,9817,cifalucu satu i tanga satu mihiyaay i aya kuna suwal nu Pangcah,I am thinking to myself this Amish language,train +9817,9818,9818,ihacuwa,when,train +9818,9819,9819,macedas ku mingataay tu tarawadaw a niyaru,tribes near large rivers flooded,train +9819,9820,9820,Papiramuten kaku tu emu i lanseng,let me grab the steamed dragons rice crackers,test +9820,9821,9821,nanitira tu i Fafukud,there are also those from the east River,train +9821,9822,9822,mitahidang tu pakarungay pakarungay,calling teenagers,train +9822,9823,9823,tengil han ku kakakaka awid,after listening to the elders,train +9823,9824,9824,caay ka tuul kunini falucu aku,I do not feel lonely,train +9824,9825,9825,Nikawrira anu u tatiihay a kuli cingra i Latek caayhu ku maminukay ku tawki saan ku falucu ningra,but suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself My master is staying away a long time,train +9825,9826,9826,ira tu a ina mama,Mom Dad he is here,train +9826,9827,9827,Mifulesak ci ina tu sapaluma nu ariray,mom spreads the corn seed,train +9827,9828,9828,kasafinacadan,ethnicity,train +9828,9829,9829,talakiwkay,go to church,train +9829,9830,9830,u Payrang tu ku alumanay,it is already a Han person living here,test +9830,9831,9831,inacila,yesterday,train +9831,9832,9832,naw han i ruma mafalic saan haw i,why did you change your name,train +9832,9833,9833,tapulungtapenih,pour,train +9833,9834,9834,ku faʼinay aku ga kaku itira,so I have been there for six years,train +9834,9835,9835,paamid,gift,train +9835,9836,9836,vavahiyan a sava nu maku,my sister,train +9836,9837,9837,ini ku Alapawan,this is Alabawan,train +9837,9838,9838,midamay kami i riyar,we were at the beach collecting water plants,train +9838,9839,9839,Kaninien a maru,sit down a little bit please,train +9839,9840,9840,fainainay,Men,test +9840,9841,9841,u timul kami,we are from the south,train +9841,9842,9842,masacanglah,springy,train +9842,9843,9843,malasawadtu,it is gone,train +9843,9844,9844,o lumuwa ku miariwadangay tu kayki niyam i dadaya,hooligans disrupted our meeting last night,train +9844,9845,9845,maulah cingra i takuwanan,he likes me too,train +9845,9846,9846,tu nu mita nu Amis a caciyaw,I have never forgotten the Amis language and culture,train +9846,9847,9847,hatu refus kaenen isu,it tastes like sugar cane,train +9847,9848,9848,tu nipaluma tu havay,pests,train +9848,9849,9849,hai pakayraay huni ya pilicay aku kisunan ya pisaluma hananay i,about the house you just asked me about,train +9849,9850,9850,kaenen,stammer,test +9850,9851,9851,Nikawrira yu pasuwal ci Pawlu tu pakayniay i mu^celay a dmak atu pimet tu tireng atu aira a pisawkit nu Kawas i matalaw ci Filis Saka Pinukay i matini Anu ira ku kangaayan aku a rumiad i tahidangen haca aku kisu han ningra,as Paul discoursed on righteousness self control and the judgment to come Felix was afraid and said That is enough for now you may leave when I find it convenient I will send for you,train +9851,9852,9852,suʼelin u hatiraay a demak i,maybe it is something like that,train +9852,9853,9853,kakedalan,drought,train +9853,9854,9854,caay ka laheci caay ka tatudung sa,it is not going to end well and it is not going to end well,train +9854,9855,9855,itini i kemud a falucua tamdamdaw u tadamaanay u caay pitulas a malalacal tu Kawas saan ku pitapal tu cikawasay,priests were thought of as special people who were close to the gods,train +9855,9856,9856,u maan isaw,what is it,train +9856,9857,9857,matini haw i kuesit hucangra ateka hu ku fana,so far it is been a bit of a rough ride not enough vocabulary,train +9857,9858,9858,kanatusa nup pacinah hay,This Double salting Yes one has to do it twice otherwise,train +9858,9859,9859,wakay hu kisu Awaay awaay mahaenay,when you were young No no nothing like that,train +9859,9860,9860,u piturik tu kura,that is how it is woven,test +9860,9861,9861,nawi yu miwidangay miwidang kita,on the one hand you are making friends on the other hand you are making friends,train +9861,9862,9862,taniktik hen ku tireng nira maramuday a tatusa anu awaay ku micakayay,the couple is still alive if no one buys them,train +9862,9863,9863,Mamu^tepay ira ku sepat,there are now fourteen clans,train +9863,9864,9864,u na papah ira hatini han nu malitengay miketun,the elders cut down this leaf like this,train +9864,9865,9865,i piku nu lalan a maaraw aku cira,I saw her at the crossroads,train +9865,9866,9866,nika rurayan aku atu nika,after being scared by a little egret,train +9866,9867,9867,manengnengay tu tayniniay kiya ngangan,everyone who comes here has seen the name of this place,train +9867,9868,9868,anu misyakay tu kita anini pinukay,we are working away from home now and we are going home,train +9868,9869,9869,sapiʼaca tu riku atu maamaan,I want to buy clothes and all sorts of other things I need,train +9869,9870,9870,aniniay a citay haw i,nowadays,test +9870,9871,9871,Hpulen ku raraw niyam matiya u nipihpul niyam tu misatatiihay tamiyanan,forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors,train +9871,9872,9872,naayaw u ka Ripunan paluma tu tavaku,when the Japanese used to grow tobacco,train +9872,9873,9873,kaliumahan,arable land,train +9873,9874,9874,pafelien kaku tu dawmiay a unuc,give me the soft burden,train +9874,9875,9875,u tamdaw nu na akung,it is Grandpas relative,train +9875,9876,9876,Nawiru caayhu ka fana kamu saw caay ku pakayniay i ^pang ku ni suwalan Aku Pinaun kamu tu tamud nu Farisay atu Satukay a tamdaw saan ku suwal aku kyami han ningra,how is it you do not understand that I was not talking to you about bread but be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees,train +9876,9877,9877,wa masadak ku maan i kita u niyaru paluwaday tu malaliciway malamamaanay kira,Whoa if anyone from the tribe runs for office it is the tribesmen who help,train +9877,9878,9878,kaemangay,child,train +9878,9879,9879,hatefu,jump down,train +9879,9880,9880,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ku pulung nu mikriday i tamuwanan atu mituuray a ma^min Ngaayhu saan a paratuh i tamuwanan ku nai Italiay a salikaka,I want you to know that our brother Timothy has been released if he arrives soon I will come with him to see you,test +9880,9881,9881,rucek,classifier for gifts,train +9881,9882,9882,micudad henay i,when I was studying,train +9882,9883,9883,mafana kaku,I know,train +9883,9884,9884,u tamdaw misapetiʼay pafek han itira i kikayay,in the agricultural period they used human labor,train +9884,9885,9885,micawaw,take care of,train +9885,9886,9886,Misatalukan ci mama aku anini,my dad is covering the chicken coop today,train +9886,9887,9887,Kadufah ku nitangtangan nifufu a salahuk ira ku futing kuku ciyak atu cumuli,grandma cooked a big lunch including fish chicken pumpkin and snails,train +9887,9888,9888,Mapaluma ku fataan i taliyuk nu luma niyam,we have tree peas growing around our house,train +9888,9889,9889,samacien,turning into a city,train +9889,9890,9890,itira misafunun ku matuʼasay,started to cultivate the farmland there,test +9890,9891,9891,saka cecay nu lipay,the first day after worship Monday,train +9891,9892,9892,anu matengil ku suni nu akak tu davak a masumad ku remiad,hear the crows crowing in the morning and the sky will change,train +9892,9893,9893,cikawasay kiya urip nira,her body was possessed by a ghost,train +9893,9894,9894,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Samatu micuayay sa tu kukung a cifunus cisapalu kamu a tayni a mirpet i takuwanan saw,Am I leading a rebellion said Jesus that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me,train +9894,9895,9895,sakatusa a licay nuna suwal haw i,the second question is,train +9895,9896,9896,Citapudu tu ku pising Musi,Moses face was veiled,train +9896,9897,9897,miala mihaen kedecen,pull it tight before you take it,train +9897,9898,9898,suypawci,Bureau of water Conservation,train +9898,9899,9899,makeruay,dance,train +9899,9900,9900,a masumad aca caay kalecad tu itiniay ku hiya nira,it would change the original appearance and not be the same,test +9900,9901,9901,Paangpaw ku ina atu mama i takuwanan i pafilungan,my mom and dad gave me a red packet for Chinese new Year,train +9901,9902,9902,Matulu ci Kacaw i kalikelunan nira,Kajo fell down when he was going down the stairs,train +9902,9903,9903,nanikungkuan,from school,train +9903,9904,9904,u ya suni suwal nu kuwaping,that voice in Mandarin is The crow and the Lady,train +9904,9905,9905,safa,younger brother,train +9905,9906,9906,hiya han ni Kuma san i adada sa kiyami,one touch and you are sick,train +9906,9907,9907,han aku kura pisekingan kira,say this to the examiner,train +9907,9908,9908,Pasinangen ku hawan a talalutuk a mikasuy,when you go up the hill make the working knife very strong,train +9908,9909,9909,o rumasatu pawacay ku Fangcalay Adingu i titaanan o suwal ningra i,the Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this first he says,train +9909,9910,9910,tangtang han kuranan caʼuk caʼuk han mihiya,cook it and pull it out slowly,test +9910,9911,9911,pacedi san kami miaca tu tiraay,we went to the trouble of buying a house there,train +9911,9912,9912,misaniyaru tu kita sa ku demak haw i,we form a whole big tribe,train +9912,9913,9913,u maan ku demak ira,Yeah he is doing something,train +9913,9914,9914,o maamaan ku nuˈdinguan sapiluud a rikuˈ,what are the parts of spiritual armor,train +9914,9915,9915,anu saan kisu haw irey,if you really want,train +9915,9916,9916,macakat i milawud tu Farangaw,when we get ashore we are going to the Malan tribe,train +9916,9917,9917,macinas,rip,train +9917,9918,9918,nengneng sa ci Yis tu kasakapukaput nu tamdaw i saadayay sa ku falucu nawhani awaay ku palawinaan nangra matiya u malafelay a siri a awaay ku midiputay,when he saw the crowds he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd,train +9918,9919,9919,adihay ku nitadimtiman ni ina,mom picks a lot of rabbit greens,train +9919,9920,9920,hemek sa ku falucu aku,I am very happy,test +9920,9921,9921,hay mahaen ku maku harateng,Yeah I think so too,train +9921,9922,9922,Defit san kura wawa a suwalen nu ina nira,the child vomited at his moms comment,train +9922,9923,9923,Catu,will not,train +9923,9924,9924,ira tu miʼalaay takunan,I have been picked up,train +9924,9925,9925,a Rata,Rada,train +9925,9926,9926,nani tini mitafa itinien miala ku pitafa sa tafaʼhan nira iraw kalalem,block the water supply from downstream here,train +9926,9927,9927,Aray,thank you,train +9927,9928,9928,itiraw,There,train +9928,9929,9929,yu mikiting a mihaklung kunini a tamdaw ci Pitiruan aci Yuhanian i safahka sa ku finawlan Saka alacikacikaysa cangra a tayra i cangraan itira i pangpang ni Sulumun hananay,while the beggar held on to Peter and John all the people were astonished and came running to them in the place called Solomons Colonnade,train +9929,9930,9930,pinaruan tu hemay satavuan nu pakaenay tu rarapa,after the meal it is the cattleman lunch,test +9930,9931,9931,Kakaya ku urip nu rarukuh,Supplicants have a long life span,train +9931,9932,9932,o kuhaw nu upupay i sapikuhawan sanay kaku,where is the frog soup I am dying for some,train +9932,9933,9933,ka u niyam a malingad tu malingad,when we set out on our journey,train +9933,9934,9934,Pacauf sa cangra Awaay ku papilifunay tamiyanan han nangra pasuwal sa kuya tawki Kamu ku ruma Katayra i pisafadisusuan a matayal han ningra,Because no one has hired us they answered He said to them You also go and work in my vineyard,train +9934,9935,9935,talud,grassy,train +9935,9936,9936,Tataang ku pifiyuk nu fali i tamiyanan,we are going to have a big storm here,train +9936,9937,9937,cecayay ku pilidu tu mipalumaan nu mita,we only Harvest once,train +9937,9938,9938,ci Laic ku ngangan nira,his name is Rai,train +9938,9939,9939,awaay tu kiya tangal ey,the head is gone,train +9939,9940,9940,malingad tu kita sa i,I will be in command,test +9940,9941,9941,pikacikian,Flagfish catching season,train +9941,9942,9942,hatiraay hu kunu malitengay hu a sikac,that is how the older generation lived,train +9942,9943,9943,tini ka halafin,it is been a long time,train +9943,9944,9944,o tatiihay ku dmak a tamdaw i mausi tu ta^ngaday caay ka kahi a miraud tu ta^ngaday nawhani matalaw cingra a mahapinang ku tatiihay a dmak ningra,everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed,train +9944,9945,9945,nu Pangcah pakayni,Amis,train +9945,9946,9946,kira Latumay,that is Ladoumi,train +9946,9947,9947,u Cilamitay han tu san tahanini sanay kura Cilamitay hananay,all of them have been called Ghiramidai until now,train +9947,9948,9948,riharay kuraan,more relaxed and happy,train +9948,9949,9949,pinangan nu safitay,that is what being a soldier is all about,train +9949,9950,9950,mapudac sa anu pacici sa kaku,the umbrella is falling off if you try to ride it you will fall,test +9950,9951,9951,manamanan mituduhan,everything must be burned,train +9951,9952,9952,o sapasalung kunini,this is a token gift,train +9952,9953,9953,u niyah tu ku kafutiʼan,each with its own bed,train +9953,9954,9954,masadak ku fasal i tayi,Ascaris lumbricoid emerge from the stool,train +9954,9955,9955,anu citama ku Pangcah i mipafatis tu fiyaw,if the Amis go hunting and catch something they will share the kill with their neighbors,train +9955,9956,9956,paiyawan ku heni,they are on their own,train +9956,9957,9957,mitaeliv kami tu pacakayay tu titi suwal sa kira tawki a u maan saw ku cakayen nu misu tataang siheci aca kina ayam anini tulu a patekenan ku cacayay,we passed the meat stall and the boss said What do you want to buy Todays chickens are big and fat and one is NTD,train +9957,9958,9958,Namalalais ku laupen nu Ripun,after the war they were surrounded by Japan,train +9958,9959,9959,anu mafukil mitilid maanen nara malahitay saan,how can you be a soldier if you cannot read,train +9959,9960,9960,palita,ask,test +9960,9961,9961,a tudung nu pi hayci han nu kuwaping haw,the sea festival as it is commonly known in Chinese,train +9961,9962,9962,hu,Help,train +9962,9963,9963,nawhan ni,because,train +9963,9964,9964,melaw,see,train +9964,9965,9965,o nu wama aku a maamaan i u nu Maku Orasaka u Fangcalay Adingu ku sasumuwal tu sasuwalen aku i tamuwanan,all that belongs to the father is mine that is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you,train +9965,9966,9966,laed,between,train +9966,9967,9967,misa Pangcahay,production of processed food,train +9967,9968,9968,aluman mipaypayay ku kaka haw,a lot of practicing Buddhists my big sister too,train +9968,9969,9969,Kaduh han nura kay^ing kaku,the lady drew me in,train +9969,9970,9970,cima,indistinct,test +9970,9971,9971,sapilicang,Dehumidifier,train +9971,9972,9972,nisangaʼan nu tau i mafana nikingkiw hay hay,you can change the work of others and innovate Yes,train +9972,9973,9973,pitu a pulu ira ku falu ku mihecaan,years old,train +9973,9974,9974,unu itiyaay hu ngangan haw tinisan i tuʼatuʼasan cima ku matuʼasan namu cima kura sanay mirayray,in the old days it is all up to the elders of the family to name them,train +9974,9975,9975,anu malahciaytu aku ku dadu^duen aku a tatayalen atu nipaturudan nu Tapang ci Yis i takuwanan a tayal a pawacay tu Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay i mikumi nu Kawas i awaaytu ku limlamla aku tu urip aku tu mamamamang aca,However I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me the task of testifying to the gospel of Gods grace,train +9975,9976,9976,pinaay ku widi anini,what time is it,train +9976,9977,9977,malitengay tu mafanaʼay rumadiw,the old generation can sing,train +9977,9978,9978,dueng,deaf,train +9978,9979,9979,u katey niyam saku falucu,it is because of my family,train +9979,9980,9980,o maan ku kapuian isu takuwanan,what are you angry with me about,test +9980,9981,9981,Misieday i aenucan nu maku ku ceka nu futing,wishbone stuck in my throat,train +9981,9982,9982,aka pisakaniw,do not lie,train +9982,9983,9983,tini sa i kaput haw i,between colleagues,train +9983,9984,9984,anu u maulahay i tamuwanan a tamdaw a ccay ku kaulahan namu i u maan ku mamalayap namu tu sapakaulah nu Kawas saw Halumilisataay a mahaen ku dmak,if you love those who love you what reward will you get are not even the tax collectors doing that,train +9984,9985,9985,nu syakay,World,train +9985,9986,9986,tura laʼad nura patateku nu palalitemuh nura sera,formed by weathering and rainfall from the plate extrusion and mountain building movement,train +9986,9987,9987,talumah kami paka Taytu,we are heading to Taitung,train +9987,9988,9988,Salangdaw sa ku kakarayan i remiadan carangcang aca ku remiad,the sky is blue during the day the weather is neither cold nor hot and the wind is cool,train +9988,9989,9989,Mitadimtimay ci ina i umah,mom is picking rabbit greens in the field,train +9989,9990,9990,kalahukan tu sapipausaan kaku tu hakhak tura malapaliway,it is noon and I would love to send sticky rice to my partner who is changing jobs,test +9990,9991,9991,u Ngayngay atu Taywan,Hakka and Han Chinese,train +9991,9992,9992,pacikuen,elbow,train +9992,9993,9993,masatuku,Stop,train +9993,9994,9994,o nanu suwal nu Tapang ku sapasuwal niyam tamuwanan kita u mauripayhu tangasa i nipiliyaw nu Tapang a tayni i caay ku mamikiayaw tu mapatayaytu a tamdamdaw,according to the Lords own word we tell you that we who are still alive who are left till the coming of the Lord will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep,train +9994,9995,9995,kuicaw,inflexible,train +9995,9996,9996,itiya i maaraw aku kuya aadupen atu hungtingti nunini a hkal atu nika saupu nu sufitay nangra o mamiluud cangra tuya midakaway tu ^fa atu sufitay ningra,then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army,train +9996,9997,9997,ciʼicelay hineng yu san a mafana,you can tell by looking at it that it is powerful,train +9997,9998,9998,mahiniyay,that is it,train +9998,9999,9999,Mafanaˈtu kisu anu sawmi,you will see later,train +9999,10000,10000,mikihatiya kisu a lumadiw atu makeru han,do you sing and dance,test +10000,10001,10001,itini i pitilidan aka hawaden ku tilid a mafanaʼay kaku mimali,even if you can play soccer you cannot waste your time at school,train +10001,10002,10002,u Puyuma,it is a Peinan,train +10002,10003,10003,o kunga mafana kaku tu kunga,I know groundnuts are good too,train +10003,10004,10004,u ina ni Madadingu,Flawless delicate mother,train +10004,10005,10005,sangaen ku cecay,do one,train +10005,10006,10006,malaimeng malasufitay han i,Police military that kind of class,train +10006,10007,10007,aluman ku nu matayalay tira i,there are many Catholics working at Sunbeam,train +10007,10008,10008,o maan ku sapatala ni akung i tamuwanan,what is Grandpa treating you to,train +10008,10009,10009, itini i masamaanay a pakayraan mamiˈmet tu tireng kita,B under what circumstances do we also need to restrain ourselves,train +10009,10010,10010,ledek satu adihay tu pacakay hatu,you can sell it if it grows in the field,test +10010,10011,10011,sahetu u lufang sumuwalay,in those days it was the elders who spoke,train +10011,10012,10012,kiliw hananay mihaen a micikcik hai,cut it into pieces like this with twine,train +10012,10013,10013,nirakaran,fish traps,train +10013,10014,10014,o pipapataan kunini kangkang,this jar is the container for the cream,train +10014,10015,10015,sarumiamiad sa,everyday,train +10015,10016,10016,u araaw caay pakakilim kami tu maamaan wawa sa,in the past when times were hard,train +10016,10017,10017,ikur,after,train +10017,10018,10018,sicaʼedung ku matiraay patakusay kira,the informer is the one who wears traditional clothes,train +10018,10019,10019,pasa^sa,rest,train +10019,10020,10020,suelinay,truly,test +10020,10021,10021,avuvuwan,grey,train +10021,10022,10022,8 itini saka 33 miheca patikulaytu maˈurip a Yisan paˈaraway tu 500 a tamdaw lalumaˈ nangra iraay ku faˈinayan fafahiyan halatek mahaupay ku kaemangay,in AD the resurrected Jesus appeared to more than people including men and women and possibly even some children,train +10022,10023,10023,miala tu Cili nu vangas kiyami vangas kiyami haw,it is made from the trunk of the Bitterling tree,train +10023,10024,10024,adihay ura ladiw nira u nura milecaday a ladiw ku adihayay,there is a lot of songs there is a lot of answering songs,train +10024,10025,10025,a u maan ku sipicacak,prepare to cook on high heat,train +10025,10026,10026,anu awaay ku maan ku haw i,if you do not have any homework,train +10026,10027,10027,samsamen nu misimaway ci Yis a misti i Cingraan,the men who were guarding Jesus began mocking and beating him,train +10027,10028,10028,nga makaen ta kura tatirengan ira,so we can eat inside,train +10028,10029,10029,hudhud,roasting,train +10029,10030,10030,ecaw,sweet wine,test +10030,10031,10031,o defung niyam a mikihatiya tu alumanay a mifuting,we followed many people into the water to catch fish,train +10031,10032,10032,Piyak saan cira a maru,he sits with his feet spread out,train +10032,10033,10033,anu ira ku pialaan tu nanum pakicunen anu saan i misulap ku wawa tu faʼinayan,the men go on patrol and dig ditches if they find water,train +10033,10034,10034,Maacicay ku fayi nu maku,my aunt is the woman who suffers from infertility,train +10034,10035,10035,tahira tini i,get there,train +10035,10036,10036,ya mahadakay a kapah i,the young men who came out,train +10036,10037,10037,siyataw,station,train +10037,10038,10038,Pararitingen nira ku wikul nu wacu atu pusi,he tethered the dog and the cat by their tails,train +10038,10039,10039,nira,it,train +10039,10040,10040,ira ku wawa i kiwkayhay,teach the children Yes,test +10040,10041,10041,cerem,dusk,train +10041,10042,10042,awaay ku sapiʼaca kira,there is no money,train +10042,10043,10043,mafanaˈay ci Yusif tu tatatiih cingra anu lalangen ningra kura fafahiyan,Despite this Joseph did not compromise and acted courageously,train +10043,10044,10044,haenen,do this,train +10044,10045,10045,Mapacarufacuf ku panay nu fanaw saka kaesu ku hemay nangra,the rice on the pool is moisturized by the mist so their rice is delicious,train +10045,10046,10046,vavahi,female,train +10046,10047,10047,maherek kuraan i nukay tu kaku a malahitay i mi,returning home after discharge,train +10047,10048,10048,sakakaay u sapalahad tu wawa ku miharatengan nu matuʼasay,the main thing is that I want to give my child a chance to grow up,train +10048,10049,10049,nayi tila tu haw kisu a maru i sasa nira lutuk,have you ever lived at the foot of a mountain,train +10049,10050,10050,awaay ku payci a minukay calemcemay kaku tunian,I am not making any money and I am worried about it,test +10050,10051,10051,o tatalacuwa kisu anu papacem,where are you going tomorrow morning,train +10051,10052,10052,sapad,table,train +10052,10053,10053,watah naʼay,Wow I do not want it,train +10053,10054,10054,Halipakangic ku mipaypayay a tamdaw tu sariri nu efiyu,worshippers like to decorate the pillars of the temple with dragons,train +10054,10055,10055,Aka miusi kaku tu tilid,No I want to study,train +10055,10056,10056,maʼlul itiya,run away,train +10056,10057,10057,Akatu salitaataang a sumuwal,stop your proud talking,train +10057,10058,10058,Malatihi aku cingra i lasufitayan,he was my companion in the military,train +10058,10059,10059,liwkesiwse mitay,six hours,train +10059,10060,10060,Pasengsengan ku pisanga tu lefuk i pipasangaan,where pants are customized they should be customized to fit,test +10060,10061,10061,matiraay kacipaʼay,it is like ginger,train +10061,10062,10062,awaaytu aca,no more,train +10062,10063,10063,nengneng han ya mama nu kapah saan mimaan minukay saan makalahay mifawah takuwan nengnengen awa ku patelian aku han aku tangsul misusu ku kamay i tadadanguyan amaanen adihay ku futing ta caay tu kacisuwal,as a result as a young man as a father did rush to open the door for me to ask why I came back I said you see I have nothing to put on but immediately reached out to feel the fish cage however the fish is so much there is nothing to say,train +10063,10064,10064,Saka suwal sa Cingra Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu ikaka nu nimanima a tamdaw ku nipipakingking nunini a pakuyucay a mapunengay,I tell you the truth he said this poor widow has put in more than all the others,train +10064,10065,10065,u falu a tuki ku kamaruʼan a hikuki haw sa kaku,I thought I was on the of the clock flight,train +10065,10066,10066,Iyuyen hu ciira,call him for a moment,train +10066,10067,10067,pakayni tunini a kaulahan ningra a wawa ku sakatdal ita a mapakunira atu sakahpul nu raraw ita,in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins,train +10067,10068,10068,Pina^ tu ku mihecaan nu misu,how old are you,train +10068,10069,10069,Rumadiway makeruay kami latek i mitawcikelay ku wama niyam,we sang and danced and sometimes our dad would tell stories,train +10069,10070,10070,anu haenen nu tamdaw ku dmak tu mangtaay a kilang i samaan satu ku pidmak tu maicangay a kilang saw han ni Yis,for if men do these things when the tree is green what will happen when it is dry,test +10070,10071,10071,o mamatli i lalan nuya tataangay a niyaru ku kudih nangra oya niyaru ku kapacekan nu Tapang nangra i ciwcika anu pakaynien i nu Kawasan a nipinengneng i u Sutum u Icip han kuya niyaru,their bodies will lie in the street of the great city which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt where also their Lord was crucified,train +10071,10072,10072,Misacayna ci mama aku a patudung ci inaan aku,my dad makes vegetable baskets for my mom,train +10072,10073,10073,mararid mausuy kaku talapicudadan,I am often late for school,train +10073,10074,10074,mipurud han kiniyan haw,that is the curl,train +10074,10075,10075,sakafalu tuku mata saka falu,eighth to the eighth hole,train +10075,10076,10076,Ocung ku rau niyam i lutuk,we have a lot of Sapindus trees on our mountain,train +10076,10077,10077,Wahira ku surita tuda auwang atu dungec fengiw saan a masanek,Wow there is octopus eel sea urchins and vine hearts and it is fragrant,train +10077,10078,10078,i niyaruʼay nu Taycang,Chikagawa,train +10078,10079,10079,awayay tu ku hatiraay mi cayka pafeli tu paysu sa mikalic tu tusiya,there are fewer people who do not pay when they get on a bus,train +10079,10080,10080,Ipaputalay nira u keliw ni karedan,outside is the seed line the coiled line,test +10080,10081,10081,nu Recurd,there is absolutely no sense of some of this being forgotten,train +10081,10082,10082,itini i tukus palumaan tu malitengay,in the mountains the old mans kind,train +10082,10083,10083,ayu kini saw ku hemek nuna tatusaay,Yau these two look so happy,train +10083,10084,10084,mihuduc,to pull out,train +10084,10085,10085,simsimen,think,train +10085,10086,10086,Ocuren nu was Yis,God sent Jesus God acted upon Jesus in sending,train +10086,10087,10087,o fafahiyan a kaka aku cingra,she is my sister,train +10087,10088,10088,sa catu ka pawan ku Lidaw i tiya hu ku hiya nu milaedisay hananay,the dong Chang tribe will not forget this,train +10088,10089,10089,inaayaw u ina nu maku,back in the day my mom,train +10089,10090,10090,pakayniay aca u sakafana nu kaemangay tu likisi nu mita,enabling the future generations to recognize our own history,test +10090,10091,10091,i safa ku maku a,I have less strength,train +10091,10092,10092,masahatiraay ku,that is it,train +10092,10093,10093,a emu,Japanese mocha,train +10093,10094,10094,ʼaas han tu cima anu wawa anu matuʼasay kiya maesinay,no matter who is going to sneeze if it is a child or an elder who sneezes,train +10094,10095,10095,cecay ku tiyam i niyaru niyam,our tribe only has one store,train +10095,10096,10096,caay kapatay kura tumuk saan,Miraculously the ringleader did not die,train +10096,10097,10097,Adayaw paadiyam kisu haw,excuse me do you want chili,train +10097,10098,10098,Kuhcalay,white,train +10098,10099,10099,samaanen ni Kristu ku nika rarihaday aci Satan hakiya o maan ku sakalalitmuh nu falucu nu pasulinay tu Kawas atu caay pasulin hakiya,what harmony is there between Christ and Belial what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever,train +10099,10100,10100,u saayaway u satataakay alaing,the first waves were big,test +10100,10101,10101,sahaca adihay tataang ku kalu lisilisin itini saca i piilisinan nu kasaniyaru a maaraw ku facu nu niyaru nu Pangcah a finacadan,the Festival is particularly grand with the annual Toyonen Matsuri being the most representative,train +10101,10102,10102,edeng i sasing tu ku nikafana nu mita tu pisanga nu fafahian nu Pangcah tu atumu hananay a demak,the only way to find out is to look at historical photographs of Amis women making pottery urns by hand in the old days,train +10102,10103,10103,o sakapiparatuh niyam i tamuwanan tu nanu maaraway atu nanu matngilay nu niyam i u sakalaccayaw ita o nika laccay ita hananay i u nika laccay ita atu wama atu wawa ningra ci Yis Kristu,we proclaim to you what we have seen and heard so that you also may have fellowship with us and our fellowship is with the father and with his Son Jesus Christ,train +10103,10104,10104,o nu mita Amis kalitengan kasaluma ku nini,this is our traditional Amis building,train +10104,10105,10105,saka ira ku Paylang a misarakes,a Flatlander came here to plant camphor trees,train +10105,10106,10106,tayra cingra i Ripun,he went to Japan,train +10106,10107,10107,sa,this way,train +10107,10108,10108,maulahay ku mira takuwanan,he likes me too,train +10108,10109,10109,cacay a patekenan ira ku lima a pulu cacay a patekenan mahaen i nacilay a nipilisin pitu a pulu ira ku pitu a lalumaan nu luma kiraʼan,one hundred and fifty one hundred only families participated in the games yesterday,train +10109,10110,10110,u hiya nu Pangcah iayaw u ama u ina tu akung mahaen iayaw,this is a former Amis grandma and grandpa,test +10110,10111,10111,curah,incinerate,train +10111,10112,10112,milicay ci Yis i cangraan Kamu sa i pakucima kamu i Takuwanan han ningra,But what about you he asked Who do you say I am,train +10112,10113,10113,telien isu pahaihai han i paputal,do you put it in a ventilated area or do you put it in a,train +10113,10114,10114,o nikaw nu matuasay i ayaw saka tayra i pasaetip a mikilim tu katayalan,in the early days the elderly went to the west to look for work because they were poor,train +10114,10115,10115,caʼayay sululi nu matuʼasay a mahekulung ku heni,parents do not approve of them dating,train +10115,10116,10116,aluman aca ku wawa,more children,train +10116,10117,10117,lusuk,candle,train +10117,10118,10118,harateng,what somebody is thinking,train +10118,10119,10119,tu dadaya u dadaya kuranan,it was one night,train +10119,10120,10120,u safa aku i,my brother is dollars,test +10120,10121,10121,icuwa ku nu maku icuwa ku nu misu hay,where I place mine where you place yours Yes,train +10121,10122,10122,alafuh,dust,train +10122,10123,10123,mihayhay,dry up,train +10123,10124,10124,cekel,lower your head down,train +10124,10125,10125,itiya i suwal han ni Ananiyas u sakakaay a citudungay tu taung ku tumirengay i tatihi ni Pawlu Stien ku nguyus ningra han ningra,at this the high priest Ananias ordered those standing near Paul to strike him on the mouth,train +10125,10126,10126,o malalukay a kakunah kami,we are a bunch of hardworking ants,train +10126,10127,10127,o anglisay kaku tu nanu pifutingan nu maku i fanaw,I now have a fishy odor from the pond where I just caught the fish,train +10127,10128,10128,umi,plum,train +10128,10129,10129,u kaliumah sapilingata tu umah,it is only close during the farming season,train +10129,10130,10130,han naku ku caciyaw hatira ku caciyaw han ni,that is all I have to say,test +10130,10131,10131,i kakarayan,to heaven,train +10131,10132,10132,Nawiru dengan unini a ccay a ruma a finacadan ku patikuay a tayni a pahmek tu Kawas saw saan,was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner,train +10132,10133,10133,ungkak,music,train +10133,10134,10134,Raud hantu ni Yis cangra a mikapa Kalumuwad Aka ka talaw han ningra,but Jesus came and touched them Get up he said Do not be afraid,train +10134,10135,10135,kuya,That,train +10135,10136,10136,marikerikec kira salikaka saan ku harateng nu,so I thought to myself The community of the faithful is gathered here,train +10136,10137,10137,u fala nu tamina u kilang kira,the hull is made of wood,train +10137,10138,10138,u nikasipinang,spiritual realization,train +10138,10139,10139,saka singangan tu Sasadak hananay,the name of the tribe comes entirely from,train +10139,10140,10140,tatusa sakatusa a rumiad minukay tu,they came back on the second day,test +10140,10141,10141,Aya u maan ku adada nu fafahi isu,Oops what is wrong with your wife,train +10141,10142,10142,tada masumaday ku falucuˈ aku mapatayay ci Walte tuna ciadadaay tu ekang nu punuˈ,my heart aches that Walter passed away from brain cancer in,train +10142,10143,10143,Nikawrira sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u sakaci^puc namu ku nipiliyas Aku anu caay piliyas kaku i caay ka tayni i tamuwanan kuya Padamaay anu tayra kaku i u a ucuren aku cingra a patayni i tamuwanan,but I tell you the truth it is for your good that I am going away unless I go away the Counselor will not come to you but if I go I will send him to you,train +10143,10144,10144,Mangataay rakat sa tahira tu,Yes it is within walking distance,train +10144,10145,10145,Tadangaangaay uadihayay ku pihatatanaman tu suwal nu Amis,it is great that there are so many ways to learn,train +10145,10146,10146,sarakarakat,take a stroll,train +10146,10147,10147,o fadisaw kuni a nanum,this water is boiling,train +10147,10148,10148,saytu,cleaver,train +10148,10149,10149,ira kina kananam hatiniay maku ri kaka aku tu mamang ku nyenling,there is a guy I know who is a little older than me,train +10149,10150,10150,o ci dafungay a tamdaw i samatiyaen u caayay kacidafung ku harateng namu nawhani u mamalahdaw kunini a hkal,those who use the things of the world as if not engrossed in them for this world in its present form is passing away,test +10150,10151,10151,o aadihay ku paysu^ aku anu matuas kaku,when I grow up I will have a lot of money,train +10151,10152,10152,o hatiraay ku kilang,it is with this trunk,train +10152,10153,10153,Sahetu u Pangcah ku rumadiway i dadaya,last night it was all Amis singing,train +10153,10154,10154,falicen a nu Amis ku suwal,translate into Amis,train +10154,10155,10155,ta maepud kami,we got off the train,train +10155,10156,10156,saka mafulaway a tayni,that is why I moved here,train +10156,10157,10157,Mihaenay sapidufdufaw ku pacekiwan tu pulung a sapasifanaˈ ni Yis falahen kunu tireng a harateng haeminen a patafang ku niyah ci Yihufaan,Therefore the Bible student who wants to obey all that Jesus taught must stop owning himself and give himself unreservedly to Jehovah,train +10157,10158,10158,cilahen,pickle,train +10158,10159,10159,tayiraen ii siyencengfu a dademak,and then County government,train +10159,10160,10160,nam han maʼapac ku hikuki,the plane was delayed,test +10160,10161,10161,caay ka tataak ku pavaci,it is not going to be easy,train +10161,10162,10162,suwse,Masters degree,train +10162,10163,10163,culuk,one by one,train +10163,10164,10164,u nipipahanhan a mawmah,farming break,train +10164,10165,10165,Ngituen nu ising ku manguheday a wadis aku,the doctor pulled out my decayed tooth,train +10165,10166,10166,macacuʼis ku eli,the thatch is turned upside down,train +10166,10167,10167,yasa u sakakaay aku di,my oldest child,train +10167,10168,10168,amin,at all,train +10168,10169,10169,Antu itiyahu ku malitengay,in the old days the elders used to,train +10169,10170,10170,tayra kami iraw i haw i haw i caay kangaʼay,I have been to Mannings nursing Home but that did not work either,test +10170,10171,10171,kakatalawan ku hatiniay,like this is the most dangerous,train +10171,10172,10172,Hatefu san ciira a maepud nani fadahung,he jumped off the roof,train +10172,10173,10173,ci Ngayaw kaku,I am Ngayaw,train +10173,10174,10174,Malunenay ku Kalinku anini,there was an earthquake in Hualien today,train +10174,10175,10175,mahanenay itiyahu,that is how it used to be,train +10175,10176,10176,anu mila^patu ku sakapapitu a cuyuh i itiya a du^duen nu Kawas ku nanu nisuwalan ningra i matayalay ningra a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a milahci tu pakakmuday a dmak Ningra saan,but in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet the mystery of God will be accomplished just as he announced to his servants the prophets,train +10176,10177,10177,adihay ku tatula itini,there are so many frogs here,train +10177,10178,10178,ngangihen ku kangkang u cungal aca,just shake a tin can or a bottle,train +10178,10179,10179,cilimaw kisu anu papacem haw sapilicayan kaku tu pakayniay tunu tuasan a kituh nu Amis,are you free tomorrow I would like to ask you about the legendary story of the Amis,train +10179,10180,10180,kiyafes,guava,test +10180,10181,10181,paluma,settle down and get married,train +10181,10182,10182,o titi nu kulung ku maididay nu maku i dafak,what I bake in the morning is beef,train +10182,10183,10183,malaluk cingra milihay,he is been working hard to get to church,train +10183,10184,10184,nawhani mafana kaku tu nika pakayni i nipitulun namu atu nipipadama nu Adingu ni Yis Kristu ku saka caay ka ^ca u mamatdal kaku a masadak sa kaku,for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance,train +10184,10185,10185,Rumadiway i kafekang nu facidul,singing in the bread tree,train +10185,10186,10186,tira sa kaku i faled a mi,I work at the top,train +10186,10187,10187,sakufit,buttons,train +10187,10188,10188,mi taliyuk,go around,train +10188,10189,10189,anu caay haw caay kakahi kami tini han niyam papicudad tu han niya,the pastor said that if he will not go back we will keep him here for night classes,train +10189,10190,10190,maharateng nira ku suwal aku,he remembered what I said,test +10190,10191,10191,pafelien,Give,train +10191,10192,10192,hay saan misanga kaku tu fuduy,and so began my new life,train +10192,10193,10193,Orasaka dada Kamutu ku mamilpun tuya caayhu ka lpun nu tatuasan namu a raraw,fill up then the measure of the sin of your forefathers,train +10193,10194,10194,nika lafii i masadak kiya takula a mitekur a masadak,at midnight the frog jumped out,train +10194,10195,10195,hina aru kaku i sasa nu kilang a mitengil tu kungku ni vaki,I used to sit under the tree and listen to Grandpas stories,train +10195,10196,10196,kakumaen,at dinner,train +10196,10197,10197,na itilaay ci vaki a suvucen,Grandpa was born in Abenomics,train +10197,10198,10198,milunenay,only then Earthquake,train +10198,10199,10199,langseng maherek sa i langseng,place in a steamer basket,train +10199,10200,10200,cingra ku miurungay tu raraw ita a mapacek i ciwcika Orasaka mangaaytu kita a miliyas tu nu ciraraway a dmak a pasayra i mu^celay a dmak a maurip Maadahaytu kamu tu nanu nika duka ningra,he himself bore our sins in his body on the tree so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness by his wounds you have been healed,test +10200,10201,10201,awaay aca ku umah,I do not have any property,train +10201,10202,10202,ka i tini nu niyam ku ngaʼayay hakini,this place is perfect for us,train +10202,10203,10203,awaay ku mita haw awaay,we do not have to do this,train +10203,10204,10204,Paringien tu niututan nu maku kira kungku,the story is going to resemble what I carved,train +10204,10205,10205,sa cai ka facal ku unip,as a result the planted seedlings did not grow well,train +10205,10206,10206,uwi cima ku masuaway sa i,Hey who is thirsty you are asking me that,train +10206,10207,10207,ira ku kapaut nu maku ci Kacaw han ku ngangan hinapawapawan a mikerit ku lalusidan nira,I have a classmate named Kacaw he often forgets to bring things,train +10207,10208,10208,salipahak,happy,train +10208,10209,10209,tu emu anini,homemade sweet rice cake,train +10209,10210,10210,o hifang ku adihayay nura wawa a micudad,that kid is a lot of fun,test +10210,10211,10211,ramud,spouse,train +10211,10212,10212,nawhani mararid a ira i tatihi namu ku pakuyuc a tamdaw Nikawrira caay ku mamidauc a ira kaku i tatihi namu,the poor you will always have with you but you will not always have me,train +10212,10213,10213,o malecaday kura ngaytu^ ni Kacaw atu nu misu haw,Kacaws coat is the same as yours,train +10213,10214,10214,Sanga hatu nu mita kinian a anengan,we will make the chairs,train +10214,10215,10215,Nikawrira kamu u kahaccaccay ku ruma a nisuwalan tunini samatiyaen u nika ulah tu tireng ku nika ulah nu fainay tu fafahi o kakanguduen nu fafahi ku fainay,However each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself and the wife must respect her husband,train +10215,10216,10216,Raud sa ci Yis i cangraan a pasuwal Mapaturudaytu i takuwanan ku pulung nu sapikuwan tu kakarayan atu hkal a icel,then Jesus came to them and said All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me,train +10216,10217,10217,Mafanaay kisu a rumadiw haw,can you sing,train +10217,10218,10218,satapuru ku umah niyam,our fields are hilly,train +10218,10219,10219,ira ku milesimetay tu nipahiya nu alumanay tu hakhak atu turun,the youth members distributed glutinous rice and mocha brought by their families,train +10219,10220,10220,kamarursquuan,current address,test +10220,10221,10221,mikimad,storytelling,train +10221,10222,10222,mavana haw kisu sani sani lalesien tu,you know what there is always a tsunami,train +10222,10223,10223,neneng han nira ku tayal alatek,maybe he looks at my work ethic,train +10223,10224,10224,vuhang,cave,train +10224,10225,10225,anini away tu ku ina nu maku,now my mother is gone,train +10225,10226,10226,ira ku lisin,there are festivals,train +10226,10227,10227,sepat nu mihecaan ku pifuting aku,I have been fishing for four years,train +10227,10228,10228,ku kuwang nu Cikasuwan,guns of the seven foot Kawasaki,train +10228,10229,10229,Pakafusen a micacak ku tangkuy,add some shrimp when cooking winter melon,train +10229,10230,10230,ku tau adadaay tu kakumalitengay tu hawaya,people used to come here to buy it but I did not like it I got sick because I am old,test +10230,10231,10231,maʼaraw aku ku himuruay a,I see a round clock,train +10231,10232,10232,pikaykian,conference hall,train +10232,10233,10233,piepi,squash,train +10233,10234,10234,Kalumuwad a micumud i niyaru ta ira ku papasuwal i tisuwanan tu maludadmaken isu saan,Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do,train +10234,10235,10235,u pisiwykay aku kunian,this is my introduction,train +10235,10236,10236,sakatulu a lipay anucila misalama kita tu nanum i helek nu lahuk anucila,tomorrow will be Wednesday let us go play ball tomorrow afternoon,train +10236,10237,10237,a u iya ira i,Ah where is hers,train +10237,10238,10238,Nikawrira matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad O caayhu ka araw u caayhu ka tngil u caayhu ka harateng nu tamdaw a dmak i mapatalatu nu Kawas tu saki maulahay Cingraan saan,However as it is written No eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him,train +10238,10239,10239,kumaen kisu tu asiru han,do you want some oranges,train +10239,10240,10240,Matifac nu luma ku kilang,houses are being made higher than trees,test +10240,10241,10241,masacacakelaw,like umbrella snakes,train +10241,10242,10242,raremeday,wet,train +10242,10243,10243,una atang ira i adihay i luwanen,if there is too much charcoal left reduce it,train +10243,10244,10244,pawacay haca ci Yuhani Maaraw aku ku Fangcalay Adingu matiya u tupi ku nika ^pud nai kakarayan a patfu i Cingraan,then John gave this testimony I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him,train +10244,10245,10245,finawlan,Clansman,train +10245,10246,10246,o papafelien kamu tuna unglay pingsyangen,here is a pineapple for you put it in the refrigerator,train +10246,10247,10247,o Rikec ku sakacakat nu urip ita,we progress in life because there are laws,train +10247,10248,10248,iray ku cay a rumiʼad mitefad tu salil,one day when we were off the grid,train +10248,10249,10249,Hay mamisamaan kita patahekal tu siniˈada tu tamdaw hani,So how can we show compassion to people,train +10249,10250,10250,tala,until,test +10250,10251,10251,awaay tu matawma,did not find,train +10251,10252,10252,nengneng han,look like,train +10252,10253,10253,ngaay hu,it is okay,train +10253,10254,10254,Orasaka anu kumaen kamu tunini a ^pang atunini a takid i u patalahkalay kamu a paratuh tu patay nu Tapang tahira i piliyawan ningra a tayni,for whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lords death until he comes,train +10254,10255,10255,itiya nu maumah niyam nanu mamang,at that time I grew up,train +10255,10256,10256,mitangtang tu hemay misakaranam,make breakfast and cook rice,train +10256,10257,10257,ceka,sting,train +10257,10258,10258,micelem ku cidal,sunset,train +10258,10259,10259,mikuwanay tu pakayniay i urip nu mita tamdaw,who governs the care of our human lives,train +10259,10260,10260,cecay fulad misakuli itira kaysiya ri kuway,I can only earn a month,test +10260,10261,10261,mipaladaʼay,share with each other,train +10261,10262,10262,malepel cira itiya maremes,it automatically bleeds when you scratch it,train +10262,10263,10263,o keru atu radiw nu Pangcah caay ka sasawad anu masakeru ku Pangcah ira ku tuluay ku kasasiruma sakacecay u facu nu keru sakatusa u awas nu keru sakatulu mitieciway,Amis songs and dances are inseparable and there are three characteristics of dancing one is the formation the other is the dance steps and the third is the singing leader,train +10263,10264,10264,Mangangata kita,we are near each other,train +10264,10265,10265,o paputal aca nu tamdaw ku minengnengan isu Han,do you judge a book by its cover,train +10265,10266,10266,o malakangkufuay ku mira,she works as a nurse,train +10266,10267,10267,adingu sa ku cavay,only the shadows stay with me,train +10267,10268,10268,maramud han niyam u Pangcah ku nikalacacay nu vavainay atu vavahi,we Amis speak of the Union of a man and a woman as one that is marriage,train +10268,10269,10269,Hayi pataynien tu ku hulu,Okay I will do it let us have a white rice,train +10269,10270,10270,ku subac nu maku,I was born in,test +10270,10271,10271,i kaenu nura kilang ku talakal nu maku,my trap is under that tree,train +10271,10272,10272,maurad,rainy,train +10272,10273,10273,maturu nu urad,it is going to get rained on,train +10273,10274,10274,radiw aca ca ka tawal nu maku,our traditional songs,train +10274,10275,10275,siwaren kura sapad maetengay ku lalan,adjust the position of that table because it is in the way,train +10275,10276,10276,Natala Ripun kami,we went to Japan to play,train +10276,10277,10277,dafak,early morning,train +10277,10278,10278,halikaenen adihayay hu ku kakaenen itini,enjoy yourself there is a lot more,train +10278,10279,10279,atien nu picudadan ku kalas nu niyaru a mikerid tu pisaselal,the school asked the elders to organize a Bat Mitzvah for us,train +10279,10280,10280,mararid a mahcep nu sra ku urad sakalahad nu kaludateng atu sakaci^puc nu maumahay u sapalmed nu Kawas kunini,land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God,test +10280,10281,10281,adidiʼ ku tangal,the head is very tiny,train +10281,10282,10282,sivarutuay u papah sa ku kaenen ina haw hay,it is in bloom Yes,train +10282,10283,10283,u maan ku kabanaʼan tu Cudad sa ci ama aku itya,how can there be knowledge dad said so,train +10283,10284,10284,u maan,What,train +10284,10285,10285,ira i taliyuk nuya tadamaanay a anengang ku tusa a pulu ira ku spat a anengang ira a maru itira ku cirikuay tu kuhcalay cikafungay tu tada^kim a tamuhung a tusa a pulu ira ku spat a ciwlu,surrounding the throne were twenty four other thrones and seated on them were twenty four elders they were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads,train +10285,10286,10286,ta suwal han tu ci Kafutul tu ira tu ku pisapimimisa nu salikaka itini i Tucen,so he told Fr Koo about the needs of the Tucson parishioners for Mass,train +10286,10287,10287,pinginguyan,a bathroom,train +10287,10288,10288,malakangkufu,become a nurse,train +10288,10289,10289,teli han aku ku Cudad i parad,I put the book on the table,train +10289,10290,10290,kalipahakan,kingdom of Heaven,test +10290,10291,10291,kinian,Here,train +10291,10292,10292,tu rumiʼad matayal,daytime work,train +10292,10293,10293,hatu nama uraday tu macepaay ku lalan,it seems to have rained and the road is wet,train +10293,10294,10294,nu wawa haw a tavukud,it is still a kids gossip network,train +10294,10295,10295,mipaleslesay,straight,train +10295,10296,10296,mahacukay haw kuni u riku u,I got clothes shoes,train +10296,10297,10297,haw u ngabul ma haw aca,Yeah it is a sika deer,train +10297,10298,10298,karanikay tu ya awaay karanikay kaharakaten tu a tayni i sefi,come quickly if you have not come yet come to the activity center,train +10298,10299,10299,ngaʼayay kuni ini,you can use this,train +10299,10300,10300,mafana kaku tiniay i matini,I now know that we here,test +10300,10301,10301,hatiraay ku niyam a urip,that is how we live our lives,train +10301,10302,10302,nanimaan tayra i peypu han aku,what can I do up north,train +10302,10303,10303,apet aku sa kisu,you said he was your sister in law,train +10303,10304,10304,keting,to tie,train +10304,10305,10305,Cuwa wa mamipaaca kita tu kikuya,No we will sell balloons,train +10305,10306,10306,Cietukay ku ludak,hundred pace snakes are poisonous,train +10306,10307,10307,mahaen tu ku rumiʼad,in weather like this,train +10307,10308,10308,Tadu u laluk nira wawa a micudad araw han i papipakaenen nu matuasay tu kulung kira wawa,it is a pity that the child was so serious about his studies but in the end the adults told him to go and herd cows,train +10308,10309,10309,dangah,wok,train +10309,10310,10310,matama satu ku syungac nu Ripun u syungac hu itiya hu wata ku syungac nu itiyaayhu,when it comes to new Years Eve in Japan it used to be taken very seriously and it used to be taken very seriously,test +10310,10311,10311,picumikay,paw,train +10311,10312,10312,dengan ca pakaaraw kira,I have just heard about it but I have never seen it,train +10312,10313,10313,macangal mangarud ku kakaenen ri,lack of food,train +10313,10314,10314,maʼaraway aku tu tayal nu matuʼasay iʼayaw,I saw the old man,train +10314,10315,10315,pacamul han nisu mi hay,it all fits together Yes,train +10315,10316,10316,milengatay,arouse,train +10316,10317,10317,o mapacacaay nu wawa ita i huni,our kids have just laid out their mats,train +10317,10318,10318,suwal sa ci Ina wa ira ku faliyus tayni alatek,mom said maybe the typhoon is coming,train +10318,10319,10319,saka sakangaʼayaw nu ikur tu,Yes for future reference,train +10319,10320,10320,Hai caay kanikaw ku Pangcah tu kakaenen,Yes the Amis live off nature and have no shortage of food,test +10320,10321,10321,keliw nu muwa,Boehmeria thread,train +10321,10322,10322,a inian a kaput nanu tumuk a selal tiyahu,the company like the ringleaders and their former class,train +10322,10323,10323,hananay hayken,I am not sure,train +10323,10324,10324,mikacaway,watchman,train +10324,10325,10325,maherek laheci,complete,train +10325,10326,10326,a i Tafalung ira tu itini i pasawali ira tu,in Tai Po long Valley and the south side,train +10326,10327,10327,mavatelu,bump into,train +10327,10328,10328,mafanaʼay ku na wawa aku mitengir hukiya sanay kaku,I do not know if the kid understands what I am saying,train +10328,10329,10329,cuwang,anchovy,train +10329,10330,10330,sa hatinitu mihiya mi haw sanay tu ku suwal aku,that is all I have to say about college,test +10330,10331,10331,nu tafukuday a demak,the spreading of the nets has been lost,train +10331,10332,10332,farah han kisu han ci farah han tu a,you are a throwaway call yourself a throwaway,train +10332,10333,10333,Hai mitilid i kungkuan mahecad tu cecay a lalumaan kami,Yes we are like family while we are studying at school,train +10333,10334,10334,Taangayay ku fali adadaay ku funguh aku tuna maiyuf nu fali,the wind is blowing so hard that my head hurts,train +10334,10335,10335,taluan,shack,train +10335,10336,10336,caay caay hu ka sungiraay haw,when it is not quite decided yet,train +10336,10337,10337,Cafuul kaku i matini,I am feeling the urge to urinate,train +10337,10338,10338,herek sa ku tayal aku patatiku haca kaku,I came back after I finished my work somewhere,train +10338,10339,10339,kanca aca,results based,train +10339,10340,10340,karafitakulaay,a lot of frogs,test +10340,10341,10341,anini u pudaw tu,the current fry,train +10341,10342,10342,karacikaf,there are a lot of fish scales,train +10342,10343,10343,misakudasingay,growing peanuts to maintain life,train +10343,10344,10344,oniya maˈuningay mahaupay ku kalimlaan a limuˈut ngaˈay padama kitanan padutuc a misarucud tu falucuˈa madimadi ci Yihufaan,these accounts contain important lessons that will help us to remain faithful to the LORD,train +10344,10345,10345,nawhani tulu mihecaan kami kira,Why one phase one three year term,train +10345,10346,10346,u fitaul ku mikaenan nu maku,I ate an egg,train +10346,10347,10347,kakahemekan nu wawa a mitengil,so that future generations can tell the story,train +10347,10348,10348,ku malitengay itiya hu,that is how the old man used to be,train +10348,10349,10349,idahi sa ku haraten aku tu,I am starting to get over it,train +10349,10350,10350,pakayni tura umanan kalacecay nu demak,it is just something we all do together,test +10350,10351,10351,palamuen,copulation,train +10351,10352,10352,culuen,transportation,train +10352,10353,10353,pijtu a mihecaan mifuting kaka,been fishing for seven years,train +10353,10354,10354,o ni Kacaw,it is macaws,train +10354,10355,10355,anu matira syasing hatu aca^ aku,then I will just take photos,train +10355,10356,10356,o maan ku ninengnengan nu misu iru paangcap han nu misu ku hemay,what the hell are you looking after why did you burn the rice,train +10356,10357,10357,o masimeday a pakakmuday a taneng nu Kawas ku sasuwalen aku o nisahalakaantu nu Kawas kunini i ayaw nu satapangan nu hkal tu sakatadamaan ita,No we speak of Gods secret wisdom a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began,train +10357,10358,10358,pasararem,downstream,train +10358,10359,10359,tayrakaku i matayal,and me I am working for a cotton company as a maid,train +10359,10360,10360,talacuwa mahaenay ku nika ruray namu i matini nikawrira u mamasasuaraw haca kita ta u lalipahak ku falucu namu itiya awaaytu ku mamipalasawad tuya lipahak namu,so with you now is your time of grief but I will see you again and you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy,test +10360,10361,10361,misakuli mikaput,we will do the hard work together,train +10361,10362,10362,macedah,spicy,train +10362,10363,10363,13 Nalifetan nu tamdaw Seteken ku Falucuˈ aka a Matuled makesem,Biography determined not to be discouraged,train +10363,10364,10364,o maan ku cipinangan isu a mafana,how do you know what evidence do you have to know,train +10364,10365,10365,taru lusa satu makesem sa mi harateng,thinking about it brings tears to my eyes,train +10365,10366,10366,rarid,Transfusion,train +10366,10367,10367,tangasaay tu cacayay tusaay ku tuki itiya a malahuk,we did not have lunch until or in the afternoon,train +10367,10368,10368,awa ku dingki ya simal caay kalikad,there are no electric lights and the oil lamps do not work very well,train +10368,10369,10369,tiya mitadek cangra tira pacafay han nira kura taluʼan nira,and put it next to the hut,train +10369,10370,10370,misitekeday,the Loner,test +10370,10371,10371,kumuh nu matuasay i ayaw,the old man called them dragon beans,train +10371,10372,10372,o cerur nu maku ciira,she is my successor,train +10372,10373,10373,maherek a micuruk tu luma ku papikeran nu kapah,after the middle class youths have visited every house,train +10373,10374,10374,Mila^pa kuya saka ccay a cuyuh ta ira a matfad i hkal ku cicamulay tu rmes a kasaikaikay nu su^da atu namal ta matuduh ku ccay nu kalitulu nu hkal Matuduh ku ccay nu kalitulu nu kilakilang Matuduh a ma^min ku kangdaway a talud,the first angel sounded his trumpet and there came Hail and fire mixed with blood and it was hurled down upon the earth a third of the earth was burned up a third of the trees were burned up and all the green grass was burned up,train +10374,10375,10375,misimed kaku sa aku ku misimeday sa itisuwan,if you say I hid it you should say I hid it,train +10375,10376,10376,u ira hu saan hay ri ta,Oh is there any more Yes,train +10376,10377,10377,Malakaput kami i Makutaay niyaru micudad,we study together in the Tafalong tribe,train +10377,10378,10378,Cakay han tu kiya kikay i,I sold the machine,train +10378,10379,10379,kiya mipasuwalan isu,your lover,train +10379,10380,10380,hananay adihay i hananay haw,high teach it is all online,test +10380,10381,10381,kawra palalinien tu malifukay a sapalemed u misadakan ita a sapiˈaca cuwatu ka samaan,but the price we pay is nothing compared to the blessings we receive,train +10381,10382,10382,itini i Takaw ʼayaw tayra kaku mitilid haw,I was studying in Kaohsiung at that time,train +10382,10383,10383,Minaun kami tu saka^caaw pilikaf nu tau tu pitatuy niyam tunini a sapadahuf a paysu,we want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift,train +10383,10384,10384,satu tuʼas satu kaka aku mikadafu tu,he got married when he grew up,train +10384,10385,10385,satu a,and,train +10385,10386,10386,matira ku matuʼasay niyam,our elders are like this,train +10386,10387,10387,mimaan kisu i pipahanhanan,what do you do on vacation,train +10387,10388,10388,Mitaesel ku rinum nira tu kifetulay a rafir,his needle pierced through thick leather,train +10388,10389,10389,nai tamuwanan a masadak ku suwal nu Kawas saw anu ^ca i deng i tamuwanan a ccay a mapatnak ku suwal nu Kawas saw,did the word of God originate with you or are you the only people it has reached,train +10389,10390,10390,matuʼas tu saan sadateng satu kami,when we got old we started a vegetable patch in front of our apartment,test +10390,10391,10391,hay talulung kiyami ya nanum itira,Yes it is deep water there is not it,train +10391,10392,10392,mituuray tiya matuʼasay ta wina niyam talacuwacuwa mihiya mipayusay,I have been traveling around with my mother as a tailor,train +10392,10393,10393,marafrafay,flaming,train +10393,10394,10394,lumutuc,growth,train +10394,10395,10395,mihulul,enjoy oneself,train +10395,10396,10396,o pitaungan a rumiad anini,today is a day of worship to the Lord,train +10396,10397,10397,u maan ku sapicuvi nu mita sa ku tumuk,what did the boss say we should prepare,train +10397,10398,10398,suwal han naku awa ku matumayay nu niyaru,I told him that the tribe had not violated any of these ordinances,train +10398,10399,10399,Terungtu,deeply,train +10399,10400,10400,vekac,run,test +10400,10401,10401,vakivayi,grandchild,train +10401,10402,10402,macacak tu ku dateng nu mita i dangah,the food in our pot is cooked,train +10402,10403,10403,miniwaniw miniwaniw radiw caay haw,when you are mowing the lawn there is a song about mowing the lawn is not there,train +10403,10404,10404,o malasingsiay cingra,he is a teacher,train +10404,10405,10405,Micelcel kaku a madakaw tu fasu,I was forced to get on the bus,train +10405,10406,10406,tangtang han nanay aku hu liwalan isu haw hay liwalan,Yes we will cook it together Oh you are selling it Yes I will sell it,train +10406,10407,10407,liyawen haca ni Yis a mikapa ku mata nuya mapuhaway Sacengacengaw han ningra a minengneng i maadahtu Mahapinangtu ningra a minengneng ku maamaan,once more Jesus put his hands on the mans eyes then his eyes were opened his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly,train +10407,10408,10408,o tudung nu pising nira kunini,this painting represents him,train +10408,10409,10409,mamangay,compare the rootlets to almost pieces,train +10409,10410,10410,o kamay ku sapikulay nu maku tu kudading,I broke open the peanut pile with my bare hands to pick up peanuts,test +10410,10411,10411,emafanaʼ nu maku,what I know,train +10411,10412,10412,caay kasiday namahaen satu i,you will not get lost,train +10412,10413,10413,makala tu nipacudad ku tamdaw salipahak saan,the people received the letter and were very happy,train +10413,10414,10414,na a suut ku aalaen,how many hundred should we take,train +10414,10415,10415,o raʼuc mitilid kami i cucung,we are the last junior high school,train +10415,10416,10416,faecay kakaenen nu kulung,the cow likes it very much,train +10416,10417,10417,himawen haw ku lukut,do you need to take care of Shanshu,train +10417,10418,10418,mawmah sa kaku mawmah hu kaku,I would go back to work if I could,train +10418,10419,10419,Mapakafana cingra tu masamaamaanay a sifana nu Icip Saka tadamaan ku suwal ningra atu dmak ningra,Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action,train +10419,10420,10420,itini i mitusilay demak,when involved in evangelism,test +10420,10421,10421,mangata mangata tu i,when you are getting closer and closer,train +10421,10422,10422,na tatiih aca kini san kaku,thinking about where to go from here,train +10422,10423,10423,Maalalay nu lilisian ku pala ita i nahikuan i Kalutungan,water washed over the fields I cultivated in the Gali area to the point where rocks and stones were excavated,train +10423,10424,10424,malamatelangay,it is getting old,train +10424,10425,10425,hilam han,results,train +10425,10426,10426,maulah ku kulung a mirunang i henuhenutan,cows like to roll in the mire,train +10426,10427,10427,i salaenu nira lutuk ira kira hay pihiyaan itila ma,there is that one at the bottom of the hill Yes that one,train +10427,10428,10428,pacedi sa kami tatusa malakaka,the two of us will fight together,train +10428,10429,10429,lipay,week,train +10429,10430,10430,Salikakaaw tuna malaccay kita atu Tapang ci Kristu Yis saka pasneng kaku a sumuwal tu nika rarid aku a misiayaw tu patay tu rumiamiad,I die every day I mean that brothers just as surely as I glory over you in Christ Jesus our Lord,test +10430,10431,10431,ya pudac sapimaan kiya pudac,What is Pi for,train +10431,10432,10432,hay u mahatira kura suwal i,it is been told like this,train +10432,10433,10433,Yu spattu a pulu a mihcaan ku aru ningra i ira i ngata nu Sinay a lutuk a kuhkuhan a paaraw ci Musian ku cuyuh itira i marengrengay a malikatay a fadal,After forty years had passed an angel appeared to Moses in the flames of a burning bush in the desert near Mount Sinai,train +10433,10434,10434,o sidaitay ku wama ita,our father feels concern for us,train +10434,10435,10435,remadiw tu nu Pangcah a radiw,sing Amis songs,train +10435,10436,10436,sakangdaw,it is green,train +10436,10437,10437,tangasa tu matiya tu u liwhati,there it is it is like a slide,train +10437,10438,10438,kuwaping,mainland,train +10438,10439,10439,Hai malecad tu lumaay ku pitilid i kungkuan,Yes we are like family while we are studying at school,train +10439,10440,10440,maanen,what can I do,test +10440,10441,10441,sa maʼemin sa mapakayat i tira,that is why they were all dragged there,train +10441,10442,10442,o liay aca ku nitalaan niyam i cairaan,we are just waiting for them to get together,train +10442,10443,10443,lipahak sa ci mama a matawa,dad was happy and smiling,train +10443,10444,10444,adihay ku nialaan nifufu a kunga pafeli takuwanan tu tali atu lukyuk hawikiden nu maku a panukay,grandma brought me a lot of sweet potatoes taro and buckwheat and asked me to take them home,train +10444,10445,10445,hiyaen aku i pahining oh,I showed her on my cell phone Oh yeah,train +10445,10446,10446,mamikihatiya,will participate in,train +10446,10447,10447,Caay pakafasu^ kaku a talapicudadan,No I go to school by bus,train +10447,10448,10448,lawla,joy,train +10448,10449,10449,kalacukuren,use as a walking stick,train +10449,10450,10450,itini kuranan tura nu huni nu anekak sa,that is the meaning of that Uyas cry,test +10450,10451,10451,ira tu ku suwal nu Tapang tu saka caay,the chief is also promoting precautionary measures,train +10451,10452,10452,paciang han micelem,to allow the knife to penetrate,train +10452,10453,10453,u ruma pangkiw nu tuki tanagsa tu ku adingu,some get home in half an hour,train +10453,10454,10454,o aira i tamuwanan ku pasuwalay tu ningra a niharatengan a masamaamaanay a dmak tu sapikayhidaw tu nisawawaan a papituur i cangraan,even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them,train +10454,10455,10455,ira tu ku mirapetay nu kapah,there will be young people holding them,train +10455,10456,10456,kituh,story,train +10456,10457,10457,malipahak aca a mitengil tulana,that is the happiest thing I have ever heard,train +10457,10458,10458,awaay ku midaucay a kalumaamaan,nothing is forever,train +10458,10459,10459,yasa hay kira mahaen haw i,if that is the case,train +10459,10460,10460,masamaan ku culah namu i pisacepuan,what kind of activities will you be doing at the festival,test +10460,10461,10461,kura teluc nu katuʼas hananay,and finally all the old people,train +10461,10462,10462,maherek a mitilid nimaan cingra,what is he doing after school,train +10462,10463,10463,o talakal ku sapilamec tu tama ku fainayan nu niyaru misanga cangra tu wail a talakal atu fakeluh a talakal,the men of the tribe also trap their prey making lasso traps and rock traps,train +10463,10464,10464,u kiru,or pickled salted fish,train +10464,10465,10465,limaw,leisure,train +10465,10466,10466,pararid ku falucu niyam a minenrneng tu kacudu,we agreed to go to the movies,train +10466,10467,10467,Kacihilumit,wear a safety helmet,train +10467,10468,10468,samaan kunini a demak,what is this like,train +10468,10469,10469,sa kura suwal nu matuʼasay,that is what the old man said,train +10469,10470,10470,Nikawrira anini satu i u lalafulafuten aca namu kunini a dmak aka tu piliyaw a mafirang a makter atu miintel aka sumuwal tu milukesay atu kasimelangan a suwal,but now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these anger rage malice slander and filthy language from your lips,test +10470,10471,10471,paypayay tu nanu sakatusa a faʼinayan kaka aku,I will pay my respects to my brother,train +10471,10472,10472,tarakaway,high,train +10472,10473,10473,itiya hu i awaay ku maan nu malitengay haw i,the early elders did not have much,train +10473,10474,10474,ngaay haca a mapananam tu sahadidiay a falucu aku,it will also help me to develop my patience,train +10474,10475,10475,tulu pulu ira ku cecay mihecaan ci kaka Tilu,big brother years Sub,train +10475,10476,10476,Iric san ku hecek nina adipel,this fence post is twisted,train +10476,10477,10477,sawaden tu i tukus tu maumah,he gave up and went to the mountains to farm,train +10477,10478,10478,caay kalecad kiya tunu i enaray,not the same as other flat areas,train +10478,10479,10479,Nawhani mafana ku kakridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw tuna tinaku u cangra ku ni kakteran ni Yis saka sapirpetan Cingraan Nikawrira matalaw cangra tu finawlan saka liyas satu i cingraan a ituan,then they looked for a way to arrest him because they knew he had spoken the parable against them but they were afraid of the crowd so they left him and went away,train +10479,10480,10480,Mapacacuy kira tangal,I have already put up the pigs head,test +10480,10481,10481,yra tura demak a masaluf cingra,through that event he was corrected,train +10481,10482,10482,anu maan han nu mita i ayaw,what did we used to call it,train +10482,10483,10483,Masalilis tu dudu han tu niyam,we will just follow the rows,train +10483,10484,10484,i tiyatu i pakaʼen tu kami tu kulung,we are going to graze the cows,train +10484,10485,10485,mifariw cara tayra i lutulutuk,open up the land on the mountain,train +10485,10486,10486,harateng han anini,now that I think about it,train +10486,10487,10487,tuduh han i cakangaʼay tu falahan kalimelaan hai,it is takeable it is a shame to throw it away,train +10487,10488,10488,liliwen nu ya wina,my mother gathered them together,train +10488,10489,10489,kaitiraan,there it is,train +10489,10490,10490,patireng aca sa kaku,that is why I am going to set up a Wenjian station,test +10490,10491,10491,pakatamina kaku a tayra i Futud,I want to take a boat to Lanyu,train +10491,10492,10492,keruan,step,train +10492,10493,10493,mialilis,catch an eagle,train +10493,10494,10494,kamimingan tu anini hay,it is all in little pieces,train +10494,10495,10495,aka kautang a tala cacudadan,do not be late for school,train +10495,10496,10496,rarawraw ku salikaka tu yniay i nika patay nu tumuk,the people are upset over the death of the village chief,train +10496,10497,10497,tira sa i luma nu niyam i,in it was at my house,train +10497,10498,10498,a mangucih ku nguyus namu san ku matuasay,the old man said you would have a crooked mouth,train +10498,10499,10499,haen sanay kuni pakaen aku kuni tu kulung,that is how I spent my young days as a cattle rancher,train +10499,10500,10500,Mataliyuk isu ku niyaru nu Amis haw,have you been around the Amis villages,test +10500,10501,10501,kiniyan,these,train +10501,10502,10502,ayaw nu likuda u malitengay hu i lawac,before the festival the old man was in the field,train +10502,10503,10503,liyawen hu,let us start again,train +10503,10504,10504,ngaʼayay talalutuk ku tamdaw ca kacahcah,if you eat it you will not be out of breath when you climb a mountain,train +10504,10505,10505,tatulu ku salikaka nu maku,I have three brothers and sisters,train +10505,10506,10506,pateker satu cangra matayal,the children are all independent,train +10506,10507,10507,masasubana kisu kiyami,after the peers get to know each other,train +10507,10508,10508,Ciluuhay,name of Mori wing tribe,train +10508,10509,10509,misarakarakat,to be idle,train +10509,10510,10510,caay kalecad ku picudadan nu maku aci Nakaw saka macinuwas kami,Nacho and I went to different schools so we were separated,test +10510,10511,10511,tau,other people,train +10511,10512,10512,caay ka pina ku maalaay niyam,we did not get many,train +10512,10513,10513,o wawa nu Lidaw hananay a niyaru,children of Dongchang Jian Township,train +10513,10514,10514,mamin nima anu matakup tu nu adada itini i pala ku cima waw saan itiya haw i,if someone from the tribe finds an accident while farming in the mountains,train +10514,10515,10515,ta maluwid ku ripun i,when the Japanese surrendered,train +10515,10516,10516,caay kalecad,new and different,train +10516,10517,10517,ura tu marawraw satu i,and then there were many setbacks,train +10517,10518,10518,Papiciwien ku wawa tu katalawan a lalan,let children dodge dangerous paths,train +10518,10519,10519,itiya hu ku salilit nu matuʼasay,in the old days when the elders used to go around,train +10519,10520,10520,saan mabana kaku hay,that is how I know,test +10520,10521,10521,u maanaca ku alaen namu,what else do you have,train +10521,10522,10522,makatepa kita tu sapisasamiciw itini,we found the aiming point right here,train +10522,10523,10523,sawinaay,parents,train +10523,10524,10524,makat tayran mililuc isa matini kaka han naku,walking to the shower I told my sister that is what I do,train +10524,10525,10525,ta cipuhen niyam tu kuhetingay,then apply black paint,train +10525,10526,10526,tu cikay nu ayam sanay ku malitengay,Elderby flew like a bird,train +10526,10527,10527,palumaan ku liyut tu icep apalu kamaya kuwawi u way Makivana nu Pangcah a niyaru,he likes to plant betel nut breadfruit tree persimmon kaki longan yellow vine et,train +10527,10528,10528,Pakalunan kaku a tala Pengfu,I go to Penghu by boat,train +10528,10529,10529,mateli ira tayning tira alaen tayni ta,he put the car down and brought it straight here,train +10529,10530,10530,Caay pakacucuk ci fayi tu keliw i rinum,Auntie cannot thread the needle anymore,test +10530,10531,10531,kiskisen tu tawasi ku kadit nu dangah,please use a brush to scrape off any dirt from the pot,train +10531,10532,10532,matama ku pafilungan nu Ripun kiya icikace,meet the Japanese new year,train +10532,10533,10533,pinaluma,planting,train +10533,10534,10534,tira i Tafalung haw i macahiw ku Tafalung itiyah,in the old days the tribe of Tai Pa long lived in great poverty,train +10534,10535,10535,u wawa ni sifu kaku ci kalang kaku,I am the son of Sifo and my name is Kalang,train +10535,10536,10536,anu cecay tulu sepat lima ku paculeday tu icep tuna alufu nu faʼinayan awaay mafanaʼay,if one three four five betel nuts were put in a boys lovers bag no one would know,train +10536,10537,10537,o pisuraratan nu Tafalung kinian,this is a meeting place in Tai Po long Valley,train +10537,10538,10538,nga talaumahay talaumaumhan,just go work in the fields,train +10538,10539,10539,ku misetikan nu kaemangay,the children Harvest from the beach,train +10539,10540,10540,iraay ku manan demakan tu ikakaay ku nika masaka limelaan tu kalalaˈed isu aci Yihufa han,what is more important than your relationship with the LORD,test +10540,10541,10541,adihay ku kiyam nira,he has a lot of debts,train +10541,10542,10542,Alasadasadak cangra a militemuh tamiyanan,they all came out to meet us,train +10542,10543,10543,i pala,in the field,train +10543,10544,10544,anu makapah ku tayal ngaʼay ku lingad haw i,if it goes well good luck,train +10544,10545,10545,i valucuʼay nu heni a nipatirengan nu niyaru a selal,the tribes established an age class in their minds,train +10545,10546,10546,itira katalawan,that is the scariest part,train +10546,10547,10547,hatiraay saka mahemak ku tudungay nu pi sentanciye itiya,this is how these places do Christmas,train +10547,10548,10548,o pasu ku nikalican aku a tayni,I came by bus,train +10548,10549,10549,limelaen,treasure,train +10549,10550,10550,anu kiemeemel kaku,I cannot be better than that,test +10550,10551,10551,matalaw kaku aluman matini kakecekece san haw i,I am worried about the huddle during the current outbreak,train +10551,10552,10552,nura saraw sa kira,that is a ghost,train +10552,10553,10553,itemek pitemek kita a minukay,each of us will go home on his own,train +10553,10554,10554,ci Kamih sa,it is just that Garmichael,train +10554,10555,10555,o luma nu Pangcah ira ku kamaruan u sefi^ u ariri^ u pakulungan atu paayaman i laluma nu kamaruan ira ku kakafutian atu kamaruan nu lafang,most of the traditional Amis houses face east and face the sun and are composed of a house a kitchen a storehouse and a poultry house,train +10555,10556,10556,mainuay,being bathed,train +10556,10557,10557,Nikawrira mikaput ku Tapang i takuwanan itiya a paicel Orasaka malahcitu aku a misungila a patnak a patngil ku suwal nu Kawas i ruma a finacadan a ma^min Saka mapaurip kaku a mapaliyas nai nguyus nu layun,but the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it and I was delivered from the lions mouth,train +10557,10558,10558,saan man,what did you say,train +10558,10559,10559,ruma miheca tayra tu kaku i yanjiuyuan a matayal tu mialaay tu ngiha nu matuasay hu,the following year I went to Academia Sinica to work and collect elders speech,train +10559,10560,10560,mamanay ca,what is going on,test +10560,10561,10561,niyana a mialaay tiyana ci Sawaʼan,the one who took Savva,train +10561,10562,10562,saperic,grain Thresher,train +10562,10563,10563,matiya satu mafana tu demak nu matuʼasay,then I found out what the old man did,train +10563,10564,10564,sakawit,netting needle,train +10564,10565,10565,i cuwacuwa tu a maversak,decentralized,train +10565,10566,10566,masadak ku fulad,the moon is out,train +10566,10567,10567,kaulahan aku a salikaka u sasungilaen ita a ma^min ku pitngil tu suwal nu tau aka ka tangsul a sumuwal aka ka tangsul a makter haratengen kunini a suwal,he chose to give us birth through the word of truth that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created,train +10567,10568,10568,u ruma sa tu haw i u maan awaay ku tuki ita itiya hu,Besides when we did not have a clock,train +10568,10569,10569,tangasa kami i,Finally we decided to go to,train +10569,10570,10570,mipasata,pay the fee,test +10570,10571,10571,kurira ya kura demak nu liteng hu ku misu i kira,follow the older generations norms of tribal things,train +10571,10572,10572,u nian a paepa ku tamuhung niyam,take the gourd and dipper and use it as a hat,train +10572,10573,10573,mangiliway ku wina aku u ising ku mira,my mother is thin and my mom is a doctor,train +10573,10574,10574,mikali ku matayalay i kaayaw nu luma niyam,workers digging a ditch in front of our house,train +10574,10575,10575,a pamelawen nu maku kisu,I will show you,train +10575,10576,10576,pimelang,shocking,train +10576,10577,10577,kucifini,rub,train +10577,10578,10578,aka tu tawalen ku mikaenan ita mipainian nu tuʼas itiya hu,let us not forget that we have eaten the food our ancestors left behind in the past,train +10578,10579,10579,mawakangmapulin,fall,train +10579,10580,10580,malatumuk,chieftain,test +10580,10581,10581,pakatudung namu a matiyanay tu nikawitan aku han aku,I also ask if you can learn my craft,train +10581,10582,10582,haen sa mipacumud kira ta pakayni,put it through here,train +10582,10583,10583,pasela,rest,train +10583,10584,10584,Ngangay hu,how are you,train +10584,10585,10585,caay ka demaken nuna kamay i,if you do not do it by hand,train +10585,10586,10586,caay pilunguc kaku tu sakatadamaan Aku nika ira ku ccay a pataduay i takuwanan a milunguc ta padamaen ningra kaku a paading,I am not seeking glory for myself but there is one who seeks it and he is the judge,train +10586,10587,10587,hatila kiya ku nipiraay tu luma nira Taywan a milaliw tu kita,it is almost like we are leaving a Miners home,train +10587,10588,10588,hay tingsa ku Kalican misela talaluma,take me home in a bicycle,train +10588,10589,10589,iraay ku valucu nu mita,we use our hearts,train +10589,10590,10590,kuli,ice,test +10590,10591,10591,Ramay,mans name,train +10591,10592,10592,sakapina a fulad kura sapinukay nira,in which month are they coming back,train +10592,10593,10593,pacaliwen hu kaku tuya kamukuay a impic,lend me that short pencil,train +10593,10594,10594,maanan awulan kura kiya,what kind of bamboo,train +10594,10595,10595,atu plumaay,and Seeding,train +10595,10596,10596,masacecayay a lutuk,independent hill,train +10596,10597,10597,nanuya haw i,from here on out,train +10597,10598,10598,palemeden,please give blessings,train +10598,10599,10599,lalunah,ants,train +10599,10600,10600,paka utufayay cingra a miaca tu dateng,she went to the grocery store on a motorcycle,test +10600,10601,10601,naipawti,burlap,train +10601,10602,10602,vayi u maan kiraan,Grandma what is that,train +10602,10603,10603,ya nu Amis nu Amis aca,just sing in your own language,train +10603,10604,10604,herek sa,afterwards,train +10604,10605,10605,nawhani caay ku mamidmak kami tu masamaamaanay a miliyang tunu sulin a dmak deng u pipaading tu sulin,for we cannot do anything against the truth but only for the truth,train +10605,10606,10606,ta ira sa ku vakiya aku hayi,make them my slippers,train +10606,10607,10607,u awul,bamboo,train +10607,10608,10608,o rumasatu mapackuk nu papinapina a kaput niyam a fafahiyan kami nawhani maratar cangra a tayra i tadem,in addition some of our women amazed us they went to the tomb early this morning,train +10608,10609,10609,u lalusidan nu sapilifung,outbreak supplies,train +10609,10610,10610,u amutu u azali han nu hacuwa a dimata masaʼusiaytu,cement should be mixed with a certain amount of sand and mud,test +10610,10611,10611,kiniyan,Here,train +10611,10612,10612,papina kamu paru nu luma,how many people are in your family,train +10612,10613,10613,mikihatiyaay ku kaemangay nimaan,the children were not involved,train +10613,10614,10614,maapiyan,not in high spirits,train +10614,10615,10615,cuperas,crisp,train +10615,10616,10616,anu ira ku pakasmeray a tamdaw i cimaanan namu i caay ku kaku ku nipakasmeran ningra kamu ku nipakasmeran ningra o sakasaan aku a sumuwal i caay ka ngalay kaku a miples i cingraan,if anyone has caused grief he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of you to some extent not to put it too severely,train +10616,10617,10617,nu itira misakilang ku Kiwit,why do you think the Chimese are reforesting there,train +10617,10618,10618,falicen nira hay anu falicen namu i,so you are going to work around it and you are going to follow this transition,train +10618,10619,10619,mihatatanam tu hatiraay a nu han aku anini a radiw,learning the group I am performing now,train +10619,10620,10620,san ku harateng tahanini,that is why,test +10620,10621,10621,kina,this one,train +10621,10622,10622,mahaen,that is right,train +10622,10623,10623,Nikawrira yu pakatngil cingra tu nika adada ni Lacarus i i tirahu cingra tu tusa a rumiad i kaitiraan ningra,yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick he stayed where he was two more days,train +10623,10624,10624,malifafuyay,no pigs,train +10624,10625,10625,anu caay ku tadamaanay a tamdaw u tadamaanay kaku anu saan ku cima i u misafanaay cingra tu tireng,if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing he deceives himself,train +10625,10626,10626,8 pakayni tu miculiay a micungangah ku wawa tu wama wina samaanay a minengneng ku tamdaw anini,what do some people think today about disobedient parents,train +10626,10627,10627,halaka,programs,train +10627,10628,10628,0 piadengan kuni han aku saka,I answered to reassure them,train +10628,10629,10629,fs aw tawciker kura kimad niya matuʼasay ta manhan tu pasuwal tu,What is the word for the curse in the old mans legend,train +10629,10630,10630,tahanini nilifetan aku hay saan,all the things I have tried to do I have finally answered,test +10630,10631,10631,suwalcaciyaw,language,train +10631,10632,10632,makapahay,it is beautiful,train +10632,10633,10633,mahaenay kiya tayal na Taywan tini,that is what the Flatlanders are doing here,train +10633,10634,10634,iri iniyan u iniyan,it is the Horde,train +10634,10635,10635,itiya i pakukuten nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu kakrikridan nu Yutaya a niyaru ci Fistus tu dmak ni Pawlu ngitangiten nangra cingra,where the chief priests and Jewish leaders appeared before him and presented the charges against Paul,train +10635,10636,10636,itiniay tu itaypey tini i tansuy i,Later we were in Tamshui Taipei,train +10636,10637,10637,halafin tu ku pitatala tueman satu ku rumiad,after waiting for a long time it was already dark,train +10637,10638,10638,o tadakacaluwayan ku kingku a micaliw tu pida,it is very convenient to borrow at the bank,train +10638,10639,10639,nipadungus kami ku kami tu ʼaʼaʼayaw matiyaay tu mama namu,we will all be welcoming the first echelon just like your father,train +10639,10640,10640,Namakayni,from here,test +10640,10641,10641,Malumaanhu ku nipipatdi nu cidal atu fulad tuya niyaru nawhani u dil nu Kawas ku patdiay tuya niyaru o Tufur a siri ku tudung nu dawdaw nuya niyaru,the city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it for the glory of God gives it light and the Lamb is its lamp,train +10641,10642,10642,i tira i aykur nu mikangkangay a milepel tu kakula,catching frogs behind the farmers plow,train +10642,10643,10643,makaw,mountain listen,train +10643,10644,10644,caay ka si^naw caay ka fa^det sangaay saan,it is neither cold nor hot today very comfortable,train +10644,10645,10645,hay pasangaʼen hu,Yeah and make it,train +10645,10646,10646,widi,leech,train +10646,10647,10647,nitahidang tu ni tyenmin tu ku dafak haw i,let us start the roll call,train +10647,10648,10648,Masikeda nu fukeluh kaku,I was hit by a rock,train +10648,10649,10649,patata ku valuhay a maramuday tu titi nu vavuy atu epah a pakaen tu lalumaan,the bride and groom will prepare pork and wine for their friends and relatives,train +10649,10650,10650,kamangtaʼay kacipaʼay,yam can be eaten raw,test +10650,10651,10651,caay ku tatadiecen cingra,he is not to be depended upon,train +10651,10652,10652,o cifanuhay ku faluhang ni kaka,brother has hairy chest,train +10652,10653,10653,u kaciw kuninan,and geese,train +10653,10654,10654,tu fa ina inayan haw,all the men,train +10654,10655,10655,a mihanghang ri ira ku mitatuyan kufuc mahaenay,visiting family and friends presenting gifts to the hardworking hunters,train +10655,10656,10656,hay samaanen miliyaw satu,I have no choice but to join in next time,train +10656,10657,10657,u miduduway tunu Sakizaya ku lalikid nu Ciwidiyan saan kami u adiwawa,the children think that our Shuilian Harvest Festival follows Zachariahs,train +10657,10658,10658,saʼayaway a minanam miteker haw i,start learning to set bird traps,train +10658,10659,10659,anu caay kaedengan nu Pangcah,the Amis are not alone,train +10659,10660,10660,marataratar,wake up early every morning,test +10660,10661,10661,kisangen i limaay tatukian ku futi,that is only five hours of sleep,train +10661,10662,10662,maecad tura cekiw kura kalang mahadak tura secii,crabs will appear on the of January just like conch shells,train +10662,10663,10663,patatiku,turn back,train +10663,10664,10664,sepat a fulad cira i nacecay mikayhak,you only get one vacation in four months in the military,train +10664,10665,10665,Saka alalkalkal sa ku tamdamdaw a mifihfih tu riku a pasifaled a mifulsak tu alafuh,as they were shouting and throwing off their cloaks and flinging dust into the air,train +10665,10666,10666,adihay ku maymay nipakaenen ni ina aku,my mom has a lot of ducks,train +10666,10667,10667,hadidi han aku mihadidi,I am holding back,train +10667,10668,10668,tala lutuk kemaen tu dadeng ira ku katacumuli,in the mountains there are wild vegetables and snails,train +10668,10669,10669,misawad kaku itini minanam kaku tu nananamen naku han naku ku itiraay a ciwlu,I told the elders I wanted to leave and I wanted to study what I wanted to study,train +10669,10670,10670,liwmah,farming task,test +10670,10671,10671,hatira ku maku aʼurip,this is my life,train +10671,10672,10672,hapinangen a mitengil ku suwal nu maku,please listen to me carefully,train +10672,10673,10673,Mikarut tu cuwaan,where are you digging,train +10673,10674,10674,mikasuy,fetch,train +10674,10675,10675,mangalay kaku a mitengil tu pakayniay i paysin nu piadup a demak,I would like to ask you about the taboos of hunting,train +10675,10676,10676,matiya u rayray niyam,at that time,train +10676,10677,10677,suwalen kaku,teach me,train +10677,10678,10678,Mifaca ci ina^ tu fuduy i sauwac,mom is washing clothes by the stream,train +10678,10679,10679,kalangangan,name,train +10679,10680,10680,miasik kami tu remiremiad satamelac han niyam ku nipiasik tu picudadan,we have to clean every day and everyone has to clean the classroom,test +10680,10681,10681,lusay,fruit,train +10681,10682,10682,o piafaran ku cinemnemay a alu,rivers with water springs are places to catch shrimp,train +10682,10683,10683,maaraw nu tau ku piala niyam tu iya dadinguan,anybody else seen us with a flipperscope,train +10683,10684,10684,matiya u mitepatepaay tu kamay ku talud,the grass seems to be clapping,train +10684,10685,10685,ca inian tu cayna,and then it looks like this basket,train +10685,10686,10686,Inaaw Namakacuwa kaku nama ka tiyad nu misu naw nu Pangcah ku saka sasuwal nu mita i luma caay ka pawan kaku tina demak,MOTHER Where did I come from I came from your womb and the language we used to speak at home was Ami I will not forget this,train +10686,10687,10687,matakalay ku ising nu mita,there are very few doctors,train +10687,10688,10688,micudad kita sa maan ku cudaden u maan ku hiya,we said we would go to school with what with no money,train +10688,10689,10689,caledes,hot,train +10689,10690,10690,u niya panahalay u nu maku,no weeds Clean fresh land is mine,test +10690,10691,10691,hakaw aca kita ka aluman sa,how many of us are there only,train +10691,10692,10692,mawmah misanga tu luma,Farming building a house,train +10692,10693,10693,tangasa i kasaselal i enem ku safaw nu selal,strata of continuity,train +10693,10694,10694,kinapatay tu cingra,he killed himself,train +10694,10695,10695,umah ira misafacal mipamueceecel tu lihi,Terracing straightening the ridges,train +10695,10696,10696,aka ka udang saan kisu a pasuwal i tau i a maudang kisu haw Mausi kisu tu samiyay i a mitakaw kisu tu maamaan nu pitaungan saw,you who say that people should not commit adultery do you commit adultery you who abhor idols do you rob temples,train +10696,10697,10697,sacacacacay saan ku adidiay a ciris,small ditch,train +10697,10698,10698,fakeciwmilalat,measure,train +10698,10699,10699,malacafay kami atu ina nu maku,we are going with our mother,train +10699,10700,10700,cakafana ku wawa,children do not understand,test +10700,10701,10701,pakaen satu kaku tu kulung itiya,I will just let the cows graze in silence,train +10701,10702,10702,itini i WBBR Tingtay misaday kaku tu kamuk nu lukuing,preparing a radio program at the WBBR radio studio,train +10702,10703,10703,tavuen tu hiya kiyami nu icep,it is the outer layer of the betel nut trunk,train +10703,10704,10704,anu cima namu ku mangalayay a malasakakaay i ka malukuli nu namu,and whoever wants to be first must be your slave,train +10704,10705,10705,o ruma masuwalay ni Yihufa i Fangcalay Cudad ku Hungti Kitakit ni Misiya sumuwalayhu cingra u mapasimalay Krisciyang iraay ku hatukel tayra i kakarayan tahadaˈuc a maˈurip u ruma lupayˈay siri wa itini i sera a Lakuing tahadaˈuc a maˈurip,in addition YHWH speaks of the Messianic kingdom in Scripture and the hope of the anointed Christians to enjoy eternal life in heaven while the other sheep have the hope of living forever in an earthly paradise,train +10705,10706,10706,ci Singkuy hananay,it is called hungry Ghost,train +10706,10707,10707,tuwa,the reason why,train +10707,10708,10708,i tini i Madawdaw ku pitakcian aku,I will read successful Commercial Water,train +10708,10709,10709,icuwaanay hakiya a misinga ku vuvu,I do not know where to put the fish trap,train +10709,10710,10710,caay pituur ku siri tu caay ku kafanaan ningra a tamdaw laliwen nu siri cingra nawhani mafukil ku siri tu ngiha ningra han ningra,but they will never follow a stranger in fact they will run away from him because they do not recognize a strangers voice,test +10710,10711,10711,micuka,painting,train +10711,10712,10712,sa ira tu talataiʼtaiʼ saku tayal sasaan ku matuʼasay,that is why the old man said he would worked his ass off,train +10712,10713,10713,tayni kaku i Fuhalacay i Singku a mikadafu,I married into little harbor in Successville,train +10713,10714,10714,alumanay ku milicayay i takuwanan mana,a lot of people ask me why,train +10714,10715,10715,masamaan kura sakeru nira kasakeru hu haen katumireng haen saca haen saca kusakeru nuitiyaay hu,how do you do that dance you have to move your hands like this,train +10715,10716,10716,u tayniyay nu makaamisay makatimulay aca,if you are coming from the north or the south,train +10716,10717,10717,suvucen i tila i Saaniwan,Born in Yee Wan,train +10717,10718,10718, o hatiniay a pasalat awaay ku tulas han,B is there no limit to this freedom,train +10718,10719,10719,saman nawhani,what can I say,train +10719,10720,10720,patangelal,sidelight up,test +10720,10721,10721,mahinacay,it is all for naught,train +10721,10722,10722,ini i kafekang tura teluc ira a miiya,this one starts at the end of it,train +10722,10723,10723,matiya u pasevanaay i titaan kalumela tu remiad a saan,it seems to be telling us that we should treasure time,train +10723,10724,10724,malutung,monkey temperament,train +10724,10725,10725,kamu u kapah ku macakatay a masanga tu rawac nu luma,you young people climbed up to make the bamboo roof skeleton,train +10725,10726,10726,a miaray tu paytemek tu paru nu luma,thank God for keeping and leading the family,train +10726,10727,10727,tangasa kami itini i sawali,we have come to the coast,train +10727,10728,10728,cifenekay cangra tu sapiraʼuy,they will treasure the resources,train +10728,10729,10729,Nanuya yu miraud ca Yis tu Yirusalim i tayra cangra i Olif a lutuk i Pitifaci a niyaru itiya i suwalen ni Yis ku tatusa a nisawawaan ningra a miucur,as they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives Jesus sent two disciples,train +10729,10730,10730,itiya sahetu u nudukay nu ka Ripunan nu usiwngace nu ka Ripunan i miundukay ku Amis itini tinuka itini aca i,at that time when the Japanese called it new Years Eve the Amis would organize an event,test +10730,10731,10731,aka ka malecad uya u lutung haw misa akuwakuway,do not be a monkey,train +10731,10732,10732,Parunirunen i putal nu misu,planting a prickly pear in your square,train +10732,10733,10733,hay haen tu ka tikeda tu hatiraay tatiʼihay hananay a demak,Yes do not go through a bad experience again,train +10733,10734,10734,niyanan hu masaʼupu tu,about gathering,train +10734,10735,10735,Nawiru mangalay a minanam a mitenuun kisu,how did you develop an interest in learning weaving,train +10735,10736,10736,nima kura kahengangay a tilid,whose book is the red one,train +10736,10737,10737,watah ku hemek nu pising nu fafahi,my wife expression immediately changed to one of joy,train +10737,10738,10738,caciyaw,speech,train +10738,10739,10739,sa ya anekak ku pasifanaʼay kitanan sa mahaenay sa,the crows will tell us where it is that is how it works,train +10739,10740,10740,Cakay satu kami tu paringad atu rupas,we bought pineapples and peaches,test +10740,10741,10741,mafana nisa Lipun kina ufasang,that Auntie speaks Japanese,train +10741,10742,10742,Saikuray satu i haluyatu a fafahiyan a mapatay,Finally the woman died too,train +10742,10743,10743,hayi han ningra,he replied Yes,train +10743,10744,10744,iraan u wama nu niyam,our father,train +10744,10745,10745,matalaw kaalawan tira piyang saka taemud hatu nira a kumaen,for fear that the candy would be snatched he swallowed and ate it,train +10745,10746,10746,sasingaran,window,train +10746,10747,10747,cira ku kiliman nu maku ta ala hanaku ci Kacaw,I just held on to him,train +10747,10748,10748,papinaay ku paru nu luma nangra,how many people in their family,train +10748,10749,10749,padamaay kisu tu wawa tahira i Picadaan tu Inuˈ Han,are you helping your child progress to baptism,train +10749,10750,10750,hakelung sa kaku tu tayal nu malitengay,I work with my mom and dad,test +10750,10751,10751,kami ikul tu malinah kami kira mitala kami tiya,we are a late transplant we are waiting,train +10751,10752,10752,ta nu luma sa ku ayaw hai,Yes,train +10752,10753,10753,Aka pipastek tu tamdaw ta caay ka sawkit nu Kawas kamu,Do not judge or you too will be judged,train +10753,10754,10754,u cacingawen nu mita,our language,train +10754,10755,10755,misiyakayay,outlier,train +10755,10756,10756,tuni ka u aru nu maku itini,where I live,train +10756,10757,10757,caay ka sulep haw,I will not go hungry,train +10757,10758,10758,haliundu,love sports,train +10758,10759,10759,palemed,Congratulations,train +10759,10760,10760,halafin cuwa tu katayni tahidangen aku ku alumanay mapulung a mitaheka,it is been a while let us have a meal together,test +10760,10761,10761,nu itiyaay hu kira haw u mikilimay kami kura tau tura mamisafer a cunpaw,at that time they were the ones looking for a cook,train +10761,10762,10762,anca cecay a rumiʼad kami i,or a day trip,train +10762,10763,10763,aka hu ngiyangi sanay ku tamina itini sa kaku mitengteng tu sapacemut pataduen hu kaku miala tu salil itira,Wait the ship is rolling heavily I am here to pull the fishing rod and you should go there to grab me the net,train +10763,10764,10764,kanahatu caay katesek ku nikavanaan niyam tu nipisaheci ni vaki nika luingen niyam tu suci hangay liyawan nu niyam a misapinang a mitengil i luma,although we could fully understand it we could record it on our cell phones and listen to it more,train +10764,10765,10765,liyangkuye tu misiyakay,two months of work,train +10765,10766,10766,u sakamatini i,So one of the most important reasons,train +10766,10767,10767,Fukil san kaku a miharateng naw patayen nura wawa ku ina nira,I cannot figure out why that kid killed his mom,train +10767,10768,10768,sakaacis,causes of wilting,train +10768,10769,10769,tu ninian i kaemang hu kaku,These it was when I was a kid,train +10769,10770,10770,caay ka citudung ku misakurengay a misanga nai ccay a daditaan tu tadamaanay a kureng atu kalukureng saw,one of you will say to me Then why does God still blame us for who resists his will,test +10770,10771,10771,pawan satu kaku i tisuwanan a caay kaaraw tu mihecaheca,I do not see you every year so I almost forget,train +10771,10772,10772,a tarikur a kaemangay,especially the next generation of children,train +10772,10773,10773,kalimaamaan,Anything,train +10773,10774,10774,ay pihaceng ku vangcal nika caay ka dungdung ku sienaw,it was beautiful especially the snow but the weather was cold,train +10774,10775,10775,nu ya Sakiraya itini i ya aniniay ya,the Zachariahs are at the current Teck Hsing Stadium,train +10775,10776,10776,a nu masamaan ku urip nu misu,no matter what life throws at us,train +10776,10777,10777,saka tadamahapinang ku nika fangcal nu lusid atu kacifenek nu i ayaway misanga a tamdaw,the beauty of the Amis clothing culture and the wisdom of the ancestors are displayed,train +10777,10778,10778,mipacakay kita i matini,we are buying it now,train +10778,10779,10779,yu pasifana ci Yis i Fangcalay Pitaungan i suwal sa Nawiru u tluc ni Tafiti ci Kristu saan ku suwal nu pasifanaay tu Rikec saw,while Jesus was teaching in the temple courts he asked How is it that the teachers of the law say that the Christ is the son of David,train +10779,10780,10780,o sapiringu nu matuasay kinian,this is the old mans fireplace,test +10780,10781,10781,siri^,goats,train +10781,10782,10782,Orasaka uya nanu maluklunay a tamdaw i macakataytu i satakaraway a kakarayan a talafaed o pihaen ningra i u sakapitumesaw ningra tu kalumaamaan,he who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens in order to fill the whole universe,train +10782,10783,10783,Rumakat ciira a talapipaisingan,he walks to the hospital,train +10783,10784,10784,Hayda Ngaay tu,Sure no problem,train +10784,10785,10785,akung nanu dafak,Grandpa from morning,train +10785,10786,10786,mitakaw cira tu paysu nu ina nira,he stole money from his mom,train +10786,10787,10787,miladum,carry water,train +10787,10788,10788,tamuwanan,You,train +10788,10789,10789,mipalamalay,incendiary,train +10789,10790,10790,sapisaluma,building materials,test +10790,10791,10791,pulung nu mitahafang nu kakarayan,blessed by all the gods,train +10791,10792,10792,itira i pidanguyan ku mira u mamilifet cira a midanguy anuhuni,he is at the swimming pool he is going to compete in a swimming competition later,train +10792,10793,10793,masanek nu wacu^ ku eluh nu fafuy tata tayra kita minengneng,the dog seems to have smelled it let us follow them,train +10793,10794,10794,ya Kaliyawan han,what about the Kavalan,train +10794,10795,10795,cengaw,open ones eyes,train +10795,10796,10796,sisa ina radiw iri sakahiyaan sasakararuman sa kina radiw haw tengilay maw,so it is a sad song for lovers listen to it,train +10796,10797,10797,nai fafaed mihaduy tu tuya hiya,rafting from upstream,train +10797,10798,10798,ira satu ku suwal nupaputalay milicay takuwanan,when an outsider asks me,train +10798,10799,10799,u maan ku talicayen ita anini,the Topic of today interview is,train +10799,10800,10800,Talampu,sixty stone mountain,test +10800,10801,10801,panganganen tu rumaan a ngangan ci turun,so I gave him another name Gnocchi,train +10801,10802,10802,mananamay tu i caay tu kafanʼa kaku tu ruray,I love this job it is not hard work,train +10802,10803,10803,tatalumah tu nu niyam ri pakayni i timul,we are heading south,train +10803,10804,10804,nu mita u misa Tafalingay tu ada,we are in long Valley against a foreign enemy,train +10804,10805,10805,tukar,stair,train +10805,10806,10806,tini ku maku hatini ku maku san ku matuʼasay a makakenikenis tira lutuk tini kawali,the elders drew a line between them on the east side of the hill,train +10806,10807,10807,aka ripaen ku talakal nu maku,do not step on my trap,train +10807,10808,10808,o kumaenayhu tu hacul i u mulaayhu a wawa Caayhu ka fana cingra tu ngaayay atu tatiihay,anyone who lives on milk being still an infant is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness,train +10808,10809,10809,o kaciherangan nu maku kisu a mikihatiya i tamiyanan a matayal,I feel very relieved that you are working with us,train +10809,10810,10810,o falawfawan ku kaulahan aku nawhan caka sienaw caka faedet,my favorite thing about fall is that it is not too cold or too hot,test +10810,10811,10811,ta tahira kuya tatuluay a wawa tuya mipitpitay tu suiguu a matuasay a fayinayan,those three children came to where the elder was plucking fruits,train +10811,10812,10812,asa,that is it,train +10812,10813,10813,fetasen,disable something rupture,train +10813,10814,10814,tusa tatukian ku nacecay a mihiya kira,it takes two hours to change the whistle,train +10814,10815,10815,san ci ama kakuwan,random said this to me,train +10815,10816,10816,ira haw ku ciyak i pingsiyang,is there any watermelon in the fridge,train +10816,10817,10817,caka pera caka ari,it will not crack it will not break,train +10817,10818,10818,aka pisuped tu riku,do not collect a lot of clothes,train +10818,10819,10819,ira ku paini paruʼut nu matuʼasay,Proverbs of the elderly who have a will,train +10819,10820,10820,Micahuk kaku tu nanum i nemnem,I am going to the Fountain to scoop,test +10820,10821,10821,makapah kuna riku makapah kuna kucu,it is a nice dress and nice shoes,train +10821,10822,10822,fangcal ku aku itiya,and then I went to the British tournament my English was pretty good then,train +10822,10823,10823,hai malacafay a maru i luma kaku tu wama wina aku,Yes I live with my mom and dad,train +10823,10824,10824,Sienaway ku rumiad adihayen ku riku,the weather is very cold so wear more clothes,train +10824,10825,10825,a cecay fulad i caypatahira ku aku san,he spent a month trying to get his hands on the top,train +10825,10826,10826,palumaan na litiʼan a tefus,it is a castrated sugarcane plantation,train +10826,10827,10827,cuwa kafana kaku tu serangawan nu niyah i kakaemangan hu pakini tu nu niyah u Yencumin a tireng i manguduay tu ku harateng,when I was young I did not understand the culture of my ethnic group and I was a little embarrassed that I was an aborigine,train +10827,10828,10828,caay ka tayraen nira ku sapisanga,no nurturing,train +10828,10829,10829,malavi,have dinner,train +10829,10830,10830,suwal sa ci vayi adihay ku nicacakan katien ku alumanay a patayni a kemaen,grandma said that she has cooked so much so let us eat together,test +10830,10831,10831,sakuhepichay hayhatiraay keracen tu i,thin it when it is thinned down like this,train +10831,10832,10832,Taangayay tu mamang kuni iraay ku mimingay haw,it is a little big do you have a smaller one,train +10832,10833,10833,uhut,hold up,train +10833,10834,10834,matiya u lakelal kaʼepudan a kahatefuan nu nanum ri,like on the beach where the water buffets,train +10834,10835,10835,aya han sa kuni wawa namaherek kakunan,after observing me she put down her banana leaf,train +10835,10836,10836,yu patilidhu kaku i minanay ku falucu aku a macaluh tu sakatayraaw i tisuwanan,although I hope to come to you soon I am writing you these instructions so that,train +10836,10837,10837,ta fulud han aku tu kaka kaka tayra i matayal tu kaku mipadang tu luma,I then went up north with my tribal big brothers and sisters and went to Taoyuan to work with them,train +10837,10838,10838,matalaw cingra,he was afraid,train +10838,10839,10839,mapacamul,miscellaneous,train +10839,10840,10840,u ʼaʼayaw niyam mafana tu matayal,my elders are good at their jobs,test +10840,10841,10841,anu cilafang ku Pangcah tu naniraayay i pasadak ku i lumaay tu kaesuay a kakaenen,if an Amis friend comes from afar the host of the house will offer a feast,train +10841,10842,10842,alufusufukdufut,bag,train +10842,10843,10843,o Fangcalay Adingu ku pafliay tu urip awaay ku ^puc tu nu tamdawan a dmak o ni suwalan aku i tamuwanan i u mipafliay tu urip ku Adingu,the Spirit gives life the flesh counts for nothing the words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life,train +10843,10844,10844,ya sasingen kiyami miurungay tu cayna ira tu,there are also photos of a basket of vegetables,train +10844,10845,10845,hatiraay ku mihecaan aku,that is my age,train +10845,10846,10846,man na,what is it,train +10846,10847,10847,maamaan,Anything,train +10847,10848,10848,caka halafin u wina atu safa aku malu Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa tada kahemekantu,Soon my mom and sister became Jehovahs Witnesses and I was really happy,train +10848,10849,10849,Hai maulahay kaku,Sure I like it very much,train +10849,10850,10850,madeng satu ku rumiʼad hu,it is getting dark,test +10850,10851,10851,pasuwal sa ci Mariya Mahmek ku falucu aku tu Tapang,and Mary said My soul glorifies the Lord,train +10851,10852,10852,ya ianina namu cikacinglaw matalaw tu sapalu isu kira,your mom did not say anything she was afraid you would get rough,train +10852,10853,10853,ku nian,I do not know about the years of the Republic of China,train +10853,10854,10854,Mapiyuk ku hakama nuya kaing a masakeru,the lady dress fluttered as she danced,train +10854,10855,10855,nengneng han aku sakahengan satu,Look you are blushing,train +10855,10856,10856,deng sa pakapunu sa a mikingkiw,that is why I am trying to figure it out,train +10856,10857,10857,masuvuc kaku iri na i Pukpuk kaku a suvucen,I was born in the Thinning tribe,train +10857,10858,10858,cacelcel saan,it is very crowded,train +10858,10859,10859,a pinangan samanay sa i,the words and actions of should be pursued in pursuit of the truth,train +10859,10860,10860,numita hu ci Lingacay a nanum ku Fangcalay han kumaku a mihirateng,I think we are the only ones who have the best water source,test +10860,10861,10861,palu han ku nu niyam caay ku iduc,not with prickly thatch,train +10861,10862,10862,mi kakilim ku mama nu maku tu kasuʼelinay katelian nu niyam,dad continues to look for a place for us to settle,train +10862,10863,10863,mifawa,lift and carry,train +10863,10864,10864,caay ku miliyaway kami a pakafana i tamuwanan tu pakayniay i tamiyanan deng u lunguc niyam i nanay ira ku kalataangan namu tu pakayniay i tamiyanan ta ira ku sapacauf namu tuya mahmekay tu paputal aca u caay ku pinangan nu tamdaw ku ninengnengan,we are not trying to commend ourselves to you again but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart,train +10864,10865,10865,elciwmatemamala u,second aunts mom,train +10865,10866,10866,saka faheka tu ku matuʼasay nu,the Māori the Māori elders were very upset by this,train +10866,10867,10867,milawuday tu sa Lalawudan hananay,the Laloran language means arrived,train +10867,10868,10868,Malikelun ci mama naifadahung,dad came down from the roof,train +10868,10869,10869,saan macidal tu,No it is going to rain soon,train +10869,10870,10870,tahamatini madudu tunu kapah mahaenay tumuk ku nu nikakawaan nu maku itiya hu,all the rituals of the youth group when I was the leader continued,test +10870,10871,10871,lalumaʼan,ones own flesh and blood,train +10871,10872,10872,anu ca matakup tuni tataangay a cidal mafaʼil cingra,in the sun it is either that or the crops are drying up in the sun,train +10872,10873,10873,o fitaul,I ate an egg,train +10873,10874,10874,Saka kter satu kuya hungti Ocuren ningra ku sufitay a papipatay tuya mipatayay a tamdaw atu miiluh tu niyaru nangra,the king was enraged he sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city,train +10874,10875,10875,Sadamsayen ku kakawaw,behave gently,train +10875,10876,10876,cacuis ku suwal nira,his words are all mixed up out of order,train +10876,10877,10877,ca ka pilisin,they did not even attend the Harvest Festival,train +10877,10878,10878,cuwa ku penen u awul kura makalu,it is not manzanita it is cinnamon bamboo,train +10878,10879,10879,u lise tu nu Cikasuwan,history of the Shichibukawa tribe,train +10879,10880,10880,o papatirien aku tu kafahkaan a dmak itira i kakarayan atu i tini i hkal o mamaaraw ku rmes atu namal atu canem a acfel,I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below blood and fire and billows of smoke,test +10880,10881,10881,hay u teluc kira anu ira ku dungec midungec saan,Yes it is the heart of the reed if there is a heart of vine we will take it,train +10881,10882,10882,u sadaken nu wina mingku seliuning,my mom gave birth to me in the year of the Republic of China,train +10882,10883,10883,kaay kapahtu ku sauripen nu mita,maybe our lives will turn around,train +10883,10884,10884,sakalafian ku cidal,late afternoon,train +10884,10885,10885,hay itira tu haw a matalaw ka tatepexan nu tamina,after that I am still afraid that the ships will collide,train +10885,10886,10886,nengneng han ku Amis haw i matuʼasay saʼupuʼupu sa itini i pacakayay tu icep,watch out for the clansmen gathering at the betel nut stall,train +10886,10887,10887,Nacila talaniyaru kaku milisu ci akungan,Yesterday I went to visit my Grandpa in the tribe,train +10887,10888,10888,tayra tu kaku haw kadafu tu kaku tayra kira,I married into the mans family,train +10888,10889,10889,naw u kisu kisu ku maʼuripay awa ku epucepuc kisunan,why are you alive you are useless,train +10889,10890,10890,kasaficing nura kilang hakuwa ku tataʼang,measured wood is as big as it gets,test +10890,10891,10891,lamkamen ku demak,do the activity quickly,train +10891,10892,10892,paputal,wide,train +10892,10893,10893,furafurayan,young girl,train +10893,10894,10894,minukay,come back,train +10894,10895,10895,mitipelak ci mama tu sapad nu cafung,dad peeled back the walls of the house,train +10895,10896,10896,hatiraay ku matawalay aku,stories I forgot to tell about these things,train +10896,10897,10897,a micumud,we are in,train +10897,10898,10898,masu^su^ay,plump,train +10898,10899,10899,cilumaay,landlord,train +10899,10900,10900,laafaafas sa mahaenay kuraan a Fataʼan hananay,that is why they are fighting to plant tree beans,test +10900,10901,10901,Nikawrira caay ka hayda ku nipipatay naira tuya tamdaw deng u nipipasemsem aca tuya tamdaw tu lima a fulad ku mahaydaay matiya u nikalatan nu rarikah ku nipisemsem naira,they were not given power to kill them but only to torture them for five months and the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man,train +10901,10902,10902,lalesien a minevnev ku niyaru atu umah,Tsunami flooding Tribe field,train +10902,10903,10903,Mauradaytu cuwa kacidinay kaku,it is raining and I do not have an umbrella with me,train +10903,10904,10904,temeh tura anungnungan nira haw i,Crimp and tie off the top of the roof,train +10904,10905,10905,ciecaw,wine,train +10905,10906,10906,yu pakatngil kuya kapah tunini a suwal i sa ickuy sa a mararum a miliyas nawhani adihay ku dafung ningra,when the young man heard this he went away sad because he had great wealth,train +10906,10907,10907,sakaranam,breakfast,train +10907,10908,10908,u micukuay taniay i Tayhuku mialaay tu katayalan haw i,if you do not have a job,train +10908,10909,10909,mana ca kapinanaw kisu tu kamay,why did not you wash your hands,train +10909,10910,10910,nengneng han aku ya maku a fafahi a pising ira i,I saw the look on my wife face,test +10910,10911,10911,ci sinangay kura puʼet haw katalawan nengnengen akiu cakacisinang,That knife is very sharp it looks dangerous but it must be sharp,train +10911,10912,10912,marauay,Sapindus trees that have been harvested,train +10912,10913,10913,Akung ci panay kaku fuhaten hu ku luma,Grandpa I am Panay please open the door,train +10913,10914,10914,mafutiʼay tu han aca i,I thought I was asleep,train +10914,10915,10915,kami ku sarakat nani tiraay Amis tiya itini,we were the first to come from the north,train +10915,10916,10916,miinuli,pray,train +10916,10917,10917,o maan ku nini,what is this,train +10917,10918,10918,ha hay kini anu matira aca i,Yes if that is the case,train +10918,10919,10919,makeru ku finawlan i piilisinan,the clan dances at the Harvest Festival,train +10919,10920,10920,ata mawmah sa kiya suwal nira takuwanen mawmah tu kami,come on let us go work in the field,test +10920,10921,10921,hatiniya tu,end,train +10921,10922,10922,tangasa tu anini yuna matini ku nikalupisak nu mita u masapangcahay i kasaniyaru i tukay nu pasa^etip malaliw tu ku niyaru atu kaliumahan,until now since the Amish groups have spread so far into the western conference after leaving their tribes far from their own tribes and cultivated lands,train +10922,10923,10923,misakalahuk,potluck,train +10923,10924,10924,mipatadah cangra halafin itini kalala,they stayed in Canaan for a long time and got into debt,train +10924,10925,10925,nu yana ciraraway tamdaw,once a cow is used as a penalty,train +10925,10926,10926,anu awaay ku isu i,if you do not have a license,train +10926,10927,10927,Nikawrira u mamapatapatay aca ku tamdamdaw nanitiya ci Ataman tangasa ci Musian Haluya caay pilcad tu raraw ni Atam a paculi tu limuut nu Kawas a tamdaw a u mamapatay o paliayaway ci Atam tu ccay a tatayni a tamdaw,Nevertheless death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses even over those who did not sin by breaking a command as did Adam who was a pattern of the one to come,train +10927,10928,10928,hatira kira kungku tu pakayni nu vuting u cengceng,that is the end of the story from fish House,train +10928,10929,10929,ira i,exist,train +10929,10930,10930,saemel,cool,test +10930,10931,10931,awaay ku urip itiya a simanay sa ku sinafel,as long as you can do it,train +10931,10932,10932,Mapatalatu a matli i tapangan nu kilang ku caklis o caay ka cihci tu ngaayay i u lalteken a ma^min a mifahkul i namal han ningra,the ax is already at the root of the trees and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire,train +10932,10933,10933,minengneng tayra kita miraud tura malitelitengay i,we will be quiet and close to the elderly,train +10933,10934,10934,umela,cherished,train +10934,10935,10935,ila tu,it is happening,train +10935,10936,10936,maliyang tu anini ku wawa,my child has changed,train +10936,10937,10937,mana awa,why not,train +10937,10938,10938,o litapang kunini,today is only a beginning,train +10938,10939,10939,u Latumay hanay a selal,Ladoumis class,train +10939,10940,10940,itiya ha sa kita sa,we were in the field at the time,test +10940,10941,10941,suʼelinay a macidal sa ngaʼayay,it is good when the sun is really out,train +10941,10942,10942,tu nu matiniay kira,like now,train +10942,10943,10943,samanen 1961 miheca iraay ku kuksay taykay mansa itini 1960 miheca matungalay ku tayal aku milimasmas tu nai Padaka tangasa i Iwrupa a hikuki,since the International congress was held in in I was responsible for arranging charter flights from the united States to Europe in addition to my original duties,train +10943,10944,10944,piayaw,Retainer Scarf,train +10944,10945,10945,tayra satu cangra Madu^du ku nisuwalan ni Yis Saka patala satu cangra itira tu malutahka nangra tu saki Pitalifan a Lisin,they left and found things just as Jesus had told them so they prepared the Passover,train +10945,10946,10946,eridkeliw,fine line,train +10946,10947,10947,iraay ku cecay a utufay aku,I have a motorcycle,train +10947,10948,10948,iraan iri u apalu kuraan awaay ku heci ina,it is a breadfruit tree but why is there no fruit,train +10948,10949,10949,hanaw milisiraw tu ku matuasay itiya hu,that is why old people used to make savory meat,train +10949,10950,10950,ta awaay ku lahedawan tu mita a tu pinangan tu suwal a suwal,so that our language does not disappear,test +10950,10951,10951,Ngaay hu itini maru u maan ku kaulahan isu a kumaen,Hello have a seat what would you like to eat,train +10951,10952,10952,siruma kiniyan,simply put,train +10952,10953,10953,matayal kami ira tu ku pahanhanan kira,we have breaks at work,train +10953,10954,10954,anu patalahkalen isu i nguyus ku nika u Tapang ci Yis atu u nipaluwadan nu Kawas a paurip nai patay Cingra anu saan ku falucu isu a pasulin a mitier i u mamapaurip kisu,that if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved,train +10954,10955,10955,Kacaw mapawan kaku tu sasurit aku pacaliwen hu^ kaku tu nu misu haw,Kacaw I forgot to bring my pen can you lend me one,train +10955,10956,10956,8 mitiˈeray kisu ci Yihufaan a milimek Han,page do you seek refuge in the LORD,train +10956,10957,10957,tataakay a vuting nu liyal,Dolphinfish,train +10957,10958,10958,iri marimurak aca,but it is grand,train +10958,10959,10959,hacuwa nga ngaay a mihuni tu datuk atu tuliluc,when can I play the harmonium and flute,train +10959,10960,10960,sarikuran,backyard garden,test +10960,10961,10961,u manamanan kuʼayaw a demak misasiraw,what are the are cured meat operations,train +10961,10962,10962,ta lumuwad tu kuya mapulinay a wawa,the child who fell down got up,train +10962,10963,10963,anca i,either one or the other,train +10963,10964,10964,tatusa u rumaay a niyru itiniay i i hiya i Murenus Murenus Murenus,it is Yongfu and two of you are from other tribes just the Yongfu tribe in Shao Bei,train +10964,10965,10965,minukay mitilid tayra tu i luma,I will be home as soon as schools out,train +10965,10966,10966,cifanuhay,hairy,train +10966,10967,10967,Maraudtu ku Pitalifan a lisin tu mihcahcaan i macukacuk ku mama atu ina ni Yis a tayra i Yirusalim,every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover,train +10967,10968,10968,u awul amin ku sapisanga nu matuasay tu sapivuting,the old man used bamboo to make fishing tools,train +10968,10969,10969,mafukilay kumaen tu talud tu manan hu,I am not going to eat any of these plants that look like weeds,train +10969,10970,10970,i tiya hu pipalapalaan niyam i,in our former field,test +10970,10971,10971,Maraudtu ku rumiad mangatatu a talahkal ku Kitakit nu Kawas Pipasasiyur tu falucu kamu a pasulin tu Ngaayay Ratuh han ningra,The time has come he said The kingdom of God is near repent and believe the good news,train +10971,10972,10972,aka kafuti,do not sleep,train +10972,10973,10973,i way a mihcaan a pakika,it is been years since I registered my name,train +10973,10974,10974,wa fangcal hu ku waay aku itiya han aku ku malitemutemuhay aku,Wow my feet were solid at that point and I responded to the person who asked me that,train +10974,10975,10975,unini ku adihay ku caay ka tatudung,a lot of unreasonable legal requirements,train +10975,10976,10976,mipacakay tu kakaenen i piundukayan kita haw,will we sell food at the sports day,train +10976,10977,10977,Maaraw nangra ci Yis Nikawrira caay pakahapinang cangra tu nika ci Yis kurira,but they were kept from recognizing him,train +10977,10978,10978,i luma han tu kaku paala,I am at home so I can hold it,train +10978,10979,10979,sakamimisa satu,it is for Mass,train +10979,10980,10980,falihenaw,appall,test +10980,10981,10981,hatira san nu pabeli tu tulu paysu,as much as it takes,train +10981,10982,10982,o mamalaluuluud ku finawlan atu finawlan o mamasasiadaada ku Kitakit atu kitakit o aira ku kdal atu lunen i cuwacuwa,nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom there will be famines and earthquakes in various places,train +10982,10983,10983,yu caay hu ka tayni ku Ripun atu Padaka^ haw i pakayni i nipidateng atu nipicekiw ku tanusuk nu kinaira tu sakaurip,before contact with foreign cultures they grew few vegetables and gathered most of them,train +10983,10984,10984,mapuʼipuʼi aca kiya fafahian ku faʼinayan,a man will be cursing at his wife,train +10984,10985,10985,uner,serpent,train +10985,10986,10986,taeref,stone pressure trap,train +10986,10987,10987,adihay kiya lipida aku itira,my job there pays well,train +10987,10988,10988,taenekay,saturation,train +10988,10989,10989,hay mangaay,it is better this way,train +10989,10990,10990,ira tu ku Taywan caay kaaluman,there are few people like Minnan,test +10990,10991,10991,ta matini tu ku tuas i,at this age,train +10991,10992,10992,makayni miala,take it from here,train +10992,10993,10993,Hay mataliyuk nu tukus ku niyaru niyam,Yes our tribe is surrounded by mountains,train +10993,10994,10994,mimapapaliway mikilang hay hay hay,do you also change jobs and go up to the mountains to look for trees Yes yes yes,train +10994,10995,10995,u tayal nu tuʼas nu niyaru kunian,this is the work of our ancestors,train +10995,10996,10996,oh han na,Oh my God that was awesome,train +10996,10997,10997,tengil han naku ku sauwal nira i,I have been listening to him,train +10997,10998,10998,pakaen tu rarapa u vavahi haw u vavainay haw,is it the women who herd the cows or the boys,train +10998,10999,10999,tu,look as if,train +10999,11000,11000,misakalafi miasik,Cooking cleaning,test +11000,11001,11001,u mamitakec hu kura wawa tamiyanan,the boy never hugged us,train +11001,11002,11002,suwal saan ku matuʼasay,the old man would say so,train +11002,11003,11003,mapulung kita cilusid a masakeru,everyone comes together to dance in traditional costumes,train +11003,11004,11004,mikadafu tu kaku tu faʼinay nu maku i,when I married my husband,train +11004,11005,11005,iniʼan i u simal kuni u katul u simal,this is pigs oil this is pigs skin this is pigs oil,train +11005,11006,11006,anu miahuwid kaku i Kawas a kumaen i nawiru likafen nu tau kunini a dmak aku saw u sasaan cingra,if I take part in the meal with thankfulness why am I denounced because of something I thank God for,train +11006,11007,11007,unu i niyaruʼay nu Cikasuwan amin,see all,train +11007,11008,11008,nu Recurd,No it is not,train +11008,11009,11009,hu tulu ku mihecaan,Wow it has not rained in years,train +11009,11010,11010,itiyahu i yu milaliw tu ku Ripun haw i,after the Japanese left,test +11010,11011,11011,sa mafana ku,and so it is,train +11011,11012,11012,tata mimaan kisu saw hatini u kaawa,let us go what else can you do now our families lack everything,train +11012,11013,11013,pitengili haw tu nu a niniyay a lalikid nu Pangcah,please pay attention to our Amis Festivals,train +11013,11014,11014,u kilang ma,wood,train +11014,11015,11015,pasuwal,tell,train +11015,11016,11016,Mitiriay tu facalay Cudad ku matuasay,the old man was reading the Bible,train +11016,11017,11017,tamita satu,let us just say Let us go,train +11017,11018,11018,atu masingkisingkiʼay a wawa maan han tunu Amis tura,how do you say Ami to a child who is not intelligent enough,train +11018,11019,11019,mahaen ku tefus,this is sugarcane,train +11019,11020,11020,suwal sa ci Yis i nisawawaan Ningra Orasaka suwalen aku kamu u maan ku kakaenen u maan ku sasarikuen aku aka ka saan a marawraw ku falucu namu a miharateng tu pakayniay i sakaurip,then Jesus said to his disciples Therefore I tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or about your body what you will wear,test +11020,11021,11021,mapacilah haw i malasawad kuya sadim ya iyu nu sadim,the poison disappears when the salt is put in,train +11021,11022,11022,Kalangangan kina wawa caay kamenek,the kids restless and annoying,train +11022,11023,11023,itini sahu kaku a lama,I am still here visiting,train +11023,11024,11024,Nikawrira laccay sa ku finawlan a micli Patayen Cingra Tdalen ci Parapas a pafli i tamiyanan saan cangra,with one voice they cried out Away with this man release Barabbas to us,train +11024,11025,11025,nau mikariangay kaku tu mituuray ci Kristuan a pakayraan a mipatay anu u fainayantu anu u fafahiyantu i paliten aku a pacumud i pirufuan,I persecuted the followers of this way to their death arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison,train +11025,11026,11026,o lufa ku miurung tu lusid ita,transportation of our belongings by donkeys,train +11026,11027,11027,u sapasalang tura tamud,I will give you the juice of the yeast,train +11027,11028,11028,Misacikeng ku matuasay anu cila a rumiad,tomorrow the old man will make a water tank,train +11028,11029,11029,u kaku haw i,what about me,train +11029,11030,11030,niraekedan,through,test +11030,11031,11031,han ira tusa fulad kaku,she put up with me for two months,train +11031,11032,11032,hay ila kura licay aku faki haw,Elder I have one more question,train +11032,11033,11033,anini tu i,until now,train +11033,11034,11034,maanalay,Bald,train +11034,11035,11035,misatapang ku kina numita,our church built an Aboriginal education center,train +11035,11036,11036,furac,brush away,train +11036,11037,11037,ira ku icel nu maku tu maku tu tireng,what I am sticking with,train +11037,11038,11038,mipenenay tini haw i penen tini,there is a lot of reed beds around here,train +11038,11039,11039,nisamudacan,skin,train +11039,11040,11040,cacelakay,cobra,test +11040,11041,11041,lumaʼay tayal i awaay ku ina i pala cira i,mom was busy working in the fields and I did everything around the house,train +11041,11042,11042,Tudungay tu nu cecay a ariri,similar storage room,train +11042,11043,11043,miaca kaku tu cecay kafung,I want to buy a hat,train +11043,11044,11044,Mipacukisay tu matini ku matuasay i fadahung,the old man is now putting up thatched roof supports on the roof,train +11044,11045,11045,malalisan,it is a fever,train +11045,11046,11046,Su uten ku mariangay a tamdaw,tie up imprison in cords the criminal,train +11046,11047,11047,simsim sa kaku,I am thinking Thinking,train +11047,11048,11048,saʼayaw nira,it is his first time,train +11048,11049,11049,alala tu fulahata i ayaw ta kaenan kahecid ku fulahata nu tefus,Oh yeah it is delicious take the mushrooms,train +11049,11050,11050,u nu tau saan ira tu ku kakahad tu nu tau nu suta,other peoples farms are big,test +11050,11051,11051,fainayan,men,train +11051,11052,11052,ira ku kiyafes u kuwa u pawli ira hu ku masamaanay,there are guavas papayas and bananas and much much more,train +11052,11053,11053,marad ku ngaʼay sa ku harateng,the hammer is the real deal,train +11053,11054,11054,Awaay tu manengneng anca matengil nu mita ku malalukay a sumuwal tu caciyaw nu mita Pangcah,it seems rare to see or hear an Amis youth speak in their own language with vigor and diligence,train +11054,11055,11055,kinatamdaw haw,this kind of person,train +11055,11056,11056,tayra ku napina ita a mihulul,let us several of us go and visit,train +11056,11057,11057,ira ku nga matuul aca ku nu ʼayaʼayaway aca a demak nga,it is the only way to do things the way our ancestors used to do them,train +11057,11058,11058,iraay ku sa efeefer sanay a adipangpang itira,there are butterflies flying around,train +11058,11059,11059,tatiih saan,it is not good,train +11059,11060,11060,masaesaay tu ku urad masadakay tu ku cidal,the rain stops and the sun comes out,test +11060,11061,11061,suwal sa kuya matuʼasay,the admonitions of our ancestors,train +11061,11062,11062,uman han kiya nu tiniay,what is it called here,train +11062,11063,11063,ya Tapang nu icep,the trunk of a betel nut tree,train +11063,11064,11064,Cepucepu,made the levee,train +11064,11065,11065,u lafii ku katahini ari,it is the middle of the night,train +11065,11066,11066,tuduhan tu kasuy ya,we will use the wood to burn it,train +11066,11067,11067,u tini niyaru u,this tribe,train +11067,11068,11068,Mafana kaku i laluma nu tireng aku i awaay ku ngaayay nawhani sapidmakan kaku tu ngaayay Nikawrira awaay ku icel aku a milahci tunini,I know that nothing good lives in me that is in my sinful nature for I have the desire to do what is good but I cannot carry it out,train +11068,11069,11069,anu iratu kunini a dmak i kahalamham ku falucu namu nawhani u a iratu ku papaurip tamuwanan han ni Yis,when these things begin to take place stand up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near,train +11069,11070,11070,Tanupusak san ku parad nuya wawa,the boys table was covered with grains of rice,test +11070,11071,11071,i sakatulu a tingluh,please go up to the third floor,train +11071,11072,11072,makapahay ku fukes tura nanitiraay dita,the clay there makes for beautiful hair,train +11072,11073,11073,tinaku tura pirayaray nu mama nu kapah sacumud nu niyaru,example of father of youth at tribal junction,train +11073,11074,11074,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kisu u nanu kafanaan niyam atu nanu maaraway niyam ku nisuwalan niyam i caay pitngil kamu tu suwal niyam,I tell you the truth we speak of what we know and we testify to what we have seen but still you people do not accept our testimony,train +11074,11075,11075,u malulupay makedec,it is absolutely united and tied together,train +11075,11076,11076,i kudulay a Kawas u paʼuripay,redemption by the Spirit of God,train +11076,11077,11077,hatinien kuni tahira ka kuhecalan nira,did you scratch the white part of him,train +11077,11078,11078,sa sanuʼAmisen han kura mamu nira i,that is why I told my grand mom to speak the language,train +11078,11079,11079,ca hu kaulah tiya heci ya pahapapah aca ku mikaenan nu mita,we do not like the fruits of woodchuck we only like the leaves,train +11079,11080,11080,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu anu caay ka kumaen kamu tu hci nu wawa nu tamdaw atu rmes ningra i caay ku caciurip kamu,Jesus said to them I tell you the truth unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you,test +11080,11081,11081,Saikuray a sapaicel aku i pakaynien namu i tadamaanay a icel nu Tapang ku sakatanektek namu,Finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power,train +11081,11082,11082,madawa,beaten,train +11082,11083,11083,fafahiyan micekiw faʼinayan micelem,girls check shells boys dive,train +11083,11084,11084,u saan kita misiʼayaw tu pades,and how can we cope with the resolution of tribal affairs,train +11084,11085,11085,o firang ku adihayay nira tu damsay,he throws tantrums more often than when he is gentle,train +11085,11086,11086,Macelcelen ci mama tu kasuling saka pakafasu ciira,Dads got a big train,train +11086,11087,11087,Saka paicel kaku i tamuwanan Kakumaen kamu nawhani u sakaurip namu kunini caay ku mamalasawad ku ccaccay aca a fafukesan nu funguh namu han ningra,now I urge you to take some food you need it to survive not one of you will lose a single hair from his head,train +11087,11088,11088,nanumen,drink up,train +11088,11089,11089,mititi,hit the hammer,train +11089,11090,11090,i was was was,Shattered,test +11090,11091,11091,a hay hay,Ah yes yes,train +11091,11092,11092,pisuraratan,clubhouse,train +11092,11093,11093,samanay ku ku likuda nu misalu itiya hu saw,how is the Toyotomi Festival in Miyama,train +11093,11094,11094,sasienaw,feeling cold,train +11094,11095,11095,ira ku falu^ i pala^,there are flowers in the field,train +11095,11096,11096,nu tiraay i palapalaan kapakay kakurut,little bitter gourd in the wild,train +11096,11097,11097,caay kalecad amin ku nisangaʼan nu vinawlan tu hakhak atu turun,each persons steamed sticky rice and mocha is different,train +11097,11098,11098,tangasa,to somewhere,train +11098,11099,11099,mafanaʼay kamu tu saraw hi Kawangay sa,do you know that Onigami is very tall,train +11099,11100,11100,1984 a mihecaan ku kahufucan aku,I was born in,test +11100,11101,11101,nga uyaan tu haw tusa tu maperay,it is pressed by two cut bamboo sticks,train +11101,11102,11102,siwaren kunini a cukui,move this table a little,train +11102,11103,11103,u heni ku pasevana sa mavana mitavi,they taught me how to plow,train +11103,11104,11104,malepun aku misaʼusi,Chinese masterpieces,train +11104,11105,11105,teruc teruc teruc sanay,Jumping jumping jumping like this,train +11105,11106,11106,tunu Hulam nanu,especially Chinese,train +11106,11107,11107,mahaen kina kakawaw tini,it is our ritual,train +11107,11108,11108,mitapal,observe,train +11108,11109,11109,Tafalung,mud wall,train +11109,11110,11110,feriw,breeze,test +11110,11111,11111,kelingen haca nira uisiney,he fried it again it is so good,train +11111,11112,11112,sasungtul ku paliding nangra tatusa,their two vehicles hit each other,train +11112,11113,11113,lakelakelalan,riverbed,train +11113,11114,11114,turumiʼamiʼad,I am thankful for Gods care,train +11114,11115,11115,a aesesan sanay,this is the age of commitment,train +11115,11116,11116,2 cuwa ku pasuwal aca ni Yis tu nisawawaan mamidemak tu maanan pasuwalayhu tu misamaanay hanu mihaen tu demak,Jesus did not just tell his disciples what they had to do but why they had to do it,train +11116,11117,11117,o paaliwacay kami a micafer i patiyamay,we went to the store just for a short time,train +11117,11118,11118,masasuʼaraw masacaciyaw kaku mahaen,it is a chance to talk and get to know each other,train +11118,11119,11119,paludisen,undulating,train +11119,11120,11120,paysin a akahu sanay,since it is taboo we should be careful,test +11120,11121,11121,hai sahetu u nu tau ku misangaʼan nira,Yeah it is all about building other peoples houses,train +11121,11122,11122,Oping,name,train +11122,11123,11123,misaʼayam,chicken farming,train +11123,11124,11124,masimsim,think of,train +11124,11125,11125,yu velavelat yu velavelat ku ya alipatu,when those thighs are shining,train +11125,11126,11126,waw anu sa,if you yell Whoo hoo,train +11126,11127,11127,halafinay tu ku pitatala tueman sa tu ku rumiad,after waiting for a long time it was already dark,train +11127,11128,11128,Micawur ci faki tu afu sapadamek nira tu panay,uncle mixes fertilizer to apply rice fertilizer,train +11128,11129,11129,kiwli,Cucumber,train +11129,11130,11130,pafelien kaku tu tulu a lufuc,give me three packs,test +11130,11131,11131,kakaenen nu i lumaʼay a panay hatiraay,rice for the family,train +11131,11132,11132,mahaen kinian samau sinafal nu matuʼasay kinian,this is a dish that old people used to eat,train +11132,11133,11133,hay,yes,train +11133,11134,11134,hay u pacekad tu tu niyah haw,Yes you have to remind yourself of that,train +11134,11135,11135,tulu a fulad kaku i pahanhan,stayed home for about three months,train +11135,11136,11136,manay awaay ku tatukem sa kita haw,So when we could not find lung Kwai,train +11136,11137,11137,mikampiwta,use a computer,train +11137,11138,11138,inian aka palaliwen kuni u saku lalitemuh kuni,do not miss this one it is the connection point,train +11138,11139,11139,nu nu paylang a pisanga caay ka lecad kita nu Amis,there are differences between the Chinese made Bagua nets and those made by the Amis,train +11139,11140,11140,ku alumanay tu setup han nura singciw kura a tamina,the captain stopped the ship immediately,test +11140,11141,11141,o tawal tu nu maku i tisuwanan,I really forgot about you,train +11141,11142,11142,u niyan u milaedis anini nu liyalaytu ku hiya,Nowadays they go to the sea for the fishing festival,train +11142,11143,11143,a mitaʼelif a minukay,I was just passing by on my way home,train +11143,11144,11144,a unian kaenu kiya haw,you need a pot underneath this,train +11144,11145,11145,u kapafeli nu matuʼasay tu sakafangacal nu urip ita,we live comfortably because our ancestors gave it to us,train +11145,11146,11146,ningra,it,train +11146,11147,11147,Kadufah ku nitangtangan ni fufu a sakalahuk ira ku futing kuku ciyak atu cumuli,grandma cooked a big lunch including fish chicken pumpkin and snails,train +11147,11148,11148,anu masanga tu kiniyan haw,once this is done,train +11148,11149,11149,papinaay,several bits,train +11149,11150,11150,u nini a celung a kilang,this kind of wood is southern cedar,test +11150,11151,11151,tu matuʼasay sa kaku midama tu matuʼasay,at that time I just wanted to take care of and support my parents,train +11151,11152,11152,ikur ira tu kura mitatasay tu tamina saan,then came the shipwrecking industry,train +11152,11153,11153,nawhani ira kiya kidet,it is because he is wrapped up in his goo,train +11153,11154,11154,itiniay kaku i papacem a paluma,in the morning I will plant some vegetables here,train +11154,11155,11155,masu^suay,tubby,train +11155,11156,11156,Mimana maaraara kaku sa kaku iraan ku kahemekan aku,I was surprised how I was chosen,train +11156,11157,11157,ku malitengay i tiya hu,the elders used to be like this,train +11157,11158,11158,Tira i lutuk lutuk,I got it in the mountains,train +11158,11159,11159,itiyahu mafana kaku itiyahu u Amis hananay kalaenuay yaca nu paylang itiyahu,I have known for a long time that the Amis cannot compete with the Han Chinese,train +11159,11160,11160,u mikuliʼay a vavaʼinay vavahi haw a mikuliʼay a wawa amin hay,the boys and girls who work outside,test +11160,11161,11161,anu salama sa ku demak i,even if it is just for fun,train +11161,11162,11162,ha,Yeah Oh,train +11162,11163,11163,aka pituru tu sra a miktun tu falucu nawhani u pasaripaan nu Kawas ku sra aka pituru tu Yirusalim nawhani u niyaru nu tadamaanay a Hungti kurira,or by the earth for it is his footstool or by Jerusalem for it is the city of the great King,train +11163,11164,11164,o suwal nu mita u Pangcah limaay ku kasasiruma nu ngarngar a suwal ira ku nu amisan nu Siwkuran nu Pasawali nu Falangaw atu nu Palidaw,the Amis as they are known are further subdivided into five subgroups the Nansei Amis the Xiuguluan Amis the Coastal Amis the Malan Amis and the Hengchun Amis,train +11164,11165,11165,o haliradiway halikeruay ku Pangcah a finacadan anu i luma tu anu i pala tu caay ka saterep ku nguyus a rumadiaw caay ka satuku ku waay a masakeru,the Amis are a people who love to sing and dance whether they are at home or working in the fields they always sing and dance,train +11165,11166,11166,Itiyasatu claken nu alumanay a finawlan i lalan ku kafafang nu tireng o rumaruma a tamdaw i miala tu niltekan a cipapahay a caang nu kilang a pasaksak i lalan,a very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road,train +11166,11167,11167,mavana ci ama aku tu nu Pangcah,my father speaks Amish,train +11167,11168,11168,hakuwa,which,train +11168,11169,11169,cikutuay,with head lice,train +11169,11170,11170,hantu iri,it is a plant,test +11170,11171,11171,nialaan isu patayni paluma haw,did you bring it here to plant,train +11171,11172,11172,misakalahuka,preparing for lunch,train +11172,11173,11173,maku harateng a simanay icuwa tu malecad tu sa kaku ali,I think it does not matter everywhere is the same to me,train +11173,11174,11174,o harateng aku tu hatiniay i caay ku sapipatirengaw i mapatapangay nu tau deng u sapipatnakaw tu Ngaayay Ratuh itira i caayhu ka fana ci Kristuan,it has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known so that I would not be building on someone else foundation,train +11174,11175,11175,yu itiya hu i,in the old days,train +11175,11176,11176,ci Cuing ci karu hay,his name is seal of the Lord his name is Carlo,train +11176,11177,11177,aru,domicile,train +11177,11178,11178,matatudung aca tu hati mahaen aku,if the meaning is close I did so too,train +11178,11179,11179,tangsulay ku,quickly,train +11179,11180,11180,Micumud halafin tu ku pitala nu maku tisuwanan,come on in I have been waiting for you for a long time,test +11180,11181,11181,rumai pakayni kita i i haw,sometimes we do it through the computer or through the Elysium,train +11181,11182,11182,sarikec,binding force statute,train +11182,11183,11183,O sakarihaday namu Kaku Saka parihadayen aku kamu caay ka lcad atu nu hkalan ku piparihaday Aku aka ka rawraw ku falucu namu aka ka talaw kamu,peace I leave with you my peace I give you I do not give to you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid,train +11183,11184,11184,pancu,underwear,train +11184,11185,11185,ala cecay liʼan ira ku lima a ditek ku papafalasen i ayaw,the work was assigned to each person for a distance of meters each,train +11185,11186,11186,kamu tatusa ha Luuh haw i adimelen ku sakafiyaw tiyaan haw i,praise Ye one another,train +11186,11187,11187,Pacauf sa ci Pitiru Sahcien a pakafana kami tu tatudung nunini a tinaku Isu han ningra,Peter said Explain the parable to us,train +11187,11188,11188,i Taytung,Chikagawa,train +11188,11189,11189,miala,leader,train +11189,11190,11190,ira ku cifalucuay a mitulik i,when someone wants to learn to knit,test +11190,11191,11191,o sakuurip nu tamdaw ku parud,the stove is the only instrument for human life,train +11191,11192,11192,mansa iraay ku sakaʼurip nu misu maru itini,that is why the kids are letting you live out your old age in peace,train +11192,11193,11193,kaemangay hu kami samisimisiay hu kamila,you were a kid were not you,train +11193,11194,11194,misaimer,special care,train +11194,11195,11195,Mipacena kuya ina pacucu tu diput nira,the mother took a short time to feed her baby,train +11195,11196,11196,si,Main,train +11196,11197,11197,manga tu,you can,train +11197,11198,11198,paluma sa kami tu palumaan hiwawa u kunga,we had to plant sweet potatoes,train +11198,11199,11199,ku Kawas,there are ghosts,train +11199,11200,11200,cucuk,sting,test +11200,11201,11201,pakaenen ku tuas tu maamaan saan ku matuasay,the old man would say Give the ancestors something to eat,train +11201,11202,11202,hadefek,to destroy,train +11202,11203,11203,tu ira kura cecay a rumiʼad,one day,train +11203,11204,11204,kamu ku mialaay tu eli anumaan saʼusian nura matuʼasay,Carrie if you are going to get thatch the old mans got it all figured out,train +11204,11205,11205,i Satefu ku cepu nu kicun nu Pusku,the end of the canal in Yuli is Shimodewu,train +11205,11206,11206,o kaciki ku sasimi ita anini,our dashiki today is sailfish,train +11206,11207,11207,faedetay,hot,train +11207,11208,11208,ira mahaenay haw saan caira,based on the items in hand,train +11208,11209,11209,Karapapah kina awul,this bamboo is full of leaves,train +11209,11210,11210,kura kaput maemin wau,the whole class is in the same voice wow,test +11210,11211,11211,patay sa ci mama niyam tulu pulu ira ku siwa mihecaan ningra,he died at,train +11211,11212,11212,tataʼak ku alu kira,the river is huge,train +11212,11213,11213,aluman ku hahimawen aku a wawa,there are a lot of kids I need to see a Counselor for,train +11213,11214,11214,pakaen tu rarapa iri,they also let cows graze,train +11214,11215,11215,u kafanaan nu mita itiyahu,this is life as we all know it,train +11215,11216,11216,saan,indistinct,train +11216,11217,11217,tahamatini satu u mamalahedaw aytu a mala sasafalucuen itinitu a naun saan ku nikapawan i tisuwanan Pangcah,the Amis conversation has become a memory and I am slowly forgetting you Amis,train +11217,11218,11218,duhepicay,thin,train +11218,11219,11219,itiya i ira ku nai Yirusalimay a Farisay a tamdaw atu pasifanaay tu Rikec a tayra i ci Yisan milicay i Cingraan,then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked,train +11219,11220,11220,macidal anini^ faedet ku rumiad,the sun is coming out it is very hot,test +11220,11221,11221,ci mamu aku ku pasifanaay i takuwanan,my grandmother taught me to sing it,train +11221,11222,11222,u yaan satu tatusaay a maramuday,this couple,train +11222,11223,11223,mapuwalay ku nemnem itira alu,a spring springs up in the river at Misan,train +11223,11224,11224,tumangic a mineneng tu minatu,I cannot help but look at the pier with tears in my eyes,train +11224,11225,11225,tira kiya sining kasa selaselal,each youth sits in a circle according to his or her age group,train +11225,11226,11226,limataʼen urungen ku aʼurungen,they are carrying all the stuff by hand,train +11226,11227,11227,Sakafungen ku kafung u tudung nu sapaurip nu Kawas Tatuyen ku funus u tudung nu nipaflian nu Fangcalay Adingu a suwal nu Kawas,take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God,train +11227,11228,11228,nian nu Kawas nu nian,millet Fairy,train +11228,11229,11229,Singsi^ u maan ku nengnengen ita i lutuk,Teacher what are we going to see in the mountains,train +11229,11230,11230,paheku,crossing the cat,test +11230,11231,11231,naw,Why I do not know,train +11231,11232,11232,anu caka fangcal ku pililit haw matefad,if you do not wind it properly it will fall off,train +11232,11233,11233,u kahadakan ningra a luma i itira i,the original family came from Yuli,train +11233,11234,11234,itiyahu u ngangan nu anu cima ku maruʼay itira a tamdaw a halafin haw,if you have been living there for a long time,train +11234,11235,11235,pasalat tu ˈurip niyam,to enjoy the wonderful blessings of freedom,train +11235,11236,11236,pulungen aku mihemek han ku falucu,I want to love my family,train +11236,11237,11237,Sanitu,wait a moment,train +11237,11238,11238,yu macakat ci Yis a talahkal i ira nanitira tuya niyaru ku ccay a fainayan tu maaruay nu palafuay a militmuh i ci Yisan Halafinaytu cingra a caay ka ciriku caay ka maru i luma itira sa i dihif nu tadetademan ku aru ningra,when Jesus stepped ashore he was met by a demon possessed man from the town for a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house but had lived in the tombs,train +11238,11239,11239,milinsiw kaku tiya,I want to learn too,train +11239,11240,11240,Sapakuniya satu caay pilihay,I am just going to let myself off the hook and not go to church,test +11240,11241,11241,onini i u nika lahci nu matiliday i Rikec nangra a suwal tuya Awaay ku lalngatan nu nipiintel nangra i Takuwanan sanay,but this is to fulfill what is written in their Law They hated me without reason,train +11241,11242,11242,pakamaanay ci panay a talapitilidan,how does Panay go to school,train +11242,11243,11243,s nengnenghan nira ku waay nira i malemes sakira,he looked at his foot which was bleeding,train +11243,11244,11244,telien nira tuya fanaw paekel han nira tu fukeluh kiya afed maherek cingra amipaekel tahepuen tu nira tu salengad,press the bag down with a stone and cover it again with palm leaves,train +11244,11245,11245,lasawad han tu,just give up,train +11245,11246,11246,ruma satu na radiw na ka likudaan,and the song that was sung by the leader of the Bountiful year Festival,train +11246,11247,11247,masasingudu^,mutual respect,train +11247,11248,11248,caay ku maan deng ku sakakumaen aca tu tiʼenec nu tiyad,it is nothing it is just that I want to eat or get my stomach pumped,train +11248,11249,11249,tienang,recline,train +11249,11250,11250,hawlit hananay ri naripaʼan sanay kira hawlit hananay,Hollitt means footprints,test +11250,11251,11251,Nikawrira caay ka maru ku Isatakaraway a Kawas i nisangaan nu tamdaw a luma matu suwal nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya,However the most high does not live in houses made by men as the prophet says,train +11251,11252,11252,ngaʼayay,it is okay,train +11252,11253,11253,pakali saw han nira mieteng ku alu i,start blocking the river channel road,train +11253,11254,11254,anu awaay ka mahiniyay a valucu,if you are not very active,train +11254,11255,11255,nawhani u suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i Caaytu ka hakuwa ku rumiad ta ira a tayni kuya tatayni caay ku mamanayar cingra,for in just a very little while He who is coming will come and will not delay,train +11255,11256,11256,suwal sa i takuwanan kuya cuyuh Nawiru fahka kisu saw pasuwalen aku kisu tu pakakmuday a tatudung nuya fafahiyan atu pakakmuday a tatudung nu pidakawan nuya fafahiyan a pituay ku funguh mu^tepay ku puhung a aadupen,then the angel said to me Why are you astonished I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides which has the seven heads and ten horns,train +11256,11257,11257,Saka luwad satu cingra a minukay i cimamaan ningra Yu i raayhu nu luma cingra i maaraw nu mama ningra cingra Saka sasiniada sa kuya mama a minengneng cingraan ta cikay sa kuya mama a miraud i cingraan a mitakec a micucup,so he got up and went to his father But while he was still a long way off his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him he ran to his son threw his arms around him and kissed him,train +11257,11258,11258,anu kalakapahan hu itiya hu,I was young,train +11258,11259,11259,maan,what is that,train +11259,11260,11260,o mamakaintel nu tamdaw a ma^min kamu tuna mituur kamu i Takuwanan Nikawrira u pakahadidiay a tamdaw tahira i pahrekan i u mamapaurip,all men will hate you because of me but he who stands firm to the end will be saved,test +11260,11261,11261,o mamalepel nu tayring ku miaruriray,the man who caught the swallow will be arrested by the police,train +11261,11262,11262,ta tayrakami i kyinsyi fu licay han niyam itiraay i,so go to the County office and ask,train +11262,11263,11263,nengneng han nira ura sa wama aku i,father watched for a long time,train +11263,11264,11264,kalamkam,fast,train +11264,11265,11265,i anu masulinga ngaʼay ku serangawan nu mita serangawan ta,we can promote our culture to the fullest,train +11265,11266,11266,Pamukuen hu ku paliding nu misu i tatihi nu lalan,your car stays on the side of the road for now,train +11266,11267,11267,kilimen nira itira awaay itu,he searched there only to find nothing,train +11267,11268,11268,mafuraway,make anxious,train +11268,11269,11269,tiya i ayaw nu nipilisin,past festivals,train +11269,11270,11270,nu matayalay i kira u talicayan mahecad tu nangra,working in a village office is equivalent to the position of a village head,test +11270,11271,11271,u icep,it is a betel nut tree,train +11271,11272,11272,Matena ku rumakat niyam,we were hindered from going,train +11272,11273,11273,Pacarcaren hu pasela ku matayalay nu misu a mifariw i lutuk,let us get you out of here,train +11273,11274,11274,nu sakakaay kuni nu kuka kini a paini haw,it is a gift of land from the national government,train +11274,11275,11275,pahanhanpasela,stop,train +11275,11276,11276,itirahawri ira ku ku itira,I bought a peeing factory,train +11276,11277,11277,tuya pitilidan tu ngangan sa malatusa,the name field is divided into two segments,train +11277,11278,11278,ciku^,elbows,train +11278,11279,11279,lakaw,garbage,train +11279,11280,11280,nawhani ciicel ku nipipasifana ni Yis caay ka matiya u pipasifana nu pasifanaay tu Rikec ku pipasifana ningra,because he taught as one who had authority and not as their teachers of the law,test +11280,11281,11281,sanay ku suwal sanay kura wina aku a tura akung da hay,that is what my grandfather and mother said,train +11281,11282,11282,pilidungan,harvesting period,train +11282,11283,11283,Kawra itini nu kaˈurip adihayay ku mamiˈafas tu lipahak ita a demak sasamaan kita ngaˈ padadutuc a lipahak hani,However there are many things in life that can rob us of our joy so how can we continue to be joyful,train +11283,11284,11284,ura saʼusi hananay itiniay i,this projection was made in,train +11284,11285,11285,sanay a demak nu mita,something like that,train +11285,11286,11286,o raraw nu rumaruma a tamdaw i tangsultu a mahapinang yu cahu ka sawkit kuya tamdaw Nikawrira u raraw nu rumaruma a tamdaw i i ikuray a mahapinang,the sins of some men are obvious reaching the place of judgment ahead of them the sins of others trail behind them,train +11286,11287,11287,sanga tu yu palu,No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No,train +11287,11288,11288,facalay,desirable,train +11288,11289,11289,haw u,So,train +11289,11290,11290,ku faʼinayan itiyah tahira kalahukan,boys used to be like that by noon,test +11290,11291,11291,o hekal tada tuˈmanay,the world has fallen into darkness,train +11291,11292,11292,tangasa i raan haw,there it is,train +11292,11293,11293,patireng tu suwal nu,Rejuvenation language,train +11293,11294,11294,Naay ya nicaliwan isu i nacila a payci cuwa hu kapatikulen isu kaku,No you have not paid me back the money you borrowed last time,train +11294,11295,11295,sahetec tu epah,filter net,train +11295,11296,11296,alu nu cucu,woman breast,train +11296,11297,11297,malaheci kura eli a mikeret haw,the thatching is done,train +11297,11298,11298,amin,all,train +11298,11299,11299,u kumud,whole body,train +11299,11300,11300,kakuyudan,basket,test +11300,11301,11301,u fuceki atu siyakeli,Mandarin fish,train +11301,11302,11302,adetay suʼelin ku malitengay a pasifana tu iya,what the elders teach you will be really delicious,train +11302,11303,11303,afufu,hold,train +11303,11304,11304,anu pihiyan isaw,if it is,train +11304,11305,11305,misiay tayra cuwa misiay,where to play,train +11305,11306,11306,hatiraay itiya hu ku nu malitengay,that is how the old generation used to live,train +11306,11307,11307,anu saan aca cacayen a wakung ku walay nu maku,Well I will have a bowl of noodles,train +11307,11308,11308,ci Sumen ci Idu kaku sasi,Solomon Eduardo me nine of us,train +11308,11309,11309,karuhungcuy,rock,train +11309,11310,11310,mapapadangpadang pulung nu demak,we help each other in all matters,test +11310,11311,11311,ngaʼay ku misu misangaan kuʼiday,You did a great job that is fine no thank you very much,train +11311,11312,11312,paisiisingen ma mapiyas,I did not go to the doctor it is too late for diarrhea,train +11312,11313,11313,mahecad kura aniniay a kafey hananay ita,it is just like the coffee we talked about,train +11313,11314,11314,u muhtingay tu amin ku yaraaytu a veleng,in the past a bunch of them were black,train +11314,11315,11315,naniya a tusa aku kiymi,I made these two,train +11315,11316,11316,Mangaay tu mahemek kami a mihamham tamuwanan,of course you are welcome to join us,train +11316,11317,11317,o rumasatu anu deng u salikaka namu a ccay ku nitaungan namu i hakuwa ku nika tadamaan namu saw caay ka hatira ku dmak nu ruma a finacadan saw,and if you greet only your brothers what are you doing more than others do not even pagans do that,train +11317,11318,11318,tulu fulad afay tulu fulad,only three months Wow,train +11318,11319,11319,awaay awa ku kabanaʼan namu wa,none of you know anything about it,train +11319,11320,11320,Mila^pa ku sakalalima a cuyuh ta maaraw aku ku ccay a matfaday i hkal nai kakarayan a fuis Mapaturud cingra tu safawah nu awaay ku para a ufang,the fifth angel sounded his trumpet and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth the star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss,test +11320,11321,11321,sangaʼan aku nian,I made this,train +11321,11322,11322,enem ta miheca,six years,train +11322,11323,11323,anu caʼay kakaʼen ku cilah ia masanek ku titi,if the salt does not penetrate the meat enough there is a flavor,train +11323,11324,11324,pihacen,bundle,train +11324,11325,11325,ira sa ku suwal nu singciw nu niyam,our captain said,train +11325,11326,11326,anu ila ku sasangaʼan ha,does that mean any craft,train +11326,11327,11327,hay anu mangalay kisu adidi adidien haw,Yeah if you want small use small,train +11327,11328,11328,nawhani tadamaan ku dmak nu Ciicelay a Kawas tu saki takuwanan o tadafangcalay ku ngangan ningra,for the mighty one has done great things for me Holy is his name,train +11328,11329,11329,Orasaka hadidien aku ku masamaamaanay a dmak tu nanu pipaayaw aku tu nipilian nu Kawas a finawlan ta malayap nangra ku midaucay tadamaanay a sapaurip ni Yis Kristu,therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory,train +11329,11330,11330,mahaen a pakayra ku ccay a Lifi a tamdaw Maaraw ningra kuya tamdaw i liyas han ningra a mitalif,so too a Levite when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other side,test +11330,11331,11331,matefad ningra kiya puʼut ku funus ningra,he accidentally dropped his belt knife,train +11331,11332,11332,cima hakiya ku papa mamikaysiyak,who can translate,train +11332,11333,11333,u itira ku sakakaay nu selal i aesesan,this is the oldest person in the age group,train +11333,11334,11334,tu dafak pakaluma lumaˈay kami mitusil ikur pasifanaˈay pacekiw tu tamdaw nulatekay tangasaay 11 ku tuki tu dadaya ngaˈ malaheci ku demak,we preached door to door in the morning and then went out to teach people the Bible sometimes until am we had a lot of time to do that,train +11334,11335,11335,niya piilisinan haw lima ku rumiʼad ku piilisin,there are five days worth of ingredients for the Toyonen Festival,train +11335,11336,11336,u piala tu ita tu,why do not we do it,train +11336,11337,11337,Orasaka kaulahan aku a widangaw anu awaay ku pipakukut nu ngaay a falucu ita i awaaytu ku kakatalawan ita i kaayaw nu Kawas,dear friends if our hearts do not condemn us we have confidence before God,train +11337,11338,11338,mitanam,try,train +11338,11339,11339,ka sidait,hanging up,train +11339,11340,11340,ra awaay ku sapadamek a,there is no fertilizer,test +11340,11341,11341,Mafanaʼtu nuʼAmis i,I speak Amish,train +11341,11342,11342,ira ku pala kiyami,the field is over there,train +11342,11343,11343,maherek kami alaen niyam pataluma anu cira patayni haca,always bring back the,train +11343,11344,11344,uya hai uya fanglay atu ya falingkud,That yes the yeast and the chrysanthemums,train +11344,11345,11345,yu iatiya hen tulu ku luma itini,in those days there were only three houses in the three Alley,train +11345,11346,11346,mararamud kami tuya faʼinay aku,when I was married to my son in law,train +11346,11347,11347,Satalipan anu dademak,wear it as an apron,train +11347,11348,11348,anu mituru ku tamdaw tu kakarayan a miktun tu falucu i u mituruay cingra tuya kamaruan nu Kawas atuya maruay itira a Kawas,and he who swears by heaven swears by Gods throne and by the one who sits on it,train +11348,11349,11349,kapah tengilen ira aca,it is very original it is very good,train +11349,11350,11350,lalikid,Harvest Festival,test +11350,11351,11351,caay caay pitengil kaku,I am not listening,train +11351,11352,11352,pailangen,Put to the mill,train +11352,11353,11353,kura,That,train +11353,11354,11354,Paturuden Wamaan ku karurayan nu falucu isu,turn over to the heavenly father the responsibility for your burdens,train +11354,11355,11355,Amilika pukanyin a u Amilika ri,the YOUS is not willing to do that,train +11355,11356,11356,hamedacen,eat only vegetables not rice,train +11356,11357,11357,awaay i luma ci Api ci Ipih kaku o maan ku demak anu taluma ciira paratuh hatu aku,Api is not at home I am Ipih what can I do for you I will let him know when he comes back,train +11357,11358,11358,silawad kisu i herek nu lahuk haw minanama kita,are you free after lunch let us practice,train +11358,11359,11359,caay ka hiraterateng tataang tataang tu aca kuya lamal,Unexpectedly the fire got bigger and bigger,train +11359,11360,11360,mifutingay itiya,fishing jobs at the time,test +11360,11361,11361,mamelawan tu vuis atu vulad lipahak a malahulul,a place to enjoy the stars and the moon and to socialize and have fun,train +11361,11362,11362,aka matalaw ci Satanan,not alarmed by Satans opposition,train +11362,11363,11363,matapa i tafu han ita tu iya kamid mitafu tu kamay,when you cut your hand wrap it with a piece of cloth,train +11363,11364,11364,u tatirian awaay tu ku urip nina matuʼasay,memories of the elderly,train +11364,11365,11365,sanay yu kiranan,that is a toast to the benefit of the doubt,train +11365,11366,11366,ta caayay hani caypasuʼelin saka caykaʼaraw kira,they said it was not but the Cantonese did not see it so they did not believe them,train +11366,11367,11367,sasing han su kuna picinah aku,you are filming me pickling,train +11367,11368,11368,ira ku nu maramuday atu nu lavang a kamukuan a mavekac,there are also programs where couples and guests run in races,train +11368,11369,11369,yasaka u sapaʼaraw tu,until now,train +11369,11370,11370,cimacima kuya mitekupay,who are the actors in the sweep,test +11370,11371,11371,a u palalanay hu haw ta u malakacaway,I am also the one who leads and shows the work done,train +11371,11372,11372,mahiyatu silumaʼay tu silumaʼaytu,a family is a family,train +11372,11373,11373,mahecaday minamu minamu sai caay ka faha caka cuʼaf,it is like drinking water you cough you do not choke,train +11373,11374,11374,Mafilu isu kunini haw,is this thing possible by you i can you do it,train +11374,11375,11375,tahanini,so far,train +11375,11376,11376,atatungul,forehead,train +11376,11377,11377,Takaw san tu epah nu kaka,drink the wine of your brothers,train +11377,11378,11378,karatar,get up early,train +11378,11379,11379,tayra kaku i tini ira maʼaraw aku,I saw it when I went to Yuri,train +11379,11380,11380,masenger nu urad ku sera,the rain wet the ground,test +11380,11381,11381,rakat,kind,train +11381,11382,11382,manengneng tu aku itini i Tuyin,I saw it in Taoyuan,train +11382,11383,11383,i lutukay ku urip niyan na,born and raised in the mountains,train +11383,11384,11384,anu tayni kisu tini i tayni tuni niyaru ci luma i ngaʼayay tu,if you want to come and build a house in this tribe it is okay,train +11384,11385,11385,mangudu tu niyaru kita hanhan nu maku,I told them we have to honor the tribe,train +11385,11386,11386,iraay tu kamirmir nu falucu,I am excited and nervous,train +11386,11387,11387,nu tau raecus a mahaen,act on somebody else orders,train +11387,11388,11388,tumes,fill it up,train +11388,11389,11389,pakasululay,I am sorry,train +11389,11390,11390,u hiya u mami tangasa yara i suyikuay nu Taywan iri,go to the Hans fruit Garden,test +11390,11391,11391,nawhani,because of world war II,train +11391,11392,11392,Muecel ku falucu ni mama aku,my dads heart is upright,train +11392,11393,11393,awaay tu awaay tu ku sela nu malitengay,the old man was singing out of breath,train +11393,11394,11394,mahecad,identical,train +11394,11395,11395,hanhan itamakaen kuni,this way this will be cut,train +11395,11396,11396,awa ku pidad sa ku cingraw nirari aka picudad matayal tu kisu mipadang tu luma saan ku suwal nira hay satu kaku,because my family was so poor that I could not study anymore my father asked me to go out to work to help with the family finances and I agreed to do so,train +11396,11397,11397,u ra ni haw caayay ku sapipa luwadaw tu Yincumin kura,this requirement is not meant to elevate the Aboriginal requirement,train +11397,11398,11398,sisa anini ina lutuk,they are all talking about the plot of The hungry mountain God,train +11398,11399,11399,rumiad,days,train +11399,11400,11400,awaay hu ku ngangan,it did not have a name yet,test +11400,11401,11401,masarayaray a ma^min aka tawalen ku saka tayal,come and line up remember to bring your tools,train +11401,11402,11402,o ruma^ a kalitusa^ i i tukay tu a maru,the other half lives in the city now,train +11402,11403,11403,caay kangaʼay haw,is it inconvenient,train +11403,11404,11404,maulah ku widang tu matiniay,that is how friends like it,train +11404,11405,11405,itiyahu i tahira kami ci wirukay mitefu tayni i Malakes,in the past we used to go to the Wendan area to pick bamboo shoots up to the camphor tree area,train +11405,11406,11406,matira,that way,train +11406,11407,11407,uran a safa i,that sister,train +11407,11408,11408,u tadafangcalay pikunling ku nian,this is good training,train +11408,11409,11409,mahae nay haw,that is right,train +11409,11410,11410,mihikuay,to open up,test +11410,11411,11411,kingkuen,bank,train +11411,11412,11412,atu pakatinakuaytu nika fangcal nu suwal nu Kawas pakahapinang haca tu icel nu pahrekan nu hkal,who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age,train +11412,11413,11413,o tilid wlu kunini,these are Pauls writings,train +11413,11414,11414,pahanhan,take a break,train +11414,11415,11415,hapinangen,please be careful,train +11415,11416,11416,sapateli tu taykuw sa ku harateng,I had to do it for the loan,train +11416,11417,11417,anu falic han ku ngangan,just change the name,train +11417,11418,11418,malepun tu ku tusa pulu mihecaʼan,I have reached the age of,train +11418,11419,11419,Sakapulungan han nangra ku tayal atu dafung,they shared together their work and possessions,train +11419,11420,11420,midukduk,stealing,test +11420,11421,11421,hay,to so,train +11421,11422,11422,hatiya rumiʼad hantu ni ni Maʼuwid,Malverde said he would set it for that day,train +11422,11423,11423,nu niyaniya kami,shall we go out,train +11423,11424,11424,kisu tatuʼasan,tell the ancestors,train +11424,11425,11425,Kaumela kita tu suwal nu mita u Pangcah,we need to cherish our Amish language,train +11425,11426,11426,micumud cingra i luma na Cakariya a milicay ci Ilisapican,where she entered Zechariahs home and greeted Elizabeth,train +11426,11427,11427,talaciku,up to the elbow,train +11427,11428,11428,Palilamay,distribute,train +11428,11429,11429,nu tau ira ku titi ira ku maan sa ngudu saan ku urip,it is embarrassing to see people with meat and all kinds of food,train +11429,11430,11430,Sakamu^tep nu sakapitu a fulad,July,test +11430,11431,11431,o maan kira maikayay i aenucan nu misu,what is that lump on your neck,train +11431,11432,11432,hay picuka ri hay hatu pikingkiw,Yes painting and research,train +11432,11433,11433,i nimitavi,plow,train +11433,11434,11434,mipalal tu kuwina atu mama karumuwad tu,mom and dad are waking up the kids now,train +11434,11435,11435,atu u kuwang tura celung a kilang,there is also a gun with a southern cedar,train +11435,11436,11436,mahaen ku kalahitay itiya,this is how the soldiers were like at that time,train +11436,11437,11437,aka kasadak tu luma kamu,do not leave the house,train +11437,11438,11438,malingad ku malitengay miʼuway,the old man then set out to collect the yellow vine,train +11438,11439,11439,masaheci,incentive,train +11439,11440,11440,mapatangasaay tu ku suwal nu maku itisuwan,my message to you,test +11440,11441,11441,cima ku tihi i luma cecay a cima ya cecay hay,who are you at home with I am alone yo Alone Yeah I am alone,train +11441,11442,11442,miniwing,hospitalization,train +11442,11443,11443,kasaupuan,reunion Moments,train +11443,11444,11444,cyawseng,overseas Chinese,train +11444,11445,11445,nawhani u mihaenay a milicay tuya tamdaw i u mikihatiyaay tu tatiihay a dmak ningra,anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work,train +11445,11446,11446,ya fai ci,that Auntie is,train +11446,11447,11447,niyaru nu kanatal u ninian a demak ta iraay tu ku katayalan nu kapah,no matter the tribe Country young people have jobs,train +11447,11448,11448,Mafulud kita a talapiunduan,let us go to the playground together,train +11448,11449,11449,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Atkak ku falucu namu saka mahaen ku nipitilid ni Musi tunini a limuut tu saki tamuwanan,It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law Jesus replied,train +11449,11450,11450,u Iwatan kura,That it is a Bunun,test +11450,11451,11451,Miulatek a miharateng,think whatever you want,train +11451,11452,11452,apuruay,short,train +11452,11453,11453,takec han aku kuya hecek kuya mama,so I hugged the pole,train +11453,11454,11454,ta kaku atu ya safa i mipakaen tu fafuy pakaen tu ayam,I went with my sister to raise pigs and chickens,train +11454,11455,11455,samiranan,the pair of them,train +11455,11456,11456,tira i ira i ira i,let us do it in Shinjung Banqiao and Chung Wo,train +11456,11457,11457,mikihatiya ku pasevanaay i tamiyan a mahekulung a malehulul matiya sa u malecacayay a lumaan ku cacudadan,the teachers also play with us the school is one big family,train +11457,11458,11458,akaa kangalay a mikihatiya tu lisin nu Pangcah,do not want to participate in the Amish rituals,train +11458,11459,11459,Kumaenay tu faluheci kisu tu rumiamiad haw,do you eat fruit every day,train +11459,11460,11460,sa hadimen aku kinan a Wen Cyin Can a patireng lahecien aku satu kaku,self permitting to fulfill the original purpose of setting up the station,test +11460,11461,11461,itiya satu anu mapatayratayra i tapuru ku pitadem i matira tu u i ayaway ku nipilekakawa u nu Tafalung a niyaru i i sarikuran nu luma ku pitadem,although the body was buried in the cemetery the funeral ceremony was held according to the old custom in the case of the Tibarang community the body is buried in the backyard,train +11461,11462,11462,mapaadingu,Let there is a shadow,train +11462,11463,11463,a masuvuc ku vavahi,the wife was born,train +11463,11464,11464,Hayda Atata,Okay let us go,train +11464,11465,11465,a caayay iraan a selal iraan a selal sa tiya,No there is this class and then there is this class,train +11465,11466,11466,Saayaw a rumiad misahafay mirekal i taliyuk nu niyaru milikakawa tu lalusidan,the first day is called grain preparation Day when tribes report around the area and prepare implements,train +11466,11467,11467,kapitulun nu malitengay,the elders must pray,train +11467,11468,11468,kilim saca i tatihi nu ʼaluʼaluan apilipilisan itila ku matuʼas itiya hu,in the early days the old man looked for water on the hillside by the riverbed,train +11468,11469,11469,culuʼen nara ku lalusidan aku tayra,I moved my stuff over there,train +11469,11470,11470,tangsul a malasang a uwak han ku pinanam tu epah,if you drink the wine in one sip you get drunk quickly,test +11470,11471,11471,nu Hulam i ci ku ngangan naku,my Chinese name is Seo Mi so,train +11471,11472,11472,mitelatelaay,pat,train +11472,11473,11473,ciiraan,he is there,train +11473,11474,11474,cipucuʼan,Flush,train +11474,11475,11475,kurkur,dig,train +11475,11476,11476,yu mahufuc ku wina aku i takuwanan,ever since my mom gave birth to me,train +11476,11477,11477,tahini sa iliteng,until old age,train +11477,11478,11478,lumauc ku u finawlan atu lakacaw,the society and women Association would assemble,train +11478,11479,11479,samaan han tu sanay kura safa nu maku,my sister convinced me of that,train +11479,11480,11480,itira maemin mafunur ku papah nu raʼu,the leaves of the Sapindales are falling off one by one,test +11480,11481,11481,nipaliwalan,what is for sale,train +11481,11482,11482,Misaicel kami tu rumiad tu dadaya a mitulun tu sakangaayaw niyam a minengneng i tamuwanan ta ngaay mapaicel niyam ku pitier namu tu Kawas,night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you again and supply what is lacking in your faith,train +11482,11483,11483,tu ruma sa tu a rumiad a mitilid pacerem ci Kacaw a talapitilidan ya micalwan hu ni Kacaw a dafung i patikulen tu ningra ku kaput,the next day at school Kacaw arrived at school early and returned everything he had borrowed from his classmates,train +11483,11484,11484,palalen,wake somebody up,train +11484,11485,11485,uwer,send it,train +11485,11486,11486,padakawan tu lalusidan,good for moving furniture,train +11486,11487,11487,i cuwa i,where is it,train +11487,11488,11488,ngata^,neighboring,train +11488,11489,11489,mihatatanam mi mikaeled,learn to knead the rope,train +11489,11490,11490,pala Hiw Cung,as a criterion,test +11490,11491,11491,matiya san u fali nu a nu saemel a ku fali nira lutuk,the wind from that mountain is very cool,train +11491,11492,11492,tu mikuliyay,Recruitment of staff,train +11492,11493,11493,Niaimi nira hay matiya u ʼaluʼalu haw,this is very much like the pattern of a river,train +11493,11494,11494,Nawti,no way,train +11494,11495,11495,Ngaayay a kaenen kuni a ^epah,this millet wine is delicious,train +11495,11496,11496,u itilaay,it was back then,train +11496,11497,11497,o nanu siniada nu was ku pipaurip nira i titaanan,God saves us on the basis of his grace,train +11497,11498,11498,nanu mamang haw i i luma sa kaku a matayal,I have been working at home since I was a kid,train +11498,11499,11499,papikececen,Let Blink,train +11499,11500,11500,nengnengaw ita suwalen ita ci ina nira ci mama nira,talk to her parents and find out,test +11500,11501,11501,tu kisu,then you will be a public servant,train +11501,11502,11502,kacanguʼut tu kakaenen hatiraay,it is true it is because of the lack of food,train +11502,11503,11503,patayraen nu alumanay a cikawasay ku Cudad nangra a misaupu tuduhen nangra a mifalah kunini i kaayaw nu alumanay Sausi han nangra ku aca nunini a Cudad i lima a ufad a rimuud nu ^kim,a number who had practiced sorcery brought their Scrolls together and burned them publicly when they calculated the value of the scrolls the total came to fifty thousand drachmas,train +11503,11504,11504,dadaya ira tu ku iya malafilafi tu kami kira,in the evening we had dinner together,train +11504,11505,11505,nafuy,reptiles,train +11505,11506,11506,Sakal nipatulduy nu tuas a kungku,now an Amis ancestor,train +11506,11507,11507,aka tawalen ku Llisin u mita u Pangcah saan,do not forget the Amis rituals,train +11507,11508,11508,Aciyah tatudung sa pina ku aca nuni,Wow it suits me how much is this,train +11508,11509,11509,maungted,burned to a crisp,train +11509,11510,11510,miseytay sa tangasa i aesesan kiran sa,are there any participants in the Festival who are up to the age of the oldest,test +11510,11511,11511,nu aniniay yu,Now,train +11511,11512,11512,maikayay,lumpy,train +11512,11513,11513,akungan,office of the Secretary for Health Welfare and food,train +11513,11514,11514,Cli sa kuya mama a sumuwal Mitier kaku Padamaen ku nika tadanca nu pitier aku han ningra,immediately the boys father exclaimed I do believe help me overcome my unbelief,train +11514,11515,11515,tayni satu i caay pimisa,when I arrived in Taitung I did not attend mass,train +11515,11516,11516,kacicenguan,spring,train +11516,11517,11517,malapasevanaaytu,I have become a teacher,train +11517,11518,11518,tu laday tu rumiad i taluan ku matuasay matayal tu tatayalen nu tireng matu misanga tu kupid hatapes miwikwik misanga tu sakatayal a lalusidan maraud tu ku dadaya u masaselalay tu ku misimaway mafutiay i taluan,on a daily basis only the elderly are kept in the assembly house for private weaving and bamboo carpentry and at night the age group sleeps in the assembly house,train +11518,11519,11519,saitiraay kuni u katayal aca nu niyam,so we worked there,train +11519,11520,11520,paherekan tu tupi kailisinan nu niyaru kira,this is the last day of the tribal festival,test +11520,11521,11521,nawhan,the reason why,train +11521,11522,11522,widang,companions,train +11522,11523,11523,i kacidalan i tayra i alu ku fafahiyan mialutuc,on hot summer days women can go to river Creek to pick up sharp tailed snails,train +11523,11524,11524,hadidi han aku ri,I am a patient learner,train +11524,11525,11525,sakapahen ku pisawsaw tu felac,wash the rice well,train +11525,11526,11526,Itiyasatu lumuwad ku kalaluud i kakarayan Luuden ni Mikail atu cuyuh ningra kuya kangic Cuayen nuya kangic atu cuyuh nira ca Mikail,and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought back,train +11526,11527,11527,muwa,ramie,train +11527,11528,11528,tapesi hanira kiya miladuman nira a nanum,he will splash water on the ground,train +11528,11529,11529,itiniya i yaraay mikuli,outside work,train +11529,11530,11530,aka pitudung kamu tu dmak atu pinangan nunini a hkal Pakuniraen ku Kawas a papisungila a mifalic tu falucu atu harateng isu ta ma^deng kamu a mafana tu nafalucuan nu Kawas tu nika u maan ku ngaayay a karahkeran ningra a masungilaay a dmak,do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is his good pleasing and perfect will,test +11530,11531,11531,o pafesucay a kasuling ku sakatayra ningra i Takaw,he took the THSR to Kaohsiung,train +11531,11532,11532,caay u nu nu tu,it is a concrete building subsidized by the Township office,train +11532,11533,11533,Mahareteng aku ku radiw nu Amis haw kesipan aku ku radiw nu Amis,I play it when I think of a song in my language,train +11533,11534,11534,ira paini tu nu mama nu maku,my father told me,train +11534,11535,11535,hatiraay ku pihirateng tu tini i finawlan,that is how I think about the tribe,train +11535,11536,11536,cikakaesu kaenen,Actually it tastes fine,train +11536,11537,11537,maʼasit,infertility,train +11537,11538,11538,yu kaemanghu kaku micudad kaku tu saka cecay icininsi itiyahu,when I was in first grade,train +11538,11539,11539,Caay pakahikuki cingra a tayra i Pusung,No he took a plane to Taitung,train +11539,11540,11540,Caay u vavahi cira,No she is a girl,test +11540,11541,11541,Suwalsa u vekeluh,speaking of stones,train +11541,11542,11542,saman haw i u mifutingay ku faʼinay nu maku,because my husband is a fisherman,train +11542,11543,11543,tura iya ya miketing hu tura datung nira ha tiʼetien ha,those attached to the trunk,train +11543,11544,11544,hay cima ku wama atu wina isu,who is your father and mother,train +11544,11545,11545,o masatatihiay ku kaci kucu isu,your shoes are on backwards,train +11545,11546,11546,mamaulah,girlfriend,train +11546,11547,11547,caay ka halafin ini anuhuni^,I will be back in a minute,train +11547,11548,11548,u nu kulung hu a lalan paliding kelaʼkelaʼ hu ku paliding,they were all walked by oxen the cars were iron oxen,train +11548,11549,11549,adihay tu i rakar ku futing,the fish basket has been full of fish,train +11549,11550,11550,itiya u matuʼasay hanamita,that is what the elders said,test +11550,11551,11551,kawal,stepladder,train +11551,11552,11552,taneng 39 sanay Alaen ku Safangcalay a kinaira nu umah isu a pacakat tu sapahemek ci Yihufaan,Proverbs says Use your valuable assets honor the LORD,train +11552,11553,11553,Papituen aca ku minanamay,just seven students,train +11553,11554,11554,u kakaenen tu a awa,there is nothing to eat,train +11554,11555,11555,perad,crumble,train +11555,11556,11556,tahidang han niya kiya Tangafulan i tayni mikihatiya makeru san,Later the Pingpu were invited to participate in the Fung Nin Festival,train +11556,11557,11557,u tatala Tavalung kaku anucila,tomorrow I am going to Tai Po long Valley,train +11557,11558,11558,fangcal ku niusian,it is very well read,train +11558,11559,11559,savuric,eraser,train +11559,11560,11560,hay midiput kaku tu wawa,I am home alone with the kids,test +11560,11561,11561,caay ka sanu Pangcah,I do not speak the language,train +11561,11562,11562,Misaciciw ku fiyaw nu niyam,our neighbors raise piglets,train +11562,11563,11563,sinyungka,credit cards,train +11563,11564,11564,u sirarapa iri,cattle master,train +11564,11565,11565,kura kapah naitiya kala awa tu ku caciyaciyaw,there was silence after the massacre,train +11565,11566,11566,pahanhan tu mitilid mamimaan cingra,what is she doing after school,train +11566,11567,11567,u aul aca,Bamboo too,train +11567,11568,11568,maraud ku pinukayan pinukay kita,when it is time to go home we go home,train +11568,11569,11569,san ci Maʼuwid a ina mama rey,mama and Papa Malverde had this to say,train +11569,11570,11570,a mitulik tu,engaged in knitting,test +11570,11571,11571,hai a ira sa ku Dipung haw i,Okay when the Japanese arrive,train +11571,11572,11572,karasmasan,rainy weather,train +11572,11573,11573,u mafanaʼay kiya sersan maselic,if you are good at it it will go down smoothly,train +11573,11574,11574,pacieci sanay haw ku sinciw a malingad,the captain insists on leaving the harbor,train +11574,11575,11575,yamangiyangiay,remote,train +11575,11576,11576,mahirateng aca nu maku,reminds me of,train +11576,11577,11577,uyan satu a kafang i mahetik i tatihi,the quilt I was carrying fell,train +11577,11578,11578,ira tu ku tau miala kakuwanan,then someone came to pick me up,train +11578,11579,11579,matini satu i,what is the situation now,train +11579,11580,11580,kura wawa i kafekang san kira nenghan nura faki as,that old man looks so surprised when you look at him,test +11580,11581,11581,mikalic tu tu tamina tayni i,then I took a boat to the Indian Ocean,train +11581,11582,11582,mahemek kaku ku tihi aku caykatuka,I really admire my wife for never being lazy,train +11582,11583,11583,makapahay a nenengen ku adipangpang,butterflies are beautiful,train +11583,11584,11584,o ʼaʼayaw luma niyam ira i,our previous home,train +11584,11585,11585,suelin ngatangatanagta satu kya tamina nya kuntung sa,it is true that when the Guangdong ships get closer and closer,train +11585,11586,11586,pakaen tu lafang itiyahu pina kiya ku ningra pakihu paka hanima kiya mahaen kunu itiyaay hu a hiya,in the past I did not know how much he would give as a gift to a guest maybe or less than and that is how it was in the past,train +11586,11587,11587,matngil ni Yis kunini saka liyas satu itira Mituur ku alumanay a tamdaw Cingraan adahen ningra ku adadaay nangra a ma^min,aware of this Jesus withdrew from that place many followed him and he healed all their sick,train +11587,11588,11588,sarutarut,saw,train +11588,11589,11589,ni ira ku hawlit tumimul,there are footprints here heading south,train +11589,11590,11590,sisa,the reason why,test +11590,11591,11591,pitenged,stay there,train +11591,11592,11592,pinaadup,prey,train +11592,11593,11593,lisusuenhu,drain it first,train +11593,11594,11594,mimaan a itini miala tu pala atu linu saan,why are you here for the guavas,train +11594,11595,11595,pina ku hecek pina ku duked,there are as many pillars as there are pillars,train +11595,11596,11596,icuwaen nu misu a miteli ku iwas aku,where did you put my paddle,train +11596,11597,11597,i Saditaan sa kisu adihay ku tukula sa,lots of frogs in the Loyalist tribe,train +11597,11598,11598,matiya u hiya,like that one,train +11598,11599,11599,milupas,picking peaches,train +11599,11600,11600,anu talacuwa kisu,if you are going to be there,test +11600,11601,11601,mihadidian tu ira,she is not afraid to take her time,train +11601,11602,11602,misafaeluh,reconsider,train +11602,11603,11603,Pakacahcahen a pakacicuhel ku tireng a mafekac tu dafadafak ta mangaay ku tireng,every morning let your body run to catch its breath and break a sweat so that your body will be healthy,train +11603,11604,11604,cecay mamuʼetep safaw cecay mapalal kiya kaka aku i,it took about hours for my brother to wake up,train +11604,11605,11605,anu mifalic ku likakawa nu Kawas tu pitadtad tu suˈlinay kimad i sasamaan ku demak ita,we should therefore take the time to carefully study and reflect deeply on these new understandings,train +11605,11606,11606,hiya han ningra tu puʼut mihaen,that is how he used the knife,train +11606,11607,11607,paciwcikaen,crucifixion,train +11607,11608,11608,nifutingan,fish,train +11608,11609,11609,caay tu ka tayal kaku kini,I am not doing anything right now,train +11609,11610,11610,o mamasawkit i matini kunini a hkal o mamaafas i matini ku mikuwanay tunini a hkal,now is the time for judgment on this world now the prince of this world will be driven out,test +11610,11611,11611,tayni i Dikidiki sakaira nu Dikidiki anini,and turn to Liji so there will be the present Liji tribe,train +11611,11612,11612,uman a selalan uman a selalan uman a selalan mahaen kuniyam a itini i niyaru,every age group has its own name,train +11612,11613,11613,samanen haw u tukus hananay hawi,because of the mountains,train +11613,11614,11614,wa padama ku lalakaw kitanan hanu mitungal tu ˈicel anini a mapakalalulaluk,the text will help us to see why we should now try harder to encourage each other,train +11614,11615,11615,a maan hantu,what do we do,train +11615,11616,11616,samanen,there is nothing I can do,train +11616,11617,11617,sa mahaenay ku tayal nu niyam saka,it was the only job I had at the time,train +11617,11618,11618,tu matiniay anini satu,Todays Demonstration,train +11618,11619,11619,mahuniay tu kuya ayam,the bird will chirp,train +11619,11620,11620,u salangtan nu niyaru nu Cikasuwan kiniyan,origin of the Nanakagawa tribe,test +11620,11621,11621,ya mamangay tuku mata,that will make the hole smaller,train +11621,11622,11622,maherek tuway a,it will be done in no time,train +11622,11623,11623,papitpiten,to gather,train +11623,11624,11624,cacay ku wacu nu maku,I have a dog,train +11624,11625,11625,mahaen ku niyam naayaw,that is what we used to do,train +11625,11626,11626,a Pangcah,restore the Amis in the area,train +11626,11627,11627,u sapa pateli han tu,Yes where it is placed,train +11627,11628,11628,caliwen ku nu tatihiay isu,please borrow erasers from your classmates,train +11628,11629,11629,ku urip nu maku,my life,train +11629,11630,11630,Fangcalay ku riku nira asimaan kunu maku,his clothes are nice mine are very ordinary,test +11630,11631,11631,ngaʼay hu pina kaysinghulu,Hello My son a few bowls of rice and meat that is enough not too much,train +11631,11632,11632,sumuwalay ci Yis tu cecay tinakuan milengu tu cecay sidaˈitay a Samariya tamdaw samanay paihkal tu adayayay,Jesus told a parable about how a loving Samaritan showed mercy,train +11632,11633,11633,maan sa ku imi uni paveliyan nu Kawas,I do not know what it is but it is from the Creator,train +11633,11634,11634,u dadaya awaaytu,he is not back by nightfall,train +11634,11635,11635,liyun,turn,train +11635,11636,11636,mahiniyay a lumingay alesu sa amin tau tina lumingay aku,this kind of long beans people say they are delicious,train +11636,11637,11637,nu kapah itini i Etulan,a place to catch sea urchins,train +11637,11638,11638,anu mipiliˈtu cacawmaˈen a tamdaw i haharatengen ita ku maanan hani,many people who are not Christians appear to be of good character and have done nothing against the law,train +11638,11639,11639,Papikunuc ci ina takuwan tu ufad nira,mom asked me to pull out her white bikini,train +11639,11640,11640,hai mahaen kira,Yeah that is what happens,test +11640,11641,11641,Futek han ku mata a micakay,close your eyes and buy,train +11641,11642,11642,iniyan ku sakaadada nu tangal nu maku tu kapah nu Ciwidiyan,this is my biggest problem with the young people of the Shuilian tribe,train +11642,11643,11643,o sapaiyu tu makefingay kunini,this is a medicine for lepers,train +11643,11644,11644,kalaenu,beneath something,train +11644,11645,11645,mihaliyuk,Bypassing bypassing,train +11645,11646,11646,o niacaantu nu Kawas kamu Orasaka ka u tireng namu ku sapahmek tu Kawas,you were bought at a price therefore honor God with your body,train +11646,11647,11647,Namimaan kisu iru sedak ira kisu anini,what have you been doing that you should suddenly turn up,train +11647,11648,11648,karasalupiku,a lot of forks,train +11648,11649,11649,icuwaan miteli ku kawkaw,where are the sickles,train +11649,11650,11650,ka adihadihay aca nu takula,there are many frogs in the first place,test +11650,11651,11651,paap^apen,roosters,train +11651,11652,11652,alili,warehouse,train +11652,11653,11653,pa misanga tu tabukud pauburan ma,the production of the gossip network will add holes,train +11653,11654,11654,ira iraay hu ku sasangaen aku hemay kula cutu kasanga usaw a sasangaen,I have got some uncooked glutinous rice over there too but I have not had time,train +11654,11655,11655,u sera niya kaysa sanay tuna umah hatini itini,this field is now owned by this company,train +11655,11656,11656,nu amisan nina lutuk,it is the sacred mountain of the Amis,train +11656,11657,11657,kita a minengneng tu katayalan,we are looking for information about jobs on the computer,train +11657,11658,11658,Cu kaadihay ku kafanaan nu maku kawrira i pacaufen aku kisu tu kafanaan aku,I do not know much about it but I will try to answer as best I can,train +11658,11659,11659,namaka cuwacuwaʼay a lalumaʼan atu cavay atu i hekalay a wawa,people from all tribes visitors and kids working in the field,train +11659,11660,11660,o nu timul a alu han nu Kuwaping,it is a river in the south called South Stream,test +11660,11661,11661,nga sakatulu pahicelaan nira i,it is the third place they stayed for a while,train +11661,11662,11662,mitngil tu suwal nu Kawas ku nu Kawas a tamdaw caay ku nu Kawas kamu saka caay pitngil kamu han ningra,he who belongs to God hears what God says the reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God,train +11662,11663,11663,sadak satu ci Yis Miurung cingra tu ciwcika ningra a tayra i Okak nu Funguh hananay a tapuru,carrying his own cross he went out to the place of the Skull,train +11663,11664,11664,ya nanay nu falucu isu paini kisu,you share your prayers,train +11664,11665,11665,o misuikuray tu Kawas ku tamdaw a ma^min muraraw cangra a ma^min tu tadalalan awaay ku ccaccay aca a tatamdawan tu nidmakay tu ngaayay,all have turned away they have together become worthless there is no one who does good not even one,train +11665,11666,11666,o nu wawa kira mafaluday a fulu,that tied up arrow bamboo is a child,train +11666,11667,11667,alahan tu nira ini kuyutan nu maku tu turun,and she carried my rice pudding,train +11667,11668,11668,makecur ku mitakaway anu ira saan mahapinang ku mitakaway san saka,you will be able to clearly see who you are stealing from,train +11668,11669,11669,hayda patanamen hu kisu,Let us try it first No I know I have done it many times,train +11669,11670,11670,O cacilafu kamu u misamangahay ku dmak a pasifanaay tu Rikec atu Farisay a tamdaw matiya u nisakuhcalan a mirnaf a tadem kamu makapah a nengnengen ku paputal o laluma i matumes nu ukak nu mapatayay a tamdaw atu mapuniay a maamaan a kaackan,Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees you hypocrites you are like whitewashed tombs which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men bones and everything unclean,test +11670,11671,11671,ci Takuy medac hananay haw,it is that greedy hungry mountain god,train +11671,11672,11672,Cilamitay sanay kira hatiraay,it is Giramidai that is it,train +11672,11673,11673,mimaan kisu sa wawa sa ku tamdaw i takuwanan,at that time people used to ask me What are you going to do,train +11673,11674,11674,Malaayam ku siciminciw a maefer talakilang,the Turkey turned into a bird and flew to the tree,train +11674,11675,11675,mangudu ku finawlan tini Makutaay,I am sorry for the tribesmen,train +11675,11676,11676,misangaan,produced by,train +11676,11677,11677,caay tu kadayum a misadevudevung ku nu tawuwan a vinacadan,to guard the foreigners from attacking the Amis,train +11677,11678,11678,wawa nu finawlan maemin,the children of the entire village of the tribe,train +11678,11679,11679,nu mita minanam,learning the heritage of ethnic languages and cultures,train +11679,11680,11680,hay aray aray,Yes thank you,test +11680,11681,11681,adada^,sick,train +11681,11682,11682,Hayda pafelien aku kisu tuna saasik,Okay here is a broomstick for you,train +11682,11683,11683,sapilisuaw kaku i tisuwanan,I would like to visit you,train +11683,11684,11684,maka,ride,train +11684,11685,11685,cay kaedeng aca itin i kalahitayan,it is not just an admonition for military service,train +11685,11686,11686,pasitira tu i timul,straight south,train +11686,11687,11687,liel,neck,train +11687,11688,11688,mawalin,roll down,train +11688,11689,11689,u kulung saca ku urip itiya,Yogi cow is a friend of life,train +11689,11690,11690,vaeket,heavy,test +11690,11691,11691,pabanien i lalabu tu nikaci,the spring in the cement,train +11691,11692,11692,u masasilukesay u miintelay tu Kawas u maliyangay u malitaangay u pasnengay u misahalakaay tu tatiihay a dmak u paculiay tu mama atu ina,slanderers God haters insolent arrogant and boastful they invent ways of doing evil they disobey their parents,train +11692,11693,11693,ci funusay ci tangfulay,with a ceremonial sword at the waist and a hip bell,train +11693,11694,11694,Paywan,Paiwan one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +11694,11695,11695,Misarumaruma cingra tu demak,he is continually doing things differently,train +11695,11696,11696,ta itira itiya cecay miheca i,we have known each other for a year,train +11696,11697,11697,u sakapahay sakalmkamay a nipidemak nu Ripun,However the Japanese have a trick up their sleeve,train +11697,11698,11698,nawhani nanumamang patihi a matayaltayal nimaanmaan tini i luma haw i,because since we were kids we have done everything together in this family,train +11698,11699,11699,tataak tataak,it is getting bigger and bigger,train +11699,11700,11700,u kunga tu awayay,not even a groundnut,test +11700,11701,11701,aka kaminaw a sumuwal,do not slur your words,train +11701,11702,11702,mana awa tu ku mama aku atu safa aku sa,what happened to dad and sister,train +11702,11703,11703,maikes ku tireng,to have a good healthy body,train +11703,11704,11704,i pinanuwangan ira ku ecu efa atu lukedaw i tiya hu cuwa pakaaraw kaku tu pinanuwang mahemek pakaaraw anini,there are elephants horses and tigers in the zoo I have never seen these animals before I was really happy to see them today,train +11704,11705,11705,nu nira adingu,the home of his soul,train +11705,11706,11706,paysin sananay kina demak kinian,it is a kind of taboo it is just a place where women are forbidden,train +11706,11707,11707,yu mangatatu ni Yis ku Yirusalim i tangic sa cingra a minengneng tuya niyaru,as he approached Jerusalem and saw the city he wept over it,train +11707,11708,11708,tafiling,hillside land,train +11708,11709,11709,paysin tu kina pala nu mita,our land is a taboo subject,train +11709,11710,11710,i satimulan nu fanaw ku luma nu maku,my home is on the south side of the fishpond,test +11710,11711,11711,cima ku namu itiya hu,who is your chairman,train +11711,11712,11712,ngaʼayay a fulad kuni ketusen,good luck cutting in a good month,train +11712,11713,11713,singsi u tatalaalu kita a midanguy han,Teacher are we going to swim in the river,train +11713,11714,11714,licay sa kunini a misamangahay i ci Yisan Singsiaw mafana kami tu nika u matatudungay ku pipasuwal atu pipasifana isu atu caay paska kisu tu cimacima a tamdaw mararid a sulin ku pipasifana isu tu suwal nu Kawas i tamdaw,so the spies questioned him Teacher we know that you speak and teach what is right and that you do not show partiality but teach the way of God in accordance with the truth,train +11714,11715,11715,wakang,lie down,train +11715,11716,11716,sapipasadakaw,trying to make a move,train +11716,11717,11717,itini i kaikur nu niyaru niyam ira ku alu,there is a river behind our tribe,train +11717,11718,11718,Tapangaw mapi ku matayalay aku Tataang ku pisemsem ningra a mafuti i luma han ningra,Lord he said my servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering,train +11718,11719,11719,papiciwien,Make Dodge,train +11719,11720,11720,dudu samanay ku kamaru nu malitengay i,I do not know what happened to the old mans place,test +11720,11721,11721,a u caay tu silikid ku nanum,there is no strong currents,train +11721,11722,11722,o mapalifunay tu i huni ku matayalay,just paid the workers salaries already,train +11722,11723,11723,ngaay tu a pakaen tu rarapa a mawmah,you might as well be herding cows and doing farm work,train +11723,11724,11724,o mihatipeday kaku tu wawa aku mapulung a tayra i Taypak,I took all my children with me to Taipei,train +11724,11725,11725,anu masalaw i mangaay kaku a masadak haw,if it stops raining can I go out,train +11725,11726,11726,Litud han isu kuni caay hu karuhem a kuwa saw,how do you pick an unripe papaya,train +11726,11727,11727,suwal sa ku kakahulul,and the head of the class said,train +11727,11728,11728,iraay kiya lalan pakira tuya alu,there is a way from the river,train +11728,11729,11729,u kacaremceman,Fear,train +11729,11730,11730,itiya i pananumen nangra ci Yis tu nipacamulan tu mir a fadisusu a ^pah Nikawrira caay pinanum ci Yis,then they offered him wine mixed with myrrh but he did not take it,test +11730,11731,11731,caay ka u nipateng,not on purpose,train +11731,11732,11732,nanengnengen nu wawa u tayal aku kuni haw,I am working on the implementation of the Amis language,train +11732,11733,11733,mahaen pihining nu maku,that is what I think,train +11733,11734,11734,nu Pangcah,language revitalization,train +11734,11735,11735,malalifet caira a mafekac,they are running in a race,train +11735,11736,11736,hatu mauraday i sawni macepaay ku lalan,it seems to have rained and the road is wet,train +11736,11737,11737,Paluserangawan aka kasaan tu tatiihay a demak,do not mistake bad behavior for culture,train +11737,11738,11738,duduh,bamboo tube,train +11738,11739,11739,kananaman a salikaka,a person you are acquainted with,train +11739,11740,11740,Pakacuwaay,from where,test +11740,11741,11741,Kafanaantu namu u Fangcalay Pitaungan tu Kawas ku tireng namu o kamaruan nu Kawas a Adingu ku falucu namu,do not you know that you yourselves are Gods temple and that Gods Spirit lives in you,train +11741,11742,11742,a saka itiya satu i ya citalip citalip tu kamu sa,at that time we had to wear dresses,train +11742,11743,11743,misapinangay tu demak nu siraw hananay hanca hatira ku suwal aku sa,if you want to know how to make savory meat I will stop here,train +11743,11744,11744,ta palecaden kunian u teluc u Tapang,cut the head and tail the same width,train +11744,11745,11745,pakungku sasuwasuwalen,also in the story,train +11745,11746,11746,papicimeren hu tura cinah hay,allow salt to fully immerse,train +11746,11747,11747,masadak,get out,train +11747,11748,11748,huped kiya payci hemek sakuwina atu wama,the parents are happy with the money they are saving,train +11748,11749,11749,kikay tu kalamkam,faster machine production,train +11749,11750,11750,afal,shrimp,test +11750,11751,11751,ci tuʼem hu i,as long as there are clouds in the sky,train +11751,11752,11752,Hai Wama o nafalucuan isu ku nika matini nu dmak saan cingra a mitulun,Yes Father for this was your good pleasure,train +11752,11753,11753,mihiya,inhabitants,train +11753,11754,11754,lipahak ku falucu aku pakalayap tu tikami isu anini,I was very glad to get your letter today,train +11754,11755,11755,yu mipakafana ku singsi i hacafay hananay aku ku kaput a minengneng tu tilid nira,during class I and my classmates read the textbook together,train +11755,11756,11756,Citaruduay kina nisangaan a atumu,this finished tank has fingerprints,train +11756,11757,11757,caay kaleca ku papah,the leaves are different,train +11757,11758,11758,tura suwal aku anini,what I am describing today,train +11758,11759,11759,palada tu kafanaʼan isu,share what you have learned,train +11759,11760,11760,pafeli sapafeli isu tu i falucuay isu a faʼinayan,for the boy in your heart,test +11760,11761,11761,aca haw i mahecad tu papah,sometimes it is like a leaf,train +11761,11762,11762,hatiraay ku u masaupuay nu malitengay,that is what our parents wanted for us,train +11762,11763,11763,manamanan u titi ngaʼayay tu,Meat anything,train +11763,11764,11764,cima ku ngangan isu,what is your name,train +11764,11765,11765,ngaʼay ku kasadak ningra kira kaku tu ciharateng tu hatiniay nanay pacakaten ta ku Amis,they all have good careers and I have a great desire to raise the Amis,train +11765,11766,11766,masaupu,gathering,train +11766,11767,11767,Mangala ku kamaruan isu,your space was not filled i you were absent,train +11767,11768,11768,u misamaraday,an ironworks,train +11768,11769,11769,mipacakayay kamu tu icep haw,do you sell betel nut,train +11769,11770,11770,Ci Hungay ku ngangan nu wina aku,my mothers name is Hongay,test +11770,11771,11771,hay misanga tu kulang hay man kiya kahengangay a kulang tuya mirunican,pickled mustard Yeah it is the red mustard that we eat raw,train +11771,11772,11772,kadafu^,daughters husband,train +11772,11773,11773,madawmi,soften,train +11773,11774,11774,langdaway atu fuhecalay kahengangay nu Pangcah a tilid ku nian,this is a men Amish piece dress,train +11774,11775,11775,u i ikuray,those who come afterwards,train +11775,11776,11776,ka^su,be gluttonous,train +11776,11777,11777,micada^,Attendance participation,train +11777,11778,11778,Awatu ta,no more,train +11778,11779,11779,tatayra i,to somewhere,train +11779,11780,11780,satapang aku mifaliw tahanini hawi,from the time I cut it down to the present,test +11780,11781,11781,itiya hu hatiraay ku nu maku a urip,that was my life back then,train +11781,11782,11782,itini cuwa ka ulah tu suˈlinay kimad a kilac mitusil hanu matuled ku falucuˈ nulatekay,why is it sometimes discouraging to preach in areas where the response is lukewarm,train +11782,11783,11783,samatang,open up,train +11783,11784,11784,Cawcaw han nira wawa ku nanum a mililuc,the child stirred the water to bathe,train +11784,11785,11785,iraay hu hanima anini ku katayal,maybe there is no work today,train +11785,11786,11786,katalawan tu a maen mahaenay lengac hananay,note on eating Yelizuki peach leaves,train +11786,11787,11787,u luwad nira kunini,this is of his starting out,train +11787,11788,11788,ini kisu i padatengan,so you have been in the garden,train +11788,11789,11789,u tudung nu kuring nu maku,my own sack,train +11789,11790,11790,minukay i ira tu ku tayal ngaʼay tu ku urip sanay ku maku a misaʼicelay a mitintu,having a job and a good life in the tribe is what I am trying to preach is what I am trying to preach,test +11790,11791,11791,taltayi ku sikawasay a mikerid tu vaeketay a turun a taluma,the wizard went back with a heavy sticky rice cake,train +11791,11792,11792,matini,Now,train +11792,11793,11793,hatira ku sasiruma u demak i tiya hu,there was a variety of jobs at that time,train +11793,11794,11794,nika a malingatu tu a micudad ku micudaday,But school starts on September,train +11794,11795,11795,lileng,dizziness,train +11795,11796,11796,damsay,gentle,train +11796,11797,11797,siwaay ku tefun nu Tafalung,there are nine wells in Tai Pak Long,train +11797,11798,11798,waa,ancient three Legged wine vessel,train +11798,11799,11799,naw mahaen kina demak tinian,how could this happen,train +11799,11800,11800,maulah ku alumanay tu papacakayan ni vayi sisa aluman ku micakayay tu cupel atu adeci maulah aca mitanam tu nisasinavelan nira,everyone loved my grandmothers stall many people bought the chilis and African eggplants and many people came to taste the dishes she cooked,test +11800,11801,11801,sa pasifana sa kaku anini kitanan,today I want you to know,train +11801,11802,11802,tala picudadan i kukan,when I went to air force school,train +11802,11803,11803,ci luma sa,it is the only way to have a home of your own,train +11803,11804,11804,ya awaay tu ku ikung kiya hay u faeruhay niyaru,if there is no bend it is a new tribe,train +11804,11805,11805,Malasufitay kaku anu ruma a miheca,I want to be a soldier next year,train +11805,11806,11806,yu masaupu ku finawlan i kuhkuhan i unini a tamdaw ku mikaputay tu pasuwalay cingraan a cuyuh i Sinay a lutuk a pakayakay tu tatuasan ita a milayap tu pauripay a suwal tu sapafli i titaanan,he was in the assembly in the desert with the angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai and with our fathers and he received living words to pass on to us,train +11806,11807,11807,mikadafu haw i aka a pilaliw,you stay with your wife and never leave,train +11807,11808,11808,caay ka,No I will not,train +11808,11809,11809,saka mararamud tu ku tamdaw tahira i daʼuc kura hiya,if we are married we will be married forever,train +11809,11810,11810,nu Recurd,there is a lot of growth the whole tribe,test +11810,11811,11811,suʼlinaytu ya malakakaay satu aya hai kita malakakaay u sadipungan kita saan u ruma u Cilangasan kita,the brothers thought Oh my we are the main nest of these brothers and there were others who said We are from the Holy Mountain,train +11811,11812,11812,caira ku miurungay,as soon as you have a prey,train +11812,11813,11813,a paʼurip saka hatiraay ku urip nuniyam,our life,train +11813,11814,11814,tilid han niyan u aku kiya wawa ira i,she is got a kid I went to school with,train +11814,11815,11815,a maman ku piala tira ekim,so how do we get the gold,train +11815,11816,11816,mikiadidem,looking for mulberries,train +11816,11817,11817,kakimulmul,Roundness,train +11817,11818,11818,o tataangay ku luma nu maku,my house is huge,train +11818,11819,11819,suwaf,yawn,train +11819,11820,11820,ilaay ku lusay nu luma namu haw,do you have a fruit tree,test +11820,11821,11821,vavaen haw a maanen a mivava,how do you memorize it,train +11821,11822,11822,Nanay caay ka citulas a mapahmek ku wama ita a Kawas Amin,to our God and father be glory for ever and ever Amen,train +11822,11823,11823,sapiliyun,rice milling tools,train +11823,11824,11824,ta padangen tu nu u tatuluay cingra ta pakalicen i kuliciw,the three people helped him put on the bike,train +11824,11825,11825,hay ngaʼayay kahemekan mimingmiming i kahemekan kuniya isu,very small and beautiful little workmen squatters are very good,train +11825,11826,11826,nikawrila ira ku ccay a wawa tu mikulisiway mitaelif tu nira a kilang i,there was a child who rode a bike he passed the tree,train +11826,11827,11827,hatiniay,wait,train +11827,11828,11828,tu tuʼas tu nipasevana,teaching the elderly,train +11828,11829,11829,anu ma maiya ma mafaliyus sa maiya,when a typhoon is blowing,train +11829,11830,11830,Pacauf sa ci Yis Kaku kurira han Aku kamu kyami Anu Kaku ku nikiliman namu i papilaliwen kunini a nisawawaan Aku han ningra,I told you that I am he Jesus answered If you are looking for me then let these men go,test +11830,11831,11831,pietanan,earn,train +11831,11832,11832,ciʼicelay tu kisu miʼaca tu luma itini i tukay hananay,you are very capable of buying a house in the metro area,train +11832,11833,11833,waya,it is okay,train +11833,11834,11834,u uway ini,this yellow vine,train +11834,11835,11835,kawcung,congrats,train +11835,11836,11836,mafana tunu mafana tunu,I learned accounting and everything about the factory,train +11836,11837,11837,Tucerid malacafay kaku tu paru nu lumaˈ tayra i Tekesas mirienang tu taykay,my family and I usually go to Texas for the convention,train +11837,11838,11838,macad nu mata nuni han,it is the same as this hole,train +11838,11839,11839,malecad tura mamangay hu a wawa mahararakat,it is like a toddler learning to walk,train +11839,11840,11840,Papipatikulen ci Miding tu payci aku,go tell Miding to give me back my money,test +11840,11841,11841,Kapidu^du kita tu limuut nu tuas,we must abide by the teachings of our ancestors,train +11841,11842,11842,mipatrkatay,a person who drives a car,train +11842,11843,11843,kilaraw,juniper,train +11843,11844,11844,Iricen ku satahaf nu talid,the cap should be screwed on tightly,train +11844,11845,11845,malalitemuh,rendezvous,train +11845,11846,11846,miliyaw satu cira lumuwad haw i,when they restart their journey,train +11846,11847,11847,malingaday,peasant,train +11847,11848,11848,u lafiifii patingwa wiyin marepet kaku sakira,late night calls members I am being locked up,train +11848,11849,11849,teli nira itini i kaayaw nu patalaan nira tu pitelian tu heci nu kilang,he put in that he had prepared to hold the fruits,train +11849,11850,11850,pasifana ku malitengay,the old man taught me that,test +11850,11851,11851,talumasa,return home on ones own,train +11851,11852,11852,kalahukan,lunch,train +11852,11853,11853,tanud,wooden pestle,train +11853,11854,11854,maatipil,flat head,train +11854,11855,11855,singangan tu kina kalcapuwan aluman aluman ku tamdaw,when there is a settlement more and more people gather,train +11855,11856,11856,kami pakalung ku misu i tira sanay kami i sefi,our teenage class gathered at the clubhouse,train +11856,11857,11857,tataang ku nipangiha niyam Kapah haw kisu pasevanaay,we said loudly Hi teacher,train +11857,11858,11858,adiwawa kiya a kapah,a young mans wish for the future,train +11858,11859,11859,Orasaka u rmes ku laluwadan nu i ayaway a katatlekan,this is why even the first covenant was not put into effect without blood,train +11859,11860,11860,Maulaha kaku tu uciya niakung ngaayay nanumen,I also like grandpas tea it is tasted good too,test +11860,11861,11861,mitini tura radiw,Yay about the song,train +11861,11862,11862,kaen han nu malitengay i,elderly people still eat,train +11862,11863,11863,funafunakan satu ku lalan faʼedet ku salipa mafetu ku salipa,the gravel is very hot and I got blisters on my feet,train +11863,11864,11864,pakacuwan tu i itini i lalavu,church Sunday school,train +11864,11865,11865,Mangiriway tu kisu haw,have you lost weight,train +11865,11866,11866,itini i Singku caka saan,I do not think it is a good idea to be successful,train +11866,11867,11867,sanay ku,also known as,train +11867,11868,11868,mapauning,to be scourged,train +11868,11869,11869,sahetu u hay na ru wan talacuwa tu hay na ru wan,it is all about sweet and sour bay and sweet and sour bay everywhere,train +11869,11870,11870,niyaru,tribal,test +11870,11871,11871,ya sa wawa nu mita,the children of our people,train +11871,11872,11872,macinuwas,separate,train +11872,11873,11873,kaku aalaen tu nu finawlan kaku a malatumuk kisu,he was elected by the tribesmen to be their leader,train +11873,11874,11874,u kulung tu ku mitaruay,transportation by oxcart,train +11874,11875,11875,Tayni^ tu kisu faki^,Uncle you are here,train +11875,11876,11876,esa han ku dateng ku sangaayay,it is healthiest to eat hot greens,train +11876,11877,11877,antu ura tu irara i u nu tau kura nu tau a umah,that is my friends,train +11877,11878,11878,nanitini tayra ira ku hatini sanay,from here to there,train +11878,11879,11879,repet,catch,train +11879,11880,11880,hu a wawa maemin,Childrens toys,test +11880,11881,11881,misakuli,manual work,train +11881,11882,11882,urasaka u niyanan a pisakerid tunu maku tu i salikaka,that is how I lead my parishioners,train +11882,11883,11883,lupaiay,kindness,train +11883,11884,11884,pakayni kaˈinap ci Kura Tatan aci Apiram miculiay ci Musian,Korah Dathan and Abiram were jealous of Moses and rebelled against him,train +11884,11885,11885,kakutaykutay malatumuk ku kakitaan nu niyaru,horde leader level tasks will be complementary,train +11885,11886,11886,cilamalay,train,train +11886,11887,11887,nisanga tu emu,stir the rice cake,train +11887,11888,11888,tatata midanguy kita,let us go swimming,train +11888,11889,11889,Misitekeday ku niyaru nu Pangcah itini i Taytu atu Kalingku ku arunu Pangcah anu pakaynien i kakinih nu suwal,the Amis are found in Taitung and Hualien due to differences in language and customs,train +11889,11890,11890,kala manhan kiya,they are going to make something,test +11890,11891,11891,fawahen,open up,train +11891,11892,11892,ira ku usaw nu matuʼasay a umah,there was farmland in my hometown left by my elders,train +11892,11893,11893,hay i karuyaruy tu amin a tayni,Yes sir I would love to have your family join us,train +11893,11894,11894,a iratu temu han kami,the boa constrictor came and ate us up,train +11894,11895,11895,tatiʼih micidek,it is a period of abstinence,train +11895,11896,11896,Mihaklung kaku i Tisuwanan saan kuya nanu maaruay nu palafuay a mingitangit i ci Yisan suwal sa ci Yis i cingraan,the man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him but Jesus sent him away saying,train +11896,11897,11897,kaku i tiya tu kaku i,and I was there in,train +11897,11898,11898,mitefad,go and get it,train +11898,11899,11899,Mipafucud ci Tumay tu wawa nu Payrang,Tomay has an illegitimate child by fornicating with a Han Chinese girl,train +11899,11900,11900,fuduy riku,jacket,test +11900,11901,11901,anini ku tayal aku u milisuay tu matuasay,Now my job is to take care of elders,train +11901,11902,11902,kiya,indistinct,train +11902,11903,11903,micihi,pick on,train +11903,11904,11904,Anini^ a pakaaraw kaku tu suelinay a facacidu,today is the first time I see real living dragonflies,train +11904,11905,11905,aka henay,not yet,train +11905,11906,11906,saka kaku tiya kungku nira na,that is why I am so impressed with this story,train +11906,11907,11907,u verus han kiniyan,this is called salt wood,train +11907,11908,11908,caay pakacakat kaku caay ka pacakat tiya,I am having a hard time getting up there myself Why,train +11908,11909,11909,fasfas,sprinkle,train +11909,11910,11910,u hatiniyay kaaluman nu tamtamdaw a kemaaen madengayay hakiya,is one cow enough for so many people,test +11910,11911,11911,anucila hatu a lumuwad a tala Taypak,we do not leave for Taipei until tomorrow,train +11911,11912,11912,kiemel ku wawa nu mita a mimali i picudadan,our kids won at school playing soccer,train +11912,11913,11913,miketun tura sapikpik ira sa kisu,and cut off the fins,train +11913,11914,11914,lima tungalen tu siwa pulung mu^tep ila ku sepat a limuud,five plus nine for a total of fourteen dollars,train +11914,11915,11915,dudu nu mita itini sapangcahay i ira tu nu mita pakayniay ini tu tuladayay i ruma anu itini tu niyaru anu malepun tu ku tayal ira ku piwangkang nu mita malepun tu itini mahalek tu a mipanay sa miwangkang mahalek tu mianip a miwangkang anu mahalek tu paru a pataruma mahalekay tu kura tatayalen sa ira ku itini ku piwangkang nu mita,Next when we Amis whether at home or in our tribal life finish our work we will celebrate the completion of the work we celebrate when we have finished cutting rice when we have finished transplanting rice when we have finished building a house and so on we celebrate when we have finished all the work that we have been doing,train +11915,11916,11916,anengelay tu miming ha ha ha,it is a little bitter,train +11916,11917,11917,ha ura pi pisasaw nu misu i hatini i,as for what you are cleaning now,train +11917,11918,11918,malaputay tu a matayal,he is been called up for work,train +11918,11919,11919,palupatireng maamaan,plant or build anything,train +11919,11920,11920,mafulaw kami tala Taypak,we moved to Taipei to live,test +11920,11921,11921,anini ura mitusilan nu mita cuwa ka ulah tura ngaˈayay lihaf misaˈicel kita cipinang hanu mapiliˈ cangra,Today if the people we preach to are not responding well to the good News we need to try to understand why they are responding that way,train +11921,11922,11922,nu naayaw ira ku,it was a scholarship at that time,train +11922,11923,11923,Singsi cuwa kaala aku ku tilid,Teacher I did not bring my textbook,train +11923,11924,11924,nukay satu kuya fafahiyan i maaraw ningra ku nika futi nuya wawa i kafutian Sulinay masadaktu kuya palafuay,she went home and found her child lying on the bed and the demon gone,train +11924,11925,11925,atay,liver,train +11925,11926,11926,miraradiw kura malitengay,and the elders kept singing,train +11926,11927,11927,Tekep han nu niyam kira uner a milepel,we use traps to catch snakes,train +11927,11928,11928,hatiraay ku nu liteng hu a milluludan,this is how the custom of the Harvest Festival is followed,train +11928,11929,11929,awaay ku hatiraay pa hakelung a mipakafana tu kumuying,there are no such concepts and ideas to be taught to these public servants,train +11929,11930,11930,aka kaapac talapitilidan,you cannot be late for school,test +11930,11931,11931,u midemakan aku,what I have collected,train +11931,11932,11932,cima kiya,what is the name,train +11932,11933,11933,o tulas tu nu rakat ita,we come this far and no farther,train +11933,11934,11934,o kaka aku tu fafahiyan cingra,she is my sister,train +11934,11935,11935,kaereden tu an caay kalecad ku kapikaered haw i,if you cannot stay close,train +11935,11936,11936,sahetu mapapaliw mitifek tu felac,we can exchange jobs for each other even for rice pounding and rice shelling,train +11936,11937,11937,o rumasatu a suwal ningra i Tapangaw u nisangaan isu i saayaw ku hkal o nisangaan nu kamay isu ku kakarayan,he also says In the beginning O Lord you laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands,train +11937,11938,11938,matiya u nipiltuh nu layun ku nipilkal ningra yu milkal cingra i harengheng sa ku rudihang nu pituay a kakleng,and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion when he shouted the voices of the seven thunders spoke,train +11938,11939,11939,wa mimaan kisu anu minuky nani pitilidan,what are you going to do after school,train +11939,11940,11940,tayni ci ama aku misarakarakat tayni mi,Dads coming over here to walk around,test +11940,11941,11941,caka tangsul tayni i pusung,not directly to Taitung,train +11941,11942,11942,Hayda pacilahen tu mamang ta kaesu a kaenen,Well it is better with a little salt,train +11942,11943,11943,mangalay kisu tu piyanu haw san mangalay kaku anu makahi kisu singsi pasifana haw i,would you like to learn to play the piano I would like to I would like to be taught by my teachers mom,train +11943,11944,11944,mihatatanam kaku a mitilid tu tilid,I am practicing writing,train +11944,11945,11945,u kuli nu Tapang kita mapulung laluken ta matayal,serve him with all your heart,train +11945,11946,11946,mihacuk,drawing water from the source,train +11946,11947,11947,mihadidi milahrci tu ninian,work hard to finish the reading,train +11947,11948,11948,o miradumay a miacaway i huni kira kaying,that is the lady who just scooped the water,train +11948,11949,11949,hatiraay sa,that is it,train +11949,11950,11950,han mipawali tu matiniay,this is how the sun works,test +11950,11951,11951,aya ira ku salikaka kaku ira ku safa aku,always think of your brothers and sisters,train +11951,11952,11952,ruma a finacadan,biblical term for Gentiles,train +11952,11953,11953,nasani masangaʼay nu maku kinian,I just made this,train +11953,11954,11954,hatiraay ku drmak nu malitengay itiya,this is how it used to be in the old days,train +11954,11955,11955,tatiih ku nguyus nira,he speaks in a way that hurts people,train +11955,11956,11956,i kalinkuay kaku a mitilid,I studied in Hualien,train +11956,11957,11957,pakacilamalay ciira a tala Taytung hay,did he take a train to Taitung,train +11957,11958,11958,safafaw nira i,Upstream,train +11958,11959,11959,Saka ala hantu nuya sufitay kuya paysu a midu^du tu nanu suwal nangra i cangraan tahanini a matnak i Yutaya a tamdamdaw kunini a suwal,so the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed and this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day,train +11959,11960,11960,ita,we,test +11960,11961,11961,anu i umahay kisu i aka pinukay i luma a miala tu kafafang isu,let no one in the field go back to get his cloak,train +11961,11962,11962,itira,there,train +11962,11963,11963,emed,soft,train +11963,11964,11964,lamit,treetop,train +11964,11965,11965,nawhari,because,train +11965,11966,11966,iraay hu ku kira ngaʼayay hu,that is really because,train +11966,11967,11967,naneng satu safalic tu na mifutingay,fisherman looking at my swaps,train +11967,11968,11968,masamaan ku niyaru i tira,what about the tribes there,train +11968,11969,11969,tala sanay tu tu kaeng nu mitayalan,all the hard work they have done in the past,train +11969,11970,11970,Licayaen aku ku wina mana kahengang sa ku kakarayan,I asked my mother why the sky is red,test +11970,11971,11971,fingcaleng misasaw,you have to wash it,train +11971,11972,11972,Pikuhaw ku misu tina kuhaw nu futing ka^suay,come and have some of this fish soup it is delicious,train +11972,11973,11973,akaway a misalengac,especially with his neck,train +11973,11974,11974,midemak hen,still working,train +11974,11975,11975,kilac,ones duty under the circumstances,train +11975,11976,11976,takarakaraw ku tapelik,no matter how high the waves are,train +11976,11977,11977,u matengilay tu u radiw nu Ciwidiʼan kiniʼan haw,this is also a song about the Shuilian tribe,train +11977,11978,11978,Miladum satu kami u wawa hu u tayhaw kuya sapiladum,when we were kids we used to carry water in bamboo tubes,train +11978,11979,11979,awaay tu anini kiya buting,there is no such fish anymore,train +11979,11980,11980,Malahakelung kaku atu kaput a tayra i picakayan tu Cudad inacila^,yesterday I went to the bookstore with my classmates,test +11980,11981,11981,sakataynian aku han matiniay haw,the main purpose of my visit today is,train +11981,11982,11982,atekak caay kapeca,it is hard and does not break easily,train +11982,11983,11983,o mipaleslesay ku picudad nira wawa tangasa i takaraway a picudadan,this child went on to the highest school,train +11983,11984,11984,ngudu,shameful,train +11984,11985,11985,tayni i,come here,train +11985,11986,11986,isu a cacay ku caayay katayni,you are the only one who is not coming,train +11986,11987,11987,tangasa tu kaku i pipatusukan mahemek ku alumanay,everyone was happy when I reached the finish line,train +11987,11988,11988,mahaen u mata nu tafukud mahaenay,that is how you make a gossip network,train +11988,11989,11989,miusa,stealing Scent and talking about love,train +11989,11990,11990,cecay a tatukian tahira tu i Tayciw,I will come to Taichung in an hour,test +11990,11991,11991,rsquueres,decoration,train +11991,11992,11992,i Taype cira papululan nu maku,she is in Taipei so I will put the cage there,train +11992,11993,11993,nanay ma a nengneng tu nu wawa sunasuna nu mita,Hopefullyto be seen by the next generation of children and grandchildren,train +11993,11994,11994,mararaw talatunuʼtunuʼ talacuwacuway tu kura,the Amis may be off the rails off the cliff,train +11994,11995,11995,itiraay tuya Sena hananay a niyaru,in this place of the Shunna tribe,train +11995,11996,11996,malifut,troublesome,train +11996,11997,11997,mikitini pirikec nu Kawas ci Sipnaan mamananam ita ku maanan,what can we learn from Gods experience in disciplining Shebna,train +11997,11998,11998,pafelihan nira tu heci nu kilang kuya tatuluay alaccay cangra tuya heci nu kilang,he gave some fruits to the three children and each had one fruit,train +11998,11999,11999,nu tiyahu nu kaemangay hu a demak,tell me some stories from my childhood,train +11999,12000,12000,micaduk,Shovels,test +12000,12001,12001,tusa a rumiʼad tulu a rumaʼad ira tu minukay,after two to three days they will go back to the tribe,train +12001,12002,12002,tu mahaenay a kungku nu matu asay,legendary stories told by old men,train +12002,12003,12003,anini haw anini miheca e,in the present this year uh,train +12003,12004,12004,Safahka sa cangra a ma^min hmek satu cangra a mingudu tu Kawas suwal sa Maaraw niyam anini ku kafahkaan a dmak saan,everyone was amazed and gave praise to God they were filled with awe and said We have seen remarkable things today,train +12004,12005,12005,o tamdaw aca cingra saka tadancaay cingra,he is human so he is weak does not live up to expectations,train +12005,12006,12006,Orasaka caay pisafraang kaku a tayni tu pitahidang namu Saka licayen aku kamu u maan ku sakapitahidang namu i takuwanan saw han ningra,so when I was sent for I came without raising any objection may I ask why you sent for me,train +12006,12007,12007,Kungkungen ku fawahan ta micumud,please knock before entering,train +12007,12008,12008,Ira i ccay a niyaru ku ccay a misawkitay a tamdaw caay ka talaw tu Kawas caay ka ngudu tu tamdaw cingra,he said In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men,train +12008,12009,12009,awaay hu ku tilifi away hu ku suci hananay,at that time there was no TV and no cell phone,train +12009,12010,12010,ci Osay cingra u fai aku cingra,she is Osay she is my aunt,test +12010,12011,12011,u suwal nu mita u Pangcah lima ku kakinih u nu Amis u nu Siwkulan u nu Sawalian u nu Valangawan atu Palidaw,our Amis language is divided into five different subgroups Nansei Amis Xiuguluan Amis Coastal Amis Malan Amis and Hengchun Amis,train +12011,12012,12012,tala cuwa cuwa malailay,it is a great achievement to be somewhere else,train +12012,12013,12013,nu Recurd,the police are out there not knowing what to do,train +12013,12014,12014,hay tuan satu,and then I left,train +12014,12015,12015,Kalankamen ku misu a,you have to move faster,train +12015,12016,12016,saan ku suwal nu kimad,this is what I heard from the tribal elders,train +12016,12017,12017,safaw falu,eighteen,train +12017,12018,12018,Milatlat tu pala cafaki aku anu cila,my uncles are going to measure the fields tomorrow,train +12018,12019,12019,hayi,Yes it is,train +12019,12020,12020,anini anini mikumu satu iri matematenes,it takes a long time to aim a slingshot these days,test +12020,12021,12021,mana han piiya tu uciya,what do you mean for tea,train +12021,12022,12022,micudad kaku tu reci^ tu rumiamiad,I keep a diary every day,train +12022,12023,12023,wawidian,time,train +12023,12024,12024,yu maluklun cangra haw i palimuuten ni Yis cangra a sumuwal Anu cahu ka lumuwad a maurip nai patay ku Wawa nu Tamdaw i akahu ka sumuwal i cimacimaan tu pakayniay i maaraway namu a dmak han ningra,as they were coming down the mountain Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the son of man had risen from the dead,train +12024,12025,12025,tatelecan,waist,train +12025,12026,12026,u cifafahiyay tu,he is got a wife,train +12026,12027,12027,hacuwa a patikul kisu i takuwanan tu payci,when are you going to pay me back,train +12027,12028,12028,ira kunu hananay ya nu tuʼas a radiw,it is an old tune that old people used to sing,train +12028,12029,12029,papina ku salikaka isu,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +12029,12030,12030,iran ci vavuy liyalan,the whale,test +12030,12031,12031,na i Kingmung kamu a malasufitay,when you went to Kinmen as soldiers,train +12031,12032,12032,suwal sa kuya ngiha tuya sakaa^nem a mila^paay a cuyuh Tdalen ku mapalitay i lawac nu Yufratis hananay a tataangay a alu a saspatay a cuyuh saan,it said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates,train +12032,12033,12033,masungila matengil aku,I can hear you very clearly,train +12033,12034,12034,cikil,extra fingersfeet,train +12034,12035,12035,Maurad i paputal haw,is it raining outside,train +12035,12036,12036,mirapicay,associated,train +12036,12037,12037,nu kuni matengilay hai,that is what I heard in elementary school that is right,train +12037,12038,12038,o miememay tu ruray a tamdaw i masiku ku urip,he who endures pain will succeed,train +12038,12039,12039,pina a tingting ku aacaen isu a fitaul,how many pounds of eggs do you want to buy,train +12039,12040,12040,Maulatek ku pipalu nira tu wawa,he beats kids too much,test +12040,12041,12041,suʼelinay ku suwal nu kimad nu mita,this is a real event not a legend,train +12041,12042,12042,cianekakay,there are crows,train +12042,12043,12043,Namaramud a cina nu maku,I was married to my mom,train +12043,12044,12044,itira hu kaku a ma pasifana,I taught there too,train +12044,12045,12045,Pakamaan ciira a tala Takaw,what bus did he take to Kaohsiung,train +12045,12046,12046,miinipminanum,drink,train +12046,12047,12047,Cu ku nu pacek,it is not nailed,train +12047,12048,12048,caelay,put on,train +12048,12049,12049,Miahuwiday kaku u pulung nu Rinahem a sakakaay a Tumukan ci kumud tumuk,I am very grateful to Mr Lin Rongyuan the chief leader of Shoufeng Township,train +12049,12050,12050,iniay ku nanum san iraay ku nanum nu itiyahu,butterfly Valley used to be irrigated by water,test +12050,12051,12051,kananaman namanan a demak,a habit custom,train +12051,12052,12052,rakaten,walking,train +12052,12053,12053,maherektu misakalafi ci ina katayni a kumen,mom has cooked dinner come and eat,train +12053,12054,12054,yu matngil aku ku ngiha isu a milicay i takuwanan i satakutakud sa a lipahak kuna i tiyaday aku a wawa,as soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears the baby in my womb leaped for joy,train +12054,12055,12055,faheka,surprise,train +12055,12056,12056,matiya,like that,train +12056,12057,12057,fufu hu ira ina nu ina nura faʼinayan,it is his grandmother the mans moms mom,train +12057,12058,12058,han aku patalaʼayaw tu suwal,this is my opening,train +12058,12059,12059,maʼinurung,carry it,train +12059,12060,12060,ci Kinciyang Luʼud han kiraan a mama,the late Mr Wong Kam Chuen,test +12060,12061,12061,Karanguwiay kira tufur nu mita,our calf peonies love to bark,train +12061,12062,12062,uni tu mifedfed tuniya nu kahengangay nu talip,that is the one with the red skirt around her waist,train +12062,12063,12063,tahini tuna saka siwa hay tuni ka pikalic i,until the ninth trip,train +12063,12064,12064,Hai tayni satu i luma nu maku a misalama,Okay come to my house sometime,train +12064,12065,12065,mikilim kaku tu singsi,I am going to see my teacher,train +12065,12066,12066,araw han ku aniniay a kaemangay,look at the young people nowadays,train +12066,12067,12067,masiday sa kina Sakiraya,when Zachariah disappeared,train +12067,12068,12068,o misingasifay kaku tu pililucan ni mama,I was boiling water for Dads bath,train +12068,12069,12069,miciyan,fry,train +12069,12070,12070,Malalikelikel kita,all of us have our share,test +12070,12071,12071,away ku hatiniay hatiniay sanay yaca,No it is not it is just like this,train +12071,12072,12072,nu Recurd,it is been almost a month,train +12072,12073,12073,anini satu facal tu anini ku nanum,the water is very good now,train +12073,12074,12074,tu laday cacitudung tu manmaan sakilisin atu pafahfah a demak anu ira ku nanu pakawasan sakaira nu adada atu pades manengneng nangra u cacitudung miadah tu masamaanay adada atu pades,Normally they must perform all the rituals and purification ceremonies as well as healing all the related illnesses and calamities that they consider to be caused by the spirits,train +12074,12075,12075,Ngaay hu ci Mayaw kaku,Hello I am Mayaw,train +12075,12076,12076,misaʼukak satu ku selal kiyami matira ri,that is how the various levels started to share the meat,train +12076,12077,12077,Mikucung tu ku wawa nu maku,my child is in middle school,train +12077,12078,12078,masadak tu ku tilu Idek,a rainbow appeared,train +12078,12079,12079,Ngaay a pacaliwen isu kaku tuna tilid haw,can I borrow this book from you,train +12079,12080,12080,sakasepat a mihecaʼan ira ku anuf nu safa,the company was started Unfortunately in the fourth year my brother got greedy,test +12080,12081,12081,ira ini ini cecayay kiya kuduh,Yeah there is only one glove,train +12081,12082,12082,ta maherek mihiya i u inuli ku ayaw nu niyam,after we play the wine we pray,train +12082,12083,12083,o kumaenay tu hci atu rmes aku i u malaccayay atu kaku kuya tamdaw,whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him,train +12083,12084,12084,u manaʼay kisu tala fukuku,do not go to the bomb shelter,train +12084,12085,12085,Lulu han hatinitini tavaki,curl up big,train +12085,12086,12086,sapimaan kinian icang hata,this needs to be dried,train +12086,12087,12087,anu talariyar ku matuasay naayaw iri,where is the old man,train +12087,12088,12088,nipahecekan,substandard,train +12088,12089,12089,ira ku saselaan isu,you are still breathing,train +12089,12090,12090,sawalian,in the east,test +12090,12091,12091,miala i tukus tu iya tu karunirun,I am going to the mountains to cut down some sycamore trees,train +12091,12092,12092,iri naminanam tu kaku micengel,after that I learned to dye,train +12092,12093,12093,yasa kaku i mitengil kaku tu suwal ni ina aku,so I obeyed my mother,train +12093,12094,12094,Hay u nipatalaan nu picudadan,Yes these are prepared by the school,train +12094,12095,12095,taluma mikingkiw kaku,when I got home I tried to figure it out,train +12095,12096,12096,Tanudahetal saan ku pasaetip,lots of plains in the west,train +12096,12097,12097,masu^su^,fat,train +12097,12098,12098,cakaying tunu hiya nu Pangcah mamin atu Taywan,now the Chinese are buying from the clansmen and the Hans are buying from them,train +12098,12099,12099,o rumasatu a suwal aku i yu u wawahu ku mamirucuk tu dafung nu tawki i talacuwa u nu ningra kuya dafung a ma^min nikawrira malcad atu kuli cingra,what I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child he is no different from a slave although he owns the whole estate,train +12099,12100,12100,anu licalicayen aku kamu i caay ku papacauf kamu,and if I asked you you would not answer,test +12100,12101,12101,tu niyan sakaytini i,parent child language training,train +12101,12102,12102,mitefing,touching,train +12102,12103,12103,nipilaveng,burial,train +12103,12104,12104,aku han tu,I heard,train +12104,12105,12105,milingsiw ku kaemangay haw i,when a child is learning,train +12105,12106,12106,adahi,better than nothing,train +12106,12107,12107,yu mauriphu ci Tafiti i du^duen ningra ku nafalucuan nu Kawas mapataytu cingra i mapakaput i tatuasan ningra a matadem Saka puni satu cingra,For when David had served Gods purpose in his own generation he fell asleep he was buried with his fathers and his body decayed,train +12107,12108,12108,simasidayay,a few,train +12108,12109,12109,u tilung hananay nu mita,we say it is a pottery jug,train +12109,12110,12110,u lisin tu nu malitengay itiya hu alatek,in those days it was an old fashioned technique,test +12110,12111,12111,Macucukay nu fulu kunini a duka,this wound was inflicted by an arrow and bamboo,train +12111,12112,12112,itiya i latusa sa a macinas nai fafaed tahira i kala^nu ku macaitay a sapalaed a kiradum i laluma nu Fangcalay Pitaungan mangernger ku sra mapla ku ungcuy,at that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom the earth shook and the rocks split,train +12112,12113,12113,Saikuray,lastly,train +12113,12114,12114,tuur sa kaku midudu tu rakat ni mama aku,I followed my fathers footsteps,train +12114,12115,12115,han nu mita amisan sa macuwaay ku urip nu misu,that is what they say in Amish to understand my life,train +12115,12116,12116,suʼelinay tahaluma kami i,when we do get home,train +12116,12117,12117,tangasa hacuwa patestes turana dadaya,when do you train only at night,train +12117,12118,12118,madenak tayra i nanum ku sadim maedeng tu,apply fish vines to streams and rivers they will spread all over the water,train +12118,12119,12119,matiya,as if,train +12119,12120,12120,itiya haw awaay misulafuay tini i Makutaay,no one in the Magadam tribe has built a house yet,test +12120,12121,12121,Panay na micaliw kisu tu paysu^ i ci Kacawan haw,Panay did you borrow money from Kacaw,train +12121,12122,12122,tini i suku haw,warehouse,train +12122,12123,12123,nawhani u araaw nu mita tu aawiten u araaw nu mita tu malukafang,make a wool blanket together,train +12123,12124,12124,maseraay,it is falling,train +12124,12125,12125,pakafitan tuya misangaʼan a celung a kilang,we are going to tie up that good weaving log,train +12125,12126,12126,caay hen kasaterep ku urad atu vali minahay ku heni,it is raining very hard and I have spent the night out in the storm,train +12126,12127,12127,Maduka,injured,train +12127,12128,12128,adihay hen ku nananaman nu maku i saw,I will only say some simple dialogues,train +12128,12129,12129,masidayay hakulung han kaku,I am going to disappear so you guys are going to have to stay close to me,train +12129,12130,12130,u manan ku tayal nu faki isu,what does your uncle do for a living,test +12130,12131,12131,tangal ku nipakavana,remember how to make your own sweet rice cake,train +12131,12132,12132,tayra ci Filip i tataangay a niyaru i Samariya a pala a patnak i tamdamdaw tu pakayniay i ci Kristuan,Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ there,train +12132,12133,12133,o cula nani tiraay rumaay niyaru,it is called watercress it grows in other countries,train +12133,12134,12134,nu Cikasuwan,for Shichibukawa,train +12134,12135,12135,ku,virtual,train +12135,12136,12136,cuwa kangaay kaku a kumaen tu asiru u lingku tu ku kaenen nu maku,I cannot eat oranges I will have some apples instead,train +12136,12137,12137,furikat,open ones eyes,train +12137,12138,12138,pinalumaluma,crops,train +12138,12139,12139,itira kaku a minanam,that is where I got my start in learning,train +12139,12140,12140,mitingting ku ngaʼay tayni i tukus sa,let us go to the mountains and pick reeds,test +12140,12141,12141,Orasaka sararawraw sa ku niyaru Alarauraud sa ku finawlan a mirpet ci Pawluan a mikidkid a pasadak i paputal nu Fangcalay Pitaungan ta tangsul satu a madef ku adawang nu Pitaungan,the whole city was aroused and the people came running from all directions seizing Paul they dragged him from the temple and immediately the gates were shut,train +12141,12142,12142,u misatakaraway cingra u caay ka fana tu maan aca ciadada cingra tu nika laliyaliyang atu nika caculiculi ningra atu tau tu pakayniay i suwal pakayni tunini ku sakaira nu inap atu kacaculi atu pilukes atu mahinapecay,he is conceited and understands nothing he has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy strife malicious talk evil suspicions,train +12142,12143,12143,Fa^luhay hu kuni kikay,this one is still new,train +12143,12144,12144,uruma tu ku miʼadupan,it is a very solid hunt,train +12144,12145,12145,o saka ccay i yu masaupu kamu i ira ku malacidecidekay a dmak namu saan a matngil aku Pasulin kaku tu pinapina nunini,in the first place I hear that when you come together as a church there are divisions among you and to some extent I believe it,train +12145,12146,12146,miʼaraʼaraw kaku tu lalima a tamdaw,so I went to five people,train +12146,12147,12147,ci Acur ku mama ni Catuk ci Catuk ku mama ni Akim ci Akim ku mama ni Iliyut,Azor the father of Zadok Zadok the father of Akim Akim the father of Eliud,train +12147,12148,12148,anu Cikasuan tu nu pasawali tu nu Falangaw tu atu Palidaw maemin tu mahaen,the same division applies to both the seven foot river tribe and the Maryland tribe,train +12148,12149,12149,lifeten ku falucu nira,test his attitude,train +12149,12150,12150,u diyung han cuwa ku fafuy,is it a mountain pig or a domestic pig,test +12150,12151,12151,i nipisasinavel,it is about cooking,train +12151,12152,12152,nanu itiya,from then on,train +12152,12153,12153,o satadamaanay a rumiad nu niyaru kunini u kasaupuan heca nu kasangasaw kuna rumiad,it is the most important day of the tribe and a time for every family to come together,train +12153,12154,12154,tuʼasaan itirai ci amaan,growing up with an illiterate grandmother,train +12154,12155,12155,mahaentu saw i,that is how it was at Yichang elementary School,train +12155,12156,12156,pafanaʼen kamu nu hatini itiyaay a tamdaw mahanenay itiya hu cuwa pitukad tu kulung,I am teaching you now that in the early days of the tribe they did not kill cattle,train +12156,12157,12157,hatini rusarusan nira rusarus han nira iri,after that he started sawing,train +12157,12158,12158,caaytu,should not,train +12158,12159,12159,kasiniadaan,poor thing,train +12159,12160,12160,pacuk tu ku kulung,just kill a cow,test +12160,12161,12161,Anuhuni masiday satu kisu ngaʼay masuʼut kisa tura dadanguyan,if you accidentally fall off the raft later tie it to the raft so you do not lose it,train +12161,12162,12162,ku ahemaway,with a soft voice,train +12162,12163,12163,i ay ku mihcaan a tayni ku mihcaan,in my in,train +12163,12164,12164,Liangina,Liang Yuina Tang dynasty poet,train +12164,12165,12165,u tumuk hananay naitiya hu,the head was a long time ago,train +12165,12166,12166,kapah,can,train +12166,12167,12167,sahetu sanay u Dipung,they are all Japanese,train +12167,12168,12168,anu adihay tataak haw,if it is a lot does it get bigger,train +12168,12169,12169,o maresapay tu ku suwal nu maku i kiukay a nini,today in the church my word has been spread,train +12169,12170,12170,rarem rarem,the next generation of the next generation,test +12170,12171,12171,Nanuya yu ccay a Paslaan a Rumiad pakayra i ci^miay a umah ca Yis a rumakat Macahiwen ku nisawawaan ni Yis saka hapric satu tu minaruan nu ^mi cangra a kumaen,at that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath his disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them,train +12171,12172,12172,u Etulan kaku kira,because I am from Duran,train +12172,12173,12173,itini kami i ci Lakesay malinah haw i,when I moved to Shiodome,train +12173,12174,12174,mafula,ineptitude,train +12174,12175,12175,tu husu,water pipes,train +12175,12176,12176,tapad,Pants,train +12176,12177,12177,salaw i tahaikur i samaan tu pakaci Amuy han tu,the mother could not refute it so she resigned herself to her fate,train +12177,12178,12178,mita u mawmah a tayal haw maeminay aku a mafana a matayal,I will do all the work our farmers do,train +12178,12179,12179,mimaan kisu saan,what is your plan,train +12179,12180,12180,salaw kisu tu ku milalat,so let us see what you can do,test +12180,12181,12181,anu pasuwal i tisuwanan kuya mitahidangay tamuwanan a tawki Piliyas kisu O kamaruan nunini a tamdaw kurira anu han ningra kisu i samaan satu ku ngudu isu a maru i sasafaay a kamaruan saw,if so the host who invited both of you will come and say to you Give this man your seat Then humiliated you will have to take the least important place,train +12181,12182,12182,uyanan uya tamdamdaw maemin na ciadada tu caayay ku mamaadah nu cimacima a tamdaw saikuray tu edeng tu uya cikawasay ta maadah kuya adada maherek tu ta mangaay malacikawasay,that is the person must have suffered from a disease that no one could cure and in the end only a priest could cure in order to qualify for the priesthood,train +12182,12183,12183,Hai mafana tu kaku misatapang tayni matayal anudafak kisu,Okay I got it please start coming to work tomorrow,train +12183,12184,12184,mamu ci afas aci Asenay kami pataduen hu kami a mifawah,Grandma we are Afas and Asenay please open the door for us,train +12184,12185,12185,Nikawrira u taneng nu Kawas i mahapinang i dmak nu mituuray a tamdaw a ma^min han ningra,the son of man came eating and drinking and you say Here is a glutton and a drunkard a friend of tax collectors and sinners,train +12185,12186,12186, itini Icikil 318 19 atu 1823 samaanay padama kitaanan fanekfek a mitusil i tamdaw,b how does Ezekiel and help us to persevere in preaching to men,train +12186,12187,12187,nura kilang i fafaed niya kilang,the tree is very high up in the tree,train +12187,12188,12188,iraay ku misangan namu luma,did you rebuild your house,train +12188,12189,12189,saka saan mipadang aca kaku a misuvaw tu kaysing sala atu alapit,because I also help to wash the dishes and chopsticks,train +12189,12190,12190,rara saan cingra a rumakat,he walks very slowly,test +12190,12191,12191,Mailul cingra i tamuwanan a ma^min matngil namu ku nika adada ningra saka mararum ku falucu ningra,for he longs for all of you and is distressed because you heard he was ill,train +12191,12192,12192,icuwaay ku dinay nu misu,where is your umbrella,train +12192,12193,12193,nika,rationale,train +12193,12194,12194,cingangusuay,with a nose ring,train +12194,12195,12195,kanguduan kamu tu nikaapac nu maku,I apologize for being late,train +12195,12196,12196,micacak,steaming,train +12196,12197,12197,itiniay Eʼtulan malinah tayni Paanifung haw i,so we were originally from Turin for a couple of years temporarily,train +12197,12198,12198,kunu Puyuma,Puyuma,train +12198,12199,12199,mialaay tu tuni haen san,take this first,train +12199,12200,12200,pananumen nangra ci Yis tu nipaangreran a fadisusu a ^pah Nikawrira caay kakahi ci Yis a minanum Tinac han aca ningra,there they offered Jesus wine to drink mixed with gall but after tasting it he refused to drink it,test +12200,12201,12201,mitulun,prayer,train +12201,12202,12202,takaraw kura kilang i fafaed cingra a mikalic,the tree was tall and he climbed up,train +12202,12203,12203,Macucuk nu rinun nu kaketi ku kamay ni Mayaw,Ma Yius hand was stung by a bee,train +12203,12204,12204,u ninian ku harateng nu maku,I have been wishing for the same,train +12204,12205,12205,Pakefuhen i nanum kira pusi a paliluc,throw the cat in the water for a bath,train +12205,12206,12206,o tumuk nu niyaru nu Malaluung kaku,I am the leader of the Tung Hing tribe,train +12206,12207,12207,patingwa ku safa a pasuwal safanasa a awa ku aliwac nu sufitay sa ruma sa tu a lipay tu paaliwacan nga mangaay a minukay saan,the younger brother called back and said that the army suddenly could not take a vacation and would not be back until the next Sunday,train +12207,12208,12208,maaraway,regard as,train +12208,12209,12209,Rurungen ku panay,bundle the grain,train +12209,12210,12210,u Yencumin u Amis itiya hu,early Aboriginal Amis main Jobs,test +12210,12211,12211,cipucuʼan hatu nu Iwatan,it is called Bunun with a tumor,train +12211,12212,12212,anu anini caay tu pakahiya kaku,I cannot do anything about it now,train +12212,12213,12213,ira ngaʼayay kamaruʼan itira,it is a nice place to stay,train +12213,12214,12214,marenec tu kita a maru i luma isu,we are abundantly provided for staying in your home,train +12214,12215,12215,ala ala han nu Dipung,the Japanese strive to be strong,train +12215,12216,12216,paafeten,please load the gunpowder,train +12216,12217,12217,talacuwaen hakiy,I do not know where the hell it is,train +12217,12218,12218,o mikihatiyaay miisalay kami tu pades ni Kristu han ku falucu namu a lipahak ta anu talahkaltu ku nika cidil ni Kristu i u sakatadamaantu nu lipahak namu,but rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed,train +12218,12219,12219,cecayen aca dengan ca ini,one is enough just this one,train +12219,12220,12220,malahitay kaku,I am going to the army,test +12220,12221,12221,Miaca kaku tu ku^epu mipacakayay kamu haw,I want to buy a cup do you sell them,train +12221,12222,12222,haen satu kami,that is how we live as a couple,train +12222,12223,12223,madayum tu,it will be easy,train +12223,12224,12224,deteng cingra a mitakaw,he deliberately stole,train +12224,12225,12225,matatepatepalay a lutuk,it is a neighboring mountain range,train +12225,12226,12226,yu tusatu ku safaw nu mihcaan ni Yis i matiya u dmak tu mihcahcaan cangra a tayra a misalisin,when he was twelve years old they went up to the Feast according to the custom,train +12226,12227,12227,kami sa hiwa pakuyuc,we are poor,train +12227,12228,12228,malawidang,friends,train +12228,12229,12229,tu masakimulmulay,Rounded,train +12229,12230,12230,liclicen ni Pilatu ci Yis O hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw kisu haw han ningra Pacauf sa ci Yis O suwal isu kunini han ningra,so Pilate asked Jesus Are you the king of the Jews Yes it is as you say Jesus replied,test +12230,12231,12231,Nikawrira suwalen aku kamu aka picuay tu miriangay tisuwanan a tamdaw,but I tell you do not resist an evil person if someone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the other also,train +12231,12232,12232,itiya tuya rumiad i u mamapadil nu mituuray cingra o mamakahmek nu pulung nu mitieray cingra Halu kamu a mikaput i cangraan a mapahmek itiya tuna pasulin kamu tu suwal niyam,on the day he comes to be glorified in his Holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed this includes you because you believed our testimony to you,train +12232,12233,12233,hacuwa,which,train +12233,12234,12234,o marifuwasay ku lipahak nu falucu nu ina aku,my moms heart was full of joy,train +12234,12235,12235,papina,how much,train +12235,12236,12236,masarucud,with all ones heart,train +12236,12237,12237,talacuwa caay pakaala tu sakacecay ngangan nikaurira maulah kaku nawhani malaheci aku kunini a lifet,although I did not get first place I am glad because I completed the race,train +12237,12238,12238,paakiw,excessive,train +12238,12239,12239,ira cuwah ini tu pacuwah,the sixth one went through like this,train +12239,12240,12240,ngalef,notably,test +12240,12241,12241,mihiya tu kakaenen,will look for ingredients to eat,train +12241,12242,12242,i revung ku nanum nu tarawadaw i kalaludan,by summer the Creek is very deep,train +12242,12243,12243,i tira i lakelal i fedeng aca,rivers and springs,train +12243,12244,12244,Lungucen aku ku pulung nu Siyakay malacafay a misaicel mafana tu saway tu pala^ tu kasasiruma nu serangawan nu mita,I call upon our entire society to come together and get to know our history get to know our land and get to know the cultures of our many ethnic peoples,train +12244,12245,12245,mikaykic tu kami kaykicen kami san,they invited us to be the judges,train +12245,12246,12246,Mafelin ku tamina,the boat capsized,train +12246,12247,12247,nu hatira ku fana u sanay a tapalen ita,I wonder if this is the only level of intelligence we have,train +12247,12248,12248,oniya madadueduay lalakaw milenguay tu minaruˈan nu Fangcalay saucur a capeling ikur wa milengu tu ngaˈayay sanay a capeling,this series of articles discusses each of the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit and will later discuss the quality of goodness,train +12248,12249,12249,mipudac,skin,train +12249,12250,12250,fai,aunt,test +12250,12251,12251,matalaw tu ka tatepexan kuhi hananay tu ku tamina a palaliw milaliw,to avoid a collision turn the boat around immediately,train +12251,12252,12252,o fukelukeluhan ku pala nu Pangcah,the Amish fields are all stone,train +12252,12253,12253,picudadan,schools,train +12253,12254,12254,awa satu ya kacaculi,and the quarrel faded away,train +12254,12255,12255,Hacuwa^ ka halafin ta tangasa^ i picudadan,how long does it take to get to the school by bus,train +12255,12256,12256,tangasa i alu haw i maedeng itini kaku san kiya mama i,when he got to the stream he thought he would be all right here,train +12256,12257,12257,masasuwal tu tumuk matiniay ku demak,detailed description of the situation at the ringleaders house,train +12257,12258,12258,anu i mamangay a nanum nu tarawadaw ku pitafa i saluway a matafa nikawrira anu i talulungay atu tangasaay i afala ku likid nu nanum i tarawadaw,it is easy to do this kind of work in a channel with very little water flow but in a channel where the water is as deep as waist deep and shoulder high the,train +12258,12259,12259,saka tulu i saan,Coastal Amey,train +12259,12260,12260,ya parud hananay i tuluay ku fukeluh haw masa tulu ku fukeluh,the so called stove needs three stones three stones,test +12260,12261,12261,mitanam ci mama mi,I have been digging charcoal there for six years,train +12261,12262,12262,licay han nu maku ci Ina mana kahengang ku kakarayan,I asked my mother why the sky is red,train +12262,12263,12263,u sasangaen nu situ nu maku itiya,this is what I told the students at the time,train +12263,12264,12264,cumud han tu niyam ku luma nu misu,we will go into your house,train +12264,12265,12265,larunic kunini kulang palumaan aku inacilaaykuninian,I am pickling raw mustard greens I just planted mustard seedlings yesterday,train +12265,12266,12266,kakaya,long,train +12266,12267,12267,nifacaan,wear,train +12267,12268,12268,hatira ku fangcal nu paini nu kanatal nu anini sanay saka fangcal ku urip nu matuʼasay itini i Cawi,this Island has given us everything so the elders of the Shizura tribe are living a very good life,train +12268,12269,12269,fiher,tire,train +12269,12270,12270,mapulin tu ku pikuliciw nira masasungtul tunini u fikeluh naw han u talaw nira kuraran nitakawan nira,the bike hit a rock so he fell this was because he was afraid,test +12270,12271,12271,vanglihay,rotten,train +12271,12272,12272,han milicayay,people greet each other like this,train +12272,12273,12273,cecay lipay kami napakaʼetim i milingaday kura faʼinay aku malasufitay,after a week of being a couple my husband served in the army,train +12273,12274,12274,kaciatay,to have a mind,train +12274,12275,12275,ku nu maku i wawa a urip,my Hourly life,train +12275,12276,12276,a maan han tu saan a maviyaraw ku suwal nu tumuk,the chief said anxiously What should we do,train +12276,12277,12277,anu masulep tu i pitu saan tu tafedu nu lengac a kumaen tu sulep nu tiring u dadaya nu kaciferangan a rumiad a mikihatiya tu matuasay i paputal,hungry picking moon blossoms to fill their stomachs at night when the elders of the family are in the dirt square,train +12277,12278,12278,anu ma,in the event that,train +12278,12279,12279,dimata,carry on ones shoulder,train +12279,12280,12280,ari mapacalaw ca kaulaulah kamu saw a mafariw cai i,the neighbors also responded that it was very good to prepare the ground for you,test +12280,12281,12281,tangasa i waw nipelapelaʼan tu awul uway caay kaw uway u awul,until sixth grade Wow a piece of bamboo made out of bamboo No it is not,train +12281,12282,12282,han,this way,train +12282,12283,12283,uy,what business,train +12283,12284,12284,atul,pile of stones,train +12284,12285,12285,Nani Dipungay tayniay minanam tu suwal nu Amis,I came from Japan to learn Ami,train +12285,12286,12286,maadup,hunt,train +12286,12287,12287,pakapaliding kaku a talataluan,I drive to the block house,train +12287,12288,12288,Maaraw aku ku nika tumireng nu ccay a cuyuh i cidal pasayra sa cingra i ma^feray i karayan a ayam a ma^min a sumuwal Dada katayni a masaupu a mitahka tu tadamaanay a tahka nu Kawas,and I saw an angel standing in the sun who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair Come gather together for the great supper of God,train +12288,12289,12289,i tini i pitala ita tu kahalamhaman ita a kalmedan a rumiad uya katalahkalan nu tadamaanay a Kawas atu Pauripay titaanan a Yis Kristu,while we wait for the blessed hope the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,train +12289,12290,12290,Sahetu u Yincumin ku paru nu luma isu haw,are all your family members indigenous,test +12290,12291,12291,malinah ca ama aku tayni i ci Puypuyan hananay u,Dad they moved to a rice stack,train +12291,12292,12292,macuwacuwaay a suwal mahaen,all sorts of phrases appear,train +12292,12293,12293,Kinapina kaku a palafang a rumakat i sakanaupan nu cdas makariang nu kukung makariang nu finacadan nu tireng makariang nu ruma a finacadan mapades i niyaru mapades i kuhkuhan mapades i riyar makariang nu pacfaay a salikaka,I have been constantly on the move I have been in danger from rivers in danger from bandits in danger from my own countrymen in danger from Gentiles in danger in the city in danger in the country in danger at sea and in danger from false brothers,train +12293,12294,12294,pipawsa kaku yu,I brought food,train +12294,12295,12295,faluhang,thoracic cavity,train +12295,12296,12296,urasisa miliyas kaku tu niyaru,hostilities,train +12296,12297,12297,caay kalecad haw,would it be different,train +12297,12298,12298,Matuduh ku para nu tireng,he got his own ass burned,train +12298,12299,12299,anini han tu i,now what,train +12299,12300,12300,anu awaay kunian,just in case there is no such thing,test +12300,12301,12301,Masapiay nu faliyus ku lengac,typhoon blew down the moon peach tree,train +12301,12302,12302,aluman tu caay tu kalecad tu nanu ngada atu aniniay,it is a lot of people not as good as your tribesmen would say not as good as it is now,train +12302,12303,12303,itiya miheca safaw falu,I was years old,train +12303,12304,12304,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad O halipaladaay atu halipadamaay cingra tu pakuyucay a tamdaw Midauc ku mu^celay a dmak ningra saan,as it is written He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor his righteousness endures forever,train +12304,12305,12305,Hay faeket,Yes is heavy,train +12305,12306,12306,kalamkamen a paising,go to the doctor as soon as possible,train +12306,12307,12307,o manan ku mamananam ita tu nika pisaysay ni Yihufa tu pisafelit ni Satan,what can we learn from the LORDs handling of Satans rebellion,train +12307,12308,12308,fafufafuy,pig herd,train +12308,12309,12309,mairay,proud of oneself,train +12309,12310,12310,tayra satu i riyar,to the beach,test +12310,12311,12311,kaemangay kasiluma tu ira sa kura wina aku,let them have a family that is what my mother said,train +12311,12312,12312,malatawkiay tini i Taypak ira tu ku katayala i tini i saan,Say a boss in Taipei needs workers to work in Arabia,train +12312,12313,12313,u tevu ni Wangcengte,this is a bamboo shoot by Wang Zhengde,train +12313,12314,12314,awaay tu maxera ira ku lalan minukay,I cannot believe I cannot find my way home,train +12314,12315,12315,mahecad tu u rawngla rengus ku fukes nira,his hair is like straw,train +12315,12316,12316,ira ku talumaʼay nu Cikasuwan i niyaru,some of our clansmen went back to their hometowns,train +12316,12317,12317,kacifunus,you need a knife,train +12317,12318,12318,hatiraay,that is it,train +12318,12319,12319,hay una radiw,Yes the song,train +12319,12320,12320,alatek nuhuni kita marara kita,we have to help each other out later,test +12320,12321,12321,pahanhan hu tu papurac ari,rest first asparagus skin ah,train +12321,12322,12322,ira ku kiya wawa ira kira,it turns out he is got a kid in our house,train +12322,12323,12323,15 Mafiyuray nu waywayan nu tau ci Musi teluctu cuwa ka padutuc mihalamham ci Yihufaan,Moses was influenced by the behavior of others and as a result did not continue to look to the LORD,train +12323,12324,12324,uninian u nu Kalingku a ye ci fanuhay hanay haw,this is Hualiens cup for women,train +12324,12325,12325,Pacidal,sunshine,train +12325,12326,12326,masidsid,one by one,train +12326,12327,12327,nengneng kuya tayal nu maku,pay attention to my production process,train +12327,12328,12328,iraay ku safa ni ira ku cecay safa ira cecay faʼinayan,her mother Chen Chamou has a younger brother,train +12328,12329,12329,atu u mafana ku ayaway a matuʼasay a pakafana,the past clansmen were very good at teaching,train +12329,12330,12330,a salalangatan nu niyaru atu lise,origin and history of tribes,test +12330,12331,12331,maharek tu nangra misanga kiya luma i,when they are done with the house,train +12331,12332,12332,ufang,grotto,train +12332,12333,12333,u nikalumutuc,grow,train +12333,12334,12334,mamang ku rihi i umah niyam,our ridge is very small,train +12334,12335,12335,sahtu sa piʼadup niya matuʼasay kalatama,I am only good at hunting,train +12335,12336,12336,piarawan,regard as,train +12336,12337,12337,hay facing,Auntie is talking about,train +12337,12338,12338,o nu Kuwaping aca kuranan,that is a Chinese name for a place,train +12338,12339,12339,Macacayat ku malikakaay tu kafafang a mafuti,brothers sleep under a blanket,train +12339,12340,12340,icuwaan patelien kura,where do I put it,test +12340,12341,12341,pinaay laya,how many arms,train +12341,12342,12342,maulahay cangra tu nipaliwalan nu fufu a dateng Alumanay ku miacaay tu adiyamay atu tayaling Aluman ku kumaenay tu mitangtangan nira a dateng,everyone loved my grandmothers stall many people bought the chilis and African eggplants and many people came to taste the dishes she cooked,train +12342,12343,12343,anuayaw,future,train +12343,12344,12344,o ina ni talu kaku ci Dakuc ku ngangan nu maku,I am Talos mom Dakoc,train +12344,12345,12345,kutaw,national highway,train +12345,12346,12346,lepel,catch,train +12346,12347,12347,hay caytukasadak kya kuntung sa nira,the Cantonese will not be able to get out,train +12347,12348,12348,dakaw,climb,train +12348,12349,12349,mituliluc,play the flute,train +12349,12350,12350,matuka kuna wawa misakaranam,this kid is so lazy to make breakfast,test +12350,12351,12351,ira ka malitengay,there is an old man,train +12351,12352,12352,ta milaliw tu kuya tatuluay tiya mipadangay tuya mitakaway tuya suiguu a pakakurisiway a wawa,Then they left the child who rode a bicycle and stole the fruits,train +12352,12353,12353,sa itira pisutaan kami,we are in the swamp,train +12353,12354,12354,tusa tu rumiʼad awa tu ci ina isu san,mother has about days to live,train +12354,12355,12355,caay ku tatatuyen ku tiniay,you should not hold something like that,train +12355,12356,12356,satu ku matu asay tatatasa,the old man then got up and said to go Go,train +12356,12357,12357,Pakamaan kisu a tayni,how did you get here,train +12357,12358,12358,o nima a sasipasp kinini,whose eraser is it,train +12358,12359,12359,patireng sa tina Rikec u sapilekepaw,the purpose of this law is to destroy everything,train +12359,12360,12360,itiya a lavii,on that night,test +12360,12361,12361,salalumaay,inclusive,train +12361,12362,12362,malingad kita sa i,spread the word we are going again,train +12362,12363,12363,ani letu isa talalutuk,getting to the mountains,train +12363,12364,12364,atu i Natawran nanay ku aru,and living in Nadoland,train +12364,12365,12365,pateli han iturung nu hiya kiya sapicadiway,place the triangular net on top of the life jacket,train +12365,12366,12366,Tanutusiya saan i lalan nu Taypak,the roads in Taipei are full of cars,train +12366,12367,12367,tusa a rumiad i luma kaku,I will only stay at home for two days,train +12367,12368,12368,mapulung,influential family,train +12368,12369,12369,hatira tiraan tu i Lucu tayra kami i Lucu,when we get to Luzhou we will be in Luzhou,train +12369,12370,12370,yu maaraw nu finawlan ci Yis i safahka saan cangra cikay sa cangra a miraud ci Yisan a milicay,as soon as all the people saw Jesus they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him,test +12370,12371,12371,mikunling kira tu misarumiʼamiʼad,training every day,train +12371,12372,12372,sisa ita,So let us let us,train +12372,12373,12373,satu u akung akung ari u ama ama,like grandmothers and grandmothers,train +12373,12374,12374,cingkie,in law,train +12374,12375,12375,Pacauf sa ci Tumas Tapangaw aku Kawasaw aku han ningra,Thomas said to him My Lord and my God,train +12375,12376,12376,wata ku raay anu nai Tafalung a tangasa i Cingaluan i wata ku raay,at that time the distance was quite long from the Tai Pak long tribe to the Fung Shun tribe,train +12376,12377,12377,caay kalecad ku pipamata kira a minengneng,we all see things from different perspectives,train +12377,12378,12378,itiya i suwal asa kamu Nanu malakaputay kita a mitahka kiyami Pasifana kisu i niyaru niyam kiyami u sasaan kamu,Then you will say We ate and drank with you and you taught in our streets,train +12378,12379,12379,i saayaw kami i mahaentu,we used to be the same way,train +12379,12380,12380,o rarungay ku kamukuan i ayaw,early dwellings were huts,test +12380,12381,12381,u nini micumud tu luma,upon completion of the house,train +12381,12382,12382,kahemaw,brisk,train +12382,12383,12383,aya ini tu ku nawawa sakami,we said the kid was here,train +12383,12384,12384,suwal sa kuya wawa i cingraan Mamaaw ciraraw kaku i kaayaw nu Kawas Ciraraw kaku i kaayaw isu Caaytu ka tatudung kaku a malawawa isu han ningra,The son said to him Father I have sinned against heaven and against you I am no longer worthy to be called your son,train +12384,12385,12385,anu sulinay tu a panutek ku suwal,if that is true,train +12385,12386,12386,mamimaan kita tuay piuntukayan a rumiad,what will we do in the sports day,train +12386,12387,12387,sa hayaca sakiya wawa aku,my child responded that this was the case,train +12387,12388,12388,haratengen ku itiyaayhu a dmak namu nawhani namapatdi nu Kawas kamu i adihay ku pades namu Nikawrira hadidi han namu kunini,remember those earlier days after you had received the light when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering,train +12388,12389,12389,matengilay ku suwal nu wama aku,I have heard my dad talk about it,train +12389,12390,12390,ina i maʼaraw aku kunini,Mom I found this thing,test +12390,12391,12391,Nuhatini matungalay ku Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa itira mahemekay ku falucuˈ niyam,now there are many more Jehovahs Witnesses there which makes me very happy,train +12391,12392,12392,itiya matengil aku ku suwal nu malitengay i,I heard what the old man said,train +12392,12393,12393,teluc,descendants,train +12393,12394,12394,tihi,companions,train +12394,12395,12395,aluman,enough,train +12395,12396,12396,Tumireng ku finawlan a minengneng katawaen nu kakrikridan nu Yutaya Cingra suwal sa Pakapaurip Cingra tu tau Anu u nipilian nu Kawas a Kristu Cingra i mamaan a pauripen Ningra ku tireng Ningra saan,the people stood watching and the rulers even sneered at him they said He saved others let him save himself if he is the Christ of God the chosen One,train +12396,12397,12397,tenuk,kick,train +12397,12398,12398,cekeruh,push,train +12398,12399,12399,maʼulah kaku tu kiwkay kira,I love going to church,train +12399,12400,12400,haenen ku pitapay tu kakahung,this is how you do smoked flying fish,test +12400,12401,12401,enem tu ku tuki suwal sa ci ina aku,at am mom told us,train +12401,12402,12402,tuur han aku mituur rumakat kura tayal ira mineneng,I just followed and watched the way she did things,train +12402,12403,12403,natayra kaku i niyaru a milisu ci vakian i nacila,Yesterday I went to visit my Grandpa in the tribe,train +12403,12404,12404,ci Takuy medac han,hungry ghost python,train +12404,12405,12405,caay u ngangan nuya lutuk u paumahan nu matuʼasay tiyahu kiya,No it is the name of the mountain where the old man farmed,train +12405,12406,12406,cay kaedeng aca nu ngasaw,it is not just the clans,train +12406,12407,12407,safalic tu kulung pafelien kamu tu pahafisac,I will trade them for cows and give them to you,train +12407,12408,12408,itiya i ira ku paratuhay ci Yisan suwal sa Yu mipatuaya a misalisin ku Kalili a tamdaw i patayen ni Pilatu cangra saan,now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices,train +12408,12409,12409,waay tu cecay,I did not meet one,train +12409,12410,12410,atu i paputaputalay a salikaka,even the brothers outside,test +12410,12411,12411,mamirenaf,I need to draw a picture,train +12411,12412,12412,Pamutek han ni Pitiru aci Yuhani cingra a minengneng Nengnengen kami han ni Pitiru a sumuwal,Peter looked straight at him as did John then Peter said Look at us,train +12412,12413,12413,misahakhak,making glutinous rice,train +12413,12414,12414,o,Oh Oh my God,train +12414,12415,12415,itini Kuwita malitemuhay aku ci Ciwci u 25 ku mihecaan a mikiriwiˈay a misakafahay cingra,I met George singer in Quetta a special pioneer of about years of age,train +12415,12416,12416,caay pasuvana ay kami nu wama tu nu Pangcah,we did not go to school we learned from our father,train +12416,12417,12417,mausaway,stayed,train +12417,12418,12418,lalimaay,total of five,train +12418,12419,12419,hai caay ka taruh ku kikay kira hanaw,Yeah that is why the machine cannot get through so,train +12419,12420,12420,picitawan ira a lalan,digging the good road,test +12420,12421,12421,o Yencumin kamu haw,are you aboriginals,train +12421,12422,12422,matiray ku misaakuakuwayay,that is arrogance and self righteousness,train +12422,12423,12423,malalen,Likewise,train +12423,12424,12424,Kanguduen ku malitengay,respect the elders,train +12424,12425,12425,karu,pomelo,train +12425,12426,12426,hay mafana tu kaku hay nucila tu kaku a tayni a milicay kisnan,Okay I know I will come back another time,train +12426,12427,12427,adihay ku Payrang misafununay matini,Nowadays it is mostly Min Min people who farm,train +12427,12428,12428,Halihepul ciira tu raraw nu tawu,he forgives peoples faults easily,train +12428,12429,12429,miala tu pakarungay i palimekan nu malitengay ku wawa ira,and if they want to take away the young man the old man will hide his child,train +12429,12430,12430,ini uni alufu unini u maku tu kuni,the backpack this is mine,test +12430,12431,12431,anu tu ku Payrang i kita,the Han people have and we only have,train +12431,12432,12432,makaala tu,approximately,train +12432,12433,12433,onini ku saka kariangen nu Yutaya a tamdaw ci Yis nawhani i Paslaan a Rumiad ci Yis a midmak tunini,So because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath the Jews persecuted him,train +12433,12434,12434,hay saka ila nuniya pucpuc,that is why the hairballs are there,train +12434,12435,12435,i,there are tapes,train +12435,12436,12436,nu awa sa ku sapakafana nu malitengay cuwa ku mamafana kita,if the old man had not told us we would not have known about the migration of the clans,train +12436,12437,12437,Pakaala^ tu sakacecay kisu tada kairayan,Congratulations on getting first place you are amazing,train +12437,12438,12438,tayra i umah misail kuya awaay tu ku tihi a tamdaw,he also invited widows and widowers to perform magic spells in the fields to drive out worms,train +12438,12439,12439,Dademaktu ci ama aci ina,dad and mom went to work,train +12439,12440,12440,caay ka hakuwa ku saupu nu niyam,we spend very little time together,test +12440,12441,12441,mahaen ku urip aku imatini ari kaku Kamisama san kisu mangic,you cried and prayed to God that my life would be so,train +12441,12442,12442,u matuasay itiya hu u dafak maratar,at that time the old man took advantage of the earliest hour before dawn,train +12442,12443,12443,saʼusi han aku,I will do the math,train +12443,12444,12444,safak,grain,train +12444,12445,12445,osa han nu ada ku adawang ita,enemies are attacking our gates,train +12445,12446,12446,oni paniyaruʼan tini kiya haw katepungan nu salawinawina tira,this tribe is where the clans were gathered,train +12446,12447,12447,hatiraay ku nu mita a luma itiya hu hay hay hay,that is how houses used to be built Yes yes yes,train +12447,12448,12448,Ngaay hu kita ci Kanas ku ngangan aku,hello everyone my name is Kanas,train +12448,12449,12449,sansahatu san maan,all courtesy of,train +12449,12450,12450,umey,plum,test +12450,12451,12451,miniw^ing,hospitalization,train +12451,12452,12452,mahaen iniyan nika dadahal,like this but wide,train +12452,12453,12453,sahtu^,both,train +12453,12454,12454,kamakat,die,train +12454,12455,12455,malafi,have dinner,train +12455,12456,12456,makapahay ku cura i tangal nu limecedan a wawa,the crown of flowers on the maidens head is beautiful,train +12456,12457,12457,u dungec haw u adeci,there are vine hearts and arrow shoots,train +12457,12458,12458,anu malingd kaku tu rumiʼamiʼad maumah i,I have been going to work every day anyway,train +12458,12459,12459,Talacekaceka tu ku rakat nu malasangay a tamdaw,drunk people walk to,train +12459,12460,12460,pakayraay tu ngangan nu Tapang niyam malikaka,about my siblings last names,test +12460,12461,12461,madeng kisu a misuʼayaw,can you face it,train +12461,12462,12462,pacakaten,to raise,train +12462,12463,12463,nawhan masasinanam tu cangra tuya kailisinan hu,because they have known each other since the Bounty Festival,train +12463,12464,12464,kamuku,clean,train +12464,12465,12465,manawnaway nu riyar kira,the sea has submerged it,train +12465,12466,12466,pacicipacici han a pala u demak,Compulsory Transformation program,train +12466,12467,12467,hay u fafahiyan ku saʼayaway,it was first made by girls,train +12467,12468,12468,hay tahira tu i tulu pulu nu mihecaan aku kiya haw,I was already in my,train +12468,12469,12469,malaliceyliceay kami haw tunu Amis,chatting with each other in Amish,train +12469,12470,12470,anu makra ningra i salipahak sa cingra Tamurungen ningra kuya siri,and when he finds it he joyfully puts it on his shoulders,test +12470,12471,12471,tusa pulu ila ku nem i,and,train +12471,12472,12472,Pitngil pasuwal kaku ci Pawlu i tamuwanan anu mituur kamu tu krit a lisin i malumaanhu namu ci Kristu,mark my words I Paul tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised Christ will be of no value to you at all,train +12472,12473,12473,una lukut tunian hawi,this Shanshu is discouraged,train +12473,12474,12474,u mipalumaan nu misu kuni haw,did you grow this too,train +12474,12475,12475,kailisinan,Harvest Festival,train +12475,12476,12476,masanga kuya sanay i itiya,just before the Taipei city government set up the mother tongue nest,train +12476,12477,12477,mikalic kita tu pasu,let us take the bus,train +12477,12478,12478,ngaay,good,train +12478,12479,12479,itiya haw i rpet han nangra ci Yis a mikrid a patayra i luma nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung Pakaraaraay sa ci Pitiru a mikutud,then seizing him they led him away and took him into the house of the high priest Peter followed at a distance,train +12479,12480,12480,waay,foot,test +12480,12481,12481,o ruma a tamdaw i mapafli nu Fangcalay Adingu tu taneng a sumuwal o ruma a tamdaw i mapafli nu Fangcalay Adingu tu rucek tu sakafana a sumuwal,to one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit,train +12481,12482,12482,Hayi singsi,Yes sir,train +12482,12483,12483,ngaʼay tanu kamay han kuni,you can also use your hands,train +12483,12484,12484,pasirisirian,a place for grazing sheep,train +12484,12485,12485,Maaraw nu finawlan a ma^min ku nipisarakarakat ningra atu nipipahmek ningra tu Kawas,when all the people saw him walking and praising God,train +12485,12486,12486,o,indistinct,train +12486,12487,12487,tada anu cakahani haw i,if you do not go,train +12487,12488,12488,saca,that is it,train +12488,12489,12489,mangalef kura Hulam iraw san,out of owners near the river are worse,train +12489,12490,12490,Tausen cingra,approach him,test +12490,12491,12491,niyanay cinglaw tu pakayraay matini,speaking of which,train +12491,12492,12492,Alapawan kaku,my hometown is the Taiyuan tribe,train +12492,12493,12493,tada aluman kuna salikaka itini i Tucen hatiraay,there were a lot of parishioners in Tucson at that time,train +12493,12494,12494,Cudad sa kaku micudad,so I can go back to school,train +12494,12495,12495,tatuluway hakiya,Three,train +12495,12496,12496,mililakaw,collection of building materials,train +12496,12497,12497,a cima kuraan satu miala tu mafasaway a futing,cooked fish for everyone,train +12497,12498,12498,mi kaku itni i,I graduated from Guanyin elementary school in,train +12498,12499,12499,hatu satu lutulutkan,it is like a jungle,train +12499,12500,12500,a mipakaen tu epah i tiya kasatamdaw kisu ci tuka hananay kira,when you make a toast you will say You need to grow up you are lazy and that is it,test +12500,12501,12501,radiw,song,train +12501,12502,12502,o niefecan ni fayi aku kiraan i tangalay nira wawa a sasifin,the towel on that kids head was tied by my aunt,train +12502,12503,12503,maliyaw,change,train +12503,12504,12504,tu ayaw nu mira hatu sanay hu taʼangayay tu ka ngaʼayay,the previous storm was big but it was okay,train +12504,12505,12505,miaca,to buy,train +12505,12506,12506,tatiʼih ku tireng ningra,he is not very well,train +12506,12507,12507,o rumasatu mananam cangra a matuka mirarakat tu lumaluma a misalama caay kunini a ccay Malaymay cangra a sumuwal tu masamaamaanay tu caay ku sasuwalen a suwal a micara tu tau,Besides they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house and not only do they become idlers but also gossips and busybodies saying things they ought not to,train +12507,12508,12508,Patakangen ku pakaysingan,put the cupboard on a stand,train +12508,12509,12509,saka 4 sipakayni kasuvucan ku nipangangan nay i kalahukan a masuvuc ci lahuk han ku nipangangan,Fourthly the name is given according to the hour of birth if the birth occurs at noon the name is Lahuk,train +12509,12510,12510,Panikutayen ci mama isu,go help Daddy with his tie,test +12510,12511,12511,kiliman i wata i tu falucu a maemin,what I am looking for in my mind I think that is all there is,train +12511,12512,12512,minengneng kaku,I see it too,train +12512,12513,12513,Misanga ci akung aku tu cukur,my Grandpa makes walking sticks,train +12513,12514,12514,saka ila tu ku ngangan ira tu,hence the name,train +12514,12515,12515,Ciremes ku nisupaan nira,his spit was bloody,train +12515,12516,12516,Ikawali nu riyar nu ini,on the left coast of the Indonesian sea,train +12516,12517,12517,cima ku midiputay tu wawa tuna aliwac,so who is taking care of the kids this week,train +12517,12518,12518,micumud,come on in,train +12518,12519,12519,cima pangangan han nara kaku sasafaay kira ci Ohay,and I am the youngest in the family,train +12519,12520,12520,macaraay,disturb,test +12520,12521,12521,anu salafiʼi saan,even in the middle of the night,train +12521,12522,12522,cuyakuen nihiya ni Wangcenfa,that Wang Chengfa has a translation,train +12522,12523,12523,sapipalu niyam a mipalu,so long to strike,train +12523,12524,12524,kakawaw,act,train +12524,12525,12525,u sasaʼicelen nu mita kuni,that is what we are trying to do,train +12525,12526,12526,makakarireng,by car,train +12526,12527,12527,macedaah,sigh,train +12527,12528,12528,nika i,but,train +12528,12529,12529,caay kalecalecad ku rakat nu nanum nu riyar,the course of the ocean currents is different,train +12529,12530,12530,mamutepay a hatiniay kamay,about hands,test +12530,12531,12531,hay wawa hu kakau itiya,Yeah I was a kid,train +12531,12532,12532,ludak,Deinagkistrodon a venomous pit viper,train +12532,12533,12533,mawalawal tu ku harateng tu lasang atu ruray,I have forgotten about seasickness and hard work,train +12533,12534,12534,ha a tayra hu malafi anuhuni,so going there for dinner later,train +12534,12535,12535,maluwaluwah sa makamelaw tu misangaʼan nu heni tu isu,they all had a good laugh at the finished artifact,train +12535,12536,12536,an cira a lihay hawikiden aku tayni,I will bring it next week,train +12536,12537,12537,ngaʼay kaenen,can I eat it,train +12537,12538,12538,lipahak ku tamdaw a pakalayap tu tikami^,the people received the letter and were very happy,train +12538,12539,12539,dungdung,reach,train +12539,12540,12540,nihawikidan,carrying,test +12540,12541,12541,malasasuwaen nu luma,I will be read to by my family,train +12541,12542,12542,tuki^,bell,train +12542,12543,12543,miceli,Shouting,train +12543,12544,12544,anu miculi ku salawina tisuwanan miduku ci Yihufaan i misamaan kisu mitafu tu madimadi,what can you do to remain faithful if your loved ones object to your worship of the LORD,train +12544,12545,12545,Makutaay,harbor village,train +12545,12546,12546,ira aca ku cuhung sananay,there is a culture of rituals to memorialize the soul,train +12546,12547,12547,sa mamipafalas i ayaw miduedu kaku tu mama,worked with my father laying gravel,train +12547,12548,12548,yan saka u tumuk hananay tiyan haw i u pimamaan nu falucu nu finawlan kinian,he is the father of the tribesmen,train +12548,12549,12549,mifesu,feel nervous,train +12549,12550,12550,miala tu Luuh,get the banana tree,test +12550,12551,12551,enem pulu tu ku mihecaan niira,he is years old,train +12551,12552,12552,lutulutuk,bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons,train +12552,12553,12553,Misalipaw ku tamdaw wluan,people laid in wait to destroy Paul,train +12553,12554,12554,o kapah tamdaw wa samaan misaka dademak tu taneng 163 a milifuk tu haepuc,how can young people use Proverbs to their advantage,train +12554,12555,12555,matiya u sava tu vavahiyan cira yu,it looks like her sister,train +12555,12556,12556,e pisasakafungan sakiya,Harvest Festival et,train +12556,12557,12557,o masamaanay a tamdaw cingra,what kind of person is he,train +12557,12558,12558,ku inacila mipacuk kami tu fafuy,I think it was yesterday that we were killing the pigs,train +12558,12559,12559,Pacauf sa ci Yis Oya milcaday i takuwanan a mitnas tu ^pang i kaysing a tamdaw i urira ku papacakay Takuwanan,Jesus replied The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me,train +12559,12560,12560,maherek kumaen miriiw kaku tu wadis,I brush my teeth after eating,test +12560,12561,12561,anu u papasneng kaku i u nika tadanca aku ku papasnengen aku,if I must boast I will boast of the things that show my weakness,train +12561,12562,12562,limek sa hu kisu i kafutian anu tayni cira,if he comes hide in your room,train +12562,12563,12563,matini,in this way,train +12563,12564,12564,sanay nu mikingsaay tu masamanay a lipuing,there is a unit that evaluates legislators they gave me a compliment as a reward,train +12564,12565,12565,anu caay palamlami,if you do not put,train +12565,12566,12566,han aku kita a pasuwal tinian,that is the end of the story,train +12566,12567,12567,malatumuk kaku,I have been authorized to assume the position of chief,train +12567,12568,12568,unian a fana,such knowledge,train +12568,12569,12569,ci Vavuy Liyalan,for the whales,train +12569,12570,12570,tadawidang,a visit from aunt Flo,test +12570,12571,12571,u sakakaay kunian nawhan madadipudiput kita pisyakayan,the most important thing in our lives is to help each other,train +12571,12572,12572,repet,arrest,train +12572,12573,12573,o nikautuyan nira ku saka ci wawa nira tu fucud,she had an illegitimate child because she was a flirt,train +12573,12574,12574,tataʼang tu ku nanum nuya,the water in the Xiuguluan river is soaring,train +12574,12575,12575,adihay ku hefung i lalan naunen a rumakat,there are many low lying areas on the road so be careful,train +12575,12576,12576,Patungal hananay tuni a,that is why I added this,train +12576,12577,12577,tini han kisu midiput mimanay kisu ci ina han ningra kiya ali aku,you can stay here and take care of mom,train +12577,12578,12578,Masunur ku fukes aku,my hair came untangled without effort,train +12578,12579,12579,Minanum tu uciya,please have some tea,train +12579,12580,12580,naʼun sa a milakalang ku heni,they are slowly pulling out the long net,test +12580,12581,12581,micudad tu i taakay picudadan i minanam kaku tu cecay nananamen pakayniay i serangawan nu Yincumin itira a mafana tu masamaamaanay a serangawan nu Yincumin,after I went to college I took a course on Aboriginal culture and learned that the Aboriginal people in Taiwan have various and rich cultures,train +12581,12582,12582,suʼlinay,Exactly,train +12582,12583,12583,anu caay katemi ku kukuy,if not stirred,train +12583,12584,12584,itiraay i kura kaysa,this company is in Hualien,train +12584,12585,12585,masamanay ku harateng,what were you thinking,train +12585,12586,12586,mipelpel,smash to pieces,train +12586,12587,12587,ci tutuy ku,Designation of Tsang Kim Tak,train +12587,12588,12588,cima kuya miciepay a tamdaw tu epah i paetang,who sucks wine directly from the barrel by mouth,train +12588,12589,12589,adihayay ku umah nu tuas ku sakakadufah naira,the reason for their wealth is that they have a lot of ancestors,train +12589,12590,12590,matengil maʼaraw aca nu maku ku matuʼasay itini niyaru a rumadiw,I heard and saw the old man singing in the tribe the old man singing in the tribe,test +12590,12591,12591,anu caay pikadafu ku faʼinnayan i,if the boys do not get into trouble,train +12591,12592,12592,Mangaay masasuaraw hu kita tu anucila a helek nu lahuk han,can I make an appointment with you tomorrow afternoon,train +12592,12593,12593,ta matini i,Now,train +12593,12594,12594,hilan iraku ʼaʼawiten,it is a child plaything from the early days,train +12594,12595,12595,mita han tu u,we are,train +12595,12596,12596,minengneng kita tu adipangpang,we are going to see butterflies,train +12596,12597,12597,palimuut,exhort,train +12597,12598,12598,nasa ku hinatala nira tu karaheker nira a mikilim,he felt relieved because he thought that he could find,train +12598,12599,12599,Latlat han nu mita kira nihikuan nu matuasay,let us measure the land that the old man has cultivated,train +12599,12600,12600,acicim kina minuwad,this plum is very sour,test +12600,12601,12601,sapitangtang tu hulu sapitangtang tu mamaan sa,to cook to cook anything,train +12601,12602,12602,tintin han nira kaku sanay,beat me up,train +12602,12603,12603,kiskis,scrape ramie,train +12603,12604,12604,watah,exclamation used express a feeling of amazement,train +12604,12605,12605,malalid,continuous,train +12605,12606,12606,u kalahukan,it is noon,train +12606,12607,12607,ya pahanhan kaku tuya i mikutayay kaku tu wama aku a micelem,I replaced my father when I left the construction company,train +12607,12608,12608,mahaen ku nika lahci nu nisuwalan ni Yirimiya u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya,then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled,train +12608,12609,12609,kaku ci,me,train +12609,12610,12610,fangcal tu caay tu picuaang tu riyal saka,you do not have to ride the waves,test +12610,12611,12611,adihayay ku tayal nu amku,I have too much work,train +12611,12612,12612,nu misiyakayay itiya hu,I was working there,train +12612,12613,12613,mitalacay,pineapple picking,train +12613,12614,12614,fuhad,dispel,train +12614,12615,12615,miiyuy,yell,train +12615,12616,12616,suelin,believe,train +12616,12617,12617,tu Pangciw pisay tiraay,there is a baseball game,train +12617,12618,12618,Mialutipalay kira tamdaw,that man is going to catch the oaf,train +12618,12619,12619,hai mitudung,learning,train +12619,12620,12620,sa ku vinawlan haw,this is the expectation of the tribal people,test +12620,12621,12621,tatengedan,retention period,train +12621,12622,12622,saan a miangang i ci Panayan cira,he shouted for Barnet,train +12622,12623,12623,itiya tu wa,just in time wow,train +12623,12624,12624,alesu,be gluttonous,train +12624,12625,12625,kalikelunan,time or place of going from a high place to a low place,train +12625,12626,12626,itiya hu pafeli ni wama isu,when dad gave it to you,train +12626,12627,12627,katacumuli,snail,train +12627,12628,12628,alawen nu tau kaku mialaw tuni maku,I have been approached by someone who is taken a liking to me,train +12628,12629,12629,mamaucur,dispatch,train +12629,12630,12630,midii,sleep close to,test +12630,12631,12631,pa pakayni saan itini i piedaw pakayni saan itini i pi hay piedaw ku tudung nu pisatapangan a a malalakaw tu sapisalisin,the ritual means the start of the preparation for worship and other relevant activities,train +12631,12632,12632,hakuwa ku dadahal nu kanatanatal,how wide the world is,train +12632,12633,12633,hantu hay,that is it Yeah,train +12633,12634,12634,ikitini i enem ku mihecaan nu maku i,when I was six years old,train +12634,12635,12635,u niyam aca a ngasaw kira,only our own family,train +12635,12636,12636,fafaw i,Upstream,train +12636,12637,12637,cumikay ku tamina niyam awaay tu ku tanenengan haw nu pinukayan,there are no charts available while the ship is underway,train +12637,12638,12638,i masa vinavinacadan,community,train +12638,12639,12639,oya mihaklungay ci Pitiruan nai Yupa a mituuray ci Kristuan a Yutaya a tamdaw i safahka sa cangra tu nika Halu ruma a finacadan a mapafli tu Fangcalay Adingu,the circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles,train +12639,12640,12640,anu caka litefucem tayni sa kamu sa,if there was no tax on you you would be here can you do that I will tell you what,test +12640,12641,12641,nantira kami canraan eyraw luma niyam Keypuwa ma ri,we are from them our family lives on Buddha street in Datong,train +12641,12642,12642,lufuc,pouch,train +12642,12643,12643,o safa nu maku ku nipaadingan ni ina,mom was defending my brother,train +12643,12644,12644,Cuwa u singsi ku mira,No he is a teacher,train +12644,12645,12645,latek u fafuy anca u lawal ruma i latek iraay ku turuk,sometimes it was a boar sometimes a flying squirrel and occasionally a pheasant,train +12645,12646,12646,ina iraay hu ku licay aku tisuwanan haw,Mom I need to ask you something,train +12646,12647,12647,maacang kira ku falucu masadak kura ngiha fangcal na emin sa alumanay a milecad tu radiw isu haw,if it is euphoric and peoples voices are in tune with yours,train +12647,12648,12648,anu mangilay kisu turafaʼinayan culed han i alufu tafurud na faʼinayan hau,if you have a crush on a guy but you are too embarrassed put the betel nut in a valentines bag the guys valentines bag,train +12648,12649,12649,Cawi,answer,train +12649,12650,12650,demak satu itini i haw,what about in Yilan,test +12650,12651,12651,Ocuren haca nu tawki nu pisafadisusuan ku ruma a kuli Nikawrira haenen nangra a mipalu cingra a mipakangudu ta pawakawak han cingra a papinukay,he sent another servant but that one also they beat and treated shamefully and sent away empty handed,train +12651,12652,12652,Ciuning ku kalaenu^ nu sapad sisiten hu uli,the floor under the table is dirty go wipe it,train +12652,12653,12653,manaay kina Pangcah satu,I do not want this Amis,train +12653,12654,12654,Makatukusay,mountainous,train +12654,12655,12655,pakayra sananay mahaen,it is from there,train +12655,12656,12656,mifuting,catch fish,train +12656,12657,12657,u ama atu akung mafana kaku i ayaw,my grand mom and Grandpa taught me,train +12657,12658,12658,aca sa ka tayra,we have to go,train +12658,12659,12659,Kebalan han nu sulinay Kebalan Kebalan,it is true that the Kavalan has such a saying that the Kavalan is a speaker,train +12659,12660,12660,pacumuden nga taemuden,put it in and you can swallow it,test +12660,12661,12661,ci ama aku mitamurung tira vavuy,my dad came back with a mountain pig,train +12661,12662,12662,hatiraay ku maku a icel a pakafana tu,I am such a stickler for hard teaching,train +12662,12663,12663,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Wata ku kahalamham aku tu sakalakaputaw ita a mitahka tunini a saki Pitalifan a lisin i ayaw nu pisemsem Aku,and he said to them I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer,train +12663,12664,12664,kayki,meetings,train +12664,12665,12665,cima kara tamdaw,who is that guy,train +12665,12666,12666,anu maulah cingra i nanuman ira kiya miladuman ira a nanum,if he likes he will drink the water he picks,train +12666,12667,12667,sawad nusa kisu tu pimalian isu,why did you leave your field,train +12667,12668,12668,anu caay ka temi,if the rice cake is not mixed well,train +12668,12669,12669,o tireng sa a mitapid a mamaan,do not you know how to sew,train +12669,12670,12670,Hayda miaca hu kaku tu sasipasip,Well I still have to buy erasers,test +12670,12671,12671,mangalay kisu tu mami^ haw,do you want some oranges,train +12671,12672,12672,Cikafung,stigmatize,train +12672,12673,12673,mala epah kita,let us have a drink,train +12673,12674,12674,Pauripen nu Tapang ku finawlan nu Israil a paliyas nai Icip Nanuya tkupen ningra ku caay pasulin a tamdamdaw Kafanaantu namu kunini Nikawrira mangalay kaku a papiharateng tamuwanan tunini,though you already know all this I want to remind you that the Lord delivered his people out of Egypt but later destroyed those who did not believe,train +12674,12675,12675,o milingkuay ku tayal naira a talalutuk,they went to work in the mountains to pick apples,train +12675,12676,12676,Ciuul ku rengurengusan tu dafak,there is dew on the grass in the early morning,train +12676,12677,12677,u saka saan i anu mapatay tu han ku kasumuwal a talatangingaaw atu a misafalucuaw ku tatiihay a kawas sa ku suwal,why is the word Mapatay to not used the reason is to avoid the ear and attention of Palafoay kavas,train +12677,12678,12678,u cecay i fafaed mikalic cingra,one would be in a tree,train +12678,12679,12679,awaʼay ku mafanaʼay a wawa,no child is going to,train +12679,12680,12680,tunu Pangcah i tini i matuʼasay,elderly persons in re entry families,test +12680,12681,12681,micumud tu kaku rey ulah satu kina tihi aku a Ripun,when I walked in the Japanese kid was very happy,train +12681,12682,12682,u hatiniay kura kaʼecak ira han hai,Oh so it is cooked huh Yes,train +12682,12683,12683,palacecay,unity,train +12683,12684,12684,anu maaraw nu cidafungay a tamdaw ku canguutay a salikaka anu caay ka siniada cingra i maanen ningra ku nika sumuwal tu nika u maulahay kaku tu Kawas saan saw,if anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him how can the love of God be in him,train +12684,12685,12685,maala aku kuya ku sapafili nu hananay itiyahu,that is why the ministry of education awarded the best green Bat team,train +12685,12686,12686,anini dadaya anu tahatilu cira i,setting traps at night,train +12686,12687,12687,yan sa itira a miradum ku malatumukay,Therefore as a ringleader one needs to commit oneself to,train +12687,12688,12688,iniyan hantu i cuwa hakiya a pasuwal,how to connect words in this single sentence vocabulary,train +12688,12689,12689,iraay tu ku pafli nu maku tu hatiniay tu,I also give them some responsibilities to bear,train +12689,12690,12690,o kuwangkaw nu misasingdiay misaka dademakay tu haiyu a pacakay tu dafung mifekaday ku kalim nu tamdaw sapiˈacaaw tura dafung ˈarawhan cuwa ku kalimelaan,Savvy advertisers also use celebrities to promote products that people feel they have to have but we do not need,test +12690,12691,12691,Laklaken nu wacu ku lakaw,the dog will scatter the garbage all over the place,train +12691,12692,12692,caay tu picumud cangra,then they will not come in,train +12692,12693,12693,liyas hantu ni Yis cangra a masadak tuya niyaru a tayra i Pitani itira cingra a milafin,and he left them and went out of the city to Bethany where he spent the night,train +12693,12694,12694,ukikay tuku mikangkangay,it is all plowed with a machine,train +12694,12695,12695,sapeluc a wawa,the last child the youngest,train +12695,12696,12696,panemnemay,spring,train +12696,12697,12697,Mapatu ku mata aku tu nanu tumangican aku,my eyes are swollen from crying,train +12697,12698,12698,maulah kaku a midanguy,I like to swim,train +12698,12699,12699,hatini,Now,train +12699,12700,12700,duhduh,roasted,test +12700,12701,12701,hanhan cara,weave it like this,train +12701,12702,12702,matira ta pasifana tu radiw,we also teach hymns and lead our parishioners in prayer,train +12702,12703,12703,saka ey pangangan ku matuʼasay kunini a niyaru nu Makutaay haw i,so the elders helped name the rest of the Magudam tribe,train +12703,12704,12704,pacafayen ku faʼinay kakaenen hu i tiniay kita i Taypey,work with your husband to reduce his burden,train +12704,12705,12705,safunen,soap,train +12705,12706,12706,hanu tayra lutuk kita cecay haca tatusa,when we go to the mountains for a day or two,train +12706,12707,12707,adada ku faluhang nu maku,my chest hurts,train +12707,12708,12708,o nani etulan nanay kaku,I am from Turan,train +12708,12709,12709,lahekel satu ku valucu nira,so she is at ease,train +12709,12710,12710,kaemang hu cingra awa tu kuya faʼinay nira cayay,her husband died when she was still young,test +12710,12711,12711,i ikur nu nika lumuwad ni Yis a maurip nai patay i u sakinatulu ningra kunini a paaraw tu tireng i nisawawaan,this was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead,train +12711,12712,12712,kalifutan,the person or thing that is bothering you,train +12712,12713,12713,saka suwal han Aku Kawasaw initu Kaku du^duen Aku ku nafalucuan Isu a milahci tu matiliday i Rikec a cudad tu pakayniay i Takuwanan,then I said Here I am it is written about me in the scroll I have come to do your will O God,train +12713,12714,12714,picupi tu nu malitengay mihatini,are you ready for the old mans footsteps,train +12714,12715,12715,wata ku pikalat nu suwal isu,your words hurt,train +12715,12716,12716,nanu,beforehand,train +12716,12717,12717,u hatini u halingad nu u malawinaay,the family on the move,train +12717,12718,12718,nidacian,harvested arrow shoots,train +12718,12719,12719,ira ku lalan nu malaiyungay ayaw nu matuʼasay,there are specialists who give the tolerance of the cliffs of the road,train +12719,12720,12720,tira tu kaku milinsiw tu pakayniay,that is when I started my training,test +12720,12721,12721,Namihicay tu kaku inaayaw,I have caught small fry in the past,train +12721,12722,12722,dawmi,soft,train +12722,12723,12723,o nipipaytmekhu a mihapinang tu dmak nu tireng ku ngaay ta anu u ngaayay ku dmak ningra i u sakalataang nuya tamdaw kunini Nikawrira aka pipasasutiri tu nu tau,each one should test his own actions then he can take pride in himself without comparing himself to somebody else,train +12723,12724,12724,icuwaay ku luma nu misu,where is your home,train +12724,12725,12725,waling han nira miwaling,he moved the stone,train +12725,12726,12726,Owid han nu mita kira kikay a pasadak nani laluma,we removed the machine from the inside with an iron lever,train +12726,12727,12727,mavana ku matuasay,the old mans very good at it,train +12727,12728,12728,vaeket,very heavy,train +12728,12729,12729,matatudungay,unreasonable,train +12729,12730,12730,serisering,bell,test +12730,12731,12731,lisin tu pitaung tu tuas,pas take,train +12731,12732,12732,sacaay katena kura hiya tamud,so that it will not block the yeast,train +12732,12733,12733,mitamaku misiwara,smoking to get rid of your worries,train +12733,12734,12734,o rumakatay i kaayaw ni Yis atu mituuray i aikur ningra a finawlan i lkal sa a sumuwal Hmeken ku Wawa ni Tafiti Nanay mapakalmed ku tayniay pakayni i ngangan nu Tapang Hmeken ku Isatakaraway a Kawas saan,the crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted Hosanna to the son of David Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest,train +12734,12735,12735,oya mitahkaay a tamdaw i awaay ku mafanafanaay nangra tu tatudung nu suwal ni Yis ci Yutaan,but no one at the meal understood why Jesus said this to him,train +12735,12736,12736,pararamud takunan,suffer me to be mine,train +12736,12737,12737,misacacak,cookery,train +12737,12738,12738,sa awaay tu anini,that is why you cannot see it now,train +12738,12739,12739,kumimit han aku ku safa aku,I squeezed my sister as hard as I could,train +12739,12740,12740,tuduhen hu miliyaw cimira ari,we will have to barbecue again,test +12740,12741,12741,u malatu mukay hananay i akapitulas a mikiadaw tu hahiningen,when one listens to the paths taken by the first people,train +12741,12742,12742,mikulit,Drawing,train +12742,12743,12743,tatiʼihay kiya suwal aku,I did not say it right,train +12743,12744,12744,pataynien,come here,train +12744,12745,12745,matahidang ci Yis atu nisawawaan ningra a papikaput i pararamuday,and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding,train +12745,12746,12746,maniawanaytu kisu tucyang kakuwan,Dad it is too late for you to be nice to me,train +12746,12747,12747,angerer kaenen,miserable,train +12747,12748,12748,ca ka cacay ku micakayay ya,not just person buying,train +12748,12749,12749,o sasakiluen ku kulang,mustard is used to make savory dishes,train +12749,12750,12750,ra mahaen ma ra Masaw ku heci u,you see it has seeds like this,test +12750,12751,12751,makapahay sangaan nira,it is very good just do what I did it is beautiful it will be fine,train +12751,12752,12752,Safahka sa kuya milaucay a minengneng tu nika ^ca paska ni Pitiru aci Yuhani a sumuwal atu nika caay ku nau mitiliday u kalutamdaw cangra Saka mahapinang nangra ku nika nau mikaputay cangra ci Yisan,when they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled ordinary men they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus,train +12752,12753,12753,umaumahan,surname Tian,train +12753,12754,12754,anu malalilaliw aku ku luma atu safa a mapulung haw i,even if I leave my home and my siblings,train +12754,12755,12755,mahan tu iniyan duhetem isaw,it is like this dark color,train +12755,12756,12756,sa,the reason why,train +12756,12757,12757,panganganen,be named,train +12757,12758,12758,supsup han kita i,if the whole clan is integrated into one pile,train +12758,12759,12759,hay sa kaku u radiw isu u u kaiwilan nisu a radiw,you can sing your favorite more nostalgic songs,train +12759,12760,12760,iraan u milaliway a milimek i cuawacuwa a tamdaw nu Cikasuwan tangsa anini,those who fled until now,test +12760,12761,12761,u rara,red bean,train +12761,12762,12762,ura rumaruma ura nahayiʼan tu,the rest of us are trying very hard to stay,train +12762,12763,12763,taypinyang,Pacific,train +12763,12764,12764,maluadipel u tudung nu kalalaelaed mahaenay ku Rikec nu Pangcah,family and personal property is inherited by relatives,train +12764,12765,12765,niletekan,cut down,train +12765,12766,12766,anu suwal han kuninan haw u tuʼas anu sa,if I were to tell this story it would be a coming of age story,train +12766,12767,12767,talacuwa tu mikusuy nawhan kakahad kuya kusuy,go there and cut lemongrass because the fields are so wide,train +12767,12768,12768,anu iraayhu,if he is still far away,train +12768,12769,12769,taeref,stone trap,train +12769,12770,12770,tuemahu pacefung tu,I am going into the water before sunrise,test +12770,12771,12771,milusimet,preparation,train +12771,12772,12772,itiyahu ku malitengay i mana siupih,why did the elder hang up his feathers,train +12772,12773,12773,tuduhen nira kuya ufang sapipasadakaw tuya alem,he set fire to the cave to make the pangolin come out,train +12773,12774,12774,anu cecay a kulung a diyung i,if it is a cow or a pig,train +12774,12775,12775,u matini ri pikuwan satu hay,it is a neighborhood thing now,train +12775,12776,12776,i cecay Tapang masahatiraay sa,in that case it is to bucks a plant,train +12776,12777,12777,iraay ku mafukilay mitafukud,there are also people who do not know how to cast a fishing net,train +12777,12778,12778,ira amin itini,it is all here,train +12778,12779,12779,Mafanaay tu kakuaray,I see thank you,train +12779,12780,12780,maherek masakeru wa mahehek masakeru umaanca awa aru satu cangra ari,after the dance they sit and talk,test +12780,12781,12781,o mimukmukay a kasuling ku sakatayra ningra i pitilidan,he took the subway to school,train +12781,12782,12782,misapuyu ta panamali henay,to place the lead,train +12782,12783,12783,maanan,any,train +12783,12784,12784,ha midakaw kaku tu lunan sa,I want to sail the ocean,train +12784,12785,12785,caay ka lalen ku kaitiraan nu kasaniyaru saka caay ka lecad ku pinangan a misaurad,the geographical locations of the tribes are different and so are the areas and ways of performing the rain rituals,train +12785,12786,12786,Mafanaay kaku deng u pitaung caayay katatudung,I know that words of apology alone are not enough,train +12786,12787,12787,mitaelivay,passersby,train +12787,12788,12788,mimaanay kisu i sawni,what were you doing just now,train +12788,12789,12789,caka pakatuur tunutau a syasi,I cannot keep up with the pulse of society,train +12789,12790,12790,Ngaaytu kisu tu ku mialaay,Well you take it yourself,test +12790,12791,12791,caay kapetek,not easy to break,train +12791,12792,12792,oni a puut atu dangah ku acaen aku,I want this knife and this pot,train +12792,12793,12793,cay tu ka awaay tu kuya mahan kuya nu tamdaw a malikuda,so I will not have the heart to celebrate the festival,train +12793,12794,12794,hatu u cihuwa hatiraay ku demak nuna niyaru tunini,and chrysanthemums this tribe works all over the place,train +12794,12795,12795,cekiw han ni ina ku ceka i saripa nu maku,mom helped me pick out the thorns in my paws,train +12795,12796,12796,hatira ku tatudung nu malatumukay,it is all up to the bosses to do the job,train +12796,12797,12797,anu ira ku caay ku tatudung i didisen kira,if there are any bad ones delete them,train +12797,12798,12798,wa mamatengil nu mita ku pakayniay tuniya Wen Cyin Can nu Sice,we will hear the full story from Shiodome Station,train +12798,12799,12799,maputun ku wikul nuya pusi,that cats tail is bobbed,train +12799,12800,12800,i niyaru nu Huling,tribe in Fung Lam,test +12800,12801,12801,itini i kasa^saan nu mawmahay,in the leisure time of the farm,train +12801,12802,12802,ilang,blood,train +12802,12803,12803,yungziwneyn,years,train +12803,12804,12804,namaka tangsa,to somewhere,train +12804,12805,12805,Miesun ku nanum anu marukruk,the sound that water makes before it boils,train +12805,12806,12806,cuwa ka falahen ni Yihufa ci Yusif cuwa ku mamifalah tisuwanan,the Lord did not forsake Joseph and he will not forsake you,train +12806,12807,12807,sa remiremiʼad mahaen,that is the way it is done every day,train +12807,12808,12808,atang,charcoal,train +12808,12809,12809,nani Taypak kami a mikalic tu cinamalay a tayra i Pusung,we took the train from Taipei to Taitung,train +12809,12810,12810,sasangan nu maku,I want to be able to do everything I want to do,test +12810,12811,12811,saselaan,respiratory organs,train +12811,12812,12812,maemin kara tayal kura wawa aku kirasaw,my children are all very good at their jobs,train +12812,12813,12813,pacavengen ku sakadademak nu daemakay,operation of wall construction workers,train +12813,12814,12814,hayi mihaian aku,Yes I promise,train +12814,12815,12815,velalutung,spiders,train +12815,12816,12816,Painging sa tu cidal,Exposure to the sun,train +12816,12817,12817,o piritusan tu picudadan a rumiad anini,today is the time for the selection of schools,train +12817,12818,12818,uniyan haw misasing i nipitemi a micaul,Operational stirring video,train +12818,12819,12819,Mikadafuay kiya ama isu tayni mikadafuay kiya ama isu tayra i ci inaan isu haw,did your dad come here your dad came to your moms house did not he,train +12819,12820,12820,tatelecan ku angungul nura hecek ita,our columns are deep to the waist,test +12820,12821,12821,u sakatusa sakasepat sakaenem nu lipaysaranaʼan a rumiʼad,they are two four six double days,train +12821,12822,12822,Nikawrira awaay ku pakayraan nangra a mipatay ci Yisan nawhani pasayra i ci Yisan ku falucu nu finawlan a ma^min a mitngil,yet they could not find any way to do it because all the people hung on his words,train +12822,12823,12823,hai tayra tura palumaan nu maku a lukut,all the way to where I planted the sassafras,train +12823,12824,12824,mahecaday ku ciyampa ni Kacaw tu nu misu,Kacaws coat is the same as yours,train +12824,12825,12825,ya tira i saʼusien i kalalaed nu ci Habayan atu hiya,if we go into detail it is in the middle of Fung Lam Township between the Chung Hsing tribe and there,train +12825,12826,12826,kawmah misapeti niʼunip,Plowing plowing fields cutting rice,train +12826,12827,12827,a mitanam,Try,train +12827,12828,12828,mi auwang,seize sea urchins,train +12828,12829,12829,Saikuray a rumiad mipakerang ku kaput,on the last day of the festival the ageing class will be able to finish their work,train +12829,12830,12830,i navekelu han tu anu malalitaul tu cira,if this stone turns into an egg,test +12830,12831,12831,sa maku sa capatengil na maku tu wawa,that is why I insisted that the kids not hear it,train +12831,12832,12832,saka itini i kasaselal nu niyaru,so in the tribal age group,train +12832,12833,12833,nawhani miati ku wawa kira sa caay kafana ku wawa kira sa u demak na ʼayaway a demak,Because the kids asked me to take them and they do not know they do not know thatch about the early days,train +12833,12834,12834,o pilipayan anini^,today is Sunday,train +12834,12835,12835,sakafiyaw nu niyam,our neighbors,train +12835,12836,12836,na u si vavayinayan kaku i Nawtawran,I have been married to a Nadolan before,train +12836,12837,12837,adihay ku mitangtangan puhayen ku salawinawina malacafay a kumaen sa ci fufu,grandma said that she has cooked so much so let us eat together,train +12837,12838,12838,kiniyan,the process,train +12838,12839,12839,u cengfutu ku panukeray tu remiad a misilsil sakapina a vulad a remiad kunu namu saan,it is the county schedule for the tribes what month and what day do you,train +12839,12840,12840,kafit sanay i pidac,it is the roots of the trees that cling to the cliffs,test +12840,12841,12841,wey ini kaku,hello I am here,train +12841,12842,12842,o maanan ku maˈaraway ni Pawlu a saka tulu tingluh a kakarayan,what was the three heavens that Paul saw,train +12842,12843,12843,makunayatay,Stretchable,train +12843,12844,12844,sehaw nu Payrang anu cahu kalawud ku pipanayan i,for example the day of mowing but the rice is not yet ripe,train +12844,12845,12845,Cimata kamu i caay pakaaraw saw Citangila kamu i caay pakatngil kamu saw caay pakaharateng kamu saw,do you have eyes but fail to see and ears but fail to hear and do not you remember,train +12845,12846,12846,Tusa^ lian ira ku lima^ pulu a mapulung,dollars in total,train +12846,12847,12847,tata,come on,train +12847,12848,12848,nuni i suni tumirengay,and this one it stops quickly,train +12848,12849,12849,sacakat,uphill,train +12849,12850,12850,tatiih caay tu kangaay,spoiled,test +12850,12851,12851,mipitaw ci karu tu umah,taro plows the field with hoes,train +12851,12852,12852,tayra tu cangra itini i tataʼakay a lalan,they are on their way to the big one,train +12852,12853,12853,suesu,fat,train +12853,12854,12854,Misatapng tu minanam micumud tu ku singsi suwal sa ku hanciw katumireng mitaung,it is time for class the teacher walked into the classroom and the monitor said Stand up Salute,train +12854,12855,12855,maʼemin kiya ca caay hu pituur tu Cituciyaw atu Haleluya,hardly following Christianity and Jehovahism,train +12855,12856,12856,mamilasil i tamdaw,to make a declaration to others,train +12856,12857,12857,icuwa tu ci Mayaw atu ci Namuh,where are Mayaw and Namoh,train +12857,12858,12858,paseteng han ku kulung i makudic ku kulung itiyahu,in the old days if you tied a cow there it would go bald,train +12858,12859,12859,masumad masumad tu ku niyaru u cikay iri,tribes are different times have changed,train +12859,12860,12860,Sakumeced saan ku tireng nira,his body is very sturdy,test +12860,12861,12861,mangtaay,undercooked,train +12861,12862,12862,tulu fulad kura pikusiw masadak tu tamina,internship on board for about months,train +12862,12863,12863,u vavahi maherek tu itiya a mademak tu nu umah a demak,after the women had finished their work in the fields the,train +12863,12864,12864,tangasa matini cahu kaherek haw,you have not finished yet,train +12864,12865,12865,sakatulutsuki ga shizun da,in the moonlit,train +12865,12866,12866,Sulimeten ku tilid isu,put your textbook away,train +12866,12867,12867,palikid,drain,train +12867,12868,12868,pina kunian a singsi anu tu saan,may I ask you how much is this why does it cost dollars,train +12868,12869,12869,padadaki,Bat,train +12869,12870,12870,Malipadesay ku talengawan nu niyaru nu niyam,the tribes of our ancestors were poor,test +12870,12871,12871,harateng sa mitakaway tu heci nu kilang a wawa i aya kafangcal kuna wawa,the child who stole the fruits thought Ah the children were so kind,train +12871,12872,12872,kaku tu i,at that time I,train +12872,12873,12873,misadaemuh,deploy something Soft,train +12873,12874,12874,mayafayaf,doing a lot at the same time,train +12874,12875,12875,anu u kaheciday tu a tengilen,it does not matter it does not sound good,train +12875,12876,12876,o setel nu titi kunini,this is a hunk of meat,train +12876,12877,12877,tada mahaenay ku tayal,here is what we do,train +12877,12878,12878,itini i,to Shin Kong textile Factory,train +12878,12879,12879,pitelian tu nanum,the kind that drains the water,train +12879,12880,12880,naʼay kaku sanay Repen cyawyi saʼamis kiyami ira Ripun,Japanese education means I do not want it we have Japanese up north,test +12880,12881,12881,o rumasatu ira ci Nikutimus uya tayraay i ci Yisan tu dadaya i ayawtu alaen ningra ku smuut a tingting nu fangsisay a simal u nipacacamulan tu mir atu aluy hananay a simal kunini,he was accompanied by Nicodemus the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes about seventy five pounds,train +12881,12882,12882,nanitiya a misatapang ci Yis a patnak suwal sa Pipasasiyur tu falucu kamu nawhani mangatatu a talahkal ku Kitakit nu Kawas han ningra,from that time on Jesus began to preach Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near,train +12882,12883,12883,kaliumahan,surname Tian,train +12883,12884,12884,sa sacahung caay kasaluma kunu niyam a luma,our house is only temporary not an official thatched roof house,train +12884,12885,12885,hiya han tu nangra micirah itira,they sprinkled it with salt,train +12885,12886,12886,awaay ku nitatuyan ita a maamaan a tayni i hkal caay pitatuy kita tu maamaan a miliyas tunini a hkal,for we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it,train +12886,12887,12887,mafana ku Amilika san,Americas smart by the way,train +12887,12888,12888,matakup tu nu iya nu lifung,an epidemic has occurred,train +12888,12889,12889,tayra kita i cikawasay,we will call the wizard,train +12889,12890,12890,sisiten,cleanse,test +12890,12891,12891,finawlan nu Kawas,Gods people saints,train +12891,12892,12892,pafiliwen tu nira kuya mikaʼenan na kulung tuya tefus hatila,I will spread the fertilizer,train +12892,12893,12893,papisamataay,be alerted at all times,train +12893,12894,12894,a mararaway hu ira hu ku ruma u tuʼud,Aah Wrong there are Acacia trees for beams,train +12894,12895,12895,a maanen a micudad ku matiniyay sa,when I teach I think to myself How do I read this,train +12895,12896,12896,rapic,flying squirrel,train +12896,12897,12897,mimaan kamu mataratara sa tu kamu a nimaan tahira i daʼuc aku,you will not be able to wait for me in my old age,train +12897,12898,12898,Orasaka pacumud hantu ni Pitiru cangra a papilafin cila satu a rumiad i luwad satu ci Pitiru a mihaklung cangraan a tayra ira ku papinapina a salikaka nu Yupa a mihaklung i cangraan,then Peter invited the men into the house to be his guests the next day Peter started out with them and some of the brothers from Joppa went along,train +12898,12899,12899,Nanuya i ikur nu tulu a mihcaan i tayra kaku i Yirusalim tu sapilisuaw ci Pitiruan itira kaku i cingraan a milafin tu lima ku safaw a rumiad,then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Peter and stayed with him fifteen days,train +12899,12900,12900,mitawcikelay,storytelling,test +12900,12901,12901,cepaen,Wet please,train +12901,12902,12902,caay ka hatira haw,is that so,train +12902,12903,12903,a mikelut tura minatu,Dredging in fishing harbor,train +12903,12904,12904,i falucu aku ku tangic aku,my grief is in my heart,train +12904,12905,12905,makapah hatiraen matedi kura kaying,not only are the dresses beautiful but the girls are even more beautiful,train +12905,12906,12906,mimaanay tu ku yu vavainay awaay tu ku pinanag i huluhululan,the boys are just running around hanging out wherever they want,train +12906,12907,12907,itiya marikec,only then will we be united,train +12907,12908,12908,masamaan ku,that is what is going to happen,train +12908,12909,12909,watah aluman ku lafang nu maku haw,I thought there were a lot of family and friends visiting,train +12909,12910,12910,fangcal ku hiya ku sa hulul imatini sa sasimsim han ku falucu i,choose a happy mood make yourself happy,test +12910,12911,12911,saan kufalucu aku sisa,here is what I think,train +12911,12912,12912,patelac,Non compliance,train +12912,12913,12913,ciʼayam sa kaku cika maen,I thought there was chicken but I did not eat it,train +12913,12914,12914,han naku mafana tu mafana tu,do I understand by stating so,train +12914,12915,12915,Paratuh ku Cenfu tu adihayay a mihalakaan a demak,in that meeting the government will elaborate on the policies,train +12915,12916,12916,semuwal tu kira vavuy nu liyal,that is what the whale said,train +12916,12917,12917,kafus,shrimp,train +12917,12918,12918,sa tueman sa tu ku rumiad tu pitatalaan,after waiting for a long time it was already dark,train +12918,12919,12919,nu malalinay a demak,assigned work,train +12919,12920,12920,u maan saw u muwa kiyami,it is jute,test +12920,12921,12921,u sulinayay haw ira haw,is there really a mountain god,train +12921,12922,12922,mahenay ku tayal nu maku itiya hu,this is my previous work experience,train +12922,12923,12923,a maenen misasing inipacumud tu tusa a waneng,putting sugar in the operation actual situation,train +12923,12924,12924,Maysang,mans name,train +12924,12925,12925,surut han ku pilumaluma,it must be on a fee basis,train +12925,12926,12926,caaytu ku mamapatay u mamatiyatu u cuyucuyuh cangra o wawatu nu Kawas cangra nawhani u nalumuwaday a maurip nai patay cangra,and they can no longer die for they are like the angels they are Gods children since they are children of the resurrection,train +12926,12927,12927,matiya,that way,train +12927,12928,12928,adihay,a lot of things,train +12928,12929,12929,mapatay tu ku wacu niyam,our dog died,train +12929,12930,12930,ira ku suwal tu naʼunen isu a malahitay,and exhortation to be careful in the army,test +12930,12931,12931,ora ciyumpi i,items to be prepared,train +12931,12932,12932,misacikeng,making a water tank,train +12932,12933,12933,anu malahulu tu ira ku ruma a radiw ita,or we will talk together and there will be another song,train +12933,12934,12934,anu pakaynin naca ita,if you look at our own family,train +12934,12935,12935,hacecacecay han niira ku tikami^ a patangasa^ i pilumaluma,he delivered the letters one by one to each household,train +12935,12936,12936,Fangcalay a tengilen ku radiw ni Osay,Osay sings beautifully,train +12936,12937,12937,Siatungulay kira nitutuan nira a kilang,he carved the wood with projections,train +12937,12938,12938,Misikur tuya hekad tu ningra,to the reefs of Thaksin,train +12938,12939,12939,u cuinfuhaw tiya tilid nu mis,we used Zhuyin symbols to transcribe Amis words,train +12939,12940,12940,namahaen hayi sisa anu vaesingan aka pacici hayi,this is the case,test +12940,12941,12941,hatira hananay nu maku ku falucu simgsi,ladies and gentlemen this is my intention,train +12941,12942,12942,Farangaw,Maranatha,train +12942,12943,12943,adihay ku mangilayay adihay ku caka fana caciyaw tu nu Pangcah,a lot of teachers do not speak the language well enough to stutter,train +12943,12944,12944,mangalay a papiyala i takuwan,you want me to get it,train +12944,12945,12945,sulinay sikawas kira lutuk sa ku matuʼasay,the old man on that mountain said there are ghosts and spirits,train +12945,12946,12946,o mama ita i tini i hkal i mipalatamdaw i titaanan ta kanguduen ita cangra anu hatira i mangalef ku nika ngaay ita a mihaklung tu nu saluafangan a mama ita ta ci^puc ku urip ita,Moreover we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it how much more should we submit to the father of our spirits and live,train +12946,12947,12947,pasalung sanay ku palifun nu Dipung i tiya,the Japanese pay meager wages,train +12947,12948,12948,iraan i kawananay a kamaruan ku nu misu,your seat is the one on the right,train +12948,12949,12949,cikawas kina lutuk,this mountain is haunted,train +12949,12950,12950,Sipakaen han niira i niyaru ku niala nira,he caught it and fed it to the tribe,test +12950,12951,12951,langaw sananay tuse langaw masa u ya sivaruay aku kiyami,Wild all wild like the ones that just grew flowers in my garden,train +12951,12952,12952,maefer tu,it is jumping up and down,train +12952,12953,12953,Cengawen ku mata a misirimrim tu widang,keep your eyes open and choose your friends,train +12953,12954,12954,ya mihatatanam mifuting,he started learning how to fish,train +12954,12955,12955,uni saan una kapah u tuluc haw i tayni i sacpu itini i makutaay tiya tefun nu fulad hananay,the youths would come to Xiuguluan River here at Makutaay the so called moon Well,train +12955,12956,12956,oh lukuciw luku say,Wow years old,train +12956,12957,12957,fs karatimul sa tayra i,I have moved all the way to Hengchun in the south,train +12957,12958,12958,mamangay mata han naku,I am making a little hole now,train +12958,12959,12959,samaanen isu ku pifuting tumatira,how do you usually catch fish,train +12959,12960,12960,tahira i paherekan nu maku,until my boss leaves office,test +12960,12961,12961,Mafanaay kisu tu ngangan ningra,do you know his name,train +12961,12962,12962,i cuwa ku nanum nu umah haw i itiraay tu ku malitengay,as long as there is water in the field the old man will stay here,train +12962,12963,12963,acicimay haw pakafanaʼen hu kaku hena sapanengneng han naku,I have been asked to teach and I am doing it on the spot for her,train +12963,12964,12964,ancay patudung i,if you do not do the rituals,train +12964,12965,12965,tayra icuwa cuwa kami midateng,going to get some wild vegetables,train +12965,12966,12966,u kaulahan nira avuduy,put his favorite clothes on,train +12966,12967,12967,hamaan,need not,train +12967,12968,12968,hu,also,train +12968,12969,12969,itiyaay hu,before,train +12969,12970,12970,Palakamuken nu mita ku kungku nu matuasay,we came to include stories of the elderly in the program,test +12970,12971,12971,adada ciira saka kumaing sa ku tireng nira,he is sick so he is tender,train +12971,12972,12972,Datengen ku kakurut ni ina isu,go Harvest your mothers bitter melon,train +12972,12973,12973,tuya pihumungan i siwkayen ningra kaku tu sakaira nu ngangan ningra mipakafana haca tu lalumaan ningra niyaru ningra,during the interview he introduced to me the origin of his name and also introduced me to his family and tribe,train +12973,12974,12974,Omelaen ku urip nu misu,to cherish your life,train +12974,12975,12975,sanu Ekimay lalintadan a caˈsi sanay mifanaˈ Itini tuni kalimelaan a taykay u nika cakat nu kimad i Mesiku,the golden age says There is no doubt that this congress is very important and represents a turning point in the history of evangelization in Mexico,train +12975,12976,12976,Micuracu tu mangalay malenu,trying to ebb the tide,train +12976,12977,12977,o ameten ku nika sumuwal nangra nawhani u maanufay cangra tu paysu Saka pasifana cangra tu caay ku papasifanaen a suwal pakayni tunini a maparawraw ku pulung nu lumaluma,they must be silenced because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach and that for the sake of dishonest gain,train +12977,12978,12978,anu caay ku hatiniay a parur i,if it was not for this big stove,train +12978,12979,12979,inian i caay kasimaan ku niyaru,we have no other major tribal business,train +12979,12980,12980,manahatini kuni u hanek nuni u fali,the wind does not smell right,test +12980,12981,12981,o tatiihay a raraw kunini a fafahiyan sanay ku cuyuh a mitadatad,the angel explained that the woman name was Evil,train +12981,12982,12982,Pacuay ciira tu nipipaliw aku,he is the helper who went to pay me back,train +12982,12983,12983,singsi,Teacher,train +12983,12984,12984,Patadas cangra tu umah,the are making land into a field,train +12984,12985,12985,paflien ni Apraham cingra tu ccay nu mu^tepay nu nialaan ningra i kalaluudan a kalumaamaan,and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything First his name means king of righteousness then also king of Salem means king of peace,train +12985,12986,12986,mipataynian nu Ingkuleng,the cows were brought to Taiwan by the British,train +12986,12987,12987,misaparad,making a table,train +12987,12988,12988,o misulapay a tamdaw cingra,he is an undercover man spy,train +12988,12989,12989,lipahaken ita a maacang pahmeken ita ku nika tadamaan Ningra nawhani maraudtu ku pipararamudan tu Tufur a Siri Mahrektu a mipatala ku malufafahi ningra,let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory for the wedding of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready,train +12989,12990,12990,pacuwah han nu maku kamu i tayra,I will just put it through there,test +12990,12991,12991,itila a mihicay,that is where they catch the fry,train +12991,12992,12992,Salikakaaw aka ka lalikalikaf kamu o milikafay u misatatiihay tu mituuray ci Kristuan a salikaka i u milikafay u mi^pecay tu Rikec ni Musi anu mi^pec kisu tu Rikec i caaytu ku midu^duay kisu tu Rikec o misawkitay kisu tu Rikec,Brothers do not slander one another anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it when you judge the law you are not keeping it but sitting in judgment on it,train +12992,12993,12993,Felinen ku futing,turn the fish over and fry it,train +12993,12994,12994,kahengangay,Red,train +12994,12995,12995,mamet,hold it,train +12995,12996,12996,mahaenay ku pisausi nu matuʼasay,that is how seniors are chosen,train +12996,12997,12997,samanen kisu caay ka palal,I cannot wake you up no matter how much I call you,train +12997,12998,12998,mililuc ku havar hanhan matamatu,the shrimp are hiding in there so I grabbed them like this,train +12998,12999,12999,mararamuday ca Kwimi,at the time of Katsumis wedding,train +12999,13000,13000,tu pisadayan aca,it is about preparation,test +13000,13001,13001,u sapuluden ku palumaan tu vunga kiyami,tie up the groundnut seedlings,train +13001,13002,13002,misanga tu mahaenay,come back and make it,train +13002,13003,13003,maherek a palilam ku matuʼasay itira i,after completing the distribution to the seniors,train +13003,13004,13004,pakaheciden,Saltier,train +13004,13005,13005,sisa u dadamakay maratar a tuluway ku tuki,so the guys are working early about am,train +13005,13006,13006,hatira tu i hiwawa i,that is when it happened,train +13006,13007,13007,u emu han nu mita u Pangcah,we Amis say sweet rice cake,train +13007,13008,13008,saka itini tu i haw i,so in years,train +13008,13009,13009,a mihareteng tu sapipakafanaʼaw tu wawa,thinking about teaching the children,train +13009,13010,13010,onini ku satadamaanay a demak nu maku anini a kumud tu Cen fu a mitaung,but that is the most important reason why I am representing the government to issue this apology today,test +13010,13011,13011,maratar faki^,Uncle good morning,train +13011,13012,13012,Saka tuur han ningra ku cuyuh a masadak i paputal caay ka fanafana cingra tu nika u sulinay kunini a dmak nu cuyuh hatu pakaaraway tu mapulusi ku piharateng ningra,Peter followed him out of the prison but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening he thought he was seeing a vision,train +13012,13013,13013,yasa tu kami itiraay tu kami i fiw,and we are at the temple,train +13013,13014,13014,o sakakaay kunian a fulad u kasaupuan nu salawinawina a rumiad,this is the most important month the day when every family comes together,train +13014,13015,13015,pakaala kami tu pankeyey,we are about half a month in,train +13015,13016,13016,cecayen ku nicideman a impic,please sharpen only one pencil,train +13016,13017,13017,o sarareem ni Kulas kami,we are Kolas juniors,train +13017,13018,13018,o mienecan tu fakeluhan a talakal kunini u sapi tala Kal tu edu,this is a stone trap used to catch rats,train +13018,13019,13019,milalakaw tu ku malawinaay,we started going up to the mountains to collect raw materials,train +13019,13020,13020,ira ku mi patelian nira i talid a takula,there was a frog which he put in a bottle,test +13020,13021,13021,uraan ku mifuhecian nu malitengay itiya hu tu,at that time the old man was peeling off the bamboo shoots,train +13021,13022,13022,Kapinaun tu a miala arawi a maduka citalemay ku kawkaw,be careful and do not get hurt the sickle is very sharp,train +13022,13023,13023,masaupu,Centralized clustered,train +13023,13024,13024,Sapingiriwaw sanay kaku tu tireng nu maku,I would love to lose weight,train +13024,13025,13025,cecay tusa tulu sepat lima sakaenem,One two three four five sixth position,train +13025,13026,13026,maru,sit down,train +13026,13027,13027,nipakayni i wensiyen a mavana aluman,according to the literature many of the tribesmen were,train +13027,13028,13028,isiyama musume,rocky mountain Girl,train +13028,13029,13029,Ngaay kita a talatiyam miaca tu maamaan,we can go to the store and buy things,train +13029,13030,13030,mapiliʼay cangra tu aʼuwang nawhani mikapkap cangra tu nini a cekiw hanay i macekemay nu aʼuwang sa matalaway,they do not like sea urchins because they sting when they pick up shells,test +13030,13031,13031,masaupuupu tu,stacking of stones,train +13031,13032,13032,pina,which,train +13032,13033,13033,ha awaay u fai aku,Oh No my aunt,train +13033,13034,13034,ya ciusimi sa ku wawa ira i,his kids diapers,train +13034,13035,13035,nga anu mafana mafanaʼay miharateng a wawa mafanaʼay misaʼimer,I will realize that a child who understands will work hard,train +13035,13036,13036,tu pala han nu ruma a caciyaw,another way to say it is ancestry,train +13036,13037,13037,mitala cangra tu miceliʼay a papikedan nu kapah,they are waiting for the middle class youth to order,train +13037,13038,13038,nikamitaes tu tamdaw,even hit people,train +13038,13039,13039,nengnenghan nira,he looked,train +13039,13040,13040,haratengen namu anu caay ka matiya u nu ka^mangay a wawa ku pilayap tu pikuwan nu Kawas i caay ku mamalafinawlan Ningra han ningra,I tell you the truth anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it,test +13040,13041,13041,mi i maʼurip ku tamdaw i ilaen tu pi,to have a full life as a human being must be,train +13041,13042,13042,mihahayan aca u matuasay,tribal elders are placed in special seats,train +13042,13043,13043,o Kawas hananay i u pituru tu kakafahekaan u iraay i taliyuk nu urip ita a kalusaluafaafang u nituruan itini i,kavas originally referred to all supernatural spirits but here it refers specifically to some disease causing spirits,train +13043,13044,13044,paimpican,pencil case,train +13044,13045,13045,lemed,lucky,train +13045,13046,13046,sureda,ice cube,train +13046,13047,13047,midadiwal,catching crickets,train +13047,13048,13048,u dafung nu mita itiyahu,about all traditional artifacts,train +13048,13049,13049,mipacakat,Bar Mitzvah,train +13049,13050,13050,o kasaselaselal i niyaru nu Pangcah u tudung nu tayal naira i u tamurung sanay tu sakiniyaru atu pisiayaw tu sakipaputal a tayal,in fact it has taken over all the external and internal affairs of the tribe the age classes are not only educational and training institutions,test +13050,13051,13051,itiya tu satapang tu kaku,that is when I started,train +13051,13052,13052,nu niyaman a urip iʼayaw pakuyuc,in the past we lived in great poverty,train +13052,13053,13053,Hai pakacinamalay cingra a tayra i Pusung,Yes he took a train to Taitung,train +13053,13054,13054,u lamal ku,firewood,train +13054,13055,13055,a vavainay awaay ku,if not wearing,train +13055,13056,13056,tapay han tu,I will dry it up,train +13056,13057,13057,pangangan hananay tu ci Acay itira ci an,that is why I am letting ah Choi inherit from Cheng Kwai Mui,train +13057,13058,13058,paiyanen isu tu nanum,you just use water,train +13058,13059,13059,Saˈayaw tayni i Pitil kaku i u kaemangayhu cuwahu cifafahi itiya cecayay ˈufad ku kaˈaluman nu mitusilay i pulung nu kitakit,when I first came to Bertram as a young man and unmarried there were about preachers in the whole country,train +13059,13060,13060,maraay a lumaʼan a Taywan,Minnan people live far away,test +13060,13061,13061,i masulinga tu kira tu,it is going to be very well executed and managed,train +13061,13062,13062,carekah ku wadis,itchy teeth,train +13062,13063,13063,sakaʼurip nu mita u kaʼurip nu mita tuni hekalan sa ku maku,have a good life in this world,train +13063,13064,13064,aka piteluf tu lalan,do not hinder travel on the road,train +13064,13065,13065,kuni faedet nu rumiad ngaay tu a miecak tu fitaul i lalan,it was so hot that you could boil an egg on the road,train +13065,13066,13066,sisa mahaen tiya ku urip nu niyam itini,so that is how we live our lives,train +13066,13067,13067,caay tu kanevnev ku icuwacuwaay kiyami,because there is no flooding anywhere,train +13067,13068,13068,kapah,fluent,train +13068,13069,13069,patadu,help,train +13069,13070,13070,caay ka eca^,particular,test +13070,13071,13071,tulu,three,train +13071,13072,13072,pacahiwen nira kamu,he made you go hungry,train +13072,13073,13073,sulin miala cingra tuyanan a takula paruen nira i kureng nira,he really wanted to catch the frog he put in his urn,train +13073,13074,13074,kaulahan aku a salikaka paicelen aku kamu o palafangay u pacarcaray ku urip namu i tini i hkal Saka aka tuuren ku mirurayay tu saluafang namu a anuf nu tireng,dear friends I urge you as aliens and strangers in the world to abstain from sinful desires which war against your soul,train +13074,13075,13075,han sa matini,like this,train +13075,13076,13076,lufa,donkey,train +13076,13077,13077,mapafiikay,genetic goiter,train +13077,13078,13078,mifiyac,Elongation,train +13078,13079,13079,ira kura uenkangcan,at Wencang Station,train +13079,13080,13080,tayra i dunatejwurg wangcan,type donatejworg into your browser,test +13080,13081,13081,sawaraan nu picudadan,Principal,train +13081,13082,13082,sakiliel kiraan hay,that is a necklace Yeah,train +13082,13083,13083,mancel,mountain,train +13083,13084,13084,Dipung,nest,train +13084,13085,13085,Mafana kisu a pakacitingsya^ hay,do you know how to ride a bicycle,train +13085,13086,13086,anu caay pipacfa ku pipasulin namu anu imeren namu a mituur kuya nipatnakan aku a suwal i mapaurip kamu pakayni tunini a Ngaayay Ratuh,by this gospel you are saved if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you Otherwise you have believed in vain,train +13086,13087,13087,tamulungen nangra kura Hulam kira,they are carrying the Qing soldiers,train +13087,13088,13088,Mafana ci mama^ aku a misanga tu tilu^ suwal sa ciira Inian i u sakiayam nengnengen ku naripaan nu aadupen itira i narakatan nu aadupen a miteli^ saan,my dad is very good at making lasso traps dad said that this is used to catch pheasants we have to carefully observe the footprints of the prey and the traps should be placed on the path of the prey,train +13088,13089,13089,Nikawrira cucuken nu ccay a sufitay tu iduc ku fatiian ni Yis Puwar sa a masadak ku rmes atu nanum,Instead one of the soldiers pierced Jesus side with a spear bringing a sudden flow of blood and water,train +13089,13090,13090,misatahuwahuway,full body swing,test +13090,13091,13091,adadaay,sick,train +13091,13092,13092,nengnengen u urip tu caay tu kasaenarar,not even life is equal,train +13092,13093,13093,Pasuwalaw,let me tell you something,train +13093,13094,13094,anu alaen tu kisituhung nu heni iri,If after erasing the transcripts of the household registers,train +13094,13095,13095,talakatayalan,to work,train +13095,13096,13096,ira i tulu miheca cingra i,when I was about three years old,train +13096,13097,13097,luma,household,train +13097,13098,13098,hay haw,Yeah yeah yeah,train +13098,13099,13099,hatiraay ku demak nuniyam haw,thank you Lord this is our women business thank you,train +13099,13100,13100,maletep tu ku sacenguan,it will also germinate naturally,test +13100,13101,13101,tu kahanhanan pahanhanan i tayra lutuk kami midungec,we went to the mountains on vacation to pick rattan hearts,train +13101,13102,13102,i laluma u uway ku sapisanga tu tatakel saka saepi tu laluud nika sienaw tu kasienawan urasaka maulah ku Pangcah a miringuu^ tu kasienawan,the houses were made of woven fabric with beds which were cool in the summer but cold in the winter so when it was cold families had to build fires inside the houses to keep warm,train +13102,13103,13103,tayra kami i ading nu Kauta hananay a mamangay a kanatal itira kami a mipaci^ci a milusimet tu mamangay a tamina,as we passed to the Lee of a small Island called Cauda we were hardly able to make the lifeboat secure,train +13103,13104,13104,Ta midanguy kita,let us go swimming,train +13104,13105,13105,mihimed tu sasuʼut,start hiding the rope,train +13105,13106,13106,itiya a pacumud i tangulan,Simultaneous entry into the mortuary is completed,train +13106,13107,13107,suwal san kiya akung akung,Grandpa used to talk about his time,train +13107,13108,13108,kaemi ku falucu,responsive agreeable tender,train +13108,13109,13109,misalafii itira tura ni,two brothers all night,train +13109,13110,13110,Finawlan nu Ciun aka ka talaw Nengnengen midakaw tu tufur nu lufa a tayni ku hungti namu saan,Do not be afraid O daughter of Zion see your king is coming seated on a donkeys colt,test +13110,13111,13111,oya palangaayay sanay tu misakakinihay a demak anu ca u heci nu saka cumahad nu tamdamdaw ku ruray pades nu finacahan sanay a haharatengen iayaw i u sasafalucuen nu maku anini a mifalic inian ku saayaway a haharatengen,to see what was unfair in the past as a matter of course or to treat the pain of other ethnic peoples as an unavoidable part of human development this is the first mindset that we standing here today resolve to change and overturn,train +13111,13112,13112,makayat nu matuasay a talatuas i tamatiya tu u i ecahay ku urip iraan tu u kananaman nira ku nitatuyan nira u sanay,living in the ancestral Spirit world allows you to use the same things you originally loved as you would in the mundane world,train +13112,13113,13113,anu ira ku tahidang nu ilumaʼay haw,when tribal folks are invited back to their hometowns,train +13113,13114,13114,ci Ripun,it is called Shichibukawa,train +13114,13115,13115,pulu,ten,train +13115,13116,13116,u lahengangay ku varu,red flowers,train +13116,13117,13117,tataak ku vatikar nu inaayaway,it used to be a big bike,train +13117,13118,13118,lakelal,countryside,train +13118,13119,13119,tadem,tomb,train +13119,13120,13120,milalupela,seawater fungus,test +13120,13121,13121,lima pulu,fifty,train +13121,13122,13122,ala tayraan san araw han itiniay i enaray awaay ku hatiraay kira,I went when I was invited because I did not have that opportunity in the country,train +13122,13123,13123,icel,strength,train +13123,13124,13124,papiharatengen ku salikaka tunini Palimuuten cangra i kaayaw nu Kawas tu saka^caaw ka laliyaliyang nangra tu suwal nawhani caay ka ci^puc kunini a dmak u sakatfad nu mitngilay a tamdaw,keep reminding them of these things warn them before God against quarreling about words it is of no value and only ruins those who listen,train +13124,13125,13125,tadatataang,a little bigger,train +13125,13126,13126,cingraan,it,train +13126,13127,13127,kalahukan i misakalahuk cingra,at noon she makes lunch,train +13127,13128,13128,liyaliyalan,seaside,train +13128,13129,13129,karadadiwal,lots of crickets,train +13129,13130,13130,onini i u nika lahci nu nisuwalan ni Isaya u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya,to fulfill what was said through the prophet Isaiah,test +13130,13131,13131,nu aniniay a Kuwaping i sanay kura nganganan ira,the current name of the place is Honbu,train +13131,13132,13132,malakahahudingan,become a playground,train +13132,13133,13133,acaay ka saan i,if not,train +13133,13134,13134,maharatengay nu maku kuninan,I will keep it in mind,train +13134,13135,13135,awaay ku mamaumah niyam sanay kura wina ira,his mom said that because no one in the family has to work,train +13135,13136,13136,masamaamaanay a awiten fangcal tu fangcal tu,any piece to be created will do,train +13136,13137,13137,miʼfaway matayal,Workers pouches,train +13137,13138,13138,cuwancenci,Fax machine,train +13138,13139,13139,hakama^,skirt,train +13139,13140,13140,Kuheting ku para nu siuy,the bottom of the pot is black,test +13140,13141,13141,o miadetumay ci ina aku a mipitaw i pala,my mom was digging sagebrush with a hoe in the field,train +13141,13142,13142,tura lingad turiraan na nukay sanay tu,after this it is time to go home,train +13142,13143,13143,mangaʼay kaku miala tuna tuki itini,I can use this clock,train +13143,13144,13144,aw radiw kura,Wow that is a song,train +13144,13145,13145,ira ku mihawikidan nu wawa,the kid really brought it,train +13145,13146,13146,tangasa i tusa a pulu,to,train +13146,13147,13147, Pakalalukay ci Pawlu kitaanan misamaan ku hademak,B what does Paul encourage us to do,train +13147,13148,13148,hehe,Use,train +13148,13149,13149,Yay Ey maulah kaku tu adipangpang fangcal sa a nengnengen,Yeh Wow I love butterflies they are very beautiful,train +13149,13150,13150,Natangasa kamu i Hukaydu haw,did you go to Hokkaido,test +13150,13151,13151,anu kunlingen kapah tu dalu minanam,if you have practice you might be able to ooh,train +13151,13152,13152,hales,Yeah,train +13152,13153,13153,mirangiay,striking,train +13153,13154,13154,a nengnengen tu kiya Fataʼan alaen sa matuʼasay anu misalahuk sa,the old man said he was going to get some beans to cook for Chinese food,train +13154,13155,13155,Mapaflitu nu Kawas kita tu Adingu Ningra saka mafana kita ira ku urip ningra i titaanan ira i titaanan ku urip ningra,we know that we live in him and he in us because he has given us of his Spirit,train +13155,13156,13156,ahuwiday,thank you sir,train +13156,13157,13157,milimek,hide,train +13157,13158,13158,milicay kaku ci Panayan tu kafukilan nu maku,I am asking Barnet questions that I do not understand,train +13158,13159,13159,anu u futing tu tu taʼangaʼangayay a futing i,if it is a big fish,train +13159,13160,13160,caay kaku pisaketer tu niyaru,I do not get angry all the time,test +13160,13161,13161,hatiraay kura demak intu i,that is how it ends after that,train +13161,13162,13162,Kanguduan masusuyay kaku,Sorry I am late,train +13162,13163,13163,tatiih,Bad Bad,train +13163,13164,13164,mamaurad,it is going to rain,train +13164,13165,13165,itiya i suwal sa ci Yis Wamaaw u Tapang nu kakarayan atu hkal Kisu Miahuwid kaku i Tisuwanan nawhani u nikilifan isu a dmak i citanengay atu mafanaay a tamdaw i patalahkalen isu i mafukilay a tamdaw,at that time Jesus said I praise you Father Lord of heaven and earth because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to little children,train +13165,13166,13166,caay pisasumasumad ku Ciwidiyan tunu tatuasan,the Shuilian tribe will not change its traditions,train +13166,13167,13167,cifalucu,attentively,train +13167,13168,13168,tukinih tukinih saan nu tamina hiwawa i,it is because the ship is tilting,train +13168,13169,13169,papilifeten,for the game,train +13169,13170,13170,o mingiruay kami i kasienawan i paputal nu luma a malekaka,our brothers and sisters roasted outside on the square fire in the winter,test +13170,13171,13171,fuhcalay,white,train +13171,13172,13172,haw unini a demak huw i,it is about this,train +13172,13173,13173,a tamdaw han tu mavanaʼay,the only people who speak the language are the natives,train +13173,13174,13174,Pinaun kamu aka ka u sapaaraw aca i kaayaw nu tamdamdaw ku dmak namu a mituur tu Kawas anu haenen namu i caay ku mamapakaulah nu wama namu i kakarayan kamu,Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men to be seen by them if you do you will have no reward from your father in heaven,train +13174,13175,13175,liwaayen,foot,train +13175,13176,13176,saan kuya pakafanaay tunini a dmak nanitiyahu a Tapang,that have been known for ages,train +13176,13177,13177,takup,catch up,train +13177,13178,13178,aca,only if,train +13178,13179,13179,caay ka awa ku fitaul aku tu sakaranam,I always have eggs for breakfast,train +13179,13180,13180,matiraay ku demak itiyay hu nu tuʼas,that is what happened to the tribe at that time,test +13180,13181,13181,i tini i Kiwit,in Chimay,train +13181,13182,13182,anu fahfahen ni Satan ci Satan i u macaculiay a malacinuwas ku laluma nira anu hatira i samaanen nu Kitakit nira ku nika tumireng hakiya,if Satan drives out Satan he is divided against himself how then can his kingdom stand,train +13182,13183,13183,pananuman nu Kukusiw a nipananum u kalutungan,state distribution of tap water,train +13183,13184,13184,hatini,that is it,train +13184,13185,13185,maruhem tu ku kuwa,papaya is ripe,train +13185,13186,13186,caay ka idi kaminan,it is not selfish for us,train +13186,13187,13187,matu nipipaluwad nu wama a paurip tu mapatayay ku nipipafli aku u wawa tu matatudungay i nafalucuan aku a tamdaw tu midaucay a urip,for just as the father raises the dead and gives them life even so the son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it,train +13187,13188,13188,mamahaen aca,should,train +13188,13189,13189,ca,indistinct,train +13189,13190,13190,macaculiculi,quarrel with each other,test +13190,13191,13191,lusa,tears,train +13191,13192,13192,Ocung tu ku malasawaday a lisin nu Pangcah,there are many Amis rituals that have disappeared,train +13192,13193,13193,o misapu^neray tu falucu a matiya unini a wawa ku satadamaanay i Kitakit nu Kawas,Therefore whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven,train +13193,13194,13194,tiya matuled ku cecay kaemangay faˈinayay salikaka i milifukay tu maanan a sahinum,a zoning supervisor bought Enri a cup of coffee and asked him to say what was on his mind,train +13194,13195,13195,hay minanamay tu tilid nu Pangcah,Yes there is learning,train +13195,13196,13196,sapakaen tu saka maumah a kulung,feeding the buffalo,train +13196,13197,13197,awa tu ku hicay paytemek satu ku urip tayra i pisiyakayan,without the fry they live and work in the field,train +13197,13198,13198,pakaen tu rarapa i Taywan,herding cows for the Han people,train +13198,13199,13199,udengan,only if,train +13199,13200,13200,mailul,feel,test +13200,13201,13201,awaay ku maan tunini edeng haw i,there is nothing to be dissatisfied about,train +13201,13202,13202,makapahay ku riku,clothes are pretty,train +13202,13203,13203,ira ku kangdaway kahengangay kaliyalaway a cengel i apilis nu lutuk,on the hillside there is green red and yellow,train +13203,13204,13204,pararid cangra itira a patnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh,where they continued to preach the good news,train +13204,13205,13205,kaciherangan,reassure something peace of mind,train +13205,13206,13206,tura mafana tu a,my memories from,train +13206,13207,13207,o karafanuhay ku tireng nu tuas niyam,our elders bodies grow a lot of hair,train +13207,13208,13208,lekakawa,convention,train +13208,13209,13209,ya ura han a milaliwan tu nura mapatayay,the deceased leaves his family,train +13209,13210,13210,alapakpakpakpak,clap your hands together,test +13210,13211,13211,adihay ku malikakaʼay maan han cecayay ku luma nu wina,so many brothers and sisters and only one house for mom,train +13211,13212,13212,anini ira ku na kakelidan nu fafahian itini a mikelid tu salikaka a makeru,now there are women leaders here to lead their fellow tribesmen in the dance,train +13212,13213,13213,hen san kaku,I always do,train +13213,13214,13214,atu ni kafana nira a matayal,and techniques of specialized Sperm,train +13214,13215,13215,Masefay ku riku nira,his clothing is on crooked or buttoned incorrectly,train +13215,13216,13216,tuya pinukayan a lalan mitulun kaku tu fuis,on the way home I made a wish with the stars,train +13216,13217,13217,malilid,carried by the crowd,train +13217,13218,13218,yan saka u sasuwalen nu hulan yawsyiwen,the so called Chinese name is to be learned,train +13218,13219,13219,tusa patek ku pulung a pida tanu kamayan aku a misanga tuni tada fangcal a cukaymasen,it is a total of dollars I handmade these and they are guaranteed to last a long time,train +13219,13220,13220,ciira,she,test +13220,13221,13221,o manan ku tayal nu wama isu,what does your father do,train +13221,13222,13222,han ni kaka aku san ci kaka aku miratuhay ku taynian di,you said it was my sister who told you,train +13222,13223,13223,kenuhani ku matuʼasay mafana mikingkiw tura tamud,I do not know how the old man came to study the production of yeast,train +13223,13224,13224,sai misaʼicelay kaku a miharateng tu samanen a mipaluwad paʼurip ku niyaru sanay ku maku a harateng,I am also trying to figure out how to enhance the tribes life,train +13224,13225,13225,mawacay tu vuduy,take off your clothes,train +13225,13226,13226,Fulud han kami a misakatawaku a matayal,they worked with us on the mold,train +13226,13227,13227,pasisi naku amin ku umah,I will give the land to the children,train +13227,13228,13228,makingsa,check,train +13228,13229,13229,tangasa i nika iraan nu lenlen a mikric i cangraan a ma^min i caay ka fanafana cangra o mamahaen ku nika tayni nuya wawa nu tamdaw,and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away that is how it will be at the coming of the son of Man,train +13229,13230,13230,u maan ku iraay i liyal,what is in the sea,test +13230,13231,13231,yu pakatengil cingra tunini a suwal i tangsul cingra a lumuwad,when he heard these words he immediately left,train +13231,13232,13232,ura tu nu hatini,it is the predecessor of our present Taitung Canal,train +13232,13233,13233,mitawasi,erase,train +13233,13234,13234,o serangawan nu mita ku tenuun mangalay kaku a misarayray tu serangawan,weaving is a part of our culture and I want to ensure its continuity,train +13234,13235,13235,hayi saka tayni nu niyam haw i matiniay ku demak nu niyam,that is why we are here,train +13235,13236,13236,malepel isu ci Kulas haw hacikay ciira i,can you catch up with Kolas he runs so fast,train +13236,13237,13237,masaselalselal ku niyaru,just ask the age group to help,train +13237,13238,13238,Miniwingay tu tusa ira ku kalitusa a lipay 80 ku tuki a misawacay cingra,in one case sister Renee spent hours witnessing to people while she was in the hospital for two and a half weeks,train +13238,13239,13239,itiya haw i u suwal nu ising i ura fainanyan adada itiraw i,the doctor used to order a certain man to the hospital bed,train +13239,13240,13240,tukarkawal,stair,test +13240,13241,13241,Caay,No I will not,train +13241,13242,13242,anu icuwaay ku karekrekan kahiceraan i,no matter where we meet or where we land,train +13242,13243,13243,saytu^,cleaver,train +13243,13244,13244,caay kafana tu sapafeli sapataheka,Inability to give or design the ability to provide for the needs of indigenous peoples,train +13244,13245,13245,han,that is all,train +13245,13246,13246,ciwcika,crucifixion,train +13246,13247,13247,u ninaym Kinanuka,we only have the antlers,train +13247,13248,13248,sa ku maku a falucu a,it is all right to think about it,train +13248,13249,13249,Talacuwa^,even though,train +13249,13250,13250,patirengen kuya matefaday a hecek,stand up the pole that has fallen,test +13250,13251,13251,u nipilimuut nu mita u Cikasuwan,We as Nanakagawa have an understanding of things,train +13251,13252,13252,Nikawrira anu u nafalucuan nu Tapang i u raranikay kaku a tayra i tamuwanan ta hapinangen aku ku falucu nuya misatakaraway a tamdaw tu nika hakuwa ku icel nangra caay ku suwal nangra ku piarawan aku tunini,but I will come to you very soon if the Lord is willing and then I will find out not only how these arrogant people are talking but what power they have,train +13252,13253,13253,mahaen ku kungku nu tumuk niyam i naayaw tu iniyan,this is the story of our boss life before,train +13253,13254,13254,parikur tu demak,to help with some activity for the last time,train +13254,13255,13255,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ku i ci Kristuananay a kaput niyam a matayal ci Urpanus atuya kaulahan aku a tamdaw ci Stakis,greet Urbanus our fellow worker in Christ and my dear friend Stachys,train +13255,13256,13256,anu Cu ku mitangican ira demak i,if it is not something he desires,train +13256,13257,13257,o kahengangay ku kaulahan nu maku,I like the red one,train +13257,13258,13258,ira ku rawidan hara a remakat,then you can lead the way,train +13258,13259,13259,nu Recurd,half a month will do,train +13259,13260,13260,malasingsiay,as a teacher,test +13260,13261,13261,i vunavunakan kita a mihulul,we played on the beach,train +13261,13262,13262,faki itini i Fataʼan kuniyaru namu iraay ku umah namu haw,do you have your own land in your hometown,train +13262,13263,13263,adada ku kuring nu maku,my ass hurts,train +13263,13264,13264,haen san haen san,like this,train +13264,13265,13265,mahaen pihining nu matuaʼsay,that is what I think,train +13265,13266,13266,karaedu,the calf muscles are huge,train +13266,13267,13267,enem,six,train +13267,13268,13268,Ngaay hu^ ku misu kaka,Cousin hello,train +13268,13269,13269,Saka pasuwal sa ci Pitiru i cingraan Nawiru lalcad sa ku falucu namu a milifet tu Adingu nu Tapang saw Nengnengen iratu i fawahan ku namitademay tu fainay isu Halu isu a u laliliden nangra a pasadak han ningra,Peter said to her How could you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord Look the feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door and they will carry you out also,train +13269,13270,13270,ya hacuwaen tu isu a patikul,Then when will you return the money,test +13270,13271,13271,awaay ku kucu yu,no shoes,train +13271,13272,13272,Saka supsup satu ku alumanay a tamdaw i fawahan awaaytu ku pakayraan a micumud Pakimaden ni Yis cangra tu suwal nu Kawas,so many gathered that there was no room left not even outside the door and he preached the word to them,train +13272,13273,13273,pilumaluma,each household,train +13273,13274,13274,tapayidid,roast,train +13274,13275,13275,itiniay i lawac nu niya hekal,it is on the edge of the intertidal zone,train +13275,13276,13276,itiya i ira ku ngiha nai kakarayan suwal sa O kakaulahan Aku a Wawa kunini u kakahmekan Aku Cingra saan,and a voice from heaven said This is my Son whom I love with him I am well pleased,train +13276,13277,13277,talacuwa ccay aca a laliping ku aca nu tusa a alic nikawrira anu caay ku nafalucuan nu i kakarayanay a wama namu i caay ka tfad i sra ku ccaccay aca nunini,are not two sparrows sold for a penny yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father,train +13277,13278,13278,o parariday ku tayal niyam a misafungan,we continued our work of growing groundnuts,train +13278,13279,13279,urung tu maan han ku tayci han,to move metal bars,train +13279,13280,13280,o tumirengay i kaayaw nu Tapang nu hkal a tusaay a ulif a kilang atu tusaay a padawdawan kuya tatusaay a pawacayay a tamdaw,these are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth,test +13280,13281,13281,pina rumiʼad a misanga kisu,how long does it take you to create,train +13281,13282,13282,unsing,hot spring,train +13282,13283,13283,tuyaan a lipay,just that week,train +13283,13284,13284,kaku sarakakay mikikung itini i,my first church wedding,train +13284,13285,13285,u mihiya kuni sanay kaku i pademakay tu punuh atek,I thought I could use my brain,train +13285,13286,13286,facfac,thrash,train +13286,13287,13287,hay caedung caedung han tu ira,so he can get dressed smoothly,train +13287,13288,13288,ira ku pitahidang nu niyaru nu maku i takuwanan i sisa a malalitemuh aca ci kumud Tumukan sa ku harateng nu maku,I got the message from the tribe that I was invited and thought that I should be able to meet Mr Rongwon the head of our forest,train +13288,13289,13289,Suut hatu nu tayring kira mikuliniway,the police then tied up the thief,train +13289,13290,13290,Singsi cuwa kapihawikid kaku tu tanengnengan,Teacher I did not bring my textbook,test +13290,13291,13291,mahaenay saca,so that is how it is,train +13291,13292,13292,hay sapaini nu maku anini haw pakayniay i parud hananay nu mita Pangcah,Here I would like to share the cultural practices of our Amis hearth,train +13292,13293,13293,itini kadademakan tulu a miheca,I have been working in this unit for three years,train +13293,13294,13294,o malu adif ni faki i pala kiraan a kilang,that wooden tree was used by my uncle as a fence for the field,train +13294,13295,13295,sulul han ita ku balucu,she thought to herself I would better go along with it,train +13295,13296,13296,Maalupalay tu nu niyam kinian a pala,we have harvested persimmons from this field,train +13296,13297,13297,hay i lutuk namiyala a tayni a paluma,in other words all the wild vegetables we grow today come from the mountains,train +13297,13298,13298,nika u nikakiting nu kamay haw i tusa ku kasasiruma^ sakacecay i makakafit tu kawiliay atu kawananay pakakawanan ku awas a mihaliyuk tu saupu,there are two types of hand holding first simple hand holding moving to the right to go around the circle very easy young and old people are suitable for jumping all over the field,train +13298,13299,13299,wawa tu nu wawa tu nu wawa tu kuna caciyaw nu Amis,the descendants of the Amis can speak the language,train +13299,13300,13300,u kalahay,it is a sunshade,test +13300,13301,13301,puhpuh,touch,train +13301,13302,13302,u yaan amin u caayay katumes,it is all smart pacing,train +13302,13303,13303,mahapinang ni Yis ku pasulin nu falucu nangra saka suwal sa cingra tuya mapiay Wawaaw mahpulaytu ku raraw isu han ningra,when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic Son your sins are forgiven,train +13303,13304,13304,yaan tu i pasitiraay tu i timul,I am going to the south,train +13304,13305,13305,hina,often,train +13305,13306,13306,o Fangcalay a rayray nu niyaru ita kinian,this is the best order of our tribe,train +13306,13307,13307,yu mahaen satu,rituals,train +13307,13308,13308,makat tu kami,we started walking,train +13308,13309,13309,maulah kaku tuna riku pina ku aca nira,I like this piece of clothing how much is it,train +13309,13310,13310,halukakumaen han a caciw,and chatting while we ate,test +13310,13311,13311,Haydaw Ata misalama tu kita,Okay let us go we are going out,train +13311,13312,13312,misakalahuk,do lunch,train +13312,13313,13313,pinegnegan nu matuʼasay tu,to allow seniors to select,train +13313,13314,13314,itiraay kaku i itiya,I was living in Taitung at the time,train +13314,13315,13315,palacafeng,mark,train +13315,13316,13316,pifalud rira,wrap it up,train +13316,13317,13317,u pipadang ku han aku i,just helping me out,train +13317,13318,13318,pasintu,Percentage,train +13318,13319,13319,saka ka itini kungaʼayay sahawikid hantu ira kiya wawa sa itra satu cangra,he took the kids and lived here,train +13319,13320,13320,cihanaay a muwa,Roselle Jamaica sorrel roseola,test +13320,13321,13321,miradum tu nanum,go get some water,train +13321,13322,13322,a isu tu ku remadiw sa ku cavay iri,when my friend said you should sing,train +13322,13323,13323,a limecedan,girl,train +13323,13324,13324,Safahka sa ci Yis tu nika ^ca pasulin nunini a tamdamdaw pararid ci Yis a rumakat tu kasa niyaruaru a pasifana tu tamdaw,and he was amazed at their lack of faith then Jesus went around teaching from village to village,train +13324,13325,13325,Aru saan kuya singsi a pasifana,the teacher sits and teaches,train +13325,13326,13326,Mafanatu kamu tunini a dmak a ma^min haw han ni Yis a milicay Hai han nangra,Have you understood all these things Jesus asked Yes they replied,train +13326,13327,13327,u tamdaw ku maruray mahaen,people work hard,train +13327,13328,13328,telien aku i tatihi nu tafi^,put it next to the plow rake,train +13328,13329,13329,miala tu tamdaw i,come and take him away,train +13329,13330,13330, Pairasulay ci Husiya wa ira ku ˈalafang a tamdaw malu finawlan ni Yihufa,Hosea foretold that some of the foreigners would be the LORDs people,test +13330,13331,13331,aka pangalaen ku Palafuay,and do not give the devil a foothold,train +13331,13332,13332,samanen ku hatiniay,what should we do,train +13332,13333,13333,ruma tayra i pitilid i,sometimes at school,train +13333,13334,13334,kaviyaraw ku valucu,do not panic,train +13334,13335,13335,kacidalan,in summer,train +13335,13336,13336,deng u nian cacay ka kaʼen kuni,it is the only one that cannot eat offal,train +13336,13337,13337,nu milaliw han i mafukil matuka a misafunun,why did you leave you will not be too lazy to do the farming again,train +13337,13338,13338,suwal sa ku wina u aira ku faliyus tayni alatek,mom said maybe the typhoon is coming,train +13338,13339,13339,hatu sapahecekan tura luma,placement of the pillars of the house,train +13339,13340,13340,kaku ci Pawlu ku mitiliday tunini a suwal kaku ku papatiku i tisuwanan tu tadah ningra,I Paul am writing this with my own hand I will pay it back not to mention that you owe me your very self,test +13340,13341,13341,awaay ku tu^em i kakarayan masadakay ku fuis,there were no clouds in the sky the stars came out,train +13341,13342,13342,Mituur cingra ci Pawluan atu tamiyanan Cli saan cingra a sumuwal O matayalay nu Isatakaraway a Kawas kunini a tamdaw u patnakay i tamuwanan tu kauripan a lalan saan,this girl followed Paul and the rest of us shouting These men are servants of the most high God who are telling you the way to be saved,train +13342,13343,13343,Nanuya tayra ci Yis i tiraw nu Kalili a fanaw,some time after this Jesus crossed to the far shore of the sea of Galilee,train +13343,13344,13344,Curacur saan i takuwanan caira a papisadak tu paysu,they urged me to take out the money,train +13344,13345,13345,tira haen han,that is it,train +13345,13346,13346,rasa pacici sa kaku miliyas,that is it I am sticking with it,train +13346,13347,13347,papifuting ku malitengay,the elders arrange fishing jobs,train +13347,13348,13348,Hay ahuwiday,Yes thank you,train +13348,13349,13349,sakilikilim tu hulangkay,look around,train +13349,13350,13350,maʼaraw ningra kaku itini i,when he saw me at the Association,test +13350,13351,13351,tala,to wait,train +13351,13352,13352,pasalaluma ay kya ceka niya karac sa kira,because the spikes on that rake are facing inward,train +13352,13353,13353,laliw han isu kami,you are leaving us,train +13353,13354,13354,hayi,Yes,train +13354,13355,13355,misakureng,pottery,train +13355,13356,13356,afel,charcoal,train +13356,13357,13357,hay tiraw i dadahal hu kiya putal,it is over there in the big square,train +13357,13358,13358,talaen tu i sacumad nu tarawadaw,Izumi River et,train +13358,13359,13359,cecay cecay lulung terik terik hananay,throw them up by the handful,train +13359,13360,13360,mahinefa,facing down,test +13360,13361,13361,pateli han i waay,put it on your feet,train +13361,13362,13362,iriyar tu ni danguy mihulul,swimming and playing at the beach,train +13362,13363,13363,Madudem nu tuem ku cidal,the sun is hidden by clouds,train +13363,13364,13364,o fakciw kuni a kakimadan,this is a measuring tool,train +13364,13365,13365,cai pakaleteletep ci Alimulu ci Maʼuwidan,Anahole Acre cannot run past Malverde,train +13365,13366,13366,edef,close,train +13366,13367,13367,paradiway,leader,train +13367,13368,13368,mitngil cangra tunini a suwal i mahkimatuasay satu a mahkaccaccay a milaliw i ikur tu i dengtu ci Yis atuya fafahiyan ku usaw a tumirengayhu itira,at this those who heard began to go away one at a time the older ones first until only Jesus was left with the woman still standing there,train +13368,13369,13369,uy ay bey bu satu,do you want to sell it,train +13369,13370,13370,Mangaay tu lahamham kami tu katayni namu,of course you are welcome to join us,test +13370,13371,13371,Tuhatiniay samaanay ku katayra niira i pitilidan,how does he usually go to school,train +13371,13372,13372,han tu,in this way,train +13372,13373,13373,kifetul ku canem i lutulutukan,the fog on the mountain Ranges is very thick,train +13373,13374,13374,ta patudungay aca,compensate for damages as well,train +13374,13375,13375,nanicuwaay kita han aku kuya matuʼasay,so where did we come from,train +13375,13376,13376,Ciriku tu kangdaway ku yufing,the letter carrier wears green,train +13376,13377,13377,keriden nu singsi kamu a talaumah anini,I will take you to the fields,train +13377,13378,13378,a mararamud,we are a couple,train +13378,13379,13379,caayay ku u,it is not home economics it is music,train +13379,13380,13380,tengtengen nu tamdaw mihiya tiya nisangaʼan,pull that up by hand,test +13380,13381,13381,mahecad tu aniniay u manam hakiya,like what is going on right now,train +13381,13382,13382,matufuis,it is like a star,train +13382,13383,13383,kalukilang,trees,train +13383,13384,13384,pasuʼlin satu milihay tu cingra,start going to church,train +13384,13385,13385,ta krid han ningra ci Pitiru aci Yakup aci Yuhani a malahaklung a tayra ksem sa ku falucu ningra a mararum,he took Peter James and John along with him and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled,train +13385,13386,13386,ilaay kunu malitangay itiyahu u nu fufu ku maʼaraway aku,the older generation is still I saw my grandmother,train +13386,13387,13387,minanam,learning,train +13387,13388,13388,i tulu pulu ira ku siwa a mihecaan,in ROC,train +13388,13389,13389,si babahi tawan tu babahiyan nira,I married someone else,train +13389,13390,13390,maedeng tu kini san tu pinanam aku,I have been studying for half a year so I should be fine,test +13390,13391,13391,nilingiw i takuwanan,like my beloved is watching me,train +13391,13392,13392,pihadi^di,repress,train +13392,13393,13393,ri anu macuwacuwa saan i,So no matter what,train +13393,13394,13394,papihanen tu daydaya sapipawan nita tu,every night we are told to do this so we can forget,train +13394,13395,13395,mipacafay,companionship,train +13395,13396,13396,Pakaumahen cingra tu umah aku,have him cultivate my fields,train +13396,13397,13397,ira ku nipalavang kahemekan nu payniyaniyaru sulinayay kapahay vangcalay ku niyaru nu Pangcah,Welcome you will see the truth of the tribe the goodness of the tribe and the beauty of the tribe,train +13397,13398,13398,nu salikaka,brothers and sisters,train +13398,13399,13399,o kuhetingay a kafang ku ni Kacaw cuwa kahecad ku cengel niyam,his coat is black so our colors are different,train +13399,13400,13400,itiraay kaku matayal,I work there,test +13400,13401,13401,piʼadupan namu ha hay,is it a hunting ground,train +13401,13402,13402,Nikawrira aluman ku tamdaw saka awaay ku pakayraan nangra a pacumud cingraan Saka cakat satu cangra a tayra i fadahung a mituplak tu kawala ta halukafutian han nangra a mi^pud kuya adadaay i kaayaw ni Yis i sifu nu tamdamdaw,when they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd right in front of Jesus,train +13402,13403,13403,cauf,solution,train +13403,13404,13404,ira henay ci ina niyam iri,when our mothers were alive they spoke Kavalan,train +13404,13405,13405,hatu ciapulay kura sera ira kira,it is very much like having lime,train +13405,13406,13406,Macakay nu lalan ciyamalay maala nu lalan ci ciyamalay,it was acquired by the Railway board for use as a railroad right of way,train +13406,13407,13407,taangay,large,train +13407,13408,13408,malasawaday a suwal,the languages of the communities will disappear,train +13408,13409,13409,ila,Yes,train +13409,13410,13410,u hatiniay a cinah taʼangaʼangayay a cinah,it is such a big grain of salt,test +13410,13411,13411,maulah ku Ripun a tamdaw a mitaung,Japanese people like to salute,train +13411,13412,13412,mahelek pakaen cira i ya i umahay i ira ku lusay i umah ya iraan a fafahiyan a tamdaw ku tayraay a pakaen,after she had made her offering there were also fruits and vegetables in the field and it was still the girl who made the offering,train +13412,13413,13413,nuhatini mamatengil nu mita ci sera Nakamura,now we will hear about Chow Ming Fai,train +13413,13414,13414,sakatulu,causes of falls,train +13414,13415,13415,minanm hatira ku demak aku hatini nanu Tapang,Learning it is a reflection of my life right now,train +13415,13416,13416,Patefu ku ayam i tireng nira,a bird alit on him,train +13416,13417,13417,wama ni Nuwa ci Lamik manguduay tu Kawas itini ˈayaw nu taˈangayay lenlen tu 5 miheca mapatay,Noahs father Lamech was a God fearing man who died about five years before the Flood,train +13417,13418,13418,caay kaw,shouldn't,train +13418,13419,13419,ira hu Tupenceyu tayni kiymi,there is still freedom to be had is not there,train +13419,13420,13420,o maan ku nicalayan isu,what did you rope,test +13420,13421,13421,ini adihay kuni mamangay a tafukud nu,there is a lot of tiny little holes here,train +13421,13422,13422,luma,reside,train +13422,13423,13423,tada u dudaduc nu situ a milifet tu pimali,students have been challenged to play ball in one sitting,train +13423,13424,13424,ha,Oh yeah,train +13424,13425,13425,nay tefingen nu was ku falucu nira ta masaluf cingra,may God move upon his heart and he changes,train +13425,13426,13426,tuan malahitay way tawma,I went to the army and never came back,train +13426,13427,13427,talacuwa tataang ku pades namu nikawrira mapalipahak nu Fangcalay Adingu kamu a milayap tu suwal Mitudung kamu i tamiyanan Mitudung kamu tu Tapang,you became imitators of us and of the Lord in spite of severe suffering you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit,train +13427,13428,13428,o,uh huh,train +13428,13429,13429,u makulapay a tamdaw kaku,I am a careless person,train +13429,13430,13430,adidiʼay adidiʼay ku nipinuka nu matuasay,the old man weaves fine threads,test +13430,13431,13431,piceleman tu nu cidal,at sunset,train +13431,13432,13432,kamu uya Anini anu ^ca i anu dafak a tayra kami tuya niyaru Ccay a mihcaan kami itira a maru a mipatiyam a mi^tan sanay a tamdaw i pitngil tu suwal aku,now listen you who say Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city spend a year there carry on business and make money,train +13432,13433,13433,dingtufay,electric locomotives,train +13433,13434,13434,cuwa,you are welcome,train +13434,13435,13435,makapahay a tengilen ku mangatuwaay a rumadiw,that open mouthed singing is great,train +13435,13436,13436,mahenay ku maku a patala kira a han aku pilicay ni Sunay u singsi singsi hay,it is my life ambition to share an interview with Mr Sukuna,train +13436,13437,13437,awu maan saw ku sinabel nu niyam,so what are we going to eat,train +13437,13438,13438,maatep,blackmailed,train +13438,13439,13439,canguʼut hu tu fafutiʼen,sleep deprivation,train +13439,13440,13440,Ocung ku nialaan niyam a funga i pala,we took a lot of groundnuts from the field,test +13440,13441,13441,sulinay ira amin ku mahaenay a hahalhalen nu ruman a vinacadan,I am sure any member of the clan would expect that,train +13441,13442,13442,i tuya luma,cover this house,train +13442,13443,13443,tahidang,invitation,train +13443,13444,13444,macawpay haw kura iciku,the first ship was winched by a rope,train +13444,13445,13445,ana cima hakin ku patatudung aku,thinking about who is right for me,train +13445,13446,13446,misanga tu sasalamaaen nu wawa,in the making of children playthings,train +13446,13447,13447,cipasuwal kaku,I did not say it,train +13447,13448,13448,parihungen,put red beans,train +13448,13449,13449,suwal han naku alaen i raw ku saasik,I said in my mother tongue go get the broom there,train +13449,13450,13450,Aya anengelay ku dungec falicen,Oops the heart of the vine is bitter change it,test +13450,13451,13451,o rumasatu yu pakaaraw ci Yisan ku maaruay nu kaackan a adingu i hinukup saan i kaayaw ni Yis Cli saan caira a sumuwal O Wawa nu Kawas Kisu saan,whenever the evil spirits saw him they fell down before him and cried out You are the son of God,train +13451,13452,13452,u hacuwa ku cacay a vicing,how big is a catty piece of glutinous rice cake,train +13452,13453,13453,Ci Cius han nangra ci Parnapas a mitahidang o makimaday ci Pawlu saka Ci Hirmis han nangra cingra a mitahidang,Barnabas they called Zeus and Paul they called Hermes because he was the chief speaker,train +13453,13454,13454,Saalaf^afen ku nanum ta mangaay pananum tu diput,warm the water before giving it to the baby,train +13454,13455,13455,sasuwalen kamu ku masasuwalay,let us see what you guys have to say,train +13455,13456,13456,keriden nu singsi^ kami a tayra i tunguyin anini^ a rumiad masatisil kami a micakay tu sapicumud a paya,today the teacher took us to the zoo and we lined up at the gate to buy tickets,train +13456,13457,13457,sa ura mikadafuay a faki faki a kapah nura luma,the uncles and sons in law of the family and the young people,train +13457,13458,13458,o maan ku luya saan a mihapinang ku wawa aku,my kids want to know what the wave is,train +13458,13459,13459,Yencumin,Familialization of learning,train +13459,13460,13460,anu tuduhen tu,it is barbecued,test +13460,13461,13461,u yuntunghuwi hananay nu Hulam,in Mandarin it is called The Games,train +13461,13462,13462,pafatis han tu kaku mitefuʼan su haw san,if you go to pick bamboo shoots you will have to share them with me,train +13462,13463,13463,awaay tu ku hiya nengneng han ku umah maemin tu masemut,there is nothing we can do the fields are overgrown,train +13463,13464,13464,adihayay aca ku mapakafanaʼay nu malitengay salikaka aca,parents and siblings taught many,train +13464,13465,13465,o suwal nu matuasay anu makedal ku rumiad pasaupuen nu kalas nu niyaru ku madapunuhay a fafahian tayra i tarawadaw misi^si,elders explained that in the event of a drought tribal leaders would invite the widows to splash each other with water in the streams,train +13465,13466,13466,Papikayakayen kira fila i icep,let the Lao leaves climb up the betel nut tree,train +13466,13467,13467,Hai u kaka aku tu fainayan cingra,Yes he is my brother,train +13467,13468,13468,u urip nu maku itini i Takufan ku sufuc nu maku,I was born in Kansan Township Degorie Lane,train +13468,13469,13469,a misanga tu sakacakat nu urip ita Pangcah,and remaking to enhance the lives of indigenous peoples,train +13469,13470,13470,tangasa i alu haw i maʼaraw nira ku fukeluh itini i taliyuk,going to the stream she saw fresh marks near the rocks,test +13470,13471,13471,na,Grid marker,train +13471,13472,13472,a maan hantu,so what is the deal,train +13472,13473,13473,tangasatu kami anini i Taypak matepaay tu hakiya ku utuvay ni vaki,now that we are back in Taipei I do not know if my uncles motorcycle has been found,train +13473,13474,13474,suwal sa kiniyan u sikawasay han tu,this priest said,train +13474,13475,13475,tini Makutaay macahiw tu,here too Maguda is hungry,train +13475,13476,13476,safa,Sister brother,train +13476,13477,13477,u tatalaalu kita anini han,are we going to the riverside today,train +13477,13478,13478,matawa kaku tura patinaku,I laughed at her analogy to me,train +13478,13479,13479,Pangcahay a kakawaw iri,in the Amis tradition,train +13479,13480,13480,cecay,one person,test +13480,13481,13481,anu masalaw ku urad i mangaay kaku a masadak,if it stops raining can I go out,train +13481,13482,13482,fapiyaw,invoicing,train +13482,13483,13483,pateli han ikukudul ku salil a haenen a mivahvah,put it in place that is the way it is done,train +13483,13484,13484,pakaen tu kami tuya kulung,just start herding cows,train +13484,13485,13485,u maan nianan o maan kinian,what is the use of this what is this,train +13485,13486,13486,ilaay hu ku luma han,anything else,train +13486,13487,13487,mita u Pangcah,we Amis,train +13487,13488,13488,miingid kaku ci Panayan a maru,I am going to sit close to Panayan,train +13488,13489,13489,Macakatay Cingra yasanay a suwal i caay hakiya ka u nanu maluklunay cingra tangasa i kala^nu nu sra,What does he ascended mean except that he also descended to the lower earthly regions,train +13489,13490,13490,tura sasiʼuway isu misu a falucu haw,slice the bamboo rattan as much as you like,test +13490,13491,13491,hatiraay kura maku a harateng,I will share that feeling,train +13491,13492,13492,u Tafalung han nu kaka aku,my brother replied that he is a restorer,train +13492,13493,13493,adetay ku kumud ira kaenen,very tasty,train +13493,13494,13494,u maumahay ku nikaurip nu matuasay nu niyam,our elders are farmers,train +13494,13495,13495,putun san ku sapisurit nu singsi tuya matefad i sera,the teachers chalk broke into pieces when it fell to the ground,train +13495,13496,13496,Ci Piya ku ngangan nu wama aku,my dads name is Piya,train +13496,13497,13497,sakahemekan,preordained,train +13497,13498,13498,Tekul hatu ku fafuy ni fayi isu,to feed your aunts pig,train +13498,13499,13499,iraay ku mikingkiway tu tatirengan nu Amis tatudung tu undu kira,there is been a study on the physical fitness of the Amis in sports,train +13499,13500,13500,Naparatuhay cangra tu i tiniay a kiwkay tu pakayniay i ulah isu o nipidu^du tu nafalucuan nu Kawas a patunu i cangraan ku ngaay,they have told the church about your love you will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God,test +13500,13501,13501,Orasaka haenentu u dmak namu anini ku nika sasipaicel namu a masasipadama,therefore encourage one another and build each other up just as in fact you are doing,train +13501,13502,13502,saka itra i luma kiyami haw,So at home,train +13502,13503,13503,o laliw nira kulung a tahamatini awaihu a matepa,the cow escaped and has not yet been found,train +13503,13504,13504,u lalan itiya hu mawmah tu umah i lutuk,I was farming in the mountains,train +13504,13505,13505,saka ira ku suwal nu matuʼasay,the old man used to say,train +13505,13506,13506,itiyahu i maala kaku malakakitaan,for having been previously elected as a leader,train +13506,13507,13507,Taangayay ku cidal,the sun is bright and remember to wear sunscreen,train +13507,13508,13508,ngaʼay kuni simanta en isu simanta niyam kuni kumaen,it is edible we eat it raw,train +13508,13509,13509,mitengil kaku nataluma niya wama ni baki,when I came back I asked Grandpa about his father,train +13509,13510,13510,materik,drop dead,test +13510,13511,13511,papina ku malekakaay nu misu,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +13511,13512,13512,aka tu kararum kisu,do not be sad,train +13512,13513,13513,ya mafana cira citangal,he is he is very smart,train +13513,13514,13514,kadavu nina luma,son in law in this family,train +13514,13515,13515,patadu saan pafeli tu iyu,get me my medication directly,train +13515,13516,13516,ya itiniay i u ruma paluma tu naniwac paluma tu tali paluma cangra,what about the ones here they planted hung beans and taro,train +13516,13517,13517,Huduc han nira kuya funus sapitapa nira tuya kawas,he drew his sword and used it to cut the demon,train +13517,13518,13518,kumaen hu kaku tu afar i makudicay kaku,I am allergic to shrimp,train +13518,13519,13519,alu^,Creek,train +13519,13520,13520,u sasimsimen u dadaduduen nu Cikasuwan a maurip,it is a good place to live for the Shichikatsugawa people,test +13520,13521,13521,cima satu ku mamalingad,who is going to help in the fields,train +13521,13522,13522,Silusiday maemin ku finawlan Mitukad tu diyung pacakat tu selal malikuda,the tribal people all wear traditional costumes there is pig slaughtering age graduation and the fortune song and Dance,train +13522,13523,13523,tangasa i tini i,until,train +13523,13524,13524,Mitafukud micadiway atu pasiding,fish with eight hanging nets trammel nets and one line nets,train +13524,13525,13525,tu tireng nira,physical fitness,train +13525,13526,13526,u miadupay a tamdaw ku wama aku,my dad is a hunter of the tribe,train +13526,13527,13527,pakaaraw,can be seen,train +13527,13528,13528,cukap,shoe,train +13528,13529,13529,saalumanay,largest,train +13529,13530,13530,amaanen nira ku sakapahay,his family did not have to turn bad luck into good luck,test +13530,13531,13531,caay ka eca a milaecer ku fafahiyan a masufuc,when a woman gives birth she must exert herself to produce a child,train +13531,13532,13532,a saʼusien,if you count them carefully,train +13532,13533,13533,itini i lalavu nu luma sa hatini ku,as well as family counseling and parent assistance for ethnic language learning,train +13533,13534,13534,tangtangen nira,she cooked this,train +13534,13535,13535,micaliw tu kamukuan,rent an apartment,train +13535,13536,13536,o malakamuay ku mitiruday tu matuasay,it is time for you to succeed the old man,train +13536,13537,13537,masaficinga itira ku rumaruma a misakakaya,can be made into long planks,train +13537,13538,13538,malaamaay tu malaakungay tu,just like grand mom and Grandpa would do,train +13538,13539,13539,aka ka matira,do not do this,train +13539,13540,13540,o takaraway ku ngaayay tu pueneray,taller is better than shorter,test +13540,13541,13541,nanay matiya kisu mamalafangcalay a singsi^ kaku,I hope I will be a good teacher like you,train +13541,13542,13542,tangsul tu kura suwal tura,immediate resolution,train +13542,13543,13543,iraay i luma ku akung haw,is grandfather at home,train +13543,13544,13544,papicukay,kick,train +13544,13545,13545,fedfedan kura uʼu tura masay atura mifakes tura papah nura kuwa da hayhayhay,tie the leaves so they do not fall off,train +13545,13546,13546,maamitiray,it is a big deal,train +13546,13547,13547,Mafana kaku a sumuwal tu nu Amis atu nu Piyuma,I can speak Ami and Puyuma,train +13547,13548,13548,Olili pataduen kaku a miaca tu fitaul,go buy me eggs,train +13548,13549,13549,yu miduhkit ku Tufur a siri tu saka tusa a nitupaan i matngil aku ku suwal nuya sakatatusa a mauripay Katayni saan cingra,when the Lamb opened the second seal I heard the second living creature say Come,train +13549,13550,13550,maharek kuyaan ta,when that is done,test +13550,13551,13551,fawu,a generic term for insects,train +13551,13552,13552,talik,beat,train +13552,13553,13553,ya fulu nu aul,that bamboo flower,train +13553,13554,13554,marasmasay,light,train +13554,13555,13555,mahaen haw,really,train +13555,13556,13556,ira ku man han tu kiya,what is the name of the place,train +13556,13557,13557,Cikanuus tu cikaf nu futing ku fafahi,women wear fish scale nails,train +13557,13558,13558,Palatumuk tu mama aku ku finawlan nu niyaru,residents set up my dad,train +13558,13559,13559,micudad hu ayaw adihay ku piyang ri picudad,I am going back to school I am getting candy at school,train +13559,13560,13560,u tutuʼhu itiya ya puwa puwa hanay yakahid tu fasul,in the old days we used to use a how which is a gourd as a ladle to scoop rice bran,test +13560,13561,13561,sarikuen,put on,train +13561,13562,13562,licayen aku cira mana pacici sa cira a mifalic tu ngangan ya matelangay a mitingkian a ngangan cuwa kangaay haw,I asked him why he insisted on changing his name was not the old registration method sufficient,train +13562,13563,13563,u tatihiay nu mita masamaanay a demakan tada musiluy tu,the things around us are just brilliant,train +13563,13564,13564,ciferang,sweat,train +13564,13565,13565,Misalama^ kaku aci kaka^ nu maku i alu^,my brother and I were playing in the river,train +13565,13566,13566,Kamaru,have a seat,train +13566,13567,13567,cekur,survey the scene from an elevated position,train +13567,13568,13568,ya iya huni ya uway,and the yellow vine,train +13568,13569,13569,Mangaay ku adada nira,his illness is gone,train +13569,13570,13570,milaplap kura aʼadupen hay,hunting the prey like this,test +13570,13571,13571,sipakaynien nu heni i kiwkay saka tangelal nu lalan,they use the church to make their paths brighter,train +13571,13572,13572,awaay ku patelian kila,because there is no place to put it,train +13572,13573,13573,pahanhan tu kita sangaayen tu ku nu mita,the class is over goodbye everyone,train +13573,13574,13574,itira kacekuk nu falucu nira a minengneng tuya kulafaw,he was surprised to see the vole,train +13574,13575,13575,macakat ku maepud i hakerung sanay kami,we will follow suit and if the Secretary steps down we will step down too,train +13575,13576,13576,ya mikeridan ni Mayaw epi a kapah,led by Mr Ma Yiu Kwai bee youth,train +13576,13577,13577,o mamalahdaw ku kakarayan atu hkal Nikawrira u mamidauc Kisu o mamatiya u riku ku kakarayan atu hkal a mapnay,they will perish but you remain they will all wear out like a garment,train +13577,13578,13578,u maan han ku ngangan tu hatiniay a demak,what is the name of your current action,train +13578,13579,13579,mafanaʼay tu kami mananamay tu miala haw,because we often take it we know it,train +13579,13580,13580,ira ku nu Fangcalay nu kuhecalay tamdaw,there are nice white people too,test +13580,13581,13581,maedeng,able,train +13581,13582,13582,lingsiwen ita,we have to learn,train +13582,13583,13583,mapatay tu cingra,he died in about minutes,train +13583,13584,13584,o i ikuray aku aira cingra anu u kaustu nu cukap ningra i caay ka tatudung kaku a mitdal han ningra a sumuwal,he is the one who comes after me the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie,train +13584,13585,13585,pacelingen nira i aikur ku pipaceling nuya mama,father installed the fish curtain at the back end,train +13585,13586,13586,hamanen,no need,train +13586,13587,13587,caay ka matiya u alumanay a tamdaw kami a patdu sa a pasuwal tu suwal nu Kawas nawhani u niucuran nu Kawas kami Saka sulinay ku suwal niyam i kaayaw nu Kawas a matayal tu ni Kristu,unlike so many we do not peddle the word of God for profit on the contrary in Christ we speak before God with sincerity like men sent from God,train +13587,13588,13588,ngangiʼen nu itilaay a wawa,it is the children who are there who will lead the way,train +13588,13589,13589,pitpit sa cira tu kilang a mikalic tu kawal tayra i kilang i,he climbed up the ladder to pick fruits,train +13589,13590,13590,cuwi,waterbird,test +13590,13591,13591,simaanay,arbitrary,train +13591,13592,13592,Namatulu kaku namavekac tanu remes satu ku tusur nu maku,when I was running I fell down and my knees were bleeding,train +13592,13593,13593,iniyan satu u mirahtengay tu nipasaselaselal,that is why there is the so called age class,train +13593,13594,13594,anu culculen sanay,or assigned to,train +13594,13595,13595,mahelip nira kira nanum,it absorbs water,train +13595,13596,13596,paradiway hananay nu Pangcah u mikeriday tu radiw nu alumanay dudu satu ku alumanay a micaradaw anu caay u maracingay ku miturinay,a leader is a person who leads the audience in singing and the audience sings or the soprano takes over,train +13596,13597,13597,kandaw tu kufelac niliyunan,grain of rice turns green,train +13597,13598,13598,caka hakuwa ku kafanaan nu maku anu ira ku kafanaan nu maku pacauf han tu aku kisu,I do not know much about that but I will tell you everything I know,train +13598,13599,13599,u lumingay lumangay kuni hay,it is a long bean yes,train +13599,13600,13600,mahadak ku cidal,sunrise,test +13600,13601,13601,mahaen tu rarikur tu ri,and after this,train +13601,13602,13602,anu nengneng han nu matuʼasay tura pisanga isu,if the old man looks at you and sees what you have done,train +13602,13603,13603,mahaenay ku demak itiya hu tura pilaedis hananay sisa,that is the meaning of the fishing festival,train +13603,13604,13604,Namiasiptu haw kisu tina cudad,have you read this book,train +13604,13605,13605,Mangyangi ku falucu nira,his heart is swayed,train +13605,13606,13606,mahaen ku Cikasuʼen ku tamdaw itiya atu matuʼasay,this is the story of the people of the seven foot river and their elders,train +13606,13607,13607,u midueduay a paʼawas a midemak tu likakawa nu tuʼas itiya hu,it follows the norms of cultural traditions inherited from the ancestors,train +13607,13608,13608,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kisu anu caay ka lpun isu a pasadak tu sapatfuc a ma^min i caay ku mamasadak kisu nanipirufuan,I tell you the truth you will not get out until you have paid the last penny,train +13608,13609,13609,Malahakelung kita a midanguy haw,shall we go swimming together,train +13609,13610,13610,u nu nangra itini Amis kiya kamangay haw,what about their kids up north,test +13610,13611,13611,kadademakan,job opportunities,train +13611,13612,13612,nisikangan nira,he is the one who volunteered for the camp,train +13612,13613,13613,mahapinang ku pising isu sedi saan caay pitulas caciyaw tu tingwa,the look on your face was obvious you were excited and kept talking on the phone,train +13613,13614,13614,micudad satu kaku i Tasiye u serangawan nu Yincumin ku nitutucan nu maku a minanam u sakavana tu nikasarumaruma a serangawan nu i Taywanay a yaanay ku aru a vinacadan,after I went to college I took a course on Aboriginal culture and learned that the Aboriginal people in Taiwan have various and rich cultures,train +13614,13615,13615,maʼinal tu nu tauʼay tamaku,I envy people who smoke,train +13615,13616,13616,saayaway kuni mahaen tu kuna,because it is the first thing to do,train +13616,13617,13617,Macuca nu tahefud ku mata nu maku,there is dust in my eyes,train +13617,13618,13618,maulah misakenikeni tu mata ci Mayaw tu tamdaw,Mayaw likes to wink at people,train +13618,13619,13619,a u awaaytu maaraw kya tamina saka,the clan said they had not seen the boat,train +13619,13620,13620,Miaca kaku tu kafung,I am going to buy a hat,test +13620,13621,13621,kulakulangan,where to grow mustard,train +13621,13622,13622,haw suwalen hu aku miliʼayaw tuna demak,I will start with this,train +13622,13623,13623,ira tu kiya cecay sa mapiking tu malasawad tu ha ha,and then the next thing I know I am learning BBF and I am getting hit the first one disappeared Ha ha,train +13623,13624,13624,kalalecadan,common,train +13624,13625,13625,malingad tu rumiʼadmiʼad i,I go to the field every day,train +13625,13626,13626,tu tayal nu misanupangcahay,work for us Aboriginals,train +13626,13627,13627,o harateng ni Yihufa hanu u saka ciepuc ita,why are Jehovahs thoughts good for us,train +13627,13628,13628,iraw,try it,train +13628,13629,13629,iratu ku kaesuay a futing u afar u kalang a malu kakaenen caitu kau mamasiday ku aredet nu kafikafi,every time we came back we had a great meal of fish shrimp and crab and the soup was so delicious that I still cannot forget it,train +13629,13630,13630,masamaan ku rumiad anini^ a dadaya^,how is the weather tonight,test +13630,13631,13631,talafekangen haw,to a higher level of authority,train +13631,13632,13632,o mipaafatay i pipasirian ci faki aku,my uncle delivers hay to the sheep barn,train +13632,13633,13633,Talakatumayian a misakananes,go to the toilet and squat,train +13633,13634,13634,tuya rumiad tayra i ci Yisan a milicay kuya Awaay ku lumuwaday a maurip nai patay a dmak sanay a Satukay a tamdaw,that same day the Sadducees who say there is no resurrection came to him with a question,train +13634,13635,13635,mahaen ku tayal,that is the way it is with switching jobs,train +13635,13636,13636,ngaaytu san kura siwni,sister answered quickly,train +13636,13637,13637,paisingan,hospitals,train +13637,13638,13638,o pakumud hananay a demak haw i macakat i tungruh nu luma nu kakitaan ku pacihakay a mifusfus tu eraw nanay masaray ku kaluadada^ nu tamdaw u saanay,in the so called pakomod ceremony the priestess climbs up to the roof of the clubhouse and sprinkles sweet wine on the people this is to ward off evil spirits and cure people of various diseases,train +13638,13639,13639,u palimangta hananay a lifanges,someone who is skinned alive,train +13639,13640,13640,nawhani caay pakahadidi cangra tu limuut nu Kawas tuya Anu u aadupentu i anu mitfing tuya lutuk i u papatayen tu fukluh sanay a suwal,because they could not bear what was commanded If even an animal touches the mountain it must be stoned,test +13640,13641,13641,caʼay kaenga a miduedu tuen namu hananay tu,you have to follow the predecessors,train +13641,13642,13642,icuwa ku luma nu misu,where is your home,train +13642,13643,13643,papitapiden,mending,train +13643,13644,13644,ira ku ayam a cecay a ayaman u maan u cirut han ita kiya u pancah,there is a bird the Amis call the painted Bird,train +13644,13645,13645,patiku tayra i kaetip pitikuan isu kura,go back to where you were supposed to be,train +13645,13646,13646,aka pilaum tu pida^,money should not be wasted,train +13646,13647,13647,ufangen,field something hole,train +13647,13648,13648,tayni i takuwan sa kaku,find a way to get mom over here,train +13648,13649,13649,hadidi han nita a miʼenuc ku suwal naira,we had to swallow our anger,train +13649,13650,13650,samaan palahad kita tu pakarikecay tu harateng nu niyah,what can we do to develop self discipline,test +13650,13651,13651,dingwa^,telephone,train +13651,13652,13652,saan i ira tu nukay,when I came back from the army,train +13652,13653,13653,Nanuya maaraw nu ruma a tamdaw ci Pitiru O kaput nangra kisu han ningra pasuwal sa ci Pitiru Idang caayay han ningra,a little later someone else saw him and said You also are one of them Man I am not Peter replied,train +13653,13654,13654,maaini tu mapacamulcamul tu radiw,we will join together and sing in harmony with each other,train +13654,13655,13655,kami itiniay Tuwapun,we are from big Ben,train +13655,13656,13656,ta ucuren ningra cangra a papipatnak tu pakayniay i Kitakit nu Kawas a ratuh atu miadah tu adadaay,and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick,train +13656,13657,13657,u kahemid saan mahalek tu kami malafi,it is crabbing after we eat dinner,train +13657,13658,13658,singpu^,Christian priest or clergyman,train +13658,13659,13659,tu kita a tayra,seven of us will go,train +13659,13660,13660,suykwu,fruit,test +13660,13661,13661,mikakurut,bitter gourd,train +13661,13662,13662,ya alu ira kuranan away kuya tumulaw atu ya fayal maletek tu nuya Payrang,the rivers there but the trees are gone cut down by the Minamese,train +13662,13663,13663,amerekay,shorter,train +13663,13664,13664,Mafukilhu kamu tahanini caay ka harateng namu saw yu pakilac kaku tu lima a aplad nu ^pang a pafcul tu lima a patek a tamdaw i pina a fakar ku nisaupuan namu a usaw itiya saw,do you still not understand do not you remember the five loaves for the five thousand and how many basketfuls you gathered,train +13664,13665,13665,u ruma a latusa nu Yincumin i tukaytu a maru,the other half of the Aborigines already live in the city,train +13665,13666,13666,minengneng minengneng tira na a huwlit,go watch the footprints,train +13666,13667,13667,Matakup hu haw miala tu payci,is it too late to get the money,train +13667,13668,13668,Orasaka pingitangit kamu tu Tapang nu ciumahay a papiucur tu matayalay a miritrit tu panay Ningra han ningra,ask the Lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into his Harvest field,train +13668,13669,13669,umaan ku Tapang a mipaluwad nu matuʼasay kinian,why did our ancestors do this,train +13669,13670,13670,hay mahaen kina mahiniay,Yes this is it,test +13670,13671,13671,Midef ku simal tu riyar,the ocean has a large oil slick,train +13671,13672,13672,kiraan saka,That So,train +13672,13673,13673,u ruma sa a wina,some of the moms,train +13673,13674,13674,Pacauf sa ci Yis Tinaku sa anu ira ku cisiriay nu nima namu tu ccay anu matfad i rfung kuya siri tu Paslaan a Rumiad i caay pasadaken namu kuya siri saw,he said to them If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath will you not take hold of it and lift it out,train +13674,13675,13675,ura i matalaw kaku karasrasan nura ekim kira,because I am afraid those shiny sequins will fall off,train +13675,13676,13676,hay o araaw aku tu aawitan awaay ku kafang kira haw sa maan sa tu kak,Yes I did I had nothing to do and we were short of bedding,train +13676,13677,13677,anusawni,in a minute,train +13677,13678,13678,saan,So,train +13678,13679,13679,Mapacamut tu kulang kura pisakakurutan amapaluma,the bitter gourd garden was mixed with mustard plants,train +13679,13680,13680,hatira hay samanen awa aca ku siwkak,that is it there is nothing we can do about it because there is no harvest,test +13680,13681,13681,Alisan,Alishan mountain Range in Taiwan,train +13681,13682,13682,masimsim tayni Kalingku cira,he remembered coming to Hualien,train +13682,13683,13683,naayaway nu matuasaay iri,and before that there was the old man,train +13683,13684,13684,ura fanges aca nira ku tuduhen haw,just burn its skin,train +13684,13685,13685,maliʼepah maen tu icep mitamaku hawi,Drinking smoking and chewing betel nut,train +13685,13686,13686,kaku itini hiya mipan kaku tu hiya Pangciwpisay itini i Cunhe,I once organized a baseball game in Chunghwa,train +13686,13687,13687,maulah kaku mitengil tu kimad,I love stories,train +13687,13688,13688,itiya i matngil ni Hiruti u hungti nu Kalili ku pakayniay ci Yisan a lihaf,at that time Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus,train +13688,13689,13689,itiya haw i manenengay aku ku,Actually I have seen my fathers settlement money,train +13689,13690,13690,maulah ku wawa mikalic tu kilang,kids love to climb trees,test +13690,13691,13691,makurac,clean,train +13691,13692,13692,kamaumahan aku itini situkaysiya,working in the field,train +13692,13693,13693,aykur tu,in the end,train +13693,13694,13694,kaku i sasera mipitpitay,and I collect them from the bottom,train +13694,13695,13695,pacikilen,tag,train +13695,13696,13696,mahaenay tu ku urip,a life like this,train +13696,13697,13697,laʼenu nu lakacaway ya kapah haw liyangkeciycen,there are two classes of seniors,train +13697,13698,13698,misatapang tu micumud tu ku singsi^ suwal satu ku kakeridan Kalumuwad Mitaung saan,it is time for class the teacher walked into the classroom and the monitor said Stand up Salute,train +13698,13699,13699,i niyaruay kaku a minanam,I learned it in the tribe,train +13699,13700,13700,hiya han nu heni ku titi nu rarapa ukak nu rarapa,they sorted the meat and bones of the slaughter,test +13700,13701,13701,heci,fruit,train +13701,13702,13702,niditekan,note,train +13702,13703,13703,ira i hiya,there it is,train +13703,13704,13704,Hai micefus kaku,Okay I will water it,train +13704,13705,13705,aka ka saadihay hanen mi adihay han kahecid satu caay,do not overdo it,train +13705,13706,13706,misanga tu kami tu riku,we started making traditional clothing,train +13706,13707,13707,micenu,plunge,train +13707,13708,13708,ira ku cacay a tataheciw micekaw i caang nu apalu,an och rests on a branch of the bread tree,train +13708,13709,13709,tiya lumaʼan u wawa nira,the children of the deceased,train +13709,13710,13710,itira i iraay i Kalingku nuku hananay,in there was a place in Hualien called Nenggao,test +13710,13711,13711,mangulaw,to be angry,train +13711,13712,13712,Sikafungay ku wina a masadak haw,does mom wear a hat when she goes out,train +13712,13713,13713,tuna manen ku pihiya tu tafukut,let us get all the gossip out of the net first,train +13713,13714,13714,Hai miala kaku tu sasisit,Okay I will go get the cloth,train +13714,13715,13715,dinget,nasal mucus,train +13715,13716,13716,u ama niyam u tada Kaliyawan,our father is a real Karevan,train +13716,13717,13717,enem pulu,sixty,train +13717,13718,13718,Papiselalen nu mita ku kapah a wawa nu finawlan,we need to get the tribal youth to participate in the age class,train +13718,13719,13719,u sa tu sapiʼaca nu malitengay itiyahu,because in the old days the older generation could not afford it,train +13719,13720,13720,tadakahemekan tuyaʼurip itiya hu awaay ku maʼidiay,it is very commendable that the past is not cheap,test +13720,13721,13721,mi,as soon as,train +13721,13722,13722,sa ira saku piliyas aku tu matuʼasay atu niyaru,that is why I left my parents and my hometown,train +13722,13723,13723,nawhani caay ku patalaway ku nipaflian nu Kawas i titaanan a Adingu o rumasatu unini a Adingu i u paki^melay u papiulahay u pakametay tu falucu cingra,for God did not give us a Spirit of timidity but a Spirit of power of love and of self discipline,train +13723,13724,13724,satimulan,tribal square,train +13724,13725,13725,u saikuray tu tahini i kalakayingan haw,Finally it is time for the girls,train +13725,13726,13726,haw atu Matadim a tamdaw,the Martyrs,train +13726,13727,13727,tu vuduy atu pida sa,Clothing coins et,train +13727,13728,13728,caay ka sapicaraan kami a sumuwal i tisuwanan Kamukuen niyam ku suwal saka hadidi han a mitngil,but in order not to weary you further I would request that you be kind enough to hear us briefly,train +13728,13729,13729,nanu tuas anu silsil han ku radiw atu keru nu Pangcah maedeng ira ku nu malanguhahay a radiw sakaacang a radiw atu keru sapisayal tu falucu a radiw,the traditional tribal songs and dances of the Amis can be broadly categorized as love ballads,train +13729,13730,13730,itiyahu,Cleaning but not exactly cleaning,test +13730,13731,13731,pasifanaʼay tu hatiniʼay haʼenen haw,we will teach you how to turn it this way and cut it that way,train +13731,13732,13732,Hai paka高鐵ay kaku a tala Takaw,Yes I go to Kaohsiung by high speed Rail,train +13732,13733,13733,tiwasen,take,train +13733,13734,13734,sapitalikan tu hemay a tifekan sa,a wooden mortar for pounding mocha with glutinous rice,train +13734,13735,13735,malaheci ku nini nanu sa iya,do your best to accomplish this from that,train +13735,13736,13736,mangata kira,it is close,train +13736,13737,13737,remadiw,sing a song,train +13737,13738,13738,nali ku suwal nira,he exaggerated,train +13738,13739,13739,Nikawrira tuna aluman ku maudangay saka u nika cifafahi nu fainayan atu nika cifainay nu fafahiyan ku ngaay,but since there is so much immorality each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband,train +13739,13740,13740,Aanini a pakaaraw kaku tu tadapising nu misu,today I really saw your true colors,test +13740,13741,13741,mikerid a rumadiw tu alumanay sanay ku kura kiʼeciw a imi kurila,the point of leading a song is to lead a song,train +13741,13742,13742,ya kemud ira i,it is in there,train +13742,13743,13743,ay cuwaay ku,where are we going,train +13743,13744,13744,itini hu kaku i kiwkay a matayal mala sicuci mala sicuci,I am still a deacon in my church,train +13744,13745,13745,awaay tu a mamelaw ku nu niyam,ours is almost invisible,train +13745,13746,13746,hakuwaay kura cima ku mafanaʼay tu tuki itiyaay hu,who knew what of the clock was,train +13746,13747,13747,nira kira neng han wawa nira kura,that is why it turned out to be his child,train +13747,13748,13748,o demak nu wawa kiraan,that is the child behavior,train +13748,13749,13749,unini u talinga ira ini kiya cuwa ku sapikakuy,this is its ear not its handle,train +13749,13750,13750,hay nu maku a nisangaʼan,Yes I did,test +13750,13751,13751,maala kira vavuy,if you say you have been caught,train +13751,13752,13752,yi kisu cima ku ngangan ni ama nira,carry on you and your dad are wearing these,train +13752,13753,13753,suwalen nu maku saka,I said to them,train +13753,13754,13754,maketertelii,angry,train +13754,13755,13755,anu mimingen naku mata nu tafukud,if you decide to create a gossip site with a smaller hole in it,train +13755,13756,13756,haena piala pakayni i aayaw,hold it like this and go around the front,train +13756,13757,13757,palapalaan,surname Tian,train +13757,13758,13758,kuya pinengneng ningra,visual inspection,train +13758,13759,13759,itiya i Paslaan a Rumiad ci Yis a misasuta tu sra a miadah tu mata ningra,now the day on which Jesus had made the mud and opened the mans eyes was a Sabbath,train +13759,13760,13760,maesing,sneeze,test +13760,13761,13761,citadangay a tamdaw hananay han i,the perpetrator of a great crime,train +13761,13762,13762,catuka a saan a misuwac ri,he is whipping and saying that he is too lazy to participate in this training,train +13762,13763,13763,Ngaay hu tu papacem faki,Uncle good morning,train +13763,13764,13764,kapal,palms,train +13764,13765,13765,hungliteng,red and green lights,train +13765,13766,13766,malitemuhay isu masamanay a katalawan a demak hani,have you ever been in any kind of dangerous situation,train +13766,13767,13767,Sarikuray tu a kasakeruan a rumiad nu ilisin anini^,today is the last day of the Toyonen Matsuri song and dance program,train +13767,13768,13768,kibetul ku sera nu tiniay haw tadasera,the land here is very fertile,train +13768,13769,13769,mahidefung,invasions,train +13769,13770,13770,tikami^,profess faith in,test +13770,13771,13771,Orasaka u hahamhamen ita ku matiniay a tamdaw ta malamikihatiyaay kita i cangraan a matayal tu saki sulin,we ought therefore to show hospitality to such men so that we may work together for the truth,train +13771,13772,13772,malikelun tira i Kiram,after that we will go down to the river bridge,train +13772,13773,13773,cafeng,wall,train +13773,13774,13774,matahidang tu kapukaput mavekac,invite fellow runners,train +13774,13775,13775,fafahian ri papina kamu,what about the girls how many of you are there,train +13775,13776,13776,i laed nu sakawalu atu sakasiwa nu vulad i mihmihca a malalikid ku niyaru niyam,every year between August and September our tribe holds the Harvest dance Festival,train +13776,13777,13777,sasuvin,slippers,train +13777,13778,13778,mahaen kura singsi,that teacher,train +13778,13779,13779,tahini i ku hitay nu Ripun,the Japanese army went to the south Seas,train +13779,13780,13780,awa tu ku pisamatang tira,there is no place to cultivate,test +13780,13781,13781,sisa pakeda han tu kami u wawa a pakaen tu rarapa i,So let the kids go to the cows,train +13781,13782,13782,vinawlan,the masses,train +13782,13783,13783,han han mangata tini i Haciliwan,approaching the eight Mile bay tribe,train +13783,13784,13784,mahaenay kiya saʼusi,that is it,train +13784,13785,13785,mahaen ku nipatiren,that is how it is built,train +13785,13786,13786,Nikawrira u midaucay a maurip ci Yis o tayal ningra tu nu citudungay tu taung i caay tu kangaay a rucuken nu tau,now there have been many of those priests since death prevented them from continuing in office,train +13786,13787,13787,ati han a micelecelem micelemcelem san adada kura mata ira sa,I am blind and cannot dive my eyes hurt when I dive,train +13787,13788,13788,ha ura sa ila sa tu mafulaw kamu talapasiʼamis i,that is why when the south was moving to the North,train +13788,13789,13789,patulun,tell,train +13789,13790,13790,itiraay vungavungaan tiputipusan a mihiya sa,it is all in the groundnut field eat in the field,test +13790,13791,13791,malaungkakay a singsi,are you a music teacher,train +13791,13792,13792,hatiraay maradiway,it is like this I love to sing I can sing,train +13792,13793,13793,yu dafak satu i tataang ku rarawraw nu mikifikifiay a tayring tu pakayniay i dmak ni Pitiru,in the morning there was no small commotion among the soldiers as to what had become of Peter,train +13793,13794,13794,mitawciker kitanan ceka ya ceka idi,that is why you are willing to teach me to guide me and not to be mean,train +13794,13795,13795,suelin kita u ma u malingaday,we farmers are really hard working,train +13795,13796,13796,misanga ku heni tu laku,they are doing the fields,train +13796,13797,13797,yu tani tu kaku i hiya i,when I came to that,train +13797,13798,13798,ceru han ca i tira i pa^etang aka pisasaw,directly into the bucket without washing,train +13798,13799,13799,sisit,rubbing,train +13799,13800,13800,mangudu kisu haw mi,are you shy,test +13800,13801,13801,tanuktuk,well being,train +13801,13802,13802,hai han nu maku,I said yes,train +13802,13803,13803,iʼayaw san tayran way ku nanum i satefu,I used to go to the river without water,train +13803,13804,13804,midanguyay,swimming,train +13804,13805,13805,o nima^ a impic kinian,whose pen is it,train +13805,13806,13806,tinien nga maʼala,put it right here for easy access,train +13806,13807,13807,pakafangen,cover something cover the quilt,train +13807,13808,13808,cecay ca ku niya mama aku ha ha ha ha,when I was a kid I was the only one in my fathers audience,train +13808,13809,13809,Papina^,which,train +13809,13810,13810,kafekangfafekang,above,test +13810,13811,13811,aanini,at the present,train +13811,13812,13812,anu iyai nga catu ka iyaen,do not use it if it is good,train +13812,13813,13813,tuluay,three,train +13813,13814,13814,kiya lalan hakini han nu Kuwaping,the name of the place in Chinese is east Parallel,train +13814,13815,13815,saka inian ku haenen,So because of this,train +13815,13816,13816,fesir,gallbladder,train +13816,13817,13817,u cilah u maan,is it saltpeter or what,train +13817,13818,13818,ya Kawas hananay nu heni haw,the so called hungry mountain god,train +13818,13819,13819,saka tusa a remiad pakasepat a remiad,the next day until the fourth day,train +13819,13820,13820,ciciken maherek midemak,Slicing after completing the previous actions,test +13820,13821,13821,u umah hakiya caay ku ngangan nu tamdaw hayi,it is the name of the field not the name of the man,train +13821,13822,13822,Sakautaaw sanay kaku tayra hu kaku i kamisian,I feel like vomiting I need to go to the restroom,train +13822,13823,13823,ya kapah satu i ya dafak satu i maherek tu mitangtang canira tu titi u sakaranam kuya titi emin han mititi,that morning those young men already were finishing cooking pork all of it for breakfast,train +13823,13824,13824,pakayni i piseking hantui caay ka ala ku,by means of the Aboriginal language Proficiency certification test,train +13824,13825,13825,kita itira a mikaykung a,opening up for farming,train +13825,13826,13826,masamaan ku falucu nu mamalasafitay a tamdaw anu harateng han caayay ka i safa ku nu itiyaay hu a falucu a miharateng tu sakapatay nu urip,the feeling of being drafted into the army is no less heavy than that of being parted from ones family in the Japanese era,train +13826,13827,13827,wa miawit kaku anu hacuwa niawitan hatira sa,I am embroidering I am embroidering look where I am embroidering follow the lines,train +13827,13828,13828,Paruruhen nu tau ku wawa aku i picudadan,someone else framed my kid at school,train +13828,13829,13829,hatiraay kiya haw,the issue,train +13829,13830,13830,palu^1,strike,test +13830,13831,13831,yu mitipus satu,when it is time to harvest,train +13831,13832,13832,maxera tu,got it,train +13832,13833,13833,saka tusa lalakaw wa milengu itini i pisudud tu tamdaw mikangudu tu ˈurip atu paihekal tu masadafdafay patirengay ci Yihufa tu manan taˈarawan,the second text will talk about how the Lord sets an example of forgiveness respect for life and justice,train +13833,13834,13834,i Taynan a niyaru,a tribe has formed in Tainan,train +13834,13835,13835,caay ka anuf kaku tu ^kim atu tada^kim atu riku nu nimanima,I have not coveted anyone silver or gold or clothing,train +13835,13836,13836,a mitengil tu nanu urip nu maku tangasa anini,let us hear what I have been through so far,train +13836,13837,13837,cecay cecay ku lafii tu niyam maʼuraday tu,we have had rain all day and all night,train +13837,13838,13838,o cingihaay tu kaku i matini,now I have a voice,train +13838,13839,13839,anu tatataang ku vali,no matter how strong the wind is,train +13839,13840,13840,Ngaay hu kisu pinaay ku aca nuna dateng,Hello how much is this bunch of vegetables,test +13840,13841,13841,unian ku saka urip,this is what we live for,train +13841,13842,13842,anu tayni kisu i sanay hawi,you can go to the Tamayama Seminary,train +13842,13843,13843,Talacuwa^ kisu,where are you going,train +13843,13844,13844,masadak,come on,train +13844,13845,13845,kura sawmuci hananay,it was planted on tomb sweeping Day,train +13845,13846,13846,o rarem a selal kami,we are the lower class,train +13846,13847,13847,cedeng,slowly,train +13847,13848,13848,nguhanguh,swing,train +13848,13849,13849,a sivavahi tu kami sa ku suwal nu heni,they say we want a wife,train +13849,13850,13850,parayrayen ku wawa hay,Yes pass it on to the next generation,test +13850,13851,13851,hemin han n kaka ku semut a mifariw awa tu ku fafariwen nu maku,my brother had cut all the grass and I had no grass left to cut,train +13851,13852,13852,matiraay u maudangay i makayat ku kulung malu aca nu satefuc,a person who commits sexual harassment may be fined a cow,train +13852,13853,13853,Hayhan ira ku rumiad isu tu dadaya malacafay kita a malafi anu dadaya makahi kisu,no wonder are you available at night would you like to have a meal with me,train +13853,13854,13854,nu kuwaping i hanay,the Chinese name for the place is Zhongxing,train +13854,13855,13855,ha ha ha ha,hahahaha,train +13855,13856,13856,micicih tu kuyumi ci ina tu rumiamiad,mom tears up the calendar every day,train +13856,13857,13857,itira i maharek tu mipanay,when the rice Harvest is finished,train +13857,13858,13858,Nikawrira u nipipatireng i kawanan i kawili aku i caay ku nu maku a dmak kurira deng u Kawas ku patalaay a patireng itira tu nipilian ningra a tamdaw han ningra,but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant these places belong to those for whom they have been prepared,train +13858,13859,13859,tadamaulah,love dearly,train +13859,13860,13860,maemin tu u kapah ku tahira i mama nu kapah ku citudungay a mi,all the things were taken care of by the youths and their fathers,test +13860,13861,13861,hawikid,bring,train +13861,13862,13862,tiya i,at that time,train +13862,13863,13863,u maan a tamdawan ku itilaay,who is that over there,train +13863,13864,13864,macekeruh nu fali ku tamina niyam i riyar,in the middle of the sea our boat was pushed by the wind,train +13864,13865,13865,tumangic ku wina aku,my mom is crying,train +13865,13866,13866,mararid ku nipihaen nu maku,I do this all the time,train +13866,13867,13867,maan hantu,what should I do,train +13867,13868,13868,a fangcal kira hai nika u nuninian kahmaw ku nuninian,T that is good P Yes but it is easier this time,train +13868,13869,13869,cuwa tu mikihatiya tu malitengay kira,did not participate in the activities of the elders gatherings,train +13869,13870,13870,na mivutingan nu heni haw,the amount of fish they caught,test +13870,13871,13871,Talacuwaay misalama kamu i cilaay a lipay,where did you guys go last week,train +13871,13872,13872,mahaenay kiya nu maku,this is what happened to me,train +13872,13873,13873,ci ku itiya u fafahiyan,the mayor is a girl named Lin Huimin,train +13873,13874,13874,miʼatul ku matuʼasay,the elders are going to make a stone wall,train +13874,13875,13875,yu ruma caay pakasanga kita,Sometimes we cannot do it,train +13875,13876,13876,Papayci han tu mihecahecaan,give her money every year,train +13876,13877,13877,mapudekay,the upper eyelid fell off,train +13877,13878,13878,Kuwad han niyam kira matumesay a pawti,we lift up sacks full of them,train +13878,13879,13879,pasaupuen amin ku anu Tapang nu luma kiniyan,the head of the family will gather all the members of the family,train +13879,13880,13880,cifitaulay,egoless,test +13880,13881,13881,sakacaniiw,causes of poor vision,train +13881,13882,13882,i cuwa tu kiya mitelian aku itini tuya kureng ya takula,where was the frog that I put in the urn,train +13882,13883,13883,misimsimay kita tu hatatudung kira,we will choose the right person ourselves,train +13883,13884,13884,pasuwal sa ku tarukus tu Tapang Paicelen ku pitier niyam i Kawas han nangra,the apostles said to the Lord Increase our faith,train +13884,13885,13885,pakikaemangay,from the young,train +13885,13886,13886,sakalamkam satu ci Cakay a ma^pud salipahak sa cingra a mihamham ci Yisan,so he came down at once and welcomed him gladly,train +13886,13887,13887,fila,Lao leaf,train +13887,13888,13888,itila,there it is,train +13888,13889,13889,awaay ku misafadisusuay i niyaru nu amis,no one in the Amis tribe grows vines,train +13889,13890,13890,inaneng kura safa aku tura,this brother of mine is great,test +13890,13891,13891,kasi,confectionary,train +13891,13892,13892,yu ina nu maku haw i sakacecay pifuting ningra haw i,First my moms fishing method,train +13892,13893,13893,nawhani ira ku Kawas midipu,because God will help us,train +13893,13894,13894,anini satu i u hiya kuni u sapipanengneng tu i tamuwanan,Now these are to show you the ingredients for the savory meat,train +13894,13895,13895,Nanay mapadil ku Kawas caay ka citulas Amin,to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen,train +13895,13896,13896,o rumasatu mangalay cingra a mapaalufu ni Pawlu saka sacnacna han ningra a mitahidang ci Pawlu a malalicay,at the same time he was hoping that Paul would offer him a bribe so he sent for him frequently and talked with him,train +13896,13897,13897,Ngaay,possible,train +13897,13898,13898,o pakimaday a pasuwal tu suwal nu Kawas a tamdaw i u pisinanut ningra tu falucu a pasuwal ku ngaay,the spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets,train +13898,13899,13899,mafaluday,kidnapped,train +13899,13900,13900,nimaʼan kisu han tu kiy wawa,just ask these kids what you are going to do,test +13900,13901,13901,papiala tu tu hiya tu uway nye sapitaes,he told his students to use a cane as a whip,train +13901,13902,13902,salaw sawad han tu nu Amis ku sera,so the Amis gave up the land,train +13902,13903,13903,u manhan nu Amis kura kuetengay kura kaenen hay,I also grow some okra okra is a sticky dish,train +13903,13904,13904,masu^suay,fatter,train +13904,13905,13905,maadah tu ku duka aku,my wound is healed,train +13905,13906,13906,nipaluma,cultivation,train +13906,13907,13907,kararuman ku ulic nina radiw,the lyrics are so sad,train +13907,13908,13908,anu hakuwa aira,when will he come,train +13908,13909,13909,liyaw tu tini i niyaru,back in this tribe,train +13909,13910,13910,mifisun,shake,test +13910,13911,13911,maʼaraway aku tu matuʼasay i ayaw,I have seen the old man before,train +13911,13912,13912,alapina ku sasurut sanay,how much does each person need to pay,train +13912,13913,13913,aluman tu ku nai waliay a tayni saetip i Taype,most of the parishioners came from the east to the north,train +13913,13914,13914,o niyam a luma i,our house,train +13914,13915,13915,tu,with respect to,train +13915,13916,13916,a tataluma anini a mitanam,go home and eat,train +13916,13917,13917,tusa ku hiya ku amu mami mamitiyaw,use two lifting beams,train +13917,13918,13918,caka papina kira,there is not a lot of residents here,train +13918,13919,13919,ma mapatay ira ku tulu pulu a tamdaw a matudu,almost people were burned to death on the exploding ship,train +13919,13920,13920,hay hu ku nu itiyaay hu a demak ira ku mapatayay,in the old days people valued and respected the deaths of tribal people,test +13920,13921,13921,Hayda halikien a tayra,Okay go quickly,train +13921,13922,13922,miritrit tu kusuy han ira kami,he said he wanted us to cut lemongrass,train +13922,13923,13923,mapulung a mitengil kami u malakaputay a micudad,our classmates listen together,train +13923,13924,13924,nay kaku micumud a micudad isaw iri,I went to school in,train +13924,13925,13925,o tatapangan nu pisaparud nu mita u masapangcahay u ina ku piterungan a misaparud u satadamaanay a pinangan i u fafahian ku piterungan nu kasangasaw,the traditional Amis developed the concept of the family with the typical matrilineal concept of society at its core,train +13925,13926,13926,itiya i malatusa ku finawlan nuya niyaru o ruma a tamdaw i mikitira i Yutaya a tamdaw o ruma a tamdaw i mikitira i tarukus,the people of the city were divided some sided with the Jews others with the apostles,train +13926,13927,13927,ku itiya kamu a tayni namu a misasing itiya,it is the best time for you to come and take pictures,train +13927,13928,13928,caay kahakuwa ku nipaliwalan a alumi nikaurira adahi sapiaca tu piyang nu wawa,the empty aluminum bottles I sold today did not cost much but they are better than nothing for buying a kids candy,train +13928,13929,13929,a mipana saan haw,speaking of archery,train +13929,13930,13930,inapil,belt,test +13930,13931,13931,tira kami a malahuk,we also participated in the fishing Festival lunch,train +13931,13932,13932,sapal,sapling,train +13932,13933,13933,u tarud saku rumaruma kafanaan aca aku kurana,some say reeds that is what I know,train +13933,13934,13934,o sakapapitu kaku,I am seventh in line,train +13934,13935,13935,hatu sadak sanay kaku,that is how I was invited,train +13935,13936,13936,pina ku cecay rumiʼad han aku,I asked how much a days pay is,train +13936,13937,13937,pamuecal,straight,train +13937,13938,13938,nacayci,intelligent property office,train +13938,13939,13939,u edengan uya ciwaʼaay ku mialaan ira,only animals with horns are hunted,train +13939,13940,13940,alul sa tu cingra a mapulin itini i i nanum,he fell into the water he was drowning,test +13940,13941,13941,cipuyapuy tu kaku itiya sa u mamahufuc tu,even pregnant women who are about to give birth go out of their way to join in the fun,train +13941,13942,13942,ta mahaen haw i sakangaʼay tu nu urip nina niyaru kuninian,going to work in Arabia improves tribal life,train +13942,13943,13943,hiraterateng,anticipate,train +13943,13944,13944,u simanay u laput tu ku sakalahuk nangra,simple dishes such as groundnut leaves,train +13944,13945,13945,hatiraay ku suwal nu wama aku,my father taught me that,train +13945,13946,13946,sakasepat,Fourth,train +13946,13947,13947,misarsquuir,exorcism,train +13947,13948,13948,caay papayi sa,it is not a lie,train +13948,13949,13949,mapacidal ku awul a akung satu,the bamboo is bent by the sun,train +13949,13950,13950,macidal,clear sky,test +13950,13951,13951,u maan ku cakayen nu misu,what are you buying,train +13951,13952,13952,o mihedutay tu nanum i matini kina muta,this motor is pumping,train +13952,13953,13953,Mafana ci Yis tu nika lahcitu nu pulung nu dmak Saka suwal sa Masuaw Kaku saan cingra onini i u sapilahciaw tu suwal i Fangcalay Cudad,Later knowing that all was now completed and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled Jesus said I am thirsty,train +13953,13954,13954,pina ku mamasanga tura,how many gyros can you make out of that log,train +13954,13955,13955,palumaan,planted,train +13955,13956,13956,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad O hkal atu mauripay i hkal i u nu Tapang a ma^min saan,for The earth is the Lords and everything in it,train +13956,13957,13957,pakabitin tu i tini,hang it up here,train +13957,13958,13958,mililit turanan,time to go around,train +13958,13959,13959,sava tu vavainayan,younger brother,train +13959,13960,13960,Sakaliki sa kaku mituruˈ tu ruma salikaka papiliyaw a pacaˈuf nanay matatudungaytu kura caˈuf ningra,I quickly asked another brother to answer againwell I hope his answer is correct,test +13960,13961,13961,ma naʼayaw mihicay ku nietan,in the past we used to earn about to dollars a day by catching small fry,train +13961,13962,13962,o kuhetingay ku fadahung nu luma niyam,the roof of my house is black,train +13962,13963,13963,cikay sa cingra a talaayaw a mikalic i calamay a kilang tu sapinengnengaw i ci Yisan nawhani u papakayra ci Yis a mitalif,so he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore fig tree to see him since Jesus was coming that way,train +13963,13964,13964,milihay,worship,train +13964,13965,13965,tata mimali^ kita,let us go play basketball shall we,train +13965,13966,13966,Mafana kamu atu tusatu a rumiad ta maraud ku Pitalifan a Lisin O mamapacakay ku Wawa nu Tamdaw ta u mamapacek i ciwcika han ningra,As you know the Passover is two days away and the son of man will be handed over to be crucified,train +13966,13967,13967,Pacufelen ni faki ku iduc nira,uncle holsters his javelin,train +13967,13968,13968,sisa mivahvah tu tuwid itiya,that is why it is time to get rid of the birds,train +13968,13969,13969,pakatimmararamud,get married,train +13969,13970,13970,nai Taypak mikalic tu kasuling a tayra i pusung kami,we took the train from Taipei to Taitung,test +13970,13971,13971,uni ku aredetay san,this is better,train +13971,13972,13972,anu cicedicedi kaku,no matter what I am capable of,train +13972,13973,13973,Mihaenay palahad kita tu harateng ni Yis atu waywayan tada u kalimelaan,Therefore it is very important that we cultivate an attitude of Jesus mind,train +13973,13974,13974,o niedawan ku sakalingad naira a miadup,they went out hunting on the basis of divination,train +13974,13975,13975,yu tahira cangra i ci Yisan i maaraw nangra kuya namaaruay nu alumanay a palafuay Cirikutu cingra a masatamdaw a maru Saka matalaw cangra,when they came to Jesus they saw the man who had been possessed by the Legion of demons sitting there dressed and in his right mind and they were afraid,train +13975,13976,13976,nikawrira kaemeday tu caay tu kangaay a luwanen sa ku suwal nuya tawki,but the boss said that it is already very cheap and cannot be reduced any further,train +13976,13977,13977,a miala tu talud,get the grass,train +13977,13978,13978,a pasuvanaʼen kamu u wawa,I am going to teach you kid,train +13978,13979,13979,anu patahekal kita tu matiniay cuwa pisateked a ulah u mamatumes tu hemek atu epuc ku nukaˈurip ita,when we show this kind of selfless love life will be full of joy and meaning,train +13979,13980,13980,aka ka halafinen ku piesa tuni dateng,do not blanch this green vegetable for too long,test +13980,13981,13981,kahicelaan nu mita itini tu Sanayasay hananay,we stopped at fire Island,train +13981,13982,13982,mahaenay ku ayaw a tangkic,that is the way it used to be,train +13982,13983,13983,hatini tu ku ngapa,that is how small the spout is,train +13983,13984,13984,sa tahanini u nu Fataʼan caay ka sawad nu mita,until now we have not given up planting beans,train +13984,13985,13985,yitwucaw hananay kura ngangan ira,it is called taro grass,train +13985,13986,13986,fangcal kamu patireng sansa,that is how it works,train +13986,13987,13987,hay,Geometry yes,train +13987,13988,13988,kaykic san tya ayaway sa away hu caay pirufu,they have not been penalized or imprisoned,train +13988,13989,13989,yu pasuwalhu ci Yis i iratu a miraud ku finawlan oya ccay nu tusa ku safaw a tarukus ci Yuta ku mikriday i cangraan Cupa sa cingra tu sapicucupan ci Yisan,while he was still speaking a crowd came up and the man who was called Judas one of the Twelve was leading them he approached Jesus to kiss him,train +13989,13990,13990,tu suwal nu Pangcah,ways of speaking the Amis language,test +13990,13991,13991,ku Cikasuwan,Chikagawa,train +13991,13992,13992,hatini sanay yaca,that is all,train +13992,13993,13993,lumuwad yu satu kaku anu papacem tu ha ina,and to think I will be leaving home in the morning,train +13993,13994,13994,maherek cira misakilang,when he makes a good forest,train +13994,13995,13995,ngaʼay tu alaen haw,are you ready to harvest,train +13995,13996,13996,tini acacay ku nu niyam,that is all we have,train +13996,13997,13997,malihiw nu nanum ku sera,water eroded the soil,train +13997,13998,13998,o sakalahurac nu masangaay a maamaan i caay ku naira a falucu u nanu nafalucuan nu Kawas Nikawrira irahu ku pafalucuan naira u masangaay,for the creation was subjected to frustration not by its own choice but by the will of the one who subjected it in hope,train +13998,13999,13999,ya suwal satu tengilen ku suwal aku haw,the doctor said to keep an eye on them,train +13999,14000,14000,onini a dmak i u nika lahci nu suwal nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya,this took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet,test +14000,14001,14001,ha cidek,Oh Mistletoe,train +14001,14002,14002,anu matiratira a lima^ ku nikasasiruma nu kaitiraan nu Pangcah haw i ira ku malecaday a pinangan nu niyaru nu Pangcah,although Amis are divided into five subgroups they share common tribal characteristics,train +14002,14003,14003,simataʼen a maen nihiya ri kaesutu,raw food can be eaten,train +14003,14004,14004,minukay kami,I will be back in about,train +14004,14005,14005,itiya misanga tu tumuk nu niyaru,that is when a tribal leader was introduced,train +14005,14006,14006,itiya a remiad a tira kita,after the date of selection of the head,train +14006,14007,14007,yu ta^ngadtu i masaupu ku kalas nu niyaru nu Yutaya a tamdaw atu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec kriden nangra ci Yis a patayra i pilaucan nangra,at daybreak the Council of the elders of the people both the chief priests and teachers of the law met together and Jesus was led before them,train +14007,14008,14008,tu tadah niyam i nunghey,I will pay off the Farmers Union loan,train +14008,14009,14009,Hukaydu,Hokkaido,train +14009,14010,14010,ku man,what about this one,test +14010,14011,14011,Kakataan sa kisu saw,why are you always constipated,train +14011,14012,14012,tangasa tala mangutaay tura,the Xiuguluan river watershed flows into the large harbor where we now live,train +14012,14013,14013,Mauraday haw mana cepasaan ku tireng isu,is it raining why are you all wet,train +14013,14014,14014,ira i raay a minengneng ku papinapina a fafahiyan ira itira ci Mariya nu Maktala ira haca ci Mariya u ina nu ka^mangay a Yakupan aci Yusif atu ci Salumi,some women were watching from a distance among them were Mary Magdalene Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses and Salome,train +14014,14015,14015,mikuli i Taywan u maan ku kakulian mikuli ku heni iri,work with the Han Chinese they will go if they have a job,train +14015,14016,14016,safaw sepat,fourteen,train +14016,14017,14017,Lacal han nu mita ku tarawadaw a tayra i Satefu,we then crossed the river to the lower Devu tribe,train +14017,14018,14018,o pitadem tu nitatuyan nu ituanay a tamdaw i yu ituan tu ku mapatayay a tamdaw,it is hoped that after the deceased has passed away the ancestral spirits will take the deceased back to the ancestral Spirit world,train +14018,14019,14019,Lalumaˈ nu 55 miheca u madimadiay a kaput aku ci Lila kalacafay takuwanan matayal tu masakenaay a demak,for years Leila has been my faithful companion and has performed all kinds of services with me,train +14019,14020,14020,cikami tu tamdaw sa kami matawa tu ri,we laughed and said We did not eat anyone,test +14020,14021,14021,i ngata nu kungkuan ku luma namu haw,do you live near a school,train +14021,14022,14022,nawhani anu ira ku futing tekuh satu ira ku futing fukung cuʼang,Why when there are fish it is natural for the ukulele the national treasure fish to touch them,train +14022,14023,14023,Saka papiliyas hantu nangra ca Pitiru nai pilaucan ta sasuwasuwal satu cangra,so they ordered them to withdraw from the Sanhedrin and then conferred together,train +14023,14024,14024,mahenay kiya,like this,train +14024,14025,14025,suʼelinay miseking tu kaku tu saka micumudaw tayni i pitilidan,I will start taking the teachers exams,train +14025,14026,14026,matiya nami mamifacu cangra,it looks like they are getting ready to build the structure,train +14026,14027,14027,nanicuwaay sadak sanay hakini kina fukeluh sanay kaku miharateng,I am wondering where it came from did the rock just pop up,train +14027,14028,14028,o maan ku tayal nu safa isu,what does your sister do for a living,train +14028,14029,14029,adihay ku kamaumahan i tukay saka pasayra ku kapah atu furafurayan,there are many opportunities to work in the city so young men and women yearn for it,train +14029,14030,14030,vayi ira i aayaway nira u maan kiniyan,Auntie what is that in front,test +14030,14031,14031,ikakaay nu cimacima ku nika tadamaan nuya tayniay nai fafaed o i tiniay i hkal a tamdaw i u nu hkalan ku pinangan ningra atu suwal ningra Nikawrira u tayniay nai kakarayan a tamdaw i ikakaay nu kalumaamaan ku dmak ningra,The one who comes from above is above all the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks as one from the earth the one who comes from heaven is above all,train +14031,14032,14032,miliyas tu kaku nanay anu miliyaw adihay ku matengilay a tawciker nu liteng,I am going to leave now and look forward to hearing more stories next time,train +14032,14033,14033,tu demak,handling,train +14033,14034,14034,lifut,troublesome,train +14034,14035,14035,Tnuk nu lafii i mitulun rumadiw ca Pawlu aci Silas a pahmek tu Kawas pasayra sa a mitngil ku marufuay a ma^min,about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them,train +14035,14036,14036,mimaanay kisu,what are you doing,train +14036,14037,14037,nga pafeli tu ku malitengay nga itini tu ci mira tini ciluma,then the old man gave it to him so he could build a house here,train +14037,14038,14038,iraay ku tusa tu mikidipiay a ngasaw hananay,there are two clans,train +14038,14039,14039,o pirikec ni Yihufa samaan padama kitanan maˈurip i lakuing,how does the LORDs discipline help us to live in paradise,train +14039,14040,14040,saan,Ah there is a way just read a book,test +14040,14041,14041,si^naway tu ku rumiad anini kaciriku tu tu kifetulay a riku anu mamasadak,it was a bit cold and you needed to wear a jacket when you went outside,train +14041,14042,14042,tatiihay a caciyaw,bad language,train +14042,14043,14043,anu muraraw ku keru nu misu,if you are dancing wrong,train +14043,14044,14044,anu fangcal tu ku rumiad haw i tayra sa tu kita mifunsia sa kuna niharatengan tu aku,when the weather is good we will go there to spray pesticides that is what I think,train +14044,14045,14045,Mapesi nira ku damdam i kuhaw,he squeezed pepper juice into the soup,train +14045,14046,14046,ta nukay satu cangra a mipatala tu sapafangsis a aped atu fangsisay a simal Paslaan a Rumiad i madu^du nangra ku Rikec a pasla,the women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it,train +14046,14047,14047,tayra sutu ri,after that,train +14047,14048,14048,anu lalumihecaan tuuren kami makena,if you have a chance next year come with us,train +14048,14049,14049,malcad cangra a ma^min a minanum tu nai Kawasay a nanum o masadakay nai ungcuy nu Kawas a mihaklungay cangraan kuya nanum o tudung nu tireng ni Kristu kuya ungcuy,and drank the same spiritual drink for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them and that rock was Christ,train +14049,14050,14050,u matiniyay tangtang kuenge ku heci,cooked like this it is very tender,test +14050,14051,14051,irikur,behind,train +14051,14052,14052,nu maku tu nika urip,life stories,train +14052,14053,14053,salaw aka tawalen ku liteng,so do not forget your ancestors,train +14053,14054,14054,sipacakay ni vaki,that is the real estate,train +14054,14055,14055,Talafituka ku saayaway a nikaenan nu mita,the food we eat reaches the stomach first,train +14055,14056,14056,lukut,bird nest fern,train +14056,14057,14057,Sahetu u tilefus anu u maan tu ngaʼayay tu kura satuku,longitudinal beams are made of beech and other trees can also be used as beams,train +14057,14058,14058,ira tu i,and then,train +14058,14059,14059,angsitay a kuyu,a skunk,train +14059,14060,14060,mipihay han nu niyaru kuna rumiʼad,that day was called the soul sending Festival by the tribes,test +14060,14061,14061,cima tu ku adadaay cima tu ku adadaay,who is sick again,train +14061,14062,14062,unini ya teluc ira ini,this is the very end,train +14062,14063,14063,ukaaku ku maku,because I do a lot of responding I am all about responding,train +14063,14064,14064,o mafukilay a mitngil tu tatudung nu suwal tu pakayniay i Kitakit nu Kawas i matiya u katfadan nu sapaluma i lawac nu lalan ku falucu ningra tayra ku Palafuay a miafas tu nifulsakan i falucu ningra tu tatudung nu suwal,when anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart this is the seed sown along the path,train +14064,14065,14065,o usi a tamdaw cingra,he is true,train +14065,14066,14066,nga madutuc ku pungka ita,that is how we can pass on our culture,train +14066,14067,14067,mifelih tu futing mifelih tu futing,turn the fish over,train +14067,14068,14068,sangaʼayay kura anu mirepat kita tu maamaan,it is the most auspicious day for us to dismantle whatever,train +14068,14069,14069,salafii tu ku kapah a misuwac kira,the youthful classes have been undergoing life education training all night long,train +14069,14070,14070,hakiya a pasuwal,how to answer short questions on short dialogues,test +14070,14071,14071,itira kalaʼenu nu singciw kaku mafuti,because I sleep in the captains bunk,train +14071,14072,14072,oya nipacekan namu i ciwcika a mipatay ci Yis i paluwaden nu nitaungan nu tatuasan ita a Kawas a paurip nai patay,the God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree,train +14072,14073,14073,ayu ku kahalafin ira,really durable,train +14073,14074,14074,miati kakuna miculu tura hicay tayra i,I will take the fish fry to Tainan,train +14074,14075,14075,pataladaucen,keep going until the end,train +14075,14076,14076,saka adihay hu ku nanamen,there is still a lot to learn,train +14076,14077,14077,Takarw masusu aca kaku paener makuli aca ci Canglah,I am tall and overweight while Canglah is short and thin,train +14077,14078,14078,tatusa cecay tu kura,only one or two left,train +14078,14079,14079,palumaay tu hana tu lusenhuwa,plant lots of flowers loropetalum,train +14079,14080,14080,uu,foot,test +14080,14081,14081,papina kamu malikaka san takuwan i,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +14081,14082,14082,talacuwa ku rakat nira,where did he go,train +14082,14083,14083,hatu mapuhaway kita tu demak nu paputalay,I am blind to what is out there,train +14083,14084,14084,tilefus u cidek,Beech mistletoe,train +14084,14085,14085,tulu suut lima pulu a limuud ku cecay a rikuan hatulu han ku piaca i cecay caul a limuudan,one piece of clothing is dollars three pieces for dollars,train +14085,14086,14086,cucu,tits,train +14086,14087,14087,mikisasimel kilim tu nanum ira ku luma,find a place to stay and a source of water,train +14087,14088,14088,u maan kura mitapi a satu kita pakayraay,about the so called courtesy,train +14088,14089,14089,tapiyas tu miulungan aku kalimelaan tu,I cannot believe I dumped the water I picked out what a shame,train +14089,14090,14090,pu a pacirah,sprinkle saltines on top,test +14090,14091,14091,kacingangan nu fulad,Nightmoon has a name,train +14091,14092,14092,pafeli tu haˈicel nu misu,he will give you the strength you need,train +14092,14093,14093,u selal hananay,age group,train +14093,14094,14094,Nanuya liyasen ni Yis ku finawlan a micumud tu luma Rauden nu nisawawaan cingra a sumuwal Pakafanaen kami tu tatudung nu tinaku Isu tu pakayniay tuya samadu i umah han nangra,then he left the crowd and went into the house his disciples came to him and said Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field,train +14094,14095,14095,aka kisu katayal wawa hu kisu katalawan tu,he warned me not to do it I am a kid it is dangerous,train +14095,14096,14096,ta masamatira kuya matuʼsay sumuwal kiya ina kakunan yamakusaan itiya,my mother in law told me that she was like that,train +14096,14097,14097,anu puceki saan kisu,if you think it is the right amount,train +14097,14098,14098,awaay ku kaka aku tu fainayan atu fafahiyan,I do not have any older siblings,train +14098,14099,14099,mapulung,altogether,train +14099,14100,14100,sisa masawad aku ku pasevana tu yuciying,I am giving up kindergarten,test +14100,14101,14101,o maan hakini ku cacinglawen tu tatiih nu tau,what is there to say about someone else bad behavior,train +14101,14102,14102,o kahmekan nu tamdamdaw ci Timitrius o mipawacayay ku sulin i cingraan Halu ami aca a mipawacay i cingraan Mafana kisu tu nika u sulinay ku suwal niyam,Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone and even by the truth itself we also speak well of him and you know that our testimony is true,train +14102,14103,14103,o lumuwaday ci Kristu a maurip nai patay saantu ku suwal niyam a mipatnak Saka Caay ku lalumuwad a maurip ku mapatayay aka ka saan ku rumaruma namu,but if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead,train +14103,14104,14104,namakacuwa,from somewhere,train +14104,14105,14105,cecay ku diyung kira,a whole pig,train +14105,14106,14106,Mafanaay kaku citingsiya,I can ride a bicycle,train +14106,14107,14107,makumud ku aru nu maku aci ama ina atu kaka tu vavainayan kaka tu vavahiyan,I live with my father mother brother and sister,train +14107,14108,14108,mafana pakungku ku aru nu raan nawhani,I know about the tribes too,train +14108,14109,14109,tumes,full,train +14109,14110,14110,karafawu,easy to grow worms,test +14110,14111,14111,hayda han naku,I said yes,train +14111,14112,14112,Ciwlu kisu ku mafanaay han aku a sumuwal suwal sa cingra i takuwanan Nanu milifetay tu tataangay a pades kunini a tamdaw o nanu rmes nu Tufur a siri ku sapifaca nangra tu riku nangra a misakuhcal,I answered Sir you know and he said These are they who have come out of the great tribulation they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb,train +14112,14113,14113,Satukinikinil cingra a miharateng,he tried every way to figureout what to do,train +14113,14114,14114,Pipatapatay tu tu tamdaw kuna matiniay san ku falucu aku,I thought to myself This is killing me,train +14114,14115,14115,anu i tacu han isu piara haw,if you cut straight through the center of the flat,train +14115,14116,14116,paperukay kura malitengay,that is why elder Nakamura is stomping around,train +14116,14117,14117,ira ku titi atu kalang,also meat and crab,train +14117,14118,14118,lingatu satu a maumah tu,then it is time to farm,train +14118,14119,14119,adihay ku nisalilan nira a arurir,he netted so many swallows,train +14119,14120,14120,o kangkufu ciira,she is a nurse,test +14120,14121,14121,awaay ku lakuta i Taywan,there are no camels in Taiwan,train +14121,14122,14122,siwa ku mihecaan nu maku micerem tu,I have been diving since I was nine,train +14122,14123,14123,tu iri mavulaw tu itini ci vaki aku,then my grandfather moved here,train +14123,14124,14124,aka pakucira a takuwanan,do not think of me as someone else,train +14124,14125,14125,itini ka hapinangan ku u maan ku ngasaw isu mahapinang nai cuwaay ku lakat namu a,if you knew the name of the clan you would know where you came from,train +14125,14126,14126,kaipaenan,hold,train +14126,14127,14127,ngaʼayay ciyanen ngaʼayay tuduhen ya hawhay,You can fry it or you can bake it right it is all good,train +14127,14128,14128,Nanuya matungal a matungal ku nika aluman nu nisawawaan Saka ngaliwngiw ku misanu Krisiyaay tu suwal a Yutaya a tamdaw tu misanu Hiprayay ku suwal a Yutaya a tamdaw nawhani malawa a mapakilac tu rumiamiad ku mapunengay nangra tu malusakaurip nangra,in those days when the number of disciples was increasing the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food,train +14128,14129,14129,3 o cima ku kalimlaan ni Yihufa a finawlan nuhatini hani,who are Jehovahs precious people today,train +14129,14130,14130,nu mihiyaay,Management,test +14130,14131,14131,kiedaw,long,train +14131,14132,14132,maan haw ku kaenen nu wawa,the kid gets it for lunch,train +14132,14133,14133,kakafahekarsquuan,Surprise,train +14133,14134,14134,vuhang,grotto,train +14134,14135,14135,ta aru sa tu i sapaday,that is how I settled in Soop Top,train +14135,14136,14136,mafuhat kura kakarayam san cingra,the sky is open,train +14136,14137,14137,u rama satu haw,and secondly,train +14137,14138,14138,lalumaan,entertain,train +14138,14139,14139,Cemel,medicine,train +14139,14140,14140,Makangkangay tu isu haw,did you turn over the soil,test +14140,14141,14141,sincen san ci hiya haw san kaku,I thought it was the one who said his name was Chen,train +14141,14142,14142,Makaciengay ku pising nura wawa,that kids got a big face,train +14142,14143,14143,na maurad lamelameneng mulasut ku lalan,the road was slippery after the rain and it sunk in,train +14143,14144,14144,tayla kaku i padatengan a Mipaluma tu dateng,I am going to plant vegetables in the garden,train +14144,14145,14145,Ciciim tu ku panay i umah,new shoots of rice grow in the field,train +14145,14146,14146,ala han nu makaʼamisay makatimulay ney itiya hu,in those days people came from the north and the south to get it,train +14146,14147,14147,mangaay ku tayal,work will go very smoothly,train +14147,14148,14148,saakawangay,top,train +14148,14149,14149,mafana kita alatek,maybe we will find out,train +14149,14150,14150,uya matumesay i ccay tu kuya usaw,only one was full,test +14150,14151,14151,anu siusaw tu sinavel a parasul kita tu nabi sapinaru,if there is any leftovers we will have to prepare a pot for it,train +14151,14152,14152,tuas,elders,train +14152,14153,14153,tulu ku likat nu hanaay,there are three colors of flowers,train +14153,14154,14154,ira i falucu hay,you would think so,train +14154,14155,14155,mahekulung kami a malekaka a milepel tu tatakula,my brothers and sisters and I will catch frogs together,train +14155,14156,14156,kulila,the one who,train +14156,14157,14157,u kuli henay niya,about the working day,train +14157,14158,14158,u itiya nu Ripun,it happens to be new Years day in Japan,train +14158,14159,14159,mirakat tu niyaru,playing with the tribes,train +14159,14160,14160,Hay u fainayan a kaka^ nu maku ciira,Yes he is my brother,test +14160,14161,14161,masadak,we are,train +14161,14162,14162,awaay ku kaka^ atu safa^ nu maku,I do not have any siblings,train +14162,14163,14163,o kahmekan ku nipitier nangra a ma^min tu Kawas Nikawrira caay ka layap nangra ku nanu nisuwalan nu Kawas a sapalmed,these were all commended for their faith yet none of them received what had been promised,train +14163,14164,14164,safalic sa cecay mihaca mafalic,frequently updated textbooks and even,train +14164,14165,14165,itiya hu haw i samanen,because at that time,train +14165,14166,14166,Ngaay hu^ Tukung,Hello Tokong,train +14166,14167,14167,fafuy,pig,train +14167,14168,14168,tataak ku heci niniyan isaw,this is a larger fruit,train +14168,14169,14169,i satimulan niya hacining na u vunavunakan kiraan,south of the Shichibukawa River there is a beach,train +14169,14170,14170,mahapinang niyam ku nika u katalawan kunini a tamdaw o paluwaday tu rawraw nu i cuwacuwaay a Yutaya a tamdaw cingra o kakridan nu misa Nacaliay a kasakaput cingra,We have found this man to be a troublemaker stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world he is a ringleader of the Nazarene sect,test +14170,14171,14171,u emu han,sweet rice cake,train +14171,14172,14172,kita ku ruma a nisuwalan tunini a suwal nawhani u rarahker ku Kawas a milayap i titaanan u pasulinay tuya paluwaday a paurip nai patay tu Tapang ita ci Yisan,but also for us to whom God will credit righteousness for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead,train +14172,14173,14173,itini sa tu cingra a turunghan tu nira kura wacu i funguh nu nira itini i nanunanuman,Here he carried the dog on his head in the water,train +14173,14174,14174,kaludi,loach,train +14174,14175,14175,hatira sanay ku demak niyam itini i pasaʼetip,we have been here ever since,train +14175,14176,14176,Kalasuwalan nu malitengay Salahengheng sa ku riyal i u mamaurad sakulukulu sa ku tupi i u mamacidal sa,the old man used to say When there is a rumbling sound from the sea it must be raining and when the pigeons keep on crowing it must be sunny,train +14176,14177,14177,uu ira u kilang,it is got wooden feet,train +14177,14178,14178,awaay ku nu maku kaurira ilaay ku ni Fasaw,I did not but Fasaw did,train +14178,14179,14179,Patinakuen milikakawaan ni Tafiti ku 4000 a Lifi tamdaw matayal i Fangcalay sefi midatuk a pahemek ci Yihufaan,for example king David arranged for Levites to serve in the Temple playing music and praising the Lord,train +14179,14180,14180,cayka fanaʼen,it is unbelievable,test +14180,14181,14181,rapic,involve,train +14181,14182,14182,tu tamdaw,harming people,train +14182,14183,14183,u mama nu kapah ku citudungay itiyahu,early is responsible for the father of youth,train +14183,14184,14184,u nunian naku nu kuna hay,this is my elementary school journey Yes,train +14184,14185,14185,itiya i maharateng nuya fafahiyan ku nanu suwal ni Yis,then they remembered his words,train +14185,14186,14186,ya tuedaway ya talid,it is a long glass,train +14186,14187,14187,tahini tu amisan nu alu,to the north side of the river,train +14187,14188,14188,matiniay tu ku heci nu tefus kaesuʼ kaenen,like this is the heart of a sugar cane it is delicious,train +14188,14189,14189,ʼExay,it is disgusting,train +14189,14190,14190,lemed,luck,test +14190,14191,14191,caʼit han tu naira ku pusi sa,so they started hanging the dead cats everywhere,train +14191,14192,14192,Papikahuten ku wawa ita tu hakhak i mahud,let our kids hold the sticky rice in the steamer basket with one hand,train +14192,14193,14193,nu Recurd,compare and contrast,train +14193,14194,14194,caay ka rumakat kaku,I could not walk in second grade,train +14194,14195,14195,Patahkalen a mituru ku pulung nu ciraraway a tamdaw ta matalaw a ciraraw ku rumaruma a tamdaw,those who sin are to be rebuked publicly so that the others may take warning,train +14195,14196,14196,ya lalusidan ita teli han i luma,just leave it at home,train +14196,14197,14197,katalaw,be unable to endure,train +14197,14198,14198,o misaadipelay ku tayal ni mama nu maku anu cila,tomorrow my dads job is to build a hedge,train +14198,14199,14199,hatini ku pinanam ita anini Liyawtu a lipay masasuaraw kita,class dismissed see you next week,train +14199,14200,14200,mahaenay sa,here is the deal,test +14200,14201,14201,minaeng,save,train +14201,14202,14202,minukay tu kami pakaʼen tu kulung,we will go back to grazing,train +14202,14203,14203,karaficekut,easy to cramp,train +14203,14204,14204,Mifaca tu fuduy ku fayifayian i tarawadaw,the aunts were washing clothes by the river,train +14204,14205,14205,pacelem,long ago,train +14205,14206,14206,ira awuawulan,the bamboo forest,train +14206,14207,14207,oya mafulaay a limecedan i mitatuy tu dawdaw caay pihawikid tu simal cangra,the foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them,train +14207,14208,14208,Cucuk han nu maku tu rinum ku kaliwates nu cepi aku,I used a needle to puncture the boil on my leg,train +14208,14209,14209,pitu a pulu,seventy,train +14209,14210,14210,o nika sadak ita a tayra i paputal nu pataluanan ku ngaay a miraud i cingraan a mikihatiya a mapakangudu,let us then go to him outside the camp bearing the disgrace he bore,test +14210,14211,14211,herek a mililuc i,take a good shower,train +14211,14212,14212,caay kararaya ku kaʼus,not like this long shape,train +14212,14213,14213,harek,after,train +14213,14214,14214,maanen hakiya nu mita,how can we save the language of the indigenous people in the future,train +14214,14215,14215,kasaniyaru,set up camp there,train +14215,14216,14216,awaay ku micaraay caay paska cingra a mipatnak tu pakayniay i ratuh nu Kitakit nu Kawas a mipasifana tu pakayniay i Tapang ci Yis Kristuan,boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ,train +14216,14217,14217,sisa niparasur nu heni mahaen u suwal nu maku,so they are prepared for what I just said,train +14217,14218,14218,tarawadaw,river,train +14218,14219,14219,Malasufitay ku wawa aku,my son is in the army,train +14219,14220,14220,kami sa malekaka iri papitu,we have seven brothers and sisters,test +14220,14221,14221,Puyuma,puma one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +14221,14222,14222,makakaletuletu kami mikinunuh iliden mangudu cai tu ka saan tu kami,we said we would go and look around together and we would not let anyone look at us differently,train +14222,14223,14223,iraay tu kura maʼaraway ira,they have already got their eye on it,train +14223,14224,14224,mutep kuna mihiyaen naku ini haw,this is the tenth one I have made,train +14224,14225,14225,pihicayyan nu makerahay,the place where the Mako tribe goes to catch fish fry,train +14225,14226,14226,cima ku ci Mayaw,who is Mayaw,train +14226,14227,14227,pakacinamalay caira a tala Taypak,they took the train to Taipei,train +14227,14228,14228,adihay ku lipida,the salary is favorable and high,train +14228,14229,14229,ruma cecay kapatay i awaay tu ku icel nira,if I do not die I will lose my strength,train +14229,14230,14230,awa tu kuya,no more,test +14230,14231,14231,apuhitu aka piruruh aka pitelid cimaan,first of all do not shirk your responsibility to pass it on now,train +14231,14232,14232,padangen kaku,help me,train +14232,14233,14233,8 Nikawrira mataˈlif ku 40 miheca tahiratu salikuray nu kalafel nu Israil i Kuhkuh i mifekaday aca ku maanan a demak hani,However after about years when the Israelites had come to the end of their wandering in the wilderness what happened,train +14233,14234,14234,a masasuaraaraw,it is like seeing each other,train +14234,14235,14235,kilim,search,train +14235,14236,14236,pavuvu tu urang,fishing for fish and shrimp by cage,train +14236,14237,14237,resap,sow,train +14237,14238,14238,dadinguan,mirrors,train +14238,14239,14239,misiket henay i tireng nira,there are spirits attached to the bodies of the deceased,train +14239,14240,14240,Kararima kararum katumangic kamu Palatangicen ku tawa namu Palaksemen ku lipahak namu,Grieve mourn and wail change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom,test +14240,14241,14241,cipiawit kaku tu uning,they do not touch dirty things,train +14241,14242,14242,lacecay sa kita a kumaen tu tafu aku,then let us eat my lunch box together,train +14242,14243,14243,mavekac,March,train +14243,14244,14244,satu ka han nifafaʼinay a sumuwal,my husband just confirmed it,train +14244,14245,14245,paluma^,sowing,train +14245,14246,14246,sapifadisaw a niala tu sapikunuc itini,bring the water from there,train +14246,14247,14247,o limuut nu Kawas hananay i u nipipasulin ita tu wawa nu Kawas ci Yis Kristuan atu nipidu^du ita tu limuut ni Kristu a masasiulaulah,and this is his command to believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and to love one another as he commanded us,train +14247,14248,14248,cucuk,stab,train +14248,14249,14249,pakiniay i Palidaw tayniay i Macelcel,from Hengchun to Manchuria,train +14249,14250,14250,Kurahut han nura wawa ku laway nu ina nira,the kid scratched her moms face,test +14250,14251,14251,Pilien nangra a patireng ku ciwlu itira i kasakiwkay mahrek a mitulun misaliway ca Pawlu i paturud han nangra kuya ciwlu i nitieran nangra a Tapang,Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and with prayer and fasting committed them to the Lord in whom they had put their trust,train +14251,14252,14252,Orasaka u lunguc aku i u nika ciramud nu ka^mangayhu a mapunengay ku ngaay ta ciwawa cangra midiput cangra tu luma nangra ta awaay ku lalikafen nu misaadaay titaanan,so I counsel younger widows to marry to have children to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander,train +14252,14253,14253,tiya tu kaku itiya,I was,train +14253,14254,14254,Patalariyar ci ina tu tafu ni mama i kalahukan,mom went to the beach at noon to drop off Dads lunchbox,train +14254,14255,14255,u ina atu mama sa kisu matiya,you think you are a mother and a father,train +14255,14256,14256,malecat tu anu ay,Actually the footer is one,train +14256,14257,14257,anini awaay tu iri kaliyan nu taʼu sa i,they are almost gone now they have all been scooped up,train +14257,14258,14258,ecah,nudity,train +14258,14259,14259,amutu,clinker,train +14259,14260,14260,o Suˈlinay Kimad Caay ku Pararihadayay o Pafangafangay,truth does not bring peace it brings the sword,test +14260,14261,14261,san takuwanan,to our decision,train +14261,14262,14262,kalcapuwan,reunion,train +14262,14263,14263,fangadan nura fufu aku si Sakinu,grandma dug up the betel nut seedlings,train +14263,14264,14264,pakakilmel,encourage,train +14264,14265,14265,Pakawkawen ku awul a miudawis tu icep,attach the bamboo to the sickle to extract the betel nut,train +14265,14266,14266,pisidateng tu suwal,come and meet us,train +14266,14267,14267,o niacaantu nu Kawas kamu Orasaka aka ka lakuli nu tamdaw kamu,you were bought at a price do not become slaves of men,train +14267,14268,14268,o caciheci ku narurayan,hard work pays off in the end,train +14268,14269,14269,ta mapalal kaku i fahal awa kiya mama aku,I suddenly woke up and dad was not there,train +14269,14270,14270,awa hu ku ising,no doctor,test +14270,14271,14271,nu misangaʼay anu hatini haw i,the Creator of the,train +14271,14272,14272,pasuwalen aku kamu ira i tini ku ikakaay nu Fangcalay Pitaungan,I tell you that one greater than the temple is here,train +14272,14273,14273,mararid,usually,train +14273,14274,14274,Parikuen ku wawa,clothe the child,train +14274,14275,14275,maku wa a mipanay caay pi patayra i nukay kira maku a panay,as for my rice I will not store it at the farmers association,train +14275,14276,14276,cicanemay,it is foggy,train +14276,14277,14277,kiya,ability,train +14277,14278,14278,o singsi kaku pasifana tu caciyaw u radiw atu serangawan nu Pangcah,I am a teacher of the Amis language songs and culture,train +14278,14279,14279,sied,choke,train +14279,14280,14280,o malafacuay nu siri ku pianing nu misu,you have to act like a goat,test +14280,14281,14281,dihemayay,kind,train +14281,14282,14282,Dupuh saan kura kaying a misadateng,the lady was attentive to the food,train +14282,14283,14283,hay anu itiniay ku urip aku i,Yeah if I lived here I would know,train +14283,14284,14284,lalumaan,relative,train +14284,14285,14285,Makadit ku palatawan sifinenhu,that window is very dirty go clean it,train +14285,14286,14286,tudungay tu anu haratengen naku haw,it is true if I want it again,train +14286,14287,14287,Hay u nicakayan ni mama^ inacila^,Yes dad bought it yesterday,train +14287,14288,14288,Miulic ci fayi tu patay nu fainay nira,Auntie cried and chanted in memory of her dead husband,train +14288,14289,14289,sahetu mitaʼisan kuni,these are sewn,train +14289,14290,14290,na,then,test +14290,14291,14291,hakuwaay ku rumiʼadan ta ira ku hatiniay a adihay hakiya,how long does it take for a hunter to have these boars tusks,train +14291,14292,14292,pakayra say itiniay picuka aku,through my paintings,train +14292,14293,14293,haw mipurang tu,it is June the trees are changing their leaves,train +14293,14294,14294,tu matiya yu,it must have been a hundred years ago,train +14294,14295,14295,o Adingu nu Kawas ku mikaputay tu adingu ita a pahapinang tu nika u wawatu nu Kawas kita,the Spirit himself testifies with our Spirit that we are Gods children,train +14295,14296,14296,cecayay kisu nukay,are you going home alone,train +14296,14297,14297,felat,flash,train +14297,14298,14298,falahan tayla i kakaenen nu fafuy nu tau,the rest of the food is thrown in the bucket,train +14298,14299,14299,u mamapatay ku tamdaw tu hananay i,about five minutes after we died,train +14299,14300,14300,madadu^du,one by one,test +14300,14301,14301,caay,Crawfish No no no No,train +14301,14302,14302,misatatanam tuni,when I was studying,train +14302,14303,14303,mafuwak,well up,train +14303,14304,14304,pakakutayen ku maku tu hiya,at that time I invited them separately,train +14304,14305,14305,itiraay katatenuk nu saʼayaway nani Palidaway hananay ku rakat,that is the first Central location from Hengchun,train +14305,14306,14306,Nikawrira yu mafana ku finawlan tunini i tuur sa cangra ci Yisan hamhamen ni Yis cangra a militmuh a pasuwal tu pakayniay i pikuwan nu Kawas adahen ningra ku adadaay a tamdaw,but the crowds learned about it and followed him he welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God and healed those who needed healing,train +14306,14307,14307,tausen naku di mipitusur kisu mangic,when I came near you stayed on your knees and cried,train +14307,14308,14308,anu panganganen nu ina atu mama^ ku wawa tura ngangan haw i caay tu kamatira anu matuas sanay saka,if the parents named their children after this in the hope that their fate would not be so tragic in the future when they grew up,train +14308,14309,14309,saan kiya akunga aku atiya ama ama,that is what grandparents and grandmothers say,train +14309,14310,14310,masasidama,to help each other,test +14310,14311,14311,fanuhungay,aroma of marinated meat,train +14311,14312,14312,o caay ka rahker tu sifana ni Kristu a miliyasay tu suwal nu Kawas a tamdaw i u mafukilay tu Kawas o marariday a maimer tu sifana ni Kristu i u mafanaay tu wama atu Wawa,anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God whoever continues in the teaching has both the father and the Son,train +14312,14313,14313,aka pilaliw tu Kalingku atu pusung san,do not leave Hualien or Taitung,train +14313,14314,14314,maurad tu,rainy day,train +14314,14315,14315,anu tayra sa kita mifunsia sa kuya suwal isu,we are going to spray pesticides that is what you said,train +14315,14316,14316,Matatatek kita tu cikang tu herek nu lahuk anucila ngaay haw,can I make an appointment with you tomorrow afternoon,train +14316,14317,14317,tusaay a miheca cira i luma ira ku maulahay cingranan,for about two years he stayed at home and somebody liked him,train +14317,14318,14318,yuren ku rakat isu,turn your direction of movement,train +14318,14319,14319,yu mapades kami tu masamaamaanay i mihinum cingra i tamiyanan Saka unini a sahinum ningra i tamiyanan ku sapihinum niyam tu mapadesay a tamdaw tu masamaamaanay,who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God,train +14319,14320,14320,tu hatini mahelek tu misawsaw tu felac i,now the rice is washed,test +14320,14321,14321,salafii saan a milaling kura adadaay,that patient moaned all night,train +14321,14322,14322,itiya ci,at that time the minister of the interior was Mr so Jiaquan,train +14322,14323,14323,Mafana kisu a makeru haw,can you dance,train +14323,14324,14324,Pacauf sa ci Yis Anu maulah ku tamdaw i takuwanan i u mamidu^du cingra tu suwal Aku ta maulah ku wama aku i cingraan tayra kami i cingraan a mikaput a maru,Jesus replied If anyone loves me he will obey my teaching my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him,train +14324,14325,14325,ira hu anini,I am still alive,train +14325,14326,14326,tayra sa itira haw u misahuluay,the job there is to be a chef,train +14326,14327,14327,o pasu ku sakatayra ita,let us take the bus,train +14327,14328,14328,pakayniay sa tu cirut hananay anu samaan ku luwad nu mita,and then there is the painted lady bird wherever we are headed,train +14328,14329,14329,tatuluay,three,train +14329,14330,14330,ira ku pakaepeday tu fuduy a nanum anini,now there is water to make clothes soft,test +14330,14331,14331,mi waw sa cipuyapuy,tribal games in elementary schools attracts attendance,train +14331,14332,14332,o cukis nu luma niyam kiraan,that is where we cover the thatched roof supports,train +14332,14333,14333,maherek a miniwaniw i tala satu tu tuʼas nira i,after weeding we wait for it to grow,train +14333,14334,14334,macad tu padangen hu aku kisu hanaku ku,I told my husband I could help just as well,train +14334,14335,14335,mangalef ku adada nira anini,his sickness is worse now,train +14335,14336,14336,malekaka,sibling,train +14336,14337,14337,Matukinih kura dangah,the pot is tilted to one side,train +14337,14338,14338,cingra tu ku mikaylihay Dada sananay,he is urging us to go to church,train +14338,14339,14339,Mafanaay,very much so,train +14339,14340,14340,tifek,mill,test +14340,14341,14341,marariday kaku mitengil tu kasasuwal nangra nulatekay pacafayan aku ku wina mirienang tu saˈupu,I used to listen to my mom talk to the preacher and sometimes I went to the meetings with her,train +14341,14342,14342,milawa,omissions,train +14342,14343,14343,suʼelinay tikeluh sa a tayra,so we went over there again,train +14343,14344,14344,o aira ku pasuwalay i tamuwanan Nengnengen ira itira Nengnengen ira i tini anu saasaan cangra i aka ka tayra aka pituur,men will tell you There he is or Here he is do not go running off after them,train +14344,14345,14345,tada mahalateng ku tayal nu wina atu mama i tiya hu,I will remember the life of my parents,train +14345,14346,14346,sapisurit,pencil,train +14346,14347,14347,rarikuriku aca,it is a legacy,train +14347,14348,14348,Kinatulutu kaku a milunguc i Tapang tu sapialaaw ningra tunini a cka nai tireng aku,three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me,train +14348,14349,14349,iraay ku wacu,dog,train +14349,14350,14350,adihay sa pangangan nu mabukilay kira haw,that is why there are so many names for those who do not know,test +14350,14351,14351,mansa saʼicelay saimeray kaku minanam,so start working on it I am serious about my studies,train +14351,14352,14352,na cima ku miadifatay tu awul i lalan niyam,who is blocking our way with bamboo,train +14352,14353,14353,misalama ciira tu kampiwta tu rumiamiad,he plays with computers every day,train +14353,14354,14354,hay sungilaan misasaw,be sure to clean it,train +14354,14355,14355,iraay kiya suwal aku cila,as I said last time,train +14355,14356,14356,Marahrah tu ku panay,the grain is ripe,train +14356,14357,14357,ura pikadafu isu malisu tu,we have already visited the place where you are to be married,train +14357,14358,14358,18 anu mafanaˈ kisu tu midemakay ku salikaka tu pakidemay misafelit tu palinian nu Fangcalay Cudad a demak sasamaan ku demak isu hani,what should you do if you know that a brother or sister has done something that seriously violates biblical standards,train +14358,14359,14359,o maan ku sakaira nu kalauduudut atu kacaculiculi namu hakiya caay ku nanu nika laafaafas nu masamaamaanay a anuf nu falucu namu saw,what causes fights and quarrels among you do not they come from your desires that battle within you,train +14359,14360,14360,nu Recurd,hundreds of years not for or years,test +14360,14361,14361,nu niyam,ours,train +14361,14362,14362,sapisuni^,blow,train +14362,14363,14363,Mangawi cira tu suwal,he is talking out of turn,train +14363,14364,14364,adihay ku misangaʼan nu matuʼasay,Amis elderly people make their own sweet rice cake,train +14364,14365,14365,o hahdalen ningra kamu u mapadesay a tamdaw Halu ami a matdalay ningra itiya anu malahaklung ku Tapang ci Yis atu ciicelay a cuyucuyuh ningra a paaraw cingra i marengrengay a namal nai kakarayan a milahci tunini,and give relief to you who are troubled and to us as well this will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels,train +14365,14366,14366,pasevana,teach,train +14366,14367,14367,Nanay mapaini nu Tapang a Yis kamu a mapulung tu mikumi,the grace of the Lord Jesus be with Gods people Amen,train +14367,14368,14368,cawcaw,playing with water,train +14368,14369,14369,misadadahal,Enlargement,train +14369,14370,14370,cecayay tu ku usaw niyam,we only have one bottle left,test +14370,14371,14371,kawili ku kaʼayaw ha,left side first this way,train +14371,14372,14372,u ruma kinian,that is another one,train +14372,14373,14373,mikayat ci kaka tu wacu a miundu,Sistersbrothers exercise on a leash,train +14373,14374,14374,paliyawen ita kuni nanuya itiya hu a nu Amis a demak tuninian sanay ku suwal ira nuni a singsi,Sensei said we need to put the Spirit of the Ami Bountiful year Festival culture first,train +14374,14375,14375,ngaʼay rahuday tu sanay kaku,I think it is convenient and easy to use,train +14375,14376,14376,ona matiniay pihatatanam caayay ku edeng u sapilifetaw tu icel nu pakarungay tu tariktik tu hacikay atu u taneng sakiurip,such training not only hones the physical strength acuity speed and life skills of the youngsters outside of the,train +14376,14377,14377,kangalayan,most wanted,train +14377,14378,14378,samanen u mifutingay hananay haw i,because of the boat runner,train +14378,14379,14379,namakatengil tu kaku tu mahaenay a kungku,I have heard stories like that,train +14379,14380,14380,adihay ku faliyus i kaciferangan,there are many typhoons in summer,test +14380,14381,14381,ira nu miʼadupay hananay,about hunting,train +14381,14382,14382,miliyas tu cira tu niyaru nira,he left his homeland,train +14382,14383,14383,hayda talalawac nu alu^ kita,Great let us go to the riverside,train +14383,14384,14384,itira ku luma,flat ground cover for the house,train +14384,14385,14385,caay tu kaya suwal i hacung ita,our language is no longer pure,train +14385,14386,14386,Tapangaw Palemeden kaku,O Chieftain bless me,train +14386,14387,14387,i yufin ku papaysuan ni ina aku,my mom deposits money at the post office,train +14387,14388,14388,Misakemut ku tataangay a wawa tu mamangay,the older kids bully the younger ones,train +14388,14389,14389,adihay ku pipakukut nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung tu pakayniay i ci Yisan a dmak,the chief priests accused him of many things,train +14389,14390,14390,misu a tu tamdaw,attitude of speaking,test +14390,14391,14391,pasifana,teaching,train +14391,14392,14392,milaliw tu kuya wawa,the child left,train +14392,14393,14393,matira u sapaliˈayaw nu Fangcalay Cudad ci Yihufa naitiniay i kasakitakit kasangasaw kasafinacadan palisupsup tu ˈalumanay a tamdaw u masasi rumarumaay ku suwal nangra mala u ciˈicelay a kitakit mataˈlifaytu ku 800 a ˈufad ku kaˈaluman nangra,as the Bible foretells the Lord has gathered a great multitude of people from all the nations tribes peoples and languages who have formed a strong nation already numbering more than eight million,train +14393,14394,14394,Anini^ a mihcaan kadufah ku pinaluma^,this years rice harvest,train +14394,14395,14395,mitan nu suwal i haw,you are going to Arabia to make money,train +14395,14396,14396,papudacen,to be cut,train +14396,14397,14397,manengneng ku nu tau pisalama tu kitta,seeing people play the guitar,train +14397,14398,14398,Hay mavana kaku tu adidik u minanamay hen kaku,Yes I will a little I am learning,train +14398,14399,14399,nikaudangan,for committing adultery,train +14399,14400,14400,maherek mipihay u laheci tunu ilisin,the end of the ceremony will be signified by the completion of the Spirit sending,test +14400,14401,14401,mafaliyus tuya dadaya,typhoon came that night,train +14401,14402,14402,miafufuay,the one who picks it up,train +14402,14403,14403,ala han tu ira kura ngangan na,the later used the name of having come here to hunt,train +14403,14404,14404,i naayaw,in the past,train +14404,14405,14405,Madudem tu ku cidal,it is almost sunset,train +14405,14406,14406,Pakaluud ku Kitakit ita haw,will our country win,train +14406,14407,14407,akaka furaw ku falucu talaen hu,do not be in a hurry wait a minute,train +14407,14408,14408,Angcuhay ku sanek nu unsēng,the spa smells like urine,train +14408,14409,14409,ura mama atu ina aku ura ngasaw u salikaka aku matini mafana ira tu ku suwal ningra,my mom and dad my relatives my brothers and sisters they know and they have told me,train +14409,14410,14410,sakalalukaw,Therefore we take it seriously,test +14410,14411,14411,mafutus,edema,train +14411,14412,14412,i pisawkitan a rumiad i u nu Tiri atu Situn a nika tfuc ku kahmaway tu nu namu a nika tfuc,but it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you,train +14412,14413,14413,peduc,he is gone in a puff of smoke,train +14413,14414,14414,Ina kumaen tu kaku haw,Mom I will eat first,train +14414,14415,14415,cuwa hu malaayay hu,not yet it is still far away,train +14415,14416,14416,malasawad,missed opportunities,train +14416,14417,14417,matngil nu rumaruma a finawlan kunini a suwal i suwal sa Sulinay unini kuya paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas saan,on hearing his words some of the people said Surely this man is the Prophet,train +14417,14418,14418,ura rumiʼad ira i cuwa ku nu pakesangan haw,is not that the day of the dragon boat Festival,train +14418,14419,14419,awa ku nanum nu ciwkeng i,if there is no water in the tank,train +14419,14420,14420,o pafidadukian nima kira dufut,whose Bat bag is that,test +14420,14421,14421,o matuasay nu niyam u Pangcah itiya hu itiniay i kawali nu takaraway a lutuk i nu^etipan a Cungyangsanmay i nu^etipan nu takaraway a lutuk a Hayansanmay atu nuwalian nu Hayansanmay a paniyaru,our Amis ancestors have lived in the plains of the longitudinal valleys between Taiwans Central mountain Range and Coastal mountain Range and on the eastern side of the Coastal mountain Range since ancient times,train +14421,14422,14422,malukutay,plucked Shanshu,train +14422,14423,14423,16 ira ku matatudungay a nuka pinengneng tu lawla pakayni tunini patirengay ci Yis tu ngaˈayay a taˈarawan,Jesus set a good example for us in terms of a reasonable view of recreation,train +14423,14424,14424,lima^ pulu,fifty,train +14424,14425,14425,kaku kuya ma^puday nai kakarayan a ^pang o kumaenay tunini i midauc a maurip caay ka matiya u nikaenan nu tatuasan namu a mana o kumaenay tu mana i mapatayaytu han ni Yis,this is the bread that came down from heaven your forefathers ate manna and died but he who feeds on this bread will live forever,train +14425,14426,14426,yu tahira ci Yis i u saka spattu a rumiad ni Lacarus a matadem,on his arrival Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days,train +14426,14427,14427,dadahal kina pala nasatadasan,the fields here are very wide,train +14427,14428,14428,anini sa adihay ku nipisavel nu wawa,kids cook a lot nowadays,train +14428,14429,14429,Nanuya nukay satu kuya tatusaay a nisawawaan,then the disciples went back to their homes,train +14429,14430,14430,Nikawrira caay ka fana ku nisawawaan tu tatudung nunini a suwal ni Yis matalaw cangra a milicay i Cingraan,but they did not understand what he meant and were afraid to ask him about it,test +14430,14431,14431,i herek nu lahuk sakahengang satu ku kakarayan,in the afternoon the sky turned red,train +14431,14432,14432,vuvurten aku iri lemangaw tu ku hiya ku varu nira,I will cut it and it will sprout again,train +14432,14433,14433,anu cima ku tumangicay sa mapadang,if there is a grieving and weeping clan they will be helped,train +14433,14434,14434,ira san ku mitangtangay i sefi,Naturally someone is cooking in the kitchen,train +14434,14435,14435,o nanu ninengnengan ningra atu nitngilan ningra ku sapasuwal ningra Nikawrira caay ka ulah ku tamdaw a mitngil tu suwal ningra,he testifies to what he has seen and heard but no one accepts his testimony,train +14435,14436,14436,a painien nu matuʼasay a malaangas ku tireng nu misu,this is the person your elders chose for you so that you will not be alone in the future,train +14436,14437,14437,fafahiyan a safa aku,my sister,train +14437,14438,14438,maurun,I miss it,train +14438,14439,14439,nu malitengay itiyahu mansa painiini,the reason why our forefathers cited the legacy,train +14439,14440,14440,kuku,foot,test +14440,14441,14441,cisinufuay,there is something to carry,train +14441,14442,14442,icuwaan a vinacadan ku saalumanay,which group has the largest number of people,train +14442,14443,14443,o pipanemnem nu Kawas i titaanan,this is the wellspring of Gods gift to us,train +14443,14444,14444,maulah kaku i ciiraan,I like it,train +14444,14445,14445,itira adihay mataring umaan kura alatek palumaʼan nu matuʼasay,stacked up there what is that it is probably an old man landing on his early seat,train +14445,14446,14446,anu itiya i paluma,these are sowing seeds,train +14446,14447,14447,kedal tiya hu nay,there were droughts every year,train +14447,14448,14448,arawhan masahatini,so,train +14448,14449,14449,cingra anu tahekal,if he is going out,train +14449,14450,14450,ngaʼay hu kita u misaʼAmisay hananay finacadan,Hello Amis people,test +14450,14451,14451,Masaefuefung ku lalan nu umaumahan,the fields are puddled everywhere,train +14451,14452,14452,Miparu tu tudung lacu nira haw i,it is loaded,train +14452,14453,14453,taelif sa kuya tatuluay a wawa,the three children went by,train +14453,14454,14454,rihaday,conflict,train +14454,14455,14455,satelangay,old,train +14455,14456,14456,pacumud satu i tangulan,and then we will have the family seal the coffin,train +14456,14457,14457,namaka Navakuwan kaku i nacila ini ku ni kerid tu turun,I brought this mocha back from Hualien yesterday,train +14457,14458,14458,misafaes,making mocha,train +14458,14459,14459,ira,there are,train +14459,14460,14460,Pes sa ku heni kedaykeday,breathe out of your mouth and say Come on come on come on come on come on,test +14460,14461,14461,Pataladaucen ku laluk nu misu a matayal,please continue to work diligently until the end,train +14461,14462,14462,o cifanuhay kina kamaya,this red persimmon is hairy,train +14462,14463,14463,aka pisawad kamu tu nu liteng hu,do not let go and forget your ancestors,train +14463,14464,14464,mipailang,must be brewed,train +14464,14465,14465,u kumulis saca awaay ku kumulis nu hiya,even the tribal rituals there is no age class,train +14465,14466,14466,Kutay hananay tu nira kuya tayal isu,he is taking over your duties,train +14466,14467,14467,nipaveli,give,train +14467,14468,14468,ira malavi satu anini malalikit haiy,Yes from now on,train +14468,14469,14469,itiya awaay ku siyangci ku saysingen haw,we did not have a camera back then if we did we could have kept it until now,train +14469,14470,14470,sanay ku suwal a matengil hatiraay,this is what I heard,test +14470,14471,14471,ca kangaʼay mituduh maperaʼay ku misangaan,it does not burn well the stuff cracks,train +14471,14472,14472,o kemut a demak nira kiraan,that is what he was joking about,train +14472,14473,14473,nu Recurd,the bigger the better,train +14473,14474,14474,i cuwaay ku paisingan namu,where do you get your medical care,train +14474,14475,14475,cecay ku laʼed tu pakayni ʼatuʼatulan haw i u rumaay tu ku suwal,or a stack of stones the distance between the walls makes a difference,train +14475,14476,14476,o misacacakay ku tayal nira,she is a cook,train +14476,14477,14477,haenen u misangaay tu tataakay a sangku,it is like making a big fish trap,train +14477,14478,14478,mangalay saw kami mavana tu naayaway u Pangcah itini i Yusinu,we want to know about the Gian tribes of the past,train +14478,14479,14479,mikieciway,leader,train +14479,14480,14480,awu maan hakiya ku demakan,I do not know what to do,test +14480,14481,14481,Nikawrira pacauf sa ci Yis Caantu Aka paliwasaken cangra Kamu ku papafli tu kakaenen nangra han ningra a sumuwal,Jesus replied They do not need to go away you give them something to eat,train +14481,14482,14482,anca tatusa ku tamdaw tatulu ku tamdaw,it is probably just a big piece of wood,train +14482,14483,14483,fiherkenan,wheelchair,train +14483,14484,14484,i timulay a Pangcah i ira kira u masasipacaufay ku nikarumadiw tu radiw a palipahak tu tireng,the southern Peinan Amis on the other hand have been known to entertain themselves with free counterpoint polyphony,train +14484,14485,14485,kimad,Legend,train +14485,14486,14486,hanipinanam,you can practice,train +14486,14487,14487,u vavahi miritrit,women are responsible for cutting the rice,train +14487,14488,14488,rakes,camphor,train +14488,14489,14489,o radiw nu Pangcah,singing Amis songs,train +14489,14490,14490,caay ka hanen,it is not like that Look,test +14490,14491,14491,saka tahanini sa ku tayal nu maku tu pakayniay tu nu pancah,thus I worked on the Amis language up till now,train +14491,14492,14492,matatudung itu haw hatiraen aca aku caay tu kafilu kura hiya misamaamaan kira,if the expression is close I do it like this but I am not able to help with the others,train +14492,14493,14493,sapikawit tu tu matini u mimingay a mata,it is for knitting a little hole in the ground,train +14493,14494,14494,misarakes,extraction of camphor oil,train +14494,14495,14495,adihayay,terrific,train +14495,14496,14496,hai san tumangic kiya matuasay niyam ya mama niyam akung niyam,my parents and grandfather were sad and cried and agreed to my plan,train +14496,14497,14497,han nu finawlan mapuii nu malitengay ya,all the old men talk to him,train +14497,14498,14498,kakaya tu kuya fanuh nira,the wire is getting longer,train +14498,14499,14499,ira a matngil niyam ku suwal tu nika ira nai tamiyanan ku tayraay i tamuwanan a sumuwal a miurat a miparawraw tu falucu namu onini i caay ku nipalimuutan niyam cangra,we have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you troubling your minds by what they said,train +14499,14500,14500,u sakawili hananay tu nu malitengay itiya hu,old people used to call this a left handed incense,test +14500,14501,14501,pataynien tu kiya wina niyam,bring my mom here,train +14501,14502,14502,Orasaka maharek ci Yuta a kumaen tuya ^pang i tangsul sa cingra a masadak o dadayatu itiya,as soon as Judas had taken the bread he went out and it was night,train +14502,14503,14503,naun sa ku matuʼasay,the old mans taking his time,train +14503,14504,14504,kalahukan nu pieneman mirienang tu kaˈalumanay a pisawacayan,we usually did public witnessing on Saturday afternoons which we called street witnessing at the time,train +14504,14505,14505,nengnengen ku miingid ci Yihufaan saka 24 fedengan,see drawing near to the LORD chapter,train +14505,14506,14506,ciafadeng,there is charcoal ash,train +14506,14507,14507,makasimsim tu haw,do you remember,train +14507,14508,14508,awaay kira napisalamaan,no chance to play,train +14508,14509,14509,a emu,chocolates,train +14509,14510,14510,nawhani yu mikaput kaku i tamuwanan i deng ci Yis Kristu atu nika pacek ningra i ciwcika ku sasuwalen aku saan ku nihapinangan nu falucu aku,for I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified,test +14510,14511,14511,anu kapah tu ku kuku nu misu tayni han tu i luma a mihulul han aku ci ama ci Kacaw,I said when your foot gets better,train +14511,14512,14512,a isu ku matayalay,you do the work,train +14512,14513,14513,Mitalacay kina fafahian,this woman picks pineapples,train +14513,14514,14514,o maan ku sapisakani nira,what does she use to make wine,train +14514,14515,14515,anini naayaw kita u,Nowadays we are very concerned about,train +14515,14516,14516,taw pa takidan nu cikawasay maherek tu ami takid ku cikawasay ri taw mitakus tunian u matuʼasay nu mita,at this time the priests would worship the gods with rice wine in a programmed manner and after that they would also worship their ancestors with rice wine,train +14516,14517,14517,han sa ku matuʼasay aka kasadak mafudu sa ku matuʼasay masiniʼada tu alumanay saan kuya matuʼasay,the elders have instructed widows and widowers not to leave their homes lest the floods harm them,train +14517,14518,14518,Miaca tu kami itiya tu unglay atu lupas,we bought pineapples and peaches,train +14518,14519,14519,itira i tira haw,it is at Shinryuji,train +14519,14520,14520,maci,municipalities,test +14520,14521,14521,uraan han nu tau masahetuay iraw Cihalaay kira,some of the others are concentrated in the dark Horde,train +14521,14522,14522,tahira sa kami haw i suelinay tu,when we arrived it was really,train +14522,14523,14523,hai iraay ku nanum ira saw sakangaʼay nu tatirengan kuni,because there is water you can quench your thirst,train +14523,14524,14524,kafekacan,Stadiums,train +14524,14525,14525,pilisu,pay a visit,train +14525,14526,14526,anu maamanay a dateng,variety of vegetables,train +14526,14527,14527,anu rumakat kisu i aka pulin,do not fall when you walk,train +14527,14528,14528,matengil tu ku kelakela itira,you can hear the bullock carts from far away,train +14528,14529,14529,kalahukan,lunch time,train +14529,14530,14530,inu mapatay ku tamdaw,we are going to die,test +14530,14531,14531,hatira tu ninimicayacang hu,like this one it still needs to be fixed,train +14531,14532,14532,o cisefiay kira fa^luhay a luma,that new house has a kitchen,train +14532,14533,14533,sasamaan kita ngaˈ eca ka lefung i talakal hani,how do we not fall into the trap,train +14533,14534,14534,pinaay,which,train +14534,14535,14535,sa matira ku pilakec niyam,this is how we cross the river,train +14535,14536,14536,nu Pangcah,Ami language,train +14536,14537,14537,ngaʼayay halafinay hatiraay,good and durable,train +14537,14538,14538,maanne pisanga tu tamud saan ku aniniay a kaemanay,Nowadays young people ask how to make yeast,train +14538,14539,14539,sapihiya nu adiwawa haw itiya henay,did kids back then do that,train +14539,14540,14540,miʼafar hu anca mi tini i a matayal,peeling shrimp or working in a freezing plant,test +14540,14541,14541,u nu ruma makaala tu makalumuc a litaʼul,some catch round shaped eggs,train +14541,14542,14542,yu ayaw nu pipasapuran maherek mihiya mitipus,we cut the rice before planting,train +14542,14543,14543,patayra tu,Airdrops in the past,train +14543,14544,14544,Cedeten nura wawa ku fawu tu fadisaw,the kid scalded the insect with boiling water,train +14544,14545,14545,u maan ku epuc aku san kaku,it does not mean anything to me,train +14545,14546,14546,hay mapalafangcalay,it is modified,train +14546,14547,14547,patungalan niya tuni,that is why they have increased the number of,train +14547,14548,14548,alamaanan malibut ira kiya papatelian tiya cadiway,if you feel lazy place the triangular net in a special place for nets,train +14548,14549,14549,Nikawrira yu ci Kaliuhu ku mikumuday tu Akaya i masaupu ku Yutaya a tamdaw a mipaculi ci Pawluan rpet han nangra cingra a mitaruh a patayra i pisawkitan,while Gallio was proconsul of Achaia the Jews made a united attack on Paul and brought him into court,train +14549,14550,14550,Icuwa^ ci Kacaw,where is Kacaw,test +14550,14551,14551,wama wina atu kaku tumirengay iˈaˈayaw nu palusiyangay a tusiya niyam,with my mom and dad in front of our broadcast van,train +14551,14552,14552,a hay,Oh yeah,train +14552,14553,14553,pakafanaan,teaching content,train +14553,14554,14554,u luma tu i,in addition,train +14554,14555,14555,anu iraira ku fangafang i kasasipaayaw kasasisulul masamaan ku pisulul nu Tapang i tamuwanan i haenen ku nu namu a misulul tu tau,bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another forgive as the Lord forgave you,train +14555,14556,14556,wamatiraʼay sa ku maku itiya hu samatira,so that is how it is,train +14556,14557,14557,o malakaemihay ku simal nu mita,our gas prices have become cheaper,train +14557,14558,14558,sanay itiraay satapanga ha,drinking more is powerful it is the power of drinking more,train +14558,14559,14559,pahanhan tu kita alayung,the class is over goodbye everyone,train +14559,14560,14560,futing satu kaku,I became a fisherman,test +14560,14561,14561,mikitadu,rely on something,train +14561,14562,14562,si^naway taedipen a ci riku,it is cold so wear more clothes,train +14562,14563,14563,maleneng malenengaytu kuni tamina,one by one they are sinking,train +14563,14564,14564,matini cimilicayay ku wawa nu tau tu tireng aku lina,now that someone has shown me love,train +14564,14565,14565,caay pisawkit ku wama tu cimacimaan a tamdaw Mapaturudtu ningra i takuwanan u wawa ku sasawkiten a dmak a ma^min,Moreover the father judges no one but has entrusted all judgment to the Son,train +14565,14566,14566,nanitiya a misaimer ci Yuta tu kangaayan a rumiad tu sapacakayaw ci Yisan,from then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over,train +14566,14567,14567,o rumatu a kilang haw i,other trees,train +14567,14568,14568,taylisang,agent,train +14568,14569,14569,tayraʼen niira kaku i tadamaʼanay kamaruʼan aku,he is taking me to the garden of Eden,train +14569,14570,14570,tayra i Natawran a midudu tu kaying nu itilaay,we are going to go to Nadoland and find a local girl,test +14570,14571,14571,pacek,iron nail,train +14571,14572,14572,mamaan aca,one is called a good death,train +14572,14573,14573,teluc,extremity,train +14573,14574,14574,miurung,raise aloft with both hands,train +14574,14575,14575,Nanuya malahaklung ci Yis atu nisawawaan ningra a tayra i pala nu Yutaya itira sahu cangra Mipainu ci Yis,after this Jesus and his disciples went out into the Judean countryside where he spent some time with them and baptized,train +14575,14576,14576,saka awa tu ku tayal nu luma itiniluma,that is why I cannot deal with my own family,train +14576,14577,14577,tiya ira ku hiya ku sapafeli niyam tu ising,so we can pay the medical bills,train +14577,14578,14578,Mikaput i takuwanan ku miucuray i Takuwanan caay laliwen ningra kaku a pakaccay nawhani sahtu u kalipahakan ningra ku dmak Aku han ningra,the one who sent me is with me he has not left me alone for I always do what pleases him,train +14578,14579,14579,papilaliwen tu a milaliw a milimek ku vinawlan nu Cikasuwan,let the Chikagawa escape,train +14579,14580,14580,saka matiniay kuniniyan a sasuwalen aku anini saka,my description is like this,test +14580,14581,14581,miala tu nituntun nu lalidec,take the severed tree,train +14581,14582,14582,u Kawas u Kawas sa,there are ghosts,train +14582,14583,14583,Fufu tayniay tu kami a milisu kisunan,Grandpa we have come to see you,train +14583,14584,14584,piundukayan,athletic Venues,train +14584,14585,14585,tanucafeng,all walled in,train +14585,14586,14586,mangalay a midateng sa,that is why I wanted to go to the mountains to pick wild vegetables,train +14586,14587,14587,anengan,chairs,train +14587,14588,14588,nawhani matngil niyam ku pakayniay i nipitier namu i ci Kristu Yisan atu nika ulah namu tu pulung nu mituuray,because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints,train +14588,14589,14589,nasiumah kami itira,there was a field for us,train +14589,14590,14590,akaa,be out of the question,test +14590,14591,14591,o widang aku ci Tanaka,my friend Tanaka,train +14591,14592,14592,pakidu saan a miharateng tu masa maanay,I do not think about it,train +14592,14593,14593,o finacadan nu pasawaliay a Amis i nani Fakung tahira i Singku ira ku Fakung Tingalaw Cepu Cawi Ciwkangan Pailasan Singku a taangangayay a niyaru,Coastal Amis Group from Fengbin Township in the north to Chenggong Township in the south there are tribes such as Maogong Dinzai Leak Jingpu Harbor Changguang Baishoulien and Chenggong,train +14593,14594,14594,luma,room,train +14594,14595,14595,hi,Hey,train +14595,14596,14596,kura salang nura rengus,the juice of that grass,train +14596,14597,14597,i tiya tu masasunanam tu rira a wawa tu fafahiyan u hatiraay,that is when I started to meet that girl,train +14597,14598,14598,mikulafaw,catch voles,train +14598,14599,14599,facacenal,wasp,train +14599,14600,14600,miliwasak miwadwad,flipping,test +14600,14601,14601,o maan ku aacaen isu,what are you buying,train +14601,14602,14602,miasip,reading,train +14602,14603,14603,havalak,quilt,train +14603,14604,14604,malacingkiay,become in laws,train +14604,14605,14605,cakayen aku kunini a piyang,I want this packet of cookies,train +14605,14606,14606,o nirenukan nu ada ku tuas ita,our ancestors were invaded by enemies,train +14606,14607,14607,sariwsiwan,autumn,train +14607,14608,14608,u maʼan ku nananamen,what do I need to learn,train +14608,14609,14609,mafaesing,Sneeze,train +14609,14610,14610,a mafalud mahenay kiya niyam,we are in and out together,test +14610,14611,14611,Hay nakaadadaan nira cuwa tu ka depuc ku pidiputu wawa,Yes she is been unable to take care of the kids since she got sick,train +14611,14612,14612,minengnengay tu itini i,they will follow the review,train +14612,14613,14613,kaku taluma kita,I would rather go back to my hometown,train +14613,14614,14614,i lalumaay tiniay tusa a remiʼad raraya,it takes two days to do it inside it is long,train +14614,14615,14615,asik,sweep,train +14615,14616,14616,mauripay,living,train +14616,14617,14617,yaan tu i suwalen tu nira ya suwal na miʼadupay,he said The hunter said so,train +14617,14618,14618,misuedac,upstream,train +14618,14619,14619,pasifanaʼen kami haw icuwa ku eli samaanen kilimen samaanen mikilim,we were taught how to recognize and look for thatch how to identify thatch and how to find it,train +14619,14620,14620,mitaeliv kami tu pacakayay tu dateng adihay ku luengelay a dateng i nipatadaan,we passed the vegetable stand which had a lot of fresh green vegetables,test +14620,14621,14621,kira lutuk haw i,and the mountain,train +14621,14622,14622,anu caay ka ciraraw kaku anu saan kita i u pakumangahay kita tu Kawas awaay i falucu ita ku suwal ningra,if we claim we have not sinned we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives,train +14622,14623,14623,midiputay,caregiver,train +14623,14624,14624,u nu tipay haw a tayal,the work of the raft,train +14624,14625,14625,ludak,hundred pace snake,train +14625,14626,14626,tuki,bell,train +14626,14627,14627,aka dicuhen ku tektek nu adipel,do not remove the stakes from the fence,train +14627,14628,14628,lifet,competition,train +14628,14629,14629,misahalaka kaku tu sakatayra i Ripun anu ruma mihecaan,I am planning to go to Japan next year,train +14629,14630,14630,caay kavana,do not know,test +14630,14631,14631,hawhaw han tangtang nu wina aku,my mother steam boiled it,train +14631,14632,14632,suwal sa i Cingraan Anu u Wawa nu Kawas Kisu i pihitfu i la^nu Nawhani O papalimuuten nu Kawas ku cuyucuyuh Ningra Saka u cacadaen nangra tu kamay Kisu tu saka^caaw ka pasta nu waay Isu i fukluh a ciduka saan ku suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad han nira,If you are the son of God he said throw yourself down for it is written He will command his angels concerning you and they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone,train +14632,14633,14633,o niraekedan nu maku kina tayal i niyaru,in the tribe this work I diligently accomplished,train +14633,14634,14634,ira ku facidul i paputal nu picudadan,there is a bread tree outside the classroom,train +14634,14635,14635,o nirimuudan nu maku tu kilang a misanga kira sapad,the table was made of whole pieces of wood,train +14635,14636,14636,Mihaenay wa saan kisu a miharateng Samaan kaku ngaˈ malu nuˈadinguan a tamdaw a milifuk tu adihayay epuc hani,So you may be thinking How can I become spiritual and receive much benefit,train +14636,14637,14637,caay kahaen amu naayaw,it is not like you guys used to be,train +14637,14638,14638,misausi,number,train +14638,14639,14639,caay haw kahaen ku suwal nu naayaway a matuasay,did not the old man know how to say that in the old days,train +14639,14640,14640,Tatapal ku sufitay a rumakat,the soldiers approached each other to intimidate,test +14640,14641,14641,micudad ku kaka i kucung,my brother is a junior high school student,train +14641,14642,14642,Saka luwad satu kuya limecedan a ma^min a misungila tu dawdaw nu tireng,Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps,train +14642,14643,14643,caay ka^ca,certain,train +14643,14644,14644,maraay,far,train +14644,14645,14645,u radiw ku sakaulahan nu maku a minanam,my favorite class is music,train +14645,14646,14646,masiday ku papaysuan aku,I lost my wallet,train +14646,14647,14647,naun han,slow worker,train +14647,14648,14648,mapadeng nangra ku marengrengay a namal maliyas nangra ku mipatay nu funus nanu tadancaay cangra i malaciicelaytu Malaki^melaytu cangra a miluud laupen nangra ku sufitay nu ruma a Kitakit a miluwid,quenched the fury of the flames and escaped the edge of the sword whose weakness was turned to strength and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies,train +14648,14649,14649,pakaynien,from here,train +14649,14650,14650,Sacapaen a misanga ku pitelian tu taalayan a awul,it is a forked branch,test +14650,14651,14651,masidayay,missing person,train +14651,14652,14652,a mawmah,conducting agricultural work,train +14652,14653,14653,ta cakat satu cangra pcih satu cangra tu ^pang a kumaen tangasa i kata^ngadan ku nika halafin nu caciyaw nangra ta liyas satu ci Pawlu,then he went upstairs again and broke bread and ate after talking until daylight he left,train +14653,14654,14654,Ax makesem ku falucu,Alas the heart is cold,train +14654,14655,14655,hatiya paiyuy nu safa,it is like a siblings call,train +14655,14656,14656,Hinam han,results,train +14656,14657,14657,samanen mafukil kami,since my qualifications are not very high I do not know how to start,train +14657,14658,14658,hadaken,take it out,train +14658,14659,14659,caay ku nipateng a mihiya,no special preparation,train +14659,14660,14660,sapitilitilid saenen,what are you reading,test +14660,14661,14661,Matatas,spoiled,train +14661,14662,14662,tayra kaku i,aquatic schools in so O,train +14662,14663,14663,picukeruh,shirk,train +14663,14664,14664,Papirenacen ci mama isu tura malinutay a puut,ask your father to sharpen that dull knife,train +14664,14665,14665,ruruh,shift the blame onto someone else,train +14665,14666,14666,nau mikaputaytu kamu i ci Kristuan a mapatay a mapaliyas nai lkakawa nu lisinan Saka nawiru du^duenhu namu ku nu hkalan a lkakawa a maimer tuya,since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world why as though you still belonged to it do you submit to its rules,train +14666,14667,14667,15 anu makalimay kita ira ku mahecaday ni Yihufa a harateng aka madenga nunini a hekal,we cannot allow ourselves to be assimilated into the system if we want to see things the same way as Jehovah,train +14667,14668,14668,na anini tadamahemek kaku,I am very happy today,train +14668,14669,14669,salangaayay ura samal i hay malitengay maulahay tu simal,The fat part is the best Yeah old people love it,train +14669,14670,14670,Ngaayay ku caciyaw isu tu nu Amis,you speak the language of your people very well,test +14670,14671,14671,o sarakat tu tuni Kitakit,first in the world,train +14671,14672,14672,misafelafelat,shining brightly,train +14672,14673,14673,Mafutus ku tireng nuni tamdaw,this man suffers from edema,train +14673,14674,14674,asaya ama yasa matuʼasay niyam,my grand mom and witch said,train +14674,14675,14675,samaan satu ku urip san itira satu i riyariyalan a mikilim tu cekiw tu karang a miliwal tu salikaka,how do you make a living we collect shells from the sea or catch crabs and sell them to our brothers and sisters,train +14675,14676,14676,cuwa ku sapi maan han,it is not for how do you say it,train +14676,14677,14677,ta pakakurisiw kuya wawa mastul nira ku ccay a fukeluh mapulin,that child riding a bicycle tripped over a stone and fell,train +14677,14678,14678,malahitayay micufay ri,he went to military school but he did not get there,train +14678,14679,14679,fafaway,chief Executive,train +14679,14680,14680,mala hatini nu tumuk,he is the president of the Chieftains Fellowship,test +14680,14681,14681,awaay ku pasumaanan a falucu nira haw,he has no motive or imagination,train +14681,14682,14682,sasepatay ku wawa niyam,there are four children in our family,train +14682,14683,14683,u Cilakesay hananay a namu a niyaru,about your tribes lira song contest,train +14683,14684,14684,vayi vangcal kiya kilang nira neh,Auntie it has a beautiful trunk Auntie it is a beautiful trunk,train +14684,14685,14685,nanu sinafel nu matuʼasay iʼayaw,food for the elderly,train +14685,14686,14686,tausay ku fukes nira,his hair is full of hair oil,train +14686,14687,14687,mangalay hu kaku a micudad sa kaku itiya,Why I want to go back to school,train +14687,14688,14688,masipun kami tu nanu faliyus,we suffered loss because of the typhoon,train +14688,14689,14689,tusa ku aacaen aku miaca hu kaku tu cecay lufuc a felac,I want two bottles and a pack of rice,train +14689,14690,14690,ku fainay hananay a mikikung,when a man gets married,test +14690,14691,14691,a uradan iri ta ira kina mahiniyay,when it does not stop raining,train +14691,14692,14692,o Cemel nu fafahi aku,my wife medicine,train +14692,14693,14693,micukang kami i,we are going to work for money,train +14693,14694,14694,ayaw nu pafilung kiyami haw mitanam tu miʼanip,before the lunar new Year we will try to plant rice in the spring,train +14694,14695,14695,mangcel,muntjacs reeves,train +14695,14696,14696,hay nu mafana kisu tuna tatapiʼen isu itiya hu,how do you know who you are giving to,train +14696,14697,14697,hatini,like this,train +14697,14698,14698,mamilisu tu nanum ra talaumah sa kira,he is going to inspect the paddy fields,train +14698,14699,14699,anini satu,modern,train +14699,14700,14700,nawhan misapaherek tu demak saan,because that is how you get it over with,test +14700,14701,14701,o rengus a maemin ku mulengaway i padatengan ni ina,all that grows in moms garden is grass,train +14701,14702,14702,cefang,team,train +14702,14703,14703,malu tayal nu maku matuʼas cakasaan ku falucu aku itiya,I did not think of it as my job when I got older,train +14703,14704,14704,cayka masatatihi ku tayal haw,the work will not be deliberately biased in favor of one side or the other,train +14704,14705,14705,o ilisin aca ku lisin nu Amis han,do the Amis only have the Harvest Festival,train +14705,14706,14706,hacuwa alawen nu tau ku malinaay a pakayif,when does someone invite his friends and family to propose marriage,train +14706,14707,14707,hatini tu kiya idengay tu kiya misanga tu tavukud saan,it is big enough to be a gossip network,train +14707,14708,14708,micudaday,a student,train +14708,14709,14709,herek,Over,train +14709,14710,14710,nu maku sufuc itiya,I was born into this,test +14710,14711,14711,cuwa hu kapipacemut kaku tunu pacemut mangaay a pasifanaen kaku anu cila haw,I have never used a fishing rod before would you mind teaching me next time,train +14711,14712,14712,Hay kaesu ku kaen aku,Well it is delicious,train +14712,14713,14713,tuwa u,then,train +14713,14714,14714,ririd han nu safa aku kira paliding nu wawa,my sister was dragging the baby doll cart along,train +14714,14715,14715,matu u caayay hu katuʼas a wawa Ahan,they are really old farts,train +14715,14716,14716,Pangcah han,it is Amis,train +14716,14717,14717,Pacauf sa ci Yis Anu u tatiihay kura suwal Aku i i cuwaay ku tatiihay a suwal Aku Suwalen Anu matamaay ku suwal Aku i nawiru misti kisu i Takuwanan saw han ningra,If I said something wrong Jesus replied testify as to what is wrong but if I spoke the truth why did you strike me,train +14717,14718,14718,anu awaay kura tuki i,without that clock,train +14718,14719,14719,Tahiratu maedengtu u ku rumiʼad mita,it is almost time,train +14719,14720,14720,alatek tahayni i kaemangay,even to children,test +14720,14721,14721,itira i lutuk alaen nu matuʼasay iʼayaw patawma,in the mountains he will bloom and the old man will take him home,train +14721,14722,14722,kaduwangay u kaduwangaay kuni hay,Purpleback Yes,train +14722,14723,14723,tayra kaku i sadatengan a paluma tu dateng,I am going to plant vegetables in the garden,train +14723,14724,14724,aitini i haku a patanga saan tu i tangulan,it is going from the fridge to the coffin,train +14724,14725,14725,kiya siningkay,the youths,train +14725,14726,14726,lima pulu ira ku pitu a mihecaan,years,train +14726,14727,14727,a icuwa miala tu mahiraay,where do I get it,train +14727,14728,14728,Misaparud micidek micidekay tu emin ku urip nu niyam,each has a family,train +14728,14729,14729,maliliw tiya hiya katipay a lutuk,get out of the hills to the west,train +14729,14730,14730,malasak,Leak out,test +14730,14731,14731,matuʼasay tu nu ceruh hatiraay,the old man said he would heard something like that,train +14731,14732,14732,tu dafak tu hekakerem iratu,it starts early in the morning or late in the evening,train +14732,14733,14733,mihulul,exchanging conventional greetings,train +14733,14734,14734,itiya kaku a malingatu a caay pidakaw tu lunan,that is when I stopped thinking about running boats,train +14734,14735,14735,kira utuc haw i,and the pillar,train +14735,14736,14736,u hiya nu dingki nisangaʼan cahu,Lights,train +14736,14737,14737,ciadipelay,walled,train +14737,14738,14738,o maan ku acaen isu,what are you buying,train +14738,14739,14739,Papina^ ku paru^ nu luma namu,how many people are in your family,train +14739,14740,14740,iki matuʼasay,I admire the elders,test +14740,14741,14741,sakakumaenan tura titi nura tamdaw mapatayay i,I am trying to peck at the flesh of a rotting corpse,train +14741,14742,14742,u maan tu aca,and with what,train +14742,14743,14743,mayasiyas,bloody,train +14743,14744,14744,katahiraan,arrival time,train +14744,14745,14745,tulu pulu ku mata,thirty holes,train +14745,14746,14746,nika,nevertheless,train +14746,14747,14747,adihay ku lisin nu sicalaay a luma,there are many taboos in homes where jawbones are placed,train +14747,14748,14748,Mafiyuk nu fali ku kafung nira,his hat was blown off by the wind,train +14748,14749,14749,itira a malacafay tu kumaen tu taheka,eating with classmates,train +14749,14750,14750,ora pacek u sapiʼudut tu tau,it is made of nails to go and fight with others,test +14750,14751,14751,i hakuwa a maaraw niyam ku nika adada isu atu nika rufu isu ta milisu kami i tisuwanan saw sasaan cangra,when did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you,train +14751,14752,14752,paseday hananay kuni paseday ha,it is called a sword belt sword belt,train +14752,14753,14753,mapeli tu amin ku tatipusen,the rice paddies to be harvested will all be blown down to the ground,train +14753,14754,14754,pakayni i inurung atu malutatayalen,responsibility has to do with mission,train +14754,14755,14755,o mamakaintel nu tamdaw a ma^min kamu tuna mituur kamu i Takuwanan,all men will hate you because of me,train +14755,14756,14756,samanen suwal suwal han tu ku cima minukayay itiraay a misalama,sometimes the message is conveyed through the people who are playing,train +14756,14757,14757,o ngaayay a tamdaw ci Parnapas u matumesay nu Fangcalay Adingu u tanektekay a mitieray Saka aluman ku pasulinay a tamdaw a mituur tu Tapang,he was a good man full of the Holy Spirit and faith and a great number of people were brought to the Lord,train +14757,14758,14758,mahaen u rara,it is like this this like this,train +14758,14759,14759,o Pangcah ku tireng haw,Amish,train +14759,14760,14760,caay ka siwala a misanga,I will never forget it,test +14760,14761,14761,du^duen,to obey,train +14761,14762,14762,akawang ira i,what about its height,train +14762,14763,14763,pakungku,say,train +14763,14764,14764,tsuki nu fudari ni,if you see the moonlight for a short time,train +14764,14765,14765,Yis ku mafanaay a mitedal tu tiniay,Jesus knows how to resolve these kinds of problems,train +14765,14766,14766,rey u rakat tu nay u rakat tangsa i Taytu,so they walked and walked to Taitung,train +14766,14767,14767,Saka sadak sa ku saka ccay a cuyuh a mitaktak i hkal tu nitatuyan ningra a wakung ta antux atu cikaliwates kuya citupaay tu ngangan nuya aadupen atuya mitaungay tu facu nuya aadupen,the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image,train +14767,14768,14768,saka u kumuris hananay i u tudung nu kapah a mafana pakayni i patelaw a maka^erer ku falucu tu sakiniyaru,the essence of the comoros river Festival is the positive Spirit of collective fishing expressed through the mobility of young people,train +14768,14769,14769,irahu kura matawalay aku pasuwal,I still have stories I have forgotten,train +14769,14770,14770,micudad tu ca kaka aku itini,my brother and sister are already studying here,test +14770,14771,14771,o maan tu ku kacahiwan isu,are you that hungry,train +14771,14772,14772,tangasa itini taataaktu,it is a big one by the time we get here,train +14772,14773,14773,anucila tu nga nu Amis tu,in July and August is the Amis Abundance Festival,train +14773,14774,14774,anu tarakaw ku laying,no matter how high the waves get,train +14774,14775,14775,alahan ura tu upih anu hatini,but now this feather,train +14775,14776,14776,i lalumaay ni Yis Kristu tadatalulung ku ulah aku i tamuwanan a ma^min,my love to all of you in Christ Jesus Amen,train +14776,14777,14777,kiya malasawad saw,why did it disappear,train +14777,14778,14778,anu ma a tusa a hiya a laku,at its widest it is about the size of two farms,train +14778,14779,14779,Haup han nira a mayuyang ku rumakatay a tamdaw i lalan,he cursed the people walking on the road with a rod to the whole boat,train +14779,14780,14780,Miiyan tu anu suni tu i maumah kita sa kura mipasuwalan aku i,Also the guy I am in love with wants me to go to work with him,test +14780,14781,14781,hadasi sa miurung tu pawti,carrying rice with bare feet,train +14781,14782,14782,matawalay aku ku impic,I forgot to bring my pen,train +14782,14783,14783,ta talaaayaw sa ci Yis tu mamang Hinukup sa cingra i sra a milunguc tu Kawas anu mama^deng i aka papilifeten cingra tunini a pades,going a little farther he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him,train +14783,14784,14784,a maanen nu misu ku nipivalic,how are you going to change it,train +14784,14785,14785,i kulalacay,in little harbor,train +14785,14786,14786,misafaeluhan,innovation,train +14786,14787,14787,faysa tangasa pasawali tu,Johan we have reached the east,train +14787,14788,14788,hatiya u keru nu furafurayan,it seems like the dance of a young girl,train +14788,14789,14789,o caay ka pidu^du tu mu^celay atu caay ka ulah tu salikaka a tamdaw a ma^min i caay ku wawa nu Kawas Saka itini a mahapinang ku kasasirumaruma nu wawa nu Kawas atu wawa nu Palafuay,this is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God nor is anyone who does not love his brother,train +14789,14790,14790,tanamen,try,test +14790,14791,14791,o paimpican nu maku kura,that is my pencil case,train +14791,14792,14792,mahaen kiniyan han aku kita,here is what I would like to share with you,train +14792,14793,14793,Matufacu nu Kawas ku pisanga nira tu tamdaw,God made man like his shapes,train +14793,14794,14794,katatudung,appropriate,train +14794,14795,14795,caay ka urad imatini mamaurad i herek nu lahuk saka kacicacelakan anu masadak,it is not raining now but it will be rainy in the afternoon so you need to bring an umbrella when you go out,train +14795,14796,14796,o manan a datengan ku sangaayay namu,do you have any special dishes you would recommend,train +14796,14797,14797,o wawa nu Pangcah tu fainayan anu marawud tu ku mihecaan tu nguetep tangasa^ safaw tusa haw i u mamikaput a malapakarungay,when Amis boys reached the age of ten or twelve they were required to join the first age class,train +14797,14798,14798,hacikayay,speedy,train +14798,14799,14799,ira ku,if there is,train +14799,14800,14800,fangcal ku tinayi ninian a tamdaw,this man has a good heart,test +14800,14801,14801,tu ulah nu Kawas,being followed by a ghost,train +14801,14802,14802,latek,sometimes,train +14802,14803,14803,u imeng cingra,he is a cop,train +14803,14804,14804,nanitira maʼaraw,from that side,train +14804,14805,14805,tulu pulu limuud kunini a sinpi u rumahu a maan ku aa caen isu,for the cookies anything else you need,train +14805,14806,14806,tahira i luma aru sa hu cahu kalafi,I am sitting at home I have not eaten yet,train +14806,14807,14807,miʼalutuc anu cecay tu kahut anu tusa ku takula,fetch a long tailed snail only a handful or two of frogs,train +14807,14808,14808,miehuh,exhale,train +14808,14809,14809,saka kumaenan kaku tu kuhaw nu takula iraay hakini,I am craving frog soup I wonder if there is any,train +14809,14810,14810,sa misaraʼu cangra sa itiya tu,Sapindus trees were planted at an early stage,test +14810,14811,14811,a suwal ku pifana ita pakakafit haw,the way you talk to connect,train +14811,14812,14812,malcad tunini u ngaayay a kilang i u ngaayay ku hci nira o tatiihay a kilang i u tatiihay ku hci nira,likewise every good tree bears good fruit but a bad tree bears bad fruit,train +14812,14813,14813,Paka Kawtiay kisu a tayra i Takaw,do you go to Kaohsiung by high speed Rail,train +14813,14814,14814,tangaʼsa i luma haw i,when I get home,train +14814,14815,14815,kaymi nihaen tura tangasa itini rarayaraya,long black hair above the waist,train +14815,14816,14816,minukay,return home,train +14816,14817,14817,sawluci,Burner,train +14817,14818,14818,o marufuay a tamdaw,the person who is being shut down,train +14818,14819,14819,mipaluma tu kilang i lutuk nu finawlan,plant a tree on a hill owned by the tribe,train +14819,14820,14820,nanitira lumuwad kami a pakalunan Macuaang nu fali kami saka pakaadiading satu nu Sayprus a kanatal kami a pakalunan,from there we put out to sea again and passed to the Lee of Cyprus because the winds were against us,test +14820,14821,14821,anganghan nira miangang kuyanan a takula nira miceli,n hanging,train +14821,14822,14822,mararaay,it is a long way off,train +14822,14823,14823,sasafaay a fafahiyan a kaka,I am the youngest,train +14823,14824,14824,kumu,rubber bands,train +14824,14825,14825,o maritusay cingra,he was elected,train +14825,14826,14826,miliyaw a sumuwal ci Yis tu finawlan Anu maaraw namu ku nipiciru nu tuem i ^tip i tangsul sa a sumuwal kamu O mamauradtu saan kamu Mahaenaytu a malahci,he said to the crowd When you see a cloud rising in the west immediately you say It is going to rain and it does,train +14826,14827,14827,Saka aluman tu ku teluc nu Yincumin i tukay a matuas,that is why there are so many descendants of native Americans growing up in the city,train +14827,14828,14828,u tangic tu lalusidan sa u maan satu kita u tangic makakaletu kami i ayaw oh mahaenay a wawa,the main reason to go there is because you need to find these things I see that is right,train +14828,14829,14829,anu mahaen han tu a caay tu cira,if an offering is made,train +14829,14830,14830,o fafahi ningra cuwa ku Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa saka pacekiwan ni Kuluriya cingra,the brothers wife was not a Jehovahs Witness so Gloria discussed the Bible with her,test +14830,14831,14831,o mama^ nu misu kiraan haw pinaay tu ku mihecaan niira,is that your father how old is he,train +14831,14832,14832,malcad tunini kita yu caayhu kaikes ku pituur ita tu Kawas i makuwanhu nu tahaf nu hkal a lkakawa nu lisinan kita,so also when we were children we were in slavery under the basic principles of the world,train +14832,14833,14833,Orasaka ucuren niyam ci Yuta aci Silas tu mamitu^tu i tamuwanan a pakafana tunini a dmak,therefore we are sending Judas and Silas to confirm by word of mouth what we are writing,train +14833,14834,14834,sanay pasuwal ku cecay faˈinayan i cingranan Mimaan tayni kisu saw,a man said to him Why have you come here,train +14834,14835,14835,Harakaten maapacaw tu mitilid,hurry up I am late for school,train +14835,14836,14836,manengneng nira kuya tataluay a wawa tu nikakumaen nu ya wawa,he saw the three children who were eating,train +14836,14837,14837,misamaanay hanu pakalaluk ci Pitiru tu Krisciyang patahekal tu mihamhamay hani,why did Peter encourage Christians to show hospitality,train +14837,14838,14838,culuk sa patalipaelal takuwanan,remind me one by one,train +14838,14839,14839,Kaku ci Mayaw kaku,I am Mayaw,train +14839,14840,14840,alaan ira kiya sisiw falicen nira,he took the Bible and began to translate it,test +14840,14841,14841,ira ku masamamaanay hiya,there are all kinds,train +14841,14842,14842,nguta,milky water,train +14842,14843,14843,hacuwa ku fana nira,how much does he know,train +14843,14844,14844,Haysaw masamaan nengnengen ku talip aku,Yeah Yeah how does my dress look,train +14844,14845,14845,makataan,insomnia,train +14845,14846,14846,pangangan hananay tu nu niyaru ku ci Linuʼan kiraan a alu a nemnem hananay tu anini,the tribesmen named the place Linu Creek springs in his honor,train +14846,14847,14847,mikafi,Soup,train +14847,14848,14848,i Hualian kawcung,at Hualien high School,train +14848,14849,14849,tayra tayara sa kiya fafahi nira militemuh,the wife greets them,train +14849,14850,14850,namaluluh kina luma niyam,our house has collapsed before,test +14850,14851,14851,macuaangay,against the wind,train +14851,14852,14852,Singsi adada sanay ku funguh aku pahanhan kaku i ikur nu kalahukan,it is almost time for class to end wait a little longer,train +14852,14853,14853,o Cawi hananay ku paniyaruʼan nu maku,the people of the Shizuoka tribe,train +14853,14854,14854,anini a miheca makakarireng a taluma ku vaki niyam atu wawa nira namaka Taypey,this year our uncles family hitchhiked back from Taipei,train +14854,14855,14855,Suuen kuya ufang,put your hand into that hole,train +14855,14856,14856,mainap,envy,train +14856,14857,14857,o Tarukus ni Yis Kristu kaku ci Pitiru patilid kaku tamuwanan u maliwasakay a maru itira i Puntus i Kalatiya i Kapatukiya i Aciya atu Pitiniyaay a nipilian nu Kawas a salikaka,Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to Gods elect strangers in the world scattered throughout Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia,train +14857,14858,14858,halifihun,makeup,train +14858,14859,14859,misanga kaku tu siraw,I am going to make salt pork,train +14859,14860,14860,mitiraʼay ku papalumaan itira i funun,crops grown on farmland,test +14860,14861,14861,salacuwan nu vavainay ku heci nira,men use its fruits as bullets,train +14861,14862,14862,cicedi ku suwal nira,he is a forceful speaker,train +14862,14863,14863,saka fangcalaw nu niyaru,for the good of the tribe,train +14863,14864,14864,makatimulay,from the south,train +14864,14865,14865,ya mama niyam i,my dad said,train +14865,14866,14866,o tangsu ku pacincuan ni kaka aku misimed tu cincu a cangaw nira,my sister hid the pearls in a pearl box in her closet,train +14866,14867,14867,sa nanu tayni kamu i emin ya luma hatu u caay tu ku eli caay tu ku,so by the time you moved here there was no thatch,train +14867,14868,14868,pakini i wawa kiymi haw,about these kids,train +14868,14869,14869,Cinaniulay tu ku umah niyam,I have got tadpoles in my field,train +14869,14870,14870,ka saka ci faʼinayaw kaku ha misu mamaan hanaku kura wina aku,I do not want to marry yet let you have it that is what I said to my mother,test +14870,14871,14871,o ngangan aku i,my name is,train +14871,14872,14872,wacu^,dog,train +14872,14873,14873,cingra ku pakafanaay i tamiyanan tu nika u nanu Fangcalay Adingu ku sakaciulah namu,and who also told us of your love in the Spirit,train +14873,14874,14874,tangau^,tarragon,train +14874,14875,14875,maanen,any,train +14875,14876,14876,niyan ku lunguc nu maku,that is what I want for my ethnolinguistic family,train +14876,14877,14877,caay ku nai kakarayanay ku hatiraay a taneng o nu hkalan u nu tamdawan u nu palafuay kurira,such wisdom does not come down from heaven but is earthly unspiritual of the devil,train +14877,14878,14878,tayni tu itini a taluma,I am back here too,train +14878,14879,14879,masubuc tu kiyami sisa ira ku hahicayan,they are catching fry because they are reproducing yes,train +14879,14880,14880,mala hay i,only if you are the chairman of the board Yes it does,test +14880,14881,14881,Nikawrira sakatulu a rumiad i paluwaden nu Kawas cingra a paurip a patalahkal a paaraw i tamdamdaw,but God raised him from the dead on the third day and caused him to be seen,train +14881,14882,14882,a itiya yu makerah ku liyal a tayra anu malaliw nu kerah awaayay tu ku sadak awaayaytu ku epuc,I am going to the beach according to the tide but I cannot make it if I do not follow the tide,train +14882,14883,14883,hacecacecay han ira ku tikami a patahira i lumalumaan,he delivered letters one by one to each house,train +14883,14884,14884,Karahikitasi kuni sapad,this table has so many drawers,train +14884,14885,14885,o luma i ya saʼayaw a tayni mafulaw i,the others moved here a long time ago,train +14885,14886,14886,anakexadada,ouch,train +14886,14887,14887,mipalu,strike,train +14887,14888,14888,miaca hu kaku simuut han a misulut,I will buy some more and make up yuan,train +14888,14889,14889,u yana tu kuya alaen tayra i safitay,take it to the container,train +14889,14890,14890,malaud tu ku kalikudaan anu ka syungacan tu,annual Toyotomi Festival or new Years Eve,test +14890,14891,14891,ngangan,name,train +14891,14892,14892,sakimuudan a muung,roasted whole,train +14892,14893,14893,maharek mitengil tumangicay kaku rarawtu aku hananay aku cingra a pasuwal,I cried when I heard that and I apologized to her,train +14893,14894,14894,aka asaan,do not think so,train +14894,14895,14895,anu micekiw satu haw,going to the beach to collect,train +14895,14896,14896,Cirihiay ku umah niyam,our fields have ridges,train +14896,14897,14897,u paayaway kaku,I did it for,train +14897,14898,14898,u kilakilangan hu ku ruma a pala kuranan,some are forested,train +14898,14899,14899,tu satapang tu kaku itini i,I have been doing this since,train +14899,14900,14900,Madukaay ku uu nu faki,my uncle injured his foot,test +14900,14901,14901,maefuay,incompetent,train +14901,14902,14902,parikur satu naʼunen haw kita,and lastly we are encouraged to be careful with everything,train +14902,14903,14903,anu u luma ku saʼayaw haw u umah ku saʼayawan haw,if you build a house first you will buy the land,train +14903,14904,14904,kuya,these,train +14904,14905,14905,itini i liklik nu luma,it is around the house,train +14905,14906,14906,itini i Taynan,here in Tainan,train +14906,14907,14907,mipamatang,we need to open up new land,train +14907,14908,14908,nengneng hatu minukay micudad ira tu ku falatan itiraw i sampar,on the way home from school the elders of the tribe they are doing it again with the plants so what,train +14908,14909,14909,Cinanum kita,we have water,train +14909,14910,14910,ka ngaʼayay hani,but it is okay,test +14910,14911,14911,mikalicay cingra tu hikuki a tayra i futud,he took a plane to Orchid Island,train +14911,14912,14912,masaupuay,gathered,train +14912,14913,14913,meru,swallow,train +14913,14914,14914,mikiratar,at an early hour,train +14914,14915,14915,anca kafana mineneng tu,if you do not know how to write symbols,train +14915,14916,14916,ta ci wawa tu fafahiyan tatulu a kaka atu kaku,I gave birth to me and my three sisters,train +14916,14917,14917,caay ka sausi cingra a lhakelung i titaanan,he was not included in the count to go with us,train +14917,14918,14918,Suʼelin,it is true,train +14918,14919,14919,u wawa henay tulu a kaysing,when I was young I had about three bowls of rice,train +14919,14920,14920,tayra tu i hiya matenes kaku mi mihiya,it takes a long time to get used to the environment,test +14920,14921,14921,namilipay,from heaven,train +14921,14922,14922,i putal a mipawali tu panay ci ina,mom was drying the grains outside the house,train +14922,14923,14923,maman kinian u kahengangay,how about this red one,train +14923,14924,14924,Marauteng,wet through,train +14924,14925,14925,a mafaliyus santu waay ku nanum,in the event of a typhoon there will be no water,train +14925,14926,14926,ya sanek i cila malasang tu,whenever I smell cocktails I get drunk,train +14926,14927,14927,talacuwa caay ka lecad ku micakayan a cudad kirami lalecad saan ku aca,although the books I bought are different the prices are exactly the same,train +14927,14928,14928,kaciicel,strength,train +14928,14929,14929,sema,tongue,train +14929,14930,14930,anu macaittu itini i hkal kaku haw i u mamasulut aku ku pulung nu tamdamdaw a pasayni i Takuwanan han ningra,but I when I am lifted up from the earth will draw all men to myself,test +14930,14931,14931,mitengilay,Listen,train +14931,14932,14932,u mikaenan niyam a nanum itiraay i u unsing,the water we drink comes from hot springs,train +14932,14933,14933,Tahacelem,it is getting late,train +14933,14934,14934,matu u maapaʼay satu ku pitengil tu caciyaw nu itiniay,it is like listening to the language here like a fool,train +14934,14935,14935,cedi,forces,train +14935,14936,14936,mapulinmaturu,stumble,train +14936,14937,14937,anu awa awa ku kakaenen kiya mi haw,there is not much to eat though,train +14937,14938,14938,i nian a rayray atu lalengawan nu niyaru atu kafulaw nu finacadan atu sasirumaruma a paytemek mikilim tu sakaurip a caikalecad itinitini satu i iraay a suwal atu serangawan a cai kalecad,the above tribes have different historical origins migratory history geographic environments and lifestyles and there are also differences in their languages and cultures,train +14938,14939,14939,raan ku nira a radiw,have their own song,train +14939,14940,14940,o tatefaden nu salikaka aku ku pida i yufin,my sisters claimed the money from the post office,test +14940,14941,14941,mawmah san i tayni itini mimawmah mingata iraw kaetip nu niyaru,when they plowed the fields they would do it on the west side of what is now the tribe,train +14941,14942,14942,saka ya hananay haw i tulu rumiʼad ku urad,typhoon rained for three days,train +14942,14943,14943,tiretireng nu maku a rumadiw,I am still fit enough to sing,train +14943,14944,14944,adidik henay kuni,millet,train +14944,14945,14945,adihayay kuni ini,a lot of them are like this,train +14945,14946,14946,makapah kura kaying a cifiting,that girl looks so pretty in her earrings,train +14946,14947,14947,hay saw yan tu i,that is it and then,train +14947,14948,14948,tahini kami i awaay hu ku umah kira hani,when we came here there were no fields,train +14948,14949,14949,matngil nu Farisay a tamdaw ku nika awatu ku sapacauf nu Satukay a tamdaw i ci Yisan saka masaupu cangra,hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees the Pharisees got together,train +14949,14950,14950,ira,Yes,test +14950,14951,14951,Mapacangaw ni Kacaw tu ekim ku malufafahi nira i pipatapangan,Kacaw puts on a gold necklace for his fiancée during their engagement,train +14951,14952,14952,mayuyang,talk to,train +14952,14953,14953,tusa suut ira ku lima pulu a lumuudan,dollars in total,train +14953,14954,14954,ira ku mitavukuday ira ku pacemutay pasalil,there is gossip there is fishing and there is fishing with nets,train +14954,14955,14955,nu Recurd,four hundred years ago,train +14955,14956,14956,Maarawtu aku kunini a dmak Saka u pasuwalay kaku i tamuwanan tu nika u wawa nu Kawas Cingra saan,I have seen and I testify that this is the son of God,train +14956,14957,14957,yanan,at that time,train +14957,14958,14958,awaay hu,not yet,train +14958,14959,14959,suʼelin itu,it is true,train +14959,14960,14960,nu niyaru mivingkiw,learning tribal writing notes,test +14960,14961,14961,Kadufah ku sakilafang anini,there is a wealth of items for entertaining guests today,train +14961,14962,14962,cecay a cecay fitaw i,one bucket,train +14962,14963,14963,lipahak ku matuʼasay kira lipahak ri,the old mans happy,train +14963,14964,14964,Ngaayay tu pafalic han kaku tu tusa limaay limuud,I will take two five dollar bills instead,train +14964,14965,14965,ora,That,train +14965,14966,14966,nu kapah,Featuring warriors,train +14966,14967,14967,adihay ku nidmakan nu tarukus tu masamaamaanay a kafahkaan a dmak saka mangudu ku finawlan a ma^min i cangraan,everyone was filled with awe and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles,train +14967,14968,14968,matuasy,senior,train +14968,14969,14969,saka harateng han i,careful measurement,train +14969,14970,14970,masa malawidawidangay,we are friends with each other,test +14970,14971,14971,Mapasilusi ku kurur nu fafuy,the back of the pig is marked,train +14971,14972,14972,anu awaay ku i caay ka ngaʼay miditek tu nangra saselaʼanhu nangra hatiraay,without a watch there is no way to properly measure their pulse heartbeat and respiration,train +14972,14973,14973,pidakawan,travel by,train +14973,14974,14974,kinaecay a pacakat haw i,first time I started a net,train +14974,14975,14975,awa tu ku wina awa tu ku mama,parents are gone,train +14975,14976,14976,Nikawrira yu lafiitu i Iratu kuya papararamuden a fainay Kasadaktu a militmuh cingraan ira ku sanay a micli,At midnight the cry Rang out Here is the bridegroom come out to meet him,train +14976,14977,14977,anu nengnengen kunini a dmak i hatu citanengay ku mahaenay ku dmak a tamdaw Paci^ci sa cangra a mitaung tu cuyuh misamangah cangra a misapu^ner tu falucu pasemsemen nangra ku tireng Arawhani caay pakamet tu anuf nu tireng ku matiniay a dmak,such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom with their self imposed worship their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence,train +14977,14978,14978,kalatim,scissor,train +14978,14979,14979,valican,change,train +14979,14980,14980,havelut han nu vinawlan kapah tu i,it is beautiful when folks do it together,test +14980,14981,14981,pakaen,to feed,train +14981,14982,14982,o iriyaray,the of the ocean i sailors,train +14982,14983,14983,sakakapah,in order to health,train +14983,14984,14984,nu Recurd,I have trained a factory manager,train +14984,14985,14985,micuhung,offer condolences,train +14985,14986,14986,kacipa,Ginger,train +14986,14987,14987,Ci Kulas kisu,are you Kolas,train +14987,14988,14988,pituuran,religious belief,train +14988,14989,14989,ngiyangi,shake,train +14989,14990,14990,Cifukes ku sinasera,there is hair on the ground,test +14990,14991,14991,ya laliw han tu aku ci ina aku,I left my mother,train +14991,14992,14992,pikacawan,vantage point,train +14992,14993,14993,a maanen a misumad tu nu Pangcah,there is no way to change to Amis,train +14993,14994,14994,midiputay a Kawas,gods spirits that protect,train +14994,14995,14995,tu rira mipalalay tura pa,to awaken the,train +14995,14996,14996,maanen maraud nu tuʼas kala Tumuk ku tuʼas haw i,former boss,train +14996,14997,14997,iraay i satuku ku kahengangay,there is no red cloth tied to the beams and pillars,train +14997,14998,14998,anu taangay tu ku fali,no matter how strong the wind is,train +14998,14999,14999,suwal sa ciira Maanen aca^ haw i ikur i caay tu pitawal kaku ku nu maku a maamaan aray tu pihayda namu a pacaliw i takuwanan i hatiniay lafin han niira,Kacaw apologized to the students and said that he would definitely bring his own things in the future and thanked the classmates for their willingness to lend him things before,train +14999,15000,15000,awaay i Cinpu ku luma kira itini ciwkangan,I do not have a place to stay in Nagahama Shizuura,test +15000,15001,15001,sakapahen ku tamdaw,cherish life,train +15001,15002,15002,pafeli^,Give,train +15002,15003,15003,nikiliman,found,train +15003,15004,15004,anu matira tatata tala Amilika kita,So go go go let us go to America,train +15004,15005,15005,anu u kuli kisu yu matahidang nu Kawas i ngaaytu Nikawrira anu mama^deng kisu a miliyas tu kalakulian isu matdal i u nipiliyas isu ku ngaay,were you a slave when you were called do not let it trouble you although if you can gain your freedom do so,train +15005,15006,15006,hanu pakihater sa ku Kawas tu ruray i hekal hani,why does God allow suffering in the world,train +15006,15007,15007,saka haratengen aku i hatay anu caay ka tayni ci turis anu caay ka ulah kaku a mipatihi ku ca ka citilid kami u mis,I thought if Turis had not come or if I had not liked his company we would not have developed a writing system for Amis,train +15007,15008,15008,ta masungila a mapatala ku mamatayal nu Kawas ta ma^deng cangra a midmak tu masamaamaanay a ngaayay a dmak,so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work,train +15008,15009,15009,halafin a mikalic tu pasu tayra i pitilidan haw,how long does it take to get to the school by bus,train +15009,15010,15010,ira ku tarayaay ira ku duhepicʼay,there is long ones there is flat ones,test +15010,15011,15011,suelinay tu u tuʼas tu nu mita u misa Pangcahay sanay ku falucu,Really in my heart I think this is the Amis Elder,train +15011,15012,15012,caay ka pastek i raraw ku pasulinay a mitier tuya Wawa Mapastektu i raraw ku caay pasulin i cingraan a tamdaw nawhani caay pasulin cingra tuya dengan a wawa nu Kawas,whoever believes in him is not condemned but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of Gods one and only Son,train +15012,15013,15013,o lutungay hu ku wawa nu maku,my child is still a baby,train +15013,15014,15014,si ira kura sa,that is her,train +15014,15015,15015,kakaenen a futing i tayni tu i tukus miiya miʼaraw miadup,we will go hunting in the mountains,train +15015,15016,15016,sasamaanan,purpose,train +15016,15017,15017,aka taʼangayen aca mamangen aca,do not make it too big just make it small,train +15017,15018,15018,Hedut han nu kikay ku tatiihay a fali a pasadak,the machine sucks out bad air,train +15018,15019,15019,tunu i Kawangay tura tunu i,it is on a very tall cliff,train +15019,15020,15020,Nikawrira tuna aluman ku tamdaw saka awaay ku pakayraan nangra a patayra tuya adadaay i kaayaw ni Yis Saka tuplak han nangra a miufang ku fadahung i tatudung ni Yis ta halukafutian ningra a mi^pud kuya adadaay,since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and after digging through it lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on,test +15020,15021,15021,tunu Amis mituul kami tu ira ku iya sa ku,Amish we are starting to follow,train +15021,15022,15022,Cicuhelay kaku a mafuti tu dadayadaya,I sweat every night when I sleep,train +15022,15023,15023,pina a mihecaan ku sasipengec,how many years wearable,train +15023,15024,15024,nawhani u mituduhay a tadamarengrengay a namal ku Kawas ita,for our God is a consuming fire,train +15024,15025,15025,yaan tu i anu tahira tu i,when I pass by there in the future,train +15025,15026,15026,pafelian na singsi tumaku a tudung sapifuting,the teacher has provided me with information,train +15026,15027,15027,o cukur ni mama aku kunian,it is my dads crutch,train +15027,15028,15028,minengel milalu,soak,train +15028,15029,15029,Kafana kamu tu pakayniay i sukun a kilang a tinaku yu masadak ku lu^ngelay a cuung a cipapah ku caang i mangatatu ku kacihrangan saan kamu a mafana,Now learn this lesson from the fig tree as soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out you know that summer is near,train +15029,15030,15030,penec han mahadakay tu itiniay i tingnaw hananay,just one click from your computer,test +15030,15031,15031,araaw,expectations,train +15031,15032,15032,ira ku tenem hananay a lutuk itira,there is a salt spring on that mountain,train +15032,15033,15033,aka ka cifutul tu ilem nu naniwac,do not be a bad green bean,train +15033,15034,15034,talariyar,to the beach,train +15034,15035,15035,anini tu i awaay tu kira,not anymore,train +15035,15036,15036,matuʼas tu cinira i a mahaen tu kita anini misacepu kita saku matuʼasay,when it grows up ah we have to do this now the elders say we have to catch fish for the sacrifice,train +15036,15037,15037,Cekem saan ku adada nu nicucukan nu ceka i kamay nu maku,the thorns are stinging me in my hands,train +15037,15038,15038,irahu maaraw ku futing,whenever you see a fish,train +15038,15039,15039,pisunian,play,train +15039,15040,15040,Maculuk nu miadupay kuna fafuy nu lutuk i nacila,this mountain pig was speared by a hunter yesterday,test +15040,15041,15041,misuped,collects,train +15041,15042,15042,kilim han hu tu cecay a rumiad anu awa hu a makilim kuya kulung i ta talaimeng a mikipadang,let us look for the cow for a day and if we cannot find it we will go to the police station for assistance,train +15042,15043,15043,tiya fangcal ku makakawang nu niyam,So we have a very neat array,train +15043,15044,15044,ciyayu han nu mita,let us do it together,train +15044,15045,15045,hatni ku angungul a tulemtu ku tamdaw,such a high level,train +15045,15046,15046,mahaenay ci ama aku,that is what happened to my dad,train +15046,15047,15047,a mahenay aca kiya na cinglaw kira,Ah so that is how it works,train +15047,15048,15048,papalumaan nu cacudadan tu tevus atu kudasin,sugar cane and peanuts peanuts for schools,train +15048,15049,15049,o Rikec i u pasamu aca tu aira a tadamakapahay a dmak caay ku tadatireng nura dmak ku Rikec Saka mararid a mapacakat tu mihcahcaan ku malcaday a sapatuaya Nikawrira caay pakasungila tu mirauday tu Kawas a tamdaw kunini,the law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming not the realities themselves for this reason it can never by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year make perfect those who draw near to worship,train +15049,15050,15050,nu heni ci Takuy medac han,hungry mountain God,test +15050,15051,15051,Patinakuen ta mafana kaku,use an illustration then I will understand,train +15051,15052,15052,anu mihpul kamu tu raraw nu nima i mahpultu ku raraw nuya tamdaw anu caay pihpul kamu tu raraw nu nima i caay ka hpul ku raraw nuya tamdaw han ningra,if you forgive anyone his sins they are forgiven if you do not forgive them they are not forgiven,train +15052,15053,15053,panayar tu rumiad,extend the time,train +15053,15054,15054,masasetulay,car accident,train +15054,15055,15055,aka tu miculu hu kita tu tilid,No we have to carry books first,train +15055,15056,15056,lupisak,decentralized,train +15056,15057,15057,samaan u ruma a wawa,because some kids,train +15057,15058,15058,Macukacuk ca Yis i lutuk aru satu ci Yis atu nisawawaan itira,then Jesus went up on a mountainside and sat down with his disciples,train +15058,15059,15059,o maan ku kasapaan isu ngraan,what surprises you about him,train +15059,15060,15060,kita u mafulaway a tamdaw haw i,we moved here,test +15060,15061,15061,pakeras,wish somebody well,train +15061,15062,15062,mifitawngi,collect fungus,train +15062,15063,15063,hu hu,Oh yeah,train +15063,15064,15064,o tadem tu a cecay ku paherekan nu tamdaw i hekal,the last thing on earth is a grave,train +15064,15065,15065,nu,mesmerizing,train +15065,15066,15066,rumuwad anu huni ku mama a mifuting kamu u wawa,Daddys going fishing later kids,train +15066,15067,15067,yanan tu haw i,that is when it happened,train +15067,15068,15068,Cikakunah ku hemay i kaysing,there are ants in the bowl of rice,train +15068,15069,15069,talatukus ku wama a miadup,dad went hunting in the mountains,train +15069,15070,15070,Ciherang kaku itini a matayal nawhani ira ku kaka aku a mikerid i takuwanan,I feel very comfortable working here because I have my brother to guide me,test +15070,15071,15071,Uli haw,Goodbye,train +15071,15072,15072,simeden,hide,train +15072,15073,15073,Misamadah caira a mangangihud a suwal,they gently whispered to each other,train +15073,15074,15074,hatini hatini sa u,your society must go on like this and like this,train +15074,15075,15075,tulu ku niyaru niyam itira,we got three tribes out there,train +15075,15076,15076,fuwak,boiling,train +15076,15077,15077,ta tangasa itira iraay kiya kamukuan nu kuliwku sanay nu kuliwku itira tangasa kaku i,I was at the highway department rest stop at the time,train +15077,15078,15078,pakuyuc awaay ku payci ni ina aku micakay tu han aku kura niyam,I told the nursing director that we were too poor to buy a watch,train +15078,15079,15079,tu emu,sweet rice cake,train +15079,15080,15080,cahu ka saan ku Kawas a sumuwal i cuyucuyuh tuya Kamaru kisu i kawanan Aku tangasa i papihinukupan Aku tu ada i pasaripaan isu a malataripaan isu,to which of the angels did God ever say Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet,test +15080,15081,15081,na taluma ca sawi i na muwad ca anini,I just went home why did you go back for a second time,train +15081,15082,15082,maruray tu,it is exhausting,train +15082,15083,15083,tangasa tu dabak ku matuasay,the old man stayed till morning,train +15083,15084,15084,sakimel han nu mita,we have to do our best,train +15084,15085,15085,Kacihilumit pakautufay,always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle,train +15085,15086,15086,ciafetuyay,you have big calves,train +15086,15087,15087,aka tu,shouldn't,train +15087,15088,15088,Tatalaalu^ kita anini^ a rumiad haw,are we going to the riverside today,train +15088,15089,15089,adihay ku cacadiwan a fukeluh i alualuan,the river Valley has a lot of millstone material,train +15089,15090,15090,misanga tu tamina misanga tu manan,building a raft or making any object,test +15090,15091,15091,katansul kamu katayra i han ningra kiya mama aku,he advised his father to send him to Nagahama,train +15091,15092,15092,Panukayen ku wawa nu maku,get my kids home,train +15092,15093,15093,mahaen ku suwal ni ina Madadingu,so says the white delicate mother,train +15093,15094,15094,macukcuk,locked,train +15094,15095,15095,o ngaayay a tamdaw cingra,he is a good man,train +15095,15096,15096,cay kangaʼay masadak talacuwa saan i luma saan,I am not allowed to leave the house I stay home every day,train +15096,15097,15097,salakalak sa tu kami kina Cikasuan,the people of Chichibukawa are scattered,train +15097,15098,15098,u sapaluwi tiraw i lawac nu lalan u kapah tu safasafa haw i miala tuya aledu,the youths picked Aledu,train +15098,15099,15099,padadaya tuʼan,return at night,train +15099,15100,15100,tangasa itini i enem haw mapahanhan haw,take a three hour break at am,test +15100,15101,15101,kasaan,such,train +15101,15102,15102,tulu a miheca kaku itira,I was there for three years,train +15102,15103,15103,anu icifacifang kisu,no matter how capable you are,train +15103,15104,15104,i tira i sawali nu Kuhkuh,it is east of Mizuho,train +15104,15105,15105,i ʼayaʼayaw i,in the old days,train +15105,15106,15106,u matiniay ku kakahad ku mata ini,that is how wide it is,train +15106,15107,15107,mamikaput,companions,train +15107,15108,15108,adihay ku talud i pala,there is a lot of reed grass in the field,train +15108,15109,15109,o rengurengusan ku umah nu matukaay a tamdaw,the field of the lazy man is full of grass,train +15109,15110,15110,itiya haw,it was the and years of the Republic of China,test +15110,15111,15111,tayni cingra i Kitakit nu tireng i caay pihamham ku finawlan ningra i Cingraan,he came to that which was his own but his own did not receive him,train +15111,15112,15112,malahuk,have lunch,train +15112,15113,15113,nika talacuwa kaku amikayat saka fafahiyan mihalateng cingra tura faʼinayan,So the girls are also thinking about where I am going to hold the boys hand,train +15113,15114,15114,sisa kangudui tu ku sikawasay,that is why you cannot disrespect a wizard,train +15114,15115,15115,paapilisen,hillside,train +15115,15116,15116,matiya kankamen kamu tayni Taywan saan,why do not you guys come to Taiwan,train +15116,15117,15117,Matadipuhaw cira yu macurah ku luma nira,he lost his sight during the fire at his house,train +15117,15118,15118,hatiraay ku nu malitengay itiyahu,the elders of the past had such feelings,train +15118,15119,15119,eden kini sai ira kura pifaliwan tura culing nu kufa ini ini ini katimul,I heard there is a grass cutting job down south,train +15119,15120,15120,iraay hu ku afih,there is still rice bran,test +15120,15121,15121,tuninian a tayal nu maku pakayniay tu nu pancah itira i saka pitu pulu mihecaan sa ira ku lima,it is in that I engaged in the work on Amis,train +15121,15122,15122,sa a miawit kaku tinian,so I learned to make these ornaments,train +15122,15123,15123,hatiraay ku itiyaay hu a lisin haw,that is why the rituals used to be like this,train +15123,15124,15124,aya haen han hai ku haen,and I thought to myself Why are you doing this to Him this is how I grew up,train +15124,15125,15125,caka kaliki ngaʼay alatek tuktuken isu i,it will not be quick sometimes it is in the middle of knocking,train +15125,15126,15126,maradiway kita kira,we are a singing people,train +15126,15127,15127,kisu samisimaw haw saan,I need you to take care of mom,train +15127,15128,15128,na samanay ku pilawud itiya cisinangay tu ku aniniay tamtamdaw,Nowadays technology is so advanced that I do not know how people used to cross the river,train +15128,15129,15129,yu matengil tu ku piparadiw i madadu^du kami a masadak naipicudadan misiayaw tu faeluhay a urip,when we hear the song one by one we walk out of school and move on to a new life,train +15129,15130,15130,o paciwciwan kiraan a pulul,that cage is for the chickens,test +15130,15131,15131,sasasimsim saan cira i liyal,he is thinking about it on the beach,train +15131,15132,15132,Nikawrira yu misatapang ku Kawas a misanga tu hkal i misanga cingra tu fainayan atu fafahiyan,But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female,train +15132,15133,15133,helungen,get rid of,train +15133,15134,15134,o taliyuk nu luma niyam kunini,this is the perimeter around our home,train +15134,15135,15135,acawen,draw water with a ladle,train +15135,15136,15136,kuraan,that,train +15136,15137,15137,adihay ku kakaenen maruya,a life of Abundance and wealth is wasted,train +15137,15138,15138,sanaw ira ku nu Halawan a fafahiyan alaan niya tayni mikadafu tayni hay,that is why a lady from Lok Hop married here,train +15138,15139,15139,awaay ku kakaenen,there is nothing to eat,train +15139,15140,15140,anu citahefud liyaw hatu a miasik ku luma,repeat the cleaning of the house if there is dust,test +15140,15141,15141,mikisaepi,take advantage of the coolness of the weather,train +15141,15142,15142,naw iʼayaw niyam a malasawad cangra saan,but it was abandoned before our tribe made it,train +15142,15143,15143,Masalipa kuya niyaru malcad ku kakaya atu kakahad nira fakciw han nuya cuyuh kuya niyaru i tusa a patek ira ku spat a suut nu kungli malcad ku kakaya atu kakahad atu takaraw nira,the city was laid out like a square as long as it was wide he measured the city with the rod and found it to be stadia in length and as wide and high as it is long,train +15143,15144,15144,pitu^ pulu,seventy,train +15144,15145,15145,Masaefit nu kuesanay a suwal nira kaku,I was deceived by his good sounding words,train +15145,15146,15146,anu awaay ku dankic,if there is no solidarity,train +15146,15147,15147,O ngaayay ku malasingsiay,Oh wow it is good to be a teacher,train +15147,15148,15148,enem a palu faluay a pulu ku mata,there is circles of holes,train +15148,15149,15149,itini a mahapingan maku tayal nu u nu hananay,I was able to really get in touch with the expertise of the Agri Improvement Center,train +15149,15150,15150,kira,what about,test +15150,15151,15151,o maherek tu paluma tu kudasing miniwaniw tu,when you finish planting peanuts you weed,train +15151,15152,15152,hai,yea,train +15152,15153,15153,fadafungen tu kura hay,it is time to put a roof on,train +15153,15154,15154,anu ira ku hikuki nu u Padaka u mami pakafana a maemin,if there were us planes I would notify all the soldiers,train +15154,15155,15155,Kaesu ku adi nu nikelingan a emu,the fried rice noodle potpourri was delicious,train +15155,15156,15156,nanay mafana kamu tu nika hakuwa ku ruray aku a matayal tu saki tamuwanan atu saki i Lautikiyaay a tamdaw atu saki caayhu pakaaraw i takuwanan a tamdamdaw,I want you to know how much I am struggling for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not met me personally,train +15156,15157,15157,alaenhu hapatih,can be laminated,train +15157,15158,15158,tuya miheca misanga kaku tu Cudad malu Cudad nu pasifana tu wawa,thus I published a book that year as teaching materials for children,train +15158,15159,15159,mikihatiya tu a malikuda tu i,we will dance along with you,train +15159,15160,15160,kaulahan aku a salikaka aka pitudung tu tatiihay a dmak ka u ngaayay a dmak ku tatudungen o ngaayay ku dmak a tamdaw i u wawa nu Kawas o tatiihay ku dmak a tamdaw i caay ka fana tu Kawas,dear friend do not imitate what is evil but what is good anyone who does what is good is from God anyone who does what is evil has not seen God,test +15160,15161,15161,licaesay,bed bug,train +15161,15162,15162,mana mafana kisu,how do you know,train +15162,15163,15163,mikikung tu ira ku maan,it is a wedding ceremony nothing more,train +15163,15164,15164,o kuhecalay atu langdaway iraay hu,we have white and blue ones too,train +15164,15165,15165,u nu Payrang ku caciyaw nu mira,he speaks Minnan,train +15165,15166,15166,pana,arrow,train +15166,15167,15167,o nai raraway ku cka nu sawarak nu patay o nai Rikecay ku sakuwan nu raraw,Where O death is your victory Where O death is your sting,train +15167,15168,15168,sienaw,surname Leng,train +15168,15169,15169,o nipilian nai tamdamdaw ku sakakaay a citudungay tu taung hananay o nipatirengan cingra tu mamalataypiyaw nu tamdamdaw a matayal tu nu Kawas o papacakat cingra tu sapatuaya tu sakahpul nu raraw,every high priest is selected from among men and is appointed to represent them in matters related to God to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins,train +15169,15170,15170,mihulul kaku aci ina^ nu maku,I went out with my mother today,test +15170,15171,15171,anu kami tu sanay nu riyaran a,I am tired of eating fish and shrimp from the sea,train +15171,15172,15172,mafanaʼay ci funguh ci funguhay ku malitengay,the elders are very wise,train +15172,15173,15173,masanek nu vuting micumud,the fish smelled it and went in,train +15173,15174,15174,Kanas,basket,train +15174,15175,15175,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad O maan ku tamdaw iru haratengen isu cingra o maan saan kisu tu i hkalay a tamdaw iru diputen isu cingra,but there is a place where someone has testified What is man that you are mindful of him the son of man that you care for him,train +15175,15176,15176,Vayiyaw peleken ku mata a milunguc,random closed her eyes and made a wish,train +15176,15177,15177,suʼlinay hiwawa i tiraay ku nanum niyam,it is true our water supply is right here,train +15177,15178,15178,sa itiraay a niyaru nu mitaʼay i tini u kicufi haw mafana tu tu na makayraay a lisin nu Natawran,as a result the clansmen who moved to Tsukimei are aware of the rituals of Nanchang,train +15178,15179,15179,yan tu i adahayay kura dafdaf pasi,there is a lot of plains to the south,train +15179,15180,15180,sakaira nu aniniay a kana Farangaw,that is why we have the present day tribes in Malaysia,test +15180,15181,15181,anu sakitini tu i parud nu luma tu piselic a micada tu dafung nu tuas u rayray nu piselic i sangraay u ina ku micadaay,the principles of its traditional inheritance system are I Maternal inheritance,train +15181,15182,15182,mitahidang kaku si miraan tu sapisangaaw tu tilid nu Amis,I am going to talk to her about editing the Amish book,train +15182,15183,15183,Paalenengen na Mayaw i terung nu kakahaday nu facal naira,Mayaw they set a ridge in the middle of a wide field border,train +15183,15184,15184,ku rumaruma ila micada tu can itini mawmah,some inherited their ancestors land and cultivated it,train +15184,15185,15185,adihay ku hulic ita u Ciw Ka Mi Ku,the Republic of China has a number of laws,train +15185,15186,15186,Nikawrira mapaicel nu Fangcalay Adingu ci Sawlu o ruma a ngangan ningra i ci Pawlu Pamutek han ni Pawlu ci Ilimas a minengneng,then Saul who was also called Paul filled with the Holy Spirit looked straight at Elymas and said,train +15186,15187,15187,aray mapalal isu ku wawa aku han ina aku,my mom said Thanks to you he finally woke up,train +15187,15188,15188,saan sa ku niyan a demak,that is how it is done,train +15188,15189,15189,cima nian sa tanestesay a kapah,who is the strong young man,train +15189,15190,15190,o tamdaw diputen Aku,I will protect the faithful,test +15190,15191,15191,idengay mamelaw haw,can you see it,train +15191,15192,15192,cecay ku cacelakan makumud kita,I only have an umbrella let us stick together,train +15192,15193,15193,aray han naku kuwama,I thank God,train +15193,15194,15194,suwal sa kuya mama cingraan Wawaaw mararid kisu a mikaput i takuwanan Saka u dafung aku a ma^min i u nu misu a ma^min,My son the father said you are always with me and everything I have is yours,train +15194,15195,15195,o mamikaput tu kalukayki ku Tapang nu niyaru,tribal leaders are required to participate in various meetings,train +15195,15196,15196,malalifet,competition,train +15196,15197,15197,tahiniay tu i sefi micumud tu,we have arrived at the entrance of the venue and we are ready to enter the venue,train +15197,15198,15198,ninyenkang i,more than two years,train +15198,15199,15199,Tatala sa kami tueman tu ku rumiad,after waiting for a long time it was already dark,train +15199,15200,15200,ha mafanaʼay ku wawa aku saan,to know immediately if my child is in school,test +15200,15201,15201,itinien i Tapang nu niyaru,back to tribal roots for starters,train +15201,15202,15202,mamaan ku serangawan nira niyaru,how about that village,train +15202,15203,15203,7 atu 8 a vulad u pilisinan atu pilalikidan nu Kalingku atu Taytu a niyaru nu Pangcah,every year in July and August the Amis tribes in Hualien and Taitung hold important ceremonies for the Harvest Festival,train +15203,15204,15204,Tepiken patelien i vatikar,fold it up and put it on the bike afterwards,train +15204,15205,15205,tu sakaytini itini patireng,ethnic language revitalization program,train +15205,15206,15206,cupcup,suck in,train +15206,15207,15207,rakat,die,train +15207,15208,15208,o niciwangan nu maku a mipadeteng kina lefuk,I opened these pants on purpose,train +15208,15209,15209,kira i u man heng ku pinang,it is not clear what the status is,train +15209,15210,15210,o niyaru han nu Pangcah ku kaitiraan nu finacadan,the Amis call the tribe Niyaro,test +15210,15211,15211,tapid han kira afay haen han nitapit oh,keep embroidering it who hoo,train +15211,15212,15212,nikawrira ira ku ruray nu falucu atu anuf tu saki dafung atu masamaamaanay a sawi a micu tu suwal nu Kawas Saka caay ka cihci,but the worries of this life the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word making it unfruitful,train +15212,15213,15213,mafana maemin ku cimacima haw cima kura ci Ohay,everyone knows the most beautiful anchor in Taiwan is OHare,train +15213,15214,15214,Sulinen aku a palusiyang u papatirengen i Cungtungfu ku yufayuf nu mucelay a saway nu Yincumincu atu mifalic palamu^celay a iingkay,Therefore I am here to announce that we are setting up an indigenous historical justice and Transitional justice commission under the Presidential Office,train +15214,15215,15215,anu niya demak nu Fataʼan hananay i,if we talk about planting trees and beans,train +15215,15216,15216,Pakaci^in kisu a talakungkuan haw,do you go to school by MRT,train +15216,15217,15217,Micait kaku tu hawan i hecek,I hung the knife on the post,train +15217,15218,15218,o kahengangay ku matatudungay i tisuwanan,the red color is perfect for you,train +15218,15219,15219,Malayufayufay tu ku misafununay i niyaru nu niyam,our tribal rice farmers have become a farming group,train +15219,15220,15220,halipayciay,love coins,test +15220,15221,15221,Nahini aca haenen haw,lean over like this,train +15221,15222,15222,Repun hatu nu mita kira cacudaden,we will just finish our homework,train +15222,15223,15223,tatudung na hiya pakasasera tu nu umah nu kalutungan,I have just arrived at the field of the others on monkey Mountain,train +15223,15224,15224,adah,recovered,train +15224,15225,15225,Panguseten nira wawa ku fuduy i kakamayan,this kid got snot on his sleeve,train +15225,15226,15226,Amama han nu maku,just wake up Dad,train +15226,15227,15227,macuwat,expand,train +15227,15228,15228,alumanay maruʼay itini imatiya u Ripun ku alumanay,at that time the Japanese were still the most numerous inhabitants,train +15228,15229,15229,sapatala,hospitable,train +15229,15230,15230,wawawawa,Kids,test +15230,15231,15231,kalaluk hanutaluma,on the way home,train +15231,15232,15232,tumangic ci Yusiku ta,Yohiki is very sad,train +15232,15233,15233,rumiad,date,train +15233,15234,15234,Singsi^ adada^ ku tangal aku mihifang kaku i herek nu lahuk,it is almost time for class to end wait a little longer,train +15234,15235,15235,ha,Aah,train +15235,15236,15236,ira itira ku ccay a malacaanay a fafahiyan tu maleslesay ku rmes tu tusa ku safaw a mihcaan,and a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years,train +15236,15237,15237,faedetay ku rumiad adihayen ku ninanuman a nanum,it is a bit hot so you need to drink more water,train +15237,15238,15238,maku,my,train +15238,15239,15239,anu mavana tu kaku a misurit,when I learned to write,train +15239,15240,15240,itira i pinengnengan aku tu hana hay,in my observations of flowers,test +15240,15241,15241,papiramuten,Let grab,train +15241,15242,15242,sacecay sanay a tafu cecay na kuna telian nira,it is in a little bag just in the plastic,train +15242,15243,15243,Licayaw,excuse me,train +15243,15244,15244,ta,only then,train +15244,15245,15245,hay anu saasaan sa ku tumuk i mahaenay hatiraay ku malatumukay,to see the tribe for all that it is,train +15245,15246,15246,Malalikidtu ku niyaru mikuli amin kiyami aluman ku caayay pikihatiya,it is time for the Harvest Festival because of work I cannot participate in many things,train +15246,15247,15247,Safangcalay,prime,train +15247,15248,15248,misaalay tu hawang,I will remember the strap,train +15248,15249,15249,kupu^,cup,train +15249,15250,15250,u salalumaay nu pusung atu Hitu a Pangcah matini ku nikalatuluay a etal,the southern Amis have three major regions,test +15250,15251,15251,tini tu i saʼetip haw awaay tu maan ku ngasaw namu han awa matuʼatuʼasay mafukil haknu i,the southern tribesmen have forgotten the names of their clans and even the elders cannot answer them,train +15251,15252,15252,Pakacitingsya^ kaku a talapicudadan tu rumiamiad,I ride my bike to school every day,train +15252,15253,15253,cepet hatu ku fuday,please wring out your clothes,train +15253,15254,15254,mamaan awa tu kami mafukil hu kamu tu lalengawan,if we were gone you would not know where we moved from,train +15254,15255,15255,kamuraw,grapefruit,train +15255,15256,15256,ka patangic han nu malitengay,but my parents forced me to do it,train +15256,15257,15257,o faes ku kaulahan aku mapiri kaku tu hemay,I love mocha I love rice,train +15257,15258,15258,tu,belonging,train +15258,15259,15259,o manan kuya citulisay ku Laway,which ethnic group has tattoos,train +15259,15260,15260,mialawaay,grabby,test +15260,15261,15261,o manan kura salaw hanay matawa kaku,I was still giggling not knowing what it meant by sand labor I am not sure what it means,train +15261,15262,15262,aka pilaum tu pida,do not waste your money,train +15262,15263,15263,matama cikadafu sa,how can you choose a daughter in law who cannot get pregnant,train +15263,15264,15264,stek hantu hatu kawilay i nu kawkawaca,look down with a sickle in your neck,train +15264,15265,15265,Hayda anu maraud tu tayra satu kaku,Yes I will definitely be there,train +15265,15266,15266,lipaywu tira i tayra kaku pasifana tu salikaka,singing at Newfoundland on Fridays,train +15266,15267,15267,ta parakat haca kaku tu hanay padakaw tu wawa nu,so I went to a children tutoring class and applied for a job as a baby carriage driver,train +15267,15268,15268,safatel,girdle,train +15268,15269,15269,mangaʼay mifuhat,you can open it,train +15269,15270,15270,Pangcah,Ami,test +15270,15271,15271,hatira kiya ku ruray mafana kaku tu ruray itiya,life was really hard at that time,train +15271,15272,15272,Mitafukud kita iriyar pakaala kita tu futing,because when we catch a fish,train +15272,15273,15273,11 o ruma sapicuwat tu kalacecay a pakayraan i dutimen ku tatudung nu tahapinangan a dafung i Piharatengan tu kapatay ni Yis a Saˈupu,the Unleavened bread symbolizes Jesus sinless body and the red wine represents his she would blood,train +15273,15274,15274,renuk sa itini,gather here,train +15274,15275,15275,Pacauf sa ci Yis Sulinay u a i ayaw ci Iliya a tayni a mipaluwad tu pulung nu dmak Nikawrira nawiru suwal sa haca i Fangcalay Cudad tuya u mamapasemsem atu mamafalah ku wawa nu tamdaw saan saw,Jesus replied To be sure Elijah does come first and restores all things why then is it written that the son of man must suffer much and be rejected,train +15275,15276,15276,Wawaaw u maan ku cakayen nu misu,what do you want to buy kid,train +15276,15277,15277,malasangay,become drunk,train +15277,15278,15278,malinah tu kami,we have moved,train +15278,15279,15279,mapawpaway aca i nanum,always floating on water,train +15279,15280,15280,haen tu ci Kautusay,that is it please Father,test +15280,15281,15281,Minukayay tu kami tayra i Taypak nu hatini maxeraay hakiya ku utupay ni faki,now that we are back in Taipei I do not know if my uncles motorcycle has been found,train +15281,15282,15282,tuntunen ngatu han kura penen i telien i tiratu,cut the reeds and place them in the same place,train +15282,15283,15283,anu matira itini tu kisu a salikaka itini hu ku misu haw,that will make this sibling say you should stay here for now,train +15283,15284,15284,himaw,to look after,train +15284,15285,15285,atu kakaenen aca nu mita,and our food,train +15285,15286,15286,awa ku impic awa ku Cudad awa emin awa,no pencils no textbooks Nothing,train +15286,15287,15287,macaday kitanan,just like the rest of us,train +15287,15288,15288,pacelul,change,train +15288,15289,15289,tey mahelek mi mahelek mami ku niyaru mipanay a pasuwal tu ku Tapang tumuk nu niyam,when all the tribes have finished cutting the rice ah our chief leader will say,train +15289,15290,15290,iniyan u adihayay ku nipivuting,catch a lot of fish,test +15290,15291,15291,hanay tahamatini tu,I still love it,train +15291,15292,15292,ngitu,toothless,train +15292,15293,15293,palesles,from the beginning of up,train +15293,15294,15294,tala lutuk anucila awa kaku i luma,I am going to the mountains tomorrow so I will not be home,train +15294,15295,15295,mikalicay cingra tu cieying a tusiya,he took the subway to school,train +15295,15296,15296,misaparud,settle down and get married,train +15296,15297,15297,sasamaan kaku misakadademak tu minanaman a padama tu tau,how can I use what I have learned to help others,train +15297,15298,15298,saka u misacepu hananay i u tudungay tu patalahekal tu icel numasakaputay a kapah tu pifuting mafana tu sakingudu tu matuasay a demak,in short the essence of the comoros sea Festival is to show the positive Spirit of collective fishing through the actions of young people and to honor the elderly,train +15298,15299,15299,masa matira saka tangasa satu itini i,by ROC,train +15299,15300,15300,apener,short,test +15300,15301,15301,oya kaemangay haw i miculu tura milalakawan,the children then went to carry the materials,train +15301,15302,15302,awaay tu kuvalucu,I do not have the heart for it,train +15302,15303,15303,ha miterekan tu ha nanengnengen nu,stay for the achievement so that you can see it,train +15303,15304,15304,Papihiya tu sikawasay mipuhpuh,the priest will have a ceremony,train +15304,15305,15305,saiselangawanpu,ministry of culture,train +15305,15306,15306,Tatuyen nuya cuyuh ku pa^xiwan alaen ningra i pipacakatan ku namal a mitumes tuya pa^xiwan ta fahkulen ningra i hkal itiya i ira ku kakleng atu harengheng atu kalapiyat atu lunen,then the angel took the censer filled it with fire from the altar and hurled it on the earth and there came peals of thunder rumblings flashes of lightning and an earthquake,train +15306,15307,15307,Militud kaku tu tusa a runi hasakalafi,I am going to pick three loofahs for dinner,train +15307,15308,15308,tincelu,induction stove,train +15308,15309,15309,nu Recurd,just in time,train +15309,15310,15310,malimela tu tatirengan mama paru nu lifung,Avoiding infection,test +15310,15311,15311,maladadinguen,become a mirror,train +15311,15312,15312,Salikakaaw u licay namu tu pakayniay i pipafli nu Fangcalay Adingu tu rucek i nanay mafana kamu,now about spiritual gifts brothers I do not want you to be ignorant,train +15312,15313,15313,pakakufit tu suwal,to agree together on something,train +15313,15314,15314,miekur,snore,train +15314,15315,15315,awaay maʼaraw ku hatiraay ekim,I have never seen a card as shiny as gold,train +15315,15316,15316,anu awaay i,if there is no,train +15316,15317,15317,vangecal haw a melawan ku talakal ni Adek,is the rainbow beautiful,train +15317,15318,15318,paekel han nu tusiya kura uner i lalan,the car flattened the snake on the road,train +15318,15319,15319,pakafuting maaraay ku cimit ci futing han tu a,in the next generation they will be nicknamed and named after fish,train +15319,15320,15320,tala a hatu nu mita caira i pitalaan tu fase,we waited for them at the bus stop,test +15320,15321,15321,pasunuk,surreptitiously,train +15321,15322,15322,itira i funafunakan a mafekac,running on the sand,train +15322,15323,15323,ira aca ku saka ngaʼay nu urip nu mita a matiya awaay ku tatiriʼan isu saan iri suʼelinay misanga tu ku sapitiraan,in fact if there are still people who do not have a place to live there are still kind hearted people who will help the poor people with a simple place to live,train +15323,15324,15324,saan ni pisay tu radiw,there is a hymn contest,train +15324,15325,15325,u urip nu niyam u Malaluung tuniyan sa,I am going to give you a full explanation here,train +15325,15326,15326,tilung ita,our pottery urn,train +15326,15327,15327,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O sakaciurip a ^pang Kaku o tayniay i takuwanan a tamdaw i caaytu ku mamacahiw o pasulinay a mitier i takuwanan a tamdaw i caaytu ku mamasuaw tu dauc,then Jesus declared I am the bread of life he who comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty,train +15327,15328,15328,i dafdaf a mipaluma tu funga kami,we grow groundnuts in the flatland,train +15328,15329,15329,pinangan nura cufu kiya nu liteng a cufu haw hatira,it is still a traditional pot it is a traditional pot,train +15329,15330,15330,Nanuya miliyaw haca ci Yis a paaraw tu tireng i nisawawaan ningra itira i Tipiriyas hananay a fanaw o dmak ningra a paaraw itiya i,afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples by the sea of Tiberias it happened this way,test +15330,15331,15331,o tadamaanay a kusi ku misaenuray,the company that does the boat anchors is amazing,train +15331,15332,15332,Kasatisil a mikalic tu pasu,there is a queue for buses,train +15332,15333,15333,ngarngar,Accent country accent,train +15333,15334,15334,ta maruray aca kini satu kaku pakutay haca kaku tu tayal tu tusa miheca tu,then I lost my physical strength and had to change my job and work as a building manager for years,train +15334,15335,15335,apa,nonsense,train +15335,15336,15336,hatini han aku ku nanum itini laway aku hatini han,I wet my face with water,train +15336,15337,15337,mamaan saw anu irasatu ku payci isu itiya hantu,it is okay you can talk about it when you have money,train +15337,15338,15338,alaen itini alaen mihan,from here to there,train +15338,15339,15339,hay a maanen ku fana samahaenmahaen ku aniniay a mihecaan a,Well what can I do the weather is like this,train +15339,15340,15340,maparu nira ku nunum pacilahen nira ku nanum,put the water in again and then the saltpeter,test +15340,15341,15341,Cicangaw a maemin ku kapah atu limecedan i kailisinan a masakeru,young men and women wear necklaces to dance at the Toyotomi Festival,train +15341,15342,15342,nika u Kawas kura pafeliay i takuwanan saan ku maku piharateng tu pitilid i tini i sinkakuin,but I always felt that it was Gods plan for me to go to seminary,train +15342,15343,15343,iraay pina ku aacaen nu misu,Yes how many bottles do you need,train +15343,15344,15344,cecay malasakakaay tu kaku i luma nu safasafa,I became the oldest of my siblings,train +15344,15345,15345,anini satu misatapang kaku a misanga tu siraw,now I am going to start making savory meat,train +15345,15346,15346,Saatekaken ku falucu aka kangiyangi,the heart must be hardened and not shaken,train +15346,15347,15347,fahal sunuk saan hawri misanga cira,stealing all of this,train +15347,15348,15348,sapasevana i waw tu suwal,come to teach children and teenagers to speak the ethnic language,train +15348,15349,15349,na suedac satu tura alu a midudu pasifafaw,just follow the river up,train +15349,15350,15350,ciciken tu sawsawen nira,it is time to slice wash it up,test +15350,15351,15351,u u nu hitay tu a u rid satu ku matengilay,in the army all you hear are bells,train +15351,15352,15352,karauneray,a lot of snakes,train +15352,15353,15353,pakuyuc ku urip i tiyaay hu,I used to live in poverty,train +15353,15354,15354,ura u tiyaay hu a demak i,past,train +15354,15355,15355,masasiyur,turning or turning back,train +15355,15356,15356,ca kangaʼay a minukay malafi yu,you cannot come back for dinner,train +15356,15357,15357,pakalahad tu wawanira,to sharpen your child,train +15357,15358,15358,pelek,close eyes,train +15358,15359,15359,yu wawa hen kaku mihakulung tu ina atu vayi tayra i umaumahan midateng ira ku tatukem ira ku paheku,when I was a child I used to go with my mom and aunts to collect wild vegetables from the wild such as lobelia and birds nest fern leaves,train +15359,15360,15360,akaa haw kawu nu wawaan a nilangatan,please do not do this because of your daughter,test +15360,15361,15361,Napalita tu kaku inaayaw,I asked about that earlier,train +15361,15362,15362,Ngawi san cira a paading tu wawa nira,she speaks out of turn in defense of her children,train +15362,15363,15363,hatu maulahay kisu rumadiw atu makeru haw,you seem to like singing and dancing,train +15363,15364,15364,caay kahapinang aku ku Cawi nira i huni,I did not get the answer she just gave,train +15364,15365,15365,hai ya caay kalaheci aku pasanga tu tamud,Yes I did not make a successful yeast,train +15365,15366,15366,tayra tu haw i mainuay minanumay sakila,and if you do I will be sure to take a shower and drink some water,train +15366,15367,15367,misafangcalay,make beautiful,train +15367,15368,15368,tuni fasifana tu Pangcah a wawa i,teaching Amis children,train +15368,15369,15369,Lungucen haca aku ku kaluyufayuf a saupu^ pasadak tu masamaanay ku demak sa mapateli i Futud ku cisawarakay a afu nu heneng sanay a cudad,I will also direct relevant agencies to present an investigative report on the decision making process of nuclear waste storage on Orchid Island,train +15369,15370,15370,ya makayni kami i Mabuwakay,when we came from south China,test +15370,15371,15371,sakalima,Fifth,train +15371,15372,15372,sausi,true chosen,train +15372,15373,15373,ngaʼayay sa ku malitengay,the elders say it is the best,train +15373,15374,15374,maapac tatu,it is too late,train +15374,15375,15375,kandaway laluma nu heci,that is green,train +15375,15376,15376,fau,insects,train +15376,15377,15377,haydaen ku pacawi,to answer Yes,train +15377,15378,15378,taʼis han ningra aca paciwsiya han ningra taʼangay sacukcuk,sewing with thread and starting to change large drops,train +15378,15379,15379,fukil sanay kaku a miharateng tahanini,I still do not get it,train +15379,15380,15380,Kapahtu kaku aray,I am fine too thank you,test +15380,15381,15381,u siniʼada ni mama aku itiya ri,at that time my father cared for me as a child,train +15381,15382,15382,maedengtu miturik haw i,after knitting,train +15382,15383,15383,o sapihapinang nu miadupay a kunis kunini a kunis,this mark is the hunters homecoming sign,train +15383,15384,15384,u adada ningra u fala,his illness is related to his lungs,train +15384,15385,15385,awaay ku epuc ku demak nira,what he does has become useless,train +15385,15386,15386,samaanen isu a minukay,how do you go home,train +15386,15387,15387,Tikulen a minengneng ku naikulan i cuwacuwa ka patuled ci Yihfufa takuwanan,the Lord has supported me with the right hand of righteousness as he promised and has been with me and strengthened me,train +15387,15388,15388,tiraan i u tumuk atu tumuk a malalicay tu maanen ita ku saka laliay nu kasaniyaru san,how to build friendship between the tribes,train +15388,15389,15389,mateli kami i Pasungan,we are housed in Pasangan,train +15389,15390,15390,itiya hu mahiya hu nu,in those days it would be controlled,test +15390,15391,15391,makala tu ay a tatamdawan kiya ku itilaay a maru,about people live there,train +15391,15392,15392,matalaw maala ku letek ku funguh,and I am afraid of the hunters head,train +15392,15393,15393,Macada tu nu kalutamdaw ku tikami mahemekay maemin,the people received the letter and were delighted that,train +15393,15394,15394,icining tu,it is been a year,train +15394,15395,15395,kalimelaan i padamaan ningra ku ˈalumanay cipinang tu malaˈusiay ku piliyaw ni Yis maˈurip tu ˈOlic 1610,more importantly he helped the crowd understand that Jesus resurrection fulfilled Psalm,train +15395,15396,15396,Suˈlin kararamud niyam tu 57 miheca midimukusay cingra tu saali aku,Honestly she is taken care of me for the years we have been married,train +15396,15397,15397,paafadengen,make it have burnt charcoal ash,train +15397,15398,15398,o maukusay a tamdaw kirawan tumirengay i lalan,that one standing in the road is quite the braggart,train +15398,15399,15399,na tataʼang aca ku urad itiya,it was raining heavily,train +15399,15400,15400,yuya matuasay suwal sa,the elders at home said,test +15400,15401,15401,ira aca ku widang tayni i luma a mihulul haw milicay,a friend came to visit my humble abode,train +15401,15402,15402,Papidaduyen ku tawki tu panay isu,ask your boss to weigh your rice,train +15402,15403,15403,Alaen kunini a ma^min a pasadak Aka palapatiyamen ku Fangcalay Pitaungan nu Wama Aku han ningra kuya pacakayay tu tupi a tamdaw,to those who sold doves he said Get these out of here how dare you turn my Fathers house into a market,train +15403,15404,15404,tangsul sa matumes ku fakar naira,Their all at once is full,train +15404,15405,15405,Cekel saan kira wawa a mangudu,the boy was shy and kept his head down,train +15405,15406,15406,mangiliway ku wina aku u malaisingay ku wina aku,my mother is thin and my mom is a doctor,train +15406,15407,15407,masamaamaanay,various,train +15407,15408,15408,hai hai,Yes yes,train +15408,15409,15409,kita u Pangcah a finacadan itini i Kalingku atu i pusung ku aru,the Amis are found in Taitung and Hualien,train +15409,15410,15410,wama faliyus sany ku matengilay i tilifi,I heard on television that there was a typhoon,test +15410,15411,15411,hatira ku itiyaay hu a mapadapadang matira ku nu matuasay hu misaluma sa,in the past when building houses people helped each other like this,train +15411,15412,15412,mikunayat,extension,train +15412,15413,15413,kayakay haenen ta ku wawa nu mita ta fangcal ku kalalamud nangra sananay kurira,the matchmaker will tell the children that we want them to do this meaning that they will have a good marriage,train +15413,15414,15414,kahenay maʼecak nu cinah cimira,it is easy to cook it with saltpeter,train +15414,15415,15415,u panay ku sausi,symbols of glutinous rice,train +15415,15416,15416,sapipahavay tu wawa,to raise a child,train +15416,15417,15417,u tatudungay tu anu maan han tu ku sawal tu kayciw,what should I say about this post,train +15417,15418,15418,Papicelien ku kapah tira mariangay a tamdaw,ask,train +15418,15419,15419,hatira ku ruray a misanga,it is so hard,train +15419,15420,15420,fuhecal,fig reactionary,test +15420,15421,15421,Hai u Yincumin kami,Yes we are Aboriginals,train +15421,15422,15422,Marang nani cuwa^ kisu,Marang where are you from,train +15422,15423,15423,u ruray nu urip aku,I am so tired of my life,train +15423,15424,15424,Sakizaya,Sachilea,train +15424,15425,15425,Mipasalilay kami a mifuting,we are releasing fishing nets to catch fish,train +15425,15426,15426,nanu kaying hu kura kadafu,my daughter in law has lived in Taipei since she was young,train +15426,15427,15427,Sietan ku misakacawasay anini a miheca,watermelon growers are making money this year,train +15427,15428,15428,u Fataʼan kaku,I am from Hualien,train +15428,15429,15429,edengan na tukus niyam kalimlaan,more regrettably for us on the hill,train +15429,15430,15430,mikayakay ciira tu kawal a pasafaled,he climbed the ladder to the top,test +15430,15431,15431,Saikuray a suwal aku i palaccayen ku falucu namu a masasipaayaw Kasasiulah kamu u salikaka Kasasiniadaada kamu Kasasingudungudu ku falucu namu,Finally all of you live in harmony with one another be sympathetic love as brothers be compassionate and humble,train +15431,15432,15432,yu mamipatay cangra ci Pawluan i ira ku paratuhay tu Tapang nu sufitay nu luma tu nika rarawraw nu pulung nu Yirusalim,while they were trying to kill him news reached the commander of the Roman troops that the whole city of Jerusalem was in an uproar,train +15432,15433,15433,malatumukay tu yaan haw i caka pitef tu tayal ku malatumukay hananay,the purpose of being a leader is not to neglect the affairs of the tribal people because you are busy with something,train +15433,15434,15434,u sapacalcal tu kakaenen han i,food for hungry people in between meals,train +15434,15435,15435,tatulu ku wawa aku tayniay tu kami,it is almost as if we had three kids before we came here,train +15435,15436,15436,ta sahalafin sa cangra itira a mikaput tu nisawawaan,and they stayed there a long time with the disciples,train +15436,15437,15437,Miaca kaku tu kunga,I want to buy sweet potatoes,train +15437,15438,15438,awaay ku sapitilid aku,no funds to buy painting materials,train +15438,15439,15439,nianay ri o han nu Hulam,what about this one Yeah Chinese says it is cross stitch,train +15439,15440,15440,Pacauf sa ci Yis Cima ku ina Aku saw Cima ku salikaka Aku saw han ningra,Who are my mother and my brothers he asked,test +15440,15441,15441,i cuwa kuya hulankay itini hani,There,train +15441,15442,15442,pacafayen hu kaku a miaca tu fitaul,go buy me eggs,train +15442,15443,15443,o pasulinay a mitier tuya wawa i u ciuripay tu midaucay o caay pasulin tuya wawa i caay ku caciurip tu midaucay mararid cingra a matfuc nu Kawas,whoever believes in the son has eternal life but whoever rejects the son will not see life for Gods wrath remains on him,train +15443,15444,15444,hatiraay ca awaay tu ku kaan kafana aku awaay tu,that is all I know,train +15444,15445,15445,maluneluneman,sambar,train +15445,15446,15446,itiya hu itira hu kaku i pitilidan a pakafana tu wawa,while I was still teaching,train +15446,15447,15447,Mangaay kaku a misalama^ i herek nu lahuk haw,can I go play this afternoon,train +15447,15448,15448,o sakatingalaw nu nanum kira funak,that sand will make the water clear,train +15448,15449,15449,Kuhepic ku katufil nira,her lips were thin,train +15449,15450,15450,mifitakula,catch a frog,test +15450,15451,15451,Tumeli aca ku vukes nu nira,her hair is bright and shiny,train +15451,15452,15452,fangad,uproot,train +15452,15453,15453,ya caay kamunang nu Payrang,or those who have never been contaminated by Chinese culture,train +15453,15454,15454,tiniay i Pungusan,the bridge tribe is here,train +15454,15455,15455,kaawaay kamu wawa,until there are no more descendants,train +15455,15456,15456,awaay tu maalul tu nu nanum,I cannot see it now it is been washed away,train +15456,15457,15457,saka u ira hu alatek,there must be a lot more to ask,train +15457,15458,15458,cilukedaway,leopard,train +15458,15459,15459,nika malecad ku ruray,but it is the same hard work,train +15459,15460,15460,tahanini,until now,test +15460,15461,15461,u untuan u hawan u puut ta tahaf hatu paru hatu tu sera ta pi^epi hatu nu fainayan atu faifahi,then put in earthenware pipes knives penknives and other objects and then cover them and men and women will bury and step on this filling,train +15461,15462,15462,o wawa aku nu mahaen,why is my child like this,train +15462,15463,15463,iraay kura masadafdafay,there is a plain,train +15463,15464,15464,o Palidaw a Pangcah i itini i Fanaw Pailasan Paliyapay Kangcang Palidaw ku tataangay a niyaru na itiraay i Palidaw a mafulaw kami saan saka u Palidaw a Pangcah han,Hengchun Ami Group mainly located in Chihshang Township Fuli Township Luye Township Guanshan Township and Hengchun the group is so named because they once lived in the Hengchun area,train +15464,15465,15465,hekal,surface,train +15465,15466,15466,pakataminaay kaku a tayra i Penghu,I go to Penghu by boat,train +15466,15467,15467,u satafu hananay aku patafu cangra tatulu,I will pack them a lunch anyway,train +15467,15468,15468,pecu,Harvest,train +15468,15469,15469,hatu,as soon as,train +15469,15470,15470,naʼayaw kiyami haw,because that is how it used to be,test +15470,15471,15471,Mafana cangra tu mu^celay a lalan kawrira liyasen nangra kuya milayapan nangra a Fangcalay a limuut u nika ^ca ka fana nangra ku ngaay tu mu^celay a pakayraan,it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them,train +15471,15472,15472,haw adihay kina sasuwalen,there will be a lot of harvesting,train +15472,15473,15473,tutudung satu pidac,there is a cliff on the other side,train +15473,15474,15474,Salikakaaw u ulah isu ku sakalipahak atu sakahinum aku Mapaicel isu ku falucu nu mituuray,your love has given me great joy and encouragement because you brother have refreshed the hearts of the saints,train +15474,15475,15475,tahidang ningra kura safa aku,they called my brother,train +15475,15476,15476,o suwal nu salikaka ci Hiws Misaaliay kami tu papina mararamuday mirienang tu mikiriwiˈay a mitusilay demak parakat tu paliding tayra i pulung nu Kitakit a palilam tu kihepicay cudad,brother Hughes said We need some couples to get involved in special evangelistic campaigns driving around the country distributing tracts,train +15476,15477,15477,caay kamecel ku nikarevahuy,it will not fly in a straight line,train +15477,15478,15478,Nguhed satu ku wadiwadis nu wawa aku yu kaemang hu,my kids had cavities in all their teeth when they were little,train +15478,15479,15479,Oa,Yeah it is,train +15479,15480,15480,namu tu kuniya umah sa patiki han kiya,it is like having a deed to your farm,test +15480,15481,15481,nisangaʼan tu fulu,arrowhead bamboo,train +15481,15482,15482,matira haw i sanga sa haw i,that is when the launch of the project started,train +15482,15483,15483,hani,they,train +15483,15484,15484,pacek han tu nira kya tamina san,I will drive a nail through the boat,train +15484,15485,15485,mansaka tulu kuni sapisanga tu acucul nuni a fufu aku,so I am going to make three gyros for my grandson,train +15485,15486,15486,alaen alaen niyam hanen tu nu niyam,I have been picking it up and pounding on it and I have been doing it ever since,train +15486,15487,15487,ya tayni tu kita,we are here,train +15487,15488,15488,haw nanay sahu ku falucu ita ira kiya hay,a wish is an ideal,train +15488,15489,15489,tu dafak atu dadaya,sooner or later,train +15489,15490,15490,o itiniay i nanum a lisin i u kumuris han u satadamaanay u tudung tu sapililuc a mikurac tu tatiihay,fishing on the water is a sacred ritual to clean up the dirt and is the most unique custom of the Amis people,test +15490,15491,15491,i Cirangasan,in the mountains of Chilé delete the question mark,train +15491,15492,15492,ayaway,previously,train +15492,15493,15493,ci Ayal ku ngangan nu maku,my name is Ayal,train +15493,15494,15494,Orasaka suwal sa ku Tapang Piliyas kamu i cangraan a micidek aka pitfing tu kapaysinan a maamaan ta layapen aku kamu,Therefore come out from them and be separate says the Lord touch no unclean thing and I will receive you,train +15494,15495,15495,mirienang cangra i Iwrupa Asiya Katimulay nu Asiya a taykay ikur tatayra i Hawaii Hunululu saikur tayra Karefuniya a Pasatina a mahererek,in addition to attending the General Assembly these delegates had the opportunity to participate in special trips to Lebanon and Jordan to personally visit places mentioned in the Bible,train +15495,15496,15496,micekiw ku fahiyahiyan i lawac nu riyar,women digging for conch shells at the beach,train +15496,15497,15497,silsilan,it is a legacy,train +15497,15498,15498,itiya i fahal sa a ira nai kakarayan ku matiyaay u suni nu nipifiyuk nu tataangay a fali Saharengheng sa kuya kasaupuan nangra a luma,suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting,train +15498,15499,15499,atu pipasifana tu kasasiruma nu inu a lisin atu mikapaay tu tamdaw a dmak atu pipaluwad a paurip tu mapatayay atu midaucay a pisawkit hananay a dmak,instruction about baptisms the laying on of hands the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment,train +15499,15500,15500,picekad ha ha ha,Reminder ha ha ha,test +15500,15501,15501,caayay caayay,No no No,train +15501,15502,15502,remiad,time,train +15502,15503,15503,Puliti han tu fukeluh kira uner,throw the snake with a stone,train +15503,15504,15504,masaadiyuc,forming a whirlwind,train +15504,15505,15505,anu matahidang nu Tapang a mitdal ku kuli i u matdalaytu nu Tapang a tamdaw Malapakuniraaytu cingra a malakuli ni Kristu,for he who was a slave when he was called by the Lord is the Lords freedman similarly he who was a free man when he was called is Christs slave,train +15505,15506,15506,micudad,go to school,train +15506,15507,15507,caykeng,bowler,train +15507,15508,15508,masan u faliyus han kiya tataʼakay a faliyus,a very strong typhoon,train +15508,15509,15509,wakalimasyeng ney han naku,I just said I do not know,train +15509,15510,15510,sa mahufuc itiya i mahufuc kiya ina nira cingranan i,so when Soo is mother gave birth to her,test +15510,15511,15511,sa ku heni sitav,they will definitely bring lunchboxes,train +15511,15512,15512,Makalitusaay,half of them,train +15512,15513,15513,maku a pituʼas tu wawa tu matirengay,this is how I feed my children,train +15513,15514,15514,sepatay safaw ku finacadan nu Yincumincu anini,there are fourteen ethnic groups,train +15514,15515,15515,Pacauf sa ci Yis O mifulsakay tu ngaayay a sapaluma hananay i u wawa nu tamdaw kurira,he answered The one who sowed the good seed is the son of Man,train +15515,15516,15516,tengilen aku ciira pina^ a sasuwalan ku nikafanaan isu han aku mafana tu nu Pangcah a suwal ciira,I asked him which languages he knew and he was fluent in Pangcah,train +15516,15517,15517,mahaen ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec a mitungangan cingraan a sumuwal Pakapaurip Cingra tu tau i caay pakapaurip tu tireng saan cangra a masasuwasuwal,in the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves He saved others they said but he cannot save himself,train +15517,15518,15518,kura,that,train +15518,15519,15519,haen sa kaku,I think so,train +15519,15520,15520,Hai naunen ku rakat,Okay please take care,test +15520,15521,15521,naunen ku rakat i fatad nu lalan,and be careful on the road,train +15521,15522,15522,madahen ku piseti tuya wawa,do not beat that child hard,train +15522,15523,15523,mikafit kisu tura hecek san kiya mama aku,you are holding on to the pillar so the wind will not blow you away,train +15523,15524,15524,ya pi an naku pitikuan pinukay maedeng hu kisu,he told me to go home from my tutoring place and said I would be there in time,train +15524,15525,15525,mamu tayniay kaku a milisu i tisuwanan,Grandma I am here to see you,train +15525,15526,15526,maketer ciira tu wawa nu tireng,he curses his own children,train +15526,15527,15527,katangasa i kalahukan tu i,it is not even noon yet,train +15527,15528,15528,Pacuracuren nu mikuwanay kami a palasufitay,the rulers forced us to join the army,train +15528,15529,15529,u maluluday nu laying a tamdaw uruma ku ngeru,it is very tiring to be swept up by the waves,train +15529,15530,15530,raheker,relief,test +15530,15531,15531,maulahay kaku tu uciya ni akung ngaayay a nanumen,I also like grandpas tea it is tasted good too,train +15531,15532,15532,malu satafu tu duka,buns for wounds,train +15532,15533,15533,kadadama,help each other,train +15533,15534,15534,Nanuya suwal sa kuya kuli Tawkiaw malahcitu aku ku suwal isu Nikawrira adihayhu ku kamaruan han ningra,Sir the servant said what you ordered has been done but there is still room,train +15534,15535,15535,mafafuraw ku itiyaʼay caay pakafilu kiya,they want to develop the mountains and expand the Han territory,train +15535,15536,15536,anu ira ku tumagicay a luma,if there is a loss of family,train +15536,15537,15537,mitilid kaku tu rumiamiad tu reci,I keep a diary every day,train +15537,15538,15538,kiremu adihay ku,crop growth,train +15538,15539,15539,masafa nu saluafang nu uner kaku,the soul of the snake has conquered me,train +15539,15540,15540,Ahuwiday ku pihumung isu takuwanan,thank you for accepting the interview,test +15540,15541,15541,kalat,bite,train +15541,15542,15542,papatiyamen,when merchandise is sold,train +15542,15543,15543,Paaliwac mitilid tayra tu ci akungan kaku i tira minanam kaku,I went to my grandpas place on vacation and I studied there,train +15543,15544,15544,Vangcal,it is beautiful,train +15544,15545,15545,mahaen tini miara tini mihaen,take this from here,train +15545,15546,15546,nawhan mapapuduhpuduh tu fucingkay tu,because women are jealous of each other,train +15546,15547,15547,o nima a wawa kurira,who is that kid,train +15547,15548,15548,sakaytini tunu Hulam,about Chinese,train +15548,15549,15549,Tusa^ pulu ira ku cecay pida^ mapulung Tusa^ pulu hatu ku sausi^,the total is just count,train +15549,15550,15550,kudul,above,test +15550,15551,15551,hanaku mutep huw hanen,I made it to ten,train +15551,15552,15552,i tini pala,in the field,train +15552,15553,15553,vatikar,bicycle,train +15553,15554,15554,hacuken aku kura fananiʼul,I will just scoop up some tadpoles,train +15554,15555,15555,dangahen,large round pot,train +15555,15556,15556,ka^esuay,it is delicious,train +15556,15557,15557,cuʼtu ku aniniay nu kayam maemin kuni,it is not like today it is all handmade,train +15557,15558,15558,hadefeken,eliminate,train +15558,15559,15559,Hai akawang ku paru nu luma niyam,Yes we are all very tall,train +15559,15560,15560,mangalay kaku tu tali^,I want to eat taro,test +15560,15561,15561,u taterungan niyam u niyaru nu Cikasuwan a midudu a mikilim,the centerpiece of our search for the Chikagawa tribe,train +15561,15562,15562,man han nu niyah kunian,that is how I move,train +15562,15563,15563,mahai kura faʼinayan da i kaʼetimen tu kami pakaʼetim kaminan da i,the boy agreed so we got married and after that,train +15563,15564,15564,anu iraay hu ci wama aku,if my father were still alive,train +15564,15565,15565,kapah haw kaku a tahekal anu masaterep ku urad,if it stops raining can I go out,train +15565,15566,15566,a padihing tu niyaru nu mita,to protect our tribe,train +15566,15567,15567,anu iraay ku pitapayan haw,if there is a tanning booth,train +15567,15568,15568,a pihiya caay ka pulung hanira a palacecay a palingad papiala hatiraay,he will not arrange for all of them to do the same thing,train +15568,15569,15569,aw aw aw anu mangalay micudad ku wawa,poor thing what if the kid wants to go to school,train +15569,15570,15570,cuwa ka hatiniay tangtang,it is not inside it is outside,test +15570,15571,15571,malaccay kaku atu Tapang ci Yis saka tanektek ku pasulin aku tu nika awaay ku ccaccay aca a kapaysinan a kakaenen deng u kapaysinan kunini anu saan ku tamdaw i paysin cingra a kumaen tunini,as one who is in the Lord Jesus I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself but if anyone regards something as unclean then for him it is unclean,train +15571,15572,15572,fihfihen,swinging,train +15572,15573,15573,i luma satu i tala sa tu tayniay minukay satu i maranam tu,if you are at home they are waiting when we get back we will have breakfast,train +15573,15574,15574,saki acang aca ku nini,this ones for fun,train +15574,15575,15575,nguyanguy,vibrate,train +15575,15576,15576,mahaen misanga tiya rayarayan ya mihiya tiya amutu u tamdaw ku micawulay,do you mix the cement for bridges by hand,train +15576,15577,15577,samanen kumaen caenget sa kura caciyaw,how do I eat this it is itchy,train +15577,15578,15578,malaciyulukiyukay,become a Presbyterian,train +15578,15579,15579,mifuut,await,train +15579,15580,15580,tuwa,as soon as,test +15580,15581,15581,Cima^ kura wawa^,who is that kid,train +15581,15582,15582,ni,Virtual Prefixes,train +15582,15583,15583,mikilim tu kamu,you will start looking,train +15583,15584,15584,tataakay a cavay haw,a childhood friend from childhood,train +15584,15585,15585,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O nipidu^du tu nafalucuan nu miucuray i takuwanan atu nipilahci tu tayal ningra ku malukakaenen Aku,My food said Jesus is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work,train +15585,15586,15586,saatim,tong,train +15586,15587,15587,matawa ku suna yu mamang hu,grandchildren laugh when they are little,train +15587,15588,15588,mana maharateng isu,how do you remember,train +15588,15589,15589,nitalikulan a nipisimsim,Amis or Pangcah one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +15589,15590,15590,nu liteng a misangaan,making traditional pottery,test +15590,15591,15591,itira tu ku luma niyam,that is where we settled,train +15591,15592,15592,maiwil,feelings of disgust,train +15592,15593,15593,patanektekay,strengthened,train +15593,15594,15594,fafaed,on top of,train +15594,15595,15595,fafariwen,cutting the grass,train +15595,15596,15596,firuuk,goiter,train +15596,15597,15597,miadaay,assailant,train +15597,15598,15598,matawalay aku ku alapit,I forgot to bring my chopsticks,train +15598,15599,15599,diheku ku rumiad anini,the weather is warm today,train +15599,15600,15600,caay kahacuwa,a little,test +15600,15601,15601,mangataaytu,almost there,train +15601,15602,15602,malawup,under arrest,train +15602,15603,15603,u hecek tini sa alaen naku ku kilang,I will get a stick for this stake,train +15603,15604,15604,samaanay ku ngangan isu,what is your name,train +15604,15605,15605,Cedu san kura wacu i nanum a mililuc,the dog jumped into the water to take a bath,train +15605,15606,15606,yu matahidang ci Pawlu i pakukut sa ci Tirtulus a sumuwal Tadamaanay a mikumuday Filisaw u nanu misu ku sakarihaday niyam nanu taneng isu ku sakafalic nu dmak nunini a Kitakit a mangaay,when Paul was called in Tertullus presented his case before Felix We have enjoyed a long period of peace under you and your foresight has brought about reforms in this nation,train +15606,15607,15607,u maan tu ku miʼacaay tu hicay,how to buy fish fry,train +15607,15608,15608,caay kavana kami u maan,they did not know anything about it,train +15608,15609,15609,saan ku paini nu maku tunu pihicay hananay,this is what I tell people about life as a fry catcher,train +15609,15610,15610,pidungecan,Saito Shinsenchi,test +15610,15611,15611,a mafulud aci ci Maʼuwid,walking with Malverde,train +15611,15612,15612,tiya aca,from then on,train +15612,15613,15613,ka fangcal kunika tahaluma nu maku saan kaku amin han naku han mama,so that I can go home safely and pray in Jesus name amen,train +15613,15614,15614,ta papiritus han nangra kuya tatusaay i matama ci Matiyas Saka papikaput hantu nangra cingra i ccay ku safaw a tarukus,to take over this apostolic ministry which Judas left to go where he belongs,train +15614,15615,15615,Sapahecadaw ku maluhemay malitengay tu Kawas a masadafdaf ku pisawkit wa mitiyawca tu iraay ku ˈintehay harateng nu cuku padetengay mipatay hukira,in order for the elders to judge people justly as God does they must find out if the manslaughter acted with hatred or malice,train +15615,15616,15616,cima ku misangaʼay saw mavana haw ci vaki,who knows how to do it even Grandpa knows how to do it,train +15616,15617,15617,tura nu Pangcah a tili a sisuy,they did not teach me the Ami symbols,train +15617,15618,15618,o pacpac hananay ku pipanay nu i ayaway hu,in the old days the rice Harvest was threshed by whipping,train +15618,15619,15619,nawhani tahini kaku i tangsal kaku matayal kira,Because when I got here I started working and did not study,train +15619,15620,15620,patedu^,arbitrary,test +15620,15621,15621,maliyas,to leave,train +15621,15622,15622,misaʼupu hu han,meet at the meeting place,train +15622,15623,15623,matiya micahung,as if covering the house,train +15623,15624,15624,tamek,roasted groundnuts,train +15624,15625,15625,Misaˈusian aku wa papadama takuwanan macakat i nuˈadinguan han,will the decisions I make help me advance spiritually,train +15625,15626,15626,maedeng tu i luma i luma tu i ʼayaw hay,Yes,train +15626,15627,15627,sariri,column,train +15627,15628,15628,fs100awa tu ka aledeledet nu suwal awa tu ku kaci anu ci karu nanukemang hay,losing the ability to explain my kid Garou has been around since he was a kid,train +15628,15629,15629,talulung,deep,train +15629,15630,15630,ngaʼayay kura u ngaʼayay kura fulad tura,it is a good time of the month,test +15630,15631,15631,hawad han han ningra ci kaka aku,sister in law said Give it up,train +15631,15632,15632,haen han aku a caciyaw,this is how I will describe it,train +15632,15633,15633,Mafana ci Pilatu tu nika u nanu inap nangra ci Yisan ku sakapipaturud nangra i cingraan,for he knew it was out of envy that they had handed Jesus over to him,train +15633,15634,15634,karaulat,multibarred,train +15634,15635,15635,haratengen hu aku,I will think about it,train +15635,15636,15636,u maan tatudung kunini,what is the right thing to do,train +15636,15637,15637,patay satu,wither away,train +15637,15638,15638,kamu kapah anu huni mifadahung tu luma nangra sa kiya pililiw nuya matuʼasay,Todays task for all the youth of the tribe is to repair the roof of so and so is house,train +15638,15639,15639,nasawni u suwal nu maku haw,just shared,train +15639,15640,15640,ayaw hu nura dadaya mapapaherek cingra a rumadiw,I sang this song the night before,test +15640,15641,15641,Karasiday kaku tu papaysuan,I often lose my wallet,train +15641,15642,15642,kalitusa,fig spouse,train +15642,15643,15643,i Rinahem,it is in the Shoufeng tribe,train +15643,15644,15644,o cung ku lakis nu tuas i taliyuk nu mita,there is a lot of life around us that has been handed down from our ancestors,train +15644,15645,15645,tangasa i kakeletan ku akung nu tireng ku taung nira wawa,the child saluting body posture is bent at the waist,train +15645,15646,15646,cunacun,water is stirred,train +15646,15647,15647,milimek kira haw,Oh hide,train +15647,15648,15648,ya kawali nira i ci Wirukay ci Naʼaw,the right side of it is called Dan and Wish,train +15648,15649,15649,kakeriden nu singsi kamu a tayra i umah anini,I will take you to the fields,train +15649,15650,15650,micepetay,dry,test +15650,15651,15651,kiya tamdaw taluma satu ku heni,all those people are going home,train +15651,15652,15652,maan han pangangan,how did he name it,train +15652,15653,15653,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O Kaku Aka ka talaw han ningra,but he said to them It is I do not be afraid,train +15653,15654,15654,naw mahaen ku kimad nu pakimaday hakiya,why the exhortation,train +15654,15655,15655,maakukay,choked,train +15655,15656,15656,anini satu,and what about the present,train +15656,15657,15657,ora tuud hananay i,as for the Acacia tree,train +15657,15658,15658,Papihawikid han naku tu wawa nu maku a tayni san kira matuʼasay,he thought to himself I am going to bring my kids with me,train +15658,15659,15659,anu maasip namu kurira i u mamafana kamu tu u maan ku nipakafanaan nu Kawas i takuwanan tu pakayniay i ci Kristuan a pakakmuday a dmak,in reading this then you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ,train +15659,15660,15660,Oyanantu a nguyus ita ku sapipahmek atu sapikak ita salikakaaw aku caay ka ngaay a matira ku dmak ita,out of the same mouth come praise and cursing my brothers this should not be,test +15660,15661,15661,makaen ku siking,eating the tender heart of a pennyroyal tree,train +15661,15662,15662,kina enar,on the plains,train +15662,15663,15663,anu hakuwa a rumiad i u malaheci kunini a demak,sometime this thing will be finished,train +15663,15664,15664,Saka dakaw satu cangra tu tamina a dukduk sa a tayra i katuulan,so they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place,train +15664,15665,15665,caciyaw ku,in passing,train +15665,15666,15666,o sufitay ni Yis kita mapulung,we are soldiers of Jesus,train +15666,15667,15667,kamangay u samaan pisangaʼtu tafukud,want to know the process of making a gossip website,train +15667,15668,15668,Mapiciw ku tangila nu rinum,the head of the needle broken,train +15668,15669,15669,paturud ku fahiyan mahaen,a woman has to convey this,train +15669,15670,15670,i sa mahaen,in China sea specialized,test +15670,15671,15671,ha ha ha wah,Ha ha ha,train +15671,15672,15672,o kawkaw ku sapiritrit tu panay itiya hu,in the old days rice was cut with scythes,train +15672,15673,15673,Mikanguduay kisu tu kaemangay a faˈinayan salikaka han,do you honor the younger brothers,train +15673,15674,15674,Suˈlinay i awaay ku pakayraan ita paˈayaw a misaday tu mamifekad a demak,in fact we cannot prepare for every eventuality,train +15674,15675,15675,o maan ku matiliday isu,what have you written,train +15675,15676,15676,Halu amu u i Lumaay a niyaru a maraput a matahidang nu Kawas a malani Yis Kristu,and you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ,train +15676,15677,15677,fasulan,rattan tanning mat,train +15677,15678,15678,itira hu Paʼanifung i,when I was still at Hing Cheong,train +15678,15679,15679,ey suelinay tu kita u Pangcah,Yes we are we are Amis,train +15679,15680,15680,u nu Amis mafukilay kaku,I do not speak Amis,test +15680,15681,15681,u niyan u,exist,train +15681,15682,15682,malalisanay cira,she has a fever,train +15682,15683,15683,u maan saw ku kaenen,I have not eaten anything,train +15683,15684,15684,mihikuki itiya hu,they used to fly in planes,train +15684,15685,15685,o sakapina nu lipay anucila,what day will it be tomorrow,train +15685,15686,15686,sapitiker,top,train +15686,15687,15687,o cikawasay ku faki nu maku i Tafaluung,my uncle is a sorcerer from Tai Po long Valley,train +15687,15688,15688,hayi u fafahi aku ku misangaʼay,my wife sewed it,train +15688,15689,15689,alamaanan patalaterung han ku tamdaw sa,sometimes they drag people to the deep end of the ocean,train +15689,15690,15690,Matufaeluhay ku nifacaan ni ina a fuduy,the clothes mom washes seem new,test +15690,15691,15691,caayay,fault,train +15691,15692,15692,tangelal sa hen ku remiad siniawit tu tama ku heni a taluma,at daybreak they returned with their prey,train +15692,15693,15693,u imi nira han tu,that is what it means,train +15693,15694,15694,matawa,laughter,train +15694,15695,15695,samanen haw,because,train +15695,15696,15696,tunpu,dragonfly,train +15696,15697,15697,Mafanatu kamu yu mapainu kita i itiya a mapalaccay kita aci Yis Kristu pakayni tunini a inu a mapakaput kita i cingraan a mapatay,or do not you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death,train +15697,15698,15698,enem a talid haw,I have had six bottles I do not feel a thing no problem,train +15698,15699,15699,hatira ku harateng nu maku tu sapariri,only then will you be able to support your parents,train +15699,15700,15700,Kalasapad han nuya wawa a micudad,the child used the chair as a table to write,test +15700,15701,15701,ciparukay,quilted,train +15701,15702,15702,cincu,coral,train +15702,15703,15703,cukar,play,train +15703,15704,15704,maulah kamu i Takuwanan o rumasatu pasulin kamu tu nika u nai Kawasay kaku a tayni Orasaka maulah ku wama i tamuwanan,No the father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God,train +15704,15705,15705,malavi,supper,train +15705,15706,15706,masamamaenen nangra caykafangcal nanum han mapucu ku tamdaw mahaen ku nu Pailasen,no matter what they do with the water the people in Fuyuan still have pus,train +15706,15707,15707,Mulecep tu ku cidal tueman tu ku rumiad,when the sun disappears it is dark,train +15707,15708,15708,halipacefa,Nonsense,train +15708,15709,15709,nu liteng hu kuriraan,it is an ancestral custom,train +15709,15710,15710,ira ku painiay palucuay takuwanan,someone gave me a message,test +15710,15711,15711,Kumuden ku kapah a mikayki kita,go and gather the youths we are going to have a meeting,train +15711,15712,15712,misaharateratengay kaku,I was just thinking,train +15712,15713,15713,lawac nu riyar,seaside,train +15713,15714,15714,hatira satu i cifaʼinay tu kaku,my parents thought I was old enough to get married,train +15714,15715,15715,kedecen anini tu haw,now pull it tight,train +15715,15716,15716,mi mipatilu hatira,fishing like this,train +15716,15717,15717,Sangaayen ku namu Sadihkuen pafculen anu saan ku cima namu i cangraan anu caay paflien namu cangra i u maan ku ^puc tu nika sumuwal namu saw,if one of you says to him Go I wish you well keep warm and well fed but does nothing about his physical needs what good is it,train +15717,15718,15718,mapatay ku tamdaw,when a man reaches death,train +15718,15719,15719,ha hay satu,and then he said yes,train +15719,15720,15720,Luluden ku sikal,please put away the mat roll,test +15720,15721,15721,misaalaneng,set up ridges,train +15721,15722,15722,Cayat han a miteleng ku kiradum,please pull the cloth and level it,train +15722,15723,15723,mafalah tu u fafuy tu kumaenay,do not give them to other peoples pigs,train +15723,15724,15724,nawhani ura celung a kilang,Why the cedar wood,train +15724,15725,15725,miiya tu kaku anini mituduh tu kaku,I am starting to burn now,train +15725,15726,15726,nanirupayan,level,train +15726,15727,15727,misaturun kaku aci kaka nu maku tu vavahi anini,today I made glutinous rice balls with my sister,train +15727,15728,15728,wata kuna funun na ina masakuku wata tu maedeng tu ku hadhad i,look at all the farmland your mom left behind,train +15728,15729,15729,nengneng lumuwad sa tu tu dafak cingra nengnenghan nira awaay tu kuya takula itiya tu cingra mararum,he got up in the morning and saw that the frog was gone he was sad then,train +15729,15730,15730,u hatiniay kiya tira hu i kiya pakafana hu kaku,when I was a coach at successful Shangshui high School,test +15730,15731,15731,mahinukup,to lie on ones back,train +15731,15732,15732,ta talawali kiya ruma a mutuʼasay tayraay i cep,some old people go east to Ting Po,train +15732,15733,15733,itini i hekal tunu Taywan,it will be unified by the Han Chinese in Taiwan,train +15733,15734,15734,u cecay a ka saʼupu haw teked caykasaan,it is the power of the group not the power of the individual,train +15734,15735,15735,u suwal nu tuas ira haw kuni paini nu pauripay i titaan tu lalan a maurip,according to the old man everything sends messages to human beings to make their lives smooth,train +15735,15736,15736,anu ira hu ku mamang namu,if you have any more,train +15736,15737,15737,nga ira ku pilipaʼan,there is a place to stand,train +15737,15738,15738,o kulismas nu niyaru,tribal Christmas,train +15738,15739,15739,malalicay,greetings,train +15739,15740,15740,Mauhut aku kisu a matayal kanguduan,I am sorry for interrupting your work,test +15740,15741,15741,a limecedan i niyaru namu,the girl from the tribe,train +15741,15742,15742,tala satiya,just stay there,train +15742,15743,15743,syasing,photograph,train +15743,15744,15744,tini han i,what about here,train +15744,15745,15745,Maiwil kaku tu wayway nira,I hate his behavior,train +15745,15746,15746,pisaniyaru,creating a tribe,train +15746,15747,15747,u Yencumin hananay i,Aboriginal,train +15747,15748,15748,Cilasatu a rumiad i matngil nuya tayraay a misalisin a alumanay a finawlan ku nika u tatayni ci Yis i Yirusalim,the next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem,train +15748,15749,15749,o tanakerit aku kura mukin,that is the rice cake I cut,train +15749,15750,15750,cuwa kangaay kaku kumaen tu asilu u lunku sa ku kaenen nu maku,I cannot eat oranges I will have some apples instead,test +15750,15751,15751,aka patengil tu wawa,never in front of the kids,train +15751,15752,15752,malahulul,chatting,train +15752,15753,15753,adihay tu ku kalang,catch a lot of crabs,train +15753,15754,15754,u mipamatang tu facal nu umah,and the people who cultivate the fields,train +15754,15755,15755,a radiwen sa a u maan tu radiwen hakiya,what song should I sing if I want to continue,train +15755,15756,15756,u Etulan fanaw,and Turan Ikegami,train +15756,15757,15757,Mangatuwa ku nguyus ira awaay ku pakalaliway a edu^ atu takula,when it opens its mouth it is very difficult for mice and frogs to escape,train +15757,15758,15758,siri^,sheep,train +15758,15759,15759,sasa,below,train +15759,15760,15760,itiniay i pusung Etulan ku niyaru nu maku,my tribe is in Taitung Tulan,test +15760,15761,15761,man han aku kamu sanay kaku padeteng aku,I do not know how to tell you this,train +15761,15762,15762,iraay tu ku miunduʼay tu kiwkay hananay,there are those who begin to have faith,train +15762,15763,15763,upu^,mound,train +15763,15764,15764,hai caay kacisalang kacinanum,so there is no juice or water,train +15764,15765,15765,mirina,de stamping,train +15765,15766,15766,anu wawa i alatek caka fana,the next generation may not be able to tell the difference,train +15766,15767,15767,enuc,swallow,train +15767,15768,15768,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu caay pikikaka tu tawki ku kuli caay pikikaka tu miucuray a tamdaw ku maucuray,I tell you the truth no servant is greater than his master nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him,train +15768,15769,15769,mafukil tu adada hay,do not know about the pain Yeah,train +15769,15770,15770,Kawra kahnayay mahapinang aku ˈalumanay salikaka itira edeng sanu Hayti Keliawer a suwal,However we soon noticed that most of the local brethren spoke only Haitian Creole,test +15770,15771,15771,ira i wikul naira ku matiyaay u sakalat nu wadis nu rarikah o wikul naira ku sakaciicel naira a mikariang tu tamdaw tu lima a fulad,they had tails and stings like scorpions and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months,train +15771,15772,15772,Nanuya papidakaw han ni Yis ku nisawawaan ningra tu tamina a pakiayaw a tayra itiraway a lawac nu fanaw ta papinukayen ningra itiya ku finawlan,immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side while he dismissed the crowd,train +15772,15773,15773,tayni kya Paylang haw i,when the Flatlander came,train +15773,15774,15774,ira ku masamamaanay a fau kira,because there will be all kinds of bugs,train +15774,15775,15775,tamaku^,tobacco,train +15775,15776,15776,u wama ni Savung ci lasang,whose dad it is Sun,train +15776,15777,15777,Papicukacuken tu lutuk ku wawa mapulung i pihifangan,taking the kids up the mountain on vacation,train +15777,15778,15778,Uwawahu caay paka urung tuya turun,you are too young to carry it,train +15778,15779,15779,anu kahengan sa ku fulad i mapatayay sa ku malitengay,when the moon turns red the elders say it is a dead moon,train +15779,15780,15780,sunuk,stealthily,test +15780,15781,15781,maala tu nu pasu ku wawa nu mita tayra kalahitayan,the children will take the bus to the military squadron,train +15781,15782,15782,makapah ku mata^ ni ina^,mom has beautiful eyes,train +15782,15783,15783,u tudung nu tayal numaku itini tina ci Lingacay haw dengan u,all I have done in my tribe is fight for the water portion,train +15783,15784,15784,rawac,bamboo roof skeleton,train +15784,15785,15785,kaninien,come here a little bit,train +15785,15786,15786,itiya tuya lima a fulad i u mamilunguc ku tamdaw tu sakapatayaw Nikawrira caay ku mamapatay cangra sakapatayan cangra i caay ka patay cangra,during those days men will seek death but will not find it they will long to die but death will elude them,train +15786,15787,15787,patadupacafay,help,train +15787,15788,15788,aya sa kaku mavukil kita a mimaamaan,I cannot I do not know anything,train +15788,15789,15789,salaw mahalateng ku matiniay wata ku ruray nu malitengay i tiyahu malapakuyuc,that is why I am thinking that the old man here is very poor and hardworking,train +15789,15790,15790,u waw alesu,Wow it is really good,test +15790,15791,15791,ini haw fakecen sanay ku suwal nu malitengay tuni,the elders say to wear this around your waist,train +15791,15792,15792,patahekalay ci Sulumun tu taˈangayay timulu itini sapadama ni Yihufa pituay ira ku kalitusa miheca milaheci a patireng tu tadamaanay a Fangcalay sefi,Solomon acted with great courage and with the help of the Lord he built the magnificent temple in seven and a half years,train +15792,15793,15793,cawa kahunginga nira cuwa ka saʼusi nira ku mitilidan nira,he did not write completely or seriously,train +15793,15794,15794,anu miliyaw kaku misanga sa,if I wanted to redo it,train +15794,15795,15795,ca hu ka pihancyacuye ca hu kapasera ku kaemangay,students have not had their winter vacation yet,train +15795,15796,15796,terungay,medium,train +15796,15797,15797,i kitaanan a mafukilay hu a mitulik,what we have not touched yet Weaving,train +15797,15798,15798,luma,home,train +15798,15799,15799,itiya sa kiya falucu aku tangic aku ri,at that time my heart my cry,train +15799,15800,15800,atungul,forehead,test +15800,15801,15801,muli,tire,train +15801,15802,15802,Hay rasuen aku,Okay I will water it,train +15802,15803,15803,minanam tu serangawan nu mita u Pangcah,learn about our Amis history and culture,train +15803,15804,15804,katenes,for a long time,train +15804,15805,15805,mihalhalay tu ku ina,mother has an expectant heart,train +15805,15806,15806,a minanam tunu kahecalay tamdaw,learning white culture,train +15806,15807,15807,tuni a pakayni i luma,Aboriginal traditional plants Architecture,train +15807,15808,15808,anu dadaya,tonight,train +15808,15809,15809,linlupu,Liaison book,train +15809,15810,15810,Naangen,have saved,test +15810,15811,15811,samanay ku pasifana,how did they teach you that,train +15811,15812,15812,pakih mamangan a ririden nu ina atu faifayi a mifulud a talaumaumahan a midateng iraku tatukem kaduwangay anu adihay ku nialaan i u mamapaa^eng ku fiyafiyaw a mipakilac,when I was a child I used to go with my mother and aunts to collect wild vegetables in the wild such as Longkai vegetables and Birds nest Ferns and when we had a good harvest we would give them to our neighbors,train +15812,15813,15813,nika maala tu nu sanay tu haw,but it is been turned into an air force base,train +15813,15814,15814,hay falahan tatiihay saan,throw it away if it is damaged,train +15814,15815,15815,ira ku elun kamaru hen,there is a chair over there have a seat,train +15815,15816,15816,Orasaka anu mafanafana kamu tunini a dmak anu ciiceicel kamu a mituur tu nipaturudan tamuwanan a sulin i mamararid kaku a papiharateng tamuwanan tunini a dmak,so I will always remind you of these things even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have,train +15816,15817,15817,ta tayini i katimul i u pitiluʼan tu kunian,come south where the hunt is on,train +15817,15818,15818,kaku kuya mihimaway tu malitengay,I am a foster parent,train +15818,15819,15819,miaca kaku tu riku,I want to buy some clothes,train +15819,15820,15820,watasya naku nu wa,I am crying because,test +15820,15821,15821,malahuk satu mipakpak ihu mihahay,they are still chanting at lunchtime,train +15821,15822,15822,caay kasalungan tengilen kura ngangan turanan,sounds like a bad name for a place,train +15822,15823,15823,herek satu kaku,when I graduated,train +15823,15824,15824,a patiku amitadu tini takunan,come back and take me with you,train +15824,15825,15825,hadidien a midiput ku niyaru na haeminen sa,insist on caring for the tribe and then drink it all up,train +15825,15826,15826,nu Pangcah han tu a demak i palahut,the practice among the Amis is to light a cigarette,train +15826,15827,15827, anu ira ku fadangalan ita a mirikec wa ngaˈay kita misamaan mitudung ci Yihufaan aci Yisan,if we have the right to discipline how can we imitate the Lord and Jesus,train +15827,15828,15828,matini taluma tuway kaku lina,Mom I am back now,train +15828,15829,15829,ngernger sa ku urad,it is pouring,train +15829,15830,15830,Makapah kisu anini u tadalusid namu kuna caedung han,you are beautifully dressed today is this your traditional costume,test +15830,15831,15831,lakis,a legacy,train +15831,15832,15832,matngil aku ku ngiha i kakarayan matiya u suni nu cdas matiya u tataangay a kakleng matiya u suni nu datuk nu midatukay a tamdamdaw kuya ngiha a matngil aku,and I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder the sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps,train +15832,15833,15833,sarumiʼad tu riraan i anu ila ku maalaay,if there is a hunt going on throughout the day,train +15833,15834,15834,mu^tepay tu ku mihecaan nu maku anini,I am years old,train +15834,15835,15835,mialapit,Crackerjack,train +15835,15836,15836,pakaynien namu i nu tamdawan a misawkit tu tamdaw caayay pisawkit kaku i cimacimaan,you judge by human standards I pass judgment on no one,train +15836,15837,15837,itini i,in class,train +15837,15838,15838,tu kalahukan tu i malacafay kaku aci fufu a mitangtang tu sakalahuk,at noon I cooked lunch with my grandma,train +15838,15839,15839,u aira alatek ku panay atu felac,we thought if we had rice we would have rice to eat,train +15839,15840,15840,Akung tayniay tu kami,Grandfather we are here,test +15840,15841,15841,mahaen kiya matuʼasay,that is how old people are,train +15841,15842,15842,piliʼen nu matayalay,the excavators will first select,train +15842,15843,15843,o maan ku parud asa ku wawa anini parud han nanay ri nanu iya nu u ayaway nu matuʼasay nu mita,what is a stove to a modern child the stove was a source of energy in the lives of the early elderly,train +15843,15844,15844,ya kuwang nu lacu teli satu itini i alufu,he did not die they found his undershirt pocket afterward,train +15844,15845,15845,nika caay tu ka cietan nawhani caay tu kaadihay ku aʼuwang san,but I did not make any money because there were fewer sea urchins,train +15845,15846,15846,o pakakunahay ku matefaday a kasi i sinasera,candy dropped on the floor attracts ants,train +15846,15847,15847,milifun itira sa ku malitengay,mom and dad said to go there and make some money,train +15847,15848,15848,Salikakaaw matiya ci Isak kamu nawhani u nanu nisuwalan nu Kawas ku saka malawawa ningra kamu,now you brothers like Isaac are children of promise,train +15848,15849,15849,cuwa ka ngaˈay ku pikimad,the presentation did not go well,train +15849,15850,15850,micadiwayay kami,we are releasing fishing nets to catch fish,test +15850,15851,15851,caay kakapah anu dadahal ku iniyan,it is not good if it is too wide,train +15851,15852,15852,malaluk ci Panay matuka ci Dungi,Panay is hardworking and Dongi is lazy,train +15852,15853,15853,mikihatiya,join,train +15853,15854,15854,pacelem,at dawn,train +15854,15855,15855,Mipatafang ku sikawasay milunguc tu Kawas tu sakauradaw,the priests offer sacrifices and pray to the heavens for rain,train +15855,15856,15856,kasaupuan,reunion,train +15856,15857,15857,kita u cecacecay tamdaw wa ngaˈay mapakalaluk,each of us can encourage one another,train +15857,15858,15858,mikadkaday,researcher,train +15858,15859,15859,Cuwa masu^suay kaku,No I have gained weight,train +15859,15860,15860,misatengitengil tu,And uh start listening,test +15860,15861,15861,mahaenay kina demak a kungku tinian,sources for the story of the Festival,train +15861,15862,15862,Mamaurad ku rumiad tuya pihululan ita hay,will it be rainy that day,train +15862,15863,15863,samaanen,what way,train +15863,15864,15864,tayra sa kaku i pitilidan haw i,when I got to school,train +15864,15865,15865,ku nian uni lalan a ngangan sa,named after a road,train +15865,15866,15866,hales,Yeah right,train +15866,15867,15867,hanakuhaen natu kedecen,I am pulling it tight,train +15867,15868,15868,mafulaw kami tayra i Ciwidian,we moved to Shuilian Village,train +15868,15869,15869,nanay lihaday a maemin ku kasaparud nu luma ita,I hope all our families are safe and happy,train +15869,15870,15870,ira ku parawraway i takuwanan,someone is causing me to be upset,test +15870,15871,15871,Nanay mapaini nu Tapang a Yis Kristu kamu a mapulung tu mikumi,the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit,train +15871,15872,15872,kumaen kamu tu epah aka pakinaʼecay,do not drink too much,train +15872,15873,15873,kacacengang,take unfair advantage of,train +15873,15874,15874,o masaka semeran a Tawcikel kuni mikitiniay i niyaruˈ aku a misatapang itiraay i kakaˈamisan nu Kirekistan a misatapang,it is an inspiring story that began in my hometown in the northern part of Kyrgyzstan,train +15874,15875,15875,anu mapatayra kamu i piliclican i aka ka rawraw kamu tu u maan ku sasuwalen anu^ca samaanen ku sapacauf itiya i u mamapafalucu nu Kawas kamu tu malusasuwalen,but when they arrest you do not worry about what to say or how to say it at that time you will be given what to say,train +15875,15876,15876,yu mitkul cangra tu fukluh ci Stifanuan i lkal sa ci Stifanu a mitulun Tapang Yisaw layapen ku adingu aku saan,while they were stoning him Stephen prayed Lord Jesus receive my spirit,train +15876,15877,15877,u dita ku sapisawsaw ira tu fukes na mira,they wash their hair with clay,train +15877,15878,15878,caayay kasaenarar ku kamaruʼan a luma,housing inequality,train +15878,15879,15879,anu maemin a lipahak mahecad piseyli tu niyaru ita,it is good for the tribe if it is all joyful and happy,train +15879,15880,15880,malinutay,blunt,test +15880,15881,15881,o rafas tu naira a mikudasin kinian a fadas,this boiled peanut is left over from the peanut plucking they did,train +15881,15882,15882,Sapakalafi,please eat,train +15882,15883,15883,miraud,approach,train +15883,15884,15884,hamhamen ku tayniay a lafang,hospitality for visitors,train +15884,15885,15885,haen han haen han micelak pakayni mitarah,that is how it works,train +15885,15886,15886,u na lipuing tunini caka leced tu rumaruma a lipuing sanay,why is this legislator different from the others,train +15886,15887,15887,midimata,carry on ones shoulder,train +15887,15888,15888,miseti tu tamdaw,when you hit someone,train +15888,15889,15889,enengen ita hena kiya kilang a acucul,let us take a look at the wooden gyro,train +15889,15890,15890,matalaw ku ruma yu,some people are scared too,test +15890,15891,15891,matatala,rendezvous,train +15891,15892,15892,matengilay,what I heard,train +15892,15893,15893,nikalengaw kunini,this ones growing,train +15893,15894,15894,aka pikapui itiya hu i sapaini nu matuʼasay,that is what our parents taught us to do,train +15894,15895,15895,maramuday,married,train +15895,15896,15896,Dadada kamaru o maan ku kakaenen nu misu aday,have a seat what would you like to eat,train +15896,15897,15897,Caay mapawan cira a situper,No she forgot her hat,train +15897,15898,15898,fuut,await,train +15898,15899,15899,u tanutiyad sananay a buting,fish with a big fat belly,train +15899,15900,15900,anu pakaynin i aru atu suwal atu lisin lima ku nikakilakilac,they are divided into five regions according to the differences in their areas of residence language and customs,test +15900,15901,15901,nimetekan,concentrating ones thoughts and efforts,train +15901,15902,15902,mapacidal kiniyan iri silidung saʼepiʼtu,since the sun is shining on your back you can use it as a sunshade to keep your back cool,train +15902,15903,15903,nipalalay takuwanan,in the wake of waking me up,train +15903,15904,15904,o pipurangan tu u karuheman tu nu mami^,it is fall the season of ripening oranges,train +15904,15905,15905,mahenutay,morass,train +15905,15906,15906,fararangad,stag beetle,train +15906,15907,15907,mihimaw ku kangkuhu tu adadaay,nurses take care of patients,train +15907,15908,15908,u maan ku kaulahan nu misu a demak,what are your interests,train +15908,15909,15909,maherek tu ku heni a dademak mitala tu mahiya tu ku cidal,the gangs work is done and we are just waiting for the sun to go down,train +15909,15910,15910,o rumasatu ngaay matdal ku mapa^kelay nu talaw tu patay tu rumiamiad a tamdamdaw u sanay ningra,and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death,test +15910,15911,15911,aka paciʼciʼ anu talacuwa saan u tenaan nuya cirut ta anekak,do not be obsessed with where to go but watch for the painted bird and the was warning signs,train +15911,15912,15912,caay tu ku mamasiday ira tu kira u han ta,it will not be lost it will always be in the sound library,train +15912,15913,15913,Mafana cingra a micaemut tu suwal,he is an attentive listener,train +15913,15914,15914,militemuh,call for,train +15914,15915,15915,mamalaama,will become a grandmother,train +15915,15916,15916,awa ku katayalan cecay ku suwal nu,there is no work the chief gave the order,train +15916,15917,15917,matuas tu cifahinay kaku,I grew up and got married,train +15917,15918,15918,u fufu ni Hitaka singsi,it is the grand mom of Mr Gao,train +15918,15919,15919,milaliw,just run away,train +15919,15920,15920,kang haw maladuduay kami huwa ri,it just so happens that we are not that far apart in age,test +15920,15921,15921,o cima kisu saw,who is it,train +15921,15922,15922,anu ca kisu ku milalat tuna felac i,if you had not measured the water yourself,train +15922,15923,15923,cay ka kemkem nira caay ka patay,it did not bite so it did not die,train +15923,15924,15924,u nu pasevanaay kira lahengangay a cudad,the red book is the teachers,train +15924,15925,15925,anu tayni tu micekiw tu kita,or to collect,train +15925,15926,15926,tangsul mafana ku matiraay cifalucuay,you can tell right away that there are people with such an attitude,train +15926,15927,15927,keriden nu singsi kita a talatukus,teacher will take us to the mountains today,train +15927,15928,15928,mahaen ku ruma ruma mihaen,some are so captive,train +15928,15929,15929,Hayhani pantaay ku ka fanaan aku,Yeah I will just have some simple ones,train +15929,15930,15930,kalavaw,vole,test +15930,15931,15931,i ayaw nu nika ira nu pitieran i makuwan nu Rikec kita a matiya u marufuay tangasa i kahapinangan nu pitier,before this faith came we were held prisoners by the law locked up until faith should be revealed,train +15931,15932,15932,mitatunganganay kura tau ira kira,their families will laugh at me,train +15932,15933,15933,suwal sa kiya mama niyam,father said,train +15933,15934,15934,anu mituur kamu tu pinangan nu tireng i u mamapatay anu pakaynien namu i Fangcalay Adingu ku pipatay tu mararaway a dmak i u mamaurip kamu,for if you live according to the sinful nature you will die but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body you will live,train +15934,15935,15935,mililuc ku rarapa i nanum ma,the cow is bathing in the river,train +15935,15936,15936,a mahereka tuway iri,at the end of the song,train +15936,15937,15937,hananay aku a latereterep sanay kira,when I said that no one answered,train +15937,15938,15938,naay tu kaku aka tu pala Tumuken kaku,do not make me go on,train +15938,15939,15939,ina malawinaay kamu maraayay tu,Mom are you relatives too they are distant relatives,train +15939,15940,15940,itiya hu i ka Dipungan hu itiya,during the Japanese period,test +15940,15941,15941,pahatini hananay tu aku,that is what I do,train +15941,15942,15942,Pacauf sa ci Pitiru Anu mapakapukaput kaku i Tisuwanan a mapatay i caay ku mamihakenu kaku i Tisuwanan han ningra mahaen ku suwal nu nisawawaan a ma^min,but Peter declared Even if I have to die with you I will never disown you and all the other disciples said the same,train +15942,15943,15943,Kafana kamu tunini anu mafana ku tawki nu luma tu nika anu hacuwa ku sakaira nu mitakaway i u mamapalal cingra tu saka^caaw ka lipalaw nu mitakaway a micumud i luma ningra,but understand this if the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into,train +15943,15944,15944,tu epah matuʼasay,prepare the wine,train +15944,15945,15945,naʼunen han araw mahiya tu mauʼur tu nu heni ku naʼayaway nu mukasi a radiw,Slowly they will sing along with the old tunes from the past,train +15945,15946,15946,i ayaw nu Pitalifan a lisin tu ^nem a rumiad i tayra ci Yis i Pitani,six days before the Passover Jesus arrived at Bethany where Lazarus lived whom Jesus had raised from the dead,train +15946,15947,15947,cinglaw tu Hulamhulam aca,speak a little Chinese,train +15947,15948,15948,anucasa pi siykay u manan ku kakaenen itini i luma,if you do not go to work what do you eat at the tribe,train +15948,15949,15949,ci Api ku ngangan nu safa^ aku tu fafahian,my younger sisters name is Api,train +15949,15950,15950,iraay tu ku suwal nu singsi,there is a message from the teacher,test +15950,15951,15951,nawhani caay ka falic ku falucu nu Kawas tu pakayniay i pipili ningra atu mikumi ningra,for Gods gifts and his call are irrevocable,train +15951,15952,15952,patihi han nira kuya mapatayay anini a faʼinay kiyami,a widow and widower were with her when her husband died,train +15952,15953,15953,kuesan ku suwal nira,he is using flirting speech persuasive speech,train +15953,15954,15954,cima ku misuniay tu la^pa nu paliding,it is the sound of a horn from someone is car,train +15954,15955,15955,pararaw kura tamdaw i takuwanan,he put the sin on me,train +15955,15956,15956, ikur i maaraw nuna wawa ku ku kilang,Then the child saw a tree,train +15956,15957,15957,u caleng nu falengal,it looks like red cypress,train +15957,15958,15958,Watah adihay ku nikurkuran isu a kunga,Wow you dug up so many gourds,train +15958,15959,15959,talacuwa kamu a misalama,where are you guys going,train +15959,15960,15960,maupuh,diligent and prompt,test +15960,15961,15961,hai pasuwal hu kaku tunu kafanaʼan nu maku,Hey I am going to tell you about my memories,train +15961,15962,15962,u ripun,Japanese person or people,train +15962,15963,15963,Hungtiaw yu i fatad nu lalan ma^deng kalahukan i maaraw aku ku nai kakarayanay a likat ikaka nu cidal ku nika likat nunini a patdi i taliyuk aku atu kaput aku a rumakat,about noon O king as I was on the road I saw a light from heaven brighter than the sun blazing around me and my companions,train +15963,15964,15964,o faca ku saayaw a nananamen nu wawa tu fafahiyan,the first job a girl learns is to do the laundry,train +15964,15965,15965,Kipaputalan saan nu luma a mafekac kira wawa,that kid has been running around the outside of the house,train +15965,15966,15966,rait,fish hooks,train +15966,15967,15967,tatapangan,root,train +15967,15968,15968,mangatatu ku rumiad ni Yis tu kakakuyan ningra a talakakarayan saka sarucud sa ku falucu ningra tu sakatayraaw i Yirusalim,as the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem,train +15968,15969,15969,enem pulu ira ku pitu tu ku mihecaan aku nu hatini,I am years old now,train +15969,15970,15970,safaw lima^ tu ku mihecaan niira anini^,he is fifteen years old,test +15970,15971,15971,u mahapinang caay tu pakatungud,it does not work,train +15971,15972,15972,samaanay ku rumiad tuya rumiad,how was the weather that day,train +15972,15973,15973,paladaʼladaʼ sa kunu,I will share the old ones,train +15973,15974,15974,u nipacayitan nu miadupay tu tama i tukar u ruma ku kapa a melawan,Warrior hanging your prey from a spear looks spectacular,train +15974,15975,15975,ku rikurikur a matuʼas ku wawa nu mita u masapangcahay,it turns out that the Amis are a people who specialize in hunting,train +15975,15976,15976,caay ka safunen nira ku tireng a minginguy,he did not bathe with soap,train +15976,15977,15977,macahiw kaku,I am so hungry,train +15977,15978,15978,mana awa hu kiya faʼinay aku wa sanay atek,she is worried about why my husband has not shown up yet,train +15978,15979,15979,o papikenaway tu matayalay i umah kaku,I asked the staff to pick onions in the field,train +15979,15980,15980,o rihaday hananay u masaka limlaan tu cecacecay a tamdaw,peace is something that everyone desperately needs,test +15980,15981,15981,karaurang,lots of lobsters,train +15981,15982,15982,oya mamalukasuy i parud anucila a mauripayhu anini i palapalaan a talud i madiput nu Kawas kunini mangalef ku nipidiput nu Kawas i tamuwanan Aya ku nika tadanca nu pitier namu tu Kawas,if that is how God clothes the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire will he not much more clothe you O you of little faith,train +15982,15983,15983,Pacauf sa ci Yis Yu irahu i pitahkaan ku papararamuden a fainay i mararum ku widang ningra saw Caay Nikawrira anu maraudtu ku rumiad tu pialaan tuya papararamuden a fainayan i itiyatu cangra a misaliway,Jesus answered How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them then they will fast,train +15983,15984,15984,ci Yasen u kaemangayhu a maluhemay malitengay sanay cingra Tiya manilnil kaku i maharateng ku ˈinurung nu niyah tada taˈangayay ku sarueru,Jason a young elder said When I was first appointed I felt a lot of pressure when I thought about my duties,train +15984,15985,15985,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu anu irahu ku kakarayan atu hkal i caay ku mamalasawad ku samimingay a kunis atu tilid nu Rikec tangasa i pahrekan nu kalumaamaan,I tell you the truth until heaven and earth disappear not the smallest letter not the least stroke of a pen will by any means disappear from the law until everything is accomplished,train +15985,15986,15986,hatiraay haw kuni ka pifuting nu maku itini i,this is my fishing life in northern Australia,train +15986,15987,15987,taʼangangayay ku cicik a,I am afraid to cut a big piece,train +15987,15988,15988,liyasen ku paliding,get out of the way of the car,train +15988,15989,15989,yu Paslaan a Rumiad i talapaputal nu niyaru kami a tayra i lawac nu alu latek ira ku pitulunan nu Yutaya a tamdaw itira sa kami Aru sa kami a pasuwal tu masaupuay itira a fafahiyan,on the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to the river where we expected to find a place of prayer we sat down and began to speak to the women who had gathered there,train +15989,15990,15990,tu emu anini,sweet rice cakes now,test +15990,15991,15991,parakat tira tira haw i,he is got his hands on the other side,train +15991,15992,15992,awaay ku kaka^ nu maku,I do not have any older siblings,train +15992,15993,15993,ya caay kaʼemetan ku kaʼuripan i,life is less controlled,train +15993,15994,15994,i niyar nu Cikasuan,in the Shichigokawa tribe,train +15994,15995,15995,midawa,to defend,train +15995,15996,15996,pacaliwan ni Hukin kisu tuna impic haw,did Hokin lend you this pen,train +15996,15997,15997,anu temiktemik sa kura ulat ningra suwalen kaku han ningra kiya ising,let me know if his pulse is working,train +15997,15998,15998,iniyan itini saan i nu saʼayaw hu iri,before that,train +15998,15999,15999,aca,it is only minutes,train +15999,16000,16000,aka henay u kaviyay hen ku saayaway,wait a minute I will decide on the soup first,test +16000,16001,16001,fituka^,gastric,train +16001,16002,16002,aca,also,train +16002,16003,16003,anu hakuwaay malidung tu ku ninarurayan i,he who works hard shall one day enjoy the shade of the tree from which he has been planted,train +16003,16004,16004,pekpek han nira mipalu kaku,and he hit me really hard,train +16004,16005,16005,Paurunen ku wawa isu i tamiyanan ta taluma mikuyni,first make your kids miss us before we come back for new Years,train +16005,16006,16006,ita u rayray nu Pangcah aka ka pawan tu nawnu tuas a selangawan,for future generations of Amis it is important to remember that we once had such a traditional culture of faith,train +16006,16007,16007,o matiniay tu ku finacadan nu mita u Pangcah tuna i niyaru a malupisak a maledef i Kitakit nu Taywan,this is how the Amis community began to spread across the country from tribe to tribe,train +16007,16008,16008,mafena,festering,train +16008,16009,16009,Nikawrira caay ka puni ku nipaluwadan nu Kawas a paurip nai patay,but the one whom God raised from the dead did not see decay,train +16009,16010,16010,sitalipay tu hatiniay,I will put on a dress,test +16010,16011,16011,ha ura ila kura kaulahan ita kumaen ya Fataʼan i,and what about the tree peas we love to eat,train +16011,16012,16012,paʼaraw saan tu caʼedung nu mita,we were just passing through that place in our traditional clothes,train +16012,16013,16013,ila tu ku kilang tahaya mihatira,there is one just like this one,train +16013,16014,16014,kanikaw tu alatek kamaumahay,maybe they are just too poor they are all farmers,train +16014,16015,16015,caay ka hiya kalitangan ku mita tu a tamdaw sanay ku suwal nira ya matuʼasay,the old man said it is not for the four seasons,train +16015,16016,16016,u raraya dadahal haw ku cadiway isu,your trammel net is long and wide,train +16016,16017,16017,i,in,train +16017,16018,16018,hakiya,the reason why,train +16018,16019,16019,Iiraaytu maharateng aku ku demak nira,this is how I remember the old mans way of doing things,train +16019,16020,16020,Palaliayen nu Kawas ku tamdaw atu cingraan tu nanu pitier i ci Yis Kristuan o pulung nu pasulinay ci Kristuan awaay ku pisakakinih ningra,this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe there is no difference,test +16020,16021,16021,Patinakuen ni Yis cangra tunini i caay ka fana cangra tu tatudung nunini a suwal ningra,Jesus used this figure of speech but they did not understand what he was telling them,train +16021,16022,16022,capakaluwad tu kaleteng sa,it is so heavy I can barely stand up,train +16022,16023,16023,Tataang ku kter ni Hiruti tu finawlan nu Tiri atu Situn Saka palawina satu cangra ci Plastusan u misimaway tu luma nu hungti ngitangiten nangra cingra tu sakangaay nangra a malaliay atu hungti nawhani nanitiraay i nikuwanan nu hungti a Kitakit cangra a miala tu kakaenen Saka laccay satu cangra a tayra a misiayaw tu hungti,he had been quarreling with the people of Tyre and Sidon they now joined together and sought an audience with him having secured the support of Blastus a trusted personal servant of the king they asked for peace because they depended on the kings country for their food supply,train +16023,16024,16024,pinaluma u tali,the plant is taro,train +16024,16025,16025,caay kakapahay kiraan,this is not a good ending,train +16025,16026,16026,mipacuk mitefuk,killing animals,train +16026,16027,16027,i Tabalung Tabalung,in Tai Po long Valley in Tai Po long Valley,train +16027,16028,16028,kenu kaka ku tu nisay,I do not know if I am two years older,train +16028,16029,16029,saka mafana kaku tuni demak haw,when I found out about it,train +16029,16030,16030,Milisuˈ tu madimadiay salikaka i Afrika parahekeray tamiyanan,visiting faithful brothers and sisters in Africa fills our hearts with joy,test +16030,16031,16031,talacuwa ka kapah isu,no matter how pretty you are,train +16031,16032,16032,faʼianay maʼemin aenem,all boys six of them,train +16032,16033,16033,Micefung i alu masasicefucefus,splash each other in the river,train +16033,16034,16034,mipalafang cingra i luma ni Simun u misafalakuay a tamdaw ira i lawac nu riyar ku luma ningra han ningra,he is staying with Simon the tanner whose house is by the sea,train +16034,16035,16035,onini siwa a pulu ira ku lima a rimuud,here is,train +16035,16036,16036,miharateng kaku,I want to do something,train +16036,16037,16037,aka pisafana tu tireng anu ira i tamuwanan ku citanengay kaku sanay ku harateng tu nu aniniay a hkal a taneng i u nika apa nuya tamdaw ku ngaay ta malasulinay a citanengay cingra,do not deceive yourselves if any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age he should become a fool so that he may become wise,train +16037,16038,16038,nanitira i awaay tu ku tumuk,there has not been a leader since,train +16038,16039,16039,Kufiten ku sakufit nu fuduy isu,button up your shirt,train +16039,16040,16040,Kafana kamu tunini anu mafana ku tawki nu luma tu nika anu hacuwa ku sakaira nu mitakaway i caay ka lipalaw nu mitakaway a micumud i luma ningra,but understand this if the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming he would not have let his house be broken into,test +16040,16041,16041,Masungaliw tu ku nikacacak saka panayen tu,the rice was overripe so I went to Harvest it,train +16041,16042,16042,pasalamaʼan ira kuya,there is a lot to do there is Sansendai,train +16042,16043,16043,faludan nira mihatini kuya fufu aku itiyahu,this is how she used to be tied to,train +16043,16044,16044,Sacafayen aku kunini a wacu a talalutuk,I took this dog as a companion on the mountain,train +16044,16045,16045,hay itini ci ama ku sa itini mi cira hay itiya,Yeah because my dad was here when he was in ministry,train +16045,16046,16046,o sapaluma nu kuwa kunini,these are papaya seeds,train +16046,16047,16047,ura tuki,the clock,train +16047,16048,16048,ungang,stupidity,train +16048,16049,16049,nisapalaan,Kenting,train +16049,16050,16050,ku uya ku dungedungec ku alaen nu matuasay malahuk,elders picking rattan hearts for lunch,test +16050,16051,16051,pafelien kaku tu mamangay a futing,please give me smaller fish,train +16051,16052,16052,uawaay hu ku Ripun a tangasa itini i Taywan itiya sa matiya,I think it was before the Japanese came to Taiwan,train +16052,16053,16053,Macunacun ku nanum i paetang,the water in the bucket is stirred,train +16053,16054,16054,hay hay,Yes yes yes,train +16054,16055,16055,hatiraen,do it this way,train +16055,16056,16056,a maanen naca,unable do anything about it,train +16056,16057,16057,o ri tatusa tamdaw pakaenay kulung,uh huh there are cows and it takes two men to herd them,train +16057,16058,16058,micuaang,reverse direction,train +16058,16059,16059,o nipacufelisan nira tu inaan nira kunian a tikami,this is a letter he sent back to his mother,train +16059,16060,16060,Orasaka anu ira ku maan a patlac ni Pawlu i mamaan papihaklungen i takuwanan ku kakrikridan namu a tayra a pakukut tu dmak ni Pawlu han ningra,let some of your leaders come with me and press charges against the man there if he has done anything wrong,test +16060,16061,16061,suelinay ku suwal nu maku tu kimad nu tuas,all that I say is true the sayings of my ancestors,train +16061,16062,16062,i hakuen ku nipateli tu vayang,put the net in that box,train +16062,16063,16063,kakimadan nu sapatiked,fishing tackle,train +16063,16064,16064,nasi,pears,train +16064,16065,16065,nu sakilistuay ira ku pahay kiw,Christ to the rescue,train +16065,16066,16066,Saka tataang ku talaw nu kiwkay a ma^min atu rumaruma a mitngilay tunini a dmak,great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events,train +16066,16067,16067,rararay,use of small hoes,train +16067,16068,16068,tira ku kaʼen i tira katayalan,Food clothing shelter and transportation are all there,train +16068,16069,16069,hayhani,that is right,train +16069,16070,16070,ini hu ku aalaen,take this one first,test +16070,16071,16071,mikakawangay,catch a mantis,train +16071,16072,16072,mienuc,swallow,train +16072,16073,16073,malakaputay,a peer,train +16073,16074,16074,pakaen tu kura tawki sakalahu nira,the boss feeds him,train +16074,16075,16075,ura talikufad kiya haw hay,that has a front skirt for Yes it does,train +16075,16076,16076,Cima^ sa,who is it,train +16076,16077,16077,suʼlilin,even though,train +16077,16078,16078,Ciep han ni Kacaw ku epah i talu,Kacaw sucks wine straight from the keg by mouth,train +16078,16079,16079,Yami palumaan isu a dateng mifangadan tu isu haw,are your vegetables ready to be harvested,train +16079,16080,16080,hamanen ku runi a mi tu imuluay,how to inoculate a loofah into a round shape,test +16080,16081,16081,a anu aniniay kiya u daduy tu ku saʼusi tu pudaw,Nowadays we weigh fish for fry,train +16081,16082,16082,iayaw kina niyaru haw i,former tribes,train +16082,16083,16083,mahaen ku pangangan nu matuʼasay,that is how the old man named the place,train +16083,16084,16084,haen kaku panay paputal,I have been hitting rice like this,train +16084,16085,16085,micudad aca kaku tini i mihitayan,I have decided to take the exams for the army Academy,train +16085,16086,16086,ta mangaʼay madiput ku lumaʼay a wawa atu tamdaw sa ku harateng sa,I thought it would make it easier to take care of my children and family,train +16086,16087,16087,o fafahiyan a kaka aku cira,she is my sister,train +16087,16088,16088,catukasasuwalen nu niyaru atu finawlann sa,the tribe stopped dealing with it,train +16088,16089,16089,mahatefu,land,train +16089,16090,16090,tahiraay tu falu pulu ila ku pitu,I am eighty seven years old,test +16090,16091,16091,tada ucung ku pipananam saka masaaamay ku hemay nu mita,we put in too much water so our rice became diluted,train +16091,16092,16092,falu ku mihecaʼan nu maku,I am eight,train +16092,16093,16093,Talienang satu tu ruray caira,they lay down tired,train +16093,16094,16094,naay saan haw caledes kiyami,Because it is too hot,train +16094,16095,16095,kami atu singsi malacafay a misalama u kungkuan mahecad tu lalumaan niyam,the teachers also play with us the school is one big family,train +16095,16096,16096,ira ku milikiday ma nu riyar,and the strong currents,train +16096,16097,16097,kungluci,highways Agency,train +16097,16098,16098,o salilis salilis hananay,it is just along the river,train +16098,16099,16099,mawuc tu finawlan ri,folks need to get ready,train +16099,16100,16100,sapisausi,calculator,test +16100,16101,16101,anu pahapinangen aku a sumuwal ku nanu suwal namu i I ci Pawluan kaku i ci Apulusan kaku I ci Pitiruan kaku I ci Kristuan kaku saan ku paytmek namu,what I mean is this one of you says I follow Paul another I follow Apollos another I follow Cephas still another I follow Christ,train +16101,16102,16102,mavana ira tu itini i,there is a basis for that,train +16102,16103,16103,u nian ta u hiya kunian kumuh,it is a long bean dish,train +16103,16104,16104,kaku u Cungtung ku kakeridan nunini a saupu^ malakaput tu dayhiw nu kalufinacadan mikilim tu mucelay a saway,as the head of state I will serve as convener and work hand in hand with tribal representatives to pursue historical justice,train +16104,16105,16105,ca han aku nipacefa ni rihateng,I do not think,train +16105,16106,16106,Suʼelinay kuni a cay kafuti tu cecay a dadaya i,Seriously I have not slept a wink,train +16106,16107,16107,Nikawrira paculien nangra ci Pawlu a milukes a sumuwal Saka fihfih han ni Pawlu ku riku ningra suwal sa Anu matkup kamu i kamu ku cacitudung tu raraw namu Awaay ku raraw aku I ikur nunini i u tatayratu kaku i ruma a finacadan han ningra,but when the Jews opposed Paul and became abusive he shook out his clothes in protest and said to them Your blood be on your own heads I am clear of my responsibility from now on I will go to the Gentiles,train +16107,16108,16108,anini tu ku kaemangay i,kids these days,train +16108,16109,16109,awaay tu ni faki i itiniay tu a nu misu awaay,no more where is Uncle what about the story here in Miyama Nothing,train +16109,16110,16110,Icangen,drying,test +16110,16111,16111,ira ku nisangaan tu mahaenay u,there is a production like that one,train +16111,16112,16112,o palalangaway ku anglis nu futing,the smell of fish attracts flies,train +16112,16113,16113,siwa,nine,train +16113,16114,16114,panukayen aku i niyaru,I am taking the message home,train +16114,16115,16115,Tataang ku fali adada ku funguh aku,the wind is blowing so hard that my head hurts,train +16115,16116,16116,hananay hantutay manhan nu Pangcah ku,I have been working in a semiconductor company how do you say semiconductor in American,train +16116,16117,16117,sadak,appear,train +16117,16118,16118,pacaliwen hu kaku tu tingsiya isu,can I borrow your bicycle please,train +16118,16119,16119,haw iri,early seniors at work,train +16119,16120,16120,misamukung ku faʼinay nu maku,my husband is a carpenter,test +16120,16121,16121,manhan nu kuwaping kiya,how do you say it in Mandarin,train +16121,16122,16122,i way a mihcaan itiya a ityni,I came here in,train +16122,16123,16123,O rumasatu u Kitakit nu Kawas i matiya u nipikilim nu patiyamay a tamdaw tu Fangcalay a cincu,Again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls,train +16123,16124,16124,mapakaʼen tu nu ruma a misavelacan tu turun atu hakhak,at this time people can eat different flavors of sticky rice and mocha,train +16124,16125,16125,nikaurira suʼelin limaay hakiya,are there really only five languages,train +16125,16126,16126,misatapang kaku misanga tu mita a,I started making ours,train +16126,16127,16127,o cung ku mapatirengay a dipi a fukeluh i lutuk,on the mountain there are many rocks that have been erected as shelters,train +16127,16128,16128,Ngaay hu^ kisu Kulas ci panay kaku,Hello Kolas I am Panay,train +16128,16129,16129,hay vayi papaen ita mitelatelaen nu mita ci vaki,Mom let us give Grandpa a round of applause,train +16129,16130,16130,nika,as a result,test +16130,16131,16131,ku wama atu ina,being a parent,train +16131,16132,16132,tataangay,terrific,train +16132,16133,16133,tayra sa kaku i luma ni,going to my grandmothers house,train +16133,16134,16134,sienaw ku rumiad Ki^tec ku kamay ita,the day is cold our hands are cold,train +16134,16135,16135,rayray,custom,train +16135,16136,16136,haen sa kiya vali,blown by the wind,train +16136,16137,16137,sahtu^,at all,train +16137,16138,16138,kanguduan tu maapacay tu kaku,Sorry I am late,train +16138,16139,16139,Mafeculay kamu,have you eaten enough,train +16139,16140,16140,paangcuhay,void something it stinks of urine,test +16140,16141,16141,suut,surname Bai,train +16141,16142,16142,i tini i Sice haw i aluman ku matuʼasay aluman ku aalaen ita,because there are a lot of elderly people in Shiodome who need to be taken care of,train +16142,16143,16143,kaliki,fast,train +16143,16144,16144,Talacuwaay mihalama kamu i nacila a lipay,where did you guys go last week,train +16144,16145,16145,miucil,reluctant part with,train +16145,16146,16146,ora icep hananay kiya,the betel nut tree,train +16146,16147,16147,o fai haw u ira ku faʼinayan ira ku mala ca mira,they all have families but they do not separate,train +16147,16148,16148,pakahadidi tu kamu tu keru tu tukatuk tu ruray namu,you keep dancing you are tired you are exhausted,train +16148,16149,16149,pauray,quilt,train +16149,16150,16150,ya initu ku sapiaca tu felac sakuwina pihacaan tu felac,mom said we could buy rice with this money,test +16150,16151,16151,kurur,back,train +16151,16152,16152,vaki i cuwaay kisu a suvucen,where were you born,train +16152,16153,16153,nahan halakat kisu latek maluiwid nu kiʼetec,early planting may result in cold weather,train +16153,16154,16154,Kitkit han isu kura caay hu ka akik a duka caay ka ngaay kahatira,you are peeling that scab off that is not good,train +16154,16155,16155,kira mi a caay pakabanaʼen ku aniniay wawa,no one has ever passed it on to the next generation,train +16155,16156,16156,maulah ku widang nu maku tu kamatini,my peers like me like this,train +16156,16157,16157,Matakup nu maku ku pakatelay i mamihulul nira,I saw him call his girlfriend,train +16157,16158,16158,hay w,Yoo hoo,train +16158,16159,16159,luma ku pifalud rira,that is five ropes to tie,train +16159,16160,16160,cidufutay,pockets,test +16160,16161,16161,talasauwac,go to the stream,train +16161,16162,16162,ngaʼayay samanen nu malitengay kuni pasifana,it is okay it is what the elders taught us,train +16162,16163,16163,u ninian ha manengneng nu niya kararem,so that future generations can see them,train +16163,16164,16164,u ali nu maku atu salikaka nu maku ku midiputay kaminan,we were raised by my brother in law and sister,train +16164,16165,16165,yu anu tataak hen ku nanum isaw,if there is still a lot of water,train +16165,16166,16166,ci riku tu cingra tu kafuli,she is wearing a dress,train +16166,16167,16167,micudad maemin ku petun naku,all my brothers and sisters have studied,train +16167,16168,16168,i faluay ku widi tu dafak ku luwad nu mita a talalutuk,we will leave for the mountain at am tomorrow,train +16168,16169,16169,ura tu malitengay ura kaput maemin i,the seniors all the hierarchical teams,train +16169,16170,16170,Maranam ina^,Mom good morning,test +16170,16171,16171,ni tumuk anini,declare a haircut,train +16171,16172,16172,masamaan alatek masadafdaf tu kura pala itira,it is possible that Tahara is very rich,train +16172,16173,16173,nani itira itini i Cilangasan haw,from this mountain of Chilterns,train +16173,16174,16174,pisakamian,paper making place,train +16174,16175,16175,tayra kaku i Matang misakaay kaku tu kilumaʼan,I am going to the Madang tribe and I am going to the tribal festival,train +16175,16176,16176,vangcal tu haw,it is beautiful,train +16176,16177,16177,tatu niyah satu pacedi,on each working hard,train +16177,16178,16178,cuwa ku adipangpang kura u fitengal kura,those are not butterflies they are bees,train +16178,16179,16179,aru san hana ku Lingacay hatira akalaway iraw u tiniay ini akalaway,like the Lingya tribe they live on high ground,train +16179,16180,16180,kina umah sa ku matuʼasay,the elders said that in the sugar cane field,test +16180,16181,16181,maherekay tu mikiskis kura ungʼung nira,just finished shaving,train +16181,16182,16182,mahaen kira,that is it,train +16182,16183,16183,Kacipida a talapicudadan anucila,I have to bring money to school tomorrow,train +16183,16184,16184,Misatuvang,helpers,train +16184,16185,16185,Pakalalukay ci Fitiriku tu salikaka tayra i taˈangayay ku saali a kilac mitusil han,So would Federico encourage other brothers and sisters to preach in areas of greater need,train +16185,16186,16186,6 pafeli ci Yihufa kitaanan tu pasalat ngaˈay midemak tu maanan,what has the Lord given us the freedom to do,train +16186,16187,16187,kalapiyat,lightning,train +16187,16188,16188,papinaay ku salikaka isu,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +16188,16189,16189,o malaliupay tu kaku i huni,I just washed my face,train +16189,16190,16190,caka adihay ku aru ira itira i luma,and I will not be home for too long,test +16190,16191,16191,naunen ku awas tu tahfikuda matilu,watch your step to avoid falls,train +16191,16192,16192,o malatamdaway tu u masinanutay tu a tamdaw sa,you are an adult,train +16192,16193,16193,as u nira a nipakafana maan a caay ka pi iraay ku mipakiyaway,why do highly coached players not get involved in gambling,train +16193,16194,16194,mulecep,not to see,train +16194,16195,16195,pilumaluma,every family,train +16195,16196,16196,kaku mafana kaku tu nu Kaping haw matini matini saan cangra haw,although I know Mandarin would say Like this like this,train +16196,16197,16197,caay kalecad,it is a different time,train +16197,16198,16198,ta laliw hantu ni Yis cangra midakaw ci Yis tu tamina a tayra i tiraw a lawac nu fanaw,then he left them got back into the boat and crossed to the other side,train +16198,16199,16199,kerker satu nu talaw tu laliw satu,I was so scared that I moved out,train +16199,16200,16200,namakacuwaay,where did you come from,test +16200,16201,16201,mikimad,speech,train +16201,16202,16202,Ciungang mimaan a tayni kisu,Idiot what are you doing here,train +16202,16203,16203,kararadiw kura tamdaw,that man loves to sing,train +16203,16204,16204,u vuhecalay ku kulit nu calamay i kakarayan,the clouds in the sky are white,train +16204,16205,16205,cepcep,kissing,train +16205,16206,16206,kasacieci nu alu itira kalaenu,further downstream from the stream formed by the depression,train +16206,16207,16207,rakat sa a miraud tu pitilidan,walk to school,train +16207,16208,16208,u ngabul,sika deer,train +16208,16209,16209,masaliyad a mikuliciw,Bicycling is back on the rise,train +16209,16210,16210,cidadayday,Cicada,test +16210,16211,16211,cacakatan,stair,train +16211,16212,16212,mihai kaku tu suwal nira,I agree with him,train +16212,16213,16213,san kuni ka rarum nu falucu nanay kamu wawa anini,it is heartbreaking I hope the kids are okay now,train +16213,16214,16214,Helup han nu kapah ku kafi nu futing,the young man drank the fish soup in one go,train +16214,16215,16215,micakay kaku tu kuppu^,I want to buy a cup,train +16215,16216,16216,o kakalimlaan namu i u nika kudait nu falucu tu sapilahciaw tu nafalucuan nu Kawas ta malayap namu ku nisuwalan nu Kawas a sapalmed,you need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God you will receive what he has promised,train +16216,16217,16217,uriraʼan sa i iraʼay ku demak nu faʼinay aku parakatay tu tasiya,my husband has a good job,train +16217,16218,16218,pacilahen,pickle,train +16218,16219,16219,o nu nima a impic kuni,whose pen is it,train +16219,16220,16220,sahetuay sakaʼuripa nira,they all live on this,test +16220,16221,16221,cidalan,clear sky,train +16221,16222,16222,ciharateng kisu minukay tayni niyaru,ideas of going back to the tribe,train +16222,16223,16223,kay,Calcium,train +16223,16224,16224,suwal nu kaka ˈAcaan aku kuniya cudad limaay a tangluy,my brother said I just bought this booklet because it was only five cents,train +16224,16225,16225,mahanay ka tayal na Taywan tinirini citan kiya Taywan adihay ku fafuy ra,that is what the Flatlander did here he raised a lot of pigs,train +16225,16226,16226,urun,feel,train +16226,16227,16227,u han nu hiya nu Hulam a nipangangan,the Chinese name is marbles,train +16227,16228,16228,nukay i awaay ku kafanaʼan tu kaysiya i,I have not met any of the companies since I got back,train +16228,16229,16229,tamaherek minukay na masafitay miʼaca tu kaku tu tusiya,when I got into the army I bought a car,train +16229,16230,16230,a masakapahay suwal satu,the young warriors listen,test +16230,16231,16231,mitulang,rise,train +16231,16232,16232,hungti,emperors,train +16232,16233,16233,tahira tu i minatu mitangtang tu saskalafi,when we arrive at the pier we have to cook dinner,train +16233,16234,16234,kita,us,train +16234,16235,16235,u akung u ama,there are grandparents and grandmothers,train +16235,16236,16236,sulin maanen talahekal tu cingra na midanguy,what could he do he swam to the shore,train +16236,16237,16237,i cuwa a pitakcian ku pitilidan isu,what school do you go to,train +16237,16238,16238,nitapayan,smoked,train +16238,16239,16239,makumud,rule,train +16239,16240,16240,Saka pasuwal sa kuya tawki Alaen nai cingraan kura talantu a pafli i mitatuyay tu mu^tep a talantu,Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents,test +16240,16241,16241,naayaw amin hen tusa tusa u maan u apalu ku cacay i u aheciday tu ku cacay,there were two dishes a breaded fruit dish and a savory dish,train +16241,16242,16242,Talacuwa^ mapilih ku rakat nu maku imatini,Although I am walking with a limp,train +16242,16243,16243,kangaayan,plus,train +16243,16244,16244,aka pinanum tu kietecay a nanum anu malalisan,do not drink cold water when you have a cold,train +16244,16245,16245,Tadamangaay maanen ita a tayra,Awesome how are we going to get there,train +16245,16246,16246,kaku ku maputuyay Halu san,dad says Harold it is my fault,train +16246,16247,16247,kalasaka dademaken ku safalud nu Fangcalay Cudad tulunen ku Kawas mingitangit tu Fangcalay saucur papadama kitanan milifuk tu rihaday,applying biblical principles and asking God for the Holy Spirit can help us enjoy peace,train +16247,16248,16248,tatata misalama kita tu mali,let us play ball,train +16248,16249,16249,nawhani uya aira a pades tuya rumiad i awahu ku hatiniay a nika tataang nu pades nai satapangan nu nipisanga nu Kawas tu hkal a tahanini o a awatu i ikur ku hatiniay a pades,because those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning when God created the world until now and never to be equaled again,train +16249,16250,16250,masuwaf,yawn,test +16250,16251,16251,o pakayniay i pipadahuf tu mituuray itira i Yutaya i awaay ku sasuwalen aku a patilid i tamuwanan,there is no need for me to write to you about this service to the saints,train +16251,16252,16252,ama,boobies,train +16252,16253,16253,tada miaray tu palemed nu tuas adihay ku tama niyam anini a rumiad,thanks to the blessing of our ancestors we had a great Harvest today,train +16253,16254,16254,ciicel,powerful,train +16254,16255,16255,kafukilan,office of the unknown,train +16255,16256,16256,maherek kami a miinuli kimad kaku malafi tu kami itira,after the prayers we will have dinner together,train +16256,16257,16257,o impic aca ku lalengatan nuya situ a malaudut,the only reason kids fight is because,train +16257,16258,16258,yu ccay a rumiad tulu ku tuki tu hrek nu lahuk i mahapinang a maaraw ningra i mapulusi ku cuyuh nu Kawas tayra i cingraan a sumuwal kuya cuyuh Kurnilius han ningra a mitahidang,one day at about three in the afternoon he had a vision he distinctly saw an angel of God who came to him and said Cornelius,train +16258,16259,16259,itini saan i picuka aku ri,in my painting career,train +16259,16260,16260,akaka pisaluya tu payci,money should not be wasted,test +16260,16261,16261,nanay matiyanan a tumuk kisu,I hope you are like the ringleader,train +16261,16262,16262,afu,manure,train +16262,16263,16263,nivutingan,fish catch,train +16263,16264,16264,maxramakilim,find,train +16264,16265,16265,o mikaruay ku tayal niyam imatini,now we work as grapefruit pickers,train +16265,16266,16266,duʼedu han nangra kiya ngiha i laluma nu sefi,they followed the sound to the kitchen,train +16266,16267,16267,ira ku masamamanay marawraw ku kalas nu niyaru i,in the event of any disputes among the tribal elders,train +16267,16268,16268,maulahay,I like it,train +16268,16269,16269,misakusuy,making lemongrass oil,train +16269,16270,16270,singsi mafukilay kaku ngaayay hu miliyaw a sumuwal haw,I do not understand can you repeat it again,test +16270,16271,16271,nanicuwaay,where did you come from,train +16271,16272,16272,makaʼasek tu yu ayam ku nipihiya,it is still going to hit the bird,train +16272,16273,16273,mahaen ku pisiwkay nu maku tu tadud hu a cecay,the above is my knowledge and introduction of Mangrove,train +16273,16274,16274,Mikalitang ci ina i padatengan,mom is picking beans in the garden,train +16274,16275,16275,onini a dmak ku sakakter nu Kawas tu caay pituur a tamdaw,because of these the wrath of God is coming,train +16275,16276,16276,ni tatiʼihay ku iy taʼisen tatiʼihay,difficult to stitch composition,train +16276,16277,16277,pamaraden niyam ku hatini ku raraya ku laenu,with the iron blocks on the bottom,train +16277,16278,16278,hatiraay kuriraan,it used to be this way,train +16278,16279,16279,kafesa ku suwal,speech is not interesting,train +16279,16280,16280,nanay hukiya malaheci kuni a demak,I hope that an event like mine,test +16280,16281,16281,caay ka halakat ku demak kira,because of the limited production time,train +16281,16282,16282,muwa muwa ha hay,Hemp Yes madam,train +16282,16283,16283,mapeci,spoiled,train +16283,16284,16284,makumud kaku aci kaka^ a milepel tu takula^,my brothers and sisters and I will catch frogs together,train +16284,16285,16285,Hai anu caay ka anuf ku mituuray i tadaci^tanay ku pituur ningra,but godliness with Contentment is great gain,train +16285,16286,16286,isu,You,train +16286,16287,16287,pisacacak,boiled,train +16287,16288,16288,hatu ni Maʼuwid ri cipakaleteletep,Malverde said to him but he could not outrun him,train +16288,16289,16289,na malaising kaku miteka cahu katikeda mahaenay a adada,I have never seen such a serious case since I have been a doctor,train +16289,16290,16290,u maan ku maʼalaay namu i ayaw Tatangay,what kind of game have you hunted big game,test +16290,16291,16291,ri anu pakayni iraan na ayaw haw,If as before,train +16291,16292,16292,fenpe,Decibel,train +16292,16293,16293,nguhah,ex lover,train +16293,16294,16294,mapulung cecay ku wama i tini i kakalayan,there is only one Father,train +16294,16295,16295,a maemin haw lalima kami dengan kaku u fafahiyan,I am the only girl,train +16295,16296,16296,u picaliw niyam tu luma nu tau,life in a rented house,train +16296,16297,16297,tiya kaku itiya,I must have been or years old,train +16297,16298,16298,maceraay tu ney ku tamdaw anu maraay ku karumakatan,I am also tired of traveling long distances,train +16298,16299,16299,fulesak satu tu cilah ku luma,residents sprinkle salt,train +16299,16300,16300,Kaura,however,test +16300,16301,16301,anini a mihecaan i sa suelin a makapah,this years Harvest Festival was organized perfectly,train +16301,16302,16302,awa ku fana nu mama atu wina,the parents will not know about the conflict,train +16302,16303,16303,sasangaʼen su kafiy haw o tefus tu mamangay hu mamangay uh fangcal na sera i,did you take care of it This cane seedling seedling ah that is good,train +16303,16304,16304,u yaan sa u hiya ayam ku melawan mikumu,just look at the bird and shoot,train +16304,16305,16305,tuni pina miheca marariday kaku masumad matuled ku falucuˈ,in the past few years I have often felt sad and depressed,train +16305,16306,16306,kufel,wrinkles,train +16306,16307,16307,o ningitangitan namu pakayni i ngangan aku i u lalahcien aku a ma^min ta malatadamaanay ku wama pakayni i takuwanan u Wawa,and I will do whatever you ask in my name so that the son may bring glory to the Father,train +16307,16308,16308,dudu han nira ku Palimeleng,the search continues along the Peinan Creek,train +16308,16309,16309,Kuicaw san ku liel aku,my neck is stiff,train +16309,16310,16310,na misausi tu kisu tuni Kulas Mahengheng a Cudad haw,have you read Kolas Mahenhens storybook,test +16310,16311,16311,Sienaway ku rumiad kacikafang a masadak,it was a bit cold and you needed to wear a jacket when you went outside,train +16311,16312,16312,tudung nu hiya satarus sapi Ilisin nu Pangcah pacena mifuting,for example fishing before the Toyotomi Festival,train +16312,16313,16313,o ruma satu haw i,alternate,train +16313,16314,16314,i hani^,just now,train +16314,16315,16315,rumiamiad,every day,train +16315,16316,16316,Niʼafang tu kiya cuyuh kakunanay,the angel took me by the shoulders,train +16316,16317,16317,Kuma kaiya ekim kiyami,Gumma got gold dentures,train +16317,16318,16318,cayka nanamen nu mita ku,if we do not learn,train +16318,16319,16319,kalimanay kuna faʼinayan san kura suwal ya faki aku ci,uncle Chen Jiachun said There is nothing to love about such a husband,train +16319,16320,16320,tiliden,take note of,test +16320,16321,16321,hananay ku sakapukaput,hierarchy,train +16321,16322,16322,awaay tu ku hatiniay matini,there are no more ghosts like that,train +16322,16323,16323,mapulung ku alumanay a rumadiw atu masakeru i putal a malipahak tu nika kadufah ku kinaira nu pinaluma,everyone celebrated the Harvest by singing and dancing in the square,train +16323,16324,16324,kami yu mikilim,we are cruising for a week,train +16324,16325,16325,cacay kisu i,and you are alone,train +16325,16326,16326,waawaay ku tulas miharateng aku ku maanen ku finawalan ta fangcal sanay,have not stopped thinking about how to change tribal life for the better,train +16326,16327,16327,anu caay ku lalumuwad a maurip ku mapatayay i kuna caay ka lumuwad ci Kristu a maurip nai patay,for if the dead are not raised then Christ has not been raised either,train +16327,16328,16328,mipamatang i lutuk u pisasinafelan,I have been cultivating the mountains for growing vegetables,train +16328,16329,16329,nikademakan,work experience,train +16329,16330,16330,kakakaay,bald toad,test +16330,16331,16331,Pakautufay ciira a micakay tu sinafel,she went to the grocery store on a motorcycle,train +16331,16332,16332,sapakaen tu lalihaculan a kulung,feeding cows with females,train +16332,16333,16333,o himerac nu suwal nu maku kinian,this is the conclusion of my speech,train +16333,16334,16334,Maufang ku rilu aku,my dress has a hole in it,train +16334,16335,16335,pakayni tini kalala hananay,it is the Kanana tribe,train +16335,16336,16336,ya kankufu i ira tu kiya ising,the nurse will notify the doctor,train +16336,16337,16337,awaay ku nu maku u ni panay kunini,I do not have one either this is Panays,train +16337,16338,16338,uusaka maru de,take the Osaka Maru,train +16338,16339,16339,sapal,seedling,train +16339,16340,16340,ku kadabu nu maku,the daughter in law is of the Atayal tribe,test +16340,16341,16341,anu ca i maliʼayam i ayaw i u sakatayal ku kulung haw i a tataʼak ku ilu haw i alaen ku kulung,the lighter one is a rooster in the past oxen were used by farmers for plowing,train +16341,16342,16342,cikuliciw,Cycling,train +16342,16343,16343,sitatudungay,authority,train +16343,16344,16344,sakurarum nu falucu nu maku i kirami,I am so sorry,train +16344,16345,16345,san sa ku matuasay,the old people are going to say,train +16345,16346,16346,maketer mapalu nu matuʼasay,you will be scolded and beaten by adults,train +16346,16347,16347,tini fafaed ta macecur ku niyaru han naku,above the tribe that is how you see the tribe,train +16347,16348,16348,pakapapa,chew,train +16348,16349,16349,i tini i nika urip niyam i mararid kami a misiayaw tu patay pakayni i pipatnak niyam ci Yisan onini i u sapahapinangaw i mamapatay a tireng niyam tu urip ni Yis,for we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus sake so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body,train +16349,16350,16350,kirana,those,test +16350,16351,16351,cihu kasiwduku i ayaw,it was not sterilized before,train +16351,16352,16352,itini tu kaku a mifaliw,I will just cut it out here,train +16352,16353,16353,kapunka nu mita nanay saʼicelen tu nu mita hatini tunu,the price of not having a blood culture,train +16353,16354,16354,anini i nengnenghan ku ising anini i kasiniadaan tu,I really sympathize with the health care workers nowadays,train +16354,16355,16355,ta tayra matayal ciliʼaca awa,you do not get paid to go to work,train +16355,16356,16356,san kunu maku piulah tu wawa a pakaen,give your child these foods with love,train +16356,16357,16357,u maan kura sakawili hananay kiya,what do you mean by left handed incense,train +16357,16358,16358,i papacemay a palumaen aku,I just planted it early this morning,train +16358,16359,16359,Sadawmi san ku tamdaw yu,the human body becomes weak,train +16359,16360,16360,saka tulu haw i u malakangkufu,category is compassionate,test +16360,16361,16361,kalatamdawan nira,it is because of it,train +16361,16362,16362,awaay ku nu maku u ni panay kuni,I do not have one either this is Panays,train +16362,16363,16363,taluma haca,return home,train +16363,16364,16364,ci rengus fai,elderly Tsang Heung Lan,train +16364,16365,16365,nga ikul tu i,that is it after that,train +16365,16366,16366,hay matama tu,Yes that is right,train +16366,16367,16367,ku caay ka fuhat aku kura saikulan nanay a sasaʼedef,it is because I have not opened the back door yet,train +16367,16368,16368,mafanaʼay ya misafer kuraan,that one cooks too,train +16368,16369,16369,mielik,Friction with the footboard to remove the she will,train +16369,16370,16370,tengil han ni ali aku,after hearing this my second wife asked,test +16370,16371,16371,a micuruk tu luma,to each household,train +16371,16372,16372,fafaw nira,it is upstream,train +16372,16373,16373,Kitakit a Cudad,national literary materials,train +16373,16374,16374,sahetu ungcuy,lots of boulders,train +16374,16375,16375,Mangaay caliwen aku kuna cudad,can I borrow this book from you,train +16375,16376,16376,cuaang,up against the wind,train +16376,16377,16377,cahid,cloud,train +16377,16378,16378,kira masakapahay amin hay,the young warriors say the same thing,train +16378,16379,16379,Masasangatu kami anini,we have been reconciled,train +16379,16380,16380,makesem ku falucu hiwa,it is heartbreaking,test +16380,16381,16381,paaliwacan tu kaciherangan i minukay kami a talaniyaru,we will all go back to the tribe during the summer vacation,train +16381,16382,16382,mana awa a maaraw kuya sasipasip nu maku,Then why is my eraser missing,train +16382,16383,16383,u pakadihemayay tu valucu a nananaman,it is a relaxing class,train +16383,16384,16384,Pinaun kamu Anu ciraraw ku salikaka isu i kakteren cingra anu mifalic cingra tu falucu i hpulen ku raraw ningra,so watch yourselves If your brother sins rebuke him and if he repents forgive him,train +16384,16385,16385,anini u sakatulu tatulu tu malecad itu mihaen,it is the third one now and it is the same way,train +16385,16386,16386,Orasaka caay ku mamatuled kami Talacuwa manurnur ku tireng niyam a sakalasawadan nikawrira masafa^luh a masafa^luh ku falucu niyam,therefore we do not lose heart though outwardly we are wasting away yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day,train +16386,16387,16387,hatini hu kuhuwaw san,the waves are still this high,train +16387,16388,16388,a icuwa tu mikilim away tu ku matuasay awaay tu ku matuasay aca,where can I find them they are all gone,train +16388,16389,16389,cangra haw ira hu ku tatulu,there is three more besides him,train +16389,16390,16390,hatiraay kura demak mituur hu,that is what I was following,test +16390,16391,16391,sulin a demak atu kasasisulul a suwal i makakafitay sanay,truth and reconciliation are in fact two related concepts,train +16391,16392,16392,celem han nu fitakula i laluma nu nanum,the frog is diving into the water,train +16392,16393,16393,mikarkar tu cira tu sadim maherek cingra a mikarkar tu sadim i,first he digs up the vines and then he digs up the vines,train +16393,16394,16394,kalaluk,be diligent in,train +16394,16395,16395,Napaanip tu kami ira i sipawliyay,we used to grow rice in a banana plantation,train +16395,16396,16396,u cuwa ku kaenen mahiniay haen han a midateng,Which part to eat take this part like this,train +16396,16397,16397,Tumukaw cacay,heads up I only have,train +16397,16398,16398,miatulay,stacked,train +16398,16399,16399,uni u tasalamaan nu kaemangay kuni,this one is for children to play,train +16399,16400,16400,huduc han tu ura kakimulu ira ha hay,you can extract it after when you are in the cylinder Yes it is,test +16400,16401,16401,caay ka^eca,always,train +16401,16402,16402,fitay,sieve,train +16402,16403,16403,Pacukuran a maemin kura matakunulay a matuasay,let all the hunched over old men carry canes,train +16403,16404,16404,hatiraay kuni ini adada ku tiyad,this is what it looks like if you have a stomach ache,train +16404,16405,16405,u tengil nu maku mapeherektu nu misu ku nipicudad a malapasevanaaytu kisu saan,I hear you are going to be a teacher when you graduate,train +16405,16406,16406,likaten ku lusuk anu awa dingki,light the candle when the power is off,train +16406,16407,16407,Malaada ku widang,friends become enemies,train +16407,16408,16408,cecay ku diyung nu malitengay,the elders used to keep a pig,train +16408,16409,16409,mitngil ci Mariya tunini a suwal i rawraw sa ku falucu ningra O maan ku tatudung nunini a suwal saan cingra a misaharaterateng,Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be,train +16409,16410,16410,cecayen cecayen sapitahepu nu fainay,there is only one piece for men cover ups,test +16410,16411,16411,talakal,hunt,train +16411,16412,16412,mahaenay,that is the way it is,train +16412,16413,16413,Nikawrira pasuwal sa ci Yis tuya fafahiyan Nanu pitier isu tu Kawas ku saka mapaurip kisu Sangaayentu ku rakat isu han ningra,the other guests began to say among themselves Who is this who even forgives sins,train +16413,16414,16414,u lise nu i timul,live there,train +16414,16415,16415,cuwa cikariʼang kami,Where we are not bad,train +16415,16416,16416,pakingsing tu ku pakingsingay,with Confirmation,train +16416,16417,16417,naira,third person plural possessive case,train +16417,16418,16418,anini satu u malaccayay aci Kristu Yis a tamdaw i caaytu ka pastek i raraw,Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,train +16418,16419,16419,Lalileng saan ku fungah aku awa ku naadahan nu sapaiyu,I am dizzy all the time and the pills are not working,train +16419,16420,16420,ira palumaan aku iraw karaenu,I have got plants down there,test +16420,16421,16421,paaraw nira ku matuʼasay a miala ku lalusidan,it is just a show for the elders,train +16421,16422,16422,kaimaʼan tu ku matiranay anu maan ku wawa tiyaan haw i,caring heart,train +16422,16423,16423,o ayam ku i kaayaway u uner ku i kaikulay niyah sa a miaraw,there are birds in the front and snakes in the back,train +16423,16424,16424,pakapitkay tu fafahi pakapitkay tu fainay,wife break no husband,train +16424,16425,16425,iraay kiya u maan han tu,what is it called,train +16425,16426,16426,tiya makilim ira tayni haca tu ruma a rumiʼad,I found it I will be back in a few days,train +16426,16427,16427,riharay,peaceful,train +16427,16428,16428,Nanuya ira ku ccay a Samariya a tamdaw a pakayra a rumakat tangasa itira i maaraw ningra kuya tamdaw Sasiniada sa cingra a minengneng,but a Samaritan as he traveled came where the man was and when he saw him he took pity on him,train +16428,16429,16429,cima ku pakasululay tu mipatayay tu tamdaw,who can forgive a murderer,train +16429,16430,16430,pipadang,assistance,test +16430,16431,16431,saseking,exam,train +16431,16432,16432,adihay ku kapaysinan nu Amis,the Amis have many taboos,train +16432,16433,16433,tini tu nanu malitengay cuwa ku kasimaanay a kilang,the older generation would have chosen the tree,train +16433,16434,16434,nawhani anu i cuwa ku dafung isu i itira ku falucu isu,for where your treasure is there your heart will be also,train +16434,16435,16435,u manan ku sakaʼurip namu itira,what do you do for a living out there,train +16435,16436,16436,sielac,sand,train +16436,16437,16437,ira miiyaay ku iya ku pakalungay,later on the young people have to be involved,train +16437,16438,16438,tanu pakidemay spalak ku sapiˈudis ni Satan kitaana milalang ku mirikecay sarueur nu cafay micudad misafelit nu paru nu lumaˈ,Satan uses strong arm tactics such as government bans peer pressure and family opposition against us,train +16438,16439,16439,kapahay ku mahaenay a demak,it is a beautiful thing,train +16439,16440,16440,lafii kuna paylang mitakaw,the Minamis use the middle of the night to steal,test +16440,16441,16441,u cikay nira matiya u pana,he runs as fast as a bow and arrow,train +16441,16442,16442,katengilan,it is said,train +16442,16443,16443,u,Oh,train +16443,16444,16444,nikaurira u kita u Pangcah makunglingay kura tireng,However our people are physically trained,train +16444,16445,16445,aka a,cannot,train +16445,16446,16446,samatiyaen u demak aku,do it like I do,train +16446,16447,16447,paluma tu mamaan,there are many different kinds of dishes,train +16447,16448,16448,tadamaanay a tamdaw Tiufilusaw alumanay ku milifetay a mitilid tu nanu dmak i tamiyanan,many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us,train +16448,16449,16449,maan saan,what did you say,train +16449,16450,16450,laliw satu kuya pakaenay tu fafuy a tamdamdaw a tayra i niyaru pasuwalen nangra a ma^min ku pakayniay i nanu dmak nuya fafuy atuya maaruay nu palafuay,those tending the pigs ran off went into the town and reported all this including what had happened to the demon possessed men,test +16450,16451,16451,ari haw aka,remember,train +16451,16452,16452,cifelalutung,it is got cobwebs,train +16452,16453,16453,Singsiaw cima kuya Tamdaw saw Ngaay pasulin kaku i cingraan han ningra a pasuwal,Who is he sir the man asked Tell me so that I may believe in him,train +16453,16454,16454,ninian,Here,train +16454,16455,16455,karetengay kura cukuwi haw,is that table heavy,train +16455,16456,16456,Ngusngusen,Raw,train +16456,16457,16457,remadiw,sing,train +16457,16458,16458,hatiraay hatiraay ku pakayraan na niyam,that is how I got my sister,train +16458,16459,16459,maciem,Belittled,train +16459,16460,16460,Sapu^neren aku ku falucu talalusa kaku pakayni i nipisaadapaw nu Yutaya a tamdaw tu tireng aku ku nipilifet aku tu masamaamaanay a pades a matayal tu nu Tapang,I served the Lord with great humility and with tears although I was severely tested by the plots of the Jews,test +16460,16461,16461,waw,Wow,train +16461,16462,16462,yu macakat cangra nai nanum i siyup han nu Adingu nu Tapang a miala ci Filip Saka awatu a maaraw nuya Tapang a tamdaw cingra salipahak sa cingra a minukay,when they came up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away and the eunuch did not see him again but went on his way rejoicing,train +16462,16463,16463,itiya tu i malikuda tu kami san tini hayanhayansaku likuda i,Later we will start the Harvest Festival and we will dance hand in hand singing Hi yah Hi yah,train +16463,16464,16464,atu adihayay manengneng aku itila hiya,I think I saw a lot of people somewhere,train +16464,16465,16465,anucila,a few days later,train +16465,16466,16466,o maamaan ku ma tafukuday,but what about the fish in the net,train +16466,16467,16467,u nipitpitan i palapalaan atu tadamaanay ku fangsis a nisirawan maemin u tadacaiyay ku ka^esu a kakaenen,there is a wide variety of delicious dishes including seafood wild vegetables and marinated raw meat with a special flavor,train +16467,16468,16468,mimaan u Tuwapun han ku ngangan nina niyru iri,this tribe is called big Ben,train +16468,16469,16469,una radiw radiwen ita,let us sing one of Mr Nikkos compositions,train +16469,16470,16470,o mipaliway ku tayal nu maku anini,today my job is to be a workmate,test +16470,16471,16471,u niya alu tu ninian i u itini kita mitaker,and to assign who will block each stream,train +16471,16472,16472,Ocung ku rucek nu Kawas i tatirengan nu misu,God has given you many gifts in your life,train +16472,16473,16473,papinanam ci ina takuwan tu suwal nu Pangcah,my mom told me to learn Amish,train +16473,16474,16474,pararid ira tu mihecahecaan kuna likakawa,is this custom organized every year,train +16474,16475,16475,cacahuken,Thingsobjects to scoop,train +16475,16476,16476,Micu^cu ku Payrang tu kaliumahan nu Pangcah,the Han people encroach on the Amis sphere of life,train +16476,16477,16477,anu mafana kisu,how do you know,train +16477,16478,16478,ayu,Awww,train +16478,16479,16479,tuwa itira kami,sometimes we,train +16479,16480,16480,Ongalay nu mita tu fana tu maamaanay nanu tuʼas a rayray nu mita Pangcah,we hope to leave the cultural footprints of the early Amis people behind,test +16480,16481,16481,itiya,right away,train +16481,16482,16482,maulah minengneng u hakuki,enjoyed watching the plane,train +16482,16483,16483,tada makapahay ku celek nu sakula i niyaru ita ka fitelekan nu hana i tayni satu a misalama,the cherry blossoms in our tribe are beautiful when they bloom come find me when the flowers bloom,train +16483,16484,16484,piked hantu nu fainayan ku uway tiyahu adihay ku uway,they organized the canes first there used to be a lot of canes,train +16484,16485,16485,Kalahusu han nu Pangcah ku awul,the Amis use bamboo as a water pipe,train +16485,16486,16486,kungke,gram,train +16486,16487,16487,hay ngaʼay tu,Yes it is possible,train +16487,16488,16488,atikak,earthworm,train +16488,16489,16489,o lupas ku nipalumaan nu Ataya i lutuk,the Atayal grow peaches in the upper mountains,train +16489,16490,16490,masaʼamisay anca u Piyuma,where the Amis or the Peños hunt,test +16490,16491,16491,anu tahira tu itini i Kalingku tulas nu niyam nukay tu ku tamina,if our destination is Hualien we will return to,train +16491,16492,16492,Maening kisu anini,you are so beautiful today,train +16492,16493,16493,o Pangcah nu marikec ku,the Amis are very united,train +16493,16494,16494,sakanitsakawit,netting needle,train +16494,16495,16495,ciwang,clothes split,train +16495,16496,16496,o maumahay ku wama aku,my father was a farmer,train +16496,16497,16497,nu luma sakakaay kura matalatalaw ku kaemangay tu itilaay piunduan kura,parenting is important even though the players are afraid of the coaches and that is on the field,train +16497,16498,16498,nengnenghan nira awa matama itiya tu mararucu sulin a tataak a latek tayni i lutuk,he started to look around but did not find it perhaps went to the mountain,train +16498,16499,16499,ahuwiday,to be satisfied,train +16499,16500,16500,o nu sera a Kawas,is the God of the land,test +16500,16501,16501,tari,let us go,train +16501,16502,16502,mahaenay ku wawa iraay ku falucu,I think he is very interested in that,train +16502,16503,16503,saka yu mahufuc kuna na wawa haw i tu faʼinayan i,when the boy was born,train +16503,16504,16504,u nanum niyam itini i kamelengay,the water is slippery on our side,train +16504,16505,16505,maʼafas tu nu taʼu,someone else took it away from me,train +16505,16506,16506,anu ciluma ku cilumaʼay itini i niyaru haw i,if someone in the tribe starts building a house,train +16506,16507,16507,mipadaduy,go to the scale,train +16507,16508,16508,Masasidama kamu u malikakay,you brothers and sisters have to support each other,train +16508,16509,16509,pakakasulingen,Consignment by gasoline train,train +16509,16510,16510,i vatad tu sakataluma a lalanan milunguc kaku tu vuis,on the way home I made a wish with the stars,test +16510,16511,16511,anu papinukay han cangra tu nika cahiw nangra i mastu cangra i fatad nu lalan nawhani iraay a tayni ku nai maraayay a tamdaw han ningra,if I send them home hungry they will collapse on the way because some of them have come a long distance,train +16511,16512,16512,mimaanay kamu i pikilumaan,what do you do at the Harvest Festival,train +16512,16513,16513,maʼaraway hu ira kilang tura dafdaf,as long as the trees are seen on the plains,train +16513,16514,16514,mahaen saka,that is right,train +16514,16515,16515,o palafuay ciira tu luma nira tu nikaudang nira,by his ignorance he made the family unhappy,train +16515,16516,16516,ya malitengay pakungku kiyami haw mahaenay,this is what the old man who told the story said,train +16516,16517,16517,o falinunu^ kuni a panay,this is a tall stemmed glutinous rice type,train +16517,16518,16518,ha ha ha,Ha ha ha,train +16518,16519,16519,patayraen i sauwac a misawad kira kulang,take the cow to graze in the stream,train +16519,16520,16520,pakucuen,let put on shoes,test +16520,16521,16521,mahaen ku suwal nira,that is what he said,train +16521,16522,16522,mitaungay,nod ones head,train +16522,16523,16523,i cining i kay i kiniyan,for one year,train +16523,16524,16524,hatini ku lifun samanen saw,the salary is so small,train +16524,16525,16525,Pinaun kita tu lalisan tina mihecaan,we need to be extra careful with fevers this year,train +16525,16526,16526,sanay ku falucu nu mama nu kapah,thoughts from the fathers of youth,train +16526,16527,16527,itiyahu misanga ku malitengay i,when the old generation was making,train +16527,16528,16528,ura cakafangcal nenengen a mitapay tu,but it does not look good when it is smoked,train +16528,16529,16529,ʼalumanay kura tulatulaw,there are a lot of egrets,train +16529,16530,16530,maumah,tillage,test +16530,16531,16531,sakaeres,makeup and accessories,train +16531,16532,16532,fiyafiyaw,neighbor,train +16532,16533,16533,anu sapimaamaan tu kunin i,whatever this is for,train +16533,16534,16534,mangaʼayay tu,it is very convenient,train +16534,16535,16535,hatini awa tu ku kaemangay,there are no children now,train +16535,16536,16536,ha,be,train +16536,16537,16537,pusutatuy,platforms,train +16537,16538,16538,naayaw u matuʼasay semuwal,the tone of the old peoples speech,train +16538,16539,16539,o tatangsulen kunini a demak,this matter must be cared for immediately,train +16539,16540,16540,sakatusa satu mahaen itu,the second counterattack was the same,test +16540,16541,16541,micakay kami tu talacay atu lupas,we bought pineapples and peaches,train +16541,16542,16542,watah kaatekes keruren tu mamang rey,it is too expensive cannot you lower the price a bit,train +16542,16543,16543,Tatuyen ku kamay aku,hold my hand,train +16543,16544,16544,tatawa sa e ku u manan a fauan kuni,what is this worm,train +16544,16545,16545,nawhani,Why I do not know,train +16545,16546,16546,Orasaka anu caay ka sulin ku falucu namu tu pakayniay i dafung nu hkal i caay ku papaturuden nu Kawas kamu tu sulinay a dafung,so if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth who will trust you with true riches,train +16546,16547,16547,itini i an han aku i,when I was a mediator,train +16547,16548,16548,terung,middle,train +16548,16549,16549,i sakatusa^ a tungruh ciira kacakat kisu a mikilim,he is upstairs you can go up and find him,train +16549,16550,16550,mipakpakay,pat,test +16550,16551,16551,tayal u misamukungay hananay,what about carpentry work,train +16551,16552,16552,mamu aku mafanaʼay misasiraw,my grandmother was very good at pickling,train +16552,16553,16553,sekingseking i maʼala aku ku kawkung,after I got a high school diploma,train +16553,16554,16554,hayi terung nu lafii ka tuan nu miyam,Yeah we left in the middle of the night,train +16554,16555,16555,tangsul,right now,train +16555,16556,16556,ha aca,Oh,train +16556,16557,16557,Suˈlinay kaku makahi a misudud tu pakararaway takuwanan a tamdaw han,am I really willing to forgive someone who has offended me,train +16557,16558,16558,tu mamatayal nu niyam itini i Su Aw,work with us here in Soho,train +16558,16559,16559,tara tukus nga ira kura pipalumaan tura tukus,if you have to climb a mountain there are still places where you can grow plants,train +16559,16560,16560,suwal suwalen hana,tell me about it,test +16560,16561,16561,Hay aray matira i mamangaay tu kaku a milepel tu aadupen,Great I will be able to catch the prey in the future,train +16561,16562,16562,sefet,tie it up,train +16562,16563,16563,itiya i du^du hantu ni Pilatu ku piktun tu nilungucan nangra,so Pilate decided to grant their demand,train +16563,16564,16564,iraay ku hatiraay haw iraay,is there such a thing Yes,train +16564,16565,16565,u alumanay ku dademakay malaliker tu tayal,we are united in our efforts to accomplish this task,train +16565,16566,16566,falah han ningra kuya kiradum a mawacay a milaliw,he fled naked leaving his garment behind,train +16566,16567,16567,caay ku pipatudung ningra tunini a finawlan a ccay o sapalaccayaw ningra tu maliwasakay a mituuray tu Kawas a ma^min,and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God to bring them together and make them one,train +16567,16568,16568,i,Language,train +16568,16569,16569,kapinukay nu niyam itini i niyaru i saan,why do not you come back to your hometown,train +16569,16570,16570,talekaway,diligence,test +16570,16571,16571,kinasuut tu kaku sa tu kaku,I think I should kill myself,train +16571,16572,16572,Nikawrira tu saka^caaw ka tnak nunini a suwal i finawlan saka Akatu pakaynien i ngangan ni Yis ku nipipasuwal i cimacimaan hanaw ita cangra a palimuut saan cangra,but to stop this thing from spreading any further among the people we must warn these men to speak no longer to anyone in this name,train +16572,16573,16573,aya kisu han kaira ku kasasidaʼit nu falucu,we do not make fun of each other we just comfort and pity each other,train +16573,16574,16574,mangaʼay ku halatng kira,it is more reassuring,train +16574,16575,16575,Singsi u tatayra i alu midanguy kita,Teacher are we going to swim in the river,train +16575,16576,16576,saan,thus it is said,train +16576,16577,16577,kamu satu u kaʼemangay,you kids,train +16577,16578,16578,Patiliden isu ku cuyuh nu i Filatilfiyaay a kiwkay u suwal i Oya Fangcalay uya Sulinay u mitatuyay tu safawah ni Tafiti anu fawahen aku i awaay ku papakadef anu defen aku i awaay ku papakafawah haen sa tu suwal,To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write these are the words of him who is Holy and true who holds the key of David what he opens no one can shut and what he shuts no one can open,train +16578,16579,16579,nawhani uya pakatayalay ci Pitiruan a palatarukus tu saki Yutaya a tamdaw a Kawas ku pakatayalay i takuwanan a palatarukus tu saki ruma a finacadan,for God who was at work in the ministry of Peter as an apostle to the Jews was also at work in my ministry as an apostle to the Gentiles,train +16579,16580,16580,malikakaay ku kalaʼaraw,like a brotherly relationship,test +16580,16581,16581,hay natayra kisu ya lutukan hay,Yes have you ever been to the mountains Yes I have,train +16581,16582,16582,itini ci ama aku i hiya,is in higher education,train +16582,16583,16583,takaraw,your,train +16583,16584,16584,hananay a hikuki i tini tayra picudadan ri,Recruitment to schools,train +16584,16585,16585,o sapiʼuyud nu mita i tiya hu,it used to be a dish for carrying rice,train +16585,16586,16586,matini u lutuk anu,if a mountain like this,train +16586,16587,16587,u nu litengan hu a demak,about traditional festivals,train +16587,16588,16588,kutufuki pacakay tu papacakayen tu sakaʼurip,selling items that sustain life,train +16588,16589,16589,marufu kira sa ku falucu sa,I thought I would be locked up too,train +16589,16590,16590,ngaayay hu kisu haw,are you all right,test +16590,16591,16591,yan saka u piraduman nu malatumukay tu taneng tu fana ku kalas hananay,and that Jains are the chiefs who draw on wisdom and experience,train +16591,16592,16592,o hay,a car accident Yes it was,train +16592,16593,16593,anu catu kaedeng anu minukay tu a futi caka satu,if you think you cannot go home you cannot just keep sleeping,train +16593,16594,16594,cima tu pakaen tu kulung san,who is going to help with the cows from now on,train +16594,16595,16595,Maaraw ningra ku nipiraud ni Pitiru aci Yuhani a micumud i Fangcalay Pitaungan i ayien ningra cangra tu sapafli,when he saw Peter and John about to enter he asked them for money,train +16595,16596,16596,kawpir,groundnut leaf,train +16596,16597,16597,Nikawrira i Pitalifan a lisin i ira ku pinangan namu tu hatiniay a dmak a mitdal tu ccay a marufuay a tamdaw papitdal kamu i takuwanan tu hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw haw han ningra,but it is your custom for me to release to you one prisoner at the time of the Passover do you want me to release the king of the Jews,train +16597,16598,16598,makahatira aca i aʼesʼesan kira san ku suwal,it must be assigned from the oldest age first to the,train +16598,16599,16599,tira i Tafalung haw i,in Tai Po long Valley,train +16599,16600,16600,u nipilian a militud ku sakala tumuk nu Pangcah u sapalengaw i u nirayrayan i Tapang nu serangawan,the chiefs were elected and the priests were hereditary,test +16600,16601,16601,matayal ci mama^ aci ina^,dad and mom went to work,train +16601,16602,16602,patayran tu i tangulan hantu,after the coffin,train +16602,16603,16603,o maan kunini,what is this,train +16603,16604,16604,o makaniway a tamdaw ciira,he is the one who is not real,train +16604,16605,16605,luengel ku cuung nu kalukilang,all the trees have tender new shoots,train +16605,16606,16606,cinasen ku satafu tu duka,remove the gauze from the wound,train +16606,16607,16607,Tatiihay anu saka^meden masipun kaku,No if I lower it further I will lose money,train +16607,16608,16608,pahiyan tu papuuʼlan tu hiya tu vuhang nira vakiya,pass through the hole of the slipper and tie it into a ball,train +16608,16609,16609,Afufu han ni Simiyun kuya wawa a pahmek tu Kawas suwal sa cingra,Simeon took him in his arms and praised God saying,train +16609,16610,16610,papacuken tu anu cira kuni sa ci mamu,grandma said this is the next one to be killed,test +16610,16611,16611,ma kura ita yu,the tool we are using is wrong,train +16611,16612,16612,cuwa da malitengay tu kaku,No I am not I am old,train +16612,16613,16613,Halipeduc cira anu ucuren nu ina,if her mother called her she often left in a huff,train +16613,16614,16614,miluvang,meeting,train +16614,16615,16615,vaki,male elder,train +16615,16616,16616,ci adada ku fala nu maku,my lungs are inflamed,train +16616,16617,16617,sa nanay uniya Wen Cyin Can haw i,I hope that this man Kin station,train +16617,16618,16618,satapang,commencement,train +16618,16619,16619,kararutun,connection,train +16619,16620,16620,tayra i wali niyaru mihidaw tu,back to the eastern tribes for Mass,test +16620,16621,16621,sanu yaanyaan satu ku fana,and I am getting better at it,train +16621,16622,16622,u hakhak a u dateng,glutinous rice and vegetables,train +16622,16623,16623,sanay haw ku suwal na singciw niyam,the captains explanation,train +16623,16624,16624,mituur tu,in accordance with following,train +16624,16625,16625,ngaʼay mimaan,it does not seem to be a problem,train +16625,16626,16626,felisa ci kaka aku di tataʼak ku itiya,my sister gave me money bucks was a lot,train +16626,16627,16627,i niyaruay kaku mihatatanam,I learned it in the tribe,train +16627,16628,16628,mamelaw anini anu tayraan,I can see it from the past,train +16628,16629,16629,pacamahawen,that is an understatement,train +16629,16630,16630,Paap^apen ku fanaw nu misu,your pond coils need to be filled with field chickens,test +16630,16631,16631,liakung,bend,train +16631,16632,16632,o nian i u fali ku mamicikeruh,it is the wind that is pushing it out,train +16632,16633,16633,malecad tu,it is all the same,train +16633,16634,16634,Mvuti tu kita haen tu pawti,I sleep in a sack,train +16634,16635,16635,mipacengelay,dyeing,train +16635,16636,16636,anu mitilid i micaliw cingra tu impic nu kaput sasipasip atu pitilidan,during class he borrowed pencils erasers or notebooks from his classmates,train +16636,16637,16637,nani cuwaay,from where,train +16637,16638,16638,miariwadangay,a stalker,train +16638,16639,16639,mangatuwaay,open mouthed,train +16639,16640,16640,ngaʼayay tu ha tisakisaki nu malitengay,you can make a bag for your elders,test +16640,16641,16641,mikilim takunan aluman ku mi kisu nan ira ku cecaw nu misu,tell the others to come to me and tell me that you have a license for this,train +16641,16642,16642,Haliunih ku ayam a kumaen,birds like to eat caterpillars,train +16642,16643,16643,ayiw,Ayo,train +16643,16644,16644,caay tu kadengay a miaraaraw a mapapaliw,there is no way to observe each other help each other,train +16644,16645,16645,ora mauningay ku pising ku suna nu maku,my grandson is the one with the dirt on his face,train +16645,16646,16646,nu awl a luluh,tubes made of bamboo,train +16646,16647,16647,misi sa kuwawa siyasa malikelun,the kids peeing down the plastic,train +16647,16648,16648,Matumestu i kalawad ku futing,the fish basket has been full of fish,train +16648,16649,16649,remadiw tu kina radiw sakaulahan sa kina radiw,it is a lovely song to sing,train +16649,16650,16650,u kakitaan a midiput tu niyaru sanay,chosen to lead the tribe,test +16650,16651,16651,Patawalien kita ii masarevungay,take us to the east,train +16651,16652,16652,mikarkar mavana tu nika,I am sorry I know,train +16652,16653,16653,pasu,bus,train +16653,16654,16654,awaay ku pinang tu pinukayan nira,it is not certain when he will be back,train +16654,16655,16655,aka paʼapulen,no need to add lime,train +16655,16656,16656,caay ka fana cangra tu kaira nu rihadayay a lalan,and the way of peace they do not know,train +16656,16657,16657,saka suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O mamalaluuluud ku finawlan atu finawlan o mamasasiadaada ku Kitakit atu kitakit,then he said to them Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom,train +16657,16658,16658,ni aca ku maʼaraway i tinse,this is where I used to see it on TV,train +16658,16659,16659,anu ira ku kacifalucuan isu a miasip pasuwal hatu kaku,you can tell me what else you want to read,train +16659,16660,16660,nipuletian,throw,test +16660,16661,16661,i fatad nu terung nu dadaya haw,I am secretly looking for time off work,train +16661,16662,16662,u u ulukang herek nu lahuk u ulukang,Bible study and organ in the afternoon,train +16662,16663,16663,ya saka enem tu annini ya saka enem i,as for old six,train +16663,16664,16664,u teparay nira a cavay,his closest friend,train +16664,16665,16665,maku kuniankyami larumaʼan san aka pitawal,this is my family I cannot forget it,train +16665,16666,16666,hirateng han nu mita,we have been thinking,train +16666,16667,16667,ira i hiya i tira i tangku,Yeah on which side in the bucket,train +16667,16668,16668,tangsa itini i a masungila kuni a kiwkay,by the the church had completed its work,train +16668,16669,16669,Aciya luci sa kisu anu malasang,Wow it is easy to tell the truth when you are drunk,train +16669,16670,16670,mitipelak,strip,test +16670,16671,16671,tatusa ku wawa aku tu faʼinayan,I have two sons,train +16671,16672,16672,o maan ku cengel nu kadit i kakarayan,what color are the clouds in the sky,train +16672,16673,16673,rika u da,so it is,train +16673,16674,16674,maherek micudad i,until completion of studies,train +16674,16675,16675,mipanapanay hu kaikur i malaay tu i,there is no harm in delaying the Harvest later,train +16675,16676,16676,atu saka^caaw pasayra nangra i awaay ku ^puc a kimad nu Yutaya a tamdaw atu limuut nu misiikuray tu sulin a tamdaw,and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of those who reject the truth,train +16676,16677,16677,Hay fangcal ku keru^ nu maku,Yes I dance well,train +16677,16678,16678,Ikang san kuni tamdaw awa ku kafanaan nira tu ngudu,this person is very arrogant and does not know how to be subtle,train +16678,16679,16679, O maan kisu iru citudung kisu a mikuwan a misawkit tamiyanan saw han nu tamdaw ci Musi a minaay Nikawrira pakaynien nu Kawas tuya paaraway i cingraan a cuyuh itira i cifadalay ku nipipatireng cingraan a pala Kakridan a palapauripay a miucur,This is the same Moses whom they had rejected with the words Who made you ruler and judge he was sent to be their ruler and deliverer by God himself through the angel who appeared to him in the bush,train +16679,16680,16680,sisa maulah ku Ripun itini ya,that is why the Japanese like it here,test +16680,16681,16681,pakaynien nu Kawas ci Yis Kristuan ku nipipatnak tu sakararihaday a Ngaayay Ratuh i Israil,you know the message God sent to the people of Israel telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ who is Lord of all,train +16681,16682,16682,Nanuya tayra ci Yis a micumud i luma ni Pitiru Maaraw ningra ku nika lalisan nu ina nu fafahi ni Pitiru a mafuti,when Jesus came into Peters house he saw Peters mother in law lying in bed with a fever,train +16682,16683,16683,sungtul,bump into,train +16683,16684,16684,Ower saan ku tikami tangasa ci mamaan tudungay u ratuh nu wawa nira,the letter flew to the father to let him know the status of his child,train +16684,16685,16685,o misakuwaay ku luma niyam,we grow papayas at home,train +16685,16686,16686,u dadayatu tiya u siraw,I did not get any meat until dinner,train +16686,16687,16687,o hemay ku kaulahan aku kisu i,I like to eat do not you,train +16687,16688,16688,mala,turn into,train +16688,16689,16689,cai kalecad ku kacakat a malasikawasay mikihatiya a cai kalecad ku icel atu sareku naira,different levels of priests have different abilities and powers,train +16689,16690,16690,Natahekal a singkiwen tu Siyeniyun kiyami,he is not running for County councilor,test +16690,16691,16691,paaceren,construction of dams,train +16691,16692,16692,u safa nga cahu ka cifafahi,my little boy is not married yet,train +16692,16693,16693,kutud han tu ku salikaka kaku matumes satu kura Litan,parishioners came along and filled the auditorium to capacity,train +16693,16694,16694,tusa pulu ira ku tulu,twenty three,train +16694,16695,16695,misaicel,nice try,train +16695,16696,16696,aluman satu ku salikaka,that is why there are so many parishioners,train +16696,16697,16697,malinah tayni Cilakesay hananay a pala i,later moved to Shiodome,train +16697,16698,16698,o sapicacak tu hakhak kuni langseng,this steamer basket is used to steam glutinous rice,train +16698,16699,16699,duka,wound,train +16699,16700,16700,kumaen kisu tu mami han,do you want some oranges,test +16700,16701,16701,miapa,curse,train +16701,16702,16702,kayap,black embroidered apron,train +16702,16703,16703,Mavana haw kisu a semuwal tu nu Pangcah,do you speak Ami,train +16703,16704,16704,ira henay haw,or is it,train +16704,16705,16705,itiya hu a iya kiya itiraay i pina fulad miiya mikilumaʼan,in which month was the Toyonen Matsuri Daikoshi held in the past,train +16705,16706,16706,fawah,open,train +16706,16707,16707,taylahan i umah ira ku mikangkangay,by the time we got to the field someone was already plowing,train +16707,16708,16708,anu casapacaʼuf kamu haw,if you do not answer,train +16708,16709,16709,paru han aku anu tu unu tu karut han aku paru han aku,I do not care if it is or I will put it in the bank,train +16709,16710,16710,sakulia tu,you should go to work,test +16710,16711,16711,aka hu miculu hu kita tu tilid,No we have to carry books first,train +16711,16712,16712,o urip aku,my life,train +16712,16713,16713,midudu kiniyan u sikawasay,the priests will follow,train +16713,16714,16714,matira,here is the deal,train +16714,16715,16715,pacafay hu tu niyaru irahu ku,helpers,train +16715,16716,16716,misatamaku,Tobacco,train +16716,16717,16717,Kinacecay kinatusa kinatulu maulah hu pacaliw ku kaput,Once twice three times everyone would lend him something,train +16717,16718,16718,wata,who hoo,train +16718,16719,16719,ancasa katayni matuʼasay misanka,if I had not joined the station,train +16719,16720,16720,mapaysin,violate a taboo,test +16720,16721,16721,Nanitiya malakahengangay tu ku para nu lutung,from then on the monkeys butt turned red,train +16721,16722,16722,o micepetay tu mali ku kaka aku,my brother is catching the ball,train +16722,16723,16723,ta pakitipid hantu ku funguh ni Yuhani a pafli kuya fafahiyan a wawa ni Hirutiyas ta paflien nuya kaying ku ina ningra,and brought back his head on a platter he presented it to the girl and she gave it to her mother,train +16723,16724,16724,mahaen ku hiya nu ama aku,that is what happened to Dad,train +16724,16725,16725,sapi hananay,traditional origins of the Toyonen Matsuri,train +16725,16726,16726,itini u na Tawpun kini iri,Omoto here,train +16726,16727,16727,ta kita sawalian i takuay mangata san kina kaka,the sister said we should go to the east field it is very close,train +16727,16728,16728,anini,now,train +16728,16729,16729,o mamanan a rikuʼan i malasufitay Halu kucuseta unu sufitay,in the army we use all the army stuff including socks,train +16729,16730,16730,tayra tu i lutuk cangra tangasa i lutuk cangra haw i,when they got to the mountain,test +16730,16731,16731,ta pasalisin ira kaku,and then she cast a spell on me,train +16731,16732,16732,nani cuwa^ kisu,where are you from,train +16732,16733,16733,macicih,tear,train +16733,16734,16734,ku kahecid ra anengelay tu kaenen,it is very salty and bitter,train +16734,16735,16735,hannaku caciyaw matiya hani hatiya ku suwal,that is all I have to say I am done,train +16735,16736,16736,cipucuʼan hanaay i,Flush,train +16736,16737,16737,hacuwa a kemkemen temtemen haenen,when will you consider looking at me,train +16737,16738,16738,malupaenan,as a door,train +16738,16739,16739,onini a dmak ku nisuwalan ni Yuil u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya,No this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel,train +16739,16740,16740,o aacaen ita ku simal,we must buy gasoline,test +16740,16741,16741,dengan u kalala atu u olaw iraay ku kumulis hananay,only two tribes Canaan and Ouabara have such ceremonies,train +16741,16742,16742,a misanga tu mamaanay isaw,to make a lot of utensils,train +16742,16743,16743,vaki,Uncle,train +16743,16744,16744,a miʼatep kurira,Clip,train +16744,16745,16745,kumi a kahufucan nu maku itiya i,I was born,train +16745,16746,16746,makalielay,it is a long neck,train +16746,16747,16747,Pacawien ku licay nu singsi isu,please answer your teachers question,train +16747,16748,16748,haen han naca pasifana kitanan alumanay,I am going to teach you this,train +16748,16749,16749,makaen kunian lawuc tinian,ten hearts are edible,train +16749,16750,16750,madeng pina tuki nukayay kisu,what time will you be home,test +16750,16751,16751,Kacaw talacuwaay kisu i sawni Miuntuay kisu haw,Kacaw where have you been just now did you go exercising,train +16751,16752,16752,saka a fangcal ku tayal nangra,they have good jobs,train +16752,16753,16753,Mapeduh tu mahurac tu ku lufuc aku,my sack is empty,train +16753,16754,16754,ya wacu i mikilim tu tayra i dihif nu fakelukeluhan,the dog hid among the rocks,train +16754,16755,16755,itiyaay hu a tamdaw,because the early ones,train +16755,16756,16756,asipen haca Tataangen ku ngiha,read it again please speak louder,train +16756,16757,16757,Matukaday tu kuna kuku panukayen cedeng han ku kakumaen,this chicken was just freshly killed take it home and enjoy it slowly,train +16757,16758,16758,o ˈalumanay salikaka makalimay tayra i raayay kilac a mitusil,many brothers and sisters serve in areas where more preachers are needed,train +16758,16759,16759,Mafana kaku tu nika u tluc ni Apraham kamu Arawhani sapipatayan kamu i Takuwanan nawhani caay pakifalucuen namu ku suwal Aku,I know you are Abrahams descendants yet you are ready to kill me because you have no room for my word,train +16759,16760,16760,u maan ku saka ngaʼayan sa,how to enhance your life,test +16760,16761,16761,pelaaw,cut open,train +16761,16762,16762,o pakawarakay tu matuasay ku kakawaw nira wawa,the child behavior made the old man angry,train +16762,16763,16763,cakaciʼicel ku kumung,Consultants are not competent,train +16763,16764,16764,marapicen,get dragged into,train +16764,16765,16765,mirsquuangrsquuang,arouse,train +16765,16766,16766,ku emu caay kadayum,the process is not easy,train +16766,16767,16767,caay ku pipakafana aca tu nu Amis a tilid,it is not just about writing symbols,train +16767,16768,16768,icuwaay kisu a mitilid,where did you study,train +16768,16769,16769,Kalaluup kisu,you have to wash your face,train +16769,16770,16770,ira ku sumuwalay,at that time I heard people say,test +16770,16771,16771,u kasuy hu itiya hu halafin kiya haw,it used to be wood burning must have been used for a long time after,train +16771,16772,16772,anu mi kiya a yu minanam,if you have a field day you need to practice,train +16772,16773,16773,u luma han rey Kwang Fu Syang,my family lives in Guangfu Township,train +16773,16774,16774,Pasaynien ku pinengnegen tudungen kupi usi aku,look here please repeat after me,train +16774,16775,16775,Pacedamen tu acinumutu ku sinafel sakalafi nu mita,please add some flavor to our dinner dishes,train +16775,16776,16776,ci Tumay kaku,I am Tomay,train +16776,16777,16777,anu caay kahaen ku u,if there is no such direction and policy,train +16777,16778,16778,madenga,infected,train +16778,16779,16779,Du^du han nangra ku nanu niparatuhan nu nanu pakaaraway tuya dmak atu patnakay tu suwal nu Kawas a tamdaw a mitilid tunini,just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word,train +16779,16780,16780,u nikarahtengan nu maku inaayaw i siwaay a vulad sepatay a remiad a milalikid,September is a memory I have from before the Harvest Festival,test +16780,16781,16781,mansa nu tengilen ku suwal nu malitengay,that is why I have heard the old timers say,train +16781,16782,16782,valican iraan,this is the usual dress code,train +16782,16783,16783,u Pangcah itiya hu cialufu tayni kura pikuwang kura Kaping,the Amis used to carry a lovers bag and the Qing soldiers would shoot at it,train +16783,16784,16784,hatiraay ku demak nu malitengay itiya hu,that is how the older generation used to live,train +16784,16785,16785,kangudu tu matuasay,respect the elders,train +16785,16786,16786,Talimaan hananay pasela hu kaku han naku kiya itiya i,I ignored the meeting and told my boss that I wanted to take a break,train +16786,16787,16787,o ecak tu nu panay i umah,the rice in the fields will soon be ripe,train +16787,16788,16788,furac,erase,train +16788,16789,16789,uni mifuting hananay,as for the fishing,train +16789,16790,16790,na misatapang i saka enem pulu a miheca mafalic tu ku kicay nu siyakay nu Taywan aluman tu ku kapah miliyas tu niyaru tayni i tukay mikilim tu sakaurip saka ira tu anini ku i tukayay a Pangcah hananay,urban Amis since the Taiwans social economic structure has changed and young people have left their hometowns to work in metropolitan areas forming the metropolitan Amis,test +16790,16791,16791,i luma a malahuk u niadupan amin nu kapah ku sakalahuk,at home we eat Chinese food all of which is mountain produce caught by young people,train +16791,16792,16792,Saikuikung sanay ku kalulalan nu lutulutukan,every road on the mountain is crooked,train +16792,16793,16793,anu mapataytu ku paikuray tu suwal a tamdaw i itiyatu a ci^puc ku sapaikur ningra a suwal,in the case of a will it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it,train +16793,16794,16794,haen sa caay katataʼang ku pisapalu itiya,it is just for show I did not hit you hard,train +16794,16795,16795,o lifet a cecay ku iraay i nika tuas nu maku,there were only tests in my upbringing,train +16795,16796,16796,anu ci^ta^tan ku cima a tamdaw tu pulung nu hkal i nikawrira anu mafalah ningra ku urip nu tireng i u maan ku ^puc saw o maanhu ku sapalulul ningra tu urip nu tireng,what good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world yet forfeits his soul or what can a man give in exchange for his soul,train +16796,16797,16797,kakilim kami pakayni i pilihay nu maku i Kawas,the only way to find it is to rely on God through the church body,train +16797,16798,16798,u hatiya ku laya talarikur,open your arms and take a few steps back,train +16798,16799,16799,Hakenu awa ku pinang tu rumiad nu misiyakayay,I do not know I cannot be sure of the timing of the fieldworkers,train +16799,16800,16800,makeru,dance,test +16800,16801,16801,ina hananay,as a mom,train +16801,16802,16802,hidayen,stay,train +16802,16803,16803,han naku nihaen kina wawa di,that is what I tell my kids,train +16803,16804,16804,miala tu eli patireng mikarkar tu suta,get thatch dig a stake pit,train +16804,16805,16805,lalat ku sapimitelengan nangra,straightened rope,train +16805,16806,16806,pudacen,do you want to peel it,train +16806,16807,16807,tayra i Farangaw neng han nira kura Farangaw kakahad kura dafdaf,I see that here in Maryland the dryads are vast and the land is very fertile,train +16807,16808,16808,safasafa i ca ka pitilid kaku,lots of younger siblings so I did not study,train +16808,16809,16809,mararaw ku palalan nu malakakeridan haw mararaw ku fana nu Kuka,wrong leadership wrong national policies,train +16809,16810,16810,tamuwanan,Receive you,test +16810,16811,16811,Anangen ku Cudad nu misu,put your textbook away,train +16811,16812,16812,Irakiya saseti tu wawa kiyami,it is like trying to hit a child,train +16812,16813,16813,malukadafu,son in lawdaughter in law,train +16813,16814,16814,mihafelut,to impinge on,train +16814,16815,16815,kariangen,bad,train +16815,16816,16816,iratu ku fanpu anini ala tu mahaenay fanpu,if you have a raincoat take this one,train +16816,16817,16817,naayaw pasevanaʼan nu matuʼasay,what the elderly taught in the past,train +16817,16818,16818,Pakaputen nangra i ci Yisan ku tatusa a kukung a mipacek i ciwcika i kawanan ningra ku ccay i kawili ningra ku ccay,they crucified two robbers with him one on his right and one on his left,train +16818,16819,16819,rumiad,sky,train +16819,16820,16820,suelinay tu,Seriously,test +16820,16821,16821,milasilay ci Aser tu o Tawcikel nu Fangcalay Cudad nu Maku sanu Kaelik a suwal isaka 1983 a miheca,in Arthur announced in the General assembly the release of my Bible Storybook in Gaelic,train +16821,16822,16822,Vesuc han kina lalan tangasa i sakatulu a saciwi mamelaw tu,keep going straight and you will see it at the third intersection,train +16822,16823,16823,kudiwis,rabbit,train +16823,16824,16824,matira aca sa kiya mama niyam i,when my father found out I was back,train +16824,16825,16825,taluʼan nu Taywan i umaumahan,a Min Min hut in the fields,train +16825,16826,16826,cietan ku misakangicay a Payrang i pasaetip,Crocodile farmers in the west are making a lot of money,train +16826,16827,16827,u hathatiniyay ku katataak nu maliwaliway nu vunga ku sapuden,I am picking up groundnuts the size of a sprout like this,train +16827,16828,16828,cuwaay,that one,train +16828,16829,16829,yu sumuwal ci Yis tunini i ira i finawlan ku ccay a fafahiyan Cli sa a sumuwal ci Yisan Malmeday ku mihufucay micucuay i Tisuwanan a ina saan,as Jesus was saying these things a woman in the crowd called out Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you,train +16829,16830,16830,kariyas,dish,test +16830,16831,16831,usaw,remaining,train +16831,16832,16832,saka i cuwaay a masadak hufucen,birthplace,train +16832,16833,16833,itiya satu haw irey,what was it then,train +16833,16834,16834,itila tu mingiru pakungku ku matuasay,the old man tells stories over the fire,train +16834,16835,16835,u kasuy ya,it used to be wood,train +16835,16836,16836,Pakakasulingen kura utufay a tala Taypak,please ship your motorcycle to Taipei by gasoline train,train +16836,16837,16837,Raruerueru saan namakalutuk,gradual descent,train +16837,16838,16838,ira tu awa ku sakatahira kira,even if you do you do not have the money to go there,train +16838,16839,16839,o mademakay nu maku kira siuy,that pot was touched by me,train +16839,16840,16840,ira tu kira Payrang mapuʼi tamiyanan,the Minnan people come here to scold us,test +16840,16841,16841,u tulek a cacay,deaf only,train +16841,16842,16842,tadapising,true colors,train +16842,16843,16843,ura anu caka ciʼicel,it is all about effort,train +16843,16844,16844,malalacal kaku aci Mayaw nanumamangan tahanini,I have been in touch with Mayo since we were kids,train +16844,16845,16845,sakatusa kaku sakatulu i u faʼinayan tu,I am the second and the third is a boy,train +16845,16846,16846,Alumanay ku maulahay tu nipaliwalan ni fufu a dateng Alumanay ku miacaay tu kamamuday atu tayalin Aluman ku kumaenay tu mitangtangan ningra a dateng,everyone loved my grandmothers stall many people bought the chilis and African eggplants and many people came to taste the dishes she cooked,train +16846,16847,16847,pataluma ri halafin ca tu piawit mahaenay,but it is been a while since I have worked on a costume,train +16847,16848,16848,mangalef pacamulen tu damdam tatudung sanay kira,especially with chili peppers for extra flavor,train +16848,16849,16849,awa ku kucu itiya hu hadasi sa,no shoes bare feet,train +16849,16850,16850,tangasa tu ku kidu itini i luma,when the body arrives at the house,test +16850,16851,16851,kukuhang yu san ri,let us just say we are having Chinese food,train +16851,16852,16852,tating han naira lesi han naira,when he hangs him he sprinkles water on him,train +16852,16853,16853,micupcupay,sucking,train +16853,16854,16854,sa sasingen kura demak isu,so shoot what you are doing,train +16854,16855,16855,rihenaw,fear,train +16855,16856,16856,o uway ku sapifalud tu kasuy,tie firewood with rattan,train +16856,16857,16857,ya u ruray atu u lipahak saan ni,for labor and for joy,train +16857,16858,16858,tu wama aku a mitingtu,thank God my father was a preacher,train +16858,16859,16859,hay tulu ku luma,there are only three houses Yes,train +16859,16860,16860,mamicakay kaku tu fa^eluhay a kucu,I am going to buy new shoes,test +16860,16861,16861,Singsi mihifang kaku anucila tu sakacecay a lipay paising hu kaku,Teacher I need to take a sick leave next Monday I have to see a doctor,train +16861,16862,16862,hatini i hatini ku i,look at it like this does it have any skin,train +16862,16863,16863,luma,house,train +16863,16864,16864,ku kucu,shoes,train +16864,16865,16865,Pacaefasen ku nanum i fanaw tamilaliw ku tatiihay a nanum,the pond would have to overflow before the sewage would run off,train +16865,16866,16866,Ngaayhu kisu Filis u mikumuday patilid kaku ci Klautius Lisiyas i tisuwanan,Claudius Lysias to his Excellency governor Felix Greetings,train +16866,16867,16867,miahuwid kaku tu wina wama aku,so I am very grateful to my parents,train +16867,16868,16868,namu anu itiraen i falucu nu mita,You if you put it in your heart,train +16868,16869,16869,maruhem,ripen,train +16869,16870,16870,nawhani u matatudungay i nafalucuan nu Kawas a rarum i caay ku kakseman u mifalicay tu falucu a paurip kunini Nikawrira u sakapatay ku kalurarum nu tamdaw,godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret but worldly sorrow brings death,test +16870,16871,16871,maʼuripay kina wawa isu tulu miheca,the kid might live three years,train +16871,16872,16872,Pina^ ku waay nu kalang,how many legs does a crab have,train +16872,16873,16873,mafulaw tayni i,move here,train +16873,16874,16874,hay kaliki,Yes it will be quick,train +16874,16875,16875,cilamit i falucu aku ku suwal nu singsi,the teachers words are ingrained in my heart,train +16875,16876,16876,pacenu,infuse,train +16876,16877,16877,yanu malitengay hu a tesel,it is the same old embroidery,train +16877,16878,16878,u vavainay miciris miciristu tu saumahan,for boys they have to make canals to facilitate farming,train +16878,16879,16879,tatiih ku rumiad anini,this is not an auspicious day the weather is bad,train +16879,16880,16880,sadak,go away,test +16880,16881,16881,mainuli aku ku nianay,I am going to pray about it,train +16881,16882,16882,hatinien ku pitilid,you have to write it like this,train +16882,16883,16883,Caay kavana kaku,I do not know,train +16883,16884,16884,kelingan haca nipacamul han nira tu u hiya kafus,he added some shrimp to it,train +16884,16885,16885,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ci Ampliyatus uya i tapangay a kaulahan aku a tamdaw,greet Ampliatus whom I love in the Lord,train +16885,16886,16886,malingad tu kaku,I am going out,train +16886,16887,16887,haw naun,slow worker,train +16887,16888,16888,3 cuwa ku nuni hekal ku Hungti Kitakit aku,pages my kingdom is not of this world,train +16888,16889,16889,hatinien hatini sa ku malitengay saw,to do so and so,train +16889,16890,16890,Citamuhung,stigmatize,test +16890,16891,16891,kapah hay,they are young people,train +16891,16892,16892,yan tu haw edengan aku a wawa kuni,the man says he is the only one who can work,train +16892,16893,16893,pulakit han kira caay kiraan,it is called Hulu,train +16893,16894,16894,Ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan ku i Aciyaay a kalukiwkay tuna u mituuray tu Tapang ca Akuila aci Priskila atu i lumaay nangra a kiwkay saka ngaayhu saan cangra a lipahak a palicay i tamuwanan,the churches in the province of Asia send you greetings Aquila and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord and so does the church that meets at their house,train +16894,16895,16895,milisin sa haw ya caayay pitengil,Medium disobedient,train +16895,16896,16896,Kulay kulay han nu kuku ku sera a mikilim tu kakaenen,chickens dig through the soil in search of food,train +16896,16897,16897,anu isir han nu mita talatapiingan,if we do not move to the side,train +16897,16898,16898,hai nu tukus kira,because it is from the mountains,train +16898,16899,16899,Halufinawlan satu a miraud a paculi tuya tatusaay Saka tufific han nu mikumuday a luma ku riku nangra a micicih ta papisti hantu nangra ku sufitay cangraan,the crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten,train +16899,16900,16900,Saka tastasaw aku ku ariri aku ta patirengen aku ku tataangay ta i tiraen aku a minaang ku panay aku atu dafung aku a ma^min,Then he said This is what I will do I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones and there I will store all my grain and my goods,test +16900,16901,16901,mihiya micakeris ku matuʼasay,old man planing wood,train +16901,16902,16902,pakayraay tuya cuwa ka nanam anca cuwa ka fanaˈ tu Fangcalay Cudad a tamdaw ku pitilid,it was written for readers who are less familiar with the Bible or do not recognize it at all,train +16902,16903,16903,masatimul ku nu niyam misa,we are facing south,train +16903,16904,16904,mafana tu kaku tu pakuyuc nu urip niyam,I knew I was from a poor family,train +16904,16905,16905,o mamaaraw nangra ku pising nu Kawas o mamatilid i pising nangra ku ngangan nu Kawas,they will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads,train +16905,16906,16906,o malalaay ci kaka aku i matini a adada ku tiyad,my sister is on her period so her stomach hurts,train +16906,16907,16907,o pipatuayaan tu tuas anini,today is the day of ancestor worship,train +16907,16908,16908,keman tu vuting mikilac tu raecusay a lemed malialac han nu Pangcah ku mahiniyay a demak,all of us seem to end our bad luck after eating fish,train +16908,16909,16909,saʼupu han ku sikaen,meals are all put together,train +16909,16910,16910,Patapangen ita ku wawa ita,we get our children engaged,test +16910,16911,16911,nanamen,learning,train +16911,16912,16912,kinih,tilt,train +16912,16913,16913,tayniay kura wawa a mipadang a matayal,the kids here to help with the work too,train +16913,16914,16914,likakawa,custom,train +16914,16915,16915,ta hatiraay ku pades nu maku,that is what my pain looks like,train +16915,16916,16916,mikumu a maanen mikumu i,how do you shoot a slingshot,train +16916,16917,16917,Saka tangsul sa ci Yis a milaya a mirpet cingraan Aya ku nika tadanca nu pitier isu Nawiru hinapec kisu Takuwanan saw han ningra a sumuwal,immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him You of little faith he said why did you doubt,train +16917,16918,16918,maulah kaku i karasmasan a rumiad a mikatacumuli,I love picking up snails on rainy days,train +16918,16919,16919,hinefa,to lie on ones back,train +16919,16920,16920,hay mavana tu kaku saan sakapahen ku nikaurip nu nanu,say I will and you have a good life,test +16920,16921,16921,Pamaraden tu tataangay ku pisaluma i Kalingku u karalunenay,florid,train +16921,16922,16922,taʼangay hu maedengay tu misanga tu acucul mirusarusan,it is long enough to make a gyro just saw a small section,train +16922,16923,16923,lilisian,flood,train +16923,16924,16924,caay kangaay malingad hatiraay itiya hu ku nu tuas hu,people could not work then,train +16924,16925,16925,a malalais atu Ripun,Japan war,train +16925,16926,16926,matiraay,that is it,train +16926,16927,16927,rasiras,spill,train +16927,16928,16928,o ngaayay a kamuk ku ninengnengan nu wawa haw,are the programs our kids watch good,train +16928,16929,16929,mifalic,convert,train +16929,16930,16930,tuwa yu wawa henay kaku haw,when I was a kid,test +16930,16931,16931,a mami hiya tu kaku mi hiya malaheci tu ku pimali aku sa i mitiliday,when I do not play anymore I will go to school,train +16931,16932,16932,saka 1 palaken ku tuki misimsim tu samaanay ci Yihufa atu rumaruma madimadiay sikawdan siniˈada tu tau,First take time to learn how the Lord and his faithful servants have compassion on others,train +16932,16933,16933,sa maʼicang tu sakapah satu,once it is dry it is done,train +16933,16934,16934,itira tu ri tuntun han tu nangra kura kangic,and they cut off the body of the dragon in sections,train +16934,16935,16935,Cuwa u kalas nu niyaru cira falu pulu tu ku mihecaan nira,No he is an elder of our tribe he is years old,train +16935,16936,16936,Lepel han ku wikul nu fafikfik tangsul maputun,grab the geckos tail and it will immediately break,train +16936,16937,16937,a pising nu tamdaw haw,what kind of human dignity is there,train +16937,16938,16938,Hay tusaay ku lalangian,Yes for at least two reasons,train +16938,16939,16939,tiya,that,train +16939,16940,16940,pinsiyang,freezer cabinet,test +16940,16941,16941,u maan ku kaulahan nu misu a keman,what do you like to eat,train +16941,16942,16942,hatiraay yaca ku katengilan aku,that is all I have heard,train +16942,16943,16943,Maduka ku ciku nu misu,you hurt your elbow,train +16943,16944,16944,Paunucen a malalilid tu fafuy a midaduy,and Ye shall carry the pigs on the balance of a burden and weigh them,train +16944,16945,16945,mitengil satu malakulun,have you heard it youngsters,train +16945,16946,16946,masakaput ku luwad niyam,we will go together,train +16946,16947,16947,Mikitakaraw tu tamdaw,it will be taller than a man,train +16947,16948,16948,1918 miheca 6 fulad 20 rumiˈad u kaput nu misawkitay misaˈusiay tu ciraraway kuya fafaluay salikaka,on June a jury found eight brethren guilty on all counts,train +16948,16949,16949,i tangulan mitakus aca kami,everyone has a possessed soul,train +16949,16950,16950,kareteng,repetition,test +16950,16951,16951,yu miala tu caykumaaraway nira kya ekim i,when he was about to take it he did not see the gold,train +16951,16952,16952,Misalimelaan ni Yihufa ku madimadiay tamdaw,Jehovah prizes those who hold fast to faithfulness,train +16952,16953,16953,sa mahaka lumuwaday kiya fafahi nira na mafuti,the wife is asleep,train +16953,16954,16954,o maan kura miketingay i riku isu,what is that sticking to your shirt,train +16954,16955,16955,papingitiden,use the mouth to hold,train +16955,16956,16956,lemuwad,get out of bed,train +16956,16957,16957,Mayawaw Patingwaen ku mama nu misu,Mayo go call your dad,train +16957,16958,16958,u milicay kaku tu falucu isu,I am asking for your opinion,train +16958,16959,16959,kahecid sanay anengelay tu kaenen a,very salty and bitter,train +16959,16960,16960,anu hatira i maanen ita ku dmak caay ka ^ca ka fana cangra tu nika tayni isu,what shall we do they will certainly hear that you have come,test +16960,16961,16961,u nipaluma,planted,train +16961,16962,16962,ira ku kaka^ aku tu fainayan ci Kulas han ciira safaw cecay tu ku mihecaan niira,I have a brother his name is kolas he is years old,train +16962,16963,16963,awaay ku kakaenen tayni sanay miala tu telu,because of the lack of food I come here to get food,train +16963,16964,16964,mizunvi tu cuʼung mizunvi tu lusid,prepare girls flower hats and traditional costumes,train +16964,16965,16965,alahan nuya wawa tu fainayan nikuliciway ku ccay a langa,the boy who rode a bike took one basket,train +16965,16966,16966,Nulatekay finawlan nu Kawas pakayniay i mikiriwiˈay a araaw ku pipatafang,sometimes Gods people give for specific purposes,train +16966,16967,16967,kisu ku mamilekal tu finawlan,you are in charge of calling out the tribe on all matters,train +16967,16968,16968,Maatem nunini a tusaay kaku o lunguc aku i u sapiliyasaw tunini a hkal a mikaput ci Kristuan onini ku ngaay aku,I am torn between the two I desire to Depart and be with Christ which is better by far,train +16968,16969,16969,pakafana han aku kita salikaka haw,I will tell you more about it,train +16969,16970,16970,mipacukay,imperial official in dynastic China,test +16970,16971,16971,u dadaya tui awa maʼaraw niyam ku kalang,we cannot see the crabs at night,train +16971,16972,16972,u uteng haw mafana kamu,you know the weight you want,train +16972,16973,16973,ngaʼay tu anu masaman nu cila anu ira haw,it is okay if there is one in the future,train +16973,16974,16974,Wa nengenhan ngaayay kaenen kuna kutamunu,Yes these fruits look great,train +16974,16975,16975,halikurahutay,the one who loves to scratch and hurt,train +16975,16976,16976,madingac,grass cuts on the skin,train +16976,16977,16977,adada,ouch,train +16977,16978,16978,haw pasadak tu pida sapicakay tu maamaan san,I will pay for everything myself,train +16978,16979,16979,oniya tatuluay faˈinayan atu fafahiyan salikaka mifalicay tu niyah samaanen makalimay cangra mahecad ci Kristuan,these three brothers and sisters changed themselves because they wanted so much to be like Christ,train +16979,16980,16980,kacaluhan,emergency,test +16980,16981,16981,awa tu ku mita a pungka,our culture will disappear,train +16981,16982,16982,mafana a miharateng a mikihatiya tu singsi a maluhak,lunch with teachers,train +16982,16983,16983,misatapang ku Makutaay ku siyaku hananay,tribe Establishes community development Association,train +16983,16984,16984,mansanay a mansaka itini kafana nu adupan a ayam sa itini,that is why I am here to learn about animals and birds,train +16984,16985,16985,paʼaludu han,it is called Benefits,train +16985,16986,16986,cilemed tu tatiihay a lemed,nightmare,train +16986,16987,16987,o panemnemay kira tataangay a lunen,that big earthquake came from the spring,train +16987,16988,16988,vangcal tu,that is good too,train +16988,16989,16989,midipang,maintenance,train +16989,16990,16990,Malaliay tu ca Mayaw aci Kulas,Mayaw and Kolas got along,test +16990,16991,16991,miasik,clean,train +16991,16992,16992,cecay tu kiya faduc minukay tayni i Cilangasan,only the survivors returned to Chilterns,train +16992,16993,16993,ci ina nu maku ku miacaway tu nanum nani nemnem,it was my mother who scooped water from that spring,train +16993,16994,16994,mawacay yu tanu pangcu sani,take off your clothes just your underwear,train +16994,16995,16995,kaka ira safa cingra,they are the older brothers we are the younger ones,train +16995,16996,16996,tatudung sa salawina namu kira haw,it happens to be one of your family does not it,train +16996,16997,16997,saka maʼetan,that is why it is profitable,train +16997,16998,16998,fanuh,unthinking,train +16998,16999,16999,tahacerem,until the sun goes down,train +16999,17000,17000,adihay kuniyan maala nu salil itira i riyar,a lot of these are caught in fishing nets on the beach,test +17000,17001,17001,huni maherek tu cingra mipitpit i patayraen tu nira i fakar nira,before long he finished picking the fruits he put them in his basket,train +17001,17002,17002,itila i Takaw sa itira a macucuk ku falucu nu maku saka misaʼicel tu kaku,at this time in Kaohsiung I was so excited that I started to work hard,train +17002,17003,17003,miangsaway,leave something it smells like smoke,train +17003,17004,17004,anu malawud ku kilumaʼan i,if the Toyotomi Festival is coming up,train +17004,17005,17005,ta tu kaku tayra,I will be there early,train +17005,17006,17006,u piywan u piywan haw hay,a Paiwanese is a Paiwanese Yes it is,train +17006,17007,17007,ayaw u ngangan ira i,from before where it has been,train +17007,17008,17008,kararuman ta hantu sumuwal,I do not have to tell you how sad it is,train +17008,17009,17009,o sakaciurip a ^pang Kaku,I am the bread of life,train +17009,17010,17010,pacakaten ku suwal atu serangawan nu mita u Pangcah,to promote our Amis language and culture,test +17010,17011,17011,ruma satu ya mafanaʼay cifalucu sinpic hatu sasepat,in addition four capable and dedicated individuals were selected,train +17011,17012,17012,o tumuk nu niyaru ku misaupuay i tamiyanan,it was the ringleader who brought us together,train +17012,17013,17013,u sapipuhpuh tu adada kina tuluway a muking a turun,I made three large pieces of glutinous rice cake to cure my illness,train +17013,17014,17014,mafana mitakula,good at catching frogs,train +17014,17015,17015,nanu,from,train +17015,17016,17016,u nipilunguc ni tumuk ci Vavuy Liyalan kiniyan,this is the vision that the ringleader prayed to the whale,train +17016,17017,17017,keriden,collar,train +17017,17018,17018,lima suut han maemin mamaan,count me in for okay,train +17018,17019,17019,i kungkuan kita ngaay haw o mamiluing kita,how about meeting at school we need to shoot a video,train +17019,17020,17020,samaanen masidungay nura kilakilangan kura alu kira,for the river is hidden by luxuriant forests,test +17020,17021,17021,Mipatala^ tu siraw atu eraw ku luma nu caciramud nu malaynaay,the family will prepare salted pork and glutinous rice wine for the wedding party,train +17021,17022,17022,muketepay,ten dollars,train +17022,17023,17023,tayra sa kita niyaru ura imengimeng ita haw,when we went to the police stations of the tribes,train +17023,17024,17024,saan kiya,the sign says I speak in tongues,train +17024,17025,17025,pafelien ku mama numu,you guys want dad to talk,train +17025,17026,17026,mafana kusafa tu pakaniay itini i,his external resources,train +17026,17027,17027,maherek kiya radiw nira iri,after he finished his song,train +17027,17028,17028,sapirirengus,a weed whacking Festival,train +17028,17029,17029,nay ira kamaumahan naku sa kaku,I wish I had a field to plow,train +17029,17030,17030,nu luma nu urip nu mita saan ku widang,that is what they all say,test +17030,17031,17031,saka safaw tusa kamey tatusa tu kina maʼuripay hu,there were of us but only two of us survived,train +17031,17032,17032,tuduh,burn,train +17032,17033,17033,itira mafana kaku sa itini i tulu mihecaan,it took me three years to learn,train +17033,17034,17034,paramuden nira ci mamaan,she arranged my marriage,train +17034,17035,17035,rarum,pessimistic,train +17035,17036,17036,o maamaan ku tayal na mira,what industries do they work in,train +17036,17037,17037,Padetengan,willful,train +17037,17038,17038,u kakaʼenan niyam kiraʼan u emuy hananay,the spring Fountain fruit is our food,train +17038,17039,17039,sakacitaneng,deploy something Wise,train +17039,17040,17040,tusaay,Two Double,test +17040,17041,17041,kuhecalay,White,train +17041,17042,17042,pasebana cira tu i sa,he started teaching,train +17042,17043,17043,miautaay,frequent vomiting,train +17043,17044,17044,ta tini i pulung nu tumuk i,in all head groups,train +17044,17045,17045,mikiling talalutuk kirami hilam han,go to the mountains,train +17045,17046,17046,maraayay ha hakuwa ku raay,is it far how far away,train +17046,17047,17047,tengtenghan ningra cingra i,keep pulling him,train +17047,17048,17048,Misanu Taywanay kuni,some of them speak Minnan,train +17048,17049,17049,u Pangcah amin saw ku viyaw nu niyam,our neighbors are all Amis,train +17049,17050,17050,sa anu kumaen cangra maharateng ira tu,so when they eat,test +17050,17051,17051,u sadak nu mita makayniay tu i timul,our ancestors came from the south too,train +17051,17052,17052,a tamdaw nu Cikasuwan,of the Chikagawa people,train +17052,17053,17053,mahaenay i,it is like this,train +17053,17054,17054,u nivahvahan kami kiyami a talacuwaan saw,for we are driven away as to where we shall be,train +17054,17055,17055,a a na i tiraay kura ngangan nu misu,that is how you got your name,train +17055,17056,17056,yasa na ama niyam ri,where is our grand mom,train +17056,17057,17057,ci uciya ku mama ni Yutam ci Yutam ku mama ni Ahac ci Ahac ku mama ni Hicikiya,Uzziah the father of Jotham Jotham the father of Ahaz Ahaz the father of Hezekiah,train +17057,17058,17058,o suwal namu i Anu iraay kami itiya yu mauriphu ku tatuasan niyam i caay ku mamikihatiya kami cangraan a mipatay tu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas saan kamu,and you say If we had lived in the days of our forefathers we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets,train +17058,17059,17059,hay tayra mikadafu ci inaan aku ta saci wawa sa cangra i awaay ku wawa ira,Yeah they got married into my moms house and then they did not have any kids,train +17059,17060,17060,u mipalumaan a titi ku iyaen,owned animals,test +17060,17061,17061,o capa nu lalidec ku mamalutartar nu adipel,the stakes of the fence were made from the branches of the Chiu Ligusticum tree,train +17061,17062,17062,fariw,cut off,train +17062,17063,17063,cicax,bird of prey,train +17063,17064,17064,u anini tu u miharatengay sanay tu,that is why we have let the production ideas develop so far,train +17064,17065,17065,mifalic kaku tu katayalan,I switched jobs,train +17065,17066,17066,masadak ku rarikah tu kafaedetan a rumiad,centipedes are found in very hot weather,train +17066,17067,17067,uranan tu i,then,train +17067,17068,17068,nengnengen kuna hiya tarecu,you have to look at the epidermis first,train +17068,17069,17069,nu mahaen tuna matuʼasay sanay kaku,I wonder why the elders are doing this to me,train +17069,17070,17070,o cirut ku misatikulacay a masuni i huni,the one that made the sound of the bamboo chicken just now is the red backed blackbird,test +17070,17071,17071,caay katatudung,it is not good,train +17071,17072,17072,aka pinaul tuya tamdaw,do not associate with that person,train +17072,17073,17073,cima ku cafay isu maru i luma,who do you live with,train +17073,17074,17074,itiya kaku a mikilim,that is what I am looking for,train +17074,17075,17075,matiya u mata malikuda kita i maedil,it is like the eyes that light up when we are dancing,train +17075,17076,17076,o micukeray a maemin ku paru nu luma niyam ci Kulasan,our whole family is a supporter of Kolasan,train +17076,17077,17077,kakuy,carry,train +17077,17078,17078,adihay ku Rikec nu katayalan ita,our business has a lot of laws,train +17078,17079,17079,ira anini ira anini ira tu,now Now do you have it,train +17079,17080,17080,awaay ku sufitay itiyahu kapah sa macacuruk,in the old days there were no soldiers the youths took turns,test +17080,17081,17081,tahaluma a minukay a mitilid,I came home after school,train +17081,17082,17082,anu kumaen ku kulung nira tu pinaluma nira tu lasay nima saan i,his cows trespassed to eat other peoples crops,train +17082,17083,17083,Ciraheker ku falucu ni Turay a malaising ku wawa nira,Torays child is content to be a doctor,train +17083,17084,17084,aca^,price,train +17084,17085,17085,nanueman nu maku haw i u kafana na nira,they did everything they could since I was a kid,train +17085,17086,17086,itira amaduka,wounded,train +17086,17087,17087,mikilim tu ku kuciw takuwanan,Principal and I talk,train +17087,17088,17088,Micidem ci Kacaw tu impic nira,Kacaw sharpens his pencil,train +17088,17089,17089,mitiliday hu anacaca sa ku faʼinay aku i,and still in school my husband suggested that,train +17089,17090,17090,maherek i,it is written,test +17090,17091,17091,tu maan tali,and other taro,train +17091,17092,17092,Mingarngar ku kulung,water buffalo eat grass,train +17092,17093,17093,kafit han nu karapiyatay ku kafel aku,my pants are hooked to the salty grass,train +17093,17094,17094,maculu nu hiya nu edu,it will be carried by rats,train +17094,17095,17095,u sakatulu a licay haw i,the third question is,train +17095,17096,17096,u Kinanuka hananay naicuwaay masadak ku na suwal sa,how the antlers came to be and what they say,train +17096,17097,17097,a misanga tu luma itini i atulan,we are going to rebuild this family in Duran,train +17097,17098,17098,o niupican nu maku kiraan a sasifin i sapad,that towel on the table is wet from me,train +17098,17099,17099,Liwkimhing,is it Liao Jinxing,train +17099,17100,17100,tuwa itiya mapatay,the traditional Amis tribe accompanies the vigil every night,test +17100,17101,17101,acang,joy,train +17101,17102,17102,singitih tu raecusay,nightmare,train +17102,17103,17103,mansa mananamay,that is why I am used to it,train +17103,17104,17104,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O mikuwanay tu finawlan ku hungti nunini a hkal u midiputay han nu finawlan ku mikuwanay,Jesus said to them The kings of the Gentiles Lord it over them and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors,train +17104,17105,17105,Saayaw,top,train +17105,17106,17106,haw nikaurira naw paka u pisaraʼu han ku pangangan nu kalala i tiya hu,why did the early Ghanaian tribes name it Sapindus,train +17106,17107,17107,midiputay tamiyanan i luma,stay home and take care of our kids,train +17107,17108,17108,katalawan aki hay i palakuwi tura alu da misahatiraay,Yeah because of the stream crossing,train +17108,17109,17109,Orasaka yu taynitu ci Kristu i hkal i suwal sa cingra i Kawas Caay ku sapatuaya atu sapacakat ku nilungucan Isu o nipatalaantu isu ku malutireng Aku,Therefore when Christ came into the world he said Sacrifice and offering you did not desire but a body you prepared for me,train +17109,17110,17110,nu Pangcah a sinafel mahaen kinian,this is an Amis dish,test +17110,17111,17111,aya awaay tu,Oh No,train +17111,17112,17112,Macukacukay ku lalan a tayra i niyaru niyam,getting to our tribe is an upward climb,train +17112,17113,17113,finacadan,ethnic group,train +17113,17114,17114,u fafahiyan masetiay haw,do girls get hit too,train +17114,17115,17115,ca ka samaan ku tamdaw,he is not very good looking either,train +17115,17116,17116,ora tatusa a wawa makapah ku takaraway tu pueneray,those two kids the taller one is prettier than the shorter one,train +17116,17117,17117,iraay hu ku nu niyah a finawlan itira haw,do you still have your own family,train +17117,17118,17118,caay ku sasataen nu hungti ku luma nira,the king will not levy taxes on his home,train +17118,17119,17119,tu emu tu emu han,traditional sweet rice cake,train +17119,17120,17120,nga harek,Okay when it is over,test +17120,17121,17121,tu tayal ni kaemangay,young people,train +17121,17122,17122,malusangraay,be the first,train +17122,17123,17123,papicapeten,Call catch it,train +17123,17124,17124,farasi,pouring,train +17124,17125,17125,mira,it,train +17125,17126,17126,caay tu ka papina kami,there are not many of us,train +17126,17127,17127,caay kaulah kaku a,I am just not interested,train +17127,17128,17128,u Pangcah u Puyuma u Kavalan atu Sakizaya,Amis Penan Kavalan and Sachilea,train +17128,17129,17129,Singsiaw i tini i Rikec ni Musi i i cuwaay ku kakalimlaan a limuut saw han ningra,Teacher which is the greatest commandment in the Law,train +17129,17130,17130,mahaenay u sapihicay a salil,it is like a tool for catching fish fry,test +17130,17131,17131,saka si singsing ira,that is why there is little bells Bells,train +17131,17132,17132,palamlam han tura dungec ini,together with this Fujishin,train +17132,17133,17133,ifangat sa ku rumiad anini,it is so hot and stuffy today,train +17133,17134,17134,ta rumakat tu cingra,Then he walked,train +17134,17135,17135,u kalas nu niyaru,elders of the tribe,train +17135,17136,17136,ta felac sa kaku malahitay i tusa pulu ira ku sepat tayra Fataʼan haca kaku,I returned to the light after being discharged from the army at the age of,train +17136,17137,17137,maanen ku,process,train +17137,17138,17138,misakuli kaku i kaysiya a waay tu ku tayal nu luma sakuli kaku i tini kaysiya paluma tu tefus nu kaysiya,I went to the sugar mills with the other clansmen to plant seedlings and do some weeding,train +17138,17139,17139,ira saku mi,there are,train +17139,17140,17140,milimek,keep away from,test +17140,17141,17141,masadak tu ku cidal,the sun is out,train +17141,17142,17142,nawhani i laenu nu malatumukay i safaw enem ku kasaselal,Therefore there are age classes under the chief,train +17142,17143,17143,maharek tu iri,when it is done,train +17143,17144,17144,nikaurira,in addition this,train +17144,17145,17145,nanupicumikayan,paw,train +17145,17146,17146,tahira cangra i hakal i a pasela,after they reached the bank they took a rest,train +17146,17147,17147,zyuicikace sivaru kiay zyunikaca icikace a miala tu heci,tree beans can be harvested between December and January after flowering in November,train +17147,17148,17148,amiaray kita tu liteng aca nu mita a mapulung,thank you to all our ancestors,train +17148,17149,17149,u cecay nu rayray nu niyaru atu rayray nu kalulisin u cecay nu sarekec nu niyaru inian a kasaselaselal cai kau dengan u palapalipaliway a misakuwan,it is also the main body of tribal administration and ceremonies the age organization is not only the basis for mutual cooperation among tribal members,train +17149,17150,17150,nika u maan saw a vutingan cira,but what kind of fish is it,test +17150,17151,17151,ira kiya minukayay a,some of them went back to their hometowns,train +17151,17152,17152,a ira aca ku nipi,for the future of the Amis language,train +17152,17153,17153,nawhanni faheka cangra,and yet they were surprised,train +17153,17154,17154,tarimasa,gutter,train +17154,17155,17155,maanen,What,train +17155,17156,17156,a mipatayra a papilicay anu inian kuya mihinaman,could this be Chimenes missing child,train +17156,17157,17157,kiyu kiyu melawi saw aw u,it is eggplant look at that,train +17157,17158,17158,falicen,replace,train +17158,17159,17159,u maan ku pinang,maybe,train +17159,17160,17160,mararid itira i semusemutan atu i fukelukeluhan a milimek cingra,it often hides in bushes and crevices,test +17160,17161,17161,sasuwalen nu heni tu sakaytini,design related discussions,train +17161,17162,17162,u kalaʼiluan sanay mahaenay kya nu matuʼasay kalaʼiluan sanay tangasa i wawa ku piharateng sa,it is not fair to young men and women who love each other,train +17162,17163,17163,Taletangictu ci Kacaw a makatengil macalivat a semuwal cira kiya caay saw pacaliw tu sailus i takuwan saan,Kacaw burst into tears he said angrily why do not everyone lend me toilet paper,train +17163,17164,17164,away tu ku siking,without the pencil tree,train +17164,17165,17165,tinaku itini kalikudaan,especially at the Harvest Festival,train +17165,17166,17166,tayira aca ci tumuk a mikilim tu vuting nu liyal,Boss he is gone to look for marine fish again,train +17166,17167,17167,padaka^,corn,train +17167,17168,17168,kalaymay,shoot ones mouth off,train +17168,17169,17169,miala tu katumirengan a sapad tu,get a board to stand on,train +17169,17170,17170,marafas ku nanum,the water is running over,test +17170,17171,17171,hai niya tatelecan aku anu away kuna tatelecan an cayka adada uman ku kihal,it is my back it would be nice if it did not hurt,train +17171,17172,17172,ano o kapah kisu maedeng ˈalumanay ku painiay kisuwanan tu pakayniay i hanuikur a demak,if you are a young person many people have probably given you a lot of advice about your future,train +17172,17173,17173,Saʼayaʼayaw kura suwal ira i,that is what they used to say,train +17173,17174,17174,kavus kavus kavus,Shrimp,train +17174,17175,17175,ngeru,with much toil,train +17175,17176,17176,o keter nu mitapalay palenlenen nira a pacuay edeng ira ku lenlen sa ku suwal naw malenlen awa ku suwal,when the gods are angered a flood is triggered as a sign of retaliation,train +17176,17177,17177,haratengen cingra u nanu mihadidiay tu piintel nu ciraraway a tamdaw ta caay ka ruray caay ka tuled kamu,consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men so that you will not grow weary and lose heart,train +17177,17178,17178,u manan u satuku,what is it it is a vertical beam,train +17178,17179,17179,a sakisu mimingen nuni,knit on half the scale,train +17179,17180,17180,maruray ku kikay hiwa,the machine is too tired,test +17180,17181,17181,Orasaka papiharatengen aku kisu uya niparucekan nu Kawas yu mikapa kaku tisuwanan a patireng samatiyaen isu a malacaayay ka padeng a namal kuya rucek,for this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands,train +17181,17182,17182,atu saan i u urip ku Tapang,the most important thing is the origin of life,train +17182,17183,17183,u lukud,Shanshu,train +17183,17184,17184,Tanuʼulah satu ku adiwawa atu matuasay adihay ku kawlah nu heni,the kids and seniors had a great time getting lots of prizes,train +17184,17185,17185,o maan ku pikalican tala Taypak,what is the best way to get to Taipei,train +17185,17186,17186,raemed,soft,train +17186,17187,17187,sa ku masafaʼinayay wawa nu faʼinayay,that is what manly boys do,train +17187,17188,17188,awaay tu kalalais a tina Ripun,we were not even at war with the Japanese then,train +17188,17189,17189,Hai pacaliwen hu kaku tu impic isu,Yes can you lend me a pen,train +17189,17190,17190,Mafana kita anu pakaynien i pinangan nu Rikec ku nipipakatayal tu Rikec i u ngaayay ku Rikec,we know that the law is good if one uses it properly,test +17190,17191,17191,caay pisawad cira turumiʼmiʼad,do not waste a moment of learning,train +17191,17192,17192,tadamafana ku ina nu misu atu mama nu misu san,your mom and dad are amazing,train +17192,17193,17193,cay kita sa a vinacadan,it is not just us the Amish,train +17193,17194,17194,hepik,sagging,train +17194,17195,17195,o rumasatu u pidu^du nangra tu Rikec nu Tapang a pacakat tu tusa a tupi nu lutuk anu ^ca i tusa a tupi nu luma,and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the law of the Lord a pair of doves or two young pigeons,train +17195,17196,17196,terep saan melaw saan,even if I saw it I did not say anything,train +17196,17197,17197,caaytu kamelaw anini na u pasepasengan kiraan,you may not see a lot of silver lovers now,train +17197,17198,17198,a sakapahen ku nikaurip nu wawa nu maku,I want my daughter to have a good life,train +17198,17199,17199,Matastas ku citingsya^ nu maku,my bike broke down,train +17199,17200,17200,anini u wawa caay tu kamawmah,kids do not farm anymore,test +17200,17201,17201,o manan ku sapisafaes mafanaay kisu haw,do you know what mocha is made of,train +17201,17202,17202,matahidang,invited,train +17202,17203,17203,Mitipulu kami tu sakalipahak i caay ka sakru kamu Rumadiw kami tu sakararum i caay ka tumangic kamu saan,We played the flute for you and you did not dance we sang a dirge and you did not mourn,train +17203,17204,17204,anini a remiad haw a milisin tu ku niyaru,we are holding the Toyotomi Festival today,train +17204,17205,17205,sapiacaw tu nanum sapiacaw tu nanum hay ayaw awaay ku tutu iayaw sa i misanga tu paepa,it is for shaking water Oh yeah water shaker Yes it is in the early days they did not have ladles so they made them out of gourds,train +17205,17206,17206,o tatalacuwa ci Kacaw,where is Kacaw going,train +17206,17207,17207,paliyawen hu ita patungud haw kuna caciyaw ita,we will continue,train +17207,17208,17208,papauripen,Conservation,train +17208,17209,17209,sanu a,look as if,train +17209,17210,17210,mikuhaw sa i uya misangaʼan nira a,I will use them in my soup,test +17210,17211,17211,iraay kura malikakaay tatusa,there are brothers,train +17211,17212,17212,micudad i adidikay i cacudadan haw,going to a very small school,train +17212,17213,17213,u tapad,with a headdress,train +17213,17214,17214,pasuwalay tu hatini ka awa u malapakuyuc,my parents said that although we have nothing we live in poverty,train +17214,17215,17215,u niyaru niyam u nu Minkuk a ngangan ira huwangye hannanay,our tribe whose Chinese name is Wilderness,train +17215,17216,17216,nansay kisu mikikung aci ali aku ci,how old were you when you married my brother in law,train +17216,17217,17217,tada u pacalemcemay ku demak nu misu,your behavior is worrisome,train +17217,17218,17218,mikaen,stammer,train +17218,17219,17219,Masafituka nu fafuy ku facu nura kuwa,papaya is shaped like a pigs stomach,train +17219,17220,17220,maedes haw maedes kiya u Taywan a singsi,the Chinese teacher is very strict,test +17220,17221,17221,hatu ngiha isu safa,like your sisters voice,train +17221,17222,17222,Cimangta han naira kumaen ku atay nu fafuy tuya pitukadan,they eat the liver of the pig raw when they kill it,train +17222,17223,17223,u lalacal tu nu kalafinacadan i tint i Taynan,ethnic life in Tainans diverse society,train +17223,17224,17224,siwaay a vulad,September,train +17224,17225,17225,anu caykasaan i,if it was not,train +17225,17226,17226,nanam,practice,train +17226,17227,17227,tunu,canyon,train +17227,17228,17228,haen aku milaheci macaciyaw,I will answer directly in this way,train +17228,17229,17229,haenen ku nu hiya nu maku han tu ci havelut,I am just a little more brutal in my way,train +17229,17230,17230,u tamdaw haw i,conduct oneself,test +17230,17231,17231,kaku itira awaay kya riku aku,I have not changed my clothes in about six months,train +17231,17232,17232,malatu ku pinangan nu kapah,the youth program would have stopped,train +17232,17233,17233,mipatala,preparation,train +17233,17234,17234,Orasaka rpet hantu nangra ci Pitiru aci Yuhani a mirufu a tahadafak nawhani tumantu itiya,they seized Peter and John and because it was evening they put them in jail until the next day,train +17234,17235,17235,o lafii ku sakatahira nira i luma,he arrived home at midnight,train +17235,17236,17236,Nikaurira ira ku tatiihay a pinangan nira marariday micaliw i ca sa patikul,but he has a bad habit of often borrowing things but not returning them,train +17236,17237,17237,maan sanay ku radiw ira,what is she singing,train +17237,17238,17238,u kaus nu puut,can be used as a handle for a pocket knife,train +17238,17239,17239,licay han nangra O wawa namu kunini uya nai kahufucanhu a mapuhaway hananay namu a wawa haw Nisamaanan iru pakaarawtu i matini saw han nangra,Is this your son they asked Is this the one you say was born blind how is it that now he can see,train +17239,17240,17240,tira tu tura masangaay tu,roofing over it,test +17240,17241,17241,an matira aca ha salikaka min,brothers and sisters in that case,train +17241,17242,17242,caayka hiyaen naku mihiya i dudu san ku tumuk nu Matadim hatini ci,if I had not continued the current leader would have followed my lead,train +17242,17243,17243,miseking kaku tu hiya han aku,I will take the test,train +17243,17244,17244,Maedeng lima ku tuki,it will take about five hours,train +17244,17245,17245,akay cila talumaʼtu,I am going home tomorrow,train +17245,17246,17246,mananam tu as iraay ku payci tu hatiraay malafi itira iraay ku ngaʼay san,thinking that you can get information about the benefits of the meal,train +17246,17247,17247,mikayki itini ku tumu itini i,when the leaders met in new Taipei City,train +17247,17248,17248,irahu ku demak nu finawlan,folks have other things to do too,train +17248,17249,17249,Mangaay kaku palicay i tisuwanan haw,can I interview you,train +17249,17250,17250,taw mavanʼtu,see how it is made,test +17250,17251,17251,ngaʼayay tu saan,say yes,train +17251,17252,17252,kaayaw,front,train +17252,17253,17253,sa minukay kaku tayni i luma,that is why I am home,train +17253,17254,17254,sasepat ku wawa^ nu niyam,there are four children in our family,train +17254,17255,17255,misafa^luhay,reconsider,train +17255,17256,17256,sudat satu ci Vavuy Liyal iliyal,that whale was in the ocean,train +17256,17257,17257,simaanay ku Kawas saan,it does not matter if it is a ghost festival,train +17257,17258,17258,awaay ku aefengen,there is nothing to throw,train +17258,17259,17259,tu sasangaʼan nu mita tu siraw,this is what we are going to use to make the savory meat,train +17259,17260,17260,Supeden,deposit,test +17260,17261,17261,icuwa ku didusiya itiya awaay,there were no cars,train +17261,17262,17262,alaen kina wawa san kina mama kakuwan,the father told me to take the kids too,train +17262,17263,17263,pakuyucay,it is very poor,train +17263,17264,17264,o sakapinaay tu a ruruk i matini ku parud nu mita,we are now in the first few generations of our family,train +17264,17265,17265,u mawmahay hu ku urip nu niyam,we are farmers,train +17265,17266,17266,ira ku kikay namu,you have got a machine,train +17266,17267,17267,cangray,lean on,train +17267,17268,17268,tu panay,glutinous rice,train +17268,17269,17269,sangaʼan tu falat ku malitengay,the old timers would use it as a beam,train +17269,17270,17270,malakaying,become a lady,test +17270,17271,17271,i fafaw kuranan i fafaw kamu misanga tu hatiraay luma nu amisan nuhiya,that was in the early days,train +17271,17272,17272,Mamanghu ri ta wawa hu kita can hu kafana,I am giving up I did not know any better,train +17272,17273,17273,suwal sa ci fufu adihay ku mitangtangan puhayen ku salawinawina malacafay a kumaen,grandma said that she has cooked so much so let us eat together,train +17273,17274,17274,nu hiya micudad aku itira,I am in Yichang Guoxiao,train +17274,17275,17275,finawlan,friends and family,train +17275,17276,17276,mifadahung,roofing,train +17276,17277,17277,o matiniay a sakakimtu nu tireng a kakaenen u kangalayan u kainalan nu alumanay a tamdamdaw caitu kau mamatawal ku ka^su nu kaen,such a healthy and natural food culture has naturally become the favorite of modern food consumption and my most unforgettable flavor,train +17277,17278,17278,alaen ku kaysing,cup,train +17278,17279,17279,liyasen ni ina kami,mom left us,train +17279,17280,17280,pakaʼaraw ku finawlan hiwa i,the other clansmen saw it,test +17280,17281,17281,Malaama tu ku tireng ni Osay,Osay has become a grandmother,train +17281,17282,17282,mahelek misacepu i mitala tu tu panay,when the fishing Festival is over we wait for the rice,train +17282,17283,17283,nu Recurd,five hundred and six years ago,train +17283,17284,17284,o suwal nu Amis,I teach American,train +17284,17285,17285,Matuluay kaku ya misalama i papacem,I fell down while playing in the morning,train +17285,17286,17286,o nikatiluan nu maku kira duka,that wound was caused by my fall,train +17286,17287,17287,makapah,pretty,train +17287,17288,17288,Nikawrira caay ka fana kuya maadahay a tamdaw tu nika cima kuya miadahay cingraan nawhani miliyastu ci Yis tu nika aluman nu tamdaw itira,the man who was healed had no idea who it was for Jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there,train +17288,17289,17289,pala,cropland,train +17289,17290,17290,kiningen,commemorate,test +17290,17291,17291,hiri nu awaay taynian,how can you say you did not come,train +17291,17292,17292,Mafana cangra tu nika pataytu nuya wawa saka katawaen nu alumanay ci Yis,they laughed at him knowing that she was dead,train +17292,17293,17293,tulutulutulu a rumiʼad kiya cai pi pihiya ri,it is been like three days three days and I have not done anything,train +17293,17294,17294,Tatangasa^ tu kita hay,are we almost there,train +17294,17295,17295,ca ka matumsa ku malatumukay awaay cecay tu kafanaʼan cuwa katatudung san ku matuʼasay,it is a bit displeasing to the elders and the clan if the chiefs cannot even start a song or dance,train +17295,17296,17296,hay i savaw tu cacay a vulad siheci tu cira,Yes the fruit will grow in November,train +17296,17297,17297,mifitay,filter,train +17297,17298,17298,maedeng,enough,train +17298,17299,17299,o maan ku sakatayni nu mira,what kind of transportation did they use to get here,train +17299,17300,17300,siadada haw cuwa,Where,test +17300,17301,17301,fangsis itu haw matuni cayka imeced,Yes it will smell good but it will be soft and not solid,train +17301,17302,17302,anu Padaka mahaen tu,Americans are the same way,train +17302,17303,17303,u kaying a mikiki tu hatiraay a demak,acting with a girl,train +17303,17304,17304,ira kira matuasay mavanaʼay a pacengceng,there is an old man who is a fish maker,train +17304,17305,17305,ta pasuwal sa cingra tuya nisawawaan O ina isu kunini han ningra Nanuya krid hantu nuya nisawawaan ku ina ni Yis a tayra i luma ningra a pakamaru,and to the disciple Here is your mother from that time on this disciple took her into his home,train +17305,17306,17306,Caay palasawad kaku tu i kaysingay a kakaenen,I do not waste the food in the bowl,train +17306,17307,17307,paysyangku,passion fruit,train +17307,17308,17308,mahaenay ku suwal nu matuʼasay,elders are always encouraged by the above admonition,train +17308,17309,17309,misafadisusu,Winemaking,train +17309,17310,17310,atu tu mi san ira kiya nu niyam i,our grade school teacher is here in a month for the joint exam,test +17310,17311,17311,a kemaen tu tavu nu heni,stealing the Farmers lunchbox,train +17311,17312,17312,o mapacedamay tu atakiway kina kuhaw,this soup has been added with small chili peppers,train +17312,17313,17313,kuni kararem niyam haw,the following latecomers of ours,train +17313,17314,17314,mapatayay,dead,train +17314,17315,17315,masamaen ku patireng nu matuʼasy itiyahu tu,how it was built in the past,train +17315,17316,17316,mikuli itini i Dipung ma,this place was a Japanese colony at the time,train +17316,17317,17317,u ama haw i cecayay,grandma was a person too,train +17317,17318,17318,hatiraay tu neng han tu ka singing aku i,a crew member called out,train +17318,17319,17319,u mifadis pakutay tu fadahung u eli,our roofing material is reed grass which is very susceptible to rot,train +17319,17320,17320,Cidadingu ku pililucan naira,their bathrooms have glass,test +17320,17321,17321,rara sa matayal u ʼusawʼusaw tu ku sasangaen ningra,the crop was small and the few remnants of grain were barely enough to make wine,train +17321,17322,17322,Safahka sa a matalaw ku finawlan a minengneng tunini a dmak ta hmek satu cangra tu Kawas tu nipipafli ningra tu hatiniay a icel i tamdaw,when the crowd saw this they were filled with awe and they praised God who had given such authority to men,train +17322,17323,17323,Lacihakan,name of the Lakkiwokan tribe,train +17323,17324,17324,sapananum tura malitengay,they are responsible for delivering water to the elderly,train +17324,17325,17325,anu mavuti tu cevaren saʼepiʼ,if you want to sleep spread it out it is cool,train +17325,17326,17326,miming hu i mitengil mikakaput kaku tu malitelitengay,when I was a kid I used to listen to it all the time and gather with the old folks,train +17326,17327,17327,kura salilit turanan,the winding one,train +17327,17328,17328,misarara sa tayrahatu i luma misarara kaku,sometimes when my relatives red beans are harvested I cook them and share them with them,train +17328,17329,17329,maʼaraw aku maala aku kiya haw ya tayni tu itini luma haw i,I finally got home for miles,train +17329,17330,17330,talumah satu suwal nu hitay fu matira saka,that is what the troops said after they got out of there,test +17330,17331,17331,aciyah ku hemek nu maku,I am secretly delighted,train +17331,17332,17332,masamisi ku pilatang nira,he did not measure out quite the right amount,train +17332,17333,17333,mitahidang en tu nu ciwlu nu salikaka,elderly parishioners declared,train +17333,17334,17334,ura kami malikaka u Tapang nu niyam a ngangan,Mostly it is our siblings last names,train +17334,17335,17335,malacecay,data,train +17335,17336,17336,anu katangasaan tu ku kalenu a tataʼak ku laying anini caay tu,if the tide starts to rise the waves will get bigger and we will take a break,train +17336,17337,17337,o sera aca nu atulan,problems with tribal land in Tulane,train +17337,17338,17338,kasasiruma^,difference,train +17338,17339,17339,yan saka masasiʼalal ku kasaniyaru nu masa niyaruʼay itiya hu kita kita u Pangcah,the clan has become a family unafraid of other attacks,train +17339,17340,17340,singkiw hani malatumuk kaku,I was elected,test +17340,17341,17341,Maruwis ku lusa nira,his tears ran down,train +17341,17342,17342,mipacpac,whip,train +17342,17343,17343,nisangaan,products,train +17343,17344,17344,mahiniay haw a haw,like this one,train +17344,17345,17345,nanay,to wish,train +17345,17346,17346,naw han matalaw,because I am afraid,train +17346,17347,17347,malalisan,fever,train +17347,17348,17348,Cudad,Storybook,train +17348,17349,17349,a cima ku tataʼungen nu mita Kawas,who do we have to be thankful for,train +17349,17350,17350,ya matuʼasay satu tayratu i taluʼan masaʼupu pakanen tu tuʼas i tiya yaay hu a malatumuay pakanen mifetil cangra itira a pakaen tey,and the elders gathered at the meeting place where they held a ceremony of playing wine and offering food to the past chiefs,test +17350,17351,17351,maala nu tau ku paliding niyam,outsiders strangers took our vehicle,train +17351,17352,17352,Mu^tep ira ku falu tu ku mihecaan nu fainayan a kaka aku,my brother is years old,train +17352,17353,17353,rafar,hillside farming,train +17353,17354,17354,miradum pakaen tu fafuy,carrying water to feed the pigs,train +17354,17355,17355,padeng han nira ku namal tu ti ngalay ira sa i,the overflow of soupy goo doused the flames of the stove,train +17355,17356,17356,l itla satu i Tiyencuciyaw a milihay kira matuasay,the old man worships in the Catholic Church,train +17356,17357,17357,nanu cangra mafulaway tayni,they moved from Hualien,train +17357,17358,17358,nu itiratiraay tu sa,life in the past,train +17358,17359,17359,pakatingsaay tayra i kiwkay ci Saumah,Saomah goes to church by bicycle,train +17359,17360,17360,itiya i pafickut han nuya kaackan a adingu kuya tamdaw lkal saan a masadak nai cingraan,the evil Spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek,test +17360,17361,17361,caay ka hecad,it cannot be like,train +17361,17362,17362,caay katangsem nu saripa,I am telling you the puncture will not go through,train +17362,17363,17363,o kasuling anca u hikuki ku nikalican isu a tayra i Pusung,are you going to Taitung by train or by plane,train +17363,17364,17364,u ka Ripunan itiya,in the past the Amis were under Japanese rule,train +17364,17365,17365,iraw u nu fafahian ku cacitudung i tini a mipihay,it is great to have a woman in charge of the spiritual service here,train +17365,17366,17366,mifafa tu wawa hu i,while carrying the doll,train +17366,17367,17367,mitesel tu talip,to stitch a skirt,train +17367,17368,17368,ya miiyaan isu i sani a kaeled,the rope you just tied,train +17368,17369,17369,Patudungen ku malu nu maku a tuki,set aside time for me,train +17369,17370,17370,mangiyangi,shaken,test +17370,17371,17371,patireng satu itini Tuwapun ku kiwkay nu,establishment of the Central American church in big Ben,train +17371,17372,17372,Maapiyan kaku anini tu nanu lasang i dadaya,I am not in the best of spirits today from last nights hangover,train +17372,17373,17373,nisafalucuan,wish,train +17373,17374,17374,sapakaʼen tu lafang anu cima tu a salikaka sa,for guests or other siblings,train +17374,17375,17375,2 patikul kuniya mararamuday mikilim ci tunian i masungilaˈay a mafalic ku harateng ningra,when the couple came back to Tony he had a completely different idea,train +17375,17376,17376,mahenay sa miufung tu ku tukungay,that is how you drill holes in wood with a mallet,train +17376,17377,17377,a misamga tu tavukud,used to make a gossip website,train +17377,17378,17378,patireng tu sanu Pangcah hay itin i Taynan ri,to establish the Amis culture here in Tainan,train +17378,17379,17379,Punung,Bunun one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +17379,17380,17380,caay ka u tumuk ku ayaw,if you are not the leader you get first dibs,test +17380,17381,17381,Macuhcuh tu niyam kura tuku a maemin,then all the snails have been sucked by us,train +17381,17382,17382,silisin,there is a festival,train +17382,17383,17383,kafiyur,affected,train +17383,17384,17384,o raranikay kaku a tayni Saka sungilaen a miimer ku iraay isu ta caay ka afas nu tau ku pakaluwiday a tamuhung isu,I am coming soon hold on to what you have so that no one will take your crown,train +17384,17385,17385,fanaw ni Llaic,pool,train +17385,17386,17386,saka saaluman saaluman satu,there were more and more afterwards,train +17386,17387,17387,mangalay kami mavana tu maanmaan nu nikaurip nu matuasay haw matiyatiya mahaenay haw u lusay u maamaan haw i vayi pasevanaʼen kami haw,we want to know about the old peoples past lifestyles such as the various kinds of fruit plants,train +17387,17388,17388,caka ngaay pidiput cangraan,they cannot stop caring for their patients,train +17388,17389,17389,Palang,eagle,train +17389,17390,17390,ilalavu nira putut,inside the bamboo tube,test +17390,17391,17391,ci Kasiraw ku cimil nu ngangan aku,my nickname is Kasiraw,train +17391,17392,17392,ta cifalucu tu pakayniay tu nu Yincumincu,my father was a country bumpkin with no formal education,train +17392,17393,17393,u nipalimuut a demak ni Vavuy Liyal,and what the whales in the sea of fish have commanded,train +17393,17394,17394,aluman ku nilaliway sarakat,a lot of deserters in the beginning,train +17394,17395,17395,sakaapaan,make Stupid,train +17395,17396,17396,a malasawad haw ku lisin nu mita u Pangcah,so the Amis rituals are going away,train +17396,17397,17397,caka pakatuur tunu tau a syasi awihawi,I cannot keep up with the pulse of society I cannot move my feet,train +17397,17398,17398,u misudatay nu,you are ours,train +17398,17399,17399,patayla han tira,give somebody a lift,train +17399,17400,17400,caayay ku Kawas ku haratengay nu maku,it is not the faith I am confused about,test +17400,17401,17401,nasafalucu sa kaku,I have been meditating,train +17401,17402,17402,kiya sidemakay ya,bereaved family members,train +17402,17403,17403,ama u maan ku tayal isu hatini,what are you doing now,train +17403,17404,17404,adada ku tangal aku,my head aches,train +17404,17405,17405,papicipuhen,comake up,train +17405,17406,17406,Mapawpaw ku falucu aku anini,my heart is adrift i I have no direction for what to do,train +17406,17407,17407,undu,sports,train +17407,17408,17408,tayran i lakelal miradum kami i lakelal,we will get water from the river,train +17408,17409,17409,cuenek,sticking something in between two objects,train +17409,17410,17410,pafeli hanay nu Dipung tu kura wama aku milifun,Japan pays Amis cents on the dollar,test +17410,17411,17411,tayni a masasisuwalsuwal kimi,we can talk to each other,train +17411,17412,17412,caliwen,walk all over,train +17412,17413,17413,maumah kita ahengen ku pala nu petun isu,we will work the fields you will share some with your brothers and sisters,train +17413,17414,17414,dudang,coffin,train +17414,17415,17415,sapalamu,male,train +17415,17416,17416,Maimeray kami tu demak niyam i picudadan,we are careful about our behavior at school,train +17416,17417,17417,vainay midadacdac,why boys can shave their Cicada,train +17417,17418,17418,Sapitayra a miala tura wawa sa kira,just go find the kid,train +17418,17419,17419,adihay ku manengnengay aku a ayam misaefeefer caira i faled nu kilang ira a maaraw aku ku ekung mafuti i laluma nu fuhang nu kilang,I saw a lot of birds flying around in the trees and saw owls sleeping in tree hollows,train +17419,17420,17420,masidayay,lost,test +17420,17421,17421,ruma,sometimes,train +17421,17422,17422,eypalacan nu niyam itini sanay paniyaru,I would like to work the rice fields here and settle down,train +17422,17423,17423,mansa i lahedaw sanay tu,so the clans gradually disappeared,train +17423,17424,17424,kacikafang,quilt,train +17424,17425,17425,sananay a demak,incidents,train +17425,17426,17426,anu kalamkam i dengay hen,it is not too late if you are fast,train +17426,17427,17427,pina tu ku mihecaan nu wama isu,how old is your father,train +17427,17428,17428,Hiku hatu nu tau i matini kira tutuk ita,our hill has been reclaimed by others,train +17428,17429,17429,o cititiay ku tafu nu maku a talapicudadan anini,my lunchbox at school today had pork in it,train +17429,17430,17430,pakatekul,throw,test +17430,17431,17431,sasepat ku fafahiyan tatulu ku faʼinayan a wawa nu mira,four daughters three boys,train +17431,17432,17432,Saka cupa han ningra ci Yis a milicay Tapangaw cima ku nisuwalan Isu han ningra,leaning back against Jesus he asked him Lord who is it,train +17432,17433,17433,tala cakat han niira kalungkung satu kelung kelung kelung kelung sa mulin ku fikeluh,then I heard the sound of rocks tumbling,train +17433,17434,17434,hayi u Tafalung tu ri,Yes it is from Tai long Valley,train +17434,17435,17435,naipusungay u Kakacawan kinanuka ku niyaru nu maku,my tribe is in Changbin Taitung just that antler,train +17435,17436,17436,Sadu^,the name of the Sa Lao tribe,train +17436,17437,17437,matatudung marawis nuna namal kira haw,it is the right height for the fire to burn,train +17437,17438,17438,cungyangcisiyangci,Central weather Bureau,train +17438,17439,17439,naw han i palatilid han ita ku suwal ita i,what do you mean we literalized the mother tongue,train +17439,17440,17440,tira a misatapang ku Cudad,that is where my journey began,test +17440,17441,17441,awaay ku misakinihay cecay ku lekal nu milekalay u linciw haw i cecay ku tayal,if a neighbor broadcasts something and we all work together to get it done no one seconds it,train +17441,17442,17442,paising tu,it is in the hospital,train +17442,17443,17443,patatungud hanay tu,just connect it,train +17443,17444,17444,sanaw tayni kaku itini mahaenay saka saparud sakami saparud kira,So I came here and we started our own family,train +17444,17445,17445,militemuh cangra mipanukay haw i,come and take them home,train +17445,17446,17446,ini ku dinay nu maku,my umbrella is here,train +17446,17447,17447,O hahmeken ku Tapang a Kawas nu Israil nawhani pasayni ku falucu ningra i titaanan u finawlan ningra a mitdal,Praise be to the Lord the God of Israel because he has come and has redeemed his people,train +17447,17448,17448,o Kaniw nira kura aka ka pasu^lin kisu,that is his lie please do not believe it,train +17448,17449,17449,kerid,to lead,train +17449,17450,17450,naun han tu ku rakat,have a good trip,test +17450,17451,17451,pasuwal sa ci Yis Caay ku maaruay nu palafuay Kaku Manguduay kaku tu wama Aku Nikawrira misamsam kamu Takuwanan,I am not possessed by a demon said Jesus but I honor my father and you dishonor me,train +17451,17452,17452,suwal sa ci Yis Wamaaw sululen cangra nawhani mafukil cangra tu tatudung nu nidmakan nangra saan Mararitus cangra a misakilac tu riku ni Yis,Jesus said Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing and they divided up his clothes by casting lots,train +17452,17453,17453,sisutu kiyami yu kemaen kita iri,because of the coloring when we eat it,train +17453,17454,17454,ciyataw,station,train +17454,17455,17455,sahicay hau,catching fishing nets,train +17455,17456,17456,u samaanay ku aacaen isu,what kind of clothes do you like,train +17456,17457,17457,saka ira ku cecay matuʼasay itini i fiyaw,there is an old man living in the neighborhood,train +17457,17458,17458,Hamaan anu tayni tu kisu i mahemekay tu kaku,no need I am glad you are here,train +17458,17459,17459,Aluman ku mitiliday i tira,are there many students there,train +17459,17460,17460,suka,plastic,test +17460,17461,17461,ira ku pipasaʼupu pisaʼupu kasilumaʼan,we also work together to promote various rituals,train +17461,17462,17462,micukuy,hang ones head,train +17462,17463,17463,cacay kiya a lalipayan,about a week after the funeral,train +17463,17464,17464,ngaʼay saan sa ku cabay kapahtu,my friend said it is fine,train +17464,17465,17465,Saka anu pakimad kami i caay ku nu tamdawan a taneng ku sapasuwal niyam o nanu Fangcalay Adingu a nipakafanaan a suwal a pasayra i nu Adinguan a tamdaw a misahci tu nu Adinguan a sulinay a dmak,this is what we speak not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words,train +17465,17466,17466,matu mamaurad aninicilinay anu masadak,it is going to rain today so bring an umbrella when you go out,train +17466,17467,17467,nanay mafana kamu tu ulah ni Kristu uya mikikakaay tu taneng atu fana nu tamdaw a ulah ta matumes nu tadamaan nu Kawas kamu,and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God,train +17467,17468,17468,o pinanam aku tu tawyi kiya haw faluay a mihecaan,I studied ceramics for years,train +17468,17469,17469,u keliw u maan kira kukudulay,what is that on top of the twine,train +17469,17470,17470,mikuku mitaes tamuwanan,chasing after you,test +17470,17471,17471,yu miseking i pacaliwan nu kaput kaku tu impic atu sasipasip,during the exam a classmate lent me a pen and an eraser,train +17471,17472,17472,wawa,child,train +17472,17473,17473,aka ripaen ku talakal aku,do not step on my trap,train +17473,17474,17474,Malahaklung atuya acfel ku riri a masadak a mildef tu sra mapafli i cangraan ku matiyaay u nu rarikah a icel,and out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth,train +17474,17475,17475,tuya cecay a rumiad i fatad nu lalan,that day on the road,train +17475,17476,17476,Maaraw aku ku tataangay kuhcalay a tadamaanay a anengang atu maruay itira lahdaw sa i kaayaw ningra ku hkal atu kakarayan awaaytu a maaraaraw kunini,and the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever,train +17476,17477,17477,tinitu i enar ku kapahay,it is better to stay on flat ground,train +17477,17478,17478,katepaay,found,train +17478,17479,17479,na panay haw i luma nira,it is Barnetts house,train +17479,17480,17480,ka u patelung ira tamiyanan tu nu liteng hu,this is their gift to our ancients,test +17480,17481,17481,o Fataan a tawdaw haw i i Fataan ku niyaru nangra unu Fataan ku suwal,the Mataisan people live in the Mataisan tribe and speak the Mataisan language,train +17481,17482,17482,talakiyukay,going to church,train +17482,17483,17483,o Kawas ku mipiliay titaanan a palacidek a pahapinang tu nika laccay ita aci Kristu,for no matter how many promises God has made they are Yes in Christ and so through him the Amen is spoken by us to the glory of God,train +17483,17484,17484,mitahidang itakuwanan,call me,train +17484,17485,17485,mifitangal ku Pangcah tu Cikasuʼan itiya haw mahaen tu sisa tangasa ni ri matini ri ira ku ni patireng tu nika piduʼedu sapisalisin tu nu matuʼasay aniniay mahanay ku Cikasuʼan,in fact in those days the Amis also attacked and cut off the heads of the Chichibukawa so we can still see what the tribe did in order to honor their ancestors and this is the experience of the Chichibukawa,train +17485,17486,17486,ya mafana ku Dipung,Yes the Japanese know,train +17486,17487,17487,miraud ku tumuk,the chief went to visit,train +17487,17488,17488,o maan ku nipayakayakan nira tisuwanan,what rumors did she tell you,train +17488,17489,17489,caay kavana tu nu Kaliyawan sumuwal ci ina nira,her mom does not speak much Kaliwan,train +17489,17490,17490,ilisin kita u Pangcah sa,Amis rituals,test +17490,17491,17491,o maanhu ku sapalulul ningra tu urip nu tireng,or what can a man give in exchange for his soul,train +17491,17492,17492,anu luma ku hecek nu luma,if the house is going to have five pillars,train +17492,17493,17493,a ziday tu,generation,train +17493,17494,17494,o kawkaw ku sapiritrit tu panay i tiya hu,in the old days rice was cut with scythes,train +17494,17495,17495,sumuwal,talk about,train +17495,17496,17496,adihay hu kiya tefu tayra haca kita,there is plenty of bamboo shoots left we will go back,train +17496,17497,17497,Maenep kaku a mitengil tu radiw ni Langih,I was mesmerized by Langihs singing,train +17497,17498,17498,tatulunen,will pray,train +17498,17499,17499,a icuwa micudad,where do you go to school,train +17499,17500,17500,anu masaupuupu kamu,when you gather,test +17500,17501,17501,kangalayan,what I want,train +17501,17502,17502,mansa i ira sa tu ku suwal nu wina sa kaku,that is why my mother must have had her own difficulties in saying that,train +17502,17503,17503,kauhitan,old fashioned taste,train +17503,17504,17504,a tura tulu mihecaan atek kura wawa i,or maybe it is years old,train +17504,17505,17505,a hanghangen naira u wawa,these devices allow children to work,train +17505,17506,17506,u timu atu tataakay a vuting nu liyal,the catch of the day is flying fish and big fish,train +17506,17507,17507,i ikur satu caay tu pacaliwen nu kaput ciira,in the end no one wanted to borrow anything from him,train +17507,17508,17508,ka^su,Abundance,train +17508,17509,17509,mipadangay midiwadiw,it is helping,train +17509,17510,17510,mapalatilid,lateralization,test +17510,17511,17511,itiya hu misanga tu epah,they were making wine at that time,train +17511,17512,17512,pipanayan,where the rice is cut,train +17512,17513,17513,tenged,stay there,train +17513,17514,17514,ta cecay ku kamay nira midanguy mirepet tu dadanguyan ku cecay a kamay ya,I saw him swimming with one hand on the boat and one hand on the water,train +17514,17515,17515,pitu ku mifecaʼan naku,when I was seven,train +17515,17516,17516,Makapaliding kita a tayra i Kalinku,we are going to Hualien by car,train +17516,17517,17517,u kapahay kuni,becoming a family member learning effective,train +17517,17518,17518,ci kaka aku miratuhay takuwan,that is what my brother and sister told me,train +17518,17519,17519,u Kuwaping tu ku ni panganganay,because it is already the national government that is naming it,train +17519,17520,17520,o maan,What,test +17520,17521,17521,itini i kawali nu niyaru haw i adihay ku kafakaan,there is a lot of surprises on the east side of the tribe,train +17521,17522,17522,ca tu kananam,the movement is not practiced anymore,train +17522,17523,17523,mi kiya mama aku tu saka tayra i a paising,father is going to Nagahama for medical treatment,train +17523,17524,17524,ira ku mangaʼayay picudadan,there are still good schools,train +17524,17525,17525,oni cumuli kalang Mukaw u hakhak hu,this snails crabs cats and sticky rice,train +17525,17526,17526,vucul,bow,train +17526,17527,17527,tuas,forebears,train +17527,17528,17528,o fuduy ni Kacaw kiraan hay,is that Kacaws clothes,train +17528,17529,17529,minukay tu maminu sa ku wina aku,when I got home my mom told me to take a bath,train +17529,17530,17530,Kianini litapang mihalaka ku Cenfu tu midemakan nu Yin cumincu itini tuna demak a mahapinang sulinay misululay kunini a Kitaki,what we actually do for the indigenous peoples will decide whether reconciliation succeeds or stumbles,test +17530,17531,17531,Talaaikur cingra,he moved to the rear,train +17531,17532,17532,tatudung,it is a good fit,train +17532,17533,17533,anu han ku piceli na singsi takuwanan ha ha ha ha,Teacher why do you call my city a promenade,train +17533,17534,17534,falah,charcoal,train +17534,17535,17535,mitenun haw tu keliw,do you knit with thread,train +17535,17536,17536,samaan satu kaku sa kya faʼinayan san caaypacaʼuf san,the guy said What should I do and never responded,train +17536,17537,17537,niketunan,required,train +17537,17538,17538,misangaan milepun tu anini haw han pipaherek han mipacuk tu fafuy,we should be able to finish today once we are done we will kill a pig,train +17538,17539,17539,saka saan a anini ku Makutaay a saan tu haw i,and now the Maguadayan tribe,train +17539,17540,17540,matu nika fana namu yu cahu pituur kamu tu Tapang i i tini i masamaamaanay a dmak a makayhid kamu a papitaung tu caay ka urip a samiyay,you know that when you were pagans somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols,test +17540,17541,17541,u matiraay kira satapangan nu sakaciʼutuc nu Makutaay,the tribes started having monuments at that time,train +17541,17542,17542,pakitangal han naku,it is all in my memory,train +17542,17543,17543,kakitin,hand in hand,train +17543,17544,17544,ira ku tatudung nu ulah nu mita kira,they are all very happy,train +17544,17545,17545,kafanaan,what we do,train +17545,17546,17546,Mahuni,ask,train +17546,17547,17547,ira hikuki nu Ripun nu Amilika ri,when there are Japanese and American airplanes,train +17547,17548,17548,atu pinengneng su atu su,and compare it with outside observations,train +17548,17549,17549,niateman,with with a blackmail,train +17549,17550,17550,ci Akiku ku ngangan nu kaka aku,my elder sisters name is Akiko,test +17550,17551,17551,Cengaw sahu ku mata nu tutuy,the puppy eyes have just opened,train +17551,17552,17552,ngaˈayay lihaf nu Kitakit,what a wonderful message from the kingdom,train +17552,17553,17553,Sakatanuktuk nu tireng ngaay a micelem mipacing mi auwang,you can get fit and healthy as well as dive shoot fish and pick up sea urchins,train +17553,17554,17554,u sapisanga tu tisaki tu mamaan haw,basket making various,train +17554,17555,17555,tayra kaku i icifa a miaca tu dateng,I am going to the market,train +17555,17556,17556,Itiri han nu alumanay kira nipafelian nu huing a cudad,a lot of people read the courts letter to,train +17556,17557,17557,faedet tu mamang ku rumiad ka halinanumen,it is a bit hot so you need to drink more water,train +17557,17558,17558,samanen tu hiya saw mapawan tu pasifanaʼen hu kami,how to make a rope to tie it forget it teach us,train +17558,17559,17559,anini sanay i wawa nu mita i hatu mauʼusiay tu kumaen sa ku maku sa misafalucuʼan sa,and our kids nowadays do not like to eat them so they eat them as they like,train +17559,17560,17560,Fangcalay,sunny and cloudless,test +17560,17561,17561,cima kura fafahiyan,who is that girl,train +17561,17562,17562,adihayen,lots and lots,train +17562,17563,17563,tangasa,arrive at,train +17563,17564,17564,Manaangay tu nu maku ku hawan i suku,I have the knife in my inventory,train +17564,17565,17565,Mamu^tep,total,train +17565,17566,17566,Orasaka aka palit nu pipalimuut nu nimanima tu pakayniay i kakaenen atu pisalisin atu pisalisin tu fa^luhay a fulad atu Paslaan a Rumiad,therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink or with regard to a religious festival a new moon celebration or a Sabbath day,train +17566,17567,17567,pakaen tu rarapa kamu iri,you are the ones who go to the cows every day,train +17567,17568,17568,Misulinga kaku tu nikamaru aku,I adjusted my sitting position,train +17568,17569,17569,palcapuen tu ku vinawlan a sakalmkamen a paherek tina demakan,gather your people and get this matter resolved as soon as possible,train +17569,17570,17570,nu Dipung a suwal kura hay nu Dipung,in Japanese it is called Mifune which means to go to the ocean,test +17570,17571,17571,tanguled,agaric,train +17571,17572,17572,awaay ku temik,to not respond or do anything,train +17572,17573,17573,Mahepul tu ku raraw nira,his sins are forgiven,train +17573,17574,17574,Sipuci ku vanges nira mapudac,its skin will peel off,train +17574,17575,17575,itiya mavana kisu,you will do it,train +17575,17576,17576,Pararaen ku kafi a micacak,put some red beans in the soup,train +17576,17577,17577,daydayadaya,nightly,train +17577,17578,17578,madimel a misulac,apparatuses,train +17578,17579,17579,luwid,loss,train +17579,17580,17580,tatusa ku heni a matevad,two of them fell,test +17580,17581,17581,angcuh,urine odor,train +17581,17582,17582,fuekanciciw,suckling pig,train +17582,17583,17583,wail,the trap,train +17583,17584,17584,halikien tu ita a minukay,we have to get home soon,train +17584,17585,17585,tu kami,we are doing just fine,train +17585,17586,17586,Pinaun kamu a mitngil ira ku ccay a tamdaw a talaumah a mifulsak,Listen a farmer went out to sow his seed,train +17586,17587,17587,Nikawrira u saayaway a alumanay a tamdaw i u mamalasaikuraytu o saikuray a alumanay a tamdaw i u mamalasaayawaytu han ningra,but many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first,train +17587,17588,17588,ngudu,venerate,train +17588,17589,17589,o sinafel tu nu Pangcah i ayaw,the old Amis dish,train +17589,17590,17590,itira i Kilung ku aru nu maku haw i matayalay tu kaku itini i paputal,when I lived in Keelung I also worked outside,test +17590,17591,17591,u waxaran cuwa kafana mapuni,mulberry trees are not perishable,train +17591,17592,17592,a mipaluwad ku Pangcah,to promote indigenous peoples,train +17592,17593,17593,nenengneneng han nu selal kira,a supervisor of the same age,train +17593,17594,17594,Ocung ku lalipana i papah nu adidem,there are many caterpillars on the mulberry leaves,train +17594,17595,17595,o maariay nu wawa ita ku cacay a dadingu nu sasingaran,the glass in the window was broken by our children,train +17595,17596,17596,haya Acucul,Gyro,train +17596,17597,17597,tayraay tisuwanan ha ha ha liyawen hu,the gyros headed your way throw it again,train +17597,17598,17598,tu kaemangay tudungay tunu,children also represent,train +17598,17599,17599,Anini sivuduy cira tu vangcalay,Now he is wearing a beautiful dress,train +17599,17600,17600,ya papah kiya,with that leaf,test +17600,17601,17601,mi nukay a maemin kiya wawa isu,did all your children come home,train +17601,17602,17602,awaaytu ku nuˈadinguan a kakaenen itira awaay ku pakayraan a micawmaˈ tu salikaka,soon after my mother sent me to my father who lived in the town of Peshawar kilometers north of Karachi,train +17602,17603,17603,u aalaen u alem sampiraw,I have got conch and ginseng,train +17603,17604,17604,Malawud,toward,train +17604,17605,17605,dadahal ku nipaluma nu Taywan tu kunga kiyami,the Min Min people grow a lot of groundnuts,train +17605,17606,17606,yu malpuntu ku kaitiraan niyam a rumiad i lumuwadtu kami Halufafahi atu wawa nangra a patunu i tamiyanan tangasa i lawac nu niyaru ta pitusur sa kami a ma^min i lawac nu riyar a mitulun,but when our time was up we left and continued on our way all the disciples and their wives and children accompanied us out of the city and there on the beach we knelt to pray,train +17606,17607,17607,u emin tu nu kalumaamaan a datengan i paisin a tatiih tu a kumaen,all other foods were forbidden after the healing of the priests the,train +17607,17608,17608,awaay tu tu dafak tusa tuki kina ina,your mothers will not make it to tomorrow,train +17608,17609,17609,aka celien a mikapuyi caira,do not yell at them,train +17609,17610,17610,mapaacicimay,acidic,test +17610,17611,17611,unuc,flat burden,train +17611,17612,17612,mitengil kita i fafaed a singsi pakafana kitaanan,we have to listen to our teachers,train +17612,17613,17613,Patilien nira tu turun ya titi ku rukruk hay mamaan anu telien namu itira,they put the mocha and meat next to the spring well and asked why they put it there,train +17613,17614,17614,ka iraay kura falucu tu padadutucen nu mita,but because there is a mission to pass on,train +17614,17615,17615,pasitimul midudu tu riyar mililis tu riyal tala timul,just follow the ocean south,train +17615,17616,17616,ruhayan,floral,train +17616,17617,17617,ya nu acucul a radieuw,songs about gyros,train +17617,17618,17618,mahaen ku urip niyam i tansuy kira,that is how we live in Freshwater,train +17618,17619,17619,matuʼatuʼasay tu itiniay i lumaʼay haw,the elderly are all at home,train +17619,17620,17620,Vunun,Bunun one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,test +17620,17621,17621,adihay ku kadademakan i tukay sisa masulut ku kapah,there are more job opportunities in the city which attracts young people,train +17621,17622,17622,kaefer,fly,train +17622,17623,17623,Haydaw makerih kami mikihatiya,Yes the whole family will be there,train +17623,17624,17624,cacadiwan,millstone,train +17624,17625,17625,maraud tu ku kasadingsingan nu rumiʼad haw i,in the fall,train +17625,17626,17626,kakicuh,pit,train +17626,17627,17627,hece mirepet anu irahu ku icuwaay a tamina mirepet,and they are going to hunt them down,train +17627,17628,17628,Saka tayra satu cangra Ma^deng kalahukan atu tulu ku tuki i tayra haca cingra a mihaen tu dmak,so they went He went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did the same thing,train +17628,17629,17629,misasing inipitemi a micaur ta mivulesak a pawaneng,stirring contextual operations before sprinkling sugar,train +17629,17630,17630,matuʼas tu i,old,test +17630,17631,17631,o masu^suay kisu haw,have you gained weight,train +17631,17632,17632,anu cecay ku futing sakuhaw talinaw han nira ku kuhaw,if there is only one fish the whole pot is full of soup,train +17632,17633,17633,maharateng ni Titus ku nipitngil namu tu suwal ningra atu nika ngudu namu a mihamham i cingraan Saka matungal ku nika ulah ningra i tamuwanan,and his affection for you is all the greater when he remembers that you were all obedient receiving him with fear and trembling,train +17633,17634,17634,patiked,fish,train +17634,17635,17635,matiya u kuhcal nu fanuh nu siri matiya u kuhcal nu su^da ku nika kuhcal nu fukes ningra matiya u marengrengay a namal ku mata ningra,and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest,train +17635,17636,17636,o cepu nu Siwkulan a tarawadaw i tini,this is the mouth of the Xiuguluan River,train +17636,17637,17637,ura iraay ku kakaenen anu initi tu i luma i,it is the best thing that ever happened to me,train +17637,17638,17638,epuʼepuc i ses maharateng aku ku nini a,it is the only way to optimize and that is when it hit me,train +17638,17639,17639,makeliʼhaytu ira kita maemin a minukay,when all are present we will go downhill and go home,train +17639,17640,17640,ira kiyami,some,test +17640,17641,17641,nanay salikaka mapulung,I hope all my brothers and sisters,train +17641,17642,17642,hanu rarid sa kamu tayni mitusil,why have you been preaching so often lately,train +17642,17643,17643,Nanuya mirakat ci Yis a mitaliyuk tu Kalili sapipatayan cingraan ku kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw saka caay ka sapirakatan ci Yis a mitaliyuk tu Yutaya,after this Jesus went around in Galilee purposely staying away from Judea because the Jews there were waiting to take his life,train +17643,17644,17644,misangaay kami tu manmaan,we are going to do all kinds of stuff,train +17644,17645,17645,yu tayra kaku i Truas a patnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay ci Kristuan i mafuhattu nu Tapang ku fawahan nu malutatayalen aku,now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me,train +17645,17646,17646,kahengheng,Rumble of the sea,train +17646,17647,17647,yan san a mama iri na nira a icel,his old man used his power,train +17647,17648,17648,u Amis hananay mafanaʼay ciʼicelay sa ninian,I think the Amis are good at soccer and have good stamina,train +17648,17649,17649,pakalafi tu wawa,give the child supper,train +17649,17650,17650,Pangcah,Amis or Pangcah one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,test +17650,17651,17651,anu matengil ku hengheng nu riyal tu dadaya i cakaca kaurad anucila,if you hear the sea rumbling in the evening then it will definitely rain tomorrow,train +17651,17652,17652,maʼaraw tu namu han naku sa,did you guys see that,train +17652,17653,17653,palada,sharing,train +17653,17654,17654,hu fananiʼul hu ku pasifanaʼen nira takunan,she taught me from the pentatonic scale,train +17654,17655,17655,ha kakusuw saan kaku itiya,I was surprised was it really me,train +17655,17656,17656,u luma tu a ngangasawan a salawina i,these family relatives,train +17656,17657,17657,o mirengusay i palapalaan kami,we were cutting grass in the field,train +17657,17658,17658,o na sulin hananay i deng ccay aca ku Kawas ccay ku pakayakayay tu Kawas atu tamdaw uya malatamdaway a Kristu ci Yis,for there is one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus,train +17658,17659,17659,han nira kura misilsil nira a tamdaw,Directing those who are assigned and scheduled,train +17659,17660,17660,tu mavelecay nu ni adingu,passed away souls,test +17660,17661,17661,uya Simi u tanikay u uner ku nikaenan itiya hu,at that time we ate Zen grasshoppers and snakes,train +17661,17662,17662,hai faki han isu a sawni pasifana kami haw,Seniors can you share it so we can understand,train +17662,17663,17663,masawad nu akung hahaha,Grandpa forgot the line,train +17663,17664,17664,i hani ira ku suwal nu misu,you mentioned that earlier,train +17664,17665,17665,muʼetep tu pisakang a kaku,I will make ten,train +17665,17666,17666,milakec,crossing the stream,train +17666,17667,17667,kukung,thieves,train +17667,17668,17668,Payrang kura i u maan kura sutuw sutuw sa mahanay ku pakuwan,Minnan people will keep asking what tree peas are and then they will tell them,train +17668,17669,17669,nanay mafana minengneng tu tilid,I wish I could read,train +17669,17670,17670,fadi,dry,test +17670,17671,17671,Madawdaway a niyaru hanay ita,load more into the stretcher,train +17671,17672,17672,tatamurungen,committed,train +17672,17673,17673,Macait ku dangah niyam i taluan,our cauldron is hanging in the hut,train +17673,17674,17674,pakayufin,by means of the post office,train +17674,17675,17675,Karafirang ku fainay nira,his husband is very angry,train +17675,17676,17676,saman u nu kuwaping a tilid ku nu Payrang kira,because Minnan characters are written in Chinese,train +17676,17677,17677,niututan,Were Carved,train +17677,17678,17678,samanen awaay ku paysu,because I do not have any money,train +17678,17679,17679,tatahini,I will be here,train +17679,17680,17680,fangcal tuku urip maʼuripay itiyahu,life is getting better,test +17680,17681,17681,u Tulik hatu fafukud kira iraay,all we have is Dole and east River,train +17681,17682,17682,Sakiraya,Sachilea,train +17682,17683,17683,paruhan nira i kureng,he put in the urn,train +17683,17684,17684,pataynien ku vilu u sayda atu uciya,Beer soda and tea please,train +17684,17685,17685,Cifakici kita a pecu tu minuwad,I am going to bring a bucket to pick plums,train +17685,17686,17686,masiday,shortage of,train +17686,17687,17687,pasufawan isu kyasaw haw,after cleaning the rice wine,train +17687,17688,17688,u samanay kura tayal ira,I do not know what kind of business I am in,train +17688,17689,17689,itiya i tangsul sa a maadah kuya tamdaw ala hantu ningra ku kafutian ningra a rumakat o Paslaan a Rumiad itiya,at once the man was cured he picked up his mat and walked the day on which this took place was a Sabbath,train +17689,17690,17690,man san kiya kafanaʼan tu kina radiw,what is going on with that familiar song,test +17690,17691,17691,kitemer han nu mita,we call it education,train +17691,17692,17692,ci kesem ci rarum,it is sad Sad,train +17692,17693,17693,saka sanga han aku tudungay a micihuwa,program management,train +17693,17694,17694,kalingking sa milaliw ku tuwid,soon the sparrow flew away,train +17694,17695,17695,anu,future,train +17695,17696,17696,o paluwaday a tamdaw tu sakalacinuwas nu saupu nu mituuray i suwalen tu kinaccay anu ^ca i kinatusa anu caay pitngil cingra i akatu pikihar cingraan,warn a divisive person once and then warn him a second time after that have nothing to do with him,train +17696,17697,17697,u ruma satu u niyan sakatayal yaku tuni,related items by name,train +17697,17698,17698,u ka ci arusaysay hatiraay,I am still wearing my chapeau,train +17698,17699,17699,u sadim kuran,that is poison ivy,train +17699,17700,17700,a misatapang a minaray,started as an apprentice,test +17700,17701,17701,Mafana kita tayniaytu ku wawa nu Kawas Mapaflitu ningra kita tu sakafana tu sulinay a Kawas Saka u malaccayay kita atuya sulinay a Kawas o malaccayay kita atu wawa ningra ci Yis Kristu o sulinay a Kawas u midaucay a urip cingra,we know also that the son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know him who is true and we are in him who is true even in his son Jesus Christ he is the true God and eternal life,train +17701,17702,17702,ila tu,exist,train +17702,17703,17703,la la^ han nangra ku nika rumakat,they blew the trumpets as they walked,train +17703,17704,17704,anu sahatuhan faʼeluhay a eli haw,if we use all freshly cut thatch,train +17704,17705,17705,kasu kaenen,it is delicious,train +17705,17706,17706,patalariyar,to the beach,train +17706,17707,17707,Ngaay,wish,train +17707,17708,17708,tayra kuya saayaway a tayraay a matayalay i latek adihay ku mamalayap niyam nasa ku harateng nangra Arawhani alaccaytu a tinali cangra tu lifun,so when those came who were hired first they expected to receive more but each one of them also received a denarius,train +17708,17709,17709,tu namahaen tu iri,that is it,train +17709,17710,17710,haen sa kelec sa haen satu ta,Shrinkage in the middle,test +17710,17711,17711,Pakavaheren nu heni ku mapeciʼay a tingalawan,they let it fly,train +17711,17712,17712,nika irahu ku kasaselalselal hatini nu kapah,that is why I am still a teenager,train +17712,17713,17713,yu sakatumanantu ku rumiad i miraud i ci Yisan ku nisawawaan ningra a sumuwal Makakremtu ku rumiad i matini o kuhkuhan haca i tini,by this time it was late in the day so his disciples came to him This is a remote place they said and it is already very late,train +17713,17714,17714,i Kalingku micudad tiya,I was studying in Hualien,train +17714,17715,17715,Sisa a taluma kaku atu kaka tu vavainayan i pipantangan nina mihca mangalay a milisu tu kalas nu niyaru mangalay a misapinang tu serangawan nu urip,so this summer my brother and I went back to our tribe to visit the elderly hoping to understand the culture of our own ethnic group,train +17715,17716,17716,ya sakatulu a radiw i mikasuway tu,what about the third verse Cutting the wood for Mimawood,train +17716,17717,17717,mikunling,training,train +17717,17718,17718,lafin sakiya,stay the night,train +17718,17719,17719,aw,coerce,train +17719,17720,17720,kasipasipen,rubbing,test +17720,17721,17721,maulahay kisu tuni demak han,is that what you want too,train +17721,17722,17722,Orasaka kanir sa kaku tu sapipatnakaw tu Ngaayay Ratuh i tamuwanan u i Lumaay a tamdaw,that is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are at Rome,train +17722,17723,17723,u ci atangalay kura micudadan tiya hu ka Dipungan,he was educated during the Japanese era,train +17723,17724,17724,sakasadakan,I want to go out,train +17724,17725,17725,icuwaay,which,train +17725,17726,17726,Cakay saan tu,buy it,train +17726,17727,17727,isingan,Doctor,train +17727,17728,17728,mafana ci mama aku minengneng tu rakat nu nanum,it is a good thing Dads a good swimmer,train +17728,17729,17729,a pipien a patalasasa,then it should be buried under the earth,train +17729,17730,17730,kami tu ku Tapang san caira,they think they are masters,test +17730,17731,17731,pienucan,swallow,train +17731,17732,17732,tumangic,cry,train +17732,17733,17733,Tumesen ku piparu,fill it up,train +17733,17734,17734,adihayay ku kalimelaan sa ku kafanaan nu maku,I know a lot of precious memories,train +17734,17735,17735,laplap,get rid of,train +17735,17736,17736,halicucu,love milk,train +17736,17737,17737,kisu san a Sawa,Hey Sawa,train +17737,17738,17738,suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Aka ka ngaliwngiw kamu,Stop grumbling among yourselves Jesus answered,train +17738,17739,17739,sisa salungan,that is why it is cute,train +17739,17740,17740,anu kami haw i kakecekece awa tu kamaruʼan nu niyam,whenever there is more than or people here it is very crowded,test +17740,17741,17741,misakitangay ku faʼinay aku,my husband worked as a miner,train +17741,17742,17742,makapahay ku,income is not good,train +17742,17743,17743,man han tu ku ina hales sa,what about the mother,train +17743,17744,17744,saka mahaykiw tu aku tira i,so I am scheduled to be,train +17744,17745,17745,Halu mama atu ina atu salikaka atu malininaay atu widang namu a mipaturud i tamuwanan o mamapatay nangra ku rumaruma namu,you will be betrayed even by parents brothers relatives and friends and they will put some of you to death,train +17745,17746,17746,mifafa tu safa tayni i lutuk,carry my sister to the mountain,train +17746,17747,17747,nawhani uruma tu ku aniniay a tayal,because the mode of operation is different now,train +17747,17748,17748,tira kaku mikimad tunu Pangcahay a mi tunu sapi Kuwaping ningra,that is how I translated his Chinese,train +17748,17749,17749,litenghuy teli,Lee Teng his Lee,train +17749,17750,17750,adihay ku fukes nina wawa,this kid has a lot of hair,test +17750,17751,17751,ati,come,train +17751,17752,17752,efung,canyons,train +17752,17753,17753,fidaduki,Bat,train +17753,17754,17754,maanen,What How,train +17754,17755,17755,Tahepuen ku nipawalian namu a panay,cover the rice you are drying,train +17755,17756,17756,itira tu a tatalatala sa ku malitengay,everyone equalize where they are and go home,train +17756,17757,17757,caay hu^ maraay hu^,not yet it is still far away,train +17757,17758,17758,sasisit,eraser,train +17758,17759,17759,pabelientu tu pida,I will give you as much money as you want,train +17759,17760,17760,o mapaluay nu kaput nira i huni,just got beat up by his classmates,test +17760,17761,17761,mafukil aca rumadiw,he does not sing either,train +17761,17762,17762,Malikaut kuya marad,that metal is bent,train +17762,17763,17763,hatiraay ku nu matuasay mikuku tu lifun a misalifun,that is how the ancestors expelled the demons,train +17763,17764,17764,nacila,yesterday,train +17764,17765,17765,itiya tura lalintadan u ˈalumanay minanamay tu Fangcalay Cudad a tamdaw tangsulay mitatuy tu matatudungay a demak,in those days most people learned the basic truths and then immediately took the right action,train +17765,17766,17766,itiya i maraudtu ku pipacukan tu tufur a siri tu saki Pitalifan a Lisin u Ka^caan Pipatamud tu ^Pang a rumiad itiya,then came the day of Unleavened bread on which the Passover Lamb had to be sacrificed,train +17766,17767,17767,iratu ku vaci,it is a recipe for disaster,train +17767,17768,17768,maharek tu ku mihicay pananukas aca a mikuli,catch a small fry and go back to work,train +17768,17769,17769,a misakeru u niyan,dances,train +17769,17770,17770,aluman tu ku salikaka tini i,there are more and more parishioners,test +17770,17771,17771,miecicmituduh,burn,train +17771,17772,17772,Karakalaw kina matuasay,this old man has thick eyebrows,train +17772,17773,17773,hanen milingatu unian,in the beginning,train +17773,17774,17774,fanaw,lake,train +17774,17775,17775,yu upup upup kuya kakuku haw i mucu sa nu laku,frogs in the corner of the paddy field Whoopee Whoop and they are chirping,train +17775,17776,17776,tatusa ku tamdaw urung han kura Dipung,two men are carrying the Japanese like this,train +17776,17777,17777,matenak ku suwal tu yniay tu demak nira,words about his activities have spread,train +17777,17778,17778,Samelemelet san tu mata ni mama a miarayum tu lafang,dad winked and said goodbye to the guests,train +17778,17779,17779,maku sasuwalan i deng u lutuk numaku a sasuwalen,all I have to do is talk about the mountains,train +17779,17780,17780,sasepat kami a malekaka,we are four brothers and sisters,test +17780,17781,17781,u mata nu tafukud,the circle hole of Gossipcom,train +17781,17782,17782,samaanen niluec liwliwen,Oh yeah what is with the reeds,train +17782,17783,17783,ha cingangan nu maku Aniw u Aniwpaenan Aniwkulang,it is like my name like Auns name like Auns name like Auns floor like Auns name like Auns mustard,train +17783,17784,17784,maalaay tu nu maku tuna hananay i tiya hu,he had been admitted to Taipei technical College,train +17784,17785,17785,u nu Etulan u sakakaay kura,the oldest of the Tulane tribe,train +17785,17786,17786,caay kasiday matini u vavainay,men do not get lost,train +17786,17787,17787,Natumireng ci Fistus a mikuwan tuya pala sakatulu a rumiad i miliyas cingra tu Kaysariya a tayra i Yirusalim,three days after arriving in the province Festus went up from Caesarea to Jerusalem,train +17787,17788,17788,iray kiya ecay singing aku,one of the crew members,train +17788,17789,17789,tafuen tu pawli,wrap it in a banana,train +17789,17790,17790,yu i tinihu i hkal ci Yis i satataang sa cingra tu ngiha a talalusa a mitulun a mingitangit i pakapauripay cingraan nai patay a Kawas o misapu^neray cingra tu falucu i kaayaw nu Kawas Saka tngilen nu Kawas ku pitulun ningra,during the days of Jesus life on earth he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death and he was heard because of his reverent submission,test +17790,17791,17791,maakikay,dried up,train +17791,17792,17792,Acang saan ku falucu,there is such joy in my heart,train +17792,17793,17793,nuni pangangan nu itiniyay a Pangcah maruʼay i,the Amis live here,train +17793,17794,17794,Pacauf sa ci Pilatu Caaytu ku fafalicen ku nitilidantu aku han ningra,Pilate answered What I have written I have written,train +17794,17795,17795,anu umaanmaan i,no matter what kind of,train +17795,17796,17796,caka hatira tu pu macinas tu,not as easy to cut and sew as fabric,train +17796,17797,17797,sa maupic ku fuduy,the clothes are wet,train +17797,17798,17798,ira itira a mafuti ku alumanay a adadaay u mapuhaway u mapiiway atu mapiay a tamdaw,here a great number of disabled people used to lie the blind the lame the paralyzed,train +17798,17799,17799,itini i karakaratan,it is right on the reef,train +17799,17800,17800,u sinavel nu i lumaʼay iri alaan pinaru itira hay,just like home cooking,test +17800,17801,17801,cengu,Sprouts,train +17801,17802,17802,niyam,we,train +17802,17803,17803,nifalican,replace,train +17803,17804,17804,sinsi,Teacher,train +17804,17805,17805,Nanuya paaraw ci Kristu i ci Yakupan ta paaraw cingra i pulung nu tarukus,then he appeared to James then to all the apostles,train +17805,17806,17806,mitapay tu futing kakahung,we are going to smoke some flying fish,train +17806,17807,17807,tudungay tu pisupay tura hawa,it means relief,train +17807,17808,17808,ta macuwat itu,spread,train +17808,17809,17809,o cumikayay ku milifetan aku,I participated in the running competition,train +17809,17810,17810,o sakalahuk anini ira ku titi nu ayam u fitaul u kalitang atu lukut,Todays lunch consisted of chicken eggs string beans and sans,test +17810,17811,17811,namakacuwacuwaʼay a misankaʼay a hiya a niyaru,people from all tribes came to participate,train +17811,17812,17812,nengnenghan nira,n nengneng Han lira,train +17812,17813,17813,o dadaya ku sakafuti nu mafutiay a tamdaw o dadaya ku sakalasang nu malasangay a tamdaw,for those who sleep sleep at night and those who get drunk get drunk at night,train +17813,17814,17814,namitemu kisu tu kenaw kavanaʼantu,knowing that you ate the green onion in one bite,train +17814,17815,17815,Maurad ku paputal caay pihawikid kaku tu saung,it is raining outside so I did not bring an umbrella,train +17815,17816,17816,kuni,That,train +17816,17817,17817,mahaen ku nikaurip niyam,that is how we live our lives,train +17817,17818,17818,i fununay i laenu i palapalaan mipaluma,will be planted in paddy fields,train +17818,17819,17819,misacacakay pakaen tamiyanan,who specializes in meal preparation,train +17819,17820,17820,mitepatepaay,pat,test +17820,17821,17821,misatura,prayers,train +17821,17822,17822,atulen tu nira kuya fukeluh samatiyaen nira u cahulak ku piʼatul,he built it in the shape of a fish,train +17822,17823,17823,o suwal a matilid i Rikec namu i anu tatusa ku pawacayay i sulinay kuya wacay saan,in your own law it is written that the testimony of two men is valid,train +17823,17824,17824,cecay ku tuki tahila i Taycung,I will come to Taichung in an hour,train +17824,17825,17825,u iyan ku sikusiy ca haw mikilimay tu taʼangayay luma,I am also looking for a dormitory at the big point,train +17825,17826,17826,ira ku icep itini hay,do you sell betel nut,train +17826,17827,17827,mahenay iri,that is it,train +17827,17828,17828,nikawrira pakayra tiya pi alaan niya malingaday mitafsiw tuya wawa tatuluay manengneng nira kuya tayal niya mama nengnenghan nira cay wata adihay saan tafsiw sa,the three people passed where the farmer plucked fruit and saw the old mans work they saw and said Wow so many and then went past,train +17828,17829,17829,i Fafukud ku luma niyam yu mamang hu kaku micudad tu kaku i malinah kami a tala Tawyin itira satu kami a maurip,when we were young our family lived in Fafokod after I started school we moved to Taoyuan and have been living in the city ever since,train +17829,17830,17830,Mamiaca kaku tu miciw paliwalay kamu,I am looking for rice wine do you have any rice wine,test +17830,17831,17831,caay ku masangaay a maamaan a ccay ku mapadesay Halu ita u milayapay tu saayaway a sapafli nu Kawas a Fangcalay Adingu a tumangic ku falucu a mitala tu sakalawawaaw nu Kawas tu sakatdalaw nu tireng,not only so but we ourselves who have the firstfruits of the Spirit groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons the redemption of our bodies,train +17831,17832,17832,pasifana,engage Understand Teach,train +17832,17833,17833,Misafiyuk ku fali,blow a gust of wind,train +17833,17834,17834,micurah,incinerate,train +17834,17835,17835,nengneng han aku i kafekan itira i patih,I look up at the wall,train +17835,17836,17836,katayra mi tura pi i lisin anu hinatusa kisu mikaliyun nukay hantu saan,you have to go to the festival all you have to do is dance twice and you are home,train +17836,17837,17837,ini ku felac u maan hu ku aacaen isu,here is the rice what else do you need,train +17837,17838,17838,Maanen ita kuya tatusaay nawhani kafanaantu nu pulung nu i Yirusalimay a finawlan ku nidmakan nangra a kafahkaan a dmak Saka awaay ku pakayraan ita a mipalasawad tunini,What are we going to do with these men they asked Everybody living in Jerusalem knows they have done an outstanding miracle and we cannot deny it,train +17838,17839,17839,pacihakay,priestess,train +17839,17840,17840,i tira aka ka saan a misalama,do not just play there,test +17840,17841,17841,o kura pasuʼlinen itiya hu,the only thing I believed in was witches,train +17841,17842,17842,namakamaan,how did it come about,train +17842,17843,17843,pina ku tuki mafuti kisu,what time do you go to bed at night,train +17843,17844,17844,hales ri cay hu pakaʼaraw kisu tu mama,that is why you never met your father,train +17844,17845,17845,ruma satu haw i,additionally,train +17845,17846,17846,nanukakahaday,it was wide,train +17846,17847,17847,makapahay kuna niyaru tini,it is a very beautiful tribe,train +17847,17848,17848,kamamud,pepper,train +17848,17849,17849,u tuʼas nura niyaru micumuday saʼayaw micumud tuna niyaru,the first ones to come to this tribe,train +17849,17850,17850,atu u makakaʼay,I am still a teenager,test +17850,17851,17851,awaay tu ku tayal nu i sa awaay tu ku paysu nu Amis san,there is no more work in Kaohsiung and the Amis have no money,train +17851,17852,17852,saka nanu hunihuni ku suwal nu maku haw,I have been talking about it since the beginning,train +17852,17853,17853,ma a makeru madiw tu nu hawi,we sang and danced together,train +17853,17854,17854,fangsis tu,it is got flavor,train +17854,17855,17855,midaucay a urip,eternal life,train +17855,17856,17856,Hayda pafelien kaku tu cecay cila tu nga miaca kaku tu hemay,Alright please give me one I will come back next time to buy rice,train +17856,17857,17857,sicaedung,wearing,train +17857,17858,17858,tada kalataʼangan tengilen kaeped i falucu a tengilen,it sounds very heartfelt,train +17858,17859,17859,Pakaaraw ku tamdamdaw tu kafahkaan a dmak ni Yis i suwal sa Sulinay unini a tamdaw kuya tatayni i hkal a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a tamdaw saan,after the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did they began to say Surely this is the prophet who is to come into the world,train +17859,17860,17860,o miketketay cingra tu semsem,he is experiencing suffering,test +17860,17861,17861,u payniyaniyaru nu Pangcah miterung tu salangawan a demak kilemel a mavalud ku valucu u saka masaniyaru ira ku sepat a liyad,the Amis society is self contained as a tribe and cultural activities are based on the most basic conditions of the tribe,train +17861,17862,17862,sanga han nu matuasay a miala ku,that is what the old man used the skin for,train +17862,17863,17863,a makayraay i sawaliyan a papah,be sure to look to the east for the leaves,train +17863,17864,17864,hay nu niyam a patelek ku matinay,it is our custom,train +17864,17865,17865,enemay tu ku mihcaan niira,he is six years old,train +17865,17866,17866,yasa kami a ci ina aku i,I was with my mom at the time,train +17866,17867,17867,raay,far,train +17867,17868,17868,Caedes ku rumiad anini,the weather today is very hot,train +17868,17869,17869,kifetul ku filfil nuni wawa,this kid has thick lips,train +17869,17870,17870,ni Dawa,it is Dawas,test +17870,17871,17871,alaen aku ku nanum a pananum i tisuwanan,I will bring you some water,train +17871,17872,17872,cinah,salt,train +17872,17873,17873,tiya u wawa aku cingra a haratengen,I consider him as my own child,train +17873,17874,17874,sanga,produce,train +17874,17875,17875,Karatangila kina kudiwis,this rabbit has big ears,train +17875,17876,17876,caay tu pakamelaw kamu,you cannot even see it,train +17876,17877,17877,caay ka eca^ matumes ku tamina^ tu futing atu afar,the boat is always loaded with fish and shrimp,train +17877,17878,17878,macakat cakat satu ku urip nu niyam itini tu i lutuk,our life in the mountains is slowly improving,train +17878,17879,17879,i hatiyaay a mihcaan kiya,about that time,train +17879,17880,17880,tulawtulaw hai tulawtulaw,egret ate them all,test +17880,17881,17881,nu malitengay picaedung nu malitengay,the old mans exhortation about their clothes,train +17881,17882,17882,hay haw,Yeah Oh,train +17882,17883,17883,maedeng pina mihecaan kisu,when you were about a couple years old,train +17883,17884,17884,Mafana cingra tu adihayay a Fangcalay a kimad,he knows many wonderful stories,train +17884,17885,17885,kaku tura micunpiay tu kaku tu sasuʼut tu mahapelaway,I will start preparing the ropes see if there is anything left,train +17885,17886,17886,pasuwal sa ci Yis O Kitakit nu Kawas i matiya u pifulsak nu ccay a tamdaw tu sapaluma i sra,he also said This is what the kingdom of God is like a man scatters seed on the ground,train +17886,17887,17887,Saka sapirpetan saan cangra ci Yisan Nikawrira matalaw cangra tu finawlan nawhani u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas ci Yis saan ku harateng nu finawlan,they looked for a way to arrest him but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet,train +17887,17888,17888,wadwadeng nira ku luma ningra i caay pakatama niya wawa,the child searched his house for the frog but did not find it,train +17888,17889,17889,maan han nu mita ku Sei Lei,what do we call the Holy Spirit,train +17889,17890,17890,cuaf,stuffy,test +17890,17891,17891,caay ka talulung ku fana aku nika saicel hatu aku a pacauf,I do not know much about it but I will try to answer as best I can,train +17891,17892,17892,Manayat ku rumiad,it will be a long time yet,train +17892,17893,17893,kaesu inipen kina eraw,this millet wine is delicious,train +17893,17894,17894,ira ku Padaka a mipadang tu sapicudad ita,an American to help us with our studies,train +17894,17895,17895,caay ka ranikay a tayra kuya papararamuden a fainay saka pacmet sa a mafuti cangra a ma^min,the bridegroom was a long time in coming and they all became drowsy and fell asleep,train +17895,17896,17896,Mangaay i pitakcian kita haw wa mamiluing kita,how about meeting at school we need to shoot a video,train +17896,17897,17897,ira sa ku suwal nira,he said,train +17897,17898,17898,Sulinay u wawa nu Kawas kita Saka matiya u nisangaan nu tamdaw tu tada^kim atu ^kim atu fukluh a samiyay ku pinangan nu Kawas aka ka saan ku piharateng ita,Therefore since we are Gods offspring we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone an image made by mans design and skill,train +17898,17899,17899,alaen,take it,train +17899,17900,17900,kalapawapawanan tu ku tuni,often I forget that,test +17900,17901,17901,Matefuc nu was kaku,I have been punished by God,train +17901,17902,17902,falidas,coir,train +17902,17903,17903,nika paʼayawen aku pisiki nu kiwkay,but I am going to start with the church service first,train +17903,17904,17904,pahavalak,quilt,train +17904,17905,17905,pangangan han tu nu niyaru kami tu iya tura mahaenay,the clan named our group Team Campbells Snail,train +17905,17906,17906,mahaen,at this point,train +17906,17907,17907,sahetu u Pangcah kami u tawki ku pakaenay,the workers here are all Amis and the bosses do the work,train +17907,17908,17908,atu saʼayaw aku itira i lumaʼlumaʼan,it started out as a home stay,train +17908,17909,17909,ira ku lecapu miluvang u kalas nu niyaru atu misa tataday nu selal anu ira ku tataakay a demak nu niyaru u heni ku paketunay a miluvang,tribal Council Comprised of tribal elders and elders of all ages important decisions must be made by tribal council,train +17909,17910,17910,tala wanan kaku a tumireng,I am going to stand on the right,test +17910,17911,17911,Sepaten ku cudad,four words,train +17911,17912,17912,ura satapang ningra a ngangan itiraay tu i ciinaan aku kura,I will just let the sister take her mothers name Chen,train +17912,17913,17913,weysan,hearing faintly feed the voice,train +17913,17914,17914,u ruma satu i anu ira tu ku lafang tayni i luma,Sometimes when you have guests in your home,train +17914,17915,17915,u malakacaway,leadership,train +17915,17916,17916,demak asa iri,if the action is taken,train +17916,17917,17917,Naengen,save it,train +17917,17918,17918,o ulah ni Yihufa i takuwanan kuni sapadama nu maluhemay malitengay wa haen minengneng kisu han,would you see the elders help as a sign that the Lord loves you,train +17918,17919,17919,hayi a pasuwal hu kaku tu pakayniay i tini i Cawi hananay,Yes I am going to talk about the Shimpo tribe now,train +17919,17920,17920,tu sapipalatamdawaw tu keyka,how to make indigenous peoples valuable,test +17920,17921,17921,u nu aniniay sapipisay tu ku nu aniniay,it is just for the game now,train +17921,17922,17922,u ruma satu ini ku niyan,another,train +17922,17923,17923,anu caay ku lalumuwad a maurip ku mapatayay i kuna caay paluwaden nu Kawas ci Kristu a paurip nai patay anu hatira i malamisamangahay ku nipipasuwal niyam tu pakayniay i Kawas tu nipipaluwad ningra ci Kristuan a paurip nai patay,more than that we are then found to be false Witnesses about God for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead but he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised,train +17923,17924,17924,tumuk paliyaw aca,Chieftain let us do it again,train +17924,17925,17925,satu,it is like this,train +17925,17926,17926,cekcek han nira a misanga makapah tu,it looks great with its tight and voluminous skewers,train +17926,17927,17927,ngaʼayay kuni,this is good,train +17927,17928,17928,misasulungay kiya matuʼasay mikasuy,elderly man stockpiling wood,train +17928,17929,17929,o nika ciraraw nu misawiay tu ccay nunini a sasafaay i u nika pisuut tu liel ningra tu tataangay a fukluh a tailangan a mafahkul i talulungay a riyar ku ngaay,it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin,train +17929,17930,17930,tahira kami i Yirusalim i salipahak sa ku salikaka a mihamham a militmuh i tamiyanan,when we arrived at Jerusalem the brothers received us warmly,test +17930,17931,17931,melaw sa kamanaan tu,it is recognizable at first glance,train +17931,17932,17932,incay,cabbage,train +17932,17933,17933,anu taangay taangayay anu mimin mimingay,if you have a big one use a big one if you have a very small one use a very small tree trunk,train +17933,17934,17934,Mipalitaa hen kaku i tisuwanan icuwa ku Parik,excuse me where is Mount Malun,train +17934,17935,17935,o cifar ku pidakawan nu sufitay tala Kimmung,troops were traveling to Kinmen by boat,train +17935,17936,17936,mahaenay ku kimad aku tunian,that is the story,train +17936,17937,17937,caay kahaen anini haw anu malasang vulit sananay tu i lalan,but it is not like that anymore whenever I am drunk I just lie on the side of the road,train +17937,17938,17938,lumuwad kita tura dafak turaan haw i,in the morning when we are about to leave,train +17938,17939,17939,itini i pisikul tu ningra a mitiku,just because we are going back for more,train +17939,17940,17940,ira picudadan,at school,test +17940,17941,17941,itiya yu milaliw ku Ripun haw maluwid haw i,the Japanese used to leave after they were defeated,train +17941,17942,17942,mahemin a saupuen,collect them all,train +17942,17943,17943,tinian hana nira,embroidery on Patterns,train +17943,17944,17944,saluya culiya,waste,train +17944,17945,17945,malecapu amin ku adiwawa i kavekacan a mimali a masasuwasuwal,all the children will gather in the playground play ball and chat together,train +17945,17946,17946,i Pusungay kaku a mitilid,I studied in Taitung,train +17946,17947,17947,mipa^pa,think over,train +17947,17948,17948,tiya sapipaluan san tu kapah san,then he tried to beat up the youths,train +17948,17949,17949,ya iraʼay tu ku karurayan ka sipayan kararuman misu misanga atu tuna laciw,were there many difficulties fatigue or disappointments during the production of the program,train +17949,17950,17950,aka pueten ku tangila isu,do not plug your ears,test +17950,17951,17951,matini saan ya hana saan,now for the flower part,train +17951,17952,17952,kansacyin,control Yuan,train +17952,17953,17953,naw,why,train +17953,17954,17954,pakahikukiay pakahikukiay ku kalikiay tu pakacinamalay,I will take the plane because it is faster than the train,train +17954,17955,17955,tini hu mituka kami mikerid aku ku salikaka itini i Tucen,stay in Tucson,train +17955,17956,17956,anu manguta ira tu ku futing san kiya ina,or something a little cloudy and she is sure there is fish,train +17956,17957,17957,anu minukay tu kami,if we go back to the tribe,train +17957,17958,17958,anu rakaten haw i,it is a three hour round trip if you are walking,train +17958,17959,17959,lalima ku paru nu luma niyam,there are five people in our family,train +17959,17960,17960,repethan nira kaku,he grabbed hold of me,test +17960,17961,17961,tura singsing hay,little bells and all that,train +17961,17962,17962,8 mafanaˈay ci Tumas pasifanaˈtu wawa kalimelaan ku mahadidiay falucuˈ,Thomas knew that teaching his daughter required patience,train +17962,17963,17963,u Pacidal u radan ci Katupay ci Langasan sau maan kiya u ka Dipungan mahapinang hu masangasaw,the sun Tribe the rain Tribe the sang Lam Tribe and the Japanese Tribe I know them all,train +17963,17964,17964,anu ira ku caay pituur tunini a nitilidan niyam a suwal i pinaun tu matiraay a tamdaw aka pinaul i cingraan ta mafana cingra a mangudu,if anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter take special note of him do not associate with him in order that he may feel ashamed,train +17964,17965,17965,makalaenu,the following,train +17965,17966,17966,Pakaaraw ku nisawawaan tu nika rumakat ni Yis i fanaw i pakukawas cangra saka lkal satu cangra,but when they saw him walking on the lake they thought he was a ghost they cried out,train +17966,17967,17967,kiya mahaen saw a mahaen,why is it so,train +17967,17968,17968,maala isu ku kapah kina kakuliyan kiniyan,it is a good job you got in at Taiwan Cement,train +17968,17969,17969,ya iʼayaw kunga ya kahengangay,in the old days of red colored groundnuts,train +17969,17970,17970,Pangcah ku luma,Amish families,test +17970,17971,17971,caayay ku iraan na u lalannicurukan nihumun i itiya hu,this missionary journey was made possible by the constant prayers of the families we visited at that time,train +17971,17972,17972,u yaan ku painiay fangcal ku kaduduc satu,harmony is the most precious of all,train +17972,17973,17973,yu tahiratu cangra i finawlan i ira ku ccay a tamdaw a miraud pitusur sa i kaayaw ni Yis,when they came to the crowd a man approached Jesus and knelt before him,train +17973,17974,17974,u pikilim tu nu itiraay,I am just looking for a habitat,train +17974,17975,17975,ura tu rumaruma a kapah i,and other young people,train +17975,17976,17976,itiya i ira ku limuut ni Aukustus u hungti nu Luma tu sapipatilidaw tu ngangan nu finawlan i pulung nu makuwanay nu luma a kitakit,in those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world,train +17976,17977,17977,Maladii ku mararamuday a mafuti,couples sleep in the same bed,train +17977,17978,17978,suʼelinay malacaupet turanan i,such a collective effort,train +17978,17979,17979,madengay,adequate,train +17979,17980,17980,pacenguʼen ku rangtar anu icuwacuwa ku aru,and training opportunities for teachers,test +17980,17981,17981,patingluh tu tu luma,add a cap,train +17981,17982,17982,marakam ku malitelitengay ku rumakatay i,the old man crossed the river on a bumpy walk,train +17982,17983,17983,ira ku faeluh a picudadan,new schools,train +17983,17984,17984,makaenay tu ina kina tevu,Auntie is this bamboo shoot ready to eat,train +17984,17985,17985,matiraan ta,that is it,train +17985,17986,17986,ira amin ku valucu pasayni,family centripetal force,train +17986,17987,17987,materek maʼusaw kami kira,the rest of us were left ah,train +17987,17988,17988,onini a suwal i u itiniay i pasawali pariyaray ku urip a Pangcah sapalimuut tu caayay piduedu tu tatukian atu matukaay a tamdaw kunini tadamaanay a suwal,this famous saying is an aphorism from Ami of the coast who lived by the sea to admonish those who did not keep time,train +17988,17989,17989,misuay ku suta misuay ku suta sa caayay,if you have this land you have that land there is no such thing,train +17989,17990,17990,o maatipilay ku tangal niyam a malekaka,the heads of our brothers and sisters are flat,test +17990,17991,17991,pakafilu,competent,train +17991,17992,17992,u faʼinayan kiya ku mamaseti ney,it is supposed to be only the boys who get discouraged,train +17992,17993,17993,tengil han aku kalimelaan tu ku fana isu sanay kaku,I listened and found your experience and wisdom invaluable,train +17993,17994,17994,ta pakayni i mikumi ningra a mangaay kita a malayap nu Kawas ta malamamilayap kita tu kacifalucuan ita a midaucay a urip,so that having been justified by his grace we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life,train +17994,17995,17995,lalusidan,baggage,train +17995,17996,17996,i salafiʼi caay pikuking kaku,by the end of the night I do not have to stand guard,train +17996,17997,17997,mifedfed,bundle,train +17997,17998,17998,mipulul,self governance,train +17998,17999,17999,helip,suck in,train +17999,18000,18000,awaay ku ngaayay a demak nu micuayay,Avengers do not have a good end,test +18000,18001,18001,misahuluay nu iciku kura,he was a cook on the first ship,train +18001,18002,18002,ta tara mikilim,he will find it again,train +18002,18003,18003,lalamlam saan catu pitilid,sometimes I do not go to school,train +18003,18004,18004,Tungfusung,Tung Fu village,train +18004,18005,18005,Fetiren ku matuasay ta mipalemed i titanan,prayers of blessing to the ancestral Spirit,train +18005,18006,18006,hulu,rice,train +18006,18007,18007,u nikaurip nu ina sa isaw ku kukudul,the upper echelon thinks it is going to take moms language,train +18007,18008,18008,atu,cap,train +18008,18009,18009,sakanatulu,the second clause of the second one,train +18009,18010,18010,sanengnenghan nira kuya tatuluay aciyah kuna tatuluay wawa mipadang takuwanan saan cingra i,Ah the three children helped me he thought,test +18010,18011,18011,siuwayen nu matuasay,the elders then processed the vines,train +18011,18012,18012,kedec kedec makedec mahaen enem,in the sixth hour pull it tight pull it tight pull it tight,train +18012,18013,18013,kaku cecay,I am alone,train +18013,18014,18014,caay ka citudung ku fafahi a mikuwan tu tireng ningra o fainay ningra ku citudungay tunini malcad tunini a caay ka citudung ku fainay a mikuwan tu tireng ningra o fafahi ningra ku citudungay tunini,the wife body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband in the same way the husbands body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife,train +18014,18015,18015,anu i tiya i sakalima na milipay i palitaayma nu maku ku rumaruma a tamdaw,if it is rescheduled for Friday I will have to ask the others first,train +18015,18016,18016,mairang,bleed,train +18016,18017,18017,u sawmu haw,when sweeping graves oh,train +18017,18018,18018,tu tasiye kira,going to university,train +18018,18019,18019,Masasifud ku keliw,the head is tangled,train +18019,18020,18020,nuna kasasufasufal a palapalaan itira,in different corners of the place,test +18020,18021,18021,tangtang,cook,train +18021,18022,18022,Cikamaruan kaku a madakaw tu cilamalay,there is a seat in the train I am sitting on,train +18022,18023,18023,misakimukimud tu mikilim,I am in a hurry,train +18023,18024,18024,itini i aru nu kalas tiyan haw i ira ku afeduʼay itira,there are many able ones among the elders,train +18024,18025,18025,misungila nitapid tiya facal hatila ku maku urip mawmah,I have been working as a paper for a long time,train +18025,18026,18026,ungay,monkey,train +18026,18027,18027,Mapacekuk kami nu faliyus i nacila,we were frightened by a typhoon yesterday,train +18027,18028,18028,masaʼupu maranam,gather for breakfast,train +18028,18029,18029,a misacaciyaw tu nu Pangcah,and speak Mandarin,train +18029,18030,18030,oya Kinaccaytu sanay a suwal i u kacipinangan ita tu nika u mamangernger u mamalasawad ku masangaay nu Kawas a maamaan onini i u sakausawaw nu caay ku mamangernger a maamaan,the words once more indicate the removing of what can be shaken that is created things so that what cannot be shaken may remain,test +18030,18031,18031,parihenawen,terrify,train +18031,18032,18032,Caay ka eca ciriku kita tu fa^luhay i pipafilungan,we always wear new clothes for the new Year,train +18032,18033,18033,nuya,that one,train +18033,18034,18034,Itiyasatu pasuwalen nuya hungti ku kulikuli ningra Mapatalatu ku tahka aku Nikawrira awaay ku ^puc tuya i ayaway a nanitahidangan a lafang,Then he said to his servants The wedding banquet is ready but those I invited did not deserve to come,train +18034,18035,18035,pasuwal sa cangra Nisamaanan ningra kisu Nisamaanan ningra ku nipiadah tu mata isu han nangra,then they asked him What did he do to you how did he open your eyes,train +18035,18036,18036,kinalima kaku a masti nu Yutaya a tamdaw tulu a pulu ira ku siwa ku kinaccay a pisti,five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one,train +18036,18037,18037,alaen a pasadak ku impic nu misu,take out your pen,train +18037,18038,18038,anu miliyas ku paru nu lumaˈ ci Yihufaan i u manan ku papadama tisuwanan miremu tu sumad,if a family member has forsaken the LORD what can help you overcome the hurt,train +18038,18039,18039,muemu han naku cikay sa kaku,I squeezed the sticky rice into a ball and ran,train +18039,18040,18040,kuriranan satu ku,That,test +18040,18041,18041,maherek tu kuranan a fafulaw a hiya hu hiwawa,after the invasion,train +18041,18042,18042,anu u maan tu matawalay tu niyam,we have forgotten a lot of things,train +18042,18043,18043,nu wina aku fafa tu wawa hay hay,my mom had it as a baby carrier Yeah,train +18043,18044,18044,u suwal hanay matiniay,language is like,train +18044,18045,18045,iraay ku nanu cuwacuwaay a tamdaw haw,anyone from elsewhere,train +18045,18046,18046,katangitangican hu kinian a urip,it is a tearful thing in life,train +18046,18047,18047,maʼaraw ira,See,train +18047,18048,18048,ira ku nipatala,preparation,train +18048,18049,18049,o nipaflian nu wama i takuwanan a tamdaw a ma^min i u tatayni i Takuwanan o tayniay i takuwanan a tamdaw i caay ku fafalahen Aku,all that the father gives me will come to me and whoever comes to me I will never drive away,train +18049,18050,18050,mikadafuay kisu tayni Cilamitay,did you get pregnant with Giramidai,test +18050,18051,18051,Akatu ka itini misaakuwakuawy itini aʼayaw,do not be strong in everything,train +18051,18052,18052,talaniyaru,to the tribes,train +18052,18053,18053,iniyan u maan kiniyan,what is this,train +18053,18054,18054,o mikeliway ku tayal nu kapakapah anini a rumiad,Todays work for the youth was to collect rope materials,train +18054,18055,18055,u inuli ku ayaw,just pray,train +18055,18056,18056,pakaynian i pairasulay,through the faithful prophets of God in the past,train +18056,18057,18057,malaluk kami a matayal,we work hard,train +18057,18058,18058,anu hakuwa ku rumiʼad matawalay tu niyam,when will it be held we have forgotten,train +18058,18059,18059,Orasaka suwalen aku kamu anu u maan ku nilungucan namu a mitulun i u malayapaytu aku han ku pasulin namu tu Kawas ta caay ka ^ca u mamalayap namu,therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours,train +18059,18060,18060,ina aca aku,and my mother,test +18060,18061,18061,mapapaliw itiya ku lumaluma,every family helps each other,train +18061,18062,18062,anca misangaʼay tu luma misangaʼay tu lalan,covered house Poker road,train +18062,18063,18063,Ngaayhu u maan ku aacaen isu,Hello what do you want to buy,train +18063,18064,18064,sahetu,it is all,train +18064,18065,18065,Hapimaan ucya sa ku nananumen aku itira kita i palafangan a malahuluhulul,no need to bother I will just have tea let us sit in the living room and chat,train +18065,18066,18066,fahal san minukay ciira nani Amilika,he suddenly came back from the united States,train +18066,18067,18067,pasifana,teach,train +18067,18068,18068,saka ngaʼay nu mita,to make life better,train +18068,18069,18069,tuwa ma,hard to produce,train +18069,18070,18070,yu iratu ci Pawlu i likut han nuya nai Yirusalimay a Yutaya a tamdaw cingra Alapakukukukut sa cangra tu adihayay a kartengay a raraw ningra awaay ku maluwacay nangra tunini,when Paul appeared the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood around him bringing many serious charges against him which they could not prove,test +18070,18071,18071,mimaan saw ira satu ku paysu isu itiya hantu,it is okay you can talk about it when you have money,train +18071,18072,18072,Amis,Aramaic,train +18072,18073,18073,mimaan saw,gifts,train +18073,18074,18074,Ciraay tu ku mialaay tu Cudad aku,he must have taken my book,train +18074,18075,18075,nipanaan,objects that have been shot at,train +18075,18076,18076,ketun sa ku falucu ku mama nu maku,my dads mental weight has been lifted,train +18076,18077,18077,tulu pulu ku aca nuna kunga tu cecay a tingting,sweet potatoes are thirty dollars for a pound,train +18077,18078,18078,tu dadaya awaay ku uul i kakarayan mahadakay tu ku fuis,there were no clouds in the sky at night and the stars came out,train +18078,18079,18079,watah,very surprising,train +18079,18080,18080,ri taluma hatu itiya ri taluma satu,so it is back,test +18080,18081,18081,pilunguc nu maku hay,how to build an ethnic language learning environment at home,train +18081,18082,18082,mangalay,hope,train +18082,18083,18083,pacakaten aku ku siykace sanay kaku,enhance and improve your life to the best of your ability,train +18083,18084,18084,malecad tu kitanan tamuwanan,just like us and you,train +18084,18085,18085,sulinay,really,train +18085,18086,18086,felih,flip,train +18086,18087,18087,yu misanengnengneng cangra tu taliyuk i dengtu ci Yis atu cangra ku itiraay nikawrira awaaytu a maaraw nangra ku cimacima a tamdaw,Suddenly when they looked around they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus,train +18087,18088,18088,sungila han palayalay,do you want it to be neat and tidy,train +18088,18089,18089,saka awaay ku pinang turira,that is why it is fruitless,train +18089,18090,18090,ya matira cangra mipitau mi paluma ira mi tafesiw ku ccay u Taywan itu,they were hoeing a Taiwanese passed by,test +18090,18091,18091,o kalala a talakal kura sapiadup tu mancel,it was a leg rigged rope trap and we used it to catch Shankiang,train +18091,18092,18092,hafalat tu numira haw i,his beams,train +18092,18093,18093,na ira ku sasangaen tu epah awaay ku kakaenen itiya hu san,at that time there was a serious lack of supplies so there was nothing to make wine,train +18093,18094,18094,itini tu taheka i kaen nangra micudad,at the table in school meals,train +18094,18095,18095,taʼangay kaku i,I am growing up,train +18095,18096,18096,Caay ka ^ca u mamapaturud i ciraraway a tamdaw ku Wawa nu Tamdaw mapacek i ciwcika Ta sakatulu a rumiad i u lalumuwad a maurip nai patay saan kyami han nangra,The son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men be crucified and on the third day be raised again,train +18096,18097,18097,Kataan satu kaku tu pikakaen aku tu kiyafes,I was constipated from eating guavas all the time,train +18097,18098,18098,cidek saan ku wayway nura wawa atu kakakaka nira,that kid is very different from his brothers and sisters,train +18098,18099,18099,miliyasay tu kaku tu kingki tira i,I have left the foundation of Sham O,train +18099,18100,18100,o misalaladay ku adada aku,my pain shoots out from its origin,test +18100,18101,18101,paruen i kaysing,put it on the bowl,train +18101,18102,18102,tuluen a sapad ku tahka nu lafang ita,our guests will have three tables,train +18102,18103,18103,maemin a maala nu nanum ku umah,the paddy fields are all washed away,train +18103,18104,18104,acah atuk cecay ku fafahiyan a wawa haw,I am the only child of my parents,train +18104,18105,18105,kunini u rayray nu sakaira nu kudasing sanay a suwal,the name kudasing is passed down,train +18105,18106,18106,Misifed ku talip isu i tefus,your pants catch in the sugar cane,train +18106,18107,18107,yu ruma satu,Sometimes,train +18107,18108,18108,o maan ku sasafraangen isu Kalumuwad pilunguc tu ngangan Ningra pilayap tu inu ta masawsaw a makurac ku raraw isu han ningra,and now what are you waiting for get up be baptized and wash your sins away calling on his name,train +18108,18109,18109,kiwakiw,stirring,train +18109,18110,18110,takuwanan,I suffer,test +18110,18111,18111,malecad tu maedengay tu han aku milicay kiya faʼinay aku terep sa kiya faʼinay aku,I asked him what happened and he was silent for a while,train +18111,18112,18112,caliwan nira ku nu wina nira fufu nira,they would borrow it from their moms or grandmothers,train +18112,18113,18113,anu u Hipray a tamdaw cangra i u hatiraay kaku anu u Israil a tamdaw cangra i u hatiraay kaku anu u tluc ni Apraham cangra i u hatiraay kaku,are they Hebrews so am I are they Israelites so am I are they Abrahams descendants so am I,train +18113,18114,18114,cinguyus kisu,do not be afraid to talk,train +18114,18115,18115,tiktak tiktak saan ku suni^ nira,it makes a ticking sound,train +18115,18116,18116,nawhani caay pakaynien nu Kawas i suwal ku pikuwan pakaynien ningra i icel ku pikuwan,for the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power,train +18116,18117,18117,itini i Paanifung nu ku mimingan aku haw i,childhood in Hing Cheong,train +18117,18118,18118,ketun han mihatini i,just cut it off,train +18118,18119,18119,Caay u nicakayan ni ina^,No this is what mom bought,train +18119,18120,18120,u niyan u hiya u kamay,the first one is this finger,test +18120,18121,18121,o mamifalah cingra tu lakaw,he is going to throw away the trash,train +18121,18122,18122,u mamelawan han iri lepelen nu misu,he is coming to watch you pick him up,train +18122,18123,18123,awaay tu ku pitiʼelan nu maku,I do not have a center of gravity anymore,train +18123,18124,18124,nikatafalan,gash,train +18124,18125,18125,misanga tu,produce,train +18125,18126,18126,mahaen ku fafahi anu misawad tu fainay nu tireng a ciramud tu ruma a fainayan i u maudangay cingra han ningra,and if she divorces her husband and marries another man she commits adultery,train +18126,18127,18127,karimucu,nook,train +18127,18128,18128,mapanganganay kira lutuk ku ngangan nu tamdaw,we will name the mountain after him,train +18128,18129,18129,tahira tu pi anu itiniay,where it all started,train +18129,18130,18130,icuwaay a ngangasawan kisu,which is your clan,test +18130,18131,18131,malitengay,parents,train +18131,18132,18132,tangasa itini i kudukudul u tataakaytu,it is a big one by the time we get to the top,train +18132,18133,18133,cukuya masa ciwcikaay a tesel,not the so called cross stitch,train +18133,18134,18134,u adihayay ku lipida sa kaku itiya,a good salary that was my dream at the time,train +18134,18135,18135,tu mamiparakat tu hikuki,Helicopter pilot,train +18135,18136,18136,i niyaru nu Mabuwakay,south China tribe,train +18136,18137,18137,miaeferay kira,because I fly a lot,train +18137,18138,18138,Mafana kita u katlangay a falucu ita kuya mapakaputay i ci Kristuan a mapacek i ciwcika onini i u sapalasawadaw tu ciraraway a tireng ita ta caaytu ka lakuli nu raraw kita i ikur nunini,for we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves to sin,train +18138,18139,18139,itiraay kin a ekim san saka ura masamanay malakelak ta pudpudan niyam han nu mita u Taywan kya kuntung san,the Taiwanese say to the mainland's I do not know where the gold we picked up there came from,train +18139,18140,18140,u ruma haw i,additionally,test +18140,18141,18141,o kalalisanan hu i matini,we are still in the midst of a cold epidemic,train +18141,18142,18142,i pituay tuki^ kaku a talapicudadan anini^ a rumiad,I arrived at school at seven today,train +18142,18143,18143,anu ira ku kasuy haw i amanen sa,logging has,train +18143,18144,18144,taluma ci Alasan mitaʼelif tuni pala i,I will be on my way home,train +18144,18145,18145,haw u rumasatu,another thing,train +18145,18146,18146,tu saku nu dafak tu saku nu ikurca,think about tomorrow think about the future,train +18146,18147,18147,itiya i u mamatdi a matiya u cidal ku mu^celay a tamdaw i Kitakit nu Wama pitngil kamu u pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw,then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father he who has ears let him hear,train +18147,18148,18148,a mihecaan itira,first academic year,train +18148,18149,18149,kasufucan a rumiad,birthday,train +18149,18150,18150,ura nu sawmuci hananay i ura taʼangayay,as for the tomb Sweeper it grows big,test +18150,18151,18151,cacay a tatukiyan u ruma a luma,change the account after one hour,train +18151,18152,18152,kira na mialaay ci Sawaʼan,I am here to take Sawa away,train +18152,18153,18153,o luma hananay nu Pangcah nanu pisaparud a masadak kuni a tatudung u pisalamalan ku parud hananay nu tuas hu a demakan tulu ku fukeluh a mapatireng,the Amis meaning of home is derived from the hearth which is the place where the fire is made the traditional method is to set up three stones,train +18153,18154,18154,talumatu,return home,train +18154,18155,18155,misaefeefer,flying around,train +18155,18156,18156,nu niyam isw u maku a vakiyaw isaw haw,our slippers like my slippers,train +18156,18157,18157,matafesiw,it is over,train +18157,18158,18158,maan han tu kiya,how can I put it,train +18158,18159,18159,Cima,who is it,train +18159,18160,18160,Mafana a misaaning kura wawa tu fafahiyan,that girl can act,test +18160,18161,18161,sakatulu tu kupu anini Sanpei,that is the third cup of the day three cups,train +18161,18162,18162,o hahapinangen nu kahaccaccay ku falucu atu dmak nu tireng ta kumaen tu ^pang atu takid nu Tapang,a man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup,train +18162,18163,18163,nika hadidi han aku,I will have to excuse myself,train +18163,18164,18164,u lamlam tu kaku,I am mixed,train +18164,18165,18165,tu Cudad nu micudaday,cannot read the book,train +18165,18166,18166,aray han aku kura faki niyam ci,I am very grateful to my uncle Mr Chan Ka Chun,train +18166,18167,18167,naw han nu mikadafu ku fainayan saan,why would a boy want to get into trouble,train +18167,18168,18168,siniʼadaan ku urip itiyahu,it was a miserable life,train +18168,18169,18169,tu cila ira tu ku tayraay,Tomorrow someone else will be there,train +18169,18170,18170,pili,select,test +18170,18171,18171,patay niraan,he is dead,train +18171,18172,18172,tuur,follow,train +18172,18173,18173,mirukruk,boiling,train +18173,18174,18174,pafeli han su ku tau malecad kaku aci kaka aku kira ku pising aku,you are giving me away like this my face is the same as my sisters,train +18174,18175,18175,keriden aku kamu a talaumah anini^ a rumiad,I will take you to the fields,train +18175,18176,18176,yu masadak ci Yis a miliyas tu Fangcalay Pitaungan i rauden nu nisawawaan cingra Turu sa cangra tu Fangcalay Pitaungan a luma a papinengneng ci Yisan,Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings,train +18176,18177,18177,iterung tu nanibaliwan na,it is very lush,train +18177,18178,18178,Langtu tu ku ringu nu mita,our fire roast has turned to ashes,train +18178,18179,18179,ci Akila ci,forest lighting,train +18179,18180,18180,pikereng,Thunderstorms,test +18180,18181,18181,makusiw,malfunctions,train +18181,18182,18182,u cacay iri mavutek caay kasivavainay,one is blind and not married,train +18182,18183,18183,Orasaka caay ku papasneng ku cimacima a tamdaw i kaayaw nu Kawas,so that no one may boast before him,train +18183,18184,18184,icuwa tu kira tapid awaay a maaraw nu maku,I do not see that stitching in there,train +18184,18185,18185,masanga aku itiya,I finished the job,train +18185,18186,18186,Citatudungay kaku padama tu micudiyapay misinsi tu Kitakit a mingkiw Halu pilimasmas tu pikalican hu ngaˈay tayra i minilnilan a kilac kuniya fanekfekay a salikaka,I am responsible for obtaining visas and arranging transportation for the graduates so that these dedicated brothers and sisters can get to their area of assignment,train +18186,18187,18187,caay ka tala ka saan,do not keep waiting,train +18187,18188,18188,sarakatay nikamayan maemin ranay,these are all handmade pieces,train +18188,18189,18189,nafuy,crawl,train +18189,18190,18190,o pisananiwacan nu niyam kiraan a pala,that field is where we are going to plant the green beans,test +18190,18191,18191,sisa nanu wawa kami nu Pangcah ku suwal,I have been speaking Amish since I was a kid,train +18191,18192,18192,o pasimalay kaku tu paliding,I was there to fill up the car,train +18192,18193,18193,ura widawidangay ngasangasaw kura tau,those of friends and relatives,train +18193,18194,18194,caliw,lend,train +18194,18195,18195,tu ninian hatiraay tu kura lutu nu niyam,we are so quite frustrated,train +18195,18196,18196,ini ku singsi^ nu maku,my teachers here,train +18196,18197,18197,hu yan hu ha yu hyen hey ya u hay,ho yah an ho ho ha yo ha yah an hey yah O Hi,train +18197,18198,18198,uinafa,swaddling clothes,train +18198,18199,18199,Marumutay ku luma nu maku,my house is narrow,train +18199,18200,18200,u matiray tu ku niyam a mikaenan,that is our food,test +18200,18201,18201,o maukutay ku nika diku nu wacu nu niyam tu dadaya,at night our dog lies down with his body tucked in,train +18201,18202,18202,fufu,grand mom,train +18202,18203,18203,nawhan ri,Why I do not know,train +18203,18204,18204,maʼaraw tu nu hiya itini puluyakiw hananay pisaʼicelay a pimalian,seeing professional baseball players who have the potential to excel,train +18204,18205,18205,malalukay a matayal,we work hard,train +18205,18206,18206,malecad ku cacudadan niyam,we study in the same school,train +18206,18207,18207,apa,fool,train +18207,18208,18208,itini piwentingan tu tusiya han iraay ku Amis nawhani awaay ku fana nu awaay ku nu Amis,there are Aborigines who work as container drivers because they do not have much education,train +18208,18209,18209,tu sakay itini i niyaru,key to the tribe,train +18209,18210,18210,haciw saan i mangaay haw tayra i laku tayra i umah mawmah,Hajo can you go to the paddy field or plowing,test +18210,18211,18211,diien,sleep close to,train +18211,18212,18212,ira ku cecay heca a rumiʼad tu pipahanhanan nu mira tu cecay a rumiʼad,one day was his day off,train +18212,18213,18213,itiya maʼurad tu itiya ira ku nanum nu niyaru sakamawmah,when the rains come the tribe will have water to farm,train +18213,18214,18214,Fataʼan tu nika rumaay haca a kamukuʼan adidi,in another village in Guangfu Township,train +18214,18215,18215,hay haw,Right,train +18215,18216,18216,saaday^ay,pity,train +18216,18217,18217,nawhani midiput ku Tapang tu mu^celay a tamdaw mitngil cingra tu pitulun nangra Nikawrira makter ku Tapang tu tatiihay ku dmak a tamdaw saan,for the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil,train +18217,18218,18218,sasaturunen,ingredients for making mocha,train +18218,18219,18219,caay kakapah ku nipimelaw,it is not very clear,train +18219,18220,18220,nawhani itiyahu ku rpma kanatal,different Islands at that time,test +18220,18221,18221,maulah kaku tuni a riku pina ku aca nira,I like this piece of clothing how much is it,train +18221,18222,18222,irakuya micakayan niyam i aluma,repayment of home loan in Kwan Shan,train +18222,18223,18223,Hay Sahetu u Amis ku palu nu luma niyam,Yes my whole family is Amis,train +18223,18224,18224,anu caay ka tayni kaku a pasuwal i cangraan i kuna awaay ku raraw nangra Nikawrira awaaytu anini ku pakayraan nangra a paading tu tireng tu nika ciraraw nangra,if I had not come and spoken to them they would not be guilty of sin Now however they have no excuse for their sin,train +18224,18225,18225,cila satu a rumiad maaraw ningra ku tatusa a malaudutay a Israil Palaliayen aku cangra saan cingra Saka suwal han ningra Salikakaaw u malikakaay kamu Nawiru marariang kamu saw han ningra,the next day Moses came upon two Israelites who were fighting he tried to reconcile them by saying Men you are brothers why do you want to hurt each other,train +18225,18226,18226,nanay tanektek ku tireng nu misu,I wish you good health,train +18226,18227,18227,papiundukayen,engage something participate in the games,train +18227,18228,18228,asulu,wooden pestle,train +18228,18229,18229,aya kita kapah tayni tu ma malikuda kita san,We the youth said Please come we are going to start the new Years celebration,train +18229,18230,18230,Simamihulul ci lahuk saan,Lahuk is in love,test +18230,18231,18231,tengtengen nu mitengtengen nu mimangey a patireng,pull it up with the machine,train +18231,18232,18232,nawhan ri nu itira mitala sanay,why are you waiting in front,train +18232,18233,18233,tangasa i gugacu,until September,train +18233,18234,18234,han kira,that is it,train +18234,18235,18235,sa maharek iri mikaci,after cementing,train +18235,18236,18236,panganganen ira itira,named in sit,train +18236,18237,18237,fuduy,dresses,train +18237,18238,18238,sani sani lalesiyan,seawater often,train +18238,18239,18239,hatira ku radiw aku u radiw nu matuʼasay kuni,this is the song of the elders that is all I am going to sing,train +18239,18240,18240,tu na fangcal ku niyan kapihiya,I envy Wong Sau Ying and their man Kin Station,test +18240,18241,18241,Mipatahka kami tu lafang anucila,we are having a banquet tomorrow,train +18241,18242,18242,nu maku san i,and me,train +18242,18243,18243,rengus,grass,train +18243,18244,18244,o niateman nu maku tu Cudad ku pida aku,I turned out to be holding the money hostage with my book,train +18244,18245,18245,a mifahkul cangraan i marengrengay a namal i parud o a itira cangra a tumangic a mingric tu wadis,they will throw them into the fiery furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,train +18245,18246,18246,u maan a datengan ku nu lutuk,there are lots of wild vegetables in the mountains,train +18246,18247,18247,itini i urip tu saka fangcal nu urip aca nu niaym,that is why we have such a good life,train +18247,18248,18248,maʼaraw tu ku wayway nu likakawa nu tuʼas itiya hu,it is important for the people to pass on their culture,train +18248,18249,18249,ira ku suwal nu matuʼasay,what the old man said at that time was,train +18249,18250,18250,maliyaway hu kiya tuwafu maleneng,the first mate went down again,test +18250,18251,18251,pina ku tuki tahira,how long will it take,train +18251,18252,18252,falucu,very attentive,train +18252,18253,18253,satapang,begin,train +18253,18254,18254,Ngaayhu han ci Mariya a paratuh u namarurayay a matayal tu saki tamuwanan,greet Mary who worked very hard for you,train +18254,18255,18255,tayra hu i lutuk i rakat sa kami i lutulutukan,once on the mountain you can hike up and down the hills,train +18255,18256,18256,u kawkaw cangra itini i sefi,they are making mooncups here at the clubhouse,train +18256,18257,18257,Nanay makrid nu wama ita a Kawas atu Tapang ita ci Yis ku sakatayraaw niyam i tamuwanan,now may our God and father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you,train +18257,18258,18258,tu maherek tu kuni linahan aku tayra i ruma a dangah i,when this is ready change the pot,train +18258,18259,18259,nu hatini u nu maku kiya haw u aniniay ku pisangaay aku,my current method of making pottery is modern,train +18259,18260,18260,patala kita tu wawa,mothers always prepare their children,test +18260,18261,18261,i satipan ira tusa kira lutuk,there are two hills to the west,train +18261,18262,18262,awaay tayni tu minukay cangra i tansuy,they come to freshwater once in a while,train +18262,18263,18263,pakayni i matayalay i titaanan a icel nu Kawas ku nika ma^deng a malahci ningra ku ikakaay nu nilungucan atu niharatengan ita a maamaan a dmak,now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us,train +18263,18264,18264,misalisin ku luma niyam tu tatuasan anu dafak,tomorrow morning our family will honor our ancestors,train +18264,18265,18265,Malasuur tu ku waneng i nguyus nira,the sugar dissolved in his mouth,train +18265,18266,18266,itiyahu cayhu pasueling tu Kawas,there was no religion then,train +18266,18267,18267,suwalen,talk,train +18267,18268,18268,sumuwal,say,train +18268,18269,18269,u sasuwalen nu maku pakayraay i nanum i ayaw,I am sharing a tribal water story today,train +18269,18270,18270,ira ku lisin i siwaay a vulad,there is a Festival in September,test +18270,18271,18271,i tira kami i Neili i,while we are still in the inner circle,train +18271,18272,18272,mapetek tu ku maan i lalabu sa sawaden,some of them are damaged and thrown away,train +18272,18273,18273,milaedis hananay hai saku heni,for the sake of this campaign which every member of the tribe recognizes,train +18273,18274,18274,kirami kumaen tu hiya i tatiih tu kumaen deng u futing tatiih kaenen,the only thing that is not so good is the fish,train +18274,18275,18275,apalu,bread tree,train +18275,18276,18276,a tatiʼih kaku a malatumuk sawad satu kaku,there is no way I will ever be able to do my job again,train +18276,18277,18277,i lutuk nu Dumvung,at Tongmen mountain,train +18277,18278,18278,nga maecak ku mitangtangan,that is how you cook things,train +18278,18279,18279,o cafay aku i taykak a mitilid,we went to college together,train +18279,18280,18280,o patiluay tu nikafekac tu tamdaw kira wacu,that dog is the one that makes the runner fall,test +18280,18281,18281,onini a suwal i sapatinaku nu matuasay tu luwad nu kaludemak iraay aca ku tatudung nu niketunan tu maludadueduen atu lekakawa Orasaka tatiih kita mafukil paluwad tu midueduay tu tatukian a harateng,the main meaning of this aphorism is that the old man describes that for anything to be realized there must be some criteria and rules to follow so we must not be unaware of the importance of establishing the concept of punctuality,train +18281,18282,18282,tumuk cima ku ngangan nu misu,what is your name boss,train +18282,18283,18283,tataang,large,train +18283,18284,18284,cecay rumiʼad kisu tahira i dadaya haw,you put in a day and night,train +18284,18285,18285,ira ku Kawas mipadama i takuwana,it is a good thing I have God to help comfort my heart,train +18285,18286,18286,halafinay tu a ca kasasuaraw kami mailulay tu kaku i cingranan,we have not seen each other for a long time and I miss him a lot,train +18286,18287,18287,hatiraay saka ura suwal ku matini tunu,these are my words,train +18287,18288,18288,Anuhacuwa^ kisu a panukas tuya cudad,when are you going to return my book,train +18288,18289,18289,paysin awaay ku Kawas,there is no fear of ghosts,train +18289,18290,18290,tiedaway uway,the yellow vine is very long,test +18290,18291,18291,acawa,daughters husband,train +18291,18292,18292,Matulang ku nika adihay nu tayal anini,there is even more work now,train +18292,18293,18293,matu masawaday tu nu finawlan caay tu kalusimet kira utuc,the tribe seems to have forgotten and not organized the pillar,train +18293,18294,18294,kanatanatal,global,train +18294,18295,18295,mahaenay ku tayal nu dudu nu tuʼas nani fafaed,work assigned by the hierarchy,train +18295,18296,18296,tala Amis ku mulenus tala timul pakalaʼac a malakakaka,the brothers and sisters went to the Yongfu tribe in the north and the Ruixing tribe in the south,train +18296,18297,18297,ku suta a,the soil inside is very fertile,train +18297,18298,18298,nufu,carrying,train +18298,18299,18299,o ngawa tu nu matuasay niyam kina mihecaan,it is time for our seniors to lose their teeth this year,train +18299,18300,18300,sahtu caayay ka mu^cel cangra u anuf u palakalatay u inap u sapipatayananay u sapaculiananay u misamangahay u tatiihay a harateng o milikafay cangra,they have become filled with every kind of wickedness evil greed and depravity they are full of envy murder strife deceit and malice they are gossips,test +18300,18301,18301,Ati malahuk tu kita saan ci ina tu widang nu maku,mom said to my friend Come on let us have lunch,train +18301,18302,18302,pametekan,objectives,train +18302,18303,18303,ci han tu pangangan i tila,the name of the person is Raiju and the name of the place is Raiju,train +18303,18304,18304,awaay ku tingwa iʼayaw hu kira,we did not have telephones before,train +18304,18305,18305,tangasa nanu wawa tangasa i katuʼas nu maku maʼaraw hu nu wawa saan kaku suʼlin,this can be seen and used from my children from young to adult still,train +18305,18306,18306,anu ca pirariting tu ruma a finacadan sateked han nu Pangcah,my suggestion is what is the mission and responsibility to our indigenous people,train +18306,18307,18307,matakup aku i padatengan tiya,I met him in the vegetable garden,train +18307,18308,18308,awaay ku demak mihicay kami mahaen ku,if we do not have a job we will just catch small fry,train +18308,18309,18309,Samacien ku niyaru nu Kalingku saan ku tapatapang,many high ranking officials think that the tribes in Hualien should be changed into a city,train +18309,18310,18310,ka u Fangcalay a kacacucup ku sakalalitmuh namu a malalicalicay Ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan ku pulung nu kiwkay nu misa Kristuay,greet one another with a Holy kiss all the churches of Christ send greetings,test +18310,18311,18311,pelaaw,grind,train +18311,18312,18312,lafii^,in the evening,train +18312,18313,18313,Malamlamay aku ku pida nimama aci ina i dufud aku,dad and Moms money got mixed up in my pocket,train +18313,18314,18314,pitilidan,schools,train +18314,18315,18315,anu patala kisu tu tadamaanay a tahka i ka u pakuyuc a tamdaw tatiihay ku tireng u mapiiway u mapuhaway a tamdaw ku tatahidangen,but when you give a banquet invite the poor the crippled the lame the blind,train +18315,18316,18316,u dadaya,it is at night,train +18316,18317,18317,tevus,we are going to take the leaves from the sugar cane,train +18317,18318,18318,nanu pakaenay tu kulung itiyahu i kakaʼamisan,my father was herding cows up north,train +18318,18319,18319,o kimad nu Pangcah ku nian i,it is a legend about the Amis,train +18319,18320,18320,Tawki ini ku patekenan nu pida nu maku mangalay a mivalic tu ravur,Boss I have a hundred dollars I need change,test +18320,18321,18321,ci ama namu atu ci ama niyam ta cinci ya,your grand mom is related to our grand mom,train +18321,18322,18322,a tayra i umaumahan,go to the field,train +18322,18323,18323,Akawang ku mama isu,is your father very tall,train +18323,18324,18324,misanualutipal,like a crows head,train +18324,18325,18325,ina luma nu ni ina isu haw,is this house your moms,train +18325,18326,18326,inian ku sakangaʼay nu urip sa itiya haw i,no ones ever stolen anything before,train +18326,18327,18327,palakamuken,include,train +18327,18328,18328,madapunuhay,widow,train +18328,18329,18329,o rumasatu anu miayi ku wawa isu tu fitaul i cima ku pafli sanay i wawa tu rarikah saw,or if he asks for an egg will give him a scorpion,train +18329,18330,18330,micaraay,Troubleshooter,test +18330,18331,18331,Papicukeruhen nu maku caira tu paliding,I asked them to push the cart,train +18331,18332,18332,Pina^ a sasuwalan ku kafana isu,what languages do you speak,train +18332,18333,18333,kurac,clean,train +18333,18334,18334,tahidang han ira ku misatangkiay,she hired a medium,train +18334,18335,18335,mavulaw tayni,move house,train +18335,18336,18336,sadihekuen,make it warm,train +18336,18337,18337,suwalen da u maamaan a hecian nu lusay ku iraay itini i Taywan,what kind of fruits are available in Taiwan,train +18337,18338,18338,o suwal nu Kawas i Onini ku saka liyasen nu tamdaw ku mama atu ina ningra a malaccay atu fafahi ningra Malaccaytu ku tireng nuya tatusaay sanay,and said For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh,train +18338,18339,18339,caay tu pakaluwad kuya wawa,the child could not get up,train +18339,18340,18340,Hinalasang kaku a kumaen tu epah,I get drunk very easily with alcohol,test +18340,18341,18341,sirarapa kamu naayaw,did you all used to have cows,train +18341,18342,18342,tisuwan tu sakaʼurip,to repay you for your parenting,train +18342,18343,18343,yu ruma tilatilatu macadiway tu ku tau,some of them have been there connecting the companion to the mufti net,train +18343,18344,18344,maufang kuya lihi,the field is empty and paved,train +18344,18345,18345,maherek,over,train +18345,18346,18346,ya ayaway a suwal aku Alapanay haw,the place I mentioned earlier Alabanai,train +18346,18347,18347,alilis,eagle,train +18347,18348,18348,Orasaka krid hantu nangra kuya wawa a patayra i ci Yisan yu pakaaraw kuya palafuay i ci Yisan i pafickut han nira kuya wawa Saka pulin satu cingra i sra Talafulang sa cingra a misawaliwalin,so they brought him when the Spirit saw Jesus it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion he fell to the ground and rolled around foaming at the mouth,train +18348,18349,18349,tahini aca ku pitilid ita liyaw satu a lipay a masasuaraw kita,class dismissed see you next week,train +18349,18350,18350,i umah micacak hay misasinavel,Cooked in the field Yes Cooked vegetables,test +18350,18351,18351,o nipatikamian nu widang aku kamu,it was my friend who wrote to you,train +18351,18352,18352,misakeliw,scrape ramie,train +18352,18353,18353,caay tu katayalen nu kaemangay anini,and now the kids are not farming anymore,train +18353,18354,18354,hacikay,be fast,train +18354,18355,18355,miluud kami tu paylang miala kami tu fafahiyan sa miala tu pingci,when we fought the Minamis we took and the girls they took screwdrivers,train +18355,18356,18356,namaka Taypak kami a midakaw tu silamalay a tayra i Taytung,we took the train from Taipei to Taitung,train +18356,18357,18357,Tuiri naminanam hen kaku iri,after that I practiced over and over again,train +18357,18358,18358,Hai tadafangcal manengneng ku tilu ni Idek,Yes the rainbow looks beautiful,train +18358,18359,18359,nu ku mimingan aku mafana kaku,since I was a child I have always understood the pain of my parents,train +18359,18360,18360,itira,it is over there,test +18360,18361,18361,Hai u papatikulen nu maku cira anini matawalay nu maku a mihawikid ku payci,Yes I was supposed to return to him today but I forgot to bring the money,train +18361,18362,18362,Saupu han ningra ku matayalay ningra atu rumaruma a malcaday ku tayal a tamdaw suwal sa Mafana kita tu nika u sakaci^tan ita kunini a tayal ita,he called them together along with the workmen in related trades and said Men you know we receive a good income from this business,train +18362,18363,18363,haw catu ka ngaay sa unamu satu u kasasafa nu urip,it is not necessarily a good thing you youngsters,train +18363,18364,18364,suelinay mialaay tu ya faʼinay,it is for recruiting extra husbands,train +18364,18365,18365,Maucekuy ku tangal nuya kaying a rumakat tu ngudu nira,the lady walked shyly with her head down,train +18365,18366,18366,paceremay salikak misulap tura pala,the two brothers are already searching,train +18366,18367,18367,mi suʼut tunu pisuʼutan tura eli,just start tying thatch in the bamboo bracket to secure it,train +18367,18368,18368,sapasapad,woody,train +18368,18369,18369,saka anu tira i,so that is it,train +18369,18370,18370,palamlamen,in Seasoning,test +18370,18371,18371,mahiniyay paluma han aku u,that is it that is what I am trying to do,train +18371,18372,18372,Minumuki u nu Ripun kira,Sophora that is a Japanese word,train +18372,18373,18373,citama,catch,train +18373,18374,18374,i tini i pusung Kakacawan,in Changbin Township Taitung County,train +18374,18375,18375,Dawa,to defend,train +18375,18376,18376,anu u kaesuʼay tu a tengilen,it does not matter if it sounds good,train +18376,18377,18377,mahaenay kira,that is it,train +18377,18378,18378,fakec,repetition,train +18378,18379,18379,hay misahatini patalip han nira ta tudung sa,wear it like this it is a great look for a dress,train +18379,18380,18380,adada ku tiyad maen tu samau maadah ku tiyad san,if you have a stomachache boil some bitter goose grass it is good for you,test +18380,18381,18381,Ahuwiday pataduen tu kaku a miahuwiday ci Panay,thank you and thank Panay for me,train +18381,18382,18382,urasan,consequently,train +18382,18383,18383,kaludateng,dish,train +18383,18384,18384,o lipahakay a tamdaw cingra,he is an optimistic person,train +18384,18385,18385,atul,rock pile,train +18385,18386,18386,laliyas,want to separate,train +18386,18387,18387,sanga han aku misakapah,I will do it,train +18387,18388,18388,u tusaay a miheca kaku i Ciwidian a micudad tangasa i,spent two years in Shuilian village until sixth grade,train +18388,18389,18389,saka sangaʼay sa ku aru na akung itini,that is why Grandpa and the others live here safely,train +18389,18390,18390,suʼelin tulu pulu ku kalahitay nu maku itini kalahitayan,it is true I have been in the army for years,test +18390,18391,18391,pasifanaʼen,to guide them,train +18391,18392,18392,misalumaʼay miefeng kaku tu cengah,moving bricks at construction sites,train +18392,18393,18393,pakungku ku matuasay itiya,in listening to the stories of the elders,train +18393,18394,18394,Lapic i lumaay kisu,Lapic are you home,train +18394,18395,18395,Mahuni tu,it is making a sound,train +18395,18396,18396,mangata,almost there,train +18396,18397,18397,miidid,roasting,train +18397,18398,18398,ci Apetayan kisu saw,are you Apetayan,train +18398,18399,18399,a maanen saw nu niyam,what should we do,train +18399,18400,18400,malalen tu awa ku payci malalen tu awa ku pialaan tu lifun,it is hard to save money it is hard to find a job,test +18400,18401,18401,pakaferen,make them wear pants,train +18401,18402,18402,haen saan,when,train +18402,18403,18403,aka pacici a malingad,do not insist on going out,train +18403,18404,18404,Nikawrira tuna paayaw kaku tamuwanan saka u nika uriphu aku ku kakalimlaan,but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body,train +18404,18405,18405,Sienaway i paputal haw,is it going to be cold outside,train +18405,18406,18406,talengteng ku waʼay aku saan,my feet hurt like this,train +18406,18407,18407,tayra makeru i putal,dancing outside,train +18407,18408,18408,u sapaini nu maku tu kafanaan i maku mamanghu,I want to say what I knew when I was a kid,train +18408,18409,18409,Orasaka caaytu ku kuli kisu u wawatu nu Kawas kisu tuna u wawatu nu Kawas kisu saka u mamirucuktu kisu tu dafung nu Kawas,so you are no longer a slave but a son and since you are a son God has made you also an heir,train +18409,18410,18410,O tudung nu dawdaw nu tireng ku mata Saka anu mangaay ku mata isu i ta^ngad ku tireng isu a ma^min,The eye is the lamp of the body if your eyes are good your whole body will be full of light,test +18410,18411,18411,naira,they,train +18411,18412,18412,itini tuna pifuting niyam haw i,it is right where we work,train +18412,18413,18413,rakat,action,train +18413,18414,18414,Tuya rumiad u Kitakit nu Kawas i matiya unini a kungku ira ku mamu^tepay a limecedan a nitatuyay tu dawdaw a tayra a militmuh tu papararamuden a fainay,At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom,train +18414,18415,18415,patekenan,hundred,train +18415,18416,18416,nawhani awaaytu ku usaw aku a mipakafana i tamuwanan tu nafalucuan nu Kawas a ma^min,for I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God,train +18416,18417,18417,Ngaayhu mapulung ci Mayaw ku ngangan aku,hello everyone my name is Mayaw,train +18417,18418,18418,sapaiyutayhi,manure,train +18418,18419,18419,Malaanengang nu mita kira kasuy,that wood became our chairs,train +18419,18420,18420,u niyan Wen Cyin Can haw i,this man Kin station,test +18420,18421,18421,mihaenan caay kalecat tu aniniay nu Taywan,the reason for this is that it is different from the way the Minnan people do it,train +18421,18422,18422,sapananum tu matayalay,water for the staff,train +18422,18423,18423,mihuti^an,Calligraphy,train +18423,18424,18424,Papitirien nu sinsi ku situ nira tu cudad,the teacher told his students to read,train +18424,18425,18425,Pasifanaen nu mama nu kapah caira a papicauwaw a makeru tu dadaya,at night the youth leaders teach them to dance,train +18425,18426,18426,ku tamdaw a tahekal malatamdawtu ha,the man came out of the stone,train +18426,18427,18427,cikafang,backpacks,train +18427,18428,18428,sasuwal saanen minukay ku ngaʼay laliw han naku talapatiku kaku Pailasen matawa,I kept saying go home I ran away and ran back to the tribe,train +18428,18429,18429,micilis tu papalumaan tu kudasing,I will grow peanuts for the aqueduct,train +18429,18430,18430,micengel,stain,test +18430,18431,18431,hay u maan hu ku nira,Yes what else does it do,train +18431,18432,18432,maratar kisu,you are early,train +18432,18433,18433,dadaya satu i tangsul han nu salikaka a patayra i Piriya ca Pawlu aci Silas tahira kuya tatusaay i tayra i kasaupuan a luma nu Yutaya a tamdaw,as soon as it was night the brothers sent Paul and Silas away to Berea on arriving there they went to the Jewish synagogue,train +18433,18434,18434,sa anu hatini tu i,so now,train +18434,18435,18435,herek sa malahitay,I was discharged from the army,train +18435,18436,18436,u Sakizaya a vinacadan,with the Zacharias,train +18436,18437,18437,pariparipen,I am going to apply it,train +18437,18438,18438,cayka,people do not,train +18438,18439,18439,i tiyahu i u mapatayay kamu tu nu adinguan tu nika ciraraw atu nipipaculi namu tu limuut nu Kawas,as for you you were dead in your transgressions and sins,train +18439,18440,18440,Mamaruhem tu kuya pawli,is that banana ripe,test +18440,18441,18441,u dengan ku niya ngangan nira tu hatiraay hatiraay sa,I only know the name of the calendar,train +18441,18442,18442,mafana tu kita atek,maybe we do,train +18442,18443,18443,u kita sanay u matayalay haw i,the work we do,train +18443,18444,18444,waay waay haw pakeyi,No I have not I am only eight months old,train +18444,18445,18445,patenak cingra tu suwal nu was,he spread the word of God,train +18445,18446,18446,matalaw kaku tu uner saka caay pinengneng kaku tu uneuner,I am afraid of snakes so I do not look at snakes,train +18446,18447,18447,macuis ku cadiway masawad ku putut,that ones upside down,train +18447,18448,18448,micacak tu titi nu fafuy a misasimal,boil pork to make oil,train +18448,18449,18449,Dukduk sa ku nisawawaan a tayra i ci Yisan a milicay Nawiru caay pakafahfah kami a pasadak tuya palafuay saw han nangra,then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked Why could not we drive it out,train +18449,18450,18450,misaday ku matuʼasay tura cahung nangra haw,it is to prepare their temporary huts,test +18450,18451,18451,mauraday tu cuwa kapihawikid kaku tu saung,it is raining and I do not have an umbrella with me,train +18451,18452,18452,luwanen pasadak ku nanum,drain,train +18452,18453,18453,mana caka fana kita tu salaw kira,because I did not know it meant sand labor,train +18453,18454,18454,anu cuwahu ka pihakelung ku salawina nu mita micunged kitaanan wa mamararum kita,for the LORDs people it can be upsetting to have an unconverted loved one oppose our faith,train +18454,18455,18455,matatudung kiya tini hu kaku,at that time I would have been,train +18455,18456,18456,anu awa kura isu haw tepuctepuc san,if you do not have the skills it will keep cutting out,train +18456,18457,18457,a malekep amin kita,we are all going to die out,train +18457,18458,18458,palamlam han tu nanum cilah caciyaw,dipped in water and saltpeter sauce,train +18458,18459,18459,hemin han nu heni a misakavi mitala tu a,put it all together to cook the soup and wait,train +18459,18460,18460,o rumasatu anu u maantu ku dmak anu u maantu ku suwal namu i pakaynien i ngangan nu Tapang ci Yis ku sapidmak a ma^min pakaynien i cingraan ku nipikansiya tu wama a Kawas,and whatever you do whether in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the father through him,test +18460,18461,18461,Caay karaay ku niyaru nu Navakuwan,the city of Hualien is not far from the tribe,train +18461,18462,18462,imah,envy,train +18462,18463,18463,sakiramud,institution of marriage,train +18463,18464,18464,unu tiyaayhu a pipakaʼetim sahatira kura demak nu maku itiyahu,that is what I did in those days when I got married,train +18464,18465,18465,yu waw saku cima nu finawlan tiyan haw i,when the tribesmen scream and cheer,train +18465,18466,18466,kacumikayan,Stadiums,train +18466,18467,18467,Ka^su ku misangaan ni ina a fiku,Moms glutinous rice wine is delicious,train +18467,18468,18468,Nanuya ira nai Yirusalim ku papinapina a Farisay a tamdaw atu pasifanaay tu Rikec a malakaput a tayra i ci Yisan,the Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus and,train +18468,18469,18469,maturuʼturuʼ aca nu matuʼasay nu niyaruʼay kaku mikiʼeciw,I am sure the old man will assign me to lead,train +18469,18470,18470,itini i Taynan tayhini i Miyawli ku maku a midemakan,I am in charge of business from Tainan to Miaoli,test +18470,18471,18471,Matanamay tu nu maku kura papah nu kakurut ka^suay,I have tried the bitter melon leaves they are delicious,train +18471,18472,18472,pisangarsquuan,place of production,train +18472,18473,18473,caitu kau mamalakec u mamarekec tu ku kapakapah mapapadang a malacecay pakaynitu i saterik a fekac atu i satahenayay a icel atu fana,it requires a high degree of intelligence and teamwork as well as swift action to be successful,train +18473,18474,18474,adi dadahal pala ni ina aku atu mama aku,my mom and dad have a lot of land,train +18474,18475,18475,cay kapawan kira,it is still hard to forget,train +18475,18476,18476,celem,diving,train +18476,18477,18477,samaanay kura kacacuruk nu masafinawlan,how are the tribesmen divided up,train +18477,18478,18478,radiw han naku,I will sing,train +18478,18479,18479,o kilang ku saperic nifaki aku tu panay,my grandfather threshed rice with wood,train +18479,18480,18480,anu maku ka maku han kiyahaw,if you say it is your own power,test +18480,18481,18481,mikilim ku tawki tu mamitefus mitefus tu,a boss was looking for sugar cane cutters so he went to cut sugar cane,train +18481,18482,18482,o sakasaan niyam a sumuwal i u nika tanektek nu falucu niyam a pasulin tu Kawas pakayni ci Kristuan,such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God,train +18482,18483,18483,kuya yakuing masamatira pacaʼuf tu maʼemin,members replied to all,train +18483,18484,18484,anu awa kura hecek samaan i kafekang,there is no pillar how can I get up there,train +18484,18485,18485,mamang hu kami away ku dingki tu lusuku sa micadad karuray micudad mahaenay,when I was a kid I did not have electric lights to read write or use candles for light,train +18485,18486,18486,Cipusak ku pising ni Panay,Panay has grains of rice on his face,train +18486,18487,18487,tatunekan nangra,mutually agreed upon place or time,train +18487,18488,18488,awaay ku limaw a mihalama,there is no time to hang out,train +18488,18489,18489,o dita ku sapisanga tu kureng atu atumu,the urns and pottery are made of clay,train +18489,18490,18490,ira itira ku ^nem a fukluh a kureng o lalusidan nu Yutaya a tamdaw kunini tu sapikurac a misalisin Ma^deng ccay suut kungsen ku pinaru nu ccay a kureng,nearby stood six stone water jars the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing each holding from twenty to thirty gallons,test +18490,18491,18491,mahecahecaday ku papah,the leaves all look alike,train +18491,18492,18492,mikadafu kadafu,get into trouble,train +18492,18493,18493,caay ku nipihai ningra a ccay tu lunguc niyam tuna u malalukay a tamdaw cingra saka u nai falucuay ningra ku sakatayra ningra i tamuwanan,for Titus not only welcomed our appeal but he is coming to you with much enthusiasm and on his own initiative,train +18493,18494,18494,kutem,cloudy day,train +18494,18495,18495,kaimel,civility,train +18495,18496,18496,tatuy tu kaku tu sasuʼut,I am holding the rope again,train +18496,18497,18497,Macaluh ci kaka aku tu sakacifafahiaw,my brother is desperate for a wife,train +18497,18498,18498,o turapas,this crown,train +18498,18499,18499,tengil,Listen,train +18499,18500,18500,u dadaya usuy minikay adada ku waʼay rumakat,it is nighttime by the end of the workday,test +18500,18501,18501,pakayni tuna demak mafana tu kaku tu dateng nu Yencumin atu kalufana nu kakaenen matinaku haca ku ruray nu mipaliwalay,through this event I learned about indigenous plants and food and experienced the hard work of running a stall,train +18501,18502,18502,hatini aca ku kalalicay ita anini a rumiad ahuwiday tu pakafana isu,that is all for today interview thank you very much for sharing with us,train +18502,18503,18503,iray maedeng kami tatusa,the two of us can,train +18503,18504,18504,tsuyu ka tu mire ba,maybe it will drip,train +18504,18505,18505,masafalat anini,the south wind is blowing today,train +18505,18506,18506,yucay,letter carrier,train +18506,18507,18507,kacinaherekan,results,train +18507,18508,18508,aluman tu,many people,train +18508,18509,18509,mafanaay,comprehend,train +18509,18510,18510,miicepay,eating betel nut,test +18510,18511,18511,tatala cuwa,to go,train +18511,18512,18512,u maan ku pasuvanaan nu misu,what do you teach,train +18512,18513,18513,Pacicien ku umah nu misu ta mangaay miala tu nanum,please dig a small canal so that you can get water easily,train +18513,18514,18514,Salungan a nenengen ku adipapang,the butterfly looks so beautiful,train +18514,18515,18515,lalidingan hay,it is a steamer basket,train +18515,18516,18516,masapangcahay mahaen tu,like the Amis,train +18516,18517,18517,milifet kaku tu cumikayay,I participated in the running competition,train +18517,18518,18518,mikudiwis,catch a rabbit,train +18518,18519,18519,yasan ya faʼinayra i mikerusay tu rakes tini i lutuk,her old man was cutting camphor trees in the mountains,train +18519,18520,18520,cepa,get wet,test +18520,18521,18521,mangalay kaku mavana tu nipiadup nu matuasay,I do not know how the old man used to hunt,train +18521,18522,18522,papinukay tu ku matuʼasay,the elders told me to go back,train +18522,18523,18523,tadamaanay,major political event,train +18523,18524,18524,felin satu kuya kangic a mapatay,the dragon turned over and died,train +18524,18525,18525,naira tuku tau tu ayaw nangra tu ruma a piyama tu atu punung tu,there are other groups now the Peñan and the Bunun,train +18525,18526,18526,henhan mimecmec pacamul,add in and knead like this,train +18526,18527,18527,hai u Tulik u fafukud,Yes it is all about the east River,train +18527,18528,18528,capihiya ku cabay capiala capitakaw ma haw hay,friends do not vandalize and steal No,train +18528,18529,18529,nu hang pung ku urip nu mita,our destiny is to be cut,train +18529,18530,18530,o miceruray kaku tu tayal ni Namuh,I am the one who took over Namohs job,test +18530,18531,18531,sangaʼayay u suwal nu malitengay i,I have been told by my elders,train +18531,18532,18532,Nanay mapaini nu wama a Kawas ita atu Tapang ci Yis Kristu kamu tu mikumi atu rihaday,grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ,train +18532,18533,18533,Ocuren ningra ku cuyuh a patayra i kaamis katimul kawali ka^tip ta pasaupuen nangra ku nai cuwacuwaay nu hkal a nipilian ningra a finawlan,and he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens,train +18533,18534,18534,anu makalimay kita matilid ku ngangan nu niyah i puwa ni Yihufa wa mituur tu maanan a palinian hani,what are the conditions that must be met if we want our names to be recorded in the LORDs book,train +18534,18535,18535,saka mararamud kami tahanini u pituay tu a pulu ku mihecaan,we have been married for years now,train +18535,18536,18536,cifelac,it is a good idea to have rice,train +18536,18537,18537,mikadabu ku sakakaay aku a babahiyan itini,my eldest daughter married,train +18537,18538,18538,o malaliayay halilafangay ku Pangcah a finacadan,the Amis are a hospitable and peaceful people,train +18538,18539,18539,tulu sepat a mihecaan,three to four years,train +18539,18540,18540,mita mitakaw tu mihiya mi ha ha ha ha,we have learned to climb the walls too ha ha ha ha,test +18540,18541,18541,Mikida kita i pala,we were picking sakes in the field,train +18541,18542,18542,Ciferangay ku rumiad i nacila,the weather yesterday was very hot,train +18542,18543,18543,cima ci Mayaw,who is Mayaw,train +18543,18544,18544,suwal cinglaw,language,train +18544,18545,18545,satip,to the west,train +18545,18546,18546,masasuwal ku Pangcah i sulalatan masasuwal tu tumuk,at that time the Amis were discussing with the leader at the scene of the incident,train +18546,18547,18547,u maan ku saalesuay a kaenen saw,do you have a special dish you would recommend,train +18547,18548,18548,wata katataʼan kakakahad kunian nanum,Wow this water is big and wide,train +18548,18549,18549,o iraay a kalumaamaan a kilang ku mamalutartar u ^elitu u taludtu u papah nu tafayartu u funaktu u fukeluhtu ku sapitafa,most of the weir gates are made from local materials such as wood thatch reeds yam leaves sand and stones,train +18549,18550,18550,sakiya haw anu saan i,Because for example if the test is,test +18550,18551,18551,nika pasayra itini ku papisingan nu maku a micumud,but I chose to enroll in the air force Academy,train +18551,18552,18552,Pacaangen ku kilakilang ta makapah,let the tree grow as much as it wants and the branches will be beautiful,train +18552,18553,18553,tansulan ni ina aku kaku miseking,mom tested me right away,train +18553,18554,18554,sa iray ku suwal nu makimaday a faki itiya hu,that is why in the old days the elders used to encourage the people,train +18554,18555,18555,iratu ku cahiya ci Liw siye siyan,parishioner Lau Suet Heung also joined the team,train +18555,18556,18556,o pituur tu alumanay a mihecaan a kapah,I am following the trend of most young people,train +18556,18557,18557,itira kaliki ku pilingsiw nu mira,he practiced quickly,train +18557,18558,18558,makavatikar kaku a tala cacudadan tu remiremiad,I ride my bike to school every day,train +18558,18559,18559,u maan sakacelak sa mihaenan,how do I spread the gossip net,train +18559,18560,18560,yu lifeten nu tawki nngra i matefad tu cingra,when the boss tested him he failed,test +18560,18561,18561,Pakacitingen ku pinanam tu Cudad nu hulam,the Chinese language is learned from the dictionary,train +18561,18562,18562,kaku atu fafaeday a kaka u sasifuʼan kami kira,my sister and I happen to be in the middle of the line,train +18562,18563,18563,nawhani itiya hu awaay ku funun nu Makutaay,because there was no farmland in the past,train +18563,18564,18564,makupit kura tamdaw,that man is haggard,train +18564,18565,18565,Hay sienaw ku rumiad anuruma^ a mihecaan saka adihayen ka cifuduy,Yes it will be very cold in winter next year so you need to put on extra layers,train +18565,18566,18566,mahrek ci Yis a mitulun i malahaklung cingra atu nisawawaan a masadak a tayra i tiraw nu Kitrun a alu ira itira ku cilusayay a pala micumud ci Yis atu nisawawaan itira,when he had finished praying Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley on the other side there was an olive grove and he and his disciples went into it,train +18566,18567,18567,lawmingay,weak,train +18567,18568,18568,alahan nira ku ccay a langa paruhan nira i kuliciw nira na nuya mikuliciw cingra,he took one basket and put it on his bike and then he rode his bike away,train +18568,18569,18569,siraw,bacon,train +18569,18570,18570,milunguc tu niyan u paʼuripay,prayer to the God of millet,test +18570,18571,18571,kalimanan tu ku itiniay,there is no need for so many people here,train +18571,18572,18572,Awaayhu ku miintelay tu tireng nu niyah midiputay tu tireng a ma^min ku tamdaw a matiya u nipidiput ni Kristu tu kiwkay,after all no one ever hated his own body but he feeds and cares for it just as Christ does the church,train +18572,18573,18573,Mafana kita tu nika u pahapinangay ku Rikec tu maludadmaken nu makuwanay nuya Rikec a tamdaw Saka awaay ku pakayraan nu tamdaw a paading tu tireng ta masawkit nu Kawas ku tamdamdaw,now we know that whatever the law says it says to those who are under the law so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God,train +18573,18574,18574,Singsi^ caay ka fana kaku Tiyulen haca ari,I do not understand can you repeat it again,train +18574,18575,18575,u timsim haw u Taywan tu,the dim sum is also from the Han,train +18575,18576,18576,Misangatuwa hu tu nguyus ku takura,the frog just opens its mouth,train +18576,18577,18577,o maan ku tatulunen,what should we pray for,train +18577,18578,18578,melawen saw kinalalan cacay,there is only one way out of here,train +18578,18579,18579,cima kamu,who are you,train +18579,18580,18580,hatini tuʼas namu mafana hu mapawan kamu tu radiw nu Pangcah,you have grown older do you remember the Amis songs,test +18580,18581,18581,u nian a cecay a tepung sakaenem,on the first through the sixth holes,train +18581,18582,18582,sakay tiniyan i havay,Xiao Mi Festival,train +18582,18583,18583,ira itu ku miladaʼay,someone else has to,train +18583,18584,18584,Maarsak ku hemay,the rice is hard and under cooked,train +18584,18585,18585,mapelet tu mahaen haen san,collapse it like this,train +18585,18586,18586,anu catu pakafilu,sometimes I am afraid to back out,train +18586,18587,18587,mipili,select,train +18587,18588,18588,o aped kura suta saka ngaay a safununen,the land is muddy and very suitable for plowing into paddy fields,train +18588,18589,18589,Oya maaraway isu a fafahiyan i u citudungay a mikuwanay tuya taangayay a niyaru nu hungtingti i tini i hkal,the woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth,train +18589,18590,18590,ngalay,drool,test +18590,18591,18591,macacaktu ku misangaan,steamed homemade sweet rice cake,train +18591,18592,18592,Rauden ni Yis cingra a mitatuy tu kamay ningra a paluwad Saka fasaw satu ku lalisan ningra luwad satu cingra a mihamham i cangraan,so he went to her took her hand and helped her up the fever left her and she began to wait on them,train +18592,18593,18593,o mamalaama tu ku tireng nuya fafahiyan,that lady is going to be a grandmother,train +18593,18594,18594,maepud,jump down,train +18594,18595,18595,aray u ni pakungku nu misu,thank you the story you shared,train +18595,18596,18596,o katawaan ku pisaluna nifayi aku,my grandmother teases funny,train +18596,18597,18597,lumuwad tu kita,let us get going,train +18597,18598,18598,nirepetan,affirmative,train +18598,18599,18599,mangudu tu tawu sa ku wawa aku,kids are afraid of being gossiped about,train +18599,18600,18600,Sahetu saan u tefu ku sinafel ita tina cacay a lipay,almost all of our dishes this week were bamboo shoots,test +18600,18601,18601,hatu sahtu u kungling kiya,it is like military training,train +18601,18602,18602,tira kaku malakangkufu nengneng han aku i sahetu u Yencumin,when I was a nurse there were a lot of Aboriginal hospitalizations,train +18602,18603,18603,Cu ku nu Dipung a radiw tayni i Taywan,did not it come to Taiwan from Japan,train +18603,18604,18604,o Kawas ku kacifalucuan nu awaay ku palawinaan a mapunengay mararid cingra tu rumiad tu dadaya a milunguc a mitulun i Kawas tu pipadama ningra,the widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help,train +18604,18605,18605,anu pasulin kisu tu nika u mamalahci ku nanu suwal nu Tapang i tisuwanan i u malmeday kisu han ningra,blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished,train +18605,18606,18606,macahulak,catch,train +18606,18607,18607,Kalaenuen ku pipateli,put it down a bit,train +18607,18608,18608,naicuwaay tu kamu u nu kina ekim namu,where the hell do you get your gold from,train +18608,18609,18609,han aku a pakafana kita tunini kiʼeciw hananay,I will give you an account of the leaders intentions,train +18609,18610,18610,parenecen,fulfilling,test +18610,18611,18611,kakayaay,long,train +18611,18612,18612,Cunuh aka ka saan a pakaruray tu ina isu,do not put the blame on your mother,train +18612,18613,18613,Kapalal Paicelen kuya sakapatayananay a rumaruma a salikaka nu saupu isu nawhani mahapinang aku ku nika caayhu ka sungila ku dmak isu i kaayaw nu Kawas Aku,wake up strengthen what remains and is about to die for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God,train +18613,18614,18614,latek u kaka ira ku nipatingwaan ira i,maybe she called her brother,train +18614,18615,18615,hitapacek,step on the nails,train +18615,18616,18616,uwi san,he replied that I am here,train +18616,18617,18617,cisapaenepay,it is doped with Ecstasy,train +18617,18618,18618,puyuh,cut,train +18618,18619,18619,haen sa masukut awaay ku kucu haw,I am cramping up like this because I am not wearing any shoes,train +18619,18620,18620,vekeluh,stone,test +18620,18621,18621,o patudungan a sakalahuk namu i pitilidan kunini,are these school lunches,train +18621,18622,18622,mapacamulay nira tu matiya,maybe she is got some sleeping pills in there too,train +18622,18623,18623,u tudungay tu pipasifana,Delegate guidance,train +18623,18624,18624,papicelien,shout,train +18624,18625,18625,masanga itu,it is done,train +18625,18626,18626,Cilamitay san,it is Ghiramidai,train +18626,18627,18627,hayi awaay ku tamdaw awaay hen tamdaw,Yeah it is all clear,train +18627,18628,18628,hay u maan ku satapangan mana sitapad ku malitengay,where did it originate older generations wore little leggings,train +18628,18629,18629,saka u mahaenay,that is it,train +18629,18630,18630,pulut,tail,test +18630,18631,18631,pakaʼen tu kulung,work as a teamster,train +18631,18632,18632,itiyaay hu a pala i,the old road that used to be,train +18632,18633,18633,tayra kita i pidanguyan haw,shall we go swimming together,train +18633,18634,18634,nu yaantu ku kumaruʼay a tamdaw ii pala nu tiremg,because the people who live there are native to the area,train +18634,18635,18635,sulinay anini satu mapiʼiw tuku uu i,it is true the knee is not working now,train +18635,18636,18636,i nu70ay a mihcaan,years,train +18636,18637,18637,anini a rumiʼad,at the present,train +18637,18638,18638,tu hiya felac pawakuy han nu Taywan,Chinese name for rice cake,train +18638,18639,18639,ina nipatulduyan nu tuas a kungku,it is a legend,train +18639,18640,18640,hay malakakitaan ilaen tu ku iya,we insist that since we are leaders we have to have,test +18640,18641,18641,ku nikasasuwal,you and,train +18641,18642,18642,caay tu ka sadak i,cannot make a sound,train +18642,18643,18643,kisu mikihatiya kaku cangraan hawi,after getting along with them,train +18643,18644,18644,Haydaw tala han tu aku ku tingwa isu,Okay I will wait for your call,train +18644,18645,18645,way pisakulian,there is no money in it,train +18645,18646,18646,tarakar,bird trap,train +18646,18647,18647,a ira aca ku nipisimsim,it is worth it to me again,train +18647,18648,18648,kami,us,train +18648,18649,18649,Aluman ku tamdaw a midanguy itini,there are a lot of people swimming here,train +18649,18650,18650,mimaan kisu anu huni,what are you doing later,test +18650,18651,18651,anucilaen,wish for tomorrow,train +18651,18652,18652,aka pituru tu funguh isu a miktun tu falucu nawhani caay ka filu isu a misakuhcal a misakuhting ku ccaccay aca a fafukesan isu,and do not swear by your head for you cannot make even one hair white or black,train +18652,18653,18653,tuul,owl,train +18653,18654,18654,ira,some,train +18654,18655,18655,ca hu kaku pilisu,I have not checked yet,train +18655,18656,18656,Malalu ku falucu aku tu nanusuwal nira,my heart was softened by her words,train +18656,18657,18657,maan,what,train +18657,18658,18658,i tiya pilalikidan a mangangaay kami,we got together at the Bountiful years Festival dance,train +18658,18659,18659,saka tayra kami saka,so I will go with him,train +18659,18660,18660,ira tu vavainay pakaenay,there were also boys who went to graze the cows,test +18660,18661,18661,Mafecul tu kaku,I am full,train +18661,18662,18662,hacuwa a eminen ku rarakaten,when will we be able to finish the journey,train +18662,18663,18663,ira ku cecay a rumiad mapulung kami tayra i pala misalama,one day we all went on an outing together,train +18663,18664,18664,Mariyaaw han ni Yis cingra Sikul sa ci Mariya Rapuni han ningra a pasuwal tu nu Hipray a suwal,Jesus said to her Mary she turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic Rabboni,train +18664,18665,18665,ta tayra kaku i Tayhuk maca matayalay,so I went to Taipei to work,train +18665,18666,18666,o kaka aku cingra,she is my sister,train +18666,18667,18667,Matafi^ tu aku i huni^,I just turned over the soil and so on to sow seeds,train +18667,18668,18668,mipatikami kaku ci Panayan anu huni,I will send a letter to Panayan later,train +18668,18669,18669,Suʼlinay tu a faʼinayan sa ku,the elders say that a real man is a real man,train +18669,18670,18670,macepaay,wet,test +18670,18671,18671,mafana tu kami i,after we learned that,train +18671,18672,18672,Orasaka kumud han aku ku Cenfu a mitaung tu Yincumincu,for this I apologize to the indigenous peoples on behalf of the government,train +18672,18673,18673,awa ku lalan rakat sa kami tayra i tukus,there is no road we have to walk to the mountains,train +18673,18674,18674,anu i cuwaay ku wina isu,or aunts,train +18674,18675,18675,anu talalutuk anini a rumiʼad,if we go to the mountain today,train +18675,18676,18676,u misupedan nira tu kilang atu sapad isaw,the wood and boards he collected,train +18676,18677,18677,a mikayat tu tu dingki san,the powers coming on,train +18677,18678,18678,anu ira ku taluan icuwa,a place with thatched roofs,train +18678,18679,18679,Saka fahkul han ni Yuta i Fangcalay Pitaungan kuya paysu ta sadak satu cingra a mikinasuut,so Judas threw the money into the temple and left then he went away and hanged himself,train +18679,18680,18680,herek nu lahuk,afternoon,test +18680,18681,18681,o sapilaliwaw nuya palunanay saka samatu mitfaday sa tu enur cangra i kaayaw nu tamina Arawhani u nipi^pud nangra i riyar tu mamangay a tamina ku dmak nangra,in an attempt to escape from the ship the sailors let the lifeboat down into the sea pretending they were going to lower some anchors from the bow,train +18681,18682,18682,kalecad,the same,train +18682,18683,18683,palecaden ku kakaya nara,the length must be the same,train +18683,18684,18684,cacay ci ina aku,my mom is alone,train +18684,18685,18685,pasakahemekan,it is a real hoot,train +18685,18686,18686,a pasuwal hu kaku tunu,now I will tell you something,train +18686,18687,18687,mikenaw,pick onions,train +18687,18688,18688,mararid a mikaput i tamuwanan tu rumiamiad ku pakuyuc a tamdaw Nikawrira caay ka rarid kamu a mikaput i Takuwanan han ningra,you will always have the poor among you but you will not always have me,train +18688,18689,18689,maherek tu pasakasak,after finishing trampling the field,train +18689,18690,18690,sadak kya kuntung i cay tu kanga cingra micumud sa,when the Cantonese want to go out they cannot,test +18690,18691,18691,Tanitu kami i Taypay,we will go to Taipei,train +18691,18692,18692,Masasifud kiraan ha pilinsiw tu ha hay Milinsiway hu kaku,Ha with the study ha Yes I am learning,train +18692,18693,18693,anu sifalucu kita wawa,if you have the heart to pass it on you must teach it to your children,train +18693,18694,18694,talakungkuan,go to school,train +18694,18695,18695,cafaki,uncle,train +18695,18696,18696,tatekuh,Tigertop bee,train +18696,18697,18697,anu malikuda hay siira sanay,at the festival,train +18697,18698,18698,haen,here is the deal,train +18698,18699,18699,Mapasetek tu ku suwal,the matter is settled decided,train +18699,18700,18700,Mila^dis kita i kalitusa nu lima a fulad,we have a fishing Festival in the middle of May,test +18700,18701,18701,mavana,know,train +18701,18702,18702,palahedaw han isu ku sapicudad isu a pida saw,how do you spend the money you need for school,train +18702,18703,18703,himerac,conclusion,train +18703,18704,18704,o misanasiay ku matuasay niyam i ayaw hu,long ago our ancestors grew pears,train +18704,18705,18705,sarucuden aku a mipakafana kira,I teach them just as carefully,train +18705,18706,18706,matuasay,elder,train +18706,18707,18707,ila kura sapal malengaway tira,seedling betel nut still grows naturally,train +18707,18708,18708,hananay u matiraay,that is it,train +18708,18709,18709,mananamay tu kami itini i Taypey han niyam,I told my son that we are very used to living here very comfortable,train +18709,18710,18710,Fiteki sa ku kulung a kumaen tu rengus,the cow eats grass until it falls over,test +18710,18711,18711,sahapinangpinangen i awaay,I am listening very intently but I cannot find it,train +18711,18712,18712,suwal sa ci Yis Mamu^tep kuya maadahay kiya saw i cuwatu ku sasiwa,Jesus asked Were not all ten cleansed where are the other nine,train +18712,18713,18713,sisa caay tu kalaceday ku valucu,that is why the mind is not the same anymore,train +18713,18714,18714,tarang,warm oneself by contrast,train +18714,18715,18715,fafaway,superiors,train +18715,18716,18716,mafana cangra a misanga hay i,Yeah my parents are very good at that ha ha ha ha,train +18716,18717,18717,itini malalipuying,at the time of the appointment,train +18717,18718,18718,mifariw tu semut ku kaka i umah,my brother is cutting grass in the field,train +18718,18719,18719,u Tapang nu kangkufu itini isisiw suwal sanay,the nurse practitioner at the health center said,train +18719,18720,18720,mahicera ku hikuki na panay i Taypak,Panays plane landed in Taipei,test +18720,18721,18721,ira ku cecay hahicayan,as long as there is a fry,train +18721,18722,18722,Ngaay hu^ mapulung Anini^ pasifanaen aku kamu a u maan han nu Pangcah ku kakaenen,hello everyone Today I am going to teach you how to say the Ami language for food,train +18722,18723,18723,Macekil ku cikawasay,the medium is aroused by possession by a spirit,train +18723,18724,18724,hatira ku pilingatu nu niyam,we started at the beginning,train +18724,18725,18725,sa suwal sa ku akung aku itiya hu haw,my grandfather told me that in the early days,train +18725,18726,18726,Pakawkaw hantu ku awul a miadawis tu icep,attach the bamboo to the sickle and cut the betel nut,train +18726,18727,18727,tukus,top,train +18727,18728,18728,ya riparipa han kiya lihi sa kiya wama aku,dad told me to step on the hollows of the fields and lay them flat,train +18728,18729,18729,o tatudung nu nini a suwal i,the meaning of this sentence is,train +18729,18730,18730,mana ira kurana mapapaliw,Why there is a change of job,test +18730,18731,18731,masa pinang ku nikakilac makumud kuni saluma nu pangcah caay ka rariwasak,the division of social responsibilities is obvious the Amis live in groups,train +18731,18732,18732,kailumaan,at home,train +18732,18733,18733,misimsim tu cira,he is thinking,train +18733,18734,18734,pailisinen naku,I organize the Harvest Festival,train +18734,18735,18735,san sa ku suwal nu mama atu ina nu maku saka,since my parents said so,train +18735,18736,18736,Maraheci kura cukis haw i,when it is done,train +18736,18737,18737,karireng,vehicle,train +18737,18738,18738,o kahemaway a nimaan ku hatiniay a demak kareteng,this kind of thing is not easy it is a big responsibility,train +18738,18739,18739,maharek a mifawah nimaan tu kisu,what do you do when you open the door,train +18739,18740,18740,tanestes tengilen ku caciyaw isu tunu Pangcah,your Amish sounds very fluent,test +18740,18741,18741,kacedah ku nanum nu riyar,the sea is salty,train +18741,18742,18742,Nawhani yu malaccay kita i urip ni Kristu Yis i caay ku kalimlaan ku nika krit atu nika ^ca ka krit deng u nanu pilahci ita tu ulah a mahapinangay a nipitier ku kakalimlaan,for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love,train +18742,18743,18743,cila,for tomorrow,train +18743,18744,18744,palita han nu maku cira araw nanu wawa mavanatu tu suwal nu Ripun siramud sa u vavahi nu Teruku i nikadademak aluman ku cavay nira tu Ngayngay namahaen hatila satu ku kavanaan nira tu rumaan a suwal,I asked him to find out that he learned Japanese when he was a child his wife is an Teruku and he knows many Hakkas at work so he can speak so many languages,train +18744,18745,18745,Kalinku,Hualien,train +18745,18746,18746,matengil,Heard,train +18746,18747,18747,Masu^suay kaku tu miming,I have put on a little weight,train +18747,18748,18748,nu suwal nu matuʼasay,the elderly said,train +18748,18749,18749,mitaʼelif tu tu Paʼilasen,go through Fuyuan,train +18749,18750,18750,anu mikadafu misafafatung a aalaen nu tau,do you want to get married or get married,test +18750,18751,18751,ira amin,all have,train +18751,18752,18752,cecay lipiy nacecay yaca ha ha ha ha,only once a week ha ha ha ha,train +18752,18753,18753,amekang,Skybridge,train +18753,18754,18754,kalidkid,rapid,train +18754,18755,18755,mi kaku minukay midiput tu faʼinay nu maku,I go to work I come home and I take care of Mr,train +18755,18756,18756,awu kapahay tu amin,it is all good,train +18756,18757,18757,hananay,be known as,train +18757,18758,18758,misanga,make,train +18758,18759,18759,Lalumihca anu ila ku matatudungay lumiad i mahakelung tu kita mamaan,if we have the chance next year why do not we go together,train +18759,18760,18760,sanay a miala tiraan nu tinaku,it is a metaphor for this age,test +18760,18761,18761,kaeped,tender,train +18761,18762,18762,nu matira haw i iratu masamaan ku rarikur haw i,the referendum of the tribal people is good,train +18762,18763,18763,miculcul,conjure,train +18763,18764,18764,u sasarahtengan nu heni tu nikatayira,that is to say they commemorated the death of,train +18764,18765,18765,sa unu mamu tu a wawa kura kaemangay,they are like grand moms kids,train +18765,18766,18766,misu a falucu,on your own terms,train +18766,18767,18767,a anini sa icuwa kita mipadang matayal saan,or where to help each other work like this,train +18767,18768,18768,pasuwalen nuya tatusaay cangra tu nanu dmak i lalan atu nika yu mipcih tu ^pang i mapalita nangra ku nika u Tapang kurira saan,then the two told what had happened on the way and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread,train +18768,18769,18769,Kausian tu ku likes,mosquitoes are disgusting,train +18769,18770,18770,Sacalascas saan ku nanum i dasidas,the rushing water of the river rumbles,test +18770,18771,18771,itiyaay hu nu kalala a demak kunian,this incident with the Kanana tribe at that time,train +18771,18772,18772,Mafanatu kaku anu mapasawasawad kaku tunini a tayal i u sasangaen aku ku widang tu mamihamham i takuwanan saan cingra,I know what I will do so that when I lose my job here people will welcome me into their houses,train +18772,18773,18773,Hayda haratengen tu tulu a rumiad patikulen a patayni yu,sure and remember to return them after three days,train +18773,18774,18774,Yusanay tunian haw,Alarms like this one,train +18774,18775,18775,patulunpaikul,tell,train +18775,18776,18776,ma kuya palalanen ma ku,when a leader leads in the right direction the country policies follow,train +18776,18777,18777,liʼayawen a mipudac ta matini nian cecay tafu,peel it up first like this one,train +18777,18778,18778,naawaay,when there is no,train +18778,18779,18779,hayda aca catu kamawmah kaku himawen naku hana ku,I will quit my job so I can focus on my grandchildren,train +18779,18780,18780,itini tu i iri,in the year of the Republic of China,test +18780,18781,18781,mipuhpuh tu cira,he will do it,train +18781,18782,18782,Paarawen kami tuya nitatuyan isu,show us what you are holding,train +18782,18783,18783,mafana tu cingra miharateng hay,he will think Yes he does,train +18783,18784,18784,ku tayraay hiay,I will be there,train +18784,18785,18785,micuccuk saan kura mʼaemin tu mapatay,kill them all,train +18785,18786,18786,Mafuti maemin ku situ i ikur nu lahuk a pahanhan,after lunch all students went to bed,train +18786,18787,18787,Mihaenay mafanaˈay kita tu ciharatengay ku Kawas ci Yihufa aci Yis sapadamaaw kitaanan pakahemek tu kaˈurip nu mita nuikur ˈOlic 721214 14516 2 Pitiru 39,Therefore we can be sure that the Lord God and Jesus are eager to help us to live a happy life in the future,train +18787,18788,18788,anu matira piilisinan aca a tayni kisu,then come during our Harvest Festival,train +18788,18789,18789,cuka hu hay cuka picukaan aku,it is a painting it is where I paint,train +18789,18790,18790,taengad,bright,test +18790,18791,18791,sera,genius loci,train +18791,18792,18792,ayu limaay tu ku rumiʼad kisu ney caka pitayra misalama saan,Ouch why do not you go to the mans house and contribute to the work when you are years old random says,train +18792,18793,18793,falu pulu tu ku mihecaan nuya malitengay kawrira nengneng han matu tahatenukay hu ku mihecaan nira,the old man is already eighty years old but he still looks like a middle aged man,train +18793,18794,18794,telec,belt,train +18794,18795,18795,u mamaanay a tamdaw cira,what kind of person is he,train +18795,18796,18796,Orasaka pipatala tu falucu kamu kararid a misinanut saicelen a mitadiec ku falucu i sapaini i tamuwanan a mikumi i katalahkalan ni Yis Kristu a rumiad,Therefore prepare your minds for action be self controlled set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed,train +18796,18797,18797,malacafayay ci Yis cangranan a mitulun suwal sa nanay malacecay ku nisawawaan matiya u nika lacecay ningra atu Wama,Jesus prayed with them saying that he wanted his disciples to be one as he was one with his Father,train +18797,18798,18798,i Kangcang ku niyaru niyam,our tribe is in Kangcang,train +18798,18799,18799,kemuday nu liyal,submarine world,train +18799,18800,18800,paafetuyen,Let with calves,test +18800,18801,18801,miadapaway,hidden,train +18801,18802,18802,caay kahanemhem ku valucu ni vaki kiyami,Grandpa still cannot let go of his heart,train +18802,18803,18803,makalah,urgent,train +18803,18804,18804,hay tayra i Alapawan talawali sa u riyar kira,some of them go as far as Taiyuan village in Donghe Township and then go east to the sea,train +18804,18805,18805,caay ka ^ca macakat a macakat Cingra masrer a masrer kaku han ningra,he must become greater I must become less,train +18805,18806,18806,o tamdaw hu ciir saʼayaw,at first he was human,train +18806,18807,18807,hakuwa kura icel nu tireng isu hatira ku pipeluk piuwing a piradiw hatira,dance as much as you can lead and sing that is all,train +18807,18808,18808,iraan kiyami u lalateluʼan tu kakaenen,that is where you pick your food sprouting groundnuts,train +18808,18809,18809,Iiaay ku tingalaway,there is clear,train +18809,18810,18810,hay nanu hitay talaanini,from the military to the present,test +18810,18811,18811,a misiwfay tu layku hananay tu tulu a miheca,returned to selling furniture for about years,train +18811,18812,18812,feren ta kina a,let us jump on that,train +18812,18813,18813,mapa hay mi sayil ta,to cast a spell,train +18813,18814,18814,malingad talalutuk,departure to the foothills,train +18814,18815,18815,Ciwaa tu kina tufur nu kulung,this calf is starting to grow horns,train +18815,18816,18816,nu malitengay i awa kira manikaw pakuyuc,turning our poor poor fate around,train +18816,18817,18817,hay san,may I,train +18817,18818,18818,anu samanaytu u ngaˈayay a widang ita anu cuwa ka pisaareteng tu palinian ni Yihufa u mamipalak tu ngaˈayay kalalaˈed nu mita atu Kawas alatek,in any case as long as our good friends do not take Jehovahs standards seriously they may jeopardize our precious relationship with God,train +18818,18819,18819,ira ku vau idengay tu,you can use a hardwood tree,train +18819,18820,18820,Ahuyday ahuyday,Gratitude Gratitude,test +18820,18821,18821,damsay ku falucu nuni fafahiyan,this girl is very gentle,train +18821,18822,18822,nga ngaʼay tu mipanay kaikur matayutayu hu,although the Harvest is still delayed afterwards,train +18822,18823,18823,nawsa,then,train +18823,18824,18824,ta cekerah san helung san mahetik kiya sakerker,there is a button on the top of the cart that automatically opens it,train +18824,18825,18825,ya safacal han i nu tamdaw i,they are all terraced by hand,train +18825,18826,18826,kiyaru,approach subs ear,train +18826,18827,18827,hay hatu ni Angah Alimulu,Anahata said yes,train +18827,18828,18828,patalawen kira wacu,scare the dog,train +18828,18829,18829,anu mahaen i u palasawaday cangra tu niktunan nangra a falucu i ayaw a malaciraraway,thus they bring judgment on themselves because they have broken their first pledge,train +18829,18830,18830,funguh ira haw sakuhawen cayku sasirawen ku funguh ira,fish head in soup not marinated,test +18830,18831,18831,aka ka adada,do not get sick,train +18831,18832,18832,Hungilaen ku pidudu miaca kita tu paya,everyone line up we are ready to buy tickets,train +18832,18833,18833,pakay,put into,train +18833,18834,18834,kuletu,yam,train +18834,18835,18835,tengilan,Listen,train +18835,18836,18836,dadaya,night,train +18836,18837,18837,heci^,meaning,train +18837,18838,18838,o lihwayay ku fuduy a mafuti,wear loose clothing to bed,train +18838,18839,18839,o maan ku ukusan isu,what are you so proud of,train +18839,18840,18840,hatiraay ku pisadak nu malitengay,that is what the elders told me,test +18840,18841,18841,masaasulu,it is like a mortar and pestle,train +18841,18842,18842,saka patay satu i tira sa kya kuntung,so that is where the Cantonese died,train +18842,18843,18843,o cikasuay kira kalung,that gas tank has gas in it,train +18843,18844,18844,tuʼud hay,Acacia,train +18844,18845,18845,masakimulmul kiya waya ma,the cable is round,train +18845,18846,18846,seliw secii nga adihayay ku cekiw sanay tura,there will be many catches on the and of January,train +18846,18847,18847,Tanulusa cingra a tumangic,he wept with tears,train +18847,18848,18848,itini,here,train +18848,18849,18849,Sapidudu tiniyan u malasawaday nu mita,our departed souls will follow,train +18849,18850,18850,tataangtataang tu ku,as the company got bigger and bigger,test +18850,18851,18851,a a fangcal kira,that is good,train +18851,18852,18852,Orasaka kasasilitmuh kamu a mihamham a matiya u pihamham ni Kristu i tamuwanan tu sakahmek nu Kawas,accept one another then just as Christ accepted you in order to bring praise to God,train +18852,18853,18853,hatiraay haw ku tayal haw nu mifutingay,that is what running a boat is all about,train +18853,18854,18854,saka tulu a remiʼad kiya,roughly the third day of the deceased,train +18854,18855,18855,masapetiay,whip,train +18855,18856,18856,pinaay ku Yincumin finacadan i hatini,how many ethnic groups are there now,train +18856,18857,18857,malinah tu tayni i sawali ku paru nu luma nu niyam,our family moved to the coast,train +18857,18858,18858,sakaadepet,the reason why I am so mean,train +18858,18859,18859,mapackil nu Fangcalay Adingu ci Cakariya u mama ningra Saka paliayaw sa cingra a sumuwal,his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied,train +18859,18860,18860,Nanuya miliyas ca Yis itira a pakayra i Kalili a mitalif caay ka ngalay ci Yis a kafanaen nu tamdamdaw ku dmak ningra,they left that place and passed through Galilee Jesus did not want anyone to know where they were,test +18860,18861,18861,inaayaw u papahakuen itini awaaytu annini,I used to put the box here it is not there anymore,train +18861,18862,18862,tatiliden,homework,train +18862,18863,18863,i sakace,in March,train +18863,18864,18864,Kalahaentu u nipatiyam kunu cengfu anini,the government is a bit commercialized these days,train +18864,18865,18865,inian kirademan tu nifutingay ri,this one when the fisherman was downstream,train +18865,18866,18866,kahengan ku laway nuni wawa matu lingku,the kids face is as red as an apple,train +18866,18867,18867,i tukustukusay i,from the mountains,train +18867,18868,18868,manamanan,which ones,train +18868,18869,18869,pakaynien i Hiw Ceng sakacecay,according to the national standard the first,train +18869,18870,18870,pakarungay i i lumaʼay tu,juveniles stay with the tribe,test +18870,18871,18871,mansa ira ku mililisay tu riyal furang nu riyal,so there are clans that follow the waves along the coast,train +18871,18872,18872,kalidkid ku nanum nu cepuran tu kaciferangan,the water in the Xiuguluan river is very fast in summer,train +18872,18873,18873,pakayni itini kamu u kapah haw i,Yes as a young man,train +18873,18874,18874,caay pakasuʼelin kaku,I do not believe that,train +18874,18875,18875,anu mamutepay kura makeruay han,if there are ten dancers on the dance floor,train +18875,18876,18876,Sarikuray tu,it is the last one,train +18876,18877,18877,nawhan u pakuyuc ku luma,because there is a shortage of them at home,train +18877,18878,18878,pilalikidan iri,the Amis Bountiful year Festival,train +18878,18879,18879,huni i ya matuasay mi malingaday i harateng sa matumes tu ku kuna piala aku mangangay tu maepud tu kaku saan cingra i,Then the old person the farmer thought are full I could come down he thought,train +18879,18880,18880,tangasa anini,Now,test +18880,18881,18881,hay hay hay,Yeah yeah yeah,train +18881,18882,18882,micakay tura hay,purchasing those materials yes,train +18882,18883,18883,Ciecaw ci ina nu maku i demi,my moms kitchen has sticky rice wine,train +18883,18884,18884,hatinitu ku tuʼas kamu di kafana tu ina haw,you are all grown up now you must be filial,train +18884,18885,18885,liluc,take a shower,train +18885,18886,18886,Picefus kisu,you go watering,train +18886,18887,18887,cecay seli,in a short while,train +18887,18888,18888,ira tu ku demak nu mita kira misanu Pangcahay,government promotes revitalization of local languages,train +18888,18889,18889,kutien,it is a swear word,train +18889,18890,18890,raecus a tadadadahal,not too wide,test +18890,18891,18891,o malikeday nu salil kira maecel i lutuk,the muntjac was circled by a net on the hill,train +18891,18892,18892,mipatilu,Discharge,train +18892,18893,18893,sakapahen ku nipirapet tiraan i nanumtu amin ku hicay,make sure to put all the small fry in the water,train +18893,18894,18894,u Kawas kira uner sa,the hungry mountain god the python,train +18894,18895,18895,ya u mala Siw Ni huw i u taduduan tu nu,because being a nun is crazy ha ha ha ha ha,train +18895,18896,18896,i ayaw nu kalenlenan i mararid a kumaen mitauwak cifainay cifafahi ku tamdamdaw tangasa i picumudan na Nuwa i tamina tuya rumiad,for in the days before the flood people were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark,train +18896,18897,18897,ci ku cafay nu niyam maku itini i Tiyahu,the only friend I have is my cousins son,train +18897,18898,18898,mituntun ta raput haw,while cutting the groundnut leaves,train +18898,18899,18899,o milenemay a tamdaw a milenem,diving for fish and shrimp with professional staff,train +18899,18900,18900,mikakusu kami tira,we are coordinating at the cultural Park,test +18900,18901,18901,matalaw kaku saka simeden aku kuya paysu isu i sra Nengnengen initu kuya paysu isu han ningra,so I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground See here is what belongs to you,train +18901,18902,18902,nu Recurd,Oh,train +18902,18903,18903,Madudaduc kaku tu nicakayan ni ina a talacay,I ate all the pineapples my mom bought,train +18903,18904,18904,i tafad ku i lutukay,in the mountains on the slopes of the species,train +18904,18905,18905,cicawhiay,perch,train +18905,18906,18906,Mikakurut kaku anucila,I am going to pick bitter melon tomorrow,train +18906,18907,18907,u kapah tu ila kiya fuyfuy,colorful ribbons for all ages,train +18907,18908,18908,a takang han kura tekes haw a mipatireng,Oh and stand with the tip of the bamboo up,train +18908,18909,18909,anu ccay ku wawa nu ina,a mother with one child,train +18909,18910,18910,kaliki,speedy,test +18910,18911,18911,cima kura fafahiyan,who is that woman,train +18911,18912,18912,micilis tu papalumaan tu tevus,it is an aqueduct for sugarcane,train +18912,18913,18913,Matukatuk futi saan,if you are tired you will fall asleep,train +18913,18914,18914,alumanay ku vavahiyan a luma,Girls many families,train +18914,18915,18915,pakamien,put a piece of paper on it,train +18915,18916,18916,hay radiwen ita,let us sing,train +18916,18917,18917,inacila,day before yesterday,train +18917,18918,18918,macucaay,crude,train +18918,18919,18919,Marucuk tu aku ku umah nu mama aku,I inherited my fathers fields,train +18919,18920,18920,maanen namu talaliyal sa kaku,how are you going to get into the sea,test +18920,18921,18921,mahaenay haen sa macebal ku tabukud nu matuʼasay,that is why the old mans gossip website will be launched,train +18921,18922,18922,ta alapaikuikur satu kami a pasuwal dakaw satu kami tu lunan ta minukay cangra i luma,after saying good by to each other we went aboard the ship and they returned home,train +18922,18923,18923,aka ka fekac naun han matulua,do not run and walk slowly lest you fall down,train +18923,18924,18924,pina ku aacaen isu a tafu,how many packs do you want to buy,train +18924,18925,18925,tu sapatayra kamaruʼan tayraan,take the warship that is going there,train +18925,18926,18926,maherek ku maka cecay cecay a faki a macacuruk a mikimad haw i palimuʼut haw i,after the elders took turns to give their blessings they were all blessed by the elders,train +18926,18927,18927,saka sacifutul sa kaku,that is why I am so brave,train +18927,18928,18928,nianay i maan sanay,what about this how can I put it,train +18928,18929,18929,awaay ku utufay itiya hu tingsa,there used to be no motorcycles only bicycles,train +18929,18930,18930,inal saku falucu aku,I was so jealous,test +18930,18931,18931,pilatek saan ku tamdaw a mikilim tu katayalan,people find work to do with their own aspirations,train +18931,18932,18932,nansay itiya,how old were you then,train +18932,18933,18933,karahekeran,pleasant,train +18933,18934,18934,u maan kuni ina u hiya nu tamurak,it is a pumpkin,train +18934,18935,18935,Sengseng saan kira fuduy a caedungan nira wawa,that kid fits in his clothes,train +18935,18936,18936,micadiwtu tu puʼut ira tu funus nira,start sharpening your knives,train +18936,18937,18937,o misu a tatudung kura sanay kira,this is the right guy for you,train +18937,18938,18938,Ngituen kira mangiyangiay a wadis,please remove any wobbly teeth,train +18938,18939,18939,Makadit ku kacieng nura wawa,the kids got dirty cheeks,train +18939,18940,18940,pasuwal sa ci Yis i nisawawaan Pakamaruen ku tamdamdaw han ningra Saka aru sa ku tamdamdaw itira Ma^deng lima a patek ku fainayan aca,Jesus said Have the people sit down there was plenty of grass in that place and the men sat down about five thousand of them,test +18940,18941,18941,hay mahaen tayni kami i lutuk hantu i,we did come to this mountain,train +18941,18942,18942,maanhan ku,what do you say,train +18942,18943,18943,kataynian sa takuwanan i satu tayra hatu,just tell me you can come over and that is it,train +18943,18944,18944,u sukuy hananay i ita kiyami haw caay ka tatuy kura sasing,what about the so called wooden scallops,train +18944,18945,18945,a midemak tu hemin a demak nu,all rights reserved,train +18945,18946,18946,tudungen ku fakelukeluh hu ku suta itiya hu,it was all stone ground back then,train +18946,18947,18947,nisasirawan,cured meat,train +18947,18948,18948,awaay ku kafanafanaan nu maku tu niyah a serangawn atu finacadan pakayni takuwanan mangudu kaku a miharateng,when I was young I did not understand the culture of my ethnic group and I was a little embarrassed that I was an aborigine,train +18948,18949,18949,i sarikuran nu luma ku pipakudiwisan niyam,our rabbit hutch is in the back of the house,train +18949,18950,18950,Talapicudadan kaku tu rumiamiad mararid kaku a minanam tu suwal nu Pangcah patengilen aku ci ina^,I go to school every day I learn the Pangcah language every day and I want to tell my mother,test +18950,18951,18951,Hai Paka Kawtiay kaku a tayra i Takaw,Yes I go to Kaohsiung by high speed Rail,train +18951,18952,18952,tafalung ku sufuc nu maku,I was born in Taipa Long,train +18952,18953,18953,Vayiyaw kalipahak kisu tu kasuvucan,happy birthday grand mom,train +18953,18954,18954,hapinang han nira i,he takes a closer look,train +18954,18955,18955,saku halateng,it is a three shift system,train +18955,18956,18956,pasu u lusi nu Pangcah idengay tu apacumuden,and Aboriginal costumes,train +18956,18957,18957,sanay,in this way,train +18957,18958,18958,cay kaulah ku tamdamdaw tu mamangahay a tamdaw,a lot of people do not like people who cheat,train +18958,18959,18959,pina tu ku mihecaan nu safa isu,how old is your sister,train +18959,18960,18960,sahetu sa u tangic,it is all about crying,test +18960,18961,18961,Papisetulen nu singsi kami tu funak,the teacher told us to hit the sandbag,train +18961,18962,18962,manen ku fana,I am sorry,train +18962,18963,18963,adihay ku aaalaen futifuting tu maamaan saan,there are a lot of fish species that can be caught,train +18963,18964,18964,u payci paycian kira,it is a period of economic interest structure,train +18964,18965,18965,pidaan kura,that is the kind of thing that costs money,train +18965,18966,18966,namakatengil nu maku haw i naayaw,have I heard that before,train +18966,18967,18967,fangsis ku sanek nina hana,this flower smells so good,train +18967,18968,18968,ta tatuy satu cingra tuya pitu a aplad nu ^pang atuya pinapina a mimingay a futing a mikansiya i Kawas pcih han ningra a pafli i nisawawaan ta pakilacen nu nisawawaan haca ku finawlan,then he took the seven loaves and the fish and when he had given thanks he broke them and gave them to the disciples and they in turn to the people,train +18968,18969,18969,cecay a tatukian i,hour,train +18969,18970,18970,adadaay ku fituka,stomach ache,test +18970,18971,18971,Itiya ˈifuwaay a matenak ku misafinacaday a harateng,at that time racism was prevalent,train +18971,18972,18972,anucila^,for tomorrow,train +18972,18973,18973,mipakelang kita sa,let us celebrate,train +18973,18974,18974,ta hufuc sa ci ina ama aku i papitu kami malakaka,he had seven brothers and sisters,train +18974,18975,18975,palalitemuh mahaen tu,just give it all the connections,train +18975,18976,18976,o suwal nu ruma a tamdaw i Ci Kristu Cingra saan o suwal nu ruma a tamdaw i Masadak a mimaan i Kalili ci Kristu,others said He is the Christ still others asked How can the Christ come from Galilee,train +18976,18977,18977,sakuwan,jurisdictional,train +18977,18978,18978,madeng hatinitini ku ngala nu penen hapisuʼutan,every interval is the same size,train +18978,18979,18979,Tadaka^su kuya nitangtangan ningra a paheku atu hakhak ira hu ku mitengelan tu titi nu fafuy a makawluru oya kafangsis mapasulut tu ku alumanay Taynitayni satu ku alumanay a misarayaray a miaca,the ferns and sticky rice she cooked were delicious as well as the braised pork with macaw pepper and wild boar meat the flavors attracted many customers and everyone lined up at our stall,train +18979,18980,18980,anu ca ka htira i tahanini matuul tu aku ku tau a,if you do not work hard you will not be able to catch up with others,test +18980,18981,18981,samafukil kaku tu pisu hananay icuwa pakaawit kaku,the reason I do not know what money is is because I have never touched it,train +18981,18982,18982,sadaken ku sasipasip,please take out the eraser,train +18982,18983,18983,tulu pulu ira ku lima sa kaku,I think it is been years,train +18983,18984,18984,o rahud ku sapicacak tu hakhak,sticky rice is cooked with steam,train +18984,18985,18985,ˈayaw nu mamicada tu inuˈku wawa u Krisciyang a wama wina pakasuˈlinaytu tu maanan a demak hani,what are some things Christian parents should be sure of before their children are baptized,train +18985,18986,18986,pilicekahan,first experience,train +18986,18987,18987,awaay ku aku,I do not have a watch,train +18987,18988,18988,Oku Oku sanay kura wina aku hay ci Oku ku ngangan naku kira hani Oku Oku,mother calls Maiko Maiko my name is Maiko Maiko,train +18988,18989,18989,man hu ku tatayalen itini nu wawa,what else is a child supposed to do here,train +18989,18990,18990,a maridarid haw ku nipinanam,do you need to practice often,test +18990,18991,18991,awaay tu mikikakaay itini i niyaru,you are the first of the tribe,train +18991,18992,18992,metmeten,hold it,train +18992,18993,18993,ya,then,train +18993,18994,18994,ira ku siheciay nasiheci i naayaw na itini,I planted a fruitful seed here once,train +18994,18995,18995,o suelin,Whoo Really,train +18995,18996,18996,cuwa katama niyam itira wata,we have not found the place yet,train +18996,18997,18997,caay ka idi ku Kawas a pafli i titaanan tu wawa ningra kinafalah cingra tunini tu saki titaanan Saka u mamahaen a caay ka idi cingra a pafli i titaanan tu pulung nu maamaan,he who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all how will he not also along with him graciously give us all things,train +18997,18998,18998,u taluan nu heni i laku,covering the squatters at Shui tin,train +18998,18999,18999,o amelikay ku kalutayal nunian a kaying a miherek,any work this lady does,train +18999,19000,19000,o maan ku sapitahepu ni mama tu paliding nira,what did dad use to cover his car,test +19000,19001,19001,anu ira a mirpet ku palafuay cingraan i fahal sa a misaclicli cingra pafickut han niira i talafulang sa ku nguyus nu wawa aku Kariangen niira caay ka sapiliyasan kuya palafuay tu wawa aku,a Spirit seizes him and he suddenly screams it throws him into convulsions so that he foams at the mouth it scarcely ever leaves him and is destroying him,train +19001,19002,19002,u niayan a pisanga nu matuaʼsay hu pisanga tu epah kuranan,this is how old people made wine in the early days,train +19002,19003,19003,saka harateng sa i tini tu i Kilung ku ngaʼay a mifuting,Therefore it is better to stay in Keelung and run the boat,train +19003,19004,19004,hakuwa ku kura kilang,how big are the trees,train +19004,19005,19005,karafanuhay,hairy,train +19005,19006,19006,tiniay ci baki,Grandpa is here,train +19006,19007,19007,tulu a rumiad tulu a dadaya ci Yuna i tiyad nu tataangay a futing o mamahaen itu ku wawa nu tamdaw a tulu a rumiad tulu a dadaya i laluma nu sra,for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish so the son of man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth,train +19007,19008,19008,ira ku mahiya maala tu,some of them were picked by that,train +19008,19009,19009,Orungen namu ku taluan ni Mulik atu fuis ni Rifan a kawas oya nisangaan namu a samiyay tu malutataungen namu Orasaka u papakafulawen aku kamu a patayra i tiraw nu Papilun sanay,you have lifted up the shrine of Molech and the star of your God Rephan the idols you made to worship therefore I will send you into exile beyond Babylon,train +19009,19010,19010,sasaririen,be a pillar,test +19010,19011,19011,tusa pulu,twenty,train +19011,19012,19012,kaulahan aku a salikaka aka picuay kamu Pacunuhen i kter nu Kawas kunini matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad Kaku ku cacitudung a micuay u mamitfuc Kaku saan ku Tapang,do not take revenge my friends but leave room for Gods wrath for it is written It is mine to avenge I will repay says the Lord,train +19012,19013,19013,vutvut,pull out,train +19013,19014,19014,pinaʼay miheca a pasifana,you have been teaching your mother tongue for years,train +19014,19015,19015,awaaytu ku buting sa mabana yu,it is clear that there will be no more fish,train +19015,19016,19016,u niyaru nu Cikasuwan,Shan Shan Shichikawa tribe,train +19016,19017,19017,icuwa ku teluc nuya keliw,where is the end of the thread,train +19017,19018,19018,malecaday,the same,train +19018,19019,19019,ya sa tu i,later on,train +19019,19020,19020,itiya,at that time,test +19020,19021,19021,caciramud,married,train +19021,19022,19022,ila ku paliwalay ala han aku,I will buy it if it is for sale,train +19022,19023,19023,mitafu tu cepi haw hay ulatua ini fatac nu uʼu mafanaʼay kisu niya kuwa kiya,do you know the leaves of a plant,train +19023,19024,19024,pakayni misangaʼay tu matiraay mitulik matira,it is the skill aspect of handicraft knitting like Cheung Kwong Ons,train +19024,19025,19025,Wawaaw pinaun kamu aka pitaung tu mangah a kawas,dear children keep yourselves from idols,train +19025,19026,19026,maranam,have breakfast,train +19026,19027,19027,saayaway misanga tu emu,when I first started making sweet rice cakes,train +19027,19028,19028,ta ini tu i falucu nu misu kura suwal ngiha nu tuʼas,the wise sounding words of the old man will be in your heart,train +19028,19029,19029,Ngaayay suwalen mifana kami tu wayway nu misu han,can you talk about your personality,train +19029,19030,19030,tulu hu ku luma a matira,there were only three,test +19030,19031,19031,cifaʼinayay tuya tu manan tu kincac,it is married to a cop,train +19031,19032,19032,papisuedacen,turn something against the tide,train +19032,19033,19033,o kayki han kunu kayki initu ku fafahi sairi,accountant for women lunches,train +19033,19034,19034,suʼelinay u raan i masapinang tu kuni pateli nu sacikawasay ta tira tu malingatu tu sacikawasay a miangang tu mitakus tu nian u malataw nu mita atu niʼan Dungi,Therefore when the offering is ready the priest begins to invite and shout to lead the heavens the angels and the ancestors to enjoy the offering,train +19034,19035,19035,han nira kaku kafukilan mitengil,he told me Come here you are really hard to understand,train +19035,19036,19036,aka pi^pec tu pipakimad nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas,do not treat prophecies with contempt,train +19036,19037,19037,o aahuwiden ku Kawas nawhani nanu kuli nu raraw kamu i tiyahu Nikawrira masarucudtu ku falucu namu anini a mituur tu nipasifanaan i tamuwanan a suwal nu Kawas,but thanks be to God that though you used to be slaves to sin you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted,train +19037,19038,19038,ta masadak ku ngaʼayay a tu tayal tu demak,it is the only way to present a good strategy for program work,train +19038,19039,19039,lalidelalidecan,forest of nine rhizome trees,train +19039,19040,19040,anini tu i laluma ay tu nu hatira,it is modern it used to be inside,test +19040,19041,19041,mapaini tu nira ku finawlan,he is informed his people,train +19041,19042,19042,laecaan,be unable to afford sickness,train +19042,19043,19043,kawra sapilifukaw tu ulah atu sapalemed ni Yihufa tatanu kahemekan ni Yihufa a pakayraan ku sapiduku ita Cingranan hanaca ira ku ngaˈayay kalalaˈed tu Kawas,but to be loved and blessed by the LORD we must worship him in a way that is pleasing to him and have a good relationship with God,train +19043,19044,19044,Patatudung patatudung sa kaku,Then we will use the middle way to deal with it,train +19044,19045,19045,Ngatuwa saan ku futi ni mama aku,my dad sleeps with his mouth open,train +19045,19046,19046,sasamaan ku demak nu maluhemay malitengay wa masungilaˈa madimukus ku siri nu Kawas,by doing so the elders showed that they wanted to be guided by God and Jesus,train +19046,19047,19047,misefeng,lie in wait for,train +19047,19048,19048,mangalay kaku a mutatalakamisian hu kaku,I feel like vomiting I need to go to the restroom,train +19048,19049,19049,Pakuesanen tu mamang kura acicimay,add some sugar to that sour one,train +19049,19050,19050,tayratu i teluc nu matuʼasay,coming to the elderly,test +19050,19051,19051,cecay tiraw cecay tini tiraw san,one there and one here there is one over there too,train +19051,19052,19052,Mahaenay Saka matiya u nipisaupu tu samadu a mituduh i namal ku dmak i pahrekan nu hkal,As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire so it will be at the end of the age,train +19052,19053,19053,katalawan ku rakat nu itiraay,the road is really dangerous,train +19053,19054,19054,hanhaca ku pipakafana kitanan kira,that is all I have to say,train +19054,19055,19055,Mikarut tu rengus,just pulling weeds,train +19055,19056,19056,pakarungay u lintay u naintay,young man and Yingtai,train +19056,19057,19057,malifawa mahadak takaya ku mapakalicay a kalusidan nura,CCPC carries items that are large and long,train +19057,19058,19058,unaluma umicakayan nangra,they bought this room,train +19058,19059,19059,nikaurira caka hakuwa ku hicay,I did not catch a lot of fish,train +19059,19060,19060,saceliceli sa kiya wawa tyak takula nira i caay katama,the child kept calling his frog but did not find it,test +19060,19061,19061,Caay caka lalid kumaen tu faluheci kaku,I do not eat a lot of fruit I do not eat a lot of fruit,train +19061,19062,19062,mamaan anu u dungec,how is the vine heart soup,train +19062,19063,19063,urasaka niyanan mahiyatu,that is how it is done,train +19063,19064,19064,patelaw,helper,train +19064,19065,19065,iyan u miangang aca kami tiniyan u sikawasay,we will definitely invite the priests,train +19065,19066,19066,Lumadiw cangra tahadadaya,they kept singing till evening,train +19066,19067,19067,a niyaru,geographic location,train +19067,19068,19068,u cima hu kiya ku malahedaway sanay,who will be washed away,train +19068,19069,19069,ta pacpac han kaku,my mother hit me so hard,train +19069,19070,19070,sapacudad,letter,test +19070,19071,19071,mirakat kaku tuna rakat naku tuna mimaliay awa ku pitilid aku,as I traveled through baseball I realized that without knowledge,train +19071,19072,19072,ira tu kura nu,here we go,train +19072,19073,19073,o sakalapakuyuc nu tamdaw ku apa,acts of wickedness will make people poor,train +19073,19074,19074,Nikawrira mangalay kaku tu sakafanaaw namu tu nika u tangal nu kalutamdamdaw ci Kristu o tangal nu fafahi ku fainay o tangal ni Kristu ku Kawas,now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is man and the head of Christ is God,train +19074,19075,19075,maku,I,train +19075,19076,19076,ngaay hu padangen hu kaku,Hello can you help me,train +19076,19077,19077,adada ku tumuk niyam u Taracan,the head of our Dara station tribe is sick,train +19077,19078,19078,fayi^,common name,train +19078,19079,19079,paini tu sakavana tu niyaru nu niyam tu Ciwadian,it is about our Shuilian tribe,train +19079,19080,19080,ura tilefus atu iya,it is a beech tree,test +19080,19081,19081,misafula,molest,train +19081,19082,19082,pakafana han nu kaput cingra cuwa kapihawikid kisu tu nu misu ya mipacaliwan i tisuwanan a dafung i cuwa hu kapatikulen isu,the classmate told him because you did not bring it yourself and you would not return the things lent to you,train +19082,19083,19083,adihay ku nisupeden nira a paysu,he has amassed a lot of money,train +19083,19084,19084,anu awaay ku ninian a tayal i awaay tu ku saka ngaʼay nu urip sanay ku nu maku haw,I think if you do not have a stable job you do not have a stable life,train +19084,19085,19085,Nawiru awaay a tayni^ ci Panay,why did not Panay come,train +19085,19086,19086,mapapaliwpaliw sa i kelihkelih sa ku uya tu malitengay,we are all elders when we work together,train +19086,19087,19087,tira patakus sanay,the so called newspaper information,train +19087,19088,19088,Kaesuay ku facidul makaen paladaen kaku,breadfruit is delicious share it with me,train +19088,19089,19089,caay ka cifalucu cangra a mikutud tisuwanan,they will not want to go with you,train +19089,19090,19090,Aya kamu u maapaay a Kalatiya a tamdaw cima ku pamuraraway tamuwanan saw Mapahapinangtu i tamuwanan ku nika pacek ni Yis Kristu i ciwcika,you foolish Galatians who has bewitched you before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified,test +19090,19091,19091,tudung,imitate,train +19091,19092,19092,Kamu u marurayay atu kartengay ku inurung a tamdamdaw i katayni i takuwanan a ma^min ta pahanhanen aku kamu,Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest,train +19092,19093,19093,sisa caay ka kapah kami atu sava aku,the age difference has caused us to think differently,train +19093,19094,19094,Mafulud kita a mitatukem,we are picking lobelia together,train +19094,19095,19095,ay an sakisu,you think a footer is a good idea,train +19095,19096,19096,1918 Tikulen ku ˈayaw nu Semuˈut miheca,looking back a century ago,train +19096,19097,19097,tuduhen kuya lakaw,burn up the waste,train +19097,19098,19098,mafuhat tu kira,it is already open,train +19098,19099,19099,kaluaca,prices,train +19099,19100,19100,ura aku atu ra u ra maemin u hiya hatu u u ha li lu ya,Uncle my fathers family is all about Jesus,test +19100,19101,19101,sadaken ku sasisit,please take out the eraser,train +19101,19102,19102,misasimal,Manufacturing oils,train +19102,19103,19103,midateng ci panay tu laput,Panay collects groundnut leaves,train +19103,19104,19104,matidaku a ku kuhatini ay a demak,I had a thought about killing myself,train +19104,19105,19105,mu^etep ira ku tusa tu ku mihecaan ningra,he is years old,train +19105,19106,19106,puneng caka ngaʼay miala,I cannot take it,train +19106,19107,19107,adeteng,rheum,train +19107,19108,19108,cacelakan,umbrella,train +19108,19109,19109,maratar kisu Payu^ ati ati maranam,Payo you are so early come on come on have breakfast,train +19109,19110,19110,nawhanri maruray kina mihecaan,because it is been a hard year for him,test +19110,19111,19111,masamanay hani,we would love to know,train +19111,19112,19112,hay iraay katihi nu mamu,you know just being there for your grandmother,train +19112,19113,19113,ira kira apakafanaay tu,there is a chance to learn,train +19113,19114,19114,mi Pangciw tura tahutun itiya,Baseballs big event,train +19114,19115,19115,Singsi adadaay ku takulaw ni Kacaw pahanhanay anini,Teacher Kacaw has a sore throat she took a sick leave today,train +19115,19116,19116,minganganay tu kaka nu mama aku,I was named after my fathers brother,train +19116,19117,19117,a pasuwal I ayaway ku nu tau a pasadak tu ngaayay a fadisusu a ^pah Yu marnectu ku tamdamdaw a kumaen i itiya a pasadak tu afsaay Arawhani aninitu ku misu a pasadak tu ngaayay a fadisusu a ^pah han ningra,and said Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink but you have saved the best till now,train +19117,19118,19118,aluman ku tamdaw i pikaceduan,there were a lot of people at the theater,train +19118,19119,19119,micekeruhay,push,train +19119,19120,19120,Mafana ci akung a pakimad,Grandpa is a good storyteller,test +19120,19121,19121,u laing nu riyar,swell,train +19121,19122,19122,ira ku hatiniay a pafalucuan niyam saka caay paska kami a sumuwal,Therefore since we have such a hope we are very bold,train +19122,19123,19123,natira ku urip nu suʼlinay itiya,this is how we lived back then,train +19123,19124,19124,anini han misatapang tu tilid i,how do I start writing from now on,train +19124,19125,19125,ira ku ccay a tamdaw ira ku penaluma nira tu ccay a kilang tu cihaciay tu enem u nasi,there was a person planting a tree which bore six pears,train +19125,19126,19126,milenuk tura taluan,come to Hitchcocks Cottage,train +19126,19127,19127,matayal cira i i Fataʼan,he works at the Koufu sugar Factory,train +19127,19128,19128,uninian tu a masalikaka kaka kami a madadamadama,but I know God will bless us and we will look out for each other,train +19128,19129,19129,tusa pulu a ehun,it takes minutes,train +19129,19130,19130,ta suwal nu akung iraay i falucu aku,all the things Grandpa said back then are still in my heart,test +19130,19131,19131,kiran pidac san ku ʼaʼayaw niyam,there are cliffs in front of us,train +19131,19132,19132,Madahecung tu nu wawa kira nanum i fakici,that bucket of water has been dipped by the child,train +19132,19133,19133,lenak sanay kaaluman nu Farangaw sanay,it was here that the population of Maryland multiplied,train +19133,19134,19134,adada ku tumuk ita mudeku i luma,the leader of our tribe is sick at home,train +19134,19135,19135,sapadama,safeguards,train +19135,19136,19136,emamisay,northward,train +19136,19137,19137,iraay ku i lumaay haw,is anyone at home,train +19137,19138,19138,cuwa ku mamacidal anucila matuemay taangayay ku fali,it will be cloudy and windy but not sunny tomorrow,train +19138,19139,19139,o hu,Oh Oh my God,train +19139,19140,19140,Miaucil kaku ci amaan mituur ci amaan a miadup,every time I quarreled with my father I wanted to go hunting with my father,test +19140,19141,19141,ku citudungay miwasil tu tayal nu kapah,it is responsible for assigning young people to jobs,train +19141,19142,19142,misemut,chop grass,train +19142,19143,19143,uni,indistinct,train +19143,19144,19144,Orasaka mapaiceltu kami itiya caay kunini a ccay lipahak kami tu nanu lipahak ni Titus nawhani mapadama namu cingra tu sakalipahak ningra,by all this we are encouraged in addition to our own encouragement we were especially delighted to see how happy Titus was because his Spirit has been refreshed by all of you,train +19144,19145,19145,mararid cingra a milekalekal a milengat tu sapiluudaw,he continually was calling and challenging to battle,train +19145,19146,19146,Orasaka paicelen aku kamu u ciwlu nu saupu nawhani u sakalcad namu a u ciwlu kaku o pawacayay kaku tu nipisemsem ni Kristu o rumasatu u mamikaput kaku cingraan i katalahkalan nu dil ningra,to the elders among you I appeal as a fellow elder a witness of Christs sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed,train +19146,19147,19147,o tuku nura kulung a caay tu kamakat,the cow just stopped walking,train +19147,19148,19148,hilam hari cunek san ci Kaniw Tafung,the result is that Gao Niu Dafeng ducked in,train +19148,19149,19149,ira haw,is it there,train +19149,19150,19150,safa ni ama isu,your fathers brother,test +19150,19151,19151,talid,bottle,train +19151,19152,19152,yu pisakalafian sapiclemantu ku cidal i patayraen nu tamdamdaw i ci Yisan ku adadaay a ma^min atu maaruay nu palafuay a tamdaw,that evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon possessed,train +19152,19153,19153,cuwa ka lecalecad ku pinengneng nu mikingkiway,on this point scholars have different views,train +19153,19154,19154,a maherek picepu niyam i,we have just finished chopping,train +19154,19155,19155,simal,grease,train +19155,19156,19156,wawa hu kami talapalapalaan,we used to go to the fields,train +19156,19157,19157,u pangiha tu ira kuranan,it is limited to tonal expression,train +19157,19158,19158,tadek han ta san,direct,train +19158,19159,19159,nawhan ni,what do you mean,train +19159,19160,19160,hahuding,competition,test +19160,19161,19161,caay ka hacuwa awaay ku filu u epah ku nu ayaway,there was no beer only rice wine,train +19161,19162,19162,anu mararid satu ku hiya ku ʼuraʼurad i matuʼem ku rumiʼad,in case of rainy season or cloudy days,train +19162,19163,19163,Ngaay,can,train +19163,19164,19164,ira kiya,there is a,train +19164,19165,19165,nu kaemangay nu,primary school native language teacher,train +19165,19166,19166,rakat satu tangasa,they are walking to,train +19166,19167,19167,siwaay ku tuki,nine of the clock,train +19167,19168,19168,palalan cangra tu na,when I was working on the opening of the south highway,train +19168,19169,19169,ri tumimul kana saripa,the footprints go south,train +19169,19170,19170,refung,grotto,test +19170,19171,19171,nawhani u nisuwalan namu i caay ku nanu tked namu a suwal u nanu pakayniay i Adingu nu wama i kakarayan ku sakasumuwal namu,for it will not be you speaking but the Spirit of your father speaking through you,train +19171,19172,19172,adawangay,the doorway,train +19172,19173,19173,lukuungki,voice recorder,train +19173,19174,19174,u suwal nu singsi,the teacher said,train +19174,19175,19175,makaalatu sepat,steaming time,train +19175,19176,19176,kinafalah,give yourself up,train +19176,19177,19177,mi kiya aku i,the first mate is hanging the net,train +19177,19178,19178,lawa,block,train +19178,19179,19179,u kaku a ina i awaay ku limaw aku,Mother I just do not have the time,train +19179,19180,19180,pakasaw ku niyan u vinawlan,observe a fast,test +19180,19181,19181,maurad tu samatini sa ku waʼay mihiya kameleng,slippery feet on a rainy day,train +19181,19182,19182,caay hen ka tangasa i luma sa,I am not home yet,train +19182,19183,19183,caay ka ngaay anu pakayniay i raraw i u mapatayaytu kita mimaan haca kita a mararid a maurip i raraw saw,by no means we died to sin how can we live in it any longer,train +19183,19184,19184,misaliyuk,wind around,train +19184,19185,19185,pakahapinang tu falucu ita ku was,God is able to discern our hearts,train +19185,19186,19186,patingwa kaku tu singsi,I called the teacher,train +19186,19187,19187,maulah kaku a misawidang tu fa^luhay a widang mangaay kami a malacafay rumadiw atu midanguy,I love meeting new people we can sing and swim together,train +19187,19188,19188,kumaen tu pawli anu makataan,eat bananas when you are constipated,train +19188,19189,19189,caliwen ku pitaw nu sakafiyaw,borrow hoes from your neighbors,train +19189,19190,19190,Paiyuen,anesthetic,test +19190,19191,19191,oya maaraway aku a miripaay tu riyar atu sra a tumirengay a cuyuh i paciru saan tu kawanan a kamay a pasikakarayan,then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven,train +19191,19192,19192,Mauraday i paputal haw,is it raining outside,train +19192,19193,19193,itiraay ku luma nira itiraay matengil aku,her house is over there I heard her,train +19193,19194,19194,kwusyaw,elementary school,train +19194,19195,19195,kunaʼi ku hemay caka ngaʼay kaenen,if the rice is too soft it will not taste good,train +19195,19196,19196,makapkapay,feel,train +19196,19197,19197,nawhani ura pikisang nu kaysacekiw,as the police Forces plan,train +19197,19198,19198,icuwaay a kasaritingan,that one even,train +19198,19199,19199,anu papauway miuway anini lumuwad milafin itini i cifutingay,if people want to pick vines they have to set out today and stay overnight at Cifutingay,train +19199,19200,19200,o sakapitilid tunini i u sapasulinaw namu tu nika u Kristu ci Yis u wawa nu Kawas o rumasatu u sakaciurip namu tuna pasulin kamu a mitier Cingraan,but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name,test +19200,19201,19201,hay haw kisu i u mimaanay ku demak nu misu,Yeah yeah yeah what about you what do you do,train +19201,19202,19202,yu mawacay kaku i pariku kamu i Takuwanan yu adada kaku i milisu kamu i Takuwanan yu marufu kaku i tayra kamu i Takuwanan wa han ningra,I needed clothes and you clothed me I was sick and you looked after me I was in prison and you came to visit me,train +19202,19203,19203,sapaka^suan,looks good tasting,train +19203,19204,19204,hai enem saan ruma pitu saan,there is six of them there is seven of them,train +19204,19205,19205,anu midateng ku fafahiyan i mipaladaay tu fiyafiyaw,if a woman goes to gather vegetables she will share them with her neighbors,train +19205,19206,19206,eli,hundred,train +19206,19207,19207,nanay mararay kuninan ku dateng nu matuʼasay itiya hu saan,I hope to spread these dishes of our ancestors,train +19207,19208,19208,o miangsaway tu fuday nu maku kira ringu ni akung,it is Grandpas fireplace that makes my clothes smell like smoke,train +19208,19209,19209,mipapacingay,shot,train +19209,19210,19210,tayra satu cangra ci Yuhanian a sumuwal Singsiaw uya nipawacayan isu i cila i tiraw nu Yurtan a alu a kaput isu itiya i mipainuay Cingra anini Tayra ku tamdamdaw a ma^min i Cingraan han nangra,they came to John and said to him Rabbi that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan the one you testified about well he is baptizing and everyone is going to him,test +19210,19211,19211,Singsi^ adada^ ku wadis aku,Teacher I have a toothache,train +19211,19212,19212,cuwa pasuwal ci Yis tu malaˈusiay kura sapakukut hukira,Jesus did not say whether the steward actually did what he was accused of,train +19212,19213,19213,saka tahanini,up until now,train +19213,19214,19214,icuwaay,there it is,train +19214,19215,19215,kapah,young people,train +19215,19216,19216,itiya u matuʼasay kipidaci kira deng itini a midaci cayka tayra i katip,that is where the old man wanted to gather bamboo shoots not in the north,train +19216,19217,19217,aka a kasasiingtel kita tu ayaw haw,you cannot hate each other,train +19217,19218,19218,decdecen,dense,train +19218,19219,19219,kamu,you guys,train +19219,19220,19220,kappa,raincoat,test +19220,19221,19221,awaay ku kafancal nu urip,we have a good life,train +19221,19222,19222,mipaalufuay,for the backpack,train +19222,19223,19223,micekcekay,squeeze Fillers,train +19223,19224,19224,nakefangkungtung tuʼeman kira,it is dark in that shelter,train +19224,19225,19225,haw awaay ku adada aku tu tatiitiihay sa,So Lin Cho Yu zero bipolar disorder no bipolar disorder,train +19225,19226,19226,Mafedi ku saripa nira,the bottom of his foot cracked,train +19226,19227,19227,saka itira tu haw i masasuwal kami a malikaka,at that time we brothers and sisters were talking to each other,train +19227,19228,19228,a kapah a mavana amin tu lise,the youth of the world are aware of the,train +19228,19229,19229,u nu widang kura palumaan u nu mira kura katimul,this is my friends field on the south side he grows the loofahs,train +19229,19230,19230,cay pitulas kami pasuʼlin tu Kawas,we believe in God without interruption,test +19230,19231,19231,talalicayan aku ku kalalaay tamdaw,I went back to the tribesmen in Ghana,train +19231,19232,19232,maanmaan nu Taywan a tayal,various Taiwanese practices,train +19232,19233,19233,malasangay cangra saan kamu haw Siwahu ku tuki tu dafak i matini saka caay ku malasangay cangra,these men are not drunk as you suppose it is only nine in the morning,train +19233,19234,19234,mangaʼay tu a minengneng,you can see them all,train +19234,19235,19235,nira ngaʼay tu ngaʼay tu,the name of the song it is okay it is okay,train +19235,19236,19236,Maʼuwidan iinitu kaku a idang hatu nira,when he was at Malverdes he said Friend I am here,train +19236,19237,19237,Pakamaan,what is up,train +19237,19238,19238,riharay ku aniniyay,now it is convenient,train +19238,19239,19239,cilusa,Tears,train +19239,19240,19240,ku hatiraay micumud sa,that is the way to go,test +19240,19241,19241,hay u licay haw,there is a question,train +19241,19242,19242,Nikawrira anu hapinangen ita ku nika caan ka tatudung ita i kuna caay ka tfuc nu Kawas kita,but if we judged ourselves we would not come under judgment,train +19242,19243,19243,u madukaay i pulut siremes tu,a wounded fish his tail bleeds,train +19243,19244,19244,Nikaurira lumuwad kaku misingtu talaayaw cumikay,but I stood up and continued running forward,train +19244,19245,19245,o ciapulay ku kamay nu maku,I have a cast on my hand,train +19245,19246,19246,ya uyatu kuicaw kura iya lalafiran,the bark is as hard as ever,train +19246,19247,19247,o letep nu tuas ku sakacaniiw nu matuasay,the poor eyesight of the elderly is due to old age,train +19247,19248,19248,hay mitudungan tu nu kilang a pinangan,imitate wood,train +19248,19249,19249,o maan ku kaulahan isu a telung,so what is your favorite gift,train +19249,19250,19250,Kudefet ku capux,the rice plantings are growing thick,test +19250,19251,19251,awul,bamboo,train +19251,19252,19252,u caayay kafangcal ku urip aca nu niyam saan,because our lives are bad,train +19252,19253,19253,panginguyay tu kulung,there is a place where the cows bathe,train +19253,19254,19254,u tataʼakay ku mata haen han naku ku tudung u sasuwalen naku anini,this is how the big hole is made and this is what I want to explain now,train +19254,19255,19255,iraw ku umah nangra ya laluma,they have fields in this mountain,train +19255,19256,19256,nai tira misukitang tangasa anini,from coal mining to life today,train +19256,19257,19257,yafayaf ku rakat nangra,they walked several abreast,train +19257,19258,19258,ci Hicikiya ku mama ni Manasi ci Manasi ku mama ni Amun ci Amun ku mama ni Yusiya,Hezekiah the father of Manasseh Manasseh the father of Amon Amon the father of Josiah,train +19258,19259,19259,mahanay ri,here is the situation,train +19259,19260,19260,u makumuday u malcacaday ku nisimsiman atu nikavanaʼan,all share a common philosophy a common understanding,test +19260,19261,19261,miiya hu kira mami likuda sai miciyumpi hu kira,you need to prepare for the Festival beforehand,train +19261,19262,19262,anu mimamaan tu,or something,train +19262,19263,19263,mapilih,lame person,train +19263,19264,19264,o suelinay a suwal kunini,these are true words,train +19264,19265,19265,pakapalidingay kaku a talataluan,I drive to the block house,train +19265,19266,19266,pinaay ku mihecaan nu safa isu,how old is your sister,train +19266,19267,19267,mifaca i tira ira ku nemnem tira anini kumu,washed clothes there and at present there is still about feet of well water on that side,train +19267,19268,19268,Pacepuen ku kayki nu mita anini,please come to the conclusion of today meeting,train +19268,19269,19269,nikamaru,sit down,train +19269,19270,19270,Pacenu han aku ku waay i nanum a mifaca,I use foot soak in water to do laundry,test +19270,19271,19271,uksan han na akung,Grandpa is called madam,train +19271,19272,19272,tulu fulad i tayni kami mihadefuk tamuwanan,in three months we will come and kill you all,train +19272,19273,19273,tahira i tenuk seday sa ku urad,in the middle the rainwater will flow down when it rains,train +19273,19274,19274,o kukang ni kaka kuni,this is my brothers bamboo zither,train +19274,19275,19275,o maan ku midakawan ningra a tayra i Takaw,what bus did he take to Kaohsiung,train +19275,19276,19276,itini,here it is,train +19276,19277,19277,anu maulahay kita ci Yihufaan atu salikaka i u mamikiemel a eca pakihater han mirepat ku rihaday nu tamdaw nu Kawas,if we love the Lord as well as our brothers and sisters we will endeavor not to allow personality differences to disrupt the peace of Gods people,train +19277,19278,19278,Pakacyiyun ciira a talapicudadan,he took the subway to school,train +19278,19279,19279,palalanen nu mita ku,we still have to pave the way for them,train +19279,19280,19280,pakayraay tu itiyaay misangaʼay tu luma haw,the part on the construction of traditional houses,test +19280,19281,19281,o caay ka siniada tu tamdaw i caay ku kasiniadaen nu misawkitay a Kawas Nikawrira u siniadaay tu tamdaw i u mamaliyas ningra ku pisawkit nu Kawas,because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful mercy triumphs over judgment,train +19281,19282,19282,tayra satu i tiraw i kasaʼupuan nu u faʼinaʼinay,just go to the place where the boys hang out,train +19282,19283,19283,pisaringuan,the fireplace,train +19283,19284,19284,u urad,rainshower,train +19284,19285,19285,maherek a mikufit tu sauwal ku tumuk i awaay tu ku miliyaway tu sumuwalay,no one dares to raise any objection after the head of the government has come to a conclusion,train +19285,19286,19286,faca han hatini milicalic ha,you have to poke it that is right,train +19286,19287,19287,cayka fangsis angtil,it does not smell good it stinks,train +19287,19288,19288,sailalumake,General medicine,train +19288,19289,19289,adengay a miala kami san,said we should be able to get it ourselves,train +19289,19290,19290,sulinay,make sense,test +19290,19291,19291,mafana ku awaay maʼaraw,the spirits will know,train +19291,19292,19292,katalawan tu mihulul i riyar ku aniniay,modern people are very dangerous they like to go to the beach,train +19292,19293,19293,o maan mahunahun kura asisiw sa kaku,why is the straw swaying so much,train +19293,19294,19294,maraayay haw,is it far,train +19294,19295,19295,a pananucan nu mita tu kapahay saan,let us build something better,train +19295,19296,19296,paising tu wawa tayra i isaysiw,take your child to the health center,train +19296,19297,19297,mitakus,invitation,train +19297,19298,19298,nawhani u suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i O fangcalay Kaku Saka ka u fangcalay kamu saan,for it is written Be holy because I am holy,train +19298,19299,19299,pakatufayay,motorcycle,train +19299,19300,19300,a,her,test +19300,19301,19301,u rarapa haw kiya mikarutay,is it plowed by oxen,train +19301,19302,19302,u mikiaamay,a beggar,train +19302,19303,19303,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu unini a raraw a ma^min ku sakatfuc nu aniniay a tamdaw,I tell you the truth all this will come upon this generation,train +19303,19304,19304,aw namu tu i,I will give it to you,train +19304,19305,19305,u sarucekay ku suwal nu itiniyay ku aru a tamdaw,it is better to go by what the people in the area say,train +19305,19306,19306,naicuwaay kiya itira kita i luma nira sanay,if it is agreed that we are in a class of our own,train +19306,19307,19307,u Ngayngay kina mataʼasay,that old man is a Hakka,train +19307,19308,19308,paacefelay,fuming,train +19308,19309,19309,cecay a rumiad i fatad nu lalan,one day on the way to school,train +19309,19310,19310,mikufit,buttons,test +19310,19311,19311,o marad ku sapa tektek nu mita,we use iron as a pole,train +19311,19312,19312,sakiemelen,brave,train +19312,19313,19313,nu Sanmingli Sanmingli,Sanmin i is Sanmin i,train +19313,19314,19314,kawiten ku lalikur,at the back there is a knitted,train +19314,19315,19315,wa mamilifet kita tu matatengteng tu sasuut,we will compete in tug of war,train +19315,19316,19316,irahu ku ama itiya,there were grandmothers,train +19316,19317,19317,matngil nuya mamu^tepay a nisawawaan kunini a suwal i makter cangra tuya tatusaay a malikaka,when the ten heard about this they were indignant with the two brothers,train +19317,19318,19318,samanen a mipadang u hatiniay ku maku a icel a midemak,how I can help that is part of what I am trying to do,train +19318,19319,19319,a ala a eneenemay a tamdaw,there is about six of them,train +19319,19320,19320,Saka salikakaaw pilien ku papitu namu tu mapaicelay nu Fangcalay Adingu atu citanengay atu ngaayay ku lihaf a tamdaw ta pakatayalen niyam cangra tunini a tayal,Brothers choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom we will turn this responsibility over to them,test +19320,19321,19321,o malcaday ku mipalumaay atu micfusay a tamdaw o nitayalan nu kahaccaccay ku piarawan nu Kawas a palifun,the man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose and each will be rewarded according to his own labor,train +19321,19322,19322,sakacitelucaw,descendants,train +19322,19323,19323,tunu u caʼayay kakaen ita a panay a turun,it is also our favorite mocha,train +19323,19324,19324,hatiraay ku paylang u riang ira kamiyanan,this is how the Minnan people are like this is how they treat us badly,train +19324,19325,19325,mangawi,not choose ones words,train +19325,19326,19326,tayra i kafekan,deliberately going to the top,train +19326,19327,19327,tu kira,it is been a week,train +19327,19328,19328,mikadavu atu rumaan a vinacadan,marry to a non ethnic clan member,train +19328,19329,19329,tingki,light,train +19329,19330,19330,ha maurip hen kita cay nira hira i kita,it is alive it did not eat it so it is not dead,test +19330,19331,19331,maan kurira hademak nu mita,what are we going to do,train +19331,19332,19332,Sakatulu ciwawa tu na mararamud papina ku wawa caayay kalecad ku suwal,Third siblings naturally have children after marriage and the number of children born to them is different,train +19332,19333,19333,picakayan,Store,train +19333,19334,19334,hay katikati saan nipuhpuh,Come come invite the spirits,train +19334,19335,19335,nitaliyukan,integrated,train +19335,19336,19336,nawhani yu macahiw kaku i pafli kamu tu kakaenen i Takuwanan yu masuaw kaku i pananum kamu i Takuwanan yu palafang kaku i papilafin kamu i Takuwanan,for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink I was a stranger and you invited me in,train +19336,19337,19337,Riparip hatu nu fiyaw aku ku sanga a misuka,my neighbor paints on the walls,train +19337,19338,19338,u liteng itya hu cuwa piala tu mimimimingay a adupen,we have never hunted young animals before,train +19338,19339,19339,tingalaway,limpid,train +19339,19340,19340,acedahay,spicy,test +19340,19341,19341,kiya vetelian ku kakarayan,why is there thunder in the sky,train +19341,19342,19342,tu nisangaʼan nu maku tu aluvu,I made little cloth bags that,train +19342,19343,19343,Anangen kura kakaenen,put your food away,train +19343,19344,19344,kasa talingtaling nu tileng nu mapatayay,he could only find it in a pile of bodies,train +19344,19345,19345,kamila,camera,train +19345,19346,19346,Safahka sa cangra suwal sa O maan hakini kunini a tamdaw Halufali atu taplik a mitngil tu suwal Ningra saan,the men were amazed and asked What kind of man is this even the winds and the waves obey him,train +19346,19347,19347,matira saka maadipel ku niyaru nu Pangcah ira ku adawang caay pacefa^ ku mikacaway a papicumud i niyaru nu Pangcah,this is why the tribe has a fence and also a tribal gate where the keepers do not arbitrarily allow outsiders to enter the tribe,train +19347,19348,19348,mitayhidang milekal tu minukayay ta a matuʼasay,shout out to our ancestors,train +19348,19349,19349,lahengangsatu,Red,train +19349,19350,19350,sisa itini ku wawa nu mita,so this is the time for our children,test +19350,19351,19351,ku^sitay,stiff,train +19351,19352,19352,mararumay tumangicay hawa,sad and weeping,train +19352,19353,19353,ilangen ira kuni paʼicang han ira,he took it to dry it and ground it,train +19353,19354,19354,u ku ama,father is Kavalan,train +19354,19355,19355,malawawa,become a child,train +19355,19356,19356,i ngumu tiya ngumu kiyami alu malikiday niya likid kiya ngumu,the life jackets have been swept away by the strong currents,train +19356,19357,19357,mahemek ku falucu tu katayni isu,it is so good to see you,train +19357,19358,19358,misaka dademak kita tu kimad nu Kawas hanu u sapalifet kunini,why is it a challenge for us to practice Gods Word,train +19358,19359,19359,Ciicel a tumireng kina adadaay,this sick person is capable of standing,train +19359,19360,19360,sufucan aku turawawa aku i tahira i Kangcang i tui mapatay,born in Sekiyama the child died when he was five years old,test +19360,19361,19361,kaesu kaenen,it is delicious,train +19361,19362,19362,caykangaʼay kina luma aluman tu ku wawa aku i caykaedeng kina luma sa kaku,I am thinking that with our growing population I do not think we will have enough room in this house,train +19362,19363,19363,tiya tatudung tunu mipipaypayay,it means to worship,train +19363,19364,19364,itira i Hanakuyma,in Granite mountain,train +19364,19365,19365,halikien a minengneng tu talakal ita hatu ci tamaay tu,go and see our trap for it seems that we have caught our prey,train +19365,19366,19366,siwa pulu,ninety,train +19366,19367,19367,sanay ku suwal nu wama aku,Dads so educated,train +19367,19368,19368,i sakacuwaay ku pimaluneman isu,where did you hunt deer,train +19368,19369,19369,iratu nika u riran haw i haen numa ku nasaan ku,Yes why if a leader insists on having his way,train +19369,19370,19370,tanumal,round bamboo basket,test +19370,19371,19371,matiya misailailayay saan,it is all about self righteousness,train +19371,19372,19372,i lalavuʼay u tinayi u hiya u atay i lalavuʼay anu mitivek a kakaenen,edible offal such as intestines and liver,train +19372,19373,19373,u heci ira sapimaan tangtangen,what can it do with its heart,train +19373,19374,19374,neneng han ku canul nura taladaw,the force of the Xiuguluan river rushed to the sea,train +19374,19375,19375,i satipan,it is on the west side,train +19375,19376,19376,papiliyaw ku singsi i takuwanan a miasip,the teacher told me to reread it,train +19376,19377,19377,sidingkiya a telay u sapatangelal,wire cable Searchlight,train +19377,19378,19378,pakaynien nu Kawas i ci Kristuan ku sakalaliay ningra atu tamdamdaw caaytu haratengen nu Kawas ku raraw nangra o rumasatu paturuden ningra i tamiyanan kunini a sakalaliay ningra atu tamdaw a suwal,that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ not counting men sins against them and he has committed to us the message of reconciliation,train +19378,19379,19379,Sieracay hananay kura,it is near the park,train +19379,19380,19380,mahaen,that is it,test +19380,19381,19381,o malcaday kita a mituur ci Kristuan saka kuna caay ku kakanguduen aku kisu a palimuut tu sapilahciaw isu tu dadmaken,Therefore although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do,train +19381,19382,19382,Ina macahiw tu kaku ira ku kakaenen,Mom I am hungry do you have anything to eat,train +19382,19383,19383,mita,ours,train +19383,19384,19384,nika ira ku tatiihay a pinanang niira tumatira caay panukas tu nicaliwan,but he has a bad habit of often borrowing things but not returning them,train +19384,19385,19385,dadinguan,mirror,train +19385,19386,19386,Mapasuwaltu aku cangra tu suwal Isu Nikawrira kaintelen nu hkalan a tamdaw cangra nawhani matiya u aku a caay ku nu hkalan cangra,I have given them your word and the world has hated them for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world,train +19386,19387,19387,miinipay,sipping,train +19387,19388,19388,ey sanga cingra tu cukap nira i u taraʼar,he made his shoes out of gourds,train +19388,19389,19389,caka halafin tudung cecay a lipay ngaayay tu iayaw rahkaden hu ku ku^tengay a malahakhak nga pacamulen tu tamud samadahen a mitiyil maedeng tu paru han tu i kureng,No it only takes about a week after steaming the sticky rice and white rice we mix it with yeast powder and then it can be stored in a jar,train +19389,19390,19390,hay maedeng satu haw,and then about,test +19390,19391,19391,Miacang tu hiya nangra u avang nangra i,take them all with you,train +19391,19392,19392,tuni,Here,train +19392,19393,19393,malakuli,turn into ice,train +19393,19394,19394,ini maku,that is all mine is,train +19394,19395,19395,suta i,tweedledum,train +19395,19396,19396,i sasaay nu wadis nu vavuy,it is the lower jaw of a pig,train +19396,19397,19397,caay ka nga micimumuk,sometimes I cannot get in,train +19397,19398,19398,ci Singkuy haw ci Nawisan hananay,it is Tsz Wan Shan it is Huo Hua Shan,train +19398,19399,19399,sanay ku itini i niyaru,in this tribe,train +19399,19400,19400,u maʼid ʼidʼid caay hu ka adihay ku ʼidʼid nu matuʼasay i tiya hu,charcoal grilled there was not a lot of charcoal grilled fish in the old days,test +19400,19401,19401,cuwa kiya mangataay,No it is not it is very close,train +19401,19402,19402,tayra haca i Sincwang kira,you have to go to Shinjyou first,train +19402,19403,19403,pahiyaen tayra,take it over there,train +19403,19404,19404,sulinay haw ira haw ku mahaenay a demak saan ku wawa,and the child said It is really so amazing,train +19404,19405,19405,matefad,fall,train +19405,19406,19406,o ina aca ku pidu^duan nu rayray nu kasangasaw,the most distinctive feature is the female centered kinship system,train +19406,19407,19407,san maku a miharateng,I encourage them with all my heart,train +19407,19408,19408,Papilafinen kaku,let me stay,train +19408,19409,19409,awaay tu ku wina aku malingaday tu ku wina aku,My mother is gone,train +19409,19410,19410,matedi ku fulad,the moon is shining,test +19410,19411,19411,I kapadesan aku i mararid kamu a mikaput i Takuwanan,you are those who have stood by me in my trials,train +19411,19412,19412,u tatala cuwa kisu anucila,where do you plan to go tomorrow,train +19412,19413,19413,tura han nu Kuwaping i,it is called Zhongxing in Chinese,train +19413,19414,19414,papipahanhan,suspension,train +19414,19415,19415,mana haenen han aku hay milaliw kura fawu san ku ramatuʼasay kira,I asked my father why he was doing this so the bugs would go away,train +19415,19416,19416,Ay u tadakapahay kisu a wama nu luma hay a maanen naca saw,you are such a good husband I cannot help it,train +19416,19417,19417,makerahay,it is dry,train +19417,19418,19418,masamaanay,what kind,train +19418,19419,19419,huni alatek ira ku cecay miculeday,there might be another one in the Valentines bag later,train +19419,19420,19420,ku matuʼasay nu luma,even the oldest members of my own family,test +19420,19421,19421,malakayakay,become a matchmaker,train +19421,19422,19422,ta,I am going to start jumping ship and driving a bus,train +19422,19423,19423,Talaalu^ ciira a midanguy,he is going swimming,train +19423,19424,19424,manawnaw ku sikela i riyar,driftwood floats on the sea,train +19424,19425,19425,tahanini Cilamitay hananay tu haw,today it is called Giramidai,train +19425,19426,19426,u hatini u maan uya milaladay hu a dateng i,any kind of climbing vegetables,train +19426,19427,19427,yungziwsan neyn kami,we are years,train +19427,19428,19428,masay ku lalan nu malaiyungay caay ka fangcal ku lalan,the bus route is full of vines it is hard to walk,train +19428,19429,19429,inian makelec maraay,it is tightly packed it is a long way to go,train +19429,19430,19430,amerek,short,test +19430,19431,19431,tepar,the side,train +19431,19432,19432,ku emu nu mita caay ka kapah,steaming does not work,train +19432,19433,19433,Hay mangalay tu hulu han,Okay do you want some white rice,train +19433,19434,19434,Papisepelen ci Nakaw i pala,tell Nakaw to go to the field and cut the grass,train +19434,19435,19435,itira i kasinuutan,in summer,train +19435,19436,19436,hay itira,Yes there,train +19436,19437,19437,misakaciw,raising geese,train +19437,19438,19438,Orasaka i ayawen ku piktun tu falucu tu nika malumaan ku nika ruray a miharateng tu sapaading tu tireng,but make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves,train +19438,19439,19439,itini ha u sapatedi tu kuni,is this the place to go for the bright and shiny ones,train +19439,19440,19440,caay ca,No,test +19440,19441,19441,Asenay kilimen tu aku kisu a misalama,Asenay I am here to play with you,train +19441,19442,19442,yaw su tengilesa a nu tu Cikasuʼan na u faluay ku Cikasuʼan u selal nu Cikasuʼan tini,special emphasis is placed on the fact that the seven foot Kawasaki tribe is currently eight settlements,train +19442,19443,19443,anu ikukudulen a pacait nu niyam ku papawli makasanek makayni a mitaeliv,if we hang bananas on it they will smell it and come through here,train +19443,19444,19444,ciy^in,metro,train +19444,19445,19445,ira ku taʼakay a saupu misalama misaluma kiyami,if there is a big meeting visiting friends and family building a house,train +19445,19446,19446, o lipahak ni Yis samaanay malu lipahak nu mita hani,B how does the joy of Jesus become our joy,train +19446,19447,19447,Nikawrira anu cimalininaay ku mituuray ci Kristuan a fafahiyan tu mapunengay i u dadiputen ningra kuya mapunengay onini i u saka^caaw pipakaruray tu kiwkay ta deng u kakasiniadaan a mapunengay ku papadamaen nu kiwkay,if any woman who is a believer has widows in her family she should help them and not let the church be burdened with them so that the church can help those widows who are really in need,train +19447,19448,19448,Nanuya maaraw niyam ku Sayprus Pasatimul sa ku rakat nu tamina niyam a pafsuc a pasayra i Siriya ta macakat kami i Tiri nawhani mi^pud itira ku tamina tu dafung,after sighting Cyprus and passing to the south of it we sailed on to Syria we landed at Tyre where our ship was to unload its cargo,train +19448,19449,19449,ku,Main,train +19449,19450,19450,hay mansa,the reason why,test +19450,19451,19451,awaay ku nipacakay,not for sale,train +19451,19452,19452,salikaka,fathers and mothers,train +19452,19453,19453,fitilidapiyatay,lightning,train +19453,19454,19454,u lakulawkuwaan iri,they are all ridges,train +19454,19455,19455,hay natayratu kami ii Cilung,Yes we went to Keelung,train +19455,19456,19456,Pikawih tu kamay ira tu tayni ku tusiya,Wave the bus is coming,train +19456,19457,19457,tu pinanam tu nu paylang a caciyaw sanay ku maku haw,it should be Gods will that I learn Taiwanese,train +19457,19458,19458,o harateng aku i nanay kalamkam kaku a tayra i tisuwanan a minengneng ta masasiayaw kita a masasuwal,I hope to see you soon and we will talk face to face peace to you the friends here send their greetings greet the friends there by name,train +19458,19459,19459,hay mafana tu miharateng kamu u kaemangay,so that your advanced children can learn to understand,train +19459,19460,19460,o satapang niyam a talalutuk a mitilu,start hunting in the mountains and set traps,test +19460,19461,19461,kasiemelan,spring,train +19461,19462,19462,tu nikateving,spiritual realization,train +19462,19463,19463,maikes ku falucu,mature in attitude,train +19463,19464,19464,anu pasifanaˈ ku Krisciyang tu wawa anca pacekiwan a tamdaw i hanu haharatengen ku kalimelaan nu picada tu inuˈ,why do Christians need to remember the importance of baptism by immersion when teaching their children or Bible students,train +19464,19465,19465,Matarawid kuya niyaru,that village can be walked to in a day,train +19465,19466,19466,tahanini ku urip aku,I have lived until now,train +19466,19467,19467,tiya mailuh anini ku luma nu mailuhay ku luma tiyan haw i,tribal family loses house to fire,train +19467,19468,19468,cuwat,expand,train +19468,19469,19469,o aira ku alumanay a mangah a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a misafit tu alumanay a tamdaw,and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people,train +19469,19470,19470,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u pasulinay i takuwanan i u mamilcad tu dmak aku ku dmak ningra o a ikaka nu nidmakan aku ku nika tadamaan nu dadmaken ningra nawhani u tatayra kaku i ci Wamaan,I tell you the truth anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing he will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father,test +19470,19471,19471,Mangataay pakapaliding i lima ehun tahila tu,it is very close if you drive you can get there in five minutes,train +19471,19472,19472,sisa masadak tu ku masaselaselal hananay,that is why there is an age class,train +19472,19473,19473,suwalen aku kamu i ikur nunini anu caay ka tangasa i katalahkalan nu Kitakit nu Kawas i caaytu ku mamiliyaw kaku a kumaen tunini a ^pah han ningra,for I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes,train +19473,19474,19474,micefus,sprinkle,train +19474,19475,19475,tulu kuya pawacayay,for there are three that testify,train +19475,19476,19476,nu niyam sa ilisin tuya cecay a rumiʼad i u matuʼasay ku pakungkuay kamiyanan pasikiningay tu demak nu itiyaay hu,on the day of the Bountiful years Festival the elders tell us about the events of the ancient times of xxxxx,train +19476,19477,19477,miparakat tu hikuki ku tayal nu maku,Pilots job,train +19477,19478,19478,matini saan i,Now,train +19478,19479,19479,ci Sawmah kaku awaay i luma masadak cingra,it is Sawmah not at home she is out,train +19479,19480,19480,tukus,bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons,test +19480,19481,19481,ranikay,quickly,train +19481,19482,19482,micaliwan tu umah nu kaysiya,borrowed a field from a company,train +19482,19483,19483,kina kakawaw,forms,train +19483,19484,19484,tatuy,draw,train +19484,19485,19485,ya maan han tu nu mingkuk patih,how do you say that in Chinese Wall,train +19485,19486,19486,pakayni tu pakaˈmetay tu tireng iraay ku manan taˈarawan atu tinakuan i Fangcalay Cudad,what are some biblical examples and lessons in demonstrating self control,train +19486,19487,19487,sisa mangalay a misumad tu ngangan nu Pangca,So those who want to change their names to Amis or Kavalan names,train +19487,19488,19488,sakalafi caputu malafi,Dinner dinner at almost,train +19488,19489,19489,tataʼangay kura kilang i,they are all huge trees,train +19489,19490,19490,cilimaw,have time,test +19490,19491,19491,o nicaliwan isu ci Kacawan a impic kuninian haw,did you borrow this pen from Kacaw,train +19491,19492,19492,pina ku itiya haw,patties or at that time,train +19492,19493,19493,sa tu ira sanay kura wina aku yan tu ngangitangit sanay,my mother said it was all right his mother kept begging,train +19493,19494,19494,marimadacay,it is smooth,train +19494,19495,19495,o pacengelay tu tatiihay a wayway kuraan a tamdaw,that person is the one who influences others with his loamy behavior,train +19495,19496,19496,ira ku cecaw nu misu,you have a license,train +19496,19497,19497,pacukeray,proponent,train +19497,19498,19498,una naliti tunian i,where is the manzanita,train +19498,19499,19499,Pinaun,be careful,train +19499,19500,19500,kapah,be close,test +19500,19501,19501,nasepat ku nicakayan nu maku i matuasay,I purchased fish chasers with the old man,train +19501,19502,19502,u kakitilaan nu matuasay,where the elderly live,train +19502,19503,19503,misakalafi tu kaku,I am going to cook dinner,train +19503,19504,19504,pasuwal sa ku Farisay a tamdaw i cangraan Halu amu a masafana ningra saw,You mean he has deceived you also the Pharisees retorted,train +19504,19505,19505,cidamay tu kuni fakeluh,there is watercress growing on this rock,train +19505,19506,19506,tusa fulad ku caka rumakat,he has not walked in two months,train +19506,19507,19507,tu sakangaʼay nu maku rumakat i lalan,to keep me safe and sound on the road,train +19507,19508,19508,satapang nu niyaru nu Makutaay a saan haw i,origins of the Maguida Ai tribe,train +19508,19509,19509,kaysing,classifier for food in bowls such as soup rice conger wonton,train +19509,19510,19510,kiyut,dig into the east with your little finger,test +19510,19511,19511,yu mahrektu ku Ka^caan Pipatamud tu ^Pang a lisin i pakalunan kami nai Filipi lima a rumiad ta tahira kami i Truas a malalitmuh atu cangra pitu a rumiad kami itira,but we sailed from Philippi after the Feast of Unleavened Bread and five days later joined the others at Troas where we stayed seven days,train +19511,19512,19512,mahaenay kira wawa ku tayal aku,in fact that is true,train +19512,19513,19513,iray tuan tu kita,Okay let us go,train +19513,19514,19514,hay u kaʼirangay,it is a bomb fish,train +19514,19515,19515,pinsiang,freezer cabinet,train +19515,19516,19516,kapicumud tu halafinay tu ku pitatala aku i tisuwanan,come on in I have been waiting for you for a long time,train +19516,19517,19517,ira ku suwal nu matuʼasay tamiyanan u rarem,I have heard the elders say to the younger ones,train +19517,19518,19518,oya tusa ku safaw a adawang i u tusaay ku safaw a kimuuday a cincu o cincu ku kahaccaccay nuya adawang matiya u tingalaway a dadingu a niulacan a tada^kim ku lalan nuya niyaru,the twelve gates were twelve pearls each gate made of a single pearl the great street of the city was of pure gold like transparent glass,train +19518,19519,19519,pakayakay ku matayalay i sauwac,workers bridge over the creek,train +19519,19520,19520,tu pinanaman i pasifanaen nu singsi kami tu sausi nu Amis,in class the teacher taught us the Amis language of numbers,test +19520,19521,19521,Sakameden aku ku suwal a paini nawiru mitaung kaku tu Yincumincu,let me put in simple terms why we are apologizing to the indigenous peoples,train +19521,19522,19522,anu kifetul caʼay kakaʼen nu cilah,if you cut it thick the salt will not penetrate,train +19522,19523,19523,lalangaka a,prohibit,train +19523,19524,19524,caay ka hakuwa ku kafanaan aku kawrira pacauf han aku ku licay isu,I do not know much about it but I will try to answer as best I can,train +19524,19525,19525,hay iraay ku kaemangay alatek mapili tu anengelay saan,maybe some kids do not like bitter,train +19525,19526,19526,patayra hanira kaku i ci piyanuan,transfer me to Gundam,train +19526,19527,19527,yu pacengceng ku matuasay tayira kaku a mimelaw,I went to the old mans house when he was making the fish,train +19527,19528,19528,Wamaaw nanay matiya u nika lacecay ita ku nika lacecay nangra Yohani 1720 21,I pray that they may all be united as you Father are united with me John,train +19528,19529,19529,kuhien hu ira mipalinah haw ku tamina paliyas,he turned the boat away again,train +19529,19530,19530,caay pisaʼusi ku naʼayaway,I have been very content in the past,test +19530,19531,19531,patapang,Main Main,train +19531,19532,19532,o nanum ku sapainu aku i tamuwanan Nikawrira u Fangcalay Adingu ku sapainu ningra i tamuwanan saan,I baptize you with water but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit,train +19532,19533,19533,kalahusu,plastic water pipe,train +19533,19534,19534,u kahemekan nu maku kuranan,that is what attracts me the most,train +19534,19535,19535,mataktak tu ku hicay,the fish are knocked over,train +19535,19536,19536,haenen haenen caay kasaan,you will not be able to teach me that,train +19536,19537,19537,Mapanukas tu aku inacila^ kiyami,did not I return it to you yesterday,train +19537,19538,19538,ruma satu a rumiʼad matama nu pakaenay tu kulung,one day a cowherd saw him,train +19538,19539,19539,a mikaen,cherish the body,train +19539,19540,19540,sumuwalay ci Yis tu cecay tinakuan milengu tu cecay sidaˈitay a Samariya tamdaw samanay paihkal tu adayayay,Jesus told a parable about a loving Samaritan who showed mercy,test +19540,19541,19541,o cima kisu,who are you,train +19541,19542,19542,o ama isu kura haw pinaay tu ku mihecaan nira,is that your father how old is he,train +19542,19543,19543,tada mahemek ku siyakay a tamdaw kiya maka kilim tu i Taywan a Pangcah saasuay vangcalay a radiw,let the world hear the beautiful voices of the Amis ancestors from Taiwan and learn about the culture of the beautiful traditional chants,train +19543,19544,19544,Ngaay hu mangalay kaku a micakay tu hakhak atu siraw,Hello I would like to buy sticky rice and braised pork with macaw pepper,train +19544,19545,19545,caay kanca a misaturun kiyami caay haw kahaen,you always have to make sticky rice cakes do not you,train +19545,19546,19546,nanana miteka tu haw,take it take it is it over,train +19546,19547,19547,hatira ku paini u Fangcalay ku pisawkit u saka ngaʼay nu niyaru hatira,this is my dispute and judgment on how to deal with the tribal people,train +19547,19548,19548,u mahaenay aca asaan,posterity understands the sequence of events,train +19548,19549,19549,rara,beans,train +19549,19550,19550,hatiraay ku sikkusiy hanay nu niyam ayaw,this is our old dormitory,test +19550,19551,19551,Makuracay ku falucu nura wawa,the child heart is pure,train +19551,19552,19552,tayni i enar yu,interjection of surprise,train +19552,19553,19553,alapit,tong,train +19553,19554,19554,simata yu ku heni,they have eyes do not they,train +19554,19555,19555,pacukisen,to cover the thatched roof bracket,train +19555,19556,19556,Ka^su ku nisafelan ni ina,mom cooks great food,train +19556,19557,19557,titi,pork,train +19557,19558,19558,misasirawan,it will be pickled,train +19558,19559,19559,ira ku langedaway u lahengangay u kulawlaway i lutuk,the mountains are green red and orange yellow in color,train +19559,19560,19560,o nilakisan nu matuasay kinian a suwal nu mita u pangcah,our Amis language has been passed down from our ancestors,test +19560,19561,19561,icuwaan nisu a miteli,where did you put it,train +19561,19562,19562,cecay a kaen isu,it is your bite,train +19562,19563,19563,awaay tu kuya ama niyam ci ina ni ina aku,my grandmother has passed away,train +19563,19564,19564,anu kaeman han kulian nu u sasafaay kaku u teluc,since I was a kid I have been bossed around by my brothers and sisters,train +19564,19565,19565,mahaen tataak ku nanum a maanen namu a tayra sa,how are you going to get through this water,train +19565,19566,19566,Orasaka kita u matuasaytu ku falucu a mituur ci Kristuan a ma^min i haenen ku harateng Nikawrira anu ira i tamuwanan ku misarumaay ku harateng i u Kawas ku papahapinang i tamuwanan tunini,all of us who are mature should take such a view of things and if on some point you think differently that too God will make clear to you,train +19566,19567,19567,Ngaʼayhu,Hello everyone,train +19567,19568,19568,mihakelung miucilay kaku tiya ina atu ci mamaan aku a tayni itini,I came here with my parents,train +19568,19569,19569,nimaanay kisu ihuni,what were you doing just now,train +19569,19570,19570,itiya ira tu kiya kena kasulin itiya mahaw,was there already a train here,test +19570,19571,19571,tanenengan,catalog,train +19571,19572,19572,Pacingen aku,I shoot fish with a spear,train +19572,19573,19573,sanay haw itini niyaru nu mita,in our tribe,train +19573,19574,19574,o sakapukaput hananay i,on age Groups,train +19574,19575,19575,caka urungen miʼuway,lunchboxes are hung in a fixed position,train +19575,19576,19576,ya matuʼasay sa i kaikur kiyami haw,the old man in the back row,train +19576,19577,19577,yniyaniyah itemek kita a mitulun,let us each pray his own prayer,train +19577,19578,19578,Mapapadangay tu tiniyan u luma,every family helps each other,train +19578,19579,19579,u cima hakini ku mami,can anyone come,train +19579,19580,19580,malukafer,wear,test +19580,19581,19581,liteng satu kisu,why are you so old,train +19581,19582,19582,mafanaʼay kumaen tu sama,I know how to eat lettuce,train +19582,19583,19583,ci Acwan sa kaku,ah Chiu must have been born in,train +19583,19584,19584,hay anini a remiʼadan,Yes today,train +19584,19585,19585,minukay tu kami malahakelung,we are both going home together,train +19585,19586,19586,Mikaliling ci ina tu kafi,mom uses a spoon to scoop up the soup,train +19586,19587,19587,cuwa kakapah kaku cuwa hu kalusimet kuni a ariri aka tu,No I am plain and the warehouse has not been tidied up yet,train +19587,19588,19588,iray ka hatiya i a ini kami siwaay a fulad,that is it we will be back in September,train +19588,19589,19589,awaay i luma ku akung namu itiraay i umah cira i luma sa hu kamu a mitala ciraan,your grandfather is not at home he is in the field wait for him to come back,train +19589,19590,19590,micekel,bow the head,test +19590,19591,19591,anini pakafanʼaen kura wawa akumakapahay sangaan makapahay,now I am teaching my kid and he is doing How did you do very good,train +19591,19592,19592,itini Mapulin cingra,until it falls,train +19592,19593,19593,Mimaan,what are you doing,train +19593,19594,19594,cecay tusa a tilid i,one or two words,train +19594,19595,19595,mapalananuwang,think of it as an animal,train +19595,19596,19596,mapaherek satu i,at the end of the course,train +19596,19597,19597,valuden nira ku tatuni,put that garbage away too,train +19597,19598,19598,Caay ci Kacaw ciira,No he is Kacaw,train +19598,19599,19599,u Yincumin haw kamu,are you Aboriginals,train +19599,19600,19600,iri sivaru,after the Presidential flowers,test +19600,19601,19601,Parakamen nu singsi kami a mikungling tu saripa nu waay,the instructor makes our bare feet sore to train our soles,train +19601,19602,19602,caay ka hatini ku nu rarukuh a hanek,turtles do not taste like that,train +19602,19603,19603,paluma tu tevus nu hiya nu kaysiya,sugar cane in the clubhouse,train +19603,19604,19604,paatalen,for Sheng,train +19604,19605,19605,fana kisu cihak,do you know about the juniper tree,train +19605,19606,19606,anu i Fangcalay Pitaungantu anu i kasaupuantu a luma nu Yutaya anu i niyarutu i awaayhu ku pakaaraway tu nika laliyang aku atu cima atu niparawraw aku tu finawlan,my accusers did not find me arguing with anyone at the temple or stirring up a crowd in the synagogues or anywhere else in the city,train +19606,19607,19607,unini ku safaliwen halalan nu misu a milukut,I will use this to clear the way for you when we Harvest the sassafras,train +19607,19608,19608,Patedien ku lalan,shine a light on the path,train +19608,19609,19609,ka itini ihekal,and my family is doing well too,train +19609,19610,19610,tulu sepat hayi cacay mikitinay hayi,yes Yes,test +19610,19611,19611,Maurad i paputal mapawan kaku a cicacelakan,it is raining outside so I did not bring an umbrella,train +19611,19612,19612,u maan ku lalungucen nu misu cangraan,what do you expect from them,train +19612,19613,19613,nu maku a falucu kuninan,that is my personal opinion,train +19613,19614,19614,kalufinacadan,original inhabitant,train +19614,19615,19615,mi tu kaku,I was discharged in,train +19615,19616,19616,nika cahenay,However they did not,train +19616,19617,19617,hakadafu aku sa,I want to be my son in law,train +19617,19618,19618,patangic hanay ku kaemangay pasifana,forcing children to learn,train +19618,19619,19619,Olili rasuenhu tu nanum,you go watering,train +19619,19620,19620,mifetik ha hatiraay kura suwal turaan,it is a fish festival,test +19620,19621,19621,saka tusa lalakaw patalipaˈelalay kitanan samaan miliyas tu mararaway waywayan hu eca ka lahedaw ku mikiˈukan ni Yihufa a sapalifun,the second text will remind us how to avoid wrong attitudes so as not to lose the reward promised by the LORD,train +19621,19622,19622,ira ku ccay a wacu mapulin tu nira kuya talid tuya patelian tuya takula nuya wawa saka,because there was a dog and therefore the bottle where the child put the frog toppled,train +19622,19623,19623,o maan ku tayal isu anini,Then are you working at the moment,train +19623,19624,19624,hurirek,fulfillment,train +19624,19625,19625,tilid han niira,she just writes,train +19625,19626,19626,maherek paluma tu tevus tevus a cacay,after planting the sugarcane do you only plant one kind,train +19626,19627,19627,matatudungay sanay ira kura haw,there is a decent government,train +19627,19628,19628,Cima^ kura fainayan,who is that man,train +19628,19629,19629,i kufa m sangaʼay tu dadingu,factories making eyeglasses,train +19629,19630,19630,pakayni i nitilidan nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a Cudad atu pipalimuut nu midaucay a Kawas a mapatalahkal kunini tu sakafanaaw nu tamdamdaw nu kasakitakit a mitier a mituur ci Kristuan,but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God so that all nations might believe and obey him,test +19630,19631,19631,maaraw hu i raay,when we see from afar,train +19631,19632,19632,2 o kasapaan a singsi ci Yihufa pakayniay i Fangcalay Cudad a pasifanaˈ kitaanan tu adihayay a demak,the great teacher Jehovah teaches us many things through his Word the Bible,train +19632,19633,19633,o siniadaay ku Kawas tamiyanan saka paturuden ningra i tamiyanan kunini a tayal Saka caay ka tuled kami,Therefore since through Gods mercy we have this ministry we do not lose heart,train +19633,19634,19634,fahuylaplap,get rid of,train +19634,19635,19635,iraw,thank you sir,train +19635,19636,19636,na hatira ku suwal,why do I say so,train +19636,19637,19637,ha salikaka anu macuwacuwa ku nu namu han tu ari,if I do not get it right,train +19637,19638,19638,Nikawrira u falucu aku i anu mama^deng a caay ka ciramud cingra urira ku tadamalmeday Mapafalucu nu Adingu nu Kawas kaku saan ku harateng aku,in my judgment she is happier if she stays as she is and I think that I too have the Spirit of God,train +19638,19639,19639,lalitemuhan nu tafukud,this place is a link to the gossip network,train +19639,19640,19640,Pasaupuen ni Yis ku finawlan a sumuwal i cangraan Pitngil Hapinangen,Jesus called the crowd to him and said Listen and understand,test +19640,19641,19641,paysu,banknote,train +19641,19642,19642,micekem,fig stimulus action,train +19642,19643,19643,cifuhid,there is an old betel nut,train +19643,19644,19644,cima kiya,who is going,train +19644,19645,19645,manengneng nu tamdamdaw kunini i ngaliwngiw sa a sumuwal Micumud i luma nu ciraraway a tamdaw a malalafang kura tamdaw saan cangra,all the people saw this and began to mutter He has gone to be the guest of a sinner,train +19645,19646,19646,Taypakay,Taipei capital of Taiwan,train +19646,19647,19647,a midiput ku heni tu ina,they will take care of the white and the clear,train +19647,19648,19648,hatini mirusarus kaku tuni a adidemay,I am going to saw a small piece of mulberry trunk now,train +19648,19649,19649,ta hadidi satu a matuʼas,just try to live your life,train +19649,19650,19650,unian ku nihanan,that is what I was thinking,test +19650,19651,19651,nu malitengay samanay ku demak,these words the story of what happened,train +19651,19652,19652,o niadadan nu safa nu maku ku nipatelian a siyasing i hikidasi,the photos in the drawer were dug through by my sister,train +19652,19653,19653,a tayni a tayni hay muʼetep ira ku sepat hay,I was,train +19653,19654,19654,nu Hulam sa i ci ucinsen san ku maku a ngangan,his Chinese name is Wu Jinsheng,train +19654,19655,19655,mamuemu,Reeled in and entangled,train +19655,19656,19656,mahenay ku falucu niyam itini Wen Cyin Can masaʼupu itini,that is the biggest thing we have learned at the station,train +19656,19657,19657,nitayalan,operate,train +19657,19658,19658,kuni,Main,train +19658,19659,19659,Suˈlinay mahapinangay ci Yis kawra cuwa ka haen u milungucan ni Mariya ku mifekaday a demak,Jesus was indeed recognized but things may not have turned out the way Mary expected,train +19659,19660,19660,anu fangcal matini a rumiʼad haw fangcal tu,it would be nice if the weather was as good as it is now,test +19660,19661,19661,masadak kaku itini i tahira tuni i cuwa katahiraan i Malaysiya,sometimes fishing boats come into the harbor and go to places I have never been like Malaysia,train +19661,19662,19662,kalukilang,lumber,train +19662,19663,19663,tuna milayaptu kamu ci Yis Kristuan a palatapang saka pahapinangen i masamaamaanay a dmak namu ku nika laccay namu aci Kristu,so then just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord continue to live in him,train +19663,19664,19664,u nian,this is,train +19664,19665,19665,awaay ku kakakenen,there is nothing to eat,train +19665,19666,19666,misiyakay ku misiyakayay itiya hu,to work in the metropolis to work in the metropolis,train +19666,19667,19667,satu i,later on,train +19667,19668,19668,malatursquu,rupture,train +19668,19669,19669,tira hu kuraan nira maherek haw i paceling,this is the end of the project I am going to install the fish screen,train +19669,19670,19670,a savavahien nu maku cira,she will be my wife,test +19670,19671,19671,ini anini ca tu kalecad ku sinku nu ruma,just as life is different from each others beliefs yes,train +19671,19672,19672,o pasulinay kami u mafanaay kami tu nika u Fangcalay a niucuran nu Kawas Kisu han ningra,we believe and know that you are the Holy one of God,train +19672,19673,19673,dingki,light,train +19673,19674,19674,a palilinen,after leveling with logs the,train +19674,19675,19675,malaudutay,Quarrelsome,train +19675,19676,19676,tangasa anini,up until now,train +19676,19677,19677,Hai panukayen ita kunini tu sapalada tu niyaru,Yeah let us take it back to the tribe and share it,train +19677,19678,19678,ku sapiaca tu luma han aku faʼinay aku,that is what I told my husband,train +19678,19679,19679,nengnenghan aku sakahangan sa,I saw that they were all red,train +19679,19680,19680,anca ya miʼulungan ita kasaw,or the one we memorized,test +19680,19681,19681,kiping,traditional blouse,train +19681,19682,19682,suwalen iraw u maamaan a faluhecian ku ilaay itini i Taywan,what kind of fruits are available in Taiwan,train +19682,19683,19683,takuwanan a mitahidan,call me again,train +19683,19684,19684,u hatiraay singsi tamuwanan haw,Teacher that is all I have to say,train +19684,19685,19685,u nu maku tuktuken nu maku,I dyed mine with a mallet,train +19685,19686,19686,palumatutefus tahira kami i Fataʼan,the sugarcane fields we planted were so vast that they reached the Quang Ngai tribe,train +19686,19687,19687,miciriku tu nu a riku san,he said he wanted to wear traditional clothes,train +19687,19688,19688,matiyay ca hiya,like that,train +19688,19689,19689,pakaen tu tangasaay itini,for those who came here,train +19689,19690,19690,rinum,pin,test +19690,19691,19691,wata ka adihay kiya kulung,Aah I want to take care of many cows,train +19691,19692,19692,sivuduy kami,we wore wedding dresses on the anniversary,train +19692,19693,19693,hereksa ku mahiniyay a demak u ulah tu nu alumanay a remadiw atu misakeru u sulinayaytu ku heni a masasuramud,with songs and dances they declared that they were now officially husband and wife,train +19693,19694,19694,tinai,animal giblets,train +19694,19695,19695,raecusay a patay malikapatayay patayan nu tau masidayay a patay mahiniyay a nikapatay malasawad ku adingu caay ka tangasa i tusa,another kind of death is called evil death which refers to suicide homicide or death by transgression which becomes an evil spirit,train +19695,19696,19696,maharek a miparu pat pataduen nira a pakalic itini i kuliciw nira,after putting the guavas in the basket he helped him put the basket on his bike,train +19696,19697,19697,yan kasalaliay nu niyaru tiyan tudung tu sapiarac tu ada itiya hu,how about a friendly relationship with each other and a concerted effort to resist the bullying of the foreigners,train +19697,19698,19698,nu Recurd,becoming an Aboriginal in the metro area,train +19698,19699,19699,ca hu katuduh kuni,it has not burned yet,train +19699,19700,19700,nuyalayat,affair,test +19700,19701,19701,misatapangay,beginning,train +19701,19702,19702,nu kaput macakat tayra ura i,years of class Upgraded there,train +19702,19703,19703,sapakaen tu kulung,feeding the cows,train +19703,19704,19704,caay pipaluma ku finawlan talaʼayaw tu cingra i alu haw i,Tribesmen no one grows ichthyoplasts before he goes to the stream,train +19704,19705,19705,nanay kita haw i,may we,train +19705,19706,19706,saw mafana tu nu tamdawan nga mifuting,you do not work as a fisherman until you are an adult,train +19706,19707,19707,masamatini inian a lifung u hananay haw i,there is a plague like the Wuhan epidemic,train +19707,19708,19708,tusa pulu ku tamdaw i kasacefang,each team has members,train +19708,19709,19709,sanay ku suwal ni Wili Tayraaytu i cikuk ku wama isu,Willie said Your Daddy went to hell,train +19709,19710,19710,sadama tu tireng,reminders for maintaining physical needs,test +19710,19711,19711,minukay tu tayni i Etulan,I am going back to Duran,train +19711,19712,19712,adihay ku kacanguʼtan nu niyam,we have a lot of needs,train +19712,19713,19713,o talenakan kunini a tumay,this bear is a left over member of his species so the bears are not extinct,train +19713,19714,19714,icuwaan isu miteli ku talakal isu,where is your trap,train +19714,19715,19715,lumuwad tayra Alapuwan a alu,get up and go to the Taiyuan stream,train +19715,19716,19716,Ngusaw sa itakuwan uy,Shouting I am responding,train +19716,19717,19717,tatangalan,pillow,train +19717,19718,19718,awaay ku kihar aku,I have no involvement with,train +19718,19719,19719,ci tu kaku hanaku,I said I already have a license I have walked up the hill,train +19719,19720,19720,saka aluman kira wawa nira a mtuʼasay,this old man has many children,test +19720,19721,19721,away awaay ku talaw ku uwak sa tu tura ipei haw,no fear just take a sip of that drink,train +19721,19722,19722,hatira,that is kind of funny,train +19722,19723,19723,tamud u sapatapang misanga tu epah kura,the sake mojo is the first step in the production of sake,train +19723,19724,19724,nawhan mafuti tu kami u wawa,but the kids are already in bed,train +19724,19725,19725,hafelut,to rush,train +19725,19726,19726,ya pala itira cima ku mafanaʼay caay kafana kami kitira saku suwal nu matuʼasay,we do not know about such tribes and we have never been there we have only heard about them from the elders,train +19726,19727,19727,pakaretengen,bulk,train +19727,19728,19728,maratar a mitipus anini a mihecaan,harvesting early today in coming meters,train +19728,19729,19729,hatini hananay tu aku masahatiniay tu,and then I did this and this is what happened,train +19729,19730,19730,mangatatu ku pahrekan nu hkal Saka sinanuten ku falucu namu kapalal a mitulun,the end of all things is near therefore be clear minded and self controlled so that you can pray,test +19730,19731,19731,u maan ku sapi sanga,what is it made of,train +19731,19732,19732,salekuleku sa ci ama aku,my dad thinks he is right,train +19732,19733,19733,aka pifuhat yu milaliw ku lahud nira,do not open it the steam will disperse you need time to smother it,train +19733,19734,19734,aluman cangra eititini tuniya niyaru i,the tribe was large maybe families,train +19734,19735,19735,ira satu ku dingwa^ nu safa^ suwal sa Awa^ aca^ ku pipahanhan nu niyam u malahitayay ruma^ tu aca^ a lipay kaku a taluma saan,the younger brother called back and said that the army suddenly could not take a vacation and would not be back until the next Sunday,train +19735,19736,19736,Awaay sadak sahu anudadaya^ tu a taluma ciira,No she is not she just went out and will be back in the evening,train +19736,19737,19737,kaʼen sa kami iri,it is only good for eating,train +19737,19738,19738,malingad tu kaku a talapicudadan,I am off to school,train +19738,19739,19739,u sikawasay,it is a witch,train +19739,19740,19740,Pahecien ku suwal,Clarify what are saying,test +19740,19741,19741,nuwawatu mapiyas tatangic sakira,the baby cannot talk he just cries to show he is not feeling well,train +19741,19742,19742,Ngaay hu^ ci Ongu^ kaku i luma ci Fadah hay,Hello this is Ongo^ is Fadah home,train +19742,19743,19743,o manayatay a kuseta ku nicakayan nu maku,the boots I bought are stretchy,train +19743,19744,19744,Pinaʼun kamu mahiya nu uner saku tapang nu tumuk kamiyanan hai sa kami,and the chief would warn us You have to watch out for snakes and we said yes,train +19744,19745,19745,u nakamayan amin nu tireng a patireng tu luma,all of them built their homes from nothing,train +19745,19746,19746,o paafelan niyam kiraan a taluan i lutuk,the hut on the hill is where we keep the charcoal,train +19746,19747,19747,tayra kaku i tataakay ising san,put me in a big hospital,train +19747,19748,19748,hay vangcal kapah ku kulit nira,it is a beautiful and nice color,train +19748,19749,19749,Kafanaan tu ku demak nira,what he does is known,train +19749,19750,19750,awaay tu ku cilah uli caliwen hu i ci Panayan,we are out of salt go borrow some from Panay,test +19750,19751,19751,sisa pacapu hanaku kamu itini,that is why I am talking to you about it,train +19751,19752,19752,u mipuhpuhay a demak ku mahaenay,practice,train +19752,19753,19753,pacakat tura salil itiya haw i taʼangayay ku fali,it was really windy when the net was up,train +19753,19754,19754,kulacing sa ku Taywan haw u kulacing han nu kudasing han tu ita u Pangcah misamisay kunini u kudasing,Kulacing in Taiwanese became the name of peanuts in Amis kudasing,train +19754,19755,19755,caayay pitulun kami a mitakap tu salikaka a miinuli,and we continue to pray for our parishioners,train +19755,19756,19756,Maakunalay ku fainay nu maku,my husband is bald,train +19756,19757,19757,nicakayan na faʼinay isu,your husband bought it,train +19757,19758,19758,papilifeten nu faki nu niyaru kami a mipana,the elders let us compete in archery,train +19758,19759,19759,kaemang kapah hu kisu,when you were young,train +19759,19760,19760,cecay kiya tusa patek kiya hatira tu,there should be more,test +19760,19761,19761,saanay,that is it,train +19761,19762,19762,anu masuʼaw,if you are thirsty,train +19762,19763,19763,cinanum yu,no water,train +19763,19764,19764,naw maanen namu a pinengneng,what do you think,train +19764,19765,19765,matu nika tilid i Fangcalay Cudad tu pakayniay i sakapatay nu wawa nu tamdaw Nikawrira u cacilafu ku pacakayay tu wawa nu tamdaw o nika ^ca kahufuc nunini a tamdaw ku ngaay han ni Yis,the son of man will go just as it is written about him but Woe to that man who betrays the son of Man it would be better for him if he had not been born,train +19765,19766,19766,papina,which,train +19766,19767,19767,mangaʼayay ku micinahan ira,it marinates very well,train +19767,19768,19768,sataangay sa ku ngiha niyam a pasuwal tu ngaay hu singsi,we said loudly Hi teacher,train +19768,19769,19769,ira tu mamapadang caay pilaliw,groups will help each other out they will not go off on their own,train +19769,19770,19770,cira ku ayaw itiya,he was the first to report it,test +19770,19771,19771,u Naceku sa kakuwan hayi han naku,Oh he called me Nachiko so I said yes,train +19771,19772,19772,Maurung nira ku retengay a inurung,he carried a heavy load,train +19772,19773,19773,Caentu pulung han tayni luma mihulul,no need let us all come to my house and chill,train +19773,19774,19774,Miataan ningra kami mirienang tu saˈupu,Later brother Atkinson invited us to a meeting at a brothers home a few kilometers away,train +19774,19775,19775,salalumaan nunini i tusa aca ku situdungan mamalu aucureng mamilekakawa tu demak atu miwasir a mitereung tu karawraw,there are usually two representatives in each district to manage the affairs of the district and resolve disputes within the district,train +19775,19776,19776,yu,indistinct,train +19776,19777,19777,cinuwas ku falucu nangra,they are disagreed,train +19777,19778,19778,macidalay anini haw,is it sunny today,train +19778,19779,19779,palimursquuut,encourage,train +19779,19780,19780,o sasalimelaen aku a minaeng kuni patung,I am going to treasure this diary,test +19780,19781,19781,mimeraw cira mitengil,inspection and listening by the priests,train +19781,19782,19782,kami han i,we are,train +19782,19783,19783,Cidahetal i takaraway a lutuk,there are plains in the high mountains,train +19783,19784,19784,u malikakaay cangra haw,are they brothers and sisters,train +19784,19785,19785,Misafadisusu kita,we make wine,train +19785,19786,19786,samanen mafanaˈay kaku tu taypulayta maedeng cecay fulad maucuray tayra i kaput nu Casi matayal,since I could type I was assigned to the magazine department about a month later,train +19786,19787,19787,awaay ku nisangaʼan nu maku tu tisaki,I did not do the early bags,train +19787,19788,19788,tira ku sakalahuk nayra i lutuk,this is all the food they eat in the mountains,train +19788,19789,19789,sa tahira micudad,from reading,train +19789,19790,19790,nengseng a nengnengen ku ciriku isu tunini,it looks very appropriate and fitting for you to wear those clothes,test +19790,19791,19791,micekaw,park,train +19791,19792,19792,madevid ay ya u padatengan ni ina kuni,Mori Ki Ki,train +19792,19793,19793,mitakukung a mikuhaw,to pick up a bowl of soup and eat drink the contents,train +19793,19794,19794,ya han kaku i nuya singsi kaku tu ulukang,as for my teacher he arranged for me to play the organ,train +19794,19795,19795,maninaay,experienced,train +19795,19796,19796,iraay hu ku ruma a cengel,do you have another color,train +19796,19797,19797,kidudung,cloth,train +19797,19798,19798,Marasmas ku urad anini,it is drizzling today,train +19798,19799,19799,aya waay tu aca waay tu faʼinayan a petun su afay,Well then you do not have any brothers do you,train +19799,19800,19800,pasuwal han kira,just say it,test +19800,19801,19801,u kasienawan micakat i tarawadaw,we will go up to the estuary in the winter,train +19801,19802,19802,itiya tatusa mahufuc ci ina aku takuwanan caka araw ku mama aku,I was two months old and had never seen my father,train +19802,19803,19803,Nikawrira anu palada kisu i pakuyuc a tamdaw i aka pasifanaen ku kawili a kamay isu tu dmak nu kawanan a kamay isu,but when you give to the needy do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,train +19803,19804,19804,dutucen,to inherit,train +19804,19805,19805,ira hen ku maan hakiya sa ci ina,Auntie said she does not know what else is here,train +19805,19806,19806,suwal,words,train +19806,19807,19807,amu tu ku misalumaʼay,you build your own house,train +19807,19808,19808,atu pakatar sanay caayay tu pitilid,Dropout rates are the highest,train +19808,19809,19809,nunini,this one,train +19809,19810,19810,Cair ya tumangicay,they are the ones crying,test +19810,19811,19811,ketunen kuna iya ira ini na kumud ira ini haw,you can cut this off,train +19811,19812,19812,unini ku saʼayaway malaheciay aku,this is my first completed case,train +19812,19813,19813,o suwal i Yuhani 1938 sanay O mituuray cingra ci Yisan,John says Joseph was a disciple of Jesus but he was afraid of the Jews so he was a secret disciple,train +19813,19814,19814,isu a cacay ku wawa ni ina isu,is your mom the only child she has,train +19814,19815,19815,kita u sa amisay,we Amis,train +19815,19816,19816,o maan ku kapawanan isu,what did you forget,train +19816,19817,19817,Pakatusa^ pulu nu efun,it takes minutes,train +19817,19818,19818,nu luma u niyan haw,this is our house,train +19818,19819,19819,O cacilafu kamu u Farisay a tamdaw mipacakat kamu tu ccay nu mu^tepay a sapafangsis a hakka atu pasayat atu masamaamaanay a dateng Nikawrira malawa namu ku mu^celay a dmak nu Kawas atu ulah ningra Sulinay unini ku tadadadu^duen namu o rumaruma tu i caay ku lalawaen,Woe to you Pharisees because you give God a tenth of your mint rue and all other kinds of garden herbs but you neglect justice and the love of God you should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone,train +19819,19820,19820,awaay a maaraw aku ku rumaruma a tarukus deng u salikaka nu Tapang ci Yakup ku maaraway aku itiya,I saw none of the other apostles only James the Lords brother,test +19820,19821,19821,aa kuna kaemangay malasang kiya mikalic tu tamina saenen,Muttering Oh,train +19821,19822,19822,o mamicalw hu kaku tuna tulu a tilid,I would like to borrow these three books,train +19822,19823,19823,Amis,Amis,train +19823,19824,19824,Niyalu awa ku pi samaanan,the tribes used to be farmers,train +19824,19825,19825,ca ka ngaʼay tu tayal,it is not good for the priests work,train +19825,19826,19826,tepung,grotto,train +19826,19827,19827,anu paanip,If when planting rice,train +19827,19828,19828,anu malulaluly hu i maedang a samanen,it is hard but it cannot be helped,train +19828,19829,19829,ci Kacaw ha halafin tu cuwa kaaraw kisu Ngaayay hu ku misu,it is Kacaw I have not seen you in a while how have you been,train +19829,19830,19830,u salil,and weaving,test +19830,19831,19831,ira ku naniʼamisay tamdaw i,there are also clans from the north,train +19831,19832,19832,papilupasen,lit ask someone to pick a fight,train +19832,19833,19833,a isawaliyan nanay ku papah nu pawli,be sure to look to the east for the banana leaves,train +19833,19834,19834,12 o Suˈlinay Kimad Caay ku Pararihadayay o Pafangafangay,truth does not bring peace but the sword,train +19834,19835,19835,alesu ku nisasirawan saan aw niyan ku nu maku,I hear the cured meats here are very good I am going to order this,train +19835,19836,19836,caay ka i Nacali cingra a maru tayra i Kapirnaum o i ngataay nu fanaw nu Kalili a pala nu Cipulun atu Naftali,leaving Nazareth he went and lived in Capernaum which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali,train +19836,19837,19837,tu tatukem ya sa midateng tamana sa i,the meaning of picking lobelia and cabbage is,train +19837,19838,19838,hanen kusuwal sa i kuhatiniay kira,it is a specialized field,train +19838,19839,19839,Papisacawka i tamiyanan u kapah kira luma,the family asked us young people to build a kitchen for them,train +19839,19840,19840,Suˈlin marurayay kawra maherek mitusil i pakaenay ku wama tu pingcilin tamiyanan a palifun,sometimes it was a bit tiring to preach like that but dad would take us out for ice cream afterward as a reward,test +19840,19841,19841,Masikeda tu,Bingo,train +19841,19842,19842,iraw,there,train +19842,19843,19843,Mafana kisu sumuwal tu rama a caciyaw nu finacadan haw,what languages do you speak,train +19843,19844,19844,matawalay mifaedet ku patafuan nu maku,I forgot to steam my lunchbox,train +19844,19845,19845,hay mahaen,that is it,train +19845,19846,19846,namamaan tu kakivetul a maan sa ripa sa i sera a,it is all about stepping on the dirt,train +19846,19847,19847,mahemek ku falucu ira haw ku paysu,I am in a good mood and I am making money,train +19847,19848,19848,laliden,recurrent,train +19848,19849,19849,kasinaʼadaan kuniya salikaka ita,I am sorry for what happened to my people,train +19849,19850,19850,micaluk,clothing,test +19850,19851,19851,nawhani mikaput kaku tisuwanan awaay ku mamikariang i tisuwanan nawhani ira i tini tunini a niyaru ku alumanay a finawlan Aku saan,for I am with you and no one is going to attack and harm you because I have many people in this city,train +19851,19852,19852,taʼangʼangay ku cinah,the sultans are big,train +19852,19853,19853,makatangasa mi tu ku heni tu umah,when they first got here they started clearing the fields,train +19853,19854,19854,nengneng hanaku ku ruma a niyaru,I have visited other tribes,train +19854,19855,19855,o pirenukan ita ku wama a was,God the father is the place we can go to approach,train +19855,19856,19856,pakungku,storytelling,train +19856,19857,19857,dadaya ku sakamakat cifuduy tu nu nikaykiw kira,walking at night wearing uniforms,train +19857,19858,19858,o nian i nitilidan su hay nitilidan oh,this one did you paint the tattoo Yes I did painted it Oh yeah,train +19858,19859,19859,anu tedalen i cay ka ngaʼay atek tedalen nira,do you want to get loose I do not think I can,train +19859,19860,19860,itiya satu,at that time,test +19860,19861,19861,kahemehemekan,I am impressed,train +19861,19862,19862,sawalian,it is on the east side,train +19862,19863,19863,mipacuk,butcher,train +19863,19864,19864,makapahay ku niyaru ita,our tribe is beautiful,train +19864,19865,19865,i wawa nira mahaen sanu culi saan,that child of hers is very talkative,train +19865,19866,19866,carekah,roughness,train +19866,19867,19867,mipaketingan,tie,train +19867,19868,19868,u ya ka,then,train +19868,19869,19869,rumiad,heavenly Lord,train +19869,19870,19870,maulah ci Yis ci Martaan aci Mariyaan aci Lacarusan a malikaka,Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus,test +19870,19871,19871,malamamaan adihay ku pangangan nu finawlan itiya hu,Anyway the tribesmen are very good at naming people,train +19871,19872,19872,anu i tukus tu itiya hu iraay tu ku piʼadup pituʼur tu akung aku,I often go hunting with my elders,train +19872,19873,19873,itiniay kaku miala tu kilang,I will just get the wood right here,train +19873,19874,19874,saka cecay eng,the first one is a cop,train +19874,19875,19875,nu Recurd,PUSHER Oh,train +19875,19876,19876,iraay ku urip ni baki,that is where Grandpa lives,train +19876,19877,19877,11 palahad kita tu ulah siniˈadaay a capeling catu ka haliˈinap tu tau,when we cultivate the traits of love and kindness we will not easily envy others,train +19877,19878,19878,halikien a mifaedet,take it to the heat,train +19878,19879,19879,munengaw tu kuya hiya ira ci falu cicuung tu kuya kuya putaw,the grapes sprouted,train +19879,19880,19880,pipahanhanan,the date,test +19880,19881,19881,ira ku Vataanay,some of them are too long Valley,train +19881,19882,19882,masaupu tu ku niyaru,the tribes are gathered,train +19882,19883,19883,patayni,bring about,train +19883,19884,19884,hatira aluman kami malikaka kira,there are so many brothers and sisters like us,train +19884,19885,19885,Ngaay hu cima ku ngangan isu,Hello what is your name what is your name please,train +19885,19886,19886,katemireng,please rise,train +19886,19887,19887,nawhan,because,train +19887,19888,19888,tira i fafaw i hinasunki san,name in the upper reaches of the river,train +19888,19889,19889,ya sanu amisan namu a radiw,you guys do Amish songs,train +19889,19890,19890,hanay nu Hitu,the Asahi sea in Pingtung County,test +19890,19891,19891,tamdaw tayni i Taywan,these people who came to Taiwan,train +19891,19892,19892,maen kisu,will you eat it,train +19892,19893,19893,itini i hiya,at that time,train +19893,19894,19894,nu Recurd,so I do not know anything about business,train +19894,19895,19895,Mu^tep tu ku mihecaan nu maku,I am years old,train +19895,19896,19896,Cidalan,it is good that it is sunny,train +19896,19897,19897,rudihang,echoes,train +19897,19898,19898,hay sakakaay kaku,I am the oldest,train +19898,19899,19899,Hay caay ka tayra kami i raay,got it we will not go anywhere too far,train +19899,19900,19900,o ccay nuya tatusaay a mituuray ci Yisan tuna mitngil tu suwal ni Yuhani i ci Antiri u safa ni Simun Pitiru,Andrew Simon Peters brother was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus,test +19900,19901,19901,Yanicaliwan aku i nacila a tilid patikulen aku kisu,this is the book you borrowed from me last time I give it back to you,train +19901,19902,19902,iraay tu ku suwal nu singsi takuwanan,I got a message from the teacher,train +19902,19903,19903,iraw i nu Timulan namu a i kaamis namu,there is a shrine on the north or south side of the tribe right,train +19903,19904,19904,dadahal ku palumaan nu Taiwan itini i lutuk,and planted a lot of betel nut trees in the hills,train +19904,19905,19905,Cuwa caay ka hacuwa ku rakat tangasatu,it will not be it is a quick walk,train +19905,19906,19906,u dafak u kalahukan u dadaya,from night to day,train +19906,19907,19907,mipapudpud tura cumuli sahetu ceka kumaen tu cumuli ku Paliwan kiya,and back then almost all Paiwanese did not eat boiled beef,train +19907,19908,19908,misausi,read,train +19908,19909,19909,ira ku kadakawan nu niyam tangasa i Tafitu,we will transfer to tin Cheung,train +19909,19910,19910,Lumahad tu kura wawa,the kid grew up,test +19910,19911,19911,itiya i fahal sa a ira ku alumanay a cuyuh nu kakarayan a malakaput atuya ccay a cuyuh a pahmek tu Kawas suwal sa,suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying,train +19911,19912,19912,Anini^ a mihecaan pakahikuki^ a taluma nani Taypak ku pulung nu paru^ nu luma nu faki^ aku,this year my uncle and his family flew back from Taipei,train +19912,19913,19913,ci Takuy medac,hungry mountain God,train +19913,19914,19914,lalumihecaan,next year,train +19914,19915,19915,pitungal tu ini melawe mahaen kura hiya niu,see how to add,train +19915,19916,19916,nu namaka Ymaseta amin a tayni,they all came down from the mountain,train +19916,19917,19917,mikilim,go looking for,train +19917,19918,19918,caay ka ^ca u mamahaen ku nika pades ni Kristu ta micumud cingra i dil Ningra han ni Yis,did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory,train +19918,19919,19919,caayay pitulas a mikilim tuya takula nira saka,he kept looking for his frog,train +19919,19920,19920,Naangen aku ku tusa pulu a rimuud,I will just save twenty dollars,test +19920,19921,19921,u niyaru sa u Kaliyawan u tadangan nu niyaru ku Kaliyawan,the name of the tribe is Kalywan,train +19921,19922,19922,mipatayay namu sa tu ku kuntung sa,the Cantonese said you killed him,train +19922,19923,19923,yan tu malawud tu usi tu ku rumiʼad,Afterwards it was almost near and counting the days,train +19923,19924,19924,Ngaayay taangayay ku cidal,very well out of the big sun,train +19924,19925,19925,talaw tey,I am afraid,train +19925,19926,19926,kasarayaray a mikalic tu tusiya,there is a queue to get on the bus,train +19926,19927,19927,a Dada ku tangal aku san,if I have a headache,train +19927,19928,19928,ikur tu,in the future,train +19928,19929,19929,mitngil cangra tu suwal ningra tu nika piliyaw ni Yis a maurip atu pipaaraw ni Yis ci Mariyaan i caay pasulin cangra,when they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him they did not believe it,train +19929,19930,19930,icuwaay ku kasarekad isu,you are in that camp,test +19930,19931,19931,maedengay,adequate,train +19931,19932,19932,i Cikasuwan,Chikagawa,train +19932,19933,19933,o lalan itiya ku lalan,in case of long distance travel,train +19933,19934,19934,nipaculi haw pakaulah,it will be clear,train +19934,19935,19935,saka dafak satu nu maherek kiya faliyus haw i,the morning after the typhoon,train +19935,19936,19936,Mafanaay misateker ci akung,Grandpa is good at setting traps,train +19936,19937,19937,ira kiya tamdaw mituulan niyam tuya malitengay,there was an old man we followed,train +19937,19938,19938,nu Recurd mangudu,feel ashamed,train +19938,19939,19939,adimaceng,Sapindales,train +19939,19940,19940,cay kangah kunu kira tataʼakay kuni,it is not ideal because the hole is too big,test +19940,19941,19941,ta tama satu tu milalu canira,Then just wait until December and they dip,train +19941,19942,19942,ira ku ccay a niucuran nu Kawas a tamdaw ci Yuhani ku ngangan ningra,there came a man who was sent from God his name was John,train +19942,19943,19943,u niyan haw dayici a ira ku,ethnicity is the main axis of the family,train +19943,19944,19944,mahenay kura u picudad nu maku itiya,this is what it was like when I was a student,train +19944,19945,19945,32 wa ngaˈay kita pafeli ci Yihufaan tu maanan a Sapatelung Hani,what gift can we give the LORD,train +19945,19946,19946,nu Recurd,almost a week,train +19946,19947,19947,mapaising,Doctor,train +19947,19948,19948,pukung pukung ku matuʼasay i,adults will limp and hobble together so,train +19948,19949,19949,saka itini satu ku tulas aku a sumuwal tu demak aku i salikaka,that is how I am going to end this thing,train +19949,19950,19950,macupa,sneak up on somebody,test +19950,19951,19951,cilafang,friends,train +19951,19952,19952,kamu ku mipalalay tu pulung nu Kitakit unini a nipasaripaan a sera^ atu rayray nu tuas iraay ku caay ku mamafalic a satadamaanay unini a satadamaanay i,you remind everyone in this country that there is irreplaceable value in the land we tread on and the traditions we inherit,train +19952,19953,19953,matepiʼay tu kura malaheciay,choosing to finish is right,train +19953,19954,19954,itiya,at that time years,train +19954,19955,19955,Nanuya ira ci Yusif nu Arimatiya ngitangiten ningra ci Pilatu tu sapihaydaaw a miala tu tireng ni Yis ta hayda hantu ni Pilatu saka tayra satu ci Yusif a miala tu tireng ni Yis,Later Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus but secretly because he feared the Jews with Pilates permission he came and took the body away,train +19955,19956,19956,Karkaren kira funga a pataluma,dig that groundhog home,train +19956,19957,19957,talenakan niyam sa ku wama itiya hu,dad said he could help us reproduce,train +19957,19958,19958,ka,indistinct,train +19958,19959,19959,fangcal tu,that is good,train +19959,19960,19960,hay harek tayni,come here,test +19960,19961,19961,pihamham kamu a pacumud tu tadancaayhu ku pitier i ci Kristuan a tamdaw aka ka laliyang atu cingra tu niharatengan ningra,accept him whose faith is weak without passing judgment on disputable matters,train +19961,19962,19962,o mirutarutay tu kilang ku tayal ni faki aku i lutuk,up in the mountains my uncles job was sawing wood,train +19962,19963,19963,Sahetu u taangay ku nikulafawan ni faki,Grandpa caught all the voles in big ones,train +19963,19964,19964,limelaay kakunan hakini sanay kaku sa,I thought you cherished me,train +19964,19965,19965,iraay han,do you have it,train +19965,19966,19966,o kaacangan na panay aci futing anini,today is Panay and Fotings big day,train +19966,19967,19967,katayni,it is coming,train +19967,19968,19968,ni u kaka aku tu cecay selar u pangangan han tunu niyaru tura facidul,Peers the tribesmen named it the breadfruit Tree,train +19968,19969,19969,malingad tu rumiʼad matuʼasay,the old man goes to work during the day,train +19969,19970,19970,pakuniyah,liberty,test +19970,19971,19971,tu aniniay aʼurip,life now,train +19971,19972,19972,u mitilidan ni Hitaka singsi,Mr Hidaka wrote it,train +19972,19973,19973,luwad satu cingra nai tahka Hlung sa cingra tu kafafang ningra ta ala sa cingra tu sasifin a mifaked i tatlecan ningra,so he got up from the meal took off his outer clothing and wrapped a towel around his waist,train +19973,19974,19974,papisalamaen tu ira ku wawa nira,he will ask his kids to invite him,train +19974,19975,19975,itira tu padamsu,that is where you pay your taxes,train +19975,19976,19976,malaluk kiya mama aku tini hu ayaw,every Friday night Saturday night my father started reading the Bible,train +19976,19977,19977,remiad,days,train +19977,19978,19978,kasarayaray,teams,train +19978,19979,19979,sanga han tu nira tu kaus ini ku kaus,reconnect and reconnect,train +19979,19980,19980,mahaʼen saca ku pisasiraw sa ku falucu aku,in my mind I am thinking this is how you make salt pork,test +19980,19981,19981,saka imati nisafuduyan isu haw nisangaʼan su haw hay,is the traditional dress you are wearing now also your work Yes it is,train +19981,19982,19982,a malaccay ku pakayniay itini i salising hananay,from the so called worship united,train +19982,19983,19983,o kaka aku i malakisiyaay safa tu fainayan malaisingay safa tu fafahiyan mitiliday hu i taykak,my brother is a journalist my brother is a doctor and my sister is still in college,train +19983,19984,19984,maanen itiya a awa ku fafalahen a malatamdaw,what can I do so that I do not miss out on being a valuable human being,train +19984,19985,19985,o cuwacu nu namuh i paliding nu mita,the water on our oxcart stirred,train +19985,19986,19986,kaka aku tu fainayan,my brother,train +19986,19987,19987,icifang,first place,train +19987,19988,19988,mihuwad,raise,train +19988,19989,19989,u keliw tu kuni,it is also a rope,train +19989,19990,19990,cuwa ka adada cuwa ka samaan,no sickness no accidents,test +19990,19991,19991,iʼayaw mamang hu mahaen ku mahirateng yaku iʼayaw tu,that is how life used to be,train +19991,19992,19992,i ayaw amin tira a mipadang mikudasingan,they are just there to help Harvest the peanuts,train +19992,19993,19993,tadakamukuay,thin,train +19993,19994,19994,aluman,numerous,train +19994,19995,19995,nawhani u aurungen nu paytmek ku nu tireng a inurung,for each one should carry his own load,train +19995,19996,19996,Hay ngaay hu^ kisu i,Yeah I am fine and you,train +19996,19997,19997,Halikurahutay kura tamdaw anu mafirang,that man is very scratchy when he is angry,train +19997,19998,19998,salawinawina,families,train +19998,19999,19999,kahemhem,tolerate,train +19999,20000,20000,Pafesut han ku rakat tahira tu,just keep going forward and you will be there,test +20000,20001,20001,taw tini i kicufi i u hiya nu Pangcah kuraan na makayni i Lidaw atu Natawran,and then the ones that came to the Moonbrow tribe were from this side of the Rileak and Nanchang tribes,train +20001,20002,20002,awaay tu ku mama nu misu,your dad is dead,train +20002,20003,20003,hatini awa tu ku katayalan,especially now that I do not have a job,train +20003,20004,20004,o uh^uh nu fafuy kuraan,that is the pigs gurgling,train +20004,20005,20005,akawang ku wama isu haw,is your father very tall,train +20005,20006,20006,Hakuwaay ku kaakawang isu,how tall are you,train +20006,20007,20007,aya aya kisu saan haw,Hey hey hey look down,train +20007,20008,20008,maherek a misaluma,after the house is built,train +20008,20009,20009,u lipahakay u riharayay tu ku nikaurip,live in peace and work happily,train +20009,20010,20010,ha hatiniay han cilimaw kisu anu dadaya malacafay i takuwanan a malafi makena,no wonder are you available at night would you like to have a meal with me,test +20010,20011,20011,tadamalaluk,very hardworking,train +20011,20012,20012,pateli han kira mahaenay u,put that image down,train +20012,20013,20013,Sataˈangay sa tu ngiha ci Musi a pasuwal Cima ku midupuay ci Yihufaan,Moses said with a loud voice Who upholds the LORD,train +20013,20014,20014,mafana kaku,I will take this,train +20014,20015,20015,suwalen ku harateng nu misu,put your thoughts into words,train +20015,20016,20016,mikangkang ku mawmahay mikangkang i,the farmer was plowing,train +20016,20017,20017,hanaw kira suwal sanay kunini saka matira ku maku a cedi,this is what I want to say and it is within my power,train +20017,20018,20018,Macacuruk a mapapadang kami a malikaka a misaluma,we brothers took turns building each others houses,train +20018,20019,20019,kamu u mapuhaway a Farisay a tamdaw i ayawenhu a mikurac ku laluma nu takid ta halupaputal a makuractu,blind Pharisee first clean the inside of the cup and dish and then the outside also will be clean,train +20019,20020,20020,mitilid tu i tataʼakay pitilidan kaku,I am in college myself,test +20020,20021,20021,haenen ku nu naayaway a matuasay a mieteng a misadim,in the old days old people used to block the waterway to make up for the poisoned fish,train +20021,20022,20022,inian sinausal han,it is an acanthopanax,train +20022,20023,20023,pafafuyan,pigsty,train +20023,20024,20024,i cuwaan isu miteli ku talakal,where is your trap,train +20024,20025,20025,fangcal,pretty,train +20025,20026,20026,ailuc,neck,train +20026,20027,20027,i tinitini aca kura lamit han,it was limited to this tree at first,train +20027,20028,20028,matuʼsay tiraan ci Singkuy ci Ripun,the old mans names are Tsz Wan Shan and seven foot River,train +20028,20029,20029,Saka kapa han ni Yis ku mata nangra a sumuwal Matiya u nipipasulin namu ku nika lahci nunini a dmak i tamuwanan han ningra,then he touched their eyes and said According to your faith will it be done to you,train +20029,20030,20030,una nanum nuna felac i,this is the water used to wash the rice,test +20030,20031,20031,nira a demak itini i titaan,fate in our bodies,train +20031,20032,20032,ciwnaning ku rumiʼad,total days,train +20032,20033,20033,mansa ira ku nani naniwaliay ira ku nani timulay,so the tribe of Ligi there were people from the east and there were people from the south,train +20033,20034,20034,def satu inacila a miheca i,because of their experience,train +20034,20035,20035,kalalesiyan a manevnev ku niyaru,Tsunami invasion of the tribes,train +20035,20036,20036,yi mamanay kisu mama,Yeah what is wrong with you Dad,train +20036,20037,20037,saka ci afan tu ku tihi ni aku a mi falic tu tilid,Afan and I translated the Bible together,train +20037,20038,20038,kaheciday,salty,train +20038,20039,20039,talaimeng,go to the yamen,train +20039,20040,20040,u salikaka isu i papinaay,how many brothers and sisters do you have,test +20040,20041,20041,saka itiyahu,previously,train +20041,20042,20042,mahemek ku falucu a misiʼayaw kamuwanan,it is good to see you guys,train +20042,20043,20043,ya titi nira tatihay haw,not the lean part,train +20043,20044,20044,o ci^tanay a patiyam tu maamaan itira tuya niyaru i u lalingses a minengneng tu nipisemsem ningra Saka u tatumireng cangra i raay a mararum a tumangic,the merchants who sold these things and gained their wealth from her will stand far off terrified at her torment they will weep and mourn,train +20044,20045,20045,o piundukayan nu niyaru kira putal,that square was the venue for the tribal games,train +20045,20046,20046,ici cecay miheca,for one year,train +20046,20047,20047,u nitutuyan amin tu nu Natawran,very few all adopted from Nadaland,train +20047,20048,20048,i kaikur nu luma niyam i iraay,there is a mountain behind my house,train +20048,20049,20049,ya patirengtu tu luma,as for building a house,train +20049,20050,20050,vanaw,lakes,test +20050,20051,20051,masasicefucefus,splash each other with water,train +20051,20052,20052,Orasaka ura pataluma hananay a suwal pakalafi han nu Pangcah tudungay pakalafi tu malinaay nika uni pataluma hananay mangaay misaparud han ku suwal,thus the word marriage is called pakalafi by the Amis which means invitation to dinner but the more formal usage is pataloma which translates directly to starting a family,train +20052,20053,20053,iluh,burning,train +20053,20054,20054,o kaput ita ci Yuta a citudung tunini a tayal,he was one of our number and shared in this ministry,train +20054,20055,20055,ci kaka aku ku mirahekaday tu sakalahuk ita,my sister came to steam our lunch,train +20055,20056,20056,anu mawmah haw i malafulufulud,if the group is to do it together with each other at work,train +20056,20057,20057,anu pakayni tu kaku itini i hitayan,if you want to know about the military service information,train +20057,20058,20058,hananay kura,it is a because,train +20058,20059,20059,hai,be,train +20059,20060,20060,o patanektekay ku suwal ni faki i takuwanan,my uncles words strengthened me,test +20060,20061,20061,anu papicudaden namu haw imakahi kami,if you want him to study we agree,train +20061,20062,20062,tu pakayniayhu painian nu matuasay,fulfill the expectations of your elders,train +20062,20063,20063,mahicurcur a mikilim kuya wacu na itira i sasingaran nu luma,looking for the dog fell head over heels from the window of the house,train +20063,20064,20064,mipacaliwan isu ci Kacaw cuwa saw,did you lend it to Kacaw,train +20064,20065,20065,malasasafaay,smallest,train +20065,20066,20066,Kawas saca mi tu kufaledfaled haw maala kira,However the higher ups started screening,train +20066,20067,20067,masakeru,dances,train +20067,20068,20068,u pihiyaan sa,what are you doing,train +20068,20069,20069,a fangcal tapalan sa,a person who is recognized by the public as a capable person,train +20069,20070,20070,nawhan piaray nu maku tu ramud nu maku mafana midiput tu wawa,because I have a good man behind me who makes it easy for me to fly and work,test +20070,20071,20071,a tayra kita mikilim,we are going to the mountains to look for it,train +20071,20072,20072,awaay ku caay piduedu tu taneng nanu rayray nu tuas miparu tu nitekaan a misanga misafacu misanga tu Fangcalay nanengnengen a lalusidan atu mitanam ku lafang DIY,utilizing traditional wisdom to create and inject innovative elements developing aesthetically designed products and DIY experiences for tourists,train +20072,20073,20073,satu kaku a mikikiw tu sasangaan nu maku,just designing things that I can make,train +20073,20074,20074,i masenaʼay ya tuni sanay a suta,the muddy soil in the wetlands,train +20074,20075,20075,Pacauf sa ci Ananiyas a sumuwal Tapangaw matngil aku ku suwal nu alumanay a tamdaw tu nika wata ku nipikariang ningra tu i Yirusalimay a finawlan Isu,Lord Ananias answered I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem,train +20075,20076,20076,o lasimeday a tamdaw cingra,he is always hiding things i he is secretive,train +20076,20077,20077,anu initu ku taʼakay a nanum milaliwtu,if more water comes leave,train +20077,20078,20078,Mauraday i paputal,is it raining outside,train +20078,20079,20079,cima ku mafanaʼay tu tulu nu matuʼasay,no one understands the words of the elders,train +20079,20080,20080,taelif taelif sa tu ku panganganan tu pitilid tu i kawcung haw i,every day that passes I am enrolling in high school,test +20080,20081,20081,Mapael nu sapaiyu cingra saka mafutitu cingra,he was anesthetized so he went to sleep,train +20081,20082,20082, anu miharatengay a mikalasaka dademak tu suwal nu Kawas i kalu nukaˈurip i misamaan tu demak kita,B tell us how you set aside time to read the Bible,train +20082,20083,20083,tayni cangra a minengneng tu tini a pala,just come here and look at the area,train +20083,20084,20084,maraud tu ku kafunuran nura a raʼu,when the scurvy seeds fall one after another,train +20084,20085,20085,itira ku hicera nu ini u tamdaw nu ceruh,that is where Oroshi is going,train +20085,20086,20086,o kaku kura wawa sa kura kura,he said that the kid was me,train +20086,20087,20087,talusidan,public facilities,train +20087,20088,20088,mangalay kuya takuwan,I have been recommended again,train +20088,20089,20089,icuwa ku patumecekan isu,where is your focus point,train +20089,20090,20090,u piaʼadupan nu,Taiyuan used to be,test +20090,20091,20091,mitafi,plowing,train +20091,20092,20092,saka tulu satu i mihiya tu mi tu matama tu nu Fakung tiya hu,on the third day of the festival we arrived at the old Toyohama Basho Festival,train +20092,20093,20093,Mapaturudaytu nu Wama Aku i Takuwanan ku pulung nu dmak Awaay ku mafanaay a tamdaw tu u cima ku Wawa Deng u Wama a ccay ku mafanaay Awaay ku mafanaay a tamdaw tu u cima ku Wama Deng Kaku u Wawa atu nipilian Aku a tamdaw ku mafanaay saan,All things have been committed to me by my Father no one knows who the son is except the Father and no one knows who the father is except the son and those to whom the son chooses to reveal him,train +20093,20094,20094,ci ku niyam itiya,Lin Xinyi was the chairman of the board at that time,train +20094,20095,20095,tuul sa tu anini tu nu malitengay,following in the footsteps of our ancestors,train +20095,20096,20096,papicekusen,please remove and return to original location,train +20096,20097,20097,nu penen a dungec saw,one is the heart of a manzanita,train +20097,20098,20098,ruma,in addition,train +20098,20099,20099,sidemak,have something on ones mind,train +20099,20100,20100,hatira aca ku suwal nu maku aray,that is all I have to say thank you,test +20100,20101,20101,i tataangay a luma i adihayay ku masamaamaanay a lalusidan ira ku tada^kim atu ^kim a lalusidan ira ku kilang atu sra a lalusidan ira ku tadamaanay a lalusidan atu kalulalusidan,in a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver but also of wood and clay some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble,train +20101,20102,20102,Cuwa matawalay nu mira sikafung,No she forgot to put her hat on,train +20102,20103,20103,nu mita nu wawa itini kiya,with traditional culture and daily life vocabulary,train +20103,20104,20104,mavana kisu nei haw,you are really good at it,train +20104,20105,20105,mapacpac niya ina saʼefit saan,my mom beat me up pretty bad that night she thought I was being lied to,train +20105,20106,20106,o fainayan kisu,you are boys,train +20106,20107,20107,o ecaw a cecay ku epah niyam itiya hu,we used to have only one kind of wine sweet wine,train +20107,20108,20108,sahetu tara i hiya i kalihenawan ku demak i,we are getting into a worrying worrying business,train +20108,20109,20109,Singsi adada ku tangal aku mihifang tu helek nu lahuk,it is almost time for class to end wait a little longer,train +20109,20110,20110,vaher,fly,test +20110,20111,20111,a miadup hadasi sa,hunting is barefoot,train +20111,20112,20112,mitakaw tu nanges nu tau,on the way there he would pick mangoes from other peoples trees,train +20112,20113,20113,itini,exist,train +20113,20114,20114,mitaelif kuya tatuluay wawa i maaraw nira kiya,he saw the three children go by,train +20114,20115,20115,Pamiyaten ku kakeruan nu mita anu dadaya,at night the place where we dance has a little bit of being,train +20115,20116,20116,pakalungay hananay ci tangfulay,in those days everyone in the teenage class had to wear a hip bell accessory,train +20116,20117,20117,pakeda han namu,you do not even care about it,train +20117,20118,20118,awaay ku kaka^ aku tu fainayan,I do not have a brother,train +20118,20119,20119,O nika sumuwal aku i tamuwanan tunini i ngaay matiya u lipahak aku ku lipahak namu atu sakatadamaan nu lipahak namu,I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete,train +20119,20120,20120,o taluc tu ku demak aku a maumah,my agricultural work has been delayed,test +20120,20121,20121,masadak,to go out,train +20121,20122,20122,nikaenan,eat it,train +20122,20123,20123,caʼiten naira i tira i kilang sa,they hanged it on a tree like this,train +20123,20124,20124,O Ngaayay ku malasingsiay,Wow it is good to be a teacher,train +20124,20125,20125,aluman ku nu Pangcah nu Pangcah u nu Taywan nu Taywan,there is a lot of Amis Amis people put in Amis Minnan people put in Minnan,train +20125,20126,20126,caenget ku tangal nu maku,my head is itchy,train +20126,20127,20127,sidaydam,with chili,train +20127,20128,20128,malaheci,end,train +20128,20129,20129,ngaʼay fuhecien tangtang han,peel off the hearts and cook them,train +20129,20130,20130,yu malenu ku liyal naun saan a malevawa,when the tide comes in it comes in slowly,test +20130,20131,20131,cai ka cilingwa nilaliw samaenen,I do not want to run away what can I do,train +20131,20132,20132,simal,glib,train +20132,20133,20133,anu nutamdawan ku tatieren ita i caay ka awa ku nu maku Ma^deng kaku a mitier tu nu tamdawan a lkakawa anu saan ku cima i mangalef ku nu maku,though I myself have reasons for such confidence if anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh I have more,train +20133,20134,20134,anu kahecid tu liyawen ta nimaan hu liyawn,why discourage yourself when you are already salty,train +20134,20135,20135,Patarimasaen ku pilaliwan nu nanum i pala,a ditch should be installed in the field to guide the flow of water,train +20135,20136,20136,kaliel,necks,train +20136,20137,20137,itiniay i misaaliay tu mitusilay a kilac a tamdaw tahalifetay tu ˈicel nu satulun,some who preach in areas where more preachers are needed feel the power of prayer,train +20137,20138,20138,mikilim kaku tu demak tatayalen,that is why I am planning for the future,train +20138,20139,20139,fadas,vegetable beans,train +20139,20140,20140,atu wawa tu sakaytini,for children learning ethnic languages,test +20140,20141,20141,mansanay kuni hatira ku suwal nu maku misiwkay,so I will just introduce myself here,train +20141,20142,20142,iniyan u luma pakungku tiniyan u malasawaday nu mita,the past of the bereaved,train +20142,20143,20143,ninanayan,desired,train +20143,20144,20144,samaan sa aluman ku itiraay i Cepu ira ku itini i Makutaay,there is a lot of people from Jingpu and the harbor tribe,train +20144,20145,20145,mapulin,fall,train +20145,20146,20146,awaay ku adeses,there was complete silence,train +20146,20147,20147,nawhani cingra ku tatapangan nu i kakarayanay atu i hkalay a kasafinacadan,from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name,train +20147,20148,20148,caay ka halafin,it is not that long,train +20148,20149,20149,ira amin kiniyan,they all have this ritual,train +20149,20150,20150,sakatayraan kisuan i nacila,I was going to come your way,test +20150,20151,20151,hamanen isu madademak han daduy hanra haen hanra masafafaʼed,how are you going to open it you will see the weird hand slowly open it up like a scale,train +20151,20152,20152,cuhung han kiniyan,let us all join in the remembrance,train +20152,20153,20153,malingad,start a journey,train +20153,20154,20154,hitefu,jumping from the top,train +20154,20155,20155,malikat na mawsyen haw,this blanket is so bright and colorful,train +20155,20156,20156,yu paskahu ku pasulin nangra tu nika lipahak atu nika fahka nangra i Awaay ku maan a kakaenen i tini saw han ni Yis cangra a milicay,and while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement he asked them Do you have anything here to eat,train +20156,20157,20157,ura ina aku i ngangan ningra i kura ngangan nu ina aku,my moms name is Chancha,train +20157,20158,20158,mikelet,scrape ramie,train +20158,20159,20159,itiya i ira a mapaluwad i Ifisu a niyaru ku tataangay a rawraw tu pakayniay i mituuray tu Tapang a pakayraan,about that time there arose a great disturbance about the Way,train +20159,20160,20160,awa ku kakaenen u maan ku kakaenenpacefa satu kumaen tu hiya ku matuʼasay itiya,when they arrived there there was no food at all so they had to eat randomly to satisfy their hunger,test +20160,20161,20161,Hai singsi matatuytu niyam ku sakatayal,Yes sir we have got our tools,train +20161,20162,20162,Karadadiwal kuni alu,there are a lot of crickets in this river,train +20162,20163,20163,kacipaʼay han nu pusung,Taitung calls it yam,train +20163,20164,20164,Mikanguduan nu salikaka a mitadtad kura Tase palahedaw tu pisatatiih a misakakinih kitanan,the brother explained to the ambassador in a respectful manner and dispelled the ambassadors misunderstanding and prejudice against us,train +20164,20165,20165,hinapataluc,I am late,train +20165,20166,20166,ta mafulaw hu cangra milaliw takutukutud tu dadaya milimek,moving overnight to escape the enemy,train +20166,20167,20167,Cifuduy,wear clothes,train +20167,20168,20168,siwkakusay hananay,Harvest club,train +20168,20169,20169,ka wawa wawa tu nu hatini,it is the next generation now,train +20169,20170,20170,Nanuya matalif ku tulu a tatukian i ira a micumud ku fafahi ningra caay ka fanafana cingra tunini a dmak,about three hours later his wife came in not knowing what had happened,test +20170,20171,20171,itiya hu urip namu haw hay fangcal tu mamaan aca saw,life was good then Yeah it was good,train +20171,20172,20172,o suwal ni Tafiti i u caay pitier tu laluk nu tireng a u mu^celay a tamdaw hananay nu Kawas i u malmeday o tatudung nunini a suwal i mahaenay,David says the same thing when he speaks of the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works,train +20172,20173,20173,Pacamahawen nira ku piparatuh,there is a lot of nonsense in his report,train +20173,20174,20174,awaay ku katayalan,no place to work,train +20174,20175,20175,maʼaraway aku sapifafa tu wawa sa,I have seen a child belt on a carrier before,train +20175,20176,20176,tanu iducen nu maku a mifuting,I shoot fish with a spear,train +20176,20177,20177,o raʼan i anu asu kuni etim nu Pangcah ʼahsi saramuday tu kisu ancani,the Amis pay a lot of attention to cooking and if the food is cooked well they will always ask are you a family man,train +20177,20178,20178,Hay Mavana tu kaku,Yes I know,train +20178,20179,20179,sapicakay tu cirah atu tawyu awaay,even the food is only soy sauce,train +20179,20180,20180,matira tu masakeru,dance like this,test +20180,20181,20181,mapulung kita u niyaruʼay a,all of our people,train +20181,20182,20182,Orasaka aka pitudung kamu i cangraan i ayaw nu nipilunguc namu i mafanaaytu ku wama namu tu kacanguutan namu,do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him,train +20182,20183,20183,ya culuen tu nira papah panukayen tu nira,leaves transported home,train +20183,20184,20184,mangudu a nilaliw awaay ku nilaliway,I am sorry to desert but no ones deserting,train +20184,20185,20185,maharek tu i,it is good to use it,train +20185,20186,20186,patepih,punch,train +20186,20187,20187,mitekaay,beginning,train +20187,20188,20188,Saikuraytu i kridan nu Palafuay ci Yis a tayra i satakaraway a tukus Patirien nira ci Yis tu pulung nu Kitakit nu hkal atu nika tadamaan nunini,Again the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor,train +20188,20189,20189,itira kaku i katayalan,I am right here at work,train +20189,20190,20190,anu haenen namu i ucuren nu Tapang ci Yis u nipilian ningra a Kristu tu mamipaicel a mihinum tamuwanan,and that he may send the Christ who has been appointed for you even Jesus,test +20190,20191,20191,misamsam,take unfair advantage of,train +20191,20192,20192,unian pisupedan nu Taywan tu ukak kurek kiyami,it is where the Taiwanese put their ashes,train +20192,20193,20193,Matima ku waʼay i,my feet are numb,train +20193,20194,20194,ini micilah,salt sprinkle,train +20194,20195,20195,Mametek cira a malarumadiway anu matuas,she has her heart set on being a singer when she grows up,train +20195,20196,20196,manen ku fana minukay kami a tala Pusung,Sorry we are going back to Taitung,train +20196,20197,20197,ya rarikuran nu falucu ri mararum tu,it is hard to get over it,train +20197,20198,20198,mataes tu nira i maherek tu nina demak,after he is done it is all over,train +20198,20199,20199,talacuwa tataang ku fali tataang ku urad tataang ku cdas a mistul i caay ka luyuh nawhani u ungcuy ku paranaan nuya luma,the rain came down the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock,train +20199,20200,20200,anu mavahvah ku vuting milimek matalawen,if they are driven away the fish will hide in fear,test +20200,20201,20201,nika ira ku tamina,but there is a boat over there,train +20201,20202,20202,mapungu hu,limp,train +20202,20203,20203,i cuwaay ku matukaay itira i selal ku malalukay san,which class of youth is lazier which class of youth is more industrious,train +20203,20204,20204,caay pi,I do not know how to do it,train +20204,20205,20205,tafukud,Gossipcom,train +20205,20206,20206,u nikawitan haw u nicakayan ku salil,Fishnets are woven or purchased,train +20206,20207,20207,Midiputan nira ku nu salikaka ira a wawa mahaenay,and then I raised my siblings children,train +20207,20208,20208,aka,unacceptable,train +20208,20209,20209,i piliyasan niyam araw takawen nu tau ku utuvay maanen aca dakaw satu kami tu vasu a miliyas,when we were about to leave we found that the motorcycle had been stolen so we had to leave by bus,train +20209,20210,20210,caka fangcal ku luwad ningra u lahad ningra,crops are slow to wither,test +20210,20211,20211,ini ku felac mangalay hu^ tu ruma^ haw,here is the rice what else do you need,train +20211,20212,20212,Papisulingaen cingra tu tayal nira,make him do his work well and completely,train +20212,20213,20213,8 sumuwalay ci Pawlu itini i saikuray lintad samaanay ku pakayraan nu kalu tamdaw,Paul also speaks of how people will treat one another in the last days,train +20213,20214,20214,liclicen ni Pilatu ci Yis O hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw Kisu haw han ningra Pacauf sa ci Yis O suwal isu kunini han ningra,Are you the king of the Jews asked Pilate Yes it is as you say Jesus replied,train +20214,20215,20215,suʼlinay maʼurad tu ney,it is really going to rain,train +20215,20216,20216,Cuaang han niyam ku fali nani waliay,we are heading east against the wind,train +20216,20217,20217,muraraw icuwa itini tanu rungrung san i,I am really lost I do not know where this place is there is torches everywhere,train +20217,20218,20218,kalaramud,marriage,train +20218,20219,20219,kaenen niya,there is also eating,train +20219,20220,20220,afu^,soot,test +20220,20221,20221,tiya maharateng aku,I plan to,train +20221,20222,20222,o mamaurad haw,is it going to rain,train +20222,20223,20223,u nu Payrang kikay ku sapipulic ira mipulican,Nowadays Minnan people use machines to knead it into threads,train +20223,20224,20224,Ikur itini i 1973 miheca saka 10 fulad 27 rumiˈad mararamuday kaku aci Lifiya mahemekay kaku ci Nulu ku misikayay tu raramud a kimad niyam,Later Livia and I were married on October and had the honor of having brother Noel give the wedding speech,train +20224,20225,20225,Adihay ku buting,there is a lot of fish,train +20225,20226,20226,Orasaka haklungen ku Kawas Paculien ku Palafuay ta milaliw cinira i tamuwanan,submit yourselves then to God resist the devil and he will flee from you,train +20226,20227,20227,pawadis,making teeth,train +20227,20228,20228,kaemangay kami itiya ra,we were young,train +20228,20229,20229,O hacuwa ku sakangaay ningra han ningra a milicay i Ccay ku tuki tu hrek nu lahuk inacila a mafasaw ku fa^det ningra han nangra,when he inquired as to the time when his son got better they said to him The fever left him yesterday at the seventh hour,train +20229,20230,20230,Aka tawalen ku nisuwalan Aku i tamuwanan O mamapaturud i kamay nu cisakuwanay a tamdaw ku Wawa nu Tamdaw han ningra,Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you the son of man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men,test +20230,20231,20231,na nu nika tuʼas tu saka,and because I am getting older,train +20231,20232,20232,Hayi vangcal saan ku lusid nu Pangcah,Yes the traditional dress is beautiful,train +20232,20233,20233,curuk han niyam luma luma,we went from house to house,train +20233,20234,20234,Niaadadaay ku funguh ira alatek miautaay adadaay hu ku tiyad ira,she has frequent headaches vomiting and stomach pains,train +20234,20235,20235,Mapaterik ci Mayaw naiutufay tuya kasasuntul nira tu tau,Mayo was ejected from his motorcycle when he crashed with someone else,train +20235,20236,20236,tumai sa tayni i riyariyaran,get on the big one and go to the beach,train +20236,20237,20237,u ruma tuku suwal aku,let us move on to the next one,train +20237,20238,20238,mitngil tunini ku finawlan atu kakitaan nu niyaru i satatiih sa ku falucu nangra,when they heard this the crowd and the city officials were thrown into turmoil,train +20238,20239,20239,ngaʼay tu anu makahi ku itiraay saan,as long as there is a willingness to do so,train +20239,20240,20240,ku mihecaan nu maku,at,test +20240,20241,20241,pamud han aku ku suwal tangasa anini,until now,train +20241,20242,20242,fainay,husband,train +20242,20243,20243,madiw tu sakaʼurad,I sang a song about praying for rain,train +20243,20244,20244,naw mahaen kisu ali,how could you,train +20244,20245,20245,Fesulen nu takururu ku kilang a misadipung,woodpeckers dig holes in wood to make nests,train +20245,20246,20246,tawa^,laughter,train +20246,20247,20247,hai u hecek ku saʼayaw sakuis u hecek,Yes the columns go up first then the brackets,train +20247,20248,20248,ira ku nu nipalumaan nu aniniyay,here is a recent planting,train +20248,20249,20249,kanasaw,sea urchin,train +20249,20250,20250,pakaenen tuni hangru ngaʼayay ku funguh nu wawa sa,pregnant women use this palace dish for their children brain is very good,test +20250,20251,20251,mahaen saka tangsul a matnak i pulung nu Kalili a pala ku ngangan ni Yis,news about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee,train +20251,20252,20252,pes han dengay tu a semuwal,you will be able to talk after you have rung,train +20252,20253,20253,terep han niyam,we will be silent,train +20253,20254,20254,nanitini sakakaay a mitatuyay tu cukur,start with the longest cane wielding one,train +20254,20255,20255,licay hu pina ku aca tuna riku,how much for the clothes,train +20255,20256,20256,angrer u kaka nu kakurut,it is even more bitter than bitter melon,train +20256,20257,20257,kaenen nu misu malasang,you will get really dizzy if you take it,train +20257,20258,20258,u rakat a makakuyukuyud,carrying each other while walking,train +20258,20259,20259,adihayay ku kafanaan nu mira a tadafangcalay a kimad,he knows many wonderful stories,train +20259,20260,20260,unini wa pafelihan awa masamatira,it is very simple but it is not the same thing when you teach it that is all,test +20260,20261,20261,kamel,make a fist,train +20261,20262,20262,iraay ku mikilimay huw i,some people come here to look for them,train +20262,20263,20263,o maan ku iraay i riyar,what is in the sea,train +20263,20264,20264,a tala i vuwak nu nanum,go to a water source and ask for water,train +20264,20265,20265,tuwami,noodle,train +20265,20266,20266,mituuray,marry somebody,train +20266,20267,20267,niiyutan,drilled,train +20267,20268,20268,maala tu nu,selected,train +20268,20269,20269,cinganganay tu nu Pangcah kaku,I have Aboriginal names,train +20269,20270,20270,Papicepaen ci Turay tu pipalumaan tu hana a sera,ask Toray to wet the soil in the flower garden,test +20270,20271,20271,renap tuna kiyukay,about church Missions,train +20271,20272,20272,saka sungilaʼan tu niyam misanga misulek,and we have built it perfectly solid with wood paneling,train +20272,20273,20273,anu nizipiki nizipiki ku nikaalaan ita,if we are supposed to catch we will catch,train +20273,20274,20274,maen tu tamdaw sa ku suwal nu Tayliwkuay ney,the mainland's say they will eat people,train +20274,20275,20275,fanaʼay tu kita han u lukut han nu Amis haw,I do not know if you know anything about the Amis Shanshu,train +20275,20276,20276,mariangay,scoundrel,train +20276,20277,20277,u keliw ni palumaan nu maku,it is the Boehmeria I planted,train +20277,20278,20278,cacayen,just one,train +20278,20279,20279,hanaw sakatulu satu nira haw mahaen tu,the third time was the same,train +20279,20280,20280,u makudicay tamdaw sa,rumor has it it is someone with a skin condition,test +20280,20281,20281,ruminak,pulpy,train +20281,20282,20282,yu mahrek cangra a paulic a rumadiw i sadak satu cangra a tayra i Olif a lutuk,when they had sung a hymn they went out to the Mount of Olives,train +20282,20283,20283,tayra a miradum ku matuʼasay a midudu tu ini u Fangcalay a lalan saka palalan nangra,that is why the elders used to make their own way there to fetch water,train +20283,20284,20284,nu malitengay alatek i,try that one,train +20284,20285,20285,sa mahuni hu ku cirut haw i,So as long as the painted bird is crowing,train +20285,20286,20286,ira a mihaklung i tamiyanan ku papinapina a nisawawaan nai Kaysariya kriden nangra kami a tayra i luma ni Nasun nu Sayprus o halafinaytu a nisawawaan cingra itira sa kami a milafin,some of the disciples from Caesarea accompanied us and brought us to the home of Mnason where we were to stay he was a man from Cyprus and one of the early disciples,train +20286,20287,20287,Masulinga ku falucu nuya tamdaw,that persons heart is at ease has wholeness,train +20287,20288,20288,caay ka tangsul pakilac kiyami,I did not share the bone with everyone,train +20288,20289,20289,matira aca hadidi han tu aku siniʼada tina safa,that is it I will just have to put up with my poor sister,train +20289,20290,20290,hatiraay ku demak saka minukay tu,I will go home as soon as I am done,test +20290,20291,20291,hananay kuniyan a demak,it is called a past and present,train +20291,20292,20292,Tataang ku adiping nu tangalawan,Roosters have large crowns,train +20292,20293,20293,Papicumuden ku i paputalay a lafang,ask the guests outside to come in,train +20293,20294,20294,Hay umicaliwan aku anini i cingraan,Yes I borrowed it from him today,train +20294,20295,20295,wailen,setting up a hunt,train +20295,20296,20296,nika awa ku cafay caciyaw,because there is no one to talk to,train +20296,20297,20297,iya u sasuvin sipisipu i,here is a towel take it and wipe it off,train +20297,20298,20298,mafanaˈay kaku tisuwanan mafanaˈay tu manan ku raraw isu kawra mafanaˈay kaku tu falucuˈ isu maulahay kaku tisuwanan,I know you I know what you have done wrong but I also know your heart I love you very much,train +20298,20299,20299,tienangmitukinir,lie down,train +20299,20300,20300,patinaku han ni Yis cangra a sumuwal tu masamaamaanay a dmak suwal sa Ira ku ccay a tamdaw a talaumah a mifulsak,then he told them many things in parables saying A farmer went out to sow his seed,test +20300,20301,20301,suet,hot,train +20301,20302,20302,iyi sewu haw,January,train +20302,20303,20303,matusay falucu kaen sa iayaw,the old man used to eat randomly,train +20303,20304,20304,sapilipida,ATM,train +20304,20305,20305,caay hu,never,train +20305,20306,20306,o ngaayay a ratuh ku suwal tu yniay Yisan,the words about Jesus are good news the gospel,train +20306,20307,20307,itiya hu kura kusuy sahetu nu lingpang a lutulutukan,Formerly all the Shamrock hills were neighborhoods,train +20307,20308,20308,mahaenay ku kadadu^du nu lalumaan ni Yis o tluc ni Apraham u tluc ni Tafiti u kadadu^du nu tatuasan ni Yis Kristu,a record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David the son of Abraham,train +20308,20309,20309,nipivuting,fishing conditions,train +20309,20310,20310,ku ira ku kining,there is a memorial,test +20310,20311,20311,o mamimali kaku tu cuyciw,I will compete in croquet,train +20311,20312,20312,pituay tu pulu ku mihecan nu maku,I am years old,train +20312,20313,20313,hai,Oh yeah,train +20313,20314,20314,nisangaan,explore,train +20314,20315,20315,tama tu fafuy tama tu malunem,there are trophies such as mountain pig and water deer,train +20315,20316,20316,samatiyaen aku u wawa aku ku nika sumuwal i tamuwanan samatiyaen u nu maku ku namu a misakakahad tu falucu tu saki takuwanan,as a fair exchange I speak as to my children open wide your hearts also,train +20316,20317,20317,rutarut,tumble,train +20317,20318,20318,pakarumadiwen naku,I took them to sing with me,train +20318,20319,20319,maukak,slim,train +20319,20320,20320,Saka suwal sa ku Yutaya a tamdaw Nengnengen wata ku nika ulah ningra ci Lacarusan saan,then the Jews said See how he loved him,test +20320,20321,20321,ira,both and,train +20321,20322,20322,caayaycayay ku uway kuni,No this is not a yellow vine,train +20322,20323,20323,adihay ku hicay nu dafak saan haw,there is going to be a lot of fish fry tomorrow morning,train +20323,20324,20324,nu Recurd,you bake first,train +20324,20325,20325,u caayay ka ulah tu urip nira caay ka ulah,do not care about physical health care do not emphasize on physical maintenance,train +20325,20326,20326,a kung ci panay kaku,Grandpa I am Panay,train +20326,20327,20327,tanukaciw,many geese,train +20327,20328,20328,nani tini matuʼasay ku tayal nu urip nu mita u tamdaw,are not there many things that have been passed down from the work of the elders,train +20328,20329,20329,dangkay nu ue kara,I went over the cliff,train +20329,20330,20330,kura salipu hananay hu saripu,if you are talking about Sanlingpo you would better pronounce it Sanlingpu,test +20330,20331,20331,miwilitu ku cidal,the sun is going down,train +20331,20332,20332,sakapahen tu i hapinangan nira sanay kaku,keeping players clean and tidy,train +20332,20333,20333,iraay ku hatinitiniay sasuʼut kira,such a knot of rope,train +20333,20334,20334,Arawhani ira ku hatiniay a dmak i nawiru papisawkiten namu ku kausian nu kiwkay a tamdaw saw,Therefore if you have disputes about such matters appoint as judges even men of little account in the church,train +20334,20335,20335,kaytini tu matuʼas ku wawa aku,my kids are pretty big for coming here,train +20335,20336,20336,mahalek kita mituntun i pera han kura kasuy cakalusalusen,when you are done sawing wood you start chopping wood,train +20336,20337,20337,tangasa tu way a mihca,until,train +20337,20338,20338,pispis han misnga,did you just pick it up and do it Yes,train +20338,20339,20339,u siyangcang tudungen ku nu wunhuwa sa misanga tu kami tu,the mayor of the village also encouraged us to follow the culture we made,train +20339,20340,20340,i tini i tulu safaw a mihecaan i miliyas tu kami tayni i Takaw,I left my tribe for Kaohsiung when I was,test +20340,20341,20341,matngil ni Marta ku nika ira ni Yis i sadak satu cingra a tayra a militmuh ci Yisan Nikawrira aru sa ci Mariya i luma,when Martha heard that Jesus was coming she went out to meet him but Mary stayed at home,train +20341,20342,20342,kimuluay,circular,train +20342,20343,20343,nipiyala,plastic injection,train +20343,20344,20344,hakuwa,whichever,train +20344,20345,20345,ira ku nu mita a tayraay i kaayaw nu Kawas a tadamaanay a sakakaay a Citudungay tu Taung a wawa nu Kawas ci Yis Orasaka kaimeren ita ku pitier i Cingraan,Therefore since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens Jesus the son of God let us hold firmly to the faith we profess,train +20345,20346,20346,paʼuripay kaku tu takula ney,I am cultivating a frogs discouragement,train +20346,20347,20347,tamurak,cucurbit,train +20347,20348,20348,Caay u ngaytu^ ni panay kinian,No this is Panays coat,train +20348,20349,20349,oya mihakenuay i takuwanan i kaayaw nu tamdamdaw i u hahakenuen nuya wawa nu tamdaw cingra i kaayaw nu cuyucuyuh nu Kawas,but he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God,train +20349,20350,20350,misacekemay,Tingling,test +20350,20351,20351,pedaduki,Bat,train +20351,20352,20352,Tanukamay saan ciira a mikahut tu hemay a kumaen,he grabs a handful of rice with his hand and eats it,train +20352,20353,20353,a dengay tu kiya a masadak ayinitu ku tataakay a laing,it is almost time the big ones coming,train +20353,20354,20354,o saka^caaw ka raput ita a mapakaput i mafukilay tu Kawas a tamdaw a mapastek i raraw saka masti nu Tapang kita,when we are judged by the Lord we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world,train +20354,20355,20355,mansanay ku maʼuc sanay,what is tribal council,train +20355,20356,20356,Lumahad tu kuya wawa,that child has grown,train +20356,20357,20357,itini i sasifuʼan tu kaku yu misawad tu kaku micudad haw i,I am in the middle of the pack and I am about to finish the program,train +20357,20358,20358,piayawan,belly band,train +20358,20359,20359,haw siysiy,Okay thank you,train +20359,20360,20360,aluman ku mapatayay annini ku na lifung,a lot of people are dying today because of this infection,test +20360,20361,20361,satapang tu na sakacecay a rumiʼad a miilisin i,from the first day of the Harvest Festival,train +20361,20362,20362,uwalngiwat,pry open,train +20362,20363,20363,itiniay i niyaru ku aru nu wawa isu han,do your kids live in the tribe too,train +20363,20364,20364,iayaw cahu ka paiyu ku umah tiyahu,because in the past pesticides were not used for weed and insect control,train +20364,20365,20365,Orasaka salikakaaw,So brethren,train +20365,20366,20366,saka tahiraan kuraan,so that is the end of it,train +20366,20367,20367,palamlamen tu waneng,add sugar,train +20367,20368,20368,muetep,ten,train +20368,20369,20369,takaraw hatini fariw han,you can talk about it when you are tall enough,train +20369,20370,20370,icuwaay ku impic nu misu,where is your pencil,test +20370,20371,20371,mifuting,fish,train +20371,20372,20372,saharaterateng sa kaku,I thought and thought,train +20372,20373,20373,awaay hu ku suci itiya,I did not have a cell phone back then,train +20373,20374,20374,midungdung,extend the road,train +20374,20375,20375,uray initu initu patayen patayen cucuken,here comes the prey stab him stab him,train +20375,20376,20376,ruma satu i tiya dadaya adihay kiya kasuy misalamal i taluan i tila ku matuʼasay itira maru mipakungku,in addition on that night there was a lot of fire wood burning in the meeting place and the elders sat there and talked about the ancient times,train +20376,20377,20377,an cipakafer ri,if you do not jump,train +20377,20378,20378,cuwa ka harateng niyam ikur nu pina miheca wa malu kitiraan niyam ku Pusinafasu,we did not realize then that in a few years we would be living in Burkina Faso for a while,train +20378,20379,20379,adihay ku naliti i tukus nu lutuk i nuwalian,there are many manzanita hearts on the east coast Peak,train +20379,20380,20380,papalumaen,species,test +20380,20381,20381,mahaen ku niyam a nikaurip pakuyac kiyami,that is how life used to be,train +20381,20382,20382,karursquu,pomelo,train +20382,20383,20383,Pakafasu^ kaku,I came by bus,train +20383,20384,20384,nanuyanan satu tu pidiput nu matuʼasay takuwanan i,my parents took care of me at that time,train +20384,20385,20385,Nikawrira anu misiket ku tamdaw i Tapang i u malaccayaytu ku adingu nangra,but he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit,train +20385,20386,20386,u fainayan i u fulud sanay a mikapianu misaluma satu a misaparud i u rarayaay u dadahalay ku matatudungay a luma matatudung a tusa pulu ku mukuay,the ideal house for men is a large long spacious house that can accommodate about twenty people inside,train +20386,20387,20387,Kalamkamen lumuwadtu kita,hurry up we have to go,train +20387,20388,20388,haen sa ku heni pasun adihay ku buting i matiya,that is it there was a lot of fish,train +20388,20389,20389,pilafin,stay the night,train +20389,20390,20390,limela,treasure,test +20390,20391,20391,o tadamaanay a misatekaay ci Ayingsetan,Einstein was a great inventor,train +20391,20392,20392,anini tu a mapalal ku falucu isu,at last you have come aware concerning,train +20392,20393,20393,caay mahaen,it cannot be,train +20393,20394,20394,kalitusa,one half,train +20394,20395,20395,hay mitapayan u tenaʼi nu na matiniay misasirawan nu tau,and offal like this people pickle it,train +20395,20396,20396,anu miming ku nanum isu anta ku hemay,if you use too little water the rice will not cook,train +20396,20397,20397,u cirut u anekak ya aluʼluʼay sanay kuni kanca,it is painted birds a and woodpeckers,train +20397,20398,20398,kaulahan nu Kawas ci Tafiti saka mingitangit cingra tu sapatirengaw tu maluluma nu nitaungan ni Yakup a Kawas,who enjoyed Gods favor and asked that he might provide a dwelling place for the God of Jacob,train +20398,20399,20399,yu miduhkit ku Tufur a siri tu sakaspat a nitupaan i matngil aku ku suwal nuya saka saspat a mauripay Katayni saan cingra,when the Lamb opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say Come,train +20399,20400,20400,mehewa ku niyaru awa ku awa ku maanmaan,the tribe is so beautiful there are no bandits there are no violations,test +20400,20401,20401,sanay ku ʼicel nu harateng,the mind is so strong,train +20401,20402,20402,himed,concealment,train +20402,20403,20403,u hatiraay ku fekac nu tau,people run as fast as they can,train +20403,20404,20404,anu mafalic ku pakayraan nu tamdaw wa ira ku cuka hecad a pinengneng tu suˈlinay kimad alatek,Peoples circumstances change they may see the truth differently,train +20404,20405,20405,adipel,fence,train +20405,20406,20406,mimaan patusur miwaniw haw,what are you doing kneeling down to mow the lawn,train +20406,20407,20407,han naku i picumudey ha cika kahi sa,I told you to come in but you would not,train +20407,20408,20408,a malialac kita saan,we are going in the water to clean up and fish,train +20408,20409,20409,ikur nu lahuk,afternoon,train +20409,20410,20410,ngata ngata ngata sanay kura pinukayan nira kira,the time for him to return to his vacation is approaching,test +20410,20411,20411,hai u pikingkiw nira mi sulingahan a mitengil tu hay,P Right for research T really listen to P Right,train +20411,20412,20412,Mapakutay hacuwa kisu anu matuka kisu,if you are so lazy you will be replaced at any time,train +20412,20413,20413,ya caciyaw nu misu,speak for yourself,train +20413,20414,20414,ahiya ku vuduy u tawpaw iri sisutu,colors can get on clothes and scarves,train +20414,20415,20415,papisuwalan isu tuni haw u,talk about coming from there Yes sir,train +20415,20416,20416,mipafatis,share with others,train +20416,20417,20417,Hai ngaay a kaenen,Well it is delicious,train +20417,20418,20418,Caay o Pariwan ciira,No but he is a Paiwan,train +20418,20419,20419,Matiyasa tu pina a maherek misacepu ka matama tu ka ciherangan,after the fishing festival it is summer time,train +20419,20420,20420,misuvucay,two parents,test +20420,20421,20421,nani paputal,from the Plaza,train +20421,20422,20422,anu papacem,tomorrow morning,train +20422,20423,20423,ifangat,perspiration,train +20423,20424,20424,mana ira ku haratengicuwaay tu kisu hatini maru,what made you want to come where do you live now,train +20424,20425,20425,iniyan a cacay,only,train +20425,20426,20426,tata misalama kita tu mali,let us play ball,train +20426,20427,20427,hasa padangen ni,it was introduced by Cho,train +20427,20428,20428,mi ngay tu tingki nu sapi,it is Christmas light wrapping,train +20428,20429,20429,o patihiay kaku tu situ aku,I am here to help my students,train +20429,20430,20430,pecu,take off,test +20430,20431,20431,hatira satu,I cannot help it,train +20431,20432,20432,maumah tu itini tu niyah tu a umah,worked in his own field,train +20432,20433,20433,o rumasatu tayra a miraud i ci Yisan ku Awaay ku lumuwaday a maurip nai patay a dmak yasanay a Satukay a tamdaw a milicay i Cingraan,some of the Sadducees who say there is no resurrection came to Jesus with a question,train +20433,20434,20434,mahawikiday nu nu riyar a kilang i sakilangen ra san,he will take any wood that is washed ashore by the waves,train +20434,20435,20435,kaenen nu edu,mice will eat it,train +20435,20436,20436,caipitengil,Listen,train +20436,20437,20437,caay ka kuwa ku paysu aku,I do not have much money,train +20437,20438,20438,kararid a lipahak,be joyful always,train +20438,20439,20439,u maʼurunay tu mamihulul kiniʼan a radiw haw,it is a love song about missing your lover,train +20439,20440,20440,kanahatu iri micudad kamu iri,even if you go to school,test +20440,20441,20441,hai ira hu ku Dipung,Yes the Japanese are still here,train +20441,20442,20442,aka pifalah tu lakaw i lalan,do not throw trash on the road,train +20442,20443,20443,kudul,on top of,train +20443,20444,20444,Wawaaw Pataduen hu kaku,the baby please do me a favor,train +20444,20445,20445,iraay kiya tapuru lalima ku lalumaʼan itira,there are about five families there on the hillside,train +20445,20446,20446,awa ku lalan awa maʼalaw ku niyaru itini ku ngaʼayay kakahaday ku niyaru,there is no road there you cannot see the tribe it is better here the tribes wider,train +20446,20447,20447,madawa kami anini a mimali i picudadan,I lost a game of soccer at school today,train +20447,20448,20448,tayni hantu san,you are the one who came here,train +20448,20449,20449,u tangal nu cinamalay,the engine of a train head car,train +20449,20450,20450,ira ku tadaheci ira kuni sared han nu mita u Pangcah,there is also lean meat and what is known as tenderloin,test +20450,20451,20451,makapah ku atulan i,promoting tribal development,train +20451,20452,20452,tira tangulan,at the same time as the remains,train +20452,20453,20453,Palimuˈutay ci Yis tu nisawawaan padama tu tamdaw malu Krisciyang mipainuˈ cangranan sanay,Jesus commanded his disciples to help people become Christians by baptizing them,train +20453,20454,20454,Iayaayaw awaay hen ku tavukud,there was no gossip network in the past,train +20454,20455,20455,ikur nu 30 miheca kamayan miemin tu tuki a mitusil ci Miriyana malacafay tu faˈinay a padama tu tamdaw minanam tu suˈlinay kimad,more than years later Mirjana is still preaching full time and helping people learn the truth together with her husband,train +20455,20456,20456,ku taʼu a wawa,other peoples children,train +20456,20457,20457,minanam kaku tu surit,I am still learning Romanization,train +20457,20458,20458,manguyus ci ama nu maku,my grand mom is very nagging,train +20458,20459,20459,manay,so,train +20459,20460,20460,tahiniay tu kami i Taypak anuhatini ya utupay ni faki i maxeraay tu hakiya,now that we are back in Taipei I do not know if my uncles motorcycle has been found,test +20460,20461,20461,tayni i lutuk mitilu,come to the mountains to hunt,train +20461,20462,20462,malemed ku wawa namu,your children are happy,train +20462,20463,20463,papicauwaw,Teach doing jumping jacks,train +20463,20464,20464,mamatangay a sera,fertile land,train +20464,20465,20465,kuraan,that is,train +20465,20466,20466,Cungedis san kura wacu a matelii,the dog showed its teeth and was angry,train +20466,20467,20467,serser,go down,train +20467,20468,20468,mitiriay,I am going to read it,train +20468,20469,20469,o lihay ku sangaay a safalucuen nu mita a maurip,one of the first things we need to think about in our lives is worship,train +20469,20470,20470,han tu i Pangcah Pangcah aca ku suwal,it is all in the original Amis voice,test +20470,20471,20471,minukay satu haw,going home,train +20471,20472,20472,ura itiya tu haw i,at that time,train +20472,20473,20473,Fadi saan ku nipalumaan anu caay ka fusfusen tu nanum,plants will wilt if they are not watered,train +20473,20474,20474,a u makayraay i sawaliyan a papah,be sure to look to the east for the leaves,train +20474,20475,20475,miliyas ku miliyasay sa itini satu ku anu manan ku tayal i kilim sanay ku kapah,what kind of work is there for those who leave Taitung but to find young people,train +20475,20476,20476,kasiniʼadaan ku niyam mamam hu a urp,we were poor when we were kids,train +20476,20477,20477,Nalicayen fana satu kaku hanaw u nanu kaemangan hu cingra minanamay tu suwal nu Dipung u Punung ku fafahi i katayalan nira adihay ku kananaman a Ngayngay mansa kahirahira ku kafanaan nira tu suwal,I asked him to find out that he learned Japanese when he was a child his wife is an Bunun and he knows many Hakkas at work so he can speak so many languages,train +20477,20478,20478,anu malulalulay hu sa kaku,I think it is very hard though,train +20478,20479,20479,nga tayni itini,come back here,train +20479,20480,20480,Pakapasuelin kisu haw,can you believe,test +20480,20481,20481,anu ciʼilu mafana a misanga inian haw i aka pihaen haw kaduducen sa,it is the word of goodness and peace is precious,train +20481,20482,20482,pavana,tell,train +20482,20483,20483,Lacinuwas satu caira a maramud tuna macaculi,the couple quarreled and separated,train +20483,20484,20484,yu mamaraud ku rumiad itiya a u mamaadipel nu ada ku taliyuk isu a milikut a micu^cu i tisuwanan,the days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side,train +20484,20485,20485,tu saka pinananumen tu alumanay itira fafaed saka,drinking water for all the people on the mountain,train +20485,20486,20486,caay tu kasalalan ku pinanam ita tu suwal nu Amis,there are no guidelines for learning the Amis language,train +20486,20487,20487,Nawhani u suwal nu singsi Supeden ku mamamamang ta malaadihayay saan,teachers always say A little goes a long way,train +20487,20488,20488,Madicadic ku paniyaruan nu ruma a finacadan i Pusung,the tribes of other ethnic groups in Taitung were flooded,train +20488,20489,20489,maraud ku pisaraʼuan masamaan pisaraʼu,how do you make Sapindales when they are in season,train +20489,20490,20490,maulah kami sa caay katayni,we did not come even though we said we liked it,test +20490,20491,20491,mangta,raw,train +20491,20492,20492,o ngangan aku tunu kuwaping kuninian,that is my Chinese name,train +20492,20493,20493,Matumay cingra,he is fierce,train +20493,20494,20494,Kelem satu itini i wadiwadisan,teeth clenched,train +20494,20495,20495,maʼemin tu kaenen ku heci yu tangal sa ku patelian nanay i tira i karimucu,when all the meat has been eaten the remaining heads are hung up in the corners of the walls,train +20495,20496,20496,miadadungacay,beetle,train +20496,20497,20497,mangta,undercooked,train +20497,20498,20498,mihaen ku harateng nangra halatek Maanen aku ku demak ta mapaˈurip kaku saw,they may wonder What do I have to do to be saved,train +20498,20499,20499,kaetip nu niyaru niyam,west of our tribe,train +20499,20500,20500,sapalidingen,make it look like a car,test +20500,20501,20501,Pacauf sa ku finawlan a ma^min a sumuwal O tadah nu rmes Ningra i ngaaytu a matfuc kami atu tluc niyam han nangra,all the people answered Let his blood be on us and on our children,train +20501,20502,20502,tanaulah satu pahanhantu,I am very happy to rest,train +20502,20503,20503,tataak ku laed niyam,there is a huge age difference between us,train +20503,20504,20504,Sakifetulen ku kacifuduy i kasi^nawan,wear thicker clothes in winter,train +20504,20505,20505,caay pifaking caay piala tu ayam paherek han tu itiya haw i,although there is no penalty nor is there a rule that ends with the cockerel,train +20505,20506,20506,o malupiarawan namu ku dmak aku saka haenen aku ku dmak i tamuwanan nanay haenen u dmak aku ku dmak namu,I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you,train +20506,20507,20507,u pangcahpangcahan hay,it is an element of the indigenous people,train +20507,20508,20508,Mauraday ku paputal cuwa ka cilinay kaku,it is raining outside so I did not bring an umbrella,train +20508,20509,20509,o hay,Yes Oh yeah Yeah,train +20509,20510,20510,marikec ku hiya kira,that is a lot of solidarity,test +20510,20511,20511,kangaayan,be close,train +20511,20512,20512,cunuh,shift the blame to someone else,train +20512,20513,20513,itini i u Maysangan haw ira ci Yutingku kira haw,here in Malang it is called buy sang because of Yang Chuan Guang,train +20513,20514,20514,nisaimeran,prudent,train +20514,20515,20515,licinuwas,branch,train +20515,20516,20516,anu maadada kura turus ura cikuciku isu,you have pain in your feet knees or joints,train +20516,20517,20517,kafer,Pants,train +20517,20518,20518,kuduh,case,train +20518,20519,20519,kapuwa,earthenware bottles,train +20519,20520,20520,maʼemin nira kucudad,I have finished my homework,test +20520,20521,20521,nanay mapadil ku Kawas o nipatnakan aku a Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay ci Yis Kristuan i u patalahkalay i matini tu nanu masimeday nu Kawas nai tiyahu i kasarkarkad nu mihcaan a pakakmuday a suwal,now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past,train +20521,20522,20522,ira aca ku imi nira haw,it is got a real meaning,train +20522,20523,20523,o caay ku mamangernger a Kitakit ku mamalukitakit ita Orasaka u kakansiyaen ita ku Kawas ka u matatudungay i nafalucuan ningra ku nipitaung ita i cingraan a mangudu,Therefore since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,train +20523,20524,20524,u ruma tu a sasasuwalen aku haw i,another thing I would like to say is this,train +20524,20525,20525,Nanay mararid a maparihaday nu parihadayay a Tapang kamu i masamaamaanay a dmak Nanay mikaput ku Tapang i tamuwanan a ma^min,now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way the Lord be with all of you,train +20525,20526,20526,mainget ciira i takuwanan,he lost his temper with me,train +20526,20527,20527,aray pulung nu finawlan,thank you all,train +20527,20528,20528,Nuhatini mahemekaytu cangra mala cafay a miduku ci Yihufaan,now they could serve the Lord with joy together,train +20528,20529,20529,i tini i pusung i i saamisan nu Piuma ku Pangcah a muku saka u Amis ta han nu Piwma inana amis sanay i,most of the Amis in Taitung live to the north of the Peinan and are called Amis by the Peinan,train +20529,20530,20530,mamang,a little,test +20530,20531,20531,maherek tu ku kamuku tu salikulay a labii,the last nights program was,train +20531,20532,20532,Masarayray a maemin miaca kaku tu paya,everyone line up we are ready to buy tickets,train +20532,20533,20533,macekcek,loaded,train +20533,20534,20534,makera,discovery,train +20534,20535,20535,Ketunen nu maku ku kalucaacaang nu kilang,I am going to cut down all the branches,train +20535,20536,20536,Salikakaaw malahciaytu aku kunini caay ka saan ku harateng aku deng ccay ku sasarucuden aku a misaicel tawalen aku ku matalifay a dmak Pamutek han aku ku patusukan aku a talaayaw,Brothers I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it but one thing I do forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,train +20536,20537,20537,ku wina niyam mafana kita tu maan kaemang hu hatiira sanay,we were young and uneducated at the time,train +20537,20538,20538,alaen hu kura sasisit,can you help me with the cloth,train +20538,20539,20539,anu tuuren ita ku hafay nu tamdaw a misawkit i wa ira ku maanan a pasangar hani,why does judging people based on their financial situation because problems,train +20539,20540,20540,sa falic han tu tayni tuni kakawasan sanay kunini a niyaru,that is why we came to the current Ishiyama tribe,test +20540,20541,20541,wa kakahad kiya,Wow it is very spacious so,train +20541,20542,20542,He Pen sanay ya nira ha ha ha ha,it is very flat it is flat he means it is stupid,train +20542,20543,20543,O ma^puday nai kakarayan a ^pang Kaku tuna saan ku suwal ni Yis saka sangaliwngiw sa ku kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw tu pakayniay i Cingraan,at this the Jews began to grumble about him because he said I am the bread that came down from heaven,train +20543,20544,20544,caay pinengneng kurira a matuasay alahan nura wawa kura matumesay tu a paru a fakar tu heci nu na kilang paru nira padadakaw itini i kulisiw,the elder did not see that the child took a basket that was full of fruits and that he put them on his bike and carried them away,train +20544,20545,20545,Saka rpet han nangra kuya wawa a pasadak a mipatay i paputal nu pisafadisusuan Anu hatira i maanen nuya tawki nu pisafadisusuan ku dmak i mifuluday hakiya,so they threw him out of the vineyard and killed him What then will the owner of the vineyard do to them,train +20545,20546,20546,ruma ku kakalimelaan haw i pakini i tayal i mangaʼay a paʼedil tu ngangan nu Kawas,what I treasure is that I can shine for the Lord through my ministry work,train +20546,20547,20547,miadup cangra matuʼasay itiyahu,in the old days when the elders went hunting,train +20547,20548,20548,u sinabel i anu caay pitungal,what about the vegetables if you do do not add it,train +20548,20549,20549,kita u misanu Pacanghay nanay,I hope that we Amis,train +20549,20550,20550,lahengangay,Red,test +20550,20551,20551,tataakay atudi iri mirusarus tu kilang,the older ones saw the trees,train +20551,20552,20552,damaen kami padadutuc,please help us to be more determined,train +20552,20553,20553,Sausien ira ku masidayay hakiya,count them are there any missing ones,train +20553,20554,20554,mitengil tu micinga mitengil,very obedient and well behaved,train +20554,20555,20555,laliw satu kuya pakaenay tu fafuy a tamdamdaw tayra cangra a paratuh tu i niyaruay atu i umahay Saka tayra satu ku alumanay a minengneng tu nika u maan ku iraay a dmak,those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside and the people went out to see what had happened,train +20555,20556,20556,facu,shape,train +20556,20557,20557,Cepa,wet through,train +20557,20558,20558,hatiraay,it is like this,train +20558,20559,20559,matalaw pieferan nu futing a milaliw,I am afraid the fish will fly away,train +20559,20560,20560,usafa aku milakilac tu hataki,my brother wants to divide the land,test +20560,20561,20561,naw,Why,train +20561,20562,20562,saadihayay,at most,train +20562,20563,20563,anu sulinen haw i Halu cangra u makritay a tamdaw a caay pidu^du tu Rikec o sapapikrit nangra i tamuwanan i u sapasnengaw nangra tu pakayniay i tireng namu,not even those who are circumcised obey the law yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your flesh,train +20563,20564,20564,saʼayaw miala tura suta kiya haw,First we will get the mud,train +20564,20565,20565,ancuwaay ku faki isu haw pulungen mililiw,or an uncle you have to visit every house,train +20565,20566,20566,paysu^,money,train +20566,20567,20567,tngilen ku sarikec,listen to the rules,train +20567,20568,20568,Uli haw naun hantu ku rakat,Goodbye and safe travels,train +20568,20569,20569,kinacayay matama aku paʼaca tu simal nu kusuy,at that time I was lucky enough to have a lemongrass planting,train +20569,20570,20570,Saupuen nuya palafuay ku hungtingti i Armakitun hananay nu Hipray a pala,then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon,test +20570,20571,20571,lutuc nu rara,bean sprout,train +20571,20572,20572,tadamaan ku taneng nu matuasay,the elders have great wisdom,train +20572,20573,20573,Yusaay caay ka idi kita,it is not mean to do this for others,train +20573,20574,20574,hay cuwa ya ira ira ya iya,not that one the one over there,train +20574,20575,20575,cakat sa kaku,I need to get better,train +20575,20576,20576,Pasiikur sa ci Yis i nisawawaan a mihawhaw a sumuwal O malmeday kamu u pakaaraway tu ninengnengan namu,then he turned to his disciples and said privately Blessed are the eyes that see what you see,train +20576,20577,20577,Saikuray i paaraw cingra i takuwanan u caay pilcad tu kaluhufuc nu tamdaw a hufucen,and last of all he appeared to me also as to one abnormally born,train +20577,20578,20578,uni ku uni latek u saka tanestes uni ku saka nu Pangcah aku,that is what makes my Amis mother tongue more fluent,train +20578,20579,20579,tuya ikur nuna kafafulafulawan,after the chaotic times are over,train +20579,20580,20580,anu cila katayni haw,I will be back next time,test +20580,20581,20581,pafeli hu kisu tu pina a kulung saan,you are going to give a couple of cows this rule,train +20581,20582,20582,midungec ku kapah,the young people are adopting the heart of the rattan,train +20582,20583,20583,anu sakaciraraw isu ku ccay a mata isu i dicuhen a mifalah o nika ccay nu mata isu a micumud i midaucay a urip ku ngaay tu nika tusa nu mata isu a mafahkul i pisemseman a namal,and if your eye causes you to sin gouge it out and throw it away it is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell,train +20583,20584,20584,kuhepicen,feeling thin,train +20584,20585,20585,hay mahaenay milimulaʼay,so that is the nickname for the cuddly method,train +20585,20586,20586,pasuwal sa ci Pitiru i ci Yisan Singsiaw tadangaay ku nika i tini ita Sangaen niyam ku tulu a taluan O ccay i u malumisu u ccay i u malu ni Musi u ccay i u malu ni Iliya han ningra,Peter said to Jesus Rabbi it is good for us to be here let us put up three shelters one for you one for Moses and one for Elijah,train +20586,20587,20587,samanen haw i,because,train +20587,20588,20588,hay mituduhan maemin,Yes it is all going to be burned,train +20588,20589,20589,ya tapiyasen ira miliyaw hu a miladum tayra hu i kali,the water was stepped on and dumped and I went back to the stream to pick up water again,train +20589,20590,20590,hay,do you want to do it,test +20590,20591,20591,wa tanuetan sa misaʼusi ku Taywan,the Minnesotans are making a fortune and counting,train +20591,20592,20592,o teka tu nu mita a miilisin anu cila,tomorrow is the start of our Harvest Festival,train +20592,20593,20593,mamidiput tisuwan,I will take care of you,train +20593,20594,20594,ati Ati o nipalumaan aku kina heci^ nu lusay tanamen a kumaen ari,come here these are the fruits I grow you should try it,train +20594,20595,20595,Terak san kalat han tu nuna wacu nu maku sa kaku,I always thought he would fall and get caught by my dog,train +20595,20596,20596,maketer,be criticized,train +20596,20597,20597,paka urad,pray for rain,train +20597,20598,20598,ya itiyahu iraay kiya mitapi hananay kiyami,in the old days it was customary to work at your favorite persons house before marriage,train +20598,20599,20599,anu cuwahu patafang tu tireng a micada tu inuˈ kisu haratengen hanu kalimlaan mihaen tu demak,if you have not already done so think about why it is important to do so,train +20599,20600,20600,matini away ey ci Sawa,that is what happened Sawa disappeared,test +20600,20601,20601,kafanaʼan aku saan ku suwal,I will call it Shi Xiang Lan word for word so I can understand it,train +20601,20602,20602,mapetekay,broken,train +20602,20603,20603,masamaanay a kudung ku kaulahan isu,what color do you like,train +20603,20604,20604,a ira aca ku nika pikemet,use and transfer,train +20604,20605,20605,matngil nu fiyafiyaw atu malininaay na Ilisapic ku nika tadamaan nu siniada nu Tapang tu saki cingraan i laccay sa cangra a lipahak,her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy and they shared her joy,train +20605,20606,20606,cacak,cooked,train +20606,20607,20607,ya sasiriku tu nu ya kilang hani,wearing wooden clothes,train +20607,20608,20608,u pipaypayan nu Dipun,a place for Japanese to worship,train +20608,20609,20609,u numaku haw i,let us start with my middle school years,train +20609,20610,20610,niyan u panay hananay,Banai in the Amis language,test +20610,20611,20611,maliayaw,ahead,train +20611,20612,20612,8 misamaanay itini fadisusuˈ a tinaku u heci cuwa ku faeluhay a nisawawaan ku mituruˈan,why does the fruit not refer to new disciples in the parable of the vine,train +20612,20613,20613,i satimulan nu vanaw ku luma nu maku,my home is on the south side of the lake,train +20613,20614,20614,adidiay ku itinyay a taku,it is a small pond here,train +20614,20615,20615,ta matumus nira kuya langa,he loaded the basket,train +20615,20616,20616,pasuwal sa ku Farisay a tamdaw Kisu ku pawacayay tu pakayniay i tisuwanan saka awaay ku ^puc nura pipawacay isu han nangra,the Pharisees challenged him Here you are appearing as your own witness your testimony is not valid,train +20616,20617,20617,micumud ku tireng nira tuya pakayraan,he has identified himself with that organization,train +20617,20618,20618,taung han tu ni Kacaw ku kapukaput a pasuwal ikur tu haw i mihawikid tu cingra tu nu niyah tu a dafung miaray aca cingra tu pipacaliw nu kaput i cingraan i ayaw,Kacaw apologized to the students and said that he would definitely bring his own things in the future and thanked the classmates for their willingness to lend him things before,train +20618,20619,20619,cahcah,bronchitis,train +20619,20620,20620,haen han nira neng han kiya pancu kiya ira ku epung ha ha ha ha,he just hung them up and saw his underwear with holes in it ha ha ha ha,test +20620,20621,20621,maulah kaku a misasing,my hobby is photography,train +20621,20622,20622,hakuwa ku kareteng nuni enur hani,how heavy is this anchor,train +20622,20623,20623,talaen hu caay hu ka herek kaku a miasik,wait a minute I am not done sweeping here yet,train +20623,20624,20624,wata kaʼadihay nu takula,frogs are very plentiful,train +20624,20625,20625,aka ka i kaʼayaw aka i sarikur,not in front and not behind,train +20625,20626,20626,o pisaluma a cayliw u manan,what are the materials used to build a house,train +20626,20627,20627,icuwaay kura aul i itiraay kura aul san,wherever there is bamboo that is where they go,train +20627,20628,20628,u sera nu tau haw,this is someone else land,train +20628,20629,20629,macelakay maʼuripay inian u sukuy hananay i,the leaves do not break from cooking they are open and that is what we call a woodchuck,train +20629,20630,20630,cipisingany,prestigious,test +20630,20631,20631,caay kadengay ku dadahal i,if it is not wide enough,train +20631,20632,20632,caay tu kalecad tu nu aniniyay,it is different it is not the same as today,train +20632,20633,20633,mamang hu kita u misa Pangcahay,when I was a kid we Amis,train +20633,20634,20634,Kalifutan sa a misangaʼa i,it is too much trouble to make,train +20634,20635,20635,o kami ita a mipatikami tu sinsi,use our paper to write letters to teachers,train +20635,20636,20636,karatangic kura wawa,that kid is a crybaby,train +20636,20637,20637,ira ku harateng ni Kristu i wa ira ku maanan a epuc i kaˈurip ita,how does having a Christlike mindset affect our lives,train +20637,20638,20638,anu mapalaccay aci Kristu ku cima a tamdaw i u fa^luhaytu a tamdaw cingra malasawadtu ku matlangay a pinangan ningra ta masafa^luhtu cingra,Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the old has gone the new has come,train +20638,20639,20639,nawhani ci Lingacay kita,it is because of us the Lingya tribe,train +20639,20640,20640,Marama ku kamay aku,my hand is tired,test +20640,20641,20641,unini a kungku haw i,about the story,train +20641,20642,20642,ura lutuk i tini i kaetip nu paniyaruʼan nu Cawi ini u Ngayaw hananay haen sa malikelun ta takaraw i tini i katimul,the hill south of the Jungpo tribe where the expedition took place has a downward slope and the south side is high,train +20642,20643,20643,ya tingalawan hananay i,the earliest was Toko Lao,train +20643,20644,20644,anupacakay kami tu uway kusuy simal nu kusuy,if rattan lemongrass and lemongrass oil are available for sale,train +20644,20645,20645,kemkem,bite,train +20645,20646,20646,Matulukedaw a nenengen kina pusi,this cat looks like a leopard,train +20646,20647,20647,saw anini kaku pasifana tu maku nanu kaemangan,today I am going to tell you about my childhood,train +20647,20648,20648,cuwa ka sienaw,not cold,train +20648,20649,20649,tuhini pitu pacuwah,now this is going through the seventh one,train +20649,20650,20650,cauren,Immediately please,test +20650,20651,20651,yu mamikalic satu tu tamina caayay pitulas miwangawang ku hata nu patunuay satapang sa ku falucu a mararum Inaaw han ku cima awaay a maaraw,when I boarded the warship and watched the senders waving their flags I began to cry out to my mother in sadness but she was nowhere to be seen,train +20651,20652,20652,u Cikasuwan,Chikagawa,train +20652,20653,20653,Pakafilu kisu tunini a demak haw,are you up to the task,train +20653,20654,20654,ira kuya sapukaw sanay patelian nangra turiku kura uway,there is a curved cane that makes an object holder,train +20654,20655,20655,Hayda Talaalu kita,Great let us go to the riverside,train +20655,20656,20656,mihelung ciira tu riku,he took off his clothes,train +20656,20657,20657,Orasaka ka u nihapinangan nu falucu nu kahaccaccay ku sapasadak aka ka u nisaidiidian aka ka u nipaci^cian a falucu ku sapasadak nawhani u lipahakay a pafli i u kaulahan nu Kawas,each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver,train +20657,20658,20658,caaytu ku tatayni i titaanan ci Pawlu ira ku sanay namu a misatakaraway ku falucu a tamdaw,some of you have become arrogant as if I were not coming to you,train +20658,20659,20659,hay tusa miheca malasufitay sepasuy mipakaʼetimen hani,two years in the army married at,train +20659,20660,20660,misavalucu,we do our best,test +20660,20661,20661,pangangusuan,snare,train +20661,20662,20662,o fadas ku nipalumaan ni ina i pala,mom is planting beans in the field,train +20662,20663,20663,Nikawrira caay pasulin ci Yis tu falucu nangra nawhani mafana cingra tu falucu nu pulung nu tamdaw,but Jesus would not entrust himself to them for he knew all men,train +20663,20664,20664,cacecel,push each other hard,train +20664,20665,20665,o sakakayaay ku fukes nu wawa aku,my kids have the longest hair,train +20665,20666,20666,nu maliteng kaku mimaan kaku sanay kaku,what will I do when I am old,train +20666,20667,20667,maulah misuped kaku tu payci,I love collecting copper plates,train +20667,20668,20668,anu ira ku salifung anu ira ku pitapuh tu umah ma emin i kakitaan a misanga tura rumiad tura hatiraay,if there was a plague if people needed to re cultivate the land the chief would assign the work to people,train +20668,20669,20669,pateli,place,train +20669,20670,20670,pahanhan tu kita naunen a minukay,it is the end of the class be careful on your way home,test +20670,20671,20671,putal,outside,train +20671,20672,20672,ira ku mahatiniay ku mapulung ku masamanay itiya hu mahaenay,there have been many many wrongdoings in the past,train +20672,20673,20673,mitengil tu suwal nu matuʼasay nu tuʼas,listening to the elders of the tribe tell the life stories of their ancestors,train +20673,20674,20674,Naunen ku rakat,walk slowly and carefully,train +20674,20675,20675,sacumud,at the entrance,train +20675,20676,20676,nitutung kaku a ni sumuwal yicyenpu tini syesyaw,I have been taking some classes in the night department at school,train +20676,20677,20677,hatiyatiya caay ka pi paiw kita urasaka caay kangaay ku heci nang ningra,Well we did not spray pesticides so his fruits are not good,train +20677,20678,20678,tahini kiya nanum haen sa mineneng,just like that in the water his face was not spotted by the Bunun,train +20678,20679,20679,mitengil,giving a hearing,train +20679,20680,20680,Cafuul a maemin ku madakaway i fasu,all the bus riders had to pee,test +20680,20681,20681,kaenen,come and eat it,train +20681,20682,20682,matatudung,correct,train +20682,20683,20683,talacay,pineapple,train +20683,20684,20684,ayi lalabu cira a misdeal tu cengceng,he is going to spread the fish house inside,train +20684,20685,20685,Pacauf sa kuya tawki i cingraan O tatiihay a matukaay a kuli kisu caay pipaluma cingra tu maamaan i militud cingra caay pifulsak cingra tu maamaan i misaupu cingra tu kinaira,His master replied You wicked lazy servant so you knew that I Harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed,train +20685,20686,20686,pataluc,late,train +20686,20687,20687,Talacuwa^ kisu inacila^,where were you yesterday,train +20687,20688,20688,madupuh kura wawa a micudad,that kid studied very hard,train +20688,20689,20689,pawti,burlap,train +20689,20690,20690,mahrek a sumuwal cingra tunini i patiri sa tu kamay atu waay ningra i cangraan,when he had said this he showed them his hands and feet,test +20690,20691,20691,u kasa matiya u itiraay a masadak ku urad,it looks like the rain came from that mountain,train +20691,20692,20692,cuwa ka Tienen tu namal,no point,train +20692,20693,20693,icuwaen isu a pateli,where did you put it,train +20693,20694,20694,anini naun han niyam,we are slowing down,train +20694,20695,20695,u sacaluwayay tu itini i Taywan,bay First,train +20695,20696,20696,falinunu^,fragrant rice,train +20696,20697,20697,tahekal tu kita a talatukus,we are going ashore,train +20697,20698,20698,caykaeca,particular,train +20698,20699,20699,anu carawacu,maybe it is called greedy Dog,train +20699,20700,20700,o misetelay cingra tu ayam,he is cutting the chickens throat,test +20700,20701,20701,misarucud tu nipalumaan tu kinaira anu u wiruk tu anu u kimciam tu malalen ku pisafalucu tu rikurikur anini satu i malenak tu a talaruma a Kitakit ku nikatanengal nu kahirahira nu pinaluma,we are working together to make the Hegang Tribes Buntan and Dalanbu Tribes non toxic gold needles an internationalized agricultural specialty industry,train +20701,20702,20702,satu ku wawa aku kiyami haw,it is all up to you my son says so,train +20702,20703,20703,itiraay kafekang misuʼut tu miturik,tie it up on top of the roof,train +20703,20704,20704,tu pakayra tura demak na tayatayal nangra,they have been through that,train +20704,20705,20705,hahay,singing and dancing,train +20705,20706,20706,vaedet,hot,train +20706,20707,20707,ira ku ruwi ruwi han nu mita anini kira manhan kiya ya sufitay,there are soldier,train +20707,20708,20708,o suwal ningra tu pakayniay i cuyuh i Palafalien nu Kawas ku cuyuh Ningra palamarengrengay a namal ku matayalay Ningra saan,in speaking of the angels he says He makes his angels winds his servants flames of fire,train +20708,20709,20709,karalawla,you are kidding,train +20709,20710,20710,anu matefing hu anu mikaput ku fafahian i u paysin tu ku demak u mamahinahinac aca ku pifuting nu kapah a awai ku kinaira,once you touch or participate in which there are taboos it is inevitable that there will be no catch,test +20710,20711,20711,macukayay,kicked,train +20711,20712,20712,saka cima ku misangaay tu sarekec tu niyaru a saan kita u mama tu nu niyaru u kakitaan ku citudungay a mipatireng,So who is responsible for formulating or ruling on social norms it is of course the responsibility of the tribal leaders,train +20712,20713,20713,matatudungay tu urip nu Pangcah kunini a suwal naw han itini i Kalingku atu i pusung ku paniyaruan nu Pangcah malacecay tu ku urip nu Pangcah atu kalumaan nu hekal,the best way to describe the life of the Amis is to say that the Amis live in harmony with nature the Amis live in harmony with nature,train +20713,20714,20714,malakamuay,become you,train +20714,20715,20715,pahiyan ku kuku ita pataneng nira,he is going to try to make sure it fits,train +20715,20716,20716,satarakaway,top,train +20716,20717,20717,na a rekad ku aalaen ita,how many loads of packaged things do we have to take,train +20717,20718,20718,fangafang,bustling,train +20718,20719,20719,ngaayay hadaken ku itiyayhu urip nu misu hanaca katayalan nu misu,can you share with us what has happened to you in the past in terms of your life and work,train +20719,20720,20720,nangra,their,test +20720,20721,20721,akung,polite address for an elderly man or a woman father in law,train +20721,20722,20722,militemuhay kura takula kira,the frogs will come to you,train +20722,20723,20723,sadaken ku tatiliden nu misu,take out your homework,train +20723,20724,20724,anu,no,train +20724,20725,20725,fangcal sa kuni satu kaku,and I thought to myself That is a good way to do it,train +20725,20726,20726,hay ya Acucul,Gyro,train +20726,20727,20727,lingses,disgust,train +20727,20728,20728,u nisangaʼan nu itiniay Taywan ku riku nu Taywan itiyahu,Taiwanese used to do it,train +20728,20729,20729,Materaka,do not fall in,train +20729,20730,20730,anu hatira i maan sa kisu,why do not you tell me,test +20730,20731,20731,Salikakaaw nanay mafana kamu tu pakayniay i mapatayay a tamdamdaw ta caay ka matiya u awaay ku pafalucuan a rumaruma a tamdaw kamu a mararum,Brothers we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep or to grieve like the rest of men who have no hope,train +20731,20732,20732,anu caay ku kangalayan aku ku nidmakan aku i caay ka u kaku ku midmakay tunini oya iraay i takuwanan a raraw ku midmakay,now if I do what I do not want to do it is no longer I who do it but it is sin living in me that does it,train +20732,20733,20733,Mafana kisu a mitikelu tu Fangcalay atu tatiihay han,do you know the difference between good and bad,train +20733,20734,20734,suwal sa kya kuntung i,Cantonese,train +20734,20735,20735,pacikemay,tingling,train +20735,20736,20736,sakasepat anu sakalima,fourth or fifth,train +20736,20737,20737,tu ku,the reason why,train +20737,20738,20738,anini malipahak ku falucu aku milicay kisuwanan,Now what a joy to be able to visit you and enjoy your creations,train +20738,20739,20739,tamelac,Clean,train +20739,20740,20740,o mamiseking kami anini a rumiad,today we will go to the exam,test +20740,20741,20741,na matira cingra u kilang kuni hakiya sa tuya pitatuyan nira,he held on to what he thought was a piece of wood,train +20741,20742,20742,pina ku waay nu urang,how many legs does a lobster have,train +20742,20743,20743,i tini kalikudaan,in the Harvest Festival,train +20743,20744,20744,sapi,care for somebody,train +20744,20745,20745,paini nu matuʼasay,from my parents,train +20745,20746,20746,ci Kacaw halafin tu caka araw kisu ngaayay kisu haw,it is Kacaw I have not seen you in a while how have you been,train +20746,20747,20747,anu tahalifa tu pasangaray ku raramud i sasamaanen ku hademak hani,what can be done when a marriage is tested,train +20747,20748,20748,itini i Taywan a kiwkay hananay,it is in a Taiwanese speaking church in Melanesia,train +20748,20749,20749,taengad ku pising nira,his face is alight he is happy,train +20749,20750,20750,savaw tu enem,sixteen,test +20750,20751,20751,anu mipisay aca,if it is during a race,train +20751,20752,20752,namamaanay cira sa itira a mavana,how I met my wife in the past,train +20752,20753,20753,san kaku a miharateng,that is what I think,train +20753,20754,20754,safalud,rattan,train +20754,20755,20755,sakasepat nu pilipayan,Thursday,train +20755,20756,20756,hatiraay ku misaelian nu malitengay,that is what old people want,train +20756,20757,20757,kakeruan nu mita u niyaru san kami ta,where our tribe dances,train +20757,20758,20758,a mi itira,game baseball,train +20758,20759,20759,pitpit,pluck,train +20759,20760,20760,tulu,fig suffer a reverse,test +20760,20761,20761,pakafiten nangra i fafaed nu funguh ni Yis kuya Ci Yis kunini u Hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw sanay a nitilidan a raraw ningra a paya,above his head they placed the written charge against him this is JESUS the king of the JEWS,train +20761,20762,20762,Caay ku mamalasawad ku suwal nu Kawas,the word of God shall endure for all time,train +20762,20763,20763,pinukay,come back,train +20763,20764,20764,mikilim,find,train +20764,20765,20765,aluman ku fafahiyan itini sa i Pungudan,we have plenty of girls in the bridge tribe,train +20765,20766,20766,i ayaw a vulad,last month,train +20766,20767,20767,Karadefit ciira,he is very angry,train +20767,20768,20768,Ngaayhu ci Mayaw kaku,Hello I am Mayaw,train +20768,20769,20769,kamu haw i aka tu piliyad haw tu hatira ku nu matuʼasay a suwal i ayaw,do not do what is evil,train +20769,20770,20770,kapah haw kisu ci kumud kaku namaka Navakuwanay,Hello I am Kumud I am from Hualien,test +20770,20771,20771,makunac ku fanuh,fur is gone from skin,train +20771,20772,20772,kafana kita,do not think you are out of your depth,train +20772,20773,20773,Kacaw awaay tu ku epah nu luma acaen hu ku epah itu,Kacaw our home is out of rice wine please go and buy some,train +20773,20774,20774,rsquuarsquuisedan,the Wizards leader,train +20774,20775,20775,o calecalengan ku lutuk nu pasaetip,the mountains to the west are all pine forests,train +20775,20776,20776,pacakayen ku dafung namu a malusapalada i pakuyuc a tamdaw Sangaen ku caay ku mamapenay a malupapaysuan namu Naangen i kakarayan ku caay ku mamalasawad a maludafung namu nawhani caay ku mamaraud nu mitakaway caay ku mamakaen nu aayad itira,sell your possessions and give to the poor provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted where no thief comes near and no moth destroys,train +20776,20777,20777,cayna,vegetable basket,train +20777,20778,20778,tatusa kami nicuyaku ri,our two translators,train +20778,20779,20779,kalafian,toward evening,train +20779,20780,20780,Paiyuwan tavuen aca nu pasevanaay ku duka nu maku,the teacher rubbed and bandaged my wound,test +20780,20781,20781,mahaen a hiya nasivaesinga haenay haw,that is what happens when you sneeze like that,train +20781,20782,20782,u apet aku,that is what the sisters in law said,train +20782,20783,20783,salakiki,croak,train +20783,20784,20784,saraw aka kamu ka pisamaamaan,so do not do anything,train +20784,20785,20785,u Ciwidian hananay a niyaru u siwidiay han nu hiya nu tamdaw,people call the Shuilian tribe a tribe of leeches,train +20785,20786,20786,awa tu ku mi miʼacaay,no ones buying,train +20786,20787,20787,ci Yuhani ku nisuwalan nu matiliday i Fangcalay Cudad tuya o suwal nu Kawas i Nengnengen u a ucuren Aku ku tarukus Aku i ayaw Isu tu mamipalalan tu saki Tisuwanan sanay,this is the one about whom it is written I will send my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way before you,train +20787,20788,20788,Sacacay aka ka saan a talalutuk,do not go to the mountains alone,train +20788,20789,20789,nicacakan,boiled,train +20789,20790,20790,maharateng aku ku tuʼas nu Makutaay,thinking about the ancestors of the tribe,test +20790,20791,20791,suwal ni Tafiti Pakiyadi han cingra a mapuˈi,David said Let him curse,train +20791,20792,20792,hitira aca kunian,this one goes here,train +20792,20793,20793,hawan,knife,train +20793,20794,20794,cima ku ciseraay tunini,who owns this land,train +20794,20795,20795,sumuwal tu niyan u urip nu Malaluungay a niyaru,the life history of the Dongxing tribe,train +20795,20796,20796,o lalifetenhu namu cangra a mihapinang ta anu awaay ku maan a raraw nangra i ngaaytu a patirengen cangra,they must first be tested and then if there is nothing against them let them serve as deacons,train +20796,20797,20797,cada han ni Mayaw ku nitekulan ni Kacaw a mali,Mayaw catches the ball thrown by Kacaw,train +20797,20798,20798,inian satu u kalas nu niyaru i faluden naira i alinungnungan nu luma ku safalud a mitating mihaliyuk tu kudih a tireng ta tihelumen nu matuasay i taliyuk a maru,the elders of the tribe would tie many ropes down under the beams of the bereaved family and wrap them around the body and these elders would surround the body,train +20798,20799,20799,u fiyaw tu kafanaʼan a minukay,we heard about it from our neighbors,train +20799,20800,20800,o Olanda^ ku militapangay ci Cen Cenkung ku midemakay u Cintay ku parafaray sa ku suwal,the Dutch pioneered it the Koxinga kingdom built it and the Qing Empire managed it,test +20800,20801,20801,nu ya varu nira kiyami haw,it is because of his own flowers,train +20801,20802,20802,tulu pulu ira ku lima a mihecaan,years,train +20802,20803,20803,patudung sa,for a special purpose,train +20803,20804,20804,pacilahen,Saltimba,train +20804,20805,20805,pahanhantu,breaks,train +20805,20806,20806,siruma ku lifut nuni demak,this is a particularly troublesome matter,train +20806,20807,20807,mihalhalaytu ku wawa,and the kids are all over the place too,train +20807,20808,20808,nirekenan,confined,train +20808,20809,20809,u sakangaʼayaw nu mira,for their own good,train +20809,20810,20810,u nu lidep ku suʼelinay a fanuh,the real crown is made of Falcon feathers,test +20810,20811,20811,saan tuya rumiʼad anu malikuwat tu ku kapah,if the youth are in a circle,train +20811,20812,20812,maedef,locked up,train +20812,20813,20813,u Tafalung u Kalutungan u Fahul,Tai Po long Valley and neighboring tribes,train +20813,20814,20814,sanay kuna imi tunini,that is what it means,train +20814,20815,20815,pacicien,please open the small canal,train +20815,20816,20816,nika anu,unless,train +20816,20817,20817,fafahiyan,women,train +20817,20818,20818,Misanga tu pana ci mama aku i luma,my dad makes bows and arrows at home,train +20818,20819,20819,taangayay,it is a little big,train +20819,20820,20820,awai ku faecalay a urip nu miekakay a tamdaw,none of that cursed life is very good,test +20820,20821,20821,u inian haw,this one,train +20821,20822,20822,akawangay,high,train +20822,20823,20823,caykasingkiwen malatumuk han nira,I was made leader without an election,train +20823,20824,20824,o makalunaay a fafahiyan ciira,she is very slutty girl,train +20824,20825,20825,tayniay maneneng tu nu namu kaemangay,you have come to see the children,train +20825,20826,20826,sisa kitinan nu tuas nu mita,that is why our ancestors led us,train +20826,20827,20827,mansa salalukay ira kura mipasuwalan aku ku mira hatiraay,this son is the hardest worker,train +20827,20828,20828,caay pakasuʼlin tu suwal,almost do not believe the words that are being said,train +20828,20829,20829,lumuwa,hooliganism,train +20829,20830,20830,ya kanakelus tiya rakes i,formerly cut down camphor trees,test +20830,20831,20831,o suwal nu maanangay a tilid nu likisi i ayaw nu 150 a mihecaan iraay tu ku pisaatumu nu Pangcah,literature shows that the Amis had pottery making skills as early as years ago,train +20831,20832,20832,nimaan pafeli han su ku tau,why are you giving me away,train +20832,20833,20833,ku tamaku nira itiyahu,tobacco in the past,train +20833,20834,20834,a picudadan,Multi ethnic language learning pipeline in schools,train +20834,20835,20835,suwal saan,be talking about,train +20835,20836,20836,pinaen a daduy ku picakay,how many patties do you want to buy,train +20836,20837,20837,cacudadan a,racial language teachers in schools have been passed,train +20837,20838,20838,unian kuesitay ura maʼicangay han,this one is hard enough let alone dry wood,train +20838,20839,20839,inaneng ciira a malatumuk,he is well suited for the job,train +20839,20840,20840,suwal sa ci Yis cangraan Nawiru marawraw ku falucu namu saw Nawiru cihinapec kamu saw,he said to them Why are you troubled and why do doubts rise in your minds,test +20840,20841,20841,adihay ku tatayalen,there is a lot to do,train +20841,20842,20842,urasaka a u hatini aca kunini a suwal,stories like this,train +20842,20843,20843,kaen saananay ku wawa,just have a snack,train +20843,20844,20844,sakelilic,spatula,train +20844,20845,20845,ha sani,Oh yeah,train +20845,20846,20846,u niya nu mita a dangah,our pots and pans,train +20846,20847,20847,teluc,later generations,train +20847,20848,20848,pusung,Taitung city,train +20848,20849,20849,u pipa a mi malaccay ku ngasaw,all the clans were united,train +20849,20850,20850,marikec ku nu i ʼayaway a kailisin,in the old days we were united at the Harvest Festival,test +20850,20851,20851,san saka lipahak ku finawlan,and that is why everyone is so happy,train +20851,20852,20852,iyaen hu kanga macicih macicihay tu i,I have been organizing it and sometimes I have torn it by mistake,train +20852,20853,20853,remadiw kiyami mapawan,I forget when I sing,train +20853,20854,20854,marariwasak a paluma i Kalingku atu Taytu atu Pingtung mitepar tu nanum atu liyal a paluma,most of these large and small settlements in Hualien Taitung and Pingtung counties are plains facing the water and the sea,train +20854,20855,20855,mivuresak tu hiya,put in the rice bag,train +20855,20856,20856,yu tahira ci Yis i Kalili i litmuhen nu i tiraay a tamdaw cingra nawhani nanu tayraay cangra i Yirusalim a misalisin Maaraway nangra ku pulung nu dmak ni Yis itira i pisalisinan,when he arrived in Galilee the Galileans welcomed him they had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast for they also had been there,train +20856,20857,20857, ci Yuna midemakay tu sapaturud nu Kawas a demak kawra mafalicay ku pakayraan hatu matuleday cingra mihaenay ku suwal ni Yuna Yihufaaw nanay patayen kaku imatini,Jonah on the other hand carried out his God appointed work but then the turn of events disappointed him so Jonah said O LORD now take my life for it is better for me to die than to live,train +20857,20858,20858,ciuneray,there are snakes,train +20858,20859,20859,urad,pour,train +20859,20860,20860,hay iratu ku sumuwalay haw,Yes someone said,test +20860,20861,20861,pacauf,respond,train +20861,20862,20862,hananay kura mapapaliw hananay,that is how the laborers help each other with the farming,train +20862,20863,20863,tayra nu niraan a niyaru,to the new world where he went,train +20863,20864,20864,tanamen aku mitukad haw,I am trying to treat it with an operation,train +20864,20865,20865,Lukesen ni Hiruti atu sufitay ningra cingra a misamsam ta parikuen nangra cingra tu makapahay a kafafang ta patiku han nangra a patayra ci Pilatuan,then Herod and his soldiers ridiculed and mocked him dressing him in an Elegant robe they sent him back to Pilate,train +20865,20866,20866,nanay aca kuna tireng,hope body,train +20866,20867,20867,maʼedeng hu,it is okay,train +20867,20868,20868,acefel,cigarette,train +20868,20869,20869,Pacinahen,salt,train +20869,20870,20870,kulung,cow,test +20870,20871,20871,madadu,comfort,train +20871,20872,20872,Sinay Sinay sa ku lusaʼa,Tearful,train +20872,20873,20873,fucacing,an unripe betel nut fruit,train +20873,20874,20874,o tireng ni Kristu ku kiwkay u matumesay i tahaf nu kakarayan atu kalumaamaan a Kristu ku mitumesay tunini a saupu,which is his body the fullness of him who fills everything in every way,train +20874,20875,20875,u nicakayan satu nira uni Antusen a kungku nu wawa u nu maku satu uni Isu a kungku,he bought Hans Christian Andersens Fairy Tales and I got Aesops Fables,train +20875,20876,20876,u cering nisangaan nu heni tu awul,they made a curtain of fish out of woven bamboo sheets,train +20876,20877,20877,Fufu ci Lipih kaku fuhaten hu ku saedef,Grandpa I am Lipih please open the door,train +20877,20878,20878,taluma sa i ya teluc nu tevus,what I brought home were the tender leaves of the sugar cane,train +20878,20879,20879,miala cira tu tusaay a nafi,prepare two pots for each family,train +20879,20880,20880,ira kuniya cecaw nu niyam sa,we got a license too,test +20880,20881,20881,mapatayay tu kura cacakelaw,the umbrella Festival is dead,train +20881,20882,20882,pusu nian u nikamusus,Fart,train +20882,20883,20883,malitahum,surround,train +20883,20884,20884,caay kalcalcad ku nikatakudul nu heni,they came up at different times,train +20884,20885,20885,ku sapipalada aku tunini a nika lalipuling hu aku,this is the parting of the ways during my term of office,train +20885,20886,20886,matuka ku tamdaw i matuka ku tiyad sanay,if you are lazy your stomach will be lazy too,train +20886,20887,20887,hanen naku mahaen hay mahaen haw,that is it,train +20887,20888,20888,maulah mikadat ci mama aku tu fukes nira,my dad loved to brush his hair,train +20888,20889,20889,mahaen ku suwal nu matuasay,that is what the old man said,train +20889,20890,20890,wa miala tu kaku tu lukut,I have begun harvesting sassafras,test +20890,20891,20891,pakaynien i suwal nu liteng likakawa nu liteng,about the Elders early rituals,train +20891,20892,20892,hakenu nukaku ku tahidanen nura mama sa kufalucu aku,I do not know why dad always told me to work with him,train +20892,20893,20893,lepelen,grapple with,train +20893,20894,20894,iyup,blow,train +20894,20895,20895,O sakatayni nu maku i u sapiiluhaw tu hkal nanay mailuhtu saan ku lunguc Aku,I have come to bring fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled,train +20895,20896,20896,Nikawrira caay pitngil tu suwal ni Pawlu kuya kakridan nu sufitay o suwal nu parakatay tu lunan atu cilunanay ku nitngilan ningra,but the centurion instead of listening to what Paul said followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship,train +20896,20897,20897,mihemihecaan,each year,train +20897,20898,20898,Sipasip han nu singsi^ tu sapaiyu^ ta tafuen nira kuya duka^ aku,the teacher rubbed me with medicine and then bandaged my wound,train +20898,20899,20899,ta kaptapang tu ku lalan tangasa tu tuʼemantu caaytu ka tama ku lalan,at the end of the road it is dark and I cannot find the right way,train +20899,20900,20900,Matuecu ku fituka nu misu,your stomach is a lot like an elephant,test +20900,20901,20901,nawu mahaenay ku lalangatan a misang,the reason for this,train +20901,20902,20902,o maan ku tayal ni mama^ nu misu,what does your father do,train +20902,20903,20903,i adawang a mapateli ku patikamian nu niyam,our mailbox is on the doorstep,train +20903,20904,20904,nawhan kura mita ku niyaru i,since each of our tribes is peaceful,train +20904,20905,20905,paruen,dress,train +20905,20906,20906,lietecay,ice cold,train +20906,20907,20907,mapatdi nu likat nuya niyaru ku finawlan nu kasakitakit o mamahawikid nu hungtingti nu hkal ku nika tadamaan nangra a micumud itira,the nations will walk by its light and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it,train +20907,20908,20908,kanca,or,train +20908,20909,20909,nipilisimet,and a good harvest,train +20909,20910,20910,ira tu ku payci mi kira ira tu ku payci san,I started working and got money,test +20910,20911,20911,yu pakaaraw ci Cakariya tunini i ckuk sa cingra a matalaw,when Zechariah saw him he was startled and was gripped with fear,train +20911,20912,20912,tatata malahuk tu kita hada,Go go go let us go to lunch,train +20912,20913,20913,tuwa u lalesi tatukenul,and rare sea vegetables,train +20913,20914,20914,misamaamaan ku tayal nu maku,I have a lot of work,train +20914,20915,20915,miututay,weeding,train +20915,20916,20916,misafalucu ta tu sakailisin satu i matuʼasay iʼayaw,the elders will say it is time to prepare for the Harvest Festival,train +20916,20917,20917,ura sa wama aku i hay sa sanuʼAmiʼAmis sa a miteku tu Amis i,father was among the Amis,train +20917,20918,20918,mahapinang ku keter nira,his anger is evident,train +20918,20919,20919,yu ira ku ccay a rumiad ira ku tatusaay malaramuday a matuasay tu,one day there was a couple were old,train +20919,20920,20920,culcul,call,test +20920,20921,20921,tu niya tawyi hananay nu kuwaping kuni tawyi,this is pottery in Mandarin,train +20921,20922,20922,Tamita macakat tu kita a mikalic,Please let us get in the car,train +20922,20923,20923,micukang haw,I am here to work for money,train +20923,20924,20924,paʼaraw ci mama kakuwan tu siyasing,dad showed me a picture,train +20924,20925,20925,haperic,picking grain from the spike,train +20925,20926,20926,ruray sa ku urip,a life of labor,train +20926,20927,20927,hayda,be close,train +20927,20928,20928,o tengil aku adihay ku kafanaan isu tunu liteng nu Amis a demak saka tayraan kaku milicay i tisuwanan,I heard that you are very familiar with the traditional customs of the Amis so I would like to ask you a few questions,train +20928,20929,20929,nasuwalan,what I said,train +20929,20930,20930,u Pangcah,Aboriginal,test +20930,20931,20931,pafelien kaku tu cecay langdaway a riku,please give me the clothes in blue,train +20931,20932,20932,samaanan ni Yihufa tanu cuwa ka harateng ni Yis a pakayraan mihayda cingra hani,how did the Lord recognize Jesus in a way he did not expect,train +20932,20933,20933,mapaliwalhuing,foreclosure,train +20933,20934,20934,micipuh,makeup,train +20934,20935,20935,irasa mivaca ku wina,mom used to do the laundry there,train +20935,20936,20936,masamaan ku rumiad anucila,how is the weather tomorrow,train +20936,20937,20937,i luma kita anini tamay tayraan ita,now that I am home I would like to hang out there,train +20937,20938,20938,aka kacaciyaw,do not talk,train +20938,20939,20939,micuʼcu tu kina hiya,they will attack,train +20939,20940,20940,anu adamak i,if something happens in the community,test +20940,20941,20941,ira tu mavana tu melaw han adidik,I went there I knew where it was I saw it but it was small,train +20941,20942,20942,ngaʼayay malikecay kami Amis tini,it is a good thing we Amis are so united here,train +20942,20943,20943,tada mahemekay kami mihamham cangranan,we are really glad we could entertain them,train +20943,20944,20944,suni nu takinay,crickets chirping,train +20944,20945,20945,kangdaway,green,train +20945,20946,20946,Mataelif tu ku kacicedeman nu wiruk,the grapefruit was overly sweet,train +20946,20947,20947,tu niyaru,bole,train +20947,20948,20948,u kafang nianay Kanitan nian i,this is a very special blanket it looks like it is made out of hand hooks,train +20948,20949,20949,sacumud,entrances,train +20949,20950,20950,pafelien kaku tu tusa rurung a dateng cecay tingting a kunga,please give me two bunches of vegetables and a pound of sweet potatoes,test +20950,20951,20951,cikawas,be possessed,train +20951,20952,20952,pateked cingra tu adihayay a tayal,he has been given a lot of work to do without any help,train +20952,20953,20953,panukas hatu aku i ciiraan anucila^,I will return to him tomorrow,train +20953,20954,20954,maalaay isu,did you catch that,train +20954,20955,20955,sakelet,spatula,train +20955,20956,20956,Mangatuwa,it is open,train +20956,20957,20957,misatapang tu a palalan ku Hulam itiya,the Han Chinese also started to pave roads,train +20957,20958,20958,o mamapatnakhu ku Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay i Kitakit nu Kawas i pulung nu hkal pasayra i pulung nu tamdamdaw a pawacay ta maraud ku pahrekan a rumiad nu rayray nu hkal,and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come,train +20958,20959,20959,hakhak,Oryza saliva car glutinous,train +20959,20960,20960,Kaedah kuni kacipa,this ginger is very spicy,test +20960,20961,20961,tusaay ku rinum nu tuki,the clock has two hands,train +20961,20962,20962,ta tenes mitilid tu maan,I have been writing for a long time writing everything,train +20962,20963,20963,saeres,makeup and accessories,train +20963,20964,20964,tu manhan kuraan u ngasaw,what is going on is it a family,train +20964,20965,20965,o maan ku pidadakawan isu a minukay,what is your ride back,train +20965,20966,20966,Nirekenan tu fukeluh kira kiru,that sauerkraut is held down with a stone,train +20966,20967,20967,ngusu,nose,train +20967,20968,20968,aku,I,train +20968,20969,20969,Nima^,whose,train +20969,20970,20970,aka pipeleng tu luma ita,do not destroy our home,test +20970,20971,20971,sangay sa ku falucu nu niyam a mararamud,we are just a couple of couples who are very happy to see him,train +20971,20972,20972,mansa i suwal sa kaku,that is why I am talking about,train +20972,20973,20973,keriden nu singsi^ kita a talalutuk,teacher will take us to the mountains today,train +20973,20974,20974,mahenay ku i saayaw tayal aku hatiraay,that is what I used to do,train +20974,20975,20975,ta caay ka dademak kina awul san kiya mama,father thought it would never shake again,train +20975,20976,20976,kira hiya Kawas,hungry mountain God,train +20976,20977,20977,fitawngi,edible tree fungus,train +20977,20978,20978,sahaca u kiwkay tu u sinpu atu fukesi ku miterungay tu siki nu mararamuday cai kaudengan inian a cecay anu ini tu ku masakaputay a selal a mikaput patihi pacafay a mipalemed i,it also incorporates wedding ceremonies witnessed by priests or ministers after the introduction of Christianity or Catholicism and so on,train +20978,20979,20979,mapacekay a ciwcika a Ye Su hay,Jesus was crucified Yes,train +20979,20980,20980,nanitira pakalunan cangra a minukay i Antiyuk onini a Antiyuk i u pipaluwadan cangraan i ayawtu a papilahci tunini a tayal ta mapaturudtu cangra i mikumi nu Kawas itiya,from Attalia they sailed back to Antioch where they had been committed to the grace of God for the work they had now completed,test +20980,20981,20981,o tamdaw ku raan na,I was still a person,train +20981,20982,20982,pacalemcemay,worrying,train +20982,20983,20983,mangata tu ku kalahukan,it is almost noon,train +20983,20984,20984,tating hantu nira hatiya urawan ku takaraw kuya pitating nira tating hantu nira mipafalat i lalan,hanging high on the road to keep the epidemic at bay,train +20984,20985,20985,Kawra unu litengan aca a suwal nu Yutaya tamdaw kunini,However this is only a Jewish rumor,train +20985,20986,20986,u nini misitapang tuku niyaru pulu fafahiyan a mikaput a makeru,it is time for all the tribal girls to join in the dance,train +20986,20987,20987,i pusungay ku niyaru niyam,our tribe is in Taitung,train +20987,20988,20988,sa ca ama aku kiya,that is what my father said,train +20988,20989,20989,fangcal tu hanenta san ku suwal nu pacaʼufay tiya tumuk kira,the people who responded to the head said Great let us do this,train +20989,20990,20990,mahaen kita u mafahalay kiya haw,we have been abandoned,test +20990,20991,20991,u wawa,fry,train +20991,20992,20992,pasata sa tu ciyinpaw awa ku luwan,yet the people have to pay every penny for their health insurance,train +20992,20993,20993,mihakulung tu tayra ira ira a pakaen,and the ones after them will follow,train +20993,20994,20994,sava tu vavahiyan,younger sister,train +20994,20995,20995,u tamdaw yu,it is a real person,train +20995,20996,20996,u taukud ku siuburay,only the octagonal mesh has an additional hole,train +20996,20997,20997,ini fafaed,it is up here,train +20997,20998,20998,ku licay aku lina ama,mom and Dad can you hear me,train +20998,20999,20999,maringermaliwliw,rotate,train +20999,21000,21000,u nian u dateng,this dish,test +21000,21001,21001,ngasaw,Family relatives,train +21001,21002,21002,tira i ayaw nu niyam ci Mawang,he is in front of our house,train +21002,21003,21003,o lafii tu kuya kafaliyus nuya rumiʼad,typhoon Login in the middle of the night,train +21003,21004,21004,nawi kina wawa san kami,why is not the child home yet,train +21004,21005,21005,mimelaw tu kamuletuc tu adidi nu langaw,we have to see if the seedling has broken through the she will and sprouted,train +21005,21006,21006,cuang,carp,train +21006,21007,21007,awa ku fafahi nura Huram kira haw,these Qing soldiers have been attacking people for their own physical needs,train +21007,21008,21008,Maresresay tu nu maku kira kiru,I have already shredded that sauerkraut,train +21008,21009,21009,mimaan awaay ira eyraw saʼetip ku niyaru palapalaan,how could there not be they are in the west field,train +21009,21010,21010,cadiway,triangle network,test +21010,21011,21011,kifesiw,kettle,train +21011,21012,21012,a lima a remiʼad,Harvest Festival day,train +21012,21013,21013,u niyan u adiwawa mikihatiyatiya,individual children,train +21013,21014,21014,palilam han ku Palidaw,Brits share with local Pinoys,train +21014,21015,21015,kedecen ku tatelecan nu misu,please fasten your belt,train +21015,21016,21016,tadakatelang,it is so old,train +21016,21017,21017,mi pakaaraw i,it took me a while to see it,train +21017,21018,21018,satuku hay ini satuku iraay,the Central pillar of the tin scaffolding of this activity center,train +21018,21019,21019,haratengen ku dmak nu fafahi ni Lutu,remember Lots wife,train +21019,21020,21020,o maluneluneman ku lutuk nu Takuliyaw,lots of water deer in the hills of Takoliao,test +21020,21021,21021,anu caay kisu pihayi a talaliyal,if you do not agree to go to sea,train +21021,21022,21022,mahadak,go out,train +21022,21023,21023,ura fafahiyan sa mitala tura faʼinayan a panukay tu tapad atu rusid nuya faʼinayan a panukay tuya luma nuya faʼinayan,those girls are waiting for the boy to help return the boys leggings and clothes to the boys home,train +21023,21024,21024,kami ku misangaʼay itini Nangkan hananay,it is also made in our Nankang factory,train +21024,21025,21025,awaay ku kutem masadak tu ku fuis,there were no clouds in the sky the stars came out,train +21025,21026,21026,Ira i matini ci Yis nu Nacali a mitalif i tini han nangra a pasuwal,they told him Jesus of Nazareth is passing by,train +21026,21027,21027,mipatireng tira tura patih nu luma,set up the walls of the house,train +21027,21028,21028,papalumaan nu singsi tu tevus,the teacher said to plant sugar cane,train +21028,21029,21029,mata nu tamdaw i kahengangay sa suʼelinay tu,a lot of people are getting red in the face,train +21029,21030,21030,tu suwal nu Pangcah hantui,the weakening of the Aboriginal language is the reason for this,test +21030,21031,21031,kincal,police,train +21031,21032,21032,saka luwad satu laliw han ta kalimanan itini i tatiihay malifung aca kita tu pucu san,so they are leaving because it is like everyone is got the pus plague,train +21032,21033,21033,macekelay,bowed,train +21033,21034,21034,malitemuh i talafekang kuni,after we meet this goes up,train +21034,21035,21035,nitengilan nu misu tiya kena,that is what you asked,train +21035,21036,21036,caay tu ku nu mita a ngaʼay filuen nu mita a mifalic ikur saan ku kaku haw,there is nothing we can do to change that,train +21036,21037,21037,anu lalima ri taelif ansa i Sadu,if the five of you pass through the shall tribe,train +21037,21038,21038,misapawliay,Banana,train +21038,21039,21039,Mapusir ku fanges nu tarudu aku,the skin came off my finger,train +21039,21040,21040,pakaen tu rarapa,it is to feed the cows,test +21040,21041,21041,anini satu kaku misatapang kaku misanga tu siraw nu mita u misa Pangcahay,now I am going to start making our Amish salted meat,train +21041,21042,21042,hatiraay ku maku pinengneng samanay ku tau caay kafana kaku kura,that is the way I see it I do not know about anyone else,train +21042,21043,21043,Tahatanamay ku ˈalumanay tamdaw tu suˈlinay ku suwal i ˈOlic 6410,many have experienced firsthand the truthfulness of the words of Psalm,train +21043,21044,21044,maelacd semuwal awu,a big thank you please go to ancestral Spirit,train +21044,21045,21045,anu ira ku pasifanaay tu ruma a sifana atu caay pihaklung tu sulinay a suwal nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu atu caay ka tatudung i pituur ita tu Kawas a sifana i,if anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching,train +21045,21046,21046,anu hatira i maan saan kisu saw o Yutaya a tamdaw kaku saan kisu a mitadiec tu Rikec a mipasneng tu nipituur isu tu Kawas,now you if you call yourself a Jew if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship to God,train +21046,21047,21047,anu hatira i u muraraway ku Rikec haw Caay anu awaay ku Rikec i caay ka fana kaku tu nika u maan ku raraw Aka ka anuf anu caay ka saan ku Rikec i caay ku mamafana kaku tu nika u maan ku anuf,what shall we say then is the law sin certainly not indeed I would not have known what sin was except through the law for I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said Do not covet,train +21047,21048,21048,tiraay ku harateng nu maku,I do,train +21048,21049,21049,yu mingata cangra i Mysiya i sakatayraan cangra i Pitiniya a pala Nikawrira lalangen nu Adingu ni Yis cangra,when they came to the border of Mysia they tried to enter Bithynia but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to,train +21049,21050,21050,itira tuya pipahutingan keriden ni faki^ kami a mipakaen tu siri^ atu efa^,in the ranch my uncle took us to feed the sheep and ride horses,test +21050,21051,21051,anu raecus,Producing Xiaomis,train +21051,21052,21052,taratarakaw,lofty,train +21052,21053,21053,tayhini aca kuna suwal aku tu tamuwanan,that is the story of my interview with you,train +21053,21054,21054,tayni i raay ku pilifun nira,earn money in faraway places,train +21054,21055,21055,malaluk si Nikal matuka si Fafuy,Nikal is hardworking and Fafoy is lazy,train +21055,21056,21056,licayen ku malitengay,I will have to ask my elders,train +21056,21057,21057,unini ini,this is the longest,train +21057,21058,21058,maeta hu ku pawli cacaken nu ina atu mama kinapawli,I also ate green bananas life was really hard back then,train +21058,21059,21059,dungec,vines,train +21059,21060,21060,matiraay saan,that is it,test +21060,21061,21061,makaepeday,tender,train +21061,21062,21062,o fainayan kaku a wawa niira,I am her son,train +21062,21063,21063,tumangicay,weep,train +21063,21064,21064,Nikawrira pakifalucu han ni Mariya kunini a dmak a ma^min a misaharaterateng,but Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart,train +21064,21065,21065,hacuwa satu,When,train +21065,21066,21066,pakayniay tu i Sice Wen Cyin Can,talking about Shiodome station,train +21066,21067,21067,ya kaku tu i,and me,train +21067,21068,21068,sisa mahaen kiniyan u nu Pukpuk,so here is the thing about the thin tribe,train +21068,21069,21069,hadakan tu kumaen,just take it out and eat it,train +21069,21070,21070,ila tu ku fulad,the moon is out,test +21070,21071,21071,Oduten nira kuya tamdaw a mipulin,he attacked the man and knocked him down,train +21071,21072,21072,o mipacekukay kisu i takuwanan a mikungkung tu fawahan nu maku i terung nu dadaya,you scared me last night with your late night knock,train +21072,21073,21073,Halilingkiw ciira,he loved chili,train +21073,21074,21074,tuna ikuran u kaʼilulan nangra ku ni hadakan ni sera Nakamura kuranan mihadakan nira nu hatini,it will be the talk of the town after dinner,train +21074,21075,21075,kaulahan aku kailulan aku a salikaka u kalipahakan aku u kalataangan aku kamu haenen ku nika tanektek namu a malaccay atu Tapang,Therefore my brothers you whom I love and long for my joy and crown that is how you should stand firm in the Lord dear friends,train +21075,21076,21076,itira haw i macahiw tu ku tamdaw,people are starving there too,train +21076,21077,21077,ura lumuwa hanay a futing,it is the so called money eel,train +21077,21078,21078,anu pacakayen kura simal i adihay ku aca ta ma^deng a malusapafli i pakuyuc a tamdaw saan cangra,This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor,train +21078,21079,21079,kalikiay pasifanaʼen,soon will be the academy,train +21079,21080,21080,mailuhtuduh,burning,test +21080,21081,21081,Dadutusen isu kaku,you will have to inherit me,train +21081,21082,21082,matinakuay aku kiya luma nura wina aku,I have experienced my moms house for example,train +21082,21083,21083,ku dudu han nu mita u wawa nu mita siniʼada sa,be a good neighbor to your people,train +21083,21084,21084,o kafung nunini a faki kunini,this is the uncles hat,train +21084,21085,21085,tangasa,till,train +21085,21086,21086,nga misanga tu,it is the one that is going to be made into a battle gyro,train +21086,21087,21087,Caay u Taruku kami,No we are Taroko,train +21087,21088,21088,suelinay kuni pikalic aku tu tamina hukiya,am I really sitting on a boat,train +21088,21089,21089,aka kalaymay kisu,you keep your mouth shut,train +21089,21090,21090,paceringan nira kiya tu nisangaʼan a awul,he placed a fish curtain made of bamboo sheets,test +21090,21091,21091,u falat maanen tiyahu san hanen ira,Yokozuna is fine he will do what he did before,train +21091,21092,21092,Liluc han nu kulung kira lunalun,that cow is taking a muddy bath,train +21092,21093,21093,Patiliden isu ku cuyuh nu i Ifisuay a kiwkay u suwal i Oya mitatuyay ku kawanan a kamay tu pituay a fuis u rumakatay i laed nu pituay a tada^kim a padawdawan haen sa tu suwal,To the angel of the church in Ephesus write these are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands,train +21093,21094,21094,tatak,backhoe,train +21094,21095,21095,anu mataelif tu ku niketunan nu i fafaway a rumiad malasawad ku dademaken matefuc tu ira hu ku epuc saw,what is the point of working if you are penalized for missing opportunities by overstaying the rules at the top,train +21095,21096,21096,caay ka kita pitengitengil,I did not listen,train +21096,21097,21097,matamaay tu,that is right,train +21097,21098,21098,masufuc ri mapatay makat ri mapatay,some are born at birth some just walk away,train +21098,21099,21099,caay kanca watatayira i liyal,you do not have to go to the beach yourself,train +21099,21100,21100,kuwaden,lift it up,test +21100,21101,21101,mahaen tu ku lipahak nu sinciw anu sining itu mahenaytu saka,such is the joy of the captain and crew,train +21101,21102,21102,tahepu han niama aku tuiya caʼit han nira kaiya caayay kapitifek caʼit,my father covered me with something and pretended to hang the pounding utensils,train +21102,21103,21103,hirateng han tu,I have been thinking about it,train +21103,21104,21104,sisa caay kasipinang ku heni tu itiniayay a demak,so they do not really know what is going on here,train +21104,21105,21105,icuwa minen misangaan nu maku,what about the ones I did,train +21105,21106,21106,pisatapangan,point of origin,train +21106,21107,21107,i kudulay,Spirit of God,train +21107,21108,21108,taluma satu ku heni maan tangasa ku heni i luma i,they have come home,train +21108,21109,21109,laluud,it is summer,train +21109,21110,21110,ka rumadiw kita a Pahemek,let us sing aloud,test +21110,21111,21111,alahan i,in other words,train +21111,21112,21112,Nanuya tahiratu cangra i tiraw nu Kalili i Kirasa hananay a pala,they sailed to the region of the Gerasenes which is across the lake from Galilee,train +21112,21113,21113,mikingkiway,researcher,train +21113,21114,21114,kameleng,sticky,train +21114,21115,21115,falah han tu kuya mapuniay a lingku,throw away that rotten apple,train +21115,21116,21116,caay ka lecad tukuvicu,it is different it is unique,train +21116,21117,21117,siniʼadaay tu ci ya faki ci takuwanan,my uncle is very sorry for my situation,train +21117,21118,21118,matngil aku ku tataangay a ngiha i Fangcalay Pitaungan suwal sa tuya papituay a cuyuh Olili taktaken i hkal kuya maparuay i pituay a wakung a kter nu Kawas han ningra,then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels Go pour out the seven bowls of Gods wrath on the earth,train +21118,21119,21119,itini i kita rumadiw itini kalikudaan a radiw,the song sung at the Harvest Festival,train +21119,21120,21120,an saan ku harateng isu,what is your response what do you think then,test +21120,21121,21121,Ngayaw,mans name,train +21121,21122,21122,satu tili han ningra kiya kaka aku,after examining my brother the doctor said,train +21122,21123,21123,taluma satu i pina,I came home from school,train +21123,21124,21124,hatu cinciw ta,the old magistrate and our mayor,train +21124,21125,21125,masaficinay,square,train +21125,21126,21126,pakayniay itini hananay nu Hulam,also learn about the crystal glass lenses that were so popular that year,train +21126,21127,21127,sapitafu niyam tu pakecang,this is what we use to wrap meat dumplings,train +21127,21128,21128,u valuhayay tu kami a tayni kaay i ay a mihcaan,we are about years newer,train +21128,21129,21129,ngaay aca,that is great,train +21129,21130,21130,Madadu nu fukesi ku falucu aku,the pastor removed the line of defense from my heart,test +21130,21131,21131,mapawpaway,floating,train +21131,21132,21132,maeneng ku tau misalama tu sa miʼaca tu,if you see someone playing a piano you buy it,train +21132,21133,21133,felac,meter,train +21133,21134,21134,anini han tu,and now I would like to make an announcement,train +21134,21135,21135,pahufuc tu tuhicay sa,how to breed fish fry,train +21135,21136,21136,miala hu tu sapaluma ariray hatu kunga,I will go back and get the corn and groundnut seeds and seedlings,train +21136,21137,21137,alan kaku nu heni itira a dademak,I did get hired to work there,train +21137,21138,21138,hinatala ku masangaay a maamaan tu sapipatalahkalaw nu Kawas tu wawawawa ningra a pahapinang,the creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed,train +21138,21139,21139,Ngaaytu pina ku caliwen isu saw,Yes how much do you need,train +21139,21140,21140,Hakuwaay ku mihecaan nu safa isu tu fainayan anini,how old is your younger brother,test +21140,21141,21141,u ki sakaʼurip niyam,it is our food,train +21141,21142,21142,Nanuya mapafli kaku tu matiyaay u cukur a safakciw suwal sa i takuwanan Kalumuwad fakciwen ku Fangcalay Pitaungan tu Kawas atu pipatuayaan Sausien ku mitaungay itira a tamdaw,I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told Go and measure the temple of God and the altar and count the worshipers there,train +21142,21143,21143,nu singfisiw itiya itiya,it is the ID card field,train +21143,21144,21144,tanam sanay ku wawa anini,now the kids come home and eat dessert,train +21144,21145,21145,wata matalaw tu kaku itiya maala nu tapelik kami,I was worried about being swept away by the waves,train +21145,21146,21146,away ku pipaculiʼay awaay kunian,no one is disobedient,train +21146,21147,21147,o nian ku sakawakelid,it is a disaster in the making,train +21147,21148,21148,pikecuran,Watchtower,train +21148,21149,21149,kaura anini matengil ku maku i tura seciyuhaw i,but recently I heard a rumor about the day of the lunar new Year,train +21149,21150,21150,mingiruay,fire roasted,test +21150,21151,21151,faesis ku cicalengay a luma,a home with pine trees smells good,train +21151,21152,21152,kadadama^,help each other,train +21152,21153,21153,kay tueman kina hiya u maamaanan,it is dark inside its belly and we are inside it,train +21153,21154,21154,awaay tamdaw awaay tamdaw nukay sanay tu,there is no one no ones going back,train +21154,21155,21155,vurivur,pick on,train +21155,21156,21156,patuurpatuur sanay,he will speak from his gut,train +21156,21157,21157,mimaan a sa ku makatengila,those who hear it will say what is going on,train +21157,21158,21158,naayaw awaay,it used to be very scarce,train +21158,21159,21159,o kumu ku sapifetir nira tu cepi nu maku,he popped me in the thigh with a rubber band,train +21159,21160,21160,miliyas tu kaku tayni satu kaku a milisu kisunan anucila,I am leaving I will see you next time,test +21160,21161,21161,mawmah satu iri,I have been working like this,train +21161,21162,21162,talaenusaan tura tura hefung,down to a pothole,train +21162,21163,21163,sa itiya satu i salipahak sa kaku falucuʼnu maku ira aca ku mahnay,I feel encouraged and happy to hear that,train +21163,21164,21164,kalumanmaan,anything,train +21164,21165,21165,ri dafak satu ri,it is morning,train +21165,21166,21166,Sapaˈicel nu Kawas ku hemek,Gods joy gives me strength,train +21166,21167,21167,ta awaay tu ku mihicayay,no ones catching fish anymore,train +21167,21168,21168,Sakaying tu kaku ri mimaamaan tu i kiwkay,when I was older I got involved in the church,train +21168,21169,21169,tasaen tuku pacucuk ciylalan,need two at the same time,train +21169,21170,21170,Nikawrira anu tatiih ku mata isu i tuman ku tireng isu a ma^min Orasaka anu caay ka ta^ngad ku laluma isu i mangalef ku nika tuman isu,but if your eyes are bad your whole body will be full of darkness if then the light within you is darkness how great is that darkness,test +21170,21171,21171,liteng,age old,train +21171,21172,21172,lisusuen kuya riku a mipawali,hang those clothes up dripping to dry,train +21172,21173,21173,usuy,late,train +21173,21174,21174,ruma satu,in other words,train +21174,21175,21175,ira tu kiya faki ni Lafay nu niyan i tengil han nu faki aku i,uncle called his wife,train +21175,21176,21176,ci hanaay masatisil ku lawac nu hana,paths filled with whole rows of flowers,train +21176,21177,21177,manengneng ku widawidang manengneng ku mifutingay,I saw many friends and many fishermen,train +21177,21178,21178,Pacauf sa kuya midipadipangay a tayring Awaayhu ku pasuwalay tu matiyaay u suwal nuya tamdaw han nangra,No one ever spoke the way this man does the guards declared,train +21178,21179,21179,iraay sa,the reason why,train +21179,21180,21180,alumaanan,friends and family,test +21180,21181,21181,talalutuk mifariw,we are going to the mountains to cut grass,train +21181,21182,21182,makudicay,skin disease,train +21182,21183,21183,piala tu tamdaw,we are going to have to tow the rescue,train +21183,21184,21184,Haluya nipakaputan ci Yisan a mapacekay i ciwcika a kukung a mahaen ku nipilukes Cingraan,in the same way the robbers who were crucified with him also heaped insults on him,train +21184,21185,21185,patukuran,end point,train +21185,21186,21186,anu hatira tuuren aku kisu,Then I will go with you,train +21186,21187,21187,mahaenay naayaw kami,that is what we used to do,train +21187,21188,21188,usi ku liyun ira kini saw ikakaay hu nu iya,it does take a long time to turn compared to what I just did,train +21188,21189,21189,cuka,draw,train +21189,21190,21190,turaan saka tira ku hicera nu maninaay,that is why relatives live there,test +21190,21191,21191,hay a maanen tu saw mipida saan,Yeah what do we do we need the money,train +21191,21192,21192,palilam,divide,train +21192,21193,21193,itiraay ku luma i kaetip i,live in the hills,train +21193,21194,21194,hay aray han nita ci adihay akung hatira kusawal kira,thank you sir,train +21194,21195,21195,i tiyahu,in the old days,train +21195,21196,21196,tangsul han kami nihaen misyakwuling tu nu Hulam kira sa,he just gave us a direct order in Chinese,train +21196,21197,21197,tingwa,telephone,train +21197,21198,21198,ira tu ku picumudan nira tala maumah naira,with good employment opportunities,train +21198,21199,21199,papifetir,pour out libation,train +21199,21200,21200,adahay tu ku tamdaw malinah tu ku tamdaw i,more and more people are moving here,test +21200,21201,21201,sipinang ku valucu iri,be careful,train +21201,21202,21202,milaliway ku Paliwan tu dapdap tayraay i lutuk,Instead they ran away from the dry land and went to the mountains,train +21202,21203,21203,miulic,recollect in tears,train +21203,21204,21204,iniyan atusa kuni yama kawitay tu huni,this is the second one I just knit,train +21204,21205,21205,alaʼen tu niyam minukay,we will take it home,train +21205,21206,21206,ta pasuwal sa ci Yis tuya fafahiyan Mahpulaytu ku raraw isu han ningra,Therefore I tell you her many sins have been forgiven for she loved much but he who has been forgiven little loves little,train +21206,21207,21207,namalahuk tuluway ku tuki namalahuk tayra cira i vayi a minanam a mitenun,at three of the clock in the afternoon she went to her grandmas house to learn how to knit,train +21207,21208,21208,mapawan kaku a pasuwal i ngraan,I forgot to tell him,train +21208,21209,21209,nu Recurd,you cannot use that one,train +21209,21210,21210,lalamlam satu matakaw ku nuya kaying,someone stole the lady bread during the sale,test +21210,21211,21211,itiya tu pasufanaʼay tu ci mira takuwanan,that is when he taught me,train +21211,21212,21212,san kaku a misafalucu tu matiniay sa,that is why I am committed to learning to knit,train +21212,21213,21213,Pafalien ku yufu,put air in the inner tube,train +21213,21214,21214,a midiput takuwanan,taking care of the ones I raised,train +21214,21215,21215,Mamilalifet kisu i piundukayan haw,will you compete in the sports day,train +21215,21216,21216,pasuwal sa ci Yis Caaytu ka hakuwa ku rumiad aku a mikaput i tamuwanan ta tayra kaku i miucuray i Takuwanan,Jesus said I am with you for only a short time and then I go to the one who sent me,train +21216,21217,21217,u fana nu haw i,Maori wisdom is,train +21217,21218,21218,Makesi tu ku nanum nu riyar,the sea is ebbing,train +21218,21219,21219,matiya nu misakasuay,it looks like you are picking up firewood,train +21219,21220,21220,masapinang nira sikawasay,the wizard knows it all,test +21220,21221,21221,hatini aca ku paini nu maku,above is what we share,train +21221,21222,21222,Sacacay han kami u kapah u vavahi,arrangement of a man and a woman,train +21222,21223,21223,ira ku hiya ku pasevanaʼay,there is a man in the tribe who teaches,train +21223,21224,21224,itiraen ku wawa aku sikiyami kurira a luma,the family said they would put my kids in that row,train +21224,21225,21225,cima ci Calaw,who is Calaw,train +21225,21226,21226,tayra kami micakay tu tavaku,let us go buy cigarettes,train +21226,21227,21227,mamang hu kami haw i papikukuen tu nu ama nu niyam papilaliw,when we were children our father was driven away by our grandmother,train +21227,21228,21228,kampuyaku,Chinese medicine,train +21228,21229,21229,Nanuya i ikur nu spat ku safaw a mihca kriden aku ci Titus a malahaklung aci Parnapas a miliyaw a tayra i Yirusalim,fourteen years later I went up again to Jerusalem this time with Barnabas I took Titus along also,train +21229,21230,21230,rumadiw kaku atu widang,I am going to sing with my friends,test +21230,21231,21231,sakalahuk niyam ira ku hakhak ira ku tamurak,we have sticky rice and pumpkin for lunch,train +21231,21232,21232,ku kahila nu mamasamaanay haw,as well as a variety of,train +21232,21233,21233,na ku mihecaan isu,how old are you,train +21233,21234,21234,satatihi ku pipateli,the thing is off balance,train +21234,21235,21235,Matakup niyam ku nikaʼurip nu matuʼasay,we are still catching up with the old mans life,train +21235,21236,21236,ciʼadaay kita tu rumaay a finacadan itiya hu anu Taluku tu anu Iwatan tu,if you are a Taroko or a Bunun,train +21236,21237,21237,Pakarungay hu kami,age group middle Class We are for seniors,train +21237,21238,21238,mafana tu caira a,they will know,train +21238,21239,21239,mitangtang ci ina tu sakalafi,Moms making dinner,train +21239,21240,21240,iraan a putut,the bamboo tube,test +21240,21241,21241,tiyad nira titaanan sisa,he did not bite us,train +21241,21242,21242,anu patedu han isu a rumadiw haw,if you are singing at random,train +21242,21243,21243,su^su ku kulung isu,your water buffalo is fat,train +21243,21244,21244,marariday kami a malacafay a mitengil tu pipakungku nu malitengay Mafanaay kami a misanu Amis,we often listen to the elders telling stories together and we both can speak the Amis proficiently,train +21244,21245,21245,ura faki aku u safa nu wama aku,he is my fathers brother,train +21245,21246,21246,ikur,in the future,train +21246,21247,21247,u maan kiya keliw,what is the line,train +21247,21248,21248,ha suʼelinay hawwa faeʼciwen tu ira,so really start measuring,train +21248,21249,21249,miculu tu tekes,earn money by moving bamboo,train +21249,21250,21250,Makasilamalay,take the train,test +21250,21251,21251,matiya ku demak,here is what happened,train +21251,21252,21252,mi tu kaku,he was discharged in,train +21252,21253,21253,misukiyaw,become a chrysalis,train +21253,21254,21254,o rakes kuna kilang,this is a camphor tree,train +21254,21255,21255,mihatipeday,we will take it with us,train +21255,21256,21256,tayra kami tura ciadihayay ku dita a alu,we will go to a river with a lot of clay,train +21256,21257,21257,kafang,quilts,train +21257,21258,21258,itini i hananay hananay,at Riyadh International airport,train +21258,21259,21259,o tadamaanay a tilid kunini,this is very important special writing,train +21259,21260,21260,mikilimen nu tiraay i Kiwit a tamdaw,looking for a missing person in the Chimay tribe,test +21260,21261,21261,Mafanaay kisu citingsiya haw,do you know how to ride a bicycle,train +21261,21262,21262,o parihadayay a ngaˈayay ratuh ku hacukap,shoes of the good news of peace,train +21262,21263,21263,laenuay,lower,train +21263,21264,21264,itiyaay hu a kimad nu Alapawan a niyaru,Allusion to the origin of the place name Taiyuan tribe,train +21264,21265,21265,anulatek,although,train +21265,21266,21266,ala hatu nira kura safa aku,she brought my brother home,train +21266,21267,21267,hay saw adihayay hu ku kafukilan aku,Really there is a lot I do not know,train +21267,21268,21268,halitekaray kaku tu ayam,the first prey was a small bird,train +21268,21269,21269,hay uninian ku ngaʼayay sa tu kira,that is why I think it is good,train +21269,21270,21270,Pamutek sa ci Pawlu a minengneng tu Lumaucay suwal sa Salikakaaw tahanini ku nika ngaay nu falucu aku atu dmak aku i kaayaw nu Kawas han ningra,Paul looked straight at the Sanhedrin and said My brothers I have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day,test +21270,21271,21271,naʼayaw mahaen kiyami haw sa,Yeah that is how it used to be,train +21271,21272,21272,Papicefisen nira tamdaw ku wacu nira tu mali nura misalamaay a wawa,the man instructed his dog to snatch the ball from a child who was playing,train +21272,21273,21273,papinaay kura wawa ira,they have a couple of kids,train +21273,21274,21274,penec,hold down,train +21274,21275,21275,malaheci tu kura pisanga tura mimaliay ira tu ku pimalian itini i Pusunh taykak hananay,that is why Taitung established a college baseball team,train +21275,21276,21276,tu tusa rumiʼad nga pawalien,day re sun Exposure,train +21276,21277,21277,nawhani caay ku nu maku a harateng ku sakasumuwal Aku o nipalimuutan nu miucuray takuwanan a wama ku sakasumuwal Aku,there is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day,train +21277,21278,21278,Otaen,spit it out,train +21278,21279,21279,Mausi kaku tu acefel nu tamaku,I hate the smell of smoke,train +21279,21280,21280,malaapimalakapi,pair,test +21280,21281,21281,u falucu nu maku mi kita tu pilaedis hananay hantu ku heni,I have an idea for an Amis fishing festival,train +21281,21282,21282,kakinih ku piteli,not the same amount put or given,train +21282,21283,21283,nanay u pafalucuay a Kawas ku palipahakay parihadayay i tamuwanan tu nanu pitier namu ci Kristuan ta pakayni i icel nu Fangcalay Adingu a tanektek ku falucu namu a pasayra i kacifalucuan,may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit,train +21283,21284,21284,hay uraan tu i,Yeah what about the rest of it,train +21284,21285,21285,tangaʼsa i,until,train +21285,21286,21286,akaa,not at all,train +21286,21287,21287,malakakitaan han aku a pasuwal i,to lead the tribe,train +21287,21288,21288,milifetay kaku tu cumikayay,I participated in the running competition,train +21288,21289,21289,anu ira ku nikabanaʼan nu misu,I think you know something,train +21289,21290,21290,Pina^ pida^ kina funga^,how much are these sweet potatoes,test +21290,21291,21291,paina a vulad a palumaan isu itini,in March,train +21291,21292,21292,esang,Awards,train +21292,21293,21293,nanay kita haw i,I hope we,train +21293,21294,21294,O malmeday ku midu^duay tu nafalucuan nu Kawas a makariangay a tamdaw nawhani u finawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas cangra,blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,train +21294,21295,21295,miaca kaku tu tusu a silasimi,I want to buy two bottles of oil,train +21295,21296,21296,tatudung,basic conditions,train +21296,21297,21297,nawhani sakafukilan sanay ku tamdaw tu ini u pakayra sa i kaen,because people do not know how to pick food yet,train +21297,21298,21298,cecay ku kahengangay tusa ku kuhetingay,one is red and two are black,train +21298,21299,21299,ci Yihufa o Pikiˈadingan nu mita,the Lord is our refuge,train +21299,21300,21300,matalesay,blunt,test +21300,21301,21301,ira ku Lidaw i pinsyang,is there any watermelon in the fridge,train +21301,21302,21302,o sutu nu fuledi ku pacaengetay i takuwanan,the sap of the lacquer tree makes my body itch,train +21302,21303,21303,cuhel,perspiration,train +21303,21304,21304,Ahuwiday tu pihayda nu misu tu pihumung i tisuwanan,thank you for accepting the interview,train +21304,21305,21305,Masasirumaruma ku tenuun nu kasafinacadan,the weaving is different for each community,train +21305,21306,21306,masamatira maherek kami mipatireng tiya luma niya tusa a rumiʼad haw i,So the house we built in those two days,train +21306,21307,21307,pinukay isu ku ngaʼayay,go home,train +21307,21308,21308,mu^tep tusa pulu tulu pulu sepat pulu lima pulu ^nem pulu pitu pulu falu pulu siwa pulu,Ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety,train +21308,21309,21309,wina nira caay hu kaaraw naira kira,the guys at work have not met his mom yet,train +21309,21310,21310,ira a mihaklung cingraan ku wawa ni Pirus ci Supater nu Piriya atu tatusaay a Tisalunika a tamdaw ci Aristarkus aci Sikuntus atu ci Kayus nu Tirpi aci Timuti atu nai Aciyaay a tamdaw ci Tikikus aci Trufimus,he was accompanied by Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica Gaius from Derbe Timothy also and Tychicus and Trophimus from the province of Asia,test +21310,21311,21311,sawawa hukaku itiya,I was just a kid,train +21311,21312,21312,Manaun,Slowly,train +21312,21313,21313,tahiniay tu i rarem sa ku suwal,the idea that it should be passed on to the next generation,train +21313,21314,21314,anu hatira minukay kisu mamanay,how about this why do not you go home,train +21314,21315,21315,Mapacica nu facidul ku lefuk nu maku,my pants are stained from the sap of the breadfruit tree,train +21315,21316,21316,hay u niyah haw u singciw maʼedeng a samanen talaʼayaw kaku,I am the captain so I am just going to have to push on,train +21316,21317,21317,o maan ku datuk atu ^epip,what are the mouth harp and bamboo flute,train +21317,21318,21318,macara nu rarawraw ku futi aku i dadaya,last night I was disturbed by the noise,train +21318,21319,21319,ritus san u maan ku kisu a sufitay,drawing of lots to determine troop type,train +21319,21320,21320,Macuaf a micucu kira wawa,that baby choked on its milk,test +21320,21321,21321,u haharatengan kuni,this is the part to think about,train +21321,21322,21322,adihay ku ngangangangangan,there is a lot of people named after them,train +21322,21323,21323,tera,drip,train +21323,21324,21324,anu mahaen kisu haw,if there is such behavior,train +21324,21325,21325,o wawa isu iraay haw ku milucukay,did your child learn about the mantle,train +21325,21326,21326,malacapu aca ku luma niya luma,family members sit around and offer kind words and comfort,train +21326,21327,21327,seliw secii sepa tuluay fahiyan a rumiʼad,Yeah Seventeen Eighteen,train +21327,21328,21328,a cacay,there is only one,train +21328,21329,21329,naay minukay kaku mapekpek niya kaka aku kaku hanaku,I do not want to go home my brother will beat me up if I do,train +21329,21330,21330,matufacu,take the shape of,test +21330,21331,21331,Karacinglaw tu sakipaysu ciira,he loves to talk about money,train +21331,21332,21332,hatiraay,that is how we got our name,train +21332,21333,21333,milisin,it is the Harvest Festival,train +21333,21334,21334,tada mahapinang ku pakainaay a finawlan nu Pangcah itini i kasalalumaan ku fafahiyan tada ikaka ku ngangan u mikadafuay satu a fainayan tuur satu tu ka cingangan,the Amis are a typical matrilineal society where women have a superior position in the kinship society and men are subordinate,train +21334,21335,21335,saka fulud sa ku tayal haw i,So if we can work together and help each other out,train +21335,21336,21336,dafak satu tu ruma a rumiʼad,the next morning,train +21336,21337,21337,matawalay,forget,train +21337,21338,21338,aka kacaay pakasuʼelin kita,we would rather believe it,train +21338,21339,21339,ancaay tayra i hiya mitavukud tu vuting,or go fishing,train +21339,21340,21340,nika rarucurucuk nu urip,generation to generation,test +21340,21341,21341,nu wina nu maku atu wama aku itini i Paanifung,living with Fathers endeavor in Hing Cheong,train +21341,21342,21342,nu ni,genre marker,train +21342,21343,21343,iki kisu u tada tanestesay ku tireng ningra,lucky for you he is very handsome and dashing,train +21343,21344,21344,u maan ku misu a lalimeken anu ira ku tamdaw mikalat kura tamdaw,why are you hiding when someone is coming does that man bite,train +21344,21345,21345,mu^etep,Ten,train +21345,21346,21346,u miʼacaan isu u micakayan han,did you buy it,train +21346,21347,21347,o maulahay a maemin ku tamdaw tu nini a emed hananay a cudad,the word cheap is loved by all,train +21347,21348,21348,lima,Five,train +21348,21349,21349,anu u ruma sa i u kangkang suʼuten,the other is a tin can tied together,train +21349,21350,21350,emu matiyatu u,rice cakes are like,test +21350,21351,21351,maanen kuka fana mangudu tu matuʼasay,how do you know the elders will be embarrassed,train +21351,21352,21352,na misapawsapawsa tuya matuʼasay makali tu ku falucu,elderly people are looking forward to meal delivery,train +21352,21353,21353,Malutatayalen nu Taywan Yincumincu i,mission of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +21353,21354,21354,mahecaday ku miharatengan aku sanay cingra,she said she was thinking the same thing,train +21354,21355,21355,macakat tayni i,he is been promoted to Tulane high School,train +21355,21356,21356,o arikik ku tayal nu maukikay a tamdaw,thin people work with light and fast movements,train +21356,21357,21357,malinah malinah ca ama aku pasiʼamis sa,and then they kept moving north,train +21357,21358,21358,cietan haw a misaayam,is raising chickens profitable,train +21358,21359,21359,sapipasadakan,trying to make a move,train +21359,21360,21360,kaku cikarihateng aku ku lumaʼay nawhari,I do not miss my family at home because,test +21360,21361,21361,mahaen u nipidisdis kiyami,it is just chipped,train +21361,21362,21362,isatipay a tamdaw,people that live in the Valley,train +21362,21363,21363,oninian tu u nu maku a itini a niyaru,about my tribe,train +21363,21364,21364,dafak satu i masaupu i Yirusalim ku kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw atu kalas nu niyaru atu pasifanaay tu Rikec,the next day the rulers elders and teachers of the law met in Jerusalem,train +21364,21365,21365,hay haw sapaliwpaliw haw,the sons take turns to help each other,train +21365,21366,21366,a hacuwaen saw ku nikacebar,almost how much Almost,train +21366,21367,21367,Kiwakiw han sikaʼen han tu cupel,dip something in chili,train +21367,21368,21368,cima ku cavay nu misu u cavay tu i,Yes I do,train +21368,21369,21369,kiʼayaway tayra i luma,Instead he came to my house first,train +21369,21370,21370,ngaayay tu a sidatengen ku tamana itini cuwa hu kangaay ku nangkukay a sidatengen,the cabbage here is ready to be harvested but the Showa grass there is not yet ready to be harvested,test +21370,21371,21371,rengurengusan,bushes,train +21371,21372,21372,makesi,ebb or go out,train +21372,21373,21373,mavena,festering,train +21373,21374,21374,faraha farah ya farah han wawa pangangan nu lawra matuʼasay ya,Oh thrown away child that is an old mans joke,train +21374,21375,21375,hatira sa mitilid i rakat sa,I walk to school,train +21375,21376,21376,patata,get rid of,train +21376,21377,21377,adepetay,mean,train +21377,21378,21378,mikitemel,encourage,train +21378,21379,21379,mihifang hu kami tu cecay a rumiad,we have a day off,train +21379,21380,21380,alihay tu i naengan tu aku tayra i,then I will put it in my passbook,test +21380,21381,21381,ta kakter han ni Yis kuya palafuay i sadak satu kuya palafuay nai tireng nuya wawa itiya i tangsul sa a maadah kuya fainayan a wawa,Jesus rebuked the demon and it came out of the boy and he was healed from that moment,train +21381,21382,21382,hadihay ku cimithu malalen tua masusuay tamdaw hawci katepu haw,a lot of nicknames some of them look fat and round and they are just round,train +21382,21383,21383,kayat hantu nangra ku tarukus a patireng i kaayaw nu lumaucay Saka liclic hantu nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung cangra,having brought the apostles they made them appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest,train +21383,21384,21384,ripa,trample on,train +21384,21385,21385,caay kafana u maan kuni Fataʼan sa,never knew what a tree bean was,train +21385,21386,21386,caay ku mamafilu aku a misatakudtakud miawas,I cannot jump around and cross,train +21386,21387,21387,alaen aku patayra i tukus pakaen kiya haw,take it to the mountains and grow it,train +21387,21388,21388,minanam tu nu kilang hananay kunini,learn to look like wood,train +21388,21389,21389,dengaytu a remadiw,you can sing,train +21389,21390,21390,rakaten namu lakecen namu,you are walking across the river,test +21390,21391,21391,ruma kura kalatimen nira hay tatiʼihay,different categories and individual cuts it is really hard,train +21391,21392,21392,sera naʼayaw mahaenay,that is how it was in the old days,train +21392,21393,21393,mahrek ku sufitay a mipacek ci Yisan i alaen nangra ku riku ni Yis Laspat han nangra a misakilac tu sakalalikelikelaw nangra Nikawrira uya i lalumaay a riku ni Yis i caay ka citungud,when the soldiers crucified Jesus they took his clothes dividing them into four shares one for each of them with the undergarment remaining this garment was seamless woven in one piece from top to bottom,train +21393,21394,21394,Mikecec,close,train +21394,21395,21395,o nika,but then,train +21395,21396,21396,hay a caay ka liteng ku punuh aku sanay kaku hayken samaan tu kaikur,so that we do not suffer from early brain deterioration,train +21396,21397,21397,aka kapipeduc kisu anuhuni,you do not want to go off in a huff later,train +21397,21398,21398,tastasen,dismantling,train +21398,21399,21399,langkes,small stones in rice or vegetables,train +21399,21400,21400,hinatalaay tu kura falucu nira,his heart was expecting it,test +21400,21401,21401,saka itiraay a maʼinal ku falucu,and that is why I am envious,train +21401,21402,21402,o fafayien nu misu ci Panay,you should call Barnet your aunt,train +21402,21403,21403,awa ku heci,the fruits are gone,train +21403,21404,21404,i muecel sanay haw hay hay hay,the tree trunk is straight Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes,train +21404,21405,21405,kahemekan nu kaemangay kura,I am free to walk through the woods and across the fields,train +21405,21406,21406,milekal kuya matuʼasay Oy kita u finawlan paysin anini san,the elders are shouting Oui it is a forbidden day for tribal people,train +21406,21407,21407,hawang,straddle,train +21407,21408,21408,unini a tatulu a niyaru i,these three tribes,train +21408,21409,21409,i luma sa ku itiyaay hu ku pisiyakay sa,I used to come home from work in the city,train +21409,21410,21410,tayra kita i lalumaʼan nu heni,we visited his family and friends,test +21410,21411,21411,safutifuti satu kaku a mikilim tu cecaw nu niyam pasaʼupu tu nuya tamdaw,I am starting to make arrangements to recruit members,train +21411,21412,21412,takaraw ku taneng nu tamdaw,people are highly intelligent,train +21412,21413,21413,kangayawan,hunting Festival,train +21413,21414,21414,itinitini hu ku kahemekan aku,this is my pride and joy,train +21414,21415,21415,sanuyanan na mafulaw cangra i hicera sai,that is it moving to a place like this,train +21415,21416,21416,a maxeraay nangra a nanum,the source of the excavated water was found at that time,train +21416,21417,21417,niyan tu u hiya,this one,train +21417,21418,21418,fulad,the moon,train +21418,21419,21419,didisen ku caang nu kilang,please remove the branch,train +21419,21420,21420,mahaen pakayni ini kura pikiwat haenney,knit from here,test +21420,21421,21421,a Angah Alimulu,Anahang Ali road,train +21421,21422,21422,caay ka tama nangra saka kidkid han nangra ci Yasun atu papinapina a salikaka a patayra i kakitaan nu niyaru Cli sa a sumuwal Ira a tayni i tini ku parawraway tu pulung nu Kitakit a tamdaw,but when they did not find them they dragged Jason and some other brothers before the city officials shouting These men who have caused trouble all over the world have now come here,train +21422,21423,21423,mapiri,I do not like it,train +21423,21424,21424,Tapangaw pasulin kaku saan cingra ta pitusur sa cingra a mitaung ci Yisan,then the man said Lord I believe and he worshiped him,train +21424,21425,21425,ngusu,noses,train +21425,21426,21426,sapatapang,token of affection,train +21426,21427,21427,sakatusa kaku,I am the second one,train +21427,21428,21428,u mafukilay tu suwal nu Pangcah,I do not speak Amish,train +21428,21429,21429,o matuduhay ku luma naira,their house was burned,train +21429,21430,21430,i lalumaay ku maku caka hadak ku caciyaw nu maku,I always keep my words inside and do not say much,test +21430,21431,21431,mapacerur,replaced,train +21431,21432,21432,caay ka fangcal ku wayway nira tamdaw,that mans behavior was bad,train +21432,21433,21433,maduit,late,train +21433,21434,21434,u itiniay a salikaka i u sera nangra i ayaw i,the brothers and sisters on this side of the former land,train +21434,21435,21435,mangaaytu,had better,train +21435,21436,21436,sanay ku suwal nu mira,he said this,train +21436,21437,21437,aka picarikus a mitiku a maʼanufaw,do not be tempted to go back to greed,train +21437,21438,21438,iraku kufa ira pikansuʼan nira tiya rakes,they have a factory to dry camphor trees,train +21438,21439,21439,pitu tu ku mihecaan icininsi,seven years old first grade,train +21439,21440,21440,angrer saan kuni,it is especially bitter,test +21440,21441,21441,mahaen iayaw kinian u lukut,this is Yamazoo,train +21441,21442,21442,o citing nu mita u Pangcah ku matuasay,sage is the dictionary of our Aboriginal people,train +21442,21443,21443,ha kaput ha salikaka ha faki fai,I look forward to my brothers and friends of the same year,train +21443,21444,21444,ruma sa mahaen tu anu miʼadup kita tini lutuk tunian haw i,Besides it is the same thing when we go hunting in the mountains,train +21444,21445,21445,sufuc,births,train +21445,21446,21446,o raantu misuʼut haw itiraantu,wrapped up on the floor,train +21446,21447,21447,matalaw kafukilan nu wawa a madiw san kami u matuʼasay,I am worried that they may not be aware of these rumors,train +21447,21448,21448,fulad haw tu ta tudung tu matengilay,or a story you have heard,train +21448,21449,21449,nu maku,my last,train +21449,21450,21450,tayran aku a mi,I am going to China sea College,test +21450,21451,21451,u masa bana kakabana malitengay haw,the old man who knows exactly what is going on,train +21451,21452,21452,cirudisay,undulating,train +21452,21453,21453,mafuti tu dadaya,they are sleeping at night,train +21453,21454,21454,ci ama nu maku sinmun miadup,my fathers an expert hunter,train +21454,21455,21455,hatiniay ku pinangan nira hay,it looks like this,train +21455,21456,21456,nawhan teli hantu ira kura kumkum miteli safuwak san kiya nanum,he is got a tube thing and the waters pouring out of it,train +21456,21457,21457,u paanipay itiya u Pangcah amin,in those days it was the Amis who farmed,train +21457,21458,21458,tura ama i mahemekay takuwanan,that is why I am so loved by the elders,train +21458,21459,21459,nipecuan,I will take it,train +21459,21460,21460,mivuting ku kadavu mivuting sa i liyal,my son in law went fishing at the beach,test +21460,21461,21461,Karafaniw ku umahumahan nu Pangcah i tiya hu,in the old days the Amis fields were full of straw mushrooms,train +21461,21462,21462,Marasras ku panay,the rice drops out from stalks of grain,train +21462,21463,21463,aluman,multitude,train +21463,21464,21464,ta uraan ku ciriku nu Taywan itiyahu,Taiwanese used to wear it,train +21464,21465,21465,matawal aku ku alapit,I forgot to bring my chopsticks,train +21465,21466,21466,tayni itini i,how about coming to the Dragon,train +21466,21467,21467,misangaan ta tu emu,making traditional sweet rice cake,train +21467,21468,21468,anu u lafang aca kasaʼan miala tu paini ititanan tu iraʼay aca anini a,it is not just for the guests it is also for us and others,train +21468,21469,21469,kauradan,rainy day,train +21469,21470,21470,anini kata,now we,test +21470,21471,21471,pafelien panengnengen aku ku wawa aku sanay kaku,I want to keep it for my kids,train +21471,21472,21472,Kuiday ku pipatala isu maminukay tu kaku,thank you for your hospitality I have to go now,train +21472,21473,21473,ka icuwa tu i fatac anu manan matulu,whether it is on the way if it is like kicking something and falling down,train +21473,21474,21474,patahtah pilaum,waste,train +21474,21475,21475,matumes nu cacupi ku tafalahan tu dateng,the food waste bin was full of maggots,train +21475,21476,21476,Nanay mapaini nu wama a Kawas atu wawa ningra ci Yis Kristu kita tu mikumi atu siniada atu rihaday ta mararid kita a i sulin atu i ulah a maurip,Grace mercy and peace from God the father and from Jesus Christ the Fathers Son will be with us in truth and love,train +21476,21477,21477,psapen ku tireng isu,feel your body,train +21477,21478,21478,aka a pisangudungudu hantu,you are welcome,train +21478,21479,21479,awa ku faʼinay ku faʼinay aku,I have not had a husband for almost two years,train +21479,21480,21480,serangawanlalengawan,culture,test +21480,21481,21481,ci Rungac cingra u widang aku,his name is Rongac he is a friend of mine,train +21481,21482,21482,caay hu ka edeng kiya maku a harateng,I am still not happy about it,train +21482,21483,21483,caay kura tura kaitinian a matini kinanuka kura niyaru matini,it is not just that antler tribe place we are sitting on now,train +21483,21484,21484,icuwa a mitengil tu suwal cecay a sasuwalen nu malatumukay,the chiefs are going to mobilize all age groups in the tribe to give instructions,train +21484,21485,21485,Mafanaay a caciyaw tu suwal nu Amis kisu haw,do you speak Amis,train +21485,21486,21486,kinatusa u nikarayray nu pakayni tu u punka,engaged in cultural promotion for two consecutive terms,train +21486,21487,21487,macidalay,out of the sun,train +21487,21488,21488,tini satu matayal,and then he lived here for the rest of his life,train +21488,21489,21489,Nikawrira paculien ni Ilimas u cikawasay kuya tatusaay tu saka^caaw pasulin nuya mikumuday,but Elymas the sorcerer opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith,train +21489,21490,21490,i ayaw icuwaay i laluma,where was it Inside,test +21490,21491,21491,Pasifana,teaching,train +21491,21492,21492,masacapaay,fork in road,train +21492,21493,21493,Cakay han tu ina sipidaay kiya umah,it was bought by a rich man,train +21493,21494,21494,ira ku liyun ira i,when they are spinning,train +21494,21495,21495,midenga ku engid nu fala a adada,TB is contagious,train +21495,21496,21496,hai tira paluma,Yeah that is where it is at,train +21496,21497,21497,miasiluay,lemon picking,train +21497,21498,21498,cupelak,unripe,train +21498,21499,21499,mingitangit cangra i tamiyanan tu sakangaayaw nangra a mikaput tu pipadahuf a mipadang tu mituuray i Yutaya,they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints,train +21499,21500,21500,misacayna,making vegetable baskets,test +21500,21501,21501,u nisimsim t sapicaculi tu Ripun,philosophy of Resistance to Japan,train +21501,21502,21502,pawacay kaku tu pakayniay i cingraan tu nika u marurayay cingra a matayal tu saki tamuwanan atu i Lautikiyaay atu i Hirapulisay a tamdamdaw,I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hierapolis,train +21502,21503,21503,misanga sa kami tiya ngayangay,we are simple laborers,train +21503,21504,21504,maan sa pafeli tu nanum kuku lusang maruray kamu,as a gift to the hunter a toast,train +21504,21505,21505,milaliw,evade,train +21505,21506,21506,licay sa ku pakatngilay tunini a suwal a tamdaw Anu hatira i cima ku mamapaurip saw saan cangra,those who heard this asked Who then can be saved,train +21506,21507,21507,yu pakatngil kuya tamdaw tunini a suwal i sa ickuy sa a mararum a miliyas nawhani adihay ku dafung ningra,when he heard this he became very sad because he was a man of great wealth,train +21507,21508,21508,u nini saan pitapi,this so called solicitude,train +21508,21509,21509,sapikpik,assistant,train +21509,21510,21510,tahira i Cinpu,we are at Jungpo,test +21510,21511,21511,tahaluma kaku,when I got home,train +21511,21512,21512,icuwa tu ci tayni kami a ira,here we go,train +21512,21513,21513,i ayaw ku sakafiyaw,must be a neighbor,train +21513,21514,21514,ira aca kiniyan,and this,train +21514,21515,21515,iraku iraku tingki,it is already charged,train +21515,21516,21516,itiya i mangatatu ku Pitalifan a lisin nu Yutaya a tamdaw,the Jewish Passover Feast was near,train +21516,21517,21517,u manan ku mikaenan nu misu a sakalahuk,what did you have for lunch,train +21517,21518,21518,caay kasimaw nu ina aku kaku,but he did not raise me,train +21518,21519,21519,ira ku tusa rumiʼad u rumiʼad piʼarawan,about days depending on the weather,train +21519,21520,21520,nikaurila u ya pihicay,it turned out to be a fish fry,test +21520,21521,21521,anini tu i Cilafinan hananay tu kura pala itira,the name of the place is now called Giraffe,train +21521,21522,21522,masamata nu urip nu maku,government agencies have also noticed my efforts,train +21522,21523,21523,pasuwal sa ku ina ningra i matayalay a tamdaw Anu u maan ku suwal Ningra i tamuwanan i du^du han han ningra,his mother said to the servants Do whatever he tells you,train +21523,21524,21524,faesingan,Sneeze,train +21524,21525,21525,caay kangaay han kira,it is not good,train +21525,21526,21526,taluma i Taytung,going back to Taitung is about the same,train +21526,21527,21527,Mafana cingra a pakungku^ tu kakaulahan a mitengil,he is a good storyteller,train +21527,21528,21528,hatu mama lacecay haw i caʼay kasuwal,when the leader gives the order he will do it without saying a word,train +21528,21529,21529,pakayni i tina kaludemakan a mavana kaku tu kavanaan tu pinalengaw kakaenen nu Yincunmin pasu u ngeru nu pacakayay,through this event I learned about indigenous plants and food and experienced the hard work of running a stall,train +21529,21530,21530,sisaung,with umbrella,test +21530,21531,21531,adihay tu ku nilepelan,too many arrests,train +21531,21532,21532,Saka krid hantu nu sufitay ci Yis a patayra i putal nu luma nu mikumuday ta pasaupu hantu nangra ku sufitay a ma^min,the soldiers led Jesus away into the palace and called together the whole company of soldiers,train +21532,21533,21533,matenak tu ku tamdaw sa niyaru satu ku niyaru aluman tu haw,as the population grows villages form,train +21533,21534,21534,Kamireng,stand up,train +21534,21535,21535,sikakereng,it is going to thunder,train +21535,21536,21536,o tipeluk kinian,this is paper,train +21536,21537,21537,u manan ku pacuwah sa kamu itini hu miala,take this and go through here,train +21537,21538,21538,Sulsulen Atam ku papah nu kilang a nga tu talip,Adam made an apron of fig leaves,train +21538,21539,21539,mafanaʼay mieneng ku faʼinayan sa,men therefore know how to recognize,train +21539,21540,21540,o mitilidan aku i u u sanay haw,I studied civil engineering at the technical college,test +21540,21541,21541,tuan tu tangsa tu i luma iri,let us go we are already home,train +21541,21542,21542,Makamaan,what is up,train +21542,21543,21543,o nipituru a sumuwal tu raraw ni Palam saka misanutamdaw a sumuwal ku caay ka caciyaw a lufa a mitna tu maapaay a dmak nuya paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas,but he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkey a beast without speech who spoke with a mans voice and restrained the prophets madness,train +21543,21544,21544,tamahatini tu irasatu i matini kina kumuh,it is only now that we are getting dragon beans,train +21544,21545,21545,hatasi sa talatukus a miʼuway,he went barefoot up the mountain to collect rattan,train +21545,21546,21546,kaay masamsamay tu kita,maybe that is how we are being lied to,train +21546,21547,21547,tu aniniay a pihulul nu wawa itira i riyar,swimming at the beach,train +21547,21548,21548,Mapalakulung nu Ripun,father was enslaved by the Japanese,train +21548,21549,21549,papicawcawen,let enjoy the water,train +21549,21550,21550,o maan ku kaulahan isu tu kasaliyaliyad nu lumiad kasiemelan kacidalan kafalawfawan kasienawan,what is your favorite season is it spring summer fall or winter,test +21550,21551,21551,Anini^ a dadaya^ tataluma tu ku safa^,my younger brother is going home this evening,train +21551,21552,21552,nanutuas,traditional,train +21552,21553,21553,tini san tuna a rumiʼad,today,train +21553,21554,21554,pisaselal,Hosting a Bar Mitzvah,train +21554,21555,21555,nga pasufaw hananay hatiraen,and then wet it with wine,train +21555,21556,21556,adihayay ku ninanaman nu maku a suwal nu Amis,I have learned many Amis languages,train +21556,21557,21557,mangaʼay hu misanga,as long as it can be made into a gyro,train +21557,21558,21558,tli hanhu i kaayaw nuya pipacakatan kuya sapaini isu ta tayrahu tuya salikaka a malaliay ta patiku kisu a tayra a mipacakat tu sapaini isu i Kawas,leave your gift there in front of the altar first go and be reconciled to your brother then come and offer your gift,train +21558,21559,21559,misyakayay ci ama aku,dad used to work,train +21559,21560,21560,matuas tu kaku anini caelayen nu maku ku pana a mihakulung ci amaan a tayra a miadup,now that I have grown up I carry my bow and arrows and go hunting with my father,test +21560,21561,21561,o paaresingay kina kietecay a fali tu dafak,cold winds early in the morning create dew,train +21561,21562,21562,ira itira ku ccay a kakridan nu sufitay nu Luma sakapatayan tu adada ku kakalimlaan ningra a matayalay,there a centurions servant whom his master valued highly was sick and about to die,train +21562,21563,21563,nika caay kaulah kaku a micudad,one of the teachers praises,train +21563,21564,21564,unu liteng a sapituduh,it is an ancient method of burning,train +21564,21565,21565,anu caka pihakelung ku tamdaw tu Kawas i wa sau niyah saan misaˈusi tu maanan ku matatudungay maanan ku tatiihay,if mankind does not obey God it will have to decide for itself what is right and what is wrong,train +21565,21566,21566,tayra kaku mi awaay ku tira hanaku,I said I would open up that place there is no kindergarten there,train +21566,21567,21567,micuracuray,being urged,train +21567,21568,21568,samatira masasuwasuwal tu,that is why we are talking to each other,train +21568,21569,21569,ci Fihil ku ngangan ningra haw,was his name Fihil,train +21569,21570,21570,o rumasatu pasulin kaku tu Tapang tu nika mangatatu kaku a tayra tamuwanan saan kaku,and I am confident in the Lord that I myself will come soon,test +21570,21571,21571,adihay hu,still many,train +21571,21572,21572,anu icangen sa icangen hatiraay,if you want to be dry use dry that is it,train +21572,21573,21573,Mangaay malu pinanaman niyam kisu i pitilidan,at school you can be the one we learn from,train +21573,21574,21574,u kaku ku ruma,it is my problem,train +21574,21575,21575,anu udax tu anca u tasalamaan tu i awaay tu,I do not even have money to buy snacks or toys,train +21575,21576,21576,faluaytu a pulu ku mihecaan aku,years old,train +21576,21577,21577,nengnengen isu ku kaʼaluman i,observe the number of participants,train +21577,21578,21578,icuwa kura,where is that,train +21578,21579,21579,o suwal serangawan atu kicic nu Amis,teach Aboriginal language culture and art,train +21579,21580,21580,sapacemut,fishing rod,test +21580,21581,21581,akaa pakaadihayi ku balucu,it is called the Flawless centurion Girl,train +21581,21582,21582,cuwa kunini aca wa ngaˈayhu kisu misamaan padama tu faeluhay salikaka hani,in addition to these areas what else can you do to help your new brothers and sisters,train +21582,21583,21583,Wata ku nika talulung nu mikumi atu taneng atu fana nu Kawas cima ku mafanaay a mitadtad tu piktun Ningra cima ku mafanaay a misapsap tu lalan Ningra,Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable his judgments and his paths beyond tracing out,train +21583,21584,21584,ansani hantu,wait a minute,train +21584,21585,21585,Pakamisien tu terung nu dadaya ku wawa isu,let your child get up late at night to pee,train +21585,21586,21586,masiwala kaku,I was in a daze,train +21586,21587,21587,a remiʼad aca,days or,train +21587,21588,21588,hay manikaw tu kakaenen kiyami haw,Yes because Taitung was poor and lacked food at that time,train +21588,21589,21589,makapahay a demak nu malitengay,beautiful ancestral traditional crafts,train +21589,21590,21590,Anini^ i cifuduy tu ciira tu cisapikpikay,now he is wearing a beautiful winged suit,test +21590,21591,21591,kiya ca ku nika ruray nu urip nu maku itiya,it is the most exhausting time of my life,train +21591,21592,21592,Mivaca,develop,train +21592,21593,21593,pakaysingen,cup,train +21593,21594,21594,awaay a matama nangra ku sakapatay a raraw ni Yis i paci^ci sa cangra a mingitangit ci Pilatuan tu sapipatayaw Cingraan,though they found no proper ground for a death sentence they asked Pilate to have him executed,train +21594,21595,21595,Faedet ku rumiad karaangliw ku hemay,in hot weather rice tends to ferment and become smelly,train +21595,21596,21596,i katimulay a niyaru cingra,he is in a southern city,train +21596,21597,21597,i ngata nuni iraay ku pidakawan tu pasu a siyataw haw,is there a bus stop near here,train +21597,21598,21598,Iinaʼaw amaʼaw,Daddy Mommy,train +21598,21599,21599,papisaypisay sakiya mi ci wawa,it is like they are having a baby,train +21599,21600,21600,u rumaruma kilang awaay ku urat ira sa,said to be otherwise known there is no suitable fiber,test +21600,21601,21601,taaʼakay tu ku kaka aku ili,my brother and sister are very old,train +21601,21602,21602,Midahepayay ci kaka tu fuduy i paputal,my sister is out tanning,train +21602,21603,21603,adada kaku saka kumaing ku tireng aku,I am sick so my body has no strength,train +21603,21604,21604,i Mulimutu,in Fengli,train +21604,21605,21605,pakafanaen,teach,train +21605,21606,21606,patihien kaku a tayra i luma nira,keep me company go withe to his home,train +21606,21607,21607,itiya mihiya ri ira ku mi sangaʼay tu a pasiketan puketung tu hananay sapilawa tu niʼan u Taluku atu Pakuway hananay,at that time some people set up the so called titanium wire as a quarantine Facility to prevent the intrusion of the Taroko group,train +21607,21608,21608,mafana kisu mangudusa,are you ashamed of yourself,train +21608,21609,21609,takalen aca,Wider,train +21609,21610,21610,ura mamifacu haw,the one who made the foundation,test +21610,21611,21611,Masamulal ku ungcuy nu riyar,the rocks in the ocean can be seen,train +21611,21612,21612,tanamen kunini a tayal,try to do this work,train +21612,21613,21613,namatiya seraeng hu kami tayni i Kuhkuh,so they started plotting,train +21613,21614,21614,itiniay i pitilidan nu niyaru ku pitilid nu misu han,do you study in your tribes school,train +21614,21615,21615,Mafana ci Yis tu nika ngaliwngiw nu nisawawaan ningra i suwal sa i cangraan O sakatuled namu kunini saw,aware that his disciples were grumbling about this Jesus said to them Does this offend you,train +21615,21616,21616,ini tu kaku a idang,I am coming my friend,train +21616,21617,21617,melaw saan ci vaki i takuwan pakaenan kaku tu ciyak pananuman aca kaku tu uciya,as soon as Grandpa saw me he invited me to eat watermelon and drink tea,train +21617,21618,21618,Cicihen ku kuyumi,please tear the calendar,train +21618,21619,21619,ya mihumung kami i adihay ku nisuwalan nuya malitengay tu pakayniay i taneng nu litengan a likakawa nu miadupay,during our interview the old man talked about a lot of traditional knowledge about hunting,train +21619,21620,21620,palataangen,make it commendable,test +21620,21621,21621,yasa malipahak ku falucu,the more you learn the more you get excited,train +21621,21622,21622,i luma tu wamin a milaedis,they all hold a fishing Festival at home,train +21622,21623,21623,katayni,welcome,train +21623,21624,21624,Maduka^,injured,train +21624,21625,21625,alahan nira miala ku ccay a langa pakalic itira i kuliciw nira,he took one basket and put it on his bike,train +21625,21626,21626,i sawali masadak ku cidal,the sun is coming out of the east,train +21626,21627,21627,suwal sa kiniyan u sikawasay,the priest said,train +21627,21628,21628,makalimay,interests,train +21628,21629,21629,atu itini kingsevu,County government,train +21629,21630,21630,Paicelen nangra ku falucu nu nisawawaan tu sakararidaw nangra a mitier tu Kawas suwal sa Caay ka ^ca ka ira ku adihayay a pades ita ta mangaay kita a malafinawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas han nangra,strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God they said,test +21630,21631,21631,silsil han nu niyam ku nafi nu finawlan pakilac tu titi tu fafuy,we arranged tribal pots to distribute the pork,train +21631,21632,21632,maulah kaku tu paru^ nu luma niyam,I like our family very much,train +21632,21633,21633,mahaenay ku pipalakalakalat nangra Saka marawraw ku finawlan halukalas nu niyaru atu pasifanaay tu Rikec Saka talifahal han nangra a mirpet ci Stifanu a mikrid a patayra i Pilaucan,so they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the law they seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin,train +21633,21634,21634,tangasa i sasa awaaytu ku nanum,when we get down there there is no more water,train +21634,21635,21635,Malakilac ku finawlan tu pisafuluan i lutuk,the clansmen share the land on the mountain with each other to make arrow bamboo gardens,train +21635,21636,21636,o nisaimeran nu maku kina tayal anini,Todays job is one that I was careful to get,train +21636,21637,21637,halafin tu caay kasasuaraw akawangay tu kisu haw,I have not seen you in a while have you grown taller,train +21637,21638,21638,satu kaku tahira,to years old,train +21638,21639,21639,anu ira hu ku hemay ha ha ha ha,as long as there is rice for the kids they will grow up just the same,train +21639,21640,21640,Cacilusid kami han,do we have to wear traditional clothes,test +21640,21641,21641,Pinaun latek iraaw ku pakapisawaday tu mikumi nu Kawas Pinaun latek iraaw ku milcaday tu ci sawarakay a lusay malahad tu i mikariang tu tamdamdaw,see to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many,train +21641,21642,21642,tayni tu mikilim tu palumaʼan aca nu niyam,looking for a place to build our house,train +21642,21643,21643,u tadaamis a Pangcah saamisan makayni i Hupu nu Singceng satimulan tangasa i Marangah nu Rinahem u taterungan a niyaru ira ku Natawran Pukpuk Lidaw atu Cikasuwan,Nanshi Ami Cluster from Beipu in the north of the border of Xincheng Township to Shoufeng river in the south the main tribes are the main tribes are Diolan Pobu Lili Leak and Qifengchuan,train +21643,21644,21644,minanunhu kaku,I am drinking water,train +21644,21645,21645,u manan a kilangan kura,what kind of tree is that,train +21645,21646,21646,matiya u mafuhatay a tadem ku nguyus nangra o misafitay ku sma nangra sahtu u misamangahay ku suwal matiya u cisawarakay tu nu uner ku filfil nangra,Their throats are open graves their tongues practice deceit The poison of vipers is on their lips,train +21646,21647,21647,matawal aku a miala ku epip anini,children bring their flutes to school,train +21647,21648,21648,adihay ku kafanaan i,so knowledgeable,train +21648,21649,21649,pacepuen,Conclusion please,train +21649,21650,21650,Haydaw,Yeah,test +21650,21651,21651,undukay,games,train +21651,21652,21652,saka m miceli haca cingra u takula aku,he was still calling My frog,train +21652,21653,21653,saka 1 mala kakavitay ku ngangan nu wawa atu wama atu ngangasawan patinaku Calaw Luuh Pacidal a ngangan,First the clan is linked to the fathers name and the sons name Take for example the name of Calaw Luuh Pacidal,train +21653,21654,21654,tini icuwa milimek,Hide,train +21654,21655,21655,pisiayaw,face to face,train +21655,21656,21656,o niyaru aku i Paanifung,my tribe is in Hing Cheong,train +21656,21657,21657,parafrafen,flaming,train +21657,21658,21658,maepuday kaku itiya i nai tira ikatayalan niyam i,after I got out of the car from my workplace,train +21658,21659,21659,tataʼang,very large,train +21659,21660,21660,u ha ha ha ha,Oh yeah yeah yeah,test +21660,21661,21661,anu cuculen kisu i mipaculi sanay kiraan,if he tells you to do something and you talk back,train +21661,21662,21662,tapal han aku naayaw,as far as I know before,train +21662,21663,21663,na misulac tu kisu tu wadis hay,did you brush your teeth,train +21663,21664,21664,kunini tu katatungud hay kiya,such a legacy continues,train +21664,21665,21665,u kilakilang,deforestation,train +21665,21666,21666,anu misaliway tu tulu a rumiad i masetu kita,if we fast three days we will be faint with hunger,train +21666,21667,21667,satimulan,southern tip,train +21667,21668,21668,i takuwan sisa ala han kaku pacumu kaku itini i,I have been vetted and decided to let me in,train +21668,21669,21669,aray faki tu parada hanaca pakafana tu teluteluc tu matuʼasay itiya hu,thank you Uncle for telling us about the lives of the people in the past,train +21669,21670,21670,makingkiw tu nangraan kunian sa,they have been working on this tell me about it,test +21670,21671,21671,umalingay tu,it is softer,train +21671,21672,21672,an hai tu,I guess so,train +21672,21673,21673,caay ka laheci kura luma masanga,there is no result for the house,train +21673,21674,21674,anu kami hiwa hu i itiyahu i,if we have people,train +21674,21675,21675,cima kura kapah,who is that young man,train +21675,21676,21676,u niyan tamuhung,it can be used as a helmet,train +21676,21677,21677,Ma^dengtu ku nipituru nu alumanay tu matiniay a tamdaw,the punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him,train +21677,21678,21678,maratar a talalutuk ci faki a misemut tu kakaenen nu kulung,Grandpa went to the mountain early in the morning to cut grass for the cows,train +21678,21679,21679,caay ka ulah kaku tu pipurangan nawhani adihay ku faliyus,I do not like autumn because there are lots of typhoons in autumn,train +21679,21680,21680,ngiyangi^,shake,test +21680,21681,21681,vangcal ku nisangaan,it is complete,train +21681,21682,21682,kiyakiya laku a kawmahan,Just it is farming in the paddy fields,train +21682,21683,21683,tama han nira a mikuwang,he shot the gun on target,train +21683,21684,21684,patalukanen,please build a chicken coop,train +21684,21685,21685,sangaayay,had better,train +21685,21686,21686,dengkini sai,not for long,train +21686,21687,21687,tatata mimali kita,let us play soccer,train +21687,21688,21688,u niyaru aku itira i pusun i Kakacawan ku ciwkangan,my hometown is in Ciwkangan in Taitung in Kakacawan,train +21688,21689,21689,yacecay a safa aku ci Acay ku ngangan ningra,the other brother is called Choi,train +21689,21690,21690,aka pitawal tu paytemek nu pituuran nu tileng haw,do not forget what you believe in,test +21690,21691,21691,Hinengen nira pakangala ku i paputalay a tamdaw,peek through the ledges to see who is outside,train +21691,21692,21692,yu mivuting tu ku matuasay,when the old man is catching,train +21692,21693,21693,As kufel satu kisu hani,Yeah why do you have wrinkles,train +21693,21694,21694,Paayawen nuya pacakayay ci Yisan a tamdaw a pasuwal cangra tu kacipinangan Oya nicucupan aku a tamdaw i Cingra ku rarpeten namu Sungilaen a mikayat Cingra han ningra,now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them The one I kiss is the man arrest him and lead him away under guard,train +21694,21695,21695,o uwang nu ules ku sakacerenuh nu safanuhan aku,I am creeper out by the howling of coyotes,train +21695,21696,21696,temangic u Kaliyawan han kamu haw hayi,he cried and said Yes,train +21696,21697,21697,awaay hen ku dingki nu Yimey i aayaw nu yay a mihcaan,there was no electricity in the first month of the year of the Republic of China,train +21697,21698,21698,caay ka ca,definitely,train +21698,21699,21699,Mafuhid tu kuni a kilang,the tree is rotten,train +21699,21700,21700,pasaʼsaʼ tu malaluk i awiten,I will rest when I feel like it I will embroider it,test +21700,21701,21701,kakahaday,broad,train +21701,21702,21702,nika i ayaw nangra ira ku ccay luma nu tatekuh,there was a beehive in front of them,train +21702,21703,21703,matiya u dmak nu tamud ciira alaen nu ccay a fafahiyan ku tamud a mipacamul i spat pulu a kungsen nu aped nu ^mi i mafihahak kunini a ma^min han ningra,it is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough,train +21703,21704,21704,o fadic aca ku maaraway,only the surface is evident,train +21704,21705,21705,tira aca ku tayal mihicayay,if there is a fish fry go to work catching them,train +21705,21706,21706,nika ira ku patelac nu mita misasumasumad tu radiw tu keru nu tatuasan,but there is a downside it will change the traditional dance ballads,train +21706,21707,21707,kuicaway,inflexible,train +21707,21708,21708,Hay mafana kaku,I can ride a bicycle,train +21708,21709,21709,ira ku taneng nu matuʼasay haw,the elderly are wise,train +21709,21710,21710,ta maedeng tu adihay tu kina futing nu maku san kiya mama haw i,father thought it was enough,test +21710,21711,21711,suʼuten nira i teluc nura aul na tekes,tie the tip of the take,train +21711,21712,21712,anu matuas kaku mangalay kaku a malasingsi,I want to be a teacher when I grow up,train +21712,21713,21713,kaen maliʼepah cangra,they are drunk as hell,train +21713,21714,21714,tayni satu kaku i kungcang misangpan,working in a factory,train +21714,21715,21715,mamasiʼat tu ku iya riyal,the sea appears to be ebbing,train +21715,21716,21716,Pakacitusiya kaku a tala Takaw,I took a car to Kaohsiung,train +21716,21717,21717,mangalay kaku a minengneng tu nika fana,I would like to know,train +21717,21718,21718,Ma^eminaytu a mapacakay ku kunga,all the sweet potatoes are sold out,train +21718,21719,21719,Panay u nipacaliwan ni Kacaw tisuwanan kuni a kaytu haw,Panay did Kacaw lend you this coat,train +21719,21720,21720,Nikawrira yu misaharaterateng cingra tunini a dmak i maaraw ningra i lmed ku cuyuh nu Tapang suwal sa kuya cuyuh Kisu u tluc ni Tafiti Yusifaw aka ka talaw a cifafahi ci Mariyaan nawhani u nanu Fangcalay Adingu kuya i tiyaday ningra,but after he had considered this an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said Joseph son of David do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit,test +21720,21721,21721,mafana kamu san ku,how can you understand the production of,train +21721,21722,21722,u raan a selal haw papina ku alaenmamaala pakumud sa hatiraay,and the class how many classes are there to honor,train +21722,21723,21723,u lusid nu vavainay pakaynin i selal caay ka lecad,Mens traditional dress varies according to age class,train +21723,21724,21724,safalic tu kakaenen,in exchange for food,train +21724,21725,21725,o situ^ ni Mayaw kaku ci Kacaw,I am a student in Mayaw my name is Kacaw,train +21725,21726,21726,a mangata tu mivulesak i Sawmah,seeds should be sown near the time of rice planting,train +21726,21727,21727,nanu papacem taha lafii awa ku hanhan,there was no rest from morning until evening,train +21727,21728,21728,kuxi han a miliyas hiwawa i samanen hu,you will have to turn around immediately,train +21728,21729,21729,mipalalay,reminders,train +21729,21730,21730,nawhani yu kumaen kamu i paytmek sa kamu a makakiayaw a kumaen tu nihawikidan namu a kakaenen Saka ira ku macahiway ira ku malasangay namu,for as you eat each of you goes ahead without waiting for anybody else one remains hungry another gets drunk,test +21730,21731,21731,tu niyan u Kawas,this elf,train +21731,21732,21732,u mamatangen,to be old,train +21732,21733,21733,Omisimedan ku rumaruma a panany iayaw,the rice and grain were stored for future use,train +21733,21734,21734,mafanaʼfanaʼ tu,I already know how to do it,train +21734,21735,21735,salafii sa tayni,I came here in the middle of the night,train +21735,21736,21736,haenen nu vayvayian a masilsil,the old ladies are lined up like this,train +21736,21737,21737,kamuk,programs,train +21737,21738,21738,i kahiyaan ka,at that time,train +21738,21739,21739,cimacimanan,who,train +21739,21740,21740,adihay ku sasadayen a tayal han,is there a lot of preparation,test +21740,21741,21741,onini i u nipipatalahkal namu tu nika u tluc nu mipatayay tu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas kamu,so you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets,train +21741,21742,21742,kameleng,smooth,train +21742,21743,21743,mikitini i pipasifanaˈni Pawlu tu misimaway tu kapalitan mananamay ita ku maanan,what do we learn from Pauls account of teaching the jailer,train +21743,21744,21744,aluman ku Sakizaya a tamdaw itini a maru san iri,there is a lot of Zacharias living here,train +21744,21745,21745,Licayaw,may I ask,train +21745,21746,21746,masacengu natapangan,natural sprouting,train +21746,21747,21747,nu sikawasay a lutuk han ira ku tatuduhan nu mita,that is where our current crematorium is,train +21747,21748,21748,I cuwa ku malukamaruan Aku atu nisawawaan Aku a kumaen tu saki Pitalifan a Lisin sanay ku Singsi han a milicay ku tawki nuya luma,and say to the owner of the house The teacher asks where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples,train +21748,21749,21749,caka canguʼutay tu pacek,No nails are not enough,train +21749,21750,21750,tukituki,clock,test +21750,21751,21751,nanitira aca caay patayra tu kulung caay patayra,from there to here cows are not allowed,train +21751,21752,21752,aka pisakaliki a kumaen maiyaka,do not eat too fast and be careful of choking,train +21752,21753,21753,cecay tuedaway atu cecay kamukuay,one long and one short,train +21753,21754,21754,alamapucuʼpucuʼ san,everyone has pus,train +21754,21755,21755,anu pakayni i pituur nu cimacima i takuwanan ku sakapisawad ningra tu luma tu salikaka tu fainayan tu fafahiyan tu mama tu ina tu wawa anu^ca u umah i u mamilayap cingra tu smuutay ku camahaw a sapakaulah atu midaucay a urip,and everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life,train +21755,21756,21756,cacay midakaw kita i rarapa mikitin tiya hiyaan rayican,No one we rode the bull and pulled the rope,train +21756,21757,21757,mihaen tu demak kita u ngangaˈaytu a pakaliyas tu raraw atu patay milifuk tu suˈlinay pasalat,in doing so we have the opportunity to be free from sin and death and to be truly free,train +21757,21758,21758,hadateng tu anu hamamaan tu,eat it as a dish or whatever you want to do with it,train +21758,21759,21759,Paciherangen ku matayalay nu misu i niyaru,please encourage those who work for you in your tribe,train +21759,21760,21760,hay lilis sa kaku i fatiiʼan nu mucu,I walked slowly along the wall,test +21760,21761,21761,ta lalicay satu kami itiya,and we went out,train +21761,21762,21762,hulankay kahengangay ku hana nira,the color of the flowers is red,train +21762,21763,21763,fihfih,rocking,train +21763,21764,21764,niyam a malikaka tu suna nura wama niyam i,our generation our grandchildren generation,train +21764,21765,21765,tuya pangangan tu malitengay i,the old timers called it that,train +21765,21766,21766,u pengec hananay ha,is it also called a headdress,train +21766,21767,21767,i cuwa kisu mikasuy anini,where did you pick up firewood today,train +21767,21768,21768,Caay ka deng u saki cangraan a ccay ku nipitulun Aku mitulun kaku tu saki pasulinay i takuwanan tu nanu nipatnakan nangra,My prayer is not for them alone I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,train +21768,21769,21769,anu makelec cira haw i,if it is tighter,train +21769,21770,21770,u siwnga tu anini mansa matedi tu,it is brighter now because of the new cloth,test +21770,21771,21771,ci cima kiya ngangan nira kiya,what is the name,train +21771,21772,21772,o cicukapay anini ku tamdamdaw i lalan,everyone on the road wears shoes,train +21772,21773,21773,Opipalal tunu Kawas,the reserve was used and the whole company collapsed,train +21773,21774,21774,o kasufucan ni ama anucila^,tomorrow is grand moms birthday,train +21774,21775,21775,alaen niyama nu ira ku tahatiluay miurung tayra miala,he used to come with us to the mountains,train +21775,21776,21776,yu maherek tu a misinga,when the clansmen have finished their work in the barn,train +21776,21777,21777,u manan tu,different,train +21777,21778,21778,Cecay tusa tulu se^pat lima ^enem pitu^ falu siwa awaay ku cecay,One two three four five six seven eight nine one less,train +21778,21779,21779,u suwal aku i pakini kita pidakawan hanay a tayni i hekal,what I am saying is that we take transportation to land,train +21779,21780,21780,Kasemuwal,talk about,test +21780,21781,21781,pasawalien ku rakat,the road goes east,train +21781,21782,21782,pakarakat,cannot move,train +21782,21783,21783,caay hu katangasa tira,I have not gotten there yet,train +21783,21784,21784,sakakaay,salient,train +21784,21785,21785,mamiyatay,sparkling,train +21785,21786,21786,awaay ku kingcal itini ma,there is no police here,train +21786,21787,21787,rakat sanay tayra i ising cingra,he walks to the hospital,train +21787,21788,21788,alic,sparrow,train +21788,21789,21789,ta,interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition,train +21789,21790,21790,Paturuden kaku tunini a tayal,give me this responsibility,test +21790,21791,21791,kapitilid,go to school,train +21791,21792,21792,caheni,itchy,train +21792,21793,21793,karuden tu a misakapah,rake and level the ground again,train +21793,21794,21794,awaay ci akung namu i luma i umahay cingra i luma a mitala kamu cingraan,your grandfather is not at home he is in the field wait for him to come back,train +21794,21795,21795,Nikawrira anu iratu a talahkal ku masungilaay a dmak i u mamalasawad itiya ku pasamuay a dmak,but when perfection comes the imperfect disappears,train +21795,21796,21796,icuwa itu hakini kuya takula aku saan kura wawa a mikilim,Where is my frog the child looked for,train +21796,21797,21797,cikakaʼapa ku heci ningra,he does not have much fruit,train +21797,21798,21798,tahini ku kalahulul ita tadamiahuwid tu pipalada isu,that is all for today interview thank you very much for sharing with us,train +21798,21799,21799,pananiulen,tadpole something,train +21799,21800,21800,u tudungay tu u paini nu awaay maʼaraw matiya,maybe it is an invisible guide,test +21800,21801,21801,maka ala tu ku niyam itira milafin,for about a month,train +21801,21802,21802,u dadaya masa hiya kami mi mafuti ri,at night while we are sleeping,train +21802,21803,21803,Sahetu u Yencumin ku paru nu luma namu haw,are all your family members indigenous,train +21803,21804,21804,Namapatilidtu aku ku kiwkay Nikawrira caay pikihar tu suwal aku kuya mangalayay a malakakridan a tamdaw ci Tiyutrifis,I wrote to the church but Diotrephes who loves to be first will have nothing to do with us,train +21804,21805,21805,haratengen nu mita,let us memorize it,train +21805,21806,21806,o sakamatini nu dmak nangra i u nika fukil nangra tu wama atu nika fukil nangra i Takuwanan,they will do such things because they have not known the father or me,train +21806,21807,21807,si Sapit tu,Sapit of course,train +21807,21808,21808,cayay cangra pilaʼum,no waste of resources,train +21808,21809,21809,mifafa tu wawa,baby backpacker,train +21809,21810,21810,Malasak ku nanum nu urad nanifadahung niyam tuya kafaliyusan,on the day of the typhoon the rain leaked down from the roof of our house,test +21810,21811,21811,maulah miala takuwan maru tu kasuling,take me on the train,train +21811,21812,21812,Kiyanca misapikupikuh hen ku rakat nu maku anini,although I am walking with a limp,train +21812,21813,21813,fakiay nangra,their uncles,train +21813,21814,21814,malemed ku cialupalay anini a mihecaan,we are lucky to have persimmons this year,train +21814,21815,21815,sakelac,spatula,train +21815,21816,21816,anu ira ku lawad nu vavainay,Gentlemen if you have time,train +21816,21817,21817,calcal,Split,train +21817,21818,21818,kaenen ira ku kumud ira,eatable,train +21818,21819,21819,itiya hu i mahaenay ku likakawa nu ruma a finacadan militafaday sanay,they used to have a culture of beheading people,train +21819,21820,21820,araw sa uya uner,it is the snake,test +21820,21821,21821,Fangcalay ku tu hiya kiya,it is good for that,train +21821,21822,21822,pananumen,For Water,train +21822,21823,21823,Mapahul ku valucu niyam,our dog is loose,train +21823,21824,21824,mala yay sanay tira haw anu icuwacuwa haw,I like to talk long and short which is annoying,train +21824,21825,21825,macu^cu,attacked by the enemy,train +21825,21826,21826,nanu tuas tangasa anini tataak ku kasasiruma nu facu a manengneng u nika tahenay mafalic ku pinangan nu lusid,the changes in the shape of costumes are very different from those of the past and present and the style of costumes is changing rapidly,train +21826,21827,21827,o nipahafayan ni Mayaw a kulung kunini,this cow was fed by Mayaw,train +21827,21828,21828,ta kaen satu kami u rengus,that is why we eat grass,train +21828,21829,21829,laliw han aku ya matuʼasay niyam itiya,then I left the old man alone,train +21829,21830,21830,uraan kiya matawalay ni kaka aku,my brother forgot those,test +21830,21831,21831,vilvil,lip,train +21831,21832,21832,masiday aku ku paysu aku,I lost my money,train +21832,21833,21833,mahaen kunian sukuy hanay,this is a wooden supplicant,train +21833,21834,21834,a misi kita anuhuni i pitalaan tu fasu,we will pee at the station later,train +21834,21835,21835,Kurahut han nu lutung ci ama nu maku,my grandmother was scratched by a monkey,train +21835,21836,21836,cingra ku minengnengay san tira taku nura pasicuwacuwaen ku ayaw san,that is the kid studying which way to go in and out of the door,train +21836,21837,21837,tey lingatu satu misalisin tiya i misalisin canira i ta awa ku paysin itiya hu,when the Festival begins there are no taboos when they hold the Harvest Festival,train +21837,21838,21838,icinin kiyami haw,is it the same as,train +21838,21839,21839,pawali,dry up,train +21839,21840,21840,itira tu a paluma,around that time I could come and plant it,test +21840,21841,21841,Maharatengayhu aku pafelian nu fufu kaku tunu Takaluk suwal a cudad atu Fangcalay Cudad,I remember that my grandfather showed me some books in Tagalog like the Bible and a couple of pamphlets Protection security and Exposure,train +21841,21842,21842,midanguy ciira,he is going swimming,train +21842,21843,21843,mahaenay ku nikaurip nu niyam i naayaw,that is how we used to live,train +21843,21844,21844,u namu han tu pisirimrim,please give me your advice,train +21844,21845,21845,u hatiraay,that amount or more,train +21845,21846,21846,manaʼay kaku tu huana sa cira tada u huana tu ci Halu imatini i Fataʼan,he said I did not want a boy Harolds a real boy now that he is restored,train +21846,21847,21847,malaadipangpang,become a butterfly,train +21847,21848,21848,mahaenay tini mipalu haw Hay,strike at the head,train +21848,21849,21849,ci Alapawan han tu kiya ngangan nura taʼangayay tura,it is the brother called Allah Bovan,train +21849,21850,21850,caayay kangaʼay edeng u Pangcah ku sasuwalen,Amis because it is only about the Amis it is not about the others so fewer people support us,test +21850,21851,21851,awatsu ku utu ni,heard the mans voice,train +21851,21852,21852,Maaraw aku ku adihayaya a unel irahu ku adihayay a ayam,I saw a lot of snakes and a lot of birds,train +21852,21853,21853,Mifaca ku fafahi i tarawadaw,women washing clothes in the river,train +21853,21854,21854,anu ira kiya falucu,if you think of something else,train +21854,21855,21855,nikaurira matapalay ita a heci haw i,but the results we have seen,train +21855,21856,21856,kuwakuriwariw,stirring,train +21856,21857,21857,pacaliwen hu^ kaku ri panukasen aku anuhuni^,can you lend me the pen for a second I will return to you immediately,train +21857,21858,21858,nimaay a tevus kiraan nu sitevusay tu,Whose sugarcane is that the owner of the sugarcane field,train +21858,21859,21859,mapecih nira ku epang,he broke off a piece of bread,train +21859,21860,21860,tiya mahemek tayni mikihatiya malikuda san,he is happy to be here for the festival,test +21860,21861,21861,pitilidan,school,train +21861,21862,21862,anini tu kamu u kaemangay haw i,Today boys and girls,train +21862,21863,21863,a milingsiw kami nu Amis Payrang a caciyaw,practicing ethnic and Minnan languages,train +21863,21864,21864,u Isi yama ku itiniay a suta,the land on this side is called the rocky mountain Section,train +21864,21865,21865,pakaʼuraday a demak hananay,the so called rain prayer Festival,train +21865,21866,21866,cuwa ka kaenen nu fau,the bugs will not eat it,train +21866,21867,21867,caay pasuvana,I will not teach you,train +21867,21868,21868,tayniay ku makeru miʼacaay cara kira mansa ku suwal nara,Kano came to dance they bought they told,train +21868,21869,21869,caka hakuwa kura heci ira,but it will not grow much,train +21869,21870,21870,aka pasalaten ci Satan a patalaw a milunay tu falucuˈ isu catu ka madimadi tu Kawas,do not let Satan use fear to discourage us from being faithful to God,test +21870,21871,21871,malafiyaw hananay i u mafana aca a misanga,good neighbors,train +21871,21872,21872,waay waay,No No,train +21872,21873,21873,away ku futi away ku etan,no sleep no money,train +21873,21874,21874,malikelun tu tara i luma niya mahakikicay nu seli,so I went to the house that was washed away by the mudslide,train +21874,21875,21875,pakayni tu sakura hananay u hana,and cherry blossoms,train +21875,21876,21876,samatiya san u ma caay katingalaw manguta ku mamang,the water does not feel very clear it is a bit murky,train +21876,21877,21877,ya mangalay kisu a milihay,Oh my God should we do it,train +21877,21878,21878,ruma pacefa san pakayat ruma pacefa hanta aulahulah saan kikung saan ku mahaenay mahaen kunu niyamay a niyaru,and then you end up falling in love with each other and that is how you get connected and that is what happened with our tribe,train +21878,21879,21879,adada ku punu isu,you have got a headache,train +21879,21880,21880,ku sasangaan nu niyam mipakafanaen tu,we practiced doing the knitting,test +21880,21881,21881,Ifur san ku tufur takaraw ku hemut,the calfs buttocks are very high when it jumps excitedly,train +21881,21882,21882,u ruma ku pakacidalay a demak,there are different ways to perform the prayer to the sun Festival,train +21882,21883,21883,malaliyaw,retro,train +21883,21884,21884,Nengnengen ira a mikaput i takuwanan a mitahka kuya pacakayay i takuwanan a tamdaw,but the hand of him who is going to betray me is with mine on the table,train +21884,21885,21885,cay kahacuwa ku lifun nu maku i katayalan,I do not get paid much for working in the company,train +21885,21886,21886,pulung i lima suut ira ku mu^tep a limuud,all,train +21886,21887,21887,patayni tu palamlam,put in the samples,train +21887,21888,21888,wakung,cupcake,train +21888,21889,21889,i hekal ku suwal nira,what he said was very clear,train +21889,21890,21890,malasufitay,being a soldier,test +21890,21891,21891,kenuhu imatini caay kafana kaku tu miruʼay,I am not sure,train +21891,21892,21892,itini tu kaku,in years,train +21892,21893,21893,ura mafanaʼay a rumadiw nani winaay,the one who sings is on the Maternal side of the family,train +21893,21894,21894,tahafsatahaf,lid,train +21894,21895,21895,tayra kami i Cangken paisingan,we are going to Chang Gung Hospital,train +21895,21896,21896,Saka mafana kita tu nika u sulinay ku dmak nu Kawas a misawkit tu midmakay tu matiniay a raraw,now we know that Gods judgment against those who do such things is based on truth,train +21896,21897,21897,o maan ku kakaenen isu a sakalafi,what would you like for dinner,train +21897,21898,21898,hai han tu ku malitengay kira,that is how I promised my parents,train +21898,21899,21899,Miaca kaku tu cecay a kukpu,I want to buy a cup,train +21899,21900,21900,o malakincacay kaku,I am a cop,test +21900,21901,21901,ini tu,it is here,train +21901,21902,21902,ira ku siningkay kasiniadaan mitapal tura adadaay,it is sad to see a young man infected,train +21902,21903,21903,Cima^ kisu,who are you,train +21903,21904,21904,hatiniay ku malitengay itiya hu,that is how it was in the early days of the elders,train +21904,21905,21905,palemedan ni Yihufa ku Misaˈusian aku,my decision is blessed by the Lord,train +21905,21906,21906,kisu ku padihekuay i takuwanan,you are the one who keeps me warm,train +21906,21907,21907,aca,indistinct,train +21907,21908,21908,tayra i Kalinku,we are going to Hualien to buy something,train +21908,21909,21909,maredatay,split suture,train +21909,21910,21910,ruma satu i remadiw misakeru atu pakungku ci ama aku,sometimes they even sing and dance and my dad tells stories,test +21910,21911,21911,ku nipikulit aku,I drew the picture,train +21911,21912,21912,a ira ku pasevana nu kiwkay,dedicated ethnic language teachers to provide counseling and assistance,train +21912,21913,21913,malitengay,not like the old elders,train +21913,21914,21914,mitakud,jump,train +21914,21915,21915,ci Kacaw kura midaduay tura wawa,the man who comforted that child was Kacaw,train +21915,21916,21916,paniyaruan,location of tribes,train +21916,21917,21917,maan sa kira,what does that mean,train +21917,21918,21918,tataang ku cidal,I know it is a sunny day,train +21918,21919,21919,nacila,before,train +21919,21920,21920,Miliway kaku tu tulu a rumiad,I am going to fast for three days,test +21920,21921,21921,u hakuwa han isu cuka,how long did you say it would take to do this,train +21921,21922,21922,hey u mahiniay a edu sa ci vaki sa,Grandpa said Hey what is this mouse doing,train +21922,21923,21923,ira ku wacu aku,I have a dog,train +21923,21924,21924,Ngaayhu Mayaw ci Kaping kaku,Hello Mayaw I am Kaping,train +21924,21925,21925,mansa Milinsiway kaku tu maamaan,that is why I am learning all kinds of kudzu,train +21925,21926,21926,caay pisipasip kisu i funguh aku tu simal Nikawrira sipasipen ningra tu fangsisay a simal ku waay Aku,you did not give me a kiss but this woman from the time I entered has not stopped kissing my feet,train +21926,21927,21927,Ngaay,hope,train +21927,21928,21928,nini,Here,train +21928,21929,21929,tatiih a awaay ku undu nu matuasay i luma,elderly people at home cannot do without exercise,train +21929,21930,21930,u funus,sword,test +21930,21931,21931,o kuku ku kakaenen nu maku,I ate the chicken,train +21931,21932,21932,saka sepat aku misanga ta,fourth times a charm,train +21932,21933,21933,napinapina mipacefung,I have been in the water a few times,train +21933,21934,21934,sinuut,perspiration,train +21934,21935,21935,o patdiay tu ruma a finacadan a likat cingra o sakacidil nu Israil a finawlan isu Cingra saan,a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel,train +21935,21936,21936,kuhetihetingay,ferrous,train +21936,21937,21937,nangra,Them,train +21937,21938,21938,tatiih tu kina hiya,it is blocking my words,train +21938,21939,21939,en,uh huh,train +21939,21940,21940,hay miharaten kaku tu,so I thought,test +21940,21941,21941,o milakuwitay tu riyar a mitusilay anu saka ciepucaw ku pipadama tu salikaka wa minanam tunu itiraay a suwal,if we missionaries are to be more effective in helping the brethren we need to learn the local language,train +21941,21942,21942,Hacecacecay,one by one,train +21942,21943,21943,tahini tu i sepat lima a fulad ku pifuting itira i,the fishing season lasted or months,train +21943,21944,21944,talalutuk han nu micudaday,the students said they were going to the mountains,train +21944,21945,21945,harekay tu,Finished,train +21945,21946,21946,ekim,gold,train +21946,21947,21947,mikiri,scratchy,train +21947,21948,21948,faedetay,scalding,train +21948,21949,21949,miseking satu haw i maherek miseking maherek malahuk haw i mitahidang tu,I have finished my exams and I have been called in after lunch,train +21949,21950,21950,Rafiyas satu ku nanum i tangku,the water tower barrels are overflowing,test +21950,21951,21951,tiya masadak tu simal itiraw kiya pikasuʼan ra tiya tu rakes,dried camphor bark is used to quench the essential oils,train +21951,21952,21952,malcapu ku tamdaw kiyami,because of the gathering of people,train +21952,21953,21953,saitinihu kami itaypey han niyam ku wawa,we are asking to stay here until the house is finished,train +21953,21954,21954,kaku sa i mahetik i laenu,I am sliding down with you,train +21954,21955,21955,hadateng mipanay kura ney,it is a Harvest time dish,train +21955,21956,21956,mafiik,thyroid neoplasm,train +21956,21957,21957,mitilid kaku i kusiyaw pitilidan,I went to a national elementary school,train +21957,21958,21958,luwad satu kuya mapatayay ta caciyaw Paturud hantu ni Yis kuya kapah i ci inaan ningra,then he went up and touched the coffin and those carrying it stood still he said Young man I say to you get up,train +21958,21959,21959,o mitahkaay atu matayalay a patahka a tamdaw i cima ku tadamaanay saw ora mitahkaay a tamdaw Nikawrira u matayalay ku dmak aku a mikaput i tamuwanan,for who is greater the one who is at the table or the one who serves is it not the one who is at the table but I am among you as one who serves,train +21959,21960,21960,pakisalaen,use a plate,test +21960,21961,21961,Tangbulan,commonly known as the Kavalan,train +21961,21962,21962,itiya saka tangasa itini i luma niyaru an,from Haikou to the tribe it is a bit of a walk,train +21962,21963,21963,yu,exist,train +21963,21964,21964,micufel,to sheath,train +21964,21965,21965,patelien amin,put it down,train +21965,21966,21966,ta mipadang tu kaku tu mihiya tunini u tayal nu matuasay,then I helped the elders with their work,train +21966,21967,21967,kalifulaway ku malitengay kiya,the old man used to move easily,train +21967,21968,21968,Kalumuwad kisu ka^pudtu haklung han cangra a tayra aka pisafraang nawhani kaku ku niucuray i cangraan a patayni saan,so get up and go downstairs do not hesitate to go with them for I have sent them,train +21968,21969,21969,mahaen amin ku niyaru niyam,this is how our tribe lives,train +21969,21970,21970,anu pararid ku urad,if it rains a lot,test +21970,21971,21971,maaʼiluay,they have disputes,train +21971,21972,21972,Kawitan tu nu mmisu,and you are hooked,train +21972,21973,21973,tu sapipaluwadaw tu Pangcah,nurturing the talents of indigenous peoples,train +21973,21974,21974,Mucerem ku cidal tueman tu ku remiad,the sun has gone down and it is getting dark,train +21974,21975,21975,hay kita matini,we are,train +21975,21976,21976,haen sa ku cecay nu maku tu kungku,this is what happened to me in the past,train +21976,21977,21977,ura patusukan nangra a minanam tunini i,they come here to learn,train +21977,21978,21978,anu minukay kuya tawki anu maaraw ningra ku nika haen nu dmak nuya kuli i u malmeday cingra,it will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns,train +21978,21979,21979,Tikulen a minengneng ku naikulan i cuwacuwa ka patuled ci Yihfufa takuwanan,the Lord has supported me with the right hand of righteousness as he promised and has been with me to strengthen me,train +21979,21980,21980,Vayiyaw,grand mom,test +21980,21981,21981,caʼay ka cunihar ku cidal mipacuk tu ku matuʼasay itiya hu,it was dark before the sun came up and the old man killed the pigs,train +21981,21982,21982,nanay hukiya,may it also be hoped that,train +21982,21983,21983,adihay ku kacanguʼutan nu niyam nawhani,we have a lot of needs,train +21983,21984,21984,mafana kaku tu mamang nu Hulam sa,I know a little Chinese so,train +21984,21985,21985,idang,mate,train +21985,21986,21986,cauf,responsive,train +21986,21987,21987,ira henay kira sama ira i lalikul isu ina,Aunties got lettuce behind the drowning,train +21987,21988,21988,hai ini ini,Yes here here,train +21988,21989,21989,anu ila ku lisin nu niyaru i,if the tribe is holding a festival,train +21989,21990,21990,Orasaka unini a nipitier ningra ku u mu^celay a tamdaw han nu Kawas cingra,this is why it was credited to him as righteousness,test +21990,21991,21991,sipusipunuay,organization for the advancement of indigenous languages,train +21991,21992,21992,una niyaru niyam awaay ku kilumaʼan,our tribe we do not have a new Years Eve festival,train +21992,21993,21993,a remadiw tuway i araw maherek kiya hiya,I just kept singing and that is how I finished it,train +21993,21994,21994,ku ngangan nira haw,what is its name,train +21994,21995,21995,ina niyam i misapala mipaluma tu mienip awa i luma kaku satu i luma misimaw tu safa,my mother is a farmer who grows rice and is away from home I am the one who takes care of my sister,train +21995,21996,21996,malu riku,something to wear,train +21996,21997,21997,nian i u maan han kiya saw mapawan tu kaku,how can I say this forget it,train +21997,21998,21998,tangasa anini aluman aluman satu ku tamdaw ta fangcal tu ku urip nu Cawi,Nowadays there are more and more people and life in Jungpo is getting better and better,train +21998,21999,21999,wacu^,puppy,train +21999,22000,22000,tanektek ku pipasulin aku i tamuwanan Saka u kalataangan aku kamu Saka mahinum ku falucu aku anu mapadepades kaku tu masamaamaanay i tataang ku lipahak aku,I have great confidence in you I take great pride in you I am greatly encouraged in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds,test +22000,22001,22001,pedeng,ear splitting deafening,train +22001,22002,22002,tiraay saka,right there and then,train +22002,22003,22003,ya suluk ila uhulu aca,Drowned blood that will stink just the rice the rice ho,train +22003,22004,22004,u yaan a sakaadada nu tamdaw u rayray a mifahfah atu mipuhpuh tu adadaay i cai kaca u aisidan ku situdungay a mikamay,the ritual of exorcism must be performed by an experienced priest,train +22004,22005,22005,itira pipenen haw i,where the reeds are collected,train +22005,22006,22006,saka tahini i sakasiwa a lingad nu niyam haw i,so by the time I was on my ninth trip,train +22006,22007,22007,Mangaay caliwen aku ku paysu^ isu haw,can I borrow money from you,train +22007,22008,22008,u maan kura hicay saan,what are fish fry,train +22008,22009,22009,saparirik,baits,train +22009,22010,22010,akaka itini kita hatini kina Iwatan haw i,at this rate these Bununs we would better not be here,test +22010,22011,22011,misafana tu tamdaw,it is a professional fraud,train +22011,22012,22012,caay tu kangalay a kemaen,I do not want to eat anymore,train +22012,22013,22013,i nian ta u hiya u karututuyay,this is salted grass,train +22013,22014,22014,ura sa u Amis i,the Amis are paid cents a day,train +22014,22015,22015,maaraw kura hicay anu awaay kurahicay saan,look for fry in the storage tanks,train +22015,22016,22016,pitpitlipapah,leaf stripping,train +22016,22017,22017,mifetik ci faki tu epah tu tuas ta misatapang a mipakungku i tamiyanan,after my uncle had made a toast to our ancestors he began to tell us about the old times,train +22017,22018,22018,icuwa awaay tayni kiya,he is not here at all,train +22018,22019,22019,a siruma saw,is there a difference,train +22019,22020,22020,Orasaka salikakaaw u citadahay kita Nikawrira caay ku pinangan nu tireng a tadah anu hatira i u mamapa^kel nu pinangan nu tireng ku urip ita,Therefore brothers we have an obligation but it is not to the sinful nature to live according to it,test +22020,22021,22021,a mitemi anu,stirring rice cake,train +22021,22022,22022,cacayen,one radical in Chinese characters,train +22022,22023,22023,halifainayan sanay kura pinengneng nu wina aku,it is hard to change in a mothers eyes,train +22023,22024,22024,talulung ku nika fana ni Filis tunini a pakayraan Saka Anu tayni ku tapang nu sufitay ci Lisiyas i itiya kaku a mihapinang tu dmak namu han ningra cangra a mipahrek tu piliclic,then Felix who was well acquainted with the Way adjourned the proceedings When Lysias the commander comes he said I will decide your case,train +22024,22025,22025,tadengal,bright,train +22025,22026,22026,nu iraan a seral nu iraan a seral nu iraan a seral nu iraan a seral papina ku seral nu itiyaay nu niyam i Fakung aluman,this age group this age group this age group this age group this age group we have a lot of age groups in Fengbin at that time,train +22026,22027,22027,taliyung san haw,it is circular,train +22027,22028,22028,tayra satu i cingraan ku nai niyaruay nu Yutaya atu nai Yirusalimay a tamdamdaw patalahkal cangra tu raraw nangra saka painuen ni Yuhani cangra i Yurtan a alu,the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him Confessing their sins they were baptized by him in the Jordan River,train +22028,22029,22029,miditek tu kararaya nu luma ci mama,dad measures the length of the house,train +22029,22030,22030,Hay Mafana tu kaku,thank you,test +22030,22031,22031,pasalaʼenu miala tu suta sapatili nira aayaw,he is digging the dirt in front of him one space at a time,train +22031,22032,22032,tayra satu kami,let us go,train +22032,22033,22033,padangen kaku a mivuhat tu panan,please open the door for me,train +22033,22034,22034,hanatusaay kisu maseti,that is two strikes,train +22034,22035,22035,Kucung Oruma kami tu i madengay tu,some of us were in junior high school,train +22035,22036,22036,kalic han ni kaka ku utufay ni mama a mitakaw,brother steals Dads motorcycle,train +22036,22037,22037,kufu,hectare,train +22037,22038,22038,papikununen,Geton your knees,train +22038,22039,22039,u matuʼasay nu na wawa,this old mans child,train +22039,22040,22040,mihiya tu tuya miharateng tuku pateliʼan,finding containers,test +22040,22041,22041,misadak tu siraw a sapakaʼen cangraʼan,I will give them some salt pork to go with it,train +22041,22042,22042,samaanen ita ku nipidukduk a mirpet ci Yisan a mipatay,and they plotted to arrest Jesus in some sly way and kill him,train +22042,22043,22043,aka ka kitkiten ku duka anu caay hu ka icang,do not scrape the wound if it has not healed,train +22043,22044,22044,pakatamina ku rumaruma a nisawawaan a mitaruh tuya matumesay tu futing a salil a talahkal nawhani caay piraay cangra tu hkal ma^deng lima a pulu a laya ku piraay nangra tu hkal,the other disciples followed in the boat towing the net full of fish for they were not far from shore about a hundred yards,train +22044,22045,22045,paleneken,Letbury,train +22045,22046,22046,Miutut ca Osay tu paarirayan naira,Osay they weeded the corn fields,train +22046,22047,22047,paicifaan,market,train +22047,22048,22048,ha palumaen aku tu papalumaen aku,I can grow what I want,train +22048,22049,22049,sakakaay nu mita wama i tini i kakarayan mihakennuhu kita haw,we still do not believe in the high Father,train +22049,22050,22050,anu cimacima tu anu cifaʼinayay tu,Togetherness has any family needs,test +22050,22051,22051,Naunen o nipiucur aku tamuwanan i matiya u nipipacumud tu siri i uleulesan kamatiya u uner kamu a tariktik kamatiya u tupi kamu a damsay,I am sending you out like sheep among wolves therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves,train +22051,22052,22052,makafit i kilang ku kafung nira,his hat was hooked to the tree,train +22052,22053,22053,kaʼayaw na,in front of Yang Yongzhengs house,train +22053,22054,22054,macidemay,Sharp,train +22054,22055,22055,sasawen itira ney,and then we have to take it there to be cleaned,train +22055,22056,22056,tira sa kami misimaw kiya kaka aku,I was able to save my brothers life,train +22056,22057,22057,suwal sa ku nisawawaan ci Yisan Singsiaw sapitkulanhu tu fukluh i Tisuwanan ku kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw i sakatayraan haca Kisu saw han nangra,But Rabbi they said a short while ago the Jews tried to stone you and yet you are going back there,train +22057,22058,22058,makemut,fooled,train +22058,22059,22059,onini a mamu^tepay i u mafulaay ku lalima o mafanaay a miharateng ku lalima,five of them were foolish and five were wise,train +22059,22060,22060,ciku,elbow,test +22060,22061,22061,matuduh i kaenu nu tamina u salikaka nu niyam haw papinapina salikaka fafahiyan matuduh ku pising,some of the sisters who were burned to death under the boat also had burns on their faces,train +22061,22062,22062,hay haw,is that right,train +22062,22063,22063,Micenu ci ina tu waay i nanum,mom dipped her feet in the water,train +22063,22064,22064,naʼun sa ku heni a milisimet tu lakalang nu heni atu tavukud atu vatili,they are slowly packing up the long gossip nets and the batteries,train +22064,22065,22065,kunkwangci,sightseeing Bureau,train +22065,22066,22066,maraay ku piladuman,it is a long way to pick up water,train +22066,22067,22067,anu ila ku curcur tu maan i,ability to immediately dispose of some assignments,train +22067,22068,22068,midisdis,it means to cut off the side branches,train +22068,22069,22069,maluciay,a lot of words,train +22069,22070,22070,ya saan a milicay i malatumukay anu caay hu ka fana a pacaʼuf,the head of the family has to be quite resourceful in solving the family problems,test +22070,22071,22071,cira tunu,attending aquatic school,train +22071,22072,22072,pahanhan2,breaks,train +22072,22073,22073,malaada,become an enemy,train +22073,22074,22074,akay u Kawas haw kiya uner,maybe that snake is a ghost,train +22074,22075,22075,a nikimadan matu u,for example the famous literature,train +22075,22076,22076,Caay keriden nu singsi^ kita a talalutuk,No our teacher is going to take us to the mountains,train +22076,22077,22077,anu caka lecad ku pihakelungan nu mararamuday sasamaan pasifanaˈ tu wawa nengnengen ku Salicay nu Miˈusiay Tamdaw i Mikeculay 2002815,for more information on how to raise a child when a husband and wife have different beliefs please see the Readers Letter in the August issue of the Watchtower,train +22077,22078,22078,riyal,numerous,train +22078,22079,22079,onini a maadahay a tamdaw tu nanu kafahkaan a dmak i matalif ku spat a pulu nu mihcaan ningra,for the man who was miraculously healed was over forty years old,train +22079,22080,22080,pangangan tu mapelaʼay hani,just call it Cracked,test +22080,22081,22081,Cungaen,drawing,train +22081,22082,22082,maanen aca,I am sorry,train +22082,22083,22083,liyawen a misanga ku falucu mararamuday,re establish the good heart of the couple,train +22083,22084,22084,Hahayda aka kasaan tu tau,do not answer to others indiscriminately,train +22084,22085,22085,kaʼurip nu heni tu sakay tini,the weakening of the Aboriginal language is the reason for this,train +22085,22086,22086,ya palumaʼan han niyam,my home,train +22086,22087,22087,matiya,the same,train +22087,22088,22088,nukas,turn back,train +22088,22089,22089,a midanguy tu ku kapah tayra i riyar,Oh a young man swimming in the sea,train +22089,22090,22090,kahemekan aku kuninan a tayal aku tuna,this is the joy I had when I was a street performer,test +22090,22091,22091,itiya i u cecayay a Kitakit ku sausi nu kasaniyaru,at that time the tribes ruled into the concept of a nation,train +22091,22092,22092,Sienaway ku rumiad adihayen ku ninanuman tu faedetay a nanum,it is a bit cold so you need to drink more warm water,train +22092,22093,22093,savaw tu tulu,thirteen,train +22093,22094,22094,manguhed,dental cavities,train +22094,22095,22095,matayal hu^ kisu imatini haw,Then are you working at the moment,train +22095,22096,22096,falud,tie,train +22096,22097,22097,miwahelit,witchcraft,train +22097,22098,22098,awaay ku kuran u hiya,because there is none on the plains,train +22098,22099,22099,Pakahikuki cingra a tayra i Futud,he took a plane to Orchid Island,train +22099,22100,22100,ririd,drag,test +22100,22101,22101,u ama ku miiyaay midiputay,random pulls the grown up one,train +22101,22102,22102,pacacumud han cara mihan,let us go inside together,train +22102,22103,22103,mipangangan ira ku katayalan nu Ripun,enrollment in Japanese factories,train +22103,22104,22104,mahaen pakeyi itiya kamu,So you were there for eight months,train +22104,22105,22105,alacumucumud kura kapah sakira,young people are coming in one by one,train +22105,22106,22106,pacikay,paw,train +22106,22107,22107,nu matuʼasay ira i maraayay a,homemade by the old man for the homecoming,train +22107,22108,22108,malenak tu ku edu,rats are multiplying,train +22108,22109,22109,mafanaay,aware,train +22109,22110,22110,kuni a malitengay i makapahay kuya malitengay mamangay,this old man grandma is not a bad looking petite woman,test +22110,22111,22111,paketeray,get angry,train +22111,22112,22112,o malaisal kamu tatusa tuya umah,the two of you will share the field,train +22112,22113,22113,palalecat han cara misaalec mihaen yu,it has to be the same size,train +22113,22114,22114,safaw siwa^,nineteen,train +22114,22115,22115,Laya sa ci Yis tu kamay a mikapa i cingraan O falucu Aku tisuwanan kakuractu han ningra tangsul sa a maadah kuya malunuay a tamdaw,Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man I am willing he said Be clean and immediately the leprosy left him,train +22115,22116,22116,itila kiya pacakayay tu tavaku,that is where they sell cigarettes,train +22116,22117,22117,halipakukut,lit good accuser,train +22117,22118,22118,tingalaw,limpid,train +22118,22119,22119,nawhani u Kitakit nu Kawas i matiya u kungku tu dmak nu hungti a misausi tu nitayalan nu kuli ningra,Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants,train +22119,22120,22120,u ni ʼaʼayaw nu nika ilising nu Kilung a niyaru haw i,it is before the Keelung Citys Harvest Festival,test +22120,22121,22121,caay,will not,train +22121,22122,22122,ucur hanara kaku tayni kaku i Taypey,so I was dispatched to Nangang Taipei,train +22122,22123,22123,awa hu tiya aku tayra kaku mitahidang,I am going to call him when my sister is not here yet,train +22123,22124,22124,pahecek,plug,train +22124,22125,22125,Sakumien a miwasil ku kasafinacadan,Categorize your people into groups,train +22125,22126,22126,Mangaay kita a pakakter tu Tapang saw ikaka nu icel ningra a mimaan ku icel ita,are we trying to arouse the Lords jealousy are we stronger than he,train +22126,22127,22127,Mafelihaytu aku isawni u mamifulsak kaku anusawni,I just turned over the soil and so on to sow seeds,train +22127,22128,22128,o miadidemay caira a talalutuk anini,they went up the mountain today to collect mulberry trees,train +22128,22129,22129,sakatulu catu kalingad,we will not have this trip the third time around,train +22129,22130,22130,culu,move,test +22130,22131,22131,a mavana tu midanguy,I need to be able to swim too,train +22131,22132,22132,namakayraay i lutuk hantu,wild vegetables from the mountains,train +22132,22133,22133,malukasuy,firewood,train +22133,22134,22134,kuhenac,smoothness,train +22134,22135,22135,misamaan kita patahekal tu suˈlinay ulah,what do we do to show we have genuine love,train +22135,22136,22136,nu maku ni pinengneng tu demak nu malitengay,that is how old people do things,train +22136,22137,22137,man han kiya,what is that,train +22137,22138,22138,o kuli ni Yis Kristu kaku ci Pawlu o matahidangay a malatarukus u nipilian nu Kawas kaku tu mamipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh ningra,Paul a servant of Christ Jesus called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God,train +22138,22139,22139,papinaay ku Yincumincu nu hatini,how many ethnic groups are there now,train +22139,22140,22140,hay matiya,I guess so,test +22140,22141,22141,ruma anu mafukil kaku misaharaterateng haw caay kangaay matini sa cangra haw,if I do not know and when I am thinking they would say Cannot we say this,train +22141,22142,22142,hay miʼete etengen i babaw,Yes plug it at the source,train +22142,22143,22143,Cima^ saw,who are you,train +22143,22144,22144,Caay ku kamay kaku saka caay ku misiketay kaku i tatirengan anu saasaan ku waay i ma^deng a mimaan a caay pisiket i tatirengan,if the foot should say Because I am not a hand I do not belong to the body it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body,train +22144,22145,22145,pasifanaen aku ku iayaw,I started training them,train +22145,22146,22146,tayni,come on,train +22146,22147,22147,kacyang han naku ceku san kisu takuwan,my name is Mom you are scared of me,train +22147,22148,22148,caayay ka pilaliw kisu,so it does not get washed away,train +22148,22149,22149,hakiwid,bring,train +22149,22150,22150,nawhani ira kira na nisupedan tu a ukak nu selal haw i,the hierarchy keeps the leftover meat and bones,test +22150,22151,22151,ihuni wa micircir misiʼuway tu hatini,just now we are going to slice the bamboo rattan into thin slices,train +22151,22152,22152,kapah Tamdaw micangacang tu Nuˈadinguan a Patusukan Han,young man are you committed to your spiritual goals,train +22152,22153,22153,hamanen awaay ku kakaenen,what if there is nothing to eat,train +22153,22154,22154,saayaway a tamdaw tayni i Makutaay,the first people to come to the Magadhaan tribe,train +22154,22155,22155,tayu,slowness,train +22155,22156,22156,mahaenay kiya maku urip itiya hu,in the old days my life was like this,train +22156,22157,22157,Pacarcarhu ku harateng aku anini,I am in a state of flux in my thinking,train +22157,22158,22158,tulu fulad ku pikunning,recruit training takes three months,train +22158,22159,22159,huvaw u vekeluh,Wow why are there so many mountain rocks,train +22159,22160,22160,tusa ku cikil nu kamay nira,he has two extra fingers,test +22160,22161,22161,Nikawrira i ikur nunini i u mamaru kuya wawa nu tamdaw i kawanan nu Tadaciicelay a Kawas han ningra,but from now on the son of man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God,train +22161,22162,22162,iniyan u luma han tu mikiru aca kita tiniyan u lamal,the bereaved family will ask us to make a fire,train +22162,22163,22163,tu fulucu aku,in my heart,train +22163,22164,22164,wadaw ku misapasenesenengay a suwal,stop boastful word,train +22164,22165,22165,mahaen u hanen mialakuni haw nakamay ini,this hand this is how you hold it this is how you hold it,train +22165,22166,22166,o asip atu radiw ku ninanaman niyam i dadaya,what we learned last night was to read aloud and sing,train +22166,22167,22167,anu mafana tu kaku a mituris i,when I learned to write,train +22167,22168,22168,hasapayuen ngaʼayay,it can be used as a therapeutic drug,train +22168,22169,22169,tara i hiya nu liyal atu sauwac i kudul nu liyal ku saayaway,go to the beach and the river starting with the beach,train +22169,22170,22170,makayni,going through,test +22170,22171,22171,matayal tu i Taypak saan,let us work in Taipei,train +22171,22172,22172,o cisafaluday tu uu a talakal u sapitalakal niyam tu mancel,it was a leg rigged rope trap and we used it to catch Shankiang,train +22172,22173,22173,hay mangaay,appropriate,train +22173,22174,22174,mikawmah kita hay,are we going to loosen the soil,train +22174,22175,22175,kalu maamaan kali maamaan,all things,train +22175,22176,22176,en kantang tu,Well it is easy,train +22176,22177,22177,alumanay tu kami a malekaka itiya,in those days we had many brothers and sisters,train +22177,22178,22178,nengneng han kuya lahud kiya haw,the vapor looks like smoke,train +22178,22179,22179,ecaw,sweet liquor,train +22179,22180,22180,u cimapelaʼay,Cracked,test +22180,22181,22181,ringuen,go to the fire,train +22181,22182,22182,mamangay mata kuni,that is exactly the kind of hole I am making now,train +22182,22183,22183,ya tilid ira tira cifaʼinayay tusaay,he wrote there that he had two husbands,train +22183,22184,22184,malaheciay ku kasasisulusulul a demak caay ka i Yincu mincu atu Tangafulan a finacahan u Cen fu ku piarawan,the duty for reconciliation lies not with the indigenous peoples and the Pingpu ethnic group but with the government,train +22184,22185,22185,fikeluh,stone,train +22185,22186,22186,namu harateng,as you see fit,train +22186,22187,22187,mipilirsquu,selection,train +22187,22188,22188,kadademakan,career,train +22188,22189,22189,nani Tafalung kaku,I came from Tai Po long Valley,train +22189,22190,22190,tiya micudad u hiya amin,the reasons for attending this school are,test +22190,22191,22191,palimangta a sumuwal,to speak very bluntly with no tact,train +22191,22192,22192,pasifana ku ama aku i takuwanan,my grand mom told me about it,train +22192,22193,22193,ngaʼay hu,be close,train +22193,22194,22194,halatengen kunian anu awa ku matuʼasay fangcal kita anini,imagine that we would not be so lucky if it were not for the efforts of our ancestors,train +22194,22195,22195,hayda hanaku mararamud kami i niyaru i,and that is how I got married in the tribe,train +22195,22196,22196,tintupi,point and shoot pen,train +22196,22197,22197,alu,sewers,train +22197,22198,22198,misatapang tu miduʼedu,I have started following the history of world literature again,train +22198,22199,22199,kirami,yet,train +22199,22200,22200,pintuh,rip,test +22200,22201,22201,pakafiten ku riku i patih,hang your clothes on the wall,train +22201,22202,22202,mivuting kita tayra mivuting,we are going fishing,train +22202,22203,22203,Nikawrira mafana ci Yis tu harateng nangra saka suwal sa cingra tuya mapikingay ku kamay a tamdaw Kalumuwad katayni i sifu han ningra a sumuwal i luwad satu kuya tamdaw a tumireng itira,but Jesus knew what they were thinking and said to the man with the shriveled hand Get up and stand in front of everyone so he got up and stood there,train +22203,22204,22204,ya Iwatan kura tau,is that guy a Bunun,train +22204,22205,22205,Lungecen nura wawa ku ina nira a micakay tu taiyufan,the kid asked his mom for a bubble blowing toy,train +22205,22206,22206,o suwal ni Musi tu pakayniay i nika ngaay nu tamdaw a malayap nu Kawas atu nipidu^du tu Rikec i O midu^duay tu limuut nu Rikec a tamdaw i u caciurip saan,Moses describes in this way the righteousness that is by the law The man who does these things will live by them,train +22206,22207,22207,u saka kapah tunu niyaru tuninian,can make a difference in the quality of life for the tribe,train +22207,22208,22208,o Yincumin kamu haw,are you Aboriginals,train +22208,22209,22209,makaen nu namal maʼecak,the fire will cook it,train +22209,22210,22210,mueciyaway sa kuhenacay ku fukes sa,said the hair would be shiny and smooth,test +22210,22211,22211,o maminengnenng tu tumpu kita,we are going to see dragonflies,train +22211,22212,22212,vayi,grandmothers,train +22212,22213,22213,u Fangcalay a mamin ku haratengen itiya mahaen ku malalamuday itiya,it is good to think that everything is good and so are couples,train +22213,22214,22214,caytu kafana kaku tu Cudad,I do not recognize words anymore,train +22214,22215,22215,samaenen ita ta na ira ku mimaliay nu pusung sanay,how can we start a baseball team in Taitung,train +22215,22216,22216,matiay tayraay kaku a mi tayra i lipuing ha ha ha ha,I think I am going to do a sermon Ha ha ha,train +22216,22217,22217,malevawa ku tiretirengan mahaenay,that is what happens when you are swollen,train +22217,22218,22218,fa^detay,heat,train +22218,22219,22219,u mamimaan kita a talaumah,what are we going to do in the fields,train +22219,22220,22220,9 alatek cuwa ka nanam kisu a rumadiw tuna pakayniay kalumahadan isu serangawan isu alatek,perhaps you are not used to singing because of your family background culture and environment,test +22220,22221,22221,nisafelan,what you cook,train +22221,22222,22222,ha matayalay aku kira matuʼasay,Ah that old man is my worker,train +22222,22223,22223,ira sikiyaves ira u a u linpu kuni,there is a guava tree it is a lotus tree,train +22223,22224,22224,matuas,growing up,train +22224,22225,22225,anini a miheca,last year,train +22225,22226,22226,Cecay tusa^ tulu^ sepat lima^ enem pitu^ falu^ siwa^ masiday ku cecay,One two three four five six seven eight nine one less,train +22226,22227,22227,mahaenay u saʼuwac,like a stream,train +22227,22228,22228,micakay kami tu atu haw i,that is why we are currently buying checkers and mahjong,train +22228,22229,22229,kirami,still,train +22229,22230,22230,niecuan,Yes squeezed out,test +22230,22231,22231,putunen,pursue something one paragraph at a time,train +22231,22232,22232,pasuwal han aku kiya nu niyam,I will explain to our nursing director,train +22232,22233,22233,mitavi,plowing,train +22233,22234,22234,tengil aku tu suwal nu matuʼasay,I heard the old man say,train +22234,22235,22235,nikaytati sanay tu ku luma nu niyam,our house has become two story,train +22235,22236,22236,mitilid tu i taangayay a pitilidan i minanamay kaku tunu serangawan nu Yincumin mafana tu kaku tu kahirahira kadufah nu serangawan nu Taywan,after I went to college I took a course on Aboriginal culture and learned that the Aboriginal people in Taiwan have various and rich cultures,train +22236,22237,22237,Mafana mipaulic ku mikieciway i kailisinan,leaders are very good at adding poems to their songs during the Harvest Festival,train +22237,22238,22238,caay tu kangaʼay mipaypayay,it is not allowed to practice Buddhism,train +22238,22239,22239,maman tayni miilisin tu anu dafak,come on we are having a Festival tomorrow,train +22239,22240,22240,hakiya,indistinct,test +22240,22241,22241,Paceduen i fa^detay a nanum ku ayam ta mifuduc,put the chicken in hot water and then pluck the feathers,train +22241,22242,22242,mana malinah a minukay kisu i niyaru a maru,may I ask why you decided to move back to the tribe,train +22242,22243,22243,mihaen i mapulita namu han saan itini mihaen itini,did you see this clearly this one is made like this,train +22243,22244,22244,kirami u mamaadah kaku anucila^,but I will be fine in a few days,train +22244,22245,22245,sunsuli,plum,train +22245,22246,22246,hay sa amin matangkic saca kami malakakaay,all in all we are very united,train +22246,22247,22247,Mavana ci ama aku a misateker u sapiteker tu tuluk ku matuniay saan a sameteken nu mita a mimelaw ku narakatan nu aadupen sulinay pacunek han i narakatan nu aadupen a pateli,my dad is very good at making lasso traps dad said that this is used to catch pheasants we have to carefully observe the footprints of the prey and the traps should be placed on the path of the prey,train +22247,22248,22248,cihakhak tu adihay panay nikawhan na ina aku ri,there is glutinous rice now my mom grows a lot of glutinous rice,train +22248,22249,22249,hay misausi kami tu tatukiyan,Yes we are counting the hours,train +22249,22250,22250,adihay ku rawraw nu ecahan a urip,life in this world is full of troubles,test +22250,22251,22251,nasumuwal ci vayi yaku,there was our field,train +22251,22252,22252,saka itini i niyaru,so in the tribe,train +22252,22253,22253,mamecel ku hiya ku nikarevahuy,it is going to fly very straight,train +22253,22254,22254,a mipasifana tu hatiraay a demak,to teach that kind of thing,train +22254,22255,22255,caʼay ka Fangcalay ku matiniay,this is not a good sign,train +22255,22256,22256,kami kiya,when we were there,train +22256,22257,22257,safit,child carrier,train +22257,22258,22258,talud,reeds,train +22258,22259,22259,o fafahiyan kira haw una maamaan katatiihay,even if there is a problem a woman heart is as deep as the sea,train +22259,22260,22260,mapacahekit,scared,test +22260,22261,22261,pakapi han nu mihecaan hakiya iri,a few years later,train +22261,22262,22262,o mawacayay kira wawa a talapaputal,the kid went out naked,train +22262,22263,22263,kalipahak tu kahufucan isu,happy birthday to you,train +22263,22264,22264,tira kaku pitu a miheca kaku itira,I worked there for seven years,train +22264,22265,22265,mamaanay,what is the matter,train +22265,22266,22266,ira ku mahaenay iri,this is the origin of the tradition,train +22266,22267,22267,ngusngus han,eat it straight raw,train +22267,22268,22268,naunen,good Bye,train +22268,22269,22269,u kunga tu makaenay,it is all about eating groundnuts,train +22269,22270,22270,nawhani iraay ku mapadesay a urip aca nu mita tu finawlan ilu matini haw i,because they are in a difficult situation,test +22270,22271,22271,mahaen ku pakaenay tu rarapa,that is what cattlemen do,train +22271,22272,22272,luwad ca,rise,train +22272,22273,22273,mapapaliwpaliw itiya hu,that is how we used to work together,train +22273,22274,22274,hatiraay ku tayal nu suwal hananay,this is the important work of language,train +22274,22275,22275,mahaenay sa mamangata tu kami,that is how we are all in the neighborhood,train +22275,22276,22276,tanuhemek,I am excited,train +22276,22277,22277,caay ka hadak ku isi ningra,unable to urinate smoothly,train +22277,22278,22278,o rumadiway ku tadakaulahan aku,my hobby is singing,train +22278,22279,22279,o kasenengan ita ku nika tadamaan nu Tapang ita,we are proud of the greatness of our Lord,train +22279,22280,22280,Matastas kira,it is being dismantled,test +22280,22281,22281,hemeken tu ku misu,have fun,train +22281,22282,22282,matalaw,be afraid,train +22282,22283,22283,tulu pulu ira ku tulu a mihecaan,years,train +22283,22284,22284,miditek tu saselaʼan nu adadaay i,we need to measure the patients pulse,train +22284,22285,22285,misacapux,seedling,train +22285,22286,22286,papina kamu malakaka,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +22286,22287,22287,sakatanetek nu mita u masapangcahay,we Amis are stronger,train +22287,22288,22288,mangaʼay a mipadang sakaku sa han naku mitahidang nu Tung Se Cang,I thought I could help so I agreed to help,train +22288,22289,22289,i nipicudad pasevanaan nu pasevanaay kami tu sasausian nu Pangcah a suwal,in class the teacher taught us the Pangcah language of numbers,train +22289,22290,22290,u lafii,during the night shift,test +22290,22291,22291,o mamaʼalul kaku saan,he almost drowned,train +22291,22292,22292,tu mikadafuay ku faʼinayan tayra i fafahian a hirateng,the idea of a boy getting into a girls house,train +22292,22293,22293,tulu pulu mihacaan aku kiya haw satapangay kaku,I started when I was,train +22293,22294,22294,mafana ci mira,he will,train +22294,22295,22295,keliw han namu haw,your name is Boehmeria,train +22295,22296,22296,ya caay kalecad tunu a Payrang a ita i,the value of different advantages over the Han Chinese,train +22296,22297,22297,nuhatini misatapang kita mitengil tu,now we are about to hear,train +22297,22298,22298,misarumiad,everyday,train +22298,22299,22299,caay kamatira tu nuriraw tusa tu kala kala sa satapangan aku kaemed kununinian a misangaan,not like the two when I just started this is easy,train +22299,22300,22300,Manaay ku tamdamdaw tu malaluuday hananay i kitakit,war is the last thing the public likes in this country,test +22300,22301,22301,mapiiw,lame person,train +22301,22302,22302,anu masamaan ku malutatayalen,what is the mission,train +22302,22303,22303,mihuyahuy han nira vavahi nu Taywan,the Minnan grandmothers are known as the Protectors of the Sprouts,train +22303,22304,22304,matiyatiya u rumaay a tamdaw nengneng ningra,I think it is an ethnic group from out of town,train +22304,22305,22305,siawatuha hay hay anu masausi kuranan hu ira,the believer always believes that it must exist,train +22305,22306,22306,o sakapisimed nu Kawas tunini i ngaay pakayni i kiwkay a mapatiri anini ku i kakarayanay a mikuwanay a cuyucuyuh atu cisakuwanay tu kasasirumaruma nu taneng nu Kawas,his intent was that now through the church the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms,train +22306,22307,22307,takaw1,pilfer,train +22307,22308,22308,itini pisiyakayang i,in the factory,train +22308,22309,22309,ci Lufung ku ngangan nu maku,my name is Lu Feng,train +22309,22310,22310,mizuga hen aku,that is how I drew it,test +22310,22311,22311,pitu ku malakulunay,the seventh point of the bay,train +22311,22312,22312,cunihar,sunrise,train +22312,22313,22313,o papaturuden ci Satanan kuya tamdaw ta tkupen ni Satan ku tireng ningra ta anu miliyaw ku Tapang a tayni i mapaurip ku saluafang ningra,when you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus and I am with you in spirit and the power of our Lord Jesus is present,train +22313,22314,22314,Orasaka mahmek ku falucu aku sahtu u lipahakay ku suwal aku anu mapatapatay ku tireng aku i irahu ku pafalucuan aku,therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices my body also will live in hope,train +22314,22315,22315,curuk tu salikaka a miinuli tu luma luma nu salikaka,and focuses parishioners on family prayer,train +22315,22316,22316,Oy i luma ay ci Lapic han,Hello Lapic is home is Lapic home please,train +22316,22317,22317,u rumatu nian,get the next one,train +22317,22318,22318,itira san kami i sikusiya itini i papacem haw talipaelal tu haw,we have been waking up at in the morning in the dormitory,train +22318,22319,22319,salungasung cilahan,a sea vegetable with saltimbocca,train +22319,22320,22320,tu hemek ira tu kaira na singai,demonstrate a welcome to your teacher,test +22320,22321,22321,riku,apparel,train +22321,22322,22322,iraan tuku maku a hiya kakawa nu hatiniay a tumuk,that is how I did everything when I was chief,train +22322,22323,22323,tusa ku miacaan pina ku aca,how much for both,train +22323,22324,22324,hai tata mikilim kika,let us go let us go find it,train +22324,22325,22325,mikadafuay kura wama niyam,my dad was in trouble with the law,train +22325,22326,22326,saka cingangan kira lutuk tu pakacikapiʼan hananay a lutuk,so that mountain is called many concubines or superfluous,train +22326,22327,22327,kasi^nawan,surname Leng,train +22327,22328,22328,u ni palumai sawaliyan nu lutuk mitepar tu liyal u ruma hantu midungdung tu laed nu sawaliyan a lutuk atu satipan a lutuk,one part is in the Coastal area at the eastern foot of the Coastal Range and the other is in the east Rift Valley plain between the Central Range and the Coastal Range,train +22328,22329,22329,ira ku tataʼangay a vuting ira ku adidiʼay,there are big tailed fish and tiny ones,train +22329,22330,22330,mana u kakahung hanen kura pangangan tura futing,why did you name it flying Fish,test +22330,22331,22331,ira i ci Nawisan siniyaru itila,there is a tribe over there,train +22331,22332,22332,malamalingaday ku tayal aku,my job was farming,train +22332,22333,22333,o macaraay nu rarawraw ku futi aku i kalahukan,I was disturbed by the noise at noon,train +22333,22334,22334,saka u matiraayira ku uway masanga ku uway,that is why we use rattan to make sieve trays,train +22334,22335,22335,uya u papikedan nu kapah,those middle class youths,train +22335,22336,22336,ta saupuen nuya a wawa kuya haci nu lusay a pakalic i kuliciw,Then a child gathered the fruits and put them on the bike,train +22336,22337,22337,nian culal kuengel kaenen mahaen kina culal hananay,watercress tastes tender,train +22337,22338,22338,tatekasan,Hsuan Tat Tai,train +22338,22339,22339,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu pacunuh wa han nuya tawki cingra a papisimaw tu dafung ningra a ma^min,I tell you the truth he will put him in charge of all his possessions,train +22339,22340,22340,makayni a malikid ku nanum,the water flows through here,test +22340,22341,22341,tangasa i Payrang a mikaput tu Payrang micudad haw i caay pakafilu tu fana nu Payrang,when I was transferred to the Minnan class I could not keep up with them,train +22341,22342,22342,o maeferay a facacidu u mamangitid nu ayam,a flying dragonfly will be eaten by a bird,train +22342,22343,22343,maru itira mataelif namu haw,you have crossed over,train +22343,22344,22344,ini tuay niya mahaeney mapulita niniy mahaen haw,it is right here Look it is right here,train +22344,22345,22345,Talaenhu kaku malulayay ku uu aku,wait for me my feet are tired,train +22345,22346,22346,ila ku kangdaway ila ku kahengangay ila hu ku kuheraay cengel i apiripirisan,on the slopes there are green and red and yellow colors,train +22346,22347,22347,demak,question,train +22347,22348,22348,tu kita masuleptu sa,we will starve,train +22348,22349,22349,Saafesaen ku sikaen nu adadaay a tamdaw,the patients food should be bland and tasteless,train +22349,22350,22350,suwal han naku maadah tu ku waay ni faki liyaw han tayni misalama i luma niyam,I said when your foot gets better,test +22350,22351,22351,adihay ku futing i kalualualu nu Kalingku,the rivers of Hualien are rich in fish,train +22351,22352,22352,Catu u mamiaca tu riku kaku,No I want to buy some clothes,train +22352,22353,22353,mahaen mahaen pisanga tu tafukud,you see that is how you make a gossip network,train +22353,22354,22354,ira ku nisangaʼan u maan ku nisangaʼan isu saʼayaway,do you have any other completed works,train +22354,22355,22355,maherek tu malalikid,the Harvest Festival is over,train +22355,22356,22356,cira ku midiputay anu cima ku awaay ku tayal diputen nira,he will help with life and work,train +22356,22357,22357,naytiniyari a dademak sa,it turns out that the place where he works,train +22357,22358,22358,maulah,like,train +22358,22359,22359,na itiniay kaku i Singkapul a minanam en nu kusi,I learned that in Singapore,train +22359,22360,22360,tu hakelu han aku ku cidal,I follow the sun,test +22360,22361,22361,mansa adahay saka,so there is a lot of,train +22361,22362,22362,mangaay tu ira ku safang itira i luma,there is a net at home,train +22362,22363,22363,o mamitapiʼtapiʼaca ku demak nu fafahiyan itiya hu hatiraay,in the old days a woman had to go to her husbands house to work did not she,train +22363,22364,22364,kalitusa,half,train +22364,22365,22365,u maan hukiya ku tatayalen nu mama aku mimaan hakiya saan kaku,I wonder what my fathers doing,train +22365,22366,22366,itiyaay tu malinah tayra tu i,moved over there,train +22366,22367,22367,cay kaedeng aca kisu,it is not just about you,train +22367,22368,22368,caay kangaay a tefingen ku pacalaan nu miadupay,the area where the hunter placed the jawbone should not be touched lightly,train +22368,22369,22369,yu pakaʼen tu rarapa saʼan iri,while herding cattle in the mountains,train +22369,22370,22370,Mafana ci Yis tu niharatengan nangra saka suwal sa Nawiru matini ku nika tatiih nu harateng namu saw,knowing their thoughts Jesus said Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts,test +22370,22371,22371,matira sa mahaenay ku pikawit tu,that is how it is woven,train +22371,22372,22372,tamiyan,us,train +22372,22373,22373,Karacuhel kaku tu kaciferangan,I sweat a lot in the summer,train +22373,22374,22374,anca widang nira hakini sa ku raheker nu falucu nira nanuyan tu i,or his friends he felt relieved,train +22374,22375,22375,pacaliw kaku tu kawkaw i matayalay,I lent my kayaks to the workers,train +22375,22376,22376,sapaka nanum tu nu Farangaw itiya hu kura,irrigation of agricultural water resources in the Taitung Plains Damaraland area,train +22376,22377,22377,ku lalumaʼan nu wama aku,my fathers relatives,train +22377,22378,22378,samanay ku misu a kafanaʼan tu,do you know of any,train +22378,22379,22379,saka eneng hatini hatu kana Farangaw sa i,now it looks like it is all Malaysian,train +22379,22380,22380,adihay ku futing itini,are there many fish here,test +22380,22381,22381,tu ʼayaʼayaw miseking kita pakatuʼuray saw kita tu paylang caay kaku pakatuʼur,can we win the Han Chinese in any examination over the years,train +22381,22382,22382,haenen i u sasifing kini paʼukʼuk sari,like this spill your drink on your own towel,train +22382,22383,22383,Osuelinay kuna misuwalan aku u suwal nu malitengay kunini,all that I say is true the sayings of my ancestors,train +22383,22384,22384,hai misacepu mimaan misacepu sa i misasaw tu falucu nu umah a tatiihay a demak saan,the ceremony of the fishing Festival is designed to help people wash away some of their bad and unlucky feelings,train +22384,22385,22385,o manan ku saka tayra ningra i pitilidan tu rumiamiad,how does he usually go to school,train +22385,22386,22386,saan kura,here is the thing,train +22386,22387,22387,pacumuden i rarung ita kuya nikilidungay,invite those who are sheltered from the rain to enter the tent,train +22387,22388,22388,masapatireng tu luma,come build a house,train +22388,22389,22389,u maan ku sapisaturunen mavana haw kisu,do you know what are used to make sticky rice balls,train +22389,22390,22390,o situ^ ciira hay,is he a student,test +22390,22391,22391,matukatuk ku miwaciay alatek i,maybe the ships dozing off,train +22391,22392,22392,itiniay Tafalung ku sufuc numaku,I was born in Taipa Long,train +22392,22393,22393,sa tatihi sa tu nini marurayay tu,I have been working very hard,train +22393,22394,22394,hay u miharatengan nu wina ira kira papisalamaen ira kira,that is his moms favorite she wants him to be a lineman I do not know,train +22394,22395,22395,ha u kakenen kiraan nanituduhen macacak tu kaysing ha,Clams of course you can eat them they are cooked on the grill and served in a bowl,train +22395,22396,22396,kih han tu aku,did I say that,train +22396,22397,22397,halicakay,purchase,train +22397,22398,22398,hay makahirahiraay tu ku dafung ita,so I took an inventory to see if I had enough items to bring with me,train +22398,22399,22399,samanen ku sapananum sa i,they started looking for water,train +22399,22400,22400,u maan kini i ka,and what is this,test +22400,22401,22401,caay kanca awu tluway a muking a turun,it must be a piece glutinous rice cake,train +22401,22402,22402,Maduka ku falucu nira,his feelings are hurt,train +22402,22403,22403,adihayay tu ku nikaenan nu maku mafeculay tu kaku,I ate a lot I am full,train +22403,22404,22404,papitahka kami tu mikiaamayay,we feasted on beggars,train +22404,22405,22405,mamaan hakiya,I do not know,train +22405,22406,22406,urasaka,However,train +22406,22407,22407,ruma pirekal tura,the shouting is different,train +22407,22408,22408,caay ka ngaay anu u Kakridan han nu tau kamu a mitahidang nawhani ccay aca ku kakridan namu uya Kristu,nor are you to be called teacher for you have one Teacher the Christ,train +22408,22409,22409,kurkkur ku malitengay,the old man digging a hole,train +22409,22410,22410,pasiked hen tuya salili aka hen pimagey saan,you still have to connect the columns and not rotate the machine,test +22410,22411,22411,sarimadac ku paenan nu luma isu,the floor of your house is smooth and level,train +22411,22412,22412,ira kaenu ira tu niya,after that,train +22412,22413,22413,ciedung,put on or wear,train +22413,22414,22414,a tataʼang tataʼkay ku nanum nu alu lakec haw,when the stream is high you have to wade through it,train +22414,22415,22415,tada tataʼang ku lisin nu Kilay,they are too much of a believer in the past,train +22415,22416,22416,halafinen,long ago,train +22416,22417,22417,ku papalaecan mafukilay ku Paliwan,the Paiwan do not cultivate paddy fields,train +22417,22418,22418,mipela,cut open,train +22418,22419,22419,acicim,acidic,train +22419,22420,22420,sacuyuhen,like an angels,test +22420,22421,22421,paruen tayra i tu nanum i ciwkeng,just put the water in the tank,train +22421,22422,22422,a sumaden tu nu Hulam anini,it is the age of the nation now,train +22422,22423,22423,onini ku sakapades aku tu matiniay Nikawrira caay ka ngudu kaku tunini nawhani mafana kaku tu nitieran aku Pasulin kaku pakapidiput cingra tuya nipacunuhan ningra i takuwanan tangasa i piliyawan nu Tapang a tayni saan kaku,that is why I am suffering as I am yet I am not ashamed because I know whom I have believed and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day,train +22423,22424,22424,saan ku suwal niya ina aku tiya mama aku,that is what my parents said,train +22424,22425,22425,tunuʼtunuʼ ku lawac,surrounded by cliffs,train +22425,22426,22426,ura fiyaw nu kalala hatiraay tu saan kura i ceruhay,a similar situation can be found in Yuli a neighboring town to Ghana,train +22426,22427,22427,luwad,set out,train +22427,22428,22428,uni ku pikalic tu tipay kahira haw nu tayal,I have been through so much working on the raft,train +22428,22429,22429,kemkemi kita caypakamerec kira,it did not eat us,train +22429,22430,22430,i cingraan ku sakakakafit nunini a luma cingra ku palahaday tunini a luma a palafangcalay Pitaungan tu Tapang,in him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a Holy temple in the Lord,test +22430,22431,22431,u subuc nu maku haw atu tuʼasa nu maku haw,what about my birth and my ancestors,train +22431,22432,22432,Laliniken a miteli,put it inside a bit,train +22432,22433,22433,hatira saka yatu ya ruma i ci luma kami ci luma kami san saka,Besides everyone wants to build houses,train +22433,22434,22434,i Rinahem ku maru,living in Shoufeng,train +22434,22435,22435,Kinih han nu singsi ku pipatingsu i tamiyanan,it is unfair for the elderly to give us scores,train +22435,22436,22436,hatiraay kuriraan,building a house is like that,train +22436,22437,22437,a devudevung han tu nu Tluku,easily attacked by foreigners,train +22437,22438,22438,Lukesen nangra cingra a sumuwal O nisawawaan ningra kisu kami i u ni Musi a nisawawaan,then they hurled insults at him and said You are this fellows disciple we are disciples of Moses,train +22438,22439,22439,malasawad tu ku niharatengan aku,I have given up that thinking,train +22439,22440,22440,temtem nu tau kuna kaying sanay kura nira,it means when will the lady consider looking at me,test +22440,22441,22441,anu cicidalay a,if there is a sun,train +22441,22442,22442,Saka rpet hantu nuya masakaputay a sufitay nu luma atu kakridan nangra atu midipangay a tayring nu Fangcalay Pitaungan nu Yutaya ci Yis a mipalit,then the detachment of soldiers with its commander and the Jewish officials arrested Jesus they bound him,train +22442,22443,22443,futifuting,fish,train +22443,22444,22444,macungdis,exposed teeth,train +22444,22445,22445,ci Mayaw ku ngangan niira hay,was his name Mayaw,train +22445,22446,22446,Mafana kisu a masakeru^ haw,can you dance,train +22446,22447,22447,Cuwa u widang nu safa aku tu fainayan cingra,is he your younger brother,train +22447,22448,22448,cayay kahecad tu aniniay u sali ku sapifuting,it is not like fishing with nets now,train +22448,22449,22449,tusa rumiʼad,two days,train +22449,22450,22450,naitiniay i Tafalung ku niyaru nangra itiya hu,he used to live in Tai Pa Long,test +22450,22451,22451,milaliw laliw mahaen tu ku semut,the grass has grown,train +22451,22452,22452,sa cacay sa,just one,train +22452,22453,22453,o makahkahay a tamdaw kaku,I am a careless person,train +22453,22454,22454,kincac,police officer,train +22454,22455,22455,nawhan ira ku kaka ku parakateay tu hikuki kira,you know in my military career,train +22455,22456,22456,Saka i ikur nunini i ka u nafalucuan nu Kawas ku tatuuren namu tangasa i tulas nu urip namu i tini i hkal Akatu pituur tu anuf nu tireng,as a result he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires but rather for the will of God,train +22456,22457,22457,maratar kisu haw Payu katikati maranamatu,Payu good morning come on breakfast,train +22457,22458,22458,o acefel nu mituduhay tu lakaw ku ku midaatay i tamiyanan,the smoke from the burning garbage choked us,train +22458,22459,22459,nu nini tadamaanay a serangawan nu itiraay kalala,this was a great tradition and culture among the Kanana tribe at the time,train +22459,22460,22460,satapang tu a matayal mipudpud,I will start picking,test +22460,22461,22461,kalamkamen,Faster,train +22461,22462,22462,alaen tu isaw sakimaan,I would better take it off Otherwise will the fruit grow,train +22462,22463,22463,valucu nu heni,at the party they,train +22463,22464,22464,matawalay,I forgot,train +22464,22465,22465,u nanay nu falucu ita nanay,Psychologically motivated,train +22465,22466,22466,yu midu^duhu kita tu matlangay a pinangan ita i u nipaflian nu Kawas ci Musian a Rikec ku paluwaday tu sakaciraraw ita matayal kunini i tireng ita tu sakapatay ita,for when we were controlled by the sinful nature the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in our bodies so that we bore fruit for death,train +22466,22467,22467,u maan ku kasacaculi nu matuʼasay,why are the parents fighting,train +22467,22468,22468,o mikeriday cingra,he is leading,train +22468,22469,22469,dungdung han ku hiya nu hiya,go along with this,train +22469,22470,22470,maukusay,he is a braggart,test +22470,22471,22471,Namiasip,I have read it,train +22471,22472,22472,ira ku nikunisan aku ini mansa mafana tu kaku icuwaan aku miteli ku talakal aku,I make a mark here so I know where my trap is,train +22472,22473,22473,cifanuh,unthinking,train +22473,22474,22474,kerid,carry,train +22474,22475,22475,funak,grit,train +22475,22476,22476,tu suwal nu takus nu i faleday ku sakalahitay,I am not going to disobey the notice to join the army,train +22476,22477,22477,tayraay tu i catu ka paala tu awaay tu,and then they were sold cheap for a couple hundred bucks,train +22477,22478,22478,u kakakaka mikadafu tu,my brothers and sisters are all in labor,train +22478,22479,22479,tahini han naku i luma matiya tu awaay ku ilisin,when I came back I did not think there would be a Harvest moon Festival,train +22479,22480,22480,aki mana laliyas satu kura wina atu wama isu saw han aku,I asked why did your parents split up,test +22480,22481,22481,vekeluh u maan kuyniyan,what about the rocks Toumu thought,train +22481,22482,22482,marekrekay,gathering a large number of people,train +22482,22483,22483,midiputan nu Pusku,take care of Yuris people,train +22483,22484,22484,a maanen nu maku a maurip,how am I supposed to live my life,train +22484,22485,22485,kaurira ya mira a liteng a pituulan kiya haw,but they were following the old people who were migrating at that time,train +22485,22486,22486,umui dasi ta yu,think of that,train +22486,22487,22487,hinatala ku finawlan tu nika tayni ni Kristu Orasaka latek ci Kristu ci Yuhani saan ku harateng nangra a ma^min,the people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Christ,train +22487,22488,22488,ma pakafanaay,to be taught to be instructed,train +22488,22489,22489,Yu mikaputhu kaku i tamuwanan i mapasuwaltu aku kamu tunini,All this I have spoken while still with you,train +22489,22490,22490,madenhatira madentu,it is almost done,test +22490,22491,22491,haw,What,train +22491,22492,22492,palinah kaku itini tu tatihi nu la lukut,I have come to the side where the sorrel is planted,train +22492,22493,22493,kafu^uy,pottery,train +22493,22494,22494,yu katangasaa tu ku pikudasing iri,close to harvesting peanuts,train +22494,22495,22495,kacipuut,please bring a knife,train +22495,22496,22496,kippu,person held for ransom,train +22496,22497,22497,Rumut sanay kinian a nicakayan a luma i tukay,the house I bought in the city was very small,train +22497,22498,22498,rapi,sharpen,train +22498,22499,22499,wata iki kuni matuʼasay nu itiniay sa kaku,I marvel at the wisdom of the elders of this tribe,train +22499,22500,22500,Pafesut,from the beginning of up,test +22500,22501,22501,lalitien,will have to put Castration,train +22501,22502,22502,a mimaan saw misarakarakat tu i,it is okay I am not too busy,train +22502,22503,22503,lusimeten,preparation,train +22503,22504,22504,itini i,at years,train +22504,22505,22505,makalunan ku heni,they came here by boat,train +22505,22506,22506,itini,in,train +22506,22507,22507,malalukay mipaiya tu dateng anu awa ku nanum ila kura nanum itira,work hard to divert water into buckets to store water for the vegetable garden,train +22507,22508,22508,i tusa lefut tusa pulu ira ku tusa a mihecaan midemak ku seyfu tu kayki u ngaayay tu a pakafiten ku ngangan nu Yencumin i nifunsiw,in the government announced that indigenous identification cards can include tribal names separately,train +22508,22509,22509,ira ku salekaka nira haw,and his siblings,train +22509,22510,22510,u hananay u pungka ita u Pangcah,this is the culture of the Amis,test +22510,22511,22511,kararid a maurip i ulah nu Kawas Halamhamen a mitala ku pipafli nu adayayay a Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu i tamuwanan tu midaucay a urip,keep yourselves in Gods love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life,train +22511,22512,22512,cingra,Her Him,train +22512,22513,22513,cai kala siyur kasiday nu seyfu kami,the government will never leave us behind,train +22513,22514,22514,u putun nu puna,it is the umbilical incision the one on the other side is the watch,train +22514,22515,22515,kura a hiya anu miʼuway kamu,if Carrie white and her class are called out to gather rattan,train +22515,22516,22516,ini rasiten naku ini tusa ca matiniay maalaw namu,here they are the tools I am using to create today gossip site,train +22516,22517,22517,u ruma caay tu pimisa caay ka fana tu pimisaan,of course there are other people who do not know about Mass yet,train +22517,22518,22518,a makacuwa saw ku nikalingatu,it was there first,train +22518,22519,22519,mihapinan,be careful,train +22519,22520,22520,hayda akung tengilen niyam kura suwal isu han aku,tell Grandpa we will listen to you,test +22520,22521,22521,makaenay nu wacu hananay nu malitengay kura,the elders say it was eaten by the Tengu,train +22521,22522,22522,kararuman,grief,train +22522,22523,22523,Karafukes ku wawa niyam,our kids have a lot of hair,train +22523,22524,22524,Cucu saan i takuwan kura pusi a madiku,the cat was nestled close to me,train +22524,22525,22525,miefecay,with a towel on his head,train +22525,22526,22526,patilid kami i tamuwanan tu pakayniay i Sakaciurip a Suwal onini a Sakaciurip a suwal hananay i u iraaytu i ayaw nu nika sanga nu hkal yu talahkal kunini a Sakaciurip a suwal i matngilaytu nu niyam,that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked at and our hands have touched this we proclaim concerning the word of life,train +22526,22527,22527,Misakutiay ciira i takuwan,she cursed me,train +22527,22528,22528,hay fancalay a rumiad anini,Yes it is a beautiful day,train +22528,22529,22529,Kungling lifeten tu haw,training and testing,train +22529,22530,22530,iraay ku fainayan a kaka isu haw,do you have a brother,test +22530,22531,22531,salakatay macepet i masupaʼay huw i,the first one caught will be spit on,train +22531,22532,22532,hurac,dryness,train +22532,22533,22533,a caaytu kaku kalasikawasay,stop being a witch,train +22533,22534,22534,cedet,touch scalding,train +22534,22535,22535,kalahila tuku dafung,there is everything,train +22535,22536,22536,tu,indistinct,train +22536,22537,22537,malecaday ku hiya niyam u fulad ku laʼed nu niyam aci Ocihwa,I was born in the same year as Chrysanthemum Oh but in different months,train +22537,22538,22538,tudung tu sapasurut alapina ku cecay a tamdaw,how much does each person have to pay,train +22538,22539,22539,tapiyasen hu namu sa kaku,and you dumped the water,train +22539,22540,22540,tahamatini kami a macahiw masuaw makamiday ku riku niyam mararid a masti nu tau kami awa ku pinang tu kamaruan niyam,to this very hour we go hungry and thirsty we are in rags we are brutally treated we are homeless,test +22540,22541,22541,pasi Pusung,facing Taitung,train +22541,22542,22542,Masahetuay tu aku a milisu ku matuasay i niyaru,I have had continuous visits to the elders at the tribe,train +22542,22543,22543,Tinaku sa tu saparadiw a lalusidan a tipulu atu datuk anu caay ka sungila ku nipitipulu atu nipidatuk nu tamdaw i awaay ku pinang a tngilen ku suni,even in the case of lifeless things that make sounds such as the flute or harp how will anyone know what tune is being played unless there is a distinction in the notes,train +22543,22544,22544,Matuluay,slumping,train +22544,22545,22545,Pitngil Tumireng kaku i paputal nu fawahan a mikungkung tu fawahan anu cima ku pakatngilay tu ngiha aku ta mifawah tu fawahan i micumud kaku i luma ningra ta malakaput kami a mitahka,here I am I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him and he with me,train +22545,22546,22546,cisidaitay,have a kind heart,train +22546,22547,22547,nisaapilisan,opening up the hillside,train +22547,22548,22548,Suwalsa ku pasevanaay Anu supedsa araw adihay aca,the teacher said A little becomes a lot,train +22548,22549,22549,ira kiya ya mama niyam suwal han nira kiya ciwlu niyam,one of our elders said to our elder,train +22549,22550,22550,aluman ku cafacafay,there is a lot of company,test +22550,22551,22551,a mafana hay,yes I know,train +22551,22552,22552,ira ku cecay a cirut i faled nu facidul,there is a Burrowing bird in the breadfruit Tree,train +22552,22553,22553,hamaan kiya cisimalay saku licay miʼaca,we will ask when we buy and sell we do not pick the fat,train +22553,22554,22554,Misacalascas ku nanum nu tarawadaw i kafaliyusan,in typhoons the sound of the river rumbles,train +22554,22555,22555,ci Madadingu,flawless white and delicate girl,train +22555,22556,22556,Kalemuwad tu a dademak tu miwadwaday misapuday a demak,I have got to get up and collect,train +22556,22557,22557,aluman tu ku tamdaw sa kaku,the more people there are the more they are on their own,train +22557,22558,22558,naiutufay,motorcycle,train +22558,22559,22559,Pataduen kaku a miala tu kamid haw,can you help me with the cloth,train +22559,22560,22560,minukay tu anucila,I will be back tomorrow,test +22560,22561,22561,halafinay ku nu malad,the iron foots been spinning for a long time,train +22561,22562,22562,pifaca,wear,train +22562,22563,22563,Orasaka katayra kamu i tataangay a lalan tahidangen a ma^min ku malitmuhay a tamdaw a patayni i pitahkaan han ningra,go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find,train +22563,22564,22564,tamulungurung,carry on ones shoulder,train +22564,22565,22565,miala tuya uway sasuʼut,I am going to collect rattan to make a rope,train +22565,22566,22566,cuwa kapitilid kami anini,we do not have to go to school today,train +22566,22567,22567,sisimetek,unique,train +22567,22568,22568,nai hakuwa a maketung kunini a fana nu mita u suwal hawi,when was the last time we stopped speaking,train +22568,22569,22569,tu aila ku hatiniay a payci paysu,that is what makes it so rewarding,train +22569,22570,22570,kay hatira tu saw ku adihay,why are there so many,test +22570,22571,22571,sakatanektek,laying the groundwork,train +22571,22572,22572,a nu mutep tu mahaen macelak mahaen,plants will reproduce more than,train +22572,22573,22573,dengay a makatupin tu tusaay a pawti,even a pack sack can carry it,train +22573,22574,22574,milalatay,surveyors,train +22574,22575,22575,keliw,Boehmeria thread,train +22575,22576,22576,Sakahinacan satu kami a mituur tu naripaan nu fafuy i lutuk,we are chasing the mountain pig tracks in the mountains will soon look like nothing,train +22576,22577,22577,tira lutukan a misaumah,chopping rafts in the mountains,train +22577,22578,22578,mitungudan niyam kura nu liteng hu hatiraay,we carry on the customs of our ancestors,train +22578,22579,22579,Ngaayay ku rumiad i paaliwacan,it will be sunny on the weekend,train +22579,22580,22580,masaupu tu tini makapah kuni a niyaru,to gather here this tribe is beautiful,test +22580,22581,22581,Malukatul tu ni faki aku kiraan,that cowhide went to my uncle,train +22581,22582,22582,papamatangen,soon to be opened,train +22582,22583,22583,kalahuk,luncheon,train +22583,22584,22584,ci faʼinay tu kaku i,after I got married,train +22584,22585,22585,mitapuh,witchcraft,train +22585,22586,22586,yamatuʼasay mahaen ku urip nangra,that is how the elders live,train +22586,22587,22587,udut,to fight,train +22587,22588,22588,itini i niyaru Cingaluan niyaru caay tu ka papina ku matuʼasay haw,there are not many old people in Hoshins tribe,train +22588,22589,22589,mirumrumay,youth leadership,train +22589,22590,22590,u niyaru nu mita,our tribal council,test +22590,22591,22591,ya cipucu hananay a nanum,Flushing Position,train +22591,22592,22592,kasiniadaan sa kaku,that sounds so sad,train +22592,22593,22593,Aciya tadafangcal a tengilen ku radaiw nu misu,Wow you sing really well,train +22593,22594,22594,nu hatitiniʼay ku kilang,it was such a big tree,train +22594,22595,22595,micacaliw i paputal kami sa,I have been renting a house,train +22595,22596,22596,pecec han kunian puʼut talem han tu tini,the knife is pressed down like this and it is sharpening here,train +22596,22597,22597,fidac,mussel,train +22597,22598,22598,tayra kaku aci mamu i cifa a miaca tu kuku misaday tu aredetay a sakalafi tu hanu safa,my grandma and I went to the market to buy chickens and prepared a delicious dinner for my younger brother,train +22598,22599,22599,O suwal nu Kawas i u nguyus aca nunini a finawlan ku mitaungay i Takuwanan Nikawrira miraay i takuwanan ku falucu nangra,These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me,train +22599,22600,22600,anu minukay kuya tawki anu maaraw ningra ku nika haen nu dmak nuya kuli i u malmeday cingra,it will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns,test +22600,22601,22601,i kakereman ku pinukay nu maku,I will be home in the evening,train +22601,22602,22602,Tadafaedet,very hot,train +22602,22603,22603,tatata Rawan sarakatay ah nengnengen hu ta haw,just those walks to see what is there Ahh look at these now,train +22603,22604,22604,Ohut san kisu,what is wrong with you,train +22604,22605,22605,nirana mialaay ci tu safa aku satu ci Angah Alimulu,Anahang Arimlo said the man who took my sister,train +22605,22606,22606,Tahinien tu i,so general,train +22606,22607,22607,caay ka lecad tu ruma matuʼasay kisu,you are not like other elders,train +22607,22608,22608,Mitiku cingra ihuni,he came back a bit ago,train +22608,22609,22609,milacalay tu tawadaw,to cross the Xiuguluan river,train +22609,22610,22610,anu u kawpir iri anu u daydam ku ruma,if it is groundnut leaves and chili peppers,test +22610,22611,22611,tangila,edible tree fungus,train +22611,22612,22612,hayi,yea,train +22612,22613,22613,anu mahaen i,so,train +22613,22614,22614,ucikay satu kaku tayra i midungdung tu amunun,I immediately ran over and followed the rules,train +22614,22615,22615,o Palafuay ku mama namu Sapidu^duan kamu tu anuf nu mama namu o mipatayay tu tamdaw ciira nai satapangan u miliyangay ciira tu sulinay a suwal nawhani awaay i ciiraan ku sulinay a dmak o pinangan nira ku nipisamangah a sumuwal nawhani u misamangahay ciira u tatapangan nu mangah ciira,you belong to your father the devil and you want to carry out your fathers desire he was a murderer from the beginning not holding to the truth for there is no truth in him when he lies he speaks his native language for he is a liar and the father of lies,train +22615,22616,22616,o caciyaw nu Amis,Amer,train +22616,22617,22617,o sakatayni nu wawa nu tamdaw i u mikilimay u mipauripay tu muraraway a tamdaw han ningra,for the son of man came to seek and to save what was lost,train +22617,22618,22618,u ruma han tu kiya mavana tunu alumanay a demak mavana tu nipauring tu demak tu nuliyut a kakavanaan u aayaw nu nipiselal a ira ku mahiniyay a nipasevanaatu ira misayvangay,more importantly learning to take responsibility for group life and the ability to live in symbiosis with nature are essential life skills that must be learned before entering the classroom,train +22618,22619,22619,i luma samaanay hakiya caay kahecad iraan ku sasuwalen,there is no comparison between home and the ballpark,train +22619,22620,22620,miadipit,pick up shellfish,test +22620,22621,22621,anu sasingen nanay tu ya malahukan,if there were any pictures of that Chinese food,train +22621,22622,22622,O maan a limuutan saw saan cingra Saka pasuwal sa ci Yis Aka pipatay tu tamdaw aka ka udang aka pitakaw aka patdu a pakukut tu tamdaw,Which ones the man inquired Jesus replied Do not murder do not commit adultery do not steal do not give false testimony,train +22622,22623,22623,nawhani ikaka nu kakaenen ku nika u kalimlaan ku urip ikaka nu riku ku nika u kalimlaan ku tireng,life is more than food and the body more than clothes,train +22623,22624,22624,caay haw kawu nitukikan tira uway ku caca,it is made of that cane is not it,train +22624,22625,22625,kuyuyanan i anu masamaan tu ku lekal nu niyaru maaini hu cangra nu amisay atu timulay,even if we are separated if the tribe is in trouble it does not matter if it is north or south,train +22625,22626,22626,mararumay,pathetic,train +22626,22627,22627,anu paririken micumudtu ku buting,if the bait is placed the fish will go in,train +22627,22628,22628,o Tayan Saysiya Taruku Secik,the Atayal Saisiyat Taroko Sedgwak and others,train +22628,22629,22629,mipaetah,yield something there is chaff,train +22629,22630,22630,Malecavayay kami a micadad i Rinahem,we study together in the Rinahem tribe,test +22630,22631,22631,anu maʼaraw nu finawlan san misupa ku finawlan san,if the tribesmen see you out they will spit,train +22631,22632,22632,itini i enar remagawtu,I saw the heart of the vine planted by the clan on the plains,train +22632,22633,22633,Hayda kalikien a tayra,Okay go quickly,train +22633,22634,22634,laput,groundnut leaf,train +22634,22635,22635,angil,vigor,train +22635,22636,22636,nu aniniay tu ciwsekuting han mikuting,it is fixed now,train +22636,22637,22637,o pitefuk tu kulung ku sapicamul aku i tamuwanan,I joined you because I had to slaughter a cow,train +22637,22638,22638,miseti ci mira,he is going to fight,train +22638,22639,22639,Paafalangen ni fayi kaku tu tefu a panukay i luma,my aunt put the bamboo shoots on my shoulders and told me to take them home,train +22639,22640,22640,mikadavu kaku i hiya nu,I am married to an event center,test +22640,22641,22641,o fainayan ku hufucan ni Panay,Panay gave birth to a boy,train +22641,22642,22642,anini satu mafana tu aniniay aluman tu ku tamdaw anini,a lot of modern people know that,train +22642,22643,22643,ta krid hantu nangra kuya mauripaytu a kapah a patayra i luma ningra Saka tadamahinum ku falucu nu alumanay,the people took the young man home alive and were greatly comforted,train +22643,22644,22644,miletek tu kiya ina aku tuya kasuy,my mother is going to chop up the talent,train +22644,22645,22645,pina ku aca nuna kunga,how much are these sweet potatoes,train +22645,22646,22646,Awi paing nu namita nu atuyu,tears like green papaya juice,train +22646,22647,22647,tatelecankeletan,waist,train +22647,22648,22648,u ruma han tu patayra,sometimes friends and family,train +22648,22649,22649,iniyan u u heci nira ku niyan u varu ra,this is its fruit and flower,train +22649,22650,22650,patikulan patayra ta kureng miteli,and then we will take the urn and put it in,test +22650,22651,22651,suʼelinay,truly,train +22651,22652,22652,malawud tu ku kataynian ku misu i,the Harvest Festival has begun,train +22652,22653,22653,mafukiray ci mira caciyaw tu nu Amis,that is why he does not speak the language,train +22653,22654,22654,nanay lipahak kisu malu Misawacayay tamdaw Aku,I want you to be a happy Jehovahs Witness,train +22654,22655,22655,a ngaʼay ku aʼayaw nu paru nu,how to make life better for your family,train +22655,22656,22656,itu,also,train +22656,22657,22657,itiniay i Siwkulan a Pangcah tu mihecahecaan ira ku kumuris hananay a lisin inian a lisinan i,the Xiuguluan Amis have an annual fishing festival,train +22657,22658,22658,pihahalamaan,amusement facilities,train +22658,22659,22659,u sama kinian,this is goose grass,train +22659,22660,22660,Mihay cingra tu suwal ita,he agreed to what we said,test +22660,22661,22661,Hakelungen ku suwal nu mama atu ina,obey your parents,train +22661,22662,22662,o sapadufut nira tu kaimahan nira a kapah kunini,this is a Valentines bag that she gave to her lover,train +22662,22663,22663,o kahengangay ku heci nu tadakiyafes,the fruit of the native guava species is red in color,train +22663,22664,22664,caka inaneng kita haw i,if we do not work hard,train +22664,22665,22665,awaay awaay satu a taluma,he did not come back,train +22665,22666,22666,mikadkad,explore,train +22666,22667,22667,caay tu piala tu vekeluh,small stones are no longer used,train +22667,22668,22668,Papina^ ku kaka^ nu misu,how many older siblings do you have,train +22668,22669,22669,o maan ku kakaenen isu tu kalahukan,what are you having for lunch,train +22669,22670,22670,iraay ku utupay isu haw,do you have a motorcycle,test +22670,22671,22671,ira saku nipidika ku nu maku a mangalay,and so in my mind I was secretly making plans,train +22671,22672,22672,Hatiniay i,just a little bit,train +22672,22673,22673,hay itiniay Etulan itiniay kaku,I am from this side of Tulane,train +22673,22674,22674,kura,those,train +22674,22675,22675,katayalan,what is done,train +22675,22676,22676,pakaen kaku tu kulung,I am feeding the cows,train +22676,22677,22677,ilisinan ku tamdaw i,everyone attends the festival,train +22677,22678,22678,rumadiw cangra tu radiw ni Musi u matayalay nu Kawas atu radiw nu Tufur a Siri Paulic sa Ciicelay a Tapang a Kawas tadamaanay kafahkaan ku dmak Isu kisu u hungti nu kasakitakit tada u mu^celay u sulinay ku lalan Isu,and sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb Great and marvelous are your deeds Lord God Almighty just and true are your ways king of the ages,train +22678,22679,22679,tira paputal haw,it is over there in the square,train +22679,22680,22680,cariwciway,chattering,test +22680,22681,22681,kay han,let us go,train +22681,22682,22682,sa laʼafaʼafas sa panukay tu tapad nira kira,that is why I snatched his pants and sent them home,train +22682,22683,22683,sinli,surname Li,train +22683,22684,22684,yu matama nangra ci Yis i tiraw nu fanaw i licay han nangra ci Yis Singsiaw i hacuwa a tahini kisu han nangra,when they found him on the other side of the lake they asked him Rabbi when did you get here,train +22684,22685,22685,hay u cemer kuni,they say it is medicine,train +22685,22686,22686,miaca kaku tu epah paliwalay kamu han,I am looking for rice wine do you have any rice wine,train +22686,22687,22687,hanen kacitalakes san ku kakakaka mahaen kacitalakes,sisters say to wear your feet this way,train +22687,22688,22688,nawhani nanu kaʼeman caay hu paka araw,I have not seen it since I was a kid,train +22688,22689,22689,kacincun,house mouse,train +22689,22690,22690,iraay tu ku pumpu,we will have a hand pump,test +22690,22691,22691,Mataker nira ku rakat niyam,he hindered us from moving going,train +22691,22692,22692,nawhani sahetu u nicakayan ku ʼaʼawiten naira,because all toys are bought nowadays,train +22692,22693,22693,sa matiraay ku,that is what it is called,train +22693,22694,22694,o mamiraud tayra i kalipahakan matiya kiya,it is probably getting close to heaven,train +22694,22695,22695,tulun,prayer,train +22695,22696,22696,fafahian a wawa,it is a girl,train +22696,22697,22697,cacay a lalipayan,one week,train +22697,22698,22698,mikunac tu ayam,to pluck the chicken feathers,train +22698,22699,22699,haratengen kuya nanu suwal aku tamuwanan tu Caay pikikaka tu tawki ku kuli sanay anu makariang nu tamdaw kaku i u mamakariang nangra kamu anu midu^duay cangra tu suwal aku i u mamidu^du cangra tu suwal namu,remember the words I spoke to you No servant is greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you also if they obeyed my teaching they will obey yours also,train +22699,22700,22700,cima,who is it,test +22700,22701,22701,cufel,sleeves,train +22701,22702,22702,matawa,laugh,train +22702,22703,22703,i tini Taynan a niyaru ku kama ruan nu maku imatini,currently residing in Tainan,train +22703,22704,22704,Tuiri kaʼen han tu nu niyam,after that we ate,train +22704,22705,22705,tu luma nira,in his family,train +22705,22706,22706,citingsya^,bicycle,train +22706,22707,22707,maafesaway,Smoky,train +22707,22708,22708,ngaʼayay kaenen saw acicimay,can I eat this it is very discouraging,train +22708,22709,22709,likes,mosquito,train +22709,22710,22710,mananam kaku a maru itini,I am used to living here,test +22710,22711,22711,awaay tu ku pifutingan nu niyam,we do not have anything to fish with,train +22711,22712,22712,itini tu i mikadafu tuna kahatini nu pikadafu nu maku i tulu a mihecan i,I have been married to such an in law for years,train +22712,22713,22713,hapinang,be clear about,train +22713,22714,22714,tapila,tray,train +22714,22715,22715,parudihangen,echo something,train +22715,22716,22716,o pipapeluan nu kapulungan kinian,this is a place for public speaking,train +22716,22717,22717,fuhat fuhat han nangra nengneng kureng,they opened the curtain and found the urn,train +22717,22718,22718,o maedefay ku taluan ni faki,Uncles hayloft is closed,train +22718,22719,22719,saka itini i nu timulan nu niyaru nu Makutaay,a little south of our tribe,train +22719,22720,22720,u saka tayra lutuk,it is for when you are going up the mountain,test +22720,22721,22721,u paputalay a siyakay haw hay,the outside world YES,train +22721,22722,22722,Tikilu haenen,that is fine,train +22722,22723,22723,ayaw ku urip niyam haw cecay a luma hanay haw sepat ku lumaʼan a maru,four families lived together on the former living floor,train +22723,22724,22724,naʼayaw hay hay mahaen,back in the day yeah Maybe,train +22724,22725,22725,yasa tu cecay a kaka a safa aku i,that was my big brother,train +22725,22726,22726,nisuwalan,words,train +22726,22727,22727,anu matengil ku nikasuni^ nu rakuraku^ tu dadaya^ i caay ka eca^ mamaurad tu cila^,if you hear the sound of tree frogs at night it will definitely rain the next day,train +22727,22728,22728,anu mahaʼen kisu maaraw aku kura Kawas,if you do I see ghosts,train +22728,22729,22729,atek i rumakat tini i fatiʼian nu lalan,maybe walk on the edge of the boat,train +22729,22730,22730,saka iʼayaw han aku sumuwal,So I will start with the mission,test +22730,22731,22731,o karatudaay ku sauwac nu Kiwit,the streams of the Chimay tribe are full of eels,train +22731,22732,22732,u nikacacuruk a miaraw tu keru nu pay niyaniyaru,Rotating observe each others dance activities,train +22732,22733,22733,pacafayen ku wawa nu maku a tala Taypak,please accompany my children to Taipei,train +22733,22734,22734,tataʼang tu mamang lima,a little bit of daikon can be slices,train +22734,22735,22735,ta suwal sa ku Tapang Haratengen ku suwal nunini a caay ka mu^cel a misawkitay a tamdaw,and the Lord said Listen to what the unjust judge says,train +22735,22736,22736,u katengilan tu suwal nu matuʼasay,I have heard it from my elders,train +22736,22737,22737,maru i pikihiya nu kamurawmuraw,sitting under a grapefruit tree,train +22737,22738,22738,minukay haw,come back here,train +22738,22739,22739,tataakay kuya pucu na Iwatan,the Bunyan with the big tumor,train +22739,22740,22740,Anu taynitu kuya mamala Hungti a wawa nu tamdaw a malahaklung atu cuyucuyuh a ma^min i u mamamaru cingra a malatadamaanay a mikuwanay,When the son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with him he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory,test +22740,22741,22741,nawhani cecayey ku,because there is only one,train +22741,22742,22742,miala ci ina aku panukay i,when the mom brought the baby back,train +22742,22743,22743,matiya nisimsim nu mita a kapah kina raing,it is as good as my idea,train +22743,22744,22744,rukitac,Elongation,train +22744,22745,22745,hatiraay ku suwal nu pakafanaʼay takuwanan,the history of the Amis migration as told by the elders that is what the facts tell me,train +22745,22746,22746,Maimer kamu tu rumiad atu fulad atu mihcaan atu kasauwac nu mihcaan,you are observing special days and months and seasons and years,train +22746,22747,22747,inaayaw a minuka henay caay kadayum,in the past knitting was very time consuming,train +22747,22748,22748,awaay haw ku adada,there is nothing wrong with you,train +22748,22749,22749,suwal saan ku wama atu wina aku kaw mavanaay tu matuasay ku ngaay saan,but my parents say it is best to marry someone who knows how to honor their elders,train +22749,22750,22750,minukay kami itira,we will go home that way,test +22750,22751,22751,u parasuray nu heni,their organizers,train +22751,22752,22752,itiya kami malikaka ura kaku misafalucuʼay tu,so at that time I made my own decisions for myself,train +22752,22753,22753,sukuy u u sivaruay haw hay,Suppon Yes,train +22753,22754,22754,mikalic kaku tu tamina a tayra i futud,I want to take a boat to Lanyu,train +22754,22755,22755,mihemhem,patience and endurance,train +22755,22756,22756,sisa turin han tu ku limaay a remiad nu aniniyay,so now it is five days in a row,train +22756,22757,22757,mapataytu kiraan,the one who passed away,train +22757,22758,22758,a caay kita sa cira,is this the end of us,train +22758,22759,22759,kapah,young man,train +22759,22760,22760,hatiraay tu hatini kura suna,the grandson is now,test +22760,22761,22761,a mipela hen tu awul,cut it in half and trim it,train +22761,22762,22762,itisuwan saan ci tumuk,I am going to tell you the headline,train +22762,22763,22763,kieciw,leading singer,train +22763,22764,22764,nian mimaan kita,what are we going to do,train +22764,22765,22765,mikalic tu pafesucay a kasuling hacuwa a tahila i Taycung,how long does it take to get to Taichung by THSR,train +22765,22766,22766,matiya u ayam ku nipaluʼec mahan tu u ayam,tied up like a chicken just like a chicken,train +22766,22767,22767,Saka Tapangaw tapalen ku pipatalaw nangra Paicelen kami u matayalay isu tu saka^caaw paska niyam a pasuwal tu suwal Isu,Now Lord consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness,train +22767,22768,22768,u matuʼasay ku pasifanaʼay tu sapisasiraw,it was a senior who taught me how to make salted meat,train +22768,22769,22769,hatinien hatinien han tu aku pasifana itiya,that is what I teach,train +22769,22770,22770,makapahay ku niyaru nu Etulan,Tulane is a beautiful tribe,test +22770,22771,22771,o tataangay ku wacu nu niyam,our dog is huge,train +22771,22772,22772,ta masasuwal tu cangra,they can discuss it,train +22772,22773,22773,yu masadak cangra i hkal i maaraw nangra ku malikatay a afel atu matliay itira a nituduhan a futing atu ^pang,when they landed they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it and some bread,train +22773,22774,22774,nini,Here Now,train +22774,22775,22775,haenen nu mita ku tapangtapang,that is how we are going to convey it to the higher ups,train +22775,22776,22776,paysin anini san anu ira ku mapatayay cay kalingad kuya matuʼasay,if it is a taboo day and someone passes away this elder will not go out to do something,train +22776,22777,22777,u falucu nu maku,responsibility has to do with mission,train +22777,22778,22778,Angcuhen ku singsi tina wawa,the teacher smelled the child urine odor,train +22778,22779,22779,o pisacacak nu Pangcah tu kakaenen edeng safel saca anca i mahud mitangtang caayay piala tu simal a miciyan tu dateng,Amis food is cooked by boiling steaming and stir frying stir frying is rarely used,train +22779,22780,22780,Mamu^tep aca caira,they only have ten,test +22780,22781,22781,latek,maybe,train +22781,22782,22782,Hayda naunen ku rakat,all right be careful on the road,train +22782,22783,22783,nu hadhad a tali,it is taro that grows on land,train +22783,22784,22784,o malemeday a tamdaw kaku,I am a very lucky man,train +22784,22785,22785,mahaen ku demak ita a misuwal tu suwal nu Pangcah,we are talking about the Amish language as listed above,train +22785,22786,22786,a mitunangan ci Kafutulan satu ku tamdaw,it is recognized,train +22786,22787,22787,suwal satu ku kakahulul ri,and the head of the class said,train +22787,22788,22788,o matelangay tu kira kaysing,the bowl is old,train +22788,22789,22789,taynien nira i nacira kira maʼaraw niyam,we saw it when it was delivered yesterday,train +22789,22790,22790,anu taangasatu itini muheting tu,if it is here it is black,test +22790,22791,22791,pina a tingting ku acaen isu,how many pounds do you want to buy,train +22791,22792,22792,papah,leaves,train +22792,22793,22793,itira cangra ngalef ku aluman,more people are coming here,train +22793,22794,22794,i patiyamay haw,supermarket,train +22794,22795,22795,micelem haw adihay tataʼang yu,there is a lot of potential some of it is huge,train +22795,22796,22796,a saremiad sa a remadiw i kudukudul nu lutuk,just singing on the mountaintop every day,train +22796,22797,22797,nu Recurd,it is the same salts,train +22797,22798,22798,i cuwa ku dauc nu tamdaw hakini,where do people end up,train +22798,22799,22799,cupelak ku mangtaay a alupal,unripe persimmons taste astringent,train +22799,22800,22800,kaku i makapuʼi a miladum sa,I can carry water but I get scolded for doing so,test +22800,22801,22801,patingwa han tu aku kisu,I will call you back,train +22801,22802,22802,yu mulutuc tu ku misasapuran,when the seedlings sprout,train +22802,22803,22803,Ngaay tu a kiwlien kuya kiwli isu,can you pick your cucumber,train +22803,22804,22804,Pakemu han nira ku faluhang aku,he hit me squarely in the chest,train +22804,22805,22805,nu matuʼasay ri keriten nu Ripun a fuduy,it is for adults it is a Japanese dress,train +22805,22806,22806,anini han tu,the current Jian branch,train +22806,22807,22807,haen han isu tucyang kaku pafelien tauwan,Father mother why did you give me away like this,train +22807,22808,22808,icuwa^,somewhere,train +22808,22809,22809,anu itini i sawali nu Cawi anu hananay haw,the age group of this tribe on the east coast Tranquillity,train +22809,22810,22810,yufing,post office,test +22810,22811,22811,saka iyaan apilis tini i kawali nu niyaru haw i,that is east of the tribe in shambolic,train +22811,22812,22812,nanaman tu,be used to,train +22812,22813,22813,cicukur,with crutches,train +22813,22814,22814,iniyan ku nikabanaʼan nu maku tu naayaway a sikawasay,this is what I know about the past,train +22814,22815,22815,itiya i matngil ku ngiha i carufacuf suwal sa O Wawa Aku u nipilian Aku kunini Pitngil kamu tu suwal Ningra saan,a voice came from the cloud saying This is my Son whom I have chosen listen to him,train +22815,22816,22816,uta ni hika re ta,attracted by the sound of the song,train +22816,22817,22817,mangaay,can,train +22817,22818,22818,suelin alingatu sa kaku tu wina aku tu wama aku,I am really grateful to my mother my father,train +22818,22819,22819,ira i fafaed nu parad mateli aku,I placed it on top of the table,train +22819,22820,22820,misasing inipitemi a micaur,operation stirring,test +22820,22821,22821,pinapina,some,train +22821,22822,22822,katayra i latek saan kaku sa usuy sa kaku,I thought the teacher wanted me to go to the village office so I got up slowly,train +22822,22823,22823,sasait,scissor,train +22823,22824,22824,u ninian a kungku ni ina aku i ayaw haw,this is the story my mom used to tell,train +22824,22825,22825,misiteked ku vanges nira,she has a peculiar skin texture,train +22825,22826,22826,a masasuwal hantui,Conversation,train +22826,22827,22827,haw taviras u vunga u hiya u tamurak iri,it is like that pumpkin that pumpkin,train +22827,22828,22828,satiwatiwal saan ʼaʼayaw nu niyam,swimming right in front of us,train +22828,22829,22829,u sasafaay a selal ku mamiridrid talakaayaw nu kakitaan pakafana tu tamdaw u kakitaan ku mamitulun misalunguc tu mitapalay palemed atu midiput tu sakafangcal nu tatirengan,the last of the age group reports the number of people to the chief and after the chief prays for their health and happiness they are instructed to obey the orders of their superiors and to work hard,train +22829,22830,22830,masavak,appearance,test +22830,22831,22831,kananaman nu ina nira,his mom knows him,train +22831,22832,22832,ciukakay,bony,train +22832,22833,22833,mabulaw tu ca ama aku tayni,dad moved here,train +22833,22834,22834,ta iayaw nu nika lusimet nunini a afu nu heneng i pafelien ku Futud a finacadan tu matatudungay a sapalulul,before finding a permanent solution for the nuclear waste we will provide the Yami tribe appropriate compensation,train +22834,22835,22835,uraan itiraen nira miteli ku paliding ira,the car it is parked over there,train +22835,22836,22836,o nani cuwaay kisu,where are you from,train +22836,22837,22837,kasariwsiwan,autumn,train +22837,22838,22838,cika fana kaku han naku,I said I do not know,train +22838,22839,22839,malinaay,relative,train +22839,22840,22840,caay kafana ci ina aku tayra i Kalingku itiya,mom does not know how to get to Hualien,test +22840,22841,22841,matira ku pi,like this,train +22841,22842,22842,maamaan,anything,train +22842,22843,22843,kayat,hold hands,train +22843,22844,22844,macidem,sharp,train +22844,22845,22845,akungan,polite address for an elderly man or a woman father in law,train +22845,22846,22846,firang,to stimulate the spleen,train +22846,22847,22847,ira ku Paliwan ira ku Iwatan ira ku Puyma,do you think the Amis will be left behind,train +22847,22848,22848,ngaʼay haw i caay tuka nanay caluway tu sanu Pangcah,staff and presenters have a good platform to speak Aramaic,train +22848,22849,22849,tahanini sanay ku falucu nu maku saka u hatiraay,I am still determined to do it,train +22849,22850,22850,o sra ku palahaday tuya sapaluma a pahci o sapal ku saayaw ta cipuni ta cihci ku minaruan,all by itself the soil produces grain first the stalk then the head then the full kernel in the head,test +22850,22851,22851,kilim tu piʼaulan,looking for a place to collect,train +22851,22852,22852,naniwac,green bean,train +22852,22853,22853,malifawaay,swollen,train +22853,22854,22854,yu malakelak ku Pangcah itini i Kiwit haw i,the clan dispersed to Chimay,train +22854,22855,22855,u hankiya caciyaw kitanan,this is what I want to say to you,train +22855,22856,22856,Acaw aka han ku niraduman nu maku hana,do not scoop in the water I just picked okay,train +22856,22857,22857,alulen nira i tira i siwkulansi,he put it in the Xiuguluan river and floated away,train +22857,22858,22858,ini i katimul nu niyaru nu Makutaay kira tefun turaan,the spring is south of the tribe,train +22858,22859,22859,suwal sa cingra i cangraan Hatu mamapataytu Kaku tu nika tataang nu rarum nu falucu Aku Kaitini kamu a mitala kapalal itu han ningra,My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death he said to them Stay here and keep watch,train +22859,22860,22860,urungen talariyal ku riranan,take these to the waterfront camp,test +22860,22861,22861,hay pilawla aca,Yes an interlude joke,train +22861,22862,22862,ta tating han nira tiya kilang,he hung it on a branch,train +22862,22863,22863,matiya satu laliwen tu nira kaku kami atu ina kaka aku,after I ran away my mom my sister and I ran away,train +22863,22864,22864,kunini i a demak tini ini i,about these things,train +22864,22865,22865,i cuwa a dademak kisu,where do you work,train +22865,22866,22866,Madadingu limecedan,flawless white and delicate girl,train +22866,22867,22867,fuhat han nira awaay kiya fufing a,lift the lid there is nothing there where are the fish,train +22867,22868,22868,nu Ripun ranay,that is Japanese,train +22868,22869,22869,u tabayar kunu naayaway,in the past we used to use the leaves of the taro plant,train +22869,22870,22870,afala,shoulder,test +22870,22871,22871,panga,male reproductive organs,train +22871,22872,22872,nu kasaselaselal nu man han kiya nu kapah,it is a job for young people in the age hierarchy,train +22872,22873,22873,asik tura tadem i,clean the graves first,train +22873,22874,22874,i dufut a mapateli ku paysu nu maku,my moneys in my pocket,train +22874,22875,22875,Papicapuen tu lidateng kuya mifariway,ask the logger to cut down the dog biting tree,train +22875,22876,22876,u tatara tu i tu saan mapeleng tu miliyaw hu,we are approaching the third floor and we are crashing and disintegrating again,train +22876,22877,22877,u fukelukeluhan han ihu,it is all rocky ground,train +22877,22878,22878,silimliman han ku nu matuʼasay,it is like letting the seniors pick and choose,train +22878,22879,22879,cima,who,train +22879,22880,22880,mirekal,call reporting,test +22880,22881,22881,nu yu kayuing yu cimaʼay hakiya,but I wonder who that girl is,train +22881,22882,22882,Dadada taynien ku cecay langdaway a riku,please give me the clothes in blue,train +22882,22883,22883,Sakahirahira saan ku tukituki nuni patiyaman,this store has a wide variety of clocks and watches,train +22883,22884,22884,tulac,scar,train +22884,22885,22885,nu maka ku inurung ku pades mikungling aku tu tusa a miheca,for two years I overcame the pain of training,train +22885,22886,22886,malacecay ku falucu nu niyaru itiya fangcal,the tribesmen must be united,train +22886,22887,22887,o maan a pinanuwang kura saw,what kind of animal is that,train +22887,22888,22888,anu mamaanay ku nika ku langaw nira,let us see how it grows,train +22888,22889,22889,Misalinalinah ku adada nu tiyad aku,the pain in my stomach moves around,train +22889,22890,22890,Minginguy kaku i tarawadaw,I was bathing in the river,test +22890,22891,22891,makerah ku riyar kangaayan a micekiw,when the sea is low tide it is a good time to collect shellfish,train +22891,22892,22892,icuwa kamu a mikinunuh i Kalingku i Taypak i Taypak,and where do you find this waste in Taipei in Taipei,train +22892,22893,22893,nikaurira adihayay ku faliyus,However there are many typhoons,train +22893,22894,22894,o sakalefutan tu ku saselaan nina wacu i rikur nu kamaen tu sawarak,the dog will die after eating the poison,train +22894,22895,22895,liyut,surroundings,train +22895,22896,22896,maratar,good morning,train +22896,22897,22897,alu,river,train +22897,22898,22898,isakapina,first few,train +22898,22899,22899,tiyam,buy sell,train +22899,22900,22900,mahaen ku naayaway a matuasay,that is how old people used to be,test +22900,22901,22901,aca,price,train +22901,22902,22902,nawhani ira a tayni ku palafangay a widang aku awaay ku sapakaen aku i cingraan anu han isu i,because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me and I have nothing to set before him,train +22902,22903,22903,sisa,consequently,train +22903,22904,22904,Caay ku mata kaku saka caay ku misiketay kaku i tatirengan anu saasaan ku tangila i ma^deng a mimaan a caay pisiket i tatirengan,and if the ear should say Because I am not an eye I do not belong to the body it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body,train +22904,22905,22905,a minukay akacaciyaw haw san,do not say anything when you get home,train +22905,22906,22906,ku nu itiraay i Fakung,Kindergartens in Toyohama are very well resourced,train +22906,22907,22907,nipayakayakan,spreading rumors,train +22907,22908,22908,kiraan,Here,train +22908,22909,22909,caay kafana ku matuasay itiya mavukil a paanip i laku,they do not plant rice in paddy fields,train +22909,22910,22910,ura fanges ira ini miʼecakay kura demak,the main purpose of this action is to cook the skin,test +22910,22911,22911,itira tatatak,talking about the living,train +22911,22912,22912,midakaw,travel by,train +22912,22913,22913,u Hungti ta,it is called the Emperor,train +22913,22914,22914,hay u vavahi ku pakaenay tu rarapa,Yeah it is all the girls herding the cows,train +22914,22915,22915,tatulu ku kaka aku atu fahifahi,three brothers and their spouses,train +22915,22916,22916,anu malacafay kisu tu tau i mitudungay ci Yihufaan han,do you imitate the Lord in your dealings with others,train +22916,22917,22917,ira ku rumiad isu anu papacem haw sapi licaw kaku i tisuwanan tunu itiayhu a demak,are you free tomorrow I would like to ask you about the legends of the Amis,train +22917,22918,22918,wa sienaw haw i kasienawan nu lalumihecaan,will it be very cold in winter next year,train +22918,22919,22919,misahulam,foreigners,train +22919,22920,22920,maaraw nangra kuya ta tusaay a takula ini kuya takula,they saw two frogs here,test +22920,22921,22921,kasamu,flaws,train +22921,22922,22922,Saka pisaimer kamu a mipatala ka u sulin ku tudung nu safaked namu tu tatlecan ka u mu^celay a pinangan nu Kawas ku tudung nu sapatada namu tu faluhang,stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist with the breastplate of righteousness in place,train +22922,22923,22923,a itini tu kita a milafin sa i,we will just stay here,train +22923,22924,22924,tuya,indistinct,train +22924,22925,22925,aka ka matiya u rumaruma nangra kamu a mitaung tu samiyay matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad Maru ku finawlan i kumaen mitauwak Tumireng cangra i masakru saan,do not be idolaters as some of them were as it is written The people sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in pagan revelry,train +22925,22926,22926,adihay ku laliyawen tunini a falucu sa,a lot of heartfelt promises to reconstruct and rebuild things,train +22926,22927,22927,aka pacahiwen ku wawawawa,do not let the children go hungry,train +22927,22928,22928,Mapatikulay tu aku kisu i nacila kiya,did not I return it to you yesterday,train +22928,22929,22929,kay ira ku nika,let these cultural assets,train +22929,22930,22930,nu riyal a pipalenak tu urip aku,you could say the beach feeds me,test +22930,22931,22931,o nipaluan kira duka nu waay nira,he was hit in the leg wound,train +22931,22932,22932,ita i tiniyay nika,yet the food offered by the family,train +22932,22933,22933,Ayadadahad kina paniyaruʼan kina sera tini,I think there is plenty of land here to start a tribe,train +22933,22934,22934,akay masiday i lutuk,maybe he got lost in the mountains and disappeared,train +22934,22935,22935,maʼaraw nu maku i luma isu adihay ku pakaulah nu sifu,I have noticed a lot of commendations from government agencies around the house,train +22935,22936,22936,Mawarawara ku rakat nu sangay,drunk people walk weaving,train +22936,22937,22937,u ranan matatamaay mutatuduay sakaku kura kinanuka,I think that is a better name,train +22937,22938,22938,o sapiucur aku tunini a papinapina a salikaka i u sakaci^pucaw nu nipipasneng aku i cangraan tu pakayniay i tamuwanan o rumasatu u sapidu^duaw namu tu suwal aku a mipatala tu sapadahuf,but I am sending the brothers in order that our boasting about you in this matter should not prove hollow but that you may be ready as I said you would be,train +22938,22939,22939,vahvah,get rid of,train +22939,22940,22940,misa valuhaytu a misanga u vadahung 1 a miheca huhedican tu 34 a mihecaan valicantu,the thatch on the roof needs to be added every year and replaced every three to four years,test +22940,22941,22941,tayni kaku mahelekay tu kaku miala tu lukut itira,I am here now because I have already harvested the this,train +22941,22942,22942,Onucen ku upih nu kaciw,go pluck a few goose feathers,train +22942,22943,22943,Mitekuhtu i kakarayan ku nika taring nu raraw ningra Saka maharateng nu Kawas ku tatiihay a dmak ningra,for her sins are piled up to heaven and God has remembered her crimes,train +22943,22944,22944,o safa isu cira haw,is he your younger brother,train +22944,22945,22945,haen sa kinalima adidi adidi saan ku laing,it is been five times and it is getting smaller and smaller,train +22945,22946,22946,Pasafaken ku pipakaenan tu kakiw i talukan,feeding the geese in the coop with trays full of empty grain rice with no kernels,train +22946,22947,22947,Palunuk han nu singsi kami a micunga,the teacher let us draw freely,train +22947,22948,22948,Mipatihi tu ina tu mama,help Daddy and Mommy,train +22948,22949,22949,Ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan ku pulung nu salikaka ka u Fangcalay a kacacucup ku sakalalitmuh namu a malalicalicay,all the brothers here send you greetings greet one another with a Holy kiss,train +22949,22950,22950,mavana,do,test +22950,22951,22951,sanay tu,it is already done,train +22951,22952,22952,pangiha satu kuya maya matuʼasay,the old man mentioned it,train +22952,22953,22953,kafanaan,understand,train +22953,22954,22954,as ilaay ku nu isu haw ilaay u ngaʼayay tu hay u hay,do you have farm insurance Yes I do,train +22954,22955,22955,tumera,drop by drop,train +22955,22956,22956,faluhfuhay,yarn,train +22956,22957,22957,i teluc tu nu kilang,in the very very high treetops,train +22957,22958,22958,pi ira hani,it is a reminder,train +22958,22959,22959,saka maedeng paluwaden nu mita,I feel like I can stand it up,train +22959,22960,22960,nanifakici,mop,test +22960,22961,22961,suwalen tu hatiniay,it is hard to negotiate,train +22961,22962,22962,anca mahan anu kifetul kura fanges,if this pigs skin is very thick,train +22962,22963,22963,alumaʼn kami malikaka i,we have many brothers and sisters,train +22963,22964,22964,pakapaliding kaku kitahenayan nu paliding ku fasu^,I will drive to the church because it is more convenient than the bus,train +22964,22965,22965,uni sakatusa i midatungay hananay,layer Mira love,train +22965,22966,22966,Raruerueru saan namakalutukan,and they gradually,train +22966,22967,22967,kanatalay,global,train +22967,22968,22968,haw a mikali,scoop out,train +22968,22969,22969,ita u sitirengay tunu Cikasuwan a tamdaw,as a clan member of the Shichikaku River,train +22969,22970,22970,o miafufuay tu ayam kira wawa a patalatalukan,the boy took the chicken to the henhouse,test +22970,22971,22971,tatusaay ca mira mararamud,just the two of them,train +22971,22972,22972,Tadtaden ku suwal nu was a mipatala tu sapakimad,Analyze dissect the Scriptures in preparation for preaching,train +22972,22973,22973,funafunakan,gravel,train +22973,22974,22974,Tuur han tu nu mita ku ngaayay a kakawaw nu matuasay,we have to come and follow the good deeds of our elders,train +22974,22975,22975,lkal sa ku finawlan O ngiha nu Kawas kunini caay ku nu tamdaw saan,they shouted This is the voice of a god not of a man,train +22975,22976,22976,kaku,you,train +22976,22977,22977,pasevana mangalay cira a sumuwal,to entrust me with unfinished business with words,train +22977,22978,22978,saci payci sa ku matuʼasay sahetu u ficing,the elders use a measuring cup for their money,train +22978,22979,22979,u kita u cicediay kapah tu ay,if we have the strength we can use an footer,train +22979,22980,22980,ira kuya suwal isu inasawi,did you mention that,test +22980,22981,22981,nawhani u raraw nu tamdaw mamin i adihay ku raraw saka caay pakademak haw i,because people make all kinds of mistakes big and small,train +22981,22982,22982,naun,take care,train +22982,22983,22983,Ngusngusen,can be eaten raw,train +22983,22984,22984,ha cecay cecay saku milaliway,one by one they are leaving,train +22984,22985,22985,cima ku ngangan nu misu,what is your name,train +22985,22986,22986,a pinengnen tu tapal nu niyaruʼay a tayal sa,for a job like the tribe,train +22986,22987,22987,malecad tu nawhan ni,same thing,train +22987,22988,22988,lafin san tu tulu a dadaya mi sulap tu nanum,he stayed here for three days and three nights inspecting the water supply,train +22988,22989,22989,malacungtungay,to be president,train +22989,22990,22990,pihaceng ku nika kemaen,in the case of Xiaomi subjected to,test +22990,22991,22991,palilamen ningra kami tu payci,he gave us the cash,train +22991,22992,22992,i sacumud nu niyaru,tribal junction,train +22992,22993,22993,u ka awa sanay nu tilid nu mita,because we do not have words,train +22993,22994,22994,fuwa,kidney,train +22994,22995,22995,a tamdaw mahemek ku tau,that is commendable,train +22995,22996,22996,ira ku saruduay caay kakapah,some of them are too sweet that is not good,train +22996,22997,22997,u ciʼadaay kita u misa Pangcahay tu inian u nu nitipan,we Amis are enemies of our neighboring tribes,train +22997,22998,22998,fangafang,trifle,train +22998,22999,22999,wa i kaka tu ku hemek sanay kiya falucu aku,the joy will be even higher than it is now,train +22999,23000,23000,nu Recurd,ribs are still ribs,test +23000,23001,23001,kacapitilid ku adihayay,more people do not go to school,train +23001,23002,23002,milaecer,strain something and out,train +23002,23003,23003,maherek tu kaku a misasik,I have finished cleaning up,train +23003,23004,23004,hatira sa ku tayal nu maku tura,that is always been my job,train +23004,23005,23005,1979 miheca u sakalima a wawa aku aci Rayna ci Taniil mahufucaytu,in Lena and I had our fifth child Daniel,train +23005,23006,23006,mipacarcar,temporary,train +23006,23007,23007,tayra milisuf ku milisufay,when the inspectors went to check on the sentry,train +23007,23008,23008,papikakuyay,Wills someone to lift,train +23008,23009,23009,u saayaway a nipihuyahuy nu heni,the way they fished in the beginning,train +23009,23010,23010,ca ka awaay kaku tinian i nian ku hanaku ca ka u mamipili cingra tu demak sakitini niyaru,he was elected chief by the tribesmen,test +23010,23011,23011,paheku kaehan maen kaku ayaw cipelak san kaenen,the cat tastes astringent,train +23011,23012,23012,anu hatini tatiʼih ku tireng isu cima ku matayal patadu tamiyanan,now that you are not well who is going to work and help us,train +23012,23013,23013,tiya raduman nu matuʼasay itiya itira miradum taw su a mifaca tu fuduy,in those days it was also a place where old people used to carry water and then it became a place for washing clothes,train +23013,23014,23014,pirawraw,make a racket,train +23014,23015,23015,maemin,entire,train +23015,23016,23016,unu vayaing a nisangaʼan,it is made of canvas,train +23016,23017,23017,cifuduy,clothing,train +23017,23018,23018,nika ya wacu sa pakayni pingiyangi nira tiya kilang i masadak ma min kuya tatekuh milaup tuya wacu cikay sa tu kiya wacu,after the dog shook the tree all the bees came out and chased the dog so the dog kept running,train +23018,23019,23019,awaay,none,train +23019,23020,23020,o rumasatu mitatuy ci Yis tu takid kansiya sa cingra tu Kawas ta pafli i cangraan Minanumtu cangra a ma^min tunini,then he took the cup gave thanks and offered it to them and they all drank from it,test +23020,23021,23021,han ku anu paka suling,this ones by train,train +23021,23022,23022,nengneng han Pangcah ku Tapang nu hiya i,Actually the Amis are the real masters,train +23022,23023,23023,mahecaday tu tu pisasiraw tu titi,it is like marinating meat,train +23023,23024,23024,malakaka ala aya han niyam,our brothers are responsible for all of this,train +23024,23025,23025,Sahetu u Yincumin ku palu nu luma isu han,are all your family members indigenous,train +23025,23026,23026,Matepa^,locate,train +23026,23027,23027,icuwa ku kakurut ina ini,here it is,train +23027,23028,23028,malaidangay,to be a friend,train +23028,23029,23029,o satakaraway a lutuk i u Yusan,the tallest mountain is Jade Mountain,train +23029,23030,23030,Pakasuʼur kira,just believe it,test +23030,23031,23031,i lutukay sananay,it means on the mountain,train +23031,23032,23032,fuwa,noose trap,train +23032,23033,23033,makupit,thin,train +23033,23034,23034,sayfu,master,train +23034,23035,23035,mafaliyus,typhoon,train +23035,23036,23036,minengneng kami tu tilifi imatini,we are watching TV now,train +23036,23037,23037,Dafak satu i mihiyatu kami u kapah milingatu tu milicay tuya milalilaliway tu a tumuk nu misa Pangcahay a tumuk nu Fakung,in the morning we young people began to ask questions about the Amis leaders who had passed away in Fombin,train +23037,23038,23038,i ayaw haw i ayaw nu cecay nuli a miheca a tamdaw,about years ago,train +23038,23039,23039,haen sanay tu,that is it,train +23039,23040,23040,mimaan hu ku cimacima a finacadan,facing the environment for all communities,test +23040,23041,23041,mapaekel nu kilang ku luma naira,their house was crushed by a tree,train +23041,23042,23042,19 Mihaenay uya suwal ni Yis tuya mararaway hahaenen a mihungyak Suˈlinen aku pasuwal kisu anini,Therefore Jesus initial words to the criminal should be translated Truly truly I say to you today,train +23042,23043,23043,nu Taracan itiya,the tribal leader of Yudhara station,train +23043,23044,23044,aka ka likaf nu tau kuya ngaayay a dmak hananay namu,do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil,train +23044,23045,23045,sakacecay a rumiʼad i nimanay,what are the events on the first day of the festival,train +23045,23046,23046,haen,look at this,train +23046,23047,23047,mihiya amin ma ku heni mi tu kakitilaan iri,they are all busy reclaiming the land to build a house,train +23047,23048,23048,initu ku tevu maan ku ini u,the bamboo shoots are all here,train +23048,23049,23049,taliyuk,Around around,train +23049,23050,23050,kalaludan,summer,test +23050,23051,23051,ira tuku pitiʼeran nu mita,we have a God of faith,train +23051,23052,23052,u suwal tu nu malitengay kaminan,that is what the old man told us,train +23052,23053,23053,satapangan tu nu,let us get started,train +23053,23054,23054,yara tu milaliw kiya ama niyam,our father still runs away,train +23054,23055,23055,Matedi ku lukat nu fulad anini,the moon is very bright today,train +23055,23056,23056,enam a pulu a mata,a hole with circles,train +23056,23057,23057,iraay ku tuki niyam pakalaluk tu itiniay i Kuekaniske a salikaka,we also had the opportunity to encourage a small group of preachers near Kurganinsk,train +23057,23058,23058,upuh mipudac,quickly dial up the skins into piles,train +23058,23059,23059,ira ku nipalumaan ni ina tu paringad,there is a pineapple there that my aunt grows,train +23059,23060,23060,nginguy,sweating all over his body,test +23060,23061,23061,fana kaku tu nu Hulam mamang kira ri,I know a little bit of Chinese so,train +23061,23062,23062,Salikakaaw tuna matungal ku pitier namu i Kawas atu nika sasiulaulah namu a ma^min saka u papararid kami a mikansiya i Kawas tu pakayniay i tamuwanan o matatudungay ku pihaen niyam,we ought always to thank God for you brothers and rightly so because your faith is growing more and more and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing,train +23062,23063,23063,varu,florid,train +23063,23064,23064,umaan a mamaan ku sangaan namu,what do you guys do,train +23064,23065,23065,anu mitelay tu salil itini i rariyaran,if you go down to the beach,train +23065,23066,23066,kakaurunan,most missed,train +23066,23067,23067,maharek hu i silsil satu a mihacecay,Okay we will go from the elders to the hierarchy,train +23067,23068,23068,saka malepet tu nira ku ccay a takula ini tu kiya nu makuay a takula saan ku falucu nira,he thus grabbed one frog This is my frog thought he,train +23068,23069,23069,Suʼlinay,truly,train +23069,23070,23070,na itini i Ku Saw kiya awa hu kafanaʼan naku tu Min Ku a suwal,I did not speak a word of Mandarin when I was in elementary school,test +23070,23071,23071,karaetut,love,train +23071,23072,23072,nawhan suwal sa kina mama,because he said,train +23072,23073,23073,cicih han nuya wawa ku Cudad nira,the kid tore up his books,train +23073,23074,23074,sa ku radiw nura nguha nura kapah,the young mans girlfriend sang this song,train +23074,23075,23075,cinasen,Tear please,train +23075,23076,23076,Malalitumuh kura tatusaay i kayakay,those two met on the bridge,train +23076,23077,23077,nu Taluku nu Ngayngay,Taroko Hakka,train +23077,23078,23078,kerah han ni mama ku funun ta mipakuyasi,dad drained the fields,train +23078,23079,23079,misangiru tila saan a makemet,make a fire and sleep there,train +23079,23080,23080,a a manhan tu nira kiya tatuy tiya papah matini,Ah ah a witch voice holding a banana leaf,test +23080,23081,23081,mamaʼanay kisu i huni,what happened to you,train +23081,23082,23082,Papilupasen ku wawa nu namu,tell your kids to pick a fight,train +23082,23083,23083,Sngeren ku felac,wash the rice for cooking,train +23083,23084,23084,u maan micudad a tayra hen i hiya,you are going to school and you are going to be there,train +23084,23085,23085,lima a kufu ku umah na Payrang,the Payrang family has five hectares of fields,train +23085,23086,23086,pasay ka u lavi han sisulipa,wear slippers only at dinner,train +23086,23087,23087,suemet,dampness,train +23087,23088,23088,Pamulesaen nu mita saan ku maapaay tu tamdaw tu tamina i riyar,the stupid guy in the ocean said he was going to make the boat crack and leak,train +23088,23089,23089,paketingen ku kulung,stake the water buffalo,train +23089,23090,23090,halikaenay,stammer,test +23090,23091,23091,sa kidaedaw tu kura talud hawi,after the grass grows long,train +23091,23092,23092,tahanini tu ku nuka caay nu maku a matayal,it is been years since I have had a job,train +23092,23093,23093,citu pinanum tu tatiihay nanum,no more unclean water,train +23093,23094,23094,mararid,often,train +23094,23095,23095,Itiya hu itni i pariyariyaran san,it used to be by the sea,train +23095,23096,23096,cahetu mitifek ku fafahiyan,the work of pounding rice is a woman responsibility,train +23096,23097,23097,misulul tu haw ku ina ni Madadingu a paramud itakuwan,does her mother want to marry her daughter to me,train +23097,23098,23098,dawdawwen epingen kapahtu,just heat and flatten it,train +23098,23099,23099,matiya u cengceng kini hatini ku nipiraayan,it is like this is a fish home away from home,train +23099,23100,23100,anini satu meraw sa kita,what we see today,test +23100,23101,23101,papisepelen,ordered to cut pasture,train +23101,23102,23102,anu u tefus tu ku mipalumaan hatira,even if you grow sugarcane it is the same,train +23102,23103,23103,kirir,lie on the side,train +23103,23104,23104,maamaan,which ones,train +23104,23105,23105,u maan ku palumaan namu,what do you grow,train +23105,23106,23106,aluman tu ci wawa tu ku wawa ningra ci suna tu,more people are having children and grandchildren,train +23106,23107,23107,padihekuay,For Warmth,train +23107,23108,23108,hai mafana cangra a sumuwal tu caciyaw nu Amis,Yes they speak the ethnic language,train +23108,23109,23109,i pitilidan kita ngaay tu haw misasing kita,how about meeting at school we need to shoot a video,train +23109,23110,23110,ya matiniay,that is it,test +23110,23111,23111,piulatek,excessive,train +23111,23112,23112,sa mabana kaku,why would I know,train +23112,23113,23113,vahedil,cypress,train +23113,23114,23114,o masatamdaway a wawa kaku saan ku suwal nu singsi niyam,our teachers say I am a well behaved child,train +23114,23115,23115,tayra tu kaku i pasaetip,I will go west,train +23115,23116,23116,kapah ciyanen tu litaul kiya papah yu,the leaves can be used for scrambled eggs,train +23116,23117,23117,pakayra tu tura sapihicay hananay,what about catching fish fry,train +23117,23118,23118,maala tu maherek tu ku pikungling nu maku ta,I was lucky to get through all the training,train +23118,23119,23119,saˈayaway mananamay a suˈlinay kimad i uya sapairasul i satapangan 315,the truths we initially learned also include the prophecy of Genesis,train +23119,23120,23120,pakayni sapitengilaw tu kimad u fahkaˈay a tamdaw macukacukay i fatiˈiyan nu sasuˈut a fiher u ruma tamdaw mikalicay i sapiuntu a kikay,in order to listen to the lectures some of the curious audience climbed up the rope ladder on the side of the pavilion while others climbed onto the sports equipment,test +23120,23121,23121,ca san pisanga ku sēyfu tu Cupu nu niyaru niyam,the government has not been doing our tribal levees,train +23121,23122,23122,ciʼicel maenay tamdaw ayaw caira sa ku hiya ri,they say they used to eat human flesh in the old days,train +23122,23123,23123,haenen ku pipatatures pidemak nga,must have a background in Aboriginal knowledge,train +23123,23124,23124,kaitini kisu i laenu,you stay down here,train +23124,23125,23125,suwal sa Anu u hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw Kisu i pauripen ku tireng Isu saan,and said If you are the king of the Jews save yourself,train +23125,23126,23126,Mapaceka nu tawu ku mama nuya Hulam,the foreign father is being stabbed in the heart,train +23126,23127,23127,midaduy yaca,weigh the weight beforehand,train +23127,23128,23128,midudu tu cufacufad nu tukus hananay,or along an alpine ridge,train +23128,23129,23129,naniwacaniwac,green bean,train +23129,23130,23130,makingking aca tayni i Kalingku ci ama aku itiya,my father came to Hualien again,test +23130,23131,23131,u cecay cecay a lihay kina cecayay,one grade only once a week,train +23131,23132,23132,hu aku kura suwal haw,let us go back to what we were talking about,train +23132,23133,23133,pasunulsunul ningra tala i alu,push the log to the river,train +23133,23134,23134,Manikar,get up at dawn,train +23134,23135,23135,u suwal ningra patayra i tataakay a ising,he suggested a transfer to a larger hospital,train +23135,23136,23136,u canglalan ku fulad tataak ku erac nika kamuku caay ka tenes sepat aca ku tatukian milenu tu ku riyar,around the full moon on the day of the lunar month the tide is very low but the time is very short about four hours before the tide starts to rise,train +23136,23137,23137,ini falu nira ciheci sa hatini ku heci,this is his fruit,train +23137,23138,23138,hacuwaay a mihecaan ku kaherekan a malahitay kisu i,how many years were you discharged from the Republic of Korea,train +23138,23139,23139,a patengil kaku ci inaan tu nipinanam tu suwal nu Pangcah i cacudadan tu remiremiad,I go to school every day I learn the Pangcah language every day and I want to tell my mother,train +23139,23140,23140,micumud tu kami i tunguyin i suwal sa ku singsi^ I kaayaw i ira ku ayaayam i kaikur i ira ku uneuner lunuk han ita a minengneng saan,after entering the zoo the teacher said there are birds in the front and snakes in the back,test +23140,23141,23141,hatiya satu ira ku wawa mitilid,the kids starting school it is costing a lot,train +23141,23142,23142,nenghan kura lifung i emin han ningra ku kanatal palifung,this epidemic covers the entire country,train +23142,23143,23143,mahaen i,though that is true,train +23143,23144,23144,caka kiskisen haw,it will not work if you do not shave,train +23144,23145,23145,falaefaay,warm,train +23145,23146,23146,Singsi mimaan kita tayra i umah,what are we going to do in the fields,train +23146,23147,23147,anini tu i tahiraay tu i,not anymore,train +23147,23148,23148,tatusaan ku piala i taraw,take two of them,train +23148,23149,23149,ku sumuwalay tu masamanay a suwal,there are others who do not agree,train +23149,23150,23150,sisa madukaay han pangangan nu matuasay,that is why the old man called it a wounded fish,test +23150,23151,23151,Paatulen i lakelal a misefed pacumud tu nanum i umah,please build a wall of stacks along the river to allow water to enter the paddy fields,train +23151,23152,23152,mamaan aca tayra aca kita tayraen,let us go see what is going on,train +23152,23153,23153,hatiraay ku maku a urip,that is my whole life,train +23153,23154,23154,halifekacay,run,train +23154,23155,23155,maʼemin cangra a tayni u umah,they all come to the fields,train +23155,23156,23156,Ka^suay ku nitapayan ni mama aku a futing,my father smoked a good fish,train +23156,23157,23157,tangasa ititni i etip,until we get to where we work,train +23157,23158,23158,hemin han patala i tukay tu a malecapu tu ku vinawlan,taking all the fish caught to the fairgrounds where the tribesmen gather,train +23158,23159,23159,kuesan ku kani ni fayi aku i niyaru,in the tribe my ahjummas sticky rice wine was very sweet,train +23159,23160,23160,Icuwa^,that one,test +23160,23161,23161,putun,section,train +23161,23162,23162,ariray,corn,train +23162,23163,23163,mipanay kami,we cut the rice,train +23163,23164,23164,Pafesuc ku rakat nira,he went straight ahead did not stop along the way,train +23164,23165,23165,tatusa kami,there is two of us,train +23165,23166,23166,micalcalay,split,train +23166,23167,23167,samacayen ita miharateng ku iraaytu a sapalemed nu niyah Halu mihadidi a mitala tu kaˈayaway a hatukel,we should focus on the blessings we have and wait patiently for the hope that lies ahead,train +23167,23168,23168,anu kuhecal hu cay hu kangaʼay a kaʼenen,if the fish is still white is it still inedible,train +23168,23169,23169,Madayum isu han a mikakuy kura sapad,can you move that table,train +23169,23170,23170,mimaan a minanam tunu tawu,why do you want to learn from others,test +23170,23171,23171,pulung a maen,share,train +23171,23172,23172,anu maulah cira tu,if it is him against the body,train +23172,23173,23173,caay kalecad ku kakayaay kamukuay mahecad saruwiruwais sanay mateli ku kawal unini kuya misuwalan masakawalay a karat talatimul hu ira ku tefun nu fulad,they are of varying lengths and are arranged in a Staircase like pattern called the stone Staircase further south there is the moon Cave which is a pure land in the eyes of the port tribesmen,train +23173,23174,23174,Milasu kaku tu pahanaan,I am going to water the flower garden,train +23174,23175,23175,miuraur,rinse brush,train +23175,23176,23176,ya kimulu hai,the shape of the original circle is,train +23176,23177,23177,patahidang han tu nu tumuk,the chief called for the elders,train +23177,23178,23178,saesa,stop raining,train +23178,23179,23179,a haman a mirarakat hamanan a misaiyaiya,you do not walk around or touch anything,train +23179,23180,23180,Micekiway tu kadit nu tangila aku ku ising,the doctor was digging in my ear to remove the earwax,test +23180,23181,23181,mianaku,moaning pain,train +23181,23182,23182,u maʼikesay nira ta maedeng sariri nuhiya nu sasinafelan,ripe betel nuts are like pillars in a vegetable garden,train +23182,23183,23183,pisiwngacu,spring Festival Eve,train +23183,23184,23184,ini,Here,train +23184,23185,23185,ninian,this one,train +23185,23186,23186,haen cukacukay sa tila tu kita a mihicay,that is where they are stalled and cannot move forward to catch fish,train +23186,23187,23187,sanay,let us put it this way,train +23187,23188,23188,a u maan ku sasuwalen,his last words,train +23188,23189,23189,fituka^,stomach,train +23189,23190,23190,ku seking tayra kaku dademak itira,I started working there,test +23190,23191,23191,anu matekuh kiya awul haw i fer anu san i tayra tu i cering i kafaed niya,if you touch the fish curtain the fish will jump to the bamboo pole,train +23191,23192,23192,tuda,sea eel,train +23192,23193,23193,tefun,well,train +23193,23194,23194,sa ku malitengay a pacaku tu kaemangay hatiraay kuriraan,this is how the elders encourage the children,train +23194,23195,23195,Sarumiad,everyday,train +23195,23196,23196,hatiraay misimsimay kita tu,so we will consider the target,train +23196,23197,23197,awaʼtu ku kaharatengan aku yu,I would not have thought of it,train +23197,23198,23198,mangicngicay latek nu hiya nu edu atu nu dadipis,it could be a hole chewed by a mouse or a cockroach,train +23198,23199,23199,ira kiya mahaenay mitengtengay nu riyar,there is a current that is pulling in on the side,train +23199,23200,23200,anca pikunciw,if you do not participate in the training,test +23200,23201,23201,tamdaw haenha isu mihaen,a normal person can do that,train +23201,23202,23202,maaraway,apparent,train +23202,23203,23203,ali,older brothers wife,train +23203,23204,23204,hai ura radiw matengilay,Yes here is what I have heard about this song,train +23204,23205,23205,tayni kami ii tini,we are here to,train +23205,23206,23206,anu tataʼang tatu tataʼangkay a enem,if it is a really big root you can have pieces,train +23206,23207,23207,u papah nu kakurut kiniyan u heci ini u,here is the leaf of the little bitter melon yo here is the fruit,train +23207,23208,23208,taniktikay,agile,train +23208,23209,23209,har kaku tuya demak,I related to in that affair,train +23209,23210,23210,o maan ku kaulahan isu a minanam,what is your favorite class,test +23210,23211,23211,talaen,wait a moment,train +23211,23212,23212,tayni kami itini i iri,come,train +23212,23213,23213,maedeng tahiraay tu tusa pulu,for about twenty years,train +23213,23214,23214,u u lemed kinian haw man han u saʼusi u lemed,it is all fate how can I put it,train +23214,23215,23215,pakuyuc hu i ayaw,I used to be poor,train +23215,23216,23216,anu caacaay pakasapinang a mitengil i nika maluing niyam i saselican mangaay a tumadawen a mitengil,although we could fully understand it we could record it on our cell phones and listen to it more,train +23216,23217,23217,itiya i firacay tiya u mama nu kapah saan,and the oldest in the youth class,train +23217,23218,23218,maherek micinah,after salting,train +23218,23219,23219,ci palaay haw i nau maala,people with hillside land,train +23219,23220,23220,o nanu mikumi nu Kawas atu nipitier namu i ci Kristuan ku saka mapaurip a mapakalmed kamu caay ku nanu dmak namu u nanu Kawas a sapalmed kunini,for it is by grace you have been saved through faith and this not from yourselves it is the gift of God,test +23220,23221,23221,hay taluma tu i selal,that is right and back to your own class,train +23221,23222,23222,lalang han nu kaka aku kaku a tayra i alu a midanguy,my brother forbade me to go swimming in the river,train +23222,23223,23223,ira ku saʼusi nu kafekang tu hatiniay i,there is a plan up there to match that continuity,train +23223,23224,23224,kiskisen haw,Oh to shave a little after,train +23224,23225,23225,kawihpuhay,wave,train +23225,23226,23226,sananay kuni kasasuwal niyam sisa,this is the result of our discussion,train +23226,23227,23227,Haliafaray ku fainay nu maku,my husband loves shrimp,train +23227,23228,23228,matuʼas tu kaku catu kan,I am too old for rear work,train +23228,23229,23229,tawa han aya tayra hu kaku sanay,funny so I am going to go like this again,train +23229,23230,23230,nengnengen ku siyasing tada u pawti ku tapad aku pakaen kulung nengnengen,look at the picture the pants I wear when I feed the cows are really sacks look at that,test +23230,23231,23231,yu pisakalafiantu i pulung satu ci Yis atu tusaay ku safaw a tarukus a mitahka,when evening came Jesus was reclining at the table with the Twelve,train +23231,23232,23232,mawmah cira haw i cay ka tuka,he is a very hard worker he is not lazy,train +23232,23233,23233,maulah kaku minanum tu cikuliay a nanaum,I like water with ice cubes in it,train +23233,23234,23234,misasienaw,go to the wind and cold,train +23234,23235,23235,suelinay haw i tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk han nura kura cecay Tapang kura kilang sa,if that is true there is a woodpecker pecking away at the trunk,train +23235,23236,23236,nanusuwal,words,train +23236,23237,23237,o maan ku pafelien nu misu tu masapangcahay a finacadan i matini,do you have any words of advice for the Amish,train +23237,23238,23238,ciraan,she,train +23238,23239,23239,cifaʼinay kaku i,after my betrothal to my husband,train +23239,23240,23240,ta u funka ita kinian,Yes that is what our culture says to him,test +23240,23241,23241,Patuaya kami tu tuas i pala,we offer sacrifices to our ancestors in the fields,train +23241,23242,23242,Cahu maraayay hu,not yet it is still far away,train +23242,23243,23243,Hinefa han hu isu a pahanhan,lie down and rest,train +23243,23244,23244,ini fafaʼed na tepad i u hadhad kuriraan,above the canyon it is dry land,train +23244,23245,23245,mangalay,drool,train +23245,23246,23246,ci^ cingra a tayra,he went against reason,train +23246,23247,23247,sa u tatelecan,Waist Yeah,train +23247,23248,23248,malaluk anu hacuwa talalutuk saan,whenever we are getting ready to go up the mountain,train +23248,23249,23249,o mamiculu tu tipus kuna tulaku a tayni,this truck is here to transport rice,train +23249,23250,23250,irahu tayra i ruma nu matuʼasay nu Tafitu,in the past the elders could only go to tin Cheung,test +23250,23251,23251,naayaw nira,in his past,train +23251,23252,23252,hacecay cecay sa kami a malinah,we moved from tribe to tribe,train +23252,23253,23253,midanguy,swim,train +23253,23254,23254,cuwaay,Where,train +23254,23255,23255,sufitay,serviceman,train +23255,23256,23256,nu matira,how do you do that,train +23256,23257,23257,nani Tafalung,from long Valley Tai Po,train +23257,23258,23258,mafanaʼay mieneng tu niya,I can see that clearly,train +23258,23259,23259,uya ku ngaʼay u utufay sa,a motorcycle then,train +23259,23260,23260,Nawhani uya Samatiyaen u nika ulah isu tu tireng ku nika ulah isu tu tau sanay a suwal ku mifaluday tu pulung nu Rikec,the entire law is summed up in a single command Love your neighbor as yourself,test +23260,23261,23261,na u mimaanay ku nikaurip namu naayaw,what did you do for a living,train +23261,23262,23262,sa tu kura malakakaay,the two brothers spoke,train +23262,23263,23263,Masu^suay kisu haw,have you gained weight,train +23263,23264,23264,sawad mikasuy,stop cutting wood,train +23264,23265,23265,mahaenay kira nira suwal nira matuasay,that is what the old man meant when he said that,train +23265,23266,23266,salakatay mapatay,it is the first to die,train +23266,23267,23267,taluma kaku a mitengil,I am going back to the tribe to listen,train +23267,23268,23268,simsimen i cuwaay ku matatudungay i tisuwanan,think of the one that is right for you,train +23268,23269,23269,tusa pulu ku cecay a lulung,the vegetables are for a bunch,train +23269,23270,23270,ira ku sapivaca tu vuduy ira ku simal ira ku vintang,there is laundry detergent salad oil a basin,test +23270,23271,23271,maupic,fully wetted,train +23271,23272,23272,Aruʼen ira masalipay kura malikakaay,the two brothers stayed for a week,train +23272,23273,23273,cisiringan,chieftain red robe,train +23273,23274,23274,talacuwa u mafanaay cingra nikaurira awaay ku taneng nira,although he knows he has no wisdom,train +23274,23275,23275,kafi^kuhaw,soup,train +23275,23276,23276,vana ku heni iniyan a suwal ay cuwa,I do not know which word to use to answer this one liner,train +23276,23277,23277,nawhani ira i falucu namu ku pikuwan nu Kawas Saka Nengnengen ira i tini anu ^ca Ira itira caay ku hahaenen ita a sumuwal han ningra,nor will people say Here it is or There it is because the kingdom of God is within you,train +23277,23278,23278,cufay han,then pull back,train +23278,23279,23279,Hay mararid a macidal saka malufic ku heci^,Yes they bear a lot of fruit because of the abundant sunlight,train +23279,23280,23280,itini i lalavutu nu kiwkay,church,test +23280,23281,23281,u ruma savaeked kiyami hadengyaen ku nipiala,sometimes it is heavy just catch enough,train +23281,23282,23282,sidaʼit nu misu haw,your concern,train +23282,23283,23283,u itiya hu han,it used to be about as frustrating as that,train +23283,23284,23284,i Nafanawan han nu niyam,we call them reservoirs,train +23284,23285,23285,mahaenay ku nikaurip niyam tu pakayniay,this is a story from our life experience,train +23285,23286,23286,i cudad malaluk a micudad i matungal ku fana nu mita,in books studying hard can help us to increase our knowledge,train +23286,23287,23287,ri maala ku kasuy,Felling of trees,train +23287,23288,23288,Tamih awaay tu ku miciw i luma miaca hu tu miciw,Tamih our home is out of rice wine please go and buy some,train +23288,23289,23289,minanam,study,train +23289,23290,23290,niraan a pudaw,the small fry,test +23290,23291,23291,tuki,time,train +23291,23292,23292,Saka hai satu ci Yuta ta misatapangtu a misaimer tu kangaayan a rumiad yu cahu kafanafana ku finawlan i itiya a mipaturud ci Yisan i cangraan,he consented and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present,train +23292,23293,23293,su^ka,plastic,train +23293,23294,23294,awaay tu ku tavi,not for plowing,train +23294,23295,23295,ku matuʼasay hayi,elderly people agree,train +23295,23296,23296,milat satu mihaen,that is it,train +23296,23297,23297,Mituduhan nu Piyuma,the Peinan burned the ground with fire,train +23297,23298,23298,olah kaku tu kiwkay,I like going to church,train +23298,23299,23299,rumiad,thirtieth anniversary of the Founding of the PRC in,train +23299,23300,23300,o maan ku kaulahan isu tu kaciherangan,why do you like summer,test +23300,23301,23301,awaay,No it is not,train +23301,23302,23302,mipacuk tu fafuy,killing a pig for the holidays,train +23302,23303,23303,lalesien tu,tsunami,train +23303,23304,23304,mikunuc,pull out hair,train +23304,23305,23305,mahiniay a,this is the marble,train +23305,23306,23306,u maan kuriranan,what is that,train +23306,23307,23307,hemin han a patata ku icep itila,the betel nut it is all over there,train +23307,23308,23308,u salil kunu aniniyay,now it is a fishnet,train +23308,23309,23309,Ciriku cingra tu macngelay nu rmes a kafafang O Suwal nu Kawas han ku ngangan ningra,he is dressed in a robe dipped in blood and his name is the word of God,train +23309,23310,23310,anu sasalisinen caay kaca ka e e maemin tu a masa naka malaccay ku ngasaw,during the worship all the clans would be united,test +23310,23311,23311,tala timul sa midudu tu riyal lilis,continue south along the beach,train +23311,23312,23312,mitaʼis tusa a remiʼad,it takes two days to sew the lining,train +23312,23313,23313,anu kina cecay kina tusa kina tulu anu saliyawliyaw sa kura radiw haw,sing it over and over and over and over again,train +23313,23314,23314,Hai iraay,Yes,train +23314,23315,23315,anu awa tu ku wama anu awa tu ku wina haw i,although my parents are no longer with us,train +23315,23316,23316,Tanukakunah saan ku sinasera ita,we have a lot of ants on the floor,train +23316,23317,23317,sakarsquuurip,everyday life,train +23317,23318,23318,ira ku ecu efa atu lukedaw i pinanuwangan cuwa hu pakaaraaraw kaku tuna pinanuwang pakaaraw anini hemek sa ku falucu,there are elephants horses and tigers in the zoo I have never seen these animals before I was really happy to see them today,train +23318,23319,23319,o papatayen cingra,he must be killed,train +23319,23320,23320,misedef tura matiraay,we need to close that gap,test +23320,23321,23321,sanay hatinien ku demak ku fana nu Padaka,this is American wisdom,train +23321,23322,23322,tahira tu kaku i pasetukan malipahak ku pulung a maemin,everyone was happy when I reached the finish line,train +23322,23323,23323,pinangan hay,that is the way it is,train +23323,23324,23324,tatilien tu hadateng,menu,train +23324,23325,23325,mu^cel ku suwal,to speak the truth to speak directly to the point,train +23325,23326,23326,sapasurut,membership fee,train +23326,23327,23327,minukay cingra anuhuni talaen hu,wait a moment and come back,train +23327,23328,23328,misingasifay,boiling water,train +23328,23329,23329,u incay kurtu atu ningcing ku miacaan niyam,we bought water spinach yams and carrots,train +23329,23330,23330,o maan kinian,what is this,test +23330,23331,23331,awel,bamboo,train +23331,23332,23332,mihicay saan ira ku miacaay tu hicay u ya wawa nuya patiyamay a kaying,when I was catching fish fry someone wanted to buy them it was the grocery store owners little girl,train +23332,23333,23333,ura sa i maulah kaku miiya,But uh I am not a big betel nut eater,train +23333,23334,23334,nu niyam u Amis hananay,of Amis life,train +23334,23335,23335,haenen liyuc san ku tafukud matiya tini,it is like the way this gossip site is spinning,train +23335,23336,23336,taluma tu kina kaying,maybe the girl went home too,train +23336,23337,23337,Naw^iru capu han nu misu ku pawli niyam,why did you cut down our bananas,train +23337,23338,23338,Nitayiraan tu aku i luma a sumuwal,I have been to the house myself,train +23338,23339,23339,Karaesus ku halikaenay tu funga,groundnut lovers are good at farting,train +23339,23340,23340,anu,only out of should get in,test +23340,23341,23341,mikilim tu maliwaliway a vunga,looking for leftover groundnuts,train +23341,23342,23342,Maisaw kaku anini,I have no appetite today,train +23342,23343,23343,sapilaʼed ita tuna lifung saan ku sasuwal nu mama nu kapah,father of youth discusses isolating the epidemic,train +23343,23344,23344,Patapiden i mamitapiday kira mapicihay a fuday,take your torn clothes to a mending store,train +23344,23345,23345,caay katayni caira alatek,maybe they will not come,train +23345,23346,23346,cuwa kafana kaku licayen aku cingra,I do not know I will go and ask her,train +23346,23347,23347,celulen kaku sa micelulay ku ruma,someone else will take their place,train +23347,23348,23348,faesingan,sneeze,train +23348,23349,23349,kucu,shoes,train +23349,23350,23350,kaku a kaufucan haw,I was born in,test +23350,23351,23351,ya dinget aku,my snot,train +23351,23352,23352,saraw u Isi yama han,that is why it is called the stone mountain section,train +23352,23353,23353,tatayra,I am going,train +23353,23354,23354,tutun han nira,just click,train +23354,23355,23355,funaktafuk,sand,train +23355,23356,23356,tusa lulung kenaw ku aacaen aku,I want to buy two green onions,train +23356,23357,23357,hay matengil hukini i paputal,I do not know if I can hear you outside or not,train +23357,23358,23358,ira i Yirusalim ku Pitcata hananay nu Hipray a suwal a fanaw i ngata nu siri hananay a adawang kunini ira i taliyuk nuya fanaw ku lima a pangpangan,now there is in Jerusalem near the sheep gate a pool which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades,train +23358,23359,23359,ngaʼayay iraay laluma nira ku hatiraay tu tefu,it will be like a bamboo shoot inside,train +23359,23360,23360,Tedal hanira kuya safaked nira,dad pulled the belt off of Kuko,test +23360,23361,23361,tira kaku nihanghang ri,I play over there all the time,train +23361,23362,23362,sapipasadakan cingra tu alem panamalen ningra ku dihif nu lutuk,he set fire to the cave to make the pangolin come out,train +23362,23363,23363,kaʼamis nu Fudafudak,north of Urtica tribe,train +23363,23364,23364,kilimen ku mamuetep tusa pulu ku tamdaw sa,persons,train +23364,23365,23365,Wamaaw uya nika tadamaan aku yu mikaput i tisuwanan i ayaw nu nika sanga nu hkal i patalahkalen i matini,and now Father glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began,train +23365,23366,23366,ira ci Cekiyu ri,Ziggy is here,train +23366,23367,23367,Pakayufingen ku paysu a pafeli i takuwanan,send me money by mail,train +23367,23368,23368,caay kafasaw ku cahcah niyam a macakat tu lutuk,our panting from the climb did not subside,train +23368,23369,23369,mapakadit,contaminated,train +23369,23370,23370,mamang,a few,test +23370,23371,23371,cu^cu,lean closely against,train +23371,23372,23372,Ngaayay tuduhen ku katul nu kulung a kumaen,the raw hide of a cow can be roasted and eaten,train +23372,23373,23373,iraay tu kura miming tura misupedan,I have got a little bit of savings,train +23373,23374,23374,piadideman,mulberry tree gathering place,train +23374,23375,23375,anu sulin anu taraan kuka tuʼasan ku fana aku anu san kisu,if you want to learn traditional techniques until you are older,train +23375,23376,23376,adihayay ku etan sa kiya harateng,make more money,train +23376,23377,23377,matini saan kita ira kunika u lifung,there is an epidemic going on right now,train +23377,23378,23378,u pulung nanu mita kasa niyaru i,since we are all on the same tribe,train +23378,23379,23379,mahanay itiya ku nikalalikid imatiya,this was the Toyonen Matsuri of the time,train +23379,23380,23380,piadicawan,marble mining,test +23380,23381,23381,ura sa i mafukil ku Paliwan,at that time the Paiwan did not understand,train +23381,23382,23382,na,indistinct,train +23382,23383,23383,anu cacay ku tamdaw a matayal haw i cay ka narikay ku tayal,if there is only one person working it is difficult to finish the job in a short time,train +23383,23384,23384,niacaan,purchase,train +23384,23385,23385,o matiliday kadaduedu nu tatuˈasan ni Misiya cuwa ka sahetu saan u fisac a wawa,the people in Jesus lineage records were not always the firstborn,train +23385,23386,23386,mamaan saw ku nipisalisin nu heni,what about their rituals,train +23386,23387,23387,hai sairaira aca kuna pisadatengan hakini,how did I ever think of growing vegetables,train +23387,23388,23388,cuwa mipadangay kaku ci mamuan a mipaliwal tu dateng,No I went grocery shopping for my grandma,train +23388,23389,23389,awaay ku pisaparukan i niyaru nu Pangcah,the Amish tribes do not have quilt stores,train +23389,23390,23390,ta tulu a miheca kaku a pasibana iri,three years of teaching,test +23390,23391,23391,i ikur nu tulu a rumiad i tahidangen ni Pawlu a misaupu ku tadamaamaanay a i tiraay a Yutaya a tamdaw yu masauputu cangra i pasuwal sa ci Pawlu Salikakaaw awaay ku pipaculi aku tu ccaccay aca tu finawlan ita atu lkakawa nu tatuasan ita Arawhani rufu han kaku i Yirusalim a mipaturud i luma a tamdaw,three days later he called together the leaders of the Jews when they had assembled Paul said to them My brothers although I have done nothing against our people or against the customs of our ancestors I was arrested in Jerusalem and handed over to the Romans,train +23391,23392,23392,patihi takuwanan matayal tayra i,tools to work in the wards,train +23392,23393,23393,mihakelung tu matuʼasay mihicay,follow the old man to catch a fish fry,train +23393,23394,23394,u kalingatuan tu a mawmah saan,it is time to start farming,train +23394,23395,23395,kasadaktu hana kakitaʼan nira,that is when the director said it,train +23395,23396,23396,anu keru tu nu mita,or dance,train +23396,23397,23397,adihay ku fihun nura kay^ing,that lady has a lot of makeup,train +23397,23398,23398,tu cilatu i pacelem tu kuya wama nu maku,the next day my father went to the field,train +23398,23399,23399,mahere kisu mitifek haw,you are ready to pound the rice,train +23399,23400,23400,madahecung,submerge,test +23400,23401,23401,hai kin naw ira ku hai mikingkiway cangra,they do research,train +23401,23402,23402,hatiraay ku suwal nu malitengay,elderly people are so concerned about and attach great importance to safety,train +23402,23403,23403,kami a niteka niala tu fafuy atu siri,hunting of mountain pigs and goats,train +23403,23404,23404,Awahu ku pikatayalan tala paputal,there were no outside jobs at that time,train +23404,23405,23405,sicepuay,resulting,train +23405,23406,23406,matatahic kita a mitifek,let us the two of us use pestle and mill the grain,train +23406,23407,23407,nivuhangan,pierced,train +23407,23408,23408,iaayaw a demakan tu,in the past before the funeral,train +23408,23409,23409,pasahetuen,consecutive,train +23409,23410,23410,fengiw,fragrance,test +23410,23411,23411,Mafana,very much so,train +23411,23412,23412,ey caayhu ka sulingaʼ ku niyaru nu Makutaay,the Maguda love tribe is not yet complete,train +23412,23413,23413,makakafit ku kasapukupukuh nu tireng,all the parts in the body are joined to each other,train +23413,23414,23414,Marda a mafuti ci Pitiru atu kaput ningra Nikawrira yu mapalaltu cangra i maaraw nangra ku dil ni Yis atuya tatusaay a mikaputay ci Yisan a tumireng,Peter and his companions were very sleepy but when they became fully awake they saw his glory and the two men standing with him,train +23414,23415,23415,ci ngangan sa kaku i itira i wama kura Tapang aku a ngangan,my last name is a continuation of my fathers,train +23415,23416,23416,maulah kaku tu kuhaw nu kalitang,I love long bean soup,train +23416,23417,23417,tungud,continue,train +23417,23418,23418,uusaka maru de,on board the Osaka Maru,train +23418,23419,23419,cima^,who,train +23419,23420,23420,a diputen niyam kisu yu saan ku tumuk,the boss said we will take care of you,test +23420,23421,23421,u mamaan nu niyam saka hulul niyam tu u maanmaan,discussion of activities such as croquet,train +23421,23422,23422,Celi san ci Kacaw mitahidang i takuwanan,Kacaw called me loudly,train +23422,23423,23423,anengan,benches,train +23423,23424,23424,tala umaumah misasinavel,go cook in the field,train +23424,23425,23425,caay hen kabana iayaw nu nipisik,I did not know before I was converted,train +23425,23426,23426,adada ku vavahi yaku,my wife is sick,train +23426,23427,23427,ira ku mafana mitengil ku Pangcah,the Amis can understand it,train +23427,23428,23428,Mararamudtu kami atu ci mama kira,after Mr and I got married,train +23428,23429,23429,Suˈlin anu caka pasuwal cangra latek mamatira ci Tafitian ku harateng nangra Nanay pahemeken nu tamdaw kisu tu nika citanengay kisu,even if others do not say it out loud maybe they are tempted to say to us May people appreciate that you understand,train +23429,23430,23430,mahaperic,cereal stripping,test +23430,23431,23431,mauhut,disturb,train +23431,23432,23432,pacipi tu ku cikay,we will leave as fast as we can,train +23432,23433,23433,Malawaay nu maku kisu,you will be my feet,train +23433,23434,23434,Orasaka sasuwasuwal sa cangra Aka cinasen ita kunini Anu malunimatu i malarituritus kita saan cangra onini i u nika lahci nu nisuwalan i Fangcalay Cudad tuya Sakilacen nangra ku kafafang aku ritusen haca nangra ku i lalumaay a riku aku sanay Madu^du nu sufitay kunini a dmak,Let us not tear it they said to one another Let us decide by lot who will get it this happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled which said They divided my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing so this is what the soldiers did,train +23434,23435,23435,demak pimelaw nu maku,my point of view on this subject,train +23435,23436,23436,caay ku dadaya kiraan,not at night either,train +23436,23437,23437,maiyaay ku kaemangay anini haw,do kids today know this song,train +23437,23438,23438,hecad sa ku tamdaw mahadak,everyone will arrive at the meeting place at the same time,train +23438,23439,23439,masa maanay ku rumiad anini,how is the weather today,train +23439,23440,23440,a misawad,Abandonment,test +23440,23441,23441,pina ku tuki lumuwad kisu tu dafak,what time do you get up in the morning,train +23441,23442,23442,u maan kiraan u hiya nu aʼul,what is it Bamboo,train +23442,23443,23443,Maesam ku falucu a mitengil tu calascas nu cascas,the sound of running water is so irritating,train +23443,23444,23444,na u rira sapitiʼenec saca u patay tu nu ruray nu matuʼasay,you will die of exhaustion if you live on a meager diet,train +23444,23445,23445,u mamaanay tu hakiya kita u niyaru nu Cikasuwan,what will become of our seven foot river tribe,train +23445,23446,23446,pelpel,smash to pieces,train +23446,23447,23447,ci Lamlu ku ngangan nu mama aku,my dads name is Lamlo,train +23447,23448,23448,sera,soil,train +23448,23449,23449,cecay tu kaku i tini,I am the only one here,train +23449,23450,23450,pikeridan,follow,test +23450,23451,23451,pina^,depth,train +23451,23452,23452,ikur hu nu misu urip i,in your life after this,train +23452,23453,23453,haydaw,be close,train +23453,23454,23454,fs haira tu mangalef cahan tahira i tuʼas haen satu mafukilay ku malitengay pasuwal kira,I am speechless and I am just going to grow old,train +23454,23455,23455,padangan nu nira kaku a misanga tu vatikar,he helped me fix my bike,train +23455,23456,23456,cieduxay,with strawberries,train +23456,23457,23457,itini i Paanifung samaanay u tangitangic tu aku,childhood in Hing Cheong was not a happy one because in memory,train +23457,23458,23458,kamu u tawki haenentu ku dmak namu tu saki kuli Akatu pipatalaw i cangraan Kafana kamu kamu atu cangra i ccayay ku Tapang namu i kakarayan caay pisakakinih cingra tu tamdaw,and masters treat your slaves in the same way do not threaten them since you know that he who is both their master and yours is in heaven and there is no favoritism with him,train +23458,23459,23459,walay,noodle,train +23459,23460,23460,limela kita tu sifana nu matuasay,we treasure the wisdom of the elderly,test +23460,23461,23461,saalumanay,at most,train +23461,23462,23462,Papitu kura wawa nu nira tu tini hu i wali,he has seven children,train +23462,23463,23463,oya nikidkidan namu a tamdaw a patayni i caay ku mitakaway tu maamaan nu pitaungan caay ku milukesay tu fafahiyan a Kawas ita,you have brought these men here though they have neither robbed temples nor blasphemed our goddess,train +23463,23464,23464,Paasicen nu mariangay a sikawasay ciira,bad priests made her infertile,train +23464,23465,23465,mihetecan,First filter the,train +23465,23466,23466,anu huni,in a moment,train +23466,23467,23467,mahaenay tatusaen miala,take two like this,train +23467,23468,23468,Paluen tu i paliding kura aalaen ira,the ones you want to take back with you put them in the oxcart,train +23468,23469,23469,anu cietam,how can you get mold,train +23469,23470,23470,awaay henay ku maan a caay kavana kaku tina kusu,there was not anything back then,test +23470,23471,23471,dingki^,lights,train +23471,23472,23472,sikawasay patangasa i luma,the priest brought them home again,train +23472,23473,23473,misaelet,tie a knot,train +23473,23474,23474,ya suwal ni kakitan i suni,just now the chief said,train +23474,23475,23475,Nikawrira pasuwalen aku kamu u mitngilay tunini a suwal Aku ulahen ku ada namu Sangaayen ku dmak tu miintelay i tamuwanan,But I tell you who hear me love your enemies do good to those who hate you,train +23475,23476,23476,oh haen han ni hacecay,it is also handmade Wow it is all done with a single hook,train +23476,23477,23477,Hay caledes anini,Yes it is hot today,train +23477,23478,23478,lukelun,to go down,train +23478,23479,23479,cahu ka halafin pacekiwan aku ku fafahiyan wawa atu kadafu ningra,Soon I was also discussing the Bible with my brothers daughter and son in law,train +23479,23480,23480,falahfahkul,throw away,test +23480,23481,23481,Caaytu ka halafin ta u a awatu a maaraw namu Kaku Nikawrira cahu ka halafin i u mamaaraw haca namu Kaku han ningra,In a little while you will see me no more and then after a little while you will see me,train +23481,23482,23482,sanay hatiraay aca sa kira,that is all it is,train +23482,23483,23483,palafang,visitor,train +23483,23484,23484,tarakaw ci ama aku u malakincalay ci ama nu maku,my father is tall and he is a policeman,train +23484,23485,23485,mikangkang ku mikangkangay,when the plowman plows the field,train +23485,23486,23486,mangaay tu ku rakat ningra,he walked smoothly,train +23486,23487,23487,o cipanaay ci kaka aku,my brother has a bow and arrow,train +23487,23488,23488,haw,it is the brain farmer trainer again,train +23488,23489,23489,u awul fatac nu awul kura sapisanga tu duduh,bamboo joints are used to make storage tanks,train +23489,23490,23490,Cingusetay kita a maemin i mamag hu,we all had snotty noses when we were kids,test +23490,23491,23491,manuc,can be swallowed,train +23491,23492,23492,tulu^ pulu ira ku cecay,thirty one,train +23492,23493,23493,maraay ku luma aku,my home is a long distance away,train +23493,23494,23494,kutang,spear,train +23494,23495,23495,ya cila alaen tu nara kaku,they are taking me away in a few days,train +23495,23496,23496,atu ruray,and hard work,train +23496,23497,23497,Tataang ku tayi nu kulung,cow poop is huge,train +23497,23498,23498,lalumaay nu aadupen,animal giblets,train +23498,23499,23499,malininaay,relatives,train +23499,23500,23500,ci panay cingra u fai aku,she is Panay she is my aunt,test +23500,23501,23501,Mafana ci akung misanga tu langa,Grandpa is good at making baskets,train +23501,23502,23502,nu mita,our,train +23502,23503,23503,ngaʼay hadaken ku misu a fana itiyahu,can you tell me about the past,train +23503,23504,23504,ira ku suwal nu ci suwal tu matiniay kinanuka sanay ngangan nu niyaru nu kinanuka,just the name of the antler tribe,train +23504,23505,23505,ira ku tefus tira,there is sugar cane there,train +23505,23506,23506,hay u taturunen tu,Yes I already want the sticky rice cake,train +23506,23507,23507,sa mahaen ku pisanga aku itini Halawan,that is how I handle things in Harrahs Bay,train +23507,23508,23508,Mikining satu kira wama nira,for the sake of this thing not hurting anyone else,train +23508,23509,23509,namamaan naayaw ku serangawan,Amis roots ethnic language culture,train +23509,23510,23510,miteselan nu mipasuwalan nira,the colors of the flowers embroidered by her lover,test +23510,23511,23511,Maraekeday ku finawlan a misakuwan i niyaru,attend work with the entire tribal population,train +23511,23512,23512,maedeng tu ku miheca aku,I think I can work at my age,train +23512,23513,23513,sapilalat tura luma,measure the house,train +23513,23514,23514,kafung matefad ilaenuk i pudpuden nuya ccay kaemangay wawa,the hat fell onto the ground and one of the children picked it up,train +23514,23515,23515,cekil,awakened,train +23515,23516,23516,u nu tamina hananay haw i,when the ship is sailing,train +23516,23517,23517,makay tapiingan ku heni micadiway,they are using triangular nets from the shore,train +23517,23518,23518,kahirahira,kind,train +23518,23519,23519,peleken,close it,train +23519,23520,23520,pinasiday,remain,test +23520,23521,23521,Panay u mipacaliwan ni Kacaw kisunan kuni a ciyampa han,Panay did Kacaw lend you this coat,train +23521,23522,23522,saku ni katengilan,it is said that,train +23522,23523,23523,mamala Siw Ni kaku han naku,I told them I would become a nun,train +23523,23524,23524,anu u pasulinay ci Kristuan ku Tapang nu kuli i u salikaka itu ku Tapang aku caay ku sasaan ku kuli a misakahmaw tu Tapang ningra o nika laluk nangra a matayal ku ngaay Nawhani u kaulahan nangra a pasulinay ci Kristuan a tamdaw ku milayapay tu nanu nitayalan nangra onini a dmak ku papasifanaen atu papaicelen isu,those who have believing masters are not to show less respect for them because they are brothers Instead they are to serve them even better because those who benefit from their service are believers and dear to them these are the things you are to teach and urge on them,train +23524,23525,23525,kaulahan su fafahiyan i ngehan ku mama nu kapah pacefa saan pakakayat,lead the girl you like but the young fathers are all messing with the strings,train +23525,23526,23526,hatini ku piala amuku hu itiyaay a milukut,it is a short time to harvest,train +23526,23527,23527,tatiihay a papitefingen ku fafahiyan tu sapiadup niyam a sakatayal,our hunting weapons are untouchable to women,train +23527,23528,23528,maefer,fly up,train +23528,23529,23529,sapipalahedaw tu katukatuk,can eliminate dozing off,train +23529,23530,23530,wama nu maku atu mama nangra tu malanguhahay,both parents decided on our marriage contract,test +23530,23531,23531,Hili,the reason why,train +23531,23532,23532,hatiraay ku maku a urip,my life is like this,train +23532,23533,23533,falu,florid,train +23533,23534,23534,mafana mikisay tu maan tu fafahi nu maku,my wife is a thrifty woman,train +23534,23535,23535,liyawen hu kinacecay taangayen ku ngiha,read it again please speak louder,train +23535,23536,23536,anu tayni padamsu,when you come here to pay your taxes,train +23536,23537,23537,ta maʼala tu kuraʼan i caʼay ka tangsul,not immediately after getting the license,train +23537,23538,23538,sulin tayni tu cingra i lutuk a mikilim tuyanan a takula ya kaulahan nira a takula,he really came to the mountain to look for the frog which he liked most,train +23538,23539,23539,ya mapili tunu,and then they were chosen,train +23539,23540,23540,atakiway,chili pepper,test +23540,23541,23541,masa hiya masa hilumay,like this,train +23541,23542,23542,cuwa kahecad tu nu itiyaay hu,it is not the same as it used to be,train +23542,23543,23543,san sa ku matuʼasay,elderly people say so,train +23543,23544,23544,caiten,hang,train +23544,23545,23545,o nu mita a sakakaay a citudungay tu taung i caay ku mafukilay a miharateng tu nika tadanca ita i tini i masamaamaanay a dmak i malcad atu kita cingra a malifet Nikawrira caay ka raraw cingra,for we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses but we have one who has been tempted in every way just as we are yet was without sin,train +23545,23546,23546,Mifaca,develop,train +23546,23547,23547,tangasa^,until,train +23547,23548,23548,mivalen tiya iaayaw a pacumud,the are mortuary ceremony is conducted by the priest,train +23548,23549,23549,nawu sikasuyay,it was a pile of firewood,train +23549,23550,23550,isaka 1950 mamihecaan a misatapangay tu mitusilay demak a salikaka cuwa ka harateng nangra tu mamahaen ku nika cuwat,in terms of worship activities there have been developments that were not envisioned by the brothers and sisters who began their ministry in the,test +23550,23551,23551,nu Pangcah kaenen,Amis eat,train +23551,23552,23552,i malitengay i matuʼasay,from the elderly,train +23552,23553,23553,mamaan saw,why,train +23553,23554,23554,tu mihecahecaan kuna likakawa,is it organized every year,train +23554,23555,23555,Halafinay tu caka sasiaraw akawangay tu kisu,I have not seen you in a while you have grown taller,train +23555,23556,23556,kaku i pakayra i Kalingku nu Fataʼan ku niyaru nu maku,my tribe is in Hualien in Matthews Saddle,train +23556,23557,23557,u nipiaray tiniyan u mivutingay,thank you to the fishermen,train +23557,23558,23558,samamangay,smallest,train +23558,23559,23559,Mikicayay tu urip ku kadufahay a tamdaw,the rich are thrifty,train +23559,23560,23560,nai tiniay i Tay Liuk kay Kuwa Ping hay,teacher from the mainland,test +23560,23561,23561,talawali tu i misasulafuay tu,I built a house when I moved down there,train +23561,23562,23562,adihay ku lutung adihay ku babuy itiya,there were a lot of monkeys and pigs in the mountains,train +23562,23563,23563,haratengen ita u madangaray ni Yihufa demak cuwa ku misaalian aca misahalakaan anca mitukelan ita a demak,we should remember that what the Lord can accomplish is not limited to what we ask plan or expect,train +23563,23564,23564,eses,sleep satisfaction,train +23564,23565,23565,Halipacamahaw tu suwal ku malakiingay,members like to exaggerate,train +23565,23566,23566,caay ku masungilaay a tamdaw kita,we people are not perfect,train +23566,23567,23567,mangaʼay itu masanga tu ku epah,it is also possible to make a brew,train +23567,23568,23568,anu patelac ku nipisakeru nu misu,if you are a bad dancer,train +23568,23569,23569,ciira irey,Him,train +23569,23570,23570,fetik sahu kura tangki malasikawasay tu ku caciyaw niira,and the medium gave him a drop of wine and immediately he spoke of God,test +23570,23571,23571,Cili nu vangas iri diteken nira ku kuku aku haw,the trunk of the Bitterling tree and measure my feet again,train +23571,23572,23572,pina ku etan nu misu a misaayam anini,how much profit do you make from raising chickens today,train +23572,23573,23573,pahiya hantu hatini a siraw,add a little a little salted pork,train +23573,23574,23574,Hay u nicaliwan aku anini^ i ciiraan,Yes I borrowed it from him today,train +23574,23575,23575,mahadak tayni tiya aya maan han ku nu Amis tini kiya,when I walked out of here I forgot how to say it in Amish,train +23575,23576,23576,hai hatiraay ku misasiraway,that is the way it is with cured meats,train +23576,23577,23577,ya cecay nu diyung,a whole pig,train +23577,23578,23578,o ina^ ni saway kaku ci Panay,I am Saways mom Panay,train +23578,23579,23579,itini i,live at pine hill station,train +23579,23580,23580,ira ca ku paʼaludu hananay,there must be an event,test +23580,23581,23581,latulu,three way,train +23581,23582,23582,kapah ku penen itira,the reeds there are beautiful,train +23582,23583,23583,debung satu i niyaru nu Cikasuwan,Trespassing on the Shichibukawa tribe,train +23583,23584,23584,caayka kahi tayni,he will not live with us,train +23584,23585,23585,ku hiyaan su ku,you have to try,train +23585,23586,23586,Pakaysingen a mipatada,serve it in a bowl,train +23586,23587,23587,tiya hu kina lalan kina pala tini,the road is so small in this field,train +23587,23588,23588,inaʼaw amaʼaw,Daddy Mommy,train +23588,23589,23589,mahenay ku paherekan nu kungku,and that is the end of the story,train +23589,23590,23590,u vekeluh hananay haw,where is the stone,test +23590,23591,23591,papicai aca pafrlien itiya kiya san ci mama kakuwan ci tucyang di,dad said I should not have given you away,train +23591,23592,23592,wacay saan kaku tu fuday a mikisasaepi,I stripped down to take a shower,train +23592,23593,23593,anca cera sanay tu samaan,it can even be tiresome at times,train +23593,23594,23594,matayal kamu,the job is yours,train +23594,23595,23595,Misakani ku pilumaluma,every house is making wine,train +23595,23596,23596,anu tayra ci Timuti i tamuwanan i sungilaen ku pidiput i cingraan tu sakangaay nu harateng ningra nawhani u malcaday kami a matayal tu nu Tapang,if Timothy comes see to it that he has nothing to fear while he is with you for he is carrying on the work of the Lord just as I am,train +23596,23597,23597,aka palasafaen cingra,do not put down someone,train +23597,23598,23598,wawa nu wawa,to be passed on to future generations,train +23598,23599,23599,maraud satu ku herek nu lafi,after dinner,train +23599,23600,23600,masaʼupuay tura tapangan nu kilang,and the eagles gathered in the trees,test +23600,23601,23601,ira tataakay a likid nu liyal maliyastu,then the strong currents will be gone,train +23601,23602,23602,Nanay pakayni i kafana namu tu Kawas atu Tapang ita ci Yisan ku sakapakalayap namu tu makadufahay a mikumi atu rihaday,grace and peace be yours in Abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,train +23602,23603,23603,itiya haw awaay ku riku,there were no clothes,train +23603,23604,23604,matiraay saka,consequently,train +23604,23605,23605,mapingku ku kufa nu maku sisa,because of the pain that I have experienced,train +23605,23606,23606,suʼelinay haw i nengnengen sa kura dateng sa,I am looking for something to eat,train +23606,23607,23607,tangsulay tu huduc sana tu,you can pull out immediately,train +23607,23608,23608,saka hatiyatiya caykafangcal ku pananuman nu Pailasen,even if the water quality in Fuyuan is not very good,train +23608,23609,23609,sapisanga ira tu dangah,for making pots and pans,train +23609,23610,23610,ci camul tu nu ruma a cinglaw,it is also mixed with other languages,test +23610,23611,23611,pacaliwan tu nu maku ci Hukin,I lent it to Hokin,train +23611,23612,23612,adihay ku kilac nu maku tu nipafelian nu singsi a udax,the teacher gave me a lot of candies,train +23612,23613,23613,tatusa ku fafahian tatulu ku fayinayan,two daughters and three sons,train +23613,23614,23614,malaapiay,form twins,train +23614,23615,23615,pakangiyangi,jar,train +23615,23616,23616,harateng sa kaku itiya hawi,I was thinking to myself,train +23616,23617,23617,itiya a mipatireng kya na matuʼasay tya utuc,it was that old man who erected the monument,train +23617,23618,23618,cakat sa i parengrengan,we will go ashore at the south Waterfront,train +23618,23619,23619,tayra tu ci ina aku ci miala tura wawa,the mother Chen Cha you went to adopt the child,train +23619,23620,23620,misanga tu tu dadanguyan,raft making,test +23620,23621,23621,micelem tu ku cidal tueman tu,the sun has gone down and it is getting dark,train +23621,23622,23622,hay siwa ku mihecaan,Yes nine,train +23622,23623,23623,ci Acin ku ngangan nu ali aku,my siblings name is Acin,train +23623,23624,23624,caay ku ni pipadang,it is not a favor,train +23624,23625,23625,han tu nu finawlan kya tatusaay san kira,the tribesman said to both of them,train +23625,23626,23626,pakahikuki,take the plane,train +23626,23627,23627,lemahad,growth,train +23627,23628,23628,Miseked ciira a ciluma,he split up and started another family,train +23628,23629,23629,Cicengu tu ku nipalumaan nu maku a kilang,the tree I planted has sprouted,train +23629,23630,23630,sa itiri i Taypak,so in Taipei,test +23630,23631,23631,Maparac ku futi aku,my sleep was interrupted,train +23631,23632,23632,iraay i punu aku tu,it is all in my head,train +23632,23633,23633,Cikafang a talapicudadan kaku,I am going to school with my backpack,train +23633,23634,23634,o papakayra kaku i Makituniya mahrek kaku a milisu itira i u tatayra kaku i tamuwanan,after I go through Macedonia I will come to you for I will be going through Macedonia,train +23634,23635,23635,setek,cut off,train +23635,23636,23636,alaen fa^deten kalikien,take it to the heat,train +23636,23637,23637,maanenaca,pardon me,train +23637,23638,23638,adihay ku ninanaman niyam a suwal nu Pangcah,I have learned many Pangcah languages,train +23638,23639,23639,u mi milenemay miala tu kanasaw,diving to catch sea urchins,train +23639,23640,23640,a matiya tu ku demak i tini satu haw i,that is how it is going to be,test +23640,23641,23641,u maan kiya ngangan nya hiya,what is its name,train +23641,23642,23642,nu kakawasan a cinganganay i sanay haw,the Shi Shan tribe has the Hong family the Wang family the Lan family and the Zhu family,train +23642,23643,23643,kakavekacan,Stadiums,train +23643,23644,23644,pasatip a tamdaw,people that live on the west coast,train +23644,23645,23645,su^da,ice,train +23645,23646,23646,Kaurira lumuwad kaku miliyaw hu a cumikay,but I stood up and continued running forward,train +23646,23647,23647,tangasa itini i dafak ku likat nu ilisin,on the night of the festival you can burn charcoal until dawn,train +23647,23648,23648,tu niyan hantu i a maanen ita,spoken word,train +23648,23649,23649,vahekul vahekul han ku ataatay nu vavuy,I will throw away the pigs offal and intestines,train +23649,23650,23650,mihining kaku tu masamaanay i,when I look at any production,test +23650,23651,23651,namapudacay tu,the bark is already peeled,train +23651,23652,23652,uruma satu ini san u cepu nu Cawi ira tu ku pitanam nu kapah nawhan u taladaw pifutingan mipasalil puter tu maanmaan dawi adahay ku futing nu alu nu taladaw,in addition the outlet of Jingpu has become a place for young people to make money because the outlet of the Xiuguluan river is a place for fishing and netting and there are all kinds of fish at the outlet,train +23652,23653,23653,matuʼas mamin i,they are all growing,train +23653,23654,23654,tura hiya nira,they are all the same width,train +23654,23655,23655,Ina ira tu kaku minukay,Mom I am back,train +23655,23656,23656,sakahengang,it is red,train +23656,23657,23657,milicay haca ci Pilatu i finawlan Anu hatira i maanen aku ku dmak tuya hungti nu Yutaya hananay namu a tamdaw han ningra,What shall I do then with the one you call the king of the Jews Pilate asked them,train +23657,23658,23658,ila itira ku impic nu maku,my pencil is over there,train +23658,23659,23659,pipaisingan,hospitals,train +23659,23660,23660,narikuran nu nikaka aku di,after my sister left,test +23660,23661,23661,nipisanga nu matuʼasay,elderly people make their own sweet rice cakes,train +23661,23662,23662,kalahukan tu i satapang tu a malalum,by midday you will start to feel sad,train +23662,23663,23663,cahu kaaraw namu makiya u masasingsu,I do not think you have ever seen a fight,train +23663,23664,23664,mitengil tu kungku tengil han ku kungku mahaenay,listen to the story that is how stories are made,train +23664,23665,23665,i tini i kapulungan i anu cecay tusaay tulu a sepatay ku tamdaw a mafafalifalic a mikieciw u terek tu i mapulung a micaradaw i nian a sakiilisin a radiw i,the characteristics of the Bounen Matsuri songs are that each song is sung in a responsive style with at least one to three or four leaders and the rest are respondents the songs are accompanied by dances,train +23665,23666,23666,tayraay tu cangra a mikilim,they went to,train +23666,23667,23667,tahnayay,swift,train +23667,23668,23668,lalimaay,Five,train +23668,23669,23669,marenaf i sakuwan nu Kalinku atu Pusung sahaca ira ku i Hitu dadahal ku nika rupisak nu Pangcah anu pakaynien iraay a pinangan nu urip atu kakawaw i,the Amis are found in the eastern part of Taiwan in Hualien and Taitung counties as well as on the Hengchun Peninsula in Pingtung County the Amis people are widely distributed,train +23669,23670,23670,mipana sanay haw hay,Yes I am,test +23670,23671,23671,milalang ci ina tu pisalama nu maku tu tingnaw,my mom forbids me to play on the computer,train +23671,23672,23672,tataak ku vali ku urad itiya alavii,on a stormy night like this,train +23672,23673,23673,o mamapades ku urip nu mita a malapakuyuc,we will live in poverty and suffer,train +23673,23674,23674,tura nu kaysiya i,this company,train +23674,23675,23675,i Taynan Kwantien,in Guantian Tainan,train +23675,23676,23676,awaay tu ku ngudu aku yu,I will make myself at home then,train +23676,23677,23677,Nawhani mananaw ayaw nu kakumaen kaku,it is because I will wash my hands before eating,train +23677,23678,23678,pilicayan,please advise,train +23678,23679,23679,siwa a pulu ira ku lima a limuud kuni,here is,train +23679,23680,23680,itira i i,the Taimali tribe also has more than families,test +23680,23681,23681,samaanay kuya rumiad,how was the weather that day,train +23681,23682,23682,kaka aku ya faʼinayan malahitay tu ciraan,not long after that my brother received his draft notice,train +23682,23683,23683,o citatudungay tunu tenas,task something,train +23683,23684,23684,u felac ku sapiʼaca tu kakaenen itiya itini i siwfay,getting rice for food at the grocery store,train +23684,23685,23685,pakayni i nguyus ita,from Verbalization,train +23685,23686,23686,tunu aul a u fawahan nu luma,because the home at that time was,train +23686,23687,23687,tahira han aku caay tu kacaciyaw,when I got home my mother did not say a word,train +23687,23688,23688,tu saykitini,for all,train +23688,23689,23689,Away cuwa kapiliwal kaku tu icep,No we do not sell betel nut,train +23689,23690,23690,misapitaw pipitawen nu malitengay,the old man dug the ground with a hoe to make a small pond,test +23690,23691,23691,cipapahay a dateng,Leafy vegetable,train +23691,23692,23692,Pakacitingsya^ kisu a talapicudadan hay,do you go to school by bicycle,train +23692,23693,23693,Micuyakay tu kimad nu salikaka ci Alpet Sraytu,Interpreting speeches for brother Albert slaughter,train +23693,23694,23694,i a masaʼsaʼ,breaks,train +23694,23695,23695,hikuki,airplane,train +23695,23696,23696,mahaenay sapihiya satu mahaen tu misaʼusi,they are counting fry one two three and so on and so forth,train +23696,23697,23697,paheku,vegetable fern,train +23697,23698,23698,patunuay,people who are happy to give away,train +23698,23699,23699,Mitadipi i luma nu matuasay ciira,he defected to his fathers house,train +23699,23700,23700,rakat sa,Walking Walking,test +23700,23701,23701,Maahen aca kiniyan,here is the program,train +23701,23702,23702,micuwat,expand,train +23702,23703,23703,o maan ku cengel nu tuem i kakarayan,what color are the clouds in the sky,train +23703,23704,23704,a mahaen ku nipisanga nu maku anusani,I am going to make a picture of it later,train +23704,23705,23705,utauta sanay tu remes,bleeding from vomiting,train +23705,23706,23706,u malecaday ku hiya nira,it looks the same,train +23706,23707,23707,mimingayhu ku safa isu,your siblings are still young,train +23707,23708,23708,Ocung ku rurung nu asisiw i palapalaan i herek nu pipanay,there are a lot of bundled rice ears in the field after the rice has been cut,train +23708,23709,23709,matalaw maen taluma san,I am afraid they have all gone back,train +23709,23710,23710,o malasaikuray a mafekac ci Tumay i piundukayan,Dumais was the last to run during the Games,test +23710,23711,23711,a misakeru iri,the more you dance the more passionate you are,train +23711,23712,23712,caay pilimek maala tu ku tangal kira,if he had not ducked his head would have been cut off by the Bunun,train +23712,23713,23713,mafitelak tu saman kuni hukini awaay tu,what to do when you are off the hook I do not know what to do,train +23713,23714,23714,Saka tangsul satu a lumuwad kuya wawa ta rumakat Safahka satu ku alumanay tunini a dmak,immediately the girl stood up and walked around at this they were completely astonished,train +23714,23715,23715,anu i lutuk tu,not in the mountains,train +23715,23716,23716,vecul,saturated,train +23716,23717,23717,adihay tu ku nikaenan aku naay tu,I ate a lot and could not eat any more,train +23717,23718,23718,Maituh ku panay,the rice is ripe,train +23718,23719,23719,kaʼemang ku nu i tiray,it is very thin there,train +23719,23720,23720,Paayawen nuya pacakayay ci Yisan a tamdaw a pasuwal cangra tu kacipinangan Oya nicucupan aku a tamdaw i Cingra ku rarpeten namu han ningra,now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them The one I kiss is the man arrest him,test +23720,23721,23721,away ku utufay aku,I do not have a motorcycle,train +23721,23722,23722,o mifutingay ku tayal nu mama aku,my father worked as a fisherman,train +23722,23723,23723,Aray ku pipadang isu,thank you for your help,train +23723,23724,23724,u nu matuʼasay ira tu matilid tu aku,I have recorded all the old mans Fairy tales,train +23724,23725,23725,takuyudan,basket,train +23725,23726,23726,anu maherek tu ku sapililakawaw i anu cecay ku celi nu mama nu kapah i u fekac a tangsul ku kapah a mitafa tu nanum,once all the preparations were in place the order was given to cut off the flow as fast as possible so that the tributaries would dry up,train +23726,23727,23727,samaanay kuni lisin,what kind of ritual is this,train +23727,23728,23728,Malalayap,exchange,train +23728,23729,23729,mifekut,bend,train +23729,23730,23730,yu ci pala hu kita,we still had dry land,test +23730,23731,23731,miiluh tu asisiw nu umah ci mama,dad burned the straw in the field,train +23731,23732,23732,itira tura pipakaenan keriden ni faki kami a mipakaen tu siri a mikalic tu efa,in the ranch my uncle took us to feed the sheep and ride horses,train +23732,23733,23733,matini kura rumadiway edengan tu u kaka aku mafanaʼay,my sister is the only one who knows how to sing spirituals now,train +23733,23734,23734,matadem tu ku tireng nira,he has been buried,train +23734,23735,23735,lafut,rip off,train +23735,23736,23736,palicaang,select only branches,train +23736,23737,23737,Intruductiun,peace to you all,train +23737,23738,23738,hay aray,Yes thank you,train +23738,23739,23739,talacuwa u tatiitiihay a tamdaw kamu i mafana kamu a pafli i wawa namu tu ngaayay anu hatira i mangalef ku nu wama i kakarayan a pipafli tu Fangcalay Adingu i milungucay i Cingraan han ningra,if you then though you are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him,train +23739,23740,23740,Fuyul saan san kura malasangay a tamdaw a tayra i luma ni Turay,the drunks went to Torays house together,test +23740,23741,23741,mikihatiya,have the feeling that,train +23741,23742,23742,macerit kiya hiya,rip,train +23742,23743,23743,misefet cingra tu fukes,he put his hair into a ponytail,train +23743,23744,23744,o dengan matengil ku maku tuya,I have only heard about it,train +23744,23745,23745,awaayhu ku kangkufu,nurses are not very common,train +23745,23746,23746,anu maʼadup su ku ʼaʼadupen haw ri,if you hunt the prey,train +23746,23747,23747,naw haw i itini i Kalingku atu i pusung ku paniyaruan nu Pangcah pasawali misuayaw tu riyar pasaetip misuayaw tu lutuk,the Amis traditionally lived in the Hualien and Taitung areas of eastern Taiwan bordered on the east by the Pacific Oceans western backbone the Central mountain Range,train +23747,23748,23748,u maamaan ku pasuvanaen nu misu,so what is your job description,train +23748,23749,23749,talaumah kaku duduen nu maku icuwaay hakiya a micacak,I followed them to the fields but I do not know where they are,train +23749,23750,23750,Namiliyas ci Madadingu i niyaru,flawless white delicate girl leaving the tribe,test +23750,23751,23751,anu ira ku nipi sanga,ethnic language learning environment,train +23751,23752,23752,Cima^ kiraan a tamdaw,who is that man,train +23752,23753,23753,Hakuwaay ku akawang nu patih,how high are the walls,train +23753,23754,23754,caay ka kahi san,promoting culture without Shirking responsibility,train +23754,23755,23755,u vaki vayi nu maku iri pangngan tu nu wama a ngangan,grandma and Grandpa will add Fathers name to it,train +23755,23756,23756,Mafana kami tu Kawas anu saasaan cangra a sumuwal nikawrira u nu mafukilay tu Kawas ku dmak nangra o katliian cangra u paculiay awaay ku ^puc nangra a midmak tu ngaayay,they claim to know God but by their actions they deny him they are detestable disobedient and unfit for doing anything good,train +23756,23757,23757,mausuy satu kisu haw latak makiyaʼut i ʼayaʼayaman,if you plant it after the season the birds will eat it,train +23757,23758,23758,hemek sanay ku falucu aku,I feel a great joy in my heart,train +23758,23759,23759,awaay tu anini ku mahaenay a buting,they do not have that kind of fish anymore,train +23759,23760,23760,mafanaʼay kaku tura aku ra,I know what my faults are,test +23760,23761,23761,nu maku itini Taynan,in Tainan,train +23761,23762,23762,mawmah haw,Farming,train +23762,23763,23763,o malikakaay cangra a tatusa haw,are they brothers and sisters,train +23763,23764,23764,hai anu cuwa kaedeng i satuku aca haw,if not do you want to use it on the beams,train +23764,23765,23765,caka kapah kaenen a,it is not going to be good,train +23765,23766,23766,paysin,taboo,train +23766,23767,23767,macengel nu remes ku fuduy nu maku,my clothes are stained with blood,train +23767,23768,23768,o sapipacna ni Onisimus a miliyas i tisuwanan i latek u sapidaucaw ningra a maru i tisuwanan,perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good,train +23768,23769,23769,Malupisak i sawalian atu i teluc nu Taywan ku Pangcah,we Amis are located in the eastern and southern parts of Taiwan,train +23769,23770,23770,ciraan,He she,test +23770,23771,23771,palawawa han na akung atu ama kisu haw,Grandpa and grand mom treat you like their own child,train +23771,23772,23772,malakiing ku malakiing malakumuing ku malakumuingay,I have seen people working as legislators as well as public servants,train +23772,23773,23773,Cialungdas ku lalinik nu taluan,there are brocade snakes under the beds in the workhouse,train +23773,23774,23774,pacakayen itira i ri matekes pacakay cecay ri,it is very expensive at the hotel,train +23774,23775,23775,malaangas ku tireng isu sausiʼusi sa kisu,you will be alone for the rest of your life why are you so picky,train +23775,23776,23776,sitelecay haw hay,it is got a belt Yes it does,train +23776,23777,23777,hay tura Kalinulinum,Oh yeah to Sugihara Beach,train +23777,23778,23778,faki,uncle,train +23778,23779,23779,caira,they,train +23779,23780,23780,mikaykun satu haen,that is how you start cultivating,test +23780,23781,23781,ikur nu pina miheca misaˈicelay ku tarukus ci Pawlu tuniya suˈlinay kimad anu paladaˈ kitinien i matatudungay a araaw ku pidemak,some years later the apostle Paul also emphasized this truth and pointed out that giving should be done from the right motives,train +23781,23782,23782,cai hu kalahuk eca hu kalahuk ah,no lunch yet no lunch Ahh,train +23782,23783,23783,cecay ku laʼed tu alu,it is only a river away,train +23783,23784,23784,tangsul sa a maadah kuya tamdaw makuractu cingra,immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured,train +23784,23785,23785,caay ka fana kaku tu fafahiyan,I do not know about the girls part,train +23785,23786,23786,lalang,prohibited,train +23786,23787,23787,miketun ci mama i tamiyanan kangudu tu matuasay saan,our father has instructed us to respect our elders,train +23787,23788,23788,Kalalid kisu tayla i niyalu mikihatiya tu malitengay a caciyaw,then you have to go to the tribes often and talk to the elders,train +23788,23789,23789,masatisilay,pack,train +23789,23790,23790,mahaen ku nipilunguc nu maku,that is what I am praying for,test +23790,23791,23791,o marekuay tu naira ku papanayen i pala,the rice to be cut in the field was finished by them,train +23791,23792,23792,mimaan caay pakaala,how do you not catch it,train +23792,23793,23793,lumaay,home,train +23793,23794,23794,kailisinan,year of Abundance Festival,train +23794,23795,23795,u fungniyenci han nu Hulam ku ruma a semuwal,in Mandarin it is called the Harvest moon Festival,train +23795,23796,23796,matelangay,old,train +23796,23797,23797,suwal sa ku singsi i takuwanan karatar tu a lumuwad aka tu kaapac,the teacher told me wake up earlier next time and do not be late again,train +23797,23798,23798,a mifuting,catch fish,train +23798,23799,23799,Mamidutuc ci Kacaw tu tayal ni mama nira,Kacaw will be following in his fathers footsteps,train +23799,23800,23800,riyar awaay tu ku ini cakatu pasuwal mafukiray tu mafukiray tu,there is no more tongue flicking because you cannot pronounce the tongue flicking scale,test +23800,23801,23801,kacifuduy,dresses,train +23801,23802,23802,ci fafahiay tu kaku iraay tu ku nu maku,I am married I have a wife,train +23802,23803,23803,mahiya nu nanum iri mahiya nu urad mamin tu mavuric,the rainwater in the house it is all gone,train +23803,23804,23804,mabana a midaduy caay pakacacay a daduy saan,I knew it would be this weight for less than a pound,train +23804,23805,23805,saniyahniyah sa tu macukakacuk miʼuway,each climbed up to gather vines,train +23805,23806,23806,tama,locate,train +23806,23807,23807,tayraay kamu i Piyhaytaw haw,did you go to Hokkaido,train +23807,23808,23808,Misamelemelet tu mata kura wawa i takuwanan,the kid winked at me,train +23808,23809,23809,nu Hulam,Beijing dialect,train +23809,23810,23810,ira ku hatukel,to give light and hope,test +23810,23811,23811,mifaliw,felled,train +23811,23812,23812,hayi saan cira a patangasa i ci Panayan,he promised to tell Barnet about it,train +23812,23813,23813,u tatalacuwa kita anini,where are we going today,train +23813,23814,23814,u safa aku ci ci Sawa,my sister is Sawa,train +23814,23815,23815,Fafaluen ku paliw anini,we need eight work partners today,train +23815,23816,23816,iraay kiya utuc tira misangaan tu tudung tu kamaruʼan nu malitengay,there is a monument there a place for the old man to sit,train +23816,23817,23817,Halikamaya kaku yu kaemang hu,I loved hairy persimmons when I was a kid,train +23817,23818,23818,sapisanga,done,train +23818,23819,23819,mararamuday,husband and wife,train +23819,23820,23820,matini mitekatu kaku misiwkay tu hiya,I will start now,test +23820,23821,23821,kayat han ni kaka ci mama a panukay,my brother is holding my fathers hand,train +23821,23822,23822,Canguutay,not enough,train +23822,23823,23823,marafiyas huw itni i tireng nu maku,Toyotomi Yushu et in my life,train +23823,23824,23824,anu u kilanganhaw ngaʼayay tu sapisang tu acucul,any wood can be used to make a gyro,train +23824,23825,23825,maruhem,ripening,train +23825,23826,23826,kiaamay,thin rice,train +23826,23827,23827,tira malaluud san na mama niyam,they say our fathers fought there,train +23827,23828,23828,sanay kaku pakungkung kitaan,that is all I am saying,train +23828,23829,23829,Papura,the Puntlanders,train +23829,23830,23830,Talakungkuan kaku tu rumiamiad minanam kaku tu suwal nu Amis tu rumiamiad u papatengilen aku ku ina tu ninanaman aku,I go to school every day I learn the Amis language every day and I want to tell my mother,test +23830,23831,23831,mafulaw a patikul cangra,so they moved back,train +23831,23832,23832,Mihaenay anu tusilen ita ku hatiniay tamdaw i sapitengilaw cangra tu mitenakan ita a hatukel halatek,so when we preach to these people they may want to hear us preach about hope,train +23832,23833,23833,Macerenuh ku safanuhan niyam mapulung a mitaelif tu pitademan,we passed the cemetery with all our body hair standing on end,train +23833,23834,23834,kifetulay ku nu fafuy,the skin of the mountain pig is very thick,train +23834,23835,23835,Malapawiruwirukan ku pala nu Olalip,the fields of the Yalali tribe have been transformed into you orchards,train +23835,23836,23836,mahepul,to be pardoned,train +23836,23837,23837,putal,surface,train +23837,23838,23838,anu miparu a micekcek masuni misa pang,if you put too many bullets in it it will make a bang sound,train +23838,23839,23839,falat sa i lalan ku uner a rumakat,the snake is lying across the road,train +23839,23840,23840,ketiʼlen kisu,pinch you,test +23840,23841,23841,awaay,absent,train +23841,23842,23842,hananay,is that so,train +23842,23843,23843,suelin i ayaw nu kalingad nu wawa a malasufitay tu a ayaw nu cecay a dadaya haw i,it is true the night before the kid enlists in the army,train +23843,23844,23844,mitingtu ku saʼayaw ku wama aku i,my dad used to evangelize,train +23844,23845,23845,Sidaydam ku kuhaw nu futing,fish soup with chili,train +23845,23846,23846,ka mangalay kaku a mihululu atu vavahi aku sa,I am planning to take my wife on a trip abroad,train +23846,23847,23847,ulah,I like it,train +23847,23848,23848,misukitangay saan ku suwal,there are coal mining jobs,train +23848,23849,23849,Tahpuen nangra ku mata ningra Cima ku mistiay i Tisuwanan Pasuwalen kami han nangra a milicay,they blindfolded him and demanded Prophesy who hit you,train +23849,23850,23850,misafidacay,clam,test +23850,23851,23851,tengil han aku kiya ising,doctor reveals,train +23851,23852,23852,Pakamaan kisu a minukay,how do you go home,train +23852,23853,23853,ira ku masankakuway caay kalecad,there are triangles that is not the same,train +23853,23854,23854,ku adiping nira fainayan a ayam,that rooster has a very high crown,train +23854,23855,23855,uwal,pry open,train +23855,23856,23856,adihay ku dateng tira sakilim haca,and find a lot of wild vegetables,train +23856,23857,23857,pakafilu tu kuni a kuna wawa misafana,how can you afford to pay bucks you are cheating me,train +23857,23858,23858,sapitiyaluk,by invitation,train +23858,23859,23859,Mifaca ku wina tu riku i alu,mom is washing clothes by the stream,train +23859,23860,23860,saku^sit,it is hard to untangle,test +23860,23861,23861,o tatiihay a tamdaw i u mamilayap tu tatudung nu tatiihay a dmak ningra nawhani caay pisakakinih ku Kawas,anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong and there is no favoritism,train +23861,23862,23862,sacuedan,in the dark corner of the room,train +23862,23863,23863,macedah nu lingkiw ku nguyus aku,my mouth was spiced with chili peppers,train +23863,23864,23864,tura cahung nu matuʼasy,houses covered by the elderly,train +23864,23865,23865,ta uya ikakaay nu niharatengan nu tamdaw a nanu Kawas a rihaday ku mamisimaw tu falucu atu harateng namu pakayni i nika laccay namu aci Kristu Yis,and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus,train +23865,23866,23866,tuʼantu cingra i harateng satu kaku,I have been thinking about it since my son in law passed away,train +23866,23867,23867,o kumaenay a tamdaw i ma^deng lima a patek ku fainayan caay ka sausi ku fafahiyan atu wawa,the number of those who ate was about five thousand men besides women and children,train +23867,23868,23868,sakumien,Groups please,train +23868,23869,23869,anu caciyaw kaku,why is it that when I speak,train +23869,23870,23870,hay mimahecaday tu hay,Yeah same thing,test +23870,23871,23871,wa ira ku Tulas nu ruray Han,will human suffering ever end,train +23871,23872,23872,matuʼas tu kaku e hau,I am getting on in years,train +23872,23873,23873,icuwaay a tadaʼalumanay a kasarekad,that is a brigade,train +23873,23874,23874,mitutung tu matayal tu mahaenay pisapeti u mukasi,I have done harvests like this,train +23874,23875,23875,tamiyanan,we,train +23875,23876,23876,tala Kilung kaku mifuting,I went to Keelung to work as a fisherman,train +23876,23877,23877,rakarakat sa taʼemud han ira kiya,walking around and eating him,train +23877,23878,23878,sapueneray,shortest,train +23878,23879,23879,mangalef ku miʼadupan haw,Huntings more like it is not it,train +23879,23880,23880,Maharektu malahuk turana hawi,after you have eaten,test +23880,23881,23881,mapawan kaku a mietim tu tafu^ aku,I forgot to steam my lunchbox,train +23881,23882,23882,Midutim tu taˈarawan ni Yis wa pakalaluk kitanan ciharateng tu tau,contemplating the example of Jesus will propel us to care for others,train +23882,23883,23883,iniyan i ayaway nira,right in front of it,train +23883,23884,23884,taya,tire,train +23884,23885,23885,Matekung nira ku fawahan,he bumped the doorway,train +23885,23886,23886,i tiya hu i u karahay ku sapiading nu fafahiyan tu urad atu cidal,in the old days women used bamboo sunshade to protect themselves from the rain and the sun,train +23886,23887,23887,milifusa tu ku misalisin i kafutiʼan,the priest is casting a spell in the room,train +23887,23888,23888,akaa kamu ka,you do not,train +23888,23889,23889,haw,okay,train +23889,23890,23890,Marku 1543 sanay ku suwal Sakiemel sa tu falucuˈ tayra i ci Pilatuan a mingitangit tu sapialaaw tu tireng ni Yis,mark says He took courage and went in to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus,test +23890,23891,23891,itiya i saaluman sa ku finawlan a macacekcek a malariparipatu a masaupu i ayawen ni Yis a sumuwal ku nisawawaan Pinaun kamu tu tamud nu Farisay a tamdaw uya pisamangah nangra,Meanwhile when a crowd of many thousands had gathered so that they were trampling on one another Jesus began to speak first to his disciples saying Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy,train +23891,23892,23892,talakal tilu ldek,a rainbow,train +23892,23893,23893,Mipaluwad tu pakasaw haw i mipalecad tu piilisinan a rumiad,the Bar Mitzvah is held in conjunction with the tribal Festival of raisin,train +23893,23894,23894,a semusetay haman tu ku hatiraay,do not say what an era,train +23894,23895,23895,anu Isi yama han nu mira mitilid,why did he write about Ishiyama,train +23895,23896,23896,Maedef ku yufin,the post office is closed,train +23896,23897,23897,18 sumuwalay ci Sulumun tu maanan milingatay tu pakalalukay a suwal,what words of encouragement did king Solomon say,train +23897,23898,23898,aray han aku kita,thank you,train +23898,23899,23899,awaay ku ruma a Ngaayay Ratuh Nikawrira ira ku mirawraway tamuwanan a sapifalican tu Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay ci Kristuan,which is really no gospel at all Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ,train +23899,23900,23900,kinciyam tefu hay,golden needles and bamboo shoots,test +23900,23901,23901,sa ku maku,here is what I think,train +23901,23902,23902,masamatira saka ira ku masaʼupu i fafaeday a luma,that is why we are having a meeting at the tribal,train +23902,23903,23903,u Vakung ira ku isu a nipamelaw miala tu nu punu nu matuasay a misavaluhay vangcal kuni sangaan atu papitaneng tu lavang a mi DIY,all of them utilize traditional wisdom to create innovative elements develop products with aesthetic design and DIY experience for tourists,train +23903,23904,23904,u rarakatan nu rarapa u kelakela,it is a cattle drive,train +23904,23905,23905,awaay tu ku pakanengnengay,no ones ever seen it again,train +23905,23906,23906,Makalisin ku tamdaw i ayaw,people used to sacrifice very often,train +23906,23907,23907,ura sa i tayra sa i fanaw maiya nu fanaw ila satu ku Payrang,Ikegami where are the Minamis,train +23907,23908,23908,ya sa ciradiw saan cangra u ranan ya,the song they sing is that,train +23908,23909,23909,hatiniay hay unini u iya ira ya nguyus ira hananay kuni,like this here is the spout,train +23909,23910,23910,13 Maharatengayhu isu Han,pages do you remember,test +23910,23911,23911,Orasaka yu lumuwadtu ci Yis a maurip nai patay i maharatengtu nu nisawawaan kunini a suwal ni Yis Saka pasulin satu cangra tu Fangcalay Cudad atu nanu suwal ni Yis,after he was raised from the dead his disciples recalled what he had said then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken,train +23911,23912,23912,naʼun satu ku heni a malecapu a misaliyut tu tukaydu,Slowly everyone gathered around the stage in a big circle,train +23912,23913,23913,ini kuna caliwen aku sanay ku harateng aku,I thought I could use the clock,train +23913,23914,23914,o faciducidulan ku paniyaruan nu Pangcah,the Amis tribe has a forest of bread trees,train +23914,23915,23915,niisafan,already thinned out,train +23915,23916,23916,tena,block,train +23916,23917,23917,mataelif niyam ku paliwalay tu dateng adihay ku ku^ngelay a dateng tu papaliwalen nu paliwalay,we passed the vegetable stand which had a lot of fresh green vegetables,train +23917,23918,23918,ira tuku suwal kira,you will be notified,train +23918,23919,23919,Metmet han ku kamay aku,hold my hand in yours,train +23919,23920,23920,panukayen sakaranan nangra minukay tu cangra haw i,they brought it back for breakfast,test +23920,23921,23921,ikur nura isaka 1979 miheca a Mikeculay u ising atu kakakusiya iraay ku nika cakat itini tuni a demak han,have there been any significant advances in the medical and scientific communities in this area since the article in the watchtower was published,train +23921,23922,23922,Nanay mapaini nu Tapang a Yis Kristu ita kamu tu mikumi,the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you,train +23922,23923,23923,nu ku mimingan aku itiniay i Paanifung,I spent my childhood in Hing Cheong,train +23923,23924,23924,viruek,goiter,train +23924,23925,23925,faluhay,renewed,train +23925,23926,23926,fafutian,lie down,train +23926,23927,23927,awaay tu kaku i huninay,I have just been out of so,train +23927,23928,23928,parupiraen,fail something,train +23928,23929,23929,caay caayay,it is not,train +23929,23930,23930,Hay sifafahiay tu kaku,Yes I am married,test +23930,23931,23931,u sukuy kuni haw u papah nu sukuy kuni haw papah nu runi,it is a loofah leaf,train +23931,23932,23932,Kawra u suwal ni Aspen Mikilim tu katayalan cuwa ka haen u maharatengay niyam a madulu,But Osborne says The job search did not go as smoothly as we had hoped,train +23932,23933,23933,cai kau papakaliyas tu ngangusuan nu emin nu hekal a maririd a makayat,I am not far from the direction of the world and I am being led by the world,train +23933,23934,23934,tuna pariyariyaran,it is right on the beach,train +23934,23935,23935,maherek tu haratengen ikur nu tulu a rumiad patikulen tu a tayni,sure and remember to return them after three days,train +23935,23936,23936,palalanay,kind,train +23936,23937,23937,o sapiriangan a macungdis ku wacu,dogs are aggressive when their teeth are exposed,train +23937,23938,23938,dita,loam,train +23938,23939,23939,iran i hatira ku fana nu matuasay,it is all about the wisdom of the old man,train +23939,23940,23940,nu faʼinayan hatiniay,boys are like that,test +23940,23941,23941,awa ku kuhaw mahaʼenay ku siraw a sakacicedi nu tayal nu mita misa Pangcahay,no soup the Amis eat salted meat to give us energy to work,train +23941,23942,23942,papasevana,teaching,train +23942,23943,23943,kahemut,have a big ass,train +23943,23944,23944,ira ku kulila mataraw kita ami maanmaan,there are infectious diseases we are afraid to do anything,train +23944,23945,23945,maherek mipanay miwakangay kita a,after the harvest there is something to finish,train +23945,23946,23946,nitadimtiman,Rabbits vegetable,train +23946,23947,23947,o naniriyaray i ira ku masamaamaanay a futing ira ku afar auwang sulita kalang cekiw atu kung hananay a futing itiyahu i,if it comes from the sea it is a variety of seafood such as lobsters sea urchins octopus crabs fish shellfish and fish called long,train +23947,23948,23948,kumaen kaku tu hemay,I want some rice,train +23948,23949,23949,dicadic,water country,train +23949,23950,23950,Orasaka mipitusur kaku a mitulun i ci Wamaan,for this reason I kneel before the Father,test +23950,23951,23951,kiradum,cloth,train +23951,23952,23952,malcad tunini anu mahapinang namu ku nika ira nunini a dmak i itiya a mafana kamu tu nika u mingataaytu cingra tu fawahan,even so when you see all these things you know that it is near right at the door,train +23952,23953,23953,maemin mapatay,they are all dead,train +23953,23954,23954,tayra satu kami,after we check in,train +23954,23955,23955,sawaywayen,Behavioral Patterns,train +23955,23956,23956,kanguduen ku mama atu ina samatiyaen u nika ulah isu tu tireng ku nika ulah isu tu tau yasanay han ningra,honor your father and mother and love your neighbor as yourself,train +23956,23957,23957,Nikawrira caay ka ^ca u aiayawhu ku nipisemsem nuya tamdaw o mamafalah nu aniniay a tamdaw cingra,but first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation,train +23957,23958,23958,tarakaway,higher,train +23958,23959,23959,suwal satu itakuwan u nisuritan a ngangan tu nu Hulam caay kasipinang tu tadangangan nira u ruma satu ira ku mitadihangaay i ciraan tu Kusyensen saan manay u sasakemutan nu tau,he told me that using Chinese characters could not accurately convey his name and others would still call him Ku Xian Sheng,train +23959,23960,23960,tu sikawasay,must be invoked by a priest,test +23960,23961,23961,ku malitengay itiya hu ku misu i,this is how the old people used to pass down the traditional architecture,train +23961,23962,23962,sa panganganen ira,just take the name of the place,train +23962,23963,23963,haw mi haw ngaʼayay ku ninian,it is good that there is a reading contest though,train +23963,23964,23964,iraay tira ku pifutingan sa cayka hatira,it does not say where there is a place to fish,train +23964,23965,23965,matiraay,in this way,train +23965,23966,23966,anu midu^du kamu tu limuut aku i u salikaka aku kamu,you are my friends if you do what I command,train +23966,23967,23967,lunuk han haw a matayal sa mipararid kaku a miteluc tu sera nu funun,accounting for some of the work brought me responsibility for farming,train +23967,23968,23968,Mafuriak ku faki aku i dafak,in the morning my uncle had epilepsy,train +23968,23969,23969,pinaay ku miheca malinah kamu ci Lakesay hananay nu kwapin,So how long has it been since you moved to Shiodome,train +23969,23970,23970,o nian ku lungucan nu ningra,this is what the elders want,test +23970,23971,23971,tahira kaku i luma i,when I got home,train +23971,23972,23972,Tekulen ku mali,throw the ball,train +23972,23973,23973,awaʼay ku ruma a tayal u misakusuyay,there is nothing to do but cut lemongrass,train +23973,23974,23974,maymay,ducks,train +23974,23975,23975,eytastas hananay tu kiya cincya,we will tear down the shrine,train +23975,23976,23976,Maraheteng hen nu maku yu wawa henay kaku ii waluway a vulad sepatay a remiad a milisin,I remember when I was a kid August was a field day,train +23976,23977,23977,kacedah kahecid,salty,train +23977,23978,23978,i sacumud nu niyaru malalilam cangra tu tama a pafatis tu finawlan,they would divide the prey at the entrance of the village and share it with the tribe,train +23978,23979,23979,itini i i Kalingku itini i Amis a,here in Hualien here in the north,train +23979,23980,23980,aray anu tulu tu apulu ku hiya sa hatira ku suwal aku,if it is holes I will teach you La La la that is all I have to say today,test +23980,23981,23981,Nikawrira u papakafana i tamuwanan tu pulung nu dmak kuya a ucuren nu wama pakayni i ngangan aku a padamaay hananay a Fangcalay Adingu papiharatengen ningra kamu tu nanu suwal aku i tamuwanan a ma^min,but the Counselor the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you,train +23981,23982,23982,o Yutaya tamdaw cuwa ka tayra i lumaˈ nu ˈalafang a tamdaw,what changed Peter to put aside his deep seated prejudices and enter Cornelius house,train +23982,23983,23983,maadaday,counter,train +23983,23984,23984,mahanay yari haw,so that is how it is,train +23984,23985,23985,u kuhetingay ku nu mira a ciyampa cuwa kahecad ku cengel niyam,his coat is black so our colors are different,train +23985,23986,23986,milangiwngiwan,nagging,train +23986,23987,23987,ta tangsul sa cingra a tayra i kasaupuupuan a luma nu Yutaya a tamdaw a patnak tu nika u wawa nu Kawas ci Yis saan,at once he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the son of God,train +23987,23988,23988,kakalimelaan,precious,train +23988,23989,23989,pisakaniw,tell a lie,train +23989,23990,23990,kaayaw nu cingkusiw,in front of the town hall,test +23990,23991,23991,mipakucisu,entertain,train +23991,23992,23992,Kasiniadaen kasiniadaen hu isu ku fainay aku i kakarayanay saan a caay pitulas a sumuwal,I had to keep saying My husband in heaven have mercy on me,train +23992,23993,23993,cuwa karaay ku luma ni faki tu siyataw cahucahu tahiraay tu,the station is not far from my uncles house and it is just a short drive away,train +23993,23994,23994,itini kita a minanam,I am learning in a place like this,train +23994,23995,23995,mikihatiya rumadiw atu masakeru kisu,do you participate in singing and dancing,train +23995,23996,23996,anu ira ku maan cietan cingra,as a matter of fact neighbors are happy to get along,train +23996,23997,23997,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Anu u pakayniay i tuki atu rumiad i u wama aku ku citudungay a mihapinang tunini Saka caay ku kakafanaen namu kunini,he said to them It is not for you to know the times or dates the father has set by his own authority,train +23997,23998,23998,ira,Yes in,train +23998,23999,23999,tafungaw,tennis,train +23999,24000,24000,tefus hananay adihay ku tefus ira fuhecalay tefus,there are many types of sugarcane including white ones,test +24000,24001,24001,nani itira Nala tangasa malinah kami itini haw i,from typhoon Nala in until we moved here,train +24001,24002,24002,nga maecak ku tangtangan hay,it is the only way to cook something,train +24002,24003,24003,oya mikaputay a misaadapaw a tamdaw i cisafaw ku spat a pulu a tamdaw,more than forty men were involved in this plot,train +24003,24004,24004,ira kura pacakatan tu pitaʼungan tu matuʼasay tura sefi,an altar will be set up in the Plaza at the Bounen Matsuri to remember the old man,train +24004,24005,24005,arusaysay nu furafurayan,flower Girls Kasumi,train +24005,24006,24006,midatuk,play the harmonica,train +24006,24007,24007,waneng,confectionary,train +24007,24008,24008,Mangta hu kira nicacakan nu misu a hemay,the rice you cooked is still raw,train +24008,24009,24009,ura harateng misanga nga mafanaʼay misanga,Unless one wants to learn one can learn,train +24009,24010,24010,Fangcalay,good,test +24010,24011,24011,pasuwal sa kuya cuyuh cingraan Mariyaaw aka ka talaw nawhani u papakalmeden nu Kawas kisu,but the angel said to her Do not be afraid Mary you have found favor with God,train +24011,24012,24012,hu tiya hu i Taypak,in Taipei,train +24012,24013,24013,ina,mother,train +24013,24014,24014,Mapuhaw ku mata nira,he cannot see out of his eyes,train +24014,24015,24015,icila,three days ago,train +24015,24016,24016,tayra kitanan pasinay saan,it is taboo to come to us,train +24016,24017,24017,maherek a mawmah tu kudasing i a paluma saw,I am going to plant it,train +24017,24018,24018,siwa pulu ira ku tusa ku aku,my kindergarten has children,train +24018,24019,24019,nawhan matengil niya mama Si Pay Kuya,Why maybe my father heard it is dollars,train +24019,24020,24020,mahemin nu niyam paluma tu pawli,we all grow bananas,test +24020,24021,24021,kakaenen,foods,train +24021,24022,24022,mahaen ku icel nu niyaru,the power of our tribe,train +24022,24023,24023,Saicel sa ci Pitiru a sumuwal Anu mapakapukaput kaku i Tisuwanan a mapatay i caay ku mamihakenu kaku i Tisuwanan han ningra mahaen ku suwal nu nisawawaan a ma^min,but Peter insisted emphatically Even if I have to die with you I will never disown you and all the others said the same,train +24023,24024,24024,o marariday a ciraraw a tamdaw i u mikitiraay i Palafuay nawhani u raraw ku pinangan nu dmak nu Palafuay nai satapangan Orasaka talahkal ku wawa nu Kawas a tayni tu sapalasawadaw tu dmak nu Palafuay,he who does what is sinful is of the devil because the devil has been sinning from the beginning the reason the son of God appeared was to destroy the devils work,train +24024,24025,24025,nga i kumaenay tu tu epah,then we celebrated with a drink,train +24025,24026,24026,piritusan,time to smoke,train +24026,24027,24027,itiraw cecay ku luma,there is a family over there,train +24027,24028,24028,mapuling cingra i mataktak maemin kiya heci nu kilang,after he fell down all the fruits fell off,train +24028,24029,24029,Mahepul tu ku raraw nira,his sins were forgiven,train +24029,24030,24030,tatiihay,be out of the question,test +24030,24031,24031,ora pilukuingan itini i Kelunpiya lutuk lalan saka 124 2 tingluh,the studio is located on the second floor of Columbia hill Road,train +24031,24032,24032,u rarayrayen nu kakitaan a miririd tu kasaselaselal a mirekec a midu^edu saka pasu^elin ku finawlan tu paysin nu kumuris,all were rules that tribal and class leaders were bound to follow so it was believed that this was a taboo when it came to fishing,train +24032,24033,24033,Hay misamaan tu demak kita hani,So how do we do that,train +24033,24034,24034,haen sa ku demak aku,here is how it went,train +24034,24035,24035,O pafliay kaku i tamuwanan tu midaucay a urip Iraay i Wawa Aku kunini a urip u sanay nu Kawas a mipawacay,and this is the testimony God has given us eternal life and this life is in his Son,train +24035,24036,24036,o luma na ayaw nu Pangcah cecay ku kakafutiʼan haw cecay ku parud awaay ku sapad a kumaen,early Amish houses consisted of little more than a large bunkhouse and a stove,train +24036,24037,24037,futi san misatuka kira,it is lazy to sleep all the time,train +24037,24038,24038,u hemin nu tamdaw nu niyar,the whole tribe,train +24038,24039,24039,rayray,order,train +24039,24040,24040,nu liteng kuni a demak mitungudan ita,this is the traditional custom that we follow,test +24040,24041,24041,ta mahemekay ku kita u sa ʼamiʼamisay anca u Pangcah haw,the Amis and others are happy to hear it,train +24041,24042,24042,sisa itini kita i sera,we are in the world,train +24042,24043,24043,nanu litapangan tangasa paherekan a nisuwalan,he talked about it from the beginning to the end,train +24043,24044,24044,u sirasiraw,only cured meat,train +24044,24045,24045,u nipisanga,come on let us go,train +24045,24046,24046,hatiraay kumi saʼusi nu malitengay,that is how old people count,train +24046,24047,24047,ku niyar tu sakacaay kalekrp,consolidate the tribe and never destroy it,train +24047,24048,24048,kiyana,those,train +24048,24049,24049,nu kaysiya haw hay nu kaysiya a tevus,Yes it is from the clubs sugarcane,train +24049,24050,24050,fanaw,Fanao tribe name,test +24050,24051,24051,tuulen tu ku aniniay a wayway,keep up with today activities the,train +24051,24052,24052,ilaay ku miiyaay tu niya nu fulad haw anu kalang tu,does it change with the full moon for example crabs,train +24052,24053,24053,kuna,in this way,train +24053,24054,24054,o a ucuren aku a patayra i tamuwanan ku niktunan nu wama aku a suwal Saka kaitini kamu i niyaru a mitala tangasa i pilayapan namu tu nai fafaeday a icel han ningra,I am going to send you what my father has promised but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high,train +24054,24055,24055,caay ka fansis hay,it does not smell good does it,train +24055,24056,24056,madeng tu kaku kini,I think I am ready,train +24056,24057,24057,hakiya,the last,train +24057,24058,24058,Midudu tura alu nu Fafukud,we are going to follow the east River,train +24058,24059,24059,u ama aku itiya miadup kiyami haw,my dad hunts,train +24059,24060,24060,diya diya maan han kiya,Leah what did Leah say,test +24060,24061,24061,cuwa tu kaʼaraw ku lalan,I cannot see the road anymore,train +24061,24062,24062,hu,Oh,train +24062,24063,24063,hatiraen tu,that is enough,train +24063,24064,24064,pihiyaan satu pasapuran haw i ayaw nu pasapuran,before planting the rice seedlings,train +24064,24065,24065,katangasaan,impromptu,train +24065,24066,24066,miperec ku falucu aku mafana kisu i kaka nu Kawas sa kafalucu aku,I resisted thinking You are not God,train +24066,24067,24067,deng cecay tu a talid kami,we only have one bottle left,train +24067,24068,24068,micuka sanay hu,to paint,train +24068,24069,24069,hunihuni,often,train +24069,24070,24070,Micukuy a maemin kami a mararum ku falucu,each one of us is sad and saddened,test +24070,24071,24071,misakilang,tree planting,train +24071,24072,24072,demak asa iri kaku ku macakatay,if it works I will climb up,train +24072,24073,24073,o kakeruan nu finawlan ku putal,the Plaza is a tribal dance venue,train +24073,24074,24074,tirana,That,train +24074,24075,24075,la^pa,horn,train +24075,24076,24076,matatuur,one after another,train +24076,24077,24077,sapatala^,receive,train +24077,24078,24078,puut,hunting knife,train +24078,24079,24079,o paicifaan nu Fataan kinian,this is the restored market,train +24079,24080,24080,ci Kulas ku ngangan ningra,his name is Kolas,test +24080,24081,24081,Salikakaaw mafana kamu tu nika u saayaway nu i Akayaay a mituur tu Tapang ku paru nu luma ni Stifanas o malalukay a matayal tu saki mituuray cangra,you know that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia and they have devoted themselves to the service of the saints I urge you brothers,train +24081,24082,24082,tusa kuni pangangan tu patay,there are two types of death,train +24082,24083,24083,cukis,brackets for thatched roofs,train +24083,24084,24084,Pacukis a misanga tu luma itiya hu,in the old days you had to make thatched roof supports to build a house,train +24084,24085,24085,manhantu han aku,what should I do,train +24085,24086,24086,anu malemed malemed,if she is lucky she is lucky,train +24086,24087,24087,o misatafalungay ku tatuasan naira,their ancestors were the Tai Po long Clan,train +24087,24088,24088,mipuhpuh sakiyami ku sikawasay,that is what the priest said,train +24088,24089,24089,icuwa ku tatapangan namu a luma,where is your family origin,train +24089,24090,24090,rafraf,flame Retardant,test +24090,24091,24091,tatanga sa itini tatihi aku,right next to me,train +24091,24092,24092,kamu u wawa i pitngil tu suwal nu mama atu ina namu nawhani u ha dadu^du^du^duen aca nu misa Kristuay kunini,Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right,train +24092,24093,24093,ci Hungay ku ngangan nu kaka aku tu fafahiyan,my elder sisters name is Hongay,train +24093,24094,24094,Em Sakuesan sa a kaenen,Wow the corn tastes so sweet,train +24094,24095,24095,Ngaay hu pasifanaen nu singsi samaanen sanu Amisen a pasuwal ku kakaenen hananay anini,hello everyone Today I am going to teach you how to say the Ami language for food,train +24095,24096,24096,awa tu ku katayalan,and then there was no place to do it,train +24096,24097,24097,mafana mipudac,he is good at peeling bamboo shoots,train +24097,24098,24098,milietan,receive a salary,train +24098,24099,24099,a tangasa itinni i kakarayan,going to heaven,train +24099,24100,24100,sa timulan kami,we are in the far north,test +24100,24101,24101,tanged,lock up,train +24101,24102,24102,Rumadiway tu anu caka ngaay ku tireng isu haw cahcah sanay,Sing if you are not fit you will not be able to breathe,train +24102,24103,24103,yu micakay hen kami sitaku henay tu dadahalay a taku i satipan,when we bought it there was still a large pond to the west,train +24103,24104,24104,mahanay sa,that is it,train +24104,24105,24105,Orasaka sadak sa ci Pilatu a tayra i cangraan a sumuwal O maan ku raraw nunini a tamdaw iru pakukuten namu saw han ningra,so Pilate came out to them and asked What charges are you bringing against this man,train +24105,24106,24106,anu kakakaen haw i,if it belongs to an elder brother,train +24106,24107,24107,hulufuduy faleday nisangaʼan aku maulah na ina aku,I even made him a blouse my mother loves it,train +24107,24108,24108,aka falahen iraay ku sasing nu fafahi aku,do not throw it away there is a picture of my wife in there,train +24108,24109,24109,maru kiya mama,the dad was sitting there,train +24109,24110,24110,o laliyawen a mirenaf kunini a cafeng,this wall needs to be repainted,test +24110,24111,24111,sanay tu,that is it,train +24111,24112,24112,malafiyaw,neighbor,train +24112,24113,24113,ci akung nu maku u itira i nay,my grandfather he is from Fujian China,train +24113,24114,24114,masubuc i takuwan itiya i,when I was born,train +24114,24115,24115,Pacedien nu mita mapulung a mikakuy tuna kilang,let us lift this log together,train +24115,24116,24116,taus tu i kaka,just go to the previous level,train +24116,24117,24117,turumiʼamiʼad caay pitilid kaku,you do not have a chance to study when you are working every day,train +24117,24118,24118,sapafeli tu tu maamaan sanay kura saetan,you can still make enough money to pay for school enough to buy things,train +24118,24119,24119,kungcin,hectares,train +24119,24120,24120,a papafelian nu iya nu sifu ira,it is the governments policy on distribution at the time,test +24120,24121,24121,micaradaw,response singing,train +24121,24122,24122,Saka pasayra satu ci Yis tuya kilang a sumuwal Mamana awaaytu ku kumaenay a tamdaw tu hci isu tu dauc han ningra matngil nu nisawawaan kunini a suwal,then he said to the tree May no one ever eat fruit from you again and his disciples heard him say it,train +24122,24123,24123,tuna tuluay a laku kiyami ma,these three fields look like this,train +24123,24124,24124,nian nu Taywan halufuw kinian,celery in Taiwan,train +24124,24125,24125,malepun tuya katayalan,when the work there is done,train +24125,24126,24126,mi han nu caciyaw ni liyaway misatadtad,it is like a sermon a revolution in their heads,train +24126,24127,24127,patileng tu kuykay ku wama a ku i tini i Kiwit,my father started a church in Chi Mei,train +24127,24128,24128,miala tu ku alamisi hananay a malengaway i kicun u halufaw kiymi,we take watercress which grows naturally next to the cascades,train +24128,24129,24129,maliyaw ku falucu nira,his heart has changed,train +24129,24130,24130,ngaay kaku milukuing haw nga ngaay a lisupsupen tu ikul,can I record the video it will be easier to record in the future,test +24130,24131,24131,ona futing akahu nanuwanen,do not sort the catch yet,train +24131,24132,24132,awaay sa misanu Pangcah u wawa kaku nu Taywan satuay a,he does not speak Amis and says he is a descendant of Minnan,train +24132,24133,24133,udax,honey,train +24133,24134,24134,u dafak tu pihayci ni palalikellikel tu,in the morning roll call assignments,train +24134,24135,24135,O kinafalah a fukluh nu misalumaay a tamdaw i malataenengan nu luma,have not you read this scripture The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone,train +24135,24136,24136,milaliw ku ada kira hatiraay,it is the enemy that is going to run away that is the way it works,train +24136,24137,24137,una mapitekay,this is what it looks like when it breaks,train +24137,24138,24138,caca,bamboo mat,train +24138,24139,24139,u demak itira i cacudadan,it is just a school thing,train +24139,24140,24140,suduc,pull out,test +24140,24141,24141,anu mamangay ku pafeli nu Kawas i,if God gives small game,train +24141,24142,24142,u maan ku malitemuhay nu misu,what makes you interested in hunting,train +24142,24143,24143,mirumrum,make a fire,train +24143,24144,24144,Anu u maulahay kamu i takuwanan i u mamidu^du kamu tu limuut Aku,If you love me you will obey what I command,train +24144,24145,24145,ira ku rumiad isu i harek nu lahuk haw malalicay hu kita,are you free this afternoon we will talk about it,train +24145,24146,24146,u tama ku icep caka puni,why do you use betel nut trees they do not rot,train +24146,24147,24147,Cima^ ku tihi^ isu a muku^,who do you live with,train +24147,24148,24148,sakilemel han nu mita,we have to do our best,train +24148,24149,24149,suwal satu i cinaan nira,that is what she said,train +24149,24150,24150,ku hiya ni ina aku pafelian minanaman aku a salikaka tu,it is something my mother passed on to me,test +24150,24151,24151,facaen,develop,train +24151,24152,24152,itinay ku urip na wamaay nu niyam kiyami,dad grew up here,train +24152,24153,24153,isis,cut,train +24153,24154,24154,matiraay saka,that is it,train +24154,24155,24155,saka caay sawad aku a mirakat a mihumun ku luma luma nu salikaka,I did not pass up the opportunity to visit a family and pray,train +24155,24156,24156,ami u miduduway caay kasikucu,the ones we are following do not have shoes,train +24156,24157,24157,Paresapen ku ngaayay a ratuh nu Kawas i hekal,spread Gods wonderful message,train +24157,24158,24158,cafay aku itini i Mistepah nu Austria malacafay a mala mikiriwiˈay a misakafahay,special herald with companion in Mistelbach Austria,train +24158,24159,24159,fitakula,ugly guy,train +24159,24160,24160,mafunur,drop,test +24160,24161,24161,tahini ku pihumung nu maku,that is the end of my interview,train +24161,24162,24162,o nani cuwaay kisu a tayni,where are you from,train +24162,24163,24163,23 kaemangay tamdaw ka Padutuc Misaˈicel Milahecitu Sakalidung namu a Tayal,page young people are to labor continually to finish the work of your salvation,train +24163,24164,24164,matu mahaenay kinana,I think that is how it is sung,train +24164,24165,24165,Fangcalay a kituh kunian,this is a very good novel,train +24165,24166,24166,o mamimaan anu huni kisu,what are you going to do later,train +24166,24167,24167,Nikawrira suwalen aku kamu ulahen ku ada namu Pitulun kamu tu mikariangay i tamuwanan a tamdaw,but I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,train +24167,24168,24168,malikakaaysalikaka,sibling,train +24168,24169,24169,maulah,I like it,train +24169,24170,24170,saka adihay ku ʼaʼawiten itiya,Childs play Revisited,test +24170,24171,24171,Nawiru macupelakay a pawli ku nikaenan nu misu,why do you eat unripe bananas,train +24171,24172,24172,milaliw cangra tara timul lupisak satu itiya,so they moved to the south and scattered,train +24172,24173,24173,painien hu ku tireng,please introduce yourself,train +24173,24174,24174,maulah a mihimed tu kakaenen kura wawa,the kid likes to hide his food,train +24174,24175,24175,mafiyul,impact,train +24175,24176,24176,miliyas cingra nai pidadinguan naminengneng tu pising ningra i tangsul sa a mapawan cingra tu nika masamaan ku pising ningra,anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror,train +24176,24177,24177,malacidek,divorce,train +24177,24178,24178,fafaw,upstream,train +24178,24179,24179,u maan han kiniyan vaki,Grandpa what is this,train +24179,24180,24180,nawhani u sulinay a kahmekan a tamdaw i u kahmekan nu Tapang caay ku misamangahay a pacakat tu tireng a tamdaw ku kahmekan,for it is not the one who commends himself who is approved but the one whom the Lord commends,test +24180,24181,24181,caka pahuda kiya ila tu anu sawni,it will not take long I will be back later,train +24181,24182,24182,mipasafa kira tu finawlan ku kapah,in order to form another minimum age group,train +24182,24183,24183,nika,still,train +24183,24184,24184,itiya hu ku kami u kaemang hu kami haw,when we were kids,train +24184,24185,24185,awaay tu ku kabanaʼan aku,there is nothing else I know,train +24185,24186,24186,hantu ni Maʼuwid,Malverde had this to say,train +24186,24187,24187,Simaruʼay hen anini awaay tu ku Pangcah,do people still live there there are no more Amis,train +24187,24188,24188,o tatapangan nu luma nu Pangcah i nani paruday a masadak ku masalalekuay u pisalamalan ku parud hananay nu ayaayaw i,the meaning of the Amis home is derived from the hearth which is the place where the fire is made,train +24188,24189,24189,u mita a nu Amis a niyaru kuni u mita ayaw i u Amis,this is our original tribe the former chief was an aboriginal,train +24189,24190,24190,Paciciren i fafaed nu alu a patayra i umah tu nanum,water bridges were erected over the river valleys to divert water to the paddy fields,test +24190,24191,24191,mitngil cangra tunini i mapainu cangra pakayni i ngangan nu Tapang ci Yis,on hearing this they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus,train +24191,24192,24192,vadahung,roof,train +24192,24193,24193,mala sa lada sa tu cingra tu,I had no choice but to register for rent reduction and land allocation,train +24193,24194,24194,haen sa misaliyut,it is just spinning,train +24194,24195,24195,tiyula haca misatekel,fasting again,train +24195,24196,24196,a nu ira ku suwal nu sumuwalay,when reminded by relevant persons,train +24196,24197,24197,sipapilian haw,where to buy,train +24197,24198,24198,aka iran saka,do not be that way,train +24198,24199,24199,ta maedeng mapakilac ku finawlan,it is enough to distribute to the villagers,train +24199,24200,24200,tulu a sepat kiya a remiʼad,there were no frozen bodies on the third or fourth day,test +24200,24201,24201,fahekulen aku a mahaen kamu tanu lakaw han aku sa ku lican,but the mayor replied that he was going to throw the equipment away as garbage,train +24201,24202,24202,Pakayingen tu ku kapah a wawa nu misu,please let your children know Ms,train +24202,24203,24203,Sulina kina sama maciwangay,this is real lettuce the leaves have horns,train +24203,24204,24204,Mafukilay nimaan kita u Amis sacaminengneng tu dema nu Amis,the Amis understand the ways of their own people,train +24204,24205,24205,tahanini tu a mananam maen tu,but I have gotten used to it,train +24205,24206,24206,u ta tayra mitafsiw tuya mipitpitay kuya tatuluay a wawa mitatuy tu mali,the three children passed the person who plucked fruit and they carried balls,train +24206,24207,24207,yu ta^ngadtu i maaraw nu palunanay ku kafukilan nangra a kasalihuc itira nikawrira maaraw nangra ira ku tafuk i lilis nu riyar ta pacakataw ita itira ku lunan ita saan cangra,when daylight came they did not recognize the land but they saw a bay with a sandy beach where they decided to run the ship aground if they could,train +24207,24208,24208,i kalalikidan mipacuk haw tu vavuy atu rarapa,are pigs or cows killed at the Harvest Festival,train +24208,24209,24209,mitilid kita tunu u saan itini i sinku,there is a program at Success that offers high school entrance exams,train +24209,24210,24210,Misulacay tu kisu tu wadis haw,did you brush your teeth,test +24210,24211,24211,Mikecec tu mata mitulun ci ama,grandma closed her eyes and prayed,train +24211,24212,24212,Sarara cingra,he worked slowly as though not feeling responsible,train +24212,24213,24213,tayra tu i maherek tu i ta fangcal tu,you can advance to the second floor the second floor is complete,train +24213,24214,24214,Mihafelut kira palidin tu wacu ni akung aku,That,train +24214,24215,24215,mitefing tu kaku ta,I can operate the equipment,train +24215,24216,24216,u matatudungay tu ku nikaurip ita i enar,it is a good idea for our people to live under the mountain,train +24216,24217,24217,hai umaan ku sapalifun dadaya u nini,where do you get paid at night,train +24217,24218,24218,wata ku ruray nu matuʼasay sanay kaku,the old man used to have a very hard life,train +24218,24219,24219,itiya i ci mama nu maku ci ina nu maku hawi,my parents said,train +24219,24220,24220,kasuling,Petrol train,test +24220,24221,24221,u naayaway a nipatulduyan nu tuas nu kalas nu Pngcah kina kungku,it is a story that was told by the Amis ancestors in the past,train +24221,24222,24222,harateng sa ku wina aku,my mom was thinking,train +24222,24223,24223,ora maaraway a niyaru i u Kakacawan,that tribe you can see is Nagahama,train +24223,24224,24224,Nanuya yu kriden ni Yusuwa ku tatuasan nu mita a micumud tu pala nuya nilaplapan nu Kawas i kaayaw nangra a kasafinacadan i itiya cangra a patayra tunini a Taluan ta itira sa kuya Taluan tangasa i nikalahungtian ni Tafiti,having received the tabernacle our fathers under Joshua brought it with them when they took the land from the nations God drove out before them it remained in the land until the time of David,train +24224,24225,24225,wawa nu wawa isu hatiraay tu,your next generation and the next,train +24225,24226,24226,u kuring tu ku suwal aku,switching to a woman shoulder bag,train +24226,24227,24227,na mahaen haw ini satu,Well keep it up,train +24227,24228,24228,ala hu tu husu sasawen aku,I will take the hose and rinse it off,train +24228,24229,24229,u hatiniay ku hwana maulahay tu icep sanay sa,that is how Fanzi likes to eat betel nut,train +24229,24230,24230,o sakatadanca a maduka nu tatirengan nu misu,something bad will happen,test +24230,24231,24231,miasip tu Cudad kaku i kafutian,I am reading in my room,train +24231,24232,24232,Faluay,VIII,train +24232,24233,24233,sa singangan sa kura wawa aku ci sera Rata,I named him,train +24233,24234,24234,miwakang u siraw ku hadaken nira,he will bring out the cured meat,train +24234,24235,24235,Saku^sit sa a tedalen kuni sasuut,why is it so hard to untie this rope,train +24235,24236,24236,u hatiniay i cuwa ka hatira,this event may not have been organized in such a way,train +24236,24237,24237,facu,silhouette,train +24237,24238,24238,anini cacay tu kina kapurus,there is only squirrel at the moment,train +24238,24239,24239,itiya hu caayay ka cifalucu tu sapaacaaw tu nakamayan a nitayal atu nilingadan kiemel tu ku aniniay maaiseised urasaka misatapang tu ku finacadan misaharateng tu sakangaay nu lalan a paaca atu sakaira nu nilingadan,in the past it was easy to sell crafts or agricultural products but nowadays with strong competition for commodities the people have begun to think of favorable ways to produce and market their products,train +24239,24240,24240,Cai milifet tu nu maeferay ciira,No he is competing in high jump,test +24240,24241,24241,alaen amin kira tatuni a mibalah,throw away all that garbage,train +24241,24242,24242,saka miningtay,so be patient,train +24242,24243,24243,saʼayaw u pipadefungang ira i,where the first migrations took place,train +24243,24244,24244,falicen,replace it,train +24244,24245,24245,Pinaun kamu Mapaliayawtu aku kamu a sumuwal tunini a dmak,See I have told you ahead of time,train +24245,24246,24246,talacuwa mangudu mahmek ku finawlan nu niyaru i cangraan nikawrira paska a mikaput i cangraan ku rumaruma a tamdaw,no one else dared join them even though they were highly regarded by the people,train +24246,24247,24247,cilemed,nightmare,train +24247,24248,24248,maharek micudad i,now that I have graduated,train +24248,24249,24249,ya masanga tu niyam kira kakeruan tiraw ya kalakiwkayan hatira,then we built the dance floor where the church is now,train +24249,24250,24250,matira sa,like this,test +24250,24251,24251,hatiraay ku demak aku,that is my job,train +24251,24252,24252,o mahpulaytu ku raraw u masululaytu ku patlac a tamdaw i tada u malmeday,Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven whose sins are covered,train +24252,24253,24253,hatu pakafanaay kitanan salimelaen ku rumiad sanay,it seems to be telling us that we should cherish our time,train +24253,24254,24254,Masarucud ku falucu niyam a matayal tunini,our hearts are united set to do this task,train +24254,24255,24255,ya patatekuteku han ira a mitangtang,she mixed it with cooking,train +24255,24256,24256,onini i u sapitdalaw ningra tu tamdaw a paliyas nai sakuwan nu Rikec ta mangaay kita a malawawa nu Kawas,to redeem those under law that we might receive the full rights of sons,train +24256,24257,24257,hineng han nira kura kaulahan nira a kaying,he watched his favorite lady,train +24257,24258,24258,tini a lukut palumaan aku a lukut,this is my sassafras,train +24258,24259,24259,o manan ku sakakaay a ulah hananay,which love is the highest form of love,train +24259,24260,24260,yu i liyar hen vuhcal henay hay vuhecal hen,it is white when it is still in the water Yes it is white,test +24260,24261,24261,Talatimul tu kami,we went south,train +24261,24262,24262,anu iraay hu ku matuʼasay mafana cira mitengal tunian,if the old timers were still around they would know what kind of bird it was,train +24262,24263,24263,Misaselic itini i kakarayan,sliding down from the sky,train +24263,24264,24264,tumuk ita a tayni a makamelaw,young people are our best witnesses,train +24264,24265,24265,pipaafulaan,gas stations,train +24265,24266,24266,matira i kapatay ni Asiw i,if that is the case then died there,train +24266,24267,24267,sakalima mifelatay sakaenem,layer meter tape layer,train +24267,24268,24268,mikalitang,picking green beans,train +24268,24269,24269,papililiw,I am here to relay a message,train +24269,24270,24270,sawmuciʼ,tomb sweeping day,test +24270,24271,24271,saka anini sa tu,up until now,train +24271,24272,24272,Nanuya micumud ci Yis i Fangcalay Pitaungan fahfahen ningra a pasadak nai Fangcalay Pitaungan ku malaliacaay a tamdamdaw Warwaren ningra ku cukui nu mafafalifalicay tu paysu a tamdaw atu anengang nu pacakayay tu tupi,Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves,train +24272,24273,24273,ihani maʼaraw aku ku luma su ayaway a luma cai tastsen namu haw,that house you guys did not tear it down Yes,train +24273,24274,24274,malaheci ku pitilid isu mamalasingsi tu kisu saan ku katengilan,I hear you are going to be a teacher when you graduate,train +24274,24275,24275,suwal sa I cuwa a tademen namu cingra han ningra pasuwal sa cangra ci Yisan Tapangaw katayni a minengneng han nangra,Where have you laid him he asked Come and see Lord they replied,train +24275,24276,24276,Panasien ni ina aku ku picacak tu sinafel,my mom cooks with pears,train +24276,24277,24277,u nu pitilidan a kafutian,school dormitory to help them with their housekeeping,train +24277,24278,24278,itiniyay i amisay a Pangcah u timul saan tu sasepatay a Pangcah,the Nanshi Amis are generally known as time to the other four groups because they live in the south,train +24278,24279,24279,kanu mulenus nira kuna ngangan nuna,that is how the Yongfu tribe got its name,train +24279,24280,24280,falahen ku ciakawayay a sinausal,throw away the prickly franchises with stems,test +24280,24281,24281,fufu,grandmother,train +24281,24282,24282,Iwatan,Bunun one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +24282,24283,24283,fakian,mothers brother,train +24283,24284,24284,davak satu i enemay a tuki,by am,train +24284,24285,24285,o awul ku liyuk nu luma,our house is surrounded by bamboo,train +24285,24286,24286,mahaen hu ku niyam u Matadim imatini,our tribe is still doing this,train +24286,24287,24287,nu matuʼasay naayaw tu emu,rice cake made by an old man,train +24287,24288,24288,iraay hu ku ruma a cengel han,do you have another color,train +24288,24289,24289,maan mangalay kiya wawa tayra i kamunan kiwkay namu,there is a kid who wants to come to your church,train +24289,24290,24290,Malitemuhay niyam ku ruma salikaka isalakat pakayni pihakelungan na halafinay cangra a mapalit i Suwiay,we met brothers and sisters who had previously been imprisoned for many years in the Soviet Union for their faith,test +24290,24291,24291,a mifacu tu anini tu,it is going to be built now,train +24291,24292,24292,suwal sa ku kaysiya maedeng tu kisu,the company says you are old enough to retire,train +24292,24293,24293,anu hacuwa tu cicafay kaku,I do not know when I will be able to find someone,train +24293,24294,24294,anu caay ka deng i yu maraayhu kuya ada a hungti i u a ucuren ningra ku tarukus a papipasuwal tu sakalaliay,if he is not able he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace,train +24294,24295,24295,u kakaenen u nian u papah pitpit han tini nihaen,pick his leaves one by one this is for eating,train +24295,24296,24296,talacuwa tu kuya takula aku hakini saan ku falucu nira saka,Where is my frog he said so,train +24296,24297,24297,6 oya maˈaraway ni Cikariya a saka 8 mapulusi patanektekay tu falucuˈ nu tamdaw,the eighth vision Zechariah saw led to great faith,train +24297,24298,24298,Ngaayhu a mapulung anini arumiad tayraen nu singsi kita i lamelumeluan a umah a maumah,hello everyone today I will take you to work in the millet field,train +24298,24299,24299,Tawki^,Boss,train +24299,24300,24300,masamaanay tu ku urip nira anu hatini,I wonder how his life is going,test +24300,24301,24301,miudawisay,fruitful,train +24301,24302,24302,ta miliyaw haca ci Yis a miliyas cangraan a tayra a mitulun tu sakinatulu a sumuwal tuyanan tu a suwal,so he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time saying the same thing,train +24302,24303,24303,mahemekay,Happy,train +24303,24304,24304,Sulin tu ira tu ku painian nu matuʼasay awa ku paysin nu itiyaay hu,the return of the ancestral Spirit is also very practical and there were no taboos in the past,train +24304,24305,24305,taliyuk sa i iraw kapah han nira,encouragement to jump to the young people surrounding the jumpers,train +24305,24306,24306,micakay kaku tu felac,I want to buy rice,train +24306,24307,24307,mararaay ku luma ita,our homes are far from each other,train +24307,24308,24308,iray malusimet isu ku maan,are you all organized,train +24308,24309,24309,o pakaselalay ku kungku nu maku a nini,my story today is about age groups,train +24309,24310,24310,ha macakat macakat ku mita a urip sa maku,our lives will be enhanced,test +24310,24311,24311,o sumuwalay tu nu Adinguan a suwal i u paicelay tu tireng ningra a ccay o paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas i u mipadamaay tu kalukiwkay,he who speaks in a tongue edifies himself but he who prophesies edifies the church,train +24311,24312,24312,hatu iraay kita inian a radiw,seems like there is always been that one song,train +24312,24313,24313,Ripun ku,is Japan,train +24313,24314,24314,masafana masulinga tu niyam ku niyaru niyam,we have had the tribe organized before we have got all the rules and regulations in place,train +24314,24315,24315,nu heni han tu,their votes,train +24315,24316,24316,anu kalasaka dademaken ita ku safalud nu Fangcalay Cudad mingitangit tu Fangcalay saucur nu Kawas a padama kitanan mamalifuk ku rihaday matira ci Tafungan aci Miciyangan,when we use the principles of the Bible and ask God to give us the Holy Spirit to help us we will have peace and David and Rachel are two good examples of this,train +24316,24317,24317,itiya masafalucu tu sapifuhataw tu a mipalatamdaw tira utuc,I am determined to take out the pillars and erect them,train +24317,24318,24318,tavaku,tobacco,train +24318,24319,24319,Paruen i lufuc ku mami,put the oranges in a bag,train +24319,24320,24320,sakurawit,hook,test +24320,24321,24321,marawisay,grabbed by an outstretched hand,train +24321,24322,24322,Taangay ku cidal aka ca pikilidung,the sun is bright and remember to wear sunscreen,train +24322,24323,24323,malaliayay,peace loving peacemaking,train +24323,24324,24324,uranan ku sapifelih,that is how you flip it,train +24324,24325,24325,mifadatek,anti typhoon,train +24325,24326,24326,Maruhruh ku kasuy,the wood burst into flame,train +24326,24327,24327,teli han hu pacimeren hu kira,let it sit,train +24327,24328,24328,hay haw fangsis ri kaesu ku kaen aku,Oh it smells good and looks delicious,train +24328,24329,24329,suwal han ni panay a semuwal aca kisu,Barnett said it you are going to say it again,train +24329,24330,24330,nengneng han kura tamina i,see that ship,test +24330,24331,24331,awaay ku tamdaw haw,there is no one,train +24331,24332,24332,melawan aku,in my eyes,train +24332,24333,24333,ngata^,proximal,train +24333,24334,24334,o maruruhay kaku saka talahuingay kaku i nacila,I am being married off so I went to court yesterday,train +24334,24335,24335,sasafaen,it is not simple,train +24335,24336,24336,hatiraay ku maku kafanaʼan aca,that is all I know,train +24336,24337,24337,maaʼiluʼiluay ku faki itiya yu,there were many misunderstandings among the elderly in the past,train +24337,24338,24338,Macuwat a tala Tayliku ku tayal niyam,our work extends to the mainland,train +24338,24339,24339,rsquuingay,orientations,train +24339,24340,24340,telian nira tura i,it just puts getting things on,test +24340,24341,24341,anu kalalikidan a taluma haw kamu,will you be back for the Harvest Festival,train +24341,24342,24342,itini i urip nu mita,in our lives,train +24342,24343,24343,Pacauf sa kuya cuyuh i cingraan O mama^pud i tisuwanan ku Fangcalay Adingu o mamatahpu nu icel nu Isatakaraway a Kawas kisu Orasaka u Fangcalay u wawa nu Kawas wa han kuya hahufucen isu a Wawa,the angel answered The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you so the Holy one to be born will be called the son of God,train +24343,24344,24344,sakapahen ku tamdaw,treat people well,train +24344,24345,24345,adihay ku nipiala sapavadis tu viyaw sisa misaadihay miala,a lot of the catches were given to the neighbors to get more,train +24345,24346,24346,u nisangaatu nu matuasay,the old man made it too,train +24346,24347,24347,nika u tumuk matira haw malucecay itiya hu ku niyaru,there was a great deal of solidarity among the leaders of the tribe at that time,train +24347,24348,24348,tada lipahak kami tayni tu kasaan nu namu naitiniay tapatapang,I am really happy that the chief came to show his concern,train +24348,24349,24349,Tmeken nira ku demak,he secretly killed an animal for meat,train +24349,24350,24350,keman,stammer,test +24350,24351,24351,anu tiniay i,or go to Shoufeng,train +24351,24352,24352,simamihulul,sweetheart,train +24352,24353,24353,ini hawi u paini nu malitengay kuni takuwanan,my father in law gave me this one,train +24353,24354,24354,Tinakuen u cecay a kasakupang 134 ku mitusilay a salikaka ˈarawhan i kilac nangra 50 aca ku lalumaˈan,for example a congregation with preachers has only families in their mission area,train +24354,24355,24355,Pakakuruten ni ina ku sinafel a misaangrer,mom adds bitter melon to a dish to give it a bitter flavor,train +24355,24356,24356,he he he,Heh he he,train +24356,24357,24357,anu caay kaw kakitaan sadengay han isaw a maen aca,if you are a poor person just be moderate,train +24357,24358,24358,Paliwan,Paiwan one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +24358,24359,24359,kumaen kisu tu asilu haw,do you want some oranges,train +24359,24360,24360,taluan,public workplace,test +24360,24361,24361,Rawisen kuya mali,reach to and get the ball,train +24361,24362,24362,fariw,chop grass,train +24362,24363,24363,mangataay nu siyataw ku kakumaenan haw,is the restaurant close to the station,train +24363,24364,24364,awaay ku kadum nu maku a micudad tu sakalahakasiy,I do not have what it takes to read a Ph D,train +24364,24365,24365,Miciyang,female name,train +24365,24366,24366,Suʼelinay tangasaan tu malaud tu ku kalahukan malahuk tu ku fafaʼinay,when noon comes we will all eat together,train +24366,24367,24367,na kura kumaenay tu dungec,watch them eat vine hearts,train +24367,24368,24368,itira tu niyaru i saʼicel sa ku salikaka,the tribal believers are very religious,train +24368,24369,24369,misatataelib tu ku micakayay,the people who buy them are constantly on the lookout,train +24369,24370,24370,wa kapaha saan u hanahanaan masatisil,Wow it is very beautiful so a whole row of flowers,test +24370,24371,24371,i sefi a micacak tu hemay,cooking in the kitchen,train +24371,24372,24372,ciʼicel kaku pakafana tu mimaliay ta patayraen aku i taykak,I am trying to teach them how to play and I am trying to get them to go to college,train +24372,24373,24373,pinaay ku tuki hatini,what time is it,train +24373,24374,24374,ku citaminay tu puʼepuʼek,there are drift net fishing boats,train +24374,24375,24375,rengus,grassy,train +24375,24376,24376,matiya tu u caay kaumangah u sikawasay hananay,it is supposed to be non deceptive,train +24376,24377,24377,masadak ku fulad mapalal tu ku ekung,as soon as the moon appears the owl wakes up,train +24377,24378,24378,matawa kaku tura salaw hanay ira kira,I thought it was funny because she was talking about a demon,train +24378,24379,24379,manengneng nira ku ccay a kilang mapuheday tu a kilang maepung ku sifu nira a latek itini kuya takula aku,he saw a piece of wood and there was a hole in the middle of the rotten wood perhaps my frog was here,train +24379,24380,24380,itiya i saki^mel sa tu falucu ci Yusif nu Arimatiya a tayra i ci Pilatuan a mingitangit tu sapialaaw tu tireng ni Yis onini a tamdaw i u tadamaanay a lumaucay u hinatalaay cingra tu pikuwan nu Kawas,Joseph of Arimathea a prominent member of the Council who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus body,test +24380,24381,24381,aluman tu ku lafanglafang u suelinnay tu ilisin kurira,a lot of officials and guests arrived and that was the beginning of the Bounen Matsuri,train +24381,24382,24382,hatira alaen tu ira kaku,and so he took me to his house,train +24382,24383,24383,o fituka nu ayam ku nikiliman ni Tumay i kuhaw,Tomay is looking for chicken stomach in the soup,train +24383,24384,24384,kitaanan,for us,train +24384,24385,24385,iniyan,this one,train +24385,24386,24386,u sa siwkakeng tu nasaan,the study should be over,train +24386,24387,24387,guning ka,nine years,train +24387,24388,24388,tamuwanan tuni,here you go,train +24388,24389,24389,Sakakumaenaw sanay kaku tu tamana incay laput atu paheku,I want kohlrabi cabbage groundnut leaves and overcast,train +24389,24390,24390,hatu dafdaf tu,it is just flat ground,test +24390,24391,24391,pangangan hananay tu nu niyaru ku cilinuʼan kiraan a alu a nemnem hananay tu anini,the tribesmen named the place Linu Creek springs in his honor,train +24391,24392,24392,kuli san kisu u maan ku sapikuli isu tu tatirengan,you lost weight what did you lose weight with,train +24392,24393,24393,vuduy,dress,train +24393,24394,24394,midayliay,agent,train +24394,24395,24395,yu semuwal ku singsi tu,when classroom teachers teach Vocational education,train +24395,24396,24396,mahaenay sa saʼaluman san Fataʼan mafulaway tayni,that is why more and more people are moving in from the saddle,train +24396,24397,24397,aka pitawal a misangaay a mihamham tu lafang nawhani u rumaruma a mihaenay tu lafang a tamdaw i u cuyuh ku nihamhaman nangra caay ka fanaen nangra kunini,do not forget to entertain strangers for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it,train +24397,24398,24398,mi,no such word,train +24398,24399,24399,papikusing papiradiw ri,ask them to sing,train +24399,24400,24400,ri mahaen ku paini nira i kakuan,when he told me that,test +24400,24401,24401,Haliundu kaku,I love sports,train +24401,24402,24402,misapetiʼan nipaicel nialanan tu safak i tiraay i patang,hit the grain hard against the threshing machine barrels,train +24402,24403,24403,ira,consequently,train +24403,24404,24404,ha ha ha hatiraay ha,a lot of drinking and a lot of friends no drinking and no friends,train +24404,24405,24405,nanay kadufah anini^ a miheca^,I wish you a great Harvest this year,train +24405,24406,24406,a maanen a caay kaulah u savangcalay a serangwan nu Pangcah hanay,I love it because it is a beautiful culture,train +24406,24407,24407,matepa i luma itira na wawa i san kira henkway kisu,I think it is easy to find the kids here you are a good girl,train +24407,24408,24408,itiya hu a,past,train +24408,24409,24409,anu mafana kaku tu ngiha,why can I still speak the language,train +24409,24410,24410,ka ulah tu tireng caayay ka ulah,stopping suicide homicide and death by mutilation,test +24410,24411,24411,Ira adihay ku lutuk nu niyaru ita,Yes our tribe has many mountains,train +24411,24412,24412,laklak sa tu kuya nasi tiya langa matapulung tuni kapulin nira,the pears in the basket were scattered all over when he fell down,train +24412,24413,24413,caay katangasa,it cannot be expressed to the deepest level of meaning,train +24413,24414,24414,mi cira mitingki,he works in plumbing,train +24414,24415,24415,Panay nipacaliwan ni Kacaw tu kafang kisu,Panay did Kacaw lend you this coat,train +24415,24416,24416,nanu tuʼas i u tasarumaay tu a finacadan,the things around us,train +24416,24417,24417,malacafay tu tamiyana matini iluma tu maru,he lives with us now,train +24417,24418,24418,u luma aku i sawali,my home is on the east Coast,train +24418,24419,24419,Du^duen niyam ku piasip nu singsi^ u sausi^ a surit ku radiwen nu niyam,we followed the teacher to read we sang the number song,train +24419,24420,24420,matira kunu itiyaay hu matuʼasay sakira matira kunu itiay hu,the early elders said it was a tribal taboo,test +24420,24421,24421,samaan a malu hafay isu ci Yihufa,how do you make the Lord your property,train +24421,24422,24422,san kusuwal nu kusuwal nu matuʼasay,that is what the old man said,train +24422,24423,24423,ya laliw han naku ci ina aku atu safa aku,I am leaving my mom and siblings like this,train +24423,24424,24424,haen sa ku maku a urip a,that is how I got here,train +24424,24425,24425,itiraay tu kami mafana tu ira ku matuʼasay maulahay kaminan sanay ku harateng itiya,at that time I realized how much we were loved by our elders,train +24425,24426,24426,Mulusu malusu ku lusa,tears dropped,train +24426,24427,24427,o suwal nu Amis kunini,this is Amis,train +24427,24428,24428,o tanatanaan ku lutuk ni akung,Gongs hills are full of prickly onion forests,train +24428,24429,24429,paarirayan,corn,train +24429,24430,24430,lalengawan,root,test +24430,24431,24431,pakayni i suwal ni Yihufa atu Fangcalay saucur atu misadakan isu a ˈicel wa ngaˈay padama tu wawa isu ira ku taneng ngaˈay malidung,through the word and Spirit of the Lord and your efforts you can help your children to be wise unto salvation,train +24431,24432,24432,anu palafac han ku wawa haw,if the child is allowed to do as he pleases,train +24432,24433,24433,samaamaan aku tu tiihay a demak,nasty business,train +24433,24434,24434,hanhan a mi,and then this,train +24434,24435,24435,tuna mahaen ku dmak namu saka aluman satu ku tadancaay ku tireng atu adadaay namu ira ku papinapina a mapatayay namu,that is why many among you are weak and sick and a number of you have fallen asleep,train +24435,24436,24436,Ocuren ningra ku tatusa nu padamaay cingraan ci Timuti aci Irastus a patayra i Makituniya itira sahu i Aciya ci Pawlu a pacarcar,he sent two of his helpers Timothy and Erastus to Macedonia while he stayed in the province of Asia a little longer,train +24436,24437,24437,aka pi sacicedicedi tudemak,do not be brave do not be stupid,train +24437,24438,24438,Nikawrira tireng sa ci Mariya a tumangic i paputal nu tadem yu tumangic cingra i ruhu sa cingra a minengneng tu laluma nu tadem,but Mary stood outside the tomb crying as she wept she bent over to look into the tomb,train +24438,24439,24439,ku faʼinay nu maku ku midiputay,I am just saying that Mr Kaufman is always trying to screw people over,train +24439,24440,24440,milala tiya papah,I will get up at and go pick leaves,test +24440,24441,24441,Kalaliyaw aka han ku tayal i pasaetip,do not change your job in the west too often,train +24441,24442,24442,anu dadahal a macekeruh,if it is wide enough can you push it,train +24442,24443,24443,iraan a niyaru u i,that is where the tribe is,train +24443,24444,24444,anu ca pisulul belut satu kamu milaliw awaay tu ku mikuliay ya,if you do not agree to run there will not be any workers,train +24444,24445,24445,mahaen itiya i anu yungziw,it is like years,train +24445,24446,24446,pikakereman,evening Moments,train +24446,24447,24447,kingsifu,County government,train +24447,24448,24448,pitafesiw,going through,train +24448,24449,24449,ngaʼayay tu mangataay,it is good to have it close by,train +24449,24450,24450,paramuden nu maku cira,I gave her a license,test +24450,24451,24451,karakat ku tarayaay cacay a remiad kina tusa a pulu ira ku sepat a maliyut,the long needle goes fast twenty four times a day,train +24451,24452,24452,mihiyaan tu,ground rice cake,train +24452,24453,24453,ya ira tu kiya miaʼaʼafasay tu umah nu Amis a Kuwaping,then came some Han Chinese who would take over the Amis fields,train +24453,24454,24454,Latumay,Ladoumai,train +24454,24455,24455,siyasingan nu kaka aku mafukil kaku u kaka aku san,my brother and sister took my picture I did not know they were brothers and sisters,train +24455,24456,24456,nawhan tiraan i,Why,train +24456,24457,24457,adipangpang,dragonflies,train +24457,24458,24458,urasaka Naitini i Tucen,come to Tucson,train +24458,24459,24459,paluma tu i tini na tamdaw mialaay i rumaay niyaru,Nowadays people take them and plant them,train +24459,24460,24460,nawu ni alawan nu cacudadan kiyami sisa mavulaw tayni itini,they moved here because the school occupied the land,test +24460,24461,24461,u militurunay a tamdaw han niyam a semuwal,we all say The one who wants sticky rice cake,train +24461,24462,24462,mahaenay tunu matuʼasay pi tu kapah hanaku,that is how old people teach young people,train +24462,24463,24463,mata,eye,train +24463,24464,24464,Yey Wa maulahay kaku tuadipangpang makapahay,Yeh Wow I love butterflies they are very beautiful,train +24464,24465,24465,may piyawpay suy piyawpay suy hahay,buy Bleach Bleach Oh,train +24465,24466,24466,fitengal,honeybee,train +24466,24467,24467,marihaday,low voice,train +24467,24468,24468,matilaay kuni kafana nu maku tu ruwad nu malitengay,this is what I know about old peoples lives,train +24468,24469,24469,kanay,it is a lot like the area around Oakland lower Oakland,train +24469,24470,24470,ku wawa tu ngiha,speaks the language fluently,test +24470,24471,24471,hatini ucuren tu ira kura safa ira panukay,just send your brother back,train +24471,24472,24472,Maludi ku kakarayan,the sky presents a colorful sunset view,train +24472,24473,24473,Miucur ci Yihufa,the Lord has entrusted me with a task,train +24473,24474,24474,o kafang atu satada nu anengang kisu ku nikawitay haw o cima mafanaʼay tu kisu,did you outline these blankets and sofa cushions before you are so crafty,train +24474,24475,24475,hacafayen aku kisu a minengneng,I will share it with you,train +24475,24476,24476,manahul tu,it is rotten it is gone,train +24476,24477,24477,Mafutiay kisu haw na sa kaku hilam han aca macengaw tu ku mata nu misu,I thought you were sleeping but your eyes were open,train +24477,24478,24478,u ngangan nu Cikasuwan makala tu,the boundary of the Shichikatsugawa tribe is roughly the same,train +24478,24479,24479,anu sivakiya kisu,if you wear slippers,train +24479,24480,24480,Orasaka pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu lunuk caay ku sasaan kaku u wawa a midmak tu maamaan o dmak nu wama ku piarawan aku a midmak anu u maan ku nidmakan nu wama aku i mahaentu ku dmak aku u Wawa,Jesus gave them this answer I tell you the truth the son can do nothing by himself he can do only what he sees his father doing because whatever the father does the son also does,test +24480,24481,24481,ya masay kiya ya makapahay a masay peci han,nice kudzu torn in half,train +24481,24482,24482,mahaenay itiya ku urip,life at that time,train +24482,24483,24483,mahaen ku nisangaan,that is it,train +24483,24484,24484,anca ka nalikay kita a minukay i,if we do not get back soon,train +24484,24485,24485,nu kukudulay haw,Organizer national Taiwan normal university,train +24485,24486,24486,masaheci ku selangawan nu radiw atu keru hakulung satu ku kapah atu teluc atu limucedan a misakeru atu micaradaw,in time the songs are infused with cultural connotations and young people teenagers and girls dance and sing along,train +24486,24487,24487,patakid cingra i takuwanan,he served me gave me wine,train +24487,24488,24488,tusa ku niyaru makaykic aku,there are two tribes that I have coordinated,train +24488,24489,24489,tu u maan asa,what is it it is the revolution that has not succeeded yet,train +24489,24490,24490,u hiwkun na sa ku Taywan ma,the Minnan people say they are taking a break,test +24490,24491,24491,caka arengeren kaku tu tadimtimay,I do not think rabbit dishes are bitter,train +24491,24492,24492,dawangwang,relaxed,train +24492,24493,24493,maherakay malaheci ka uninian i,and to realize these,train +24493,24494,24494,Kacisiuy a talapala maumah saan ci mama,dad said to bring a rice pot to work in the field,train +24494,24495,24495,ca ka talacuwa saan ku falucu nangra,did not go anywhere they thought,train +24495,24496,24496,taˈangayay ku pipadama tu mitusilay demak samanen ngaˈayay kami mihatusa itini i Parakuy atu Pracil a misikay tu saˈupu,living there is very helpful for evangelism because we can hold meetings in both Paraguay and Brazil,train +24496,24497,24497,misanga tu yulung saan,we are going to make a cage that is what we are saying,train +24497,24498,24498,mangalay ku Kawas tu sakafanaaw nu pulung nu tamdaw tu sulin ta mapaurip ningra cangra,who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth,train +24498,24499,24499,naʼun satu ku heni milakalang namakaterun tangasa sa i sasa nu liyal,they are slowly pulling the long net from the center to the bottom of the ocean,train +24499,24500,24500,mangalefay,in particular,test +24500,24501,24501,mala malakakaay tu kami itini Taynan,we were brothers in Tainan,train +24501,24502,24502,maemin mahaen ku panangan,all of them,train +24502,24503,24503,a lawawa sanay ku Paliwan,angry Paiwanese say,train +24503,24504,24504,palemed nu was kita,God has blessed us,train +24504,24505,24505,Falatfat su ku fuis tu dadaya,the stars shine brightly at night,train +24505,24506,24506,i adawang nu niyaru ku papaengawan u pimelawan tu rakat nu ada,the watchtower is at the entrance to the horde and is used to observe enemy movements,train +24506,24507,24507,anu sangaʼan nu maku tu kura hatini katataak,if I were to make a big one it would be this big,train +24507,24508,24508,makerihay tu ku saʼusi mafana ku maku a wawa,I thought all my kids would be in school,train +24508,24509,24509,a kunga,sweet pot,train +24509,24510,24510,maliyas tu nira ku luma i,when he leaves home,test +24510,24511,24511,nanay kamu u singsi atu u sifu haw i,may the government and you as teachers,train +24511,24512,24512,Maadangen kaku tu ngiha nu dadacdac,I think that cicadas are very noisy,train +24512,24513,24513,a tayniay i minatu mifalic tu futing,come to the fishing port to trade goods for fish,train +24513,24514,24514,hamham,greeting,train +24514,24515,24515,malipahak,happy,train +24515,24516,24516,o kaka isu tu fafahiyan cingra han,is she your elder sister,train +24516,24517,24517,capisalama cahetu utayal tumaamaan,there is no leisure it is just work and work and work,train +24517,24518,24518,mikilim kami i kawali nu alu,we are looking east of Hitchcock,train +24518,24519,24519,i Fataʼan sufuc nu ina nu maku,my mother was born in Matthews Saddle,train +24519,24520,24520,ngalef satu ku adada nira faki i ising,that old man in the hospital got sicker,test +24520,24521,24521,fafahiyan tu anu faʼinayan tu,both girls and boys,train +24521,24522,24522,cuwa kaadihay ku kafanaan aku ura kafanaan nu maku i haemin han aku a pakafana i tisuwanan,I do not know much about that but I will tell you everything I know,train +24522,24523,24523,yu mirakat ci Pitiru tu kasaniyaruaru i yu ccay a rumiad tayra cingra i Lita a milisu tu i tiraay a mituuray,as Peter traveled about the country he went to visit the saints in Lydda,train +24523,24524,24524,idahi ku,Reducing the burden of living,train +24524,24525,24525,kamuraw,pomelo,train +24525,24526,24526,misafunun,opening up land for rice cultivation,train +24526,24527,24527,Antusen,Hans Christian Andersen,train +24527,24528,24528,saka matiya itiniay i Langasan a nemnem kina nemnem san kiya matuʼasay,the old man said it looked like a spring like the one in the Chiléas,train +24528,24529,24529,o misatekeday a tamdaw cingra,he is independent minded keeps his own counsel does his own thing,train +24529,24530,24530,maimer tu riku,well groomed,test +24530,24531,24531,Nikawrira u caay ka fana tu nafalucuan nu tawki ningra a kuli i anu u sastistien cingra i caay ka hakuwa ku nika sti ningra Orasaka u mapafliay nu Kawas tu adihayay i adihayay ku aayien i cingraan o mapaturuday nu Kawas tu adihayay i adihayay ku lalungucen i cingraan,but the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows from everyone who has been given much much will be demanded and from the one who has been entrusted with much much more will be asked,train +24531,24532,24532,itaya hu tu fangcal nu Ciw Ku,at that time China was still in a very good condition,train +24532,24533,24533,kahululen niyam ku matuʼasay itini ami,we will just let the old people socialize here,train +24533,24534,24534,anu ira ku demakan,if anything happens,train +24534,24535,24535,hinapartihay,most sensitive,train +24535,24536,24536,matuwisay,lame,train +24536,24537,24537,Kutien han nima kisu,who told you to talk to him,train +24537,24538,24538,u nian ku kalimelaan nu mita pulung nu kaemangay,So kids this is something we should cherish,train +24538,24539,24539,mafalic ku ngangan niya wawa anu tumangic hu falicen hu,change the baby name change the name again,train +24539,24540,24540,ha tanektek tireng isu haw mamaan aca saw u waʼay ku tatiihay wawa hay hay hay,Ah you seem to be in good health No I am fine it is just that my feet are weak Yes yes yes,test +24540,24541,24541,mipacekukay,staggering,train +24541,24542,24542,awaay tu ku sapihawadan nu kaemangay,the children will not be able to pass it on,train +24542,24543,24543,kawu mavanaʼay kaku a misanga tu vuvu,I shall make the fish trap,train +24543,24544,24544,suwal sa Amin Nanay u hmek dil taneng kansiya tadamaanay a ngangan sakuwan atu icel malunu Kawas ita a tahadauc Amin saan,saying Amen praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever Amen,train +24544,24545,24545,anu caʼay ka ngaʼay adihay,if it does not work or there are not a lot of,train +24545,24546,24546,peci,cut open,train +24546,24547,24547,ira pafalat tu tura i,and roof beams,train +24547,24548,24548,u nu ruma minukay wakawak sanay,some even go home empty handed without a paycheck,train +24548,24549,24549,pingsiyang,freezer cabinet,train +24549,24550,24550,anu cakatepi ita ku seking haw i,if you do not get in,test +24550,24551,24551,Limapulu ku mihecaan ni wama aku anini,my father is years old,train +24551,24552,24552,Pacauf sa ci Yis i cangraan Pinaun kamu aka ka safit nu tamdaw,Jesus answered Watch out that no one deceives you,train +24552,24553,24553,suelinay micumud satu kya nanum i tya riyar i cumud satu micelem kira,it is true they are starting to dive into the water,train +24553,24554,24554,kuheting kuya tamud,Aspergillus coryza will turn black,train +24554,24555,24555,anca u fafuy anca u lawal latek iraay ku tuluk,sometimes it was a boar sometimes a flying squirrel and occasionally a pheasant,train +24555,24556,24556,away ku tuem i kakarayan masadakay tu ku fuis,there were no clouds in the sky the stars came out,train +24556,24557,24557,tiraan haw,yell,train +24557,24558,24558,malangtu,burning to ashes,train +24558,24559,24559,maulah ciira i takuwanan,he likes me too,train +24559,24560,24560,o halifungaay ku wawa anini,kids these days love groundnuts,test +24560,24561,24561,na san i suʼlinay,when we get there,train +24561,24562,24562,ira ku papinapina a tamdaw tu mililiday tu ccay a mapiay i kafutian Misafalucu a pacumud i laluma nu luma i cingraan a patli i kaayaw ni Yis,some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus,train +24562,24563,24563,nasa kura,originally,train +24563,24564,24564,mamireku,Execution,train +24564,24565,24565,kiya,why,train +24565,24566,24566,o adingu nu maku kiraan a kuhetingay,that black is my shadow,train +24566,24567,24567,Tadakadirangan ku suwal pakukutay a tamdaw,the words of those who are trapped are very irritating,train +24567,24568,24568,o manan ku tatiliden isu,what do you want to study,train +24568,24569,24569,saemic,tong,train +24569,24570,24570,hatini takadaw tu u heci nira,fruits like this are very tall,test +24570,24571,24571,anini misakilang saan hanira a mililiw,now that everyone is gone to the mountains to cut wood this is how he calls it,train +24571,24572,24572,maanen micudad caay tu ka tangasa ku Cudad nu niyam,it was really difficult to read and write at that time,train +24572,24573,24573,o makakametay caira a tatusa i matini,now the two of them are shaking hands with each other,train +24573,24574,24574,kalahitayan haw i,it is in the army,train +24574,24575,24575,miʼaca tu kitta kira,I am going to buy a guitar,train +24575,24576,24576,Katayra kamu tura niyaru anu micumud kamu itira i maaraw namu ku mapaktingay a tufurhu a lufa tu caayhu ka dakawen nu nimanima tdalen namu caira a mikiting a patayni i Takuwanan,Go to the village ahead of you and as you enter it you will find a colt tied there which no one has ever ridden untie it and bring it here,train +24576,24577,24577,masahatira araw han kiya tayal isu,that is the way to do it you are very good at your job,train +24577,24578,24578,satu ku falucu ri mararum tu,I am sorry,train +24578,24579,24579,naʼay tu kaku micudad han aku tangic satu kaku,I cried and said I do not want to go to school,train +24579,24580,24580,i luma ay,at home,test +24580,24581,24581,atekakan nanay ci mamu mangaay a sakaemeden tu mamang han nira kuya tawki a milicay,grandma thought it was too expensive and asked the boss if it could be cheaper,train +24581,24582,24582,a hacuwa saw a adihahay ku tavayar,when will the leaves of the Aunties taro become abundant,train +24582,24583,24583,iraan ku tatiihay u kaharatengan nu maku,that is what I cannot understand,train +24583,24584,24584,nu Amis tu i,and on the north side,train +24584,24585,24585,tayra cingra i pakukuan a micapet tu kuku,she went to the chicken coop to catch chickens,train +24585,24586,24586,saman alingernger sanay kuesitay malaheci ku,but it is a very difficult situation to accomplish,train +24586,24587,24587,kumaen,eat,train +24587,24588,24588,hatira sa ku falucu aku,my thoughts,train +24588,24589,24589,maherek mikarkar misafanaw haw i miculu lima enem fukeluh telien nira,finished the pond moved rocks and put them down,train +24589,24590,24590,u ka Dipungan haw i,in the days of Japan,test +24590,24591,24591,sa aka ka liyang,so do not be disobedient,train +24591,24592,24592,ruma Cakay sananay ku tau,other people just order it,train +24592,24593,24593,ciker,lock up,train +24593,24594,24594,mahaenay saka pakunira hantu nu Kawas cangra i kakanguduan a anuf nu tireng nangra falicen nu fafahiyan ku nu fafahiyan a dmak a misafainayan a mikaluna,because of this God gave them over to shameful lusts even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones,train +24594,24595,24595,Sasuwasuwal sa ku Farisay a tamdaw Awa ku ^pu^puc nu dmak ita Nengnengen mituur i ci Yisan ku tamdamdaw nu hkal a ma^min saan,so the Pharisees said to one another See this is getting us nowhere look how the whole world has gone after him,train +24595,24596,24596,a iraaw ta luma tu kami ta hekal kiya fafahi nira,we are back the wife coming out of her room,train +24596,24597,24597,ilang,rice milling,train +24597,24598,24598,kiya misaumah ca ama nu maku itiya,my father and his men were farming there,train +24598,24599,24599,fuse,radiation,train +24599,24600,24600,mikinunuh kami tu mawsyeng nansay hu kisu itiya,how old were you then fetch the wool,test +24600,24601,24601,han nu matuasay,that is what the old people called it at the time,train +24601,24602,24602,man han nu caciyaw nu kami,why are our classmates laughing at us,train +24602,24603,24603,sa cuka ketunen,so no cutting,train +24603,24604,24604,Mafana kisu tu pinangan nu rayray nu Amis saan ku katengilan aku saka sapilicayan kaku i tisuwananan,I heard that you know a lot about Amis traditions and customs so I would like to ask you a few questions,train +24604,24605,24605,mafulaay,blockhead,train +24605,24606,24606,Mauradaytu haw,is it raining,train +24606,24607,24607,tayiraen iri,go over there,train +24607,24608,24608,anu pakayniay i nu Kawasan a nika fangcal nu pinangan ningra i u nikalumuwadan ningra a maurip nai patay a icel ku pahapinangay tu nika u wawa nu Kawas cingra,and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the son of God by his resurrection from the dead Jesus Christ our Lord,train +24608,24609,24609,parafasen,rest something,train +24609,24610,24610,O pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw i pitngil tu pipasuwal nu Fangcalay Adingu i kasakiwkay,he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches,test +24610,24611,24611,u hatiraay kura samanen hukini sa i,that is what happened what should I do about it I am worried,train +24611,24612,24612,u tesel sa ya uya,as for embroidery,train +24612,24613,24613,Matatas ku tingsa nu maku,my bike broke down,train +24613,24614,24614,aka tu kahalikaen tu piyang kalaluk a mifurac tu wadis,stop craving candy and brush your teeth more often,train +24614,24615,24615,hatiraay ku damak nu iya mituulan ku nu litelitengan a demak,at that time the work was like this we followed the ancient method,train +24615,24616,24616,aka katuka a cinglaw tu wawa hadimelen ku wawa,do not talk about the kids take care of them,train +24616,24617,24617,maainiini tu ku kamawmahan,start discussing where to farm,train +24617,24618,24618,inanengen nu mita milingsiw,diligent learning,train +24618,24619,24619,itiya satu lunuk han ni Hiruti a mitahidang kuya matanengay a tamdaw a miliclic a mihapinang tu nika i hacuwa a masadak kuya fuis,then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared,train +24619,24620,24620,u sanay a mipalaheci,what is the truth,test +24620,24621,24621,fulesak han ningra,they are spreading it,train +24621,24622,24622,mamecmecay,cupped in the palm of the hand,train +24622,24623,24623,satu,consequently,train +24623,24624,24624,mimaan saw ku irarikuray aku,what am I doing back there,train +24624,24625,24625,haenen nu Kawas ku pilahci tu lalahcien nu Rikec a dmak ta maliyaw ku pinangan ita caaytu pidu^du kita tu pinangan ita nawhani dengtu u Fangcalay Adingu ku nidu^duan ita,in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit,train +24625,24626,24626,yusmasaluwis arihannaku,I do not think so they are all in a row,train +24626,24627,24627,tangasa i nikaedem nu remiad,until the date expires,train +24627,24628,24628,haen han naku ka urip,that is how I have been living my life,train +24628,24629,24629,una ma matiniya maliʼayaway pakilac haw iraay ku,the first ones to come here were subsidized by the village office,train +24629,24630,24630,mipatala ci Lifi i luma ningra tu tadamaanay a sapatahka ci Yisan ira a mikaput ku alumanay a milisataay atu rumaruma a tamdaw tunini a tahka,then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them,test +24630,24631,24631,tangic aka ka haen i kaayaw nu alumanay,do not cry in front of everyone,train +24631,24632,24632,itini sefi a mikawit,it is made right here in the clubhouse,train +24632,24633,24633,mamalahedaway,lost,train +24633,24634,24634,anu matatama ciranan haw tangtang han nu mita haw,when the right person cooks it,train +24634,24635,24635,Sakalima Micuisay a misupit tu tatiihay a urip a pipangangan,Fifthly the nomenclature that reverses right and wrong,train +24635,24636,24636,caay ka dayum aku kura demak,I cannot handle that,train +24636,24637,24637,salikaka misikitang tu,your brothers are all off digging for coal,train +24637,24638,24638,ta mihumun sa kami tayra kami i luma ningra,go to his house for family prayers,train +24638,24639,24639,ya safa nuna iya singsi,Mr Nikkos sister,train +24639,24640,24640,papacuken mangata tu kita mipanay,because the Harvest is coming up,test +24640,24641,24641,ira ku ngangan nu mita,there is our name,train +24641,24642,24642,ini ku pahku,it is a cat fern,train +24642,24643,24643,padamaay kisu tu paru nu lumaˈ atu salikaka mikelec a mikutud tu likakawa ni Yihufa han,are you helping your family and brothers and sisters to stay close to the LORDs organization,train +24643,24644,24644,satu kiya na ina,that is what the mother thinks,train +24644,24645,24645,hadidi san miradum haca i satefu,I had to go back and forth to fetch water,train +24645,24646,24646,mihalhal,welcome guests,train +24646,24647,24647,piliumaluma,classifier for families or businesses beg shops companies,train +24647,24648,24648,haen saan ku picudad nu kakaemanghu,this is how I grew up,train +24648,24649,24649,hatira aca ku nipihiya,that is the only way to do it,train +24649,24650,24650,kita u kapah mitaʼung kita tu matuʼasay nu mita patenas ta,We the youth we have come to honor the elders by offering goodies,test +24650,24651,24651,saiwawake,pediatrics,train +24651,24652,24652,i i ayaw kaku saʼayaway maku i,I was the first one to do it in junior high school,train +24652,24653,24653,aya hemek san ku falucu aku,I am very happy in my heart,train +24653,24654,24654,pakaynien nu mita i tini i picacak tu sinafel ku piterung cai kau pacefa sanay ku picacak tu kafi anu u kakaenen tu nani riyaray,that is why we are learning to eat Amis food when it comes to the ingredients and the preparation of the soup it is not just a simple soup,train +24654,24655,24655,mineneng tu tayal nu wina,watching my mom do everything,train +24655,24656,24656,mangiray ira ku mangiray haw,the language is not mature nor is it authentic,train +24656,24657,24657,pafeli ci mama aku tu faluhay a tuki,dad gave me the new watch,train +24657,24658,24658,saka lahulu a radiw,songs for chatting,train +24658,24659,24659,makuwan,be ruled,train +24659,24660,24660,a mahaenay,that is it,test +24660,24661,24661,mipalita tu ngangan nina niyaru,trying to figure out the name of the tribe,train +24661,24662,24662,ira ku talaenuay talaenu a papaluma tayra kawakawa mingata tu riyal,some of them are located down to the east near the sea,train +24662,24663,24663,hatini han tu kuya tatirengan ira haw,just like that with its trunk,train +24663,24664,24664,velac,rice,train +24664,24665,24665,tataʼak ku nu seyfu kitanan,the government gives us a lot of benefits,train +24665,24666,24666,samanen ita na i makapah ku iya ita u caedung u Amis sana,how do we get our Ami to dress beautifully,train +24666,24667,24667,anu a milisin ku icuwaay sa,if I do not know where the Harvest Festival is,train +24667,24668,24668,Mapulita nangra ku nika uya nanu maruay i kapahay hananay a adawang nu Fangcalay Pitaungan a mikiaamay cingra saka safahka sa cangra a mackuk tu nika adah ningra,they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him,train +24668,24669,24669,u caay ku cacumudan anu maamaan a demakan haw,about beliefs not interfering with each other,train +24669,24670,24670,tudungay paveli nu luma tu turun,rice cakes arranged by the family,test +24670,24671,24671,mikuniyul tu sasuwalen,not speak to the point,train +24671,24672,24672,lamal,internal heat,train +24672,24673,24673,suʼelinay itya a urip nu mita Pangcah haw ri,life at that time,train +24673,24674,24674,pina han kiya mapawan tu kami wawa tu aawiten nu matuʼas pinaay hakini sanay tu,I do not remember how many just for the sake of having textile threads to hook up with,train +24674,24675,24675,kareteng ku kafang nu aniniay a situ,Nowadays students schoolbags are very heavy,train +24675,24676,24676,u an iraay tu i caira ku i tapangay,if they were alive they would be in charge,train +24676,24677,24677,salikaka mapulung ngaʼay hu,Hello brothers and sisters,train +24677,24678,24678,tahira tu i enem a pulu fafaw ku urip haw i,you are over years old,train +24678,24679,24679,caay ka salungan kaku caay haca^ ka sulimet ku paaririan hamaanen ri,No I am plain and the warehouse has not been tidied up yet,train +24679,24680,24680,manen haw ayaway a,I cannot help it,test +24680,24681,24681,u mahaenay,that is it,train +24681,24682,24682,a misatapang tu kaku tu sakafalu a pulu ira ku tusa,I am almost years old,train +24682,24683,24683,anu awa kura urad u pipatepengan aku tu nanum kura,if it is dehydrated that is what I am using to store the water if it is dehydrated,train +24683,24684,24684,mipasifana tamiyanan raheker ku falucu,so now we can put our words into words,train +24684,24685,24685,tahira i raay ira masalitemuk nira ku ccay a fafahiyan a mikuliciway,somewhere not far away he met one girl who rode a bike,train +24685,24686,24686,mahaenay haen han nu malitengay itiyahu,that is the way the old man used to arrange it,train +24686,24687,24687,misatapang tuku tayal nu maku tu midiputay tu adadaay atu matuʼasay,started working as a caregiver for the sick and the elderly,train +24687,24688,24688,maruʼay,sedentary,train +24688,24689,24689,patalawen,let us scare,train +24689,24690,24690,tusa a pulu,twenty,test +24690,24691,24691,sasuwalen aku anini pakayni tura lifung,today I am going to talk about infectious diseases,train +24691,24692,24692,anu maimeimer ku cima tu pulung nu rikec anu miliyangay cingra tu ccay i u miliyangay cingra tu pulung nu rikec,for whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it,train +24692,24693,24693,malisinay a tamdaw,a person devoted to animistic religion,train +24693,24694,24694,mimelaw,regard as,train +24694,24695,24695,a adingu,the soul,train +24695,24696,24696,saemel ni sahetu u eli ku fadahung,this old thatched roof house is very cool,train +24696,24697,24697,remiad,weather,train +24697,24698,24698,awa tu kura,no more of that,train +24698,24699,24699,itini i,Here,train +24699,24700,24700,miuway,pick up vines,test +24700,24701,24701,Hay,you are welcome,train +24701,24702,24702,a kakitilaan,destination,train +24702,24703,24703,oya nidmakan namu i tiyahu i u kakanguduan namu anini o maan ku ^puc nuya dmak namu saw o patay ku pahrekan nuya dmak namu,what benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of those things result in death,train +24703,24704,24704,malatusa,data,train +24704,24705,24705,o suwal tuna Tapang hananay i u Fangcalay Adingu o iraay ku Adingu nu Tapang i lunuk sa kuya tamdaw a midmak,now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom,train +24705,24706,24706,ca akung hay,is it Grandpa Yes it is,train +24706,24707,24707,mamang,a little bit,train +24707,24708,24708,matiya u suwal nahuni,it is like what I just said,train +24708,24709,24709,kaku misakuliay nanay u pida,I want to be paid for my work,train +24709,24710,24710,yasa naina,my mom,test +24710,24711,24711,o kulakulangan maemin ku umah nu Pangcah,Amis fields are planted with mustard,train +24711,24712,24712,tanektek ku tireng ngaay haca a micelem mipacing mi auwang,you can get fit and healthy as well as dive shoot fish and pick up sea urchins,train +24712,24713,24713,pahecektu tura hecek haw i,place the columns,train +24713,24714,24714,i awuawulan hen ku luma,the house is still in the bamboo forest,train +24714,24715,24715,tadangaʼayay ku,very good,train +24715,24716,24716,Pacauf sa ci Simun a sumuwal Singsiaw salafii sa kami a matayal i awaay ku maalaay niyam tu maan aca Nikawrira du^du han aku ku suwal Isu a mitfad tu salil han ningra,Simon answered Master we have worked hard all night and have not caught anything but because you say so I will let down the nets,train +24716,24717,24717,i nacila a fulad ya mipatelungan isu i takuwananay a tulu tilid,the three books you gave me last month,train +24717,24718,24718,kasinirsquuadaen,Mercy,train +24718,24719,24719,Mikakilim ci Idek tuya nipanaan nira a ayam,Issek looked for the bird he had shot,train +24719,24720,24720,matawalay aku miala ku sasipasip,I forgot to bring the eraser,test +24720,24721,24721,samaanen ku pinangan nu maku kiya mafana mitangu tu wama atu ina,will they respect their parents,train +24721,24722,24722,masamanay ku rayray ira,what is it named after,train +24722,24723,24723,pafelien nu wina kaku tu lima pulu a payci tu pilipalipayan,mom gives me a week,train +24723,24724,24724,akaa pisumad tu radiw tu keru nu tatuasan,do not change the traditional songs and dances,train +24724,24725,24725,pasifanaay,engage Understand Teach,train +24725,24726,24726,angtul tu sisa,it stinks,train +24726,24727,24727,hatira ku maku,that is me,train +24727,24728,24728,fuhecien isu nu hatini ngaʼayay tu,or you can take it apart right away,train +24728,24729,24729,i tini i kalahukan i taluʼan tu fafaʼinay,the men are at the venue,train +24729,24730,24730,Malakalapiyat ku masasetulay a tingki i kakarayan,electricity clashes between the sun and the yin in the sky become lightning,test +24730,24731,24731,itini tuna paru nu luma niyam hatu awaay tu ku manan,my family seems to be missing something it makes us sad,train +24731,24732,24732,u vadukuk,bracken,train +24732,24733,24733,samanen han misuʼut safalat kura kilang,how do you tie it to a pole,train +24733,24734,24734,Pakaciacefelay kita u Cecianghaw ku kalikiay,we will take the train the self strengthening is fast,train +24734,24735,24735,nanay mangaay cingra i kalahitayan,I do not want to be in the army,train +24735,24736,24736,pahiya han tini ku namal kira patatudungen aka tu takarawen,the fire started right in front of us we need to be at the right altitude,train +24736,24737,24737,tilatilatu micukay tilatilatu,it is been there forever it is still there,train +24737,24738,24738,uraan itini kiya hiya kamaruʼan nu tayling kiya,the police station is right here,train +24738,24739,24739,raheker ku falucu nu maku a ini kisu,I am so relieved that you are here,train +24739,24740,24740,cakamaan kaku aka ka saan ku falucu haw,do not be tempted to think small,test +24740,24741,24741,itini i tansuy kami iʼayaw tahanini,we have been living in freshwater as a couple until now,train +24741,24742,24742,Mafana kisu a mikuliciw haw,do you know how to ride a bicycle,train +24742,24743,24743,kala Tumuk nu maku haw i,when I was the head of the program,train +24743,24744,24744,cifalucu tuku wina nangra,their mothers have hearts too,train +24744,24745,24745,anu matira hai a caka haenen aku haw i,Yes it is if you do not do it you cannot do it,train +24745,24746,24746,ci Singkuy haw,Tsz Wan Shan a mountain in Kowloon Hong Kong,train +24746,24747,24747,itiya i u mimaliay u Amis i sahetu tayra i Kakinawlin hananay Kanu itiya hu,in the old days all the Amis who played baseball went to Kano to study and practice,train +24747,24748,24748,o masay han kuraan,that is a vine,train +24748,24749,24749,ditek han ku kuku aku a hatilaayay iri ku kuku nu wawa ita saan,after measuring my feet my father knew the size of his child,train +24749,24750,24750,syiku nu Taywan caay kaaraw nu tau,the Hans fruit orchard has not anyone seen it,test +24750,24751,24751,kurira a faʼinayan,the boy,train +24751,24752,24752,makasimsim tu mamihulul nira tengilen hantu kina radiw haw,think of her lover then listen to this song,train +24752,24753,24753,raan saka,so to speak,train +24753,24754,24754,Nipitenun mikared,knitting rolling threads,train +24754,24755,24755,kipaputalan,it is always out there,train +24755,24756,24756,mikudasing tusa mikudasing kami,parents picking peanuts children picking peanuts,train +24756,24757,24757,Matuul ku falucu aku,my heart is lonely,train +24757,24758,24758,kampiwta^tingnaw,computer,train +24758,24759,24759,tura pisanga tura kilang,and what to do with the wood,train +24759,24760,24760,tadaca kanga muwad kiya funguh aku,I cannot get up because of the pain in my head,test +24760,24761,24761,anu miaca tu lalusidan fangcaltu mahaenay,if you want to buy equipment you can also use the redemption rolls,train +24761,24762,24762,masetik hu kaku u sanay anu u kalangtu anu u afartu anu u futingtu,I am going to fish for crabs shrimps and fish,train +24762,24763,24763,misakapahay hu kami masapayay hu kami,when we come over we need to get organized,train +24763,24764,24764,hatini u tarudu ku tataʼang,it is as big as a thumb,train +24764,24765,24765,tangtangan ira ira tu kura nanum,they are done with all that water,train +24765,24766,24766,ha ha ha ha,ha ha ha ha,train +24766,24767,24767,matawalay aku a miala ku sararup,I forgot to bring the eraser,train +24767,24768,24768,tataak,oldest,train +24768,24769,24769,adihaytu ku nipaflian namu i takuwanan Marnectu kaku a milayap tu nipataynian ni Ipafrutitus a sapafli namu o ccay nu fangsisay a sapacakat namu i Kawas kunini u kalipahakan u karahkeran nu Kawas a milayap,I have received full payment and even more I am amply supplied now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent they are a fragrant offering an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to God,train +24769,24770,24770,u ruma tu ku urip hiwawa itiya hu,the living conditions at that time were extraordinary were not they,test +24770,24771,24771,nawhan ni cacay kaku i,because I am a person too,train +24771,24772,24772,Taylaay kami,we have to go,train +24772,24773,24773,tangasa micudad nu ripun picudadan nu niyaru,I was educated in Japan in the first and second grades in my hometown,train +24773,24774,24774,mafaha kaku,I am coughing,train +24774,24775,24775,o maan ku kafanaan nu misu,what do you know,train +24775,24776,24776,Cisinufuay tu epah kira matuasay a talalutuk,that elder has brought wine to the mountain,train +24776,24777,24777,ya maluluay kiya,like purple,train +24777,24778,24778,fanaw,pool,train +24778,24779,24779,ura sanay a demak tuna pakesangan,Instead it follows the festivals such as the dragon boat Festival,train +24779,24780,24780,u hai,Yeah Oh,test +24780,24781,24781,haen,pull it this way,train +24781,24782,24782,Mangatatu a talahkal ku Kitakit nu Kawas han a patnak,as you go preach this message The kingdom of heaven is near,train +24782,24783,24783,lalisan,it is a fever,train +24783,24784,24784,makakilim,rush,train +24784,24785,24785,sapisarucek,active rice donation,train +24785,24786,24786,fala,lung,train +24786,24787,24787,i ikur nu ^nem a rumiad i dukduk han ni Yis a mikrid ci Pitiru atu tusaay a malikaka ci Yakup aci Yuhani a tayra a macukacuk i takaraway a lutuk,after six days Jesus took with him Peter James and John the brother of James and led them up a high mountain by themselves,train +24787,24788,24788,mipaculi hu kisu han nu kuciw haw i caaytu mama,and asked the young people to admit their mistakes in front of the public,train +24788,24789,24789,itiya mangaay ku nipalangaw saan ku suwal nu pasevanaʼay nu matuʼasay,elders who know about this matter have said that this is the way to grow good seedlings,train +24789,24790,24790,asik,clean,test +24790,24791,24791,mala tu u maan kura,I have been an alcoholic for two years now,train +24791,24792,24792,o sufitay anu caka madimadi tu Tapang ningra i awatu ku saluˈingan ningra misaˈicel a miluud,a soldier who is not loyal to his commander cannot give his best on the battlefield,train +24792,24793,24793,parayrayen kami tu maludemak,please instruct us on the correct approach,train +24793,24794,24794,caay ka u maan,content is simple,train +24794,24795,24795,maludemak,affair,train +24795,24796,24796,itira i ʼaluʼaluan mikilim tu dita,I am looking for clay in the river,train +24796,24797,24797,o urun aku tu mama saka taluma kaku a milisu,I came back because I miss my dad,train +24797,24798,24798,tira satu ku tayal aku itiya,I have been working there ever since,train +24798,24799,24799,pinaay tu,which,train +24799,24800,24800,malecad ku nikaenan ita a felac nikaurira masasiruma ku pinangan ita,we eat the same rice but we have different temperaments,test +24800,24801,24801,matuʼas tu kaku cifainay tu kaku,I have been married since I was an adult,train +24801,24802,24802,Ma^dengaytu a luduten ku dateng isu haw,are your vegetables ready to be harvested,train +24802,24803,24803,mikutanganhu saka,I used to shoot fish with a fishbowl,train +24803,24804,24804,Hay mafana caira,Yes they speak the ethnic language,train +24804,24805,24805,tu niʼan u Dungi mita u Pangcah u suwal tura ira ku ni pitakus pateli itini i parud i sapad aca turaan u sapatafu nu mita,to worship heaven angels and ancestors there is a ceremony to honor the invitations and the basic ritual of placing the offerings on the stove and table,train +24805,24806,24806,o tayal nu fainainay u miurungay tu kasuy,our men job was to cut wood,train +24806,24807,24807,adihay,there are many,train +24807,24808,24808,falud,bundle,train +24808,24809,24809,tayni sanay i kali a mainu aca haw,the bath is in the stream outside the house,train +24809,24810,24810,pafeli han nira kaku,just for me,test +24810,24811,24811,kaeca,no,train +24811,24812,24812,tanukakuhkuh,lots of cobras,train +24812,24813,24813,hay Pangcah caay kahaen ha,Yes the Amis do not do that,train +24813,24814,24814,fainayan,a male,train +24814,24815,24815,si^naway ku rumiad taedipen a ci riku,the weather is very cold so wear more clothes,train +24815,24816,24816,minalay tu misangaʼay tu lumaʼtini i pusung,looking for work in construction,train +24816,24817,24817,salineknek,filter net,train +24817,24818,24818,ali,Actually that one sister in law,train +24818,24819,24819,enaw haca u maan ku matawalay isu,here we go again what have you forgotten,train +24819,24820,24820,hatiraay haw,that is it,test +24820,24821,24821,ta puwapwa ku ina niyam atu mama niyam tipulu haw i,the parents started out organizing a family,train +24821,24822,24822,adihayay kira haw,because there are so many,train +24822,24823,24823,ira u pala namu haw ira tu,do you have farmland Yes I do,train +24823,24824,24824,padangen nu finawlan kami a misademi anini,the tribesmen helped us in the kitchen today,train +24824,24825,24825,o tepi ku sapikeling ni ina tu kulasing,mom fried peanuts with a wooden spoon,train +24825,24826,24826,cahu pinukay ku Dipun,Japan has not left yet,train +24826,24827,24827,ira ku auwang anca uya kakutungay,there are sea urchins and seaweed,train +24827,24828,24828,yu sakahrekantu kuya pitu a rumiad i maaraw nu nai Aciyaay a Yutaya a tamdaw ku nika ira ni Pawlu i Fangcalay Pitaungan Saka paurur han nangra ku finawlan a ma^min a pakamay i cingraan,when the seven days were nearly over some Jews from the province of Asia saw Paul at the temple they stirred up the whole crowd and seized him,train +24828,24829,24829,nasu,eggplant,train +24829,24830,24830,u mahanay a salili u nu Ripun,this pillar is Japanese,test +24830,24831,24831,sa kaku itiya i tira tu i kaʼayaway ku kafana,it is time for the class to start talking,train +24831,24832,24832,ca Pawlu aci Parnapas i itira sahu i Antiyuk a mikaput tu alumanay a tamdaw a pasifana a patnak tu suwal nu Tapang,but Paul and Barnabas remained in Antioch where they and many others taught and preached the word of the Lord,train +24832,24833,24833,mituulay tu ku pakalungay tahini i sefi,the teenage class follows them into the clubhouse,train +24833,24834,24834,tayraay atulan ku ruma tayraay fanaw,some are in Toronto some are on the pool right now,train +24834,24835,24835,ku matuʼasay taminan i tiyahu,the elders said this to us,train +24835,24836,24836,itiyatu malalitemuh masasuwal,that is where we met,train +24836,24837,24837,anini i niyan sa u nikataelivan ku kungku,now I will just have to tell you the story of my experience orally,train +24837,24838,24838,misaliyaliyaw a mingitangit ciira i ci Yisan tu saka aka fahfahen cangra a paliyas nanitini tuna pala,and he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area,train +24838,24839,24839,nannin kamu mararamud atu kina saka tusa a faʼinay,how many years have you been married to your second husband,train +24839,24840,24840,nian i caay kapawan nu mita,as for these we have never forgotten them,test +24840,24841,24841,tayra hu i lipuing ya suwal aku huni,let us go back to the time when I was a member of the Legislative Council,train +24841,24842,24842,tu malu nu tau hu,for the sake of others to have the opportunity to collect,train +24842,24843,24843,ngaay tu,it is okay,train +24843,24844,24844,Pakapal,please raise your hand,train +24844,24845,24845,Nika caayay kalecad ku kungku a cudad,However the storybooks we bought are different,train +24845,24846,24846,saka,defend,train +24846,24847,24847,mafanaʼay tu kisu haw,you are really something,train +24847,24848,24848,maumah tu masaʼakiway tira,there is a lot of individual farming out there,train +24848,24849,24849,kacereman nu cidal,sunset,train +24849,24850,24850,ta miilisinay tu saan maenga tu masadak malingad saan,you can go out to work after participating in the Harvest Festival,test +24850,24851,24851,maheraay,I picked it up,train +24851,24852,24852,Marama ku wawa,the child is unhappy,train +24852,24853,24853,nu faʼinayan a ngiha nu fafahiyan a ngiha masamaanay kira,how boys voices and girls voices,train +24853,24854,24854,ta fangcal ku tatirengan nu ningra,no bodily harm,train +24854,24855,24855,Makaduhay nura kay^ing kaku,I was fascinated by that lady,train +24855,24856,24856,ri tawmaʼay tu san mikusan mitusyang tu saan,then it came back because the Japanese surrendered,train +24856,24857,24857,ta caci caay kaku picakay tunu a,I do not have a uniform from Nagahama junior high School,train +24857,24858,24858,aadihay,there will be many,train +24858,24859,24859,alaen ku hiya nu ngangan nu Taywan,it is become a Min name,train +24859,24860,24860,hay ka ulahan naku,that is what I like,test +24860,24861,24861,ku,practice,train +24861,24862,24862,nanay kita anu mafanaʼay kamu tu dateng nu tuʼas,Hopefully if you know the vegetables of your ancestors,train +24862,24863,24863,maulah kaku kina fuduy pina^ ku aca^,I like this piece of clothing how much is it,train +24863,24864,24864,mafiwfiw,blown by the wind,train +24864,24865,24865,tangasa i katuʼasan i ya mahaenay aca ku nikaumah haw sa kaku,father was relieved to entrust me with his work,train +24865,24866,24866,su^su ku kulung isu,your water buffalo is healthy,train +24866,24867,24867,suelinaymatama,correct,train +24867,24868,24868,anu ciʼicel kaku mikiʼeciw asa,I am interested in leading,train +24868,24869,24869,Karaficekut ku waay nu cumikayay,a runners feet are prone to cramping,train +24869,24870,24870,icuwaay ku harakatay nu cinamalay atu pasu,which is faster the train or the bus,test +24870,24871,24871,itira tu pisalama aku i as maan sahetu sa u Amis ku misalamaay tu hatiniay san kaku,I was surprised that all the players were Amis,train +24871,24872,24872,awa ku lalan dedu hananay kura alu,there is no road just a stream,train +24872,24873,24873,pukuh,joint,train +24873,24874,24874,cima satu apapacafay tamiyanan,they said Who else would stay with us,train +24874,24875,24875,lipalaw han tu nu tau a misamaamaan,when there are those in the shadows who are scheming,train +24875,24876,24876,atu masaupuay i luma isu a kiwkay atu fafahiyan a salikaka ci Apfiya atu kaput niyam a malasufitay ni Yis ci Arkipus,to Apphia our sister to Archippus our fellow soldier and to the church that meets in your home,train +24876,24877,24877,mimaan ansa kita,we want to say what we are doing,train +24877,24878,24878,iri iniku,here it is,train +24878,24879,24879,nawhani matalaw cangra a minengneng i Cingraan tangsul han ni Yis cangra a pasuwal Aka ka talaw O Kaku kunini Sangaayen ku falucu namu han ningra,because they all saw him and were terrified immediately he spoke to them and said Take courage it is I do not be afraid,train +24879,24880,24880,mitiliday i ku cecay,a junior high school student,test +24880,24881,24881,nu Recurd,in a short period of time God turned my life around,train +24881,24882,24882,u maan ku sakaurip nu namu,what do you do for a living,train +24882,24883,24883,pakakulacen,leave something Nothing,train +24883,24884,24884,ira ku sentanciye u kasufucan ni Yisan,in Jesus Christmas,train +24884,24885,24885,tadacaay ku cahiw nu mapaeletay i kafaliyusan nawhani awaay ku kakaenen,typhoon victims are extremely hungry because they have no food,train +24885,24886,24886,uni,Here,train +24886,24887,24887,sasamaan kita eca ka pikasimaan misaka dademak tu sapafeli nu Kawas a pasalat,how do we avoid abusing our God given freedom,train +24887,24888,24888,suwal sa u iraay nanitiya aca u iraay anini a Ciicelay a Tapang a Kawasaw mikansiya kami i Tisuwanan Nawhani mapatalahkaltu isu ku tadamaanay a icel isu a mikuwan,saying We give thanks to you Lord God Almighty the one who is and who was because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign,train +24888,24889,24889,Irari macuwa tu ku nikaherekan nu misu rahker kisu,Voila how is the result of your efforts are you satisfied,train +24889,24890,24890,cakelis,axe,test +24890,24891,24891,tuwa yu,when,train +24891,24892,24892,Palenaken ku ayam namu,have your birds multiply,train +24892,24893,24893,salaw ira kuna radiw kira,that is why we have this song,train +24893,24894,24894,anu makeru i,if you want to dance,train +24894,24895,24895,tu tayal nu luma,doing housework,train +24895,24896,24896,o sakakaay a kaka aku u faʼinayan,the oldest of us is big Brother,train +24896,24897,24897,liyaw tu a rumiad tuulen nu maku ciama atu ci Ina malacafay a tayra,next time I will come with my parents,train +24897,24898,24898,kataynian a mihulul suwalan nira matiya di,come here and play she probably told him,train +24898,24899,24899,o pasekaay caira a misakawas tu dadaya i tamiyanan,they are late,train +24899,24900,24900,tusu rumiʼad di ulah sa kisu hatini ku lipida aku san kisu ci apaan,it is only been two days and you are so happy that I have got so much money you said that to Dad,test +24900,24901,24901,saka pateluc han nanay tu nu matuʼas ku fafahian a mipihay,Womens Reiki Matsuri is a Festival that is held by the elders for the purpose of closing the festival,train +24901,24902,24902,Dukduk han nira a miala ku paysu ni ina nira,he secretly took his mothers money,train +24902,24903,24903,cekuk saan kaku a pakaaraw tuya uner,I was shocked when I saw the snake,train +24903,24904,24904,Pataedipen nira ku cukui tu ekim,he overplayed silver on the table,train +24904,24905,24905,sakapahen ku adingu nu mita,cherish our spirituality,train +24905,24906,24906,mahemek kaku tiya ka cilemed aku,I am honored to have such a dream,train +24906,24907,24907,ira tu kuya i hekalay nu mihicayay,there is also a shoreline for catching fish fry,train +24907,24908,24908,ham han i kisu tu,it is your turn,train +24908,24909,24909,mabana tangila,it is a very sensitive ear,train +24909,24910,24910,Sakepakepa n cingra tu rumiad a matiya ituemanay,he walks in daytime like he was feeling his way in the dark with his feet,test +24910,24911,24911,o caleng ku dawdaw nu matuasay i tiya hu,in ancient times old people used pine trees as fire lamps,train +24911,24912,24912,tunu Pangcah hatui,it does speak Amis,train +24912,24913,24913,matawalay aku miala tu impic,I forgot to bring my pen,train +24913,24914,24914,Sisuka tu anini,now there is plastic,train +24914,24915,24915,parad,table,train +24915,24916,24916,adihay ku nisupedan nira a paysu,she has saved a lot of money,train +24916,24917,24917,ira hu ku ciiraananay a usaw nu paysu,he had money left on him,train +24917,24918,24918,u kankufu hananay i,working as a nurse,train +24918,24919,24919,pakaikur kaku i iraay ini hananay aku,I saw him in the back and yelled He is here,train +24919,24920,24920,o matayalay nu Tapang a tamdaw i u caay ka caculi u siniadaay tu tamdamdaw u mafanaay a pasifana u kudaitay,and the Lords servant must not quarrel instead he must be kind to everyone able to teach not resentful,test +24920,24921,24921,i luma ku wama aku misanu Amis a caciyaw tamiyanan,my father speaks the Amis language with us at home,train +24921,24922,24922,icuwa ku tangsu saw,where is the closet,train +24922,24923,24923,maraayay,far,train +24923,24924,24924,anu tayni i alu anu tayni i pariyaran ku salikaka itini a misetik i,if you go to the river if you go to the sea your compatriots are here to catch the salvage,train +24924,24925,24925,pipacuungan,sprout,train +24925,24926,24926,anca anu misafaedeedet kisu kiya,if you are having a fever you are going to have a fever you are going to have a fever,train +24926,24927,24927,cipakafana mimi,do not tell me Secret,train +24927,24928,24928,padeng han aku satapang milikat,turn it off then turn it on again,train +24928,24929,24929,hatiraay saka,that is it,train +24929,24930,24930,sawali,eastern,test +24930,24931,24931,mangaʼay tu kita u paru nu finawlan nu niyaru,the whole tribe is cured,train +24931,24932,24932,awaay ku mimelaway tu umah niyam yara i Lidaw,no one ever plows that piece of farmland in Leak she again,train +24932,24933,24933,han naku kita u kaemangay,that is it kid,train +24933,24934,24934,cadiwayentu a miurang,shrimp are also caught with a triangular net,train +24934,24935,24935,i Mulating hananay a niyaru,the village known as Mladin,train +24935,24936,24936,Haluya i Aciyaay a mikumuday a widawidang ni Pawlu a miucur tu pakarungay a papilalang ci Pawluan tu saka^caaw ka paci^ci ningra a tayra i pikiarawan,even some of the officials of the province friends of Paul sent him a message begging him not to venture into the theater,train +24936,24937,24937,mafanaʼen kakuwan tu cinglaw,because I am a good talker,train +24937,24938,24938,malafi,good night,train +24938,24939,24939,niyaru nu Taypak u pimukungan,the tribe in Taipei is where we do our carpentry,train +24939,24940,24940,Mapacakattu ci Yis a mapaaru i kawanan nu Kawas milayap cingra tu nanu nisuwalan nu wama a Fangcalay Adingu ta pafli i tamiyanan tunini onini kuya ninengnengan nitngilan namu i matini,exalted to the right hand of God he has received from the father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear,test +24940,24941,24941,Papipudeken nu kaput aku kaku a misalama,my classmates told me to drop my upper eyelids for fun,train +24941,24942,24942,i sasa nu lutuk,down the hill,train +24942,24943,24943,mangaay,be good at,train +24943,24944,24944,Itiyahu ku pikaykic nu matuʼasay,in the early days of the clan,train +24944,24945,24945,malecaday tu tatukem sahetu sanay kietecay ku iya ira,it seems to be a cold ingredient like lobelia,train +24945,24946,24946,anu sidingki iri,if there is electricity,train +24946,24947,24947,anu hatira i ira ku kaikakaan niyam u Yutaya a tamdaw tu ruma a finacadan saw Awaay Mapasuwaltu aku i ayaw tu nika u malcaday a makuwan nu raraw ku Yutaya atu ruma a finacadan a ma^min,what shall we conclude then are we any better not at all we have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin,train +24947,24948,24948,o maan ku sakatayu isu a tayni,why for what reason are you slow in coming,train +24948,24949,24949,Itiyatu a mahapinang nu nisawawaan ku nika uya Pinaun sanay a suwal ni Yis i caay ku pakayniay i tamud nu ^pang O pakayniay i nipasifana nu Farisay atu Satukay a tamdaw satu cangra a mafana,then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees,train +24949,24950,24950,mamangay ku mata nu tafukud u matiniay,this is a smaller hole in the circle of the gossip network,test +24950,24951,24951,caay ka hacuwa,there is no harvest,train +24951,24952,24952,tataak,grow up,train +24952,24953,24953,Cu ku sapiala,it is not a handheld place,train +24953,24954,24954,nawhan tu maan,Why I do not know,train +24954,24955,24955,i mapuheday a kilang ciira a mitangila,he was looking for fungus on the rotting wood,train +24955,24956,24956,Mapawpaw ku aul i riyar,bamboo is adrift in the ocean,train +24956,24957,24957,kahemekan aku kuni a demak,it makes me happy,train +24957,24958,24958,matiya u nuʼalu malikat kira,it is like a river it is beautiful,train +24958,24959,24959,ku widang i,Friends,train +24959,24960,24960,u futing u afar atu titi,there was fish shrimp and meat,test +24960,24961,24961,malcad tunini ku suwal nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas matu nika tilid tuya,the words of the prophets are in agreement with this as it is written,train +24961,24962,24962,lawac,border,train +24962,24963,24963,sakeru,dances,train +24963,24964,24964,tuemanay tu minukay tu kaku,it is late I am going home,train +24964,24965,24965,Papicekusen kira maiwawa a miala tu alufu nu matuasay i taluan,ask the kids to break down the backpacks and get the elderly backpacks back from the squatters,train +24965,24966,24966,anu tayni tina i ya patelian tu patafuan,if you come over here to put it away,train +24966,24967,24967,anu tataʼangkay enem ku pipeci hatu kuna ini,if it is a large root it can be divided into pieces like this one,train +24967,24968,24968,Suʼlinay malemed kami kaku,I am really lucky,train +24968,24969,24969,cika adadaadaden ha ha ha,I do not feel any pain at all ha ha ha,train +24969,24970,24970,tuya itira ri,at that time,test +24970,24971,24971,hatini satu i malacecay tu cangra Halu fucinkay,now they are united as one woman,train +24971,24972,24972,nanay matenglay nira kuna suwal aku,can you hear my encouragement and hope,train +24972,24973,24973,Opic en ita ku fuduy a maemin saan ci kaka aku,brother called each of us clothes,train +24973,24974,24974,pakafanaay,teachers,train +24974,24975,24975,Mucirid ku kimad nu wawa ita,our child speech was off topic,train +24975,24976,24976,iraira i kamiyanan,some with ours,train +24976,24977,24977,tuwami,noodles,train +24977,24978,24978,fufu alaen hu ku nanum sa,the kids get me water I will follow them,train +24978,24979,24979,u Kaliyawan kuniyan saan ku suwal nu vayi niyam,that is Kaliwan that is what our grandmother said,train +24979,24980,24980,adihay tu ku micekiwan nu misu,there is a lot of them,test +24980,24981,24981,talakiwkay kami a milihay,we are going to church for worship,train +24981,24982,24982,Hay ina,Okay Mom,train +24982,24983,24983,o maan kalipahakan,what are you happy about,train +24983,24984,24984,Faeket kiraan a anengang hay,is that chair heavy,train +24984,24985,24985,tiwashan aku mapuhed tiwashan aku mapuhed awaay ku usaw nu faw a micucuk,they were all rotten the rest were infested with worms,train +24985,24986,24986,anu laklak san i awaay ku icel kira,if the threads are loose there is no power,train +24986,24987,24987,mikalic cingra tu ccay a kilang mipitpit cingra tu heci u kyafes mipitpit cingra i,he climbed up a tree and plucked guavas,train +24987,24988,24988,na pinaay kura mihecaan tu kaʼayaw ira,but I do not know how long ago I have been here,train +24988,24989,24989,miariray,corn Harvest,train +24989,24990,24990,Mausi kaku tu kasienawan,I do not like winter,test +24990,24991,24991,matuʼasay suwal satu iri,elderly mans account,train +24991,24992,24992,paru,membership,train +24992,24993,24993,Nanuya mapatayra ku mapatayay a tireng nangra i Sikim ta tademen nangra itira i naniacaan ni Apraham i tluc ni Hamur a tadem,their bodies were brought back to Shechem and placed in the tomb that Abraham had bought from the sons of Hamor at Shechem for a certain sum of money,train +24993,24994,24994,u epah atu icep tabaku,the wine and the betel nut the cigarettes,train +24994,24995,24995,itiya i maaraw aku ku Tufur a siri a tumireng i kaayaw nuya tadamaanay a anengang Mataliyuk nuya saspatay a mauripay atu ciwlu cingra matiya u nipacukan kuya Tufur a Siri pitu ku puhung atu mata ningra o niucuran nu Kawas i pulung nu hkal u tudung nu pituay a Adingu kuya pituay a mata,then I saw a Lamb looking as if it had been slain standing in the center of the throne encircled by the four living creatures and the elders he had seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth,train +24995,24996,24996,misacilicilis ku,boys as drains,train +24996,24997,24997,kaayaway,ahead,train +24997,24998,24998,sacikulil san,keep playing,train +24998,24999,24999,hai kaenen kaenen aku ha ha ha ha ha ha ha,Ha ha ha ha,train +24999,25000,25000,tatalacuwa,where are you going,test +25000,25001,25001,Ha mafanaay tu kaku Ahuwiday,Oh I see thank you,train +25001,25002,25002,tu,exist,train +25002,25003,25003,sarusarus,saw,train +25003,25004,25004,pangawaen,Let Gap,train +25004,25005,25005,pinaluma,plants planted,train +25005,25006,25006,misimaw tu safa,it is because I have to take care of my siblings,train +25006,25007,25007,haen sa ku lingad tayra umah mahaen i tu,I go to the field every day and do the same thing,train +25007,25008,25008,irahaca mengaw tini,I am still going to grow up here,train +25008,25009,25009,mikunun,kneeling,train +25009,25010,25010,Kulas ngaay hu,Hello Kolas,test +25010,25011,25011,Karakutu ku caayay pilikut,if you do not wash your hair often you may get head lice,train +25011,25012,25012,faki,aunt,train +25012,25013,25013,maherek a rumadiw kuya kaput kaput nangra haw i,when the peers have finished singing,train +25013,25014,25014,anu patahekal kita tu ulah wa samaan misulut tu tau sakafanaˈaw ci Yihafaan hani,in Thailand for example a man attending a regional conference was moved by the genuine love shown by his brothers and sisters,train +25014,25015,25015,caay tu,I am not going to,train +25015,25016,25016,oya maliwasakay a tamdamdaw i rakaten nangra ku niyaruaru a mipatnak tu suwal nu Kawas,those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went,train +25016,25017,25017,ira ku kasaniyaru nu Pangcah haw,what about becoming an Amis settlement,train +25017,25018,25018,pasuwal ci Yis tu ruma a tinaku suwal sa O Kitakit nu Kawas i malcad tu dmak nu tamud Alaen nu ccay a fafahiyan ku tamud a mipacamul i spat pulu a kungsen nu aped nu ^mi i mafihahak kunini a ma^min han ningra,he told them still another parable The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough,train +25018,25019,25019,nawhani u sakatayni aku nai kakarayan i caay ku sapituuraw tu nafalucuan nu tireng u sapilahciaw tu nafalucuan nu miucuray Takuwanan,for I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me,train +25019,25020,25020,nu maherek a mitefad tu panay,after the rice Harvest,test +25020,25021,25021,aka ka luwid nu tatiihay ka u ngaayay ku sapiluwid tu tatiihay,do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good,train +25021,25022,25022,safaw tu pitu ku mihecaan nu maku,I am seventeen years old,train +25022,25023,25023,cayka fanaʼen ku paru ira,I am not sure what is inside,train +25023,25024,25024,tayra kami,somebody is going are not they,train +25024,25025,25025,Matayu cira a dademak,she is very scatterbrained in her approach,train +25025,25026,25026,ku pisanga nu niyam anini,it is the same ingredients we are making now,train +25026,25027,25027,cinganganay,named,train +25027,25028,25028,hatira awa ku mucu u fadahung aca ku sefi itiya hu,in those days the clubhouse was all roof and no walls,train +25028,25029,25029,samisahapinang mitengil tu suwal nu singsi saka,begin to understand what the teacher is teaching,train +25029,25030,25030,ta matira kinaan,that is it,test +25030,25031,25031,suwalen aku kamu malcad tunini anu pasasiyur ku falucu nu ccay a ciraraway a tamdaw a pasayni i Kawas i tataang ku lipahak nu cuyuh nu Kawas i cingraan han ni Yis,in the same way I tell you there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents,train +25031,25032,25032,anu Farangaw tu hatiraay,even the custom in the Maryland region is like this,train +25032,25033,25033,u urip nu tamdaw hantu,the number of years of human life,train +25033,25034,25034,i haw,worked at Hualien agricultural school,train +25034,25035,25035,awaay ku epuc nu urip nu maudangay a tamdaw,the life of a person who commits adultery does not end well,train +25035,25036,25036,tudungay,meaning,train +25036,25037,25037,ya faʼinayan wawa isu iraay han ku masetikay,are any of your sons good at beachcombing,train +25037,25038,25038,malalicalicay kita,let us all of us chat,train +25038,25039,25039,haw tusa tu,Two,train +25039,25040,25040,fafahiyan ku wina aku han,my mom is a woman,test +25040,25041,25041,upu,assembly,train +25041,25042,25042,mavukil sumuwal,no ethnic language skills,train +25042,25043,25043,tu ku kamay aku,until your hand starts to hurt,train +25043,25044,25044,kafarawfawan,autumn,train +25044,25045,25045,Cima^ ku ngangan nu safa^ isu tu fafahian,what is your younger sisters name,train +25045,25046,25046,o fafahiyan kami,we are girls,train +25046,25047,25047,pacakayen i atekes,can be sold to hotels,train +25047,25048,25048,falu pulu ira ku cecay ku mihecaan aku,he is years old,train +25048,25049,25049,tadamaanay ku tedi edil nu cidal,the splendor of the sun is very bright,train +25049,25050,25050,inanengen a mitilid,you have to study hard,test +25050,25051,25051,Fihfihen nira ku riku nira,she shook her dress,train +25051,25052,25052,maala tu ku ipawsiangyen kira tu matuʼasay,I just got a pack of cigarettes for my old man,train +25052,25053,25053,way ku nanum kira,there is no water,train +25053,25054,25054,ngudu,be sorry,train +25054,25055,25055,hanaku,I,train +25055,25056,25056,iraay ku cecay a faki,there is an old man,train +25056,25057,25057,u maan saw ku sasasuwalen isu itakuwan saan ku tumuk,and the leader said What are your instructions,train +25057,25058,25058,adihay tu kura malinahay a tamdaw tira,more people are moving there,train +25058,25059,25059,mahaen kiya ku demak nu niyam hu tiya,that is what we were like back then,train +25059,25060,25060,ami u kapah itiya hu tahekal tu kami,we young people are ready to go,test +25060,25061,25061,ira ku piraduman,there is a water point,train +25061,25062,25062,i aayaw i unu aya ayam aikur i u uneuneran paytemek han ita aminengneng,there are birds in the front and snakes in the back,train +25062,25063,25063,malecal maemin cipucu huw sakaku,I saw the same thing at the time,train +25063,25064,25064,san ku haraten nu ina nu maku,my mom said,train +25064,25065,25065,tala cuwa,where are you going,train +25065,25066,25066,pasinufuen,Let carry something,train +25066,25067,25067,o Alfa Kaku o Omika Kaku o Saayaway Kaku o Saikuray Kaku o satapangan Kaku o pahrekan Kaku saan,I am the Alpha and the Omega the first and the Last the beginning and the End,train +25067,25068,25068,haw hay tira sa ci ama aku kiya,Yeah when my dad was there,train +25068,25069,25069,naw caay piasik kisu,why do not you clean up,train +25069,25070,25070,itiya i ma^deng smuut ku mihcaan ni Apraham Mafana cingra tu nika u mamapatay ku tireng ningra caaytu ku caciwawa ci Sara saan cingra Nikawrira caay ka tuled cingra a misafalucu tunini,without weakening in his faith he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old and that Sarahs womb was also dead,test +25070,25071,25071,anu u mata a ma^min ku tatirengan i u maan ku sapitngil anu u tangila a ma^min ku tatirengan i u maan ku sapisanek,if the whole body were an eye where would the sense of hearing be if the whole body were an ear where would the sense of smell be,train +25071,25072,25072,faecalay a wawa^ saan ku singsi^ a mahemek i takuwanan,my teacher praised me for being a good boy,train +25072,25073,25073,nisafalucuan,mind,train +25073,25074,25074,misangaʼay tu kikay,mechanical skills,train +25074,25075,25075,tatusa kami tuya kaka aku,I will go with my brother,train +25075,25076,25076,way sapikisafun aku han aku ku faʼinay aku kaka han naku ci kaka aku di,I told my sister I told my husband I did not have money to buy soap,train +25076,25077,25077,cima pakafanaʼay kisuwanan miʼadup sa,who taught you the art of hunting,train +25077,25078,25078,cisaharatengay tu,at that time his sister already had a crush on someone,train +25078,25079,25079,pakaen tu tu diyung,we will start feeding the pigs,train +25079,25080,25080,matuas tu,you have grown up,test +25080,25081,25081,mira,his,train +25081,25082,25082,kini,here,train +25082,25083,25083,Hayda kalamkamen matamur kaku,Yes make haste I am in a hurry,train +25083,25084,25084,mahaen ku pisawkit pikaykic nu matuʼasay kai maan tu ku masamaamaanay ci ingtelay saan,this was the best way for the clansmen to mediate between them in the past,train +25084,25085,25085,pakayni i cingraan ku sakaira nu kalumaamaan onini a kalumaamaan i awaay ku caay pakayni i cingraan a masanga,through him all things were made without him nothing was made that has been made,train +25085,25086,25086,kamaya,this red persimmon is hairy,train +25086,25087,25087,hay mainuʼay tu kaku ya miming hu,I answered Yes life was backward in those days,train +25087,25088,25088,cidacidalan,under the sun,train +25088,25089,25089,Ruray sakiya urip iayaw matakup hu nu maku,it was a very hard time and I realized that,train +25089,25090,25090,a isu tu sa tu cavay,just tell your friends to replace you,test +25090,25091,25091,lalud,in summer,train +25091,25092,25092,anini kaku a pakaaraw tu su^linay mauripay hu a facacidu,today is the first time I see real living dragonflies,train +25092,25093,25093,tini kungkawan tu,to school,train +25093,25094,25094,diputmidimukus,take care of,train +25094,25095,25095,nawhani cipaysuay i anu han pina tu ku etan manan kura sanay,because they are rich bucks a day is a lot of money a month insurance is nothing,train +25095,25096,25096,ʼauʼaulan nitahuwad,turning in the bamboo forest,train +25096,25097,25097,nu itini mita Pungudan pinaay rumiʼad nu sausien kura rumiʼad,how many days do we hold the Harvest Festival in our Hashima tribe,train +25097,25098,25098,kalamkamen a mikilim anu icuwaay cingra,find it wherever it is,train +25098,25099,25099,ya misulsulan kuni,it is a needle and embroidery,train +25099,25100,25100,naayaw u nika urip namu umaan saw ku sakaurip,what did you do for a living in the past,test +25100,25101,25101,o palusayan niyam kura,that is our orchard,train +25101,25102,25102,mihetecan tu panay,sticky rice squeeze,train +25102,25103,25103,Kacaw talacuwa^ kisu i huni miundu kisu hay,Kacaw where have you been just now did you go exercising,train +25103,25104,25104,tayra kaku i mihumung tayni i luma nu mita u Amis haw i,when I went to visit our Amis people at home in Anlak,train +25104,25105,25105,o nisangaan nu matuasay ita tu sasunian u tekes ku sapisanga,it is a musical instrument invented by our ancestors and is made of cinnamon bamboo,train +25105,25106,25106,a malekeptu ku niyaru ita,our tribe will die out,train +25106,25107,25107,anu awa hu ku irang nu tireng i,if a mans blood is gone,train +25107,25108,25108,a sapiangang tu adingu patangasa i luma,shouting for souls to come home,train +25108,25109,25109,uyanan i macaculuculuk tu ku kapah,in those days young people took turns,train +25109,25110,25110,tuna mahaen satu i hay,just then,test +25110,25111,25111,kasasingrad,all levels,train +25111,25112,25112,masadak satu saayaway kisu,the final decision was made because it was my first time sailing,train +25112,25113,25113,riri,grasshopper,train +25113,25114,25114,ura sa tu radiw nu malitengay kura,to the tune of the old men songs,train +25114,25115,25115,misanga ku heni tu,they make,train +25115,25116,25116,Miasiaky kaku papialaen isu ci Kacaw,I am sweeping the floor and you asked Kacaw to carry it for you,train +25116,25117,25117,pasuwal sa ci Yis Tayra Kaku a miadah i cingraan han ningra,Jesus said to him I will go and heal him,train +25117,25118,25118,ikur,afterwards,train +25118,25119,25119,adihayen ku piatal,then serve more,train +25119,25120,25120,anu minukay kaku milisuˈ tu wama wina i mifanaway tu kaysing kaku aci Aser,when I came home to visit my parents I would help with the dishes after dinner with Arthur,test +25120,25121,25121,kaemih ku aca nina tusiya,this car is a real bargain,train +25121,25122,25122,kiyami saʼayaw misanga tiya kayakayan na kiyami,that is how it used to be when we were working on the Hualien Bridge,train +25122,25123,25123,malalisanay,Fever,train +25123,25124,25124,hay caedung caedung sa tu sanay kaku,I am just looking for something easy to wear,train +25124,25125,25125,na mihecaan nu maku anini i,last year,train +25125,25126,25126,han naku kamu han han pibalut,this is what I am going to teach you how to tie up,train +25126,25127,25127,nengnengen aku tapiden isu u maan sa,it seems to me that you are embroidered and can see nothing,train +25127,25128,25128,awaay tu ku tavi pacakayan aku nalica mapeci paangtang hatuay,when the plow broke down a while back I sold it like a piece of junk,train +25128,25129,25129,o nisangaan nu maku a cufel kiraan,that is the sheath I made,train +25129,25130,25130,aca tu kafuti adihay ku riya riyar itira i Pisirian,no way there is a beautiful sea in Hakushu run,test +25130,25131,25131,patuaya,offering,train +25131,25132,25132,mahecad caay katatudung anu tapalen nu mita,it does not make sense to our people,train +25132,25133,25133,o miucilay ci ina aku ci kakaan nu maku a tayra i Takaw a mihulul,my mom went to Kaohsiung with my sister,train +25133,25134,25134,away ciira i luma mimaan kisu,she is not here what can I do for you,train +25134,25135,25135,Cuwa pataduay kaku cifufuan a miaca tu dateng,No I went grocery shopping for my grandma,train +25135,25136,25136,u urip,living,train +25136,25137,25137,malainaay,Mom,train +25137,25138,25138,anu mimaan kami u matuʼasay,that is what she always says when we have an event,train +25138,25139,25139,mikikaru,pomelo picking,train +25139,25140,25140,anini a rumiad cuwa ka sienaw cuwa ka faedet sangaayay sanay,it is neither cold nor hot today very comfortable,test +25140,25141,25141,kura mialaay tu lusad nura cecay kapah a kapah,take the young mans costume,train +25141,25142,25142,nu singsiay kura kahengangay a impic,the red pencil belongs to the teacher,train +25142,25143,25143,kapahtu,Rehabilitation,train +25143,25144,25144,hawhan kiyami,look at it this way,train +25144,25145,25145,nima a tireng ku madukaay,whose body got hurt,train +25145,25146,25146,tapal han nu inaina nu matuʼasay,when a mother or an elderly person calls out,train +25146,25147,25147,itini i,I am standing in front of the Aboriginal anchor desk,train +25147,25148,25148,han aku kiya cengah mifeng tayra i,that is how I threw the brick to the second floor,train +25148,25149,25149,nanuya haw i,from then on,train +25149,25150,25150,saka matiraay ku suwal nu maku tu pakayniay tura niyaru Kinanuka hananay kira,I so tell only that antler tribe,test +25150,25151,25151,Maenen aca awaay ku hemay niyam u walay a cacay,I am sorry we do not have rice here only pasta,train +25151,25152,25152,nu ma haw milaliw hay hay,escaped from Yilan Yes,train +25152,25153,25153,hacuwa^,When,train +25153,25154,25154,suʼelin tu icila kami u niyaru a rumadiw,the last time we sang in our hometown,train +25154,25155,25155,itiya i ira ku ccay a tamdaw a milicay i ci Yisan Tapangaw caay ka aluman ku mamapaurip nu Kawas saw han ningra,someone asked him Lord are only a few people going to be saved he said to them,train +25155,25156,25156,ira amin ku maamaan,there is everything,train +25156,25157,25157,o Amis,it is the Amis,train +25157,25158,25158,ira ku ma,there are big slopes are not there,train +25158,25159,25159,makapahay ku rumiad anini,it is a beautiful day,train +25159,25160,25160,tu natepung miming hanaw,because the hole is very small,test +25160,25161,25161,sa kura malikakaay,the two brothers spoke,train +25161,25162,25162,pikidihekuan,a place to stay warm,train +25162,25163,25163,cira,it,train +25163,25164,25164,marikec ku finawlan nu niyaru ita,the people in our town are united of one heart,train +25164,25165,25165,Pacauf sa ci Yis Cahu ka asip namu saw ku pakayniay i nanu dmak na Tafiti atu kaput ningra yu macahiw cangra,Jesus answered them Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry,train +25165,25166,25166,ci tumuk tiya cingkul nira haw,the ringleader is holding his cane,train +25166,25167,25167,saka tiya mipadang kaku cingranan,so I helped him,train +25167,25168,25168,u sasasudacan hananay nu niyam,we are called inspection points,train +25168,25169,25169,ci ama mafukilay minengneng tu Kuwaping,dad does not know how to read Chinese characters,train +25169,25170,25170,akaway,stalk,test +25170,25171,25171,malahitay kaku,I have been in the army for years,train +25171,25172,25172,o nuhir nira malasangay i lalan inacila,the drunk one from yesterday was crawling in the dust on the road,train +25172,25173,25173,Sahetu u makakawangay kura midanguyay i riyar,then the ones swimming at the beach are completely naked,train +25173,25174,25174,maʼaraway nu maku,I have seen it,train +25174,25175,25175,tayni masaupu kisu anudafak,are you coming to the party tomorrow,train +25175,25176,25176,i tahaluma i tuntunen mantaʼay hu sakita haw,when we get home we will start sawing if the woods still wet,train +25176,25177,25177,onini a suwal ningra i caay ku nipipaayaw ningra tu pakuyuc a tamdaw o mitakaway cingra o mitatuyay cingra tu papaysuan nangra mananam cingra a mitakaw tu mitatuyan ningra a paysu,he did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief as Keeper of the money bag he used to help himself to what was put into it,train +25177,25178,25178,aluman ku mapatayay sa u ruma i matalaw tu matayal tu tu itira satu ku itra,a lot of people died some were afraid to switch to molding and there were more and more molders then,train +25178,25179,25179,naʼayaw tataʼak tu ku,thirty bucks used to be a lot of money,train +25179,25180,25180,malinahay a matayalay itira,workers relocated that way,test +25180,25181,25181,miala tu kaceferang i tayra i pala mihiya tu kudasing,it is summer go pull peanuts,train +25181,25182,25182,nika ura raecusay aca ku valucu,but you are going to get some really mean ones too,train +25182,25183,25183,malasaikuray,it is the last one,train +25183,25184,25184,han,right away,train +25184,25185,25185,Natalacuwa saw kamu i nalica amihulul,where did you guys go last time,train +25185,25186,25186,hatiraay ku demak itiyahu malahitay,that is what it was like to enlist in the army back then,train +25186,25187,25187,anu matawa ci ina haw i mangalef ku nikafangcal nira,mom is especially beautiful when she smiles,train +25187,25188,25188,ku pakafana nu matuʼasay,that is what the elders taught me,train +25188,25189,25189,i hiyaay,in the field,train +25189,25190,25190,mapatay tu ku ina niyam awaay tu ku misa Kaliyawanay,after my mother died no one said a word about Kalywan,test +25190,25191,25191,salipahak saan caira i kafalian,they are happy when the wind blows,train +25191,25192,25192,a yu,Aww,train +25192,25193,25193,sufucan kaku tu wawa i cecay,this is our first child,train +25193,25194,25194,maliki nu bali tangsa itini,rafting,train +25194,25195,25195,o lutung han ku lutung matefad na ikilang,monkeys cannot climb trees,train +25195,25196,25196,aka ramaen ku pipakaen tu wawa,do not feed the child in an unorganized way,train +25196,25197,25197,tu tadamaanay a lemed aku,I had a very special dream,train +25197,25198,25198,tuwa mapatay kiya sava aku,resulting in unfortunate death,train +25198,25199,25199,aw itiya yu,Oh yeah,train +25199,25200,25200,tisuwanan,You you,test +25200,25201,25201,marucek tu ku suwal nu misu,you are absolutely right,train +25201,25202,25202,aniniay haw kutingkuting han tu aku mikuting,now fix fix fix go fix,train +25202,25203,25203,mifarasi,taking advantage of flooding to catch fish,train +25203,25204,25204,Mihaenay anu mitusil paihkal tu ngaˈayay capeling nu Krisciyang tada masakalimlaan,from this we can see that it is important to have good Christian character in preaching,train +25204,25205,25205,cai cai hu kaedeng,No that is not enough,train +25205,25206,25206,u rarapa naayaw ku sadademak,used to work with cows,train +25206,25207,25207,mahaenay kiy atu imi nu mita,that is our conflict,train +25207,25208,25208,ira mahadak ku cidal,and the sun is shining,train +25208,25209,25209,ini ku simsimen nu tau,live forever in peoples hearts,train +25209,25210,25210,pitademan,graveyard,test +25210,25211,25211,itira kita a mawmah san awaay kamawmahan itini i kalala,plowing here because there is no place to plow in Garnachana,train +25211,25212,25212,kiya hatini tu ku tataak nu vavuy nu liyal,it is such a big whale,train +25212,25213,25213,Cinasuay ku tafu nu maku a talapicudadan,my lunchbox to school has eggplant,train +25213,25214,25214,nani tiraay Tayliwku a Hulam,foreigners from the mainland,train +25214,25215,25215,micakay haca^ kaku sapilepun tu cecay lian nu pida^,I will buy some more and make up yuan,train +25215,25216,25216,Tuciyang isu i,where is your father,train +25216,25217,25217,pakaen sa henay tu rarapa araw awaay tu a mamelaw kira matuasay talacuwaen hakiya,the old mans gone off to pasture and I am wondering where he is,train +25217,25218,25218,mialupaynay,catching fireflies,train +25218,25219,25219,a Masasiluma,look at that they are all different,train +25219,25220,25220,i ingid isu kura impic,that pencil is right next to you,test +25220,25221,25221,Enep sanay kaku tura fafahiyan,that girl is confusing me,train +25221,25222,25222,kisu a paramud ci Vavu Liyalan,if you promise to match,train +25222,25223,25223,yi umaan ku nian sa,Ee what is this,train +25223,25224,25224,saw itini i Paʼanifung,that is why in Hing Cheong,train +25224,25225,25225,pakaynien,by means of,train +25225,25226,25226,u katengilan nu maku ira tu,Well I have heard that there is,train +25226,25227,25227,Nanucila caka kumaen tu maamaan ciira,he has not eaten anything since yesterday,train +25227,25228,25228,pacafelisen i Kilung,I am sending it to Keelung,train +25228,25229,25229,nu litenghu a demak,affairs related to ancestors former life style,train +25229,25230,25230,u mali mitatuyan nangra tafsiw saan kiya tatuluay,they passed carrying balls,test +25230,25231,25231,o maaditay tu ku katiluan a duka nira wawa,the cuts from the boys fall were already hardened,train +25231,25232,25232,ira aca ku nipisanga tu,homemade Amis traditional sweet rice cake,train +25232,25233,25233,sa mahaenay itiya hu saka yana tamdaw itiya haw i,this mans behavior,train +25233,25234,25234,itini i kiwkay,in the church,train +25234,25235,25235,kapahay niy,it is great Beautiful,train +25235,25236,25236,hayi sa kisu a midudu tusuwal,You are willing to obey,train +25236,25237,25237,Tihtih han kita a pasaliyut,shake us up spin us around,train +25237,25238,25238,kita kuya nipilian nu Kawas a tamdaw nai Yutaya a tamdaw nai ruma a finacadan tu malufinawlan ningra,what if God choosing to show his wrath and make his power known bore with great patience the objects of his wrath prepared for destruction,train +25238,25239,25239,misuayaw,toward,train +25239,25240,25240,pawali^,dry,test +25240,25241,25241,Orasaka anu mahpultu kunini a raraw i malimaanhu ku pipacakat tu sakahpul nu raraw a sapatuaya,and where these have been forgiven there is no longer any sacrifice for sin,train +25241,25242,25242,pangangan han tu itira i ci an,let her take Zheng Guimeis name,train +25242,25243,25243,sakainalan,envy,train +25243,25244,25244,takumud,cotton,train +25244,25245,25245,Kuhepicay kuna cudad,this book is very thin,train +25245,25246,25246,caay,No I will not,train +25246,25247,25247,pasuwalen aku kamu u mafanaay a miharateng a tamdaw hapinangen kunini a suwal aku a miharateng,I speak to sensible people judge for yourselves what I say,train +25247,25248,25248,yan tu i pinaay ku mihecaan nu misu patatikul i niyaru,when will you come back to Taitung,train +25248,25249,25249,samanay maharateng hu isu,what was it like in the early days do you remember,train +25249,25250,25250,u maan sa tu ci tumuk,the ringleader asked curiously What is it,test +25250,25251,25251,mapakakahungay,I have already released the fish,train +25251,25252,25252,itira hikuciw nu sufitay u,it is over by the air force base Wow,train +25252,25253,25253,caay kangaʼay a masadak ku wina,mom cannot come out either,train +25253,25254,25254,mirawraw,pick on,train +25254,25255,25255,fangcal,Beautiful,train +25255,25256,25256,Edueduxan ku pasaetip,the west is all strawberry fields,train +25256,25257,25257,kamu Amis ku pangangan cuwa ku kami Paliwan,Amis naming is not Paiwan naming,train +25257,25258,25258,samamulen,aim,train +25258,25259,25259,i hacuwa a mihecaan kamu tayni i Kinmung,what year did you come to Kinmen,train +25259,25260,25260,anu ira tu miʼadupan,if there is a hunter,test +25260,25261,25261,anu ciluma kisu,or if you are going to have a family,train +25261,25262,25262,Pabahekul tu masamamaanay tu a adada,placement of sample sicknesses,train +25262,25263,25263,kakurut kuni u,here is some more bitter melon,train +25263,25264,25264,sakalalima kaku u mawmahay,I am the fifth in line,train +25264,25265,25265,nengnengen nu,keep reading,train +25265,25266,25266,kufit,buttons,train +25266,25267,25267,uruma ku asu a kaenen,that fish is very good,train +25267,25268,25268,mimaan kamu,what are you doing,train +25268,25269,25269,tala nu tauwan a cacudadan,go to another school,train +25269,25270,25270,iraay kura pakiraay i lutuk,it is been done,test +25270,25271,25271,isiyama musume,that Ishiyama girl,train +25271,25272,25272,pakuyuc,orphans,train +25272,25273,25273,anu i cuwa ku kafanaʼan isu awidang,whether it is a friend you know,train +25273,25274,25274,nawhani mahaen ku nika tilid i Olic tuya mamana malanalaculan kuya luma ningra awaaytu ku maruay a tamdaw itira saan o rumasatu ira haca a matilid mamana maafas nu tau ku kamaruan ningra sanay,For said Peter it is written in the book of Psalms May his place be deserted let there be no one to dwell in it and May another take his place of leadership,train +25274,25275,25275,Mapasetek tu i raraw kika u tamdaw,we people have been condemned in sin,train +25275,25276,25276,maʼeden tu matuʼas sa kaku,I think I have grown up,train +25276,25277,25277,mafirang ku singsi tu caayay pitengil a situ,teachers get angry with disobedient students,train +25277,25278,25278,ira itu,there is also,train +25278,25279,25279,17 Nikawrira cuwa ku lawla aca ku kaciharatengan ni Yis,Jesus however did not just enjoy himself,train +25279,25280,25280,kalusaluafaafang,all souls,test +25280,25281,25281,Hai sahetu u wawa nu Pangcah,Yes all Amish kids,train +25281,25282,25282,o mamasarumiad a mafawah ku adawang nuya niyaru caay ku mamadef nawhani awaay ku dadaya itira,on no day will its gates ever be shut for there will be no night there,train +25282,25283,25283,nira kiraan,his words,train +25283,25284,25284,o paci^ciay ku luwad nu mita a talalutuk anini,we barely made it up the hill today,train +25284,25285,25285,hadadadada hadadadada kuya cikawasay itiya hu,the wizard mumbled Come back come back come back come back,train +25285,25286,25286,sulsul han itiyahu sasulsulan u Kiwit,Skewer the frogs one by one with crabgrass,train +25286,25287,25287,ku niyaruʼay nu mita a tamdaw saan,our tribesmen,train +25287,25288,25288,i tini i masapangcahay a finacadan anu mapaherek ku pisaluma micumud tu luma anu pipatalumaan a miala tu kadafutu anu pifahfahan anu simakapatayay tu a pilusimetan tu itini tu i piilisinan tu,among the Amis whenever a new home is completed a marriage is celebrated the plague is expelled funerals are held and the Harvest Festival is held,train +25288,25289,25289,anu maʼesang kisu i mapuiʼay ku tatihay a fiyaw hanay haw,if you do not like the noise the neighbors will yell at you,train +25289,25290,25290,iraw lawac kiya,to the hillside,test +25290,25291,25291,itiniay tu a pakayniay nu maku a kina hananay,Now I am going to talk about my hobby street performers,train +25291,25292,25292,kiyai ku Kawas tiya hawanan,the mountain gods are afraid of the sword,train +25292,25293,25293,u nu makayni tayni i,that is where they came from,train +25293,25294,25294,awaay hu ku lalan u alu u lakatan nu nanum,in those days there were no roads only streams,train +25294,25295,25295,u saadidiay tu a niyaru,tiny tribes,train +25295,25296,25296,emurung aca tu tipus a pataluma,they will also carry rice to their homes,train +25296,25297,25297,Singku ma hay hay,about Faith Yes yes yes,train +25297,25298,25298,Taenek tu kaku a maru,I am uncomfortable sitting,train +25298,25299,25299,Suelin saw,Really,train +25299,25300,25300,Ha anu hacuwa^ a taluma ciira,Oh when is she coming back,test +25300,25301,25301,itiya i masadaktu ku caciyaw ni Cakariya saka hmek satu cingra tu Kawas,immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue was loosed and he began to speak praising God,train +25301,25302,25302,ira ku mavukilay a mimeraw tu,even the Ami phonetic symbols,train +25302,25303,25303,itira kami misaluma mimukung kami i tira,our family was there for six years with the construction company that did the work,train +25303,25304,25304,laput atu tafedu nu ciyak ku luma taynien,one plate of groundnut leaves and one plate of pumpkin hearts,train +25304,25305,25305,saw,indistinct,train +25305,25306,25306,aciyah,who hoo,train +25306,25307,25307,yu maharateng aku kamu i miahuwid kaku tu Kawas aku,I thank my God every time I remember you,train +25307,25308,25308,u Fangcalay Adingu u nanum u rmes malcad ku pipawacay nunini a tulu,the Spirit the water and the blood and the three are in agreement,train +25308,25309,25309,o mahaenay hurmun a IUD misakihepicay tu lalumaˈ nu sawawaan nulatekay ta nuninian a IUD miadah tu pakinaliay ku lalaˈ a fafahiyan,because hormonal contraceptives thin the lining of the uterus they are sometimes used to treat women with heavy menstrual flow,train +25309,25310,25310,tu aluman nu tamdaw,more and more people,test +25310,25311,25311,u sapitangtang ira tu muci,for cooking glutinous rice,train +25311,25312,25312,a mikilim tu kangaʼayay saka tayni safafaw,I am looking for a place to live so I am going up,train +25312,25313,25313,talacuwa caay kaedeng ku mali ku tayal nu malingaday nika a halili sa ku mama atu ina aku a mihayda,there was a shortage of workers at the farm my father and mother grudgingly agreed,train +25313,25314,25314,lusay,fruit trees,train +25314,25315,25315,tipukuy,Tweet,train +25315,25316,25316,tengil han kuya suwal naya matuʼasay,I heard the old man say,train +25316,25317,25317,Kafana kamu tu kakalimlaan a dmak i pahrehrekan nu hkal i u aira ku milukesay tamuwanan a tamdaw o mapalitay nu anuf nu tireng cangra,first of all you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come scoffing and following their own evil desires,train +25317,25318,25318,Sululen ku patelac aku,forgive me for my mistake,train +25318,25319,25319,lamit,root,train +25319,25320,25320,Yusanay,I will tell you this,test +25320,25321,25321,a masasuwal kita a maluwina hanira sa,we are going to have a mother daughter discussion,train +25321,25322,25322,ci Maciyan han ku pangangan i takuwanan,Chang Xinzhi is my name,train +25322,25323,25323,ta salamahan a mitengteng,then take it out slowly,train +25323,25324,25324,malinah tu kami tu luma niyam,we are moving out of our house,train +25324,25325,25325,suwal sa kuya tawki i kuli Olili katayra haca i kalulalalalan Patangic han ku i tiraay a tamdaw a mikrid a patayni tu sakaalumanaw nu lafang i luma aku han ningra,Then the master told his servant Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in so that my house will be full,train +25325,25326,25326,Micacekiway tu Fangcalay Cudad nu Tuwic ci Atawf Tasman paihkalay midiputay Tapang sanay a ngangan matenakay itiya,Adolf Deissmann a German biblical scholar said the title benefactor was very common at the time,train +25326,25327,25327,papahanhan tu anuhuni tu a tayra,it is almost time for class to end wait a little longer,train +25327,25328,25328,tadamaanay,signal,train +25328,25329,25329,samanen hukini satu tu,how to live day by day,train +25329,25330,25330,itiya tu a matangtang tu kura hulu atu kunga i,mom mixed a little rice with groundnuts,test +25330,25331,25331,hanira kura niyaru sakira haw suʼelin,he told the tribesmen he would do what he said he would do,train +25331,25332,25332,Cki wa hika lini cyu katu miliʼpa,if you see a brief moonbeam it may drip,train +25332,25333,25333,misiwasiw tu sielac tira i tapelipelikan,the waves are lapping at the beach and the sand and water are flowing,train +25333,25334,25334,anu tusa tulu ku nicakayayn tu vavuy,if you buy two or three pigs,train +25334,25335,25335,fs ya Pukpuk hananay kiya patayra ci Kiwitay natira ci Kiwitay tatayra matengilay ku mahaenay,it is called Thin and it leads to Shuilian and then to Jian,train +25335,25336,25336,ku Cikasuan,of the Chikagawa people,train +25336,25337,25337,saan,here is the deal,train +25337,25338,25338,ketun hanaku kunian tataan ku lising nu mita,from this case it is obvious that Zuulin,train +25338,25339,25339,yu ruma pakungkui han kisu terep saan,sometimes you will not even tell me a story when I ask you to,train +25339,25340,25340,Nikawrira anu u kafukilan aku a mitngil ku suwal nu sumuwalay i matiya u caay ku finacadan aku cingra matiya u ruma a finacadan kaku a haratengen ningra,if then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying I am a foreigner to the speaker and he is a foreigner to me,test +25340,25341,25341,niyaruay,bole,train +25341,25342,25342,Tanucacupi satu ku tahatiluay a fafuy,the mountain pig that fell into the trap was full of maggots,train +25342,25343,25343,nukay,go back,train +25343,25344,25344,tada e awaay ku kakaenen hiwawa,there is nothing to eat,train +25344,25345,25345,kaurira,still,train +25345,25346,25346,mulangaw tu ku mulangaway,this is the time for germination,train +25346,25347,25347,malasinging ku ngaʼayay mimuwacay,I want to be a crew member of an eel boat instead,train +25347,25348,25348,mahaen isaw ku demak natayira tu kaku i liyal,here is what happened I went to the beach,train +25348,25349,25349,kalamkamen,hurry up,train +25349,25350,25350,Pisilesili,there is a line,test +25350,25351,25351,pasuwal sa ci Yis O suwal nu Kawas a matilid i Rikec namu i O kawakawas kamu saan,We are not stoning you for any of these replied the Jews but for blasphemy because you a mere man claim to be God,train +25351,25352,25352,tayni pakatim haw i,after marriage,train +25352,25353,25353,epec han nu kaput ku wawa isu i picudadan,your child is looked down upon by his classmates at school,train +25353,25354,25354,kami,we are,train +25354,25355,25355,o mamalupafalucuan nu kasafinawlan nu hkal Cingra sanay han ni Yis,in his name the nations will put their hope,train +25355,25356,25356,maʼecak nuna iya ini,it is going to be cooked by this,train +25356,25357,25357,u luma niyam ira kafafaw kafafaw hay,our house is in Ueno,train +25357,25358,25358,a ilalek kaku i luma na fayi,I will be at my aunts for a long time,train +25358,25359,25359,Maaraw niyam itira ku salikaka papilafin cangra i tamiyanan tu ccay a lipay mahaen ku nika tayra niyam i Luma,there we found some brothers who invited us to spend a week with them and so we came to Rome,train +25359,25360,25360,atu maʼuripay ku niyaru,Naturally the tribe will be energized,test +25360,25361,25361,awaay minukay sakira,but I did not see him come back,train +25361,25362,25362,iraay ku kaka isu haw,do you have a brother,train +25362,25363,25363,tusa^ pulu ira ku tulu^,twenty three,train +25363,25364,25364,itini i cacudadan,learning at school,train +25364,25365,25365,miadipel,build a fence,train +25365,25366,25366,kaen nu niyam i Tafalung,it is the same in Tai Po long Valley,train +25366,25367,25367,Mangaay tu lituden kuya nipalumaan isu hay,are your vegetables ready to be harvested,train +25367,25368,25368,malu maan,what is it used for it is of no use,train +25368,25369,25369,anu maʼusuy tu taʼengad tu i a matakup nu mikingsaʼay,if you are too slow to kill it is already dawn the inspectors will find them,train +25369,25370,25370,malatulu^,data,test +25370,25371,25371,ha anu maeres ku kaying kiya haw,if only fancy girls knew how to be fashionable,train +25371,25372,25372,itira i sefi ku ngaay ciriku kaku tu nu Pangcah,then let us go to the community center I will wear folk costume,train +25372,25373,25373,8 anu makalimay kita matilid ku ngangan nu niyah i puwa ni Yihufa wa mituur tu pina palinian,if we want our names to be recorded in the book of the LORD we must fulfill certain conditions,train +25373,25374,25374,Ngaʼayhu salikaka,Hello everyone,train +25374,25375,25375,o rayray nu tatuasan nu Pangcah kunini,this is an Amis tradition,train +25375,25376,25376,o rumasatu malamama nu midu^duay tu krit a lisin a tamdaw ci Apraham nawhani caay ku nipidu^du nangra a ccay tu krit a lisin malcad tu pinangan nu nipitier ni Apraham tu Kawas yu cahu ka krit cingra ku nipitier nangra tu Kawas,and he is also the father of the circumcised who not only are circumcised but who also walk in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised,train +25376,25377,25377,mahaenay ku demak itiya,this was the situation at that time,train +25377,25378,25378,kahut,lit hold in ones hands and grab,train +25378,25379,25379,saikuray kaku mahadak,I am the last one out,train +25379,25380,25380,dadahal,spacious,test +25380,25381,25381,haen han a miemin,will you be able to finish your drink like this,train +25381,25382,25382,pilumaluma,go from house to house,train +25382,25383,25383,mihifang kaku mihecaan itini i luma,about a year at home,train +25383,25384,25384,kaliyaw naʼayaw iri,Kavalan in the past,train +25384,25385,25385,sahtu tu unu finawlan ku tayal unu kapah a palifet ku tayal misakilang miuwai,the youths worked hard in the tribe logging and picking vines,train +25385,25386,25386,mipatihi lacafay sakamu kira,Yes you are doing construction work together as a family,train +25386,25387,25387,mahaen kiniyan,that is the way it is,train +25387,25388,25388,mala linciw hu itiya,I was a neighbor at the time,train +25388,25389,25389,Mituur i ci Yisan ku alumanay a finawlan nawhani maaraw nangra ku kafahkaan a dmak ni Yis a miadah tu adadaay,and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the miraculous signs he had performed on the sick,train +25389,25390,25390,tataʼangay a futing palatusaen niyam kira,cut the big fish in half,test +25390,25391,25391,caay tu ka ngaʼay liyawen,you cannot re marinate it can you,train +25391,25392,25392,cayay ka anuf kita,we are not greedy,train +25392,25393,25393,pitu a remiad,there are seven days,train +25393,25394,25394,neneng han nara adihay ku futing ira ku tuda lamanan haw i,looks like a lot of fish sometimes eels and sometimes snakes,train +25394,25395,25395,Hay karetengay,Yes it is heavy,train +25395,25396,25396,o es^es ku sakafana aku tu tahaluma ni mama,I knew dad had arrived at Darths house by whistling,train +25396,25397,25397,hatiraay ku demak aku kaemanghu,this is a story from my childhood,train +25397,25398,25398,kangic,dragon,train +25398,25399,25399,awa ku surit na ama aku kiyami haw,because Dad they did not write it either,train +25399,25400,25400,ala han nu heni ku kasuy atu awul a misanga tu luma nu vuting,they just picked up wood and bamboo to make a home for fish,test +25400,25401,25401,u niyaru nu maku,my hometown,train +25401,25402,25402,hakuwa ku tatata ang atu hecek,how big is the column,train +25402,25403,25403,naayaw hantu silipida ku,scholarships in those years there were scholarships,train +25403,25404,25404,maru,squat down,train +25404,25405,25405,kungkungen,knock on a door,train +25405,25406,25406,anini mifuluw madeng tu kita,now we can invade,train +25406,25407,25407,anu sapatafangaw tu tireng mamicada tu inuˈku wawa i wa calemcem ku wama wina tu manan hani,what might parents be concerned about if their child is going to be immersed,train +25407,25408,25408,malucafeng,partitions made of bamboo poles or wood chips,train +25408,25409,25409,mihalhal tu lafang ku niyaru i kailisinan,at the tribal Harvest Festival guests are invited to a feast,train +25409,25410,25410,u caay ka hacuwa ku cikang a pahanhan kira,it is because the vacation time is very short,test +25410,25411,25411,irahu ku mahaenay a suwal maan han ku satarus i u maan sanay kura suwal,what other words are there what did you mean by that phrase you just used,train +25411,25412,25412,matalakal,catch,train +25412,25413,25413,Mikilidung kaku i laenu nu kilang,I am taking a break under a tree,train +25413,25414,25414,tanamen tayra kaku tura taykak funuten aku kura kaemangay sa kaku,I made up my mind that if I went to college I would take them with me,train +25414,25415,25415,pakautufay,motorcycle,train +25415,25416,25416,capafelien aku tupaysu,I will not give them any money,train +25416,25417,25417,itilaen amin kulalusidan nu heni itila a misalisi,their tools are all over there and they do their work there,train +25417,25418,25418,Talutalu ku nikaala tu vavuy itiya hu,at that time there were about three more mountain pigs caught,train +25418,25419,25419,kaciherangan,in summer,train +25419,25420,25420,pakayni i liteng hu,about ancient times,test +25420,25421,25421,tayra cingra i ccay a limecedan ci Mariya ku ngangan ningra onini a limecedan i u mapatapangaytu ni Yusif hananay a lalumaan ni Tafiti,to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph a descendant of David the virgins name was Mary,train +25421,25422,25422,u milaliway a buting micumud amin i vuvu a milaliw,all the escaped fish are in the box,train +25422,25423,25423,tadamaanay,meaning,train +25423,25424,25424,matuhem i paputal hay,will it be hot outside,train +25424,25425,25425,naw malasawad han kuni pisaraʼu,why I gave up making Sapindales,train +25425,25426,25426,pahanhanay han mima,I do not know if they are really resting,train +25426,25427,25427,awaay tu anini,not anymore really,train +25427,25428,25428,anglisen,fishy smell,train +25428,25429,25429,o suwal nu Kawas i yu mihpul kaku tu raraw nangra i unini ku katatlekan aku atu cangra saan,and this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins,train +25429,25430,25430,mapatnak nu misafitay ku matiniay a sifana saka matiyatu u macedetay nu fa^detay a marad ku ngaayay a falucu nangra,such teachings come through hypocritical liars whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron,test +25430,25431,25431,minukay hu mikesir tu kudasing atu aped,go home fry the peanuts with the rice bran and wrap them up,train +25431,25432,25432,papinaay kamu a tayni misaʼupu sanay kisu ya tulu a niyaru,three tribes how many people have moved down here,train +25432,25433,25433,yu sakata^ngadantu ku dafak i paicelen ni Pawlu cangra tu sakakumaenaw nangra a ma^min suwal sa Spattu ku safaw a rumiad kamu a mihadidi a caay ka kumaen tu maan aca,just before dawn Paul urged them all to eat For the last fourteen days he said you have been in constant suspense and have gone without food you have not eaten anything,train +25433,25434,25434,decdec,tight,train +25434,25435,25435,maedeng ku taʼangay ira ngaʼayay tu na haw,just make the wood big enough,train +25435,25436,25436,ca sanay kaku misalama,so I did not go to the mans house to offer my labor,train +25436,25437,25437,maulah ku Pangcah a misaniyaru i lawac nu riyar,the Amis prefer to form settlements along the coast,train +25437,25438,25438,o up^upay i Sakakumaenaw sanay kaku,where is the frog soup I want to eat it,train +25438,25439,25439,ngaʼayay ku ira u daya,that is better Elderberry,train +25439,25440,25440,tuna malingatu nu ayaw i raecus ku vavahi a tayra i pivutingan atu miteving tu salisalil atu vuvuvuvu,during preparation women are not allowed to go to the beach and are not allowed to touch all fishing gear,test +25440,25441,25441,ina i mangalay kaku nian pafelien kaku,Mom I love this blanket I love this blanket give it to me,train +25441,25442,25442,kalaludan,in summer,train +25442,25443,25443,mihcaan,surname Nian,train +25443,25444,25444,cuwa ka fanaˈ kaku tu manan ku raraw aku CINAH,I do not know what I did wrong Janet,train +25444,25445,25445,o sapipili nu Kawas i titaanan i caay ku sapitfucaw i titaanan o sapauripaw titaanan pakayni i Tapang ita ci Yis Kristuan,for God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,train +25445,25446,25446,i timul nura atulan i,on the south side of the stone wall,train +25446,25447,25447,lawac nu lalan ku rumakat nu niyam itini i niyaru,that is the way our tribe is,train +25447,25448,25448,Pakapasu anca pakapaliding kisu a talakiwkay,are you going to drive to the church or take the bus,train +25448,25449,25449,Misariku kaku i matini,I am dressing right now,train +25449,25450,25450,surita,octopus,test +25450,25451,25451,au matiraay ku tayal sa kaku,Awww so that is how it works,train +25451,25452,25452,aka ka u fa^luhayhu a mituuray a tamdaw ku mamalakakridan nu kiwkay nawhani latek misatakaraw cingra tu falucu a matiya u Palafuay a matfad i raraw a matfuc,he must not be a recent convert or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil,train +25452,25453,25453,ira heng ku ada,there was a foreign enemy,train +25453,25454,25454,ira ku caay pibabaay ira ku mibabaay tala i lalabu,some do not have their backs some have their backs and they go deep,train +25454,25455,25455,pihiya ku ngaʼay maan han tu i ta masamaan ku i lumaʼay,dad said how to get home I do not know if my family in danger,train +25455,25456,25456,kafitrinum,pins,train +25456,25457,25457,Malakaru ku mami,oranges become grapefruit,train +25457,25458,25458,malikeday,confined,train +25458,25459,25459,Mapatuul ku falucu nu wawa anu micerem tu ku cidal,when the sun goes down it tends to create a sense of loneliness in children hearts,train +25459,25460,25460,maherek miparakat tu tusiya,after we start the car and finish the work,test +25460,25461,25461,Sakuesan sa kuna kunga,the sweet potato is so sweet,train +25461,25462,25462,hiya han niyam nipalu i apaay patelian nanum,it is all in a big container,train +25462,25463,25463,i kawili ha kawili ku kaʼayaw ha,put it on from the left first,train +25463,25464,25464,suwal sa cingraan Aya kisu u wawa nu palafuay u ada nu mu^celay a dmak a ma^min kisu u matumesay nu masamaamaanay a tatiihay Paci^ci sa kisu a miakung tu sulin nu Tapang,You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right you are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord,train +25464,25465,25465,mimerec cay nira,it did not bite,train +25465,25466,25466,makapahay ku liyun ira,that is a beautiful turn,train +25466,25467,25467,u suwal nu singsi i,the teacher said,train +25467,25468,25468,ta suwal sa ci Yis ci Tumasan Tatuyen ku kamay Aku a minengneng Layaen ku kamay isu a mipacumud i fatiian Aku Akatu ka cihinapec kisu i Takuwanan ka u pasulinaytu kisu han ningra,then he said to Thomas Put your finger here see my hands reach out your hand and put it into my side stop doubting and believe,train +25468,25469,25469,Anu mafana tu nafalucuan nu tawki ningra ku ccay a kuli i anu caay pipatala caay pidu^du tu nafalucuan nu tawki ningra kuya kuli i caay ku sasamadahen ku nipisti cingraan,That servant who knows his masters will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows,train +25469,25470,25470,cyataw,bus stop,test +25470,25471,25471,masirud ku falucu,it is all about solidarity,train +25471,25472,25472,pakaenuc,swallow,train +25472,25473,25473,hatira aca ku pi a pakituh aku tunu pakiniay tu nu saraw,I think this is my personal story about ghosts and spirits,train +25473,25474,25474,tangasa cifalucuʼay a kapah tangasa matini,we have spared no effort in nurturing young people to take up the because,train +25474,25475,25475,caay kahaen tu nu ayaway nu mita caay kavana hen sa mikumu,unlike our old days when we shot slingshots before we knew how to aim,train +25475,25476,25476,ini ciira,he is here,train +25476,25477,25477,suwal nu wama aku hay,my fathers words like this,train +25477,25478,25478,mafana kaku miʼunip,I will plant seedlings,train +25478,25479,25479,makapah ku rumiad tu paaliwacan,it will be sunny on the weekend,train +25479,25480,25480,saka mafanaʼay tu kaku,that is why I think it is a good idea,test +25480,25481,25481,tikulen haca aku pakayraay tiya i raʼuay haw,I will go back to the story of the Sapindales first,train +25481,25482,25482,namiucil kaku ci amaan aku,I want to work with my dad,train +25482,25483,25483,maherek tu i,done,train +25483,25484,25484,maalaay nu maalaay nu ruma a finacadan ku tangal sanay,beheaded by someone from another community,train +25484,25485,25485,o nu maku,it is mine,train +25485,25486,25486,Amilika,united States of America,train +25486,25487,25487,kafudu kaʼurad caka saan kafudu sanay,it is raining continuously you cannot just say it is raining,train +25487,25488,25488,fukil,No I will not,train +25488,25489,25489,padangen nu maku kisu,I will help you,train +25489,25490,25490,han tu aku kiya safa aku,I told my sister this,test +25490,25491,25491,Namaaraw nangra kuya wawa i tangsul sa cangra a palusiyang tu nanu piparatuh nu cuyuh i cangraan tu pakayniay tuya Wawa,when they had seen him they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,train +25491,25492,25492,Futud,Lantau Island,train +25492,25493,25493,kalikiay kami micada tu kimad ikur iraaytu ku mimingay a kasakupang i Himuus,we soon accepted the truth soon there was a small congregation in Hemsworth,train +25493,25494,25494,kiya mietannay tu ku,where is the main moneymaker the license has been adjusted,train +25494,25495,25495,uni,this one,train +25495,25496,25496,ngutaen,turbid,train +25496,25497,25497,caay kafana kami tu nika mahakikicay nu seli,I do not know that it is been washed away by the mudslide,train +25497,25498,25498,saʼayaw u niyaru hu haw,explain the name of the tribe first,train +25498,25499,25499,malecad u tataakay a likid,it is like a strong current,train +25499,25500,25500,pisafunun,agriculture,test +25500,25501,25501,u kalaludan anini u pahanhanan nu micudaday,it is summer time and students are on summer vacation,train +25501,25502,25502,mikilim patapalen nu mita san,finding with divination,train +25502,25503,25503,mahaen i tuhaw haen han pirayray tu tafukud,that is how it is done on gossip Girl,train +25503,25504,25504,misakilang i Maʼuwid tira,Malverdes been reforesting there forever,train +25504,25505,25505,hayken cuwa pitanam ku maku turaan,but I did not try,train +25505,25506,25506,makalat,bite,train +25506,25507,25507,u tayal nu niyaru itiya hu haw i,tribal work at that time,train +25507,25508,25508,paysin haw,millet contraindications,train +25508,25509,25509,u nu awulan a laylay,bamboo,train +25509,25510,25510,aka kahiya nu huni,not that one later,test +25510,25511,25511,ha hu,Yes I am,train +25511,25512,25512,u ngaʼayay hu ku mafana sanay aku kuninian,this is something we have to do,train +25512,25513,25513,Hungti nu Israil Kristuaw dada ka^pud i matini nai ciwcika Paarawen kami ta pasulin kami i Tisuwanan han nangra Haluya nipakaputan i ci Yisan a mapacekay i ciwcika a milukes ci Yisan,let this Christ this king of Israel come down now from the cross that we may see and believe those crucified with him also heaped insults on him,train +25513,25514,25514,nunian a dadahal haw,it is so wide,train +25514,25515,25515,a niyaru saan,new world,train +25515,25516,25516,malcad tunini u niktunantu nu Kawas ku suwal i ci Aprahaman atu tluc ningra oya tluc hananay i Caay ku alumanay a tlutluc ccay aca ku nituruan nu Fangcalay Cudad ci Kristu ku nituruan,the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed the Scripture does not say and to seeds meaning many people but and to your seed meaning one person who is Christ,train +25516,25517,25517,ta fangcal ku kataturu nu urad saan,it is only when the rainwater flows that it is good,train +25517,25518,25518,maulah a miculed i dufut tu kamay kura wawa,the kid likes to stick his hands in his pockets,train +25518,25519,25519,miala tu kuwkuw miluud kami tu paylang,some with scythes we fought the Miners,train +25519,25520,25520,u patay san kira u hanatira aca ku,they will die too that is what the old man said,test +25520,25521,25521,ceke puciyaw teluc nu hiya nu tamurak puse,it is not called a pumpkin sprout,train +25521,25522,25522,Malafuis ci ina nu maku i kakarayan,my mom turned into a star in the sky,train +25522,25523,25523,malinahay kami tayra kami i sa,so we left and came to the Jianji Mine,train +25523,25524,25524,nu Kinmungay kuni,or here in Gammon,train +25524,25525,25525,telec,hips,train +25525,25526,25526,u siheciay i,it is a great result,train +25526,25527,25527,Saka suwal sa cingra i cangraan Matu nika fana namu paysin kami u Yutaya a tamdaw a mikaput anu ^ca i milisu tu ruma a finacadan Nikawrira Paysin kaackan aka ka saan tu masamaamaanay a tamdaw saan ku Kawas a pahapinang i takuwanan,he said to them You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or visit him but God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean,train +25527,25528,25528,A a hacuwa cira a taluma,Oh when is she coming back,train +25528,25529,25529,Micekel tu tangal kami a mimumuk tu pungkang,each of us looked down as we crossed the cave,train +25529,25530,25530,ha ha,uh huh,test +25530,25531,25531,maadiperay tu tahiraay ca kuna lalan,it is surrounded the road only goes that way,train +25531,25532,25532,ura mikesiʼay makimad tu hay paliyawen ta mikimad,it is the sea festival I have said it before I will say it again,train +25532,25533,25533,i sefi nu Fanaw,activity center in Ikegami Township,train +25533,25534,25534,Papinukayen ku wawa aku,make my child go home,train +25534,25535,25535,tayraay hu kami,we are still going,train +25535,25536,25536,tumireng,stand up,train +25536,25537,25537,ira ku pistil piseking tu mamaan tunu Amis kira,have a certification exam in an indigenous language,train +25537,25538,25538,Saka paluen ningra ku kaput ningra a kulikuli Mikaput cingra tu hali^pahay a tamdaw a kumaen a mitauwak,and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards,train +25538,25539,25539,cuwa ku kalikilang aca u tilefes u cidek,not just any trees but beech and mistletoe,train +25539,25540,25540,fetas,burst,test +25540,25541,25541,masamanay ku lalengawan nu Makutaay san milicayay,he asked what the roots of the Magadam tribe were,train +25541,25542,25542,matekes ku picudad nu wawa itiya,Childrens tuition was not cheap back then,train +25542,25543,25543,makapah kina palusukan namu,your candlesticks are beautiful,train +25543,25544,25544,Kalakaka tu ku kakawaw nu misu,your behavior can be the difference between a brother or,train +25544,25545,25545,puhung,angle,train +25545,25546,25546,mikakuy tura faʼinay aku sa,Mr carry Me she said so,train +25546,25547,25547,sepat hu ku mihecaan nina wawa macedem a caciyaw,this kid is four years old and he is a smooth talker,train +25547,25548,25548,u sufuc nu maku nu,my birth,train +25548,25549,25549,awaay ku riku aku,I do not have a costume like that,train +25549,25550,25550,u ni tulikan tu uway u kacali,rattan decoration,test +25550,25551,25551,ni mama aku tu i malingad a talamicudad itini kukankaku,so my father made a lot of exhortations to me in fact in those days,train +25551,25552,25552,nanihaenan saipatireng satu kami itiya,we have set up our organization accordingly,train +25552,25553,25553,han maalaw namu cacay tusa tulu enem pitu falu sakakun,did you see this One two three six seven eight,train +25553,25554,25554,hakuwa micanuk tu ka pisaka cipayci kisu kaikur samaan tu,what happens after your paycheck is terminated,train +25554,25555,25555,i hekalay a nitenun,floating fabric,train +25555,25556,25556,i luma i hananay nira kaku da,I have been kept at home,train +25556,25557,25557,ku nikasaselaselal nu kapah,this is how the youth class is formed,train +25557,25558,25558,Matiri ku ukak aku,my bones show,train +25558,25559,25559,ilaay ku tulu a tilid i kafekang nu cukuwi,there are three books on top of the table,train +25559,25560,25560,anu u nipituur namu ci Kristuan ku sakasamsam namu i u malmeday kamu nawhani i tini a mahapinang ku nika ^pud nu tadamaanay a Adingu nu Kawas i tamuwanan,if you are insulted because of the name of Christ you are blessed for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you,test +25560,25561,25561,hay nu ruray a kafana,experienced,train +25561,25562,25562,Cekus sahaca awaay tu ku tuki nu mita,we have to turn back we do not have time,train +25562,25563,25563,aray i anini radiwen nu mita haw,we can sing it now,train +25563,25564,25564,subuc han kaku kiyami,I was born in Republic of Korea,train +25564,25565,25565,ka,but,train +25565,25566,25566,a mimaan saw miinsuku,doing what go hiking,train +25566,25567,25567,Lima^ lian ira ku mu^tep pida^ a mapulung,all,train +25567,25568,25568,patuker tu suwal,to help or support someone is ideas by following up what he said,train +25568,25569,25569,sa anini nikamelaw nu mita,just like what we are seeing now,train +25569,25570,25570,hatira ku pipakungkungku nu maku,that is the end of my story,test +25570,25571,25571,kuya,that,train +25571,25572,25572,kamahufuc kisu itiya cipuyapuy kisu,I asked the mother very discreetly,train +25572,25573,25573,liyut sa kumaen tura tuni saparud a kumaen tu a malafi malahuk maranam nanu ʼayaʼayaway a tamdaw,Dinner lunch and breakfast were eaten around the stove and this was the pattern of life in the olden days,train +25573,25574,25574,tayni kami i kaku i awaay hu ku lalan miduduay hu tu alu da,when we came here there was no road we had to follow the stream,train +25574,25575,25575,mahaen tu u rarapa a micekeruh hay hay,it is like a cow pushing Yes yes yes,train +25575,25576,25576,siʼenaw ku rumiʼad haw mapatay kuni miparumaan isu,crops will freeze to death if the weather is too cold,train +25576,25577,25577,misimed tu turun i tangsu,I will hide the rice cakes in the closet,train +25577,25578,25578,nu matuʼasay tu emu,sweet rice cake made by an old man,train +25578,25579,25579,nani tira i Fafukud i,from the east River,train +25579,25580,25580,Alumna ku mikadavuway nu vavainay,a lot of men are married off,test +25580,25581,25581,milisu,visit,train +25581,25582,25582,malalicay hu i pasifanaen ningra kaku tu na icuwaay ku lalengawan nu ngangan ningra pasifanaen ningra kaku tu paru nu luma ningra u niyaru ningra,during the interview he introduced to me the origin of his name and also introduced me to his family and tribe,train +25582,25583,25583,sa kiya malitengay tiya,this is what the old man said at that time,train +25583,25584,25584,aray han naku kisu tuna pasifana nu misu tu nanay nu falucu isu haw,thank you from the bottom of my heart and I would like to share your experience and prayers,train +25584,25585,25585,afang han tu naira kaku,they came to support me,train +25585,25586,25586,pasuwal sa ci Yis Pinukaytu O mamaurip ku wawa isu han ningra Pasulin sa kuya tamdaw tu suwal ni Yis ta minukay,Jesus replied You may go your son will live the man took Jesus at his word and departed,train +25586,25587,25587,citu piʼunip tu ku tamdaw u tamdaw,now people do not need to plant rice and plow,train +25587,25588,25588,anini haw sumuwal,we will now proceed to our speech,train +25588,25589,25589,nu mawmahay,past agriculture,train +25589,25590,25590,Hinukup sa cingra i kaayaw ni Yis a mikansiya i Cingraan o Samariya a tamdaw cingra,he threw himself at Jesus feet and thanked him and he was a Samaritan,test +25590,25591,25591,mifidangay,laying one petal of grapefruit fruit,train +25591,25592,25592,u ama nu vavainay nu maku,my husbands father,train +25592,25593,25593,Malalulaluk ku situ nu misu,your students are all hard workers,train +25593,25594,25594,aayaw,beforehand,train +25594,25595,25595,Ira i aayawan nu luma niyam ku kiyafes ira i saikuran ku alupal,Yes we have guavas in front of our house and persimmons in the back,train +25595,25596,25596,milisu kaku atu mama ci fakian aku i nacila,Yesterday my father and I visited my uncle,train +25596,25597,25597,alumalay,lot,train +25597,25598,25598,caay tu katayra,not as far as I have been,train +25598,25599,25599,yu midmak kaku tunini a mikurac tu tireng i maaraw nangra kaku i Fangcalay Pitaungan itiya i awaay ku finawlan awaay ku rawraw,I was ceremonially clean when they found me in the temple courts doing this there was no crowd with me nor was I involved in any disturbance,train +25599,25600,25600,maemin aku a kumaen ku kakaenen i kaysing,I finished my bowl of rice,test +25600,25601,25601,umaan ku alaen namu misasinavel,what are you cooking with,train +25601,25602,25602,patayraen i satapangen tu ni ina aku pasifana,when I put it up my mom started to teach me,train +25602,25603,25603,Cungaen naku ku wina aku,I want to paint my mom,train +25603,25604,25604,datuk,line harp,train +25604,25605,25605,Nanitiyahu i awahu a matngil ku pakayniay i nika adah nu nai kahufucanhu a mapuhaway,nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind,train +25605,25606,25606,tada kahmekan tu,I am so happy,train +25606,25607,25607,Cifelalutung ku mucu nu luma namu,there are cobwebs in the corners of your house,train +25607,25608,25608,tinamihecaan,last year,train +25608,25609,25609,repelan tu ningra kami sasifuʼan,he will keep us from being forced to stay,train +25609,25610,25610,maharek tu mafitelak tu,after knocking all the way through it is off,test +25610,25611,25611,a semuwal i ci Vavuy Liyalan,tell that whale,train +25611,25612,25612,anu ciinap ciintel misatked kamu i aka ka lataang kamu tu nika citaneng namu anu haenen namu i u misamangahay u mipaculiay kamu tu sulin,but if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts do not boast about it or deny the truth,train +25612,25613,25613,haen sa mi,always imitating,train +25613,25614,25614,paluma tu maamaanan malukakaenen,any plant that can be eaten,train +25614,25615,25615,tuhenian,to them,train +25615,25616,25616,Pasuwal sa ci Apraham Wawaaw haratengen yu mauriphu kisu i mahrektu kisu a malmed ku urip ci Lacarus sa i mahrektu cingra a misemsem Saka anini satu mahinumtu cingra kisu i ketket han isu ku semsem,But Abraham replied Son remember that in your lifetime you received your good things while Lazarus received bad things but now he is comforted here and you are in agony,train +25616,25617,25617,Hamaanen maranam tu kaku i luma,No I have already eaten at home,train +25617,25618,25618,picumud,enter,train +25618,25619,25619,i laenuay nu Cudad a maading kura impic,the pen is obscured underneath the book,train +25619,25620,25620,awaay tu ku tuas nu mita itini,there are no more old people here,test +25620,25621,25621,Kacaw matawalay aku a miala ku impic mangaay a pacaliwen isu kaku han,Kacaw I forgot to bring my pen can you lend me one,train +25621,25622,25622,sa maherek maumah ri,after farming,train +25622,25623,25623,cecay ku wawa tu fafaʼinayan,I have a son,train +25623,25624,25624,kura,Here,train +25624,25625,25625,pina ku yusang nu misu a micakay tu fa^eluhay a paliding,what is your estimate for a new car,train +25625,25626,25626,patayra,give somebody a lift,train +25626,25627,25627,pakasiapunangen ku masakapahay,clan youth,train +25627,25628,25628,caayka pacefa caayka pateduw cakasaan a mikiʼeciw kita,we do not mess around and we do not sing lead songs,train +25628,25629,25629,suut,tie it up,train +25629,25630,25630,Ituan tu kaku tayni hatu aku anu cilimaw,I am leaving I will see you next time,test +25630,25631,25631,citadahay,bonded,train +25631,25632,25632,salipahak saan ku heni i kasivaliyan,they are happy when the wind blows,train +25632,25633,25633,sisa sadengan ku piala anu dengay tu ku lalavu nu luma,so do not catch a lot of family members just enough to eat,train +25633,25634,25634,a anu icuwacuwa ku rakat,no matter where you go,train +25634,25635,25635,maulah ku Kawas i titaanan saka pakaynien ningra i ci Yis Kristuan ku pipalawawa titaanan o nisahalakaan ningra kunini tu sakalipahak ningra,he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ in accordance with his pleasure and will,train +25635,25636,25636,o tataangay a urad ku sakariri nu lutuk,heavy rains are the because of mountain collapses,train +25636,25637,25637,kerah,drying up,train +25637,25638,25638,sasefsef,filter net,train +25638,25639,25639,anu nika cirarawan namu ku sakapihadidi namu a masti i u maan ku katadamaanan namu saw Nikawrira anu pakayniay i nika ngaay nu dmak namu ku sakapihadidi namu tu pades i u papalmeden nu Kawas kamu,but how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it but if you suffer for doing good and you endure it this is commendable before God,train +25639,25640,25640,Macurah kuya luma,the house was destroyed by fire,test +25640,25641,25641,Ilalikur nu saka 19 hahekalan Mikeculay 189591 milenguay tu tatudung nu pilimekan niyaruˈ,in the late century the September issue of the watchtower spoke of the are existing significance of the city of Refuge,train +25641,25642,25642,suwal hatu nira ci ku sikiya na faʼinay nira ci,she told her husband,train +25642,25643,25643,o wi cima ku masuaway sa ku pakalungay,Hey who is thirsty the teenagers are shouting,train +25643,25644,25644,misiʼayaw tisuwanan,face to face,train +25644,25645,25645,kamaru,sit down,train +25645,25646,25646,makakitikiting,hold each other,train +25646,25647,25647,Tepu saan i kaayaw aku ku fafuy,the pig fell off my front,train +25647,25648,25648,Ama fawahen hu ci Kulas aci Dungi kami,grand mom we are Kolas and Dongi please open the door,train +25648,25649,25649,itirasatu ikapulungan nu adawang hatini,Nowadays the Festival is held at a tribal meeting place,train +25649,25650,25650,paruen ku panay,add the rice,test +25650,25651,25651,tanektek kaku a misiayaw tu masamaamaanay a pades nu tamdaw,I will be strong in the face of all kinds of human suffering,train +25651,25652,25652,awaay ku ngangan ira,this stream has no name,train +25652,25653,25653,pakayni i nika fana aku tu limuut nu Kawas ku sakatalahkal nu raraw a paluwad tu sakacianuf aku tu masamaamaanay anu awaay ku Rikec i kuna caay ka paluwad ku raraw i falucu aku,but sin seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment produced in me every kind of covetous desire for apart from law sin is dead,train +25653,25654,25654,nengnenghan nira sadak saan unini u ku u kulafaw,he called the frog and it turned out that a vole came out,train +25654,25655,25655,o tamdaw paˈuripan,he is able to give life,train +25655,25656,25656,masakeru^,dances,train +25656,25657,25657,Kacaw awaay tu ku epah i luma picakayi hu^ kisu,Kacaw our home is out of rice wine please go and buy some,train +25657,25658,25658,caay tu kalahad kura fanuh nira,his silk will not grow any longer,train +25658,25659,25659,nu ni nuni nuranuya,genre marker,train +25659,25660,25660,awa ku pancu nu malitengay itiyahu,in the past the older generation did not wear underwear,test +25660,25661,25661,anu hatini i aluman tu kita itini i na hatira asa i makeru kita san,we are getting more and more people now so let us have the Toyotomi Festival,train +25661,25662,25662,Akahenay Tayraa hen kaku a miyala,just a minute I will get it,train +25662,25663,25663,tu malecaday nu hiya kalala,Similarities to Ghana,train +25663,25664,25664,itini i Matay 101113 sanay ku suwal ni Yis Anu icuwaay a lumaˈ ku nicumudan namu a milisuˈ i ngaˈayhu han kuya lumaˈ,in Matthew Jesus said When you enter a house greet the people in it,train +25664,25665,25665,pecec han ku fuhat han ku waselu iraay tu ku hiya,press it turn on the gas stove and you have got a fire,train +25665,25666,25666,saisufitaypu,ministry of defense,train +25666,25667,25667,lamaraw,Mars,train +25667,25668,25668,18 wama wina padamaen ku wawa ira ku taneng ngaˈay Malidung,page parents are to help their children to be wise unto salvation,train +25668,25669,25669,nikaurip,life,train +25669,25670,25670,Luluden ku tipeluk namu,roll up your paper,test +25670,25671,25671,mahaentu mafirang cira takuwanan,just like the old days,train +25671,25672,25672,patayni,come here,train +25672,25673,25673,fisun,shake,train +25673,25674,25674,ira ku suwal nu wama nu maku tu lisin hananay anu sidemak tu mikikungay pasasungitay atu malingad a dademak matalaw a sitepar tu adiwawa,my father once told me that in the old days it was a tradition for old people to avoid the presence of children when they were getting married engaged or going out to work,train +25674,25675,25675,a taluma mamaan sa,why have not you been home,train +25675,25676,25676,mitilid satu kami itini i Tumiyac,we read books in Chung on,train +25676,25677,25677,hahaha haen naca u pineneng aca tura sapisangaan i,Ha come on I am just watching you move,train +25677,25678,25678,papicuhungen,call follow the old man,train +25678,25679,25679,uya tuya nu,still wearing the starfish costume,train +25679,25680,25680,macekeruh,impelled,test +25680,25681,25681,suelin,really,train +25681,25682,25682,iraay hu kaku tayni han kiya ya,I have come to visit again,train +25682,25683,25683,Ha Tayra,Aah go that way,train +25683,25684,25684,Pairari han nu singsi ku situ nira papisalama,the teacher let us the students play,train +25684,25685,25685,lefut,breathe ones last,train +25685,25686,25686,ilul nu mira tura nguha ira,misses his girlfriend,train +25686,25687,25687,Cunhe tiyican tira i Cunhe kaikur nu caysecan,the sports ground behind the Nakazu market,train +25687,25688,25688,Mafahkul i hkal kuya tataangay a kangic o katlang a uner u kakridan nu Palafuay hananay anu ^ca i ci Satan han ciira o misawiay ciira a pamuraraw tu pulung nu tamdaw i hkal Halucuyuh nira a mafahkul i hkal,the great dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads the whole world astray he was hurled to the earth and his angels with him,train +25688,25689,25689,macikeray,locked up,train +25689,25690,25690,ci ama aku ku midiputay itakuwanan,my grandmother raised me,test +25690,25691,25691,misatapang haca i tini i luma nu faʼinay a masafaluh ku urip aca nu maku,a new life in my Husbands house,train +25691,25692,25692,yu miilang ku tatusaay a fafahiyan i u mamaala ku ccay u mamasiday ku ccay,two women will be grinding with a hand mill one will be taken and the other left,train +25692,25693,25693,mamalepun,fulfillment,train +25693,25694,25694,tukuk,peck,train +25694,25695,25695,mamaan suwal satu ku tumuk,the tribal leader said,train +25695,25696,25696,tangasa i adada kiya matuʼasay ci ina aku,until that old man my mom got sick,train +25696,25697,25697,han aku,I so responded,train +25697,25698,25698,wawa sa i a tatulu,all three children are college graduates,train +25698,25699,25699,Talusang,mans name,train +25699,25700,25700,paayaw,belly band,test +25700,25701,25701,tada u pakaduhay kina demak i takuwanan,this thing really appeals to me too much,train +25701,25702,25702,sa masadak kami kila a misinsi,we will start the application process,train +25702,25703,25703,mamang ku lalan,the road is really narrow,train +25703,25704,25704,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu i pisawkitan a rumiad i u nu Sutum atu Kumura a nika tfuc ku kahmaway tu nika tfuc nura niyaru,I tell you the truth it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town,train +25704,25705,25705,cecay,One,train +25705,25706,25706,awaay ku lawad nu maku a minengneng tu kacedu,I do not have time to watch movies,train +25706,25707,25707,i kaʼayaw nu niyaru i iraay ku riyar,there is the sea in front of the tribe,train +25707,25708,25708,anu tara i umaʼumahan isaw,if we go into the wild,train +25708,25709,25709,9 o cecay Sri Lanka a salikaka itiniay ku ˈaru i ruma kitakit pasadakan ningra ku iniyaruˈay a sera atu lumaˈ malu kasaˈupuan pitaykayan atu pikilumaˈan nu mieminay tu tuki a sikawdan,one brother from Sri Lanka who usually lives abroad gave his land and house in Sri Lanka to his brothers so that they could use it as a venue for meetings and conferences and as a residence for full time servants,train +25709,25710,25710,tayra kaku i Kuhekuh sanay ya wawa niya niya itiraay,I went to Mizuho and got to the farmers Union directors kid and said we are merging,test +25710,25711,25711,cai kau kakafanaan ku lahad nu daci i lutuk,there is no way to know the length of the arrow shoots on the mountain,train +25711,25712,25712,i ini ku mita a wawa mafanaay a mikesip,that is great we have clan members who play,train +25712,25713,25713,pakatuur,marry somebody,train +25713,25714,25714,Pavakeluhan nu heni,put the stone in,train +25714,25715,25715,mafana kamu sakaku,as you probably know,train +25715,25716,25716,pitudungen nu wawawawa nu ikuray tu,so we have to make it a good one for teaching,train +25716,25717,25717,u Tapang namu itini i niyaru u Cilamitay,this tribe was the first to live here,train +25717,25718,25718,matini kuya takar repepet han aku matira,hold on tight to the vines,train +25718,25719,25719,piala^,apprehend,train +25719,25720,25720,cuwa,No I have rubbed the rope before,test +25720,25721,25721,sakahanhan,respiratory,train +25721,25722,25722,u lutuk hananay haw,in the mountains,train +25722,25723,25723,Hay kuna anini^ kaku a panukas i ciiraan nika mapawan kaku a miala^ tu paysu^,Yes I was supposed to return to him today but I forgot to bring the money,train +25723,25724,25724,caay ka ulah tu caay ka mu^cel dengan u sulin ku kaulahan,love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth,train +25724,25725,25725,tayra kaku tusa ku matepaay nu m aku,I caught two more in the past,train +25725,25726,25726,akaa tu,absolutely not,train +25726,25727,25727,icuwaan,which one,train +25727,25728,25728,anini a miheca kappah ku tipus,there was a bumper crop of rice this year,train +25728,25729,25729,nami kaku kinatusa ma,I applied twice,train +25729,25730,25730,hai u ilisin tu ku suwal aku a nini,Yes now I am going to talk about the Harvest Festival,test +25730,25731,25731,cay ka pidanguy a miraud,he did not swim,train +25731,25732,25732,miyakiw kita haw,shall we go play baseball,train +25732,25733,25733,Ngaay hu si Dataw kaku i lumaay si Dungi haw,how are you it is Dataw is Dongi home,train +25733,25734,25734,tusa sa ku sapilimaden,move at a time,train +25734,25735,25735,anu haemin han isu kiya anengelay,if you put it all in it is bitter,train +25735,25736,25736,itiya sa a mikikung a sikucu,We did not have a wedding ceremony,train +25736,25737,25737,masiwatid tu itu mararaw tu,Isolated Stranded,train +25737,25738,25738,maxeraay tu ira matudafdaf,they have found flat ground,train +25738,25739,25739,iraan i lalikulay nira mamecel kapah vangcal ku hiya,behind it long and straight nice and pretty,train +25739,25740,25740,ya sa safa aku mimingayhu ku safa aku tiya,my siblings were young,test +25740,25741,25741,Miʼadup kamu rakat sakamu,you guys go hunting on foot,train +25741,25742,25742,o matengilay kuranan,that is what I heard,train +25742,25743,25743,ci asa ku mama ni Yihusafat ci Yihusafat ku mama ni Yihuram ci Yihuram ku mama ni Uciya,Asa the father of Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat the father of Jehoram Jehoram the father of Uzziah,train +25743,25744,25744,hay away tu ku ikur,then there is no one left,train +25744,25745,25745,itiya malatumukay,he was the leader at the time,train +25745,25746,25746,pina a mihecaan saan,I have been sick in bed for years,train +25746,25747,25747,Hay diputen tu kutileng nu misu,Yes you take care too,train +25747,25748,25748,karawraw,worry about,train +25748,25749,25749,o wawa nu mira kunini,this is her child,train +25749,25750,25750,hatira ku suwal aku pakafana tamuwana,with these words I say to you,test +25750,25751,25751,sapalalan sapikaykic tu demak nu Pangcah,giving direction to the Aboriginal Peoples ability to resolve all their matters,train +25751,25752,25752,Tinaku sa anu caay ka deng tu riku anu canguut tu kakaenen ku salikaka namu tu fainayan tu fafahiyan i,suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food,train +25752,25753,25753,u ruma haw i u karawrawan haw i,in addition there is a worrying,train +25753,25754,25754,malaliw ku vavainay kiyami naayaw,men used to run away,train +25754,25755,25755,anini kita i Fataʼan Fataʼan sa,Nowadays everyone is talking about tree peas tree peas,train +25755,25756,25756,sanu hadhadsaan u ku,we are like ducks in the farmyard,train +25756,25757,25757,icuwa tu kuya ccay a langa aku,Where is one of my baskets,train +25757,25758,25758,suelinay maculicul ku wawa nira,really his kid,train +25758,25759,25759,mana cingangan tu Macelcel han haw,why is the name of the place Manchuria,train +25759,25760,25760,miilisin ku ci Puypuyan a niyaru,the rice stack tribe held the Harvest Festival,test +25760,25761,25761,Tahacepuen ku kakudayit nu falucu a micudad,you have to persevere in reading until the end,train +25761,25762,25762,anca masaupu kita u ngasaw ita san mahapingan huku hiya,when the clans are assembled it is all clear,train +25762,25763,25763,ira ku papinapina a pasifanaay tu Rikec O milukesay ku suwal nunini a tamdaw saan ku falucu nangra,at this some of the teachers of the law said to themselves This fellow is blaspheming,train +25763,25764,25764,caenget ku dacidac nu maku,my white ringworm is itchy,train +25764,25765,25765,i nu ay a mihcaan a tayni itini,we have been coming here for about years,train +25765,25766,25766,tu hulic tu pakayniay tu pafeli tu pida,there are legal assistance subsidized loans,train +25766,25767,25767,anu adidik aca ku patelac,if you are talking,train +25767,25768,25768,dangah,stockpot,train +25768,25769,25769,anu caay ka sulin ku falucu namu a misimaw tu dafung nu tau i caay ku papaflien nu Kawas kamu tu dafung nu tireng,and if you have not been trustworthy with someone else property who will give you property of your own,train +25769,25770,25770,tuya pihumungan i siwkayen nira kaku tu sakaira nu ngangan nira mipakafana haca tu lalumaan nira niyaru nira,during the interview he introduced to me the origin of his name and also introduced me to his family and tribe,test +25770,25771,25771,saka sinaada sa ku nikaurip,life was miserable back then,train +25771,25772,25772,paysin umaan ku paysin niyam matuʼasay kaemang hu ku maku itiya,I was too young to understand what taboos and elders taboos were,train +25772,25773,25773,Cacay kisu a maru haw,Then do you live by yourself,train +25773,25774,25774,cikucusita,Socks,train +25774,25775,25775,Enemen ku alalpit,ask for six chopsticks,train +25775,25776,25776,Naitini i Takaw liyas satu kaku tayni i Taynan,I was when I left Kaohsiung and came to Tainan,train +25776,25777,25777,matira,n Ma tire,train +25777,25778,25778,maulah tu lafii a masadak ku takura,frogs like to appear at night,train +25778,25779,25779,o maredatay ku kakirian ni mama aku,my dads sublingual suture cracked,train +25779,25780,25780,tu kuvicu kura,this is a millet plant,test +25780,25781,25781,o mapululay tu nu maku ku ayam,I have got the chickens covered,train +25781,25782,25782,singsi hananay tu i ku pasadaken tu ku Cudad ya ira kiya ulukan,it is like the mustard seed Association applying for money to get an organ,train +25782,25783,25783,o malifetay nu tuas i urip nangra kunini,this is the experience accumulated from the life of our ancestors,train +25783,25784,25784,itiya i ira a miraud i cingraan ku misawiay a Palafuay a sumuwal Anu u Wawa nu Kawas Kisu i kala^pang kamu han a sumuwal kunini a fukluh han nira,the tempter came to him and said If you are the son of God tell these stones to become bread,train +25784,25785,25785,o rumasatu u papaflien aku cangra u pakaluwiday a tamdaw tu sapata^ngad a fuis,He will rule them with an iron scepter he will dash them to pieces like pottery just as I have received authority from my Father,train +25785,25786,25786,tadengalay ku kakarayan,the sky is green with white clouds,train +25786,25787,25787,itini tu a minengneng aka ka tayra iraay a pala yu,come here and take a look do not go too far,train +25787,25788,25788,i hekalay a tamdaw i hekalay ku luma,Relatives friends and family members who hear about the deceased immediately,train +25788,25789,25789,nawhan ni,also because,train +25789,25790,25790,nengneng han tumangicay kiya tumangicay aya,Look there are still a lot of people crying,test +25790,25791,25791,matu nika tilid i Fangcalay Cudad O nanu misu ku saka sarumiad sa kami a misiayaw tu patay samatiya sa u papacuken a siri kami saan,as it is written For your sake we face death all day long we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered,train +25791,25792,25792,sisa kapah ku langaw sa,so we had a good harvest,train +25792,25793,25793,a sapatirengaw tura luma,I am going to build a house,train +25793,25794,25794,lima suut ira ku mu^tep a limuud maemin,all,train +25794,25795,25795,anu mahanay ku misasirawan,that is what the finished product looks like,train +25795,25796,25796,miteleng,flatten out,train +25796,25797,25797,caay ka hapinang ku rayray nu kimad isu,the outline of your sermon was not clear,train +25797,25798,25798,kiskisen tu kuna kuhetingra ini,we will have to scrape off the blackened ones,train +25798,25799,25799,anu macuwa i tala tu kami i saʼuwac,we will go to the river,train +25799,25800,25800,u mafanaʼay tu miʼalapit u cikaferay tu ta han kuranan,if you can hold chopsticks and wear pants you are cooked,test +25800,25801,25801,mawmah tu laku mawmah tu tukus,plantation or dryad cultivation,train +25801,25802,25802,o maan ku sakaranam isu,what did you have for breakfast,train +25802,25803,25803,maatimay,Clamped,train +25803,25804,25804,tacuwacuwa ci mira i,when he got there,train +25804,25805,25805,minukaytu tayni i luma hatiraay ku malitengay,back home together,train +25805,25806,25806,palasawaden ningra ku limuut atu lkakawa nu Rikec nu Yutaya a tamdaw unini i pakaynien i urip ningra a malaccay ku tusaay a finacadan a malafa^luhay a tamdaw ta malarihaday,by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations his purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two thus making peace,train +25806,25807,25807,misavetivetir ku vuting a maanen a caay kasiputut,the fish must have a bamboo tube,train +25807,25808,25808,Hai halhalen niyam ku katayni isu,Yes we will welcome you here,train +25808,25809,25809,malaccay ku falucu naira a mamu^tep a mipaturud tuya aadupen tu icel atu sakuwan naira,they have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast,train +25809,25810,25810,hananay,so called,test +25810,25811,25811,kanca malialac tayra icuwacuwan,except for funerals you have to go anywhere,train +25811,25812,25812,o amel nira ku kausian nu maku a mimetmet tu kamay nira,I hate it when he shakes hands with a sneaky firm grip or a tricky handshake,train +25812,25813,25813,pasihemut seti,I will kick your ass,train +25813,25814,25814,saan kaku kaku ku sakakaay kira,I think so because I am the oldest son in the family,train +25814,25815,25815,fangcal kuni tireng nangra awaay ku adadaay,they are healthy,train +25815,25816,25816,ya nu pacek kuninian aucul han,is this a gyroscope with spikes,train +25816,25817,25817,tu piseking nu wawa anini,Nowadays children are not familiar with the native language,train +25817,25818,25818,kapahay kiniyan a remiʼad iri,it is the perfect season,train +25818,25819,25819,ta ira ku kangaʼayay nu mita atu dademaken sa kita,it is the only way we can get the specialized practices,train +25819,25820,25820,u duduh,storage Slots,test +25820,25821,25821,merumeru han nu nira sisa,swallow them one by one,train +25821,25822,25822,kriden ningra ci Simun a patayra i ci Yisan Pamutek han ni Yis cingra a minengneng suwal sa O wawa ni Yuhani ci Simun kisu Ci Kifas wa hantu kisu han ningra,and he brought him to Jesus Jesus looked at him and said You are Simon son of John you will be called Cephas,train +25822,25823,25823,ningcing,carrot,train +25823,25824,25824,u dadakawan nu mavelecay nu mita,it is for the dead,train +25824,25825,25825,suped han aku ku paysu,save your money,train +25825,25826,25826,manay miteparay tu liyal a tamdaw misausi tu kerah atu lenu nu liyal kiya a ira ku nivuting atu nilalacanan atu nidatengan tunu liyal anu caay pakatakup tu kerah nu liyal a awaawa ku nirepetan nu misu,Therefore people who live by the sea with the tide to the beach fishing picking up sea snails sea vegetables et to have a good harvest if you do not catch the falling tide you can still get what if you do not catch the tide what else can you get,train +25826,25827,25827,pakafiten,deploy something hang on,train +25827,25828,25828,u patay nu futi kaku,I slept through it too,train +25828,25829,25829,Nikaurira caay ka lecad ku micakayan niyam a cudad,but the storybooks we buy are different,train +25829,25830,25830,siwa pulu ira ku sepat ku mihecaan aku,I am years old,test +25830,25831,25831,itirasatu kaku ci amaan aku,I lived with my grandmother,train +25831,25832,25832,mapasevana aca nu,responsibility to teach Chinese,train +25832,25833,25833,hay hatini aca ku pisiwkay nu maku,that is it that is the end of my introduction,train +25833,25834,25834,saraw han,ghosts that cheat on children,train +25834,25835,25835,kura suwal nura faki,the old man said,train +25835,25836,25836,Yamayam san kura lamal nu lutuk,the fire of that fire burning mountain burns brightly,train +25836,25837,25837,a tangasa tu tini malitapud tu,it is time to start singing and dancing,train +25837,25838,25838,cahu pi micucu hu ha ha ha,still breastfeeding like an unweaned child ha ha ha ha,train +25838,25839,25839,Marasiras ku panay,the rice kernels are falling out of the grain stalks,train +25839,25840,25840,kafilu,timely,test +25840,25841,25841,masaʼupu tu i suraratan ri,gather at the clubhouse,train +25841,25842,25842,u nian haw pinaʼun,be careful with this one,train +25842,25843,25843,tatahira tu kami,we will get there too,train +25843,25844,25844,aka kalalima,do not lose heart,train +25844,25845,25845,Palimuuten pasifanaen cangra tunini a dmak,command and teach these things,train +25845,25846,25846,micelem i nanum,to dive into the water,train +25846,25847,25847,cima kura wawa mafanaʼay kisu ha sa takuwan,who is the kid do you know who it is,train +25847,25848,25848,ta paluma hana Pangcah maemin,Amis planting,train +25848,25849,25849,paekerenhu tuya penen tumiturikan,the top layer is held down with braided reeds,train +25849,25850,25850,anu muʼetep i,if there are ten,test +25850,25851,25851,Hay nikawrira u Piwma a fanacadan cingra,Yes but she is from the Puyuma tribe,train +25851,25852,25852,itira i tatapangan nu tukus sa,he said At the foot of the mountain,train +25852,25853,25853,mipadang kaku Iʼayaw sarakatay a miteka a maumah haw i,Yes in the beginning,train +25853,25854,25854,aya mansatu ku lalusidan san,Wow what would we do without tools,train +25854,25855,25855,aluman ku mafukilay misa nu Pangcah hay itini i niyaru namu,there are a lot of people in your tribe who do not speak Amish,train +25855,25856,25856,riharay kunu aniniay a nipivuting,it is a very easy way to fish now,train +25856,25857,25857,mitahidang miucur,call,train +25857,25858,25858,tayni sa ku heni i,when he arrived,train +25858,25859,25859,Saka Cima ita ku sapihaenananay tu dmak saan cangra a malalicalicay,they began to question among themselves which of them it might be who would do this,train +25859,25860,25860,u niya tu a,talk about,test +25860,25861,25861,i pay niyaniyaruʼan tu,townships and tribes,train +25861,25862,25862,awaay tu kiya mama hiwa i,Dads not there anymore,train +25862,25863,25863,tukus nu malaluʼung haw i u Rikec nu malitengay u pipenenan,the mountains of Miyama are the rule of life for the elderly,train +25863,25864,25864,caay pituur kamu u ruma a finacadan tu Kawas i ayaw Nikawrira i matini sa i pakayni i nika ^caan pituur nu Yutaya a tamdaw a malakasiniadaen nu Kawas kamu,just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience,train +25864,25865,25865,adihay ku dademaken nu niyam,our work is very complicated,train +25865,25866,25866,caay ka paysin,there is nothing to hide,train +25866,25867,25867,mikaliling,spooning,train +25867,25868,25868,adifat,crossing,train +25868,25869,25869,liayaw,previous,train +25869,25870,25870,maaraw nuya wawa kuya heci i sapialaan,the child saw the fruits and wanted to take them,test +25870,25871,25871,u sakitira samaanen aku sakitini samaanen aku,all around the tribe,train +25871,25872,25872,nuna diyung ini kyasaw hina tusaen isu mituduh,I am going to barbecue it twice,train +25872,25873,25873,ta patatiku haca kaku tayra i matayal,that is why I went back to work on the ranch,train +25873,25874,25874,cuwa patelas haw cuwa patelas,it will not be easy it is not casual,train +25874,25875,25875,wa mamakeru cingra,she is going to go dancing,train +25875,25876,25876,u Pangcah,it is the Amis,train +25876,25877,25877,valiyus,typhoon,train +25877,25878,25878,afu^,charcoal ash,train +25878,25879,25879,yu miyala tu vainayan nu maku,when I married my husband,train +25879,25880,25880,cuwa ku kasimaanay a kilang ku hecek nu malitengay,do not just take whatever material you need to make a beam,test +25880,25881,25881,Ngaayay a malusasangaen tu papaysuan ku falaku nu wani,Crocodile skin can be made into wallets,train +25881,25882,25882,pinaay tu ku mihecaan nu kaka isu anini,how old is your elder brother,train +25882,25883,25883,tahanini ma kunini a tunini haw,I was born on a day that is commemorated every year,train +25883,25884,25884,tatusa tu kami aci cima,but there are only two of us left,train +25884,25885,25885,anu u maan tu,whatever,train +25885,25886,25886,inu faʼinayan i tahira tu i seukuway nu faʼinayan,Boys paychecks went up it is bucks,train +25886,25887,25887,anuhuni^,Later,train +25887,25888,25888,sasalama saan kuya wawa tu tingnaw,the kid kept playing with the computer,train +25888,25889,25889,fa^luhay,renewed,train +25889,25890,25890,saka awaay hu ku patiyamay awaay hu picakayay tu maanmaan,there is no store or anything to buy or sell,test +25890,25891,25891,Miicepay kira lutung,the monkey eats betel nut,train +25891,25892,25892,tiya pasuwal satu ku ising takuwanan i,the doctor told me,train +25892,25893,25893,sakula,cherry Blossom,train +25893,25894,25894,o matiniay a adihayay a tinaku ku sapakimad ni Yis i finawlan deng u tinaku ku sapasuwal ningra i cangraan caay tu pasuwal tu maamaan cingra i cangraan,Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables he did not say anything to them without using a parable,train +25894,25895,25895,u pakumud nu maiful awaay,Li Yun Ma there is no age class so no kudos to the young,train +25895,25896,25896,Amisahemay anini misaturun sa,but sometimes I want to eat sticky rice and make,train +25896,25897,25897,hay haw kisu i o maan ku pikalican isu,Oh yeah so how did you get here,train +25897,25898,25898,a tayra aca ku ruma anu,I am going to send a few people,train +25898,25899,25899,ini tu kamu a mifuting satu kiya fafahi nira,it is strange I thought you guys came back from fishing,train +25899,25900,25900,mangalefaw,so as not to aggravate,test +25900,25901,25901,micengel tu vuduy,dye ones clothes,train +25901,25902,25902,ecay dadaya saemaemang sanay haw ku,sometimes you can make tens of thousands of dollars a night,train +25902,25903,25903,u matiraay saka,that is it,train +25903,25904,25904,mininaluniay tu,going on a mission,train +25904,25905,25905,sapitenun a keliw,vegetarian linen thread for weaving,train +25905,25906,25906,maherektu,done,train +25906,25907,25907,ta patirengen nangra ku pacfaay a pawacayay a tamdaw a pakasumuwal Caay pitulas kunini a tamdaw a milikaf tu Fangcalay Pitaungan ita atu Rikec ni Musi,they produced false witnesses who testified This fellow never stops speaking against this Holy place and against the law,train +25907,25908,25908,o maan ku sikaen hakiya,what is on the menu,train +25908,25909,25909,hay u masapinangay kinian ira kina radaw sa,ballad mood,train +25909,25910,25910,nikafekac,paw,test +25910,25911,25911,masamaanay tu kiyami antul tu kiyami caka tu kafana kita caka tama,what is happened now it probably stinks we cannot tell we cannot find it,train +25911,25912,25912,anusa maherek ciira mitapa,when he is done,train +25912,25913,25913,anu masamaan ku demak aku i,if I give instructions,train +25913,25914,25914,imatini fangcal ku mata sa haw,Now how are your eyes,train +25914,25915,25915,caay ka urira a ccay tuna u milahciay ku Tapang ci Yis Kristu tu sakalaliay ita atu Kawas saka pakayni i cingraan ku sakalipahak ita tu dmak nu Kawas,not only is this so but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have now received reconciliation,train +25915,25916,25916,yu tahira cangra i Ifisu i siday han ni Pawlu ca Priskila aci Akuila itira ta micumud cingra i kasaupuan a luma nu Yutaya a tamdaw a malaliyang atu Yutaya a tamdaw,they arrived at Ephesus where Paul left Priscilla and Aquila he himself went into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews,train +25916,25917,25917,tiniay tu i tuci misarakarakat,running around the city,train +25917,25918,25918,makala tu minanam tu pakayra,being an assistant director is a different field,train +25918,25919,25919,u deng ku hatiniay karurayan a tayal ku nini a tayal nu Amis itini i Takaw,in Kaohsiung the Aborigines can only do menial and dangerous work,train +25919,25920,25920,sumuwal aca ku kakahulul,that is what the dean said,test +25920,25921,25921,u licay tura lutukimu hananay haw i,Volunteerism as a measure,train +25921,25922,25922,Saka taung satu ci Yisan ku i taminaay a nisawawaan suwal sa cangra Sulinay u Wawa nu Kawas Kisu han nangra,then those who were in the boat worshiped him saying Truly you are the son of God,train +25922,25923,25923,Hingcu Hingcu ku Fangcalay,a little tighter is better,train +25923,25924,25924,madepuc,breathe ones last,train +25924,25925,25925,malasawaday nu mita,and our deceased relatives,train +25925,25926,25926,tu tatiliden i mitilid tu kasasiruma nu tireng,it still proves that what I realized in my was right,train +25926,25927,25927,mana sahetu sa u nu Payrang ku manengnengay ita,why is it that all we see are Han Chinese,train +25927,25928,25928,papikiskisen,Let Scratch,train +25928,25929,25929,Pincen iraay,it is still there in flat Town,train +25929,25930,25930,fawah sa,open the door put your hand in the door,test +25930,25931,25931,nu mita i tukus tu mimelaw tu kanasaw,we are looking for sea urchins on the shore,train +25931,25932,25932,ita u luma ku kemanay kiraan,our family can eat the food offered,train +25932,25933,25933,malemed nu ina nu maku mahaen kiya kilang saan,my mom said that in my dream I saw the tree look like this,train +25933,25934,25934,u yanan tu ku fuhat han tu a mifuhat,just open it up,train +25934,25935,25935,mitalik tu hemay,I want to pound mocha,train +25935,25936,25936,a maenen aluman ku wawa kira,what can you do there were a lot of kids back then,train +25936,25937,25937,Wamaaw nanay matiya u nika laccay ita ku nika laccay nangra o rumasatu nanay malaccay kita atu cangra ta pakayni tunini ku sakapasulin nu tamdamdaw tu nika u niucuran nu misu Kaku,that all of them may be one Father just as you are in me and I am in you may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me,train +25937,25938,25938,miliyaw satu misanga kira,in the making of the object,train +25938,25939,25939,Nanuya tahiratu cingra i Kaysariya ta tayra i Yirusalim a milisu tu kiwkay ta tayra cingra i Antiyuk,when he landed at Caesarea he went up and greeted the church and then went down to Antioch,train +25939,25940,25940,macaʼitay ku hatiniay ku cait a cala nu fafuycala,hanging here are the tusks of a mountain pig tusks for posterity,test +25940,25941,25941,maulah kaku mikuhaw tu kuhaw nu futing,I like fish soup,train +25941,25942,25942,maulah cangra a maru i tadamaanay a kamaruan i pitahkaan atu micidekay a kamaruan i kasaupuan a luma,they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues,train +25942,25943,25943,o saka fangcal tu salawacan nu mita,to maintain the ecology,train +25943,25944,25944,hales tatikutiku saan ku rakat,Yes do not hustle,train +25944,25945,25945,15 Tahiratu i masaˈusiay a mihecaan ngaˈ ngaˈay micada tu inuˈ cuwa ka saan,does a person need to be of a certain age to be baptized please explain,train +25945,25946,25946,hay ilimasyu san na ina ri,then the lady said she wanted it,train +25946,25947,25947,tayra sakaku ha mangaʼay tu na itiya hu minanam kaku tunu ising,I will take the course before I go,train +25947,25948,25948,matukinih,tilt,train +25948,25949,25949,caedungen,put on,train +25949,25950,25950,Pulungen ku paru nu luma a masaupu,have all the family gather together,test +25950,25951,25951,cicangaw,necklace,train +25951,25952,25952,ura sapiadup namu a sakatayal i iraay ku maan a paysinan han,do you have any taboos about hunting weapons,train +25952,25953,25953,nawhani itiya hu awaay ku funun nu Makutaay,because in the past when there was no farmland,train +25953,25954,25954,icuwaay a fulad ku sangaʼayay,which month is the best time to start working,train +25954,25955,25955,sasa,the following,train +25955,25956,25956,paluma tu taviras paanip ku paanipay,corn growers grow corn field growers grow fields,train +25956,25957,25957,hatira a rumiʼad a mikikung san kiya matuʼasay,the elders said we should get married on that day,train +25957,25958,25958,iraan sa matakeda ku ci Ingcayan,then I came across this opportunity for a teacher,train +25958,25959,25959,cekem,tingling sensation,train +25959,25960,25960,pakayni i niyamay rakat sa tangasa i tini i Rinahem mahanay ku rakat nu matuʼasay i tiya,in the past traces of ancestors from the Taichang tribe to the Shoufeng tribe have been found,test +25960,25961,25961,ira ku patihiay tangasa i,still got company,train +25961,25962,25962,mangalay kaku mamaan mamaan,I need to do this,train +25962,25963,25963,minanay tu nisafalucuan nira,make three wishes,train +25963,25964,25964,saka maedeng paluwaden nu mita,I feel like I can stand it up again,train +25964,25965,25965,pakilingen,wear sun protection,train +25965,25966,25966,yasa kaput nira fahkaʼay tu ku kakumaen nira,the people he was with were surprised to see him eat so much,train +25966,25967,25967,Sicikil ku kamay nira,extra fingers on his hand,train +25967,25968,25968,sa nireperan namu tiya hicayan i,what are some of the small fry you are catching,train +25968,25969,25969,awa ku tatilian tu u maan ku sasuwalen pakafana tu wawa,teaching without teaching materials,train +25969,25970,25970,maedeng tu aku a sumuwal,I can make it clear,test +25970,25971,25971,sanay ta alul han nira i Siwkulansi,that is why he put the wooden pole in the Xiuguluan River,train +25971,25972,25972,matayal,work,train +25972,25973,25973,Tataang ku suni nuya kikay,that motor makes a lot of noise,train +25973,25974,25974,aya malaluk kamu haw,Wow you guys are so hardworking,train +25974,25975,25975,kiya,Why I do not know,train +25975,25976,25976,u masamaanay tu hakiya ku niyaru nu Cikasuwan,what is the realm of the Nanakagawa tribe now,train +25976,25977,25977,Nikawrira mafana ku i Tisalunikaay a Yutaya a tamdaw tu nipipatnak na Pawlu tu suwal nu Kawas i Piriya saka tayra cangra a paurur tu finawlan a paluwad tu rawraw,when the Jews in Thessalonica learned that Paul was preaching the word of God at Berea they went there too agitating the crowds and stirring them up,train +25977,25978,25978,a fetiken niyam akuwaten niyam hananay aku ku heni,elderly people make offerings to their ancestors,train +25978,25979,25979,o lusid nu kasaniyaru nu Kalingku u kipin atu talip nu fafahiyan i,the combination of accessories varies from region to region depending on the culture,train +25979,25980,25980,hay icuwa misamiciw,as for that what is the point of aim,test +25980,25981,25981,a maherek a micadcad kami,when we are done peeling and drying,train +25981,25982,25982,ira itira i raay a minengneng ku alumanay a fafahiyan nanu mihaklungay cangra ci Yisan nai Kalili a mipadang Cingraan,many women were there watching from a distance they had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs,train +25982,25983,25983,itira,I am here,train +25983,25984,25984,lakakahad satu ku umah nira haw i,after that his estates became more and more extensive,train +25984,25985,25985,madadahal tu kuni kawmahan tu umah,the fields are getting wider and wider,train +25985,25986,25986,sa adihayan aku ku pida sapihiya han aku,earn money for a wife bride price expenses fees,train +25986,25987,25987,tura faʼinayan,the man,train +25987,25988,25988,a licayen,why do you have to ask so many questions,train +25988,25989,25989,Nikaurira yu tayni tu ku Dipun a mikuwan tu Taywan i misatapang misawad ku Pangcah a misaatumu pasayra tu pisafunun a paluma tu panay,However during the Japanese occupation the people gradually gave up their pottery making skills and engaged in farming and rice cultivation,train +25989,25990,25990,fangcal a nengnengen tengilen hatira ku radiw,songs like this look and sound great,test +25990,25991,25991,masakaput,become a classmate,train +25991,25992,25992,ina atu wama hananay,father and mother,train +25992,25993,25993,mapui kira Kawas san,that Spirit got angry like that,train +25993,25994,25994,haiken,I do not know,train +25994,25995,25995,Itiya ci Yusif makapahay tanektekay ku tireng maimahay ku fafahi ni Putifar sapidiˈiaw cingranan,at that time Potiphars wife had a crush on Joseph a man of great stature and good looks and repeatedly seduced him,train +25995,25996,25996,palitaayma,ask around,train +25996,25997,25997,lingatu hanaku a misanga anini tu siraw nu mita u misa Pangcahay,I started making Amish salted meat,train +25997,25998,25998,i pipakaenan tu kulung a mituliluc ku pakalungay,teenager playing flute while herding cattle,train +25998,25999,25999,suʼelinay i miʼanip tuyanan i,during rice planting,train +25999,26000,26000,Maringeray kira muta i matini a miheduc tu nanum i fanaw,the motor is now pumping water in the pond,test +26000,26001,26001,maupuhay,swift,train +26001,26002,26002,nu misawidawidang tisuwanan,being friends,train +26002,26003,26003,demdem,to endure,train +26003,26004,26004,aka ca kaenen namu kuna nanum han i,ask them why they do not use the tap water,train +26004,26005,26005,hay hay han aku,I am a promise Keeper,train +26005,26006,26006,u misamangahay a tamdaw,an insincere person a hypocrite,train +26006,26007,26007,ninian,these,train +26007,26008,26008,hanaw hiya satu macaka,he is from the utter silence of the night,train +26008,26009,26009,nawhani masapakuyuchu ku urip itiyahu,it is because life was very poor at that time,train +26009,26010,26010,tahanini mapungu hu ku rakat nu maku,I still walk with a limp,test +26010,26011,26011,aca^,original,train +26011,26012,26012,o rumasatu O cacadaen nangra tu kamay Kisu tu saka^caaw ka pasta nu waay Isu i fukluh a ciduka saan han nira,they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone,train +26012,26013,26013,sapitamurungan,I am trying to get my head in the game,train +26013,26014,26014,pasakakarayan,look up to the sky,train +26014,26015,26015,Orasaka patayen ku nuhkalan a tatiihay a dmak nu tireng uya maudangay kaackan a dmak kasimelangan a dmak u imah atu masamaamaanay a anuf,put to death therefore whatever belongs to your earthly nature sexual immorality impurity lust evil desires and greed which is idolatry,train +26015,26016,26016,tu lunan tuwa,after the runabout,train +26016,26017,26017,cingki,dear father,train +26017,26018,26018,o maan ku kaulahan isu,what do you want to eat,train +26018,26019,26019,mansa hatini ku piala aku tura a,so I just took these,train +26019,26020,26020,Sakacecay u madadafitay ku ngangan nu wawa^ atu mama^ atu ngasaw tinaku tuya Calaw Luuh Pacidal sanay a ngangan,First the clan is linked to the fathers and sons names Take for example the name Calan Looh Pacidal,test +26020,26021,26021,sariri^hecek,pillar,train +26021,26022,26022,tusa tini,there is also of them here,train +26022,26023,26023,saka caay ka harateng ku nu ikurikur tu a citay,I do not know what is going to happen to the next generation,train +26023,26024,26024,u piaringadu aku kamuwanan,I thank you very much,train +26024,26025,26025,mitefu,bamboo shoots,train +26025,26026,26026,yu mahaen ku nipipaading ni Pawlu a sumuwal i cli sa ci Fistus Maapa kisu Pawlu Maapaay nu adihay a fana isu kisu han ningra,at this point Festus interrupted Pauls defense You are out of your mind Paul he shouted Your great learning is driving you insane,train +26026,26027,26027,tu ilu nu niyaru tu masamanay,regardless of all the bad business of the tribe,train +26027,26028,26028,Hay cecay suut ira ku tulu pulu ku kaakawang aku,Yes I am centimeters now,train +26028,26029,26029,micudad tu amin haw ku wawa,are both kids in school,train +26029,26030,26030,tayra i isutuan,entering the art Ensemble,test +26030,26031,26031,caʼay kakaʼen ira ku ʼukakmaʼanen a misasiraw saʼan sa,it is harder to make savory meat if you cannot eat the bone in mix,train +26031,26032,26032,mitangtang,boiled,train +26032,26033,26033,linay,umbrella,train +26033,26034,26034,safaw lima hu ku mihecaan nura wawa karacucu a nengnengen,that kid is years old and her breasts look huge,train +26034,26035,26035,Suˈliˈlin cuwa ka hecahecad ku lalengawan nu salikaka kawra makedecay a miduku ci Yihufaan,brothers and sisters from different backgrounds serve the Lord in unity,train +26035,26036,26036,Langasan,Lagashan tribal name,train +26036,26037,26037,malakelaway,arrested,train +26037,26038,26038,Nika adidi ku nanum nu tarawadaw i kasinawan,However in the winter the stream is very shallow,train +26038,26039,26039,taluma tu amin ku makacuwacuwaʼay,people from all over the world are coming back,train +26039,26040,26040,cay ka surep,you will not go hungry,test +26040,26041,26041,tatuluay ku wawa aku ta tayni kami,I have got three kids that is why we are here,train +26041,26042,26042,adihay itini palapalaan lengaw sanay,a lot of natural growth in the field,train +26042,26043,26043,matiya u katfadan nu sapaluma i lawac nu lalan ku falucu nu rumaruma a tamdaw yu mitngil cangra tu suwal i tangsul sa a ira ci Satan a miafas tu nifulsakan i falucu nangra tu tatudung nu suwal,some people are like seed along the path where the word is sown as soon as they hear it Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them,train +26043,26044,26044,nikaenan,all you can eat,train +26044,26045,26045,an cima ku ayaw iri,let us see who gets it first,train +26045,26046,26046,caay ka ngalef ku nika tadamaan nu tayal nu Fangcalay Adingu a madil hakiya,will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious,train +26046,26047,26047,hey hey,Hey Hey hey hey hey hey,train +26047,26048,26048,Macepa ku kamay nira a mihuduc tu satingki nu hemay saka matimel ciira,his hands were wet when he pulled out the electric cord of the rice cooker so he was electrocuted,train +26048,26049,26049,i pafafuyan a micacak ci ina tu funga,mom is cooking groundnuts in the pigsty,train +26049,26050,26050,si Kacaw ku tadawidang aku,my good friends name is Kacaw and he is also an Amis child,test +26050,26051,26051,misaefit,deception,train +26051,26052,26052,anu ayaw a miheca,I am replacing this cow next year,train +26052,26053,26053,Suuten ku panay,bundle the grain,train +26053,26054,26054,liwhuwang,sulfuric,train +26054,26055,26055,malakalapiyat,it is a lightning bolt,train +26055,26056,26056,Tapangaw patayen nangra ku paliayaway tu suwal Isu Plengen nangra ku pipatuayaan i Tisuwanan Kakutu a ccay ku faduc Nikawrira sapipatayan cangra i takuwanan saan,Lord they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars I am the only one left and they are trying to kill me,train +26056,26057,26057,nu puut a nisangaan,it is made of pocket knives,train +26057,26058,26058,anu tini ku kangalayan namu mama i,Father if you like it here,train +26058,26059,26059,o sapiidid ni akung tu kakahung kunini eric,these wires are used by Gong to bake flying fish,train +26059,26060,26060,piyuk,dancers posture,test +26060,26061,26061,nengnengen ku tayal nu matuʼasay mafana tu kamu,you know what watch how the old man behaves,train +26061,26062,26062,i cuwaay a kapah ku malalukay,which young man is the hardest worker,train +26062,26063,26063,Dueng san kisu awaawa ku nitenglan isu hani,are you really deaf why cannot you hear anything,train +26063,26064,26064,Haliefung tu fakeluh cira i alu,he likes to throw stones into the river,train +26064,26065,26065,micudad kaku tu,when I was in middle school,train +26065,26066,26066,mami,tangerine,train +26066,26067,26067,mahrek ci Yis a painu i tangsul sa a macakat nai nanum mafawah ku kakarayan Maaraw ningra ku nika ^pud nu Adingu nu Kawas a matiya u tupi a patfu i tireng ningra,as soon as Jesus was baptized he went up out of the water at that moment heaven was opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him,train +26067,26068,26068,han aku kamu inaʼaw amaʼaw,I will tell your mom and dad,train +26068,26069,26069,mitenuun,woven cloth,train +26069,26070,26070,ya ama nu mita kiyami,our grand mom,test +26070,26071,26071,Maakik tu ku duka nu waay aku,the wound on my foot is healed,train +26071,26072,26072,Ngaayay malahulul hu kita sa kaku,I am doing great I came to chat with you,train +26072,26073,26073,renuk itiniay haw i hekal,they will float to the shore too,train +26073,26074,26074,Nengnengen caay paskaska cingra a pasuwal awaay ku milalangay tu nika sumuwal ningra latek u nika fana nu kakrikridan tu nika ci Kristu cingra haw,here he is speaking publicly and they are not saying a word to him have the authorities really concluded that he is the Christ,train +26074,26075,26075,parikur tu suwal,to give a farewell message,train +26075,26076,26076,ngata tu kami kami itini a muku,we have been here for about years,train +26076,26077,26077,malifawa ku tusur nu maku,my knees are swollen,train +26077,26078,26078,silumaay,master,train +26078,26079,26079,adihay ku usaw nu maku i ta misanga aku ta sapahining cingraan,I will keep the rest I will bring it to her some day,train +26079,26080,26080,maveruh,get burnt,test +26080,26081,26081,misa luma sa i ayaw fangcal ku luma iayaw,the former cover house is very cozy,train +26081,26082,26082,saka u sasiinien nu maku haw,so here is what I would like to share,train +26082,26083,26083,saana,that is the way it is,train +26083,26084,26084,matngil nu Farisay a tamdaw ku nika laliyaliyang nu finawlan tu pakayniay i ci Yisan Saka ucuren nangra atu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung ku midipangay a tayring a papirpet i ci Yisan,the Pharisees heard the crowd whispering such things about him then the chief priests and the Pharisees sent temple guards to arrest him,train +26084,26085,26085,Pakafanaen,tell,train +26085,26086,26086,anu mausuy haw mamituki kura mitefuc,if you are late you will be punished,train +26086,26087,26087,minukay cira patikur talakalasufitay ira i tangsulay i Kimmung u hay,when I returned from vacation I was assigned to Gammon,train +26087,26088,26088,ikur tunu 4000 miheca ngaˈ mapataytu ku edengan wawa ni Yihufa saki tamdamdaw,about years later Jehovah paid a great price for the salvation of mankind by sacrificing his only son,train +26088,26089,26089,mikilim tu katayalan micumud tu i matayal,looking for a job to work in a company,train +26089,26090,26090,raremed,wet through,test +26090,26091,26091,As mana awa ku cecay,Hey why is there one missing,train +26091,26092,26092,hacacay hacacay,just one stone at a time,train +26092,26093,26093,itiniay a patada iraw pihiyaan asapad,over the table,train +26093,26094,26094,tangasa i sepat a miheca i micudad i kusyaw,by the fourth grade,train +26094,26095,26095,kamay,hand,train +26095,26096,26096,cadiwayen nu heni ku macadiwayay,they use trammel nets to catch,train +26096,26097,26097,sakilangan nu malitengay kura kilang,old generation raft cutting trees,train +26097,26098,26098,pararid,as usual,train +26098,26099,26099,Hay mafanaay tu kaku Akuiday,I see thank you,train +26099,26100,26100,pitpit pitpit han i,it is about to be harvested,test +26100,26101,26101,o fiik ku adada nira,he has a goiter,train +26101,26102,26102,nisilsil,permutation,train +26102,26103,26103,aray han ku pipaini^ nu misu taluma tu kaku,thank you for your hospitality I have to go now,train +26103,26104,26104,pina ku kakahad,how wide,train +26104,26105,26105,tamikawmahan aku,I opened it,train +26105,26106,26106,anu hakuwa ku katangasaan nira,what time is he arriving,train +26106,26107,26107,a u luma tu,I have switched homes,train +26107,26108,26108,titi,squashy,train +26108,26109,26109,anu milakeraway kisu,you or the night salvage,train +26109,26110,26110,o tumirengay i tatihi nu ciwcika ni Yis i ira ku ina ni Yis atu fai ningra atu fafahi ni Klupas ci Mariya aci Mariya nu Maktala,near the cross of Jesus stood his mother his mothers sister Mary the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene,test +26110,26111,26111,cima tu mami dutuc tunu hatiniay a demak,who will carry on such a thing,train +26111,26112,26112,idatiel,depend,train +26112,26113,26113,u vuhecalay kuni,it is white,train +26113,26114,26114,iraay tu ku iya nu litengan a demak miduduay tu kami u kaemangay,the traditional ritual culture of our ancestors is being followed by the younger generation,train +26114,26115,26115,u mitaungay tu samiyay u cikawasay u misaadaay u macaculiay u mainapay u makteray u misatkeday u palacinuwasay atu micidekay,idolatry and witchcraft hatred discord jealousy fits of rage selfish ambition dissensions factions,train +26115,26116,26116,si laway ku ngangan nu mira haw,is his name Lawai,train +26116,26117,26117,Paatayen ku masamisiay ku falucu a salikaka,give encouragement to those who do not have faith,train +26117,26118,26118,Hayda i cuwa kita matatala,Yeah okay where do we meet,train +26118,26119,26119,nengneng han nu malitengay haw,and the old mans vision,train +26119,26120,26120,minanam kaku tu tilid nu Amis,I an learning Amis writing,test +26120,26121,26121,miʼuway cangra,they are going to pick vines,train +26121,26122,26122,katawal,forget,train +26122,26123,26123,a nipaluma,seed,train +26123,26124,26124,niatepan,hostage,train +26124,26125,26125,ayaw awaay ku tutu,there used to be no ladle,train +26125,26126,26126,u niyan u vavahi dengaytu a miki,girls mowing the lawn laughing,train +26126,26127,26127,nima a tikami kura,whose letter is that,train +26127,26128,26128,adida,tulips of kudzu,train +26128,26129,26129,itira a micukang nga,it is where you make your money working there,train +26129,26130,26130,o mamipadang tu tayal nu kakrikridan nu kiwkay i u ccayay ku fafahi u ngaayay ku pidiput tu wawa atu paru nu luma,a deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well,test +26130,26131,26131,u suwal kuniyan i,just a suggestion,train +26131,26132,26132,u maan ku tayal nu kaput itiya na,if we are sure we will have to find out who was in charge at the time,train +26132,26133,26133,o maupicay ku fuduy nu maku a talapicudadan,I wear wet clothes to school,train +26133,26134,26134,adihay ku nisyasingan nu maku panengnengen nu maku ci mama^ aci ina^,I took a lot of pictures and showed them to my parents,train +26134,26135,26135,ngaʼay madadadu tu ku wawa,so that the children can pass it on,train +26135,26136,26136,nisa misarusarus ku matuʼasay minengneng kaku,I saw the old man sawing a log,train +26136,26137,26137,fitaʼul ca atu manmaan dateng,the only vegetables are eggs or wild greens,train +26137,26138,26138,kalaenu ira haw i u eri,it is thatched at the bottom,train +26138,26139,26139,o sakasaan aku i caay ku nipilunguc aku tu sapafli namu i takuwanan o kangalayan aku i u nika tungal nu nika lmed namu,not that I am looking for a gift but I am looking for what may be credited to your account,train +26139,26140,26140,nu heni tu cuzukaysing tinihantui,link to deepen investment and counseling resources,test +26140,26141,26141,misabel satu tu kunga,Therefore the groundnuts are cooked,train +26141,26142,26142,Taringting kuya panay,the rice is strong and firm,train +26142,26143,26143,o Tafalung u Fatʼan itiraay i Fahul tangasangasa,to the tribal horses at Tai Saddle Tai Long,train +26143,26144,26144,awaay tu,non existent,train +26144,26145,26145,simawen nu sufitay ku lawac nu riyar,soldiers guard the coastline,train +26145,26146,26146,misalama a micefus kaku tu nanum i tangal nu kaput aku,we play by sprinkling water on the heads of my classmates,train +26146,26147,26147,u runi kuni hay ini u,Yes it is here,train +26147,26148,26148,raecus miala tu saetipan sa amisan,I cannot take the ones that go south and north,train +26148,26149,26149,hatiniay a talalutuk a tayal saka,just got the idea to head for the hills,train +26149,26150,26150,matuasay,old man,test +26150,26151,26151,caay kaʼurad,it is not raining,train +26151,26152,26152,hayi remadiw,Singing a song,train +26152,26153,26153,Nanuya tu mala kahengangay tu ku hemut nu lutung,from then on the monkeys butt turned red,train +26153,26154,26154,anu talacacudadantu anu katalumatu,going to school or coming home,train +26154,26155,26155,adihay ku tusiya i lalan,lots of cars on the road,train +26155,26156,26156,vaedet,fever,train +26156,26157,26157,o maan kunian,what is this,train +26157,26158,26158,luma nu Taywan,Minnans home,train +26158,26159,26159,tulu i nu namu pitu nu maku,three bags for you seven bags for us,train +26159,26160,26160,namahaen i pakayni pakacumud ini tu ya hiya nira,that is how you go in and out,test +26160,26161,26161,Hacikayen nu mita a talapicudadan,we took a quick jog to school,train +26161,26162,26162,Tatahila tu kita haw,are we almost there,train +26162,26163,26163,a,Ahh,train +26163,26164,26164,itiyatu,at that time,train +26164,26165,26165,sakacaluway,go to the toilet,train +26165,26166,26166,saka u falucu ita i mararaw tu ku,I thought that the subject has been introduced into the scene,train +26166,26167,26167,Paun^un ku mama nu kapah imatini,now the youth leaders are declaring the decree,train +26167,26168,26168,kura pala itira tayra i Palidawlidaw,they also migrated to Manchuria in Hengchun,train +26168,26169,26169,masamaan saw ku siyakay itini i san,just ask what is the situation in Taipei,train +26169,26170,26170,ititaanan,In We,test +26170,26171,26171,nawhani futeken nunini a finawlan ku mata nangra Duengen nangra ku tangila nangra Maurat ku falucu nangra anu ^ca ka haen i latek pakaaraw ku mata nangra latek pakatngil ku tangila nangra latek mafana ku falucu nangra a pasasiyur a pasayni i Takuwanan ta maadah aku cangra sanay,for this peoples heart has become calloused they hardly hear with their ears and they have closed their eyes otherwise they might see with their eyes hear with their ears understand with their hearts and turn and I would heal them,train +26171,26172,26172,Puhpuh han ku wawa ta mafuti tu dadaya,Stroking the child will make him sleep at night,train +26172,26173,26173,tireng sa kaku,I was standing there,train +26173,26174,26174,Siluma tu i tukay samira i tira sa tu a matayal,they have a family in the city and work there as well,train +26174,26175,26175,demak,rituals,train +26175,26176,26176,suwal nu Pangcah han tu i,transformation justice is only possible if you intervene to help,train +26176,26177,26177,o kadaduedu nu tatuˈasan ni Misiya sahetuay u cinganganay tu fisac a wawa han,do all the people in the Messianic lineage records have primogeniture,train +26177,26178,26178,vukung,Wu Guo fish,train +26178,26179,26179,paka say han nu matuʼassay,it is called The old mans name is Shaiji,train +26179,26180,26180,misawsaw tu fuduy nu ina atu mama,I have to help my mom and dad with the laundry,test +26180,26181,26181,icuwaay ku niyaru nu misu,where is your hometown,train +26181,26182,26182,o miuwalay kami tu tapangan nu rakes i lutuk i huni,just now we were moving heavy camphor tree heads up the hill with a crowbar,train +26182,26183,26183,misinaray,watermelon,train +26183,26184,26184,o miasipay tunini a cudad u tadamalmeday o mitngilay a maimer a midu^du tunini nipaliayawan a suwal i u tadamalmeday nawhani mangatatu ku kalahcian nunini a dmak,blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it because the time is near,train +26184,26185,26185,sa mahaenay kaku i mamang u curen nu mama a pakatayal,my father used to tell me what to do and that was my job as a child,train +26185,26186,26186,o mamapaturud cingra i ruma a finacadan o lalukesen nangra Cingra u papakanguduen Cingra u sasasupaen Cingra,he will be handed over to the Gentiles they will mock him insult him spit on him flog him and kill him,train +26186,26187,26187,uni kamesay ha kamesay han kura ha,did you say tassel Oh it is called fringe,train +26187,26188,26188,fs100namafanaʼ mifetir aniniay wawa mafukil tu mahecaday,I am sure it is a tongue twister but kids today do not do that,train +26188,26189,26189,sa kura harateng ira i,that kind of place i,train +26189,26190,26190,malaliw tu nu nisikitangay itiyahu,after the miners left there were almost families,test +26190,26191,26191,hatiraay ku demak nu mita,this is how things are done,train +26191,26192,26192,caykaaraw san kira ci Mauwidan,I cannot see his body,train +26192,26193,26193,caka hatira haw ilaay ku nanahen hatiray haw,is that so is there a correlation,train +26193,26194,26194,tuul han nu maku ku wama ina ira ku safa aku cecay fafahiyan a safa,I have a sister with my mom and dad,train +26194,26195,26195,ingwiwumennake salilit,because of our pattern,train +26195,26196,26196,yan tu pacici han miulung kura nanum satikurtikur i,barely able to carry the water on his own he made one trip after another,train +26196,26197,26197,pasafaled,on top of,train +26197,26198,26198,yu a makerah tu ku liyal,almost as if the sea was going to turn small,train +26198,26199,26199,paypayen nu mipaypayay i,Buddhism is all about ancestor worship,train +26199,26200,26200,Yencumin,Aboriginal,test +26200,26201,26201,takaraw ri makuri,tall and thin,train +26201,26202,26202,pahaihai hanen,a cool breeze is good,train +26202,26203,26203,cirekay,insect,train +26203,26204,26204,makeru mikiki remadiw itiya a lavii ku vinawlan,that night the tribesmen had dances theater performances and singing,train +26204,26205,26205,tahiraay pina mihecaan kura pikilumaʼan tura eli,how many years have you lived in that house,train +26205,26206,26206,aray han aku ku pulung nu Yincumincu,I want to thank all of our indigenous friends,train +26206,26207,26207,laliw ha tu ni kaka aku,and then big brother came out,train +26207,26208,26208,a mihumun tu salikaka,as well as doing family prayers,train +26208,26209,26209,sakatumayian,I want to go to the toilet,train +26209,26210,26210,han nu Pangcah,in Ami it is a sika deer,test +26210,26211,26211,inian limaay a kasasiruma haw i u nikunisan nu mikingkiway,the names of these five subgroups are derived from the taxonomy of early anthropologists,train +26211,26212,26212,caay kamaamaan,nothing will happen,train +26212,26213,26213,Faluay ku uu tusaay ku sakarat,eight legs and two cheeks,train +26213,26214,26214,Suwalsa ku heni anu itini i hekal i ising mavelec,Say if you die outside or in a hospital,train +26214,26215,26215,naang,punish,train +26215,26216,26216,hay maluwan tu ku wawa nuna wina sa kaku,it is good to have fewer children to ease the burden of motherhood,train +26216,26217,26217,nanu tuas tangasa anini u lekakawa nu sakiramud nu Pangcah wata ku kasasiruma a mafalic,the Amis marriage system has changed dramatically from ancient times to the present,train +26217,26218,26218,i tiyaay i 1984 a mihecaan ku kahufucan aku sakatusa pulu nu sakapitu a fulad,I was also born in and July is my birthday,train +26218,26219,26219,itiyahu masamisimisiay hu kaku tu laan,I did not really understand why,train +26219,26220,26220,aluman kura takula itini i laenu,there were many frogs below,test +26220,26221,26221,pikalican,means of transportation,train +26221,26222,26222,itira kina inget nu petun isu kakuwan haen han naku di,I am just saying this is where your siblings get mad at me,train +26222,26223,26223,fana,knowledge,train +26223,26224,26224,pahanhan saan i,on vacation,train +26224,26225,26225,u vaeket nu pudaw ku sausien,small fry by weight,train +26225,26226,26226,u luma hatini hananay aca caka ci pacek,some of them do it directly without nails,train +26226,26227,26227,masuni,ask,train +26227,26228,26228,ka inaneng a dademak i tini i katayalan na,work seriously in the factory,train +26228,26229,26229,mahecad tu ni Kacaw a kafang,Kacaws coat is the same as yours,train +26229,26230,26230,kukesem nira,the suffering of the heart,test +26230,26231,26231,luud,war,train +26231,26232,26232,caay ka awa ku tahatekeray kira,and that is how he is been able to catch all kinds of prey,train +26232,26233,26233,a matalaw sa kaku,I am afraid,train +26233,26234,26234,u sarikuray tu kiraan hatira ku nu malatumukay,he became the one on whom the people depended for their lives and an example to follow,train +26234,26235,26235,nanay hatira i tisuwanan malaidahiay a singsi anu cilacila,I hope to be as good a teacher as you are,train +26235,26236,26236,sakatusa u malaheciay sa kaku,the second I completed the policy,train +26236,26237,26237,Pinaun kapalal kamu nawhani mafukil kamu tu nika anu hacuwa aira kuya rumiad,be on guard be alert you do not know when that time will come,train +26237,26238,26238,malaaped ku falucu aku,I was disheartened,train +26238,26239,26239,naʼurip niyam itiya hu i,what about our old life,train +26239,26240,26240,Taungen ku singsi,salute to the teacher,test +26240,26241,26241,Tatalucuwa^ kita anini^ a rumiad,where are we going today,train +26241,26242,26242,na adihay tu ku luma,you will have a lot of houses,train +26242,26243,26243,u itiniyay ku aru itinitu a mikilim tu vunga,the ones here are also here to look for groundnuts,train +26243,26244,26244,misafalid i tayniay i Sanayasay haw,take a bamboo raft to green Island,train +26244,26245,26245,mahaenaytelik tatu tepec sa,this is it if you cut it too much it will break,train +26245,26246,26246,ora wina ira haw maulahay kura wina ira,the mans mom loves his mom,train +26246,26247,26247,u suwal aku anini i,here is what comes to mind,train +26247,26248,26248,emin Cikasuʼan pituʼay tu caay ka haen Natawran atu niʼan i Kicufiʼay haw niʼan i siwaay ku selal haw,the seven foot river has seven age classes unlike the Dolan tribe and the Moonbrow tribe which have a total of nine age classes,train +26248,26249,26249,malecad tuna titi ini nengnengen isu,look at it it is just like this piece of meat,train +26249,26250,26250,sapiirair nu matuasay a mivuting,elderly man catching fish by herding,test +26250,26251,26251,caay kaefer nu fali san a tatusa ta minukay tu cangra,so the wind does not blow them away so they can go home,train +26251,26252,26252,tu matiya i,from that moment on,train +26252,26253,26253,rihi,embankment or footpath between paddy fields,train +26253,26254,26254,Palusiden ku wawa,put decorative clothes on the child,train +26254,26255,26255,o macekelay a maemin ku panay nu mita,our rice is all hanging low,train +26255,26256,26256,pina saw ku nikavanaan nu misu tu suwal nu rumaan a niyaru mavana cira a semuwal tunu Ripun nu Teruku atu nu Ngayngay,I asked him which languages he knew and he was fluent in Teruku as well as Atayal Hakka and Ngayngay,train +26256,26257,26257,papinengneng tu nanum,go and inspect the landscape,train +26257,26258,26258,Orasaka u maan ku kakaenen u maan ku nananumen aka ka saan a maruray a misaharaterateng,and do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink do not worry about it,train +26258,26259,26259,Hatutamdaw kisu anini,you look more human today,train +26259,26260,26260,awaay ku hikitasi nu sapad nu maku,my desk does not have a drawer,test +26260,26261,26261,away tu tai nu alu haw i mikilim tu ku siking,if we run out of yams we will eat pennyroyal,train +26261,26262,26262,araw sa ci hiya kira Kawas nu heni,the ghosts and gods they thought they knew,train +26262,26263,26263,ku hiya ku talukan,the chicken coop,train +26263,26264,26264,Fanaʼtu nu malitengay patireng tu luma,the old mans own experience to cover the house,train +26264,26265,26265,nuka,twisting,train +26265,26266,26266,o sulippa ku matafukuday ni kaka,brother sprinkles got the slippers,train +26266,26267,26267,Matuhatuh ku paliding,the wagon rolls without braking,train +26267,26268,26268,ciingay,oriented,train +26268,26269,26269,ku matuasay,it is based on an old Amis man,train +26269,26270,26270,o citadahay ku papinapina i takuwan,there are a few people who are in debt to me,test +26270,26271,26271,Safahka sa ku finawlan tu nika caciyawtu ku maapaay maadahtu ku mapikingay rumakattu ku mapiiway pakaarawtu ku mapuhaway hmek satu cangra tu Kawas nangra u Israil,the people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking the crippled made well the lame walking and the blind seeing and they praised the God of Israel,train +26271,26272,26272,haen han aku kamu ku iraay aca faki fai salikaka anu u kamu tu u singsi,I would like to express my gratitude to all the elders brothers and sisters and teachers who have come here,train +26272,26273,26273,anu mama^deng kisu i patunuen ku rakat ni Apulus atuya pasifanaay tu Rikec a tamdaw ci Cinas hapinangen anu u maan ku kacanguutan nangra,do everything you can to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way and see that they have everything they need,train +26273,26274,26274,caay ka unini a ccay ku dmak nu Kawas o ccayay ku mama nu tatusaay a fainayan a wawa ni Ripika u wawa ni Isak u tatuasan ita,for this was how the promise was stated At the appointed time I will return and Sarah will have a son,train +26274,26275,26275,kaetip,west side,train +26275,26276,26276,elik,footboard Friction Shelling,train +26276,26277,26277,u sakakaay naira tatulu,their big brothers three of them,train +26277,26278,26278,Ocung ku lusid nu maku a tayra i Taypak,I have a lot of luggage for Taipei,train +26278,26279,26279,Rumadiway,sing a song,train +26279,26280,26280,naay sa kami,let us not,test +26280,26281,26281,pilabinan tira i luma nu niyam,spend the night at our house,train +26281,26282,26282,cila tu a rumiad hacafayen tu nu maku ci ama atu ci ina a tayra,next time I will come with my parents,train +26282,26283,26283,caay kanca,certain,train +26283,26284,26284,u ninian u matengilay nu mita i,this thing started with our ancestors,train +26284,26285,26285,o paturud ku nipadang nu fahiyan,the women are just helping to deliver it,train +26285,26286,26286,Hai i sakatusa pulu rumiad nu sakatulu a fulad ku kahufucan aku,Yes March is my birthday,train +26286,26287,26287,anu mafanaaytu kita tu sulin i anu paci^ci sa kita a mararid a ciraraw i awaaytu ku malusapihpul tu raraw a sapatuaya,if we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth no sacrifice for sins is left,train +26287,26288,26288,madengay aca a tala Yuci a misinga a miala tu pida atu patayra tu sapacudad,you can also go to the post office to deposit money collect money and send mail,train +26288,26289,26289,ayu ku diyung ta masusuay i ha naku ci mamu i,tell Grandma Wow our pigs are fat,train +26289,26290,26290,a lalesiyan tu remiremiad,tsunami every day,test +26290,26291,26291,adihay ku taakay a tamina i minatu,there are a lot of big ships in the harbor,train +26291,26292,26292,masaʼupu itini,utilizing the opportunity to work together,train +26292,26293,26293,anu matuduh ku nipatirengan nu nima i u mamasipun kuya tamdaw Nikawrira u mamatiya u masadakay nai namal cingra a mapaurip,if it is burned up he will suffer loss he himself will be saved but only as one escaping through the flames,train +26293,26294,26294,maan han tangasa i Luidaw kiya haw,when we return to Lili Leak,train +26294,26295,26295,ini ku hawlit,here it is,train +26295,26296,26296,Nikar matawalay aku miala ku impac pacaliwen hu kaku,Nikar I forgot to bring my pen can you lend me one,train +26296,26297,26297,i wawa henay kami haw mahaen,that is how it was when we were kids,train +26297,26298,26298,siruma haw i ira tu nu pakayniay i pala,Secondly regarding land disputes,train +26298,26299,26299,sa sanu Pangcah saan,So it is all in the language,train +26299,26300,26300,malufic,fruitful,test +26300,26301,26301,malakaemihay,become cheaper,train +26301,26302,26302,kapah,it is good to learn,train +26302,26303,26303,tiih kaenen kini maulah kumatuʼasay sa kaku mamang hu kaku,I am still young and I do not think it is good but old people love it,train +26303,26304,26304,i kawali nu kalala ura niyaru tatusa,tribes to the left of Ghana,train +26304,26305,26305,mipulitiay,lost,train +26305,26306,26306,mangatatu a tahira kita haw,are we almost there,train +26306,26307,26307,ora mitelian nura saraw tira kura wawa,that is where the ghosts and gods put that child,train +26307,26308,26308,anu maletek tu ku kasulipan,if the work is done,train +26308,26309,26309,tuya tusa pulu hu ku mihecaan u matamaay tu,what I realized in my was right,train +26309,26310,26310,o tadah ku sakarufu nu maku,debt was the reason I was shut down,test +26310,26311,26311,caay ka hiya tu cavay,the impact of friends,train +26311,26312,26312,maala tu aku itinian laluma nu tireng nu maku,I hid it on my body inside my clothes,train +26312,26313,26313,nikawrira i tini pasa^etip anu pulung han i maka alatu tu 10 a ufad tu ku tamdaw u pisahalaka a mikilim tu kasaluwayan a urip ku saka piliyas tu niyaru,However there are more than people in the west who have left their homes in search of a stable life,train +26313,26314,26314,liduen tu nira alaen tu nira ku rakar tusa,pack up the two fishes,train +26314,26315,26315,anini a dadaya cecay tu ku futi ira i luma,Tonights the last night I will be sleeping at home,train +26315,26316,26316,madingac nu fulu ku kamay ni mama,Dads hand was cut by a bamboo arrow,train +26316,26317,26317,kuyasi,fertilizer,train +26317,26318,26318,cecay a rumiʼad mamiya tu mi tu kita itini i hekal,everyone leaves the world one day,train +26318,26319,26319,iraay ku suwal nu singsi haw i,the teacher has also said that,train +26319,26320,26320,kita u i tiniay tuna cahung i matiya u miurungay tu kartengay a tumangic caay ku nika ngalay ita a mihlung tunini a cahung mangalay kita a mapacadung nu Kawas tu i kakarayanay a tireng ta mapatisud tu mauripay ku mamapatay a tireng ita,for while we are in this tent we groan and are burdened because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life,test +26320,26321,26321,papitahka,entertain,train +26321,26322,26322,u yaan caayay kavana a dademak,they cannot work,train +26322,26323,26323,anu mafaliyus adihayay ku afal atu tuda mahadakay,if a typhoon comes there will be a lot of shrimps and eels,train +26323,26324,26324,fulad,months,train +26324,26325,26325,macuwa i mikihatiya tu,even with my,train +26325,26326,26326,kuna,That,train +26326,26327,26327,Naay kaku a talapicudadan,I do not want to go to school,train +26327,26328,26328,suʼelinay tu,truly,train +26328,26329,26329,ini uninan,this one,train +26329,26330,26330,matilu,trapped,test +26330,26331,26331,pakayniay i pifahfah tu lifung,about epidemic Expulsion,train +26331,26332,26332,kiyari tu pahiya,to the spirits of the heavens,train +26332,26333,26333,i tini i pusung Madawdaw Cengkung Sangsuy ku pitilidan aku,in Taitung Success Township I studied at Success Shangshui,train +26333,26334,26334,mangaay maemin,all of them,train +26334,26335,26335,micudad sakiya,that is why it is all publicly funded,train +26335,26336,26336,alapi,chopsticks,train +26336,26337,26337,miinip,drink,train +26337,26338,26338,itini,there are,train +26338,26339,26339,Nikawrira Latek caay ku raranikay a minukay ku tawki anu saan ku falucu nuya kuli ta mipalu cingra tu fainayan atu fafahiyan a ruma a kulikuli ta kumaen mitauwak malasang cingra,but suppose the servant says to himself My master is taking a long time in coming and he then begins to beat the menservants and maidservants and to eat and drink and get drunk,train +26339,26340,26340,Kiwnisay,years old,test +26340,26341,26341,a semuwal ku vavuy nu liyal saan,where is the talking whale,train +26341,26342,26342,mahaen matini u maramuday,like a modern couple,train +26342,26343,26343,haean san saka tayra pusung,arriving in Taitung this way,train +26343,26344,26344,cahu ka pelaʼen cimira haw tuduhan tu,we are going to barbecue before we cut it open,train +26344,26345,26345,itini i niyaru tu nu kahacacay nu niyaru niyam tulu,in the three tribes,train +26345,26346,26346,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Tuna matini ku suwal isu saka ulili Pinukaytu Masadakaytu nai wawa isu kuya palafuay han ningra,then he told her For such a reply you may go the demon has left your daughter,train +26346,26347,26347,o rumasatu maaraw ningra ku nika mapacidek a mapatli a matpik ku nanu satafu tu funguh ni Yis a sasifin caay ka pulung atuya nisangaan tu kliw a kiradum,as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus head the cloth was folded up by itself separate from the linen,train +26347,26348,26348,sangaʼayay a nu macahiw haw i,the best thing is when you are hungry,train +26348,26349,26349,pinaay ku widi^ a lumuwad kisu tu dafak,what time do you get up in the morning,train +26349,26350,26350,anu cayka pinengneng mafanaʼ kita,we cannot know if you have watched it or not,test +26350,26351,26351,makuwaku,shaken,train +26351,26352,26352,satapangay kaku misanga tuni a,start doing this,train +26352,26353,26353,Miangangan tu luma tu sikawasay,the bereaved family will start calling,train +26353,26354,26354,uya kaka itiniay i kura faʼinayan a kaka,my brother is in high school,train +26354,26355,26355,paini,give,train +26355,26356,26356,kamu u cisawarakay a uner atu wawa nu cisawarakay a uner awaay ku piliyasan namu tu pitfuc nu Kawas i pisemseman,You snakes you brood of vipers how will you escape being condemned to hell,train +26356,26357,26357,anu mapakararaw nu tau i sasamaan ku hademak ita hani,what should we do if we are offended,train +26357,26358,26358,o pacungedisay kira wacu i takuwanan,the dog bared its teeth at me,train +26358,26359,26359,Hai adihay ku makakitingay a caciyaw nu Pangcah,Yes it is there are a lot of overlapping words in Amish,train +26359,26360,26360,ura kamesay kiya u sakaeres tu makapah,this tassel is the result of a more fashionable and more beautiful,test +26360,26361,26361,u icuwacuwaay a niyaru,in any tribe,train +26361,26362,26362,tulu a miheca kaku ta,three years later,train +26362,26363,26363,pakafana,tell,train +26363,26364,26364,nu hakuwa ira ku katefad nu ningra,sooner or later it is going to fall off,train +26364,26365,26365,alatek u lekal tu milaliway ita matuʼasay,maybe calling out to dead old men,train +26365,26366,26366,haratengen ku dmak nu Kawas a pakatayal tu nika rarum namu pakayni tunini ku sakalaluk namu a pahapinang tu nika awa nu raraw namu Wata ku nika kter namu Mackuk miharateng malaluk kamu a mitfuc tu caay ka mu^cel Saka mahapinang ku nika awa ku taturuen a raraw namu tu pakayniay tuya fangafang,see what this godly sorrow has produced in you what earnestness what eagerness to clear yourselves what indignation what alarm what longing what concern what readiness to see justice done at every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter,train +26366,26367,26367,maririay,crumbling,train +26367,26368,26368,Pacauf sa ci Yis Sulinay u a i ayaw a tayni ci Iliya a mipatala tu pulung nu dmak,Jesus replied To be sure Elijah comes and will restore all things,train +26368,26369,26369,fadatek,anti typhoon,train +26369,26370,26370,pauduen,wear,test +26370,26371,26371,mitara kami rumiʼad miala tiya wawa mitakulaay san kunian,she said we were going to get the frog kid in the morning,train +26371,26372,26372,hay ura sapisaluma ita a kilang i,Yeah where is the tree we used to build the house,train +26372,26373,26373,malufa,old and gray,train +26373,26374,26374,matefad a materik ku alapi i sara,chopsticks fall down and bounce on the ground,train +26374,26375,26375,ciʼicel ku Pangcah,the Amis are very very strong,train +26375,26376,26376,masapadiyac,cliffs,train +26376,26377,26377,Kaurira,but,train +26377,26378,26378,awaay hen ku niyaru itiniay kiyami,there is no tribe here yet,train +26378,26379,26379,kami malingay tudungan hu niyam,I am of the older generation I am still following the tradition,train +26379,26380,26380,mafana mi,carpentry,test +26380,26381,26381,anu maaraw namu ku nika cicuung nuya kilang i mangatatu ku kacihrangan saan ku nika fana namu,when they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near,train +26381,26382,26382,han,ask him what way he is going,train +26382,26383,26383,yufin,letter carrier,train +26383,26384,26384,mapakutu,infected with head lice,train +26384,26385,26385,nu niyaru nu Cikasuwan,be on guard,train +26385,26386,26386,kadit,dirty,train +26386,26387,26387,wuu dungec,Oh Fujishin,train +26387,26388,26388,nawhani awaay tu kakaenan,because there is nothing else to eat,train +26388,26389,26389,saka tulu nu remiʼad i,and the third day,train +26389,26390,26390,Kasiniadaen ningra ku katatungutungud nu mitaungay cingraan a tamdaw,his mercy extends to those who fear him from generation to generation,test +26390,26391,26391,Ukang,name of the Wuban tribe,train +26391,26392,26392,ira tura iya uraseciihaw kaliki malenu,on the day of the month the tide rises,train +26392,26393,26393,ruma ira ku matefaday,sometimes they fall off,train +26393,26394,26394,Tinaku sa caay ka cipinang ku nika halafin nu kuli a tamdaw a maru i luma o wawa a ccay ku midaucay a maru i luma,now a slave has no permanent place in the family but a son belongs to it forever,train +26394,26395,26395,Maluluay ku riku nira,her clothes are blue purple,train +26395,26396,26396,sinafel,cuisine,train +26396,26397,26397,salipahak,I am glad,train +26397,26398,26398,sa pasela kaku mi i,I am off duty,train +26398,26399,26399,sa itini kuni kafahekaan,it is amazing,train +26399,26400,26400,a tayni,coming,test +26400,26401,26401,hai masahatira,that is it,train +26401,26402,26402,kayaten tu nira kaku ri u tayran tu kaku ri,and he held me Oh and then I went over,train +26402,26403,26403,hai matatungud kura,Yes it is connected there,train +26403,26404,26404,Aka caayka adihay ku kafanaan aku,do not I do not know much about it,train +26404,26405,26405,kakawangay,praying mantis,train +26405,26406,26406,pakalicen ira tu cifar i patayni i Taywan ku,the British brought in head of cattle under sail,train +26406,26407,26407,anu matukaʼay ku kaying nu Tafalung,if women are lazy they are lazy,train +26407,26408,26408,mahecad tuya Makataw,it is like the Macadamia,train +26408,26409,26409,aya,Oops,train +26409,26410,26410,muetep ira ku sepat,fourteen,test +26410,26411,26411,oya hinapecay a tamdaw i kaadayayen namu cangra,be merciful to those who doubt,train +26411,26412,26412,o fakung ku sakahapinang nu laed nu umah nu Pangcah i ayaw,in the past the Aboriginal people farmed next to each other and used the Crabapple as a land boundary,train +26412,26413,26413,anu tungalen hu ku kaemangay tu pakaalaay tu seking i,if more kids get into,train +26413,26414,26414,Ci Rufing kaku mikilimay kaku ci Idawan,I am Rofing I am here for Idawan,train +26414,26415,26415,kasangasaw,family run,train +26415,26416,26416,tiraay kaetip tura hefung i u yulusiku,I have also planted some lettuce in the south field,train +26416,26417,26417,anu faluden isu kaku a mama,why did you kidnap me,train +26417,26418,26418,tadamaanay,most importantly,train +26418,26419,26419,mafana kisu tu ngangan nira,do you know her name,train +26419,26420,26420,Hay u mamifawah kaku tu fawahan nu pitilidan,Yeah I am going to open the door to my classroom,test +26420,26421,26421,u tudungay u sakaki u sacucuk han nu ruma a niyaru,language is the key to the heart of the nation and other tribes have different ways of saying it,train +26421,26422,26422,kaura ca kafana tu kami kira,but we do not know much about it,train +26422,26423,26423,kifetulay ku filfil nira,she has thick lips,train +26423,26424,26424,Maulah,I like it,train +26424,26425,26425,anu awaay ku sakaenan nu mita i,if we do not have any food to offer to our ancestors,train +26425,26426,26426,icuwaay ku niyaru nu misu saan,where is your tribe,train +26426,26427,26427,pipatusukan,focus,train +26427,26428,26428,macakat tu ku demak,Progress,train +26428,26429,26429,rariden ku tayal isu,continue your work,train +26429,26430,26430,mitutuay,engrave,test +26430,26431,26431,kami situ niyam i caay kafana kami ya fafaeday a luma haw i,we live in a house up there we have no idea,train +26431,26432,26432,anu awa tu kuya malingaday sa cikay sa mitafesiw tu lalan san,the tribesmen go to work and when there is no one on the road they run to the beach to use the bathroom,train +26432,26433,26433,onini i itiyaay hu,this is in,train +26433,26434,26434,kama,tangerine,train +26434,26435,26435,kay haen sa ku tamdaw,that is how the clan is,train +26435,26436,26436,anini a rumiad mahemek kaku a milicay i tisuwanan pasuwalen haca kaku tu caay kangay a demaken anu miadup,it is a pleasure to interview you today can you talk about the taboo of hunting,train +26436,26437,26437,manaway sa caay ka u Pangcah sa,I do not want to they say they are not Amis,train +26437,26438,26438,ya miepuan ita ya miperan ita hatinitiniay awul haw,the ones we cut in half bamboo that looks like this,train +26438,26439,26439,yu mukasi iri,early stage,train +26439,26440,26440,Tahsifu nu nanum kuya wawa,the child was was carried into the middle of the water,test +26440,26441,26441,emin u wawa aku haw i,all my children,train +26441,26442,26442,u riraan kura matengilay aku tura,I have heard all these things,train +26442,26443,26443,2 pakayni tu finawlan ni Yihufa ˈayaw ni Yis tu saka 537 a miheca u kalipahakan a mihecaan,the year BC was a time of joy for the people of the Lord,train +26443,26444,26444,salengachai,the moon peach Tree Yes,train +26444,26445,26445,pasneng cangra a pasuwal tu awaay ku ^puc a suwal pakaynien nangra i anuf atu mautitay a dmak ku nipisawi nangra tuya liyas sanayhu tu muraraway ku dmak a tamdaw,for they mouth empty boastful words and by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error,train +26445,26446,26446,lepel,chase after,train +26446,26447,26447,caay ku rumadiway kaku,I am not much of a singer,train +26447,26448,26448,patireng tu niyaru,establishment of tribes,train +26448,26449,26449,tusa a miheca kura pimifuting nu mira,he is been fishing for two years,train +26449,26450,26450,Yatangal velihen,turn your head the other way,test +26450,26451,26451,caka ngaʼay ku radiw sa,it does not fit the rhythm,train +26451,26452,26452,Mauningay ku fuduy nu misu facaen hana,your clothes are dirty you should wash them,train +26452,26453,26453,nipacakilan,steep and dangerous paths that have been cut,train +26453,26454,26454,kiya u Taywan u Taywan ku palumaay kiyami,Why are they called Han Chinese because they are Minnan,train +26454,26455,26455,Mimaumah kami u pasafa itiya u pasafaan,the rice to be planted at that time was for the next year,train +26455,26456,26456,u sapafeli namu tu rarikur sanay,and for the next generation,train +26456,26457,26457,papacem tayra kami i,the next day we traveled to,train +26457,26458,26458,milada kita tu riku atu uray u nafinafi dangah tu,go claim the clothes the quilts the pots and pans,train +26458,26459,26459,nu ka Dipungan a,sugar factory site in Japan,train +26459,26460,26460,o maan ku matediay,what is shining,test +26460,26461,26461,nu Cikasuwan,the youth of the Shichigokawa tribe know,train +26461,26462,26462,anu cilimaw pasifanaen aku kisu a misanga tu rakar,I will teach you how to make a fish trap next time,train +26462,26463,26463,marucek,correct,train +26463,26464,26464,pakasuen,gas,train +26464,26465,26465,hay aka kapawan,do not forget,train +26465,26466,26466,saka mikilim cangra tu malutatudung nu,they will also look for suitable,train +26466,26467,26467,hatu nu kukusuy,Kavalan according to the public sector,train +26467,26468,26468,padu^du^,continue,train +26468,26469,26469,micukangay,we will be out of the harbor by,train +26469,26470,26470,pausa,meal delivery,test +26470,26471,26471,miradum kami tini kami malingad i,when we work in the mountains we have to get water,train +26471,26472,26472,adihayen,point,train +26472,26473,26473,tayni tu,have been here before,train +26473,26474,26474,a hay kiran san,so that is how it is,train +26474,26475,26475,caay tu kafilu nu likes atu fau a milaliw,mosquitoes and insects can hardly escape,train +26475,26476,26476,mirutarutay,sawtooth,train +26476,26477,26477,edu,mice,train +26477,26478,26478,iratu makahirahira haw i,after everyone is due,train +26478,26479,26479,mikuku ku Taywan,that is why the Hans will catch up,train +26479,26480,26480,tangasa ikatuas nu niyam,we are getting older,test +26480,26481,26481,hanaw awaay tu naayaway nu wawaay nu maku,So my childhood memories disappeared,train +26481,26482,26482,ira kurira mikelutan a sera hawi,land for digging holes,train +26482,26483,26483,mahaen kina fudufufuy namu satu,it is strange that you are all dressed the same,train +26483,26484,26484,nu kumu,for slingshots,train +26484,26485,26485,ta hiyaen tu miya pasufaw,let it ferment,train +26485,26486,26486,kanikaw,not lacking,train +26486,26487,26487,Cacacacay ku heci nura kiyafes,the guava tree has very few fruits,train +26487,26488,26488,sisa dudu han nu ama aku,So when father went down the road,train +26488,26489,26489,cingangan sa cingra itiraay ci ya inaan,he also took his mothers name Chen Cha you,train +26489,26490,26490,misakemut,bullying,test +26490,26491,26491,ira itini i Makutaay ku matiraay a adada,there are such diseases in the tribe,train +26491,26492,26492,Hai mamaurad kuya rumiad,Yes it will be rainy that day,train +26492,26493,26493,cuwaca ka tatama kina suwal,this is incorrect,train +26493,26494,26494,anini tu a sumadan ku kika,my household registration has changed,train +26494,26495,26495,anu harateng haw i caay katatudung ku hatiniay nipaluwad sa ku maku,I do not think this is the best way to revitalize,train +26495,26496,26496,kimulmul,circle,train +26496,26497,26497,ca Cang wenliyang u pasevanaʼay,maybe Mr Cheung man Leung and the others,train +26497,26498,26498,makaen,it is also edible,train +26498,26499,26499,kuni,this one,train +26499,26500,26500,mapatireng kami haw i caay hu kasadak ku nu sifu,government funding was not forthcoming when it was first established,test +26500,26501,26501,malatusa ku kapah mi a malacidek,the young people are divided into two groups,train +26501,26502,26502,Se Pa Se Pa Kuyi saan kira ha ha ha ha,I am going to learn what the teacher said about bucks ha ha ha ha,train +26502,26503,26503,ledung,sleeve,train +26503,26504,26504,ruhem,mellow,train +26504,26505,26505,miʼadupay caayay caayay piʼadup,do not ex professionals go hunting,train +26505,26506,26506,u,Received,train +26506,26507,26507,masamaan kita itiniay a niyaru masacecay tu ku niyaru numita itini i,we have come together as a tribe,train +26507,26508,26508,kemut,funny,train +26508,26509,26509,naniul,tadpoles,train +26509,26510,26510,ya cifafahiʼay sa i paputal,the kids were out there when we got married,test +26510,26511,26511,Papicukay ci mama aku i takuwanan tu mali,my dad asked me to play soccer,train +26511,26512,26512,ira ku kuliciw aku,I have a bicycle,train +26512,26513,26513,o nani cuwaay ku tamdaw a ila,where did mankind come from,train +26513,26514,26514,miharateng kaku nanay minukay kaku,I have been thinking about going back to my hometown,train +26514,26515,26515,mafukil kumaen i pakaenenhu panginguyinhu,when the patient cannot take care of himselfherself she needs to be fed bathed and defecated,train +26515,26516,26516,anu umaan ku tayal nira,what is his job,train +26516,26517,26517,makakayat cangra a rumakat,they held hands as they walked,train +26517,26518,26518,nengneng ku kamay yaku haw saaled han tu mihaen,look at my hands do this it is going in circles,train +26518,26519,26519,anu hatini hay han naku tangsul han naku pacaʼuf,if that is the case I will say yes right away,train +26519,26520,26520,cuwa kangata siutufayay kaku a talacifa,No it is not so I always ride the motorcycle to the market,test +26520,26521,26521,pulin,fall,train +26521,26522,26522,ca hu kahufucen nu wina kaku,my mom has not had me yet,train +26522,26523,26523,kavanaʼan icuwaay ku luma niya pakaenay tu rarapa,it is impossible to know where the cattleman lives,train +26523,26524,26524,papicukacuken,Call climbing up the mountain,train +26524,26525,26525,kasaan i miliyas kaku,and then I left,train +26525,26526,26526,Maharatengayhu aku pafelian nu fufu kaku tunu Takaluk suwal a cudad atu Fangcalay Cudad,I remember that my grandfather showed me some books in Tagalog like the Bible and a couple of pamphlets Protection Security and Exposure,train +26526,26527,26527,iraw haca,no more,train +26527,26528,26528,awaay tu cira iri,he does not have one,train +26528,26529,26529,navuy,crawl,train +26529,26530,26530,makimulmulay,round,test +26530,26531,26531,malayap nu maku,learned by me,train +26531,26532,26532,lufic,numerous,train +26532,26533,26533,pavana,pass,train +26533,26534,26534,Naayen ku pikayhid nira,please resist his temptation,train +26534,26535,26535,malingaday a minawasing ku wama nu wawa,then the father went to get the letter,train +26535,26536,26536,tatudung nu makeruay i cepiˈ i u wacay sanay a makeruay maruˈay i cepiˈ nu lafang a miˈiwaˈiw tu tireng,a lap dance is a dance in which a scantily clad dancer sits on a guests lap and twists her body,train +26536,26537,26537,cakatama ku tireng nu nasafa nu maku,I cannot find my brother,train +26537,26538,26538,kawseyin,examination Yuan,train +26538,26539,26539,nawhani kinapinapinatu kaku a pasuwal i tamuwanan Talalusa haca kaku anini a pasuwal tu nika aluman ku misaadaay tu ciwcika ni Kristu pakayni i dmak nangra,For as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears many live as enemies of the cross of Christ,train +26539,26540,26540,simapatayay,future born,test +26540,26541,26541,ira haw ku adingu nira,does he have a possessed soul,train +26541,26542,26542,ira ku mapatayay,we did not,train +26542,26543,26543,saayaw i u tataakay a raraw haw i,in the first place,train +26543,26544,26544,anu u Yutayatu a tamdaw anu u Krisiyatu a tamdaw anu matahidang nu Kawas cangra i u icel nu Kawas u taneng nu Kawas ci Kristu saan cangra,but to those whom God has called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God,train +26544,26545,26545,kawilaw nu kamay,the branches of that plant,train +26545,26546,26546,o sulipa aku kiraan saan ku safa aku,my sister says they are her slippers,train +26546,26547,26547,Cudad,in the book,train +26547,26548,26548,u itira i cingra kira,he is a foreigner,train +26548,26549,26549,u sakafana ita a mikilim,Rationale and direction finding,train +26549,26550,26550,malatumuk kaku haw i,when he was the leader in,test +26550,26551,26551,fafahekulen,to be discarded,train +26551,26552,26552,mafana ci mira tu adihayay a caciyaw,learn more languages,train +26552,26553,26553,u talip sa nu malitengay i,skirts of the older generation,train +26553,26554,26554,saan ku valucu,wishes,train +26554,26555,26555,sa anini ilisin tayu kaacangan nu mita kuninan tadu mahelek tu mipanay i mimaan kita tafekat ku kumung i hanaw ilisin ku nian tu nu mipanayay,the Harvest Festival is the most joyful time for us even though all the rice has been cut what do we do because of the harvest so this is a celebration of the Harvest on our behalf,train +26555,26556,26556,itiya i ngitangiten nu nisawawaan ci Yis a sumuwal Singsiaw kakumaenhu han nangra,Meanwhile his disciples urged him Rabbi eat something,train +26556,26557,26557,naʼayaway a matuasay sivuduy tu nisangaʼan nu heni tunu Ripun a lusid,old people used to wear Japanese clothes they made themselves,train +26557,26558,26558,mafekut,bend,train +26558,26559,26559,nengneng han ku laway nu militemuhay itini i lawac,seeing the faces of family members waiting on the shore,train +26559,26560,26560,ka anu samanta kiya haw kumaen anengelay,but if you eat it raw it is very bitter,test +26560,26561,26561, palilam kisu tuniya Casi iraay ku maanan ngaˈayay milifetan han,B what is a good experience you have had recently distributing this magazine,train +26561,26562,26562,Namiliyas cangra i sasuwasuwal satu Awaay ku sakapatay atu sakarufu nunini a tamdaw a raraw saan,they left the room and while talking with one another they said This man is not doing anything that deserves death or imprisonment,train +26562,26563,26563,a suwal,this issue,train +26563,26564,26564,hay hay hay u hecek,Yes yes yes that is the column,train +26564,26565,26565,tu cahung nu ya luma,to build a house,train +26565,26566,26566,mi malingad miliyas kamu i miliyas tu tiraay i,when it is time to leave the place of migration,train +26566,26567,26567,o pisawadan mitilid nu niyam a rumiad anini,today is our graduation day,train +26567,26568,26568,tamatini,up until now,train +26568,26569,26569,tangasa anini nika u tayal nu kapah,until now young people had jobs,train +26569,26570,26570,Taruku,Taroko one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,test +26570,26571,26571,pacuisen,make fall down,train +26571,26572,26572,mahawina ku falucu,still need a mom,train +26572,26573,26573,fafahi ni Payu,it is Bayous wife,train +26573,26574,26574,sasuwalen nu mikelutay a vavainay,it is the men who scrape the seedlings by shoveling,train +26574,26575,26575,ku wama aku atu wina saan ku harateng,just make money and help your parents that is what I think,train +26575,26576,26576,maraud tu saan ku matuʼasay mimaan cangra,seasonal farming operations elders knew when to plant their crops,train +26576,26577,26577,tunu Pangcahan a serangawan,Amis culture,train +26577,26578,26578,anini a dadaya masetik kita tu mamangay,a little fishing tonight,train +26578,26579,26579,mikilim,looking for,train +26579,26580,26580,tayra satu ku sufitay a mipitek tu waay nuya ccay nu mapakaputay ci Yisan a mapacek i ciwcika a tamdaw ta haenen nangra kuya sakatatusa,the soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus and then those of the other,test +26580,26581,26581,vaki u mawmahay haw ku ama atu ina isu,Grandpa were your parents farmers,train +26581,26582,26582,kami faʼinayan,we boys,train +26582,26583,26583,u kakausien nu faʼinayan kisu i mausi kisu,you were chosen why are you being picky,train +26583,26584,26584,maherek i munanaw tu waay atu kamay i luma ku paru nu luma u finawlan satu i tala lakelal tu ku kamunanaw,close relatives should wash their hands and feet inside the house while distant relatives should go to the river,train +26584,26585,26585,nawhani misarumiad a misaicel a minanam ciira,because he practiced hard every day,train +26585,26586,26586,Tahepu hatu ku pawti kira pawli,the banana is covered with a sack,train +26586,26587,26587,hatiraay tu ku piharateng haw i limelaay ku harateng anu sahatini,with thoughts like these thoughts like these should be cherished,train +26587,26588,26588,mansa ca kasulinga,that is why I have not seen it in its entirety,train +26588,26589,26589,papina kamu a malikaka,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +26589,26590,26590,matiya tu sasuwalan nu matuʼasay u kaikusan sanay matiya u panganganay nu matuʼasay,like the old man said it is probably because he is angry that he left his tribe,test +26590,26591,26591,Takaway tu dadaya ney,very sneaky use of the middle of the night,train +26591,26592,26592,ya usaw,remain,train +26592,26593,26593,i ikuren nira misera,it will be delivered at the end of the day,train +26593,26594,26594,ira kura sanay nu Kaping hay,the Han is talking about a vision,train +26594,26595,26595,o karuheman tu nu fiwa anini mifiwa ci ina i umah,it is time for the loquats to ripen and my mom went to the field to pick them,train +26595,26596,26596,u wawa nu maku ta saan ku kakawaw i nikarekec nu kapah a masafa^eluh malatadamaanay ku serangawan nu niyaru nu Pangcah,the Spirit of fraternity and love for other peoples children and the unity of tribal youths to create a distinctive tribal culture,train +26596,26597,26597,cuwa ku nu tai a cacupi,maggots that are not shit,train +26597,26598,26598,saka tayni i i tiniay i saka cietan nina kapah atu mifutingay,anyone who goes to Allah to work as a fisherman makes money,train +26598,26599,26599,maharatengay aku itiya,that is when it hit me,train +26599,26600,26600,kungkung,knock,test +26600,26601,26601,u semud henay,a pile of weed,train +26601,26602,26602,a sasingen isu,you are taking pictures again,train +26602,26603,26603,radiw,sing a song,train +26603,26604,26604,matayal kisu hakika a paisingan i,when you worked at the TB hospital,train +26604,26605,26605,hatini i ira ku licay i,now to interview me,train +26605,26606,26606,malcad tunini ku sma talacuwa miming cinira i tataang ku dmak nira haratengen ku namal talacuwa miming cinira i mailuh nira ku tataangay a kilakilangan,likewise the tongue is a small part of the body but it makes great boasts consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark,train +26606,26607,26607,o maan ku finacadan nu misu,what ethnic group are you from,train +26607,26608,26608,siuy,rice cooker,train +26608,26609,26609,Macuay nu tau ciira saka awa satu a taluma,they have not returned home because they have been avenged,train +26609,26610,26610,o maititay tu nu maku i huni ku titi nira ukak,just now the flesh of that bone has been gnawed away by me,test +26610,26611,26611,iraay ku lifung,I have faced infectious diseases,train +26611,26612,26612,mipaadah,field something Therapy,train +26612,26613,26613,Iraay Micumud,Yes come on in,train +26613,26614,26614,caay ka eca^,I am sure,train +26614,26615,26615,yu tahira ca Silas aci Timuti nai Makituniya i sarucud satu ci Pawlu a pasifana tu suwal nu Kawas o Kristu ci Yis saan cingra a pahapinang i Yutaya a tamdaw a sumuwal,when Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia Paul devoted himself exclusively to preaching testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ,train +26615,26616,26616,mimaan tu i mahini,what have you been up to,train +26616,26617,26617,ngaʼay a pasifanaʼen,it is good to teach,train +26617,26618,26618,o cacilafu kamu sakapahen namu a misanga ku utuc nu tadem tu malupiharatengan tu nipatayan nu tatuasan namu a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas,Woe to you because you build tombs for the prophets and it was your forefathers who killed them,train +26618,26619,26619,Madadutus tu unul ku malatumukay a mipu^pu tu niyaru,heads hand over responsibility for managing the tribe,train +26619,26620,26620,maulahay kaku a paluma tu hana atu misadateng kisu i,I like to grow flowers and vegetables what about you,test +26620,26621,26621,saka cecay a fulad kaku a matal itira i,I worked there for about a month,train +26621,26622,26622,a milakec hen tu tarawadaw inaayaw,in the old days you had to cross the river,train +26622,26623,26623,saan tanuulah saan,that is how much he loves his children,train +26623,26624,26624,ruray nuna emang,the hard work of being young,train +26624,26625,26625,tu cacay ku tataakay mahanay vitunay ku tataakay,use a thicker type of bamboo,train +26625,26626,26626,maulahay ci Yihufaan tamdaw,all those who love the Lord with all their hearts,train +26626,26627,26627,Rurungen ku eli i lutuk u sapisaluma nu mita,please bundle thatch for our house,train +26627,26628,26628,hensa adihaysan,it is going to be a lot longer,train +26628,26629,26629,fangcal tu malecad ku kafi,it is the same soup,train +26629,26630,26630,kaku itini i Paanifung i lalekawan hananay ku niyaru nu maku haw,south Bali in Hing Cheong is my hometown,test +26630,26631,26631,mi tifek kami o kamay saan ku sapi tifek,we pounded the rice completely by hand,train +26631,26632,26632,misilsilan hatiraay awaay ku kuwang,these are the people who do the netting without holding a gun,train +26632,26633,26633,Tingtingen ta cipinang kita,weigh it and then we will know,train +26633,26634,26634,o dadungecen tu ku nipalumaan a uway,the planted vines can be harvested from the heart of the vine,train +26634,26635,26635,Sakatusa u sapilaliwaw nangra malikaka tu ka lenlen mikalic tu dudang pawpaw sa iriyar,Secondly it only mentions that there is the phenomenon of flooding without giving any reasons,train +26635,26636,26636,hekal,outside,train +26636,26637,26637,makatar kuya wawa,that child is vandal,train +26637,26638,26638,tu,also for,train +26638,26639,26639,ira ku rumʼiad aku nga misangaay kaku,I make them in my spare time,train +26639,26640,26640,tiku,return,test +26640,26641,26641,esa,boil,train +26641,26642,26642,i luma ku heni a mikilac tu tama tu sapavatis tu lalumaan,they would divide the prey at the entrance of the village and share it with the tribe,train +26642,26643,26643,kingku,banks,train +26643,26644,26644,tayra kami ta,we are on our way,train +26644,26645,26645,rusarusan tu nu malitengay kura ha falat kira,the old man sawed down to make the beams,train +26645,26646,26646,Sila kaku tu kuna imi aku kura patinaku tu suwal kuna pikiʼeciw kuna kalikudaan,I think that is what a lead singer means,train +26646,26647,26647,han aku mikungling,it is okay,train +26647,26648,26648,tuwa hahan satu a meduku ci ina aku,my mom was weak from the difficult labor,train +26648,26649,26649,cay katalaw tu kalalad tu cekacekaan,you do not have to worry about the spikes,train +26649,26650,26650,kumi,organize,test +26650,26651,26651,a maanen saw a icuwa a miala,I cannot help it where do I get it,train +26651,26652,26652,saku falucu nu maku palemed nu matuʼasay,blessings of the Lords Spirit,train +26652,26653,26653,nisariwangan,build a room,train +26653,26654,26654,o ciraraw a tamdaw i u miliyangay tu Rikec nu Kawas nawhani u piliyang tu Rikec ku saka ciraraw,everyone who sins breaks the law in fact sin is lawlessness,train +26654,26655,26655,sangaay satu kuaru niyam i Taypak micaliw tu luma nu tau,our life as a renter in Taipei is slowly stabilizing,train +26655,26656,26656,Iyuy han nu singsi kura situtangsul a mipacauf ciira tu singsi nira,as soon as the teacher called out to the student he immediately responded to his teacher,train +26656,26657,26657,ngaayay tu,all right that will do,train +26657,26658,26658,mafukil kami maʼmin itiniay matuʼasay sa,we have a lot of room to learn,train +26658,26659,26659,caay hen kaku picudad itiya yu,I was not even in school then,train +26659,26660,26660,aday,may I ask,test +26660,26661,26661,o dadawdawen kira fuduy a mitarang ta maicang,clothes will only dry if they are baked on a fire,train +26661,26662,26662,ira ku matuʼasay,there is an old man,train +26662,26663,26663,Malatahefud ku funak nu pariyar a mafiyuk nu fali,the sand on the beach is turned into a sandstorm by the wind,train +26663,26664,26664,iratu ipaʼirasan i misafafuy i mimaan,because I think of my hometown the Fuyuan tribe and how they lived back then,train +26664,26665,26665,anu mafanaʼay kisu,if you know what I mean,train +26665,26666,26666,itila ku aru nu matuasay,the old man lives there,train +26666,26667,26667,suwal sa,be talking about,train +26667,26668,26668,Nanuya yu ccay a rumiad paaraw cingra i cisafaway ku lima a suut a mituuray Cingraan Irahu a maurip ku alumanay nunini iratu ku mapatayay nangra tu papinapina,after that he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time most of whom are still living though some have fallen asleep,train +26668,26669,26669,ya matenesay tadancaay tu pawalian nu mita haw,poor quality hung bean pills after sun Exposure,train +26669,26670,26670,o masengsengay a sifilu kiraan tu tireng nu misu,that suit suits your body,test +26670,26671,26671,sakay tini i mavelec a patanga sa i tangulan,to do the burial of the body,train +26671,26672,26672,samaanan isu a mifuting,how do you usually catch fish,train +26672,26673,26673,elun,chairs,train +26673,26674,26674,halafin tu kami a caay kasasuaraw maurun kaku i ciiraan,we have not seen each other for a long time and I miss him a lot,train +26674,26675,26675,o miadupay ku wama aku i niyaru,my dad is a hunter of the tribe,train +26675,26676,26676,mamisaicel,endeavor,train +26676,26677,26677,syakay tuktuk katawa ku urip nu niya tireng,knock knock carpentry is the history of our lives,train +26677,26678,26678,u niyamay faʼinay inanengay caay ta ka pinukay,what is the use of coming back when our Mr nice guy cannot come back,train +26678,26679,26679,masaʼupʼupu tu kami,the clansmen who want to start gathering,train +26679,26680,26680,taliyuk han nira kura namal,he jumped around the fire,test +26680,26681,26681,ku pakaen tu rarapa niyam,it is rare we are cattle herders we are more girls,train +26681,26682,26682,Marukruk tu ku falucu aku,my heart is boiling with anger,train +26682,26683,26683,mafihfih,sway,train +26683,26684,26684,aka pisawad a mitangic tu wama i kakarayan,do not give up praying to the gods,train +26684,26685,26685,malaafu,turns to dust,train +26685,26686,26686,hay matamatu,Yes very much so,train +26686,26687,26687,Ciepucay a tamdaw ci Mayaw,Mayaw is a very valuable person,train +26687,26688,26688,itini i kahngangay a Riyar samaanay patadu ci Yihufa tu Israil tamdaw a miharateng tu saali nangra,how did the Lord consider the needs of the Israelites while they were at the red Sea,train +26688,26689,26689,u sipanayay u sipanayay,there is glutinous rice,train +26689,26690,26690,caay kamu kabana,you do not even know,test +26690,26691,26691,katengilan,I have heard it before,train +26691,26692,26692,matiyatiya itiya,that is what they said at the time,train +26692,26693,26693,suwal sa Nawiru tayra kisu i caay pidu^du tu krit a lisin a tamdaw a mikaput i cangraan a kumaen saw han nangra,and said You went into the house of uncircumcised men and ate with them,train +26693,26694,26694,afang hantu nu silumaʼay tu sipetunay,they will be carried away by family members or brothers,train +26694,26695,26695,awaay ku limaw nu maku anini,I have no time today,train +26695,26696,26696,atep hanay tu penen,it is held together by reed stalks,train +26696,26697,26697,Malasinging kaku itini i Su Aw tangasa i,worked as a crew member from to in the Republic of China,train +26697,26698,26698,limec,pinch,train +26698,26699,26699,micawur,stirring,train +26699,26700,26700,miadingay,sheltered,test +26700,26701,26701,Sarimadacen nu sayhu ku putal niyam a misadit,Sifu smoothed out our patio square,train +26701,26702,26702,sakingudu,etiquette,train +26702,26703,26703,i sifu kiya fukeluh ta minukay hu cira misalengad,put the stone in the center go back and cut the palm leaves,train +26703,26704,26704,nihaen satiyutiyul tu panay,I have been hitting the rice repeatedly like this,train +26704,26705,26705,madadama,help each other,train +26705,26706,26706,Cadungen a ma^min ku nipaflian nu Kawas a sapiluud a riku tu sakaki^mel namu a misiayaw tu safana nu Palafuay,put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes,train +26706,26707,26707,pacunged nira ku lalan,he has blocked the road,train +26707,26708,26708,mipacukis,secure the brackets on the beam,train +26708,26709,26709,pahapinang han ningra cangra tunini a dmak Saka tengteng han ni Pitiru ci Yis a milalang,he spoke plainly about this and Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him,train +26709,26710,26710,tudung,emulate,test +26710,26711,26711,caay kamaru i tadaluma u vavahiay ku i lumaʼay,men do not live at home it must be the women who are in charge,train +26711,26712,26712,tusa a pulu ku aca nu dateng tu cecay a lulung,the vegetables are for a bunch,train +26712,26713,26713,ta yasa finawlan tala i lawac nu riyar kira,and the tribesmen are waiting along the coast,train +26713,26714,26714,misaficin tura kilang,drill wood,train +26714,26715,26715,tangsul sanay mihiya tu unting,straight out of the car,train +26715,26716,26716,mafana kura faki aku itiraay tuyuta,my uncle in Toyota,train +26716,26717,26717,anu,so long as,train +26717,26718,26718,u nu tau misapangkuay tawakuay ku tau,other people pay cash for their houses in one lump sum,train +26718,26719,26719,ira ku mimisa i,we have a Mass in Tucheng,train +26719,26720,26720,ituh,the ears of rice exceed the harvesting period,test +26720,26721,26721,caay kaku pitulas mitengil tu matuʼasay,uninterrupted study of elderly wisdom,train +26721,26722,26722,u sakafana itiya hu nu kaemangay itiya i niyaru,young people used to learn,train +26722,26723,26723,mafalic tu ku urip ta anu awaay hu kuranan,it is different now that life has improved,train +26723,26724,26724,mipalalay i takuwanan a papidu^edu tu rakat nu cikang,remind me to be on time,train +26724,26725,26725,Ngaayhu ci Kulas kaku,Hello I am Kolas,train +26725,26726,26726,Saka suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Pinaun kamu aka ka safit nu tamdaw,Jesus said to them Watch out that no one deceives you,train +26726,26727,26727, unini a fulad kiya,this month,train +26727,26728,26728,Kasasiulah kadadama atu widang,be kind to your friends and help each other,train +26728,26729,26729,kuengelay ku fanges,skin is youthful,train +26729,26730,26730,nanay ku kaemangay hatiraen tu ku namu,I hope that the children will be able to work with such courage,test +26730,26731,26731,acak,drought,train +26731,26732,26732,u mamilifet kita misiʼayaw tu Taywan a misulinga a misuwal,we should face the Han revision of the law with determination,train +26732,26733,26733,mafer ku takula ha,frogs can fly,train +26733,26734,26734,malemed,peace,train +26734,26735,26735,mangalay a rahuday ku tayal a miemin ku tamdamdaw,all people want work to be easy,train +26735,26736,26736,nika,But,train +26736,26737,26737,cira,he,train +26737,26738,26738,namahaen kami i naayaw,that is what we used to do,train +26738,26739,26739,yu tayni kaku iri,when I came here,train +26739,26740,26740,ngaʼay tu kingkiwen aka tawalen ku tesel nu liteng,we can study innovation but we must not forget the culture of our predecessors,test +26740,26741,26741,misamaan a pakaremu tu nika patay nu paru nu lumaˈ,how do people who have lost a friend or family member get over the pain,train +26741,26742,26742,itira i piunduan a masaupu^ ku wawa^ a mapulung malakaput a mimali^ atu malalicalicay,all the children will gather in the playground play ball and chat together,train +26742,26743,26743,Rekuh saan a mafuti kira wawa saka atipil satu ku tangal nira,the child does not move a muscle in his sleep so his head is flat,train +26743,26744,26744,aluman ku mapalisumaday nu sikawasay itiya,there is a lot of proselytizing going on here,train +26744,26745,26745,Saka u awaay ku ulah a tamdaw i caay ka fana tu Kawas nawhani u ulah ku Kawas,whoever does not love does not know God because God is love,train +26745,26746,26746,nu Pawpin Kungpin Sanpin i,the artillery the engineers the paratroopers took it,train +26746,26747,26747,matiraay sa nu maku nu niyam aci Akuy misafalucu sakiniyaru,this is what Kwai and I have been doing for a long time,train +26747,26748,26748,na saan ku wawa,that is what kids think,train +26748,26749,26749,pasifana ku malitengay mafana tu ku wawa i,the old man teaches the children learn,train +26749,26750,26750,o Tafalung a niyaru itiya hu i u taakay a pisangaan tu atumu adihayay ku misangaan tu lalusidan tu sakacaluway a maurip,the Tai Pa long tribe was the largest pottery production site at that time supplying pottery for the daily life of the tribesmen,test +26750,26751,26751,miniwaniw satu,when pulling weeds,train +26751,26752,26752,isaka 1995 miheca ikur nu 8 miheca tuna katayra niyam mapatirengaytu ku kasakupang i Palikeci,in a group of congregations was formed eight years after we had gone to Barekci to preach,train +26752,26753,26753,misangaʼtu ku matuʼasay tu sapatalaw,the elders are going to start making bird catchers,train +26753,26754,26754,satu kiyana a misakilangay ci Mawid kaku,and the forester said my name was Malverde,train +26754,26755,26755,mitenuun,weave,train +26755,26756,26756,a meru hantu nu,it is eating us up,train +26756,26757,26757,matatekutekul,throw the ball at each other,train +26757,26758,26758,lusimeteng nira ku lalusidan nira malusimet nira ku lalusidan tayra tu i alu,he is got all the paraphernalia and he is going to river Creek,train +26758,26759,26759,karuheman,mellow,train +26759,26760,26760,maharekay tu ciwina mitangtang tu saka lafi katayni malafi,mom has cooked dinner come and eat,test +26760,26761,26761,o sufitay ciira,she is a soldier,train +26761,26762,26762,u awaay ku fukeluh anu ci fukeluh mahan pamatang,how to plow a field with or without stones,train +26762,26763,26763,Ngaayhu Kulas ci Kaping kaku,Hello Kolas I am Kaping,train +26763,26764,26764,masamanay ku kasipiray,what is the name of the plant,train +26764,26765,26765,pasela kura tamina nga tengtengan tu aku,when the boat stopped I started pulling him,train +26765,26766,26766,u suka kiya kuduh isu,are your gloves rubber,train +26766,26767,26767,Caay ci panay kaku,No I am Panay,train +26767,26768,26768,Valangaw a Pangcah i saamisan makayra i Madawdaw nu Taytu mitatimul tangasa i Cipung nu Taytu tatapangan a niyaru ira ku Valangaw Atulang Tulik Vavukud Siyawma Madawdaw na itini i liyut nu Piwma manay Piwma a Pangcah sa ku ni pangangan anini pasumadan tu Valangaw a Pangcah han,Malan Amis from Chenggong in the north to Benxi in the south the main tribes are Malan Dulan Duli Donghe Xiaoma and Ma Lao Leak because most of the tribesmen lived in the area around Taitung Binan they were called Binan Amis and later the tribesmen fought to change their name to Malan Amis,train +26768,26769,26769,adihayen kamaen adihay hu^ ini,enjoy yourself there is a lot more,train +26769,26770,26770,o tarud cingra a mimali,he is a substitute ball player,test +26770,26771,26771,ila ku cecay a tikuri,there is a painted bird,train +26771,26772,26772,Orasaka salikakaaw u pitier namu i Kawas ku sakahinum niyam i tini i nipisemsem atu nika pades niyam tu masamaamaanay,Therefore brothers in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith,train +26772,26773,26773,iraira satu sapaherek sanay a falucu,there is always a desire to get it right,train +26773,26774,26774,anu ira ku mifelihay tu Rikec i tinaku u maudangay a tamdaw maanen ku pitefuc a saan kita,what should be done if someone has violated the norms for example a person who has committed sexual harassment,train +26774,26775,26775,kaketi^,wasp,train +26775,26776,26776,Hahakenu san ku situ anu licayen nu singsi,the teacher asked the student but the student kept saying that he did not know,train +26776,26777,26777,o mahaenay a masafelaw rumakat i lalan a nuka pitusil maketeran nanay ku Tingsukiw saka mikidatay a miculi tu Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa,the repercussions of these marches were so upsetting to the Catholic church that they launched a campaign against the Jehovahs Witnesses,train +26777,26778,26778,ya u,this is,train +26778,26779,26779,ira ku nipalumaan niyam,we have Boehmeria,train +26779,26780,26780,matiyaay tu ku suwal nu ningra,it is the same thing,test +26780,26781,26781,u tada Kebalan ku vavainay nu misu haw ku sausi hayi,Yes,train +26781,26782,26782,anu hatiyasa palifun i madeng a samaanen,I had to pay for the work so I did it,train +26782,26783,26783,Orasaka pasasiyuren ku falucu namu a pasayra i Kawas ta masisit ku raraw namu,Repent then and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,train +26783,26784,26784,o rumasatu caay ka ci Atam ku masafanaay oya fafahiyan ku masafanaay Malapaculiay cingra tu Rikec nu Kawas,and Adam was not the one deceived it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner,train +26784,26785,26785,paikur tu suwal,give a farewell message,train +26785,26786,26786,u matiraay u nu mikuliay,all of them are teaching materials for on the job training,train +26786,26787,26787,paaliwacen,please be brief,train +26787,26788,26788,sululi kaku lina ama,Mom Dad please promise me a friend,train +26788,26789,26789,tangalayan,belly band,train +26789,26790,26790,Ngaay hu ku nu misu Kacaw ci Nikar kaku,Hello Kacaw I am Nikar,test +26790,26791,26791,i paherekan nu tayal nira,after his work is finished,train +26791,26792,26792,mapapalu^,fights,train +26792,26793,26793,u maan kira matiya saan,what the hell is that,train +26793,26794,26794,Palayap sa misaʼupu i takuwan,all around me,train +26794,26795,26795,hayda hatini aca ku licay ita anini,thank you for your guidance,train +26795,26796,26796,tutang u amutu ku patih ya masasapaday a amutu haen han mihiya hay,the walls are still a patchwork of concrete walls,train +26796,26797,26797,kakuyen kisu patayra teluc nu kilang,lift you up to the treetops,train +26797,26798,26798,paadipelan,a wall has been erected,train +26798,26799,26799,nika,expose to the sun,train +26799,26800,26800,satapang kaku anini a misanga tu siraw,I will start making the salt pork now,test +26800,26801,26801,sakaniway kisu tu singsi,you lied to your teacher,train +26801,26802,26802,u ngaayay ku pidiput tu paru nu luma u palatamdamdaway tu wawa a pasifana a papituur ta mafana ku wawa ningra a mangudu cingraan,he must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect,train +26802,26803,26803,ira ku naw ira ku,why is there an a,train +26803,26804,26804,patamuden,drop something Swallow,train +26804,26805,26805,pacumapakaen,feed,train +26805,26806,26806,maruraruray aca i satapang,it is a little harder in the beginning,train +26806,26807,26807,milicicaay,sap collector,train +26807,26808,26808,hatiraay ku demak nu malitengay,this is the practice of the older generation,train +26808,26809,26809,maulah kaku i cingraan,I love him,train +26809,26810,26810,micudad kaku itini i tukar haw i,when I was reading at Kuan yin,test +26810,26811,26811,o rara cecay atu turun atu hakhak,there is only red bean curd make and glutinous rice on the table,train +26811,26812,26812,anini u kalaʼludan haw iri,it is summer time,train +26812,26813,26813,han naku sa haya han naku kamu pasifana,that is it that is how I teach you,train +26813,26814,26814,cuwa hu mifanaway hu kaku tu kaysing nu hatini,not yet I am doing the dishes,train +26814,26815,26815,Hinam han makamiaca kami tu malecaday tu a citing,as a result we both bought the same dictionary each,train +26815,26816,26816,vahal,likelihood,train +26816,26817,26817,kiyana fulad,that month,train +26817,26818,26818,macakat ku tumuk i pikacawan a miang^ang a paratuh tu finawlan matira ku demak nu niyaru itiyay hu,the chiefs would go up to the watchtower and report to the tribe and that is how it was back then,train +26818,26819,26819,makuracay,Clean,train +26819,26820,26820,itiya hu kaku haw matakupay hu ku matuʼasay sa,in those days I had the honor of learning the wisdom of the elderly,test +26820,26821,26821,mamaurad,fall,train +26821,26822,26822,suna,descendants,train +26822,26823,26823,a tayniay kiya kadafu aku san mahemek tu kira,I will be happy when my son in law comes,train +26823,26824,26824,mapatay min,they are all dead,train +26824,26825,26825,makapah,nice,train +26825,26826,26826,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Pasulinen Kaku o mamaraudtu ku rumiad saka caaytu ka i tini tuna lutuk caaytu ka itira i Yirusalim kamu a mitaungan tu wama i kakarayan,Jesus declared Believe me woman a time is coming when you will worship the father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem,train +26826,26827,26827,o miyakiway ku tayal nira,he plays baseball for a living,train +26827,26828,26828,nawhan i ca hu pakaaraw tu titi tu mamaan sa,I think it is because of the lack of supplies and the lack of meat,train +26828,26829,26829,u urip ni ina aku,my moms life,train +26829,26830,26830,hatiniay ku nu liteng hu pisanga,this is the way our ancestors did it,test +26830,26831,26831,Pina^ tu ku mihecaan niira,how old is he,train +26831,26832,26832,Icuwa^ ku singsi^ nu misu,where is your teacher,train +26832,26833,26833,Nikawrira u papatalahkal cangra a pasuwal tu nanu dmak nu tireng i mamisawkit a Kawas tu mauripay atu mapatayay a tamdaw,but they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead,train +26833,26834,26834,anu mapatngiltu a maasip i tamuwanan kunini a tilid aku i patayraen i Lautikiya a kiwkay a papipatngil a miasip o rumasatu haenen a miasip i tamuwanan ku nai Lautikiyaay a sapatilid aku i cangraan,after this letter has been read to you see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans and that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea,train +26834,26835,26835,Papina^ ku safa^ nu misu,how many younger siblings do you have,train +26835,26836,26836,o masinangay kiraan a hawan ni faki aku,my uncles work with knives was favorable,train +26836,26837,26837,saka tusa rumiˈad o Sikulu a singpun nu Putawya masadakay ku kimad ni Rusufu,the next day the Portuguese newspaper O Século also carried a report of brother Lus speech,train +26837,26838,26838,u dungec,have vines,train +26838,26839,26839,u Amis u wina ira u wama u Payrang,grand mom is Ami and dad is Chinese,train +26839,26840,26840,u picekiwan nu Farangaw anini,today it is a place where the Malan tribes collect sea shells,test +26840,26841,26841,malikelun san wata,it is downhill,train +26841,26842,26842,mihatatanam tura mitutatay han kuranan,learning to play a musical instrument,train +26842,26843,26843,cakamaeden,not enough,train +26843,26844,26844,malasawad ku hiya,when that one disappeared,train +26844,26845,26845,mikidiheku ku wawawawa i pingiruan,children keep warm by the fire pit,train +26845,26846,26846,kura mikaumahan ira,the ones that are opening up,train +26846,26847,26847,pacait han i tukar ku nikaalaan tu vavuyuy tu mangcel tu kararayan u siri ira aca ku kahikahiwan u ruma ku kapah a melawan,hunted mountain pig Qiang Goats Foxes and the like hung on spears it is a sight,train +26847,26848,26848,cipadesay,Forlorn,train +26848,26849,26849,Tatusa^ ku kaka^ nu maku tu fainayan cecay ku safa^ nu maku tu fafahiyan,I have two brothers and a sister,train +26849,26850,26850,maulah ci Kulas a kumaen tu futing,Gullus likes fish very much,test +26850,26851,26851,Mapaadeteng ku fuduy nu maku a citilid tu kahengangay,my clothes were stained red from the sap,train +26851,26852,26852,Maulahay kisu tu kafalawfawan,do you like autumn,train +26852,26853,26853,niyaru,village,train +26853,26854,26854,Sarikuray satu u ayam atu futing ku nicakayan nu niyam patalumaen niyam a mitangtang,in the end we bought chicken and fish and went home to cook a table of food,train +26854,26855,26855,ikur tu cuwa ka halafin uniya Afrika a kitakit cuwa itu picunged tu mipatirengay a demak ita,Soon this African country would no longer be an obstacle to our construction work,train +26855,26856,26856,Sakapitu a fulad nu mihecahecaan caka eca mikilumaan ku niyaru niyam,every year in July our tribe will definitely hold the Harvest Festival,train +26856,26857,26857,lalikid,Toyonen dance Festival,train +26857,26858,26858,ahihay kura duduh,is it productive to store grooves,train +26858,26859,26859,Aciyah mafanaay tu sa fufu isu,Wow your grandpas really something,train +26859,26860,26860,hinatala cingra anini,he is waiting expectantly,test +26860,26861,26861,mililam,apprehend,train +26861,26862,26862,ngaʼayay ku mira inaneng ku kadafu aku mangaʼay ku kadafu aku,my daughter in law is a good girl she is a good mother,train +26862,26863,26863,hanhan,breaks,train +26863,26864,26864,matilaʼay ku sapisanga aku,that is what I do,train +26864,26865,26865,misamaanay hanu makahi kita mipadang tu naitiraay i ruma Kitakit a pacarcaray a tamdaw,why are preachers willing to help immigrants from abroad,train +26865,26866,26866,minanum,drink water,train +26866,26867,26867,19 Maharatengayhu isu ku ruma pakayraan alatek uniya pakayraan fahar sa a palifet tu madimadi ita ci Yihufaan alatek,you may also be thinking of other situations that may suddenly test our fidelity to the LORD,train +26867,26868,26868,tala satu matiraay ri,I have been waiting for the others,train +26868,26869,26869,kisu radiwen mamaan tu nu Amis patengilen kami,can you sing a traditional Amis song for me,train +26869,26870,26870,hatira sa ku maku a mikantan tu misiwkay tu kakawasan sanay haw,I introduced the stone mountain tribe to this place,test +26870,26871,26871,misamitanlyen,it is a workout,train +26871,26872,26872,piacawan,bailout shelter,train +26872,26873,26873,mahadasi amin,all barefoot,train +26873,26874,26874,Paraiten ku sapatiked nu maku i fanaw,makes my rod have hooks to hook fish in the pond,train +26874,26875,26875,itiya i suwal sa cingra tu nisawawaan Adihay ku papanayen nikawrira caay ka aluman ku mipanayay,then he said to his disciples The Harvest is plentiful but the workers are few,train +26875,26876,26876,masenger ku riku aku,my clothes are damp wet,train +26876,26877,26877,ira ku nituktukan nu maku,I made it with mallet dye,train +26877,26878,26878,nani tira kamu i iya i i Taypingyang i,when you came up from the north side of the Pacific,train +26878,26879,26879,itiya i kaku itiya,I was in the second grade,train +26879,26880,26880,dudu satu kami u rarikur tu kaka kaka,we do it with our brothers and sisters,test +26880,26881,26881,sakairaaw nu kakaenen nu paru nu luma atu wawa,I would love to have food for my family and children,train +26881,26882,26882,tadakaulahan,interests,train +26882,26883,26883,u rengurengusan amin ku itiniay,Yes it is,train +26883,26884,26884,ya mama namu mafanaʼay tu nu Dipung macaciyaw i ngaʼay tu,your father speaks Japanese very well so she agreed,train +26884,26885,26885,falucu,center,train +26885,26886,26886,ira ku pafliay i cingraan tu Cudad ni Isaya u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas Clak han ningra kuya Cudad i matama ningra ku matiniay a nitilidan tuya,the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him Unrolling it he found the place where it is written,train +26886,26887,26887,a wawa,Child,train +26887,26888,26888,mangalay kami a pakaulah i ciraan,we want to make her happy,train +26888,26889,26889,a miʼanip a miputaput tu i safelawfelaw itiya,whether it is planting or weeding it is all done collectively,train +26889,26890,26890,nu fainayan a lusid duedu sa tu nu kasaselal caay ka lalecad nu matuasay tanu kulah saca u mama nu kapah langdaw ku kipin atu cikayap atu tapad fafaw nu pakarungay maemin tu ciupih,male traditional dress varies according to age with elders wearing a long plain coat with no collar or sleeves and young fathers and above wearing a short blue shirt without a feathered crown,test +26890,26891,26891,i tini i saupu nu matuasay i malasasafaay a selal kaku,I was the youngest of the oldest class in the old peoples meeting,train +26891,26892,26892,nu itiya hu nu Amis mituduh kiya haw,former Amis pottery firing time,train +26892,26893,26893,pihawikid,carrying,train +26893,26894,26894,singsi u tatalaumah kita a mipaluma tu dateng han,Teacher are we going to grow some vegetables in the fields,train +26894,26895,26895,saka pasuwal san cira tiya hu ita tini wali iraay ku cikimisay mita kiya saw,then the old man said Did not they used to hold rituals in the East,train +26895,26896,26896,nukay aca malafi,come back for dinner,train +26896,26897,26897,adihay ku micumuday i cahulak a futing,there are a lot of fish in the screw shaped bamboo cage,train +26897,26898,26898,o sulinay u mu^celay ku nipisawkit nu Kawas nawhani masawkittu nu Kawas kuya maudangay paacekay tu hkal a tasalamaan a fafahiyan Cuayen nu Kawas cingra a mitfuc tu nanu nipipatay ningra tu matayalay nu Kawas saan,for true and just are his judgments he has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries he has avenged on her the blood of his servants,train +26898,26899,26899,maherek itu i lumuwad tu cingra minukay,after it is done he got up and went home,train +26899,26900,26900,misacepu,animal sacrifice,test +26900,26901,26901,suelin caay kafangcal ku heci nu lupas anini tuna mehicaan kalafaw,the peaches this year are not really good so many worms,train +26901,26902,26902,mapatayay tu kaku,I am dead,train +26902,26903,26903,kenaw,green onion,train +26903,26904,26904,o kidakidaan ku umah nu pasawali,the east coast is all Shakyamuni,train +26904,26905,26905,o katalawan nu fafahiyan ku licaesay,girls are most afraid of lice eggs,train +26905,26906,26906,Maʼepud ku maan kiya,that what fell from the sky,train +26906,26907,26907,kuna pifuting nu maku i u aira ku sapa,settling in fee to be paid by the company,train +26907,26908,26908,u sapivahvah tu cirekay hananay,it is a pest repellent,train +26908,26909,26909,kareden ku keliw,coil the thread,train +26909,26910,26910,o hatataduen a dademak,build your house with whatever materials you can find,test +26910,26911,26911,o maladimengay kaku,I am a cop,train +26911,26912,26912,Kumeng,mans name,train +26912,26913,26913,Maaraw ningra ku nipingiru ni Pitiru a sumuwal nengneng sa cingra ci Pitiruan a sumuwal O kaput ni Yis nu Nacali kisu sa kaku han ningra,when she saw Peter warming himself she looked closely at him You also were with that Nazarene Jesus she said,train +26913,26914,26914,ira tu isaw ku rarap nakayra i Kilanay a rarapa iri,there were cows brought from Yilan,train +26914,26915,26915,Minukaytu ku tarukus a paratuh i ci Yisan tu nanu dmak nangra a ma^min krid hantu ni Yis cangra dukduk satu a tayra i Pitsayta hananay a niyaru,when the apostles returned they reported to Jesus what they had done then he took them with him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called Bethsaida,train +26915,26916,26916,Maketunay tu ku impic nu maku,my pencil is broken,train +26916,26917,26917,tura Alapawan,a story about the name Taiyuan,train +26917,26918,26918,anu talakungkuan tu anu minukay tu,whether it is to school or home,train +26918,26919,26919,fahekulentu,lost,train +26919,26920,26920,Misasungit masasungit i tiya a remiad ira vavahi a wawaan mitumes tu nanum i atumu u rungen i tungu nu tangal a paradum ira vavainay a wawa mitadihang tu papinaay a cavay miurung tu kapahay a pakasuy u tatudung tu sasungit,Engagement on the day of the engagement the woman sends a pottery vessel full of water which she wears on her head to the mans house as a token and the man invites a few of his friends to send the best firewood to the woman house as a gift,test +26920,26921,26921,pakakemuday nu niyaru kira kura iya kali kira,the stream is passing through the interior of the tribe,train +26921,26922,26922,tenaʼen tu ningra i aʼayaw caay tu pakalaliw,they are blocking them they will not let them leave,train +26922,26923,26923,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ca Trifaina aci Trifusa u fafahiyan a kaput tu matayalay tu nu Tapang atu kaulahan aku a fafahiyan a widang ci Persis uya malalukay a matayal tu nu Tapang,greet Tryphena and Tryphosa those women who work hard in the Lord greet my dear friend Persis another woman who has worked very hard in the Lord,train +26923,26924,26924,mitilid i yuciing ku fafahiyan a safa aku,my sister is also in kindergarten,train +26924,26925,26925,nawhani i lutuk ku luma nu niyam itiya,mainly because I lived in the mountains at the time,train +26925,26926,26926,kalatengah,fool,train +26926,26927,26927,milalemid tu,it is time to pack,train +26927,26928,26928,siwa a pulu kiya haw,I will live about years,train +26928,26929,26929,itiraay ku hufuc nuya wawa,the child was born there,train +26929,26930,26930,Cuwa u hikuki ku sakatayra ningra i Pusung,No he took a plane to Taitung,test +26930,26931,26931,o hakenang ku ninian,this one is a chair,train +26931,26932,26932,ita,our,train +26932,26933,26933,watah pinaay miheca piliyas isu,Wow it is been a few years since I left my hometown,train +26933,26934,26934,saka cecay lalakaw mitadtaday hatu matatudungay ku harateng nu hekal tamdaw anu saan kita wa samanen ku demak nu mita,the first text will explain what we should do if we think the worlds viewpoint sounds reasonable and appealing,train +26934,26935,26935,u suwal nu wawa,daughter said,train +26935,26936,26936,Mafana mitenuun ci Panay,Barnet is very good at weaving,train +26936,26937,26937,fiyuk,a gust of wind,train +26937,26938,26938,anaku saka furesenan tu,numb pain screams,train +26938,26939,26939,san sa ku matuasay,that is what the elders say,train +26939,26940,26940,cayka imeced hai,it is not sturdy No it is not,test +26940,26941,26941,u maan kangalayan nu misu,your favorite flavor,train +26941,26942,26942,hatiraay ku nika piciyama pisafa,that is what they do they despise our people,train +26942,26943,26943,talacuway,where to,train +26943,26944,26944,haen satu i naʼun satu ini ku ayaw,here it is take your time with this one,train +26944,26945,26945,saka matini kailisinan ira tu ku pitaʼung nu niyam a niyaru u matuʼasay,there will be a ceremony to commemorate them at the Bounen Matsuri,train +26945,26946,26946,mangaʼay tu cara catu karuray cangra sanu Pangcah,they can speak as much Arabic as they want,train +26946,26947,26947,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad O Kawas ku mipalakasaparanay tu falucu nangra Saka tahanini a caay pakanengneng caay pakatngil cangra saan,as it is written God gave them a Spirit of stupor eyes so that they could not see and ears so that they could not hear to this very day,train +26947,26948,26948,talayufinay,to the post office,train +26948,26949,26949,ci Cekiyu Tafalungay,Ziyou in long Valley,train +26949,26950,26950,nika masaʼupu tu dafak i,So good morning,test +26950,26951,26951,mitadem tu mapatayay ku finawlan nu mita anini,today our tribesmen bury the dead,train +26951,26952,26952,o Nalifetan tu nu tuas i urip ku nini,this is the experience that our ancestors have accumulated from their lives,train +26952,26953,26953,o sasamaanen hatiniay a alu itini,look at this,train +26953,26954,26954,malalilid kita a miurung,let us carry together,train +26954,26955,26955,Masetu ku kawil nu pitaw,the handle came loose from the hoe,train +26955,26956,26956,pakilac,ingredient,train +26956,26957,26957,kimad,stories,train +26957,26958,26958,awaay ku aalaen yan sa,discouragement is not an option,train +26958,26959,26959,sahetu mira misangaʼan ku ninian,she did all the sewing,train +26959,26960,26960,hanghang,friends,test +26960,26961,26961,aday^ayen,mercifully,train +26961,26962,26962,lung cingra a kumaen tu epah,he drank just a little bit of wine,train +26962,26963,26963,midakaw ci Yis tu tamina a milacal tu fanaw a minukay i niyaru ningra,Jesus stepped into a boat crossed over and came to his own town,train +26963,26964,26964,naw matini ku misangaʼan aku sa kaku,how did I do that,train +26964,26965,26965,cikiling,with sunshade,train +26965,26966,26966,Cisuta ku lalan anini,the path is muddy at present,train +26966,26967,26967,unini kiya teli hananay i funguh sapidama,hold it with your hand when you put it on your head,train +26967,26968,26968,Orasaka pakayni tunini a mafana kita u nu sulin kita u rihakedaytu kita i kaayaw nu Kawas,this then is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence,train +26968,26969,26969,lumataw,hooliganism,train +26969,26970,26970,Saka tanekteken ku nipitier namu i Kawas a paculi tuya ada nawhani mafana kamu anu i cuwacuwaaytu a salikaka namu i malcadaytu ku nipilifet nangra tu matiniay a pades,resist him standing firm in the faith because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings,test +26970,26971,26971,edengan ura kilumaʼan ku awa,only the Toyo Festival was not held,train +26971,26972,26972,na maherek sa tu i,and then,train +26972,26973,26973,haiken tu itiniay i Kalingku,I do not know if that is the story of flower Lotus,train +26973,26974,26974,fungfungen,cover,train +26974,26975,26975,manuwad,plum,train +26975,26976,26976,i ngata nu pangiruan ku luma ni vaki caay katenes tangasa tu i luma,the station is not far from my uncles house and it is just a short drive away,train +26976,26977,26977,ni Angah Alimulu ku,it is Anahan Ali,train +26977,26978,26978,tusa tu kuʼusaw,two children left,train +26978,26979,26979,latek itini i sakaenem a fulad,maybe in June,train +26979,26980,26980,Misayufayuf ku sipalaay i Lakuwa,those with fields in the lakowa area formed farming groups,test +26980,26981,26981,mineneng,looks like it,train +26981,26982,26982,aci kacyang niyam isuwan kadapalu,and our moms they are afraid you are going to get rough,train +26982,26983,26983,atu picuka nu ina hay,and the paintings of my mother,train +26983,26984,26984,ha ha ha,he he he,train +26984,26985,26985,caay kahaen u lalidec,it is not like the trees in Chikunguni,train +26985,26986,26986,palufaan,donkey she would,train +26986,26987,26987,o saka^caaw ka tulu nu tadancaayhu ku pitier i ci Kristuan a tamdaw saka u nipinaun namu u pakuniraay ku dmak ku ngaay,be careful however that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak,train +26987,26988,26988,kamay isu anu mafukil kisu misulinga tuya uway haw,if your hands will not be full of chippings,train +26988,26989,26989,o karahkeran aku ku falucu nu fafahi aku,I am satisfied with my wife personality attitude,train +26989,26990,26990,macinas sahetu mitaʼisan caka hecad tura,cutting and sewing varies,test +26990,26991,26991,miladum,to carry water,train +26991,26992,26992,aka tawalen ku nu litelitengan a demak,do not forget the cultural rituals of our ancestors ancient traditions,train +26992,26993,26993,talaen hu,one moment please,train +26993,26994,26994,a u Cawi masacawi kunian hanaw itira a paniyaru kuya matuʼasay i katemul a u Cawi han kunian san ku i itini ku pialaan nu Cawi tu malungangan nu Cawi hananay,because of the basin terrain the old man raised a tribe in the southern basin and named it Shizura and that is how the Shizura tribe got its name,train +26994,26995,26995,tumesen,fill,train +26995,26996,26996,awaay ku limaw,there is no time,train +26996,26997,26997,falu ku mihecaan ni safa aku,my sister is eight years old,train +26997,26998,26998,o faeluhay tayra a milakuwitay tu riyar a mitusilay minanam tu nu Frans a suwal cuwa ku maduluay kawra makahiay mitengil tu ngaˈayay lihaf ku itiraay a tamdaw,learning French was not easy for most of the new missionaries but the locals were willing to listen to the good News,train +26998,26999,26999,Taringen ku asisiw,stack the straw,train +26999,27000,27000,Caduk han a patalakadac ku capux,shovel up the seedlings and place them in the transplanting basket,test +27000,27001,27001,u heni i tira tu mipuhpuh miangagan,and so they called out to the spirits,train +27001,27002,27002,paciru tu kamay,to raise a hand,train +27002,27003,27003,tu sapilawa a caveng tu,build a wall for defense,train +27003,27004,27004,enem tuku mata,six holes,train +27004,27005,27005,maruhimur palineknek han itira i patang,the water is very turbid put it in a bucket,train +27005,27006,27006,imuc,mountain listen,train +27006,27007,27007,Mapahrektu ku saka tusa a nika cilafu o nanarikay a ira ku sakatulu a sapalafu,the second Woe has passed the third Woe is coming soon,train +27007,27008,27008,fadic,surface,train +27008,27009,27009,saan ciira alaen nu niyan,she told us to take this,train +27009,27010,27010,ta maherek kuninian i,after this,test +27010,27011,27011,anu makena kita itini i,when we are unwell,train +27011,27012,27012,maulah ku uner a masadak tu dadaya^,snakes like to appear at night,train +27012,27013,27013,miciyangsu,presentation,train +27013,27014,27014,Hay tahanini cuwa ka tawal aku ku ayaway a urip,Yes I still miss the old life,train +27014,27015,27015,Orasaka aka pi^pec ku cima namu i cingraan Sangaayen ku pipatunu i cingraan ta mangaay ku rakat ningra a tayni i takuwanan nawhani mitala kaku tu nika lahaklung ningra atu salikaka a tayni,no one then should refuse to accept him send him on his way in peace so that he may return to me I am expecting him along with the brothers,train +27015,27016,27016,ci mamaulahay tu,love,train +27016,27017,27017,micakay kami tu ingcay u kuletu^ atu kahengayay a saytaw,we bought water spinach yams and carrots,train +27017,27018,27018,o tatudung i nantira i Ciramitan a niyaru,just came from the Giramidai tribe,train +27018,27019,27019,misatapangay tu tu miming a kimulu,it is starting to round off slowly,train +27019,27020,27020,I ikur nunini a kapadesan a rumiad i u tatuman ku cidal caaytu ku mamalikat ku fulad,But in those days following that distress the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light,test +27020,27021,27021,awaay ku palumaan tu maan u hiya kira u kalukaluhan,what is not planted is just slate,train +27021,27022,27022,Hai tada mailul tisuwanan katayni a mihulul,Yeah I miss you so much come on let us chat,train +27022,27023,27023,mavalud,centralized,train +27023,27024,27024,mahaenay aca san caay ku maku a,farming is not my specialty,train +27024,27025,27025,mabukilay cira,he does not understand,train +27025,27026,27026,itini mi haw tayni tu i,graduated in and came to Successville,train +27026,27027,27027,tu nian a nipavacu iri,good rewards and bad punishments,train +27027,27028,27028,Midawa i tauwanan a mimali caira,they play to beat people,train +27028,27029,27029,safaw tusa,twelve,train +27029,27030,27030,away kira ku tamdaw i lumalumaʼan ri,there is no one in the house,test +27030,27031,27031,caay kalemed,recruit,train +27031,27032,27032,sapatalaw,a tool for intimidation,train +27032,27033,27033,anini satu tuna mihaklung kamu tu sulin u makuracaytu namu kamu ta u malkakaaytu kamu atu rumaruma a mituuray kau nai falucuay namu a masasiulaulah,now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers love one another deeply from the heart,train +27033,27034,27034,i tungruh nuya asisiw kaku,sleeping on a straw,train +27034,27035,27035,misanunumay,apprenticeship in plumbing and electrical,train +27035,27036,27036,a miliyaw aca a remadiw tu,I am going to repeat the song I just sang,train +27036,27037,27037,cacay kisu,are you alone,train +27037,27038,27038,panganganay,named,train +27038,27039,27039,kawrira i mikalic tura tamina itira tura nu haw i,but what about the boat I took in north Australia,train +27039,27040,27040,maulahay kaku tu miraan,I like it,test +27040,27041,27041,anini mafana tu anini ku kaemangay,now the young people know,train +27041,27042,27042,Owa adihay ku milahkadan isu a dateng,Oh wow you are cooking a lot of food,train +27042,27043,27043,itiyatu minukaytu i,when we get back,train +27043,27044,27044,Patudungen ni akung kaku tu nu maku kilac,Grandpas got my share for me,train +27044,27045,27045,aadihay,terrific,train +27045,27046,27046,alaen tu mansa anu maan ku,you can bring it look at that,train +27046,27047,27047,Iraay pina ku aacaen isu,Yes how many do you want to buy,train +27047,27048,27048,kalahilahila nu caciyaw nu Amis haw i,in different languages or in Ami languages,train +27048,27049,27049,patungalen,please add,train +27049,27050,27050,nawhani caay ka ulah cingra a mikaput tu ciraraway a tamdaw a lipahak o nipikaput aku tu finawlan nu Kawas a mapades ku ngaay saan ku nipipili ningra,he chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time,test +27050,27051,27051,ltiya tuni ku kangaʼay,from here on out,train +27051,27052,27052,mikayki,meeting,train +27052,27053,27053,ciyah kura kapah tura,what a great young man,train +27053,27054,27054,hatiraay ku demak nu malitengay,that is how it is done,train +27054,27055,27055,u nikabanaʼan nu misu ku suwalen nu misu,what you said what you know,train +27055,27056,27056,ayaw nura tu pina a fulad mihiyaay tu tura pulung,a few months ago we are packaged the Boehmers threads,train +27056,27057,27057,uya misawadaytu tu mama nu kapah,it is the leaders of the young class who are leaving the class,train +27057,27058,27058,o kakanguduen nu kuli ku Tapang ningra a tamdaw ta caay ka lukes nu tau ku ngangan nu Kawas ita atu sifana ita,all who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect so that Gods name and our teaching may not be slandered,train +27058,27059,27059,macaculi atu fafahi i,when my wife and I have an argument,train +27059,27060,27060,lunuk,random,test +27060,27061,27061,mapatayay tu sanay,he passed away like this,train +27061,27062,27062,tumayi,feces,train +27062,27063,27063,o misafa^luhay kami a maluwama a misatafiling,We father and son reclaimed the hillside,train +27063,27064,27064,o misahuwakay ci mama nira,his father is a duck farmer,train +27064,27065,27065,pakalungay tayni i kapah,a child to a young man now,train +27065,27066,27066,ira kira pirikec nira i,he is got rules,train +27066,27067,27067,tu malusapiriʼang tu lifung,the bullying epidemic,train +27067,27068,27068,ira ku ccay a milkalay i kuhkuhan a sumuwal Patalaen ku malulalan nu Tapang Sungilaen ku malulalan Ningra sanay,a voice of one calling in the desert Prepare the way for the Lord make straight paths for him,train +27068,27069,27069,o maan ku sakalahuk isu,what are you having for lunch,train +27069,27070,27070,mafelec,go back,test +27070,27071,27071,Saka aca satu ci Yusif tu nisangaan tu kliw a kiradum ^pud hantu ningra ku tireng ni Yis a miala a mitafu tuya kiradum ta tli han ningra i nitu^tuan a ungcuy a tadem walinen haca ningra ku fukluh a mitli i fawahan nu tadem,so Joseph bought some linen cloth took down the body wrapped it in the linen and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock then he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb,train +27071,27072,27072,adihay ku riri i papanayan,there are a lot of grasshoppers in the rice paddies,train +27072,27073,27073,nu hatini keriden kamu minengneng samaenay ku,now I will show you how it is done,train +27073,27074,27074,miletaesay,scoundrel,train +27074,27075,27075,sa mahaenay kira falucu aku kira,that is where my heart is,train +27075,27076,27076,Nalifetan,experienced,train +27076,27077,27077,masakapah cingra,he is young,train +27077,27078,27078,adahayay ku ci Ngakungangiw,there is a lot of sargassum or wake,train +27078,27079,27079,pafeli ita tu kangalay nira,take what they like in exchange,train +27079,27080,27080,tangasaan santu ku pitipusan,until it is time to harvest,test +27080,27081,27081,mahaenay saka mapalahci a masungila ku ulah i falucu ita ta caay ka talaw kita i pisawkitan a rumiad nawhani mafana kita tu nika matiyatu ci Kristu ku pinangan ita i tini i hkal,in this way love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment because in this world we are like him,train +27081,27082,27082,msastu sanu Taywan sa kami kira atu wawa,it is like I speak Taiwanese with my kids,train +27082,27083,27083,Maherekaytu kaku,I swept it,train +27083,27084,27084,a malepl nu laying kisu anu caay kaytiya a masadak,if you do not come out right away the waves will catch you,train +27084,27085,27085,nisaʼusian tu nu mita i bintang ma,we have counted the barrels,train +27085,27086,27086,awaay ku pikiliman tu ising nu mita,we cannot find a doctor,train +27086,27087,27087,tangasa i tini mafana tu kami hatiniay tu,we have a rough idea of your situation thank you,train +27087,27088,27088,tadah,debts,train +27088,27089,27089,Manikar ci Osay misakaranam,wake up early in the morning to do your chores for the race,train +27089,27090,27090,misanu Pangcah a sumuwal ci mama^ i tamiyanan i luma,my father speaks the Pangcah language with us at home,test +27090,27091,27091,cima ku ngangan ni kaka isu,what is your brothers name,train +27091,27092,27092,mansa minukay kami tayni i pusung,that is why we came back to Taitung,train +27092,27093,27093,Fangcalay Adingu,Holy Spirit coined expression for,train +27093,27094,27094,u tihi aku haw itini mamang hu kaku,my childhood friends,train +27094,27095,27095,palumaʼan,property rights,train +27095,27096,27096,15 o mitilidan ni Yuhani a tulu tikami adihayay ku kalimelaan a kimad,there are also many valuable truths in the three letters John wrote,train +27096,27097,27097,sapisyawtu sapipalahedaw tiya etuk ira,it can be used to sterilize and remove venom,train +27097,27098,27098,satu ci tumuk si cingkul tu,the leader has a walking stick,train +27098,27099,27099,o kakriden ningra ku alumanay a finawlan nu Israil a papipasasiyur tu falucu nangra a pasayra i Tapang a Kawas nangra,many of the people of Israel will he bring back to the Lord their God,train +27099,27100,27100,demak nu luma,the work of the family,test +27100,27101,27101,o matiliday kadaduedu nu tatuˈasan ni Misiya cuwa ka sahetu saan u fisac a wawa,people in Jesus lineage records were not always the firstborn,train +27101,27102,27102,o sasafaay kaku,I am the youngest,train +27102,27103,27103,Ngaay tu talaen aku kisu i luma,Sure I will wait for you at home,train +27103,27104,27104,o malakahemaway ku tireng nu maku,my body has become lighter,train +27104,27105,27105,defung,launching,train +27105,27106,27106,o harateng aku i u papanukayen aku i tamuwanan ci Ipafrutitus u kaput aku a matayal a miluud a salikaka ita o niucuran namu cingra a patayni a papipadang takuwanan,but I think it is necessary to send back to you Epaphroditus my brother fellow worker and fellow soldier who is also your messenger whom you sent to take care of my needs,train +27106,27107,27107,Maaraw ni Yis ku nika tumangic ni Mariya atu nika tumangic nu mikaputay cingraan a Yutaya a tamdaw i mikihatiya ci Yis a mararum,when Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping he was deeply moved in Spirit and troubled,train +27107,27108,27108,patikamian,profess faith in,train +27108,27109,27109,itiya satu yu,activities,train +27109,27110,27110,kriden nuya mirpetay ci Yisan a tamdamdaw ci Yis a patayra i luma ni Kayafasan u sakakaay a citudungay tu taung ira itira a masaupu ku pasifanaay tu Rikec atu kalas nu niyaru,those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas the high priest where the teachers of the law and the elders had assembled,test +27110,27111,27111,padiʼecen tuna heck,clinging to the pillars,train +27111,27112,27112,falu a pulu ira ku tusa,years old,train +27112,27113,27113,o sengsiya300kuay nu tireng sa cukaysing,I will keep the remaining for my own pocket money,train +27113,27114,27114,itiya hu ku paisingan hatiraay,that is how I used to go to the doctor,train +27114,27115,27115,itiniay i rariyaran ku palumaʼan niyam,our home is located on a beautiful beach,train +27115,27116,27116,mahenay ku niyam a mama a tuʼas,it is a memory of my life growing up,train +27116,27117,27117,awa sanay tu kula afar ura pisaʼafalan i mapadeng tu,the shrimp are running low and the shrimp farms are over,train +27117,27118,27118,Ngaay hu^ singsi^,Hello,train +27118,27119,27119,u na niyaniyaruan makayra ira ku caayay ka lecad a selangawan u liyut nu niyaru u nakamayan a nisangaan u kakavitan u kakaenan atu langaw nu palapalaan manay u kapahay a mamelawan a hululan ku niyaru nu Pangcah,all of the tribes in the above townships are rich in local cultural features handicrafts lodging food and beverage and natural ecology et they are worthy of in depth travel and participation in the beauty of Amis tribal life and culture,train +27119,27120,27120,pakatuur,follow up,test +27120,27121,27121,mahaenay ku radiw nu matuʼasay han naku itiyahu,the elders used to sing like this,train +27121,27122,27122,mina,This,train +27122,27123,27123,iraay ku enur ira iraay ku ceker ira,there is a buoy and a stand too,train +27123,27124,27124,oya mitngilay tu Ngaayay Ratuh i saayaw i caay pasulin cangra saka caay pacumuden nu Kawas cangra i paslaan Nikawrira ira ku rumaruma tu mamangaay a micumud tuya nisuwalan nu Kawas a paslaan,it still remains that some will enter that rest and those who formerly had the gospel preached to them did not go in because of their disobedience,train +27124,27125,27125,keriden nu singsi kita a tayra i alu,teacher will take us to the riverside,train +27125,27126,27126,caay kafana u maan kura ci Yey Su saan ha ha ha ha,do not even understand the whole Jesus thing Ha ha ha ha ha,train +27126,27127,27127,hukhuk han na Siw Ni,the nuns were secretly observing,train +27127,27128,27128,tu kakaenen sa kami araw han i,I did not think so,train +27128,27129,27129,Marepun tu ku patiku ita tu tadah,we have paid off the debt,train +27129,27130,27130,matuni cingra,it will get soft,test +27130,27131,27131,nanu wawa tahanini mahaenay ku urip nu maku,this is my childhood,train +27131,27132,27132,ta saka tusa satu haw i,what about the second,train +27132,27133,27133,Mipacunuh tu raraw kura tamdaw i takuwanan,that man blamed me,train +27133,27134,27134,matama,find,train +27134,27135,27135,iraw,the rice paddies over there,train +27135,27136,27136,ci Fayfay han nu tau pangangan,they named her Fay,train +27136,27137,27137,Parunien nu maku a micacak tu dateng,I added loofah to my cooking,train +27137,27138,27138,mipacuk,killing animals,train +27138,27139,27139,ira kura fulaw nu misetekay tu tangal,there was a beheading,train +27139,27140,27140,Ngaayhu mapulung ci Kacaw ku ngangan aku,hello everyone my name is Kacaw,test +27140,27141,27141,kaʼemang hu kami i,when we were kids,train +27141,27142,27142,tahira,arrival,train +27142,27143,27143,anu ira hu ku dawad nira tu pinapina tu tatukian tayra tu a milicay,until we receive the great commission from our elders,train +27143,27144,27144,haen han niyam patuku,that is how we do it,train +27144,27145,27145,ura lutuk awaay tu ku palumaay,no one is growing crops on that mountain anymore,train +27145,27146,27146,Kanaawaay kisu kaw maan hananay tu nu maku hakiya,thank you for doing me a big favor,train +27146,27147,27147,aka piripa tu tilu^ aku yu,do not step on my trap,train +27147,27148,27148,mimaan aca maedeng hu matayal satu kaku,but I think there is still something we can do,train +27148,27149,27149,pulung,axe,train +27149,27150,27150,Hay ngaay hu kisu i,Yeah I am okay and you,test +27150,27151,27151,i cuwa saw ira hen ku kavukilan,it is not bad but still needs to be strengthened and worked on,train +27151,27152,27152,nu Hulam ngangan i sanay ku ngangan aku,my name is Huang Yuehua,train +27152,27153,27153,saciwi,winding road,train +27153,27154,27154,ora maku saʼayaw kiya haw,the first time I did it,train +27154,27155,27155,maefer ta tuku luma,I jumped across the room,train +27155,27156,27156,anu rumakatsa pakaynisa i riyariyaran,that is why we are all from the beach,train +27156,27157,27157,icuwa kisu mawmah,where are you going to work I am going to go back to what I was doing,train +27157,27158,27158,Namapainu ku alumanay a finawlan i ira ci Yis a tayra a mapainu itiya yu mitulun cingra i mafawah ku kakarayan,when all the people were being baptized Jesus was baptized too and as he was praying heaven was opened,train +27158,27159,27159,sivuduy,clothing,train +27159,27160,27160,ka u i lalumaay namu a damsayay atu masinanutay a falucu ku sapa^res namu tu tireng o midaucay tadamaanay a nengnengen nu Kawas kunini,Instead it should be that of your inner self the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth in Gods sight,test +27160,27161,27161,ala cecay suut ira ku tusa pulu limuud,you have to pay,train +27161,27162,27162,ira ku selal nu niyaru anu silisin ku niyaru caay kanca kasasisi ku selal tu demak nu lisin ira selal hananay u Tapang nu lisin nu niyaru sisa matiyatu u hitay i matini,age class every year at the tribal festivals there are age class activities this organization is the administrative backbone of the tribe like the military organization and is the driving force of the tribe,train +27162,27163,27163,Maduka^ maremes ku tusur aku,my knee is injured and bleeding,train +27163,27164,27164,caay tu ka ngaay kisu a mitalimula tu mama isu,you should not act childish in front of your father,train +27164,27165,27165,u luma han tu patireng kiya wama itini,what about the house Dads building it here,train +27165,27166,27166,mahanay sa sasilifun kiya mama niyam,my dad got paid a month for this job,train +27166,27167,27167,kakaenen,eat,train +27167,27168,27168,Wawaaw u maan ku aacaen isu,what do you want to buy kid,train +27168,27169,27169,samaan kita mahecad ci Nuwaan palahad tu tanuktukay a pasuˈlin nu falucuˈ,how do we develop strong faith like Noah,train +27169,27170,27170,urira kami haw man kuna demak haw,so we now that we are here,test +27170,27171,27171,Cifulangay kira kafi,that soup has bubbles,train +27171,27172,27172,Icikil 811914 milenguay tu kahuliw saka enem a mihecaan u ˈayaw ni Yis 612 mihecaan,Ezekiel refers to the sixth year of captivity BECAUSE,train +27172,27173,27173,Cima kura Alaen ku kafutian isu a rumakat sanay i tisuwanan han nangra a milicay,so they asked him Who is this fellow who told you to pick it up and walk,train +27173,27174,27174,liyas,go,train +27174,27175,27175,anu cai kakahi a malasikawasay i mamatahadauc ku rarima nu adada nu tireng nira inian u malasikawasay i ira ku kasarayray naira,if the chosen one does not want to become a priest he or she will be afflicted with sickness for the rest of his or her life there are classes of priests,train +27175,27176,27176,mikuliay,laborer,train +27176,27177,27177,kafukilan,dumb,train +27177,27178,27178,san i halek tu a rumiʼad o kamay mienengan yahaw fai,it is done it is time it is all in the hands is not it Auntie,train +27178,27179,27179,tuluay a facal ku nikangkangan ni mama i nacila,dad yard three plots yesterday,train +27179,27180,27180,awa ku ising itiya hu,there was no doctor,test +27180,27181,27181,tuya cacay a remiad milisapen ku ungay tu alem,one day a monkey bullied a pangolin,train +27181,27182,27182,hatinitiniay aca ku litengan hu demak i,this is the traditional way of doing things,train +27182,27183,27183,hatitiniay ku nu malitengay kyasaw,all the elders are like that,train +27183,27184,27184,i,Help,train +27184,27185,27185,safa aku tu fafahiyan,my sister,train +27185,27186,27186,cica,Resin,train +27186,27187,27187,Du^du sa ku sakatatulu a cuyuh a milkal a sumuwal Anu cima ku mitaungay tuya aadupen atu facu nira u rumasatu anu cima ku citupaay ku pising anu ^ca i u kamay i,a third angel followed them and said in a loud voice If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand,train +27187,27188,27188,ta adada ku waay nira,his foot hurt,train +27188,27189,27189,makadufah,Harvest,train +27189,27190,27190,anu misiˈayaw kita tu kafalic i nukaˈurip i sasamaan a mitudung tu taˈarawan ni Yusif,how can we follow Josephs example as we face life transitions,test +27190,27191,27191,o nicahulakan aku i dasidas kina tuda,I caught this eel with a conch shaped bamboo cage in a fast flowing river,train +27191,27192,27192,masariwang,formation room,train +27192,27193,27193,sala,dish,train +27193,27194,27194,kamu han ha naku,I said you are free to judge,train +27194,27195,27195,letek hanira ku kilang i kura suta,if you cut down the trees the mud will be fertile,train +27195,27196,27196,o karihakedan nu niyam ku sinsi i picudadan,at school we trust our teachers,train +27196,27197,27197,tu kan pinaay ku urip isu,how many times in your life,train +27197,27198,27198,Maruninac ku heci sananay uraan ku dademakay kira,fish heads and tails tied with straw to prevent cooking,train +27198,27199,27199,malecaday ku picudadan nu maku aci Kulas,Gulas and I went to the same school,train +27199,27200,27200,uni taykunan hani mahaenay,taking out a loan to buy a house is a heavy pressure,test +27200,27201,27201,Suˈlin tatiihay ku tireng aku kawra cecay lipay kina tusaay anca kina tuluay kaku a tayra,even though my health is deteriorating I still go there two or three times a week,train +27201,27202,27202,iya Fataʼan tura pakesangan,tree beans at dragon boat Festival,train +27202,27203,27203,misaciciw,raise a piglet,train +27203,27204,27204,ku demak,Amis,train +27204,27205,27205,awaay ya ku itilaay i kisituhung nu hiya,there is no note in the family register,train +27205,27206,27206,palmeden ku mikakay i tamuwanan a tamdaw Pitulun tu saki misamsamay tamuwanan,bless those who curse you pray for those who mistreat you,train +27206,27207,27207,cakasaani mafana caira misuwal tu nu Pangcah mafukil minengneng tu Cudad sa imatini,although they can speak Ami they cannot read,train +27207,27208,27208,kungakungaan,sweet pot,train +27208,27209,27209,limek,to hide,train +27209,27210,27210,Malulayay tu,I am tired Yes very tired,test +27210,27211,27211,tinai tunai,intestines are intestines,train +27211,27212,27212,matalaw tu kira a cay patudung,in order to avoid harming his people he decided to worship the spirits,train +27212,27213,27213,sapasevana ititaan u wawa,to teach the children of our generation,train +27213,27214,27214,Ahuwiday ku palemed nu liteng anini a rumiad a dihay ku tama ita,thanks to the blessing of our ancestors we had a great Harvest today,train +27214,27215,27215,mikalic tu kilang a mipitpit tu suiguu,climbed up a tree to pick fruits,train +27215,27216,27216,sapawtien,make it into a sack,train +27216,27217,27217,pafelian,Here,train +27217,27218,27218,hinuki,cypress,train +27218,27219,27219,nu Pangcah awaay,no Amis,train +27219,27220,27220,itini i kakaenen,in terms of food,test +27220,27221,27221,anu maalaalaay i anu sakatamaaw nu seking namu,although it is far away if you want to take the,train +27221,27222,27222,sisa unian u hiya mita u Pangcah,that is why we Amis are like this,train +27222,27223,27223,tui,indistinct,train +27223,27224,27224,han naku,I will answer this way,train +27224,27225,27225,Hay mahemekay ku paru nu luma niyam a ma^min,Yes we are all very tall,train +27225,27226,27226,Wata ku nika rahker nu falucu aku tu nika tayni isu u ina nu Tapang aku a milisu takuwanan,but why am I so favored that the mother of my Lord should come to me,train +27226,27227,27227,masinanutay,humility,train +27227,27228,27228,u miciway ku hiya nira lalahad,best for aiming,train +27228,27229,27229,cicanemay,meet with misfortune,train +27229,27230,27230,Icuwaan,which one,test +27230,27231,27231,a ilisinen ta anu dafak anu hakuwa san masaʼupu ku kapah masaʼupu ku tuʼas,Ah we are coming to find a morning to hold the Harvest Festival so the elders and the youth gather,train +27231,27232,27232,Hayda na alaen,Sure take it,train +27232,27233,27233,Hay mavana tu kami,Okay we got it,train +27233,27234,27234,mafukil a minengneng mafukil mitilid kami,it starts with not knowing how to read and pronounce,train +27234,27235,27235,ci mama catukangaʼay saan ku lawpan,the boss dismissed her husband it is not suitable for an old man,train +27235,27236,27236,Macefu hu kura micudaday i yuciyēn a wawa,the kid in kindergarten is wetting the bed,train +27236,27237,27237,anu haratengen kunini a demak itiya hu i lipuing,thinking back to the time when I was a member of the Legislative Council,train +27237,27238,27238,pasifanaen,engage Understand Teach,train +27238,27239,27239,atu ya awul tayraen tu i lawac ta nukay satu citihi cira ci Nufuran,Katsushika went to the stream and went home with her,train +27239,27240,27240,ilaay ku tilid i kafekang nu cukuwi haw,are there books on the top of the table,test +27240,27241,27241,Anu haenen isu i u sakalmed isu O sakakakaya nu urip isu i tini i hkal sanay,that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth,train +27241,27242,27242,falu falu tu a mihecaan mapulung,that is a total of eight years,train +27242,27243,27243,mafana tu kaku minengneng tu,I can read the Amish article now,train +27243,27244,27244,maherek haw i kumaen tu epah uraran ku kaʼusian nu ama nu maku,drinking after the sale was my grandmothers pet peeve,train +27244,27245,27245,maira ku kamay aku,my hand is stuck,train +27245,27246,27246,sangutngut,front tooth,train +27246,27247,27247,yu mamang hu kaku lima a pulu matiyanay anu ca san i lima pulu ku mihecaan aku wawa,when I was in my I was like in my,train +27247,27248,27248,miʼurung tu lutu nu malitengay,responsible for transporting the Elders backpacks,train +27248,27249,27249,paadingalen,flash,train +27249,27250,27250,fetir,popping,test +27250,27251,27251,tusa ku aciyus nira fafahian,the girl had two hair swirls,train +27251,27252,27252,semut,weed,train +27252,27253,27253,pasadak han ni Pitiru cangra a ma^min Pitusur sa cingra a mitulun ta pasayra sa tuya hurac a tireng a sumuwal Tapitaaw kalumuwad han ningra cngaw sa cingra tu mata Maaraw ningra ci Pitiru i luwad satu cingra a maru,Peter sent them all out of the room then he got down on his knees and prayed turning toward the dead woman he said Tabitha get up she opened her eyes and seeing Peter she sat up,train +27253,27254,27254,Maduka ku pasaripaan nu maku,I hurt my paw,train +27254,27255,27255,i hacuwaay ku kahufucan nu misu,what year were you born,train +27255,27256,27256,walu a pulu,eighty,train +27256,27257,27257,o siacefelay anca u hikuki ku nikalican isu a tala Pusung,are you going to Taitung by train or by plane,train +27257,27258,27258,mahanay kami tiyahu,that is what we did in the early days,train +27258,27259,27259,huwak,duck,train +27259,27260,27260,ku hatiniay nu Amis a demak,Amish things like this,test +27260,27261,27261,hay2,is it,train +27261,27262,27262,tayra i kiwkay parakatay tu paliding kaku madepuc a parakat tu paliding tu pasu,I will drive to the church because it is more convenient than the bus,train +27262,27263,27263,manay nu aniniyay tu a nikaurip cakayen ku sakalavi,that is why we have to buy beef for dinner nowadays,train +27263,27264,27264,anini satu misanga kaku tu siraw,now I am going to start making salt pork,train +27264,27265,27265,anu maʼusi kiya ama tiya kadafu i,if the father does not like the son in law,train +27265,27266,27266,misadakadakay ku itiniyay ku aru a Cikasuwan,that is why the people here are doing their best,train +27266,27267,27267,pancah maemin,they are all Amis,train +27267,27268,27268,Kanas,fish basket,train +27268,27269,27269,nawhan nanay,for the sake of uh hope,train +27269,27270,27270,hay u sapikpik ira kakahaday sa mangaʼay ira mi,it is because its wings are so wide,test +27270,27271,27271,sa itini tu i ikur tunu urip,so the rest of my life,train +27271,27272,27272,cudacudad,letter,train +27272,27273,27273,caka harateng rengreng sa ku namal,I did not realize that the fire was getting bigger and bigger,train +27273,27274,27274,elun,chair,train +27274,27275,27275,nu hatiniay aca ku piluing tisuwanan,we have come to the end of our interview,train +27275,27276,27276,cumud,enter,train +27276,27277,27277,o mitangtangay cingra tu hemay,he is cooking rice,train +27277,27278,27278,nga satapangtu patireng ku malitengay,I will start building a house,train +27278,27279,27279,Hai fangcal ku mihecaan anini saka malufic ku heci,Yes the weather was good this year so there was a lot of fruit,train +27279,27280,27280,saka samihecacaan sa awaay ku kuyumi awaay ku pasifanaay cangraan,so how do they know that a year in which there is no seasonal division of farming operations,test +27280,27281,27281,Saka pacauf sa ci Yis Liayawen aku a milicay kamu tu ccay anu pacauf kamu i takuwanan i pasuwalen aku kamu tu nika u maan ku sakacitudung aku a midmak tunini,Jesus replied I will ask you one question answer me and I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things,train +27281,27282,27282,itira tura tafalahan tura pudac pecuh mamaan a cekiw tuku maemin maʼaraw,shells can be found in the garbage,train +27282,27283,27283,kasasisulul saan a itiyaay a matuʼasay sa mahaen ku tiraan,the clan follows the example of their forefathers,train +27283,27284,27284,Maulah kaku i ciraanan,I like it,train +27284,27285,27285,anu awa i aka paciʼeciʼ,if it does not work do not force it,train +27285,27286,27286,awa hu ku tingki niya luma niyam itiyahu,we did not have electric lights in the past,train +27286,27287,27287,Tataangen nu maku haw,I will be the bigger man,train +27287,27288,27288,lafii,in the evening,train +27288,27289,27289,uyaan tu,and then,train +27289,27290,27290,Ma^dengay kalahukan tahila i pusung,arrive in Taitung around noon,test +27290,27291,27291,satakidkupu,cup,train +27291,27292,27292,pasuwal sa ku nisawawaan Tapangaw anu u mafutiay cingra i u mamaadahtu cingra han nangra,his disciples replied Lord if he sleeps he will get better,train +27292,27293,27293,nisanga,work,train +27293,27294,27294,sacuwaden aku ku salengac,I will take care of the leaves of the moon peaches,train +27294,27295,27295,katelepan ku,pressure injuries,train +27295,27296,27296,kisu,you,train +27296,27297,27297,Pasuwal ku Tapang o kamaruan aku ku kakarayan o pasaripaan aku ku sra o masamaanay a luma ku sasangaen namu saw i cuwa ku mamalukamaruan aku saw,Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool what kind of house will you build for me says the Lord or where will my resting place be,train +27297,27298,27298,mamaan saw kisu,what is wrong with you,train +27298,27299,27299,tayhira tu kura kasadakan nura nemnem ira ku ciʼciʼ,when you reach the spring there is a small ditch,train +27299,27300,27300,ruyaruy sanay ku masakiyakiyaway yu u mamilakec,a group of young girls wading across a river,test +27300,27301,27301,manikaw,lapse,train +27301,27302,27302,kapah,good,train +27302,27303,27303,o Kawas ku pahemeken,praise songs resounded in all directions,train +27303,27304,27304,man satu kaku i hayda micudad tu kaku san ku falucu aku ri,I did not know what to do I thought I will just keep studying,train +27304,27305,27305,makapah ku misahulam nira a caciyaw,he speaks Chinese very well,train +27305,27306,27306,Nikawrira ci Sulumun ku patirengay tu maluluma nu Kawas,but it was Solomon who built the house for him,train +27306,27307,27307,nga murawis nu kaikur a mingawit mitengteng,that is how you hook the back one and pull him,train +27307,27308,27308,i piclemantu ku cidal i rauden nu tusa ku safaw a tarukus ci Yis a sumuwal Paliwasaken ku tamdamdaw a patayra i ngataay a niyaru a mikilim tu kakaenen atu pilafinan nangra nawhani u kuhkuhan i tini han nangra,late in the afternoon the twelve came to him and said Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging because we are in a remote place here,train +27308,27309,27309,Papicekiwen ku ina nu mita a mipasadak tu ceka i waay nu misu,ask your Mommy to dig up the thorns on your feet,train +27309,27310,27310,padakaw han ni nu kaka aku i kulungay kira,my sister put me on the back of a cow,test +27310,27311,27311,malitengay itiya sa,that is how it was with the older members of the family,train +27311,27312,27312,ira ku kandaway u kahngangay u kaliyalaway i apilis,on the hillside there are green red and yellow,train +27312,27313,27313,fecul,saturated,train +27313,27314,27314,pacueneken,please insert,train +27314,27315,27315,Talumatu,I am back,train +27315,27316,27316,Talalutuken a milaliw a milimek,escape to the mountains,train +27316,27317,27317,anu u han huw i,in terms of motive or intent,train +27317,27318,27318,itiya i caay ku sasamadahen nuya tawki cingra a mipekpek a mipalu a palcad tu nika tfuc nu ruma a misamangahay a tamdaw ta itira a tumangic cingra a mingric tu wadis,he will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,train +27318,27319,27319,suwal satu a finawlan aka hu,please wait do not rush home,train +27319,27320,27320,fafikfik,geckos,test +27320,27321,27321,yu mapatdi nu likat ku masamaamaanay a dmak i itiya a mahapinang ku nika masamaanay kuya dmak,but everything exposed by the light becomes visible,train +27321,27322,27322,o sapaaraw aca i tamdamdaw ku dmak nangra a ma^min Sakakahaden nangra ku pipatlian tu tatatuyen nangra a cudad Sakakayaen nangra ku miramir nu riku nangra,Everything they do is done for men to see they make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long,train +27322,27323,27323,hay han naku,I said yes,train +27323,27324,27324,tu suelinay kura demak,what is happening appears to be genuine right,train +27324,27325,27325,anu cima ku lalimaay itini pisyakayan,if any of the villagers around you have any difficulties,train +27325,27326,27326,Tatalacuwa^ kita anini^ a rumiad,where are we going today,train +27326,27327,27327,Nikawrira yu likuten nu nisawawaan ci Pawlu i luwad sa cingra ta patiku a tayra i niyaru Cilasatu a rumiad i tayra cingra aci Parnapas i Tirpi a niyaru,but after the disciples had gathered around him he got up and went back into the city the next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe,train +27327,27328,27328,17 Nalifetan nu tamdaw palemedan ni Yihufa ku Misaˈusian aku,Biography my decision blessed by the Lord,train +27328,27329,27329,nengnenghanen mumukhan tu nuya wacu ku kuya patelian nira tiya takula a talid,the dog got into the bottle where he put the frog,train +27329,27330,27330,safa ira u fai aku,his sister she is my aunt,test +27330,27331,27331,mangaʼay i pihifangan a minukay,you can still come back from vacation,train +27331,27332,27332,efer,fly,train +27332,27333,27333,hay mahakulungkulung a tayra,we always go to the mountains together,train +27333,27334,27334,cucu^,tits,train +27334,27335,27335,Palupisaken ni Kulas ku kulung nira a kumaen tu rengus,Kolas scatters his herd to graze,train +27335,27336,27336,Papipatikuren itakuwanan tu paysu ci Panay,go tell Panay to pay me back,train +27336,27337,27337,sanay sa itini sa tu ka u urip nu maku itini Tuwyen sanay sa,that is why I have settled in Taoyuan,train +27337,27338,27338,mararaw hu ku fana ku punu nu tamdaw,as long as a person is a bias in his mind,train +27338,27339,27339,a papah nu puwli,banana leaves,train +27339,27340,27340,Maʼanuf ku falucu patatiku haw,I do not think I have collected enough,test +27340,27341,27341,ku sausi,one week,train +27341,27342,27342,u patingwaay ku tayal aku i kalahitayan kira,I am a communicator,train +27342,27343,27343,nu Pangcah,speak Amis,train +27343,27344,27344,Orasaka u matiniay tu ku finacadan nu mita u Pangcah a malupisak a maledef tuna Kitakit nu Taiwan,as a result the Amis have gradually dispersed from their tribes throughout the country,train +27344,27345,27345,a mifuting hu i samaen tu ku ikur nu urip,if we go fishing what is the future hold for us,train +27345,27346,27346,mahaenay kina na demak,here is what happened,train +27346,27347,27347,minukay kamu miala tu namu saan,let us go home and get our groceries,train +27347,27348,27348,inian ku katalawan nu maku tu aniniay a mimaliay,that is the thing I am most worried about with the current players,train +27348,27349,27349,nananumen,boiled water,train +27349,27350,27350,ngarngar sa ciira a matayal i pala^,he worked hard in the fields every day,test +27350,27351,27351,tayni tini a sasifuʼan a mitakid tuna saluʼafang,come to the center here to toast the spirits,train +27351,27352,27352,mahapinang ku pipacuk nu mita u Pangcah tu fafuy,you can clearly see how we Amis kill pigs,train +27352,27353,27353,Maimah ci faki tu lufic nu lingking nira,the uncle rejoiced in the fruit of his dragons eye,train +27353,27354,27354,away tu ku fafahi nira,and no wife,train +27354,27355,27355,Nibabahan nu heni a vuting micumud amin i bubu,all the fish they drove in there went into the box,train +27355,27356,27356,Tapangaw Kawasaw niyam matatudungay Kisu a mapahmek a mapacakat ku ngangan a mapafli tu icel Nawhani u misangaay Kisu tu maamaan O nafalucuan Isu ku sakasanga nunini atu sakaira nunini a ma^min saan,You are worthy our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being,train +27356,27357,27357,kaitini tu misimaw tu kikay,see the hired machine here,train +27357,27358,27358,futi satu kami tatulu,the three of us are going to sleep,train +27358,27359,27359,ira sungilaʼen tu ku pisetek tu rumiʼad,and the date was carefully chosen,train +27359,27360,27360,miadipel,building a fence,test +27360,27361,27361,taka sakucu satu u tu,I am going to be a Gosha,train +27361,27362,27362,laʼenu nu mama nu kapah,kids are next young people,train +27362,27363,27363,icuwaay ku niyaru isu Pasungan,where are you from Hachisangan,train +27363,27364,27364,tayra kita i yaruaru nu Amis,let us go to the Amis villages,train +27364,27365,27365,patangasa tisuwan tinademakan,I will tell you about it,train +27365,27366,27366,dafak satu,how about the next day,train +27366,27367,27367,lisin,sacrificial ceremony,train +27367,27368,27368,teluc i tahira i Yurtan a hikuciw maˈaraw niyam ku salikaka itini i tingluh nu lumaˈ iraay ku tatafing matiliday tu Mahemekay a militemuh tu Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa,as a result upon our arrival in Jordan we were delighted to see a group of people standing on the top floor of the terminal with a banner that read Welcome Jehovahs Witnesses,train +27368,27369,27369,pitilid,academic,train +27369,27370,27370,saan i ira mikeridan ningra kiya kankufu,the doctor led the nurse to the bed,test +27370,27371,27371,anu irakuman nu mitaitini pisyakayan haw kaemaay,you know kids when we hit a snag out there,train +27371,27372,27372,pavavuy u epah,offerings of pigs and wine,train +27372,27373,27373,hatira ku demak haw i,although things used to be like this,train +27373,27374,27374,safaw falu tu ku mihecaan nu fainayan a kaka aku,my brother is years old,train +27374,27375,27375,o maecuay kaku nani fasu a taluma i pafilungan,I am going home for new Years Eve and got pushed off the bus,train +27375,27376,27376,mituur,musical instrument,train +27376,27377,27377,u supsup nu nikaurip nu tuas kiniyan,this is the accumulation of the life experience of our ancestors,train +27377,27378,27378,yu misanga cira tu fadahung i matefaday nanifadahung,he fell off the roof while repairing it,train +27378,27379,27379,ngidet,nasal mucus,train +27379,27380,27380,o kunga kaenen,there is only groundnuts to eat,test +27380,27381,27381,padangkaan a tuda,a kind of eel,train +27381,27382,27382,nika cika ulah kaku a micudad,but I do not like to read,train +27382,27383,27383,Mafana kisu tu nika u tatiihay ku matiniay a tamdaw o raraw ningra ku pawacayay tu nika u muraraway cingra,you may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful he is self condemned,train +27383,27384,27384,Mapauwer tu nu maku kuya tikami,I have already mailed the letter,train +27384,27385,27385,ci Lalayaan fuksi anca ya tayal isu i ayaw,pastor Raya former minister,train +27385,27386,27386,sikela,driftwood,train +27386,27387,27387,kelak ku harateng,thoughts are scattered,train +27387,27388,27388,mikingkiway,research,train +27388,27389,27389,aya caay kafangcal kuna paniyaru sa,I do not think it is a good idea to sit here,train +27389,27390,27390,u ruma anu mi falicen ta misanuamis haw anu patatama anuhan ita tura suwal nu Hulam u ruma i kuesit a tengilen,Then if we translate it into Amis if we have to Chinese sound awkward,test +27390,27391,27391,Hualian kawcung,Hualien high school,train +27391,27392,27392,Yaalu niyam niyaru kini niyaru terung u alu,our river is between the tribes,train +27392,27393,27393,Saka liyas satu ci Pawlu tu pilaucan,at that Paul left the Council,train +27393,27394,27394,mihining kaku tu malikudaay,when the Harvest Festival dances,train +27394,27395,27395,Pawaliyan malicang tu,it is dry,train +27395,27396,27396,pisakacawasan,where they grow watermelons,train +27396,27397,27397,Cupelaken kaku tu icep saka caay piicep kaku,I think betel nut is too bitter so I do not eat betel nut,train +27397,27398,27398,salikaka,cousins,train +27398,27399,27399,Misamanay hanu ira ku ngaˈayay minaruˈan ita a mitusil,why can we all be fruitful in our evangelism,train +27399,27400,27400,alaen aku kisu Halu haw tala ili,Harold can I take you to Yuri,test +27400,27401,27401,sahetu,both,train +27401,27402,27402,lilen,earthquake,train +27402,27403,27403,o manan ku nisangaan isu,what are you working on,train +27403,27404,27404,fekac,paw,train +27404,27405,27405,tuwa hayi hantu ku tumuk,just say yes boss,train +27405,27406,27406,maaiseised,Competitiveness,train +27406,27407,27407,tayira i liyal,into the sea,train +27407,27408,27408,o sapiriangan a macungedis ku wacu,dogs are aggressive when their teeth are exposed,train +27408,27409,27409,Mangaay kaku a tayra haw Gaaytu,may I go Fine,train +27409,27410,27410,mahiya tunu kaciʼedah ku tireng caʼnget,I was tickling my body with saltpeter,test +27410,27411,27411,nanitiya ci Yuhanian u Painuay a tahanini i mararid a maluud nu ca^desay ku Kitakit nu Kawas aluman ku sapiafasananay a tamdaw tu nikuwanan nu Kawas a Kitakit a palanutireng,from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing and forceful men lay hold of it,train +27411,27412,27412,milepel,hunt and capture,train +27412,27413,27413,malanguhahay,love,train +27413,27414,27414,micuhung,Tracking down an old friend,train +27414,27415,27415,itiratu i pasuntef a misungila a mipararukep,fasten the wall again,train +27415,27416,27416,a tayra i kungkuan haw,it is hard to go all the way to elementary school,train +27416,27417,27417,Tadafaedet ku rumiad alaen ita kumaen,it is hot let us eat it,train +27417,27418,27418,ci Yis mala hungti,let him reign as king,train +27418,27419,27419,talatu kami i kami,we did go we also went back to Taitung,train +27419,27420,27420,madademak ku fenfenan nu wawa,a baby Skull moves,test +27420,27421,27421,saʼayaway tayni,the first to come here,train +27421,27422,27422,misanga ku hana ku ina misanga paaca,My mother still makes crafts and sells them,train +27422,27423,27423,sakalima nipaʼawulan talaʼayaw tayra kiya mama i alu haw i,Fifth before my father goes to the stream to catch fish with the guizhu,train +27423,27424,27424,vavainay amin tatulu,all three are boys,train +27424,27425,27425,Maalatu ku nipacudad nu misu lipahak kaku,I was very glad to receive your letter,train +27425,27426,27426,paluma tu tu diyung,I will start raising pigs,train +27426,27427,27427,caay kalecad ku cacidapan nu Cudad nu mita atu nu Padaka,the page numbers of our books are not the same as those in the West,train +27427,27428,27428,serit kiya turun ucikay tu aku minukay,I cut a piece of make by hand and ran home,train +27428,27429,27429,anu maurad tu anu macidal tu ku rumiad i,whether it is sunny or rainy,train +27429,27430,27430,tadamaʼaraw ku falucu itini tu ina atu mama,thank you so much dad and Mom,test +27430,27431,27431,puruden hu tu cecay saka tusa a fulad haw puruden tu mipurud,and when the second moon appears it is a ball of thread,train +27431,27432,27432,misaicel,effort,train +27432,27433,27433,hay mamelaw tu,I have seen it,train +27433,27434,27434,Mireping cingra takuwanan a maru,she was sitting next to me,train +27434,27435,27435,u han kura sa ku matuʼasay,the old man said it is called Sang fan,train +27435,27436,27436,o mama nu kapah sakapituay u teluc nu tuas,youthful dads level elders,train +27436,27437,27437,manhanta hakini a maru tina matiniay kala Fangcalay kamaruʼan san,what are we going to do make it livable,train +27437,27438,27438,anu awa awa ku kafanaan niyam mitengil i kawrira u tingwa ku sapiluing niyam ta ngaay kami miliyaw a mitengil,although we could fully understand it we could record it on our cell phones and listen to it more,train +27438,27439,27439,itira maumah matayal,work there,train +27439,27440,27440,itiyahu matilaay ku demak,it was a very difficult time and that is what I was doing,test +27440,27441,27441,malawawaay,become a child,train +27441,27442,27442,ta saka tulu a fulad haw hatiraay tu puruden nila,and when the third moon rises it is all twisted up into a ball of thread,train +27442,27443,27443,ura hu kaemangay han,not to mention the next generation,train +27443,27444,27444,kira,Main,train +27444,27445,27445,pakapaliding cingra a tayra,he went by vehicle cart,train +27445,27446,27446,kakaliman,interests,train +27446,27447,27447,a masaadiyadidi hen kamu sisa caay kamu kavana,I cannot help it you are all so young you do not know much,train +27447,27448,27448,nai hakuwa a misahekenu tu kita,when did we forget our roots,train +27448,27449,27449,mangaay a kakitilaan sisa patireng tu luma cira,so he built a house suitable for living,train +27449,27450,27450,anu u maantu a dmakan i sarucuden ku falucu namu a matayal o saki Tapang ku tayal aku caay ku saki tamdaw han ku falucu,whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord not for men,test +27450,27451,27451,malcad tunini anu mahapinang namu ku nika ira nunini a dmak i itiya a mafana kamu tu nika u mingataaytu cingra tu fawahan,even so when you see these things happening you know that it is near right at the door,train +27451,27452,27452,emin han nira mihiya ku fafahiyan nu kapah,the women of the tribesmen were even forcibly plundered,train +27452,27453,27453,nu patay han namu ku tamdaw niyam sa kya kuntung saka,because the Cantonese say Why did you kill our people,train +27453,27454,27454,iraay ku mitilidan ni fai aku i saʼayaw,in the old days my aunt wrote,train +27454,27455,27455,matawal nu nisawawaan a mihawikid ku ^pang deng ccay aca ku iraay i tamina nangra a ^pang awaay tu ku ruma a kakaenen,the disciples had forgotten to bring bread except for one loaf they had with them in the boat,train +27455,27456,27456,awaay tu saka a luma,there is no more house,train +27456,27457,27457,mikawit itu tu salil mifedfed tu tiked,busy mending nets and wrapping fish hooks,train +27457,27458,27458,u lingad aca nu niyam,only work,train +27458,27459,27459,kura nanum ira,River,train +27459,27460,27460,onini a suwal haw i u sapalimuut nu itiniay i pasawali pariyaray ku urip a Pangcah sapipalal tu falucu nu matukaay atu ya caayay pidu^du tu tatukian a matayal a tamdaw,this famous saying is an aphorism from Ami of the coast who lived by the sea to admonish those who did not keep time,test +27460,27461,27461,ya tataʼakay a uner u Kawas,that is the python,train +27461,27462,27462,yu matama nangra ci Yis i Mikilim ku tamdamdaw i Tisuwanan han nangra a sumuwal,and when they found him they exclaimed Everyone is looking for you,train +27462,27463,27463,pasuwal satu kiya fafahi,the wife told her husband,train +27463,27464,27464,o likat ku Kawas awaay i cingraan ku mamamamang aca a tuman o nanu nitngilan niyam ci Kristuan kunini Saka paratuh kami i tamuwanan,this is the message we have heard from him and declare to you God is light in him there is no darkness at all,train +27464,27465,27465,anu i etipay a papah nu pawli raecus sa,not if it is from the west,train +27465,27466,27466,ucuren nangra ku pakarungay,they assigned the youth,train +27466,27467,27467,itiya,previously,train +27467,27468,27468,madengay kita a tala patiyamay a micakay tu maamaan,we can go to the store and buy things,train +27468,27469,27469,anengel,it is going to be bitter,train +27469,27470,27470,hacining mihecaan,years,test +27470,27471,27471,caay ku kalamkam matama isu kira i,it is not the guy who does it fast but the guy who has to find that thing,train +27471,27472,27472,kikungmararamud,get married,train +27472,27473,27473,cawa u ay a pinangan kuranan,No it is not it is a very honest gesture,train +27473,27474,27474,hananay nu Hulam,in Mandarin it is called Missing,train +27474,27475,27475,cukaen,painting,train +27475,27476,27476,taluma satu iri ira kiya lalakecan u tarawadaw hananay,on the way home you have to wade across a river it is a river,train +27476,27477,27477,itiya i ira a micumud i kasaupuan a luma ku maaruay nu kaackan a adingu Cli sa ciira a sumuwal,just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an evil Spirit cried out,train +27477,27478,27478,u misawacuway u sakanguduwa saan,to the ethnic youth are,train +27478,27479,27479,pateker,hunt,train +27479,27480,27480,anini i misanga tu kaku i,and now I am making it again,test +27480,27481,27481,ta milacal ci Yis tu Yurtan a alu a tayra i pipainuan ni Yuhani i ayaw itira satu cingra a milafin,again they tried to seize him but he escaped their grasp,train +27481,27482,27482,sa kira cima aca pakarekuʼay tu nasafawfaway urip,who else recognizes the hard work and wisdom of our ancestors,train +27482,27483,27483,nuya luma,this household,train +27483,27484,27484,Hai,Yes,train +27484,27485,27485,o pusung ku rira maaraway a niyaru,the place you see is Taitung City,train +27485,27486,27486,u sapakaen tu fafuy,it is supposed to feed the pigs,train +27486,27487,27487,sepel,forage grass,train +27487,27488,27488,nawhan i anuhakuwaay i caytu pakarakat kamu amitefu hay mangata tu pitefuʼan san,because he said that if you cannot get there to pick up the shoots it would be closer to plant them here,train +27488,27489,27489,vidawul,Cucumber,train +27489,27490,27490,kalitang,runner bean,test +27490,27491,27491,mahaen ku aku,speak Chinese,train +27491,27492,27492,cima kura micumuday,who is coming in,train +27492,27493,27493,mafafelin,it is already turned over,train +27493,27494,27494,nanay ira ku miduʼeduay tu nakamayan nu misu,I hope someone will take over your work,train +27494,27495,27495,hu,so long as,train +27495,27496,27496,wawa aku tatusa fafahiyan,my two daughters,train +27496,27497,27497,pakamaanay kisu a talataluan,how do you go to the block house,train +27497,27498,27498,anu hatira i pahapinangen i dmak namu ku nika sasiyur nu falucu namu a pasayni i Kawas,produce fruit in keeping with repentance,train +27498,27499,27499,hinghing,special gifts for the woman relatives at the wedding ceremony,train +27499,27500,27500,pingkusi,Attorney,test +27500,27501,27501,itiraay kita sa i masaepeng kura kaput,that is where our age groups converge,train +27501,27502,27502,mikangkang sa ku mamu mikangkang hu saw ku wawa anini,I think it is a good idea to go back to the country and farm but do kids today know how to farm,train +27502,27503,27503,Mamipasa^sa tu kita Arayum,the class is over goodbye everyone,train +27503,27504,27504,miliyaw tu tiran tu patireng tu luma,I am going to repeat the story of how the house was built,train +27504,27505,27505,palecaden cara mimisaarad,tie it the same way,train +27505,27506,27506,anu pacici san kisu i,if you insist on going,train +27506,27507,27507,a nikasaniyaru,form a tribe,train +27507,27508,27508,rey nilapa pey pey pey pey pey,Whistle blow the horn Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba a,train +27508,27509,27509,cihi,curse,train +27509,27510,27510,ya siya luma naira mamaan kami cikasaan,families think nothing will happen,test +27510,27511,27511,ci Wamaan,expressive,train +27511,27512,27512,o pulul ni akung aku kiraan,that is my grandpas cage,train +27512,27513,27513,u rarapa ku sakamaumah nu niyam,we farmed with oxen,train +27513,27514,27514,umelaen,treasure,train +27514,27515,27515,cayka kapah ku nika suvuc,production is not going well,train +27515,27516,27516,caʼay pinengneng kaku,I do not ever read,train +27516,27517,27517,lumuwad,get out of bed,train +27517,27518,27518,aru,distribution,train +27518,27519,27519,maan han kira,what is the point,train +27519,27520,27520,u tuas ci vaki Yayaw tamih Uracus cimacima tu irahenay,Ancestors Tami Olszewski and the rest,test +27520,27521,27521,Mararitingay kira heci nu kuwa iraw i faled,the fruits of the papaya are linked above,train +27521,27522,27522,paafalangen,auxiliary upper shoulder,train +27522,27523,27523,o ruma satu,other trees,train +27523,27524,27524,tayra tu i karengrengan itila tu ku lunan nu heni,it is right out to sea because that is where they keep their boats,train +27524,27525,27525,anini sa tu u Payrang haw paluma tu maemin i tira nanpu kiyami,Nowadays the Min Min people are planting woodchucks in the south,train +27525,27526,27526,spat a pulu a rumiad cingra itira a lifeten ni Satan malacafay atu aadupen Cingra nikawrira ira ku cuyucuyuh a mihamham i Cingraan,and he was in the desert forty days being tempted by Satan he was with the wild animals and angels attended him,train +27526,27527,27527,ta palit hantu nangra ci Yis a mikidkid a paturud i ci Pilatuan u mikumuday nu Luma,they bound him led him away and handed him over to Pilate the governor,train +27527,27528,27528,saan ku pimeraw naayaw,I used to learn by watching,train +27528,27529,27529,unini ku matapalay aku,this is my deepest prayer,train +27529,27530,27530,yu tahira cangra i luma nuya citudungay tu kasaupuan a kakridan i maaraw ni Yis ku nika rarawraw nu alumanay matngil ningra ku piungung nu tamdaw a tumangic,when they came to the home of the synagogue ruler Jesus saw a commotion with people crying and wailing loudly,test +27530,27531,27531,hatiraen hu anu hamaan isu anu hakafung,do stop here depends on what you are doing or the hat you are wearing,train +27531,27532,27532,o ni Kristu kamu o nu Kawas ci Kristu,and you are of Christ and Christ is of God,train +27532,27533,27533,Mirina kaku tu sapilikel tu safun i sunkanci,I have to go to the village clerk to get it stamped,train +27533,27534,27534,lumaay,classifier for families or businesses beg shops companies,train +27534,27535,27535,yu malehulul ku heni iri mamaʼanay hakiya malicinuwas,they were a couple I wonder how they broke up,train +27535,27536,27536,mafana tu kaku itiya mafana tu misanu Pangcah hay u,I knew I could speak my mother tongue that is all,train +27536,27537,27537,he a,Yeah,train +27537,27538,27538,kafanaan aku tulu ku tali,green,train +27538,27539,27539,nu icuwaan,which one is it,train +27539,27540,27540,ira satu,to be at this point,test +27540,27541,27541,yasa ya a ikuray aku a safa i,pick up my brother,train +27541,27542,27542,o citudungay nu niyaru atu palacalay tangasa i mitapalay a Kawas ku cikawasay a tamdaw tadamaanay ku kaciicel maedeng a misakawanan anca mamiucur tu Kawas,a priest is a tribal clergyman who is responsible for communicating with the gods and she has the extraordinary ability to influence and even send them,train +27542,27543,27543,sapatengil,manifestation,train +27543,27544,27544,pinaay tu ku mihecaan nu fainayan a kaka isu,how old is your brother,train +27544,27545,27545,matuasay,elderly people,train +27545,27546,27546,man ku kakaenen,find something to eat,train +27546,27547,27547,suda,have the appearance of snow,train +27547,27548,27548,han aku milicay,I asked my mom this,train +27548,27549,27549,miarayum,say goodbye,train +27549,27550,27550,mipacuk,slaughter,test +27550,27551,27551,awa tu ku nanum nuna hemay nu misu i,if this pot of rice runs out of water,train +27551,27552,27552,o kaacekan ku utuy a kakawaw nu tamdaw,what is most disgusting is the selfish behavior of human beings,train +27552,27553,27553,maetengay,get in the way,train +27553,27554,27554,lifawa^,swelling,train +27554,27555,27555,Atiati katayni a minengneng ira ku riku atu talupung itini,come and take a look we sell clothes and hats,train +27555,27556,27556,mahaenay ku nipiktun nu Kawas tu suwal saka malapawacayay ci Yis tu tadaikakaay a katatlekan,but he became a priest with an oath when God said to him The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind You are a priest forever,train +27556,27557,27557,tayra kiya fafaʼinay i cuwa san,her husband went to see if the fish was here,train +27557,27558,27558,yu sakinatusatu nangra a tayra i pakafanaentu ni Yusif ku salikaka ningra tu tireng ningra Saka mafanatu ku hungti nu Icip tu paru nu luma ni Yusif,on their second visit Joseph told his brothers who he was and Pharaoh learned about Josephs family,train +27558,27559,27559,naw han mafana kaku ri,why do I know that,train +27559,27560,27560,Mafana ci Yis tu falucu nangra saka kayat han ningra ku ccay a ka^mangay a wawa a patireng i tatihi ningra,Jesus knowing their thoughts took a little child and had him stand beside him,test +27560,27561,27561,samangah nira kaku,he told me a lie,train +27561,27562,27562,Dahepay han tu ku fuduy haw,make sure you get some sunshine,train +27562,27563,27563,malasufitayay a wawa haw i rumadiw cingra,Soldiers kid sings,train +27563,27564,27564,misulinga,repairs,train +27564,27565,27565,yu tahira ci Yis i saliklun a lalan nu Olif a lutuk i ngata nu Yirusalim i salipahak sa ku alumanay a nisawawaan ni Yis a micli a pahmek tu Kawas tu pakayniay i nanu ninengnengan nangra a kafahkaan a dmak ni Yis a ma^min,when he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen,train +27565,27566,27566,Mapatalatu a matli i tapangan nu kilang ku caklis o caay ka cihci tu ngaayay i u lalteken a ma^min a mifahkul i namal,the ax is already at the root of the trees and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire,train +27566,27567,27567,ura sa i u dadaya tu papacem i,even so day and night,train +27567,27568,27568,mafanaʼay tu kita tuninian,we all know these,train +27568,27569,27569,o widang aku ci Suntuk,Sontok is my friend,train +27569,27570,27570,mita tu suwal nu Pangcah,the grammatical structure of our Amis language,test +27570,27571,27571,matuastu,grow up,train +27571,27572,27572,Pacauf sa ci Yis i cangraan Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u kuli nu raraw ku mararaway a tamdaw a ma^min,Jesus replied I tell you the truth everyone who sins is a slave to sin,train +27572,27573,27573,Mitekek tu ku uner,the snake bites,train +27573,27574,27574,o wina aku ku mira,she is my mom,train +27574,27575,27575,caay kadayum a misanga tu emu,it is not easy to make your own,train +27575,27576,27576,pacafay tu cilumaʼay,accompanying the bereaved,train +27576,27577,27577,aka pihakulung sa ci ama niyam,dad said not to follow me,train +27577,27578,27578,pacekilen,awakening,train +27578,27579,27579,mifangwen mikerid tu salikaka a mipayfang tu salikaka,taking parishioners to visit other parishioners,train +27579,27580,27580,taputal,go away,test +27580,27581,27581,cuwa ka harateng nuya salikaka u piratuh taˈangayay ku epuc,that brother did not realize that a little greeting could be so effective,train +27581,27582,27582,hay i,it is true,train +27582,27583,27583,Siwkulang a Pangcah saamisan makayra i Marangah nu Rinahem mitatimul tangasa i Maliwang nu Silamitay u tatapangan a niyaru ira ku Tavalung Vataan Kiwit Paylasen mililis tu tarawadaw nu Siwkulang a siniyaru manay Siwkulang han,Xiuguluan Ruan Ami Group from Shoufeng river in the north to Suppon river and the vicinity of Hok tin in the south the main tribes are Tai Pa Long Ma Tai An Chimei and Bak Tsai et they are so named because they live in the vicinity of Xiuguluan Ruan river and its tributaries,train +27583,27584,27584,u niyaru nu maku itini i Ciwidian hananay a niyaru,my tribe is a tribe called Shuilian,train +27584,27585,27585,funafunakan,sand,train +27585,27586,27586,ira ku suwal nu matuasay ku mahaenay a radiw haw,that is what old people always say,train +27586,27587,27587,rumiad,day and night,train +27587,27588,27588,mapaysinay ku matiraay a demak,that kind of behavior is very taboo,train +27588,27589,27589,anu miheya satu kisu mimuric kira,what if you want to rub it,train +27589,27590,27590,naʼayaw awaay kiya sansu hay cakapatay kiya buting,there were no oxygen machines in the past Yes will not the fish die,test +27590,27591,27591,o cimaraday ku tireng nu maku nani ka setulan nu paliding,I have had iron in my body since I was hit by a car,train +27591,27592,27592,tuluay a tuki tu nu rumiʼad,walk for about hours until evening,train +27592,27593,27593,sasamaan,what should I do,train +27593,27594,27594,yu mangatatu nangra kuya katayraan nangra a niyaru i matu papafsuc ku rakat ni Yis,as they approached the village to which they were going Jesus acted as if he were going farther,train +27594,27595,27595,kaletu,just passing by,train +27595,27596,27596,asipen ku sakalima a liyad,please read lesson Five,train +27596,27597,27597,nu,as soon as,train +27597,27598,27598,kalas nu niyaru,elderly people,train +27598,27599,27599,finawlan,social,train +27599,27600,27600,laliwen,Away,test +27600,27601,27601,pisarakesan niya matuʼasay a Ngayngay tira lutuk,the Hakka people planted camphor trees on that mountain,train +27601,27602,27602,Maawasay nira a miasip ku cudad,he reads from page to page,train +27602,27603,27603,anu adihayen ku nanum isu i,if you have a lot of water,train +27603,27604,27604,hay aray hanaku singsi,Yes thank you from the bottom of my heart,train +27604,27605,27605,nu kakasisi tu nanum,sharing the water supply,train +27605,27606,27606,mamaan kaku mangiciʼay hase mapilihay kaku,what is wrong with me am I a harelip or a cripple,train +27606,27607,27607,masay,vacate,train +27607,27608,27608,ta sanuyanan i tini satu ku aru nura matuʼasay,that is why the old people are here,train +27608,27609,27609,o sakangaayaw ita a malasakakaay i tini i nisangaan nu Kawas a ma^min saka du^duen ningra ku nafalucuan ningra a mihufuc titaanan pakayni i sulin a suwal,every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows,train +27609,27610,27610,Layaen ku kamay isu a miadah tu adadaay pakaynien isu i ngangan nu Fangcalay a matayalay isu ci Yis ku nipidmak tu kafahkaan a dmak saan cangra a mitulun,stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your Holy servant Jesus,test +27610,27611,27611,namalalais haw,Japanese war,train +27611,27612,27612,haen sananay ku nikatalatukus,that is how it is going to come out,train +27612,27613,27613,Mangaay kaku a micaliw tu paysu isu haw,can I borrow money from you,train +27613,27614,27614,mitatekuhay,tiger bee Catchers,train +27614,27615,27615,mangtaay,raw,train +27615,27616,27616,saka 2 Kurintu 124 mitadtad ci Pawlu tu maˈaraway a Lakuing mahawpay ku tuluay a tatudung,Pauls description of the paradise he saw in Corinthians could have all three of these meanings,train +27616,27617,27617,Akungaw malahuk tu,Grandpa it is time for lunch,train +27617,27618,27618,icuwaay ci Kacaw,where is Kacaw,train +27618,27619,27619,apeaped,it is full of powder,train +27619,27620,27620,o nimaanay ku tayal nu wama isu,what does your father do,test +27620,27621,27621,o tatuasan niyam ci Apraham aka ka saan a malataang ku falucu namu suwalen aku kamu ma^deng ku Kawas a misanga tu malutluc ni Apraham tunini a fuklukluh,and do not think you can say to yourselves We have Abraham as our father I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham,train +27621,27622,27622,Saka tahidang han ni Yis ku ccay a ka^mangay a wawa a patireng i kaayaw nangra,he called a little child and had him stand among them,train +27622,27623,27623,itila i saamisan,it is over there north of there,train +27623,27624,27624,maedeng tu kisu cifafahi saan saka,You can marry now,train +27624,27625,27625,pakaen tu rarapa vutvut han u vutul nu edu,when I go to the cows I see ferns and fruits,train +27625,27626,27626,pasu iniyan u mavelecay,and family members who have passed away,train +27626,27627,27627,matiya u mitaktakan i fakici a nanum ku urad nu laluud hananay,summer rain seems to be poured down in buckets,train +27627,27628,27628,sanay kura maku a miharatengan a falucu,that is what is going on in my mind,train +27628,27629,27629,sakacecay ku ngangan isu yu idahiyay tu,Congratulations on getting first place you are amazing,train +27629,27630,27630,nikawrira iraay kuya tatiihay a pinangan ningra mafanaay a micaliw mafukilay a patikul,but he has a bad habit of often borrowing things but not returning them,test +27630,27631,27631,sanaw caka pakatuur mamang ku tamina nangra,their boats are too small to catch up with us,train +27631,27632,27632,sairikecpu,legal department,train +27632,27633,27633,tumireng,on ones feet,train +27633,27634,27634,situʼelay i Panayan ku luma,in the middle of the paddy field at the Arigatou Shrine,train +27634,27635,27635,o turun ku maalangaday nira limecedan a wawa ita,in the hands of our young girl was glutinous rice dumplings,train +27635,27636,27636,anu tatulu kura wawa aku i,of the three,train +27636,27637,27637,ey san ey sanu Ripun san,just say it in Japanese,train +27637,27638,27638,faliwen su nga mapanahal,if there is a cut it will be more open,train +27638,27639,27639,maulah kita,we like it,train +27639,27640,27640,haen han ku faʼinay aku cai kakahi di,I told my husband that but he would not do it,test +27640,27641,27641,saʼayaway a mafulaw tayni tuni a,it was the first clan to move to the Malan tribe,train +27641,27642,27642,matiya u lukdaw kuya aadupen a nengnengen matiya u waay nu Tumay ku waay nira matiya u nguyus nu layun ku nguyus nira paflien nuya kangic kuya aadupen tu icel atu kamaruan atu tadamaanay a sakuwan nira,the beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority,train +27642,27643,27643,pasapinang,Indicates describes,train +27643,27644,27644,sakaenem pacuwah,the sixth one is tied like this,train +27644,27645,27645,u icep atu vila,betel nut and Lao leaf,train +27645,27646,27646,adihayay tu ku minanuman nura tafu,the first mate has drunk a lot of water,train +27646,27647,27647,mikadafuay,cumbersome,train +27647,27648,27648,macicih tu haw i,it is damaged,train +27648,27649,27649,epuc,value,train +27649,27650,27650,pasuwal sahu Yis i terep satu ku fali,Jesus spoke and the wind stopped,test +27650,27651,27651,akaa tatiih,cannot,train +27651,27652,27652,harateng sa tu kaku,I was thinking,train +27652,27653,27653,anca ya walaw,it is just that it is not the same thing,train +27653,27654,27654,Orasaka falicen ku falucu isu a miliyas tunini a tatiihay a dmak isu Pitulun kisu tu Tapang tu sapihpulaw ningra tu mararaway a harateng isu,repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart,train +27654,27655,27655,u mita sa a iya u fafuy,we usually catch wild boars,train +27655,27656,27656,i Taypak ku aru nu maku,I live in Taipei,train +27656,27657,27657,u a adupen kura mitalaan ira itira i,it is waiting for the hunter,train +27657,27658,27658,mapacidek,isolated,train +27658,27659,27659,i saka u falucu nu maku,so here is what I think,train +27659,27660,27660,Fahekulentu kira maalitaday a amutu i pasukuan,the cement sitting in the warehouse has become hardened,test +27660,27661,27661,o sakalima niyam u faʼinayan tu,I am a boy too,train +27661,27662,27662,hakenu,do not know,train +27662,27663,27663,sasamsam hu kisu ama tu takuwanan han aku,grand mom you still want to bully me,train +27663,27664,27664,patatiku han enemay tu fulad,it is been almost six months since I was discharged,train +27664,27665,27665,i niyaru nu kungkuan namu mitiliday kisu,do you study in your tribes school,train +27665,27666,27666,malcad tunini mafana ku wama i Takuwanan Mafana kaku tu wama Aku Saka kinafalah sa kaku tu urip tu saki siri Aku,I am the good shepherd I know my sheep and my sheep know me,train +27666,27667,27667,vunga,sweet potato,train +27667,27668,27668,Kahemeken tu ku misu anini,happy birthday to you,train +27668,27669,27669,nu naluma,at home,train +27669,27670,27670,uruma ku araaw tu kakaenen inaayaw,in the past there was a great shortage of food,test +27670,27671,27671,Awiday anu macaliw tu i pafeli han tu kaku da,thank you if you can borrow it please bring it to me,train +27671,27672,27672,ka cayka simaan,so that nothing bad happens,train +27672,27673,27673,Paicelen hinumen palimuuten niyam kamu tu sakatatudungaw nu dmak namu i nafalucuan nu Kawas uya mitahidangay i tamuwanan a papikaput tu pikuwan atu dil ningra,encouraging comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God who calls you into his kingdom and glory,train +27673,27674,27674,u Milinsiway tu mama nu kapah,learning from my young father,train +27674,27675,27675,nawhani u tamdaw ku hiningen nu itiyaayhu patireng tu kasaselal,it depends on how many people make up an age group,train +27675,27676,27676,sakapina a fulad ku ilisin namu,what month is your Harvest Festival,train +27676,27677,27677,tanang,sweat,train +27677,27678,27678,cima nialaay i,who collected it,train +27678,27679,27679,matuʼas tu ri way tu maʼaraw mahapinang a nihulul,I do not feel like traveling when I am older,train +27679,27680,27680,iraay huku nanicuwaay,anyone else from anywhere else,test +27680,27681,27681,adidik kira mahiraay,millet with small grains,train +27681,27682,27682,tsukikage awaku,in the night light sprinkled,train +27682,27683,27683,citiyad,pregnant,train +27683,27684,27684,Yaʼaul haw,that bamboo,train +27684,27685,27685,ama samaanen pisanga mahaenay Sa kakuwanan ri,sometimes I am asked grand mom how to make these ornaments,train +27685,27686,27686,caceli sanay kura wina hadakay kaku u manan ku cacelien,mother yells I come out why yell,train +27686,27687,27687,Pinaun kamu tu saka^caaw ka lasawad nu nitayalan namu ta ma^mintu a maala namu ku sapakaulah tamuwanan,watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for but that you may be rewarded fully,train +27687,27688,27688,matama tu itira i aikur nu ungcuy a milimek,I found it it was hiding behind the boulder,train +27688,27689,27689,mitenger,stew,train +27689,27690,27690,u pacafelis han pasangaʼen caira,did you send it to them to be made,test +27690,27691,27691,hay haen satu itila,Yeah it is right there,train +27691,27692,27692,cahu mifanaway hu kaku tu kaysing,not yet I am doing the dishes,train +27692,27693,27693,misatataak,oldest,train +27693,27694,27694,mahalek tunini hakuwa a rumʼiad,It will be a couple of days before the program is over two weeks and we are done,train +27694,27695,27695,kakemaen,stammer,train +27695,27696,27696,o acefel ni akung i lutuk a miiluh kirawan,that is the smoke that Grandpa burns on the mountain,train +27696,27697,27697,u nanum kinian u fuduy saan,is this water or cloth,train +27697,27698,27698,tahiratu haw i,There,train +27698,27699,27699,suʼlinaw sasi siwawa sa ciira ri,Seriously she had a baby,train +27699,27700,27700,piʼarawan nira,as a point of reference,test +27700,27701,27701,kakeseman,it is hard to be sad,train +27701,27702,27702,Hai cuwa ku tatayra iraay kami,got it we will not go anywhere too far,train +27702,27703,27703,ya timul nira i safa Arutuc,the one to the south of it is known as the small pointed snail,train +27703,27704,27704,saka sepat huw i saan,Xiuguluan a Mei,train +27704,27705,27705,i sawniay hu a pacuken kuni a kuku panukayen u hakakaenen nu misu,this chicken was just freshly killed take it home and enjoy it slowly,train +27705,27706,27706,saka cingangan i itira i mangutaay nanum san,it is been made to look like turbid water,train +27706,27707,27707,Tuhatiniay u talakal ku sapiadup aku nu latek nga u kuwang ku sapiadut aku,I usually catch my prey with a trap but occasionally I hunt with a gun and a dog,train +27707,27708,27708,lecad satu ku takaraw nu wawa nu mita,our kids are all the same height,train +27708,27709,27709,u tatulu tu ku wawa tatusa tu ku wawa kana,it is three kids or two,train +27709,27710,27710,tayra ci mira a minengneng sa,I am just going to join in the fun,test +27710,27711,27711,o cidal ku sapipawali niyam tu panay,we rely on the sun to dry our rice,train +27711,27712,27712,mahaenay saka caay pakahadidi kaku itiya masamaanay ku pitier nangra tu Kawas hakini nanay caay ka sawi nu Palafuay cangra ta caay ka lasawad ku nitayalan niyam saan ku harateng aku Saka ucur han aku ci Timuti a patayra i tamuwanan,for this reason when I could stand it no longer I sent to find out about your faith I was afraid that in some way the tempter might have tempted you and our efforts might have been useless,train +27712,27713,27713,o ruma Krisciyang miharateng tu nanu karetengay a raraw nu niyah cuwa ku sasududen nu Kawas cangra sanay,some Christians may feel that they have committed serious wrongs and that God must not forgive them,train +27713,27714,27714,itiraay tu kami i iya i,we were right there,train +27714,27715,27715,kalang,crabs,train +27715,27716,27716,Kasatisil a mapulung micakay kita tu paya,everyone line up we are ready to buy tickets,train +27716,27717,27717,u sa,Oh so,train +27717,27718,27718,malikeluntu kita sa,go down the hill,train +27718,27719,27719,han saan,like this,train +27719,27720,27720,ngihngih,fry,test +27720,27721,27721,tanamen maenen ku cecay,take a pill and see,train +27721,27722,27722,u nini haw anu miala kumaen haw,if you want to eat it,train +27722,27723,27723,sakalima,fifthly,train +27723,27724,27724,tayni ku ngaʼay misiyakay,I came to Taitung as an apprentice,train +27724,27725,27725,mafana tu ah nihaenan aku a minanam a mipakafana hay hay hay,Yes I taught them that Yes yes yes,train +27725,27726,27726,adihay ku misangaʼan aku tu teker,I do a lot of bungee traps,train +27726,27727,27727,vaca,wash,train +27727,27728,27728,karatawa,laughter,train +27728,27729,27729,masasi pasifana tu pakungku tu ʼayaʼyaway,knowledge and storytelling,train +27729,27730,27730,sakacay a rumiʼad i nimanay,what are the events on the first day of the festival,test +27730,27731,27731,salipahak sa ci ama a matawa,dad was happy and smiling,train +27731,27732,27732,ci faki ku pakilacay tu titi i tamiyanan,it was my uncle who distributed the meat to us,train +27732,27733,27733,ngalef,aggravating,train +27733,27734,27734,namu u Pangcah sanay itiya sa,your fellow Amis,train +27734,27735,27735,iri anini kiyami haw,things having reached this stage,train +27735,27736,27736,iratu,all the time,train +27736,27737,27737,itira haca kaku a matayal,I stayed and worked there,train +27737,27738,27738,caka halafin u wina atu safa aku malu Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa tada kahemekantu,Soon my mom and sister also became Jehovahs Witnesses and I was really happy,train +27738,27739,27739,Falud hatu nira itini kaku faluden nira tuya safaked nira,Dads got his belt around my wrists,train +27739,27740,27740,itiya misanga tu cangra,from then on,test +27740,27741,27741,tinien tu ini,in a jar,train +27741,27742,27742,Marauteng nu ciferang ku riku ningra,sweat dampened his clothes,train +27742,27743,27743,pimaluneman,deer hunting places,train +27743,27744,27744,na na nu iya i patireng tu kami tu kiukay itini,and then we built a church here,train +27744,27745,27745,yu lukesen nu tau cingra i caay picuay cingra a milukes yu mapasemsem cingra i caay patalaw cingra deng u paturud i mu^celay a misawkitay,when they hurled their insults at him he did not retaliate when he suffered he made no threats Instead he entrusted himself to him who judges justly,train +27745,27746,27746,mafaliyus anini talapitilidan kamu,there is a typhoon today do you need to go to school,train +27746,27747,27747,tangsa icuwasaw tangasa i karengrengan,where to Nanbin,train +27747,27748,27748,sakapahen ku pisawsaw tu felac,the rice must be cleaned,train +27748,27749,27749,samanay,how is it going,train +27749,27750,27750,o maan ku dakawen isu a tayni,what kind of car did you take,test +27750,27751,27751,papipacuraen,array something put on the flower crown,train +27751,27752,27752,Ingaing sa tu funguh ku mitalifay a tamdaw a milikaf i ci Yisan a sumuwal,those who passed by hurled insults at him shaking their heads,train +27752,27753,27753,tatudung sa tuya tatukian i ira kuya tatuluay a nai Kaysariyaay a maucuray a tamdaw tahiratu i fawahan nu kamaruan aku a luma,Right then three men who had been sent to me from Caesarea stopped at the house where I was staying,train +27753,27754,27754,a caay pidemak kiyaru,there is no such thing as purifying oneself to catch fish,train +27754,27755,27755,tadamaanay tu kamu Kaluluan,so great for you guys Caroline,train +27755,27756,27756,pekpeken ku tingalaway,crack that glass,train +27756,27757,27757,Mangaayhu kisu,are you all right,train +27757,27758,27758,minanam kaku miparakat,I will start learning to drive,train +27758,27759,27759,caay tu kangaʼay kiya falucu na fafahi,the wife heart is not happy about it,train +27759,27760,27760,lacalen,contact us,test +27760,27761,27761,i ayaw a vulad ira nipaveli nu misu tiya tuluay a cudad kaulahan nu maku amin,I loved the three books you gave me last month,train +27761,27762,27762,anu u sapikurac tu pafuay tu tamdaw a lisin ku nifarsian a rmes nu siri atu rmes nu ukang a kulung atu nifulsakan a afu nu nituduhan a tingdahan a kulung i,the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean,train +27762,27763,27763,misuwal hu mi kita ira kiyami kiya cecay nira a tafu,in the early days when we were studying a kind of bag in the shape of a square,train +27763,27764,27764,ancaay ka mahaen haw,if it was not for this,train +27764,27765,27765,Tuduh han nira mahadak kura pinaʼadup i,after burning the ground the prey will run out,train +27765,27766,27766,papina kamu malekaka,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +27766,27767,27767,u pisapitawan nu malitengay talaumah,the old man went there to build a small pond for farming,train +27767,27768,27768,sakacuwaay,what direction,train +27768,27769,27769,Hatiraay kina fana nira matuʼasay tu saka cilafungaw nira,this old man is very good at hiding,train +27769,27770,27770,o niucuran aku ci Tikikus a patayra i Ifisu,I sent Tychicus to Ephesus,test +27770,27771,27771,caay itini a pafesuc a mifuting kaku a mikalang kaku saan caʼay kamatini ku suwal nu fainayan,catch fish catch crabs men do not say it like that,train +27771,27772,27772,icuwaay cira miala ta ira kura fukeluh,where the hell did it come from why is this rock here,train +27772,27773,27773,o parad nu safa aku kunini,this is my sisters desk,train +27773,27774,27774,pilatek aka san a tuan,do not go back on your own,train +27774,27775,27775,matiya,possible,train +27775,27776,27776,maharek kami pasifana tu salikaka mihumun kami misarakat,after the hymns we went to pray at home,train +27776,27777,27777,sa naayaw han tu,past Humanity,train +27777,27778,27778,Nikawrira awaay ku mamalasawad nu ccaccay aca a fafukesan namu,but not a hair of your head will perish,train +27778,27779,27779,Pakafasuay ka ku kisu i,I came by bus what about you,train +27779,27780,27780,irahu ku cedas tataʼangay ku cedas,there is still a lot of Hong he,test +27780,27781,27781,Anu cima ku misawiay tu ccay nunini a sasafaay a mitieray i takuwanan a paliyas i u nika pisuut tu liel ningra tu tataangay a fukluh a tailangan a mafahkul i talulungay a riyar a miakuk a mapatay ku ngaay,but if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea,train +27781,27782,27782,madengay,possible,train +27782,27783,27783,caay kaduka malepel cira itiya maremes,it is not hurt it automatically bleeds when you grab it,train +27783,27784,27784,patayni tu tuni u rarapa a pakaen,and bring the cow to eat,train +27784,27785,27785,mitulun kaku tu saki tamuwanan nanay malcad tu nika sulin nu nika fana namu atu nika fana namu a mipalita ku nika lumahad nu ulah namu,and this is my prayer that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,train +27785,27786,27786,wata ku adetum i pikudasingan,there is a lot of sedge in the peanut garden,train +27786,27787,27787,sapinengneng,telescope,train +27787,27788,27788,fangcal,elegant,train +27788,27789,27789,kapapadang nu falucu aka pisanga tu inter,we have to help each other not hold grudges,train +27789,27790,27790,o manan ku ni tatiwan isu,what is in your hand,test +27790,27791,27791,vayi papina ku nisuvucen nu misu a wawa,Grandma how many children did you have,train +27791,27792,27792,anu patakus ri,if you want to report information,train +27792,27793,27793,maedengay saka urip nu luma,income sufficient to support the family,train +27793,27794,27794,ni mamaan tu sa kita ri,what is happening to us,train +27794,27795,27795,Cisilusiay kira kilang i lakelal,the wood in the riverbed is marked,train +27795,27796,27796,Minalitiay kami i dafak a talalutuk,we went to the mountains in the morning to collect manzanita hearts,train +27796,27797,27797,kafutian,room,train +27797,27798,27798,demak,action,train +27798,27799,27799,misuwal kiya ina takunan itiiya hu mahaen ku maku sa,my mother in law told me that this is my example,train +27799,27800,27800,Mangaay kaku a misalama i herek nu lahuk haw,can I go out this afternoon,test +27800,27801,27801,17 kapah tamdaw sa harateratengen anu caay pirikec ku wama wina tisuwanan anu mihaen suˈlinay a maulah ku wama wina tisuwanan han,young people think about this if your parents never corrected you do you think they really cared about you,train +27801,27802,27802,ci fanuh tu,it is growing hair,train +27802,27803,27803,kakahemekan,worthy of appreciation,train +27803,27804,27804,madengay aca a milaylay mihemhem tu valucu nu maku,it also practiced my patient endurance,train +27804,27805,27805,o Saw,it is the Shaw tribe,train +27805,27806,27806,a misatapang tunini a kungku nu tuʼas,let us start exploring this ancient legend,train +27806,27807,27807,Cukay han nu wawa aku ku kafang a mafuti,my child kicks the quilt in his sleep,train +27807,27808,27808,ciʼicelay a mawmah,people who are serious about their work,train +27808,27809,27809,iraay tu uni eccay,there is too just one,train +27809,27810,27810,tu sapivahvah tu tuwid,it is used to drive away flocks of birds,test +27810,27811,27811,icuwa sa tu kuya ccay saan cingra a misaharaterateng,where was one basket he kept thinking,train +27811,27812,27812,mapulung ku kapah nu niyaru a palalan anini,tribal youth are out in full force today building roads,train +27812,27813,27813,sa caay ka laheci ku pitilid i tini i i,so I did not finish my studies at successful Commerce,train +27813,27814,27814,mitilid i kwusyaw itiya hu i,I am still in elementary school,train +27814,27815,27815,o mirakatan nu fafuy nu lutuk kunini a lalan,this is the road the boar took,train +27815,27816,27816,Hay u Pangcah ciira,Yes she is Pangcah too,train +27816,27817,27817,mapa tu pakaʼurad kita,we will be begging for rain,train +27817,27818,27818,Ina Tahaluma tu kaku,Mom I am home,train +27818,27819,27819,haenen ku nu matuasay a mikawit tu salil,that is how the old man made his nets,train +27819,27820,27820,masafanaw dafak ta masafanaw itira,it is a big pond out there,test +27820,27821,27821,hatiraay pinangan nu Amis i,what do we Amis do,train +27821,27822,27822,tayra satu ci Yis i Olif a lutuk,but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives,train +27822,27823,27823,rarid sa cangra itira i Fangcalay Pitaungan a pahmek tu Kawas,and they stayed continually at the temple praising God,train +27823,27824,27824,hatiraay ka kemed nu harateng,I was thinking,train +27824,27825,27825,ku masakaputay nu niyaru,I said to the cadre,train +27825,27826,27826,o misacepuay hananay u mifutingay a demak u tudung tu sapinginguy a mikurac tu tatiihay sa tadamaanay a pinangan i urip nu Pangcah,the sea Festival is a sacred ritual to clean the water from fishing and is the most unique custom of the Amis people,train +27826,27827,27827,mapatay,dead,train +27827,27828,27828,halafinay tu kaku tu na demak tu ninian,I have been a coach for years,train +27828,27829,27829,o tungal nu mita ci Kacaw anu dafak,tomorrow Kacaw is added to our list,train +27829,27830,27830,tuya teluc nu matuʼasay tusa kaput,for those two levels of partners,test +27830,27831,27831,ira ku saspatay a mililiday tu ccay a mapiay a tamdaw a patayra i ci Yisan,some men came bringing to him a paralytic carried by four of them,train +27831,27832,27832,kudulay,above,train +27832,27833,27833,maedeng a samanen u cima aca ku ca kapiliyas tu lalumaʼan itini i hekal,the days of mourning are now long gone,train +27833,27834,27834,miwikwik,weaving,train +27834,27835,27835,telihan tini tinien tiya micacak nahani kita tu heya,put it here put it over here we will cook the food later,train +27835,27836,27836,aka ka tangsul a mikapa a patireng tu tamdaw a palamatayalay tu nu Tapang aka pikaput tu tau a ciraraw Kuracen ku tireng a maimer,do not be hasty in the laying on of hands and do not share in the sins of others keep yourself pure,train +27836,27837,27837,sisa a ira ku,Therefore it is important to,train +27837,27838,27838,o sakapihaen ningra tu dmak i pakaynien ningra i suwal atu nanum ku sapikurac tu kiwkay,to make her holy cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,train +27838,27839,27839,o caayay piurung tu ciwcika nu tireng a mituur i takuwanan i caayay ka ngaay a malanisawawaan Aku,and anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple,train +27839,27840,27840,ira ku cecay tu niparirian aku a wacu atu cecay a ayam tudung tu u tamdaw tu nu luma aku,I also keep a dog and a bird they are my family,test +27840,27841,27841,o nituruan cingra,he was picked chosen,train +27841,27842,27842,hay sapakungku nu maku,the legend I am about to share,train +27842,27843,27843,aca,however,train +27843,27844,27844,u Kaliyawan haw misanu Taywan amin,all the people in Garaiwan speak Minnan,train +27844,27845,27845,ya mamaulah ira a miparuʼut a mipatulung tura talasufitay na,I also sent my beloved one off to the army,train +27845,27846,27846,tatiih mahaen,you cannot do that,train +27846,27847,27847,mamaan,is that okay,train +27847,27848,27848,hay ya tayal niya wina niyam minenengan aku saan,I used to watch my mom do that,train +27848,27849,27849,ura tilefes tilefes hay hay hay,it is a beech tree,train +27849,27850,27850,kawali nu lalan nu kisya nu itini i Sedeng sa,the railroad tracks are east of Taiyu,test +27850,27851,27851,u niniyan a niyaru haw i,such a tribe,train +27851,27852,27852,mapuʼi ku wina aku sa kaku kira,I am afraid my mom will scold me,train +27852,27853,27853,melaw sa ci ama i takuwan suwal sa a u tatadaanay a miadupay kisu i rumaan a remiad,dad saw it and told me that I will be a very good hunter in the future,train +27853,27854,27854,emin sa mafunul ku papah nira,the leaves will fall off the trees completely,train +27854,27855,27855,Pisi Iian Seminli u kaheciday,Bayshore Life Yanliao,train +27855,27856,27856,adihayay kura heci ira,the beans are coming out in Abundance again,train +27856,27857,27857,itiya kisu matayal haw,you were working then,train +27857,27858,27858,itiniay i saka cecay hahekalan u ruma tamdaw hanu paˈaca tu suˈlinay kimad hani,why did some people sell the truth in the first century,train +27858,27859,27859,u maan ku demak ira,what do they do,train +27859,27860,27860,kakawitkawkaw,scythe,test +27860,27861,27861,Marnectu kamu Malacidafungaytu kamu Saka wanik han namu kami a malahungti o lunguc aku i u nika sulin namu a malahungti ku ngaay ta mangaay kami a mikaput i tamuwanan a malahungti,already you have all you want already you have become rich you have become kings and that without us how I wish that you really had become kings so that we might be kings with you,train +27861,27862,27862,Saadepeten nu mama nira a caay pipafeli tu paysu i wawa nira,the father is pretending to be mean and not giving money to his children,train +27862,27863,27863,saung,umbrella,train +27863,27864,27864,tumangicay ku niyam a falucu niyam itiya hu,it is hard on the psyche,train +27864,27865,27865,o pakanuusay kira pusi anu matelii,that cat opens its claws when it is angry,train +27865,27866,27866,Aramud palavang maramud i tiya a remiad mitahidang ku luma nu vavahiyan mitakus tu tumuk nu niyaru matuasay nu niyaru atu lalumaan,Wedding on the wedding day the woman family invites tribal chiefs elders relatives and friends to a banquet,train +27866,27867,27867,misaenged,making round,train +27867,27868,27868,widi^,tick the clock,train +27868,27869,27869,mamaan ati kayate niyam,what is wrong with you we are holding hands and going home,train +27869,27870,27870,hay,really,test +27870,27871,27871,maru itini cangra mamaenep cangra itini i,I have known this place since I was here,train +27871,27872,27872,anu macaculi a malacinuwas ku paru nu luma i caay ku tatumireng kuya luma,if a house is divided against itself that house cannot stand,train +27872,27873,27873,u lisin nu Ciwidiyan,Shui Lin Tribes Harvest Festival,train +27873,27874,27874,katayra kamu i finawlan nu Israil tuya muraraway a siri,go rather to the lost sheep of Israel,train +27874,27875,27875,malitusur,knee injury,train +27875,27876,27876,malalusa,turning into tears,train +27876,27877,27877,pasiday,stay,train +27877,27878,27878,u sapihuyahuy nu matuasay tu huhusi,the old man wants to catch a small fish,train +27878,27879,27879,uni hasuwalen aku a maliteng,this is what the older me has to say,train +27879,27880,27880,mahaen ku kabanaʼan nu maku tiniyan mipuhpuhay hanaany,this is the Rang plucking ceremony I know,test +27880,27881,27881,ira ku patatudutudung ningra,always properly sourced,train +27881,27882,27882,u pimamaan nu falucu nu finawlan ku tumuk hananay itiya hu,it is dependable it is something that tribal people can lean on,train +27882,27883,27883,adihay ku nikamelawan nu maku tu ayam simarevahuyay i kudul nu kilang ira aca ku nikamelawan i vuhang nu kilang simaredavuay nu tuul,I saw a lot of birds flying around in the trees and saw owls sleeping in tree hollows,train +27883,27884,27884,a misausitu tu tatukiyan,I am a timekeeper,train +27884,27885,27885,ona pipahanhanan a rumiad tala Pusung kaku atu fafahiyan a kaka^ a milisu ci fakian,this holiday my sister and I went to Taitung to visit my uncle,train +27885,27886,27886,haensa ku urip nu maku,my life has always been like this,train +27886,27887,27887,u adidiʼay a laing wa tahekal tu kita,we are going out when the waves are small,train +27887,27888,27888,maherek misasiraw tu mantaay a titi sasafaay patausen tu pangkiw ku mihecaan itiiya tu a misadak tu siraw ta fangsis ku siraw a makaen,it takes at least half a year for the cured meat to come out of the urn and the flavor is especially good and it is also a favorite eating habit of the ethnic people,train +27888,27889,27889,tatulu a wawa cingra,she is the third child,train +27889,27890,27890,aka ka tahafikud a rumakat,do not stumble walking,test +27890,27891,27891,Initu maherek tu mifawah i patikulen tu kaku haw,there you go open the door and give it back,train +27891,27892,27892,u niyan u sasimsimen nu mita,this is something for our people to think about,train +27892,27893,27893,Mangaay kaku a micaliw tu riku isu haw,can I borrow your clothes,train +27893,27894,27894,Cima^ ku ngangan niira,what is his name,train +27894,27895,27895,setiʼsetiʼ hananay ku pakarungay,a severe beating,train +27895,27896,27896,milafin kaku i luma nu kaput,I am spending the night at my classmates house,train +27896,27897,27897,mamaanay u maan kiniyan,what the hell is this,train +27897,27898,27898,o maan ku sapatefuc tu raraw isu,what is the penalty payment for your sin,train +27898,27899,27899,ciwi,Divergence from the main road,train +27899,27900,27900,anu caay ka hapinang ku suni nu la^pa nu sufitay i cima ku mamipatala a miluud,Again if the trumpet does not sound a clear call who will get ready for battle,test +27900,27901,27901,sapifahfah tu lifung,Banish the epidemic,train +27901,27902,27902,Miliyawhu atayni misalama haw,come again next time,train +27902,27903,27903,u misacerar ku lutuk itiyahu tu fudu,Landslides are flattened during the rainy season,train +27903,27904,27904,mikuliniw tu kami tu i lumaʼay nu niyam,we are hiding from our families,train +27904,27905,27905,kalahukan,noon,train +27905,27906,27906,anu tulu ku dadaya anu tulu ku rumiʼad,if it is three days and three nights,train +27906,27907,27907,matini haw matuʼas tu kisu,now that you are older,train +27907,27908,27908,adihay tu adidi ku langaw alaen tu nu mita,it will grow a lot we can pick it when it is ready,train +27908,27909,27909,hay haw adadaay sanay ku matengilay aku samanaytu hatini,Yeah I heard she was sick how is she doing,train +27909,27910,27910,mahaenay ku paini nu matuʼasay,that is what the elders always say,test +27910,27911,27911,kamu u misamangahay ku dmak a tamdaw mafana kamu a mihapinang tu pinangan nu sra atu kakarayan i nawiru mafukil kamu a mihapinang tu dmak nunini a hkal saw han ni Yis,Hypocrites you know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky how is it that you do not know how to interpret this present time,train +27911,27912,27912,sa mahaenay,that is it,train +27912,27913,27913,Miulic ci ina tu patay nu fainay nira,mom cries and chants to memorialize the death of her husband,train +27913,27914,27914,o patalaway ku nipipatilid ni Pawlu i titaanan anu saan ku harateng namu i caay ka ngaay,I do not want to seem to be trying to frighten you with my letters,train +27914,27915,27915,tayra i Taypak i,to Taipei,train +27915,27916,27916,mikalic tu mimukmukay a kasuling kisu i hacuwa a tahini i luma aku,how long did it take you to come to my house by subway,train +27916,27917,27917,anu lalima caira hiwa i,if there are people in a group,train +27917,27918,27918,iraay ku matuʼasay a misimaway kina utuc san kaku mihirateng,I am wondering if there is an ancestor looking at the tablet,train +27918,27919,27919,hatini Tafalung kira,it is just as far away as long Valley,train +27919,27920,27920,cacay maan han siwawa,I do not know how the kid got it,test +27920,27921,27921,ina,mom,train +27921,27922,27922,Cidemen ni mama ku iduc nira,dad sharpened his rifle,train +27922,27923,27923,Parucekan ni mama kaku tu sapicakay tu sakaranam a paysu,dad gave it to me,train +27923,27924,27924,ini tu misadumikuday i kaikur nu ungcuy maxera tu,I found it he was hiding behind the boulder,train +27924,27925,27925,mimaan tu kuna matuʼasay san lawlasan ku wawa cay kafuna tu matuʼasay itiya hu,what happened to the tribe when we were young all we did was play we did not know about the elders,train +27925,27926,27926,tu kina pinapina aku mirienang tu saˈupu milicayay ku salikaka takuwanan atu rumaruma tamdaw Micada kamu tu inuˈ han,after attending a few meetings the brothers asked me and the others Do you want to be baptized,train +27926,27927,27927,iraay saw ku cima nu kakrikridan nu niyaru atu Farisay a tamdaw tu pasulinay ci Yisan Awaay,Has any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him,train +27927,27928,27928,matiya aniniay a suwal hantu,there is a modern saying,train +27928,27929,27929,u sawal nu malitengay i,that is what the old man said,train +27929,27930,27930,alaf^af,warm,test +27930,27931,27931,anu hakuwa tu a cikang mangaay tu a misuni,you can play at any time,train +27931,27932,27932,u nikasaruma nu Ripun a mikuwa tu demak,changes in management policy as a Japanese,train +27932,27933,27933,ca ka ngaʼay a ngen,nor can it be applied,train +27933,27934,27934,i cudad anu malaluk kita a micudad a matungal ku vana nu mita,it is in the books if we read books diligently we can increase our knowledge,train +27934,27935,27935,malacafayay tu Ngayngay,with the Hakka people,train +27935,27936,27936,kuesanay,sweet,train +27936,27937,27937,facal sapisanga tu taluan i lutuk,it can be made into a cabin in the mountains,train +27937,27938,27938,tumerep,not a word,train +27938,27939,27939,nanay pakayni i madilay a icel nu Kawas ku sakaciicel mapaicel kamu tu masamaamaanay a icel ta ma^deng kamu a kudait a mihadidi tu pades a ma^min ka u lipahakay a falucu ku,being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience and joyfully,train +27939,27940,27940,araw aluman aluman ku tamadaw,and so the more people gathered the more they got,test +27940,27941,27941,mililuc,take a bath,train +27941,27942,27942,simamaulahay,having a lover,train +27942,27943,27943,ma makatengil kaku kiyami haw,because I heard it,train +27943,27944,27944,o mamalepel nu tayring ku misaafetay,the police will arrest the gunpowder makers,train +27944,27945,27945,dafak satu,the morrow,train +27945,27946,27946,ngitih,dream,train +27946,27947,27947,nimaan,what are you doing,train +27947,27948,27948,Singsi u maan ku nanengnengen nu mita i alu,Teacher what are we going to see at the riverside,train +27948,27949,27949,a miripa tu kikay saan,foot operated stripper,train +27949,27950,27950,a mifalud i saapaapa saan ku kapah,if they are bundled the young will stare,test +27950,27951,27951,tikami,profess faith in,train +27951,27952,27952,u sakaʼurip niyam kuni san ku falucu itiya i,we were happy it was our food,train +27952,27953,27953,ta pasuwal sa cingra tu nisawawaan Ningra Nawiru matalaw kamu Nawiru awaayhu ku pasulin nu falucu namu saw han ningra,he said to his disciples Why are you so afraid do you still have no faith,train +27953,27954,27954,Kecuen ku hiya nira,push it forward a bit,train +27954,27955,27955,yu mitengil kami i adihay ku nipainian nu matuasay tu pakayniay i fenek tu piadup,during our interview the old man talked about a lot of traditional knowledge about hunting,train +27955,27956,27956,kasiniadaen,Poor poor thing,train +27956,27957,27957,adihayay ku rengus,there is a lot of grass,train +27957,27958,27958,ngapa^nguyus,mouth,train +27958,27959,27959,sa madefit a niraus i ʼaʼayaw nu ci nu hiya cecesikwan,so he went to the Executive very quickly,train +27959,27960,27960, anuhuni anu masamaan tu anu mami culu kita tu amutu,later when we go to carry the concrete,test +27960,27961,27961,iniyan a cacay ku masimsimay nu mau tu nipivuting nu matuasay,I can only think of the way these old men fish,train +27961,27962,27962,o mafanaay a misaasuluay ku mama nu maku,my father specialized in making mortars and pestles,train +27962,27963,27963,ci futing Kulas han kaku,my name is Foting Kolas,train +27963,27964,27964,tuur han tu nura,a good friend followed him there,train +27964,27965,27965,Maturinum ku rapur nu uway,the thorns of the leaves are as sharp as needles,train +27965,27966,27966,Namafaliyus i u dicadic tu nu umah aku,since the typhoon my field has been turned into a water village,train +27966,27967,27967,ta mahufuc tu takuwanan,by the time I was born,train +27967,27968,27968,ira u macuwacuwaay tefus adihay,and there are all kinds of,train +27968,27969,27969,Fanuhungay ku nisasirawan ni fayi,Grandmas marinated pork is very flavorful,train +27969,27970,27970,Nikawrira i paputal nu niyaru ku matu wacuay a kasimelangan ku dmak u misatangkiay u maudangay u mipatayay tu tamdaw u mitaungay tu samiyay atu maulahay a misamangah a tamdaw a ma^min,outside are the dogs those who practice magic arts the sexually immoral the murderers the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood,test +27970,27971,27971,Fuwak sahu ku nanum,the water is just boiling,train +27971,27972,27972,itini iratu anini,it still exists,train +27972,27973,27973,miciker,go to the lock,train +27973,27974,27974,tiya hu haw cahu pakacakay tu luma,could not afford to buy a house before,train +27974,27975,27975,caay u basis aca,No there is pork,train +27975,27976,27976,araw sa ira Kawas hantu arawsa ci Takuy,it is a hungry ghost a hungry mountain god,train +27976,27977,27977,saka tusa i itini i cikawasay milisin nu mita u Pangcah,the second theory is our Amish witchcraft,train +27977,27978,27978,kakakaka,brothers or sisters,train +27978,27979,27979,kawra anu mapiras satu i wa samaantu kuya mapasuluyay a piras hani,but what happens if the woman ovulates and the egg is fertilized,train +27979,27980,27980,ku pitilid itini i kwusyaw i,studying national Hourly,test +27980,27981,27981,cidadingu,with glass,train +27981,27982,27982,sa mahaen ku sapaʼurip nu maku itiya,I lived like this,train +27982,27983,27983,saka,because of that,train +27983,27984,27984,na iyara suvuce Taukak,born in Shuhu village,train +27984,27985,27985,papiciepen,lifesuck it,train +27985,27986,27986,wani,crocodile,train +27986,27987,27987,hakelungen nu misu kami a,you want us to be together,train +27987,27988,27988,awaay ku cuay nira wawa tu tau,that kid did not get back at anyone,train +27988,27989,27989,ta ta tasasepat tu kami,we have got a total of one,train +27989,27990,27990,ta,the reason why,test +27990,27991,27991,ta talifen niyam ku tatudung nu Kilikiya atu Pamfiliya a riyar ta micafer kami tu mira nu Likiya,when we had sailed across the open sea off the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia we landed at Myra in Lycia,train +27991,27992,27992,patayraen aku tura wawa aku,it is going to my kids,train +27992,27993,27993,mafafalic,trade,train +27993,27994,27994,kisu ku nimanay,what is it to you,train +27994,27995,27995,melawan,looks like it,train +27995,27996,27996,mapakaruray,tired of working,train +27996,27997,27997,a mitengil tu demak,did you get it,train +27997,27998,27998,Fihfihen nira ku riku nira,he waved his garment,train +27998,27999,27999,cecay kura kilang sarumiʼad sanay kira,it took all day,train +27999,28000,28000,o tuul tu nu maku saka patingwa kaku i tisuwanan,I am calling you because I am lonely,test +28000,28001,28001,nu nirihateng a niniay awawa,the child who thinks now,train +28001,28002,28002,ansani taw a,wait a minute,train +28002,28003,28003,o kakairayan a nengnengen ku unip i funufununan,the rice plants in the field look lovely,train +28003,28004,28004,satu i,afterwards,train +28004,28005,28005,Ata i cuwa kita,let us go where are we going to fish,train +28005,28006,28006,Tataang ku nguyus nira,she has a big mouth,train +28006,28007,28007,tangasa anini hanaw tuʼatuʼas satu ku matuʼasay nu niyam u kapah hatu itini tu i Amis matayal mikilim tu katayalan,so far the elderly are getting older and younger people are looking for jobs in the north,train +28007,28008,28008,tayra kita i,then let us go to Central County,train +28008,28009,28009,ma a malahuk haw i mapakungku,Dining and storytelling,train +28009,28010,28010,ci panay ku ngangan nu safa aku,my younger sisters name is Panay,test +28010,28011,28011,maʼaraw ku ayam kiya haw,and you can see the birds,train +28011,28012,28012,u nira tu kiraan a pavutingan ku sausi,even if it is a fish pond he owns,train +28012,28013,28013,saka iyaan apilis tini i kawali nu niyaru haw i,that hillside is on the east side of the tribe,train +28013,28014,28014,miʼasikay tu tataiʼan kaku mala,cleaning toilets as a toilet master,train +28014,28015,28015,macaculi caira tu sakiwawa,they fought about the baby,train +28015,28016,28016,ira kunu kayap,with aprons,train +28016,28017,28017,i lahaw ku saiyaway tangsa i terung tangsa i likul,do you have a front center and back,train +28017,28018,28018,micaferay itira i Pintung a kasakaput,when I passed by the brothers from Pingtung,train +28018,28019,28019,aka pisuikur a minengneng,do not look back,train +28019,28020,28020,ira tu kiya unuc,there is a flat burden again,test +28020,28021,28021,safeluhay kita,to cover the new house,train +28021,28022,28022,eng hen nyin cing ney cwutu,Yeah that is pretty young early,train +28022,28023,28023,Tataak ku cucu nura kay^ing,that lady has big breasts,train +28023,28024,28024,saka u kilang hu,so where is the wood,train +28024,28025,28025,Akung tayni kami milisu tisuwanan,Grandpa we have come to see you,train +28025,28026,28026,u hananay a pihiya,they said that the caring society,train +28026,28027,28027,aka cifalucu kaku sa matinitini san haw,do not think it is your decision,train +28027,28028,28028,matu u sanek nu kasu kura masanekay aku yu,it smells like gas to me,train +28028,28029,28029,Mapatanged kaku i hekal,I locked myself out,train +28029,28030,28030,hatiraay yaca,that is it,test +28030,28031,28031,mararamuday,couples,train +28031,28032,28032,calap,cross border land encroachment,train +28032,28033,28033,caka sumuwal ku kakumaen nir,do not count the food,train +28033,28034,28034,ira ku iya ita sapi iya ita saka kademak ira,we have the tools of our defense,train +28034,28035,28035,u pitihay han kura,it is called the sacrifice of the Spirit,train +28035,28036,28036,mataʼelif isu ku Ciw Kangan ira ku,after passing through Nagahama we will arrive at Tanake,train +28036,28037,28037,kungku^,old practice,train +28037,28038,28038,nanay u pafliay tu kudaitay a falucu u paicelay a Kawas ku mipalcaday tu harateng namu a papitudung tu falucu ni Yis Kristu,may the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a Spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus,train +28038,28039,28039,rakat,walking,train +28039,28040,28040,maherek itiniyan sa falucu nu niyaru sa haw i,tribal people have a consensus to serve the tribe,test +28040,28041,28041,saan minukaytu kura kaemangay,the children followed them home,train +28041,28042,28042,tara i lutuk a miteker midungec mivaniw,I am going to the mountains to hunt for wild mushrooms,train +28042,28043,28043,anu hatira kisu i nawiru milikaf kisu tu salikaka saw Nawiru miples kisu tu salikaka saw o tatumireng kita a ma^min i kaayaw nu Kawas a masawkit,You then why do you judge your brother or why do you look down on your brother for we will all stand before Gods judgment seat,train +28043,28044,28044,ratuh,text,train +28044,28045,28045,tini kaku i Takuliyaw kamabana naku tina Tangbulan,I learned about the Kavalan term in Koryo,train +28045,28046,28046,hatu ngiha isu safa,and your voice brother,train +28046,28047,28047,Mifulaw ku kapah nu niyaru tu ada,bole,train +28047,28048,28048,anu cecay mihecaan tusa fulad i,one year and two months later,train +28048,28049,28049,matastas,malfunctions,train +28049,28050,28050,Aray adihay ku salang nina heci^ nu lusay,thank you this fruit is so juicy,test +28050,28051,28051,Matelel tu ku fali,the wind stopped,train +28051,28052,28052,tu raradiwen nu mita u misaʼAmisay tu itiyaay hu,especially the old ballads sung by the clan,train +28052,28053,28053,Mawakelid nu tataangay a fukeluh ku taluan niyam,our hut was carried along with a large rock,train +28053,28054,28054,tayra satu,I will be right there,train +28054,28055,28055,kaku,I am a success,train +28055,28056,28056,tatusa ku kaka aku tu fainayan cecay ku safa aku tu fafahiyan,I have two brothers and a sister,train +28056,28057,28057,Kurawiten han han milepel u ruma mi laliw,use the hook and grab it sometimes it gets away,train +28057,28058,28058,satimulan,South,train +28058,28059,28059,patingwaay,telephone,train +28059,28060,28060,fafahiyan a safa,younger sister,test +28060,28061,28061,sapakaduh,something to attract,train +28061,28062,28062,ey a mipaini tu kaku tu,I am going to start talking,train +28062,28063,28063,davak,morning,train +28063,28064,28064,Sinipateli tu cala i karimucu nu luma nu naayawaya a matuasay,in the past the old man used to put animal bones in the corner of his house for worship,train +28064,28065,28065,itiya malingatu tu a misanga tu pisapuran tu umah,this is the time to start the are Seeding operation,train +28065,28066,28066,suwalen aku kamu tayniaytu ci Iliya arawhani patdu sa cangra a mikariang i cingraan madu^du ku suwal i Fangcalay Cudad tu pakayniay i cingraan han ningra,but I tell you Elijah has come and they have done to him everything they wished just as it is written about him,train +28066,28067,28067,micidem,sharpening,train +28067,28068,28068,awaay tu kakaenen,there is no food to eat,train +28068,28069,28069,samanen,what can be done,train +28069,28070,28070,caay kalepun niyam hatiraay,we have never been able to pay it off,test +28070,28071,28071,hay u,Yes it is,train +28071,28072,28072,i teluc nu urip,forever and ever,train +28072,28073,28073,Micufcuf ku safa nira tu nitayalan nira a lifun,her brother white,train +28073,28074,28074,sicalaay,palatable,train +28074,28075,28075,o maan ku maaraway isu anini a rumiad,what did you see today,train +28075,28076,28076,mahaennay ku rakat nuya pihicay hananay a demak,it is about catching a fish fry,train +28076,28077,28077,u futing,not fish,train +28077,28078,28078,mienafay,burning,train +28078,28079,28079,pina ku lisin tu miheca,how often are they held,train +28079,28080,28080,a rara san hiwawa,that is how we always get together,test +28080,28081,28081,awaay tu ka tiihan nu falucu satu nu maku,my heart will not be sad,train +28081,28082,28082,Itinihu i fafekang nu sera ci Yis mitusil i pasifanaˈay tu nisawawaan tu taˈenengan a kimad padama cangranan cipinang tu maanan a waywayan atu demakan wa ira ku masamanay a minaruˈan,during his earthly ministry Jesus taught his disciples some basic truths about the consequences of certain attitudes or behaviors,train +28082,28083,28083,awaay ku sasa tuuren ku sapalimuˈut ni Yihufa pairaay tu sakalemed nu mita,there is no doubt that obeying the LORDs commands has brought us great blessings,train +28083,28084,28084,anu makaentu i awaaytu kunini a ma^min o nisangaan aca nu tamdaw a sifana kunini,these are all destined to perish with use because they are based on human commands and teachings,train +28084,28085,28085,mahadak ku cidal i lipahak ku falucu,I am happy when the sun comes out,train +28085,28086,28086,tura wawa i,what about the kid,train +28086,28087,28087,Nikawrira u ciramuday a fainayan i Samaanen aku ku dmak ta lipahak ku fafahi aku saan cingra a maruray a miharateng tu nu hkalan a dmak,but a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world how he can please his wife,train +28087,28088,28088,itini tu singkakuin anu iraay tu kura pakingkingay tamiyanan tura sapitilid hanay i suʼelin canguʼutay hu kami,although I have an offering to support my tuition at the seminary it is not enough,train +28088,28089,28089,ruma,other,train +28089,28090,28090,u hatiniay ku sangaʼayay iniyan,I would like to have something like this,test +28090,28091,28091,salili,pillar,train +28091,28092,28092,lufuc ku facidurda manukaysa tamulungen nara pahuway nangra mifawa,breadfruit in a bag carry it home set off firecrackers on the way,train +28092,28093,28093,malaliw nu mama kami ca Ocihwa,I do not have a father with Wu Chrysanthemum,train +28093,28094,28094,kuesit a tedalen,is hard to untie get loose,train +28094,28095,28095,Orasaka kumud han nu maku ku Cenfu a mitaung tu Yincumincu,for this I apologize to the indigenous peoples on behalf of the government,train +28095,28096,28096,ira ku cakat si cakat ku seking kira,all of them will have the opportunity to take the examination for further promotion,train +28096,28097,28097,maanen ku pi hiya tu misu a falucu,I do not know how to change your mind,train +28097,28098,28098,Pafafahien cingra,get him a wife,train +28098,28099,28099,celaken,to open,train +28099,28100,28100,haw milicay kiya wama nu niyam,so I asked my father for advice,test +28100,28101,28101,tusaen kuni u nian teli han kuni,tighten this one with two,train +28101,28102,28102,o papakafana kisu i finawlan nu Kawas tu nika pakayni i nika hpul nu raraw nangra a mapaurip cangra,to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins,train +28102,28103,28103,awaawa ku tamdaw makatay cacay kaku maepud,I went down the mountain alone without any companions,train +28103,28104,28104,ku matuʼas tu huni nu cirut,that is what our ancestors said about the call of the painted lady bird,train +28104,28105,28105,haw mahemekay kaku tu ninian,that is encouraging,train +28105,28106,28106,sa pacici han patayni i Kalingku,So studying in Hualien is a bit of an imposition for me,train +28106,28107,28107,onini a papaurip i u nipatalaan isu i kaayaw nu kasafinawlan,which you have prepared in the sight of all people,train +28107,28108,28108,maulahay kaku tu kacanglahan dihekuay ku rumiad,I like spring because the weather is warm,train +28108,28109,28109,sakatusa u sakasababaay i,the second smallest,train +28109,28110,28110,telisan i tungruh haen saca ini kiya takar nira i fafaed,early rice Warehouses were built on top of stones,test +28110,28111,28111,ta caaytu ku mamatiya u ka^mangay kita a mangiyangi ku falucu a mafalic a matiya u mapawpaway nu taplik atu nai cuwacuwaay a fali ta caaytu ku mamasafit nu tatiihay atu misawiay a sifana kita,then we will no longer be infants tossed back and forth by the waves and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming,train +28111,28112,28112,hantu iniyan,related to,train +28112,28113,28113,kura nu malakacaway hananay,the responsibility of the elderly,train +28113,28114,28114,ta cadiway kuni ta tetetete sa ku kikay ta,it is a trammel net machine that keeps running,train +28114,28115,28115,makapahay kuna niyaru tuna niyam tunini ya tayni hu tuna niyaru,we have a very beautiful tribe the tribe of the time,train +28115,28116,28116,o maluhemay malitengay cuwa ku tanu suwal aca a pakalaluk tu tamdaw wa ngaˈayayhu misamaan tu demak,what else can an elder do than talk and encourage,train +28116,28117,28117,sisa akaa kamu kasidait,so do not worry about it,train +28117,28118,28118,o tusaay ku funguh a uner ku maaraway nira i lalan,what he saw on the road was a two headed snake,train +28118,28119,28119,ku nasuwalan nira,the promise he made,train +28119,28120,28120,maapac,late,test +28120,28121,28121,milikat kuya mama aku tu lamal,dad made a fire,train +28121,28122,28122,o mipadesay kisu i takuwanan,you are causing me to go through trial,train +28122,28123,28123,iratu kusuna aku ci kadafu tu kaku kira u Taywan,until my son gets married and has a son,train +28123,28124,28124,ilaay ku saʼusi tura fulah hananay u,there is a moon that is similar to this one,train +28124,28125,28125,nu alaen na,I will take it,train +28125,28126,28126,awaay tuku lumaʼay,there is no one home,train +28126,28127,28127,naw^iru,why,train +28127,28128,28128,caecaeca,fault,train +28128,28129,28129,huing,court of law,train +28129,28130,28130,ini tu ku matuasay i terung a mimelaw tu keru nu masakapahay a keru nu kaying,the old man was sitting in the middle of the room enjoying the beautiful dance of the ladies,test +28130,28131,28131,anu misanga tu luma anu masufuc ku cima,if someone builds a house or if someone gives birth,train +28131,28132,28132,miaca kaku tu felac,I want to buy rice,train +28132,28133,28133,u cala nu heni,their jawbones,train +28133,28134,28134,u cecay saan u telec,and one of them is wearing a belt,train +28134,28135,28135,iʼayaw kami i,we were in the old days,train +28135,28136,28136,urasaka,so,train +28136,28137,28137,Pakacuwa hu sa hiwawa sa,where do we go from here,train +28137,28138,28138,adihay ku nicadiwayan nira a vuting,he catches a lot of fish with a trammel net,train +28138,28139,28139,kuliciwfatikar,bicycle,train +28139,28140,28140,maangliway,it smells like expired rice,test +28140,28141,28141,misekingay,advertise an entrance examination for an academic institution,train +28141,28142,28142,nu nima a sakales kunian,whose comb is this,train +28142,28143,28143,taluma,I am back,train +28143,28144,28144,o tilefes u raliw uya tusa a kilang ku suʼelinay ciʼicelay hecek nu malitengay,the two most suitable trees for beams are beech and waxwork,train +28144,28145,28145,itilaay a luma ku sikadavuwy,if you want to get married it is over there,train +28145,28146,28146,hafay,millet,train +28146,28147,28147,iraay ku taturuen a raraw nira,there is something blameworthy about him,train +28147,28148,28148,Hai cuwa katalaraay kami,got it we will not go anywhere too far,train +28148,28149,28149,ta malatamdaw tu mita a wawa kira,be a good and decent kid,train +28149,28150,28150,citalip citalip ku maku,I am wearing a dress too,test +28150,28151,28151,hadidi san,you will just have to put up with it,train +28151,28152,28152,Nikawrira yu patalahkaltu ku Pauripay titaanan a Kawas tu sidait atu ulah ningra i,but when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared,train +28152,28153,28153,cima ku mipacuenekay tu hawan i tatakel,who inserted a large knife in the bed,train +28153,28154,28154,aluman,lot,train +28154,28155,28155,Hinefa sa hu kisu a pahanhan,lie down and rest,train +28155,28156,28156,masayir,drive out evil spirits,train +28156,28157,28157,itiya i mararid ci Sawlu a mipatalaw tu sapipatayaw tu nisawawaan nu Tapang Saka tayra cingra i sakakaay a citudungay tu taung,Meanwhile Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lords disciples he went to the high priest,train +28157,28158,28158,Oya Caaytu ku mamiliyaw kamu a pakaaraw tu pising aku sanay a suwal ningra ku tadakararuman nangra Nanuya patangasaen nangra ci Pawlu i tamina a mipatunu,what grieved them most was his statement that they would never see his face again then they accompanied him to the ship,train +28158,28159,28159,pasuwal sa ci Yis Caay ka fana kamu tu tatudung nu ningitangitan namu O nananumen Aku a pades a takid i mafilu namu a minanum saw han ningra Mafilu niyam saan cangra,You do not know what you are asking Jesus said to them Can you drink the cup I am going to drink We can they answered,train +28159,28160,28160,tangasai matini,until now,test +28160,28161,28161,fawah han hu ku luma,leave the door open for now,train +28161,28162,28162,makumuday a nipiaringatu,comprehensive rituals,train +28162,28163,28163,maraud ku,almost a week later,train +28163,28164,28164,hanaw kalapaysin ku Fakung itiya hu mahaenay kami i ku urip niyam itiya,that is why we used to attach great importance to taboos at the Harbourfront,train +28164,28165,28165,uwak,drink,train +28165,28166,28166,awaay ku mamaluy sananay i,no one is round,train +28166,28167,28167,i luma misanga tu mahenay a capa haw,when making a bow stand like this at home the,train +28167,28168,28168,Nanay mapaini nu Tapang ci Yis Kristu kamu tu mikumi,the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit Amen,train +28168,28169,28169,si Sawmah kaku awaay i luma ku mira masadakay i suni,this is Sawmah she is not home she just went out,train +28169,28170,28170,Mamilisu kaku tu wama aku atu wina aku,I am going to visit my parents,test +28170,28171,28171,mecel han tayni itini kuyaan kiyami haw,it is straight ahead,train +28171,28172,28172,anu sulinen a sumuwal i caay ka ci Yis ku mipainuay deng u nisawawaan ningra ku mipainuay,although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized but his disciples,train +28172,28173,28173,17 minanam tu harateng ni Kristu wa ira ku maanan a haepuc nu mita hani,in the same way we are spiritually strengthened when we regularly assimilate the mind of Christ,train +28173,28174,28174,miadup,hunt,train +28174,28175,28175,hemin satu ku tamdaw nu heni a mavelaw,they all fled to the mountains,train +28175,28176,28176,kira ku matuʼasay,that is it that is what the old man said,train +28176,28177,28177,dingac,grass cuts on the skin,train +28177,28178,28178,pakilacay ayaw caay tu,I have been there before,train +28178,28179,28179,fuhet,squirrel,train +28179,28180,28180,o pasasifinan kira mafalatay a fulu,the horizontal bamboo is for hanging hand towels,test +28180,28181,28181,kungku,old practice,train +28181,28182,28182,ura ku saka saan hatira aca ku maku a pakafana tu nu tuas hu a demak,that is what I want to say about the past,train +28182,28183,28183,u nian satu nian tusa i ini a tusa,regarding these two clauses and this two clauses,train +28183,28184,28184,mafana tukita mahenay sa ku,it is an expectation,train +28184,28185,28185,Pacupuen i sawalian nu umah ita,please make a dike on the east side of our field,train +28185,28186,28186,mikiki mikiki sa,if you say you are going to act you are going to act,train +28186,28187,28187,i sansandev sa ku heni,you will be hungry in the evening,train +28187,28188,28188,tu,right,train +28188,28189,28189,sapatelung,as a gift,train +28189,28190,28190,sa mi,so I am going to sign up,test +28190,28191,28191,cerur,replacement,train +28191,28192,28192,Iraay pina ku acaen isu,Yes how many do you want to buy,train +28192,28193,28193,namidakaw tu makavatikar apuru henay ku nihaen a pacuna iri,I got on my bike and pedaled for a short time,train +28193,28194,28194,u taʼarawan hananay i,model means,train +28194,28195,28195,u nipikikung han tu,so we are married,train +28195,28196,28196,adahay kura sasuwalen aku awa sanay hatini ku maharateng aku,I have a lot of things I want to say but I cannot think of any right now,train +28196,28197,28197,cima han ku ngangan nu misu,what is your name,train +28197,28198,28198,Caniwciw saan ku tiyad nu maku na kumaen tu fasaw a dateng,I had a sharp pain in my stomach after eating the leftovers,train +28198,28199,28199,Orasaka pitngil kamu tu tatudung nu mifulsakay a tinaku,Listen then to what the parable of the sower means,train +28199,28200,28200,aray ku pipaini isu anini^ a rumiad,thank you what you taught me today was really great,test +28200,28201,28201,tayni sa tayra i Farangaw tahilitemuh sa tu Piyuma,on the way back to Malang I met the local Peñan people,train +28201,28202,28202,lipahak itini tuna miʼad,it is a pretty full day,train +28202,28203,28203,masalaw ku urad,stop raining,train +28203,28204,28204,milunguc,plead,train +28204,28205,28205,Maserer tu ku urip ita anini,we have a less affluent life style now than before,train +28205,28206,28206,kasaparud,households,train +28206,28207,28207,karacucu,the breasts are huge,train +28207,28208,28208,adiyam,ginger,train +28208,28209,28209,anu tangasa sa ku heni i sasa i terun ira ku navutingan nu heni tu urang,they are catching lobsters from the bottom to the middle,train +28209,28210,28210,ah nu fainayan nian haw fainayan,Ah this is for men,test +28210,28211,28211,kahakuwa,which,train +28211,28212,28212,hatu mana adihay ku kakaʼenen niyam i tiyahu,I dreamed that we would have plenty of food to eat at home,train +28212,28213,28213,mahaenay ku kacirayray malarikec inian a maemin i ira saca ku Rikec nu Pangcah a nani uripay atu nani wakawak a masanga ku rikec,all of these are indicators of behavior and life as interpreted by Amish law,train +28213,28214,28214,nicakayan ku nicakayan,some do,train +28214,28215,28215,rakaten,go away,train +28215,28216,28216,misaharaterateng kura malitengay samanen a mauta kuna kaemangay,these kids are going to get seasick,train +28216,28217,28217,mapunepunengay,widowers and widowers,train +28217,28218,28218,aray ku pidama^ nu misu,thank you for your help,train +28218,28219,28219,tangasa tu kiya u hiya tu u Taywan tu ku singsi,until fifth grade when they switched to Chinese teachers,train +28219,28220,28220,ira han tu,by those who have passed on to the next life,test +28220,28221,28221,metmet,hold it,train +28221,28222,28222,Namikawittu kaku tu tavukud mapawantu,I have knitted and forgotten,train +28222,28223,28223,u suwal nu mita Pangcah maan sa,what do we say in Amis,train +28223,28224,28224,Maruʼhu tu sera yu,sit on the ground,train +28224,28225,28225,u kasuvucan nu vayi anucila,tomorrow is grand moms birthday,train +28225,28226,28226,nifiwaan,loquat harvested,train +28226,28227,28227,Maakik nu cidal ku nipalumaan niyam a kudasing,the peanuts we planted were dried out by the sun,train +28227,28228,28228,o paluwaday ci Yis Kristuan a paurip nai patay ku Adingu nu Kawas anu ira i falucu namu a maru ku tudung nu tireng nunini a Adingu i pakayni tunini a Fangcalay Adingu ku pipaluwad nu Kawas a paurip tu mamapatay a tireng namu,and if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who lives in you,train +28228,28229,28229,misaturun kaku aci kaka^ anini^,Today my sister and I pounded millet together,train +28229,28230,28230,itini i saikuray lintad u mamiculi a micungangah ku wawa sanay cingra,he said that in the last days children would disobey their parents,test +28230,28231,28231,o marurungay tu nu niyam ku asisiw i pala,we have bound the ears of rice in the field,train +28231,28232,28232,hakuwa ku sipun namu,how much was your loss,train +28232,28233,28233,Kirami yu caay pisaharaterateng cingra tu pinukayan nu tawki a rumiad atuya tatukian i itiya a ira a minukay kuya tawki,the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of,train +28233,28234,28234,u pawti tapad aku tucying nengneng na siyasing ini ku siyasing aku,Dad I am wearing sack pants look at this picture my pictures here,train +28234,28235,28235,masakawili,misalignment,train +28235,28236,28236,i kaʼayaw nu mamiseti ci mira i,he is going to fight before,train +28236,28237,28237,mahaenay satu ri cuyakuen ni Wangcenfa ri,so Wang Cheng sent the translation,train +28237,28238,28238,liyangen tu aku ci ama tu rumiamiad tu sapiuciraw aca ciamaan a miadup,every time I quarreled with my father I wanted to go hunting with my father,train +28238,28239,28239,Nikawrira suwal sa ci Yis Pakuningra han ku nika tayni nu wawa i Takuwanan aka lalangen cangra nawhani u matiniay a wawa ku finawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas han ningra,Jesus said Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these,train +28239,28240,28240,maemin u fa��inayan,are they all men,test +28240,28241,28241,safa aku,my sister,train +28241,28242,28242,ini u kilang sapiiya niyam tiʼetiʼ nu niyam,we tried to take a mallet and hit it,train +28242,28243,28243,mahaen ku nipisanga tu kukuy,this is the so called traditional sweet rice cake,train +28243,28244,28244,inanengen,trying to be serious,train +28244,28245,28245,pasasiyur,twist turn,train +28245,28246,28246,sasiwatid,live in a couples house,train +28246,28247,28247,enam kiya lalumaʼan kiya,there are families,train +28247,28248,28248,naayaw ita han tu,past clansmen,train +28248,28249,28249,awaay ku tingki awaay ku,in a time when there was no electricity and no water,train +28249,28250,28250,macepet aku ku kiru ta mipawali i putal,I twisted the sauerkraut to dry it before taking it to the sun,test +28250,28251,28251,o harateng aku i matiya u sapaaraw nu Kawas i pulung nu tamdamdaw atu cuyuh kami u tarukus a malasasafaay a tamdaw a mapastek i patay a makrid a mapatayra i pipatayan,for it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession like men condemned to die in the arena we have been made a spectacle to the whole universe to angels as well as to men,train +28251,28252,28252,adadaay ku falucu aku tu hatiraay,this is the most heartbreaking thing that is ever happened to me,train +28252,28253,28253,tira hu mitala masera tu haw i u ruma tu ku seraen aku,send one to another,train +28253,28254,28254,Papina^ ku wawa^ nu luma namu,how many children in your family,train +28254,28255,28255,saikuray tu anca fafalic sanay tu ikuray,the third last place is sometimes the first or second last place so it is a rotation,train +28255,28256,28256,ini mauningay tu,there is already carbon here,train +28256,28257,28257,pangihaen,please make a sound,train +28257,28258,28258,maan saan ku nipavalucuan nu misuvucay,what do your parents think,train +28258,28259,28259,lalefu san kami i kafutiʼan ri,we played and wrestled together in our room,train +28259,28260,28260,ira ku kilang nu apalu i putal nu picudadan,there is a bread tree outside the classroom,test +28260,28261,28261,han sa ku matuʼasay a misanga fangcal ku pisanga tu siraw sa,the old man said he wanted to make good salt pork,train +28261,28262,28262,midoko kita ci Yihufaan mitukelay tu sapilifukaw tu ulah Ningra cuwa ka hatira han,if we worship the Lord we must want to be loved by him do not we,train +28262,28263,28263,hay kalipahakan u luma tu nu mita,the kingdom of heaven is our paradise,train +28263,28264,28264,saka lipahak aca,it is to have fun,train +28264,28265,28265,Maanuv haw maidi haw,Greedy Selfish,train +28265,28266,28266,ya paka,all I hear is,train +28266,28267,28267,citing,dictionaries,train +28267,28268,28268,a mikared kaku,I am on a roll,train +28268,28269,28269,ta alaen tu iraw patalahekal,we will pull the log to the shore,train +28269,28270,28270,lacinuwasmalaliyas,separate,test +28270,28271,28271,Palaawaen ku epuc nu pasuwal nira,make what he says nonsense,train +28271,28272,28272,Suelinay mafana cingra haw,does he really know,train +28272,28273,28273,ira ku nanum i niyaru,there is obviously water in the tribe,train +28273,28274,28274,hai matama tu,Yes that is right,train +28274,28275,28275,o cima kura tamdaw,who is that person,train +28275,28276,28276,kafahalan a demak,something that came up suddenly without notice unexpected,train +28276,28277,28277,maecaday tu ku riyun ira hai maecaday,does it take as long to turn Yes the same,train +28277,28278,28278,tamaedeng tu fangcal tu kiya finawlan i,from to the tribe did not elect a leader,train +28278,28279,28279,misaliyaw,repeat,train +28279,28280,28280,itiya hu ku tusiya cahu ka hatini a atekak,cars did not used to cost that much,test +28280,28281,28281,safa^,claim,train +28281,28282,28282,na talikufad,and then there is the front apron,train +28282,28283,28283,angrer,bitter,train +28283,28284,28284,nani winaay,from moms side,train +28284,28285,28285,anu misudud kita tu tau wa makahi kita miliˈay tu tamdaw aka ˈinteh ku falucuˈ,in this way we can willingly forgive the offender even if he does not realize that he has offended us,train +28285,28286,28286,adihay ku nikaenan aku mafeculaytu,I ate a lot I am full,train +28286,28287,28287,malingad tayra i ruma a papalumaʼan sa itiya ira haca ku pisaluma felun sa ku niyan u Pangcah a tayra misanga tu luma,after building one house the clan would volunteer to help when they were ready to go to another house on a certain day,train +28287,28288,28288,salimelaen,treasure,train +28288,28289,28289,tangsa itini i Silaka i silakawa,until Fuyuan,train +28289,28290,28290,mafalaay,pulmonary,test +28290,28291,28291,ma kiyami kiya ma,the sea rises like this,train +28291,28292,28292,maepud kuya matuasay minengneng cingra tuya fakar awaay tu ku ccay,the elder went down and saw that one basket was gone,train +28292,28293,28293,mabana naʼayaw ku matuʼasay mabana a milimula,elderly people in the past liked to use their nicknames,train +28293,28294,28294,misafalucu kaku kira anu micufay kaku i,I thought If I back out,train +28294,28295,28295,Rakatay sa ilalan,walking on the road,train +28295,28296,28296,micekaw i rarapa a maru,sitting on a cow,train +28296,28297,28297,hayda sa kita u hatiniay kita saan,So we think that is all we have got,train +28297,28298,28298,nanuwang saan ku kilang mafeliw nu fali,the trees are being blown by the wind,train +28298,28299,28299,ca ka bana kaku tu uruma u mangcel,I do not know there is another way to say it in Sancho,train +28299,28300,28300,o taul ku ruma^ ira itini haw,I want some eggs too do you have some,test +28300,28301,28301,u kaka aku cingra,she is my sister,train +28301,28302,28302,nawhan itiya hu,because in those days,train +28302,28303,28303,mapawan kaku mihakiwid tu impic aku,I forgot to bring my pen,train +28303,28304,28304,laliw satu ci kaka aku tayni i Tayhuk,he ran away from home to Taipei,train +28304,28305,28305,kainalan,envy,train +28305,28306,28306,a mipasifana tu kaemangay,I am here to be a teacher of ethnic languages,train +28306,28307,28307,runic,torture,train +28307,28308,28308,o rutarut ku nialaan nu maku i arariri,I got the saw from the warehouse,train +28308,28309,28309,paruen nira kina hemay ri ta ta kaying nu kafuuy sa takuwan ri,so he put the rice in a lunch box and said Let us go Ms Kafuwi,train +28309,28310,28310,anu temuwa tu cira caaytu pakalaliw ku edu atu tatakula,when it opens its mouth mice and frogs can hardly escape,test +28310,28311,28311,i tini tuna lutuk a mitaung tu Kawas ku tatuasan niyam Nikawrira u suwal namu i caay ka ^ca ka u Yirusalim ku pitaungan tu Kawas saan kamu han ningra,our fathers worshiped on this mountain but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem,train +28311,28312,28312,sakatatusa,the second one,train +28312,28313,28313,ku nisuwalen sikawasay,the mountain that tells of a God,train +28313,28314,28314,pudaduki^,Bat,train +28314,28315,28315,ruma adihay ku sinyung ira masamatira tayla tu itini kukusiw,he was a very trustworthy man and then he went to the village office,train +28315,28316,28316,mituur tudung nu malitengay a papaʼurad i,follow the old man to the so called rain festival,train +28316,28317,28317,taluma tu kami,we are back,train +28317,28318,28318,tangasa i tira i sawali nu Kuhkuh i,to Mizuhos Orient,train +28318,28319,28319,o kapah i wata ku keru nu fafahiyan kahemekan tu suʼelinay tu ku keru nu fafahiyan,and young people the women ball is really nice to look at and the women dance is worth admiring,train +28319,28320,28320,ta anu u nafalucuan nu Kawas i u lalipahak kaku a tayra i tamuwanan ta malaccay kita a mapahanhan ku falucu,so that by Gods will I may come to you with joy and together with you be refreshed,test +28320,28321,28321,tayra aca,Shimizu power plant,train +28321,28322,28322,tangsa i tini i mavelecay nu luma,we are at the funeral home,train +28322,28323,28323,Kacaw ci Mayaw kaku tayniay kaku a misalama,Kacaw I am Mayaw I have come to play with you,train +28323,28324,28324,a ta matatudung ku rengaw nu kakaenen ita,that is how you grow crops in season,train +28324,28325,28325,kapisatu i pakelang itiya hu,and the old Hachigami wave,train +28325,28326,28326,tayra hanen mi tu i kaʼayaw nu,when he gets to his destination he puts on a show for the cops that he is not drunk,train +28326,28327,28327,namida nu atu yu,the tears,train +28327,28328,28328,tawalen,overlook,train +28328,28329,28329,i langseng,steamer,train +28329,28330,28330,dadaya aca kura wansang,dance only at night time,test +28330,28331,28331,kilimen isu ku tau mikilim kaku tu singsi,you find someone else I am going to find the teacher,train +28331,28332,28332,itira i luma niyam kiya a miraradiw,the song they sang at our house,train +28332,28333,28333,ku nipilahci tu nafalucuan ningra a pahapinang i titaanan tu pakakmuday a lalahcien ni Kristu a nisahalakaan ningra a dmak,and he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he purposed in Christ,train +28333,28334,28334,maherektu kisu a miasik,are you done sweeping,train +28334,28335,28335,sakaenem anini,it is Saturday,train +28335,28336,28336,ira hu kiya faeluhay hu ku faeluhay hu kuya kayakay itiya,the Crescent moon bridge in Hsin Chong was newly built then,train +28336,28337,28337,iri caay kaadihay ku heci anini maketal,there is not much fruit now because of the drought,train +28337,28338,28338,Ciduduhay a kilang ku sapacicir tu nanum,use hollowed out wood for waterways,train +28338,28339,28339,o nanu mifulsakan tu pararihadayay ku sakacihci tu mu^celay u mu^celay a dmak ku hci nu pararihadayay a tamdaw,peacemakers who sow in peace raise a Harvest of righteousness,train +28339,28340,28340,kinapinapina a suwal aku i,I do not know how many times I have said it,test +28340,28341,28341,Tadacilamit i falucu aku ku limuut ni mama,Fathers teachings are embedded in my heart,train +28341,28342,28342,fangcal a matengil,it sounds very nice,train +28342,28343,28343,yu malaccay kamu a masaupu i caay ku sakakumaenaw namu tu saki Tapang a lafi ku nika kumaen namu,when you come together it is not the Lords supper you eat,train +28343,28344,28344,padudu aca tu na ayaway a nikaurip,we will continue to tell the history of the past,train +28344,28345,28345,mahaenay saka u saupu nu widang nu luma,the opportunity to do so through friends and family of the hunter,train +28345,28346,28346,o mairingay ku rakat nira faki i lalan,that uncle walks on the road with his head tilted,train +28346,28347,28347,Malanguhah ci Mayaw aci Panay,Mayo and Barnet are in love,train +28347,28348,28348,adada,indisposition,train +28348,28349,28349,nawhan ni,what can I say,train +28349,28350,28350,mafana tu ku salikaka saʼayaway i u,the brothers and sisters who live here know about it the first to know was Hong,test +28350,28351,28351,u tamdaw sanay,be a person,train +28351,28352,28352,matimel hanen manhan,what do you say when you are sore,train +28352,28353,28353,ca pilaliw cingra,it never left,train +28353,28354,28354,Malaciyulukiyukay a maemin ku paru nu luma niyam,our whole family became Presbyterians,train +28354,28355,28355,o sakatulu anucila misalama kita tu mali anucila tu ikur nu kalahukan,tomorrow will be Wednesday let us go play ball tomorrow afternoon,train +28355,28356,28356,kureng,crockery,train +28356,28357,28357,ci Maeke 19 miheca matayal tu milisuˈay sanay ku suwal O faˈinay nu ruma salikaka i kasakupang cuwahu ku salikaka wa ngaˈaytu kaku a padama cangranan,Marco who has been involved in visitation for the past years said There are sisters in the congregation whose husbands are not brothers and now I can help them,train +28357,28358,28358,anu ca ca ka tama haw anu hacuwa kura kafanaan mi hai hai anu ma pasadak han hai,even though cannot find an answer regardless of how much you know can express it,train +28358,28359,28359,malakaʼapaay tu ku heci pacakayen,the fruit of the betel nut tree is ripe for sale,train +28359,28360,28360,Onipen ku umah niyam saan ku fiyaw niyam,our next door neighbor offered to help them go plant seedlings,test +28360,28361,28361,ka Ripunan,Japanese colonial period,train +28361,28362,28362,matenesay tu kami a caay kasasuaraw maurun tu kaku i ciraan,we have not seen each other for a long time and I miss him a lot,train +28362,28363,28363,pakacidalay a pakaʼuraday,pray for sunshine No for rain,train +28363,28364,28364,tangtang hananay hu kunu itiraay hu cuka pitahidan tu cunpaw hay,in those days I would probably cook a little bit but I would not look for a cook,train +28364,28365,28365,awa tu sa kura cidal,but the opportunity was lost,train +28365,28366,28366,nanay mahemek ku fufu sa kami,I hope we can make our grand mom happy,train +28366,28367,28367,lumahad,grow,train +28367,28368,28368,mipausa,meal delivery,train +28368,28369,28369,a,interjection of surprise,train +28369,28370,28370,kuwangkaw,Advertisement,test +28370,28371,28371,cima kiya,who is that,train +28371,28372,28372,i rarem tu saka adihay ku fanaw itiay,in the far downstream so many ponds,train +28372,28373,28373,cumud saan i,after entering the house,train +28373,28374,28374,yu lumahadtu kuya ^mi a cipuyapuy i itiya a mahapinang kuya samadu,when the wheat sprouted and formed heads then the weeds also appeared,train +28374,28375,28375,Paʼayaw Wata kina macaʼitay a patuluan a raʼit,Narrator,train +28375,28376,28376,Orasaka mapaicel ku pitier nu mituuray ci Kristuan a kasakiwkay matungal a matungal tu rumiamiad ku nika aluman nu tamdaw,so the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers,train +28376,28377,28377,hay sa i tayra sa kaku pakalumalumaʼan,that is why I am a home caregiver,train +28377,28378,28378,matini icuwa manengneng nu mita ku makapahay upu sananay mikadkad tu suwal nu mita Pangcah saw,Nowadays do you ever see young people studying their own Amis language and culture on their own accord,train +28378,28379,28379,Kalataangan aku ku wawa aku,my child is the object of pride,train +28379,28380,28380,o tatalacuwa^ kisu anucila^,where are you going tomorrow,test +28380,28381,28381,rakat sanay cira tayra i paisingan,he walks to the hospital,train +28381,28382,28382,u maan hu a demakan,anything,train +28382,28383,28383,ira tuku tingki nu finawlan itiya ita u nawalian ci tingki tu,Well it is a good thing we had power on the east side by then,train +28383,28384,28384,mafana maemin ku finawlan,we all know it very well,train +28384,28385,28385,anu tayra misalama i,if you go there to play,train +28385,28386,28386,maʼicang kiyasaw,it is dry too,train +28386,28387,28387,mavunar ku pising,red and tender,train +28387,28388,28388,keriden,to lead,train +28388,28389,28389,Ditdit han niyam a kumaen kira kasi,that candy we eat little by little,train +28389,28390,28390,matenestu kamu itini maru mituysiwtu,you have been living in Taipei for a long time and you are retired,test +28390,28391,28391,itiya tu haw i maraayay hu kami,we were so far apart,train +28391,28392,28392,mitilid tu i kawcung saku ku farucu nu maku,I want to go to high school in my heart,train +28392,28393,28393,cangraananay,they are there,train +28393,28394,28394,Mikariang cira tu kararamud nu kaka aku,she sabotaged her brothers marriage,train +28394,28395,28395,mamauʼrad han fancal ku rumiʼad han caka fana kita sa,we do not know if it is going to be cloudy or sunny,train +28395,28396,28396,tangsul sa cingra a mikilim tu kaka ningra ci Simun Malitmuh niyam ku Misiya han ningra a pasuwal,the first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him We have found the Messiah,train +28396,28397,28397,sulinaytu mangata tuku pitefuʼan nuniyam,Seriously the bamboo shoots are close by,train +28397,28398,28398,papina ku salikaka nu misu,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +28398,28399,28399,tuwa i tira maru,I will settle there,train +28399,28400,28400,nikasa sa talahekal han naku a pasifana kita,that is why I am making it public,test +28400,28401,28401,tengillen aku ku cinglaw,I listen to the tone of voice,train +28401,28402,28402,o tadakafahalan nu maku ku kacinguhah nu wawa aku,it was so sudden to me that my kids had favorites,train +28402,28403,28403,saka napinapina tu kaku itini i hitay,long military career,train +28403,28404,28404,saka saan masakilemel cira a minanam tu remiremiad,because he practiced hard every day,train +28404,28405,28405,lifawa,swelling,train +28405,28406,28406,hay,Yeah,train +28406,28407,28407,o palakutaan kuraan,that is the camel hut,train +28407,28408,28408,i kukudulen nu heni a pateli,they put it on top,train +28408,28409,28409,dafak tu kaku maratar mi lumuwad sepat ku tuki,I get up at in the morning,train +28409,28410,28410,maan han tuna niyaru itini,what is the name of the tribe here,test +28410,28411,28411,ruma a malisinay,there are other witches,train +28411,28412,28412,hawitid cingra,he was not included,train +28412,28413,28413,cuwa kuninian ini ku sapiala,is not that what you Harvest with,train +28413,28414,28414,nu kaʼemang hu kamu i,when you were kids,train +28414,28415,28415,u Latumay han kura,that is Ladoumai,train +28415,28416,28416,ay tu a mihcaan haw a awaay,has it been years since he died,train +28416,28417,28417,u manamanan,which ones,train +28417,28418,28418,fahfah,deportation,train +28418,28419,28419,mahadefek ku niyaru ita kya,our tribe could be wiped out,train +28419,28420,28420,o ina^ nu maku ciira,she is my mom,test +28420,28421,28421,iraay hu cumikay tu mitakec takuwanan,he saw me from afar and came to hug me,train +28421,28422,28422,adihayen ku nikaenan aka ka ngudu,eat more do not be polite,train +28422,28423,28423,mahayda ciira tu nipiluud nira tu finawlan nu Kawas a miluwid o rumasatu mahayda ciira tu nipikuwan nira tu kasaniyaru kasafinacadan kasakitakit atu kasasirumaruma nu suwal,he was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them and he was given authority over every tribe people language and nation,train +28423,28424,28424,suwal sa cingra i takuwanan cuwa kamu^ecel ku tilid nu Kuwaping tu tudung nu ngangan nira anca i Nasiyensen hananay nu tau cingra saka adihay ku sakatawaan nuna ngangan,he told me that using Chinese characters could not accurately convey his name and others would still call him Na Xian Sheng,train +28424,28425,28425,patawmaʼen naira ta icang han naira tu paluma,take home to dry and grow,train +28425,28426,28426,awaay a makilim ku matatudungay a miclak anu ^ca i minengneng tu laluma nunini a maluluday a cudad Saka ungung sa kaku a tumangic,I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside,train +28426,28427,28427,maʼurip sasamaenen isu milicalic u,no matter how you twist the leaves they are still alive,train +28427,28428,28428,maanen namu milakec,how do you cross the river,train +28428,28429,28429,ira aca ku,I am glad I did,train +28429,28430,28430,sakaku a paka fana titanan,I am here to tell you,test +28430,28431,28431,Pacauf sa ku Tapang a sumuwal i cingraan Martaaw Martaaw rawraw saan ku falucu isu a maruray tu masamaamaanay a dmak,Martha Martha the Lord answered you are worried and upset about many things,train +28431,28432,28432,u inakaay u caayay pitilid,those who have not received formal education,train +28432,28433,28433,ta paru satu cingra tu nanum i mintang a misawsaw tu waay nu nisawawaan sisiten ningra tuya nifakedan ningra a sasifin ku waay nangra,after that he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples feet drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him,train +28433,28434,28434,awaay tu matama kiya kiwkay kira,I cannot find that church,train +28434,28435,28435,mitengil kita tu pasifana nu singsi,serious learning,train +28435,28436,28436,ilaay ku pangangan tura haw,do you have a name for it,train +28436,28437,28437,Panay micaliwan isu ku payci ni Kacaw haw,Panay did you borrow money from Kacaw,train +28437,28438,28438,Pasudsud han nira ku pipafeli tu paysu,he gradually and secretly gave money,train +28438,28439,28439,malacecay ku balucu,the heart is together,train +28439,28440,28440,singsi mangeru ku heni a,work harder mother tongue course,test +28440,28441,28441,Parengrengen,adult running ceremony,train +28441,28442,28442,miditdit,a little bit,train +28442,28443,28443,i nacila matengil aku haw,I heard something the other day,train +28443,28444,28444,Saka kawih han nangra kuya cafay nangra a tamina a papipadang cangraan tayra satu cangra a mipadang i tumes hantu nangra kuya tusaay a tamina tu futing Sakalnengan satu kuya tamina,so they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink,train +28444,28445,28445,hay itinitu ku aru nu namu,you already live here Yes,train +28445,28446,28446,itiya i paliwasak hantu ni Yis ku finawlan ta dakaw satu cingra tu tamina a tayra i Makatan hananay a pala,after Jesus had sent the crowd away he got into the boat and went to the vicinity of Magadan,train +28446,28447,28447,u maʼutitay anca itini i iniyaru i,Infidelity in marriage has a bad reputation in the tribe,train +28447,28448,28448,lunguc,needs,train +28448,28449,28449,Tayrahan tu iraw kamiyanan maranam saan kura Hulam,the out of state worker said we used to have breakfast there,train +28449,28450,28450,o ruma tu,different areas,test +28450,28451,28451,micudad cingra haw i,when he was in school,train +28451,28452,28452,hay u kavanaʼan aku tu pakayniay i Kawas,Yeah I know it is from ghosts,train +28452,28453,28453,militengay tu kura kuwaping,the veterans age is up,train +28453,28454,28454,Pina^ tu ku mihecaan nu fainayan a kaka^ nu misu,how old is your brother,train +28454,28455,28455,san kaku titanan itini i pisyakayan,I am looking forward to all of us in the metro area us in the metro area I think,train +28455,28456,28456,Halumikafitay i waay niyam a alafuh nu niyaru namu a tihtihen niyam a mifalah i tamuwanan Nikawrira kafana kamu tu nika mangatatu a malahci ku pikuwan nu Kawas han nangra,Even the dust of your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you yet be sure of this the kingdom of God is near,train +28456,28457,28457,hakelungen nira kura wawa tu fafahiyan a tayra,I will take the girl there too,train +28457,28458,28458,anu ca ka ecak i adada ku tiyad a,if it is not cooked your stomach will hurt,train +28458,28459,28459,Paka Kawti kisu a tala Takaw,do you go to Kaohsiung by high speed Rail,train +28459,28460,28460,citatudung,responsible,test +28460,28461,28461,pakamisien,Letpee,train +28461,28462,28462,tu pihalama nu misu haw,the place you are traveling to,train +28462,28463,28463,ona hananay nu mita tu nian,like the current concept of environmental protection,train +28463,28464,28464,masaufad nu aca kunu Yincumincu a tamdaw,it is parts per million that is almost ten times worse,train +28464,28465,28465,o adidem hanay kuni,is this called a mulberry tree,train +28465,28466,28466,lenlen,floods,train +28466,28467,28467,o mitngilay tu suwal ni Yis ku finawlan atu milisataay a ma^min i midu^du tu nilungucan nu Kawas a mu^cel nawhani milayaptu pipainu ni Yuhani cangra,I tell you among those born of women there is no one greater than John yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he,train +28467,28468,28468,u rumaay kaemangay milicaayay,some children will ask,train +28468,28469,28469,unini u nu niyam u niyaru niyam a suta kuni dita,this clay is clay made from the mud of our tribe clay made from the mud of our tribe,train +28469,28470,28470,Macaengaw tu ku mata nuya tutuy,the puppy eyes are already open,test +28470,28471,28471,Mafakingay,Fined,train +28471,28472,28472,anu mimaan tu kisu a kisu i niira kisu,if there is anything you are told to do it is you,train +28472,28473,28473,paʼacaay ci ama aku tu diyung,Daddys going to sell pigs,train +28473,28474,28474,nga caka sa ya caka sadak ku nanum sa,the water will not come out like this,train +28474,28475,28475,fangsis ku macelakay a hana nu datay,the flowers of the seven lilacs are in bloom and they smell so good,train +28475,28476,28476,o imer tu kaen ku saka kapah nu tireng,eat carefully for good health,train +28476,28477,28477,u mikangkangnay kaku itiya tayra i lipuying,I came to the legislature to plow,train +28477,28478,28478,anini milicay kaku tamuwanan nawhani limela ku suwal nu Pangcah,Now I would like to ask you because of the loss of the language of the people,train +28478,28479,28479,kuesan,sweet,train +28479,28480,28480,o marefungay nu ayam kinana kilang,this tree was dug by a bird,test +28480,28481,28481,hanaw ini kuna aku kini saw,my credentials are here,train +28481,28482,28482,Aʼien pida kamu,I am asking you for money,train +28482,28483,28483,lekahirahira,style,train +28483,28484,28484,kasilawadan,leisure,train +28484,28485,28485,na ini ku misu pilaliwitu paveli han tu tu turun,here you go get outta here just give him the rice pudding,train +28485,28486,28486,aluman tu ku tamdaw mikecuray,a lot of people are looking down,train +28486,28487,28487,kinatulu kaku a ma malatumuk nu Malaluung a niyaru,I have been the ringleader three times in a row,train +28487,28488,28488,tamataan,points of attention,train +28488,28489,28489,iti nu maku a niyaru nanuemang hu,in my tribe when I was a kid,train +28489,28490,28490,setul,crash,test +28490,28491,28491,mihakulung,follow,train +28491,28492,28492,tu malaplapay nu tudung tu iraay ku i saʼayaway a i kafekang nani amisay a iya ada,they were driven out by enemies who had moved here from the north much earlier,train +28492,28493,28493,halihecep,it is good at drying,train +28493,28494,28494,Culculen a papicakay tu nanum i patiyamay ku fafahi isu,go and call your wife to go to the store for water,train +28494,28495,28495,ira hen ku ina atu ama,if both parents are still alive,train +28495,28496,28496,Atulan,mission hills tribal name,train +28496,28497,28497,ha ha ha ha,ha ha ha ha ha,train +28497,28498,28498,Pangcah,Aboriginal,train +28498,28499,28499,Ditditen a pafeli,gradually give pay,train +28499,28500,28500,o satadamaanay nu niyaru atu u kasaupuan haca^ nu kasangasaw kuya rumiad,it was a very important day for the tribe and a time for every family to come together,test +28500,28501,28501,sangaen tu hananum,Oh you can make tea and drink it with water,train +28501,28502,28502,Saka yu malalitmuhtu kami aci Pawlu i Asus i padakaw hantu niyam i lunan cingra a tayra i Mitilini,when he met us at Assos we took him aboard and went on to Mitylene,train +28502,28503,28503,fawahen,please open it,train +28503,28504,28504,talutaludan kilakilangan ku lalan,it is almost always a jungle of weeds,train +28504,28505,28505,tayra micucuk,just go over there and stab,train +28505,28506,28506,yaan tu i tahira i katimutimul hu ira i,after that to the south there is,train +28506,28507,28507,han kiya a akung na maku,that is my grandfathers name,train +28507,28508,28508,liwasak satu kami ma,we are all scattered,train +28508,28509,28509,haw i iraay ku pidemak nu tuʼas hu a demak,did the ancestors have rituals,train +28509,28510,28510,itini i Taywan,in Taiwan,test +28510,28511,28511,iray ira na tilefu,and the manzanita,train +28511,28512,28512,caay pakatuur kita tu nu tau,we cannot keep up with them,train +28512,28513,28513,masalumaʼlumaʼay iri,tribal household,train +28513,28514,28514,uranan mauta ayiyay kaku mana tayni a mifuting saanen,then I started throwing up why did I come here to fish,train +28514,28515,28515,tuna pakafanaʼay tu suwal hananay a demak nu mita,the work of this ethnic language teaching,train +28515,28516,28516,mangalay cangra a malapasifanaay tu Rikec nu Kawas Nikawrira mafukil cangra tu tatudung nu suwal nangra atu patusukan nu suwal nangra,they want to be teachers of the law but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm,train +28516,28517,28517,hayda,Okay,train +28517,28518,28518,hatini kiya,it is so small,train +28518,28519,28519,u rakat ku saʼusi,walking only,train +28519,28520,28520,malikelunay,lower,test +28520,28521,28521,Nikawrira anu cihinapec ku tamdaw a kumaen i malasakaciraraw ningra nawhani caay ku nanu pitier ku dmak ningra o caay ku nanu pitier ci Kristuan a dmak i u raraw a ma^min,but the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats because his eating is not from faith and everything that does not come from faith is sin,train +28521,28522,28522,alem,pangolin,train +28522,28523,28523,pihiyaan tu nanum i lutuk,the source of water in the mountains,train +28523,28524,28524,alumanay ku macukuyay a matuasay i niyaru,the tribe is full of old men with their heads hanging down,train +28524,28525,28525,tuui naitsi he,the one who came to Taiwan from the mainland,train +28525,28526,28526,hiyaen ni hetec maican tu,muddy water condenses into dry,train +28526,28527,28527,namakayira kira lalan tiraan,the road goes that way,train +28527,28528,28528,na u Fuladan i ayaw hu haw u Tudtudan,the moon was called the drop before,train +28528,28529,28529,miruyaruy,follow,train +28529,28530,28530,o sidaʼit nu misu ku nian,it is your concern,test +28530,28531,28531,nakaepeday,the original softness,train +28531,28532,28532,Fangtu a saneken ku ludak a uner,hundred pacer snakes smell like mold,train +28532,28533,28533,o miintelay i takuwanan i u miintelay tu wama Aku,he who hates me hates my father as well,train +28533,28534,28534,una iya i kusu kunarurang,and that is the tree,train +28534,28535,28535,tengtengen ku rarapa mitapi,bring the oxen to plow the fields,train +28535,28536,28536,yan saka midueduay tu likakawa nu tuʼas kura malatumukay hananay,maintaining traditional cultural experiences in accordance with the experience of elders,train +28536,28537,28537,malusasangaen,produce,train +28537,28538,28538,malingad kaku i tahidang ku ina aku,I was working in the fields when my mom gave me the news,train +28538,28539,28539,nanay lipahak ciira,I hope it makes her happy,train +28539,28540,28540,kumimiten aku caayay kapalal kiya safa aku haw,I squeezed my sister as hard as I could and she did not even wake up,test +28540,28541,28541,inanengen ku tatirengan inanengen ku pimali,be physically fit and be more skilled in the game,train +28541,28542,28542,mamu^tep,Ten,train +28542,28543,28543,paci^ci,try to force so to do sty,train +28543,28544,28544,matahidang tu niyam ku salawinawina atu widawidang a malacecay a mitahka tuna kadufahay a sakalafi,we invited friends and family to have a great dinner together,train +28544,28545,28545,Malangiwngiw saan a mililuc,talking to myself in the shower,train +28545,28546,28546,Miurang ci mama i riyar,dad was catching lobsters in the sea,train +28546,28547,28547,tada mariʼang kaku malamama san kaku,I think my dad is really bad,train +28547,28548,28548,tusa aca mihecaan ku laed nu niyam hay,we are only two years apart,train +28548,28549,28549,sapiminukay kaku tayni i niyaru,want to go back to my tribe,train +28549,28550,28550,sedak saan ku ekung pa cekuk ku falucu nira,an owl suddenly appeared and frightened him,test +28550,28551,28551,hay hatira tahanini tu i,until today,train +28551,28552,28552,u sapasinuvu i tisuwan kinian,this is a gift for you,train +28552,28553,28553,Fahul,name of the Mafo tribe,train +28553,28554,28554,ti,afterwards,train +28554,28555,28555,saka mangaay tayni mitanam tu masarumaay a pinangan u cecay a waay i faedetay u cecay a waay i dihekuay icuwa kuni itira i niyaru nu cawi,visit this place to feel the amazing feeling of standing with one foot in the tropics and the other in the subtropics which is located in the Shizura tribe,train +28555,28556,28556,Mahaenay kinaccay ci Kristu a mipacakat tu tireng mihpul tu raraw nu alumanay a tamdaw miliyaw haca cingra a paaraw caay ku sapitfuc tu raraw u sapipauripaw tu hinatalaay i cingraan a tamdaw,so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people and he will appear a second time not to bear sin but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him,train +28556,28557,28557,niira,it,train +28557,28558,28558,tayra kisu tiraw minanam kisu minanam hu,I was years old when I went to learn tailoring I was years old,train +28558,28559,28559,malalukay,laborer,train +28559,28560,28560,kapahay a patay matuastu patay sananay nami demak tunu alumanay a patay mahiniyay a nikapatay tara ku adingu i tuas,one type of death is called a good death which refers to natural deaths and those who died in the line of duty and he can return to the world of ancestral spirits,test +28560,28561,28561,sasirawen cinahen hu ira ku tusa rumiʼad,salted fish salt it first let it sit for days,train +28561,28562,28562,tataangay matiya u iya,it grows big like that,train +28562,28563,28563,Masuemet ku falucu nira,his heart is gentle,train +28563,28564,28564,fanaw,locks,train +28564,28565,28565,sa kumatuʼasay u maninaay tayrasa,inviting relatives to his home for dinner,train +28565,28566,28566,manguhed,bore,train +28566,28567,28567,Cli sa cingra a sumuwal O Wawa ni Tafiti Yisaw kasiniadaenhu kaku saan cingra,he called out Jesus son of David have mercy on me,train +28567,28568,28568,aped,silt,train +28568,28569,28569,fangcal ca ku falucu nira i,he is got a good heart,train +28569,28570,28570,anu hatira i i kilumaan kisu a tayni,then come during our Harvest Festival,test +28570,28571,28571,pasuwal sa ci Mariya tuya cuyuh Cahu ka cifainay kaku i mimaan a ira ku hatiniay a dmak saw han ningra,How will this be Mary asked the angel since I am a virgin,train +28571,28572,28572,awaay tu kiyari ku kakavukilan nu misu,then you must be very fluent in American,train +28572,28573,28573,hai hai matama tuku suwal,Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,train +28573,28574,28574,ta alec han tu mihaen kiwat han kuni,tighten it up when you knit it,train +28574,28575,28575,icuwa i,where is it,train +28575,28576,28576,ira itira tuya pala ku pakaenay tu siri milafin cangra i palapalaan tu dadaya a misimaw tu masaflaway a siri nangra,and there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over their flocks at night,train +28576,28577,28577,anu talatuas patata ku sikawasay tu turun titi nu vavuy icep atu epah i panan nu katalatuasan,during the ancestor worship the priest places glutinous rice cake pork betel nut and rice wine at the door of the ancestor worship site,train +28577,28578,28578,tangsul itini i Kilung ku aru nu niyam,we moved to Keelung,train +28578,28579,28579,ura sapisiʼuwayan u sapiturik tura penen,this tuxedo is made into rope for weaving,train +28579,28580,28580,ni,That,test +28580,28581,28581,mahaen tuwa,at this point,train +28581,28582,28582,sumetay,it is wet it is damp,train +28582,28583,28583,hay itira kita i riyal,our favorite waterfront,train +28583,28584,28584,cay tu pakaenuc ci mama isu saka parahemeden ku hemay a micacak,the rice needs to be cooked softer because your dad cannot swallow it,train +28584,28585,28585,tuna u kakridan nu kiwkay cingra u matayal nu Kawas Saka u awaay ku taturuen a raraw a tamdaw u caay pisatakaraw u caay karakter u caay ka hali^pah u caay ka tumay u caay ka anuf tu paysu,since an overseer is entrusted with Gods work he must be blameless not overbearing not quick tempered not given to drunkenness not violent not pursuing dishonest gain,train +28585,28586,28586,Mipaurip kita tu serangawan nu mita,we need to revitalize our culture,train +28586,28587,28587,itiya i tangsul sa a matfad nai mata ni Sawlu ku matiyaay u cikaf Saka pakaarawtu cingra luwad satu cingra ta milayap tu pipainu,Immediately something like scales fell from Sauls eyes and he could see again he got up and was baptized,train +28587,28588,28588,caay ku patangic nu maku,I am not trying to force you,train +28588,28589,28589,caay picumud kaku i laenu,I did not go down the pit,train +28589,28590,28590,hay cikesem,Yes it is sad,test +28590,28591,28591,caay kita pisawad,let us not lose the tradition,train +28591,28592,28592,misimaw kaku tu lalima ku safa aku,I take care of my five younger siblings,train +28592,28593,28593,sa micumudtu,the sea is coming in,train +28593,28594,28594,o paliding niyam a tayra i Takau kinian,this is the car we took to Kaohsiung,train +28594,28595,28595,i lavii mahakulung kami a tayra i patiyamay a malavi,in the evening we went to the city to have dinner together,train +28595,28596,28596,kaayaw,ahead,train +28596,28597,28597,hay haw faki ngay,Yes yes yes Sage,train +28597,28598,28598,mapacefcef,endorse something,train +28598,28599,28599,a tayira i kalimucu,toward the corner,train +28599,28600,28600,misimaw tu wawa ningra,and taking care of their toddler,test +28600,28601,28601,hatira ku pitapal nu ina nu niyaru,the women of the tribe make a solemn appeal,train +28601,28602,28602,laʼenu nu latusa haw pakalungay tu kira,these two classes are now the young,train +28602,28603,28603,ka u mahaenay ku fafahi nangra a u ngaayay ku pinangan u caay pilikaf u minaunay tu tireng atu sulinay ku dmak i masamaamaanay a tayal,in the same way their wives are to be women worthy of respect not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything,train +28603,28604,28604,taw^iw,soy sauce,train +28604,28605,28605,Marang sisaung haw kisu,Marang do you have an umbrella,train +28605,28606,28606,saka nawhan anu itira i aperay a maru sa ku matuʼasay itiyahu,because the old man said it is dangerous to live in a low lying area,train +28606,28607,28607,tuem,cloud,train +28607,28608,28608,kalicen,take,train +28608,28609,28609,u tatudungen nira kura cipuʼutay hananay,that is what they are trying to learn,train +28609,28610,28610,miciyan,stir fry,test +28610,28611,28611,Micurah i namal a nga tu cukur,canes are shaped in fire,train +28611,28612,28612,Pasifana haca ci Yis i lawac nu Kalili a fanaw tuna tihlum sa ku alumanay a finawlan i taliyuk ningra Saka midakaw ci Yis tu tamina a maru itira ira i fanaw ku tamina tumireng ku finawlan a ma^min i lawac nu fanaw,again Jesus began to teach by the lake the crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake while all the people were along the shore at the waters edge,train +28612,28613,28613,tala,et a,train +28613,28614,28614,namikayakay,I have climbed before,train +28614,28615,28615,lawa,omissions,train +28615,28616,28616,kaying nu kafuuy sa takuwan ri,tell them I am miss Kraftwerk,train +28616,28617,28617,kalasapad,as a table,train +28617,28618,28618,pipawsa tu ci mamaan,send a meal to your father,train +28618,28619,28619,icucul hatiraay a ngangan nu niyaru sa kisu,where do you think a tribe with a name like that is,train +28619,28620,28620,ngaʼayay tu tahanini ku maku a mahemek,I treat my brothers with optimism,test +28620,28621,28621,duit,late,train +28621,28622,28622,pakayni tinii i lutungay,over year and under years of age,train +28622,28623,28623,adihay tu ku miceleman nu misu haw,high diving catch,train +28623,28624,28624,u pakayniay tunu caciyaw nu mita nu Amis,take our Amis,train +28624,28625,28625,nu katayalan misamukungay misiyakiay tu maamaan u han kaku ititra u kantuk sa mahaenay ku tayal nu maku itiya,this includes overseeing carpentry tile et similar to what engineers do today,train +28625,28626,28626,i suwal nu Pangcah,learning the Amis language,train +28626,28627,28627,itiraay i paisingan a matayal cingra,she works in a hospital,train +28627,28628,28628,tiya,That,train +28628,28629,28629,mitamaku,smoking,train +28629,28630,28630,ira tu ku tingwa nu safa tu fainayan suwal sa safana sanay ku suwal nu sufitay cuwa kangaay a pahanhan sa liyaw nu paaliwacan nga ngaayay pahanhan a minukay,the younger brother called back and said that the army suddenly could not take a vacation and would not be back until the next Sunday,test +28630,28631,28631,anu matini ku rumiad a faedet i u acis tu nu hana ita,if our weather is so sweltering our flowers must wilt,train +28631,28632,28632,mitirsquueciway,leader,train +28632,28633,28633,miisalay,free,train +28633,28634,28634,matelii kaku tu pipacekuk nira,I am very angry with him for scaring me,train +28634,28635,28635,hatini sanay hatini sanay tu,that is it that is the way it is going to be,train +28635,28636,28636,lima tu ku mihecaan nira anini,he is five years old,train +28636,28637,28637,miala tu uwad miala tu sanpilaw,seizing sea shellfish from Kau hole,train +28637,28638,28638,tadamakalim,to hope for,train +28638,28639,28639,i cuwacuwa a niyaru,in any tribe,train +28639,28640,28640,sulsul han kula ruma anu sausihan capaka tusa pulu kula takula,we caught less than frogs on a string,test +28640,28641,28641,Pacuerungen i lutuk ku kasuy anu ruma satu a mipaliding kita,please store the bundles of firewood upside down on the hill for the next time we come with the oxcart,train +28641,28642,28642,misiʼayaw tu uner kangic i,when facing a snake or a dragon,train +28642,28643,28643,paringad,pineapple,train +28643,28644,28644,Ngusngus han ni Kacaw ku kenaw,Kacaw eats the green onion whole,train +28644,28645,28645,o misakukuay ku luma niyam,our family raises chickens,train +28645,28646,28646,mulaliway,wash away,train +28646,28647,28647,tu,say,train +28647,28648,28648,pasamu tu suwal,give the gist of the matter in words,train +28648,28649,28649,Itiyasatu tataang ku lunen Matlep ku ccay nu mu^tepay a niyaru mapatay ku pitu a patek a tamdaw tu nika lunen Saka tataang ku talaw nuya usaw a mauripay a tamdamdaw hmek sa cangra tu nika tadamaan nu Kawas i kakarayan,at that very hour there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven,train +28649,28650,28650,u nika saan salikecen nu mita ku demak,to keep the tribesmen united,test +28650,28651,28651,kamiyat nu minatu tura hakafanaʼan tu,the pier in the distance the flicker is still there,train +28651,28652,28652,lalima ku matayalay nu luma niyam,we have workers in our family,train +28652,28653,28653,samanan ningra a tayra i futud,how did he get to Orchid Island,train +28653,28654,28654,Nanuya tahira ci Yis i Kapirnaum i ira a miraud i cingraan ku kakridan nu sufitay nu luma a mingitangit suwal sa,when Jesus had entered Capernaum a centurion came to him asking for help,train +28654,28655,28655, Kawra pakayni i sapadama nu Fangcalay saucur ngaˈayay rihadayen kanguduen ita a mitenak tu ngaˈayay lihaf anu mihaen kisu u mituuray tu sapalimuˈut ni Yis,However with the help of Gods Holy Spirit we can preach the good news to people in a gentle and respectful manner and in doing so we are doing what Jesus told us to do,train +28655,28656,28656,halhal,to welcome a guest,train +28656,28657,28657,pasayra,go,train +28657,28658,28658,sa unian sakacecay a sasuwal nu maku,that is the first point I want to make,train +28658,28659,28659,Nikamenek nira ngaay tu pirawraw nira kitaanan,it is better for him to be quiet than to make a fuss over us,train +28659,28660,28660,ninanaman,Learning Habit,test +28660,28661,28661,tiya mihiya tu waʼay,apply hot compresses to the feet,train +28661,28662,28662,patikuay tayni i hananay,I am moving to Foley,train +28662,28663,28663,tu niniyan haw i awaay tu ku ranan,they did not have to worry or fret,train +28663,28664,28664,sakapina nu mitiliday anini,what day of the week is it,train +28664,28665,28665,nu matuʼasay itiya hu saan,it is what grandparents and grandmothers used to do in those days,train +28665,28666,28666,safaw lima^,fifteen,train +28666,28667,28667,tu mihicay,there is also the job of catching fish fry,train +28667,28668,28668,ci wawa tu kaku,and then they had children,train +28668,28669,28669,cinang kutufuki Tuyuda Kiku hidafayasi hiyahuyan,Doulan Dongchang Nanhua Chinan Shoufeng Fengtian Xikou,train +28669,28670,28670,tu kapah aca talalutuk sahetu u siraw ku,and young people do not forget to bring salted meat when they go to the mountains,test +28670,28671,28671,u heni ku mihiyaʼay sacacacacay han nu heni a mihiya tu kakaenen nu vinawlan,Then one by one the assembly will distribute sticky rice and mocha to everyone,train +28671,28672,28672,o papauripen aku kisu a paliyas nai pikariang nu finawlan isu atu pikariang nu ruma a finacadan o a ucuren aku kisu a patayra i cangraan,I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles I am sending you to them,train +28672,28673,28673,tunu,with respect to,train +28673,28674,28674, anu malitemuh isu ku cecay Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa anca cuwa piduku tu Kawas a tamdaw u maanan ku kasasirumaan hani,B what is the difference between meeting a Jehovahs witness for the first time and meeting someone who does not worship God,train +28674,28675,28675,u ruma a tamdaw a kantan yu saan,others say it is simple,train +28675,28676,28676,anu marevahuy,if it goes off,train +28676,28677,28677,malusimet,get ready,train +28677,28678,28678,ya wawa nu mita anini,our children now,train +28678,28679,28679,ci Sawtuy ku ngangan ningra,his name is Sawtoy,train +28679,28680,28680,tira kami i cecay miheca kira pisalingka niyam itira Cungli,we have been making bricks at Chungli for a year,test +28680,28681,28681,Sausienma anu simasidayay,count it is there any less,train +28681,28682,28682,i piseking hantui mavana ku wawa,for children ethnic language Proficiency certification test,train +28682,28683,28683,dadimaw,shake it to make it go to sleep,train +28683,28684,28684,Mapuhed ku dafung namu makaen nu aayad ku riku namu,your wealth has rotted and moths have eaten your clothes,train +28684,28685,28685,fayian,aunties house,train +28685,28686,28686,cacay cira kiyami,she is the only one,train +28686,28687,28687,niningkukay itiya hu ku niningkukay hiwawa,two year ocean going was very popular at that time,train +28687,28688,28688,uya tatuluay a wawa nu misu itiya hu,you had three kids at the time,train +28688,28689,28689,Nikawrira tumireng i raay kuya milisataay a tamdaw Mangudu cingra a pasikakarayan Pekpek sa cingra tu faluhang ningra a sumuwal Kawasaw kasiniadaen kaku u ciraraway a tamdaw saan,But the tax collector stood at a distance he would not even look up to heaven but beat his breast and said God have mercy on me a sinner,train +28689,28690,28690,mililamay tura can palilam nu sifu,you have to register so you can qualify for a ration,test +28690,28691,28691,fucud,love child,train +28691,28692,28692,pidadakawan,travel by,train +28692,28693,28693,ra unini yu ruma kakawas nu sawali,do you think there is a different religion in the East,train +28693,28694,28694,o naripaan nu Tumay kinian,these are bear tracks,train +28694,28695,28695,tira satu aluman tu kura palumaʼay itira,at that time more and more people were building houses here,train +28695,28696,28696,tifek han miming tu kira maʼicang,it is small it is dry,train +28696,28697,28697,alic cirep,sparrow,train +28697,28698,28698,misatapang tu a minanam malacafay a minengneng tu Cudad kaku atu kaput aku,during class I and my classmates read the textbook together,train +28698,28699,28699,lakayakayaten ku kamay,we have to be united,train +28699,28700,28700,hepul,forgive,test +28700,28701,28701,uruma satuunian a kamay,But Besides use this hand,train +28701,28702,28702,icuwa ku ikaka ini tadatalipay,which one has priority,train +28702,28703,28703,matevaday cira namakayra i vadahung namisanga tu vadahung saan,he fell off the roof while repairing it,train +28703,28704,28704,suʼelinay talafekangen nira maemin kura tekes,that is why they are putting all the Yabusame up and standing them up,train +28704,28705,28705,demi,kitchen,train +28705,28706,28706,maulah ku aniniay a kaying tu ngiriw sanay a tireng,Nowadays ladies like to have a slim figure,train +28706,28707,28707,u tatukem han adihay ku suwal,it is called dragonflower there are many ways to call it that,train +28707,28708,28708,hatira ku paini nu maku,that is what I am saying,train +28708,28709,28709,tu kapahkapah ita hiwawa,our young people,train +28709,28710,28710,haliepahay kira kuna malitengay a maharekay tu,after you cover the house you drink to celebrate the completion,test +28710,28711,28711,anu ngaʼay tu ku mipasuwalan aku i maulah takuwanan sa,as long as the person I am with is nice to me and likes me that is all that matters,train +28711,28712,28712,hatiraay tayra kaku i pusung i,when I arrived in Taitung,train +28712,28713,28713,sasuritan,notebook,train +28713,28714,28714,itiya,at that time it was a four letter word,train +28714,28715,28715,kisu ku micawiay tu lungec nu matuasay i kasaupuan nu niyaru,you are the one who is responsible for responding to the demands of the elders at tribal council,train +28715,28716,28716,nanipicudadan,schools,train +28716,28717,28717,anu tinitu maan pataaw,prepare the ceremonial contributions,train +28717,28718,28718,malasapaiyu,Proprietary medicines,train +28718,28719,28719,tayra kaku itiya a mi pakaala tura ekim ciʼekimay,and I got the shiny card I would always dreamed of,train +28719,28720,28720,alesu kaenen atu tatukem,it is even better with okra,test +28720,28721,28721,tu patatudung han hatinien aca,mom told me to use it it is just right,train +28721,28722,28722,anu tapangan nu luma mietan kura mama,if the father is the main breadwinner of the family,train +28722,28723,28723,hanaku kura wina aku nipacaʼuf da tiya suwal nira da i,this is how I answered my mothers question,train +28723,28724,28724,Mararimaay tu ku kaput aku a matayal tu rumiamiad,my workmates are tired of working every day,train +28724,28725,28725,angreray,special pain,train +28725,28726,28726,mafanaʼay tu kura singciw nu niyam,our captain understands,train +28726,28727,28727,mitangtang hu ci ama i mihulul kaku tu lafang i tatihi angang han aku i tatihi u mipalumaan niyam ku dateng awaay ku sapaiyu kalamkamen a tayni miaca yu,while my grandmother was cooking I was on the side attracting customers I shouted the vegetables are self grown,train +28727,28728,28728,Orasaka u paculiay tu mikuwanay a tamdaw i u paculiay tu limuut nu Kawas o sakasawkit ningra ku matiniay a dmak ningra,Consequently he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves,train +28728,28729,28729,itini wa satu u tutang malinah kami tayni sahetu u tutang awaay ku nu eliʼay,when we moved here it was all tin roofs no thatch,train +28729,28730,28730,ira ku sasasuwalen nu maku i tisuwan,I have something to tell you,test +28730,28731,28731,mipayfang tu salikaka mikilim tu salikaka,looking for visiting parishioners,train +28731,28732,28732,O mamaaraw namu ku nika tumireng nuya Kakausian a mihadefekay itira i caay ku katumirengan nira itiya i pilaliw kamu u i Yutaya a tamdamdaw a talalutuk,When you see the abomination that causes desolation standing where it does not belong let the reader understand then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains,train +28732,28733,28733,mangaʼay nu maku pakafana tu na,I am an aboriginal,train +28733,28734,28734,matuecu,like an elephant,train +28734,28735,28735,anu caay han katainiyan nu Ripun adihay hen ku kungku haw,before the Japanese came there were a lot of stories were not there,train +28735,28736,28736,samanen kakumaen kina nanum tunian kahengangay kina nanum san kami,how should I drink it it is red water,train +28736,28737,28737,o setek niyam a malekaka tira mifalatay a aul i lalan,we brothers then cut the bamboo across the road,train +28737,28738,28738,misamaanay hanu kaliki a sawaden nu Israil tamdaw ku sapaturud nu Kawas a demak hani,if so how is it that the Jews were so quick to put aside the work entrusted to them by God,train +28738,28739,28739,nica kasaan a malaluk tu,got to find something to do,train +28739,28740,28740,matuʼas tu i misanka saan,participate in activities when you are old,test +28740,28741,28741,ta tudung a mitaheka,Ah let us eat together,train +28741,28742,28742,matira u sapaliˈayaw nu Fangcalay Cudad ci Yihufa naitiniay i kasakitakit kasangasaw kasafinacadan palisupsup tu ˈalumanay a tamdaw u masasi rumarumaay ku suwal nangra mala u ciˈicelay a kitakit mataˈlifaytu ku 800 a ˈufad ku kaˈaluman nangra,as the Bible foretells the Lord has called together a great multitude from all the nations tribes peoples and languages who have formed a strong nation already numbering more than eight million,train +28742,28743,28743,hining sa kaku tu malikudaay i,watching people dancing at the Bounty Festival by chance,train +28743,28744,28744,mitiya u maanay kiya,I do not know what it looks like,train +28744,28745,28745,pitu^,seven,train +28745,28746,28746,milecad,along with,train +28746,28747,28747,anu cima ku midu^duay tu nafalucuan nu wama aku i kakarayan i urira ku salikaka aku atu ina Aku han ningra,for whoever does the will of my father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother,train +28747,28748,28748,a adahay tu kira mifariwan aku i minukay kaku tayni i wali,the old man thought I have cut it wide enough I will come back east,train +28748,28749,28749,Mafcul cangra a ma^min a kumaen Saupu han nangra ku kinapcih a usaw a ^pang i matumes ku tusa ku safaw a fakar,they all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over,train +28749,28750,28750,matiya u lemed matengilay kiya ngiha nira saan,it sounds like you are in a dream that way,test +28750,28751,28751,ya sahicay i tiyahu,However in the past the fish fry catching tools,train +28751,28752,28752,masarumuday waw,I am very surprised,train +28752,28753,28753,masamaan ku harateng nu wina atu wama isu,what do your parents think,train +28753,28754,28754,caay ka hecad,they are not all the same,train +28754,28755,28755,citatekuhay,there are tiger bees,train +28755,28756,28756,o marimuuday a fukeluh ku han nu maku a micakay,I will take the whole stone,train +28756,28757,28757,itira i lalalalanan,on the side of the road,train +28757,28758,28758,Miadecaway kina kusi i lutuk nu kalinku,this was collected in the mountains of Hualien,train +28758,28759,28759,mipacumuday,feeder,train +28759,28760,28760,ci nganganay cangra tura kaput,there are class names,test +28760,28761,28761,sapipalal,reminders,train +28761,28762,28762,hatira ku niyaru nu Cikasuʼan itiya hu tangasan niri mahaen tu ku padang,this is what happened to the early seven foot river until now,train +28762,28763,28763,o sakangaay nu tireng aku,it will make me well,train +28763,28764,28764,mikayakay a miafinung kira lutung,the monkey climbed the coconut tree to collect coconuts,train +28764,28765,28765,apelahay,grey,train +28765,28766,28766,ira ci kaka nu maku nika u kaka aku tahidangan nira,what if I have a brother,train +28766,28767,28767,ila pasinsi tu ku fanaʼay tu tilid tayni,you can also apply at the Documentation Office,train +28767,28768,28768,makefing,leprosy,train +28768,28769,28769,onini tusa lalakaw papadama kitanan a misalimela tu Fangcalay Cudad Halu mangalef ku kaulah tuya papitiliday a Kawas ci Yihufa,these two texts will make us value the Bible and love its author Jehovah even more,train +28769,28770,28770,a caay kaawaay ku tatapangan a tuas nu niyaru,the tribes main ancestral Spirit cannot be missing,test +28770,28771,28771,ya matuʼasay haw,the old man,train +28771,28772,28772,o maan ku kakaenen isu a sakalahuk,what would you like for lunch,train +28772,28773,28773,ku malahitay i Taynan,military life in Tainan,train +28773,28774,28774,unian aca ku pinukay nu maku,so I am back with the biggest factor,train +28774,28775,28775,marauday,close,train +28775,28776,28776,palatamdaw tu tamdaw anu kapah tu haenen nangra kira,I want people to grow up and that is what I would do if I were a young man,train +28776,28777,28777,mihaen haw tulu a pulu ku mata,this is a hole weave,train +28777,28778,28778,misafununay,a farmer,train +28778,28779,28779,ca tu kahapingan ku tudung nu niyaru tu nani cuway ku liteng nu mira,it is not clear where their predecessor clans came from,train +28779,28780,28780,ira ku mahaenay nu fukiʼl sanay,there is the kind that does not,test +28780,28781,28781,u fuduy san i,apparel,train +28781,28782,28782,nasani wa nu Taywan,the one I just saw was Minnan,train +28782,28783,28783,miaca tu daten,start purchasing meals,train +28783,28784,28784,o mamalakakeridananay a tamdaw i u mafanaay a mikimad sahaca tadamaan ku fana tu demak nu niyaru anu sakitini tu i lisin i pitaung tu tuas masamatira ku demak,tribal leaders are usually eloquent and eloquent and are familiar with the social economic and religious affairs of their tribes,train +28784,28785,28785,kakumaenan,restaurant,train +28785,28786,28786,ci apa,fools,train +28786,28787,28787,tahidangen tu niyam ku salawinawina atu widawidang malacafay a kumaen tuna sakadufah sanay a sakalafi,we invited friends and family to have a great dinner together,train +28787,28788,28788,Mifisun ci ina tu fafisunan,mom rocked the cradle,train +28788,28789,28789,o ranan kura,it is that one,train +28789,28790,28790,maulah kaku a mitengil tu kungku,I love stories,test +28790,28791,28791,kafaedetan,hot,train +28791,28792,28792,Mapecec nu paliding ku pusi,the vehicle smashed the cat,train +28792,28793,28793,mifalicay tu takar nu kafutian,I am in housekeeping,train +28793,28794,28794,ka timuluen mitusil,continue to preach boldly to people,train +28794,28795,28795,u raan sa misangaan,International cooperation,train +28795,28796,28796,masafakelalay awul mahaen ku pifuting niya mama,like a bed of bamboo poles it was my fathers special way of catching fish,train +28796,28797,28797,Iraay pina ku aacaen nu misu,Yes how many do you want to buy,train +28797,28798,28798,hacuwa,When,train +28798,28799,28799,awas,surmount,train +28799,28800,28800,cacupi,worms,test +28800,28801,28801,o limuut ni Musi i tamuwanan Kanguduen ku mama atu ina isu u rumasatu O milukesay tu mama atu ina a tamdaw i u papatayen saan,for Moses said Honor your father and your mother and Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death,train +28801,28802,28802,palumaʼan tu kiya itiraway samatira sasaka,cover the house the rest of the house is a different story,train +28802,28803,28803,ira kura maʼanufay itiya hu,it is because of greed,train +28803,28804,28804,Saka suduc sa tu funus ku ccay nu mikaputay ci Yisan a tamdaw a micuay tu kuli nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung a mikrit tu tatihi a tangila ningra,with that one of Jesus companions reached for his sword drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest cutting off his ear,train +28804,28805,28805,mahalafing kira saka papitu,I have been in office for a long time so I am in seventh place,train +28805,28806,28806,manan,alternate,train +28806,28807,28807,na tayra tu kisu minengneng,did you go and take a look,train +28807,28808,28808,a masidayay yaku a tamdaw,just people who are lost who are missing,train +28808,28809,28809,nawhani maala aku ku seking tu minciw nu kinciku ta mala kantuk kaku nu han nu Hulam,it was because at that time I had obtained a license to supervise the construction works at the site,train +28809,28810,28810,malatamdaway,change into an adult,test +28810,28811,28811,kula ngan nu sufitay,the army has now turned it into a barracks,train +28811,28812,28812,nu Recurd,it is all in that coarse salt,train +28812,28813,28813,atu uruma a sasuwalen nu maku,let us move on to the next one,train +28813,28814,28814,radiw sa wata ku u malipah malipahakay falucu,singing really makes you feel good and happy,train +28814,28815,28815,alateklatek,possible,train +28815,28816,28816,padangen,assistance,train +28816,28817,28817,misaciciway,a person who raises piglets,train +28817,28818,28818,lumaluma,every family,train +28818,28819,28819,Saka suwal satu ci Pitiru a misahci tu kadadu^du nu dmak ningra,Peter began and explained everything to them precisely as it had happened,train +28819,28820,28820,hatini hananay a mikerac sa,that is how it is done,test +28820,28821,28821,kamukuay,short,train +28821,28822,28822,u cuwa ku Amis ku tadalengaw namu Pangcah,when the Amis were born they were not called Amis they were called Buncha,train +28822,28823,28823,sakadat,comb,train +28823,28824,28824,hay awa ku masamaanay sanay hatiraay kuriraan,this is the purpose of the blessing,train +28824,28825,28825,Aciya,Whoa whoa whoa whoa,train +28825,28826,28826,caay katesek kita tu nu Taywan a mitengil,I cannot understand everything in Taiwanese,train +28826,28827,28827,nu kilang a paruk,a tree Bombox helaphylla will,train +28827,28828,28828,ku aru a Cikasuwan,Southside history,train +28828,28829,28829,pahemek,wish somebody well,train +28829,28830,28830,o safalud nu sinael samanay padama takuwanan anu kalacafay tu kafahalan a tamdaw itini i wangcan a misalama wa ngaˈay han,how can the principles of Scripture help me decide if I want to play online with strangers,test +28830,28831,28831,onini i u sakalahciaw nu nipaliayawan ni Isaya a suwal tuya Tapangaw cima ku pasulinay tu nipatnakan niyam saw I cimaanan ku nipipatiri nu Tapang tu icel Ningra saan,this was to fulfill the word of Isaiah the prophet Lord who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed,train +28831,28832,28832,ta tu kacuwacu caay tu ka rawraw ku harateng,Then the heart will no longer waver and fret,train +28832,28833,28833,ta saan ku harateng aku,I was thinking about it,train +28833,28834,28834,cayka fana kaku,I did not know that,train +28834,28835,28835,Ngaayhu han a paratuh kuya i lumaay nangra a kiwkay Ngaayhu han a paratuh ku kaulahan aku a tamdaw ci Ipanitus o saayaway nu i Aciyaay a tamdaw a mipasulinay i ci Kristuan cingra,greet also the church that meets at their house greet my dear friend Epenetus who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia,train +28835,28836,28836,kavanaan,realize,train +28836,28837,28837,pasa,go,train +28837,28838,28838,Saka luwad satu kuya tatusa a nisawawaan a tayra i niyaru Madu^du kuya suwal ni Yis Saka patala satu cangra itira tu tahka tu saki Pitalifan a Lisin,the disciples left went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them so they prepared the Passover,train +28838,28839,28839,materekay i kimad,all walk the path of truth,train +28839,28840,28840,palamlamen tu maan kiya,what is in the mix,test +28840,28841,28841,u ngaayay a falucu isu,your conscience,train +28841,28842,28842,damidam,chili pepper,train +28842,28843,28843,o misacekemay ku nunul nu maku i matini,I have a tingling sensation in my knee now,train +28843,28844,28844,caay paʼapulen,no need to add lime,train +28844,28845,28845,cidal aca i awaay maʼaraw ku cidal,the sun I cannot see the sun,train +28845,28846,28846,anu tataʼakay ku mata,if it is a big hole in the hoop,train +28846,28847,28847,o paacefelay kira misalinkaay i fiyaw ita,the brick factory in our neighborhood does emit smoke,train +28847,28848,28848,Singsi u maan ku nanengnengen nu mita i lutuk,Teacher what are we going to see in the mountains,train +28848,28849,28849,ta maʼupuh cingra a micadiway cadiwayen nira i,so I started fishing with a treble net,train +28849,28850,28850,cima ku kahemaway namu tatusa,which one of you is lighter,test +28850,28851,28851,Suwalsa ku matuasay Anu masuni ku tatakula a kapah ku remiad anu masuni ku akak a masumad ku remiad,the old man used to say The frogs are singing and the sky is clear but the crows are crowing and the sky is changing,train +28851,28852,28852,na maru tini i ira ku piucilan nu falucu nu tamdaw,I have always felt the need to have a place to stay here,train +28852,28853,28853,u tefu ira i anu pudacen ita,if we peel off the bamboo shoots,train +28853,28854,28854,Orasaka pakaynien ita i ci Yisan ku nika rarid ita a pahmek tu Kawas tu tudung nu sapatuaya ita o sapatuaya nu patalahkalay tu nika fana ita cingraan a nguyus ita kunini,through Jesus therefore let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise the fruit of lips that confess his name,train +28854,28855,28855,caka piasik kisu,why do not you clean up,train +28855,28856,28856,o nu aniniay tu a suwal kuranan,this is a modern day saying,train +28856,28857,28857,dengan paharaan cecay ku maalaay tayra i alu,go to river Creek if you are only bringing fish,train +28857,28858,28858,yan tu i alaan tu ira kaku,then they took me to the mans house,train +28858,28859,28859,malitemuhtemuh tu kami ci,where did you meet Liao Guodong,train +28859,28860,28860,ruma enem suʼut anca falu suʼut itiya hu,at that time sometimes it was or,test +28860,28861,28861,Pacarekahen ku karumakatan nu matuasay ta caay katilu,the walkway for the elderly should be rougher so that they will not fall down,train +28861,28862,28862,ini na ini na tukus ira ira ku kuhetingay ra itini,this is it the black part of the ridge,train +28862,28863,28863,mipamatang a misadadahal tu umah ku akung i tiya hu,a long time ago Grandpa opened up the land for expansion,train +28863,28864,28864,Malutung kina wawa nira,his children have the temperament of monkeys,train +28864,28865,28865,micaedung,put on,train +28865,28866,28866,kaci ka cidal tu,Just say to the sky Let the sun come out,train +28866,28867,28867,ngaʼay hu salikaka,Hello everyone,train +28867,28868,28868,anu ccay aca ku caang i caay ku sulinay a tatirengan cingra,if they were all one part where would the body be,train +28868,28869,28869,iraay ku mafanaʼay misulek sanay tu luma,there are people who are very good at building inlays,train +28869,28870,28870,Maledat,spoiled,test +28870,28871,28871,sacisuwal sa ku matuʼasay,what did the old man say,train +28871,28872,28872,nafi^,soup pots,train +28872,28873,28873,o niatepan tu fulu ku dayna nu luma np Pangcah i tiya hu,the ceilings of traditional Amis houses are made of hammered arrow bamboo,train +28873,28874,28874,kami tira kami cyawkukwan,we are at Siu Ku Kwan,train +28874,28875,28875,aayaway,ahead,train +28875,28876,28876,upuen aku ku wawa,I will gather the children,train +28876,28877,28877,mi kami,we go to Sunday school,train +28877,28878,28878,matiya u lipahakay a kungku u kararuman aca kaulahan amin nu maku,whether it is a happy story or a sad one I love it,train +28878,28879,28879,Marefay ku tuwasu,the rope is slack,train +28879,28880,28880,Rata,Rada,test +28880,28881,28881,mahaen san i caay katuur nu mita,we cannot catch up with them,train +28881,28882,28882,papataen,with whipped cream,train +28882,28883,28883,anini satuway,now the kids,train +28883,28884,28884,papisadak,go out,train +28884,28885,28885,pafelien,hand over,train +28885,28886,28886,ucil,to accompany,train +28886,28887,28887,kapah haw kisu ci Avas kaku i luma haw ci Aniw,Hello this is Avas is Aniw at home,train +28887,28888,28888,waw satu taran tu,Wow I am going to run,train +28888,28889,28889,maherek cira panginguy i,after you give him a bath,train +28889,28890,28890,ada,enemies,test +28890,28891,28891,tangasa tini i patireng tu kiwkay itira kaʼayaway niyaru,by and at the previous tribal capitol,train +28891,28892,28892,suwal sa ci Yis Aya kamu u maapaay u mauratay ku falucu a tamdaw caay pasulin kamu tu pulung nu suwal nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas,he said to them How foolish you are and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken,train +28892,28893,28893,vangecal ku mata nu wina,mom has beautiful eyes,train +28893,28894,28894,Tulik han aku,I will make it up,train +28894,28895,28895,Mapahrektu ku saka ccay a nika cilafu Irahu i ikur nunini ku tusa a sapalafu,the first Woe is past two other woes are yet to come,train +28895,28896,28896,anu caciyaw camira i,once they speak,train +28896,28897,28897,raecus a misavel tu dateng,you cannot cook,train +28897,28898,28898,i ayaw hu mi kang iay hu ku tirengkira,when I was young I was a pro democracy activist,train +28898,28899,28899,sanay ku matiniay,here is the deal,train +28899,28900,28900,tuda,eel,test +28900,28901,28901,tayra ku heni i hekal,go to the river and get in the water,train +28901,28902,28902,o kaulahan nu Amis,it is an Amish favorite,train +28902,28903,28903,Kaku wina atu safa ci Kerikuri itiniay ngata nu Tuluan a mitusil wa misinanut kami,I preached with my mother and brother Grigore in a village near Tulum but we had to be careful and alert,train +28903,28904,28904,i niyaru hu nu mita haenen ita,what the former tribe does you learn from them,train +28904,28905,28905,hay anu matira ngaay tu ku suwal isu e matini,if you say so okay,train +28905,28906,28906,raecus a kemaen tu epah,no alcohol,train +28906,28907,28907,o kaaalaw tu impic ku lengad nu kacacengang naira,the fact that they grabbed each others pens was the because of the dispute,train +28907,28908,28908,Orasaka aka papikuwanen ku raraw tu mamapatay a tireng namu ta caay pidu^du kamu tu anuf nu tireng,therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires,train +28908,28909,28909,mafuti kiya kaka aku samisi palalen sa kaku,I am afraid to wake up my brother when he is sleeping,train +28909,28910,28910,liyawen aku a pahapinang a sumuwal ku mituuray tu krit a lisin a tamdaw a ma^min o cacitudung kamu a midu^du tu Rikec a ma^min,again I declare to every man who let us himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law,test +28910,28911,28911,o pahapinag tunini a demak haw i awaay tu ku fainay nangra matiya u nikakedal nu rumiad ku nikaicang nu tatirengan nangra,the meaning is because the absence of a husband is like the absence of water in a drought,train +28911,28912,28912,hatapesfitayfasulan,grain sifters,train +28912,28913,28913,ira kiya funguh nu latung kiyami,if it had a monkeys head would not it,train +28913,28914,28914,o mahaenay,so that is how it is,train +28914,28915,28915,awaay pakafanaʼay hay,no one to guide you No,train +28915,28916,28916,palingsiwen aku kisu tu tayal nu luma,he said I will let you practice,train +28916,28917,28917,miraud tu ci hiyacangra fakici tu pipatian tu nanum,and each with his own rice wine,train +28917,28918,28918,lulud han tu ku misu tu sikal nu safa haw,you have to roll up your sisters mat,train +28918,28919,28919,u papalitay kaku itisuwan,that is what I am asking you,train +28919,28920,28920,miliyaw kaku a pasuwal i tamuwanan i pisawkitan a rumiad i u nu Sutum a nika tfuc ku kahmaway tu nu namu a nika tfuc han ni Yis,but I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you,test +28920,28921,28921,anu pakaynien nu mita,if we start with,train +28921,28922,28922,dadahalay,width,train +28922,28923,28923,o Nikar nira matuasay a talaumah a mikaraheker tu nakangtuan,the old man went out to the fields at dawn to pick up his unfinished business,train +28923,28924,28924,anu cima ku masamaanay nika lahedaw tu maan tiyan haw i,if a man loses his family,train +28924,28925,28925,sawinaay a luma,the mother of the family greatest master,train +28925,28926,28926,fafukud riri,grasshopper,train +28926,28927,28927,u haratengay sanay hani,with the host family themselves,train +28927,28928,28928,nipatikamian,the object of the letter,train +28928,28929,28929,misaʼicel,it is very powerful,train +28929,28930,28930,pakataminaay tayra i Pukutu kaku,I go to Penghu by boat,test +28930,28931,28931,tahira i luma mifaca mimaaman,when I get home from work I have to do the housework and laundry,train +28931,28932,28932,tahidangen nu kungkuan ku faki nu niyaru mipatera tamiyanan,the school asked the elders to organize a Bar Mitzvah for us,train +28932,28933,28933,itiya tu sanay safaw siwa ku mihecaʼan aku,I was years old,train +28933,28934,28934,parengreng pakasaw,special training,train +28934,28935,28935,mahecad u futu u fakeluh i tatihi ningra ina,stones like grapes Auntie,train +28935,28936,28936,cacay a lalipayan i isin a taluma tu cira,she can go home after a week,train +28936,28937,28937,mipieked hananay,fold it up,train +28937,28938,28938,pikalat,nip,train +28938,28939,28939,yan tu kiya haw,Anyway after that,train +28939,28940,28940,ilaay ku pipahanhanan a taluan i lawac nu fanaw,there is a pavilion by the lake where you can rest,test +28940,28941,28941,o rumasatu Cima ku mama^pud i kaitiraan nu mapatayay aka ka saan a milicay,or Who will descend into the deep,train +28941,28942,28942,mahelek tu malahuk,after lunch,train +28942,28943,28943,mikadavu ci Vavuy Liyalan,marry a whale,train +28943,28944,28944,aluman hu ku salikakak caay hu kafana,there are still a lot of brothers and sisters who do not know this message,train +28944,28945,28945,adihayay ku tayal niyam,our work is very complicated,train +28945,28946,28946,pankiw saka tusa ri,two and a half bosses,train +28946,28947,28947,likat,gleam,train +28947,28948,28948,supeden niyam sapatiku niyam,you can save it to pay off your debts,train +28948,28949,28949,u nipalumaan,millet planted,train +28949,28950,28950,tatayni,coming,test +28950,28951,28951,Masasipakadang,exchange bracelet,train +28951,28952,28952,dihif,cave,train +28952,28953,28953,i kakarayan ku tadakitakit nu Kawas,the true kingdom of God is in heaven,train +28953,28954,28954,kalasapacpac,as an instrument of whipping,train +28954,28955,28955,u sufuc nu maku i tafalung haw,I was born in Tai Pa Long,train +28955,28956,28956,u nimsim nu maku irapudaw matiya u iri yasi,I think that little fry is a fish,train +28956,28957,28957,aluman ku mapatayay tuya kakedalan,so many people died in that drought,train +28957,28958,28958,ira ku patayraay tu ka^mangay a wawa i ci Yisan mangalay cangra a papikapa ci Yisan tu wawa nangra a mitulun nikawrira kakteren nu nisawawaan cangra,then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them but the disciples rebuked those who brought them,train +28958,28959,28959,Talacuwa tusa aca a laliping ku aca nu lima a alic nikawrira caay ka tawal nu Kawas ku ccaccay aca nunini a alic,are not five sparrows sold for two pennies yet not one of them is forgotten by God,train +28959,28960,28960,sanay ku maku haw a misadak tu nu maku tu mifutingay,this is how I would describe my life as a fisherman,test +28960,28961,28961,marapuc ku lalavu nu luma,family unity,train +28961,28962,28962,tihi kita a paculi kira,we cannot talk back,train +28962,28963,28963,tiya,Then,train +28963,28964,28964,Kuyud han ni kaka ku tama nira,the brother carries his prey,train +28964,28965,28965,mama ina,Dad Mom,train +28965,28966,28966,Matngiltu namu ku nanu nisuwalan tu itiyaayhu a tamdaw tuya Aka piliyang tu miktunan namu a suwal O niktunan namu a falucu i kaayaw nu Tapang i lahcien a ma^min sanay,Again you have heard that it was said to the people long ago Do not break your oath but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord,train +28966,28967,28967,Pina^ ku mihcaan nu safa^ nu misu,how old is your sister,train +28967,28968,28968,a minanam tu layku tu misasangaay tu tangsu tulu miheca kaku itini Kalingku patiyamay,it took years to learn the art of decorating,train +28968,28969,28969,sasamaan ku hademak ita hu mafanaˈ ci Yihufa kitaanan hani,what are we going to do to make the Lord know us,train +28969,28970,28970,yasa ya wama i,as for my father it is his last name,test +28970,28971,28971,masulinga saw kiya singat ha ha ha ha,how can you wipe it clean ha ha ha ha ha,train +28971,28972,28972,nawhani u nira a lengaw kuranan kira,Why it is a chip implanted in his head,train +28972,28973,28973,caay hu kaku pisuringa itiya,I had not really started yet,train +28973,28974,28974,pacemet,take a nap,train +28974,28975,28975,i ya i mafulaw mafulaw tayra mafulaw aca tayni,I have been back and forth and ended up here,train +28975,28976,28976,hatiraay haw kura demak,that is the way it is,train +28976,28977,28977,ngaʼay ku pinangan nu mimaliay sanay,the team I coached was praised,train +28977,28978,28978,patayen namu ku Tapang nu urip Nikawrira paluwaden nu Kawas cingra a paurip nai patay o pawacayay tunini a dmak kami,you killed the author of life but God raised him from the dead we are Witnesses of this,train +28978,28979,28979,mitemi taw,stirring,train +28979,28980,28980,falawfawan,autumn,test +28980,28981,28981,Sedeng,stinging nettle,train +28981,28982,28982,ku paya aku mipaina,vote for me,train +28982,28983,28983,u misanga kita tu luma,we are building a house,train +28983,28984,28984,han nira kira matuʼasay,greetings to the elders,train +28984,28985,28985,Anu sakaciraraw isu ku ccay a kamay anu ^ca i u ccay a waay isu i ktunen a mifalah o nika putun nu ccay a kamay atu ccay a waay isu a micumud i midaucay a urip ku ngaay tu nika tusa nu kamay atu waay isu a mafahkul i midaucay a namal,if your hand or your foot causes you to sin cut it off and throw it away it is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire,train +28985,28986,28986,misa mafalic tu ku caciyaw nira haw,does its voice change when it speaks,train +28986,28987,28987,Matumay ku kakawaw ni Turay a kumaen tu epah,Toray has the temper of a bear when he is drunk,train +28987,28988,28988,ciepuc,valuable,train +28988,28989,28989,itini i lalan haw adihayay ku manan ku kidafes ira aca ku,on the way we will pass guava trees and lotus trees,train +28989,28990,28990,itini i cepu nu talataw,it is right at the mouth of the sea,test +28990,28991,28991,anu furafurayan tu i,if it is a flower girl,train +28991,28992,28992,Telelenhu ku fali,wait for the wind to stop,train +28992,28993,28993,malepel,catch,train +28993,28994,28994,itini miheca,in years,train +28994,28995,28995,Cikaketiay kina uway,this yellow vine has poisonous wasps,train +28995,28996,28996,Masakalaw ku fulad a matawa,the moon is smiling like an eyebrow,train +28996,28997,28997,aluman ku misaadaay nikawrira ira ku misawidangay mararid a makariang a mapulin nikawrira caay ka tahapatay,persecuted but not abandoned struck down but not destroyed,train +28997,28998,28998,ku niyan u vali,climate and wind condition,train +28998,28999,28999,Mangaay a mihakelung ku fafahiyan a miadup haw,Then can women go hunting together,train +28999,29000,29000,suʼelinay tu adet sanay kaenen,it really tastes delicious,test +29000,29001,29001,o malaudutay caira a malekaka i luma na ira i nacila,the sisters had a fight at their house yesterday,train +29001,29002,29002,wama atu ina aku,my dad and my mom,train +29002,29003,29003,tu facal tu mimaamaan sa i,the rest of the work is being done very seriously,train +29003,29004,29004,anu sienaw mausuy yu lemangaw,if the weather is still cold it will germinate later,train +29004,29005,29005,ciminatuay,harbor,train +29005,29006,29006,mikadafuay i Ancuh,entry into labor,train +29006,29007,29007,pakayni tuni a demakan mafana tu kaku tu pakayni i dateng nu Yencumin atu kalufana nu kakaenen matinaku haca ku ruray nu mipaliwalay,through this event I learned about indigenous plants and food and experienced the hard work of running a stall,train +29007,29008,29008,ha a u maan ku radiw aku sa,Oh my God what am I going to sing,train +29008,29009,29009,kapah kaenen kunian ina karipudut,Dandelion,train +29009,29010,29010,mauraday i kautal haw,is it raining outside,test +29010,29011,29011,itiraay ku pidakawan hanaay,it is where the ride is,train +29011,29012,29012,Licayay hu nimaanay kisu ya kapah hu,what do you do when you are young,train +29012,29013,29013,mamedac kiyami,it is a hungry ghost that is hungry for food,train +29013,29014,29014,iraay san kura Payrang i ngaʼayay ca iraay ku Pangcah,then the Chinese said it is good to have Amis,train +29014,29015,29015,o pianangan tu kinaira ku ariri^ u sakacaaw ka kaen nu edu^,barns were used to store crops to prevent mice from stealing them,train +29015,29016,29016,u saasik nu niyam itiya hu nu malitengay kuni kalasaasikan,this is the tool that the elders used to sweep the floor in the early days,train +29016,29017,29017,curacur,urge,train +29017,29018,29018,karalaput,groundnut leaves are very lush,train +29018,29019,29019,saka anini awaay tu ku matuʼasay mafanaʼay a mikungku,that is why there are no elders left to tell the story of the Maguadayan tribe,train +29019,29020,29020,itiya hu matuʼasay,in the old days our ancestors,test +29020,29021,29021,maruray kita maʼurip,life has its tribulations,train +29021,29022,29022,yu tahira cingra i alu,he got to the river,train +29022,29023,29023,micudad kaku i kwusyaw,I went to a national elementary school,train +29023,29024,29024,ci Kawas hananay,there are ghosts and gods,train +29024,29025,29025,maulah ku wama tu wawa ningra saka mapaturudtu ningra i wawa ku pulung nu dadmaken,the father loves the son and has placed everything in his hands,train +29025,29026,29026,mangalay tu pida harateng aku itiya hu,because what I care about most is how to be rich,train +29026,29027,29027,tayra tu kaku misulsul,I am going to string seedlings,train +29027,29028,29028,pisafunun,growing rice,train +29028,29029,29029,rumai mipaliwpaliw misasipaliw,sometimes help each other help each other with work,train +29029,29030,29030,namaka Natawran kami a makavatikar a tayira,we rode our bikes from Dhahran,test +29030,29031,29031,ngaʼayay a patiʼreng tu nini,it is a good day to start building,train +29031,29032,29032,Dadutus san kami a miulung tu pawti i umah,we carried sacks one after another in the field,train +29032,29033,29033,ngernger,vibrate,train +29033,29034,29034,fufu,grandmothers,train +29034,29035,29035,cikamilaay,organic,train +29035,29036,29036,suelinay maraud satu ku lafii ilatu ku wama aku minukay,by nightfall Papa was back with a full load,train +29036,29037,29037,hay,Oh yeah,train +29037,29038,29038,kiya mahaen saw,what is going on,train +29038,29039,29039,hay tarang han nira,for her to bake with,train +29039,29040,29040,adihay tu ku lifut nu maku aka tu ka kilimen kau,I am in enough trouble please do not call me again,test +29040,29041,29041,hayi kami tu niyam haw i,Yes about us,train +29041,29042,29042,iraay ku,have,train +29042,29043,29043,huwak nu riyar,Wigeon,train +29043,29044,29044,anu sikid sa kisu tala sa kisu,when the current touches you you go that way,train +29044,29045,29045,macaitay,Slinging,train +29045,29046,29046,hawan tayra i lutuk han tu,the men of Fanshawe go to the mountains,train +29046,29047,29047,lingad,departure,train +29047,29048,29048,nai Cingaluan tangasa i Cirakayan wata ku raay anu itini tu Cihafayan wata ku raay,or from the Fung Shun tribe to the Shan Hing tribe,train +29048,29049,29049,Tadu,then,train +29049,29050,29050,u mialaan nu Tawyienay,this is what Taoyuan wants,test +29050,29051,29051,piaray nu maku,I have gratitude,train +29051,29052,29052,atkak ku aca,expensive,train +29052,29053,29053,nu niyan u,this is,train +29053,29054,29054,kaku u matuʼasa mihining tu anini,now I see it,train +29054,29055,29055,tusa a tatukiyan kiyari i nanum masadaktu,we will be ashore in about two and a half hours,train +29055,29056,29056,15 kaemangay tamdaw sapirienangaw kisu tu kaput nu widang han,young man do you want to fit in with your friends,train +29056,29057,29057,sunuk han naku a mitakaw tayni i tini i Tayhuku,so he left the house without his parents noticing,train +29057,29058,29058,Takupen,get going,train +29058,29059,29059,awaay tu itini i falucu u suwal tu kuninian haw,not to mention that family is a source of love,train +29059,29060,29060,alaen nira kura fafahiyan a tayra,that is why I took the girl there,test +29060,29061,29061,parud,household,train +29061,29062,29062,sifafahiay tu kisu haw,are you married,train +29062,29063,29063,Salikakaaw pinaun kamu latek ira i tamuwanan ku tatiihay ku falucu caay pasulin tu Kawas ta malamiliyasay cingra tu mauripay a Kawas,see to it brothers that none of you has a sinful unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God,train +29063,29064,29064,nikawitan ku naayaway,it used to be knitted,train +29064,29065,29065,anu mangalay a sumuwal tu naayaw a demak i,if you want to talk about the old days,train +29065,29066,29066,wawa,few,train +29066,29067,29067,u matuasay sa kasuyen isaw,the old man used it as firewood,train +29067,29068,29068,terung nu lafii^,midnight,train +29068,29069,29069,padihing,love and care,train +29069,29070,29070,iraan u manaunay mapacahcah tu nu liyal,the slower ones get knocked ashore by the waves,test +29070,29071,29071,saw kamu wawa a mapulung tu misiyakaay,kids working in the metro area,train +29071,29072,29072,a ina hantu nira ci mama niira ci ina nira,he told his mom and dad,train +29072,29073,29073,nu mita hantui,it is every one of us,train +29073,29074,29074,matiya u pifalah tunu mama atu wina i tini i takuwanan,it is like my mom and dad abandoned me,train +29074,29075,29075,wanan,right,train +29075,29076,29076,aya,Oh Oh my God,train +29076,29077,29077,Matakal ku anip nangra,they planted the rice plants far apart,train +29077,29078,29078,Sulinaytu ku suwal nu matuasay tu Mifulsak ku ccay mipanay ku ccay yasanay,thus the saying One sows and another reaps is true,train +29078,29079,29079,tanamaw ta ati,let us try it,train +29079,29080,29080,Wuwaw u samadu i sasaʼuwacan,Whoa the is by the river,test +29080,29081,29081,anu tataang ku fali tataang ku urad tataang ku cdas a mistul tuya luma i tastas sa a maluyuh kuya luma han ni Yis,the rain came down the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell with a great crash,train +29081,29082,29082,saan,that is it,train +29082,29083,29083,Papihatipeden nu ina nira a papiala tu karu a minukay,his mom asked him to bring the grapefruit home with him,train +29083,29084,29084,hacuwa tamaen nu tau kina tireng,when did you see me,train +29084,29085,29085,ina ngaʼay hu ngaay hu ngaʼay hu hay mimaan kisu anini mimaan i luma tu mimaan ci ina,Mom how are you how are you Hi Mom Yes madam what are you doing Nothing staying home,train +29085,29086,29086,manen isu sapipaluma,take the old vines and build a house,train +29086,29087,29087,mahrek ci Yis a sumuwal tunini i suwal sa Mafutiay ku idang ita ci Lacarus Nikawrira tayra Kaku a mipalal i cingraan han ningra ku nisawawaan a sumuwal,after he had said this he went on to tell them Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep but I am going there to wake him up,train +29087,29088,29088,cepeten nira ku suʼur i luma malananum nira misafafuy,he concentrated the dew on the pigs,train +29088,29089,29089,o silusi nu lenu kiraan a surit,that line is the mark of the rising water,train +29089,29090,29090,hay hana ci Kacaw Rapic lalima tu ku usaw nina alavangas,it is Gazoo rabbits this Arafas is down to five,test +29090,29091,29091,vayi,grand mom,train +29091,29092,29092,awaay ku palakawan nunini a niyaru,this tribe does not have a dump,train +29092,29093,29093,Masu^su ku halicucuay a wawa,children who love milk are fat,train +29093,29094,29094,ma,regard as,train +29094,29095,29095,pasuwal hantu aku ku heni,I told them,train +29095,29096,29096,mitenuuy,weave,train +29096,29097,29097,rihaked kaku ngraan,I expected him to be able to help me,train +29097,29098,29098,nga licayen ku malitengay,then ask the elders,train +29098,29099,29099,ksaken ku riku isu,spread your clothes on the ground,train +29099,29100,29100,hatini aca,that is it,test +29100,29101,29101,u hiya u hiya nu fafuyu itiniʼay i kulul,it is the lard on the back of the pig,train +29101,29102,29102,o caay ka hinapec i takuwanan a tamdaw i u malmeday han a pasuwal han ni Yis,blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me,train +29102,29103,29103,tuwa u ruma han tu,in addition some,train +29103,29104,29104,patatudungen ita kira anu liyawen hu,if we start with the right amount we do not have to do it all over again,train +29104,29105,29105,matiya u pana pana siw san hay hay,like a sword Swords Shoo Yes yes,train +29105,29106,29106,yu ccay a dadaya maaraw ni Pawlu i mapulusi ku Tapang suwal sa ku Tapang Aka ka talaw Kasumuwal aka ka tumrep,one night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision Do not be afraid keep on speaking do not be silent,train +29106,29107,29107,ya kikay haw,with a machine,train +29107,29108,29108,matalaw kaku tu alunah,I am very afraid of ants,train +29108,29109,29109,ta lipahak sa tu falucu nira pakaaraw tu na takula itini i fafaed nu fukeluh,he was glad to see the frog on the rock,train +29109,29110,29110,o rumasatu tfucen nu Kawas ku Sutum atu Kumura a niyaru a mipleng a mipalaafu tu malusapatiri tu caay ka ngudu tu Kawas a tamdamdaw i ikur nunini,if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly,test +29110,29111,29111,hay tangasa kura pinaay a rumiʼad,sometimes it takes days to achieve,train +29111,29112,29112,pasifana aca nu malitengay tu pacakat,the old man will teach the young man how to hold it,train +29112,29113,29113,u manan ku misuwal isu tura,which one are you talking about,train +29113,29114,29114,karumakat,go on foot,train +29114,29115,29115,tayra i vatar nu lalan,on the way,train +29115,29116,29116,kura ci wina aku haw itiraay itiya tu kaku a mafana,here is what my mother thought at the time,train +29116,29117,29117,Kalafafahi han nu safa ningra kuya mapunengay a u nanu fafahi nu kaka ningra cahu ka ciwawa i mapataytu mahaen ku sakatatulu a safa,the second one married the widow but he also died leaving no child it was the same with the third,train +29117,29118,29118,malasitu tu minanam tu misadingkiay,become an electrician,train +29118,29119,29119,mihicaytu,catch a fish fry,train +29119,29120,29120,ina maʼuripay hu kiya wawa isu malemeday hu,Auntie your baby is alive,test +29120,29121,29121,aka pacici kamu matuʼasay mahaen ku maku tu niyaruʼay a lufang atu kapah,elderly people should not make things difficult for themselves this is how I manage the elderly and young people,train +29121,29122,29122,u Lausing itiya,So La Mushin team,train +29122,29123,29123,Paliʼayaw kuraan kiyami,it is the earliest legend,train +29123,29124,29124,u sakangaʼay nu Kitakit ita mipatungal tu dafung tu,it also creates more industries and wealth for the country,train +29124,29125,29125,ta pina kuna luma tuni,so how many houses are there,train +29125,29126,29126,Nanuya mahrek ku Paslaan a Rumiad i miaca tu fangsisay a sapaiyu ci Mariya nu Maktala atu ci ina ni Yakup ci Mariya aci Salumi tu sapisipasip tu tireng ni Yis,when the Sabbath was over Mary Magdalene Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus body,train +29126,29127,29127,tiya pasuwal sa tu ku singsi,the teacher had to say Tomorrow,train +29127,29128,29128,nisaka,the reason why,train +29128,29129,29129,caay ka u kita ku nisuwalan ningra hakiya Hai kita ku nisuwalan nunini a tilid nawhani u patusukan nu mikangkangay atu mipanayay a tamdaw a matayal i u sapilayapaw tu malunangra a kinaira,surely he says this for us does not he Yes this was written for us because when the plowman plows and the Thresher threshes they ought to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest,train +29129,29130,29130,Kamaru hen aw maan ku kaenen nu misu,have a seat what would you like to eat,test +29130,29131,29131,radiw,songs,train +29131,29132,29132,sifafahiay,I have a wife,train +29132,29133,29133,o udu ku cangaw ni ina aku,my moms necklace is onyx,train +29133,29134,29134,Nuhatini ci Kuluriya ku papasuwal tu kaˈurip niyam i Payen Pelaf Tada maulahay kaku tura pitusilan a kilac,now let Gloria talk about our life in pine Bluff I really love that preaching area,train +29134,29135,29135,Cepaen ku sapisisit tu sapad ta makurac ku sapad,wet a rag and wipe the table to get it clean,train +29135,29136,29136,Adihay ku tinaku tu matiniay,there are too many of them,train +29136,29137,29137,miafangay,shoulder to shoulder,train +29137,29138,29138,ira aca ku vayi nu maku,it is from my grandmother,train +29138,29139,29139,tefing,touch,train +29139,29140,29140,Itini han a minengneng aka ka tayra i raay yu,come here and take a look do not go too far,test +29140,29141,29141,tu nu cilacila,for the future,train +29141,29142,29142,milaliw ku Ripun laliw han tu nu Ripun,after the Japanese left here,train +29142,29143,29143,sa itiya satu haw suelin tu mifulaw kura Hulam kira haw tura Cawi,Clearance leader found,train +29143,29144,29144,hay mabana kaku tiya matuʼas tu kaku itiya ira hu itiya hu,Yeah I know I grew up too back in the day,train +29144,29145,29145,satimulan i u lumaʼniyam satimulan itiya hu,my previous home was on the south side,train +29145,29146,29146,sisa ina enar,so this plain,train +29146,29147,29147,limela tu mitangtangan isu,it is a waste of your cooking,train +29147,29148,29148,a malakaka anini a madadiput,brothers and sisters now take care of each other,train +29148,29149,29149,mafanaʼay cangra mihadimer,appreciate,train +29149,29150,29150,siniʼada kaku tu wama aku Wamaaw aka picelem tu kisu kaku satu micelem,that is why I feel sorry for my father I said Dad you do not have to dive for me and I said You do not have to dive for me,test +29150,29151,29151,tangasa kaku itani i Tayhuku haw ri awaʼay ku,it was only in Taipei that I realized the cruelty of the truth,train +29151,29152,29152,paherek tu ku tayal nira,his work is finished,train +29152,29153,29153,Hay tatusaay tu ku wawa niyam,Yes I have two children,train +29153,29154,29154,i tiyaay hu Pailuma luma tusa tulu sepat ku safang,in the past there were at least two three and four nets in one family,train +29154,29155,29155,rakaten,go on foot,train +29155,29156,29156,yasa tu ku matuasay,some elders say,train +29156,29157,29157,Saka lahci han nangra kunini a paturud i ci Parnapasan aci Sawluan a papipatayra i ciwlu nu kiwkay,this they did sending their gift to the elders by Barnabas and Saul,train +29157,29158,29158,nawhani anu ira ku mainapay atu misatkeday a falucu i ira ku rawraw atu masamaamaanay a tatiihay a dmak,for where you have envy and selfish ambition there you find disorder and every evil practice,train +29158,29159,29159,nian natepi tutungay u sanga tu mata nu tafukud,this ruler is the tool that will be used to determine the size of the net,train +29159,29160,29160,itini i lanu i,it is right down here,test +29160,29161,29161,o masaselalay nu Pangcah tadakalimelaan ku masakaputay itini i niyaru unini kuya katadamaan itini i kasafinacadan nu Yencumin i Taywan unini kuya masinanutay kasaselal cilekakawaay a finawlan nu Pangcah,the Amis age class is the most important social organization of the tribe and is the most distinctive part of the Taiwanese Aboriginal community as well as the most strict social class system of the Amis,train +29161,29162,29162,ta talahekal cangra,they toward the bank,train +29162,29163,29163,salawinawina,friends and family,train +29163,29164,29164,anu awa kami san talalutuk,if we do not have the ingredients we will go to the mountains,train +29164,29165,29165,puhaykatayni,come here,train +29165,29166,29166,iniʼan i u hiya kuni u sared u sared han kuniʼan,what about this one it is a two paneled meat it is called a paneled meat,train +29166,29167,29167,nawhani kami malalipuing,However we have legislators,train +29167,29168,29168,sahetu,all,train +29168,29169,29169,u sakayi tini i lise nu Cikasuwan,history of the Shichibukawa tribe,train +29169,29170,29170,nawhani caay ku nu tamdawan ku nipiluud ita o miluuday kita tu tatiihay u awaay a maaraw a palafuay i tahaf nu hkal u mikuwanay atu cisakuwanay tunini a tumanay a hkal atu i kakarayanay a masamaamaanay a kawakawas,for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,test +29170,29171,29171,sakatulu a rumiad i matama nangra ci Yis i laluma nu Fangcalay Pitaungan Mikaput ci Yis tu pasifanaay tu Rikec a tamdaw a maru itira tngilen Ningra licayen ningra cangra,after three days they found him in the temple courts sitting among the teachers listening to them and asking them questions,train +29171,29172,29172,ririden,holding hands,train +29172,29173,29173,nikaherekan tu aku patunek cingra tunini paaliwacan tayra i luma ningra palafang,we had arranged to visit his home this holiday for the interview,train +29173,29174,29174,aka ka matiya u futul sananay nu naniwac,do not be as brave as a hung bean,train +29174,29175,29175,nu maan a nipiilang anini,what tools to use for grinding,train +29175,29176,29176,minanuwang,shake it,train +29176,29177,29177,o sapirudum kunini a fakici,this bucket is for picking water,train +29177,29178,29178,o nika sasipaicel ita ku ngaay tu sakasasiulah atu sakangaayaw nu dmak ita,and let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,train +29178,29179,29179,paspas,leaf stripping,train +29179,29180,29180,matawalay nu maku mihawikid,I forgot to bring it,test +29180,29181,29181,Mafana a mikingkiw ku ising tu adada nu tekelu,doctors are very good at researching and treating people,train +29181,29182,29182,palecalecad han amin hatini ku dadahal,it is all the same width,train +29182,29183,29183,u Pangcah a suwal,laws of the Amis,train +29183,29184,29184,masatamdaway a wawa saan ku singsi a palataang i takuwanan,my teacher praised me for being a very good boy,train +29184,29185,29185,ci unian ku riku ini kina futing namu,they all wear the same clothes and catch the same fish,train +29185,29186,29186,papilifeten nu kalas kami a mipana,the elders let us compete in archery,train +29186,29187,29187,u kuwang,guns,train +29187,29188,29188,anu caay pisulul ku ina isu tu nikaramud,if your mother does not approve of the marriage,train +29188,29189,29189,kaku itiya,it was me,train +29189,29190,29190,Nanuya krid hantu nu sufitay ni Pilatu ci Yis a pacumud i luma nuya mikumuday ta saupu satu ku sufitay a ma^min i taliyuk ni Yis,then the governors soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him,test +29190,29191,29191,aka falahen,do not lose it,train +29191,29192,29192,halafilafin,a long time,train +29192,29193,29193,nanuyanan i milaliw tu tala timul,and then he left home,train +29193,29194,29194,pacufelen,sheath,train +29194,29195,29195,Milifun tu tefus,as a sugar cane cutter,train +29195,29196,29196,malitmuh nu fafahi,his wife met him,train +29196,29197,29197,o maan ku mipaliwalan isu,what do you sell,train +29197,29198,29198,maranam kita,we will have breakfast,train +29198,29199,29199,Mililucay kaku,I am taking a shower,train +29199,29200,29200,kaetan ku piharateng nu mama nu maku tu faʼinayan a salikaka nu maku,among my siblings my father valued boys more,test +29200,29201,29201,misaʼiceray tu kaku a mikilim tu sapaluma,I am seriously looking for seeds,train +29201,29202,29202,maulah ku Ripun tu tuda nu Taywan,Japanese people love eels from Taiwan,train +29202,29203,29203,tukar,staircases,train +29203,29204,29204,ira ku paysin nu mita hay,do we have any taboos,train +29204,29205,29205,icuway tu finacadan madeng iraca ku nayra a,there should be a program for them among the groups,train +29205,29206,29206,hatiraay ku demak,that is how it is translated,train +29206,29207,29207,itiya i ira a tayra ku ccay a tamdaw a pasuwal i cangraan Oya nirufuan namu a tamdaw i ira i Fangcalay Pitaungan i matini a pasifana tu tamdamdaw saan,then someone came and said Look the men you put in jail are standing in the temple courts teaching the people,train +29207,29208,29208,miliyaw hu a misanga kunini a haw tini i,in and the stone mountain church was rebuilt,train +29208,29209,29209,nu maku macaday tu awaay ku mahanay kura mahahay kura,mine are all the same I do not have any other ideas about this or that,train +29209,29210,29210,mitiliday han itiya i,that is when I went to school,test +29210,29211,29211,Cu ka kuhecal kuheting kura sera ira,it is not white it is black dirt,train +29211,29212,29212,muhetingay,black,train +29212,29213,29213,macadicuay,just in time,train +29213,29214,29214,u kakaenen nu luma ku nian san,it is for the family,train +29214,29215,29215,ona enemay a cengel u Tapang a cengel nu lusid nu Pangcah nika caay kalecad ku serangawan saka pakafit tu saeres ku kasaniyaru caay tu kalecad,these six colors are the basic primary colors of Amis clothing and the combination of accessories varies from region to region due to cultural differences,train +29215,29216,29216,o miangrer tu sinafel kira fesi nu ayam,that chicken gall makes the dish bitter,train +29216,29217,29217,Talatelung nu riyar ku tamina a mikaciki,the boat goes to the center of the sea to catch the flag fish,train +29217,29218,29218,saka tusa a rumiʼad haw,the morrow,train +29218,29219,29219,cay kaci tafu kira,because there are no lunches,train +29219,29220,29220,au mahaenay haw,that is what it looks like,test +29220,29221,29221,kya tamina nya kuntung san,Cantonese vessels,train +29221,29222,29222,ccay ku Tapang ccay ku pitieran ccay ku pipainu,one Lord one faith one baptism,train +29222,29223,29223,Singsi adada ku takulaw ni Kacaw mihifangay anini,Teacher Kacaw has a sore throat she took a sick leave today,train +29223,29224,29224,o maanan a lalangian ku saka hemek nu mita hani,for what particular reason are we happy,train +29224,29225,29225,ira kuya imi ira kira,it is interesting too,train +29225,29226,29226,Nawhani u nanu lalumaan ku tatapangan saka tumireng nu finawlan saan ku falucu nu Pangcah saka malacecay ku kasalalumaan ta malaniyaru pina ku kasangasaw ira ku tatudung nu niyaru saka nanu tuas a lisin atu paysin marayray tahaanini,the Amis have always used the family as the basic unit of their social organization combining each family into a tribe with a certain number of clans within the tribe and maintaining their inherent rituals and taboos,train +29226,29227,29227,pasuwal sa tu ya faki aku ci,my uncle Chen Jiachun told me directly,train +29227,29228,29228,maliwasak ku kasafinawlan naira a ecu nu ada,their tribe was attacked by the enemy and disbanded,train +29228,29229,29229,itiya satu araw suwal sa maulah kaku saan,now it turns out that I like it,train +29229,29230,29230,Namapakafulaw a mapatayra i Papilun ku finawlan i ciwawa ci Ihuyacin ci Sialtiilan ci Sialtiil ku mama ni Cirupapil,after the exile to Babylon Jeconiah was the father of Shealtiel Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,test +29230,29231,29231,u hatiraay ku maku sapaini aca,I will do my best to talk to you,train +29231,29232,29232,o malakangkufuay ciira,she is a nurse,train +29232,29233,29233,tu matiniay a sakauʼrip nu niyam,this is how we live,train +29233,29234,29234,u man kaʼinapan ni ali aku sa kanu kaka han naku,what is there to be jealous of in my sister in law I said I did not know,train +29234,29235,29235,o sakaira nunini a dmak a ma^min i u nika lahci nu nisuwalan nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Tapang tuya,all this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet,train +29235,29236,29236,radiway radiwan itu,there is singing and there is passing,train +29236,29237,29237,Nikawrira u i kakarayanay a tadamaanay a Kitakit ku sulinay a kahalamhaman nangra Orasaka caay ka ngudu ku Kawas a u Kawas niyam han nangra cingra nawhani mapatalatu nu Kawas ku maluniyaru nangra,Instead they were longing for a better country a heavenly one therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he has prepared a city for them,train +29237,29238,29238,Kafana kisu tu nika u aira i saikuikuray nunini a hkal ku masamaamaanay a pades,but mark this there will be terrible times in the last days,train +29238,29239,29239,makerur kuna wawa isu,your child will have no self esteem,train +29239,29240,29240,ira ku cecay tu nipauripan aku a wacu atu cecay a ayam tudung tu u tamdaw nu luma aku,I also keep a dog and a bird they are my family,test +29240,29241,29241,sa saka kilim san haw i cayhu kafana u tatademan kuni itiyahu,I was looking for it but I did not know it was a cemetery,train +29241,29242,29242,lunan,ship,train +29242,29243,29243,ciypucwu sanay kira ri,walking in unison,train +29243,29244,29244,aluman ku widang,there are many friends who say,train +29244,29245,29245,cikafana tu sapalu u,no pain at all Oh,train +29245,29246,29246,taruh san tu mihaen kedec satu ira makedec tu,pull this over and fasten it that is it,train +29246,29247,29247,Orasaka pinaun kamu a mitngil Nawhani u iraay ku nitatuyan i u mamapatungal a mapafli cingra O awaay ku nitatuyan i halunitatuyan aku hananay ningra a mamangay a maafas han ni Yis,therefore consider carefully how you listen whoever has will be given more whoever does not have even what he thinks he has will be taken from him,train +29247,29248,29248,paluma tu Fataʼan,planting tree beans,train +29248,29249,29249,u kamay ku miʼalawan nu tamdaw ya a tamdaw ʼacaʼaca sanay cara,It is a handicraft the people of Kano are clamoring to buy it,train +29249,29250,29250,itilaay i Taukakan hay i Taukakan,it is over at tree Lake Yes it is over at tree Lake,test +29250,29251,29251,ala cipaysu tu i,they are all better off,train +29251,29252,29252,ta maemin tu citayal,all of them have work,train +29252,29253,29253,hayi han aku,I promised to take care of mom,train +29253,29254,29254,itini i picudadan,at school,train +29254,29255,29255,o rumasatu tuna tadamaan ku mikumi nu Kawas a mapaini i tamuwanan saka u mamaulah cangra i tamuwanan u mamitulun cangra tu saki tamuwanan,and in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you because of the surpassing grace God has given you,train +29255,29256,29256,katangasaan tu ku mihecaan isaw,age is up,train +29256,29257,29257,u misalamaay hananay i,that is what happens when you go to a mans house,train +29257,29258,29258,caʼay kahatini ku ka tayal ku haniniʼay ku pisangaʼan tu siraw,that is not the way you make salt pork,train +29258,29259,29259,pacefa sa a mikawit,if random knitting,train +29259,29260,29260,17 kapah tamdaw sa harateratengen anu caay pirikec ku wama wina tisuwanan anu mihaen suˈlinay a maulah ku wama wina tisuwanan han,young people think about this if your parents never correct you do you think they really care about you,test +29260,29261,29261,caay ka ngaʼay ku raramud aku tu ra faʼinay nu maku,my married life is not ideal,train +29261,29262,29262,na u herek nu pipanayan,it was done after the rice harvest,train +29262,29263,29263,malaluk ci Aniw matuka ci Avas,Aniw is hardworking and Avas is lazy,train +29263,29264,29264,caay micudad,No when I was reading,train +29264,29265,29265,a sumuwal tunu Hulam,I can speak Chinese now,train +29265,29266,29266,ta herek satu kira tu kaku itiya ta mi,at I am officially retired from the workforce,train +29266,29267,29267,nu iya kahukahung nu rliyal i,the roaring sea,train +29267,29268,29268,a miluvang haw kisu i sakatulu na milipay,will you be attending the meeting on Wednesday,train +29268,29269,29269,tayra i riyal haw i mikesi hananay mikesiʼay,young people are invited to collect food from the sea in preparation for the Harvest Festival,train +29269,29270,29270,mana suʼelin ilaay han caka lingad,if so why is not there a group departure,test +29270,29271,29271,u kawpir u maamaan,there is groundnut leaves lots of them,train +29271,29272,29272,kakakelakelac,severed divided,train +29272,29273,29273,u ruma sa u maan ku kangalayan nu namu,Besides what else do I need,train +29273,29274,29274,ayinitu ku tataakay a laying,the big wave is coming,train +29274,29275,29275,Patamuden tu siraw kira malalukay a kapah ita,we will make the hard working youths swallow the salted meat,train +29275,29276,29276,ciriku,wear clothes,train +29276,29277,29277,misakusuy paluma tu panay,make seedlings to grow rice,train +29277,29278,29278,matuduh ku hemut nu mira,it burned its own ass,train +29278,29279,29279,o letu kinian o letu kinian o letu kinian,this is a water pistol,train +29279,29280,29280,nanitiraay ku lalengawan sa kaku mi harateng,I am thinking that is where we came from,test +29280,29281,29281,mitepuc cira tu salengad maherek a miteupc haw i,we will cut down the leaves of the palm trees and then we will cut down the leaves of the palm trees,train +29281,29282,29282,herek nu lahuk hay hayi,when I was done I rested in the field Yes madam,train +29282,29283,29283,satahaf,lid,train +29283,29284,29284,nawhan kaemih hu ku aca nu hicay i tiya hu,because it used to be cheaper,train +29284,29285,29285,sitama,prey,train +29285,29286,29286,anini satu u sapasevana aku,at this point I would like to inform you that,train +29286,29287,29287,tumai,feces,train +29287,29288,29288,Anake satu kita haw,Ouch that hurts,train +29288,29289,29289,Malapara nu sala i sapad kira tipeluk,the paper becomes the bottom of the plate,train +29289,29290,29290,payufingan,post office,test +29290,29291,29291,cikaratay a ungcuy,a rough boulder,train +29291,29292,29292,a itini iri herek satu ku heni a misanga,that is how they finish building,train +29292,29293,29293,u tayal nu Amis i sahetu u makarurayan a tayal,Aboriginal work is dangerous and hard,train +29293,29294,29294,aya awa ku lalan nu Taywan,Alas there are no roads in Taiwan,train +29294,29295,29295,anu maʼaraw isu ku rarimaay mapadesay i kisu malatumukay kisu ku mamiterung,whenever I see a weak and powerless person,train +29295,29296,29296,ta matini i u isin tuku pitiʼeran ita hai,and now they are relying on doctors,train +29296,29297,29297,misatapang tu kita saan haw,we are going to start,train +29297,29298,29298,sasangaʼan nu matuʼasay tu sikal,the old man used it to make a straw mat,train +29298,29299,29299,makayra tu kalikur tu kura kapah kira,the youths came from the back and invited the king to enter the jug,train +29299,29300,29300,cacay,only if,test +29300,29301,29301,mihecaan nu maku kiyami haw i,what about my age,train +29301,29302,29302,hay han ira ku rumiad isu tu dadaya haw malacafay kita a malafi anu dadaya makahi kisu,no wonder are you available at night would you like to have a meal with me,train +29302,29303,29303,Misungilaˈan isu miˈusi ku ingataay liyad nu Mikeculay han,have you read the last few issues of the watchtower carefully,train +29303,29304,29304,salil,lit a pit for trapping animals,train +29304,29305,29305,han aku a mikangtan a misiwkay itakuwanan,here is a brief introduction of myself,train +29305,29306,29306,alaen tatihi,then cut the side of the,train +29306,29307,29307,Cuplisen nuya uner i aikur nuya fafahiyan ku hatu cdasay a nanum tu sapialulaw tuya fafahiyan,then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent,train +29307,29308,29308,pakabit han tu i i telung tini kuni,hang it up in the center,train +29308,29309,29309,malecaday a lutuk kira iraan tu,I am also on that mountain,train +29309,29310,29310,aka pawadisen tu sasuwalen,speak tactfully,test +29310,29311,29311,ira ku tatudung tu aka ka tayni ku fafahiyan hananay nu Amis,Amis culture fishing Festival,train +29311,29312,29312,sa masangatu cuwacuwaay,completed samples,train +29312,29313,29313,pida^,the Yuan or Mongol dynasty,train +29313,29314,29314,kura niyaruʼay,that tribal land is called this tribe,train +29314,29315,29315,u sakakaay satakaraway a kakitaan i u Tumuk i kalaenu nu tumuk i u kakitaan tu a mama nu kapah u sapalengaw,the supreme leader of the tribe is the grand Master under whom there are regional leaders age class leaders and priests,train +29315,29316,29316,cicalengay,there are pine trees,train +29316,29317,29317,maanen,what should I do,train +29317,29318,29318,haen sa ku heni,they are,train +29318,29319,29319,ira ku talud i pala^,there is grass in the field,train +29319,29320,29320,ira ku urang u tuda u vukung u cuwang adihay,Shrimp eel catfish carp lots of them,test +29320,29321,29321,Paadada kisu tu falucu nu maku,you make my heart sick,train +29321,29322,29322,a hatiniay uni a cufu niya dangah,pottery pots and pans like this,train +29322,29323,29323,anu sakaciraraw isu ku ccay a mata isu i dicuhen o nika ccay nu mata isu a micumud i Kitakit nu Kawas ku ngaay tu nika tusa nu mata isu a mafahkul i pisemseman,and if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell,train +29323,29324,29324,o fa^luhay a pakayraan kunini,this is a new method this is a new religion,train +29324,29325,29325,a uta sanay tu,I have been throwing up,train +29325,29326,29326,tariktik saan ci Canglah kaulahan nu alumanay cingra,Canglah is very energetic and everyone likes him a lot,train +29326,29327,29327,Hay kapah tu,Yeah it is all good,train +29327,29328,29328,macedengay,slow and deliberate,train +29328,29329,29329,maulahay kaku a midanguy anu pahanhan i mapulungay ku lumaay niyam a midanguy,I like swimming during the holidays our whole family go swimming together,train +29329,29330,29330,mapatay kisu mapatay ku wina isu salikaka isu,if you die your mother and your brothers and sisters will die too,test +29330,29331,29331,mahemek tu ku falucu nu maku,I am glad,train +29331,29332,29332,Naay Awa^ ku kafana aku,do not I do not know much about it,train +29332,29333,29333,laenu,below,train +29333,29334,29334,itiyatu i hatini sa kiya wama aku,my father said so,train +29334,29335,29335,Mu^tepay ku selal nu niyaru niyam,there are ten age levels in our tribe,train +29335,29336,29336,cikadit,dirty,train +29336,29337,29337,masamaan ku rumiad i tamuwanan,what is the weather like where you are,train +29337,29338,29338,Hay lahuday tu ya i sekalay aca ku kafanaan aku,Yeah I will just have some simple ones,train +29338,29339,29339,aka palakeliwen ku ulac a mitapid tu fuduy,do not treat your fishing line like a needle and thread for sewing clothes,train +29339,29340,29340,ala han ku macicihay a mising,I am looking for my mothers sewing machine from the early days,test +29340,29341,29341,pasiʼayaw saku wina niyam tu kakaenen,mom made us breakfast,train +29341,29342,29342,ira kura nu Kwaping ira a ngangan i,it has a Chinese name,train +29342,29343,29343,sedi,excited,train +29343,29344,29344,u kimuruay hu rumaruma,other round shaped wood,train +29344,29345,29345,cacay ku Pangcah a mavulaw tayni i Ciwidiyan suwal saan ku matuasay adihay ku aadupen itila,an Amish man migrated to the Shuilian tribe and the old man said there was a lot of hunting there,train +29345,29346,29346,tatudung,that is what I mean,train +29346,29347,29347,cikapatay,companions,train +29347,29348,29348,suʼelin mapapaliwpaliw tu kita,that is when we really started to work together,train +29348,29349,29349,Tikulen ni Cilisi miharateng kuya rumiˈad i sanay ku suwal Marariday kaku pasuwal ci Matiyasan tada maulahay kami tisuwanan fanekfekay patadu cingranan mitulun tu Kawas micangacang ci Yihufaan padama cingranan cipinang tu suˈlinay kimad,when Gillis looked back on those days he said I told Mathias from time to time that my mom and I loved him very much and often prayed fervently to God for the Lord to help our son understand the truth,train +29349,29350,29350,melemeleten,wink,test +29350,29351,29351,Orasaka nanay pakayni i nika lcad nu harateng ita atu nika sasiulaulah ita atu nika laccay nu falucu ita ku sakalipahak aku,then make my joy complete by being like minded having the same love being one in Spirit and purpose,train +29351,29352,29352,kania maanen ku misu a liwliw haw,just the way you cook it,train +29352,29353,29353,Nikawrira mangalay kami a mitngil tu niharatengan isu nawhani mafana kami tu nika malikaf i cuwacuwa kunini a nicumudan isu a pakayraan han nangra,but we want to hear what your views are for we know that people everywhere are talking against this sect,train +29353,29354,29354,lifangkungce,cubic meter,train +29354,29355,29355,maruhem,ripe,train +29355,29356,29356,ingcay,cabbage,train +29356,29357,29357,nihiay kita misaʼemu kita tu hiy,it is a rice cake,train +29357,29358,29358,faca,wear,train +29358,29359,29359,Minayatay ku suni nu la^,the trumpet blew long,train +29359,29360,29360,tatu,very,test +29360,29361,29361,Hayda tayra kaku a micaliw,Okay I will borrow it,train +29361,29362,29362,anca u ukak u ukak,sometimes it is bone to bone,train +29362,29363,29363,nu mita a lutuk kiyami,is not this our mountain,train +29363,29364,29364,han aku,let me put it this way,train +29364,29365,29365,misakeru,altar dance,train +29365,29366,29366,niyana teluc nu fukesu hanen i matini,forage heart this way,train +29366,29367,29367,o ruma matukatuk ku ruma,others are dozing off,train +29367,29368,29368,Nikawrira yu tatayra cingra i caay ka ^ca ka pakayra i Samariya ku rakat ningra,now he had to go through Samaria,train +29368,29369,29369,ca katalapaputal miala hatini,I do not even go out to pick herbs anymore,train +29369,29370,29370,pacilah padamdam han ningra,it is got saltines and some chili,test +29370,29371,29371,nanitira lumuwad ku lunan niyam saka tusa a rumiad i tahira tu i kaayaway nu Kiyus a lawac sakatulu a rumiad i micafer i Samus sakaspat a rumiad i tahiratu i Militus,the next day we set sail from there and arrived off Kios the day after that we crossed over to Samos and on the following day arrived at Miletus,train +29371,29372,29372,Rukai,Rukai,train +29372,29373,29373,o ira ci cukuray,an old man with a cane,train +29373,29374,29374,Micukiwat kaku tu fuduy aku,suspend my clothes with a bamboo pole,train +29374,29375,29375,picaferan,a place to stop along the way,train +29375,29376,29376,iraan sa u malikiday nu ciris ku kaʼen niyam,we only eat what comes out of the gutter,train +29376,29377,29377,onini a pafalucuan ku sakalaluk nu tusaay ku safaw a ngangasawan nu finacadan niyam a mitaung i Kawas tu rumiad tu dadaya Hungtiaw unini a pafalucuan ku sakapipakukut nu Yutaya a tamdaw tu dmak aku,this is the promise our twelve tribes are hoping to see fulfilled as they earnestly serve God day and night O king it is because of this hope that the Jews are accusing me,train +29377,29378,29378,Pacauf sa ci Yis O pasifanaay tu Israil kisu i caay ka fana kisu tunini a dmak saw,You are Israels teacher said Jesus and do you not understand these things,train +29378,29379,29379,itiya tuya kananaman ita,it is in our old neighborhood,train +29379,29380,29380,anu caay pisulul kisu tina demakan,you do not approve of this marriage,test +29380,29381,29381,yu tahiratu ci Yis i Kaysariya Filipi i licayen ningra ku nisawawaan itira Pakucima ku kalutamdaw tu Wawa nu Tamdaw saw han ningra,when Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples Who do people say the son of man is,train +29381,29382,29382, o maanan ku pakidemay a midukaˈ tu tamdaw hani o cima ku pasuwalay tu saka cecay a mangah hani,what is the worst harm done to mankind who told the first lie,train +29382,29383,29383,hay malengtungay hu,it is still frozen,train +29383,29384,29384,talsuwal ku matuasay tiraan,the old man was talking about that,train +29384,29385,29385,anu pasalaten nu wawa kamu i u suˈlinaytu mapasalat kamu Yohani 836,if the son sets you free you will be free indeed John,train +29385,29386,29386,Makamaw kemaen tusapaʼiyu,you only take medicine when you have a cold,train +29386,29387,29387,en u,yes and No,train +29387,29388,29388,niusawan,special,train +29388,29389,29389,paʼaludu sanay,that is the whole point of buying a drink,train +29389,29390,29390,o fahedil ku cufel ni mama aku,my dads sheath is made of cypress,test +29390,29391,29391,adi^hay ku unal a maefer,many bees were flying,train +29391,29392,29392,itiya maaraw aku matirtir kaku maralaw kaku,I was shaking all over when I saw it,train +29392,29393,29393,maduka,injured,train +29393,29394,29394,litumay,spirited,train +29394,29395,29395,kinian,this is,train +29395,29396,29396,cima ku mafanaʼay hanaku kawidang aku,I said I do not know,train +29396,29397,29397,Misacedeng ku mifutingay tu tusa a miheca caay pinukay,fish Catchers cannot go home for two years,train +29397,29398,29398,o nipamatangan nu matuasay niyam kina umah,this paddy field was cultivated by our ancestors,train +29398,29399,29399,caʼay kakaʼen nu cilah ku heci,the salt will not penetrate the meat,train +29399,29400,29400,panulien,lit reach a hundred,test +29400,29401,29401,na itiya ira tu ku tipay,we used to have rafts,train +29401,29402,29402,ati ati,come on come on come on,train +29402,29403,29403,mahaen ku fainayan a misawad tu nu mararamuday a dmak tu saki fafahiyan masasirafraf tu falucu midmak tu kanguduan a dmak a mikaluna tu fainayantu ku fainayan Saka matfuc ku tireng nangra tu tatudung nu muraraway a dmak nangra,in the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion,train +29403,29404,29404,o lafi tu ku sakataluma niyam nani pala a maumah i nacila,yesterday we were working in the field and it was already night time before we got home,train +29404,29405,29405,u kami tu misanga i,Later when we were making it,train +29405,29406,29406,ri cika hiya a nihanghang paputal,that is why I do not like to go out much,train +29406,29407,29407,hakiwid,carry,train +29407,29408,29408,a mihaliyut tina seraan yu,around the world,train +29408,29409,29409,u mitanan a tamdaw,our people,train +29409,29410,29410,Papingatuen ci kaka isu ta tangsul a maherek ku sakamaumah,ask your brother to take over the work so that the work in the field can be finished soon,test +29410,29411,29411,Orasaka anu palada kisu i pakuyuc a tamdaw i aka ka matiya u misamangahay a tamdaw a mila^pa a paratuh tunini i kasaupuan a luma anu ^ca i i lalan tu sakahmekaw nu tamdamdaw i tisuwanan Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu malayaptu nangra ku tatudung nangra,So when you give to the needy do not announce it with trumpets as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets to be honored by men I tell you the truth they have received their reward in full,train +29411,29412,29412,yu mitaung cangra tu Tapang a misaliway i suwal sa ku Fangcalay Adingu i cangraan Patirengen ci Parnapas aci Sawlu a palamatayalay Aku a pakatayal tu niparucekan Aku i cangraan saan,while they were worshiping the Lord and fasting the Holy Spirit said Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them,train +29412,29413,29413,saka cifafahi kaku una ci Siruku tatihi nu maku,I have taken this one here to be my wife,train +29413,29414,29414,o Fangcalay tu ku matuʼasay i ayaayaw sa maanen sa ira ku suwal i anu maan malalefu naunen nay,tribal elders set a good example for their people,train +29414,29415,29415,o situ ni namuh singsi kaku,I am Mr Namohs student,train +29415,29416,29416,malasingciw haw i,when I was a captain,train +29416,29417,29417,harengheng a tengilen ku radiw nu fainayan,sounds like a mans singing voice is very low,train +29417,29418,29418,ku miurungay tu sapur,I will give them to the seedling pickers,train +29418,29419,29419,mitiri,regard as,train +29419,29420,29420,u sakafanaaw nangra tu sanuamisaw anu ^ca i u pikingkiw nira,they want to learn Amis otherwise they want to do research,test +29420,29421,29421,tivek,mill,train +29421,29422,29422,Nikawrira uniya pakahemekay a demak alatek cecay aca a liyad,Nonetheless the pleasure of these things is sometimes short lived,train +29422,29423,29423,a caay kaku pisulul,I am not going to do it,train +29423,29424,29424,u waneng ku ayaw,start with the sugar,train +29424,29425,29425,mitangtang hu,I am still going to cook it,train +29425,29426,29426,maemin tu unu paycian,everything depends on money now,train +29426,29427,29427,sasirawen,cure,train +29427,29428,29428,nu Recurd,if he stinks remove him and he will not stink,train +29428,29429,29429,aca,only,train +29429,29430,29430,marsquuiwil,loneliness,test +29430,29431,29431,halipeduc,often they are gone in a flash,train +29431,29432,29432,saytaw,carrot,train +29432,29433,29433,pa^kel,repress,train +29433,29434,29434,misawad tu kaku itira,I ended the job there,train +29434,29435,29435,tayring,police officer,train +29435,29436,29436,nikatayni,here we are,train +29436,29437,29437,pakayni sapitengilaw tu kimad u fahkaˈay a tamdaw macukacukay i fatiˈiyan nu sasuˈut a fiher u ruma tamdaw mikalicay i sapiuntu a kikay,in order to listen to the speeches some of the curious audience climbed up the rope ladder on the side of the pavilion while others climbed onto the sports equipment,train +29437,29438,29438,Mipaci^ci saan ku tumuk tu finawlan a miilisin i kafaliyusan,the head of the tribal group reluctantly held a Festival on the day of the typhoon,train +29438,29439,29439,o malukafer nu wawa aku a micudad,as my kids pants for school,train +29439,29440,29440,ketun sa ku falucu a pasuelin,I firmly believed in it,test +29440,29441,29441,marucekay,exact,train +29441,29442,29442,sa ngaʼay tu u wawa namu mangaʼay ma Pu Cu tayni micudad sa,I am a missionary kid so I am allowed to study here and I will pay for it,train +29442,29443,29443,pacaengetay,neuritic,train +29443,29444,29444,tayraay iya riyal,to the beach,train +29444,29445,29445,Ngaay tu pulung sa kami tayra mikihatiya,Yes yes yes our whole family will be there,train +29445,29446,29446,ku wayway taneng fana,behavior knowledge wisdom,train +29446,29447,29447,kina demak tuniyan u,work of the organization,train +29447,29448,29448,na suʼelinay iʼayaw inacila iʼayaw nu lima mihecaan i,in fact for the above reasons it is fortunate that in five years time,train +29448,29449,29449,itiya han tu,past,train +29449,29450,29450,mimingay,fine,test +29450,29451,29451,Mapacekuk nu mafiyukay nu fali a kilang kaku i dadaya,last night I was startled by the wind shaking the trees,train +29451,29452,29452,caay pikikaka tu singsi ku nisawawaan ningra Nikawrira anu malahci ningra ku nipinanam ningra i u mamatiya cingra tuya singsi ningra,a student is not above his teacher but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher,train +29452,29453,29453,kamukupueneramerek,short,train +29453,29454,29454,ka^suay,be gluttonous,train +29454,29455,29455,anini tangasaay tu anini i,from then to now,train +29455,29456,29456,hatiraay ku nu malitengay i tiya hu,this is how the elders used to reward them,train +29456,29457,29457,Lahuday a nanamen tada kaulahan tu,it is very easy to learn and fun,train +29457,29458,29458,matira ku suwal nu ina ita,our mom said the same thing,train +29458,29459,29459,wiruk,pomelo,train +29459,29460,29460,ya mafanaʼay tu litapangan,a wise source of historical stories,test +29460,29461,29461,awaay hu ku saʼusi tu fulad tura,it is not listed in the calendar,train +29461,29462,29462,mitaungay,nod,train +29462,29463,29463,mitefad,fall,train +29463,29464,29464,fukaw,pencil tree,train +29464,29465,29465,nga saʼupuen palamlamen tu nanum,then collect it and mix it with water,train +29465,29466,29466,raud hantu nunima a matuʼasay,the old man will approach the young man,train +29466,29467,29467,caay pakamelaw kisu anini haw,cannot you see it now,train +29467,29468,29468,u icep atu vila ira aca kiniyan,a must have offering of betel nut and Lao leaves,train +29468,29469,29469,matungal tu ku fana nu maku,I am adding some knowledge,train +29469,29470,29470,Pakafilu kisu tunini a demak,are you able to do this,test +29470,29471,29471,ura kerah kura,find out when the tide goes out,train +29471,29472,29472,paringad miala kamu tu deruc haw,did you guys take care of the forest for the trees,train +29472,29473,29473,maruray kamu anini a mafanaʼay a cifalucu,the hard work of hunting,train +29473,29474,29474,ira ku lutuk nu niyaru ita,are there mountains near our tribe,train +29474,29475,29475,u icep u teluc nu icep han ku nian,these are the ten hearts of the betel nut,train +29475,29476,29476,fangcal a nengnengen ku talakar ni Idek haw,do rainbows look beautiful,train +29476,29477,29477,Hayda ura kuhetingay ku aacaen aku,Alright then I will take a black piece of clothing,train +29477,29478,29478,pipahanhanan nu pitilidan minukayay tu kaku,I will go back in the summer,train +29478,29479,29479,paini kaku tu urip nu maku i Paʼilasen ku sufuc nu maku,I will tell you my life history I was born in Fuyuan,train +29479,29480,29480,o sakapades nu urip pakuyuc,the life of poverty makes us suffer,test +29480,29481,29481,o sepal ku sapakaen tu kulung anini,the cows will be fed pasture today,train +29481,29482,29482,awa tu ku caciyaw isu a,why do not you say something,train +29482,29483,29483,kumeced,sturdy,train +29483,29484,29484,ya katunanam tiya siwni atu ya simpu,the most familiar nuns and priests,train +29484,29485,29485,patangasa,send,train +29485,29486,29486,iayaw i tayal sa mianip mikapkap mipanay,I used to work my ass off I would go out in the fields planting weeding cutting rice,train +29486,29487,29487,Tadaanglis ku kalalicakayan tu futing,the fishy smell of the fish market is too strong,train +29487,29488,29488,tinnaw,computer,train +29488,29489,29489,itini han ku papina u tatayni aca kya mita a salikaka,so here are a few brothers and sisters left behind,train +29489,29490,29490,yu maru a mitahka cangra a kumaen i suwal sa ci Yis Sulinen Aku a sumuwal kamu ira i tamuwanan ku ccay a mamipacakay i Takuwanan u mikaputay cingra i titaanan a kumaen han ningra,while they were reclining at the table eating he said I tell you the truth one of you will betray me one who is eating with me,test +29490,29491,29491,kasaselal,steps,train +29491,29492,29492,Na Mararawaw ku pauculi,here you go do not get the wrong money,train +29492,29493,29493,ira ku i lumaay haw,is anyone at home,train +29493,29494,29494,away ku sasuwalan,I am sorry,train +29494,29495,29495,kina nipalumaan,crops,train +29495,29496,29496,u vunga awaay ku umah caay,groundnuts,train +29496,29497,29497,nawhani u niyam a luma ku patirengen itiya,that time we built our house again,train +29497,29498,29498,u manan ku laluliuden,we are not able to pass on the Toyonen Matsuri now,train +29498,29499,29499,cukeruhen,give it a push,train +29499,29500,29500,pakuesanen,sweetened,test +29500,29501,29501,tafu han tu maecakay tu a pawli,wrap it in a ripe banana,train +29501,29502,29502,tatulu ku salikaka aku,I have three brothers and sisters,train +29502,29503,29503,kakumaen,devour,train +29503,29504,29504,Yusan,Jade mountain,train +29504,29505,29505,aka pisaruray saan aka pisaruray saan,do not work so hard,train +29505,29506,29506,aenem,Six,train +29506,29507,29507,u vavahi kami,we are girls,train +29507,29508,29508,minengneng tu tilid minengneng tu tilifi,reading books watching TV,train +29508,29509,29509,u tadakahengangay a hana yu,big red flowers,train +29509,29510,29510,a tatukiyan a micudad,learning Moments at school,test +29510,29511,29511,samaanay ku kasasuaraw namu,how did you and your wife meet,train +29511,29512,29512,alahan anini tu u nu Payrang,later on they relied on the Han people to provide for them,train +29512,29513,29513,matucaluwayay,very easy,train +29513,29514,29514,kamatiyacai ka pawan kura mama,one in particular is an old man we will never forget,train +29514,29515,29515,minukay nu han nu matuʼasay itiya hu ku pinukay,early on when the elders said they were coming back to the tribe they meant,train +29515,29516,29516,Makaditay kura sasingaran sifinen hu,that window is very dirty go clean it,train +29516,29517,29517,kinaluma,building,train +29517,29518,29518,sait,cut,train +29518,29519,29519,maulahay kaku a mipacemut saka marariday kaku talaliyal a mipacemut,I love fishing so I often go to the seaside to fish,train +29519,29520,29520,mahaenay ku seykac sunun niyam,that is how we live in our environment,test +29520,29521,29521,merawentu nu mita ku pisanga tu,with patience,train +29521,29522,29522,anu malemed cira tu urip nira,if he values life,train +29522,29523,29523,Mipasifana kisu tu tau Nawiru caay pasifanaen isu ku tireng saw aka pitakaw saan kisu a patnak i tau i a mitakaw kisu haw,you then who teach others do you not teach yourself you who preach against stealing do you steal,train +29523,29524,29524,Pinatu ku mihecaan nu misu,how old are you,train +29524,29525,29525,sa mahaen kunu nu Pangcah hay,so go or gas I am going to gas the school it is like the Amish pronunciation Yeah,train +29525,29526,29526,saan ku harateng,I will think of it this way,train +29526,29527,29527,u maku tu a pinengneng,my own thoughts and opinions,train +29527,29528,29528,o fainayan kaku,I am a boy,train +29528,29529,29529,icuwaay,where is it,train +29529,29530,29530,miringi kaku tu ina aku,I resemble my mother,test +29530,29531,29531,mahaen,should,train +29531,29532,29532,mahaen aca ku tumuk awaay ku cai naay awaay ku saanay,this is the authority and responsibility of the head of the department we cannot say no no way,train +29532,29533,29533,nu fafahiyani muʼetepay tu a limuud ku cecay a rumiʼad itiyahu,a girls paycheck was ten dollars a day back in the day,train +29533,29534,29534,miala kami tu kilang pacakayen niyam caayay ku niyam a payci kura,we pick up wood we sell it it is not our own money,train +29534,29535,29535,lahud nu kuli,frost,train +29535,29536,29536,nu malitengay hani,in the older generation,train +29536,29537,29537,Patumuken kira mamangay a niyaru,even very small tribes have to have chiefs,train +29537,29538,29538,mikiskis,blow,train +29538,29539,29539,Tarukus,in the name of,train +29539,29540,29540,sakatayal,tool,test +29540,29541,29541,Mitaung,bow,train +29541,29542,29542,tiraay sa,this one,train +29542,29543,29543,ya tira ci ama aku palunan itiya hu,my dad was a ferryman there a long time ago,train +29543,29544,29544,hay saku i ayaw a matuʼasay i na masamaan malikulung,the ruling in the clan was to impose a heavy fine in the form of a first years worth of fines,train +29544,29545,29545,talaen kaku rarima ku waay aku,wait for me my feet are tired,train +29545,29546,29546,ketun han isu mihatini kuni iya hatinien isu kira haw,after you cut it down you use it like this,train +29546,29547,29547,Fahka ku tamdamdaw a pakatngil tu pipasifana ningra nawhani ci icel ku suwal ningra,they were amazed at his teaching because his message had authority,train +29547,29548,29548,cifangesay,skin,train +29548,29549,29549,sasiwasiw,sifters,train +29549,29550,29550,Caay,fault,test +29550,29551,29551,silisin isaw tu maan haw,the so called rituals,train +29551,29552,29552,o ci Tahuk cingra,is he Tahok,train +29552,29553,29553,u tusaay kura rakat kura u elus nu riyal i,we will split up into two groups each sailing down the current,train +29553,29554,29554,ura pakacidalay,the so called Gyeongsang Festival,train +29554,29555,29555,wa si^naw ku rumiad tu kasi^nawan tu ruma a mihecaan hakiya,will it be very cold in winter next year,train +29555,29556,29556,u mamamelawan nu tamdaw anini,for the public viewing pleasure,train +29556,29557,29557,teli sa tira,put it there,train +29557,29558,29558,pawli^,bananas,train +29558,29559,29559,u saʼung ita i awa i,we do not have an umbrella,train +29559,29560,29560,misaluma kaku i alamisaluma satu ku finawlan mifadahung tu tutang,when I built my house the tribesmen built tin houses after me,test +29560,29561,29561,finawlan nu Piwma,Peñan clansmen,train +29561,29562,29562,i Kiwit ku luma aku,I live in the Chimay tribe,train +29562,29563,29563,u maan a Kawas macuwaay a Kawas sa,what kind of spirits are they,train +29563,29564,29564,Alapatedutedu cangra a pasuwal tu ifalucuay nangra,they all said what came into their heads,train +29564,29565,29565,u kulung ku miculuay,it is transported in oxcarts,train +29565,29566,29566,icuwa^,Where,train +29566,29567,29567,saka tangsul sa cifalucu kaku,that is why I am paying attention to him,train +29567,29568,29568,sufur,squirrel,train +29568,29569,29569,kaysiya kina faʼinay aku,my husband is at the sugar factory,train +29569,29570,29570,nipalumaan nu matuasay,elderly,test +29570,29571,29571,iraay tu ku ruma ruma finacadan sai misinkiw sai canguʼut ku mita a kupu haw,there are other groups so there is a clear lack of votes in the election,train +29571,29572,29572,lalan saka ku maalaay tu nu Tencuciyaw,looks like they are all Catholics,train +29572,29573,29573,mitengil tu suwal nu wawa,after listening to the child,train +29573,29574,29574,munanaway,hand washing,train +29574,29575,29575,ye,Boss,train +29575,29576,29576,kaacangan,wedding day,train +29576,29577,29577,u kabanaʼan nu maku kungku nu malitengay,I know the stories the old man told,train +29577,29578,29578,maʼurad ku paputal maʼurad ku luma,it is raining outside and leaking inside,train +29578,29579,29579,Cuwa u niacaan nu wina aku tu hamaku kunini,No my mom bought it for me,train +29579,29580,29580,a makakutakutay saan kura licay,how are the jobs divided into shifts,test +29580,29581,29581,cuwa ku,fault,train +29581,29582,29582,talacuwa kisu Kacaw,Kacaw where are you going,train +29582,29583,29583,i,in the camp,train +29583,29584,29584,Malatengteng mitenuk tu mali cumikay makeru atu mipana,there were tug of war soccer running dancing and archery,train +29584,29585,29585,Katayra tunini a finawlan a pasuwal talacuwa mitngil kamu i caay ku mamafana kamu a mitngil talacuwa minengneng kamu i caay ku papakaaraw kamu,Go to this people and say You will be ever hearing but never understanding you will be ever seeing but never perceiving,train +29585,29586,29586,pacefus san mikeri tamiyanan,feel free to take us there,train +29586,29587,29587,oya namauripay i tiyahu awaay anini a aadupen hananay i u sakafafalu a hungti ciira Nikawrira u ccay nuya i ayaway a papituay ciira ta u mamatkup ciira,the beast who once was and now is not is an eighth king he belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction,train +29587,29588,29588,samanay kiyakiya radiw,how to sing that song,train +29588,29589,29589,cai haitestesan ku sakakaay,my brother will teach me a stern lesson,train +29589,29590,29590,naning makatawal tu kaku tiyasuwalan,and now years later I have forgotten those words,test +29590,29591,29591,kenu u maan ku nangra papinangan caay ka fana kaku,I do not know exactly where the other tribes come from,train +29591,29592,29592,minukay kasienawan haw mingiru i laluma nu luma ku tangiruan itiya hu,in the winter when I came back I would start a wood fire in the living room to keep warm,train +29592,29593,29593,kapahay maedengay kiya akawang ira,she is very pretty and has a medium build,train +29593,29594,29594,cikuwang cangra,their boats are armed,train +29594,29595,29595,sa ku lalicay,I can ask you,train +29595,29596,29596,para,ass,train +29596,29597,29597,likul,back,train +29597,29598,29598,itiya hu haw i,before,train +29598,29599,29599,awaay i falucu namu ku suwal ningra nawhani caay pasulin kamu a mitier tuya niucuran nu Wama,nor does his word dwell in you for you do not believe the one he sent,train +29599,29600,29600,saka tala cacudadan,to school,test +29600,29601,29601,macefus,Watered,train +29601,29602,29602,ci Yihufa a Kawas,he who does not know God,train +29602,29603,29603,tayra i kungkuan i anu maraaraay ura i,this is the happiest time of my life,train +29603,29604,29604,kawanan a kuʼkuʼ aku,my right foot,train +29604,29605,29605,matalaw kaku tu dadipis,I am afraid of cockroaches,train +29605,29606,29606,Hungti Kitakit nu Kawas,Zealously proclaiming the kingdom of God,train +29606,29607,29607,ya tangic aku haw caay kafana kuna Ku Ka tu Pangcah en,Yes I am crying that the country does not understand the state of the native peoples,train +29607,29608,29608,Hai wa mamaurad tuya rumiad,Yes it will be rainy that day,train +29608,29609,29609,Sasiniada sa ku falucu ni Yis Saka kapa han ningra ku mata nangra i tangsul sa a pakaarawtu cangra ta tuur satu i ci Yisan,Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes immediately they received their sight and followed him,train +29609,29610,29610,Wawad han tu kira nipateliyan a kilang aʼul atu rengus iri,turn over the wood the bamboo and the grass that is sitting there,test +29610,29611,29611,o Pangcah kisu haw,are you Aboriginal,train +29611,29612,29612,pina rumiʼad kura picinah,how many days should I marinate,train +29612,29613,29613,u saayaway a nipihuyahuy nu vayivayian,in the beginning the old ladies were fishing,train +29613,29614,29614,nika a caay kapina a remiad a kapahtu,but do not wait a few days to recover,train +29614,29615,29615,rarum,sadness,train +29615,29616,29616,u mafukilay tu malininaay u madesay u payakayakay tu suwal u farutay u mariangay u mausiay tu ngaayay a dmak,without love unforgiving slanderous without self control brutal not lovers of the good,train +29616,29617,29617,o damsayay Kaku o pu^neray ku falucu aku saka cadungen ku taluudan aku a minanam i Takuwanan ta mapahanhan ku falucu namu,take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls,train +29617,29618,29618,i katimul nu fanaw ku luma nu maku,my home is on the south side of the lake,train +29618,29619,29619,tuduh mienaf,burn,train +29619,29620,29620,Patuur sa ku rumaruma a Yutaya a tamdaw a pasuwal Sulinay hatiraay kura dmak han nangra a pakukut,the Jews joined in the accusation asserting that these things were true,test +29620,29621,29621,ta awa hu maʼaraw kura hicay tatah han i patang,I dumped the fry in the bucket without seeing them,train +29621,29622,29622,itiya satu pakaenen,at dinner,train +29622,29623,29623,uraan tu i malimad,moved out of that place,train +29623,29624,29624,yu cecay a rumiad mapulung kami a malacafay a misalama,one day we all went on an outing together,train +29624,29625,29625,Sakuhenac sa ku fanges nira,her skin is smooth,train +29625,29626,29626,likuwat,domain,train +29626,29627,29627,sa matini i,so now,train +29627,29628,29628,nu nu suwal tu nu singsi paseva tamiyan sa mavana tu nu Hulam ma,we speak Chinese only when our teachers speak Chinese,train +29628,29629,29629,u maan saw kunian ina u pahku,it is a cat fern,train +29629,29630,29630,mizunvi tu talakes atu cael nu heni,they are going to have to prepare leg braces and necklaces,test +29630,29631,29631,Maunic ciira tu kakaenen,he is very picky about food,train +29631,29632,29632,u awul tu miʼawul tu kiya mama haw i maedeng tu san kiya mama,Now father cuts down the caesura bamboo and he thinks it is enough,train +29632,29633,29633,pacadici,bruise,train +29633,29634,29634,helek nu lahuk mafalic tu a kahengang ku kakarayan,in the afternoon the sky turned red,train +29634,29635,29635,tingalaw ku falucu aku,my conscience is clear,train +29635,29636,29636,Misaimer ku Farisay a tamdaw tu demak Yis,the Pharisees watched what Jesus did,train +29636,29637,29637,umanaay ku ci wawa tuyanan fafahiyan wawa,if you do not want a girl,train +29637,29638,29638,Mipaserser kaku tu falucu aku,I need to stabilize my mood,train +29638,29639,29639,ngaʼay u da duʼeduan nu kapah a sakaay mikadkad tu serangawan nu Pangcah,he is a senior who deserves to be followed by young people,train +29639,29640,29640,parariden,frequent,test +29640,29641,29641,saka unini ku suʼlinay a Kawas satu cingra,so this is the real God,train +29641,29642,29642,ira kura sitapangay a rumadiw,someone started to sing,train +29642,29643,29643,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu Ma^denghu a mahpul ku masamaamaanay a raraw atu milukesay a suwal nu tamdaw,I tell you the truth all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them,train +29643,29644,29644,hatu tefus,it is like sugar cane,train +29644,29645,29645,u mikadafu tu kami kira,Oh we are all married,train +29645,29646,29646,anu iraay ku widang isu a mahekal,if you have a friend you can share it with them,train +29646,29647,29647,ira i syisiw kura,it is in the Bible,train +29647,29648,29648,mataenang tu aemin i lilis,they are all resting on the shore,train +29648,29649,29649,naun,slowly,train +29649,29650,29650,aka tu han aku mahaenay tiyahu,I told you I could step down that is how it is always been,test +29650,29651,29651,itini ini tayraan aca nira,go to his place,train +29651,29652,29652,san kaku a misalunguc,that is my wish,train +29652,29653,29653,i muetepay ku lalikid nu Pangcah i ayaw,the Amis used to hold the Harvest Festival in October,train +29653,29654,29654,minganganay tu fai nu maku,it is the name of an ancestor,train +29654,29655,29655,kiraan cacay a lalipayan,in about a week,train +29655,29656,29656,hay ya u hatiraay u rumaruma kilang i,that being said there are other trees,train +29656,29657,29657,palamlamen adetay,the adulteration was delicious,train +29657,29658,29658,kaemang hu kaku i itiraay i Farangaw ku luma niyam mitilid tu i malinahay tayra i Taypak itira sanay tu ku urip i tukay,when we were young our family lived in Farangaw after I started school we moved to Taipei and have been living in the city ever since,train +29658,29659,29659,karaesus,good fart,train +29659,29660,29660,masadakay tu ku cidal faedet ku rumiad,the sun is coming out it is very hot,test +29660,29661,29661,u kumu hananay,the so called slingshot,train +29661,29662,29662,tala sa,all the way,train +29662,29663,29663,telisaan samaamaanen tuʼas han nu matuʼasay,just put it on how the old man pushed it,train +29663,29664,29664,han kira lutuk,that mountain,train +29664,29665,29665,ya safaw enem kasaselal tiyan haw i,in age groups,train +29665,29666,29666,alecam,awn tube,train +29666,29667,29667,ura,that,train +29667,29668,29668,patay,death,train +29668,29669,29669,yu tahiratu cangra itira i pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Pitulun kamu tu saka^caaw ka sawi han ningra,on reaching the place he said to them Pray that you will not fall into temptation,train +29669,29670,29670,awaay si ku futing,did not catch half a fish Ouch,test +29670,29671,29671,anu misamiciw,if we are going to aim,train +29671,29672,29672,o mamilifet kisu tuya piuntukayan haw,will you compete in the sports day,train +29672,29673,29673,safaw tusaen ku pawti,there are twelve bags of rice,train +29673,29674,29674,Matuur niyam ku suwal isu,followed by us your words we did what you told us,train +29674,29675,29675,caedung,put on,train +29675,29676,29676,a mivulesak tu niyan u havay,when sowing millet,train +29676,29677,29677,u maan ku tadeng nu Pangcah,what kind of vegetables do the Amis take,train +29677,29678,29678,icuwa kita miki nanum i lutuk,where can we get water to drink in the mountains,train +29678,29679,29679,samanen haw i cay tu kafana tu lasang kaku,that is when I stopped getting seasick,train +29679,29680,29680,caka tiʼenec ku tiyad haw caay ka fecul saku matuʼasay,old people say that if you do not have anything in your stomach you will not feel full,test +29680,29681,29681,atu lusay atu sapaluma nu tau,other Peoples fruit trees and seeds,train +29681,29682,29682,mi milepel tira ira kiya babelunan,a place to put the fish fry caught,train +29682,29683,29683,u suwal kira patestes sanay,that is a lecture,train +29683,29684,29684,Tadakaesuay ku sakalahuk niyam i piilisinan,we ate a lot at the Harvest Festival,train +29684,29685,29685,Tatemikay tu ku sapacemut isu mapacemutay tu ku futing alatek halikien a mitengteng,your fishing rod is moving is not the fish on the hook pull it up,train +29685,29686,29686,Miladum hu kami tura nu tukus a nanum,we are still picking up water from the mountains,train +29686,29687,29687,Mipakaus ci ina tu kafung nu safa,mom ties a band around her sisters hat,train +29687,29688,29688,o nu amisan a finacadan nu Pangcah u nanikaamis i Hupu tangasa i katimul nu Rinahem a tarawadaw ira ku Natawran Pukpuk Lidaw Cikasuan a tataangay a niyaru,Nanshi Ami Cluster from Beipu in the north of the border of Xincheng Township to Shoufeng river in the south the main tribes are the main tribes are Diolan Pobu Lili Leak and Qifengchuan,train +29688,29689,29689,cingra,he,train +29689,29690,29690,mikalat ku suwal nira,his words inflict hurt,test +29690,29691,29691,adihay ku rengus mifariw kaku micefus kaku anusawni,there is too much grass I am cutting it I will have to water it later,train +29691,29692,29692,Paaruen ci Kacaw i kaikur nu misu,ask Kacaw to sit behind you,train +29692,29693,29693,Mafau ku panay sailen ihu saan kuya falucu aku,I thought I would have to pay homage to the rice worm,train +29693,29694,29694,Kau Suˈlinay ku Hasuwal nu mita,we have to tell the truth,train +29694,29695,29695,ura u caradaw hananay,everybody sing that is what I am talking about,train +29695,29696,29696,pasuwalen isu kuninian,may I ask you this question,train +29696,29697,29697,mamicafer,will have to stop by to do,train +29697,29698,29698,sakilac,points,train +29698,29699,29699,paveliyan aca ku luma,return it to the bereaved family,train +29699,29700,29700,falu ku mihecaan nu maku itiya hu,I was eight years old,test +29700,29701,29701,Mafanaay,I will,train +29701,29702,29702,mihiya tu ku heni,they are negotiating,train +29702,29703,29703,o sakiˈuk nu Kawas ci Aprahaman samaanay paihkal tu wa ira ku Lakuing i sera nu ikur,how does Gods assurance to Abraham indicate a future paradise on earth,train +29703,29704,29704,mavanaay,I will,train +29704,29705,29705,o ikakaay nu cuyuh ku ngangan nuna Wawa matiya mipaflian nu Kawas cingraan tu ikakaay nu cuyuh a tadamaanay a ngangan,so he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs,train +29705,29706,29706,o mamapades ku finawlan anu malaluud ku kitakit,if there is a war in the country the people will suffer,train +29706,29707,29707,maʼicang ya pasangaʼen,after drying take it to the production,train +29707,29708,29708,fs100ura tu atu,Anyway Central Ami is for Tiberias and Kwangchung,train +29708,29709,29709,adingu^,shadow,train +29709,29710,29710,mipacakay tu panay,realization of produced crops,test +29710,29711,29711,mangalev ku ukak muheting ku kulit,especially since the bones of the trees are a very dark color,train +29711,29712,29712,u itilaay ku luma nu vainay nu maku,that is where my husband lives,train +29712,29713,29713,sanu Ripun han na ina tiraay ma,the elders there talk to me in Japanese,train +29713,29714,29714,masa iri haw,it is the same thing again,train +29714,29715,29715,Hay mafana tu,Yes got it,train +29715,29716,29716,pacakayen heca ku haca nu icep,you can sell betel nut fruits,train +29716,29717,29717,tusa a tingting ku acaen aku,I want to buy two patties,train +29717,29718,29718,Pamuciriden nu maku ku suwal anu huni mikimad,I will take the speech later,train +29718,29719,29719,anu masadak i mulaliw kufali,if the wind is too strong the wind passes quickly,train +29719,29720,29720,mamaruhem,to be fully mature,test +29720,29721,29721,herek nu miheca maminukaytu han nu kuwapin,when you are about to leave the workplace,train +29721,29722,29722,hatu u parakatay tu tusiya ku tayal aku,I do all the driving,train +29722,29723,29723,samaanay ku rumiad i paputal,how is the weather outside,train +29723,29724,29724,Dada ka^pud nai ciwcika a paurip tu tireng Isu han nangra,come down from the cross and save yourself,train +29724,29725,29725,pinaʼun palakat tu tusiya,drive safely,train +29725,29726,29726,mahelekay tu aku miasik,I have finished cleaning up,train +29726,29727,29727,han ku nipangangan,I have named it Shichibukawa,train +29727,29728,29728,a mitiyati tu lumaluma ciiciiw nu luma,the corners of every house were tapped,train +29728,29729,29729,Ciker han nu misu ku luma i maan hantu nu maku a micumud,you locked your house,train +29729,29730,29730,idengay ku sama,lettuce can be eaten raw,test +29730,29731,29731,kilim,call on somebody,train +29731,29732,29732,matucacupi,a lot like maggots,train +29732,29733,29733,Matulu ku falucu aku a minengneng tu demak nira,my heart stumbled seeing what he did,train +29733,29734,29734,sapakaen,it is for feeding,train +29734,29735,29735,maratar,long ago,train +29735,29736,29736,anu caihu kalawit isu ku luma a maefer i,if you have not been able to jump over the roof,train +29736,29737,29737,Papitefucen ku mama nu kapah tu caayay pitengil a kapah,let youth leaders punish disobedient youth,train +29737,29738,29738,ira tu ku suwal nu singsi,the teacher said,train +29738,29739,29739,yu mamiliyas kaku tu ayaw i mipahemek ku faki i takuwanan tu akawang tu a tanestes tu kisu saan,before I left my uncle praised me for growing taller and becoming more handsome,train +29739,29740,29740,i kungkuan kaku matayal nu hatini,I am working at school,test +29740,29741,29741,saadihayay ku hiya aku,Votes I have the most votes,train +29741,29742,29742,o falucu ni Kristu ku piarawan ningra a pafli i kahaccaccay ita tu micidekay a rucek,but to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it,train +29742,29743,29743,matudung namu ku tayal nu matuʼasay,your Societys early practices,train +29743,29744,29744,itini kami tirana nu lutuk,from this hill to that hill,train +29744,29745,29745,sisa ira sa ku kakaenen nu heni hayi iri,So that is why they have the ingredients,train +29745,29746,29746,u maamaan ku nivutingan,what kind of fish can you catch,train +29746,29747,29747,caaytu ka hacuwa ku sarakat,it is not far,train +29747,29748,29748,adihay ku nicacakan ni vayi tu sakalahuk sivuting siayam sitamurak atu kacumuli,grandma cooked a big lunch including fish chicken pumpkin and snails,train +29748,29749,29749,u salengac ku mahiyaay nuya matuʼasay a misanga tu hatapes,that is why old people often use the bark of the bay peach tree as a sieve,train +29749,29750,29750,Pakacafuul i takuwanan kira suni nu cascas,the sound of that waterfall is making me pee,test +29750,29751,29751,Nanuya u caaytu ka fana ci Yusifan ku tumirengay a malahungti nu Icip,then another king who knew nothing about Joseph became ruler of Egypt,train +29751,29752,29752,Dimataen aku kuni a capux,I am carrying the seedlings on my shoulder,train +29752,29753,29753,a maan hakiya,what should we do,train +29753,29754,29754,a mipanay tu kita saku saayaway i tayra tu mahaen tu mapapaliw,the very first thing we said was that we were going to cut to and change jobs,train +29754,29755,29755,Nikawrira pacauf sa kuya tawki i ccay nuya matayalay Idangaw caay ku misakakinihay kaku tisuwanan ccay a tinali ku nikatatlekan ita kiya saw,But he answered one of them Friend I am not being unfair to you did not you agree to work for a denarius,train +29755,29756,29756,itira i Futud maʼaraw niyam cimira,where did you meet Mr Liao in Orchid Island,train +29756,29757,29757,sasepatay ku wawa nira,he has four children,train +29757,29758,29758,u Cikasuwan atu Ripun,Shichibukawa and Japanese,train +29758,29759,29759,u nikaurip nu mita u taakay ku ramud hananay a demak a mipili tu kapahay ku wayway mavanaay tu matuasay malalukay tu demak,marriage is a lifelong event and traditional Amis tribes require good moral character filial piety and hard work as basic criteria for choosing a spouse,train +29759,29760,29760,pina ku mihecaan ni wama isu anini mihecaan,how old is your father,test +29760,29761,29761,aluman tu maulahay micudad,many of them want to continue their studies,train +29761,29762,29762,o misiikuray cingra tu wawa nira,she went back to look after her child,train +29762,29763,29763,mitaung,Salute,train +29763,29764,29764,a ngangan ci Singkuy ci Singkuy,the hungry ghosts the hungry mountain gods,train +29764,29765,29765,tina,these,train +29765,29766,29766,caay ka kilim kira,I cannot find it,train +29766,29767,29767,Mapalimuut caira tu saka^caaw pikariang naira tu rngus atu kilang atu masamaamaanay a mulngaway deng u caay ka tupa ku pising tu satupa nu Kawas a tamdaw ku kakariangen naira,they were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads,train +29767,29768,29768,ciciw,suckling pig,train +29768,29769,29769,tatapangan aku a micumud tu tayni i pitilidan a pakafana tu wawa,that is the reason for teaching at school,train +29769,29770,29770,sapisakani,alcohol production equipment or articles,test +29770,29771,29771,u dateng isaw,it is a weed,train +29771,29772,29772,Mipalitaa,may I ask,train +29772,29773,29773,u titi i itiya hu matuʼasay,back then old people killed pigs,train +29773,29774,29774,ngeru,tired,train +29774,29775,29775,Mamirmiray ku falucu nina a pakatengil tu tatiihay,mom shakes when she hears about the bad ones,train +29775,29776,29776,hay kinatusa ari,Yeah well that is twice,train +29776,29777,29777,Mapecihay kuya epang,part of the loaf has been broken off,train +29777,29778,29778,hatini sa,it is so thick,train +29778,29779,29779,alumanay,the masses,train +29779,29780,29780,Pakalipahakay pakariharayay tu niyaru anini,so that we now have a peaceful and happy tribe,test +29780,29781,29781,pakafanaay,pass,train +29781,29782,29782,dadaya saitu rakat san tangsa Kilunh kami,at night we walked all the way to Keelung,train +29782,29783,29783,sahetu kilang,mostly wood,train +29783,29784,29784,yu misalama^ kaku i dafak matulu kaku,this morning I fell down while playing,train +29784,29785,29785,Nanuya masaupu ku ruma a alumanay a finawlan awaaytu ku malukakaenen nangra Saka tahidangen ni Yis a misaupu ku nisawawaan ningra a sumuwal,during those days another large crowd gathered since they had nothing to eat Jesus called his disciples to him and said,train +29785,29786,29786,sakawacay,that is why I took off my clothes,train +29786,29787,29787,cititiay,fleshy,train +29787,29788,29788,kiya tireng ningra,it is that body,train +29788,29789,29789,hay hay hay saan,just say yes yes yes,train +29789,29790,29790,a mitala i terung u kikay tu aemin tini sa i lilis naʼayaw,in the old days all the machines in the middle of the world had to be caught on the shore,test +29790,29791,29791,o mu^celay ku Kawas saka caay ka tawal ningra ku nanu tayal namu atu nipipatalahkal namu tu ulah i cingraan i tini i nipipadama namu tu mituuray atu nika tahanini nura dmak namu,God is not unjust he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them,train +29791,29792,29792,salipahak,response of joy,train +29792,29793,29793,anu saan katayni hen i luma,in that case why do not you come home,train +29793,29794,29794,lingwaen,care,train +29794,29795,29795,kawaliay,it is on the east side,train +29795,29796,29796,Mikiwli hu kaku hasakalafi,I will pick some cucumbers for dinner,train +29796,29797,29797,mauyasay,biased,train +29797,29798,29798,pacamur han tu nu Hulam hay hay,yes alternating between the original Chinese and Chinese languages,train +29798,29799,29799,iraay ku kacipinangan nu maku itini mafanaay kaku tu i cuwaay ku talakal aku,I make a mark here so I know where my trap is,train +29799,29800,29800,o papaturuden aku i tisuwanan kunini a demak,I must turn over this matter to you,test +29800,29801,29801,Makapahay mangalef kuya suda ira kaurira i si^naway,it was beautiful especially the snow but the weather was cold,train +29801,29802,29802,caay kaku ka pafesuc a micudad tu cucung nawhani u manikaway ku pinaru nu luma nu niyam,I did not go straight to middle school my family was very poor,train +29802,29803,29803,mipatireng tu kiwkay,development church,train +29803,29804,29804,cuwa u tatalaumah kita anini,No we are going to the fields,train +29804,29805,29805,Singsi^,Teacher,train +29805,29806,29806,papedek ku mata,eyes are blinking,train +29806,29807,29807,kanguduan,shame,train +29807,29808,29808,Masafeleng ku sufitay a rumakat,the soldiers swarmed were together in great numbers as they moved,train +29808,29809,29809,mamang i hu kaku haw,when I was a kid,train +29809,29810,29810,nanu i kaemangan hu,since I was a kid,test +29810,29811,29811,tadaku^sanay tu kuni a lusay,the fruit tastes sweet,train +29811,29812,29812,safitay,sieve,train +29812,29813,29813,hiya,That,train +29813,29814,29814,Kalacuyuh nu wawa isu kisu,you are going to be an angel to your children,train +29814,29815,29815,talukan tu paʼayaman san paʼayaman,a chicken coop is a place where chickens are kept,train +29815,29816,29816,pilipayan,Liturgy of the word,train +29816,29817,29817,Hacuwa^ ku raay a rakaten,how long will it take to walk,train +29817,29818,29818,i falefaled,up high,train +29818,29819,29819,misalama,go play,train +29819,29820,29820,kaurunan,long to see again,test +29820,29821,29821,hinakefu satu i nanum mifasaw tu salipa,so submerge your feet in water to ease the burning pain,train +29821,29822,29822,Akripa a hungtiaw malmeday kaku anini tuna i kaayaw isu kaku a paading tu tireng a pasuwal tu nanu nipakukutan nu Yutaya a tamdaw a dmak aku a ma^min,King Agrippa I consider myself fortunate to stand before you today as I make my defense against all the accusations of the Jews,train +29822,29823,29823,Mafangad ni mama ku nipalumaan ni ina a falu,dad uprooted the flowers mom planted,train +29823,29824,29824,Kaliyalaw ku cengel nu papah tu kasienawan,the leaves turn yellow in winter,train +29824,29825,29825,melet,a moment,train +29825,29826,29826,o maan kira mikefuhay i fanaw ita,what fell into our pond,train +29826,29827,29827,neneng pasiwali yu sadak say ku cidal,look east the sun has just risen,train +29827,29828,29828,itini sakafana ci Ingcayan i,I have learned a lot,train +29828,29829,29829,a mipitengil tu macacuwacuwaay,listen to any words,train +29829,29830,29830,tahira satu i piceleman nu cidal tuemantu,by the time the sun went down it was dark,test +29830,29831,29831,u kilang ku kilus u sapad u nipelaan tu awul u penen ku sapicaveng u eliku sapivadahung,a house is constructed using wood as beams and pillars wooden planks bamboo sheets or bamboo tubes for the walls and a thatched roof,train +29831,29832,29832,nu itiraay henay kiya,fishing crew,train +29832,29833,29833,masakapah sa cimira a manengneng,when it is ripe it is beautiful,train +29833,29834,29834,nani amisay kura lalengaw itira,Yongfus roots are from the north,train +29834,29835,29835,Lipahak kisu sa,you are very happy,train +29835,29836,29836,mala aku ci,I made Huang Xiuying my chief executive,train +29836,29837,29837,u kaheciday a nanum masadakay sanay,the water that comes out of it is salty,train +29837,29838,29838,i matayalay nu niyam tira itini i hananay haw,those of us who work in the Changbin Industrial Zone,train +29838,29839,29839,u mamaanay a tamdaw sasaw kisu i tisuwan tu,what kind of person do you think you are,train +29839,29840,29840,maharek i midefungay,I am not going into the water until after worship,test +29840,29841,29841,sasirawan nira cidamay u maan,what should I say about meat that is slimy and moldy after marination,train +29841,29842,29842,o katepuan nu futing,where the fish fell,train +29842,29843,29843,sa matini ni ina aku,as my mom said,train +29843,29844,29844,paading,covering,train +29844,29845,29845,Hay icuwa^ kita a matatala^ a masasuaraw,Sure where should we meet,train +29845,29846,29846,pinaay tu ku mihecaan isu,how old are you,train +29846,29847,29847,tu anu mangalay mitilid mamaan mitilid ta mala patenakay kisu saan,if you want to study you can study and become a preacher,train +29847,29848,29848,cesiyase^,city directly governed,train +29848,29849,29849,padangen aku kisu,can I help you,train +29849,29850,29850,i ayaw nunini a rumiad ira ku patakus atu palafang hananay a demak nu niyaru,prior to the big day the tribes have rituals called pathos and parasang,test +29850,29851,29851,mifuting sa i riyar,fishing at the beach,train +29851,29852,29852,matu suwal nu Kawas i Cudad ni Husiya Nau caay ku finawlan aku i u finawlan Aku wa han Aku nau caayay ku kaulahan aku a Kitakit i u kaulahantu aku a kitakit wa han Aku,what if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy whom he prepared in advance for glory,train +29852,29853,29853,matengil tu hayhay matengil tu,can you hear me Yes I can hear you,train +29853,29854,29854,nengneng han,take a closer look,train +29854,29855,29855,maapuh,blurred,train +29855,29856,29856,i patiked sa pacemut tu futing i riyar awa yamaʼalaay niyatanu singara tunu futing ku minukayay,after fishing at the beach and not catching anything all I got back were gills,train +29856,29857,29857,u sapikansiya,with thanks to,train +29857,29858,29858,u han ku nipisamiciw haw,aim with your senses,train +29858,29859,29859,mala ta,becoming an Examiner of the HKHS,train +29859,29860,29860,kuwawi,dragons eyes,test +29860,29861,29861,hayi remadiw aca,one more time sing it again,train +29861,29862,29862,kaʼayaw ku faʼinay aku tayra,my husband will go first,train +29862,29863,29863,anu ira ku adadaay matahidang masayil,if someone is sick he would be invited and a spell would be cast on higher,train +29863,29864,29864,Cedet han nu maku i faedetay a nanum ku caengetay a waay,I scald my itchy feet with water,train +29864,29865,29865,o Pangcah kami saan ku masa Amisay a finacadan ira ku tamdaw u cecayay a finacadan u sanay,the Amis call themselves Pangcah which implies people and kinsmen,train +29865,29866,29866,Hai iraay ku likakawa tu misacepu atu likuda nu niyaru,Yes the tribes also have a custom of organizing sea and Harvest festivals,train +29866,29867,29867,kura kafanaʼan aku,that is all I know,train +29867,29868,29868,aya matuʼas tu kaku anini hu kaku a,I have lived until now,train +29868,29869,29869,tulawtulaw,egret,train +29869,29870,29870,arikik,lightweight and fast movement,test +29870,29871,29871,tulu pulu,thirty people,train +29871,29872,29872,u nu aniniay u pukunging hananay tu nu aniniay,the modern name is dandelion,train +29872,29873,29873,a lutukimu hananay,what about volunteer labor,train +29873,29874,29874,misingkiw kita ku tumuk satu finawlan tuna ilisim,the tribe is much better it should work,train +29874,29875,29875,tadakaemihay,it is too cheap,train +29875,29876,29876,mikilang hu cira retekretek han nira ku kilang,First we will cut down the trees we will cut the wood,train +29876,29877,29877,pikelac,cut,train +29877,29878,29878,o sakaadayay nu Kawas i takuwanan i u sapahapinangaw ni Yis Kristu i takuwanan u satatiihay nu ciraraway a tamdaw tu masungilaay a kudait ningra tu saki takuwanan ta malupiarawantu nu papasulin a mamilayap tu midaucay a urip kaku,but for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me the worst of sinners Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life,train +29878,29879,29879,mana awa ci Panay,why did not Panay come,train +29879,29880,29880,yan tu i ca ka hacuwa,and then I did not get very far,test +29880,29881,29881,Tahadaucen ku demak,continue forever doing the activity,train +29881,29882,29882,u Tumay hananay u papakaʼaraw hu kita tu Tumay caaay,where is the bear we are not likely to see one,train +29882,29883,29883,mi mizuday han nu niyam,we call it,train +29883,29884,29884,ayaw caira ni luing luing malahitay kira,they are going to the barracks first,train +29884,29885,29885,ira itira ku ccay a kakridan nu Yutaya ci Nikutimus hananay nau tayraay cingra i ayaw i ci Yisan suwal sa cingra,Nicodemus who had gone to Jesus earlier and who was one of their own number asked,train +29885,29886,29886,suwal sa Cingra Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu anu caay pifalic kamu tu falucu a pasasiyur a matiya u ka^mangay a wawa i caay ku mamicumud kamu i Kitakit nu Kawas,and he said I tell you the truth unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven,train +29886,29887,29887,mahawina hu ku falucu,I thought I needed my mom,train +29887,29888,29888,Matemer ku kamay nu maku yu milikat tu dingki,my hand was electrocuted when I turned on the light,train +29888,29889,29889,Makara i babaw haen han niyam milakec,we crossed the river this way from upstream,train +29889,29890,29890,mangalay,care for somebody,test +29890,29891,29891,awaay ku gasu itiya,there was no gas at that time,train +29891,29892,29892,hay iraay tu kura nu rumaci nu mira a tilid haw i,although he also has Romanization,train +29892,29893,29893,mapulung,in the same place,train +29893,29894,29894,o i ayaway aku a tayni a tamdaw a ma^min i u mitakaway u mariangay caay pitngil ku siri tu suwal nangra,all who ever came before me were thieves and robbers but the sheep did not listen to them,train +29894,29895,29895,cecay mihca ira ku ilisin pakafana kamu tu fucingkay tu keru,do you sing Amis songs to young women during the years Harvest festival,train +29895,29896,29896,hatiraay ku demak ni ya faki aku mipacakay kaminan,my uncle was exposed for selling us,train +29896,29897,29897,o maeduxay tu nu tau i tira,the strawberries over there have already been picked,train +29897,29898,29898,Paaceken nira ku was,he blasphemed against God,train +29898,29899,29899,pakamaanay a sa tu kita a mafukil,we do not know what it is about,train +29899,29900,29900,malaramud,husband and wife,test +29900,29901,29901,Ngaaytu makahi kaku,Yes I would love to,train +29901,29902,29902,malacafay,form companionship,train +29902,29903,29903,keliden nuna kakitaʼan pulung a salikaka i tini a malakayakayat tuya kamay a makeru,the leader led the whole clan to dance hand in hand here,train +29903,29904,29904,itiyahu itiyaay i mihecaan,in the year of ROC,train +29904,29905,29905,aka paceva a sumuwal tu caayay kawu suelinayay,do not tell the truth if it is not true,train +29905,29906,29906,ca ka halafin tusa fulad ku pitapi aku tura faʼinayan,it did not take long about two months to go to the mans house to contribute to the work,train +29906,29907,29907,nipalisapudan nu mangudu cai tu ka saan tu Taywan i ayaw,in order to have these threads to pick up they will not be looked down upon by the Han Chinese,train +29907,29908,29908,hai anu iraay tu ku payci isu kalakamen tayra i patiyamay Cakay tu tuki sanay tu cira,I was told to go to the watch store and buy a watch,train +29908,29909,29909,mahirateng aku kiya kalahuk,I thought about the dish I had for lunch,train +29909,29910,29910,o ruma u suˈlinay kimad nu Fangcalay Cudad pakaynian i tancang atu kihpicay Cudad a mapatenak i mikuwanan nu Putawya a pala mahaupay ku Ankula Asures Ferte sawali nu Timur Kua Matera atu Musapike,in addition the truth of the Bible was spread through leaflets and pamphlets to various Portuguese colonies including Angola the Azores Cape Verde east Timor Goa Madeira and Mozambique,test +29910,29911,29911,papiseking tu ku kaysiya,the company asked me to take the exam,train +29911,29912,29912,aya kaʼesu kura kaʼesu kaʼenen tu epah marepet nu niyaru nira,Aye it is tasty enough to drink with the wine but the clansmen catch it,train +29912,29913,29913,o ruma satu pakayniay i Rikec nu kasaselaselal nu Pangcah i tini i tayal nira i u malahitayay u sakarayray nu demak u sakuwan tu finawlan matira ku demak,in addition the age organization of the Amis is functionally a combination of military administrative and political organizations,train +29913,29914,29914,Matayu ku rakat nu kamukuay kanitusa aca a mitaliyuk tu cecay rumiad,the short needle moves slowly making only two revolutions a day,train +29914,29915,29915,nawhani,Why,train +29915,29916,29916,u nian ini haw,because of this,train +29916,29917,29917,misakiemel,endeavor,train +29917,29918,29918,tu emu hananay anini,now sweet rice cake,train +29918,29919,29919,i,be,train +29919,29920,29920,suwal sa cangra O maanhu ku lalungucen ita a maan aca a wacay Matu^tutu ita a matngil ku suwal Ningra saan,then they said Why do we need any more testimony we have heard it from his own lips,test +29920,29921,29921,mahaen u rangat ku nikadadahal,it is very wide like a fence,train +29921,29922,29922,ikur nu tahka^ i mifurac kaku tu wadis,I brush my teeth after eating,train +29922,29923,29923,Pisaicel i kaayaw nu Kawas a malapakaluwiday tu salifet u awaayay ku taturuen a matayalay sungilaen ku pitadtad tu sulin a ratuh,do your best to present yourself to God as one approved a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth,train +29923,29924,29924,matalaw kaku a ira ku milicay i takuwanan ha ha ha ha,I would be scared to death if someone interviewed me,train +29924,29925,29925,i niyaru maruray ku urip nu niyaru,life in the tribe was very difficult,train +29925,29926,29926,o kulung ku ngangan nu cefang aku,the name of my team is the Bulls,train +29926,29927,29927,vesuc,straight ahead,train +29927,29928,29928,fangcal ku dmak nu i tiraay a tamdaw i tamiyanan a mihamham Maurad si^naw ku rumiad itiya saka likaten nangra ku namal a pangiru i tamiyanan a ma^min,the islanders showed us unusual kindness they built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold,train +29928,29929,29929,itiya hu sapifalic tu epah,I will take rice for the sake,train +29929,29930,29930,kungku nu matuʼasay,legendary stories,test +29930,29931,29931,adihayhu ku matawalay nu kaka aku tu sakiitini i lituk,my brother left out a lot of names on the mountain,train +29931,29932,29932,kitkit,peel off,train +29932,29933,29933,iraay ku demak nu maku awaay i luma kaku anini liyaw sa tu a rumiad makena,I am out today how about another day,train +29933,29934,29934,hasaraw u eli haw kura luma namu,So do you have a thatched roof,train +29934,29935,29935,matukatuka,they are all lazy,train +29935,29936,29936,maalupalay,persimmon harvested,train +29936,29937,29937,hai caka pisawad minengneng tu wama anca tu wina mikaede i,Yes I have been watching my mom and dad knead the threads,train +29937,29938,29938,maulah kaku a midanguy,my hobby is swimming,train +29938,29939,29939,ira pasangaʼay i Kilung saan,in Keelung there will be made like this,train +29939,29940,29940,ira ku radiw namu i ayaw,what kind of songs did you guys used to sing,test +29940,29941,29941,i sakatusa a rumiad ikur nuya pipatalaan a rumiad i masaupu i ci Pilatuan ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu Farisay a tamdaw,the next day the one after preparation Day the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate,train +29941,29942,29942,kaku kaku satu i,what about me,train +29942,29943,29943,paafaten,hay,train +29943,29944,29944,anu umaan ku a ira ku lifung anusa miala tuya salifung a kilang,if there is an outbreak the clan goes to gather plants for the outbreak,train +29944,29945,29945,alaen tu ira kaku yan tu araen tu ira kaku i,so they took me back and after they took me back,train +29945,29946,29946,saka saayaway a rumiad tuya dadaya nu piilisinan maherek malafi ku kapah cilusid a tayra i putal nu taluan a masaupu,on the first night of the festival after dinner at our home we dressed up in dance costumes and met with our classmates in the Plaza in front of the clubhouse,train +29946,29947,29947,Hai cecay suut tulu pulu a kungfen ku akawang aku,Yes I am centimeters now,train +29947,29948,29948,tataemuden,a prey to devour,train +29948,29949,29949,o saw a finacadan,it is the Shaw tribe,train +29949,29950,29950,awaayay kisu,you are not,test +29950,29951,29951,Tangungul kura efung,that canyon is deep,train +29951,29952,29952,maherek tu ci ina^ a misakalafi^ Dada malafi^,mom has cooked dinner come and eat,train +29952,29953,29953,Makakapi ku pilayap nira,he got a second gift to go with the first,train +29953,29954,29954,u nini haw i u funus u paini nu wama niyam,I have replaced my belt knife my father in law gave it to me,train +29954,29955,29955,a milimad tiya hiya a,we need to move that,train +29955,29956,29956,caay ka harateng tu mamifalic tu kaˈurip aku ci Yihufa atu kimad ningra,I never imagined that the truth about the Lord God and his will would be so transformation in my life,train +29956,29957,29957,tada u ciwaaay ku caedes nu suwal nu wawa anini,Nowadays children speech is like a longhorn which is very hurtful,train +29957,29958,29958,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Inaaw aka patadu Takuwanan a papidmak tu maan Cahu ka raud ku pidmakan Aku han ningra,Dear woman why do you involve me Jesus replied My time has not yet come,train +29958,29959,29959,ya awaay tu ku tihi patihi han nu tatulu a tamdaw kura yamapatayay tu ku tihi,two or three widows and widowers ate with him,train +29959,29960,29960,aka hu macuyacuyay tatu ku tamina itini kaku a mitengteng tu pacemut itira kisu a mipadang i takuwanan a miala tu salil a patayni,Wait the ship is rolling heavily I am here to pull the fishing rod and you should go there to grab me the net,test +29960,29961,29961,fangsis saan kina safun,this soap smells good,train +29961,29962,29962,kamu u mama atu ina haw i,you elders,train +29962,29963,29963,anu awaay ku mahaenay palufu tu parayray,without the guidance and leadership of such a person,train +29963,29964,29964,kemaen,eat,train +29964,29965,29965,sa ira ka mamu nira mihatatanamay tu nu kuwapin a suwal,but grand mom is learning to speak Mandarin,train +29965,29966,29966,Hayda tata mimali kita,Okay let us go,train +29966,29967,29967,Kalasuwalan,as they say,train +29967,29968,29968,kina niyaru haw i,this tribe,train +29968,29969,29969,haen han misaaled kina tusaay ini yu,these two are just going around in circles,train +29969,29970,29970,akawangay ku wama aku u malatayxinay ku wama aku,my father is tall and he is a policeman,test +29970,29971,29971,Tadangaayay midanguy kumaen tu kuli ira haca ku pikilumaan kisu i,because in the summer you can swim eat ice and have the Harvest Festival what about you,train +29971,29972,29972,nu manan a cacupian,any maggot,train +29972,29973,29973,minginguy,take a shower,train +29973,29974,29974,niharatengan,I think,train +29974,29975,29975,u wawa sa away ku palumaay,the kids do not even grow anymore,train +29975,29976,29976,i paka lumaʼlumaʼan,in every household of the tribe,train +29976,29977,29977,umaan ku kakaenen namu sanay ku malitengay,the elders are worried about what you can eat,train +29977,29978,29978,mahaenay u paluma hananay,such as planting,train +29978,29979,29979,mangaʼay aca kini,that is a good one,train +29979,29980,29980,aka kita pisawad tu,let us not lose the tradition,test +29980,29981,29981,cacedengtu kita minukay,one by one we are getting ready to go home,train +29981,29982,29982,umawmah na Payrang,Minnans field,train +29982,29983,29983,u mama nu luma ku ayaw iraan ku palimuan,it is your own father who takes precedence,train +29983,29984,29984,o ruma i u taneng nu tuas hu a mafana misasiraw tu titi itini a mahapinang ku taneng a maurip ku Pangcah u taneng tu nu matuasay ku fana a misasiraw saka matenes manaang ku kakaenen,Secondly cured meat is a very important traditional food of the Amis people and has profound cultural meaning the curing method is also a traditional Amis food preservation technique,train +29984,29985,29985,Ngaay hu pinaay ku aca nuna dateng,Hello how much is this bunch of vegetables,train +29985,29986,29986,tala likur,in the future,train +29986,29987,29987,Ciramuday tu kisu han,are you married,train +29987,29988,29988,saemel ku rumiad anini,the weather is cool today,train +29988,29989,29989,hunglungku kuni,it is a red dragon fruit,train +29989,29990,29990,cepcep han nira wawa ku cucu ni ina nira,that child sucks on his mothers milk,test +29990,29991,29991,sakatanestes,Handsome,train +29991,29992,29992,caay ka fangcal ku rakaten niyam a tayra i Tumiyac a mitilid,we are not going to make it to school,train +29992,29993,29993,Vuhacal ku velih nu papah nira,the backs of its leaves are white,train +29993,29994,29994,nu mita a minanam,development functions,train +29994,29995,29995,ungcuy,rock,train +29995,29996,29996,caka hatira puliyaw a iyaen,not the same as fabric,train +29996,29997,29997,Pafesuc kaku a taluma,I will go home directly,train +29997,29998,29998,tatinul ku suni nu ayam,the birds alternated singing,train +29998,29999,29999,tangasa i tangasa i i,they are here,train +29999,30000,30000,u ruma i enem a talid ʼukʼuk sa tu piru haw i,some of them they drink six beers at a time,test +30000,30001,30001,ura pipuric isu milisiwan isu,have you ever practiced kneading rope,train +30001,30002,30002,iratuku,there is mineral water,train +30002,30003,30003,papasataʼen tu nu maku kunian,that is all I have to pay for now,train +30003,30004,30004,hatiraay kura nu itiyaayhu nu tuʼas hu a mipasifana tu kapah,it is all about using traditional wisdom to teach young people,train +30004,30005,30005,Saka tayra satu cangra a mitupa tu satahaf nu tadem a fukluh ta papisungila han nangra ku sufitay a papisimaw tuya tadem,so they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard,train +30005,30006,30006,Fahka ci Yis a mitngil tunini a suwal pasayra sa ci Yis i mituuray cingraan a finawlan a sumuwal Suwalen Aku kamu anu i tinitu i Israil i awaayhu a maaraw Aku ku hatiniay a nipitier nu tamdaw tu Kawas han ningra,for I myself am a man under authority with soldiers under me I tell this one Go and he goes and that one Come and he comes I say to my servant Do this and he does it,train +30006,30007,30007,maan hatu ni mama aku,what would father do,train +30007,30008,30008,kakaulahan,wonderful,train +30008,30009,30009,pidawaan,to observe,train +30009,30010,30010,anu sababaay aku wawa i,as for the youngest child,test +30010,30011,30011,a masaniyaru,and they form a tribe,train +30011,30012,30012,i riyar nu ini,only in the Indonesian Sea,train +30012,30013,30013,o sapisafitaw nangra ci Yisan saka milicay ku ccay nu pasifanaay tu Rikec a tamdaw,one of them an expert in the law tested him with this question,train +30013,30014,30014,u mama nu luma,by the parents of this family,train +30014,30015,30015,ku luma itiya satu,and the loss of the family,train +30015,30016,30016,miruhem,ripening,train +30016,30017,30017,maʼaraw aku cipucuʼay iʼayaw,I see a lot of people with thyroid,train +30017,30018,30018,maruhem tu ku pawli hay,are the bananas ripe,train +30018,30019,30019,hatiraay hu itiya ku malitengay,early ancestors had rituals like this,train +30019,30020,30020,tani kaku mikilim tu mafanaʼay mikawit tu tafukud,I have found an old man who is very good at weaving gossip nets,test +30020,30021,30021,Hay vangecal a melawan ku talakal ni Adek,Yes the rainbow looks beautiful,train +30021,30022,30022,hay,that is right,train +30022,30023,30023,licayen aku ci ina aku ngaʼayay hatini ina han aku,I asked my mom Am I doing the right thing,train +30023,30024,30024,o safangcalan nu was kita,God cleansed purified us,train +30024,30025,30025,anu alaen nu misu kiyami haw siremes tu i pulut,if you scratch him his tail bleeds immediately,train +30025,30026,30026,anu caay u rara nipatengeran tu vasis a kavi sapakerid,if not bring back the long stewed red bean and pork soup,train +30026,30027,30027,nani duduan mikinafalah ku uirp nu,the Maori the whites risked their lives to get it,train +30027,30028,30028,alatek i,Maybe,train +30028,30029,30029,hatay tu ama kami ku mamaʼalul kami,the good thing is we are not going anywhere,train +30029,30030,30030,na caira ku nihiyaay nikilimay i nacila ay xxxx han xxxx han heeee,did they build it last time Yeah,test +30030,30031,30031,ta mipacuk tu fafuy kiya kaputmatungarhu tu cecay rumiʼad ku lisin niyam,the team celebrated by killing a mountain pig and spending the day celebrating the name of the team,train +30031,30032,30032,ya kacipaʼay palumaan niira,they grow yams there,train +30032,30033,30033,pacarekahen,field something rough,train +30033,30034,30034,itiya u wawa hen,I was a child,train +30034,30035,30035,icuwa ku luma ni Maʼuwid san,where does Malverdes family live,train +30035,30036,30036,saan ta hay mahaen haw aka tu pidemak tu mahaenay a demak,this is what the tribal elders want for their tribal people,train +30036,30037,30037,maliyas aku ku katalawan,I escaped danger,train +30037,30038,30038,kilimen haw ku tamdaw en ku mifunsiw nangra,the first step is to register the members of the Association and record their personal data,train +30038,30039,30039,rarum sa ku nisawawaan a sumuwal Kaku haw Kaku haw saan a mahaccaccay a milicay i Cingraan,they were saddened and one by one they said to him Surely not I,train +30039,30040,30040,u kilakilangtu u talutaludan tu matasun kiyami,it is a wooded overgrown muddy road,test +30040,30041,30041,na a futing ku maalaay namu,how many fish did you get,train +30041,30042,30042,o nipipalusu ningra tunini a fangsisay a simal i tireng aku i u nipipatala ningra tu sapitadem i Takuwanan,when she poured this perfume on my body she did it to prepare me for burial,train +30042,30043,30043,ira ku nihaenay i singfun i takuwanan,a news Reporter interviewed me like this,train +30043,30044,30044,o malalisanay cingra,she has a fever,train +30044,30045,30045,misanga tu ilu nu niyaru,if someone makes a mistake on the tribe,train +30045,30046,30046,saka aluman ku fafahi nira saka,so many of his wives,train +30046,30047,30047,i pipasifanaan ciira tahidangen aku ciira,she is in the auditorium I will go call her,train +30047,30048,30048,saka tayniay kura akung misulap ku kafulawan,that is why Grandpa is here to inspect the relocated places,train +30048,30049,30049,u maan ku kangalayan nu misu a sinuvu,so what is your favorite gift,train +30049,30050,30050,lifafuy,barking,test +30050,30051,30051,herek nu lahuk neneng han nira mawarak tu ku futing maemin,late in the afternoon it looks like the fish has fainted,train +30051,30052,30052,o funus ku sapaamid ni mama tu kaka,my fathers gift to my brother was a sword,train +30052,30053,30053,usi kuna misangan isu saw layalay sa tu,you have made a lot of gyros they are all lined up,train +30053,30054,30054,hawhani,because,train +30054,30055,30055,Alapakpakpakpak sa tu kamay ku mitengilay tu radiw ni Panay,everyone clapped their hands as they listened to Barnets song,train +30055,30056,30056,mapataytu nu lahuk kita,eating too much,train +30056,30057,30057,kungtun,metric tonnage,train +30057,30058,30058,ma^dengay,approximately,train +30058,30059,30059,o tumuk nu niyaru ku mipanganganay i cairaan,the head of the tribe named them,train +30059,30060,30060,Misafangcalay tu pising atu fukes,doing beauty and hairdressing,test +30060,30061,30061,Malasuur tu kuya sureda,the ice has melted,train +30061,30062,30062,manarsquuangay,favorite,train +30062,30063,30063,uraan tu i,nevertheless,train +30063,30064,30064,anu hacuwa ku icelen nu misu a mi,depends on how much you can do,train +30064,30065,30065,hay hatinian,Yeah that is it,train +30065,30066,30066,mimisa tira i Kiyaling,at Nathaniels,train +30066,30067,30067,saan,I will tell you what,train +30067,30068,30068,ci fayi aku ku miadawisay tu kamaya i sarikuran nu luma,my aunt picks red haired persimmons in her backyard at home,train +30068,30069,30069,matawalay isu a miala ku impic han,do you forget to bring your pen,train +30069,30070,30070,hatira ku nu itiyaay hu,the past is like this,test +30070,30071,30071,yayuna i mahaen hu ku urip itira caay ka fangcal,as a result life there is just as bad as it was in the past,train +30071,30072,30072,tangsul laupen,it is close,train +30072,30073,30073,harateng,mind,train +30073,30074,30074,ku malitengay miiyaay tu,that is how old people are,train +30074,30075,30075,nani tira i Paʼilasen,some from Fuyuan,train +30075,30076,30076,kalikien nu mita a minukay a mipalada tu alumanay,let us go back immediately and share it with everyone,train +30076,30077,30077,salitataang,thumbs,train +30077,30078,30078,tadamaurun,I miss it,train +30078,30079,30079,nu atulan a pinangan i,Durans way,train +30079,30080,30080,cai pidudu tangsa itini tafalung,I did not come with you to Tai long Valley,test +30080,30081,30081,celaken nira kura titi,and then the three animals,train +30081,30082,30082,o paayaw nu fafahiyan tu cuyuh saka u cacitapudu cingra a pahapinang tu nipihaklung ningra tu fainay ningra,for this reason and because of the angels the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head,train +30082,30083,30083,a misulac ku niyan u papinaruan,clean all,train +30083,30084,30084,limaay tu ku mihecaan ningra anini,he is five years old,train +30084,30085,30085,maedeng cecay tatukian,about an hour,train +30085,30086,30086,u kahayrayra i adihayay ku kahayrayra sa kira,and many many more,train +30086,30087,30087,taluma kami namawmah atu ya matuasay haw iri,when we got home from our shift with the old man,train +30087,30088,30088,misahemay,rice creation day,train +30088,30089,30089,tini kuya demak,this is the way the thing happened,train +30089,30090,30090,u senlinsu hay hay i nalicaay kiraan,the forest house the last one yes yes yes,test +30090,30091,30091,Matufelalutung ku kalang a nenengen,crabs look a lot like spiders,train +30091,30092,30092,iran kira na,then it is like this,train +30092,30093,30093,Maaraw nu Farisay a tamdaw kunini a dmak saka suwal sa i ci Yisan Nengnengen midmak ku nisawawaan Isu tu caay ku dadmaken i Paslaan a Rumiad han nangra,when the Pharisees saw this they said to him Look your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath,train +30093,30094,30094,pasuwal kaku i tamuwanan u sapahapinangaw ni Kristu tu nika u sulinay a tatieren ku Kawas atu sakalahciaw nu nisuwalan nu Kawas i tatuasan ita saka malakuli nu Yutaya a tamdaw cingra,for I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of Gods truth to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs,train +30094,30095,30095,na i futing a nimaan,no boats with nets,train +30095,30096,30096,nai Pusungay kaku,I am from Taitung,train +30096,30097,30097,say,years old,train +30097,30098,30098,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O Tapang nu Paslaan a Rumiad ku Wawa nu Tamdaw han ningra,then Jesus said to them The son of man is Lord of the Sabbath,train +30098,30099,30099,iraay tura pakuliteng hu a lalan i,former roads,train +30099,30100,30100,sapifasaw tu faedet sa ku malitengay,the elders say you can anneal it,test +30100,30101,30101,Kafalan,Kavalan one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +30101,30102,30102,maukikay,tight,train +30102,30103,30103,tu sakaytini,constructed for life,train +30103,30104,30104,dadinassafinalan,headdress,train +30104,30105,30105,Iraay mafutiay cira i kafutian,Yes she is sleeping in her room,train +30105,30106,30106,ira kira kiyang kiyang kiyang mafekac kira,it is because of the rattle of the hip bells when we run Dang dang dang,train +30106,30107,30107,madakaw kaku matira paepude nira,then put me down,train +30107,30108,30108,pacauf,responsive,train +30108,30109,30109,paisin a mihawang i kaayaw nu misalisinay a sikawasay,crossing in front of the priest performing the ritual is taboo,train +30109,30110,30110,kaw,indistinct,test +30110,30111,30111,aka pasuwal tu suwal nu Amis sanay ku suwal nu singsi,the teacher said we cannot speak in tongues,train +30111,30112,30112,liteng satu i ilaen hu ku tudung nu,when one grows old one must have the right to belong,train +30112,30113,30113,cecay a fulad ira ku keliw kiyami haw puruden nira ku cecay a purud,if you say one moon one Boehmers twine then you will get tangled up in a circle,train +30113,30114,30114,vesulen tuya saves,thread it with a threading tool,train +30114,30115,30115,pararitingen,to bind,train +30115,30116,30116,12 13 o manan ku papadama kitaanan misaka dademak tu luma 155 han,what helps us to apply Romans,train +30116,30117,30117,Tinakuen ikur nu midemak ci Yis tu kafahkaˈan a pafecul tu ˈalumanay tamdaw i mituuray cangra ci Yisan tayra i lawac nu Kalili a riyar,for example after Jesus performed a miracle and fed a large crowd these people followed Jesus to the other side of the sea of Galilee,train +30117,30118,30118,san ku ina nu maku,my mom said,train +30118,30119,30119,sepat a tatukian,it lasted hours,train +30119,30120,30120,miʼecakay maʼecak nu cinah haw,let the saltpeter cook it first,test +30120,30121,30121,Ngutaen nira wawa ku nemnem i lakelal caay pitengil,that kid really messed up the spring water,train +30121,30122,30122,hulul a san mataluma mafelec,joking around and coming home,train +30122,30123,30123,Vayiyaw adada ku wawa aku,random my baby is sick,train +30123,30124,30124,laed niyam atu sava,there is a big age gap,train +30124,30125,30125,pikasuyan,where you pick up firewood,train +30125,30126,30126,Ma^deng siwa ku tuki tu dafak tayra cingra i kalaliacaan i maaraw ningra ku caay pimaan a tumirengay a tamdaw itira,About the third hour he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing,train +30126,30127,30127,iraay hakini,there is is not there,train +30127,30128,30128,Mafana a misatakutakud ku fitakula,frogs are very good at jumping,train +30128,30129,30129,milaliway a vuting tayraen i vuvu,the one who escaped went into the fish trap,train +30129,30130,30130,samaanay alatek i,maybe it is all right,test +30130,30131,30131,kanitusa,make times,train +30131,30132,30132,takara u saka fana nu tamdaw,if a man wants to learn a thing,train +30132,30133,30133,o maan ku kaulahan isu a kumaen,what do you like to eat,train +30133,30134,30134,maʼaraw aku kiya fai i,I have not seen that aunt yet,train +30134,30135,30135,kuheraay,Yellow,train +30135,30136,30136,i tini i masamaamaanay a dmak kami a pahapinang tu nika u matayalay nu Kawas kami hadidien niyam ku ruray,Rather as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way in great endurance in troubles hardships and distresses,train +30136,30137,30137,dihkuay,warm,train +30137,30138,30138,tu,Received,train +30138,30139,30139,fangcal ku mata ni ina,mom has beautiful eyes,train +30139,30140,30140,ira awaay ku madaduduay malevut,you see no one can follow me around here,test +30140,30141,30141,milakechu tu nanum iraw u siwkulanki anini,to cross the Xiuguluan River,train +30141,30142,30142,tiraay tu kaku misaʼicel misafalucu mihatatanam tura,I am just starting to put my heart and soul into wind music,train +30142,30143,30143,ci Apetayan ku ngangan ningra,he is called Apetayan,train +30143,30144,30144,tiya haw i tadaruray tu ku urip nu maku i tiya,I was the most tired I have ever been,train +30144,30145,30145,naicuwaay,There,train +30145,30146,30146,itira inalaculan han,covering the hillside,train +30146,30147,30147,aka a piadiwis tu caayay hu ka ruhem a kamaya,do not pick the unripe tomato,train +30147,30148,30148,a misawad tu kaku a malatumuk haw i,when I was a leader I paid attention,train +30148,30149,30149,o nanu mangiyangiay nu Fangcalay Adingu ku falucu ni Tafiti saka pasuwal sa Pasuwal ku Tapang tu Tapang aku Kamaru i kawanan Aku tangasa i papihinukupan Aku tu ada Isu i pasaripaan Isu sanay,David himself speaking by the Holy Spirit declared The Lord said to my Lord Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet,train +30149,30150,30150,taring nira itira,push it in there,test +30150,30151,30151,hayi han a pacauv ku sakaramud nu maku aci vavuy liyalan,and you promised me a whale,train +30151,30152,30152,fa cingra tu fana aku,he put down my ability,train +30152,30153,30153,oya milukesay tu wawa nu tamdaw i ma^denghu a mahpul ku raraw ningra Nikawrira u milukesay tu Fangcalay Adingu i anu aninitu anu a iratu a hkal i caay ku mamahpul ku raraw ningra,anyone who speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in this age or in the age to come,train +30153,30154,30154,mairingay,crooked,train +30154,30155,30155,malahitay icuwa malahitay tira nanyang,Soldier Where in the south Seas,train +30155,30156,30156,suwalen aku kira,I will say this,train +30156,30157,30157,pakaen tu rarapa,let us go to the cows,train +30157,30158,30158,Mafesul kunini a sapad,this board was cut with holes,train +30158,30159,30159,saka,will,train +30159,30160,30160,satimul nu kaysiya ka mukuan nu maku,it is just south of the sugar factory,test +30160,30161,30161,patikuen,please return it,train +30161,30162,30162,micukang kaku,where do I work,train +30162,30163,30163,iʼayaw kaʼemang hu kamu ngaʼayay tu hay,in the old days when you were kids you could do it,train +30163,30164,30164,macuwacu,stirred,train +30164,30165,30165,ciira,He She,train +30165,30166,30166,tayra satu i Tafitu i kalahukan,when we get to Tianxiang,train +30166,30167,30167,Nikawrira Maapaay kisu han nu tamdamdaw a sumuwal Sulinay caay ku mangah aku han ningra cangra a misaicel a sumuwal Saka Latek u cuyuh ningra saan cangra,You are out of your mind they told her when she kept insisting that it was so they said It must be his angel,train +30167,30168,30168,adada ku punu aku saan,my head hurts like this,train +30168,30169,30169,sienaw ku rumiad saka ukut saan kira matuasay,because of the cold weather the old man is shrinking his body tightly,train +30169,30170,30170,kaʼamis nu Fudafudak,Yes north of the Urtica tribe,test +30170,30171,30171,u niya talip aku tu ninian,I have a dress,train +30171,30172,30172,paduʼedu tu mipainian nu misu,I made it the way you made it,train +30172,30173,30173,a pacici a palifet papisiyakay,encouragement to work,train +30173,30174,30174,matuka^,lazy,train +30174,30175,30175,tenes satu tawal sanay tu,if you do not talk about it for a long time you will forget about it,train +30175,30176,30176,u cayna ni ina ni mimi ku nian,it is my sisters moms cabbage blue,train +30176,30177,30177,naʼay naʼay kaku itira micudad sa,I do not want to study there,train +30177,30178,30178,pakini tu nu fulad aca a kimad,pure crisp is the story of the main body of the moon,train +30178,30179,30179,mafahekul,lose,train +30179,30180,30180,tangasatu,almost there,test +30180,30181,30181,Lahaklung satu cangra a cumikay a tayra nikawrira mikiayaw ci Pitiruan a cumikay kuya ccay a nisawawaan a tahira i tadem,both were running but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first,train +30181,30182,30182,taluma tu i,I am home,train +30182,30183,30183,ku,Grid marker,train +30183,30184,30184,matuʼas kaku,I am very old,train +30184,30185,30185,muraraw kaku icuwa saw ku cacaliwan tu cudad,I am lost where is the library,train +30185,30186,30186,u hatiniay ku taneng nuna ina,these wise women,train +30186,30187,30187,sani sani lalesiyan tu,frequent tsunami,train +30187,30188,30188,tahidangen nu pitilidan ku kalas nu niyaru mipacakat i tamiyanan,the school invited the tribal elders to organize a Bar Mitzvah for us,train +30188,30189,30189,Hay malacecayay kaku tu ina atu wama aku a maru,Yes I live with my mom and dad,train +30189,30190,30190,Makadit ku pa^nan sisitenhu,the floor is dirty go clean it,test +30190,30191,30191,misanga satu cira samanay haiken cakangaʼay sanay hai falah han nira,I do not know what her program is but if she does not do it right she will lose it,train +30191,30192,30192,misaapilis,opening up hillside land,train +30192,30193,30193,Awcan ya Awcan han nu mita ku paputalay ca u yunan,outsiders call them the Castle Peak tribe,train +30193,30194,30194,mificin,buying meters,train +30194,30195,30195,mauhitay,thirsty,train +30195,30196,30196,pacenuen,Let immersed in water,train +30196,30197,30197,malepun tu ku sasuwalen aku,I am done,train +30197,30198,30198,anca papiyuk i,Otherwise you will have to swing,train +30198,30199,30199,ira ku futing afar titi atu tatukem,there is fish shrimp meat and lobelia,train +30199,30200,30200,mapatay tu cingra,he died,test +30200,30201,30201,Palimeleng,Peinan Creek,train +30201,30202,30202,Mafana misanu Pangcah ku safa^ isu haw,do your siblings speak the language,train +30202,30203,30203,hatira ku imer,you can see his persistence here,train +30203,30204,30204,ira ku mitengtengay tu tamdaw a rakat nu liyal,there is that current that pulls people in,train +30204,30205,30205,Suaw,thirsty,train +30205,30206,30206,nika tayniyan tu nu Ripun,at that time Japan came,train +30206,30207,30207,anu padadutuc kita palahad tunini capeling i u mamatanam ku adihayay a epuc mitaˈlifay tu niharatengan ita ku nika adihay,as we continue to cultivate the trait of joy we will experience more benefits than we can even imagine,train +30207,30208,30208,anini,today,train +30208,30209,30209,Maurad tu ira ku linay isu,it is raining do you have an umbrella,train +30209,30210,30210,u nian ku kalimeraan,I care about you,test +30210,30211,30211,sakarat,Astacus fluviatile,train +30211,30212,30212,caay tu pakadungdung ku tamdaw Cikasuwan,more than one can bear at the end of ones patience,train +30212,30213,30213,ditek,measurement,train +30213,30214,30214,u kamay ra ku cayka fangcal,then it is a hand problem,train +30214,30215,30215,tu mapatayay,Forlorn,train +30215,30216,30216,Haup han nira ku tukus,he took over the whole mountainside,train +30216,30217,30217,o Iwatan kamu haw,are you Bununs,train +30217,30218,30218,Kawra u cima ku sasuˈlin milifuk tu ulah atu sapalemed nu Kawas hani,but who can truly be loved and blessed by God,train +30218,30219,30219,lipahak tu kaku Acay aluman aca kuni akung ama itini,I am so excited that so many people are participating,train +30219,30220,30220,dudu han aku ku keter itira,I am angry but I have to,test +30220,30221,30221,Cu^cu saan i takuwan kira pusi a madiku,the cat was nestled close to me,train +30221,30222,30222,niʼan nu Cikasuʼan itiya ri ka Ripunan hu itiya itiya iraay ku mi pi hiya nu pisawacu nu Ripung,it is mentioned that in the Shichibukawa tribe was subjected to Japanese domination and mistreatment,train +30222,30223,30223,o wama wina ngangaˈay patireng tu patusukan padama tu wawa malu Krisciyang,parents should aim to help their children become Christians,train +30223,30224,30224,u pilicayan nu finawlan tu masamaamaanay kapadesan ku tumuk hananay,the clan can be relied upon as a source of water or Scripture in the event of anything happening to them,train +30224,30225,30225,miafatay,members of the second estate,train +30225,30226,30226,i Kangcang ku niyaru nu maku,my hometown is in Kangcang,train +30226,30227,30227,si panay kaku,I am Panay,train +30227,30228,30228,cuku kasiheci ku mikiliman haw,is not it the number of fruits that counts,train +30228,30229,30229,lamal,fire,train +30229,30230,30230,pina ku itilaay,there are not many over there,test +30230,30231,30231,hay macepaay ku suta,because the mud is wet,train +30231,30232,30232,aka ka tawalen tu icuwacuwaay a heci ira micinah,every part of the fish must be smoothed over and not missed,train +30232,30233,30233,maala ita kiya masarumuday hen a litaʼul,we catch eggs that are still clustered together,train +30233,30234,30234,mitamurung,carry on the shoulder,train +30234,30235,30235,farasay,Mens carrying mesh bag,train +30235,30236,30236,sapisanga,materials,train +30236,30237,30237,adihay ku etan nu tau tu icep misiwfay tu heci nu icep,that is why more and more people are selling betel nut,train +30237,30238,30238,enemen pisanga anini enem tu kuna mata nira ini haen saan,I am working on the sixth hole that is how it is done,train +30238,30239,30239,itini satu kisu itini i lalan anca icuwacuwa kisu sa miliwal tura cekiw cekiw tura auwang,you are on the side of the road or wherever it is you sell the seafood the shellfish,train +30239,30240,30240,samanen,how does it work,test +30240,30241,30241,sa iraan ku,thereby,train +30241,30242,30242,dudu sa ira i,and then there is living in dry City,train +30242,30243,30243,pilaplap nira itamiyanan u malikaka kami i aenem,we were driven around by our parents we have six siblings,train +30243,30244,30244,watah ka tanestes kuna tatirengan nu misu,look at you you are so handsome,train +30244,30245,30245,ay man kuni ka u ku ngangan iri,this area is Hualien city,train +30245,30246,30246,Luwiden ku ada,conquer your enemy,train +30246,30247,30247,Maacefelen ku matuasay tira ringu nu maku,the fire I started made the old man feel choked by the smoke,train +30247,30248,30248,Hai wa faedet i laluudan adihayen ku pinanum,Yes it will be very hot and you need to drink more water,train +30248,30249,30249,Mahaenay saka Matuastu cingra Tngilen cingra saan ku suwal nu mama atu ina ningra,that was why his parents said He is of age ask him,train +30249,30250,30250,aluma ku mapucuʼay,a lot of people get thyroid from drinking,test +30250,30251,30251,cima ku lian ita inacila,who did we choose the other day,train +30251,30252,30252,nitekulan,throw,train +30252,30253,30253,mikungkung,lit beat a Gong and beat a drum,train +30253,30254,30254,savaw tatusa ku wawa,twelve children,train +30254,30255,30255,tadamailul,I miss you very much,train +30255,30256,30256,sakuhenac,smooth,train +30256,30257,30257,midisdis,cutting the leaves,train +30257,30258,30258,o maakik ku duka nu waay aku,the wound on my foot is healed,train +30258,30259,30259,Pakangiyangi kisu tu falucu aku,you make my heart sing,train +30259,30260,30260,Aya u kisu aca ku aawa,it is a shame that you are the only one who cannot participate,test +30260,30261,30261,pakuyuc ku uʼrip kita kiyami,we were poor in those days,train +30261,30262,30262,Mifuheci ci mama tu fataan,dad shells the beans,train +30262,30263,30263,Taataak ku akaway nu bunga,the stems of those groundnuts are very thick,train +30263,30264,30264,ci Apraham ku mama ni Isak ci Isak ku mama ni Yakup ci Yakup ku mama ni Yuta atu salikaka ningra,Abraham was the father of Isaac Isaac the father of Jacob Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,train +30264,30265,30265,o pisekayan nu falucu aku ku wama a was,my heavenly father is the one in whom I confide,train +30265,30266,30266,kafalic,change,train +30266,30267,30267,ku miheca,years,train +30267,30268,30268,Namivaleng tu saka tusa a remiad u sikawasay atu luma patalanu tu adingu nu mapatayay mita livana tu tuas tangasa tu haw i cimaanan a pasiket tu tuas,on the second day of the burial the priest and his family invited the souls of the deceased and asked them whether the spirits had been received and to which ancestral lineage they had been assigned,train +30268,30269,30269,o ngangan aku ci Kacaw,my name is Kacaw,train +30269,30270,30270,hannen mipudac ri,and then you peel the skin off like this,test +30270,30271,30271,tangasa kami Tafitu i,we have arrived at tin Cheung,train +30271,30272,30272,tada u sayret ku liteng nu kilang,the jungle is very luxuriant with old trees,train +30272,30273,30273,ta mivuting kita han kiya u wawa nira,let us go that is what he told his kids let us go fishing,train +30273,30274,30274,deng ruraʼay sa kita haw i,we have worked so hard,train +30274,30275,30275,Pacauf sa ci Yis i cangraan Liayawen aku a milicay kamu tu ccay anu pacauf kamu i takuwanan i pasuwalen aku kamu tu nika u maan ku sakacitudung aku a midmak tunini,Jesus replied I will also ask you one question if you answer me I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things,train +30275,30276,30276,ira ku Sakizaya ira ku,there is Zachariah there is Nancy Ames,train +30276,30277,30277,ira ku s s sakatusa aku a fafahiyan a wawa malasingsi i cangpingkuusiaw,my second daughter is teaching at Changbin elementary School,train +30277,30278,30278,maharekay tu kaku a mifanaw tu kaysing,I already washed the dishes,train +30278,30279,30279,han ku aniniay a ziday,it is a modern hobby,train +30279,30280,30280,anu tusa ku futing awu maku kunian san haensan ku urip niyan itiyahu,if there is only two fish you have no choice but to accept your fate,test +30280,30281,30281,tanestes,smoothly,train +30281,30282,30282,ku picudad aku tu,I am in the first semester of first grade,train +30282,30283,30283,mangalayay kaku pasuwal cangranan tu sifanaˈ ni Yihufa saka sapihatatanamaw tu suwal nu Finam,I really wanted to tell them about Jehovah so after a while I decided to learn Vietnamese,train +30283,30284,30284,tadimtimay,Bunnys vegetables,train +30284,30285,30285,ya mita nu Amis a,those belong to us the Amis,train +30285,30286,30286,ini amin kami malakaka i Kalingku,we are all here in Hualien,train +30286,30287,30287,selal,age group,train +30287,30288,30288,hatini kina futing mahaen ku demak namu,you all have the same movements the same accent the same amount of fish,train +30288,30289,30289,o maan ku nikaenan isu a sakaranam,what did you have for breakfast,train +30289,30290,30290,kakahung hai,flying fish Yes,test +30290,30291,30291,babahi sa babahi babayian aemin naʼayaw mimagey micekeruh,it is the women who turn the machines,train +30291,30292,30292,suwal han nu maku ku wawa aku,and I said to my kids,train +30292,30293,30293,e nanay nanay sanay a nanay ta,this wish the wish I prayed for,train +30293,30294,30294,nanufitaul,from egg,train +30294,30295,30295,iraay ci asu i luma haw,may I ask if Aso is home,train +30295,30296,30296,o caay ka cihci a caang aku a ma^min i ktunen nu wama a mifalah o cihciay a caang a ma^min i sungilaen ningra tu sakaluficaw nu hci,he cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful,train +30296,30297,30297,ku tuuren nu maku aka hatira tu,the name will follow me all my life,train +30297,30298,30298,u mita u kaemangay hu pateras sanay kumaen,as a child we ate it on the go,train +30298,30299,30299,matengil nu wawa,your child has heard your encouragement,train +30299,30300,30300,hatu u misafununay funu funu,just farmers mostly farmers,test +30300,30301,30301,milunguc tu kudulay,prayer to the Spirit of God,train +30301,30302,30302,pahanhan tu mitilid mamimaan cira,what is she doing after school,train +30302,30303,30303,makuracay kuni makapahay,this is nice and clean,train +30303,30304,30304,temangic,cry,train +30304,30305,30305,uni ku sakangaʼay aku,this is what healed me,train +30305,30306,30306,sakacaaw,not liable to,train +30306,30307,30307,cipelak,astringent,train +30307,30308,30308,anu adihay ku hci namu i mapahmek ku wama Aku onini ku sapahapinang namu tu nika u nisawawaan aku kamu,this is to my Fathers glory that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples,train +30308,30309,30309,Mafana ku siri aku a mitngil tu ngiha Aku mafana kaku i cangraan mituur cangra i Takuwanan,but you do not believe because you are not my sheep,train +30309,30310,30310,sacefang sacefang sa a mitesel kiya,gathering in groups to embroider,test +30310,30311,30311,u fafuy u maamaan u ayam maulah a kumaen tu fukesu,both pigs and chickens like to eat mango grass,train +30311,30312,30312,anu pangangan han anu awa ku kinaira,to define if there is no harvest,train +30312,30313,30313,racus ku kaʼurip ita sa,our daily life will be difficult like this,train +30313,30314,30314,a remiʼad iri,compliance millet harvesting,train +30314,30315,30315,kina cecay ilisin,it is a one time festival,train +30315,30316,30316,Maalatu,received,train +30316,30317,30317,hai kaku ma mahaen,me too,train +30317,30318,30318,macepcep,to be kissed,train +30318,30319,30319,maherek mapatireng kiya kiwkay,when the establishment of the church is completed,train +30319,30320,30320,ira ku afar ira ku futing ira ku manan,Lobster fish what else,test +30320,30321,30321,herek sahu a mipacuk tina ayam pataluma hatu namu hatu a micacak,this chicken was just freshly killed take it home and enjoy it slowly,train +30321,30322,30322,alaen ngaʼay tu alaen nu hatini anu alaen,if you want to harvest you can do it now,train +30322,30323,30323,Madadu nu singsi ku falucu aku,the pastor broke down my defenses of heart,train +30323,30324,30324,u malalukay misakilemelay a tamdaw cira,he is a hardworking and serious person,train +30324,30325,30325,Palusiden ku wawa,dress the child in the Toyotomi Matsuri costume,train +30325,30326,30326,ca hu mitiliday hu ku wawa aku,my kids are still in school,train +30326,30327,30327,sangaʼen nira ku kali saw tura alu i,re dredging of lagoons in the riverbed,train +30327,30328,30328,e mik mikalang saan kuya Taywan tuya suwal tuya fawu,the Taiwanese said of the insect bites,train +30328,30329,30329,kaku ku cingangan tu umah,this field is registered in my name,train +30329,30330,30330,maʼicangay tu isiri i,dry as goat poop,test +30330,30331,30331,Isuni ira cingra,he came a little bit ago,train +30331,30332,30332,Tahacerem ku tayal nu maumahay,farmers work until sundown,train +30332,30333,30333,hiyaen hu misaʼupu,to assemble first,train +30333,30334,30334,kaenan nu takula,frogs eat,train +30334,30335,30335,maen han nu matuasay mikaered,what did the old man say a rope that is tied together is a rope,train +30335,30336,30336,pacamulen,toss something sneak into,train +30336,30337,30337,Lusiyangen ita i pulung nu hekal,do your best to spread his fame throughout the land,train +30337,30338,30338,itiyahu matuʼasay iki naira ku matiniay a lalan amutu awaaya,it is amazing that there was no cement elder at that time,train +30338,30339,30339,sisit,wipe,train +30339,30340,30340,alesu mahaen patireng han niyam ku vekeluh,We are using a stone for the stove,test +30340,30341,30341,patiluay,set something Down,train +30341,30342,30342,pinaay ku uu nu kalang,how many legs does a crab have,train +30342,30343,30343,ca kafana,I do not know,train +30343,30344,30344,pafedfedan tatelecan kura kahengangay,wrap the red sash around your waist,train +30344,30345,30345,malitengay itiya hu,in the old days the old man,train +30345,30346,30346,atu makamelaw,and see,train +30346,30347,30347,a ha ha,Yeah Oh,train +30347,30348,30348,irana sanay kira mawuc,it is called an organizing meeting,train +30348,30349,30349,Turaturaw,Bye,train +30349,30350,30350,saka tahira i Fakung mahaenay saka,Soit is the same in Toyohama,test +30350,30351,30351,macakat i lutuk,climb to the top,train +30351,30352,30352,ura nu niyam u adiyam han kura caciyaw nu matuʼasay u caciyaw nu malitengay samisi caka tudungen,we are following the words of our elders who say that this cannot be violated,train +30352,30353,30353,lima,five,train +30353,30354,30354,u kaadihay nu falu ira nga makafaluay heci ira i,unless you have a lot of flowers and a lot of beans,train +30354,30355,30355,u cima hakini ku aucuren ita,who are we going to call,train +30355,30356,30356,i kalaenu^ nura kilang ku tilu^ nu maku,my trap is under that tree,train +30356,30357,30357,mitulun kaku tu sakacaaw ka patay nira,I prayed that he might not die,train +30357,30358,30358,u a itira tu ku masadak tu kira kakitaan,it is a necessary process for selecting a tribal head,train +30358,30359,30359,iyaen tu atepen kuni ini atepen tini,Pressing on one side Pressing on the other,train +30359,30360,30360,u pasifanaay,teachers,test +30360,30361,30361,hay hay hay haw haw,Okay okay okay okay okay,train +30361,30362,30362,saka mahaenay ku urip itiya hu,this is an early view of life,train +30362,30363,30363,maanen saw a semuwal ku mahiniay,what do you call this kind of thing,train +30363,30364,30364,sa ku lawlaw nu falucu nura wina wama,that is what mom and dad are worried about,train +30364,30365,30365,erid,fishing rod,train +30365,30366,30366,Itiya tuya rumiad i anu ira ku sumuwalay i tamuwanan Nengnengen ini ci Kristu Nengnengen itiraw ci Kristu anu saasaan i aka pasulin tu suwal ningra,at that time if anyone says to you Look here is the Christ or Look there he is do not believe it,train +30366,30367,30367,haen satu,that is it,train +30367,30368,30368,ira ku masakapahay atu kayuing tahedavak ku nikalalikid,there are also young men and women who dance together until the wee hours of the morning,train +30368,30369,30369,Tala Kalingku kaku anu dafak,I am going to Hualien tomorrow morning,train +30369,30370,30370,Kaletu han tu ku patiyaman a miaca tu simal,passing by a store to buy oil,test +30370,30371,30371,mi salama tu mipakuntaw,playing boxing,train +30371,30372,30372,Pacauf sa ci Yis Mapaflitu i tamuwanan ku pakakmuday a suwal tu pakayniay i Kitakit nu Kawas Nikawrira sahtu u tinaku ku sapasuwal aku i tauwanan,he told them The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you but to those on the outside everything is said in parables,train +30372,30373,30373,seti seti han ku wawa kiyami caay pitengil,hit him and he will jump he will not listen,train +30373,30374,30374,caay pitulsa kaku,I did not stop,train +30374,30375,30375,mi pilinsiw i pisanga tu fuduy,I started learning to make costumes,train +30375,30376,30376,harek nu faliyus itiya,it was just after the typhoon,train +30376,30377,30377,o maadaday nira wawa ku hikidasi nu mama nira,the boy was going through his fathers drawers,train +30377,30378,30378,caay kaemin kina suwalen nu malatumukay ku maamaan ku salicay nu milicayay,as a matter of fact the tribesmen have to consult the tribal chiefs on a lot of difficult cases,train +30378,30379,30379,malasingsiay,Teacher,train +30379,30380,30380,iraan kiyami,just like,test +30380,30381,30381,Pakucuen ku wawa nu mita,let our children wear shoes,train +30381,30382,30382,pidemak,affair,train +30382,30383,30383,patay,uncrossable,train +30383,30384,30384,Akuwiday fangcal ku pakafana nu misu,thank you what you taught me today was really great,train +30384,30385,30385,simsisimsim saan,Thinking,train +30385,30386,30386,ciriciri,white eared bird,train +30386,30387,30387,itini i papunung nu funguh aku,on top of my head,train +30387,30388,30388,o wawa nuranan a tamdaw cingra,he is the child of that person,train +30388,30389,30389,liyawen aku a sumuwal kamu tuya nisuwalan niyam i ayaw anu ira ku mipatnakay i tamuwanan tu paculiay tu nilayapan namu a Ngaayay Ratuh i mamana makak cingra,as we have already said so now I say again if anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted let him be eternally condemned,train +30389,30390,30390,malingatu makerah tu,beginning of the ebb tide,test +30390,30391,30391,ina u Sakiraya ku masidayay ma,and then this Zachariah disappeared,train +30391,30392,30392,hay sinanum tu kira putut,Yes there is water in that bamboo tube,train +30392,30393,30393,a ira ku sera nu maku itini i Tuwapun,I have got land in big Ben,train +30393,30394,30394,tu malalukay a matuasay,the diligence of the elderly,train +30394,30395,30395,maʼicang kirahaw,it is dry,train +30395,30396,30396,matuduh ku hemut nu tireng tu,it burned its own ass,train +30396,30397,30397,Milmil han nira ku alufu nira i ira tu a makeda kura paysu,he felt carefully in his pocket and the money was in his pocket,train +30397,30398,30398,laliwan nu maku tayni itini,run off and come back here,train +30398,30399,30399,adada ku fituka ni ina aku,my mom has stomach problems,train +30399,30400,30400,lacinuwas,separate,test +30400,30401,30401,saini saan ku cingraw nira,that is all he said,train +30401,30402,30402,patirengan ku matuasay i aayaw,let the elderly stand in front,train +30402,30403,30403,matenes ku nipitala araw tueman tu ku remiad,after waiting for a long time it was already dark,train +30403,30404,30404,cima Kacaw nima cuan Kacaw cuan,the guard who catches the carp is called guard Carp,train +30404,30405,30405,u nisahalakaan,plans that have been made,train +30405,30406,30406,kunini a pangangan tunini a kalang hatiraay tunini u,this is why we call crabs Kalang,train +30406,30407,30407,alatek i Catu ka hecad ku namu a,maybe it is possible that our tribes are different,train +30407,30408,30408,ira kira saka laliyasliyas tu malatulu kuniya cecay niyaru,because of this the tribe was divided into three groups,train +30408,30409,30409,saka ira a tahanini ira hu kira utuc,that is why Stonehenge is still standing,train +30409,30410,30410,sana malamud ku tamdaw i,the reason why people become husband and wife,test +30410,30411,30411,mama,father,train +30411,30412,30412,mincan,name brand product,train +30412,30413,30413,oni masarayrayay lalakaw iraay ku sasiwaay mamilengu tu kahacecay a minaruˈan nu Fangcalay saucur u ulah malenguay itini i saka cecay a lalakaw,each of the nine articles in this series will explore one of the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit love which was discussed in the first article,train +30413,30414,30414,mifutingay,fisherman,train +30414,30415,30415,adihay ku Kulas nu panay,there are many varieties of rice,train +30415,30416,30416,tanam han nira kira nanum haw i kahecid kira nanum,he tried to drink the water from the stream it seemed a little salty,train +30416,30417,30417,idengay tu cacay a lalabu nu luma a kemaen,the family is well fed,train +30417,30418,30418,siruma,it is okay,train +30418,30419,30419,tahira i Alapawan i,to Tai Yuen,train +30419,30420,30420,tulu ha ha ha,it is very silent and tardy ha ha ha,test +30420,30421,30421,uya singsi ku mafukilay caciyaw kira,the teachers accent is too thick I cannot understand him,train +30421,30422,30422,anu matenesay kaku itini haw,if I am here long enough,train +30422,30423,30423,u tayal niyam itiya mahanay tu ira ku lifung,I have an infectious disease at work,train +30423,30424,30424,sisa ira tu ku milisin hananay u saayaway nu lisin nu Ciwidiyan,that is why the games were held on the first day,train +30424,30425,30425,Paliayaw cingra a pasuwal tu nika u aira Kristu,he prophesied of Christs coming,train +30425,30426,30426,hapa sa kaku pacekuk kaku,I am dumbfounded I am amazed,train +30426,30427,30427,cuwa kaulah kaku tu kafalawfawan adihayay ku faliyus i kafalawfawan,I do not like autumn because there are lots of typhoons in autumn,train +30427,30428,30428,kaen han i suʼelinay mangaʼay a kaenen,it is very smooth,train +30428,30429,30429,nura fafahiyahiyan patayra i hekal i,the women took the gravel and piled it up in the open,train +30429,30430,30430,itiya tu ta mafana kaku,I just realized,test +30430,30431,30431,hatira sa ku urip aku nengneng han siniʼadaan tu nengnegen ku urip nu Amis haw,that is how my life is it is sad to see the Aborigines living like this,train +30431,30432,30432,ca ka nanuwang,cannot move,train +30432,30433,30433,pinaay tu ku tuki,what time is it,train +30433,30434,30434,hay masuwal aku i suni,I just said that,train +30434,30435,30435,ngiyangi han nu niyam a mitefad ku kamaya,we shook the persimmon to make it fall off,train +30435,30436,30436,caradiw turaan u radiw niyam,we will all sing the song we are singing,train +30436,30437,30437,tayra i Futud kami,let us go to green Island,train +30437,30438,30438,tira sana a itira pisakilangan nira,he stayed where he made his forest,train +30438,30439,30439,tatulu ku Sakizaya cacay ku Pangcah,three Zacharias one Amis,train +30439,30440,30440,hatira kura u Kawas nu matuasay i saayaw,these are the old peoples beliefs,test +30440,30441,30441,caay kahaen anini u wawa anini,the children of the clan do not do that anymore,train +30441,30442,30442,Mahaenay ku pinangan niyam u Pangcah,that is the way it is with us Amis,train +30442,30443,30443,Halafintu cingra a cikawas a mipafahka tu finawlan Saka pasayra ku falucu nu finawlan a ma^min i cingraan,they followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his magic,train +30443,30444,30444,sidaʼit cangra tu demak,all they care about is their work,train +30444,30445,30445,mapitekay ku impic nu maku,my pencil is broken,train +30445,30446,30446,mamimaan kisu anudafak,what will you be doing tomorrow morning,train +30446,30447,30447,lalusidan,east and west,train +30447,30448,30448,pahanhan han hu i tiraw i anengan a maru,take a seat in that chair and rest,train +30448,30449,30449,siniʼadaay ci minengneng tura ina ni,the mother Chen Cha you sympathized with Xiu Meis mother,train +30449,30450,30450,alaen ku navi,bring the pot,test +30450,30451,30451,heci^,fruit,train +30451,30452,30452,i nacila malacafay kaku atu fufu tayra i icifa a paliwal adihay ku miulungan ni fufu tu mipalumaan ningra a dateng mitangtang haca cingra tunu Yincuminay a kakaenen tu sapakaen tu alumanay,Yesterday I went to the market with my grandmother to set up a stall my grandmother brought a lot of vegetables that she grew herself and also prepared indigenous cuisine for everyone,train +30452,30453,30453,Macuwa ku urip namu i tini Tayhuku kalimuciay tu,how do you live in Taipei is it a good life or,train +30453,30454,30454,sawad han ningra ku sakatadamaan tu kacingangan i macikayay a untuing,she gave up enough to possibly have a chance to shine as a national player in the sport,train +30454,30455,30455,o tatayra i Farangaw kaku anu papacem,I am going to be in Maryland tomorrow morning,train +30455,30456,30456,kisu sa,yours,train +30456,30457,30457,sa kaemaemangay ku kafana,let all the children know,train +30457,30458,30458,hatiraay ku malitengay itiyahu,that is the kind of heart you get when you are an old man,train +30458,30459,30459,awaay haw,No,train +30459,30460,30460,nahan kahicelaan nu hicay,where the fish fry are stored,test +30460,30461,30461,kaputay tu malitengay mafanaʼay tu suwal,understand the elders in partnership with the Sages,train +30461,30462,30462,aaya,I have been sighing,train +30462,30463,30463,mangaʼayay ku urip ita tuni hekalan san ku maku,live in a good world,train +30463,30464,30464,kaku tu yanan haw i,and as for me,train +30464,30465,30465,pahuda,too long,train +30465,30466,30466,samaan ku rumiad i tisuwanan,what is the weather like where you are,train +30466,30467,30467,Cahucahu,all of a sudden,train +30467,30468,30468,u lusay nu luma u vavahi ku sitatudungay u demak nu niyaru u vavinay ku sitatudungay masa pinang ku nikakilac makumud ku ni saluma nu Pangcah caay ka rariwasak,the division of social responsibilities is evident in the fact that women inherit the family and men are responsible for tribal affairs the Amis live in groups,train +30468,30469,30469,Orasaka luwad satu ku alumanay a ma^min ta makidkid ci Yis a mapatayra i kaayaw ni Pilatu,then the whole assembly rose and led him off to Pilate,train +30469,30470,30470,micipat,cling,test +30470,30471,30471,sapapina ku rumiʼad,it is been a lot of days,train +30471,30472,30472,Ckuk sa ku nisawawaan Sacingacinga sa cangra a sumuwal Cima kura nisuwalan Ningra hakini saan cangra,his disciples stared at one another at a loss to know which of them he meant,train +30472,30473,30473,marad,iron,train +30473,30474,30474,a hanen aku ku suwal,that is what I said,train +30474,30475,30475,tu hatiniay a halafin i,all this time,train +30475,30476,30476,awaay tu maemin tu cakayen nu tau,all the sweet potatoes are sold out,train +30476,30477,30477,itini kuni a u makunkunay i lutuk,if this was an accident in the mountains,train +30477,30478,30478,tekelu,human organ,train +30478,30479,30479,samaanay ci Yihufa pasifanaˈ kitaanan mafanaˈ mirikec tu harateng nu niyah,how does the Lord teach us to show self discipline,train +30479,30480,30480,a maanen saw a mararitin tu,how it will be linked to,test +30480,30481,30481,masa ku masaʼupu maʼemin itira,all the people are gathered there,train +30481,30482,30482,mirucek,on time,train +30482,30483,30483,pacakaten nu palunanay i lunan kunini Faluden nangra tu tuwasu ku tireng nu lunan matalaw cangra tu katalapangtaan nu lunan i salawac nu Surtis saka tfad hantu nangra ku fayang nu lunan a pakunira tu nika likid nu lunan,when the men had hoisted it aboard they passed ropes under the ship itself to hold it together fearing that they would run aground on the sandbars of Syrtis they lowered the sea anchor and let the ship be driven along,train +30483,30484,30484,misalafii a matayal,to work through the night,train +30484,30485,30485,atu mafana a mingudu tu matuʼasay,in effect they learn how to respect their elders,train +30485,30486,30486,papicimeren hu tu tusa rumiʼad,it is a day pickle,train +30486,30487,30487,pasuwal sa ci Yis O misawkitay ku sakatayni Aku i hkal u sakaadah nu mapuhaway a pakaaraw atu u sakapuhaw nu pakaaraway han ningra,Jesus said For judgment I have come into this world so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind,train +30487,30488,30488,talapatiyamay kaku aci ama a micakay tu ayam sakalafi^ niyam atu safa^,my grandma and I went to the market to buy chickens and prepared a delicious dinner for my younger brother,train +30488,30489,30489,a uner sa ina kungku hantu haw,this snake is a legend the hungry mountain god,train +30489,30490,30490,ci Using ku ngangan ni ama nu maku,my dads name is Using,test +30490,30491,30491,mafanaˈay kita wa ira ku cecay rumiˈad wa mirienang kita tu salikuraytu a Piharatengan a Saˈupu,may we therefore make every effort to participate in this important gathering and cherish the solidarity we enjoy in the Paschal memorial Gathering,train +30491,30492,30492,kalasapaiyu,use it as medicine,train +30492,30493,30493,haw matefuc miala tu ku tamaku,of course I was penalized I went to get the cigarettes,train +30493,30494,30494,piliyas tu masakefengay a fitawu,avoid standing water in the holes,train +30494,30495,30495,o macuaangay ku rakat nu mita a tala Fakung,we have to walk against the wind when we go to Fungbin,train +30495,30496,30496,patangasa^,send,train +30496,30497,30497,anu mamangay nu mata,if you want to make a small net,train +30497,30498,30498,misaapa tu fafahiyan,commit sexual sin towards a woman,train +30498,30499,30499,lasawad saan tu kami i Tingsukiw,we rarely go to Catholicism anymore,train +30499,30500,30500,nu Mingkuk tu nu Dipungan hu,it does not matter if it is the Japanese or the Republican era,test +30500,30501,30501,sa hatira saan ta mafana mahaen,that is all that is how you know,train +30501,30502,30502,Orasaka u Tapang haca nu Paslaan a Rumiad ku wawa nu Tamdaw saan,so the son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath,train +30502,30503,30503,ku ngangan nuya safa hatiraay,her name is Chan Sau Fung,train +30503,30504,30504,ku nikalcapu nu Cikasuwan,gathering of clansmen together,train +30504,30505,30505,miraan,It,train +30505,30506,30506,o caay ka araw ku Kawas Nikawrira u midaucay a icel atu nika u Kawas cingra i mapahapinangtu a mapaaraw nai satapangan nu pisanga nu Kawas tu hkal i nisangaan ningra a kalumaamaan Saka awaay ku pakayraan nu tamdaw a paading tu tireng,for since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made so that men are without excuse,train +30506,30507,30507,u maan ku saparu nuna paylang san kaku iranan ku mihayan han aku,that is why I want to learn from the Hans curiosity,train +30507,30508,30508,u maan han nu Amis hatiraay,I do not know how to say it in Amis,train +30508,30509,30509,o kining nu mita kiraan a siyasing,that photo is our memento,train +30509,30510,30510,Cirid saan kuya wawa a miliyas tu kaput nira a micudad,the kid deviated from his classmates to go to school,test +30510,30511,30511,utaen,vomiting,train +30511,30512,30512,ka sanay kami,we will sign up,train +30512,30513,30513,iri haenen nu matuasy,that is what old people do,train +30513,30514,30514,ya faʼinayan nu Farangaw i tayra miiya mikadafu,and the men of the Malan tribe are getting into trouble,train +30514,30515,30515,misang tu ku ina tu felac,mom started preparing the rice,train +30515,30516,30516,kawili,the left side,train +30516,30517,30517,valican kiya kakangalayan nira a vuduy,put on the clothes she likes to wear,train +30517,30518,30518,Hunihuni tumangic kura wawa,the kid was crying a lot,train +30518,30519,30519,mi nika itira sai ngaʼay kura tengilen haw cipaysuay ku Amis i ayaw sa,and then insurance sounded like a good deal the Aborigines were rich,train +30519,30520,30520,Miatulay kami tu fukeluh i Cupu anu dafak,tomorrow morning we have the job of stacking rocks in the riverbed,test +30520,30521,30521,ira satu kuni tatuas,until you are an adult,train +30521,30522,30522,nawhani maarawtu aku ku sapaurip Isu,for my eyes have seen your salvation,train +30522,30523,30523,saka ira ku lutuk ini i kawali nu niyaru,on the east side of the tribe there is a mountain,train +30523,30524,30524,Safahka sa cangra a ma^min rawraw sa cangra a masasuwasuwal Masamaanay a dmak kunini saw saan cangra,amazed and perplexed they asked one another What does this mean,train +30524,30525,30525,Tumirenng ku wawa i tungruh nu luma,the child is standing on the top of the house,train +30525,30526,30526,o fangcalay ku nu kuhecalay,good day to the white man,train +30526,30527,30527,mafana misahiyahiya san kiya wawa niyam san,and a lot of other things,train +30527,30528,30528,misarinumay,needle making,train +30528,30529,30529,rasa anu awaʼay ku suwal nu mita anu mapaʼtut,so if we lose the language,train +30529,30530,30530,mimaanay,how,test +30530,30531,30531,tangasa matuasmatuas tu kaku haw ri,until we grow up,train +30531,30532,30532,pilalupelaan,places to pick up water fungus,train +30532,30533,30533,u kafucan nu maku tiniay i Etulan,born in Tulane,train +30533,30534,30534,mamalacafeng,to be made into a wall,train +30534,30535,30535,anu caay dudui a miwadwad a mikilim a misapud,the history of the seven foot river Tribe without,train +30535,30536,30536,o Pangcah ku wina,Moms an Ami,train +30536,30537,30537,maculiay,he is good at talking back,train +30537,30538,30538,fanges,skin,train +30538,30539,30539,caayay nengnengen kunu kita i niyaruʼay,you are not go back and look at all the tribes,train +30539,30540,30540,saemelay,cool,test +30540,30541,30541,o sapiideng nu kapah tu kaying ku datuk i tiya hu,harmonica is an ancient instrument used by the Amis youths to convey their love to their ladies,train +30541,30542,30542,cilinay,with umbrella,train +30542,30543,30543,pawalian hu miliyaw hawpawalian haw,do you want to take it out again take it out,train +30543,30544,30544,ifangat,sweating,train +30544,30545,30545,akahu akahu sakiya hiya,someone said wait,train +30545,30546,30546,fangcal ku nu itiyaayhu nu mahaen,it is so nostalgic,train +30546,30547,30547,livavuy,dog bark,train +30547,30548,30548,u Amis kura wama ira saci wina sa i u Payrang,my father is an Ami and my mother is a Han Chinese,train +30548,30549,30549,o kakansiyaen ita ku wama a Kawas nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu u karasiniadaay a wama Cingra u tatapangan haca nu pulung nu sahinum,praise be to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of compassion and the God of all comfort,train +30549,30550,30550,Mapacefcef nu tawki ci Mayaw tu epah i pafilungan,Mayaws boss forced Mayaw to drink on new Years Eve,test +30550,30551,30551,Hay keriden aku kamu tuuren kaku,Okay I will show you the table follow me please,train +30551,30552,30552,Paatimen nu tayring a miliclic kuya mitakaway,the police tortured the thief with fingerprints,train +30552,30553,30553,saka mitilidady tu ku kaka itini itilidan,your older brothers are already studying,train +30553,30554,30554,Taypinyan,Pacific,train +30554,30555,30555,nanay mafana tu ku caciyaw tu nu ikurikur tu a wawa,I hope our next generation will be able to speak,train +30555,30556,30556,anu maraud ku rumiad caay ka ^ca u mamapatay ku tamdamdaw tu kinaccay i ikur nu patay caay ka ^ca u mamasawkit nu Kawas,just as man is destined to die once and after that to face judgment,train +30556,30557,30557,parariden ku tayal isu,keep on with your work,train +30557,30558,30558,sasaka anu hatira itini,it is like out of here,train +30558,30559,30559,sumuwal ku faʼinay aku kapipacakay,my husband said not to sell it,train +30559,30560,30560,o sapitekep ni mama tu kulafaw kuni,this is the equipment dad needs to catch the voles,test +30560,30561,30561,Cafer han a miala ku simal i patiyamay anu minukay,on the way back I stopped at the store to buy gasoline,train +30561,30562,30562,u niyan makaʼen tu,you can eat this too,train +30562,30563,30563,o finacadan i Siwkulan nanikaamis i Rinahem a alu tahira i Cilamitay atu Maliwang ira ku Fataan Tafalung Kiwit Pailasen a taangaangay a niyaru,Xiuguluan Amei Cluster from Shoufeng river in the north to the vicinity of Suppon river and Hok tin in the south the main tribes are Tai Pa Long Ma Tai An Chimei and Bak Tsai,train +30563,30564,30564,pakalaliway,get away,train +30564,30565,30565,u dadaya ku sakatayal saan,working at night,train +30565,30566,30566,milunguc tu pauripay a palemed atu midiput tu sakafangcal nu tatirengan maherek a mitulun palimuut tu sakalaluk a matayal maherek pakimad i u malaheciay tu ku demak,after praying for Gods blessing on their health and happiness they are instructed to obey their superiors and work hard and the ceremony is completed when the instruction is over,train +30566,30567,30567,o nikidaan sa hu kina pala,this field has just been harvested for Sakya,train +30567,30568,30568,mikalic,multiply,train +30568,30569,30569,Nanay mapatanektek nu Tapang ku falucu namu ta anu miliyaw a tayni ku Tapang ita ci Yis a malahaklung atu mituuray i makurac masungila kamu i kaayaw nu wama a Kawas ita,may he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and Holy in the presence of our God and father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his Holy ones,train +30569,30570,30570,Mitatisultisul satu,it will be continuous,test +30570,30571,30571,caa,raise ones head,train +30571,30572,30572,sanay kura lunguc mita,we are all in this together,train +30572,30573,30573,mahaenay ku ramud nu niyam,that is how we are as a couple,train +30573,30574,30574,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu maraudaytu ku pitngilan nu mapatayay a tamdaw tu ngiha nu wawa nu Kawas iratu anini kunini a dmak o caciurip ku mitngilay a tamdaw,I tell you the truth a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the son of God and those who hear will live,train +30574,30575,30575,kailaenu nu tapangan nu,you are at the root of the bamboo,train +30575,30576,30576,kuwangen,it was a gunshot,train +30576,30577,30577,maminaw,unable speak clearly,train +30577,30578,30578,Mael^el ciira a papelu,he chokes on his speech,train +30578,30579,30579,anu tulu a pulu aku ku mata a sakamu,what if you guys want holes,train +30579,30580,30580,edu^ nu waayamaturud,calf,test +30580,30581,30581,ingkak,music,train +30581,30582,30582,Saka suwalen ni Yis ku finawlan a pakamaru i sra ta tatuy satu cingra tuya pitu a aplad nu ^pang a mikansiya i Kawas pcih han ningra a pafli i nisawawaan ta pakilac hantu nu nisawawaan ku finawlan,he told the crowd to sit down on the ground when he had taken the seven loaves and given thanks he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people and they did so,train +30582,30583,30583,anu maratar kaku minanam tu tilid nu Pangcah haw,if I had learned the Roman alphabet earlier,train +30583,30584,30584,matangtang tu ku kakaenen ita,our food is cooked,train +30584,30585,30585,parakat ku faʼinay aku tu tusiya,my husband drives the bus,train +30585,30586,30586,Suacen ku wadis isu,brush your teeth,train +30586,30587,30587,maherek a malahuk ira aca ku,after the funeral luncheon a ceremony must be held,train +30587,30588,30588,ngaʼay tu makaen kuni,this is ready to eat,train +30588,30589,30589,Mapalulul tu ku matastasay a paliding,the vehicle has been restored remade,train +30589,30590,30590,eminen,entire,test +30590,30591,30591,awa tu ku wina niyam,we do not have a mother anymore,train +30591,30592,30592,a ira haca ku katayalan nu wawa san,child labor again,train +30592,30593,30593,matiya u nu misu a basiw kinian,like this is where you fish,train +30593,30594,30594,Orasaka liliden nu tamdamdaw ku adadaay nangra a patayra i lalan Halukafutian atu sikal a matli nangra Ngaay anu mitalif ci Pitiru i mapalidulidung ku cimacima u sanay nangra,as a result people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peters shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by,train +30594,30595,30595,mikeling tu kudasing,fry,train +30595,30596,30596,hay nika,Yeah I mean it is inspiring to young people,train +30596,30597,30597,cacay remiʼad kina tusa ku rakat,twice a day on foot,train +30597,30598,30598,malcad tunini kamu anu caay ka fana ku mitngilay tu nika sumuwal namu tu nu Adinguan a suwal i matiya u patdu sanay kamu a sumuwal,so it is with you unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue how will anyone know what you are saying you will just be speaking into the air,train +30598,30599,30599,hatiraay awih mansa hatu sapel sa kaku,that is it so I said what I wanted to say,train +30599,30600,30600,Paculeden ku paysu isu i dufut,put your money in your pocket,test +30600,30601,30601,maadepetay,it is very mean,train +30601,30602,30602,samaanay ci Yihufa i lintad ni Yusuwa mikerid tu finawlan Ningra,how did the Lord lead his people in the days of Joshua,train +30602,30603,30603,halafin tu i sakafutian tu cingra i mafutitu cingra widang nira a wacu i patihi cingranan mafuti,Afterwards he wanted to sleep and slept his friend and the dog slept with him,train +30603,30604,30604,sapicedet,Ironing,train +30604,30605,30605,patikami,send a letter,train +30605,30606,30606,Afilid han a miculu kina cudacudad,pick up these books and transport them with one hand,train +30606,30607,30607,ca tu kafangcal,it is not good anymore,train +30607,30608,30608,cifar2,ship,train +30608,30609,30609,malaecaan,poor,train +30609,30610,30610,o titi^ nu ayam,I ate the chicken,test +30610,30611,30611,tukad,cut open,train +30611,30612,30612,kiwkay u kapahay,church,train +30612,30613,30613,anu hakuwa a mihawad ku pitilid isu,when will you graduate,train +30613,30614,30614,samanen maraud nu tuʼas kala Tumuk ku tuʼas haw i,what can I do I am at the end of my term as leader,train +30614,30615,30615,hadidien ku tayal atu picuda,work patiently and study hard,train +30615,30616,30616,Mikining kita tura kapah nawhan mapatay ciira i pipaurip nira tuya maalulay a wawa,we want to honor that young man who lost his life trying to save a drowning child,train +30616,30617,30617,o nafalucuan nu Kawas saka pafli han ningra i wawa ningra ku pulung nu masungilaay a pinangan ningra,for God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him,train +30617,30618,30618,sakacaʼay a radiw aku iri u hiya namikuliyay taluma tu namikuli,the first song is about the process of getting home from work,train +30618,30619,30619,u maan ku hasasuwalen nu misu tuna mimaliay a kaemangay san i,my expectations for these players are,train +30619,30620,30620,o wama isu kura han pinaay tu ku mihecaan ningra,is that your father how old is he,test +30620,30621,30621,lameneng,smooth,train +30621,30622,30622,itiya i,at that time,train +30622,30623,30623,a awaay tu ku,old man or woman,train +30623,30624,30624,mahaen ku maku nikara tumuk kaku itiya hu,work as a leader at the time,train +30624,30625,30625,i tatihiay nu fakar anu micumud kisu i suku i maaraw tu,it is next to the round basket you will see it when you enter the warehouse,train +30625,30626,30626,nawhani u nai kakarayanay a ^pang hananay i u pafliay tu urip i tamdamdaw a niucuran nu Kawas han ningra,for the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world,train +30626,30627,30627,hakulung han tu ni tumuk,the leader is leading the way,train +30627,30628,30628,ira ku mafanaʼay a mipakemut,because some people are very good at gossiping,train +30628,30629,30629,mahuni ku cirut suikul sa ku para ira i aka paciʼciʼ malingad sa suelinay tu,the call of the painted lady bird do not rush out if its butt is facing you it is true,train +30629,30630,30630,o tamdamdaw misaaliay tu sasayar,everyone needs comfort,test +30630,30631,30631,tangtang han kura rara una naniwac,cook the green beans,train +30631,30632,30632,hatini i mafanaʼay kaku tu nu Payrang,now I can speak Minnan,train +30632,30633,30633,oraan pala i itira i,that place,train +30633,30634,30634,yu tumireng ci Simun Pitiru a miringu i licayen nu papinapina a tamdaw cingra Caay ku ccay nu nisawawaan nuya tamdaw kisu saw han nangra Caay han ni Pitiru a mihakenu,as Simon Peter stood warming himself he was asked You are not one of his disciples are you he denied it saying I am not,train +30634,30635,30635,anu caay ka citapudu ku fafahiyan i u pilceng tu fukes ku ngaay o kakanguduan nu fafahiyan ku pilceng atu piisis tu fukes saka u nika citapudu ningra ku ngaay,if a woman does not cover her head she should have her hair cut off and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off she should cover her head,train +30635,30636,30636,jujiakanhu ku tayal aku anini,home care is my present profession,train +30636,30637,30637,iraay ku cecay haw,there is one,train +30637,30638,30638,u mihawikidan nira tayra i pitilidan,he brought it to school,train +30638,30639,30639,ku pudaw saʼusi anini,how much do you sell a catty of small fry for now,train +30639,30640,30640,Sulingaen ni Yis a palimuut cangra aka palusiyangen ku cimacima tunini a dmak ta paflien tu kakaenen kunini a wawa han ni Yis,he gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this and told them to give her something to eat,test +30640,30641,30641,kitanan,for us,train +30641,30642,30642,nanihikuan,formerly opened,train +30642,30643,30643,wata,ta a,train +30643,30644,30644,u taratarakaway,clan language on high honors,train +30644,30645,30645,ira hu kura patenakay pahusuay,and the publicity the radio,train +30645,30646,30646,madudu saan kami mipudac kira,we then quickly peeled the bamboo shoots,train +30646,30647,30647,i ikur nu nika patay ningra i pakaynien ningra i masamaamaanay a dmak ku nipipahapinang i cangraan tu nika u mauripay cingra spat a pulu ku rumiad ningra a misacnacna a paaraw i cangraan a pasuwal tu pakayniay i Kitakit nu Kawas,after his suffering he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive he appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God,train +30647,30648,30648,malalitemuh cangra,the two of them met each other,train +30648,30649,30649,ya makatusiday,that lady,train +30649,30650,30650,o pakaesuay tu sinafel ku cilah,salt is what will make the dish delicious,test +30650,30651,30651,sapihpih,fan,train +30651,30652,30652,matngil nu Farisay a tamdaw kunini a suwal i suwal sa O sakafana Ningra a mifahfah tu palafuay i caayay hakiya kau nanu icel nu kakridan nu Palafuay ci Pilcipul saan cangra,but when the Pharisees heard this they said It is only by Beelzebub the prince of demons that this fellow drives out demons,train +30652,30653,30653,ura pakelang hananay,this Hachigatana,train +30653,30654,30654,tataakay,large,train +30654,30655,30655,sakamaumah,Tanakas work,train +30655,30656,30656,ira tu ku sapimisa tunu Pangcah,that is why we have Mass in Amish,train +30656,30657,30657,Pakikawal ciira a talafadafung,he edged the ladder and climbed up to the roof,train +30657,30658,30658,suwal sa ci ama taangay tu kaku nga itiya satu mikelid cingra takuwanan a malingad,dad said that he would take me with me when I grew up,train +30658,30659,30659,haenen ku nu maku akaa pifahekul tu manum lilucen,what about me I have been taking care of my body like this for a long time,train +30659,30660,30660,pinaay a rumiˈad mikalic tu lufa anca rumakat tayra i sangataay a ciyataw mikitira a midakaw tu kasuling tayra i pitaykayan,they had to spend days riding mules or walking to the nearest railroad station and then take a train from there to get to the city where the convention was to be held,test +30660,30661,30661,na ina aku caay hu pacaʼuf ci ina aku i,mother thinking has not answered yet,train +30661,30662,30662,rawraw,worry,train +30662,30663,30663,sapitahepu,to cover,train +30663,30664,30664,Alafintu a caka sasuaraw kita,long time no see,train +30664,30665,30665,Ngaay hu kisu Rungac,how is Rongac,train +30665,30666,30666,Pakakahungen ku kafi nu kalang,crab soup with some flying fish,train +30666,30667,30667,mahaen hiwawa ti cecay a rumiʼad itini tatusa tu faʼinay aku,that is the trouble one day I was alone with my husband,train +30667,30668,30668,idengay,enough,train +30668,30669,30669,u mifutingay ku urip nangra hannaku saka han ku lawla aku,they are fishers of men,train +30669,30670,30670,mamutep faʼinayan ri faw,there are ten boys Wow,test +30670,30671,30671,marengreng,collective action,train +30671,30672,30672,Malikuwat ku wawawa a mitengil tu kituh ni akung,children gather around to listen to their grandfathers stories,train +30672,30673,30673,pacacaamul hatu tu pintung,mixed with Pingtungs,train +30673,30674,30674,iraan,that,train +30674,30675,30675,tamana,cabbage,train +30675,30676,30676,maherek tu u u maharek,done,train +30676,30677,30677,aray han aku kisu tu pihai isu tu pihumung aku i tisuwanan,thank you for accepting the interview,train +30677,30678,30678,awaay ku ulul nu kakarayan masadakay tu ku fuis,there were no clouds in the sky the stars came out,train +30678,30679,30679,a vuduy mahaen,clothes are such an etiquette,train +30679,30680,30680,yu ku heni,they are good too,test +30680,30681,30681,Paevlian nu wama kaku tu valuhay a tuki,dad gave me the new watch,train +30681,30682,30682,sanay hakini san ri,is that how it works,train +30682,30683,30683,wata kira makapah,Wow that is beautiful,train +30683,30684,30684,minukas aca kami a tayni tangsa anini,I have been back here until now,train +30684,30685,30685,anini caay tu pihiya tu mahiniay u kumu hananay,I do not play with slingshots anymore,train +30685,30686,30686,kakeruan,dances,train +30686,30687,30687,mafana,realize,train +30687,30688,30688,ngaʼay rahuday ku kaemangay,to make it easier for the kids,train +30688,30689,30689,anini caay tu kalecad ku ciyday,it is a different time now,train +30689,30690,30690,pipakacidal nu matuʼasay,the old people also perform rituals to pray for the sun,test +30690,30691,30691,minukay haca kaku tayni i niyaru,I still have a chance to come back to the tribe,train +30691,30692,30692,Padakawen nu mama tu tusiya kaku a malacecay a tayra,dad drove me with him,train +30692,30693,30693,himawen hu ku wawa aku sa ku kadafu aku,my daughter in law said she could take care of the kids for me,train +30693,30694,30694,Ma^deng ku kahaccaccay namu a macacuruk a pakimad tu suwal nu Kawas ta minanam ku salikaka a ma^min ta mapaicel cangra,for you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged,train +30694,30695,30695,miadad,turn over everything in a cupboard,train +30695,30696,30696,yu tataang ku cidal i mafadi kuya lngaw nawhani awaay ku palamitan nira saka maicang ciira,but when the sun came up the plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root,train +30696,30697,30697,matuʼasay nu niyaru,bringing wisdom and blessings to the tribe,train +30697,30698,30698,pasuwal sa ci Yis ci Pitiruan Sulinen Aku a sumuwal kisu anini a dadaya i ayaw nu nika skak nu ayam i wa kinatulu kisu a mihakenu i Takuwanan han ningra,I tell you the truth Jesus answered this very night before the rooster crows you will disown me three times,train +30698,30699,30699,awaay ku fana unu matuasay a Kawas,we know nothing about the ancestors God,train +30699,30700,30700,u waay tu waay tu ri waay tu mafukil tu,Oh it is gone it is all gone I do not know,test +30700,30701,30701,maumah i awa ku picukangan i,there is no place to make money as a laborer in farming,train +30701,30702,30702,ini katimul ira,south side of the square,train +30702,30703,30703,pikalitangan,a place for picking green beans,train +30703,30704,30704,ngaʼay aca faki a fai a salikaka u singsi,greetings to my dear uncles aunts brothers sisters and teachers,train +30704,30705,30705,anu u ya Suwana tu ya angsitay Suwana,if it is a stinky acidic Brina,train +30705,30706,30706,oya minengnengay tunini a dmak ku pawacayay o sulinay ku nipipawacay ningra Mafana cingra tu nika u sulinay ku nipipasuwal ningra onini i ngaay Halu amu a pasulin u sanay ningra,the man who saw it has given testimony and his testimony is true he knows that he tells the truth and he testifies so that you also may believe,train +30706,30707,30707,nawhani u kakeridan nu i tiniay i ciwkangan a kaka,it is because I am with Nagamitsus brothersister,train +30707,30708,30708,i falucu han ni Yis ku rarum ningra a tayra i tadem o dihif kuya tadem Madef tu fukluh kuya tadem,Jesus once more deeply moved came to the tomb it was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance,train +30708,30709,30709,mangalay a,to be a living person,train +30709,30710,30710,nipatireng,Architecture,test +30710,30711,30711,u sakakaay nu kapah kiyami u kakakaka,it is the older youth,train +30711,30712,30712,Lunuk han ku namu a kumaen aka kangudu,you can eat all you want do not be polite,train +30712,30713,30713,kakahaday ku alu nuniyam i takufan saan ku harateng nu maku,I thought the river was big enough in Sekizan Tokori,train +30713,30714,30714,nawhani caay pisatked ci Kristu a palipahak tu tireng ningra matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad Tayni i takuwanan ku pilikaf nu tau tisuwanan saan,for even Christ did not please himself but as it is written The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me,train +30714,30715,30715,mamaan ku sa itini niyaru sanay misimsim aku,the formation of this tribe today is something I often think about,train +30715,30716,30716,ira ku Cudad i safaled nu sapad hay,is there a book on the top of the table,train +30716,30717,30717,u han kira u kapin hay kurira,formerly known as spring,train +30717,30718,30718,atekakay tatu kaemeden mamaan,it is too expensive can you make it cheaper,train +30718,30719,30719,ura sa i awaay ku nu Paliwan nu can itiyahu,the Paiwanese did not register here,train +30719,30720,30720,caay tu kafana cingra,he does not know anymore,test +30720,30721,30721,hatiraay ku tayal licinuwas sa kami,I have spent three years together and apart,train +30721,30722,30722,i ayaw masamaan ku pisawkit tu masamaamaanay a ciraraway a tamdaw,in the early days what did the tribesmen do with the wrong people,train +30722,30723,30723,cuyacuy,suspension Bridge,train +30723,30724,30724,tu niyan u masaselalay,age group,train +30724,30725,30725,anu saman pisawkic anu sakahemaw i caay ku saka hemawen ku kaykic ku matiraay,the clan considers it a serious and unpardonable offense,train +30725,30726,30726,sa kira matuʼasay nu niyam ku,the elder of our family said so,train +30726,30727,30727,tayra i u dadaya ku saka lumuwad nira i nukay sulin ira ku hiya nu kapah tama nira,if he is to go he always departs at night and when he returns there are indeed young men whom he has hunted,train +30727,30728,30728,saemelay haw ku fali nura tingpih,does that fan blow cool air,train +30728,30729,30729,ula hakelung sanay kami tayni,so here we are,train +30729,30730,30730,Orasaka anu u nikakumaenan aku tu titi ku sakatahfikud nu salikaka a ciraraw i caaytu ku kakumaen kaku tu titi a tahadauc ta caaytu ka tahfikud a ciraraw ku salikaka,Therefore if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin I will never eat meat again so that I will not because him to fall,test +30730,30731,30731,Hai pacaliwen hu kaku tu impic isu mangaay tu haw,Yes can you lend me a pen,train +30731,30732,30732,anu ira ku adadaay namu i u pitahidang nuya tamdaw tu ciwlu nu kiwkay ku ngaay ta pakaynien nangra i ngangan nu Tapang ku nipisipasip tu simal i adadaay a mitulun,is any one of you sick he should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord,train +30732,30733,30733,tuemanan,dusk,train +30733,30734,30734,itini tu a minengneng aka ka tayra i raay a pala yu,come here and take a look do not go too far,train +30734,30735,30735,mahecad tuya suwal aku i huni pasifanaʼen ku,it is the same as what I said earlier,train +30735,30736,30736,iraay tu ku tingting nu maku tu kafanaʼan tu taneng nu maku,I have some thoughts of my own,train +30736,30737,30737,ira ku pisaʼunglayan kaysay i pusung,there is a pineapple factory in Taitung,train +30737,30738,30738,Ayniyan ku rarepetaen nu mita,we must have faith to protect it,train +30738,30739,30739,ta tangsul sa ca Yis atu nisawawaan ningra a midakaw tu tamina a tayra i Talmanuta hananay a pala,he got into the boat with his disciples and went to the region of Dalmanutha,train +30739,30740,30740,ngata,neighboring,test +30740,30741,30741,Pauwer kaku tu tikami anuhuni,I will go out and mail the letter later,train +30741,30742,30742,caiten,hanging,train +30742,30743,30743,hay hatiraay ku picinah tu misasiraw,it is pickled in such a way,train +30743,30744,30744,cila nu Paslaan a Rumiad kaniharan nu saayaway a rumiad nu fa^luhay a lipay i tayra i tadem a minengneng ci Mariya nu Maktala atu ruma a Mariya,after the Sabbath at dawn on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb,train +30744,30745,30745,Peduc san ci Piyaw a milaliw,Björight now has left in a huff,train +30745,30746,30746,caay u nu marad,No it is iron,train +30746,30747,30747,tahaʼatayay,liver,train +30747,30748,30748,sasepat kita a tayra,four of us will go,train +30748,30749,30749,salineknek,Dregs filter,train +30749,30750,30750,ira a mikaput tunini a tamdaw ku papinapina a fafahiyan u ina ni Yis ci Mariya atu salikaka ni Yis malaccay ku falucu nangra a masarucud a mitulun,they all joined together constantly in prayer along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brothers,test +30750,30751,30751,nawhani caay kaliyad ku matuʼasay sa itira sa a masadak kina radiw itiya,both parents are against it,train +30751,30752,30752,iranan ku Tapang,prime,train +30752,30753,30753,nu maku a urip haw,back in my day,train +30753,30754,30754,minukay ku kapah i nanitira lutuk i,when the team returned from the mountain,train +30754,30755,30755,ira ku pipakafana nu mama nira,and his father will tell him,train +30755,30756,30756,itiya a rumiad i halufainayan atu fafahiyan a kuli aku a mapafli aku tu tudung nu tireng aku a Adingu o papatnak cangra tu suwal Aku,even on my servants both men and women I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they will prophesy,train +30756,30757,30757,damay nu riyar,seaweed,train +30757,30758,30758,anca u mipalumaan,you did not plant anything in the field,train +30758,30759,30759,sakanguduan tu ku paini kitaanan,I am sorry to be so brief,train +30759,30760,30760,awaay tu ku papiwnungay,not anymore,test +30760,30761,30761,Mahakelung kita a mililid tu tafuan,let us carry the lunch boxes together,train +30761,30762,30762,Peric han tu kamay nu i ayaway ku panay,in the past rice was hulled by hand,train +30762,30763,30763,ci ama aku u mafanaay a mitenuun ciira i niyaru nu niyam,it was my grandmother she is the most skilled weaver in our tribe,train +30763,30764,30764,siwa tu,Nine,train +30764,30765,30765,an miratuh haca kisu di paluen aku kisu san,he said if you say that again I will hit you,train +30765,30766,30766,Sinanuten ku falucu Kapalaltu kamu nawhani matiya u miltuhay a layun ku ada namu a Palafuay a misataliyuliyuk a mikilim tu mamatamud nira a tamdaw,be self controlled and alert your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour,train +30766,30767,30767,lyawlipaw,food packet,train +30767,30768,30768,likut,Shampooing,train +30768,30769,30769,i kaniyah niya nu luma,around the house,train +30769,30770,30770,Kulas,mans name,test +30770,30771,30771,icuwaay,Where,train +30771,30772,30772,ira ku ceka i taturu nu kamay aku,I have got a splinter in my finger,train +30772,30773,30773,maacang,celebrate,train +30773,30774,30774,falu tu,One two six seven eight eight bars,train +30774,30775,30775,anca malaudutay kami mafana tu kami tu pitungangan nu paylang haw i,sometimes we fought and then we realized what the Han Chinese were laughing at us for,train +30775,30776,30776,cikakuhkuhay,there are cobras,train +30776,30777,30777,ku hatiraay ku katayni nu Amis,that is why the Amis are here,train +30777,30778,30778,Salikakaaw u sakamatini nu dmak namu i u nika fukilhu namu hatiraay ku kakrikridan namu saan ku nika fana aku,Now brothers I know that you acted in ignorance as did your leaders,train +30778,30779,30779,ura saka a mahaen ku suwal aku milicay i tisuwanan,Therefore I want to know your opinion,train +30779,30780,30780,oya sakatatulu i cifafahi tuya fafahiyan mahaen cangra a papitu a cifafahi tuya fafahiyan cahu ka ciwawa i mapatayaytu,and then the third married her and in the same way the seven died leaving no children,test +30780,30781,30781,a tayra i tila sa kiya a tayra itila a paluma tu kudasing,only those who have been designated to do so will be planting peanuts there,train +30781,30782,30782,tahepuen tu kuya safitay,just cover the sieve,train +30782,30783,30783,anu sanay haw mararaway kunini a lakat,such a path,train +30783,30784,30784,Ulitu Kavaher a taluma,go on fly home,train +30784,30785,30785,sakacikadangaway,potential for mosquito breeding,train +30785,30786,30786,o piadicawan niyam kiraan a lutuk nu Puseku,the mountains of Yuli are where we mine marble,train +30786,30787,30787,hicera san,arrival,train +30787,30788,30788,haen han naku a micuka,just draw it,train +30788,30789,30789,aku haw i tatiihay mahufuc hatini anini rumiʼad,they were very unkind to my mother after giving birth to the,train +30789,30790,30790,ana matatepex wa sanay kura singciw nu niyam,the captain thought Oh I am going to crash,test +30790,30791,30791,mangata tu kalahukan,it is almost noon,train +30791,30792,30792,paluma tu tamaku hatiyatiya u maku harateng haw,I grow cigarettes too but here is what I think,train +30792,30793,30793,caka papaceken caka halafin ku liyun ira,if it is not nailed it will not spin for long,train +30793,30794,30794,o saka ccay a tamdaw ci Atam i u namisangaan tu sra o sakatusa a Atam i u tayniay nai kakarayan,the first man was of the dust of the earth the second man from heaven,train +30794,30795,30795,patedu saan a mikilim tu sakairaaw nu kinaira nu tireng nu paytemek,eat whatever you want find something to eat,train +30795,30796,30796,aadupen,hunting,train +30796,30797,30797,Misaparuk tu upih kadufahay a tamdaw,rich people use feathers as quilts,train +30797,30798,30798,hai,Yes,train +30798,30799,30799,Maseka cingra,he fainted and stopped breathing,train +30799,30800,30800,o ruma a sapaluma i matfad i fuklukluhan u kuhpicay ku sra tuna caay ka talulung ku sra saka ranikay a mulngaw kuya sapaluma,some fell on rocky places where it did not have much soil it sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow,test +30800,30801,30801,sa minukay ku kaemangay haw i pafelian tu,your child homework will be explained to you at the end of the school day,train +30801,30802,30802,malasaswad calabad hatira ma ku,it is almost as if the moon is full and the moon is short,train +30802,30803,30803,kaulahan,interests,train +30803,30804,30804,ta sibabahi kaku i,that is why I got married,train +30804,30805,30805,a kafafafafaw nu kapah,young people in the upper strata of the hierarchy,train +30805,30806,30806,na nu lemed na nu Kawas nu palemed han aku,I am very lucky with the way things worked out,train +30806,30807,30807,anu madenga satu kaku i maan hantu sanay kiya harateng aku,thinking about what would happen if I got infected,train +30807,30808,30808,laluudan,summer,train +30808,30809,30809,suwal sa ci ama miahuwiday kita tu sapalemed nu liteng milunguc tu sapakadufah nu mita tu tama,dad said we want to thank the ancestors for their blessings so that we have a lot of prey to harvest,train +30809,30810,30810,nikakapah kiya ku tangal aku,and I am so smart,test +30810,30811,30811,meru^,swallow,train +30811,30812,30812,sa remadiw tu ku cavay iri,Yes and my friend sang,train +30812,30813,30813,cimacima,round,train +30813,30814,30814,masaupu tuku pakarungay,gathering of teenagers,train +30814,30815,30815,inaayaway a vatikar,the old one,train +30815,30816,30816,Wata Makadufah anini tumes sanay ku faruru,Great it is a bumper crop today with full fish baskets,train +30816,30817,30817,saka ura pifacu nangra haw,about the foundation,train +30817,30818,30818,u niyan tatusa haw aka palaliyasan kuni tatusa,do not let these two get separated,train +30818,30819,30819,o piringi tu riyar ku kasingangan nu itiniay a niyaru tu pasawali a Amis,it is so called because it borders on the sea,train +30819,30820,30820,cungedis,showing ones teeth,test +30820,30821,30821,talacuwa u Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa,Jehovahs Witnesses everywhere,train +30821,30822,30822,ini u cingwi nira ini awaay edeng kura sa,Fibers like this No only this kind,train +30822,30823,30823,misu,yours,train +30823,30824,30824,mararum ku falucu nira,he was sad,train +30824,30825,30825,mamaan kisu,what is wrong with you,train +30825,30826,30826,sakapahen ku urip nu mita,cherish our lives,train +30826,30827,30827,awaay ku anini a lalan,there is no open road yet,train +30827,30828,30828,aya adahay ku rumiʼad misuwal i,it takes a lot of time,train +30828,30829,30829,pacauv han tu nu kaput cira caay kisu pikerid tu nu tirengay a lausidan kiyami Iri nipicaliwan a lalusidan i tisuwan nahacuwa saw kisu a panukas,the classmate told him because you did not bring it yourself and you would not return the things lent to you,train +30829,30830,30830,madengaay nu hakika kura Yencumin san,Aborigines are susceptible to tuberculosis,test +30830,30831,30831,Siruma pavalici kaku tu tusa nu limaay a karivuwa,it is okay you can give me two five dollar bills in exchange,train +30831,30832,30832,nika aka tu ka itini i a ikur,but do not fall behind,train +30832,30833,30833,hetec han tu ku nanum nira kiru,drain the water from the sauerkraut,train +30833,30834,30834,alikakay hananay,the story of Arigatou,train +30834,30835,30835,ira ku patayraay tu ka^mangay a wawa i ci Yisan mangalay cangra a papikapa ci Yisan tu wawa nangra nikawrira kakteren nu nisawawaan ningra cangra,people were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them but the disciples rebuked them,train +30835,30836,30836,macuwaay aca ku karaʼinapay hakiya,what kind of person is a jealous person,train +30836,30837,30837,nu mita haw,it is our taboo,train +30837,30838,30838,hatira kunu cay pasuling tu Kawas,that is what happens when you do not believe in Sue,train +30838,30839,30839,caay kuranan ku sapi tura Fangcalay imeng saan,it is not that this is a mark of good police work,train +30839,30840,30840,wata ngalef kakiʼetec nanum han maadah ku suʼaw san,Wow the water here is even colder and thirst quenching,test +30840,30841,30841,mahrek a papinukay tu finawlan ci Yis i ccay cingra a talalutuk a mitulun yu dadaya satu i masaccay cingra itira,after he had dismissed them he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray when evening came he was there alone,train +30841,30842,30842,akakapilawa kita tu suwal nu Tapang,we must listen to our leaders,train +30842,30843,30843,mahinumay,comforted,train +30843,30844,30844,kaay haw u macacamulay tunu Pangcah a lisin,there is probably a mix of Amish celebrations too,train +30844,30845,30845,2 oniya lalakaw wa milengu tu tinakuen nu tamdaw itini Fangcalay Cudad midupuay ci Yihufaan sanay cangra kawra midemakayhu tu kaˈintehan nu Kawas a demak,this text will discuss examples of biblical figures who claimed to be for Yahweh but at the same time did things that God hated,train +30845,30846,30846,matukaay ca ka inaneng hananay ira kaku mikapuʼi haw,the old people scolded me for being lazy and not hardworking,train +30846,30847,30847,u tatahira i lawac kya tamina san mulengengay,the ship sank just as it was approaching the shore,train +30847,30848,30848,marucekay,permitted purpose,train +30848,30849,30849,pakayni i nika laccay namu aci Kristu a mapalakaput kamu atu rumaruma a mapatireng a malakamaruan nu tudung nu tireng nu Kawas a Fangcalay Adingu,and in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit,train +30849,30850,30850,tawasien,erase,test +30850,30851,30851,itni i Tafalung,in Tai Po long Valley,train +30851,30852,30852,sulinay caay kita kavanaʼ,we really do not know Joe,train +30852,30853,30853,tapiingan,side,train +30853,30854,30854,limuud,the Yuan or Mongol dynasty,train +30854,30855,30855,suwal nu matuʼasay,exhortations from the elders,train +30855,30856,30856,u talaw nangra u pekaw malukelun tayra i laenu niya alu,they were so scared they ran their legs down the hill to the river,train +30856,30857,30857,Orasaka tayra satu i nisawawaan ci Mariya nu Maktala a pasuwal maarawtu aku ku Tapang han ningra ta paratuh haca cingra tu nanu suwal nu Tapang i cingraan,Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news I have seen the Lord and she told them that he had said these things to her,train +30857,30858,30858,sikaway sikuwis tu kiyami tu lalal,carry a backhoe like this,train +30858,30859,30859,anu hakakaya masanga tu tirawhu i lutuk,I do not care how long it takes to get it done on the mountain,train +30859,30860,30860,u maan ku niyaru kunian,what kind of tribal name is that,test +30860,30861,30861,na tala tu tayra pimalian anu awa ku singsiki ita i,when I get to baseball if I do not have a goal,train +30861,30862,30862,kacipinang,feel,train +30862,30863,30863,Makalimay kami tayra,We would like to go,train +30863,30864,30864,hay tiraan,that is it,train +30864,30865,30865,cima ku ngangan su,what is your name please,train +30865,30866,30866,taduk,duck,train +30866,30867,30867,paturud a minanam,passing on to the next generation,train +30867,30868,30868,Saepi aca diheku aca kunu eli a luma niyam,our hut is cool and warm,train +30868,30869,30869,aka ka ngudu liyaw satu a malahulul haca kita,you are welcome let us talk again,train +30869,30870,30870,Paketa han tu ku nu adiwawa,the kids were left alone,test +30870,30871,30871,o fangas a kilang ku nipalumaan nu mama^ nu maku,my father planted a need tree,train +30871,30872,30872,Pakafanaen ni mama ci kaka a mitafukud,dad taught my brother how to throw a net,train +30872,30873,30873,pitu enem ku mihecaʼan kaku i,at or years old,train +30873,30874,30874,nikaʼenan nira iri,he took the food,train +30874,30875,30875,palafac han ku kulung i tira,in the old days grazing was done by releasing it directly into the pasture,train +30875,30876,30876,i ngata nu Yirusalim ku Pitani Ma^deng tulu a kungli ku nika raraay nuya niyaru,Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem,train +30876,30877,30877,milunguc,request,train +30877,30878,30878,o patangkuyan nu niyam kinian,this is where we keep the winter squash,train +30878,30879,30879,tuwa iraʼu tulutulu ku kilang kapah tu sa ku heni,they said that three trees would be good for the middle two,train +30879,30880,30880,o kahemekan a demak kuni,that is something to be happy about,test +30880,30881,30881,Ngaay tu u walay ku han aku,Okay I will just order a bowl of noodles,train +30881,30882,30882,caykaluwanluwan ku kira nanum hatitu,there is no reduction in the amount of water,train +30882,30883,30883,talaen hu kilimen hu aku ku ruma a safawah,please wait while I find another spare key,train +30883,30884,30884,aya awa ku adingu nuna waw,Aah the boys soul is out of his mind,train +30884,30885,30885,tuya dadaya i maaraw ni Pawlu i mapulusi ku ccay a Makituniya a tamdaw Tumireng cingra a mingitangit ci Pawluan Pilacal a tayni i Makituniya a mipadang i tamiyanan saan,during the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him Come over to Macedonia and help us,train +30885,30886,30886,wa mamaurad tuya rumiad haw,will it be rainy that day,train +30886,30887,30887,Saka rpet hantu nangra kuya wawa a mipatay ta mafahkul a mifalah i paputal nu pisafadisusuan ku hurac a tireng saan,so they took him and killed him and threw him out of the vineyard,train +30887,30888,30888,sakakintu,health conscious,train +30888,30889,30889,mapakungku kiya masasuwal,share,train +30889,30890,30890,man ci alay u Taywan awa tu ku fetir nu sema awa tu ku fetir mafukil tu mansa,who is ah Loy is he from Taiwan he does not use tongue flicking very often,test +30890,30891,30891,o maan ku kakalahan nu misu,what is your hurry,train +30891,30892,30892,uranan kura mipaliwalan nu tau kiyami,is not that what they are selling,train +30892,30893,30893,minanam kaku tu demak,I am learning about tribal ministry,train +30893,30894,30894,ya pihakelung tu demak nu Pangcah hu,just follow the Amish lead,train +30894,30895,30895,saka alalilaliw santu kiya hiya san matalaway,and then out of fear they all ran away,train +30895,30896,30896,natasaen cira miala haw,get him two of them,train +30896,30897,30897,tayni kita u mifutingay i Ilan i,lived in Yilan County for many years,train +30897,30898,30898,awa ku iya ku patafuan,no lunch box,train +30898,30899,30899,itiya i ciwnanasay kura wama aku itiya,my father was years old my father was born in the eighth year of the Republic,train +30899,30900,30900,minengneng tu katayalan,see if there is a place you can work,test +30900,30901,30901,atu ira kalasiniʼada cira tu widang,and a lot of help to my friends,train +30901,30902,30902,Dadinguan nu Pangcah,Ami mirror,train +30902,30903,30903,haliefung,likes to throw,train +30903,30904,30904,rey ha hay kini satudeng tu,Yeah that is it that is enough,train +30904,30905,30905,o paratuhay kami tu ngaayay ratuh i tamuwanan tuya niktunan nu Kawas i tatuasan ita a suwal,We tell you the good news what God promised our fathers,train +30905,30906,30906,ciama u wama aku haw,my dad used to,train +30906,30907,30907,u niyam itiyahu tahiraay i,and we are in the past until,train +30907,30908,30908,natusa natulu mipasuwal kura singsi,the teacher asked three times in a row,train +30908,30909,30909,aku itini i,at Taiwan cement Corporation,train +30909,30910,30910,Misafun ci ina a mifaca tu fuduy,mom scrubs her clothes with soap,test +30910,30911,30911,u Taywan hu saaway a tayni tulu ku luma,the Minnan first came here with only three houses,train +30911,30912,30912,matengilay itini,according to what I have heard here,train +30912,30913,30913,o cima ku Mihalamhaman nu mata Isu,who do you look up to,train +30913,30914,30914,i Kakacawan ku niyaru nira u Pangcah tu,tribe of Amis in Nagahama,train +30914,30915,30915,kulay,scratching the soil to collect food,train +30915,30916,30916,Sakatusa harateng nu suelinay a demak o pihai tu masamaanay kaciraraw duedu sa tu kacinaherekan a ciraraw atu kasuelin tu kacipinang nu demak,Second the concept of specific behavior all criminal guilty pleas are based on the results of the offenders behavior and specific facts,train +30916,30917,30917,afinung,copra,train +30917,30918,30918,fanetfet,inconvenient,train +30918,30919,30919,Maturtur ku suwal nira,he spoke quickly and immediately to the issues,train +30919,30920,30920,17 anu sapisaluaw ku kaˈurip ita misamaan tu demak ngaˈ,what do we have to do to be satisfied,test +30920,30921,30921,ta itira,right there,train +30921,30922,30922,u kakanguduan nu tamtamdaw,it is the one that everyone admires,train +30922,30923,30923,alu^,stream,train +30923,30924,30924,hay hay,Yes,train +30924,30925,30925,mifalah tu lakaw ciira,he is going to throw away the trash,train +30925,30926,30926,saka aray tisuwan ri hatira,Really thank you,train +30926,30927,30927,mamangaʼayay tu mulahad kunini u palumaan sanay kura matuʼasay,the old man knows that this crop is grown,train +30927,30928,30928,mautauta san tu remes,you are going to vomit vomit vomit vomit and bleed,train +30928,30929,30929,ira tu kura funfun paruen ira i cyawnang hananay,she put the powder in a capsule,train +30929,30930,30930,Maraudtu ku Ka^caan Pipatamud tu ^Pang a lisin,now the Feast of Unleavened Bread called the Passover was approaching,test +30930,30931,30931,u pisaday nu matuʼasay a,prepared by the elderly,train +30931,30932,30932,Fetesen ku kulung pangangusuan,wear a bulls hole over a bulls nose ring,train +30932,30933,30933,awit,draw,train +30933,30934,30934,Ikur padadutucay kaku materek i Angat a mitusilay ci nura tayraay i ruma a niyaruˈ a misakafah,after that I stayed in Onate to preach while Nora went to serve in another town,train +30934,30935,30935,capahining kaku tu wayway tu wawa sa hawi,and do not reveal bad things to your children,train +30935,30936,30936,nicakayan,purchase,train +30936,30937,30937,sa mipaanif mikangkang,going to the fields to plant and plow,train +30937,30938,30938,caay kafana ku ayam midanguy mitaekud masamatira,because chickens cannot swim they cannot jump,train +30938,30939,30939,Ridrid han nu kaka aku kaku a micudad,my sister guided me to read,train +30939,30940,30940,ona saycalu a kaeled,it is a jute rope,test +30940,30941,30941,anu itini tu i pala nu mita anu i riyar tu,and all the plants and animals of the earth and the sea,train +30941,30942,30942,nika cai kafana kira,but I will not say,train +30942,30943,30943,taritikay ku kapah a matayal,flexible work with all movements,train +30943,30944,30944,hay mangudu tu nu Taywan hatiyaay kiya demak aku itiya,at the time I was hoping they would feel some shame for their Taiwanese masters,train +30944,30945,30945,cinah ney,it is all pickled,train +30945,30946,30946,milikat tu tayraw han saan,I want to go out and have a good time,train +30946,30947,30947,i aayaw,Pre planting,train +30947,30948,30948,Miariray ci mama i umah,dad was picking corn in the field,train +30948,30949,30949,Ngaay tu kataluma a malafi^,Yes and be sure to come back for dinner,train +30949,30950,30950,wata ka aluman u papitilid tu sifana caay tu kasaenarar,access to education is not equal,test +30950,30951,30951,ngaʼayay kuni ini,you can also use this treatment,train +30951,30952,30952,haliki,quickly,train +30952,30953,30953,mapananam,form,train +30953,30954,30954,sakakaay,largest,train +30954,30955,30955,rumiad,day,train +30955,30956,30956,ira kura niyaru tira,there is a tribe there,train +30956,30957,30957,itira kura i lutukay kura nu hakika a paisingan itiya,a tuberculosis convalescent hospital in the mountains,train +30957,30958,30958,minanam ku kapah tu kiecie,young people are learning to lead,train +30958,30959,30959,aul,bamboo,train +30959,30960,30960,ira ku sumuwalay Ca^des ciicel ku suwal ni Pawlu i tilid Nikawrira nengneng han cingra i u tadancaay cingra Caay ku masamaanay ku suwal ningra saan,for some say His letters are weighty and forceful but in person he is unimpressive and his speaking amounts to nothing,test +30960,30961,30961,hatiraay tu aniniay citay,that is the way it is nowadays,train +30961,30962,30962,o padaeciay ku urad anini,Todays rain will cause arrow shoots to grow,train +30962,30963,30963,ira kiya suwal namu tu satuku,you have mentioned the great Central pillar of the house,train +30963,30964,30964,ya makatimulay tiya,when you come from the south,train +30964,30965,30965,caka piiya ku pakarungay masetiʼay,if a young man does not make a move he will be beaten up,train +30965,30966,30966,cacay tusa pakayi tilaen i masausiyay tu ita ku kiraan,we will put one tail and two tails in there and we will count them,train +30966,30967,30967,ora cayliw u,the material is,train +30967,30968,30968,Adawis u sanay kita anini a rumiad tu icep i lutuk,our job today was to pick betel nuts on the mountain,train +30968,30969,30969,o maan ku kasiangian nu misu,what are you so afraid of,train +30969,30970,30970,u suelinay hakini,true or false,test +30970,30971,30971,ku rumaruma a tamdaw,people say,train +30971,30972,30972,malinut,blunt blades,train +30972,30973,30973,ilaay hu paiya tahanini haw,are there any other rituals today,train +30973,30974,30974,tariktik,Agility Sharpness,train +30974,30975,30975,o ayaayam ku i kaayaway o uneuner ku i kaikuray namu hatu a minengneng,there are birds in the front and snakes in the back,train +30975,30976,30976,milicayhu tisuwan tu pakayniay tu,I would like to ask you some more questions about your license,train +30976,30977,30977,neysyang la ancin,you are an introvert Quiet,train +30977,30978,30978,hay u namu i maraayay ku piladuman i,you know that the place for collecting water is so far away,train +30978,30979,30979,rakat sa kaku talapitilidan tu rumiamiad,I walk to school every day,train +30979,30980,30980,mitngil ku nisawawaan tunini a suwal i safahka sa cangra licay sa Anu hatira i cima ku mamapaurip saw saan cangra,when the disciples heard this they were greatly astonished and asked Who then can be saved,test +30980,30981,30981,Nikawrira yu rumakat kaku a miraud tu Tamaskus ma^deng u kalahukan i fahal sa ira ku nai kakarayanay a micengay a likat a patdi i taliyuk aku,About noon as I came near Damascus suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me,train +30981,30982,30982,picuhungan kiya,the demoralization process,train +30982,30983,30983,u ina nira,her mother,train +30983,30984,30984,pahku^,crossing the cat,train +30984,30985,30985,miringiay tu Siwkulang a alu atu cipa nu nanum a paniyaru saka singangan tu Siwkulan a Amis han,it was named so because it lived near the Xiuguluan river and its tributaries,train +30985,30986,30986,tamdaw tu maemin tu mahaen,that is how people are,train +30986,30987,30987,ka u mitngilay tu suwal kamu Akatu pihaklung tu masamaamaanay a anuf namu a matiya u dmak namu yu mafukilhu kamu tu Kawas,as obedient children do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance,train +30987,30988,30988,mirepet,scratch,train +30988,30989,30989,taturuan,Guttering under the eaves,train +30989,30990,30990,dafu,gathering grain from the barn and milling the rice,test +30990,30991,30991,a hai ngaʼay hu kita mapulung salikaka,Yes hello everyone,train +30991,30992,30992,ira aca ku Taywan,Han Chinese students who participated in the program,train +30992,30993,30993,kakaenen sa kaku itiya,improving the family economy,train +30993,30994,30994,nanam sa kiya ku Pangcah a minanam tu a e u e u,Amis learn Japanese seriously,train +30994,30995,30995,Alumaanan miki lalikul tu lavii a micumud manay patireng tu adawang sapiseveng a midiput tu niyaru,there were often sneak attacks at night so the tribes built watchtowers to protect the lives and property of their people,train +30995,30996,30996,suʼlinay itiya kaku i,I was,train +30996,30997,30997,tuna pitiku nu maku adihay hu saan,when she went back to collect,train +30997,30998,30998,caay hen,never,train +30998,30999,30999,samatiyaen nira u suelinay,he acted like he was doing some thing right,train +30999,31000,31000,Hayda ini,Sure take it,test +31000,31001,31001,iraay masadak ku lahud tiray,there is water vapor coming out of there,train +31001,31002,31002,Ira tu,Yes,train +31002,31003,31003,misadayay hu ku matuʼasay,the old mans still getting ready too,train +31003,31004,31004,tayra i luma niyam,come to our house,train +31004,31005,31005,Pasifanaen nu singsi kita anini tu samaan han a misanu Amis ku 動物,will teach everyone all kinds of animals in Pangcah language today,train +31005,31006,31006,ngiyangi,shaking,train +31006,31007,31007,Pafidangen a maemin ku mitanamay a kumaen tu wiruk,to give a grapefruit fruit one of the petals to try the grapefruit,train +31007,31008,31008,Hayda cecay a kuhetingay ku alaen aku a riku,Alright then I will take a black piece of clothing,train +31008,31009,31009,itiniay i Tayciw i Makalatu 12395 ku tamdaw iraay i Pingtung a Pangcah i 4201 ku itilaay i Takaway i 11891 ku tamdaw,there are also in Taichung Amis living in Pingtung and in Kaohsiung,train +31009,31010,31010,caay kay terung itini i pulut,not in the middle but in the tail,test +31010,31011,31011,nawhani anu pipanayan tu,because it is time to cut the rice,train +31011,31012,31012,maulahay kisu tu kafalawfawan haw,do you like autumn,train +31012,31013,31013,macidal anini^ haw,is it sunny today,train +31013,31014,31014,hatiraay kunika pasuling niyam tu Kawas,we believe in God,train +31014,31015,31015,telien i kafutian ku fuduy,please leave your clothes in your room,train +31015,31016,31016,onini i u saka^caaw ka fana nu tamdamdaw tu nipisaliway isu o sapatiriaw isu tuya caay ka araw a wama isu ta uya minengnengay a wama isu tu nipilunuk isu a misaliway ku papakaulah tisuwanan,so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting but only to your Father who is unseen and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you,train +31016,31017,31017,paculeden,put it in your pocket,train +31017,31018,31018,Hinum han ni Kulas kura madukaay a wacu,Kolas comforted the injured dog,train +31018,31019,31019,Sakautaaw sanay kaku tayra hu kaku i tataiyan,I feel like vomiting I need to go to the restroom,train +31019,31020,31020,makapah,it is beautiful,test +31020,31021,31021,ira ku tumuk u kakeridan nu niyaru ira ku selal u tudung nu sufitay nu niyaru,there are chiefs like the leaders of a tribe and there are age classes like the armies of a tribe,train +31021,31022,31022,mibuting kiya haw,work as a fisherman,train +31022,31023,31023,esaʼayaw kaku minanam tu matiniay ira hu ku matuʼasay,when I started practicing the old man was still there,train +31023,31024,31024,itiya u Pangcah ami haw u maan,were there a lot of Amis Or,train +31024,31025,31025,Mankura anu matengil ku pasadakan a radiw i itinitu i kamaruˈan a miduhinga a mitengil,Therefore we should sit in our seats and listen carefully whenever these music programs start playing,train +31025,31026,31026,adihay kura liyawen tu nuna malatapangay,Sir there are still a lot of concepts to be changed,train +31026,31027,31027,midadacdac,catching cicadas,train +31027,31028,31028,o nanirupayan i nacila kira piunipan nu mita a nini,the area where we planted the seedlings today was leveled yesterday,train +31028,31029,31029,ura celung hananay a kilang,it is a wood called cedar,train +31029,31030,31030,niyan u u Taluku ku i tiraay nu Taluku tu,in fact Taroko and Papuan refer to the same ethnic group,test +31030,31031,31031,kalaalufuen,become a backpack,train +31031,31032,31032,itiraay kami miala tuni a suta,that is where we got the mud,train +31032,31033,31033,caay pakadudu ku yu wawa tiya matulu a tatusa sakatawaʼan sa,it is funny when kids cannot catch up with two and fall together,train +31033,31034,31034,na tayni kami itini sa,we have been here before,train +31034,31035,31035,palatusa,half,train +31035,31036,31036,hay,Right,train +31036,31037,31037,o mamalaluuluud ku finawlan atu finawlan o mamasasiadaada ku Kitakit atu kitakit o aira ku lunen atu kdal i cuwacuwa onini a dmak a ma^min i u satapangan nu tataangay a pades a matiya u pisemsem nu maatatay,nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom there will be earthquakes in various places and famines these are the beginning of birth pains,train +31037,31038,31038,alatel caay kafalic ku urip nu niyaru kiya,maybe the lives of our tribe will not improve,train +31038,31039,31039,hakuwa ku tatata ang,how big,train +31039,31040,31040,mapadacidacay,I have been infected with leukorrhea,test +31040,31041,31041,tamdaw,crowd,train +31041,31042,31042,laedis,fishing Festival,train +31042,31043,31043,Makutaay han tu kamu haw,you will be called Magudas,train +31043,31044,31044,saka maliinaay ni ina aku,so my moms relatives and friends,train +31044,31045,31045,cacay ku sapisurit cacay ku sasuritan,a pencil and a book,train +31045,31046,31046,saka micuruk tu tuluma,so each family takes its turn,train +31046,31047,31047,o huwak ku i fanaway a midanguy,the ducks are swimming in the pool,train +31047,31048,31048,Namisanga ku Kawas tu Rikec i malasakatungal nu muraraway a dmak Nikawrira yu matungal ku nika ciraraw nu tamdaw i mahapinang a mahapinang ku mikumi nu Kawas,the law was added so that the trespass might increase but where sin increased grace increased all the more,train +31048,31049,31049,dipdip,peeking,train +31049,31050,31050,talalutuk,go to the mountains,test +31050,31051,31051,u sanay tu maku hatira ku tudung,so I am about to tell it,train +31051,31052,31052,yu ccay a rumiad talalutuk ci Yis a mitulun salafii sa cingra a mitulun tu Kawas itira,one of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray and spent the night praying to God,train +31052,31053,31053,Nengnengen uya mikitiraay i ci Satanan a kasakaput uya caay ku Yutaya a tamdaw u Yutaya kaku sanay a misamangahay a tamdaw i u kakriden aku cangra a patayra i kaayaw isu a papihinukup ta mafana cangra tu nika ulah aku i tisuwanan,I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan who claim to be Jews though they are not but are liars I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you,train +31053,31054,31054,Kauratan ku suwal nira,what he said is confusing,train +31054,31055,31055,vaeket haw kiraan a elun,is that chair heavy,train +31055,31056,31056,cima ku ngangan nu kaka isu tu fafahiyan,what is your elder sisters name,train +31056,31057,31057,hayiay kaku sa kaku,I really am,train +31057,31058,31058,tiwas hananay hatiniay ku nu Kalingku a kuppu,this is a cup of lotus,train +31058,31059,31059,ura satu paru nu luma wina nu luma,and the host family,train +31059,31060,31060,kakter han ni Yis caira a sumuwal Aka pakafanaen ku tau tu pakayniay i Takuwanan han ningra,but he gave them strict orders not to tell who he was,test +31060,31061,31061,Mafana kisu a rumadiw,can you sing,train +31061,31062,31062,isekalay awaay tu ku demademak haw,a bit of superficial superficiality no depth,train +31062,31063,31063,mamiparayray,passing on the legacy,train +31063,31064,31064,adihayay ku futing itini haw,are there many fish here,train +31064,31065,31065,iniyan sa a cacay ku kavanaʼan,that is all I know,train +31065,31066,31066,talaʼamisan nira a mifalah,send it to the north side,train +31066,31067,31067,pauripen ningra kita onini i caay ku nanu nika mu^cel nu dmak ita o nanu adayay ningra pakayni i nipihufuc atu nipipafli nu Fangcalay Adingu titaanan tu fa^luhay a urip a misawsaw,he saved us not because of righteous things we had done but because of his mercy he saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,train +31067,31068,31068,Adada^ ku tiyad niira i katumayian ciira,she has a stomachache she is in the restroom,train +31068,31069,31069,Miawul a mifadatek kaku tu luma,I take bamboo to protect my house from typhoons,train +31069,31070,31070,hatira sanay mapanukay,that is how we take turns,test +31070,31071,31071,masuʼaw kita ngaʼayay iyaen ta kuni,if we are thirsty we can use it,train +31071,31072,31072,pekpeken tu lidateng,whip it hard with a biting cat,train +31072,31073,31073,i Halawan,at Loho tribe,train +31073,31074,31074,idahi tu ku nika ira nu panay aku tinana mihecaan,this years rice Harvest was better than nothing,train +31074,31075,31075,lalangawlikes,fly,train +31075,31076,31076,a licay i tisuwanan hatini,a question for you,train +31076,31077,31077,diheku,warm,train +31077,31078,31078,Ciasiluay i pala niyam,we have lemon trees in our fields,train +31078,31079,31079,cekuk saan kami tu ruruh i dadaya,the thunder at night scared us,train +31079,31080,31080,pitangtangan tu hulu iraay tu,even the cooks,test +31080,31081,31081,u ka Dipungan hu han aca u nu kakuwapingan tu han,has it been there since the Japanese colonial era or since the Republic of Korea,train +31081,31082,31082,Misatukituk ku tayal niyam a maruray,our continuous work is very tiring,train +31082,31083,31083,sa hadidi han i awaay ku kakaenen sa mikilim tu katayalan sa ku wawa i ayaw,they are all hardworking and have a hard life and if they are unemployed they will look for job opportunities everywhere,train +31083,31084,31084,mahakulung kaku atu kaput i nacila a tayra i pacakayay tu cudad,yesterday I went to the bookstore with my classmates,train +31084,31085,31085,madayum,easy come easy go,train +31085,31086,31086,dafak satu yu patiku a tayra i niyaru i macahiw ci Yis,early in the morning as he was on his way back to the city he was hungry,train +31086,31087,31087,ikur i malecaday ku paenaran a malacafay mihalaka tu demak nu Kitakit,we will also discuss on the basis of equality the future policy direction of this country,train +31087,31088,31088,itiya i masamaan,Therefore,train +31088,31089,31089,itiya i yay a mihcaan natayratu haw kamu i Cilung,did you guys go to Keelung in at that time,train +31089,31090,31090,itiya yu pitekaan a mi,it is time to start,test +31090,31091,31091,a malaluud mapapekpek tini kitanan u Amis u Pangcah hananay,killing of aborigines,train +31091,31092,31092,ati awid kita misatapal,notification call,train +31092,31093,31093,nanay tahadauc ku kalawidang ita,may our friendship last forever,train +31093,31094,31094,maraay a rakaten,is it a long walk,train +31094,31095,31095,hanen haw san,he arranged for me to do a course on school organization,train +31095,31096,31096,misanga tu lalan,building roads,train +31096,31097,31097,hay aray hanaku a Cing Li haw,thank you very much for your help,train +31097,31098,31098,mateneng ku tamina anca mapalit itini,the ship sank or was shut down,train +31098,31099,31099,o simal ku miadingalay tu pising nu misu,Greasy makes your face shiny,train +31099,31100,31100,mansa ye saʼicelen ita u Amis,that is why we Amis have to work hard,test +31100,31101,31101,cukap,shoes,train +31101,31102,31102,u kafanaʼan aku haw i,as far as I know,train +31102,31103,31103,Yami,Tao or Yami one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +31103,31104,31104,cangra,they,train +31104,31105,31105,Tataang ku suni nu kereng,the thunder is loud,train +31105,31106,31106,u kapah nu niyaru,there are only a few dozen tribal youths capable of fighting,train +31106,31107,31107,mimaan a mikuliniw kisu saan ku tayrin sa rufu han cecay lipay sa mahaenay anu ca i ayaw i ciʼilu haw i,the way in which tribal elders deal with rulings is a word of goodness,train +31107,31108,31108,maulah kaku a kumaen tu ciukakay a titi,I love ribs,train +31108,31109,31109,o hekalay hitay kami,we are in the Army,train +31109,31110,31110,tuya dadaya tireng sa ku Tapang i tatihi ni Pawlu a sumuwal Ka cicdi kisu O hahaenen u pipawacay isu i Yirusalim tu pakayniay i Takuwanan ku pipawacay isu i Luma saan,the following night the Lord stood near Paul and said Take courage as you have testified about me in Jerusalem so you must also testify in Rome,test +31110,31111,31111,macuwaay ku sukitang hanay,dumped coal,train +31111,31112,31112,o maan sanay ku tatudung nuya Caaytu ka halafin yasanay a suwal ningra hakiya caay ka fanafana kita tu tatudung nu suwal Ningra saan cangra,they kept asking What does he mean by a little while we do not understand what he is saying,train +31112,31113,31113,anu sipakaynien ita,if we take this opportunity to,train +31113,31114,31114,caay pivecul u hemay ku taenekay,I cannot get enough of dim sum so I would rather eat,train +31114,31115,31115,saka ci ira san a kaalaan nira matuʼasay ku tangal haw i,after the elders head was removed,train +31115,31116,31116,macikcikay ku papah,the leaves are forked,train +31116,31117,31117,Patulem han nira ku wacu i rkaran nira a ufang,he stuck the dog alive into a hole and buried him,train +31117,31118,31118,maraay kura karumakatan niyam,we have come a very long way,train +31118,31119,31119,u vavekelu hay u vakelu,coin lacrymal yes coin lacrymal,train +31119,31120,31120,itiya hu haw i,a long time ago,test +31120,31121,31121,Dadada pafelien kaku tuya cecay tingting a kunga atu dateng,please give me two bunches of vegetables and a pound of sweet potatoes,train +31121,31122,31122,u maan ku sapakaen ni vaki i tamuwanan,what is Grandpas treat for you,train +31122,31123,31123,inian a kalupitukuhan i u sakacaluway nu mita a maurip,these modern facilities make our life convenient,train +31123,31124,31124,matiniay mama ina han aku,I will tell my parents,train +31124,31125,31125,caay katataʼang caayhu kapapinan ku tamdaw,it is small and not very crowded,train +31125,31126,31126,Ngaay hu^ mapulung ci Kulas kaku,hello everyone my name is Kolas,train +31126,31127,31127,caay ka cipinang ku falucu nuya tamdaw,there is no clarity in viewing the attitude of that person i he appears ambiguous,train +31127,31128,31128,nanu misinafel kamu atu kapah,you and the tribal youths went to gather wild vegetables,train +31128,31129,31129,mahaenay ku nisangaan nu matuasay,older peoples practices,train +31129,31130,31130,pipapataan,container for the cream,test +31130,31131,31131,Fawaaw ita ku tayal nu tumuk a mipu^pu tu niyaru,we need to support the chief in governing the affairs of the tribe,train +31131,31132,31132,saka u raraw nu tamdaw haw i saayaw i,when it is not possible to do so it will be referred to the police,train +31132,31133,31133,Maruray ci ina a matayal,mom works hard,train +31133,31134,31134, Saka malaangreray ku ccay nu kalitulu nu nanum nu alu tuna angrertu ku nanum saka aluman ku mapatayay a minanumay a tamdaw,the name of the star is Wormwood a third of the waters turned bitter and many people died from the waters that had become bitter,train +31134,31135,31135,Hamedacen ku dateng,finish the dish,train +31135,31136,31136,mahaen ku nipihiya nu niyaru nu lalavuay nu luma u sapitala tu pilisinan,this is how the tribesmen and their families prepare and wait for the Harvest Festival,train +31136,31137,31137,tawa miʼala satu kisu,and then you take,train +31137,31138,31138,amanen haw,opens voles,train +31138,31139,31139,onini kuya na masuwalaytu aku tuya O aira i ikur aku a tayni ku ikakaay aku ku nika tadamaan Nawhani i ayaw nu nika sufuc aku i iratu Cingra,this is the one I meant when I said A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me,train +31139,31140,31140,Nanuya halafin ci Pawlu itira ta liyas satu cingra tu salikaka Mihaklung ca Priskila aci Akuila ci Pawluan ira ku niktunan nu falucu ni Pawlu i kaayaw nu Kawas saka paisis satu cingra tu fukes ningra i Kinkriya ta pakalunan satu cangra a tayra i Siriya,Paul stayed on in Corinth for some time then he left the brothers and sailed for Syria accompanied by Priscilla and Aquila before he sailed he had his hair cut off at Cenchrea because of a vow he had taken,test +31140,31141,31141,dadaya minukayay ya ali aku mihakelung,that night my sister in law went back to her mothers house,train +31141,31142,31142,u nian a eli ri u nanu ayaw kina pieliʼan saka sapimaan,this is the place where we used to come to cut thatch what is the purpose of this place,train +31142,31143,31143,oni masarayrayay lalakaw u mamilengu tu kahacecay a heci nu Fangcalay saucur siwaay tuni lalakaw sasumuwal tu saka cecay a heci,this is the first in a series of nine articles each of which will explore one of the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit,train +31143,31144,31144,a mikadabu tiya luma,we are going to get into that family,train +31144,31145,31145,yu misatipus a misaturun kita,when the rice is harvested and put into storage we make glutinous rice cakes,train +31145,31146,31146,Kau dafung nu hekal caay ka muecel a hafay ku sapisawidang namu Luka 169,making friends with unrighteous money Luke,train +31146,31147,31147,na i miliyaw i uiya,and then the next one is,train +31147,31148,31148,mala iyaay mapelaʼay kura tau,they are starting to split up,train +31148,31149,31149,iraay hu nu hatini kura,but now there is,train +31149,31150,31150,Makapasu kami a tayra i picudadan tu rumiamiad,we take the bus to school every day,test +31150,31151,31151,ha fanaʼinay haca san kisu,you think you are going to have another baby,train +31151,31152,31152,mikalic,ride,train +31152,31153,31153,kaditaungaw,dirty,train +31153,31154,31154,miiya tu,we are doing it again,train +31154,31155,31155,cacay ku lisin tu mihecaan,held once a year,train +31155,31156,31156,nga malahecitu kuriraan haw i,when it is done,train +31156,31157,31157,Malakaying tu ku limecedan a wawa nu maku,my daughter has become a lady,train +31157,31158,31158,sapadec,whip,train +31158,31159,31159,mahecad u mi ngay ku waʼay,feet look like they are skating,train +31159,31160,31160,ikang,showing off,test +31160,31161,31161,i nanakac sakapitu hay,in July,train +31161,31162,31162,matatudungay,just in time,train +31162,31163,31163,masuʼutay tu nu mira kuni u puliciw,they are all tied up with glass balls,train +31163,31164,31164,misamaanay a matenak ku lihaf nu Hungti Kitakit tayni i Kirekistan hani,how did the Kingdoms message get into and throughout Kyrgyzstan,train +31164,31165,31165,malitengay miraradiw ku malitengay i,when the elders who lead the singing chant,train +31165,31166,31166,hatiraay ku pasuʼlin nu niyam,that is what we believe,train +31166,31167,31167,demademak anu san i,if it moves,train +31167,31168,31168,u niafufuay nisulimetay tu pulung lkakawa nu tuʼas tu rayray,the purpose of this is to revitalize the entire culture of the first Nations,train +31168,31169,31169,tadamaruray,it is exhausting,train +31169,31170,31170,mavana,very much so,test +31170,31171,31171,sakinacacay iri adidi,the first one is still small,train +31171,31172,31172,haen san u pirakat nu niyam itira salikaka,that is how we model our family prayers,train +31172,31173,31173,maedeng cecay tatakian,it takes about an hour,train +31173,31174,31174,pasaksak han i pinsiyang ku sinpun tenak han tira i laenu,lay the newspaper at the bottom put it on top,train +31174,31175,31175,awaay ku utufay aku,I do not have a motorcycle,train +31175,31176,31176,yan sa na hanghang aku u ulal nira,my playmate was the same age as him,train +31176,31177,31177,iraay tu ku epah i tenuk,there is still wine in the center,train +31177,31178,31178,madenga nu mama kaku,influenced by my father,train +31178,31179,31179,o caay ka tilid ku ngangan i pitilidan tu ngangan nu mauripay i mafahkul a ma^min i namanamalan,then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire the lake of fire is the second death,train +31179,31180,31180,tu rumiʼamiʼad tu dadadadayan pimihecahecaan,it is the result of years and years of accumulation,test +31180,31181,31181,miadup anu maʼaraway ku manan,Hunting no matter what the prey,train +31181,31182,31182,suʼelinay tahira i,it was really at that time,train +31182,31183,31183,hay tu saʼayaw,Yeah it used to be called the mountain Man,train +31183,31184,31184,ruma satu i u mifulesak tuya rumiʼad i tatiih tu kumaen tu maamaan,in addition when sowing seeds you should not eat them casually,train +31184,31185,31185,mitngil ku milaucay i pilaucan tunini a suwal i rukruk sa ku falucu nangra a makter sapipatayan saan cangra tu tarukus,when they heard this they were furious and wanted to put them to death,train +31185,31186,31186,anu tamdaw pamatangay han i pakatamurung ku tamdaw tu hatiniay aca a fukeluh,how can you move the rocks if you are using manual cultivation,train +31186,31187,31187,a mikihatiya aca kaku satu kaku itiya,I am in,train +31187,31188,31188,awaay tu piripaʼan,there is no more room to step on the ground,train +31188,31189,31189,hatini ku kakifetur nu nira haw i,it is about this thick,train +31189,31190,31190,tayni tu kaku i,Shenzhen China,test +31190,31191,31191,mamutep tamdaw kiya fukeluh,the ten Stones,train +31191,31192,31192,kuliciw,bicycle,train +31192,31193,31193,eynengneng sakiya ina,mom looked at me,train +31193,31194,31194,hemhem,to endure,train +31194,31195,31195,matengil ku wina ni maku haw i,I will tell you all about it Mom,train +31195,31196,31196,ruma tamdaw misisit tu tanameng ruma tamadaw miasik,some people clean the windows some sweep the floor,train +31196,31197,31197,caay ka talapitilidan kami anini,we do not have to go to school today,train +31197,31198,31198,suwalen nu Puyuma nanicuwaay kuni tau sa,and the Peinan said Where are they from,train +31198,31199,31199,cirihiay,foothill,train +31199,31200,31200,sasepat ku kaka tu faʼinayan,four brothers,test +31200,31201,31201,panaeng,storage,train +31201,31202,31202,yu cicicit cicit ku rira edu haw i mucu nu taluʼan,in the corner of the workhouse the rats squeaked and squeaked,train +31202,31203,31203,halipata,favorite,train +31203,31204,31204,Mikafus ku wawa i sauwac,children catching shrimp in the stream,train +31204,31205,31205,mapulin,stumble,train +31205,31206,31206,wa kiraekim san,they are excited to see the gold,train +31206,31207,31207,ku nipisanga tu emu,making sweet rice cake,train +31207,31208,31208,ta sa piluwad tu mipaʼical tu sifu,competition for government funding,train +31208,31209,31209,pilifunan awa hu ku i tiya hu,there were no strange hands,train +31209,31210,31210,tu nu Taywanay,in all of Taiwan,test +31210,31211,31211,ira kina cecaw aku kina kira,Besides I have a license from the elderly care Association,train +31211,31212,31212,anu silavang,if there are guests,train +31212,31213,31213,u mabunaray ku pising nira,her face is red and tender,train +31213,31214,31214,anu mafanaʼ kisu i haw i,if you know what you are talking about you are confident,train +31214,31215,31215,na nu iya i ya miheningan nuya wawa tuya epung laenu a itira a milimed kuya takula na saan ku falucu nira,the child peeked into a hole thinking that the frog was hiding inside there,train +31215,31216,31216,ininan cuwa cuwa u iya kuni u,this one No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No,train +31216,31217,31217,kerit,cut,train +31217,31218,31218,anu caay ka haen caay ka kapah ku,if there is no seed festival there is no millet,train +31218,31219,31219,cala,jawbone,train +31219,31220,31220,saan kami ri,that is what we thought,test +31220,31221,31221,kalahukan satu tangtang han nu wina,at noon my mother boiled the frogs in water,train +31221,31222,31222,ya midemakan ira u kaemangay mafana kira tura tilid,the kids do not even know where she put it,train +31222,31223,31223,yu maluklun cangra haw i palimuuten ni Yis cangra a sumuwal Anu cahu ka lumuwad a maurip nai patay ku Wawa nu Tamdaw i akahu ka sumuwal i cimacimaan tu pakayniay i maaraway namu a mapulusi han ningra,as they were coming down the mountain Jesus instructed them Do not tell anyone what you have seen until the son of man has been raised from the dead,train +31223,31224,31224,Kalingku,Hualien,train +31224,31225,31225,awaay ku raraw ni Kristu Awaayhu a matngil nu tamdaw ku misamangahay a suwal ningra,He committed no sin and no deceit was found in his mouth,train +31225,31226,31226,ciramud kaku tayra tu kaku i kadafu tu tayra i Ancuh,I married into the Antong tribe,train +31226,31227,31227,awa,none,train +31227,31228,31228,litusaen kuya epang,divide the bread in two,train +31228,31229,31229,o misangaan nu malitengay ita a tahunian u awel ku sapisanga,it is a musical instrument made by our ancestors and is made of bamboo,train +31229,31230,31230,maulah ci Mayaw misakaluna tu wacu,Mayaw enjoys teasing puppies,test +31230,31231,31231,anu malingad tayni i umah tunian haw i,before setting out to the fields,train +31231,31232,31232,Kapidu^du kamu tu niketunan aku,and Ye shall keep that which we have prescribed for you,train +31232,31233,31233,kawu sasidaitan,do not worry mom,train +31233,31234,31234,suwalen aku kamu uya namitahidangan aku a tamdamdaw i awaay ku ccaccay aca nangra a mamitanam tu nipatahkaan Aku han ni Yis,I tell you not one of those men who were invited will get a taste of my banquet,train +31234,31235,31235,miurauray tu kisu,did you rinse out your mouth,train +31235,31236,31236,mapikih,lame,train +31236,31237,31237,Alaninininip han kunini a takid,all of you drink a sip from this cup,train +31237,31238,31238,kunga ngaʼay tu,groundnuts are good too,train +31238,31239,31239,adahay maʼaraw matengil,I have seen and heard a lot,train +31239,31240,31240,o fafahian a kaka nu maku ci Lahuk,Rahul is my sister,test +31240,31241,31241,tulikan ira tu tisaki,they will be knitting bags,train +31241,31242,31242,o makakaenay tu kaedahay ku Pangcah,Aborigines can eat spicy food very well,train +31242,31243,31243,Kalaluma han nuya tamdaw ku dihif a tadem awaay ku pakapalitay i cingraan caay ka filu a paliten tu lunayi,this man lived in the tombs and no one could bind him any more not even with a chain,train +31243,31244,31244,anu mamaan tu ku hiya cayay pihiya kunu itiyaay hu,early on there was this thing about trying not to do anything,train +31244,31245,31245,a u sakacipinangan haw i,Ah how do I know,train +31245,31246,31246,kadabu atu suna,daughter in law and grandchildren,train +31246,31247,31247,ta caay ka i falucu nu wawa,it is the only thing that will not because a child to feel awkward,train +31247,31248,31248,ku epuc awaay ku laheci,Rouse the people,train +31248,31249,31249,kanarikay,hurry up,train +31249,31250,31250,mamalepel,scratch,test +31250,31251,31251,Hayi mipacuk tu sapasasisi atu vinawlan a kemaen,there is that is food to be shared with the clan,train +31251,31252,31252,lisu,pay a visit,train +31252,31253,31253,awaay hu ku tiyahu ku sapilalat a maamaan,there were no measuring instruments in those days,train +31253,31254,31254,ku suwal nu mira kakunan,dad told me so,train +31254,31255,31255,nu i tiyaay hu nu matakup hu aku kura,I have been there before,train +31255,31256,31256,yanan matengil tu ku radiw,when you hear the song,train +31256,31257,31257,Mangtaay hu kina minuwad,this plum is still green,train +31257,31258,31258,u fufu kuni telian niyam i alu a mifuting,this is a fish trap which we put beside the river for fishing,train +31258,31259,31259,hatu tuur han aku a tayni i Kilung,I followed you to Keelung,train +31259,31260,31260,hai sa ku finawlan sa,the tribesman said it was good,test +31260,31261,31261,anu maturin ku nikahaen,it is going to happen again,train +31261,31262,31262,maraud tu kiya ccecay a lipay i,after a week,train +31262,31263,31263,aya uruma ku aniniay a wawa pihulul,kids think differently now,train +31263,31264,31264,14 Miucuran ni Kayafas ku sufitay misalafii milepel ci Yisan,Caiaphas sent soldiers to arrest Jesus by night,train +31264,31265,31265,i dengay tu ku remiʼad naremiʼad ma,I have earned enough for one day,train +31265,31266,31266,samaan ku kifetul nura,how thick is it,train +31266,31267,31267,si falucu mirayray tu sengarawan mita haw i,dedicated to the transmission of our fine culture,train +31267,31268,31268,u wina nu luma atu u wawa,housewife and children,train +31268,31269,31269,o aahuwiden ku Kawas nawhani pakarukruken ningra ku falucu ni Titus a matiya u nu niyam a midama tu saki tamuwanan,I thank God who put into the heart of Titus the same concern I have for you,train +31269,31270,31270,mafanaay,very good,test +31270,31271,31271,cuwa cuwa ka malacafay a maru i luma cangraan,No I did not live with them,train +31271,31272,31272,kacipinangan,distinctiveness,train +31272,31273,31273,fainayanfanainay,male,train +31273,31274,31274,saʼayaw kaulahan aku kiya,first of all what do I like,train +31274,31275,31275,itini ciwkangan nu Kakacawan nu,I was born and raised in Taitungs Changbin Township in Kacho Bay,train +31275,31276,31276,hay mipenenhu kita,Okay picking up the stem,train +31276,31277,31277,anu ira ku mamang a pida haw paladaʼen tu kina ina,I would like to give some of the proceeds to my mom,train +31277,31278,31278,Kalikien miliyas tu kita,hurry up we have to go,train +31278,31279,31279,tayra cangra i Yiriku yu malahaklung ci Yis atu nisawawaan ningra atu alumanay a finawlan a miliyas tu Yiriku i ira a maru i lawac nu lalan ku wawa ni Timay ci Partimay hananay a mapuhaway a mikiaamay,then they came to Jericho as Jesus and his disciples together with a large crowd were leaving the city a blind man Bartimaeus was sitting by the roadside begging,train +31279,31280,31280,o kaput nu Kawas kami a matayal o umah nu Kawas kamu o rumasatu u nipatirengan nu Kawas a luma kamu,for we are Gods fellow workers you are Gods field Gods building,test +31280,31281,31281,caay kunu saluʼafang aca haw nu,it is not just for the soul,train +31281,31282,31282,u tusiya utufay kuliciw irakira tiya hu,Cars motorcycles bicycles,train +31282,31283,31283,nawhani malatireng i ci Kristuan ku ^min nu pinangan nu Kawas,for in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,train +31283,31284,31284,Mafanaay tu kisu caciyaw tu suwal nu Amis,you are very good at speaking Amis,train +31284,31285,31285,sisa haw a cima ku,So family,train +31285,31286,31286,nu kasalihulihuc nu nian nu tafutafukan,in the bays,train +31286,31287,31287,u maymay ku mikitingan nu matuʼasay tayra i umah,or ducks anything the old man takes to the mountains,train +31287,31288,31288,vucikat,open your eyes,train +31288,31289,31289,nu Etulan hay maharateng aku i,in the Tulane tribe Yes so I was thinking,train +31289,31290,31290,a maanen,there is no way to know what is going to happen,test +31290,31291,31291,saan kiya mama aku,dad thinks so,train +31291,31292,31292,hay iri anu matuhem ku matuʼasay kiyami haw,Yes it is if an old man sweats,train +31292,31293,31293,misamamiay,Orange,train +31293,31294,31294,Orasaka u mamatfuc ku aniniay a tamdaw tu nanu nipipatay nangra tu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a ma^min nai satapangan nu hkal,therefore this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been she would since the beginning of the world,train +31294,31295,31295,i kufaw ci ina,Moms in the kitchen,train +31295,31296,31296,hinac,no catch,train +31296,31297,31297,maharek,fulfillment,train +31297,31298,31298,yaan tu i tangungulay tu u saʼikung nu alu,then there is a deep bend in the river,train +31298,31299,31299,atu ngiha isu kaka,and your voice brother,train +31299,31300,31300,maʼaraw ca nira ku tatayra cangra tu ada a niyaru,it is good to see an enemy of the tribe,test +31300,31301,31301,mikihatiya ci ci Maʼuwid,Malverde jumped with him,train +31301,31302,31302,u suwal nu matuʼasay niyam,our elderly elders say,train +31302,31303,31303,kiyam,debt,train +31303,31304,31304,itini nu falucu nu maku haw iri,looks like the company is guiding me to become an agent,train +31304,31305,31305,tatudung,just in time,train +31305,31306,31306,kinacecay kinatusa kinatulu pacaliwan tu nu alumanay cingra tu kalimaamaan,Once twice three times everyone would lend him something,train +31306,31307,31307,ucung ku nu na ʼuripʼuripan tari,there are many in our lives,train +31307,31308,31308,yu tahira ku nisawawaan itiraway a lawac nu fanaw i matawalay nangra a mihawikid ku ^pang,when they went across the lake the disciples forgot to take bread,train +31308,31309,31309,vavuy nu lutuk,boar,train +31309,31310,31310,maala nu tau ku Cudad aku,my book was taken by others,test +31310,31311,31311,anu maka liyalay a sinavel ira ku urang ira ku kanasaw ira ku sulita ira ku Kalang ira ku kanavuting ira ku lalacan,if it comes from the sea it is a variety of seafood including lobsters sea jellies octopus crabs fish shellfish and the fish called long,train +31311,31312,31312,o aahuwiden nu mita ku pasifanaay a singsi,teachers who teach us are to be thanked,train +31312,31313,31313,i kalafian tu Paslaan a Rumiad masaupu kami a mitahka itiya i u lalumuwad ci Pawlu tu cila a rumiad Saka salafii sa cingra a pakimad i alumanay,on the first day of the week we came together to break bread Paul spoke to the people and because he intended to leave the next day kept on talking until midnight,train +31313,31314,31314,ya kacipaʼay awaay ku ulat kiya,that yam has no fiber,train +31314,31315,31315,mimafekac,March,train +31315,31316,31316,adihayay ku ninanaman nu maku a suwal tu nu Amis,I have learned many Amis languages,train +31316,31317,31317,haen sa kiya demak nuya matuʼasay itiya,that is the way it is in clan life,train +31317,31318,31318,masadak ku cidal tu papacem,the sun comes out in the morning,train +31318,31319,31319,uraan tu i,and then,train +31319,31320,31320,Pacauf sa ci Pawlu Nawiru tumangic kamu a mipakararum tu falucu aku Anu u pipatnak aku tu pakayniay i Tapang ci Yisan ku sakapalit aku atu sakapatay i Yirusalim mahrektu kaku a mipatala tu falucu saan,then Paul answered Why are you weeping and breaking my heart I am ready not only to be bound but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus,test +31320,31321,31321,inian,this one,train +31321,31322,31322,dahetal,plains,train +31322,31323,31323,Ladum han ni ina aku kiya itira hu i Cawi kuya luma nira,at that time my home was in the Jeongpo tribe and my mom used to bring water from the Sugul river to bathe in,train +31323,31324,31324,Maminaw ku suwal ni Dawa,Dawas speech is slurred,train +31324,31325,31325,u luma i,what else,train +31325,31326,31326,maʼepud mamulinmulin i,the rocks keep falling,train +31326,31327,31327,anu caay pihicay kaku caay pakungku,I could not tell you if I did not have a little fish fry,train +31327,31328,31328,caay ka haen nu mita iʼayaw,we were not like this before,train +31328,31329,31329,matuka u raan amin u wama ku dademakay,all the work was done by that father,train +31329,31330,31330,tungruh,top,test +31330,31331,31331,kasaniyaru niyam itiya,the tribe we formed there,train +31331,31332,31332,tahanini mahaen tu,it is the same now,train +31332,31333,31333,anu takarakaraw ku tapelik,no matter how high the waves get,train +31333,31334,31334,itini i cacudadan tu sakay itini,all from the school,train +31334,31335,31335,ira ku adipangpang a maefer iraw,there are butterflies flying around,train +31335,31336,31336,u miteselan itini i fatiʼiyan,embroidered on the side,train +31336,31337,31337,mapapecupecuh tu tu katayalan i,to take over the workplace,train +31337,31338,31338,caay hu kalakerac ku falucu,not so trusting yet,train +31338,31339,31339,hakulungaw,collar,train +31339,31340,31340,mitupelak,go ahead and peel it off,test +31340,31341,31341,a masakapahay amin hay,all the young warriors,train +31341,31342,31342,pafesut han kami nipacumud i lunan,put us right on the boat,train +31342,31343,31343,itiya i alaen ni Mariya ku ccay a tingting nu matkesay a fangsisay a simal nu nartu a mipalusu i waay ni Yis o fukes ningra ku sapisipasip ningra tu waay ni Yis Safangsis satu ku laluma tuya simal,then Mary took about a pint of pure nard an expensive perfume she poured it on Jesus feet and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume,train +31343,31344,31344,tatelekan a Lipa nu Tapang,the Lords covenant box,train +31344,31345,31345,Maru ci Yis i ngata nu pipakingkingan a haku nu Fangcalay Pitaungan nengneng sa tu samaanay ku nipiparu nu alumanay a tamdaw tu paysu i haku adihay ku niparuan nu alumanay a cidafungay a tamdaw tu paysu,Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury many rich people threw in large amounts,train +31345,31346,31346,Halicucu ku diput ni Osay,Osays babies eat milk,train +31346,31347,31347,Matenuk nu fa kaku,I was kicked by a horse,train +31347,31348,31348,kawkaw,scythe,train +31348,31349,31349,maan han misawkit cangranan,not to mention commenting on them,train +31349,31350,31350,ku^sanay ku nipalumaan ni akung a kacawasay su^lin tada ngaayay tu a kaenen,the watermelon grown by Grandpa is very sweet and really delicious,test +31350,31351,31351,cangra papitu cacay kaku,there were seven of them and I was alone,train +31351,31352,31352,Tangavulan,ethnic group plain tribes,train +31352,31353,31353,itiya tu cangra mikuwang mipatay,that is when the shooting started,train +31353,31354,31354,itini lawciya itini,in ones native country,train +31354,31355,31355,edefen,turn it off,train +31355,31356,31356,Puhayan nu wama wina ku salikaka ci Atkinsen malafi tu rumiˈamiˈad pacaˈuf tu salicay niyam tu Fangcalay Cudad,so mom and dad invited brother Atkinson to come and have dinner with us every day and answer many of our Bible questions,train +31356,31357,31357,mahaen haw hay,Yes that is right,train +31357,31358,31358,misakalupuy,making dumplings,train +31358,31359,31359,sahe tu sa u Padaka ku ciʼekimay,I think it is only in America,train +31359,31360,31360,oranan ku kaulahan ita haw,no wonder we like it for beams,test +31360,31361,31361,caay henay kaku pihaen,because I did not do it,train +31361,31362,31362,makeru ku kapah i,when young people dance,train +31362,31363,31363,tuwa ira ku nipaluma nu heni tu muwa ma,and then he grows jute,train +31363,31364,31364,tasintaw,one way street,train +31364,31365,31365,adihay ku mataelifay tu aku a demak i laluma nu reci^,the diary is full of events from my past,train +31365,31366,31366,nu matira tu ku pinangang nu teluc nu niyam sa,why is it that the behavior of our descendants,train +31366,31367,31367,anu ira tu mipasifanaʼay tu mahaenay san tu nu tau a suwal,that is all I can say,train +31367,31368,31368,ira tu ku mamiterung anu matira cima ku ayaw cipalaay ciira saan i,the question is who plowed here first,train +31368,31369,31369,u maan saw kiniyan,why is there such a funeral,train +31369,31370,31370,Nikawrira anu ma^pudtu i tamuwanan ku Fangcalay Adingu i u caciicel kamu o papawacay kamu tu pakayniay i takuwanan i tini i Yirusalim i pulung nu Yutaya atu Samariya tangasa i tulas nu hkal han ningra,but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my Witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth,test +31370,31371,31371,mafanaʼtu kisu misa nu Pangcah,do you speak Amis,train +31371,31372,31372,ira ira aca ku matuʼasay,the old man with a heart,train +31372,31373,31373,han kiya a lalan,at Chung Mei road,train +31373,31374,31374,anu salengac,Why why did you use a peach tree,train +31374,31375,31375,o Tapang nu luma nu mita kinian,this is the root of our family,train +31375,31376,31376,i cuwa ku pitilidan isu,which school do you go to,train +31376,31377,31377,kaku u ya na wina kaku,I am my moms drag,train +31377,31378,31378,o maangliway ku sakaranam nira pakuyucay a tamdaw,the breakfast that the poor man ate already smelled of expired rice,train +31378,31379,31379,kura akung,this grandpa,train +31379,31380,31380,caya ha katatudung hatira,that is not good enough is that all,test +31380,31381,31381,sawni ira tu ku tayiraay,I will have it in a minute,train +31381,31382,31382,Kumaenay,eatable,train +31382,31383,31383,maititay,nibbled,train +31383,31384,31384,nika akaa kisu kalihalaw,But please do not worry,train +31384,31385,31385,pakayni tu i fafaʼed nu afih,go around to the hills of the iron tribe,train +31385,31386,31386,nawhani mahapinang aku ku nika sahtu u maanufay ku falucu isu Mapalithu nu raraw kisu han ningra,for I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin,train +31386,31387,31387,liyang,resistance,train +31387,31388,31388,kumaen kaku tunu pitilidan a sakalahuk,I want a nutritious school lunch,train +31388,31389,31389,Mivaca ci ina tu vuduy i sauwac,mom is washing clothes in the stream,train +31389,31390,31390,suwal saku singsi takuwan cuwaay tu ku i niyaruʼay tu ku urip isu i tini i Takaw,the teacher told me you are living in Kaohsiung not in a tribe,test +31390,31391,31391,aka papitakawen cangra Papipatirien cangra tu masungilaay a sulinay a dmak ta pakayni i ngaayay a dmak nangra a ma^min a makahmek nu tamdaw ku sifana tu pakayniay i Pauripay titaanan a Kawas,and not to steal from them but to show that they can be fully trusted so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive,train +31391,31392,31392,anu hacuwa katataak nu keliw,depending on the size of the linear body,train +31392,31393,31393,yasa kami i kami tu pacumuday i taisian ningra,it is us the nurses who have to do it,train +31393,31394,31394,Mafana masakeru kisu,can you dance,train +31394,31395,31395,tangtangen tu niyam,just take it and cook it,train +31395,31396,31396,malitemuh nu valiyus,typhoon,train +31396,31397,31397,kaen satu kami tu tali nu alu,let us eat yams,train +31397,31398,31398,Pasela hu kita,let us take a break,train +31398,31399,31399,tinucay,I counting,train +31399,31400,31400,kerit han tu miming puric han kunian,cut a little bit and flatten this,test +31400,31401,31401,paveli,give it to me,train +31401,31402,31402,umapakuyucay ku urip caay picudad,because of the poor living conditions there was no chance to go to school,train +31402,31403,31403,hatiraay ku nu maku,that is me,train +31403,31404,31404,idengay haw kaenen,can I eat it,train +31404,31405,31405,mamaan saw kiya hina,why do you always,train +31405,31406,31406,makayni tiya tayni kami itini,I came here from the pool,train +31406,31407,31407,Pitudung kamu i takuwanan a matiya u nipitudung aku i ci Kristuan,follow my example as I follow the example of Christ,train +31407,31408,31408,a mihatatanam,classes learning,train +31408,31409,31409,keridhan nira tayra i kiyukay,taking our hands to the church,train +31409,31410,31410,mangalay kaku minanam tu,expressing a desire to learn,test +31410,31411,31411,mikansiya kaku i Kawas matiya u tatuasan aku ku nika tingalaw nu falucu aku a mitaung tuya Kawas yu mikansiya kaku i Kawas a mitulun tu rumiad tu dadaya i maharateng aku kisu,I thank God whom I serve as my forefathers did with a clear conscience as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers,train +31411,31412,31412,maanufay,greedy people,train +31412,31413,31413,vulsak,sowing,train +31413,31414,31414,nika i kaput niyam kaku,However I was in the class,train +31414,31415,31415,tulu a rumiʼad ira kiya,the notice came three days later,train +31415,31416,31416,hay dudu tu i pakayni tu i iya,what is next from here,train +31416,31417,31417,kiya a kapah,only then,train +31417,31418,31418,na ira ku nu kaʼamisay i,and the clans in the north,train +31418,31419,31419,kaliwmahan,agricultural period,train +31419,31420,31420,a mahaenay saan,I know what to do,test +31420,31421,31421,nisawadan,abandoned,train +31421,31422,31422,anu ma sulinga tu ku suwal nu mita tatusa haw i a ngaayay i ca kaitira ku i nukay ku ngaay,to sum up would not it be better if at the farmers association,train +31422,31423,31423,tanam han petekpetek sanaym,you are going to keep breaking up during practice are not you mum,train +31423,31424,31424,matini san ira ku kuhecalay,now there are also white varieties,train +31424,31425,31425,patudaen,eel farming,train +31425,31426,31426,han tu ni Angah Alimulu,Anahan Alimro asked this,train +31426,31427,31427,laenuen,underneath,train +31427,31428,31428,tuya mapatay ci Yis atu tihiay a mararaway a rumiˈad cuwa ku tangsulay a tayra i Lakuing hanu mafanaˈ kita,how do we know that Jesus and the criminals beside him did not go to paradise on the day they were executed,train +31428,31429,31429,Nikawrira u sakatanektek nu tireng sapasifana sakiurip sapikuwan a kaludemak i irarem hu nu ruma a finacadan,but even today indicators on health education economic livelihood political participation and more still show gaps between indigenous and non indigenous peoples,train +31429,31430,31430,ira itini ku miduʼeduay tu tayal su haw,is there a young man to take over your hunting skills,test +31430,31431,31431,ta mafana tu ku raremrarem,let the younger generation know,train +31431,31432,31432,ira ku pihita nu,just call me,train +31432,31433,31433,u maan,different,train +31433,31434,31434,hansaen tahira nu hakuwan nuku ku kakaya nu tafukud,and that is the way it is until we reach the appropriate length of Daika Gossip,train +31434,31435,31435,hurirek tu i saʼupuen tu kiya kuwang i,when the ceremony is over put the guns away,train +31435,31436,31436,iraay ku hatiraay nu malitengay,the elders have this to say,train +31436,31437,31437,adihay ku masay i rakerakesan,the camphor tree forest is full of vines,train +31437,31438,31438,u maan ya milifunguh a ada sakira,the second scary thing is the hunter head enemy,train +31438,31439,31439,widang,friends,train +31439,31440,31440,sakaspatyuru nu isiyama,stone mountain at night,test +31440,31441,31441,dawaen,defeat,train +31441,31442,31442,o maan ku paru nu riyal,what is in the sea,train +31442,31443,31443,micuruk tu tuluma cangra,they have to go to every house one by one,train +31443,31444,31444,yu mitulun kaku tu saki tamuwanan a ma^min i salipahak sa ku falucu aku,in all my prayers for all of you I always pray with joy,train +31444,31445,31445,kayra kaku i hiya,I am going there,train +31445,31446,31446,u kapahay ku matuasay namu,your old man is very attentive,train +31446,31447,31447,kisu tu sasafaay mikaykicay,you are the one who knows better,train +31447,31448,31448,ha alaen ku ayam nira san,maybe he will take his chicken like this,train +31448,31449,31449,hai tariktikay iray ku mirucukay a wawa isu han,did one of your children take it on,train +31449,31450,31450,nikafanaan,savvy,test +31450,31451,31451,maliteng,growing up,train +31451,31452,31452,nanu mamang nu maku ku kafana tu hatiniay tu,I have known about this since I was a kid,train +31452,31453,31453,i unini han tu tini ci fuʼkanay,it is good to be in a place where there are pigs,train +31453,31454,31454,Lifakingen ku maapacay a wawa talapicudadan,tardy students will be penalized,train +31454,31455,31455,pacikengan,placement of water tanks,train +31455,31456,31456,misamiciw ira tu amin ku hiya nu kumu hananay,all slingshots have their own center of gravity,train +31456,31457,31457,nu niyam san iʼayaw cikalengses ku niyam,the place we used to play was very simple,train +31457,31458,31458,nengnegan mahedalay ku nian,look how loose it is,train +31458,31459,31459,amu ku,it is up to you,train +31459,31460,31460,caay ku ku fana nu Pangcah hay,you cannot measure the wisdom of the indigenous people on a scale yes,test +31460,31461,31461,hai,that is it,train +31461,31462,31462,hatiraay ku maku urip tira,life at that time,train +31462,31463,31463,tengtengen haw han nira kya finawlan sa,he told the tribesmen to just pull me up,train +31463,31464,31464,Hay i cuwa kita a malecapu,Okay so where do we meet,train +31464,31465,31465,kuyud,be in charge of,train +31465,31466,31466,ira hu kaku i,I am still here,train +31466,31467,31467,o piaduan niyam a micudad ci namuh i picudadan,Namoh is a model for our school to follow,train +31467,31468,31468,ci Sawmah kaku awaay i luma ci kaka nu maku ci Aniw tahekal cira,I am Sawmah my sister Aniw is not home she is out,train +31468,31469,31469,o pakahemaway tu ruray nu falucu ku widang aku,my friends have made my tired heart much lighter,train +31469,31470,31470,samanen nengneng han aku hatu u Yencumin kura miliwingay kira,no way I see all aborigines,test +31470,31471,31471,ngernger,shake,train +31471,31472,31472,Matapesi nu citusiya kaku,the car splashed on me,train +31472,31473,31473,Patalaen ku malupidakawan ni Pawlu a ^fa Sungilaen ku pipatangasa ci Pawluan i ci Filisan u mikumuday han ningra,provide mounts for Paul so that he may be taken safely to governor Felix,train +31473,31474,31474,Sangaayay a widang aku ci Kacaw u wawa nu Pangcah cingra,my good friends name is Kacaw and he is also an Amis child,train +31474,31475,31475,Orasaka patayraen nu Kawas i cangraan ku parawraway a icel a papipasulin cangraan tu pacfaay a dmak,for this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie,train +31475,31476,31476,hitay,army,train +31476,31477,31477,paluwadan aku kinaʼutuc,because I want to cherish the legacy of my ancestors,train +31477,31478,31478,kalukacup kalukacup kalukacup,YIWU tree YIWU tree YIWU tree YIWU tree,train +31478,31479,31479,Matatekutekul kami tu mali,we threw balls at each other,train +31479,31480,31480,safadut,fig early stage of development,test +31480,31481,31481,anengelay tu tayaling,bitter tires,train +31481,31482,31482,naira tu matuʼas kami,I am old,train +31482,31483,31483,tayni tayni san u i ay a tamdaw saan,people from China come to Taiwan all the time,train +31483,31484,31484,malaluk a minanam kaku tu suwal nu Pangcah,I have been practicing my Amish very diligently,train +31484,31485,31485,heni tu mahiniyay,they have this sacrifice,train +31485,31486,31486,kiya ku Pangcah,about two fifths are Amis,train +31486,31487,31487,a mikilim tuna suta mimawmah,I am looking for farmland to plow,train +31487,31488,31488,tahira cangra i Okak nu Funguh hananay a pala i itira a Paceken nangra i ciwcika ci Yis atuya tatusa a ciraraway i kawanan ningra ku ccay i kawili ningra ku ccay,when they came to the place called the Skull there they crucified him along with the criminals one on his right the other on his left,train +31488,31489,31489,tara tu i siykay kira haw,are they all going to the city,train +31489,31490,31490,yu mapalal ci Yusif namafuti i du^du han ningra ku nipalimuut nu cuyuh nu Tapang i cingraan a cifafahi ci Mariyaan,when Joseph woke up he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife,test +31490,31491,31491,lima lima ku papah,five of each and five leaves of each,train +31491,31492,31492,Rawan Rawan hay,just those which ones,train +31492,31493,31493,sakaulahan,very interesting,train +31493,31494,31494,huntuay a kamakat aku tu urip aku,it is the real process of my life,train +31494,31495,31495,u Fuladan kami haw,we are the moon Clan,train +31495,31496,31496,sawalian u rarakatan naca nu Ripun anu cima ku micumuday i niyaru pakayra i sawalian a micumud,Japanese people usually walk around the east side and if anyone wants to come into the tribe they will ask to enter through the east gate,train +31496,31497,31497,caay ka matiya kami ci Musian a citapudu a mitahpu tu pising tu saka^caaw pakaaraw nu finawlan nu Israil tu nika lahdaw nuya dil,we are not like Moses who would put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was fading away,train +31497,31498,31498,raay,long,train +31498,31499,31499,anu ira ku matakaway tu kulung,if someone steals a cow,train +31499,31500,31500,unian ku kana Farangaw hananay,the so called grand Malan region,test +31500,31501,31501,ta sadak satu ci Pitiru a miungung a tumangic,and he went outside and wept bitterly,train +31501,31502,31502,tunu mita u Pangacah,our Amish,train +31502,31503,31503,nitulunan,the encouragement,train +31503,31504,31504,hatini ipaykway atekas mahaen kinian,a little bit like this dollars,train +31504,31505,31505,malulud,roll in,train +31505,31506,31506,akaa kamu kaviyaraw,do not be alarmed,train +31506,31507,31507,masiwala kaku caay ka fana kaku tu lalan,I am mixed up I do not know the road,train +31507,31508,31508,han nangra a malalicay,that is how you start a conversation,train +31508,31509,31509,itiyahu u kilang hu hay mafana tu i,it used to be a wooden stick I see,train +31509,31510,31510,ratuh han naku ci kaka aku,I told my sister,test +31510,31511,31511,paka捷運nay kisu a talapitilidan han,do you go to school by MRT,train +31511,31512,31512,sangaʼayay ku ina aku,mother is doing this for my own good,train +31512,31513,31513,o maan ku matawalay isu,what did you forget,train +31513,31514,31514,Mititi kaku tirana mangiciay a pitaw,I am going to hammer the broken hoe,train +31514,31515,31515,nu misu lusa ha kaka,Brothers tears,train +31515,31516,31516,han hanaku ku suwal sa,let me put it this way,train +31516,31517,31517,mahen kiya mi hiya mihicay,that is how you catch a fry,train +31517,31518,31518,haen saan ku pacuwah,that is how it is done,train +31518,31519,31519,awaay ku safa^ nu maku tu fainayan tatulu^ ku safa^ nu maku tu fafahiyan,I do not have any younger brothers but I have three younger sisters,train +31519,31520,31520,Takaw,stealthily,test +31520,31521,31521,hay misangaʼay tu kyamdi kyamdi,Yeah for making possibles Popsicles,train +31521,31522,31522,tatusa kami,there are two of us,train +31522,31523,31523,matiraay tu saka hatiraay kunian,Yeah that is what this is,train +31523,31524,31524,namaka,from,train +31524,31525,31525,ta aririwan ku pakarungay kuya kaput,then the leader will gather the youth,train +31525,31526,31526,cidemen,de sharpen,train +31526,31527,31527,wa miˈimer kaku tu niyah atu wawa aka pakidem a minengneng tu milawlaay a kamuk anca lalakaw han,will I discipline my children and myself to stay away from entertainment programs and information,train +31527,31528,31528,pinengneng itini tuuren kaku a misausi,look here please repeat after me,train +31528,31529,31529,dudaduc,eat it all in one go,train +31529,31530,31530,misawad,give up,test +31530,31531,31531,suwal saan ku tumuk masevek ku nikawumahan nu mita i tina a mihcaan a misarahting kita,who Yi the chief said we want to celebrate that this year is a great harvest,train +31531,31532,31532,tayni satu cangar ca ama aku itini i,when they my dad came here to the second neighborhood,train +31532,31533,31533,Mikilidung a mipahanhan kura maumahay i kalahukan,at noon the busy farmers look for shade to rest,train +31533,31534,31534,nu Recurd,hey,train +31534,31535,31535,milaliw haca milaliw malinah,escaped and moved again,train +31535,31536,31536,teptep,bamboo boats,train +31536,31537,31537,lekakawa nu Pangcah a misaniyaru,the tribal rules of the Amis,train +31537,31538,31538,aluman ku misamamiay a Taywan,many Han people grow oranges,train +31538,31539,31539,iraay kira kura ali aku,my brother in law is home,train +31539,31540,31540,Hayda tayla kita i aru,Great let us go to the riverside,test +31540,31541,31541,Misatapanghu hanaku kuna caciyaw aku,start here,train +31541,31542,31542,misafafatungtu tu sapiala hu tu fafahi nu wawa,we are going to start planning our children wedding,train +31542,31543,31543,Haliina kaku,I love my mother,train +31543,31544,31544,anu harateng maku i,my thoughts so far are,train +31544,31545,31545,misekingan tu,you have to pass the exam,train +31545,31546,31546,pina hani20 ku misangaan nu maku,I made of them,train +31546,31547,31547,papicikciken,tell cut it into cubes,train +31547,31548,31548,u maan saw a demakan wawa saan ku ina,mom says What is the matter daughter,train +31548,31549,31549,aka pitekung tu fawahan nu luma,do not bump the doorway,train +31549,31550,31550,mirmiren,Shaky,test +31550,31551,31551,nu Recurd,Pusher uh huh,train +31551,31552,31552,Madah han rumakat mapalalaw kura mafutiay a wawa,walk gently so as not to wake the sleeping children,train +31552,31553,31553,u tipus,maize,train +31553,31554,31554,o aahuwiden ita ku Kawas caay ku mama^min a suwalen ku mikumi Ningra,thanks be to God for his indescribable gift,train +31554,31555,31555,icuwacuwaay a malitengay tayniay sakapah sanay kuna niyaru,and the old people from all over the region came and the tribe became very beautiful,train +31555,31556,31556,matini ku pitusiya sayu kaku,I am feeling this kind of course,train +31556,31557,31557,rumakat,walk,train +31557,31558,31558,ira kura paylang i,when the Han came here,train +31558,31559,31559,mikasuyay,go to the mountains and collect wood,train +31559,31560,31560,milakec kami hatini katalulung,crossing a very deep river,test +31560,31561,31561,u ruma sa tu haw i,what is more,train +31561,31562,31562,pahuting,acting freely and irresponsibly,train +31562,31563,31563,Malifut kaku tura demak,I smacked that thing for being annoying,train +31563,31564,31564,Lahceien ku tayal isu,finish your work,train +31564,31565,31565,wama aku sa,the man in the saddle,train +31565,31566,31566,wawawawa tangsakisuna,for posterity,train +31566,31567,31567,pacaliwen aku kisu,I can lend you,train +31567,31568,31568,mansa ira ku misu i ira kiya sapaini niyam tu kakapah a pinukay,We the elders rewarded everyone for returning from the sea Festival with a successful mission,train +31568,31569,31569,matalaw ku tamdamdaw tu kacedasan a rumiad,people are afraid of floods,train +31569,31570,31570,ngaʼayay sanay palumaay ku tamdaw tura,it is just a rumor that it can be planted,test +31570,31571,31571,lipapah,leaf stripping,train +31571,31572,31572,nipelaan,trimmed,train +31572,31573,31573,cihpilay haw a vuting,flat fish,train +31573,31574,31574,minukay tu,going home,train +31574,31575,31575,tu pimaamaan nu mita,or do anything,train +31575,31576,31576,u manan a mihecaan pa tudung,how old are you,train +31576,31577,31577,talaumah ku vavainay,the men also work in the mountains,train +31577,31578,31578,saka hatiraay ku demak nu matuʼasay itiya hu itini saka,that is what the old man did in his early days,train +31578,31579,31579,Tahasifedaw,caught in a net,train +31579,31580,31580,maari,capture,test +31580,31581,31581,parad,desks,train +31581,31582,31582,dademaken,work items,train +31582,31583,31583,tengilen,listen to this,train +31583,31584,31584,mahaen ku saka cecay rumiʼad a tura pifuludan hananay,that is it the first days ceremony,train +31584,31585,31585,o tatadamaan Cingra u wawa nu Isatakaraway a Kawas wa han cingra o papatirengen nu Tapang a Kawas cingra a palahungti a matiya u nika lahungti ni Tafiti u tatuasan ningra,he will be great and will be called the son of the most High the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,train +31585,31586,31586,Mahidayay tu ku sasipasip nu maku,my eraser is missing,train +31586,31587,31587,mipadang kaku a mimaumah misafunun anu ira ku pietanan haw i,if there is a chance to make some money helping out with the family business,train +31587,31588,31588,Kakakumud atu i tatihiay a kaput isu a minengneng,share the book with your classmate next to you,train +31588,31589,31589,singsingsi,Teachers,train +31589,31590,31590,kadufah ku mitangtangan ni mamu a sakalahuk ira ku futing kuku ciyak ira hu ku curi,grandma cooked a big lunch including fish chicken pumpkin and snails,test +31590,31591,31591,nipawalian,dry,train +31591,31592,31592,aka ci^en ku falucu aku,do not force me,train +31592,31593,31593,minengneng ci Yis tu nika aluman nu finawlan i macukacuk cingra tu mamang i lutuk a maru itira yu maru cingra i rauden nu nisawawaan cingra,now when he saw the crowds he went up on a mountainside and sat down his disciples came to him,train +31593,31594,31594,hen han naku ku suwal,that is what I said,train +31594,31595,31595,u mitiliday ni kalang kaku ci Ayal kaku,I am a student in Kalang my name is Ayal,train +31595,31596,31596,o pakalangan a pulul kiraan,that is a crab cage,train +31596,31597,31597,maruray kita i tu nu paylang a saan,we will have to work harder to learn the Hans skills,train +31597,31598,31598,caay kadayum ku nipi sanga tu emu,it is not easy to teach traditional sweet rice cakes,train +31598,31599,31599,o sapaini tu nu maku tu umuyaki aku,I am thinking of giving a gift to a friend or family member,train +31599,31600,31600,sanay ku suwal ni ina aku,my mom told me so,test +31600,31601,31601,tuna caaytu ku makuwanay nu Rikec kita u i lalumaaytu nu mikumi nu Kawas kita saka mangaay kita a ciraraw haw caay ka ngaay,what then shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace by no means,train +31601,31602,31602,i naʼaluʼ ini tarafafaw iraʼay irahu kura luma niyam hatira ha cecay,go up the creek,train +31602,31603,31603,mamidutuc,to be inherited,train +31603,31604,31604,pikayki,meetings,train +31604,31605,31605,maulah ku safa a midii ci inaan a mafuti,my sister loves to snuggle with my mom and sleep,train +31605,31606,31606,itiya i matngil nuya tatusaay ku i kakarayanay a tataangay a ngiha suwal sa Kacakat a tayni saan Saka pakatuem satu cangra a macakat i kakarayan Maaraw nu ada nangra ku nika cakat nangra,then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them Come up here and they went up to heaven in a cloud while their enemies looked on,train +31606,31607,31607,macaculi san i,that is why every time we have an argument,train +31607,31608,31608,ni Madadingu limecedan,do not worry too much,train +31608,31609,31609,sulinayay hakiya kina kungku,is this rumor true,train +31609,31610,31610,awaay tu ku tumuk tu awaay tu ku tumuk,no ringleaders in years,test +31610,31611,31611,tengteng,pull,train +31611,31612,31612,ira kura karumadiw ita tu mita tu u raradiwen kira,we have our own song,train +31612,31613,31613,pakakuliciway ci Kacaw a talakiwkay,Kacaw goes to church by bicycle,train +31613,31614,31614,ta tayraan tu kaku i pasaetip,then I went to work in the West,train +31614,31615,31615,ta ci afan tu kuni patuludang ni turis tu sapifalic,Turis entrusted the task of Bible translation to Afan,train +31615,31616,31616,u kawpil kinian sa ci ina,Auntie this is groundnut leaf,train +31616,31617,31617,o fainayan a safa^ nu maku,he is my younger brother,train +31617,31618,31618,Ahuyday hay saʼimelen nu papacem aku,thank you good for you,train +31618,31619,31619,helek nu ranam cima hu wawa kura ciʼicelay hu tangsusul ya lasang ya ruray tasusul wakang mafuti,after breakfast and that a child has the strength immediately drunkenness and fatigue immediately fell asleep,train +31619,31620,31620,O mamaulac nu namal ku tamdaw a ma^min a matiya u pikurac nu cilah tu sapatuaya,everyone will be salted with fire,test +31620,31621,31621,Mahirateng su kiya suwal,do you remember what you said,train +31621,31622,31622,Suped han,storage,train +31622,31623,31623,hatiraay saka,so that is it,train +31623,31624,31624,nawhani mahaentu a makariang ku i ayaway namu a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas Saka kalipahak kalipahak nawhani matrek ku tadamaan a sapakaulah i tamuwanan i kakarayan,rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you,train +31624,31625,31625,na itira kaku matayal,worked there from the basics,train +31625,31626,31626,pakapi tu ku mihecan awa hu ku wawa,after two years no kids,train +31626,31627,31627,pitamaku,smoke,train +31627,31628,31628,ta mararamud kami,we are getting married,train +31628,31629,31629,a maanen ita a misuayaw,how do parents and family members,train +31629,31630,31630,oya katihiay u paliwalay tu lusay a tawki suwal sa kuesanay ku unglay atu lupas aku Miaca tu miming makena saan,the owner of the nearby fruit stand said My pineapples and peaches are very sweet buy some,test +31630,31631,31631,nu amis ku pasuwalen naku haw,I am teaching the Amis how to make a gossip website,train +31631,31632,31632,adada mipakpak tu tireng,Rheumatoid arthritis hurts when I pat the elderly on the back,train +31632,31633,31633,masasiruma ku caciyaw tu Takufan atu itiniay i Pakaraʼac,there is a difference in language between Kansan Toko and Nanjukho,train +31633,31634,31634,Fulud san ci Tumay tu nafalucuan ni mama nira,Tomay acted in accordance with his fathers wishes,train +31634,31635,31635,minguhah,dating,train +31635,31636,31636,cima satu ku misimaway ciraan atu wawa,so who is going to take care of her and the baby,train +31636,31637,31637,anu cuwa ka hatira ku malitengay i tiya hu ku misu,if the old people had not inherited the Toyonen Matsuri,train +31637,31638,31638,faruru^,bamboo back basket,train +31638,31639,31639,mitakaw ku ramul ci,my wife Mei Hwa was trying to help her brother in Holland,train +31639,31640,31640,anini ri pakayni nu maku kakawaw nu mita maʼuripay nu Pangcah,talking about the early habits and ways of life of the Amis people,test +31640,31641,31641,anini maherek tu,the process of grinding the rice into syrup,train +31641,31642,31642,iraay ku misimaway tisuwanan a cuyuh han,do you have a Guardian angel,train +31642,31643,31643,iniyan saʼayaway iri u radiw ita,first of all we have to sing our song,train +31643,31644,31644,hacuwa i alawen nu tau kaku sanay,when will I be found,train +31644,31645,31645,yu malpuntu ku katayalan ningra a rumiad i Fangcalay Pitaungan i minukaytu cingra i luma ningra,when his time of service was completed he returned home,train +31645,31646,31646,aca kaku tu suwal nu mita u Pangcah,I am learning our Amis language,train +31646,31647,31647,Pakafanaen kami tu cima kisu,please briefly introduce yourself,train +31647,31648,31648,nian u lukut han i lutuk i ayaw,this is Mt Sangsu I used to grow up in the mountains,train +31648,31649,31649,Salikakaaw mafana kamu tu pakayniay i Rikec Saka mafana kamu tu tatudung nu sasuwalen aku yu mauriphu ku tamdaw itiya a mapalit nu Rikec cingra,do you not know brothers for I am speaking to men who know the law that the law has authority over a man only as long as he lives,train +31649,31650,31650,sapaluma,seedling,test +31650,31651,31651,i fafaʼed tura kasafunun tura ira kura masadafdafay i fafaʼed nu niyaru matini,there are still beautiful fields and plains above the tribe,train +31651,31652,31652,aka pitanam a misamaamaan tu maan u Pangcah u Pangcah,nor shall I try to do evil I am an Ami,train +31652,31653,31653,tayra kita a mahakelung ku falucu a lipahak,and we will participate in this joy with joy and happiness,train +31653,31654,31654,sanay cingra Pasuˈlinay kaku tu dadiputen ni Yihufa kaku,she said I am confident that the Lord will take care of me,train +31654,31655,31655,paputal,plaza,train +31655,31656,31656,ayahani sanay ku maku manikaway tu kami tiyahu Aniw haenay,I was so poor back then,train +31656,31657,31657,miliyas cingra tu niyaru,he left the tribe,train +31657,31658,31658,Ciferangen ku tamdaw a micumud tu luma isu,people feel hot when they come into your house,train +31658,31659,31659,Satukien,with a watch,train +31659,31660,31660,Nanay mapaini nu Tapang a Yis kamu tu mikumi,the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you,test +31660,31661,31661,a,mesmerizing,train +31661,31662,31662,danguyen niyam a mivuting,swimming and fishing like this,train +31662,31663,31663,Milada kaku i fiyaw tu tamaniki,I went to the neighbors to borrow onions,train +31663,31664,31664,Papiringeren tu kikay kira wawa,let the kid spin the machine,train +31664,31665,31665,kumaen tu kisu kuʼengelay tu,it is very tender when you eat it,train +31665,31666,31666,anu ini ku niyam,and we belong to the former Peoples Bureau,train +31666,31667,31667,apiripirisan,spur,train +31667,31668,31668,umaan a demakan maemin ira ku kelang anu pahalek tu ruma ira ku kelang anu mipalalamud tu wawa ira ku kelang anu mitudem tu salikaka ira ku kelang ira aca ku kelang nu Amis u pahalek tu tayal tu demak kuya pakelang hananay,completion celebrations are held for everything they celebrate the completion of a house the marriage of a child the farewell of a relative and the Amis celebrate the completion of a house no matter what,train +31668,31669,31669,maupiray,braided,train +31669,31670,31670,hantu ni Angah Alimulu ha hay kini,that is what Anahata said that is how it is,test +31670,31671,31671,nengenghan nira ccay tu kuya matumusay a langa tu nasi awa hu ku paru niya ccay,he saw only one basket was filled with pears and one basket was not full,train +31671,31672,31672,matayalay ku kaka isu,does your sister have a job,train +31672,31673,31673,palife han isu mihiya mi muric,keep rubbing it roughly,train +31673,31674,31674,o maan kura mitelian isu i tira,what is that thing you put there,train +31674,31675,31675,mapakaitiyatiyahu kaku minengneng,I have seen it this way before,train +31675,31676,31676,miheca^,surname Nian,train +31676,31677,31677,cahu ku faʼinayan sa,I am not a man yet,train +31677,31678,31678,yu velavelat ku nipikawih nira wawa,the beloved one waved her hand in a flash,train +31678,31679,31679,vangecal,nice,train +31679,31680,31680,mangalay a patireng tu tadangangan,I am trying to establish a proper name,test +31680,31681,31681,han nu,belongs to,train +31681,31682,31682,o Pangcah ku fafahi^ isu haw,is your wife also Ami,train +31682,31683,31683,pasuwal han nu tayring ku mikumuday a luma tunini a suwal matngil nangra ku nika u luma a tamdaw ca Pawlu aci Silas i talaw satu cangra,the officers reported this to the magistrates and when they heard that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens they were alarmed,train +31683,31684,31684,ila ku Ladihif cuwa kura sefi itira,it is called the cave Team that is where they meet,train +31684,31685,31685,mikungliyen mafukac nimaan tu tira i luma,train to run and do everything at home,train +31685,31686,31686,alaen kaku mimaan han aku minengneng tu kulung pakaen mamisimaw tuya kulung hanira kaku,tell Papa why you brought me here and that you will help him with the cows,train +31686,31687,31687,wawa aku mala Hungti,my son has become king,train +31687,31688,31688,ngalay,saliva,train +31688,31689,31689,tu tatiliden nu pitilidan,school assignments,train +31689,31690,31690,anu tumai cangra i misisithu tu tai nangra,and clean and wipe them up after they have had a bowel movement,test +31690,31691,31691,sarakatay nu maku itira ku tayal nu maku a midiput tu adadaay,I was the first to take care of patients there,train +31691,31692,31692,itini i ˈalumanay ku Misawacayay Tamdaw mitusil i kilac maedeng iraay ku pasangar,there are certainly some challenges for brothers and sisters preaching in areas with a very high ratio of preachers,train +31692,31693,31693,haykenu hani,I do not know why,train +31693,31694,31694,masulingarsquu,systematic,train +31694,31695,31695,cikucu,wear shoes,train +31695,31696,31696,yu adididi hen u ili nasaan kita,we thought it was a loach,train +31696,31697,31697,pinaay ku aca nuni a riku,how much for the clothes,train +31697,31698,31698,culung han nira kiya patifekan padipungan itini maemin,I have searched the whole warehouse for a masher,train +31698,31699,31699,ya kapah ta edef han tu ira kay fawahan,someone closed the door,train +31699,31700,31700,i lukut kupipaluma nu matuʼasay caayay i hadhad caayay i,the old mans seed is on the mountain wall not on dry land or flat land,test +31700,31701,31701,o miramutay kaku tu tawhu nani fakici,I picked up the tofu from the bucket,train +31701,31702,31702,hayda,agreeable,train +31702,31703,31703,maakung ku suwal,false words lies,train +31703,31704,31704,o malakahahudingan nu pilumaluma i Taypak,it has become a playground for all the families in Taipei,train +31704,31705,31705,caay tu,do not think so,train +31705,31706,31706,kita u cecacecay tamdaw wa ngaˈay mapakalaluk,we can each encourage one another,train +31706,31707,31707,nipisimsim,recall,train +31707,31708,31708,caluh,very urgent,train +31708,31709,31709,sanga sa kaku,I will make my own,train +31709,31710,31710,Mikifelac kisu i fiyaw,you borrow rice from your neighbor,test +31710,31711,31711,tahidangen tu ku kapah palikelun,tell the youths to send them down the mountain,train +31711,31712,31712,caay kaatekak tusa aca a suut,it is not expensive it is only,train +31712,31713,31713,saka alaen nu ruma a finacadan ku tangal nira a malitafad malitangal,and then they cut off their heads and took them away,train +31713,31714,31714,ngaʼay hu kisu,are you okay,train +31714,31715,31715,tini misanu,ethnic group,train +31715,31716,31716,misafudawan,gold,train +31716,31717,31717,mahaen ku kakrikridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec atu kalas nu niyaru a mitungangan ci Yisan suwal sa,in the same way the chief priests the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him,train +31717,31718,31718,patayra,send,train +31718,31719,31719,matiya kalimelaen ku rumiad sanay i kitaanan,it seems to be telling us that we should cherish our time,train +31719,31720,31720,mawakang,lie down,test +31720,31721,31721,dadicu saan tumangic kamu i,just when you were crying,train +31721,31722,31722,tadaciʼicel kura tamdaw saw,there is a lot of power in that man,train +31722,31723,31723,1 2 anu caka pakaˈmet tu tireng iraay ku maanan a teluc,what might be the result of a lack of self control,train +31723,31724,31724,ura alu niyam turanan itiyahu i mamang hu,the river used to be small,train +31724,31725,31725,Alapawan sa,it is like Taiyuan,train +31725,31726,31726,satu ku suwal niyana a,that is what the man said,train +31726,31727,31727,o sapueneray kaku tu kapukaput,I am the shortest among my classmates,train +31727,31728,31728,valuhayay,new,train +31728,31729,31729,Tumrep tu ku wawa imatini,the children have stopped talking,train +31729,31730,31730,cahu,not yet,test +31730,31731,31731,Kasasiulaulah kamu yasanay a suwal i u matngilay namu nai satapangan nu nipituur namu,this is the message you heard from the beginning we should love one another,train +31731,31732,31732,Malupihen nura wawa ku saasik a maefer,the child flew the broom as if it were a feather,train +31732,31733,31733,kura i,at that time,train +31733,31734,31734,cacay,one,train +31734,31735,31735,patalatalukan,she would,train +31735,31736,31736,aka pitalakal tu cicax saan ku sēfu,the government has banned the catching of Burrowing Birds,train +31736,31737,31737,itiratu kami patuʼas tu wawa,we lived there for more than years nurturing time for our two children,train +31737,31738,31738,mapasuvana,to be taught,train +31738,31739,31739,aka mimingen ku nanum,not too little water,train +31739,31740,31740,kataynian satu ci Angah,then Anahata said,test +31740,31741,31741,misanga kaku tu icuwacuwaay,I will familiarize myself with the work first,train +31741,31742,31742,mabana kaku tu harateng,I vaguely remember it well,train +31742,31743,31743,pasuwal sa ku papinapina nu pasifanaay tu Rikec Singsiaw ngaayay ku suwal isu han nangra,some of the teachers of the law responded Well said teacher,train +31743,31744,31744,macahiw tiya ku finawlan i Tafalung,the people of Tai Po long are very poor,train +31744,31745,31745,Maparenget,headdresses,train +31745,31746,31746,mahelek tu maranam i uwa han ku caciyaw nu matuʼasay i,after breakfast see what the elders want,train +31746,31747,31747,Aya maanen aca^ micakay kaku tu fuduy,No I want to buy some clothes,train +31747,31748,31748,halituur kaku kaeman haliʼucil ci inaan aku tayra umah itiya hu lalamlam sa capitilid kiyami hay,I like going to the mountains with my mom I do not go to school at all do I,train +31748,31749,31749,nu maku,all about me,train +31749,31750,31750,matiya miafas,robbery,test +31750,31751,31751,Karaalic ku lumalumaan,lots of sparrows in residential areas,train +31751,31752,31752,Misanga hu cingra tu fadahung i nani fadahung a matefad,he fell off the roof while repairing it,train +31752,31753,31753,misafadisusuay,vine growers,train +31753,31754,31754,atu saan i ya u Pangcah hananay nu miita,and the age group of our Amis,train +31754,31755,31755,papaleslesen,keep,train +31755,31756,31756,aka pitawal tu faki aka pihakenu,do not forget your elders and do not push your luck,train +31756,31757,31757,o sakatatusa i cifafahi tuya mapunengay a nanu kaka a fafahi,the second,train +31757,31758,31758,lalima ku paru nu luma nangra,there are five people in their family,train +31758,31759,31759,salumiamiad,everyday,train +31759,31760,31760,malecad tu tuas nira kuya sapitatamek nira,the tool he used to bake groundnuts with was as old as he was,test +31760,31761,31761,o nu maku a dafung i caay ka ngaay a u nu maku a harateng ku tatuuren saw Kainapen isu ku nika ngaay nu dmak aku saw han ningra han ningra,do not I have the right to do what I want with my own money or are you envious because I am generous,train +31761,31762,31762,maʼuripay hu kaemangay anini sanay,I do not know if young people can survive this,train +31762,31763,31763,yu canguut kaku tu sakaurip itira i tamuwanan i caay pakaruray kaku i cimacimaan namu nawhani ma^dengtu ku pipadang nu nai Makituniyaay a salikaka tu sakaurip aku caay pakaruray kaku tu maan aca i tamuwanan itiya i ikur nunini caay ku papakaruray kaku i tamuwanan,and when I was with you and needed something I was not a burden to anyone for the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied what I needed I have kept myself from being a burden to you in any way and will continue to do so,train +31763,31764,31764,sa mahaenay tu ceke liykecicen,these two classes,train +31764,31765,31765,itini pahufi tini u mifutingay,award ceremony,train +31765,31766,31766,Uwawa hu kami maala ni ina kaku mimasasa iri,my mom used to take us there when we were kids,train +31766,31767,31767,tahidangen kaku a mingiraw,you are inviting me to a dinner party,train +31767,31768,31768,Maʼulaway han nira pangangan kura pala tiranan,the name of the place is sang desk,train +31768,31769,31769,tusa^ pulu,twenty,train +31769,31770,31770,hatiraay kura salil hananay,that is what this net is for,test +31770,31771,31771,Mafuhat ku falucu aku,my heart is open,train +31771,31772,31772,pacek,nails,train +31772,31773,31773,tatusa,stupid,train +31773,31774,31774,milaliw kuya marufuay a tamdaw,the prisoner escaped,train +31774,31775,31775,ngaay tu,do,train +31775,31776,31776,o maemecay nu wayya kira fafuy nu lutuk,the mountain pig was strangled by a steel cable,train +31776,31777,31777,mauningay tu hay,there will be carbon attached to the billet,train +31777,31778,31778,tahidang tu itiraay i niyaru han nira kaku,invite the tribe she told me so,train +31778,31779,31779,Matuemay cuwa kacidal ku rumiad,there are a lot of clouds but no sun in the sky,train +31779,31780,31780,heci nu vatac,calf,test +31780,31781,31781,saka pangangan sa ku matuʼasay,so the elders named,train +31781,31782,31782,anu minaang kisu kuya tamud i,what if you collect sake,train +31782,31783,31783,ira itini i Padaka i Ripun sa tayra kaku miseking tu mimaliay,I will take the exams for baseball in the YOUS or Japan,train +31783,31784,31784, tada kalimelaan ku sapatalipaˈelal ni Yis uniya sapatalipaˈelal mahecaday u satulun ni Yis isalakat cuwa ka ngaˈay mikaput ku nisawawaan tuni hekal,what an important reminder of Jesus words a reminder that is also consistent with Jesus earlier prayer that disciples must not be of the world,train +31784,31785,31785,Singsi adada ku tiyad aku tayla hu kaku i kamisian,Teacher I have a stomachache I need to go to the restroom,train +31785,31786,31786,itiniay haw ku pasifana kitanan ku pulung nu mitengil tuna caciyaw nu maku,I am here to let you hear and know about the life of our tribe the life of our tribe,train +31786,31787,31787,o katalawan i u,I am afraid of car accidents,train +31787,31788,31788,o mipalamalay ci fayi aku i matini tu singasif,my aunt started a fire to boil water,train +31788,31789,31789,ya maʼusaway nu finawlan,as long as the clans unfinished business,train +31789,31790,31790,a patudung kita,so they thought,test +31790,31791,31791,kalaluk misasaw tu kamay,wash ones hands regularly,train +31791,31792,31792,Tuluaytu kuna usaw emin han aku a pafeli kisu,there are three left all for you,train +31792,31793,31793,cairaan,they,train +31793,31794,31794,liked,pen,train +31794,31795,31795,Misakutekutem tu ku rumiad,it is getting dark,train +31795,31796,31796,Ikur pasuwalay ku salikaka i fenpu Misatapang kisu tu milisuˈay a demak sanay,Later a brother in the branch told me Now you will begin to do the work of visitation,train +31796,31797,31797,miepec,hold in contempt,train +31797,31798,31798,miala,apprehend,train +31798,31799,31799,milivavahi kiya i,I think I am going to the Windjammer again,train +31799,31800,31800,wina aku wama aku,my dad my mom,test +31800,31801,31801,maulahay cangra midiput takuwanan mahecad u wawa nangra tada dihkuay ku falucuˈ aku,they took great care of me treated me like a son and made me feel very warm,train +31801,31802,31802,icuwaay,which one,train +31802,31803,31803,hay ci Suyku ku ngangan aku,Hello I am Lin Yu guy,train +31803,31804,31804,kamuku,short,train +31804,31805,31805,fudu a fuis,a bright shining star or planet,train +31805,31806,31806,micumud i luma nu tau kura wacu,the dog went into someone is house,train +31806,31807,31807,itiya i ira ku ccay a fafahiyan tu maaruay nu palafuay falu ku safaw nu mihcaan ku nika adada ningra Matakunul cingra caay ka ngaangaay a Fiyacen ningra ku tireng,and a woman was there who had been crippled by a Spirit for eighteen years she was bent over and could not straighten up at all,train +31807,31808,31808,caka,need not,train +31808,31809,31809,pedit ku fukes,hair is stuck together,train +31809,31810,31810,Miluud kamu tu raraw i awaayhu ku taharmesay namu a micuay tu raraw,in your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood,test +31810,31811,31811,micudad tu kaku tu,I am in first grade,train +31811,31812,31812,kurira hawwa kasafelud ira,convened organizations,train +31812,31813,31813,cicih,bad,train +31813,31814,31814,u Payrang tu ku palumaʼay,it is becoming a Han Chinese neighborhood,train +31814,31815,31815,sakaenem u mama nu kapah,level the young mans father,train +31815,31816,31816,icuwa sasaw pikikung haen hanay patawsiay,there is no wedding ceremony it is just a normal meal,train +31816,31817,31817,patireng,set up,train +31817,31818,31818,Orasaka kapalal kamu haratengen ku nika rarid aku a talalusa a palimuut i tamuwanan u kahaccaccay tu dadaya tu rumiad tu tulu a mihcaan,so be on your guard remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears,train +31818,31819,31819,anu iya mamipanay i,it is Harvest time,train +31819,31820,31820,adihay ku manawnaway a kasuy i riyar,so much driftwood on the sea,test +31820,31821,31821,samanay tu kiya aikur ira,what happened after that,train +31821,31822,31822,mikucakucmikudapul,climb,train +31822,31823,31823,Maakik tu cira,it is almost dry,train +31823,31824,31824,unu luma a demak,the work of the family,train +31824,31825,31825,he tahatini mahaenay tu,Well now too,train +31825,31826,31826,Milipida ci mama anini,Dads getting paid today,train +31826,31827,31827,Tinaku sa malcaday titaanan ci Iliya a u tamdaw Saicel sa cingra a mitulun tu Kawas tu saka^caaw ka urad i tulu a mihca ira ku ^nem a fulad a caay ka urad itira tuya pala,Elijah was a man just like us he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years,train +31827,31828,31828,u padadiw han nanay mahaen,this is Aspergillus coryza,train +31828,31829,31829,caay ka lacafay,they do not grow together,train +31829,31830,31830,piatalan,vegetable serving area,test +31830,31831,31831,dengan kunian,that is all,train +31831,31832,31832,mi tungal hu rarakat pasitimul,we are going south again,train +31832,31833,31833,mangataay ku luma namu tu cifa haw,is the market close to your house,train +31833,31834,31834,maramud,getting married,train +31834,31835,31835,paʼuripen nu maku kira utuc,praying from the tablet,train +31835,31836,31836,itiya i kawih han nu mikumuday ci Pawlu a pakasumuwal Saka pasuwal satu ci Pawlu Mafana kaku tu nika halafin isu a mikuwan tunini a kitakit Saka lipahak kaku a paading tu tireng aku i kaayaw isu,when the governor motioned for him to speak Paul replied I know that for a number of years you have been a judge over this nation so I gladly make my defense,train +31836,31837,31837,Nikawrira u mihamhamay i Cingraan uya pasulinay a mitier i cingraan a tamdamdaw i mapafli ningra cangra tu sakacitudung a malawawa nu Kawas,yet to all who received him to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God,train +31837,31838,31838,ini ku malu tatangalan isu,here is a pillow place for your head,train +31838,31839,31839,Kiyanca caay kaw papasulinen amin nika ira ku marucekay,it is not always reliable but it is usually accurate,train +31839,31840,31840,malakamay,task,test +31840,31841,31841,kutu,head lice,train +31841,31842,31842,masanga tu a malaʼurunʼurung,make it into an ethnic Scripture,train +31842,31843,31843,takula^ takura,frog,train +31843,31844,31844,sikawasay,priests,train +31844,31845,31845,suwalen naku ku masakaputay,I will tell the cadres,train +31845,31846,31846,hatini aca ku pilicay aku kisuna haw,I am visiting here,train +31846,31847,31847,man han kiya,what is the name of the mountain,train +31847,31848,31848,halafinay tu nika paysu anu usi han i mataelif tu anu nengnengen kura macukaymasay,all in all it is about million dollars,train +31848,31849,31849,tayraay kamu i Hukaydu,did you go to Hokkaido,train +31849,31850,31850,Pasacuwa ku ingay nu misu,where are you going,test +31850,31851,31851,a iraay tu,I am sorry,train +31851,31852,31852,nawhani kura rengus haw,because of the plant,train +31852,31853,31853,makayni a talasasa,get down from here,train +31853,31854,31854,inaʼayaw sa,in the past,train +31854,31855,31855,mahaen ku nu maku,I did,train +31855,31856,31856,o paaliwacan anini,it is Sunday,train +31856,31857,31857,mahaenay kira,it is true,train +31857,31858,31858,anu u kakitaan i adihay ku nipatatudung,if it is a rich mans family it is more than enough,train +31858,31859,31859,ta tuʼas satu kaku iwi i matayal tu kaku i kaysya nu tangasa i mikikung tu kaku i cifaʼinay tu kaku i sufuc satu ku wawa i,I grew up slowly and worked in Taoyuan Taipei after that I married and had children when I found someone,train +31859,31860,31860,tatayian,toilet,test +31860,31861,31861,akaa,cannot,train +31861,31862,31862,awa aca ku sapitilid maʼan ku sapapitilid kisunan sa,if you do not have money you can go to school,train +31862,31863,31863,pisingaan,leave in subs care,train +31863,31864,31864,tu kiwkay,looking for the Catholic Church,train +31864,31865,31865,tu remiremiad namakaamisay namakatimulay a tamdaw nu niyaru tayni itini,I come here every day,train +31865,31866,31866,Manaun ku apuruay cacay a remiad kina tusa a maliyut,the short needle goes slowly twice a day,train +31866,31867,31867,tataken nu heni,they use hoes to dig,train +31867,31868,31868,waxaran nu makapah kura tireng nira i,nice mulberry tree,train +31868,31869,31869,Pamin han cingra a pafeli,give it all to him,train +31869,31870,31870,tanumar,grain drying box,test +31870,31871,31871,itini ruma kilac u kaemangay anu pasadak tu kaackan a lihaf mahecaday u mararaway tu maˈudangay,in some jurisdictions underage people who send pornographic text messages can be prosecuted as sex offenders,train +31871,31872,31872,sananay a demak haw,a dream story,train +31872,31873,31873,faesis kaenen masasiruma,it smells good it is different,train +31873,31874,31874,u fafahian ku mipatunu i tini a mipihay tura saluafang,this is a place where women hold a Festival to send off the spirits,train +31874,31875,31875,sasaw,auxiliary words,train +31875,31876,31876,sa misaʼupu ku kuciw atu tumuk,so it is up to the tribesmen and the chiefs to decide,train +31876,31877,31877,anu huni a ira ku Yincu mincu a salikaka paini tu nafalucuan niira,in a moment our indigenous friends will speak,train +31877,31878,31878, anu midama kita tu demak nu Hungti Kitakit wa milifuk tu maanan a sapalemed,B how can we encourage children and new members of the congregation to support the work of the kingdom,train +31878,31879,31879,rasit,go from house to house to report good news,train +31879,31880,31880,aluman ku tamdaw i patademan anini,so many people at the cemetery today,test +31880,31881,31881,pipatenas,douse so with vinegar,train +31881,31882,31882,Afasan ni kaka ku tasalaman aku,my brother robbed me of my toys,train +31882,31883,31883,yni ku rakat nira,he is headed this direction,train +31883,31884,31884,aka tatuy tatuy sa tu kangkang,do not just take the plow,train +31884,31885,31885,i matiya isaw,at that time,train +31885,31886,31886,pateki pateki kiya vekeluh,knock on this stone,train +31886,31887,31887,Ngaay kaku misalama tu ikur nu lahuk haw,can I go play this afternoon,train +31887,31888,31888,misafinawlan,tribal formation,train +31888,31889,31889,mimaan mi cerem,what are you doing diving,train +31889,31890,31890,o san i,it is like,test +31890,31891,31891,kaesuʼku turun nu iayaway,this is the highest level of enjoyment of the delicious make at that time,train +31891,31892,31892,cerenuh,creepy,train +31892,31893,31893,tu suwal nu Pangcah,speaks the language,train +31893,31894,31894,sasing,photograph,train +31894,31895,31895,awaay pakayni i cecay a saupu cecay alapit u tudung nu sakalec nu malatumukay itini i niyaru,everything in the tribe has to go through the head of the tribe who is in the center of it all,train +31895,31896,31896,haenen nira mikubay kiyami mikarimucu,that is what he did to tighten the angle,train +31896,31897,31897,Hayi nicaliwan aku anini cingra,Yes I borrowed it from him today,train +31897,31898,31898,hay ta nanipala cingra haw i taluma tu cingra i luma,after returning home from work,train +31898,31899,31899,saicangriku,dryer,train +31899,31900,31900,ira ku damdam atu lakiw itini takuwanan sahetu nu maku a mipalumaan yu,I have chili and okay both grown by myself,test +31900,31901,31901,uruma tu kakawa san,ritual changes,train +31901,31902,31902,madudu tu kunika saselal hatini,I have been doing it the same way until now,train +31902,31903,31903,Caay pisaakuwakuway kaku,and no arrogance,train +31903,31904,31904,minengneng tu nanum nu ciwkeng,Next we will check the water in the tank,train +31904,31905,31905,o semut a maemin ku papalumaen itini,this whole side is going to be planted with grass,train +31905,31906,31906,mamangay ku ruray a nimaan,it is not easy to prepare the materials,train +31906,31907,31907,hanenen nu mita a pakafana itiay,they have to be taught the same thing,train +31907,31908,31908,misakaranam,make breakfast,train +31908,31909,31909,initu,I found it it is here,train +31909,31910,31910,anu caka sacaciyawen ku caciyaw i lahedahedaw satu ku caciyaw ita,our language will fade away if we do not even speak it,test +31910,31911,31911,caay pakacudad ku matuʼasay kira,old people do not even read,train +31911,31912,31912,tangasa kami i limapulu ira ku lima,I am over,train +31912,31913,31913,sisa u siremesay han kiya buting,that is why it is called a bleeding fish,train +31913,31914,31914,lian,hundred,train +31914,31915,31915,taha anini tu parakat aku tu tusiya i,I have been driving for years now,train +31915,31916,31916,15 itini i Timuti 34 sumuwalay urira maulahay tu lawla a tamdaw cuwa pikihakihar tu Kawas sanay,Timothy says that these pleasure loving people completely ignore God,train +31916,31917,31917,Nikawrira i umahhu kuya kaka a wawa ningra yu minukay cingra mangata ku luma i matngil ningra ku radiw atu parekpek nu kru,Meanwhile the older son was in the field when he came near the house he heard music and dancing,train +31917,31918,31918,Saka pakalunan satu kami nai Truas a pafsuc a tayra i Samutraki cila a rumiad i tahiratu kami i Niyapulis,from Troas we put out to sea and sailed straight for Samothrace and the next day on to Neapolis,train +31918,31919,31919,tusa a kasakuwat,a half Acre,train +31919,31920,31920,keru,dances,test +31920,31921,31921,o upic nu ngalay kira masanekay,that is the smell of wet saliva,train +31921,31922,31922,Namiasip tu kisu tina Ilisin nu Amis sanay a Cudad haw,have you read the book the Amish Harvest Festival,train +31922,31923,31923,way tu ku cipucuʼay,I do not see anyone with an enlarged neck,train +31923,31924,31924,u tinai makaen tu,you can eat all the offal,train +31924,31925,31925,mamedac kira uner,because the snake is greedy,train +31925,31926,31926,manay Siwkulan a Pangcah han ku nipangangan,it is therefore called the Sau Kuluan Ruan Ami,train +31926,31927,31927,u Pangcah a cuka kinian huw,it is an Aboriginal style,train +31927,31928,31928,o lafii ku picudad nu maku tu rumiamiad,every day I spend my nights reading,train +31928,31929,31929,i dangahen miidid tu ayam,roast chicken in a large round pot,train +31929,31930,31930,nengneng han u kapanayan matira cay kasadak san kiya matuʼasay itiya hu maketer,you should know that the rice is ripe and you should not go out,test +31930,31931,31931,saka sa ciradiw saan kuya matuʼasay,that is why the elders say that there are songs,train +31931,31932,31932,u ku ama nira hayi,Yes,train +31932,31933,31933,caka talaw tu cacupi a kilang,wood that does not corrode,train +31933,31934,31934,makapah,good,train +31934,31935,31935,midiput,care,train +31935,31936,31936,Pakalilingen ku patafuan,please bring a spoon in the lunch box,train +31936,31937,31937,Hayda yu kapahhu kaku mararid kaku a tala tukus a miadup,Yes I used to go hunting in the mountains when I was young,train +31937,31938,31938,katangasaan tu nikataluma,wait till they get back,train +31938,31939,31939,pifahuy,Drive Drive,train +31939,31940,31940,nawhani cahu ka fana cangra a miharateng tu tatudung nuya dmak ni Yis tu pakayniay i ^pang i ayaw Maurathu ku falucu nangra,for they had not understood about the loaves their hearts were hardened,test +31940,31941,31941,kira,then,train +31941,31942,31942,mivulesak palangaw,when it is time to plant,train +31942,31943,31943,nianan i mangalay kisu mangalay kisu sangaʼen aku han aku haw,what about these if you really need one I will make one for you I will tell you that,train +31943,31944,31944,mi tu han han,I have to take the piano test I have to take the academic test,train +31944,31945,31945,lengac,star fruit,train +31945,31946,31946,Hay fangcal,it is very well read,train +31946,31947,31947,mafana kisu mafanaʼay tu misangaʼay,you are doing a great job Yeah I would have done it,train +31947,31948,31948,tinusa,two,train +31948,31949,31949,masadit tu amutu ku paenan atu cafeng nu luma niyam,the floor and walls of our house have been plastered with cement,train +31949,31950,31950,ngata,proximal,test +31950,31951,31951,mipaafatay,for hay,train +31951,31952,31952,sulinay anu itini tu i maraay,if it is really far away,train +31952,31953,31953,mitahidang mipasifana i cuwaay hakini kuna wawa,where is the caller to notify the child,train +31953,31954,31954,matatudungay ku katayni ni Fukusen samanen macadaay ni Yangke ku sanilnil wa tayra i faeluhay kilac a mitusil mahaupay ku kilac nu Suwiay,brother Fergusons arrival was well timed as brother younger had since received a commission to serve in new areas including those in the Soviet Union,train +31954,31955,31955,halafintu maʼala tuku cecay a fulad,it is been a month I am familiar with the language,train +31955,31956,31956,hatiniay matahafay tu kuniya kuring,like this a woman sling with a flap on it,train +31956,31957,31957,aluman ku fufufufu i niyaru,lots of grandmothers in the tribe,train +31957,31958,31958,kampiwta,computer,train +31958,31959,31959,pasuwal sa ku tawki Tadangaayay O karahkeran a kuli kisu Tuna malaluk kisu i mamangay a dmak saka paturuden papikuwanen aku kisu tu mu^tepay a niyaru han ningra,Well done my good servant his master replied Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter take charge of ten cities,train +31959,31960,31960,mansa u rumaay nu hatini tu pidemak aku,that is why I am doing things differently now,test +31960,31961,31961,tukayay,municipal,train +31961,31962,31962,anu hatira aka sadak kamu i luma sa yu,in that case stay home and do not come out,train +31962,31963,31963,teluc tu nu Kahulaman u safitay nu Hulam caayay pitulas a mirawraw tu tamdaw nu finacadan mipaudang tu fafahiyan urasaka itiya malupidipangan tu ku taluan nu niyaru kaayaw nu taluan mapatireng tu ku pikacawan,during the late Qing Dynasty the Qing army often harassed the tribesmen and molested the women so the assembly hall became an important point of protection for the tribes at the same time a watchtower was erected in front of the assembly hall,train +31963,31964,31964,tatulu malahitay,three of them were in the army at the same time,train +31964,31965,31965,lima a rumiad ku faking nira a matayal,he is punished with five days of labor,train +31965,31966,31966,anu icuwa kisu mikadafu,where to start a family,train +31966,31967,31967,fafahiyanfayfahi,female,train +31967,31968,31968,maefer ta aku ku sefi atu luma i,I jumped through the kitchen and the house,train +31968,31969,31969,a malasingsi haw kamu anuayaw,I am going to be a teacher someday,train +31969,31970,31970,miliyas tu Hayti manilnilay kaku tayra satenukan nu Afrika malu milakuwitay tu riyar a mitusilay,after leaving Haiti I was sent to the Central African Republic as a missionary,test +31970,31971,31971,ka halikaenen o maan ku kanguduan,try to eat and drink as much as possible you are not an outsider,train +31971,31972,31972,a malekep tu amin,total extinction,train +31972,31973,31973,a iraku masapinangay a sera nanu tuas a paniyaru nawnu alumanay a ngangasawan ku nika lecapu a masa niyaru,there is a fixed Range of traditional living areas tribes are made up of a majority of ethnic groups,train +31973,31974,31974,Miucuran ci Yis,Jesus obeyed the Fathers command,train +31974,31975,31975,malitengay ci ina kiyasaw haw,watching my parents do it,train +31975,31976,31976,o sakangaayaw sakalihaday i urip nu mita ku paysin u dadueduen nu mita a mituur nika awaay ku lalamitan a demak aka pakidu sa pakasuelin anu makera a ciraraw ci liayaw a mafana ku falucu ita a makera ku kacipades saan a matalaw ku falucu,taboos are good for our peace of mind and we should observe them but we should not be superstitious about things that have no basis Though when they are violated we are anxious to anticipate the evils that may befall us we must not be superstitious,train +31976,31977,31977,fafelih ku tilid,the writing is side by side or on each side of the page,train +31977,31978,31978,makapahay nengnengen ku penen itiyahu kiyasaw,the reed grass used to look so beautiful,train +31978,31979,31979,nilingiw i takuwanan,my beloved is watching me,train +31979,31980,31980,katumekel,to train,test +31980,31981,31981,caay kaawa kafukil a talalutuk,these are the necessary conditions,train +31981,31982,31982,satu u suwal nu matuʼasay i tiyahu,the old man once said,train +31982,31983,31983,lalangiwngiw,whining,train +31983,31984,31984,kina,common,train +31984,31985,31985,Nikawrira anu misaliway kisu i kalesen ku fukes laliupen ku pising isu,but when you fast put oil on your head and wash your face,train +31985,31986,31986,awa ku kucu adihay ku ceka adihay ku fikeluh,no shoes and lots of thorns and stones all over the place,train +31986,31987,31987,o caayay ka lecad a kimad sakacecay iayaw nu kalenlen caayay kalecad ku kamaruan nu tamdamdaw,differences in legends I the places where people lived before the flood were different,train +31987,31988,31988,epec,to despise,train +31988,31989,31989,kaliling,tablespoon,train +31989,31990,31990,i hacuwaay aca adada ku fafahi isu,how long has your wife been sick,test +31990,31991,31991,pinanam itira kaku a mitungal tu fana nu maku saan kaku a kanir,I am looking forward to actively practicing,train +31991,31992,31992,maicah,love of vanity,train +31992,31993,31993,nansay kisu a mikihatiya,how old were you,train +31993,31994,31994,tayra kisu i laenu,you go down the hill,train +31994,31995,31995,tiyahu cahu kapapina ku ci lumaʼay itira,there were no families in the past,train +31995,31996,31996,palineknek anu tusa adadaya a patuku tira paetang,to put on two nights,train +31996,31997,31997,aluman tu ku alumanay a mimisa itiya,more and more people were coming to Mass,train +31997,31998,31998,sefi,kitchen,train +31998,31999,31999,aka kangudu,you are welcome,train +31999,32000,32000,initu initu ku tarakaway a laying saan,it is very high it is coming,test +32000,32001,32001,a nikaurira ira aca ku na tengilan aku nanu miramutan aku,but I have heard a lot and I have participated a lot,train +32001,32002,32002,ci akung aku ci Calaw u,my Grandpa is Charu,train +32002,32003,32003,Misaluma kami i tini,we are going to build a house here,train +32003,32004,32004,caka fana tu niyaru sanay ningra a caciyaw,I did not know what he meant by hometown,train +32004,32005,32005,ku licay aku lina ama,Mom Dad can you hear me,train +32005,32006,32006,cuwa pakahadidi kuya simpu mangulaway tanu Fangcalay Cudad a mitekul cingranan celiˈ sanay cingranan Ci Satan kisu,the clergyman soon lost patience threw the Bible at him in anger and yelled at him You are nothing but Satan,train +32006,32007,32007,saan kura suwal aku titanan matini,tell us this right here and now,train +32007,32008,32008,cayka kaku kakahi,I do not agree,train +32008,32009,32009,ulah sanay cangra milihay nanuemang tahamatini,I have never stopped meeting until now,train +32009,32010,32010,mikilumaan,holding the Harvest Festival,test +32010,32011,32011,mikitini tu i kafekan nu tukus kura fulad i,the moon is hanging over the mountain,train +32011,32012,32012,matu nika tilid i Fangcalay Cudad Pakayni i tamuwanan u Yutaya a tamdaw a mapaacek ku ngangan nu Kawas i ruma a finacadan saan,as it is written Gods name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you,train +32012,32013,32013,itini i tatirengan nu mita sanay ku maku miharateng tu sukuy,inside our bodies I think woodchucks have that property,train +32013,32014,32014,katumes,Fuller,train +32014,32015,32015,cyataw,station,train +32015,32016,32016,Pinatu,which,train +32016,32017,32017,palad nira mahaen tu,in all planes,train +32017,32018,32018,sangaʼen tu kura tingnaw pakakaya tuya,Modify computer software to lengthen fields,train +32018,32019,32019,i niyan sa kiyami ina verus iri i naayaw,this salt wood past,train +32019,32020,32020,sanay kura pisanga tura tamud,this is how you make the mold,test +32020,32021,32021,carufacuf,fog,train +32021,32022,32022,awa ku tangal ningra,he has no brain,train +32022,32023,32023,hai hai sanu tefusay kuni,Yeah yeah a little bit like sugar cane,train +32023,32024,32024,hantui anu,language,train +32024,32025,32025,tayra i luma nu fafahiyan ya miladum cingra,he went to the woman house to fetch water,train +32025,32026,32026,mabana kaku tuya,that is when I knew those,train +32026,32027,32027,sasahetu tu satu kami u matuʼasay itini i niyaru hanaw awa catu ka papina ku kapah nu misa Cawiʼay,there are only old people left in the tribe there are only a few young people left in the tribe,train +32027,32028,32028,ura nu niya kiyami cahu ka kaku ha ha ha ha,I still cannot get my BBF to sound right Ha ha ha,train +32028,32029,32029,caay kaku pisulul tina demakan,I will never agree to this marriage,train +32029,32030,32030,Masapay ku pipalumaan tu dateng,the vegetable garden is clear and level for planting,test +32030,32031,32031,Hay singsi^,Yes sir,train +32031,32032,32032,cuwa ka halafin tangsulay cangra mituur tura patusukan,shortly after the General Assembly they took action to achieve their objectives step by step,train +32032,32033,32033,Salikakaaw kisu u misatatiihay tu matiniay a raraw nu tau i u midmakay kisu tu matiniay a raraw Saka O mamaliyas aku ku pisawkit nu Kawas sa kisu saw,so when you a mere man pass judgment on them and yet do the same things do you think you will escape Gods judgment,train +32033,32034,32034,away tu mavuric tu ku ruma maanen,Besides some of them are going to be duds,train +32034,32035,32035,lutu,men mesh bag,train +32035,32036,32036,itiya alatek caay kahaen ku teluc ita saan,maybe back then our descendants would not have had to deal with this kind of cruelty,train +32036,32037,32037,Mafana kaku tu ccay a mituuray ci Kristuan a tamdaw i ayaw nu spat ku safaw a mihcaan a makakuy cingra a mapatayra i safafaeday a kakarayan,I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know God knows,train +32037,32038,32038,kuiday,thank you,train +32038,32039,32039,tada u mirapicay kira wawa tu urip nu mama nira,that kid really dragged his dads life down,train +32039,32040,32040,kucung,junior high school,test +32040,32041,32041,tawa velunen i sinanumay nu liyar,just pour it into the bucket with the sea water,train +32041,32042,32042,a misaʼicel tu tayal nu niyaru i u hahatini tu ku urip nu mita haw,that is how we live,train +32042,32043,32043,o malalukay a alunah kami,we are a bunch of hardworking ants,train +32043,32044,32044,inanengay atek saka,very serious,train +32044,32045,32045,o pisapawtian nu niyaru kinian,this is where the tribes make their sacks,train +32045,32046,32046,Mapaedilay kaku saka mangaay ku rakat nu maku,I am being lighted so I can walk,train +32046,32047,32047,uya nu Amis ira a singsi takecen nura wawa,the children will hug their native language teacher,train +32047,32048,32048,itiya satu kami i ya u fafahiyan tu ku malalukay saan neng han u fafahiyan ku alumanay,at that time we were changing women more frequently and the situation was that there were more girls,train +32048,32049,32049,mafafilu,help each other,train +32049,32050,32050,Kanguduan palifutay tu tisuwanan,I am sorry to have bothered you so much,test +32050,32051,32051,tu sefi atu luma,kitchen and house,train +32051,32052,32052,u kapah haw i ulahay sa ku kapah,the youth really liked it,train +32052,32053,32053,mahaenay ku sausi nu matuʼasay,this is how the elders choose the best young men,train +32053,32054,32054,maenen maaraw namu natepi tini,do you see this ruler here,train +32054,32055,32055,Halies^es ku mama aku,my dad loved to whistle,train +32055,32056,32056,upih,plume,train +32056,32057,32057,sakalemed,lucky reasons,train +32057,32058,32058,cirawangay,it is partitioned,train +32058,32059,32059,kalimela,treasure,train +32059,32060,32060,sasepat sasepat tayraay tuya dadaya a misalama,that night four of them went there to play,test +32060,32061,32061,anu masuni ku tupi tu dafak i caykanca fangcal ku rumiad,if you hear pigeons in the morning the weather must be fine,train +32061,32062,32062,anu awaay ku matuʼasay,if there were no parents,train +32062,32063,32063,ci Kulas ciira hay,is he Kolas,train +32063,32064,32064,ku kamaruʼan niyam a kafutian niyam,where we rest and sleep,train +32064,32065,32065,itiya tiya mangey caay ka dayum,the machine is very difficult to use,train +32065,32066,32066,mana tayu sa kuna sa Miciyang saw,Miciyang why are they so slow,train +32066,32067,32067,adihay ku adimaceng i lutuk niyam,we have a lot of Sapindales in the mountains,train +32067,32068,32068,anu ni Kristutu kamu i u tluctu ni Apraham kamu o mamilayap kamu tu nanu niktunantu nu Kawas a suwal,if you belong to Christ then you are Abrahams seed and heirs according to the promise,train +32068,32069,32069,u mitakaway mipacuk tu fafuy,killing pigs the sneaky way,train +32069,32070,32070,minukas aca kami atayni,we are back here again,test +32070,32071,32071,ira ku niyam a wama,that is when our father,train +32071,32072,32072,maaraway,Visible,train +32072,32073,32073,han san kiya mama aku padateng ku misu,dad said you wanted to eat it with a side dish,train +32073,32074,32074,halafinay ku pitatala tueman tu ku rumiad,after waiting for a long time it was already dark,train +32074,32075,32075,nu mita sanay kira sisa,So we have to be thankful,train +32075,32076,32076,mitngil ci Musi tunini a suwal i laliw satu a tayra i Mitiyan a pala a maru ciwawa cingra itira tu tatusa a fainayan,when Moses heard this he fled to Midian where he settled as a foreigner and had two sons,train +32076,32077,32077,cecay ku wama aku a malakilisetuciyan,only my father is a Christian,train +32077,32078,32078,perperen,break into pieces,train +32078,32079,32079,o misaparuday ku tayal nu maku,my job is to make stoves,train +32079,32080,32080,itiya i matungal ku nika fahka nu nisawawaan Anu hatira i cima ku mamapaurip saw saan cangra a masasuwasuwal,the disciples were even more amazed and said to each other Who then can be saved,test +32080,32081,32081,miala i sifu nu suta nu facal,taking stones from the center of the terraces,train +32081,32082,32082,pasadaken ku impic isu,please take out your pen,train +32082,32083,32083,mafudu satu i mafaliyus satu tataʼang ku urad i,if there is a rainstorm or typhoon,train +32083,32084,32084,Pakahawup ku ulah tu kalumaamaan pakasulin tu kalumaamaan pakapitala tu kalumaamaan pakahadidi tu kalumaamaan,it always protects always trusts always hopes always perseveres,train +32084,32085,32085,tatata,altogether,train +32085,32086,32086,nawhan u mafana kita tu fulad ma ira ku kapedengan haw,we know that the moon rises and falls so when this moon comes close to setting,train +32086,32087,32087,pacalina,in a short while,train +32087,32088,32088,pakaynien nu Kawas ci Yis Kristuan u Pauripay titaanan ku pipafli tunini a Fangcalay Adingu i titaanan a palmed,whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior,train +32088,32089,32089,maʼaraw tu ku payci kira mirarakat tu icuwacuwa,when you have money you go everywhere,train +32089,32090,32090,mitudung,follow the example of,test +32090,32091,32091,anu hatini tu lalicayen nu singsi,the teacher is going to interview me now,train +32091,32092,32092,Safa^luhen ku falucu namu,to be made new in the attitude of your minds,train +32092,32093,32093,Miidid ci akung tu titi nu kulung i putal,Grandpa is roasting beef in the front yard,train +32093,32094,32094,awaay hen ku laku itiya,did not the Amis have rice paddies back then,train +32094,32095,32095,u matu sa unian nuna cuwah,this hole is the point where the line goes through,train +32095,32096,32096,lasang sanay ku funguh aku,I feel dizzy,train +32096,32097,32097,anu hayi saan,the whale,train +32097,32098,32098,Maatipil ku tangal nu wawa aku,my child head is flat,train +32098,32099,32099,paluma tu hafay,in growing millet,train +32099,32100,32100,malatumuk kinatulu kaku malatumuk,four years in a row I have served three terms,test +32100,32101,32101,ira ku wacu^ nu maku cecay,I have a dog,train +32101,32102,32102,sauteku sanay,just huddle up on the side,train +32102,32103,32103,Miulid ci Tumay tu dadayadaya,Tomay is busy dating every night,train +32103,32104,32104,kuya cecay a rumiʼad i pacerem kaku,one morning on Sunday,train +32104,32105,32105,mimelaw kaku tiraan,I just read my brothers books,train +32105,32106,32106,na,from,train +32106,32107,32107,tafi kangkang,rake,train +32107,32108,32108,len cingra,awaken him,train +32108,32109,32109,tumerac,clean,train +32109,32110,32110,tisuwanan,to you,test +32110,32111,32111,makafit,Hooked,train +32111,32112,32112,salidungan nu matuʼasay,it is for the old mans shade,train +32112,32113,32113,saki ilisin a radiw atu keru u satadamaanay ku lisin nu Pangcah a cecay miheca kinacecay itini a cecay ku nikarumadaw tu radiw nu kailisinan,song of the Harvest Festival the Harvest Festival is the largest annual Festival of the Amis tribe,train +32113,32114,32114,pasalaenuen,point something facing down,train +32114,32115,32115,hu^,indistinct,train +32115,32116,32116,nani tira pakalungay tangasa i mama nu kapah ku,from being a junior to the father of youth,train +32116,32117,32117,haiken tisuwanan tusaay kahcad tusaay hay,how do I know you are two pounds two pounds two pounds huh,train +32117,32118,32118,sapahanhan,rest house,train +32118,32119,32119,mitangtangay kaku hatiraay ku mitapiʼay,I have cooked the food that is how it is in the Oblate Work,train +32119,32120,32120,culuk,pierce the animal with a spear,test +32120,32121,32121,u manevnevayay tu a malasawad,it is going to drown and disappear,train +32121,32122,32122,pakakuhkuhen,look at the mirrors,train +32122,32123,32123,tusa tu rumiʼad kaku i luma i tayra kaku i Tayhuk matayal,I stayed home for two days and then left for Taipei to work,train +32123,32124,32124,tangasa tu mihecaan malahitay tu kisu satu,then came the age of service,train +32124,32125,32125,una niyaru tu niniyan haw i cacamulcamul sanay ku ruma a tamdaw,people from different tribes here,train +32125,32126,32126,a maanen tu ma,what should we do,train +32126,32127,32127,nipalumaan isu kuni haw,did you plant this too,train +32127,32128,32128,mapuʼiay hu kiya malitengay,that old man is still yelling at me,train +32128,32129,32129,suʼelinay haw mafana tu u patikul tura,that way you will know what you are exchanging,train +32129,32130,32130,o Raranges si Sukim na Tungaw kaku,I am Sukin of the Monolithic Mole Family,test +32130,32131,32131,makapah ku carufacuf i lutuk nu Kalinku,the light mist on Hualien mountain is beautiful,train +32131,32132,32132,Milikat ku tamdaw tu dawdaw i awaay ku mitahpuay tu satu awaay ku mitliay i la^nu nu kafutian o tatlien ningra i padawdawan tu sakata^ngad nu micumuday a tamdaw,No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed Instead he puts it on a stand so that those who come in can see the light,train +32132,32133,32133,maurip henay kita i tini,we survivors,train +32133,32134,32134,Itiya itiniay i Karaci ku kitiraan aku atu wina,at that time I was living with my mom in Karachi,train +32134,32135,32135,nika u urip nu Yincumincu,but the indigenous people of Taiwan,train +32135,32136,32136,mamalepel,catch,train +32136,32137,32137,inian,these,train +32137,32138,32138,pawpawsa i tamiyan u matuasay sa ku matuasay niyam,the old man said you could deliver our meals,train +32138,32139,32139,mapusisiray nu seli,it is slipping because of the mudslide,train +32139,32140,32140,Kalulang kuude,port Caroline,test +32140,32141,32141,mahaen kinian pisiyukay tu hiya,I will share it here,train +32141,32142,32142,ci alufuay tu,there is a lovers bag,train +32142,32143,32143,fangtu,the smell of mold,train +32143,32144,32144,matama ku ngiha,that is the rhyme,train +32144,32145,32145,ira tu ku maharatengay ya matuʼasay,the old man had a different idea,train +32145,32146,32146,Huni^ tu misulaca hu kaku tu wadis,Wait I will brush my teeth first,train +32146,32147,32147,a demak tangasa sakaku i Tansuy,then we went to Danshui,train +32147,32148,32148,o numuki i ayaw awaay ku kami,used to use Siberian cherry I did not use toilet paper,train +32148,32149,32149,naaw i pafeli sapaciʼicel tu wawa,pray for perseverance to be given to your child,train +32149,32150,32150,nu matuʼasay anini,the current elders,test +32150,32151,32151,Sapitungalaw cingra tu demak ci Yihufaan misingsiay tayra i Pitil matayal hanaca itini 1971 miheca matahidang tayra Pitil a matayal,Later wanting to do more for Jehovah she applied to serve at Bertram and was invited to work at Bertram in,train +32151,32152,32152,ira aca ku hinghing a pataluma saka iayaw nu pataluma tulu ku tuki tu herek nu lahuk patayra tu hinghing ku luma nu fafahiyan i luma nu fainayan ira ku,there will be a wedding gift which will be delivered to the mans home by the woman parents at am on the day before the wedding,train +32152,32153,32153,ira ku ccay a matuasay tayni cingra i itira i lutuk,there was an elder coming to the mountain,train +32153,32154,32154,yusang,budget,train +32154,32155,32155,ci Sawmah kaku,I am Sawmah,train +32155,32156,32156,dungʼedung nu nihan aku kira lalan,I am coming back down the road,train +32156,32157,32157,ruma a Paslaan a Rumiad micumud ci Yis i kasaupuan nu Yutaya a luma a pasifana ira itira ku ccay a mapikingay ku kawanan a kamay a tamdaw,on another Sabbath he went into the synagogue and was teaching and a man was there whose right hand was shriveled,train +32157,32158,32158,u aku u niyam maala ku tusa pulu a mihecaan,there is a year age gap between me and my big brother Wow,train +32158,32159,32159,adada kaku awa ku sapakaen nu ina i takuwanan,when I was sick my mother said there was nothing to eat,train +32159,32160,32160,u hufuc aku i Ancuh,that is why I was born in Antxon,test +32160,32161,32161,nengnenghan nuya matuasay unini hakini kumialaay,the elder saw this wondering whether they took,train +32161,32162,32162,niyaru nu Mavuwakay niyaru nu Kikutu,Nanhua Tribe Xikou tribe,train +32162,32163,32163,tataang ku kerah,great recession,train +32163,32164,32164,talapayufingan,at the post office,train +32164,32165,32165,pasuwal sa kuya fafahiyan Singsiaw paflien kaku tura nanum Ta caaytu ka suaw kaku Ta caaytu ka rarid a tayni kaku a miradum han ningra,the woman said to him Sir give me this water so that I will not get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water,train +32165,32166,32166,sakukut,front tooth,train +32166,32167,32167,anca sasepat mi cangra,play mahjong in pairs or groups of four,train +32167,32168,32168,Tadangaay mauhitay tu kaku tu hemay,it is so good I am craving mocha,train +32168,32169,32169,dengan u ayam ningra pitu pulu ku ayam san maemin maʼalul,chickens all taken away,train +32169,32170,32170,matiya u caang nuya tapangan ku Yutaya a tamdaw caay ka limla ku Kawas i cangraan kami ku kalimlaan nu Kawas sa kamu saw,for if God did not spare the natural branches he will not spare you either,test +32170,32171,32171,san a suwal nu faki itiya hu marucekay haw kunian,there is no doubt about the encouragement of an old man,train +32171,32172,32172,u nikasaselal a palecaden tu nikalalikid a rangatan ku selal a minanam tiya remiad maherek a malavi silusid tu nuselal a vuduy micumud i taluan nu niyaru,on the first night of the festival after having dinner at our home we dressed up in dance costumes and met with our classmates in the Plaza in front of the clubhouse,train +32172,32173,32173,culi,talking back,train +32173,32174,32174,masamaʼan ku mama nu kapah tayal ningra haw,what do young men fathers do,train +32174,32175,32175,i i itiya hu,at that time,train +32175,32176,32176,ha,Oh,train +32176,32177,32177,ta anini iri matuas tu,I am old now,train +32177,32178,32178,sa miladum tu saupuupu sa ku malitengay,and then the water was picked and the Jains began to gather together,train +32178,32179,32179,mafekac ku wawa aku a talapicudadan,my kids run to school,train +32179,32180,32180,pacincuan,where to put the pearls,test +32180,32181,32181,misiwkay tu kaku tu Paanifung,description of Hing Cheong Tei,train +32181,32182,32182,sanay saku mahaen maku pisaniyaru itini i niyaru san,that is how I do tribal business,train +32182,32183,32183,sa paiya han nira tuni,so I am attaching this,train +32183,32184,32184,hay matam,yeah it is true,train +32184,32185,32185,u sama tatukem Iniyani u hikuki,Lettuce okra this is Showa,train +32185,32186,32186,mahelek kaku miala tu nu lukut hawi,after I harvested the sassafras,train +32186,32187,32187,tini i cacay hen hananay,there is only one family at the so called mountain Forestry management Center,train +32187,32188,32188,hineng,to peek,train +32188,32189,32189,adihay ku hana i pala,there are a lot of flowers in the field,train +32189,32190,32190,misaali,request,test +32190,32191,32191,ira ku tatusaay a mapuhaway a maru i lawac nu lalan ira ci Yis a mitalif saan a matngil nangra saka cli sa cangra a sumuwal Tapangaw u Wawa ni Tafiti kasiniadaen kami haw saan cangra,two blind men were sitting by the roadside and when they heard that Jesus was going by they shouted Lord son of David have mercy on us,train +32191,32192,32192,mikunciwhu kaku tu 6 fulad,First you have to be trained for six months,train +32192,32193,32193,niyan u mitipusay,millet Harvest,train +32193,32194,32194,arawraw tu mutep ila ku lima,it is the fifteenth day of the month,train +32194,32195,32195,kaying,lass,train +32195,32196,32196,tukad han aku ilaay ku ha paciwkingan tu isu haw,there is about to in the till,train +32196,32197,32197,cuwa ya kaeled isu tatuyen itira,No the one where you are holding the rope,train +32197,32198,32198,cecayay ku kaka aku ci Kulas cira muerep ira ku cecay ku mihecaan nira anini a miheccaan,I have a brother his name is kolas he is years old,train +32198,32199,32199,panukasay,yet,train +32199,32200,32200,cecaya ku mata sanay ura cecay a mata mamanay madukaʼay macucukay nu pacek,one of Chens eyes was injured by a nail,test +32200,32201,32201,a mahiyatu ku heni,they are,train +32201,32202,32202,cilemed kaku,I dreamed a dream,train +32202,32203,32203,u lavii ku kasadademak i umah,use the evening for farming,train +32203,32204,32204,u maan ku tayal kira haw,do you have a lot of housework to do,train +32204,32205,32205,niira,his,train +32205,32206,32206,samanay ku taangay ira,how big does this tree have to be,train +32206,32207,32207,Macuwa^,what way,train +32207,32208,32208,aray tu pisitay nu misu minukay tu kaku,thank you for your hospitality I have to go now,train +32208,32209,32209,misausi tu haw kamu tu kalenuwa kakerahan nu liyal,have you calculated the ebb and flow of the sea,train +32209,32210,32210,anu nima miteselan ha siira kiya,no matter who does the embroidery you will know who it is,test +32210,32211,32211,pakacifar saan tikpaya a,a small bamboo raft crossed the mouth of the Xiuguluan River Jingpu,train +32211,32212,32212,a suvucan,births,train +32212,32213,32213,Waw Kainalan kamu haw hacuwa tu tahila ku maku hani,Oh wow I am so jealous when do I get to go,train +32213,32214,32214,tulu ku mapatirengay nu hakika a paisingan itiya,establishment of three tuberculosis hospitals,train +32214,32215,32215,Mahatefu ku hikuki i pahikukian,the plane landed at the airport,train +32215,32216,32216,O malmeday ku milungucay midu^duay tu nafalucuan nu Kawas a tamdaw nawhani u paparahkeren nu Kawas cangra,blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled,train +32216,32217,32217,ira ku kuwang nina adiwawa,kids have guns too,train +32217,32218,32218,Safahka sa ku tamdamdaw a ma^min a malalicalicay a sumuwal O maan a suwalan kunini Palimuut han ni Yis tu cisakuwanay ciicelay a suwal ku kaackan a adingu i sadak satu caira saan,all the people were amazed and said to each other What is this teaching with authority and power he gives orders to evil spirits and they come out,train +32218,32219,32219,iraay kura tulas,restrictive,train +32219,32220,32220,mamaan hakini pasasʼupuen ta kiingkiing,it would be so beautiful,test +32220,32221,32221,pakaen tiniyan u tuas nu mita u mavelecay nu mita,to our ancestors the departed,train +32221,32222,32222,nani cuwaay kisu,where are you from,train +32222,32223,32223,u saysalu,Jomima right,train +32223,32224,32224,masasuwal tu kami a tayra i luma ningra malalicay cingraan tuni a paaliwacan,we had arranged to visit his home this holiday for the interview,train +32224,32225,32225,u wina tu namu kiya haw,and your moms agreed,train +32225,32226,32226,ngaʼayay ku tuʼud,Acacia trees make great beams,train +32226,32227,32227,paciem sa ci Simun Pitiru i cingraan a sumuwal Licayen ci Yis tu nika cima ku nisuwalan Ningra han ningra,Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said Ask him which one he means,train +32227,32228,32228,Ocuren ni Yis kunini a tusaay ku safaw a tarukus a palimuut i cangraan Aka ka tayra i niyaru nu ruma a finacadan aka picumud tu niyaru nu Samariya a tamdaw,these twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans,train +32228,32229,32229,fa^eluh,renewed,train +32229,32230,32230,anu micicik kisu hatinien,if you are cutting,test +32230,32231,32231,kira nikalalais atu Ripun,the one with the Japanese,train +32231,32232,32232,niulung tu ratak kaku,I will carry the seedlings,train +32232,32233,32233,tu pikungling a cecay miheca itiya kami tu pikungling i Taynan,one year of training in Tainan,train +32233,32234,32234,pades,agony,train +32234,32235,32235,mansa suʼaraw kami i tingwa,I met my wife on the phone,train +32235,32236,32236,itiya hu i,before,train +32236,32237,32237,haenen tu mahaen tuku rayray,that is what order is,train +32237,32238,32238,wawahu kira cahu katuas hanaw,I was a young man not yet an adult,train +32238,32239,32239,ura mitanamay kaku miseking i,I am trying to take the test,train +32239,32240,32240,pakaenay tu pulung nu finaulan,cook it for everyone,test +32240,32241,32241,matira kura pitihay,that is the way it is,train +32241,32242,32242,maan san ka ci tiwtiw tu atu han kiya suwal i,and how do you tell the difference between raw and cooked,train +32242,32243,32243,aui paen nu,like blue papaya juice,train +32243,32244,32244,mikayakay tu kilang kira uner,the snake is climbing the tree,train +32244,32245,32245,a manen aku pisuʼayaw tu cinglaw,and how I deliver it to the public,train +32245,32246,32246,maherek tu nu finawlan ku pifadahung,everyone is got their roofs done,train +32246,32247,32247,icuwaan ku kasuay,which one is good,train +32247,32248,32248,o rumasatu ira ku kartengay a inurung nu falucu aku tu nanu rawraw a miharateng tu rumiamiad tu kalukiwkay,besides everything else I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches,train +32248,32249,32249,lilidan a miʼurung,collaborate on this project,train +32249,32250,32250,masadak ku cidal,the sun is out,test +32250,32251,32251,caay ka fana kamu saw tu nika u ccay nu tireng ni Kristu ku tireng namu Mangaay a alaen aku ku ccay nu tireng ni Kristu a patungud i tireng nu tasalamaan a fafahiyan saw caay ka ngaay,do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute Never,train +32251,32252,32252,tangasa sa nikahiyaʼan ku keru haw masadit ku keru nu heni,it was not until the last dance that everyone slowly stopped,train +32252,32253,32253,matengis,it is been a long time,train +32253,32254,32254,maan sa kiya singsi saan haen haen san,he asked me what the teacher said and I said I did not know,train +32254,32255,32255,kalas,seniors,train +32255,32256,32256,u ka Dipungan hu,it is still the Japanese period,train +32256,32257,32257,Frikiya atu Pamfiliya Icip atu ingataay nu Kirini a Lipiya a pala atu nai Lumaay kita a tayni,Phrygia and Pamphylia Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene visitors from Rome,train +32257,32258,32258,anu matiwac kura nisuwalen,if we are going to keep talking,train +32258,32259,32259,itiya i talipalaltu ku falucu ni Pitiru suwal sa Mahapinangtu aku i matini ucuren nu Tapang ku cuyuh a paurip takuwanan a pasadak a paliyas ci Hirutian atu misafalucuay tu sapipatayaw takuwanan a Yutaya a tamdaw saan,then Peter came to himself and said Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel and rescued me from Herods clutches and from everything the Jewish people were anticipating,train +32259,32260,32260,cacay ku dateng cacay ku kavi,one green vegetable and one soup,test +32260,32261,32261,pisananiwacan,where they grow green beans,train +32261,32262,32262,dungec,Wong Fujin,train +32262,32263,32263,malecaday tu u tau kuni sanay tu ku saʼusi,you are treated like an outsider,train +32263,32264,32264,talatuas,pas take,train +32264,32265,32265,pisakaruan,Mid autumn Festival,train +32265,32266,32266,hay yungziwngunin dengaytu,up to years,train +32266,32267,32267,o maan kura nisangaan isu,what are you working on,train +32267,32268,32268,naʼayaw napelupeluhan,a long time ago it was overgrown,train +32268,32269,32269,Mitaelif kami tu piacaan tu dateng adihay ku faeluhay a dateng nuya paacaay,we passed the vegetable stand which had a lot of fresh green vegetables,train +32269,32270,32270,iraay kura mitelian tira usaw ira,fishermen have reservations,test +32270,32271,32271,i Rian ku suwalan nu heni,they only talk about the dead,train +32271,32272,32272,cifalucuay a,intentional,train +32272,32273,32273,mitilid kaku tu rumiamiad minanam kaku tu suwal nu Amis tu rumiamiad papitengilen aku ci ina tu suwal aku,I go to school every day I learn the Amis language every day and I want to tell my mother,train +32273,32274,32274,mahaen adihay tu ku nipahakuwn nu tawu,people put a lot of boxes like this,train +32274,32275,32275,anu fa^edet ku rumiad i malahakelung tu kulung a tala lakelal a midanguy a misalama tu nanum,we took the cattle to the river for a swim in the heat,train +32275,32276,32276,itini ku maku a mi kitanan u,I am here to encourage us,train +32276,32277,32277,fangcal a nengnengen ku piyuk nura kaying,that lady is a great dancer,train +32277,32278,32278,matu tangic nu wawa ku tangic nu pusi tu dadaya sakacerenuhaw saan tu kami,the cries of cats at night are like the cries of a child and give us the creeps,train +32278,32279,32279,u piterungan nu urip nu Pangcah u tudung nu matunemnemay a urip nu Pangcah ku parud,symbolizes the life source of a family,train +32279,32280,32280,micakayay haw,the buyer,test +32280,32281,32281,ci Satan u papaliten,it will soon bind Satan,train +32281,32282,32282,pasuemetay,Let moisture,train +32282,32283,32283,misafatad misafata,lumberjack,train +32283,32284,32284,sanay haw ku singciw nu niyam,the captain said so,train +32284,32285,32285,mifuraw tura Hulam malaʼadipel,attacking a Han Chinese to become a hostage,train +32285,32286,32286,cacay a lalipayan papinaay hakiya ku adadaay,how many sick patients are there in a week,train +32286,32287,32287,Pasuvana kaku tu suwal nu Pangcah atu rayray nu vinacadan,teach Aboriginal language culture and art,train +32287,32288,32288,satatusa sakami aci mama maru itini i,that is why we two old people live on the eighth floor,train +32288,32289,32289,misaumahan nu Amis,the Amis reclaimed the fields,train +32289,32290,32290,u sapisaluma tangasa i matini i ira ku pikiyaki,thatched roof houses are still used for catching fish and building embankments to attract fish,test +32290,32291,32291,sumuwal cira,he said with great emphasis,train +32291,32292,32292,o kaumiay nu ina kaku,my mother spoiled me,train +32292,32293,32293,ciraheker,it is satisfying,train +32293,32294,32294,man han nira kura caciyaw i luma hiwawa,how is he going to communicate at home,train +32294,32295,32295,kaluhanahana,various flowers,train +32295,32296,32296,maimah,joy,train +32296,32297,32297,ikaka nu alumanay a finacadan a slal aku ku laluk aku a mituur tu nu Yutaya a pakayraan atu pisaicel aku a maimer tu lkakawa nu tatuasan ita,I was advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews of my own age and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers,train +32297,32298,32298,ca hu ca hu pinengneng tu tu,I did not look very hard,train +32298,32299,32299,o maparafacay kira huwak i piniwaniwan i pala,those ducks were put,train +32299,32300,32300,Mipuet cangra tu tangila caay pitngil tu sulin a suwal arawhani pasayra i awaay ^puc a kimad,they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths,test +32300,32301,32301,dasidas,Rapids,train +32301,32302,32302,u cima tu ku mamihedal tu rarum nu falucu,who can help,train +32302,32303,32303,kamauc,Rally,train +32303,32304,32304,natala lutuk kami a milisu ci vakiyan,we went to visit Grandpa in the mountains,train +32304,32305,32305,yasa saka sapat saka lima a safa aku i,my brother four and Five,train +32305,32306,32306,sasunien,utter,train +32306,32307,32307,cicir,water bridge made of bamboo grooves,train +32307,32308,32308,han aku matini talaayaw kamu mianip,it is the middle of the farming season,train +32308,32309,32309,sa ira tu ku tayal aku parakat satu kaku,the job lasted a while,train +32309,32310,32310,suped han nira adihay tu kuni sa,after collecting a lot of,test +32310,32311,32311,o nu tau kiya,for others,train +32311,32312,32312,palacecay,merger,train +32312,32313,32313,hatira sa ilu hu ikaytati hu kaniyam a luma,we were only building a first floor at that time,train +32313,32314,32314,ha kerid kami sa kya kuntung sa,the Cantonese said Let us go then,train +32314,32315,32315,Maaraw ni Yis ku nipipili nu lafang tu satadamaanay a kamaruan saka patinaku han ni Yis cangra a sumuwal,when he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table he told them this parable,train +32315,32316,32316,fafaeday,upper,train +32316,32317,32317,pawali hananay tu nu niyam kura,we have decided to expose it to the sun,train +32317,32318,32318,u kafanaan aku nama matuʼas kaku,when I was growing up as far as I know,train +32318,32319,32319,u tayrin i ayaw i ka Ripunan,during the Japanese colonial period,train +32319,32320,32320,Mikadafu ci Mayaw ci Panayan,Mayaw is inbred into Panayans house,test +32320,32321,32321,u nisimsim nu Cikasuwan,the vision that will be in the hearts of the Chikagawa people,train +32321,32322,32322,caykasaan kunu itiyaay hu makungcen kunu itiyaay hu,no more than in earlier times tribal norms are observed,train +32322,32323,32323,haha iraay ku kahirahira sanay tangful nu pakalungay,that is right there are also a variety of hip bells for teens,train +32323,32324,32324,simsim,Think,train +32324,32325,32325,kahmekan,I am so glad,train +32325,32326,32326,ngaʼay tudungen tu nu aniniay,so that modern people can learn to imitate it,train +32326,32327,32327,malasawad,disappearance,train +32327,32328,32328,anucila a cacay,the day after tomorrow,train +32328,32329,32329,anu miʼadup kamu i,while you are hunting,train +32329,32330,32330,pitaw,backhoe,test +32330,32331,32331,sa i ayaw haw i kita u Amis hananay,so we are Amis,train +32331,32332,32332,kasasirumaruma,various,train +32332,32333,32333,macaniker,Anti locked,train +32333,32334,32334,umaan sa kura imi tudung han aku a rumadiw,what do you mean I will sing along,train +32334,32335,32335,Taytung,school name,train +32335,32336,32336,nu mita u pasifana nu malitengay itiyahu hawi,early on our elders taught us that,train +32336,32337,32337,sa ira aca ku nipilunguc,how can we save the language of the indigenous people in the future,train +32337,32338,32338,Sasuwasuwal sa ku papinapina a nisawawaan Ningra O suwal ni Yis i Caaytu ka halafin ta awatu a maaraw namu Kaku Nikawrira cahu ka halafin i u mamaaraw haca namu Kaku saan o rumasatu a suwal ningra i Nawhani u tatayra Kaku ci Wamaan saan,some of his disciples said to one another What does he mean by saying In a little while you will see me no more and then after a little while you will see me and Because I am going to the Father,train +32338,32339,32339,o tadamaanay a tamdaw cingra,he is a noble high ranking person,train +32339,32340,32340,falinunu,a kind of glutinous rice,test +32340,32341,32341,saman kura kaying kapah nu mita,we young people nowadays,train +32341,32342,32342,panga^,male animal reproductive organs,train +32342,32343,32343,masa i tiniʼay sicucuʼay nu fafuy i caʼay kaʼenga a misasiraw,like this milky part of the body it is not suitable for savory meat,train +32343,32344,32344,pakayni i kungku a kimad nu tuas i u lalengawan nu Pangcah i ira kia u nisangaan hananay a kungkuatu namalenakay a rayray saan a ratuh,Among the Amis origin myths there are two major types of systems the creation myths and the omen legends,train +32344,32345,32345,itiyaay mituduh ca mira,they burned it at that time,train +32345,32346,32346,ira aca ku iraku hiya numita ilisin kiyami,do not we have something at the Toyotomi Festival,train +32346,32347,32347,pisakulian,where the work is done,train +32347,32348,32348,Talacuwa^ tu ci Panay,where did Panay go,train +32348,32349,32349,o mararumay a tamdaw cingra,he is a pessimist,train +32349,32350,32350,maecad tu ngaʼayay a fulad mi,it is like working on a good day,test +32350,32351,32351,tukar,spear,train +32351,32352,32352,taha liteng sa hatiraay,I am still keeping it until I am old,train +32352,32353,32353,licayen ni Yis ku nisawawaan Ningra O maan ku kalaliyaliyangan namu atu cangra saw han ningra,What are you arguing with them about he asked,train +32353,32354,32354,ira ku tadalisin nu Pangcah haw,do the Amis hold special ceremonies,train +32354,32355,32355,malalisanaw,to avoid catching a cold,train +32355,32356,32356,hatiraʼay kunu niyam a urip tayni i Taypay,this is my life in Taipei,train +32356,32357,32357,tu salikaka itira miuntukay,there is nothing to do there but run,train +32357,32358,32358,tahanini saan ku harateng,and that is how it is been done ever since,train +32358,32359,32359,paliwal kita tu kakaenen i piundukayan haw,will we sell food at the sports day,train +32359,32360,32360,anu valiyusan tahekal amin ku urang atu tuda,if there is a typhoon coming there are a lot of shrimps and eels coming out,test +32360,32361,32361,nawhani awa tu ku kaka nu maku,because I do not have my brothers and sisters anymore,train +32361,32362,32362,Mituur kaku ci amaan inacila tayra i icifa a paaca adihay ku mihawikidan mipalumaan ni ama tu dateng a tayra ira ku misangaan kaesuay a kakaenen nu Pangcah a pafeli tu alumanay,Yesterday I went to the market with my grandmother to set up a stall my grandmother brought a lot of vegetables that she grew herself and also prepared indigenous cuisine for everyone,train +32362,32363,32363,Mituul kita tu Kawas i mana miliyaliyas ku salikaka tu niyaru,why brothers and sisters after Christ leave the tribe,train +32363,32364,32364,hananghang,soreness,train +32364,32365,32365,pasevana mitengil yaca,what he entrusts to his family they must,train +32365,32366,32366,saka pasuwal kaku anini palasil tamuwanan,that is why it is so important to talk about what is on your mind,train +32366,32367,32367,anu du^duen ku Rikec i sulinay ma^deng a makurac ku maamaan pakayni i rmes anu caay ka sadak ku rmes i caay ka hpul ku raraw,in fact the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness,train +32367,32368,32368,fasiyaw,kite,train +32368,32369,32369,Orasaka salikakaaw tuna u mituuray kita tu Tapang saka nanay tuuren ku lunguc aku Paicelen ku falucu aku tuna u malcaday kita a mituur ci Kristuan,I do wish brother that I may have some benefit from you in the Lord refresh my heart in Christ,train +32369,32370,32370,kapah tu haw ca vaki,how are they,test +32370,32371,32371,kuwawi,earth Dragons eye,train +32371,32372,32372,Naay,will not,train +32372,32373,32373,nika adihay kamaen mawarak,but too much of it can be poisonous,train +32373,32374,32374,manayat i laluma,it is sticky inside,train +32374,32375,32375,awaay ku kayakay nu itiya hu,there used to be no bridges,train +32375,32376,32376,tuur satu haw,what is next,train +32376,32377,32377,tangasa i salupiku,getting to the turnaround,train +32377,32378,32378,tira saikur tumi palifet a tura icel nu kapah ma paikur,There the youth used his last strength,train +32378,32379,32379,micakay,purchase,train +32379,32380,32380,itiya yu miteluc hu mikisinafel ri,in fact the only thing we can do is to pick wild vegetables,test +32380,32381,32381,tengteng han nu tingsa,we will drag the tin slowly by the bicycle,train +32381,32382,32382,caykasingkiwen malatumuk,Unelected leader,train +32382,32383,32383,sakatulu u mamisadim yu sadim dengan yu mama ku mipalumaay tu sadim,Third poison ivy only father grows it,train +32383,32384,32384,o iyu maemin ku paru nu alufu ni ama,Grandmoms backpack was full of medicines,train +32384,32385,32385,misangaʼtu tu sapatalaw aca ku matuʼasay,the elders have also started to make bird catching soundboards,train +32385,32386,32386,Rarakadan nu mavelecay nu mita,taking a departed loved one with you,train +32386,32387,32387,i tini i luma a mipadang tu tayal nu mama atu wina,help your mom and dad at home,train +32387,32388,32388,mifadafung tu kira,it is time to put a roof on,train +32388,32389,32389,Citulas ku fana ita,our knowledge is limited,train +32389,32390,32390,sasepat ku paru nu luma niyam,there are four of us in our family,test +32390,32391,32391,hay i aka henay,Yes please wait,train +32391,32392,32392,manay ira ku ranam u lahuk atu lavi,so there is breakfast Lunch Dinner,train +32392,32393,32393,aru,take,train +32393,32394,32394,u yanan tu ku kuhaw han mikuhaw,I can only drink fish soup to cover my stomach,train +32394,32395,32395,Mangaay tu Mamaan,Sure no problem,train +32395,32396,32396,Saka walin hantu nangra kuya fukluh ta caa sa ci Yis a pasikakarayan a sumuwal Wamaaw mikansiya kaku i tisuwanan tu nipitngil isu tu lunguc Aku,so they took away the stone then Jesus looked up and said Father I thank you that you have heard me,train +32396,32397,32397,o ruma a sapaluma i matfad i fuklukluhan talacuwa mulngaw itu tuna caay ka su^met ku sra saka maicang kuya lngaw,some fell on rock and when it came up the plants withered because they had no moisture,train +32397,32398,32398,Diien nu ina ku diput nira a padiheku,mom sleeps next to her baby to keep him warm,train +32398,32399,32399,Kakapakapah ku falu i tira hakiya,the flowers there are beautiful are not they,train +32399,32400,32400,o adu nu sapisanga tu emu kunini,this is a template for rice cakes,test +32400,32401,32401,itiya a cacay i kalalikidan a tahekar nu heni,they only appear at the Harvest moon Festival,train +32401,32402,32402,mitiya u hanghang kita a mafuti ri,we sleep together like best friends,train +32402,32403,32403,o rakat ira nga pakiniay tini,they are coming from here,train +32403,32404,32404,kalikiay haw ku suwal hatirahatiraay sa i mafanaʼay tu,whenever there is any news it gets out very fast,train +32404,32405,32405,na venar simanta,you will not die if you eat it raw,train +32405,32406,32406,hayi tu i saw,that is true,train +32406,32407,32407,i ay a mihcaan iri,years,train +32407,32408,32408,maharek,end of the day Next,train +32408,32409,32409,anu tahapades kita madimadi tu Kawas papalaˈusi tu manan a patusukan hani,we are never tested because the Lord is displeased with us,train +32409,32410,32410,u ripun ku kemanay makaaraw,the Japanese ate it and were seen,test +32410,32411,32411,tataʼakay mi kami a misaʼupu kaku tu salikaka,there are large places where parishioners can gather,train +32411,32412,32412,nawnaw saan ku falucu aku,my heart floats bath,train +32412,32413,32413,katayni mikiaraw mahapinang nu misu ku tadasuelinay a urip nu Pangcah,you are welcome to join us and you can see the most authentic Amis culture,train +32413,32414,32414,celi,shout,train +32414,32415,32415,wad kaku a mitilid,I graduated from school I quit school,train +32415,32416,32416,away tu ku ketun aku,I have no descendants,train +32416,32417,32417,u pilauday kina paliyalan i dafak aruman tu ku salikaka itini a masaupu u mamidefung i liyal mamicekiw u mamidamay u mamitalacay u ruma a salikaka tatul tuna satikel ruma a mamicelem,along the coast of Wushipo is the tribes refrigerator where the tribe gathers early in the morning to gather seaweed and shellfish for food while others pick up fishing rods to catch fish,train +32417,32418,32418,yu mafcultu a ma^min ku tamdamdaw i falah hantu nangra ku ^mi i riyar a misakahmaw tu lunan,when they had eaten as much as they wanted they lightened the ship by throwing the grain into the sea,train +32418,32419,32419,Halisiraway tu kisu niy o maan hu,you really love cured meats what else can I get you,train +32419,32420,32420,masadak tu i katayalan i tiya,after going out to work,test +32420,32421,32421,pasuwal sa ci Pitiruan kuya kaulahan ni Yis a nisawawaan O Tapang han ningra matngil ni Simun Pitiru ku suwal tu Tapang sanay i calay han ningra ku kafafang i tatirengan ningra ta kfuh satu i fanaw,then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter It is the Lord as soon as Simon Peter heard him say It is the Lord he wrapped his outer garment around him and jumped into the water,train +32421,32422,32422,Kacaw,mans name,train +32422,32423,32423,matiya satu adihay aca ku salisin nu hiya,there were many different kinds of festivals,train +32423,32424,32424,Cipuyapuy ku anuf ningra i mahufuc tu raraw malahad ku raraw ningra i malasakapatay nuya tamdaw,but each one is tempted when by his own evil desire he is dragged away and enticed,train +32424,32425,32425,citirengay,in itself,train +32425,32426,32426,misairairay tu minapec tu tu urip nu tireng itiay hu,you are getting proud and discriminating against your own culture of life,train +32426,32427,32427,satataʼakay nu mipudaway itiya munabaw ku hiya,fishing for small fish the maximum water level that will float up,train +32427,32428,32428,unciyen,hot spring,train +32428,32429,32429,caʼay ku kucung,it is not Chugoku,train +32429,32430,32430,naw hani itiya hu iniyan kami haw u wawa nu matuasay,so be an old mans child,test +32430,32431,32431,fakeciwentu nu malitengay,the old mans measuring instruments are,train +32431,32432,32432,kilimen isu ku tau^ mikilim kaku tu singsi^,you find someone else I am going to find the teacher,train +32432,32433,32433,o maan sarakatay aku,the first piece is,train +32433,32434,32434,o kacifalucuan nu maku kisu,you are my favorite,train +32434,32435,32435,uray,quilt,train +32435,32436,32436,ta a maharek a mitilid tu siawsuei awaay ku papakaen tu kulung sa ku matuasay,after I graduated from elementary school the elders said no one could take care of the cows,train +32436,32437,32437,talalawac,seaside,train +32437,32438,32438,ya mitudungan aku itiya,all my modes operand,train +32438,32439,32439,aluman kami u awaay ku Cudad itiya hu,there were a lot of people like me back then,train +32439,32440,32440,mikadafu ci amaan mikadafu i Fataʼan ci amaan nu maku,repeat the story of my restored grandmother,test +32440,32441,32441,ruma hanen nu kulung kira,sometimes a cow will hit it with its horns,train +32441,32442,32442,hamimaan kuni matuʼasay saka,I treasure this opportunity,train +32442,32443,32443,oya aniniay a Rikec atu serangawan nu Yin cumincu iraay ku masasiikuray urasaka patirengen ita ku mafanaay tu nu Rikec a saki Rikec a tayal tu Yincumincu a saupu^ sanay ta masaysay maluwan ku rawraw i nanaman nu urip nu Yincumincu atu sakedec a Rikec nu Kitakit,where modern laws and indigenous traditional cultures are at odds we will set up an indigenous legal service center with a high degree of cultural sensitivity to reduce through institutional design the growing clashes between indigenous customs and modern laws,train +32443,32444,32444,mangataay nu pitilidan ku yufing han,is the post office close to the school,train +32444,32445,32445,o kacanglahan ku kahufucan isu,is your birthday in spring,train +32445,32446,32446,Ahuwid saan i Kawas ta mipcih tuya ^pang ta suwal sa O tudung nu makinafalahay tu saki tamuwanan a tireng Aku kunini haenen ku piharateng namu i Takuwanan saan,and when he had given thanks he broke it and said This is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me,train +32446,32447,32447,na sanay haw ku maku a piharateng tuni u nu mifutingay hananay,this is me examining my life as a fisherman,train +32447,32448,32448,telii,get angry,train +32448,32449,32449,letek,cut down,train +32449,32450,32450,o tangkuy ku nipalumaan nu maku,I grow winter squash,test +32450,32451,32451,o fangcalay mu^celay ku falucu ningra Nikawrira falahen namu cingra ngitangiten namu ci Pilatu a papitdal tu mipatayay ciraraway a tamdaw,you disowned the Holy and righteous one and asked that a murderer be released to you,train +32451,32452,32452,o saayaway a katatlekan i ira ku lkakawa tu pakayniay i pitaung o rumasatu ira ku nisangaan nu tamdaw a pitaungan a luma,now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary,train +32452,32453,32453,maulah milimek ciira i su^metay atu i fukelukeluhan,it likes to hide in wet places and rocks,train +32453,32454,32454,adif,fence,train +32454,32455,32455,saumelaen,cherished,train +32455,32456,32456,nika anini caay tu ka tama ku mala nawhani iraay tu ku paylang,it is no longer an option because there are more Han Chinese,train +32456,32457,32457,itiya misafalucu kami,we will make a plan,train +32457,32458,32458,itini tuna tarawadaw ku halaluwadan nu masakaputay a demak,the Xiuguluan river was the main site of this collective action,train +32458,32459,32459,Ladum han ni ina aku i taladaw ku sapinginguy aku saan matira kunu itiyaʼay hu ku nika,every day my mom would bring bath water from the Xiuguluan river for me to wash,train +32459,32460,32460,pakamaru,give up ones seat,test +32460,32461,32461,Ikur malalengu tu ising cangra licayan ku wina makahi cingra malinah tayra i Matakaska hukira,Later after consulting a doctor Thierry and Nadia asked their mother if she wanted to move from France to Madagascar to live with them,train +32461,32462,32462,itila,there,train +32462,32463,32463,aca,again,train +32463,32464,32464,u cecay fulad papay sakaku itiya hu kami nu misiyakay hu,about a month,train +32464,32465,32465,fataan,pigeon pea,train +32465,32466,32466,maherek a malahuk i tayraay kami i padatengan a midateng,after lunch we went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables,train +32466,32467,32467,Tanuktuk tu ku tireng aku,I am healthy and strong,train +32467,32468,32468,sakiilisin a radiw atu keru tunu laday a radiw sapihalhal tu lafang a keru atu sakilisin a radiw atu keru hatiniay ku kasasiruma nu radiw nu Pangcah,Feast songs and dances lyrical songs and dances songs and dances for the Harvest Festival General songs and dances welcome dances and Festival songs and dances,train +32468,32469,32469,patenak ngangan nu Kawas,to reveal the great and Holy name of God,train +32469,32470,32470,Saikur cuwa ka lakisaw ku mitukelan ni Hapakuk,in the end Habakkuks expectations were not disappointed,test +32470,32471,32471,patesek,aim,train +32471,32472,32472,aray hatini haca ku paini nu maku,I am happy to share this with you,train +32472,32473,32473,paluma tu dateng,growing vegetables,train +32473,32474,32474,miseking,go to the exam,train +32474,32475,32475,nukay satu kaku tahira han niyam i luma cay ka maan kuya luma,we went home but fortunately it was not damaged,train +32475,32476,32476,mikuli isaw,operate,train +32476,32477,32477,mafakil kami sa,he said we do not know,train +32477,32478,32478,Milihacul ku pahuting tu dafadafak,cattle breeders milk the cows every morning,train +32478,32479,32479,Pacauf sa kuya fafahiyan Awaay ku fainay aku han ningra pasuwal sa ci Yis Awaay ku fainay aku sa kisu i matamaaytu,I have no husband she replied Jesus said to her You are right when you say you have no husband,train +32479,32480,32480,u kalu demak emin han pacici tu nu Payrang nu kuka i,all of them are mandatory to follow the Chinese and national standards,test +32480,32481,32481,nu niyam si wawa iri,we raised kids back then,train +32481,32482,32482,Nikawrira maurat ku tarukus a mitngil tunini a suwal saka caay pasulin cangra tu suwal nuya fafahiyan,but they did not believe the women because their words seemed to them like nonsense,train +32482,32483,32483,salaw ca tu katayra ku malitengay misa maumah tura tukus misakukukukuh,that is why the old man no longer cultivates the farmland on his hill raises chickens and so on,train +32483,32484,32484,anu sadengay han ku nipiala anu dengay tu kemaen ku viyaviyaw,it is just enough to make up for the fact that the neighbors have enough to eat,train +32484,32485,32485,Nawiru maharateng hu^ isu,how do you remember,train +32485,32486,32486,misanka tu matiniay sakeru,beginning to participate in such activities,train +32486,32487,32487,cimaraday,ironclad,train +32487,32488,32488,fangcal itu,it is good too,train +32488,32489,32489,taynien a mipili,choose,train +32489,32490,32490,u kunga ku ni kaenan,all you eat is groundnuts,test +32490,32491,32491,o teluc nira facal kaenen,you can eat the heart of this sugarcane,train +32491,32492,32492,feded2,bundle,train +32492,32493,32493,tumuwa,Zhang Dazui,train +32493,32494,32494,itira ku katuʼas nu urip nu maku,I grew up there,train +32494,32495,32495,saka hatiraay saka,that is it,train +32495,32496,32496,yu minukaytu ku kapah a talaniyaru tangsul satu a mipafatis tu nikaira nu futing u satataangay a futing i unu matuasay u kalas nu niyaru,upon their return the youths immediately began to share their catch with the largest being given to the oldest elder,train +32496,32497,32497,malapakuyuc kisu,you will be poor,train +32497,32498,32498,miruniay,a loofah picker,train +32498,32499,32499,hakulungen,belt,train +32499,32500,32500,Kaesu ku sweykwu hay,how is the fruit,test +32500,32501,32501,u tatuʼasay nu Pangcah a sinafal,a dish that used to be eaten by clansmen,train +32501,32502,32502,micidekay,special,train +32502,32503,32503,Palitaaw nu makumay ira hen hakiya,Well let me see is there any more,train +32503,32504,32504,sasepat tu kami,there is only four people left in the house,train +32504,32505,32505,Hayda pasuwal han tu aku ci Kacaw,Okay I will tell Kacaw for you,train +32505,32506,32506,tu waluay a bulad iri,to be conducted in August,train +32506,32507,32507,samaanen niira a talapipaisingan,how does he go to the hospital,train +32507,32508,32508,sapacauv,answer it,train +32508,32509,32509,parurangen,increase the number of structural trees,train +32509,32510,32510,nawhani makaliyahay,it is because I am in a trance,test +32510,32511,32511,cingra ku sakahpul nu raraw ita caay ku raraw ita a ccay haluraraw nu pulung nu tamdamdaw a hpulen ningra,he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world,train +32511,32512,32512,malacidek tu kuya mararamuday,the couple is divorced,train +32512,32513,32513,itiratira satu kaku a maru,I will be living in this house for a long time,train +32513,32514,32514,maadah nira kura fafahiyan sa,he healed that girl,train +32514,32515,32515,tayni u misakitangay tu,when I came to Jianji Mine I worked as a miner too,train +32515,32516,32516,itiya hu ku mama,in the old days,train +32516,32517,32517,katilu,fig suffer a reverse,train +32517,32518,32518,i nacila a lipay,going to worship,train +32518,32519,32519,i kacanglahan ku kasufucan nu maku,my birthday is in the spring,train +32519,32520,32520,ku ina ku mama ku fufu nu misu,your Parents elderly story,test +32520,32521,32521,el^el,choke with emotion,train +32521,32522,32522,samadahen tu a mipalu ku wawa,it is better to hit children gently,train +32522,32523,32523,Tuniya pina miheca u misakafahay demak malifetay aku ku lipahak a dademak ci Yihufaan,over the years pioneer work has allowed me to experience the joy of serving the LORD,train +32523,32524,32524,munanaw,go to the toilet,train +32524,32525,32525,manengnengay,seen,train +32525,32526,32526,miduicad,peeling the bark of a tree,train +32526,32527,32527,naw awa tu ku limaw,there is no time,train +32527,32528,32528,ira hen adihay,a lot more,train +32528,32529,32529,malepun tu ku demak,the thing was done,train +32529,32530,32530,aray han ci faki haw,we are grateful to the Elders,test +32530,32531,32531,pakacakil,from steep and dangerous trails,train +32531,32532,32532,o kumaenay a tamdaw i spat a patek ku fainayan caay ka sausi ku fafahiyan atu wawa,the number of those who ate was four thousand besides women and children,train +32532,32533,32533,samaanen ku piala wasa kita alatek,you might want to know how it is harvested,train +32533,32534,32534,tayra i sakatulu a tingruh iraay tila,go to the third floor that is where they are,train +32534,32535,32535,kunisan,lines,train +32535,32536,32536,itini 1951 miheca micudiyap kaku i kawcung wa misaˈusi tu hanuikur nu niyah itiya,I graduated from high school in and needed to make a decision about my future,train +32536,32537,32537,ku demak nu,organized by the Council of indigenous peoples,train +32537,32538,32538,mikulismas,Christmas,train +32538,32539,32539,cakai anu cecay tu a lipay tiyan haw i,even for a week,train +32539,32540,32540,anu alaen hawi hatinien a milecek,if you are going to take it cut it down like this,test +32540,32541,32541,nga a pina ku rumiʼad i malingad tu tayra i ku urip hu nu maku a urip itiya hu,after a couple of days we will continue on to the Indian Ocean which is where I lived back then,train +32541,32542,32542,nifarasian,objects to be poured,train +32542,32543,32543,tu emu anini satu,sweet rice cake now,train +32543,32544,32544,o makriday nu Adingu nu Kawas a tamdaw i u wawatu nu Kawas,because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God,train +32544,32545,32545,satapang kaku a parakat tu,I am starting to drive a linking truck,train +32545,32546,32546,pikakaenan,shout loudly,train +32546,32547,32547,cecay tu,there is one left,train +32547,32548,32548,fucul,arrow,train +32548,32549,32549,karaw kiya awaay ku ca ka hakuwa ku sasing manengneng niyam,but we have not seen many photos,train +32549,32550,32550,kedi han kya tireng nira i makediʼay san,he turned his body into a flat shape,test +32550,32551,32551,patingwa hantu aku ku matuʼasay,I started to contact the elders,train +32551,32552,32552,u ruma a tamdaw mi,some people,train +32552,32553,32553,u nian tu a,after I change this,train +32553,32554,32554,a hay,that is right,train +32554,32555,32555,ira i mata isu ku mifalatay a kilang Saka caay ka ngaay kisu a sumuwal tu Alaaw aku ku cuca nu mata isu saan a sumuwal i salikaka,how can you say to your brother Let me take the speck out of your eye when all the time there is a plank in your own eye,train +32555,32556,32556,waya anu awaay kisu,Seriously if it was not for you,train +32556,32557,32557,Muhmuhting ku mihicayay i naayaw,the fry fishermen used to be blacker than each other,train +32557,32558,32558,malunenay,seismic,train +32558,32559,32559,namin a tamdaw u niyan,i no fish,train +32559,32560,32560,anu milunguc ku wawa isu tu ^pang i tisuwanan i cima namu ku pafli sanay tu fukluh i wawa nu tireng saw,Which of you if his son asks for bread will give him a stone,test +32560,32561,32561,nipisurit,diary,train +32561,32562,32562,waw samaanen aku a mipacuk sa a matalaw a milaliw,how am I supposed to kill it I am running away from the scene in fear,train +32562,32563,32563,uya sa tu ya malingaday nengnenghan nira mapud tu cingra,the farmer looked and went down,train +32563,32564,32564,o Yencumin kamu han,are you aboriginals,train +32564,32565,32565,Ngaay hu Kacaw,Hello Kacaw,train +32565,32566,32566,inacila,three days ago,train +32566,32567,32567,nanumen,drink water,train +32567,32568,32568,o taengaday tu falucu ita ku suwal nu was,the word of God brings light to our hearts,train +32568,32569,32569,tilivi,television,train +32569,32570,32570,tayhira i lima ku mihecaan kiya,by the time I am,test +32570,32571,32571,u teluc atu teluc haw awaay ku epuc,the future of future generations is hopeless,train +32571,32572,32572,paliyaw hu cingra a mikalic tayra tuya kilang tayrahan nira tuya kilang i,he went back and climbed up the tree,train +32572,32573,32573,pafeli hananay niyam kura faki aku da nisahatira,I will just give the house to my uncle,train +32573,32574,32574,nikihatiaya hu kaku tu kaʼemangay maumah,I work with young people too,train +32574,32575,32575,anu macahiw ku tatayni itini pasaetip sanay saka,if there is anyone heading north who is hungry there is a place to rest,train +32575,32576,32576,ma niyaru minukay saan i,what about when we get back to the tribe,train +32576,32577,32577,o citanengay a tamdaw cingra,he is a person of wisdom,train +32577,32578,32578,mangaay tu,as well,train +32578,32579,32579,micakay kaku tu cilah i huni,I just went to buy saltines,train +32579,32580,32580,fangcal itu maulah tu ku alumanay a misausi tu fangcalay cutad,it is good that many people read the Bible,test +32580,32581,32581,makeru ku kaying amin atu matuasay u wawa siningkay,all the ladies old people children and young people participated in the dance,train +32581,32582,32582,o sutasutaan ku nuwalian nu tarawadaw,the east bank of the river is all dirt fields,train +32582,32583,32583,anu pakaynien i tamdaw nu vavainayan maka ala tu cacay a pakatekenan ira ku lima a pulu,if you count the number of heads there are about boys,train +32583,32584,32584,zyuicikace sivaru ku Vataan haw,tree peas bloom around November,train +32584,32585,32585,curah,burning,train +32585,32586,32586,miala itini mihaen,take it from here,train +32586,32587,32587,ka i satiraw haca kisu tu mamang,you go a little further over there,train +32587,32588,32588,Misadipung ku ayam i kilakilangan,birds are nesting in the woods,train +32588,32589,32589,saka anini awaay tu ku matuʼasay mafanaʼay a mikungku,that is why there are no elders left in the Maguadayan tribe who remember the stories,train +32589,32590,32590,Ngaay tu Mu^tep tusa^ pulu tulu^ pulu sepat pulu lima^ pulu enem pulu pitu^ pulu falu^ pulu siwa^ pulu Aya caay kaedeng Siwa^ pulu kina pida^ kini,Good Ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety Oops not enough only ninety dollars,test +32590,32591,32591,cima kura tamdaw,who is that person,train +32591,32592,32592,Nanuya ira ci Yis nai Nacali nu Kalili a pala Painuen ni Yuhani cingra i Yurtan a alu,at that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan,train +32592,32593,32593,adihay ku nipizunvi nu niyaru tu nu malasungay a kawlah,the tribesmen have prepared a lot of prizes for the marathon,train +32593,32594,32594,sa mahaenay ku tudungay nu tayal,that is the way it works,train +32594,32595,32595,i puna nu Amis litapangan nu Pangcah itiya,the Amis are taught from the navel the mothers body,train +32595,32596,32596,kuya,indistinct,train +32596,32597,32597,masadak nani siyataw maedeng lima a fun ku rarakaten tahira tu,it only takes five minutes after you walk out of the station,train +32597,32598,32598,u picabelan nu icuwacuwaay a,it is a must see spot for passersby,train +32598,32599,32599,tiraay i nakureng,the sound comes from the jug,train +32599,32600,32600,mita Amis a pinangan sanay ku wina niyam,our mom says it is a traditional Amis custom,test +32600,32601,32601,o luma i,Also,train +32601,32602,32602,sicikafay,with fish scales,train +32602,32603,32603,mahaen u sadadingu ku tingalaw,it is like a mirror,train +32603,32604,32604,sa iraay ku malukakaenen,enough food,train +32604,32605,32605,sakacecay rumiʼad awa hu minukay,it is been a day and you have not come home yet,train +32605,32606,32606,tira kaku nihanghang u,that is where I play Oh,train +32606,32607,32607,mamaan simsimen ku niyan,issues for reflection,train +32607,32608,32608,caka saan,he will not say Founding Fathers Memorial,train +32608,32609,32609,man tura salil,What the net,train +32609,32610,32610,lafasfuwas,overflow,test +32610,32611,32611,Pawacuen ku adawang nu luma,put a dog on guard at the door,train +32611,32612,32612,itiya i ira ku mikriday a patayra i ci Yisan tu ccay a maaruay nu palafuay u mapuhaway u maapaay cingra adahen ni Yis cingra saka caciyawtu pakaarawtu cingra,then they brought him a demon possessed man who was blind and mute and Jesus healed him so that he could both talk and see,train +32612,32613,32613,Masasmanay kisu u manan kura u misu Piharatengan,Chenille asks what is your responsibility and mission to the Amish people,train +32613,32614,32614,caay kilifen ni Yuhani cangra patalahkal han ningra a sumuwal Caay ku Kristu kaku han ningra,he did not fail to confess but confessed freely I am not the Christ,train +32614,32615,32615,itiyahu tengil han ku ngangan cima nganganan san mahapinang kiya Mayaw Mayawan a u ʼamiʼamisay,in those days people with the name Ma Yao came from the north,train +32615,32616,32616,kumaen cira haw,when he eats,train +32616,32617,32617,pihaliyuk haca ilisin ku Tafalung ray,Tai Pak long tribal Festival,train +32617,32618,32618,saka tusa a remiʼad,the next day for the departed,train +32618,32619,32619,o urip aku i ipairasan mi sufuc nuwina kaku,I was born in the Fuyuan tribe in Hualien County,train +32619,32620,32620,ilalikul hen ku Pangcah,the Amis are still back there,test +32620,32621,32621,Sahetu san mafanaʼay pakuntaw ya Tangafulan,those Pingpu people are very good at boxing,train +32621,32622,32622,mikaput,join,train +32622,32623,32623,ta krid hantu ningra ca Pawlu aci Silas a patayra i luma ningra a patahka cangraan salipahak sa cingra atu paru nu luma a ma^min tu nika pasulintu nangra tu Kawas,the jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God he and his whole family,train +32623,32624,32624,maulah ku ina a mipariku tu wawa nira tu fa^luhay riku,mothers like to dress their children in new clothes,train +32624,32625,32625,samatiyaen,alike,train +32625,32626,32626,minukay tu a malasufitay cingra nga,as soon as he comes back from the army,train +32626,32627,32627,hatiraay kiya demak itiyahu,that is the way it was back then,train +32627,32628,32628,malaapetay,as a brother in law,train +32628,32629,32629,mangata tu ku pitipusan,approaching the rice cutting period,train +32629,32630,32630,hatira ku tarayaay,this is the average human longevity,test +32630,32631,32631,tira i lawac nu hiya,on that side,train +32631,32632,32632,patata,preparation,train +32632,32633,32633,madakaw,take,train +32633,32634,32634,Pina^ ku aca^ nunini a felac,how much is this bag of rice,train +32634,32635,32635,nu mita anu caay katulu anucaay ka tefad,I have been dead for a long time I look back on it now with a deep sense of,train +32635,32636,32636,tukisu,passion fruit,train +32636,32637,32637,mitaʼung kita tu lamit nu mita i tini niyaru,visiting our people it is our roots,train +32637,32638,32638,ira ku mafanaʼay rumadiw,some of them are really good singers,train +32638,32639,32639,tedi,light,train +32639,32640,32640,lalavu,internal,test +32640,32641,32641,iranan ku tayal nu maku,I have been doing the same thing all along,train +32641,32642,32642,aca aku tunu luma aca,the main reason I came home,train +32642,32643,32643,suwalen nu wina atu mama kurira a wina nu kaying,parents explain to women,train +32643,32644,32644,mamelawan,for viewing,train +32644,32645,32645,halafinaytu,long,train +32645,32646,32646,Nikaurira u mamaadah ku duka aku anucila,but it will heal in a few days,train +32646,32647,32647,maruray kisu tu ratuh nu petun isu,you are tired of listening to your brothers and sisters,train +32647,32648,32648,saadayay sa ci Yis i cingraan Saka laya sa tu kamay a mikapa i cingraan O falucu Aku i tisuwanan kakuractu han ningra a sumuwal,filled with compassion Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man I am willing he said Be clean,train +32648,32649,32649,anu maraud kunini u unini u kailisinan anu han aca i,n and Han act,train +32649,32650,32650,Hay ini tu pinanumi,Yes please,test +32650,32651,32651,tangasa anini kiraan ci Rinuʼan hananay,that is what I have been saying about that place until now,train +32651,32652,32652,itiya hu tuna Cawi hananay,Tranquility at that time,train +32652,32653,32653,u maan ku kaulahan nu misu a midemak,what are your interests,train +32653,32654,32654,nu havay iri,as for millet,train +32654,32655,32655,itiratu mahakelunkelung ku kaemangay,the kid went up the hill with me,train +32655,32656,32656,nu mitiluay nu ira ku widang haw i,can you come over to the house,train +32656,32657,32657,ciira,it,train +32657,32658,32658,u maan ku sapahanhan nu vuting,what do fish breathe,train +32658,32659,32659,rahkad,steam,train +32659,32660,32660,harateng sa tu aya ira ini kuya takula sa nu maku sa,Ah my frog was here he thought I said,test +32660,32661,32661,ta maan sa paener itini i sifu u suwal nu matuʼasay i aya u masacawiʼay saan,there is a low topography in the center and the old man said This is a basin,train +32661,32662,32662,u caayay tu kalalesiyan a malavades,there will never be a tsunami disaster,train +32662,32663,32663,kahemekan aku Cingra,I will rejoice and be glad in Him,train +32663,32664,32664,a sanu Pangcah ku kacipaʼay haw,what is the Amish name for yam,train +32664,32665,32665,cima ku malacungtungay saw,who became president,train +32665,32666,32666,haen han a midateng u nian ku kaenen ira,this is the section that you are picking up,train +32666,32667,32667,ku sapilaedis niyam,our fishing Festival,train +32667,32668,32668,itini i Taypey ku falucu nangra,their minds are up north,train +32668,32669,32669,paseileiay tu minukay tayra i luma haw,when the baptized go home,train +32669,32670,32670,misawilʼiay,in the case of the drain,test +32670,32671,32671,u tepi nira ilus nira u misangaʼan tu aul ku tepi nira,their spoons are also made of bamboo,train +32671,32672,32672,sapitekep,Capture the apparatus that captures,train +32672,32673,32673,paliyas,get out of the way,train +32673,32674,32674,iraay ku malitemuhay tu kahemekan,I have had some good things happen to me,train +32674,32675,32675,kuhetingay kareteng,the black cloth is heavy,train +32675,32676,32676,o nika sumuwal ku ngaay,you should speak,train +32676,32677,32677,tanudahetal,a lot of plains,train +32677,32678,32678,nu namum a tali,taro in Nanyang,train +32678,32679,32679,a misanga tu parud,cook,train +32679,32680,32680,mahaen tu aluman malalitemutumuh kami ku pitilu yan sa,we will meet other hunters,test +32680,32681,32681,namicudad,read,train +32681,32682,32682,u kalitang hu ngaʼayay u runi,as long as it is beans and loofahs,train +32682,32683,32683,maedeng tu kita pahanhan a matayal,my companion and I should lay down our farm work,train +32683,32684,32684,i urip isu mi,in your lifetime,train +32684,32685,32685,Cakay,buy,train +32685,32686,32686,tatamurungen nu mita,what kind of responsibility will come with it,train +32686,32687,32687,papilinsiwen nu mita tu caciyaw nu Amis ca nira,encourage them to learn their language,train +32687,32688,32688,kapadesan,distress,train +32688,32689,32689,yan tu i nani tira i Cilamitay,from Giramidai,train +32689,32690,32690,ya tayra i caay tu pilingwa,I do not care when I get there,test +32690,32691,32691,hatiraay sa anu awaay kura faki aku ci,all this would have been possible without my uncle Chen Jiachun,train +32691,32692,32692,cecay suut,hundred dollars,train +32692,32693,32693,Pusungay,Taitung,train +32693,32694,32694,micuwacuay,one who is stirring,train +32694,32695,32695,tanu,on and on,train +32695,32696,32696,suwal satu ku cikawasay misurikuray tu niʼan u ni pateli pipatata aku sa patayra patata hananay pateli tu turun tu epah atu icep haw atu fila aca ura tafaku,Priests Note the family members are asked to turn to their backs mainly because there are special offerings of glutinous rice cake rice wine and betel nut and cigarettes for the ancestors by the priest,train +32696,32697,32697,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O laluwadan nu nika tatlek atu Kawas a masadakay a rmes aku tu saki alumanay a tamdaw kunini,This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many he said to them,train +32697,32698,32698,mimin ku luwan nu Wen Cyin Can nu niyam i,man Kin station is a very small venue,train +32698,32699,32699,u nu matuduhay tu kiya hatiniay hay,it burns like this,train +32699,32700,32700,lalima kami malikaka haw i,there are five of us,test +32700,32701,32701,caay ka cikucu ciira a cumikay,he ran without shoes,train +32701,32702,32702,ya kankufu hayi saan,and the nurse replied,train +32702,32703,32703,tira sa kami sarumiʼad,we were there all day,train +32703,32704,32704,tanu remes satu ku tireng nangra,blood flowed from their bodies,train +32704,32705,32705,saka kita u Pangcah u raremaka tu katawal nu mita ku suwal nu Pangcah huw,so what about us the next generation of Amis do not forget our language,train +32705,32706,32706,nanay takaraw tu ku wawa^ aku,may my children grow up,train +32706,32707,32707,uhatiraay haw,Oh I see,train +32707,32708,32708,adihay tu ku kafanaan nu maku tu suwal nu Amis,I have learned many Amis languages,train +32708,32709,32709,mahaenay kiya urip aku mahaenay ku ilisin hananay sa kaku,I did not realize the Festival was like this until now,train +32709,32710,32710,tuna ayaway,past Clansman period,test +32710,32711,32711,capu,the act of cutting,train +32711,32712,32712,pamatang,open up,train +32712,32713,32713,matayal ku maumahay tahadadaya,farmers work into the night,train +32713,32714,32714,Parakaten nu maku ku tulaku,I drove the truck,train +32714,32715,32715,catu kaʼedeng tura micekiwan,there is not enough seafood and shells to go around,train +32715,32716,32716,hay icuwaya kisu hufuceng,where were you born,train +32716,32717,32717,Mafana kami tu nipipasuwal nu Kawas ci Musian Nikawrira unini a tamdaw i caay ka fana kami tu nika u nai cuwaay cingra han nangra,we know that God spoke to Moses but as for this fellow we do not even know where he comes from,train +32717,32718,32718,tanukadangaway,it is all mosquitoes,train +32718,32719,32719,malumafanay tu a mihapinag minengneng tu tilid nu Amis,I am starting to read the Amish writing symbols,train +32719,32720,32720,ku mamelaway,history of the Shichibukawa tribe,test +32720,32721,32721,u hahahiyaan aca kura lahengaay a tevus,the red cane is used to make sugar,train +32721,32722,32722,ca ka hiya,it is not that confusing,train +32722,32723,32723,tingalaw tu nanum san iʼayaw kami,we drink the water when it is clear,train +32723,32724,32724,tuna ira kunini a dmak saka alatayrayra sa ku rumaruma a adadaay nuya kanatal a ma^min a papiadah,when this had happened the rest of the sick on the Island came and were cured,train +32724,32725,32725,miradum sa ku fafahiyan ira laenu,the women had to run to the foot of the mountain to get water,train +32725,32726,32726,a mikuku tamiyanan a tayra i kiwkay,catch us up to the church,train +32726,32727,32727,matira,that is right,train +32727,32728,32728,nawhan ira kiya hacul ira kahengaay kira haw,does not this one secrete red juice,train +32728,32729,32729,fatad,en route,train +32729,32730,32730,matiraay aka pisaakuwakuway kita,so let us not be presumptuous,test +32730,32731,32731,masakapahay,young man,train +32731,32732,32732,Maciem nu kaput ciira saka awaay ku widang nira,he was despised by his partner so he had no friends,train +32732,32733,32733,sikitinien nu mita u wawa,we start with the kids,train +32733,32734,32734,Pacauf sa ci Kliupas hananay ci Yisan O i tiniay kisu i Yirusalim i nawiru caay ka fana kisu tu nanu dmak i niyaru ita anini saw han ningra,one of them named Cleopas asked him Are you only a visitor to Jerusalem and do not know the things that have happened there in these days,train +32734,32735,32735,maherek tu kamu miteluc kamaru hu saan,everyone is finished sit down,train +32735,32736,32736,itira maʼaraw nu ku tayal aku,and because of this work I have been in touch with government organizations,train +32736,32737,32737,a samaanen nira a sumuwal,how is he going to say it,train +32737,32738,32738,u kamay nu tamdaw ku kacipinangan,how does ones hand decide what is good or bad,train +32738,32739,32739,itini ku ka kuwangan hannanay niyam,shoot him,train +32739,32740,32740,u husu cira,she is a nurse,test +32740,32741,32741,malemed kami a taha luma anini milidu i,the other half is for the family,train +32741,32742,32742,Namapasadaktu kuya finawlan i paputal i cumud satu ci Yis i kafutian nuya wawa tengteng han ni Yis ku kamay ningra i luwad satu cingra,after the crowd had been put outside he went in and took the girl by the hand and she got up,train +32742,32743,32743,ila ku fufu u wina u wama u fafahiyan a safa atu kaku,there is grandma mom dad sister and me,train +32743,32744,32744,i tayni midefung ku Hulam atu Sipangya,when the Dutch and Spanish entered Taiwan,train +32744,32745,32745,saku malitengay,elders talk too much to kids,train +32745,32746,32746,tatapangan,treetop,train +32746,32747,32747,mahaen kiya haen han naku kiya na hana,I drew flowers in this situation and arranged them in this picture,train +32747,32748,32748,yan tu i,Later,train +32748,32749,32749,hai u ruma sa i ya aniniay i adihay ku itiraay i pitilidan a singsi haw,there are many teachers at the school,train +32749,32750,32750,cayhukafana ku itiyaayhu a tamdaw,people in the old days did not even know about it,test +32750,32751,32751,nisuwalan nu maku,I am talking,train +32751,32752,32752,ala,to take,train +32752,32753,32753,uraan kiya mipiliʼan nu malitengay tu,these are the people the old man wants,train +32753,32754,32754,o halafinaytu ku lengaw nu runirun i Tafalung,this Acanthopanax has been growing in Tai Po long Valley for a long time,train +32754,32755,32755,o nipalumaan aku a kunga kuni tanamen a kumaen,this is the sweet potato I grow try it,train +32755,32756,32756,u siyakay ku nimaanay nu faʼinay su san kaku mihining kisuwan,what is the point of your husband having a job,train +32756,32757,32757,talukan,chicken coop,train +32757,32758,32758,anu nimaan maemin ku demak nu niyaru itiya hu,the whole tribesman business big and small,train +32758,32759,32759,Matekal kuya ^tang,that bucket is warped,train +32759,32760,32760,aka tiliden ku ngangan nu ka^mangayhu a mapunengay nawhani u cacifalucuhu cangra tu sakaciramudaw Orasaka u mamiliyas cingra ci Kristuan,as for younger widows do not put them on such a list for when their sensual desires overcome their dedication to Christ they want to marry,test +32760,32761,32761,caay haw kapawku,will not you get a flat tire,train +32761,32762,32762,sailalanpu,ministry of transport,train +32762,32763,32763,na n de naku kayu,why are you crying,train +32763,32764,32764,Naay milinah hu^ kami tu cudad,No we have to carry books first,train +32764,32765,32765,o maririday tu ni ina aku kira sunan aku,my grandson was dragged by his mom,train +32765,32766,32766,tanulusa satu kuya kaying nira,his girlfriend weeps from time to time,train +32766,32767,32767,fangcal ku nian kilamalikaka mafana a mihalateng,the siblings are very affectionate and thoughtful,train +32767,32768,32768,karatangic,cry,train +32768,32769,32769,ira ku manmaan mahemak kaku tu aniniay wawa,I envy kids today,train +32769,32770,32770,saka tangasa i matini katuʼasan i u matuʼasay tu kaku han aku ku wawa i,I used to come and cut thatch until now when I am old enough to tell my children that I am old,test +32770,32771,32771,mituur haw a tayni i Kilung mifuting,I followed them to Keelung to fish,train +32771,32772,32772,Cupa han nu maku i tangila nira a mipalihud,I leaned close to his ear and said in secret,train +32772,32773,32773,caʼay ka sipinnang kina demak tina mahaenay kinademak,maybe you do not know about this festival,train +32773,32774,32774,sahetu ura fai ha hay awaay ku nu tau,did the ahjumma do it all of them no one else,train +32774,32775,32775,Palatuluen nira a pasacefang ku sufitay,he made the soldiers into three groups,train +32775,32776,32776,misacedeng,time consuming,train +32776,32777,32777,hay i lalabu i bekubekuluhan,Yes deep into the reef,train +32777,32778,32778,maacang ku tayniay anini,everyone who came today enjoyed the fun,train +32778,32779,32779,cacudadan,schools,train +32779,32780,32780,Ngaay hu mapulung Anini^ a rumiad kiriden nu singsi^ kita a tayra i niyaru milisu tu matuasay,hello everyone today I am taking you to the tribe to interview the elders,test +32780,32781,32781,u taʼarawan a wama sanay kuni paya itini i ikur,so you have been rewarded for being a model father on the wall,train +32781,32782,32782,caka ngaʼay a paciʼciʼ malingad anu masamaan tu i cima tu ku mamafana anu maturu sa tu i umaumahan sa anini tu haw i,you cannot force yourself to leave the house if anything gets lost no one will know,train +32782,32783,32783,nga ngaʼyay a sangaʼen nu malitengay,that is how you make a beam,train +32783,32784,32784,masadak tu ku ingcan atu twancan ri,the battalion commander and the regimental commander are out,train +32784,32785,32785,ku hiya ku suwal itini tu pilaedis hananay,fishing Festival speech,train +32785,32786,32786,ira ku maharatengay a radiw haw,any memorable songs,train +32786,32787,32787,Hitefu aka kasaan i takaraway a alaneng,do not jump off very high ridges,train +32787,32788,32788,Saka anu i Fangcalay Pitaungantu anu i lumalumaantu i mararid cangra tu rumiamiad a mipasifana mipatnak tu nika u Kristu ci Yis,day after day in the temple courts and from house to house they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ,train +32788,32789,32789,malasingsiay i ka Dipungan hu,I was a teacher in Japan,train +32789,32790,32790,Mainuay ci kaka,brother is taking a shower,test +32790,32791,32791,u taʼangayay tu ku alaen sa ku sapakafana,the education of taking only big game,train +32791,32792,32792,tahayra tu kura salimpu hananay limpu,I have arrived at the mountain ridge,train +32792,32793,32793,pasufawan hu ci mira,let it be soaked in wine,train +32793,32794,32794,hamakitaan sa pipawalian han naira tu kinciyam,it was used as a place for tanning needles,train +32794,32795,32795,sapakaen tu wawa,and for the sake of the child future,train +32795,32796,32796,Saayaway a rumiad nu fa^luhay a lipay yu kaniharan i alaen nuya fafahiyan ku nipatalaan nangra a fangsisay a sapaiyu a tayra i tadem,on the first day of the week very early in the morning the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb,train +32796,32797,32797,ya malitengay,the old people,train +32797,32798,32798,tayra tu ami Miyamay mavulaw,they all moved to Taechang,train +32798,32799,32799,pakayni tunini a nika taturuturud namu tu lkakawa nu tuas ku sapalasawad namu tu suwal nu Kawas adihay ku malcaday tunini a rumaruma a dmak namu han ni Yis,thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down and you do many things like that,train +32799,32800,32800,sa cacay sa ku luma nu niyam,we are the only family,test +32800,32801,32801,mipitinan ku nu iya,it is got to be broken,train +32801,32802,32802,caay henay kavana maanen,how to cook,train +32802,32803,32803,itiya miʼadup kisu nansay kisu itiya,when you went hunting when you were about a couple years old,train +32803,32804,32804,kelacen,cut,train +32804,32805,32805,matini tu,it is like this,train +32805,32806,32806,2 haratengen hena misamaan kita ngaˈ matungal ku ulah atu pisalimla tu Hungti Kitakit nu Kawas mitusilay a demak atu suˈlinay kimad nu Fangcalay Cudad,this text will talk about what we can do to love and value Gods kingdom evangelism and biblical truth more,train +32806,32807,32807,palasawad tu kuya niyaru,that village has ceased to exist,train +32807,32808,32808,safalucu satu kira tumuk haw i,in his head he thought,train +32808,32809,32809,Suʼelinay anu ira tu ku pisaluma ira tu kuni paini tu pisanga tu raʼan parud,Therefore if there is a building to build a house and if the stove is also put up,train +32809,32810,32810,o wawa ni laway kaku ci Caki kaku,I am the son of Layay my name is Caki,test +32810,32811,32811,maʼaraw nu maku kamaen i ayaw niyam,I have seen old people eat like this before,train +32811,32812,32812,ci ina isu,your mom was really patient,train +32812,32813,32813,pasurut tu sapisatevuk micakay tu rarapa,a fee is collected from each family to buy a cow for slaughtering,train +32813,32814,32814,4 5 itini i sapatinaku ni Yis masiˈayaway nura matayalay ku manan pakayraan,what situation did the steward face in Jesus parable,train +32814,32815,32815,ta mitild kaku,then I studied,train +32815,32816,32816,Mifutingay dademakay kayki,we will arrange for the fishermen and the workers first,train +32816,32817,32817,hay,it is snore,train +32817,32818,32818,mamaan ku nika patay nira anu kapah ku nika patay nira,he died a good death a natural death,train +32818,32819,32819,manga tu pakabitin tu tini,this will hang it up,train +32819,32820,32820,citangalay,smart people,test +32820,32821,32821,midakaw itini i kulul nu rarapa,some will climb on the backs of cows,train +32821,32822,32822,tuwa taynien a mavulaw itini i sankingcu,I just moved into these three houses,train +32822,32823,32823,Amis,North,train +32823,32824,32824,Aka patiku a tayra i ci Hirutian han nu Kawas a palimuut cangra i lmed Saka pakayra satu cangra i ruma a lalan a minukay i Kitakit nangra,and having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod they returned to their country by another route,train +32824,32825,32825,rasa i falucu,I thought to myself,train +32825,32826,32826,pakaen,feed,train +32826,32827,32827,micakayan kuni,it is for sale,train +32827,32828,32828,limaay tu ku safaw ku mihecaan ningra anini,he is fifteen years old,train +32828,32829,32829,mifalic,change money,train +32829,32830,32830,anu lima pauburan tu anu lima pauburtu,if you have holes add another one,test +32830,32831,32831,matiraay saka uni yanan picunpey u pisaday,it is this kind of preparation,train +32831,32832,32832,mahiya tu kita i tukay tu a malecapu tu ku vinawlan i tukay tu,everyone gathered at the clubhouse,train +32832,32833,32833,taw macacak ku emu,steaming until late at night,train +32833,32834,32834,tayra tu heniyan,Tracking the dead,train +32834,32835,32835,anu haratengang i,strictly speaking,train +32835,32836,32836,ha ha awaay ni awa ku suwal,there is really no way to tell,train +32836,32837,32837,pisaciciwan,a place to raise piglets,train +32837,32838,32838,ngaʼay kaku tahanini hukiya sa ku tangic aku,will I live to see it I am very emotional,train +32838,32839,32839,Saaday^ay sa kaku a minengneng tura adadaay a wawa,I sympathize with the sick kid,train +32839,32840,32840,Maluwiday aku a pasuwal ku tau kawra cuwa ka tungal ku hemek aku,even though I often beat people it does not make me any happier,test +32840,32841,32841,tatulu kami itiniay i,that is why the three of us came together to start a business,train +32841,32842,32842,minukay tu ataen hu aku ku wawa a minukay,Yes I will take the kids with me,train +32842,32843,32843,ya ina ci,the mother Chen Chamou said this,train +32843,32844,32844,mahud,steamer trunk,train +32844,32845,32845,u ruma waneng,ratio of sugar to sugar,train +32845,32846,32846,maan a ira kuka maruʼan sa mitilid kaku,how to stay in the field of baseball that is why I continue to study,train +32846,32847,32847,o mifelutay kami a pacarcar tu tayal a masasa i matini,we do not have any agreed suspension of work breaks at the moment,train +32847,32848,32848,o eli u maicangay anca hay u maicangay,dry or wet thatch,train +32848,32849,32849,sahetu nu tamdawan ku tayal itiya hu,it is all about labor,train +32849,32850,32850,Makapangekiw,about half,test +32850,32851,32851,kakteren aku a palatamdaw ku kaulahan aku a tamdaw Orasaka aka ka isang kisu pasasiyuren ku falucu isu,those whom I love I rebuke and discipline so be earnest and repent,train +32851,32852,32852,laluup,wash your face,train +32852,32853,32853,sa mafana kiya simpu hay i,in this way the priests learned to speak Chinese,train +32853,32854,32854,cayay kafana kami a maca ku falucu cangra a tatusa,we do not know what they are planning,train +32854,32855,32855,rara,slowly,train +32855,32856,32856,Anaku saan tu adada nu tireng ci Tuyaw,Doyle groaned from the physical pain,train +32856,32857,32857,Tatalacuwa^ ciira i ikur nu pipahanhanan,what is he doing after school,train +32857,32858,32858,samanenmasamaan,how,train +32858,32859,32859,tahanini kura falucu aku,in my heart now,train +32859,32860,32860,tafekan ku rakat nu niyam i niyaru,up the hill to the tribe,test +32860,32861,32861,iniyan u teluc iri naun han aku a mituktuk,this tender part of the leaf I slowly stained it,train +32861,32862,32862,paluwaden nu mita kinaʼutuc,we will put up the stone again,train +32862,32863,32863,u dita hananay haw i,and clay means,train +32863,32864,32864,sanay ci Rian Ikur nu mitulun kami u cariraw u tatiihay a harateng malahdaway maemin,after praying all of our initial worries and negative feelings disappeared Ryan said,train +32864,32865,32865,hatini ku taʼangay nu adidem,this mulberry tree is so big,train +32865,32866,32866,Nikaurira pangta ku nanum nu alu tu kasienawan,but the stream is shallow in winter,train +32866,32867,32867,maludateng,cuisine,train +32867,32868,32868,u puki kuni hahay papah nu puki kuni,Ha Yes,train +32868,32869,32869,Ahuwiday pataduen tu kaku a miahuwiday ci panay haw,thank you and thank Panay for me,train +32869,32870,32870,o cifangesay tu nu Tumay kina tamdaw,this mans skin is like a bears,test +32870,32871,32871,pakayni tu i panay,and rice,train +32871,32872,32872,i tiraw tura takaraway a luma ku mangataay,in that tall building is closer,train +32872,32873,32873,pakafiten ku riku,hang up your clothes,train +32873,32874,32874,pacumuden,place,train +32874,32875,32875,midisdis tu tefus mitalud tu sapakaen tu kulung,we harvested sugarcane and grass for the cows,train +32875,32876,32876,kakilac,slit,train +32876,32877,32877,matu fangsisay itu,it feels like it smells,train +32877,32878,32878,ngaʼayay a paluma sanay saka,plant it if you can,train +32878,32879,32879,Parikecen ku kapah a selal nu mita,let our young class have the rule of law,train +32879,32880,32880,taliyuk,surrounding,test +32880,32881,32881,o wacu kiya sa kaku u Hulam halikaen tu wacu,I am sure it is dog meat because expats love dog meat,train +32881,32882,32882,o funga ku tafu nu niyam i ayaw saan ci ina,my mom said that a long time ago her lunchbox was a sweet potato,train +32882,32883,32883,Sakatumangican satu ci Kacaw Telii^ sa ciira a sumuwal Nawiru caay pacaliaw kamu tu weysengce i takuwanan saan,Kacaw burst into tears he said angrily why do not everyone lend me toilet paper,train +32883,32884,32884,matukaay,lazy,train +32884,32885,32885,Cecay tusa tulu sepat lima ^nem pitu falu siwa,One two three four five six seven eight nine,train +32885,32886,32886,nguwi,the sound of cows mooing,train +32886,32887,32887,mesing hananay i anu luwad sa haw i anu naniangenang i,what do you call sneezing when you are getting up from your chair,train +32887,32888,32888,dademak kami tu milisuˈay a tayal i u lumaˈ niyam ku tulaku,when we are on a mission the minivan is our home,train +32888,32889,32889,keling keling saan a masuni ku tingwa,the phone is ringing,train +32889,32890,32890,hay hay micumud tu kuriran ku misu i,Yes and when the two roofs are joined,test +32890,32891,32891,Nikar u sapatelung tisuwanan kuni,Nikar this is a gift for you,train +32891,32892,32892,o pakayniay i nika lumuwad nu ngaayay atu tatiihay a tamdaw a maurip nai patay a pafalucuan tuna pasulin cangra tu Kawas i malcaday atu nangra ku pafalucuan aku,and I have the same hope in God as these men that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked,train +32892,32893,32893,siniyaru,constitute a tribe,train +32893,32894,32894,tukinil,lie on the side,train +32894,32895,32895,o tamdaw ni Yihufa ka talaˈayaw,Jehovahs Witnesses March on,train +32895,32896,32896,i pusung kaku a mitilid,I studied in Taitung,train +32896,32897,32897,mangiliway kisu haw,have you lost weight,train +32897,32898,32898,tata nengeng ita ku tekel ita matiya ci tamaaytu,go and see our trap for it seems that we have caught our prey,train +32898,32899,32899,cuwa ku malefutay a tamdaw kita anu tahalifa tu kafalic nu kaˈurip atu katayalan i taˈangayay ku sarueru alatek,we are all imperfect people and inevitably feel stressed when going through changes in our lives and service positions,train +32899,32900,32900,kalus tu fukes,to comb hair,test +32900,32901,32901,iray isu san ci Sawa han ku ngangan,so I named her Sawa,train +32901,32902,32902,palimu,promote respect,train +32902,32903,32903,haydaen,permission,train +32903,32904,32904,milikiyam,to get back the debt,train +32904,32905,32905,o sakangaay nu tatirengan,makes the body well,train +32905,32906,32906,suf suf hanira mihaen itini aku,I make a huff and puff sound and fall on top of my head,train +32906,32907,32907,hay ya taʼangayay a cinah,Yeah the big salts,train +32907,32908,32908,u ranan ku pasadak tuya lafang sanay uya lifung kuriranan,that is how we are going to get rid of the epidemic,train +32908,32909,32909,mafana tu kaku tu pihicay nu matuʼasay,I know how old men catch fish,train +32909,32910,32910,u nipalatandawan tu a likakawa i tireng nangra,the title of the head as an image of a tribal cultures,test +32910,32911,32911,Safainayen ku falucu isu,be brave,train +32911,32912,32912,i fatiʼian ku kaying mituul tu kaput nangra,the ladies follow the age groups in the line,train +32912,32913,32913,u maan ku sapakafana hakini san kaku,how the skills of the players will be taught,train +32913,32914,32914,idahitu i ayaw anu nengnengen itini i nengnengen,at years an hour is pretty good,train +32914,32915,32915,sapingiriwaw,I want to lose weight,train +32915,32916,32916,tu tusa tulu nga diheku cimira sa,let him wear two or three of them before he gets warm,train +32916,32917,32917,tayra tu i ku ya tumuk tayra i mi,then the leader went to the village office to ask for help,train +32917,32918,32918,fawa,to swell,train +32918,32919,32919,mikadavu,marriage,train +32919,32920,32920,kayaya hananay nira ku hatiniay nira,they made this gracefully,test +32920,32921,32921,mipatalumaay,wedding,train +32921,32922,32922,Pataduen kaku a miteli i kufaw,will you help me with the barn,train +32922,32923,32923,Maredu ku tayal nira,he worked consistently till the work was finished,train +32923,32924,32924,misangaʼan a iya a uway,rattan,train +32924,32925,32925,linut,blunt,train +32925,32926,32926,tatusaay hakiya ku wawa,are there two children,train +32926,32927,32927,Maicah kura tamdaw,that man is vain,train +32927,32928,32928,micumud ku hicay i tira satu i duduh,into the storage tank,train +32928,32929,32929,hey u mahiniay a kakuʼkuʼ sa ci vayi,mom said Hey you frogs,train +32929,32930,32930,Cufay saan kami nanipala,we turned back from the field,test +32930,32931,32931,karacahid,cloudy,train +32931,32932,32932,o patusukan nu sasuwalen niyam i matini i iraay a maru i kawanan nu Tada Ciicelay a Kawas i kakarayan ku matiniay a sakakaay a Citudungay tu Taung nu mita,the point of what we are saying is this we do have such a high priest who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in heaven,train +32932,32933,32933,Aciya,Applause,train +32933,32934,32934,cuwa tusa pulu,No it is twenty,train +32934,32935,32935,o miyakiway ku kaulahan aku,I like baseball,train +32935,32936,32936,icuwaay hatiniay ku pitefing na singciw sa,where are we now that is how the captain operates,train +32936,32937,32937,i ayaw i Takaw ku tayal nu niyam itini sanay i minatu,we used to work in Kaohsiung at the fish Harbor,train +32937,32938,32938,o matiliday i Fangcalay Cudad a ma^min i u sapasifana i titaanan tu sakakudait ita ta mapaicel nu Fangcalay Cudad kita tu sapasayraaw ita i kacifalucuan,for everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope,train +32938,32939,32939,fafaedfafaled,above,train +32939,32940,32940,ura mifacuʼay tura luma,the one who made the foundation of the house,test +32940,32941,32941,tuna u mafanaay kaku tu Rikec a ma^min atu sulinay a dmak nu Kawas saka u mamikayat kaku tu mapuhaway u mamalalikat kaku i tumanay,if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind a light for those who are in the dark,train +32941,32942,32942,matefadaw kisu saan ku wina aku,mom said to keep you from falling,train +32942,32943,32943,Faluay tu ku widi^ tu dafak,it is eight of the clock in the morning,train +32943,32944,32944,tulu pulu ira ku falu a mihecaan ci kaka Kating,your big sister is years old,train +32944,32945,32945,u sawmu i ngaʼayay ura pakesangan ngaʼayay,it is okay to sweep the graves or celebrate the dragon boat Festival,train +32945,32946,32946,mihelung,get rid of,train +32946,32947,32947,hai cakarecad ku caciyaw ita kasaniyaruru,Yeah well it varies from tribe to tribe,train +32947,32948,32948,anu matira aca i liyawaen aca aku kina tulun nu sapasifana aca kitaantu,in that case I will repeat what I said about us,train +32948,32949,32949,sakatusa pulu nu sakapitu a fulad ku kahufucan aku,July is my birthday,train +32949,32950,32950,sapidafu,campaign,test +32950,32951,32951,anu caʼay pisulul tu tireng aku lina ama,Mom Dad if you do not promise me,train +32951,32952,32952,mapapancuay,Already put your pants on,train +32952,32953,32953,i saayaw kami u kangkufu saayaw itiya,in the past when we were in nursing,train +32953,32954,32954,Salikakaaw pitulun tu saki tamiyanan,Brothers pray for us,train +32954,32955,32955,u vinawlan nu Pangcah,people of the Amis,train +32955,32956,32956,tusa a suut nu paysu ku cecay lufuc,for a pack,train +32956,32957,32957,mararid,regular,train +32957,32958,32958,a malaliw nu ina aku atu mama aku,I was left behind by my parents,train +32958,32959,32959,mingata tu cecay a ufad ira ku patektu,less than thousands of them,train +32959,32960,32960,mahaen ku nipirapet tu calay a midakaw,that is how you catch the spiders silk,test +32960,32961,32961,iniyan haw u samadu samadu,this one it is a sedge,train +32961,32962,32962,hin san kaku,I was just lying there,train +32962,32963,32963,o wawa cara sa ri,because he is young,train +32963,32964,32964,Miyalatu ku Taywan,Han went to get it,train +32964,32965,32965,ira ku mitahidangay i tamiyanan,we have been invited,train +32965,32966,32966,miucur,call,train +32966,32967,32967,nu hatira haw,Now,train +32967,32968,32968,u tuka nu anini niyam itiya hu kili kareteng,Nowadays we are lazy we used to be heavy,train +32968,32969,32969,malinah kami tayra i Kalingku,we moved to Hualien,train +32969,32970,32970,u rumatu ku demak,just do something else,test +32970,32971,32971,tefad,to drop,train +32971,32972,32972,Pakalasen ni kaka kuya tusiya nira tu fa^luhay,my brother put new glass in his car,train +32972,32973,32973,Ama nanay malipahak kisu ku kahufucan nu misu,happy birthday grand mom,train +32973,32974,32974,tatenukan kisu i sasifuʼan kisu matatudungay sa,you need to be right in the center of the room it is just right,train +32974,32975,32975,cecay fulad kinacecay,Aboriginal Mass once a month,train +32975,32976,32976,uyasen,biased,train +32976,32977,32977,Miaca tu kami tu incay kuretu atu saytaw,we bought water spinach yams and carrots,train +32977,32978,32978,niyaru,tribe,train +32978,32979,32979,mikasuy kami tu sapisasak nu fafahi nangra,we gathered firewood for the teachers wife to cook with,train +32979,32980,32980,matanengay kuni haen han nira pisifana,there is wisdom in this teaching,test +32980,32981,32981,u tepad ku nian,there is a cliff over there,train +32981,32982,32982,usuwal ya katayalan niyam mahanay kiya malitengay san,where I work someone said there is an old man like that,train +32982,32983,32983,ci ku itiya,the mayor at that time was Lam Wai man,train +32983,32984,32984,itiniay i pusung ku luma niyam i kakaemangan hu mitilid tu haw i mafulaway tu a tayra i Taypak aitira sanay tu i tukay ku urip,when we were young our family lived in Posong after I started school we moved to Taipei and have been living in the city ever since,train +32984,32985,32985,palifunen sa nu Dipung i,wages at that time,train +32985,32986,32986,itiya tuya dadaya yu ira ci Yis i awaay a mikaput i cangraan ci Tumas o ccay nu tusaay ku safaw a tarukus cingra,now Thomas one of the Twelve was not with the disciples when Jesus came,train +32986,32987,32987,nanu mamang kaku,when I was a kid,train +32987,32988,32988,tala mikilim,go to the mountains,train +32988,32989,32989,itila ku heni a makakuku,chase it down there,train +32989,32990,32990,ira hu ya tahaduyan nu mama a,the raft my father left behind is still there,test +32990,32991,32991,mahaen saw iri masasivusivut kina niyaru,that is it it was a complicated tribe at the time,train +32991,32992,32992,pipakafana aku tu situ i,before teaching students,train +32992,32993,32993,kulung hen itiya ma,it was still a cow at that time,train +32993,32994,32994,nidademak kiniyan pakaen tu,dividing up the comfort food for the people who were buried with them,train +32994,32995,32995,caay pakasanga,there is no way to finish,train +32995,32996,32996,u minukay mikaletuay tura alu,we will stop there for a short break on the way home,train +32996,32997,32997,paylumarsquu,go from house to house,train +32997,32998,32998,kafanaan,I will,train +32998,32999,32999,sani kansya aku tu kiwkay hatira ku icel ni niyam mipaini takuwanan tu icel hay,thank you for your church support and your pastors encouragement,train +32999,33000,33000,tuʼur hatini palalan hi mama,lead the way before the late old man,test +33000,33001,33001,mamaan saw maveli kira saung,what is wrong the umbrellas flipped,train +33001,33002,33002,Supaen nangra Cingra alaen nangra kuya nitatuyan ningra a pnen nu ardu a misti tu funguh ningra,they spit on him and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again,train +33002,33003,33003,man saka supa han ku ngangan nira,that is why it is called spitting,train +33003,33004,33004,caang,branch,train +33004,33005,33005,milikut,wash your hair,train +33005,33006,33006,u hakika a lifung itiya,infectious diseases of tuberculosis,train +33006,33007,33007,nengneng ha ina aku ci,mother misses Zheng Guimei,train +33007,33008,33008,iratu ku pakuyuc mahapinang anini masararem,there are poor vulnerable and underprivileged people who are in a position of inferiority,train +33008,33009,33009,Citufur tu kira fafahian a kulung tu nisawadan i lutuk,that cow grazing on the hill has a calf,train +33009,33010,33010,mizunvi ku heni tu sapivuting u lakalang atu cadiway atu vatili,the tools they use to prepare for fishing are long nets trammel nets and batteries,test +33010,33011,33011,katengilan kura kiya,that is what I heard,train +33011,33012,33012,sanay ku suwal ningra Marariday kaku mitulun mingitangit tu sapadama nu Kawas,she said Just praying a lot and asking God to help me,train +33012,33013,33013,nawhani maraudtu ku kakteran nangra i tamiyanan a tadamaanay a rumiad cima ku papakahadidi tunini saan,for the great day of their wrath has come and who can stand,train +33013,33014,33014,malasafitayay,professional soldiers,train +33014,33015,33015,mahaen itu kahi pitu pacuwah,that is how you get the seventh one through,train +33015,33016,33016,ira ku lutuk,mountainous,train +33016,33017,33017,kahengangay kaemaemangay,the red ones are longer and slimmer,train +33017,33018,33018,paniyaru i itini i itini,the tribes have been moving here for about years,train +33018,33019,33019,nawhani u suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i Pilien Aku ku ccay a tadamaanay a fukluh a mitli i Ciun a malataenengan a fukluh O mitadiecay i Cingraan i caaytu ku mamasefad ku falucu saan,for in Scripture it says See I lay a stone in Zion a chosen and precious cornerstone and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame,train +33019,33020,33020,sahaca masanga tu ku sakacingangan nu niyaru macakat tu ku fana a mipaluma pakayni i nikapihadimel atu nikaimer tu iraay a pinaluma,after each member of the tribe has agreed to create their own brand they will naturally carry their own Tribes production model,test +33020,33021,33021,mahaenay ku cusi nu malitengay niyam itiya,that is what the old folks used to say,train +33021,33022,33022,3 Itini i saikuray lintad u pasangaray a siˈayawen a ˈawaled sanay ci Pawlu,Paul writes that the last days will be an extraordinary and difficult time,train +33022,33023,33023,kalamkam,quickly,train +33023,33024,33024,Rahuday,simple and easy,train +33024,33025,33025,Tahakefeng ku rakat nira,she fell into the pit,train +33025,33026,33026,mangiw ku ngiha,high pitch of the voice,train +33026,33027,33027,maherek a mitekes maherek malahuk,after lunch I will go cut sugarcane,train +33027,33028,33028,kakirian,armpit,train +33028,33029,33029,misalisin,holding a Festival,train +33029,33030,33030,sakamukuay,shortest,test +33030,33031,33031,demakan,operate,train +33031,33032,33032,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ci Rufus u tadamaanay a matayalay nu Tapang cingra Ngaayhu han ku ina ningra o ainaen aku cingra,greet Rufus chosen in the Lord and his mother who has been a mother to me too,train +33032,33033,33033,fangcal kaku aka ka saan aka pitawal tu tuʼas haw,do not think I am going to forget my family now that I have had a good run,train +33033,33034,33034,malahulul tu kamu hanu tangsul san tayra a pasuwal sa,how long have you guys been dating,train +33034,33035,33035,Kalingku tawran Yusinu Hacuni kada,Hualien station is here continue to the next station,train +33035,33036,33036,tuas nu nipainian,reached,train +33036,33037,33037,ngaay,desirable,train +33037,33038,33038,sasimi,dashiki,train +33038,33039,33039,itiya masafalucu tu sapifuhataw tu a mipalatamdaw tira utuc,I have decided to erect the pillar,train +33039,33040,33040,mahaenay nu maku,like my system,test +33040,33041,33041,kaput,partners,train +33041,33042,33042,Ama taluma tu kaku,grand mom I am back,train +33042,33043,33043,matataedipay i,that overlap with each other,train +33043,33044,33044,iraay hu ku kuhecalay atu langdaway,we have white and blue ones too,train +33044,33045,33045,pisakaliki,plain spoken,train +33045,33046,33046,i tukay tu a misaparud matayal cangra,they have a family in the city and work there as well,train +33046,33047,33047,caay katulas san ku harateng,continued,train +33047,33048,33048,miliyaw haca cingra a mikalic a mipitpit a mi tuya suiguu,he climbed up again to pluck fruits,train +33048,33049,33049,farasi,taking advantage of flooding to catch fish,train +33049,33050,33050,tada mangudu ku falucu aku,I am not old enough to think about it to talk about it I feel unworthy,test +33050,33051,33051,anu u,in the event that,train +33051,33052,33052,o Pangcah a maemin ku lalumaan nu misu haw,are all your family members indigenous,train +33052,33053,33053,hepulen,tear down,train +33053,33054,33054,adihay ku kina ira nu maku,I have a lot of things,train +33054,33055,33055,kiya adadaay,the patient is dying,train +33055,33056,33056,Itiyasatu malitmuh nangra i fatad nu lalan ku minukayay nai umah a tamdaw patangic han nangra cingra a papiurung tu ciwcika ni Yis,a certain man from Cyrene Simon the father of Alexander and Rufus was passing by on his way in from the country and they forced him to carry the cross,train +33056,33057,33057,hatiped,take it with you,train +33057,33058,33058,radiwen kiya radiw isu hena,what is your song,train +33058,33059,33059,mamaan lunuk han,you will not get it yourself,train +33059,33060,33060,caay ka pakatuur tu nu Taywan,I cannot keep up with the Han Chinese,test +33060,33061,33061,tuʼas san tu kisu,you are becoming an old dog,train +33061,33062,33062,tekup,all in one,train +33062,33063,33063,tilid,stripes,train +33063,33064,33064,nengneng han anini kuna Taywan,now I look at the current situation in Taiwan,train +33064,33065,33065,parunungen,release carp,train +33065,33066,33066,Maulah kaku a paluma tu cungiliw atu misadateng isu i,I like to grow flowers and vegetables what about you,train +33066,33067,33067,fangad han nu faliyus ku kilang,the typhoon uprooted the tree,train +33067,33068,33068,u ruma satu haw i,secondly,train +33068,33069,33069,pipaselaan,resting place,train +33069,33070,33070,lima a mihecaan ku karaaraay niyam,we have a year age difference,test +33070,33071,33071,Taringting kuya aul,the bamboo is firm and tall,train +33071,33072,33072,Maufangay ku kucusita nira,his socks broke,train +33072,33073,33073,Sacinanum san kami itira alu tura kaʼamis nu palumaʼan niyam haw i,our water source is the river north of the house,train +33073,33074,33074,cima ku cafay isu a maru,who do you live with,train +33074,33075,33075,Cuvay sa a matumes ku pulul nu heni,Their all at once is full,train +33075,33076,33076,pakayniay tunu Amis a,whether it is the Amis,train +33076,33077,33077,matapa,cut with a knife,train +33077,33078,33078,a caka ruray haw i awaay ku hatiniay payci paysu,there is no Harvest without labor,train +33078,33079,33079,ciyulukiyukay,Presbyterian church,train +33079,33080,33080,u niket nu ramud yu matiya hen u payniyaru nu Pangcah u ina haw ku taterungan nu luma,Marriage the traditional Amis family system is matrilineal as men are collectively involved in tribal affairs,test +33080,33081,33081,itiya ku Pangcah haw,past Amis traditions,train +33081,33082,33082,karafaniw,it is straw mushrooms,train +33082,33083,33083,o sakalaecaan tu kina matuasay i kafutian,that old man will be sick in bed,train +33083,33084,33084,nu Recurd,three kilometers of discouragement I am kidding,train +33084,33085,33085,samukun,hammer,train +33085,33086,33086,u nanum na Taywan patada hara tu mikelusan a rakes san,Flatlanders use camphor to catch water,train +33086,33087,33087,awaay ku miduʼeduay tu fana ningra a misangaʼay tu lusid nu tuʼas,the next generation of Amis are not seen to inherit the most culturally significant skills,train +33087,33088,33088,Orasaka anu mitulun kamu anu u maan ku ningitangitan namu i tieren ku Kawas ta malayap namu a ma^min han ningra,if you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer,train +33088,33089,33089,Miliyastu cangra tu sulin Matalifaytu ku kalumuwadan nu tamdaw a maurip nai patay han nangra ku rumaruma a tamdaw a mitfad tu pitier nangra ci Kristuan,who have wandered away from the truth they say that the resurrection has already taken place and they destroy the faith of some,train +33089,33090,33090,ira haw ku kaka tu vavainayan,do you have a brother,test +33090,33091,33091,siyataw,bus stop,train +33091,33092,33092,Iraay muecel han ku rakat manengneng tu ku siyataw nu pasu,Yes if you go straight ahead you will see the bus stop,train +33092,33093,33093,mipurang tu,the trees are changing their leaves in June,train +33093,33094,33094,nanitira a miliyas ci Yis i tayra a micumud i kasaupuan nu Yutaya a luma,going on from that place he went into their synagogue,train +33094,33095,33095,han naku kira,I responded to her in this way,train +33095,33096,33096,Orasaka katayra kamu a palanisawawaan aku tu pulung nu kasakitakit atu kasafinawlan ta pakaynien i ngangan nu wama atu wawa atu Fangcalay Adingu ku nipipainu i cangraan,therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit,train +33096,33097,33097,Kawraan patikultu maˈurip ci Yis u picada tu inuˈ nu makalimay malu Krisciyang a tamdaw cuwatu ka hecad ku tatudung,However after the resurrection of Jesus baptism by immersion took on a different meaning for those who wanted to become Christians,train +33097,33098,33098,saka ira ku kana Farangaw,that is why there is a tribe of Malays,train +33098,33099,33099,tayring,police,train +33099,33100,33100,Mapael nu fulad cingra,he was moonstruck,test +33100,33101,33101,cai kangaay a mikaput ku fafahian a maemin tinian a pilekakawa inian a sapifuting a kalulalusidan ma^emin i cai kau tatefitefingen nu faifahi an,women are prohibited from participating in this activity and even fishing and hunting equipment cannot be touched by women,train +33101,33102,33102,yasa hakika adada i,about tuberculosis,train +33102,33103,33103,Misafelay i cawka cingra tahidangen hu aku cingra,he is in the kitchen cooking let me go call him,train +33103,33104,33104,i cilis i vanaw i tarawadaw,in the gutter in the pond in the river,train +33104,33105,33105,malasikawasay,Gods word,train +33105,33106,33106,ya dafak satu i itira tu i riyar tu cay ka piiya kami tu tu ngayangay itira sa i tafuk,it was also on the beach that morning right on the beach and we did not set up a shack,train +33106,33107,33107,mahaenay ku palimuʼut hanaw,it is because of this admonition,train +33107,33108,33108,tu ruma i mararum kaku,sometimes I am sad,train +33108,33109,33109,anu matayal,if at work,train +33109,33110,33110,u madengay tu kaku ciwisay atek i tiya,I was about years old,test +33110,33111,33111,o mitieray tu Kawas ku finawlan nu Israil Saka mitaliyuk cangra tu niyaru nu Yiriku tu pitu a rumiad i maprar ku adipel nuya niyaru,by faith the walls of Jericho fell after the people had marched around them for seven days,train +33111,33112,33112,u tuki nu henni caay kalecad,their hours are different,train +33112,33113,33113,ka Dipungan hu i awaay ku hatiraay,there was no such thing as volunteer labor during the Japanese rule era,train +33113,33114,33114,pakipasu,taking the bus,train +33114,33115,33115,caay ka fana kaku a mipatiked pasifana hatu kaku haw,I have never used a fishing rod before would you mind teaching me next time,train +33115,33116,33116,caay ka fana kamu saw tu nika u mamisawkit tu hkal ku mituuray o mamisawkit kamu tu tamdamdaw i nawiru caay pakasawkit kamu tu mimingay a fangafang saw,do you not know that the saints will judge the world and if you are to judge the world are you not competent to judge trivial cases,train +33116,33117,33117,han,indistinct,train +33117,33118,33118,hatiraay uranan tu i,that is the way it is what happens after that,train +33118,33119,33119,pararid,usually,train +33119,33120,33120,ira kiyana Pangcah,there is an Ami,test +33120,33121,33121,palacaleng,become a pine tree,train +33121,33122,33122,nengnengen ku felih nuya payci,look at the reverse side of that coin,train +33122,33123,33123,misaliyaliyad,one by one,train +33123,33124,33124,o mapudekay ku safa aku tu fainayan,my mans brothers eyelids fell off,train +33124,33125,33125,tanamen hu isu miliyaw,you have to try again,train +33125,33126,33126,madupuh,diligence,train +33126,33127,33127,cuwa kalahedaw ila malengaw,it will not go away it will stay rooted,train +33127,33128,33128,isu,me,train +33128,33129,33129,mihuhusi han nu niyam,we call it Protective Creek,train +33129,33130,33130,sa kalikalic saan,showing off climbing skills,test +33130,33131,33131,u mahaenay ku i naayaayaway,in the old days it was like this,train +33131,33132,33132,nikaurira tapal han i matini haw i,but now we are changing course,train +33132,33133,33133,dadaya^,at night,train +33133,33134,33134,ta patinaku sa ci Yis a sumuwal i cangraan Ira ku ccay a cidafungay a tamdaw adihay ku kinaira nu umah ningra,and he told them this parable The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop,train +33134,33135,33135,anini satu,Now,train +33135,33136,33136,huni minukay huni tayra,I am going home I am going away,train +33136,33137,33137,ati han nuya mama kaku mimaan han aku,dad told me to go over there,train +33137,33138,33138,aka tu macuus kumaen tu udax kalaluk a miuraur tu wadis,stop craving for candies and brush your teeth regularly,train +33138,33139,33139,nialaan aku nadavak masamalalemed henay u,I picked it this morning so it is still wet,train +33139,33140,33140,mapapadang kiyaru,help each other cooperate,test +33140,33141,33141,wawa nu sakafiyaw,neighborhood children,train +33141,33142,33142,nawhan mamang kunini anu tataʼakay saka hatiniay inian hana,because this one is too small if it is a big one like this one it is a big one,train +33142,33143,33143,nu tarawaraw haw,it is around the Sau Kuluan River,train +33143,33144,33144,miisisay,Barber,train +33144,33145,33145,ketun,cut,train +33145,33146,33146,u sapiayam aca nu mita u Pangcah,it is also our Amis bird hunting tool,train +33146,33147,33147,anca misangaan hu kuya fadahung,or is the roof done first,train +33147,33148,33148,kiseraay,ginger,train +33148,33149,33149,masamanay caay ka fana kaku,I do not know what it is,train +33149,33150,33150,iayaw i patiyamay u kakaenen,we had a restaurant before,test +33150,33151,33151,rarima satu ku tireng aku a cai kafuti i dadaya,I am physically exhausted from not sleeping at night,train +33151,33152,33152,cahekit,frightened,train +33152,33153,33153,remadiw tu hiya i tu radiw nu Pangcah,I will be singing an Amis song,train +33153,33154,33154,u papalumaan tu kudasing atu tevus,Yeah where they grow peanuts and sugar cane,train +33154,33155,33155,u hatiraay nu tuʼas caay ka,that is how old people are,train +33155,33156,33156,ta alaen tu nira kiya salengad tayraen nira i lawac,at this point take the palm leaves and put them aside,train +33156,33157,33157,hu,still,train +33157,33158,33158,i pahanhan nu laludan taluma tu kami i niyaru,we will all go back to the tribe during the summer vacation,train +33158,33159,33159,Parariting tu sapifahuy tu ayam i pala,linking equipment to catch birds in the field,train +33159,33160,33160,i katimul nura lutuk ku niyaru niyam,our tribe is south of that mountain,test +33160,33161,33161,duduen niyam ku pasevanaay a remadiw tu sapisausi a radiw,we followed the teacher to read we sang the number song,train +33161,33162,33162,ha kiya mavana saw,why would there be,train +33162,33163,33163,anu awaawa mapalatilid ku sarikec nu Pangcah pakayni piketun tu mararaway a demak u nika ira tu ku pinangan a sarikec nu niyaru saka ira tu ku sarikec i harateng a masilsil i laenu ku tatinakuan,the Amis peoples judgment of criminal behavior is based on tribal customary law and their legal concepts are summarized in the following three points,train +33163,33164,33164,yasa kaku,at this point I,train +33164,33165,33165,marasmas,drizzle,train +33165,33166,33166,o pikacikian anini a palapatan,it is sailfish season,train +33166,33167,33167,anu uya anu hatini haw cecay rumiʼad,it takes a day for the thickness and length,train +33167,33168,33168,suwal sa ci Yis u pawacayay tu pakayniay tunini a dmak Hai O raranikay Kaku a tayni saan Amin Tapang Yisaw Kataynitu,he who testifies to these things says Yes I am coming soon Amen Come Lord Jesus,train +33168,33169,33169,mitatukem,picking lobelia,train +33169,33170,33170,ora ci ngangan tura Diyafu hananay kiya haw,why did you name the place LEAF,test +33170,33171,33171,o mapatukitukay ku kapah nu niyaru a mapakaruray,the youth of the tribe were implicated,train +33171,33172,33172,Mitaelif kami tu piacaan tu dateng adihay ku kangdaway a dateng tuya piacaan,we passed the vegetable stand which had a lot of fresh green vegetables,train +33172,33173,33173,sa nani tingalwa i ci luma tu ku ci lumaʼay tayra saetip tayra i tafalung,from the beginning of the construction of the home to the West Tai long Valley,train +33173,33174,33174,hatiniay ku kaadihay nu finacadan ita ha mafanaay tu kaku ahuwiday,so we have so many ethnic groups I see thank you,train +33174,33175,33175,maicang tu i cidal itiya ta mangaay,dry it in the sun,train +33175,33176,33176,u saʼayaway ira mitekaʼan a ngaʼayay fulad,it all depends on the opportunity of the good time and the good month,train +33176,33177,33177,awaay tu ku hitay ku tamdaw kira,there are fewer soldiers and fewer people,train +33177,33178,33178,matatudung kuninian a cangaw i liel nu misu,this top chain is perfect for you,train +33178,33179,33179,Maari ku kalas nu tusiya ni kaka,the glass in my brothers car broke,train +33179,33180,33180,itinitini hu ururay hu,it is still tough at this stage,test +33180,33181,33181,sicaʼedun i,outdated in traditional dress,train +33181,33182,33182,itira itira han nangra hay kira san tayra satu,then they followed the message and went to,train +33182,33183,33183,tatapangan nu icep,the trunk of a betel nut tree,train +33183,33184,33184,Ngaayhu a maemin anini a rumiad tayra kita i pinengnengan tu aadupen,hello everyone we are going to the zoo today,train +33184,33185,33185,pakayni i ccay a tamdaw ku sakaira nu patay malcad tunini pakayni i ccay a tamdaw ku sakalumuwad nu mapatayay a maurip,for since death came through a man the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man,train +33185,33186,33186,ira kiya ungcuy haenhan matama,if there is a rock grab it like this,train +33186,33187,33187,fali ku nira hiwa,that is the wind,train +33187,33188,33188,katengilan,it is said that,train +33188,33189,33189,awaay makikim aku,I did not find it,train +33189,33190,33190,anu u pipadama tu tau ku rucek ita i ka pidama kita anu u pasifanaay ku rucek ita i ka pipasifana kita,if it is serving let him serve if it is teaching let him teach,test +33190,33191,33191,Futek sa ci faki a maru i anengang,uncle was sitting in a chair with his eyes closed,train +33191,33192,33192,tera tera sa ku a mahemek ku pulung nu Pungudan a niyaru,the sound of firecrackers rattled the sky and the bridge tribesmen were happy,train +33192,33193,33193,micudad awaay ku pida awaay ku vuduy awaay ku maamaan iri,no money for books no clothes nothing,train +33193,33194,33194,ci umahay cira ci fununay cira,with farmland and land,train +33194,33195,33195,nu fufu,for the grandchildren,train +33195,33196,33196,i itira a mikuli sakakaay aku,worked at the sixth lightning Workshop in Mailiao Township Yunlin County,train +33196,33197,33197,sanu Sanayasay sanay maiya,it swirls like a thread,train +33197,33198,33198,u matenesaytu a nganga nu kakitilaan nu Cikasuwan,the long boundary of the Nanakagawa river,train +33198,33199,33199,oraan ku tuur hananay ira tayra i kararem,just keep going,train +33199,33200,33200,ku kaemangay i,Boys,test +33200,33201,33201,Malafiyafiyaw caira,they are neighbors,train +33201,33202,33202,catu mananam itini i Taypey,No I have adapted to life in Taipei,train +33202,33203,33203,pata,cream or butter,train +33203,33204,33204,mifulesak,go and have a go,train +33204,33205,33205,adihayen,a little more,train +33205,33206,33206,anini sa i awaay ku lalan,Nowadays there is no road,train +33206,33207,33207,tadafangcalay,wonderful,train +33207,33208,33208,fangsis ku siraw i tini saan ku katengilan,I hear the cured meat here is very flavorful,train +33208,33209,33209,malafi tu sa ri,it is just dinner,train +33209,33210,33210,o Adingu ku Kawas deng pakayni i icel nu Adingu ningra ku saka sulin nu tamdaw a mitaung i Cingraan,God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in Spirit and in truth,test +33210,33211,33211,temuwatu,open your mouth,train +33211,33212,33212,taʼangaay tu hiwawa tayni tu,they have all grown up to be years old,train +33212,33213,33213,i Taypak ciira a matayal tadamaurun kaku i ciiraan,he is working in Taipei I miss him,train +33213,33214,33214,Masuemet ku sera,the ground is damp,train +33214,33215,33215,akaa kuwangi saan yu,do not shoot,train +33215,33216,33216,haitira misakay tu wawa aku,my kids go to work,train +33216,33217,33217,sakuharaten mangaayay ku demak itiya,worthwhile,train +33217,33218,33218,matiya satu miceli tuku papikedan nu kapah,after that the middle class youth shouted,train +33218,33219,33219,hanen aku kiya wawa,I have to pass it on to the kids,train +33219,33220,33220,anu patpihen nu nima ku pacieng isu i pahalaen tu tatihi a pacieng isu anu alaen nu nima ku kafafang isu i Halu i lalumaay a riku isu a paflien,if someone strikes you on one cheek turn to him the other also if someone takes your cloak do not stop him from taking your tunic,test +33220,33221,33221,papusian,cat cage,train +33221,33222,33222,marefungay,tapped,train +33222,33223,33223,yu maaraw nu rumaruma a kaput ningra kunini a dmak i rarum sa cangra Saka tayra satu cangra i hungti a pakafana tu nanu dmak ningra a ma^min,when the other servants saw what had happened they were greatly distressed and went and told their master everything that had happened,train +33223,33224,33224,manaamay hanu,why,train +33224,33225,33225,tueman hu pacefung itu,I am going into the water before sunrise,train +33225,33226,33226,hay ngaʼay a matedi sanay,purely for the sake of visibility,train +33226,33227,33227,Maharekaytu aku a mifelih Mifulesak kaku anu huni tu sapaluma,I just turned over the soil and so on to sow seeds,train +33227,33228,33228,uhut,hesitation,train +33228,33229,33229,marupiraay,lost,train +33229,33230,33230,mitala ci Yihufaan hanu kalimlaan hani,why is it important to wait on the LORD,test +33230,33231,33231,12 anu matungangan nu tau kita sasamaan hani,what if we are slandered by others,train +33231,33232,33232,pahanhantu kita,class is over,train +33232,33233,33233,aka pitefing tu duka nira,do not touch his sores,train +33233,33234,33234,falatekikiw,Latitude,train +33234,33235,33235,awaay ku tamdaw kira,there is a shortage of manpower,train +33235,33236,33236,anu mikuli ku heni kiya simikuliay tu,if there is work to be done then work,train +33236,33237,33237,cafuul,urge urination,train +33237,33238,33238,cacayay,alone,train +33238,33239,33239,Tumeli,bright,train +33239,33240,33240,Talakasi ku harateng nu maku,my idea came up with candy,test +33240,33241,33241,unini a dateng u hangru,this is a palace dish,train +33241,33242,33242,Paanalen itiya ta matiya u matuasay a nenengen kira niututan nu misu,you carve a wooden sculpture with a deliberate bald head more like an old man,train +33242,33243,33243,satu mumu pafeli pafeli hananay i,they are all just making rice balls and giving them to this and that,train +33243,33244,33244,cayaten,pull,train +33244,33245,33245,makaseking ci ama aku tu,dad got into the railroad Bureau,train +33245,33246,33246,Dada sumuwal,please say something,train +33246,33247,33247,niman tayniyan kisu san,what are you doing here,train +33247,33248,33248,mikitini Fangcalay Cudad mahapinangay ni Kulaham ku danguc nu niyah mahecaday u dadinguan maˈaraw ku suˈlinay a pising nu niyah,Graeme saw his problems from a biblical perspective as if he were looking in a mirror and seeing himself as he really was,train +33248,33249,33249,kinafalah sa cira a mipaurip tuya maalulay,he was desperate to save the drowning man,train +33249,33250,33250,Kuhepicen kaku tunini a fuduy,I think this dress is too thin,test +33250,33251,33251,herek satu nuya matenes tu ku pihicay nuya matuʼasay,the elders have finished a period of catching fish fry,train +33251,33252,33252,a liyun nu fafaw nu Kitakit haw i,entering a phase of economic growth the nation must accept the policies of the state,train +33252,33253,33253,raecus ku patay niraan,it is a kind of death that is called a bad death,train +33253,33254,33254,mananamay misasakaniw tu parakatay tu tusiya,the one who is used to cheating drivers,train +33254,33255,33255,matini maʼaraw hu ku nura pisalumaʼan nura matuʼasay itira,you can still see the traces of the old peoples migration,train +33255,33256,33256,marifuwasay,it is full,train +33256,33257,33257,papicefisen,grab,train +33257,33258,33258,a sakalavi niyam,we have fish for dinner,train +33258,33259,33259,maliyunay hu a,it is still spinning,train +33259,33260,33260,anu mahrek kuya tatusaay a mipatnak i u mamasadak nai awaay ku para a ufang ku ccay a aadupen a miluud cangraan ta maluwid nuya aadupen cangra a mipatay,now when they have finished their testimony the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them and overpower and kill them,test +33260,33261,33261,itini u ilisin nu i Lidaw sa kiya falucu nu maku,the Toyotomi Festival of the self Dongchang tribe,train +33261,33262,33262,maʼedeng tuku kuʼeteng ningra saan haw,it is all thickened up,train +33262,33263,33263,aiyay ku wawa nu maku,my child,train +33263,33264,33264,mitengil yaca kiya Misikawasay,the priest was trying to lift the evil spirits of the funeral,train +33264,33265,33265,raecus kisu miliyas tu ina atu ama,you cannot leave your parents either,train +33265,33266,33266,yu ini hen ku Ripun,when Japan was still around,train +33266,33267,33267,u sapiculu pataluma,it is used to carry rice home,train +33267,33268,33268,ta tangasatu i sihaliay,to the place where there is a pillar,train +33268,33269,33269,sisa itiya hantu katikati sa mitengteng ku heni,that is when they shouted welcome,train +33269,33270,33270,mimingay a,odd,test +33270,33271,33271,tini matatala satu ku suwal nu sakakaay nu mita,instruct us to wait here,train +33271,33272,33272,cisilusiay,it is marked,train +33272,33273,33273,Suʼelinay hatini itiyahu ha,is it still the same as before,train +33273,33274,33274,mifurac,skip class,train +33274,33275,33275,samaan ku kifetul ira nga,how thick should the thatch be,train +33275,33276,33276,malahukay,have Chinese food,train +33276,33277,33277,malacafay kami a mitakeci i fanaw a niyaru,we study together in the Tafalong tribe,train +33277,33278,33278,itira kaʼayawan ku,in front of that,train +33278,33279,33279,anu,If,train +33279,33280,33280,o Pangcah ku ramud isu,is your spouse Aboriginal,test +33280,33281,33281,mahaenay ku nika talalutuk niyam saka,it is our motivation to go up the mountain,train +33281,33282,33282,namapatay,Forlorn,train +33282,33283,33283,i ayaw nu nika lahci nunini a dmak i mapaliayawtu aku kamu a pasuwal ta anu malahcitu kunini a dmak i pasulin kamu tu suwal Aku,I have told you now before it happens so that when it does happen you will believe,train +33283,33284,33284,tadamakapahay ya faʼinayan tya nguha nira i,and her boyfriend is very handsome,train +33284,33285,33285,nguyus,mouth,train +33285,33286,33286,o faedet nu rumiad ku sakawacay nu maku,it is the sweltering heat that makes me undress,train +33286,33287,33287,misanga ku heni tu vuvu atu tabukud,if they are making dishware and gossip nets,train +33287,33288,33288,Nawhani ira i falucu ita ku sulin atu u mamidauc a mikaput i titaanan,because of the truth which lives in us and will be with us forever,train +33288,33289,33289,inian karurayan aku,this is where I feel most tired,train +33289,33290,33290,hacecacecay han,one by one,test +33290,33291,33291,namatefad,drop it,train +33291,33292,33292,sapakaen tu diyung,it is for feeding the pigs,train +33292,33293,33293,u adidiay a navi i,that little pot,train +33293,33294,33294,Ngaayhu han aku atu i tiniay a salikaka kamu u i Kalatiyaay a kalukiwkay,and all the brothers with me to the churches in Galatia,train +33294,33295,33295,mahaen ku suwal nu matuʼasay,that is what the elders say,train +33295,33296,33296,matira ku satefuc tu ciraraway anu matefuc hu i cai tu kau mamapatiyul kira satefuc,there is no such thing as a refund once you have been penalized,train +33296,33297,33297,anu ca haw i,sometimes,train +33297,33298,33298,nasa tu i nami cumud kami,we were Catholics at the time,train +33298,33299,33299,hay han ita,we sing like this,train +33299,33300,33300,patafafekang,move up,test +33300,33301,33301,Mitiku ku kapah a mafekac a talaumah a mipawsa,the young man jogged back to the field to deliver his lunch,train +33301,33302,33302,o Amis ku fafahi isu,is your wife also Amis,train +33302,33303,33303,kasasurar,we have to back off from each other,train +33303,33304,33304,hatini kira miliyawan hu,after forming this pattern do it again,train +33304,33305,33305,miletek tu aul miletekhu,I am going to cut the bamboo,train +33305,33306,33306,o wawa^ ni Mayaw Luuh kaku,I am Mayaw Loohs child,train +33306,33307,33307,ya mipitpit cingra tura heci nu kilang i,he was picking fruits,train +33307,33308,33308,nikaen,stammer,train +33308,33309,33309,alamaʼan mizunvi tu ku heni tu makeru tiya remiʼad,sometimes they have to get ready to dance that day,train +33309,33310,33310,talupung,label,test +33310,33311,33311,talaen hu kaku marurayay tu ku uu nu maku,wait for me my feet are tired,train +33311,33312,33312,hacuwa a alawen nu tau sa,it is about when people come to me,train +33312,33313,33313,Cudad han nira,she is got notes,train +33313,33314,33314,Dudu tu i mafuraw tayni i kaʼamis i,then they migrated in the direction of the north,train +33314,33315,33315,Orasaka pinaun kamu tu saka^caaw ka lahci i tamuwanan kuya nisuwalan nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a dmak tuya,take care that what the prophets have said does not happen to you,train +33315,33316,33316,matapal tu ita awa ku matatudungay,none of our supervisors appeals have been appropriate or correct,train +33316,33317,33317,minanam tu nu aadupen atu pinalengaw talalutuk miadup atu talariyar mifuting atu taneng sakaurip,learn about plants and animals hunting and fishing in the mountains and survival skills,train +33317,33318,33318,pilipayan anini talakiwkay kami milihay,today is Sunday and we are going to church for worship,train +33318,33319,33319,umanan ku kasaupu nira itira,what was the main focus of the collection at that time,train +33319,33320,33320,tahira kami maen hu kami itiya,we were still eating when we arrived,test +33320,33321,33321,u cecay satu nu felac itiyahu i tusaay pulu ku cecay satu,in those days a bucket of rice paper cost dollars,train +33321,33322,33322,pakatamina,rowing boat,train +33322,33323,33323,kataluma,go home,train +33323,33324,33324,cumud sa cangra i laluma nu tadem i maaraw nangra ku ccay a kapah Maru cingra i sakawanan Ciriku cingra tu tumliay a kafafang Saka mackuk cangra a minengneng,as they entered the tomb they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side and they were alarmed,train +33324,33325,33325,mecel sa iri kimulmul saan ku kilang nira,its trunk is straight and round,train +33325,33326,33326,Paarawen nu maku kisu maanen mikared,I am going to make it up for you,train +33326,33327,33327,Nikawrira u caay pidu^du tu nitngilan a suwal aku i matiya u caay pisanga tu paranaan i sra a mipatirengay tu luma a tamdaw Stulen nu cdas kuya luma i tangsul sa a malfek tastas satu kuya luma,but the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation the moment the torrent struck that house it collapsed and its destruction was complete,train +33327,33328,33328,ila u ila hu ku nu kakitaan a demak sa i,it is time to make a difference as a leader,train +33328,33329,33329,maherek i kuranan i,after it is over,train +33329,33330,33330,Yusanay ku paini tu nu matuʼasay,Alarms like this one,test +33330,33331,33331,aenucay,swallow,train +33331,33332,33332,ta masaupu tu ku finawlan,and the townspeople gathered together,train +33332,33333,33333,paʼaca han ningra pafelian ni ama aku kami tu ninan,when he sells it he will reward us,train +33333,33334,33334,cepi,lap,train +33334,33335,33335,o mamidmak ku Kawas tu mu^celay saka u cacuayen ningra tu pades ku mikariangay i tamuwanan,God is just he will pay back trouble to those who trouble you,train +33335,33336,33336,halafin tu ku piliyas haw tu minatu i as sa kaku,it is been a long time since the ship left the dock I sigh in relief,train +33336,33337,33337,mipalada,will share,train +33337,33338,33338,palasingsi,Teacher,train +33338,33339,33339,hai hiwawa,Right,train +33339,33340,33340,hay matumesek ku fana nu kapah tu sakitini i matuasay u tuas aku u wawa aku saan a ira ku miulahay a falucu palacecay mirikec tu kapah nu niyaru paluwad tu tadamaanay a serangawan nu niyaru,in order to realize the Spirit of fraternity and love for the elderly and the young and to unite the youth of the tribe we have created a distinctive tribal culture,test +33340,33341,33341,pasikaen tu siraw hai misaturun kira,if you have got salted cured meats to go with it make make,train +33341,33342,33342,duduen ita aka palakisawen kuna nanum tuninian saan,we have to continue to follow not to waste these waters so to speak,train +33342,33343,33343,Hacuwa^ tatukian tangasa^ i Taycung anu pakakawtyi,how long does it take to get to Taichung by THSR,train +33343,33344,33344,maanen isu a tayra i Futud,how are you going to get to Orchid Island,train +33344,33345,33345,u mananamay tu ku sikawasay,witches and their customs,train +33345,33346,33346,macedet,get burned,train +33346,33347,33347,itini tuni lalakaw mamilengu tu manan,what will this text talk about,train +33347,33348,33348,32 mafanaˈay kisu Han,pages did you know that,train +33348,33349,33349,Sisai sumawal ku sikawasay,that is why the priest said,train +33349,33350,33350,u emu hananay,it is rice cake,test +33350,33351,33351,a mamicudad tu tu demak nu niyaru,just about to start documenting tribal affairs,train +33351,33352,33352,Ngaay hu ci Maing kaku u nani Pusungay kaku,Hi my name is Maing from Taitung,train +33352,33353,33353,cihaydu citapan tu rey ci kuwang san,just put on your pants and carry a gun,train +33353,33354,33354,huwaden,raise,train +33354,33355,33355,cecay a rekad ku papalidingen,one wagon load must be taken,train +33355,33356,33356,itiya i ira ku kalapiyat atu harengheng atu kakleng atu tataangay a lunen naira ku tamdaw i tini i hkal i awaayhu ku hatiniay a tataangay a lunen,then there came flashes of lightning rumblings peals of thunder and a severe earthquake no earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth so tremendous was the quake,train +33356,33357,33357,Sidinayay kisu,do you have an umbrella,train +33357,33358,33358,o wawa ni Mayaw kaku ci Kacaw kaku,I am the son of Mayaw and my name is Kacaw,train +33358,33359,33359,ku funi kira ufuni mipaliwpaliw,so women help each other through mutual cooperation,train +33359,33360,33360,papitu kami a malekaka i luma,at home we are seven brothers and sisters,test +33360,33361,33361,hatila tu u alapit,it is the size of a chopstick,train +33361,33362,33362,yasa kaku i u sakakaay kaku,I am the oldest daughter in the family,train +33362,33363,33363,masenger,wet,train +33363,33364,33364,mahaenay yari ku vayi yaku sa,then you will understand that your grand mom is so wise,train +33364,33365,33365,o maaraway i luurip a tinaku kunini,this illustration is seen in ordinary life,train +33365,33366,33366,ira kura cecay a dadaya,one night,train +33366,33367,33367,tataheciw,Wuqiu,train +33367,33368,33368,a sumuwal Yu mafuti kami tu lafii i ira ku nisawawaan ningra a mitakaw a pasadak ci Yisan han ku suwal,telling them You are to say His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep,train +33368,33369,33369,sanengseng cira a cinikutay,he looks handsome in a tie,train +33369,33370,33370,mikihatiyaay ku singsi i tamiyanan a misalama u taangyay tu a lalumaan ku pitilidan,we have to clean every day and everyone has to clean the classroom,test +33370,33371,33371,Misaupu tu mapunepunengay milikakawa tu sapatafang,widowers and widowers are collected and offerings are prepared,train +33371,33372,33372,misatipeluk,pacemaking,train +33372,33373,33373,awai ku pinang nu pakayraan a mafana tu sikawasay anu matama hu a mapili nu Kawas haw i u mamararid tu ku nika halafin ku adada cai pakaadah ku i sin tu adada nu matiniay,priests are created in a way that cannot be scientifically explained and those chosen are chronically ill for which medical treatment is ineffective,train +33373,33374,33374,padangan tu nu lalumaʼan nu heni,relatives have come to help,train +33374,33375,33375,micunga,drawing,train +33375,33376,33376,Sasuwasuwal sa ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung Halu ci Lacarus han ita a mipatay saan,so the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well,train +33376,33377,33377,makerahay,dry up,train +33377,33378,33378,tireng sa ku ccay nangra ci Akapus hananay a tamdaw Papipaliayaw han nu Fangcalay Adingu cingra a papipasuwal O aira ku tataangay a kdal i pulung nu hkal saan,one of them named Agabus stood up and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world,train +33378,33379,33379,umaumahan,open space,train +33379,33380,33380,sacacay saan,alone,test +33380,33381,33381,i paputalan nu mita,in our square,train +33381,33382,33382,awaay ku kaisafaan aku tu maan aca tuya tadamaanay a tarukus hananay namu saan ku harateng aku,but I do not think I am in the least inferior to those super apostles,train +33382,33383,33383,u maan kura misinsiʼan i Syifu i,the key to applying is the result,train +33383,33384,33384,anu misausi hu tu matira i paysin sanay ira ira,it is bad luck to pay attention to that kind of superstition,train +33384,33385,33385,suwal sa ci Yis i cingraan O papafculenhu ku wawa Caay ka ngaay a afasen ku alangad nu wawa a patrik i wacu han ningra,First let the children eat all they want he told her for it is not right to take the children bread and toss it to their dogs,train +33385,33386,33386,u tudung pikawit,model this weave after this one,train +33386,33387,33387,nu Kaliyawan sa,it is owned by Kavalan,train +33387,33388,33388,Pafafelin tu harateng a palisumad,change your mind,train +33388,33389,33389,pakuicawen,field something straighten,train +33389,33390,33390,awaay haw awaay,No really No,test +33390,33391,33391,he he he,he he he,train +33391,33392,33392,Nikaurira u nanam tu nu aniniay haw i u nu wawa^ atu nu mama^ tu a ngangan ku masuritay awaay tu sidayen tu ku nu ngasaw a ngangan,However the present custom is to keep only ones own name and the name of ones father while the name of the clan is omitted,train +33392,33393,33393,hatapesfitay,sieve,train +33393,33394,33394,hen,yet,train +33394,33395,33395,tayra kami miala tura dita,we will get the clay,train +33395,33396,33396,fs ah cakafangcal ku uʼrip caay kaitini saan caay karemed kura ulip nira malinah tayra i karatimul,it is not a good place to live and it is not working out so well so I am moving south,train +33396,33397,33397,tu maku a salikaka tuninian haw,be thankful and full of joy,train +33397,33398,33398,Paterungen nu ama ci faki tu titi nu kulung atu icep,my father brought beef and betel nuts for my uncle,train +33398,33399,33399,itiya kura wawa i,the kid was there,train +33399,33400,33400,senghu,father,test +33400,33401,33401,sanay ku suwal ni ama aku,dad told me this,train +33401,33402,33402,pangangan tu kaitiraan i matu ci putal ci Saumah sahetu itira tuya kahufucan nira kacingangan,names such as Potal and Omah are named after the place of birth,train +33402,33403,33403,Misakamuk kita anini,we are going to produce a program today,train +33403,33404,33404,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Mapaurip nu Kawas anini kunini a luma nawhani halunini a tamdaw a u tluc ni Apraham,Jesus said to him Today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a son of Abraham,train +33404,33405,33405,u ina nu Taywan ilalikulay nu kiwkay nu mita,the mother of the miners behind our church,train +33405,33406,33406,kiskis,blow,train +33406,33407,33407,maherek misakarec maanen namu pateli,roll the line how do you wrap it up,train +33407,33408,33408,anu anu maala tu ku kiya haw ku kahiyan aku,I am years old in grade,train +33408,33409,33409,misafaluc tu lisin nu mita nu Pangcah,we also discuss how to promote the rituals,train +33409,33410,33410,tayni i malakacaway haw,to the sage,test +33410,33411,33411,sacai kaku pikarut cipapi karuten nu kaka kaku,I do not have to do my brothers work,train +33411,33412,33412,u maan ku raecusay,what is wrong with that,train +33412,33413,33413,hinapec,doubt,train +33413,33414,33414,o futing atu titi ku sakalafi niyam anini,our dish for dinner today was fish and meat,train +33414,33415,33415,hanu mamanay kisu ami nukay san kura ina,why did you come back in the middle of the night,train +33415,33416,33416,tulatulaw,egret,train +33416,33417,33417,u mahaenay a vuting caay kavana kami,we do not know anything about this kind of fish,train +33417,33418,33418,a patatama tu,come on hit the target,train +33418,33419,33419,suelinay mafukil canra,Actually they do not,train +33419,33420,33420,matiya anengan ha ha ha atekak,it is like a bench ha ha ha it is hard,test +33420,33421,33421,mahaenay anu ca i ayaw i ciʼilu haw i uruma ku nu ka Ripunan hay,peace is precious do not do evil,train +33421,33422,33422,falu ku tuki hatini,it is eight of the clock in the morning,train +33422,33423,33423,pawadis kina wacu,this dog has open teeth,train +33423,33424,33424,i tiya kami a malacinuwas,we split up at that time,train +33424,33425,33425,mitilid kaku i sinkakuin u maan kura sapitilid aku awaay ku paysu nu maku,I am going to seminary and I have no place to go,train +33425,33426,33426,hatini ku pasifana i ina aku kakunan,my mom told me this,train +33426,33427,33427,nu singsi,Teacher,train +33427,33428,33428,caay ka saan kira,it is not going to happen,train +33428,33429,33429,o mipacarcaray kaku a maru itini,I am staying here temporarily,train +33429,33430,33430,niyan haw hay dateng han cikciken sipiciyanen tu litaul,Yes chopped up and scrambled with eggs,test +33430,33431,33431,iray pacici aka saan,please do not force it,train +33431,33432,33432,o kaefuan nu wawa aku ku piseking i picudadan nira,school testing is something that my child cannot handle,train +33432,33433,33433,kami,Tissue paper,train +33433,33434,33434,ora wina hu ira iraay hu ku wina ira kira,it was his mom his mom was still there,train +33434,33435,33435,maluwama,father and son,train +33435,33436,33436,ciungang,geek,train +33436,33437,33437,ini tu ku emin satu,all the men are back,train +33437,33438,33438,hay tiraen ita a paramud,Okay so that is when we are going to get married,train +33438,33439,33439,yu piliclican i tiya i pakafana tu naicuwaay kulalengatan nu ngangan ningra atu pasifana tu paru nu luma atu niyaru ningra,during the interview he introduced to me the origin of his name and also introduced me to his family and tribe,train +33439,33440,33440,nu mahiniay,like this,test +33440,33441,33441,milmil,to feel with ones fingers,train +33441,33442,33442,malecad tu,it is the same,train +33442,33443,33443,Tumera hu ku nanum naitepecan isu a fuduy,there is still water dripping from the clothes you wrung out,train +33443,33444,33444,hatiniay kuni karawraw tiya nisuwalan aku huni,what causes our language to be confused,train +33444,33445,33445,itiya yu malinah ku kiwkay tayni itini Tuwapun iri,at that time the church moved to big Ben,train +33445,33446,33446,saicelen,work hard,train +33446,33447,33447,iraan saka,That So,train +33447,33448,33448,talasifu tu haw i mipiyiay tu kira,when you are at the top of your class you are ready to graduate,train +33448,33449,33449,o kaka^ aku tu fafahiyan,she is my sister,train +33449,33450,33450,paysin away i,there is nothing to hide,test +33450,33451,33451,Makalim kaku a misasing,my hobby is photography,train +33451,33452,33452,mafena,turn into pus,train +33452,33453,33453,ta micaliw kami tu fana nu icel sa,we will use it to our advantage,train +33453,33454,33454,licay,ask,train +33454,33455,33455,na minukay satu kaku i kiwkay i,I am going back to the church,train +33455,33456,33456,urur,impurities,train +33456,33457,33457,disdis tu tefus,peeling sugar cane,train +33457,33458,33458,o imi^ nunini a suwal i,the meaning of this sentence is,train +33458,33459,33459,han nu Hulam,the Han people call it Showa grass,train +33459,33460,33460,papikahuten,Let grab it with one hand,test +33460,33461,33461,Pacawien ku suwal nira,answer him,train +33461,33462,33462,maharateng aku kuni a,I thought of this,train +33462,33463,33463,ngaʼay pakafanaʼen kira hay,teach me a good song Yes sir,train +33463,33464,33464,itiya i macahiwentu cingra sakakumaenan satu yu mipatala tu kakaenen ku tamdaw nuya luma i malayap ningra ku ccay a mapulusi,he became hungry and wanted something to eat and while the meal was being prepared he fell into a trance,train +33464,33465,33465,milekal tu amin kita meduk satu a talatukus,everybody yell everybody get to the shore,train +33465,33466,33466,micangeray,lean on,train +33466,33467,33467,caculculan san,you are going to be called upon to do something,train +33467,33468,33468,katefadan,fall,train +33468,33469,33469,ila ku akawangay ila ku amerekay,some are taller and some are shorter,train +33469,33470,33470,palisumad,Change Loneliness,test +33470,33471,33471,ci Ipay ku ngangan nu wina aku,my mothers name is Ipay,train +33471,33472,33472,yu minukay ci Yis i luma i tayra haca ku finawlan a mitihlum Cingraan Saka awaay ku limaw na Yis a kumaen,then Jesus entered a house and again a crowd gathered so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat,train +33472,33473,33473,hatira pakafit pakafit han nira,just hang it all over the place,train +33473,33474,33474,caay papikuwanen nu Kawas ku cuyucuyuh tuya sasuwalen ita i matini a aira a fa^luhay a hkal,it is not to angels that he has subjected the world to come about which we are speaking,train +33474,33475,33475,malaliw nu maku saka neneng hatu ku luma aku,I will be leaving so feel free to look around my home,train +33475,33476,33476,telihan kiya takula itini i talid nira nawhani kalimelaan nira a widang kuna takula,he put the frog in his bottle because the frog was his most cherished friend,train +33476,33477,33477,hinam,to look,train +33477,33478,33478,mapilik ku Safangcalay malusasangaen tu siraw i,and they choose the best meat for the salt pork,train +33478,33479,33479,tahiceray itini i pangangan nira tu Sasadak hannanay kuni niyaru niyam,they came here and named it the Sasquatch tribe,train +33479,33480,33480,miuntuay,physical education,test +33480,33481,33481,mangawaay,old,train +33481,33482,33482,o kuku ku nikaenan aku,I ate the chicken,train +33482,33483,33483,kaacekan ku wayway nira miudang tu fafahiyan,his flippant attitude towards women is disgusting,train +33483,33484,33484,nima ku alay ku tunu lalemed sa,let us see who is luckier,train +33484,33485,33485,hai satuku,it is a mast,train +33485,33486,33486,tayra satu kuya tamdaw i kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw a sumuwal Ci Yis ku miadahay i takuwanan han ningra,the man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well,train +33486,33487,33487,lafin satu kami itira,we will spend the night in the mountains,train +33487,33488,33488,u vavainay haw ci Panay,is Panay a boy,train +33488,33489,33489,pahanhan kami tu,and then take three months off,train +33489,33490,33490,Patikulan tu aku i nacila kiya saw,did not I return it to you yesterday,test +33490,33491,33491,ta tahidangen ku singpu,I would also like to invite the priest to join us,train +33491,33492,33492,matalaw kaku tu kacuwacuan nu miladuman aku i,I am careful not to spill any water,train +33492,33493,33493,imuc,pepper,train +33493,33494,33494,safa^kan,foodstuffs,train +33494,33495,33495,takaraw ku adiping nira mainayan a ayam,that rooster has a very high crown,train +33495,33496,33496,mahemekay kaku ira ku fadangalan aku pasadak tu ˈicel itini tuniya demak,I am glad I had the honor to do my part in this,train +33496,33497,33497,pacumud,attract,train +33497,33498,33498,cecayay kisu a mikiluma haw,Then do you live by yourself,train +33498,33499,33499,haw mamangay ku mata cay ka nga ku matiniay micumud,because you cannot get through a tiny hole in the net,train +33499,33500,33500,hay haynian a cangaw nisangaʼan su sangaʼan tu,Yeah yeah did you string these necklaces too Yes,test +33500,33501,33501,ta mifalic kami tu fangcalay cutad,and then we translated the Bible,train +33501,33502,33502,siikeden ku siri,separate the goats by kinds i black vs white,train +33502,33503,33503,sa mahaenay ku tayal nu maku i ayaw,this is what happened to me when I was a child,train +33503,33504,33504,muraraw ku picakay saka falicen,I bought the wrong one so I have to replace it,train +33504,33505,33505,i nipacaveng a milawa tunu tawuwan a vinacadan a ada,build a wall to defend against foreign enemies,train +33505,33506,33506,caay ka hiya,there is no such thing,train +33506,33507,33507,Itiyasatu fahal sa ira ku carufacuf a mitahpu i cangraan matngil ku ngiha nai carufacuf a sumuwal O kakaulahan Aku a Wawa kunini Pitngil kamu tu suwal Ningra saan,then a cloud appeared and enveloped them and a voice came from the cloud This is my Son whom I love listen to him,train +33507,33508,33508,Mangaay a talapayufingan minaang mitefad tu paysu atu paefer tu tikami,you can also go to the post office to deposit money collect money and send mail,train +33508,33509,33509,Arawhani atkak caay ka falic ku falucu isu Saka kisu ku mitungalay tu sakakarteng nu nika sawkit isu i pipatalahkalan nu Kawas tu kter atu mu^celay a pisawkit ningra,but because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of Gods wrath when his righteous judgment will be revealed,train +33509,33510,33510,a hiyaen a,that is it,test +33510,33511,33511,ngaʼayay tu kaku maliteng tu i,I am already a very happy old man,train +33511,33512,33512,maanen aca ila ku fangafang aku anucila,I am sorry I have something to do tomorrow,train +33512,33513,33513,Malusimet tu ku sakalingadtu nu misu haw,do you have the equipment you need to get out of the house,train +33513,33514,33514,paratuh,promulgate,train +33514,33515,33515,ya tilid han du le mi su du le mi su saan,just like this over and over again,train +33515,33516,33516,Patulun cingra tu suwal i takuwanan,he gave me a message to pass on,train +33516,33517,33517,Talakawili ku adada,pain shifted to the left side,train +33517,33518,33518,o manan ku nikalican isu a paliding,what kind of car did you take,train +33518,33519,33519,satu ku falucu nangra,that is what they think,train +33519,33520,33520,hacuwa a minukay kisu i niyaru,when are you going back to the tribe,test +33520,33521,33521,araʼen tunu patayni kaku itini i Siyangkan,the factory manager respected me and took me all over the world,train +33521,33522,33522,sadimelen,well,train +33522,33523,33523,o yencepi sa ku sapitilid,write with a ball pen,train +33523,33524,33524,sakasasuwal,communication,train +33524,33525,33525,araway aka tengilen ku masamaamaanay,do not be tempted by the outside world,train +33525,33526,33526,ya mamiliyas i faheka matakaway ku utupay saka mikalic tu pasu kami,when we were about to leave we found that the motorcycle had been stolen so we had to leave by bus,train +33526,33527,33527,fituka,offal of the stomach,train +33527,33528,33528,u ina nira ku mafanaay a madiw mama nira mafanaay a madiw,this family has parents who can sing lead,train +33528,33529,33529,katayalan,workplace,train +33529,33530,33530,wamaurad haw,is it going to rain,test +33530,33531,33531,Hadefeken nu kapah ku niyaru nu mariangay a tamdaw,the youth will wipe out the tribe of the wicked,train +33531,33532,33532,papilifeten,match,train +33532,33533,33533,sakasepat haw i palakawan mipalakawan nengen san kuya mama,Fourth cover the grass to lure the fish father watch the field,train +33533,33534,33534,ngaʼay yaca,it is okay,train +33534,33535,33535,mapatukitukay,associated,train +33535,33536,33536,caay kaku pidakaw tu lunan itiya,I have never been on a boat,train +33536,33537,33537,piecuy,seven,train +33537,33538,33538,Akahu caayhu ka asik aku itini,wait a minute I am not done sweeping here yet,train +33538,33539,33539,caay kalecad atu yu patafu tu yu dademakay i tira i pala haw mipakaen turaan tu maʼuripay nuraa miikuray u mapatayay misuʼayaw tu mapatayay misuʼayaw tu mapatayay,the act of giving rice packets to living workers is definitely different from the ritual of giving offerings to the dead,train +33539,33540,33540,takelang,thoracic cavity,test +33540,33541,33541,o kaikur ku minengnengen,it is the back that is the concern,train +33541,33542,33542,Paalapiten a patadu ku lafang,helping to serve guests with food,train +33542,33543,33543,Saka anu masamaamaanaytu a dmak i samatiyaen u nipihaklung nu kiwkay ci Kristuan ku nipihaklung nu fafahi tu fainay ningra,now as the church submits to Christ so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything,train +33543,33544,33544,o ka pilungcan nu mita tuni ka mamaan ku fana nu tuʼas nu mita itiyamamaan ku rakat,the question we want to explore is how did our ancestors use their intelligence to develop and migrate at that time,train +33544,33545,33545,paka ta pimilais,is a vessel of God,train +33545,33546,33546,o ma^dengaytu kaku a midmak tu maamaan caay ka saan ku harateng niyam o nai Kawasay a icel ku sapidmak niyam,not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves but our competence comes from God,train +33546,33547,33547,ira tu ci Desiku pafana tu a miʼalapit titaanan micudad sa,then Zheng Chenggong came and started teaching us how to hold chopsticks and write,train +33547,33548,33548,parunien,with zucchini,train +33548,33549,33549,yu pasuwal ihu ci Yis i ira ku ccay a tamdaw tu nanilumaay nu citudungay tu kasaupuan a kakridan a tayra ci Yayrusan a sumuwal Mapatayaytu ku fafahiyan a wawa isu Akatu pakalifuten ku singsi han ningra,while Jesus was still speaking someone came from the house of Jairus the synagogue ruler Your daughter is dead he said Do not bother the teacher any more,train +33549,33550,33550,caʼay ka kaʼesuʼ masamisi ku cilah,it will not taste good it is not salty enough,test +33550,33551,33551,mitala tu sapiseking kaku sa i u hitay hu ku tayal nu maku kira,waiting for certification I had not been discharged yet,train +33551,33552,33552,o mamarufurufu aca a tamdaw i u mamarufu o papatapatayen aca tu funus a tamdaw i u mamapatay tu funus mahaenay saka u nika kudait nu falucu atu nipitier nu finawlan tu Kawas ku ngaay,if anyone is to go into captivity into captivity he will go if anyone is to be killed with the sword with the sword he will be killed this calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints,train +33552,33553,33553,matengilay aku kuni a kungku,that is the story I heard back then,train +33553,33554,33554,malamud tu kami cecay a lipay kami malamud i,after we have been married for a week,train +33554,33555,33555,Matayu,slower,train +33555,33556,33556,mararawaw,do not make a mistake,train +33556,33557,33557,a a nawmatini mahaen saw,Ah why is this happening now,train +33557,33558,33558,o caay ka sausi nu Tapang ku raraw a tamdaw i u malmeday saan,blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him,train +33558,33559,33559,sahatiraay hanu tatata hani mafulaw kita nimaan itini,the old man says we are moving south,train +33559,33560,33560,o maan ku cauf nu misu,what is your answer,test +33560,33561,33561,paising,visiting the doctor,train +33561,33562,33562,nikasumuwal nu ruma u terung sa,refers to the approximate abbreviation,train +33562,33563,33563,sakapitu sakafalu i,at the beginning of the lunar year,train +33563,33564,33564,yu tahini cingra i luma i tangsul cingra a misakilikilim takuwanan ta matama ningra kaku,on the contrary when he was in Rome he searched hard for me until he found me,train +33564,33565,33565,misalikaf,speak badly,train +33565,33566,33566,vaki,male elders,train +33566,33567,33567,anini a mihca,last year,train +33567,33568,33568,Masausiay,I read it,train +33568,33569,33569,misaapaay,dumb,train +33569,33570,33570,u cakakacid cukaafesa ku maku misangaan ngaʼay tu,I do not make it too salty I do not make it too bland That is good,test +33570,33571,33571,anu,it will be in the,train +33571,33572,33572,hanaca masemelay ku falucu nu wawa nu misu matiya matiya,the child now remembers the past and is touched by it,train +33572,33573,33573,licayen ku singsi tu kafukilan,ask your teacher if you do not understand,train +33573,33574,33574,aanayaen,it is still a ways off,train +33574,33575,33575,takulaw,throat,train +33575,33576,33576,Maturarukuh ku nafuy pinafuy,children crawl like a supporter,train +33576,33577,33577,mangalay aku mangalay tu paysu saan ku,we both need money to come here,train +33577,33578,33578,u sasangaen tu linalu han kura madengay u tusa tulu rumiʼad i,it is to make marinated pork you can leave it for a day or two,train +33578,33579,33579,Masinawal ku vuting tu sapud han tu misapud,the fish will faint and then you have to pick it up,train +33579,33580,33580,ya tatayni a pahicera ka narikuran nu Amis,after the Amis left many Paiwanese were eager to try,test +33580,33581,33581,sapaʼurip tu wawa sapatireng tu luma i tini,we are going to have to pay off the Peachland family loan,train +33581,33582,33582,nawhani awa ku kuwang kira,Why no guns,train +33582,33583,33583,u ruma tataang ku adada ningra i,Finally when it gets serious,train +33583,33584,33584,pusi matalaw ku hiya satu kuya Taywan sa haw,the Minnan people found out that the Kavalans were afraid of dead cats hanging from trees so what,train +33584,33585,33585,tengilen hu,please listen,train +33585,33586,33586,tu sapisapadurd itiya,organize a family,train +33586,33587,33587,kaku ing kaku lyen,which battalion which company,train +33587,33588,33588,a mipaluwad tu suwal nu mita u Pangcah,promoting the revitalization of our Amis language,train +33588,33589,33589,lisimetentu amin nu heni,they are all organized,train +33589,33590,33590,Mapasifana tu ni akung kaku kira,Grandpa teaches me all the time,test +33590,33591,33591,mangaay,do,train +33591,33592,33592,anu tayiraen i teruterung masarevungay,if you go to the center,train +33592,33593,33593,damay tanengay may a paluma,they developed and tried to grow,train +33593,33594,33594,sahu maʼurad tu,right now it is raining,train +33594,33595,33595,mahaen kiya kungku niya tuʼas niyam,our old man said so,train +33595,33596,33596,adihay suʼelin ku cinah kahecid,if you put too much salt it is too salty,train +33596,33597,33597,ali^,older brothers wife,train +33597,33598,33598,hay i a maanen a caay pikihatiya u lisin nu niyaru kinian,it will because it is part of the sacrifice,train +33598,33599,33599,kaniharan,early morning,train +33599,33600,33600,u Dipun hu ku mikuwanay tu na Taywan itiya,Taiwan was still ruled by Japan,test +33600,33601,33601,Dawmi ku tireng nura kaying a masakeru,that lady is a soft dancer,train +33601,33602,33602,o piliyas namu ku kaiwilan nu falucu aku,their absence makes me feel lonely,train +33602,33603,33603,Malulalulayay ku tau rumakat milaladum,do not you know I walk hard to get water,train +33603,33604,33604,miwasil,classification,train +33604,33605,33605,palalitemuh han tu kuni tapiday tini yu,we will start knitting from this seam,train +33605,33606,33606,Nikawrira caay ku miliyasay kita tu Kawas Saka caay ku mamatkup kita o pasulinay kita tu Kawas Saka u mapauripay kita,but we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved,train +33606,33607,33607,mafariw tu nira ku semut nu alaneng,he finished cutting the grass from the ridge,train +33607,33608,33608,kapara,big ass,train +33608,33609,33609,maan aawa sa tu minukay ku wawa niyam sa,why has not my baby come back,train +33609,33610,33610,kahengangay tu,it is turning red,test +33610,33611,33611,fayu,fainting after chewing betel nut,train +33611,33612,33612,u maan saw ku pinangan tu,a lot of boys are unreliable,train +33612,33613,33613,samaenen a muluʼuc liwliwen hay,how do you tie it do you spin it,train +33613,33614,33614,sakumaingen,Softer please,train +33614,33615,33615,pacarufacufay,it is foggy,train +33615,33616,33616,ya maherek tu mitangtang i,it is done,train +33616,33617,33617,cekeruh han nu maku ku kuliciw ni faki i lalan,I pushed my uncles bike on the road,train +33617,33618,33618,mafana tu kaku tu haw kunian hasaan haw itiya,I read the pentatonic meter,train +33618,33619,33619,Parekreken nu mita kinaluma a mifuhad tu lalangu,I am going to make this house more crowded to get the mold out,train +33619,33620,33620,ta pasaʼupen niyam kuya tamdaw,let us get the members together today,test +33620,33621,33621,awaaytu makelah tu ma tu way ku hiya,the sea has ebbed,train +33621,33622,33622,u pisaʼicel nu paylang u nangra sakangaʼay nu nangra i u milifetay cangra haw,Hans grades are so good because he is serious,train +33622,33623,33623,Nawhani aluman ku mipaculiay takuwanan i tini tataang ku kafuhat nu fawahan adihayayhu ku ci^pucay a tatayalen,because a great door for effective work has opened to me and there are many who oppose me,train +33623,33624,33624,Makakelengay i sawni mamaurad anu sawni,there was thunder just now and it is supposed to rain later,train +33624,33625,33625,nicideman,point,train +33625,33626,33626,alangaden,cradle,train +33626,33627,33627,milaum,waste,train +33627,33628,33628,tu nika away ma macufis,because it is gone it is been plundered,train +33628,33629,33629,Pina^ tu,how much,train +33629,33630,33630,Cicarufacuf ku niyaru nu fanaw tu dafadafak,the pool is covered in fog every morning,test +33630,33631,33631,Mikupit ci ina tu fuduy aku,mom sewed my ripped clothes,train +33631,33632,33632,Miruwaru,rinse ones mouth,train +33632,33633,33633,ira kiya hiya nu makayniay i timulay a mabulaway a tayra,some of them moved here from the south,train +33633,33634,33634,Culu han nu kapah ku sapisaluma a kilang,youth moving building materials,train +33634,33635,33635,o hay,Oh yeah,train +33635,33636,33636,hamaanen ku sumad tu,how do you get rid of grief,train +33636,33637,33637,Samaliemi saan ku adingal nu paliding ni mama aku,my dads car is shiny,train +33637,33638,33638,padeteng a misaariray i kafaliyusan kami,we braved the typhoon to plant corn,train +33638,33639,33639,patangasa i luma,communicate to the family,train +33639,33640,33640,miradum ku Amis a mamin itiyahu,all Amis used to carry water,test +33640,33641,33641,mahaen ku nikavuwah nu i Mabuwakay a tamdaw,and so the south China tribe grew in number,train +33641,33642,33642,aka pilaliw haw hadidihan sankusuwal nu matuʼasay takuwanan,the elders said that you should just hold on and never leave,train +33642,33643,33643,maumah tu kami,we will just work,train +33643,33644,33644,dadingu hananay,my mirror world,train +33644,33645,33645,nikafanaʼan aku,what I know,train +33645,33646,33646,sa itiya hu i,previously,train +33646,33647,33647,araw sa i mipapudpud tangtangen ku lalufic tura cumuli,witness them picking up snails and cooking them,train +33647,33648,33648,Pakafanaen nu singsi kamu tu ngangan nu pinanuwang anini,I will teach everyone all kinds of animals in Pangcah language today,train +33648,33649,33649,hatiraay ku demak,such a construction method,train +33649,33650,33650,Mansa saka saaluman sa tu i tukay a malahad ku teluc nu Pangcah,as a result more and more descendants of the Aborigines are growing up in the cities,test +33650,33651,33651,itusaay ku tuki hakiya,or is it,train +33651,33652,33652,atu safasafa aku,my brother sister in law and I,train +33652,33653,33653,caay ku tadasapalu,not a real whipping stick,train +33653,33654,33654,niyan u,one is,train +33654,33655,33655,ira ku tadaili adidiay a ili,there is a loach a small loach,train +33655,33656,33656,i Taypak cingra a matayal tadamailul kaku i cingranan,he is working in Taipei I miss him,train +33656,33657,33657,Mafcul cangra a ma^min a kumaen Saupu han nu nisawawaan ku pinapcih a usaw a ^pang i matumes ku pitu a fakar,they all ate and were satisfied afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over,train +33657,33658,33658,mucirid,error,train +33658,33659,33659,Mamaan aca salumiamiad sa matayal mimukung,it is okay I am busy with my carpentry work,train +33659,33660,33660,Parefungan ni faki aku kinian u sapiteker tu fafuy nu lutuk,this is the hole my uncle dug to trap mountain hogs,test +33660,33661,33661,u ruma tu i ira tu kura suwal nu malitengay i,the old man said so,train +33661,33662,33662,dengan kaku kahiyan ni hiya faki aku ci,I am the only one who is taken a lot of trouble from my uncle Mr Chan,train +33662,33663,33663,pasuwal haca Cingra Iki ku nika fana namu a mifalah tu limuut nu Kawas tu sapiimeraw tu lkakawa nu tireng,and he said to them You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions,train +33663,33664,33664,anu caka satamdaw cira mafana cira mikuwan tu niyaru saw caka fana,if you do not grow up you will not have the wisdom to run your town,train +33664,33665,33665,sihiya han kiya,the reason why,train +33665,33666,33666,awaay tu ku harateng tu sapimaanawu mali aca,I do not want to think about anything else I just want to play baseball,train +33666,33667,33667,a ngaʼay kuni a kumaen tu uciya,Ahhhh tea is a great thing,train +33667,33668,33668,caay kaulah kaku,I do not like it,train +33668,33669,33669,ira itira ku nikunisan aku mafana kaku tu icuwaan aku miteli ku talakal,I make a mark here so I know where my trap is,train +33669,33670,33670,a palapala a rumadiw,singing and Evangelizing,test +33670,33671,33671,ngaʼay aca mami sanu aka paturud tu,I think it is a great platform and I treasure it I can speak Ami,train +33671,33672,33672,kaupuhen,diligent and prompt,train +33672,33673,33673,mimanay,what do you do,train +33673,33674,33674,Haladitaditaʼay caay kangaʼay ku hatiniay,it is all clay it is not suitable for drinking,train +33674,33675,33675,madiput nu ama kaku,responsibility for care by grandmothers,train +33675,33676,33676,cima ku sarakatay,who is going to be first,train +33676,33677,33677,anu aira kura nani tiraay,if the older generation coming back from the sea,train +33677,33678,33678,likisi,historical,train +33678,33679,33679,tayra i lumaʼnu nimanima,no matter who you are going to,train +33679,33680,33680,kaulahan aku a salikaka hatiniay ku ulah nu Kawas i titaanan saka u mamasasiulaulah aca kita,dear friends since God so loved us we also ought to love one another,test +33680,33681,33681,micudad ku vavahiyan a sava nu maku i yuciing,my sister is in kindergarten,train +33681,33682,33682,haculen,draw water with a ladle,train +33682,33683,33683,a tayni kaku,I am eight,train +33683,33684,33684,Cikangdaway a tilid ku riku nu maku,my clothes are dyed green,train +33684,33685,33685,sanan ku suwal ni ina aku pasifana takunan,that is what my mom taught me,train +33685,33686,33686,furaw,emergency,train +33686,33687,33687,saka anini i cacay tu kaku,now I am alone,train +33687,33688,33688,masalaw,the wind or the rain stops,train +33688,33689,33689,mahaennay,here is the deal,train +33689,33690,33690,o karurayan ku kuling hananay i kalahitayan,training in the military is the toughest,test +33690,33691,33691,tiniay tu a tamdaw maʼemin tayraay miladum,everyone here comes here to get water,train +33691,33692,33692,pisanga tu kita tu,making picture books,train +33692,33693,33693,hay rurudan,Yes it is made into smoked rolls,train +33693,33694,33694,Mifuhad tu fukeluh a mikilim tu kalang i lakelal,look for crabs on the river by turning over rocks,train +33694,33695,33695,o kaakukan nu tamdaw ku aenucan,a persons throat is most likely to choke,train +33695,33696,33696,yu lalisiyan tu,lifting the tsunami,train +33696,33697,33697,u sapakalahuk haw nu cacudadan kiniyan,are these school lunches,train +33697,33698,33698,pinaluma^,crops,train +33698,33699,33699,cima ku citamdaway tunini,to whom is he related,train +33699,33700,33700,I cuwa kami a mipatala saw han nangra ci Yis a milicay,Where do you want us to prepare for it they asked,test +33700,33701,33701,ira ku,come,train +33701,33702,33702,haen saan tuwa,that is it,train +33702,33703,33703,sisutu,pigmented,train +33703,33704,33704,i Fakung,from Tomohama,train +33704,33705,33705,Matarac cingra anini,he has diarrhea at present,train +33705,33706,33706,paliliay tu kulung hay i,it is a cowherd Yes,train +33706,33707,33707,ira kura hiya kura riku i,it is his kids clothes,train +33707,33708,33708,Marayas ku lalan,the road is level,train +33708,33709,33709,caay kasuwalen naku nahuni suwalen tu aku,I will not tell you yet I will explain everything later,train +33709,33710,33710,ciʼuningay hahaha,Dirty ha ha ha,test +33710,33711,33711,payayni i Cikasuwan,about Shichibukawa,train +33711,33712,33712,ya itiya a mihecaan haw,in the olden days,train +33712,33713,33713,haiunian haw u kaherekan tu kunian a mi,Yes this has been done by,train +33713,33714,33714,tahaluma tu ku faʼinay miʼaraw tu kami tu sera,when my husband came back we looked for land,train +33714,33715,33715,tayni nu mama nu kapah,to the young mans father,train +33715,33716,33716,anuhacuwa,future,train +33716,33717,33717,namakatengiltu hakiya kamu haw,have you ever heard of it,train +33717,33718,33718,u rumasatu mangalay cangra a maru i micidekay a kamaruan i kasaupuan a luma atu tadamaanay a kamaruan i pitahkaan,and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets,train +33718,33719,33719,ha,Really,train +33719,33720,33720,aka hu piala tayni natusaen mihaen,you cannot take the second one at this time,test +33720,33721,33721,hay i tanengima kinian,Okay okay okay please try this top,train +33721,33722,33722,aka sawaden ku lisin,do not give up the yearly rituals,train +33722,33723,33723,pitu ku mihecaan aku i patayraan i picudadan mihatatanam tunu kiyukay a demak,at the age of seven I was sent to a school for religious training,train +33723,33724,33724,matakaw ku paysu niyam,our money has been stolen,train +33724,33725,33725,hatiraay aca tu mipasuwalan nira,this will affect their lovers as well,train +33725,33726,33726,tayra i kungkuan ira ku kakaenen sa,I went to school to fill my bag with food,train +33726,33727,33727,Saka pulin satu cingra i sra itiya i ira a matngil ningra ku ngiha suwal sa Sawluaw Sawluaw nawiru mikariang kisu i Takuwanan saw saan,he fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him Saul Saul why do you persecute me,train +33727,33728,33728,panemnem,access to spring water,train +33728,33729,33729,Pitngil yu irahu ci Iliya i tulu a mihca ira ku ^nem a fulad a caay ka urad Tataang ku kdal i pulung nuya kitakit talacuwa aluman ku mapunengay i Israil itiya,I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in Elijahs time when the sky was shut for three and a half years and there was a severe famine throughout the land,train +33729,33730,33730,anu kinalima ku laying,if there are five waves,test +33730,33731,33731,anu mavukil kita u mivutingay a misausi tu nikalenu nikakerah nu liyal sakalihalawan saan,it is dangerous if we catch small fry that do not know how to count the tides,train +33731,33732,33732,u itiniyay a tamdaw i likulikul tu atayni,the people here are all new,train +33732,33733,33733,u makapahay kaku han a mapili kisu tu faʼinayan,do you think you are very pretty what makes you so picky about boys,train +33733,33734,33734,ta linsiw han isu mafana tukisu,after that you will just have to practice hard,train +33734,33735,33735,ini ku tangkuy sulinayay ku mahaenay i sasaay,The winter squash on the ground is the real thing,train +33735,33736,33736,ira a masadak nai tadamaanay a anengang ku kalapiyat atu harengheng atu kakleng ira i kaayaw nuya tadamaanay a anengang ku pituay a dawdaw o tudung nu tireng nu Kawas a pituay a Adingu kunini,from the throne came flashes of lightning rumblings and peals of thunder before the throne seven lamps were blazing these are the seven spirits of God,train +33736,33737,33737,caay kaw u sera,even less like dirt,train +33737,33738,33738,ni naliti nu niyam kuni,we call this a manzanita,train +33738,33739,33739,naitiniay i Frans a Stifani sanay ku suwal Mikitini tuni mikiriwiˈay demak mananamay niyam cuwa ku serangawan anca sasuwalen ku palacecayay tamiyanan au nika ulah niyam ci Yihufaan,Stefania from France said We learned from this special event that it is not culture or language that unites us but because we all love the Lord,train +33739,33740,33740,misalama,something used for amusement,test +33740,33741,33741,sungetanngusu,nose,train +33741,33742,33742,oya luma,the house,train +33742,33743,33743,tataʼang ku futul nira,he has very large testicles,train +33743,33744,33744,unih,caterpillar,train +33744,33745,33745,tayra,to somewhere,train +33745,33746,33746,ini kaemang hu,at a young age,train +33746,33747,33747,anu awaay tu ku mitapiday tu fuduy nu Pangcah kiyami,if there is no one to create the traditional costumes of the Amis people,train +33747,33748,33748,ta tangasa miala,to reach the mountains,train +33748,33749,33749,i lilis nu tukus i kaetip ta,down the hill,train +33749,33750,33750,caay ka talatalahad,we are not jealous of each other,test +33750,33751,33751,leneng satu sa,settle,train +33751,33752,33752,tu tayal nu lutukimu hananay,doing volunteer labor,train +33752,33753,33753,pasuwal sa ci Yuta uya papacakay i ci Yisan Singsiaw kaku haw han ningra a milicay Masanu suwal isu han ni Yis a pacauf,then Judas the one who would betray him said Surely not I Rabbi Jesus answered Yes it is you,train +33753,33754,33754,namaka,From,train +33754,33755,33755,san ku suwal nu ku suwal nu matuʼasay,that is what the old man said,train +33755,33756,33756,Talumatu,going home,train +33756,33757,33757,i lawit nira lutuk ku ucungay a dungec,there is much trembling in the mountains and forests beyond,train +33757,33758,33758,iri talacuwacuwa tayra i timul,to all places to the South,train +33758,33759,33759,saka pafelien tu haw tu riku,So we will give him some clothes to wear,train +33759,33760,33760,mahadak kura wawa i afufuan tu ina aku alaan tu niyam panukay kura niyam,the mother picked up the baby and took it home as my sister,test +33760,33761,33761,ngangusuan,ox nose ring,train +33761,33762,33762,kaen han tu a malahuk,lunchtime side dishes,train +33762,33763,33763,u lalidec han ku ngangan nira mahiraay haw,it is called the nine Lovage Tree right,train +33763,33764,33764,sapisenger,reasons for immersion,train +33764,33765,33765,Macaniker i paputal kaku ira i laluma ku safawah,I was unlocked and the key was in the room,train +33765,33766,33766,i tukay ku tuas nu maku tahanini,to this day I grew up in the city,train +33766,33767,33767,atimela,flea,train +33767,33768,33768,o fainayan a kakakaka caira,they are brothers,train +33768,33769,33769,sanay ku fana aku,that is what I think,train +33769,33770,33770,lulud,roll up,test +33770,33771,33771,aluman ku Sakiraya i tira tangasa anini mafana tu Sakiraya ini mi sa nu Pangcah aca,there were a lot of Zachariahs there and still are and they speak fluent Amish even though they are known to be Zachariahs,train +33771,33772,33772,kutu,head louse,train +33772,33773,33773,u icipang tangasa ira amin ku kaulah,there are prizes for all of them from the first to the last,train +33773,33774,33774,langdaw,blue,train +33774,33775,33775,mahapinang ku anuf nu tireng ita u maudangay u kaackan atu maamlasay a dmak,the acts of the sinful nature are obvious sexual immorality impurity and debauchery,train +33775,33776,33776,caay katalaw ku micacescesay a talalutuk,those who catch cobras are not afraid to go up the mountain,train +33776,33777,33777,mafana kisu malasituing nu,you can have a license,train +33777,33778,33778,uya tu nakingkiwan aku matingil aku caciwan nu tau,I researched it from what I heard from others,train +33778,33779,33779,kiyami maʼalaw aku ku ranen,we met,train +33779,33780,33780,pakatengil ku ruma a tamdaw tu suwal isu,when people listen to you,test +33780,33781,33781,caay ka ira itira tala kita milapac sa ku cavay,sometimes my friends tell me where they are and where they are not,train +33781,33782,33782,Kasiniadaan kura matuwisay a tamdaw,that cripple is so pathetic,train +33782,33783,33783,ura sai tayni tu nanu ira ku mapatayay i,so I went to the funeral home,train +33783,33784,33784,o papakukuten ku demak nuya tamdaw,an accusation must be made against the acts of that person,train +33784,33785,33785,u nu makatimulay ku na,it is from the south,train +33785,33786,33786,savak,paddy,train +33786,33787,33787,tumekelay kaku a ina i luma,I am a stay at home mom,train +33787,33788,33788,misangaay,invention,train +33788,33789,33789,tayni sanay kaku miliyas tu Fataʼan,so that is how I left the light and came back here,train +33789,33790,33790,ura lifung hananay i,about infectious diseases,test +33790,33791,33791,sapisaturunen,ingredients for glutinous rice dumplings,train +33791,33792,33792,u kungku nu akung aku,this is the story my grandfather told me,train +33792,33793,33793,an tu havay iri raecus a mahaen,millet period is absolutely not allowed,train +33793,33794,33794,ku pades,pressure,train +33794,33795,33795,nengneng han nanay aku,I will stand by and watch them do it,train +33795,33796,33796,hmek satu cangra i Cingraan fahka a pakatngil tu tadasiniadaay a suwal ningra suwal sa cangra Caay ku wawa ni Yusif kunini a tamdaw saw saan cangra,all spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips Is not this Josephs son they asked,train +33796,33797,33797,tala tuay tu malaparakatay tu hikuki,I am lucky to be a pilot in the national Guard,train +33797,33798,33798,o damdam u kuhaw cecay hatira ku dateng nu i tiyaay hu,in the early days it was just chili and soup,train +33798,33799,33799,ini ku teking,this is a match,train +33799,33800,33800,oya fiyaway a tawki^ suwal sa Ini ku futing aku tataak ri kaemeday ku aca^ saan,the boss next door said come and buy my fish my fish is big and cheap,test +33800,33801,33801,Pakaraaraay sa ci Pitiru a mikutud i ci Yisan tangasa i putal nu luma nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung Misakapukaput cingra tu midipangay a tayring a maru a miringu,Peter followed him at a distance right into the courtyard of the high priest there he sat with the guards and warmed himself at the fire,train +33801,33802,33802,o nanu misemsemay ku tireng ni Kristu Saka haenen ku namu a mipatala tu falucu nawhani u misemsemay ku tireng a tamdaw i maliyastu ningra ku raraw,Therefore since Christ suffered in his body arm yourselves also with the same attitude because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin,train +33802,33803,33803,caka harateng,did not expect,train +33803,33804,33804,tuʼud matawalay kuna tuʼud,almost forgot the Acacia tree,train +33804,33805,33805,u nu kalengaw ira kuni,it grows naturally,train +33805,33806,33806,makumud kaku aci mama^ aci ina^ aci kaka^,I live with my father mother and brother,train +33806,33807,33807,nu lifetan urip nu misu,what you have been through,train +33807,33808,33808,o letep nu mihecan ku sakacaniiw nu mata nu matuasay,polite term for old woman or man,train +33808,33809,33809,u ilu nu tamdaw hananay ri mahaen ku taʼakay a matengil aku,cows are the greatest price to pay for the sins of men and this is what I have heard in my halls,train +33809,33810,33810,yaan tu i,and then,test +33810,33811,33811,itiya i sangaliwngiw sa ku Farisay a tamdaw atu pasifanaay tu Rikec a sumuwal O maulahay kunini a tamdaw a mikaput tu ciraraway a tamdaw a kumaen saan,but the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered This man welcomes sinners and eats with them,train +33811,33812,33812,itiya masalalan ku pinanam tu suwal nu Aims,this is the way to have a direction for learning,train +33812,33813,33813,awaay ku tamdaw awaay ku tamdaw sanay,no one,train +33813,33814,33814,sa itini tu kuni u pidama tu tayal nu itiniay i pikadafuan,that is why I am helping out at my husbands house,train +33814,33815,33815,O misawaday tu fafahi a ciramud tu ruma a fafahiyan i u maudangay o rumasatu u ciramuday tu nisawadan nu fainay a fafahiyan i u maudangay itu cingra,Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery,train +33815,33816,33816,kanca mitahidang i takunan ku niyaru,I am sure the tribe will ask me to go,train +33816,33817,33817,maan han aku pisimsilam tu ramudanthu samilicay tu matuʼasay nira,what do I have to do go out he might ask his elders,train +33817,33818,33818,sapikeling,Fry tools,train +33818,33819,33819,tadatimul ca ina itiya haw,mom was from the south at the time,train +33819,33820,33820,yu musadak satu ku tipus tataʼak tu,when the ears of rice grow big,test +33820,33821,33821,o manan a matiliday i Fangcalay Cudad miwacayay tu tatanu caay ka harateng a pakayraan a padama ci Yihufa tu sikawdan,what biblical accounts prove that the Lord can help people in surprising ways,train +33821,33822,33822,tu naayaway nira a demak,past Successes,train +33822,33823,33823,ka u nu Amis kura radiw nura malitengay ʼayaw sa,but the elders changed the lyrics to Ami,train +33823,33824,33824,namiadup,I am hunting,train +33824,33825,33825,tu tilid nu Amis han nu maku,I said How do you write an Amrican writing symbol,train +33825,33826,33826,salama tu kumaen tu tu epah mi ciwidang tu samaamaanay tamdaw,I have made friends with a wide Range of people and started eating drinking and playing,train +33826,33827,33827,anu ira ku anu ira ku ka anu ku i kaayaw i kaikur masa masasifelih itu uhuh caay katatama haw,if there is an i if there is a ka if the order of u is reversed it does not sound correct,train +33827,33828,33828,itira piʼaulan haw i,gathering bamboo there,train +33828,33829,33829,hay suelin tu,Yes Indeed,train +33829,33830,33830,ta krid han ningra ci Pitiru atuya tatusaay a wawa ni Cipitay a malahaklung a tayra ksem sa ku falucu ningra a mararum,he took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him and he began to be sorrowful and troubled,test +33830,33831,33831,fakar,basketball,train +33831,33832,33832,Namiusiay tu kisu tuya kimad nu fasiyaw haw,have you read the kite Story,train +33832,33833,33833,a maanen a,use,train +33833,33834,33834,u sapaiya aku sapasengi aku tu cefang nu maku,I am going to show it off to my classmates tomorrow,train +33834,33835,33835,puhayen tu nu ina nu wama nu kapah ku malinaay ngasaw,the child parents family members friends and relatives say farewell,train +33835,33836,33836,ku cuyuh,an angel,train +33836,33837,33837,Nilahciantu aku kunini a dmak i Yirusalim Namapafli nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung kaku tu sakacitudung aku i rufuen aku ku alumanay a mituuray caay kunini a ccay kaku ku mihaiay tu nipipastek i patay cangraan,and that is just what I did in Jerusalem on the authority of the chief priests I put many of the saints in prison and when they were put to death I cast my vote against them,train +33837,33838,33838,paangpaw,red packet,train +33838,33839,33839,mapalit ku falucu aku,my heart is ensnared,train +33839,33840,33840,maherek tu ta sumuwal tu inurung,fate and responsibility that is all I am saying,test +33840,33841,33841,mimaanay kisu i pipahanhanan,what do you do on vacation,train +33841,33842,33842,milalang,prohibit,train +33842,33843,33843,hatiniay tu a wawa haw,modern kids,train +33843,33844,33844,sankaze kaku a paluma,I planted it in March,train +33844,33845,33845,awaaytu ku ^puc caay ku mamalasra atu mamalahiliw Dengtu u nika falah i paputal kamu u pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw i pitngil han ni Yis,it is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile it is thrown out He who has ears to hear let him hear,train +33845,33846,33846,Safahka sa cangra a mitngil tunini a suwal Saka liyas satu cangra i Cingraan,when they heard this they were amazed so they left him and went away,train +33846,33847,33847,falu tu ku tuki anini,it is eight of the clock,train +33847,33848,33848,o ciparukay kamu a talalutuk haw,did you guys bring your quilts to the mountains,train +33848,33849,33849,kenu nima pafeli han nira ku tau kaku sa kaku,I do not know why he gave me away,train +33849,33850,33850,i Sedeng sa,here at Yu the great,test +33850,33851,33851,Kasasihaklung kamu nawhani u manguduay kamu ci Kristuan,submit to one another out of reverence for Christ,train +33851,33852,33852,ora nu niyam i,our panel trucks are responsible for,train +33852,33853,33853,hatira ku kakumaen nira san kay tawki kira,the boss said it is for one for eight,train +33853,33854,33854,lakuwit,cross over,train +33854,33855,33855,o funga ku sakalahuk aku anini,my lunch today was groundnuts,train +33855,33856,33856,u tadamaratar milicirekay,go catch worms first thing in the morning,train +33856,33857,33857,milaliw tu saʼayaway a tumuk haw i,after the death of the first chief,train +33857,33858,33858,awa i,No,train +33858,33859,33859,ta iri misucukiw tu,started internship in,train +33859,33860,33860,ca hu pitanam kaku a mipacemut cila tu pakafana han tu kaku makena,I have never used a fishing rod before would you mind teaching me next time,test +33860,33861,33861,u saʼayaway mlinah itini,the first to migrate here,train +33861,33862,33862,mihaenay anu icuwaay ci Yihufa atu Fangcalay saucur Ningra iraay itira ku pasalat,it also shows that where the Lord and his Spirit are there is freedom,train +33862,33863,33863,maiset ku kasakiyukay,that is how active the church is,train +33863,33864,33864,o misafa^luh kami a malama a misaapilis,We father and son reclaimed the hillside,train +33864,33865,33865,acahu katatudung ku umaling anu san,ah if you think it is not soft enough,train +33865,33866,33866,nayi cuwa a mitatakula,where are the frogs caught,train +33866,33867,33867,o lalipahak kisu Halualumanay a lipahak tu nika hufuc cingraan,he will be a joy and delight to you and many will rejoice because of his birth,train +33867,33868,33868,sisiten ku uning nu pising nu misu,wipe the dirt off your face,train +33868,33869,33869,caur,in time,train +33869,33870,33870,uning,dirt,test +33870,33871,33871,Omela nu matuasay tu silsilan a fana a miwikwik,the old man is very precious,train +33871,33872,33872,u karawrawan nu niyam u matayal,the reason why the staff is so tense,train +33872,33873,33873,tadaadihay,very much,train +33873,33874,33874,teka sahu kami,we just started,train +33874,33875,33875,Farawfawan karuheman tu nu asiru,fall is the time when oranges are ripe,train +33875,33876,33876,u kalahukan sakalahuk nangra,where is their Chinese food,train +33876,33877,33877,pakayni i nanaman nu urip nu Yincu mincu atu taneng nu tuas ku saka saysay saka ngaay nu niyaru atu taliyukay a pinalengaw,indigenous peoples maintain tribal order according to traditional customs and ecological balance according to traditional wisdom,train +33877,33878,33878,tuya avmalavi tu herekvsa malavi malalikid aca,and then dinner and then dancing,train +33878,33879,33879,Mabuwakay,south China,train +33879,33880,33880,sisa tangasa anini,So up to now,test +33880,33881,33881,mikilim cingra,he searched,train +33881,33882,33882,malahad,growth,train +33882,33883,33883,leflef,fog,train +33883,33884,33884,ila hu ku ruma pakayni i fituka ita i miaadada ku fituka i sa,and I heard you should eat more if you have a weak stomach,train +33884,33885,33885,ha hay kini satu suʼlinay,Well that is the only way it is going to work,train +33885,33886,33886,ina lalidec haw u sapicengel saan ku micengelay iri,some people say that this rhizome tree can be dyed,train +33886,33887,33887,manikaw kita manikaw ku cima,we lacked it and so did everyone else,train +33887,33888,33888,u pakayniay tu ngangan nu niyaru,name of the tribe concerned,train +33888,33889,33889,halitangic haca,I love to cry,train +33889,33890,33890,namitngil cangra tunini a suwal nu hungti i luwad satu cangra a tayra itiya i ira kuya namaaraway nangra i wali a fuis a mikrid i cangraan tangasa i kaitiraan nuya wawa kuya fuis i sanger sa i tatudung nuya Wawa,after they had heard the king they went on their way and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was,test +33890,33891,33891,fetiken ku matuasay ta mipalemed i titanan,prayers of blessing to the ancestral Spirit,train +33891,33892,33892,mahaen mirihatengan aku,my thoughts,train +33892,33893,33893,tini satu ku luma niyam itini,our home is here,train +33893,33894,33894,ira kura pasuwalay i tamiyanan,we have been told,train +33894,33895,33895,malingad tala tukus sarayarayaray itira kita,we are going up the hill in a row,train +33895,33896,33896,yan u,fingerprint,train +33896,33897,33897,pakayni i pitier ci Kristu ku pauripay i titaanan i mikumi nu Kawas saka salipahak sa kita a halamham tu sapilcadaw ita tu tadamaanay a dil nu Kawas,through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God,train +33897,33898,33898,samanen isu misawsaw haw,how do you clean it,train +33898,33899,33899,malalicay kita tu demak nu picudadan,let us talk about school,train +33899,33900,33900,a maenen ku lemed,everything is fate,test +33900,33901,33901,malacecayay kisu tu ina atu wama isu a maruhaw,do you live with your parents,train +33901,33902,33902,alamamamamang aca i anu ira tu ku satarud tu tiyad aca tu kamaan saku matuʼasay itiyahu,the old man used to say Let us share a little bit of alternative food so that we can fill our stomachs and be safe,train +33902,33903,33903,haw tayra sa ci ama aku,I have been away for years,train +33903,33904,33904,mahuracay,corpses,train +33904,33905,33905,kapah a mahaen lipahak kaku a mikihatiya,that is great I would be happy to participate,train +33905,33906,33906,matayal tu kaku a misanga misanga tu kalu siraw nu mita,I am going to get to work and make our savory meat,train +33906,33907,33907,tangasa anini kiraan ci RInuʼan hananay,that is what I have been saying about that place until now,train +33907,33908,33908,caay kaala a facaen ku cica nu kilang i fuduy,Resin on clothes does not wash out easily,train +33908,33909,33909,anini^,now,train +33909,33910,33910,tu mafukilay tu nu tamdawan a suwalen ku hatiraay u,there are no words to persuade,test +33910,33911,33911,ruma i anu u tamdaw masemer tu ku falucu hay,anyone else who said that to them would have been very disappointed,train +33911,33912,33912,sakawilen,be used as a pretext,train +33912,33913,33913,kurismas,Christmas,train +33913,33914,33914,paminatuen,setting up the port,train +33914,33915,33915,nu Recurd,I only know accounting and personnel management,train +33915,33916,33916,u hufuc aku itila i Kakacawan hay u ciwkangan hananay a niyaru,my birthplace is Changguang Village Changbin Township,train +33916,33917,33917,anini i satu mikakilimtu ku Taywan,Flatlanders are always looking now,train +33917,33918,33918,nani,from somewhere,train +33918,33919,33919,Kufit sahu ci faki tu suwal awaay tu ku paculiay,no one dared to talk back once his uncle had concluded,train +33919,33920,33920,asip,read,test +33920,33921,33921,milalat,measure word,train +33921,33922,33922,Kahufucan ni ama anudafak,tomorrow is grand moms birthday,train +33922,33923,33923,nawhani mailul kaku tu niyaru nanay ira ku pipanucay i niyaru,because I miss my hometown and I also want to give back to the tribe,train +33923,33924,33924,remuhu,squat down,train +33924,33925,33925,hay fuduy,Scarf the clothes are the same it is just that is it,train +33925,33926,33926,a mihulul kaku damay,I want to go out,train +33926,33927,33927,Nawhani caaytu ku mamapalit nu raraw kamu caaytu ku mamakuwan nu Rikec kamu o i lalumaaytu nu mikumi nu Kawas kamu,for sin shall not be your master because you are not under law but under grace,train +33927,33928,33928,saka pangangan u Makutaay han,that is how they named the tribe Maguda,train +33928,33929,33929,nenghan kami u fafahiyan,look at the women,train +33929,33930,33930,a lalima caira u,there are five of them,test +33930,33931,33931,cima ku linciw i tira pakilac,whoever is the neighbors mayor he is the one who assigns it,train +33931,33932,33932,anu caay ka patay ci ina aku caay ka haen ku pialitec nu mama aku i takuwanan,if my mother had not died my father would not have abused me,train +33932,33933,33933,malaluk cira nawhani,he is a very hard worker how do you say,train +33933,33934,33934,kahiceraan,a place to stay,train +33934,33935,33935,lalaten ningra tu lalaten ningra tu keliw,a rope tied to a wooden stick to measure the,train +33935,33936,33936,u maumahay aku kuni sanay tu kura wina ira kira,his mom said that this son is going to help us with our work,train +33936,33937,33937,miparuen tu kuya nguha ira kuya misawidangan ningra a fafahiyan,with his girlfriend he is dating,train +33937,33938,33938,Dadu sa hu ci ina tu safa tanulesa satu a tumangic ci safa,as soon as my mom comforted my sister she cried with tears on her face,train +33938,33939,33939,adihay ku dafung ni mama aku,my dad had a lot of property,train +33939,33940,33940,sanay ku kaka aku kira hatiraay,my brother said this,test +33940,33941,33941,saka ci haratengrateng,I have a plan,train +33941,33942,33942,Mafana kisu a sumuwal tu suwal nu Pangcah haw,do you speak Amis,train +33942,33943,33943,nika u suelinayay hakiya,and yet is this story true,train +33943,33944,33944,sakafana aku a milappa a rumadiw,let me learn to play and sing,train +33944,33945,33945,ta mahaenay kina demak niyam,here is what happened at that time,train +33945,33946,33946,micekiw,salvage shells,train +33946,33947,33947,tatiih ku falucu nira,his heart is evil,train +33947,33948,33948,Nanuya maluklun cangra nani Olif hananay a lutuk a minukay i Yirusalim Ma^deng ccay a kungli ku nika raraay nunini a lutuk atu Yirusalim,then they returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives a Sabbath days walk from the city,train +33948,33949,33949,mapaekel nu maluyuhay a luma ku mama ni namuh i kafaliyusan,Namohs father was crushed to death by a collapsed house during a typhoon,train +33949,33950,33950,kari^rian,fault layer,test +33950,33951,33951,pateli tuya pihicay caay kaaalaw,do not force the placement of trammel nets in a sequential manner,train +33951,33952,33952,nake a u kaka ranay hayse u safa,is that an older sister or a younger sister,train +33952,33953,33953,mahaen ci Acay na sikusiyaay petun nira kara ʼinap,that dormitory boy Choi has a brother who is just as jealous,train +33953,33954,33954,mahaen tu,as well,train +33954,33955,33955,kakitilaan nu buting,Fishs home,train +33955,33956,33956,caay ka narikay kasulinga atu caay ka ha^emin ku midemakan nu niyam,our actions have not been fast enough comprehensive enough or sound enough,train +33956,33957,33957,i facal,in the field,train +33957,33958,33958,u saka fana aku misanga,I will know how to make it,train +33958,33959,33959,anu caay ka adihay ku pisanga haw,what if there is not a lot of production,train +33959,33960,33960,ira ku saun,it is got a conical hat,test +33960,33961,33961,ansani satu haw,wait a moment,train +33961,33962,33962,minanam sa kamu mihiya mipaluma hayi,Yes,train +33962,33963,33963,Parawraw,nitpicking,train +33963,33964,33964,mafanaay a sumuwal tu caciyaw nu Amis ku safa isu haw,do your siblings speak the language,train +33964,33965,33965,sakalapakuyuc,because poverty,train +33965,33966,33966,Miadad tu maamaan ku mitakaway a tamdaw i luma aku,the thieves were digging and rummaging in my house,train +33966,33967,33967,hatiraay kunini a radiw,that is what this song is about,train +33967,33968,33968,miala tu aul,get the bamboo,train +33968,33969,33969,ya nu misasirawan a futing hay haw u kaʼirangay,you can pickle the head of a fish but it is a bomb fish is not it,train +33969,33970,33970,halikien kura caciyaw i halikien kura suwal i,if you speak faster,test +33970,33971,33971,Makatulu,about three,train +33971,33972,33972,iayaw nu lahuk,morning,train +33972,33973,33973,wali,east,train +33973,33974,33974,pahemek,celebrate,train +33974,33975,33975,makamelengay,sticky,train +33975,33976,33976,yu tahira ci Yis itira i pasifaed sa a minengneng suwal sa cingraan Cakayaw kalamkamen a ma^pud nawhani u mamilafin Kaku anini i luma isu han ningra,when Jesus reached the spot he looked up and said to him Zacchaeus come down immediately I must stay at your house today,train +33976,33977,33977,ya kamaruʼan i ayaʼayaw,that is where we used to live,train +33977,33978,33978,mulesa,water leakage from cracked turtles,train +33978,33979,33979,a luman ku tamdaw,there is a lot of them,train +33979,33980,33980,ini ya tilid tu ira ku radiwen,now sing the lyrics to it,test +33980,33981,33981,o mamikarkar tu sera kita,are we going to loosen the soil,train +33981,33982,33982,unini haw i pakafaʼna kitanan,I am going to tell you all about it,train +33982,33983,33983,haliki lanikay,soon,train +33983,33984,33984,kaciw,geese,train +33984,33985,33985,saparuken,quilt,train +33985,33986,33986,o dengan ci panay ku mafanaay tu imi nu kesip nira,only Panay knows the implications of his whistle,train +33986,33987,33987,Palimuut,discipline,train +33987,33988,33988,masaupu itini i sefi,meet at the tribal meeting place,train +33988,33989,33989,nga nu samaen ku rumiʼad,no matter how the weather changes,train +33989,33990,33990,ira ku mamaviyangaay mimaliay mavakacay misakeruay mipanaay,there were tug of war soccer running dancing and archery,test +33990,33991,33991,nay,exist,train +33991,33992,33992,itiya kiyami haw awa hen ku lalan itiya hu,back then there were no roads,train +33992,33993,33993,pakanuusay,open Claw,train +33993,33994,33994,hamaen ku pipaluma,to know how to plant,train +33994,33995,33995,suelinay iraaytu san kira,it is true they said the Cantonese are here,train +33995,33996,33996,pawli,bananas,train +33996,33997,33997,pafelien nira kaku tu hatiniay kafihekaan aku a,give me this amazing,train +33997,33998,33998,u malivasaw han ku saka sepat a remiad,day is a celebration for everyone,train +33998,33999,33999,Talumatu ci ama aci ina,dad and mom are home,train +33999,34000,34000,paeteng han nira kaku tira tulu a mihecaan,he pawned me off for three years,test +34000,34001,34001,sa iraay ku pipaypayan nu Ripun itini i fafaed sanay a suwal kuni hanaw u kungsiya sa ku pangangan,because there are still places to worship in Japan it is called Miyashita,train +34001,34002,34002,u salikaka atu ina atu,mom and brother,train +34002,34003,34003,i ayaw nu kasienawan a rumiad misakereng ku kakarayan,before winter there is thunder in the sky,train +34003,34004,34004,yan sa mikieciw ku malatumukay anu cecay tusa maedengtu,after one or two songs to bring the crowd to a high point,train +34004,34005,34005,kanasaw han nu Pangcah kura,the Amis call them sea urchins the Han call them sea bile,train +34005,34006,34006,masau ay u hana u vangcal u ayayay,look at the flowers they are beautiful,train +34006,34007,34007,masulafu,townhouse,train +34007,34008,34008,o kinafalahay tu urip nangra ci Parnapas aci Pawlu a matayal tu saki Tapang ita ci Yis Kristuan,men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,train +34008,34009,34009,o was ku mitapalay tu demak ita u tamdaw,God oversees everything we do,train +34009,34010,34010,mianang,save,test +34010,34011,34011,anu Tinsukiw tu anu Ciw lu tu Haliluya tu,whether it is Catholicism Christianity or Jesuitism,train +34011,34012,34012,kita u mitengilay tuna nu maku a caciyaw,listen to the people I share with,train +34012,34013,34013,kakikungen,getting married,train +34013,34014,34014,makapahay,desirable,train +34014,34015,34015,duduh nu tiftif,container for mouth harp,train +34015,34016,34016,pasuwal han aku ci ina aku iraay tu ku likapu aku han aku kiya ina aku,I told my mother about my first paycheck,train +34016,34017,34017,Ngaay a pacaliwenhu kaku tu sapisipasip haw,can I borrow your eraser,train +34017,34018,34018,anu mahapinang ita ku kasasiruma nu harateng nu Kawas atu harateng nu hekal catu ka madenga nunini a hekal,we will not be assimilated into the system if we see in what ways the mind of God differs from the mind of the world,train +34018,34019,34019,Maruhemay haw lahengang,the ripe ones will be red,train +34019,34020,34020,nengnengen ku Salicay nu Miˈusiay Tamdaw,please see the Readers Letter in this issue,test +34020,34021,34021,palalamlam satu kaysyafa anca u kunga haen saku urip nu maku nanuemang,Groundnuts cassava a mixture that is how my life went when I was a kid,train +34021,34022,34022,anu caay ka kapah kura mitilidan i sasipan ningra,if it is not well written he erases it,train +34022,34023,34023,matungangan tu nu paylang a widang a haw,often laughed at by the Han Chinese,train +34023,34024,34024,katalawan ku kakuhkuh,cobras are scary,train +34024,34025,34025,Orasaka u pipatilid aku i ayaw i tamuwanan i caay ku pipaayaw aku tuya muraraway ku dmak a tamdaw caay ku pipaayaw aku tuya makariangay a tamdaw o sapahapinangaw aku i kaayaw nu Kawas tu nika talulung nu laluk namu tu saki tamiyanan,so even though I wrote to you it was not on account of the one who did the wrong or of the injured party but rather that before God you could see for yourselves how devoted to us you are,train +34025,34026,34026,palikis han nira palikis han nira itiya tatusa laliya sa sa tatusa,take two people in a vat and float them away,train +34026,34027,34027,mawmahay kisu ina mawmah tu,Yes I do,train +34027,34028,34028,8 saka cecay hahekalan a Krisciyang patirengay tu taˈarawan mapulung a rumadiw pahemek ci Yihufaan,the Christians of the century also set an example by singing together and praising the LORD,train +34028,34029,34029,miaringatu tu niyan,the clan is grateful,train +34029,34030,34030,kaku,I,test +34030,34031,34031,ira ci Kaynga atu ci i hai tu kaka suelin tu,the clan has agreed to recognize my plan,train +34031,34032,34032,limela sakaku hanaw tilid han aku,it would be a shame if I did not record it,train +34032,34033,34033,Mafana kaku tu nika u sakapidauc nu tamdaw a maurip ku limuut nu wama Aku Orasaka u nanusuwal nu wama i takuwanan ku nisuwalan Aku,for I did not speak of my own accord but the father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it,train +34033,34034,34034,he he he,ha ha ha,train +34034,34035,34035,liyawen,let us start again,train +34035,34036,34036,misisit,rubbing,train +34036,34037,34037,yu upup upupupup kuya kakuku sa,Froggy Whoop Whoop it is calling,train +34037,34038,34038,nu liteng hu kurira misuwalan aku nu hatini,what I am going to talk about now is the situation of building houses in the past,train +34038,34039,34039,patartaren,shaft something vertical wooden columns,train +34039,34040,34040,kalic sa cingra tuna maʼicangay a caʼang,when grabbing a dry branch,test +34040,34041,34041,mahaen tu u nian kiymi,just like this one,train +34041,34042,34042,mikilim ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pulung nu lumaucay tu sapakukut a wacay ci Yisan onini i u sapastekaw nangra ci Yisan i patay,the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death,train +34042,34043,34043,matalaw kafakingan kira,I am afraid I will be fined,train +34043,34044,34044,parucekan,be concerned,train +34044,34045,34045,sulin nengnenghan nira a latek itini i tepung nuna suta unini kiya nasa ku harateng nira,he looked around and he thought that perhaps was in the hole on the ground,train +34045,34046,34046,iraay ku cikungki nu wama wina aku sakadademakan i pitusilan,my parents had a phonograph that they would use when they preached,train +34046,34047,34047,icuwa^,where is it,train +34047,34048,34048,ci Yihufa o ˈicel nu mita,the Lord is our strength,train +34048,34049,34049,nanuwang,vibrate,train +34049,34050,34050,milalatu turira sera,measuring house foundations,test +34050,34051,34051,Salikakaaw mamaaw tngilen ku suwal aku tu pipaading aku i takuwanan han ningra,Brothers and fathers listen now to my defense,train +34051,34052,34052,sarumaen,change,train +34052,34053,34053,sanu Dipungan ira mitilid,he wrote it in Japanese,train +34053,34054,34054,kaying hu,young lady,train +34054,34055,34055,pacamulen,plus,train +34055,34056,34056,ku iray kura mama tu Pangcah,recognition of the Amis community,train +34056,34057,34057,mautuyay,flirtatious,train +34057,34058,34058,uyanan a kaput uyanan a malingaday,same group of peers doing the same thing,train +34058,34059,34059,a mawmah tu laku,to go to the fields to farm,train +34059,34060,34060,Siwaaytu a pulu ira ku falu ku mihecaay kaku,I am years old,test +34060,34061,34061,nu mita misa Pangcahay u uway aca kira,we Amis must use rattan,train +34061,34062,34062,taluma adihay kiya pida,make a lot of money and go home,train +34062,34063,34063,yan mi umidemakay a mipaheci tu demak i u tumuk nu niyaru,the chiefs may then decide to declare that,train +34063,34064,34064,Mikadum kami tu pipamatang naira tu umah,we joined them in reclaiming their fields,train +34064,34065,34065,Matafesiwtu tatu kurarum,it is too sad,train +34065,34066,34066,o maan ta laymay sakisu i takuwanan,what makes you think I am talkative,train +34066,34067,34067,pakayni i Fangcalay Cudad ku sakaciurip niyam tu midaucay saan ku harateng namu saka mikadkad kamu tu Fangcalay Cudad Sulinay unini a Fangcalay Cudad ku pawacayay tu pakayniay i Takuwanan,you diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life these are the Scriptures that testify about me,train +34067,34068,34068,alatek ira ku mafukilay tu matiniay,maybe some people do not,train +34068,34069,34069,papacem,mornings,train +34069,34070,34070,minukay kita anini tuna pafilungan mapulung kita tayni i kiwkay,we all went to church together to worship this new Years Eve,test +34070,34071,34071,hay kaʼirangay kiyami,Yeah it is a bomb fish,train +34071,34072,34072,o ucur nu matuasay i takuwanan a patala Taypak a matayal,it was the elders who sent me to work in Taipei,train +34072,34073,34073,sakaytini i suwal,by means of indigenous languages,train +34073,34074,34074,katalawan tu anini,it is really really dangerous,train +34074,34075,34075,o dadaya ku kalisafunan nu kasaselal,age groups meet in the evening,train +34075,34076,34076,misakaluna,teasing,train +34076,34077,34077,nisetekan,cut open,train +34077,34078,34078,patayra tu kasuy,firewood delivery,train +34078,34079,34079,mafuti kaku,I am stuck,train +34079,34080,34080,kina suwal niyan a mama,his words are imprinted on my heart,test +34080,34081,34081,u demak nira,relevant to those who have passed on to the next life,train +34081,34082,34082,Mitiluay cingra tu fafuy,he is snaring a wild boar,train +34082,34083,34083,maku i tiya a urip itiya hu,that is how I grew up,train +34083,34084,34084,atu ci kaku tu pisiwkay nu ngangan nu maku haw,I am blessed by the Chinese name of Lin Chiu yuk,train +34084,34085,34085,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan O lalan Kaku u sulin Kaku u urip Kaku anu caay pakayni i takuwanan ku cimacima i awaay ku tatahira i ci Wamaan,Jesus answered I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me,train +34085,34086,34086,minukay tu sa kiya wama aku adada tu,my dad came home sick,train +34086,34087,34087,o udang ku saka peleng nu kararamud naira,committing adultery broke up their marriage,train +34087,34088,34088,ciicel ku falucu,courageous,train +34088,34089,34089,mitahaf tunian tenuk anungnungan nu mira,to cover the roof at the top of the center,train +34089,34090,34090,kinafalah ci Kristu tu urip ningra tu saki titaanan pakayni tunini ku sakafana ita tu ulah hananay Orasaka u mamikinafalah kita tu urip ita tu saki salikaka,this is how we know what love is Jesus Christ laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers,test +34090,34091,34091,o tahasidayay ci Ina aku,my mother deliberately stayed behind,train +34091,34092,34092,awaay yaca ku lawad,living for the family,train +34092,34093,34093,an caykahaenen ta a mirarid,if there is no continuous care,train +34093,34094,34094,nengnengen nira kiya safang nira yapi sapi ala nira tuya takula,he looked for the net that he used to catch that frog,train +34094,34095,34095,itiraay atu tumuk nu tiraay,and the local kingpin,train +34095,34096,34096,ini tu ku lalumaʼan nira parusapaluma,relatives sent seeds,train +34096,34097,34097,tu,Void also,train +34097,34098,34098,cedeten,hot,train +34098,34099,34099,Maladadinguen aku kisu,you have become my mirror,train +34099,34100,34100,paangtulen,go it smells like rotting meat,test +34100,34101,34101,awaay ku sapinukayan cangra,I have never thought of going back,train +34101,34102,34102,ci Taupas,Yes,train +34102,34103,34103,tu haka pulungan nu manawinaay,sharing a meal together as a family,train +34103,34104,34104,tumangic tu cangra maʼemin,all the people are crying,train +34104,34105,34105,Midadimaway ci fayi aku tu suna nira i fafisunan,my aunt rocked the cradle gently to make her grandson sleep,train +34105,34106,34106,oniya kasasuwal itiniay 1959 miheca a mifekad itiniay i kapalitan nu Irukuska i Ruwasiya,the above conversation took place in when I was in prison in Irkutsk Russia,train +34106,34107,34107,Maserer ku aca nu dateng,the price of vegetables has come down,train +34107,34108,34108,miala tu ku malitengay tu taʼangayay a kureng,the elders will bring the big urns,train +34108,34109,34109,awaay ku hanhan,no breaks,train +34109,34110,34110,caay tu suwalen niyam citihi kaku tayra saan ku suwal ira,No we will explain they said I had company,test +34110,34111,34111,tira,There,train +34111,34112,34112,uruma i u tadamaanay ku cedi nu kawakawas a misimed a cai kaaraaraw anu nau niadahan tu miliyaw haca a adada anu saan i,or the Spirit may be so powerful that it cannot be easily detected if you get well and then get sick again the priests usually think that the,train +34112,34113,34113,itiya a matfuc nu Tapang ku caay ka fana tu Kawas atu caay pidu^du tu Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay i Tapang ita ci Yisan,he will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus,train +34113,34114,34114,pafalic,change,train +34114,34115,34115,sanay a numaku a kafana kitanan,that is my best advice,train +34115,34116,34116,Nialapitan tu nu kapukaput ku sinafel i siuy,the vegetables in the pot have been threatened by colleagues with chopsticks,train +34116,34117,34117,sapitdalan ci Pilatu ci Yisan saka liyawen haca ningra a pasuwal ku finawlan,wanting to release Jesus Pilate appealed to them again,train +34117,34118,34118,sasuwalen,nosy,train +34118,34119,34119,minanam kaku a misurit tu cudad,I am practicing writing,train +34119,34120,34120,ira kura pahiceraan nu hicay i,there is a fish fry breeder in Tainan,test +34120,34121,34121,ira ku demak kiya minukay,I am not going back until I have something to do,train +34121,34122,34122,atek ya mialaan nita tiya,maybe take our tap water,train +34122,34123,34123,ila hu,also have,train +34123,34124,34124,Inacila^ tayra kaku i niyaru a milisu ci akungan,Yesterday I went to visit my Grandpa in the tribe,train +34124,34125,34125,sasunian,musical instrument,train +34125,34126,34126,sasalimelaen,treasure,train +34126,34127,34127,o,Help,train +34127,34128,34128,nawu mahaenay ku lingtu nu demak,chain of events,train +34128,34129,34129,Mafana ku finawlan tu nika awa ci Yis atu nisawawaan ningra itira saka dakaw satu cangra tuya tamina a tayra i Kapirnaum a mikilim ci Yisan,once the crowd realized that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there they got into the boats and went to Capernaum in search of Jesus,train +34129,34130,34130,a miliyas hen kaku tu henian rumaaw tu aca a milisu i tu henian,I said goodbye to them and said I would see them next time,test +34130,34131,34131,a misaturun anu mipuhpuhtu,in order to make Rangpaku you need to make glutinous rice cake,train +34131,34132,34132,mahaen ku demak ri,that is the way it is,train +34132,34133,34133,a patahekal i haku nu suleda,move it out of the fridge,train +34133,34134,34134,anu maedengay hu kita mipa kafana i,you can do your part,train +34134,34135,34135,icuwaay ku singsi nu misu,where is your teacher,train +34135,34136,34136,nawhani maʼaraw nu maku,because I saw our,train +34136,34137,34137,anca ya say sepat pulu a kaemangay nu mita i,or those young people in their and,train +34137,34138,34138,adihay ku tayal ningra,there is quite a bit of work,train +34138,34139,34139,pateker satu cangra a maʼurip,growing up alone,train +34139,34140,34140,matuʼasay u cafay tu niyam a mifuting u Amis tu u faki kuranan,the elders are uncles from the same family who also came here to fish,test +34140,34141,34141,anu pararid ku urad teli sahu kira,if it rains every day we will just keep swinging,train +34141,34142,34142,Mamin aku tayalen saan maumah miunpang tu liya tu matayal i liya tu fakas nu luyatu nu tefus,it is like I have done everything and I have gone back to carrying sugar cane,train +34142,34143,34143,uway itini ienar nu lutukayca kinian u hiya,not in Pingyuan only in the mountains,train +34143,34144,34144,tu niyan a demak,issues relating to language revitalization work,train +34144,34145,34145,ura na palumaan namu kura i Takidis a niyaru han nanay i,I explained that the Amis were said to have been planted in the Dhekiri tribe at that time,train +34145,34146,34146,pilimuut,comply with,train +34146,34147,34147,i kalafian anini u maminukay ku safa tu fainayan,my younger brother is going home this evening,train +34147,34148,34148,mikarkar,scoop out,train +34148,34149,34149,itiya satu i wawa aku i tairatu i kawcung,some of my kids were in high school by then,train +34149,34150,34150,o paafesaway kira ringu ni fayi tu fuday nira,the fire from the ahjummas stove made his clothes smell like smoke,test +34150,34151,34151,Icuwasaw malitengaytu kaku,No I am not I am old,train +34151,34152,34152,hay nu ayaway hu kasuling itiya,Yes it was a long time ago,train +34152,34153,34153,kakahaen rumadiw a mimaan,like singing and such,train +34153,34154,34154,tunu Pangcahay ta ira ku hun,use the Amish Scriptures,train +34154,34155,34155,miala tuya tangtang tu sakuhawan nira kuni sapalamlam tu ukak nu fafuy hay,tree beans are cooked with pork bones in soup,train +34155,34156,34156,epud sa hu,come on down for a second,train +34156,34157,34157,mimali,play ball,train +34157,34158,34158,Safahka sa ku tamdamdaw a sumuwal Ngaayay a ma^min ku nidmakan nunini a tamdaw O maduengay a tamdaw i pakatngiltu O maapaay a tamdaw i mafanatu a sumuwal saan,people were overwhelmed with amazement He has done everything well they said He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak,train +34158,34159,34159,Panayaw nisasuwalen tu aku cira,Barnet I already told him,train +34159,34160,34160,lingad sa tu tayni mifuting,I decided to go fishing,test +34160,34161,34161,4 saka 5 fedengan mitiliday tu cecay mikiriwiˈay a mapulusi,the beginning of Zechariah records a special vision,train +34161,34162,34162,nika ye,at this time,train +34162,34163,34163,itira kaku misaʼicel tuna kaemangay tu han ita,very strict on the daily life of the players,train +34163,34164,34164,ya mahedak tu kaku pitapid tu kiya lihi,after tidying up the field,train +34164,34165,34165,mi tu kaku ngaʼayay tu ku ngaʼay tu hu harateng niyam,a day of rest,train +34165,34166,34166,o mipacenguay kira kilang imatira,the tree is growing new shoots,train +34166,34167,34167,mahenay,that is it,train +34167,34168,34168,sakaʼurip nu niyam,our life,train +34168,34169,34169,tura mihecaan i,that year,train +34169,34170,34170,ilaay ku mangutaay a alu itira,there are also muddy rivers,test +34170,34171,34171,tira ku suwal nira,that is the way he talked,train +34171,34172,34172,malingad tayra Taypak,then I moved to Taipei to work,train +34172,34173,34173,iraay hu ku cecay a wacu atu cecay a ayam u paru nu luma aku cangra,I also keep a dog and a bird they are my family,train +34173,34174,34174,Mausuyay tu kaku tahini ma cacu^cuay ku paliding i lalan,I am late there was traffic,train +34174,34175,34175,tu nipisanga tina capaʼan,to make this bow holder,train +34175,34176,34176,miruhem,accelerate the ripening,train +34176,34177,34177,maharek kuriraan i,after that,train +34177,34178,34178,tayni i riyar a mitiyati tu nanum a pakaurad,would go to the sea tapping the sea water and praying for rain,train +34178,34179,34179,madah,gently,train +34179,34180,34180,matengil aku ku suwal nu malitengay i,I have heard the old man say,test +34180,34181,34181,saka saʼayaway,so first of all,train +34181,34182,34182,nawhani awaay ku Cudad nu mita itiya hu,because we did not have any books,train +34182,34183,34183,matama kinian nicukaan aku,it is best expressed in this painting,train +34183,34184,34184,cinas,rip apart,train +34184,34185,34185,matiya u ngiha isu kaka,just like your voice brother,train +34185,34186,34186,mafana kaku mi san kisu i,I am a cement maker myself,train +34186,34187,34187,u afih u asisiw,it is rice bran it is straw,train +34187,34188,34188,cucu^,breast,train +34188,34189,34189,pilafinan nu Latumay a selalan kura ari,that place is where Ladoumais class spends the night,train +34189,34190,34190,caay ka tatudung ku demak nira,his act is unbecoming,test +34190,34191,34191,ina Tangbulan,there is a little bit of that going on,train +34191,34192,34192,u paʼaraw ku tu wayway nu malatumukay masapinang tu ku likakawa nu tuʼas,it is obvious that he has the culture of the first nations in him,train +34192,34193,34193,makerih,all,train +34193,34194,34194,u Pangcah hu caay pakasadak tu tulu a nuli a pida,the Aborigines cannot afford,train +34194,34195,34195,hay naayaw u ka Ripunan,Yes it is been around since the Japanese era,train +34195,34196,34196,o maan ku paru nuya kaysing,what is in that dish,train +34196,34197,34197,a paturud tu sararem a urip,being a bearer of culture,train +34197,34198,34198,kawat,the distance between the thumb and middle finger,train +34198,34199,34199,Sepaten ku sariri nu taluan isu,your workhouse should have four pillars,train +34199,34200,34200,mafafalic kita tu tayal,let us take turns working,test +34200,34201,34201,o nanitiraay kaku ci Wamaan a tayni i hkal saka u mamiliyaliyas aca kaku tunini a hkal a minukay i ci Wamaan han ningra,I came from the father and entered the world now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father,train +34201,34202,34202,Cakcak han ni ina ku tamurak a misafel,mom cut the pumpkin into big chunks to make soup,train +34202,34203,34203,Sapalidingen nu mita a misanga,we are going to make it like a car,train +34203,34204,34204,kinsifu micaliw tu kuwang,rent a gun from the county,train +34204,34205,34205,pacaʼuf kiya ali aku i waw saan,my sister in law was very excited when she heard that,train +34205,34206,34206,wawa hu cangra i,they are just kids,train +34206,34207,34207,maedes haw ku singsi namu u singsi niyam u vaki tu,our teachers are very old,train +34207,34208,34208,itira tu mitukad,I will kill them right there,train +34208,34209,34209,Kamaru hen,please sit down for a moment,train +34209,34210,34210,hacuwa a caay semsemi nu matuasay a kemaen,the old man did not eat it raw,test +34210,34211,34211,mama kunu,father of the youth,train +34211,34212,34212,awaay ku kikay,no machine,train +34212,34213,34213,ila tu kura mahupeday aku amiming a hangkasi,it is enough to cover Mrs salary and savings,train +34213,34214,34214,caay ka dudu nu kuka ita paluwad ku kumuying,the state has failed to properly train and promote public servants,train +34214,34215,34215,anini sikawdan nu Kawas misiˈayaway tu manan a pasangaray a pakayraan,what difficult situations do Gods people face today,train +34215,34216,34216,o tudung nu dawdaw nu tireng ku mata Saka anu mangaay ku mata isu i ta^ngad ku tireng isu a ma^min Nikawrira anu tatiih ku mata isu i tuman ku tireng isu a ma^min,your eye is the lamp of your body when your eyes are good your whole body also is full of light but when they are bad your body also is full of darkness,train +34216,34217,34217,papingatuwaen,gap something,train +34217,34218,34218,mauningay,filthy,train +34218,34219,34219,pisaʼilangan ita,only then did we have rice cakes to grind,train +34219,34220,34220,iniyan i terungay hantu,and centrally located,test +34220,34221,34221,iraay ku niyam Amis tu saycalu,we Amis use jonquil,train +34221,34222,34222,caay pisamaamaan kaku,I am not proud of myself,train +34222,34223,34223,rumiamiad,everyday,train +34223,34224,34224,samadah han ni ina a mingiyangi ku waay aku a mipalal takuwanan,mom gently shook my feet to wake me up,train +34224,34225,34225,ci ama ci mama^ ci ina^ u fafahiyan a safa^ atu kaku,Grandma Dad Mom my sister and me,train +34225,34226,34226,u suwal aca kunini sanay ku maku,I thought it was just a story,train +34226,34227,34227,o macekuray a maemin ku niyaru niyam a itini a tumireng,standing here when our tribes are overlooked,train +34227,34228,34228,hasapimaamaan kadufah tu kakaenen nu u urip ita u Amis,there is plenty of food to go around,train +34228,34229,34229,a visay saan a misa Taywan a semuwal,This one will not work,train +34229,34230,34230,nu adidiay u mamaanay a demak makasimsim kisu,little stories or whatever comes to mind,test +34230,34231,34231,u mamipitaw kita anini,we are going to loosen the soil today,train +34231,34232,34232,o safa isu tu fainayan cingra,is he your younger brother,train +34232,34233,34233,tatudung,Backup,train +34233,34234,34234,a hai,Yes,train +34234,34235,34235,lecep,not to see,train +34235,34236,34236,o ninanayan ni Sawmah yu ka^mangan hu kunini miyakiway a demak,playing baseball was Saumas childhood dream,train +34236,34237,34237,cila ri patafu haca tu hakhak,and a few days later you will be preparing sticky rice for me,train +34237,34238,34238,kahengang ku ludi nu kakarayan i picereman nu cidal,the sky shows late sunset at dusk,train +34238,34239,34239,ku nisangaʼan,done,train +34239,34240,34240,mikilim tu finawlan,the tribe will start looking,test +34240,34241,34241,u,Yes Yes,train +34241,34242,34242,caay kanguta kina alu,there is no turbidity in this river,train +34242,34243,34243,mapulung kita a malahuk,we will have lunch together,train +34243,34244,34244,anu culien ni Satan ku tirengtu nira i caaytu ku tatumireng ciira o sakapleng nira kura dmak,and if Satan opposes himself and is divided he cannot stand his end has come,train +34244,34245,34245,o nima a tilid kuni,whose textbook is it,train +34245,34246,34246,icuwa ku mialaay tu kuwakuwang nuna demak awaay,there is no way to enforce the gun laws because there is no such thing,train +34246,34247,34247,cuwa cuwa ka lacecay kami a maru,No I did not live with them,train +34247,34248,34248,malaʼud tu tulu miheca mapatay tu ku kaka aku,in the third year my brother came to the end of his life,train +34248,34249,34249,miteli tu cingra tu sapidemak,he is putting the tools away,train +34249,34250,34250,madengay tu ku nisapudan a vuting tuwa malahuk ku heni,they catch enough portions for lunch before eating lunch,test +34250,34251,34251,kakahemekan,fantastic,train +34251,34252,34252,kakuyen tu mipatae,lift it up and hold it,train +34252,34253,34253,caay ka u malecaday a radiw u ruma ku radiw nira,a different song he is singing a different song,train +34253,34254,34254,maapacay kaku talapitakcian tu papacem,I was late for school this morning,train +34254,34255,34255,miiluh,incinerate,train +34255,34256,34256,masa matira paherek satu kami,that is how we rested over there,train +34256,34257,34257,marepun turaan ya misakakahad isu misiʼuway tu kisu,after cutting the width it is time to cut the bamboo rattan into thin slices,train +34257,34258,34258,fuhafuh,to drive away,train +34258,34259,34259,lasang haw i,and intoxicated,train +34259,34260,34260,hay,I am proud of it Yes sir be proud,test +34260,34261,34261,mimaanay,what are you doing,train +34261,34262,34262,adihay ku sasalufen,it turns out that I have a problem with my speech,train +34262,34263,34263,micelem tu mangata tu kalafian,the suns going down it is almost dinner time,train +34263,34264,34264,pasuwal ci Yis i cangraan Maraudtu ku rumiad tu katadamaanan nuya nai kakarayanay a wawa nu tamdaw,Jesus replied The hour has come for the son of man to be glorified,train +34264,34265,34265,u hu hu hu,Oh yeah yeah yeah,train +34265,34266,34266,caka talaw kana niyaru tu iya tu nanum,the people of this tribe are not afraid of water,train +34266,34267,34267,o rumasatu malaliyaliyang ku nisawawaan tu nika Cima nu mita ku mamalasatadamaanay hakiya saan cangra,also a dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest,train +34267,34268,34268,liyawen hu han hai,repeat that again Yes I will,train +34268,34269,34269,patayen ningra ku kaka ni Yuhani ci Yakup,he had James the brother of John put to death with the sword,train +34269,34270,34270,akatu pasasa kita,we might think something like this,test +34270,34271,34271,misalunguc,pray for,train +34271,34272,34272,pacuk,slaughter,train +34272,34273,34273,Sangaen niira kuya citingsya^ aku,he fixed my bike,train +34273,34274,34274,tusa a rekad ku pasadakan aku a tikami,I put out two mailings of letters,train +34274,34275,34275,kangdaw,green,train +34275,34276,34276,mikadafu^ i ruma^ a finacadan,marry to a non ethnic clan member,train +34276,34277,34277,mahelek mitahepu tuya safitay ta hepuen tu kuya kili,cover the sieve and then the cloth,train +34277,34278,34278,anu u singsi ku misu i,Teachers,train +34278,34279,34279,ya fafaed nira,That Upstream,train +34279,34280,34280,cimaan,for whom,test +34280,34281,34281,nu lafang marikecay tu,the other tribes are still united,train +34281,34282,34282,hansa malupulun sakafalu pacuwah tu,this will be the eighth use of the pass through,train +34282,34283,34283,kaakukan,choke on it,train +34283,34284,34284,uli sa kalahitay pisikang suwal i takuwanan,let us just say you are going to the army,train +34284,34285,34285,adihay ku nikutay nira,he has a lot of collars,train +34285,34286,34286,u hawlit,it is a footprint,train +34286,34287,34287,hay,is,train +34287,34288,34288,mahaen ku demak misafalucu sakitini i niyaru,we are all about tribal affairs,train +34288,34289,34289,hay ya Kaliyawan Kaliyawan sa,Yes about the Kavalan what about the Kavalan,train +34289,34290,34290,onini kahengangay makena,how about this red one,test +34290,34291,34291,Cuwa anu malalid ku kedal i misa pakauladay,No the rain Festival is held only when there is a continuous drought,train +34291,34292,34292,17 ci Yusif nu Arimatiya Timuluay a patahekal tu Saaruan,page Joseph of Arimathea takes a courageous stand,train +34292,34293,34293,maaraw tu niyam,we saw it,train +34293,34294,34294,ira ku kaheciday a nanum,because there is salt water over there,train +34294,34295,34295,Parayasen ku patirengan tu luma,level the place for building the house,train +34295,34296,34296,cecay tusa tulu sepat lima mutepen naca aku,I will make it one two three four five ten,train +34296,34297,34297,taluma sa kaku a tala Kalingku tala Fataʼan,I have returned to Hualiens hometown Matthews Saddle,train +34297,34298,34298,Karafaliyusay kita u Taywan a kitakit,Taiwan is a country where typhoons are frequent,train +34298,34299,34299,ucur,send,train +34299,34300,34300,Sivatikar,there is a bike,test +34300,34301,34301,oya wawa nu tamdaw ku mamiucur tu cuyuh ningra o sasaupuen nuya cuyuh ku patahfikuday atu tatiihay ku dmak a tamdaw a ma^min a paliyas nai Kitakit ningra,the son of man will send out his angels and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil,train +34301,34302,34302,ci Hungay ku ngangan ni fayi aku,my aunts first name is Hongay,train +34302,34303,34303,Papaira tu pasangar catu ka maˈemet ku demak,harmful gossip can blow things out of proportion and get things out of hand,train +34303,34304,34304,Na tanamen kuni hena,try this one,train +34304,34305,34305,u sananay kina suwal,the meaning of this sentence is,train +34305,34306,34306,saatem,clip,train +34306,34307,34307,i luma namu miraradiw,singing at your house,train +34307,34308,34308,sikakapah,profitable,train +34308,34309,34309,u man heng ku pinang satu,and then they say the status is not clear yet,train +34309,34310,34310,kamaru hu kisu u kapah nu niyaru han nu matuʼasay,the tribal elder said Young man you sit down first,test +34310,34311,34311,pilatek tu nu naitiya hu pilatek tu urip nu maku,that is when you learn to live on your own,train +34311,34312,34312,ku vavainay haw u vavahiy aca,Male female only,train +34312,34313,34313,Malukutay ni ina kinian a lutuk,mom has already picked the sassafras from this mountain,train +34313,34314,34314,ruma aca tusa tulu a lalumaʼan a mirarakatan nu niyam,sometimes up to or families,train +34314,34315,34315,emin nuna lutuk ku pipaluma namu ari,did you plant the whole mountain,train +34315,34316,34316,Sinicakay kami tu incay kuletu atu nincing,we bought water spinach yams and carrots,train +34316,34317,34317,nang kaku tuya wawa,that child annoys me,train +34317,34318,34318,u ka Hulaman hu itiya tahkakay tu ca kaka aku,my brother and sister are very old,train +34318,34319,34319,i kaayaw u nanufitaul malafafayuhay ku tireng nira,before that its body changes from a butterfly egg to a caterpillar,train +34319,34320,34320,tura fulad sa kaku i,the sun is meant to chase the moon,test +34320,34321,34321,taluma tu a sakaviyan,boiled fish soup,train +34321,34322,34322,Caay pakahikuki^ ciira,No he took a plane to Taitung,train +34322,34323,34323,cuil,waterbird,train +34323,34324,34324,o mipululay kaku tu ayam i huni,I just went to close the chicken coop,train +34324,34325,34325,sikeliw,Boehmeria,train +34325,34326,34326,u paniyaruʼan u tuʼas itiyahu,where the elders used to build the Gaijin tribe,train +34326,34327,34327,caka sapiʼipiʼiw,less prone to shaking,train +34327,34328,34328,masaeletay,complicated,train +34328,34329,34329,ci Ciyaw kaku,my name is Ciyaw,train +34329,34330,34330,o kalifutan ku tiraay a demak,that kind of activity is too much bother,test +34330,34331,34331,caay kahaen anini,it is not like getting married now,train +34331,34332,34332,macedas ku Takaw i ruma miheca,last year there was a flood in Kaohsiung,train +34332,34333,34333,mitadipi,reliance,train +34333,34334,34334,awasa tu hakiya kuni simsiman nu mita itini,is it possible that none of our people have a mind,train +34334,34335,34335,kewangwu,minerals,train +34335,34336,34336,kaku pasifanaʼan aku ci mira,I will teach him,train +34336,34337,34337,maan han nu Pangcah mipurud,what do the Amis say,train +34337,34338,34338,lahngaay caay u langdaway ku alesuʼay,The green ones are better are not they,train +34338,34339,34339,kakamayan,sleeve,train +34339,34340,34340,Pasaupu han itira ii masatakuay a nanum,Piling up at the pool,test +34340,34341,34341,mavukil kisu saw,why do not you say it if you are not allowed to,train +34341,34342,34342,anu sapitungalaw kisu tu tayal saki Yihufaan iraay ku maanan a hatayal hani,if you want to do more for the LORD what are the service opportunities,train +34342,34343,34343,anu caay ka paciangen isu haw macinaw maʼipuc,if the knife does not dive in it will break and flatten,train +34343,34344,34344,pacukuren,carry,train +34344,34345,34345,unu laluma hecek pina,there are a few piles in the interior,train +34345,34346,34346,aka payakyaken ku suwal,do not gossip,train +34346,34347,34347,malawakayay kpu falucu nu maku matiya u wakayay kaku haratengen,I am getting younger,train +34347,34348,34348,Sulinay kunini a suwal Orasaka aka samadahen ku nika sumuwal i cangraan tu sakatanektek nu pitier nangra ci Kristuan,this testimony is true Therefore rebuke them sharply so that they will be sound in the faith,train +34348,34349,34349,maherek tu ku sikawasay,the priest ceremony is ready,train +34349,34350,34350,ehuh,exhale,test +34350,34351,34351,Pasuwal ku Tapang tu Tapang aku Kamaru Kisu i kawanan Aku tangasa i papihinukupan Aku tu ada Isu i pasaripaan Isu saan,The Lord said to my Lord Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet,train +34351,34352,34352,cecay ufad ku pasangaʼan aku,I made dollars,train +34352,34353,34353,Papikicayen ku wawa nu mita,let us teach our children to be frugal,train +34353,34354,34354,maharek tu kita mireper ira ku mialaay ma haw,we are catching good wine anyone want to buy it,train +34354,34355,34355,nawhan i anu caay ka rayrayen ku nanu lalengawan nu mita u Pangcah,because if we do not explain the origins and culture of the Amis people,train +34355,34356,34356,o caca nu mita kinian,this is our bamboo mat,train +34356,34357,34357,u pina ku rakat,it is at walking speed,train +34357,34358,34358,mahaen ku nu niyam itiya hu nanu i kapah,that is how we were when we were young,train +34358,34359,34359,lekakawa nu cengfu deng u nilahecian,just look at the results,train +34359,34360,34360,nawhani caay ka sungila ku pitilid nu maku,because I am not good at reading,test +34360,34361,34361,tangasa tu ini kasivavainay,it is time to get married,train +34361,34362,34362,miketing ku talud i riku aku,grass stuck to my clothes,train +34362,34363,34363,ta alahan nira,he took,train +34363,34364,34364,anu caaycaay papina ku tamdaw nu niyaru itiya haw i,even if there are not many people on the tribe,train +34364,34365,34365,Pasuelin kaku tangasa anini i taliyuk nu urip aku i iray hu ku hamaan a taungen sanay a tamdaw,I know that even now there are some around us who see no need to apologize,train +34365,34366,34366,anu ca kalalidan miala ku lukut,if the sans is not harvested very consistently,train +34366,34367,34367,itini i hakini tuna pung saan ku falucu nira a miceli,Is it inside this hole he said so and called,train +34367,34368,34368,sepat tatu a fulad,four months,train +34368,34369,34369,ci camul,doped,train +34369,34370,34370,tila,gallbladder,test +34370,34371,34371,Hamaan cuwa ka fecul kumaen tu kacawasay,do not eat watermelon and eat unsaturated,train +34371,34372,34372,Yucima ku nagangan nu misu han aku,I asked the lady what her name was,train +34372,34373,34373,u pakayniay u pifahfah tu,the practice of expelling,train +34373,34374,34374,miadup,hunting,train +34374,34375,34375,kaku sa itiya i samisimisi hu ku mihecaan,I was a minor,train +34375,34376,34376,kaemang hu kisu i mipadang kisu tu tayal nu mama hay,when you were a kid did you help your father with the farm,train +34376,34377,34377,tarakaw ci Putal puener ci Valiyus,Putal is very tall and Valiyus is shorter,train +34377,34378,34378,kedec tu misahatini i,it has to be tightly wound like this,train +34378,34379,34379,sapisikaʼen tu hakhak u turun aca,and with sticky rice and potato,train +34379,34380,34380,kihatiya satu tu ku tumuk a ma tu nu maku,I will follow the four year term,test +34380,34381,34381,Hakenu licayen hu aku,I do not know I will go and ask,train +34381,34382,34382,maulah ku tamdamdaw tu rahemed nu masamaamaanay a kakaenen,people love to eat all the soft variety of things,train +34382,34383,34383,u ngatu nu tamaku,a cigarette butt,train +34383,34384,34384,u hitay nu Ripun anu sa nu hulimen,Nanpu airport,train +34384,34385,34385,mataelifay,past,train +34385,34386,34386,o kamukuay ku cacaedungan a riku ku aacaen nu maku,I want to buy the clothes with short sleeves,train +34386,34387,34387,ha mademectu ku Ripun,Japan lost the war,train +34387,34388,34388,ira ku paanipay,I am planting rice seedlings again,train +34388,34389,34389,ini ku hafaʼinay isu sa,this is your object,train +34389,34390,34390,ingid han tu niyam hiwawa i alamiteruteruc sanay kura singing nu iciku,the crew jumped up one by one as we approached,test +34390,34391,34391,luwi,squealing,train +34391,34392,34392,pahanaan,parterre,train +34392,34393,34393,tu kalahitay tu nu maku,when I was in the service,train +34393,34394,34394,o lalan nu pikesulan tu suwal nu i hekalay,a channel for earthly dialogue with the gods,train +34394,34395,34395,sa kaku satu ku kayciw itini,I came to be in charge of the church,train +34395,34396,34396,o kangikangican ku tarawadaw nu Pulacil,Brazilian rivers are full of crocodiles,train +34396,34397,34397,tayni tu ku ʼaʼadupen imatini mahaenay,some prey will come here automatically,train +34397,34398,34398,maifur,calf or deer jumping with their buttocks up,train +34398,34399,34399,cisiuyay,there is a rice cooker,train +34399,34400,34400,awaay tu parakat tu tusiya anini,he is now a taxi driver,test +34400,34401,34401,masamaamaan haw i,no matter what happens,train +34401,34402,34402,nitapulungan a futing haw i cahulak tilien nangra yu cahulak paekelen nangra,after dumping the fish place the fish on the bank and press it against a rock,train +34402,34403,34403,matiya tu u dademakay nu sikawasay,it is like a priest,train +34403,34404,34404,minukay haca tayni i takuliaw,I am back here in Takayama,train +34404,34405,34405,u kavus u kalang emieminen,the crabs are all gone,train +34405,34406,34406,o kakeriden ni ina kaku a paising,mom wants to take me to the doctor,train +34406,34407,34407,kukang ri u fuduy u hu hu atu cecay ayam,we will trade clothes for clothes Oh ha ha ha with one for the other,train +34407,34408,34408,sefi,clubhouse,train +34408,34409,34409,manay anu maherek kaku a radiwan iri,Yes So if I finish this song,train +34409,34410,34410,itiya i tangsul a mahapinang ni Yis ku nika sadak nu icel nai tireng ningra saka pasasiikur saan cingra i finawlan a sumuwal Cima ku mitfingay tu riku Aku saan,at once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him he turned around in the crowd and asked Who touched my clothes,test +34410,34411,34411,a tala Kinmun haw sari,you are going to Kinmen,train +34411,34412,34412,mihayimihayda,agree,train +34412,34413,34413,Apener ku adipel nu luma naira,the walls of their house are very short,train +34413,34414,34414,caay pifalic cangra tu falucu a misawad tu mipatayay tu tamdaw a dmak atu nipisatangki naira atu nika udang atu nipitakaw naira,nor did they repent of their murders their magic arts their sexual immorality or their thefts,train +34414,34415,34415,haen tu nu sifu tuniya Wen Cyin Can nu niyam itini,can be supported by the government,train +34415,34416,34416,mafana tu Kacaw ci tura demak i,when my uncle Chen Jiachun found out about it,train +34416,34417,34417,maherek kisu misasaw i,when you are done cleaning,train +34417,34418,34418,Pakipasu kami a minukay,we took the bus home,train +34418,34419,34419,matayal tu i Taypak i kaysa,they both work for the Taipei office,train +34419,34420,34420,ira ku adiyamay atu lukiw Sahetu u mipalumaan aku yu,I have chili and okay both grown by myself,test +34420,34421,34421,Aniw,personal name,train +34421,34422,34422,talapatiyamay,store,train +34422,34423,34423,ta likelun satu caira malupisak sa kiya malakakaay suʼlinay tu pacacawi caira masasuwasuwal,so they moved down and these siblings were planning to disperse so the brothers discussed the plan amongst themselves,train +34423,34424,34424,o tihi aku cingra a matayal,he works next to me,train +34424,34425,34425,Pacauf sa ci Pitiru Nengnengen masawadaytu nu niyam ku maamaan a mituur i Tisuwanan han ningra,Peter said to him We have left everything to follow you,train +34425,34426,34426,matuʼas tu,growing up,train +34426,34427,34427,o kakaliman nu maku i midanguy,my hobby is swimming,train +34427,34428,34428,ni Maʼuwid,Malverde,train +34428,34429,34429,i suwal nu Pangcah a maanen,learn how to speak Amis,train +34429,34430,34430,makapahay ku pisausi,it is very well read,test +34430,34431,34431,a mapela kiya sulafu nira haw cinanum ku laluma,the cement cracked and so water leaked inside,train +34431,34432,34432,pacefa cikasaʼan a misanga tu siraw,you do not just take any other meat and make it into savory meat,train +34432,34433,34433,tayni satu kami i Taypak itini,we are in Taipei,train +34433,34434,34434,mafana mikurkur tu kadikuan ku wacu i lutuk,dogs are very good at digging nests in the mountains,train +34434,34435,34435,ya ala muʼetepay tu rumiʼad hatiraay,we will do it for days at a time,train +34435,34436,34436,itiya i ira i kasaupuan a luma ku maaruay nu adingu nu kaackan a palafuay lkal saan a sumuwal,in the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon an evil spirit he cried out at the top of his voice,train +34436,34437,34437,miliyaw tu sakalinah niyam a tini kina niyaru,that is why we want to move to this place again,train +34437,34438,34438,macudahay,courageous,train +34438,34439,34439,si,tin,train +34439,34440,34440,caay i ayaw kiyami haw,No in the past,test +34440,34441,34441,anu saan pakayniay itini i paluwad tu suwal nu mita u Pangcah,about the promotion of the revitalization of the Amis language,train +34441,34442,34442,hay iti ya hu u sahetu ay hu u lingad ku urip,back in our day it was pretty much just going out to work,train +34442,34443,34443,cima kisu,may I ask who you are,train +34443,34444,34444,anu caay pitngil cingra tu suwal nangra i pasuwalen ku kiwkay anu caay pitngil cingra tu suwal nu kiwkay i samatiya han u mafukilay tu Kawas atu milisataay ku piharateng cingraan,if he refuses to listen to them tell it to the church and if he refuses to listen even to the church treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector,train +34444,34445,34445,6 Kau Suˈlinay ku Hasuwal nu mita,we have to tell the truth,train +34445,34446,34446, o mamicada tu inuˈ a tamdaw hanu papacaˈuf tu salicay nu mikimaday hani,B why does a person preparing to be baptized need to answer the questions posed by the speaker,train +34446,34447,34447,fafa,carry,train +34447,34448,34448,Hai mapulung kita cilusid a masakeru,Yes we are we are all going to dance in traditional costumes,train +34448,34449,34449,miarawan ira kura palumaʼan,the place to cover the house was also found in advance,train +34449,34450,34450,hahumungen,visiting,test +34450,34451,34451,awaay tu ku widang i luma,I do not have any friends left in the country,train +34451,34452,34452,patingwa hatu kaku ini u ciwsiw aku ri,call me my address is here,train +34452,34453,34453,fekac hananay yu,running style,train +34453,34454,34454,suʼelinay kami satu i anini awid i a rumiʼad i,also today,train +34454,34455,34455,initu ku Ripun a micumud,the Japanese are moving in,train +34455,34456,34456,misiayaw,face to face,train +34456,34457,34457,kalimelaan ku parud nu Pangcah anu tanektek ku parud nu luma i tangasa i daʼuc ku ngangan nina lumaʼan sanay,the formation of the hearth is the source of the root and by consolidating the hearth the family descendants will have a long and continuous flow of water,train +34457,34458,34458,manikaway hiwawa ku urip i tiyahu,I used to live in poverty,train +34458,34459,34459,sanupakuyucen ku fulucu nu misu haw wawa,be humble,train +34459,34460,34460,ira ku ahemaway ira ku vaeketay,there are tones and there are soft tones,test +34460,34461,34461,haysaʼayaw teli han niyam i sera kira,and at first we put it on the ground,train +34461,34462,34462,Nikawrira u matatudungay a lumuwad a maurip nai patay a micumud i kakarayan i caaytu ku caciramud,but those who are considered worthy of taking part in that age and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage,train +34462,34463,34463,caay pisaliyawliyaw kami a iraay ku demak nu kalu lumaluma i,when something important happens to the family the elders will not keep showing up over and over again,train +34463,34464,34464,ku,slanting,train +34464,34465,34465,Matatuud a minukay ku finaulan nu niyaru,will all the tribesmen come back,train +34465,34466,34466,sahetu u fikeluh ku lalan sa milafin kami,it is hard to walk on the rocky road so we are staying in a hut,train +34466,34467,34467,hananay mahaen,the culture of rituals,train +34467,34468,34468,halatek cuwa kananam kisu tu pakayraan nu salikaka a sumuwal nuhatini tinakuen cuwa ka hecad tu telangay a kasakupang a samadah anca samuecel sanay a sumuwal,you may not be accustomed to the way brothers and sisters in the new congregation speak for example they may be more tactful or direct than those in the previous congregation,train +34468,34469,34469,pacemut,fish,train +34469,34470,34470,anu maican tu cingra haw,what if he dries up,test +34470,34471,34471,Matakah kaku a kumaen tu hemay,I am not used to eating rice,train +34471,34472,34472,hai miciyumpi,Yes ready,train +34472,34473,34473,I finawlan nu ruma a kitakit han ni Pitiru a pacauf suwal sa ci Yis Anu hatira i caay ku papasata ku nu tireng a tamdaw,From others Peter answered Then the sons are exempt Jesus said to him,train +34473,34474,34474,dengadengay saan a walu ku nikadadudu nu laed,there are exactly eight stages,train +34474,34475,34475,Dipung,Japanese,train +34475,34476,34476,kele,cola,train +34476,34477,34477,Mitktuk i kidudung iri,then put it on a cloth and dye it with a hammer,train +34477,34478,34478,Rumakat kaku a tayni,I came on foot,train +34478,34479,34479,cisefiay,kitchen,train +34479,34480,34480,misupericay,Gluten free,test +34480,34481,34481,hay u maamaan kura,what are those,train +34481,34482,34482,kalisautan nu Yutaya a tamdaw,Jewish Council hall,train +34482,34483,34483,tarakaw tarakaw tu ku laying wa tayniyaytu,the waves are getting higher and they are coming,train +34483,34484,34484,maemecay,strangled,train +34484,34485,34485,tacuwa adihay kura cilah ira anu tatiʼih ku kamay ra caay ka fangcal ka fangsis,if you do not have the right hands no matter how much salt you add it will not be good and it will not smell good,train +34485,34486,34486,fafahi,wife,train +34486,34487,34487,o ciyn ciya a patiyamay mingataay tu luma namu,is the Family Mart to your house,train +34487,34488,34488,araw,General assembly,train +34488,34489,34489,u niyam san haw i laluma,our at home,train +34489,34490,34490,u nu Taywan a luma kiniyan,this is the Minnan family,test +34490,34491,34491,matiya u nika tfad nu mafunuray nu tataangay a fali a masulawayhu a hci nu sukun a kilang ku nika tfad nu fuifuis nai kakarayan i sra,and the stars in the sky fell to earth as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind,train +34491,34492,34492,manawnaw ku tamina,the boat is floating,train +34492,34493,34493,ngangelngelan,joint,train +34493,34494,34494,Mipacalay ku kapah nu Pangcah i ka Ripunan,a young Ami man works as a telephone line operator in the Japanese era,train +34494,34495,34495,kacumuli nuriyar tataangay,big snail by the sea,train +34495,34496,34496,sahetu sanay u kaka aku ku misangaay,my sister and her husband built it,train +34496,34497,34497,mikutud hu kaku mituul tu tau maumah,I work with other people,train +34497,34498,34498,anu mafanaˈ kita tu caˈuf nuniya salicay wa mahecad ci Martaan mitala tu piliyaw nu mapatayay a maˈurip,if we knew the answer to this question we could look forward to the time of the future resurrection as much as Martha does,train +34498,34499,34499,pasevanaay,Teachers,train +34499,34500,34500,saripu nu mita u tuʼas a ngangan,is it a heterophony or is it the name of an elder Yamaraura,test +34500,34501,34501,kasaupuan,congregate,train +34501,34502,34502,cilimaw kisu anu cila haw herek nu lahuk tayra kaku a mikilim i tisuwanan,Then are you available tomorrow I will visit you tomorrow afternoon,train +34502,34503,34503,anu pakaˈmet kita tu keter i u mamisamaan mifiyur tu mitusilay demak ita,whether we remain calm or whether we are impulsive may directly or indirectly affect the work of evangelism,train +34503,34504,34504,miʼadup i,when you are hunting,train +34504,34505,34505,ira tu ku ulah atu hemek,with love and laughter,train +34505,34506,34506,emin han aku ku tinaʼi a mifalah,I lost all my organs,train +34506,34507,34507,itira kaku kaku itira mi tudung nu katayalan nu maku,I spent two years there enriching my expertise,train +34507,34508,34508,u nian ay mahan tu,that is how this one works too,train +34508,34509,34509,tiwas,take,train +34509,34510,34510,Parifuwasen ku nanum i mintang isu,make your basin full of water,test +34510,34511,34511,sa ku Taywan hay,Taiwan says purple color is more melancholic Yes,train +34511,34512,34512,caay ka hemin a marueru ku tamdaw nu Cikasuwan,no one from the clan has come down the mountain,train +34512,34513,34513,o lawal u turun atu dungec,Grandpa treats us to mouse meat common millet and vine heart soup,train +34513,34514,34514,ta mangaay mifuting,then you can go fishing,train +34514,34515,34515,mipasasuala tu fana pasasuala mahenay ta,mutual exchange of views and wisdom,train +34515,34516,34516,Papina^ kamu a malakaka^,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +34516,34517,34517,maliteng tu kaku i,it is already old,train +34517,34518,34518,aira kura puluusiyesiyaw,there are tribal schools,train +34518,34519,34519,pasayra kaku i sulinay a Kawas a pasuwal u niktunan aku a suwal i caayay ku misahaihaiay caay haca ku misanaanaayay,when I planned this did I do it lightly or do I make my plans in a worldly manner so that in the same breath I say Yes yes and No no,train +34519,34520,34520,awaay ku mamalacungtung nu Pangcah,the Amish do not have the talent to be president,test +34520,34521,34521,ira hen ku mikiadidiʼay i tuheniyan,smaller than them,train +34521,34522,34522,felih felih han,turn it over,train +34522,34523,34523,Mahmek ku tawki tu nika ckid nunini a caay ka mu^cel ku dmak a misimaway tu luma a misafana nawhani ikaka nu taneng nu i ta^ngaday tamdaw ku taneng nu tamdaw nunini a hkal tu saki kaput nangra,The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly for the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light,train +34523,34524,34524,nikawrira caay ka ucur ci Iliya i cimacimaan nuya mapunengay deng i ccay a mapunengay nu Carifat nu Situn a maucur cingra,yet Elijah was not sent to any of them but to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon,train +34524,34525,34525,pakayni tu i lusay,in terms of fruit,train +34525,34526,34526,anu caay ku suelinay anca awa makera ku kaciraraw u Kawas satu ku mamafana,all unspecified or undiscovered crimes can only be appealed to God for punishment,train +34526,34527,34527,pacaliwen hu^ kaku tu kuliciw isu haw,can I borrow your bicycle please,train +34527,34528,34528,saka itiya sa tu kaku minengneng mangaay kini parayrayen ku tilid nu pancah,Therefore I realized that it was good to preserve the Amis language,train +34528,34529,34529,sa takudul sa ini i abesaay muheting tu,that is why when we got to Freshwater we got black Zephyr,train +34529,34530,34530,hen san kaku kirahuwa i putal saʼadifan,I have been out on the porch like this,test +34530,34531,34531,u masaʼupu tu kura tau,those people got together,train +34531,34532,34532,tusaay ku icifa i niyaru niyam,we have two markets in our tribe,train +34532,34533,34533,hatira ku piʼimer nu citudungay mama nu kapah ku,the responsible father of the youth is so protective,train +34533,34534,34534,mahaenay,it is named Shui Leung village after this allusion,train +34534,34535,34535,matalaw kaku a mikalic tu hikuki,I am afraid to take the plane,train +34535,34536,34536,saka sawadan nu niyaru kira liwmah caytupakapina ku ci umahay kira umah anini itini i kawali nu niyaru,the rice fields on the east side of the tribe are not being farmed much and some of them are fallow,train +34536,34537,34537,Kupa,cotton,train +34537,34538,34538,hay i ira ku kacumuli u kalang u pahku atu hakhak mangalay haw,Snails crabs cats and sticky rice Interested,train +34538,34539,34539,yu mauradtu,it is like the rain,train +34539,34540,34540,u kungku na kaka aku,stories from my brother and sister,test +34540,34541,34541,miasik,sweep up,train +34541,34542,34542,kiraan a kahanghang niyam itira i sufitay,we have the friendship of friends on the same ladder in the army,train +34542,34543,34543,na u pasuvanaay ku demak nu maku,I used to work in the field of teaching ethnic languages,train +34543,34544,34544,saka han nu kapin kira hatira sa minukay,what the officer said about going back to square one is going home,train +34544,34545,34545,yenmu han ira i malananum kira kahengang kira,juice it and drink the red juice as a beverage,train +34545,34546,34546,alaen tu nu niyam i misanga tu,we will pick it up and start working on it,train +34546,34547,34547,o hengad ku nikiliman nura wawa a fawu,the bugs that are looking are beetles,train +34547,34548,34548,hana mapatay kita i,after we die,train +34548,34549,34549,o tatenukan nu kaput,about middle age,train +34549,34550,34550,ya hanu kuwaping,the Chinese call it the Development Team,test +34550,34551,34551,aayaw haw tumuk u nikaurip nu niyaru,Head life in the tribe of the past,train +34551,34552,34552,tu nu aniniay a sikac,modern society,train +34552,34553,34553,asiruma,it is okay,train +34553,34554,34554,ira tu ku faʼeluhay en tu mi,there is new language coming in and it is going to reshuffle the deck,train +34554,34555,34555,Mata^taay aku kusa^def mapaedefay kaku ira i laluma ku safawah,I locked the door the keys inside,train +34555,34556,34556,hinasuwal,talkative,train +34556,34557,34557,tusaay rumiʼad malingad,sometimes we travel on two consecutive days,train +34557,34558,34558,hatu pasayniay takuwanan pasuwal ci Yihufa Wikturia masasaysay kita tu kalalaˈed ita,I felt as if the Lord was saying to me Victoria let us work out our problems with each other,train +34558,34559,34559,a mivuting ku kita,we have to fish,train +34559,34560,34560,uninian a sukuy haw minengnengay tu tandaw uyaan saka itini,So that is why we need a specific person to take care of a wooden scallion,test +34560,34561,34561,cifaki,mothers brother,train +34561,34562,34562,fuduyay,apparel,train +34562,34563,34563,anini a ngangan i han tu ira,it is now called South Creek Bridge,train +34563,34564,34564,paener,short,train +34564,34565,34565,tahini tu itira i niyaru ku misu i masasuwal tu,after returning to the tribe from the beach we started talking,train +34565,34566,34566,Malafaedetay ku falucu nu mahinumay,the heart of the one who is comforted feels warm,train +34566,34567,34567,patusiyaan,garage,train +34567,34568,34568,u Tabalung atu Vataan,long Valley and restoration,train +34568,34569,34569,kafecul,saturated,train +34569,34570,34570,mamiseking,I am going to the exams,test +34570,34571,34571,redasa cingra a mafuti,he was fast asleep,train +34571,34572,34572,sasuut,rope,train +34572,34573,34573,o wama aku i u Kaningafal mikadafuay tayni,my father who came here from Hsin Chong was married,train +34573,34574,34574,o mamalakakridan nu kiwkay i ka u awaay ku taturuen a raraw ningra u ccayay ku fafahi u minaunay u pakametay tu tireng u masatamdaway ku dmak u halilafangay u mafanaay a pasifana,now the overseer must be above reproach the husband of but one wife temperate self controlled respectable hospitable able to teach,train +34574,34575,34575,milafung tu panay,to cover rice with dirt plant,train +34575,34576,34576,hatiraay kura demak kira kura katayraan aku,that was the situation when I went there,train +34576,34577,34577,itini i pasawali haw i ira ku Fakung atu Ciwkangan i katimul haw i ira ku Falangaw u Palidaw,on the east coast there are the Fonbin and Ciwkangan tribes in the south there are the Malan and Hengchun tribes,train +34577,34578,34578,matatudungay ku akawang aku i,I am not that tall,train +34578,34579,34579,o narakatan nu fafuy kunini a lalan,this is the road the boar took,train +34579,34580,34580,u remiʼad ku melawen nu mawmahay,farmers will have to depend on the weather,test +34580,34581,34581,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Papitadem han ku mapatayay a tamdaw tu mapatayay nangra Kisu tu i pipatnak tu pakayniay i Kitakit nu Kawas han ningra,Jesus said to him Let the dead bury their own dead but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God,train +34581,34582,34582,cifafahi tu ku cifafahiay a safa aku cifaʼinay tu ku ci faʼinayay a safa aku fafahiyan,my siblings have all started their own families,train +34582,34583,34583,o nisilsilan nu maku kira cudad,I arranged those books,train +34583,34584,34584,mahaen kuraan,that is the situation,train +34584,34585,34585,paluma,sowing,train +34585,34586,34586,manguheday,cavity,train +34586,34587,34587,Maairic ku lamit nuni kilang,the roots of this tree are twisted around each other,train +34587,34588,34588,Caay tu kadayum adihay ku masaeletay,it is a bit difficult because the syntax is a bit complicated,train +34588,34589,34589,fanuh,fur,train +34589,34590,34590,pasa^etip,west,test +34590,34591,34591,Tulu a satu ku wawa ita a tahefikud tirana fukeluh,our children may fall because they kick a stone,train +34591,34592,34592,cayka u tayal niyam haw mapulung sanay matateku tu tayal niyam,we do all our work together,train +34592,34593,34593,ita,we are,train +34593,34594,34594,pangangan sa i,Mothers name,train +34594,34595,34595,haenen ita,here is what we are going to do,train +34595,34596,34596,O rumasatu aka paflien ku wacu tu fangcalay anu haenen namu i latek pasayra i tamuwanan a mikalat aka fahkulen i fafuy ku cincu anu haenen namu i latek sakasaken naira,Do not give dogs what is sacred do not throw your pearls to pigs if you do they may trample them under their feet and then turn and tear you to pieces,train +34596,34597,34597,nicakayan,what I bought,train +34597,34598,34598,aka ka talaw kisu tu aira a pades isu Haratengen u sapilifetaw nu Palafuay i tamuwanan saka u rarufuen nira ku papinapina namu o mamapades kamu tu mu^tep a rumiad tahiraen i nika patay isu ku nika sulin nu falucu isu ta paflien aku kisu tu malutamuhung isu a sakaciurip,do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer I tell you the devil will put some of you in prison to test you and you will suffer persecution for ten days be faithful even to the point of death and I will give you the crown of life,train +34598,34599,34599,hakuwa tu ku aanayaen a rarakaten ita,how much further do we have to go,train +34599,34600,34600,misaafelay,charcoal production,test +34600,34601,34601,hay i,Okay,train +34601,34602,34602,mitengil tu suwal nu matuʼasay,listen to the words of the old man,train +34602,34603,34603,ira ku miluku ira aca ku masamaamaanay,milk powder and so on people will gladly accept it to survive,train +34603,34604,34604,kaku atu ci kaka Kating isu,me and your sister,train +34604,34605,34605,Maaraw ni Yis iraay ku ccay a karapapahay a sukun a kilang ira latek ku hci nura kilang nasa cingra a miraud Arawhani awaay ku maan aca Tanupapapapah saan nawhani caayhu ku tudung nu kacihcian nuya kilang itiya,seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf he went to find out if it had any fruit when he reached it he found nothing but leaves because it was not the season for figs,train +34605,34606,34606,kakavutian,bedding,train +34606,34607,34607,hay niyan macelak sanay niyam u matuʼasan,we old folks think this is the way to go,train +34607,34608,34608,ku Cituciyaw itiya a mitingtuay sahetu cangra,they almost always preach,train +34608,34609,34609,malakayciw kaku saan i,later on,train +34609,34610,34610,i pala tu maʼemin ku mararaway aku i matira hay,now it is like this,test +34610,34611,34611,Pasatimul,all the way south,train +34611,34612,34612,hai u niyaru a niyam u ciwkangan,Yes Ciwkangan is our tribe,train +34612,34613,34613,ya milingatay i fafakeduhan a futing,the kind of fish that sticks to rocks and stones,train +34613,34614,34614,mafulawmi,move to,train +34614,34615,34615,Cieduay ku waay nu maku,I have very meaty calves,train +34615,34616,34616,caay paʼapul,lime is not included,train +34616,34617,34617,a miseking,exams,train +34617,34618,34618,saka micifafahi san i itiniay tini kira u mialaay kisu tu fafahi,I am married to a wife from here are you married to a wife or what,train +34618,34619,34619,Aawaay ku pakaˈusiay a tamdaw tu fuˈis nu kakarayan,no one can count all the stars in the universe,train +34619,34620,34620,han i laklak san awaay ku epucepuc,it is a mess a mess no results,test +34620,34621,34621,haratengen nu wama wina ku sapalimuˈut nu Matay 2819 20 misamaanay hanu padama tu wama wina itini pipasifanaˈtu wawa hani,why is it helpful for parents to think about the commands in Matthew to teach their children,train +34621,34622,34622,ruma a miheca^,next year,train +34622,34623,34623,pacelem kisu Enah,Enah why are you so early,train +34623,34624,34624,hatini ku paini nu maku kira saw,I am sharing this today,train +34624,34625,34625,ayam,chicken,train +34625,34626,34626,pakakasuling,gasoline powered train,train +34626,34627,34627,Fufu ci Yuing atu ci Hungay kami fuhaten hu ku fawahan,Grandma we are Yoing and Hongay please open the door for us,train +34627,34628,34628,itiya u matuasay caay kasikucu,the old ones did not wear shoes,train +34628,34629,34629,tahefud,flying dust,train +34629,34630,34630,o maan han kina lutuk kiya,what is the name of this hill,test +34630,34631,34631,kaku i itini u kaka aku i,I am an inside sales manager in a factory myself,train +34631,34632,34632,Hai tulu pulu tu ku tingting aku,Yes I weigh kilograms now,train +34632,34633,34633,mitakaw,steal,train +34633,34634,34634,malakakitaan ku tamdaw i,the reason why people become leaders,train +34634,34635,34635,suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Aka ka rawraw ku falucu namu Tieren ku Kawas tieren Kaku,Do not let your hearts be troubled trust in God trust also in me,train +34635,34636,34636,aka ka muraraw sakapahen ku rakat,do not lose your way and do not look back,train +34636,34637,34637,Tawki semuutay ku paysu aku sapi falican kaku tu payci,Boss I have a hundred dollars I want to exchange it,train +34637,34638,34638,suʼlinay,sure enough,train +34638,34639,34639,tu cecay a rumiˈad licay han ni Pitiru ci Tafung Hanu tatayni sa kisu a micara takuwanan saw,one day Peter asked Dunn Why do you bother me so much,train +34639,34640,34640,o matuʼasay hananay ri,parents will understand,test +34640,34641,34641,Cifasiyaway kina luma tu kahengangay,this family has red kites,train +34641,34642,34642,caay ku kananaman sa masemer ku falucu matiya cucuk hananay nu rinum u,I am a non professional and I feel like I am being stabbed in the heart,train +34642,34643,34643,sasiwasiw,grain sifters,train +34643,34644,34644,talem,sharp,train +34644,34645,34645,Papaʼuli han ku rarapa,leave the cow alone,train +34645,34646,34646,talacuwa mi,where to play,train +34646,34647,34647,hadimelen ku pidiput tu wawawawa,take good care of the kids,train +34647,34648,34648,Sangaen nira ku tingsa aku,he fixed my bike,train +34648,34649,34649,ku pihakelung nu fana ita tu suwal nu Pangcah,I cannot keep up with the wisdom of the Amis,train +34649,34650,34650,u alu anca ya awaay ku nanum a sauwac,or a ditch without water,test +34650,34651,34651,hatini ipaykway san,like this for dollars,train +34651,34652,34652,Intruductiun,Continued episode,train +34652,34653,34653,ku nipicudada nu maku i ayaw,the above is the process of my study,train +34653,34654,34654,mahufuc kiya ina aku i saka enem a wawa i u faʼinayan,the mother gave birth to a boy,train +34654,34655,34655,awaay ku fakeciw nu mira,he does not have a measuring tape,train +34655,34656,34656,u sapakaranam tu i cila dafak mipiseytayan,prepare to eat at the Festival tomorrow morning,train +34656,34657,34657,anu matira mihakelung kaku i tisuwanan,Then I will go with you,train +34657,34658,34658,u pimamaan nu falucu saan,learning objects,train +34658,34659,34659,o faedetay kunini a nanum sa kaku cenu han tu kamay ki^tecay aca,I thought the water was hot but when I put my hand into it I realized it was cold,train +34659,34660,34660,na patireng tu kiukay saka a sepat a miheca ira kuya na i Padaka ci turis mi nanam tu suwal nu mis,four years after we built the church Turis who was from the States came here to learn Amis,test +34660,34661,34661,Mafukiltu cangra tu ngudu Saka haklung han nangra ku anuf nu falucu nangra a mautit a midmak tu masamaamaanay a kaackan a dmak,having lost all sensitivity they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity with a continual lust for more,train +34661,34662,34662,Saka pasuwal satu ci Pitiru Sulinay mahapinangtu aku i matini ku nika caay ku misakakinihay ku Kawas,then Peter began to speak I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism,train +34662,34663,34663,Matataus tu kita,we have met each other come together,train +34663,34664,34664,mipatelungan,it is for you,train +34664,34665,34665,sasafaay ku mira a fufu,her grandmother was the youngest,train +34665,34666,34666,o mapakakahungay tu ku kuhaw,the soup has been released with flying fish,train +34666,34667,34667,yu ccay a rumiad miraud ci Yisan ku alumanay a milisataay atu rumaruma a ciraraway a tamdaw a mitngil tu suwal ningra,now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear him,train +34667,34668,34668,mapusisir nu seli tayra i alu,it is being washed down the river by the mudslide,train +34668,34669,34669,Wawaaw,Kids,train +34669,34670,34670,macicih ku riku aku papitapiden aku cingra sa kaku,my clothes are torn and I want to ask him to mend them,test +34670,34671,34671,ca tu kaku a masamaan ku wayway itini i hekal haw,no matter how the world changes,train +34671,34672,34672,sungaliw,uneven,train +34672,34673,34673,tadakahemekan,terrific,train +34673,34674,34674,kacidalan,clear sky,train +34674,34675,34675,kalasufitayan,training centers,train +34675,34676,34676,i sauwac ku nu cengceng hatira ku suwal aray,on the river is a fish house that is all I am saying thank you,train +34676,34677,34677,rakaten ni Yis ku Kalili a pala a ma^min pasifana i kasaupuan a luma i kasaniyaru a patnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay i Kitakit nu Kawas adahen ningra ku masamaamaanay a adada nu tamdaw,Jesus went throughout Galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness among the people,train +34677,34678,34678,ku niyan a nika lemangaw a nipalumaan,the more you grow the better the Harvest will be,train +34678,34679,34679,hai ngaʼay hu kita mapulung,Hi Hi Hello everybody,train +34679,34680,34680,saksakenhu itini sera,lay flat on the ground,test +34680,34681,34681,nu Pangcah a maanen,in the Amis language,train +34681,34682,34682,luna,teasing,train +34682,34683,34683,ci Kacaw ku ngangan aku,my name is macaw,train +34683,34684,34684,miseper,chopping grass for cattle grazing,train +34684,34685,34685,asa kaku a paini tu mita hu a,I sincerely hope,train +34685,34686,34686,caay ka caay ka laheci aku kiya suwal nira,I did not finish him,train +34686,34687,34687,o malu satafu kunini,this is good for wrapping,train +34687,34688,34688,masaʼupu satu kami nu matuʼatuʼasay,attend the gathering of the seniors here,train +34688,34689,34689,masukuliw tu,Measured,train +34689,34690,34690,Mipakutay ci kaka tu tatiihay a dawdaw tu fa^luhay,my brother replaced the broken lamp with a new one,test +34690,34691,34691,lekakawatu,traditional,train +34691,34692,34692,tahira tura namu a iya itiyahu,at that time and up to your age group,train +34692,34693,34693,Suˈlin anu caka pasuwal cangra latek mamatira ci Tafitian ku harateng nangra Nanay pahemeken nu tamdaw kisu tu nika citanengay kisu,even if people do not say it out loud maybe they want to say to us May it be appreciated that you understand,train +34693,34694,34694,u cefang tu niyam a mitilid,turns out she is a classmate of mine just ask her how she got it,train +34694,34695,34695,Masaecaw ku hakhak,the glutinous rice has been brewed into wine,train +34695,34696,34696,tunian a demak,on this work,train +34696,34697,34697,micudad kaku i cacudadan,I am in school,train +34697,34698,34698,Namiasip tu kaku kakahemekan kina cudad,I have read it it is a great book,train +34698,34699,34699,malaluk kami a dademak,we work hard,train +34699,34700,34700,tu maluumah nu niyam,organize the fields here,test +34700,34701,34701,Watayra i lutuk anini kita,are we going to the mountains today,train +34701,34702,34702,wawa aku kunini,this has become my child,train +34702,34703,34703,sapiʼunip i,Taneda,train +34703,34704,34704,mitadas,open up,train +34704,34705,34705,akay maʼuriptu matini,it may be adapted for planting,train +34705,34706,34706,sanu Payrang sanay ku caciyaw nu mira,he is speaking entirely in Minnan,train +34706,34707,34707, itini i Fangcalay Cudad pakafanaˈay tu manan tu wawa,B what does the Bible teach children to do,train +34707,34708,34708,anu mapasadaktu ningra a ma^min ku siri ningra i malasaayawaytu cingra a rumakat ta tuuren nu siri cingra nawhani mafana ku siri tu ngiha ningra,when he has brought out all his own he goes on ahead of them and his sheep follow him because they know his voice,train +34708,34709,34709,naayaw matuʼasay,past elders,train +34709,34710,34710,Milusimet kaku tuya tanulakaw sanay aku a kafutian,I am going to organize my filthy room,test +34710,34711,34711,a kapahtu ku niyaru nu mita,and our tribe will be wonderful,train +34711,34712,34712,Nikawrira suwal sa kuya cuyuh i cingraan Cakariyaaw aka ka talaw matngilaytu nu Kawas ku pitulun isu o mamahufuc tu fainayan a wawa ku fafahi isu ci Ilisapic ci Yuhani han ku pipangangan tuya wawa,but the angel said to him Do not be afraid Zechariah your prayer has been heard your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you are to give him the name John,train +34712,34713,34713,vuhecal tu ma haw iri madupuh tu a minuka,it turns white and he makes a coil,train +34713,34714,34714,Satukien nu maku tu rumiamiad,I wear a watch every day,train +34714,34715,34715,caay papi aka piala tu raan fuduy han aku ku wawa,tell the teens not to take that costume,train +34715,34716,34716,hatu ni Maʼuwid,Malverde said this,train +34716,34717,34717,kanguduan tu kunini a caku,I am a bit shy and embarrassed,train +34717,34718,34718,dafak,for tomorrow,train +34718,34719,34719,caka saan ku matuʼasay,this is what the elders teach,train +34719,34720,34720,hay aray han,Yes thank you me,test +34720,34721,34721,Naay malileng kaku i tira a maru,No I get seasick sitting there,train +34721,34722,34722,macedeng,slowly,train +34722,34723,34723,senger,immerse,train +34723,34724,34724,Katumerep i sawni ku uradmacidalay tumasadak tu ku talakal ni Idek,the rain has just stopped the sun has come out the rainbow is coming out,train +34724,34725,34725,ikur tu i midmak ci Hiruti tu satatiihay a dmak tuya pirufu ci Yuhanian i tarufuan,Herod added this to them all he locked John up in prison,train +34725,34726,34726,macuracur,have been urged,train +34726,34727,34727,aku mitawcikel uya ya pasuwalay,telling Tales that is what they said at the time,train +34727,34728,34728,sawad han tu ku nu tuʼas tuʼas hay hay,abandoned traditional beliefs Yes yes yes,train +34728,34729,34729,ta ladudu satu tangasa i,and then we will go down in order,train +34729,34730,34730,ku^tem,black,test +34730,34731,34731,Orasaka ciintel ci Hirutiyas ci Yuhanian sapipatayan i cingraan nikawrira caay pakalahci cingra,so Herodias nursed a grudge against John and wanted to kill him but she was not able to,train +34731,34732,34732,rekad,consignment,train +34732,34733,34733,katahenay a talaluma,come in quickly,train +34733,34734,34734,sanay ku malitengay,that is what the old man said,train +34734,34735,34735,mifadahungmifuhdit,roofing,train +34735,34736,34736,ira kiya kuengelay nira kiya,choose the tender part,train +34736,34737,34737,aka pisawad tu nipalumaan nu tuʼatuʼas a kakaenen,do not forget the food that our ancestors left us,train +34737,34738,34738,u tamdaw nu Yincumin cacay a patekenan tusa ku kilac nu tamdaw i Taywan,the Aboriginal population makes up of Taiwans total population,train +34738,34739,34739,misaʼhadidi,it is just a matter of patience,train +34739,34740,34740,itini i Tayan,in the Atayal tribe,test +34740,34741,34741,tamurung,carry on ones shoulder,train +34741,34742,34742,kaku tu pananumay,I will carry the water,train +34742,34743,34743,nengnenghan nira kuya malingaday i caay pinengneng cingranan,he looked at the farmer did not see him,train +34743,34744,34744,milada,ask,train +34744,34745,34745,pakelang tu kuya kuya mapapalipaliway,groups that help each other to work celebrate,train +34745,34746,34746,niman awaay,how could there not be,train +34746,34747,34747,dawdaw,lamp,train +34747,34748,34748,pasaliyuten tihtihan,spin around and jump up and down to shake out your belongings,train +34748,34749,34749,dademakay,do,train +34749,34750,34750,Pakahikuki^ ciira,he took a plane to Orchid Island,test +34750,34751,34751,hai,that is right,train +34751,34752,34752,Caay cecay a lipay mangaay tu rahkaden hu ku falinunu atu felac tungalen tu utung a mitiyul ta mangaay tu a telien i kureng,No it only takes about a week after steaming the sticky rice and white rice we mix it with yeast powder and then it can be stored in a jar,train +34752,34753,34753,ira tu sasepatay kana kabanaʼan aku tiya ngangan nu malitengay,there are four elderly people I remember,train +34753,34754,34754,u angereray angrer kaenen,it tastes bitter,train +34754,34755,34755,a mahatira i,that is good,train +34755,34756,34756,mamaanay,I do not know,train +34756,34757,34757,Mafana itu cangra tu limuut nu Kawas tu nika u mamapastek i patay ku midmakay tu matiniay Nikawrira caay ku nipidmak nangra a ccay tunini haydaen nangra ku nipidmak nu rumaruma a tamdaw,although they know Gods righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them,train +34757,34758,34758,Saʼupu han tu nira tayra i taladaw tayra satu i taladaw kuya awaay tu ku tihi a tamdaw,they gather at the mouth of the Xiuguluan River,train +34758,34759,34759,en latek anudafak dadaya ira tu cangra tayni ah maherek tu kamu tayra i tadem,P they would probably come tomorrow night T Oh have you finished tombs,train +34759,34760,34760,misatapang tu parayray kahemekan tu,each one carries a black umbrella with a comb a sword and a hip bell at the waist,test +34760,34761,34761,u Tulik,Yes sir,train +34761,34762,34762,caay ka cidal anucila^ cicahid nika tataak ku fali^,it will be cloudy and windy but not sunny tomorrow,train +34762,34763,34763,tusa suut,two hundred,train +34763,34764,34764,makapah ku fuduy nu hungti,the emperors clothes are beautiful,train +34764,34765,34765,i picudadan kaku a malahuk,I want a nutritious school lunch,train +34765,34766,34766,Pakacuperasen a mikeling ku kudasing,the peanuts should be fried a little crispy,train +34766,34767,34767,Kacawan,personal name,train +34767,34768,34768,o maan ku tayal ni faki isu,what does your uncle do for a living,train +34768,34769,34769,anu sakaciraraw isu ku kawanan a kamay isu i ktunen a mifalah o nika awa nu ccay a caang nu tireng ku ngaay tu nika falah nu pulung nu tireng isu i pisemseman,and if your right hand causes you to sin cut it off and throw it away it is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell,train +34769,34770,34770,mitekes cingra anini,he is cutting today,test +34770,34771,34771,matiraay kira,that is it,train +34771,34772,34772,anu u tudtudan han,why do you call it dropping,train +34772,34773,34773,aca,original,train +34773,34774,34774,mikilang,chopping down trees,train +34774,34775,34775,patatikulay,Return Return,train +34775,34776,34776,ira enar nahiniay,it is owned there,train +34776,34777,34777,adihay ku kafukilan,there is a lot of things I did not understand before,train +34777,34778,34778,kamu u fainay i kaulahen ku fafahi namu aka pisafaya i cangraan,Husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them,train +34778,34779,34779,tukinih,slant,train +34779,34780,34780,mifetik,a toast,test +34780,34781,34781,ku lingad anu kuesit haratengen,if things are still tough,train +34781,34782,34782,ira tu ku pakaharatengay itiya nawhani yu itiyahu haw i,then someone had an idea because in the early days,train +34782,34783,34783,patireng tu luma,building houses,train +34783,34784,34784,saw tayni ku aru namu itini haw Paʼanifung,no wonder you are living here,train +34784,34785,34785,itini i tatirengan aku,upon me,train +34785,34786,34786,nanay u nian haw u taneng u fenek nu matuʼasay,may the wisdom of these elders in life,train +34786,34787,34787,caay ka lcad ku tayal nu tamdaw tu saki Tapang Nikawrira uyanan a Tapang ku patusukan nangra a matayal,there are different kinds of service but the same Lord,train +34787,34788,34788,eca,no,train +34788,34789,34789,Miplengay mifurifuray ku rakat nangra a talacuwacuwa,ruin and misery mark their ways,train +34789,34790,34790,aka palihafen kunini a demak,do not tell anyone this matter,test +34790,34791,34791,mafana tu kaku,I have learned a few things,train +34791,34792,34792,u mama aku ayaw u singsi tiniay i Ku Siw malasingsi,my father used to be an elementary school teacher,train +34792,34793,34793,Panukayen ku wawa aku,take my child home,train +34793,34794,34794,ira aca ku tataakay,there is a great sympathy,train +34794,34795,34795,sulinay ira ku maniketay,serious religious ceremonies,train +34795,34796,34796,caʼay pasifana ku matuʼasay i takuwanan haʼenen ku pisanga caʼay kasaʼan,you will not be taught the steps of how to do this or that for savory meats,train +34796,34797,34797,miyat miyat miyat saenen,the lighthouse is flickering,train +34797,34798,34798,mahaenay inaayaw tatusa ku matevaday,it is like when two of them fell,train +34798,34799,34799,cavay,mate,train +34799,34800,34800,Maduka maremes ku tusur aku,my knee is injured and bleeding,test +34800,34801,34801,ira ku mavanaʼay a sumuwal,some of them talk,train +34801,34802,34802,u papah nu Luuh ku rapetan a mipuhpuh,doing a spell with a banana leaf,train +34802,34803,34803,misafel ci ina tu sakalafi,Moms cooking dinner,train +34803,34804,34804,Mapetek ku saasik nira,her broomstick broke,train +34804,34805,34805,kaku itira u pusung ku niyaru aku,my tribe is in Taitung,train +34805,34806,34806,Satarawadawen nu mita a micuka,we have to paint like a river,train +34806,34807,34807,matalaw,fear,train +34807,34808,34808,mafulaw kita hani patiku kisu satu kura suwal nira cakaulah kaku naay,if we do not sound good you will run away I do not like it do not do it,train +34808,34809,34809,mikilimay aca tu kangaʼayay a hakamaruʼan,to find a good place to stay,train +34809,34810,34810,Hai matu ngaayay kuna heci nu lusay,Yes these fruits look great,test +34810,34811,34811,matayalay hu kisu nu hatini,Then are you working at the moment,train +34811,34812,34812,hadidi san ci pancah,the Amis have no choice but to endure,train +34812,34813,34813,misafalucu kaku i,when I want to do this,train +34813,34814,34814,tahidangen ni Yis ku tusaay ku safaw a nisawawaan ningra a pasaupu paflien ningra cangra tu icel tu sapifahfah tu kaackan a adingu atu sapiadah tu masamaamaanay a adada,he called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness,train +34814,34815,34815,i lawac nu riyar,on the coast,train +34815,34816,34816,pawalien ku paruk,please go tan the quilt,train +34816,34817,34817,hatini milingsiw kaku pasifana en nira,after you teach me you let me practice on my own,train +34817,34818,34818,lutu,bamboo back basket,train +34818,34819,34819,awaay tu malikuda kaminan,we do not have the Harvest moon Festival here,train +34819,34820,34820,o maan ku katalawan isu,what are you afraid of,test +34820,34821,34821,ta pakayni tunini a mapadil namu ku ngangan nu Tapang ita ci Yis ta pakayni i cingraan a pakalayap kamu tu dil o sakalahci nunini i u nanu mikumi nu Kawas atu Tapang ci Yis Kristu,we pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in him according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ,train +34821,34822,34822,anu u Ripun caay kaw sasuwalen kaku,if it is a Japanese song there is no problem,train +34822,34823,34823,pasebanaʼay ku singsi tu hatilaay a demak,Yes I do,train +34823,34824,34824,ʼaas kiya ila hu ku paysin tura,it is all considered ominous and forbidden,train +34824,34825,34825,misafacu,design,train +34825,34826,34826,unsing nani tini kaminan maraayay,the hot springs are a long way from us,train +34826,34827,34827,mihakelung tura nu Payrang,I am learning to speak Chinese,train +34827,34828,34828,matiraay sa anu atini han naku kuni niian itis,that is why I use this fork,train +34828,34829,34829,keden ku waay isu,bend your legs as to kneel,train +34829,34830,34830,awaay kina kaying,the girl is gone,test +34830,34831,34831,Caay haw kaw nika adihayan ku nikaen nu misu tu piyang,is it because you ate too much candy,train +34831,34832,34832,maka Natawran,same with Nadolan,train +34832,34833,34833,Malecavi,competition,train +34833,34834,34834,tadanca ku tayal nira,his work is below par,train +34834,34835,34835,Mateliiay kaku tisuwan,I am so mad at you,train +34835,34836,34836,Kuracen ku kadit nu pising isu,cleanse your dirty face,train +34836,34837,34837,patirengtu hatiraay ku demak nu malitengay,that is how the old man collects his materials,train +34837,34838,34838,19 Nikawrira cuwa ku aitini aca i mikiriwiˈay a rumiˈad ngaˈ misaaliay tu sahinum ku tamdaw,However it is not only on special days or occasions that the bereaved need encouragement,train +34838,34839,34839,pasela,breaks,train +34839,34840,34840,ci caedung kami tu tadalusid,do we have to wear traditional clothes too,test +34840,34841,34841,tusa ku wawa aku i Tayhuku,when I was in Taipei I had two children,train +34841,34842,34842,anu pisarad satu tu pisaluma u ^eli aca ku mamalufadahung u kilang ku hecek u fulu ku mamalucafeng u uway ku mamalutatakel,in terms of building materials most of them are made of thatched roofs timber pillars and bamboo side walls and the rooms have elevated beds made of woven fabrics,train +34842,34843,34843,cahu hu kasungila katuʼas,it is not even ripe yet,train +34843,34844,34844,miteleng tu telay,beginning of the Ranilon line,train +34844,34845,34845,nikaw,lacks,train +34845,34846,34846,o sakasaan nangra i u sapikilimaw nangra tu patlac nu suwal ni Yis ta ira ku malusapakukut nangra tu dmak ni Yis Nikawrira ruhu sa ci Yis o tarudu ningra ku sapitilid ningra i sra,they were using this question as a trap in order to have a basis for accusing him but Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger,train +34846,34847,34847,yahiya haw u tefun yarukruk icuwa kuya rukruk kiya,all wells or springs,train +34847,34848,34848,caay kawmahi kina umah,why is it so desolate and fallow for so many years,train +34848,34849,34849,matuʼas tu kaku kira,I am getting old,train +34849,34850,34850,isatapang misakafah ci Taniayer itiraay i Pritani maraayay ku nalaculan ningra,Danielle began her full time ministry in Brittany which is very remote and far from her hometown,test +34850,34851,34851,Ihakuwa a mafana kisu,when did you know,train +34851,34852,34852,o maan ku tatengilen ita,what are we to be listening to,train +34852,34853,34853,mahapinang ni Yis ku nika tatiih nu falucu nangra Saka suwal sa Kamu u misamangahay a tamdaw nawiru sapisafitan kamu i takuwanan saw,but Jesus knowing their evil intent said You hypocrites why are you trying to trap me,train +34853,34854,34854,si Sawmah aci Hungay kami,we are Sawmah and Hongay,train +34854,34855,34855,yni i patay nira a mahepul ku raraw,through his deathsins are forgiven,train +34855,34856,34856,Misacerecerek ku tangal muta mapiyas aca hani,she has frequent headaches vomiting and diarrhea,train +34856,34857,34857,patnak cingra a sumuwal O aira a tayni i ikur aku ku ikakaay aku ku icel a tamdaw caay ka tatudung kaku a mahkakan a mitdal tu kaus nu cukap ningra,and this was his message After me will come one more powerful than I the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie,train +34857,34858,34858,urip nu maku nanu mamang,since childhood the life,train +34858,34859,34859,Mahere tu anusan kiya milikines tu aemin ku dademakay,start processing the fish scales,train +34859,34860,34860,anu i falucuʼen nu maku pasiketen,my heart is to take root in my children,test +34860,34861,34861,awaay ku nikuliniway awaay ku misamaamaanay a kapah nu niyaru,in the past tribal elders thought that no one had ever stolen anything before,train +34861,34862,34862,adada kura funguh aku,my head hurts,train +34862,34863,34863,tatu,too,train +34863,34864,34864,cumikay tu kaku tayra i patimay micakay tu icep nuya singsi,I went to buy betel nut for my teacher,train +34864,34865,34865,Mapatalatu nangra ku sakalafi ni Yis Mipatahka ci Marta ira ci Lacarus a mikaput ca Yisan a mitahka,here a dinner was given in Jesus honor Martha served while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him,train +34865,34866,34866,papalifet hu,not yet,train +34866,34867,34867,anucila,the day after tomorrow,train +34867,34868,34868,u awul tu u awul aca,you cannot just use bamboo,train +34868,34869,34869,Mataelif tu kita i lalan,we passed each other on the road,train +34869,34870,34870,itiyahu u suwal nu malitengay,from the experience of old men and women,test +34870,34871,34871,u niyaru niyam,our tribe,train +34871,34872,34872,siadadaay aca iteruc,be stalked by illness,train +34872,34873,34873,o citartaray ku palidang nu maku,I have standing wooden posts in my cattle car,train +34873,34874,34874,Cuwa^ sa matuas tu,No I am not I am old,train +34874,34875,34875,paalangaden,For for the sake of,train +34875,34876,34876,kami,we,train +34876,34877,34877,takuwanan,to me,train +34877,34878,34878,i pakayniyan nu sisa pasevanaʼen nu,the Japanese came and taught them,train +34878,34879,34879,Pakamaan cingra a tayra i Futud,how did he get to Orchid Island,train +34879,34880,34880,caay ku kakalimlaan ku nika krit atu nika ^ca ka krit o kakalimlaan i deng u nika malafa^luhaytu a tamdaw kita,neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything what counts is a new creation,test +34880,34881,34881,pasuwal haca ku Tapang i ikur nunini a rumiad i u papatirengen aku ku matiniay a katatlekan atu finawlan nu Israil o paparuen aku i harateng nangra ku Rikec Aku u tatiliden aku i falucu nangra o mamalu Kawas nangra Kaku u mamalufinawlan aku cangra,this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time declares the Lord I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts I will be their God and they will be my people,train +34881,34882,34882,maumah kisu tu sinafel manafuy kisu mipitusur di,you work in the vegetable garden you are on your knees,train +34882,34883,34883,yu ma^pud ci Yis nai tamina i ira a militmuh ci Yisan ku ccay a nai tademay a maaruay nu kaackan a adingu,when Jesus got out of the boat a man with an evil Spirit came from the tombs to meet him,train +34883,34884,34884,minanges,picking mangoes,train +34884,34885,34885,misikeliw,stripping hemp rope to make rope,train +34885,34886,34886,inikuniyan u,but also,train +34886,34887,34887,pulung sanay tayni haw hay papulung kami tayni tini,Yes all of them,train +34887,34888,34888,o maluciay tu kira kaput ita nani kaliepahan nira,our friends have talked a lot since the drinking place,train +34888,34889,34889,haen saan,that is it,train +34889,34890,34890,cufay,retrace ones steps,test +34890,34891,34891,makala tu tuluway a vulad kiya,for almost three months,train +34891,34892,34892,Nikawrira tireng sa ku papinapina nu misa Farisayay a mituuray ci Kristuan a tamdaw Aka ka ^ca ka kriten ku ruma a finacadan a papiimer tu Rikec ni Musi saan cangra a sumuwal,then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the law of Moses,train +34892,34893,34893,hay yan ni hay yu hyen san,Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey,train +34893,34894,34894,hilam han mipikeday tu marad,the original work of bending iron bars,train +34894,34895,34895,mi ay kami,responsible for the business of bulge inspections,train +34895,34896,34896,tapelik,sea wave,train +34896,34897,34897,idafak,morning,train +34897,34898,34898,sapihiya sapisiwduku tu unip,Sterilization if any,train +34898,34899,34899,maʼidi kaku,I am pissed off,train +34899,34900,34900,citartaray,columned,test +34900,34901,34901,kihar,worried,train +34901,34902,34902,Mamisaturun ci ina anu dafak,tomorrow mom is going to make mocha,train +34902,34903,34903,u ninukaan a keliw tataʼakkeliw,it is also a braided thread it is a very large thread,train +34903,34904,34904,mapacarufacuf,moisturized by mist,train +34904,34905,34905,tamuhung,label,train +34905,34906,34906,micudad ci kaka aku,when my brother went to school,train +34906,34907,34907,Mapacacuy tu ni ama niyam kira tangal,my father has hung a pigs head on it,train +34907,34908,34908,u sapilaʼed tu sacumu sapicumud tu lifung,it is for quarantine purposes,train +34908,34909,34909,sanay,that is it,train +34909,34910,34910,Pasatimul ku rakat niyam,we are heading south,test +34910,34911,34911,tadu,it is a shame,train +34911,34912,34912,nu haen han kaku matiya u mali sa kaku,why is this treating me like a ball,train +34912,34913,34913,maruray a misanga,it is too tiring to produce,train +34913,34914,34914,itira i Heping sa tayra,he said he would pass in peace,train +34914,34915,34915,makapah ku nisafakaran nira,he made a beautiful box,train +34915,34916,34916,na i Fataanay kiraan kira,that is Matthews saddle,train +34916,34917,34917,sa u kafanaʼan tu aku i mafanaʼ kaku i,when I learned about it I realized,train +34917,34918,34918,anini a rumiʼad tayra ku falucu nu maku,Example today my heart has entered into the,train +34918,34919,34919,canguut,not enough,train +34919,34920,34920,mikikay,using the machine,test +34920,34921,34921,Sulinen nu maku a pasuwal u iingkay i Cungtungfu i malecaday ku paenaran atu nika tadamaan,I want to stress that this commission places the greatest importance on equality between the country and the indigenous peoples,train +34921,34922,34922,a fafahiyan tu tenas tala paputal a maru,Ladys dipping sauce will be delivered to the outside of the Festival by the staff,train +34922,34923,34923,pisimed,concealment,train +34923,34924,34924,iraay ku suwal nu faki a pakimad,in the words of encouragement from the elders,train +34924,34925,34925,itiya satapang satu misumuwal,it is time to start talking,train +34925,34926,34926,mikerit hu kaku tura titi,I will cut the meat,train +34926,34927,34927,Masasifud ku falucu aku anini,my heart emotions are all mixed up tangled right now,train +34927,34928,34928,marikecay,law abiding,train +34928,34929,34929,mira,they,train +34929,34930,34930,cuwa ci daya ku ngangan ningra,No his name is Daya,test +34930,34931,34931,u vasis aca,there is also pork,train +34931,34932,34932,misi^si,water repellent,train +34932,34933,34933,mangaay mitangtang i tila han,can you cook there,train +34933,34934,34934,rarid han kumaen awa tu ku fukeluh nu tireng sa kira,I heard that if you eat for a long time the stones will disappear,train +34934,34935,34935,Maulah kaku tu ucya^ ni akung fangsis a nanumen,I also like grandpas tea it is tasted good too,train +34935,34936,34936,itiya i itiraw hu i kawali ku nu,the church was on the left,train +34936,34937,34937,falu^,florid,train +34937,34938,34938,misawsaw,purge,train +34938,34939,34939,ngasaw,relative,train +34939,34940,34940,makawasay ka pitahidang nu Kawas atu kaput tayni,how God has blessed me with being chosen by my friends as one of the people to work with,test +34940,34941,34941,anu cifafahiaytu kisu i aka piharateng tu sapaliyasaw tu fafahi anu u caayay ka cifafahi kisu i aka piharateng tu sakacifafahiaw,are you married do not seek a divorce are you unmarried do not look for a wife,train +34941,34942,34942,nika alumany ku caykalecad caay pakaala tu ngihah isu,if a lot of people do not keep up with your voice,train +34942,34943,34943,ta mararid henay kaku pasevana tu yuciying,I am still teaching kindergarten,train +34943,34944,34944,awaay ku kinaira,Nothing,train +34944,34945,34945,o misamamiay ku fiyaw niyam,our neighbors grow oranges,train +34945,34946,34946,itila hen ku luma,the house is still there,train +34946,34947,34947,Tadamalaymayyay ku caciyaw isu tunu Palidaw makalimay kaku mihatatamam tu suwal nu Palidaw,you speak Hengchun very fluently I am also interested in learning Hengchun,train +34947,34948,34948,san kaku,that is what I am going to do,train +34948,34949,34949,mifanawan tu isu ku kaysing han,I already washed the dishes,train +34949,34950,34950,oya mitantang hu ku fufu i miannay kaku tu lafang Sataangay sa ku piaiyuy aku Sahetu u nu niyah a mipalumaan cuwa kapaiyuen halikien a tayni miaca yu,while my grandmother was cooking I was on the side attracting customers I shouted the vegetables are self grown,test +34950,34951,34951,o mitieray tu Kawas ci Isak saka pasuwalen ningra ci Yakup aci Isau tu aira a sapalmed nu Kawas cangraan,by faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau in regard to their future,train +34951,34952,34952,sa kira tuluway a,these three mountains,train +34952,34953,34953,pinaay tu ku mihecaan nu safa isu anini,how old is your younger brother,train +34953,34954,34954,makapahay ku panay kaʼesuay kaʼenen,the ears of rice in the south are beautiful and delicious,train +34954,34955,34955,icuwaan isu a miteli,where did you put it,train +34955,34956,34956,anu ira ku caay pihamham tamuwanan a caay pitngil tu suwal namu a luma anu ^ca u niyaru i tihtihen ku alafuh nu saripa namu a miliyas itira,if anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town,train +34956,34957,34957,mahenay sa fuliciw sa kaku,that is how I use my bike,train +34957,34958,34958,nawhani itiyaay i a sasalamaan,these early toys,train +34958,34959,34959,Huvaw u maan ku matiniyay,Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this,train +34959,34960,34960,ta mipadang tura simpu mi,he started helping with the mission,test +34960,34961,34961,u nipisanga tu emu hananay,steaming and making sweet rice cakes,train +34961,34962,34962,satu kami nukay kami patiku kami miteka mi haw i,I went home and started class again,train +34962,34963,34963,mahaen u suwal ni lalan hananay,it is just like Raoul said,train +34963,34964,34964,o sulinay kunini a suwal o tadapapasulinen kunini,this is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance,train +34964,34965,34965,miafufu,in your arms,train +34965,34966,34966,adihay ku kungku itira,tell a lot of stories,train +34966,34967,34967,ka talu hay rey kataluma aca kisu uli,you can go home first go on,train +34967,34968,34968,Cudad,word,train +34968,34969,34969,tu talukan san,she would,train +34969,34970,34970,o daci ku sapatiyam ni faki aku,Uncles merchandise is arrow bamboo shoots,test +34970,34971,34971,Naicuwaay cingra a tayni,where did he come from,train +34971,34972,34972,herek nu lahuk tuluay ku tuki^ tayra ciira ci fayian a mitenuun,at three of the clock in the afternoon my mother went to my aunts house to learn how to knit,train +34972,34973,34973,u ngasaw saan adihay ku ngasaw nu ciwkangan hananay,there are many clans in Ciwkangan,train +34973,34974,34974,maciwangay,inseparable,train +34974,34975,34975,mikayki itini i sefi oraan tu i,after entering the clubhouse for the meeting,train +34975,34976,34976,Ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan ci Kayus u pilafinan aku a luma o kasaupuan nu kiwkay ku luma ningra Ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan ci Irastus u citudungay a mikuwan tu paysu nu niyaru Ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan ku salikaka ita ci Kuartus,Gaius whose hospitality I and the whole church here enjoy sends you his greetings Erastus who is the city director of public works and our brother Quartus send you their greetings,train +34976,34977,34977,matalesaymalalesay,blunt,train +34977,34978,34978,cayka kinacecay pakafana tu situ nu maku,I will not teach it just once,train +34978,34979,34979,anu pananukas kisu a takudul iratu ku mialaay,if you go ashore someone will come and buy it,train +34979,34980,34980,Hai mafana tu kaku,Okay,test +34980,34981,34981,anini satu kunu lisin nu mita kiyami haw i,the present ceremony of the Toyonen Matsuri,train +34981,34982,34982,Tahanini pasangaray kaku mitadtad tu malifetay niyam a ruray itiya,to this day it is hard for me to explain to people the pain we went through,train +34982,34983,34983,Miusa tu ciira tu fafahi nu tawu,he violated someone is wife,train +34983,34984,34984,masanga tu ku luma nawhani pekpek han nu finawlan a niraud a misanga,to the clan for the victims of the disaster to help build houses,train +34984,34985,34985,icuwaay,where,train +34985,34986,34986,ira hu ku unsing u pikufungan,there is also a hot spring where you can play the urn and catch fish,train +34986,34987,34987,u nipacengcengan nira,he built the home of the fish,train +34987,34988,34988,pekpeken nira ku faluhang nira,he beat his chest,train +34988,34989,34989,mahanay ku ku pitais tu tafukud alaen kuni,this is the process of making a gossip web putting it together,train +34989,34990,34990,putay,headdress,test +34990,34991,34991,u kaus nu puʼut,the hilt of a pocket knife,train +34991,34992,34992,sa sanay kiya haw sanay,the word Lin in Lin Chiu Yu means no,train +34992,34993,34993,pakayni i kakitaan atu Rikec nu kasaselaselal i niyaru i u tadaparanaan nu pisaniyaru nu Pangcah,the leadership system and the age hierarchy are the two basic elements of Amis tribal politics,train +34993,34994,34994,u maan ku kakaenan saw,there is nothing to eat,train +34994,34995,34995,aka tawalen nu mita ku masa cuwacuwaay suwal nu,do not forget these sorts of,train +34995,34996,34996,situ nu maku itiya a mafana,teaching knitting to students,train +34996,34997,34997,awaay tu katangsaan tu,unable to understand deeper into the situation,train +34997,34998,34998,tayra satu cangra i maaraw nangra i tatihi nu lalan ku nika mapakting ku ccay a tufur a lufa i fawahan nu luma yu mitdal cangra i,they went and found a colt outside in the street tied at a doorway as they untied it,train +34998,34999,34999,Pacamulen tu katacumuli iya tatukem,add in snails and lobelia,train +34999,35000,35000,mipu^pu,managerial,test +35000,35001,35001,kaku i u faki tu kira,I am also an uncle,train +35001,35002,35002,u mahaenay ku lisin nu Pangcah,this is how the Amis have their Harvest Festival,train +35002,35003,35003,maulah kaku tu tamdaw nu luma nu niyam,I like our family very much,train +35003,35004,35004,masetik hu kaku saan u demak nu matuʼasay hay wa,I am going fishing it is the elders business,train +35004,35005,35005,O mamaaraw namu ku nisuwalan ni Taniil u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya Kakausian a mihadefekay o aira kunini a tumireng i Fangcalay a kaitiraan,So when you see standing in the Holy place the abomination that causes desolation spoken of through the prophet Daniel let the reader understand,train +35005,35006,35006,hatiraay ku saʼusi tu niya,these are distributed like this,train +35006,35007,35007,anu dafak i milaliw kaku san ku harateng aku itiya,I have to leave first thing in the morning,train +35007,35008,35008,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Caayhu ka raud ku kangaayan aku a midmak Nikawrira mararid ku kangaayan namu a mimaamaan,therefore Jesus told them The right time for me has not yet come for you any time is right,train +35008,35009,35009,Tataak kuya futing,that fish is large,train +35009,35010,35010,katayni,come here,test +35010,35011,35011,misafuluan,planted,train +35011,35012,35012,Tapang nura Hulam,Clearance leader found,train +35012,35013,35013,caay ka laccay ku falucu nangra Saka yu maminukay cangra i paikur sa ci Pawlu a pasuwal Matama ku suwal nu Fangcalay Adingu i tatuasan ita pakayni ci Isayaan u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya,they disagreed among themselves and began to leave after Paul had made this final statement The Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your forefathers when he said through Isaiah the prophet,train +35013,35014,35014,unian ancay hanen haw isay kira,if we do not do this it will feel dirty,train +35014,35015,35015,itini i Tayhuku nuna matira cakat satu ku lifung nu matayalay,now the carpenters in Taipei the salary has been raised,train +35015,35016,35016,arudu,respect for the elderly and respect for the obvious,train +35016,35017,35017,mahanay niyan tafuen itini,it looks like this,train +35017,35018,35018,Matupusi ku nika kahemaw nu tiring,the body is as light as a cats,train +35018,35019,35019,u Pangcah haw kamu,are you Amis,train +35019,35020,35020,o ni Rufing kani a riku haw,is that Rofings clothes,test +35020,35021,35021,Citanetaneng kaku haw,when I can,train +35021,35022,35022,o cidek a kilang ku cepi nu kuwang nu Ripun,Japanese gun bodies are made of burl wood,train +35022,35023,35023,caviyas,overflow,train +35023,35024,35024,tangasa,arrival,train +35024,35025,35025,talalutuk ku heni a mipaheku haw,they went to the mountains to collect storks,train +35025,35026,35026,Nanuya cahu ka pina a rumiad i pacakayen nuya safa ku dafung ningra a ma^min a palapaysu ta tayra cingra i maraayay a niyaru ^Minen ningra a milaum ku paysu ningra itira a patahtah a maurip,Not long after that the younger son got together all he had set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living,train +35026,35027,35027,hinamen,to see,train +35027,35028,35028,a miparu tu sapayu a mitena tu lifung,we should get vaccinated to prevent an epidemic,train +35028,35029,35029,aka ka caciyaw,do not talk,train +35029,35030,35030,naʼangen hu minaʼang tahafen mahawhawaw,put it away cover it up and put it away,test +35030,35031,35031,unasiraw caay kakumaen ku akung,but my old man cannot eat salted meat,train +35031,35032,35032,ira kilang,the wood,train +35032,35033,35033,Masuaw kisu,are you thirsty,train +35033,35034,35034,reteng ku falucu aku,my heart is weighed down withtrouble,train +35034,35035,35035,a misapinang a suwal,make it clear,train +35035,35036,35036,haiaray,thank you,train +35036,35037,35037,pasunul,drain,train +35037,35038,35038,o sakaira nunini a dmak i cangraan i u sapakafanaaw tu tamdamdaw o sakapitilid tunini i u sapalimuutaw i titaanan nawhani u i tiniay i pahrehrekan nunini a hkal ku urip ita,these things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come,train +35038,35039,35039,o maan ku ha kuhaw ita,what kind of soup do we want,train +35039,35040,35040,i teparay nu lutuk ku aru u sadak nu lutuk ku kaenen i teparay nu liyal ku aru u sadak nu liyal ku kaenen,the best way to describe the life of the Amis is to say that they live off the mountain and live off the sea,test +35040,35041,35041,ciuner,there are snakes,train +35041,35042,35042,ilisin kita anini han naku,I say we organize the Harvest Festival now,train +35042,35043,35043,tikeluen,Please make a distinction,train +35043,35044,35044,tahira iya i tura tenuk ku misu i,to the middle,train +35044,35045,35045,ora miˈusian ita u pakaynian i mitulican Cudad ha anca pakaynian i suci anca pingpan u patusukan ita i nanay mapadama nu suwal nu Kawas kita a mifalic tu harateng atu waywayan,whether we read the Bible in print or electronically the goal is to let Gods word help us change our thinking and behavior,train +35045,35046,35046,pakaselalay,relevant age groups,train +35046,35047,35047,itira minanam kaku itini i,from my previous experience in the forest,train +35047,35048,35048,palecaden,as,train +35048,35049,35049,miliyaw kami icila sa,we have started to work a few days ago,train +35049,35050,35050,amis,be defeated,test +35050,35051,35051,Suʼlin caculuk satu ku faki faki a palimuʼut,Really the elders take turns teaching and encouraging,train +35051,35052,35052,anu itini i parakat tura hananay i,when I was working on the bus,train +35052,35053,35053,sakalalicay,conversation,train +35053,35054,35054,maan ku pinang a marariwasak kita,we must not act on our own,train +35054,35055,35055,Limuuten nu singsi kami kalaluk a midademak saan,teachers taught us to be diligent in our work,train +35055,35056,35056,sakangituan,I am about to lose a tooth,train +35056,35057,35057,u maan kakaenen nu matuʼasay sa tu kuya harateng i tiyahu sa,I wondered what the elders would eat,train +35057,35058,35058,sarepet,tool,train +35058,35059,35059,maulah ku kapakapah a masasipatelaw,young people like to compare their muscle strength with each other,train +35059,35060,35060,mamaanen ku matuasay,there is nothing I can do for the elderly,test +35060,35061,35061,telang,old,train +35061,35062,35062,matira,that is it,train +35062,35063,35063,o rumasatu u nanum ku sapilenlen tu itiyaayhu a hkal a mitkup,by these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed,train +35063,35064,35064,cifenekay,Specialist,train +35064,35065,35065,Maumi ciira tu pusi nira,she loves her cat very much,train +35065,35066,35066,anu cakalafitay ku faʼinayan haw i,boys not yet enlisted in the military,train +35066,35067,35067,kaka^ nu maku tu fainayan,my brother,train +35067,35068,35068,a mirpet tu tarukus a mipacumud i pirufuan,they arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail,train +35068,35069,35069,pakaynien insuritan nu Sipanya tu lise wensiyen masurit tu nu misuritay nu Sipanya,by means of the Spanish historical documents the Spanish authors records,train +35069,35070,35070,hay ya kaiya nu kilang sahacek hanay,the whole trunk goes straight to the column,test +35070,35071,35071,hai fafahiyan a kaka u wina ira ku taangayay,Yes sis his mom is bigger,train +35071,35072,35072,sasuwal santu,I do not think I speak the language,train +35072,35073,35073,a mamicudad tu tu sasuwalen patayra i faled sa ku matuʼasay,sage says he is going to write about everything that matters to the tribe,train +35073,35074,35074,matalaw cingra matefad a malukelun a itira i suta cingra,he was scared and fell down and tumbled onto the ground,train +35074,35075,35075,sakakayaen,stretch,train +35075,35076,35076,masamaan ku demak nu matuasay tudunghan,any job you do you do it like an old man,train +35076,35077,35077,matu masanekaytu nu wacu ku sanek kalikien tayra kita,the dog seems to have smelled it let us follow them,train +35077,35078,35078,anini kalimelaan ku tesel nu malitengay sanay kaku,I treasure the wisdom of the old embroidery generation,train +35078,35079,35079,u havay iri,millet,train +35079,35080,35080,papicakay ci ina aku tu cilah,mom told me to go buy saltines,test +35080,35081,35081,pakayni i wawa i suna,indigenous children with three parents or less in the family,train +35081,35082,35082,u nu maku kiya maharateng aku masuwal i sawni haw,that is what I just said,train +35082,35083,35083,naniitira i mafulaw hu kura macintiw ma,the Manchus moved here,train +35083,35084,35084,o sapipaypay kira titi,that meat is for worship,train +35084,35085,35085,nawhan kaemang i hu,but it is still small,train +35085,35086,35086,likat,light,train +35086,35087,35087,sa mafanaʼ tu kaku a matayal ri,when I am skilled in these tasks,train +35087,35088,35088,u Pangcah hantu Namakayni yamin,the traditional Amis cuisine dishes are all,train +35088,35089,35089,mamatangay,very fertile land,train +35089,35090,35090,kaʼayaw hu ira,up until that point,test +35090,35091,35091,si itiyul han ku paʼini tu wawa,teaching children,train +35091,35092,35092,itiya i rpeten ni Hiruti a hungti ku papinapinaay a salikaka nu kiwkay a mikariang,it was about this time that king Herod arrested some who belonged to the church intending to persecute them,train +35092,35093,35093,saka kumaenaw kisu tu manan saw,what do you want to eat,train +35093,35094,35094,salil,fishing net,train +35094,35095,35095,anu nawhan u Cilamitaay hananay,why is it called Gilamiday,train +35095,35096,35096,tira kaku i lyenpu a mamaala,I was elected to the company,train +35096,35097,35097,nu ciku han nu Ripun,the Japanese term is rent reduction,train +35097,35098,35098,makacaʼangay akawangay sa ku Fataʼan,not only do they grow tall but they flourish,train +35098,35099,35099,nu mita nga awaay tu,we do not have any,train +35099,35100,35100,u tamdaw nu itiniay salikaka kiya malamlammay tu nu paylang,the people here are already mixing with the Han Chinese,test +35100,35101,35101,katangasaan tu,we are there,train +35101,35102,35102,mafaca,Washed,train +35102,35103,35103,o maanmaan ku mipaacaan isu,what do you sell,train +35103,35104,35104,o suwal nu mita u Pangcah limaay ku kasasiruma nu ngarngar nu suwal u nu Amis u nu Amis u nu Siwkurang u nu Pasawali u nu Falangaw atu u nu Palidaw,our Amis language is divided into five different subgroups Nansei Amis Xiuguluan Amis Coastal Amis Malan Amis and Hengchun Amis,train +35104,35105,35105,masamatira caay ku kafanaʼan,it is unpredictable,train +35105,35106,35106,caay pakaala kaku tura i fafaeday a safun,I cannot get the soap on there,train +35106,35107,35107,u vavahi ku miniwaniway ku alumanay,mostly women do this,train +35107,35108,35108,a miaray tu saka hemek tafangcal ku urip nu mita,thanks to our people we are safe and joyful,train +35108,35109,35109,cecay ku safaw ku fafuy niyam,we have eleven pigs,train +35109,35110,35110,Anuruma a mahakulung a tayni aca aci ama atu ina,next time I will come with my parents,test +35110,35111,35111,Orasaka sti han aca ta tdalen saan ku harateng aku han ningra,Therefore I will punish him and then release him,train +35111,35112,35112,i niyaru ya malitengay,it is from the tribes of the old folks and the elders,train +35112,35113,35113,Fulesak sahu ku luma niyam tu panay,our family just sowed rice for seedlings,train +35113,35114,35114,tanam hatu kira nicacakan nu maku a sinafel,just try my cooking,train +35114,35115,35115,Caay o nanu mikumi nu Tapang ci Yis atu pipasulin ita ci Kristuan ku saka mapaurip kita Matiraaytu cangra han ningra,No we believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved just as they are,train +35115,35116,35116,tengteng han tu nu ya milulud kya keliw san,and they pulled the rope back,train +35116,35117,35117,wa malalifet tu mitekung tu mali ci Kacaw anini han,is Kacaw competing in croquet today,train +35117,35118,35118,fufuan,Grandpa,train +35118,35119,35119,anu lauc tu nu talud,even near the reeds,train +35119,35120,35120,teli han naku itira anu ira kiya hemaay,I put the sticky rice under Jesus and they did not understand,test +35120,35121,35121,itiya i pakaputen nangra i ci Yisan ku tatusa a kukung a mipacek i ciwcika i kawanan ningra ku ccay i kawili ningra ku ccay,two robbers were crucified with him one on his right and one on his left,train +35121,35122,35122,nitu kunu milingatuan i ci cira,this one starts now,train +35122,35123,35123,saan i ta maumah tu kira,Then he was busy with his agricultural work,train +35123,35124,35124,tangasa i fatad nu lalan mastul nu ccay a kuliciw kuya wawa,on his way another bike hit the child,train +35124,35125,35125,mapaadeteng,stained with sap,train +35125,35126,35126,tangsul a makrid nu Fangcalay Adingu kaku Saka maaraw aku i kakarayan ku ccay a tadamaanay a anengang atu maruay itira,at once I was in the Spirit and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it,train +35126,35127,35127,kuhecal,fig reactionary,train +35127,35128,35128,paepa,water ladle,train +35128,35129,35129,ira tu ku rarapa niyam a maanen tu,what to do we have cows too,train +35129,35130,35130,aka tu karawraw ku falucu pisanaunaun tu tireng,you should not worry too much and pay more attention to your body,test +35130,35131,35131,malusapiparsquuurad,as a tool for providing rain prayers,train +35131,35132,35132,cuwa ka talaw a mafaliyus,even when a storm comes there is no fear,train +35132,35133,35133,dafak satu i luwad sa ci Yis a tayra i katuulan sakilikilim satu ku finawlan ci Yisan yu matamatu nangra cingra i sapifuutan i Cingraan caay ka sakapapiliyasan i Cingraan,at daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place the people were looking for him and when they came to where he was they tried to keep him from leaving them,train +35133,35134,35134,madeng mi piyi kaku tu cucung,junior high school is ready for graduation,train +35134,35135,35135,saan cingra a mikilim a miceli u takula aku icuwa tu saan cingra,he searched and called Where is my frog,train +35135,35136,35136,ruma satu a lutuk itini i kalaenu haw i,another mountain a little further down,train +35136,35137,35137,nawhani pidapidacan,it is all craggy,train +35137,35138,35138,Nanuya macukacuk ci Yis a tayra i lutuk tahidangen ningra ku matatudungay i falucu ningra a tamdaw tayra satu cangra i ci Yisan,Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted and they came to him,train +35138,35139,35139,u vavahi nira niya mapatayay,the wife of the deceased,train +35139,35140,35140,u tatenaan nu ^tang,the bottom of a bucket,test +35140,35141,35141,tu paseneseng tu ningra haw,showing off your abilities,train +35141,35142,35142,falah,ashes,train +35142,35143,35143,o pakayraay i adawang a micumud i u pakaenay tu siri a tamdaw,the man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep,train +35143,35144,35144,caay ka piala kita tu hatiratiraay,my people would never do such a thing,train +35144,35145,35145,matiyatiya u ina aku cingra arawhani aca i caaytu,she seemed like she was my mother but she really was not,train +35145,35146,35146,samaanay ku rumiad itira,how is the weather there,train +35146,35147,35147,hatiya kiyami u runung,like a fish roe,train +35147,35148,35148,salayalay sa tu ila ira,it is still stacked up over there,train +35148,35149,35149,hatiratira aca ira kuya atu itiya hu,that is probably what happened because there were Dutch and Qing soldiers,train +35149,35150,35150,pinaun,take care,test +35150,35151,35151,Cidil cangra a talahkal masasuwasuwal cangra aci Yis tu pakayniay i lalahcien ni Yis a dmak a mapatay i Yirusalim,appeared in glorious splendor talking with Jesus they spoke about his departure which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem,train +35151,35152,35152,sahafay,preparation Day,train +35152,35153,35153,micekiw miala tu ʼaʼuwang,scavenging for shellfish and sea urchins,train +35153,35154,35154,pafelien kaku tu tusa lulung a dateng atu cecay tingting a kunga,please give me two bunches of vegetables and a pound of sweet potatoes,train +35154,35155,35155,Namakalingatu tangsa anini dengaytu kiya saan,it is almost time to start,train +35155,35156,35156,haen han a miyala ku vayang a pataluma mivelun,take the net home and dump it like this,train +35156,35157,35157,anu ca han aku suʼuten kisu,you would be weak if I did not tie you up,train +35157,35158,35158,nani tira i Alapawan,from Taiyuan,train +35158,35159,35159,anu falicen ku usimi nira haw,if you are changing his diaper,train +35159,35160,35160,u ruma sa tu i mailay itini Cudad nu wawa kiya,the other thing to be described is that it is recorded in the students book,test +35160,35161,35161,matngil nuya tumirengay itira a papinapina a tamdaw kunini a suwal i suwal sa Tngilen mitahidang Cingra i ci Iliyaan saan,when some of those standing near heard this they said Listen he is calling Elijah,train +35161,35162,35162,o pisawad isu a mitamaku ku ngaay,you should quit smoking,train +35162,35163,35163,a tala cuwa saw kamu Aniw,where are you going Aniw,train +35163,35164,35164,Tanucuhel sa ci ina a mitifek tu felac,mom sweats profusely while pounding rice,train +35164,35165,35165,ta ngaʼayay,very good,train +35165,35166,35166,fs100anu kimad nu matuʼasay yaki sasepat ku wawa niya sanay kiya ku suwal,there is an old man who tells a story about how he had four children Sauce,train +35166,35167,35167,maurad ansawni ci dinay tu,it is going to rain heavily you have to remember to bring an umbrella,train +35167,35168,35168,naw hani,because,train +35168,35169,35169,patayra,see off,train +35169,35170,35170,fufu niyam,our grandmother,test +35170,35171,35171,ci wawa tu fafahiyan faʼinayan mararamud sa,a girl and a boy and a couple,train +35171,35172,35172,Nikawrira masadak cangra i payakayaken nangra ku nanu dmak ni Yis itira tuya pala a ma^min,but they went out and spread the news about him all over that region,train +35172,35173,35173,mahaen sarakat nisangaʼan aku ri,this is the first thing I ever sewed,train +35173,35174,35174,matakaway ku utufay aku,my motorcycle was stolen,train +35174,35175,35175,Marapicen kira ina tu sapipatadah nu wawa a micakay tu luma,that mom got caught up in her kids house payment,train +35175,35176,35176,a sacacayen ku nu heni a sinabel,they still have to keep their food separate,train +35176,35177,35177,kalafian,diner,train +35177,35178,35178,unini u malad,this ones iron,train +35178,35179,35179,mikilim kami tu katayalan,finding a job to make ends meet,train +35179,35180,35180,o mikeriday kisu anini,today you are the guide,test +35180,35181,35181,manaray kita tu saki cihufian hufianu cihufian,fingers crossed for an award as well,train +35181,35182,35182,anu i tiniayhu cingra i hkal i kuna caay ka u citudungay tu taung cingra nawhani iraaytu ku midu^duay tu Rikec a pacakat tu sapaini i Kawas a citudungay tu taung,if he were on earth he would not be a priest for there are already men who offer the gifts prescribed by the law,train +35182,35183,35183,hatini ku katataʼak kiyami,it is like having a bell this big,train +35183,35184,35184,u mafanaʼay kura tamdaw,this Japanese era Hidaka teacher can sing,train +35184,35185,35185,pasiket,set up,train +35185,35186,35186,hatini aca ku suwal nu maku,my share goes here,train +35186,35187,35187,pasuwal haca ci Yis i cangraan O likat nu hkal Kaku O mituuray i Takuwanan a tamdaw i caaytu ku rarumakat i tumanay O mamapatdi nu likat ku urip ningra han ningra,when Jesus spoke again to the people he said I am the light of the world whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life,train +35187,35188,35188,iluh,incinerate,train +35188,35189,35189,u ini u maninaay itira,relatives there,train +35189,35190,35190,len ku demak nira,there is no discrepancy in his actions,test +35190,35191,35191,tahini,accomplish,train +35191,35192,35192,Orasaka maanen aca haw,for this we are truly sorry,train +35192,35193,35193,dinay,umbrella,train +35193,35194,35194,u maan ku kangalayan nu misu a keman,what do you want to eat,train +35194,35195,35195,yu mitdal cangra tuya tufur a lufa i Nawiru tdalen namu kura tufur a lufa saw saan ku cilufaay a tamdaw a milicay,as they were untying the colt its owners asked them Why are you untying the colt,train +35195,35196,35196,mavana a miadup ku masakapahay,only youths have hunting skills,train +35196,35197,35197,kiedaw,ice cold,train +35197,35198,35198,anini u pudaw tu,now catching small fish,train +35198,35199,35199,ya tatiihiay kaliman tu kura sa kaku,I am not sure what I think is a good habit to get out of,train +35199,35200,35200,Pulungen ku paru nu luma a masaupu,let the whole family be reunited,test +35200,35201,35201,mitaekud,flea,train +35201,35202,35202,anu huwad tengilkilim anu han su a mihuwad ri,always digging listening searching,train +35202,35203,35203,Pacauf sa ci Marta Hai Tapang Pasulin kaku tu nika u tayniay i hkal a Wawa nu Kawas ci Kristu Kisu han ningra,Yes Lord she told him I believe that you are the Christ the son of God who was to come into the world,train +35203,35204,35204,Paaliwac kamu anini haw,do you have the day off,train +35204,35205,35205,itini haw sawaay haw i itiniay Mi Cu Ceay matini i,the hosts here are at least,train +35205,35206,35206,itiyaay hu mangaʼayay haw,the old one was really good at discouraging people,train +35206,35207,35207,ilaay tu ku miming a fulad i,a tiny moon,train +35207,35208,35208,lumuwad tu dafak,wake up in the morning,train +35208,35209,35209,cinuwas,separate,train +35209,35210,35210,saka mangata tu kura nuka sanay a caciyaw,so that is close,test +35210,35211,35211,miiyutay,drilled,train +35211,35212,35212,u fafahiyan a demak kiya haw u pisanga aca ira tura ya tura dita tura suta,a girls job is just to make clay into pottery,train +35212,35213,35213,tatipeluk,paper,train +35213,35214,35214,Pacauf sa ku Tapang Anu hatira cima kuya karahkeran citanengay a misimaway tu luma saw oya nipatirengan nu tawki a papisimaw tu luma a papirucek a pafli tu kakaenen i kulikuli,the Lord answered Who then is the faithful and wise manager whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time,train +35214,35215,35215,icuwa satu kita maranam,where are we going for breakfast,train +35215,35216,35216,nay mapatayay itira tu a masasuvana,that is when you meet your friends and family,train +35216,35217,35217,misawaday hu tu mama nu kapah a kaput haw,what about young class leaders leaving the class,train +35217,35218,35218,vayi mimaan kisu,Auntie what are you doing,train +35218,35219,35219,Nanuya matalif ku pinapina a rumiad i tayra i Kaysariya ci Akripa a hungti aci Perniki a mitaung a mihamham ci Fistusan,a few days later king Agrippa and Bernice arrived at Caesarea to pay their respects to Festus,train +35219,35220,35220,hatini han isu tulikan tu nu malitengay kuni,that is how it is done the elders also knit,test +35220,35221,35221,yu misingkiw ku matuʼasay mala Tumukay san i,when the elders want to choose a leader,train +35221,35222,35222,a uranan uranan a uniyan ini sa,this ones this way that ones that way,train +35222,35223,35223,u suwal nu matuasay,the old Mans Narrative,train +35223,35224,35224,nawhan anu masaumah tu matini kura kaitiraan nu matuʼasay,where I used to live is now farmland,train +35224,35225,35225,Kasaniyaru nu Pangcah maemin ira ku patirengan a taluan unini a taluan u kasaupuan nu kasaselal pilikakawaan tu dademaken atu kalacecayan a mitayal nu finawlan uni ni a taluan tatiih a awa itini i niyaru,a common feature of the Amis tribes is a meeting house which is not only a center for age organized gatherings but also an important place for tribal discussions on public affairs and gatherings and a spiritual fortress for each tribe,train +35225,35226,35226,siumah amin paluma tu kunga,they are all growing groundnuts,train +35226,35227,35227,mahiniyay anu talaumah anu mivuting anu miadup atu maamaan a demakan yu tatalaayaw a malingad ira haw ku nipasametek misamata tu ngitih,Therefore when we Amis go out to farm fish or hunt or whatever we do we must first determine the good or bad of the matter before we act these phenomena include dreams,train +35227,35228,35228,maanen itiya awa ku tumangicay,how do you do it so there is no one to cry to,train +35228,35229,35229,caay ka lalen ku yufayuf nu Cen fu a milayap,However government agencies have not given sufficient weight to this law,train +35229,35230,35230,talacuwa adihay ku nipipatiri ni Yis tu kafahkaan a dmak i cangraan i caay pasulin cangra i ci Yisan,even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence they still would not believe in him,test +35230,35231,35231,iraay tu tayra i luma ya faʼinay aku da i,and so here we are at home with my husband,train +35231,35232,35232,ha,Heh,train +35232,35233,35233,i hantui matatudungay,oral language Proficiency test for selection of ethnic language Caregivers,train +35233,35234,35234,Kumimiten nu singsi ku tangila aku nawhani caay pitengil kaku tu suwal nira,the teacher pinched my ear because I did not listen to her,train +35234,35235,35235,satu ci tumuk patekiay nu mita may,the leader said Let us knock on this rock and see what happens,train +35235,35236,35236,na kaka nu misu nu Hulam ey,where is your sister where is Hanna,train +35236,35237,35237,hapengec hananay kira,because it is like a headdress,train +35237,35238,35238,o nitaliyukan nu maku ku niyaru naira,I have circled their tribes,train +35238,35239,35239,uraan aca Se Pa Kuyi tu saan ha ha ha ha,you are going to pay bucks for this ha ha ha ha ha,train +35239,35240,35240,nawhani anu makter ku tamdaw i caay ka tuur ningra ku niharatengan nu Kawas a mu^celay a dmak,my dear brothers take note of this everyone should be quick to listen slow to speak and slow to become angry,test +35240,35241,35241,Tangasa saca i salikulay a kamuku u hiya u malasung hananay,the final event was the marathon,train +35241,35242,35242,fuwah tu talaʼayaw minukay fuwahen tu nira kuya alu,before you go back destroy the blocked waterway and restore it to its original state,train +35242,35243,35243,kura makeruay,the man who dances in the middle of the field,train +35243,35244,35244,awul tadaawulay,bamboo,train +35244,35245,35245,tahira kami i Kinmung ri,when we arrived in Kinmen,train +35245,35246,35246,saka anu mitafukuday kisu,if you are a gossip network,train +35246,35247,35247,Malapifuwahan kira kilang,that wood becomes the doorknob,train +35247,35248,35248,ruma i milingangan tu palapatan matu ci Canglah ci Panay ci hafay sanay sahetu itiya pilidungan anca palumaan tu kaliumahan a mahufuc,Secondly they are named after the season in which they were born beg those called Canglah Panay Hafay were born during the harvesting season of that crop or the season of sowing,train +35248,35249,35249,palamalen,setting fire to it,train +35249,35250,35250,Miruʼetif aka pitelid tu wawa nu misu,record the wisdom of your ancestors and do not pass it off to your children,test +35250,35251,35251,o miringiay ku pising nira wawa tu faki nira,the kids got a face like his uncles,train +35251,35252,35252,a micudad,schools,train +35252,35253,35253,Pakaciyun kisu a tayni i luma aku hakuwa ku halafin,how long did it take you to come to my house by subway,train +35253,35254,35254,fuhat han misamalikiciw i,one dozen times in sesame oil and chicken wine,train +35254,35255,35255,Silamlam tu vasis,side order of pork,train +35255,35256,35256,miyakiway,pro baseball,train +35256,35257,35257,suvuc,raw,train +35257,35258,35258,kaemang hu kami i,when we were kids,train +35258,35259,35259,mahaen sisa aluman ku tamdaw a malcapu,that is why there are so many people here,train +35259,35260,35260,pitilidan,learning day,test +35260,35261,35261,malupidipangan,the Guardians place,train +35261,35262,35262,nengnengen,looks like it,train +35262,35263,35263,wata mansa hakini,I do not know what to do,train +35263,35264,35264,aya awa tu ku fadahung nuna taluʼan i ta kira pinaʼun,our roofs gone be careful,train +35264,35265,35265,haen han naku mangic itiya,I was crying like this,train +35265,35266,35266,o singsi kaku,I am a teacher,train +35266,35267,35267,nengnengen ku felih nuya payci,look at the other side of that coin,train +35267,35268,35268,o pulung nu finawlan nu niyaru kinian a tumirengay i matini,all the people standing here are tribesmen,train +35268,35269,35269,Mapafucud ni Tumay ci Panay,Panay was sexually abused by Tomay to produce an illegitimate child,train +35269,35270,35270,ira ku matatengteng tu sasuut mitenuk tu mali cumikayay misakeruay mipanaay,there were tug of war soccer running dancing and archery,test +35270,35271,35271,ira ku mitaelivay nu kapahay ku valucu a vaki,there is a kind uncle passing by,train +35271,35272,35272,muraraway mararaway tu lalan,to go astray get lost,train +35272,35273,35273,Malucien ku finawlan i ci Mayawan,the residents are sick of Mayaws talkativeness,train +35273,35274,35274,Talapaputal kaku a misalama,I am going to go play outside,train +35274,35275,35275,ora pisangka aku tura isutuan i,since I joined the group,train +35275,35276,35276,mitilid tu kita u ya undu hananay hayken tayra i puluyakiw,I am in school I am in the batting cages,train +35276,35277,35277,iraay ku faeluhay a widang niyam,we also made some new friends,train +35277,35278,35278,yan tayranay i sefi a marisawut haw i,the people gathered at the meeting,train +35278,35279,35279,tuya dafak itu,that morning,train +35279,35280,35280,Kawra adihayayhu a kilac awaay ku mitusilay tamdaw tayra milisuˈ,However there are still vast areas that have not been visited by preachers,test +35280,35281,35281,Suˈlinay cuwatu ka tayra ci Yuhani,John really does not go there anymore,train +35281,35282,35282,matama u pakarungay atu makakaʼay nangra,they selected the intermediate and junior members,train +35282,35283,35283,cecay patek ku tamdaw nu Taywan,Taiwanese,train +35283,35284,35284,caay tu pakarakat kaku,I cannot walk anymore,train +35284,35285,35285,tuna,Received,train +35285,35286,35286,tatiliden,words to write,train +35286,35287,35287,matengilay,it is said that,train +35287,35288,35288,u suwal aca anu masuvuc tu wawa anu mavana tu a semuwal mavanatu ku wawa nu Pangcah a remadiw anu mavanatu a remakat mavanatu a misakeru ku wawa nu Pangcah saan,it has been said that Aboriginal children are born singing walking and dancing as soon as they learn to speak it sounds a bit exaggerated but not too much,train +35288,35289,35289,o saki cangraan saka pacakaten aku ku tireng i Tisuwanan ta malasakasulin nangra a mipacakat tu tireng i Tisuwanan,for them I sanctify myself that they too may be truly sanctified,train +35289,35290,35290,hatini ku niya mihecaan ita,let us say we are in the middle of the year,test +35290,35291,35291,finawlan,the masses,train +35291,35292,35292,tangic,weep,train +35292,35293,35293,mifawah ku misimaway tu adawang a pacumud cingraan Mafana a mitngil ku siri tu ngiha ningra tahidangen ningra ku ngangan nu siri ningra a mikrid a pasadak,the watchman opens the gate for him and the sheep listen to his voice he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out,train +35293,35294,35294,hai liyaw milicay kaku tisunan i,what I would like to ask you again is this,train +35294,35295,35295,miira sa kita haw i,it is starting to happen,train +35295,35296,35296,o maan ku sapatala^ ni akung i tamuwanan,what is Grandpas treat for you,train +35296,35297,35297,tangasa i tini i ayaw nu niyam malatumukay,until now we have done nothing like this as bosses,train +35297,35298,35298,ira ku kaliti nu heni,they have their own piece of glutinous rice cake,train +35298,35299,35299,fuduy,apparel,train +35299,35300,35300,misangaʼay tu dadingu,it is in the RD department,test +35300,35301,35301,cuwa kangaay tatiih ku fafahiyan a miadup,No women cannot go hunting either,train +35301,35302,35302,pananumen ku wacu,please give your dog a drink of water,train +35302,35303,35303,awa ku litefucen hu kamu caka nga,no contribution so you need to pay tax in exchange for the land,train +35303,35304,35304,ri a maanen aku sa kaku,So thinking What do I do,train +35304,35305,35305,o maan ku epuc nura nidemakan nu misu,what is the value of what you are doing,train +35305,35306,35306,maulah ci Timas tu nu hkalan a dmak Saka laliw han ningra kaku tayra cingra i Tisalunika tayra ci Krisken i Kalatiya tayra ci Titus i Talmatiya,for Demas because he loved this world has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica Crescens has gone to Galatia and Titus to Dalmatia,train +35306,35307,35307,adihay sa alaan nu Taywan kemaʼen,the Han people took lots and lots of them to eat,train +35307,35308,35308,ka,Command,train +35308,35309,35309,mihamham,welcome,train +35309,35310,35310,anu rihuway caay kafangcal,it is loose it is not very good,test +35310,35311,35311,tataak,large,train +35311,35312,35312,Mapacekil nu Fangcalay Adingu ku mitiliday tu Fangcalay a Cudad,the writers of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit,train +35312,35313,35313,Paci^ci saan kami tina tataakay a urad a talalutuk,we braved the rain to go to the mountains,train +35313,35314,35314,hatini tu,Now,train +35314,35315,35315,Pangcah,Clansman,train +35315,35316,35316,sisa ira ku nipakaulah kiniyan u luma,that is why there is a reward for the bereaved family,train +35316,35317,35317,satapangtu kita patireng sa satapangtu,then we started building the house,train +35317,35318,35318,cuwa hu ka ruhem,unripe,train +35318,35319,35319,riyawen naku,that is what I am saying,train +35319,35320,35320,mahaenay anini,until now,test +35320,35321,35321,sakarufu,reason for closure,train +35321,35322,35322,o nisangaan tu fanuh nu lakuta ku riku ni Yuhani o rafir ku safaked ningra tu tatlecan o riri atu waneng nu udal nu pala ku nikaenan ningra,Johns clothes were made of camels hair and he had a leather belt around his waist his food was locusts and wild honey,train +35322,35323,35323,liti,castration,train +35323,35324,35324,malinah tayni i kingki i han nu misu ku suwal isu i sawni,I have come to the place you mentioned Sham Ou Kin Kei,train +35324,35325,35325,tangasa i sakatulu nu picudadan haw i linahan nu singsi kaku patayra i nu payrangan,when I am in third grade move me to Minnan,train +35325,35326,35326,damaen hu,please do me a favor,train +35326,35327,35327,malafi,supper,train +35327,35328,35328,Daemuh ku falucu nira wawa,that child has a soft heart,train +35328,35329,35329,anu cipatukuen kuheting ku nanum kira,because the water is cloudy,train +35329,35330,35330,anu tayni tu kita i lutulutukan,or go to the woods,test +35330,35331,35331,han nisu iniyan hu u tepung saka,that is the cave it is the sixth one,train +35331,35332,35332,mafanaʼay misanga ku sapiilang tu panay,good at making rice mills,train +35332,35333,35333,lekakawa,system,train +35333,35334,35334,Wata ku halamham nu tatuasan namu ci Apraham tu katalahkalan aku a rumiad Maaraw ningra kunini i salipahak sa cingra han ni Yis,your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day he saw it and was glad,train +35334,35335,35335,ura ngangan haw nura mapatayay,that is the dead mans name,train +35335,35336,35336,paruen ku nanum,put some more water in,train +35336,35337,35337,nu Dipungan hu ufang hannanay ira ku tukus,during the Japanese period they directly opened up the mountain caves,train +35337,35338,35338,masanga tu,done,train +35338,35339,35339,anu nangalay kaku a miala micakay i,see if any of your relatives want to buy it and bring it back,train +35339,35340,35340,kalapapisetengan han tu nu finawlan ku kulung kina utuc,the tribesmen tied their cattle to the three pillars,test +35340,35341,35341,nawhani awaay i luma ku wawa tu rumiʼad,because the children are away during the day,train +35341,35342,35342,nu tau a niyar iraay ku ira kira haw away ku nu misaru sanay kaku haw i,every village has its own story but not Miso,train +35342,35343,35343,pacuwah tu mihaen haen sanay,just put it through,train +35343,35344,35344,anu paenel han isu hau,if you bottom out,train +35344,35345,35345,Alesu kiyami ku nisakavian nira tu nu Vataan atu hakhak ira aca ku nipalamlaman tu siraw a kavi nu adeci sisa makasanek tu ku lavang a masasilsil a tayni a micakay,the ferns and sticky rice she cooked were delicious as well as the braised pork with macaw pepper and wild boar meat the flavors attracted many customers and everyone lined up at our stall,train +35345,35346,35346,i cuwa ku cacudadan nu misu,which school do you go to,train +35346,35347,35347,caay kaedeng tu sapakaen tu wawa u wina nu kunalifun,I cannot support my kids my wife et because I do not get paid enough,train +35347,35348,35348,padawdaw,sidelight up,train +35348,35349,35349,Cemet sa hu kaku tahini tu kisu,I blinked and you were there,train +35349,35350,35350,u sasamaanen tu hukini,what should we do,test +35350,35351,35351,maherek miʼasik i,clean it up,train +35351,35352,35352,o apeaped ku pising nu misu,you are covered in powder,train +35352,35353,35353,Namapalifun caira i nacila saka ira ku sapicudad nu wawa,had given a paycheck yesterday so the kid would have tuition,train +35353,35354,35354,Mangata^ rakat han i tangasa^ tu,Yes it is within walking distance,train +35354,35355,35355,kulafaw,voles,train +35355,35356,35356,tala han ku kapasera nu kaemangay,just waiting for the kids to go on vacation,train +35356,35357,35357,matengilay aku ku suwal nu wama aku,I heard my dad say that,train +35357,35358,35358,u matuʼasy,Elderly,train +35358,35359,35359,o mamitilid hu tu tataangay a pitilidan kisu,will you go on to college,train +35359,35360,35360,ay i,Awesome,test +35360,35361,35361,sakarahuday,go to the toilet,train +35361,35362,35362,ntu tu ku luma niyam,our house has been destroyed by fire,train +35362,35363,35363,wawa hen kaku,I was just a kid,train +35363,35364,35364,lepelen kura mitakaway,catch that thief,train +35364,35365,35365,itini i niyaru haw u pakalungay hu kami pakaenay tu kulung,when we were young and in the tribe we were cattle herders,train +35365,35366,35366,mitavi dengaytu a tataang,when plowing a field you can,train +35366,35367,35367,lalielan,collar,train +35367,35368,35368,u,Help,train +35368,35369,35369,yu mihaen a mipahmek a mikansiya kuya saspatay a mauripay a mipacakat tu ngangan nuya maruay i tadamaanay a anengang a midaucay a maurip a Kawas i,whenever the living creatures give glory honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever,train +35369,35370,35370,o lunguc niyam i tamuwanan u kahaccaccay i nanay malcad ku laluk namu tangasa i pahrekan ta malahci ku kacifalucuan namu,we want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end in order to make your hope sure,test +35370,35371,35371,mipuhpuh,tapping to cure illness,train +35371,35372,35372,namalahuk,after lunch,train +35372,35373,35373,way tu emin na tamdaw,they are all gone,train +35373,35374,35374,nawhan itira i kawali nu ciwkangan satapang a mafafuraw itira,when you migrate you start from the east side of Nagamitsu,train +35374,35375,35375,Ngaay suwalen ku malifetay tu a demakan nu misu han,can you tell us about your work experience,train +35375,35376,35376,sarumiʼad sa micadcad tura uway,all day organizing the yellow vines for rope,train +35376,35377,35377,ngala,cracks,train +35377,35378,35378,Pulung han tusa lefut a limuud o misangaan aku kuni u hahalafin a sakadademak,it is a total of dollars I handmade these and they are guaranteed to last a long time,train +35378,35379,35379,caay kalecalecad haw nisangaʼan isu,you do not make them the same,train +35379,35380,35380,o ruma a sapaluma i matfad i fuklukluhan u kuhpicay ku sra talacuwa narikay a mulngaw kuya sapaluma i tuna caay ka talulung ku sra saka,some fell on rocky places where it did not have much soil it sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow,test +35380,35381,35381,safaw falu^,eighteen,train +35381,35382,35382,o sakasiwa kinian a ayam,this is the ninth chicken,train +35382,35383,35383,misalama tu,going out,train +35383,35384,35384,sacifalucu satu cangra,in their minds they are thinking,train +35384,35385,35385,nengneng han u makakisuʼay awaay sa ku vuting,I saw my husband kissing a woman so I did not catch any fish,train +35385,35386,35386,mamicuka,I need to draw a picture,train +35386,35387,35387,Tanudadacdac a misuni i lutulutukan,there are a lot of cicadas chirping on the mountain,train +35387,35388,35388,namafana a paluma tu ini u hananay u panay hananay u papananumen,I did not know there was rice a plant that needs water to irrigate,train +35388,35389,35389,aka ka cinglaw,do not talk,train +35389,35390,35390,ta minukay ku kapah kapah ku salikaka,bringing young people and brothers and sisters back to their hometowns,test +35390,35391,35391,matalaway kaku tu uner mansa cuwa pinengneng kaku tu uner,I am afraid of snakes so I do not look at snakes,train +35391,35392,35392,Fana sa hu ku safa aku a rumakat,my brother has just learned to walk,train +35392,35393,35393,ira ku ni pikeykak nu maku alaʼen nu maku ku,I have got it all planned out,train +35393,35394,35394,tuna taluma tu kami i makuliniw ku utufay saka pakafasu^ satu kami a taluma,when we were about to leave we found that the motorcycle had been stolen so we had to leave by bus,train +35394,35395,35395,naayaw anu raecus ku nikasuvuc,past difficulties,train +35395,35396,35396,kapah kinaluma melawan aku,I think it is a nice house,train +35396,35397,35397,tangasa i luma pateli i paetang patukuen,put the water in a barrel at home to settle,train +35397,35398,35398,Lalima^ ku paru^ nu luma nu maku,there are five people in my family,train +35398,35399,35399,pakalipahak,celebrate,train +35399,35400,35400,u u kakeridan mafana a sulinga a misiwar mipamuʼecel,leaders must be able to coordinate and correct,test +35400,35401,35401,caay hu^ panukas kisu tu sasisit aku,you have not returned me the eraser,train +35401,35402,35402,sasingakudu,CD ROM,train +35402,35403,35403,milihay kisu i nacila han,did you worship yesterday,train +35403,35404,35404,ku suwal nu Pangcah a mamelaw,seeing the language of the indigenous people,train +35404,35405,35405,misking kaku itini i,I am taking the exam at Yuri,train +35405,35406,35406,fiyawan,neighborhood,train +35406,35407,35407,kalipahakan anini a rumiʼad mitapal kaku tu demak nu mita Pangcah kalimelaan,today is a wonderful day and these last few years have been so valuable in observing our Amish community,train +35407,35408,35408,ya matuʼasay nu mita i,our ancestors,train +35408,35409,35409,Lidaw,cantaloupe,train +35409,35410,35410,kung,mercury,test +35410,35411,35411,paputalay,outside,train +35411,35412,35412,Matelung ku fana nira,he is very intelligent,train +35412,35413,35413,misu,You you,train +35413,35414,35414,ku kalalicay nu malitengay itiyahu,the elders would have conferred with each other beforehand,train +35414,35415,35415,tahira,arrive at,train +35415,35416,35416,pakalican niwama aku kaku itusiya ta malahakelung kami a tayra,dad drove me with him,train +35416,35417,35417,na Makutaay haw i,Maguadam tribe,train +35417,35418,35418,i cuwaay ku niyaru namu,where is your tribe,train +35418,35419,35419,tulu tulu ku acucul,Three three gyros,train +35419,35420,35420,matuʼasay haw i,elderly Narrative,test +35420,35421,35421,Fayu san kaku tura icep,I ate that betel nut and my chest got stuffy and I had a cold sweat,train +35421,35422,35422,Tanukucu saan cira a tayni i Taypak,he came to Taipei wearing only shoes,train +35422,35423,35423,matenes tu ayi tila ku aru kiyai nanananam satu tu nikaurip nu heni,perhaps they have settled there for a long time and have gradually adapted to their customs,train +35423,35424,35424,suwal sa kuya Palafuay i Cingraan Anu mipitusur Kisu a mitaung i takuwanan i paflien aku Kisu tunini a ma^min han nira,All this I will give you he said if you will bow down and worship me,train +35424,35425,35425,malelisian kiyami ma asek nu hiya,when the wind and the rain have drenched it,train +35425,35426,35426,namu,you guys,train +35426,35427,35427,u pasawali haw mafana hu tu ngasaw masaiyaiya hu masaupu,in the east they know the laws of clans and gatherings,train +35427,35428,35428,turuma a remiad,which day some other day,train +35428,35429,35429,aka tu pisalama Kamaru tu i hakenang,stop playing and quickly sit in your seat,train +35429,35430,35430,lawad,space,test +35430,35431,35431,o papamatangen hu kunini a sera,that is land that is about to be opened up,train +35431,35432,35432,mipitpit tu papah nu kakurut,picking small bitter melon leaves,train +35432,35433,35433,13 14 o mirikecay atu pihakelungan hanu mamifekad ku mariˈangay atu cuwa ka sadafdaf a demak hani,why is it said that politics and religion lead to violence and injustice,train +35433,35434,35434,ama,dad,train +35434,35435,35435,ungcuy,boulder,train +35435,35436,35436,terung,middle period,train +35436,35437,35437,maala tu niya kaemangay wawa kiya wacu afufuhan nira kuya wacu ningra,the child took the dog and held it in the arms,train +35437,35438,35438,misakay kaku i,I will be up north,train +35438,35439,35439,ma^cel,Reevess muntjac,train +35439,35440,35440,Nanisaayaw a u malakaputaytu atu Kawas kunini a Suwal,he was with God in the beginning,test +35440,35441,35441,Hay mafana kaku a rumadiw tu makapahay tengilen a radiw,Yes I can sing a good song,train +35441,35442,35442,karatumay,a lot of bears,train +35442,35443,35443,a mituur haw tu widang,follow your friends,train +35443,35444,35444,hatira macakat macakat,the economy has improved,train +35444,35445,35445,ha i,Yes,train +35445,35446,35446,Anuruma a rumiad malahakelung kaku aci mama^ aci ina^ a tayni,next time I will come with my parents,train +35446,35447,35447,rukruk,boiling water,train +35447,35448,35448,nu matuʼas itiya hu,elderly people used to live like this,train +35448,35449,35449,ira i falucu aku hay,it is all in my heart,train +35449,35450,35450,awaay tu ku kamakamay a milusimet tu luma,no spare hands to take care of the house,test +35450,35451,35451,Lima^ patungal han tu siwa^ i safaw sepat tu ku pida^ a mapulung,five plus nine totals fourteen dollars,train +35451,35452,35452,araw,results,train +35452,35453,35453,mitengil,listen up,train +35453,35454,35454,pacaiten,please hang it up,train +35454,35455,35455,mangalay kami a malavi ira hen haw ku kamaruan,we would like to dine are there any seats left,train +35455,35456,35456,awaay cefus han i sasifin sanay cacuus saan,no,train +35456,35457,35457,mamapatapatay,there must be one death,train +35457,35458,35458,patikuwalen,calling,train +35458,35459,35459,Paadingalen tu simal a misisit tu kucu nu misu,Polish your shoes with oil to make them shine,train +35459,35460,35460,nu palumaʼan nu wama nu maku haw i,I have got a thousand reasons in my heart and in my eyes,test +35460,35461,35461,nacnacrihenac,lick,train +35461,35462,35462,u ngaʼayay kunini a fau tuniya talud tuni saka,because I think turmeric is a very good plant,train +35462,35463,35463,nawhan a wawa,Why the kids,train +35463,35464,35464,luwad satu ci Yis a mituur i cingraan Halunisawawaan ni Yis a mihaklung,Jesus got up and went with him and so did his disciples,train +35464,35465,35465,onini a harateng aku i,my thoughts,train +35465,35466,35466,sapatafang,offering,train +35466,35467,35467,uraan hu ku tilid saka minanam,we learned Amis that way,train +35467,35468,35468,mikeliway,rope picker,train +35468,35469,35469,lipahak kaku nawhani,I am happy,train +35469,35470,35470,maraud tu kuya rumiʼad haw i pisekingan,it is time for the exam,test +35470,35471,35471,minanam midutuc tunu mita,to learn to pass on our own,train +35471,35472,35472,Nalumuwad ci Yis a maurip nai patay tu saayaway a rumiad nu fa^luhay a lipay ci Mariya nu Maktala ku aayaway a nipaarawan ningra,when Jesus rose early on the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had driven seven demons,train +35472,35473,35473,Pcasen ku caang ta maaraw,break the branch so that it dangles then we can see,train +35473,35474,35474,sa unini ku patusukan aku sumuwal,so let us talk about planting Sapindales today,train +35474,35475,35475,Tadamararum cangra saka haccaccay sa a milicay i Cingraan Tapangaw kaku haw Kaku haw saan,they were very sad and began to say to him one after the other Surely not I Lord,train +35475,35476,35476,itira a mafana ku makutu sakitini i lutuk amirumakat,this is the way I know how to walk in the mountains,train +35476,35477,35477,ciferang,stuffiness,train +35477,35478,35478,as ngaʼay ku nira a pinangan ngaʼay ku nira a urip,all of them have performed and lived well,train +35478,35479,35479,mitipelak tuya fanges ila hai,strip the bark Yes I did,train +35479,35480,35480,masa hatini tu,so this is the time,test +35480,35481,35481,Nukaysa ci tama dafak satu i misalisin tu i taluʼan,when we go back we will have a hunt and in the morning we will have a Toyo Matsuri at the meeting place,train +35481,35482,35482,akenan,benches,train +35482,35483,35483,tatayiankamayian,toilet,train +35483,35484,35484,tiya ma,it is the only way,train +35484,35485,35485,o papaepipen a patudung ku kalutamdamdaw,a flute should be given to everyone,train +35485,35486,35486,paadiyucen,whirlwind,train +35486,35487,35487,anu hakuwa ku kakahad hakuwa ku kakaya,no matter how wide or long the house is,train +35487,35488,35488,itini Farangaw awa ku maʼaraway aku,I did not find it in Maryland,train +35488,35489,35489,inian i nanay matengil nu mimaliay a mimaliay aca,I hope all baseball players,train +35489,35490,35490,Aciyah adihayay tu ku tayal isu,Ouch you have got a lot on your plate,test +35490,35491,35491,Savuhcal sananay ku nipangangan,I am going to name it white and Flawless,train +35491,35492,35492,Cuepen ni faki aku ku pinanum i nemnem,my uncle ambled over to the water to sip directly from the welling spring with his mouth,train +35492,35493,35493,a patihien naku kisu a miala tu safa isu,I will go with you to bring your sister back,train +35493,35494,35494,matini san caykaadihay ku ngaʼayay kamawmahan san,because there is not a lot of land to farm here,train +35494,35495,35495,Damday ku falucu nuni wawa,this child has a good heart,train +35495,35496,35496,ta patireng hantu nangra cangra i kaayaw nu tarukus Saka kapa hantu nu tarukus cangra a mitulun,they presented these men to the apostles who prayed and laid their hands on them,train +35496,35497,35497,makesem cira tu nika siday nira tu pida,he was saddened by the loss of money,train +35497,35498,35498,Hay ira ku kiyaves niyam i aayaw nu luma ira ku kuwawi i lalikul,Yes we have guavas in front of our house and there is a soil dragons eye at the back,train +35498,35499,35499,mapateli tu ta mahaenay pahanhantu,that is a good place to rest,train +35499,35500,35500,7 saka tulu a lalangian milingatay tu sasaˈusien,the third reason relates to decision making,test +35500,35501,35501,u hiya u emuy emuy hay emuy emuy,it is called The spring Fountain,train +35501,35502,35502,talaen hu,in a minute,train +35502,35503,35503,tiyansi,turner,train +35503,35504,35504,taykak,university,train +35504,35505,35505,lacal,parents take turns staying at their children homes,train +35505,35506,35506,o kilang nu nanges kinian,this is a mango tree,train +35506,35507,35507,mikarud,just plow and rake again,train +35507,35508,35508,tusa pulu ira ku lima,at,train +35508,35509,35509,Makamaan a tala i Taypak,what is the best way to get to Taipei,train +35509,35510,35510,katumerep aka caciyaw,please be quiet do not talk,test +35510,35511,35511,caay caay kangudu kaku u raan ku han aku,No I am not shy I am shy because of that,train +35511,35512,35512,suwal han naku ku Halawan itiya,I was a Harawan and I said,train +35512,35513,35513,Mahaenhaen caka pakaala tu sakacecay nikaurira mahemekay kaku hay u malaheciay tu ku lalalifeten aku,although I did not get first place I am glad because I completed the race,train +35513,35514,35514,a miluwad tu lisin itini,we are here to build up our rituals,train +35514,35515,35515,malengaw ku kunga kiyami haw,this is how groundnuts grow,train +35515,35516,35516,maka tusa tulu kiya a patekenan ku mikihatiyaay a tamdaw,the total number of participants was about,train +35516,35517,35517,suwal sa ku ina nira,her mother said,train +35517,35518,35518,palatlaten,measure,train +35518,35519,35519,mihinum hu tu rarum nu wawa,and comfort the child,train +35519,35520,35520,macacawi a sumuwal,to have a discussion,test +35520,35521,35521,awaay ku maku u ni Panay kunini,I do not have one either this is Panays,train +35521,35522,35522,misahatira kiya demak i cukang kami i,it is all work and no play,train +35522,35523,35523,paliʼayaw a mi saʼusi i,prepare the budget first,train +35523,35524,35524,paadifaten,installation of obstacles,train +35524,35525,35525,o misaurad sanay a lekakawa^ nu niyaruay a tamdaw itiyaay hu u cecay a lisin nu Pangcah tu sapipauripaw tu pinaluma nu finawlan,praying for rain is an action and a ritual of the early tribal people to preserve their crops,train +35525,35526,35526,pakirac san tura kawmah,commencement of distribution assignment,train +35526,35527,35527,ciherang,stuffy,train +35527,35528,35528,mahaen ku nu icep,that is how you grow betel nut trees,train +35528,35529,35529,Ki^mel ku falucu niyam Saka u piliyas tunini a tatirengan a mikaput tu Tapang ku ngaay saan ku harateng niyam,we are confident I say and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord,train +35529,35530,35530,kaka^ tu fafahian fafahiyan a kaka,older sister,test +35530,35531,35531,i nu Dipung maulahay ku nu Dipung tu Pangcah,Japanese like Amis,train +35531,35532,35532,pakukuan,chicken coop,train +35532,35533,35533,Nikawrira pacauf sa ci Pitiru Hakenu caay ka fana kaku tura nisuwalan isu han ningra a sumuwal i kaayaw nu alumanay a tamdaw,but he denied it before them all I do not know what you are talking about he said,train +35533,35534,35534,maedeng sepat pulu ku mihecaan ni Namuh,Namoh is about years old,train +35534,35535,35535,o cala nu fafuy nu lutuk kiraan,that is the jawbone of a mountain pig,train +35535,35536,35536,o nu Payrang a harateng kuni,this is a typical Han view of history,train +35536,35537,35537,tangsa kaku i tira i hiya lalan nu situsiya,when I got to the train tracks,train +35537,35538,35538,samanen ta,opens voles,train +35538,35539,35539,Mialal ca Tumay malekaka tu fukeluh i sauwac a mikalang,the Tomay brothers digging over rocks in the river to catch crabs,train +35539,35540,35540,ka maan han,how do you mean,test +35540,35541,35541,patelien nu maku tu tatakula itila,I pretended to be a frog over there,train +35541,35542,35542,malaluk,diligent,train +35542,35543,35543,anu,in order to,train +35543,35544,35544,rumadiw,sing a song,train +35544,35545,35545,cimira ku mafanaay ngra ku mafanaay,he she is the one who knows,train +35545,35546,35546,tatihi,the side,train +35546,35547,35547,mipacena,do it in a short time,train +35547,35548,35548,itiya i tangsul sa cangra a lumuwad a patiku a tayra i Yirusalim Maaraw nangra itira ku nika saupu nu ccay ku safaw a nisawawaan atu rumaruma a mituuray ci Yisan,they got up and returned at once to Jerusalem there they found the eleven and those with them assembled together,train +35548,35549,35549,wata ku aʼuwang nu makapah awa ku tafuk tafuk,the sea urchins in little Liuqiu are very beautiful and have no sand,train +35549,35550,35550,hatira,like this,test +35550,35551,35551,hatiraay saka maherek kuranan i,after that it is over,train +35551,35552,35552,mahaenay ku demak nu niyam itiyahu milaedis hananay,this is our fishing ritual,train +35552,35553,35553,mihedutay,dry,train +35553,35554,35554,Sacacay satu kaku awaaytu ku lalumaan,I am all alone with no family,train +35554,35555,35555,picacak,boiled,train +35555,35556,35556,hanay sa takaraw nira,the biggest dollar is a dollar,train +35556,35557,35557,o pawacayay kami tu pulung nu dmak ni Yis i Yutaya a pala atu dmak ningra i Yirusalim Paceken nu tamdaw cingra i ciwcika a mipatay,We are Witnesses of everything he did in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem they killed him by hanging him on a tree,train +35557,35558,35558,demak nu matuʼasay a patireng a misakilang,elderly people in a building materials cover house,train +35558,35559,35559,pipatiyaman,storefront,train +35559,35560,35560,tangasa^,accomplish,test +35560,35561,35561,mamalahuk,morning,train +35561,35562,35562,pahanhan kisu i,you are on vacation,train +35562,35563,35563,mangalay kaku pahadak,I was so hoping it would lead to,train +35563,35564,35564,sanay ku suwal nu malitengay,that is what the elders say,train +35564,35565,35565,u teker ku sapiadup nu vavainay mavana ku heni a misanga tu talakal tu erid atu taerev,the men of the tribe also trap their prey making lasso traps and rock traps,train +35565,35566,35566,Wa safangsis sa matu kaesuay a kaenen,Oh it smells good and looks delicious,train +35566,35567,35567,o fayang a sasingaran ku luma ta caay picumud ku likes,keep your home free of mosquitoes with netted screens,train +35567,35568,35568,mimudac,molt,train +35568,35569,35569,sisiten ku dinget nu wawa isu,wipe your kids snotty nose,train +35569,35570,35570,Nikawrira u nika lasawad nu kakarayan atu hkal ku rahudayay tu nika lasawad nu samimingay a kunis nu nitilidan a Rikec,it is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law,test +35570,35571,35571,kaikuran nu luma,backyard,train +35571,35572,35572,Arenger ku kakurut,bitter melon is bitter,train +35572,35573,35573,edeven,close,train +35573,35574,35574,pakayni tuya tefad nangra i alu sa tu tiya nanum nika halafin matengil niya wawa ku suni nu takula,after they fell into the stream and after a long time the child heard the frogs sound,train +35574,35575,35575,ciriku,put on,train +35575,35576,35576,nawhani u kafahkaan a mitngil kura nisuwalan isu Saka mangalay kami a mafana tu tatudung nunini a dmak han nangra,you are bringing some strange ideas to our ears and we want to know what they mean,train +35576,35577,35577,pifutingan pitafukudan,there is a fishing festival,train +35577,35578,35578,malacinuwas,good Bye,train +35578,35579,35579,mafafelih,reverse,train +35579,35580,35580,a mavukil ku matuʼasay,parents are not active in learning the ethnic language,test +35580,35581,35581,o sapakuniraaw nu urip ita i kaayaw nu Kawas saka tdalen ni Kristu kita Orasaka satanekteken ku falucu namu Akatu piliyaw a micadung tu taluudan nu kuli,it is for freedom that Christ has set us free stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery,train +35581,35582,35582,wa ya imatini,Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Now now now now,train +35582,35583,35583,kalisawutan,set,train +35583,35584,35584,tu niyan u parasay,clean,train +35584,35585,35585,cipucuʼan han tu kura,that place it is called the tumor district,train +35585,35586,35586,u kakaenen niyam awaay ku kakaenen i ayaw i,and many others,train +35586,35587,35587,oya mamapuni a mamapatay a tireng i caay ka ^ca u mamafalic a malamidaucay caaytu ku mamapatay,in a flash in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed,train +35587,35588,35588,u ngangan nu maku ci panay unu Hulam nu maku ci,Yang Chunzhi my ethnic name is Banai and my Chinese name is Yang Chunzhi,train +35588,35589,35589,mimaan kisu a maru i caniiw nu luma,why are you sitting in such an out of the way place,train +35589,35590,35590,Marafi tu ku kaysing atu sala aku,my plate is full,test +35590,35591,35591,ngaʼay hu kita u salikaka,Hello brothers and sisters,train +35591,35592,35592,caahan nira micaa caay pinengneng pasilaenu kuya tamdaw,he raised his head and that person did not look down,train +35592,35593,35593,Angang han tu ku suna nu heni,I will call the grandson,train +35593,35594,35594,aka pipakaruray tu ina,leave mom alone,train +35594,35595,35595,awu tataakay a kaliti saan,a big one,train +35595,35596,35596,a cikang hiwa i,Time,train +35596,35597,35597,Namatefad i tepad kira matuasay i u lefut nu saselaan itiyatu,the old man had died on the spot since he fell from the cliff,train +35597,35598,35598,hay talatukus a miʼadup,going on a group hunt in the mountains,train +35598,35599,35599,Atep han tu awul ku eli malupatih,the walls are thatched with bamboo coercion,train +35599,35600,35600,maanen a pasevana ku wawa,you cannot teach your children the language,test +35600,35601,35601,tamuhung kafung,hat,train +35601,35602,35602,ci hani Caki ku ngangan nu maku,my name is Hazen Zarasz,train +35602,35603,35603,sulita u tuda u afar urang,Octopus eel shrimp and prawns,train +35603,35604,35604,tu rumiamiad a minanam kaku misanga tu talakal sakikahenay a mihakelung tu malitengay a miadup araw han kahenayay citama kuya talakal nu maku,in order to go hunting with adults as soon as possible I practiced making traps every day and soon my traps can really catch prey,train +35604,35605,35605,mikuli itira sa,work there,train +35605,35606,35606,u pakayniay tu,about,train +35606,35607,35607,wikul,tails,train +35607,35608,35608,itira kiya wacu i maaraw niya wacu kiya tatekuh sapikalican mi mingiyangi tiya kilang,the dog was there when the dog saw the bees it wanted to climb up and shook the tree,train +35608,35609,35609,nu maku itini itini i pusung i,and I have heard many similar stories in Taitung,train +35609,35610,35610,tuna u tadancaay ku tireng ningra caay ka dengan u nipipatuaya ningra tu saki raraw nu finawlan u mamipatuaya haca tu saki nu tirengan a raraw,this is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins as well as for the sins of the people,test +35610,35611,35611,a ni,as well,train +35611,35612,35612,mitahidang tu ina tu fafahi nu lufang,the wives of the elders invite us,train +35612,35613,35613,suwal,language,train +35613,35614,35614,tamuwanan,you guys you guys,train +35614,35615,35615,a miliyas a minukay atu ya wacu,left and went home with the dog,train +35615,35616,35616,i paʼuripay,Amis,train +35616,35617,35617,Padungus saan aka kasinpay,he said not to worry when he left,train +35617,35618,35618,tanutupi,a lot of pigeons,train +35618,35619,35619,mahaen ku nipivuting nu vayivayianay i naayaway,that is the way old ladies used to catch fish,train +35619,35620,35620,ura ngangnan nu niyaru nu niyam itiya hu i,what was the name of our tribe at the time,test +35620,35621,35621,Maapesak ku picacak nu maku tu hemay anini,Todays rice I cooked with insufficient water and lacked stickiness,train +35621,35622,35622,ku ali nu maku tu kaka nu maku matiya satu haw matuʼas matuʼas tu kaku,my brother in law and sister saw me grow up,train +35622,35623,35623,seni,pour,train +35623,35624,35624,alatek tudung ku pilekal nira pitahidang tu minukayay ita matuʼasay,or maybe they are calling out to our ancestors,train +35624,35625,35625,makapasu,take the bus,train +35625,35626,35626,o feli nira kunini,this is his gift,train +35626,35627,35627,siniada ku falucu aku kiya,I feel the same way,train +35627,35628,35628,miedefay,relevant,train +35628,35629,35629,ya cuwah sa u tu kura ney saka tuku mata kura,tie it off at the eighth hole on the eighth,train +35629,35630,35630,u nipalumaan,seedy,test +35630,35631,35631,caay haw kawu turun a cacay,is not it just sticky rice cake,train +35631,35632,35632,fangcal pacamul i ayaw nu matuasay,the old man used to add,train +35632,35633,35633,o maan ku kakaenen isu a maranam,what did you have for breakfast,train +35633,35634,35634,hay isahatira ulungen tu niyam tala Kancan tayra i Kacan,when we are done we will move to Sekiyama,train +35634,35635,35635,Mahufuc kaku itira i Saʼaniwan,I was born in Yee Wan,train +35635,35636,35636,Makakapi ku pitatuy nira,he carried something in both hands,train +35636,35637,35637,e pitu pitu a miheca kina wawa nira tu,she is about seven years old,train +35637,35638,35638,itiya i suwal sa kuya maruay i tadamaanay a anengang Nengnengen u sasafa^luhen Aku ku kalumaamaan saan pasuwal haca Cingra Tiliden kunini nawhani u sulinay a tatieren kuna suwal saan,he who was seated on the throne said I am making everything new then he said Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true,train +35638,35639,35639,masapaputalay,extramural,train +35639,35640,35640,amuma ku ayaway a maru itini haw hayi,Yes,test +35640,35641,35641,nu hitayay a,it is a military memorial park,train +35641,35642,35642,filfil,lip,train +35642,35643,35643,Salikuray milisuˈan niyam a Fenpu u Kuriya itiya iraay ku tuki niyam minengneng tu mapalitay a 50 salikaka i kapalitan,our last branch visit was to south Korea when we had the opportunity to see brethren incarcerated in Suwon Prison,train +35643,35644,35644,o maan ku mamalien nu mita,what are we going to play,train +35644,35645,35645,ya tapelik nu riyal dudu han nira i,walking along the waves of the sea,train +35645,35646,35646,Cipuyapuy riya Yisan,Mary conceived Jesus,train +35646,35647,35647,o makulacay ku felec nu mita u tamdaw,when we die we have nothing,train +35647,35648,35648,anu tusa i,if two people,train +35648,35649,35649,mangiliway ku wina aku u ising cingra,my mother is thin and my mom is a doctor,train +35649,35650,35650,tengilen,Hear hear,test +35650,35651,35651,i tiya tu a matungal tu fana,from that point on it is going to be,train +35651,35652,35652,Nikawrira tayra i Farisay a tamdaw ku papinapina nangra a pasuwal tu dmak ni Yis,but some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done,train +35652,35653,35653,sakaulahan,I like it very much,train +35653,35654,35654,a miharateng tu pipalal i takuwan,a sudden awakening,train +35654,35655,35655,i mamatkup a tamdaw i u sakapatay a sanek i mamapaurip a tamdaw i u sakaurip a sanek cima ku matatudungay a matayal tu matiniay a tayal hakiya,to the one we are the smell of death to the other the fragrance of life and who is equal to such a task,train +35655,35656,35656,sapifuraw nura Pangcah nura Cawi itiya hu,we are going to attack the harbor,train +35656,35657,35657,tahini tu i Taype nga ciwawa tu,I did not have a child until I was living in Taipei,train +35657,35658,35658,anca i malacafacafay tu kaka nu maku,sometimes I follow my brother,train +35658,35659,35659,u ya,only,train +35659,35660,35660,pacaliwen hu aku kisu tu nu maku a sararup,I will lend you my eraser first,test +35660,35661,35661,Fungaʼfungaʼan atu kacipaʼay,groundnuts and yams in the garden,train +35661,35662,35662,tini i pihiya tu kalikudaan tu i,at the Harvest Festival,train +35662,35663,35663,adihay tu anini kinan sukuy,there is a lot of scallops out there,train +35663,35664,35664,haenen ku namu a mitala satanekteken ku falucu namu nawhani mangatatu a miliyaw a tayni ku Tapang,you too be patient and stand firm because the Lords coming is near,train +35664,35665,35665,hara,Creek fish,train +35665,35666,35666,aki kuna caciyaw nuna tatusaay a malikaka,Aye these two brothers dialogues,train +35666,35667,35667,cacay muli ku pida nu maku,I have a hundred dollars,train +35667,35668,35668,hatira saka ngaayay ca ku urip niyam itini san kura matuʼasay,the elders think we are a good fit here,train +35668,35669,35669,haen han akumilaliw kuni,I am doing it now,train +35669,35670,35670,samaanay kurira a pisatapang,how do I start,test +35670,35671,35671,niememan,recipient,train +35671,35672,35672,Makakitikiting tu kamay a minukay kura kalikakaay a tatusa,the two brothers went home holding each others hands,train +35672,35673,35673,mahaen isaw ku nipivuting nu matuasay,that is how the old man fishes,train +35673,35674,35674,suwal han kura wawa nira manaayay ci mamu misanuʼAmis,it is the grand mom who does not want to speak the language,train +35674,35675,35675,Tuha sapiluwidaw tu harateng hapinangen ita u manan ku katalawan nu sasinting hungaˈ madiput kisu caka mafiyur nu sasinting,in order to win the war of ideas we must see the dangers of propaganda in order to protect ourselves from its effects,train +35675,35676,35676,Mafilu isu ciira a sumuwal,can you talk to him,train +35676,35677,35677,hay hay nian i maan sanay,Yeah Yeah yeah yeah what is this,train +35677,35678,35678,ci Ohay mikawitay tu suwal,content edited by OHare,train +35678,35679,35679,mangaʼay haw,is that convenient,train +35679,35680,35680,a talipaʼelal tu suʼelinay a lalan,that makes sense,test +35680,35681,35681,nu ah u rama tu haw ku rarem a urip anini,the clan will reflect adapt and understand the modern way of life and speech,train +35681,35682,35682,pasuwal sa kuya finawlan Onini a tamdaw i u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas ci Yis nu Nacali nu Kalili han nangra,the crowds answered This is Jesus the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee,train +35682,35683,35683,talaen hu minukay cingra anu huni,Well wait a minute he will be back later,train +35683,35684,35684,ira ku nuamisan a Pangcah Siwkulan a Pangcah nu walian a Pangcah Falangaw a Pangcah atu Palidaw a Pangcah nanu tuas itini i Kalingku atu i pusung a malaklak o Pangcah kaku anca o Amis kaku saan ku pangangan,there are the Nansei Amis Xiuguluan Amis Coastal Amis Malan Amis and Hengchun Amis which have been mainly located in Hualien and Taitung counties since ancient times they call themselves Pangcah or Amis,train +35684,35685,35685,suwal sa ku ina ni Madadingu,Flawless delicate mother,train +35685,35686,35686,u kakaenen hatiniay aca kusa pitilid nu wawa sa,that is all I have for food and tuition,train +35686,35687,35687,o cacikayen aku i malahcitu aku a cumikay o pitier aku ci Kristuan i maimertu aku,I have fought the good fight I have finished the race I have kept the faith,train +35687,35688,35688,mikumuday,egestion,train +35688,35689,35689,o ruma i pasuwalan aku ku wawa misaaliay kaku tu pina rumiˈad misimsim tu suwal ningra,other times I will tell my son that I need a few days to think about what he is saying too,train +35689,35690,35690,nanu Olalip alaan nira tayni ku faʼinayan mikadafu tayni,there are also young people from the Wulali tribe who have been born here,test +35690,35691,35691,luma,building,train +35691,35692,35692,kamaya^,persimmon,train +35692,35693,35693,katawaan kuya urip nu i tiyaay hu,it is funny how life used to be,train +35693,35694,35694,Nanuya lalangen nu Fangcalay Adingu cangra Aka pasuwal tu suwal nu Kawas i Aciya han ningra cangra Saka pakayra satu cangra i Frikiya atu Kalatiya a pala,Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia,train +35694,35695,35695,manengneng caira,However it seems that now they are,train +35695,35696,35696,kira dateng,wild herb,train +35696,35697,35697,pacaʼuf cimiraan,room for maneuver,train +35697,35698,35698,fanaw,reservoir,train +35698,35699,35699,sa,like this,train +35699,35700,35700,Pararikahen nu matuasay ku epah a misengel,the old man puts centipedes in the wine to soak them up,test +35700,35701,35701,u awaay tu kita,that is the end of us,train +35701,35702,35702,Ngaay taratarakaw tu ku wawa nu maku,may my children grow tall,train +35702,35703,35703,Du^du han ku lilis nu riyar a rumakat,follow the coast of the sea,train +35703,35704,35704,nasupedan,it is all stored up,train +35704,35705,35705,Palemeden,pray for blessings,train +35705,35706,35706,feretan ira i riyal sanay kura suwal,I heard that the British dumped the dead cow at the beach,train +35706,35707,35707,maraud kura sakalima a rumi ad,it is got to be more than five days,train +35707,35708,35708,celi,loud rebuke,train +35708,35709,35709,Ata talafekang kita fawahen aku,come on let us go up together I will open the door,train +35709,35710,35710,mipasevana tu yuciying,kindergarten,test +35710,35711,35711,anini kita u tiniay aca i tukay,we are now living in the metropolitan area,train +35711,35712,35712,miketun,decision,train +35712,35713,35713,daydam,capsicum,train +35713,35714,35714,Cefis han nuya tamdaw ku papaysuan nura kay^ing,the man snatched the lady purse,train +35714,35715,35715,Awaitu ku simal nu utufay nu maku,I am out of gas for my motorcycle,train +35715,35716,35716,mikunling tu hatiraay maefer a saan,he said that is the way to train for this kind of jump,train +35716,35717,35717,tefus,sugar cane,train +35717,35718,35718,Mafanaay kisu misa Falangaw a caciyaw haw,do you speak Malanamerican,train +35718,35719,35719,caka cikafung tu ancingmaw ciira saka mafaking nu tayring ciira,he was not wearing a helmet so he was ticketed by the police,train +35719,35720,35720,Cuwa u safa aku cira,No she is my younger sister,test +35720,35721,35721,suka tu kura duduh,plastic storage tanks,train +35721,35722,35722,saka caay,keep somebody from doing something,train +35722,35723,35723,matayu tu ku kamay,hand movements are less dexterous,train +35723,35724,35724,fangcal,an excellent,train +35724,35725,35725,marukruk,boiling water,train +35725,35726,35726,Salikakaaw nanay mafana kamu tu nanu dmak nu tatuasan ita Madiput nu tuem cangra a ma^min a rumakat tu kahngangay hananay a riyar,for I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact brothers that our forefathers were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea,train +35726,35727,35727,awa ku widang itini,there are no friends here,train +35727,35728,35728,mamiafas tu futing,it is for looting,train +35728,35729,35729,tuna ciraraw ku pulung nu tamdamdaw saka caay ka tatudung cangra a miraud tunini a cidilay a Kawas,for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,train +35729,35730,35730,Nikawrira caay ka fana cangra tu tatudung nu suwal ni Yis,but they did not understand what he was saying to them,test +35730,35731,35731,mamanghu kaku i,when I was young,train +35731,35732,35732,taring,pile up,train +35732,35733,35733,kimulmulay ku pising ni ina,Moms face is round,train +35733,35734,35734,halafinay ku liyun ira,it will take longer to turn,train +35734,35735,35735,tu aniniay a wawa pihulul,Childrens trips nowadays,train +35735,35736,35736,itini kaikur itiyahu,behind this,train +35736,35737,35737,naunen,carefully,train +35737,35738,35738,a cekeruhen,to promote,train +35738,35739,35739,hatira kakitan ku uʼrip nu aniniay a wawa,Todays children are very well off,train +35739,35740,35740,ufacyang uisiney han naku ri,I told you it was good grand mom,test +35740,35741,35741,u ura pasawali i,Oh that is Tomioka,train +35741,35742,35742,tumerep,stop,train +35742,35743,35743,ala han kinatepi ti itini haen,take the ruler and go around,train +35743,35744,35744,tiraw,There,train +35744,35745,35745,kakaenen,stammer,train +35745,35746,35746,itini Yuhani 15410 tuni pina sinael kinapinaay masuwal ni Yis ku mararid sanay a tilid paihekal tu kalimelaan ku mihadidiay,in these short verses of John Jesus uses the word hour several times to emphasize the need for patience,train +35746,35747,35747,ayam,bird,train +35747,35748,35748,ma mapatay ku nani,death of a cat,train +35748,35749,35749,a siadada,you will get sick,train +35749,35750,35750,itini kaˈurip ita awaawa sa misiˈayaway tu ka calemceman ka tuledan ka rurayan a demak,at one time or another we face things in our lives that because us worry disappointment and pain,test +35750,35751,35751,tahiraen i fufufufu ku pakafana a mitaʼis a mitesel,it has been passed down to future generations to teach sewing and embroidery,train +35751,35752,35752,mamaan kisu saw,what is wrong with you,train +35752,35753,35753,caay patala isingan kisu,no hospitalization,train +35753,35754,35754,ku sakafiyafiyaw itiya,number of tables in the neighborhood,train +35754,35755,35755,aisidan,master priest,train +35755,35756,35756,itiya unini ku maherekay aku tangsul mi,the matter was settled immediately,train +35756,35757,35757,utuyan,male,train +35757,35758,35758,ta lacecay sutu ku rakat,we will walk together as one,train +35758,35759,35759,nanay,wish,train +35759,35760,35760,u maan ku tuktuken,what kind of mallet do you use for dyeing,test +35760,35761,35761,misiwkay tu paru nu luma nu maku tuninian haw,Introducing my family with this in mind,train +35761,35762,35762,saka cecay lalakaw wa milengu u mararaway tamdaw wa ngaˈay misamaan micangcang tu sadiput ni Yihufa,the first text will talk about how transgressors can seek refuge in the Lord today,train +35762,35763,35763,o sakangituan tu ku wadis nu maku,my teeth are going to break,train +35763,35764,35764,talaen,wait for,train +35764,35765,35765,ilisintu,beginning of the Harvest Festival,train +35765,35766,35766,Futfut han nu kulung ku salipata,the cow pulled out the moor grass,train +35766,35767,35767,Misaikaikang i kaayaw aku ciira,she flaunted it in front of me,train +35767,35768,35768,misausitu tira tatukiyan,it is time Yes it is,train +35768,35769,35769,o yencepi ku sapisurit,write with a ball pen,train +35769,35770,35770,itini i u Ciw Kangngan,Cheung Kwong tribe,test +35770,35771,35771,anu sakapahen sadimelen ku caang nira vangcal,it is beautiful if you organize its branches carefully,train +35771,35772,35772,malitengay,polite term for old woman or man,train +35772,35773,35773,talalutu matama nangra ku a fafuy tini i lutuk,when I got to the mountains I hunted a pound mountain pig,train +35773,35774,35774,anu han ku saʼusi matamaay tu,it is like the so called salary of today,train +35774,35775,35775,talaaway mikawid tu tafukud,weaving the old mans art of making gossip nets,train +35775,35776,35776,yu simakapatayay pakungkutu ku matuasay,old people tell stories when someone dies,train +35776,35777,35777,o maan ku katawaan namu a suwal,what are you laughing about,train +35777,35778,35778,misatakutakud,bouncing and vivacious,train +35778,35779,35779,watah karurayan tu ku teluc,Alas the offsprings are industrious,train +35779,35780,35780,malacafay a maru i luma kisu tu fufufufuan isu haw,do you live with your grandparents,test +35780,35781,35781,diwadiwang,quiet,train +35781,35782,35782,ila ku tingalaway ila ku mangutaay hanay pangangan,call them by their clear and turbid names,train +35782,35783,35783,muecel,straight,train +35783,35784,35784,aca kaku miala,I will take it again,train +35784,35785,35785,u nipangangan tu nu Ripun itiya hu san,he said that this is a Japanese term,train +35785,35786,35786,laying,sea wave,train +35786,35787,35787,kuhaw,soup,train +35787,35788,35788,uraan saka,the reason why,train +35788,35789,35789,suwal satu ku kakahulul,that is what the chief said,train +35789,35790,35790,Nikawrira ira ku papinapina a paculiay ci Stifanuan a tamdaw o Pakuniraay hananay a masakaputay u nanitiraay i ccay a kasaupuan nu Yutaya a tamdaw u Kirini atu Aliksantriya atu Kilikiya atu Aciya a tamdaw cangra,opposition arose however from members of the synagogue of the Freedmen Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia these men began to argue with Stephen,test +35790,35791,35791,nawhani u matayalay nu Kawas cingra tu sakangaay isu Nikawrira anu tatiihay ku dmak isu i u katalawan isu cingra nawhani citudungay cingra a mitfuc o matayalay nu Kawas cingra saka tfucen ningra ku tatiihay ku dmak a tamdaw,for he is Gods servant to do you good but if you do wrong be afraid for he does not bear the sword for nothing he is Gods servant an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer,train +35791,35792,35792,u kilang,it is trees,train +35792,35793,35793,anu u maan kiniyan,what the hell is this,train +35793,35794,35794,tu hatira sanay ku urip nu niyam itini i Kilung,that is how we live in Keelung,train +35794,35795,35795,temireng,stand up,train +35795,35796,35796,hatiniay tu atek ku mita,we are probably all like that,train +35796,35797,35797,o maan ku kaci falucuan nu misu ci Namuhan,what do you really like about Namoh,train +35797,35798,35798,Uhira away hu ku Pangcah itira,there were no Amis in Fung Ping at that time,train +35798,35799,35799,aluman ku malaecaananay i kakuisin anini,Nowadays there are many people who cannot afford to fall ill in various hospitals,train +35799,35800,35800,maharek misulimet tura dafung i,when packing the necessary equipment is complete,test +35800,35801,35801,awa hen ku suwal,there is no such thing,train +35801,35802,35802,kapulungan,public,train +35802,35803,35803,namamaan kina tamdaw,past behavior,train +35803,35804,35804,sasafaay,smallest,train +35804,35805,35805,mapadiput,Trustee care,train +35805,35806,35806,ya pakalifetay a mitiliday na patulapasan,only those students who pass will be allowed to wear headgear,train +35806,35807,35807,Kainalan kamu anuhakuwa pakatuur i tamuwanan kaku,I envy you guys I wonder when I can catch up with you,train +35807,35808,35808,sariri^,beam,train +35808,35809,35809,Sakumaingen ku tireng a miruhu,bend over softer,train +35809,35810,35810,funguh,head,test +35810,35811,35811,mafana tu ri,I am getting more and more interested,train +35811,35812,35812,ira ku matayalay i kufa ira ku misalumaʼay,some jobs are for operators some are for building houses,train +35812,35813,35813,i tini i Payrang paʼaca tu ayam,selling chickens in Pailang,train +35813,35814,35814,ciapulay,calcareous,train +35814,35815,35815,tu kaku,my,train +35815,35816,35816,sakailulan,most missed,train +35816,35817,35817,sakatumangican sa kaku,I want to cry,train +35817,35818,35818,ira ku tulu a mihecaan,years is not a short time,train +35818,35819,35819,caykasimaan kaku tu pikadafuan,I am living with my wife and it is all good,train +35819,35820,35820,ci Pawlu kaku patilid kaku aci Silas aci Timuti i tamuwanan u i Tisalunikaay a kiwkay nu wama ita a Kawas atu Tapang ci Yis Kristuan,Paul Silas and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians in God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ,test +35820,35821,35821,kataan,insomnia,train +35821,35822,35822,Mapauning nu tawu ku ngangan nira,his reputation is stained by others,train +35822,35823,35823,talakal,bird trap,train +35823,35824,35824,pasuwal han tu kiya faʼinay aku,I talked to my husband about it,train +35824,35825,35825,anu u cuwa ku radiw iri,just sing the song I just sang,train +35825,35826,35826,anini sa i caay pikilif kaku i tamuwanan Saka malaada namu kaku haw,have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth,train +35826,35827,35827,hai maraud kalengawan nira haw,Yes it will grow too it will,train +35827,35828,35828,mahanay ami u Cikasuwan,just like us Kikashiman,train +35828,35829,35829,miliyaw kaku a pasuwal Mafana kaku tu nika kakuy nuya tamdaw a mapatayra i kalipahakan,and I know that this man whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know but God knows,train +35829,35830,35830,dimukus,love and care,test +35830,35831,35831,sakapitu sakafalu tu kunian pacuwah,the seventh and the eighth went through here,train +35831,35832,35832,Mayaw cima Mayawan han kura aluman kira,so many people are called Mayo,train +35832,35833,35833,kalusapasifana,wisdom,train +35833,35834,35834,kaulahan,favorite,train +35834,35835,35835,misakaru kamu haw minanam misareru,do you guys dance practice dancing,train +35835,35836,35836,cecay aca ku acaen aku pafelien kaku tu faeluhay,I will just buy one piece please give me a new one,train +35836,35837,35837,pakatastasay,spent,train +35837,35838,35838,a mahaentui,if there is no such item,train +35838,35839,35839,hai saemel ku mahaenay micumud ku fali,because the cool air will come in,train +35839,35840,35840,ata kina urip satu kaku,thoughts of weeping were born,test +35840,35841,35841,ci falucu kaku a pakafana tu,I have every intention of hoping,train +35841,35842,35842,patatawus,link together,train +35842,35843,35843,o Siwkulan a Pangcah i nai Rinahem ira ku Fataan Kuhkuh Pusku piki ku tataangay a niyaru,Xiuguluan Amei Cluster from Shoufeng river in the north to Suppon river and the vicinity of Xue Tian in the south,train +35843,35844,35844,u terung ku sikawasay,the priest will be the intermediary,train +35844,35845,35845,faduwac,rib,train +35845,35846,35846,maharateng ku nu malitengay kiya saw,I think of the old days of the elders,train +35846,35847,35847,mipatireng tu nu buluku,it was built with bricks and mortar in,train +35847,35848,35848,nanu adayay nu Kawas ku sapaʼicel aku a palimuʼut i tamuwanan,in the mercy of God I urge you,train +35848,35849,35849,Yuci,post office,train +35849,35850,35850,atu ya ina aku atu nanu kaemang hay,only my mother who I grew up with was,test +35850,35851,35851,sakaytini i,it is a good way to pass it on,train +35851,35852,35852,Papina^ kamu a malekaka^,how many of you brothers and sisters,train +35852,35853,35853,18 o maanan ku padamaay tuniya mararamuday pakafilu tu hatiniay ka calemceman a pakayraan hani,what helps the couple cope with such a worrying situation,train +35853,35854,35854,iayaw u fadahung awaay hu ku amutu luma,I did not know how to use a solid concrete house before,train +35854,35855,35855,siwawa,give birth to a child or children,train +35855,35856,35856,pakukampiwta,mistaken for computer,train +35856,35857,35857,cuvay sa mavecul patayraen tu ku rarapa,the cow ate it up quickly,train +35857,35858,35858,maan caay kapidah caay kapitulas kura Hulam mifulaw san masadak tu kura tumuk,why will not the Qing soldiers stop their aggression,train +35858,35859,35859,i pitilidan kaku a minanam,I learned it at school,train +35859,35860,35860,ura niyaru nu kinanuka hananay huw i,what about just the antler tribe,test +35860,35861,35861,ucung ku cikang itira ta maherek,be there in plenty of time to finish,train +35861,35862,35862,Hai fangcal ku keru aku,Yes I dance well,train +35862,35863,35863,tama ira sa ku falucu namu,that is why you are so thoughtful,train +35863,35864,35864,o kapatayan nira a rumiad,the day he died,train +35864,35865,35865,mirarakat,take a stroll,train +35865,35866,35866,nikarikec,unity,train +35866,35867,35867,yu kalahukantu i satuman sa ku pulung nuya hkal ma^deng tulu a tatukian ku halafin,from the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land,train +35867,35868,35868,uni palumaʼan nu mita itiya hu u pisalameluan nu mita,we used to live where millet was grown,train +35868,35869,35869,mipakpak caira tu kamay,they clap their hands,train +35869,35870,35870,sinuetsinaet,hot,test +35870,35871,35871,a demak caay pakayni sa,it is not just for,train +35871,35872,35872,pahanhan tu,breaks,train +35872,35873,35873,ira paʼaludu sanay,that is why it makes sense,train +35873,35874,35874,aka tuka adihay ku caciyaw numaku adihay tatu i cayka min mafana kita sa,I do not need to say too much you might not remember if I say too much,train +35874,35875,35875,sasaan kaku an iraira aca ku mama nu tireng kaw,that is why I said if I had a father,train +35875,35876,35876,nawhani caay ku parawraway ku Kawas tu tamdaw o parihadayay i titaanan tu saka lcad nu finawlan nu Kawas a kalukiwkay,for God is not a God of disorder but of peace as in all the congregations of the saints,train +35876,35877,35877,adawis,sweep,train +35877,35878,35878,kaku caka harateng aku ku pisalama aku,I did not even think of donating myself,train +35878,35879,35879,u sanay kiniyan saka misakilang kiya na a tamdaw,that is why that man planted forests,train +35879,35880,35880,anu cimacima ku milungucay i tisuwanan i paflien anu alaen nu tau ku maan isu i akatu pilunguc tu sapatikuaw ningra,give to everyone who asks you and if anyone takes what belongs to you do not demand it back,test +35880,35881,35881,o mamafahkul kamu i paputal itiya i u mamaaraw namu ci Apraham ci Isak aci Yakup atu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a ma^min i Kitakit nu Kawas Saka itiyatu kamu a tumangic a mingric tu wadis,There will be weeping there and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God but you yourselves thrown out,train +35881,35882,35882,Kawangay a masu^suay kaku amerekay a mangiliway ci Kacaw,I am tall and overweight while Kacaw is short and thin,train +35882,35883,35883,o dadinguan,it is a mirror,train +35883,35884,35884,mikawitan tu taʼangayay ku ufang nira,it is a very big net to weave,train +35884,35885,35885,Makemu ku tamdaw,a man fell from above,train +35885,35886,35886,mimaan,what are you doing,train +35886,35887,35887,ku nikaengnan mipaluma ku wama,my parents planted it,train +35887,35888,35888,ngaay,be close,train +35888,35889,35889,Nanuya yu minukaytu cingra tuna malahungti i papitahidang han ningra ku tamdaw tuya nipaturudan ningra tu paysu a kulikuli onini i u sapihapinangaw ningra tu nika hakuwatu ku ni^tanan nangra,He was made king however and returned home then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money in order to find out what they had gained with it,train +35889,35890,35890,Kamutuan aca,short is good,test +35890,35891,35891,nawu mahaenay kiyami sisa sankingcu han ku itiniay,that is why it is called the three Alley,train +35891,35892,35892,verarangad,stag beetle,train +35892,35893,35893,Saka tahidang hantu ni Pawlu ku ccay nu kakridan nu sufitay a sumuwal Kriden kunini a kapah a tayra i tapang nu sufitay Ira ku sasuwalen ningra cingraan han ningra,then Paul called one of the centurions and said Take this young man to the commander he has something to tell him,train +35893,35894,35894,anu ira pamelaw han tu kami,if so let us see it again,train +35894,35895,35895,makalah kaku a minukay a mitangtang tu sakalafi,I am in a hurry to get home and cook dinner,train +35895,35896,35896,itini i Singku ku pitilidan ni cucung kami i tiya,we are in a successful middle school,train +35896,35897,35897,nga uya kahikukiay han nu Payrang ilaay kura malengaw atu tana,and airplanes too it grows easily on tilled soil,train +35897,35898,35898,sukun,traditional Womens dresses,train +35898,35899,35899,Hinukup sa kuya kaput ningra a mingitangit Nayarenhu ku rumiad Ta mapatiku aku a ma^min han ningra,His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him Be patient with me and I will pay you back,train +35899,35900,35900,Nipacakilan a maemin ku lalan i tunutunuan,almost all of the paths on the walls are steep and dangerous trails that have been cut,test +35900,35901,35901,cuwa tatiihay a miadup ku fafahiyan,No women cannot go hunting either,train +35901,35902,35902,mabulaw kaku itini,I migrated here,train +35902,35903,35903,Mafanaay kisu a mitenuun cima ku pasifanaay tisuwanan,you are very skilled at weaving who taught you,train +35903,35904,35904,19 Pasuwalan ni Yis ku nisawawaan Anu micerid kamu midufduf tu suwal aku u suˈlinaytu a nisawawaan aku wa mafanaˈ kamu tu suˈlinay kimad wa pasalaten nu suˈlinay kimad kamu,Jesus said to his disciples If you keep my word at all times you are truly my disciples you will know the truth and the truth will make you free,train +35904,35905,35905,tusa mihecaan ku laed nu niyam kira,we are all years apart,train +35905,35906,35906,matiraay sa,that is it,train +35906,35907,35907,Sapifuutan kaku i cingraan tu sapatudungaw ningra i tisuwanan a mipadang takuwanan a matayal tu saki Ngaayay Ratuh i nika rufu aku,I would have liked to keep him with me so that he could take your place in helping me while I am in chains for the gospel,train +35907,35908,35908,mamangata,Close,train +35908,35909,35909,tadakacaluwayan,handy,train +35909,35910,35910,kaysingay,in the rice bowl,test +35910,35911,35911,misakurengay,a potter,train +35911,35912,35912,tu sapakaʼen tu lafangsapakaʼen tu anu ira ku mimaʼanay nu niyaru,you can invite your guests to eat or the tribe has something important to do,train +35912,35913,35913,maimer tu suwal,keep commandments,train +35913,35914,35914,mamalasiwni kisu hay,I thought you were going to be a nun,train +35914,35915,35915,u papasifana u misanga tu tafukud,what is the process of making a gossip website,train +35915,35916,35916,pisapawtian,the place where the sacks are made,train +35916,35917,35917,o hafay ku tadamaanay a kakaenen nu Pangcah i tiya hu,a long time ago,train +35917,35918,35918,umaumahan pakaen,go feed the cows in that field,train +35918,35919,35919,o maulahay tu salikaka a tamdaw i u i ta^ngaday cingra caay ku sakatahfikud nu tau cingra,anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness,train +35919,35920,35920,pasuwal sa ci Yis Ati Maranam tu kita han ningra Mafana ku nisawawaan tu nika u Tapang cingra saka cima Kisu awaay ku sanay a pakaeses a milicay,Jesus said to them Come and have breakfast none of the disciples dared ask him Who are you they knew it was the Lord,test +35920,35921,35921,nirakatan,go on foot,train +35921,35922,35922,ci panay kaku,I am Panay,train +35922,35923,35923,ami remadiw,Solo,train +35923,35924,35924,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad Anu cima ku mangalayay a rihaked ku urip i aka pasuwal tu tatiihay atu misamangahay a suwal,For Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech,train +35924,35925,35925,hatini ku katariktik nu ka dademak,this moves fast,train +35925,35926,35926,maulah ciira a palada tu kakaenen tu fiyafiyaw,he loves to share food with his neighbors,train +35926,35927,35927,a maanen nu mita a midudu,how are we going to chase him,train +35927,35928,35928,Watah fangsis ku ucya^ namu,your tea is delicious,train +35928,35929,35929,cuk angunguray ney,Oh it is deep,train +35929,35930,35930,anu mahaen ku demak nu,not rescuing the language of the indigenous people,test +35930,35931,35931,ilang han a miʼilang,powder,train +35931,35932,35932,Cu ku mutep ira ku tusa,not twelve,train +35932,35933,35933,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Nawiru muraraw ku harateng namu saw Nawhani mafukil kamu tu Fangcalay Cudad caay haca kafana tu icel nu Kawas,Jesus replied Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God,train +35933,35934,35934,lufuc,bag,train +35934,35935,35935,miala,go and get it,train +35935,35936,35936,kacikaluhay kaku,I am not good at this,train +35936,35937,35937,hatini ini hay,just like the beams here now Yes,train +35937,35938,35938,matatelek kaku atu cingra tuna paaliwacan tayra i luma ningra a mihumung cingranan,we had arranged to visit his home this holiday for the interview,train +35938,35939,35939,sanay kina saka,that is it that is why,train +35939,35940,35940,a mahaen tu,all of them too,test +35940,35941,35941,antai anu ey man san tu ayam kiya,what about the uh chicken,train +35941,35942,35942,hanaca masamanay ku pakalaluk tu cafacafay,and to encourage our people through this video,train +35942,35943,35943,sa pakamakatan nu paliding atu nu tamdaw i ayaw,for the sake of the tractor trailer and the people in the roadway,train +35943,35944,35944,matuʼasay itiya hu pakaynien i fulad,in the early days the old men observed the moon and how it looked in the sky,train +35944,35945,35945,u masakaputay kami a lalunah,we are a bunch of ants,train +35945,35946,35946,Tumireng i kaayaw nu mikumuday ci Yis ta liclicen nuya mikumuday Cingra O hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw Kisu haw han ningra Pacauf sa ci Yis O suwal isu kunini han ningra,Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor and the governor asked him Are you the king of the Jews Yes it is as you say Jesus replied,train +35946,35947,35947,maenecay,crush,train +35947,35948,35948,Taangayay tu kaku nu hatini mikuyud kaku tu pana atu iduc mihakelung ciamaan a miadup,now that I have grown up I carry my bow and arrows and go hunting with my father,train +35948,35949,35949,mianang,hide it,train +35949,35950,35950,tayni satu a misalama,come again next time,test +35950,35951,35951,tadamaanay ku pataheka nira,he fixed a very special magnificent meal for us,train +35951,35952,35952,Maluparuk nu mita kira pawti,the sack became our quilt,train +35952,35953,35953,aka ka lataang aka ka sasitlii aka ka sasiinap,let us not become conceited provoking and envying each other,train +35953,35954,35954,mita awaay ku paysin,we do not have any taboos,train +35954,35955,35955,siwa kura ngasaw ngangan nura ngasaw haw,there are nine village names,train +35955,35956,35956,hatira a daduy hatira daduyen ku nu maku saan tu,weighing packages of raw meat too,train +35956,35957,35957,ira tu ku kafahal,I cannot help but feel a little sad,train +35957,35958,35958,ta maʼaraw ira kuna enar tini i Liyaki hananay hanu anini a niyaru ku ngangan nira,they saw a plain now called Roshan,train +35958,35959,35959,yasa siniʼadaay takuwanan,the nursing director was very sympathetic at the time,train +35959,35960,35960,hacuwa tanamen nu tau,when will they test me,test +35960,35961,35961,padadinguay,coated,train +35961,35962,35962,pika,exist,train +35962,35963,35963,a pili tura namitanaman tu nu ina aku wama aku,one of the things my mom and dad tried,train +35963,35964,35964,tu mitaelib tu lutuk mihaen a maepud a tala i gaku,up and down the hill to the school,train +35964,35965,35965,miis^isay,whistling,train +35965,35966,35966,falicen ku falucu,Repent,train +35966,35967,35967,emin emin hanira,I just ate it all,train +35967,35968,35968,nu fitunay haw nu aul,how about under the bamboo the bamboo,train +35968,35969,35969,upir,braid,train +35969,35970,35970,hay pacafay nu mitaay,accompanying the clan,test +35970,35971,35971,o rarung ku luma niyam i ayaw,in the old days our houses were made of thatch,train +35971,35972,35972,Hay u Yincumin kami,Yes we are aboriginals,train +35972,35973,35973,Osuy satu ku fasu ita anini a rumiad,our bus is very late today,train +35973,35974,35974,ta suwal sa cangra tuya fafahiyan Caaytu ku nanu suwal isu ku sapasulin niyam Tu^tu sa kami a mitngil tu suwal Ningra Saka mafana kami tu nika u sulinay a Pauripay tu tamdamdaw nu hkal Cingra han nangra,they said to the woman We no longer believe just because of what you said now we have heard for ourselves and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world,train +35974,35975,35975,manguwien,I am tired of the sound of cows mooing,train +35975,35976,35976,kamatiya kamu u mitalaay a kuli tu pinukay nu tawki nai pitahkaan i pararamuday ta anu minukay cingra a mikungkung tu fawahan i tangsul asa kisu a mifawah tu luma a militmuh i cingraan,like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him,train +35976,35977,35977,marepet marufu kita saan kami,I wonder what I would do if I got caught and put in jail,train +35977,35978,35978,Orasaka salikakaaw saicelen a pahapinang i dmak namu ku nika u nitahidangantu u nipiliantu nu Kawas kamu nawhani anu haenen namu i caay ku mamisawad kamu a mituur,Therefore my brothers be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure for if you do these things you will never fall,train +35978,35979,35979,misahatiraay a misatapang kami isaka 1947 miheca 11 fulad ka cecayan rumiˈad a misakafah,So we both started on November as pioneers,train +35979,35980,35980,o pacek nu matayalay kinian,this is the workers nail,test +35980,35981,35981,tarawadaw,streams,train +35981,35982,35982,saikuran,backyard,train +35982,35983,35983,nu mita u Pangcah haw ri,we Amis,train +35983,35984,35984,mafanaˈay kisu samaanay ku Suˈlinay demak Han,do you know the truth of the matter,train +35984,35985,35985,way tu i luma ku wawa,there is not a single child at home,train +35985,35986,35986,kutem,cloud,train +35986,35987,35987,liyasen,Away,train +35987,35988,35988,tu hatiniay a maaraway,the story of these mountain pig fangs,train +35988,35989,35989,Ngaay kaku a milicay tisuwanan haw,can I interview you,train +35989,35990,35990,Pacukisen nu maku ku luma nu misu,I am going to cover the thatched roof brackets at your house,test +35990,35991,35991,taminacifar,ship,train +35991,35992,35992,nawhan,because of,train +35992,35993,35993,u hatiraay ku tayal aku itiya,at that time the work I did at my place of residence,train +35993,35994,35994,makahirahira,there are all kinds of,train +35994,35995,35995,caay kimatini na ira ku,it is not like we have invitation cards now,train +35995,35996,35996,miala itini haw,get it from here,train +35996,35997,35997,tahiraay i paputal a minanam tu nu,that is why I am studying,train +35997,35998,35998,mitilidan aku tiya nu singciw haw i,it is all written by the original captain,train +35998,35999,35999,ikur nu pina fulad malinahay cingra tayra i Masaycuse a pala dademak samanen misaaliay tu adihayay mitusilay itira,a few months later she moved to Massachusetts to serve where more preachers were needed,train +35999,36000,36000,Mafukil haw,not even then,test +36000,36001,36001,anu sitama ku fainayan i mipafatisay tu salawinawina,if a man went hunting and got something he would share the meat with his friends and relatives,train +36001,36002,36002,palamlam,mix something with something,train +36002,36003,36003,o mamararid haca ku Kawas a mipakadufah i tamuwanan tu masamaamaanay ta mararid kamu a halipadahuf ta pakayni tunini a padahufay a dmak namu ku sakafana nu alumanay a tamdaw a miahuwid tu Kawas,you will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God,train +36003,36004,36004,pacukah tu kana tusa,here is the second puncture,train +36004,36005,36005,udawis,fruit picker,train +36005,36006,36006,mipatalatu kami tu,we are about to prepare,train +36006,36007,36007,o i aikuray cangra a maru,they sat in the back,train +36007,36008,36008,amaan,Grandmom,train +36008,36009,36009,cahcah,pant,train +36009,36010,36010,anu hatira i ngaay misasing kisu tu maamaan nu i kemuday nu riyal,in this case you can photograph the underwater world,test +36010,36011,36011,suelinay tu,that is true,train +36011,36012,36012,Taringafuh cingra a lumuwad a tayra i Taypak,he left in a hurry for Taipei,train +36012,36013,36013,tada tataak ku cidal aka ka pawan a misipasip tu sakicidal,the sun is bright and remember to wear sunscreen,train +36013,36014,36014,tini i lalan sahenuhenut san u lalan nu kulung san u lalan nu tamdaw,the road is very muddy and sinks it is a cows road as well as a mans,train +36014,36015,36015,misadadahal,expansion of Hualien harbor,train +36015,36016,36016,matini i,now what,train +36016,36017,36017,o ciminatuay tu tataangay ku Takau,Kaohsiung has a large harbor,train +36017,36018,36018,sanaw,so that is why,train +36018,36019,36019,anu caay pakasuʼelin tu suwal nu maku haw,if you do not believe what I am saying,train +36019,36020,36020,Cu cu cu u tatangicen nu maku a turun,Wow it is what I have been waiting for,test +36020,36021,36021,haw saka midipang tu ku faʼinayan patihi miradum,that is why the men will stand guard and accompany the women to get water,train +36021,36022,36022,u Yincumincu anu sa,I will talk about mission then responsibility then indigenous peoples,train +36022,36023,36023,Citamuhung ci ina^ a masadak haw,does mom wear a hat when she goes out,train +36023,36024,36024,maherek kami a mifetik u matuʼasay maherek a mikuwat,elderly people finished the worship ceremony,train +36024,36025,36025,anu cuwa ka hatiraen micumud ku nanum,if not water will seep in,train +36025,36026,36026,uninian i u icel nu maku a masadak a mifuting i,this is me fishing under my own power,train +36026,36027,36027,Haelis kaurunan tu,Yeah it is been a really long time,train +36027,36028,36028,maperar tu kuya lutuk,the mountain came sliding down,train +36028,36029,36029,saka u ukuling u nanuculing nu Ripㄧn sanay kiraan u ukuling,named after a place with a lot of trees in Japan,train +36029,36030,36030,yu mafana ci Yuta uya pacakayay ci Yisan tu nika mapastek i raraw ci Yis i matatikul ku falucu ningra Saka patiku han ningra kuya tulu a pulu a rimuud nu ^kim i kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu kalas nu niyaru,when Judas who had betrayed him saw that Jesus was condemned he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders,test +36030,36031,36031,cima ku kafanaʼan nu wawa sanay sa,the kids will not know what is going on,train +36031,36032,36032,Mifulud ci Tumay tu kaka nira a tala Taypak,Tomay followed his brother to Taipei,train +36032,36033,36033,facen kuya kulung ta ira a makilim nira ku kakaenen,let the water buffalo roam so he can find food,train +36033,36034,36034,maedeng kiya Pifasiyawan hukiya sa kaku i,almost to the kite stone,train +36034,36035,36035,miaca kita tu sakaranam haw,let us go get breakfast shall we,train +36035,36036,36036,mikumu kami tu mahiniay kiyami,we hit this slingshot,train +36036,36037,36037,safuul,urge urination,train +36037,36038,36038,kaku tu i,and I have been,train +36038,36039,36039,malahuk kami tu tadadateng nu Pangcah,our lunch was a real Amis wild vegetable feast,train +36039,36040,36040,tahini tu i kucung haw i tulu a miheca,I finished three years of junior high school,test +36040,36041,36041,mifanaw,develop,train +36041,36042,36042,ilisin,year of Abundance Festival,train +36042,36043,36043,cecay miheca mifalic tu tilid,textbooks are updated almost every year,train +36043,36044,36044,adihay tu ku nikavanaan nu maku tu suwal nu Pangcah,I have learned many Pangcah languages,train +36044,36045,36045,tayni kaku i,I went to,train +36045,36046,36046,ta Amin saan kuya saspatay a mauripay ta hinukup sa kuya ciwlu a mitaung,the four living creatures said Amen and the elders fell down and worshiped,train +36046,36047,36047,pasuwal sa cangra O tluc ni Apraham kami Caayhu ka lakuli nu nimanima kami Nawiru O mamatdal kamu saan ku suwal isu u maan ku tatudung nunini a suwal saw han nangra,they answered him We are Abrahams descendants and have never been slaves of anyone how can you say that we shall be set free,train +36047,36048,36048,suwal hantu nu tumuk kina demak i niyaru,the chieftain told the tribesmen about it,train +36048,36049,36049,kadakawan,ride,train +36049,36050,36050,mararid,recurrent,test +36050,36051,36051,Mapacufay nu yufing ku tikami aku,our letter was returned by the mailman,train +36051,36052,36052,ciwidang tu tu faʼinayan kiya haw,when you start having boyfriends,train +36052,36053,36053,kasadak,go out,train +36053,36054,36054,ira,indistinct,train +36054,36055,36055,o stu ningra tu cahiw saka sakakumaenan sa cingra tu kakaenen nu fafuy a kakut Nikawrira awaay ku pafliay i cingraan,he longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating but no one gave him anything,train +36055,36056,36056,sarakatay misanga tu sifilu nu fainaay emin Halu tapad,I learned to make men suits,train +36056,36057,36057,o maseraay a pusak atu fau,drops of rice and worms,train +36057,36058,36058,u ubur hananay patusaen saʼaya ku hiya,additional holes are added first with holes,train +36058,36059,36059,muʼetep ira ku tusa nu taʼis itini ailucan,twelve stitches in the back of the neck for a laceration,train +36059,36060,36060,milifet,test,test +36060,36061,36061,kesem saan kaku tu suwal nira,I am very disappointed and saddened by his words,train +36061,36062,36062,ira ku ccay a malingaday,there was a farmer,train +36062,36063,36063,misurit,writing,train +36063,36064,36064,u mira mitiliday,he wrote it,train +36064,36065,36065,manengneng nura mifutingay haw,the fishermen saw it,train +36065,36066,36066,anu hatira i u matkupaytu kuya mituuray ci Kristuan a mapatayay a tamdaw,then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost,train +36066,36067,36067,Cenyiing ci hiya i hay Cenyiing,what about Chen Yueying Yes Chen Yueying,train +36067,36068,36068,kaitini tu ku ngaayay tuna fukeluh,it would be better to stay on the rock,train +36068,36069,36069,katayni hu o nipalumaan aku a lusay kuni tanamen a kumaen,come here these are the fruits I grow you should try it,train +36069,36070,36070,sipakaynien,thereby,test +36070,36071,36071,lacal,part time job,train +36071,36072,36072,u kunga u lamelu ku sikac itiya hu,living on groundnuts or millet,train +36072,36073,36073,tayraen niyam pananumen niyam hatiraay,we will then go up to the elderly and pass them water to drink,train +36073,36074,36074,oya misatapangay tu ngaayay a tayal i falucu namu a Kawas ku mamilahci tunini tangasa i piliyawan ni Yis Kristu a tayni saan ku pipasulin aku i tamuwanan,being confident of this that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus,train +36074,36075,36075,kiya malitengay itiya,the old people at that time,train +36075,36076,36076,tayratayra ciyapeng tuhu hatira satu kira,just go and eat that is the difference,train +36076,36077,36077,kuʼedaway ka tekes,it is a very long take,train +36077,36078,36078,samatini i,Likewise,train +36078,36079,36079,i lalikur,behind,train +36079,36080,36080,mafilu,competent,test +36080,36081,36081,patanpu^,seize,train +36081,36082,36082,Dueduen Kuniya Demak wa ira ku lemed,blessed are those who do these things,train +36082,36083,36083,pina tu a tatukian i haw i aeneng saan a maeneng kura,I do not know how much time has passed but I am still looking at it,train +36083,36084,36084,kangudu,respectable,train +36084,36085,36085,kanikaran tu i mapanukay tu nangra ku tama a minukay,at daybreak they returned with their prey,train +36085,36086,36086,hawhaw han tu nuya wina nura kapah,mom whispers to the youth,train +36086,36087,36087,karafaliyusay,typhoons are common,train +36087,36088,36088,ˈayaw nu ira ci Misiya hanu caka rarid ku Fangcalay Cudad milengu ci Satanan hani,why is there so little mention of Satan in the biblical record prior to the coming of the Messiah,train +36088,36089,36089, tanu mariˈangay a pakayraan hanu cuwa ka ngaˈay a misaysay tu cuwa ka sadafdaf a demak,B why cannot injustice be solved by violent means,train +36089,36090,36090,hananay kuni,this teapot,test +36090,36091,36091,awatu kiya eli a luma mafalictu,thatched roofs are a thing of the past,train +36091,36092,36092,mahecad u hiya sanay mahecad ciʼuningay tu,it just feels like there is dirt in there,train +36092,36093,36093,tayra cira i valuhay,he is going to new territory,train +36093,36094,36094,mahaen ku nika ciicel a ciicel ku suwal nu Tapang a matnak,in this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power,train +36094,36095,36095,i ina ni Madadingu,Flawless delicate mother,train +36095,36096,36096,niya alumanay hatini itini kiya mafanaʼay tu,now these people here,train +36096,36097,36097,tayra itini tayra itiraw kira,here and there,train +36097,36098,36098,miadiyam,ginger collection,train +36098,36099,36099,usaansaan nu matuʼasay a pangangan tu alu hananay,that is the name the elders gave to the river,train +36099,36100,36100,Hufuc han ku wawa cuwahu ka fanaˈ tu ngaˈayay anca tatiihay pasifanaˈen cangra,children are not born knowing what is right and what is wrong they need to be trained,test +36100,36101,36101,pipaluan nira tu nanum,the vessel they use to hold the water,train +36101,36102,36102,ta matira,that is it,train +36102,36103,36103,nanay malipahak tanektek cingra saan kami,we want to keep her happy and healthy,train +36103,36104,36104,papilian,selection,train +36104,36105,36105,o ni Antusen ku nicakayan niira u ni Isup ku nicakayan aku,he bought Hans Christian Andersens Fairy Tales and I bought Aesops Fables,train +36105,36106,36106,anu i matini aca tunini a urip ku nika cifalucu ita u pasulinay ci Kristuan i u tadakasiniadaan kita i pulung nu tamdamdaw,if only for this life we have hope in Christ we are to be pitied more than all men,train +36106,36107,36107,a rayaray i satira,near the bridge there,train +36107,36108,36108,matedi,bright,train +36108,36109,36109,emu ku nika,how to make sweet rice cake,train +36109,36110,36110,malacafay kita a midanguy haw,shall we go swimming together,test +36110,36111,36111,Caay pisa kaku kaku ku cipinangay satu,you do not think you are right,train +36111,36112,36112,alaen tu nira kaku tayra mi,he would take me with him,train +36112,36113,36113,i saamisan ira kira kayakay caay haw,there is a bridge to the north is not there,train +36113,36114,36114,Talaaayaw sa ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec a misaicel a mipakukut tu pakayniay i ci Yisan,the chief priests and the teachers of the law were standing there vehemently accusing him,train +36114,36115,36115,tuna Tumay sanay,that bear,train +36115,36116,36116,mangarev anu mavaliyus haw,especially during typhoons,train +36116,36117,36117,aday^ay,pity,train +36117,36118,36118,dutuc,to inherit,train +36118,36119,36119,tudung nu,Okay like,train +36119,36120,36120,nu wawa kura i cecay nasa kiya mama aku,that is a child Dads coming alone,test +36120,36121,36121,suwal,I have said it,train +36121,36122,36122,aluman aluman ku Pangcah isaw,there are more and more Amis,train +36122,36123,36123,si panay kaku nani Falangaway,my name is Panay I am from Maryland,train +36123,36124,36124,nu heni nuran nuran Kawas sa,the mountain God who offers offerings to the hungry,train +36124,36125,36125,manamanan a finacadan,may I ask which are the tribes,train +36125,36126,36126,o ciraraway kaku,I am associated with an error I am a sinner,train +36126,36127,36127,u nisuritan nu Helan,Holland records,train +36127,36128,36128,mansa makapah tu ku kaira ira a minukay,the old man said he must come back safely,train +36128,36129,36129,nawhan i u sikawasay han i,so called witches,train +36129,36130,36130,misingsi kita tu nu Ku Ka haw i,when applying for the Aboriginal budget,test +36130,36131,36131,itiya i cahu picumud ci Yis i niyaru i tirahu cingra i pilitmuhan ni Marta,now Jesus had not yet entered the village but was still at the place where Martha had met him,train +36131,36132,36132,nawhan i misuikulay kura cirut sa hatiraay sa,the birds are facing each other so we cannot do it,train +36132,36133,36133,hai mana ca pisangpan ku lifun itiyahu,Yes even if you are only making bucks a month you still have to work,train +36133,36134,36134,sapipausaan,I am going to deliver the food,train +36134,36135,36135,pakaen kulung mimaumah haen sa ku tayal aku,I only feed the cows and do farming occasionally,train +36135,36136,36136,caay tu pi pakasadak tu sa ikur sa i mikiyam ku mikiyamay takuwanan tu paysu san,I cannot afford the insurance and I owe a lot of money on it,train +36136,36137,36137,sikaen,foods,train +36137,36138,36138,masaʼupu iraw i,gather there,train +36138,36139,36139,aka ka tahafikud a minengneng tu demak nira,do not stumble at what he does,train +36139,36140,36140,ira paratuh i malatumukay ku tudung nu mamirayray tu nika tangasa tu i kailisinan,all these are things that should be arranged well in advance of the Harvest Festival,test +36140,36141,36141,nu Pangcah nu Aims sa ku maku amitapal,an appeal to the Amish,train +36141,36142,36142,Midafu tu panay naniariri,scoop rice from the barn,train +36142,36143,36143,iʼayaw hatiniay hiwa,that is how it used to be,train +36143,36144,36144,unian a papah nu sukuy tunian haw i iraay tu ku lisin nura sukuy caay kapacefa saan,there is a taboo about the leaves of agarbizia it is not a good idea,train +36144,36145,36145,pakulungan,barn,train +36145,36146,36146,Taywan,Taiwan,train +36146,36147,36147,icuwa ku Tapang nuya suwal,where did that message come from,train +36147,36148,36148,hay ku cangaw itiyahu,necklace in the old days,train +36148,36149,36149,kiya malavekeluh kamu caay ka vekeluh,why are you turning into rocks but they do not look like real rocks,train +36149,36150,36150,ta saikuray satu i haluya a fafahiyan a mapatay,Finally the woman died,test +36150,36151,36151,Hayda Ata,Yes let us go,train +36151,36152,36152,paru,installation,train +36152,36153,36153,mahaen itu ku sifana nu kahmekan a cidilay a Kawas uya mipaturuday i takuwanan tu Ngaayay Ratuh,that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which he entrusted to me,train +36153,36154,36154,Mafana kita tahanini a tumangic a ma^min ku masangaay a maamaan a matiya u maatatay a misemsem,we know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time,train +36154,36155,36155,cingra,in the event that,train +36155,36156,36156,dengay a mitupin ku vatikar,it is just the right size for a bicycle,train +36156,36157,36157,yu maru ci Pilatu i pisawkitan i ucuren nu fafahi ningra ku tamdaw a papipasuwal i cingraan Aka pikihar kisu tura awaay ku raraw a tamdaw Nawhani tadamapades kaku tu saki Cingraan i lmed aku i dadaya han a pasuwal han ningra,while Pilate was sitting on the judges seat his wife sent him this message Do not have anything to do with that innocent man for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him,train +36157,36158,36158,ciadipangpang,there are butterflies,train +36158,36159,36159,u maku kyami kunian a wina,this is my mom,train +36159,36160,36160,sulinay itiya i,it is really happening,test +36160,36161,36161,matiya u palatadamaanay kami tu tireng niyam saw matiya u ruma a tamdaw kami a milunguc tu sapakafana i tamuwanan a tilid atu nai tamuwananay a sapakafana a tilid saw,are we beginning to commend ourselves again or do we need like some people letters of recommendation to you or from you,train +36161,36162,36162,matuas tu ku heni iri,when they grow up,train +36162,36163,36163,caka fana kaku tunu paylan a caciyaw,I do not even understand Taiwanese,train +36163,36164,36164,u herek tu nu liumah kuriranan a fulad,that month is right after the end of the farming season,train +36164,36165,36165,Awaay cuwa ka paliwal kami tu icep,No we do not sell betel nut,train +36165,36166,36166,mikilim isaw tu vunga,I am looking for groundnuts,train +36166,36167,36167,melawi saw aya aya matiya u Kanlanciyu,look at that,train +36167,36168,36168,tiya ira ku taˈangayay lenlen anu maˈuripayhu ku wina atu salikaka ni Nuwa cuwa kalafaduc tuni taˈangayay pades,if Noahs mother and siblings were alive when the flood came it appears that they did not survive the disaster,train +36168,36169,36169,u tataterungan nu Cikasuwan kinademak,this is an important strategy for the people of Shichibukawa,train +36169,36170,36170,nawhani ira ku mikilimay a tamdaw tu mamatayal tayni i Taypak,because there is a shortage of workers who need to work in Taipei,test +36170,36171,36171,nanutiya kahengangay tu ku hemut nu lutung,the monkeys ass has been red ever since,train +36171,36172,36172,anu ira ku tanguled palalamlam han nira a mitangtang,if there are fungus mix them together,train +36172,36173,36173,turun,glutinous rice cake,train +36173,36174,36174,fuhatfawah,open,train +36174,36175,36175,ci Amuy ku ngangan aku,my name is Tseng a Mei,train +36175,36176,36176,caka ecad ku pala,different district orientation,train +36176,36177,36177,caay pikuking kaku tu dadaya,I do not have to stand guard at night,train +36177,36178,36178,Orasaka u nanu mauningay a falucu ita i makuractu Masawsawaytu ku tireng ita tu tingalaway a nanum Saka ka u sulinay a falucu ita atu tanektekaytu a pitier tu Kawas ku sapiraud ita i Cingraan,let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water,train +36178,36179,36179,Marufu tu ku safa aku,my brother is in prison,train +36179,36180,36180,Kamaru o nipalumaan aku kina awaayay ku iyu^ a ariray tanamen a kumaen ari,take a seat you should try some organic corn that I grow,test +36180,36181,36181,ona Sanayasay han nu aniniay haw,fire Island is now green Island,train +36181,36182,36182,mitilid emu ku kaemangay hu,what kind of books do kids read,train +36182,36183,36183,o suwal nu malitengay itiya hu,that is what the old timers say,train +36183,36184,36184,mavana tu kita a mikilim tu sapimiciw,we will be able to find the point of aim,train +36184,36185,36185,mituduh,burning,train +36185,36186,36186,o suˈlinay a kimad ku safaked tu tatelecan,the belt of truth,train +36186,36187,36187,yu malenu ku liyal i remiad mavutiʼtu i tukus,they sleep on the shore during the day when the tide is high,train +36187,36188,36188,i dangahay a micacak tu sinafel cira,he is cooking in a large round pot,train +36188,36189,36189,mipakafana tu wawa ita,instructing our students,train +36189,36190,36190,i ayaw i misiwkay hu kaku tu kantang misiwkay tu urip nu maku,let me start with a brief introduction of my life,test +36190,36191,36191,savaw tu lima,fifteen,train +36191,36192,36192,maeminay tu mafana a milecad ku alumanay kira sakaku,I think we are all going to sing along and lead,train +36192,36193,36193,mahecad u makutayay a nu Padaka a Aims,it is as if an Arab American gave birth to an American child,train +36193,36194,36194,hay i awaw saan,the dog will keep barking,train +36194,36195,36195,adihay ku takula itini ari,so there is a lot of frogs around here huh,train +36195,36196,36196,macacu^cu^,push aside,train +36196,36197,36197,mihamham kami tu na i Taypakay a lafang,we welcome guests from Taipei,train +36197,36198,36198,yu tayra kaku i picudadan matawal aku ku kafang,when I was going to school I forgot to bring my backpack,train +36198,36199,36199,O sapauripaw tu ciraraway a tamdaw ku sakatayni ni Yis Kristu i hkal yasanay a suwal i u sulinay u papasulinen kunini o satatiihay nu ciraraway a tamdaw kaku,here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst,train +36199,36200,36200,fuyul,accompany somebody,test +36200,36201,36201,u ruma sakalamkasa ku heni,in addition some of them have a short period of time,train +36201,36202,36202,kapah amin ku,all have good grades,train +36202,36203,36203,tangasaen i tulas nu urip ku pihadi^di,it is time to endure to the end of life,train +36203,36204,36204,caay ku u riyar ku pisanengnengan,is not it the tide of the sea,train +36204,36205,36205,mihecaan,age,train +36205,36206,36206,hacuwa tu kaku pasifana tu wawa aku atu kamangay a wawa,not sure when to teach my kids as well as teach other kids,train +36206,36207,36207,cicawhi,there is bass,train +36207,36208,36208,ci fad acaw ku ngangan aku,my name is Ofad Kacaw,train +36208,36209,36209,pasapikpiken,Wings,train +36209,36210,36210,o sasupeden namu i saayaway a rumiad nu pilipalipay ku sapadahuf tu salikaka o kinaira nu kahaccaccay namu ku piarawan nu paytmek namu a misuped ta anu tayratu kaku i caay ka talingafuh kamu a mipasadak,on the first day of every week each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income saving it up so that when I come no collections will have to be made,test +36210,36211,36211,kumud han nu maku ku Cenfu a mitaung tu pulung nu Yincumincu a paini tu ngudu^ nu falucu nu niyam,to all indigenous peoples of Taiwan on behalf of the government I express to you our deepest apology,train +36211,36212,36212,rana a awul pueneray awul satu,the shorter bamboo say bamboo,train +36212,36213,36213,yu mikaput ci Yis i cangraan a mitahka i tatuy sa ci Yis tu ^pang kansiya sa tu Kawas ta pcih sa cingra tu ^pang a pafli i cangraan,when he was at the table with them he took bread gave thanks broke it and began to give it to them,train +36213,36214,36214,hakenu caay pisasiraw ku niyam tu funguh ira,No we do not add pickled fish heads,train +36214,36215,36215,sapiseveng,waiting area,train +36215,36216,36216,mihecaan,years,train +36216,36217,36217,ira tuku mimingay a suna i,with a little granddaughter,train +36217,36218,36218,adahayay kura sasuwalen,there is a lot to talk about,train +36218,36219,36219,sanga han ku nu niyam u cahung,we built temporary shelters,train +36219,36220,36220,u maan ku miaviyay,what is the plow,test +36220,36221,36221,cukeruh tu i nanum i tu mi danguy,swimming and pushing in the water,train +36221,36222,36222,karafitunay,prickly bamboo,train +36222,36223,36223,itini i haw iayaw iraay ku nu pakayniay a Padaka,before and there were people from the united States,train +36223,36224,36224,a tamdaw,persons,train +36224,36225,36225,mahecep,assimilate,train +36225,36226,36226,hatu minengnengay tu tamdaw,it is very much like someone who picks and chooses what to cook,train +36226,36227,36227,pekpek han kalasapifaca tu riku,break it up and use it in the laundry,train +36227,36228,36228,cefang,Chapters Sections Teams groups,train +36228,36229,36229,mamin nima ku mafanaʼay madiw i kasaselal,someone in the hierarchy will lead the song,train +36229,36230,36230,Harara cingra i takuwanan,he was continually begging from me,test +36230,36231,36231,tu ruray haw,that is when it is hard,train +36231,36232,36232,paaliwac,have a holiday or vacation,train +36232,36233,36233,sawali,it is on the east side,train +36233,36234,36234,kameleng satu kuni kina sasufin nanay facaen tu,this towel is slippery it is time to wash it,train +36234,36235,36235,kumaen kaku tu hulu,I want some rice,train +36235,36236,36236,Aciya iraay aca ku tayal aku itiya ngaay falicen i sakalima nu pitilidan haw,Wow I am busy that day too can we make it Friday,train +36236,36237,36237,Mangaay kaku a misyasing haw o sakacaluway a mikiluk i ikur,can I record the video it will be easier to record in the future,train +36237,36238,36238,falufaluan,in the bush,train +36238,36239,36239,hanaw nu ira kura kamamangay a umah nu matuʼasay han,that is why the elders cultivated some small terraces,train +36239,36240,36240,tahaf nu kakarayan maʼuripay tuna hekal,life from above,test +36240,36241,36241,pakuyuc,living in poverty,train +36241,36242,36242,wa mamalasingsi ku kapinukay nu maku,I want to return to teach at the local school,train +36242,36243,36243,mihifang,have a holiday or vacation,train +36243,36244,36244,inanengen hu kamu u kaemangay,you must work harder and harder,train +36244,36245,36245,karahikitasi,lots of drawers,train +36245,36246,36246,Cifaduwacay a pinanuwang ku tamdaw,people are animals with ribs,train +36246,36247,36247,Ira tusa aca,Yes there are only two,train +36247,36248,36248,o maan ku pikalican ningra a tayra i takaw,what bus did he take to Kaohsiung,train +36248,36249,36249,an cika cecay fulad tusa fulad tulu a fulad ri,if you do not train for one month two months three months,train +36249,36250,36250,tawa^,laugh,test +36250,36251,36251,pacumuden i dufut ku paysu nu misu,put your money in your pocket,train +36251,36252,36252,kerahen,sewerage,train +36252,36253,36253,tengilen hu ku harateng nu malitengay i,you have to listen to your parents,train +36253,36254,36254,Hemeken tu ku misu,happy birthday to you,train +36254,36255,36255,Miasiluay ci kaka aku anini,my brother went lemon picking today,train +36255,36256,36256,mamuktep ku tamdaw ku mamimageymagey naʼayaw,in the past people used to turn the machines,train +36256,36257,36257,Namakasipu ku Taywan a tayni,the Minnan people are from here,train +36257,36258,36258,14 o suˈlinay Krisciyang wa midemak tu maanan hu mahapinang nu tau tu cuwa ka lecad cangra tu mihakelungay tu mararaway piduyungan hani,what should true Christians do to be seen as different from the followers of false religions,train +36258,36259,36259,Faheka ku kalutamdaw tu fana nu nini a wawa,people were amazed at the child intelligence,train +36259,36260,36260,muetep miheca,almost years,test +36260,36261,36261,mahaenay kuya demak itiya,the activities of Khan at that time,train +36261,36262,36262,nu singpung kisiya nahatini kitanan,news reporters have questions for us,train +36262,36263,36263,Neg han kuya matuʼasay papanga saan neng han satuman saku aʼayaw mangudu tu sulinay tu a demak ku nian,and the elders were just naked with darkness in front of them which was really a shy thing to do,train +36263,36264,36264,culal sa i,Hualien bridge,train +36264,36265,36265,cingra,Him her,train +36265,36266,36266,patarud,temporary,train +36266,36267,36267,lihway,relaxed,train +36267,36268,36268,namaka demakay nu Cikasuwan,about the Shichibukawa incident,train +36268,36269,36269,o mimaanay ku tayal nu ama isu,what does your father do,train +36269,36270,36270,kilemel tataak aca ku muli,it is very favorable tires have great,test +36270,36271,36271,nikawrira caay kaanuf kuya paacaay tu siri,but the person who sold goats was not greedy,train +36271,36272,36272,ayu maala ku tapad maala ku telec maala ku tafulud maala kumaamaan kayap,Yo get the leggings get the cummerbund get the lovers bag and get the assorted men aprons,train +36272,36273,36273,Pakalunan kaku tayra i Futud,I took a boat to Orchid Island,train +36273,36274,36274,a tungalen han i u niyah tu ku misakimukimuray,if you want more you will have to figure it out yourself,train +36274,36275,36275,milimek i rengus nu sanawnawan misefeng tu tataemuden,hiding in the water and grass to ambush their prey,train +36275,36276,36276,kumaen kita tu lusay,let us eat fruit,train +36276,36277,36277,anu miladum miladum ciira ciira hananay,if there is water to be fetched he is the one who is told to fetch it,train +36277,36278,36278,vulad,moon,train +36278,36279,36279,rara han aku misaʼusi,Nibble slowly,train +36279,36280,36280,wata,Whoop see do,test +36280,36281,36281,tataʼak ku lipida naʼayaw ma,you used to have a lot of money,train +36281,36282,36282,paru,loading,train +36282,36283,36283,suʼlinay dafak satu tini kamu i,they took us to the workplace,train +36283,36284,36284,cacay ku tatakel pasu wawa pasu matuasay,one bed kids and adults together,train +36284,36285,36285,hai u papatikulen nu maku i cingranan anini nika matawalay aku a miala ku payci,Yes I was supposed to return to him today but I forgot to bring the money,train +36285,36286,36286,talacuwa kisu inacila,where were you yesterday,train +36286,36287,36287,caay alamaan iratu sa talumaʼtu,sometimes you catch something and you go home,train +36287,36288,36288,rihaday,quiet and safe,train +36288,36289,36289,ya siya kulung nangra haw i caay ka cimaan ya siya fafuy nangra haw i,they are cows they are not hurt they are pigs,train +36289,36290,36290,siniawit ci ama tu titi nu rarapa atu icep u sapaveli i ci ama ci Kacaw,my father brought beef and betel nuts for my uncle,test +36290,36291,36291,ucungucung ku kaʼaʼarawen nita,there is a lot we need to see,train +36291,36292,36292,4 anu papifiyuren ita kuniya hekal tu harateng nu niyah wa samaan ku teluc hani,what happens if we let the world influence our thoughts,train +36292,36293,36293,tatata,come on come on come on,train +36293,36294,36294,sapacemut,fishing tackle,train +36294,36295,36295,mituktuk i maiya hu liyas ngaʼayay tu kiya,tap until the skin comes away from the wood,train +36295,36296,36296,Dademaktu,it is working,train +36296,36297,36297,Pacauf sa ci Yis Anu kaku ku palatadamaanay tu tireng aku i awaay ku ^puc nu nika tadamaan Aku o wama aku ku palatadamaanay Takuwanan cingra kuya Kawas niyam hananay namu,Jesus replied If I glorify myself my glory means nothing my Father whom you claim as your God is the one who glorifies me,train +36297,36298,36298,cima ku pakahadidiay tu hatiraay a takid,who would bear such a full glass of wine,train +36298,36299,36299,i kailisinan tu mihecahecaan caay kaeca minukay ci Tumay,Dumai must come back every year for the Toyotomi Festival,train +36299,36300,36300,miiya tura rumiʼad ila tu si lin culen a,one day Mr Lin came,test +36300,36301,36301,mafuwakay,it is boiling,train +36301,36302,36302,pasimalay,refueling,train +36302,36303,36303,away haw ku tan,it is not profitable,train +36303,36304,36304,ta nengnengen nengen tuku patang,it looks like it is in a bucket,train +36304,36305,36305,Hai Paka Kawti kaku a tala Takaw,Yes I go to Kaohsiung by high speed Rail,train +36305,36306,36306,namu,you,train +36306,36307,36307,unu matuasay u awaayay ku lalielan atu ledung u tarayaay a vuduy u mikeriday tu kapah u apuruay a langdaway ku vuduy caay ka sitakak,the head elder wears a red robe young fathers and above wear a short blue tunic without a feathered crown,train +36307,36308,36308,enemay ku widi a lumuwad kaku tu dafak,I get up at six of the clock in the morning,train +36308,36309,36309,Ngaayhu kita mapulung keriden nu singsi kita anini a milisu tu kalas nu niyaru,hello everyone today I am taking you to the tribe to interview the elders,train +36309,36310,36310,mikerit,cut,test +36310,36311,36311,varuvaruan,in the bush,train +36311,36312,36312,tavi,rake,train +36312,36313,36313,Sungaliw saan ku fana nu niyam a micudad,my knowledge of reading varies,train +36313,36314,36314,nu Ripun,the Japanese entered,train +36314,36315,36315,o nirawisan nu misu kira macaitay a pawli i cafeng,the banana hanging on the wall was grabbed by my outstretched hand,train +36315,36316,36316,ya lutuk ci Singkuy sikawasay,that mountain is,train +36316,36317,36317,itiya satu i tatudung sa a ira ku ccay a kafanaan ku ngangan a marufuay a tamdaw ci Yisus Parapas hananay,at that time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas,train +36317,36318,36318,i ciraan amin ku kaulah nu wawa,give him all the rewards the kids get,train +36318,36319,36319,hinamhan ta kefeng itini i i ranum itira tu cingra danguy sa tu a midanguy tuni katalaw tuyanan a siri,he fell into the water and swam there for fear of the goat,train +36319,36320,36320,o sakalima nu lipay anini pahanhan tu anucila ata malacafay a mihalama,it is Friday today we have a day off tomorrow let us go out and play together,test +36320,36321,36321,mahaen,like this,train +36321,36322,36322,paru han tu i anu nipulakit aca,or a bottle of wine in a gourd,train +36322,36323,36323,mi salifun kita anini sa,we carried out epidemic prevention,train +36323,36324,36324,ni fungningci kaca pinukay,be sure to come back for the Toyotomi Festival,train +36324,36325,36325,malafiyafiyaw,become a neighbor,train +36325,36326,36326,macuwa tu kaku sa ku kira hiwa,I asked myself Where do I go from here,train +36326,36327,36327,Adihay ku nisacacakan ni ama tu sinafel ira ku futing u ayam u tamurak atu ira haca^ ku kacumuli^,grandma cooked a big lunch including fish chicken pumpkin and snails,train +36327,36328,36328,miniwaniw ku vavainay,they will also help,train +36328,36329,36329,Matalem ku siwtu ni ina,Moms kitchen knife is very sharp,train +36329,36330,36330,anu u tangal tu ni han i,there are some such as pigs head skin,test +36330,36331,36331,tusa pulu ira ku cecay,twenty one,train +36331,36332,36332,maucung,how,train +36332,36333,36333,mahaen ku tayal nu niyam itiya hu,this is what we used to do,train +36333,36334,36334,u nu cecay lipay kinacecay miseking,kindergarten main subjects are tested once a week,train +36334,36335,36335,kyafes,guava,train +36335,36336,36336,a nisiday a miikes tu pungka nu mita,it makes our culture more tangible,train +36336,36337,36337,maharek kuraan ku misu i,and after all this is done,train +36337,36338,36338,miʼasikay kami tu tataʼian,we will just go clean the toilet,train +36338,36339,36339,mitalud,chopped mango grass,train +36339,36340,36340,kaluayam,birds,test +36340,36341,36341,awaay ku pi nan nu tami,we have nowhere else to look for work,train +36341,36342,36342,enemay,Six six years old,train +36342,36343,36343,ta patikul tu maamam tu kiya Isi,my pee pee was already full,train +36343,36344,36344,talakitakit,going to country,train +36344,36345,36345,na hananay ya singsi sanay ca ku mafanaʼay,in Mandarin the teacher did not speak it very well,train +36345,36346,36346,ira tu ku suwal nura widawidang nu maku,my classmates told me,train +36346,36347,36347,u liyut nu lumalumaan ira ku nipaluma tu icep atu apalu masapinang ku saka siniyaru nu Pangcah,betel nut and breadfruit Trees the Amis tribes have trees planted all around their homes which have also become a specialty of the Amis tribes,train +36347,36348,36348,miteka mitules kaku micudad tu kusyaw,I started going back to elementary school,train +36348,36349,36349,mahelek tu a miʼanip,the rice planting is done,train +36349,36350,36350,Lakaliyaliyaw saan ku papah tu kasienawan,the leaves of the trees turn yellow in winter,test +36350,36351,36351,nahacuwaay a mabulaw ca ka bana kami itiya,we do not know when they moved here at that time,train +36351,36352,36352,suleda,frost,train +36352,36353,36353,ta pafeli takuwan tu alingtu kaka han naku di,just give me dollars and I will say thank you,train +36353,36354,36354,Anu hatira i cima ku karahkeran a citanengay a kuli saw oya nipatirengan nu tawki nu luma a papirucek tu kakaenen a pafli i kulikuli a misimaway a tamdaw,Who then is the faithful and wise servant whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time,train +36354,36355,36355,yu kaemang hu kaku mihawikid ci ama aci faki tu funus atu kuwang a malingad tu dadaya,when I was little my dad and uncle would go out at night with hunting knives and guns,train +36355,36356,36356,Misafalucu aca kami tu sapatalahekal tu yika itini,I want to make a movie out of it,train +36356,36357,36357,ora kilang ngaʼayay paluma i taliyuk nu lama,can this tree be planted around the house,train +36357,36358,36358,hananay ani,of the law,train +36358,36359,36359,o nanu pitier Yisan ku sakangaay ita a mala wawa nu was,we become Gods children on the basis of trust in Jesus,train +36359,36360,36360,o titi ayam atu futing ku sapatuaya nura Hulam,the Han mans offerings included pork chicken and fish,test +36360,36361,36361,fuhaten tu han ira ku kakitaan fuhaten tu niyam kura nanum,accounting for the opening of the water source by the tribal chairman,train +36361,36362,36362,Macidalay,it is sunny,train +36362,36363,36363,fitilak han i adhayen na akung yu piparu ri,my Grandpa installed a lot of them,train +36363,36364,36364,o masapetiay nu mama ciira,he was whipped by Daddy,train +36364,36365,36365,mahaenay kuya pihicay nu matuʼasay,that is how the old man catches the fry,train +36365,36366,36366,Itiya kaku atu tatulu salikaka itiniay Lahae a kitiraan nu milakuwitay tu riyar a mikilumaˈ,at that time I was staying with three other brothers at the missionary home in Lahore,train +36366,36367,36367,o taeref ku sapilepel tu edu^ u talakal ku sapilepel tu tuluk matira ta matama^,it is correct to catch mice through rangy and catch bamboo partridges through qjiulang,train +36367,36368,36368,haru pi haw i,ROC after bulldozing,train +36368,36369,36369,tu pisanga tu pitafukud,the process of making a gossip website,train +36369,36370,36370,ayuy ku rengus nu dateng aku,very many weeds here in the garden,test +36370,36371,36371,sa itini i tuemanay,in the dark,train +36371,36372,36372,a mahaen kita sa,so I made up my mind to do it,train +36372,36373,36373,pamuciriden,divert,train +36373,36374,36374,minhan ningra ma anu tatiihay ku tireng ci adadatu hatiraay,it is all in its violation of the object,train +36374,36375,36375,maruray,I am really tired,train +36375,36376,36376,nengnengen ita ku tinakuan nu cecay wama,let us look at an example of a father,train +36376,36377,36377,tatangicen,precious,train +36377,36378,36378,fukes,hair,train +36378,36379,36379,karatalaw,timid,train +36379,36380,36380,minengnengay tu mitilidan nu maku,just come and read what I wrote,test +36380,36381,36381,kasasiruma,classification differences,train +36381,36382,36382,miadidemay,mulberry harvesting,train +36382,36383,36383,Miawid tu fafahiyan patayni,go get a girlfriend and bring her back here,train +36383,36384,36384,iri teku teku saan ku kilang nira,this trunk will knock knock knock,train +36384,36385,36385,a ha ha ha Kacaw,Yes yes yes yes yes,train +36385,36386,36386,sangkeye tulu fulad a mi matayal misiyakay,three months in the city,train +36386,36387,36387,Lalima^ ku paru^ nu luma niyam,there are five people in our family,train +36387,36388,36388,sanay ku suwal ni mama ri,and remember the words of my father,train +36388,36389,36389,yu ccay a Paslaan a Rumiad pakayra i ci^miay a umah ca Yis a rumakat itiya i kalanipihapric han nu nisawawaan ningra tu minaruan nu ^mi ku nika lahaklung nangra a rumakat,one Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields and as his disciples walked along they began to pick some heads of grain,train +36389,36390,36390,mahaen kiniyan,that is what this is,test +36390,36391,36391,mikilim cingra tu kakangaayan,he is looking for the best place to live,train +36391,36392,36392,turiken kura saʼedef,weaving a door with a manzanita stem,train +36392,36393,36393,pafalat miʼuway tu sasuʼut ku malitengay,elderly people should wrap the cane to secure the beams,train +36393,36394,36394,masenger tu ku sasacapuxen a panay,the rice to be sown into seedlings has already been soaked,train +36394,36395,36395,a midemak tuyniyan,prepared,train +36395,36396,36396, ira ku nuˈadinguan harateng i wa ira ku maanan a epuc i kaˈurip ita,how does having a spiritual mind help us in life,train +36396,36397,36397,tayra kami i riyar micekiw,go to the beach and pick up shellfish,train +36397,36398,36398,aka tu kapilien kuya napilian,do not pick the one I picked,train +36398,36399,36399,Nikawrira awaay ku palamitan saka caay ka halafin anu ira ku pades atu kariang pakayni tuna suwal nu Kawas i tangsul sa a misawad a mituur,but since he has no root he lasts only a short time when trouble or persecution comes because of the word he quickly falls away,train +36399,36400,36400,miliyun,turn,test +36400,36401,36401,Kafana kisu u mamapakaulah nu Tapang kisu tu nipatalaan nu Tapang tu saki finawlan ningra nawhani u matayalay kamu tu saki Tapang ci Kristuan,since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward it is the Lord Christ you are serving,train +36401,36402,36402,aheciday ku cacay avesaay ku cacay tusa hen,one is salty and the other is light,train +36402,36403,36403,ni hululan a cavay u caayay ka kapawanan a demak saka caay ka putun nu ngangasawan,it is especially important to gather the family to introduce the descendants to each other so that the kinship will not be broken,train +36403,36404,36404,tulu pulu,thirty,train +36404,36405,36405,Mafutek,close your eyes,train +36405,36406,36406,ura akung akung nu niyam i,our Grandpa and grandpas generation,train +36406,36407,36407,palikelunen nira ku pirekal nira miiya,they are screaming harassment down there,train +36407,36408,36408,anini mitadem misacilaay,if we bury today we will wait for tomorrow,train +36408,36409,36409,pitelian tu futing cacay hantu pitelian tu kafi,pots are divided into soup pots and vegetable pots,train +36409,36410,36410,ira ku harateng nu maku,I have an idea of my own,test +36410,36411,36411,adihay ku matekaʼay tu itini,the biggest thing I have learned here is,train +36411,36412,36412,mafana tu masay,know that kind of vine,train +36412,36413,36413,adada ku falucu aku,my feelings are hurt I have heart pain,train +36413,36414,36414,Mafana ku Kawas tu nika talulung nu falucu aku tu saki tamuwanan a ma^min o nanu ulah ni Yis Kristu kunini o sulinay ku suwal aku,God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus,train +36414,36415,36415,aku a cacay ku mavanaʼay tira mavanaʼay a pacengceng,I am the only one who knows that old man is a good fish maker,train +36415,36416,36416,patadu Yis titaanan a milaheci tu demak,Jesus did the work for us,train +36416,36417,36417,nu Recurd,there is nothing else,train +36417,36418,36418,misayvangay,judge,train +36418,36419,36419,maherek a mi ira hu ku,Well there is more to come,train +36419,36420,36420,Pakicuwa^ kisu a mafana,how do you know,test +36420,36421,36421,away anu awa ku lufuc ta i a u maan,what would we do if we did not have backpacks,train +36421,36422,36422,nawhan aluman kuna misikangay,because there were a lot of people in the village,train +36422,36423,36423,haen naku kamu kamangay,that is what I am telling you kids,train +36423,36424,36424,cuwa kangata pakautupayay tu kaku a tayra i patiyamay,No it is not so I always ride the motorcycle to the market,train +36424,36425,36425,kaku tu miharateng tuna paru nu salikaka aku,I think among the brothers and sisters,train +36425,36426,36426,caay ka matira anu Kilistukiw ku mahaen itu,the same goes for Christian ministers,train +36426,36427,36427,Pamata sivalucutu ngangasawan misa kanguduwan tu matuasay,emphasize family and tribal ethics,train +36427,36428,36428,O malmeday ku tingalaway ku falucu a tamdaw nawhani u mamaaraw nangra ku Kawas,blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God,train +36428,36429,36429,o saayaway a nipatungudan nu Kawas a caang i kiwkay i u tarukus Du^du sa i u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas Du^du sa i u pasifanaay Du^du sa i u midmakay tu kafahkaan a dmak ta cirucek a ciicel a miadah tu adadaay u mipadangay u mikuwanay atu sumuwalay tu nu Adinguan a suwal,and in the church God has appointed first of all apostles second prophets third teachers then workers of miracles also those having gifts of healing those able to help others those with gifts of administration and those speaking in different kinds of tongues,train +36429,36430,36430,cinamalay,fire,test +36430,36431,36431,hafay nengneng haw,Well let us go check it out,train +36431,36432,36432,malalikid kita mapulung anini,we are all dancing together today,train +36432,36433,36433,Hakuwaay ku aca nuna cecay lufuc nu felac,how much is this bag of rice,train +36433,36434,36434,Patiliden isu ku cuyuh nu i Pirkamumay a kiwkay u suwal i Oya mitatuyay tu matalemay a matatapalay ku sinang a funus haen sa tu suwal,To the angel of the church in Pergamum write these are the words of him who has the sharp double edged sword,train +36434,36435,36435,sapipacemut,fishing tackle,train +36435,36436,36436,matikedaay ka Piyuma kira,meeting the Peenaners,train +36436,36437,36437,mimaan kina tau maruyaruy saan kaku,I have a question what are all these groups of people doing,train +36437,36438,36438,adihayay ku futing i tini haw,are there many fish here,train +36438,36439,36439,paru nu niyaru tu tamdamdaw kaʼemangay matuʼasay,all the tribal elders children et,train +36439,36440,36440,o nanidudu tura alu,to follow the river,test +36440,36441,36441,tada u katalawan ita ku nipitfuc nu mauripay a Kawas i titaanan,it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God,train +36441,36442,36442,iray i tangsul san,will it work right away,train +36442,36443,36443,nu awaay maʼaraw a wama,though I cannot see God,train +36443,36444,36444,karaekur,good snoring,train +36444,36445,36445,kaenaw,let us eat,train +36445,36446,36446,lacu i u falu nu kimunuki,Bullet it is a spikenard or a rhododendron,train +36446,36447,36447,Patalaisingen,to the hospital,train +36447,36448,36448,naniwac,bean sprout,train +36448,36449,36449,Kaurira anu ila ku sipadesay a luma i u mapaysinay ku pihuni,However it is forbidden to blow when there is a family in mourning,train +36449,36450,36450,matiya una fainayan ira kuna kasaseral nangra,it seems like there is like a hierarchy of males they have,test +36450,36451,36451,tala Dipungay,going to Japan,train +36451,36452,36452,Pakatumayien kira wawa namu,let your children use the restroom,train +36452,36453,36453,hukura kura sapakuhecal ngaʼayay,it is good for whitening,train +36453,36454,36454,ayakifetulay kura kifetulay,Flesh too thick too thick,train +36454,36455,36455,u kalas nu niyaru ci Ici Luuh,tribal elder Cai Xinyi,train +36455,36456,36456,o funga u kukuy u maamaan u pawli i ayaw,the early hours of life were harsh they ate groundnuts they ate freckles,train +36456,36457,36457,anca u penen u aul,or with manzanita and vines,train +36457,36458,36458,mahaenay ku naayaway nu micudaday,this is how students used to live,train +36458,36459,36459,ci mira i mapatayay tu,he passed away,train +36459,36460,36460,kapah ku suwal isu tu nu Pangcah,you speak the language of your people very well,test +36460,36461,36461,iran a lalan,that road,train +36461,36462,36462,Nikawrira caay paska ci Pawlu aci Parnapas a sumuwal O aiayaayawen aca kamu a pasuwal tu suwal nu Kawas Nikawrira manaay kamu a mitngil kamu ku miktunay tu saka^caaw pilayap namu tu midaucay a urip Saka pasayratu kami i ruma a finacadan,then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly We had to speak the word of God to you first since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life we now turn to the Gentiles,train +36462,36463,36463,Namiasiptu,I have read it,train +36463,36464,36464,nikaimer,treasure,train +36464,36465,36465,u pisalama ningra i kamiyanan,Actually he was teasing us,train +36465,36466,36466,kalamkam,diligent,train +36466,36467,36467,Lukes han isu kaku,you bully me too much,train +36467,36468,36468,Cuwa wa mamilifet tu mitelucay cingra,No he is competing in high jump,train +36468,36469,36469,saka anu haratengen aku i a a a tulu a pulu ku mehicaan aku a matayal tu uni suwal nu mis a mipalatilid,in retrospect I spent thirty years developing a writing system for Amis,train +36469,36470,36470,a,Oh,test +36470,36471,36471,sutirien kunini a tusa,compare these two,train +36471,36472,36472,Orasaka mararid a ki^mel ku falucu niyam Mafana kami yu i tinihu tunini a tatirengan kami i caayhu ka itira kami i nipatalaan nu Tapang a luma,therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord,train +36472,36473,36473,wa nilicay kaku haw,I have a question,train +36473,36474,36474,madakaway,travel by,train +36474,36475,36475,hayda tuur han tu kamu sa ku harateng kira,Okay I will go fishing with you guys that is what I thought,train +36475,36476,36476,Hay tulu ku Cudad i kudul nu sapad,there are three books on the top of the table,train +36476,36477,36477,mapawan kaku i a makavatikar kaku a,I forgot I have to ride my bike,train +36477,36478,36478,nura,that one,train +36478,36479,36479,o niyaru aku i Takufang,my tribe is in the Teco tribe,train +36479,36480,36480,kalisuwutan,time of collection,test +36480,36481,36481,nengneng han aku i ya nu iciku,I see it is the first mate of the first ship,train +36481,36482,36482,u pipalumaan tu mamaan pinalumaan sa i,to plant all kinds of things that have been planted,train +36482,36483,36483,isu,yours,train +36483,36484,36484,anini herek nu lahuk pasaupu^en niyam ku pulung nu Yincumincu sincen a pikayki,later this afternoon we will convene a national indigenous peoples administrative meeting,train +36484,36485,36485,midakaw kita tu pasu,let us take the bus,train +36485,36486,36486,awa ku paysin malecad tu nu mita kaulahan nu mita a finawlan kuni i mihiya tita tu falucu ita misawsaw saan ku ilisin nu Fakung,in fact there are no taboos just like us and this is a happy time for our tribes and the Toyohama Toyo Matsuri is a time for us to cleanse our souls,train +36486,36487,36487,iniyan hantu,it is important,train +36487,36488,36488,o etah ku sapatamek ni ina tu dateng,mom fertilizes the vegetable garden with coarse chaff,train +36488,36489,36489,tu ha sakakadufah haw nu,it is a rich harvest,train +36489,36490,36490,dupuhen,diligence,test +36490,36491,36491,o sakacikadangaway ku suusuul,rainy beaches allow mosquitoes to breed,train +36491,36492,36492,Futeken ku mata nu misu,close your eyes,train +36492,36493,36493,makatumangic tayni miraud takunan kiya wina sa kaku,I thought if I cried my mom and dad would come over,train +36493,36494,36494,ira tataakay a tutuy pahululen,the big big dog just let go,train +36494,36495,36495,maharek tu mifitay kiya,sift through a sieve,train +36495,36496,36496,ira nika fafelin nu kulung i laenu nu sera ku milunenay saan ku tau,other people say that earthquakes are caused by cows rolling over in the ground,train +36496,36497,36497,ina niyru nu mita,we are a tribe,train +36497,36498,36498,karaw sapituduh aku kiya haw,but the tools I burned,train +36498,36499,36499,a ira aca ku nipi,indigenous Peoples Association setting up grant,train +36499,36500,36500,nahatini i maherekay tu pisiwkay,now that you have introduced yourself,test +36500,36501,36501,yamsamisimisiay mapatay i,the dying man,train +36501,36502,36502,nira,his,train +36502,36503,36503,Pacauf sa ci Yis Sakinafalahan kaku tu urip aku a mituur Tisuwanan saan kisu saw Sulinen Aku a sumuwal kisu i ayaw nu nika skak nu ayam i wa kinatulu kisu a mihakenu i Takuwanan han ningra,then Jesus answered Will you really lay down your life for me I tell you the truth before the rooster crows you will disown me three times,train +36503,36504,36504,ura sa lalicay nura Piyuma,the Peñanos ask again,train +36504,36505,36505,pasukuan,in storage,train +36505,36506,36506,kunuc,expiration,train +36506,36507,36507,u,indistinct,train +36507,36508,36508,taʼangayay ari,it is a big one,train +36508,36509,36509,asesuy tu kaku ci wawa mamahufuc,when I got pregnant I was years old,train +36509,36510,36510,nawhani u suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i Matiya u rngus ku tamdaw a ma^min matiya u hana nu pala ku nika tadamaan nangra Mafadi ku rngus Marasras ku hana,For All men are like grass and all their glory is like the flowers of the field the grass withers and the flowers fall,test +36510,36511,36511,saka tusa a kaka aku i itini i Puseku a matayal,the second one holds a key position in the Yuli Farmers Association,train +36511,36512,36512,17 anu iratu ku Hungti Kitakit nu Kawas i cuwatu ku papateli tunu lumaˈ taykuwan sapaising a payci cuwatu ku mamicakay tu kakaenen anca calemcem tu cacanguˈut ku kakaenen,when the kingdom of God comes no one will have to pay rent mortgage medical expenses or spend money on food or worry about not having enough food,train +36512,36513,36513,mihaenan mililit tuya funguh nira,he is around the head,train +36513,36514,36514,nawhani kaku ku midiputay tu tireng nu maku,because I have to take care of myself,train +36514,36515,36515,Ikul tu u kuku u futing ku maacaay niyam tahaluma tangtangen tumes sa ku dateng i etu,in the end we bought chicken and fish and went home to cook a table of food,train +36515,36516,36516,han,Help,train +36516,36517,36517,Kamu u mamangay a kasaflaw aka ka talaw nawhani maulah ku wama namu a pafli i tamuwanan tu Kitakit ningra,Do not be afraid little flock for your father has been pleased to give you the kingdom,train +36517,36518,36518,han saan ci acu i,my great grandfather told me,train +36518,36519,36519,o kadufahay a serangawan atu taneng i marayrayay tu itini,but we only know to write history from the perspective of the dominant,train +36519,36520,36520,papacem awaay tu ku sela nu hanhan,I did not get any rest until the early hours of the morning,test +36520,36521,36521,tini ku suwal aku singsi kamu aray,that is all I have to say thank you sir,train +36521,36522,36522,ca ka pateras kita anu Cu ku miharatengan ita haw,we do not go around looking for unsuitable people,train +36522,36523,36523,ya faeluhay kiya ka fafaed nuya Tangafulan,there is a new Pingpu house up there,train +36523,36524,36524,cacayay awaay ku petun,one child no siblings,train +36524,36525,36525,talacuwacuwa itini a mifalic tu suwal,preach the gospel in every village,train +36525,36526,36526,mahrek ci Yis a pakimad i Iwasen ku tamina a patayra i talulungay Tfaden ku salil namu a mifuting han ningra ci Simun a sumuwal,when he had finished speaking he said to Simon Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch,train +36526,36527,36527,mirasit,go from house to house,train +36527,36528,36528,mahanay kura tuʼas itiya hu,that is what life was like in those days,train +36528,36529,36529,Singsi tatayra kita i alu a midanguy haw,Teacher are we going to swim in the river,train +36529,36530,36530,tusa pulu ira ku tusa,twenty two,test +36530,36531,36531,dudu han tu aku ku nipipizuka aku,I will follow the pattern I drew,train +36531,36532,36532,adihayay ku uner ira hu ku ayam ku manengnengay nu maku,I saw a lot of snakes and a lot of birds,train +36532,36533,36533,Kacaw,watch,train +36533,36534,36534,saka tusa a remiad mimaan,what are you doing the next day,train +36534,36535,36535,kina fukes iraan kira u rayray nu matuʼasay hananay kita u Pangcah,this is a cultural asset that has been passed down from the Amis ancestors,train +36535,36536,36536,maduka,wounded,train +36536,36537,36537,saʼicer han mitintu ci Yiskirisetuan saan hatira aca,that we should be very devoted to the evangelization of Jesus Christ,train +36537,36538,36538,Masupay ku falucu aku,my bad attitude has gone,train +36538,36539,36539,ira ku nu mita a mikuwanay tu luma nu Kawas a tadamaanay a Citudungay tu Taung,and since we have a great priest over the house of God,train +36539,36540,36540,matahepu nu lakaw,it is covered in weeds,test +36540,36541,36541,licay han ni Yis cingra Nawiru u ngaayay han isu kaku saw awaay ku ngaayay a tamdaw deng u Kawas a ccay ku ngaayay,Why do you call me good Jesus answered No one is good except God alone,train +36541,36542,36542,sa,Expressions,train +36542,36543,36543,maku hiya,this one,train +36543,36544,36544,Sacidalan saan ci mama a maumah,dad farmed under the sun,train +36544,36545,36545,cai san kariyar,insist on being loyal to ones convictions,train +36545,36546,36546,Ketunen kira kilang a malukasuy,sliced wood for firewood,train +36546,36547,36547,i Cingangiwan,copper ore,train +36547,36548,36548,itiniay i ˈayaw ni Yis 617 miheca mahuliw ci Icikil tayra i Papilun,Ezekiel was taken captive to Babylon in BECAUSE,train +36548,36549,36549,pasasuala hanta e,mutual continuity,train +36549,36550,36550,sanga tu patih nira,weaving the walls,test +36550,36551,36551,adingay tu,keep,train +36551,36552,36552,takuwanan,my,train +36552,36553,36553,u tina madahker aku kira,because I did everything right,train +36553,36554,36554,tadamahapinang tu uya katalipaʼelal nu maku,it still proves that I was,train +36554,36555,36555,paasicen,produce something infertility,train +36555,36556,36556,o malefutay tu ku saselaan nira kulung itira a mapulin,the cow collapsed there and breathed its last,train +36556,36557,36557,kadit,filth,train +36557,36558,36558,ketingay i fekelukeluhan kura sanpilaw,it is a shellfish that sticks to rocks,train +36558,36559,36559,caka ca maseti tu malitengay,Otherwise you will be beaten up for a month,train +36559,36560,36560,icuwaay ku niyaru namu itiya hu,where are you from,test +36560,36561,36561,naw hani matayal,because of the work,train +36561,36562,36562,takuwanan kiya kaka aku,when you visit me,train +36562,36563,36563,hai han nu maku,I think it is great,train +36563,36564,36564,awaay ku tadangaayan awa ku piraduman,the environment also has something to commend and recognize and there is no water source,train +36564,36565,36565,u demak nu sikawasay tu niyaru miterung tu lisin nu niyaru mikelul tu caayay ku kapah a lemed nu niyaru mipuhpuh tu adada nu tamdaw,the priests tasks for the tribe to perform important rituals for the tribe to heal the tribe from disasters to avoid calamities and to seek blessings and to heal the sick,train +36565,36566,36566,Atulen a misilsil ku vekeluh,stack the stones,train +36566,36567,36567,nikaeredan,vegetarian linen thread for weaving,train +36567,36568,36568,i hanahanaan tu ciira a misaefeefer,it flew around the flowers,train +36568,36569,36569,kaciefec,towel tie,train +36569,36570,36570,u sakalingtu tu nu Cikasuwan atu Ripun a cinglaw,this incident caused the beginning of a dispute between the clansmen and the Japanese,test +36570,36571,36571,ira tu ku misiykayay tu hafaʼinay,someone introduced the future Mr,train +36571,36572,36572,mamaan kisu,are you all right,train +36572,36573,36573,anu tusaay tuluay sepatay ku mata,mesh width has widths,train +36573,36574,36574,macacuruk,take turns,train +36574,36575,36575,malahakelung kami tuya paliding mahetik,and I accidentally followed the coal that was about to fall down,train +36575,36576,36576,Mafana kamu tunini a dmak Saka anu milahci kamu tunini i u malmeday kamu,now that you know these things you will be blessed if you do them,train +36576,36577,36577,o turun ku nu maku manaay kaku tu hemay,what I like is mocha I do not want rice,train +36577,36578,36578,pinaʼun kisu u wawaay hu kisu,you or the kids be careful,train +36578,36579,36579,demak,please select,train +36579,36580,36580,citefunay,well,test +36580,36581,36581,Parawraw,pick on,train +36581,36582,36582,hu hu hu,ha ha ha,train +36582,36583,36583,ira hu a edengayay hu kaku,I am doing okay in this class,train +36583,36584,36584,saan ku wama nu niyam hayi,that is what our father said to us Really,train +36584,36585,36585,Cikamilaay ku tamdamdaw a nini,Nowadays people have cameras,train +36585,36586,36586,ta masanga ku kukuy kay alesu,it is the sweet rice cake that gives you the texture,train +36586,36587,36587,minanam ku Pangcah a misasinar,Aboriginal people learn to grow watermelons,train +36587,36588,36588,iʼayaw ya ama niyam haw,where are our grandmothers,train +36588,36589,36589,matini kina mama mikilim kisuwan Halu,tell me Harold how Daddys been looking for you,train +36589,36590,36590,anu u tatayra kaku i u nika lahaklung niyam ku ngaay a tayra,if it seems advisable for me to go also they will accompany me,test +36590,36591,36591,u tefuy hu itiyahu ku tapad,small leggings were first made of fine woven fabric,train +36591,36592,36592,hai kita tu umitengilay tu likisi nu mita tu Pangcah,Yes the people who are listening to the Amis story,train +36592,36593,36593,iraay ku cecay a kaput aku ci Kacaw halitawalay cingra a mihawikid tu kalimaamaan,I have a classmate named Kacaw he often forgets to bring things,train +36593,36594,36594,maedengay hu maka ku Kawas atu tamdaw i tiya hu,and you can communicate with the spirits,train +36594,36595,36595,pacait han tu nu maku i aayaw nu vatikar,I am hanging in front of the bike,train +36595,36596,36596,tayra sa kaku itiay ni hay,get a masters degree Yes sir,train +36596,36597,36597,tinayi,bowel,train +36597,36598,36598,anu awaay kina,if we do not have this,train +36598,36599,36599,o misaakiway a tamdaw ciira,he is self serving,train +36599,36600,36600,adada ku wawa aku,my child is sick,test +36600,36601,36601,Ka^su ku nisahemayan ni ina,Moms cooking is so good,train +36601,36602,36602,maulah kaku maru i maci,I like living in the city,train +36602,36603,36603,u sakatusa i nu ecahan a radiw u sakatulu i u saki kasaupuan a mililafangay a radiw,the second is a General ballad while the third is a song and dance for a banquet,train +36603,36604,36604,pasuwal hantu ci Arkipus Lahcien ku nipaturudan nu Tapang i tisuwanan a tayal han,tell Archippus See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord,train +36604,36605,36605,misademi,cooking,train +36605,36606,36606,misanga tu angkukuwi,making red turtle cake,train +36606,36607,36607,caay kasumuwal,I will not say anything more,train +36607,36608,36608,Caur han nu maku ku kalafi nu namu a tayni,I will catch your dinner in time,train +36608,36609,36609,ci Iyuh,Yes I will have another drink,train +36609,36610,36610,tayni paputal ku faʼinay a matayal,husband goes out to work,test +36610,36611,36611,Saka dakaw sa ci Yis tu ccay nuya tamina u tamina ni Simun kuya Ckruhen tu mamang kunini a tamina a paliyas tu lawac han ni Yis ci Simun ta aru satu cingra i tamina a pasayra i finawlan a pasifana,he got into one of the boats the one belonging to Simon and asked him to put out a little from shore then he sat down and taught the people from the boat,train +36611,36612,36612,u mamangay ku maalaay,that is the little ones,train +36612,36613,36613,mitapid ci Sawmah tu fuday nu tireng,Sawmah went to mend his clothes,train +36613,36614,36614,palusiden,dressing someone up in a Toyotomi Festival costume,train +36614,36615,36615,a suwal nu mita anu radiw,language and our songs,train +36615,36616,36616,kayakay cingra palalitemuh cangraan,he became a middle man to introduce them,train +36616,36617,36617,makaala kaku tu,it is because of the scholarship,train +36617,36618,36618,malalitemuh ku kasasiyur,turning into each other,train +36618,36619,36619,ecahan,the world,train +36619,36620,36620,cai itira fungka nu mita,No it is not in our culture,test +36620,36621,36621,o kafalawfawan kaulahn aku cuwa ka sienaw cuwa ka faedet sa ngaay sa,my favorite thing about fall is that it is not too cold or too hot and it is very comfortable,train +36621,36622,36622,anu makerahtu mitengteng a talarevng,if the tide goes out we will pull it into the deep sea,train +36622,36623,36623,u kungku nu ina haw,what about moms story,train +36623,36624,36624,caay tu kaurad kalalesi tanengaltu ku remiad,No no No it is bright,train +36624,36625,36625,u kami i Siwhama kami u,we are at peace,train +36625,36626,36626,Fanuhungay ku nisasirawan ni ina aku,my moms cured meats are delicious,train +36626,36627,36627,Tahepuen tu pawti ku piruhem tu pawli,cover the bananas with a burlap bag to smother them,train +36627,36628,36628,smuut,hundred,train +36628,36629,36629,hay matini sa kalaurad latek caay kafangcal ku heci nu panay sa ku maku harateng,because of the frequent rain probably the rice is not good I think so,train +36629,36630,36630,anini satu matuʼas tu kaku ri,I am a big boy now,test +36630,36631,36631,ira vuting kiyami haw yu midanguy i hekahekalan awaay ku remes,that fish does not normally bleed when it swims,train +36631,36632,36632,u maan ku sinavel,what is on the menu,train +36632,36633,36633,as nimaan kami i sekal sa kami,just think what can we do,train +36633,36634,36634,i tini a muraraw caira,they are lost here,train +36634,36635,36635,hay suʼelin tu maruray,Yeah it is really hard,train +36635,36636,36636,malacecayay ku aru kaku atu wama wina kaka tu fainayan atu kaka tu fafahiyan,I live with my father mother brother and sister,train +36636,36637,36637,uni sakasepat haen,this is number four,train +36637,36638,36638,cekuk,shocked,train +36638,36639,36639,mahaen ira,that is what happened,train +36639,36640,36640,iraay kura demak ititya,this was the system at the time,test +36640,36641,36641,tu cila lalesiyan tu ku liyal,there is a tsunami in the sea tomorrow,train +36641,36642,36642,o,Main,train +36642,36643,36643,tahira kaʼecakan nira a,until it is ripe,train +36643,36644,36644,mangalay mipadang tu luma,the purpose is to help with household expenses,train +36644,36645,36645,litusa^,radius,train +36645,36646,36646,u pacebaay tu tamdaw kira sikawasay,that witch is a liar too,train +36646,36647,36647,caliwen hu ku sasipasip nu kaput,please borrow erasers from your classmates,train +36647,36648,36648,u niyan hantu,symbolize,train +36648,36649,36649,Mikilalidec ku Pangcah a mikasuy,the Amis choose to cut down the Giongxiong tree for firewood,train +36649,36650,36650,saipidapu,ministry of Finance,test +36650,36651,36651,ilaay tu ku iya mafanaʼay tu kumaen tu dungec,to know how to enjoy the heart of the vine,train +36651,36652,36652,pariyaray,by the sea,train +36652,36653,36653,antu u maan ku nura salil man ku sapisanga tura salil,Also what kind of material is used to make the trapping nets,train +36653,36654,36654,na tayni tu itini i paniyaruʼan kiya saw,after arriving here at the tribe,train +36654,36655,36655,caʼeca ka fana tu pakuyuc a tamdaw,people who do not know the poor,train +36655,36656,36656,hatiraay ku malitengay itiyahu,in the old days the old generation used to make beams like this,train +36656,36657,36657,a sakapitu sakaenem i Mifelacay hananay niyam,fifth level Mizuno plant,train +36657,36658,36658,mangalef tu anini a mihecaan adihay tu ku masamaamaanay,especially nowadays there are a lot of different kinds of,train +36658,36659,36659,cecay anu misanga kita i,let us make it a ten footer,train +36659,36660,36660,tatayra kita i tukus anini haw,are we going to the mountains today,test +36660,36661,36661,maadah ku Suaw,it will quench your thirst,train +36661,36662,36662,Fafukud alu,the East River is a river,train +36662,36663,36663,makapahay kaenen a,it tastes good when you eat it,train +36663,36664,36664,mifalic,change,train +36664,36665,36665,Hay ci Kulas ciira,Yes he is Kolas,train +36665,36666,36666,tahenec tu ku saʼupu nu salikaka,the parishioners have been very active,train +36666,36667,36667,u wina niyam unu fai itu mansan i aikur nu kapah,mom or auntie following the young man,train +36667,36668,36668,mitatuy tiya kanuay,what is going on down there,train +36668,36669,36669,sava,brother and sister,train +36669,36670,36670,afufu^,hold,test +36670,36671,36671,Mangaay tu,Yes I would love to,train +36671,36672,36672,anu midutim kita tu harateng nu Kawas i sasamaan padama kitaanan misungilaˈ a misaday misiˈayaw tu aira a sapalifet hani,how can contemplating Gods perspective help us prepare for the trials we may face,train +36672,36673,36673,u nipaturduyan nu tuas a kungku,legendary Tales,train +36673,36674,36674,mitemi,stirring,train +36674,36675,36675,sawawa hu kami i tayra sa kami mihulul mingusngus tu kiyafes tayra alu alu sa miala tu futing mihalama kami miala tu ˆapˆap,when I was a child I ate barberries while playing and went to the river to catch fish and frogs,train +36675,36676,36676,Aray mangaay tu,thank you,train +36676,36677,36677,u inian u kumu aca ku mangaayay,Instead the slingshot is easier to carry,train +36677,36678,36678,macacamul i talukan kuayam atu huwak,chickens and ducks mix in the chicken house,train +36678,36679,36679,itira a mapatay cingra,that is where he died,train +36679,36680,36680,naʼayaw mikuli yasuy aemin ma ku naremiʼadan,past days payroll is mostly on the low side,test +36680,36681,36681,u suwal aca mapatay,when the deceased has just lost his breath,train +36681,36682,36682,una masadak sa tatusa kami kira tura Api nu maku,there is only two of us coming out,train +36682,36683,36683,hay,yea,train +36683,36684,36684,micakay tu hara ci ina,mom went to buy loach,train +36684,36685,36685,adada ku tangal aku sa,my head hurts like this,train +36685,36686,36686,Nikawrira pakatengil tu lihaf nu Hungti Kitakit ku tamdaw cuwa ka sahetu saan mangaˈay ku kapicada,However not everyone responds favorably to the message of the kingdom when they hear it,train +36686,36687,36687,anu u tada nu maku kuni,the more you own,train +36687,36688,36688,caay kakemaen tu dateng,no green vegetables,train +36688,36689,36689,rengurengusan,savannah,train +36689,36690,36690,mansa ala hananaytu ku tuud hahecek nu malitengay,that is why the Acacia trees were used as pillars,test +36690,36691,36691,awaay tu i,no more,train +36691,36692,36692,Funur sa ku heci nu lusay na maurad,the rain made the fruits fall off the trees,train +36692,36693,36693,Payu,personal name,train +36693,36694,36694,u idang aca u fayi aca a u matuʼasay aca,whether it is partners or aunts or elders,train +36694,36695,36695,anini a mihecaan u ciwlu ku misikiay,this year let us pray for Christianity,train +36695,36696,36696,sanay ku suwal ni Pawlu O nanu nipaˈarawan nu Tapang ku sakatayra aku,Paul said I went up because of a revelation,train +36696,36697,36697,caay unu Pangcah tu,No it is named after the Amis,train +36697,36698,36698,misarafar,reclaiming the fields of the hillside,train +36698,36699,36699,kakapakapah,they are all beautiful,train +36699,36700,36700,o maan ku milangiwngiwan nu misu,what are you babbling about,test +36700,36701,36701,miucilay,close,train +36701,36702,36702,niedefan,Yes Yes,train +36702,36703,36703,awaay hu kisu,you were not born yet,train +36703,36704,36704,o lekakaw nu Pangcah i pipangangan i ira ku kalalecadan mingangan tu nanu tuas a rayray ku pangangan u matiniay pipangangaan i padutucay tu ngangan sanay,a common feature of the Amis naming system is that traditional names are given by ancestors to their descendants we call this inheritance the hereditary name system,train +36704,36705,36705,adada ku tangal nu maku saka mihifang kaku anini,I have a headache so I am taking the day off,train +36705,36706,36706,Arawhani u nanu malcaday kita cangraan a mituur tu anuf nu tireng Matuur ita ku anuf atu kangalayan nu tireng atu harateng Saka awaay ku kasasiruma ita atu tau u kaktekteren aca nu Kawas kita a mitfuc,all of us also lived among them at one time gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts like the rest we were by nature objects of wrath,train +36706,36707,36707,sisa ina dateng nu mita,that is why we have wild vegetables today,train +36707,36708,36708,mafukil a minengneng,I will not look,train +36708,36709,36709,maduka tu,I am hurt,train +36709,36710,36710,cayka fangcal ku siraw ra,and the meat she marinates is not good,test +36710,36711,36711,mangataay rakat han tahira tu,Yes it is within walking distance,train +36711,36712,36712,ira mahaen fana tu,look at this do you understand,train +36712,36713,36713,nu Hulam han i han ku suwalal nu Hulam,in Chinese I cannot feel my fathers love,train +36713,36714,36714,nanay awa a tayni ku faliyus mangaay a mahadak misalam kaku,I hope the typhoon does not come I still want to go out to play again,train +36714,36715,36715,sakaira kaku tahanini u urip aku hay,the reason I am alive today,train +36715,36716,36716,wamaan tu ku sapakaen saan saku falucu,I was thinking about how to take care of these cows,train +36716,36717,36717,nu misu,your,train +36717,36718,36718,pa hu tu Se Pa Kuyi saan kiya singsi ha ha ha ha,the teacher wants us to pay dollars again ha ha ha ha,train +36718,36719,36719,mitilid sa i kwusyaw i tahira i tulu sepat,elementary school through third and fourth grade,train +36719,36720,36720,melawan,regard as,test +36720,36721,36721,Pacekilen nu mama ku wawa nira a mikitemel,the father encouraged his children to be vigilant,train +36721,36722,36722,malecad tu suwal ni mama su,just like your father said,train +36722,36723,36723,u hu ci itiya,the Commissioner of police at that time was Mr HOU you i,train +36723,36724,36724,pasifanaen aku kisu a misanga tu fufu anu cila,I will teach you how to make a fish trap next time,train +36724,36725,36725,sepat a miheca,four year,train +36725,36726,36726,kiemelay,strong,train +36726,36727,36727,hay,here is the deal,train +36727,36728,36728,anu awaʼay tuku tamud isu i,if you are out of yeast,train +36728,36729,36729,o saka tusa lalakaw wa milengu tuniya salicay,the next text will talk about this,train +36729,36730,36730,tulus,knee,test +36730,36731,36731,malacecay tu ku balucu nu niyaru a mihiya,tribesmen are very united,train +36731,36732,36732,maherek tu mipacefung kisu mihicay tu i riyar,lock it up tight and put it in the ocean,train +36732,36733,36733,Mavana haw kisu a misakeru,can you dance,train +36733,36734,36734,pineneng,regard as,train +36734,36735,36735,i tatihi tu u teluc tu,and then the other side the end,train +36735,36736,36736,Tatalacuwa kita anini,where are we going today,train +36736,36737,36737,anu micudad tu ku wawa i a maantu,what if I want to study,train +36737,36738,36738,mi tu kiya mama aku,my father began to preach and evangelize,train +36738,36739,36739,Ngaay kapakapah ku liwmah anini a miheca,I hope this year will be a good year for us,train +36739,36740,36740,ciecuay,with elephants,test +36740,36741,36741,hay ini ha iyaan itini ku,Oh from here,train +36741,36742,36742,tira sa kaku i misangaʼay tu paliding,I still work there as an auto mechanic,train +36742,36743,36743,ta ngaay malawawa nu wama namu i kakarayan kamu nawhani malcad ku nipipacidal ningra tu mariangay atu ngaayay a tamdaw Pauraden ningra ku ngaayay a tamdaw atu tatiihay a tamdaw,that you may be sons of your father in heaven he causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous,train +36743,36744,36744,paceduen,Let put it in the water,train +36744,36745,36745,midu^du,compliance,train +36745,36746,36746,ila ku maan awa ruma cecay ku kalang,what will there be Nothing just a crab,train +36746,36747,36747,pabaher tu sakaadada,I am just going to let fly and get sick,train +36747,36748,36748,sakapina,first few,train +36748,36749,36749,curuh sa i mikakuy takuwan san kura wawa,and he lifted me up,train +36749,36750,36750,tayni i tiraw kaetip nu han,I am here at Jukho elementary School west side of the big nose,test +36750,36751,36751,adihay ku sacurukcuruk nu kapah itiya hu marikecay ku iya ku likuda nu malitengay,in the past young people were divided into classes and were united at the Toyotomi Festival,train +36751,36752,36752,kaay ira ku kaulahan nu misu,maybe there is someone else you like,train +36752,36753,36753,mahaen u nisuwalan nu wama nu maku,just like my father told me,train +36753,36754,36754,sasiruma,not the same,train +36754,36755,36755,cay kaedeng aca u lalumaʼan,it is not just about family,train +36755,36756,36756,halikien halikien,come on come on come on come on,train +36756,36757,36757,malalamu,mate with each other,train +36757,36758,36758,makapahay ku niyaru niyam,our tribe is beautiful,train +36758,36759,36759,awaay ku aca nu funka nu mita,our culture is priceless,train +36759,36760,36760,a haenen nu maku ku nipisanga tu inian,that is how I made it,test +36760,36761,36761,saka piala aku tuni ungtu,so I bought this pipe,train +36761,36762,36762,mipaliw cira i tini i tauan,he will just go to someone else house to get a new job,train +36762,36763,36763,mikamaya,pick persimmons,train +36763,36764,36764,ukusan,haughty,train +36764,36765,36765,una kaysa itini u nimanay itini ku demak ira,what does this company do here,train +36765,36766,36766,hatiraay kura,the matter arises for that reason,train +36766,36767,36767,walu ira ku walu,years old,train +36767,36768,36768,tiraen aku tira,I will just leave it there,train +36768,36769,36769,Masingki,neurosis,train +36769,36770,36770,makapah kisu anini u tadalusid namu kuna caedung haw,you are dressed beautifully today is this your traditional dress,test +36770,36771,36771,mana mafulaw kisu a tayni i niyaru,may I ask why you decided to move back to the tribe,train +36771,36772,36772,tiya sapikerker,that is the machine that needs to be pulled,train +36772,36773,36773,sapanucay,thank you,train +36773,36774,36774,yu pasuwal ci Yis tunini i aluman ku pasulinay i Cingraan,even as he spoke many put their faith in him,train +36774,36775,36775,Papituis hatu ku wawa ta mi tamurung kuya futing,fish that are caught are carried home on flatbeds,train +36775,36776,36776,o maparahuday ku kafutian nira adadaay,make that patients bed steam,train +36776,36777,36777,man han aku ku pitungal tu,how do I add materials,train +36777,36778,36778,sa itiraw i,it is at Xinzhuang night Market,train +36778,36779,36779,pina tu ku mihecaan nu safa isu tu fainayan anini,how old is your younger brother,train +36779,36780,36780,mimaecad singcentangwi saʼusiay tu payci,I am an administrator,test +36780,36781,36781,tahira itira i kasinawan i,until winter,train +36781,36782,36782,savaw tu walu,eighteen,train +36782,36783,36783,patungal,plus,train +36783,36784,36784,Mangaay kaku a micaliw tu Cudad isu haw,can I borrow your book,train +36784,36785,36785,Tataang ku ngiha nu hanhan nira,his breathing was loud,train +36785,36786,36786,mutep ila ku nem,sixteenth day of the lunar month,train +36786,36787,36787,Maaraw nu pakaenay tu fafuy a tamdamdaw kunini a dmak i laliw satu ta tayra i niyaru atu i umahay a paratuh tunini a dmak,when those tending the pigs saw what had happened they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside,train +36787,36788,36788,karurayan tu nu kakitaan ku demak nu niyaru hananay,the chief worked hard for the tribal matters,train +36788,36789,36789,Maeminaytu a maliwal ku kunga,all the sweet potatoes are sold out,train +36789,36790,36790,Midawa ku maumahay tu alic i ayaw nu pipanayan,farmer cutting rice,test +36790,36791,36791,Misausi ci mama tu lifun nu matayalay,Dads counting the workers paychecks,train +36791,36792,36792,anu awaay ku liteng nu mita palalanay titanan,if you do not have a line of ancestors,train +36792,36793,36793,Suwalen aku kamu u aaluman ku mamiraud a naiwaliay nai^tipay a tamdaw a mikaput ca Aprahaman aci Isakan aci Yakupan a malaccay a mikaput a mitahka i Kitakit nu Kawas,I say to you that many will come from the east and the west and will take their places at the Feast with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven,train +36793,36794,36794,kutu^,head louse,train +36794,36795,36795,itini kami a matayal sa misanga,I have been doing things ever since,train +36795,36796,36796,iniyamin kita,Hello everyone,train +36796,36797,36797,Orasaka falahen ku tatiihay a dmak a ma^min aka pisafana a sumuwal aka pisamangah aka ka inap aka pitungangan,Therefore rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit hypocrisy envy and slander of every kind,train +36797,36798,36798,misu han tu falucu haw ni faki niyam,in the end my uncle concluded that it is as good as your heart,train +36798,36799,36799,Kaliekid ku nanum i lakelal saka lakec han nu mita mapulung,the river was fast so we all waded in together,train +36799,36800,36800,u rayray tu nu tuʼas tu u mita u masapangcahay i,it is an established Amis tradition,test +36800,36801,36801,Nikawrira anu matiya u nika i likat nu Kawas ku nika i ta^ngaday ku dmak ita i u malaccayay kita ta u rmes nu wawa ningra ci Yis ku mikuracay titaanan a mipalasawad tu pulung nu raraw ita,but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his Son purifies us from all sin,train +36801,36802,36802,itira i tungruh nu luma ku mali,the ball is on the roof top,train +36802,36803,36803,o manan ngaˈayay hapakayraan a miluwan tu cariraw,what are some good ways to reduce worry,train +36803,36804,36804,Maruhruhay ku rumiad nu mita anini,we have thunder today,train +36804,36805,36805,nu itiya hu a acucul han cuwantung hai,the old traditional gyro Yes,train +36805,36806,36806,cacumuli cacumuli,Snail Snail,train +36806,36807,36807,patatuy kaku tunini a cudad,this book was put in my hand,train +36807,36808,36808,suytu kaku itiya ri haen han isu kaku tucyang,I was years old Dad you treated me like your ex wife child,train +36808,36809,36809,u mahaenay ku nikaurip nu mita sananay,our lives are like this,train +36809,36810,36810,Sahetu u misafununay niyam kura malahukay,those people who are eating lunch are the farmers in our family,test +36810,36811,36811,ta malepun kurira i haw maedeng tu misaluma salumatu,after it was done it is sufficient to build a house built a house,train +36811,36812,36812,nu mita miseking,it is an easy thing to do,train +36812,36813,36813,faedet,heat,train +36813,36814,36814,Licinuwas satu kami atu cangra Pakalunan kami a pafsuc a tayra i Kus cila a rumiad i tangasa i Rutis nanitira tayra kami i Patara,after we had torn ourselves away from them we put out to sea and sailed straight to Cos the next day we went to Rhodes and from there to Patara,train +36814,36815,36815,o karacicax i kilakilangan nu Hitu i kasienawan,in the winter there are a lot of Burrowing birds in the Pingtung forest,train +36815,36816,36816,maharek tu a mipuhpuh,finish the spell,train +36816,36817,36817,fihfih han ku wawa,help the children to shake the fan,train +36817,36818,36818,pacacumud han paleca mihaen,let us go inside together,train +36818,36819,36819,kufuc,bottles,train +36819,36820,36820,hatiraay ku nikatuʼas tu itini,how I grew up,test +36820,36821,36821,hamek sanay kaku tu,the first year the second year I was very proud of myself,train +36821,36822,36822,sakalima sakanem i na,only on the and day of the lunar month,train +36822,36823,36823,ci mi kangkang ka ku,I am Mikangan Rivok,train +36823,36824,36824,itini tuni a tukus kaʼamis mansa malataw hananay,name this mountain to the north as Maladau,train +36824,36825,36825,cuwa ku Fangcalay ku nanum,it is not water it is great,train +36825,36826,36826,teli,let go,train +36826,36827,36827,Curah han ni mama ku katelang a tarukan,dad burned down the old chicken house,train +36827,36828,36828,aka tu pawalien,do not bother with the sun,train +36828,36829,36829,ku kahufucan nu maku,as far as I know,train +36829,36830,36830,tu isauwac nanum ciwidi,there are leeches in the springs,test +36830,36831,36831,hay caay ka u tumuk ku ayaw,it does not start with the leader,train +36831,36832,36832,anu cecay ku kaulahan nara,if you like a,train +36832,36833,36833,ngaʼay hu kita a silikaka misanu Pangcah,Greetings Amis elders,train +36833,36834,36834,patingwaen cangra ini kinawawa han san,call them and tell them the kids here,train +36834,36835,36835,o mimaanay ku tayal isu i ayaw,what kind of business were you in before,train +36835,36836,36836,naytiya yu,about that time,train +36836,36837,36837,u kilang nira vangcaltu,it has a beautiful trunk too,train +36837,36838,36838,fuis,star,train +36838,36839,36839,awaay tu ku saʼusi tura,there is no comparison,train +36839,36840,36840,Icuwa^ ci Rungac aci Maru,where are Rongac and Maro,test +36840,36841,36841,pina ku aacaen isu,how much do you want to buy,train +36841,36842,36842,nu Amis a tilid mafukil tu,like the Romanization system,train +36842,36843,36843,pinaay a mihecaan kisu a suvucan,what year were you born,train +36843,36844,36844,tataʼang satu,it is horrible,train +36844,36845,36845,yu miliclic ku luma a tamdaw i takuwanan i awaay a matama nangra ku maan aca a sakapatay aku a raraw Saka sapitdalan cangra i takuwanan,they examined me and wanted to release me because I was not guilty of any crime deserving death,train +36845,36846,36846,ta tataʼang awaay tu ku tayal,there is nothing else to do,train +36846,36847,36847,mahaenay kura u Cilamitay hananay kura,that is how Gilamiday came to be,train +36847,36848,36848,lipahak ku falucu a pakaaraw a tayni^ kisu,it is so good to see you,train +36848,36849,36849,lalileng,I am dizzy all the time,train +36849,36850,36850,hatira ku likakawa nu liteng,that is the beauty of the early days,test +36850,36851,36851,nasemuwalay tu itisuwan,it is a sign of approval,train +36851,36852,36852,mikalic cingra i fafaed tataang tu kuya kilang nira,he climbed up the tree grew tall,train +36852,36853,36853,fangcal tu hu kila sa kaku tu faʼinay aku,I have been discussing this with Mr Kennedy to see if it is feasible,train +36853,36854,36854,mataʼelif isu kiya kayakay ira kiya haen sanay sa cukacuk sanay a lalan,after passing a bridge you will see a road with a steep slope,train +36854,36855,36855,mikeriday,in the lead,train +36855,36856,36856,Tawiing ku funguh Yis ta lafut satu ku sela nira,Jesus dropped his head and died,train +36856,36857,36857,misayufayuf,production farming group,train +36857,36858,36858,tawan,other peoples,train +36858,36859,36859,sakangaʼay nu tayal,smooth,train +36859,36860,36860,karatastas,malfunction,test +36860,36861,36861,anu ira ku usaw nu maanman nu tihi nanu kihi tu i,what if there are leftovers from the celebration,train +36861,36862,36862,anu masamaan mafukil san ni,if it is true and you still cannot learn,train +36862,36863,36863,cifaʼinay,with a husband,train +36863,36864,36864,katimul niya ka maruʼan nangara,it is just south of where they live,train +36864,36865,36865,ngaliwliw tu ku heni itila,keeps mumbling over there,train +36865,36866,36866,suwal sa ci ina^ alatek ira ku faliyus saan,mom said maybe the typhoon is coming,train +36866,36867,36867,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ku finacadan aku ci Hirutiun atu mituuray tu Tapang a salikaka i lumaay ni Narkisus,greet Herodion my relative greet those in the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord,train +36867,36868,36868,militud,Harvest,train +36868,36869,36869,caay ka ^ca ira ku misangaay tu kahaccaccay a luma Nikawrira u Kawas ku misangaay tu pulung nu maamaan,for every house is built by someone but God is the builder of everything,train +36869,36870,36870,a pipaluma uni kakaulahan nu matu asay ku icep,elderly people love to plant betel nut trees,test +36870,36871,36871,ya nu u felac i misangaʼan,sake made from rice,train +36871,36872,36872,Pakafasu^ iri pakapaliding kisu a talakiwkay,are you going to drive to the church or take the bus,train +36872,36873,36873,lupita,roadside stand,train +36873,36874,36874,Icuwa^ ku satakaraway a luma,where is the tallest building,train +36874,36875,36875,hanay nu malitengay sa mituul tu ku kaemangay,old people say this so young people follow it,train +36875,36876,36876,icuwa,Where,train +36876,36877,36877,feded1,nasal congestion,train +36877,36878,36878,matakup nu ludis atu faliyus i,it coincides with tsunamis and typhoons,train +36878,36879,36879,tusa a mihecaan kaku itira,I was there for two years,train +36879,36880,36880,u madukaay a vuting,injured fish,test +36880,36881,36881,ya pakafana kaku haw,when I was teaching,train +36881,36882,36882,u luma rey Tungfusung ku luma nu maku,what about my family I live in dong Fu Village,train +36882,36883,36883,u fainayan i tayra tu i riyar mifuting miurang micekiw sapitungal tu sakaurip nu luma u fafahiyan i milusimet mihalaka misanga tu sakiilisin a lusid sapikaput a malikuda,the men go fishing in the sea catching lobsters and various kinds of seafood to supplement their living expenses at this time women begin to organize and make traditional costumes for the Harvest Festival,train +36883,36884,36884,a nisimsim,consideration,train +36884,36885,36885,o fawufawuan kina luma,this house is full of bugs,train +36885,36886,36886,Aaya saan ciira pakaaraw tu karumakat nu wacu,she saw the dog walking around scared and kept barking oops,train +36886,36887,36887,tangsa tu i tini i Kuhkuh,I have reached Mizuho,train +36887,36888,36888,pakaepeday,tender,train +36888,36889,36889,matufelalutung,it is like a spider,train +36889,36890,36890,alaen niyam kiya safa aku ya kalaenuay aku a safa,I took my big brother to help take care of it,test +36890,36891,36891,u eli hu itiya,it used to be a thatched house,train +36891,36892,36892,cai cai u fana satu nu mita pitengil mahanay yaca saan,No No if we keep listening we will,train +36892,36893,36893,caʼit han tu nu sipusiay iri,if you have a cat start hanging it up everywhere,train +36893,36894,36894,Midihdih ciira tu tangal nu wawa nira,he stroked his child head,train +36894,36895,36895,Nawiru mariang kisu tu tamdaw,why are you so mean to people,train +36895,36896,36896,Malahecitu maemin kura uway,after the rattan is fully disposed of,train +36896,36897,36897,kay^ing,miss,train +36897,36898,36898,tukituk,continue,train +36898,36899,36899,mangata tu ku piilisinan,the Toyotomi Festival is coming up,train +36899,36900,36900,hatitini ku maku a saan haw,my arrival here says so,test +36900,36901,36901,ruray sa tu,I am getting tired,train +36901,36902,36902,anu malevut ku calay u matevadaytu,if the wire breaks it will fall down,train +36902,36903,36903,caay ka fana kira,because they will not,train +36903,36904,36904,alaen nira away,he is still taking it it is all gone,train +36904,36905,36905,adihay ku kaluserangawan i Taywan,Taiwans cultures are diverse,train +36905,36906,36906,Satuemanen ita ku laluma,let us darken the inside,train +36906,36907,36907,nukayay tu malahitay sa haw i,after military service,train +36907,36908,36908,maan kisu itini icuwa ku basiw misu sa,why are you in your place here,train +36908,36909,36909,o rakat tu piʼadupan ira ku lalan nu paliding,there are no automobile roads in the hunting area,train +36909,36910,36910,nani tira i Fataʼan nani tira i Kiwit,some from Matthews Saddle and some from Chimay,test +36910,36911,36911,Orasaka anu caay ku nai falucuay namu u kahaccaccay ku nipihpul namu tu raraw nu salikaka i u hahaenen nu Wama Aku i kakarayan kamu han ni Yis,This is how my heavenly father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart,train +36911,36912,36912,nawhani nanu maapaay kita u paculiay u muraraway u kuli nu masamaamaanay a anuf atu acang kita sahtu u tatiihay u mapuduhay atu masasiintelay ku pinangan ita a maurip i tiyahu,at one time we too were foolish disobedient deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures we lived in malice and envy being hated and hating one another,train +36912,36913,36913,o patefuay kina urad,this rain will make bamboo shoots grow,train +36913,36914,36914,u sakatusa sa tu i iniini u nu sakawili a talud hananay,and the second one this one is called left hand Incense,train +36914,36915,36915,vuting atu tuda atu kalang,Fish eels and crabs,train +36915,36916,36916,paʼaca paʼacaʼ han nu Paʼanifung kura palumaʼan,Hing Cheong sold his house,train +36916,36917,36917,anu u fukestu nu funguh namu i ma^mintu a masausi ningra,and even the very hairs of your head are all numbered,train +36917,36918,36918,Mietengtu tu nanum,block up the waterway,train +36918,36919,36919,o mamilifet kisu tuya piungtukayan haw,will you compete in the sports day,train +36919,36920,36920,sakatayra i kakarayan,go to heaven,test +36920,36921,36921,Laya sa ci Yis tu kamay a mituru i nisawawaan ningra a sumuwal Nengnengen unini a tamdamdaw ku ina atu salikaka Aku,pointing to his disciples he said Here are my mother and my brothers,train +36921,36922,36922,kalulalan,each way,train +36922,36923,36923,maedeng pangkiw ku widi^,it takes about half an hour,train +36923,36924,36924,malemlemay haw,is there a limit,train +36924,36925,36925,Sahe tu u wawa nu aku,they are all my children,train +36925,36926,36926,mitekatu ku maandmak nu niyaru,every time a tribe starts to hold a festival,train +36926,36927,36927,awaay ku lalan itiyahu tu sakafana nu mita tu demak nu paputalay,in the early days we did not have much information about the outside world,train +36927,36928,36928,malaayam,become a bird,train +36928,36929,36929,sasiwasiw,sieve,train +36929,36930,36930,paliwasaken cangra a patayra i ngataay a niyaru a papicakay tu kakaenen nu paytmek nangra saan,send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat,test +36930,36931,36931,tayni tira sanay u maumahay ku aru,that guy over there he is a farmer,train +36931,36932,36932,cecay nu icel nu kapulungan sa pakaala tumaan sapa kaulah nu tamdaw,it is only because we are all in this together that we have won this award,train +36932,36933,36933,ira aca,and,train +36933,36934,36934,pakayapen,array something waistband cloth,train +36934,36935,36935,itini i masamaanay pakayraan patahekal tu siniˈadaay falucuˈ,in what ways can you show compassion to people,train +36935,36936,36936,pantaay,shallow,train +36936,36937,36937,matuʼasay tu kiya wawa,that I have grown up,train +36937,36938,36938,a nikayraan nira,as long as he is in touch,train +36938,36939,36939,Nikawrira kasinanut kisu i masamaamaanay a dmak hadidien ku pades katayal tuna patnakay lahcien ku tatayalen isu tu nu Kawas,but you keep your head in all situations endure hardship do the work of an evangelist discharge all the duties of your ministry,train +36939,36940,36940,caay ka tengil tataaken ku ngiha ari,I cannot hear you can you speak louder,test +36940,36941,36941,adada kura ina aku tayra i paisingan,the mother is seriously ill and has been hospitalized,train +36941,36942,36942,ledasa ku futi nu wawa i kurur nu malitengay,the child is sleeping soundly on the adults back,train +36942,36943,36943,anu hacuwa tu a patikulen isu saw,Then when will you return the money,train +36943,36944,36944,hai cuwacuwa cumud sanay tu,No no no just take it in,train +36944,36945,36945,itini i lilis nu lalan,at the roadside,train +36945,36946,36946,cipat,cling,train +36946,36947,36947,miwadwad a misapud tu kalumelaan,Collectible treasures,train +36947,36948,36948,onini ku suelinay,this is the standard norm,train +36948,36949,36949,Patahekalen ku siniˈadaay tu tau padamaen i kalu rumiˈad cangra,you show compassion by helping others in your daily life,train +36949,36950,36950,yu tayra ci Yis i Yirusalim i sanu nika tayra han ningra ku pipasifana ningra i niyaruaru,then Jesus went through the towns and villages teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem,test +36950,36951,36951,tahira i picinkangan tu siyau,until we enter the harbor in the afternoon,train +36951,36952,36952,kalamama han niyam kiya mama ci Kinciyang Luʼud,I also took the opportunity to learn about culture during my acquaintance with Mr Huang Jinquan,train +36952,36953,36953,kita tiraan tuwa,when he is the devil,train +36953,36954,36954,ira tu ku rarakatan nu heni,they have their own paths to follow,train +36954,36955,36955,pariyaray,person living off the sea,train +36955,36956,36956,itiya hu ku malitengay haw,formerly an old man,train +36956,36957,36957,Saka u omah nu rmes hantu kunini a umah a tahanini,that is why it has been called the field of blood to this day,train +36957,36958,36958,u maan ku sapikelut ira,what are you going to use to dig a hole,train +36958,36959,36959,Maurat kaku tunini a demak,I do not know what to make of this,train +36959,36960,36960,maʼaraw aku kiya turun,I saw that sticky rice cake,test +36960,36961,36961,macahicahiw,poverty,train +36961,36962,36962,o cukacuk ita a miadup,we hunted all the way up the mountain,train +36962,36963,36963,u emuy kiniyan u apuruʼay atudi,the shorter one is the spring Fountain Tree,train +36963,36964,36964,mangalay cangra a taungen nu tau i kalaliacaan atu Singsi han nu tamdamdaw a mitahidang,they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them Rabbi,train +36964,36965,36965,nanicuwa,from where,train +36965,36966,36966,mikining,commemorate,train +36966,36967,36967,itira san i lumalumaan a ilisin,we used to have the Harvest Festival at home,train +36967,36968,36968,Satataangen ku luma namu,make your house bigger,train +36968,36969,36969,macidal tu,clear sky,train +36969,36970,36970,iraay ku kaka isu,do you have a brother,test +36970,36971,36971,Opiren nu maku ku keliw a misalupu,I am going to braid the threads to make a tug of war rope,train +36971,36972,36972,nimaan a atih,why not,train +36972,36973,36973,o nanu nafalucuan nu wama a Kawas a nipilian ningra kamu u mapalafangcalay nu Fangcalay Adingu a papituur i ci Yis Kristuan a nikuracan nu rmes ningra kamu Nanay mapakadufah nu Kawas a mapaini kamu tu mikumi atu rihaday,who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through the sanctifying work of the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood grace and peace be yours in abundance,train +36973,36974,36974,kalupinaluma,kind,train +36974,36975,36975,ku urip,of life,train +36975,36976,36976,Talaayaw ku pisalisin a paurad u mapunengay a fafahiyan nu niyaru ta mangaay a mikaput tuni a demak naw saw,the rain ceremony must be performed by a woman and a widow of the tribe why,train +36976,36977,36977,nu mita kuniyan,Childrens worries,train +36977,36978,36978,mariparipay,coated,train +36978,36979,36979,rarid saan cingra tu pinapina a rumiad a mihaen tu suwal Masamentu ci Pawlu Saka pasayra sa cingra tuya palafuay a sumuwal Pakaynien aku i ngangan ni Yis Kristu ku pipalimuut i tisuwanan Kasadak nai cingraan han ningra i tangsul sa a masadak kuya palafuay,she kept this up for many days finally Paul became so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her at that moment the Spirit left her,train +36979,36980,36980,nanu tuas ira ku tiniay a nangan niyam,from old times antiquity we have had this kind of custom,test +36980,36981,36981,nikalapakuyuc,to be poor,train +36981,36982,36982,miasik hu kami tu ruma a aasiken i kungkuan maaisal kami tu tatayalen makakumud kami tu tatayalen mansa masulimetay makuracay ku kungkuan niyam tu rumiamiad,we will also clean every corner of the school everyone works together and the school is very clean every day,train +36982,36983,36983,maharateng isu nanu ka^manganhu isu a mafana kisu tu Fangcalay Cudad onini a Fangcalay Cudad ku pakafanaay tisuwanan a papitier i ci Yis Kristuan ta mapaurip kisu,and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus,train +36983,36984,36984,pahaʼen sa a mifelih tu sasangaʼen tu siraw,to make it you have to turn it over and over like this,train +36984,36985,36985,Patatiku satu a milaec cingra haw,trying to swim back to shore,train +36985,36986,36986,pipaculi,talk back,train +36986,36987,36987,miciepay,mouth breather,train +36987,36988,36988,awaay tu ku piyang nawhan alakahukahut saan ku wawa a miala,there is no candy left because the kids are all grabbing it by the handful,train +36988,36989,36989,caka harateng namu ku mahaenay,have you thought about this,train +36989,36990,36990,vayi i lalikulay nu misu i lalavu a kuki,Auntie is that a she will behind you,test +36990,36991,36991,a cima satu ku pasifanaʼay san kaku,I wondered who could teach me,train +36991,36992,36992,kami malikaka i lalimaay,we have five brothers and sisters,train +36992,36993,36993,hananay nu malitengay u paʼunucan,the name of the place was given by the older generation,train +36993,36994,36994,u nanu likakawa nu liteng,ancient norms,train +36994,36995,36995,anini i hananay tu pangangan tu niyaru anini,it is the present rocky bay tribe,train +36995,36996,36996,tulu pulu ira ku pitu nu urip nu mihecaʼan nu maku awaay tu ku mama nu maku,by the time I was I had lost my father,train +36996,36997,36997,kihal,hold on to,train +36997,36998,36998,u tadaniyaru kiraan,belongs in the real tribe,train +36998,36999,36999,itiya hu anu ira ku faliyus i,in the early days of a typhoon,train +36999,37000,37000,remiad,day,test +37000,37001,37001,sa i u hu nu Pangcah itiya hu sahetu u sufitay hay,the indigenous peoples cognitive talents the military people are also one of the talents,train +37001,37002,37002,talakalingsesan ku aniniay wawa pihulul,Nowadays kids go on trips they are choosing dangerous places,train +37002,37003,37003,ura pakaʼurad hananay i edengan kura,there are some so called rain prayers,train +37003,37004,37004,mitedal tiya sasuʼut haw i,I am untying the rope,train +37004,37005,37005,awaay ku paysin,there are no taboos,train +37005,37006,37006,sangaʼay sa ku harateng hemek sa kaku,I feel very comfortable and I am very happy,train +37006,37007,37007,Hai ira ku katacumuli u kalang u paheku atu hakhak,Yes there are snails crabs ferns and sticky rice,train +37007,37008,37008,Safainainayanen ku falucu isu,be courageous,train +37008,37009,37009,Payrang,Min Nan,train +37009,37010,37010,anu maktekter kamu i aka ka u sakaciraraw namu ku kter namu aka ka tahacremen ku kter namu,In your anger do not sin do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,test +37010,37011,37011,hatiraay ku pasifana ni ina aku,that is what my mom taught me,train +37011,37012,37012,liyal,numerous,train +37012,37013,37013,awaay ku epec saan,that would be very bad,train +37013,37014,37014,caedung,wear,train +37014,37015,37015,tu sapisalamal nu tiraay matayal,to provide a living flame for the people who work there,train +37015,37016,37016,pafeli^,give,train +37016,37017,37017,mitavukud,fish nets,train +37017,37018,37018,Hai u Yencumin kami,Yes we are aboriginals,train +37018,37019,37019,u nisimsiman i lutulutukan a maurip,I thought I would live in the mountains,train +37019,37020,37020,ta maharek mahaen ku pihicay midanguyan,Gradually we are not catching fish fry by swimming,test +37020,37021,37021,saelin tangsul sa aluman masaupu ku kapah,it is true there is a lot of young people gathering right now,train +37021,37022,37022,hanaw maʼadiper malaluud,that is why he became a hostage and a target of the war,train +37022,37023,37023,kalilisian,floods,train +37023,37024,37024,hu adihayay caka ruray sanay kuni micacumuliay,there will be a lot you will not get tired of picking it up,train +37024,37025,37025,tadatueman,very dark,train +37025,37026,37026,o pasirisirian aca kinian a taluan,this must be a sheep herders workplace,train +37026,37027,37027,o misasayhuay cingra tu kilang,he is an expert in wood working,train +37027,37028,37028,pacafay tu u maan u dateng nu Amis,and add the Amish ingredients,train +37028,37029,37029,Kanapinaay tu aku malitemuh ku hatiniay katalawan hananay,I have had such terrible things happen to me,train +37029,37030,37030,ekuya urip nu ya urip nu nu matuʼasay,that is how old people used to live,test +37030,37031,37031,sakacecay nira haw tayni kura Hulam,when the Qing soldiers first arrived,train +37031,37032,37032,mitungangan kiya Taywan tamuwan hayi,Yes,train +37032,37033,37033,taʼangaʼangay tu kiya niʼanipan,the seedlings have grown,train +37033,37034,37034,o papasifanaen ku salikaka nu mita tu sakalalukaw nangra tu ngaayay a dmak a mipadang tu kacanguutan nangra tu sakaci^pucaw nu urip nangra,our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives,train +37034,37035,37035,kami ku marurayay a matayal tu sakaurip niyam yu kaken nu tau kami i pakalmeden niyam cangra yu kariangen nu tau kami i hadidi sa kami,we work hard with our own hands when we are cursed we bless when we are persecuted we endure it,train +37035,37036,37036,kasiniadaan tu cangra,they are to be admired,train +37036,37037,37037,sakatusa tu sakatulu a rumiʼad i,after two or three days,train +37037,37038,37038,maalaw namu sakanatulu a tusaen kuni,did you see that this is the second one to the third one,train +37038,37039,37039,naipicudadan,from school,train +37039,37040,37040,ira hu ku cuhung hananay a likakawa i niyaru niyam,Nowadays our tribes still have the custom of remembering the friendship of the deceased,test +37040,37041,37041,Cuwa pakapasuay mitilid kaku,No I go to school by bus,train +37041,37042,37042,hay fangsis,food for war Yes it smells good,train +37042,37043,37043,tayra satu kami i Cawi,we will go to Jungpo,train +37043,37044,37044,pakapasuay anca pakapalidingay kisu a talakiwkay han,are you going to drive to the church or take the bus,train +37044,37045,37045,na saan tayni tu kami malinah tayni i luma niyam,we moved into our current house,train +37045,37046,37046,anu caay ku maminanam kisu i u maan ku sapacaʼuf isu,when someone asks you something and you cannot answer,train +37046,37047,37047,han naku niyan di cai piucur,I am not allowed to go even if I say so,train +37047,37048,37048,anu sa kura piseking nu mita,assuming that our test,train +37048,37049,37049,Pikulifungan,Qingming or pure Brightness Festival or tomb sweeping day,train +37049,37050,37050,o tatalacuwa anini kita,where are we going today,test +37050,37051,37051,u pakayniay itini niyaru haw i adi^hay ku paysin hananay,there were many taboos in the tribe,train +37051,37052,37052,ta u dadaya,until late at night,train +37052,37053,37053,masekaay,shock victim,train +37053,37054,37054,maulah kami mikilim tu mahiraay a kilangan,we would love to find a tree like this,train +37054,37055,37055,hakka,Hakka people,train +37055,37056,37056,Nikawrira katawaen nu rumaruma a tamdaw cangra suwal sa Malasangay nu ^pah cangra saan,Some however made fun of them and said They have had too much wine,train +37056,37057,37057,tahira i hiya pikalahecian nu piundu nu tatirengan isu sanay kaku,I think I have reached the pinnacle of athleticism,train +37057,37058,37058,tadangaangaay,it could not be better,train +37058,37059,37059,yaan i mamin tina lutuk a rumakat ta mafana kaku,I have traveled all the way to know the name of the mountain,train +37059,37060,37060,u sakayi tini ii nipidemak nu heni,for what they did,test +37060,37061,37061,calemcemay ku ciwawaay itiyahu,I was very concerned about my children at the time,train +37061,37062,37062,piliyawan nu cidal,late afternoon,train +37062,37063,37063,tataangay tu kuna lukut kira,they are so big these sassafras,train +37063,37064,37064,tedi,hot,train +37064,37065,37065,malalinah tu cangra,they are transferring the right ground,train +37065,37066,37066,cacay a remiad ku nipanukeran a pahanhan a talumaʼtu u mamiman aca a taluma,I am allowed one days vacation that is all so what is the point of going home,train +37066,37067,37067,Palamiten ku suwal nu wama i falucu isu,you need to take Gods word deep into your heart,train +37067,37068,37068,waaw tulu a mihecaanay,wow ah years so,train +37068,37069,37069,onini ku taypiw nu mita u Pangcah,this means Amis,train +37069,37070,37070,maeminay tu a mapaliwal ku kunga,all the sweet potatoes are sold out,test +37070,37071,37071,kalamkam,plain spoken,train +37071,37072,37072,pitu ku nikaalan nu maku itilaen aku ipituway a pulul,I caught seven my cages are over there,train +37072,37073,37073,Onini a suwal aku i ka u dafung nu hkal ku sapisawidang namu ta anu awaaytu kuya dafung i uya widang ku mamihamham tamuwanan a pacumud i midaucay a kamaruan u sanay aku saw,I tell you use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves so that when it is gone you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings,train +37073,37074,37074,itini Taywan maʼurip kiya haw,living in Taiwan,train +37074,37075,37075,maʼaraw kiya ʼuʼupay kiya,I have seen frogs in the fields,train +37075,37076,37076,ha waniken tu kura takula,by moving the frog,train +37076,37077,37077,mirisris,hoeing,train +37077,37078,37078,nawhani u mapatirengay i tanektekay a paranaan a niyaru ku nitalaan ni Apraham o Kawas ku misafacuay a mipatireng tuya niyaru,for he was looking forward to the city with foundations whose architect and builder is God,train +37078,37079,37079,caay ka adaday mangaʼay kami,the reason why you cannot afford to get sick,train +37079,37080,37080,nawhani itiyahu itiraw kami i caay kangaʼay itira sakami sa,because we did not think it was the right place before,test +37080,37081,37081,micukeruhay,Promoter,train +37081,37082,37082,ta a manen aku kini cuka kininay,how will I present this painting,train +37082,37083,37083,maapacay,late,train +37083,37084,37084,miaca tu dateng tayra Kalingku san,going to Hualien to buy food,train +37084,37085,37085,o masaciciway hu ku han nu maku,I want it to be piggy back,train +37085,37086,37086,a kita u Malifulan i,we are the Maliun tribe,train +37086,37087,37087,pacilahen,salt,train +37087,37088,37088,limaay pulu ira ku pitu mihecaan mafulaw tayni i Tuwyen,moved to Taoyuan at the age of,train +37088,37089,37089,malingatu tu a micudad cumudsa ku pasevanaay suwal satu ku pangcang katemireng micemek,it is time for class the teacher walked into the classroom and the monitor said Stand up Salute,train +37089,37090,37090,anu aka pisiday tu suwal nu Pangcah sa imatini ku sifu,the native Association urges that the Amis language not be forgotten,test +37090,37091,37091,Pacufelen kura rarayaay a hawan nu misu,please sheath that long sword of yours,train +37091,37092,37092,tayra kita a mamin,all of us will go,train +37092,37093,37093,papinaay ku safa isu,how many younger siblings do you have,train +37093,37094,37094,macemet,took a nap,train +37094,37095,37095,u suelinay a luma kura haw,it is the main tree for thatching houses,train +37095,37096,37096,o miututay ku tayal nu maku i pasaetip,in the west my job was carving,train +37096,37097,37097,Pasadimen mipekpek tu sadim cepet han micepet,they will crack the fish and wring it out,train +37097,37098,37098,saka itira kami matayal,we work there,train +37098,37099,37099,matini hu matinisantulu hu,now what about now the third movie,train +37099,37100,37100,maramuday,husband and wife,test +37100,37101,37101,mafatad ku pinanam,halfway through the study,train +37101,37102,37102,matini awaay ku riku awaay tu ku mamaan haw i,there is no clothes now there is nothing,train +37102,37103,37103,sanay sisa mahaenay ku niyam itiya hu,so that is how we used to be,train +37103,37104,37104,itini i niyaru nu Pangcah caykanca^ ira ku takaraway a luma a nipatirengan iraan haw i,Amish tribes must see tall buildings,train +37104,37105,37105,o nanu nitieran i ci Kristuan ku sakangaay ita a malayap nu Kawas Saka pakayni i Tapang ita ci Yis Kristuan ku sakararihaday ita atu Kawas,Therefore since we have been justified through faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,train +37105,37106,37106,mapapacena tuw amin,we will dress each others bodies for the dead,train +37106,37107,37107,tahiniay tu kita haw,are we there yet,train +37107,37108,37108,sananay kita anu,it is homemade,train +37108,37109,37109,pivecul,Satiety,train +37109,37110,37110,Mitaelif tu kami tuya piacaan tu kuku suwal sa kuya tawki O maan ku aacaen isu taangay a masuesu ku kuku anini tulu suut ku cecay a kakukuan,we passed the meat stall and the boss said What do you want to buy Todays chickens are big and fat and one is NTD,test +37110,37111,37111,subucen kaku itini i tiya haw,I was born in a rice stack,train +37111,37112,37112,Micaa ciira a pasafaled mineneng tu hikuki,he tilted his head to look at the plane,train +37112,37113,37113,wawa wawa tu nu mita maan san ka cipinangan san ku nika u falucu nu matuʼasay,how can our future generations understand the thoughts of the elderly,train +37113,37114,37114,nengnengen ku sapatungal lalakaw O olah Caay Pakangudu tu Tamdaw itini Mikeculay 20161 27 fiedac,see the accompanying column Love is not reckless disregard for rules on page of the January issue of the Watchtower,train +37114,37115,37115,tuya tira hu kaku i i,when I was still at Shin Kong,train +37115,37116,37116,sarumiad han nu mira palesap ku siri a pakaen,he had the sheep walking around all day feeding them,train +37116,37117,37117,caay ka tatemitemik kuya wawa,that child has no sign of life,train +37117,37118,37118,kiya mafana kaku,I just realized,train +37118,37119,37119,i Karuruan,from Isozaki,train +37119,37120,37120,tapudu,headdress,test +37120,37121,37121,ciyataw,bus stop,train +37121,37122,37122,o nidupuhan niyam saka malipida tinadadaya,the only reason we are getting paid tonight is because we are working quickly,train +37122,37123,37123,u urip nu maku kiyami haw,what about my life history,train +37123,37124,37124,atu iya ira maan han tu kiya,what is it called Hair,train +37124,37125,37125,kina cecay tayra patiyamay mifalic tu pida ya,you will get cash every month with your redemption certificate,train +37125,37126,37126,Painging han ku tireng i cidal,the body is exposed to the sun,train +37126,37127,37127,Rumakatay kaku tayni,I came on foot,train +37127,37128,37128,miʼciw,very accurate,train +37128,37129,37129,kamatiya,look as if,train +37129,37130,37130,tayni kisu i luma nu maku,come to my house,test +37130,37131,37131,mibaliw tu ruma aca sa mahaen,we will start over with a new field,train +37131,37132,37132,ysayen ku fukes isu,fix up your hair,train +37132,37133,37133,iratu ku masupeday nangra a pida,they have got savings too,train +37133,37134,37134,padinga,scar,train +37134,37135,37135,nanay mikihar tu ku misu tu demak nu niyaru,I hope you care enough to join the tribe,train +37135,37136,37136,rakat sa kaku,I came on foot,train +37136,37137,37137,Hay i ngata nu cacudadan ku luma nu niyam,Yes our home is near the school,train +37137,37138,37138,hen,in the process of,train +37138,37139,37139,Ngaay hu ci Kacaw ku ngangan nu maku,hello everyone my name is Kacaw,train +37139,37140,37140,tahanini,up until now,test +37140,37141,37141,lipahak ku malawawaay ku falucu a tamdaw,the heart is like a child very happy,train +37141,37142,37142,kanitusaay ku niyam,we have two experiences,train +37142,37143,37143,wifupu,ministry of health and Welfare,train +37143,37144,37144,maridarid,continuous,train +37144,37145,37145,tu hatiniay i caayhu pakaynien namu i ngangan aku ku nipilunguc tu maamaan pilunguc ta malayap namu onini i u sakatadamaan nu lipahak namu,until now you have not asked for anything in my name ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete,train +37145,37146,37146,taluma tu minanam ira itini tangasa tu i luma mapawan tu cudaden tu ha,Wow Oh my God I forgot about this when I got home record it,train +37146,37147,37147,rahuday,easy,train +37147,37148,37148,nu Pangcah,Amis,train +37148,37149,37149,ira ku lamit itini cilamitsan,there will be long roots here,train +37149,37150,37150,pafafuyen,let the pigs out,test +37150,37151,37151,kawmahen tu aku kuya lihi,I am going to cut the grass again,train +37151,37152,37152,melawen nu maku kunu,Taiwan cement Corporation,train +37152,37153,37153,hay anu caay kaw telu sa u Tuyuda sa haw,Yeah it is over there,train +37153,37154,37154,sisa yu,thus in,train +37154,37155,37155,salaw sahu^ ku urad masadak tu ku cidal ira ku talakal ni Idek,the rain has just stopped the sun has come out the rainbow is coming out,train +37155,37156,37156,Vavaen nu maku lalima talalutuk,I carried five puppies up the hill,train +37156,37157,37157,miciriciriay,catching white eared birds,train +37157,37158,37158,mahemek ku malitengay kira,your parents will be proud of you,train +37158,37159,37159,pisakakaenan,cooking,train +37159,37160,37160,pihuni,make it sound,test +37160,37161,37161,matuciku,like the elbow,train +37161,37162,37162,Paafangen nira fafahian ku fainayan a widang nira,the girl let her boyfriend ride on her shoulder,train +37162,37163,37163,Namatevad kiyami kira matuasay sisa makunul,the old mans back was broken when he fell,train +37163,37164,37164,hemek aku ci Yihufa,the Lord is my joy,train +37164,37165,37165,u nikalingatu nu nikamawmah,at the beginning of the farming season the,train +37165,37166,37166,tengteng han tu na kaka i papihelung tiya pancu aku,my brother dragged me to the bathroom to take off my pants,train +37166,37167,37167,16 cuwa ku kafanaˈ aca tu capeling ni Yihufa anu sinanuten ita tu samaanay ci Yihufa padama kitaanan i wa maˈaraw ita ku Kawas,in addition to recognizing the qualities of the LORD paying attention to how the Lord actually helps us allows us to see God,train +37167,37168,37168,awaay ku tilifi kira,there is no TV,train +37168,37169,37169,u hiya u wawa aca ku mivahvahay tu tuwid,it was the children who drove the sparrows away,train +37169,37170,37170,ta alaen paheku ha kinian,I will take this off the cat,test +37170,37171,37171,hadhad,dry land,train +37171,37172,37172,tu riraan tayni i,until,train +37172,37173,37173,masamamanay a pisanga tusa pipaluwadaw tu Pangcah,designing various indigenous language revitalization Programs,train +37173,37174,37174,kafahekaan,Amazing,train +37174,37175,37175,nanay matuul nanay ira ku siyfu patadu kamiyanan tuni niyaru,wish I could finish Hopefully the government will help our tribe,train +37175,37176,37176,caay pi tengil ku wawa titihen,kids do not listen,train +37176,37177,37177,mipitpit,take off,train +37177,37178,37178,a mifuting,go fishing,train +37178,37179,37179,Makasilamalay,catch a train,train +37179,37180,37180,icuwatu hakiya san ku suwal isu san,you said I do not know where I am now,test +37180,37181,37181,tangic,cry,train +37181,37182,37182,mahaenay ku pakaenay tu rarapa,that is the way it is when you are herding cows,train +37182,37183,37183,caay kita pakamelaw u maan Kawas Kawas,and we did not see the mountain god the mountain god,train +37183,37184,37184,misafelan,art of cooking,train +37184,37185,37185,kadafu,daughter in law,train +37185,37186,37186,nawhan i anu caay ka rayrayen ku nanu lalengawan nu mita u Pangcah,because if I do not explain the roots of the Amish,train +37186,37187,37187,miucur tu pakarungay,dispatch of young people,train +37187,37188,37188,tu pisamaamaan kaku,I am not doing anything else,train +37188,37189,37189,pakicuruken,order,train +37189,37190,37190,o cirihadayay ku falucu nu kakeridan nu mita,our leaders have peace in their hearts,test +37190,37191,37191,masamaan kiya kura hiya aku,sudden changes in the body,train +37191,37192,37192,manay ira ku suwal nu Pangcah malaliw nu kerah saan,that is why the Amis have a famous saying Missed Opportunities,train +37192,37193,37193,parauen,use Sapindales,train +37193,37194,37194,makuraud tu nu hiya,it is pretty close to similar too,train +37194,37195,37195,Mapedek ku tingki,the electricity was switched off,train +37195,37196,37196,ca kafangcal tengilen,it does not sound good,train +37196,37197,37197,ta u malalinaay,friends and family,train +37197,37198,37198,tusa ku safaw ku mihecaan niira anini,he is years old,train +37198,37199,37199,malatumukay han mafukil tu cecacecay i caay katatudung,as the leader he cannot even sing a single song in these songs and dances,train +37199,37200,37200,maherekay tu ku pilisu tisuwan aray tisunan,we have come to the end of the interview today thank you again,test +37200,37201,37201,tusa pulu ira ku pitu tangasa i sapa pulu ira ku cecay miheca,to years old,train +37201,37202,37202,pakalafi,Dinner please,train +37202,37203,37203,latek u tadamanay a tadamdaw sa,my father could be a special diamond,train +37203,37204,37204,daka,the reason why,train +37204,37205,37205,tilid,write,train +37205,37206,37206,sivunga tu kina siheciay tu vunga tu,if there is a groundnut seedling it will grow groundnuts,train +37206,37207,37207,mausalay,groundnut leaf lush,train +37207,37208,37208,tanamen kisu u tefuc ni mama isu anu huni i tisuwanan,try it and later your father will punish you,train +37208,37209,37209,vavainayan a wawa,boy,train +37209,37210,37210,micaliw tu kuwang tayra i kinsifu,I had to go to the County office to borrow a gun,test +37210,37211,37211,Suemet ku rumiad anini,the weather is very humid today,train +37211,37212,37212,Huducen aku ku funus nani cufel,I unsheathed my knife,train +37212,37213,37213,mahaen kami mitaliyuk tu,we have been around the block like this,train +37213,37214,37214,o nangra sa a fana a maurip iraay ku suwal serangawan lekakawa nu urip atu saliyuh nu urip,these first inhabitants lived their lives and had their own languages cultures customs and domains,train +37214,37215,37215,oya tadasay i,as for the tape,train +37215,37216,37216,makamelaw tu tiya tamurak hay maherek tu haw,have you seen the pumpkin have you seen it yet,train +37216,37217,37217,miculu san kiya Taywan tiya kiya fafuy i,when the Flatlanders were moving the pigs,train +37217,37218,37218,eneng han nu Payrang alaen nu Payrang kura,white wave saw it check this out,train +37218,37219,37219,anuhanhan isu makaen kuni,if you do this this place gets cut down,train +37219,37220,37220,anu maduka hu i cuwa ka ngaʼay sanay nani tira riyal,it is not good luck to have an injury,test +37220,37221,37221,ri hay satu kura,Therefore members responded that,train +37221,37222,37222,kalikien,hurry up,train +37222,37223,37223,ira kiya mitafsiway tiya tatuluay nengnenghan nira awa ku maan nuya tatuluay,he found the three people who passed nothing,train +37223,37224,37224,Cukaen tu langdaway a cengel kura kilang i cuka,please paint the trees in that picture blue,train +37224,37225,37225,kukuy han nu Taywan,Han is sweet key tow,train +37225,37226,37226,nanu kaemangan tangasa i nika tuʼas hatira ha wawa ku hiya nu falucu aku tu tireng aku,since I was a child I have always kept my mood to take care of my body,train +37226,37227,37227,keruren ku nisuyan itira hiya,I quit the house I was renting,train +37227,37228,37228,sala,tray,train +37228,37229,37229,mikalang ku wawa i alualuan,kids catching crabs in the river,train +37229,37230,37230,mafuti cecay maʼicang,you cannot sleep through it,test +37230,37231,37231,kalaheci^,realization,train +37231,37232,37232,syawcang,Principal,train +37232,37233,37233,hatira hu ku pidemak aku itiya itiya,I have got this job with kindergarten,train +37233,37234,37234,miketun hu kaku tuni a milaan aku adidemay,I saw the mulberry branches I picked,train +37234,37235,37235,anini han tu,modern,train +37235,37236,37236,pasifana nu matuʼasay kamang hu kita kira,our elders taught us this when we were young,train +37236,37237,37237,o yuyang nu fafahi ku kapadesan nu falucu aku,my wife scolding is a pain in my heart,train +37237,37238,37238,Minukaytu ira kura u hiya nangra,they will be ready when they get home,train +37238,37239,37239,i naayaway a niyaru,past tribal,train +37239,37240,37240,mangataay tu tayniay tini Alapanay hananay,it is very close to Alabanai,test +37240,37241,37241,aira,will have,train +37241,37242,37242,adihayay kura tayra a misamatang tira i,more people are coming to reclaim the land,train +37242,37243,37243,mipariku,dress something,train +37243,37244,37244,manengneng,be seen,train +37244,37245,37245,dademaken,course,train +37245,37246,37246,Aciya,exclamation used express a feeling of amazement,train +37246,37247,37247,o misaeletay ku mama aku tu tikking i pisalumaan,my dads in the construction business,train +37247,37248,37248,hay tadem,it is a grave,train +37248,37249,37249,ririden nu kakap a tayra i kailisinan u tumuk itiyahu,in those days the youth group led the leaders to the dancing square,train +37249,37250,37250,katayra i pipaisingan a mipaadah tu adada isu,go to the hospital for treatment of your illness,test +37250,37251,37251,o safa isu ku mihecaan aku,I am younger than you,train +37251,37252,37252,hatiraay kasasiluma,the difference is this,train +37252,37253,37253,tayra i dademak ci ama nu maku,my dad worked at the Taitung Shiti Port,train +37253,37254,37254,akung isu,your grandpa,train +37254,37255,37255,uranan mahelekay tu misawsaw pananuman,wash and measure the water,train +37255,37256,37256,uni faduwac nira,it is like a house rib,train +37256,37257,37257,malingad ci ina aku kira neneng han aku tayal ira,my mom goes to the mountains I watch him work,train +37257,37258,37258,Tengilen,please listen,train +37258,37259,37259,kunga,sweet potato,train +37259,37260,37260,i Kaluluan a niyaru,in the Carolinian tribe,test +37260,37261,37261,itini ku pitangtangan tu hemay pisangiruan atu kasaupan a pahanhan kunini u tudungay tu palamitan nu luma u tudung tu kacipinangan nu cecay a lilengawan nu sakaurip nu lalumaan,this is the place where the family cooks heats rests and reunites and it is also the center of gravity of the family symbolizing the source of a family life,train +37261,37262,37262,sa kaku rasa,the above,train +37262,37263,37263,palafangcal nira kaku,he made me good,train +37263,37264,37264,tatiihay a Kawas,demons,train +37264,37265,37265,tuwa hay satu kiya masidayay amin,the lost people all said yes,train +37265,37266,37266,manay iri itini i luma iri,So at home,train +37266,37267,37267,Anu kaku ku pawacayay tu pakayniay i takuwanan i awaay ku ^puc nuya pipawacay Aku,If I testify about myself my testimony is not valid,train +37267,37268,37268,o rumasatu u malalifetay a cumikay a tamdaw i anu caay pidu^du cingra tu Rikec i caay ku mamilayap tu sapakaulah,Similarly if anyone competes as an athlete he does not receive the victors crown unless he competes according to the rules,train +37268,37269,37269,ci ku ngangan aku tuna kuwaping,my Han name is Lin Zhao Yu,train +37269,37270,37270,papacem masaʼupu ku faʼinayan,every morning the boys have to gather,test +37270,37271,37271,tu niya kafung haw,this headdress,train +37271,37272,37272,o limuʼut nu matuʼasay,it is the warning of our ancestors,train +37272,37273,37273,mafitelak,open up,train +37273,37274,37274,paayaw ami,sowing Eve,train +37274,37275,37275,tu tusa miheca itira,I studied there for two years,train +37275,37276,37276,u sapihiya nu mawmahay i matiya henay,this tree is a favorite among adult farmers,train +37276,37277,37277,inian ku citudungay saka u tumuk hananay i u piraduman nu finawlan tu fana,that is what emphasizes the qualifications of a tribal leader,train +37277,37278,37278,u hatilaay a kisya ka dadakawan a tayni kira,I came here on that train too,train +37278,37279,37279,itira i sacumud nu niyaru a miwasil caira pafatis tu i niyaruay,they would divide the prey at the entrance of the village and share it with the tribe,train +37279,37280,37280,sakatusa emi han ni Kafuuk kira mipatay,I am going to wipe them out,test +37280,37281,37281,tayra kaku i nu niyaru aku,to the neighborhood of our tribe,train +37281,37282,37282,Wata ku Pisangil atu rarawraw nu aniniay a urip mangalay kaku a mikilim tu kasinuwayan awaayay ku rarawraway a kaitiraan palimaw miheduc a mahanhan,in the hustle and bustle of modern life you want to find a place where you can take a deep breath in peace and quiet,train +37282,37283,37283,ci luma caira a maemin kira,they all have houses,train +37283,37284,37284,marafas ku mintang niyam,our wash basin is overflowing,train +37284,37285,37285,Tafalung nu mita a Pangcah saan,we are the Amis of Tiberias,train +37285,37286,37286,misaluma tu kita sa malacecay tu tayra misaluma,we are going to build a house let us build a house together,train +37286,37287,37287,enar ma haw,planting in the plains,train +37287,37288,37288,araw han i,this one,train +37288,37289,37289,iri caay tu kaw i cacudadan a,I left school after graduation,train +37289,37290,37290,Sungilaen nu niyam a miasik ku liklik nu picudadan nu niyam madadamadama^ kami a mapulung saka tamelac sa ku picudadan niyam tu rumiamiad,we will also clean every corner of the school everyone works together and the school is very clean every day,test +37290,37291,37291,harengheng,low redundancy resonance,train +37291,37292,37292,anu laliw han aku i cima tu ku misimaway sanay ku falucu,if I leave them who will take care of them,train +37292,37293,37293,iʼayaw ira ku tusa tadaʼalumanay a kasarekad i Kinmung yu,there used to be two armies in Kinmen,train +37293,37294,37294,itira i putal telihan i Caki kaku a mitaliyuk,put me in the dustpan and walk around the outside yard,train +37294,37295,37295,Papikaykien ku niyaru a miketun tu tatayalen,have tribes meet to decide on work items,train +37295,37296,37296,u pipaseraʼan ira iraay kura taʼangayay a kilang,there are tall trees a place for everyone to rest,train +37296,37297,37297,Orasaka salikakaaw kakudait ku falucu namu tangasa i piliyawan nu Tapang a tayni nengnengen ku dmak nu maumahay tala han nangra ku urad nu kafarawfawan atu urad nu kacanglahan tu sakatadamaanaw nu hci nu pinaluma i umah,be patient then brothers until the Lords coming see how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains,train +37297,37298,37298,u nini ku tatinakuan i kitanan,we are basing this on this incident,train +37298,37299,37299,Watawaten ku hata,wave the flag,train +37299,37300,37300,malapakalungay tu kaku,I am a young man,test +37300,37301,37301,sapa camul tu kafus atu futing kaesu san ku matuasay,the old man said the fish and shrimp would be more delicious,train +37301,37302,37302,itini pacerur iratu,there is still a legacy,train +37302,37303,37303,anu miala kisu ci inaan mitapiʼay kisu tayra luma nangra,did you work at your wife house before you married her,train +37303,37304,37304,hay saw Ngaay mifuting kita,Oh yeah then we can go fishing,train +37304,37305,37305,kakahi,be ready,train +37305,37306,37306,dicuh,to loosen,train +37306,37307,37307,Caay pihamham kaku tu sapihmekaw nu tamdaw,I do not accept praise from men,train +37307,37308,37308,Misasienaw i putal kuya wawa,the child is out cold,train +37308,37309,37309,a madadama a malawidang,and be a friend,train +37309,37310,37310,Awaay mahadakay cira dadaya nga minukayay,No she is not she just went out and will be back in the evening,test +37310,37311,37311,akung niyam tiya niyam i,our Grandpa told my uncle,train +37311,37312,37312,Talacuwa^,where are you going,train +37312,37313,37313,nawhan caay hu pitilid itiyahu,I did not go to school yet,train +37313,37314,37314,caay kangeru haw kisu,are not you tired,train +37314,37315,37315,muruhu,bend over,train +37315,37316,37316,Macekiday ci Yuhani tu demak nu simpu sanay pasuwal cingranan Cuwatu ku mamiliyaw kaku micumud i Tingsukiw,John was so shocked by the clerics action that he told the cleric I will never set foot in the Catholic church again,train +37316,37317,37317,mauta,vomit,train +37317,37318,37318,anu itiraen itira ci papuhan a mipawali,how about drying it at Papohs house,train +37318,37319,37319,Mamisaˈicel kisu misaysay tu Lacungis Micuwat tu rihaday Han,do you try to resolve disputes and promote harmony,train +37319,37320,37320,Minaang tu fuduy ci ina,mom collects clothes,test +37320,37321,37321,anu muhetingay i muhetingay,if it is black it is black,train +37321,37322,37322,tusa a mihecaan itira i,spent two years there,train +37322,37323,37323,miaray,thank you sir,train +37323,37324,37324,caʼay kaa pawan kaku tuna suwal saka fiyaw nu fai aku,I cannot forget the old man holding my hand because my aunt told me,train +37324,37325,37325,Palatlaten ku mafanaay a matayal tu sakisera,let those who are good at planning land measure it,train +37325,37326,37326,singsi^,Teacher,train +37326,37327,37327,unian sa Fataʼan i edeng caayay kita nimaan palumaay u pancah,we Amis are not the only ones who grow beans,train +37327,37328,37328,malaadihayay,terrific,train +37328,37329,37329,u luray tu u talaw nu akung nu maku tayni i lutuk,my Grandpa went up the mountain with a lot of pain and fear,train +37329,37330,37330,Ha u maan ku demak,Oh what is the matter,test +37330,37331,37331,yasa satelucay aku a wawa i halafinay ku aru niyam tu tuluay miheca kami itira i,my youngest lived where we lived before for three years,train +37331,37332,37332,mitilid satu tu,when I was in the music department,train +37332,37333,37333,ta ya misanga tiya luma i ya luma a,the owner of the house that was built,train +37333,37334,37334,i tiraay kura citudungay paʼurip tu hicay,there is a fish farm over there that specializes in fish fry,train +37334,37335,37335,sidsid,one by one,train +37335,37336,37336,macaculi,have a row,train +37336,37337,37337,halikien tu a mikilim Talacuwaay tu kuna cecay,we have to look for it where did this one go,train +37337,37338,37338,hay hinatusa,Yes twice,train +37338,37339,37339,rumiʼad matayal dadaya ngaʼayay ku futi,work during the day and get enough sleep at night,train +37339,37340,37340,tengilan,sounds like it,test +37340,37341,37341,nuya malawacuay mialaay tuya kiyafes,the person who was greedy and took the guavas,train +37341,37342,37342,sa hadidi han aku,that is why I am barely keeping my job at the hospital,train +37342,37343,37343,Mahuni ku takura masadak tu ku fulad,as the frogs chirped and chirped the moon appeared,train +37343,37344,37344,melaw saan tu epah,just watching the wine,train +37344,37345,37345,midahepayay,a person who is tanning,train +37345,37346,37346,mahanay ku tadud hananay,this is Mangrove,train +37346,37347,37347,kaku i ci kaku,my name is Koh Kim Jang,train +37347,37348,37348,sadapu nira tu turus nirahatiraay ku imi nira,covering her knees that is the idea,train +37348,37349,37349,o maan ku maaraw isu anini,what did you see today,train +37349,37350,37350,kadufahay,wealthy,test +37350,37351,37351,neng han san ha ha ha,Shannon your dads here to see you Wow he is so handsome ha ha ha ha ha,train +37351,37352,37352,a mahaentu sansani a,it is often the case that,train +37352,37353,37353,micaliw cingra tu sailus i kapukaputan cuwa kapihawikid kaku han nu alumanay cingra a pasuwal,he borrowed toilet paper from his classmates but everyone told him that I did not bring them either,train +37353,37354,37354,lalamlam sanay haw tu afar tu futifuting,in a net of shrimp and fish,train +37354,37355,37355,kamu ku ruma a pawacayay tu pakayniay i Takuwanan nawhani nani satapangan a mikaput kamu i Takuwanan,and you also must testify for you have been with me from the beginning,train +37355,37356,37356,Ilaay u miacaan nu wama inacila,Yes dad bought it yesterday,train +37356,37357,37357,Tusa^ a pasintu^ nu pulung nu tamdaw i Taywan ku Yincumin,the Aboriginal population makes up of Taiwans total population,train +37357,37358,37358,pasu u Kiku ku melawan a misapinang,we also came to the Creek mouth tribe to observe and prove that,train +37358,37359,37359,pacakayen tu matini ku paheku,they sell cat food now,train +37359,37360,37360,mahanay kinian,like this one,test +37360,37361,37361,icuwa i lalikul,where is it in the back,train +37361,37362,37362,mifitay a kilang misahiya,this kind of root,train +37362,37363,37363,ira haca kina suwal tini u milaedis hananay,where is the because fishing Festival,train +37363,37364,37364,maficekut,cramps,train +37364,37365,37365,o cuker nu mita ku finawlan,the tribal people are our support,train +37365,37366,37366,mamaan ngaayay tu awiday singsi,it is all right I am fine thank you Mr Teacher,train +37366,37367,37367,suylici,water authority,train +37367,37368,37368,akaa tu pilalesi a minevnev,you are never going to start a tsunami flood,train +37368,37369,37369,epip,flutes,train +37369,37370,37370,mapaciekim ku matuʼasay itiya hu,did they used to do old people wear gold,test +37370,37371,37371,o sapisedef tu kalumaan u kilang ku sapitartar u eli u talud u papah nu lawilaw u fukeluh atu tafuk ku sapisedef,most of the materials used to build weir gates are locally sourced such as wood thatch reed yam leaves and sand and gravel,train +37371,37372,37372,saka tahira cingra itini mikilim hu cingra tuya,at this point he was still searching,train +37372,37373,37373,kamu i pina pina kamu malakaka,what about you how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +37373,37374,37374,cuwa ka fanaˈ ci Yupu wa hacuwa mifekad ku miliyaway maˈurip nuikur,Nevertheless he believed that the God of life would remember him and would be able to resurrect him in the future,train +37374,37375,37375,mafiwfiw nu fali ku hata,the flag was blown by the wind,train +37375,37376,37376,pakayni tunini pidiwadiw,brain training,train +37376,37377,37377,miuwiday,iron lever,train +37377,37378,37378,tireng sa ci Yis tahidangen ningra cangra a sumuwal O maan ku lalungucen namu i Takuwanan saw han ningra,Jesus stopped and called them What do you want me to do for you he asked,train +37378,37379,37379,ka^esu,it is delicious,train +37379,37380,37380,masadak sa ku vulad i sawaliʼan,the moon is coming out of the east,test +37380,37381,37381,makapah a cuerung saan ku kasuy i saikuran,the backyard is beautiful with bundles of firewood stored upside down,train +37381,37382,37382,anu malahuluhulul ngaʼay hatira tu kita,we are safe and sound together,train +37382,37383,37383,nawhan nengneng han i awaay ku nu maku,but I do not have a watch,train +37383,37384,37384,pina ku nicaliwan ningra a payci,how much does she owe you,train +37384,37385,37385,a miala tu niyan,Harvest this,train +37385,37386,37386,mivuting,fish,train +37386,37387,37387,salavi sa mikared ku matuʼasay,the old man was knitting all night,train +37387,37388,37388,yaten kaku,lead me by the hand,train +37388,37389,37389,anaana,it is very scary,train +37389,37390,37390,mararir ku salikaka,my brother often,test +37390,37391,37391,tira hu tira hu eyra i,it is over there,train +37391,37392,37392,tataaktu ku havay iri a,when the millet grows to maturity,train +37392,37393,37393,misakeristu,to practice the Christian faith,train +37393,37394,37394,o miinipay kaku tu takid i matini,I am sipping my drink,train +37394,37395,37395,u dengan sa kura fudawan,there is only one aluminum pan,train +37395,37396,37396,o ruma Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa hanu cuwa ka hapinang nu tau tu mihudupay tu Kawas a tamdaw cangra hani,why do some Jehovahs Witnesses make it so hard to see that they are serving God,train +37396,37397,37397,pakamilaen,setting up the camera,train +37397,37398,37398,a citadangay a tamdaw,commit a serious crime,train +37398,37399,37399,Tulu^ pulu pida^ kina piyang mangalay hu^ tu ruma^ haw,for the cookies anything else you need,train +37399,37400,37400,hatiraay hu ku itiyaay haw,was it like this in the past,test +37400,37401,37401,Miceli ci ina i tisuwanan,Moms yelling for you,train +37401,37402,37402,itini i Lidaw i Pukpuk itini i Natawran,at Dongchang Inri Nadolan,train +37402,37403,37403,nu Recurd,in the last few years during the era of Japanese rule,train +37403,37404,37404,Simisipuay tu sasingaran simiasikay nu rumaan a tamdaw,some people clean the windows some sweep the floor,train +37404,37405,37405,u pulung nu malininaay nu luma a maemin a masaupu,we also invite our kinsmen to share with us,train +37405,37406,37406,awaay tu ku afafahi away tu ku fainay,no Mrs no Mr,train +37406,37407,37407,hay ura akung aku da atura wina aku ngaʼayay i katimul,my Grandpa and mom say it is nice down there,train +37407,37408,37408,nai,Yuli high school,train +37408,37409,37409,ira ku wawa ningra tu saspatay a kaying sahtu u cirucekay tu patnakay cangra tu suwal nu Kawas,he had four unmarried daughters who prophesied,train +37409,37410,37410,a lise han nu Hulam kiraan,history of Chinese language speaking,test +37410,37411,37411,kalitusa,of the,train +37411,37412,37412,alaen ku sapilaplap tu ayam,you go get the bird catcher,train +37412,37413,37413,pasevanaʼi kaku,let me know,train +37413,37414,37414,ira ku hungku nunini a luma,this household has a grain elevator,train +37414,37415,37415,ngaʼayay alaen ku papah ira ini,you can pick its leaves,train +37415,37416,37416,urasaka,consequently,train +37416,37417,37417,hatiraay ku itiya hu a malitengay a demak,that is what the elders did back then,train +37417,37418,37418,awaay ku fuefu tamiyanan pacemut hananay ku pifuting i tamiyanan,we do not have any fish traps there so we catch fish with a fishing rod,train +37418,37419,37419,maakungay,crooked,train +37419,37420,37420,Halihecep tu nanum kina funun,this paddy field is very good at absorbing dry water,test +37420,37421,37421,anu u situ ku mi ku wawa numita,if it is a student or one of our children,train +37421,37422,37422,Miciru ku tuem,the cloud extends upward like a pillar,train +37422,37423,37423,Cinikalatan nu ciwadisay a fafuy kina tali,this taro has teeth marks from a pigs bite,train +37423,37424,37424,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad O papakaaraw ku caayhu ka fana tu pakayniay i Cingraan O mamafana ku caayhu pakatngil tu dmak Ningra a tamdaw saan,Rather as it is written Those who were not told about him will see and those who have not heard will understand,train +37424,37425,37425,o i Taynan aca,Oh it is in Tainan huh,train +37425,37426,37426,nu kumuh nu matuʼasay a sinafel,long beans are a dish for the elderly,train +37426,37427,37427,patayraen i palud iraay ku palud pitangtangan tu hemay,I will take it to the stove,train +37427,37428,37428,mitiku,come back,train +37428,37429,37429,anini tayni milicay kaku kisunan haw,I came to see you in person today,train +37429,37430,37430,papuhan i kalaskami kuya iraʼay ku sakufit,square bag with a zipper bag inside a plastic bag,test +37430,37431,37431,talakawanan,favor the right,train +37431,37432,37432,suwal numita u Amis,describe us the Amis,train +37432,37433,37433,anu mahawhaw i,if it is damp,train +37433,37434,37434,Du^du hantu nangra ku nanu suwal ni Yis a pacauf hayda satu cangra,they answered as Jesus had told them to and the people let them go,train +37434,37435,37435,Mapakel nuya tamdaw kaku,I am controlled by that person,train +37435,37436,37436,tuluay,three points,train +37436,37437,37437,o finacadan nu Falangaw a Amis nani kaamis i Singku tahira i satimul nu Katiput ira ku Falangaw Etulan Turik Fafukud Piuhu Madawdaw a taangangay a niyaru,Malan Amis Group from Success in the north to Benxi in the south the main tribes are Malan Dulan Duli Donghe Xiaoma Ma Lao Leak et the main tribes are Malan Dulan Duli Donghe Xiaoma and Ma Lao Leak,train +37437,37438,37438,ita han tu u Cikasuwan,However our people,train +37438,37439,37439,u ina niyam iri tu wawa papicudad,our mothers do not care about their kids going to school,train +37439,37440,37440,cai pakaʼaraw ciira,that is why she has not seen it,test +37440,37441,37441,Hakianini kita a malawidang,we will start now being friends,train +37441,37442,37442,o sasuwalen aku i matini i caay ku nanu Tapang a suwal u nu maapaay a nika sumuwal Saka paci^ci sa kaku a pasneng,in this self confident boasting I am not talking as the Lord would but as a fool,train +37442,37443,37443,kapaysinan,contraindication,train +37443,37444,37444,muluen mimulu sakacaay ka lahad nuya fanuh nira,keep rubbing his silk so it does not keep growing,train +37444,37445,37445,o samatiyaay ni faki nira ku kakawaw nira wawa,the boys behavior is very much like his uncles,train +37445,37446,37446,o kudiwis ku hacikayay tu rarukuh,the rabbit runs faster than the tortoise,train +37446,37447,37447,kira,in this way,train +37447,37448,37448,a mipatireng a mitelay,stand and pull away,train +37448,37449,37449,mahaenay,here it is,train +37449,37450,37450,papecih saan a u nuamisan a pangcah u itenukay a Pangcah i nutimulan a Pangcah hananay i,according to the region and customs it can be divided into northern Amis and Central Amis,test +37450,37451,37451,u felac u hemay han haw tu hulu,that little bit of white rice,train +37451,37452,37452,icuwa miulung tu kaku tu,I will carry it wherever I go,train +37452,37453,37453,tiraay saka aluman aluman ku salikaka itiya,because that is how we get more and more brothers and sisters,train +37453,37454,37454,tahidang han ni Yis cangra a patinaku a sumuwal Samaanen ni Satan ku nipifahfah ci Satanan a pasadak hakiya,so Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables How can Satan drive out Satan,train +37454,37455,37455,ira ku urang atu kalang nivatiliʼan nu heni,they use batteries that have electrocuted lobsters and crabs,train +37455,37456,37456,a misafunun,if you want to plow,train +37456,37457,37457,masaselaselal itu,that is when the age groups will be organized,train +37457,37458,37458,o laklak nu sasalamaen nira wawa,that little kids toys were scattered all over the place,train +37458,37459,37459,mapitaway,pick,train +37459,37460,37460,Inaaw sa cira a miangang,she said Mom,test +37460,37461,37461,aru han namu masuvuc,do you just sit there,train +37461,37462,37462,fangtacing,Magnifier,train +37462,37463,37463,Ma^deng spat a pulu a mihcaan a mihadidi ku Kawas i cangraan itira i kuhkuhan,he endured their conduct for about forty years in the desert,train +37463,37464,37464,kapulungan,shared,train +37464,37465,37465,pasitira tura kaʼamiʼamis katimutimul,to the north to the south,train +37465,37466,37466,pakuyuc kuna tireng,I was poor,train +37466,37467,37467,cima tu ku mitulun,who will pray,train +37467,37468,37468,saʼayaway i tadamafanaʼay ku malitengay mifalid sanay,long ago old people were very good at using bamboo rafts,train +37468,37469,37469,simal,oil,train +37469,37470,37470,minanam ku Pangcah a misarakes i karipunan,during the Japanese era the Amis began to learn the art of extracting camphor oil,test +37470,37471,37471,panasuen,put some eggplant on it,train +37471,37472,37472,cecay a singsi tatusaay a mihecaan ku pinanam aku,I studied with each teacher for years,train +37472,37473,37473,u kuni pangangan iri,the Amis are called Nanchang Yichang,train +37473,37474,37474,hana tu kita u masapangcahay,we are Amis,train +37474,37475,37475,adihay ku Ngayaw i ayaw i tini i Taywan,there were many wars here in Taiwan a long time ago,train +37475,37476,37476,Tedi saan ku cidal anini lusu sa ku ciferang aku,it is been a hot sunny day and I have been sweating,train +37476,37477,37477,halafin caka tayni atien aku cangra a malacafay kita a mitaheka,it is been a while let us have a meal together,train +37477,37478,37478,matawal,forget about,train +37478,37479,37479,anu awa kura futing awa pinang cecayay,without those fish there would not have been a single scenario,train +37479,37480,37480,palaliday ya malatifek kami miilang kami tu panay tu lamulu,we used to hull and mash the rice and grind it together to make syrup or millet,test +37480,37481,37481,maulahay tayni mafulaw,that is why I like to move here,train +37481,37482,37482,Imacen ni kaka aku ku waa nu kulung niyam,my brother sharpened our horns,train +37482,37483,37483,anu masamaamaan,whether,train +37483,37484,37484,hatu mahanekay nu wacu halikien ita tayra a mituul,the dog seems to have smelled it let us follow them,train +37484,37485,37485,anini san kita malupisak tu kita malakakaay ha maan satu ku kafanaʼan nu mita i titanan atu ikurikur tunian hakiya,Now we have to spread out we do not know what will happen to us in the future not even to our descendants,train +37485,37486,37486,o sasifin ku sakalalupu a wawa,the baby wash your face with a towel,train +37486,37487,37487,tumangic ku ina nu,Maori mothers are crying,train +37487,37488,37488,maulah kisu tu kaedahay,excuse me do you want it spicy,train +37488,37489,37489,o paci^ciay i tamuwanan a papidu^du tu krit a lisin i u sapaaraw aca nangra tu nika laluk nangra o sakapihaen nangra i u saka^caaw ka kariang nangra pakayni i ciwcika ni Kristu,those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised the only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ,train +37489,37490,37490,pakayni i icel ni Kristu u paicelay takuwanan ku sakapakafilu aku a misiayaw tu masamaamaanay a dmak,I can do everything through him who gives me strength,test +37490,37491,37491,ta maranam tu kami,we had breakfast,train +37491,37492,37492,saha makapah sanay kami i,we think it is the only way to make it more beautiful,train +37492,37493,37493,o cuperasay ku piyang nura wawa,that kids candy is crunchy,train +37493,37494,37494,anu macaluh kaku sa kisu haw,if you are in a hurry to eat,train +37494,37495,37495,lacafay sa tu katihiay a kaput minengneng,share the book with your classmate next to you,train +37495,37496,37496,sakatulu a rumiad i falahen nangra ku lalusidan nu lunan,on the third day they threw the ships tackle overboard with their own hands,train +37496,37497,37497,karucek,accurate,train +37497,37498,37498,anu micada atu pakayni i tingnaw atu suci patikami i sasamaan kita a misinanut hani,why should we be careful when receiving or forwarding emails and text messages,train +37498,37499,37499,patatikul,come back,train +37499,37500,37500,Nanuya miraud i ci Pitiruan kuya tumirengay i tatihi a tamdamdaw suwal sa Sulinay u kaput Ningra kisu Nawhani mahapinang i caciyaw isu kunini han nangra,after a little while those standing there went up to Peter and said Surely you are one of them for your accent gives you away,test +37500,37501,37501,awa tu kuna hetini aca ku pakungku aku,I am done with my story,train +37501,37502,37502,o icep u kuwa u maamaanan a tamuhungay a lusaylusayan pakaengne ngira,she eats betel nut papaya and all kinds of ripe fruits and vegetables,train +37502,37503,37503,Patiliden isu ku cuyuh nu i Smirnaay a kiwkay u suwal i Oya u Satapangan u Pahrekan u nanu mapatayay miliyaway haca a maurip nai patay haen sa tu suwal,To the angel of the church in Smyrna write these are the words of him who is the first and the Last who died and came to life again,train +37503,37504,37504,nawhan man na sipunan,what the hell is going on,train +37504,37505,37505,u kakaenen,foods to eat,train +37505,37506,37506,o miafalaay ci kaka nu maku tu tafu nu paliw a talapala,my brother carried rice packets on his shoulder to the farm workers in the fields,train +37506,37507,37507,o maukakay ku kaulahan nu kaying anini,modern ladies like skinny bodies,train +37507,37508,37508,inain,limp,train +37508,37509,37509,patayra han i nu demakan nu Yincumin,if you are involved in Aboriginal affairs,train +37509,37510,37510,vaniw,edible mushroom,test +37510,37511,37511,paputal,outside,train +37511,37512,37512,misimaway,caregiver,train +37512,37513,37513,cecay nu li,one hundred,train +37513,37514,37514,cupel,pepper,train +37514,37515,37515,i tini i Cingaluan lipahak ku niyaru,SINGING here on the banks of Gina Road the tribe of joy,train +37515,37516,37516,u sapitavu tu kukuy,it is for wrapping key tow,train +37516,37517,37517,ha ku icep han,Oh it is a betel nut tree,train +37517,37518,37518,Pacauf sa kuya palafuay i cangraan Mafanaay kaku ci Yisan Mafanaay kaku ci Pawluan Nikawrira u maan kamu saw han nira,one day the evil Spirit answered them Jesus I know and I know about Paul but who are you,train +37518,37519,37519,awa,No it is not,train +37519,37520,37520,talaumaumahan mikumu tu dadacdac,in the field or hunting cicadas,test +37520,37521,37521,o wawa nu hanghang u tihi aku a talalutuk,it is the son of my hunting partner,train +37521,37522,37522,fakar,grain drying box,train +37522,37523,37523,mahaen ku nikaniket nu timutimulan tu lisin nu niyaru,it is very strict in the south,train +37523,37524,37524,tayra i tukay a mikilim tu sakaurip manay i tukayay a Pangcah han ku nipangangan,they left their homeland for the metropolis and formed the metropolitan Amis,train +37524,37525,37525,o fafahekulen anuhuni kiraan a kafang,that quilt is going to be thrown away,train +37525,37526,37526,miviyuk,play the flute,train +37526,37527,37527,i ayaw nu,Before,train +37527,37528,37528,tahalifaay tu manan ci Pawlu aci Silas i Filipi,what happened to Paul and Silas in Philippi,train +37528,37529,37529,Arayen ku singsi nu misu,go and say thank you to your teacher,train +37529,37530,37530,u wawa u mamipasakasak aca ku wawa,children were also involved in trampling the soil,test +37530,37531,37531,halafilafin cimira,I will take as long as a year,train +37531,37532,37532,Taesel ku pinengneng nu was,God sees through,train +37532,37533,37533,kailaay kura mitanamay mipaluma i,although some people have tried to grow some,train +37533,37534,37534,militinayi,gutting,train +37534,37535,37535,Orasaka fawahen ni Yis ku falucu nangra tu sakafanaaw nangra tu Fangcalay Cudad,then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures,train +37535,37536,37536,tatusaay,Two,train +37536,37537,37537,maalaw namu hay maalaw tu haw,did you see it Yes you did,train +37537,37538,37538,cila tusa rumiʼad,the next day the next day,train +37538,37539,37539,tahira ci Mariya i ci Yisan Maaraw ningra cingra i hinukup sa i kaayaw ni Yis suwal sa Tapangaw anu ranikayay kisu i kuna caay ka patay ku salikaka aku han ningra,when Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him she fell at his feet and said Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died,train +37539,37540,37540,caay ku muraraway yana matamaay caay ku misangaʼay tu saka cirawraw,not to have committed or violated cultural boundaries,test +37540,37541,37541,ira haw ku lusay nu luma namu,do you have a fruit tree,train +37541,37542,37542,anu caay kisu katahekal mapacuricuray tu taʼakay tu a nanum,if you do not come out you will be taken to the sea,train +37542,37543,37543,mansa anu itini i kacangrahan a paluma kiya haw,if planted in the spring,train +37543,37544,37544,o cidafungay kina tamdaw,this man is very rich,train +37544,37545,37545,sakapina nu pitilidan anini,what day of the week is it,train +37545,37546,37546,mipalalay,as a reminder,train +37546,37547,37547,mansa adihay ku falucu aku,so I have a lot of ideas,train +37547,37548,37548,u maan ku tayal nu misu,what you do now,train +37548,37549,37549,cumikayay,running,train +37549,37550,37550,Mikesi i riyar ku fainayan nu niyaru tu tulu a rumiad,boys have a three day sea Festival at the beach,test +37550,37551,37551,8 padamaay kisu tu wawa tahira i Picadaan tu Inuˈ Han,are you helping your child progress to baptism,train +37551,37552,37552,tedac sa tayni i Sanayasay ya Futud hananay nga tahini tini,they came directly to the Island of Huayu and Orchid Island,train +37552,37553,37553,limela kuka tu tesel nu malitengay hu itiyahu,I treasure the traditional embroidery of the old men of the past,train +37553,37554,37554,mangataay ku luma aku rakat sanay kaku a tayni,I live close by I walked over,train +37554,37555,37555,nu Pangcah,the Amis call it Qiu Mang,train +37555,37556,37556,ta ruma tu a rumiʼad haw i,on the selected day,train +37556,37557,37557,Fa^detay ku Cidal sasinuet sa tu kaku,the sun was so hot and I was sweating a lot,train +37557,37558,37558,falucu nu mita i kaikur,I do not know if it will be helpful to the younger generation,train +37558,37559,37559,adihay ku kadangaway i tini,there are a lot of mosquitoes here,train +37559,37560,37560,sa milicay kisu u maan han,So you asked me what I did as a legislator,test +37560,37561,37561,Paredaen nu was cingra a pakafuti,God caused him to sleep a deep sleep,train +37561,37562,37562,i piilisinan satu misaturun mipacuk tu fafuy atu pasadak tu ^ecaw cangra,during the tribal festivals they pound mocha kill pigs and put out brewed millet wine,train +37562,37563,37563,hemek saan ku wawa,the kids are happy,train +37563,37564,37564,saʼusien tu ku mafanaʼay tamdaw,so how many are we talking about,train +37564,37565,37565,sakahemaw sa,brisk,train +37565,37566,37566,anu sa kura pikasasiʼay nu mita kalalifet nu mita haw i,what if we really want to test the competition,train +37566,37567,37567,Pacauf sa ci Yis Aka pakapilifet tu Tapang a Kawas isu saan ku suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad han ningra,Jesus answered him It is also written Do not put the Lord your God to the test,train +37567,37568,37568,u lahuk u niadupana nu kapah ilutuk inacilacila,it is Chinese food a few days ago the young men went to the mountains to catch some mountain produce,train +37568,37569,37569,midmak kunini a saka tusa a aadupen tu masamaamaanay a kafahkaan a dmak Tfaden nira ku namal nai kakarayan tahini i hkal i kaayaw nu tamdamdaw,and he performed great and miraculous signs even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men,train +37569,37570,37570,nengneng han ku maku,I see myself this way,test +37570,37571,37571,anu tayni ku lavang niyam makaaraw micakay,tourists will buy it when they see it,train +37571,37572,37572,tuya pitatalaan ira ku tingwa nu safa tu fainayan suwal sa malipalaw ira ku latuh nu kalasufitayan cuwa kangaay pasera ku sufitay sa liyaw hantu nu paaliwacan a minukay,the younger brother called back and said that the army suddenly could not take a vacation and would not be back until the next Sunday,train +37572,37573,37573,nani Kalingku^ kaku,I come from Hualien,train +37573,37574,37574,anu caay kaytini i niyaru,I am specifically echoing the tribes,train +37574,37575,37575,Hekenu tu wawa mafukil tu mapawan tu haw caay haw mapawan tu mapawan kamu,it is been a long time since I forgot when it is forgotten,train +37575,37576,37576,u wawa tu u suna tu kira,he is a child a grandchild,train +37576,37577,37577,tangsul han mitapay tuni kakuengel hu nira matuni kiya,if you dry it before it is hard it will rot,train +37577,37578,37578,Icuwa^ ku samangataay pidakawan tu cyiyun,where is the nearest MRT station,train +37578,37579,37579,tayni kiya Paylang haw i,when the Flatlander came,train +37579,37580,37580,ya nanu Olalipay alaen tayni kira mahawikid nu nanu Olalipay kira,the Yalali tribesmen have brought their own tribesmen here as well,test +37580,37581,37581,nu matuʼasay mahaenay haw,learn how seniors,train +37581,37582,37582,caang,twig,train +37582,37583,37583,Pakafana a misanga tu datuk atu tuliluc ku singsi i tamiyanan anini,today our teacher taught us how to make a mouth organ and a flute,train +37583,37584,37584,liyasen nangra ku mu^celay a lalan a muraraw tuuren nangra ku dmak ni Palam u wawa ni Piyur o maanufay ci Palam tu nanu caay ka mu^cel a dafung,they have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Beor who loved the wages of wickedness,train +37584,37585,37585,awaay tu maʼaraw niyam,we did not see it,train +37585,37586,37586,hanen hanen hanen hanen pifalud,tied up this way and that way,train +37586,37587,37587,patacuwaan isu kiya tinaʼi sanen takunan,ask me where you are taking the offal,train +37587,37588,37588,saan kaawaayan niya rapac kiya lalapacan i lutuk sa,sometimes you cannot find grass not even on the mountains,train +37588,37589,37589,anu mama^deng kisu i ka i ayaw nu kasi^nawan a tayni Ngaayhu saan i tisuwanan ci Yupulus aci Putins aci Linus aci Klautiya atu rumaruma a salikaka a ma^min,do your best to get here before winter Eubulus greets you and so do Pudens Linus Claudia and all the brothers,train +37589,37590,37590,anu kita u Pangcah tu haw,or us Amis,test +37590,37591,37591,u wama aku haw hatu iraay tu tatiihay tu kadafu,my father often suffered for his own sake,train +37591,37592,37592,ira tu ku mitilidan nu mita canguʼut tu tusa a tilid haw i,if you write fewer words,train +37592,37593,37593,sapaluma,seeds,train +37593,37594,37594,tihi nu sunti,assisting the pickets,train +37594,37595,37595,itila ku aru nu heni,that is where they live,train +37595,37596,37596,awaay haw manengneng ku nairaan,it will not work,train +37596,37597,37597,Tungalen tu miming sacecay han a suut a rimuud,I will buy some more and make up yuan,train +37597,37598,37598,kimad nura laluma a Cudad,the story in the book,train +37598,37599,37599,paadiyamen,put some ginger on it,train +37599,37600,37600,kararid a mitulun yu mitulun kamu i kapalal ku falucu namu a mikansiya i Kawas,devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful,test +37600,37601,37601,sa misanga tu itiay a pala,start here on the plains,train +37601,37602,37602,taeliv,pass,train +37602,37603,37603,mabukil kura wina kiyami,Moms not sure,train +37603,37604,37604,masadaktu ku vulad,the moon is out,train +37604,37605,37605,anu maulah kisu ngaayay tu,it is good that you like it,train +37605,37606,37606,anu sitatihi tu kaku,if I had a spouse,train +37606,37607,37607,cima kuna patayniay sanay,they are very confused about who is bringing the food,train +37607,37608,37608,Mangaay kaku a tayra haw,can I go,train +37608,37609,37609,nawhani matalaw ka warakan nu kumaenay,the purpose is to prevent people from being poisoned,train +37609,37610,37610,nu hatini mamatengil nu mita,we are about to hear,test +37610,37611,37611,latuluen,surname San,train +37611,37612,37612,4 ngaˈayay itini i Fangcalay Cudad pakaˈaraw tu siniˈadaay a tinakuan ni Yihufa,we can see a number of examples of the LORDs compassion in the Bible,train +37612,37613,37613,maherekay tu ku pitilidan aku i nu kangkufu nu pitilidan,I completed my nursing training in nursing school,train +37613,37614,37614,lahuday,Easy,train +37614,37615,37615,Tataak ku cidal sinawar sa ku tangal aku,the sun is so big it makes me dizzy,train +37615,37616,37616,o maulahay tu Kawas a tamdaw i u mamaulah tu salikaka mahaen ku limuut ni Kristu i titaanan,and he has given us this command whoever loves God must also love his brother,train +37616,37617,37617,sa kalungkung sa huwi,and then it gets loud,train +37617,37618,37618,Aka pasuwal tuya nawiru ikaka nu aniniay ku nika ngaˈay nu itiyaayhu a rumiˈad saw,Do not say Why were the old days better than now,train +37618,37619,37619,Takaw kuliniw,steal,train +37619,37620,37620,masa mahaen ku nipisanga tina kumuan,So it is made like this slingshot,test +37620,37621,37621,iraan na,that is,train +37621,37622,37622,u papadangen nu mita hay,what we are trying to help is,train +37622,37623,37623,ura maharek mituktuk i pawalian,Anyway I will take it to the tanning table after I knock it down,train +37623,37624,37624,Salamaay kaku tu,I have worked with street performers and pipers,train +37624,37625,37625,nikalacacay,unite as one,train +37625,37626,37626,lusid,clothing,train +37626,37627,37627,misalafiifii tahadafak saan,all through the night and into the morning,train +37627,37628,37628,sanay kina sa,that is it,train +37628,37629,37629,luengelay haw ina hay mahaenay ku datengan haw,Yes that is the part where you pick them up,train +37629,37630,37630,misatapang tu kami a misakakawaw itini hananay,the fishing Festival was started in,test +37630,37631,37631,hatira saka,consequently,train +37631,37632,37632,patayra haan i pudacentu nu nihaen,that is what they do when you send them to a hotel,train +37632,37633,37633,u sama kura ira ku ruma taʼangaʼangayay tu u sama kura,dandelions with big leaves are also dandelions this is another kind of dandelion,train +37633,37634,37634,hayi anu hatiraay i,now that a consensus has been reached,train +37634,37635,37635,nipamatangan,reclaimed,train +37635,37636,37636,Mamaurad anuhuni kacicacelakan,it is going to rain heavily you have to remember to bring an umbrella,train +37636,37637,37637,Natahira kami i Makituniya i awaay ku karihadayan niyam mapades kami tu masamaamaanay ira ku kacaculi niyam atu tau ira ku talaw nu falucu niyam,for when we came into Macedonia this body of ours had no rest but we were harassed at every turn conflicts on the outside fears within,train +37637,37638,37638,iayawaw,previous,train +37638,37639,37639,Hayda haratengen tulu a rumiad patikulen a patayni,sure and remember to return them after three days,train +37639,37640,37640,sapakaen tu rarapa maulah satu kemaen ku rarapa tu matiraay,feeding cows,test +37640,37641,37641,rumaruma,others,train +37641,37642,37642,unu nani sawaliay a tamdaw,the man from the sea,train +37642,37643,37643,itini haw u maan san,I would like to say something here,train +37643,37644,37644,sakaira tu nu itiniay i sawalian ku salawinawina kiya haw,there will be Amis clans here,train +37644,37645,37645,tuna caay ku kangalayan aku ku nidmakan aku saka u pahapinangay kaku tu nika u ngaayay ku Rikec,and if I do what I do not want to do I agree that the law is good,train +37645,37646,37646,patatikul saan a ira ku pakaulah niyam kamunan i,Paradoxically after the mission was completed,train +37646,37647,37647,micudada kaku i tiya,I am going to school,train +37647,37648,37648,mitalaruk saan mihiya misaday a misakilang,you can take turns preparing to go to the mountains to get wood,train +37648,37649,37649,nanu mamangan aku,since I was a child,train +37649,37650,37650,mitahidang tu kiwkay ku luma a misiki a mirayray tu kaludemak matini u simapatayay a parud,the family would like to ask the church to hold a Christian service of Farewell,test +37650,37651,37651,akuhiʼn palayasen kura kilang maredu,that is why both ends should be of the same thickness,train +37651,37652,37652,Mafana kamu matngil namu ku dmak ni Pawlu o suwal ningra i caay ku Kawas ku nisangaan nu tamdaw a kawakawas saan cingra a misawi tu falucu nu alumanay a tamdamdaw o Ifisu a ccay a mimaan o pulungtu nu Aciya a masawi ningra,and you see and hear how this fellow Paul has convinced and led astray large numbers of people here in Ephesus and in practically the whole province of Asia he says that man made gods are no gods at all,train +37652,37653,37653,kawali kaʼamis nu Karuruan sa i,if it is east or north of Caroline,train +37653,37654,37654,mafana itini u pulung nu likec cinira,he set the rules of the tribe and no one has failed to follow them,train +37654,37655,37655,keridan nu singsi kami a tayra i piarawan tu pinanuwang masarayaray kami i fawahan a miaca tu paya,today the teacher took us to the zoo and we lined up at the gate to buy tickets,train +37655,37656,37656,atu sakafana a mingudu tu matuasay pakaen tu matuasay uruma i hay tumesek ku fana nu kapah tu sakitini i matuasay a tu tuas nu maku,to achieve the act of respecting the elderly and honoring the virtuous so as to realize the principle of honoring the aged and caring for the aged,train +37656,37657,37657,matiniyay a kakaenen,this way of eating,train +37657,37658,37658,tini tuna naliti iniini,about this manzanita here they are,train +37658,37659,37659,Sataangay hananay niyam ku ngiha Ngaay hu singsi,we said loudly Hi teacher,train +37659,37660,37660,Ngaay kita a talayufing a micuking miepud tu pida^ atu paefer tu tikami^,you can also go to the post office to deposit money collect money and send mail,test +37660,37661,37661,ngalaʼngalaʼ aku a,I did not,train +37661,37662,37662,midakaw tiraan,it is a ride,train +37662,37663,37663,suwal suwal han aku ngaʼay kisu mi haw,one by one I will ask you if you are willing to be insured,train +37663,37664,37664,turun,mocha,train +37664,37665,37665,aftuy,calf,train +37665,37666,37666,nga ira ku saka ngaʼay nu urip han aku hai hai saku Amis,the Aborigines have agreed to make their lives secure and better,train +37666,37667,37667,fekut,bend,train +37667,37668,37668,katiluan,fig suffer a reverse,train +37668,37669,37669,Nahaenen ni Pawlu a sumuwal i macaculi kuya Farisay atu Satukay a tamdaw latusa satu kuya Lumaucay,when he said this a dispute broke out between the Pharisees and the Sadducees and the assembly was divided,train +37669,37670,37670,mikaketer,curse,test +37670,37671,37671,itiya miiya na malingad na,selection of a further date of departure,train +37671,37672,37672,apac,late,train +37672,37673,37673,na caayay tu kalikuda nanu sarakat,this is not the practice in the past,train +37673,37674,37674,caay ka kahi,not agree,train +37674,37675,37675,Tukiyaraw aku,I will stand on tiptoe to reach,train +37675,37676,37676,u tayniyay apudaw ira ku mahaenay u laba hananay,there are Japanese baldhead sharks here too,train +37676,37677,37677,Sikul sa kaku a minengneng tuya pasuwalay takuwanan ira a maaraw aku ku pituay a tada^kim a padawdawan,which said Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches to Ephesus Smyrna Pergamum Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia and Laodicea,train +37677,37678,37678,masahatilay kura demak niyam itiyahu nu maku,looking back at my story that is it,train +37678,37679,37679,aka pitulas a mitulun,pray continually,train +37679,37680,37680,nu maku a tayal i miasikay,and I am in charge of the cleaning,test +37680,37681,37681,nagaʼay kaenen kura pudacen maʼikes tu cingra kahengan kira,this can be peeled and eaten as the fruit ripens and turns red,train +37681,37682,37682,hakuwa,When,train +37682,37683,37683,vacaʼen luteluten,wash the laundry Knead,train +37683,37684,37684,mitahepu kura pakah aku,it is in my hip,train +37684,37685,37685,Mafuti kaku tu tusa a tukian,I slept for hours,train +37685,37686,37686,caay,No,train +37686,37687,37687,aka ka matiya u rumaruma nangra a maudang kita tuna maudang cangra saka mapatay ku tusa a ufad ira ku tulu a patek a tamdaw tu ccay a rumiad,we should not commit sexual immorality as some of them did and in one day twenty three thousand of them died,train +37687,37688,37688,u ruma ku tangela nu lalan,the road is very bright,train +37688,37689,37689,pakawarakay,stamina boosting,train +37689,37690,37690,misimsim tu cira itya,he is thinking,test +37690,37691,37691,mangeru,with much toil,train +37691,37692,37692,caay kahakuwa ku nipaliwalan a dateng nikaurira adahi tu nika awa,I did not sell many vegetables today but it is better than no income at all,train +37692,37693,37693,yu tumanhu tu sakatusa a rumiad tu dafak i maratar ci Yis a lumuwad ta miliyas tu luma a masadak tayra i katuulan mitulun cingra itira,very early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus got up left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed,train +37693,37694,37694,anu maan ku hahululen isu i,or when you need to talk,train +37694,37695,37695,mahan kunu hiya u sinausal han kina,cabbage,train +37695,37696,37696,Miruwaruay tu kisu tu nguyus haw,did you rinse out your mouth,train +37696,37697,37697,Miʼurung tu nanawir i,if you have to carry the scales,train +37697,37698,37698,u uvil u uvil siuvil tu ku saripa,Yes it is a callus,train +37698,37699,37699,papina kamu a malekaka,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +37699,37700,37700,siruma,there is a difference,test +37700,37701,37701,Kakuy han kura fakeluh i sahetu u kakunah i laenu,when I lifted the stone it was all underneath,train +37701,37702,37702,kucu kucu sa awaay u vuduy a cacay,there can be no shoes no clothes,train +37702,37703,37703,itiya misatapang kaku a mikilim,I just started looking,train +37703,37704,37704,iraay ku auwangay u cekiw atu kuhaw nu dungec,there are sea urchin sea scallop and vine heart soup,train +37704,37705,37705,mulimuli^,tumble,train +37705,37706,37706,misakalitang,seasonal beans,train +37706,37707,37707,micikcik tu tamana ci ama malusapakaen nira tu huwak,grand mom cut cabbage for the ducks,train +37707,37708,37708,tangasa i micudad kira haw caay ka patuur tu nu hiya Hulam,the question is whether you cannot keep up with the foreigners,train +37708,37709,37709,edeng,just,train +37709,37710,37710,Vetikan nira kira titi,he sacrificed meat to the spirits of his ancestors,test +37710,37711,37711,caay kahaen ku ayaway,it was not like this before,train +37711,37712,37712,malcad tunini anu mahapinang namu ku nika ira nunini a dmak i u mamafana kamu u mangatatu a malahci ku pikuwan nu Kawas,even so when you see these things happening you know that the kingdom of God is near,train +37712,37713,37713,pakayraay tu misanga tu luma,something about building a house,train +37713,37714,37714,anu hatira i cuwa tu kangudu kaku a kumaen yu,I will make myself at home then,train +37714,37715,37715,itiraay tu kura nalaculan ira,where they have opened up,train +37715,37716,37716,u nu Payrang a tilid ngaʼayay,Minnan is fine,train +37716,37717,37717,katalumatu,return home,train +37717,37718,37718,raecus haenen a velihen,you cannot do that it is the other way around,train +37718,37719,37719,Misawiruk ku tuas nu Olalip,ancestors of the Yalali tribe planted pomelo,train +37719,37720,37720,mafirang tamiyanan,he is mad at us,test +37720,37721,37721,miliyaw i hacafayen aku ci mama ci ina a tayni,next time I will come with my parents,train +37721,37722,37722,nu Cikasuwan,get angry,train +37722,37723,37723,caay kawu micungdasay,it is not swimming against the current,train +37723,37724,37724,hemek sanay tatusa malikaka,the brothers are very happy,train +37724,37725,37725,Mamaaw Sululen kaku,Dad forgive me,train +37725,37726,37726,nura hatiray a urip nu mita u Amis sakiya,what is life like for the Amis,train +37726,37727,37727,u mamafana kaku micumud i kuykay,I went to church,train +37727,37728,37728,away haw ku mipadangay,is there no one to help,train +37728,37729,37729,kalingad tu awa tu ku tihi aku malingad,it is time to work I do not have a partner for farming,train +37729,37730,37730,itini kaku i nikatahini nu maku i Taypey hawi,I came to Taipei,test +37730,37731,37731,cacay pulu ku salikaka,there are ten brothers and sisters,train +37731,37732,37732,aluman kami cikaku a cecay,there were a lot of us not just me,train +37732,37733,37733,o icah a cecay ku falucu nira,she has nothing but vanity in her heart,train +37733,37734,37734,palaylay,guards,train +37734,37735,37735,anu pasifanaˈ tu wawa nu tau tu Fangcalay Cudad i sasinanuten ku manan,some parents though not interested in the truth allow Christians to teach their children,train +37735,37736,37736,cakafana kaku,I do not know,train +37736,37737,37737,saan kami u mikutayay cangraan i aʼayaway a malatumuk,when we took the job with the previous head,train +37737,37738,37738,Aya Cakaedeng canguut tu mu^tep limuud,Oops not enough ten dollars short,train +37738,37739,37739,malingatu tu sining milalikid,young people start dancing,train +37739,37740,37740,hanu mafana kisu,how did you find out,test +37740,37741,37741,ira ka Ripunan mangaay a mikuwan sa pala limaan a pakakilac,Nowadays the classification is still based on the five pointed method,train +37741,37742,37742,patawsi ku heni i terung patakiden nu makapahay ku matuasay,older people sit in the center and drink while younger people pour wine for them,train +37742,37743,37743,u niyan i umahay,on the farm,train +37743,37744,37744,mahaen kiya pikilim tu sakaʼurip itiyaay hu nu niyam,that is what we used to do to find a better life,train +37744,37745,37745,a iraay kura cukurcukur hananay,it is all held up by bamboo,train +37745,37746,37746,Aka piliyaw a micumud tunini a niyaru han ni Yis a sumuwal cingra ta papinukay hantu ningra i luma,Jesus sent him home saying Do not go into the village,train +37746,37747,37747,makamelaw,See,train +37747,37748,37748,cay ku nu Amis kura litengay kafanaʼan a radiw,I am not talking about the Amis ballad,train +37748,37749,37749,tiliden ku ngangan isu,write your name,train +37749,37750,37750,u mama sa aku,Dads from the country,test +37750,37751,37751,pamelaw hen kami tu yu paringad isu ina,Auntie let me see your pineapple,train +37751,37752,37752,cingra,she,train +37752,37753,37753,tuwa pacumuden tu i salili misinga,a series of rituals for warehousing and storage,train +37753,37754,37754,yaan i nengneng han kira alu,that stream looks,train +37754,37755,37755,Aya ira ku tayal aku anucila,I am sorry I have something to do tomorrow,train +37755,37756,37756,mahaenay,here is the thing,train +37756,37757,37757,a malamamaan nu niyaru saka matira ku maku a pireku tu niyaru itiya hu,I have done a lot of things for the tribe,train +37757,37758,37758,hatiraan aku ku kafaking maketun ku kilang san i anu hatira haw i,compensation for self deforestation,train +37758,37759,37759,aka i sakawanan a miala i sakawili a miala,do not get it on your right hand get it on your left,train +37759,37760,37760,mausuy minukay haw makapuʼi tu kaku,if I come home late I will be scolded,test +37760,37761,37761,Lungucen aku ku iniay minengnengay tu tilifi atu mitiya pulung nu Yincumincu,to all of our indigenous friends here and watching on TV and online I invite you to stand witness,train +37761,37762,37762,Kantanay kakitikiting sa tu kamay fana sanay tu a makeru,it is easy just hold your hand and jump,train +37762,37763,37763,pasuwal sa ku singsi i takunan aka tu paliyaw maapac karatar muluwad tu dafak,the teacher told me wake up earlier next time and do not be late again,train +37763,37764,37764,macukacu malikelung Aciya ku niya ruray,life has its highs and lows it is very hard,train +37764,37765,37765,itira kisu tumireng tura acucul,you have to be on the side of the gyroscope,train +37765,37766,37766,ilisin kita u Pangcah saan i falucu,I honor our Amish rituals,train +37766,37767,37767,ya saka muetep a safa i,the last sister,train +37767,37768,37768,na ku mimingan aku haw mi harateng nu maku tahatini,Impressions of my childhood,train +37768,37769,37769,piadapawan,an ambush,train +37769,37770,37770,u maan ka ngalayan nu misu,Preferred flavors,test +37770,37771,37771,nu maku nu adidik,taken care of from a young age,train +37771,37772,37772,tayniay tu kaku i Taypey,I am in Taipei,train +37772,37773,37773,caay na itila ci ama ni ina nu maku,No it is my grandfather,train +37773,37774,37774,tu nu Amis hai,ethnic name Yes it is,train +37774,37775,37775,fadisaw,boiled water,train +37775,37776,37776,maatal,luxembourg,train +37776,37777,37777,o miangsitay tu hemay kira fau,that bug made the rice smell like bedbugs,train +37777,37778,37778,ca tu kiya u ruma tu ku hatinay a demak i,I do not think it is a good idea,train +37778,37779,37779,acicimay atiihay kaenen atihay kaenan niyam i miming haca kiya saw,though it is sour and inedible but we all had it when we were kids,train +37779,37780,37780,hatira aca ku sanay a fana nu kuka ta tiya hu,the country only recognizes the talents of the indigenous people at this level,test +37780,37781,37781,o paratuhay kaku i tamuwanan tu nanu suwal nu Kawas i takuwanan a sulinay a suwal Arawhani sapipatayan kamu i Takuwanan caay ka matira ku ni Apraham a dmak,as it is you are determined to kill me a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God Abraham did not do such things,train +37781,37782,37782,nanges,pineapple,train +37782,37783,37783,anu cudaden i cuwa kapaka cinglaw,I cannot even write about them,train +37783,37784,37784,maku harlateng i tuuleng tu ku nu litelitengan,my idea is to follow the traditional culture of life,train +37784,37785,37785,hanen ey hanen kura kamay,gesture like this,train +37785,37786,37786,kita u Pangcah i sa ngalef tahini nu kaʼamis nu,we Amis are from north of Mizuho,train +37786,37787,37787,hahaha manaca hay suʼelin tu,ha ha ha Yeah to be honest,train +37787,37788,37788,fukeluh fakeluh,stone,train +37788,37789,37789,itira satu i luma misaʼukak,we will go to that place to celebrate,train +37789,37790,37790,kacihelangan nga,Summertime,test +37790,37791,37791,aka pitatuy tu papaysuan atu lufuc atu cukap aka pafatad a palicay i cimacimaan i lalan,do not take a purse or bag or sandals and do not greet anyone on the road,train +37791,37792,37792,ta dakawen nira a minukay,he rode home,train +37792,37793,37793,sapal,seed,train +37793,37794,37794,malaluk,industrious,train +37794,37795,37795,u raraw nu sifu ku ninan han,is it the governments fault,train +37795,37796,37796,dafdaf,flat land,train +37796,37797,37797,awaay ku lamlam,no mixing,train +37797,37798,37798,nawhani itiya haw i awaay ku kasuy,in particular it is concerned with the reclamation of hillside land,train +37798,37799,37799,matiya hu away kura i lumaʼay miilisin i sefi maemin ya,no ones at home until the Plaza Toyotomi Festival,train +37799,37800,37800,ya matuasay misauway a mitulik,the elders use rattan for weaving,test +37800,37801,37801,Ta u papasuwal kuya Hungti tuya i kawiliay a tamdaw Kamu u mamakak a tamdamdaw piliyas i Takuwanan picumud kamu i midaucay a namal uya nipatalaan tu saki Palafuay atu cuyucuyuh nira,Then he will say to those on his left Depart from me you who are cursed into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels,train +37801,37802,37802,iayaw yu a kakatalawan hu,before life was full of unknowns,train +37802,37803,37803,i fafaed nunini a paranaan i ira ku patirengay tu tada^kim atu ^kim atu tadamaanay a fukluh ira ku patirengay tu kilang atu eli atu asisiw,if any man builds on this foundation using gold silver costly stones wood hay or straw,train +37803,37804,37804,maala ku ku rakat kira mahaen,it takes about hours to walk there,train +37804,37805,37805,sakaccay Yulu nu Isi yama Kalulan nu kuti,at night in the port of Caroline,train +37805,37806,37806,sa cecay liʼan ku cecay rumiʼad,because it is only a day,train +37806,37807,37807,miditek,measurement,train +37807,37808,37808,Saka tayra satu ci Pawluan kuya Tapang nu sufitay a sumuwal O Luma a tamdaw kisu haw Suwalen kaku han ningra Hai han ni Pawlu,the commander went to Paul and asked Tell me are you a Roman citizen Yes I am he answered,train +37808,37809,37809,licayen ni Yis ku mama nuya wawa I hacuwa a matini kunini a wawa isu saw han ningra Pacauf sa kuya mama Nanu ka^mangan ningra,Jesus asked the boys father How long has he been like this From childhood he answered,train +37809,37810,37810,hatiraay ku pinangan nu malitengay,that is how old people are,test +37810,37811,37811,mitenuuy,woven cloth,train +37811,37812,37812,hatini ku karaya matiya sa u kaʼemangay,communication with each other to produce a finished,train +37812,37813,37813,itira ku tuas aku ci amaan,I have always been with my mother,train +37813,37814,37814,namalahuk,afternoon,train +37814,37815,37815,caka hakuwa mamicuker a tamdaw,and fewer people will support us,train +37815,37816,37816,ilaay ku hatiraay a suwal,that is why there is a saying,train +37816,37817,37817,vala,lung,train +37817,37818,37818,aya mafuhatu kakadayam san miceli,shouting that the skies are open,train +37818,37819,37819,cuwa kafana kaku sa,but he replied I will not do it,train +37819,37820,37820,maherek a rusarus iri taptapan nira tu hawan,sawing and then cutting with a knife,test +37820,37821,37821,3 Dueduen Kuniya Demak wa ira ku lemed,blessed are those who do these things,train +37821,37822,37822,ira ku mitafesiway a ccay a tamdaw u Taywan,a Taiwanese passed by,train +37822,37823,37823,tiya u pisakasak tunu niyam i Ciwidian,in those days we used the trampling method to prepare the fields in Shuilian,train +37823,37824,37824,mitala kaku ci Akian aci Panayan,I am waiting for Aki and Banai,train +37824,37825,37825,u faʼinay tu aku di katu pikuli san naw hadi,and my husband said he did not want to work Why,train +37825,37826,37826,u rumatu u,additionally,train +37826,37827,37827,lakuta,camel,train +37827,37828,37828,Panahay tu lavii mipadang,help with the wake all night,train +37828,37829,37829,maedengay tu sa i,it is all working,train +37829,37830,37830,patalaterung,Middle Center,test +37830,37831,37831,salipahak sa kaku i tamuwanan nawhani tanektek ku pipasulin aku tu dmak namu,I am glad I can have complete confidence in you,train +37831,37832,37832,liyuc,change direction,train +37832,37833,37833,adihay u sasamanen nu misu micinahen isu,that is a lot are you going to salt it,train +37833,37834,37834,Wawaaw pitavayari saan mitavayar tu kuwawa,the children went to get the leaves of the Aunties yams,train +37834,37835,37835,nu matuʼasay a tisaki,early bags,train +37835,37836,37836,aka piseti tu safa,do not hit your younger sister,train +37836,37837,37837,nengneng han naku awaay ku tireng isu,I cannot see your body,train +37837,37838,37838,Papisulingaen cira tu tayal nira,tell him to do his job thoroughly,train +37838,37839,37839,saka nian kakiemerlan a ku a kataynian nu itini hay,the reason why we are so cautious about engaging in broadcasting,train +37839,37840,37840,i Haciliwan matiya tusa miheca kaku i tila haw,I stayed in Fuyuan for years,test +37840,37841,37841,ya falucu aku anu pamiliyaw a midudu tu sakala lipuyingan haw i,if I had the chance to come back as a legislator,train +37841,37842,37842,cima ku mitangtangay micacakay tu sinafel isu Lunuk han aku a manaun a cima ku paʼayaway,and who is going to cook your food no one I take care of it myself,train +37842,37843,37843,tuwa dihemay pacamu han tu katacumuli asu,when it is soft add the escargot and it is delicious,train +37843,37844,37844,mafecul,eat your food,train +37844,37845,37845,mangalay kami a micakay tu cutin atu nu kungku a cudad,we both want to buy dictionaries and storybooks,train +37845,37846,37846,halilafang,very hospitable,train +37846,37847,37847,tayra hicera satu ku niyam a lalengawan i ciyucian,the relocation site is the water lily where we were born,train +37847,37848,37848,hay suelinay tu kinana suwal,Yes that is true,train +37848,37849,37849,Pataluc ci Panay,Panay is late,train +37849,37850,37850,halatengen ku tuʼas nu mita,think of our old man,test +37850,37851,37851,cahu kafangcal minanamay hu kaku,it is not quite standard I am still learning,train +37851,37852,37852,miala satu ku matuʼasay tu pakacidal i,the old man was looking for materials for praying for the sun,train +37852,37853,37853,dakaw satu cingra tu tamina nangra trep satu ku fali Safahka sa cangra a maurat,then he climbed into the boat with them and the wind died down they were completely amazed,train +37853,37854,37854,sa ku maku itiya a fahaka,I was surprised,train +37854,37855,37855,samaanen ningra a tayra i ising,how does he go to the hospital,train +37855,37856,37856,itini i Taywang awa tu,not even here in Taiwan,train +37856,37857,37857,valengen,Buried,train +37857,37858,37858,mahaenay,so,train +37858,37859,37859,hay ira tu ku lima ku urip,life at this age,train +37859,37860,37860,nu miyam caay kami tayra i pala,like we will not go to the field,test +37860,37861,37861,kina dademakan tiniyan sa ci ama aku,it is a great job to be encouraged by your fathers support,train +37861,37862,37862,haen satu ra mahaen pisanga tu tafukud,this is the process of making a gossip web,train +37862,37863,37863,miafalangay,two shouldered,train +37863,37864,37864,tahanini tahiraay aca ku,now it is only up to,train +37864,37865,37865,sapa apa sa kita i,we are silly,train +37865,37866,37866,u dungec sa hawi u uway,one kind of heart is the heart of the vine,train +37866,37867,37867,fs u pasifana kita miming tuya wawa ni Cinglin ya milunguc misaluf ngaʼay mi tu mahanihaniay han caytu pakafilu,we are correcting our children mistakes now and we are setting an example of what perfection looks like but we are not up to it,train +37867,37868,37868,sakitangal,headband,train +37868,37869,37869,maruray kita mikilim tu ising,we had a hard time finding a doctor,train +37869,37870,37870,makurahay,brown,test +37870,37871,37871,samanen aku misaʼicel hani ku nini a pi kiwkay,I was thinking about how I could be a missionary in the church,train +37871,37872,37872,misalisinay,priest,train +37872,37873,37873,a nu tiraay tu i hiya ruma ruma a Cuwanciyawciye,there are other new missionaries,train +37873,37874,37874,o safa aku ku mipaalufuay tira kapah,it was my sister who carried the youths backpack,train +37874,37875,37875,itiraay tura pakesangan a mi,that is why I chose the dragon boat Festival,train +37875,37876,37876,oni ku saka makariang ku urip nu i Futuday a tamdaw,tribe members on the Island had to suffer the negative consequences,train +37876,37877,37877,hay aka tawalen ita kuninian un nu mita a sikining han nu mita,Yeah let us not forget that this is our responsibility,train +37877,37878,37878,tira pitalaan tu fasu nu Panciyaw,Itabashi Station,train +37878,37879,37879,o pipatelian tu sacucuk kunini,this is the location of the key,train +37879,37880,37880,halimelen kalatamdaw ku wawa nu mita sa ci kaka aku hay kaka,sister said that we must make our child a decent human being,test +37880,37881,37881,edeng tu ku picukangan aca,the only way to make money is to work,train +37881,37882,37882,midamay,watercress harvesting,train +37882,37883,37883,Miemuy mikiyaves u maan saw ku kaʼenen,picking spring Fountain fruit and Guava or else what to eat,train +37883,37884,37884,aka ka futi,do not sleep,train +37884,37885,37885,matumes tu aku Aciya,I have finally filled the tank,train +37885,37886,37886,niyan ku teluc nira pudac han mahaen tu,this is the heart of a sugar cane and when it is peeled it looks like this,train +37886,37887,37887,o nu Yutaya a citudungay tu taung i matayal tu rumiamiad a misaliyaliyaw a pacakat tu malcaday a sapatuaya Nikawrira caay pakapalasawad tu raraw kunini,day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties again and again he offers the same sacrifices which can never take away sins,train +37887,37888,37888,mipatala tu siraw atu ^ecaw ku luma nu mipatalumaay tu malininaay,the family holding the wedding will prepare salted pork and glutinous rice wine as a Feast for relatives and friends,train +37888,37889,37889,a maanen aca awaay ku paysu sisa mihicay,what can we do I am not rich that is why I am fishing for small fry,train +37889,37890,37890,tulu ku fitaul nu ayam i dipung,there are three eggs in the birds nest,test +37890,37891,37891,ini u tatukem,this is lung Kwai,train +37891,37892,37892,Sakautaan saan kaku,I am sick to my stomach,train +37892,37893,37893,anucila maʼicang tu,it will dry up tomorrow,train +37893,37894,37894,awaay kunu maku mafana kaku iraay kuni Panay tanamen aku a micaliw cingra,I do not have it I know Panay has it I can borrow it for you,train +37894,37895,37895,papicukeruhen,someone asked someone to push,train +37895,37896,37896,efa,horse,train +37896,37897,37897,watah cahu ka tumerep kuna faliyus san kuya mama,Wow dad says this typhoon is not over yet,train +37897,37898,37898,taluma kita i niyaruʼr i cecay miheca taluma kita,once a year I go back to my tribe,train +37898,37899,37899,mansa macacuisay kunu malitengay,the Chinese new year is reversed,train +37899,37900,37900,itira amin mavana,it was in that context that I realized,test +37900,37901,37901,Mikudasing ku tayal niyam anini,we were busy picking peanuts today,train +37901,37902,37902,Ocung ku adicaw i Kalinku,there are many marbles in Hualien,train +37902,37903,37903,anu fesiwpas ku pikalican hakuwa ku halafin tahira i tayciw,how long does it take to get to Taichung by THSR,train +37903,37904,37904,naw capiasik kisu,why do not you clean up,train +37904,37905,37905,sulinay tu anu mikaci tu amutu maanen saw a miliyas,Exactly how can you leave if you are laying cement,train +37905,37906,37906,su^su,plump,train +37906,37907,37907,iraay ya matuʼasay kura i anu ciira han sa i caay katakup nangra i,there was an old man I told them who it was they never met him,train +37907,37908,37908,i kasilawadan nu mawmahay a miviyuk,it is played during leisure time in the farm,train +37908,37909,37909,malaulalay,become a student,train +37909,37910,37910,hahayda,random response,test +37910,37911,37911,o ramangahay a tamdaw cingra,he is always lying,train +37911,37912,37912,misamukungay tu misamukung kaku,he did carpentry and I did carpentry with him,train +37912,37913,37913,Caki,male names,train +37913,37914,37914,kalafuting Mayaw futing Kacaw futing,it is supposed to be multifid or guard fish,train +37914,37915,37915,a kemaen tu emu,eat sweet rice cake,train +37915,37916,37916,Kaysiyawen hu ku urip isu,please briefly introduce yourself,train +37916,37917,37917,papiringeren,Let Rotate,train +37917,37918,37918,pusak,dregs of rice,train +37918,37919,37919,Latuluen nira a pasacefacefang cangra,he put them in three groups,train +37919,37920,37920,mahrek ci Yis a palimuut tu tusaay ku safaw a nisawawaan ningra i miliyas ci Yis itira a tayra i niyaruaru a pasifana a patnak,after Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples he went on from there to teach and preach in the towns of Galilee,test +37920,37921,37921,ciyanen pasuwanaen ngaʼayay,and when you fry it add a little garlic to cook it,train +37921,37922,37922,pananukas,go back and forth,train +37922,37923,37923,matefad na i kilang tu pisakalikalic ningra sanay,I have been known to fall out of a tree when I am climbing,train +37923,37924,37924,tu aciyah miliyaw tu i makelunay tu,it is a good deal it is bucks a pound and then it slips,train +37924,37925,37925,iraay kura caciyaw tura,there are also rumors that,train +37925,37926,37926,ya lulungen tu nuya wina aku,mothers carry the load,train +37926,37927,37927,matayal,busy,train +37927,37928,37928,huni telep satu kay wama,what is holding us down,train +37928,37929,37929,inian iri nipalumaan ni ina tu tevu,Aunties bamboo shoots,train +37929,37930,37930,Matapa nu funus ku waay aku,my legs got cut with a machete,test +37930,37931,37931,pikimad,the story told,train +37931,37932,37932,anu pakayni tu i,like an orchid for example,train +37932,37933,37933,puhay,come here,train +37933,37934,37934,u na iya ira papah ira ini i,this leaf of it,train +37934,37935,37935,nawhani ira kinafalucuʼan nu maku i ayaw hu,that is what I am trying to do,train +37935,37936,37936,saka sa pabalucu satu ca ama aku,so dad made up his mind,train +37936,37937,37937,mafaheka,it is amazing,train +37937,37938,37938,Senger hatu kira nipecuan a alupal,then the persimmons that were picked were taken to be soaked,train +37938,37939,37939,nangatuan,unfinished business,train +37939,37940,37940,anu miiya tuni mifedfed tuni kedec satapang ira,wrap the rope tightly from the bottom,test +37940,37941,37941,Kunuc han ku cecay a upih nura ayam,just pluck a feather from that bird,train +37941,37942,37942,masatatiitaiihay mikitiniay i falucu nu maku,there is no boredom in my heart,train +37942,37943,37943,han tu aku tacinaw,I will line up the baskets,train +37943,37944,37944,anu mi kami,or play croquet,train +37944,37945,37945,u mamamamangay ku facal,the paddy fields are all in small patches,train +37945,37946,37946,sumuwalay,Speaking,train +37946,37947,37947,tiliʼi sateliʼi saan kiya kaka aku mitengil,when my brother heard this he was very angry,train +37947,37948,37948,pasipasipen,rub,train +37948,37949,37949,afadeng,charcoal ash,train +37949,37950,37950,pakatayal kami tu misangaʼay tu fasu hananay,let us work in a factory that makes bus bodies,test +37950,37951,37951,o Kristu ci Yis sanay a pasulin a tamdaw i u wawa nu Kawas kuya tamdaw anu u maulahay kita tu mama i u maulahay tu wawa ningra,everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well,train +37951,37952,37952,nikilidungay,shelter,train +37952,37953,37953,caay ka sadak ku ku^sanay a nanum atu angreray a nanum tuyanan a nemnem,can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring,train +37953,37954,37954,maumah,operate,train +37954,37955,37955,Taywan miyawli,Miaoli Taiwan,train +37955,37956,37956,hatini micaluh,go through here,train +37956,37957,37957,singsi mataraw kaku tu uner,I am afraid of snakes,train +37957,37958,37958,Makemut ciira,he is got a great sense of humor,train +37958,37959,37959,iyang yu ufacyang iyang yu han naku rey,I said grand mom I do not want to do this,train +37959,37960,37960,Hay anu maherektu a mimelaw kaisutu ku panukasay i ciraan,Okay after reading it it is still up to you to return it to her,test +37960,37961,37961,mipaulic,add poems to lead the song,train +37961,37962,37962,u mama nu luma ku ayaw,parents must be first,train +37962,37963,37963,Miucil ku falucu aku,in my heart I identify with going,train +37963,37964,37964,nisalamaan,played with,train +37964,37965,37965,Hinapataluc ci Panay,Barnett is often late,train +37965,37966,37966,mikangkang,plow,train +37966,37967,37967,sa mahenay sa,like this,train +37967,37968,37968,Orasaka kaku ci Pawlu u marufuay tu saki ci Kristu Yisan atu saki tamuwanan u ruma a finacadan i mitulun kaku tu Kawas,for this reason I Paul the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles,train +37968,37969,37969,matiniay tu kaen anini irata ku,they drink mineral water nowadays,train +37969,37970,37970,ta parakat ku tau tu tusiya,assuming someone else is driving,test +37970,37971,37971,aam,gruel,train +37971,37972,37972,safitayan sasa saku harateng,military service is a real pain in the ass,train +37972,37973,37973,suwal sa kuya tatihiay a tawki tuya paliwalay tu lusay ku^sanay ku talacay atu lupas nu maku acaen ku pinapina makena,the owner of the nearby fruit stand said My pineapples and peaches are very sweet buy some,train +37973,37974,37974,ku ngangan aku,I will name it Tian Chunhua,train +37974,37975,37975,uraan ku maku a pasifanaʼtu katini nu lutuk,here is what I know,train +37975,37976,37976,14 itini i Filiping fafahiyan salikaka ci Alin cuwa ka hecad ku malifetay,sister Raylene in the Philippines has a different challenge,train +37976,37977,37977,awa ku kaliling i maanen a mikuhaw,how can I have soup without a spoon,train +37977,37978,37978,o pisekingan anucila,tomorrow is the day of the examination,train +37978,37979,37979,hay ci Wang tumuk na nira a suwal,Yes Woofs words,train +37979,37980,37980,tuna lifung aca saku mama nu kapah,the father of youth thought of this epidemic,test +37980,37981,37981,saliyuten nu heni ku cering,they surrounded the fish curtain,train +37981,37982,37982,Nikawrira uya nipaturudan a tamdaw tu ccay a talantu i luwad satu a mikarkar tu sra a misimed tuya paysu nu tawki ningra,but the man who had received the one talent went off dug a hole in the ground and hid his masters money,train +37982,37983,37983,saka maan sa kamu,what do you think,train +37983,37984,37984,taang,large,train +37984,37985,37985,tafukud,spread the net,train +37985,37986,37986,salaw,so that is how it is,train +37986,37987,37987,mafana,got it,train +37987,37988,37988,8 o satadamaanay nuka pikuwan ni Yihufa tada u masaka limlaan kawra awaay ku epuc ita itini nuka pinengneng ni Yihufa cuwa pisakareteng tu sapilidungaw kitanan cuwa ka saan,the supreme dominion of the Lord is important but that does not mean that we are worthless in Gods eyes or that he does not value the arrangements for our salvation,train +37988,37989,37989,itiya i maraudtu ku Pikuracan tu Pitaungan a lisin i Yirusalim o kasi^nawan itiya,but others said These are not the sayings of a man possessed by a demon can a demon open the eyes of the blind,train +37989,37990,37990,han han mihaen kuni,this way this way,test +37990,37991,37991,miʼacaay tu epah misulutay tu payci mitefucay,buy alcohol collect money penalize,train +37991,37992,37992,tamiyanan,for us,train +37992,37993,37993,caka pitedac sa minukay,I am not going straight home,train +37993,37994,37994,piisisan,hairdressing,train +37994,37995,37995,icuwacuwa palumaan tu i umah,where is it in the field,train +37995,37996,37996,sakatulu tu a remiʼad u pakelang han tuway u salikulay tu nu pilisin,the third day of the celebration was the last day of the Harvest Festival,train +37996,37997,37997,saka u hukuling u nanuculing nu Ripun sanay kiraan u hukuling,named after a place with a lot of trees in Japan,train +37997,37998,37998,ya saka pitu saka falu a safa aku i,and then my seventh and eighth brothers,train +37998,37999,37999,dadaya tu caka ala ku futi aku,I cannot sleep at night,train +37999,38000,38000,pisanga ku ruma,special,test +38000,38001,38001,u kaciw,and the goose,train +38001,38002,38002,adihay kuya maamaan,there is an Abundance of all kinds of things to pick up,train +38002,38003,38003,tireng,self,train +38003,38004,38004,o likat nu kalapiyat kura,that is the light of the lightning,train +38004,38005,38005,vulu,bamboo,train +38005,38006,38006,Mafafelih ku pipateli nu misu tu tilid,you put the book upside down,train +38006,38007,38007,alaen ku teluc matini tu niyan,the heart of a peeled sugarcane like this,train +38007,38008,38008,ta u urip nu maku itiya hu,my old life,train +38008,38009,38009,pueneray,shorter,train +38009,38010,38010,kalamkam,hurry up,test +38010,38011,38011,mikeriday,guide,train +38011,38012,38012,anu maan saan ku nihapinangan isu a pasulin i u nu misu atu Kawas a dmak kunini o caay ka hinapec ku falucu tu nihapinangan nu tireng a ngaayay a dmak i u malmeday,so whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves,train +38012,38013,38013,mikulih,lift off,train +38013,38014,38014,a taluma tu,prepare to go home,train +38014,38015,38015,kahmaw,light,train +38015,38016,38016,anca i kumaen tu epah kira,or drinking,train +38016,38017,38017,iraay ci lisin i lumahaw,may I ask if Lisin is home,train +38017,38018,38018,adada sa kiyami,Sick are not you,train +38018,38019,38019,sapakalemed,wish somebody well,train +38019,38020,38020,Orasaka sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u nimetan namu i hkal i u mamamettu i kakarayan o nihaydaan namu i hkal i u mamahaydatu i kakarayan,I tell you the truth whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven,test +38020,38021,38021,sa tangasa tira i telang mapatireng kina waay aku,I can just get my foot in there,train +38021,38022,38022,raud,approach,train +38022,38023,38023,angcuhay,it stinks of urine,train +38023,38024,38024,o pangangan nu wama aku tuni ngangan haw,my father named me that,train +38024,38025,38025,misenger tu sapalangaw,soak the seedling seeds first,train +38025,38026,38026,a maliyangay kisu mimaan mihaen awaay ku hatiraay,No Ah You are good at bumping do not be like this there is no such thing,train +38026,38027,38027,parifuwasen,fill,train +38027,38028,38028,ngaʼay kamu haw awa kura dademaken itini i niyaru i,there is no work in the tribe,train +38028,38029,38029,Nikawrira u pahapinangay ku Fangcalay Cudad tu nika makuwanay nu raraw ku pulung nu tamdaw Orasaka deng pakayni i nipitier nu tamdaw i ci Yis Kristuan ku sakangaay nangra a milayap tu nanu niktunan nu Kawas a suwal,but the Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin so that what was promised being given through faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe,train +38029,38030,38030,mitangic tu cidal,seek the sun,test +38030,38031,38031,lungucen,look for,train +38031,38032,38032,maliphak a mililiw tu malinaay,invite your friends and family for a happy gathering,train +38032,38033,38033,Ideng tadamakapah kisu anini,Honey you look beautiful today,train +38033,38034,38034,oya nipakafanaan aku atu nipaturudan aku tamuwanan atuya nitngilan namu a suwal atu ninengnengan namu a dmak aku i lahcien a midu^du ta mikaput ku parihadayay a Kawas i tamuwanan,whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me put it into practice and the God of peace will be with you,train +38034,38035,38035,maharek tu kurira matataedipay i,what about after they have overlapped with each other,train +38035,38036,38036,Hinatakaway kura tamdaw,that man is a habitual thief,train +38036,38037,38037,macaengaw,it is open,train +38037,38038,38038,Kinaepahan tu niya faki,uncle is drunk,train +38038,38039,38039,Ocuren ni Yis a pakiayaw ku pakarungay ningra tayra cangra i niyaru nu Samariya a mipatala tu saki ci Yisan,and he sent messengers on ahead who went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for him,train +38039,38040,38040,mafana ku matuʼasay minengneng saka,elderly people are well aware of,test +38040,38041,38041,wayawaya,almost exactly,train +38041,38042,38042,tapala kaku ri i itir palapalaan malalicay kami ira sa,when I go to work I meet in the fields to exchange pleasantries,train +38042,38043,38043,nu malasawaday yamin a tamdaw,resting place,train +38043,38044,38044,yu miliyas tu Yiriku cangra i aluman ku finawlan a mituur i ci Yisan,as Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho a large crowd followed him,train +38044,38045,38045,u maan ku kafanaʼan nira awa,they do not know anything,train +38045,38046,38046,o suwal ni Yis kunini i kasaupuan a luma yu pasifana cingra i Kapirnaum,he said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum,train +38046,38047,38047,Maupuhay kami a mafafilu mipanay i dafak,we help each other quickly to cut rice in the morning,train +38047,38048,38048,kiʼemelay kiʼemelay hu maedeng taluma hay,if you are a good drinker you are on your own,train +38048,38049,38049,tuya mihecaan,at that time,train +38049,38050,38050,adada ku takulaw aku,my throat is sore,test +38050,38051,38051,ilaay ku saʼusi tu,there is a code for that,train +38051,38052,38052,awaaytu ku cinah picaliw tu cinah ci Panayan,we are out of salt go borrow some from Panay,train +38052,38053,38053,ura sa i itira sa cangra i Farangaw ura rumaruma i,in addition to the Maryland that moved down from the pool there are friends and family,train +38053,38054,38054,mangalay kaku a tayra,I want to go,train +38054,38055,38055,misanga,produce,train +38055,38056,38056,hayda,hurrah,train +38056,38057,38057,sunisuni,sound,train +38057,38058,38058,yu mahrektu kuya rawraw i tahidangen ni Pawlu ku nisawawaan a misaupu a paicel Parikur satu cingra a sumuwal i cangraan ta luwad satu a tayra i Makituniya,when the uproar had ended Paul sent for the disciples and after encouraging them said good by and set out for Macedonia,train +38058,38059,38059,a mi,to sell,train +38059,38060,38060,awaay tu talaʼayaway hu ku urip ira,he passed away while his life was still young,test +38060,38061,38061,mamang hu maʼaraw matuʼasay,the old man I saw,train +38061,38062,38062,tusa suut lima pulu ku pulung a pida,dollars in total,train +38062,38063,38063,amisay a Pangcah Namakayni i saamisan singciw nu Huppu tangasa i satimulan nu Rinahem Marangah hananay a tarawadaw,Nanshi Amis from Beipu in the territory of Sinsiya in the north to Shoufeng Creek in the south including present day Sinsiya Yusinu Shoufeng and Hualien city,train +38063,38064,38064,u tumuk ku mipakilacay tu demak,it is the chiefs who make the distribution and announcements,train +38064,38065,38065,rarekuen,what will be accomplished,train +38065,38066,38066,mimaan kita a talaumah,what are we going to do in the fields,train +38066,38067,38067,tepik,fold,train +38067,38068,38068,lingatu cangra tulii tura Hulam turs Kaping,I hate these Qing soldiers very much,train +38068,38069,38069,maatiliec,maltreated,train +38069,38070,38070,miadiyamay,ginger picker,test +38070,38071,38071,kanaawaay,but for,train +38071,38072,38072,pacakat tu kita tu hiya nu Amis tu ngangan nu Amis,thus enhancing the good name of the Amis,train +38072,38073,38073,cihafayay,rich mans house,train +38073,38074,38074,maanen,how about that,train +38074,38075,38075,kiskisan a,just start shaving,train +38075,38076,38076,anini tayni kami haw mangalay mi,we came here today to get it,train +38076,38077,38077,aliwac,last week,train +38077,38078,38078,o nai paputalay a micumud i tamdaw i awaay ku paacekay tu tamdaw o nai kmuday nu falucu nu tamdaw a masadak ku paacekay tu tamdaw saan,nothing outside a man can make him unclean by going into him Rather it is what comes out of a man that makes him unclean,train +38078,38079,38079,kawrira i tayni sa i Taypak misiyakay i,However working in Taipei,train +38079,38080,38080,mintang,faceplate,test +38080,38081,38081,o maan ku nu misu kakaliman a demak,what are your interests,train +38081,38082,38082,tayra a misakeru^ ciira,she is going to go dancing,train +38082,38083,38083,tayra cingra i tauwanan a lama,she went to visit some people,train +38083,38084,38084,Maurad hay Nawiru marupena kisu,is it raining why are you all wet,train +38084,38085,38085,uul,cloud,train +38085,38086,38086,Cuwa u Amis ku wama aku u Payrang ku wina aku,No my father is Amis and my mother is Han Taiwanese,train +38086,38087,38087,haenen u sanay ku icel nu,this is the Mandate of the representative and what he has to work on,train +38087,38088,38088,maku tu kafanaʼan i iraay ku pitilidan,I heard a school opened,train +38088,38089,38089,Tapang ku Pangcah nay,the Amis are the masters,train +38089,38090,38090,samatira pacaʼuf san kiya Taywan nanafu kina umah ira tini,the Han man replied that there are seven divisions of land here,test +38090,38091,38091,mitiya tu mialaan tu puʼut i kulul,it is like trying to extract a knife from the back,train +38091,38092,38092,Anucilaen a miherek a miamutu,but willing to finish the cementing tomorrow,train +38092,38093,38093,sasikusikul han mikilim fangcal mata suwa namu i wawa macuwaay tu,the eyes cannot recognize it they cannot find it of course look around,train +38093,38094,38094,Paengen kaku tu fidang nu wiruk isu,please give me one petal of that grapefruit of yours,train +38094,38095,38095,pimangcelan,Qiang hunting grounds,train +38095,38096,38096,oya nipatulunan isu i takuwanan a suwal i mapasuwaltu aku cangra Mafanatu cangra tunini Mafanatu cangra tu nika sulinay nai Tisuwananay kaku a tayni Pasulintu cangra tu nika u niucuran isu Kaku,for I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them they knew with certainty that I came from you and they believed that you sent me,train +38096,38097,38097,nu itiniay nu pusung nu atulan i,we are from Taitung,train +38097,38098,38098,pakaaraw kaku i safahka kaku,when I saw it I was amazed,train +38098,38099,38099,terep han tu ku fahiyan,girls just keep quiet,train +38099,38100,38100,ta maedeng i,about time,test +38100,38101,38101,ira ku cecay a widang aku ci Kacaw halitawal cira tu lusid,I have a classmate named Kacaw he often forgets to bring things,train +38101,38102,38102,anu i fadahungay kisu i aka ka ^pud a miala tu maamaan i luma,let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house,train +38102,38103,38103,anu miliyaw kita ngalefen ita haw ku kapah a masahatiniay a kilumaʼan,I hope that future Harvest festivals will be better and more perfect,train +38103,38104,38104,pasuwal sa ci Yis O maan ku milcaday tu Kitakit nu Kawas hakiya o maan ku sapasasutiri aku hakiya,then Jesus asked What is the kingdom of God like what shall I compare it to,train +38104,38105,38105,aka ka lataʼang ku falucu saan,and do not be arrogant,train +38105,38106,38106,pakatimul pakaciyamalay ri,take the train south,train +38106,38107,38107,Nikaurira adihay hu ku kafukilan aku mitengil tu suwal nu Pangcah,but there are many other things I do not understand there is a lot of Amish I do not understand,train +38107,38108,38108,fucyawsu^,associate Professor,train +38108,38109,38109,fana saan kisu haw hay,you learn to make them naturally Yes I do,train +38109,38110,38110,samaanay a padama ci Yihufa tu matuleday a finawlan Ningra,how does the Lord help a discouraged people,test +38110,38111,38111,Caay pikikaka tu singsi ku nisawawaan ningra caay pikikaka tu tawki ningra ku kuli a tamdaw,A student is not above his teacher nor a servant above his master,train +38111,38112,38112,awaay hu kiya awaay hu ku lafang itiya,No there were no customers at that time,train +38112,38113,38113,haw tangasa tini i Kutufuki ku rakat iri taw masatuku mahenay ku rakat nu matuʼasay nu mita itiya sa,it was only when we finally reached Shoufeng Township that our old man stopped moving,train +38113,38114,38114,Caay,does not have to,train +38114,38115,38115,malatumuk kaku,I am the leader,train +38115,38116,38116,anu i cuwacuwa tu matiraay tu,this is true in all matters,train +38116,38117,38117,pusi,cats,train +38117,38118,38118,u piraduman aca nu niyam,we are going to the watering hole,train +38118,38119,38119,ku,main marker,train +38119,38120,38120,matalaw kaku tu ngiha nu fitili,I am afraid of the sound of thunder and lightning,test +38120,38121,38121,nu,genre marker,train +38121,38122,38122,iraay tu kiya isaw ku nikamatuas tu iri,until I get older,train +38122,38123,38123,yu dafak satu tahidangen ningra ku nisawawaan i kaayaw ningra a pasaupu ta pilien ningra ku tusa ku safaw a tamdaw nai cangraan a palatarukus,when morning came he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them whom he also designated apostles,train +38123,38124,38124,o tarukus Yis Kristu wlu,Paul was an apostle of Jesus Christ,train +38124,38125,38125,u namakacuwaay saw a suwal,what about any of the sayings,train +38125,38126,38126,san malatelitelid cangra a macaciyaw ku wawa a faʼinayan,Men mutual counsel and advice,train +38126,38127,38127,miasik aca kami tu karimucumucuan nu cacudadan matatahic kami a malalikel a demak satamelac satu ku cacudadan tu remiremiad,we will also clean every corner of the school everyone works together and the school is very clean every day,train +38127,38128,38128,awa ku misaapulay i niyaru nu niyam,no one in our tribe makes lime,train +38128,38129,38129,puse,doctoral,train +38129,38130,38130,o mamafana misakaniw iraay tu ku mamafana a misakaniw,those who can skip tickets are those who can skip tickets,test +38130,38131,38131,Kinatahtah cangra a maurip,they lived in luxury,train +38131,38132,38132,caay haw kaherek tu a masasuwal,it is not already communicated,train +38132,38133,38133,i satipan a mihuyahuy tu huhusi,fishing right here on the west side,train +38133,38134,38134,tangasa satu matini,until now,train +38134,38135,38135,mikilim ku matuʼasay,the old man went looking for,train +38135,38136,38136,a mipaenip,Insertion of seedlings,train +38136,38137,38137,sa falucu satu kaku haw,inside your head,train +38137,38138,38138,siyawfangci,fire department,train +38138,38139,38139,tamedaw,man,train +38139,38140,38140,hanaw awaay malengaw kira rumaruma a rengus,so some of the grass is gone and not growing,test +38140,38141,38141,tini kumung,in the consultancy,train +38141,38142,38142,ura tu rarid han nu faʼinay aku kumaen kunian yitwucaw nga,my husband keeps eating this taro grass,train +38142,38143,38143,misaʼemu pacamulen,add this to the rice cake,train +38143,38144,38144,mitahidang kaku itiraay i niyaru,I have invited the people in that tribe,train +38144,38145,38145,caay ka ala ku fafutiʼen hai,you will not be able to sleep,train +38145,38146,38146,pikanit aku nanicuwaʼay mamu a miala,of course it is my own handiwork where did you get this material,train +38146,38147,38147,hay haw awaaytu maʼaraw ku mahaenay luma ina limela,it is true that such traditional houses are rare so we should treasure them,train +38147,38148,38148,cukacuk,uphill,train +38148,38149,38149,nanu,because of,train +38149,38150,38150,kakaan,my sister,test +38150,38151,38151,itini i taluan nu niyaru,some of them are in tribal gatherings,train +38151,38152,38152,midakaw haw iri salavi sa remakat,Hitchhiking or walking all night,train +38152,38153,38153,u riyar tu,or in the sea for that matter,train +38153,38154,38154,tura hiya tungfung hananay nu Kwaping,in Chinese it is called gout,train +38154,38155,38155,Hay ngaayay,it is all good,train +38155,38156,38156,maharatengay hu pinaay ku mihecaan isu itiya,do you remember how old you were,train +38156,38157,38157,sreren nu tawki ku matayalay nira,the boss gave his worker a lesser position,train +38157,38158,38158,kaurira haw anu caka pasuwalen nu malitengay ira haw,if their elders do not tell them,train +38158,38159,38159,mimetmetay,hands,train +38159,38160,38160,talaˈayaway ku demak aku paihkal tu adayayay i tahapadesay tamdaw hukira,have I taken positive action to show compassion to those in need,test +38160,38161,38161,Itiyasatu haklungen nu fafahi ni Cipitay ku tatusa a fainayan a wawa a tayra i ci Yisan pitusur sa i cingraan a mitaung lunguc sa tu ccay a dmak,then the mother of Zebedees sons came to Jesus with her sons and kneeling down asked a favor of him,train +38161,38162,38162,misafel satu han tini,that is all that is left when you cook it,train +38162,38163,38163,taʼangay tu kisu i,when you grow up,train +38163,38164,38164,tuni ka a mala kisu saan,how I got to be an exemplary father,train +38164,38165,38165,tatudung,purpose,train +38165,38166,38166,ira ku misanga tu vuvu a matuasay,there is an old man making a fish trap,train +38166,38167,38167,kahadakan nu cacumuli tura seciyuhaw nu Payrang,it means that snails come out on the day of the Chinese calendar,train +38167,38168,38168,maulah a mikalatim ku wawa tu tatipeluk,the kids loved the paper cutouts,train +38168,38169,38169,o tatayra tu kaku i tini kalipahakanay,I was going to heaven so,train +38169,38170,38170,pacunuh tu raraw,not take responsibility for wrong doing,test +38170,38171,38171,u nukay nira mitilu haw sahetu u katul ku minukayay,when he went to set the trap he came back with animal hides from the South,train +38171,38172,38172,itiniay aca u mihecaan aca nu maku,I have been living here all my life,train +38172,38173,38173,kuni nani nima a salawina nima a salawina mahapinang a masaʼusi,whose family is this whose family knows,train +38173,38174,38174,cima kura caciyaway sa,who is talking,train +38174,38175,38175,o miuwayay ku tayal ni faki aku,my uncles job is to specialize in rattan,train +38175,38176,38176,ikur tu mitilid tu kami miliyaw u kawala tu,after that our school was already a tiled house,train +38176,38177,38177,Yamaseta iratu ku Pangcah itira,the Amis are already there in Toyama,train +38177,38178,38178,han naku ci kaka aku terep sa ci kaka aku,I told my sister that and she stopped,train +38178,38179,38179,patunu tu kaka nu maku mahaenay tu calemcemay ku harateng,that is what I was worried about when I saw my brother off to the army,train +38179,38180,38180,a mimanmaan a mihiya,to accomplish any task,test +38180,38181,38181,Saka ka i kamay nu Ciicelay a Kawas a misapu^ner kamu anu hatira i anu maraudtu ku rumiad i pacakaten nu Kawas kamu,humble yourselves therefore under Gods mighty hand that he may lift you up in due time,train +38181,38182,38182,ku pinaluma i ayaw,early plantings,train +38182,38183,38183,o niisafan ni ina ku unip i pala,the seedlings in the paddy fields have been thinned out by mom,train +38183,38184,38184,anu baluhay a tayni i,what if he is new,train +38184,38185,38185,suwalen aku kamu caaytu piliyaw kaku a kumaen tunini a ^pah nu fadisusu tangasa i pikaputan aku i tamuwanan a kumaen tu fa^luhay a takid i Kitakit nu wama Aku han ni Yis,I tell you I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Fathers kingdom,train +38185,38186,38186,Katumerep aka cinglaw,please be quiet do not talk,train +38186,38187,38187,u piparuan tu,to install,train +38187,38188,38188,kiya hiya nu mahaenay u sukaay ma a lunan,it is like a plastic boat,train +38188,38189,38189,tayra sa i da uc,Forever,train +38189,38190,38190,u mifutingay hu ku idahi sa ku harateng,it is better to fish from a boat,test +38190,38191,38191,onini a pasamuay a pades niyam i matini i u sakapilayapaw niyam tu micidekay a tahadaucay a dil,for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all,train +38191,38192,38192,mimaan tu saw kisu i mahini,it is been a long time,train +38192,38193,38193,u misakeristuay tu kita i,we believe in Jesus,train +38193,38194,38194,mitengilay tuna suwal aku tuniniyan haw,hear the story of this tribes life,train +38194,38195,38195,cuwa ka padik ku sufitay nu luma i piluudan samaanen mihatatanamay tu rumiˈamˈad cangra tu inaneng a misaka dademak tu funus,the key to the Roman soldiers invincibility on the battlefield was daily practice with the sword,train +38195,38196,38196,lalikakawaen,preparation,train +38196,38197,38197,awaay ku cikang haw,little time,train +38197,38198,38198,sisa mavana paanip mimaamaan miniwaniw,that is why they are planting seedlings and pulling weeds,train +38198,38199,38199,mahaen ku siki tiya mifetik kaku,after the prayer I will do the wine popping,train +38199,38200,38200,nirufuan,turn it off,test +38200,38201,38201,o mamapalu nu matuasay kira minuhiray a wawawawa i lalan,those little kids crawling around in the dusty part of the road must have been beaten by their grown ups,train +38201,38202,38202,materik a matefad nai utufay cingra,he was thrown off and clear of the motor bike,train +38202,38203,38203,mangaʼay ku demak itini i Taypey,there are still jobs in Taipei,train +38203,38204,38204,Riting han i sariri nu luma kira fulu,bolt that bamboo to the post,train +38204,38205,38205,Ocung ku daydam ni fayi aku i padatengan,my aunt has a lot of peppers in her garden,train +38205,38206,38206,awaʼay ku mirayrayay tayni kaku i saʼetip,I am out west I am not from the clan anymore,train +38206,38207,38207,a misangaʼtu tu sapur,just to organize the nursery,train +38207,38208,38208,kamu u maapaay a tamdaw anu caay ka lafung ku nifulsakan namu a sapaluma i caay ku mamalngaw,how foolish what you sow does not come to life unless it dies,train +38208,38209,38209,caay ka fana kamu saw o cumikayay i kalalifetan i anu cumikamikay a ma^min deng ccay aca ku mamapakaulah a tamdaw haenen ku namu a cumikay tu sapilayapaw tu sapakaulah,do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize run in such a way as to get the prize,train +38209,38210,38210,aya mafaliyus mansatu kura mama fef san,what should we do when typhoon comes,test +38210,38211,38211,matengil tu ya radiw talalusa,tears were she would when I heard the child song,train +38211,38212,38212,ira tu ku sapisekingaw i kawcung sa,the application form for the joint high school exam is here,train +38212,38213,38213,mirmir sa a matalaw cingraan kuya misimaway a sufitafitay samatiya satu u mapatayay cangra,the guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men,train +38213,38214,38214,kinafanaʼan tu aku tu mamang tu nu Hulam,I know a little Chinese,train +38214,38215,38215,pacakaten ku tireng isu falucu isu i was,offer yourself and your heart to God,train +38215,38216,38216,masamaan ku harateng nangra mafana kisu,can you understand what the kids are thinking about the tribe,train +38216,38217,38217,Cima^ sa kisu,who is it,train +38217,38218,38218,Patarangen kira wawa tu ringu,keep the children warm with a fire,train +38218,38219,38219,dadimaw han nu maku ku pusi a miafufu,I cuddled with my cat and rocked it gently to sleep,train +38219,38220,38220,itiniay tu i kafekang nu tapelik ku tipay,maybe it will stop at the lapping of the waves,test +38220,38221,38221,ku mihca,years,train +38221,38222,38222,mitelec,tie the belt,train +38222,38223,38223,na itini i syakay tahanini i tuʼas nu mita a urip,I have been out of work until now,train +38223,38224,38224,nu sehu tu sakay itini,County government processing of indigenous peoples,train +38224,38225,38225,hatu u wawa kalawawa kuna kakahung anini,they all have eggs it is egg laying season,train +38225,38226,38226,u nu adiwawa saliyut sa cacay tusa tulu ku nisaliyutan tu nakeruan nu heni,the children formed a circle and danced the same dance that they had danced before in a circle,train +38226,38227,38227,mafana satu kaku kiya kiwkay,when I knew about the Catholic Church,train +38227,38228,38228,Paremesen ku cacafian,put look on the doorposts,train +38228,38229,38229,Pacenuen ku waay a misukic,dip your feet into the water to clean them,train +38229,38230,38230,inian sa u kawpil caay han kaeni haen han aku micaycay masa u,We do not eat them we just remove them regularly,test +38230,38231,38231,difu,nest,train +38231,38232,38232,u nikatengilan nu maku nina kungku kiyami,this is the story I heard,train +38232,38233,38233,Orasaka haenen ku likat namu a pata^ngad tu tamdamdaw ta pakayni i nipipakaaraw nangra tu ngaayay a dmak namu ku sapahmek nangra tu wama namu i kakarayan,in the same way let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven,train +38233,38234,38234,nika aluman aluman satu ku salikaka a mituur,Later more and more believers came to worship,train +38234,38235,38235,o fafakien tu kami malekaka,we have become auntsunclesuncles,train +38235,38236,38236,Ongted aka haenen ku pituduh tu funga,groundnuts should not be burnt to a crisp,train +38236,38237,38237,malecad ya dadipis ta kamimingay kiya,like that little cockroach,train +38237,38238,38238,Paadiyucen nu Kawas ku pitena tu piadaada,God uses the whirlwind to block all enemies,train +38238,38239,38239,kafanaʼan aku u faluay tuki a hikuki i,I remember I was on an am flight,train +38239,38240,38240,sapaamid,gifts,test +38240,38241,38241,tadademak,something major,train +38241,38242,38242,mangaay a pasangkuwan tu nisangaan a tataakay a vuvu,in the old days it was easy to place the big fish chums that were already made,train +38242,38243,38243,a nawhan matayalay amisaumah,because there is still work to be done in the fields,train +38243,38244,38244,u kilangan haw,any wood,train +38244,38245,38245,enaw,Why I do not know,train +38245,38246,38246,tulu ku luma sisa malsankingcu han hay,three houses make a three Alley house Yes,train +38246,38247,38247,Orasaka aniniay pipahanhanan nu picudadan minukay a talaniyaru kaku aci kaka^ aku tu fainayan milisu tu matuasay mangalay a misapanang tu serangawan nu niyah,so this summer my brother and I went back to our tribe to visit the elderly hoping to understand the culture of our own ethnic group,train +38247,38248,38248,o parakatay miuntingay ku tayal nu misu han,are you just a one sweater,train +38248,38249,38249,mahaenay saka nawhani palatamdaw tu kapah mafana ci harateng san,because I want young people to grow up so they can think big,train +38249,38250,38250,caay pakakalat kakunan,I cannot be bitten,test +38250,38251,38251,Makingsa nu ising ku tiyad nuni wawa sifasal,the doctor found out that the child has roundworms in his stomach,train +38251,38252,38252,ariri,barn,train +38252,38253,38253,a sababahiyan nu maku kina limecedan,I am not going to marry this girl,train +38253,38254,38254,o sapaini nu niyam ci amaan,it is for grand mom,train +38254,38255,38255,palaelaed han tu ureves,and filling it with garbage there is a gap,train +38255,38256,38256,away tu saanay a mitunanang ciraan,no one makes fun of him anymore,train +38256,38257,38257,Manguhed ku wadis aku tu pikakaenan tu piyang,I have cavities in my teeth due to my love of sugar,train +38257,38258,38258,mahaen nu itiniay kisu naʼayaw haw,so you were here a long time ago,train +38258,38259,38259,anu raecus ku kakawaw iri,even rough handling,train +38259,38260,38260,tatulu kami a malakaka,there are three brothers and sisters in our family,test +38260,38261,38261,saʼupu ku malawi naay,the family helps out,train +38261,38262,38262,hatini ku matuʼasay niyam i,there are old people here,train +38262,38263,38263,hay samaanen,what can be done,train +38263,38264,38264,anu iraay itatihi aku,if I am around,train +38264,38265,38265,awaay hu ku kayakay,there is no bridge,train +38265,38266,38266,itiya cingra a rihaday,secure arrival,train +38266,38267,38267,u eli hu haw a luma o eli,is it thatched it is thatched,train +38267,38268,38268,Teratera san ku remes naingusu nira,blood fell from his nose drop by drop,train +38268,38269,38269,manan unu pacek mamanay,what about the nails,train +38269,38270,38270,12 anu micekiw kita tu Fangcalay Cudad i mamahapinang ita u madangaray ni Yihufa demak ikakaay tu niharatengan ita,as we study the Bible it is easy to see that the Lord accomplishes things that are beyond human imagination,test +38270,38271,38271,na itiya i a ira ku pikinkin pihiya pitahidang na nu hiya nuni patenakay,from then on a preacher called me to invite me to become a preacher,train +38271,38272,38272,takar,bedding,train +38272,38273,38273,tatuluay tu ku wawa ni ama nu maku itiya,at that time my father had three children,train +38273,38274,38274,anu laliwen isu kira wawa u tilu nira a mituur i tisuwanan,if you leave the boy he will fall down chasing you,train +38274,38275,38275,caay tu ka dudu caay tu ka tuur,and then I cannot keep up I cannot keep up,train +38275,38276,38276,mikilim tu serangawan nu niyaru san kita,finding the culture of the tribe,train +38276,38277,38277,u milakecay nu kaying sa,the ladies in the water,train +38277,38278,38278,paafelii kaku tu kamukuan maumah,give me a place to farm,train +38278,38279,38279,ha,Ah,train +38279,38280,38280,misaayam,chicken farming,test +38280,38281,38281,nika,the reason why,train +38281,38282,38282,fadil,driftwood,train +38282,38283,38283,mituur,yours truly,train +38283,38284,38284,riwang,room,train +38284,38285,38285,sadak satu cangra nai niyaru a tayra i ci Yisan,they came out of the town and made their way toward him,train +38285,38286,38286,kuni,these,train +38286,38287,38287,mahaen kuya kaitini niyam i tansuy,so much for freshwater life getting better and better,train +38287,38288,38288,misyakay tu ku misyakayay,social work for social workers,train +38288,38289,38289,maherek kuni pisasaw,after cleaning,train +38289,38290,38290,Papipacuraen kura masakeruay a wawa nu mita,tell our dancing children to wear flower crowns,test +38290,38291,38291,i laluma nu tunguyin ira ku ecu^ u efa^ u lukedaw caay hu^ pakaaraw kaku i ayaw nika anini^ maaraw tu nu maku lipahak ku falucu,there are elephants horses and tigers in the zoo I have never seen these animals before I was really happy to see them today,train +38291,38292,38292,tayra kami a miluud cangraan Arawhani papatapatay cangra u Taruku,we went to fight them instead they the Taroko were killing themselves,train +38292,38293,38293,u kaen iri,edible,train +38293,38294,38294,o sakaemeday tu ku aca saan ku suwal nu tawki cuwa tu ku ngangaay a luwanen,but the boss said that it is already very cheap and cannot be reduced any further,train +38294,38295,38295,mafaliyus mafaliyus tu hiwa i,after several typhoons,train +38295,38296,38296,deng unini a ccay ku nilungucan nu mafukilay tu Kawas a tamdaw i tini i hkal Mafana ku wama namu tu nika canguut namu tunini,for the pagan world runs after all such things and your father knows that you need them,train +38296,38297,38297,hay haw,yeah who,train +38297,38298,38298,kuni a nu Amis a,this one from our Amis tribe,train +38298,38299,38299,misamaanay ˈayaw nu ira ci Misiya i Fangcalay Cudad hanu cuwa ka adihay ku milenguay ci Satanan,why is there so little mention of Satan in the biblical record before the coming of the Messiah,train +38299,38300,38300,nu hiya,language research and development foundation,test +38300,38301,38301,kisu tu ku miafalaay a mirayray tu tayal nu safasafa,you will be the one to carry on the mission of educating the younger generation,train +38301,38302,38302,pirsquuucil,implore,train +38302,38303,38303,edeng ca,Only,train +38303,38304,38304,papituen,Seven,train +38304,38305,38305,tangasa nikapatay niyam tangasa i nikatuasa namu,until you die until you grow up,train +38305,38306,38306,sanu mamaanay kura iya kura,he will have his body,train +38306,38307,38307,mahaen ku lisin nu Pangcah kalapaysinay kami u Pangcah itiya hu,this is an Amis ritual the Amis used to be very serious about taboos,train +38307,38308,38308,Mapiyak ku waay nira a mitaekud,he jumped with his feet wide open,train +38308,38309,38309,kapah,profitable,train +38309,38310,38310,maakung,crooked,test +38310,38311,38311,yatu malitenglitengay haw i,Seniors,train +38311,38312,38312,pakungkung sa iri ira tu remadiway,just tell stories and sing songs,train +38312,38313,38313,satu ci tumuk haw,what kind of rock is this,train +38313,38314,38314,salikaka Yuutia aci Sintiki nanay palaccayen ku falucu namu a mituur tu Tapang,I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord,train +38314,38315,38315,kalahitayan,being a soldier,train +38315,38316,38316,matiniyay kuni pacamul nu Pangcah,Amis Duga,train +38316,38317,38317,Dadada,Please,train +38317,38318,38318,kafukilan,cannot,train +38318,38319,38319,safirufiru,to look for a way out of a situation,train +38319,38320,38320,rupira,lose,test +38320,38321,38321,Patamelacen ku cukui,shine the table top,train +38321,38322,38322,o nini a pisuwac haw i u palatamdaw a masafainayan ta ciicel cangra a midiput tu niyaru sakafana nangra a misaparud atu mirayray tu urip nu finacadan atu serangawan,all of the training is to create men who are capable of defending their tribe and strengthening their families and to continue the culture and lifeblood of their people,train +38322,38323,38323,uninan haw u karurayan namu pakaen tu diyung,this is for you to feed the pigs and raise the chickens,train +38323,38324,38324,palawacu,lit abused like a dog,train +38324,38325,38325,ta luwad satu kaku a malahitay,I enlisted,train +38325,38326,38326,san,Quotation,train +38326,38327,38327,u misakilacay tumi runuan nu safa,this floor is dedicated to the training of young people,train +38327,38328,38328,ngiyaw,cat,train +38328,38329,38329,micuep,crouch over the water and sip directly from your mouth,train +38329,38330,38330,o tamdaw ni Yihufa ka Talaˈayaw,Jehovahs Witnesses move forward,test +38330,38331,38331,kakurut nu tayaling,this is a tire with bitter gourd,train +38331,38332,38332,u hemay sa ira haw ku titi,just rice any meat,train +38332,38333,38333,o sa aluman kiya nay,that is why there are so many Poons,train +38333,38334,38334,kalulutuk,bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons,train +38334,38335,38335,anu tayra i Kimung haw i,if they are distributed to Kinmen,train +38335,38336,38336,u wama atu ina aku,only because of my parents,train +38336,38337,38337,kami satu niyam haw i nanilutukay mamalinah kami tayni i hekal,we are moving from the mountains to the flatland,train +38337,38338,38338,i picudadan nu niyaru kisu a micudad hay,do you study in your tribes school,train +38338,38339,38339,nira,she,train +38339,38340,38340,i siwaay ku tuki ku katukuan nu kikay,the machine was stopped at nine of the clock,test +38340,38341,38341,mifutingay sa cada han namu miʼaca,Fishers so you just buy them,train +38341,38342,38342,maherek tu i maʼaraw tu nu tau ku na demak cuwa katahila laʼuc kura,after that people think it will not last,train +38342,38343,38343,anu macahiw kita a nu mana tu haw i ketu han kunian haw,if you are hungry or,train +38343,38344,38344,nalica aca sanggacu ku hicay,fish fry are in March,train +38344,38345,38345,misatarus kita,we went fishing together,train +38345,38346,38346,Mukuay kami i tapangan nu kilang a mitala i tisuwanan,we stayed under the tree and waited for you,train +38346,38347,38347,palafuay,produce something Scourge,train +38347,38348,38348,awaay tu ku pialaan maeminay tu,there is nothing left to take,train +38348,38349,38349,Miangang ku tumuk tu finawlan a miteka ilisin,the chief calls out to his people to begin the Harvest Festival,train +38349,38350,38350,ora sana,consequently,test +38350,38351,38351,kaesuʼ kaenen,it is delicious,train +38351,38352,38352,hatini han miketun mangaʼay tu miala,if we cut it down this way we can take it off,train +38352,38353,38353,misafun,soap,train +38353,38354,38354,anu caay saka pakaluwad,if you cannot get it up,train +38354,38355,38355,tangasa sahu cingra,he just arrived,train +38355,38356,38356,mafekac fer tu,running jumping,train +38356,38357,38357,u maku a sasuwalen pakayniay pisanga tu tamud,I am going to talk about how to make yeast,train +38357,38358,38358,ynien tuya tamdaw ku pasuwal,use that man to speak,train +38358,38359,38359,o maan ku nipacakayan isu,what do you sell,train +38359,38360,38360,paceringan nu niyam,we place the fish curtains,test +38360,38361,38361,Titatitasa,tick took,train +38361,38362,38362,Maduka ku waay ni faki,my uncle injured his foot,train +38362,38363,38363,tahira tu i Kakacawan tahini tu ciwkangan,when you get to Nagahama you get to Nagamitsu,train +38363,38364,38364,maciemay,people who despise,train +38364,38365,38365,caay ka hiya edeng paka tusa a pulu ku luma itini,there are about families,train +38365,38366,38366,u sanay sa pacuwah,that is what adding knot loop holes is all about,train +38366,38367,38367,fafahiyan,woman,train +38367,38368,38368,i niyaru niyam away ku katacumuli,there are no snails in our tribe,train +38368,38369,38369,sepat ku waay nu fananiul,tadpoles have four legs,train +38369,38370,38370,ya mikaeredan nu uu tiya iya kiy,it is the one that is drawn on the leg Oh yeah,test +38370,38371,38371,Kanguduen ku matuasay,respect the elders,train +38371,38372,38372,ci Sulumun ku mama ni Rihupuam ci Rihupuam ku mama ni Apiya ci Apiya ku mama ni Asa,Solomon the father of Rehoboam Rehoboam the father of Abijah Abijah the father of Asa,train +38372,38373,38373,Pakafanaen nu singsi kamu tu ngangan nu heci nu lusay anini,I will teach everyone all kinds of fruits in Pangcah language today,train +38373,38374,38374,tini i Kiku ira hu ku suwal nu masapinang hu kunu Cikasuʼan tini i fanaw mahaen tu,the accents of the Shichibukawa tribe are clearly retained in the Kikuchi area and the Chinan region,train +38374,38375,38375,oli uli pihiya i san ina aku,at that time my mother pushed me to go go learn and see,train +38375,38376,38376,marepun tu mihaen,that is how it is going to be done,train +38376,38377,38377,kararuman ku falucu a miharateng tu urip itiyaay hu,thinking about my old life always makes me sad,train +38377,38378,38378,u Pangcah,it is Amis,train +38378,38379,38379,adihay ku datung i lakelakelalan,there is a lot of driftwood on the riverbed floor,train +38379,38380,38380,u tadamaanay a remiad nu niyaru kinian u kalcapuwan nu kasalumaluma a remiad,it is the most important day of the tribe and a time for every family to come together,test +38380,38381,38381,matakupay ca akung aku ca ama aku itiya,at that time I was also involved with my grandparents who were still alive,train +38381,38382,38382,o satarakaway ku kakarayan,the sky is the highest,train +38382,38383,38383,Ldef sa cangra tu hkal Likuten nangra ku masaniyaruay a kamaruan nu finawlan nu Kawas atu kaulahan nu Kawas a niyaru Nikawrira matfaday nai kakarayan a namal ku milantuay i cangraan,and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them for battle in number they are like the sand on the seashore,train +38383,38384,38384,katumes,fill it up,train +38384,38385,38385,tangsul sa i luma i mama nu parud,you must have toasted your own parents first,train +38385,38386,38386,maharateng hu aku,I remember,train +38386,38387,38387,hu yu i rarum macayu kina tireng aku lina ama,Mom Dad I am going to be so miserable,train +38387,38388,38388,hai singsi,Teacher it is like this,train +38388,38389,38389,u sapi Ilisin u sakailisin,preparation for the Harvest moon Festival,train +38389,38390,38390,uni a niyaru niyam mana Karuruan hananay,why do we call our tribe the shampoo place,test +38390,38391,38391,mahaenay ku pakfana nu maku tura mihicay hananay,I will tell you the story of how we caught the fish fry,train +38391,38392,38392,tuwa pekpeken ku sadim i kudul nu nietengan vunavaw tu ku vuting,this is where the poison ivy comes from,train +38392,38393,38393,pikulii ira nitataay di pikulii kakatuka a nikuli,go to work work if you are led do not be lazy,train +38393,38394,38394,niyana hana nanu wawa aku,this flower is my childhood memory,train +38394,38395,38395,anu malitaturunan tu,if you want to eat glutinous rice cake,train +38395,38396,38396,cacamul sanay ku harateng nangra,their moods are a mixture of five flavors,train +38396,38397,38397,lihwayay,relaxed,train +38397,38398,38398,u ruma satu,the other is,train +38398,38399,38399,o fekac ku tuud nu kumulisay a kapah,the youth actions attending the river Festival are run with,train +38399,38400,38400,dadaya mafuti,when I sleep at night,test +38400,38401,38401,tangasa i lutuk,when we arrive at the mountain,train +38401,38402,38402,kahi,may,train +38402,38403,38403,nu tiniay tu micamulay kamiyan tu kira,join us then,train +38403,38404,38404,ilaku futing kaenhan kuranan u hemay ku awaay,there is plenty of fish to eat but it is just rice that is edible,train +38404,38405,38405,macengaw ku falucu,awareness of heart attitude,train +38405,38406,38406,ikur nu taykay panukayan kaku tayra i Filiping,after the Congress I was sent back to the Philippines to serve,train +38406,38407,38407,kiʼeciw hananay aka ka talaw kita aka ka ngudu a pasadak tu ngiha,do not be afraid to lead and do not be embarrassed to sing out,train +38407,38408,38408,kuri^ makudus,slim,train +38408,38409,38409,talakawcung,going to high school moving up to high school,train +38409,38410,38410,taiyufan,bubble blower,test +38410,38411,38411,iniyan a cepi haenen tu i tini tu,put this ruler here from here,train +38411,38412,38412,mararid kaku a mikansiya i Kawas aku tu saki tamuwanan nawhani pakayni ci Kristu Yisan a mapaini kamu tu mikumi,I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus,train +38412,38413,38413,u matiraay sa,that is it,train +38413,38414,38414,malecad tu mali ku kakimulmul nu tiyad ni ina,Moms belly is as round as a ball,train +38414,38415,38415,i tini i canglalan nu saka enem a fulad,on the fifteenth day of the sixth lunar month,train +38415,38416,38416,ku mafanaʼay mikingkiw,scholars have researched,train +38416,38417,38417,atu itini i,and Shek Mun reservoir,train +38417,38418,38418,yu itiya ku Rpun Ripun,for example in Japan at the time,train +38418,38419,38419,cantu pinganganan naku yama mafanaʼay pakimad hiwawa,I do not want my name to be a speech name,train +38419,38420,38420,tusa a talid ku aacaen nu maku miaca hu kaku tu felac cecay a tafu,I want two bottles and a pack of rice,test +38420,38421,38421,hatiraay ku maku a limela,I am that much in love,train +38421,38422,38422,a misakalilililing tuna naniwac tuna rara,when you eat green beans with a spoon,train +38422,38423,38423,u mihecaan nu maku i,where is my age,train +38423,38424,38424,onian kura maʼanufay,it is caused by greed,train +38424,38425,38425,o sapatalahkalaw aca tu kter nu Kawas ku Rikec Nikawrira u mafukilay tu Rikec a tamdaw i caay ka fana a paculi tu Rikec,because law brings wrath and where there is no law there is no transgression,train +38425,38426,38426,mikikay caira a mipanay,they use machines to cut rice,train +38426,38427,38427,matengil aku ku suwal u selal namu,I have heard that one before,train +38427,38428,38428,ira ku suwal nu matuʼasay,sage has a message,train +38428,38429,38429,sapisasing,camera,train +38429,38430,38430,ta mafana haw ku faki nu luma,the uncles in the family only know about it,test +38430,38431,38431,o edid ku nipalumaan niyam i umah,our fields are planted with wheat,train +38431,38432,38432,Caengawen ku mata aka katukatuk,please keep your eyes open and do not doze off,train +38432,38433,38433,yu maku masafalucuʼay,in my mind,train +38433,38434,38434,hatiniay,these,train +38434,38435,38435,cacay i padatengan tausaw aku sa kaku,I am alone in the garden I will come over and take a look,train +38435,38436,38436,maliʼangay kura ura wina ira,that grand mom is very mean,train +38436,38437,38437,itiraay i laenu nura kilang ku talakal nu maku,my trap is under that tree,train +38437,38438,38438,hemek satu caira a kumaen irara aredetay kina kafi nu futing nu kadafu sa ku suwal naira,they always say The fish shot by this son in law is really delicious,train +38438,38439,38439,anu maʼarawa tu i samanay han,since I have seen what was it like,train +38439,38440,38440,tatayra,until,test +38440,38441,38441,awaaytu waw iraw tu,no more wow there it is,train +38441,38442,38442,uy initu,Hey the waters coming,train +38442,38443,38443,tuna u matayalay cangra saka kanguduen cangra Kaulahen cangra kararihaday kamu,hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work live in peace with each other,train +38443,38444,38444,haluya mikeriday a matuʼasay,with the old man who led it,train +38444,38445,38445,malalitemuk cangra mafiyuk nu fali nu kalalitemuk nira ku kafung nuya wawa tiya fainayan,when they met the wind blew the boys hat away,train +38445,38446,38446,hai han aku,my response yes,train +38446,38447,38447,cuwa ka pasuwal,did not say that,train +38447,38448,38448,hay namitapiʼay tu kaku hafaʼinay hanany tu aku kura,since I have already made a contribution I have made him my object,train +38448,38449,38449,adada ku wadis aku singsi,Teacher I have a toothache,train +38449,38450,38450,Itiya miceriday kaku mitulun atu rumadiw tu radiw nu Hungti Kitakita miharateng anu pasalat wa misamaan a mitusil rihadayay ku falucuˈ aku mihaen tu demak,at that time I often prayed and sang kingdom psalms and imagined how I would preach when I was free which kept me at peace,test +38450,38451,38451,u ya nan tuku urip nu demak nangra,they have been living like this all their lives,train +38451,38452,38452,mitanam kita u tamdaw a maen tu fukesu,we humans also try to eat pasture hearts,train +38452,38453,38453,neng han satu ʼatuʼatulan,it looks like a pile of rocks,train +38453,38454,38454,hamaan tu malifut u uciya ku ngaayay tayni i palafangan malalicay hu kita,no need to bother I will just have tea let us sit in the living room and chat,train +38454,38455,38455,Nikawrira tataang ku inap nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung atu kaput ningra a ma^min uya masakaputay a Satukay a tamdaw Saka luwad satu cangra,then the high priest and all his associates who were members of the party of the Sadducees were filled with jealousy,train +38455,38456,38456,kaku san i,and I got bucks,train +38456,38457,38457,paasuluan,placement of pestle and mortar,train +38457,38458,38458,i lim tiiin tiel tiellyen tiiing tiellyen,Battalion Company Battalion Battalion Company,train +38458,38459,38459,adihay,numerous,train +38459,38460,38460,pahadak,serve also to put on plate,test +38460,38461,38461,tira mirepel nika kacanguʼutan nu urip nu niyam ayaw i,but what we lack in life is the most,train +38461,38462,38462,laheci,complete,train +38462,38463,38463,misatarimasaay,making waterfalls,train +38463,38464,38464,anu hasapi laheciaw ci Sulumun tuni ˈinurung i timulu a misafaˈinaˈinayan cingra ngaˈ misatapang a midemak,for Solomon to accomplish this task he must be brave and strong and take action,train +38464,38465,38465,Cahu mifanaway kaku tu kaysing nu hatini,not yet I am doing the dishes,train +38465,38466,38466,a hacuwaen ku tenes a mieteng,and how long will it take to plug the drain,train +38466,38467,38467,tini i,go to Itabashi Central and wing Wo Shinjyou,train +38467,38468,38468,misama mikalimelaw miya makerih i lutulutukan i mangalefay sa,outside of work the Amis would pick mountain lettuce mountain citrus and often overdo it in the mountains,train +38468,38469,38469,anu caka haenen u sapimaan kura kadafu u matukaay san ku malitengay,if not I would say What is this son in law doing here he is lazy,train +38469,38470,38470,Micuhung ku malainaay anini a rumiad,Today my relatives visited the place where my late friend lives,test +38470,38471,38471,saan saku suwal nu mama atu ina nu makku,my parents told me so,train +38471,38472,38472,kerid han aku ku itiya ya tayra i,I took the president and a few parishioner representatives to Hsin Chong,train +38472,38473,38473,anu mafuti kaku itini tunian,if I sleep here,train +38473,38474,38474,Cilasatu a rumiad i yu tatayra ci Yis i Kalili i malitmuh ningra ci Filip Pituur i Takuwanan han ningra,the next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee finding Philip he said to him Follow me,train +38474,38475,38475,i huni papulita kamu haw,I will explain later,train +38475,38476,38476,tu Fangcalay rakaten nu tafutafukan a riyar,nice flat sand on the beach,train +38476,38477,38477,sakatusa ira a pahicelaan i Lalawudan hananay,Laloran was their second temporary stopover,train +38477,38478,38478,Matavu nu remes ku punu nu,the brain is wrapped in writing,train +38478,38479,38479,karuwiruk,grapefruit,train +38479,38480,38480,nani Tafalung,from Taipa long,test +38480,38481,38481,cemet,blink,train +38481,38482,38482,u safa aku ku riranay,that is my brother,train +38482,38483,38483,talapitilidan,to school,train +38483,38484,38484,mikimad kaku tira pasifana kaku tu radiw tira tu salikaka,I am over there teaching hymns,train +38484,38485,38485,maan sanay saan kini imi isu saan,what does it really mean,train +38485,38486,38486,way sapipatay tu widi,Sterilization of leeches with medicines,train +38486,38487,38487,cima haca kulila,and who is that,train +38487,38488,38488,pikawih,beckon,train +38488,38489,38489,Masangatu ku falucu nira,his attitude has changed,train +38489,38490,38490,ta maherek itira tayra tu i Kiyaling,when we are done here we will switch to Carrie,test +38490,38491,38491,patirengen isu cangra a palacitudungay tu taung nu Kitakit Isu a pakatayal tu saki Kawas ita atu u mamikuwan cangra tu hkal saan,you have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God and they will reign on the earth,train +38491,38492,38492,o maan ku aacaen isu wawa,what do you want to buy kid,train +38492,38493,38493,Mafecul kamu,do you have enough to eat,train +38493,38494,38494,hu yu i rarum macayu kina tireng aku lina ama,Dad Mom I am going to be so sad,train +38494,38495,38495,u keliw,that line,train +38495,38496,38496,7 oya awaay ku ˈicel a sufitay nu Israil wa saan a miharateng Anu fahal sa ku adaˈ miˈudis i wa samaan kami midiput tu paru nu lumaˈ hani,those defenseless Israeli soldiers may wonder How are we going to protect our families if the enemy raids the camp,train +38496,38497,38497,caka hatira tu aniniay,not like now,train +38497,38498,38498,o a imeren nu tamdaw a ma^min ku kararamud nangra Sarucuden ku falucu i ramud isu nawhani sawkiten nu Kawas ku maudangay a tamdaw,marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept pure for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral,train +38498,38499,38499,o titi nu lawal ku sakalahuk niyam,our lunch was flying squirrel meat,train +38499,38500,38500,saka itiya tu i haw i,that is why in,test +38500,38501,38501,tusa ku nafi naw nu tusa han ku,the benefits of bringing two pots are,train +38501,38502,38502,tatayra i Kilung,going to Keelung,train +38502,38503,38503,o malaramuday han nu Amis ku mipakayifan a tatusa,the Amis refer to two people who have gone through a marriage ceremony as husband and wife,train +38503,38504,38504,kara hicay kuya nu Taywan misangaʼan,Minnan fishing nets catch more fish,train +38504,38505,38505,mapeciʼay tu maperaʼay tu,it is broken it is cracked,train +38505,38506,38506,mamidemak,enforcement,train +38506,38507,38507,ta miliyaw haca ci Yis a rumuhu a mitilid i sra,again he stooped down and wrote on the ground,train +38507,38508,38508,misiwar,change,train +38508,38509,38509,sakatulu nu mitiliday,Wednesdays,train +38509,38510,38510,matiya satu,from here on out,test +38510,38511,38511,ma pulin kunini a fayinayan a wawa tu mikulisiway malaklak ku nialaan nira a,the boy who rode a bike fell and what he took were scattered,train +38511,38512,38512,haen han aku ku piaray tisuwanan haw,thank you very much for your willingness to be interviewed,train +38512,38513,38513,ya luma nu fiyaw fiyaw i paluma tu tefus,sugar cane is grown in the vacant lots around the neighborhood,train +38513,38514,38514,anu mahaen kaw maku ku,that is it take mine,train +38514,38515,38515,matefad tu ku falucu aku,my heart fell i I lost hope became disillusioned,train +38515,38516,38516,iru cay tu tahidangen,why do not you invite him,train +38516,38517,38517,taluma tu sangsangdev taluma sa ku heni namikulia,when they get home from work it is late in the evening,train +38517,38518,38518,o cimaciay ku Kitakit nu Taywan,Taiwan is a country with cities,train +38518,38519,38519,Maketing ku riku aku i pacek nu anengang,my clothes got caught on a nail in the chair,train +38519,38520,38520,alu,creeks,test +38520,38521,38521,reda,sleeping soundly,train +38521,38522,38522,ta ta mihuyahuy kita saan,that is how we are going to catch fish,train +38522,38523,38523,falahan tu isu,did you throw them away,train +38523,38524,38524,maʼinal tu tayra minukay awaay tu sapinukayaw itini i Taypey,I am worried I will not want to come back to Taipei,train +38524,38525,38525,nu makuay misafalucu sa suwal nu matuʼasay kunian,this is the old mans taboo I have been thinking about in my mind,train +38525,38526,38526,a mitakus kita tu sakawasay yu,we will have to invite a wizard too,train +38526,38527,38527,anu cimaramuday i niyaru i u tataangay a demak nu ngangasawan,when someone in the tribe gets married it is a big deal for the whole clan,train +38527,38528,38528,Mankura mitukelay ci Yihufa tu kasakitakit itini i hekal i kasafinacadan i kasangasaw i kasasi rumaruma nu suwal atu kasafinawlan a tamdaw cipinang tu Fangcalay Cudad a milifuk tu epuc,it is the LORDs desire that people of every nation tribe and language should have the opportunity to understand the Bible and benefit from it,train +38528,38529,38529,o ringer nu tangal nu maku i dadaya a cay kangaay a rumakat,last night I could not walk with my head spinning,train +38529,38530,38530,facidul,bread tree,test +38530,38531,38531,o suelinay ku nipaini nu maku u nanu rayray a nipaini nu tuas,all that I say is true the sayings of my ancestors,train +38531,38532,38532,rumaay tu ku suwal,it is a different language,train +38532,38533,38533,kaumela,treasure,train +38533,38534,38534,Saka licayen ni Yis ciira Cima ku ngangan isu han ningra Ci Likiyun ku ngangan aku nawhani alumanay kami saan ciira a pacauf,then Jesus asked him What is your name My name is Legion he replied for we are many,train +38534,38535,38535,saka liumahan aku kunini,this is my field,train +38535,38536,38536,pituay tu pulu a mihecaan,he is years old,train +38536,38537,38537,nawhan i sakacingangan nina lutuk tini i angasan tu tenem hananay haw i,why is salt spring named after Mount Chiloe,train +38537,38538,38538,onini kaered ini haw,where is the rope,train +38538,38539,38539,mahrek cangra a mitulun i mangernger kuya kasaupuan nangra Mapaicel nu Fangcalay Adingu cangra a ma^min Saka caaytu paska cangra a pasuwal tu suwal nu Kawas,after they prayed the place where they were meeting was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly,train +38539,38540,38540,adihay ku nipisasing nu maku u sapamelaw ci amaan aci inaan,I took a lot of pictures and showed them to my parents,test +38540,38541,38541,sasalama,I have been playing,train +38541,38542,38542,manhan ku palifun ira tu matayalay,how will the workers be paid,train +38542,38543,38543,u wawa u faʼinay aku diputen tu kira,you have to take care of your kids and your husband,train +38543,38544,38544,aca^,just,train +38544,38545,38545,muwa sa nu Payrang Man hanta nu mita,Huangmashi Min seems to be we also call it jute,train +38545,38546,38546,kakeriden,belt,train +38546,38547,38547,Tamurung tu kasuy u maramud a tu ku nu mukasi,I used to be married to carrying lumber,train +38547,38548,38548,tayra mikilang ngaʼayay ku lalan itira,it is a good road to cut down the rafts over there,train +38548,38549,38549,malatumuk kaku,become a ringleader,train +38549,38550,38550,Hay mamitilid kaku,Yes I will keep reading,test +38550,38551,38551,saan kaku a patinaku tu hatiniay a suwal kura,I will tell you about the lead singer,train +38551,38552,38552,hu a wawa ku demak naira,they are like children,train +38552,38553,38553,Macefis nu suli ku papaysuan nu maku,my wallet was snatched by a pickpocket,train +38553,38554,38554,kayakay,bridge,train +38554,38555,38555,ya tinai aka alaen,you cannot eat offal,train +38555,38556,38556,tuna rumiad cilusid a maemin ku i niyaruay lipahak sa ku pulung nu finawlan a militemuh tunini a kahemekan a rumiad,to welcome this exciting festival families dress up in traditional costumes and rejoice,train +38556,38557,38557,saka lima a remiad malikav hananay,day is the review meeting,train +38557,38558,38558,tayal mala sai nika sanu paylang sanay ku matayalay haw,and most of the supervisors work involves speaking Taiwanese,train +38558,38559,38559,maʼayawen hu nangra mipaluma tu ariray kunga,before that they grew corn groundnuts,train +38559,38560,38560,Talakawili ku rakat nira malasangay,that drunken man walks favoring the left side,test +38560,38561,38561,fs sanu Pangcah han cay sanuwawaay ku ngiha malitengay malitengay ku suwal nira,use perfect mother tongue no child language speak very traditionally,train +38561,38562,38562,papacem,very early in the morning,train +38562,38563,38563,o ruhem tu nu pawli i ariri nu mita,the bananas in our warehouse are ripe,train +38563,38564,38564,kacuniharan,early morning,train +38564,38565,38565,maan han tu mapatay tu kiya,it is dead,train +38565,38566,38566,o maumiay nu ina a wawa ciira,he is a spoiled child of his mother,train +38566,38567,38567,malatamdaway a uner,become an adult snake,train +38567,38568,38568,Kawraan u lipahakay a rumiˈad cuwa ka halafin,However the fun soon came to an end,train +38568,38569,38569,namahaen satu,at this point,train +38569,38570,38570,lima suut a lumuud kunini,it is dollars,test +38570,38571,38571,tini kaku misiwkay tu itaya,I am going to introduce it here now,train +38571,38572,38572,o Pangcah ciira hay,is she Pangcah too,train +38572,38573,38573,lavii,in the evening,train +38573,38574,38574,mapakasu,filled with gas,train +38574,38575,38575,Malukafung nu maku kira sasifin,that towel became my hat,train +38575,38576,38576,hay kadafu sanay tu kaku tayni i Pungudan,Yes and I married into the bridge tribe,train +38576,38577,38577,ci mahan ku wama nu misu,what is your fathers name,train +38577,38578,38578,kawanan,the right side,train +38578,38579,38579,ngaʼayay paluma tu maan kalitalitang,can be planted with any type of bean,train +38579,38580,38580,enenm a sapadan,six tables,test +38580,38581,38581,tadakaesuay,very tasty,train +38581,38582,38582,u niyam a pala kuni saan hu ku cipalaay itiya nu tuʼas tiyan i,as a result the tribes have coordinated and delineated their boundaries with each other,train +38582,38583,38583,a lima tu ku rumi ad ita patirengan sa,we will start in five days,train +38583,38584,38584,maneneng nira ku tayal ni ina nira,he saw what his mom did,train +38584,38585,38585,ma icang ciira ta tafu han,wrap it up when it is dry,train +38585,38586,38586,husu,pipe,train +38586,38587,38587,tangu,broken,train +38587,38588,38588,dicuhen,to loosen,train +38588,38589,38589,nawhan kuran haw i cecay ayaman haw i mafanaʼay paising tu kilang,because the birds one of them is a tree surgeon,train +38589,38590,38590,Angtuxay kura ʼaluʼalu atu niyaru nu Kalingku sa i,Hualiens rivers and tribes stink,test +38590,38591,38591,Owalen nu alumalay a kapah kira fekeluh a adawang nu luma niyam,a lot of young people went together to use a crowbar to move the stone in front of my house,train +38591,38592,38592,cifucud,have an illegitimate child,train +38592,38593,38593,i tataakay a nanum patelien i vavaw,big river put that downstream,train +38593,38594,38594,pasisi matuʼasay kira,to honor the elderly,train +38594,38595,38595,Anuhacuwa^ kaku panukas tuna paysu^ i tisuwanan,when do I have to pay you back,train +38595,38596,38596,pitusur,kneel,train +38596,38597,38597,mahaen tu ta tulu mipanay anu awaay ku paliw,if there is no mutual aid group it is just the three of us cutting the rice,train +38597,38598,38598,yakiw,soccer,train +38598,38599,38599,utufay,motorcycle,train +38599,38600,38600,ca tu pisaliawliaw a miulung sa ku falucu nu maku,we do not have to carry them around I think so,test +38600,38601,38601,awaay ku paciciay pasifana kisu nan,and no ones going to force you to teach them,train +38601,38602,38602,u huwak,and duck,train +38602,38603,38603,misamelamelaw tu kita tu tataakay a laying,we need to keep an eye on the rolling waves,train +38603,38604,38604,mangaʼay ira ku tayal,you can have this job,train +38604,38605,38605,pikilumaan,time and place of the Bountiful years Festival,train +38605,38606,38606,o wawa nu Kawas ci Yis anu saan ku tamdaw a patalahkal i ira ku urip nu Kawas i titaanan ira i titaanan ku urip nu Kawas,if anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the son of God God lives in him and he in God,train +38606,38607,38607,iraan kiyami u Lidaw han nu aniniyay,it is today Dongchang,train +38607,38608,38608,fisac,eldest son,train +38608,38609,38609,Muetep ira ku falu ku mihecaan nu kaka aku,my brother is years old,train +38609,38610,38610,teli han tini i fanaw,if you put it in the lake,test +38610,38611,38611,natulu a fulad minukay nacecay,I came back for the first time in three months,train +38611,38612,38612,anca ka ala haw i laplap hanira papinukay miala tu payci,if you do not get the fine you will get the money when you get back,train +38612,38613,38613,taw anini hantu,at this point,train +38613,38614,38614,Halafin tu kisu caay ka tayni maurun kaku i tisuwanan,you have not been here for a long time I missed you so much,train +38614,38615,38615,o fainayan a safa aku cingra,he is my younger brother,train +38615,38616,38616,mahaen anini,Now,train +38616,38617,38617,ngaʼay kira u u hananay,like driving gravel trucks and buses,train +38617,38618,38618,1970 miheca sakinacecay mitaypiyaw tu cungpu milisuˈ itini i Winiluwila,first mission in Venezuela,train +38618,38619,38619,tuninian haw i itiniay kita u mahemek ku demak nu makakutakutay nu malatapang nu,we work as hard as we do here no matter how many managers come and go,train +38619,38620,38620,awaay ku tatudung unian u pilaedis hananay hananay,I have never been to an Amis fishing festival,test +38620,38621,38621,dawmiay,tender,train +38621,38622,38622,atu kawali sera kaetip,it extends from the east to the west,train +38622,38623,38623,kivetulay,thick,train +38623,38624,38624,talapaisingan,hospitals,train +38624,38625,38625,eh en ayu,Coughing Aah,train +38625,38626,38626,tataangay a pitilidan,university,train +38626,38627,38627,anu anu kura misangaʼan isu kira haw,what if what if you made of them,train +38627,38628,38628,hatinitu maricakaw kuniniyan eli,thatched like that living with each other,train +38628,38629,38629,cepeten,scratch,train +38629,38630,38630,nu Recurd,same thing,test +38630,38631,38631,tanengima,try it,train +38631,38632,38632,masaray,drive away the evil and be cured,train +38632,38633,38633,sapatenak a cudadsapatenak a lacu kiyami,leaflets and fliers,train +38633,38634,38634,malinah tayra mikilim tu kangaʼayan aca nangra,moving to a nice place to live,train +38634,38635,38635,ya alu tatimulay kila,is that river from the south,train +38635,38636,38636,ira nu Payrang a kenaw ha,three starred green onions a Han favorite,train +38636,38637,38637,deng aca i niyaru tayra kaku i ʼamiʼamisan,that is why I am only going north,train +38637,38638,38638,sa kami sa kura Amis kira,the Amis say that we are that,train +38638,38639,38639,Salikakaaw aka ka fahka kamu tu nipiintel nu hkal a tamdaw i tamuwanan,do not be surprised my brothers if the world hates you,train +38639,38640,38640,takuwanan,in me,test +38640,38641,38641,maan sa tiya u,at that time,train +38641,38642,38642,Ira i kuhkuhan ku Taluan nu tatuasan ita tu tatudung nu nipikaput nu Kawas i cangraan Madu^du ku nanu suwal nu Kawas ci Musian a misanga tuya Haenen u ninengnengan isu a facu ku pisanga tunini sanay,Our forefathers had the tabernacle of the testimony with them in the desert it had been made as God directed Moses according to the pattern he had seen,train +38642,38643,38643,caaytu ka tatudung kaku a malawawa isu palcad hantu kaku atu kuli isu haenaw aku a sumuwal ku mama aku saan cingra,I am no longer worthy to be called your son make me like one of your hired men,train +38643,38644,38644,u kafanaʼan aku haw tayraay kaku i micelem miaʼuwang,I remember I used to dive for sea urchins in little Liuqiu,train +38644,38645,38645,haw,Why,train +38645,38646,38646,maedefay,closed,train +38646,38647,38647,lumalumaan,classifier for families or businesses beg shops companies,train +38647,38648,38648,pasipasipen ku kangkuhu tu duka nu misu,ask the nurse to put medicine on your wound,train +38648,38649,38649,sanay ku suwal nuni salikaka O hekal ni Satan miuwingay tu tamdaw ˈakawang ku picudadan saka cinganganaw atu adihay ku payci,this sister said Satans world encourages people to pursue higher education fame and many material things,train +38649,38650,38650,ira siniʼadaay tu kaku awid tu kaemangay nu mita,I sympathize with our schoolchildren,test +38650,38651,38651,wawa nu niyam i,our children,train +38651,38652,38652,u titi ira tu,there is meat too,train +38652,38653,38653,hatiyaay kami a ilisin satu ku patakusay ri,that is how informers report information,train +38653,38654,38654,patarangen,shaft something warm up,train +38654,38655,38655,cayka tayal kisu tu nu kaysiya hananay a tayal,you have never worked in a factory,train +38655,38656,38656,matengilay nu maku,I heard it,train +38656,38657,38657,maaraw nu wina aku wama aku,my mom and dad,train +38657,38658,38658,mamaanay tu ku faʼinay aku hukini sa kiya ku fafahi ira,his wife says what is wrong with my husband,train +38658,38659,38659,Hay aray singsi^,Yes thank you,train +38659,38660,38660,satu kaku a mihining tu wawa,I have seen the lives of modern children,test +38660,38661,38661,awa ku dateng nu malitengay i,if there are no dishes,train +38661,38662,38662,papalataangen,more praise,train +38662,38663,38663,mikahut,grab a handful,train +38663,38664,38664,2 o mitiliday tu ˈOlic 147 fedengan makalimay pahemek ci Yihufaan,the author of Psalm longed to praise the Lord and encouraged others to join him in praising God,train +38664,38665,38665,anu i kaenu nu kilang miʼaraw tu,if you look under the trees,train +38665,38666,38666,mahapinang ni Yis ku nika fana ningra a pacauf saka suwal sa i cingraan Caaytu piraay kisu tu Kitakit nu Kawas han ningra nanitiya a paskatu ku tamdaw a milicay i ci Yisan tu maan aca,when Jesus saw that he had answered wisely he said to him You are not far from the kingdom of God and from then on no one dared ask him any more questions,train +38666,38667,38667,awaay ku fufu nu niyam itira tanupacemutan nu niyam ku pifuting,we do not have any fish traps there so we catch fish with a fishing rod,train +38667,38668,38668,Saka^nem,sixthly,train +38668,38669,38669,pakili pakafang hatu pafuduy pakafuti hatu i dudang paicep pafelac pahemay hatu tira upesakay maherek i u nitatuyan nira a maamaan tu,lay cloths and blankets inside then place the clothed body in a wooden box and after adding betel nut round grained rice and non sticky rice the,train +38669,38670,38670,awaay i niyaru awaay,none of them are on the tribe No,test +38670,38671,38671,misaicahay,vain,train +38671,38672,38672,tahini sa tu kalepuna tu pifuludan hata ku palimuʼut matuʼasay,until the end of the program there were still encouragement and encouragement from the elders,train +38672,38673,38673,Tikelu han tu kura papaacaen ita a futing,we need to separate the fish we are selling,train +38673,38674,38674,u cecayay tu a maʼurip cira,he is all alone,train +38674,38675,38675,itiya han tu ya luma,the realm of the ancestral spirits of the bereaved,train +38675,38676,38676,micakay tayra i patiyamay tu kaulahan isu a riku san kura ina aku,mother says you can still buy your favorite clothes,train +38676,38677,38677,Saka ngudu satu a ma^min kuya paculiay ci Yisan a tamdaw salipahak satu ku finawlan a ma^min tu nika tadamaan nu dmak ningra a ma^min,when he said this all his opponents were humiliated but the people were delighted with all the wonderful things he was doing,train +38677,38678,38678,makeru satu i awaay ku haw,dancing does not work either,train +38678,38679,38679,sapaini nu matuʼasay,the teachings of the elders,train +38679,38680,38680,ngaʼayay ku pihahay niyam itumukan,the dance at the Toyonen Matsuri was great,test +38680,38681,38681,caay hu kaʼedeng saan haw,I do not think it is dry enough,train +38681,38682,38682,cuwa kataangay ku kungkuan niyam ca ka hakuwa ku mitiliday mananamay tu kami,our school is not big there are not many students everyone knows each other,train +38682,38683,38683,man han i,what kind of plant is it,train +38683,38684,38684,suwal sa tayal nu maku itira i,the people who work over there say,train +38684,38685,38685,panasien,place the pears,train +38685,38686,38686,na itiraay i Falangaw mapatalahekal kuna malasafitay tala Kinmung sanay a radiw u heci nura radiw i pakafana tu rakat nu nafalucuan a malasafitay tala Kinmungay a kapah nu Falangaw,the song Song of the battle of Kinmen is a modern Malan America folk song that describes the journey of a young Malay man who was drafted into the army and marched to the Kinmen battle Line,train +38686,38687,38687,naayaw kinacacay mitavukud,go over there and throw a net,train +38687,38688,38688,ilaay ku taangayay a fanaw sanay ku ma tengilay aku i sakacuwaay,I heard there is a big lake here where is it,train +38688,38689,38689,malaawaayay,it is nothing,train +38689,38690,38690,pasuvelid,tell,test +38690,38691,38691,Tanukangkufu saan i pipaisingan,there are many nurses in the hospital,train +38691,38692,38692,mapacedi,engrossed,train +38692,38693,38693,misaciyu,the sound of the water the sound of falling in,train +38693,38694,38694,Nikawrira anu maraudtu ku rumiad tu pialaan tuya papararamuden a fainayan i itiyatu cangra a misaliway,but the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them and on that day they will fast,train +38694,38695,38695,i Kingmungay ira tu 606 ku tamdaw mahaen ku nikarasras nu Pangcah i tina kitakitan,there are people who have settled in Kinmen this is how the Amis have spread throughout the country from tribe to tribe,train +38695,38696,38696,taungen,Salute,train +38696,38697,38697,hakenu,I do not know,train +38697,38698,38698,tanamem hena ya nu kilang,try the wood,train +38698,38699,38699,lalikid hanan,forms are based on primitive religious rituals,train +38699,38700,38700,tupi,pigeon,test +38700,38701,38701,saw,Thao one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +38701,38702,38702,awaay tu ku kaysiya,factory no more,train +38702,38703,38703,halafin tu ku adada nu funguh nira,he is had a headache for a long time,train +38703,38704,38704,sepat fulad i pikunglingan kami,four months at the training center for four months,train +38704,38705,38705,hatiniay ku paturu aku tuna suwal,response to your main question,train +38705,38706,38706,paparukan,quilt cabinet,train +38706,38707,38707,tulu ku acucul ni kaka aku,my brother has three gyros,train +38707,38708,38708,Fahka a ma^min ku mitngilay a tamdamdaw tunini suwal sa Caay ku mipatayay cingra i Yirusalim tu mitaungay ci Yisan saw Caay ku sapipalitaw ningra cangraan a patayra i kakridan nu citudungay tu taung saw ku sakatayni ningra saan cangra,all those who heard him were astonished and asked Is not he the man who raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name and has not he come here to take them as prisoners to the chief priests,train +38708,38709,38709,matatukatuk kiya mipalamlaman tu faedetay nanum,drink with hot water when dozing off,train +38709,38710,38710,Saka matu nipipaliayaw nu Kawas yu misanga cingra tu hkal ku nipipili titaanan a palafinawlan ningra pakayni i nika laccay ita aci Kristu Madu^du nu masamaamaanay a dmak ku nafalucuan nu Kawas,in him we were also chosen having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,test +38710,38711,38711,sikawasay a lutuk sa,the mountain of the Spirit,train +38711,38712,38712,hadihay tu ku yan u Amis Yuncumin hanaay,there are also a lot of Amis and Aboriginal people living here,train +38712,38713,38713,Cuwat satu ku tayal nu maku a tala Taypak,my work expanded to Taipei,train +38713,38714,38714,melawi saw tahkal ku heci u,look at the seeds coming out,train +38714,38715,38715,micukeray,supporters,train +38715,38716,38716,ta matiya satu,after that,train +38716,38717,38717,sakatusa awawa kuni,the second child or brother,train +38717,38718,38718,matiya u kalapiyat a matdi ku pising ningra matiya u su^da ku nika tumli nu riku ningra,his appearance was like lightning and his clothes were white as snow,train +38718,38719,38719,maanen aku matiya,what should I do,train +38719,38720,38720,Cikuliciw kaku anucila a talapicudadan,I am riding my bike to school tomorrow,test +38720,38721,38721,malawit ku cecay a mihecaan na patatikulay ku tamina niyam,it will be a year before our ship returns,train +38721,38722,38722,sawad sa tu ku harateng aya u kaawa tu kunian,I thought it was hopeless,train +38722,38723,38723,sakacifafahiaw,eager to marry,train +38723,38724,38724,ta caay ka itini i hiya i Sey Sayaw Su Sie maru itini i Siw Ni Yen hay han,I do not live in a dormitory I live in a convent Yes yes,train +38724,38725,38725,kungtuseng,student who also works part time,train +38725,38726,38726,tuʼas satu kaku tahira tu i secisuwiy e kaku,I am growing up to be a year old girl,train +38726,38727,38727,malapaliway,changeover partner,train +38727,38728,38728,tahaanini tuni kafana aku tunu tuʼas a demak i tiyahu,what I have learned about my ancestors life since I was a child,train +38728,38729,38729,o manan ku manengnengay nu misu anini,what did you see today,train +38729,38730,38730,nawhani misafalucu ku i Makituniyaay atu i Akayaay a kiwkay tu sapasurut tu sapipadang tu i Yirusalimay a pakuyucay a mituuray,for Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem,test +38730,38731,38731,turin,continue,train +38731,38732,38732,manengneng nira watah ku haci nira nuna kiyafes saan a minengneng mitafsiw tiya mikitingay tu siri,he saw the fruit the guavas the person who pulled the goat along passed and saw,train +38732,38733,38733,kaulah han nu misu u demak nu urip a demak,your own,train +38733,38734,38734,saka mahenay haan i,here is the deal,train +38734,38735,38735,hatiya tu ayam a malaluk a maefer,it is a metaphor for a bird that works hard and flies fast,train +38735,38736,38736,a mangalev ku ngeru caay kadayum ku nananaman i tasiyi sakilemelen i saw,there are so many difficult courses to take in college so go for it,train +38736,38737,38737,tudungan niyam ku pisausi nu singsi radiwan niyam ku sausi,we followed the teacher to read we sang the number song,train +38737,38738,38738,ta mahenay sakira saka,that is it,train +38738,38739,38739,tatefaden,to be led,train +38739,38740,38740,ciyahuh halafinay tayni halafinay,Wow it is really really durable,test +38740,38741,38741,mivadahung,roofing,train +38741,38742,38742,tahidange,invite,train +38742,38743,38743,makapahay ku lengaw ira,it will grow beautifully,train +38743,38744,38744,i tini Tafalung,in Tai Po long Valley,train +38744,38745,38745,caay ka haen ku nuniyam,we are not going to,train +38745,38746,38746,o ruma haca a suwal nu maanangay a tilid nu likisi u sarakatay misanga tu atumu ku Amis a finacadan saan ku suwal,it is documented that the Amis were the pioneers of the pottery culture,train +38746,38747,38747,masakeru^,dance,train +38747,38748,38748,hay maceraay tu kaku,because I am sick of it,train +38748,38749,38749,ccay ku Kawas saan ku pipasulin isu haw Ngaayay kurira Halupalafuay a pasulin a Mamirmir a matalaw,you believe that there is one God Good even the demons believe that and shudder,train +38749,38750,38750,sakasasuwal,the person you are talking to,test +38750,38751,38751,sami lalicaylicay kami tu kaput itu u fiyaw itu nu niyam,Neighbors neighbors and associates are talking to each other,train +38751,38752,38752,hantu,What,train +38752,38753,38753,Tusaen ku futing,two fish,train +38753,38754,38754,oniya suwal mituuray tu cecay rumiˈad 24 tatukian ku pinengneng,in places where the hour system is used some people will say It is,train +38754,38755,38755,kisu san micudad tu,and you are going to read,train +38755,38756,38756,tataangay a uncuy,Big big boulders,train +38756,38757,38757,suwal han aku u niyaru niyam,I proclaim this motto to the people of the tribe the people of the tribe,train +38757,38758,38758,o niiyutan nira kira sapad a misawacu,that board was made into a dog by his drill,train +38758,38759,38759,uya safun nu niyam itiya hu u pancah,the Amis used it to make soap,train +38759,38760,38760,Dupuhen a matayal saan ku tawki,the boss said Work hard,test +38760,38761,38761,patireng,stand,train +38761,38762,38762,Cima^ ciira,who is he,train +38762,38763,38763,o sakatumireng nunini a tamdaw a malacitudungay tu taung i caay ku nanu tamdawan a limuut atu rikec o nanu icel nu midaucay a urip,and what we have said is even more clear if another priest like Melchizedek appears,train +38763,38764,38764,sapatala tiya fufu aku,for my grandchildren,train +38764,38765,38765,a manikaw tu pacek maradmarad i,when there is a shortage of tinting iron stuff,train +38765,38766,38766,miseking satu camira makatepi tu,they all passed the exam,train +38766,38767,38767,suʼelin mitangtangan nira tu hemay,for cooking sticky rice,train +38767,38768,38768,sengseng,well fitting,train +38768,38769,38769,tu sawniay kiyahay yu marad talu,the one just now the iron is smelted later,train +38769,38770,38770,Sakuhenac kunu maku a fanges,my skin is now smooth and bald,test +38770,38771,38771,masulut nira ku falucu aku,he has influenced me,train +38771,38772,38772,Maaraw nu kakridan nu sufitay atu mikaputay cingraan a misimaw ci Yisan a sufitay ku nika lunen atu pulung nu dmak i tataang ku talaw nangra suwal sa Sulinay u Wawa nu Kawas Cingra saan,when the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened they were terrified and exclaimed Surely he was the son of God,train +38772,38773,38773,Naicuwa kisu a miala,where did you get it,train +38773,38774,38774,kausian,I do not like it,train +38774,38775,38775,tafesiw tayra i pusung haw,when I went to Taitung I passed by there,train +38775,38776,38776,susu,fat,train +38776,38777,38777,sa kura,as for That,train +38777,38778,38778,hana a muwa,roseola plant,train +38778,38779,38779,ira tu ku mamidutuc,that is when they will be picked up,train +38779,38780,38780,o hahuding a cacay ku nisafalucuan nu wawa aku,my children are preoccupied with the competition,test +38780,38781,38781,nawhani aluman ku miliyangay a tamdaw u sumuwalay tu caay ka ci^puc a suwal u misafitay tu tamdaw oya saca a mituuray tu krit a lisin ku mihaenay,for there are many rebellious people mere talkers and deceivers especially those of the circumcision group,train +38781,38782,38782,masinawar kaku,I feel dizzy,train +38782,38783,38783,Sarumiad saan ciira a pahuting,he herds sheep for grass every day,train +38783,38784,38784,cika nian a cecay dihay ku tali,there is more than one taro,train +38784,38785,38785,ngatu,succession work,train +38785,38786,38786,falatfat,glittering,train +38786,38787,38787,tadaadada^,it hurts,train +38787,38788,38788,naun ku tireng namu haw,take care of your own body,train +38788,38789,38789,Pakahikuki,take the plane,train +38789,38790,38790,tu i satu kaku i cay tu pacudad ku mama takuwanan,after I graduated from elementary school my father did not let me continue my education,test +38790,38791,38791,falicen,care for somebody,train +38791,38792,38792,caay,No it is not,train +38792,38793,38793,onini i u saka^caaw ita ka safana ni Satan nawhani mafana kita tu nisahalakaan ni Satan,in order that Satan might not outwit us for we are not unaware of his schemes,train +38793,38794,38794,payayuka,passion fruit,train +38794,38795,38795,hay u raan,it is that plant,train +38795,38796,38796,kapipeduc,he is gone,train +38796,38797,38797,adihayen ku ni kaenan aka ngudu,eat more do not be polite,train +38797,38798,38798,nu Kaluluan a radiw,a Caroline song,train +38798,38799,38799,Suuten ku wacu,tie the dog up,train +38799,38800,38800,ira ci Simun Pitiru aci Tumas uya ci Api hananay aci Natanail nu kana nu Kalili atuya tatusaay a wawa ni Cipitay atu ruma a tatusa a nisawawaan ni Yis a masaupu,Simon Peter Thomas Nathanael from Cana in Galilee the sons of Zebedee and two other disciples were together,test +38800,38801,38801,nu limecedan,lass,train +38801,38802,38802,aluman ku misiingay minanuliay,there is a lot of people electing and being pastors,train +38802,38803,38803,sawni sawni lalesiyan tu,Ups and downs of the tsunami,train +38803,38804,38804,u singsi tu aku i saan i tangasa anini,teachers are slurring their words and now it is all over,train +38804,38805,38805,awaay tu ku kisituhung nu matuasay inaayaw kiyami,the previous generations family register transcripts are unmarked,train +38805,38806,38806,maedeng ku maku a tihi tira,I have partners,train +38806,38807,38807,maimah,envy,train +38807,38808,38808,nu mita tu,let these cultural assets,train +38808,38809,38809,pakayni tuni kacanglahan laluudan falawfawan tipusan i u maan ku tadakaulahan isu,Spring summer fall winter which is your favorite season,train +38809,38810,38810,ku urip i tanamen mitilid kaku sa ku harateng,I made up my mind to keep going to school because,test +38810,38811,38811,maneneng tu nu alumanay nga,when you see it you will be able to see it,train +38811,38812,38812,minanamhu tu faeluhay a tatayalen,try a new field of study,train +38812,38813,38813,nikaurira mi itiya tu hiwawa,However by then the name campaign had already been completed,train +38813,38814,38814,Ngaay hu mapulung tayra kita i tunguyin anini^,hello everyone we are going to the zoo today,train +38814,38815,38815,a tini han naku kuni haw,that is what I do,train +38815,38816,38816,tuwa u ruma,sometimes,train +38816,38817,38817,iʼayaw awa ku Cudad kira imatini ira tu ku suwal nu ira tu kucudad nu Pangcah ri,there used to be no writing but now the Amis have written symbols,train +38817,38818,38818,hay micaliw tu kuwang,it is for real,train +38818,38819,38819,mirangat,building a fence,train +38819,38820,38820,sakatusa tu niyam i,our second time,test +38820,38821,38821,cahiw,hunger,train +38821,38822,38822,yasa ya ayaw tu nu maku matayal i,the coworker who worked before me at the time,train +38822,38823,38823,anu dudu han kunu fingkiway han,If as the scholars say,train +38823,38824,38824,Orasaka kami u saayaway a cifalucu ci Kristuan ku papahmek tu nika tadamaan nu Kawas,in order that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be for the praise of his glory,train +38824,38825,38825,paulic ku paulicay a rumadiw a mipatusur anu mapaicel tu ku pitengteng i samatiya satu u malunenay ku tatakel a mangernger,at the same time I hummed good rhythmic music and paced my feet sometimes so vigorously that the bamboo thatched roof would shake,train +38825,38826,38826,anu miming ku fudawan nura IUD i cuwa ka ciˈicel sanay,the lower the copper content of the contraceptive the less effective it is,train +38826,38827,38827,ta ngaʼay cacamul kura,that is why we are here,train +38827,38828,38828,i u sanay kina saka,that is why,train +38828,38829,38829,Nikawrira maturu ni Yuhani a pasuwal ku piafas ni Hiruti a hungti tu fafahi nu salikaka ningra ci Hirutiyasan atu masamaamaanay a tatiihay a dmak ningra,but when John rebuked Herod the tetrarch because of Herodias his brothers wife and all the other evil things he had done,train +38829,38830,38830,kincay,celery,test +38830,38831,38831,anini mihecaan makadufah ku pinaluma,this years rice harvest,train +38831,38832,38832,Daytay mahaen kina imi,I think that is what it means to go through the process,train +38832,38833,38833,nawhani u pafliay tu urip a Fangcalay Adingu pakayni i nika laccay ita aci Kristu Yis ku mitdalay titaanan nai sapalit nu raraw atu patay,because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death,train +38833,38834,38834,mana mahati sa i ura wama atu wina i,why is this happening it is because of my mom and dad,train +38834,38835,38835,o pakayraan ni Husiya micada tu fafahi ci Kumilan mamananam ita ku maanan,what do we learn from the way Hosea treated his wife Gomer,train +38835,38836,38836,ukus,boasting,train +38836,38837,38837,tini u suwal nu Pangcah,the issue of the learning community,train +38837,38838,38838,pataluma,take it home,train +38838,38839,38839,Macekil ku wawa,the child is suddenly awakened and so cries,train +38839,38840,38840,nawhani sakapatayantu kuya tusa ku safaw nu mihcaan a dengan a fafahiyan a wawa ningra yu tayra ci Yis i macacu^cu^cu ku finawlan i taliyuk ningra,because his only daughter a girl of about twelve was dying as Jesus was on his way the crowds almost crushed him,test +38840,38841,38841,ira i sa mangulay tunu Pangcah,I am not fluent in Mandarin in Taipei,train +38841,38842,38842,paeayawn tisuwan a u maan ku han isu a radiw saw,you can sing whatever you want,train +38842,38843,38843,miangang,yell,train +38843,38844,38844,salikakaaw aku mapasuwal nu paru nu luma ni Kluy kaku tu nika ira nu kacaculiculi namu,my brothers some from Chloes household have informed me that there are quarrels among you,train +38844,38845,38845,o nu misu kuya macaitay a fuduy,it is your clothes that are hanging,train +38845,38846,38846,kakuhkuh,Cobra,train +38846,38847,38847,aluman kinaan a tabad itini,there is a lot of head hunting going on here,train +38847,38848,38848,mahaen tu awaay ku pasifanaʼay,it is unguided,train +38848,38849,38849,kainalan,enviable,train +38849,38850,38850,redu,concordance,test +38850,38851,38851,itiya i u papasuwal kuya Hungti tuya i kawananay a tamdaw Katayni kamu u mapalmeday nu wama aku a tamdaw milayap tuya nipatalaan tu saki tamuwanan nai satapangan nu nipisanga tu hkal a Kitakit,Then the king will say to those on his right Come you who are blessed by my Father take your inheritance the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world,train +38851,38852,38852,maenen saw a mapatireng ku nisaselal hananay,how the age hierarchy is created,train +38852,38853,38853,mahiniyay a,the importance of ethnic languages,train +38853,38854,38854,mitaktak satu kisu i taʼangay mintang itira i talay,pour it in a big pot,train +38854,38855,38855,ta sasepat ku kaka nu maku,I have four brothers and sisters,train +38855,38856,38856,han nira,tell him this,train +38856,38857,38857,Hanihani ira ku milidadayaay a kukung urasaka patireng ku niyaru tu pikacawan haw i u sapikacaw tu ada^ ta caay ka rawraw ku nikaurip nu niyaruay nu Pangcah,there were often sneak attacks at night so the tribes built watchtowers to monitor enemy incursions and to protect the lives and property of their people,train +38857,38858,38858,una tuki i,at this hour,train +38858,38859,38859,anu malaliw nu erac kisu i u maan hu ku mamaala^ nu misu o wakawak tu a taluma,if you do not catch the falling tide what will you gain only to return empty handed,train +38859,38860,38860,emu,sweet rice cake,test +38860,38861,38861,teving,touch,train +38861,38862,38862,hay cecay liʼan saan ku suwal ningra,he said,train +38862,38863,38863,masamaanay ku rumiad anini,how is the weather today,train +38863,38864,38864,misatekel haca ci ci Angah Alimulu,Anahole Arizona is fasting again,train +38864,38865,38865,sasamaen tu kaku anu dadaya anu mafuti,how will I sleep at night,train +38865,38866,38866,ta muric han mimuric,keep rubbing it,train +38866,38867,38867,a maanen ita amin,trying how to do it again,train +38867,38868,38868,Hakuwaay ku kiyam niira saw,how much does she owe you,train +38868,38869,38869,Mifesu ci kaka tu kikuya,my brother blew up the balloon,train +38869,38870,38870,Saka damaen kaku a mitulun ta cisikining kaku a nipasuwal tu pakakmuday a mipahapinang,pray that I may proclaim it clearly as I should,test +38870,38871,38871,milalakaw kita anini,started preparing the building materials today,train +38871,38872,38872,misurit kaku tu demak nu remiremiad,I keep a diary every day,train +38872,38873,38873,malenu haw ku liyal,the sea has a high tide,train +38873,38874,38874,mitala,wait,train +38874,38875,38875,u maan kura saka maru aku itini a misiʼayaw,what motivates me to sit at the anchor desk and face my people,train +38875,38876,38876,anu masamaan kura harateng nura faʼinayan i,depends on what the boy thinks,train +38876,38877,38877,sapidama nga caka cuyacuy ku nanum,you have to hold the water so it does not overflow when you shake it,train +38877,38878,38878,misanga kisu tira mahiraay haw,I am making these things,train +38878,38879,38879,cecay tamdaw yu,one person,train +38879,38880,38880,tu saka^caaw ka pidanguy nuya marufuay a milaliw saka patayaw ita cangra saan ku kasasuwasuwal nu sufitay,the soldiers planned to kill the prisoners to prevent any of them from swimming away and escaping,test +38880,38881,38881,iraay ku cecay a rumiʼad,one day,train +38881,38882,38882,iraay ku ungtufay aku,I have a motorcycle,train +38882,38883,38883,mafana tu kamu nengnengan ku kamay yaku,look at my hand do you understand me,train +38883,38884,38884,i takuwan sakaku a miʼaray tu Kawas,in the arms of Jesus I have no choice without God I have no choice,train +38884,38885,38885,lalan,road,train +38885,38886,38886,pakayni itini Singku a misaʼicel,I am trying to be happy,train +38886,38887,38887,Siwkulan a Pangcah Namakayni i saamisan nu Malivuh a Marangah tangasa i satimulan Silamitay itini i tapiingan nu Siwkulan a tarawadaw ku aru,Xiuguluan Amis from the Shoufeng river a tributary of the Hualien river in the north to Fuli in the south because the Amis in this area live along the Xiuguluan river and its tributaries,train +38887,38888,38888,sa ku matuʼasay a padudu,it is the old mans last word of encouragement,train +38888,38889,38889,mahaen tu anini mafana tu ku kaʼemangay kira,it is different now kids are smart,train +38889,38890,38890,hatila ku maku aʼurip i tiyahu,my life,test +38890,38891,38891,u sapipalal tu fana nu Payrang,calling for the awakening of the Han people,train +38891,38892,38892,Cefcef san ci Kacaw tu epah,Kacaw drinks hard,train +38892,38893,38893,sa ku nu maku,this is my opinion,train +38893,38894,38894,adihay tu kiya kasuy,I cut a lot of them and brought them home,train +38894,38895,38895,palakungkuen kuranan micinah a,add together and add saltimbocca,train +38895,38896,38896,dengay tu vekeluh,rocks are fine,train +38896,38897,38897,sumuwal ku singsi Malaluk a minaang mala adihayay tu saan,teachers always say A little goes a long way,train +38897,38898,38898,mitingting tayni i tukus,picking reeds in the mountains,train +38898,38899,38899,tusir san tu kya riyar a ma karumakat nira,the sea is a straight line where he walks,train +38899,38900,38900,a misa tali,growing taro,test +38900,38901,38901,caayay ka fana kaku,I do not know,train +38901,38902,38902,siday aka haenen ku wawa itini,do not leave the child here,train +38902,38903,38903,Marafrafay ku lamal i saikuran nu luma ita,we have a roaring fire in our backyard,train +38903,38904,38904,arawhan u faʼinay aku u micaitay ku faʼinay nu maku,my husband is in trouble with the law,train +38904,38905,38905,Dahecung han i nanum a mililuc,just dip into the water and take a bath,train +38905,38906,38906,ufang nu tukus,cave,train +38906,38907,38907,kahengang san ku pising ni panay a kumaen tu epah,Panay is red in the face when he drinks,train +38907,38908,38908,Pacauf sa ci Yis Aka pakapilifet tu Tapang a Kawas isu saan ku suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad han ningra,Jesus answered It says Do not put the Lord your God to the test,train +38908,38909,38909,u hatiraay ku demak itiya hu papasifanafana sanay,that is the way it used to be passed on to each other,train +38909,38910,38910,caay kahaen ku funka naira,Because they do not have such a beautiful culture,test +38910,38911,38911,nanuʼemang awaay caay kafana kami tu,since we were young we did not know,train +38911,38912,38912,i cuwa kisu a minanam tu suwal nu Amis,where did you learn Amis,train +38912,38913,38913,ira henay ku matuʼasay niyam,while our old man is still alive,train +38913,38914,38914,mangudu,be sorry,train +38914,38915,38915,hatiraay ku tulun nu maku a pakungku sa,this is the story I want to tell,train +38915,38916,38916,salipahak sa tu ku falucu a nangra na nu i,they felt very happy,train +38916,38917,38917,aka alaen kuranan salimelaen ita ku ʼaʼadupen,you cannot take the small ones we have to cherish the animals,train +38917,38918,38918,paiyawan saw,Whatever,train +38918,38919,38919,ca katawal miharateng ku i niyaruʼay a salikaka hatiraay,I cannot help but think of my brothers and sisters in my hometown,train +38919,38920,38920,rucud,give undivided attention to something,test +38920,38921,38921,o cihafayay a tamdaw caira,they are rich people,train +38921,38922,38922,savak,grain,train +38922,38923,38923,safa^ tu fainayan,younger brother,train +38923,38924,38924,nuetipan,west side,train +38924,38925,38925,halafinen nira mitangtang kuna naliti,he will cook the tenderloin for a long time,train +38925,38926,38926,leneng satu ku paliding nu maku i lakelal,my car is sinking on the river,train +38926,38927,38927,midemak kaku i awaay ku maan nu maku,everything went well when I was in charge,train +38927,38928,38928,palunuk,at will,train +38928,38929,38929,o kudasing ku sapariri tu edu,peanuts are good bait to catch rats,train +38929,38930,38930,fataan,tree bean,test +38930,38931,38931,hatira ku demak nu malatumukay itiya hu,it is also about the leaders readiness and mobility,train +38931,38932,38932,makakeleng i sawni u mamaurad anusawni,there was thunder just now and it is supposed to rain later,train +38932,38933,38933,o mangawaay ku safa aku i enemay ku mihecaan,my sister lost her teeth when she was six years old,train +38933,38934,38934,kapah haw a keruan,is it hard to dance,train +38934,38935,38935,melawi saw ku tamurak ni ina isu ay tamurak ni ina kuni,look at Aunties heavy pumpkin,train +38935,38936,38936,pakalungay,juvenile,train +38936,38937,38937,wawa ku matuʼasaytu,children teaching Chinese to the elderly,train +38937,38938,38938,fuliciw satu kaku itiya,my mode of transportation at that time was a bicycle,train +38938,38939,38939,iraan ku kakaenen nu matuʼasay,that is what the old man ate at that time,train +38939,38940,38940,ha matayalay nu maku,ah that is the worker I hired,test +38940,38941,38941,o mitudungay cingra takuwanan,he is copying me,train +38941,38942,38942,tinuuy hananay kaliki sanay,Accelerated operation by knitting method,train +38942,38943,38943,i paisingan a matayal cingra,she works in a hospital,train +38943,38944,38944,maʼiyakaw sanay ku suwal ira,he said Yung Yang choked,train +38944,38945,38945,aka,will not,train +38945,38946,38946,Nikawrira sulin ku nika lumuwad ni Kristu a maurip nai patay o pawacayay cingra tu nika u lalumuwad a maurip ku mapatayay a tamdaw,but Christ has indeed been raised from the dead the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep,train +38946,38947,38947,Kaimeren ku pitier isu ci Kristuan atu tingalaway a ngaay a falucu isu mafalah nu rumaruma a tamdaw ku ngaay a falucu saka malasawad ku pituur nangra,holding on to faith and a good conscience some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith,train +38947,38948,38948,a manen aku patilid kinian saan,how am I going to describe it in words,train +38948,38949,38949,hatiraay ku kaharek nu misangaay tu luma,covering the new house was celebrated like this,train +38949,38950,38950,malialac mahen ku,fish for fish,test +38950,38951,38951,micudadhu hu Matamita tu nuya mama kaku,my dad took me to the mountains to work with him when I was in sixth grade,train +38951,38952,38952,kafitilian,lightning times,train +38952,38953,38953,hamanen mipaluma tu hana,training on how to grow flowers,train +38953,38954,38954,a macahiw i aka pitakaw tu dafung nu tau,if you are hungry you must not steal other peoples property,train +38954,38955,38955,o sepat ku tuki malingaday tu kaku a mitapi hatiraay,I leave at in the morning to work at the mans house,train +38955,38956,38956,palakawas tu fukeluh,make the stone a God,train +38956,38957,38957,malalesi itara,Sprinklers over there,train +38957,38958,38958,haw,overseas,train +38958,38959,38959,kelakela saan i sa kina tamdaw,the number of participants is increasing,train +38959,38960,38960,pasasiyur,twist,test +38960,38961,38961,u kaka su hayi,your brother Yes,train +38961,38962,38962,mafahalay demak kinian ri,this is an emergency,train +38962,38963,38963,saka u matiniay kinaniyaru tini i Makutaay,this is what happens at the tribe,train +38963,38964,38964,ta pasuwal ni mama ni tipus haw,Lin Tao Niangs father said,train +38964,38965,38965,anu hatira i u nu Yutaya aca a tamdaw ku Kawas haw caay haca ku nu ruma a finacadan ku Kawas haw Hai,is God the God of Jews only is he not the God of Gentiles too Yes of Gentiles too,train +38965,38966,38966,nu mitaay nu Pangcahay hay,is that one of our Amis songs,train +38966,38967,38967,malemed kisu ira i sapad ku tali alaen a keman,just in time there is taro on the table take it,train +38967,38968,38968,ngaayay kaku micaliw kisunan tu payci han,can I borrow money from you,train +38968,38969,38969,wa ngaˈay miharateng kita Hakuwaay ku marurungay a hana nu mita hani,we can think How big is my bouquet of truth,train +38969,38970,38970,Mapalulul ku nika ngaay ita,our relationship has been restored,test +38970,38971,38971,mami^,tangerine,train +38971,38972,38972,u nipaluman niyam tu maamaan,the grains and cereals we grow should be,train +38972,38973,38973,sa ira ku fulaheta ri mahaenay ku fulaheta kaesu kaenen san i ayaw,sometimes I find some cane mushrooms,train +38973,38974,38974,i hiya,king,train +38974,38975,38975,Pakaciparuden tu kira kapah ita,let our young children have families,train +38975,38976,38976,sawil,women earring,train +38976,38977,38977,nawhani mafana kamu u nanu pilifet namu tu pades a mitier ci Kristuan ku sakakudait namu,because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance,train +38977,38978,38978,kriden nangra ci Yis a patayra i Kulkuta hananay u tatudung nunini i u Okak nu Funguh sanay,they brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha,train +38978,38979,38979,nuya Pangcah ku sera,the land belongs to the Aborigines,train +38979,38980,38980,haen saan ku urip ita u Pangcah,the fate of the indigenous people has been repeating itself over and over again,test +38980,38981,38981,caay pacefa^ a papicumud tu tamdaw nu ruma^ a finacadan,outsiders are not allowed to enter at will,train +38981,38982,38982,u itiniyay ku aru namu iniyaru,you are local people of the tribe,train +38982,38983,38983,Malacuyuh nu wawa ita kita u malainaay nu luma,we housewives need to be angels to our children,train +38983,38984,38984,a maʼurip itini tuna niyaru,living in this tribe,train +38984,38985,38985,o mali kunian,this is the ball,train +38985,38986,38986,vavahi,schoolgirl,train +38986,38987,38987,Nikawrira ira ku sumuwalay nangra O nanu icel nu kakridan nu palafuay ci Pilcipul ku sapifahfah Ningra a pasadak tu palafuay saan,but some of them said By Beelzebub the prince of demons he is driving out demons,train +38987,38988,38988,itiya hu,previously,train +38988,38989,38989,anu ces sa i ca sa ku suwal nu matuʼas aka paciʼciʼ,I sneezed and the old man said not to leave the house,train +38989,38990,38990,hatu sanay u mararumay,it is all sad,test +38990,38991,38991,maladii,sleep close to,train +38991,38992,38992,u raan a selal sa mahaenay ku pinengneng nu matuʼasay,when the elders saw it they praised the youth of this class,train +38992,38993,38993,haluradiw sa nu Dipungay,of course the songs use Japanese words,train +38993,38994,38994,caka tuduhen isu haw,if you have not burned it,train +38994,38995,38995,o nian a parur ku,this stove,train +38995,38996,38996,patufuan nura karumakatan nura kusuy,a place for moving citronella to land,train +38996,38997,38997,o kafanaantu nu finawlan nu Yirusalim a ma^min kunini Orasaka Akeltama han tu suwal nangra kunini a umah o tatudung nunini i u Omah nu Rmes sanay,everyone in Jerusalem heard about this so they called that field in their language Akeldama that is field of Blood,train +38997,38998,38998,ku pi nu maku,this is my service area,train +38998,38999,38999,tulii tu kura Hulam kira,I was so angry I wanted to cut him into pieces,train +38999,39000,39000,u matiniay u itis han nu matuʼasay itya hu kunu matiniay,this is the fork the old man was talking about,test +39000,39001,39001,o ngangan nu safa aku tu fafahiyan ci Amuy,my younger sisters name is Amoy,train +39001,39002,39002,kafitelakan,time to bloom,train +39002,39003,39003,ku sakatusa niyam malingad itiya,it was our second trip back then,train +39003,39004,39004,nika ayira ku lalungucan nu maku,but I have a prayer,train +39004,39005,39005,iraay tiraw kaʼetip iray katimul iraay kaʼamis iraay sawali sanay,some in the west some in the south some in the north some in the east,train +39005,39006,39006,tangsa i luma cira meduk satu a tayira i luma ni Panayyan,when he got home he went to Barnets house,train +39006,39007,39007,Makaph ku heci nu kiwli isu,your cucumbers are growing well,train +39007,39008,39008,pakalicen aku tu wawace tayra pimisaan,let them ride to Mass in a baby carriage,train +39008,39009,39009,mitaliyuk,circle the wagons,train +39009,39010,39010,3 iraay ku mitahidangay ci Pitiruan tayra i Kaysariya u lumaˈ nu ˈalafang tamdaw ci Kurnilius alatek adihayay ku maharatengay ningra,when the apostle Peter was asked to go to the home of a non Jew Cornelius in Caesarea some thoughts probably flashed through Peters mind,test +39010,39011,39011,anu awaay ku valucu,planned,train +39011,39012,39012,lipahak ku falucu tu rumiʼamiʼad,I am in a happy mood every day,train +39012,39013,39013,matatuutuur,one by one,train +39013,39014,39014,pakaasek tu ku ayam,you will hit the bird too,train +39014,39015,39015,kulawlaw ku nu kamuraw,the tomatoes are yellow in color,train +39015,39016,39016,nanay i pakafanaʼen hatini nu mita mapulung i,so my purpose in detailing this here is to make sure that everyone knows that the,train +39016,39017,39017,Fuheci han nira kuya kudasing a misalama,she peels peanuts for fun,train +39017,39018,39018,nawhani i,because,train +39018,39019,39019,pasadaken nu mita kina utuc san ku matuʼasay itiya hu u kakakaka,the elders brought out the stone pillars,train +39019,39020,39020,misaparuday,stove,test +39020,39021,39021,mihiya misingil tu misimaw tu huya malingaday,people who patrol and take care of the work,train +39021,39022,39022,papinaay ku salikaka isu,how many siblings do you have,train +39022,39023,39023,malamatayalay kura tawki,the boss became a worker,train +39023,39024,39024,nawnaw,rafting,train +39024,39025,39025,ci Kristu ku pahrekan nu Rikec Saka mangaay a malayap nu Kawas ku pulung nu pasulinay a mitier i ci Kristuan,Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes,train +39025,39026,39026,vakiyaw ina luma nisangaʼan nu misu kinaluma,Gong did you make this house,train +39026,39027,39027,o maan ku saka tayni isu,how did you get here,train +39027,39028,39028,sawaliyay a Pangcah saamisan na makayra i Vakung mitatimul tangsa i Singku u tatapangan a niyaru ira ku Vakung Tingalaw Cawi Makutaay Ciukangan Pisiriyan Madawdaw mingata tu liyal ku saka singangan,Coastal Ami Group from Fengbin Township in the north to Chenggong Township in the south there are tribes such as Maogong Dinzai Leak Jingpu Harbor Changguang Baishoulien and Chenggong so called because of their oceanfront location,train +39028,39029,39029,u ruma sa tu sasasuwalen aku i,another thing I would like to say is this,train +39029,39030,39030,caacaay ka sumuwal cangra,although they do not say,test +39030,39031,39031,hay hatiraay awaay ku pakafanaʼay,that is just the way it is no one ever teaches,train +39031,39032,39032,hatini tu ku kungku nu maku,that is the end of the story,train +39032,39033,39033,ta suwal satakuwanan i matengilay tu,rumors and what I have heard,train +39033,39034,39034,lingud,surround,train +39034,39035,39035,matngil ni Mariya kunini i tangsul sa a lumuwad a tayra i ci Yisan,when Mary heard this she got up quickly and went to him,train +39035,39036,39036,Orasaka suwalen aku kamu u mamasawad nu Kawas kamu a mikuwan o papasayra cingra i milahciay a matayal tu saki nikuwanan ningra a Kitakit a ruma a finacadan ku pikuwan ningra,Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit,train +39036,39037,39037,parukitacen,stretch,train +39037,39038,39038,pina ku aca nu cecay ficin a felac,how much is a liter of rice,train +39038,39039,39039,tangasa i,by ROC,train +39039,39040,39040,caay ka fana kaku tengilaw hu^ aku ciira,I do not know I will go and ask her,test +39040,39041,39041,maherek cira a mipatektek haw i falateng nira ku awul,put the wood into the water to fix it and tie it up with bamboo poles,train +39041,39042,39042,iniyan caay kalecad,it is not the same,train +39042,39043,39043,aka sawaden ku demak sa ku saʼusi,it can also be said that we should not give up the work of passing on the tradition,train +39043,39044,39044,anca u ruma maulahay tu sasafelen kadaway hu,some guests like to buy raw mustard greens for cooking,train +39044,39045,39045,nu Recurd,that is it,train +39045,39046,39046,kiyandi,ice lollies,train +39046,39047,39047,tala Taypak,to Taipei,train +39047,39048,39048,Hai wa sienaw i kasienawan nu lalumihecaan adihayen ku nicaedungan a riku,Yes it will be very cold in winter next year so you need to put on extra layers,train +39048,39049,39049,kiya siremes,why is it bleeding,train +39049,39050,39050,miculek,immediately with the shortest,test +39050,39051,39051,sa,indistinct,train +39051,39052,39052,Paharek tu ku wama nu kapah miparayray,the young fathers will exit first,train +39052,39053,39053,laklaken,drop something fall apart,train +39053,39054,39054,caay kaadihay kunu,Hualien port authority,train +39054,39055,39055,matiya u fukes mitahepu tina paepa,we cover our hair with a gourd dipper,train +39055,39056,39056,Sauwac,streams,train +39056,39057,39057,u tafa ira,it is sharp in places,train +39057,39058,39058,maulah ci Saumah a misalama tu fawu,Saomah likes to play with bugs,train +39058,39059,39059,talalutuk kami a milisu ci akungan,we went to the mountains to visit Grandpa,train +39059,39060,39060,u tadasay ku hatiniay tuedaway hay,it is a long headband,test +39060,39061,39061,fafahiyan,wife,train +39061,39062,39062,Kasemuwal,please specify,train +39062,39063,39063,cudaden aku,I have always been in the field,train +39063,39064,39064,Watakina enal tini katayni aca niyam ku ngaʼayay san ku falucu nu matuʼasay,Wow here on the plains the old folks thought we would fit right in,train +39064,39065,39065,kana ta tila na,I do not want to be there,train +39065,39066,39066,Onu Amis aku a ngangan i ci Amuy sanay,my clan name is Amoi,train +39066,39067,39067,minanam tu kapahay nu tawu misadimel tu raecusay nu tireng,learn from what others have done well improve the bad ones,train +39067,39068,39068,naayaw hantu ira ku paheku haw,I have been to the mountains before and there were cats,train +39068,39069,39069,cecay falilingan,bunch,train +39069,39070,39070,itira paluma kura ayaw nu matuʼasay,the place where the old man used to live,test +39070,39071,39071,matateki kura talid saka maari,those bottles broke from the collision,train +39071,39072,39072,cima ku,who,train +39072,39073,39073,Aciya,Oh Oh my God,train +39073,39074,39074,isuy cikafana haw,how do you know when you are a year old,train +39074,39075,39075,hatiraay ca ku demak nu misangaʼay tu luma,traditional Aboriginal Architecture and Craftsmanship,train +39075,39076,39076,maan sanay kiya pakapitkay hananay,what is broken,train +39076,39077,39077,pitngil kamu u pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw saan,if anyone has ears to hear let him hear,train +39077,39078,39078,han naku sa tatusaen naca,if you are a woman you have to weave in two lines,train +39078,39079,39079,caay piharateng cangra tu niliyasan nangra a kitakit anu miharatengay cangra i kuna ira ku kangaayan nangra a minukay,if they had been thinking of the country they had left they would have had opportunity to return,train +39079,39080,39080,palipahak saan,Happily,test +39080,39081,39081,Saka papikilim han ni Hiruti cangra ci Pitiruan Nikawrira awaay a matama Saka liclicen ni Hiruti kuya mikifiay a tayring ta papipatay hantu ningra ku tamdaw cangraan Nanuya liyas hantu ni Hiruti ku Yutaya a tayra i Kaysariya itira sahu cingra,after Herod had a thorough search made for him and did not find him he cross examined the guards and ordered that they be executed then Herod went from Judea to Caesarea and stayed there a while,train +39081,39082,39082,anu madakaw tu ci namaray,if you take the train,train +39082,39083,39083,tayni kami haw masaniyaruʼay tu kina Mulimutu itiya,when we came here Fonzie was already a tribe,train +39083,39084,39084,alaen ku fakeluh alaen kura pahpah alatek,pick up the stones the leaves,train +39084,39085,39085,maku pinengnengan i hatiraay caa,that is all I have seen,train +39085,39086,39086,mamang hu kaku itira,I was just a kid,train +39086,39087,39087,makala tu ay tangasa i ay yu,about to,train +39087,39088,39088,anu silawad tayni hantu a malehuluhulul,please come to my room and have a chat sometime,train +39088,39089,39089,kalamkam satu ku heni,they are faster,train +39089,39090,39090,icuwaay ku niyaru namu,where is your tribe,test +39090,39091,39091,maalaay cira tu ekim u mitalaay kya Hungti tya ekim i namhani,the Emperor is also waiting to trade for gold,train +39091,39092,39092,pinaay papituay,several of them seven in all,train +39092,39093,39093,tu sapacaˈufaw tuni salicay salakat mafanaˈ kita tu maanan ku lipahak hananay atu misamaanay hanu kamayan a lipahak ku rumaruma tamdaw anu mapalifet cangra,to find the answer to this question we need to understand what true joy is and why some people remain joyful in the face of trials,train +39093,39094,39094,u miura radiw i,it is like a chanting ritual,train +39094,39095,39095,awaay ku fana tu talaw,I do not know the danger,train +39095,39096,39096,o tadaciepucay ku nika urip nu tuas ita,our ancestors lived a very valuable life,train +39096,39097,39097,Hinamen ku picudad nu wawa ita i picudadan,to see how our children are doing in school,train +39097,39098,39098,mararid ku tireng niyam a misiayaw tu patay a matiya u pisiayaw ni Yis tu patay ta pakayni tunini a mahapinang i tireng niyam ku urip ni Yis,we always carry around in our body the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body,train +39098,39099,39099,mahanay mahanay san,that is it that is what they said,train +39099,39100,39100,Makatukusay ku Taywan,there are many mountains in Taiwan,test +39100,39101,39101,sinang,knife blade,train +39101,39102,39102,tayiraen tu i nipateliyan a vayang,just go to the place where the nets are,train +39102,39103,39103,mafana a misanga inian haw i aka pihaen haw kaduducen sa kamu haw i,in the past tribal elders thought that no one had ever stolen anything before,train +39103,39104,39104,isawni,just now,train +39104,39105,39105,maʼaraw ku ina aku mama aku,when I see mom and Dad,train +39105,39106,39106,Kakacawan,Nagahama,train +39106,39107,39107,u tangic nu pi aku pitapal tu demak nu Yincumin,observations of Voter service in practice,train +39107,39108,39108,miala niretekan niya mama maherek miletek tu kilang haw i,the father cut it down and took the wood with him,train +39108,39109,39109,kahecid,salty,train +39109,39110,39110,masaupu ku kaluniyaruʼan a tamdaw,people from all tribes in the army,test +39110,39111,39111,licayen cingra,ask him,train +39111,39112,39112,makapah ku ulic nu radiw nu pangcah,the Amis lyrics are very beautiful,train +39112,39113,39113,Tamurungen nuya wawa kuya futing ka adihay nuya futing san,the kid picks a whole bunch of fish,train +39113,39114,39114,niyana caykeng ri macuwaʼay,what is the significance of this ancient urn,train +39114,39115,39115,hatiraay aca ku matengilay aca aku,that is all I heard,train +39115,39116,39116,patelien tu i hiya i taluan nu rarapa,I will put it in the cow barn,train +39116,39117,39117,u maamaan pihafayan nu pikudasingan,in any crop harvesting millet pulling peanuts,train +39117,39118,39118,Mafuwak ku nemnem i cikaw nu lalan,a spring gushes from the roadside,train +39118,39119,39119,sapicucuan,trying to get milk,train +39119,39120,39120,misatakutakud,jumping,test +39120,39121,39121,nawhani anu caay pulacen ku nipakukutan nangra a dmak i caay ka ngaay a patayra tu marufuay saan ku harateng aku han ningra,for I think it is unreasonable to send on a prisoner without specifying the charges against him,train +39121,39122,39122,itini i san mi tayni i itini i cilikesay a kiwkay a matayal kaku,evangelize at Kirin tribal church in Success Township for graduates,train +39122,39123,39123,Namakayni,from land preparation,train +39123,39124,39124,kaʼamis nu ci Puypuyan,the rice stack is further north,train +39124,39125,39125,ciheciay tu ku demak aku,my work is accomplished,train +39125,39126,39126,fiteli,lightning,train +39126,39127,39127,hatira ku maku a piaray,I am so grateful,train +39127,39128,39128,piimer,health care,train +39128,39129,39129,Likut san ci ina i turu nu urad,mom washes her hair with rainwater,train +39129,39130,39130,pakaen ayam,to feed the chickens,test +39130,39131,39131,4 misamaanay hanu ngaˈay miemem tu ruray ci Yusif i kapalitan hani,why was Joseph able to endure the pain in prison,train +39131,39132,39132,mipurud,coiled line,train +39132,39133,39133,minanam kaku a misurit,I am practicing my writing,train +39133,39134,39134,tusa kira haihai,only two Yes,train +39134,39135,39135,misaturunay,glutinous rice cake,train +39135,39136,39136,o kafung,Hats,train +39136,39137,39137,alatek tudung sarikec aca nu alumanay finawlan,maybe it is about bringing all the clans together,train +39137,39138,39138,daya,season Voiceover Theme taboo Interviewee Chen Xiuzhu,train +39138,39139,39139,cifunguhay,Wise,train +39139,39140,39140,Ciremesay kura futing caay hu kaecak,there is blood on that fish it is not cooked,test +39140,39141,39141,mansa sadak han aku nu hatini,that is why I am telling you this,train +39141,39142,39142,ˈOrungan niyam cangra mitusil atu masaˈupu,we would take our children to preach and attend meetings,train +39142,39143,39143,i Tumitacay haw ku maku a kahufucan,he was born in the Chungan tribe,train +39143,39144,39144,sanay kiya demak itiya caay ku,here is what happened it is not illegal,train +39144,39145,39145,sa itiya i,at that time,train +39145,39146,39146,anu hacuwa tu a misanga anu saan kaku i i luma kaku i misanga mikanit mahaenay kira wawa,I am going to take advantage of my free time at home to hook up a little bit,train +39146,39147,39147,na u maan ku iraay hiwa awa ku maan paitemek sa cangra tu kalingadan awa hu ku facal i ayawhu sahetu u tali u kunga ku kakaenen,what is there Nothing they longed for farming in the early days there were no crops only taro and groundnuts to eat,train +39147,39148,39148,mialaan tu kilang misapiʼadipel yu,it is to cut wood for the fence,train +39148,39149,39149,nawhani inian u tungruh haw i,because here at tribal heights here at tribal heights,train +39149,39150,39150,naycuwacuwaay nira a cavay,friends from all over the world,test +39150,39151,39151,lalimaay ku widang aku,I have five friends,train +39151,39152,39152,ini ku tevu nipalumaan ni ina,Auntie here grows bamboo shoots,train +39152,39153,39153,tatikeda kami i lalan,we met each other accidentally on the road,train +39153,39154,39154,faki^,claim,train +39154,39155,39155,o aitira i lumaˈ nangra kunini a sapiˈkak ta matekup cangra a maemin sanay,anyone among the LORDs people who tries to hide his faults will not escape the LORDs judgment,train +39155,39156,39156,masiday nu maku ku sapikalic tu kasuling a kippu,I lost my ticket for the train,train +39156,39157,39157,O Rikec nu mita i i ayawenhu ku pitngil ku pipalita tu nanu dmak nuya tamdaw ta pasteken i raraw caay ka saan saw han ningra,Does our law condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing,train +39157,39158,39158,sasa emel saan ku rumiad a nini,the weather today is very cool,train +39158,39159,39159,malukayakay,be a matchmaker,train +39159,39160,39160,maru ii siadadaay a tamdaw,attachment to someone who might be sick,test +39160,39161,39161,Kasangasawen nu mita ku ruma a finacadan,we think of other groups as family,train +39161,39162,39162,ha mira a pakiraan,Oh it is their own style,train +39162,39163,39163,hafay,crops,train +39163,39164,39164,mutep ku mata nuni,this is the tenth hole,train +39164,39165,39165,i sawaliyan,it is on the east side,train +39165,39166,39166,mikilim tu kakuliyan,get a job,train +39166,39167,39167,kita u Amis u Pangcah haw i,We the Amis people are the original inhabitants,train +39167,39168,39168,sawali,East,train +39168,39169,39169,sa ira aca ku nika,so be it,train +39169,39170,39170,Nawhani tadamaimer ku Farisay atu rumaruma a Yutaya a tamdaw tu nanutuas a lkakawa anu cahu pidu^du tu lkakawa nu lisin a munanaw i caay ka kumaen,The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands a ceremonial washing holding to the tradition of the elders,test +39170,39171,39171,oya mirawraway i tamuwanan i mamana liti han nangra ku tireng nangra,as for those agitators I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves,train +39171,39172,39172,masenat nu fulu ku kamay nira,his hand was scratched by an arrow and bamboo,train +39172,39173,39173,Mafeded ku ngusu aku anini,my nose is stuffy today,train +39173,39174,39174,Taangayay ku cidal lasang sanay ku funguh aku tuna mapacidal,the sun is so big it makes me dizzy,train +39174,39175,39175,maanen ku hatiniay saan ku harateng aku haw,I thought to myself What can I do about this,train +39175,39176,39176,cecay tu ku wama aca nu maku,there is only one of my dads left,train +39176,39177,39177,anca miwenpang kaku tu panay,or transporting rice,train +39177,39178,39178,sapikuhawan,I would love some soup,train +39178,39179,39179,makumud kita a minengneng,I will share it with you,train +39179,39180,39180,awaay ku cikaf nu tuda,eels do not have scales,test +39180,39181,39181,u nucaʼay kalulay kami mikilim tayni i cuwacuwaay a lutuk,then we would not have to work so hard on this mountain,train +39181,39182,39182,miaca hu kaku tu sakalahuk kilim han tu aku kisu anuhuni,I will go buy lunch first and then I will meet you later,train +39182,39183,39183,As hanu patudung sa kisu a mi patelung saw,Yeah why are you giving me a gift,train +39183,39184,39184,o singsi cira,he is a teacher,train +39184,39185,39185,mansa u tau ku mitiliday tu nu mita,so someone else wrote our book,train +39185,39186,39186,aniniay aca fafahiyan i ci tangal nawhan i,because women are smarter nowadays,train +39186,39187,39187,caay kadadahal kira lalan,it is not a very wide road,train +39187,39188,39188,ta mafana kaku tu ka tada kafangcal ku tilid nu pancah,from then on I realized that the Amis language is beautiful,train +39188,39189,39189,i kakavekacan ku heni,they are on the sports field,train +39189,39190,39190,malecad a maemin,all the same,test +39190,39191,39191,misuwalan naku anini haw u tuluay ca a pulu,I am talking about the holes,train +39191,39192,39192,sala^,vegetable plate,train +39192,39193,39193,han hanaku ku suwal,that is all I am saying,train +39193,39194,39194,o nemnem ku kalaliupan nu niyam a talalutuk,we wash our faces with spring water in the mountains,train +39194,39195,39195,Tangsulen paising aka tu ka halikaen tu waneng kalaluk a miriiw tu wadis,from now on do not crave for candies and brush your teeth more often,train +39195,39196,39196,mirmir,shiver,train +39196,39197,39197,pasaared cara tatusa,tie these two together two of these,train +39197,39198,39198,faki fai widang nu maku wawa nu maku a mapulung,all my senior friends and my juniors,train +39198,39199,39199,onini kahengangay mamanay,how about this red one,train +39199,39200,39200,saka saikuikuray tu i mitusyangay tu ku Dipung,at the end of the day Japan surrendered,test +39200,39201,39201,nu mita itini i,as for this specialization,train +39201,39202,39202,itini i Kiwit i,in Chimay,train +39202,39203,39203,11 anu miduku kisu ci Yihufaan wa ira ku ˈalumanay ngaˈayay a widang naitiniay icuwacuwa pala cangra u ruma cuwahu ka suˈaraw isu,you can be sure that by worshipping the Lord you will have many good friends from all over the world some of whom you have never even met,train +39203,39204,39204,hakasapaan nu icuwacuwaay a niyaru sa ku kimad nu malitengay,the Elders commendation of everyone is appreciated by all tribes,train +39204,39205,39205,saka mafana tu kura wawa nga,that is why kids have to learn,train +39205,39206,39206,nu niyan u,elves,train +39206,39207,39207,Marasras ku papah nu kilang,the leaves are falling from the tree,train +39207,39208,39208,Hay naun hatu ku rakat,Okay please take care,train +39208,39209,39209,Naunen ku damay nu fakeluh,watch out for water plants on the rocks,train +39209,39210,39210,paapulen,put some lime in it,test +39210,39211,39211,awaay tu saan kiya,it is not even there anymore,train +39211,39212,39212,salipahak han i kasuvucan,happy birthday to you,train +39212,39213,39213,o sapidapu ira tura wawa,that is for wrapping the baby,train +39213,39214,39214,tu niya nupakayni tu niya fulad,if we look at the hours of the lunar calendar,train +39214,39215,39215,mipasuwalan nira itini i kaikur,a headdress behind your lovers head,train +39215,39216,39216,kalitengan,traditional,train +39216,39217,39217,adihayay,more,train +39217,39218,39218,matuʼastu kaku wa nipalu,I am a grown up now will you still hit me,train +39218,39219,39219,o cilamalay tu,the train is faster,train +39219,39220,39220,o pinangan nu dmak nu citudungay tu taung i mararitus cangra saka matama ci Cakariya a malamamicumud i laluma nu Fangcalay Pitaungan tu Tapang a pa^xiw,he was chosen by lot according to the custom of the priesthood to go into the temple of the Lord and burn incense,test +39220,39221,39221,samaan kisu misaka dademak tuniya safalud itini i pipiliˈ tu raramud hani,how can you apply this principle to choosing a spouse,train +39221,39222,39222,kafit han isu i patih ku dangah,how do you hang the pot on the wall,train +39222,39223,39223,tangtangan aku paʼacaan aku hay hatiraay,cook them together and wrap them into packets,train +39223,39224,39224,ku tafukud nu Pangcah hani,the perfect gossip network,train +39224,39225,39225,maherek tu miladum tuna ciwkeng hawi,when the tank is full of water,train +39225,39226,39226,mangernger nu atulay ku luma,the house was shaken by the earthquake,train +39226,39227,39227,i laenuen nu sapad a miteli,put it under the table,train +39227,39228,39228,Makaepeday ku falucu nina kaying,this lady has a soft heart,train +39228,39229,39229,katukuan,stopping place,train +39229,39230,39230,awaay ku tuemkadit i kakarayan masadakay tu ku fuis,there were no clouds in the sky at night and the stars came out,test +39230,39231,39231,milalang tu kaacekan a pinangan milalang tu maliyangay tu sakinu tamdawan milalang tu ciraraway tu sarikec a miliyas tu katalawan unini i nanu rayray a lisin atu rayray nu serangawan a harateng,it is a traditional superstition and a traditional cultural concept to prohibit slanderous behavior to violate moral ethics and to break the law in order to avoid dangerousness,train +39231,39232,39232,kafanaan,learn about,train +39232,39233,39233,a midiput midimukus tu itiniay a matuʼasay,taking care of the older people here,train +39233,39234,39234,Ciyaw,male or female name,train +39234,39235,39235,hay hay mavanaʼtu pisaturuni,Okay I know we have to make glutinous rice cake,train +39235,39236,39236,papina ku paru nu luma hiwa,there are not many members of the family are there,train +39236,39237,39237,o maamaan a futingan ku mamaala,what are the catches,train +39237,39238,39238,o sakapian nu lipay anini,what day is it today,train +39238,39239,39239,o piingkayay nu Amis itiyahu nu malahitayay a kapah,the Amis custom of enlisting men in the military in the early days,train +39239,39240,39240,haenen nu heni a mivahvah,they are driven like this,test +39240,39241,39241,ya kimuru ira,it is still in one piece is not it,train +39241,39242,39242,sapatala tu,in preparation,train +39242,39243,39243,a maalaaw tu nu tau saan haw,worried about someone else picking it up,train +39243,39244,39244,mapafucud,sexual abuse of illegitimate children,train +39244,39245,39245,i lumaʼay,at home,train +39245,39246,39246,itira ku luma namu itira ku tadaluma nu maku i,Where is your home that is our home,train +39246,39247,39247,a valiyusan sa ku nikatengilan tu tilivi,I heard on TV that there is a typhoon,train +39247,39248,39248,Alatatitating han nira tura kilang,hanging a stretcher on a tree,train +39248,39249,39249,mihaiay kura i niyaruʼay,Tribal,train +39249,39250,39250,saremiʼad sa,full,test +39250,39251,39251,tu haenen kami haenen kami,so that our people can follow the law,train +39251,39252,39252,suwal sa ci Pawlu Anu hatira i u maan a inuan ku nilayapan namu saw han ningra i O ni Yuhani a inu han nangra a pacauf,so Paul asked Then what baptism did you receive Johns baptism they replied,train +39252,39253,39253,anu cidil ku pasamuay a dmak i mangalef ku nika cidil nu marariday a dmak,and if what was fading away came with glory how much greater is the glory of that which lasts,train +39253,39254,39254,Rahekad han tu ku hakhak malu sakalafi nu mita,we steamed glutinous rice for our dinner,train +39254,39255,39255,lisumaden ku falucu,change your attitudes,train +39255,39256,39256,tahiniay kuya Piyuma itiya hu miaʼaʼadup sanay,the Peñons used to come here to hunt,train +39256,39257,39257,fali,wind,train +39257,39258,39258,hina tala liyal,frequent sailing,train +39258,39259,39259,saka dueduaw tunu mita ku suwal nu Tapang,therefore obey the word of the Lords messenger,train +39259,39260,39260,cecay,one,test +39260,39261,39261,mahaenay matatikedakeda saan kita itini a makakaʼaraw,they went around looking for materials to do so we all went out to look for something to do,train +39261,39262,39262,u nanum numita u ci Lingacay awaay ku kaacekacekan,there is nothing dirty in our Lingayen water,train +39262,39263,39263,itini saka tusa lalakaw mamilengu kita tu samaan matungal ku kacakat i nuˈadinguan hanaca malu nuˈadinguan a tamdaw,in the second text we will talk about how to progress spiritually and live as a spiritual person,train +39263,39264,39264,cahu kaʼisʼis maemin i,the Dushanbe revolution is complete,train +39264,39265,39265,ami naayaw u Taluku atu Pangcah,we used to be Amis and Taroko,train +39265,39266,39266,sapihelip Imatini haw,Suckers now what,train +39266,39267,39267,hayi saan ku tumuk,I am in favor of it,train +39267,39268,39268,Panahay tuya lavii haw,keeping wake in the night,train +39268,39269,39269,Pacauf sa ci Yis Sulinen aku a sumuwal kisu anu caay hufucen ku tamdaw pakayni i nanum atu Fangcalay Adingu i caay ku mamalafinawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas,Jesus answered I tell you the truth no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit,train +39269,39270,39270,u rengus,and weed,test +39270,39271,39271,o kesi tu nu niriyar anu huni,the water will subside later,train +39271,39272,39272,tayhira i tatudung nura suwal tu ninan,these stories are true,train +39272,39273,39273,o kuhcalay anca u kuhtingay,white or black,train +39273,39274,39274,u taʼangay a ilu ku raan saka,this is a serious crime,train +39274,39275,39275,fangcal ku rumiad itira i tamuwanan hay,how is the weather there,train +39275,39276,39276,caay pararamud tu wawa sa mahaenay ku rumaruma a matuʼasay saʼitekak falucu nu wawa haw i,based on the opposition of their parents they will end it by hook or by crook,train +39276,39277,39277,malikuda,entertainment dance,train +39277,39278,39278,ma iri mihakulung tu kiya,at high tide the fish go up the river,train +39278,39279,39279,hina,usually,train +39279,39280,39280,aluman aluman satu cangra,and more parishioners,test +39280,39281,39281,Matuciku ku caang nu lalidec i pala aku,the tree in my field looks like an elbow,train +39281,39282,39282,ira ku cikakaay,heard about a job,train +39282,39283,39283,iya kiya na a misakilangay,the reforestation guy,train +39283,39284,39284,iraay i tingnaw ina sanay,just say it is on the computer,train +39284,39285,39285,kiʼeciw saku mikiʼeciw tu radiw tu mita radiw hananay,leader of singers sing our traditional songs,train +39285,39286,39286,a malitengay anu tahira hu,as soon as the old man arrives,train +39286,39287,39287,enaw,why,train +39287,39288,39288,tengteng han kya keliw mafanaʼay tu ku hiya san i,they know when the rope is pulled,train +39288,39289,39289,maadah,get up,train +39289,39290,39290,u fanges nu timutimul hatiraay ku pangangan nu matuʼasay,it is the leather of an animal from the South that is how it is called,test +39290,39291,39291,Mapiliay kaku tu kacawas hemay ku kaenen aku,I do not want watermelon I want rice,train +39291,39292,39292,mamaluy sananay haw,what about the round stones,train +39292,39293,39293,sa tu,in this way,train +39293,39294,39294,Maakiw nira ku ruray,he is the only one who has to bear the brunt,train +39294,39295,39295,nani,cat,train +39295,39296,39296,hay hatiraay ku,that is what I used to do,train +39296,39297,39297,muheting iri,black,train +39297,39298,39298,ruen kunini i paliding aku,put this in my vehicle,train +39298,39299,39299,urasaka manengneng aku kunini a demak haw tiya a mirakat kaku,that is why I am going to spread the word when I see it,train +39299,39300,39300,facal ku ka itiraan isu malaimeng i,you have done well as a cop in the tribe,test +39300,39301,39301,alaen ku sapilaplap tu ayam a tekap kisu,you go get the bird catcher,train +39301,39302,39302,Pakalunan kaku,I want to take a boat to Lanyu,train +39302,39303,39303,anini san ku kaemangay adihay ku kakaenen,kids these days have a lot of stuff,train +39303,39304,39304,mahaen saka,because of that,train +39304,39305,39305,u lafiitu 3 tu ku tuki,it is in the morning,train +39305,39306,39306,Kantangay ku kaˈurip itini adihayay ku tuki midemak tu tayal ni Yihufa,life here is simpler and gives me more time to work for the LORD,train +39306,39307,39307,mahining nu wawa kacaculi i liyas,if you happen to have children around leave quickly,train +39307,39308,39308,sakura,Taiwan cherry,train +39308,39309,39309,suelinay malawud satu ku ruma a rumiʼad maharateng,remembering after a while,train +39309,39310,39310,Tekup han a pakinacecay a milepel kira ayam,those chickens are all at once,test +39310,39311,39311,utiihay,difficult,train +39311,39312,39312,nika awaay ku icer nu mita Amis a miʼaca san u paylang ku miʼacaay tunini luma atu sera,we Aborigines cannot afford to buy houses and land that the Han can afford,train +39312,39313,39313,tiya tilid nu Pangcah sa a ikur sa tu tiya a,that Amis character,train +39313,39314,39314,o kacidalan ku kahufucan isu salaw maulah kisu a midanguy,so you were born in the summer no wonder you like to swim so much,train +39314,39315,39315,hatira,that is all,train +39315,39316,39316,u sakikumu,it is used as a slingshot,train +39316,39317,39317,fa^eluhay,renewed,train +39317,39318,39318,Mifacidulay a talaumah ci fayi,Auntie went to the field to pick breadfruit,train +39318,39319,39319,katawaan kami i mamang,we had a lot of fun when we were kids,train +39319,39320,39320,o sapalipahak tu Tapang ku nika urip ita atu nika patay ita Orasaka anu nika uriptu anu nika pataytu ita i u nu Tapangtu kita,if we live we live to the Lord and if we die we die to the Lord So whether we live or die we belong to the Lord,test +39320,39321,39321,Pakatulu^,about three,train +39321,39322,39322,nu kuranan itiya hu,it was a famous vehicle in Taipei city at that time,train +39322,39323,39323,pakayni i masadakay i nguyus nuya ^fa a namal atu acfel atu miwarakay a acfel a makariang ku ccay nu kalitulu nu tamdaw i hkal a mapatay,a third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths,train +39323,39324,39324,mahaen a ku mawmahay nu micudaday,this is a student at a farm school,train +39324,39325,39325,mifasaw,cool,train +39325,39326,39326,sausi^,number,train +39326,39327,39327,nga tanetek ku niyaru ita ciʼicel ku urip nu mita u Amis sanay ku maku a harateng,that is what makes our tribe strong and the Amis will be able to make a living,train +39327,39328,39328,Hayda papulung satu kami tayra pahemek tu kahufucan isu a rumiad,Well we will all go together to celebrate your birthday,train +39328,39329,39329,mahaen ku varu nina muwa haw,that is how jute flowers are,train +39329,39330,39330,Mailuhay ku luma naira,their home was set on fire,test +39330,39331,39331,Makariang nira kaku,he persecuted mistreated me,train +39331,39332,39332,mahiya ma hai matayla ka,are the flats rough,train +39332,39333,39333,Midukduk ci putun a misanga tu acucul i luma,Poton makes gyros at home behind closed doors,train +39333,39334,39334,Landaw hen ku caay karuhem,the unripe fruit is green in color,train +39334,39335,39335,tangasa i kaku a malatumuk kinatulu,it lasted until,train +39335,39336,39336,manengneng nu maku ku ruray u tangic,I saw my parents,train +39336,39337,39337,inian iri,this one,train +39337,39338,39338,Citiyad tu cingra,she has a belly i she is pregnant,train +39338,39339,39339,itiya hu,past,train +39339,39340,39340,malahitay hu ku wawa nu maku haw i,my boys going into the army,test +39340,39341,39341,tahini aca ku sasuwalen i,that is all I am saying,train +39341,39342,39342,suwalen,tell,train +39342,39343,39343,tata,let us go,train +39343,39344,39344,sa nawhan i matulu i lalan sa,Why because you will fall down on the road,train +39344,39345,39345,pakayni i ngangan ni ya niyaru hananay haw,about the origin of the tribes name,train +39345,39346,39346,tupic,fully wetted,train +39346,39347,39347,kuwa nu lutuk,Taiwan Diplofatsia a plant,train +39347,39348,39348,minukay tu kaku haw i tada u faʼinayan tu kaku ali sa a pakasuelin,when you are done with the army you will be a real man,train +39348,39349,39349,milietan kita tu sakangaʼayaw sakadufah,let us go make money so our families can live well and be rich,train +39349,39350,39350,sapatirengaw tu cahung nu niyam a luma ansa,I am building a thatched roof for my family,test +39350,39351,39351,nu Recurd,sterilize the hemp,train +39351,39352,39352,isaka 1520 lalintadan ci Lefifur mihungyakan ku Fangcalay Cudad malu suwal nu Frans,in the Lefebvre translated the Bible into the familiar French language,train +39352,39353,39353,cay karaay ku Cinpu atu Pisirian,I work not far from Jingpu,train +39353,39354,39354,itini i niyaru tu sakaytini,let these ethnolinguistic cultural assets,train +39354,39355,39355,Nikawrira anu caay pitngil cingra i kalahaklung tu ccay anu ^ca i tatusa a tamdaw a tayra i cingraan ta ira ku tatusa tatulu a tamdaw tu papawacay a pahapinang tu sulinay a dmak,but if he will not listen take one or two others along so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses,train +39355,39356,39356,mulufic,numerous,train +39356,39357,39357,Ngaay hu u maan ku aacaen isu,Hello what are you buying,train +39357,39358,39358,mafuti tu kira,still sleeping,train +39358,39359,39359,atu,respond in singing,train +39359,39360,39360,reku,fulfillment,test +39360,39361,39361,a telihan nira itini i kaayaw nira a miapid ku mipitpitan nira a suiguu,he put the fruits he plucked into a bag in front of him,train +39361,39362,39362,anu mahaen i masamanay ku harateng nu misu hani,in that case what do you think,train +39362,39363,39363,ku kasuy,firewood,train +39363,39364,39364,nu Pangcah maadah,the clan says it is going to be okay,train +39364,39365,39365,fawa han nura tamdaw ku inurung patalaafala ni Kacaw,the men supported and lifted the burden onto Kacaws shoulders,train +39365,39366,39366,Pacauf sa ci Yis Caay ka ngaay a afasen ku alangad nu wawa a pafli i wacu han ningra,he replied It is not right to take the children bread and toss it to their dogs,train +39366,39367,39367,itini tu kalalicay niyam adihay ku makituhay nu matuasay tu pakiniay tu fenek nu miadupay,during our interview the old man talked about a lot of traditional knowledge about hunting,train +39367,39368,39368,u miterungay a wama nu kapah cacay ku suwal malecacay tu ku demak mapapadang tu tatudung nu demak,once all the preparations were in place the order was given to cut off the flow as fast as possible so that the tributaries would dry up,train +39368,39369,39369,Salahengheng,it is always rumbling,train +39369,39370,39370,o misangan tu falaku kuni a cukap,this shoe is made of leather,test +39370,39371,39371,Miepec kura tamdaw i takuwanan,that man looks down on me,train +39371,39372,39372,Orasaka paflien nangra kami tu sapakaulah yu lalumuwadtu kami a pakalunan i pafli cangra i tamiyanan tu sakaurip niyam a maamaan,they honored us in many ways and when we were ready to sail they furnished us with the supplies we needed,train +39372,39373,39373,ci ku ngangan ningra,his name is Soo mi,train +39373,39374,39374,tatihi kami a maru,we sat next to each other,train +39374,39375,39375,mawmahay a kiayawhan,while the farmers are plowing,train +39375,39376,39376,micekiw kita tu Fangcalay Cudad u mamikarkar tu sanu ˈuduay a kimad hu ngaˈay malu nuˈadinguan a tamdaw ku niyah,we study the Bible to find out valuable truths that will make us spiritual beings,train +39376,39377,39377,itini i ngata iray ku pikalican tu pasu haw,is there a bus stop near here,train +39377,39378,39378,pasuwalen tu nuya a mifacuʼay,for the base makers,train +39378,39379,39379,wawa hantu nu wawa a suwal,my son said we just got home,train +39379,39380,39380,mapapavatis,share,test +39380,39381,39381,misulul,forgive me,train +39381,39382,39382,u faki aku cingra,he is my uncle,train +39382,39383,39383,anu mipuhpuhtu u rara atu vasis ku sinavel,eat red beans and pork if there is any Rang Ritual,train +39383,39384,39384,tayraay huw i repelan kiya kura lukedaw,caught that tiger,train +39384,39385,39385,payci,money,train +39385,39386,39386,icuwaan isu a pateli,where did you put it,train +39386,39387,39387,anca,or,train +39387,39388,39388,Orasaka u tanektekaytu ku nika tumireng aku yasanay ku harateng a tamdaw i naunen ku dmak tu saka^caaw ka tfad,So if you think you are standing firm be careful that you do not fall,train +39388,39389,39389,paini,display,train +39389,39390,39390,sa matiraay saka,that is it,test +39390,39391,39391,mipalamit tu serangawan itini i Taynan,cultural roots in Tainan,train +39391,39392,39392,u langdaway u kavit kuni patinaku u mantaay u sera ku nipatinaku u kulakulawan u tamdaw kuni patinaku,Tiyamacan is blue green for the land and yellow for the people,train +39392,39393,39393,fainayan,boys,train +39393,39394,39394,mamang hu kaku,when I was a kid,train +39394,39395,39395,caay ka pitilid kaku kira,because I do not read,train +39395,39396,39396,a emu a pawanengen tu,rice cake with sugar,train +39396,39397,39397,Cidafdafay a mapaluma^ ku funga,groundnuts were planted in the flat,train +39397,39398,39398,sisiten ku lusa nu wawa,wipe away the child tears,train +39398,39399,39399,marekuay,done,train +39399,39400,39400,amala cecay i tini kaʼayaw nu tuʼas nu namu,Together in front of your old man,test +39400,39401,39401,ahci i ahciday i riyar hen buhcal hen ma haw buhecal hen cira hay,he was white when he was in the sea Yes he was white,train +39401,39402,39402,Saka mapatay ku ccay nu kalitulu nu mauripay a maamaan i riyar Mapleng ku ccay nu kalitulu nu lunan a ma^min,a third of the living creatures in the sea died and a third of the ships were destroyed,train +39402,39403,39403,urung hantu nira kuya dadanguyan patayraw i hekal,dad carried the raft to a high place on the shore,train +39403,39404,39404,hatiniay uni u,it is a large flowered salvia,train +39404,39405,39405,caay ka tangasa ku hatiraay a,if there is not enough time,train +39405,39406,39406,caay kakaesu ku akaway nu fila,the stems of the Lao leaves are not tasty,train +39406,39407,39407,mitilid ku maku mituur tu tau sa,I went to school with them,train +39407,39408,39408,sakaytini i pi,incentives for those who pass the certification test,train +39408,39409,39409,Ckad sa a talipalal kuya misimaway Maaraw ningra ku nika fawah nu sadef nu pirufuan i Latek milaliwaytu kuya marufuay sa ku harateng ningra saka suduc satu tu funus a sakinapatayan,the jailer woke up and when he saw the prison doors open he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped,train +39409,39410,39410,papicakay,purchase,test +39410,39411,39411,manay u vavahi ku sitatudungay a mikuwan tu luma,household management is naturally entrusted to women,train +39411,39412,39412,ikur nu cecay tatukian patiku^ masaupu^ kita itini,we will be back in an hour,train +39412,39413,39413,caay ka fana kaku,I do not know,train +39413,39414,39414,patafuan,lunch bag,train +39414,39415,39415,cima kisu,who are you,train +39415,39416,39416,sisa u vavainayan amin ku mikikayay,so it is all about the men treadmills,train +39416,39417,39417,parafacen,please let free,train +39417,39418,39418,hai a anu piliceay nu maku,Yes sir I am here to visit,train +39418,39419,39419,han han nuya mama micaʼa pasifafaed,dad looked up and saw the roof was gone,train +39419,39420,39420,o maama an tu a tayal,what are some of the jobs,test +39420,39421,39421,awaay tu i tini saka kaku tu cecay,sometimes I am the only one who hunts,train +39421,39422,39422,ira i Litan cingra puhayen aku cingra,she is in the auditorium I will go call her,train +39422,39423,39423,ura hananay i,watches for Caregivers,train +39423,39424,39424,matuʼas i ta mafana a mihalateng,as we grow older we become more mature in our thinking,train +39424,39425,39425,Nanuya miliyas ci Yis itira a tayra i ngataay nu Tiri atu Situn,leaving that place Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon,train +39425,39426,39426,o namu iraay ku matengilay satu ku maku,I think there might be something to what you are hearing,train +39426,39427,39427,u tataʼakay a serangwan ita kinian,this is our most important cultural ritual,train +39427,39428,39428,kapah haw ku sadak itiya,how was the harvest,train +39428,39429,39429,isu,Aesop,train +39429,39430,39430,Saka kaput sa i ci Pitiruan ku alumanay a Yutaya a tamdaw a misamangah ku falucu Saka Halu ci Parnapas a makayhid nangra,the other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray,test +39430,39431,39431,kalah saan ci ina a micacak tu sakalafi niyam,mom was in a hurry to cook our dinner,train +39431,39432,39432,Caay pisausi,no matter,train +39432,39433,39433,a ira tu ci Acwan mamang hu,ah Chiu was born,train +39433,39434,39434,hituri utahu wa isiyama musume,the girl from stone mountain who was singing alone,train +39434,39435,39435,ku faki nura luma,and the uncles in the family,train +39435,39436,39436,Nikawrira i tini i tamuwanan i caay ku hahaenen ku namu anu cima namu ku mangalayay a malatadamaanay i ka u malumatayalay namu,not so with you Instead whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,train +39436,39437,39437,pasitimul i,looking south,train +39437,39438,39438,sisa makapinapina a vulad a masasuwal ku tumuk nu niyaru,so the bosses have been talking for months,train +39438,39439,39439,i piseking a miyala tu,Aboriginal language capacity,train +39439,39440,39440,hay i misakalahuka kaku,Okay I will make lunch,test +39440,39441,39441,Mangaay ku pituur namu i tiyahu anini satu i cima ku milalangay i tamuwanan tu saka^caaw ka pihaklung namu tu sulin saw,you were running a good race who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth,train +39441,39442,39442,sarumiʼad sa miletek tura aul,cutting yellow vines all day long,train +39442,39443,39443,Taak ku ngiha nira mama a mipapelu,the dad was speaking very loudly,train +39443,39444,39444,kavanaan,Discovered,train +39444,39445,39445,17 anu sapiˈacaw kita tu suˈlinay kimad wa misadak tu maanan sapiˈaca aki,what price might we have to pay to buy the truth,train +39445,39446,39446,malihiw nu tau kaku,I was cheated by someone,train +39446,39447,39447,malacaananay ku adada,illness is chronic,train +39447,39448,39448,cangraan,they,train +39448,39449,39449,Cuwa pataduay kaku tu fufuan a miaca tu dateng,No I went grocery shopping for my grandma,train +39449,39450,39450,awaay ku tamdaw u saayaw ku heni a tayni pauli han niyam u ka Ripunan,no one they are the first ones here,test +39450,39451,39451,pakacitusiya,motor vehicle,train +39451,39452,39452,sapisanga,makings,train +39452,39453,39453,awaay ku puhal aku tunini a tayal,I have no experience in this kind of work,train +39453,39454,39454,likes,mosquitoes,train +39454,39455,39455,tayra tu i kawaliay a niyaru,to the eastern tribes,train +39455,39456,39456,icuwa han niyam,we asked him where he was,train +39456,39457,39457,u mararumay a tamdaw cira,he is a pessimist,train +39457,39458,39458,Cakira malitengtu kaku,No I am not I am old,train +39458,39459,39459,Paluwaden ningra i lalumaan ni Tafiti u matayalay ningra ku ciicelay a Papaurip titaanan,he has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David,train +39459,39460,39460,Kalutungan,Garidong tribe name,test +39460,39461,39461,kiya caay saw pikilim tu rumaan a tamdaw,why do not you find someone else,train +39461,39462,39462,u fafahian matuʼas ci faʼinay ci wawa,girls get married and have children when they grow up,train +39462,39463,39463,adihayay ku mipafelian ni mamu i takuwanan tu mialaan ningra a kunga tali atu rakiw tu hapapanukayen nu maku,grandma brought me a lot of sweet potatoes taro and buckwheat and asked me to take them home,train +39463,39464,39464,u pitelian tu Cudad kiyami,you know for books and stuff,train +39464,39465,39465,cay ka cidem,not deep enough,train +39465,39466,39466,u saka urip nu mita,to survive,train +39466,39467,39467,anu matira ini ku fangku nu tingwa nira tanamen patingwa cingra,Well here is his phone number you try calling him,train +39467,39468,39468,Mulesa ku nanum naifalahung,the water comes out of the roof drop by drop,train +39468,39469,39469,unian haw i u ayam kafanaʼan nu matuʼasay itiya hu sa,ancestors used birds to learn about their surroundings,train +39469,39470,39470,ati,come on,test +39470,39471,39471,tu cimanan awayku tatiihay nu nanum numita,whoever it is rest assured our water is fine,train +39471,39472,39472,Cecay tu kufuc ku usaw,we only have one bottle left,train +39472,39473,39473,nu vinacadan a sasuwalen,languages of indigenous Peoples groups,train +39473,39474,39474,hay ininan i liyawen haca ita,we are going to repeat the introduction of this wild vegetable,train +39474,39475,39475,tusa tu rupenen hen naku,I have finished two of them,train +39475,39476,39476,an cayka i akalaway caykaketuc panaluma,if it is not on high ground there is no Harvest for what is planted,train +39476,39477,39477,anu matira i,if that is the case,train +39477,39478,39478,ku subuc ni ama aku ka Dipungan ititya,I was born during the Japanese occupation,train +39478,39479,39479,cecay a rumiʼad nu niyam itiya hu,that was our days pay,train +39479,39480,39480,madiput aku ku niyaru sakamatira,because I will be running the tribe,test +39480,39481,39481,nikawlira tahira i fatad kuya wawa ^tiuhan niya c widang nira,However halfway his friends whistled,train +39481,39482,39482,mafukil mitengil tiya suwal niya singsi sa hu,that is what the teacher said that is the first thing I am afraid of,train +39482,39483,39483,32 Maharatengayhu isu Han,pages do you remember,train +39483,39484,39484,milafin tu cecay rumiaʼd,stay a day,train +39484,39485,39485,Nngawen ku mata isu,open your eyes,train +39485,39486,39486,anu tyani ku kuntung i kuntung aluman i,there are so many people in Guangdong if they really come,train +39486,39487,39487,i tila kami matiya u malanangay ci ama itamiyan,we were there dad kind of hated us,train +39487,39488,39488,caay kaulah kaku micudad,I do not like the school,train +39488,39489,39489,caay kuya u Tapang nu niyaru,it is no longer the star of the show or the source,train +39489,39490,39490,lengac,moon peach tree,test +39490,39491,39491,tauculan nu malitengay miradum,become a water carrier called by your mom and dad,train +39491,39492,39492,Kuhecal ku fanges nu Amirika,Americans have white skin,train +39492,39493,39493,mafukilay kaku tunu Kwaping ira,I will not say it in Chinese,train +39493,39494,39494,kaka,older male cousin via female line,train +39494,39495,39495,ketun han itini patatudung kura iya ira,right here in the perfect spot,train +39495,39496,39496,hay mahaen ri,yea,train +39496,39497,39497,ngaʼay siwkayen kisu haw faki pina tu ku miheca isu,can you introduce yourself how old are you,train +39497,39498,39498,pakapaliding hakuwa ku halafin a tahira i Olay,is it a long drive to Ulai,train +39498,39499,39499,icuwa kisu a minanam itira patiyamay patiyamay,where did you learn at a clothing store,train +39499,39500,39500,maedeng mihecaan maedeng,almost Almost,test +39500,39501,39501,mmh acukemashan aku ci kapiyasan ni kakaenen itira,I will leave my share at Kapiyas place,train +39501,39502,39502,uniyan tu i likur tuniyan i,after,train +39502,39503,39503,u manan anu adupan tu umanan,whether it is hunting or anything else,train +39503,39504,39504,cecayen,please only one,train +39504,39505,39505,Mialapit kaku tu sinafel i cifar,I used my chopsticks to blackmail the dishes on my plate,train +39505,39506,39506,i cima kumialaay saan cingra,Who took it he said,train +39506,39507,39507,malipahak militemuh tu pinukay nu kaput,Rejoice welcome back safely to our sea Festival harvest,train +39507,39508,39508,i sakapina a tungruh ku kafutian isu,what floor is your room on,train +39508,39509,39509,Saka ktun hantu nu sufitay ku ka^red nuya mamangay a tamina pakunira hantu nangra ku nika likid nira,so the soldiers cut the ropes that held the lifeboat and let it fall away,train +39509,39510,39510,i tini i hci a mahapinang ku nika masamaanay kuya kilang Tinaku sa i caay ka i fadal a miala tu hci nu sukun caay ka i udidal a miala tu hci nu fadisusu,each tree is recognized by its own fruit people do not pick figs from thornbushes or grapes from briers,test +39510,39511,39511,mansa mikingkiw kaku hatiniay,so I am working on this,train +39511,39512,39512,cecay hu ku tufur ni faki aku i pakulungan,there was only one calf in my uncles barn,train +39512,39513,39513,mipaur^uray,instigator,train +39513,39514,39514,mahenay ku maku a urip,that is how I got here,train +39514,39515,39515,i Cilung,Chilung or Keelung city and major port in north Taiwan,train +39515,39516,39516,ci Kanas kisu haw,are you Kanas,train +39516,39517,39517,haen saan,I will move slowly like this,train +39517,39518,39518,caay ku nipaturudan nu tamdaw i takuwanan kunini caay ku nipasifanaan nu tamdaw kaku ci Yis Kristu ku pahapinangay a paaraw i takuwanan tunini a Ngaayay Ratuh,I did not receive it from any man nor was I taught it rather I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ,train +39518,39519,39519,nawhani ccay ku tireng ccay ku Fangcalay Adingu ccay ku patusukan nu pitahidang nu Kawas tamuwanan a pafalucu,there is one body and one Spirit just as you were called to one hope when you were called,train +39519,39520,39520,kami itiya hu,we do,test +39520,39521,39521,kiya mihicayay i nanum tahekal tu aemin a taluma,all the fry fishermen have left the sea and gone home,train +39521,39522,39522,Hai hatu malacecayay a lalumaan kami a mitilid i pitilidan,Yes we are like family while we are studying at school,train +39522,39523,39523,hatini kiya haw maharekay tu kura suwal i,I have already talked about this earlier,train +39523,39524,39524,faki,uncles,train +39524,39525,39525,kaciferangan,summer,train +39525,39526,39526,makenaay saw,what is the matter,train +39526,39527,39527,cay katawal nu maku ku paini tini,I will not forget the words of my ancestors,train +39527,39528,39528,anu mihadidi kamu tu caay ku nanu ka cirarawan namu a pades a midu^du tu nafalucuan nu Kawas i u papalmeden nu Kawas kamu,for it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God,train +39528,39529,39529,iraay kura sera ira itini,they have land here,train +39529,39530,39530,aka tu mitilid kaku,No I want to study,test +39530,39531,39531,oni masarayrayay lalakaw iraay ku sasiwaay mamilengu tu kahacecay a minaruˈan nu Fangcalay saucur u ulah malenguay itini i saka cecay a lalakaw,each of the nine articles in this series will look at one of the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit love which was discussed in the first article,train +39531,39532,39532,caka kiskisen,it will not work if you do not shave,train +39532,39533,39533,macahiway,hungry,train +39533,39534,39534,mila^dis,Nanshi Ami fishing Festival,train +39534,39535,39535,o kafang o kafang aku cima aca ku pakafangay kakunan i ayaw,it is a blanket my blanket nobody made it for me,train +39535,39536,39536,pikunling,let us train,train +39536,39537,39537,anu caka makakadep ku suluy atu piras i cuwa itu ku caciwawa,if the egg cannot be fertilized no new life will result,train +39537,39538,39538,matiraay pudac hantu i,peel the wild greens,train +39538,39539,39539,ci valucu a minanam,parents and family members,train +39539,39540,39540,mi mikalat sanay ku Taywan kura kalang sa ku Taywan,Kalang in Taiwanese means to bite,test +39540,39541,39541,a demak,events,train +39541,39542,39542,saka mararum sapakaen nira matuʼasay tu wawa ira,this old man has worked very hard to raise these children,train +39542,39543,39543,mikisiemal,take advantage of the coolness of the weather,train +39543,39544,39544,Pacufcuf han ni Turay ku widang nira tu epah,Toray forced alcohol on his friend,train +39544,39545,39545,o kumud nu niyaru ciira,he is the head of the tribe,train +39545,39546,39546,a maan hantu kaku,what am I supposed to do,train +39546,39547,39547,u niyan sa nu Pangcah a kakurut adididiʼay ira,it is a native species of the Amis race and it is small,train +39547,39548,39548,malaising kaku anu taangay,I want to be a doctor when I grow up,train +39548,39549,39549,Pacauf sa kuya tawki Caantu anu mifunut kamu tuya samadu i latek halu^mi a mafunut namu,No he answered because while you are pulling the weeds you may root up the wheat with them,train +39549,39550,39550,malalicay tu,go and consult,test +39550,39551,39551,atu i timulay ku niyaru,and from the South,train +39551,39552,39552,Cifinacadan i Futud,there are ethnic groups in Orchid Island,train +39552,39553,39553,maruʼay itinit i luma tulu tu a nuli kiya caay tu paka tulu a nuli ku tamdaw nu Cawi,there are about people who actually live in the tribe less than people,train +39553,39554,39554,tepuc saan,it will snap in a second,train +39554,39555,39555,inaayaw u awul ku nisangaʼan tu tepi,used to use bamboo for modeling,train +39555,39556,39556,u falat u falat hay hay hay,do the beams of the house do the beams of the house yes yes yes,train +39556,39557,39557,talalukan,chicken coop,train +39557,39558,39558,Takaway rumakat tayni tu salafii,I have been traveling all night to get here,train +39558,39559,39559,ku wawa nawhani ira ku marawraway,Kids because there is something very wrong,train +39559,39560,39560,mikieciw,leading singer,test +39560,39561,39561,talulung ku nanum nu tarawadaw tu laluud,the stream is deep in the summer,train +39561,39562,39562,icuwaay a selal ku mikilangay icuwa a selal ku mieliʼay,which age group rafts the wood which age group cuts the grass,train +39562,39563,39563,rakat,go,train +39563,39564,39564,midungec,picking up the heart of the yellow vine,train +39564,39565,39565,haen han tu mihan pakayni haen han,this way from here this way,train +39565,39566,39566,kter satu kuya Farisay a tamdaw atu pasifanaay tu Rikec Saka Samaanen ita ku dmak ci Yisan saan cangra a masasuwasuwal,but they were furious and began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus,train +39566,39567,39567,atu u sefi,and kitchen,train +39567,39568,39568,palakida,mistaken for Sakya,train +39568,39569,39569,Temuen nira ku damdam,he ate the hot pepper whole,train +39569,39570,39570,malcaday,identical,test +39570,39571,39571,ci Filip ci Partulumay ci Tumas ci Matay u milisataay ci Yakup u wawa ni Alfayus ci Tatayus,Philip and Bartholomew Thomas and Matthew the tax collector James son of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus,train +39571,39572,39572,suʼelintu mikiʼeciw kita u tamdaw,Really we are on the lead,train +39572,39573,39573,nengneng han ku luma itiyahu cahu ka aluman,there were only six tenants at the time,train +39573,39574,39574,u singsi mafanaʼay ku singsi minengneng,but the teacher will read it,train +39574,39575,39575,nu vuhecalay a tevus,white sugar cane,train +39575,39576,39576,caay ka lifuten kaku paʼini tu tiyul,I took great pains to teach,train +39576,39577,39577,kami satu i mipalisimet tu kira,what about us we will just go get ready,train +39577,39578,39578,a tayra,go there,train +39578,39579,39579,lidateng,stinging nettle,train +39579,39580,39580,pina kulung namu lumaʼay a,how many cows does your family have,test +39580,39581,39581,saucungay,largest,train +39581,39582,39582,anu sa i laplapen nira kaku,mom and dad would have kicked me out,train +39582,39583,39583,Mauraday nu hatini,is it raining now,train +39583,39584,39584,ri hay a finawlan,let us say it is our people,train +39584,39585,39585,Papipataduen cingra tu demak tu saki wawa aku,have him take care of the matter for my child,train +39585,39586,39586,mamang hu kaku Pakatengteng kisu,can you pull them when they are teenagers,train +39586,39587,39587,maulah tu uway,I also like to use rattan,train +39587,39588,39588,iraay mamangay kura kufung niyam,our cashboxes are small,train +39588,39589,39589,o,so called,train +39589,39590,39590,milepel tu mitakaway miletaesay atu papayiay,catch a thief catch a bad guy catch a fraudster,test +39590,39591,39591,Matuul ku falucu aku,my Spirit is very lonely,train +39591,39592,39592,sakalalisan,because of fever,train +39592,39593,39593,misakuli kaku mama manaay kaku maumah han aku ku mama aku,I told my father I want to go out and work,train +39593,39594,39594,maserser,sink down,train +39594,39595,39595,lingatu ira misanga tuya,just started,train +39595,39596,39596,o hanu namu kuni a talacay telien i pingsiyang,here is a pineapple for you put it in the refrigerator,train +39596,39597,39597,Saka tamur satu cangra a tayra ta maaraw nangra ci Mariya aci Yusif atuya mapakafutiay i tuptup a nihufucanhu a Wawa,so they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and the baby who was lying in the manger,train +39597,39598,39598,nanum hu mamaan nanum hu mamaan tu,drink first it is okay,train +39598,39599,39599,Mavursak ku nipilalaliw a milimek ku Cikasuwan,dispersal of fleeing clans,train +39599,39600,39600,ayaw ciira cifalu ri ira ku puʼeni nira ri kaesu kaenen,before the flowers bloom the stems in the center are edible,test +39600,39601,39601,Orasaka u sumuwalay tu nu Adinguan a suwal i u nipilunguc ningra ku ngaay tu sakafana ningra a misahci tu tatudung nuya suwal ningra,for this reason anyone who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret what he says,train +39601,39602,39602,cima kuya miririday turaan a misaʼuraday a tayla,who is going to take us to pray for rain,train +39602,39603,39603,kaʼapaay tu kura caayka patay,the enlarged thyroid is not dead yet,train +39603,39604,39604,pina ku mihecaan isu itiya mihatatanam,how old were you when you were studying,train +39604,39605,39605,Sakacacay tulu ku luma itini,First there are only three houses here,train +39605,39606,39606,fau,insect,train +39606,39607,39607,Sipanganga hatu nu heni,they are named,train +39607,39608,39608,hay nu ngabul,Yes plum Deer,train +39608,39609,39609,itini tu niya sakacecay tayni sakasepat i,from the first day of the month to the fourth day of the month,train +39609,39610,39610,Hay ahuwiday singsi,Yes thank you,test +39610,39611,39611,ca ka tenes kami,we did not stay long,train +39611,39612,39612,vesiwsa,in a short while,train +39612,39613,39613,sapitaw han tu ira pisapitawan kuranan,digging small pools and making small pools,train +39613,39614,39614,cikcik han ni ina ku adiyam a pacamul tu titi,my mom cut up some ginger and mixed it into the meat,train +39614,39615,39615,man dafak satu i,by morning,train +39615,39616,39616,caay ka pitanam kaku mahaen misanga,I did not I did not try to make it like this,train +39616,39617,39617,aku ku ruma a maulah tu radiw,like you I love music lessons,train +39617,39618,39618,liyaw tu a rumiad pakafana han tu aku misanga tu fuefue kisu,I will teach you how to make a fish trap next time,train +39618,39619,39619,Hurac san ku falucu aku,I feel so bored,train +39619,39620,39620,Talakitakit nu Amilika ci Tumay a micudad,Dumai went to the united States to study,test +39620,39621,39621,nu Recurd,so that one is the real name I think it is my grandma's,train +39621,39622,39622,macukacuk,creep,train +39622,39623,39623,wuhatiniay han naʼunen tu,Oh I see be careful,train +39623,39624,39624,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O nunini a hkal a tamdaw i cifainay cifafahi cangra,Jesus replied The people of this age marry and are given in marriage,train +39624,39625,39625,padakaw han huwaden huwaden saʼayaway mi mangey saan,lift it up and put it on top and then pull it up with the machine,train +39625,39626,39626,anu hacuwa patikul kisu tu paysu i takuwanan,when are you going to pay me back,train +39626,39627,39627,onini a paratuhay i tarukus tunini a dmak a fafahiyan i ci Mariya nu Maktala ci Yuana atu ina ni Yakup ci Mariya atu rumaruma a mihaklungay cangraan a fafahiyan,it was Mary Magdalene Joanna Mary the mother of James and the others with them who told this to the apostles,train +39627,39628,39628,o nika patay nu ccay a tamdaw a patudung tu finawlan ku ngaay tu nika patay nu pulung nu finawlan caay ka saasaan ku harateng namu saw han ningra,you do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish,train +39628,39629,39629,macuwa u mitefusan i mitefus milipapah nu tefus,cutting sugarcane leaves in the fall,train +39629,39630,39630,minukay ku wawa aku,my child is going home,test +39630,39631,39631,nika,That,train +39631,39632,39632,o rihaw tu aku i rikur nu lalisan,I have a hoarse voice after a cold,train +39632,39633,39633,wama aku sa ku wama aku kira sa,my father said his father said this,train +39633,39634,39634,sa amaanen ita ca patudung,we must be grateful,train +39634,39635,39635,atien,invitation,train +39635,39636,39636,nu Kalingku ku hatiniay nu mita i Pusungay kiya haw,this is from Hualien we are from Taitung,train +39636,39637,39637,a kapahtu ku niyaru nu mita,our tribe will be better off,train +39637,39638,39638,misiʼayaw pasiwali a mifetik ku niyam,sake for the Orient,train +39638,39639,39639,caay ka fana caay,you would not understand would you,train +39639,39640,39640,pacavenga a milawa tu ada nu rumaan a vinacadan,build a wall to defend against foreign enemies,test +39640,39641,39641,tayni pasevana,I am here to teach,train +39641,39642,39642,faki^,fathers elder brother,train +39642,39643,39643,Macefu ku wawa aku,my child bed wets,train +39643,39644,39644,Hai ci Apetayan cingra,is he Apetayan,train +39644,39645,39645,ira kami nani amisay han nu Amis kura Piyuma i,the Amis answer to the Penan we are from the north,train +39645,39646,39646,culek,straightway,train +39646,39647,39647,ya saʼnay nu mita,on feminism than feminism for us,train +39647,39648,39648,silamalay,train,train +39648,39649,39649,aka tu pisalama^ kamaru tu i kamaruan,stop playing and quickly sit in your seat,train +39649,39650,39650,o ruma satu lungucen aku ku Sincenyin patusuk tu rumiad a mikayki tu saki milahciay tu paranaan a Rikec nu Yincumincu a iingkay u mihalakaan nu iingkay i mangaay a malalicay tu Cenfu atu i kalusaupu^ nu Sincenyin a misaluf tu demak,in addition I will request that our Executive Yuan convene regularly the indigenous peoples basic law promotion Committee and use the Yuans authority to coordinate and handle matters related to any consensus reached by the above mentioned commission,test +39650,39651,39651,akatu ka itini i niyaru niyam,do not ever come back to our tribe again,train +39651,39652,39652,natayra i luma ni ama ni Kacaw kaku i nacila adihay ku nipakungku nira,my uncle and I chatted in the room and he shared many stories,train +39652,39653,39653,iri u havay hananay,be sure to remember the millet Spirit,train +39653,39654,39654,Narikuran nu faliyus matumes ku suta i lalan,the roads were filled with sludge after the typhoon,train +39654,39655,39655,kangalayan,desirable,train +39655,39656,39656,mauruntu,long to see again,train +39656,39657,39657,Du^du han ku rakat aku,please follow my footsteps,train +39657,39658,39658,maulah ku pulung tu pipaacaan ni ama aluman ku miacaay tu damdam atu kakurut aluman ku tayniay mitanam tu mitangtangan ningra a kakaenen,everyone loved my grandmothers stall many people bought the chilis and African eggplants and many people came to taste the dishes she cooked,train +39658,39659,39659,pasuwal sa ci Yis O kinafalah a fukluh nu misalumaay a tamdaw i malataenengantu nu luma O nitayalan nu Tapang kunini O kafahkaan a nengnengen ita yasanay a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i cahu ka asip namu saw,Jesus said to them Have you never read in the Scriptures The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone the Lord has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes,train +39659,39660,39660,mamahaen,should,test +39660,39661,39661,pakayni tu tudung nu lifung haw i ngaʼayay tu,it was a pretty good deal back then,train +39661,39662,39662,anini a hiya i,Todays information,train +39662,39663,39663,maharek tu kuriraan ku misu i sangaay tuya patih,once that is done we will start working on the walls,train +39663,39664,39664,ucekuy,lower your head down,train +39664,39665,39665,sisa u nikakapah nu mita u Pangcah itini i Amis,So we have the Amis here,train +39665,39666,39666,saka ila nu can ku Paliwan tahanini dengay tu,only the Paiwan can own land and that is enough for now,train +39666,39667,39667,atu nika tangasa nu Makutaay itini i saki Makutaay i niyaru haw i,it also explains the history of the Magadam tribe,train +39667,39668,39668,wayciseng,foreign student,train +39668,39669,39669,inien cecay mihecan cecay aca kura kakumaen tura mahaenay epah kira,only once a year do you drink like this,train +39669,39670,39670,Naay matalaw kaku maen tu kaedahay,do not I am afraid to eat spicy food,test +39670,39671,39671,Mapatikulay tu aku inacila,I returned it yesterday,train +39671,39672,39672,panamalen,fire,train +39672,39673,39673,Kuicaway ku liel aku mimien hu,my neck is stiff Massage it for me,train +39673,39674,39674,muraraw mararaw ku caciyaw aku,I said the wrong thing,train +39674,39675,39675,palatamdaw niyam ciranan sa,it is for him to make it grow,train +39675,39676,39676,ku kakaenan naayaw adihay,there is no special food,train +39676,39677,39677,safa^,Brothersister,train +39677,39678,39678,i talud i,in the jungle,train +39678,39679,39679,Marawud tu ku kalahukan i misakalahuk ciira,by noon she makes lunch,train +39679,39680,39680,mahaen haw,that is what I am talking about,test +39680,39681,39681,yu kukankaku han nu Ripun i ayaw,in those days the Japanese were called the air Force,train +39681,39682,39682,o limuut aku i kasasiulaulah kamu,this is my command love each other,train +39682,39683,39683,o sakasaan aku a patilid i ayaw i tamuwanan i u pilifet aku i tamuwanan a mihapinang tu nika sulin nu dmak namu a mituur tu suwal aku,the reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything,train +39683,39684,39684,atu pifucu nu matuʼasay,it is the way old people make their bases,train +39684,39685,39685,matiya u awaay ku nanum a tfun matiya u mafiyukay nu faliyus a tuem ku matiniay a tamdaw Mapatalatu nu Kawas ku malukamaruan nangra i rawdengan,these men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm blackest darkness is reserved for them,train +39685,39686,39686,adu,models,train +39686,39687,39687,yu mafcultu cangra i suwal sa ci Yis i nisawawaan Ningra Saupuen ku kinapcih a usaw a ^pang tu saka^caaw ka saluya nu ccaccay aca han ningra,when they had all had enough to eat he said to his disciples Gather the pieces that are left over let nothing be wasted,train +39687,39688,39688,malacafay kaku tu kaka tu fainayan fafahiyan a mitakura,my brothers and sisters and I will catch frogs together,train +39688,39689,39689,maala ku enem pulu latek,there is about people in a class that is a lot,train +39689,39690,39690,o nian i o nu mama aku nisangaʼan,what is this my father made this,test +39690,39691,39691,tusa ku rinum nu tuki,the clock has two hands,train +39691,39692,39692,Miuduka i,company or factory,train +39692,39693,39693,erur,blowing with a blow torch,train +39693,39694,39694,Mihudup ci Yihufaan oya pafeliay tu pasalat a Kawas,serve Jehovah the God of liberty,train +39694,39695,39695,tu pisakalikalic nu ningra sanay,there is always a time to fall out of a tree,train +39695,39696,39696,tatingasud ku rakat niyam,we did not walk together,train +39696,39697,39697,enged,Washers,train +39697,39698,39698,kabanaʼan nu niyam pabalucu haw,when we were years old and we knew what we were doing,train +39698,39699,39699,Caayay u matusay niyam cingra i niyaru falu pulu tu ku mihecaan ningra,No he is an elder of our tribe he is years old,train +39699,39700,39700,itini,Here,test +39700,39701,39701,isi,pass water,train +39701,39702,39702,matayal,tillage,train +39702,39703,39703,Saka suwal sa cingra i cangraan Adihay ku papanayen nikawrira caay ka aluman ku matayalay Orasaka pingitangit kamu tu Tapang nu ciumahay a papiucur tu mamatayal a mipanay,he told them The Harvest is plentiful but the workers are few ask the Lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into his Harvest field,train +39703,39704,39704,hai u cemer han nu iya,Yeah they said it was herbs,train +39704,39705,39705,hay Cu ku kisu ku ma cuwa,not you,train +39705,39706,39706,misakaemed tu demak,do something the easy way,train +39706,39707,39707,saka tusa huw i u eng u u haw,the second type of talent is sports teachers and agricultural schools,train +39707,39708,39708,mamaanay tu kuya faʼinay aku,my husband does not know what is going on,train +39708,39709,39709,karumakatan,a walkway,train +39709,39710,39710,mahaen ku pisanga tu emu taw,this is how you make sweet rice cake,test +39710,39711,39711,o lalengawan nu Pangcah ci sera aci Nakaw saan ku suwal nu matuasay,the old man said that sera and Nago were the originators of the Amis,train +39711,39712,39712,nawhani caay ku fafalahen isu kaku i kaitiraan nu mapatayay caay ku mamihayda kisu tu nika puni nu sulinay ku falucu a matayalay Isu,because you will not abandon me to the grave nor will you let your Holy one see decay,train +39712,39713,39713,hakelung,follow,train +39713,39714,39714,cilimaw kisu anini^ haw,are you available today,train +39714,39715,39715,nu havay,I do not like it,train +39715,39716,39716,tangasa tahini kaku haw i,about the same as the then,train +39716,39717,39717,anu tu anu wina tu haw,it does not matter if it is a mom or an aunt,train +39717,39718,39718,away tu maʼaraw ku laenuʼay,you can no longer see the flowers bridges or roads underneath,train +39718,39719,39719,matawal aku ku impic,I forgot to bring my pen,train +39719,39720,39720,fangcal kisu haliwina halimama ku wawa isu,it is nice of you to have two children who are so good at what they do,test +39720,39721,39721,ta tahira satu ca Yis i tiraw a lawac nu Kalili a fanaw i Kirasa a pala,they went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes,train +39721,39722,39722,buting macucu ma haw,the fish is pushed up,train +39722,39723,39723,15 anu mahapinang ita tu mikayatay ci Kristu kitaanan wa mafanaˈtu ciharatengay cingra tu kacakat ita i nuˈadinguan,if we see that Christ is leading us we will sense that he cares about our spiritual progress,train +39723,39724,39724,Itiyasatu pasuwalen nuya hungti ku kuli ningra Paliten ku kamay atu waay ningra a mifahkul i tumanay i paputal Ta itira cingra a tumangic a mingric tu wadis han ningra,Then the king told the attendants Tie him hand and foot and throw him outside into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,train +39724,39725,39725,a kamaru hu kisu,he asked him to sit down first,train +39725,39726,39726,Sangaayen tu ku nu misu singsi,goodbye teacher,train +39726,39727,39727,Matutufur kira wawa a cai pitengil,that child is like a calf that will not listen,train +39727,39728,39728,cima,Who,train +39728,39729,39729,kiraan sanu Hulam,that ones in Chinese,train +39729,39730,39730,nika canguʼut ku paysu canguʼut sa,but the rent is not enough,test +39730,39731,39731,kuna misangaan silaw ayu na adihayen naku sa kisu,you do not think it is enough I should have gotten more meat,train +39731,39732,39732,dii,hatching eggs,train +39732,39733,39733,mapatay ku aʼul adihay ku sapal nu aʼul san i,bamboo shoots produce many flowers as they renew their lives,train +39733,39734,39734,maulah kaku tu paru nu luma niyam,I like our family very much,train +39734,39735,39735,hatira u Amis hananay a tamdaw haw,it is customary among the Amish to,train +39735,39736,39736,saayaway,in Yichang Guoxiao,train +39736,39737,39737,kaimahan,to envy,train +39737,39738,39738,sahetu kami misaatapang tu a mihutun,re organization of activities,train +39738,39739,39739,rutu,sling,train +39739,39740,39740,cuwa hu kaurad nu hatini wa mamaurad anu herek nu lahuk kacisaung tu anu mamasadak,it is not raining now but it will be rainy in the afternoon so you need to bring an umbrella when you go out,test +39740,39741,39741,Parurangen niyam kira kudiwis a mipakaen,I added structured trees to feed the rabbits,train +39741,39742,39742,ya hatiya suwal isu i huni misakaysiya sanay,like you said about the factory,train +39742,39743,39743,pakafana,teaching,train +39743,39744,39744,anu ira kura kafukilan hang ca maten u kira maten matenes mi saliyaliyaw sumuwal hai,if there is something I do not know lots of repetitions right,train +39744,39745,39745,mahaen ku nika kter nu hungti saka paturud hantu ningra i mirufuay a tamdaw kuya kuli tangasa i pipatikuan ningra tuya tadah a ma^min,in anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured until he should pay back all he owed,train +39745,39746,39746,ira tuku mipawsaay saan,there is a delivery coming,train +39746,39747,39747,mipadang a mi pudpud tuyanan a kiyafes a miparu tuya kanicaw nira,they helped him pick up the guavas and put them in his basket,train +39747,39748,39748,sapuduh sa takuwanan,very jealous of me,train +39748,39749,39749,mikefuhay,lost,train +39749,39750,39750,maedeng tu kaku a pakafana satu kaku,I think we can teach others to learn,test +39750,39751,39751,patih,walls in front and back of the house,train +39751,39752,39752,ta tayra tu tira tu mapulung pakalaʼac kami,we have all arrived at the Shui Hing tribe,train +39752,39753,39753,fancal ku nu hanghang tu nu Pangcah tira,Amis playmates are better,train +39753,39754,39754,mapaacefel,smoked,train +39754,39755,39755,ruray sa ku falucu aku,that is why I am so worried,train +39755,39756,39756,kahemekan,appreciation,train +39756,39757,39757,hay hay caay tu ku ʼaul sahetu u sulafu tutang hay,Yes it is not bamboo anymore yes,train +39757,39758,39758,ira aca ku ruman a suwal,there is another way to put it,train +39758,39759,39759,nika caay kahatira mamanay ira ku sera nu salikaka,but that is not true all brothers and sisters have land,train +39759,39760,39760,u ama tu akung mahanay ku sinafel i ayaw,it is a dish that grandparents used to eat,test +39760,39761,39761,sadaken ku tilid nu misu,take out your textbook,train +39761,39762,39762,suʼelinay hatira satu i,so that is when,train +39762,39763,39763,hakiya,is that so,train +39763,39764,39764,Pacauf sa ci Yis i cangraan Tieren ku Kawas,Have faith in God Jesus answered,train +39764,39765,39765,maala kira,we are honored to have been chosen,train +39765,39766,39766,ira cingra i sakatusa a tingruh kilimen isu cingra i kafekang,he is upstairs you can go up and find him,train +39766,39767,39767,saka taynitini nu laciw kuraan,access to Aboriginal radio,train +39767,39768,39768,maan haw itiya henay haw,what could I have said at the time,train +39768,39769,39769,aka pisimed tu raraw,do not hide your mistakes,train +39769,39770,39770,o sakalima pahanhan anucila malacafay kita a misalama,it is Friday today we have a day off tomorrow let us go out and play together,test +39770,39771,39771,nawhani itiyahu mafana kami u matuʼatuʼasay tiniay a lutuk itini,that is why the early elders knew about this mountain,train +39771,39772,39772,mana maulah kisu tu laluudan,why do you like summer,train +39772,39773,39773,ta matama nira ku salikaka nira i tini i Pasungan,he came to pat Sangan to find his brothers and sisters,train +39773,39774,39774,masaikaikay,lumpy,train +39774,39775,39775,caka tastasen nira,the Clansman did not dismantle the,train +39775,39776,39776,anu cima ku mapeciʼay malitutangay,whose house is broken and blown apart,train +39776,39777,39777,u nu marad hananay a tamina,it is a ship made of iron,train +39777,39778,39778,tu nu mita a suwal a tilid kira,about our tone of voice our words,train +39778,39779,39779,mafafalic tu kuna ruray,hard work changes,train +39779,39780,39780,ku maanen aca u micaraay i tamuwanan ku nikatayni nu maku,I am sorry to have bothered you,test +39780,39781,39781,sasawen tu cimira,we will have to clean it,train +39781,39782,39782,Luluden ni Yis kuya Cudad a patiku i citudungay tu tayal a tamdaw ta aru sa cingra Pamutek sa a minengneng ci Yisan kuya i kasaupuananay a tamdamdaw a ma^min,then he rolled up the scroll gave it back to the attendant and sat down the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him,train +39782,39783,39783,Maatal tu nu maku ku hemay nu misu,your rice has been served by me,train +39783,39784,39784,faeluh,mess,train +39784,39785,39785,suelinay kaitini kisu han kaku,Really you are here,train +39785,39786,39786,mahaenay,that is it,train +39786,39787,39787,he he,uh huh,train +39787,39788,39788,sasepat ku heni a maruyaruy tayira a mihuyahuy,they always go in groups of four,train +39788,39789,39789,lu kakaenen nu Amis ku cekiw,snails are used for food by the Amis,train +39789,39790,39790,itini i niyaru niyam i adihay ku,there are many groups in our tribe,test +39790,39791,39791,tamuwanan,you have got it,train +39791,39792,39792,nu tipusay iri dihemay kiniyan,rice is a benign and gentle plant,train +39792,39793,39793,pacaliw han hu aku kisu tu sasipasip aku,I will lend you my eraser first,train +39793,39794,39794,mafana mitafukud nga,if you want to learn how to cast a net that is the way to go,train +39794,39795,39795,matengilay haw i u suni nu ayam,all I hear are birds,train +39795,39796,39796,sakafiyaw,neighbor,train +39796,39797,39797,an caay pakayni itini i,short answer questionsshort dialogues,train +39797,39798,39798,maaraway,see,train +39798,39799,39799,Piyac,female name,train +39799,39800,39800,hay u caay ka paiw nu mita u mamatiratira haca mafaw,we did not spray pesticides so the worms grew,test +39800,39801,39801,han sa mipasifan ku matuʼasay haʼenen ku pisasiraw haw,that is how the old man taught me how to make savory meat,train +39801,39802,39802,pasirawen facal kaenen kasuʼ san pasirawen tu titi,and it is even better with salted pork,train +39802,39803,39803,mituduhay,burning,train +39803,39804,39804,tu matuasay,old man or woman,train +39804,39805,39805,malacecay ku pihaen nira,let us do it together,train +39805,39806,39806,Papicupcupen nu maku ku tutuy tu hacul nu kulung,I let the puppy suck on the milk,train +39806,39807,39807,yanu tayni tu i alu,or go to the river,train +39807,39808,39808,o rumasatu u marurayay a maumah a tamdaw i u mamalasaayaway a mapaisal tu kinaira,the hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops,train +39808,39809,39809,i picudadan hananay,for ethnic Children youth,train +39809,39810,39810,tuna misatapangtu ci Titus tunini a ngaayay a tayal saka papipaicelen niyam cingra tu sapilahciaw namu tunini a mipadahufay a tayal,so we urged Titus since he had earlier made a beginning to bring also to completion this act of grace on your part,test +39810,39811,39811,u tenem han nu matuʼasay itiya hu a matiya ku lutuk itira,I think it is the salt spring the elders are talking about,train +39811,39812,39812,o fainay aku kunini,this is my husband,train +39812,39813,39813,mita anini hantui,our language,train +39813,39814,39814,Orasaka kaulahan aku a salikaka piliyas kamu tu mitaungay tu samiyay a dmak,Therefore my dear friends flee from idolatry,train +39814,39815,39815,kaulahan aku a salikaka anu ira ku matiyaay u nipituduh nu namal a pilifet nu Kawas tamuwanan i u maan kunini aka ka saan kamu a fahka,dear friends do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you,train +39815,39816,39816,masulep kaku,I am hungry,train +39816,39817,39817,ta lisiw tu,it is important to practice every day,train +39817,39818,39818,a mihetecan tu panay,Stuffed glutinous rice,train +39818,39819,39819,haenen namu,that is what you are going to do,train +39819,39820,39820,oninian tu ku pifalucuʼan nu maku,I take this vow and I keep it in my heart,test +39820,39821,39821,misatapang haca kami itini i caay tuka fanaʼan a niyaru,we are starting over in this unfamiliar tribe,train +39821,39822,39822,patedu han ni ina kaku a,Mommy can have anything she wants,train +39822,39823,39823,adihay ku Pangcah,there is a lot of Amis,train +39823,39824,39824,itini tu kaku i,I went to the agricultural Improvement center in Taipei,train +39824,39825,39825,o tatayra tu a miniwing a padiyam,just about to be hospitalized for a checkup,train +39825,39826,39826,u luma nu Cudad,Books house,train +39826,39827,39827,tuna sakaenem,this June,train +39827,39828,39828,masadak kuya mapatayay tu ku tihi hayi masadak talacuwa palafang mafudu,it rains on widows and widowers when they go out to visit,train +39828,39829,39829,Aya mahalateng satu aku adadaay ku fafahi isu u maan ku adada nu fafahi isu,Oops I got it your wife is sick what kind of sickness,train +39829,39830,39830,nu u itiya hu kura u sakawili hananay nu itiya hu,people used to call it left handed incense,test +39830,39831,39831,Limaen aca a suut ngaay haw,count me in for okay,train +39831,39832,39832,iraay,Have,train +39832,39833,39833,hatiniay hu ku alu ini anini dadaad kakahad tu hay,there is only a little bit of road by the creek,train +39833,39834,39834,maulah kaku tuna udax,I want this packet of cookies,train +39834,39835,39835,ngaay tu i luma sa kaku a mitala kisunan,Okay I will wait for you at home,train +39835,39836,39836,Anu cima namu ku sapatirengananay tu pikacawan i misahalakahu cingra a mihapinang tu sapatireng a paysu Ma^deng kunini a paysu hakini saan cingra a misausi,Suppose one of you wants to build a tower will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it,train +39836,39837,39837,lawla,you are kidding,train +39837,39838,39838,ira ku pacakayay tu langaw,anyone selling seedlings,train +39838,39839,39839,minengneng tu,you have to watch it all the time,train +39839,39840,39840,malalisan,I have got a cold,test +39840,39841,39841,o fitautaul ku pipafitelakan tu ciwciw,chicken hatcheries are full of eggs,train +39841,39842,39842,u maan a capaʼan,what kind of bow holder,train +39842,39843,39843,mavutektu,blind,train +39843,39844,39844,malecacay atu rarapa mawmah i lutuk,take the same path as the cows to the mountains,train +39844,39845,39845,hadimelen nu mita misanga,we need to be precise in our process,train +39845,39846,39846,matini kaku tini i kaysiya ku sakakaay niyam ci Sumiku di,that is me our big sister Shumikul lives in a sugar factory,train +39846,39847,39847,caay ka u Kebalan han namu caay,No,train +39847,39848,39848,tada u kacalemceman kuya dmak a nengnengen Saka u suwal ni Musi i Mamirmir kaku a matalaw saan cingra,the sight was so terrifying that Moses said I am trembling with fear,train +39848,39849,39849,cikang,time,train +39849,39850,39850,Itiya i u mamarpet u mamapasemsem nu tamdamdaw kamu ta patayen nangra o mituuray kamu i takuwanan saka u mamakaintel nu tamdamdaw a ma^min kamu,Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death and you will be hated by all nations because of me,test +39850,39851,39851,ciheciay ku demak nira,what he did has fruit is lasting,train +39851,39852,39852,mapulin,throw,train +39852,39853,39853,Hay ila tu kisu minukay,Oh you are already back,train +39853,39854,39854,samaanen tu ku wawa,how to teach a child,train +39854,39855,39855,u sapisangaʼaw tu dadingu,making glasses,train +39855,39856,39856,tiya mafukilay micikcik i,then they will not cut,train +39856,39857,39857,anini misanga tu acucul caka piiya tu kikay,there is no machine for making gyros now,train +39857,39858,39858,pafuduy sa ri nu matuʼasay kira cikadeng kakuwan kamiyan,it is grown up clothes so we are not fit to wear them,train +39858,39859,39859,tanengnengan tu nenengen hu ku,visible Acts think about it,train +39859,39860,39860,san ku saʼusi nu matuatuʼasay kira saka patireng kami itiya,we built the house because the elders told us to,test +39860,39861,39861,mamecelay,extroverted,train +39861,39862,39862,aka pihakenu,do not push words,train +39862,39863,39863,tatudung ila ku mitaelifay a faki,an uncle was passing by,train +39863,39864,39864,Pafawen aku cingra tunini a tayal,I contracted out to him the work,train +39864,39865,39865,naayaw misanga maherek,homemade by past clansmen,train +39865,39866,39866,ama,Father,train +39866,39867,39867,maratar kisu haw ina,Mom good morning,train +39867,39868,39868,anu u nanu dmak ni Apraham ku sakangaay ningra a malayap nu Kawas i kuna u papasneng cingra Nikawrira caay ku papasneng cingra i kaayaw nu Kawas,If in fact Abraham was justified by works he had something to boast about but not before God,train +39868,39869,39869,Keped ku suwal nira,she is very soft spoken,train +39869,39870,39870,cahu^,still,test +39870,39871,39871,mafutiay,I am sleeping,train +39871,39872,39872,awaay ku ccaccay aca a mikuwanay tunini a hkal tu mafanaay tunini a taneng anu mafanaay cangra i kuna caay pipacek cangra i ciwcika tu tadamaanay a Tapang,none of the rulers of this age understood it for if they had they would not have crucified the Lord of glory,train +39872,39873,39873,ariri^,Barns Warehouses,train +39873,39874,39874,u zikang haw u zikang sakaku hanaw,it is time,train +39874,39875,39875,caay paka lecad kura radiw isu,I am not following your song either,train +39875,39876,39876,Nawiru ruray sa kamu a miharateng tu maluriku namu saw nengnengen ku lahad nu yulinuhana i palapalaan hna caay ka tayal caay pisanga caira tu riku,And why do you worry about clothes see how the lilies of the field grow they do not labor or spin,train +39876,39877,39877,lalusidan,apparatuses,train +39877,39878,39878,u Kuwaping tu ku midiputay,it will be run by the national government,train +39878,39879,39879,Maliayaw a mafacidul tu nu niyam,we have been harvesting breadfruit first,train +39879,39880,39880,u lungen aku palilamen tu aku kaniʼanipay,I will carry it and give it to the rice planters,test +39880,39881,39881,mapeleng tu ku niyaru nangra,their village is destroyed,train +39881,39882,39882,u dadimecmecan a mahiniyay,several major rituals,train +39882,39883,39883,suelinay matiya u maferay ku sikawasay a nengnengen a sikawas saan,Seriously it looks like witches fly when they do their spells,train +39883,39884,39884,papising,facial,train +39884,39885,39885,mipapah,picking groundnut leaves,train +39885,39886,39886,Mihiningay nimanay nimanay sa kura enem kiya saw kura lucek ira,what are the other programs that will be conducted during these six days in addition to the newsletter fee,train +39886,39887,39887,iaya nu pisawad nu maku a mitilid,before my vacation,train +39887,39888,39888,midudu kira wacu tu vavuy,dog chasing mountain pig,train +39888,39889,39889,pasuwal sa cangra ci Pawluan Awaay a malayap niyam nai Yutaya ku tilid tu pakayniay i tisuwanan o rumasatu awaay ku paratuhay nu tayniay a salikaka tu tatiihay a dmak isu,they replied We have not received any letters from Judea concerning you and none of the brothers who have come from there has reported or said anything bad about you,train +39889,39890,39890,nm awaay ku,Uh no,test +39890,39891,39891,o nipilayap namu tu Adingu nu Kawas i u nanu pidu^du namu tu Rikec saw anu ^ca i u nanu pitngil namu a pasulin tu Ngaayay Ratuh haw deng unini a ccay ku licay aku i tamuwanan,I would like to learn just one thing from you did you receive the Spirit by observing the law or by believing what you heard,train +39891,39892,39892,mahanay itini haw mahanay tu,is it the same here it is the same here,train +39892,39893,39893,kiya midatengay i lutuk,I am going to the mountains to collect wild vegetables,train +39893,39894,39894,sanay ku saʼusi nu malitengay,that is what the elders have decided,train +39894,39895,39895,pakayni itu piʼedaway nu miʼedaway,from now on I will be able to read peoples minds,train +39895,39896,39896,ngalef saan ku cahiw aku a pakasanek tu misafelan isu,I am even more hungry when I smell your cooking,train +39896,39897,39897,a mafana kaku,I know,train +39897,39898,39898,tengteng han ni Pitiru ci Yis a milalang Tapangaw caay ku aira ku matiniay a dmak i Tisuwanan han ningra a sumuwal,Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him Never Lord he said This shall never happen to you,train +39898,39899,39899,madadengadenga,cross pollination,train +39899,39900,39900,anu maherek miteluc kamu tu ala lima i,if your group finishes picking wild vegetables,test +39900,39901,39901,pakaynien pacumud itini,this has to go in here,train +39901,39902,39902,papinanam,make something go study,train +39902,39903,39903,ira ku mahaenay nu maku cangranan,I have the same experience,train +39903,39904,39904,sakinutireng,itself,train +39904,39905,39905,naun han taw,slow worker,train +39905,39906,39906,mahaenay ku demak,that is the way it is,train +39906,39907,39907,Nanudafak tahadadaya ku picudad nuya wawa,the child reads from morning to night,train +39907,39908,39908,Cumikay ca Kulas i kahahudingan,Kolas and the others are running on the playground,train +39908,39909,39909,makapi tu nira kami,we have been criticized,train +39909,39910,39910,satapang kami milicay tu nu tayra kami i kaʼamisamis Kalingku,we are starting to ask that we go north to Hualien,test +39910,39911,39911,Iʼayaway aku a mala tumuk u mama tunu maku atu ali tunu maku,in my predecessors case it was headed by my father and my brother in law,train +39911,39912,39912,calamay,cloud,train +39912,39913,39913,kadafu tayni i Farangaw,some of the men were enrolled in the Malan tribes,train +39913,39914,39914,maranamatu,have breakfast,train +39914,39915,39915,mahan ku urip nu niyam i tiyahu sa kasiniadaan tuku malitingay,that is the way we used to live so the old man is pitiful,train +39915,39916,39916,Mapakunling ku kapah tu tayal nu ilisin,youth are trained in the affairs of the Toyotomi Festival,train +39916,39917,39917,nu tau hahanu tau kuraan a kiyaves,someone else huh that is someone else,train +39917,39918,39918,takula,ugly guy,train +39918,39919,39919,pacefa,whatever,train +39919,39920,39920,nu Pangcah a ngiha ku sapisurit nu maku tu suci ira ku valucu nu maku ita u Pangcah ka hinasuwal tu suwal nu mita u Pangcha,that is why I always speak Amis and write my diary in Amis my heartfelt wish is May the Amis people nowadays speak their own Amis language,test +39920,39921,39921,adihay ku mamakaen itini sa,there is plenty of food to eat here,train +39921,39922,39922,paka ikur haw i nu ya haw,the final expectation is,train +39922,39923,39923,u luma saan caay kangay masadak,every family member is not allowed to leave the house,train +39923,39924,39924,hatiraay ku demak itiyahu nu malahitayay,that is how it was back in the day when I enlisted in the army,train +39924,39925,39925,Masakakereman tu ku rumiadpahanhan tu kita,it was already overcast so we called it a day,train +39925,39926,39926,ca kakapah kuna mirecrecan,it is a bad twist,train +39926,39927,39927,aluman tayni mialaay tini,a lot of people come here to buy,train +39927,39928,39928,maanen isu a mifalic,how are you going to change it,train +39928,39929,39929,tamurak,pumpkin,train +39929,39930,39930,kunini,Here,test +39930,39931,39931,maiyak,choke,train +39931,39932,39932,Kirami anu citelep ku luma i tatiih a misuni^ nawhani paysin,However if there is a death in the family it cannot be played because it is taboo,train +39932,39933,39933,patahira i urip ita haw maemin ma kita,enforcement of this decree will not work in the lives of our people,train +39933,39934,39934,haw i talaayaw malaluud ku Amilika atu Ripun,in it was the beginning of the war between Japan and the united States,train +39934,39935,39935,awaay tu ku mahiniay haw u vekeluh tu isaw ku kilimen ita,if we do not have this we will look for rocks,train +39935,39936,39936,masamaan,what way,train +39936,39937,39937,cakayen,purchase,train +39937,39938,39938,kawiliyan,the left side,train +39938,39939,39939,i hekal itini i,on earth,train +39939,39940,39940,malaputay hu ku maku wama ni,I am in my fathers age group,test +39940,39941,39941,cifinacadan,communal,train +39941,39942,39942,nipatulduyan nu tuas a kungku,legendary Tales,train +39942,39943,39943,hatira tu ayam a malaluk,as industrious as a bird,train +39943,39944,39944,nu paluwad ita tu suwal nu Pangcah,the revitalization of the Amish language is not going to work,train +39944,39945,39945,pakitangal han naku kaka han naku ci kaka aku,I told my sister I rely on my memory,train +39945,39946,39946,Caay ka tatiih ku hci nu ngaayay a kilang caay ka ngaay ku hci nu tatiihay a kilang,No good tree bears bad fruit nor does a bad tree bear good fruit,train +39946,39947,39947,tu pakayniay tu paluwad tu suwal nu mita u Pangcah,how do we revitalize our Amish language,train +39947,39948,39948,ci LOPOTE 15 ku mihecaan micada tu inuˈ kawra cuwa pisakareteng tu suˈlinay kimad,Robert was baptized as a teenager but he did not take truth very seriously,train +39948,39949,39949,Kasemuwal ma anu u maamaan ku heci nu lusay nu Taywan,what kind of fruits are available in Taiwan,train +39949,39950,39950,amu,crossbar,test +39950,39951,39951,sa kaku itiya rasa,I have been thinking about it a lot,train +39951,39952,39952,Orasaka matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad Anu cima ku malataangay i ka u dmak nu Tapang ku kalitaangen saan,Therefore as it is written Let him who boasts boast in the Lord,train +39952,39953,39953,Matatuud ku rakat nuya tusaay a paliding,those two vehicles are traveling close to each other i one is tail gating the other,train +39953,39954,39954,Kawaw saan ciira a mayuyang,he was angry and talked to someone,train +39954,39955,39955,cacay ku isasaay cacay ku i kudulay,one on the bottom and one on the top,train +39955,39956,39956,usaw sa itini i luma,but he stayed home and did not go to school,train +39956,39957,39957,Tanupara saan ku pisanga nu maku tu atumu,I make pottery with very large bottoms,train +39957,39958,39958,micukcuk tu kita tu sapitena tu lifung sakacaay kacumud nu tileng ku lifung,they are vaccinating against diseases,train +39958,39959,39959,maherek tu kuniya a tayal nu niyam i,after this job,train +39959,39960,39960,malasangay ciira,he is drunk on alcohol,test +39960,39961,39961,adihayen kakumaen tu faluheci ta tanuktuk ku tatirengan,you have to eat more fruits to be healthy,train +39961,39962,39962,taʼangayay kira niyaru Kungpu tiyahu kira sahetu Payrang,at that time Kung Po was a large settlement mostly inhabited by Han Chinese,train +39962,39963,39963,Aciya,who hoo,train +39963,39964,39964,safawahan,door,train +39964,39965,39965,anu mahalek cingra pinaen a rumiʼad piteli kaku,How many days do you leave it in if it is done I leave it for three days,train +39965,39966,39966,aca ku nipiluuc,all of them will be tied up,train +39966,39967,39967,u kahengayan tefus,this is red cane,train +39967,39968,39968,ani pikawita suʼut han tini suʼut han tu,in knitting bundles and bundles of,train +39968,39969,39969,pina a tingting ku aacaen nisu,how many pounds do you want to buy,train +39969,39970,39970,niyaru nu Rinahem,Shoufeng tribe,test +39970,39971,39971,anu ira ku mi,if there is,train +39971,39972,39972,itiya tu mafana kaku iraay aca ku hatiniay a undukay,I did not know there was such a thing as baseball until then,train +39972,39973,39973,aka wien cingra,do not tempt him,train +39973,39974,39974,Salikakaaw u pakayniay i piliyaw nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu a tayni atu nika saupu ita i kaayaw ningra i ira ku lalungucen aku i tamuwanan,concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him we ask you brothers,train +39974,39975,39975,dafak,morning,train +39975,39976,39976,samsamen,take unfair advantage of,train +39976,39977,39977,Hayi mailulay kaku tisuwanan katayni misacaciyaw kita,Yeah I miss you so much come on let us chat,train +39977,39978,39978,ya haen hananay pacucuk tu sapad nu amutu,Defined scope of cement piles,train +39978,39979,39979,Makivana anu aluman tu,if there is a lot to see at a glance,train +39979,39980,39980,tayra milaud tiya mapatayay,go close to the one that died,test +39980,39981,39981,milada,walk all over,train +39981,39982,39982,rumadiway,singer,train +39982,39983,39983,sawsaw han aku pawalien aku sapaluma aku,after washing and drying they are used as seeds,train +39983,39984,39984,hatira ku pikungling,that kind of training,train +39984,39985,39985,o mapacamulay nu maku tu kakurut nu Pangcah ku sinafel nu mita malahuk,for our lunch dish I mixed in some Aboriginal bitter melon,train +39985,39986,39986,ya saupuʼen i lawac,piled up at the edge of the field,train +39986,39987,39987,Aluman ku midanguyay itini,there are a lot of people swimming here,train +39987,39988,39988,o lipahakaytu a Krisciyang u ngangaˈayhu a mitungal tu lipahak han,can a Christian who is already joyful feel more joyful,train +39988,39989,39989,paekelen tu fakeluh kura nirunican a kulang,press the kneaded mustard greens with a stone,train +39989,39990,39990,yu tengteng han ku tatapangan nira vunga,when we pick the rhizomes of the groundnuts,test +39990,39991,39991,u adawang i niyaruyu matiya hen ira ku nipatireng tu adawang i kudukudul ira nipimelaw a miseveng tu niyaru tangasa i matini awaaytu ku makaduduay nu wawa lasawad satu u mamelawantu a cacay tangasa i matini,watchtowers early tribes had watchtowers which were raised platforms to keep watch over the tribes in the past but are now declining and are one of the hallmarks of the Amis tribe,train +39991,39992,39992,malalu,soften,train +39992,39993,39993,sa u demak nu heni anini tangasa anini namakayraʼay i Natawran ku demak nu itiniay i kicufi haw,Therefore the rituals performed by the Yuemei tribe have been modeled after the traditional rituals of the south Yichang tribe to this day,train +39993,39994,39994,a ngaʼay yaca sakaku,I feel good,train +39994,39995,39995,papikurahuten,Let Catch,train +39995,39996,39996,hayi han nu maku,all I can do is submit,train +39996,39997,39997,awa sa hacuwa i tamaen nu tau kina a tireng saan,I have never been to anyone house when will they see me,train +39997,39998,39998,mawailay,setting up the prey,train +39998,39999,39999,milihay kamu teputepu saw ku pawti saw,says God will not give you food to eat,train +39999,40000,40000,awaay tuku masangaʼay awaay tu haw,no more bullets no more,test +40000,40001,40001,Sasuwasuwal sa ku fiyafiyaw atu nanu pakaaraway a tamdaw tu nipikiaam ningra i ayaw Caay ka unini a tamdaw hakiya kuya maruay a mikiaam saan,his neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked Is not this the same man who used to sit and beg,train +40001,40002,40002,nu heni,their,train +40002,40003,40003,caedes,heat,train +40003,40004,40004,ila cepa atek kura sakasadak ira,could it be that it is mainly the humidity that is causing it to come out,train +40004,40005,40005,tapad,pants,train +40005,40006,40006,faedet kura kafi naunen a mikafi,that soup is very hot be careful with it,train +40006,40007,40007,ci Vavuy Liyal i liyal,the whales are talking,train +40007,40008,40008,liyas satu ci Yis tu kasaupuan a luma a tayra i luma ni Simun adada ku ina nu fafahi ni Simun Tataang ku nika lalisan ningra Saka ngitangiten nangra ci Yis tu sapiadahaw cingraan,Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon now Simons mother in law was suffering from a high fever and they asked Jesus to help her,train +40008,40009,40009,ci Maʼuwid a san haw irey,why Malverde,train +40009,40010,40010,umi,spoiling,test +40010,40011,40011,mimaan ri itini i kikaw nu nanumnanuman,why is it on the water,train +40011,40012,40012,namatiya malinah tu tayni ku maninaay,in the past when relatives and friends started to move,train +40012,40013,40013,pinaay miheca cangra misahalaka tu mamalinah tayra i misaaliay tu mitusilay a pala kawra cuwa ka masaˈusi ku harateng ni Perin,for several years they pondered whether to move to a foreign country where there was a need for evangelists but Perrine could not make up his mind,train +40013,40014,40014,taang,major,train +40014,40015,40015,Kay^ing,female name,train +40015,40016,40016,ya matukaay malasangay tu u lisingu mahaenay tu ci a palising sai iraay tu mahaenay niyaru niyam hai haw,Lazy Drunken Taboo like this we have them in our tribe,train +40016,40017,40017,Talaulat sa ku singsi a maketer i tamiyanan,the teacher scolded us with a thick neck,train +40017,40018,40018,safafa,baby carrier,train +40018,40019,40019,o nicucukan tu rinum ku sakafetas nu fesu,the balloon is punctured by the needle and explodes,train +40019,40020,40020,nu iraan tu,that is the one,test +40020,40021,40021,sa harakat tayra,it will be here soon,train +40021,40022,40022,keriden hu kamu tayra minengneng tura misangaan aku,I will show you my work,train +40022,40023,40023,iʼayaw i itilaay i kaamis u i ayaw kura niyaru,Ishiyama tribe used to be the base of Zhihang in the north,train +40023,40024,40024,malahakelung,in the same place,train +40024,40025,40025,a nu mita u Pangcah,in our Amis tradition,train +40025,40026,40026,o rumiʼad ku sakatayal amin tini saʼetipan tini saʼetipan iri pifacaʼan piraduman nu niyaru u fafahi,the work of managing the east gate is all in the daytime and the position on the west side is where the women of the tribe wash clothes and carry water,train +40026,40027,40027,u karup hanay ku naira kalahitay kira,they recruited all their soldiers big and small,train +40027,40028,40028,Taangayay ku fali i tamiyanan,we are going to have a big storm here,train +40028,40029,40029,niyam itiya hu,at that time,train +40029,40030,40030,anu hatira i,if that is the case,test +40030,40031,40031,oya nanisuwalan nu Kawas i tamuwanan tu pakayniay i kalumuwad nu tamdamdaw a maurip nai patay i cahu ka asip namu saw,but about the resurrection of the dead have you not read what God said to you,train +40031,40032,40032,u tayal tu kiya maharatengay aku caytu picumud tu Cudad,I will not forget the work I have to do but I will not read,train +40032,40033,40033,Hinam han macengaw aca ku mata nu misu mafutiay kisu na saan kaku,I thought you were sleeping but your eyes were open,train +40033,40034,40034,u ʼafaʼafar i riyaray,only lobsters on the beach,train +40034,40035,40035,Niedefan nu maku ku nanum i pala i nacila,I was the one who turned off the water in the field yesterday,train +40035,40036,40036,Cahucahu,it is only been a minute,train +40036,40037,40037,mavana kisu tanestes ku nisangaʼan nu misu haw,you are good at this you are doing great,train +40037,40038,40038,aka pikaruway sa haw,do not stick to your guns,train +40038,40039,40039,sahtu u saki nutirengan a ccay ku niharatengan nu tau caay piharateng tu saki ci Yis Kristuan a dmak,for everyone looks out for his own interests not those of Jesus Christ,train +40039,40040,40040,Pataluc tu ku piunipan tu capux niyam,it is too late for us to plant rice seedlings,test +40040,40041,40041,i sefi niyam tahiya tu,it is so high up by our kitchen,train +40041,40042,40042,u sikawasay ku mi,Viewed by a priest,train +40042,40043,40043,miunucay,flat bottomed,train +40043,40044,40044,pakatngil ku i tatihitihiay ni Yis a papinapina a Farisay a tamdaw tunini suwal sa Halu ami a u mapuhaway saw han nangra,some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked What are we blind too,train +40044,40045,40045,o tedi nu maan kuriraan,what is that light,train +40045,40046,40046,hatilaay han anu cuwa ka^deng tungal han tu,that is it I will add more if it is not enough,train +40046,40047,40047,sa adihay sa ku Siy Hway,the Association stands,train +40047,40048,40048,a malasasimsiman daduduwan nu tamtamdaw a niyaru,what about being the tribe that everyone wants to be a part of,train +40048,40049,40049,Mikitiya misatapang makaka ngaˈayaytu kami,since then we have not had any problems getting along,train +40049,40050,40050,san itiya hu kala ira tu patireng,this unequal war,test +40050,40051,40051,a dengaytu u caayay kalcad u malcadaytu han ku suwal,you can say it is not the same or you can say it is the same,train +40051,40052,40052,Pakacyiyun kaku a taluma,I go home by MRT,train +40052,40053,40053,itini i rayray nu serangawan nu Pangah i pasu^elin a maemin ku finawlan anu ira hu mifelihay tu kapaysinan a demak atu kakawaw i u mamaala sakarawraw atu sakakariangaw nu niyaru,in the Amis tradition cultural beliefs are based on the belief that violating taboos may bring destruction and unrest to the community,train +40053,40054,40054,nawhani turuen nu Tapang ku raraw nu kaulahan ningra a tamdaw u wawa aku yahananay nu Tapang a ma^min i stien Ningra saan,because the Lord disciplines those he loves and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son,train +40054,40055,40055,Naunen miala cihinangay ku kawkaw,be careful and do not get hurt the sickle is very sharp,train +40055,40056,40056,Matngiltu ni Yis kunini a suwal i suwal sa ci Yayrusan Aka ka talaw deng u nipitier tu Kawas ku ngaay Ta mapaurip ku wawa isu han ningra,hearing this Jesus said to Jairus Do not be afraid just believe and she will be healed,train +40056,40057,40057,cuwa karaay ku luma ni faki tu siyataw anu pakapaliding suni tahiraay tu,the station is not far from my uncles house and it is just a short drive away,train +40057,40058,40058,u kiwkay nengnengan aku tiya hu ay,at that time I would only go to the Catholic Church,train +40058,40059,40059,nengen singsi salitiliti sanay tu ku masetiʼan nu wina aku,Teacher look at moms swelling and bruises,train +40059,40060,40060,Talalusa tu mata aku tu pitatawaan,I laughed so hard that tears came out of my eyes,test +40060,40061,40061,pasuwal ku kaka aku O kailisinan nu niyaru ku kahinatalaan niyam i Taypakay saan,my brother said What we look forward to the most in Taipei is the Harvest Festival in our hometown,train +40061,40062,40062,ila tu keliden aku kamu a tayla i kamaruan,Yes I will take your seats,train +40062,40063,40063,sa tu malikakaay itira,staying at that place,train +40063,40064,40064,maalaay tu sa i malecad tu tu,I thought it was done,train +40064,40065,40065,cuwa pasifana ya cilumaʼay kira,the woman family will not know,train +40065,40066,40066,maemin tu mikatafu,they are all married,train +40066,40067,40067,macad ku demak macad ku demak haw,just keep doing the same thing,train +40067,40068,40068,icuwaay ku hacikayay nu siacefelay atu tusiya,which is faster a train or a car,train +40068,40069,40069,Nika adihay ku valiyus,However there are many typhoons,train +40069,40070,40070,maemin tu a cakayen nu tau ku taul,we are out of eggs,test +40070,40071,40071,nu matuasay itiya,the old mans time,train +40071,40072,40072,itiyaayhu ku malitengay i hatiniay a,Look this is how it was done in the old days,train +40072,40073,40073,Nikawrira u picumudan i sakaciurip a adawang i tadakincuay caay ka rahuday a rakaten kuya lalan caay ka aluman ku pakatamaay,but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it,train +40073,40074,40074,o nasi ku nipalumaan nu Taluku i lutuk,the Taroko people grow pears in the mountains,train +40074,40075,40075,yana a wawa niira,she is a kid,train +40075,40076,40076,Salikakaaw pasuwal kaku i tamuwanan tuna caaytu ka hakuwa ku rumiad saka i ikur nunini i samatiyaen u caay ka cifafahi ku dmak namu u cifafahiay a tamdaw,what I mean brothers is that the time is short from now on those who have wives should live as if they had none,train +40076,40077,40077,ci ina ci,but the mother Chan Cha so,train +40077,40078,40078,samanen unini ku mipatalahekalan naku,but what can you do that is the main point I am trying to make,train +40078,40079,40079,na ku kasarawang nu luma,how many rooms are in the home,train +40079,40080,40080,i cuwa ku mangataay,which one is closer,test +40080,40081,40081,Hay singsi^ ini tu ku lalusidan niyam,Yes sir we have got our tools,train +40081,40082,40082,ta pakayniay itini hananay,there is also a very technical mufti layer lens,train +40082,40083,40083,akaa katayira miyala saan ku ina nu maku,my mom will not let me go,train +40083,40084,40084,kadang,bracelet,train +40084,40085,40085,tukadan nu misu kura futing sa u,you are killing fish now you are killing fish for,train +40085,40086,40086,ca ka fana maumah,it will not work,train +40086,40087,40087,o tuas ita ku nimatangay tunini a umah itiya hu,long ago this field was cultivated by our ancestors,train +40087,40088,40088,awa ku saʼilus saci saʼilushan u fakeluh,no toilet paper to wipe your ass with a rock,train +40088,40089,40089,o raumasatu adihay ku masidaay a masamaanay tu ku rayray nu matuʼasay,the traditional culture and customs left behind by the ancestors are diminishing and being lost year by year,train +40089,40090,40090,Hemeken ita u sikac nuya nu iya nu kilumaʼan,we are going to participate in the July moon Festival with a happy heart,test +40090,40091,40091,u micumuday i tiyad nu takura sahetu u ngaʼayay saw,anything that goes into a frogs stomach is good,train +40091,40092,40092,yan tu yan tu pakumira sa tu,then I did not dump the water I picked,train +40092,40093,40093,caay kapidah ku kapah nu niyaru nu niyam Malaluung,the young people of the Hing Cheong tribe will not give up,train +40093,40094,40094,hatira ku siniada aku tisuwanan i caay ku hahaenen isu a siniada ku kaput isu saw han ningra,should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you,train +40094,40095,40095,hay han nu maku,I said yes,train +40095,40096,40096,kawanan,right,train +40096,40097,40097,asimanay caay ka talulung han ningra kaku,dad says it is okay it is not a deep wound,train +40097,40098,40098,Hai paruen aku i lufuc lima pulu a pida kunian,Okay I will pack it in a bag for you that will be dollars,train +40098,40099,40099,papayiay,fraud,train +40099,40100,40100,u maku a sasuwalen,what I am trying to say is this,test +40100,40101,40101,tadakapahay,I am sorry I am sorry,train +40101,40102,40102,Mafana ci mama aku a misangatu fasiyaw,my father makes kites,train +40102,40103,40103,Mitalud ci mama tu sapakaen tu kulung,Papa cuts the manzanita to feed the cows,train +40103,40104,40104,watasya matsu nu wa,I am waiting,train +40104,40105,40105,hay sa,is that right,train +40105,40106,40106,kuku,chickens,train +40106,40107,40107,a maanen a misanga,how to make your own,train +40107,40108,40108,misarumiad,all the time,train +40108,40109,40109,Orasaka u nidukdukan namu a sumuwal i u tatalahkal a matngiltu nu tamdaw o nihawhawan namu a suwal i lufluf i u mamalkal a mapasuwal i fadahung nu luma,what you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs,train +40109,40110,40110,naw han i u sanay,what do you mean mother tongue,test +40110,40111,40111,a masevek ku nisadaka,be rich,train +40111,40112,40112,masaupu ku luma a malahuk,the family gathers for lunch,train +40112,40113,40113,Kawas sa ku heni tuya uneran,they all thought the python was a god,train +40113,40114,40114,mangalay kamu i caay ka layap namu Saka mipatay kamu Mainal kamu i caay ka ala namu Saka macaculiculi malauduudut kamu o saka ^ca pakalayap namu i u nanu nika ^ca pingitangit namu tu Kawas,you want something but do not get it you kill and covet but you cannot have what you want you quarrel and fight you do not have because you do not ask God,train +40114,40115,40115,kida,Sakya,train +40115,40116,40116,u ranan tu ku resiresi han ku alu,splashing water in the river in the hope of getting something,train +40116,40117,40117,hinafadi,it wilts easily,train +40117,40118,40118,nga mangaʼay a misaluma haw tura hecek,only then can they be used to build the beams of a house,train +40118,40119,40119,aciyah,Wow that is amazing,train +40119,40120,40120,ungcung,rock,test +40120,40121,40121,o manamanan,what are some of the jobs,train +40121,40122,40122,efeng,to discard,train +40122,40123,40123,caay cai,no,train +40123,40124,40124,saan kaku mihirateng,it is an eye opener,train +40124,40125,40125,nanay malecad kaku tisuwan a mafana micudad,I wish I could read as well as you,train +40125,40126,40126,teka,to begin,train +40126,40127,40127,kaw sapikerid kiya makapatayay,those who have just arrived at the realm of the ancestral spirits,train +40127,40128,40128,o rumasatu maaraw aku ku ruma a ccay a cuyuh masadak cingra nai wali a mitatuy tu satupa nu mauripay a Kawas lkal sa cingra a sumuwal tuya mapaturuday tu icel a papikariang tu hkal atu riyar a saspatay a cuyuh,then I saw another angel coming up from the east having the seal of the living God he called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea,train +40128,40129,40129,ira ku mapatayay i,someone died,train +40129,40130,40130,yu miming hu kami haw i awaay tu ku mama,when we were young our father was gone,test +40130,40131,40131,i kiwkay kala mikilikilm tu tihi,then they will go to each church and find their own company,train +40131,40132,40132,u ruma ku kapah tangasa saan anini i masimsim hen nu maku ku naayaayaway a urip,Well it was really good I still miss the old life,train +40132,40133,40133,pakacitingen,according to the dictionary,train +40133,40134,40134,tada matekes sa ci ama saka licayen nira kuya tawki^ Sereren ku aca^ ari han nira,grandma thought it was too expensive and asked the boss if it could be cheaper,train +40134,40135,40135,itini i finawlan nu Pangcah caayay ka ngaay pakidu sa malacikawasay kaku sa ku cimacima a tamdaw saka lacikawasay iraay ku tatudung tu dadueduen,in Amish society not just anyone who wants to be a priest can become a priest there is a basic requirement to be a priest,train +40135,40136,40136,ta u ruma sa tu icila mi ala ci Mayaw tura suta itira i ni kuucintien kyami,did not Mayaw purchase a piece of land there at Kuo Chintiens,train +40136,40137,40137,ira hu ku ina isu mimaan kisu a mikutay saan,What is your mother doing here said the man,train +40137,40138,40138,Kakadik ku paenan sisiten hu,the floor is dirty go clean it,train +40138,40139,40139,itini ku pi piharateng nu aniniay matuʼasay,these are the common wishes of the elderly nowadays,train +40139,40140,40140,Kunucen ku upih nu kaciw,go pluck a few goose feathers,test +40140,40141,40141,nanay matiya kisu a malasingsi kaku,I hope I will be a teacher like you,train +40141,40142,40142,tataʼak ku latak hananay,this wave board is a big farm implement,train +40142,40143,40143,sakangaʼayaw tu nu mita u misaʼAmisay a tamdaw i,it is because I want our native Amis people to be better,train +40143,40144,40144,taw miʼiluh tu niyan tu niyaru itiya miʼiluhay tu niyaru iri milaliw tu ku tamdaw nu i itiraay,he then set fire to the seven foot river tribe and the tribesmen fled,train +40144,40145,40145,iray kura kararuman nu falucu,it is very hard to feel sorry for yourself,train +40145,40146,40146,mana ca pisawsaw kisu tu kamay,why did not you wash your hands,train +40146,40147,40147,ira satu minukay kura fainayan,the boys are back,train +40147,40148,40148,a misatipus anu maharek a mitipus,when the rice Harvest is finished it must be put into storage,train +40148,40149,40149,u mikaenan nu takula awaay ku tatiihay kira,there is nothing bad about what the frogs eat,train +40149,40150,40150,tahidang han ni Yis ku nisawawaan ningra a sumuwal Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu ikaka nu niparuan nu nimanima a tamdaw ku niparuan nunini a pakuyucay a mapunengay a paysu,calling his disciples to him Jesus said I tell you the truth this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others,test +40150,40151,40151,Ingangulay ku nanum nu alu i laluudan,in the summer the water in the stream is very deep,train +40151,40152,40152,aya awaay tu,no more,train +40152,40153,40153,wadwad,flip,train +40153,40154,40154,Taluma ci mama^ aci ina^,dad and mom came home,train +40154,40155,40155,saka miliyaw hu cingra mikalic i tayra i kilang nira mipitpit tu heci nu kilang,so he climbed up the tree again to pick fruits,train +40155,40156,40156,Matalem ku cikaf nu futing,the scales of a fish are very sharp,train +40156,40157,40157,tuna u mituuray kamu tu Tapang saka haklungen ku nipatirengan nu tamdaw a mikumuday oya sakakaaytu a mikumuday a hungti,submit yourselves for the Lords sake to every authority instituted among men whether to the king as the supreme authority,train +40157,40158,40158,sa maherek a malahuk pakakungku satu ku matuʼasay,after lunch the seniors tell stories,train +40158,40159,40159,wa,Oh,train +40159,40160,40160,itini kaku itini Paanifung kahufucan nu maku,Hsing Chang is my birthplace,test +40160,40161,40161,o tumeliay a dadingu ku han nu maku a miaca,I will take the clear glass,train +40161,40162,40162,a tatuʼan kamu i,do not you have to go back,train +40162,40163,40163,vavainay pakaen tu rarapa,there is also cattle herding,train +40163,40164,40164,makala i kilang tangasa ku heni i tika a luma,from Yilan until the house was finished,train +40164,40165,40165,u kapah i,I was a young man,train +40165,40166,40166,caay ku tatuasan ni Lifi ci Milikicitik Nikawrira miala cingra i ci Aprahaman tu ccay nu mu^tepay ta palmeden ningra ci Apraham u milayapay tu nanu nisuwalan nu Kawas a sapalmed,this man however did not trace his descent from Levi yet he collected a tenth from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises,train +40166,40167,40167,mahaen i saw,that is right,train +40167,40168,40168,mikipadang,seeking support,train +40168,40169,40169,asad,paddy,train +40169,40170,40170,Hay ci Mayaw ku ngangan niira,Yes his name is Mayaw,test +40170,40171,40171,onini a nipilian ni Yis a tusaay ku safaw a tamdaw i ci Simun,these are the twelve he appointed Simon,train +40171,40172,40172,tayra hanay tura cidemakay u luma tu,send them all to the funeral home,train +40172,40173,40173,Mirenecay ku sapatefuc tu tukel ita tu saka tahadaˈucaw a maˈurip padamaay kitaanan miliyas tu raraw atu patay,the ransom fulfills our desire to live forever and frees us from sin and death,train +40173,40174,40174,panayen,to Harvest the rice,train +40174,40175,40175,lihay,to offer a sacrifice,train +40175,40176,40176,u tamdaw nura lalumaʼan,it is the family,train +40176,40177,40177,mapaceka,Spiny or spiked,train +40177,40178,40178,haw,about,train +40178,40179,40179,napakungku tu mahaenay a kungku,the one who told the story that is it,train +40179,40180,40180,miala tu matiluay niyam a taluma,he was the one who carried us home,test +40180,40181,40181,mafekac tu matiya haw hayi ha ha ha,maybe I have been running all this time Yeah ha ha ha,train +40181,40182,40182,hatini,so small,train +40182,40183,40183,Mamiaca kaku tu miciw paliwalay kamu haw,I am looking for rice wine do you have any rice wine,train +40183,40184,40184,anu u pasu ku pikalican hakuwa ku halafin a tayra i pitilidan,how long does it take to get to the school by bus,train +40184,40185,40185,luwan han isu miluwan,after you cut it off,train +40185,40186,40186,itiyaku wawa haw ku wawa haw i,Later my children will go to high school,train +40186,40187,40187,i Sikanu ku luma niyam i kaemang hu namitilid tu palinah tayra i takaw itira satu ku urip i tukay,when we were young our family lived in piano after I started school we moved to Kaohsiung and have been living in the city ever since,train +40187,40188,40188,mahadakmasadak,appear,train +40188,40189,40189,pasifana,surname Jiao,train +40189,40190,40190,nawhani Anu matfingtu aku ku kafafang ni Yis i u mamaadah kaku saan ku harateng ningra,because she thought If I just touch his clothes I will be healed,test +40190,40191,40191,riparip,paint,train +40191,40192,40192,ta tura papatirengen a luma,it is the beginning of the construction of the house,train +40192,40193,40193,keman haw kisu tu heci nu lusay i remiremiad,do you eat fruit every day,train +40193,40194,40194,awa ku han nu mita i matiniay tu kacahiwan i,there is no such thing as snacks,train +40194,40195,40195,maherektu ku pitilid ita,class is over,train +40195,40196,40196,tahira satu tuya tatudung nuya kalutungan i,we have reached monkey Mountain,train +40196,40197,40197,anu caka setik maan ku kakaenen anucila,if we do not pick what we are going to eat tomorrow,train +40197,40198,40198,Nanumamangan kaku a maakunal,I have been bald since I was a kid,train +40198,40199,40199,o maan a kakaenen ku kaulahan isu,what kind of food do you like,train +40199,40200,40200,sa umaan ku tayal tayraay misakuli,if there is a job do it,test +40200,40201,40201,tahira cira i lutuk,he is up in the mountains,train +40201,40202,40202,unian tu sakangaʼay niyam u iya atek,this could be us,train +40202,40203,40203,cuwa tu kakihareng kura saikur nu fulad,I am not going to pay any attention to this last month,train +40203,40204,40204,katenes,too long,train +40204,40205,40205,Du^du sa i ira ku sakatatusa a cuyuh a mitaktak i riyar tu nitatuyan ningra a wakung ta matiya u rmes nu mapatayay a tamdaw ku riyar Saka mapatay a ma^min ku mauripay i riyar,the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea and it turned into blood like that of a dead man and every living thing in the sea died,train +40205,40206,40206,cinikutay,tie,train +40206,40207,40207,pina rumiʼad nga ha ngaʼay a sidatengen isu,how many days do you have to plant before you can harvest,train +40207,40208,40208,yu up up up up kuya kakuʼkuʼ haw i mucu sa nu laku,Fieldfrogs in the corner of the paddy field Whoop Whoopee calling out,train +40208,40209,40209,hatiraay mansa alaen tu ira kaku,that is why they want me to marry,train +40209,40210,40210,mahemekay ku malitengay kira,this is what makes the old man happiest,test +40210,40211,40211,he he he,Ha ha ha,train +40211,40212,40212,Padaydamen ku pikeling tu katacumuli,stir fry escargot with chili peppers,train +40212,40213,40213,malaheciay tu falucuʼan aku,fulfilled his wish,train +40213,40214,40214,ku hananay,will get a lot of information,train +40214,40215,40215,o kakeridan nu sapatekey a sufitay cingra,he is officer over one thousand soldiers,train +40215,40216,40216,Pakisalaen ku nicacakan a sinafel,place the cooked vegetables on a platter,train +40216,40217,40217,u manan tudungan ila kura,what does it mean,train +40217,40218,40218,o ruma ku su^su nira fafahian a wawa,that girls fat is very different,train +40218,40219,40219,miʼadupan,Executive search,train +40219,40220,40220,saenaf,hydroponic field,test +40220,40221,40221,tacuwan kina ina san kaku,I wondered where mom was,train +40221,40222,40222,itiyahu masamanay kina hananay i,how did the water come from the tap in the old days,train +40222,40223,40223,kapakapah,it gets better and better,train +40223,40224,40224,o cima kura tamdaw,who is that man,train +40224,40225,40225,anu tahanini hatiraay hu ku demak niyam tuna niyaru,it is still practiced by our tribe to this day,train +40225,40226,40226,iraay ku misaefeeferay a adipangpang i tira,there are butterflies flying around,train +40226,40227,40227,haenen tu sakapahen ku,I will even go so far as to do it,train +40227,40228,40228,matulukedaw,it is like a leopard,train +40228,40229,40229,Tawki micakay kaku tu sapisurit atu sasuritan,Boss I want to buy a pencil and a book,train +40229,40230,40230,araw han itini i,it looks like it is very simple,test +40230,40231,40231,anu aluman ku tamdaw,if there is a lot of people,train +40231,40232,40232,rarid,usually,train +40232,40233,40233,vangcal ku lavii mikisaepi amin ku lumalumaan,the moonlit night was beautiful and families were enjoying the cool air in their courtyards,train +40233,40234,40234,tayni i talacuwa kisu anu han ku matuʼasay,say hello to the old man in Taipei where are you going,train +40234,40235,40235,Matepa^ tu hilam itira i rarikur nu ungcuy a milimek,I found it he was hiding behind the boulder,train +40235,40236,40236,mahaenay a lengac,like a moon peach leaf,train +40236,40237,40237,o he,uh huh,train +40237,40238,40238,maharateng aku kura demak mararum ku falucu aku,I am saddened by the thought of that,train +40238,40239,40239,itiniay i tatihi nu kungkuan itini i kiwkay sanay,she told me it was at the church next door to the school,train +40239,40240,40240,o sakilangseng kina kilang,this tree is to be used as a steamer trunk,test +40240,40241,40241,kacipawti nu tapad aku han naku itiya,I was wearing sack pants,train +40241,40242,40242,u hiya mahiniay a,like this,train +40242,40243,40243,hatiraay ku falucu nu maku,I was thinking about the tribe,train +40243,40244,40244,tefad sa tu tiya alu kiya wawa atu ya wacu,the child and the dog fell into the stream,train +40244,40245,40245,mangtaay,unripe,train +40245,40246,40246,Matuedu ku wawa nu kudiwis,rabbits have children like mice,train +40246,40247,40247,hay,What,train +40247,40248,40248,i lalikulay tataakay u hiya,the one behind the big one is,train +40248,40249,40249,unian sa hatiraay kunian sa,that is how it is,train +40249,40250,40250,anu i kaikur kisu haw i,if you are in the back,test +40250,40251,40251,miseking kaku,I will take the test,train +40251,40252,40252,tatiw tu funus u kawkaw,with scythes and scythes,train +40252,40253,40253,sa anini a mihecaan i haw,this year is already,train +40253,40254,40254,ecay a mihecaan i,one year,train +40254,40255,40255,aluman ku misapawliay i Pingtung,many people in Pingtung grow bananas,train +40255,40256,40256,milifet tu kietec,enduring the cold,train +40256,40257,40257,ruma tulu ku tuki sepat ku tuki rumuwad tu misakalanam,some get up at or to make breakfast,train +40257,40258,40258,sisa tangasa i luma u adingu nu nira,and so home to his soul,train +40258,40259,40259,iri patatudung a mineneng,take a look around,train +40259,40260,40260,onini ku sakapipasata namu nawhani u tudung nu milahciay tu tayal nu Kawas ku tayal nangra,this is also why you pay taxes for the authorities are Gods servants who give their full time to governing,test +40260,40261,40261,iraay ku suwal nu kaemangay samanen tu hani faki sa,the tribal chairman has asked me what to do,train +40261,40262,40262,ka satisil itini Matawala ku lalusidan namu,come and line up remember to bring your tools,train +40262,40263,40263,Hatiped han naira ku tamurak atu runi a pataluma,they took the loofah and pumpkin home with them,train +40263,40264,40264,Micalw tu silikami nu kaput cingra kawrira pacauf han nu pulung cingra away ku mahawikiday nu maku yu,he borrowed toilet paper from his classmates but everyone told him that I did not bring them either,train +40264,40265,40265,maan kina masakapahay,young warriors,train +40265,40266,40266,haenen nu saniay saayaw kiyami ku nu heni u haenen u,the way they pick the vegetables is like the way they did at the beginning,train +40266,40267,40267,tiraay kiya kasasuwal,it took days of discussion to show up,train +40267,40268,40268,itini tuna parenaan a tumireng ta mangaay miawas kita a tala aayaw anini,from this basis today we are taking another step forward,train +40268,40269,40269,u pitangtangan han nu malitengay,old peoples cooking utensils,train +40269,40270,40270,aluman milicayay kisuwan mitataay kisuwan mipaliw u fanaʼinay di,a lot of people say hello and take you to work all men,test +40270,40271,40271,a mitiyul haca kisu,you will have to start all over again,train +40271,40272,40272,cidem,point,train +40272,40273,40273,miliway,fasted,train +40273,40274,40274,Tanutiretireng satu kuya samiyay,only the body of the idol was left,train +40274,40275,40275,sarakatay a tayal niya mama haw i mipacering hu cingra,when we get to the stream the first thing we do is to make a fish screen,train +40275,40276,40276,finawlan,people,train +40276,40277,40277,kaemangay hu muetep ira ku lima ku mihecaan,I was very young just years old,train +40277,40278,40278,miculed,Insertion of pockets,train +40278,40279,40279,o malasufitayay a tamdaw i caay piharateng tu rumaruma a tayal deng u sapalipahakaw ningra tu mikuwanay cingraan a Tapang a sufitay,no one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs he wants to please his commanding officer,train +40279,40280,40280,sanu,speak,test +40280,40281,40281,milicayay ci Matiyas O cima ku Kawas,Mathias would ask Who is God,train +40281,40282,40282,Hay,Yes,train +40282,40283,40283,mavuhat ku yuvin haw,is the post office open,train +40283,40284,40284,panganganen kuya wawa,give that child a name,train +40284,40285,40285,misakuli satu ira tu ku pida,when you are an employee you get paid,train +40285,40286,40286,sapananum tu can nga ci can tu kuniya pala itini,then water can be diverted to the paddy fields,train +40286,40287,40287,hay hatiraay u kalipangay kura ya misidatengan aku i sawni,that is wild amaranth over there I just picked it,train +40287,40288,40288,Hai pafelien aku kisu tuna saasik,Okay here is a broomstick for you,train +40288,40289,40289,ngaʼay hu salikaka,Greetings folks,train +40289,40290,40290,hufucan,production,test +40290,40291,40291,a hay,Yes,train +40291,40292,40292,u hatira kura yantu licayen naku,that is it then I started asking questions,train +40292,40293,40293,hananay a uner,that is the snake,train +40293,40294,40294,Masuwal aku cingra,I told her,train +40294,40295,40295,u ruma tu ku pituuran sa,because we do not all believe in the same things,train +40295,40296,40296,palakat ku faʼinay aku tunu tusiya itira,where are we moving my husband drives the bus,train +40296,40297,40297,Iniyaruay ku aru nu wawa isu haw,do your kids live in the tribe too,train +40297,40298,40298,vukilvukil satu ku wawa sakaytini,the children are not interested in the language,train +40298,40299,40299,fiik,thyroid tumor,train +40299,40300,40300,Mahecep nu sawaeran a facel ku nanum,the water that was brought in was sucked up in the first paddy field,test +40300,40301,40301,mahatiraay kafanaʼan aku tiya aru na Taywan itira,here is what I know about the Flatlanders Riverfront thank you,train +40301,40302,40302,haen han sedal satu kira keliw,that is how you untangle the threads,train +40302,40303,40303,i kawananen ningra ku siri i kawilien ningra ku lalifanuhen a siri,he will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left,train +40303,40304,40304,hatira sa hiwawa haken u pafili nu Kawas tu nu maku a icel atek,I do not know maybe it is a God given belief that I cannot give up,train +40304,40305,40305,tiraay tira Yakahalan,the one who lives in Agaharan,train +40305,40306,40306,u sapituduhaw han tu tura iya ira haw,burning its body in the process,train +40306,40307,40307,pacakat tina kaemangay mimaliay hirateng han aku,it is all about improving the players and then you think about it,train +40307,40308,40308,fakiciay,mop,train +40308,40309,40309,sa kaku tu u matuasay,I would like to ask our elders,train +40309,40310,40310,patelac ku nguyus aku,I made a mistake speaking,test +40310,40311,40311,unian sai,what about this one,train +40311,40312,40312,maherek tu a sangaen nu talu ku tataangay a acer,the continent has completed huge dams,train +40312,40313,40313,masakalimlaan i wa tahadaˈuc maharateng ni Yihufa kisu,more importantly the Lord will always remember you,train +40313,40314,40314,anu malacafayay maʼemi aratek cuwa,I used to think we would all be together,train +40314,40315,40315,anu maʼicang tu i,if it is dry,train +40315,40316,40316,tulu pulu ira ku cecayku tuluku lima a mihecaan,years,train +40316,40317,40317,ira ku tihi nira ci uruk u ruma satu a tihi ira ci tuana,he had a companion Urok another was Tuana,train +40317,40318,40318,Kacihilumit a pakautufay,always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle,train +40318,40319,40319,kaying tu i civavaʼinay,Miss she is getting married,train +40319,40320,40320,satu ciwawa haca ku ina aku tu tatusa a fafahiyan tu safa,Later my mother gave birth to two sisters there,test +40320,40321,40321,o sapafeli^ i tamuwanan kina talacay i pinsyangen a pateli^,here is a pineapple for you put it in the refrigerator,train +40321,40322,40322,salikulay satu hananay,and finally the Ikura Festival,train +40322,40323,40323,Mahrektu a mikariang a misti i ca Pawluan aci Silasan i pacumud hantu nangra i pirufuan ta papisungila han nangra ku misimaway a papisimaw i cangraan,after they had been severely flogged they were thrown into prison and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully,train +40323,40324,40324,ye awaay tu maeneng nu mita awaay tu matengil ku hatiniay,I have never seen or heard of anything like that again,train +40324,40325,40325,o aluman nu paka^faay a sufitay i tusa a caur saan a matngil aku,the number of the mounted troops was two hundred million I heard their number,train +40325,40326,40326,madakaw,take a seat,train +40326,40327,40327,ya epah patakid miaray yaku palimuʼut tu matuʼasay saku kapah,young people pour a glass of wine and thank you for the exhortation of the elders,train +40327,40328,40328,mamaan saw,Yes it is possible,train +40328,40329,40329,sapihamham,as a hospitality item,train +40329,40330,40330,itiya hu kami u malitengay i,early elders,test +40330,40331,40331,nacila malacafay kaku atu fufu tayra i cifa a paliwal adihay ku mialaan ni fufu tu mipalumaan nira a dateng Halu mitangtangan nira a kakaenen,Yesterday I went to the market with my grandmother to set up a stall my grandmother brought a lot of vegetables that she grew herself and also prepared indigenous cuisine for everyone,train +40331,40332,40332,Matulunan ku papah nu salunan,typhoon grass is shaped like a boat,train +40332,40333,40333,adadaay,soreness,train +40333,40334,40334,pakalangan,containers for crabs,train +40334,40335,40335,adihay tu,there is a lot,train +40335,40336,40336,Tangafulan,ethnic group plain tribes,train +40336,40337,40337,han a latek i,Maybe,train +40337,40338,40338,masamaan ku pasitapangan,how does self confidence begin,train +40338,40339,40339,nu Recurd,textile factory,train +40339,40340,40340,Anu hatira i nisamaanan iru macngawtu ku mata isu han nangra a milicay cingra,How then were your eyes opened they demanded,test +40340,40341,40341,itiya i caay ka fana ku nisawawaan tunini a dmak Nikawrira yu macakattu ci Yis a cidil i itiyatu a maharateng nangra kunini a matiliday a suwal tu pakayniay i cingraan atu sulin a madu^du nu tamdamdaw a milahci tuya nisuwalan a midmak,at first his disciples did not understand all this only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about him and that they had done these things to him,train +40341,40342,40342,aku amin cuwa ku kaenen,I did it all myself,train +40342,40343,40343,anu ira ku sapatalaʼayaw tu nian itiyasatu saan,if we have to go all out when we have to,train +40343,40344,40344,atu cuka cuka hay u,and the art Oh yeah,train +40344,40345,40345,mipahanhan henay kaku,since I am back home,train +40345,40346,40346,maecad tamiyanan malitengay,just like me because,train +40346,40347,40347,mikayat,hold hands,train +40347,40348,40348,piʼading aku tu harateng nu maku,tell my companion,train +40348,40349,40349,macadukay,shoveled,train +40349,40350,40350,aka tu maranamay tu kaku i luma,No I have already eaten at home,test +40350,40351,40351,o wawa^ ni Mayaw kaku ci Kacaw,I am the son of Mayaw and my name is Kacaw,train +40351,40352,40352,u nu pakalumaʼay kaku pakalumaʼay,I am a home attendant,train +40352,40353,40353,Maapa tu niya hiya,I have been dumbfounded by that,train +40353,40354,40354,tusaʼay kura paini nu maku,two words of encouragement,train +40354,40355,40355,Cima^ kura fafahian,who is that woman,train +40355,40356,40356,mikadavu ku vavinay i vavahiyan u daysan atu sapasiket tu daysan u vavahi ku sitatudungay u niket nu ramud nu Pangcah cacay ku vavainay cacay ku vavahi,a so called matrilineal society was formed where men were married off to women and the management and inheritance of property was vested in the women and the Amis were monogamous,train +40356,40357,40357,kacumikay,run,train +40357,40358,40358,anu taelivan tu nu pinapinaay a mihca,a few more years,train +40358,40359,40359,nisimsim nu maku,I think,train +40359,40360,40360,lukut,Shanshu,test +40360,40361,40361,miiwasay,paddle,train +40361,40362,40362,ngaʼay ku aru tini sa,this is a great place,train +40362,40363,40363,o malakakaay caira hay,are they brothers and sisters,train +40363,40364,40364,ukalakani,after it is over,train +40364,40365,40365,Pasararem ku alul nu tamina,the boat flows downstream,train +40365,40366,40366,sapingudu,social ethics,train +40366,40367,40367,anu maherek malavi maherek mililuc kiya sivakiya,you cannot put on your slippers until after you have had dinner and taken a bath,train +40367,40368,40368,o tudatudaan ku fanaw nu Tafalung,the ponds in Taipa long are full of eels,train +40368,40369,40369,terak,drop,train +40369,40370,40370,hatiraay aca ku pakafana nu maku,this is the end of my speech,test +40370,40371,40371,makakaenay,edible,train +40371,40372,40372,uranantu adahi satu ku tayal mifutingay,so the income from fishing is much better,train +40372,40373,40373,a misatekel,come and fast,train +40373,40374,40374,haen sa misaliyut mipatakudul,rotate it up,train +40374,40375,40375,macinas nu pacek ku lefuk nira,his pants were torn by nails,train +40375,40376,40376,malikuda haw,dance Oh,train +40376,40377,40377,ka u masinanutay ku dmak namu a ma^min,Therefore my brothers be eager to prophesy and do not forbid speaking in tongues,train +40377,40378,40378,san ku harateng nu maku,I thought to myself,train +40378,40379,40379,piiw,lame,train +40379,40380,40380,tunutunuan,lofty mountains and steep hills,test +40380,40381,40381,hatira ku kaca kupuc aku a micudad,I am not doing well in school,train +40381,40382,40382,ira kiyana patihiay takuwan,I have someone to go with me,train +40382,40383,40383,mipawali,dry,train +40383,40384,40384,neneng santu kaku,I am thinking about it,train +40384,40385,40385,Raraya ku kanuus ni kaka,my sisters nails are very long,train +40385,40386,40386,kiya raecusay nira,his bad luck,train +40386,40387,40387,Orasaka awaay ku sasumuwal namu tu nika malanisawawaan ni Pawlu kaku a mapainu a saan,so no one can say that you were baptized into my name,train +40387,40388,40388,angrer,it will be bitter,train +40388,40389,40389,Sangaayen ku dmak namu i ruma a finacadan ta anu pakutatiitiihay cangra tamuwanan i pakayni i nipipakaaraw nangra tu ngaayay a dmak namu ku sapahmek nangra tu Kawas i piliyawan ningra a tayni,live such good lives among the pagans that though they accuse you of doing wrong they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us,train +40389,40390,40390,icuwa ku katayalan i tira kami kamaruan niyam,wherever we work we will settle down,test +40390,40391,40391,u maʼan ku katawaan tu nikacukana a miniwaniw,what is so funny about grand mom bending her ass and weeding,train +40391,40392,40392,midama tu matuʼasay,assisting the elders in the family,train +40392,40393,40393,o Tangafuran itiya hu kura maruʼay itira sanay kiya matuʼasay,in the early days it was the Pingpu people who lived there,train +40393,40394,40394,Ikurtu i sungilaˈen a misahalaka ku nukaˈurip isu palipahak tu falucuˈ nu Kawas,Then plan your life well so that you can delight the heart of God,train +40394,40395,40395,tayni ci ina aku ci mama aku,my parents are coming here,train +40395,40396,40396,pasuling satu kami Kawas tahamatini,we are all Christians in our family,train +40396,40397,40397,itini i laluma mipateli,should I keep it inside,train +40397,40398,40398,kaka nu maku,my brother sister,train +40398,40399,40399,Singsi matawalay aku a miala ku impic,I forgot to bring my pen,train +40399,40400,40400,Pinaun tu rafraf a mienaf tu asisiw i pala,burning straw in a field note the roaring fire,test +40400,40401,40401,muraraw,error,train +40401,40402,40402,Pakafanaay sa fufu tu nu tireng kakaenen cadungatu maamaan,a Kung Fu teaches about the body food clothing and many other practical things,train +40402,40403,40403,itini kasamaan tu,if anything goes wrong at this moment,train +40403,40404,40404,Kausian ku demak nira,what he does is despicable,train +40404,40405,40405,o patelian niyam tu,this is for storage,train +40405,40406,40406,mikalic,climb,train +40406,40407,40407,o tatalacuwa kisu Lafin,Lafin where are you going,train +40407,40408,40408,kami i ca hu katadafana,my generation does not know much about it either,train +40408,40409,40409,caciyaw ku nguyus nira kiya ngaʼayay tu kura ngaʼay tu kura pinangan sanay,if you are willing to talk you have a good attitude,train +40409,40410,40410,Panukayen cingra ciinaan isu,send him home to your mother,test +40410,40411,40411,itapiingan nu cacudadan,which side of the school,train +40411,40412,40412,laluma fangcal hu kira,just make a few changes,train +40412,40413,40413,sakafafalu a kaka maku tu fafahi ri,the eighth child my sister,train +40413,40414,40414,u kamukuan nu Taluku iayawhu itira,it is all Taroko territory,train +40414,40415,40415,kamu u Tinsiwkiw i caay ka cikiwkay ku namu sa cikacikawang,then the clan said you Catholics should have a Catholic church too,train +40415,40416,40416,maherek a mitipus a misatipus,we will store the rice after the harvest,train +40416,40417,40417,hatira pisiwkay nu maku ku icep,I introduced the betel nut tree here,train +40417,40418,40418,Mangaaytu mangalayay kaku,Yes I would love to,train +40418,40419,40419,u kapahay kuni a demak,native American nursing home Sponsorship program is good,train +40419,40420,40420,o citudungay tu kasaupuan a kakridan ci Krispus Pasulin tu Tapang cingra atu paru nu luma ningra Aluman ku rumaruma a Kurintu a tamdaw a mitngil ta pasulin cangra ta mapainu,Crispus the synagogue ruler and his entire household believed in the Lord and many of the Corinthians who heard him believed and were baptized,test +40420,40421,40421,Mafilfil kina kaying,this lady talks a lot,train +40421,40422,40422,itini i kaʼurip nu maku malatamdaw,in my life,train +40422,40423,40423,saadepeten,you are so mean,train +40423,40424,40424,maan han kira mahiraay,what is that thing called,train +40424,40425,40425,kapalal ku falucu namu satanekteken ku pitier namu tu Tapang Saki^melen kacicdi,be on your guard stand firm in the faith be men of courage be strong,train +40425,40426,40426,adihay ku fangafang nu,a lot of questions,train +40426,40427,40427,ngasangasaw malainaay atu salikaka tu,elderly family members friends and siblings,train +40427,40428,40428,tanamay kinian sa nihining tu nisangaʼan nu tau,it is also a way to try and see what others are creating,train +40428,40429,40429,aka katayira ku wawa manguciha ku nguyus,kids cannot go over there with a crooked mouth,train +40429,40430,40430,nika sanengnenghan nira nuya matuasay kiya tatuluay wawa i na tatuluay haw saharatengharateng sa cingra,the old man was looking at the three children thinking Is it these three people,test +40430,40431,40431,ira ku salikaf nu tau kira,you will be laughed at,train +40431,40432,40432,kakatayra tu han nira i,he said it is better to go,train +40432,40433,40433,cima ku mite^kaay misanga tu tingwa,who invented the telephone,train +40433,40434,40434,ciwi sa kisu selic sa tala i ʼaʼayaw,you are turning around and moving forward smoothly,train +40434,40435,40435,awaay ku kucu itiya,there were no shoes,train +40435,40436,40436,nu matuʼasay itira i hiya kalala,how the elders of the Ghanaian tribe do,train +40436,40437,40437,dademak,have a job,train +40437,40438,40438,tangasa amin itiya pilalikidan a remiad,it is the day of the festival,train +40438,40439,40439,mafafalifalic,alternate,train +40439,40440,40440,tangasa satu ku remiad,when the time comes,test +40440,40441,40441,Halisira way tu kisu o maan hu hani,you really love cured meats what else do you want,train +40441,40442,40442,fitaul,egg,train +40442,40443,40443,pahiyaen tu niira mipasielac tu ku kincun,he tidied it up and covered it with gravel,train +40443,40444,40444,nu aniniya haw caay tu kalecad,and now it is different,train +40444,40445,40445,itira,There,train +40445,40446,40446,ciwyifu^ucan,employment service centers,train +40446,40447,40447,kami itini i Cepu hananay a paniyaruʼan i tiya hu,we used to be in the Jungpo tribe,train +40447,40448,40448,pacakat,advanced,train +40448,40449,40449,Maserer tu ku icel nira,he has lost strength,train +40449,40450,40450,tekek,peck,test +40450,40451,40451,o Fataʼan Kalingku Fataʼan a tamdaw,it is a horse with a saddle it is a Hualien horse with a saddle,train +40451,40452,40452,ku hiya,then,train +40452,40453,40453,away ku suwal nu malitengay tu niya,elders do not say anything specific,train +40453,40454,40454,sapisiwkay tu nu Pangcah matini,the Amis are selling vegetables too,train +40454,40455,40455,adihay ku nipafelian ni fufu takuwanan a kunga tali atu lukiw hawikiden nu maku a panukay sa,grandma brought me a lot of sweet potatoes taro and buckwheat and asked me to take them home,train +40455,40456,40456,itiya tu mataʼlipalal kaku wata,at the same time I have been awakened,train +40456,40457,40457,caaytu ku kuli han aku kamu a mitahidang nawhani caay ka fana ku kuli tu dadmaken nu tawki o salikaka hantu aku kamu a mitahidang nawhani mapakafanatu aku kamu tu nanu nitngilan aku i ci Wamaan a dmak a ma^min,I no longer call you servants because a servant does not know his masters business Instead I have called you friends for everything that I learned from my father I have made known to you,train +40457,40458,40458,itini i tahira i i,in March through may and June,train +40458,40459,40459,valuhay a makapatay,to the new realm of the ancestral spirit,train +40459,40460,40460,u vavainay a cacay ku mahaenay,just boys,test +40460,40461,40461,cilimaw kisu anucila^ haw tayra kaku i tisuwanan i herek nu lahuk,Then are you available tomorrow I will visit you tomorrow afternoon,train +40461,40462,40462,caay kaku pisulul tina demakan saan ku suwal ni panay,Barnabas said I will never agree to this marriage,train +40462,40463,40463,mikimaday,spokesman,train +40463,40464,40464,ku kaenen anu awaay ku puut,he was devoured because he did not have a sword,train +40464,40465,40465,misalingka sa nimanay kira salingka,you said you make bricks what do you do with them,train +40465,40466,40466,fitaul,oval shaped,train +40466,40467,40467,kapahay tu,well,train +40467,40468,40468,Suʼlin tu,it is true,train +40468,40469,40469,u iing cingra kira ira ku pida ningra,it is because he was a well paid legislator at the time,train +40469,40470,40470,aluman sakiyami ira i sasa i tatuduhan,a lot of people are underneath the crematorium,test +40470,40471,40471,salama,enjoy oneself,train +40471,40472,40472,Tanuimpicen a mitilid,write with a ball pen,train +40472,40473,40473,mahaen saw ku adada isu mahaen ku adada isu saan ku suwal,what is your condition what is your condition say,train +40473,40474,40474,tu paluma tu maamaan,carry out the planting of any,train +40474,40475,40475,cungtung,president,train +40475,40476,40476,awaay ni u niyah sanay tu a harateng,I do not know it is all in my head,train +40476,40477,40477,adihay ku daci i Tafalung,there are a lot of bamboo shoots in Tai Pa long Valley,train +40477,40478,40478,i sawniay hu kangkangen aku nipaluma ansawni,I just turned over the soil and so on to sow seeds,train +40478,40479,40479,nawhani awaay i tini i hkal ku malu nu mita a midaucay a tadaniyaru o mitalaay kita tu aira a maluniyaru ita,for here we do not have an enduring city but we are looking for the city that is to come,train +40479,40480,40480,o kasaupuan nu finawlan ku sefi,a meeting house is a place where the clan gathers,test +40480,40481,40481,Orasaka u mifalahay tunini a suwal i caay ku tamdaw ku nifalahan ningra o mifalahay cingra tu pafliay tamuwanan tu Fangcalay Adingu a Kawas,Therefore he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God who gives you his Holy Spirit,train +40481,40482,40482,Milinsiwan kura piya isu maan han mipuric,have you ever practiced kneading ropes,train +40482,40483,40483,u manan ku kakaenen nu misu a sakalahuk,what would you like for,train +40483,40484,40484,mihima ci ina tura mapatayay ku fainay a tamdaw,mom went to comfort the woman who had lost her husband,train +40484,40485,40485,ye ye sa kura,a child cry,train +40485,40486,40486,anu suʼelin micumud tu niyaru han pina ku niyaru,it is a lot more than just walking around looking at Aboriginal tribes,train +40486,40487,40487,sapimaan,for what,train +40487,40488,40488,maruhimur radum sakami,the waters cloudy we are still taking it,train +40488,40489,40489,o rumasatu a suwal i Fangcalay Cudad i Anu macahiw ku ada isu i pakaenen cingra Anu masuaw cingra i pananumen Anu haenen isu i u mamangudu cingra i tisuwanan saan,on the contrary If your enemy is hungry feed him if he is thirsty give him something to drink in doing this you will heap burning coals on his head,train +40489,40490,40490,Mangataay rakat sa tahiraay tu,Yes it is within walking distance,test +40490,40491,40491,kilimem awaay,just look around the house,train +40491,40492,40492,kiya na nitukan a rumiʼad,that selected day,train +40492,40493,40493,Nanuya maaraw aku ku nika fawah nu Fangcalay Pitaungan i kakarayan ira i laluma ku kasasuarawan atu Kawas a Taluan,after this I looked and in heaven the temple that is the tabernacle of the Testimony was opened,train +40493,40494,40494,o tatalahkal a ma^min ku masimeday a maamaan o mamahapinang a talahkal a ma^min ku nikilifan a dmak,there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known,train +40494,40495,40495,ciwi saan iri,change direction,train +40495,40496,40496,ura kenaw tu i ira ira,where is that three star onion you are growing over there,train +40496,40497,40497,u malusakangaʼay nu tileng sanay a suwal,it is for your own good,train +40497,40498,40498,u nanu fuksi itiya hu ku saʼayaway aku a tayal,my first job was as a pastor,train +40498,40499,40499,o nisangaan ni akung aku a unuc kiraan,that is my grandpas flatbed,train +40499,40500,40500,cayka aluman kumatuʼasay itiya papinaay ku niyaru i tira,the Dongchang tribe is sparse,test +40500,40501,40501,hay i tari mihulula tu,all right then come on let us go out and play,train +40501,40502,40502,cawur,stir,train +40502,40503,40503,mataneng a maemin ku wawa nu maku,my kids are smart,train +40503,40504,40504,Makakaluna ku wacu a misalama,the puppies tease and play with each other,train +40504,40505,40505,tuwa lumuwad ci ina aku,and then my mom got up,train +40505,40506,40506,saku ni katengilan kalamkam ku silamalaysa caay ka cacelcel ku karireng,I heard that the MRT is fast and there is no traffic jam,train +40506,40507,40507,hatiraay ku hangruay a demak,this is how it is cooked,train +40507,40508,40508,Paamid ci Kulas tu ekim ci inaan nira,Kolas sends gold to his mother,train +40508,40509,40509,itira kita mikilim tu,we will be there,train +40509,40510,40510,o ciwcika nu kiyukay,the cross of the church,test +40510,40511,40511,ferarangad,shovelworm,train +40511,40512,40512,i pidanguyan ciira milifet tu nu midanguyay ciira anuhuni^,he is at the swimming pool he is going to compete in a swimming competition later,train +40512,40513,40513,fiwfiw,the wind blows,train +40513,40514,40514,kaku palifet kaku midanguy,there is no way I am going to help him swim hard,train +40514,40515,40515,u saayaway a tumuk,the first ringleader,train +40515,40516,40516,tuul,loneliness,train +40516,40517,40517,nu ruma han tu,some of,train +40517,40518,40518,o manan ku adada nu mira saw,what is it,train +40518,40519,40519,malinah hu kita tayra nga,we have to move there,train +40519,40520,40520,melawan nu maku ku Cudad nira,I used to peek at my brothers books,test +40520,40521,40521,Pasuelin kisu tu suwal nira haw,do you believe her,train +40521,40522,40522,ci Takuy medac,greedy hungry ghost,train +40522,40523,40523,hatini hay nu cinanumay ku,that is it it is watery,train +40523,40524,40524,Saka anini mihecaan u pahanhanan tu nu kafaedetan i minukay tayra i niyaru milisu tu malitengay kaku atu kaka tu fainayan hay mafana tu niyah a finacadana atu serangawan,so this summer my brother and I went back to our tribe to visit the elderly hoping to understand the culture of our own ethnic group,train +40524,40525,40525,tayra tu kaku i picudadan,I needed to go to school,train +40525,40526,40526,itiya hu ku malitengay i haliepahay kuna malitengay,in the old days old people liked to drink to reward themselves,train +40526,40527,40527,tatulu na kaka su malahitayay,three of your brothers are in the army,train +40527,40528,40528,cecay ku falucu nu maku maen,I only have one mind what is that,train +40528,40529,40529,i tira i niyaru aku,in my tribe,train +40529,40530,40530,ukak,bones,test +40530,40531,40531,kita ca pitilid itini i kuwcung haw i,we did not go to high school either,train +40531,40532,40532,hay i tatusa tu ku wawa nu niyam,Yes I have two kids now,train +40532,40533,40533,ma^emin mapakuyac,almost everyone is poor,train +40533,40534,40534,tireng,body,train +40534,40535,40535,maulah,joy,train +40535,40536,40536,sipasipen nu Israil ku remes nu siri i fawahan nu luma,the Israelites applied the blood of sheep to the doorways of their homes,train +40536,40537,40537,miasip cangra tunini i mahinum ku falucu nangra Saka salipahak satu cangra,the people read it and were glad for its encouraging message,train +40537,40538,40538,mamelawan,menu,train +40538,40539,40539,sanciwnansayhu,when I was in my thirties,train +40539,40540,40540,atatu minukay satu ku wina aku i takuwanan,my mother told me to go home,test +40540,40541,40541,miherek nu maku mafulaw,ending the move,train +40541,40542,40542,u maaan han kuya kilang o katang sa kiya malitengay,what is the name of that tree is the same as it is now the old generation is called Jadong tree,train +40542,40543,40543,hales misanka tu ilisin cai tu paini ku hiya kiyami ku selal nu mita,Yes I have never heard of it in the classroom even after attending the Toyotomi Matsuri,train +40543,40544,40544,14 itini i saikuray lintad iraayhu ku rumaruma tatiihay a pinangan u laliyasen nu Krisciyang ku matiniay a tamdaw,in the last days people will also exhibit other undesirable characteristics and Christians need to avoid such people,train +40544,40545,40545,lumuwad haw lumuwad maya malalusidtu yu,preparation is indispensable before departure,train +40545,40546,40546,way ku nanum iʼayaw ri,there was no water,train +40546,40547,40547,namahaen tangasa i patay,till death do us part,train +40547,40548,40548,Palimuut ku faki a sumuwal mapalemed nu finawlan cangra,the uncle would give them instructions and the clan would give them a blessing,train +40548,40549,40549,Pakaretengen tu mamang ta caay kaiyuf nu fali,make it heavy and pressurized so that it will not be blown away by the wind,train +40549,40550,40550,maukutay,tightly contracted,test +40550,40551,40551,namahaen ku demak,phenomena happen,train +40551,40552,40552,yasa ci i u Tapang a luma ningra i itira i,Hidamaris original home in Tsuruoka,train +40552,40553,40553,anu cicudacudad kamu tu nu Rikec a midu^du tu krit a lisin i tuna miliyang kamu tu Rikec saka u mamasawkit nu ruma a finacadan kamu tu raraw namu u Yutaya a tamdaw,the one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who even though you have the written code and circumcision are a lawbreaker,train +40553,40554,40554,caʼiten naira itira i nangatuan niya matayal,hang it in the unfinished work site,train +40554,40555,40555,pinaʼun kisu han ningra kaku,he reminded me to be careful,train +40555,40556,40556,hintaen nu wina aku tayra i tingsukiw,I had to leave my religion for Catholicism,train +40556,40557,40557,pasawali a miliyuc ku rakat nu tusiya na Panay,Panay their car turned east,train +40557,40558,40558,adihay kiya futing itira,there is a lot of fish there,train +40558,40559,40559,maherek tu kira hay tehenay mahaen tu kira,and that is the end of the picking of wild vegetables,train +40559,40560,40560,Miurauray tu kisu tu nguyus haw,did you rinse out your mouth,test +40560,40561,40561,Malingud nu paadadaay a Kawas kuya adadaay,the gods of sickness are gathered around that sick person,train +40561,40562,40562,iratu maherek tu ku kaku matayal i,after a month on the job,train +40562,40563,40563,o kana Farangaw kaʼayaway,the first to migrate were the clans of Maryland,train +40563,40564,40564,Paruʼut nira tu wawawawaan sa kaku,guidance for the future generations,train +40564,40565,40565,makapahay tu nanifunguh tahini i kaenu i uu i,it is beautiful from head to toe,train +40565,40566,40566,ci lisin ku ngangan nu maku cima kisu,Hello my name is Lisin what is your name please,train +40566,40567,40567,mikalicay cingra tu kasuling a talapusung haw,did he take a train to Taitung,train +40567,40568,40568,caluhen,hurry up,train +40568,40569,40569,lengaw,grow,train +40569,40570,40570,u mahakulungay atu matuasay nu mita a tayni,and our elders come here like this,test +40570,40571,40571,mecmec,pinch,train +40571,40572,40572,malapasuvanaay,being a teacher,train +40572,40573,40573,milaliw cingra,he left,train +40573,40574,40574,sakilalan san caykahakuwa,there is a road but it is narrow,train +40574,40575,40575,yasa ya falucu aku i,at the time I thought to myself,train +40575,40576,40576,cahu katengil nu wawa nu maku ku,my kids never hear it,train +40576,40577,40577,tamdamdaw,the masses,train +40577,40578,40578,awaay tu ufalah u tuduh tu u falah tu kuni,No just throw it away burn it just throw it away,train +40578,40579,40579,ciinapir,Belt,train +40579,40580,40580,ku sapisanga,come on let us go,test +40580,40581,40581,itiya i fahal sa a masti nu cuyuh nu Tapang ci Hiruti nawhani caay pahmek cingra tu Kawas Saka makalat nu fau patay satu cingra,Immediately because Herod did not give praise to God an angel of the Lord struck him down and he was eaten by worms and died,train +40581,40582,40582,fukung,anchovy,train +40582,40583,40583,lakelak satu kiya matayalay nu kaysiya,factory workers are dispersed everywhere,train +40583,40584,40584,samatiyaen u nu fainay ku falucu a milifet tu karetengay a tayal,rough work should be as challenging as a mans heart,train +40584,40585,40585,karkar,dig,train +40585,40586,40586,tayraay i Kimmung kura faʼinay yaku da malasufitay da,so my husband went to Kinmen to serve in the army,train +40586,40587,40587,hatini ku nipavatisan nu maku,this is the end of my sharing,train +40587,40588,40588,hapalasil tahiraen i fufufufu,it will be passed down to our grandchildren,train +40588,40589,40589,ancila u pafilungan tu ita,it will be new Years Eve in a while,train +40589,40590,40590,mapatinaku tu,I have realized this,test +40590,40591,40591,Mecmec han nu ising ku cucu aku a mihapinang,the doctor cupped my breasts in his palms and examined them,train +40591,40592,40592,pasevanaay,tell,train +40592,40593,40593,lutac,kneading,train +40593,40594,40594,masasaw tumuk mikeda tu haw cira,did she agree to this boss,train +40594,40595,40595,yu awa hu ku tayal nira haw i mipaliw cira,if he himself is out of work he goes to work as a change agent,train +40595,40596,40596,adada ku tiyad niyam a matawa tu pisalawla nira,we laughed until our stomachs hurt at his jokes,train +40596,40597,40597,Pacauf sa ci Yis i cangraan Awaay ku sla nu tayal nu Wama Aku Saka halu Aku a matayal han ningra,Jesus said to them My father is always at his work to this very day and I too am working,train +40597,40598,40598,ta inian a san mumumumu,scream Here knead the sticky rice,train +40598,40599,40599,rahker sa cangra saka ktun satu tu suwal tu sapafliaw i cingraan tu paysu,they were delighted and agreed to give him money,train +40599,40600,40600,pacaliwen nu maku tu sasipasip kisu,I will lend you my eraser first,test +40600,40601,40601,makaala nima a tan kuraan,who earns or a day,train +40601,40602,40602,Orasaka kalipahak kamu tunini anu mapakaruraruray kamu anini tu masamaamaanay a pades i caay ku halafinay kunini,in this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials,train +40602,40603,40603,palidung kami,a shadow has fallen over us,train +40603,40604,40604,Natalahkal kami a mapaurip i mafanatu kami tu nika u Malta hananay a kanatal kunini,once safely on shore we found out that the Island was called Malta,train +40604,40605,40605,mananam tu mitatafukud kami i,we are also familiar with casting nets,train +40605,40606,40606,miadiay,deploy something it is got a potpourri,train +40606,40607,40607,parukud,kick,train +40607,40608,40608,u feliay,the ones who give,train +40608,40609,40609,nu Singcuwan Tucen Pangciyaw,by the parishioners of various districts Hsin Chuang Tucheng Banqiao,train +40609,40610,40610,Kalapawanan hanay nu malitengay,the older generation calls it a place that is easy to forget,test +40610,40611,40611,oya napakaaraway a tamdaw tunini a dmak i pasuwal i tamdamdaw tu pakayniay tuya namaaruay nu kalahaay atu pakayniay tuya masaflaway a fafuy a dmak,those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon possessed man and told about the pigs as well,train +40611,40612,40612,hay u pudaw kira adidiʼay,the little one in question is the little fry,train +40612,40613,40613,ma uniya dateng aca,about the dishes,train +40613,40614,40614,ye itiya hu i,at that time,train +40614,40615,40615,Nikawrira u kakansiyaen ku Kawas pakaynien ningra i Tapang ita ci Yis Kristuan ku sapakaluwid ita,the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law,train +40615,40616,40616,ayam,chickens,train +40616,40617,40617,ayamafana kaku rumadiw san,I can sing,train +40617,40618,40618,uni kasuvucan nu maku iri u Pukpuk,I was born in the Thinning tribe,train +40618,40619,40619,ri tayran kamu Kinmun,you are going to Kinmen,train +40619,40620,40620,taerev,stone trap,test +40620,40621,40621,itiyahu matukaay hananay nu malitengay ku mimaliay aca,older people used to think baseball was for lazy people,train +40621,40622,40622,utepitepi nu turun kiyasaw,at that time they made the make into a piece of cake,train +40622,40623,40623,kacitakamayan,wear gloves,train +40623,40624,40624,tuya pipitpit nu nira,he was plucking fruits,train +40624,40625,40625,harakatay ku rakat nu kakayaay a rinum,long needles go fast,train +40625,40626,40626,caay tu ka ngaʼay,it is not okay,train +40626,40627,40627,cuep,crouch over the water and sip directly from your mouth,train +40627,40628,40628,tarang han kira lietecay a kamay nu misu,warm your cold hands,train +40628,40629,40629,kaku i kawcung han aku u tengil,I want to apply for high school,train +40629,40630,40630,pasaksak,make the bed,test +40630,40631,40631,anu miingkay tu,or celebrate,train +40631,40632,40632,paurunen,fondle,train +40632,40633,40633,Nimaanany kisu,what are you doing,train +40633,40634,40634,pakacidal ku matuʼasay,the old man was praying for rain,train +40634,40635,40635,Marian kira tawki saka u sawad niyam a matayal i Taypak,the boss was so bad that we gave up our job in Taipei immediately,train +40635,40636,40636,Patungalen tu kuli kuni nanum,please add some ice cubes to this glass of water,train +40636,40637,40637,adihay ku lilam nu maku tu nipafeli nu singsi a udax,the teacher gave me a lot of candy,train +40637,40638,40638,mamatukad,imperial official in dynastic China,train +40638,40639,40639,caʼay pisacacak,no cooking,train +40639,40640,40640,Pafalaten nira ku luma,he put up the crossbeams of the house,test +40640,40641,40641,kutay,replace,train +40641,40642,40642,icuwa safa niyam ira kiya mitefuay caka pangangan tura tefu,one of you is a good bamboo shoot picker but you do not have any bamboo shoots,train +40642,40643,40643,anu hatira i u pinukay aku i cimamaan aku ku ngaay ta suwal asa kaku i cingraan Wamaaw ciraraw kaku i kaayaw nu Kawas ciraraw kaku i kaayaw isu,I will set out and go back to my father and say to him Father I have sinned against heaven and against you,train +40643,40644,40644,adihay ku nisafalucuan nu misakerukeruay,favorite dancers think of many dances,train +40644,40645,40645,kanguduan,pardon me,train +40645,40646,40646,aka pitawal tu awaay maaraw,not Neglecting God,train +40646,40647,40647,yu dadaya satu i itiratu i sifu nu fanaw kuya tamina ci Yis a ccay ku i tiraayhu i hadhad,when evening came the boat was in the middle of the lake and he was alone on land,train +40647,40648,40648,hatini,in this way,train +40648,40649,40649,satu ha,later on,train +40649,40650,40650,pacacuruken,To take your turn,test +40650,40651,40651,Malawud ku kalahukan mitangtang hu ku mira,it was close to noon and she had to cook lunch again,train +40651,40652,40652,tiˈeren ku ˈaˈideman ita ci Kristu,trust in Christ our leader,train +40652,40653,40653,nikawrira itiyahu ku matuʼasay i,because the elders at that time,train +40653,40654,40654,mavana kisu a remadiw tu nu katawaʼan a radiw haw radiwen hu ku cacay,do you know any funny songs that make people laugh you can sing one for us,train +40654,40655,40655,Fulesaken nu maumahay sapaluma nu dateng i umah,the farmer scatters vegetable seeds in the field,train +40655,40656,40656,ku matuʼasay miala,senior citizens going together,train +40656,40657,40657,pisanga,homemade,train +40657,40658,40658,pakungkuen haca haw,let us get back to the story shall we,train +40658,40659,40659,maraud ku pannin misiyakay,I stayed for six months and went back to work in the metropolis,train +40659,40660,40660,Ngalay sa kaku a pakanengneng,I want to see them right away,test +40660,40661,40661,o maan ku kaulahan isu a minanam,what is your favorite thing to learn,train +40661,40662,40662,Matakup a mitefad tu payci,can I withdraw my money,train +40662,40663,40663,miliyaw aca,next,train +40663,40664,40664,o misangaʼan nira u aul haen hanira misatipid cayay,the props are made of bamboo in the shape of a flat spatula,train +40664,40665,40665,yu pisakalafiantu i malahaklung ci Yis atu tusa ku safaw a tarukus a tayra,when evening came Jesus arrived with the Twelve,train +40665,40666,40666,alaen nu tau ku Cudad aku,others took my book,train +40666,40667,40667,mangata,toward,train +40667,40668,40668,kaurira,yet,train +40668,40669,40669,fafahiyan,girls,train +40669,40670,40670,mamipaterep,stall,test +40670,40671,40671,iniyan haw ku lalangatan nu ngangan,the roots of that famous city are right here,train +40671,40672,40672,meru sa i cacelcel sa i,only swallow,train +40672,40673,40673,anu malawud ku kilumaʼan,at the time of the Harvest Festival,train +40673,40674,40674,pahku,vegetable fern,train +40674,40675,40675,u kasarekad,each and all of the groups,train +40675,40676,40676,ira kiya mitatiwan aku ya sukuy kiya,I have got a scullion in my hand,train +40676,40677,40677,mabana yu ku Taywan nipibuting,Minnan people still know how to fish,train +40677,40678,40678,hakama,skirts,train +40678,40679,40679,ficin,one liter,train +40679,40680,40680,mipatalaay kita,we are prepared,test +40680,40681,40681,nu pilisin nu mita ku niyan,ritual culture,train +40681,40682,40682,ngaayay tu,it is okay,train +40682,40683,40683,karuheman,maturity,train +40683,40684,40684,ya suwal nu maku huni itini tuna likisian tu nian haw,just like the historical events I just described,train +40684,40685,40685,parikur a pakaen,to give a farewell meal to,train +40685,40686,40686,pina ku rumiad tu cecay a lipay,how many days are there in a week,train +40686,40687,40687,ta ira mahakelung ku Fangcalay ya nu Aims,that is the way to follow the good culture of the Amis,train +40687,40688,40688,kafahalan a tamdaw,a stranger,train +40688,40689,40689,miraradiw kaku atu widang aku,I am going to sing with my friends,train +40689,40690,40690,saan,Help,test +40690,40691,40691,hananay nu Amis,Aramaic license,train +40691,40692,40692,a maanen hakiya a mikilim aca ci Panayan a iciraan,how can I go back to Barnet and talk to her,train +40692,40693,40693,taʼangay kura sapad,that plank is huge,train +40693,40694,40694,Tatulu^ kami a malakaka^,there are three brothers and sisters in our family,train +40694,40695,40695,pangangan hantu Cirakesay,let us call it the Kirakosai,train +40695,40696,40696,mipanay tu maherek tu mipanay,let us cut the rice let us cut the rice,train +40696,40697,40697,suleda,snow,train +40697,40698,40698,ina ninakumah ta mahaen ku kumuh,when the season comes the beans will germinate naturally,train +40698,40699,40699,nisawkitan,arbitrated person,train +40699,40700,40700,i cuwaay kisu mihatatanam,where did you study,test +40700,40701,40701,ci Piday cingra,he is called Piday,train +40701,40702,40702,anu caka ulah ku matusilan i wa samaan kita palahad tu siniˈadaay a falucuˈ hani,how do we continue to develop compassion when the people we preach to do not respond well,train +40702,40703,40703,mafanaʼay tu kumaen tu mananmanan,and a lot of wild vegetables edible plants and so on,train +40703,40704,40704,ira ku Litan ningra,in their auditorium,train +40704,40705,40705,ira ku mipatata nu vinawlan tu kavi atu titi nu rarapa,and serve beef broth and beef,train +40705,40706,40706,tayal kusa,I will keep on doing it,train +40706,40707,40707,kalafian minukay haw i satu tayra tu kaku minengneng tu piulukang nu maku,Senseis mother came back at dusk and called me over to see how I was progressing in my organ studies,train +40707,40708,40708,o widang aku si Tanaka,my friend Tanaka,train +40708,40709,40709,o niututan nu kaput nu maku kiraan a makapahay a kilang,that beautiful wood was carved by my friend,train +40709,40710,40710,kalumihecaan kalu widang,my good friends have been going back to their hometowns,test +40710,40711,40711,Icuwa^ ku nalaculan nu misu,where is your hometown,train +40711,40712,40712,u a tamdaw kaku kiyami haw,because I am such a successful person,train +40712,40713,40713,paeyawan anu mamaan,whether,train +40713,40714,40714,Tatalacuwa kuna rakat na saan hu ku falucu a mikalic tu cinamalay tahira tu i minatu nu Kilung nengneng han ira tu ku lunan nu safitay a mitala,when they boarded the train and were still wondering where they were going a warship was waiting for them in Keelung Harbor,train +40714,40715,40715,sa tengtengen niyam kiya lufuc,So we pull up the bag that is tied to the rope,train +40715,40716,40716,kanitusa,times,train +40716,40717,40717,o maupiray ni ina nira ku fukes nura fafahiyan a wawa,the girls hair was braided by her mother,train +40717,40718,40718,Maruray,hard,train +40718,40719,40719,masatisil,Display arrangement,train +40719,40720,40720,paranikayen,Let Faster,test +40720,40721,40721,aka tngilen ku pilikaf nu paci^ci sanay a papisapu^ner tu falucu atu papitaungay tu cuyuh a pakaaraway kaku tu mapulusi sanay a tamdaw Maimer ku matiraay a tamdaw tu nipaarawan a dmak olatek sa cingra a malataang tu nanu niharatengan ningra,do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize such a person goes into great detail about what he has seen and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions,train +40721,40722,40722,lalecad,equal,train +40722,40723,40723,kamu u fainay i samatiyaen u nika ulah ni Kristu tu kiwkay a kinafalah tu tireng tu saki kiwkay ku nika ulah namu tu fafahi nu tireng,Husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,train +40723,40724,40724,menek,behave yourself,train +40724,40725,40725,caay ka matiya u finawlan nu Israil kamu anini a miraud tu makapaay a Sinay a lutuk a misiayaw tu marengrengay a namal atu tuem atu tuman atu faliyus,you have not come to a mountain that can be touched and that is burning with fire to darkness gloom and storm,train +40725,40726,40726,Harakaten,Faster,train +40726,40727,40727,Nusa mapatay kisu,how could you die,train +40727,40728,40728,mimanan ira ku pida saw san ku ina nu maku,but my parents say they do not have any money left,train +40728,40729,40729,miman hanaku,what did I say,train +40729,40730,40730,matuur,catch up,test +40730,40731,40731,hay kudasing tu u maan tu,Yes there are many types of peanuts,train +40731,40732,40732,parinuman,needle and thread kit,train +40732,40733,40733,3 ka rumadiw kita a Pahemek,page let us sing aloud,train +40733,40734,40734,Kudic san kaku tu auwangay,I have not had sea urchins in a while and I really miss them,train +40734,40735,40735,Uhira Mulimutu Yamaseta,these three names are Fengping Fengli Fengshan,train +40735,40736,40736,o rumasatu a lunguc aku i pipatala tu ccay a pilafinan aku nanay mapacauf nu Kawas ku pitulun namu tu sapiliyawaw aku a tayra i tamuwanan,and one thing more prepare a guest room for me because I hope to be restored to you in answer to your prayers,train +40736,40737,40737,Hai ci Tahuk cingra,Yes he is Tahok,train +40737,40738,40738,kuya sa tu ya wawa i mikilim mikilimek tu tayra i ungcuungcuyan,the child hid behind the rocks,train +40738,40739,40739,u fau tu u tanikay tu,Insects grasshoppers,train +40739,40740,40740,Caayay masuesuay tu kaku,No I have gained weight,test +40740,40741,40741,tuwa tala Cilung a mibuting,we will go fishing in Keelung,train +40741,40742,40742,anu ira ku mapadesay namu i pitulun kuya tamdaw anu ira ku lipahakay namu i karumadiw kuya tamdaw a pahmek,is any one of you in trouble he should pray is anyone happy let him sing songs of praise,train +40742,40743,40743,Nikawrira anu u sakalahci nu kakalimlaan a tayal ku nika rarid aku a maurip i u nika uriphu aku ku ngaay i cuwa ku papilien aku hakini Mafukil kaku,if I am to go on living in the body this will mean fruitful labor for me yet what shall I choose I do not know,train +40743,40744,40744,ca u na fiyafiyaw niyam iraay ku katengilan nangra mitayal tu hatiniay sakira,No I have heard of other tribes making sapodilla,train +40744,40745,40745,Sikul sa ku Tapang a pamutek a minengneng ci Pitiruan itiya i maharateng ni Pitiru ku nanu nisuwalan nu Tapang tuya Anini i ayaw nu nika skak nu ayam tu dafak i wa kinatulu kisu a mihakenu i Takuwanan sanay,the Lord turned and looked straight at Peter then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him Before the rooster crows today you will disown me three times,train +40745,40746,40746,Suriten nu maku ku demak nu remiremiad,I write down what happens every day,train +40746,40747,40747,aku i miteka tu kami ci papa isu i matahidang mala,when I was the third chief your father and I were elected to the land review Board,train +40747,40748,40748,o maan ku nisangaan isu imatini,what are you working on,train +40748,40749,40749,Malusiyang i Yupa a ma^min kunini a dmak Saka alumantu ku pasulinay tu Tapang,this became known all over Joppa and many people believed in the Lord,train +40749,40750,40750,tangasa i papihinukupan aku tu ada isu i pasaripaan Isu saan,until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet,test +40750,40751,40751,tangasa itini iri,when you get here,train +40751,40752,40752,suʼelin aya kuna kaemangay,Seriously these kids,train +40752,40753,40753,salikaka u matu,brothers and sisters,train +40753,40754,40754,pafelien kaku tura masaficinay a dadinguan,please give me that square mirror,train +40754,40755,40755,adihay tamdaw ku misasingan na Sinpu,there are a lot of people in the picture the priest took,train +40755,40756,40756,tayraay miladum paetang ku hiyan niyam sapiladum tayra miladum,we will go there to get water and we will get it in buckets,train +40756,40757,40757,Kecuen haw ta caay pilaliw ku fali nira,the wind will not disperse,train +40757,40758,40758,fangcal kamu a misasing,it is going to be a great picture,train +40758,40759,40759,cietan ku misangaay tu lunan i Taywan,the shipbuilding industry in Taiwan is very profitable,train +40759,40760,40760,fafahiyan fainayan,female and male,test +40760,40761,40761,hicera,a destination,train +40761,40762,40762,kiting han tu ku kulung a pakaen tu renges,I remember to lead the cows to graze,train +40762,40763,40763,kiraan,then,train +40763,40764,40764,itira tu nu kantangay hu a caciyaw misatapan,start with the simplest of conversations,train +40764,40765,40765,ni alaan i tira nanyang a niyaru malahitay hu ku wawa,I have brought back Bejo from this place in Namyang,train +40765,40766,40766,niparuan,dress,train +40766,40767,40767,haen han nu heni ku sapicadiway,they are laying the trammel nets horizontally,train +40767,40768,40768,cafung fuduy hay,it is a dress Yes it is,train +40768,40769,40769,milenem,diving,train +40769,40770,40770,miasikay tu kami tu pitilidan tu rumiamiad,we have to clean every day and everyone has to clean the classroom,test +40770,40771,40771,hay,there are,train +40771,40772,40772,ccay itu ku matumusay saan,How come only one basket was full,train +40772,40773,40773,Karaetut ci Tuyaw,Toyaw loves to fart,train +40773,40774,40774,lima a pulu,fifty,train +40774,40775,40775,sapaiyu kunian,it is herbs,train +40775,40776,40776,u maalay nu sukitang paru,because impure coal has to be dumped,train +40776,40777,40777,mahaen mitais ey mahaen ey,that is how it is knitted that is it,train +40777,40778,40778,ci caelay tu kapa kita,we have to put on our raincoats,train +40778,40779,40779,tu a sivuduy tu yu vangcalay,in a dress,train +40779,40780,40780,kidakidaan,Sakya garden,test +40780,40781,40781,awaay kaku iluma,I was away on a farm,train +40781,40782,40782,ta,as soon as,train +40782,40783,40783,alaen,apprehend,train +40783,40784,40784,misaehuehuh,I have been throwing up,train +40784,40785,40785,ta miktun haca tu suwal ci Pitiru Hakenu Caay ka fana kaku tuya tamdaw saan,he denied it again with an oath I do not know the man,train +40785,40786,40786,talakar ni Idek,rainbow,train +40786,40787,40787,tayatayal satu sangkeye pinukay tu,I have been called back for three months,train +40787,40788,40788,Patiwtiw kaku a pafeli tuya wawa,I gave that child more,train +40788,40789,40789,yu micudad tu kusyaw i,when I was in elementary school,train +40789,40790,40790,san ku nika falucu aku,my thoughts,test +40790,40791,40791,Ngaay hu wa mamiaca kaku tu hakhak atu imucay a lulu,Hello I would like to buy sticky rice and braised pork with macaw pepper,train +40791,40792,40792,Sausien,count it,train +40792,40793,40793,anu hacuwa,when,train +40793,40794,40794,kanatal,island,train +40794,40795,40795,Nanuya tayra ci Yis i Kapirnaum i Paslaan a Rumiad i micumud ci Yis tu kasaupuan a luma a pasifana,they went to Capernaum and when the Sabbath came Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach,train +40795,40796,40796,Pacuyuhen i nisangaan isu a sapikulisimas a kilang,to place angels on your Christmas tree,train +40796,40797,40797,naayaw u wawa kisu cacay a kaen pina a kaysing,how many bowls of rice did you eat when you were young,train +40797,40798,40798,kay mabanaʼtu ma sa misulul tu,I knew I would be fishing for small fry so I agreed to take a vacation,train +40798,40799,40799,saan awaay ku limela ku falucuʼan kitakitanan haw awih,I am really sorry,train +40799,40800,40800,awaay hu ku u umah awaay hu ku manmaan i tiya,there were no fields nothing,test +40800,40801,40801,o micelemay i riyar ku tayal ni kaka aku a miyusice,my brothers job was to dive into the ocean and weld,train +40801,40802,40802,anu malalukay kamu tu ngaayay a dmak i cima ku mamikariang tamuwanan,who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good,train +40802,40803,40803,sakaamuut,causes of musty odor,train +40803,40804,40804,pangkiw ku mihecaʼan kaku a dademak itira haw iri,six months later,train +40804,40805,40805,mimingay ku kafanaan mihatatanamay hu kaku,a little bit I am learning,train +40805,40806,40806,adingu sa ku cavay,only the shadows are with us,train +40806,40807,40807,u ruma malitengay i ila misanga tuiya kakuyudan,some old people are making fish fingers,train +40807,40808,40808,widi^,clocks and watches,train +40808,40809,40809,nanay hay ca kapawan nu mita,let us hope we do not forget,train +40809,40810,40810,ta nawnaw satu,and then we just keep drifting,test +40810,40811,40811,a mimamaan,if you want to do something else,train +40811,40812,40812,pina tu ku mihecaan isu,how old are you,train +40812,40813,40813,u mihecaan ni ina aku itiya i siwa pulu ira ku tusa mihecaan nira,mom was about years old,train +40813,40814,40814,maulah kaku a mitengil maemin,I like to listen to all of them,train +40814,40815,40815,picuker,be in favor of,train +40815,40816,40816,awaay ku adipel nu luma niyam,we do not have a fence at home,train +40816,40817,40817,nengneng han ku urip nu Yincumincu,the average life expectancy of the indigenous people is so low today,train +40817,40818,40818,sakalatayring,make being a police officer,train +40818,40819,40819,satungtungruh,floor,train +40819,40820,40820,hamanen kuni a singsi saan i,Teacher how do you write this,test +40820,40821,40821,ila ku futing afar kalang atu cekiw,there are fish shrimp crabs and shellfish,train +40821,40822,40822,katayra i Kiwit ta tayra kami minengneng suʼlingnay,let us go over there it is really my brother,train +40822,40823,40823,nimatangay,openers,train +40823,40824,40824,Laliupen ku laway isu yu,wash your face too,train +40824,40825,40825,maranam tu,have breakfast,train +40825,40826,40826,tira matayal ikur tini i i sanay haw,worked there then went to CSBC then CSC,train +40826,40827,40827,u caci alafu ku matuʼasay,elderly people carrying backpacks,train +40827,40828,40828,Mitatuy kuya pasuwalay i takuwanan a cuyuh tu tada^kim a safakciw tu sapifakciw tu niyaru atu adawang atu adipel,the angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city its gates and its walls,train +40828,40829,40829,tu limuʼut tu masamaamaanay nu kuhecalay tamdaw,learning about the white mans various wisdom ordinances,train +40829,40830,40830,ini,this one,test +40830,40831,40831,kura maalay a wawa pasuwal takuwan,he told me in all seriousness,train +40831,40832,40832,nu Recurd,Mr Wang if Mr Wang did not teach,train +40832,40833,40833,malingad cila a minawasing i nga ilaay minukay,it will be about three years before I return from the ocean,train +40833,40834,40834,misahatira a tahini kami,need to organize the fields here,train +40834,40835,40835,hay u mamikadafu,Yes he was supposed to be born into my family,train +40835,40836,40836,o ngaayay ku nika laluk namu tu ngaayay a dmak Nikawrira caay ka ngaay yu itira kaku i tamuwanan a ccay a malaluk kamu,it is fine to be zealous provided the purpose is good and to be so always and not just when I am with you,train +40836,40837,40837,malaramuday,Married,train +40837,40838,40838,mamaan hakiya masiday hakiya i lutuk,why are they missing in the mountains,train +40838,40839,40839,yasan ising atu kangkufu i,doctors and nurses,train +40839,40840,40840,misiwngacutu,before the lunar new year,test +40840,40841,40841,sisa u lalangatan nu misu ku nipaayaw tu niyaru,So you are doing it for the tribe,train +40841,40842,40842,lalangen ni Yis ku kaackan a adingu a sumuwal Katumrep kasadak nanitira tura tamdaw han ningra,Be quiet said Jesus sternly Come out of him,train +40842,40843,40843,o saayaway a sapaicel aku tisuwanan i pilunguc pitulun pipatadu a mitulun pikansiya i Kawas tu saki pulung nu tamdaw atu,I urge then first of all that requests prayers intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone,train +40843,40844,40844,Makapahay mangalefay kuya su^da kaurira i si^naway tu,it was beautiful especially the snow but the weather was cold,train +40844,40845,40845,yah mahaenay aca cira a,Oh it is already so small,train +40845,40846,40846,mapadang tu ri ala lima tu i,I have been helped and I have gotten five of them to reach my goal,train +40846,40847,40847,suwalan aku ci ina aku a naca ka taktaken mifalah,why cannot we just throw it away,train +40847,40848,40848,pacaangen,twig,train +40848,40849,40849,mahiya hu ma ma masa man hanay mangilay i hu hay han hai,I was young I do not know just growing up,train +40849,40850,40850,u kakahung mitapayan ku kakahung,as for the flying fish it is smoked,test +40850,40851,40851,simsim sa kaku hatini ku taraya niya pana,I thought about it that bow and arrow is so long,train +40851,40852,40852,fs patayki kiya luma tira makuku talaʼetip hanaw ira kiya hananay i kiya,chased by the police he fled to the West to the Sabah culture in Mizuho,train +40852,40853,40853,Nanuya ma^deng smuut ira ku tusa a pulu ku salikaka a masaupu Tumireng ci Pitiru a pasuwal i cangraan,in those days Peter stood up among the believers,train +40853,40854,40854,mahecad tamdaw,just like humans,train +40854,40855,40855,henuhenutan,swamp,train +40855,40856,40856,tayra kita i itini i sa ku mama aku,dad said let us go to Baxian cave like this,train +40856,40857,40857,pasuwal ci mira palingsiwen aku kisu tu tayar sa,he told me I will teach you how to do it,train +40857,40858,40858,kakahung,flying fish,train +40858,40859,40859,maenengay ira kura kakamay,I saw a hand go through the door,train +40859,40860,40860,a mavana haw kita,we do not know,test +40860,40861,40861,nga ira tu a minukay,I just came home,train +40861,40862,40862,padangen niyam,we will help,train +40862,40863,40863,mangiliway tu kisu,have you lost weight,train +40863,40864,40864,tamdaw,Population,train +40864,40865,40865,macakat tu kami tara i,we are up,train +40865,40866,40866,misuwal tu saeli tuni i kakarayan tu mitapalay kiya haw,praying for a heavenly answer to something,train +40866,40867,40867,pitaelifnira,he goes through,train +40867,40868,40868,i lumaay,master of the house,train +40868,40869,40869,anu cacaken iri rutruten hakiya ina ruterut han ku alesuʼay,it is got to be rubbed to make it taste good,train +40869,40870,40870,mahaen ku nika rufu ni Pitiru Nikawrira mararid ku salikaka nu kiwkay a misaicel a mitulun tu Kawas tu saki cingraan,so Peter was kept in prison but the church was earnestly praying to God for him,test +40870,40871,40871,patudungan tu itini edeng aca u na fafahian mamakeru na mipihay han nanay nu mita,we call this a female only ceremony that will be performed with the talent of dance,train +40871,40872,40872,o miraudaytu kamu ci Yisan u patirengay tu fa^luhay a katatlekan atu mafarsiay a rmes ikakaay nu rmes ni Apil kunini a rmes a mituru tu tadamaanay a dmak,to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel,train +40872,40873,40873,sakalima a mihecaan haw i,by the fifth year,train +40873,40874,40874,paru^,staff,train +40874,40875,40875,anu micikcik satu tu siraw tu sapisanga tu siraw i,if you want to cut when making savory meat,train +40875,40876,40876,kaput,age group,train +40876,40877,40877,O manan ku sakalahuk nu mita,What are we having for lunch,train +40877,40878,40878,urad,fall,train +40878,40879,40879,Otuʼas aku i tahira i ku mihecaan aku,before,train +40879,40880,40880,mawmahay tu kaku,I will start plowing,test +40880,40881,40881,mangalef,more,train +40881,40882,40882,Pakappaen ni mama ku tusiya nira,dad draped a rain tarp over his car,train +40882,40883,40883,maumah kami i luma ira,we will do the work at his house,train +40883,40884,40884,o sakapihaen nu Kawas i u pipatala tu finawlan nu Kawas a matayal tu saki Cingraan patireng tu kiwkay u tireng ni Kristu,to prepare Gods people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up,train +40884,40885,40885,Pacauf sa ci Yis O caay ku nipalumaan nu wama aku i kakarayan a lusay i u fafunuten a ma^min,he replied Every plant that my heavenly father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots,train +40885,40886,40886,laafaafas sa midateng ku fafahiyan tura papah nu sukuy,women scramble to collect young leaves of woodchuck,train +40886,40887,40887,ci kaka aku itiya,my brother was there,train +40887,40888,40888,o ruma itiniay i Filiping faˈinayan salikaka mihaenay ku suwal Malu nuˈadinguan a tamdaw pairaay tu rihaday nu falucuˈ aku padamaay takuwanan mala kangaˈay tu cuwa ka hecad ku kitiraan a salikaka,Also a brother living in the Philippines said Being a spiritual person gives me inner peace and helps me get along better with brothers from different backgrounds,train +40888,40889,40889,si^naway tu,very cold,train +40889,40890,40890,Pasifanaaw haca^ aku kisu a misanga tu matiniay a tusa^ a tilu^,then I will teach you how to set up these two traps,test +40890,40891,40891,a micepcep tu remes,sucking blood,train +40891,40892,40892,Masadakaytu ku cidal fa^det ku rumiad,the sun is coming out it is very hot,train +40892,40893,40893,Mavelin mataengang kita mataktak tu ku hicay,because of the fall the nets tipped over and all the small fry fell out,train +40893,40894,40894,sasamaan ku kapah tamdaw hueca ka makalisanga ku falucuˈ,how can young people stay focused on their goals and not get distracted,train +40894,40895,40895,Ckuk sa ci Pilatu a mitngil tu nika pataytu ni Yis Orasaka tahidang hantu ningra kuya kakridan nu sufitay Halafinaytu a mapatay ci Yis haw han ningra a milicay,Pilate was surprised to hear that he was already dead Summoning the centurion he asked him if Jesus had already died,train +40895,40896,40896,a kakaenen nu wawa,it is all the kids favorites,train +40896,40897,40897,Pacidal,seek the sun,train +40897,40898,40898,siwni,sister,train +40898,40899,40899,mikilim tu pitelucan aca,we need to find a place to end the work break,train +40899,40900,40900,tatiih ku kidu nuya tamdaw,that persons character is not up to standard,test +40900,40901,40901,tangasa ci nan haw i nu itiya,when pan Fumin becomes mayor we will have been in office for four years,train +40901,40902,40902,Saka anu ira ku limaw namu katayra tu mikiaraw,So if you have time you can go and visit them,train +40902,40903,40903,tini i aʼul kawli i u daheci numita u niyaru u ci Lingcay,the arrow shoots of our Lingya tribe are here on the east side,train +40903,40904,40904,Piwma,puma one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +40904,40905,40905,nu diyung tangtangan sakuhaw u,cooking together,train +40905,40906,40906,u ran adeci haw,arrow bamboo shoots,train +40906,40907,40907,saka u suwal nu matuʼasay,that is why the elder said,train +40907,40908,40908,alu,stream,train +40908,40909,40909,o widang aku ci Mayaw,Mayaw is my friend,train +40909,40910,40910,u nian tu u maan kuni ina,change this,test +40910,40911,40911,pasangal,expensive,train +40911,40912,40912,u niket ni niyaru ira ku kasaselal mikuwan ku kaka a selal tu sava a selal u sava a selal malecapu a midemak tu demak nu niyaru,social system there is a complete age hierarchy where the upper class supervises the lower class and the lower class obeys the upper class working together to promote tribal things,train +40912,40913,40913,kanca^,need to,train +40913,40914,40914,haratengaw namu,you have to think,train +40914,40915,40915,Mihinam ci panay tu pinangan nu malukadafu nira,Panay went to inquire about the character of her future son in law,train +40915,40916,40916,mawmah tu laku haw mawmah tu lutuk,is it plowing in the mountains or farming,train +40916,40917,40917,hay ya falu nira kiyami,there is ah that bamboo flower,train +40917,40918,40918,o nicawuran a hakhak ku sakalahuk niyam anini,we had fried sticky rice for lunch today,train +40918,40919,40919,nga atepen tuya aul,two reeds sandwich the old thatch in the center,train +40919,40920,40920,vavuy,pig,test +40920,40921,40921,cuwa ka ngata pakautupay sanay tayra i ciyn ciya a patiyamay kaku,No it is not so I always ride the motorcycle to the Family Mart,train +40921,40922,40922,malecaday ini iraʼay ku katul ira ku heci i,like this one there is skinned meat and lean pork,train +40922,40923,40923,matakup matakup,got it,train +40923,40924,40924,pananumen kami,give us water to drink,train +40924,40925,40925,tuni a ngangan nu maku,I am a caring daughter who understands what she is thinking,train +40925,40926,40926,mipacek tu tangulan itiya,nail the coffin at the same time,train +40926,40927,40927,malikaka,siblings,train +40927,40928,40928,akung,Maternal grandfather,train +40928,40929,40929,mipakerang,completion Festival,train +40929,40930,40930,a sapiʼaca tu simal sahetu u mificingan kiya felac,if you want to buy oil take the rice and weigh it,test +40930,40931,40931,Pacarcarhu kaku a mafuti,I am going to sleep a few minutes,train +40931,40932,40932,Ali pafelifeli,a lot of people come to appreciate,train +40932,40933,40933,lalimaay ku paru nu luma nangra,there are five people in their family,train +40933,40934,40934,mihudhud,baking,train +40934,40935,40935,o papahapinangen ningra ku nika tadamaan Aku nawhani Cingratu ku sasumuwal tu sasuwalen aku i tamuwanan,he will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you,train +40935,40936,40936,o mamimamian ku lutuk anini,the mountains are now orange groves,train +40936,40937,40937,masai,that is it,train +40937,40938,40938,anu pahanhan hanhan aca mitilid kami tu laluudan,although we stop going to school in the summer,train +40938,40939,40939,u saraayay,farthest,train +40939,40940,40940,alecam,reed pipe dried arrow bamboo,test +40940,40941,40941,ku wawa aku ira tu ku suna aku matini,and now we have grandchildren,train +40941,40942,40942,awaay misaumahay,there is no one to plow it,train +40942,40943,40943,ku patelian tu niyan,placement can make the descendant,train +40943,40944,40944,saseliselic,Slippery smooth,train +40944,40945,40945,nikalemangaw,Xiaomi Shunli,train +40945,40946,40946,caay ka pawan kaku tu suwal nu matuʼasy,I will not forget the old mans teachings,train +40946,40947,40947,matengil,hear that,train +40947,40948,40948,Tuna caay pinukay kaku tu pinapina a mihcaan saka minukay kaku a tayra i Yirusalim tu sapafliaw tu sapalada i finacadan aku atu sapatuayaaw aku i Kawas,After an absence of several years I came to Jerusalem to bring my people gifts for the poor and to present offerings,train +40948,40949,40949,cicihen,tear off,train +40949,40950,40950,Mamipasa^sa tu kita Naunen ku rakat anu taluma,it is the end of the class be careful on your way home,test +40950,40951,40951,Tucila awaaytu ku kamaruˈan i pitaykayan,the next day the venue was full,train +40951,40952,40952,tada maulahay kaku malacafay tu wama atu kaka ci Cili tanu hatiniay a pakayraan a mitusil,I enjoyed doing this kind of evangelism with my dad and brother Jerry,train +40952,40953,40953,Iayaw i u nirayrayan i parud nu luma ku nikalatumuk anini satu i cai tu kalecad tu nu i ayaway turuen a mipangangan ku nu anini ay herek i mi tupa tu tu paya,in the past tribal leaders were inherited from their families but nowadays the formation of tribal leaders is different from that of the past,train +40953,40954,40954,Valah,throw away,train +40954,40955,40955,mahaen ku nu adihay ku tali hananay,there are many types of taro,train +40955,40956,40956,micerem,it is coming down,train +40956,40957,40957,sisa i niyan u havay haw,so millet food,train +40957,40958,40958,miawasay,transversal,train +40958,40959,40959,awaay ku pinang,maybe,train +40959,40960,40960,hacuken,drawing water from the source,test +40960,40961,40961,micakay kaku tu kuppu^ ira itini haw,I want to buy a cup do you sell them,train +40961,40962,40962,Matumay ku kakawaw nu kapah a kumaen tu epah,drunkenness of youth,train +40962,40963,40963,rupisak,decentralized,train +40963,40964,40964,futek,close your eyes,train +40964,40965,40965,o hana kinian matuʼas tu cihana tu mahaenay,when the flowers are full of flowers and the leaves are old,train +40965,40966,40966,Fuhecalay ku cengel nu cahid i kakarayan,the clouds in the sky are white,train +40966,40967,40967,ora kasasipakukut namu ku kacipinangan tu nika tfad namu Nawiru hadidi caay ka saan kamu tu nipisatatiih nu tau i tamuwanan saw Nawiru kinasipun caay ka saan kamu saw,the very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already why not rather be wronged why not rather be cheated,train +40967,40968,40968,wata ku raay nu rarakaten ita a talalutuk,we still have a long way to go to get to the mountains,train +40968,40969,40969,hai sa ci ngaʼaytu sa kura,the director of nursing then readily agreed to my request,train +40969,40970,40970,faliwen tu isu kila ku fatiʼian nura lukut,we will clean up around Yamazoo,test +40970,40971,40971,kakenakenay sa makakenikenis kira lutuk ini i kawali,Clansmens average distribution of districts,train +40971,40972,40972,tanu ulah saan kira limecedan a mihulul,the young girls they were so excited,train +40972,40973,40973,u nipizunvi tu kawlah ira ku savun ira ku velac,the prizes are soap and rice,train +40973,40974,40974,Masuesuay tu kisu haw,have you gained weight,train +40974,40975,40975,iayaw yu a kakatalawan hu,it used to be when we were enemies of the neighboring tribes,train +40975,40976,40976,nginguy han nira ku cufer,he was sweating,train +40976,40977,40977,Hai piimer tu ku ngaayay,Yes health care is of utmost importance,train +40977,40978,40978,anu iya i ila ku singsing,usually there is a little bell,train +40978,40979,40979,satuku,stop,train +40979,40980,40980,mafanaʼay tu,I know,test +40980,40981,40981,uninian kiya haw,what about this one,train +40981,40982,40982,tala,leave for,train +40982,40983,40983,manan tu ku sasuwalen aku hani,what more can I say about discouragement,train +40983,40984,40984,ira ku piherek nu cikawasay tu nika patudung tu pakerid tu heniʼan,the priest will perform the final rituals according to the rules of the rituals to conclude the rituals,train +40984,40985,40985,nanayan kira,at that time,train +40985,40986,40986,o tanukadangaway sanay ku paniyaruan ita,the site where our tribe was built is a mufti mosquito place,train +40986,40987,40987,caay piʼapul,without lime,train +40987,40988,40988,Pinaaytu ku mihecaan isu anini,how old are you,train +40988,40989,40989,i luma damay,get some rest,train +40989,40990,40990,Nanuya cipuyapuytu ci Ilisapic u fafahi ningra caay ka sadak cingra tu luma tu lima a fulad suwal sa ci Ilisapic,after this his wife Elizabeth became pregnant and for five months remained in seclusion,test +40990,40991,40991,awaay ku kafanaʼan,I do not know,train +40991,40992,40992,u kining tu nu misu hay kining,then you can take this as a souvenir Yes it is as a souvenir,train +40992,40993,40993,i lalumaay nira u uway,the inside is made of rattan,train +40993,40994,40994,i kangudu^ tu Tangafulan au Tangafulan kami sanay tu urip nu niyah i ayaw nu 9 a fulad saka 30 a rumiad i maainiini kami tu pakayniay i rikec ta maanen a pafeli ku Tangafulan a finacadan tu malunangraan a tatudung,at the same time under the principle of respecting the Pingpu ethnic groups self identity and recognizing their identity we will examine relevant laws before September of this year so that Pingpu ethnic group identity will receive the rights and status it deserves,train +40994,40995,40995,mamaan hakiya,I do not know what to do,train +40995,40996,40996,ta na itira kaku i away ku pinang tu fana ku,I do not even know what is basic in my practice,train +40996,40997,40997,sinawar sa ku funguh aku,I feel dizzy,train +40997,40998,40998,patarang tu kikay nga kaliki ma,use the machines temperature to bring him back to life as soon as possible,train +40998,40999,40999,iraku tumuk namu mamanna licayen ku tumuk tu masamamanay nunamu u niyaru han naku,why do not you listen to what the chief has to say about running your tribe when you have a chief,train +40999,41000,41000,mamaan aca kisu hani,I am fine how are you,test +41000,41001,41001,kaemang,younger children,train +41001,41002,41002,nanay palimuʼuten nu faki faki nu widawidang,I hope that my elders uncles aunts and friends,train +41002,41003,41003,yra kita a rumakat,let us walk that way,train +41003,41004,41004,u cima ku mamikawmah,who is taking care of the fields in our hometown now,train +41004,41005,41005,adepet,miserly,train +41005,41006,41006,ura mitatuyan nira a uhung ku neneng han aku,I went by the book they brought me,train +41006,41007,41007,Paicelen cingra tu sakacaaw ka tulu nira,exhort encourage him so that he will not fail,train +41007,41008,41008,u manan ku kakaenen nu misu a sakalafi,what would you like for dinner,train +41008,41009,41009,Sapiacaaw kami tu citing atu nu kimad a tilid,we all want dictionaries and storybooks,train +41009,41010,41010,itiya hu u tudungay tu u pitilidan atu pinanaman tu sifana ku taluan nu niyaru kalumanmaan misanga tu sapiadup a lalusidan mikawit tu safang miwikwik tu fakar tapila,in ancient times the tribal meeting place could be described as a school or place for the Amis to learn the art of making hunting equipment and weaving nets,test +41010,41011,41011,i raay tu kuya miʼanipay tu kira,there is already rice growing,train +41011,41012,41012,nu singsi kura kahengangay a tilid,the red book belongs to the teacher,train +41012,41013,41013,naira hen naʼayaw kiya hiya tusa,the previous two are still there,train +41013,41014,41014,madiku ku wacu i paayaman,the dog is curled up in a crouch in the henhouse,train +41014,41015,41015,ci namuh Kulas han ku ngangan nu maku muetepay tu ku mihecaan i matini^,my name is Namoh Kolas and I am years old,train +41015,41016,41016,kaku tuya tatayni kaku i Taypey,I did not come to Taipei until I was seventeen,train +41016,41017,41017,caay ku mangahay nu matuʼasay kunian,when it comes to praying old people do not just do it,train +41017,41018,41018,Saka awaay ku kacanguutan namu tu maan aca a rucek deng u nipitala aca namu a ccay tu sakatalahkalaw nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu,therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed,train +41018,41019,41019,nicicihan,torn,train +41019,41020,41020,Paaliwacen a tayni i Olalip a mipecu tu wiruk,set aside some time for a short visit to the Yalali tribe to collect mundane,test +41020,41021,41021,nu wawa nu mita,for children,train +41021,41022,41022,o iraaytu i hkal cingra u Suwal pakaynien nu Kawas i cingraan ku nipisanga tu hkal Nikawrira caay ka fana ku tamdamdaw i cingraan,he was in the world and though the world was made through him the world did not recognize him,train +41022,41023,41023,talienang,reclining,train +41023,41024,41024,halikien tu aku a minengneng,I want to see them right away,train +41024,41025,41025,Hungya,the Hunya,train +41025,41026,41026,mikalic tu kima na itiniay i Cinpu,we will take the golden horse from Jungpo,train +41026,41027,41027,Ngaay hu ci Kacaw kaku ira i luma ci Sunay,Hi this is Kacaw is Sonay home,train +41027,41028,41028,Nikawrira anu u mamisawkit kaku i mu^celay ku pisawkit Aku nawhani caay ka ccay Kaku tatusa kami atu miucuray i takuwanan a wama a misawkit,but if I do judge my decisions are right because I am not alone I stand with the Father who sent me,train +41028,41029,41029,u wawa nu niyam makadufah alatek ku urip,it is the food the kids need maybe life will be better,train +41029,41030,41030,pahanhanen hu,let us interrupt,test +41030,41031,41031,mikisasaemel,take advantage of the coolness of the weather,train +41031,41032,41032,anini a mihecaan wa faedet i laluudan haw,will it be very hot in summer this year,train +41032,41033,41033,nanu nipaflian nu Kawas i takuwanana siniʼada ku sapalimuʼut aku i kahccaccay namu,and I say unto you individually by the grace that is given unto me,train +41033,41034,41034,tayni i lutuk i pala a mi pitau tu pala paluma tunini u kudasing,came to the field in the mountain to till the field to grow peanuts,train +41034,41035,41035,hatini sa kawidang aku,he is not my friend,train +41035,41036,41036,Ngaayhu mapulung anini a rumiad u pakayniay inu kaka^nen ku sapaka fana nu singsi,hello everyone today I am going to teach you how to speak Ami for food,train +41036,41037,41037,haw tayra satu i luma,when we get home,train +41037,41038,41038,ngalungu san makayraw mitaʼelif,whispering and passing by,train +41038,41039,41039,sa kura cidal i celem sa i,the sun thinks it can but it is sinking and disappearing,train +41039,41040,41040,o ulal nu maku caira a maemin,they are all my classmates,test +41040,41041,41041,Lumaʼlumaʼ tu hiwa,it is all houses now,train +41041,41042,41042,o niengidan kira fesul nu kilang,the hole in the tree was corroded from the inside,train +41042,41043,41043,hay hatini caay katataak yu,Yes tap just does not grow much,train +41043,41044,41044,enu,I do not know,train +41044,41045,41045,malakakeridan ku kaka nu maku i kalahitayan,our brother was a leader in the army,train +41045,41046,41046,hatiraay kami a malikaka,our brothers and sisters are like this,train +41046,41047,41047,ka hay tu kami tu kafutiʼan kamaruʼan ri,I cannot find a place to sleep,train +41047,41048,41048,suwalen,tell me about it,train +41048,41049,41049,isaka sepat,on the fourth floor,train +41049,41050,41050,ciedu,there are rats,test +41050,41051,41051,saka kaku san i tahidang ni taypiw kaku tayra,the representative invited me,train +41051,41052,41052,a tayal i tiya hu,previous jobs,train +41052,41053,41053,caay ka samaamaan ku dateng nu itiyaay hu,early days no variety of vegetables to cook,train +41053,41054,41054,nanuyanan,from then on,train +41054,41055,41055,cila,yesterday,train +41055,41056,41056,miasip kita tu sakacecay a liyad,let us read out the first lesson,train +41056,41057,41057,iraay ku valucu a,always,train +41057,41058,41058,ngaʼay tu tahaanini tu awa sa tu kura adada ira,he got better and the pain stopped coming back until now,train +41058,41059,41059,ca,no,train +41059,41060,41060,naayaw awaay ku ising maan han namu masuvuc,how could you have a baby without a doctor,test +41060,41061,41061,nawhani mafana kamu u nanu limuut nu Tapang ci Yis i tamiyanan ku sapalimuut niyam i tamuwanan,for you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus,train +41061,41062,41062,matfad ku matefad i ltuk anu miuway,he went to the mountains to collect rattan but fell into the valley,train +41062,41063,41063,tiftif,Jews harp,train +41063,41064,41064,papina ku cafay isu a tayra,how many companions are you traveling with,train +41064,41065,41065,ukumu,it is rubber,train +41065,41066,41066,u matalaway kaku tu uner sisa caay pimelaw kaku tu uner,I am afraid of snakes so I do not look at snakes,train +41066,41067,41067,herek saan kiniyan,funeral etiquette,train +41067,41068,41068,nguset,nasal mucus,train +41068,41069,41069,mahaen ku nu tali pisiyukay aku,I would like to introduce you to Taro,train +41069,41070,41070,ira tuku uray nangra sasaka maharek misataluʼan,they have got quilts too after the hut is set up,test +41070,41071,41071,u nu Kaliyawan na Kaliyaw kiyami hay,the incident in Kavalan yes,train +41071,41072,41072,malatayring akung niyam,our Grandpa is a cop,train +41072,41073,41073,hatiniay ra ini cangaw ra ini,these bead strings,train +41073,41074,41074,u u aku,my expectations,train +41074,41075,41075,mifanaw,purge,train +41075,41076,41076,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Wawaaw O nanu pasulin isu i Kawas ku sakaadah isu Sangaayen ku rakat isu a minukay O maadahaytu kisu han ningra,he said to her Daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering,train +41076,41077,41077,Nikawrira mangalef a mangalef ku nika tnak nu suwal nu Kawas,but the word of God continued to increase and spread,train +41077,41078,41078,o nipecuan niyam kira icep,we picked that betel nut,train +41078,41079,41079,hanen han ngaʼayay ku kapah,young people can be taught what to do,train +41079,41080,41080,a mapahanhannay tu i harakat a matiku tu ku iʼcel hadek nulahuk tusa tulu ku tuki i misatapang tu a masakeru,General rest time physical strength is also quickly recovered am start dancing,test +41080,41081,41081,ta samaʼen unu cecay kunumitai,what to do if it is not your own language,train +41081,41082,41082,mikikung kaku itiya,I am married,train +41082,41083,41083,tura hecek nu luma,that is where the house piles are,train +41083,41084,41084,Iraay pina ku aacaen nu misu,Yes how many bottles do you need,train +41084,41085,41085,tangasa tuʼas irahu ku luma niyam i kaysya,I grew up in a sugar factory,train +41085,41086,41086,ciasiluay,lemon,train +41086,41087,41087,nawhan awa minukay matayal kaku i hiya maraluk kisu tangasa i Fakung sa pahiwa mahaenay,I rarely worked at home but I was rewarded for my diligence in coming back to Harbin,train +41087,41088,41088,pafelien ni ina kaku tu lima pulu a rimuud tu paylipayan,mom gives me a week,train +41088,41089,41089,mafanaʼay tu tu talaw,I am afraid,train +41089,41090,41090,nengneng itu cingra i salawacan,n a away an,test +41090,41091,41091,sihawan matalaw,I must wear a sword,train +41091,41092,41092,itiniay ku dateng aku,my vegetables are planted here,train +41092,41093,41093,Maraudtu ku rumiad i matini u sulinay a mitaung tu wama i ka u nanu icel nu Adingu nu Kawas ku sapacakat i cingraan a sulin ku pitaung o matiniay ku milungucan nu Wama,yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the father in Spirit and truth for they are the kind of worshipers the father seeks,train +41093,41094,41094,pakafana hu kaku u maan kurira pitapi sanay a,what I am trying to tell you is that I am courting you,train +41094,41095,41095,matuasay tu kisu pahanhanitu,you are getting old you should rest,train +41095,41096,41096,papikawcungen,let him go to high school,train +41096,41097,41097,mihuyahuy han nu heni,they are called the sprout Guild,train +41097,41098,41098,Wataay tu ku falucu nu maku,concentricity,train +41098,41099,41099,palakaw,Littering,train +41099,41100,41100,fitautaul,it is all eggs,test +41100,41101,41101,minukay,return to ones hometown,train +41101,41102,41102,a macuwaay tamdaw ira hu,there are all kinds of people,train +41102,41103,41103,masaucaucayay itiya hu nawhani u kasasiʼada itiya hu i cuwa ku kalipalaan hu a cecay,in the past the ancestors were constantly invaded and rose up to fight back not just for land,train +41103,41104,41104,ni Madadingu a mihcaan,flawless and beautiful the day the girl went to the sea,train +41104,41105,41105,itiya malingatu miliyas i Miyamay ku Cikasuʼan tayni i timul,from that time on the people of the Chilgokawa tribe left the Tachang area and moved south,train +41105,41106,41106,kakuy,hold up,train +41106,41107,41107,aka tu cuwa ka adihay ku kafanaan aku,do not I do not know much about it,train +41107,41108,41108,o maan ku niculuan nu misu,what are you moving,train +41108,41109,41109,aenem ku tau,there are six of them,train +41109,41110,41110,u lipahakay a tamdaw cira,he is an optimistic person,test +41110,41111,41111,sansandev,in the evening,train +41111,41112,41112,Kaulaha nu kayuing kiya,there is going to be a lot of admiring girls,train +41112,41113,41113,wey san,hey,train +41113,41114,41114,nika nengneng han i mahatini ku niyaru mamaanay ku niyaru nu niyam nu mita saan ku falucu haw,I was looking at everyone and thinking what is wrong with the tribesmen,train +41114,41115,41115,niyaru ita u Ku Ka ita i Taywan,the tribe is our country our Taiwan,train +41115,41116,41116,Hai kirami u ayaw aca nu lahuk a mafawah,Yes but it is only open until noon,train +41116,41117,41117,anu u pacek nga i halafinay ku liyun ira,it will only spin for a long time if its legs are made of iron nails,train +41117,41118,41118,o tukituk nu kapah a misalafii a mikasuy,the young people cut wood all night long,train +41118,41119,41119,anu tahira kita a mitepa a miuway caay i mieli tiyan i anu caay ka tatudung wa masasuʼada,if the border is crossed and great disruption occurs as a result,train +41119,41120,41120,pilien,selection,test +41120,41121,41121,isiyama musume,Ishiyama girl,train +41121,41122,41122,Hay singsi,Yes sir,train +41122,41123,41123,nawhani liyangen nu tireng ku kangalayan nu Fangcalay Adingu liyangen nu Fangcalay Adingu ku kangalayan nu tireng Masasiada kunini a tusaay Orasaka caay pakalahci kamu tu kangalayan namu,for the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature they are in conflict with each other so that you do not do what you want,train +41123,41124,41124,pasuwal sa ci Yis tu ccay a tinaku i cangraan Nengnengen ku sukun a kilang atu kalukilang a ma^min,he told them this parable Look at the fig tree and all the trees,train +41124,41125,41125,hai samanay misalu,Yes how did Miyama come to be,train +41125,41126,41126,mipatukuay,deploy something Stop,train +41126,41127,41127,Ciladem ku fukes nira,her hair is shiny,train +41127,41128,41128,patiku hu cingra i muraraw tu ku rakat ningra,I got lost on the way back,train +41128,41129,41129,mikunga micakay kaku tu kakaʼenen,I am going to buy some groundnuts,train +41129,41130,41130,tier,depend,test +41130,41131,41131,Repeten tu kura hecek saan haen takecen kura hecek han nuya mama kaku takec han aku kuyah ecek,dad said to hug the pillar so I hugged it tightly,train +41131,41132,41132,ku engelay kemkemen caku ciʼicel ku wadis mansa hay ya,Easier to chew because your teeth will not budge Yeah,train +41132,41133,41133,ura pisakuli ira i,this job,train +41133,41134,41134,mimelaw kita tu hiya nu kilang,we need to see the samples,train +41134,41135,41135,nawhani anu i cuwa ku dafung namu i itira ku falucu namu,for where your treasure is there your heart will be also,train +41135,41136,41136,tayra a mi raud nengnenghan nira u nasi kuya mipitpitan patiku,he went and approached seeing the plucked pears he put them back,train +41136,41137,41137,mapatalahkal ku masimeday i falucu ningra a dmak Saka hinukup sa cingra a mitaung tu Kawas Sulinay ira ku Kawas a mikaput i tamuwanan u sasaan cingra,and the secrets of his heart will be laid bare so he will fall down and worship God exclaiming God is really among you,train +41137,41138,41138,daken ku ayam,let the chickens out,train +41138,41139,41139,suʼelinay,Exactly,train +41139,41140,41140,rakat satu tu a tumimul,I have been walking south like this,test +41140,41141,41141,sumuutay,one hundred dollars,train +41141,41142,41142,hai hai,Really really really,train +41142,41143,41143,maka,have altogether,train +41143,41144,41144,i ay a mihcaan hakiya kaay i way a mihcaan kiya,seventy something years almost I think,train +41144,41145,41145,Hayi cedengen ku rakat,Okay please take care,train +41145,41146,41146,o rinum ku sapicekiw ni ina i kapal nu maku,Moms tool for picking and digging thorns out of my palms is a needle,train +41146,41147,41147,nanay kita u itiniay i niyaru haw i,may the people who live in our homeland,train +41147,41148,41148,nananumen,drinks,train +41148,41149,41149,Saka palimuut ci Yis i tamiyanan a papipatnak i tamdamdaw a papipawacay tu nika u nipatirengan nu Kawas ci Yis tu mamalumamisawkit tu mauripay atu mapatayay a tamdaw,he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead,train +41149,41150,41150,Matuhatuh ku pitaw,the hoe handle is loose,test +41150,41151,41151,Anglisen kaku tina kalafian ita i lawac nu riyar,the place where we had dinner on the beach smelled like fish,train +41151,41152,41152,anu hacuwa kaku a patikul tu payci i tisuwanan,when do I have to pay you back,train +41152,41153,41153,namal i sakacuwaay kura i riyal tu,these fires it is on the waterfront,train +41153,41154,41154,malawuday tu ku pisalamaan isu sa,it is time for you to go to the mans house and offer your services,train +41154,41155,41155,namicevar tu saung iri midakaw aca caay haw,when you open the umbrella do not you have to get on the bike again,train +41155,41156,41156,caay picakay ciira nawhani awaay ku pida,he did not buy it because he did not have the money,train +41156,41157,41157,maengiway,upper,train +41157,41158,41158,pinaay tu ku widi^ imatini,what time is it,train +41158,41159,41159,kyu nu fyentung wa nandeyska Naceku san kakuwan,what did Nakiko bring today,train +41159,41160,41160,mawmah,tillage,test +41160,41161,41161,Kanguduen ku tamdaw a ma^min Kaulahen ku salikaka Taungen ku Kawas Kanguduen ku hungti,show proper respect to everyone love the brotherhood of believers fear God honor the king,train +41161,41162,41162,karumakat,walking,train +41162,41163,41163,cayka fukil kaku ku tayal,there is nothing I will not do,train +41163,41164,41164,mana ciʼiceʼicel mana fafauan kunini saku Paliwan sa,is it because you ate that worm the Paiwan thought so,train +41164,41165,41165,Paiyuyen ku wama malahuk,invite dad to come to lunch with us,train +41165,41166,41166,rurung han nira sa nu uway ku dungec nu uway a minukay,they take the heart of the vine home in bundles,train +41166,41167,41167,ci Asing ku ngangan nu mama^ nu maku,my dads name is Asing,train +41167,41168,41168,tu rumiamiad i malaccay ku falucu nangra a masaupu i Fangcalay Pitaungan mapulung cangra a kumaen i luma nangra Sulin ku falucu nangra a lipahak a kumaen,every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts they broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,train +41168,41169,41169,kisu mihiya minanam mavakac haw hay mavakac waw,Running Wow,train +41169,41170,41170,Hay u sasisit ku ruma^,Well I still have to buy erasers,test +41170,41171,41171,Wa ngaay nanumen kuna uciya namu,your tea is delicious,train +41171,41172,41172,nu tumuk satu cira,knock on this stone,train +41172,41173,41173,u manan sanay tura kakieming a fau,not a care in the world for small animals,train +41173,41174,41174,Paangsiten nu safa aku ku kaput nira,my brother went to make his classmates smell like bedbugs,train +41174,41175,41175,ka u kaput namu sa ci hiya,is not that one of your classmates,train +41175,41176,41176,a suwal haw caay,and he will not say it,train +41176,41177,41177,mamavelih,clumsy,train +41177,41178,41178,aka ka sasisamangah kamu nawhani mahlungtu namu a mifalah ku katlangay a falucu atu dmak nunini,do not lie to each other since you have taken off your old self with its practices,train +41178,41179,41179,nika harateng han na i ayaway mikeriday,however the previous leader wanted to,train +41179,41180,41180,Talaen aca i kacanglahan tada halafin,that would have to wait until spring it is too late is not it,test +41180,41181,41181,matiniay ku urip nu Pangcah,is this the culture of Amis life,train +41181,41182,41182,herek nu lahuk masakahengangay tu ku kakarayan,in the afternoon the sky turned red,train +41182,41183,41183,Nanuya,from then on,train +41183,41184,41184,tamdaw i maulah ciiraan u ruma i mausi ciiraan,some people like her some people hate her,train +41184,41185,41185,ta itira tu ku aru nu niyam,we will stay there,train +41185,41186,41186,Fangcalay a luma kuranan,this kind of house is the best,train +41186,41187,41187,cukis hay,Rafters,train +41187,41188,41188,maanen nu misu mitangtang haw,how do you cook it,train +41188,41189,41189,mateker,trapped,train +41189,41190,41190,o fa^luhay a kikay kuya i cangraananay,what they have there is a new machine,test +41190,41191,41191,kiya makaliyal saw a masadak,why did it come out of the sea,train +41191,41192,41192,Pasifana cingra i kasaupuupuan a luma makahmek nu tamdamdaw cingra,he taught in their synagogues and everyone praised him,train +41192,41193,41193,maifuwas,diffused,train +41193,41194,41194,maulah kaku a kumaen tu fitawngi,I love fungus,train +41194,41195,41195,tiya yasan u suwal ni ina aku i,my mother told me before she died,train +41195,41196,41196,macahiw tu ku finawlan,the tribesmen are starving,train +41196,41197,41197,maulah ku uner a masavak tu lavii,snakes like to appear at night,train +41197,41198,41198,paafelan,place for charcoal,train +41198,41199,41199,o nu nima a tanengnengan kuni,whose textbook is it,train +41199,41200,41200,pasevana en kami u wawa,can you teach our kids,test +41200,41201,41201,Mailul,long to see again,train +41201,41202,41202,nikaurira,still,train +41202,41203,41203,pipatuayaan,dedication day,train +41203,41204,41204,mirept tu kuwang itiya,people who would have used it at the time,train +41204,41205,41205,Saupu han nu nisawawaan ku kinapcih nangra a ^pang atu usaw a futing i matumes ku tusa ku safaw a fakar,and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish,train +41205,41206,41206,maulah ku Ripun a tamdaw a mitaung,Japanese people like to bow a lot,train +41206,41207,41207,taelif,over,train +41207,41208,41208,ci wama isu kura haw pina tu ku mihecaan ningra,is that your father how old is he,train +41208,41209,41209,maʼicang mangaʼayay tu,when it dries it is ready,train +41209,41210,41210,miritus tu sakalahitay,we will start the lottery for military service,test +41210,41211,41211,cisapikpikay,winged,train +41211,41212,41212,yu tumireng kaku i kaayaw nangra i deng ccay aca ku namiclian aku a suwal O pakayniay i nika lumuwad nu tamdaw a maurip nai patay ku sakaliclic aku anini i kaayaw namu han aku cangra han ni Pawlu,unless it was this one thing I shouted as I stood in their presence It is concerning the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you today,train +41212,41213,41213,naw satu,just tell me how it happened,train +41213,41214,41214,yu tayni tuku kungtung,when the Cantonese come,train +41214,41215,41215,liyawen tu isu mimulu kira maʼala tu tusa tatukian hani,re rub for about two hours,train +41215,41216,41216,Pasiikur saan ci Yis a minengneng i cingraan suwal sa Wawaaw Sangaayen ku falucu isu Nanu pasulin isu tu Kawas ku sakaadah isu han ningra itiya a maadahtu kuya fafahiyan,Jesus turned and saw her Take heart daughter he said your faith has healed you and the woman was healed from that moment,train +41216,41217,41217,O cacilafu kamu u Farisay a tamdaw maulah kamu a maru i micidekay a kamaruan nu kasaupuan a luma maulah kamu a taungen nu tau i kalaliacaan,Woe to you Pharisees because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces,train +41217,41218,41218,micakay kaku tu simal tusa^ kufuc,I want to buy two bottles of oil,train +41218,41219,41219,tiya caay kaala kaku,I did not get in,train +41219,41220,41220,nika sapikiliman kiya wawa takula sa nira i kalic sa tu ccay fukeluh,but the child wanted to look for the frog climbed up a rock,test +41220,41221,41221,matuʼasay tu cahung nangra,the way they build houses for the elderly,train +41221,41222,41222,nengnenghan tu nura wacu miawaw a mikalic kalichan nuya wacu,the dog looked at barked and climb,train +41222,41223,41223,itiya tangasay itiya ti,until I,train +41223,41224,41224,o malakampiwtaay ku fana nu anininay wawawawa,Nowadays children knowledge is like computers,train +41224,41225,41225,waay ayu man satu na ina,No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No,train +41225,41226,41226,itini taˈangayay kaemingay a demak nu kaˈurip u suˈlinay Krisciyang wa ka sasisuˈlin ku suwal,true Christians will speak the truth to one another in all matters of life,train +41226,41227,41227,i dapdap han isu,if on flat ground,train +41227,41228,41228,ta masaniyaru itini i hiya,this place is slowly forming a tribe,train +41228,41229,41229,mamang hu kira mamanafuy ri,I was just a kid I was crawling,train +41229,41230,41230,u tamdaw ku mikarutay haen haen mihuwad,it is all lifted by hand,test +41230,41231,41231,kedec,tighten,train +41231,41232,41232,haenen,that is it,train +41232,41233,41233,iniyan u verus kiniyan,this is salt wood,train +41233,41234,41234,ticiya,low pressure,train +41234,41235,41235,o nini kuya saiduc nira tuya tumay,this is the same spear he used to tag the bear,train +41235,41236,41236,Caay ci Kulas ku ngangan ningra,No his name is Kolas,train +41236,41237,41237,Cuwa mararaway ku pinengneng isu,No you are mistaken,train +41237,41238,41238,nengneng,see,train +41238,41239,41239,hakenu mafukil kami,we do not know,train +41239,41240,41240,talapielal kaku,I am awake,test +41240,41241,41241,fahka ku falucu aku tu nika s a pasifana nuya patenakay tu suwal nu Kawas,I was amazed by the preacher,train +41241,41242,41242,i kawaliay nu luma niyam a tefun,the well on the east side of my house,train +41242,41243,41243,lasiwala kaku,I am scatter brained i I forget or lose things easily,train +41243,41244,41244,saka rihaday,it is to be safe,train +41244,41245,41245,ci Singkuy hananay itini a iluhan haw,Tsz Wan Shan is a crematorium,train +41245,41246,41246,nihiya ni Kacaw Yangcence,that Kajo Yang Jianzhi,train +41246,41247,41247,nikawrira u malatumukay itiya hu i,people who used to be in charge,train +41247,41248,41248,Mifitakula ku wawa i palapalaan tu dadaya,children catch frogs in the field at night,train +41248,41249,41249,u tuku sadipit u laliyuk,and shellfish,train +41249,41250,41250,sa cicedicedi saan,bold and scheming but lacking in tactics bold and incompetent,test +41250,41251,41251,anu pakaynien i suʼelinay,in fact,train +41251,41252,41252,miasicay,barren,train +41252,41253,41253,mahaen ku,that is it,train +41253,41254,41254,Naay matalaw kaku kumaen tu kaedahay,do not I am afraid to eat spicy food,train +41254,41255,41255,ya wawa nira tuya fafahiyan cima ku pakaadahay nira kira,his daughter who cured her,train +41255,41256,41256,ha misu tu kuni u hay haw,These are for you it is too hot Today Yes sir,train +41256,41257,41257,tamina,ship,train +41257,41258,41258,pasakawili,Left,train +41258,41259,41259,cait,hang,train +41259,41260,41260,maecuay,runaway,test +41260,41261,41261,kasaupuan,gatherings,train +41261,41262,41262,nu tumuk atu kalas i cisiringan unu mama nu kapah i langdaw ku kipin atu cikayap atu tapad caay kaciupih u fafaw nu pakarungay maemin i,head elders wear red robes young fathers and above wear short blue tops and leggings without feathered crowns,train +41262,41263,41263,kaenan,eat up,train +41263,41264,41264,anuhakuwaay tu kaku a mafana,when will I,train +41264,41265,41265,minukay kura faʼinay yaku i nga ci wawaay kaku asesuy tu kaku ci wawa ma,when my husband came home I got pregnant I was years old,train +41265,41266,41266,mihakelung tu malitengay a malingad tayra i umah,I went to work in the fields with my mom and dad,train +41266,41267,41267,Orasaka anu ira ku saupu nu Pangcah i cuwacuwa haw i caykanca^ ira ku pipatireng tu pikacawan u tudung pipahapinangan tu icel atu nikarikec nu cecayay a niyaru,Therefore wherever Amis people meet there must be a watchtower which also recognizes the unity and strength of a tribe,train +41267,41268,41268,malakacaway ura malakacaway hananay haw,WNC Elder as a senior,train +41268,41269,41269,Pacauf sa ci Yis Tuur han Kaku Papitadem han ku mapatayay a tamdaw tu mapatayay nangra han ningra,but Jesus told him Follow me and let the dead bury their own dead,train +41269,41270,41270,milicay kaku i tisuwanan tu pakiniay tu paysin nu piadup hananay,I would like to ask you about the taboos of hunting,test +41270,41271,41271,hacikay ku rakat nuya uner,that snake moved quickly,train +41271,41272,41272,ranam,breakfast,train +41272,41273,41273,Mangaay kami mikihatiya han,can we participate,train +41273,41274,41274,kudic,skin disease,train +41274,41275,41275,talacuwaan tu ira kura tilid i,where did she put it,train +41275,41276,41276,u minengneng hay minengneng,go and see Yes go observe,train +41276,41277,41277,hatiraay ya misanga turanan i,that is how it is done,train +41277,41278,41278,u maanan kina kilang ina u tana,it is a spring onion,train +41278,41279,41279,ru cingra a caciyaw,he sat down and talked,train +41279,41280,41280,nu niraan a hananay ta,his spiritual world,test +41280,41281,41281,itenukay,in the middle,train +41281,41282,41282,mafanaʼay a micudad,I know how to read,train +41282,41283,41283,miʼecakay tuna iya ini kyasaw,the burnt ones are,train +41283,41284,41284,i tamiyanan hu ku saupu,gather first at our house,train +41284,41285,41285,matumes i pinsiyan,fill the icebox,train +41285,41286,41286,itiya i maluklun nai Yirusalim a tayra i Antiyuk ku papinapina a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas,during this time some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch,train +41286,41287,41287,yu mitngil tunini a tinaku ni Yis ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu Farisay a tamdaw i kita kura nisuwalan Ningra saan cangra a mafana,when the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus parables they knew he was talking about them,train +41287,41288,41288,fai maala kisu satu,I am eligible,train +41288,41289,41289,Dadaya malahakelung tayra i maci a malafi kami,in the evening we went to the city to have dinner together,train +41289,41290,41290,catu tahidangen nu tumuk,the boss did not call him,test +41290,41291,41291,kalamkam ku rarapa nakemaen,cows eat fast,train +41291,41292,41292,mafariw,chop grass,train +41292,41293,41293,maseduk ku nidemakan,things are going well,train +41293,41294,41294,tatusa ku wawa,I have two children,train +41294,41295,41295,saka marihateng ku kiran,that is why I remember that,train +41295,41296,41296,iraay hu ku sasuʼut itini i kamay ra matatingay,there is a rope hanging from his hand,train +41296,41297,41297,anu mafanafana kaku a pakimad atu mafana tu maamaan a pakakmuday a dmak u rumasatu anu pakalinalinah tu lutuk a patayra i riyar ku icel nu pasulin aku anu caay ka ciulah kaku tu tamdaw i awaay ku ^puc aku,if I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge and if I have a faith that can move mountains but have not love I am nothing,train +41297,41298,41298,ci Mayaw ku ngangan ningra haw,was his name Mayaw,train +41298,41299,41299,patingwaen,go to the phone,train +41299,41300,41300,nengneng han nanay tu aku kura malitengay,I had to look at him,test +41300,41301,41301,Pasulin kita tu nipipawacay nu tamdaw Nikawrira mangalef ku nu Kawas a nipipawacay o pawacayay cingra tu pakayniay i wawa ningra,we accept mans testimony but Gods testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God which he has given about his Son,train +41301,41302,41302,mipaci^ci,compel,train +41302,41303,41303,caay tu kadayum,not easy not simple,train +41303,41304,41304,Naunen,take care,train +41304,41305,41305,laluʼen tu kuya felac,put the rice away,train +41305,41306,41306,Saka padama han ni Pitiru cingra a paluwad ta tahidang hantu ni Pitiru ku mituuray haluya mapunengay a panengneng i cangraan tu nika uriptu ni Turkas,he took her by the hand and helped her to her feet then he called the believers and the widows and presented her to them alive,train +41306,41307,41307,cikaf,fish scale,train +41307,41308,41308,marafiyasay,it is overflowing,train +41308,41309,41309,anu patireng kita tu maan mawmah kita miʼanip,or build any agricultural planting,train +41309,41310,41310,tayraay hu kamu a milingwa haw,are you still going to take care of it,test +41310,41311,41311,u salikulay tu kura kamuku,that is the final event,train +41311,41312,41312,Parafacen tu kira kulung aka tu rufuen,stop locking up cows and letting them out to be free,train +41312,41313,41313,icuwa saw caay pinuneng,Where he is very naughty at home,train +41313,41314,41314,mahaen kami i,that is what we did,train +41314,41315,41315,kalipahakan,happy,train +41315,41316,41316,sasuwasuwal san kaku,I often talk to myself,train +41316,41317,41317,maupicay,wet,train +41317,41318,41318,dudu satu ku aluman ciku pahemek kinian,I am not trying to show off,train +41318,41319,41319,niniyan kiya,what about this one,train +41319,41320,41320,ya mitangtangan nira a paheku atu hakhak i adetay ira hu ku misakuhawan a titi nu fafuy masulut nu fangsis nira ku lafang Alarauraud sa a misarayaray miaca,the ferns and sticky rice she cooked were delicious as well as the braised pork with macaw pepper and wild boar meat the flavors attracted many customers and everyone lined up at our stall,test +41320,41321,41321,away heng,not yet,train +41321,41322,41322,a mahaenay kira kalala san i,They the Canaanite tribesmen are like this,train +41322,41323,41323,Kinacacay kinatusa kinatulu pacaliwantu nu alumanay tu maan i ciraan,Once twice three times everyone would lend him something,train +41323,41324,41324,Nani Tafalung ku luwad nira anini,he started his journey from Tai Po long Valley today,train +41324,41325,41325,icuwaay ku cacelakan nu misu,which umbrella is yours,train +41325,41326,41326,likat hanay ku kasuy kyasaw,wood Ignition,train +41326,41327,41327,ya wacu sa nira sulin matalaw tu,his dog was scared as well,train +41327,41328,41328,uruma fangcah uruma maliyang,sometimes good sometimes bad,train +41328,41329,41329,anu tulu a pulu ku depung nu tafukud a sakamu,if you are going to use holes,train +41329,41330,41330,caay tu pakafilu tura adada kira paising tu kaku,I could not stand the pain I started therapy,test +41330,41331,41331,himaen,consolation,train +41331,41332,41332,mahemek ku pasuvanaay tu nika u manunengay kaku a wawa,my teacher praised me for being a very well behaved child,train +41332,41333,41333,naytini kawali nu hiya nu,originally lived in the eastern part of the great Yu,train +41333,41334,41334,ura nanum isu i u kisu ku miyaay tura haw hay kaku mipasukaay sangaʼan,did you make the bucket I did,train +41334,41335,41335,aya hah,Aaah,train +41335,41336,41336,kura pui nu ina aku,mom said angrily,train +41336,41337,41337,papisingasifen,produce something boiling water,train +41337,41338,41338,hay paluma hatini akawang nira i,Yes it is stems are planted so high,train +41338,41339,41339,adidik,a little bit,train +41339,41340,41340,hatiya tu i ngaʼay tu ku wawa aku a ira i,until my children grow up,test +41340,41341,41341,maumi ku falucu,agreeable in Spirit,train +41341,41342,41342,Tadamakelec ku karariting nunini a sasuut,these ropes are really tight,train +41342,41343,41343,aredet han hay aredet tu manungdu kaku pasuwal tuna aredet sanay,Pure yes but I would not call it pure,train +41343,41344,41344,o mikieciway i pilisinan ciira,he is the lead singer at the Harvest Festival,train +41344,41345,41345,teli hananay tu iya i kaʼenu i kikampa,just put it in the bottom machine room,train +41345,41346,41346,Itiyasatu tataang ku talaw nu finawlan nu Kirasa a ma^min Saka ngitangiten nangra ci Yis a papiliyas tu pala nangra Saka dakaw satu ci Yis tu tamina a minukay,then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them because they were overcome with fear so he got into the boat and left,train +41346,41347,41347,o pasuwalay tu pakayniay tuya likat ku sakatayni ningra ta pakayni i pipasuwal ningra ku sapasulin nu tamdamdaw a ma^min,he came as a witness to testify concerning that light so that through him all men might believe,train +41347,41348,41348,ku talulung ningra,it is about four or five stories deep,train +41348,41349,41349,ali,wife brother,train +41349,41350,41350,hatini litengliteng satu ku ngiyah i,I am getting old,test +41350,41351,41351,u ising hananay awa ku paisingay itiya hu,none would consult a doctor in the past,train +41351,41352,41352,i umah i lutuk,in the field in the mountains,train +41352,41353,41353,o mausaway tu niyam ku sinafel nu i rarikuray,we have reserved the dishes for later,train +41353,41354,41354,awa ku tasalamaan,there are no toys to play with,train +41354,41355,41355,duedu han tu kira pangangan tu niyaru,naming the tribes in order of precedence,train +41355,41356,41356,maen,stammer,train +41356,41357,41357,a pakungku tu dadaya,or chatting with someone already,train +41357,41358,41358,a maharekay tu mikaeled,look at that it is a good line,train +41358,41359,41359,hakuwa ku angungur,how deep does it have to be,train +41359,41360,41360,felalitic,complies,test +41360,41361,41361,maniaay,experience,train +41361,41362,41362,kaulahan,very interesting,train +41362,41363,41363,tatusaen naca mihaen haen haw,two by two,train +41363,41364,41364,caay ku maku fana kunian pafeli tu nu tiniay i seyfu,to inform you of information from the government,train +41364,41365,41365,anu masamaan tu ma matini kuni kaawa ku huciyu awa ku maan ku nani fafaway haw,there are no subsidies from the government now,train +41365,41366,41366,pipacefa,whatever,train +41366,41367,41367,micumud,go in,train +41367,41368,41368,nikangkangan,plowed field,train +41368,41369,41369,anu caay ka pingku ku kufa nu maku,thank you because if I had not fallen if I had not lost,train +41369,41370,41370,sukapen nira ku mamues haenhan nira midudu ku alu a mifuting,if you touch it you get fish again and again follow the river,test +41370,41371,41371,malaheci kura uway i micadcad,after the collection we started to organize the yellow vines,train +41371,41372,41372,mimaan kisu anini,what are you doing now,train +41372,41373,41373,putal,yard,train +41373,41374,41374,mangalay tu mitaneng,Testimonials,train +41374,41375,41375,mapacufay,bounce,train +41375,41376,41376,mipuhpuh tu adadaay han ku mahaenay a mihadeng tu adada,that is the way it works,train +41376,41377,41377,i sacuwa tira nanum tiia i,In the source of the What Where,train +41377,41378,41378,a dadiputan,taking care of,train +41378,41379,41379,kaliwates,furuncle,train +41379,41380,41380,pahiya han tu hiya u adiyam han namu u damdam han niyam,plus that you call it ginger we call it chili,test +41380,41381,41381,kakayakaya san caay ka celak,the long gossip net will not expand,train +41381,41382,41382,misausitu anu initu ku tataakay a laying,we will still count it if there is a big wave,train +41382,41383,41383,letek,chop,train +41383,41384,41384,latek caay tu kasikul ita a tatusa uya nipalumaan a rupas smut satu a masmut,perhaps we did not take care of the peach trees we grew there are weeds everywhere,train +41384,41385,41385,nanutuʼas a mipasangaan a mipaini tu ngangan nu lutuk,the name of a place on a hill given by an ancestors idea,train +41385,41386,41386,o nangan nira kunini,this is his nature habit way he acts,train +41386,41387,41387,Milikat ku tamdaw tu dawdaw i awaay ku misimeday i rfung anu ^ca i patliay i la^nu nu satu o tatlien ningra i padawdawan tu sakata^ngad nu micumuday a tamdaw,No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden or under a bowl instead he puts it on its stand so that those who come in may see the light,train +41387,41388,41388,mikarkar,dig,train +41388,41389,41389,caka pitilid kira,because I do not read,train +41389,41390,41390,Miliyastu kaku liyaw tayni satu kaku a milisu tisuwan,I am leaving I will see you next time,test +41390,41391,41391,Mailul kaku tu wawa nu maku,I miss my kids,train +41391,41392,41392,ye mamaan ku nisuritan ni kaka aku,even my brothers notebooks,train +41392,41393,41393,hatiraay saka itiya tu haw i ya matuʼasay haw i,so the early old man,train +41393,41394,41394,anu i luma dengay tu kisu a remadiw,you can sing it if you are at home,train +41394,41395,41395,u ruray tuku ninian a matayal,maybe it is because it is hard work,train +41395,41396,41396,itiya hu ni,in the old days,train +41396,41397,41397,u sakaadada nu tangal nu maku kiniyan a demak,I am the one with the headache,train +41397,41398,41398,maherek tu haw i,afterwards,train +41398,41399,41399,mana malahedaw kuya sasipasip nu maku,Then why is my eraser missing,train +41399,41400,41400,ci safalucu ku cifuduy ku Pangcah mangalay ku misanga tanamay san,it is because the Amis have a need for it,test +41400,41401,41401,Oruma satu anu ciʼilu ku cima,in addition some people have been condemned,train +41401,41402,41402,u sapasapad tu paenan,for making a board floor,train +41402,41403,41403,caay ka pili ku tamdaw tayra,you do not pick certain people to go,train +41403,41404,41404,u laed nina vuhang tuiniyan kiyami haw,the distance to the bow door,train +41404,41405,41405,onini i u saka^caaw ka sasingera nu caang nu tireng o sakalalenaw nu caang a ma^min a madadamadama i ccay a tatirengan,so that there should be no division in the body but that its parts should have equal concern for each other,train +41405,41406,41406,o kaka aku tu fainayan cingra ci Tahuk cingra,he is my brother Tahok,train +41406,41407,41407,i rayray nu Pangcah tu nanu tuas a pisaniaru,in the social norms of the Amis tradition the,train +41407,41408,41408,Miangang,invite,train +41408,41409,41409,kaicuwaan anu mamaan,whatever it is,train +41409,41410,41410,ci Asiwan han tu,it is called Ah Soo,test +41410,41411,41411,o pacing ku sapifuting aku,I shoot fish with a spear,train +41411,41412,41412,nengnenghan nira tusa tu a kiyafes a langa ku kiyafes nira tu ni alaan nira tu haci nuya kiyafes nira,he saw that two baskets were filled with the guavas that he plucked,train +41412,41413,41413,fangcal,be close,train +41413,41414,41414,o paadingay ci kaka aku tu raraw nu maku,my sister defended my faults,train +41414,41415,41415,nira caay kalecad matu nu mita,his is not the same as ours,train +41415,41416,41416,Caay katalaw ku heni,he is not even scared,train +41416,41417,41417,talasasa miala tiniyan u wawa u suna nu heni,come down to pick up your children and grandchildren,train +41417,41418,41418,kautang,late,train +41418,41419,41419,kura kura piiya litulak ira,these peeling barks,train +41419,41420,41420,malasafitay han aku,I would say it is easy to say that is what being a soldier is all about,test +41420,41421,41421,Pakalahuken ku wawa isu,give your kids lunch,train +41421,41422,41422,sanay nu Hulam ku nian,it is the same as in Chinese,train +41422,41423,41423,tunu,indistinct,train +41423,41424,41424,tayra fatiiyan nu umah han nitiyap kiya asisiw,we need to line up the straws and stack them next to each other,train +41424,41425,41425,u nian ku micukatay kakuwana,this is getting in the way of my work,train +41425,41426,41426,yu u kulihu nu raraw kamu i caay pikihar kamu tu mu^celay a dmak,when you were slaves to sin you were free from the control of righteousness,train +41426,41427,41427,ina niyam a nihining u lakelal cika kaʼapa,swimming in the river for water comparison,train +41427,41428,41428,pahanhantu,I will take a break,train +41428,41429,41429,maherek tu mitavi,is the plow ready,train +41429,41430,41430,tina Kabalan,it is a bit of an allusion to this Kavalan,test +41430,41431,41431,anu u nafalucuan nu Kawas ku piarawan ita a mingitangit tu maamaan i mitngil cingra tu lunguc ita onini ku sakatanektek nu falucu ita i kaayaw nu Kawas,this is the confidence we have in approaching God that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us,train +41431,41432,41432,i sefi sa mamanay wa mamicaedung tu lusid a tayra kaku,then let us go to the community center I will wear folk costume,train +41432,41433,41433,malahuk satu i ulili hantu ku akung,when it was time for lunch I urged the old man to go,train +41433,41434,41434,sa u ngangan nu maku tada ngangan haw i,I got the name right,train +41434,41435,41435,midimata,carry on the shoulder,train +41435,41436,41436,minukay i awaay ku katayalan,no workplace after returning home,train +41436,41437,41437,yu pasuwalhu ci Yis tu finawlan i ira ku ina atu salikaka ningra a tayra a tumireng i paputal Sapasuwalan cangra i ci Yisan,while Jesus was still talking to the crowd his mother and brothers stood outside wanting to speak to him,train +41437,41438,41438,pasuwal ku ina aku i,my mother told me,train +41438,41439,41439,mahaen ku naayaway a nikabana nu maku tu sikawasay,this is the last witch practice I know of,train +41439,41440,41440,mipadang kami mikared,we will help with the reel,test +41440,41441,41441,maʼilul tu cangra tu salikaka itira i kaʼamiʼamisan,in fact both sides miss each other,train +41441,41442,41442,ku pafeliay pafeliay a mayniay malitengay haw,revenue reward family and elders will be rewarded,train +41442,41443,41443,u kalengaw ira kuni cuwa ku mipalumaan kira,because it grows naturally it is not planted,train +41443,41444,41444,o sapacakay hananay malitusa ku kakaenen nu luma,half the hunts are sold,train +41444,41445,41445,itiya hu kakahaday ku umah ira,in those days his family fields were very wide,train +41445,41446,41446,Tuladucep kuraan kira,wait for those to dry completely,train +41446,41447,41447,i lalinik kaku a misimaw tiya kikay,I am looking at the machine from the bottom,train +41447,41448,41448,anini talatukay tu amin a mikuli caay kahacuwa ku i lumaʼay,now they are all working in the city hardly anyone is home,train +41448,41449,41449,simanta han niyam pasifana nu malitengay kuni,eat it raw that is what the elders taught us,train +41449,41450,41450,namaka inaayaayaw tangsa anini,from ancient times to the present day,test +41450,41451,41451,duway,Oryza saliva car glutinous,train +41451,41452,41452,talaen hu haw kilimen hu aku kuya ruma a safawah,please wait I will get the spare key,train +41452,41453,41453,ira tu ku makacuwaʼay a vinawlan mizunvi tu a misapakelang i tiya a remiʼad,on the day of the celebration people from all tribes arrived,train +41453,41454,41454,Macucuk ku falucu aku,I am convicted,train +41454,41455,41455,macuricur tu ku cadiway,the trammel nets are all over the place,train +41455,41456,41456,caaytu ku aira ku dadaya Malumaanhu nangra ku dawdaw anu ^ca i u cidal nawhani u Tapang a Kawas ku malusakata^ngad nangra o mamidauc cangra a malahungti a mikuwan,there will be no more night they will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun for the Lord God will give them light and they will reign for ever and ever,train +41456,41457,41457,mafuyul,I am about to fall,train +41457,41458,41458,titaan,we are,train +41458,41459,41459,limela,love,train +41459,41460,41460,ya faʼinay nira i ayaway,if it is from her ex husband,test +41460,41461,41461,nengnengen i tini du^duen kaku a miusi,look here please repeat after me,train +41461,41462,41462,liyasen ku awaay ku ^puc a caay ka tatudung i pituur tu Kawas a kimad nu matuasay Pananamen ku tireng isu tu sapiringiaw isu tu Kawas,have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives tales rather train yourself to be godly,train +41462,41463,41463,tu cila tu papacem haw i,the next morning,train +41463,41464,41464,milisu,call on somebody,train +41464,41465,41465,o maan ku tayal isu hatini,Then are you working at the moment,train +41465,41466,41466,Orasaka tahidang han aku kamu tu sakasasuarawaw ita a masasuwasuwal o sakapalit aku tunini a lunayi i u saki ccay a tamdaw tu pafalucuan ita u Israil han ningra cangra,for this reason I have asked to see you and talk with you it is because of the hope of Israel that I am bound with this chain,train +41466,41467,41467,mapulung a u marahiday ku wiruk nu mita tinana a mihecaan,we have planted more vindaloos than we expected this year,train +41467,41468,41468,ila ku cecay a wacu nu maku,I have a dog,train +41468,41469,41469,micelem i alu,river diving,train +41469,41470,41470,mana ciharateng kisu miliyas tu niyaru hananay,how did you ever think of leaving your hometown,test +41470,41471,41471,ira,its,train +41471,41472,41472,misimsim kita u matuʼasay,as an elder,train +41472,41473,41473,a wawa a taluma,hometown,train +41473,41474,41474,milicay hu tisuwanan hanu patatikul a malinah tayni i niyaru kisu,may I ask why you decided to move back to the tribe,train +41474,41475,41475,sanay ku suwal nira,that is what he said,train +41475,41476,41476,paruvuan,chicken coop,train +41476,41477,41477,u maku pikiʼeciw mitanam tura saka Fangcalay a ngiha,I try to get the best out of my voice when I am leading,train +41477,41478,41478,ta haen han nira mi ku pising isu,he would draw circles on his face with a red brush ha ha ha,train +41478,41479,41479,o sapicacak tu hakhak kuni mahud,this steamer basket is used to steam glutinous rice,train +41479,41480,41480,nu iraay hu ira hu kura kining sakaku a,if it is still there it is a souvenir,test +41480,41481,41481,ira ku tadamaanay u kaʼulahan namu a radiw haw,or is there a particular song you like to sing,train +41481,41482,41482,silutuc tu ku maliwaliway a vunga,the forgotten groundnuts sprouted,train +41482,41483,41483,minengneng ci Musi tunini i safahka sa Hapinangaw aku a minengneng sa cingra a miraud itiya i ira a matngil ningra ku ngiha nu Tapang,when he saw this he was amazed at the sight as he went over to look more closely he heard the Lords voice,train +41483,41484,41484,tiya hu kami i u malitengay hu a pinangan i,it used to be the old mans custom in my day,train +41484,41485,41485,Paarawen kaku Ini ini nian,I will take a look Here,train +41485,41486,41486,ira ku masetikay a wawa,a kid who is good at beachcombing,train +41486,41487,41487,keriden nuya matuʼasay kaku,old man I will take him,train +41487,41488,41488,ta suwal hantu ira san u pipalu niyam kunian caayay,then we told the Pingpu that we did not really want to beat him up,train +41488,41489,41489,adihay ku falidas itini tuna lutuk,this mountain is filled with many mountain palms,train +41489,41490,41490,u lisin tu ira kura pakaʼuraday tayni i riyar,go to the beach and pray for rain,test +41490,41491,41491,o rumasatu aka ka talaw kamu tu misaadaay i tamuwanan Saicelen ku falucu u pahapinangay kamu tu u mamatekup cangra u mamapaurip kamu nawhani u pidmak nu Kawas kunini,without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you this is a sign to them that they will be destroyed but that you will be saved and that by God,train +41491,41492,41492,mahelek tu nini nuka maranam u paitemek nu luma,after the event go home and have breakfast,train +41492,41493,41493,naitiniay hu i Tucen waay hu cahu kasarucuk a malikec tiniay Pangciaw a salikaka,the parishioners of Tucheng and Banqiao were not yet organized at that time,train +41493,41494,41494,ngaʼayaya i kaawaay ku palumaay tu maamaan tu,it is possible but no one thinks about what to plant anymore,train +41494,41495,41495,sanaw i caka tiniitini cayka saan,so it will not be here all the time,train +41495,41496,41496,Suˈlinay i matengil kuniya lihaf a papacem i tulun sanayhu kaku ci Yihufaan misaali tu kaemangay a salikaka malu misatenukay nu iing nu Fenpu,in fact the morning I heard the news I had just prayed to the Lord for younger brothers to serve as coordinators,train +41496,41497,41497,hatini han ta miara kuiya ira ira ku aalaen ta,that is how we take it inside,train +41497,41498,41498,nasawni na tauma tu cay haw satu ku suwal nu fafahi,Madam did not you guys just get back,train +41498,41499,41499,mipatada,put the cushion,train +41499,41500,41500,Masaup i untufa ku kaemangay malacafay a mimali malacafay a mahahulul,all the children will gather in the playground play ball and chat together,test +41500,41501,41501,na maka tayni i timul sisa a i tinitini ʼAmisʼamis sisa malecad tu nu tini a serangawan nu mita nu tiraay a tamdaw tiniay Amis,since they are from the south they are also from the southern Amis group so they have the same culture and customs there,train +41501,41502,41502,a ayaw nu niyan i,beforehand,train +41502,41503,41503,sakarihawan,it is going to be hoarse,train +41503,41504,41504,kafaliyusan,typhoon season,train +41504,41505,41505,siheci ini i lukukace siheci tu hana hayhay,there are long fruits here that will bear fruit in June it is Yes it is,train +41505,41506,41506,pakira sarawarawacan rumakat kura malitengay,the old man walked away from the riverbank,train +41506,41507,41507,yu tahini ku Ciw Ka Ming Kuk,when KMT came to Taiwan,train +41507,41508,41508,tayra i riyal ku misu i,when we get to the beach,train +41508,41509,41509,iduc,arrow,train +41509,41510,41510,Pakafanaen hu kami tu cima kisu,please introduce yourself,test +41510,41511,41511,u wawa nu mita haenan nu mita pasifana ku wawa ita,that is the way we teach our children,train +41511,41512,41512,miselahu tu kamangay a micudad tayra i picudadan,I will cook at home and wait for the kids to come home from school,train +41512,41513,41513,sakapina a lumiad na milipay anini,what day of the week is it,train +41513,41514,41514,u tada kalimelaan i minanam tu tatamurungen i sakifinawlan a maurip mafana atu serayan patalahekal tu icel unini a maemin sahetu u nanamen a taneng tu sakiurip a macakat tu i selal kunini,more importantly it is about learning to live in a group developing a sense of responsibility and the ability to live in symbiosis with nature,train +41514,41515,41515,itiya hu mipaluma tu rararara,in the old days many and varied beans were grown,train +41515,41516,41516,mikawit tayhira i hiya pawawa han,knit on one side and add loop holes on the other side for the lower layer,train +41516,41517,41517,ira maʼarw ningra kaku tira,that is where we met,train +41517,41518,41518,itiya pakimad ku matuʼasay,at that time the elders told stories about how they moved to Yongfu,train +41518,41519,41519,makaenen nu ayam atu huwak,chickens and ducks will eat it,train +41519,41520,41520,o rarekuen hu kira cacudaden nu maku ta mangaay a mihulul,I have to finish my homework before I can play,test +41520,41521,41521,micikcik,grind,train +41521,41522,41522,miutut,mow,train +41522,41523,41523,iranan haw i,what about that,train +41523,41524,41524,ruma sa tu hatiniay ini,there is more of this,train +41524,41525,41525,ku Vataan,in the saddle,train +41525,41526,41526,tulu fulad kaku ni nisangaʼay fuduy i patiyamay,I spent three months in a dress store learning to be a seamstress,train +41526,41527,41527,itini luma 155 sumuwalay tu pairaen ku harateng ni Kristu Yis sanay,Romans also speaks of having the attitude of mind of Christ Jesus,train +41527,41528,41528,Nanuya liyas satu ci Yis itira a minukay i niyaru ningra Mihaklung ku nisawawaan ningra itiya,Jesus left there and went to his hometown accompanied by his disciples,train +41528,41529,41529,tuya papacem mifuhat ci Yuhani tu paetang i makelitay ku taruduˈ nu kamay tangungulay ku dukaˈ,but John wanted to help his dad deliver the letter so he wrapped his bleeding finger in a cloth and went to deliver it,train +41529,41530,41530,caay ka ala ku fafutien,could not sleep,test +41530,41531,41531,kaemang hu suy miiyaay tu kaku,I was young years old and I used to,train +41531,41532,41532,maruʼay a ca i kalala aluman itira a tamdaw,there are a lot of people living in Ghana,train +41532,41533,41533,Nanuya maaraw ni Yis cingra i Fangcalay Pitaungan Maadahtu kisu Akatu piliyaw a ciraraw Anu miliyaw kisu a ciraraw i ira ku ikakaay nunini a ilu isu han ni Yis,later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him See you are well again stop sinning or something worse may happen to you,train +41533,41534,41534,Madadiput madadama tu widang,take care of your friends and help each other,train +41534,41535,41535,ci cihiya,that is it,train +41535,41536,41536,anu sani u raratu,wait a minute,train +41536,41537,41537,itini Pusinafasu pacekiway tu Fangcalay Cudad,conducted Bible classes in Burkina Faso,train +41537,41538,41538,o maruay i tumanay a finawlan i pakaarawtu tu tadamaanay a likat o maruay i lidung nu patay a tamdamdaw i mapadiltu cangra sanay,the people living in darkness have seen a great light on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned,train +41538,41539,41539,ngaʼay tu anu awaay ku mamaumah ira,it is okay if he does not have anyone to help him with his work,train +41539,41540,41540,ta sulingaen ita ku malulalusidang a mipanay u pawutiwuti,we should arrange the stuff for harvest like sacks,test +41540,41541,41541,napatireng tu kiyukay itini ma,a church was built here,train +41541,41542,41542,Papa han niama ku hemay a mipacuma tu safa aku,mom chews rice and feeds my brother,train +41542,41543,41543,falalutung,spiders,train +41543,41544,41544,sa matama nira itini i Pakaraʼac,he found Nanjukho,train +41544,41545,41545,awa ku cingwi hatiraay,found out there is no fiber,train +41545,41546,41546,u ruma sa tu i iraay masalimulumulay a papah,there is also a rounded leaf,train +41546,41547,41547,misakaniway,Fraudulent,train +41547,41548,41548,hai sa kita kira,have to accept,train +41548,41549,41549,Tahacelem ku tayal aku,my work continues to the end of the day,train +41549,41550,41550,hanentu kaka,that is what I want,test +41550,41551,41551,kaku satu haw irey,and as for me,train +41551,41552,41552,katangungul,depth,train +41552,41553,41553,ila tu,I have got a solution,train +41553,41554,41554,kaulahan,joy,train +41554,41555,41555,sakadiwadiwang sa ku falucu,it is very unsettling to be on the edge of your seat,train +41555,41556,41556,i naayaayaw ku matuasay vahvahen tu ku nipivuting,old people from the ancient way of catching fish to drive them away,train +41556,41557,41557,Nikawrira ira ku ngaayay a dmak isu Miintel kisu tu dmak nu tamdamdaw nu Nikulay a pakayraan Halu aku a miintel tunini,but you have this in your favor you hate the practices of the Nicolaitans which I also hate,train +41557,41558,41558,aka katalaw u fali ku tatiihay san,do not be afraid it is the wind,train +41558,41559,41559,pacici han aku kura suwal nura malitengay tura mapuʼiay,I resisted thinking about the old mans mocking words,train +41559,41560,41560,kincuen,tight,test +41560,41561,41561,i maka Amis ku Parik,Metropole is to the north,train +41561,41562,41562,o manan kura cecay lulung,what a handful,train +41562,41563,41563,malacecay ku aru isu tu akung atu mamu haw,do you live with your grandparents,train +41563,41564,41564,hifang,rest,train +41564,41565,41565,o sakapisemsem ni Kristu i u nanu nipaliayawan nu pulung nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas saka hatini ku nika lahci nunini a dmak,but this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets saying that his Christ would suffer,train +41565,41566,41566,rumadiw tu kiya finawlan haw i mafukil tu radiw nu saki ilisin,when the tribesmen sing they have forgotten how to sing the Harvest Festival ballad,train +41566,41567,41567,maʼikesay tu tu mamang kunini,that is a little mature for something like this,train +41567,41568,41568,hatira sa tu ku demak tu,this is how it is going to be,train +41568,41569,41569,o nipihpul namu tu raraw ningra a mihinum i cingraan ku ngaay anu caay ka haenen namu i latek mapakinali ku nika smer ningra,now instead you ought to forgive and comfort him so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow,train +41569,41570,41570,iraan nanay a matuasay,just the old people,test +41570,41571,41571, Suˈlin mikitiniay cangra cuwa ka hecad a kitakit finacadan sasuwalen atu serangawan kawra mitudungay cangra ci Yisan masasiulah,though they came from different countries races languages and cultural backgrounds they all imitated Jesus and loved one another,train +41571,41572,41572,Felihen ku fuduy isu,turn your clothes inside out,train +41572,41573,41573,matiyaʼay ku Rikec nuna niyaru kuniniʼan,this tribe is so harmonious and united,train +41573,41574,41574,itini niyaru anu ira ku,in the tribe if there is,train +41574,41575,41575,o na udax tuluapulu a rimuud irahu ku ruma a kangalayan isu,for the cookies anything else you need,train +41575,41576,41576,miheca,next year,train +41576,41577,41577,puhaw,Blind cannot see,train +41577,41578,41578,mahaenay tu caay tu picakay tu sasubing,because of this we do not have to buy towels,train +41578,41579,41579,iraan a kapurus,that squirrel,train +41579,41580,41580,i hakuwaay a miheca a mahufuc kisu,what year were you born,test +41580,41581,41581,paacuculan,gyroscopic,train +41581,41582,41582,malaafas,fighting each other,train +41582,41583,41583,minatu,harbor,train +41583,41584,41584,kasa^saan,breaks,train +41584,41585,41585,malalen ku cuung nu sinafel i umah,here all the vegetables are growing shoots in unison,train +41585,41586,41586,mariang tu,it is fierce,train +41586,41587,41587,misawad tini kusiyaw mitilid i,after graduating from elementary school,train +41587,41588,41588,kapah,at an early age,train +41588,41589,41589,yu pacakayhu cangra tya kiladum i ira ku ekim kira,they had gold when they were in the vendors room,train +41589,41590,41590,tuluay kura misahaenan ita misanga tu luma,these three trees are the main ones,test +41590,41591,41591,ay kiya wawa sa kaku,Oh my God my baby,train +41591,41592,41592,maketun tu nangra awa tu,it is been cut it is completely gone,train +41592,41593,41593,Amis,Amis or Pangcah one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +41593,41594,41594,caay ka sefel kuya fafahi,that wife is enduring i she does not leave the situation,train +41594,41595,41595,sa i ayaw nira cicuʼung satu ku hiya haw misatapangay tu,it starts as soon as the branch buds,train +41595,41596,41596,masamanay ku kacakat nu pakafana nu misu tu wawa itiya hu hani,how do you teach them to make children,train +41596,41597,41597,eteng,block,train +41597,41598,41598,maumahay,farmer,train +41598,41599,41599,vahekulen niyam ivuvu,we have been losing our fish fingers,train +41599,41600,41600,minukay satu i,when I get home,test +41600,41601,41601,iraan haw mangaay,that is convenient,train +41601,41602,41602,kuni haw,this is after the gas,train +41602,41603,41603,mipakawanan ci kaka aku i takuwanan,my brother guided me,train +41603,41604,41604,matuasay,forebears,train +41604,41605,41605,cima kura ci Yusif nu Arimatiya hani,who was Joseph of Arimathea,train +41605,41606,41606,maulah ku safa aku a miriri tu fanul,my brother likes to keep pigeons,train +41606,41607,41607,misalama^,play,train +41607,41608,41608,icuwaan ku sangataay saw,where is the nearest post office,train +41608,41609,41609,suwal sa kuya cuyuh cangraan Aka ka talaw Pitngil o paratuhay kaku i tamuwanan tu ngaayay ratuh o tadakalipahakan nu pulung nu finawlan kunini a suwal aku,but the angel said to them Do not be afraid I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people,train +41609,41610,41610,Sikaka kaku tu vavainay cacay ci Kulas han cira savaw tu cacay ku mihcaan nira i anini a mihca,I have a brother his name is kulaks he is years old,test +41610,41611,41611,o cikafer tu kuhetingay,wear black pants,train +41611,41612,41612,maharek tu kuriraan,after that is done,train +41612,41613,41613,anu pakailuhay luma,if there is a fire in your home,train +41613,41614,41614,matawalay isu miala ku impic,do you forget to bring your pen,train +41614,41615,41615,o maiwilay ku matuasay nu Pangcah i niyaru,native elders are alone in their tribes,train +41615,41616,41616,curaf,burning,train +41616,41617,41617,Papikuracen ku salikaka nu misu tu falucu naira,ask your brothers and sisters to cleanse their hearts,train +41617,41618,41618,u kimulmulay kiniyan,it is round,train +41618,41619,41619,hakawiyinhuy,Hakka Committee,train +41619,41620,41620,Orasaka,that is why,test +41620,41621,41621,maharatengay ku paini nu malitengay,thinking of my father in laws gift,train +41621,41622,41622,kapawan,forget,train +41622,41623,41623,karedhan ku keliw hatini ku purud han nira,coil it up and tie it up,train +41623,41624,41624,aka pisalama i tunutunuan,do not play around a precipice,train +41624,41625,41625,mafanaw,Flooded,train +41625,41626,41626,anu ira kura nani riyalay,if we come back from the sea,train +41626,41627,41627,pataliyuk hananay ku taliyuk nu tatirengan,tie it around your waist,train +41627,41628,41628,mikihatiya ci Maʼuwid,Malverde followed,train +41628,41629,41629,ta madu^du namu ku matatudungay i nafalucuan nu Tapang a dmak a mararid a palipahak i Cingraan ta ngaay ku dmak namu a ma^min ta matungal a matungal ku nika fana namu tu Kawas,and we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way bearing fruit in every good work growing in the knowledge of God,train +41629,41630,41630,O Mapakafanaay yaca nu fufu kisu,it turns out that they were taught by Grandpa and Mom,test +41630,41631,41631,niupuan a vekeluh,rock pile,train +41631,41632,41632,sasera,on the ground,train +41632,41633,41633,inian i mauc ku kalas atu mama nu niyaru mapasaupu ku fakifaki nu cidemakay a parud nu luma a miterung tinana demak,the tribal leader will call upon the elders of the tribe and the family members of the arbitrated person at the level of their uncles to preside over the arbitration,train +41633,41634,41634,u tumuk ku midemakay miterungay tu tatudung nu hacuwa ku sapatudung asa,the tribal leaders are here to coordinate and set the penalties,train +41634,41635,41635,ngaʼay hu mapulung,Hello folks,train +41635,41636,41636,Maikes ku falucu nuya wawa,that kid has a mature mind,train +41636,41637,41637,suelinay,it is very spiritual,train +41637,41638,41638,Paakiw ku suwal nira i tamiyanan,what he said to us was a bit too much,train +41638,41639,41639,Hay,there is,train +41639,41640,41640,mahaenma haw ku kilang haw i rusarusan itini,that is it sawed wood,test +41640,41641,41641,ya wawa sacelicelihan nira ku kiya ufang i laenu i,the child kept shouting towards the hole,train +41641,41642,41642,matini satu nu hiya tu anini,modern life,train +41642,41643,41643,ira kafudfud kalaluuluud nu paniyaruʼan,the tribes have started a tumultuous war,train +41643,41644,41644,Puhi tanamen kunini,Here try this top,train +41644,41645,41645,Ngaay tu yu kapahhu kaku mararid kaku a talalutuk a miadup,Yes I used to go hunting in the mountains when I was young,train +41645,41646,41646,iraay aca ku cecay a pusi ira ku pipacafay nu pinanuwang i caay tu katuul,I have a cat too I will not get bored with the company of my pet,train +41646,41647,41647,ya icep mahaen tu,and betel nut too,train +41647,41648,41648,makerid,quilt,train +41648,41649,41649,u Pangcah u Puyuma atu Sakizaya,Amis Penan and Sachilea,train +41649,41650,41650,u numita u nu Pangcah nu Amis i,our Amis language,test +41650,41651,41651,i tukalay tu haw,you are already in leadership,train +41651,41652,41652,tuya haw i malaʼaraw,mutual occupancy,train +41652,41653,41653,saka hai satu sa,that is the deal,train +41653,41654,41654,Kuyu,name of hot springs tribe,train +41654,41655,41655,u tayal nu maku miradum,my job is to carry water,train +41655,41656,41656,awaay i falucu,not interested,train +41656,41657,41657,Akung ci Sunay kaku fuhatenhu ku fawahan,Grandpa this is Sonay please open the door,train +41657,41658,41658,Miaca kita tu sakaranam haw,let us go get breakfast shall we,train +41658,41659,41659,u ama u a u mama atu ina san ta,I think it is grand mom it is father and mother,train +41659,41660,41660,Siw Ni,sister,test +41660,41661,41661,anu ira ku mitahidngay cingranan mi cikawasay i,when someone asks for a witch,train +41661,41662,41662,Pinaun tu mangah a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas matiya u lalifanuhen a siri a damsay ku paputal nangra Nikawrira matiya u mariangay a ules ku laluma nangra,Watch out for false prophets they come to you in sheep clothing but inwardly they are ferocious wolves,train +41662,41663,41663,unen ku rakat isu,walk carefully,train +41663,41664,41664,lepet,tackle,train +41664,41665,41665,micacescesay,Cobra Catchers,train +41665,41666,41666,yu wawa hen kami nahacuwa a mavana tu serangawan nu tireng mangudu aca a kavanaan nu tau tu wawa nu Pangcah,when I was young I did not understand the culture of my ethnic group and I was a little embarrassed that I was an aborigine,train +41666,41667,41667,kihatiyaen ku falucu nu marufuay a tamdaw a miharateng kihatiyaen ku falucu nu misemsemay a tamdaw nawhani malcaday kita atu cangra a citireng,remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering,train +41667,41668,41668,pangangan tisuwan malataʼarawan wama hananay,they think you are a great father to recommend,train +41668,41669,41669,o matatudungay ku nika ^ca ka citapudu nu fafahiyan a mitulun tu Kawas i saupu nu mituuray hakiya haratengen namu kunini,judge for yourselves is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered,train +41669,41670,41670,pakadawaay ku fafahiyan,can a woman beat that,test +41670,41671,41671,mahaen macikcik tuay kina sera i,the land was cut up like this,train +41671,41672,41672,mulenem na tamina maʼemin,the ship is sinking,train +41672,41673,41673,o kakeriden nu singsi kita tayra i tuluk,teacher will take us to the mountains today,train +41673,41674,41674,inian mahaenay ku nipisanga tu inian,this is also done,train +41674,41675,41675,hatila kalamelameneng nu lalan,even though the road is very slippery,train +41675,41676,41676,aka simeden ku nipaliayawan a suwal i tini tunini a cudad nawhani mangatatu a ira kunini a dmak,then he told me Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book because the time is near,train +41676,41677,41677,mapaluwad,cultivation,train +41677,41678,41678,nguyus,slap in the face,train +41678,41679,41679,palalan,ask,train +41679,41680,41680,salalicay sa tatusa haw i,the two of them exchanged pleasantries,test +41680,41681,41681,tenestes tu haw,it is great,train +41681,41682,41682,misatalukan,covered chicken coop,train +41682,41683,41683,taya saci maʼuripay sa kira haw yu caka inaneng a kapah,and the young man who survived was a coward,train +41683,41684,41684,o maan ku kakaenen isu tu kalahukan,what would you like for lunch,train +41684,41685,41685,Caefas satu ku nanum i umah nanikuray nu faliyus,water overflowed from the fields after the typhoon,train +41685,41686,41686,sa mitaʼelif tura u nukay tu kura a milisu tu umah ira,that is why I passed by to see the rice paddies,train +41686,41687,41687,aka ka safit kamu O pikihatiya namu tu tatiihay a widang i u sakalasawad nu ngaayay a pinangan nu tireng,do not be misled Bad company corrupts good character,train +41687,41688,41688,ura salipalipa nu niya iya,what about this square like thing,train +41688,41689,41689,patateku han nu wina aku nu wama aku a mitangtang,mom and dad mixed him up and cooked him,train +41689,41690,41690,naw cukeruh han isu ku safa nu misu,why did you push your sister,test +41690,41691,41691,minukay talalutuk,I am going home to the mountains,train +41691,41692,41692,kaku i itiniay haw i Singku,I on the other hand live in Success Township,train +41692,41693,41693,katiihay kaemeaday tu kuni,No this is already very cheap,train +41693,41694,41694,misacekecekem,I felt a stabbing pain,train +41694,41695,41695,asisiw,rice straw,train +41695,41696,41696,ta maluklun ci Yis atu tarukus tireng sa cangra i dafdaf ira itira ku alumanay a nisawawaan ningra atu nai cuwacuwaay nu Yutaya atu nai Yirusalimay atu nai lilisay nu riyar nu Tiri atu Situn a alumanay a finawlan a masaupu itira,he went down with them and stood on a level place a large crowd of his disciples was there and a great number of people from all over Judea from Jerusalem and from the coast of Tyre and Sidon,train +41696,41697,41697,adihay ku kinaira ningra haw i a masasipafatis tu,if there is a profit from the planting they give each other crops,train +41697,41698,41698,nawhani uya niliayawan nu Kawas a mipili a tamdaw i liayawen ningra a micidek tu mamiringi tu wawa ningra ta u sakakaay a wawa ci Yis i alumanay a salikaka,for those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son that he might be the firstborn among many brothers,train +41698,41699,41699,pasietip han minengneng makapahay hatiraay ku Rikec nu malitengay itiyahu,it is beautiful up there it is the old mans law of life,train +41699,41700,41700,o sakapina nu pilipayan i tiya a rumiad,what day of the week was it,test +41700,41701,41701,Orasaka cadungentu ku nipaflian nu Kawas a sapiluud a riku ta anu ira ku karawrawan a rumiad i pakaluwid kamu a micuay Ma^deng kamu a tumireng itira,therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything to stand,train +41701,41702,41702,inian a tumuk hananay i u cecay nanituasay a demak u cecay nu nipipatalahekan nu finawlan tu macakatay a sifana atu saka tadamaan nu urip a marayray,the chief is a product of the traditional culture of the community representing the transition from barbaric to civilized organization,train +41702,41703,41703,maherek misawsaw hiwawa i,after I cleaned it,train +41703,41704,41704,ya rarum nu matuʼasay i,the old mans sad,train +41704,41705,41705,nengnenghan niira i,take a closer look,train +41705,41706,41706,suwal sa,say,train +41706,41707,41707,satapang nu niyam a mi hawi,at the outset,train +41707,41708,41708,mitafsiw turira lalan tuya pipitpitan nuya tamdaw tu nasi,they went past the road where the person was plucking pears,train +41708,41709,41709,u mawmahay kita itiya hu u kulung hu sakamawmah,we are all farmers we used to plow with oxen,train +41709,41710,41710,o kumaenay tu kalukakaenen i aka piples tu caay ka kumaen a tamdaw o dateng aca ku nikaenan a tamdaw i aka pilikaf tuya kumaenay tu maamaan a tamdaw nawhani u nihamhamantu nu Kawas cingra,the man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does for God has accepted him,test +41710,41711,41711,kapahay ku kaen namu,your diet is the best,train +41711,41712,41712,tu kuwang,guns,train +41712,41713,41713,ira ku lecapu a miluvang u kalas nu niyaru atu misa tataday nu selal anu iraku tataakay a demak nu niyaru u heni ku paketunay a miluvang,tribal Council Comprised of tribal elders and elders of all ages important decisions are made by tribal council,train +41713,41714,41714,milicay haca^ kaku i niyaru ku wawa^ nu misu a maru haw,do your kids live in the tribe too,train +41714,41715,41715,haratengen aku kaku,I think about my role,train +41715,41716,41716,Saka u nisa^lian nu Tapang i matayalay i u nika sulin nu falucu ningra a matayal,now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful,train +41716,41717,41717,ri facal kaenen nu kulung,cows are edible,train +41717,41718,41718,Masefek ku pifuting nira,he caught a lot of fish,train +41718,41719,41719,ngaya,depend,train +41719,41720,41720,ta na miliyas itini i,after graduating from Nagahama junior high school,test +41720,41721,41721,nawhani caay ku papakapalasawad tu raraw ku rmes nu ukang a kulung atu rmes nu siri,because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins,train +41721,41722,41722,kuna mifalahay tu tatiihay itini i paputal a suwal haw,I am optimistic and I will throw anything that is wrong with me away,train +41722,41723,41723,makenaay a milihayhu kisu,how about you go to worship,train +41723,41724,41724,mafawahay ku yufing haw,is the post office open,train +41724,41725,41725, Anini anu mafanaˈ ci Yihufa tu ngangan nu mita wa milifuk kita tu adihayay sapalemed,Today if the Lord knows us we too will receive many blessings,train +41725,41726,41726,cilisinay san makaniw nu Taywan,some witches have been cheated by the Taiwanese,train +41726,41727,41727,antu i maharek i pawalien,and then you take it to the sun,train +41727,41728,41728,hatira kura demak aku hatira satu i adada,it is a lot of work and it is hard to get a break,train +41728,41729,41729,malacafay kita kumaen tu patafuan nu maku,then let us eat my lunch box together,train +41729,41730,41730,caay ka fana kamu saw tu nika u mamasawkit ita ku cuyuh Orasaka mangalef ku nika ma^deng kita a misawkit tu kalufangafang nu tamdaw,do you not know that we will judge angels how much more the things of this life,test +41730,41731,41731,Orasaka hapinangen ku nika u maan ku karahkeran nu Tapang,and find out what pleases the Lord,train +41731,41732,41732,iraay tu pipadan tu tayal atu urip,we can help each other with our work lives,train +41732,41733,41733,o mitieray ci Inuk tu Kawas saka caay ka patay cingra Kakuy han nu Kawas cingra a milinah Orasaka awaay a makra nu tamdaw cingra o suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i I ayaw nu nika kakuy ningra i palipahak cingra tu Kawas saan,by faith Enoch was taken from this life so that he did not experience death he could not be found because God had taken him away for before he was taken he was commended as one who pleased God,train +41733,41734,41734,i tisuwanan kami a malafi,we are having dinner at your place,train +41734,41735,41735,cewaysyin,Ultraviolet,train +41735,41736,41736,Misauh^uuh^uh kina tiyad aku,my stomach growled,train +41736,41737,41737,misakenikeni,blink,train +41737,41738,41738,kuyud,carry,train +41738,41739,41739,pipatelian,station something the place to be,train +41739,41740,41740,mitiyaw tiya amu,hang the main beam,test +41740,41741,41741,watatta hitu yu,that guy,train +41741,41742,41742,u maan a nipilaylay ku kaulahan nu misu,what is your favorite sport,train +41742,41743,41743,matakupay nu maku tu ku karuray nu Amis,I have experienced the hard times of the Amis,train +41743,41744,41744,o misiay kisu i kamisian haw,are you peeing in the toilet,train +41744,41745,41745,tengil itiyahu mariʼang ku Tangafuran san i matuʼasay nuniyam tira i Singku,elderly people in the Success tribe say that the Pingpu used to bully the Aborigines,train +41745,41746,41746,salipahak sa ku harateng tu,now you are in a good mood,train +41746,41747,41747,pacakayay,outlets,train +41747,41748,41748,tayni kira turun sa,bring me the rice pudding,train +41748,41749,41749,mabulaw,relocation,train +41749,41750,41750,o malinahay tayra i Tureky a ruma Kitakit a salikaka tu rumiˈamiˈad malitemuhay ku cuwahu pakatengil ci Yihufaan a tamdaw,brothers and sisters who have moved from abroad to serve in Turkey meet people every day who have never heard of the Lord at all,test +41750,41751,41751,urip,lives,train +41751,41752,41752,minukay tu kamu u lafang nu niyaru,the tribes guests should go back,train +41752,41753,41753,lisin tuniyan,ritual culture,train +41753,41754,41754,hai sanu Amisen,of course in Amis ha,train +41754,41755,41755,o emin lima a suut ira ku mutep a rimuud,all,train +41755,41756,41756,u nini palumaan isu sapimaan isu,what do you do with all the vegetables you grow,train +41756,41757,41757,u mira mitiliday,he wrote this song,train +41757,41758,41758,masuritay,handwriting,train +41758,41759,41759,adipapang,dragonflies,train +41759,41760,41760,Ngaay tu panukasen anucila^,Okay but you have to give it back to me tomorrow,test +41760,41761,41761,Nanuya yu itira ci Yis i ccay a niyaru i ira ku ccay a malunuay Maaraw ningra ci Yis i hinukup sa a mingitangit Tapangaw anu u falucu Isu i pakakurac Kisu i takuwanan saan,while Jesus was in one of the towns a man came along who was covered with leprosy when he saw Jesus he fell with his face to the ground and begged him Lord if you are willing you can make me clean,train +41761,41762,41762,kaulahan tu nu salikaka itiya,the parishioners loved it too,train +41762,41763,41763,hay kacingangan tura Diyafu hananay,this is how the place name leaf came about,train +41763,41764,41764,u pakayniay i ngaayay a dmak niyam a miadah tunini a adadaay ku sakaliclic niyam anini,if we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are asked how he was healed,train +41764,41765,41765,awaay tu,not anymore,train +41765,41766,41766,maan sanay ku nu Dipung ira a ngangan,what is his Japanese name,train +41766,41767,41767,pakakawtyi ciira,he took the THSR to Kaohsiung,train +41767,41768,41768,malakakitaan,affluent,train +41768,41769,41769,mikurkur hakuwa ku angungul,how deep do we have to dig,train +41769,41770,41770,kuesit,difficulties,test +41770,41771,41771,fainayan sa i tini i salawacan a misimaw tura wawa a mifafa a mikiʼaraw,the men are the ones who look on and watch the children on their backs,train +41771,41772,41772,matatala,meeting,train +41772,41773,41773,lalavu nu luma a sumuwal hantui,if parents and family members are not on the same page,train +41773,41774,41774,sanga han ku pucpuc nira,make these hairballs,train +41774,41775,41775,itiya tu haw mafuti ku singciw,while the captain sleeps,train +41775,41776,41776,ta itiya haw u rakat niyam,I was running the car,train +41776,41777,41777,nanum,classifier for number of washes,train +41777,41778,41778,tu urip nu Pngacah tu sapipadangaw tu Pangcah,and the lives of the indigenous people or what they can do to help,train +41778,41779,41779,tumirengay,standing,train +41779,41780,41780,Maherekaytu kaku a miasik,I have finished cleaning up,test +41780,41781,41781,mararamuday,married,train +41781,41782,41782,Icuwa^,where is it,train +41782,41783,41783,hayya ca hay,yeah,train +41783,41784,41784,saka itiya a dadaya sa matira satu,that night,train +41784,41785,41785,o tamurak ku sakalafi naira,their dinner was pumpkin,train +41785,41786,41786,itini i paputal milisin u maan tu nu niyaru,no matter what the event we are all in the same boat,train +41786,41787,41787,caay tu kaalaen nira kiya rakes taangtaʼang kira rakes tini i kawali nu niyaru,the camphor trees on the east side of the tribe are no longer cutting rafts,train +41787,41788,41788,papikuliniw,pilfer,train +41788,41789,41789,anucila a mihcaan,next year,train +41789,41790,41790,pakacifar,travel by ship,test +41790,41791,41791,Saka licayen nu Farisay a tamdaw atu pasifanaay tu Rikec ci Yis Nawiru caay pidu^du ku nisawawaan Isu tu nanu tuas ita a lkakawa iru u caay ka kurac a kamay ku sakakumaen nangra saw han nangra,so the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus Why do not your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with unclean hands,train +41791,41792,41792,hinasuraray,easy to forgive,train +41792,41793,41793,finaulan,Clansman,train +41793,41794,41794,ira tu ku suwal i itini i kiristukiw haw i,later on Christianity was followed by missionaries who brought many,train +41794,41795,41795,o marauay tu niyam inacila itira,Yesterday I had already picked up the Sapindales there,train +41795,41796,41796,nengnenghan nira sulin adihay tu ku wawa nira,there were many children,train +41796,41797,41797,masuni iraay kura suni ira sanay,there is a sound,train +41797,41798,41798,sawalian,eastern,train +41798,41799,41799,a mafana kita,that is why we are here,train +41799,41800,41800,makapah a macerak ku sakula nu niyaru niyam tayni hatu i kacerakan nu hana^ a mikilim i takuwanan,the cherry blossoms in our tribe are beautiful when they bloom come find me when the flowers bloom,test +41800,41801,41801,hafila han tu nake ya hafelaʼan nu icep,that leaf can be used as a betel leaf,train +41801,41802,41802,fuwahan,doorway,train +41802,41803,41803,u vavahi amin ku papaenip,all the women of the village will be planting the seedlings,train +41803,41804,41804,pahanhan ku mitiliday i minukayay tu kaku i tiya pakafana sa fufu aku,during school vacations I would go home and Grandpa would teach there,train +41804,41805,41805,karataliay,taro,train +41805,41806,41806,yu ci Hirutihu ku hungti nu Yutaya i ira ci Cakariya hananay a citudungay tu taung u Apiya a kaput ci Ilisapic ku ngangan nu fafahi ningra u tluc ni Arun,in the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron,train +41806,41807,41807,tusa a tatukiyan kiyari i nanum masadaktu,almost two and a half hours in the water and then I went ashore,train +41807,41808,41808,fanuhung,aromatic,train +41808,41809,41809,ira hu hatini ngaʼay hu ku,I feel that my,train +41809,41810,41810,u caciyaw sa nira matiay u hilan han nay nira kaku,when you are talking you are slurring your words and your tongue is in knots call me Shi Xianglan,test +41810,41811,41811,celak han safitay kira,spread the container,train +41811,41812,41812,adihayay,enough,train +41812,41813,41813,Caay caay kakemaen kaku tu heci nu lusay,No I rarely eat fruit,train +41813,41814,41814,tusa a miheca,about years,train +41814,41815,41815,patal tu makayniyay,prepare for your return,train +41815,41816,41816,patalaafala,torso,train +41816,41817,41817,ka Dipungan tu i duedu han tu nu cifenekay ku kafulawan nu niyaru a makalalima ku finacadan nu mita u Pangcah,from the Japanese era scholars have divided Amis settlements into five regional groups based on geographic regions and tribal migrations,train +41817,41818,41818,maliyangay ku cima,who can disobey,train +41818,41819,41819,Ngaay ku fafahiyan mituur a miadup haw,Then can women go hunting together,train +41819,41820,41820,caay pilaliw,I will not run,test +41820,41821,41821,anu tataan ku nanum i ya lakecen lakitikiting saanen,if the streams big we will hold hands and go back up the stream,train +41821,41822,41822,Ngaayay kisu haw,are you all right,train +41822,41823,41823,patedu a mipaini tu macuwacuwaay,there is not even a subject line,train +41823,41824,41824,kaidian,miserly,train +41824,41825,41825,itira mapulung kerihsa ku finawlan,as a result all the tribesmen will go,train +41825,41826,41826,u ruma ku lipahak nu maku a hacuwa ku kasuvucan nu misu,I am high with that when is your birthday,train +41826,41827,41827,o kaackan u tadancaay ku malafungay a mapatayay a tireng Nikawrira malatadamaanay malaki^melay ku mapaluwaday a mapaurip a tireng,it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power,train +41827,41828,41828,pinaay mihecaan kuna kilang,how old is this tree,train +41828,41829,41829,lingwa,concern,train +41829,41830,41830,haen sa milinsiw ku wawa nu Pangcah,the children of the indigenous people practiced playing the piano up there,test +41830,41831,41831,tingal,the thing stuck between the teeth,train +41831,41832,41832,patatiku,return,train +41832,41833,41833,ora salilis hananay i,those trails,train +41833,41834,41834,saka ci fafahi sa kiya na matuʼasay tatulutulu ku fafahi ira,he is had more than three wives,train +41834,41835,41835,keter han ni ina umaan hu sau,mom got mad and said Is there anything else that is important,train +41835,41836,41836,pinang,clues,train +41836,41837,41837,awaay hu ku itini nu maku a urip i,in my day,train +41837,41838,41838,apa luma u tika tu,it is a big tin house now,train +41838,41839,41839,ta herek sa kiraan malasayhu tu kisu sa ku tawki nu maku,then my boss said I could do it all on my own,train +41839,41840,41840,tu sakelis misakelisay,scraped wooden strips,test +41840,41841,41841,saka kunian a mata,this is the sixth hole,train +41841,41842,41842,kuciwsya,mutual aid society,train +41842,41843,41843,ci aki ku miceliay a mikapuyi ci Kacawan,the person who yelled at Kacaw was Aki,train +41843,41844,41844,Napapikinsaan tu ku isin haw,did you go to the hospital for a checkup,train +41844,41845,41845,sakapitu,seventh,train +41845,41846,41846,mangaʼay kira,can only then,train +41846,41847,41847,cukeruh,shirk,train +41847,41848,41848,tu niyaru nu Cikasuwan,Chikagawa tribe,train +41848,41849,41849,fanaʼay kisu misanga han,will you do it I asked,train +41849,41850,41850,malingaday ku mama aku,my dad was a farmer,test +41850,41851,41851,aka ka ca,do by all means,train +41851,41852,41852,caay ku mamacaculi cingra atu tamdaw caay ku mamicli cingra caay ku mamisacli cingra a pasuwal i lalalalan,he will not quarrel or cry out no one will hear his voice in the streets,train +41852,41853,41853,Nikawrira suwal sa ku rumaruma a tamdaw Akahu nengnengaw ita latek tayni ci Iliya a mipaurip i Cingraan saan cangra,the rest said Now leave him alone let us see if Elijah comes to save him,train +41853,41854,41854,ta minukay kami aci tiya,that is when we went home,train +41854,41855,41855,o tayniay i takuwanan a tamdaw a mitngil tu suwal aku a midu^du i suwalaw aku kamu tu nika u masamaanay a tamdaw cingra,I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice,train +41855,41856,41856,Nanay mapaicel nu Tapang kamu ta matiya u nika ulah niyam i tamuwanan ku nika tungal nu kasasiulaulah namu atu ulah namu tu tamdamdaw,may the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else just as ours does for you,train +41856,41857,41857,itiyatiya,at that time,train +41857,41858,41858,iri saepah hantu nu ruma,some people even brew it,train +41858,41859,41859,araw han itiya i,at the time upon closer inspection,train +41859,41860,41860,cefit cefit han nu kaʼayaʼayaw haw a singing,crew in front of us with a pull,test +41860,41861,41861,tu ngaʼayay tu patelian nu malitengay,the elders can install it,train +41861,41862,41862,tayni i enar ku heni,downhill to the plains,train +41862,41863,41863,u Pangcah hananay,the Amish language will disappear,train +41863,41864,41864,kura salikaka aku,my brother,train +41864,41865,41865,u masay yu,it is a vine,train +41865,41866,41866,limecedan,girls,train +41866,41867,41867,mitengilay,enhancement of listener interest,train +41867,41868,41868,o kafahkaan a dmak ku nilungucan nu Yutaya a tamdaw o taneng ku nilungucan nu Krisiya a tamdaw,Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom,train +41868,41869,41869,o patipelukan nu kaka aku kiraan,that is where my sister keeps her paper,train +41869,41870,41870,haen nira mikiwat uman ku pahiyaen itini,knit it like this here,test +41870,41871,41871,nima a kakamayan kira macaitay i kilang,whose sleeve hangs on the tree,train +41871,41872,41872,mahaen ku nipaherekan nina demak,here is how it ended,train +41872,41873,41873,o tawinaan a kulunng kunini,this is a mother water buffalo,train +41873,41874,41874,fangcal ku kimad nu fukesi anini macucuk ku falucu aku,the pastors sermon today was very lively and touched me very much,train +41874,41875,41875,ulihaw,good Bye,train +41875,41876,41876,macarekah,Roughed up,train +41876,41877,41877,han nira kira niyaruʼay,he commanded the tribesmen,train +41877,41878,41878,Papikumimiten nira kaku tu tangila nu misu,he wants me to twist and pinch your ears,train +41878,41879,41879,urasaka niyanan pi rakat han nu maku tu salikaka itini i Tucen sa,but the Tucson parishioners after we preached to them,train +41879,41880,41880,a radiwen hu aku tu haw nu tuʼas a radiw,I will start with an old tune from the early days,test +41880,41881,41881,u sakiemelaw nu Dungi sa caay ka pa caay ka ciduka,I am glad I did not get hurt even though I slipped,train +41881,41882,41882,salipahak,thrilled,train +41882,41883,41883,ha u niya alufu cima misangaʼay,and who made these bags,train +41883,41884,41884,uninian ku sapitatiw nu maku tu kawkaw atu funus,that is why I carry a belt knife and scythes,train +41884,41885,41885,mamitilid kisu tu taykak haw,will you go on to college,train +41885,41886,41886,kunling,training,train +41886,41887,41887,hamanan,I do not need it,train +41887,41888,41888,pasuwal sa kaku anini,I am talking now,train +41888,41889,41889,Lumengaw tu ku cengu nu nipalumaan niyam,the ones we planted are sprouting,train +41889,41890,41890,a kaku sa kisu,Ah here it is if you yell like that,test +41890,41891,41891,pakayni ini pakayluma ini hansan,it starts right here,train +41891,41892,41892,nu Recurd,it is really smart and intelligent,train +41892,41893,41893,u yu sapisanga tu luma kiyami nu heni,they are building a house,train +41893,41894,41894,palasawaden niyam ku milalangay tu sakafana nu tamdaw tu Kawas a misatakaraway a harateng paliten niyam ku masamaamaanay a harateng a papituur i ci Kristuan,we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ,train +41894,41895,41895,Salikakaaw palimuut kaku i tamuwanan Pinaun kamu a minengneng tu parawraway atu patahfikuday a tamdaw o miliyangay cangra tu ninanaman namu a sifana piliyas kamu cangraan,I urge you brothers to watch out for those who because divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned keep away from them,train +41895,41896,41896,saka lahekel nu falucu alatek sakaku a harateng,it is to warm the heart is not it I have been thinking,train +41896,41897,41897,midu^du sanay tu ngangan nu tuatuas u ni saamisay a Pangcah i u mikilimay tu fa^eluhay a nganganganen,the age class organization of Amis society which can be divided into the nominal system of the northern Amis and the nominal system of the southern Amis,train +41897,41898,41898,u Amis u Ridaw tada Lidaw ci ama aku,they are Nanshi Amis the real ones,train +41898,41899,41899,maulah kumaen ku fafuy,pigs love it,train +41899,41900,41900,kita a mitemi,let us stir,test +41900,41901,41901,tunini,these,train +41901,41902,41902,rawang,room,train +41902,41903,41903,Taluma tu kaku,I am going home,train +41903,41904,41904,Mu^tep tu ku mihecaan aku,I am ten years old,train +41904,41905,41905,mamimaan kisu anupapacem,what will you be doing tomorrow morning,train +41905,41906,41906,Pakadiput hanima kaku tunu niyaru a dmak,I do not know if I have what it takes to lead a tribe,train +41906,41907,41907,Cacayaytu ku tuki a malahuk mapataytu nu lahuk,it is already of the clock before lunch I am starving,train +41907,41908,41908,makayra tu a patanga sa itini sihakuway nu suleta,it is in the fridge,train +41908,41909,41909,tu Cikasuwan,Chikagawa,train +41909,41910,41910,emin han itira kura Pangcah naitira ku suwal nira,the Amis are all settled here,test +41910,41911,41911,suʼelinay tu adihayay haw ku malitemuhay,there is really a lot going on,train +41911,41912,41912,kalasuwalan nu malitengay,the Elders exhortation,train +41912,41913,41913,ira tu ku cay ka kawmah a pala kawmahen nira,if there is land without a lord he plows it,train +41913,41914,41914,tira,gallbladder,train +41914,41915,41915,saka mararamud kami i lalimaay ku wawa aku,we have five children from our marriage,train +41915,41916,41916,u faeluhay hu a kapah,I was a newly promoted young man,train +41916,41917,41917,maratar haw vaki,good morning Uncle,train +41917,41918,41918,ira kiya miawaway wacu,there is the sound of a dog barking,train +41918,41919,41919,saka tusa nu malatumukay i,secondly,train +41919,41920,41920,tangsul saan a minukay kisu haw,are you going straight back,test +41920,41921,41921,itira misalisin paurad una tefun nu fulad nanu tuas u iraay tu a tefun u tadamaanay a pala nu Pangcah kuni,moon cave is a natural cave and is one of the sacred places of Pangcah,train +41921,41922,41922,Malacilah ku nanum nu riyar,sea water becomes salt,train +41922,41923,41923,pawlipawlian,banana garden,train +41923,41924,41924,katufil,lip,train +41924,41925,41925,anu caʼay picumud ku cilah ku siraw a masamisi a masanek,if the salt does not penetrate not enough salt then the meat will have a flavor,train +41925,41926,41926,hiya nu pi lekakawa nu hiya nu kakitaan atu kapah,the chief and the youths had made proper arrangements,train +41926,41927,41927,remadiw,call loudly,train +41927,41928,41928,saka saan,because,train +41928,41929,41929,nga caka cahiw kamu,you will not go hungry,train +41929,41930,41930,pasifana kisu tu saan ka Angcuh,the Antong tribe told me to keep teaching kindergarten,test +41930,41931,41931,anu makatepa kaw haw,it is all good if you find any,train +41931,41932,41932,cufay sa ku tireng aku,Wow I cannot balance my body,train +41932,41933,41933,Pinaaytu ku tuki initu ku mivalahay u,what time is it the garbage trucks here,train +41933,41934,41934,cacay kaku i lalan,I was alone on the road,train +41934,41935,41935,matatudung ku tanganganan nu niyaru,their boundaries are like complete tribes,train +41935,41936,41936,hiyai niʼunip a saan i,when I came to plant rice seedlings,train +41936,41937,41937,nau suwal nu matuasay,the elders explain,train +41937,41938,41938,ngata ngata sa tu ku sapisawadaw itini kucung i,graduation from junior high is approaching,train +41938,41939,41939,itira i caay ku mamapatay ku mikaenay cangraan a fau caay ku mamapadeng ku mituduhay cangraan a namal,where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched,train +41939,41940,41940,tikami,letter,test +41940,41941,41941,namu minengnengay,you are the ones who are watching,train +41941,41942,41942,faluhecian,fruit,train +41942,41943,41943,hakiya,is that about,train +41943,41944,41944,u miʼadupan ari,if you are hunting,train +41944,41945,41945,mahanay saka mangaʼay kalikuda itini san,he felt happy to participate in the festival,train +41945,41946,41946,kalavian,in the evening,train +41946,41947,41947,sanu pangcahen,speak American please,train +41947,41948,41948,mita inaayaw ira ku,in the past only,train +41948,41949,41949,i Taypak kaku a malapasuvanaay,I am a teacher in Taipei,train +41949,41950,41950,Caay mapawan ciira a citamuhung,No she forgot her hat,test +41950,41951,41951,cahu ka pifuting i,before it leaves the harbor,train +41951,41952,41952,manay kapah kuya hiya,so it is good that,train +41952,41953,41953,pahanhantu namicudad taputal kaku,I walked out of the classroom when class was over,train +41953,41954,41954,awaayhu ku kafanaan,I was still a young man,train +41954,41955,41955,awaʼay ku tulas nu waʼay a lipaʼen,you cannot do that with your foot,train +41955,41956,41956,Mangulaw kira fayi tu suna niira,this aunt is angry with her grandson,train +41956,41957,41957,malalikid,dance of the year,train +41957,41958,41958,ku hiya kiya,there is that too,train +41958,41959,41959,hakenang,sofa,train +41959,41960,41960,na tayra i luma ni fai mihatatanam mitinuuy,I went to my aunts house to learn how to knit,test +41960,41961,41961,Marawud,in the end,train +41961,41962,41962,saikul haw,Finally,train +41962,41963,41963,awaay tu ku pikiliman tu hatiraay a kilang,because there is no place to find a good tree,train +41963,41964,41964,Saka tangsul sa a cumikay ku ccay nangra a papihcep i acicimay a ^pah tu paruk ta paktingen ningra i pnen nu ardu ta papitinacen ningra ci Yis,immediately one of them ran and got a sponge he filled it with wine vinegar put it on a stick and offered it to Jesus to drink,train +41964,41965,41965,i lamit nu ina u litapangan a paluwad tu suwal nu Amis i,the Amis language needs to be revitalized from the ground up,train +41965,41966,41966,makerah ku kuya tangkukiyara rah mapawan tu kina sa,if the reservoir runs out of water Just memory is very strong,train +41966,41967,41967,Pacauf sa ci Yis Kinapitu caay ka saan kaku oya pitu i kinapituen a pulu,Jesus answered I tell you not seven times but seventy seven times,train +41967,41968,41968,miapalemed ci ina aku,blessings from the Spirit of my mother in heaven,train +41968,41969,41969,mitaliyuk,surroundings,train +41969,41970,41970,tahekal,go out,test +41970,41971,41971,Masupay ku uning nu tireng,my body has been rubbed clean,train +41971,41972,41972,tiper han nu matuʼasay tu umah,the elders only work hard in the fields,train +41972,41973,41973,ina atina mama aca,where is mom and dad,train +41973,41974,41974,lingses cangra a minengneng tu nipisemsem ningra saka tumireng cangra i raay a sumuwal Aya Aya Kuna tataangay a niyaru Tadamaanay a niyaru Papilunaw Ca ka satuki i matfucaytu kisu saan,terrified at her torment they will stand far off and cry Woe Woe O great city O Babylon city of power in one hour your Doom has come,train +41974,41975,41975,Sulimeten ku tasalamaen,put your toy away,train +41975,41976,41976,kapilien,pick up,train +41976,41977,41977,ci Nuami Kulas kaku mu^tepay tu ku mihecaan nu maku,my name is Noami Kulas and I am years old,train +41977,41978,41978,safit,baby carrier,train +41978,41979,41979,Siikur sa ci Yis a pasayra i nisawawaan a minengneng kakter han ningra ci Pitiru a sumuwal Satanaw piliyas i Takuwanan Caay ku nu Kawas ku niharatengan isu u nu tamdawan ku niharatengan isu han ningra,but when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples he rebuked Peter Get behind me Satan he said You do not have in mind the things of God but the things of men,train +41979,41980,41980,tusa miheca kaku itira,I was there for two years,test +41980,41981,41981,halikaenen adihayay hu ku kakaenen itini,enjoy yourself There is a lot more,train +41981,41982,41982,anu ira ku maanay matuasay,if the old man has anything,train +41982,41983,41983,o yuyang nu fafahian ku pades nu falucu aku,my friends scolding made my heart ache,train +41983,41984,41984,halafin ku kaitira nu lunan niyam Mataliftu ku pisaliwayan a rumiad nu Yutaya a tamdaw saka kacalemcemantu ku pakariyaray a rakat Saka paayaw hantu ni Pawlu,much time had been lost and sailing had already become dangerous because by now it was after the Fast so Paul warned them,train +41984,41985,41985,tatekuh,hornet,train +41985,41986,41986,Namatira kuya ngulngul itiya hu na i ra ku lalan,there was no bridge here in the early days,train +41986,41987,41987,ya mitatukes tu kaku,I am going to cut sugar cane,train +41987,41988,41988,ku ayaw,Before,train +41988,41989,41989,Tedal hatu nu misu kira wawa,you just save that kid,train +41989,41990,41990,Ngaayay tu tireng nu fafahiyan ku fadisusu,grapes are good for a girls body,test +41990,41991,41991,anu palimu kamu ri,if you want to be thankful,train +41991,41992,41992,saka tusa a rumiʼad,the morrow,train +41992,41993,41993,o niculukan nu mariangay a tamdaw kina wacu aku,my dog was stabbed by a bad guy with a spear,train +41993,41994,41994,Pakaung^ung han nira mama a mititi ku wawa nira,that father smacked his child until he cried,train +41994,41995,41995,u kakaenen tu ku sakaira,seek for rich food,train +41995,41996,41996,kisu kisu hiwa,what about you,train +41996,41997,41997,hadimelen,prudent,train +41997,41998,41998,Lepel han ku kuku iyuk saan a masuni,catch a chicken the chicken cooed,train +41998,41999,41999,u nu litengan hu riyaru i han nira pangangan,in the past the name of the place Taiyuan was called Honbu,train +41999,42000,42000,na makapatay anu pina aremiad ku lala nu luma tara haw ku alumanay misa umah mipadang a mawmah miurung tu kasuy a taluma,in a few days due to a funeral agricultural work was delayed and people went to the farm to help and cut firewood on the way back,test +42000,42001,42001,u ina tu nini ani,where is this mans mother,train +42001,42002,42002,miliyuk,surrounding,train +42002,42003,42003,nu ninian a niyaru nu Malaluung ku ninian sa,that is what the Hing Cheong tribe is all about carpentry,train +42003,42004,42004,ira ku sapalifu tu sapicudad niyam mi hananay,so that I can pay for my registration,train +42004,42005,42005,Mitier tu Kawas ku itiyaayhu a tamdaw Saka makahmek nu Kawas cangra,this is what the ancients were commended for,train +42005,42006,42006,Hayi minanaw hu tu kamay kaku,Okay I will go wash my hands,train +42006,42007,42007,caka lacecay ku ledu nu rakat sanay ku malitengay,the old mans feet could not move smoothly at one time,train +42007,42008,42008,o tadakamukuay kira keliw nu misu,your line is too short,train +42008,42009,42009,aka pacefa a pakukut tu demak nu singsi,do not accuse without clear evidence the acts of a teacher,train +42009,42010,42010,o misatikingay,Ironmonger in the ironworks,test +42010,42011,42011,sapad,tables,train +42011,42012,42012,matekes kunini ngaay saka^meden haw,it is too expensive can you make it cheaper,train +42012,42013,42013,misanga saan ku matuʼasay,elderly man making,train +42013,42014,42014,tali maman ku pinaluma itiya,I was growing taro and other things,train +42014,42015,42015,caay tu cimaan,no comment,train +42015,42016,42016,mamikarkar kita tu sera anini,we are going to loosen the soil today,train +42016,42017,42017,maulahay kisu tu laluudan han,do you like autumn,train +42017,42018,42018,makuwanay,Controlled,train +42018,42019,42019,iraan sana pidac i alukaw awaay maʼaraw ku laenu,that is a pretty deep cliff,train +42019,42020,42020,Miruwaruay tu kaku tu nguyus,Yes I rinsed out my mouth,test +42020,42021,42021,minalitiay,lit collect mango grass hearts,train +42021,42022,42022,pusak,rice,train +42022,42023,42023,antu aalaen aku,I was going to get a new husband,train +42023,42024,42024,o cinamalay,take the train,train +42024,42025,42025,tu matiniay sapitulik,willingness to learn to knit,train +42025,42026,42026,Tikiruay i patalumaen matayal saan ku tawki,go home if you can,train +42026,42027,42027,u pasuvanaay kaku,I am a teacher,train +42027,42028,42028,pela san kira,because of the cracks,train +42028,42029,42029,kamacal,love bite,train +42029,42030,42030,o malalukay a tamdaw cingra,he is a hardworking man,test +42030,42031,42031,Mafanaay kisu a mitengil tu suwal nu singsi haw,do you understand what the teacher says,train +42031,42032,42032,safelut,obstinately clinging ones course,train +42032,42033,42033,misalinkaay itya hu,Limban of the mountains and forests,train +42033,42034,42034,sapiked,turning point,train +42034,42035,42035,anini a rumi ad amifacu anu sa,if we were to build today,train +42035,42036,42036,mabanaʼtu nika matalaw kina Kaliyawan,they know Kavalan is afraid of such things,train +42036,42037,42037,iw pakatungd,can they do it Training,train +42037,42038,42038,matahpu kira,because it is covered,train +42038,42039,42039,ayaw nu mamiala tu pakarungay,before recruiting young people,train +42039,42040,42040,talatukus sa Dawa milefis tu asiru,Dawas family went to the mountains to pick oranges,test +42040,42041,42041,ruhayan,flower,train +42041,42042,42042,Mauraday i sawni tumreptu imatini,it just rained and now it is stopped,train +42042,42043,42043,ira kaku a mitadtad tu salengac,when it was in bloom I collected moon peach leaves,train +42043,42044,42044,a initu haw ku nipatala,always be prepared,train +42044,42045,42045,hatira ku suwal na singciw nu niyam i,after the captain said that,train +42045,42046,42046,litaul,oval shaped,train +42046,42047,42047,ira hu kiya pacakayay tu kyandi ma,there was a possible vendor there,train +42047,42048,42048,manikaw tu kakaenen kuya parud,that family is very short of food,train +42048,42049,42049,ira ku turun ira ku epah ira ku vila ira ku icep,there is glutinous rice cake there is wine there is Lao there is betel nut,train +42049,42050,42050,ku niyam kaci alusaysay itiyahu,we were still wearing our chapeaus at the time,test +42050,42051,42051,malawud tu ku kilumaʼan ku misu i,when the Harvest Festival comes,train +42051,42052,42052,iniann ini i,look at this,train +42052,42053,42053,aka palakulung tu tamdaw,do not enslave people like cows,train +42053,42054,42054,sa rumiʼad san ku wawa kumaʼen tu piyang mitimsin,kids snacking on cookies all day,train +42054,42055,42055,midipang,defense,train +42055,42056,42056,pihaceng ku ulah a pacemut sisa alamaanan paremiad sa i liyaliyalan a pacemut,I like fishing so I often go to the beach and fish all day long,train +42056,42057,42057,mamangitid,I am going to get caught,train +42057,42058,42058,Hay kakusa tu,Okay let me do it,train +42058,42059,42059,kunga,sweet pot,train +42059,42060,42060,vaki adihay ku kungku nu misu haw,Grandpa you have a lot of stories to tell,test +42060,42061,42061,taluma micudad,coming home from school,train +42061,42062,42062,kiya hiyan ti,the plant,train +42062,42063,42063,tiya sedak satu ku kamaruʼan a luma,that is how the tribes were formed,train +42063,42064,42064, o lipahak samaanay padama kitaanan i mitusilay demak,c how does joy help us to preach,train +42064,42065,42065,anu cai pinaun tu lamal i u tuduh tu nu lama ita,if we are not careful with fire our homes will burn,train +42065,42066,42066,mahaenay kiya hiya ku kaka aku itya,that is what happened to my brother and sister,train +42066,42067,42067,suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O tanuktukay a tamdaw i caay ku papaisingen deng u adadaay ku papaisingen,Jesus answered them It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick,train +42067,42068,42068,o tatudung nunini a suwal i,the meaning of this sentence is,train +42068,42069,42069,mipatalumaay,married,train +42069,42070,42070,miepud,take money out of the bank,test +42070,42071,42071,ta milaliw tu kuya wawa a minukay,Then the child left and went home,train +42071,42072,42072,Pakawananen ku tayal nira,please help guide him in his work,train +42072,42073,42073,misulac,wash,train +42073,42074,42074,cinanu ngaʼayay kemkemen ta,it is watery we can chew it too,train +42074,42075,42075,Tamurung han ni fayi ku atumu i tangal,Auntie carried the water pottery urn on her head,train +42075,42076,42076,yufayuf,farming group,train +42076,42077,42077,sulinay nayira ku mahenay a demak saan,it did happen in the past,train +42077,42078,42078,o radiw atu keru nu Pangcah lahuday kaengel a maramut saka pakanengneng ku tamdaw tangsul tu sapikaputan a masakeru urasaka edef nu Yencumin nu Taywan mafana rumadiw tu radiw nu Pangcah,the Amis have infectious songs and dances with strong affinity rhythm and melody which can easily infect the people around them almost every Aboriginal tribe in Taiwan can sing one or two Amis songs,train +42078,42079,42079,misaturun,pounding mocha,train +42079,42080,42080,makakenis,mutually exclusive,test +42080,42081,42081,matengil niya matuasay,it was heard by the old man,train +42081,42082,42082,saka tahini i minatu hiwawa i,So when the ship arrives at the pier,train +42082,42083,42083,Kanguduen ku kakasiniadaen a mapunengay,give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need,train +42083,42084,42084,tura tesel nira mansa,that embroidery style,train +42084,42085,42085,fatii,by the side of,train +42085,42086,42086,kelacen aku ku lusay a pakaen i tisuwanan,let me peel the fruit for you,train +42086,42087,42087,o aulahen ita ku tau,we are to love our neighbors,train +42087,42088,42088,aniniay satu u nu Hulam mihuwankun han ku nu aniniay,in modern times it is called a change of job,train +42088,42089,42089,milaliw,run away,train +42089,42090,42090,etah,coarse husk,test +42090,42091,42091,adihayay ku paliding i maci saka pakautupay sa kami a tayra,there are a lot of cars in the city so we go there by motorcycle,train +42091,42092,42092,eng way tawma,Yeah I am not coming back,train +42092,42093,42093,kaemangay hu ku urip ira sa awaay ku silumay,it is because he is too young to be special,train +42093,42094,42094,mamang ku cikeng niyam,our water tank is very small,train +42094,42095,42095,Anu maaraw namu ku nipilikut nu sufitay tu Yirusalim i kafana kamu tu nika mangatatu ku katkupan nuya niyaru,When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies you will know that its desolation is near,train +42095,42096,42096,caay ka nanam itini i tansuy maru,he is not used to living in Freshwater,train +42096,42097,42097,ini ku nipalumaan ni ina tu rukut sa ci ina,Auntie says they grow sassafras here,train +42097,42098,42098,itiya hantu makatengil,at that time there was a member of the Inle tribal Church,train +42098,42099,42099,makatepa,I can find it,train +42099,42100,42100,mieli,mow thatch,test +42100,42101,42101,Kauradan,rainy day,train +42101,42102,42102,milicikaf,fish scale removal,train +42102,42103,42103,icuwaay ku tahnayay nu cilamalay atu fasu^,which is faster the train or the bus,train +42103,42104,42104,kina tulu kaku a misanga caay kalaheci,I have done it three times and failed,train +42104,42105,42105,makimurkimur tu ku kapakapah,so all the young people start panicking,train +42105,42106,42106,misekin kaku tu minciw nu fasu parakat kaku tu fasu,I am getting a passenger bus license,train +42106,42107,42107,minanam tu radiw atu keru mifana tu sapingudu atu pakimadan tu rayray nu urip maemin itini i taluan a mireku u kakitaan nu niyaru atu mama nu kapah a macacuruk a palalan atu pasifana,learning songs dances and rituals as well as lectures on history politics and economics all take place here with tribal elders or fathers of the youth taking turns to educate and guide them,train +42107,42108,42108,Sulinay patayraen ita i niyarupakuwat tu finawlan,Yeah let us take it back to the tribe and share it,train +42108,42109,42109,saka ila nuni fanuh,that is why they have this feather symbol,train +42109,42110,42110,kifetulay ya turun,there is a very thick glutinous rice cake,test +42110,42111,42111,yu havay hen ku demak iri,when it was still Xiaomi,train +42111,42112,42112,Pacauf sa ci Yis Anu cima ku nipaflian Aku a tamdaw tu nicnuan Aku a pcih nu ^pang i urira a tamdaw han ningra ta ala sa cingra tu pcih nu ^pang a micnu i tnas a pafli i ci Yutaan u wawa ni Simun nu Iskariyut,Jesus answered It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish Then dipping the piece of bread he gave it to Judas Iscariot son of Simon,train +42112,42113,42113,Maaraw aku ku ccay a macakatay nai riyar a aadupen Mu^tep ku puhung pitu ku funguh nira Malarucek a citamuhung tu nu hungti kuya mu^tepay a puhung nira matilid i kahaccaccay nu funguh nira ku milukesay tu ngangan nu Kawas a suwal,and the dragon stood on the shore of the sea and I saw a beast coming out of the sea he had ten horns and seven heads with ten crowns on his horns and on each head a blasphemous name,train +42113,42114,42114,karivuwa,coins,train +42114,42115,42115,tadamaanay ku taheka^ ita,our meal is very special,train +42115,42116,42116,faleday,above,train +42116,42117,42117,tipusan tu,in winter,train +42117,42118,42118,maaraw,be seen,train +42118,42119,42119,malakuhaw,it is a soup,train +42119,42120,42120,eng tuy hey ya suwi mama suw yise ai,Yes to mom and to auntie,test +42120,42121,42121,masadak,it is coming out,train +42121,42122,42122,Lalidelalidecan ku lutuk nu Tafalung,the mountains of Tafalong are all covered with nine lustrums,train +42122,42123,42123,ku ngangan nu hananay,the origin of the name Showa grass,train +42123,42124,42124,Pacikafen niyam a misanga tu mangah a futing,fake fish we put on fish scales,train +42124,42125,42125,kemekem han tu ku smut ami,just chewing on weed,train +42125,42126,42126,nacila a cacay,day before yesterday,train +42126,42127,42127,naayaw mitungangan ku Taywan mitungangan,Sneer,train +42127,42128,42128,yu mafahfahtu ni Yis ku ccay a miapaay a palafuay i masadaktu kuya palafuay ta mangaaytu a caciyaw kuya tamdaw Safahka satu ku finawlan,Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute when the demon left the man who had been mute spoke and the crowd was amazed,train +42128,42129,42129,kiya caay pikilim tu alumanay a malkakaay,not a lot of brothers and sisters,train +42129,42130,42130,mahaen tu i,slopes like this,test +42130,42131,42131,misakilemelay,intense,train +42131,42132,42132,mihadidiay ca Luwis aci Perin palemedan ni Yihufa cangra han,what great reward did the Lord give to Louis and Pelletier for their patience,train +42132,42133,42133,malcaputu a malaniyaru,gathering to become a tribe,train +42133,42134,42134,patirengan tu luma,build a house,train +42134,42135,42135,laheciheci satu tu ku demak nura tatusa,things are starting to come together for them,train +42135,42136,42136,hatira tura picekiw,like when you are catching conch shells,train +42136,42137,42137,pacilahen ku pikeling tu kudasing,stir fry peanuts with saltpeter,train +42137,42138,42138,pafeli,Give,train +42138,42139,42139,uni ku nanu kaemangan aku mitengil tu pi nu mama aku i kiwkay,since I was a child I have seen my father preaching in the church,train +42139,42140,42140,cuwaen su a patireng sa ci,mayor Lin Huimin asked me where you are going to build it,test +42140,42141,42141,Tahcerem tu ku rumiad upuh satu ku tayal niyam i pala,the sun was going down and we quickly finished the work in the field,train +42141,42142,42142,mi kilim cira tu widang ningra,find his friends,train +42142,42143,42143,niadupan,hunting,train +42143,42144,42144,u maan ku palumaan su Maamaan asimanay ku palumaan nu matuʼasay,what do you grow a variety of what the elderly grow whatever they want,train +42144,42145,42145,sisa iniyan u suwal nu Ppangcah tu,Therefore what the Amis say,train +42145,42146,42146,Misapeti tu kulung,whip the bull,train +42146,42147,42147,kalikien a kumaen,eat fast,train +42147,42148,42148,pasifanaʼen hu kami samaanen niluec heee,teach us how to tie it tight Choke,train +42148,42149,42149,tadafangcal a nengnengen ku fuis i kakarayan anini,the stars in the sky look so beautiful today,train +42149,42150,42150,lalisan kaku,I have a fever,test +42150,42151,42151,o mainap kaku tu fana nira a micudad,I am jealous that he is good at reading,train +42151,42152,42152,anu cadungen ita kunini i caay ku saluafang a ccay u citirengay kita,because when we are clothed we will not be found naked,train +42152,42153,42153,lutungay,baby,train +42153,42154,42154,hasi matini sa simsim sa minengneng kinaʼurip niri katawaan tu maruray tu,Yeah my life feels funny and very hard,train +42154,42155,42155,saka pangangan sa ku sakafiyawfiyaw haw i,Therefore when his neighbors called him,train +42155,42156,42156,caay ku sapipadang tu canguut nu mituuray a ccay kunini a padahufay a tayal namu o sapaluwadaw tu falucu nu alumanay a tamdaw a papiahuwid tu Kawas,this service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of Gods people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God,train +42156,42157,42157,itini ˈayaw nu 2000 miheca sanay ku suwal ni Yis Adihay ku papanayen nikawrira caay ka ˈaluman ku matayalay,about years ago Jesus said The Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few,train +42157,42158,42158,Matefuc nu sinsi kami i nacila,we were punished by our teacher yesterday,train +42158,42159,42159,paka fanaʼen ta ku cimacima u wawa ca ita u rarem aca,we want to pass it on to as many people as we need or to our children and the next generation,train +42159,42160,42160,itiraay tu i kaemang hu a latek mafana a,I probably knew that when I was a kid,test +42160,42161,42161,yu micumud haca cangra i luma i licayen nu nisawawaan ci Yis tu pakayniay tunini a dmak,when they were in the house again the disciples asked Jesus about this,train +42161,42162,42162,u kafanaʼan nu maku i,as far as I know,train +42162,42163,42163,lahcien ku nipihadidi namu ta awaaytu ku laliyaliyawen i tamuwanan tu nika sungila namu,perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything,train +42163,42164,42164,hanu tayra malinah ci Riana hani,why did Riana choose to move there,train +42164,42165,42165,anu awaay ku nanum nira putut u mapatayay tu ku hicay,if there is no water in that bamboo tube the fish fry will die,train +42165,42166,42166,nian halufaw han nu Pangcah,it is called celery,train +42166,42167,42167,o tenas ku pitenasan naira tu daeci,they dipped themselves in salt water and ate arrow carrots,train +42167,42168,42168,kalitaangan,very proud,train +42168,42169,42169,icuwa kiya,there it goes,train +42169,42170,42170,ura satuku u iya tu,the Central pillar,test +42170,42171,42171,o mauyasay kira tawki niyam i katayalan,our bosses at the company were very biased,train +42171,42172,42172,itiya i mafana ci Yis tu nika u tatayni cangra a miala a paci^ci i cingraan a palahungti Saka liyas satu cingra a ccay a talalutuk,Jesus knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force withdrew again to a mountain by himself,train +42172,42173,42173,tasiyi,university,train +42173,42174,42174,awaay ku tulas nu taneng nu was,Gods wisdom is unlimited,train +42174,42175,42175,cecay ku fainayan a kaka cecay ku fainayan a safa cecay ku fafahiyan a safa,I have an older brother a younger brother and a younger sister,train +42175,42176,42176,mulahad,growth,train +42176,42177,42177,ta maherek pakelang haw i,after the end of the Hachigami wave,train +42177,42178,42178,Sipa pakamit han pacait han i tira i hiya anu hacuwa ku ni pihiyaʼan na ayaw miʼadupan ca canca iraay ku ni pateli nu matuʼasay tu raʼan u ukak nu tangal nu ʼaʼadupen Yami adupan haca,the old man would hang it on the corner of the wall for a long time as the old man kept hunting the number of heads of the prey increased slowly and as long as there was prey there would naturally be bones to hang up,train +42178,42179,42179,nu Recurd,one year,train +42179,42180,42180,katalawan ku demak nira Literally,his affair is something to be afraid of he is headed for trouble,test +42180,42181,42181,malupisak tu ci luma ci luma tu,build a home in your own home,train +42181,42182,42182,cuyfengci,Hairdryer,train +42182,42183,42183,husu,nurse,train +42183,42184,42184,hai hay ya hatiya satu i,at that time,train +42184,42185,42185,nanuciting,from the dictionary,train +42185,42186,42186,adiadidi nika tanu tangal tiyad saan,it is a small one but it is a big one,train +42186,42187,42187,iraay ku tamdaw i luma haw,is anyone at home,train +42187,42188,42188,maselic,move,train +42188,42189,42189,Miunip kami anini,we planted seedlings today,train +42189,42190,42190,u raan tu ya,about those,test +42190,42191,42191,cikcik,chopped,train +42191,42192,42192,matu nika fana namu i ikur nu nipipatnak ni Yuhani tu saka painu nu tamdaw i nai Kalili a misatapang a mapatnak kunini a dmak tangasa i pulung nu Yutaya,you know what has happened throughout Judea beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached,train +42192,42193,42193,awaay i falucu ku sapicudadan saka,I was not very interested in reading at the time,train +42193,42194,42194,caay ka pihawikid kaku tata miaca kita,I do not have one either let us go buy one,train +42194,42195,42195,Patudaen ku fanaw nu misu,your pond will be filled with eels,train +42195,42196,42196,adidiay,few,train +42196,42197,42197,lifakingen,penalty,train +42197,42198,42198,tusa tusa haw ku,use the two by two method,train +42198,42199,42199,u faʼinay sa nu maku haw i,and my husband,train +42199,42200,42200,si sitabad kina pala,this field has already been hunted and killed,test +42200,42201,42201,padeteng,willful,train +42201,42202,42202,tudung,belongs to,train +42202,42203,42203,cahu hu katatudung saan,I do not think it is enough,train +42203,42204,42204,licay sa i takuwanan ku ccay nuya ciwlu Cima kunini a cirikuay tu kuhcalay O nai cuwaay cangra saan,then one of the elders asked me These in white robes who are they and where did they come from,train +42204,42205,42205,mikalicay kaku tu pasu a tayni,I came by bus,train +42205,42206,42206,Secik,Seediq one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +42206,42207,42207,sanay kiya wawa nira pasifana i tamiyanan,that is what his children told us,train +42207,42208,42208,puk sanay ku cecey a tamina i ayaw nu niyam a rumiʼad haw,the day before we go to work a ship explodes,train +42208,42209,42209,sakakaay niyam u faʼinayan,the oldest in our family is a boy,train +42209,42210,42210,Tayraay,there is,test +42210,42211,42211,tatala,intend,train +42211,42212,42212,Lataang satu ku falucu nu mita a malateluc nu pangcah,we are proud to be descendants of the Amish,train +42212,42213,42213,mahaenay ku urip niyam u Pangcah,it is a structural condition of our Amish life,train +42213,42214,42214,o lepet nira tayring tira malasangay a pakatufayay i lalan,the officer tackled the drunken motorcyclist on the road,train +42214,42215,42215,tu kaku itini Makutaay,I have been on this tribe for about years,train +42215,42216,42216,ya sakatulu kaka a sakatulu ya faʼinayan aku a kaka,my third brother took me to school,train +42216,42217,42217,u maan saw ku nu Pangcah,what else does Ami have,train +42217,42218,42218,caciyaway kami tu nu Amis,I accidentally spoke in tongues,train +42218,42219,42219,mahaen i mavuti tu lavii kiyami haw,and then when we go to sleep,train +42219,42220,42220,ciira,Him her,test +42220,42221,42221,maufang kira,there is going to be a gap is not there,train +42221,42222,42222,cucuken patikur,and then through the bamboo hole at the end,train +42222,42223,42223,hay haen sakalima haen han,that brings us to article,train +42223,42224,42224,Nanudafak tangasa tu dadaya caay katumerep a rumakat,from morning to night non stop,train +42224,42225,42225,adihay tu ku nikaenan nu maku catu kangaay a kumaen,I ate a lot and could not eat any more,train +42225,42226,42226,pahavayan i laput,cultivated in groundnut leaves,train +42226,42227,42227,cascas,Cascade,train +42227,42228,42228,samaanan isu ku pifuting tu hatiniay,how do you usually catch fish,train +42228,42229,42229,mahaentu,the body is tied up like this,train +42229,42230,42230,sakaira nu kalang sanay a kakaenen ita u misamisay,we use the name Kalang for the that we Amis eat,test +42230,42231,42231,aniniay,modern times,train +42231,42232,42232,anu mamirikec wa samaan kita mitudung ci Yihufaan aci Yisan,how can we follow the example of the Lord and Jesus in administering discipline,train +42232,42233,42233,fangcal kira,it is great,train +42233,42234,42234,itira kaku miharateng haw samanen aku a mipadang ku salikaka sanay ku harateng aku i ayaw sa,at that time I wondered how I could help these brothers and sisters,train +42234,42235,42235,mikasuy mimaan i,what is it like chopping wood,train +42235,42236,42236,maan han tiya,how can I put this,train +42236,42237,42237,haca,both and,train +42237,42238,42238,falu hu kaku a miheca,at years old,train +42238,42239,42239,wa mimaan cingra anu minukay nani pitilidan,what is she doing after school,train +42239,42240,42240,hadi^di,be patient,test +42240,42241,42241,salupiku,intersection,train +42241,42242,42242,matiya u minanuyay hunahun hunahun saan kuya asisiw,it is like sleeping in a cradle rocking around,train +42242,42243,42243,ya nu ising nu ayam maan han,what is Dr Birds name,train +42243,42244,42244,macuhcuh,sucked,train +42244,42245,42245,ya tatihi ni siwni,next to the nuns,train +42245,42246,42246,o mihecaan nu maku haw lima pulu ira ku tulu,I am years old,train +42246,42247,42247,u niyan,Here,train +42247,42248,42248,Kau mafanaay a mangudu tu malitengay sanay ku malitengay aku,my parents said It is best to marry someone who knows how to honor his elders,train +42248,42249,42249,pasifana nanaku haen,I will teach you,train +42249,42250,42250,hacuwa ku nihicayay nu mita hatira satu,how many fry do we catch that many,test +42250,42251,42251,lalima ku paru nu luma aku,there are five people in my family,train +42251,42252,42252,nanu adidik,as a child,train +42252,42253,42253,malahakelung,together,train +42253,42254,42254,mitilid,go to class,train +42254,42255,42255,nina sanay ri,I have been through this,train +42255,42256,42256,malahitay,serve in the army,train +42256,42257,42257,kalupihulul,when leisure,train +42257,42258,42258,Matakup hu ha miala tu payci,is it too late to get the money,train +42258,42259,42259,o micekeruhay kami tu kelakela a macukacuk i pala,we pushed the oxcart in the uphill field,train +42259,42260,42260,misaaceray,hammer,test +42260,42261,42261,haw haen haehan nu mita,that is what we are all going to do,train +42261,42262,42262,o rayray nu urip nu tatuasan nu Amis kunini,this is a traditional Amis custom,train +42262,42263,42263,Saka suwalen ningra kuya tamdaw Kamu ku ruma Katayra i pisafadisusuan a matayal Ta u malalenay ku sapalifun aku i tamuwanan han ningra,he told them You also go and work in my vineyard and I will pay you whatever is right,train +42263,42264,42264,sanu ayaway aku a tumuk i,in my previous head,train +42264,42265,42265,iraay tira i u mararid tira a mitilu mararid tira maamaan,there it is always setting traps and always doing whatever the hill is doing,train +42265,42266,42266,ini i kaʼamis suelinay caypakapina ku itiraay a ciluma,it is true there are not many families north of there,train +42266,42267,42267,ya finawlan maemin a kapah i maemin ira ku kilac pakilacen ira ku mifu ningra,all the youths of the tribe have a share to share he has his xxxxx,train +42267,42268,42268,Pinaun ku misu i cingraan nawhani tadapaculiay cingra tu suwal niyam,you too should be on your guard against him because he strongly opposed our message,train +42268,42269,42269,nawhani uraten nunini a finawlan ku falucu pueten nangra ku tangila futeken nangra ku mata anu ^ca ka haen i latek pakaaraw ku mata nangra pakatngil ku tangila nangra mafana ku falucu nangra a masasiyur a pasayni i Takuwanan ta maadah aku cangra sanay,for this peoples heart has become calloused they hardly hear with their ears and they have closed their eyes otherwise they might see with their eyes hear with their ears understand with their hearts and turn and I would heal them,train +42269,42270,42270,o saʼusi tu paka rumʼiad ha,is that how you count the days,test +42270,42271,42271,malecad cisalangay ku siraw nu nima tamdaw,some peoples cured meat seems to have water in it,train +42271,42272,42272,icuwa mikilim sawu caay,where can I find it right,train +42272,42273,42273,kakaen sa tu tavu,lunchbox,train +42273,42274,42274,anu itini i suwal nura matuʼasay kakuwangan han nira kuranan,for the elders it is a place of war,train +42274,42275,42275,nu ruma sa ka pilayap tu hutiraay a hufi haw nu Cin Cung Cang tu,the honor of receiving the golden bell award,train +42275,42276,42276,iraay i kafekang u sakarusa a tingruh kilimen cira,he is upstairs you can go up and find him,train +42276,42277,42277,mahaen ku caciyaw nu Padaka nu Amis,it creates a situation in which Americans speak an Amish language,train +42277,42278,42278,a maefer misataliyuliyuk,hovering busy back and forth,train +42278,42279,42279,o citefunay ku pala niyam,we have wells in our fields,train +42279,42280,42280,i liyal,take it to the sea,test +42280,42281,42281,matilid satu ku saysaw a mi tusa pi nu wawa haw i,when notifying your child enrollment in elementary school,train +42281,42282,42282,si Kumeng kaku,my name is Komeng,train +42282,42283,42283,mikilim tu masuniay i nasandev,there is a barking sound in the evening follow it,train +42283,42284,42284,papaysuan,money,train +42284,42285,42285,maacefelen,it is a cigarette,train +42285,42286,42286,sapatefuc tu raraw ita Yis,Jesus became the ransom for our sins,train +42286,42287,42287,masacapaay,it is like a fork,train +42287,42288,42288,matelengay,elongate,train +42288,42289,42289,mangalay tu a kemaen,I want to eat,train +42289,42290,42290,oya maaraway a niyaru i u Pusku^,the visible tribe is Tamato,test +42290,42291,42291,tu kasaliyaliyad,season,train +42291,42292,42292,tisuwanan,You,train +42292,42293,42293,maluyuhay,fall down,train +42293,42294,42294,nu tepung nu tafukud,gossip hole,train +42294,42295,42295,vayi u mamaan saw ku tulikan nu misu,Auntie what are you knitting,train +42295,42296,42296,iyang selakan kura misanga sa tura tingting,open the reeds and make an umbrella,train +42296,42297,42297,Katalima tu sananay ku suwal nu sikawasay,the priest said it was time to go home,train +42297,42298,42298,Ngaay tu tata ri,Yes let us go,train +42298,42299,42299,falu^,eight,train +42299,42300,42300,Nikawrira ira ku milicayay a tamdaw Masamaan ku nika lumuwad nu mapatayay a maurip hakiya O mamasamaan ku tireng nangra hakiya saan,but someone may ask How are the dead raised with what kind of body will they come,test +42300,42301,42301,adada minukay,I went back and got sick,train +42301,42302,42302,mataneng,smart,train +42302,42303,42303,anu ami tu malepelay tu nu niyam,if it were us we would have arrested him,train +42303,42304,42304,kasuʼ kaenen,it is delicious,train +42304,42305,42305,Mitakud cingra tu adipel,he jumped over the fence,train +42305,42306,42306,Ciutufay kisu hay,do you have a motorcycle,train +42306,42307,42307,i niyan u tadakilang u lalidec kiniyan,this is the real nine Ligustre Tree,train +42307,42308,42308,nai laluma nu kadufah Ningra milayapay tu kita tu mikumi ta mapalmed a mapalmed haca kita,from the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another,train +42308,42309,42309,caay kanarikay,it will not be fast,train +42309,42310,42310,Misaakuakuay cingra,he is insisting on having his own way,test +42310,42311,42311,Kapahtu,either,train +42311,42312,42312,Hakuwaay ku mihecaan isu anini,how old are you,train +42312,42313,42313,Misatapng tu minanam micumuday tu ku singsi suwalsa ku hanciw katumireng mitaung,it is time for class the teacher walked into the classroom and the monitor said Stand up Salute,train +42313,42314,42314,malacafay kita minengneng,I will share it with you,train +42314,42315,42315,nawhani matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad O nanu malifetay namu ku siniada nu Tapang saan,now that you have tasted that the Lord is good,train +42315,42316,42316,mitiʼer tu laku umah pala haw,the neighboring paddy fields the fields the fields,train +42316,42317,42317,ila ku axnan ila kamalu tu pahanhan,there are chairs over there sit down and rest,train +42317,42318,42318,suwal sa cingra,he said,train +42318,42319,42319,mikihatiya tu matuʼasay misakuli,I have learned to help my father ease the burden on the family,train +42319,42320,42320,Ciheci^,results,test +42320,42321,42321,mitulun ku matuasay mikitemel a paicel i tamiyanan tu sakalaluk a matayal,elders prayed and encouraged us to take things seriously,train +42321,42322,42322,maanangay,collected,train +42322,42323,42323,yu ccay a dadaya yu mafuti ku tamdamdaw i tayra ku ada a mifulsak tu samadu i ci^miay ta milaliw cingra,but while everyone was sleeping his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away,train +42323,42324,42324,han hanen kuni tatusaay,this is how these two are made,train +42324,42325,42325,tayniay i sefi tayniay i sefi i,I went to the clubhouse that day to perform my duties,train +42325,42326,42326,katayni,come,train +42326,42327,42327,sapitangtang ira tu hemay alatek sanay kaku hatiraay hatira ku misu i,that is what the women use to steam the rice,train +42327,42328,42328,minanamay,practice,train +42328,42329,42329,ci tuka han naku,lazy Bug I call her,train +42329,42330,42330,cuca,dust in the eyes,test +42330,42331,42331,macacawicawi masasuʼaraʼaraw tu widang tu nanu ka lawawaan ningra tangasa itini i katuʼasan nangr,friends respond to each other meet each other and are good friends who have grown up together since childhood,train +42331,42332,42332,maan ku pinang,unpredictable,train +42332,42333,42333,sa nu tuʼas,traditional faith,train +42333,42334,42334,pakayni i nipitier namu i ci Yis Kristuan ku sakalaccay namu a ma^min aci Kristu a malawawa nu Kawas,you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus,train +42334,42335,42335,sakakaay,sir,train +42335,42336,42336,o lahud ku sakarakat nu silamalay itiya hu,trains used to be steam powered,train +42336,42337,42337,haw ci hiya han kura,it is called,train +42337,42338,42338,latek i,sometimes,train +42338,42339,42339,Tirengsa cingra a misatakutakud a rumakat sarakarakat sa a misatakutakud a pahmek tu Kawas a mikaput tuya tatusaay a micumud i Fangcalay Pitaungan,he jumped to his feet and began to walk then he went with them into the temple courts walking and jumping and praising God,train +42339,42340,42340,akaa katawal tu hiya ngangasawan nu niyam,we must not forget our own clan,test +42340,42341,42341,mialaay kaku tu patafuan anini arumiad malacafay kita a malahuk,I have brought a lunchbox today let us eat together at noon,train +42341,42342,42342,matenarsquu,block,train +42342,42343,42343,tahidang han tu ningrra,they are going to ask him to come and see me,train +42343,42344,42344,caay kadayum a misanga,it is not that easy to make,train +42344,42345,42345,milikat tu kasuy,to light a fire,train +42345,42346,42346,haen han aca anini anu malicang kuniyan,like this dry one right now,train +42346,42347,42347,i sakacuwaay nu kingsifu,which side of the County line is it,train +42347,42348,42348,ami kilang talalutuk,going to the mountains to cut wood,train +42348,42349,42349,misakulang,growing mustard,train +42349,42350,42350,sasuaraw kita anini,we get to see each other today,test +42350,42351,42351,anu mahaen tu i a malasawad,if that is the case it will go away,train +42351,42352,42352,eyraw malakeraw nu cidal,the sun is shining over there,train +42352,42353,42353,mala hitahitay sa kamu san haw i,they say you must join the army,train +42353,42354,42354,misurit,records,train +42354,42355,42355,maherekay tu aku miiya hatini mipudac haw i,I have peeled it now,train +42355,42356,42356,i enar kita a maurip ku mangaayay,we are better off on the plains,train +42356,42357,42357,itiya tu i lalenay kaku anu taakay tu kaku i,when I realized that I took an inner vow,train +42357,42358,42358,misingkiw tu,elections began in the year of the Republic,train +42358,42359,42359,anu tuedaw ku kaeled ira haw,what if it has a longer rope,train +42359,42360,42360,masafiku,brewed,test +42360,42361,42361,hanaw mafana kaku anini a misanga tu siraw,that is why I am making savory meat now,train +42361,42362,42362,kira pudaw,that little fish fry,train +42362,42363,42363,Macahkit kuya wawa,the child is disturbed,train +42363,42364,42364,macedas,flooding,train +42364,42365,42365,ira ku sasasuwalen nu maku,I have something to say,train +42365,42366,42366,Hay vaeket,Yes it is heavy,train +42366,42367,42367,kirami tahila satu i luma i,but when we got home,train +42367,42368,42368,anu caay hen ka saterep ku hanhan liyuten nu luma a miapuh mitengil tu nipalikul tu suwal suelinay anu masaterep tu ku hanhan,before we die our family members sit around us and listen to our last words,train +42368,42369,42369,aka tu takalen,do not be too open,train +42369,42370,42370,Tahadues nu ukak ku adada aku,the pain I have goes into the core of my bones,test +42370,42371,42371,halikiay,swift,train +42371,42372,42372,mamaan,how,train +42372,42373,42373,maan kiya,how do you mean,train +42373,42374,42374,pakaemet,Tolerance Moderation,train +42374,42375,42375,unini a nika citilid tu ku sakala ccay nu hiya nunini u u tilid nu a ku suwal nunini nu mis,the Amis language was unified as there was a writing system,train +42375,42376,42376,na lingatu hu nuna niyaru hiwawa na suta tunian,in the early tribal farmlands,train +42376,42377,42377,aluman ku nitakusan niyam tu cavay kumuday nu mita a miseka tu nisakalavian,we invited friends and family to have a great dinner together,train +42377,42378,42378,Tamek han nu mita ku funga,groundnuts we use baked,train +42378,42379,42379,sisa ci Singkuy hananay arawsa,that is why the tribesmen used to call it the mountain God of hunger,train +42379,42380,42380,lukes,deceit,test +42380,42381,42381,safaw tusa mihecaʼan,when I was years old,train +42381,42382,42382,tira a i Nangkang han nu Kuwapin,they call it Nangang in Chinese,train +42382,42383,42383,mafanaʼay misulimet midiput,education and discipline of children,train +42383,42384,42384,u pipaenip nu niyam u Ciwidian,regarding the transplanting of rice in our Shuilian,train +42384,42385,42385,masaʼupu itira ku faʼinayʼinay emin,all the boys are gathered there,train +42385,42386,42386,Masiwit ku piteli nira,he set it down slanted,train +42386,42387,42387,ta malaccay kita a mitier a mafana tu wawa nu Kawas ta matuas ku falucu ita a matiya u nika sungila ni Kristu,until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the son of God and become mature attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ,train +42387,42388,42388,taʼakaʼakay kyasaw,it is so big,train +42388,42389,42389,kaw,but,train +42389,42390,42390,ta saʼupu saan kuya matuʼasay matuʼasay uya atu ya kapah,older and younger people gather,test +42390,42391,42391,pahanhan caira i fatad nu lalan tu tusa tatukian,they rested for two hours on the way,train +42391,42392,42392,Halikangdaway ku tamdamdaw,everyone loves the green ones,train +42392,42393,42393,kaesu,delicious,train +42393,42394,42394,matiya misu kira sanay takuwanan,I think it is my life,train +42394,42395,42395,iraay tu a latek ku i alufu tu mamang,maybe a little money in my pocket,train +42395,42396,42396,yu wawa hen kaku yu tahekal ci ama aci vaki sinirepet tu hawan atu kuwang ku heni,when I was little my dad and uncle would go out at night with hunting knives and guns,train +42396,42397,42397,culu,moving,train +42397,42398,42398,ira ku luma u ariri^ atu pikacawan nu niyaru ita,our tribe has houses barns and lookouts,train +42398,42399,42399,ringi,resemble one another,train +42399,42400,42400,a milakec sa iri velavelat sa kuya cipi ku padahaw nu vavahi,when wading in the water it will reveal a girls snow white calves and thighs,test +42400,42401,42401,awaay tu ikur nuna demak,there is no more to this matter,train +42401,42402,42402,tayni kaku i mala tintusi a matayal i,so when I was a preacher,train +42402,42403,42403,hayda ngaayay tu awa ku maan,Sure no problem,train +42403,42404,42404,maluwid,beaten,train +42404,42405,42405,iniyan haw pimelaw nu maku,that is what I think about ethnolinguistic families,train +42405,42406,42406,paulisananay,simple,train +42406,42407,42407,pasuwal sa kuya mikumuday i cangraan Cima nunini a tatusaay ku kangalayan namu a tatdalen aku saw han ningra Ci Parapas han nangra a pacauf,Which of the two do you want me to release to you asked the governor Barabbas they answered,train +42407,42408,42408,Misaliyuliyut a misamelamelaw,inspection inspection,train +42408,42409,42409,tihi nu suti saan,assisting the pickets,train +42409,42410,42410,ikur tu i mapili tu ku kaput a pacaliw ciraan tu lusid,in the end no one wanted to borrow anything from him,test +42410,42411,42411,u saikur tu a pui ira i,Mom she said the last thing,train +42411,42412,42412,Nanuciting ku sakafana aku tu fa^luhay a suwal,I learned new words from the dictionary,train +42412,42413,42413,nira saka,the reason why,train +42413,42414,42414,Maruray kaku saka cangray satu kaku tu kilang a pasela,I was exhausted so I rested my back against a tree,train +42414,42415,42415,ci Cuping aci nau samaanay misaysay cangra tu kacanguˈut nu payci hani,how will Junpei and Nao cope with their financial needs,train +42415,42416,42416,ku naʼayaway,it used to be like cents,train +42416,42417,42417,Palukelungen ku kulung i lawac nu alu a mipakaen,let the cows walk downhill to the river to feed,train +42417,42418,42418,hatiraay ku pisanga nu malitengay tu luma itiya hu,this is how old people used to build houses,train +42418,42419,42419,Maan hakiya,I do not know what happened,train +42419,42420,42420,dafak satu haw,in the morning,test +42420,42421,42421,talacuwa rumakat tu anini mapiiw hu kaku,I am walking with a limp now,train +42421,42422,42422,cikeruh han misa pung mikeruh mahaen,Bang it is done,train +42422,42423,42423,pahapinangen nu Tapang kaku tu tadamaanay a mikumi ningra a papitier papiulah Cingraan onini a ulah atu pitier aku i u nanu nika laccay aku aci Yis Kristu,the grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus,train +42423,42424,42424,sakadefidefitaw sa kaku a miladum,I wanted to lose my temper while I was carrying water,train +42424,42425,42425,a anini sa icuwa kita misaluma,where are you working today,train +42425,42426,42426,macidalay ku rumiad anini,the weather is clear today,train +42426,42427,42427,pikieciw,start singing,train +42427,42428,42428,mahenay satu iratu,that is how mom got here,train +42428,42429,42429,ta maherek iri i ruma tu,I will take this one and move on to another,train +42429,42430,42430,fauwic,pop it up,test +42430,42431,42431,ngangan unu lutuk sa,named after the mountain,train +42431,42432,42432,kina lutuk u Kinmung,that mountain is golden Gate,train +42432,42433,42433,kadademakan,workplace,train +42433,42434,42434,ala,pick up,train +42434,42435,42435,lima rimu^ud ku impic siwa rimu^ud ku ciwming,pencils are each and notebooks are each,train +42435,42436,42436,navalucuan,from the heart,train +42436,42437,42437,macahiway ku luma niyam,our family is poor,train +42437,42438,42438,o atikak ku sapariri niyam tu futing,we use earthworms as bait,train +42438,42439,42439,milifet kisu i piundukayan a rumiad haw,will you compete in the sports day,train +42439,42440,42440,nika a pakayni itini,Objective language Proficiency test,test +42440,42441,42441,keriden nu singsi^ kita a talaalu^,teacher will take us to the riverside,train +42441,42442,42442,itira ya kamaruʼan militapang kiyami,it is at the original meeting point,train +42442,42443,42443,nawhani u sakapatay atu sakalumuwad ni Kristu a maurip nai patay i u malu Tapang nu mapatayay atu mauripay,for this very reason Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living,train +42443,42444,42444,o nipalumaan nu niyam kira datay,we planted that seven leaf clover,train +42444,42445,42445,fana kisu tu taraʼar ya puwa,do you know about this thing,train +42445,42446,42446,yatayat,warm up exercise,train +42446,42447,42447,tu wama nu mita i kakarayan,Abba father God who has been waiting for a long time,train +42447,42448,42448,pakaulah,glad something Happy,train +42448,42449,42449,cialem,there are pangolins,train +42449,42450,42450,a caay tu kaku pisanga tu vakiya isu saan,I will stop making you slippers,test +42450,42451,42451,awaay ku kakaenen tu titi itiya hu,there was no meat to eat,train +42451,42452,42452,papinaay kamu tayra,how many of you are going,train +42452,42453,42453,tayraay i Dipung kami a miliwku,we traveled to Japan,train +42453,42454,42454,matapa ku waʼay aku,it is on my foot,train +42454,42455,42455,hatira ku suwal aku aray,I shared it here,train +42455,42456,42456,pasuwal ku iraay nanitiya aca u iraay anini u aira i ikur a midaucay a Ciicelay a Tapang a Kawas O Alfa Kaku u Satapangan u Omika Kaku u Pahrekan saan,Look he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him even those who pierced him and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him so shall it be Amen,train +42456,42457,42457,ca ka tatudung cira a paimamaan nu malafalucu nu finawlan hatira ku malatumukay,he then loses the tribal head replay,train +42457,42458,42458,Fahuy han ku huwak a patalafanaw,drive the ducks to the pond,train +42458,42459,42459,Halipayciay ku a wawa nira,her children love money,train +42459,42460,42460,i sakapina a tingruh ku kafutian isu,what floor is your room on,test +42460,42461,42461,hatiraay ku alaen han haw i,it is hard to get big game,train +42461,42462,42462,Naay caayay kafecul kumaen tu lidaw,do not eat watermelon and eat unsaturated,train +42462,42463,42463,pasevanaay,teacher,train +42463,42464,42464,mafukilay ku wawa nu maku tu nu sanuʼAmis kita,because my kids cannot talk themselves,train +42464,42465,42465,Saayaw,original,train +42465,42466,42466,ranih,incomplete,train +42466,42467,42467,mantaay hu kuna kasuy dawdawen ku ngaʼayay sa kura harateng,I am thinking The woods wet do something,train +42467,42468,42468,Kalaluuptu kisu,you have to wash your face,train +42468,42469,42469,ta malingad kaku a malasufitay,I am out of the military service,train +42469,42470,42470,u ya tu enemay a palu,it is circles of holes,test +42470,42471,42471,o fasulan ku sapipawali nu Pangcah tu panay i tiya hu,in the past the Amis used to make rattan mats to dry their rice,train +42471,42472,42472,hanu,why,train +42472,42473,42473,u malengaway tu sanciyaru,I have grown an azalea,train +42473,42474,42474,misadaykuay kiyaru ci ama aku,dad was a carpenter by trade,train +42474,42475,42475,mahaen marufu haca,that is how I am going to get shut down again,train +42475,42476,42476,nawhani pakayni ci Lacarusan ku sakapiliyas nu alumanay a Yutaya a tamdaw tu pakayraan nangra a pasayra ci Yisan a pasulin,for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him,train +42476,42477,42477,suwal saan ci Madadingu,the girl said it,train +42477,42478,42478,wa makapahay taynien taynien,Wow it is a beautiful item give it to me,train +42478,42479,42479,wata mikikaka haca tunu niyamay a lingad ku lingad na luma,the work is harder than ever,train +42479,42480,42480,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu anu cima nu namu ku sumuwalay tunini a lutuk Kalumuwad a malinah a tayra i riyar saan anu caay ka cihinapec ku falucu atu caay ka ^ca ka lahci ku nisuwalan aku anu saan i u mamalahci kunini a dmak namu,I tell you the truth if anyone says to this mountain Go throw yourself into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen it will be done for him,test +42480,42481,42481,patuur hananay nura tamina patakecip sa tayni Hencung katimul ku ruma,I will take a boat and drift with the current to the south to Hengchun,train +42481,42482,42482,ini kaku mala mafana tu ku tau,I met a lot of people during my time as a guard,train +42482,42483,42483,tu kiya i,how many years has it been,train +42483,42484,42484,Cenyiing han ci lahuk sa,is La Houges name Chen Yueying,train +42484,42485,42485,maruray tu kura makeruay,it is a very hard dance,train +42485,42486,42486,faluhen mihaen faluhen mihaen,this way this way this way,train +42486,42487,42487,anu,hypothetical,train +42487,42488,42488,i ayaw nu nika ira nu maamaan a ira ci Kristu cingra ku sakatlek nu maamaan,he is before all things and in him all things hold together,train +42488,42489,42489,payci,yuan,train +42489,42490,42490,sululen,forgive me,test +42490,42491,42491,Tulu^ lian ira ku lima^ pulu pida^ ku cecay a fafuduyan cecay patek pida^ ku tulu^,one piece of clothing is dollars three pieces for dollars,train +42491,42492,42492,o fafalahen ningra ku tatiihay ta midmak tu ngaayay u sasarucuden ningra ku falucu a misaicel tu sakararihaday,he must turn from evil and do good he must seek peace and pursue it,train +42492,42493,42493,i lutuk i lutuk,on the hill,train +42493,42494,42494,na awaay ku marad u tiking i nayaw,in the past there was no iron or rear,train +42494,42495,42495,Mafekut ku tireng nira a mitulun,he is bent prostrate praying,train +42495,42496,42496,a macawa ku wawa nu mita,our future our children,train +42496,42497,42497,awaay tu kira maherek tu kira radiw,No more No that is the end of the song,train +42497,42498,42498,lenu^kerah,tides,train +42498,42499,42499,Nawhani i ayaw nu kaen munanaw kaku tu kamay,because I wash my hands before eating,train +42499,42500,42500,hu kaku,I am years old,test +42500,42501,42501,matalaw ku finawlan tu nika cai pifulud tu talaumahay,fearing an invasion of their people they did not stay with the cultivators,train +42501,42502,42502,i taliyak nu luma nu Pangcah i niyaru caay kanca^ ira ku nipaluma^ tu kamaya^ u facidul atu icep araw han i raay haw i,Amis tribes must plant betel nut trees as fences around their houses as well as several tomato and bread trees,train +42502,42503,42503,alatek awaay ku hatiniay a Nalifetan isu kawra wa ngaˈayhu kisu nai miˈuningan i saka 2 Samuil a mafanaˈ tu harateng nu matuˈasay a salikaka,although you may not have experienced any of these things yourself you can get an idea of how the older brothers felt from the account in Samuel,train +42503,42504,42504,talaamis tu ku cikay nu tamina cukisin,the ship is heading north,train +42504,42505,42505,Pasuwalan ni Yis ku nisawawaan Anu adihay ku heci namu i mapahemek ku wama aku onini ku sapahapinang namu tu nika u nisawawaan aku kamu,Jesus told his disciples By this my father will be glorified that you keep on bearing much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples,train +42505,42506,42506,patikul haca ci Yis a tayra i kana nu Kalili namifalicay ci Yis tu nanum a pala^pah itira ira itira ku matayalay nu hungti a mikumuday adada ku fainayan a wawa ningra itira i Kapirnaum,once more he visited Cana in Galilee where he had turned the water into wine and there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum,train +42506,42507,42507,alaen tu nura fafahiyan panukay i luma nira paʼalaw tu wina atu mama,he took the girl home to show her to his parents,train +42507,42508,42508,tini i matimutimulan han adihay ku Maysang tahan iraay ci Yutingku kira,in the South they are more often called buyers because of the light of Taiwan Yang Chuan kiang,train +42508,42509,42509,Kuciw singsi,Principal,train +42509,42510,42510,Nikawrira tadamaan ku adayay nu Kawas Tataang ku ulah ningra i titaanan,but because of his great love for us God who is rich in mercy,test +42510,42511,42511,nitala tu ku lunan itira tu nu hay lucyin hay a lunan,the army ships are waiting there,train +42511,42512,42512,paadifen,make a wall,train +42512,42513,42513,Hay u Amis kaku,Yes I am Amish,train +42513,42514,42514,limela kaku tunini a kungku,I cherish the legend,train +42514,42515,42515,kiya na misakilangay,the silviculturist,train +42515,42516,42516,sapitulik saan,courses with knitting,train +42516,42517,42517,papinapina ha ha ha ha,Several Ha ha ha ha,train +42517,42518,42518,tayal,work,train +42518,42519,42519,annu hatira aca,if that is the case,train +42519,42520,42520,o katalawan aku a miliyaw a tayra i tamuwanan i latek mapakangudu nu Kawas kaku i kaayaw namu anu irahu ku kaackan maudangay mautitay a dmak namu anu caay ka falic ku falucu nuya ciraraway i ayaw a alumanay a tamdaw i u sakararum aku a tumangic kunini,I am afraid that when I come again my God will humble me before you and I will be grieved over many who have sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity sexual sin and debauchery in which they have indulged,test +42520,42521,42521,anu i Kinmung,if it is in Kinmen,train +42521,42522,42522,tu tusa tu a mihecaan itiraay tu kaku i mahufuc,two years after moving to Hing Cheong I was born on,train +42522,42523,42523,pisawkitan,Mediation premises,train +42523,42524,42524,cikeruh,push,train +42524,42525,42525,ngayay hu ku nu mamang kami itiya,swimming was less dangerous in our childhood,train +42525,42526,42526,o aira i cangraan ku lunuk sanay a micumud tu luma nu tau a misulut tu falucu nu mafulaay a fafahiyan onini a fafahiyan i u matumesay nu raraw u makayhiday nu masamaamaanay a anuf,they are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak willed women who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,train +42526,42527,42527,nirenafan,drawings,train +42527,42528,42528,tangasa^,arrival,train +42528,42529,42529,adihayen ka maen ta ciicel,eat lots of fruits and will be strong,train +42529,42530,42530,o ngangan nu safa isu tu fafahiyan cima saw,what is your younger sisters name,test +42530,42531,42531,sasepat ku usaw,there are only four left,train +42531,42532,42532,Enah,female name,train +42532,42533,42533,Misngi tu kiraan,that is very close,train +42533,42534,42534,cima kura fainayan,who is that man,train +42534,42535,42535,dadaya,evening,train +42535,42536,42536,itatihiniyam matengil Ouy hahayan saan,location of the annual Toyonen Matsuri,train +42536,42537,42537,aca,buy,train +42537,42538,42538,tayra i tumiyac u palingataay kura,it is as close as Chenggong Township Taitung County,train +42538,42539,42539,ira ku tarakaway ira ku pueneray,some are taller and some are shorter,train +42539,42540,42540,pakafanaen nu maku saan kaku,I will do my best to teach,test +42540,42541,42541,tu dafak maratar tayra i riyar,go to the beach first thing in the morning,train +42541,42542,42542,iraan sa ku suwac sanay ayaw ri,about previous life education,train +42542,42543,42543,kilimen,call on somebody,train +42543,42544,42544,iri u lamit nu sukay maanen,and woodchuck root what for,train +42544,42545,42545,vahvahen nu Ripun naayaw,the Japanese drove me away,train +42545,42546,42546,san kaku itiya,I was thinking,train +42546,42547,42547,mirakarakay,Wanderer,train +42547,42548,42548,a lipida itiya,low salary,train +42548,42549,42549,pasairaen,please face,train +42549,42550,42550,Lkakawaen nangra ku kartengay a inurung a paurung i afala nu tau Arawhani caay kakahi a pakatayal tu ccaccay aca tu tarudu nu tireng a miisal tu inurung nangra,they tie up heavy loads and put them on men shoulders but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them,test +42550,42551,42551,o ciciw hu ku nirufuan niyam,we are still locking up piggies,train +42551,42552,42552,haw miaray tu,it is called the thanksgiving Service,train +42552,42553,42553,itini miʼatal tu felac,we need to load the rice here,train +42553,42554,42554,u mafukilay hu kaku itiya,I was not very familiar with plastic shoes back then,train +42554,42555,42555,mahaen,here is the deal,train +42555,42556,42556,sa itinikiya nu mi labin,so I stayed at the inn for the night,train +42556,42557,42557,maherekay tu a miliupih kuni kuku panukayen cedeng han isu a kumaen,this chicken was just freshly killed take it home and enjoy it slowly,train +42557,42558,42558,o sapafeli i tumuwanan kuni a unglay naengen tayra i pinsiyang,here is a pineapple for you put it in the refrigerator,train +42558,42559,42559,itira i Taypak micakay tu maemin tu luma anini,buying a house in Taipei now,train +42559,42560,42560,lahudayay,simple,test +42560,42561,42561,mihadidiay a mitala kisu Han,will you wait patiently,train +42561,42562,42562,ira ku misadatengan aku i putal mimin pacakay kaku tu dateng,I have a little garden in front of my patio and I am selling vegetables,train +42562,42563,42563,mikitemel,discipline,train +42563,42564,42564,Nika anini satu u ruma tu ku pituuran mamadepuc tu ku tamdaw awaay tu ku miangangay nu kasafinacadan nu Pangcah,However since the adoption of foreign religions most Amis have stopped calling out when the dead persons breath is broken,train +42564,42565,42565,o sapicekiw tu tangila kiraan,that tool is meant to pick at your ears,train +42565,42566,42566,pimalian,court,train +42566,42567,42567,makapatayay a luma midaduy,the bereaved family clerk is responsible for weighing the catch,train +42567,42568,42568,ku,the reason why,train +42568,42569,42569,Sakuhecal han nuya kaying ku pising a micipuh,the lady made her face white,train +42569,42570,42570,tayiraay tu may,I would better go,test +42570,42571,42571,upu,pile up,train +42571,42572,42572,kalitang,yard long bean,train +42572,42573,42573,miteli,let go,train +42573,42574,42574,itira i pi tunu,at the crossroads of the river,train +42574,42575,42575,ira mitala hay,Yes,train +42575,42576,42576,hatini maliyaliyang ku fufu aku i,my grandchildren are getting naughty,train +42576,42577,42577,hay icuwa miala tu hatiniay a tireng namu hani,where can I find a body like yours,train +42577,42578,42578,o nicicihan nu safa aku kira tipeluk,that paper was torn by my sister,train +42578,42579,42579,masaduduhay,hollow,train +42579,42580,42580,hay,that is it,test +42580,42581,42581,pasadaken nu riyar ku i lalumaay nira a mapatayay pasadaken nu patay atu kaitiraan nu mapatayay ku i lalumaay naira a mapatayay a tamdaw ta pakayni i nanu dmak nu kahaccaccay nangra ku sakapisawkit i cangraan,and I saw the dead great and small standing before the throne and books were opened another book was opened which is the book of life the dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books,train +42581,42582,42582,sisa mavanaʼay kisu Kebalan ku hiya,So you know it is Kavalanese,train +42582,42583,42583,karafelalutung,Multi spider web,train +42583,42584,42584,hatira aca ku kafanaʼan aku,that is all I know,train +42584,42585,42585,iraay tu ku paini nu malitengay haw,the old man will naturally make arrangements,train +42585,42586,42586,cengaw,open your eyes,train +42586,42587,42587,tu matatakecay nu vavahi atu vavainay,the product is available in the shape of a man and a woman embracing each other,train +42587,42588,42588,anu ci Tafiti kisu wa samaan ku demak isu hani,what would you do if you were David,train +42588,42589,42589,matuʼas tu kami i tulas satu kami matayal,we are getting older so we have to stop,train +42589,42590,42590,Pakamaan kisu a talataluan,how do you go to the block house,test +42590,42591,42591,Citalem tu ku funus aku,my machete is sharp,train +42591,42592,42592,tatukian caay kacacak,sweet rice cake will never be steamed,train +42592,42593,42593,enem a pulu ku mata han naku kita haw,I will knit holes,train +42593,42594,42594,nukaytu kita tuʼeman sa,it is almost dark to go home,train +42594,42595,42595,huwad han nu alumanay a tamdaw ku tamina i Futud,many people in Orchid Island raised their boats,train +42595,42596,42596,alaen kuna macadukay tu a capux,please remove the seedlings that have been shoveled up,train +42596,42597,42597,hayi awaay iraay kamu naminawaniw kami kiyami,Yeah because you were not there and you did not mow the lawn,train +42597,42598,42598,fainayan,schoolboy,train +42598,42599,42599,o sapacek ku han nu maku,I want nails,train +42599,42600,42600,kumaen kisu tu asiru haw,do you want some oranges,test +42600,42601,42601,patawa^,laughter,train +42601,42602,42602,talalutuk mifaliw tu semut,we are going to the mountains to cut grass,train +42602,42603,42603,aya maʼurad mama nu maʼurad kita,Oh my God the roof is leaking Dad our roof is leaking,train +42603,42604,42604,cakafana ku kaemangay sanu Pangcah,although the young people do not speak the ethnic language,train +42604,42605,42605,anu mahrek kaku a mipatala tu malukamaruan namu i u mamiliyaw kaku a tayni a miala i tamuwanan a panukay i Takuwanan ta malaccay ku aru ita itira,and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am,train +42605,42606,42606,patelac,I am sorry,train +42606,42607,42607,tada u ngaˈayay a tuki kuni a micuwat tu mitusilay a demak itira,it is really a great opportunity for us to expand our evangelism,train +42607,42608,42608,senasenaan,wet place,train +42608,42609,42609,catu ku ngaʼayay satu kuya matuʼasay,the spirits may continue to harm the people and the elders agree,train +42609,42610,42610,malaheci tu misuʼut tura falat haw i,after each beam is tied,test +42610,42611,42611,saka itiyahu yu ka Ripunan hu i,that is why during the Japanese era,train +42611,42612,42612,miafasay tu maamaan a lalusidan ita ku pinangan naira,and take our necessities and make them theirs,train +42612,42613,42613,tayra satu i taladaw lalesiʼlesiʼ satu cangra tuyananum itira i taladaw mikefuh,wade into the water of the Xiuguluan river and push the water with both hands,train +42613,42614,42614,icuwaay kunu nu makuay hakiya saan cingra nika,Which one is mine said he,train +42614,42615,42615,misahakenu tu tu lamit nu,beginning to deny his Maori roots,train +42615,42616,42616,o mamaurad tuya rumiad haw,will it be rainy that day,train +42616,42617,42617,u sakalipahak nu niyaru,that is why the tribe is peaceful and happy,train +42617,42618,42618,anu cecay ku wawa nu mita haw,even if we only have one child,train +42618,42619,42619,sa uyaan a heci nira hatu kalimelaan nu Payrang sa,the flesh of this woodchuck seems to be the most treasured in Minnan,train +42619,42620,42620,maharek tu a mikapkap,completion of seedling pulling,test +42620,42621,42621,tatiʼih malasuʼupuʼupu,no illegal gatherings,train +42621,42622,42622,talahekal tu ku futing,the fish came to shore,train +42622,42623,42623,kapah tu,okay,train +42623,42624,42624,anca u rarem aca,and later in life,train +42624,42625,42625,u matiraay kira satapangan nu sakaciʼutuc nu Makutaay,that is when the tribes began to memorialize,train +42625,42626,42626,taelif sa kiya Iwatan caay pakaaraw kira,the Bununs they are just passing by they cannot see him,train +42626,42627,42627,Pakaaraw ci Simun tu nipipafli nu tarukus tu Fangcalay Adingu i cangraan pakayni i nipikapa nangra i pasadak sa cingra tu paysu tu sapafliaw tu tarukus,when Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles hands he offered them money,train +42627,42628,42628,nima a wawa kisu,whose child are you,train +42628,42629,42629,o manmaan ku pasifanaan ni akung isu,what did your Grandpa teach you,train +42629,42630,42630,Mapedped ku mitengilay tu radaw ni Osay,there was a huge crowd of people who came to hear Usai sing,test +42630,42631,42631,cuecu,squeeze,train +42631,42632,42632,patilid tu i Kurintuay a kiwkay nu Kawas kamu atu milungucay tu ngangan nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristuan a tamdaw i ci Kristu Yisan malcaday u nipilian kamu tu mamalumituuray u nu Kawas tu kamu o Tapang nangra ci Kristu u Tapang ita,to the church of God in Corinth to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ their Lord and ours,train +42632,42633,42633,hereken,done,train +42633,42634,42634,mifihekacay,trapdoor,train +42634,42635,42635,sapialaaw nu tau tuna tireng ira kira tu sapialaaw nu tau tura tireng ira,he is the one who is wondering when someone else will see him and take him away,train +42635,42636,42636,caay haw kaira ku tukar nu karimucu nu matuasay,there is a spear in the old mans corner is not there,train +42636,42637,42637,aya masamanay tu kiya finawlan sa kaku a mihirateng,I am wondering what happened to the tribe,train +42637,42638,42638,Pakakulacen nira matuasay ku wawa nira,that old man left his children with nothing,train +42638,42639,42639,Nanuya haklung satu cingra tu mama atu ina ningra a maluklun a minukay i Nacali Mituur cingra tu suwal nu mama atu ina Pakifalucu han nu ina ningra kunini a dmak a ma^min,then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them but his mother treasured all these things in her heart,train +42639,42640,42640,wata tu ka fangcal sanay ku maku harateng,it is very nice my thoughts exactly,test +42640,42641,42641,Nikawrira anu lumuwadtu kaku a maurip nai patay i u a i ayaw namu kaku a tayra i Kalili han ningra,but after I have risen I will go ahead of you into Galilee,train +42641,42642,42642,melawen,look like,train +42642,42643,42643,adadaay,sick person,train +42643,42644,42644,taynien hu ku kawkaw atu pitaw,will you get my scythes and hoes please,train +42644,42645,42645,maʼurad anini dadaya saan,if it rains tonight,train +42645,42646,42646,icuwa^,where,train +42646,42647,42647,mihiya mimeraw ciraan,watch him,train +42647,42648,42648,suwal satu ku kakahulul kami itiya i,and then our head of grade started talking,train +42648,42649,42649,tumatu^,tomatoes,train +42649,42650,42650,iraay ku fana nangra,there is their wisdom,test +42650,42651,42651,miala tiya kungan,take that melon,train +42651,42652,42652,u raracusay a demak,it is also a mistake of negligence,train +42652,42653,42653,makedal ku niyaru tuya mihecaan,that year there was a drought in the tribe,train +42653,42654,42654,mecel sa ku tangal nu matuasay,old people are simple minded,train +42654,42655,42655,15 o maanan ku padamaay tuniya salikaka ngaˈay ku pisaka dademak tu pasalat hani,what helps these brothers and sisters make good use of their freedom,train +42655,42656,42656,Ocung ku paruk i paparukan ni ina aku,my mother had a quilt closet full of quilts,train +42656,42657,42657,hatini ku sikining nu mama i takuwanan itiya,I have high hopes for this,train +42657,42658,42658,pay watah ku pilukes saan maketer ku itiyaay hu saan,being spat at and being scolded,train +42658,42659,42659,yan saka anu cima ku ciʼiluay,if someone breaks a tribal taboo,train +42659,42660,42660,kaku ku mahiyaay sa,I am the only one who is like this,test +42660,42661,42661,manaun a malaupes,and slow and gradual without loss,train +42661,42662,42662,tura Kaping sakatulu nira tura pifulaw kuranan,this is the third time the Qing soldiers have attacked us,train +42662,42663,42663,maludi,Twilight sky view,train +42663,42664,42664,sela,rest,train +42664,42665,42665,caayay katuni a suta,no sticky soil,train +42665,42666,42666,kina papalumaan,this crop,train +42666,42667,42667,alufu ciriku tu kami tu nu Amis,Lovers bag wearing traditional Amis clothing,train +42667,42668,42668,sakakumaenaw,I would love to eat it,train +42668,42669,42669,hatiniay ku maku a tu na hekalan a tuʼas tu nu maku kunini,this is my personal experience,train +42669,42670,42670,matngil nu tumirengay itira a papinapina a tamdaw kunini a suwal i suwal sa Mitahidang Cingra ci Iliyaan saan,when some of those standing there heard this they said He is calling Elijah,test +42670,42671,42671,miciw ku hiya,that is accurate,train +42671,42672,42672,Mafetir ku atimela,Flea flick out,train +42672,42673,42673,o tatudung nu mifulsakay hananay i u mifulsakay tu suwal nu Kawas,the farmer sows the word,train +42673,42674,42674,o sinsi aku ku micuracuray i takuwanan a pataluma,the person urging me to go home is my teacher,train +42674,42675,42675,itiniayiMesan a niyaru,this tribe in Meishan,train +42675,42676,42676,misamelemelet,wink,train +42676,42677,42677,kaʼamis nira ila kiya Pifasiyawan,there is a kite field to the north,train +42677,42678,42678,rumakat tu kaku,I can walk,train +42678,42679,42679,Saliyaliyawen ku demak,do the activity over and over,train +42679,42680,42680,macacuisay,alternate,test +42680,42681,42681,masamaan kiya lutuk,what is on that hill,train +42681,42682,42682,mikinsa,check,train +42682,42683,42683,sa pakaniay itini i sapikiwiku tu wawa haw ri,aspects of education,train +42683,42684,42684,masakawili,inconvenient,train +42684,42685,42685,malecad ku ngapa namu malecad ku tangatangal namu,you guys are as articulate as you are smart,train +42685,42686,42686,maluyuh nu baliyus,blown away by a typhoon,train +42686,42687,42687,macukacukay,mountainous,train +42687,42688,42688,u nipasinikan nu maku kuni a kunga tanamen a kumaen makena,this is the sweet potato I grow try it,train +42688,42689,42689,saka unini a masiku tu cangra,they worked hard for it and succeeded,train +42689,42690,42690,adiping,crest,test +42690,42691,42691,mali,ball,train +42691,42692,42692,mahemek a maaraw kisu a tayni,it is so good to see you,train +42692,42693,42693,kahemekan malaheciay tu ku pi,our visit is over,train +42693,42694,42694,panenengen kaku tura langdaway ari,please give me the clothes in blue,train +42694,42695,42695,matini i,what is the plan now,train +42695,42696,42696,niarian,shaft something Broken,train +42696,42697,42697,Maucur talapicudadan pasifana tu suwal nu Pangcah kaku,I was assigned to teach mother tongue at the school,train +42697,42698,42698,tulu ku faʼinayan tulu ku faʼinayan sasepat ku fafahiyan a kaka aku,I have three male and four female siblings,train +42698,42699,42699,matawa^,laughter,train +42699,42700,42700,raraya ku kaus nu kucu nu misu,the strings on your shoes are so long,test +42700,42701,42701,cepuay,final,train +42701,42702,42702,miculalay,sudden,train +42702,42703,42703,awaay ku cafay a maumah sanay,because there are no helpers to do the farming,train +42703,42704,42704,ta ma^deng cangra a paicel a sumuwal tu ka^mangayhu a fafahiyan a papiulah tu fainay atu wawa nangra,then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children,train +42704,42705,42705,o pipatunekan a rumiad anini,this is the date that was set,train +42705,42706,42706,yu maturin,continuous,train +42706,42707,42707,caay ka edeng a cecay kufuc picakayi hu^ tu tasa^ kufuc,one bottle is not enough for me go and buy two more back,train +42707,42708,42708,Matafesiw tatu haw,what about deep sadness,train +42708,42709,42709,nu demak nu mita u Pangcah,and about our Amis tribe,train +42709,42710,42710,Maungted ku tireng nuya pakailuhay a matusay,the body of the old man who let the fire happen was burnt to a crisp,test +42710,42711,42711,tangasa satu i lutuk,up in the mountains,train +42711,42712,42712,aluman ku cifiikay a tamdaw i ayaw,a lot of people used to get goiters,train +42712,42713,42713,vuwa,kidney,train +42713,42714,42714,itiya hu i tisyaba ci ama aku,my father was in the Railway Bureau at that time,train +42714,42715,42715,Mamakeru cira,she is going to go dancing,train +42715,42716,42716,suwal saan u malalukay a Pangcah ku ngaay,they say it is better to marry a hard working Amis,train +42716,42717,42717,sasanga sanay tu u kafana sanay tu,learning slowly by working hard on the production,train +42717,42718,42718,masamaan ku urip nu Pangcah tuya makuwan nu Ripun,what was life like for the Amis during Japanese rule,train +42718,42719,42719,u ruma satu fangcal aca ku paini nu safu tu matuʼasay tu malu sakangaʼay nu matuʼasay a matuʼas,in addition the government takes good care of the elderly so that they can lead a better life in their old age,train +42719,42720,42720,ngaˈayay licayen ita ku niyah Mitudungay kaku tuya sidaˈitay a Samariya tamdaw han,we should ask ourselves Have I followed the example of the loving Samaritan,test +42720,42721,42721,nu niyaru haw i,the so called tribes,train +42721,42722,42722,mizunvi aca tu sapisaturun a velac misanga tu siraw atu eraw,the rice for steaming mocha is also prepared and the salted meat and sake are marinated,train +42722,42723,42723,aka paʼaraw tu kapah a mahaen mangudu,do not let the young people see it and feel ashamed,train +42723,42724,42724,nura wawa saan kira,wrap the baby up,train +42724,42725,42725,a semuwal tu i liyalay a vavuy nu liyal,it is about the whales in the sea,train +42725,42726,42726,Mafawfaw ku pinaru nu paliding,the load in the cart bounced out,train +42726,42727,42727,pasekaay,produce something Shock,train +42727,42728,42728,u maan kuninian hakiya saan cangra saka,What is this they thought,train +42728,42729,42729,pawali han i,take it to the sun,train +42729,42730,42730,ciadingu,shadowy,test +42730,42731,42731,disdisen,prune,train +42731,42732,42732,matekes ku aca nu dateng,the price of vegetables is high,train +42732,42733,42733,mihadefek,eliminate,train +42733,42734,42734,caay tu pidungdung tu langaw,I did not follow the pattern of the trees,train +42734,42735,42735,anucila^,tomorrow,train +42735,42736,42736,o misacupuay ku tayal naira anini,they are working today to do dykes,train +42736,42737,42737,u nu Puyuma satu,then it is Peinan,train +42737,42738,42738,Nikawrira luwad sa ci Pitiru a cumikay a tayra i tadem hkakan sa cingra a minengneng i deng uya nisangaan tu kliw a kiradum a satafu ku iraay Saka safahka sa cingra tunini a dmak a minukay,Peter however got up and ran to the tomb bending over he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves and he went away wondering to himself what had happened,train +42738,42739,42739,mamunangay nu i paputaputalay,raw,train +42739,42740,42740,hanu ngaˈay kita pasuwal ci Yihufaan tu na falucuˈan a harateng hani,why are we comfortable telling the Lord how we feel,test +42740,42741,42741,Tusuk han a miraud,approach i do not bother with talking to others,train +42741,42742,42742,mahaenay ku pisasiraw hay,that is the way it is with cured meats,train +42742,42743,42743,tahira sa i kafanaʼan nu mira,until he learns,train +42743,42744,42744,anu sanu Ripunen haw u Miyamay han nu Ripun,in Japanese it is called a temple,train +42744,42745,42745,malecaday tu lalan nu kisiya,it is like the tracks of a train,train +42745,42746,42746,u adidiay a vunga,little,train +42746,42747,42747,nanu dafak tangasa^ tu lafii^ caay hu pasa^sa ciira,she has not rested since morning till night,train +42747,42748,42748,o masamaanay ku tayal nu imeng,what kind of work do police officers do,train +42748,42749,42749,liyang han nura wawa ku singsi nira,the kid argued against his teacher,train +42749,42750,42750,mikilim u ya telu,searching for abandoned groundnuts,test +42750,42751,42751,ciapilisay,in the hillside area of the,train +42751,42752,42752,Sangaen,fixed,train +42752,42753,42753,u cavay nu aku,it is my cousins class,train +42753,42754,42754,anu u maan tu ku demak,no matter what,train +42754,42755,42755,nu makayniay i,I am from Tomioka,train +42755,42756,42756,sapipakaʼen tu mipadangay matayalay itini i umah cakasaʼan,it is for the people who work in the fields,train +42756,42757,42757,anu palecalecad han matiya mamaanay hakiya caay haw,would not it be weird if they were all the same,train +42757,42758,42758,emin han mitakaway tu an caykasimawen itira ku taluan saka mahaenay saka,if I had not been at the workhouse everything would have been stolen,train +42758,42759,42759,pina tu ku mihecaan nu kaka isu tu fainayan,how old is your brother,train +42759,42760,42760,hay dudu tu,Okay then,test +42760,42761,42761,maruray hu mifasaw hu tu ruray sa ʼinipʼinip sa tu,if you want to forget the pain just have a little drink,train +42761,42762,42762,haman nakimad hai u,Fairy tales yes Oh,train +42762,42763,42763,icuwa hu kita minanam,where are we going to study,train +42763,42764,42764,hayi han ina aku,and the mother agreed,train +42764,42765,42765,aniniay a wawa caay kafana tu maan ku parud hananay,what do modern kids not know about stoves,train +42765,42766,42766,tuni misulsulan,this kind of embroidery,train +42766,42767,42767,maleneng,sink,train +42767,42768,42768,tatataang,very large,train +42768,42769,42769,nu sera a Kawas han naira,they call it the God of the Earth,train +42769,42770,42770,u hay,Yes it is a sika deer,test +42770,42771,42771,awaay minukay u mikadafuay tu cangra ira kuni minukay itira i timul,they did not they are all married and returned to the hometown of their spouse in the south,train +42771,42772,42772,macihi henay nu matuʼasay,they will also be scolded by their elders,train +42772,42773,42773,mahaen ku nu naayaway a matuasay,that is what happened to the old man in the past,train +42773,42774,42774,haratengen ku lunan Wata ku nika tataang nu tireng nira anu mackrukruh nu tataangay a fali i ma^deng a masiwar nu mamangay a sawihawih a papihaklung tu falucu nu miwihawihay a tamdaw,or take ships as an example although they are so large and are driven by strong winds they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go,train +42774,42775,42775,sakapahen ku harateng namu a tanektek,may your minds be as strong as those of young men,train +42775,42776,42776,caka kerih caka saan ku kapah makeru,at this time the youth will not be dancing in full force,train +42776,42777,42777,citufur,with calves,train +42777,42778,42778,ci Yuta i u wawa ni Yakup ci Yakup i u wawa ni Isak ci Isak i u wawa ni Apraham ci Apraham i u wawa ni Tirah ci Tirah i u wawa ni Nahur,the son of Jacob the son of Isaac the son of Abraham the son of Terah the son of Nahor,train +42778,42779,42779,adihay aluman ku kapah a minukay a mi matayal i niyaru san,there should be a lot of young people coming back to work for the tribe,train +42779,42780,42780,kamatiya i u faʼinayan a wawa i san ku mama kira,that is what my father told me to be a man,test +42780,42781,42781,Mifaluday tu ku hiya ku dademakay tu futing,preparation of straw rope for cooks,train +42781,42782,42782,tu Mukuwasi,papaya Creek,train +42782,42783,42783,itira a makunkun,there is the fall,train +42783,42784,42784,milakelaw,hunting by light at night,train +42784,42785,42785,malacecayay ku pitilidan niyam a mitilid,we study in the same school,train +42785,42786,42786,nawhani,and yet fights,train +42786,42787,42787,pina tu ku mihecaan isu,may I ask how old you are,train +42787,42788,42788,patusuk,aim,train +42788,42789,42789,kaludemak,affair,train +42789,42790,42790,taheka^en nira kami,he gave us dinner,test +42790,42791,42791,uranan ku hatiniay ku nu maku a pimali u nirakatan aku kuni,this is my journey through baseball,train +42791,42792,42792,ka ira ira ku valucu a pasevana,it is the old man who should be inspired to teach the language,train +42792,42793,42793,mikihatiya a mikaput tunini a tadamaanay a rumiʼad,to be able to come and be a part of this special day,train +42793,42794,42794,maemin adihay katawaan,Alarming jokes,train +42794,42795,42795,kamu u Pangcah sa kira,you Amis,train +42795,42796,42796,Tanuradiw sa kura cirut,the painted bird is singing,train +42796,42797,42797,caʼay kaʼengaʼ sasirawen ku i tiyaday a titi nu fafuy,pork in the belly part not suitable for making savory meat,train +42797,42798,42798,saku harateng nu malitengay,the elders think so,train +42798,42799,42799,cacay ku vavainayan cacay ku vavainayan,one boy and one girl,train +42799,42800,42800,tayraay tu cangra,they are on their way,test +42800,42801,42801,o ruma^ satu itini kaitiraan nu tuas ita u Pangcah haw i caay hu ka adihay ku kasaniyaru itiya satu haw i u masasiadaay hu ku kasaniyaru,in addition there were not many tribes inhabited by our ancestors and at that time tribes were still hostile to each other,train +42801,42802,42802,Yasakaku kira,and me,train +42802,42803,42803,saka malimela ku falucu nu maku,I deeply regret it,train +42803,42804,42804,i tini i nguyus i wikul ku icel nunini a ^fa matiya u uner ku wikul naira a cifunguh ora funguh naira ku sapikariang naira tu tamdaw,the power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails for their tails were like snakes having heads with which they inflict injury,train +42804,42805,42805,paacapaliwal,sell,train +42805,42806,42806,Maaraw aku itiya ku Tapang suwal sa i takuwanan Kalamkamen a miliyas tu Yirusalim Nawhani caay ku mamitngil ku i tiraay tu pipawacay isu tu pakayniay i Takuwanan saan,and saw the Lord speaking Quick he said to me Leave Jerusalem immediately because they will not accept your testimony about me,train +42806,42807,42807,Ihakuwa a liyad kisu a wad a mitilid,what class did you graduate with,train +42807,42808,42808,vaesingay,Sneezy,train +42808,42809,42809,tada kaesu ku nitangtangan niira a paheku atu hakhak Halu nipacamulan tu makaw a nitengeran titi nu lutuk misulut kuya sanek tu alumanay i lafang maulah ku alumanay minaul tu paliwalan niyam,the ferns and sticky rice she cooked were delicious as well as the braised pork with macaw pepper and wild boar meat the flavors attracted many customers and everyone lined up at our stall,train +42809,42810,42810,pifulesak,sow seeds,test +42810,42811,42811,tipus,indict rice,train +42811,42812,42812,annini anu pacakayen i u kining u matekesay tu ku pihirateng yi,it is a great souvenir if you sell it Yeah,train +42812,42813,42813,nanum han i kahecid saan,it is a little salty,train +42813,42814,42814,mikakahung,catch flying fish,train +42814,42815,42815,tuna caayaytu ku tatusaay ku mararamuday u ccayaytu ku tireng Orasaka u nipalaccayan nu Kawas i aka palicinuwasen nu tamdaw han ningra,so they are no longer two but one therefore what God has joined together let man not separate,train +42815,42816,42816,pasuwal han kaku mangaay tu,you can tell me anything,train +42816,42817,42817,mitatungangan takuwanan tu akawang aku,every time you laugh at me for being so tall,train +42817,42818,42818,kaku ku misaepahay yu,I made it myself,train +42818,42819,42819,maedengay tu sa i,Enough,train +42819,42820,42820,pacufay tu suwal,to give an answer,test +42820,42821,42821,ira ku adipangpang a maefer iraw,today is the first time I see real living dragonflies,train +42821,42822,42822,tahiraen ta tu ikur,until the end,train +42822,42823,42823,hales,Yes,train +42823,42824,42824,kakairaan a vavahiyan haw ku pavelien sa,every rice planting woman has a copy,train +42824,42825,42825,o pipalusiyang namu tu suwal tu pakayniay i Tapang i caay ka i Makituniya atu Akaya a ccay Malusiyang i cuwacuwa ku pakayniay i pitier namu i Kawas Saka u maanhu ku sasuwalen niyam,the Lords message Rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia your faith in God has become known everywhere therefore we do not need to say anything about it,train +42825,42826,42826,mala Kawas kiraan,he became a spirit,train +42826,42827,42827,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Anu pasulin kisu Takuwanan i u mamaaraw isu ku nika tadamaan nu Kawas han Aku kisu kyami han ningra,then Jesus said Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God,train +42827,42828,42828,Pacauf sa ci Pitiru Tapangaw anu nika rufutu anu nika pataytu Isu i ma^dengtu kaku a mikaput i Tisuwanan han ningra,but he replied Lord I am ready to go with you to prison and to death,train +42828,42829,42829,ira tu masadak kaku,everything was there,train +42829,42830,42830,ira ku hahiyaan ita anini ci Singkuy,they are called the hungry mountain gods,test +42830,42831,42831,samangataay,closest,train +42831,42832,42832,tahiray tu tiraw,there it is,train +42832,42833,42833,deng anu milihay satu kiymi haw i,only for worship,train +42833,42834,42834,Malaccaytu ku tireng nuya tatusaay tuna caayaytu ku tatusaay ku mararamuday u ccayaytu ku tireng,and the two will become one flesh so they are no longer two but one,train +42834,42835,42835,cisafakay,hollow rice without grains,train +42835,42836,42836,anu i luma tu ci ama u nu Pangcah tu ku nikasasuwal niyam,my father speaks the Pangcah language with us at home,train +42836,42837,42837,tuwa,then,train +42837,42838,42838,tayni tu ku Taywan u paylang mafulaw ca mira,After the Minnan people came they migrated here,train +42838,42839,42839,caay tu katara a kemaen tu lutuc nu panay,birds will not eat the ears of rice in the paddy field,train +42839,42840,42840,pahemek,praise,test +42840,42841,42841,misatapang anu caka ulah ku tamdaw hamaan matuled ku falucuˈ nu mita,if they are not interested at first we should not be discouraged,train +42841,42842,42842,o ruma a suwal ni Isaya i O tatalahkal ku tluc ni Yisi O tatumireng Cingra a mikuwan tu ruma a finacadan Cingra ku pafalucuan nu ruma a finacadan saan,and again Isaiah says The root of Jesse will spring up one who will arise to rule over the nations the Gentiles will hope in him,train +42842,42843,42843,patireng tu luma itini i laenu,build a house down here,train +42843,42844,42844,Wataay tu ku tangal nu maku,it is also very flexible,train +42844,42845,42845,matengil nu heni ku kangkang,birds hear the tin cans,train +42845,42846,42846,milimek kuya pusi i caniiw nu luma,the cat was hiding in the dead corner of the house,train +42846,42847,42847,hadidi saan,so patient,train +42847,42848,42848,mahaen ku kakavutiʼan nu matuasay i matiya,at that time the old mans bed was,train +42848,42849,42849,hay ina mama,Yes Mommy and Daddy,train +42849,42850,42850,Katayra a mipatala tu malutahka ita tu saki Pitalifan a Lisin han ni Yis ci Pitiru aci Yuhani a miucur,Jesus sent Peter and John saying Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover,test +42850,42851,42851,a manen,what should I do,train +42851,42852,42852,malaluk kami u kapah micacak tu vuting,join us for fishing,train +42852,42853,42853,ira hen Hakulungaw nu maku kamu a tayra i kamaruan,Yes I will take your seats,train +42853,42854,42854,awaay hatini sanay aca,it is just a silhouette,train +42854,42855,42855,u awul pelaʼen ku awul,it is made from split bamboo,train +42855,42856,42856,cakat sa cingra maru tayra tuya kilang,under such circumstances he went up and sat on the wood,train +42856,42857,42857,lima rumiʼad hiwa ri,meat bones for day event,train +42857,42858,42858,mifuhcimipudac,skin,train +42858,42859,42859,ku ngangan niya uner araw sa,it is the name of a snake,train +42859,42860,42860,iri caay ka,No,test +42860,42861,42861,sakadamsayay a uripan,a cozy life,train +42861,42862,42862,paeyawan,arbitrary,train +42862,42863,42863,u lafang atu salikaka aca iraʼay tayni i luma,if you have guests and siblings over,train +42863,42864,42864,kamuay,it is your turn,train +42864,42865,42865,matengi kura pihiya nira ta ta atiti atiti adadada ati matu hananay nira,hear him yell Come come come,train +42865,42866,42866,huni pacakat tu salil maherek mipili tu futing,you have to start the net all at once and then you have to choose the right fish,train +42866,42867,42867,tengilen tu niyam ku nipasevana namu,we follow your instructions,train +42867,42868,42868,mahufuc kura ina ira ciranan i,when his mother gave birth to him,train +42868,42869,42869,kalahukantu i macakat haca i dadaya,it is almost dusk when I am done,train +42869,42870,42870,o mama isu nisangaʼay Mayungay tu kiraan ayaw,your father made this it is been in use for a long time,test +42870,42871,42871,u ama nu vavahi nu maku,That Mr who is dad My,train +42871,42872,42872,kaay mapalisumadtu ku valucu nira,maybe he will change his mind,train +42872,42873,42873,u pangangan tuni,then name it,train +42873,42874,42874,datuk,Jews harp,train +42874,42875,42875,Ha talaen hu tahidangen aku,Well hold on a second I will ask her to come over to the phone,train +42875,42876,42876,a surit,I cannot even read the fonts,train +42876,42877,42877,miteving,touch,train +42877,42878,42878,mitefing,touch,train +42878,42879,42879,safa,brother,train +42879,42880,42880,tangasa i haw i,by ROC,test +42880,42881,42881,talariyal micekiw kami,we are going to the beach to fish for conch shells,train +42881,42882,42882,ku lise,history,train +42882,42883,42883,u ruma satu ya way a imeng,and by the way that is a great cop,train +42883,42884,42884,ala satu nira ku tiki nu suta,just get the deed,train +42884,42885,42885,mihiya micilis misacilis hiya ku yu cacay a cacilisan a kenis nu umah haw,start making gutters to separate each field from the other,train +42885,42886,42886,u nu wama hu aku kura u pakafana ira,it was my father who taught me,train +42886,42887,42887,hay milicay hu kaku kisunan nanu mamang kisu a itini maʼurip haw,I will have to ask you again have you lived here since you were a child,train +42887,42888,42888,papaacaen,price,train +42888,42889,42889,kapawanan,forgotten,train +42889,42890,42890,asulu^,pestle,test +42890,42891,42891,Salikuray a masuwal nu Fangcalay Cudad ci Yusif i 12 ku mihecaan ni Yis itiya,the last time the Bible speaks of Joseph Jesus was years old,train +42891,42892,42892,na mitengilan tu aku saka mafana kaku hilam u na micudaday ciira i ka Ripunan yu mamang hu^,I asked him to find out that he learned Japanese when he was a child,train +42892,42893,42893,saadihay,enough,train +42893,42894,42894,mitudaay,catching eels,train +42894,42895,42895,mamapatapatay aca kita u tamdaw,we humans must die,train +42895,42896,42896,sakangit,hook,train +42896,42897,42897,malamicukaay,being a Painter,train +42897,42898,42898,mana mafana kaku tura sai,how do I know it is the Republic of Korea,train +42898,42899,42899,kinacacay a miyala tira mahaenay u cadiway,only once to bring up fishing gear like a trammel net,train +42899,42900,42900,curuk sa suruten cecay a lumaʼan anu hiwa i,each family receives,test +42900,42901,42901,naayaw cakat sa mihulul,lots and lots of disembarkation in the past,train +42901,42902,42902,u pikafitan nuya ceka,it is where the bones grow,train +42902,42903,42903,sasevad,baby carrier,train +42903,42904,42904,cidamay,hydroponics,train +42904,42905,42905,Hakenu ku demak nuya matuʼasay itiya hu,customs of early tribal villagers,train +42905,42906,42906,depuc,to the best of ones ability,train +42906,42907,42907,cikuwang ku nangra tamina mamangay,their boats are armed with guns,train +42907,42908,42908,mitaya u a wawa a melawan,looks like a hobo,train +42908,42909,42909,aru,sitting,train +42909,42910,42910,Maharekaytu aku a miasik,I swept it,test +42910,42911,42911,nu,Main,train +42911,42912,42912,u caci alafu ku matuʼasay,the old man has to carry a backpack,train +42912,42913,42913,mantu,steamed buns,train +42913,42914,42914,cima ku pasifanaay i tisuwanan,who taught you that,train +42914,42915,42915,masamaan ku rumiad i paputal,how is the weather outside,train +42915,42916,42916,adetum,herb name,train +42916,42917,42917,o safa ni Isin tu fafahiyan kaku ci Amuy ku ngangan aku,I am Isins sister my name is Amoy,train +42917,42918,42918,tamaen hu aku haw,I am going to try to hit it,train +42918,42919,42919,o maan ku kasarucudan isu anini,what are you giving yourself to at present,train +42919,42920,42920,ya dihif nu fakelu ungcuy itira a maru cangra,they are hiding in a cave on a boulder,test +42920,42921,42921,cima kira tamedaw,who is that man,train +42921,42922,42922,itatihi nu kangkang,put it next to the plow rake,train +42922,42923,42923,o papalahaden isu ku saluafang isu tu nanu pipakifalucu isu tu papitieray tisuwanan a suwal nu Kawas atu nanu pidu^du isu tu sulinay a sifana ta anu pasifana kisu tunini i salikaka i malangaayay a matayalay ni Yis Kristu kisu,if you point these things out to the brothers you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus brought up in the truths of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed,train +42923,42924,42924,u lauma nu safiki,and the ten hearts in the betel nut,train +42924,42925,42925,iraay tu ku lalan nu kisya mahaenay,there was a train,train +42925,42926,42926,ya haen satu mahaen satu,you see this is how it is done the same way it is done,train +42926,42927,42927,palita han aku cira kiya mangalay a misumad tu ngangan u nihaenan tu a nipangangan i caay haw kakapah,I asked him why he insisted on changing his name was not the old registration method sufficient,train +42927,42928,42928,kilemel aca kuya atekak,it is strong and hard,train +42928,42929,42929,licayen,I have to ask,train +42929,42930,42930,suelinay kita masamisay,all of them live in the northern part of the country,test +42930,42931,42931,ira i sapad ku tali^ alaen uli,there is taro on the table take it,train +42931,42932,42932,o kalahukan satu makumud kaku aci ama a misakalahuk,at noon I cooked lunch with my grandma,train +42932,42933,42933,vangcalay kina limecedan,this girl is very pretty,train +42933,42934,42934,icuway ku niyaru nu misu,that is where my hometown is,train +42934,42935,42935,pina^,how much,train +42935,42936,42936,hamamaan ku runi hamamaan runi,no loofahs,train +42936,42937,42937,samanen maliʼayaway tu maneneng ku katalawan,because I have been in every kind of danger,train +42937,42938,42938,ruma pangangan anu caay ka tanuktuk ku ngangan niya wawa karatangic,if a child name is not strong enough the child will cry,train +42938,42939,42939,itiya i alapkapkaw satu ku nisawawaan a ma^min a miliyas i Cingraan,then everyone deserted him and fled,train +42939,42940,42940,haca,surname Ye,test +42940,42941,42941,yaan tu i tahanini nu Amis a suwal,after that it is now called hanging a stretcher in the Amish language,train +42941,42942,42942,u teluc namu pakafanaʼentu matiniay demak,your next generation is going to have to teach this kind of thing,train +42942,42943,42943,caka kerih a makapah,they are all the same,train +42943,42944,42944,ku faʼinay kira,when Mr Ah,train +42944,42945,42945,hatiraay haw kuni u kapi kalasingciw,that is how I became a captain,train +42945,42946,42946,tamiyan,we are,train +42946,42947,42947,midanguy kami,let us go swimming,train +42947,42948,42948,pasanengsengen,I am sorry very cool,train +42948,42949,42949,anu masulinga tu misafangcal a matilid,you just have to write it down,train +42949,42950,42950,a pela han ku suka madengaytu,need to cut the plastic in half,test +42950,42951,42951,anini hantu,Now,train +42951,42952,42952,haen han nangra ku dmak i masalil nangra ku adihayay a masaflaway a futing Sakaftasan saan kuya salil nangra,when they had done so they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break,train +42952,42953,42953,Daduen kuni,go with it,train +42953,42954,42954,Hinatusa kisu mikaliyun tiya ilisan mi tu ilisin ta nukay han tu saan,you will have to go to the festival you will only have to do two rounds and then you will go home,train +42954,42955,42955,caay kasanga,not yet,train +42955,42956,42956,Sahetu u sayret u naliti,it is all weed and manzanita,train +42956,42957,42957,u lavi iri pakaen ku luma isaw,the hosts family invited us for dinner that night,train +42957,42958,42958,cima ku kafanaan isu,who did you hear that from,train +42958,42959,42959,nitangtangan,dish,train +42959,42960,42960,ciira,he,test +42960,42961,42961,Paalenengen na Mayaw i terung nu kakahaday a facal naira,Mayaw they set a ridge in the middle of a wide field border,train +42961,42962,42962,pakimad,storytelling,train +42962,42963,42963,sungetdinget,nasal mucus,train +42963,42964,42964,tahiraan tu a miladum haw,they all go there to fetch water,train +42964,42965,42965,15 anu palalinien tu nulitengan a Israil iraay ku wacay ita tu mamilifuk tu sidaˈit ni Yihufa,we are more assured of the Lords mercy than the ancient Israelites,train +42965,42966,42966,dademak,work,train +42966,42967,42967,Caay caay ka ci Mayaw cira ci Kacaw ku ngangan nu nira,No he is not Mayaw his name is Kacaw,train +42967,42968,42968,mahenay itiya sa sasuwal sa ku tumuk atu kalas nu niyaru,the chief talked to the local tribal elders to find out what happened,train +42968,42969,42969,cipat saan ku kasi i ngapa aku,candy sticks to my mouth,train +42969,42970,42970,tu,Grid marking,test +42970,42971,42971,u saka tanektek a madihing ku niyaru,to strengthen and protect our tribe,train +42971,42972,42972,lumuwad,get up,train +42972,42973,42973,nanuemang miliyas tu niyaru tayni i Takaw,since I was a child I left my tribe and came to Kaohsiung,train +42973,42974,42974,nengnengen mafana kisu a micircir misu a harateng,Look if you are going to split the movie do it your way,train +42974,42975,42975,hayda keruren aku tu falu a aca,Alright I will give you a discount,train +42975,42976,42976,ya safaw pitu a mihecaan kaku,when I was,train +42976,42977,42977,taryraen niyam u pakanay tu rarapa inaayaw,in the old days when cattle grazed we walked,train +42977,42978,42978,caay kasawaden nu maku mikerid cangra a mipayfang tu salikaka,it is because I am always here visiting my parishioners,train +42978,42979,42979,Kiwlay,name,train +42979,42980,42980,Hayda iluma kaku a mitala i tisuwanan,Okay I will wait for you at home,test +42980,42981,42981,itini haw saka limela kaku,I treasure being here,train +42981,42982,42982,o Nalifetan ni Lusiya Mawsanity matiliday itini i Katalipaˈelal,for the life story of Lucia Mussanet see wake Up,train +42982,42983,42983,miinuli tu miinuli kaku mikerid cangra a miinuli,we also lead our parishioners in prayer,train +42983,42984,42984,a mipatang tu matuʼasay,and to help parents do their jobs,train +42984,42985,42985,Sanpin kira,Paratroopers,train +42985,42986,42986,Tatiih micumud ku alafuh,I cannot dust will fly in,train +42986,42987,42987,tengilen tu ku harateng nu malitengay i,you have to listen to your parents,train +42987,42988,42988,nava,wooden mortar,train +42988,42989,42989,Misiayaw mililis tu riyar ku pasawali a Pangcah tada kangaayan nu palafangay a misalama nengneng han i lalan tadamahapinang ku lawac mangalef mililis tu riyar mikefuh tu i riyar ku masakaratay a ungcuy,Coastal Amis is located on the east Taiwan coast facing the Pacific Ocean is a good place for sightseeing and traveling along the way the scenery is beautiful especially to see the rocky outcrops along the coast protruding into the sea,train +42989,42990,42990,caay kacungdas,cannot swim against the current,test +42990,42991,42991,tu urip nu itiyaay hu a malingad,Actually it is something I used to do when I worked outside the home,train +42991,42992,42992,Iʼayaway hu haw,a long time ago,train +42992,42993,42993,satarus han nu matuʼasay,previous ritual Festival,train +42993,42994,42994,Ngaay misasing tu maamaan nu i kemuday nu liyal atu Futifuting,you can take pictures of the underwater world and fish,train +42994,42995,42995,u saʼayaw nu paritiriting tu rarapa a pasakasak,Previously the cows were dragged and allowed to trample in the field,train +42995,42996,42996,kilumaan,year of Abundance Festival,train +42996,42997,42997,makuracay ku aru a,the Creek used to be very clean,train +42997,42998,42998,falinunu^,glutinous rice,train +42998,42999,42999,alaen aca ku cacay sakavien isu anu sani haw,you will take one of these to make soup later on,train +42999,43000,43000,kaen sa iʼayaw sa cipucu,that is why there is a thyroid in the neck,test +43000,43001,43001,haenen naku sa amaenen,I am sorry that is it that is it,train +43001,43002,43002,matama,got it,train +43002,43003,43003,malapara,turns to bottom,train +43003,43004,43004,sarayarayen,make a bridge,train +43004,43005,43005,makilim aku,I found,train +43005,43006,43006,satu u hiya tu kuni u sasangaʼen tu siraw kuni awaʼay tu ku ukak,all the ingredients for the savory meat are boneless,train +43006,43007,43007,namaka sikuku namakay ni,they are all Japanese from Shikoku,train +43007,43008,43008,kiya ya miw nu mita haw iraay tu ku Payrang itira,there are Min people in our temple,train +43008,43009,43009,u matuʼasay,seniors,train +43009,43010,43010,ta macakat tu,we have been promoted,test +43010,43011,43011,hatiraay haw ku nu tipay mimuwacayay hananay kahirahira nu tayal,that is what rafts do to catch eel fry it is unpredictable,train +43011,43012,43012,maeminay tu ku hemay iraay hu ku sitanaay a yuping miaca kisu,the rice is sold out I have tana pancakes would you like to buy them,train +43012,43013,43013,na malikuda tu i,I am dancing,train +43013,43014,43014,haen han nira i caang na kilang,he is just hanging like this from the trunk,train +43014,43015,43015,kareteng,very heavy,train +43015,43016,43016,mitifek,mill,train +43016,43017,43017,caay tu katangasa itila ku kungku nu matuasay,the old mans story did not get there,train +43017,43018,43018,o kalifutan a tamdaw cira,he was a troublemaker,train +43018,43019,43019,hatira satu matini midudu,follow it like this,train +43019,43020,43020,minanay,make a wish,test +43020,43021,43021,onini i masanu nika tilid i Cudad ni Isaya u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya Ira ku ccay a milkalay i kuhkuhan a sumuwal Patalaen ku malulalan nu Tapang Sungilaen ku malulalan ningra,as is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet A voice of one calling in the desert Prepare the way for the Lord make straight paths for him,train +43021,43022,43022,mafanaʼay tu mamin tunu Ripun,they all speak Japanese,train +43022,43023,43023,cima ku pararitingay tu ariray a mipawali,who links the corn to the sun,train +43023,43024,43024,Nawhani ngaay midanguy kumaen tu su^da irahaca ku ilisin kisui,because in the summer you can swim eat ice and have the Harvest Festival what about you,train +43024,43025,43025,savahevahersa,flying around,train +43025,43026,43026,o sakacecay a liyad ku niasipan niyam i nacila,we read the first lesson yesterday,train +43026,43027,43027,u ruma sakaniyaru masasiruma kira,there will be different songs among the different tribes,train +43027,43028,43028,siyasingen ni kaka aku itiraw pipasetengan ni Halu tu kulung,my sister took the picture at the place where the bulls were tied up,train +43028,43029,43029,sakayat,guidelines,train +43029,43030,43030,paysin,contraindication,test +43030,43031,43031,misalafii a matayal ciira,he worked all night,train +43031,43032,43032,ami i,we are,train +43032,43033,43033,mafana tu saka itini i matuʼasay,he is trusted by the elders because he knows how to respect the elders,train +43033,43034,43034,pisuʼut pipacekan tura aul hatira,to be tied to the bamboo and nailed to the bamboo,train +43034,43035,43035,tahira,accomplish,train +43035,43036,43036,matungal matungal tu ku nikafana i mahemek kaku au Pangcah ku tireng,the more I know the more I feel that being a Pangcah is unique and something to be proud of,train +43036,43037,43037,tuwa maherek i haen,Okay that is it for now,train +43037,43038,43038,Rukitac han ku sema a mihinac tu waneng i sapad,stick your tongue out and glue the sugar on the table,train +43038,43039,43039,huduc han kamaten ha tuktuk han tu,after pumping loosen the skin and then continue tapping,train +43039,43040,43040,Hay u situ^ kaku,Yes I am a student,test +43040,43041,43041,tangasa kaku i tusa pulu ira ku enem mapaherek kaku misiwfay i Fataʼan,until I ended up working at the light house at,train +43041,43042,43042,Hayda tatata,Yes let us go,train +43042,43043,43043,ulad,rain,train +43043,43044,43044,mahrek ci Yis a sumuwal tunini i malasaayaway cingra a macukacuk a tayra i Yirusalim,after Jesus had said this he went on ahead going up to Jerusalem,train +43044,43045,43045,sapacakay aku,I am going to sell it,train +43045,43046,43046,nicaliwan isu ci Hukin tuna impic haw,did you borrow this pen from Hokin,train +43046,43047,43047,paalapiten,hold a threat,train +43047,43048,43048,mitenun,weave,train +43048,43049,43049,mangaʼay a malaheci kuna nu falucuʼan,what can I accomplish I can fulfill my wish,train +43049,43050,43050,ira hen isacumud tu vedeng u vuhcalay hen,it is still white when it is at the mouth,test +43050,43051,43051,pakaen tu rarapa u vavahi ku pakaen haw,it is a girls job to herd cows is not it,train +43051,43052,43052,Tulu^ ku pafalucuan niira,she has three wishes,train +43052,43053,43053,mitatimul,going south,train +43053,43054,43054,u teking tu,so are matches,train +43054,43055,43055,malaina kaku anu ruma a miheca,I am going to be a mom next year,train +43055,43056,43056,palifutay,trouble something Trouble,train +43056,43057,43057,Nacima,who is it,train +43057,43058,43058,ira hu ku kangalayan nu maku a saan ira ku mipatangasa nu cikawasay,if there is a request for more the priest will do his best to arrange the necessary offerings,train +43058,43059,43059,karemadiw nama patengil hen a,Ah,train +43059,43060,43060,Pinatu ku mihecaan nu misu,may I ask how old you are,test +43060,43061,43061,malakapah,handsome,train +43061,43062,43062,taʼumah awa ku tateng u cilah,if there is no food in the mountains we will use salt,train +43062,43063,43063,yu ccay a Paslaan a Rumiad i pakayra i ci^miay a umah ca Yis a rumakat Hapricen nu nisawawaan ningra ku minaruan nu ^mi Muric han nangra tu kamay a kumaen,one Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields and his disciples began to pick some heads of grain rub them in their hands and eat the kernels,train +43063,43064,43064,Nikawrira mituru ku Kawas tu finawlan ningra saka suwal sa ku Tapang Anu maraudtu ku rumiad i u mamatatlek kaku atu finawlan nu Israil atu finawlan nu Yuta tu fa^luhay a katatlekan,but God found fault with the people and said The time is coming declares the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah,train +43064,43065,43065,u kawil tu kini,it is pointy with a wooden handle,train +43065,43066,43066,Nacima ku sumuwalay,who said that,train +43066,43067,43067,anu matngil aku ku nikaurip nu wawa aku i sulin i awaaytu ku ruma a dmak tu ikakaay nunini a sakalipahak aku,I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth,train +43067,43068,43068,ya pangangan i sawni i tamuwanan singsi,there are teachers who have just been introduced to me,train +43068,43069,43069,mehelek tu kuninan i,when this is done,train +43069,43070,43070,miliyas,Away,test +43070,43071,43071,an caay ka ngudu kuna Payrang,assuming these Han Chinese are not ashamed of themselves,train +43071,43072,43072,i liteng hu i itiya hu i,in the old days before that,train +43072,43073,43073,o funka a kinaira nu miʼadupay,it is also a cultural asset of the hunter,train +43073,43074,43074,ta mafana caira,let them know,train +43074,43075,43075,aka dademaken kuya tilid,do not move the papers,train +43075,43076,43076,20 ci mari kamayan midiput tu matuˈasay a wama padutucay a misakafah,Mary is still caring for her elderly father and continues to be a pioneer,train +43076,43077,43077,o niusawan niyam kira hemay nu nisu,your meal is a special treat we left for you,train +43077,43078,43078,ilaay hu kiya kapukaput isu,are your classmates still alive,train +43078,43079,43079,Matukalapiyat ku cikay nu pauliday fuis,Meteors travel at the speed of lightning,train +43079,43080,43080,mahaen itiya hu,that is how it was back then,test +43080,43081,43081,riyal atu a nanum itira mahiya kami,it is where the Xiuguluan river meets the sea,train +43081,43082,43082,Mipatala^,preparation,train +43082,43083,43083,tu salikaka,and siblings,train +43083,43084,43084,dadadudu han nu heni a mihuyahuy,they capture it line by line,train +43084,43085,43085,aka ka tulu,do not fall down,train +43085,43086,43086,wacay,evidence,train +43086,43087,43087,u raan saka mitiyur hu a misanga,so we came back to make it,train +43087,43088,43088,Tihlum satu itiya ku pulung nu finawlan a masaupu i fawahan,the whole town gathered at the door,train +43088,43089,43089,kiyulen haca ningra kuya mapuheday,doctors deal with rotting wounds,train +43089,43090,43090,anu irahu ku mangalay a minanam,if someone is willing to learn,test +43090,43091,43091,paka Taytu ci kik hu ku ciyamalay itiya,to Taitung it was still a steam train,train +43091,43092,43092,o luma aku i tiniʼay i Kalingiku i Kuhkuh,my home is in Mizuho Hualien,train +43092,43093,43093,a mimelaw a mihulul sa kaku,I want to watch the game,train +43093,43094,43094,saʼayaw hu misanga,the first time I made it,train +43094,43095,43095,ira ku patusukan tu tatayalen atu tudung a dademaken itini pisuwac i kaluselal,a structured career path and social education with tasks and obligations fixed by the organization at each level,train +43095,43096,43096,mahaenay a niyaru atu cudacuda,this is the real life and culture of the tribe,train +43096,43097,43097,cingra miratuh mi saan,it is the only way to proclaim the Lords Word,train +43097,43098,43098,yu miduhkit ku Tufur a siri tu saka pitu a nitupaan i awaaytu ku adeses i kakarayan tu ma^deng pangkiw nu tuki,when he opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for about half an hour,train +43098,43099,43099,masubuc laliwan masubuc laliwan,born and run away,train +43099,43100,43100,Mikaput kita tu yufayuf nu Tafalung,we joined a farming group in Tai Po long Valley,test +43100,43101,43101,paramuden,finding a partner,train +43101,43102,43102,micelcel,push in,train +43102,43103,43103,caentu,I do not need it,train +43103,43104,43104,o sa paini nu maku tu pakayni i paka hani i saʼamisan ci Kasuʼan hananay haw,I would like to share the history of the Nansei Ami tribe in the northern part of the country,train +43104,43105,43105,nika Salikuray,as a final conclusion,train +43105,43106,43106,yana ina naira,that mother of theirs,train +43106,43107,43107,Mahaterter mihiterter cingra,he stumbled and fell,train +43107,43108,43108,upupay,ugly guy,train +43108,43109,43109,anu caay dudui kunu Ripun a lekakawa,if you do not follow the Japanese system,train +43109,43110,43110,Hai sahetu u Amis ku paru nu luma niyam,Yes my whole family is Amis,test +43110,43111,43111,fana satu,I will,train +43111,43112,43112,yu saka lima nu safaw nu mihcaan ku nikalahungti ni Tipirius i luma i ci Puntius Pilatu ku mikumuday tu Yutaya ci Hiruti ku mikumuday tu Kalili o salikaka ni Hiruti ci Filip ku mikumuday tu Ituriya atu Trakunitis ci Lisaniya ku mikumuday tu Apilini,in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea Herod tetrarch of Galilee his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and Traconitis and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene,train +43112,43113,43113,mikuliyul tu sasuwalen,to not speak to the point,train +43113,43114,43114,itiya i kayat han ni Yis ku ccay a ka^mangay a wawa a patireng i sifu nangra ta afufu han ningra kuya wawa a pasuwal i cangraan,he took a little child and had him stand among them taking him in his arms he said to them,train +43114,43115,43115,mahaen ku nu lengac a nisuwalan aku,this is my introduction to moon peach Leaf,train +43115,43116,43116,mangaʼay radiwen haw,can you post it,train +43116,43117,43117,matiraay,here is the deal,train +43117,43118,43118,awaay tu ku matawalay aku tuna kaemangay mimaliay hatini,I remember and know these players very well,train +43118,43119,43119,nipatalaan,ready,train +43119,43120,43120,na itira i tusa a pulu ira,when I was in my,test +43120,43121,43121,Pakaakiken ku nipaeyuan a semut ta mikangkang,let the grass dry up before plowing,train +43121,43122,43122,misenger tu tulu a remiad,immersion for days,train +43122,43123,43123,tu sapalimuʼut ningra tu kaemangay,encouragement for the future generations,train +43123,43124,43124,itiyahu i u nu mita itiyahu,the length of the town was years at that time,train +43124,43125,43125,papaen nu tuwid ku panay,the ears of rice are all pecked by birds too,train +43125,43126,43126,cikahaen kami iʼayaw i riyar,I will not be afraid to go,train +43126,43127,43127,hay u ruma satu a sasuwalen aku ura putaw iraaw uya nipalumaan,Right another thing that I want to mention is the grapes that we planted,train +43127,43128,43128,sakapina nu pilipayan anini,how many weeks is it today,train +43128,43129,43129,nu cipisayfang kisu,why do not you ask first,train +43129,43130,43130,Hay maliyuk nu lutuk ku niyaru nu niyam,Yes our tribe is surrounded by mountains,test +43130,43131,43131,nu taʼangay ku fali taʼangay ku urad,if it is windy or rainy,train +43131,43132,43132,samanay a nanumen ku riyal,how does seawater taste,train +43132,43133,43133,tahira cangra i Kulkuta hananay u tatudung nunini i u Okak nu Funguh sanay,they came to a place called Golgotha,train +43133,43134,43134,udax,sugar,train +43134,43135,43135,i etulun ku niyaru aku,my hometown is in Turan,train +43135,43136,43136,maherek kaku a milicay i suwal saan cingra,when I finished asking he responded by saying,train +43136,43137,43137,itiya saka mafulud kami a tatusa,all on the same mountain,train +43137,43138,43138,u tatalumah kaku satu,I will get up and go,train +43138,43139,43139,maanen nu mamu isu a micakay tu dateng,how does your grandmother go to the grocery store,train +43139,43140,43140,iraay ku katayalan ni kaka isu haw,does your sister have a job,test +43140,43141,43141,itiya i ira a miraud ci Yisan i Fangcalay Pitaungan ku mapuhaway atu mapiiway Saka adahen ni Yis cangra,the blind and the lame came to him at the temple and he healed them,train +43141,43142,43142,malakaedahay,it is spicy,train +43142,43143,43143,sukuy hananay a way itini i enar iayaw,Supplicants are not on land,train +43143,43144,43144,awaay ku kaka aku,I do not have any older siblings,train +43144,43145,43145,pucpuc,pluck,train +43145,43146,43146,cakaʼala ku panay nu Pailasen i tiyahu,there is no one to Harvest the rice,train +43146,43147,43147,o pikisaemelan atu pikidihekuan ku luma ita,a home is a place for us to stay cool and warm,train +43147,43148,43148,awa,absent,train +43148,43149,43149,langseng,steamer,train +43149,43150,43150,patunu,see a visitor out,test +43150,43151,43151,hakuwa ku tireng nu Pangcah sa ha ha ha,measuring up to the size of an aboriginal ha ha ha,train +43151,43152,43152,ya patireng hu kamu itini niyaru u sulafu tu haw,the houses you are building here are they concrete now,train +43152,43153,43153,mipanay cangra i hefungay a umah,they were harvesting in a valley,train +43153,43154,43154,pasneng kisu tu nika fana isu tu Rikec nu Kawas i mipaculi kisu tu Rikec a mipakangudu tu Kawas haw,you who brag about the law do you dishonor God by breaking the law,train +43154,43155,43155,yanu futudung ya yana kanaruwa hananay,like Orchid Islanders Kanaruwan,train +43155,43156,43156,u ilu nu lufang kaku misangaʼay,I will mediate the dispute between the elders,train +43156,43157,43157,caay ka i tangal itini i kuring,it is not bleeding from the head it is bleeding from the ass,train +43157,43158,43158,o kuhetingay ku siuy nifaki aku,my uncles pot is black,train +43158,43159,43159,o manan hu ku kakaenen nu kaemangay,what is the baby going to eat,train +43159,43160,43160,tarawadaw,riverside,test +43160,43161,43161,panukayen tu kiya kuwang,return the gun,train +43161,43162,43162,masahetuay,continuous,train +43162,43163,43163,malinah tayra itira nengneng,where are you moving to,train +43163,43164,43164,hay iʼayaw palumaay tamaku kita i,Yes we used to grow tobacco,train +43164,43165,43165,nakamayan,Handmade,train +43165,43166,43166,tatudungsa aki,Okay you are over there Just in time,train +43166,43167,43167,mahaenay nu mita,that is what we are,train +43167,43168,43168,salungan a nengnengen ku adipangpang,the butterfly looks so soft and beautiful,train +43168,43169,43169,nikalalikid,traditional dance,train +43169,43170,43170,hatini u kalitang kura adingu,you know the ones that look like string beans and so on,test +43170,43171,43171,huwad,to raise,train +43171,43172,43172,dare Wu matsu ka yu,who are you waiting for,train +43172,43173,43173,ciferangen,I feel hot,train +43173,43174,43174,o sakamatini nu suwal nangra i u patalahkalay tu nipilunguc nangra tu malukitakit nangra,people who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own,train +43174,43175,43175,tara a mimeraw,visiting and Inquiring about Ancestors spirits,train +43175,43176,43176,aluman tu ku salikaka itiya satu satapang,that is when it started,train +43176,43177,43177,ira itiya ci Mariya nu Maktala atu ina ni Yusif ci Mariya a misimaw atu minengneng tu pitlian i ci Yisan,Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where he was laid,train +43177,43178,43178,pakay taluan,warehousing ceremony,train +43178,43179,43179,kiya,That,train +43179,43180,43180,matuʼas tu kaka aku maenin hiwa i,my brother and I are very lucky and healthy,test +43180,43181,43181,mitahud,steam,train +43181,43182,43182,Makuli ci kaka aku,my sister is very thin,train +43182,43183,43183,ruray satu ku kahukahung,it is shoulders,train +43183,43184,43184,malakawas,become a ghost,train +43184,43185,43185,itini tu i ciwluksay kaku,when I was,train +43185,43186,43186,macahiw tu itini mahaenay tu,Here too there is hunger,train +43186,43187,43187,Aka kakumaen ku futing kahecid ku anip mapatay saan ku matuʼasay dudusa kami i tiya hu,the elders told us not to eat the fish lest the seedlings become too salty and die and we followed their advice,train +43187,43188,43188,kunai,soft,train +43188,43189,43189,anini satu una matiniay a lisin awaay tu ku midueduay tu nanu rayray a pinangan a dmak nawhani masa Hulamtu atu u ruma tu ku pituuran matu lahedaw satu masamatiniay ku dmak,Nowadays these rituals vary depending on how much of the tradition has been preserved as modern lifestyles have been simplified and simplified by Sinicization these rituals are slowly disappearing,train +43189,43190,43190,ira ku macuwacuwaʼay pilatelatek sa tu malaʼalaw,there are also various cultural competitions,test +43190,43191,43191,tuper,label,train +43191,43192,43192,hatilaay yaca kafanaʼan aku,that is all I know,train +43192,43193,43193,hay tulu rumiʼad ku kangaʼayan nu iya,these three days are the best,train +43193,43194,43194,kura,then,train +43194,43195,43195,han a paliluc mansa macedah,keep rinsing the salt off your body,train +43195,43196,43196,cu^yangcen,Ozone layer,train +43196,43197,43197,micakayan,purchased,train +43197,43198,43198,pawacuen ku pikunglingay,it is a very strict training program,train +43198,43199,43199,rurung,bundle,train +43199,43200,43200,suwal sa ku pusadak a kaka nu maku U lalikid nu niyaru ku masimsimay niyam i Taypey saan,cousin said What we miss most in Taipei is the Fung Nin dance Festival in our hometown,test +43200,43201,43201,nanu kaemangan mafanaʼay tu kisu ali,did you learn to knead rope as a child,train +43201,43202,43202,ira tu ku sadak nu nikawumahan,there is a catch,train +43202,43203,43203,Alatangitangic sa cangra a ma^min a mitakec a micucup ci Pawluan,they all wept as they embraced him and kissed him,train +43203,43204,43204,o cihciay a tatirengan ku malafungay a mapatay u nu adinguan a tatirengan ku mauripay nai patay tuna ira ku cihciay a tatirengan saka ira ku nu adinguan a tatirengan,it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body if there is a natural body there is also a spiritual body,train +43204,43205,43205,Mamaan aca awa ku kihal niyam,it is okay there is nothing to worry about,train +43205,43206,43206,tiya u marufuay kaku anini,I feel boxed in as if I were in prison,train +43206,43207,43207,u kasaniyaniyaru mapapaliw,for the tribes to help each other,train +43207,43208,43208,maadah tu ku duka nu misu,is your wound healed,train +43208,43209,43209,mukuay,stuck,train +43209,43210,43210,ca kalifanaʼan taʼangay ku tapelik,Suddenly there is a big wave,test +43210,43211,43211,tala hantu aku kamu yu,I will be waiting for you,train +43211,43212,43212,maupic,wet,train +43212,43213,43213,caay ka sipinang ku,the story they tell is not very clear,train +43213,43214,43214,ci Taniil atu tatuluay widang ningra misiˈayaway tu maanan sapalifet itini Papilun,what trials did Daniel and his three friends face in Babylon,train +43214,43215,43215,u iraan a selal ku marikecay sa,that class is more united,train +43215,43216,43216,kami mala sarakat aci Wangcenfa,I have been with Wong for the longest time,train +43216,43217,43217,i cuwacuwa kiya saan,Where is it he said,train +43217,43218,43218,maka^erer,like a rope,train +43218,43219,43219,u Fangcalay ma ay sanay a suwal sa,is not it nice and progressive,train +43219,43220,43220,Tumay hu hai u Tumay,a bear Yes it is a bear,test +43220,43221,43221,8 9 o ruma a lalangian ita a mitusil u maanan hani,what is another reason for our preaching,train +43221,43222,43222,mahaentu mafukil kaku tu Hulam a ngangan aku,I cannot say my Chinese name,train +43222,43223,43223,anu caay kasadaken aku kinian haw i,if I had not said anything about it,train +43223,43224,43224,caay kangaʼay a han nu Kaping,in Mandarin it does not apply to all,train +43224,43225,43225,capakasepat a mihecaan,less than years,train +43225,43226,43226,sa ku matu asay a tara,this is what the elderly need to know in their daily lives,train +43226,43227,43227,tusa a patekenan,two hundred,train +43227,43228,43228,sa iyaiya sa suʼelin mateeyaʼay tu,saying this and that it is really complete,train +43228,43229,43229,minafuy,reptiles,train +43229,43230,43230,iraw tu ku cidal ri maʼedil tira Kinmung,when the sun is over there the golden gate is bright,test +43230,43231,43231,Kaikul i metmeten tu i u samaan tu ku demak nuna cafay,Lastly how can we pass on and preserve,train +43231,43232,43232,pasuwal sa ci Yis Aka lalangen cingra nawhani anu ira ku midmakay tu kafahkaan a dmak pakayni i ngangan aku i tangsul caay ka saan cingra a milikaf i Takuwanan,Do not stop him Jesus said No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me,train +43232,43233,43233,pasuwal sa ci Tumas tu kaput ningra a nisawawaan Tata kita ku ruma a tayra a mikaput cingraan a mapatay saan,then Thomas said to the rest of the disciples Let us also go that we may die with him,train +43233,43234,43234,tinaku tu sawal nu ti kawaping,as they say in Mandarin,train +43234,43235,43235,pawalien nira i hiya tatihi nu ha ha ha ha,he is sunning my underwear on the side of the playground ha ha ha ha,train +43235,43236,43236,aka a kala Tumuk haw san ku suwal ni mama aku itiyahu,dad said we should not be the ringleaders,train +43236,43237,43237,mitngil kuya tatusaay a nisawawaan tu suwal ni Yuhani i tuur satu ci Yisan,when the two disciples heard him say this they followed Jesus,train +43237,43238,43238,pulung,total,train +43238,43239,43239,matumes,full,train +43239,43240,43240,anu u fangcalay siraw haw caka sanek,if it is very good cured meat it will not stink,test +43240,43241,43241,miulah,love and care,train +43241,43242,43242,Saumelaen saan tu kikay tu sakamawmah ci mama aku,my dad treasures his work machines,train +43242,43243,43243,Suʼelinay mi tu kami tu aul sapisataluʼan itira i riyar,making bamboo according to the plan gathering place of the day,train +43243,43244,43244,i fai salikaka saan ku awaay maʼaraw saw,God is remembered in aunts and sisters,train +43244,43245,43245,nikawrira deng u wama a Kawas a ccay ku Kawas ita o misangaay cingra tu kalumaamaan o saki cingraan ku nika urip ita deng ci Yis Kristu a ccay ku Tapang pakayni i cingraan ku sakasanga nu kalumaamaan cingra ku sakaira ita a maurip,yet for us there is but one God the Father from whom all things came and for whom we live and there is but one Lord Jesus Christ through whom all things came and through whom we live,train +43245,43246,43246,Falu^ tu pulu ku mihecaan nuya matuasay nika nengneng ri tanektek hu^ ku tireng,the old man is already eighty years old but he still looks like a middle aged man,train +43246,43247,43247,nu iraku ngangan nisaʼuwac hani,why is there a name for the valley,train +43247,43248,43248,ngaʼayhu kamu mama kamu salikaka mapulung,Hello children and brothers and sisters,train +43248,43249,43249,makanina kami tu suwal nu kaka nu itiya,we have experienced the admonition of our brother,train +43249,43250,43250,u suʼelinay,true,test +43250,43251,43251,o kiradum ku patafuan nu matuasay i ayaw,in the old days old people used to wrap their lunches in cloth,train +43251,43252,43252,midaucay,forever,train +43252,43253,43253,nawhani anu ira ku lkal nu palimuutay atu ngiha nu kakridan nu cuyuh atu suni nu la^pa nu Kawas i itiya a ma^pud ku Tapang nai kakarayan ta malasaayaway a lumuwad ku mituuray ci Kristuan a mapatayay,for the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ will rise first,train +43253,43254,43254,hay anu cima kiya sa tataʼangayay a mihecaan i kawanan,the oldest is on the right,train +43254,43255,43255,hatiraay kura pisiwkay tuna tarud,that is how it is done,train +43255,43256,43256,ira ku cecay tahiniʼay tuʼas ku cimit nira tu maalaay tuni kalusa,there is a crybaby nickname that is been around forever,train +43256,43257,43257,kiransa cacaycacay cira cikatlaw nawhani,so even if he is alone he is not afraid,train +43257,43258,43258,saka cecay u facu^ nu keru^ o tanusuk a facu^ nu keru^ nu Pangcah i u malimuuday makakafit ku kamay a masakeru kaulahan nu finawlan,First the formation the Amis song and dance formations are mainly circular and hand holding is usually the most popular,train +43258,43259,43259,sumuwal ci ama aku,my father even praised it,train +43259,43260,43260,mipaliway,to be a working partner,test +43260,43261,43261,mahiya ya kapiyasay hananay,it is known as the one that allows dysentery,train +43261,43262,43262,hatiraay ku pisanga aku anini,here is what I have been working on so far,train +43262,43263,43263,dungedungec,vines,train +43263,43264,43264,a kalasidaʼit tu idang,cherish your friends,train +43264,43265,43265,maen cing nay satu u caay kafana tunu tamdaw tamdawan wacu sa kitanan,we are not treated as humans but as animals and dogs,train +43265,43266,43266,i ngata^ nu lutuk ku niyaru namu haw,are there mountains near your tribe,train +43266,43267,43267,o a itira ci Yis i kakarayan tangasa i kasafa^luhan nu kalumaamaan onini i matu nipaliayawan nu Kawas i tiyahu pakayni i suwal nu Fangcalay a paliayaway tu suwal ningra,he must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything as he promised long ago through his Holy prophets,train +43267,43268,43268,Pinaun tu tatiihay ku dmak a tamdaw matiya u wacu cangra Pinaun cangraan u paci^ciay a papikrit tu tireng a tamdaw,watch out for those dogs those men who do evil those mutilators of the flesh,train +43268,43269,43269,yan tu mitilid kaku han i,if I say I am going to school,train +43269,43270,43270,mipacufelis,write back,test +43270,43271,43271,hatiraay ku urip niyam tiyahu,we used to live like this,train +43271,43272,43272,ya panahayay,companion,train +43272,43273,43273,anu hakuwa kura rengus isu eminhan mitifek,pound as much grass as you have,train +43273,43274,43274,reteng ku tayal nira,he has to lift in his work,train +43274,43275,43275,o mamikarkar tu sera kita anini,we are going to loosen the soil today,train +43275,43276,43276,o suwal ni Riana O tada ngaˈayay a saˈusi nu maku kunini,Riana said This is the best decision I have ever made,train +43276,43277,43277,watah tusaay tu a pulu tu a mihecaan,Wow it is been over years,train +43277,43278,43278,patelian tu hafay itiya hu,I used to install Xiaomis,train +43278,43279,43279,u suwal na singsi caayay nu Hulam a ngangan san i,the teacher said No your Chinese name,train +43279,43280,43280,nengneng han i hanek sanay,but the smell is very strong,test +43280,43281,43281,misakutiay,Talking serves you right,train +43281,43282,43282,sa ira ku nika lialac sa,that is why there is clean fishing,train +43282,43283,43283,masamatira kina fafahiyantu satu tayraay mitakulaay,all these women have been to the frogs place,train +43283,43284,43284,Mamaurad ku rumiad itiya pihululan ita hay,will it be rainy that day,train +43284,43285,43285,o likat nu fulad ku lakelaw nu matuasay a mitalakal tu mangcel i tiya hu,in the old days the old man used to trap the Qiang by the light of the moon,train +43285,43286,43286,pacekis nu wadis,eye teeth,train +43286,43287,43287,itiya a maharateng nuya wama ku nika lcad nu tatukian tu pipasuwal ni Yis O mamaurip ku wawa isu sanay a suwal Saka pasulin satu cingra atu paru nu luma ningra a ma^min,then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him Your son will live so he and all his household believed,train +43287,43288,43288,misaluma i malacecayay ku niyaru itiya hu miritrit tu eri atu mipenen,the tribesmen build houses and help cut thatch and reeds,train +43288,43289,43289,Sakatusa o sapipalalaw cingraan anu mafutiay hu sa miangang,the call is to wake him up or maybe he is just asleep,train +43289,43290,43290,Ciadingu kaku i laenu nu cidal,I have a shadow in the sun,test +43290,43291,43291,maliyun ku funguh tura kalasang tura,it was only then that we began to realize that the dizziness had shifted,train +43291,43292,43292,u havay hananay a kakawaw,millet sowing ceremony,train +43292,43293,43293,Tahacifek,fall into,train +43293,43294,43294,Paafadengen caay ku sanay nu maku u piturur tu lamal aca a cecay,I only pushed the material to fuel the fire not to intentionally create charcoal ash,train +43294,43295,43295,tangasa i muketepay a tuki tu pahanhan tu,I did not rest until am,train +43295,43296,43296,tura pakesangan,planted at the tomb sweeping Festival,train +43296,43297,43297,mikayki ku tapatapang i adawang,tribal leaders meet in the assembly hall,train +43297,43298,43298,savaw tu cacay,eleven,train +43298,43299,43299,a miala tu hemay caay haw,did you bring rice,train +43299,43300,43300,anu harateng han caay ku payciay ku lengaw ita u Pangcah,the development of our peoples lives has not been dominated by economic business,test +43300,43301,43301,nawhani pakayni i kiwkay uruma a kakawa itiyahu,because the faith of the church changes the rituals,train +43301,43302,43302,tengil sa hay sikawasay,what they hear is that they only know,train +43302,43303,43303,naw mahaenay kiyami,it is because,train +43303,43304,43304,dadungecen,the heart of the vine to be harvested,train +43304,43305,43305,mitakaw,pilfer,train +43305,43306,43306,u tayal ningra haw i u mipacukay tu fafuy pacakay tu titi,he works as a pig killer selling pork,train +43306,43307,43307,u Tapang ku faʼinay,men are pillars,train +43307,43308,43308,Mapasadakay tu nu mita ku paranaan a Rikec nu Yincumincu nika unini a Rikec i,Today we have an indigenous peoples basic law that is quite advanced,train +43308,43309,43309,patakus han ri ta paini tu mama,those who report information must let the local elders know,train +43309,43310,43310,i cuwaay ku saakawangay a luma,where is the tallest building,test +43310,43311,43311,kafana kita mihalateng halatengaen kuni suwal nu maku hanaku kisu u matuʼasay,we need to think and please hear what I am saying,train +43311,43312,43312,sailalumapu,ministry of the interior,train +43312,43313,43313,pipakudiwisan,rabbit cage,train +43313,43314,43314,Ngaayay ku takulaw a kumaen tu fiwa,eating lozenges is good for the throat,train +43314,43315,43315,iniiʼayaw i,before that,train +43315,43316,43316,hay cecay a ina,Yes a mother,train +43316,43317,43317,o kangayawan nu tuas i herek nu ilisin,after the Toyonen Matsuri there is a hunting Festival for the ancestors,train +43317,43318,43318,Mafana kisu i cuwa ku patiyamay hani,do you know where the store is,train +43318,43319,43319,o maan ku mikidungan nu misu i dangah,what are you scooping in the pot of soup,train +43319,43320,43320,o singsi^ ciira,he is a teacher,test +43320,43321,43321,suwalen ku rakat nu urip isu han kaku anini,talking about life history it is serious,train +43321,43322,43322,Matawala aku a mihawikid ku paysu ngaay kaku a micaliw i tisuwanan haw,I forgot to bring money can I borrow money from you,train +43322,43323,43323,mafaliyus ku rumiad nu mita u Taywan,we are having a typhoon in Taiwan,train +43323,43324,43324,Nikawrira trep sa ci Yis caay pacauf tu maan aca liyawen haca nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung a miliclic Cingra O Wawa nu kakahmekan a Kawas ci Kristu Kisu saw han ningra,but Jesus remained silent and gave no answer again the high priest asked him Are you the Christ the son of the blessed One,train +43324,43325,43325,Tataang ku telii nu maku i tisuwanan,I am very angry with you,train +43325,43326,43326,ngici,notch,train +43326,43327,43327,funga kunga,sweet potato,train +43327,43328,43328,aka pisakakinih tu tamdaw a paayaw aka pisatakaraw tu falucu Pikaput i sasafaay ku urip a tamdaw aka pisanu mafanaay kamu,live in harmony with one another do not be proud but be willing to associate with people of low position do not be conceited,train +43328,43329,43329,tini i para kiyang kiyang kiyang,it is in the hips,train +43329,43330,43330,vaki,uncle,test +43330,43331,43331,kelapan kuni u terung iri vuhangan itin,here is the center section,train +43331,43332,43332,niyaru nira i Kiwit,his tribe is in Chimay,train +43332,43333,43333,maʼedeng a samanen,but why,train +43333,43334,43334,Ciriku tu ku kaput maemin,all age groups wore ethnic clothing and bright eye catching accessories,train +43334,43335,43335,payci,coins,train +43335,43336,43336,natayni i Kalili ci Yis nai Yutaya i u saka tusa a nidmakan ningra a kafahkaan a dmak kunini,this was the second miraculous sign that Jesus performed having come from Judea to Galilee,train +43336,43337,43337,lusimet,organize,train +43337,43338,43338,hay matama,the point is,train +43338,43339,43339,wina,mother,train +43339,43340,43340,itini lintad ni Yis u tamdaw pakayni i mirikecay kasasiruma nu finacadan a maperar,in Jesus time people were not united by political social and racial differences,test +43340,43341,43341,adihay ku sapiʼaca tu,that is how you get money to buy bread,train +43341,43342,43342,Mitaruh tu kilang nu Taykuk,elephants in Thailand pull wood,train +43342,43343,43343,pipurangan,autumn,train +43343,43344,43344,tadatingalaway ku nanum a pala han nu Makutaay a tamdaw u mantaay ku nanum nira mituur tu fulad ira ku pilenu atu pikacih nira,the cave is unique in shape with a continuous flow of spring water which rises and falls like the sea as the moon turns full and short,train +43344,43345,43345,minanamay kami taynian,we can start as apprentices,train +43345,43346,43346,o kasuling ku pikalican aku tayra Taypak i anu cila,my transportation to Taipei tomorrow will be a train,train +43346,43347,43347,hatini han mipudac maemin tatirengan kura padac ira,that is how you peel the bark off a tree trunk,train +43347,43348,43348,niunipan,seedlings planted,train +43348,43349,43349,facal tu ku nanum,the waters fine,train +43349,43350,43350,masadakay tu ku cidal faedetay ku rumiad,the sun is coming out it is very hot,test +43350,43351,43351,anu pakaaraw tu acfel nu nipituduh tuya niyaru ku maudangay tuya fafahiyan atu mikaputay cingraan a macilas a hungtingti nu hkal i u mamararum cangra a tumangic,When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning they will weep and mourn over her,train +43351,43352,43352,u pakayniay i saka u u kalang han ku kalang nu u kalang han ku ngangan nura,I want to talk about why crabs are called Kalang,train +43352,43353,43353,amaan,grand mom,train +43353,43354,43354,omaan kuimi nira,what does it mean,train +43354,43355,43355,o mararamuday caira,they are a couple,train +43355,43356,43356,mapacamulay,mixed,train +43356,43357,43357,nahu tutu satu hatiraay ku mipalumaan aku wawa,and some huckleberries which is what the kid is probably growing,train +43357,43358,43358,matira kura paʼiwa hananay a demak tu lira,this is the ceremony before the Toyonen Matsuri,train +43358,43359,43359,misanga tu tarumaan kura malitengay,elderly people making other bamboo wares,train +43359,43360,43360,funur,bear fruit,test +43360,43361,43361,Macuwatay ku demak tuniya pina a mamihecaan cuwatu ka edeng ku Pitil,as time passed and work expanded Bertrams Facility was not big enough,train +43361,43362,43362,mafidungay kira,the trees are very luxuriant,train +43362,43363,43363,kalat,nip,train +43363,43364,43364,malcaday a u misakupangay ku tayal nangra saka itira satu ci Pawlu i luma nangra a mikaput a matayal,and because he was a tentmaker as they were he stayed and worked with them,train +43364,43365,43365,mangaʼayay ca kakumaen,can I stop drinking,train +43365,43366,43366,micingray,lean on,train +43366,43367,43367,ngaʼayay ku urip isu,that is great you are very lucky,train +43367,43368,43368,maen han han hanaw nawhan ini ku hiya aku,that is how I do it,train +43368,43369,43369,Hinacalemcemay kaku tu adihayay a demak uha raremuen aku kuni,Honestly my biggest problem is worrying about a lot of things and that is something I have to overcome,train +43369,43370,43370,papacen i talaumahay tu ku wina aku mawmah,the next morning he sent his mother out to work in the fields,test +43370,43371,43371,atu piilisinan nu niyam,and our Toyotomi Festival,train +43371,43372,43372,Misafadic tu fadas ci ina,mom peels the shells off the beans,train +43372,43373,43373,karakalang,lots of crabs,train +43373,43374,43374,Nawiru caay ku papasulinen saan kamu u Yutaya a tamdaw tu nipipaluwad nu Kawas a paurip tu mapatayay,why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead,train +43374,43375,43375,a mamawmah naayaw sa,I used to weed the fields,train +43375,43376,43376,hatiray kura misiʼuwayay,it is these uses,train +43376,43377,43377,milisin,year of Abundance Festival,train +43377,43378,43378,itiaya tu itiya miteka ta ira ku tumuk hatiraay,it is only in that they started to show up again,train +43378,43379,43379,sasafaay kisu ca hu kalepun ku mihecaan isu saan,you are not young enough,train +43379,43380,43380,caciyaw,Speak,test +43380,43381,43381,tangasa tu i tumuk,reach the leader,train +43381,43382,43382,o hemay u maan ku nu misu,I like to eat do not you,train +43382,43383,43383,u rarawraw a mimaan sa,this matter shall not be enlarged,train +43383,43384,43384,o nu nima a sasipasip kuni,whose eraser is it,train +43384,43385,43385,saka hemaw sa ku falucu,it is easier to relax,train +43385,43386,43386,ura liwliw nura demak i,the flow of the ceremony,train +43386,43387,43387,sa tu,indistinct,train +43387,43388,43388,ira ni cakayan,I have got it,train +43388,43389,43389,mapaysinay,taboo,train +43389,43390,43390,o hikuki ku saka tayra ningra i Futud,he took a plane to Orchid Island,test +43390,43391,43391,kakuyudan,Slinging baskets,train +43391,43392,43392,haydangaay tu,okay,train +43392,43393,43393,sa panganganan ira tu tingalaway,the name of the place is Toko Lao,train +43393,43394,43394,cima ku ngangan nu kaka isu,what is your elder sisters name,train +43394,43395,43395,i fanaw ku pilalupelaan niyam,we picked up the water fungus at the pool,train +43395,43396,43396,pawsa han nu vavahi tusaʼay sa ku tavu,Mrs lunchbox just delivered two lunches,train +43396,43397,43397,ey mitaʼelif ngalungu san iri,when I am whispering,train +43397,43398,43398,hatiraay ku pinengneng nu matuʼas tuninian haw,on these various signs the elder relies,train +43398,43399,43399,Midimata ku kaka tu capux,the older brother carries the seedlings on his shoulders,train +43399,43400,43400,itini han aku a miaray,I am here to say thank you,test +43400,43401,43401,kapah ku,millet grows good,train +43401,43402,43402,yasa ci ina aku,mother says,train +43402,43403,43403,i misulingaʼa misarucud tu tayal hatiraay sa,it must be done thoroughly and in a satisfactory condition,train +43403,43404,43404,Katumerephu nu urad macidalaytu iraay ku talakal i Idek,the rain has just stopped the sun has come out the rainbow is coming out,train +43404,43405,43405,miteka tu kaku matini pasuwal,I will start sharing now,train +43405,43406,43406,tu cudungan ha hay u niya cudung i,left skirt Oh Yes what about the left skirt,train +43406,43407,43407,nimaan kisu paluut sanay ku wina aku a,but why do not you want to come,train +43407,43408,43408,adihay ku rawang i luma nu wama Aku o tatayra kaku a mipatala tu malukamaruan namu anu caay ka hatini i kuna caay pasuwal kaku i tamuwanan tunini,in my Fathers house are many rooms if it were not so I would have told you I am going there to prepare a place for you,train +43408,43409,43409,iraay,there are,train +43409,43410,43410,rakat sa pasatimul mikilim tu ngaʼayay,they are going south to find a better place,test +43410,43411,43411,u lalan nu namaka lutulutukan,from the mountains to the plains,train +43411,43412,43412,itila ku aru nira matuasay u tataakay ku Kawas a sikawasay,the very powerful old man lives there,train +43412,43413,43413,tusa kufuc ku usaw kira,there is two cans left,train +43413,43414,43414,maenuc,swallowed,train +43414,43415,43415,u kapah sahaw maru tira tu kalikuwatan i sefi,and the youth they are sitting in the center of the circle,train +43415,43416,43416,Macidem ku suwal nira,his words were sharp,train +43416,43417,43417,onini a mihaenay i u papituay a wawa ni Skifa hananay a kakridan nu citudungay tu taung nu Yutaya a tamdaw,seven sons of Sceva a Jewish chief priest were doing this,train +43417,43418,43418,itini i ka Amis ira kura,there is one on the north side that cannot be pushed over,train +43418,43419,43419,kira alu kira,the stream,train +43419,43420,43420,saaledetay,most delicious,test +43420,43421,43421,kasangasaw,clans,train +43421,43422,43422,pasuwal sa ci Akripa ci Fistusan Anu caay pipacakat kunini a tamdaw tu dmak a milunguc i hungti nu Luma i kuna matdaltu cingra han ningra,Agrippa said to Festus This man could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar,train +43422,43423,43423,Maaraw ni Sawlu i mapulusi ku nipicumud ni Ananiyas a mikapa tu tireng ningra tu sapakaarawaw nu mata ningra han ningra,in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight,train +43423,43424,43424,ayam nu nanum,waterbird,train +43424,43425,43425,kumaen,stammer,train +43425,43426,43426,ruma,alternate,train +43426,43427,43427,hatiraay ku Rikec nu malitengay itiya hu,the old mans rule of life is this,train +43427,43428,43428,u Halawan,it is Harrahs Bay,train +43428,43429,43429,ira ku hemay,do you have a meal,train +43429,43430,43430,fangcal ku rumiad macidal,it is a good day the sun is out,test +43430,43431,43431,miepud,leader,train +43431,43432,43432,salaw itini tu Paanifung kaku i tahira tu i na ku mimingan,when I was a kid,train +43432,43433,43433,repet sa kaku tuya takar tuya ngala nuya takar yu,I was gripping the cracks in the bed,train +43433,43434,43434,laklak,scattered,train +43434,43435,43435,makapah kura kungakunga,the groundnuts are very lush,train +43435,43436,43436,ahuwiday,thank you,train +43436,43437,43437,matiniay tapila,make baskets like this,train +43437,43438,43438,pakayni i nika painu ita ku sakapikaput ita i cingraan a mapatay a matadem ta matiya u pipaluwad nu wama ita ci Kristuan a paurip nai patay pakayni i tadamaanay a icel ningra ku nika ngaay ita i matini a masafa^luh ku urip,we were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father we too may live a new life,train +43438,43439,43439,mi hiya kisu haw ngen aku kisu tayra i saan kakuan,I will recommend you to go to Hsinchu okay,train +43439,43440,43440,kaka,sister,test +43440,43441,43441,sa paluma tu pinaluma caay tu kangaʼay,the crops are not growing well,train +43441,43442,43442,deng unini a ccay ku nilungucan nu mafukilay tu Kawas a tamdaw Nikawrira mafana ku wama namu i kakarayan tu nika canguut namu tunini a ma^min,for the pagans run after all these things and your heavenly father knows that you need them,train +43442,43443,43443,Nanay mapaini nu wama a Kawas ita atu Tapang ci Yis Kristu kamu tu mikumi atu rihaday,grace and peace to you from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ,train +43443,43444,43444,tah hatira tu na tini tuya i,from the time I enlisted,train +43444,43445,43445,madudu nu niyam hakini haw saan ku itiyaay hu mafana mifetik,I am going to say at the flick are we running the tribe in your footsteps or not,train +43445,43446,43446,cima ku cafay aku i lalan,who will keep me company on the road,train +43446,43447,43447,hakuwakuwaneng nura Kaping nura Hulam,the Qing soldiers fired wildly,train +43447,43448,43448,nawhan,Therefore,train +43448,43449,43449,eminemin han kiya Pangcah tayra i,the music department should all be incorporated into the music department system,train +43449,43450,43450,tuna u kakaulahan nu Kawas a wawa kamu saka u tatudungen namu cingra,be imitators of God therefore as dearly loved children,test +43450,43451,43451,mahaenay ku caay ka pilihay kira haw,that is what happens when you do not go to church,train +43451,43452,43452,o miciwiay tu kakawaw nu niyaru ku wayway nira,his behavior is a deviation from tribal norms,train +43452,43453,43453,pararaw,shift the blame onto someone else,train +43453,43454,43454,hatini,now,train +43454,43455,43455,naira ku cavay aku,I had a companion,train +43455,43456,43456,i fatad nu lalan tu sakataluma mitulun kaku pasyra i fuis,on the way home I made a wish with the stars,train +43456,43457,43457,misalumaʼay nikilangay nipenenay mifuluʼay,house builders tree cutters grass gatherers bamboo cutters,train +43457,43458,43458,saman cahu ka pisatapan kaku pasifana tu kaemangay kira,because I have not done any teaching yet either,train +43458,43459,43459,sadaken ku impic nu misu,take out your pen,train +43459,43460,43460,u tamdaw nu Pangcah makayra i cuwacuwa nu Taywan u kumud nu tamdaw anini 197879 ku tamdaw,the Amis ethnic group has spread throughout Taiwan with a population of about making it the most populous Aboriginal group in Taiwan,test +43460,43461,43461,ira ku mahecaday tu salikaka salawinawina tayni hay,do you have any relatives coming with you,train +43461,43462,43462,cuwa ka ihekel ci Yis mitadtad tu u maanan ku mituruˈan nuniya heci kawra mikitini nanu suwal ni Yis wa padama kitaanan mikilim tu caˈuf,Jesus does not directly state what the fruit refers to in the parable but there are clues that Jesus talks about that can help us find the answer,train +43462,43463,43463,lalidec han haw,it is called the nine Lovage Tree,train +43463,43464,43464,tengil han i pasakahemekan tu ku kilumaan namu,sounds like your tribal Harvest Festival was a blast,train +43464,43465,43465,pina a rumiad anini,what day is this,train +43465,43466,43466,putal,courtyard,train +43466,43467,43467,aacaen,subject of purchase,train +43467,43468,43468,o suwal nu malitengay Saʼayaway kami i tini,the elders explain it by saying We first developed this place,train +43468,43469,43469,mamaanay kisu mana makudic,what is wrong with you how did you get the skin disease,train +43469,43470,43470,o nimaanay ku tayal nu wina isu,what does your mother do,test +43470,43471,43471,tiliden,write it down,train +43471,43472,43472,paʼaludu sanay ri,the benefit of the doubt is to honor them,train +43472,43473,43473,ciduka tu saka itira a mikaykic ku kuciw,injuries to each other and both sides resorting to tribal umpires,train +43473,43474,43474,ci Masaw kuranan haiken,who is that,train +43474,43475,43475,nu matuasay a kakaenen iayaw,foods that used to be eaten by the elderly,train +43475,43476,43476,ci Kawasay a lutuk hananay,why is it called the hungry mountain God,train +43476,43477,43477,mala tumuk tu tulu miheca aku itiya,in my third term,train +43477,43478,43478,Sateretered kuya wawa a caciyaw,that child surely knows how to talk,train +43478,43479,43479,maan,what is it,train +43479,43480,43480,filu,competent,test +43480,43481,43481,hadidien naku kura tusa mihecaan aca tulu mihecaan ku kalahitay sa ku harateng nu mira,he thought to himself that he must endure two or three years in the army,train +43481,43482,43482,matuashu ku tamdaw maala tunu kuka,people are expropriated by the state when they reach adulthood,train +43482,43483,43483,nu niyam,our,train +43483,43484,43484,i ikur nu pinapina a rumiad yu patiku a tayra i Kapirnaum ci Yis i matngil ku lihaf tu nika ira ni Yis i luma,a few days later when Jesus again entered Capernaum the people heard that he had come home,train +43484,43485,43485,matiraay ku ruma kira,that is it for the rest,train +43485,43486,43486,ra u papah nu kilang ku sapadamek nu heni,they use the leaves as fertilizer,train +43486,43487,43487,anini u sasuwalan nu mita,what I would like to share now is,train +43487,43488,43488,kumaen tu tu epah,drink and celebrate,train +43488,43489,43489,pisanaunaun,take note of,train +43489,43490,43490,Pinanum tu uciya,please have some tea,test +43490,43491,43491,matira aca kita kaka hanaku a hanaku a haw,Brother sister and miss,train +43491,43492,43492,hay i,Yes to Kano,train +43492,43493,43493,Mipacedas ku urad nu faliyus,typhoon rains bring flooding,train +43493,43494,43494,fitunay,most bamboo used as timber et,train +43494,43495,43495,maemin macingangan tura setik mifuting,it is all called fishing Fishing,train +43495,43496,43496,ira ku,there are others too,train +43496,43497,43497,hatiraay tu anini paeneng aku kamu,that is what is happening now it is my show for you,train +43497,43498,43498,anu mafanaˈ kita tu midemakay ku salikaka tu pakidemay misafelit tu palinian nu Fangcalay Cudad a demak wa samaan ku hademak,what should we do if we know that a brother or sister has committed a serious violation of biblical standards,train +43498,43499,43499,tira aca ku suwal nira,that was all there was to what he had to say,train +43499,43500,43500,faedetay i paputal haw,will it be hot outside,test +43500,43501,43501,Kamaru ini ku ucya^,please sit down and have some tea,train +43501,43502,43502,marenecay,it is very satisfying,train +43502,43503,43503,Mangaay tata tayra kita,Okay let us go,train +43503,43504,43504,u damsayay ku falucu a misaluf tu paculiay cingraan a tamdaw nawhani latek papifalicen nu Kawas tu falucu kuya paculiay a tamdaw a pakafana i cangraan tu sulin,those who oppose him he must gently instruct in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,train +43504,43505,43505,maaraw,see that,train +43505,43506,43506,maliwasak,decentralized,train +43506,43507,43507,Paapulen nu matuasay ku fila a micep,the old man puts lime on the beetle leaves to eat betel nut,train +43507,43508,43508,micelem ku cidal,the sun is setting,train +43508,43509,43509,haw tayni kaku satiʼep i,I am going north,train +43509,43510,43510,kanguduan saan,be sorry,test +43510,43511,43511,suwal sa ci Yis Maan saan ku suwal a matilid i Rikec saw Maan saan ku pitadtad isu saw han ningra,What is written in the Law he replied How do you read it,train +43511,43512,43512,mahapinang ku nika caay ku cuyucuyuh ku nipadamaan ningra o tlutluc ni Apraham ku nipadamaan ningra,for surely it is not angels he helps but Abrahams descendants,train +43512,43513,43513,saw u ha tiʼtiʼ nu mita,we can use it to slap,train +43513,43514,43514,Mangaay tu hakereman pinukay tu aka tawalen,Yes but do not forget to come back in the evening,train +43514,43515,43515,hay ya awaay tu ku mahaenay,Yeah it is not being done anymore,train +43515,43516,43516,pamutukan,target,train +43516,43517,43517,mitamek,roasted,train +43517,43518,43518,mitahekul,throw,train +43518,43519,43519,lalimaay,five in total,train +43519,43520,43520,serangawan,cultures,test +43520,43521,43521,micihi sisa cipungki tu ku,it is because I know how to criticize people,train +43521,43522,43522,en ira,Uh yeah,train +43522,43523,43523,kaku u mamu aku haw,my grandmother when I was,train +43523,43524,43524,naripaan,footprints,train +43524,43525,43525,sasalamalama hatu salaw akawang sa,he keeps coming to our house to play and he seems to be so high like a sandlot,train +43525,43526,43526,maulah a miadup ci mama aku,my dad loved to hunt,train +43526,43527,43527,amaanen hakiya sa,I do not know what to do,train +43527,43528,43528,sa tu kaku ca kafuti,I cannot sleep,train +43528,43529,43529,sakangaay,because good,train +43529,43530,43530,alunah kakunah,ant,test +43530,43531,43531,Kafana kamu u maudangay a tamdaw atu kaackan ku dmak a tamdaw atu maanufay a tamdaw u matiniay a tamdaw i caacaaytu ku ni Kristu atu nu Kawas a Kitakit a finawlan cangra,for of this you can be sure no immoral impure or greedy person such a man is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God,train +43531,43532,43532,Mafana ci Yis tunini i suwal sa i cangraan Nawiru pakasmeren namu ku falucu nunini a fafahiyan saw o ngaayay kunini a dmak ningra tu saki Takuwanan,aware of this Jesus said to them Why are you bothering this woman she has done a beautiful thing to me,train +43532,43533,43533,talalutuk ci ama a miadup,Dads up in the mountains hunting,train +43533,43534,43534,cacay a lalipayan pacengceng tu cira,almost a week he will make a home for the fish,train +43534,43535,43535,arayum han tu aku cangra a pasuwal tu miliyaw hu kaku a tayni milisu han aku,I said goodbye to them and said I would see them next time,train +43535,43536,43536,Nikawrira saicel sa cangra a sumuwal Parawraw kunini a tamdaw tu finawlan Nai Kalili tangasa i tini i pulung nu Yutaya a pala ku nipipasifana ningra a parawraw han nangra,but they insisted He stirs up the people all over Judea by his teaching he started in Galilee and has come all the way here,train +43536,43537,43537,Malakangkufu ku wawa nira,his children were nurses,train +43537,43538,43538,kita kami u finawlan maemin,the tribes all have running water,train +43538,43539,43539,macuwacuwaay tira satu,where do they live,train +43539,43540,43540,katimul,South,test +43540,43541,43541,u tadamaan sanay,very important meaning,train +43541,43542,43542,ngangan nu fulad,these named hours of the month,train +43542,43543,43543,hatira awih ku pakafana aku,I will tell you this,train +43543,43544,43544,hatiniay aca ku malengaway nu niya palumaan,I think that is what they are growing,train +43544,43545,43545,felun han niyam i siwasiwen i tira i laenu,dumping coal downhill,train +43545,43546,43546,nasani tueman tu i tauma tu kamu,Madam says you will be back in the dark,train +43546,43547,43547,mangudutu i tamuwan u tumutumuk kiyami,I am just a little embarrassed for your bosses,train +43547,43548,43548,palangaw,seed,train +43548,43549,43549,si Kulas kaku,I am Kolas,train +43549,43550,43550,kuna pala tuni,this place,test +43550,43551,43551,kalecad,same,train +43551,43552,43552,u adiwawa ku mitabayaray,the children went to get the yam leaves,train +43552,43553,43553,malaluk,solicitous,train +43553,43554,43554,anu hacuwa marepun a patiku kunini a tadah,when will this debt be repaid,train +43554,43555,43555,Masarieduc ku falucu nira a mamalasi anu taangay cira,she has her heart set on being a teacher when she grows up,train +43555,43556,43556,tu kaciira ku tumuk nu mita saan miʼaraw nu niyaru san,the best leader of the tribe eff,train +43556,43557,43557,mafukil kaku a mi tu fucekis a mitangtang,I do not know how to cook anchovies,train +43557,43558,43558,Misaicel,endeavor,train +43558,43559,43559,palacecayan tu ku niyaru nu niyam ngaʼay saw,cannot tribesmen be together,train +43559,43560,43560,mikilimay kaku tu singsi,I went to meet the teacher,test +43560,43561,43561,initu,come back,train +43561,43562,43562,awaay ku citanengay a tamdaw awaay aca ku milungucay tu Kawas a tamdaw,there is no one who understands no one who seeks God,train +43562,43563,43563,i misamukung tayra i i,carpentry from Taoyuan to Taipei,train +43563,43564,43564,matakup aku kiya babakian,I have seen that Grandpa in action,train +43564,43565,43565,hatiraay kura demak,that is the way it is,train +43565,43566,43566,a maanen aca saw,I cannot help it,train +43566,43567,43567,maʼecakay tu kaʼenen tu kaʼesu tu kaʼenen,it is cooked and ready to eat it is going to be really good,train +43567,43568,43568,pipakungku^,storytelling,train +43568,43569,43569,sapikitkit,peeling tools,train +43569,43570,43570,turiken ku aul i sera,bamboo walls,test +43570,43571,43571,maulah micucup tu nitenasan a adiyam ci ina,mom likes to suck on sprinkled ginger,train +43571,43572,43572,Yamasadak kaku itini ci ya winaan madiput,when my mom gave birth to me,train +43572,43573,43573,sakaciepuc,functionality,train +43573,43574,43574,Salahengan satu ku kakarayan i herek nu kalahukan,in the afternoon the sky turned red,train +43574,43575,43575,anu awaay ku matiniay a lalan,if there is no such road,train +43575,43576,43576,hatiya rumiad kisu haw nira i,you wait until that day comes,train +43576,43577,43577,o maanay ku tayal nu wawa isu,what is your child job,train +43577,43578,43578,matuasay adihay ku milisuay tu mifutingay,many elders take the time to visit their fishing relatives,train +43578,43579,43579,Maudang tunini a fafahiyan ku hungtingti nunini a hkal Halumaruay i tini i hkal a tamdamdaw a malasang nu sakiudang a ^pah nunini a fafahiyan tu nanu nika udang nangra saan,with her the kings of the earth committed adultery and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries,train +43579,43580,43580,sakuicaw,inflexible,test +43580,43581,43581,namatiya tu anini ku mihecaan,it is not like before,train +43581,43582,43582,Sunay aka ka tatawa sa kisu ha ha ha ha,how can I go on Chenille if you do not keep laughing,train +43582,43583,43583,tusa pulu,XX,train +43583,43584,43584,i ayaw mizuga hen tu hiya nira,I am going to draw a picture of the slingshot first,train +43584,43585,43585,u maan saw ku sapaliwliw tu sakariharay nu niyaru,but what kind of security measures do you use on the perimeter,train +43585,43586,43586,Orasaka u mamisaicel kaku a misanga tu saka^caaw ka tawal namu a miharateng tunini a dmak i ikur nu patay aku,and I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things,train +43586,43587,43587,hay anu hatini hawhay,Yes that is the length And,train +43587,43588,43588,rayic,rope,train +43588,43589,43589,pacuwah cay ku niyan,puncture in here,train +43589,43590,43590,sa ku falucu,in my heart,test +43590,43591,43591,o ripa nu paliding a talalalan ku wawa isu,your child will be run over by a car if he or she goes out on the road,train +43591,43592,43592,ciremes,blood,train +43592,43593,43593,o karafilfilay a tamdaw maala ku sakatatiih,talkative people are prone to bad things,train +43593,43594,43594,kamaen,stammer,train +43594,43595,43595,awai ku lukedaw i lutuk nu walian,there are no leopards in the hills to the east,train +43595,43596,43596,adihay tu ku manamanan,there is a lot of merchandise,train +43596,43597,43597,tu sapiraʼuy nu mita tu saku nu dafadafak,for tomorrows collection,train +43597,43598,43598,ira amin kira panahayay hananay,accompanying Wakekeepers at funerals,train +43598,43599,43599,nawhani u raranikay ku Tapang a milahci tu nisahalakaan ningra i tini i hkal a misawkit saan,and It will happen that in the very place where it was said to them You are not my people they will be called sons of the living God,train +43599,43600,43600,irus,spoon,test +43600,43601,43601,kaku mimawmah i mala,I will be a janitor at the subway station,train +43601,43602,43602,patiyaman,store,train +43602,43603,43603,mitiliday tu nu Amis,students about Amis,train +43603,43604,43604,Naicuwaay saw hatini ku heci nira kuwawi,when did the fruit of the longan become so small,train +43604,43605,43605,kira ira ku lalan itini i lawac nu talawadaw,there is a road along the stream,train +43605,43606,43606,ahan tu mituru ta laupen tu ya futing,they will be pointing to get closer,train +43606,43607,43607,Caay caay ka ngaay ku fafahiyan a miadup,No women cannot go hunting either,train +43607,43608,43608,matukalapiyat,like lightning,train +43608,43609,43609,saan,food and lodging are free,train +43609,43610,43610,kucucukap,shoe,test +43610,43611,43611,u u rama ku nira,she is French Yes that is why her Mandarin accent is French,train +43611,43612,43612,o tatamaan nunini a kikay kuya picucukan tu tingki,the power course of this machine is the electric plug,train +43612,43613,43613,i saka lima a rumiad nu saka pitu a fulad,on July,train +43613,43614,43614,siwar,adjustment position,train +43614,43615,43615,kacumuli nuriyar,snails by the sea,train +43615,43616,43616,kakaenen,food,train +43616,43617,43617,Palimuuten ku cidafungay tu nu aniniay a hkal tu saka^caaw pisatakaraw nangra atu saka^caaw ka pasayra nu falucu nangra i caay ku tatadiecen a dafung ka u nipitadiec nangra tuya palmeday pakadufahay palipahakay titaanan a Kawas ku ngaay,command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth which is so uncertain but to put their hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment,train +43617,43618,43618,ecu,elephant,train +43618,43619,43619,karumuwad kisu mifuting mama pinaʼunan ku riyar,watch out for walruses when you go fishing,train +43619,43620,43620,salafii,overnight,test +43620,43621,43621,tu aniniay a uʼrip a wawa,young life now,train +43621,43622,43622,teli han nira kura wawa tura kafekang sa kira tura tura tunu,put him on this cliff too,train +43622,43623,43623,tu likakawa nu niyaru,historical stories,train +43623,43624,43624,haw sapinang han,true condition,train +43624,43625,43625,ungʼung han cimira,I am going to burn it a little bit,train +43625,43626,43626,o saliming ku sapikitkit nira tu akik nu ngusu,he peeled off the booger with his little finger,train +43626,43627,43627,o maimacay a impic ku micucukay tu fesu,it is the pointy pencil that punctures the balloon,train +43627,43628,43628,uyawawa tu fafahiyan mahaen pafeliaytu,our daughters will give us money too,train +43628,43629,43629,mahaen kisu mavakac,here is the deal,train +43629,43630,43630,naw makakeleng ku kakarayan,why is there thunder in the sky,test +43630,43631,43631,kaifenek,devotion,train +43631,43632,43632,Halifihun ciira tu pising,she loves makeup,train +43632,43633,43633,pakalaʼenuay hu kami mumukan niyam kura kayakay,we are going under that bridge,train +43633,43634,43634,paluen tu i kalaskami,in a plastic bag,train +43634,43635,43635,damihmih,soft,train +43635,43636,43636,miʼaca han ca ka pakaʼaca ku malitengay itiya hu,in the past the elderly could not afford to buy toys,train +43636,43637,43637,miusi,read,train +43637,43638,43638,Hai talingtingen tu ku tireng,Okay goodbye,train +43638,43639,43639,vavainay,husband,train +43639,43640,43640,cilawaday,people with time on their hands,test +43640,43641,43641,hasaka tadengal nu kalikeruan nu malitengay,let the elders dance by the light of the fire,train +43641,43642,43642,ngaayay,well,train +43642,43643,43643,a maanen naca sidemak anucila,I do not have time I am busy tomorrow,train +43643,43644,43644,malafuluday,pack,train +43644,43645,43645,misanga ku matuʼasay tu siraw i nengneng han naku,as long as the old mans making salted meat I will be watching,train +43645,43646,43646,pulung nu salikaka inaina ca mapulung,Brothers sisters and elders,train +43646,43647,43647,malemeday saw,if you are lucky,train +43647,43648,43648,Pakamaruʼen tu ku matuʼasay itira ihiya haw ililis,elderly people are placed in safe places,train +43648,43649,43649,Hay tulu pulu tu ku tingting aku,Yes I weigh kilograms now,train +43649,43650,43650,tayiraaw tu a mikilim tu vuting nu liyal a semuwal tina demakan,tell me about it or go to the sea fish,test +43650,43651,43651,ngela,split open,train +43651,43652,43652,pakaynien ni Kristu i pipacakat ningra tu kinaccay aca ku nipisungila ningra tu nikuracan ningra a tamdaw a tahadauc,because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy,train +43652,43653,43653,Miurauray tu kaku tu nguyus,Yes I rinsed out my mouth,train +43653,43654,43654,Mayaw ngaay hu ci Calaw kaku,Hello Mayaw I am Calaw,train +43654,43655,43655,fihid,thyroid gland,train +43655,43656,43656,mangic na ina cipisikul takuwan,my mother was in tears all the time she could not take care of me,train +43656,43657,43657,Maraheci kuriran haw,when it is done,train +43657,43658,43658,fayking,bacteria,train +43658,43659,43659,Saka pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O suwal aku a pasifana i tamuwanan i caay ku nu Maku u nu miucuray i takuwanan a Kawas,Jesus answered My teaching is not my own it comes from him who sent me,train +43659,43660,43660,mapupu nu hitay pu kira,it is being maintained by the military,test +43660,43661,43661,cacelcel,push aside,train +43661,43662,43662,mahaen haen satuay,it is all very good,train +43662,43663,43663,talatangingaaw,subs attention or notice,train +43663,43664,43664,u wina nu kaying ku cacitatudung a mipakayat tu fafahiyan tu limecedan,it is up to the women to help the unmarried girls,train +43664,43665,43665,mitanam a kumaen kaku tu papah nu kakurut,I will try the bitter melon leaves,train +43665,43666,43666,u wawa nangra Pangcah,he is a Naami boy,train +43666,43667,43667,kalimelaan ku sapihapinang a ˈicel nu maluhemay malitengay u hatiniay a ˈicel ngaˈay padama cangranan mihapinang tu pulung nu demak,above all they need the Spirit of the Lord to help them to see things through to show mercy and justice,train +43667,43668,43668,o patudungen tuna sapipihay kuna radiw atu na keru,the song and the dance were made to imitate the women ritual music and dance,train +43668,43669,43669,denga,disseminate,train +43669,43670,43670,kangkufu,there is a shortage of nurses,test +43670,43671,43671,kacifalucuan,Adoring,train +43671,43672,43672,pakayakay,bridge,train +43672,43673,43673,o kafaliyusan ku kaciferangan,summer is the typhoon season,train +43673,43674,43674,hayi laliw sa kaku,I had no choice but to leave,train +43674,43675,43675,anini satu haene ku,to this day it is to be followed,train +43675,43676,43676,ngaʼayay tu kaemangay macakatay tu ku demak ira,it is good for the kids it is good for their work it is good for the kids it is good for their work,train +43676,43677,43677,hay han naku,I will answer yes,train +43677,43678,43678,o sakararum aca nu falucu namu ku nika sumuwal aku tunini,because I have said these things you are filled with grief,train +43678,43679,43679,pakalifetay,approved,train +43679,43680,43680,pitangtangay tura dateng,for cooking,test +43680,43681,43681,tahafen ku kaysing,cover the dishes,train +43681,43682,43682,pakacinamalay ci panay a talapitilidan,Panay goes to school by train,train +43682,43683,43683,aisedan,priestess,train +43683,43684,43684,semusemutan,Grassland,train +43684,43685,43685,o pakaaraway cangra tu Kawas caay ku sanay Aku deng kaku a ccay u nai Kawasay a tayni ku pakaaraway tu Wama,no one has seen the father except the one who is from God only he has seen the Father,train +43685,43686,43686,kaka tu fainayan,older brother,train +43686,43687,43687,o niyaru isu icuwaay,what tribe are you from,train +43687,43688,43688,suʼelin sa misaʼicel tu kaku,so I am getting serious,train +43688,43689,43689,pacakay anini matekes cacay a daduy makala tu tusa a patekenan,the price is very expensive about dollars per catty,train +43689,43690,43690,mahaenay kinian,that is it,test +43690,43691,43691,o nima a wawa kisu,whose child are you,train +43691,43692,43692,u mitengilay tuna suwal nu maku han hannaku ku suwal kira aray,for those of you who heard my story thank you all,train +43692,43693,43693,uning,filth,train +43693,43694,43694,Kuesanay ku nipalumaan ni akung a kacawas adetay,the watermelon grown by Grandpa is very sweet and really delicious,train +43694,43695,43695,ya kaku haw i tira sa tu kaku saka tulu rumiʼad,I stayed there until the third day,train +43695,43696,43696,Matana cingra a mitipulu,he knows how to play the flute,train +43696,43697,43697,mamacidal,clear sky,train +43697,43698,43698,kaku ma,I am years old,train +43698,43699,43699,miteker kaku haen haen sa ku matuasay pisevana,the old man taught us how to hunt very carefully,train +43699,43700,43700,kalapiyatfutili,lightning,test +43700,43701,43701,kalitumayay,love to get mad,train +43701,43702,43702,parara sanay,red beans as the main ingredient,train +43702,43703,43703,malatulu tu kaku haw i,I have been the ringleader three times now,train +43703,43704,43704,Caay u Pangcah kami,No we are Amis,train +43704,43705,43705,nipangangan,christen,train +43705,43706,43706,mavukil ku taw mitengil mivaca han,some people cannot understand what I am saying so I am saying Do the laundry,train +43706,43707,43707,Orasaka akatu kasasilikaf ka u nipihapinang tu falucu ku ngaay tu saka^caaw patahfikud i pitier nu salikaka a pakaciraraw,therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another Instead make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brothers way,train +43707,43708,43708,caay pisamaamaan kaku a misaakuwakuway,I do not think I am very good at it,train +43708,43709,43709,kaku a micudad saan kaput nu heni,they used to go to school together,train +43709,43710,43710,maalaala nu mita,we can get,test +43710,43711,43711,iraay cingra i luma picumud,she is at home please come in,train +43711,43712,43712,haʼen han nu matuʼasay ku pisasiraw,that is how the old man made his salt pork,train +43712,43713,43713,aya kiya lemed aku i,Wow that is my dream,train +43713,43714,43714,mapulung kami a mipasaʼupu tu tamdaw hawi,we are bringing the members together,train +43714,43715,43715,fali^,wind,train +43715,43716,43716,adihay ku kasasirumaruma nu pipaicel ni Yuhani a pasifana tu Ngaayay Ratuh i finawlan,and with many other words John exhorted the people and preached the good news to them,train +43716,43717,43717,Orasaka haenen ku pitulun namu wama niyam i kakarayan nanay mapahmek ku nika fangcal nu ngangan Isu,This then is how you should pray Our father in heaven hallowed be your name,train +43717,43718,43718,Saringasaen ni mama aku i makalaenu nu umah niyam,my dad made the ridge release at the bottom paddy field,train +43718,43719,43719,saka tulu saka sepat saka lima tu haw i,the fifth one I would like to share is,train +43719,43720,43720,satapang tu kaku a midemak,I started working,test +43720,43721,43721,makapatayay u mikikuay,for example wedding and funeral celebrations,train +43721,43722,43722,mipaserser,keep something stable,train +43722,43723,43723,o maculiay kina tamdaw tu fiyaw nira,this man is very good at talking back to his neighbors,train +43723,43724,43724,ira i tiraw,right there,train +43724,43725,43725,tengiren ku suwal nu maku aka ka pitawal tu liteng nu mita,remember my words do not forget my ancestral home,train +43725,43726,43726,anu sakaciraraw isu ku kawanan a mata isu i dicuhen a mifalah o nika awa nu ccay a mata isu ku ngaay tu nika fahkul nu pulung nu tireng isu i pisemseman,if your right eye causes you to sin gouge it out and throw it away it is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell,train +43726,43727,43727,u ruma satu sasuwalen aku matini u masadak tu ku panay,what I am going to say next is that probably the rice is going to mature,train +43727,43728,43728,u kaku i haw awa ku cimacima tu,there is no one but me,train +43728,43729,43729,dadaya pakaen tu kalas atu matuʼasay patenas han kura patenas tu matuʼasay,in the evening we invite the elderly to have dinner and eat the wild game that we have caught and hunted,train +43729,43730,43730,tatiri kunini a cudad,these two books are laid side by side,test +43730,43731,43731,faluay,eight of the clock,train +43731,43732,43732,matuas,grow,train +43732,43733,43733,naira,their,train +43733,43734,43734,safel han kirana runi nipecuan nu misu i huni,cook the loofah you just picked,train +43734,43735,43735,unu ruma halafinay,some of the others take a long time,train +43735,43736,43736,manaangay,collected,train +43736,43737,43737,tala Kalingku,to Hualien,train +43737,43738,43738,adihaytu madengay tu a sasinabelan,catch has been a lot more than enough to eat,train +43738,43739,43739,salawinawina ira,his relatives,train +43739,43740,43740,cakil,steep and dangerous path,test +43740,43741,43741,aka tu pisalama kalikien a maru i adengang,stop playing and quickly sit in your seat,train +43741,43742,43742,narikuran,past,train +43742,43743,43743,a masasiini tu kafanaʼan nu maku,sharing the wisdom of elders,train +43743,43744,43744,a mivuting,go fishing,train +43744,43745,43745,safa isu,your sister,train +43745,43746,43746,paʼicelen kaku haw maemin,I hope you all encourage me,train +43746,43747,43747,nu ayaway a radiw parayrayen tu pasevanaʼen tu ku wawa kinavacalay a hiya a demak,the songs of the past should be sung to pass on the beautiful culture from generation to generation,train +43747,43748,43748,3 itini rumiˈad ni Yis u ˈaˈideman nu pihakelungan pakayni pihayda nu tamdaw mararaway ku pinengneng,in Jesus day some of the religious leaders had the wrong idea about being recognized,train +43748,43749,43749,an dafak i cecay kisu tayra i picudadan san kura singsi aku,the teacher told me to send you to school alone tomorrow,train +43749,43750,43750,tuha tudung tuha saka madadama a malawidang,start making friends to support each other as lifelong companions,test +43750,43751,43751,halfinay misanga,it takes time to do that,train +43751,43752,43752,hai nga caka kahecid a,it is not too salty,train +43752,43753,43753,saan ka icuwa mafana,where is this going to be learned,train +43753,43754,43754,tangasa i Taytu ri terung lafi,it was midnight when we arrived in Taitung,train +43754,43755,43755,mamaan,unaffected,train +43755,43756,43756,ira tu ku hiya nu i kiwkay,the church has a nanny,train +43756,43757,43757,namakayra i ama nu niyam,from my fathers experience,train +43757,43758,43758,akaka apac a tayra i kungkuan,you cannot be late for school,train +43758,43759,43759,cima mafanaʼay nu niyam hatiniay tu katuʼas,at our age who knows,train +43759,43760,43760,Cudad,book,test +43760,43761,43761,Naw,Why,train +43761,43762,43762,stup,Stop,train +43762,43763,43763,caay mabana,No that is the difference,train +43763,43764,43764,ira ku fadangalan,with this unique status,train +43764,43765,43765,anu ciharateng kita,if we want to get,train +43765,43766,43766,munanaw,develop,train +43766,43767,43767,talakatayalan kaku a mikilim tu singsi^,I am going to the office to see the teacher,train +43767,43768,43768,Nanuya sakatulu a rumiad i ira ku pararamuday i kana nu Kalili ira itira ku ina ni Yis,on the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee Jesus mother was there,train +43768,43769,43769,iraay ku sadama ni Yihufa suˈlin u cuwa ka lefut a tamdaw wa ngaˈay pakaluwid ci Satanan,with the help of the LORD even imperfect people can overcome Satan,train +43769,43770,43770,mangalyay a sivavahi tu Pangcah iri,he wants to marry an Amis,test +43770,43771,43771,anini itini i kakawasan ma tayni tu i kakawasan atu lihilihi a niyaru a matayal,now the workers are mobilizing to the Ishiyama and Liji tribes the workers are mobilizing to the Ishiyama and Liji tribes,train +43771,43772,43772,suesu satu ku fafuy nu tau,other peoples pigs are getting fat,train +43772,43773,43773,ha,Is,train +43773,43774,43774,makera ku kakedalan mafail mapatay tu ku pinaluma urasaka misalisin tu ku Pangcah milunguc tu mitapalay mipaurad itini i niyaru nu Cepu itira i kaamis nu niyaru Tefun nu fulad hananay,whenever there is a drought and crops dry up and die under the sun the Amis will hold a rain Festival to pray for rain in the Cepo tribe the rain Festival is held at the Moon Cave on the west side of the tribe,train +43774,43775,43775,sanay kunini a saka matira ku tudung nu kangaʼay numita u nanum nu ci Lingacay,this is the most suitable water for Lingya,train +43775,43776,43776,Safahka sa ku mitngilay a tamdaw tu nisuwalan nuya pakaenay tu siri,and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them,train +43776,43777,43777,malamatayalay,become a worker,train +43777,43778,43778,sanu kuwapingen mapuiʼay ku itiyaay a sayhu,if you talk to the construction workers in Chinese they will get mad,train +43778,43779,43779,maedeng tu haw i maedeng tu ku futing nu maku sakalafi sa,she already knows enough about these fish,train +43779,43780,43780,yu i putal nu i la^nuay a luma ci Pitiru i miraud ku ccay a fafahiyan u matayalay nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung,while Peter was below in the courtyard one of the servant girls of the high priest came by,test +43780,43781,43781,anu itini kisu pasifana san tayra saan,you go to this place to teach and she goes there,train +43781,43782,43782,kulul,back,train +43782,43783,43783,kita tu demak naayaway haw,we all know that in the old days of agriculture,train +43783,43784,43784,Suelinay kina suwal,this is true,train +43784,43785,43785,napaherekan turan i pala paherekan nu pitipusan,it is after the rice is cut,train +43785,43786,43786,o maasicay a fafahiyan ci Ilisapic saka awaay ku wawa nangra Matuastu cangra a tatusa,but they had no children because Elizabeth was barren and they were both well along in years,train +43786,43787,43787,saparirik,bait,train +43787,43788,43788,salungan,smooth and beautiful,train +43788,43789,43789,fafahiyan,female,train +43789,43790,43790,matini matini sakiya saw,do this do this is not it,test +43790,43791,43791,cifuhetay,with squirrels,train +43791,43792,43792,itini aca ka tatihi nu cepu ini aca ku Pacidal hananay u ka sakeruan kailisinan nu Cawi,next to the harbor there is the so called sun Square where the Shizuura tribe dances and holds the Harvest Festival,train +43792,43793,43793,ira ini cingra,he is here,train +43793,43794,43794,hanaw hayai,this is the reason,train +43794,43795,43795,awaay tuku tau,everyone is gone,train +43795,43796,43796,mafana,I have learned,train +43796,43797,43797,Hay ina^,Okay Mom,train +43797,43798,43798,Kadafu atu suna atu wawa hai,daughter and daughter in law and granddaughter,train +43798,43799,43799,pakayniay tunini a rarawraw anini i u cacisikining kita a maliclic o caayay katama a ma^min kunini a kararawraw awaay haca ku sapasuwal ita tu u manan ku lalngatan,as it is we are in danger of being charged with rioting because of today events in that case we would not be able to account for this commotion since there is no reason for it,train +43799,43800,43800,misasing inipitemi a micaul,Operational stirring video,test +43800,43801,43801,ciruhefay,decay,train +43801,43802,43802,tadamaanay a citudungay a liteng,and great elders,train +43802,43803,43803,metmet,make a fist,train +43803,43804,43804,u mahaen kura pisanga kuranan kira,that is how it is done,train +43804,43805,43805,Mataperuc ku kafer nira,his trousers do not stay up,train +43805,43806,43806,i saan hai naw i ira ku,why is there an i,train +43806,43807,43807,rakat,active and inactive,train +43807,43808,43808,itira i nanum mikefu,lie down in the water and hide,train +43808,43809,43809,o paparariden aku ku tayal aku tu hatiniay ta mapalasawad ku nipipasneng nuya sapalcadananay i tamiyanan tu tayal a pasnengay a tarukus hananay,and I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about,train +43809,43810,43810,palacayna,become a cabbage patch,test +43810,43811,43811,ya tu cilatu i,for tomorrow,train +43811,43812,43812,tayra ci Yisan a minengneng ku ina atu salikaka ningra Nikawrira aluman ku finawlan saka awaay ku pakayraan nangra a miraud i Cingraan,now Jesus mother and brothers came to see him but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd,train +43812,43813,43813,anu matira kiya ati,in that case come on,train +43813,43814,43814,nani Pusungay,from Taitung,train +43814,43815,43815,takupen aku kura celem nira sa kaku,I tried to catch up but it sank in the west and disappeared,train +43815,43816,43816,caay kaw Kebalan kami saan,never recognized himself as a Kavalan,train +43816,43817,43817,a masanga kuya pisakakahad tu panganganen nu mita u Pangcah kunini,household organizations which only allow four characters in the name field of each place,train +43817,43818,43818,ci,that one,train +43818,43819,43819,tanu harateng ni Yihufa ku pinengneng isu tu demak Han,do you see things from Jehovahs point of view,train +43819,43820,43820,ura faʼinay isu itira paputal irahu ku luma ningra san,my husband has another family,test +43820,43821,43821,kailisnan malasuʼupu kami i Taynan nami,learning various rituals in Tainan,train +43821,43822,43822,Sasiniada sa kaku tunini a finawlan nawhani tulutu a rumiad ku nika pikaput nangra i Takuwanan awaaytu ku kakaenen nangra imatini,I have compassion for these people they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat,train +43822,43823,43823,kerid han tu niya mama kaku tayra i picudadan,my father took me to school,train +43823,43824,43824,misaykay tu uri misaykay sa ku malitengay,my mom and dad said Go ahead go out and make some money,train +43824,43825,43825,Pasaputunen a rumadiw a mipasifana tu wawa,teach your child to sing one verse at a time,train +43825,43826,43826,onini a Ngaayay Ratuh ku sakalatarukus aku anu marufurufu kaku i pitulun kamu tu saka^caaw paska aku a pasuwal tu malusasuwalen aku,for which I am an ambassador in chains pray that I may declare it fearlessly as I should,train +43826,43827,43827,Satalifaken tu ku namu aka kalalima saicelen,take care of yourselves work hard come on,train +43827,43828,43828,Hayda mamaan saw ngaaytu,Okay no problem,train +43828,43829,43829,kaecak,cook,train +43829,43830,43830,tulastulas hanaw awaʼay malengaw ku rengus,so there are boundaries so there is no growing plants,test +43830,43831,43831,mawarak tu kaku,I have been poisoned I am nauseated suffering food poisoning,train +43831,43832,43832,Olili katayra o piucur aku i tamuwanan i matiya u pipatli tu tufur a siri i uleulesan,Go I am sending you out like lambs among wolves,train +43832,43833,43833,panufu^,gifts,train +43833,43834,43834,Seriw,faint,train +43834,43835,43835,tu vavainay a sava aku,with my little brother,train +43835,43836,43836,tangatangasa anini awaay tu ci vaki,until now Grandpa is no longer with us,train +43836,43837,43837,nika u caay pipaypayay kaku haw,but I have Bye Bye too,train +43837,43838,43838,u nifutingay,Oh Fisherman,train +43838,43839,43839,nu falucu nu maku sakaku a tarikur,I am a bad old man so I am taking a deep look at my own life,train +43839,43840,43840,u dadahal ku umah adihay ku pisenger tu sapalangaw,if you have a large area of farmland you should soak the seedling more often,test +43840,43841,43841,nengneng han u mafutiʼay,I found out that my son in law was lazy in his sleep,train +43841,43842,43842,maulahay kaku tu kacanglahan samanen haw i dihekuay ku rumiad tu kacanglahan,I like spring because the weather is warm,train +43842,43843,43843,ci Napal tatudung nuni ngangan u mafulaay sanay,the name Nabataeus means foolishness or stupidity and he was indeed what his name implies,train +43843,43844,43844,kuheting,hack,train +43844,43845,43845,iraay ci fufu i luma han,is grandmother at home,train +43845,43846,43846,miala kaku tu kadafu tiraay kaku ci fafahi,I married my wife I got married there,train +43846,43847,43847,niyam malikaka hatiraay kura,and the daily expenses of our siblings families,train +43847,43848,43848,maherek,fulfillment,train +43848,43849,43849,o mirurangay ci ina aku tu malusapakaen tu siri,my mom collects structural trees to feed her goats,train +43849,43850,43850,Nikawrira mainap ku Yutaya a tamdaw Saka saupuen nangra ku papinapina a awaay ku ^puc a tatiihay a tamdaw a papipaluwad tu falucu nu finawlan a mirawraw tu niyaru Likuten nangra ku luma ni Yasun a papipasadak ci Pawluan aci Silasan i kaayaw nu finawlan,but the Jews were jealous so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace formed a mob and started a riot in the city they rushed to Jasons house in search of Paul and Silas in order to bring them out to the crowd,test +43850,43851,43851,cai palipida kira tawki saka u felut niyam a taluma,the boss did not pay us so we went home without asking for permission,train +43851,43852,43852,hatiya tu cikatama a talalutuk,still cannot find it,train +43852,43853,43853,kuhenacen,spot something bright,train +43853,43854,43854,maparariday,continued,train +43854,43855,43855,mihiyaan tu panay,glutinous rice,train +43855,43856,43856,maapacay ku urip nu ngcah,tribal people have a primitive life style,train +43856,43857,43857,nani tira i,where is it,train +43857,43858,43858,Ngaay hu ku misu kaka,hello cousin,train +43858,43859,43859,nisupedan,frugal money,train +43859,43860,43860,kadkad,research,test +43860,43861,43861,nawhani naicuwaay kura saka tatusaay a safa i pasuwalen tu aku anini,as for the two extra members let me tell you something,train +43861,43862,43862,anu maepud,get off at the station,train +43862,43863,43863,pasayira i kiwkay a mimelaw,looking towards the church,train +43863,43864,43864,o rumaruma ku niyaru kira,but they are from different tribes,train +43864,43865,43865,imi^,significance,train +43865,43866,43866,nanay haenen ku wawa nu mita anini halacifafahi tu,may we say the same thing to our married children,train +43866,43867,43867,anu caay ka rarid ku tamdaw a misiket i takuwanan i matiya u niktunan a caang cingra a mafalah ta maicang Saupuen nu tamdaw ku matiniay a mi^feng i namal a mituduh,if anyone does not remain in me he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers such branches are picked up thrown into the fire and burned,train +43867,43868,43868,raramud satu kami tatusa mahaenay,we will be husband and wife,train +43868,43869,43869,maduʼengay tu suwal nu Pangcah,I do not know the meaning of the Amish language,train +43869,43870,43870,ci wama aku atu ina aku u kaka aku tu fainayan ku cafay aku a maru,I live with my father mother and brother,test +43870,43871,43871,patayni itini i Singpapur,going on a study tour,train +43871,43872,43872,hatiraay cayka adihay ku cikang nu,because children learn,train +43872,43873,43873,misadak tuna falucuʼay aku na kemuday aku sakaku,tell me the essence of my innermost being,train +43873,43874,43874,Luingen nu maku ku kungku ni vaki,I used a tape recorder to record Grandpas story,train +43874,43875,43875,Ciecuay a kanatal ku Taykuk,Thailand is a country with elephants,train +43875,43876,43876,tefutefusan,sugar cane garden,train +43876,43877,43877,u pisingaan tu tipus ku alili atu saka caay kacumud nu edu a mikaen,barns were used to store crops and prevent mice from entering and stealing them,train +43877,43878,43878,manengneng aku kiy hana hananay,the flowers are still in my heart,train +43878,43879,43879,tangasa i dakaw i tangasa i Kalingku,we are going to Hualien station,train +43879,43880,43880,paadingay,bared,test +43880,43881,43881,o pinangan ni Pawlu a micumud i kasaupuan a luma tulu a paslaan cingra itira a malaliyaliyang atu cangra tu pakayniay i Fangcalay Cudad,as his custom was Paul went into the synagogue and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures,train +43881,43882,43882,Arenim a nanumen,it tastes salty,train +43882,43883,43883,o rapic niyam kira pipakaen tu fafuy tu rumiamiad,raising pigs every day has dragged us down,train +43883,43884,43884,Fangcalay ku luma namu,you have a beautiful house,train +43884,43885,43885,kisu sa fafahiyan aca kisu,if you are a girl you are a girl,train +43885,43886,43886,misangaʼan niira,it is the smoke rolls she made,train +43886,43887,43887,yu mitala ci Pawlu ci Silasan aci Timutian i Atin i maaraw ningra ku nika adihay nu samiyay tuya niyaru Saka mararum ku falucu ningra,while Paul was waiting for them in Athens he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols,train +43887,43888,43888,mawmah tu kaku tunu,I have been working on a photo shoot for about the same amount of time,train +43888,43889,43889,u maan sarakatay aku nisangaʼan pancu,my first piece a panty piece,train +43889,43890,43890,Macukiwatay nu maku ku futing i nanum,the fish was lifted out of the water by my bamboo pole,test +43890,43891,43891,niyam hu kaemang kiyami haw adihay kiya hatiraay cirut,when I was a kid there were a lot of painted birds,train +43891,43892,43892,macupah kura tawki,the boss is not mean,train +43892,43893,43893,sa ku falucu nu niyam haw i,here is what we think,train +43893,43894,43894,tayra tu i hiya mitilid tu tu,attended Kwanzan high school,train +43894,43895,43895,niyaru,home country,train +43895,43896,43896,cacaay tu ka lasawad tangasa i larem ku matiniay a demak nu,so that the art of weaving will not be lost,train +43896,43897,43897,Tuʼasay tu,old dog,train +43897,43898,43898,mangaʼay kita a pakayni i kimad pakayni i suwal i demak haw i,the story is told in the language of the people you can also tell historical events on this platform,train +43898,43899,43899,u kavaliyusan tu yu ruma,sometimes during typhoons,train +43899,43900,43900,misasahaw tifeken,drainage pounding,test +43900,43901,43901,tayra i iciva kaku aci vayi a micakay tu ayam a micacak tu alesuay a sakalavi a pakaen tu vavainayan a sava,my grandma and I went to the market to buy chickens and prepared a delicious dinner for my younger brother,train +43901,43902,43902,macaniiway,poor eyesight,train +43902,43903,43903,11 itini Fangcalay Cudad matiliday ku tinakuan nu caka pakaˈmet tu tireng a maˈudang ku waywayan,the Bible describes individuals who because of a lack of self control have engaged in sexually deviant behavior,train +43903,43904,43904,i tiraw ku picudadan niyam i nuwalian,our school is on the east side of town,train +43904,43905,43905,a sumuwal tu,let us go,train +43905,43906,43906,aw Naitini yari ku,it is all here,train +43906,43907,43907,manengnengay tu ningra kuna kapah tu ka fangcal nu wayway ningra,she saw the young mans good behavior,train +43907,43908,43908,tekulen nira ku naliti tayra tiya namal,throwing arrows into the fire,train +43908,43909,43909,malaluk matayal kami,we work hard,train +43909,43910,43910,cikciken,grind,test +43910,43911,43911,Liyucen itini,turn around here,train +43911,43912,43912,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ci Priskila aci Akuila a mararamud u kaput aku a matayal i ci Kristu Yisan,greet Priscilla and Aquila my fellow workers in Christ Jesus,train +43912,43913,43913,dafak sa i Maludi a makutem ku kakarayan saka maurad a mafali anini saan kamu mahaen ku nika fana namu a mihapinang tu rumiad Nikawrira mafukil kamu a mihapinang tu tatudung nunini a hkal,and in the morning Today it will be stormy for the sky is red and overcast you know how to interpret the appearance of the sky but you cannot interpret the signs of the times,train +43913,43914,43914,enemay ku tuki^ tu dafak palalen ni ina^ kaku,at six of the clock in the morning my mom woke me up,train +43914,43915,43915,matiraay ku tudung nu cediʼ nu ci Lingcay a miala tira,that is why Ling Yas people are very capable of making tap water,train +43915,43916,43916,misanga tinian misisiw,specialize in,train +43916,43917,43917,singpu^,father,train +43917,43918,43918,aniniay tu a ira ku wakung,we do not have a bowl until now,train +43918,43919,43919,vadidiw,grain drying box,train +43919,43920,43920,itini i,in this,test +43920,43921,43921,ci ama aku takuwan tuwa,the boy can read,train +43921,43922,43922,Tanuradiw,singing,train +43922,43923,43923,u sakarumakat itini i mikalic tu fasu awa,I cannot even afford to take the bus,train +43923,43924,43924,Hayi mialakaku tu sasisit,Okay I will go get the cloth,train +43924,43925,43925,makakungku,sharing stories,train +43925,43926,43926,sasepat ku paru^ nu luma niyam,there are four of us in our family,train +43926,43927,43927,itiya hu u tilid nu kusiyaw i caka falic,the textbooks in elementary school were never updated,train +43927,43928,43928,cacecay han niyam,we peel the leaves,train +43928,43929,43929,milafin kaku itira,spend the night there,train +43929,43930,43930,anu cay kahaen,if at that time,test +43930,43931,43931,pimerawtu aniniyay a ziday,and demanding attention from modern ethnolinguistic families,train +43931,43932,43932,i para nuya sining tu kasaselaselal,throw it at a teenagers ass,train +43932,43933,43933,Rahuday a nanamen ku suwal nu Pangcah haw,is it easy to learn the Amis language,train +43933,43934,43934,maididay,toasted,train +43934,43935,43935,mitulik,weaving,train +43935,43936,43936,miyakiway,soccer,train +43936,43937,43937,sanay haw ku falucu saka,I think it is time to get some rest,train +43937,43938,43938,siimpicay,with pencil,train +43938,43939,43939,unu Sakizaya aru ku lisin nu Pangcah,the Amish celebration of Zachariahs,train +43939,43940,43940,hayda ha misu kuni saasik,Okay here is a broomstick for you,test +43940,43941,43941,Ngaaytu ala han isu,Well you take it yourself,train +43941,43942,43942,muta,vomit,train +43942,43943,43943,ku kawangaw nira,it bends,train +43943,43944,43944,kiya,more than years ago,train +43944,43945,43945,madenga,be infected,train +43945,43946,43946,Pacikilen kura niututan nu misu a samiyay i nacila,add fingers to the piece you carved yesterday,train +43946,43947,43947,pisanu Pangcah,speak American,train +43947,43948,43948,pakaaraw ci ama suwal sa i takuwanan cuwa kaeca u mamalasaidahiay a miadupay a tamdaw kisu sa,dad saw it and told me that I will be a very good hunter in the future,train +43948,43949,43949,laya hananay nu mlitengay ku mira a fakeciw u laya,the length of the open arms is the measuring tape,train +43949,43950,43950,mipariri i tamiyan hatiraay ku,raising us,test +43950,43951,43951,o ruma ku hanahan nu wacu,the dogs panting was extraordinary,train +43951,43952,43952,ngaʼayay ura i kalicaciyaway tatiitiihay ku iya ira ku,trying to defend your parents what happens when large families live together,train +43952,43953,43953,o malafuluday a alunah kami,we are a bunch of ants,train +43953,43954,43954,o caay pikilif u nai Kawasay a ngaayay a falucu ku sapipawacay ita caay ku nanu taneng nu tamdaw u nanu icel nu mikumi nu Kawas ku sakakakafit ita o nika ^ca paska nu falucu niyam ku kacipinangan niyam tu nika ngaay nu dmak niyam i kaayaw namu atu i kaayaw nu tamdamdaw Saka malitaang kami tunini,now this is our boast our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world and especially in our relations with you in the holiness and sincerity that are from God we have done so not according to worldly wisdom but according to Gods grace,train +43954,43955,43955,Minengnenng kita tu tumpu,we are going to see dragonflies,train +43955,43956,43956,suwal sa cangra Caay ka ^ca u kakariangen ningra a mipatay kunini a tatiihay a tamdaw Ta u papacaliwen ningra ku pisafadisusuan i ruma a mifuluday tu marucekay ku pipafli tu kinaira tu mihcahcaan han nangra,He will bring those wretches to a wretched end they replied and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants who will give him his share of the crop at Harvest time,train +43956,43957,43957,safel hananay ku dateng i saciyanciyanay saw awaay kira,in the old days it was very simple and there was no use of frying it it was all about cooking the soup,train +43957,43958,43958,Pasuemeten ku riku ta miaylung,Dampen the clothes for ironing,train +43958,43959,43959,sikawdan cuwa ka talaw,Gods faithful servant who has defied the odds,train +43959,43960,43960,pelpel,break into pieces,test +43960,43961,43961,iraay ya alu tira,there is a river there,train +43961,43962,43962,mikilimay tu makapahay a kilang,going to look for nice trees,train +43962,43963,43963,patikul hu ku tamina micuʼaʼang haw tu tapelik,the boat is turning back to break the waves again,train +43963,43964,43964,kiyan u tamdaw hananay anu kapah ku nika urip,leaving a good life on earth,train +43964,43965,43965,rira,then,train +43965,43966,43966,hay marurayay tini atek salafii,she works really hard sometimes she has to fight at night,train +43966,43967,43967,Milusimet kaku tu sakipasifana aku tu suwal nu Pangcah,I am preparing for the Aramaic program,train +43967,43968,43968,mifarasi,sprinkle,train +43968,43969,43969,malalicalicay kaku atu faki i kafutian i adihay ku mipainian ningra a kungku,my uncle and I chatted in the room and he shared many stories,train +43969,43970,43970,itiya satu maskak ku ayam tu sakinatusa Saka itiyatu a maharateng ni Pitiru ku nanu suwal ni Yis tuya Wa kinatulu kisu a mihakenu Takuwanan i ayaw nu sakinatusa nu ayam a maskak yasanay caaytu pakamet ci Pitiru a tumangic,immediately the rooster crowed the second time then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times and he broke down and wept,test +43970,43971,43971,miliangpaw,I want a red packet,train +43971,43972,43972,Citafu^ kaku anini^ makumud kita a malahuk haw,I have brought a lunchbox today let us eat together at noon,train +43972,43973,43973,tukinir,lie on the side,train +43973,43974,43974,piilisin,contraindication,train +43974,43975,43975,ci ama aku,my dads an eight year veteran of the civil War,train +43975,43976,43976,matawalay aku a miala ku cudad,I forgot to bring the textbook,train +43976,43977,43977,anu mihiya tuni vacaʼen,if you are going to use this rub it in first,train +43977,43978,43978,sisiten tu sasifin ku ciferang malalisanaw,use a towel to dry off sweat so you do not catch a cold,train +43978,43979,43979,maminengneng kisu tu dateng aku ilaay makahirahira ku dateng aku,you want to come and see what I have grown I have got all kinds of vegetables,train +43979,43980,43980,kudung,color,test +43980,43981,43981,micudad ku sava aku tu,my brother reads,train +43981,43982,43982,itira ku falucu aku,my wish is there,train +43982,43983,43983,o lecep tu nu cidal i pasaetip ta taluma kita,we went home just as the sun disappeared in the west,train +43983,43984,43984,pinaay ku rumiad nu cecay a lipay,how many days a week,train +43984,43985,43985,itini i lalavu nu luma,in the family,train +43985,43986,43986,deteng ku was a miucur Yis Kristuan,God deliberately sent Jesus Christ,train +43986,43987,43987,caay pafeli ku matuʼasay tu sapitilid,elders do not pay for schooling,train +43987,43988,43988,o nakamayan misangaan a lalusidan i ira ku atumu u kureng u taturunan u tamanganatu masamaamaanay,pottery products include ceramic jugs urns cauldrons and wine bottles,train +43988,43989,43989,kalingsesan a minengneng ku pisuntul nu tusiya tu tamdaw,it is horrible to see a car hit someone,train +43989,43990,43990,tayra satu cangra i madu^du ku suwal ni Yis tu manengnengay nangra,those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them,test +43990,43991,43991,ariri,she will warehouse,train +43991,43992,43992,matiya u,just as,train +43992,43993,43993,Hungay falahan,hung Ai Farrakhan,train +43993,43994,43994,O rumasatu anu mitulun kamu i aka ka matiya u misamangahay a tamdaw maulah cangra a paaraw i tamdamdaw a tumireng a mitulun i kasaupuan a luma anu ^ca i i piku nu tataangay a lalan Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu malayaptu nangra ku tatudung nangra,And when you pray do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men I tell you the truth they have received their reward in full,train +43994,43995,43995,limaan ku sapisurit siwaan ku sasuritan,a pencil is and a book is,train +43995,43996,43996,Hahaha,ha ha ha ha,train +43996,43997,43997,tu mama pina ku fuʼis saan,you need a star to get ready for a promotion,train +43997,43998,43998,Misasiemel ku matayalay i lidung nu kilang,workers enjoying the shade of a tree,train +43998,43999,43999,ni Angah Alimulu,it is Anahan Ali,train +43999,44000,44000,tu suwal nu Pangcah,possible Strategies and specific objectives,test +44000,44001,44001,cipaysu,Rich,train +44001,44002,44002,a memin haw baw dadahal kiya syiku,you cannot pick them all Wow a very boxy fruit garden,train +44002,44003,44003,hanaca u telucteluc wawawawa fufufufu i,maybe future generations,train +44003,44004,44004,a ʼayaʼayaway a mialaay tu hatiniay saku u nanengnengay,after I leave this world,train +44004,44005,44005,pasuwal han aku kaku i,I told myself,train +44005,44006,44006,o asad nu ^mi atu rumaruma a panay ku nifulsakan namu caay kuya mulngaway a tatirengan ku nifulsakan namu,when you sow you do not plant the body that will be but just a seed perhaps of wheat or of something else,train +44006,44007,44007,o macedengay ku urip nina matuasay i niyaru,this old mans life in the tribe is slow,train +44007,44008,44008,maluyaay,wasteful,train +44008,44009,44009,tahawali sa kaku itiraay i,it looks like it is going east,train +44009,44010,44010,sa i minengnengay ku malitengay tu fulad,elders will check the lunar month,test +44010,44011,44011,tahanini ila maxera aku palumaan hu aku,so far I have been planting turmeric seedlings which are very easy to come by in the wild,train +44011,44012,44012,ya misanga iya tu tu tifekan,I made a wooden mortar,train +44012,44013,44013,onini ku kakalimlaan namu anu matungal a matungal kunini a dmak namu i ci^pucay ku dmak namu a mafana tu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristuan,for if you possess these qualities in increasing measure they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ,train +44013,44014,44014,midateng i lutuk sa,picking wild vegetables in the mountains,train +44014,44015,44015,matalem,sharp,train +44015,44016,44016,Atekakay cuwa kangaay a luwanen tu mamang haw,it is too expensive cannot you lower the price a bit,train +44016,44017,44017,sisa mangaay ku heni mawmah,so they are easy to work with,train +44017,44018,44018,hai safaeka sa ku tau,Yes people will be surprised,train +44018,44019,44019,papicelien,bark something speak up and blame someone,train +44019,44020,44020,tadatali nu Taywan ira matini,this is Taiwanese taro,test +44020,44021,44021,palada pakafana tu mitenglay tu kungku isu haw hatini i tatengilen niyam,let us hear your story shall we,train +44021,44022,44022,Ifenek ciira a matayal,he works hard,train +44022,44023,44023,ira hay ilaay ku maku a tama sa,let us say I have made something,train +44023,44024,44024,aka alaen kina wawa matuʼas i nikilim tu ina Halu sa ci kaka aku di,my sister says Harold do not take the kids away they will grow up and find their moms,train +44024,44025,44025,pasuwal sa ci ina aku,mom responded,train +44025,44026,44026,mamaanay hakiya saan,what is going on,train +44026,44027,44027,anu sasiraw hanen nu ruma angtiray sanay han,it tastes like fish when it is pickled,train +44027,44028,44028,han tu pakabitin itini haw,hang it up here,train +44028,44029,44029,ha,indistinct,train +44029,44030,44030,oh mi maan han Minumuki,Oh yeah how to do it stinging Pineapple,test +44030,44031,44031,mahaen ku icep ri,this is betel nut,train +44031,44032,44032,o hay,Yeah Oh,train +44032,44033,44033,Aka pikapa aka pitanam a kumaen aka pitfing sanay a Rikec saw,Do not handle do not taste do not touch,train +44033,44034,44034,haw ira i kataynian,come here if you can,train +44034,44035,44035,anu adada i mangaay a talapaisingan a paising,if you are sick you can go to the hospital,train +44035,44036,44036,caka lingad ku pakarungay,teenagers do not follow,train +44036,44037,44037,vangcal sa kulawlaw sa ku varu iri tu siheci,the flowers are yellow and grow beautifully and then the fruit grows,train +44037,44038,44038,ira ku misikitangay malasyakayay,some people go to the coal mines or to the city,train +44038,44039,44039,mafana cangra a patararikur,know when to stop,train +44039,44040,44040,tu caciyaw tu demak ura hay,the relevant statement the practice is that,test +44040,44041,44041,i hakuwa kisu a tahini,when did you arrive here,train +44041,44042,44042,awaay ku heci nu nanges anini a miheca,the mango tree did not bear any fruit this year,train +44042,44043,44043,mamang hu kiya pida tira i kira haw,the wages at Sunbeam are very low,train +44043,44044,44044,Ciuner ku luma niyam,there are snakes in my house,train +44044,44045,44045,nanasay,Seven,train +44045,44046,44046,mililisay,coast,train +44046,44047,44047,nawhani 3 fulad cecay minukay kura pifuting,because I will be home in three months,train +44047,44048,44048,mifangah miisis,cut,train +44048,44049,44049,o miisalay kaku tu panay namu a tayra,I am going to get a share of your grain,train +44049,44050,44050,kihar,trouble,test +44050,44051,44051,malasawad tu ku demak saan ku nu namu u mikuwanany aca,if not managed properly may be lost,train +44051,44052,44052,aka pisarakarakat,do not walk back and forth all over the area,train +44052,44053,44053,tini i Sinpese ira ku hananay,there was a training course for nurseries in new Taipei City,train +44053,44054,44054,tu a kasaramuramud nu kahirahira nu maeferay a ayam ku maalaay Nuwa,Nowa took seven pairs of all kinds of birds,train +44054,44055,44055,mafana kaku turanan haw,as far as I know,train +44055,44056,44056,mamaan han,Actually how can I put it,train +44056,44057,44057,sa minunuh tu matiniay i u tangic nu falucu tu sakaʼurip saan i ayaw kilim saan,I picked it up because I was living in poverty,train +44057,44058,44058,nu tau maulah sipasinavel tu vuting ku nu tau kiyami,some people like to cook it with fish a lot of people like it,train +44058,44059,44059,na adada cingra caay tu kadepuc ku pidiput tu wawa,since she has been sick she has not been able to focus on her children,train +44059,44060,44060,takudul satu ku mawmahay a mimelaw i ciraʼan,So when the farmer wanted to go up the hill to see the little girl,test +44060,44061,44061,hatitiniay ini,it is all the same,train +44061,44062,44062,tangasa kaku i ciwnanasay a mipadang tu matuʼasay,he worked for his family until he was years old,train +44062,44063,44063,Aluman ku idang nu maku,I have a lot of friends,train +44063,44064,44064,mavana kisu ney haw,you are really good,train +44064,44065,44065,o maan ku raraw aku,what did I do wrong,train +44065,44066,44066,spat ku wacu niyam,we have four dogs,train +44066,44067,44067,a hiya nu nu nu rakat nu fali ita kira mamahaen haca,this is how the weather changes this is the only way,train +44067,44068,44068,Misaecaw ku pilumaluma,every house is making wine,train +44068,44069,44069,inian tu ku nituʼuran nu aniniay a siyakay,in today society if we want to select players,train +44069,44070,44070,u hahaenen ku suwal nu,this is a matter for the representative to deal with,test +44070,44071,44071,Maru kami a kemaen tu pan i sirengusay a seraan sadiheku saan ku tireng a mapacidal,we ate bread on the grass the sun was shining on us and it was very warm,train +44071,44072,44072,itiya,enrollment in normal classes,train +44072,44073,44073,iraay,also have,train +44073,44074,44074,pikilidungan,cover up,train +44074,44075,44075,calemcem kaku tu tayal nu wawa aku i lunan,I am worried about my kids job at sea,train +44075,44076,44076,Rduen ku ulah isu tu was,keep your love for God consistent,train +44076,44077,44077,adihay ku caay ka tatudung nuna kuka a misanga tu Rikec,there are many incorrect laws in our country,train +44077,44078,44078,hay,a woman name is noble it is honorable it is,train +44078,44079,44079,suwal sa ku niyaruʼay a matuʼasay,the elders of the tribe were unanimous in saying,train +44079,44080,44080,cepcup han tu nira sikawasay,and he kept sucking,test +44080,44081,44081,Mafana ci Yis tu aira a dmak i tireng ningra a ma^min Saka raud satu Cingra Cima ku nikiliman namu han ningra a milicay,Jesus knowing all that was going to happen to him went out and asked them Who is it you want,train +44081,44082,44082,mifahuy,drive away,train +44082,44083,44083,fatac,sections,train +44083,44084,44084,itira Yiangmey matawpi tu kura pisalingka nu niyam,the company that made brick kilns in Yangmei went out of business,train +44084,44085,44085,anu caay awiten,or you can use the lift,train +44085,44086,44086,sifu nanay pafli kami palahaday matiya na,the government can provide places like Huang Xiuyings,train +44086,44087,44087,ta telihan nira ku kulisiw nira i tatihi,he put his bike by the side,train +44087,44088,44088,o ninian i hatatudutudung sanay tuniya a pinukay nu maku,and I came back just in time for this event,train +44088,44089,44089,icuway kina fanaʼinay san ku petun naku cinglaw sa,my sister tell me which man it is,train +44089,44090,44090,ku a malifung,and this plague,test +44090,44091,44091,unini saan a ciwkangan hananay a niyaru e caay ka ^ca ka mitengil tu suwal nu kakitaan itiya ihu,Af for the so called Ciwkangan Tribe in the past would never disobey the chief,train +44091,44092,44092,makasimsim ku tumuk itiya,at that moment Numero Uno thought to himself,train +44092,44093,44093,aka ka atkak ku falucu namu a matiya u dmak nu i tiyahu a paculi tu Kawas misawi i cingraan i kuhkuhan,do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion during the time of testing in the desert,train +44093,44094,44094,awaay tu ku hiya,there is no more of that,train +44094,44095,44095,puwa say hiwawa,catch Swish,train +44095,44096,44096,mangudu tu tuʼas nu mita u Makutaay han naku,the ancestors of the Magudam tribe would be ashamed,train +44096,44097,44097,mipili,selection,train +44097,44098,44098,nanudafak,from morning,train +44098,44099,44099,tusa a kaput teluc nu matuʼasay,the two youngest in the senior class,train +44099,44100,44100,ninengneng tu riyar ri itira a mahiya san,look at the sea it is happening there,test +44100,44101,44101,makatengil tu dacdac,as long as I hear the sound of cicadas,train +44101,44102,44102,caay hu kacacak,undercooked,train +44102,44103,44103,o maanan a finacadan a wawa kisu,what ethnic group are you from,train +44103,44104,44104,tulu nu namu,your three,train +44104,44105,44105,anu matira mapulung kuna kapah tayni i,if that is the case young people with jobs go to Arabia together,train +44105,44106,44106,Hatini ku kavanaʼan nu maku tu nipivuting nu matuasay,I know how the old man fishes,train +44106,44107,44107,cacay ku tarayaay cacay ku apuruay,one is long and one is short,train +44107,44108,44108,papitengil,answer,train +44108,44109,44109,safaw cecay,eleven,train +44109,44110,44110,maumahay tu kaku,I started working,test +44110,44111,44111,maherek tu kaku a milulud tu sikal,I have already put away the bamboo mat roll,train +44111,44112,44112,hai nipalumaan aku kuninian ini,that is right I planted it too,train +44112,44113,44113,mifariw,chop grass,train +44113,44114,44114,Salikuray milisuˈan niyam a Fenpu u Kuriya itiya iraay ku tuki niyam minengneng tu mapalitay a 50 salikaka i kapalitan,our last branch visit was to Korea when we had the opportunity to see brethren incarcerated in Suwon Prison,train +44114,44115,44115,Orasaka matnak a matnak ku suwal nu Kawas Saaluman satu ku nisawawaan i Yirusalim Halualumanay a citudungay tu taung a pasulin a mituur ci Kristuan,so the word of God spread the number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith,train +44115,44116,44116,Muetep ku fiher nu cecay tulaku,a truck has ten tires,train +44116,44117,44117,nu mamang ri mafanaʼay tu nu Kawas,I have known about God since I was a child,train +44117,44118,44118,adihay ku cawhi i fanaw niyam,our pond is full of bass,train +44118,44119,44119,nawhani mararid ku Kawas a matayal i falucu namu a pafalucu a papilahci tu nafalucuan ningra,for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose,train +44119,44120,44120,anu icuwaan ku papavelien tu sapur,let us see who we are giving the seedlings to,test +44120,44121,44121,hay sapisanga tu tisaki tu mamaan haw,Yes they make baskets all kinds of baskets,train +44121,44122,44122,Patanekteken ku luma namu,stabilize your house,train +44122,44123,44123,kiyukiyuwan,purple,train +44123,44124,44124,panukay panginguy han nira,take him home and give him a bath,train +44124,44125,44125,Pacauf sa ci Natanail Singsiaw u Wawa nu Kawas Kisu O hungti nu Israil Kisu han ningra,then Nathanael declared Rabbi you are the son of God you are the king of Israel,train +44125,44126,44126,Mitiku hu kaku a militemuh tu wawa aku anuhuni,I will have to go back and meet my kids later,train +44126,44127,44127,o maamaan ku malakelaway naira,what do they catch,train +44127,44128,44128,maraud,grow up,train +44128,44129,44129,caay ka ngudu kaku a mipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh onini a Ngaayay Ratuh i u icel nu Kawas a paurip tu pasulinay a tamdaw a ma^min o Yutaya a tamdaw ku saayaway a mapatnak ta u rumatu a finacadan,I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes first for the Jew then for the Gentile,train +44129,44130,44130,4 cuwa ku nika patireng aca tu Fangcalay sefi uha papatirenghu tu niyaruˈ,the Jews will rebuild their city in addition to the temple,test +44130,44131,44131,hatiraay ku ciwkangan hananay,this is the so called Jangkwang village tribe,train +44131,44132,44132,hatiraay,that way,train +44132,44133,44133,han sa hadeng sa ku kuʼkuʼ aku itiya,that is how my foot healed,train +44133,44134,44134,mayamayam,a raging inferno,train +44134,44135,44135,nikawrira itiyahu ku matuʼasay i,it was the view of the elders at that time,train +44135,44136,44136,icuwa kisu a minanam tu suwal nu Pangcah,where did you learn Amis,train +44136,44137,44137,u wawa ni Cipitay ci Yakup atu safa ni Yakup ci Yuhani,James son of Zebedee and his brother John,train +44137,44138,44138,unu Siwhama Siwhama,peace is peace,train +44138,44139,44139,ira ku anuf nu falucu mangalay,I am starting to feel dissatisfied and want to challenge myself again,train +44139,44140,44140,miudawis,hook,test +44140,44141,44141,adingal,luster,train +44141,44142,44142,hatiraay ku nu itiyaay hu,this is how things were done in the past,train +44142,44143,44143,cecay a tatukian tahiratu i tayciw,I will come to Taichung in an hour,train +44143,44144,44144,cima u ci Calaw han kiya Kaʼti Calaw Kaʼti,who is gone to Chaloka Chaloka,train +44144,44145,44145,u apuruay hatiniyay a fanpu,it is short like this raincoat,train +44145,44146,44146,saka nawhani matalaw kita u tamdaw hiwawa,but I am still scared,train +44146,44147,44147,itiya hu manikaw naʼayaw tu kakaenen haw,at that time poverty food was very scarce,train +44147,44148,44148,parengreng,special training,train +44148,44149,44149,sarakarakat,have a stroll,train +44149,44150,44150,o niyam u Cawi a niyaru kura matiniay ku demak,this is the custom of our Jungpo tribe,test +44150,44151,44151,satahepu tura uway,cover the rattan,train +44151,44152,44152,Saduedueng han ni mama ku picaceli ni ina,Dads constant nagging of mom to be deaf,train +44152,44153,44153,hayse cihiya ci Censiwing,it is still the same Chen Xiuying,train +44153,44154,44154,Onu tuas hu a patirengan nu Pangcah ira ku luma demi ariri pakulungan atu parufuan u paenan nu luma sakakaya sa masasikak pasitimul ku fawahan,the Amis traditional house consists of a house a kitchen storage and a livestock she would the house has a rectangular foundation north south oriented beams and faces east toward the sun,train +44154,44155,44155,ha fekac satu,Ha just start running,train +44155,44156,44156,tayra cangra Halu aku a tayra,they went I also went,train +44156,44157,44157,sasifuan nu lukut a hananay,that location is in the middle of an uninhabited island,train +44157,44158,44158,Mikurkurtu tu refung,start digging,train +44158,44159,44159,licaes,bed bug,train +44159,44160,44160,saka misaʼicel tu kaku,I have worked harder since then,test +44160,44161,44161,tadakiyafes,native guava,train +44161,44162,44162,apa ku nunum micakay haca,you have to buy water when there is tap water,train +44162,44163,44163,rukruk saan i,after you are gone,train +44163,44164,44164,u Taywan atu Pangcah itini,the Amis and Minnan are here,train +44164,44165,44165,wata hu ruma tu a fulad caykanca tayni kisu yu,it is early it is next month you have to come,train +44165,44166,44166,hatira sa tu ku harateng aku,so I follow the tribal decision,train +44166,44167,44167,pakadum,investment,train +44167,44168,44168,hatini ku nika aluman nu pawacayay tu dmak nu Kawas a tamdaw a milikut i titaanan Orasaka falahen ita ku kartengay a inurung a ma^min atu mifedfeday titaanan a raraw lahcien ita a cumikay ku cacikayen ita,Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,train +44168,44169,44169,i pisekingan pacaliwan nu kaput kaku tu sapisurit atu savuric,during the exam a classmate lent me a pen and an eraser,train +44169,44170,44170,a tiyahu iraay kuya mihuyuay hananay a urip ita,in the early days of our lives there was a kind of bartering in the fishing ports,test +44170,44171,44171,Cuwa u pasu ku pikalican aku,No I took the bus,train +44171,44172,44172,ca kuya san,it was dollars not,train +44172,44173,44173,tiri,read,train +44173,44174,44174,Du^duen nu Kawas ku niktunan ningra a suwal patirengen ningra ku tluc ni Tafiti ci Yis tu papaurip tu Israil,From this mans descendants God has brought to Israel the Savior Jesus as he promised,train +44174,44175,44175,ahen,ask,train +44175,44176,44176,pipanemnem,well up spring,train +44176,44177,44177,ka u sulinay ku piulah tu tamdaw Kausien ku tatiihay Kaimeren ku ngaayay,love must be sincere hate what is evil cling to what is good,train +44177,44178,44178,tu sakunuira itini i salawacan,thinking about the natural environment,train +44178,44179,44179,i tina,regarding this,train +44179,44180,44180,nikunglin sa hanen ci karuray,how can it not be hard when we are talking about training,test +44180,44181,44181,cai kaitini ku futi nangra paner anu,they did not sleep in this low lying area,train +44181,44182,44182,itiya i awaay ku fainayan a kangkufu,there were no male nurses,train +44182,44183,44183,u nini tu haw marawraw tu hatira hukini,it is a time to get upset and not know what to do,train +44183,44184,44184,Halikacipa ciira u kacipa aca ku sikaen nira hemay ngaayay tu,he loves ginger so much that all he needs for his side dish is ginger,train +44184,44185,44185,u saraw a demak itiya hu,I have heard stories about ghosts and spirits before,train +44185,44186,44186,malikec kami masaupu kami u faʼinayan u fafahiyan,we are united we get together men and women,train +44186,44187,44187,Pakahikuki kaku tayra i Punghu,I go to Penghu by plane,train +44187,44188,44188,awa ku ising itiya hu yu mafanaʼay,there were no doctors who could treat them,train +44188,44189,44189,nu heni tu vana nu heni,they do not know anything about it,train +44189,44190,44190,u Piʼaʼadupan nira Piyuma kura pala i tira,it is where the Peños hunt,test +44190,44191,44191,hay u ruma tu a licay pakini tu,another question to ask is,train +44191,44192,44192,iraay kaku,I have it on site,train +44192,44193,44193,awaay ku pising aku anini Pauning kisu tu pising aku,I have lost face you stained my face made me lose face,train +44193,44194,44194,ura salil hananay i,about this website,train +44194,44195,44195,nima,whose is it,train +44195,44196,44196,u mahiraay ku kaen nu namu kiya,what kind of food did you have,train +44196,44197,44197,siwawa satu i,when you have children,train +44197,44198,44198,tatemikay tu ku pacemut nu misu kumaenay tu ku futing tu sapariri isu alatek kalikien a mitengteng a patalafekang,your fishing rod is moving is not the fish on the hook pull it up,train +44198,44199,44199,Hai anu hakuwa minukay cingra,Oh when is she coming back,train +44199,44200,44200,harek miʼilang,I am done,test +44200,44201,44201,ya rumaruma caay tu kaharateng aku,I cannot think of anything else,train +44201,44202,44202,o nika kinafalah nu tamdaw tu urip nu tireng tu saki widawidang i u sakakaay a ulah kunini i hkal,greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends,train +44202,44203,44203,luluden,please roll it up,train +44203,44204,44204,itini i lintad ni Yis iraay ku misakakinihay harateng nu Yutaya,in the days of Jesus many Jews were prejudiced against people,train +44204,44205,44205,Padutuc kamu a ciheci paihekal tu nisawawaan aku kamu mihaen mapaˈdil ku wama aku Yohani 158,by this my father is glorified that you continually bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples John,train +44205,44206,44206,u liyut nu niyaru ira ku rangat caay pacumud tu nutaw a tamdaw ina limaay a ni kakilac ira ku malecaday,although Amis are divided into five subgroups they share common tribal characteristics,train +44206,44207,44207,adihayay ku likes i tukus sanay ci ina,mom says that there are lots of mosquitoes in the mountains,train +44207,44208,44208,kaku tu Kawas nawhani,be thankful to God Why,train +44208,44209,44209,Paadipingen nira singsi kura wawa a misanuayam a makeru,the teacher put the boy in a cocked hat to dance,train +44209,44210,44210,tuni hantu mavuti tu,sleeping and resting during the learning time of the family language,test +44210,44211,44211,talacuwaay,where are you going,train +44211,44212,44212,Ciicelay ku kamay ni Idek,Idek has strong hands,train +44212,44213,44213,mapalemed,blessed,train +44213,44214,44214,adada tu ku tanga ni tumuk amisimsim,my head hurts from thinking about it,train +44214,44215,44215,Mapakuniraaytu kamu saan cangra a miktun tu suwal Arawhani u kulihu nu mitkupay a dmak cangra u misawiay nawhani anu mapalit nu maan ku tamdaw i u kuli nuya mipalitay cingra,they promise them freedom while they themselves are slaves of depravity for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him,train +44215,44216,44216,rayray,cultures,train +44216,44217,44217,saka anu mafanaʼay ku matuʼasayhu itiyahu i,if the former elders had known,train +44217,44218,44218,caay ka maen kaku tu mami^ u lingku^ aca^ ku kaenen aku,I cannot eat oranges I will have some apples instead,train +44218,44219,44219,tiya mafana kaku kami,I just realized,train +44219,44220,44220,a pinangan tayraay riyal mitafukud a demak sa kura licay aku,I would like to ask about the loss of the traditional habit of going to the seaside to net fish,test +44220,44221,44221,sivuduy tu langdaway ku yucay,the letter carrier wears green,train +44221,44222,44222,misaupu tu datung a mi kilim tu mi tu papacuken,for example gathering woods and looking for to kill,train +44222,44223,44223,Nanay matungal a matungal ku adayay atu rihaday atu ulah nu Kawas i tamuwanan,Mercy peace and love be yours in abundance,train +44223,44224,44224,milimad tiniay a pasasiket tiniay,moving here still needs to be linked,train +44224,44225,44225,o malakakaay kamu haw,are you brothers,train +44225,44226,44226,mahaen ku niyam i naayaw,we used to be like that,train +44226,44227,44227,hatiraay haw ku pinangan nu pifuting aku itini i Kilung,this is my life as a fisherman in Keelung,train +44227,44228,44228,matu mali ku kimulmul nu fulad anini,the moon is as full as a ball tonight,train +44228,44229,44229,taluma tu hari awaay,I am not back yet,train +44229,44230,44230,kakeriden nu singsi kita tayra i alu,teacher will take us to the riverside,test +44230,44231,44231,tu namu dadafung pakalican tu tuwapay,everything is mounted on a raft for transportation,train +44231,44232,44232,sanay ku maku a harateng,ideas can be fully realized,train +44232,44233,44233,o matekesay a sataus ku sapisipasip riya tu tireng Yis,Mary anointed Jesus with expensive perfume,train +44233,44234,44234,awaay ku mahiniya a lalan,there is no road like this,train +44234,44235,44235,uner,snake,train +44235,44236,44236,kalipahakan tu anini tu ku wawa haw,children are so happy nowadays,train +44236,44237,44237,mahaen micikeruh itini nanitiniay a fali,push it out and it will send out,train +44237,44238,44238,o mitiliday kaku,I am a student,train +44238,44239,44239,Orasaka u ruma i smuut o ruma i lima a pulu ku kasacfacfang nu tamdamdaw a maru,so they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties,train +44239,44240,44240,siwa ira ku pangkiw nu tuki a mafuti kaku,I go to bed at am,test +44240,44241,44241,Tafukuden anca salilen,spreading or fencing,train +44241,44242,44242,ha u mafutiʼay tu kira na wawa aku sa kiya u ina,the mom thought her baby was asleep,train +44242,44243,44243,hatira kura matuasay niyam,that is probably his background,train +44243,44244,44244,Miaca kita tu suta,we are buying land,train +44244,44245,44245,Cu^cu san kura sakafiyaw tu umah niyam,neighbors are encroaching on our fields,train +44245,44246,44246,tayra tu i kaayaw maru i kaayaw nu kalikuwat nu finawlan kida tiratara maru,when you get to the front sit down in front of the dance circle,train +44246,44247,44247,nika unini a adada anu nengnengen nu mita ira ku suelinay a ciadada ruma i ira ku malawlaay ka ci adada,of course this kind of illness also includes what we call real illness or fake illness,train +44247,44248,44248,o katalawan ku demak nira,what he is doing is dangerous,train +44248,44249,44249,yu rumakat cangra i maaraw nangra ku nanum pasuwal sa kuya Tapang a tamdaw Nengnengen ira ku nanum i tini Caay ka ngaay a mapainu kaku i tini saw han ningra,as they traveled along the road they came to some water and the eunuch said Look here is water why should not I be baptized,train +44249,44250,44250,tahira i kuni,this is about to years ago,test +44250,44251,44251,ciramud tu,Married,train +44251,44252,44252,Kaura tipusan tu pantaay,However it is very shallow in winter,train +44252,44253,44253,miala tu urang,catch lobster,train +44253,44254,44254,ciiliday,abandoned,train +44254,44255,44255,Patunguden a misacicir i tini i katefadan nu nanum,connect the water bridge at the point where the water falls,train +44255,44256,44256,dema hanay nu maku miiya,I will just take my time organizing,train +44256,44257,44257,Culek han nu mita a palafang,we went to visit immediately,train +44257,44258,44258,o kuhecalay kanca i u kahengangayay,it is white or else it is red,train +44258,44259,44259,saka kumaying nu kamay nu maku a palakat tu tusiya,so that my hands and feet should change when I am driving,train +44259,44260,44260,pacinaw tu kulung,to put a basket on the mouth of a water buffalo,test +44260,44261,44261,malecadaytu u mihicayay,it is also the same way of capturing,train +44261,44262,44262,aka mapawan pakayniay saka ciepuc nu mita ku miharatengan ni Yihufa,we need to remember that the Lord is always looking out for our good,train +44262,44263,44263,pilakuwit,transgressions,train +44263,44264,44264,ca ka cinahen isu u maan ku kakaenen,if you do not make pickles you cannot eat them,train +44264,44265,44265,Orasaka i tini a mafana kita tu nika u saka^ca pakacumud nangra i paslaan i u nika ^ca pasulin nangra,so we see that they were not able to enter because of their unbelief,train +44265,44266,44266,paytemek,respective,train +44266,44267,44267,ka u parihadayay a Ngaayay Ratuh ku tudung nu cukap namu,and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace,train +44267,44268,44268,tayra i lutuk ku matuasay a miuway,the old man went to the mountains to gather rattan,train +44268,44269,44269,caʼit hananay i kilang ku tafu,hang the lunch box from the tree,train +44269,44270,44270,sapadang tu sakacakat atu sapadang tu sakafangcal nu radiw u ciheciay tu suwal a radiw i mikafit i laenu nu ngiha,auxiliary words that aid in the development and smoothness of the melody a real word is a word with a real concept that is attached to the melody of a song,test +44270,44271,44271,awaay tu anini haw patayan aku i haen satu awaay tu ku siheciay,After I got rid of the fruiting saplings they never grew back,train +44271,44272,44272,patalumaay,married,train +44272,44273,44273,Yuadididi kisu kiyami haw,when you were kids,train +44273,44274,44274,mipanay,rice harvesting,train +44274,44275,44275,vadukuk haw,bracken,train +44275,44276,44276,yan saan a singsi i,that teacher is from,train +44276,44277,44277,ta nu kamay han tu,do you peel it with your bare hands,train +44277,44278,44278,cacay alalipayan,one week,train +44278,44279,44279,fahfahen nangra ku alumanay a palafuay a pasadak nai tamdaw sipasipen nangra tu simal ku alumanay a adadaay a miadah,they drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them,train +44279,44280,44280,suti saan haw,the picket line Oh,test +44280,44281,44281,pacaelayen,to clothe,train +44281,44282,44282,anu kapah anu ciraraw ku kapah tu yaan paculi tu matuʼasay i,if any of the youths of the tribe commit a wrongful act against their people,train +44282,44283,44283,helup,drink up,train +44283,44284,44284,pahanhan,stop,train +44284,44285,44285,Lafin ira ini ku kamaruan,Lafin there are seats here,train +44285,44286,44286,Milakelaw ca Diway i dadaya,Diway they went hunting last night,train +44286,44287,44287,i tini i pitulun namu i pilunguc tu pipadama nu Kawas ka u makriday nu Fangcalay Adingu kamu a mararid a mitulun kapalal kamu a mihadidi a misaicel a milunguc a mitulun tu saki mituuray a ma^min,and pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests with this in mind be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints,train +44287,44288,44288,malasafitay satu u maan kuya itu mahenay ku kuning,all military recruits train the same way,train +44288,44289,44289,anu hatini imatini,right now present time,train +44289,44290,44290,anu u sulinayay,if it is,test +44290,44291,44291,ta mitakaway kuninian wasanay tu ku falucu nira saka nengnenghan nira kuya wawa,seeing those children he believed that they were the thieves,train +44291,44292,44292,sa mangicngic aca,that is why you were bitten,train +44292,44293,44293,tangasa nanu tilid i Kuw Siw,until we get to the state hour,train +44293,44294,44294,masiwar ku cidal,the sun has changed position in rising,train +44294,44295,44295,malikulung sa malaawaay tu ku kulung haw i caaytu kamaumah,in the case of a farmer it is the year that is used as a tool for cultivation,train +44295,44296,44296,Miacahu kaku tu miming ta matatudung sumuut a limuud,I will buy some more and make up yuan,train +44296,44297,44297,tahamanini caytu katyara kaku tiya lutuk turaan,I have not been up there since,train +44297,44298,44298,upu nu sera,mound,train +44298,44299,44299,Ikurtu,later on,train +44299,44300,44300,sirenget,headdresses,test +44300,44301,44301,u wawa nu Amis kaku,I am an Amis child,train +44301,44302,44302,nika itini tu kami i haw i,it is here in Shiodome,train +44302,44303,44303,aluman ku Pangcah caay kaaluman ku Ngayngay,a lot of Amis a few Hakka,train +44303,44304,44304,pasufaw pasufawen tu epah,Fermentation fermented with wine,train +44304,44305,44305,Orasaka u fainayan satu itini satu misaicel tu sakifinawlan a micuwat tu dademaken u nika ira ku midueduay marikecay a kasaselal atu lekakawa nu taluan mala sakatanektek nu lalamitan itini i niyaru,Thus men focused on the extension of political power and their strict and complete age organization and clubhouse system laid the foundation of tribal organization,train +44305,44306,44306,ngaʼayay rahudayay a patireng tu maamaan,easy to do any crafting or building,train +44306,44307,44307,kinatulu kaku a paluen nu luma tu kilang kinaccay kaku a paluen tu fukluh kinatulu a matutuh ku nidakawan aku a tamina Masalafii masarumiad a manawnaw kaku i riyar,three times I was beaten with rods once I was stoned three times I was shipwrecked I spent a night and a day in the open sea,train +44307,44308,44308,mitavu,packing,train +44308,44309,44309,anu sakaciraraw isu ku ccay a kamay isu i ktunen o nika putun nu ccay nu kamay isu a micumud i midaucay a urip ku ngaay tu nika tusa nu kamay isu a tayra i caay ku mamapadeng a namal nu pisemseman,if your hand causes you to sin cut it off it is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell where the fire never goes out,train +44309,44310,44310,mamin tu ciʼetan kita misulafu tu maamutu tu ku luma,when the economy got a little better the houses were built with concrete floors,test +44310,44311,44311,Pararaen cingra,because he is slow let him go first,train +44311,44312,44312,o ruma a suwal ningra a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i O mamidu^du Kisu ci Milikicitikan a midauc a malacitudungay tu taung saan,and he says in another place You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek,train +44312,44313,44313,caay ka kita u Yencumin,it is not us the Aborigines,train +44313,44314,44314,anu nengneng ita ku pi tu sapipaluwadaw,if we look at the design of the,train +44314,44315,44315,8 itini i lumaˈ nuya fafahiyan ci Ilisa tayra i tatihi nuya mapatayay wawa mitulun tu Kawas,Elisha came to the dead boy in the woman house and prayed to God,train +44315,44316,44316,matini ku suwal nira,he said it like this,train +44316,44317,44317,ayaw nu lahuk ira tu a minukay kura,we will be here before noon,train +44317,44318,44318,tasalaman,toys,train +44318,44319,44319,mahaenay tu ku paini tu nu ningra,this is how the elder admonished,train +44319,44320,44320,na ri siʼepah ku safa kami tayra i kaka,we are the younger generation and we are going up to the next level,test +44320,44321,44321,mapawan,forget,train +44321,44322,44322,salikaka ci Fukusen na kalacafayay ci Yangkean i Fenpu nu Pracil a matayal,brother Ferguson worked with brother younger in the division office of the Brazilian Bible Researchers,train +44322,44323,44323,haen han mihan micelak han nu kamay ini,spread it out like this,train +44323,44324,44324,safak,paddy,train +44324,44325,44325,o sakatumayian kura matuasay,that old man wants to go to the toilet,train +44325,44326,44326,pakungku^,storytelling,train +44326,44327,44327,ira ku caay kamaamaan yu,some are very good drinkers,train +44327,44328,44328,mamaan kaw saan,why is that,train +44328,44329,44329,o nian tu ku saka ptay tu nu ningra,it was the because of his untimely death in battle,train +44329,44330,44330,cep tayra i itira,they went to Tranquility,test +44330,44331,44331,malikelun,from the sky,train +44331,44332,44332,itini a maru sa hayi sa kaku terep sa kaku,I will sit down here if you want me to I will shut up,train +44332,44333,44333,2007 miheca 79 ku mihecaan aku miliyaway tayra i Afrika,in at the age of I traveled to Africa again,train +44333,44334,44334,isa awaay ku hahanghangen nu wawa isa,because kids do not have anything to do,train +44334,44335,44335,o macawcaway nu wawa kiraan a fadisaw,that water was stirred by a child,train +44335,44336,44336,awaay ku angil nu maku anini,I am so out of it today,train +44336,44337,44337,tahira tuya,till,train +44337,44338,44338,mikikasi,get the candy,train +44338,44339,44339,macufel,Sheathed,train +44339,44340,44340,ta pasayni satu i tini i Amis sa itini tu itini i kawali nu na Ngayaw hananay ku paniyaruʼan nu Cawi,so they went north east of where the Shizura tribe had marched,test +44340,44341,44341,kina vekeluh sa ci tumuk,I am thinking about this rock,train +44341,44342,44342,ngaʼay hu kita mapulung,Hello clansmen,train +44342,44343,44343,cidap,sheet,train +44343,44344,44344,mavana tu kamu a pasevana aca tu matiay a demak,you guys already know how to do this job do you need to be taught,train +44344,44345,44345,ci Pawlu kaku pakayniay i nafalucuan nu Kawas a malatarukus ni Yis Kristu kaku patilid kaku aci Timuti a salikaka i tamuwanan u i Kurintuay a kiwkay nu Kawas atu pulung nu i Akayaay a mituuray,Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God and Timothy our brother to the church of God in Corinth together with all the saints throughout Achaia,train +44345,44346,44346,ci fufu aku i niyaru niyam cingra ku mafanaay a mitenuuy,it was my grandmother she is the most skilled weaver in our tribe,train +44346,44347,44347,o sapenec kinian u sapilepel tu edu^,this is a stone trap used to catch rats,train +44347,44348,44348,Mamaakik tu ku duka nu waay aku,the wound on my foot is almost healed,train +44348,44349,44349,Saka lukes satu ciira tu Kawas atu ngangan atu kamaruan nu Kawas Halumaruay i kakarayan a tamdamdaw a lukesen nira,he opened his mouth to blaspheme God and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven,train +44349,44350,44350,fs100ura wawa nira ya sakatulu atu sakatusa u mifuting i taladaw,three and two when they are mending fish,test +44350,44351,44351,ira i teparay a pacakayay tu lusay a tawki suwal saan U nipacakayan nu maku tu paringad atu rupas sicedamay yu picakayi saw atudi,the owner of the nearby fruit stand said My pineapples and peaches are very sweet buy some,train +44351,44352,44352,maruray mi matayal tu umah nu tau u mama aca nu maku,my father worked hard as someone else laborer,train +44352,44353,44353,miacaan,I bought it,train +44353,44354,44354,patatudungen miiya sanay,you need to make the right cuts,train +44354,44355,44355,saka ira nu Dikidiki,so there is this tribe of Ligi,train +44355,44356,44356,Mapakasu tu kiraan a kalung,that gas barrel is full of gas,train +44356,44357,44357,paflien nu ccay nuya saspatay a mauripay kuya papituay a cuyuh tu pituay a tada^kim a wakung matumes nu kter nu midaucay a maurip a Kawas kuya wakung,then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God who lives for ever and ever,train +44357,44358,44358,adadaay ku tiyad ningra ira i tataian cingra,she has a stomachache she is in the restroom,train +44358,44359,44359,hay iraan ta iraan sa a sapalu tura,as for the stick,train +44359,44360,44360,o niyan u taludu kinian,this is a manzanita,test +44360,44361,44361,Sakietec sa ku kamay isu,your hands are cold,train +44361,44362,44362,maedeng maedeng kiya,almost years old Almost,train +44362,44363,44363,kura cudungan tu hatalip talikufad hu kaʼayaw,the left skirt and the right skirt are added to the front skirt,train +44363,44364,44364,caedung,clothing accessories,train +44364,44365,44365,nau harateng aku i,what I had thought was,train +44365,44366,44366,Hay anu cilimaw tayra hatu i luma aku a mihulul,Okay come to my house sometime,train +44366,44367,44367,Pakaaraw ku nisawawaan tu nika rumakat ni Yis i riyar i Ira ku pakawasay saan cangra a matalaw Saka lkal satu cangra,when the disciples saw him walking on the lake they were terrified It is a ghost they said and cried out in fear,train +44367,44368,44368,ala hananay aku kuni,that is why I bought this one,train +44368,44369,44369,Fiwfiw san ku fali matefad ku papah nu kilang,the wind is blowing gently and the leaves are falling,train +44369,44370,44370,sa sa unian tadanangca u ruwi aku kuni,I mean printing two copies of an account is my biggest fear the most heartbreaking thing is,test +44370,44371,44371,picudadan,school authorities,train +44371,44372,44372,nga duduen ira kuna lilis nu furang sanay,they foam along the shore,train +44372,44373,44373,Naang hatu kira paysu aku i yufin,just put my money in the post office,train +44373,44374,44374,kiting han aku tawinaan a kulung atu ya ukang,at that time I could only lead the cow and the bull,train +44374,44375,44375,panay,male names,train +44375,44376,44376,anu makapah ku dateng aku kanailaay tu mahecaday tu tu picukang aku hu ngaʼayay haw,I sell vegetables for about the same amount as a typical laborer,train +44376,44377,44377,cecay ku wawa ira,they only have one child,train +44377,44378,44378,itini i tayal nu tamdaw ira aca ku patusukan atu niharatengan anu cahu piduedu tu ingay malakuhaw nu fadas awa ku cecacecay nu pinaala saka ira ku suwal nu Pangcah malaliw nu kerah sanay a suwal,in the course of life we all have ideals and goals but if we do not follow the direction and work hard to realize them we will give up all our efforts and gain nothing so there is a famous saying among the Amis Missed Opportunities,train +44378,44379,44379,mansa i maharek ku misu i,So when the Harvest Festival is over,train +44379,44380,44380,kiyana ina,this mother,test +44380,44381,44381,Caay tatalaumah kita anini^ a rumiad,No we are going to the fields,train +44381,44382,44382,caay kadengay,not enough,train +44382,44383,44383,o remed nu kaciwawa nu malitengay,luck of the elderly,train +44383,44384,44384,cungihid,ten,train +44384,44385,44385,Cipusi^ kaku ira caira saka caay ka araaw,I have a cat too I will not get bored with the company of my pet,train +44385,44386,44386,kamimingay cinah haw,he is using that tiny little pinch of salt,train +44386,44387,44387,pacamul han tinian,add this,train +44387,44388,44388,paciwciwan,put the chickens here,train +44388,44389,44389,Kariangen nu tawu ciira pahater san ciira terep san ciira,he was persecuted by others but he submitted to them and he did not utter a word,train +44389,44390,44390,u futing a cecay ku panukayen nangra tatusa,you two are only bringing back fish,test +44390,44391,44391,kaka nu maku tu vavainayan,my brother,train +44391,44392,44392,facalay tu ku nanum anini,the water is good now,train +44392,44393,44393,havay,millet,train +44393,44394,44394,sakaytini i misa Pangcahay,the meaning of Contentment and gratitude to God,train +44394,44395,44395,yu pisakalafiantu i masadak ca Yis a talapaputal nu niyaru,when evening came they went out of the city,train +44395,44396,44396,suelin,belief,train +44396,44397,44397,naw han i,Why,train +44397,44398,44398,Cuwa caay ka haen ku harateng ni Yupu,Actually no job does not think so either,train +44398,44399,44399,9 anu sidaˈit ku wama wina a mirikec tu wawa wa ira ku dipayar nu wawa,parents disciplining their children lovingly will make them feel secure,train +44399,44400,44400,mies^es,whistle,test +44400,44401,44401,Macemet kaku i huni,I just took a nap,train +44401,44402,44402,mana tayni kisu tuna lutuk itini,why did you come here to the mountains,train +44402,44403,44403,caliwen kunu tihi isu a sasipasip,please borrow erasers from your classmates,train +44403,44404,44404,kaku satu aci fafahi nu maku ci,all I have left is my wife Mirtha,train +44404,44405,44405,malasingsiay nu maan,a teacher of what,train +44405,44406,44406,akahu tini hu kita kalala san saka halafin i kalala ku aru nangra,so I said I would stay in Kanana for a while,train +44406,44407,44407,ku nikatayni namu mihulul taminan,thank you for taking the time to stop by,train +44407,44408,44408,anu hatira haw i pasifanaen aku kisu tu samaanen a misanga kuna tusa a talakal,then I will teach you how to set up these two traps,train +44408,44409,44409,masafafalu kami malekaka,and to really grow up we have eight siblings,train +44409,44410,44410,suʼelinay maala tu ku cecay miheca tusa fulad i macaciyaw sa hululen tu na ina aku,the real Ernie started talking after a year and two months,test +44410,44411,44411,Pacauf sa ci Yis Maan saan ku nipipalimuut ni Musi i tamuwanan saw han ningra a milicay,What did Moses command you he replied,train +44411,44412,44412,a misanga tura sangaan hiya tu hecek,let us get started on the building materials,train +44412,44413,44413,caiten nu heni ku cala,they hung it up,train +44413,44414,44414,mialaay tu aul sapilikat tu dadaya a misataengad,dried bamboo,train +44414,44415,44415,atu,and,train +44415,44416,44416,misaadipelay,fence,train +44416,44417,44417,tadaimpacekem,stab,train +44417,44418,44418,ci faʼinay tu taʼu,I married someone else,train +44418,44419,44419,malahedaw tu ku ruray nu falucu aku,the weight on my heart disappeared,train +44419,44420,44420,o maengiway ku radiw nu kuhetingay a tamdaw,black people sing all the songs in high notes,test +44420,44421,44421,Haydaenhu,do not stop yet,train +44421,44422,44422,kinapala,surname Tian,train +44422,44423,44423,tahira satu i sifu nu riyar sikul han awaay tu maaraw ku Taywan satapang sa maiwil ku tireng Idangaw han ku cima cecay tu ku tireng,when the Island of Taiwan was left far behind I began to feel sad and called out to my friends only to find that I was alone,train +44423,44424,44424,Naw^iru maulah ku ruma a tamdaw a kumaen tu kangic hani,why do some people like crocodiles,train +44424,44425,44425,cecay ku saung aku lacecay sa kita a misasaung,I only have an umbrella let us stick together,train +44425,44426,44426,anu caay kacitudung ka sapititic a mipakawanan ku malatumukay,this is mainly once the great commission given by the tribal leader has been accomplished,train +44426,44427,44427,Hay mamisamaan cingra a padama kitanan hani,So how can he help us,train +44427,44428,44428,milukut ci mama i lutulutukan,dad was picking sans in the mountains,train +44428,44429,44429,yan kawmah han tu nangra itini,to cultivate these lands,train +44429,44430,44430,Mafulaay a tamdaw kisu,you are the big dumb melon,test +44430,44431,44431,tapasien nu tau a mitingtu ku tireng ku wama aku,and splashed water on my father,train +44431,44432,44432,anu paceva han nita,if you do not take it seriously,train +44432,44433,44433,itiraaytu ku kasuling itiya hu,the train was already there,train +44433,44434,44434,Matifac nu wawa aku kaku,my child has grown taller than I,train +44434,44435,44435,malacafayay kami a tatulu mitepa tu takula,my brothers and sisters and I will catch frogs together,train +44435,44436,44436,Tataak ku fali^ itini,we are going to have a big storm here,train +44436,44437,44437,Kufetul ku cipuh nu mianingay,Actors makeup is thick,train +44437,44438,44438,sakailay nu mita u Pangcah,it is a great honor for the indigenous people,train +44438,44439,44439,padadinguen,installation of glass,train +44439,44440,44440,hatini na kili nu mawsying haw aluman kamu mikinunuhay,did many of you go looking for it then,test +44440,44441,44441,u sanay sa matiraay kura saka fana aku miwikwik,that is how I learned bamboo and rattan weaving,train +44441,44442,44442,kalikiday,rapid,train +44442,44443,44443,a misarahteng tina lise,in commemoration of this history,train +44443,44444,44444,akaa kapawan kina niyaru nu Kaliyawan,the Kalywan tribe must not be forgotten,train +44444,44445,44445,matudungay aku,I have learned everything,train +44445,44446,44446,tira ku kabanaʼan aku,that is all I know,train +44446,44447,44447,Ayu Kalitaangan tu ku tayal namu,Wow your work is so admirable,train +44447,44448,44448,mahiniay tu u lalidec ku alaen,the target is still the Chikunguni tree,train +44448,44449,44449,iniyan kiyari ku nikaluvic,representing a beautiful Harvest,train +44449,44450,44450,rufu,shut,test +44450,44451,44451,maikes,mellow,train +44451,44452,44452,hay hatiraen hu anini haw,Well that is all for today,train +44452,44453,44453,iniyan u sikawasay ku sitatudungay,it is the priests job,train +44453,44454,44454,kafesuay a kenaw,the green tops of round onions with hollowed out stalks,train +44454,44455,44455,ta kuhi hananay haw nura singciw,that is why the captain kept turning away,train +44455,44456,44456,talaluma nu adigu nu finacadan,the condition of the soul in the deepest part of the human being,train +44456,44457,44457,raraw,sin,train +44457,44458,44458,masakaratay,rugged,train +44458,44459,44459,Masanawsaw kaku tu wawa aku,I am worried about my kids,train +44459,44460,44460,ya u ruma satu i,additionally,test +44460,44461,44461,malemed,lucky,train +44461,44462,44462,mahaʼenay kura pisanga tu tamud,that is how you make sake molds,train +44462,44463,44463,Tanufakeluhen a micepet ku edu tanukaereden a micepet ku tikulacay nga matatudungay,it is correct to catch mice through rangy and catch bamboo partridges through qjiulang,train +44463,44464,44464,minengneng tu ci mira i laluma,she kept looking inside,train +44464,44465,44465,Yangmey ken na ke satimul u hiya tu Taynan tu saka,Yangmei and that one are a bit north of Tainan,train +44465,44466,44466,patataʼedipen tu hatini miteli,the center is an old thatched mezzanine,train +44466,44467,44467,Cifafuy ku fiyaw niyam,our neighbors have pigs,train +44467,44468,44468,ku kapah nu Cikasuwan,a great shame,train +44468,44469,44469,i kahufucan a kami,birth hospitals,train +44469,44470,44470,a mikilim tu sapalalan,promoting the revitalization of indigenous languages,test +44470,44471,44471,Misaparad ku mama nu maku imatini,my dad is making the table,train +44471,44472,44472,u taangay ku maalaay,it is a big hunt,train +44472,44473,44473,tayring mama namu,your fathers a cop,train +44473,44474,44474,marengreng,form a large group,train +44474,44475,44475,Nanicuwaay ku mira,where did he come from,train +44475,44476,44476,Ciatayay kina tamdaw,this man has a heart,train +44476,44477,44477,kina hiya,that is it,train +44477,44478,44478,takaraw tu kina wawa tu namicudad i kucung,this child has grown taller since he went to junior high school,train +44478,44479,44479,trep sa cangra Tatuy han ni Yis ku kamay nuya adadaay a miadah ta papinukayen ningra,but they remained silent so taking hold of the man he healed him and sent him away,train +44479,44480,44480,miira kaku,I want it too,test +44480,44481,44481,kaitira kasatefuan kisa a mitala yana miʼaʼadupen a nu mita,all you have to do is wait for our prey at the bottom of the waterfall,train +44481,44482,44482,Cuwa ci Mayaw kaku,No I am Mayaw,train +44482,44483,44483,o luma ku pacek halafinay ku liyun,nailed gyroscopes are different and spin longer,train +44483,44484,44484,yu kumaen cangra i tatuy sa ci Yis tu ^pang kansiya sa cingra tu Kawas ta pcih han ningra a pafli i nisawawaan ningra a sumuwal Dada alaen a kumaen O tireng Aku kunini han ningra,while they were eating Jesus took bread gave thanks and broke it and gave it to his disciples saying Take and eat this is my body,train +44484,44485,44485,o ngaayay a pakaenay tu siri Kaku Mafana kaku tu nu maku a siri Mafana ku siri aku i Takuwanan,the man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep,train +44485,44486,44486,fawah fuhat,open,train +44486,44487,44487,kaluna,debauchery,train +44487,44488,44488,mahaen tu ku suwal itiya hu,in those days it was said,train +44488,44489,44489,Hay u Amis cira,Yes she is Pangcah too,train +44489,44490,44490,anu mamasetik a nu tayni itin i riyar,if you want to collect go to the beach,test +44490,44491,44491,itiya adihay ku micumud,there were a lot of orders back then,train +44491,44492,44492,nani Fataan kaku,I come from Matthew Saddle,train +44492,44493,44493,langdaway hen ina a maanen saw a lahnganen haw,how do you eat the red ones,train +44493,44494,44494,mikidungan,ladle soup,train +44494,44495,44495,mahapinang aku kacaciyaw nira,he was very clear,train +44495,44496,44496,matayal unu Kawas kuni a tayal sa ku ulah nu falucu aku u sakalipahak aku ku pitaung tu Kawas,it gratifies me to serve God it gladdens me to serve God,train +44496,44497,44497,mifaca,wash clothes,train +44497,44498,44498,mahaʼen haʼen sa masakilac iniʼan i malecad tu kiniʼan haʼen sa a misanga,it is the same with this one cut in pieces,train +44498,44499,44499,mikilim tu makapahay kilang,and still have to find the beautiful wood,train +44499,44500,44500,awa hu kunian hu kapah a matayal itini i Tayhuku,there were no jobs in Taipei at that time,test +44500,44501,44501,unini a saka ira nu suwal nu haw i,Maori language revitalization,train +44501,44502,44502,masasuwasuwal,talk to each other,train +44502,44503,44503,Ha mamimaan saw,Oh yeah can I help you,train +44503,44504,44504,ira tu kura suwal saan kira akung akung,Grandpas elders used to say,train +44504,44505,44505,tiya mahaen ciira mahaen ku nu aniniay cai,that is why he did it will he do it now No,train +44505,44506,44506,haenen tu mihiya,just pull away,train +44506,44507,44507,malikuda,Harvest Festival,train +44507,44508,44508,awaay hu ku misukuliway tu pala nu pakuniya hananay a mikaket tu kilang,in the past there was no such thing as a measurement boundary in the traditional field,train +44508,44509,44509,Hay namiasiptu kaku kapah kina cudad,Yes I have read it it is a great book,train +44509,44510,44510,kya kasahatini sa ma hiya kya hiya sa caykangaʼay kita micumud san,the terrain is jagged and we are having trouble getting in,test +44510,44511,44511,hemay,sticky rice balls,train +44511,44512,44512,Kahufucan nu maku haw i itiniay i Tumiyac,my birthplace is the Chungan tribe,train +44512,44513,44513,urat,confusion,train +44513,44514,44514,neng kuni dangah kuhetingay a,look at the black color of the pot,train +44514,44515,44515,mamaefer,fly,train +44515,44516,44516,nu tingki tu a citay i,it is the age of electricity,train +44516,44517,44517,u piteleng tu telay,pull the cord around like this,train +44517,44518,44518,haenen pisalama pisalama haenen hahaha,that is how kids play ha ha ha,train +44518,44519,44519,a paramud itakuwan,I am marrying,train +44519,44520,44520,ya sakakaay i mikimad itini i ya hirarek nu kilumaʼan,the oldest person will admonish and announce the completion of the Toyotomi Matsuri,test +44520,44521,44521,o mihecaan nu maku anini a miheca haw i,how old am I now,train +44521,44522,44522,caledes ku remiad pelaaw tu nu mita a keman,it is hot let us cut it up and eat it,train +44522,44523,44523,saʼusien tu ku tamdaw tiya sikuwangay,we will make sure we count the people carrying guns,train +44523,44524,44524,masadahtalay,plains,train +44524,44525,44525,maritritay tu niyam tura tura fulad i,we have officially cut it in the good moon,train +44525,44526,44526,Cuwa u Amis kami,No we are Amis,train +44526,44527,44527,mapawan ci Turay a mitelec tu tapad nira,Toray forgot to tie the waistband of his pants,train +44527,44528,44528,taluma sa a mawmah henay tala cacudadan misiay hen,and when I get home I have to do the farm work and go to the school competition,train +44528,44529,44529,Maruray i umah a maumah,he worked hard in the fields every day,train +44529,44530,44530,tingalaway ku nanum nuya fanaw,the water in that lake is clear,test +44530,44531,44531,a masatu kita sa ku fafakian atu fai,the aunts and uncles will discuss what to do,train +44531,44532,44532,ta maʼdeng kuranan,about one year and eight months,train +44532,44533,44533,Udateng nu Pangcah i,the Amis have everything,train +44533,44534,44534,itiya han tu i,in junior high school,train +44534,44535,44535,hai hi adada ku nitamaan ni Akeh,Yes Hi Hi that hurt Ouch,train +44535,44536,44536,tenes,long,train +44536,44537,44537,kisu nisangaʼay kaku nisangaʼay,did you make it I did,train +44537,44538,44538,yu mahrektu ci Yis a pasuwal i tamdamdaw tunini a suwal a ma^min i tayra cingra i Kapirnaum,when Jesus had finished saying all this in the hearing of the people he entered Capernaum,train +44538,44539,44539,o matngilay nangra i Deng uya palasawadaw aku ku nipitier nangra ci Kristuan sanay a mikariangay i titaanan i ayaw i malapatnakaytu anini sanay a suwal,they only heard the report The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy,train +44539,44540,44540,nanay hukiya ku niharateng nu maku i,but I wish I had the ideal idea,test +44540,44541,44541,cilicaes,there are bugs,train +44541,44542,44542,Mahiday ku sasipasip aku,my eraser is missing,train +44542,44543,44543,ku falucu aku i limela kaku,I treasure being able to work on this platform,train +44543,44544,44544,suʼelinay ya dadaya tu i masaʼupu tu ku pakalungay,in the evening the young people get together,train +44544,44545,44545,o Tafalung ku ngangasawan nu mita,I am from the Tai Pa long Clan,train +44545,44546,44546,Tahasetul kami,we stumbled,train +44546,44547,44547,Papiadawisen ni akung aku kaku tu fila,my grandfather told me to pick the Lao leaves,train +44547,44548,44548,pakurkur a matayal miʼanip,Excavation work with rice planting,train +44548,44549,44549,Nanuya ira ku kalaliyaliyang nu nisawawaan tu nika Cima ita ku satadamaanay hakiya saan,an argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest,train +44549,44550,44550,Kalaalufuen nira ku pawti a mikuyud,he carried the sack as a backpack,test +44550,44551,44551,ini i sapimaan mafana kira atek,I think we all know what this is for,train +44551,44552,44552,neng han itiya haw i,as a result at that time,train +44552,44553,44553,Pisanaunnaun tu mangalefaw,please take care of yourself so you do not get aggravated,train +44553,44554,44554,na nani itira i Kalingku,I am from Hualien,train +44554,44555,44555,malu samaanay ku pisatapang nu hekal,like how the world started,train +44555,44556,44556,Ngaay a kaenen ku heci nu lusay haw,how is the fruit,train +44556,44557,44557,kina likisi tu niyan,primitive religion,train +44557,44558,44558,u ruma tatulu sasepat lalima ku cifalucuʼay turira a kapah,sometimes three four five of them have a crush on that young man,train +44558,44559,44559,mahapinang,very clear,train +44559,44560,44560,militemuhay kami u malitengay itini iya i sefi,we old folks were at the meeting place to welcome back,test +44560,44561,44561,cacingkian,at the in laws,train +44561,44562,44562,aka pacefa a misupa,do not spit,train +44562,44563,44563,mahaentu sapinukayantu mihiyahu turawawa,there is want to go back to the tribe but we are waiting for the baby,train +44563,44564,44564,iyah mahaen tu u kulit nira,Oops it is the color of a leaf,train +44564,44565,44565,militinayi kami satu u wawa i mitahidangtu tu akung akung atu amaama fakifaki fayifayi a tayni i luma a maranam,as children we were tasked with inviting our grandparents aunts uncles and uncles over to share a seafood dinner with the family,train +44565,44566,44566,sealed han tu mihaen sealed han tu mihaen yu,it is just a lot of beating around the bush,train +44566,44567,44567,wacaay ka ala ku suwal nu Pangcah,the Amis language will weaken and disappear,train +44567,44568,44568,o harateng nu maku i,I have always felt that,train +44568,44569,44569,malitengaytu ku luma,the old house is old too,train +44569,44570,44570,cukafilu,difficult,test +44570,44571,44571,vuvu,fish,train +44571,44572,44572,tayra i,did you have a drink did you do anything,train +44572,44573,44573,iraay ku pakauraday a lisin hananay,in addition to the Harvest Festival there is also the prayer for rain Festival,train +44573,44574,44574,Matufuis i kakarayan a malikat,much like the stars shining in the sky,train +44574,44575,44575,pasadaken tu kulafan namu saan amiceli ku luma,tell everyone to get your guests out of here,train +44575,44576,44576,fayifayian,Aunties,train +44576,44577,44577,pikidihekuan,warm oneself,train +44577,44578,44578,Masuaw ira haw ku nanum,I am thirsty do you have any water,train +44578,44579,44579,caira ku situdungay,they are responsible for this work,train +44579,44580,44580,maifenekay,he is a hard worker,test +44580,44581,44581,pamangahen,with some deception,train +44581,44582,44582,Maupicay ku kucu aku a talapicudadan,I went to school with wet shoes,train +44582,44583,44583,o sakalahuk namu i picudadan kuni hay,are these school lunches,train +44583,44584,44584,maketer tu ku wina tuya wawa,the boys mother is angry,train +44584,44585,44585,u sakayi demak nu Cikasuwan,about the Shichibukawa incident,train +44585,44586,44586,Matuduh tu ku tatipeluk,the paper is burned,train +44586,44587,44587,o kuhetingay ku kaytu nira cuwa kahlalecad ku cengel niyam,his coat is black so our colors are different,train +44587,44588,44588,aka hu ngiyangi sanay ku tamina itini sa kaku mitengteng tu pacemut pataduen hu kaku tayra miala tu salil,Wait the ship is rolling heavily I am here to pull the fishing rod and you should go there to grab me the net,train +44588,44589,44589,kaesu,flavorful,train +44589,44590,44590,sisa Makalatu cacay a patekenan ira ku tusa a pulu ku mikihatiyaay a malavi mipacu tu rarapa,So there is about a hundred and twenty of them that killed the cow for dinner,test +44590,44591,44591,Mafecul,eat well,train +44591,44592,44592,an ca i pakademak ku kuciw,it is up to the tribal leader,train +44592,44593,44593,awaay ku katamaay saka,no one knows,train +44593,44594,44594,siniʼada kaku nan,I am very sympathetic,train +44594,44595,44595,Sapitfingan ci Yisan ku finawlan a ma^min nawhani masadak nai ci Yisan ku tadamaanay a icel a miadah tu tamdamdaw a ma^min,and the people all tried to touch him because power was coming from him and healing them all,train +44595,44596,44596,Matngil i Rama ku ngiha nu tumangicay Tumangic ci Rakil tu pakayniay i wawa ningra Caay ku mamahinum ku tangic ningra nawhani mapatay a ma^min ku wawa ningra sanay,A voice is heard in Ramah weeping and great mourning Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted because they are no more,train +44596,44597,44597,i luma hu way katayalan i Taypak tu maemin ku wawa,there are no job opportunities in the countryside that is why the kids go to Taipei to work,train +44597,44598,44598,itiya hen ku mihecaan,in those days,train +44598,44599,44599,sausi san cangra i itini i kafafaw hu nimita u niyaru saci Lingacay,they were counting the area on Lingayen Hill,train +44599,44600,44600,haen saca ku fafahian mimaan mitilid,if that is all a girl can do why study,test +44600,44601,44601,o maakukay nu ukak kira wacu a mapatay,the dog choked to death on a bone,train +44601,44602,44602,mahaʼenay linga tu sa kaku anini a misanga tu siraw nu mita u misa Pangcahay,and that is how I started making our Amish salted meat,train +44602,44603,44603,hakuwa ku tata ang,that is how big it is going to be,train +44603,44604,44604,nima nisangaʼan ku langela nu maku tu,who can make this it is me,train +44604,44605,44605,pinanuwang,animals,train +44605,44606,44606,ira ku varu i umaumahan,there are flowers in the field,train +44606,44607,44607,kalaenu nu,beneath something,train +44607,44608,44608,o maan a niyaruan ku kahiceraan nu mita,what is the name of the village we are going to,train +44608,44609,44609,ulic,poetry,train +44609,44610,44610,milatak ci mama tu umah anini,dad was out in the field today hitting the dirt,test +44610,44611,44611,nu fulad nu kailaan nu cekiw,the day the snail appeared,train +44611,44612,44612,aʼul haw uway aʼul,it is bamboo or vine it is bamboo,train +44612,44613,44613,malafaedetay,it is hot,train +44613,44614,44614,Ha matawalay isu haw u kahufucan isu anini,Oh you forgot it is your birthday,train +44614,44615,44615,atu fuduy nira,and his underwear,train +44615,44616,44616,tu runi u kawpir atu vahuk iri ina kakurut,add loofah groundnut leaves taro stalks and this small bitter melon leaf,train +44616,44617,44617,sa malaʼud satu ku kailisinan aifulud kita,preparatory meeting for the upcoming Haruhi Festival,train +44617,44618,44618,onini a dmak a ma^min i u satapangan nu tataangay a pades a matiya u pisemsem nu maatatay,all these are the beginning of birth pains,train +44618,44619,44619,i tatihi nu sasenat,put it next to the plow rake,train +44619,44620,44620,u maamaan ku demak,what are the jobs,test +44620,44621,44621,Nikawrira anu uninitu a pipawacay nangra i caay ka lcad,yet even then their testimony did not agree,train +44621,44622,44622,o maamaan ku pakafanaan nu misu,so what is your job description,train +44622,44623,44623,iluhtuduh,burning,train +44623,44624,44624,malaheci tu mahiya tu i ngaay tu kira ira tu ku tatayni kira,people have been coming in since we started,train +44624,44625,44625,saifafahike,Obstetrics and Gynecology,train +44625,44626,44626,i niyan u acuve tangasa i kakaraya,smoke reaches the sky,train +44626,44627,44627,Tumay,bear,train +44627,44628,44628,malarumadiway,Song Poem,train +44628,44629,44629,mialaan niya midiputan niya itiniay ina tiya itiraay Kalingku awaay ku wawa ira,raised her mother here then lived in Hualien she had no children,train +44629,44630,44630,Cilasatu a rumiad i mapacunuhtu i paka^faay a sufitay ku nipikrid ci Pawluan ta nukay satu kuya rumaruma a sufitay,the next day they let the cavalry go on with him while they returned to the barracks,test +44630,44631,44631,u nu Payrang a kuranan,that is the Han Amis,train +44631,44632,44632,Masaikaikay ku nikangkangan ni Tumay a sera i funun,Tomay plowed the field mud to form a block,train +44632,44633,44633,itini san haw i aluman ku caay ku nu Kiw Kay a kaput,there are a lot of people here who are not members of the church,train +44633,44634,44634,rasa kadafu sa tu i Tafalung,so he married in Tiberias,train +44634,44635,44635,sa kaku midiput tu malitengay atu ma,caring for the Elderly the Paralyzed and the Demented,train +44635,44636,44636,Cipuyapuyay ci Aniw tu fisac a wawa nira,Aniw is pregnant with her first child,train +44636,44637,44637,awaay hu ku malacungtungay nu Pangcah tahaanini,to this day no Amis has ever been president,train +44637,44638,44638,Ongteden ku pituduh tu titi ta mapatay ku cirekay,the meat has to be burned to a crisp in order to kill the bacteria,train +44638,44639,44639,tarakaw ku langaw nira iri,the plant is very tall,train +44639,44640,44640,cecay lipay taluma ku rakat niyam ri,we have about a weeks worth of time on the mountain,test +44640,44641,44641,saka tulu a fulad,at the third month,train +44641,44642,44642,lungan kisu a ciriku tunu tayring,you look good dressed in a police uniform,train +44642,44643,44643,kahemekan hatu maradiway,it is delightful it is like you can sing,train +44643,44644,44644,Minguhah ci kaka aku tu dadayadaya,my brother is busy dating every day,train +44644,44645,44645,u waneng saan,brown sugar rice cake,train +44645,44646,44646,micumud cangra i niyaru i macakat cangra i tungruh a luma tuya pilafinan nangra onini a milafinay i ci Pitiru ci Yuhani ci Yakup ci Antiri ci Filip ci Tumas ci Partulumay ci Matay u wawa ni Alfayus ci Yakup u malalukay tu nu Kitakit ci Simun atu wawa ni Yakup ci Yuta,when they arrived they went upstairs to the room where they were staying those present were Peter John James and Andrew Philip and Thomas Bartholomew and Matthew James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot and Judas son of James,train +44646,44647,44647,anini haw malipahak falucu aku,Today my heart is happy,train +44647,44648,44648,pina tu miheca ku pimali isu,how many years have you played,train +44648,44649,44649,makaniway,liar,train +44649,44650,44650,cait,to hang,test +44650,44651,44651,fafahiyan nu Lingacay i satu malalukay mitefu,the women of the Lingya tribe are very diligent in picking bamboo shoots,train +44651,44652,44652,akung,grandpa,train +44652,44653,44653,kayuing,adolescent girls,train +44653,44654,44654,u numamangan a mata caay ka malecaday ini yu,only this little hole is different,train +44654,44655,44655,Cuwa anu malalid ku kedal na misalisinay,No the rain Festival is held only when there is a continuous drought,train +44655,44656,44656,kietecay,cold,train +44656,44657,44657,caay kahaen u timu mahaen u runu,it is not like a flying fish and now it is very much like a mullet,train +44657,44658,44658,na mama su,your father,train +44658,44659,44659,Naay kumaenaytu kaku i luma,No I have already eaten at home,train +44659,44660,44660,macakatay,go up,test +44660,44661,44661,sakuhecal,turn white,train +44661,44662,44662,ura sa fafahiyan tura kaulahan nira i,and what about the girl he likes,train +44662,44663,44663,anu ira lipahak ku falucu,if you hit it you will be happy,train +44663,44664,44664,tayni i iraw i,go to Tsuruoka over there,train +44664,44665,44665,dengay tu,of course,train +44665,44666,44666,kita,we are a matriarchal society,train +44666,44667,44667,tayni tu kaku i kaikur,I will be in the back,train +44667,44668,44668,hadimelen nu mita,Prettier,train +44668,44669,44669,yu macakat ci Yis nai nanum i maaraw ningra ku nika fawah nu kakarayan Ma^pud ku Fangcalay Adingu a matiya u tupi a patfu i tireng ningra,as Jesus was coming up out of the water he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove,train +44669,44670,44670,o mautuyay a fafahiyan ciira,she is the sassy one,test +44670,44671,44671,haen han cara tatusa ini,weave these two together like this,train +44671,44672,44672,tu pakaraʼay itini i dadingu sa sasuwal,research and development of eyewear,train +44672,44673,44673,misangaan misadayay tu luma,the owner of the cover house is ready,train +44673,44674,44674,i nuhitayan saan a urip,life in the army,train +44674,44675,44675,Hamedac san kurira wawa a kumaen tu dateng,that child only eats vegetables and not rice,train +44675,44676,44676,nawhani u caayay paculi i titaanan a tamdaw i u mihaiay i titaanan,for whoever is not against us is for us,train +44676,44677,44677,Micekusay ku kapah a miala tu cilah,the young people return to the same place to get the saltpeter,train +44677,44678,44678,licayen ni Yis ku pasifanaay tu Rikec atu Farisay a tamdaw Ngaayay hakiya tatiihay hakiya a miadah tu adadaay i Paslaan a Rumiad han ningra,Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in the law Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not,train +44678,44679,44679,rihay katayalan,there is a lot of work,train +44679,44680,44680,siwkayen aku ku widang tayni a miaca mangaay ka^meden tu miming haw,I will introduce my friend to buy can you give a further discount,test +44680,44681,44681,nu yu kayuing kayuing nu Ciwidiʼan,that is a beautiful lady from the Shuilian tribe,train +44681,44682,44682,ci Madadingu hananay,flawless white and clear,train +44682,44683,44683,tadek han nira a sumuwal,he spoke directly,train +44683,44684,44684,tada maulah cingra tu wawa nira,he loves his child very very much,train +44684,44685,44685,anu ira tu ku kelang,if there is a banquet,train +44685,44686,44686,kalaenu ira hatu taeriʼan ita kiyami naeriʼan,there is a lot of thatch in the ground,train +44686,44687,44687,oni a acucul nengnengen haw,this tourbillion looks great,train +44687,44688,44688,mamaanay kisu,what is wrong with you,train +44688,44689,44689,Hai pakatingsaay a mitilid kaku,Yes I go to school by bicycle,train +44689,44690,44690,likaten ku dawdaw nu luma,please turn on the lights in your home,test +44690,44691,44691,Kiwit,strange and beautiful,train +44691,44692,44692,padungus,see a visitor out,train +44692,44693,44693,mangangata,approach,train +44693,44694,44694,sanay kinian,that is what I said,train +44694,44695,44695,awaay ku pidakawan tu cyiyun itini dengan pakahayya^ kisu,there is no MRT station here you can only take a taxi,train +44695,44696,44696,dadadasan watah hansan kiyaina maruralen kiya ina,wizards feel tired,train +44696,44697,44697,tahila kami i luma caay kalicayen niyam u deng u lusa ni ina aku,when I got home I did not ask many questions but I saw my mom shedding tears,train +44697,44698,44698,u nu ira ku mahenay a capa kiyami haenen a midisdis,if there is a crooked branch cut it off,train +44698,44699,44699,kakahad tu kura aluman tu kura paru nu luma kira,the number of family members is increasing,train +44699,44700,44700,pinaay ku tuki masadak ku cidal,when does the sun rise,test +44700,44701,44701,maʼilul ku salikaka kaʼayaway niyaru,the brothers and sisters miss the old tribe,train +44701,44702,44702,u nu malitengay hu ya pakacekingay,it is the same old dark purple and black fabric,train +44702,44703,44703,tu hatiniay i awaay ku nanum niyam,all this time we have had no water,train +44703,44704,44704,o caciicel kamu a mifahfah tu palafuay han ningra,and to have authority to drive out demons,train +44704,44705,44705,mipaurip,save,train +44705,44706,44706,palilinen tu a misaʼenar,leveling makes the rice planting field more flat,train +44706,44707,44707,mahiniay ku paradiw kiya malesimet ku radiw atu keru mamelaw ku tanestes ku likuda paradiway a mavana a paini tu lipahak atu rarum nu valucu,this is the only way to unite the people in singing and dancing and to show the Spirit of the festival when the leader sings he or she may be sad or happy,train +44707,44708,44708,ya maruʼay itira i ciwkang hiya sa kira,ask about living in that cairn,train +44708,44709,44709,masaniyaru itini salipahak saan ku nikaurip nu Cikasuwan,forming a tribe the people live in peace and prosperity,train +44709,44710,44710,mahecad u kahung nu mita u tamdaw hai,like our arms Maybe,test +44710,44711,44711,Aluman ku tamdaw a macacufliflis Saka awaay ku limaw nangra a kumaen Saka pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Tatata Miliyas kita a tayra i katuulan Ta pacna kamu a pahanhan itira han ningra,Then because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat he said to them Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest,train +44711,44712,44712,sangaen nara kuraan i tepung kiya rakes i,dig a hole with camphor,train +44712,44713,44713,malawawa ku falucu niira,his ideas are childish,train +44713,44714,44714,nengnenghan nira a miceli kuya takula nira tiya epung niya kilang,he called the frog towards the hole of the tree,train +44714,44715,44715,miradum san kami i,when we get the water,train +44715,44716,44716,surahid,shoot,train +44716,44717,44717,macuhelay,perspiring,train +44717,44718,44718,numanhu itiyaayhu,at that time,train +44718,44719,44719,fafaed,up,train +44719,44720,44720,kiting,Leads,test +44720,44721,44721,ira ku tihi^ aku a micudad ci Kacaw Karapawan ciira tu maamaan,I have a classmate named Kacaw he often forgets to bring things,train +44721,44722,44722,usi tu kini saw,that is amazing,train +44722,44723,44723,caay kafilu ku niyan a tataʼakay a tatayalan sa haw,if you cannot do such a big project,train +44723,44724,44724,ira itira ku ccay a kakridan nu milisataay ci Cakay hananay a tamdaw o cidafungay cingra,a man was there by the name of Zacchaeus he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy,train +44724,44725,44725,nu atu nu,new Taipei city and Taoyuan city,train +44725,44726,44726,kina,thirteenth,train +44726,44727,44727,miala tu sapawsa sapakalahuk tu matayalay,taking lunchboxes to staff for lunch,train +44727,44728,44728,pataluma,get married,train +44728,44729,44729,patiku haca cingra i nisawawaan manengneng haca ningra ku nikafuti nangra nawhani tadamatukatuk cangra,when he came back he again found them sleeping because their eyes were heavy,train +44729,44730,44730,pataynien,Here,test +44730,44731,44731,yufayuf,groups of people with common interests,train +44731,44732,44732,Misatavitavirasay,some species of corn,train +44732,44733,44733,o maan ku ngangan nu cefang isu,what is the name of your team,train +44733,44734,44734,hai kawra u Puyuma cingra,Yes but she is a Puyuma,train +44734,44735,44735,lima a mihecaan ku kalalaed niyam,we have a year age difference,train +44735,44736,44736,niyaru namu,your tribe,train +44736,44737,44737,sisa pakamelaw ku vavaʼinay iri masakapah iri,those young boys who see a girls legs,train +44737,44738,44738,kiyana a,these,train +44738,44739,44739,kinafacal,surname Tian,train +44739,44740,44740,patayraen haca su,you brought it again,test +44740,44741,44741,aka tawalen ku limuut nu tuas,do not forget the teachings of our ancestors,train +44741,44742,44742,maruray,worn,train +44742,44743,44743,ciceka,Bauhinia,train +44743,44744,44744,u urip nu niyam itini i Tuwapun iri,we live in big Ben,train +44744,44745,44745,micerem tu ku cidal tueman tu ku rumiad,the sun has gone down and it is getting dark,train +44745,44746,44746,namasa sakaliling kiya wawa na takulaay,the frogs baby does not have a spoon,train +44746,44747,44747,paputal maen haw cayhaen aku,I will not let them eat out,train +44747,44748,44748,caliwen ku impic nu kaput,borrow it from your classmate,train +44748,44749,44749,cuwa hu kapatikulen isu kaku tu sararup,you have not returned me the eraser,train +44749,44750,44750,hulu,porridge,test +44750,44751,44751,malalitmuh tu ada i kefuh han nira i nanum,when he meets a foreigner he will sink right in the water,train +44751,44752,44752,awaay ku payci aku,I do not have any money either,train +44752,44753,44753,papicudad,letter,train +44753,44754,44754,i pahutinan hakulungen ni vaki kami a tayra a pahavay tu siri atu midakaw tu sevayu i pahutinan,in the ranch my uncle took us to feed the sheep and ride horses,train +44754,44755,44755,mamiala tu sapiriʼang tu lifung sanay a suwal nu liteng,the ancients said it was used to fight epidemics,train +44755,44756,44756,malalisanay cingra,she has a fever,train +44756,44757,44757,Mitadah kaku tu paysu ngraan,I borrowed money from him,train +44757,44758,44758,Tadangaay tahila u kalahuk,Great we will have lunch when we get there,train +44758,44759,44759,padaeciay,deploy something bamboo shoots,train +44759,44760,44760,u hahangitan nira,it is his excuse,test +44760,44761,44761,i Rinahemay ku luma nu niyam,our family lives in Rinahem,train +44761,44762,44762,licayen ku niyah tu pina salicay tinakuen Misaka dademak tu sapicawmaˈ malawidang a wangcan i patalipaˈelalay kuniya sinael takuwanan tu maanan hani,ask yourself questions such as What does this verse remind me of when using social networking sites,train +44762,44763,44763,ira ku sefi pikacawan atu kiwkay i niyaru niyam,our tribe has a meeting house watchtower and church,train +44763,44764,44764,u tayla i tatatara i ku tayal,the job description is to work on the wards,train +44764,44765,44765,tukay u tayra tu i tukay kisu,you were in the city,train +44765,44766,44766,Macaniiway tu a maemin ku matuasay i niyaru,tribal elders have bad eyesight,train +44766,44767,44767,aka pisimed tu raraw isu,do not hide your sin,train +44767,44768,44768,i ira kura tumeliʼay a tupi,there is a white pigeon,train +44768,44769,44769,itiya i fahal sa a mafaliyus Saka maludis ku fanaw,a strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough,train +44769,44770,44770,Paadifaten nu tawu tu kilang i karumakatan niyam a talalutuk,other people used wood as an obstacle to block our way up the mountain,test +44770,44771,44771,itiya i tli hantu nuya fafahiyan ku atumu ningra a tayra i niyaru a pasuwal i tamdamdaw,Then leaving her water jar the woman went back to the town and said to the people,train +44771,44772,44772,yu ccay a pitaungan tu Tapang a rumiad i mapackil nu Fangcalay Adingu kaku matngil aku i aikur aku ku matiyaay u suni nu la^pa a tataangay a ngiha,I John your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus was on the Island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus,train +44772,44773,44773,mikuli tu saw ku ruma,some people do different things,train +44773,44774,44774,anini a miheca a niyan a rarapa,this year it is this cow,train +44774,44775,44775,adihay ku faʼu i ufangen nira,there is a lot of bugs in the field,train +44775,44776,44776,tulu tu pulu ku mihecaan ku tayal aku itira,I have worked there for thirty years,train +44776,44777,44777,nu mitaay tu nu Amis a radiw,it is our song,train +44777,44778,44778,icuwaay ku luma namu,where is your home,train +44778,44779,44779,Mangaay kaku a milukuung haw mangalay kaku a mikiluk,would you mind if I do the voice recording I would like to keep a record,train +44779,44780,44780,a miucur kuya mama nu luma tu pakarungay,the parents assigned the youths,test +44780,44781,44781,tiraay saka mahaenay ira nura ngangan tu tahanini,as a result the operation of the Association has remained unchanged to date,train +44781,44782,44782,nimanima,Anyonethose,train +44782,44783,44783,itiya i kter satu kuya kangic tuya fafahiyan luwad satu ciira tu sapiluudaw tu rumaruma a tluc nuya fafahiyan uya mihaklungay tu limuut nu Kawas atu maimeray tu paarawan ni Yis a sulin a tamdaw,then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring those who obey Gods commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus,train +44783,44784,44784,mahaenay ku nipivuting nu naayaway a matuasay,this is how old people used to fish long ago,train +44784,44785,44785,a pakafuti itira i cingraʼan kuna mahaʼen iri,he is staying at his place,train +44785,44786,44786,akawakawangay kura Amis u manan ira kura pantaay a nanum,the Amis are all tall and that depth is nothing it is shallow,train +44786,44787,44787,mararid kaku a milunguc i Kawas tu matatudungay i nafalucuan ningra a papilahci tu sakatayraaw aku i tamuwanan a milisu,in my prayers at all times and I pray that now at last by Gods will the way may be opened for me to come to you,train +44787,44788,44788,dafung,property,train +44788,44789,44789,o nanu taneng nu Kawas ku saka^ca ka fana nu tamdamdaw tu Kawas pakayni i taneng nangra Orasaka pakaynien nu Kawas i maapaay a suwal hananay nu mamatkup a tamdaw ku pipaurip tu mitieray i ci Kristuan,for since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe,train +44789,44790,44790,mararaw kupi ya nanay ha ha ha ha,the wrong wish becomes a nightmare ha ha ha ha,test +44790,44791,44791,ngaʼayay ku kaying a si iya a si turapas,children in their prime can wear feathered crowns,train +44791,44792,44792,katipusan,winter,train +44792,44793,44793,i malaliw tu kiya kiwkay ya,that is why I left the church,train +44793,44794,44794,marihaway,Hissy voice,train +44794,44795,44795,anu,in the event that,train +44795,44796,44796,naayaw adidi kinalalan,it is a small road,train +44796,44797,44797,u nipaketunan a suwal ni Vavuy Liyal kiniyan,this is the promise of the whale,train +44797,44798,44798,nu ka Dipung hu kira,it is still the Japanese era,train +44798,44799,44799,pisuwac,gift of Adulthood training,train +44799,44800,44800,luma,seeds,test +44800,44801,44801,ya fafahi ira patatikuray i salawina ira,his wife went back to his relatives,train +44801,44802,44802,mafasaw ku hemay,the rice is cold,train +44802,44803,44803,awa tu ku iya misawad tu kami mifuting,when we retire,train +44803,44804,44804,pasuwal sa ci Tumas ci Yisan Tapangaw caay ka fana kami tu katayraan Isu Saka samaanen niyam ku nika fana tuya lalan saw han ningra,Thomas said to him Lord we do not know where you are going so how can we know the way,train +44804,44805,44805,tayra satu kaku,I will go there,train +44805,44806,44806,macukeray,supported,train +44806,44807,44807,fafaed,above,train +44807,44808,44808,pasayra cangra i lutuk atu ungcuy a milkal a sumuwal Katlep i fafaed niyam a mitahpu tamiyanan ta malimek niyam ku maruay i tadamaanay a anengang atu kter nuya Tufur a Siri,they called to the mountains and the rocks Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb,train +44808,44809,44809,aam,porridge,train +44809,44810,44810,Pacauf sa ci Yis O ccay namu u tusa ku safaw uya milcaday takuwanan a mitnas tu ^pang i kaysing a tamdaw,It is one of the Twelve he replied one who dips bread into the bowl with me,test +44810,44811,44811,kaku ku miis^isay tu wacu a patayni a pakaen,I am the one who whistled for the dogs to come and eat it,train +44811,44812,44812,icuwa ku luma isu,where is your home,train +44812,44813,44813,marawday tu ku kacifaʼinayan isu saku malitengay,my parents told me I could get married,train +44813,44814,44814,adihay ku ninaangan ni panay a udu,Panay collects a lot of jade,train +44814,44815,44815,matiniay tamusul hati katakaraw,it is pointy like this,train +44815,44816,44816,Ira ku ccay a tamdaw a talaumah a mifulsak yu mifulsak cingra i ira ku matfaday i lalan a sapaluma Maripa nu tamdaw kaenen nu ma^feray a ayam kunini,A farmer went out to sow his seed as he was scattering the seed some fell along the path it was trampled on and the birds of the air ate it up,train +44816,44817,44817,pasaʼupu han kami itiya masaʼupu tiya,I have gathered my tribe,train +44817,44818,44818,tini tu i,coming to,train +44818,44819,44819,anu misapuener kita mikiemel a micuwat tu rihaday iraay ku ngaˈayay a teluc,when we show humility and try to promote harmony it usually works out well,train +44819,44820,44820,karalalipana,easy to grow caterpillars,test +44820,44821,44821,o kakeliden nu singsi tayra i alu kita,teacher will take us to the riverside,train +44821,44822,44822,u kalas nu tuas kina,this is the work of our ancestors,train +44822,44823,44823,ci Pawlu kaku u nanu nafalucuan nu Kawas a malatarukusay ni Kristu Yis kaku atu salikaka ci Timuti,Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God and Timothy our brother,train +44823,44824,44824,Nikawrira tatuy han ni Yis ku kamay ningra a mipaluwad luwad satu kuya wawa a tumireng,but Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet and he stood up,train +44824,44825,44825,malalisan kaku,I have a fever,train +44825,44826,44826,caka ngaʼay ku cepu haw,banyan bark is not suitable,train +44826,44827,44827,pararid kami a malacecay mitengil tu ku pikimad nu matuasay tadamafana tu kami a caciyaw tu suwal nu Pangcah,we often listen to the elders telling stories together and we both can speak the Amis proficiently,train +44827,44828,44828,cawfan,quilt,train +44828,44829,44829,Paririay kaku tu cecay a pusi ira ku pinanuwang pacafay hay ca kalahulac ku urip,I have a cat too I will not get bored with the company of my pet,train +44829,44830,44830,pierac,ebb or go out,test +44830,44831,44831,misimsim ci tumuk,the head thinks,train +44831,44832,44832,u lalumaʼan u niyaruʼay,Kindred spirits Tribesman,train +44832,44833,44833,Fangcalay tu anini malacecay tu kami,because we are now united as one,train +44833,44834,44834,tamatira tu i,that is it,train +44834,44835,44835,sufitay tu nga kawala tu kira,when the soldiers come it will be a tile,train +44835,44836,44836,u talud han niyam ku nalitiay kira,it is the manzanita,train +44836,44837,44837,manengneng ita mancel sa kita i,we see the word Qiang,train +44837,44838,44838,lukedaw,tigers,train +44838,44839,44839,miʼaraw hu tu tu kuwaysu,Digger please,train +44839,44840,44840,Mapaadingu nu lamal ku keru niyam i lakelal,the fire made us dance by the river with shadows,test +44840,44841,44841,saan ku suwal nu hiya,that is the end of it,train +44841,44842,44842,hatiraay haw ku mifutingay,this is the life of a fisherman,train +44842,44843,44843,Nikawrira pacauf sa kuya kakridan nu sufitay nu luma a sumuwal Tapangaw caay ka tatudung kaku a rauden isu ku luma aku pasuwal han aca ta maadah ku matayalay aku,the centurion replied Lord I do not deserve to have you come under my roof but just say the word and my servant will be healed,train +44843,44844,44844,sehu nu mita hantui,we do need to rely on the power of the government,train +44844,44845,44845,tu litapangan a miseking miliata tu kaku,until I signed up for my first national ethnic certification,train +44845,44846,44846,e,Uh tour bus tour bus huh,train +44846,44847,44847,pakalaenuay,bottom,train +44847,44848,44848,is^is,whistles,train +44848,44849,44849,Pacauf han nangra O papakatayalen nu Tapang ciira han nangra,they replied The Lord needs it,train +44849,44850,44850,mapaherek,it is just over,test +44850,44851,44851,tanamen nu citudungay tu tahka kuya nipala^pahan a nanum caay ka fana cingra tu nika nai cuwaay kunini Orasaka tahidang hantu nu citudungay tu tahka ku fa^luhay a niparamudan a fainay,and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine he did not realize where it had come from though the servants who had drawn the water knew then he called the bridegroom aside,train +44851,44852,44852,caay ka urira a ccay halupades a kalipahaken ita nawhani nanu nilifetan tu pades ku sakakudait nu falucu ita,not only so but we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance,train +44852,44853,44853,Karakimaday a tamdaw ci Namuh,Namaha is a good storyteller,train +44853,44854,44854,araw han i,results,train +44854,44855,44855,itiyahu kura kura iya demak nangra i,so that is how my father followed,train +44855,44856,44856,hay kini satu tuan satu,just say yes and go,train +44856,44857,44857,mahaen ku demak iʼayaw,that is how it used to be named,train +44857,44858,44858,Pakaemihen tu mamang kira aca,let us make it cheaper,train +44858,44859,44859,kumaingay,tender,train +44859,44860,44860,Mipalimuut,exhort,test +44860,44861,44861,malikitu,run off,train +44861,44862,44862,o mitengilay kaku,I am listening,train +44862,44863,44863,suwal sa cangra Singsiaw rariden a pafli kami tura ^pang han nangra,Sir they said from now on give us this bread,train +44863,44864,44864,satakaraway,top,train +44864,44865,44865,Patartaren kira sapapiluhananay a luma,please put up wooden poles to support the house that is going to fall down,train +44865,44866,44866,patedu^,according ones wishes,train +44866,44867,44867,Mapapatakid,pour each other a drink,train +44867,44868,44868,kisu tu misangaʼay tura taluʼan isu haw hay hay ha ha hakaku tu misangaʼay,did you make that yourself Yes I did,train +44868,44869,44869,Cupcup han nu sikawasay ku adada nu tamdaw,witches use sucking to heal the sick,train +44869,44870,44870,masilsil,Distribute,test +44870,44871,44871,hay ayaway demak nira ku ninian,it is the first time she is done it,train +44871,44872,44872,mahiyaay tu kaku itiya,I will take office,train +44872,44873,44873,Hulam,foreigners,train +44873,44874,44874,nu Recurd,episode Sustained Wow,train +44874,44875,44875,misulaca,go wash it,train +44875,44876,44876,umah,surname Tian,train +44876,44877,44877,caluwayay a masanga ku demademak,smooth and easy to get started,train +44877,44878,44878,tennged ku ceka,a thorn has lodged,train +44878,44879,44879,kalikiay,swift,train +44879,44880,44880,ala^,pick up,test +44880,44881,44881,kapah kisu ira ku papadangan haw,Hello can I help you,train +44881,44882,44882,u kapahay a wayway nu pangcah u demak tu selangawan atu lisin u niyaruku tapang,the Amis have excellent common customs and cultural rituals that are centered on the tribe,train +44882,44883,44883,pacakaten ku lifun nu mikuliay,please improve the treatment of workers,train +44883,44884,44884,u fafahiayn u limecedan,unmarried girl,train +44884,44885,44885,pakungku matuʼastu matini maemin kira pakungku,tell the story now that they are all grown up tell the story,train +44885,44886,44886,masamam masa tiedaw tu ku mihecaan halafi tu,through the baptism of time,train +44886,44887,44887,kali,dig,train +44887,44888,44888,u Fataʼan ku adihayay,there is more light restoration,train +44888,44889,44889,ku niyaru mahaenay itiya,that is the tribe,train +44889,44890,44890,masna irairaay aca kura kilang,that is why we need trees as pillars,test +44890,44891,44891,mipangangan kita haw caay piala tu ngangan nu ngasaw,we do not name ourselves after clans anymore,train +44891,44892,44892,mifuhad,open up,train +44892,44893,44893,Pahungku ci mama i fiyawan tu panay,dad was at the neighbors place where the wind was blowing rice,train +44893,44894,44894,rawang,partition,train +44894,44895,44895,anu caay pakadungdung tu nguyus itiya milaliw,you leave home if you cannot stand your parents nagging,train +44895,44896,44896,auwang,sea urchin,train +44896,44897,44897,hantui maserepmaserep,speech is not just for,train +44897,44898,44898,icuwa a selal ku tatudungay a mikilim,which age group to rescue,train +44898,44899,44899,mitilu ku wama aku atu wama nu fainay nu maku,my father and my neighbors father went hunting in the mountains,train +44899,44900,44900,Suˈlin u Tingsukiw kami kawra cuwa ka pisakakinih ku fufu tu piduyungan saka naitiraay i widang ningra ira kunu piduyungan a cudad,although we were Catholics Grandpa was very open minded about religion so he took some religious books and magazines from friends,test +44900,44901,44901,masakaputay,social organizations,train +44901,44902,44902,keriw ha cuwa ku keriw kalu iyaiya aca,Boehmeria never not Boehmeria never but the usual one,train +44902,44903,44903,duduh,a tube,train +44903,44904,44904,Tadakatelang a nengneng kiraan a fuduy,that dress looks really old,train +44904,44905,44905,itiya i fahal sa ira ku tataangay a lunen maluklun nai kakarayan ku cuyuh nu Tapang a tayra a miwalin tu fukluh ta aru sa kuya cuyuh i fafaed nuya fukluh,there was a violent earthquake for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and going to the tomb rolled back the stone and sat on it,train +44905,44906,44906,dadaya mavana,at night,train +44906,44907,44907,pafesut han tu ira kaku itira i picudadan,he took me straight to school,train +44907,44908,44908,pafanaan tu aku misanga tu u tapilahu itiya,we started making baskets,train +44908,44909,44909,maengengay,become a stutterer,train +44909,44910,44910,tatiih ku tireng nu miuwakay tu epah a tamdaw,that one sip of wine finished the person in bad shape,test +44910,44911,44911,anu saan,let us put it this way,train +44911,44912,44912,sa caay ka,everything that comes and goes,train +44912,44913,44913,yu tumireng ku pakukutay a pasuwal tu dmak ningra i caay ka matiya u niharatengan aku ku nisuwalan nangra a raraw ningra,when his accusers got up to speak they did not charge him with any of the crimes I had expected,train +44913,44914,44914,wey ini kaku,hey I am here,train +44914,44915,44915,miliyaw hu miliyaw misatata,learning to track over and over and over again,train +44915,44916,44916,kalatim,cut,train +44916,44917,44917,away ku cauf nu mama tu sapipatapangaw i takuwanan,my father did not answer about my engagement,train +44917,44918,44918,kedecen tatusaen kuni mihaen kedec han mihaen,tighten up two by two,train +44918,44919,44919,ilakelal,riverside,train +44919,44920,44920,tura pakafana tu pipatireng nu,to show you how to build a house,test +44920,44921,44921,itira hu,at that time,train +44921,44922,44922,Hai milecad kaku tu matuasay a rumadiw,Yes I will I will sing along with the elders,train +44922,44923,44923,suʼelintu pakay ni tu suwal nu mita u tuʼas,it is true from the old elders,train +44923,44924,44924,nanu papacem,from morning,train +44924,44925,44925,mulesa,drop by drop,train +44925,44926,44926,o pasaririan nu luma kira helung,that hole is where the main column is,train +44926,44927,44927,satapang tu sumuwal kura matuʼsay,the elders began to talk,train +44927,44928,44928,wa masamaan tu ku urip niyam itiya,I cannot imagine what life must have been like,train +44928,44929,44929,sinaada saan ku vavahi nu maku,my wife has compassion,train +44929,44930,44930,simasimal tu umaan tu u riku tu,the oils the clothes,test +44930,44931,44931,Sariwsiw,the name of the Daewoong tribe,train +44931,44932,44932,sa kura kapah nu niyaru,I am very angry and saddened,train +44932,44933,44933,u makumuday tu a malcapu,full gathering integrates,train +44933,44934,44934,mangalay kaku micudad,my favorite school,train +44934,44935,44935,u likuduay hu kyami ira tu ku matiraay,we had those things when we were still fighting the war,train +44935,44936,44936,cuwa pisangka ku wawa aku,they have never been in it,train +44936,44937,44937,Nihiyaan aku,I made it,train +44937,44938,44938,maherek ni anip ni panay,cut the rice when the rice planting is done,train +44938,44939,44939,malepel nu tayring ku mitupiay a tamdaw,the pigeon catcher was caught by the police,train +44939,44940,44940,pakayifay,married,test +44940,44941,44941,yan tu minukay tu paselaen tu nura faʼinay aku,then he went home and my husband sent him home,train +44941,44942,44942,u tumuk haw kisu,so you are the leader,train +44942,44943,44943,neneng han kuya fadahung iraw tu,I saw the roof fly away,train +44943,44944,44944,hay satu kiyasuwal nira,that is it,train +44944,44945,44945,hulul,something used for amusement,train +44945,44946,44946,i tatihi^ nu fasulan micumud kisu tu ariri^ i mamaneneng isu,it is next to the round basket you will see it when you enter the warehouse,train +44946,44947,44947,oyaan tu i taelifen ira kura Cilafinan i,when I was passing by the Giraffe,train +44947,44948,44948,paetang,pail,train +44948,44949,44949,tahira tu taʼangay taʼangay tu kamu i,when you grow up,train +44949,44950,44950,masuesu,fat,test +44950,44951,44951,na,afterwards,train +44951,44952,44952,Tadafaedet ku rumiad kaenaw ita,it is hot let us eat,train +44952,44953,44953,saan saka,because of this,train +44953,44954,44954,o nipaasisiwan ku pisadateng saka makapah ku lengaw,just because of the straw the vegetables grow well,train +44954,44955,44955,naitiyaay,past,train +44955,44956,44956,Sali^tecen ku falucu nu misu a misaharaterateng,let your mind settle down and think about it,train +44956,44957,44957,mipatireng cingra tu midiputay i tini i niyaru tu matuʼasay,he is opened a business there to take care of the tribal elders,train +44957,44958,44958,hayda suwalen tinian,that is what I am talking about,train +44958,44959,44959,yu maraudtu ku pitahkaan i ucuren ningra ku kuli a tayra a pasuwal tu namitahidangan a lafang Tatata mahrektu a mapatala ku maamaan han ningra,at the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited Come for everything is now ready,train +44959,44960,44960,mihaen tu demak u midueduay ci Yisan aka kau paputal aca ku nengnengen a misawkit tu tamdaw,if we obey Jesus we will not judge people by their appearance,test +44960,44961,44961,pana kura tilid i,how many words,train +44961,44962,44962,tahini i Ipay haw maingid haw i,in a close proximity,train +44962,44963,44963,nima kura kahengangay a impic,whose red pencil is that,train +44963,44964,44964,u lusay nu luma u vavahi ku sitatudungay u demak nu niyaru u vavainay ku sitatudungay,the family was inherited by the women and the men were responsible for all tribal affairs,train +44964,44965,44965,i aayaw nu 22 a mihecaan nu nini a rumiad i mafalictu a matungal ku Rikec nu mita tu Sanpaw sanay a tilid i Yincumin hantu ku pipangangan,on this day years ago the term shanbao in the additional articles of our constitution was replaced with the proper name indigenous people,train +44965,44966,44966,mangah,to lie,train +44966,44967,44967,tukay,urban,train +44967,44968,44968,o hemay,I want some rice,train +44968,44969,44969,mitilid tu kaku,I have to go to school,train +44969,44970,44970,u kungku nu urip,how to recognize identity while growing up,test +44970,44971,44971,Mariparipay ni kaka aku tu kuris kira fiher,that tire was greased by my brother,train +44971,44972,44972,malipahak ku falucu a milisu i tisuwan u maan ku kapaysinan nu miadupay,it is a pleasure to interview you today can you talk about the taboo of hunting,train +44972,44973,44973,salikulay a nipilisin makeru ku sining atu kaying u wawa matuʼasay,on the last day of the Harvest Festival young people ladies children and the elderly participated in dancing,train +44973,44974,44974,ulatek,excessive,train +44974,44975,44975,a mapatireng,and being established,train +44975,44976,44976,acuvel,smoke,train +44976,44977,44977,umaʼan ku saka urip nu mitiliday nu kaʼemangay i tiyahu awa,I do not have money for my life and my children education,train +44977,44978,44978,ina^,mom,train +44978,44979,44979,i cuwa ku pipatiyaman nira,where is her store,train +44979,44980,44980,o misawad kaku tu tiraay a tayal,I am going to quit that kind of work,test +44980,44981,44981,mipatikul kaku tuna tusa a cudad,I want to return these two books,train +44981,44982,44982,hutu u ruray ku urip aku samaanen,it is all labor work,train +44982,44983,44983,sapariri tuninian,supply our needs,train +44983,44984,44984,Karatawa ku diput ni Osay,Osays baby is very smiley,train +44984,44985,44985,aka hu^ ka kumaen tu kakaenen,do not eat,train +44985,44986,44986,hay mahapinang tu ha ha ha ha,Yeah I can see that,train +44986,44987,44987,harakat a maemin mapaaca ku papaacaen niyam suwal sa ci ama nanay sahetu kisu iraay hu ku pipadang,our goods sold out quickly and my grandmother said it is all thanks to your help,train +44987,44988,44988,Sakahecid saan ku kafi,the soup is too salty,train +44988,44989,44989,han naku pibalut,I tied it up like this,train +44989,44990,44990,pahahanan nu malitengay kiya macuisay ku awul hananay kuna Alapanay hananay,where the old man stops to rest there is the Alabanai of the inverted bamboo relics,test +44990,44991,44991,sahetu tunu Pangcahay a pimisa itiya,after that all the masses were ethicize,train +44991,44992,44992,wenhuatehuasen,culture incarnate,train +44992,44993,44993,ira ku cincya itira mapatiren nu Ripun,the Japanese built a shrine there,train +44993,44994,44994,ta mafulaw kami tala Kangcang,my husband took me to Guanshan,train +44994,44995,44995,malaliw hiwawa i away hu ku tuwafu sanay,and then they said the first mate had not come up yet,train +44995,44996,44996,hay a caciyaw hu kaku,Okay I will explain,train +44996,44997,44997,nananamen,study,train +44997,44998,44998,mafanaʼay ku suna isu misa nu Pangcah haw,do your children and grandchildren speak Amis,train +44998,44999,44999,turira a kapah,the young man,train +44999,45000,45000,tutum tu ira ku paysu nu misalisinay,he counted the paper money,test +45000,45001,45001,kufaw,kitchen,train +45001,45002,45002,mitudungan niyam nu maku ku wina aku sa mafana tu tayal nu matuʼasay,I learned from my mom so I will do the early stuff,train +45002,45003,45003,takuwanan tu hatiraay,that kind of work,train +45003,45004,45004,u hiya nu puʼut,knife,train +45004,45005,45005,ta dafak falecantu tangasa i Kafitu i masa kalahukan,then it was noon when I arrived at tin Cheungs place,train +45005,45006,45006,o rumasatu haenen ku pipaicel tu kapah a papinaun,Similarly encourage the young men to be self controlled,train +45006,45007,45007,alapacafacafay sanay haw a mipacakat haw tura tafu,they came to help save the first mate,train +45007,45008,45008,satu haw i,that is it,train +45008,45009,45009,naikurdan nangra,after they left,train +45009,45010,45010,Nikawrira u suwal namu i Oya sapafli aku i tamuwanan i malasapacakataytu aku i Kawas anu saan a sumuwal i mama atu ina ku cima a tamdaw i,but you say that if a man says to his father or mother Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,test +45010,45011,45011,hatiraay kita i mamang hu aka,we did the same thing when we were kids do not buy things that people sell,train +45011,45012,45012,hayi sa kami ri,we will all just agree to agree,train +45012,45013,45013,nawhani sapipawsa tu malahitayay saan,because they are giving it to the soldiers,train +45013,45014,45014,Saikuray a rumiʼad edeng aca u fafahian u mamakeru,only women are allowed to dance on the last day of the festival,train +45014,45015,45015,Misanualutipal a masuni ku cirut,the Bareback Porcupine learns to chirp like a crows head,train +45015,45016,45016,malingad a mipenen,gather reed stems from the wild,train +45016,45017,45017,taliyukan,four weeks,train +45017,45018,45018,tura ceku ceku nu luma,angle around the house,train +45018,45019,45019,ku pidiput nu vayi,grandma will take care of it,train +45019,45020,45020,caay tu kaw tiniyay ku aru isu nu misu,you do not live here anymore,test +45020,45021,45021,Ma^deng kisu a mihapinang tu dmak aku natayra kaku i Yirusalim a mitaung i tusahu ku safaw nu rumiad,you can easily verify that no more than twelve days ago I went up to Jerusalem to worship,train +45021,45022,45022,mansa papiradiwan ira,then he asked her to sing the song,train +45022,45023,45023,mimawmah mipaluma tu kudasing,Tillage Peanuts planting,train +45023,45024,45024,i kalasufitayan,the training center,train +45024,45025,45025,acaw aka han ku niraduman nu maku hana,do not scoop in the water I just picked okay,train +45025,45026,45026,parihadayen ku Kitakit niyam,let there be peace in our country,train +45026,45027,45027,mamiʼurung minukay tahira i luma,carrying a mountain pig home,train +45027,45028,45028,nanitiraay tura pala i kura acefel,water vapor from that island,train +45028,45029,45029,o idang aku cingra ci Imuy ku ngangan ningra,she is my friend her name is Imoy,train +45029,45030,45030,urip nu maku a marengaw Etulan,I was born and raised in Tulane,test +45030,45031,45031,itiya a mihmihcaan,in the past few years,train +45031,45032,45032,kakaya ku fukes,long hair,train +45032,45033,45033,hemaw ku falucu aku,I respond by feeling light hearted,train +45033,45034,45034,mahaenay kaku tiya hu,I used to be like this,train +45034,45035,45035,maulah kaku a midanguy i pipantangan maruyaruy tu ku luma niyam a midanguy,I like swimming during the holidays our whole family go swimming together,train +45035,45036,45036,hai u ha li lu ya ha li lu ya ha li lu ya ku paru niya mama niyam hay hay han,before that we were true Jesuits it was my fathers family religion Yes,train +45036,45037,45037,ngaayay tu ala han nisu,Well you take it yourself,train +45037,45038,45038,tu mihecahecaan kinacecay a marengreng ku kasaselal malecad tu nu i amisay a Pangcah miladis han nu pasawali misacepu han nu Falangaw mikesi han,comoros is an annual collective action of the age group similar to the Miladis of the Nanshi Amis the Misacepo of the Coastal Amis and the Mikesi of the Malan Amis,train +45038,45039,45039,ciluma,classifier for families or businesses beg shops companies,train +45039,45040,45040,o sasetien nu mama hananay ku wawa nira a luf,fathers must discipline their children,test +45040,45041,45041,Adahien kaku tu fana nu wawa aku a micudad,I feel bad about my child grades,train +45041,45042,45042,maaraw tu,I see it,train +45042,45043,45043,patatudungetu ku rarakatan,walking trails are done,train +45043,45044,45044,itansuy tu mingengeng tu luma tu cacakayen nira i,I have got a plan to buy a house too,train +45044,45045,45045,nika sumadan nu urip nu mita mikilimay tu sakaurip ira ku midakaway tu maraayay a lunan a mivuting ira ku taraay i tukay a mikuli,as times changed and the financial burden on families became heavier many people went into offshore fishing and some went to western cities to earn money in carpentry,train +45045,45046,45046,Hay minukay kami atu wawa,Yes we and the kids are going back,train +45046,45047,45047,patayra luma tura faʼinayan,go to the boys house,train +45047,45048,45048,sanay ku radiw nu vavahi anu ungac ku nipavuting nu vavainay sa u tatuduhen ku vutul sa,women sing songs that mean that if a man does not catch a fish his testicles will be burned,train +45048,45049,45049,kerit a lisin,the ritual of circumcision,train +45049,45050,45050,han tu maan ku pinang a cima tu ku,I do not know who is next,test +45050,45051,45051,ura data nira,it is flat where it is square,train +45051,45052,45052,aluman kunu tau a ngasaw,the population of its villages is large,train +45052,45053,45053,Kwusiyaw sanay,when I was in elementary school,train +45053,45054,45054,Dutuc sumuwalay tu 19 a tatiihay pinangan nu tamdaw anini,he then mentioned undesirable traits that people in this period would exhibit,train +45054,45055,45055,anu kura faʼinayan kura fafahi i,if Mr lay is a flatland hillbilly and Mrs lay is a hillbilly,train +45055,45056,45056,ey caayhu ka sulinga ku niyaru nu Makutaay,the Maguda love tribe is not yet complete,train +45056,45057,45057,misaeraway,Winemaking,train +45057,45058,45058,tudung nu malatayalay itini i umaumahan,especially those who work in agriculture,train +45058,45059,45059,ni milingatu hanen haw pakayni i laluma,start here,train +45059,45060,45060,Satukinikinih han nu faliyus kami Saka cilasatu a rumiad i satapang satu kuya palunanay a mifalah tu pinaru nu lunan,we took such a violent battering from the storm that the next day they began to throw the cargo overboard,test +45060,45061,45061,o luma itiya cai pakaala tu 10 a mihecaan i,in general houses are usually demolished and rebuilt after more than years of occupancy,train +45061,45062,45062,mailulay,I miss it,train +45062,45063,45063,Mafanaaytu kisu tu limuut Aka ka udang aka pipatay tu tamdaw aka pitakaw aka patdu a pakukut tu tamdaw kanguduen ku mama atu ina saan han ni Yis,you know the commandments Do not commit adultery do not murder do not steal do not give false testimony honor your father and mother,train +45063,45064,45064,miʼuway itiyahu awaay ku cukap,in the old days when I was collecting rattan I did not have any shoes to wear,train +45064,45065,45065,awakay,stalk,train +45065,45066,45066,citanengay ku matuʼasay nu mita yu,our elders are very wise about herbs,train +45066,45067,45067,kaan sa sikalahuk nu matuasay,the old man ate it for lunch,train +45067,45068,45068,macepet,hanged,train +45068,45069,45069,caayka sakapinukayan kamu tayra i nayaru,do you guys want to go back to the tribe,train +45069,45070,45070,uya maherek maala kura kilang,the woods already been moved,test +45070,45071,45071,3 mafanaˈay kisu samaanay ku Suˈlinay demak Han,do you know the truth of the matter,train +45071,45072,45072,aca piʼanip i awaay ku kakaenen,there is nothing to eat if you do not plant seedlings,train +45072,45073,45073,hakuwa ku tataʼang hakuwa ku kakahad,as big as it is so wide it is,train +45073,45074,45074,pacamul,mix something with something,train +45074,45075,45075,ruma satu kapisuwal nu maku,I am telling you separately,train +45075,45076,45076,itiniay kita i ayam i u maeferay ta mafana kita,we know from birds birds of prey,train +45076,45077,45077,ay cuwa tu mikilim tu tu nu tuʼas,where to find traditional beliefs,train +45077,45078,45078,a mipaluma tu palumaan saan,and farming season,train +45078,45079,45079,Fakiaw,Uncle,train +45079,45080,45080,minengneng tuya nipalumaan nu mita a ariray naunen adihay ku kakunah atu fitengal yu,we are going to see the corn we grow in the fields but you need to be aware of the ants and bees,test +45080,45081,45081,mahaen matini mikafit i kilang,hook the trunk like this,train +45081,45082,45082,Ngaʼayhu kamu salikaka,Hello brothers and sisters,train +45082,45083,45083,tueman tu ku rumiʼad itiya,it is getting darker,train +45083,45084,45084,tamita micuda tu sakuwidang aku,my classmates invited me to the school,train +45084,45085,45085,sa nikawrira tusa tusa ku mihecaan kura kamaru nangra itira haw i,However when they lived there for about two years,train +45085,45086,45086,anu amutu hatiraay hay,if it is short it is like the situation just now,train +45086,45087,45087,cakat satu kaku,I got up slowly,train +45087,45088,45088,Mihalamhan ci Yihufaan u manan ku tatudung hani,what does it mean to look to the LORD,train +45088,45089,45089,samaan ku pifuting isu tu hatiniay,how do you usually catch fish,train +45089,45090,45090,yahan kaku haw i,as for me,test +45090,45091,45091,ciaraparay,there is a stardust,train +45091,45092,45092,anu naun han a misimsim a adihay hen ku kabanaʼan,if you think about it slowly there should be a lot to know,train +45092,45093,45093,cikawasay,witches,train +45093,45094,45094,anu ngaʼay kura misuwalan ira kiya,if the collection is complete,train +45094,45095,45095,epud satu kuya mama tuya dadanguyan miepud tuya dadanguyay da,dad took the bamboo rowing boat to the riverbed,train +45095,45096,45096,iʼaʼayaw nu ilisin sakiyami,before the Harvest Festival,train +45096,45097,45097,yu sumuwalhu ci Pitiru aci Yuhani i finawlan i fahal ira a miraud i cangraan ku citudungay tu taung atu kakridan nu midipangay a tayring nu Fangcalay Pitaungan atu Satukay a tamdaw,the priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people,train +45097,45098,45098,malakampiwtaay,become a computer,train +45098,45099,45099,itisuwan,with you,train +45099,45100,45100,Takaw,steal,test +45100,45101,45101,ina kalukacup iri cicileminan,it is a sour fruit,train +45101,45102,45102,Hai kaesu a kaenen,Well it is delicious,train +45102,45103,45103,Nansiciw,NANKEI BRIDGE,train +45103,45104,45104,sakacecay a cefang kunini,this is the first chapter,train +45104,45105,45105,yasa itira siluma a ngaʼayay itira dadahal ku picuwatan pamatangan itira,it is better to settle there there is plenty of land to cultivate,train +45105,45106,45106,anu talarmermes kaku a malasapacakat tu pitier namu i Kawas i lipahak ku falucu aku Mikaput kaku i tamuwanan a mapulung a lipahak,but even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith I am glad and rejoice with all of you,train +45106,45107,45107,naʼayaw u,in the old days,train +45107,45108,45108,ina nikasaselalan u mamidiputay tu mawumahay,there are also people who specialize in taking care of the fields,train +45108,45109,45109,i tapiingan nu luma ku cacudadan niyam rakaten nu maku a talacacudadan rakaten aca a taluma tu remiremiad,my school is next to our house I walk to school every day and I also walk home,train +45109,45110,45110,Paterungen nu wama ci faki tu titi nu kulung atu icep,my father brought beef and betel nuts for my uncle,test +45110,45111,45111,nikaurira,although,train +45111,45112,45112,mamedacen,dim sum,train +45112,45113,45113,Liti han ni Mayaw ku wacu nira nawhan lalimaay ku wacu naira,Mayaw castrated his dogs because he already had five,train +45113,45114,45114,sulinay,truly,train +45114,45115,45115,Tapangaw anini madu^du ku nanu suwal Isu Saka sangaay hantu a panukay kaku u matayalay Isu,Sovereign Lord as you have promised you now dismiss your servant in peace,train +45115,45116,45116,papina ku kaput nu mita,how many of our classmates are there,train +45116,45117,45117,sa mahaenay ku tayal nu maku i ayaw,this is my past work experience,train +45117,45118,45118,masamaanay a matatudung itini i,what kind of people do you need to keep the tribe alive and kicking,train +45118,45119,45119,cai pakadiput,no care,train +45119,45120,45120,nu nu kawaping a tilid ngaʼayay,Chinese is available,test +45120,45121,45121,Himaen nu ina ku tumangicay a wawa,mom comforts a crying child,train +45121,45122,45122,a caay ka pakacakay kaku hay,I cannot buy it either Yes,train +45122,45123,45123,tuna i kafulawan aku i maaraw aku hatiniay,I found this when I moved to Taoyuan,train +45123,45124,45124,mikitiniay ci Mariyaan ku pinengneng ni Luka,Lukes account however focuses on Mary,train +45124,45125,45125,tanulusa sa kuya nguha ira,his girlfriend was in tears,train +45125,45126,45126,ira ku taangayay a pahutingan i ngata nu luma ni faki mahakelung kami a citingsa tayra i pahutingan,there is a big ranch near my uncles house and we rode bicycles to the ranch together,train +45126,45127,45127,suwalen itiya hu a mihecaan,that is when it happened,train +45127,45128,45128,Pakamaru ku kapah tu matusay i pisuraratan,the youth allowed the seniors to sit in the assembly hall,train +45128,45129,45129,itini i Tuwapun,it is here in big Ben,train +45129,45130,45130,pakimadan,lecture venue,test +45130,45131,45131,tatusa,Two two of these,train +45131,45132,45132,papicumuden,let us come in,train +45132,45133,45133,ciye kura Amis kaenen ku hatiraay a ka sa,the Paiwanese laughed and said What are you eating,train +45133,45134,45134,o maulahay paluma ku panay tura pala itira,it is different from the land where rice can be grown,train +45134,45135,45135,anu maherek a mitipus a mimaantu,Okay what if we Harvest the rice today,train +45135,45136,45136,u iyan ya eli ha ya eli hay,that thatch yes,train +45136,45137,45137,uy kaytiratu kamu mahaen mahaen sa,what are you going to do,train +45137,45138,45138,hatini han miketun ku iya ira papah ira,cut off its leaves like this,train +45138,45139,45139,mafana ku wawa ita pasifanaʼen nira ku,our kids have learned and he will teach,train +45139,45140,45140,Oruma satu u hiya nu misa Pangcahay,another thing about tribal people,test +45140,45141,45141,Cukeruhen kaku a pacakat,push me up,train +45141,45142,45142,paneneneneng acicim ku misangaan,watch and learn I have done it it is sour,train +45142,45143,45143,mapauwer,it is in the mail,train +45143,45144,45144,mialaay tu penen nu naliti tu lalima,we will take five stems of the leaves of Mangifera indict,train +45144,45145,45145,u maan han kura sasuwalen,how can I put this,train +45145,45146,45146,o maan ku pakauhutay tisuwanan a tayra i Tayuak,what is holding up your trip to Taipei,train +45146,45147,45147,o sakapina nu mitiliday anucila,what day will it be tomorrow,train +45147,45148,45148,maʼedengay kaku matayal haw sa kaku,and I thought I should make one too,train +45148,45149,45149,mangalay kami a micakay tu citing atu cudad,we all want dictionaries and storybooks,train +45149,45150,45150,nu Recurd,it is more palatable,test +45150,45151,45151,tulu ta alapit ira,he probably clipped it three times,train +45151,45152,45152,pawpaw sa a mahetik makafik aku tura faliwfiw hananay,grab the root of the tree on the mountain wall,train +45152,45153,45153,u maku tu a harateng kuni,that is interesting that is just me,train +45153,45154,45154,mapui ku singsi,teachers will scold you,train +45154,45155,45155,Hai nawhan mituur tu lisin nu niyaru,the meeting will be Because to honor the tribal rituals,train +45155,45156,45156,nguhanguh,shake,train +45156,45157,45157,Kau icel nu pitiʼer namu i Kawas uya nipaflian nira i kahaccaccay,according to the measure of faith which God has assigned to an individual,train +45157,45158,45158,yu matngil ni Yis ku nipilaplap nangra tuya namapuhaway i kilimen ni Yis cingra a sumuwal Pasulin kisu tuya Wawa nu Tamdaw saw han ningra,Jesus heard that they had thrown him out and when he found him he said Do you believe in the son of Man,train +45158,45159,45159,Patinakuen itini i Australia ci Tifani minanamay tu suwal nu Swahili tuha sapadamaaw tu itiniay i Prispan a kasakupang,in Australia for example a pioneer sister named Tiffany began studying Swahili in order to assist the Swahili congregation in Brisbane,train +45159,45160,45160,hadaken ku tilid isu,take out your homework,test +45160,45161,45161,caay pikitadu kami a kumaen tu hmay nu tau kami ku marurayay a matayal tu dadaya tu rumiad a milifun tu sakaurip niyam tu saka^caaw pakaruray niyam i cimacimaan namu,nor did we eat anyone food without paying for it on the contrary we worked night and day laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you,train +45161,45162,45162,mapapaliw a mifadis tu luma,Yes we all help each other to work fast,train +45162,45163,45163,sa alaen tu kungangan nuya malikakaay,how do two brothers cross a river,train +45163,45164,45164,u sapieteng nu matuasay,it is for old people to plug their drains,train +45164,45165,45165,tusa^ lian,two hundred,train +45165,45166,45166,o malecaday a kimad i sakacecay kafahalan tahira i niyaru ku lenlen na icuwaay kuna lenlen ira ku tusa a suwal,the common points in the legends are First the sudden arrival of the flood and the causes of the flood can be divided into two,train +45166,45167,45167,o taˈarawan nu mita a mitudung ci Yihufa anu caka hatira u niharatengan nu niyah ku demak i aka pakinali a cariraw,we can imitate the Lord and not worry too much because things do not turn out the way we expect,train +45167,45168,45168,itini tu pinanam tu tawyi,in the process of learning ceramics,train +45168,45169,45169,mipatihi,Lightening,train +45169,45170,45170,kasaalualu,the humps of a mountain Range,test +45170,45171,45171,tataakay a vitunay tataak ku suni,bigger prickly bamboos make a louder sound,train +45171,45172,45172,mapatay ku cecay malingad malasufitay,Ones dead go to the army,train +45172,45173,45173,maemin ma,it is all going to go wrong No it is not,train +45173,45174,45174,atu,with,train +45174,45175,45175,pilipalipayan,every week,train +45175,45176,45176,Icangen ku katul malafalaku ngaayay sapisanga tu kucu,raw hides are dried and made into leather to make shoes,train +45176,45177,45177,avuvu,hold,train +45177,45178,45178,satepi hananay nira,he flattened it,train +45178,45179,45179,mafeliw,blow,train +45179,45180,45180,ciciken tu cimira kira,cut it up first,test +45180,45181,45181,nipivulesak nu heni,good harvest,train +45181,45182,45182,tusa kura imi niyanan,so this has two meanings,train +45182,45183,45183,tatelek kita tu suwal,let us make a pact together i a mutual agreement,train +45183,45184,45184,oniya tusa lalakaw wa padama kitaanan suˈlin misiˈayaw tu kafahalan a kafalic kamayan mitafu tu rihaday padutuc a mitiˈer tu ˈaˈideman ita ci Kristuan,these two texts can help us to remain calm even in the face of unexpected transitions and to continue to trust in Christ our Leader,train +45184,45185,45185,Du^duen ku limuut Kaimeren kunini a makurac ta awaay ku taturuen a raraw isu tangasa i katalahkalan nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu,to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,train +45185,45186,45186,o maan ku sasangaen ita,what shall we make,train +45186,45187,45187,a taluma tu sa,when will you go home,train +45187,45188,45188,u kaput nu pakalungay,I am the youngest of the young class,train +45188,45189,45189,hay fangcal tu mahaen,that is a good thing,train +45189,45190,45190,niyaru nu mita kakapah saan,how do you mean our tribe is very beautiful that is what he said,test +45190,45191,45191,Saka tahidangen ningra ku ccay a kuli O maan kunini a dmak saw han ningra a milicay,so he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on,train +45191,45192,45192,mahanay ku pikawit tafukud hata kasuwal aku,this is how I would like to describe the process of making a gossip net,train +45192,45193,45193,cuwa ka tatudung ku tumuk,he is an incompetent leader,train +45193,45194,45194,wawa aku aya malahitay tu aya mamapatay,my son will you die in the army,train +45194,45195,45195,miala kaku tu misangaan ni ama aku a cukuwi,pick up the table dad made with his own hands,train +45195,45196,45196,nay ira kisu a tayni a lama,I wish that you would come and visit,train +45196,45197,45197,hemek,joy,train +45197,45198,45198,Maedeng sa halafin sa caciyaw i tanuhemek sa a patingwa,no way she is always on the phone and she is excited,train +45198,45199,45199,u hicay aluman ku tamdaw haw,there are a lot of small fishers,train +45199,45200,45200,minukay tu ku minukayay kaput nira a malasufitay i awaay a minukay sa,the soldiers who should have come back did not,test +45200,45201,45201,yusay nu Dipung nu Dipung haw hay,Yes it is Japanese,train +45201,45202,45202,malaccayay kaku atu Kawas anu saan kita a sumuwal nikawrira anu i tumanay ku dmak ita i u misamangahay kita u caay pidu^du tu sulin a dmak,if we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness we lie and do not live by the truth,train +45202,45203,45203,Palikelen cingra tu cecay,give him one,train +45203,45204,45204,ku naayaway,past,train +45204,45205,45205,misaparud,building families,train +45205,45206,45206,i ayaw nu safaw cecay miheca ri,years ago,train +45206,45207,45207,parikurpaturud,tell,train +45207,45208,45208,caka sawad aku kunu liteng a radiw u caciyaw,I have never forgotten the traditional songs and the language,train +45208,45209,45209,naw itiya hu ku matuʼasay hananay awaay hu ku tuki,the early elderly have no Connotation or concept of time,train +45209,45210,45210,i niyan u sikawasay han,the priest,test +45210,45211,45211,Anuhatira tahira hu i kacanglahan halafin tatu,that would have to wait until spring it is too late is not it,train +45211,45212,45212,unduan,sports,train +45212,45213,45213,tudung tu piriyad nu kuciw i pitusur han i,this young man will be punished in front of the tribal people,train +45213,45214,45214,i cuwaan a vacal ku nu misu,which one do you live in,train +45214,45215,45215,u Yencuming ku wina isu haw,is your spouse Aboriginal,train +45215,45216,45216,u havay a nipaluma tu havay,I am finally growing up,train +45216,45217,45217,o pinangan nu tayal niyam,this is our duty,train +45217,45218,45218,Nikawrira suwalen aku kamu anu caay ku nikaudangan nu fafahi ku sapisawad nu fainay tu fafahi ningra ta cifafahi tu ruma i u maudangay cingra han ningra,I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife except for marital unfaithfulness and marries another woman commits adultery,train +45218,45219,45219,maanen ningra a tala pitilidan tu hatiniay,how does he usually go to school,train +45219,45220,45220,anu taluma tu kamu sa taluma tu kami,in that case we will go home,test +45220,45221,45221,cipanaay,people with bows and arrows,train +45221,45222,45222,kalamkamen a mikilim anu icuwatu,go find it where could it be,train +45222,45223,45223,u sakalavi amin kiraan a tama,the prey is for dinner,train +45223,45224,45224,saka tulu a fulad i,third month,train +45224,45225,45225,papitaliyuken,Please Detour,train +45225,45226,45226,namu,yours,train +45226,45227,45227,mitaelifay,going through,train +45227,45228,45228,misaali tu maan a ku han nu mita u kwapin,what are the requirements,train +45228,45229,45229,a maʼurad san i suelinay kina niyaru tunian haw a Makutaay i,Seriously when it rains the Maguadayan tribe,train +45229,45230,45230,anu cahu ka raʼud ku ilisin anu maraay ku ilisin,you are allowed to go out only after the Harvest Festival,test +45230,45231,45231,mikilimay tu tu sakairaaw kura,find the one you need,train +45231,45232,45232,u tireng sa matuʼas tu,I am growing up,train +45232,45233,45233,tuwa malahitay,that is how you get into the army,train +45233,45234,45234,tengilan tu i ku navalucuan nu matuasay,I have to follow my parents wishes,train +45234,45235,45235,itiya i liyas satu ku Farisay a tamdaw Maanen ita ku pipamuraraw tu suwal ni Yis a misafit saan cangra a masasuwasuwal,then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words,train +45235,45236,45236,maulahay cingra tu hemay ku ina aku malu,It is made of glutinous rice mothers love it Personal,train +45236,45237,45237,niketen nira,it keeps its promises,train +45237,45238,45238,matirasa tu hiwawa matuʼastu,it is been a long time,train +45238,45239,45239,puhed sa mapuhed cingra,Slowly,train +45239,45240,45240,asipen,please read it,test +45240,45241,45241,pasuʼuru malikelun,a little while down the gully,train +45241,45242,45242,kaku han aku,it is me,train +45242,45243,45243,taluhen nu mama nu kapah taluhen nu kakitaan tayra kaayaw,the father of the youth dragged and the elders and leaders dragged to the front,train +45243,45244,45244,Ngaay kaku micaliw tu tilid isu haw,can I borrow your book,train +45244,45245,45245,matira ta,that is it,train +45245,45246,45246,kura lihi pakayra ku nanum masadak,dad says there is a worm coming out of the water at the mouth of the cave,train +45246,45247,45247,nu i tiyaay hu mahaen samatira kunu itiyaay hu,that is the way it was in the early days,train +45247,45248,45248,malucep sepat puluʼan i mihiya tu kami i miherek i malahuk kami,the days of mourning will soon be over,train +45248,45249,45249,u demak nu matuasay,old peoples work,train +45249,45250,45250,o nika rumadiw ita ku ngaay,we should sing,test +45250,45251,45251,o ruma i mapakangudu kamu i kaayaw nu tamdamdaw a makariang o ruma i kihatiyaen namu ku mahaenay a mapades a tamdaw,sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated,train +45251,45252,45252,arihay kakumaen mawarak adada ku tangal,you will get dizzy if you take too much,train +45252,45253,45253,nawhani u nanu nidmakan nu kahaccaccay a tamdaw ku piarawan nu Kawas a pafli tu tatudung nuya tamdaw,God will give to each person according to what he has done,train +45253,45254,45254,sakilac,divide,train +45254,45255,45255,mafana mi tu ini u malatapeday a sera,I am sure they will take over the sandy land for farming,train +45255,45256,45256,i laluma nu reci adihay ku mataelifay tu a demak aku,the diary is full of events from my past,train +45256,45257,45257,tusa suut ku aca nuna cecay a tafu,for a pack,train +45257,45258,45258,madengay tu makaʼen ku linalu sa ku matuʼasay kuraʼan a titi sa,the old man said that the marinated pork is ready to eat,train +45258,45259,45259,Rufu hatu nu tayring kira mikuliniway a tamdaw,the police arrested the thief,train +45259,45260,45260,cadiway ma ku,they all use trammel nets,test +45260,45261,45261,Spattu a fulad ta maraudtu ku pipanayan sanay ku suwal namu pasuwalen aku kamu cangawen a minengneng ku umah Marahrahtu u papanayentu,do you not say Four months more and then the harvest I tell you open your eyes and look at the fields they are ripe for harvest,train +45261,45262,45262,o taneng isu ku kaimahan nu maku,it is your intelligence I envy,train +45262,45263,45263,miangsitay,expose something it smells like bedbugs,train +45263,45264,45264,anu muʼecel kura kilang haw makapahay kini sa,if you think you are pretty and straight,train +45264,45265,45265,ira ku sapisulsul ma sapisanga u nu kiyami kurira hay hay,there is ear picking these are objects that elementary schools have to work on Yes yes,train +45265,45266,45266,ha i,Yeah Oh,train +45266,45267,45267,ka,Indicates salient features,train +45267,45268,45268,miharateng,miss,train +45268,45269,45269,cecay ku tengil nu kapak,young people think alike,train +45269,45270,45270,pasaeret han malecad cara,you have to tie it the same way the same way,test +45270,45271,45271,kafulawan,migration period,train +45271,45272,45272,sararup,eraser,train +45272,45273,45273,awaay tu ku maalaay,when there is no more prey on this hill,train +45273,45274,45274,sakariri,causes of collapse,train +45274,45275,45275,u niyaru maulah ku Kawas,he can go back to the Fathers world,train +45275,45276,45276,u alinunung ri,it is like the beams of a house,train +45276,45277,45277,suwal sa ku wawa aku ci vakian,so my child said this to Grandpa,train +45277,45278,45278,cinemnemay,spring,train +45278,45279,45279,mafayu,fever and sweating,train +45279,45280,45280,anu malaluk a mitilid i matungal tu ku fana nu mita,if we are diligent in reading our knowledge will increase,test +45280,45281,45281,tayira tu ku heni i liyal,they are on their way,train +45281,45282,45282,saca,surname Ye,train +45282,45283,45283,sangaayay,prime,train +45283,45284,45284,impic,pen,train +45284,45285,45285,tadakatalawan,Dangerous terrible very terrible,train +45285,45286,45286,hay hatini misiwkay kaku tu,now I would like to introduce,train +45286,45287,45287,i tini nipalumaan,Harvest,train +45287,45288,45288,panay,personal name,train +45288,45289,45289,hay kaku,Yes I am,train +45289,45290,45290,Siteked han tu a misanan,specifically for each,test +45290,45291,45291,Sataangay hahanay niyam ku ngiha ngaay hu singsi,we said loudly Hi teacher,train +45291,45292,45292,o tluc nu luma na Tafiti ci Yusif saka lumuwad cingra nai Nacali a niyaru nu Kalili a macukacuk a tayra i Piclihim hananay a niyaru nu Yutaya u niyaru na Tafiti,so Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea to Bethlehem the town of David because he belonged to the house and line of David,train +45292,45293,45293,saka pina,First Second Third Third fourth,train +45293,45294,45294,anu hatira i u palasawaday tu niktunan nu Kawas a suwal ku Rikec hakiya Caay anu u pilayap nu tamdamdaw tu Rikec ku sakaciurip nangra i kuna u pidu^du nu tamdaw tu Rikec ku sakangaay nangra a malayap nu Kawas,is the law therefore opposed to the promises of God absolutely not for if a law had been given that could impart life then righteousness would certainly have come by the law,train +45294,45295,45295,hawang hawang hananay kunu malitengay,with a step by step calculation,train +45295,45296,45296,patikulen,please return it,train +45296,45297,45297,tatiwtatuy,draw,train +45297,45298,45298,tatulu ku wawa aku,I have three children,train +45298,45299,45299,sakinatulu tu a mavulaw a tayni,it is the third time I have moved here,train +45299,45300,45300,o matiniay a dmak i u paayaway aca tu aira a dmak nu Kawas Nikawrira u sulinay a tatirengan i ira i ci Kristuan,these are a shadow of the things that were to come the reality however is found in Christ,test +45300,45301,45301,miafaray,shrimp Catchers,train +45301,45302,45302,aluman ka safa laliw han tu ku malitengay,the population is large and the siblings are in a difficult situation,train +45302,45303,45303,mahaenay kisu a caay pitengil,you are just so disobedient,train +45303,45304,45304,nanay pakayni i ci Yis Kristuan atu kiwkay a mapahmek ku Kawas awaay ku tulas a tahadauc Amin,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations for ever and ever Amen,train +45304,45305,45305,Cauwaw san ku pilena nu paliding kareteng ku paru i rarikur,the rear of the vehicle is overloaded making it diametrically opposed,train +45305,45306,45306,o kudaitay kisu nanu mihadidiay kisu tu pades a mituur Takuwanan caay ka tuled kisu,you have persevered and have endured hardships for my name and have not grown weary,train +45306,45307,45307,o urantu haw i,after that year,train +45307,45308,45308,awaʼay ku tatiih nunanum numita,there is nothing wrong with our water,train +45308,45309,45309,yan tu i hatiraay aca ku pitapi aku,this is the story of my devotion,train +45309,45310,45310,Orasaka anu patdu saan ku cima a kumaen tu ^pang atu takid nu Tapang i malcad tu paacekay mi^pecay cingra tu tireng atu rmes nu Tapang,Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord,test +45310,45311,45311,nipetekan,broken,train +45311,45312,45312,kihepic,fine,train +45312,45313,45313,ha ha ha safanuhan,ha ha ha Goosebumps,train +45313,45314,45314,u tayal nu maku haw,in my work,train +45314,45315,45315,suwal sa kiya tawki i,the boss said,train +45315,45316,45316,kalapingsiyang han nu Aysukimu a tamdaw ku sureda,Eskimos use ice cubes as refrigerators,train +45316,45317,45317,madakaw tuku lunan tamina,then we will take a boat across the river,train +45317,45318,45318,tu Cikasuwan,of the Chikagawa people,train +45318,45319,45319,cikeren,lock up,train +45319,45320,45320,hinum,consolation,test +45320,45321,45321,Cafi han nu maku ciira a micudad,I caught up with his score,train +45321,45322,45322,Taung sa cangra ci Yisan salipahak sa cangra a minukay i Yirusalim,then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy,train +45322,45323,45323,hatirasan minukay saan minukay sa kami,that is why we are all going back,train +45323,45324,45324,o maanan ku mananamay ita tu pikerid ni Kristu tu saka 1 hahekalan a kasakupang,what do we learn from the way Christ led the century congregation,train +45324,45325,45325,Saka tanam han nangra a mifakciw ku talulung nu riyar i tusa a pulu ku kungce Talaayaw tu mamang fakciw han haca nangra i lima ku safaw ku kungce,they took soundings and found that the water was a hundred and twenty feet deep a short time later they took soundings again and found it was ninety feet deep,train +45325,45326,45326,caka filu antu pekpeken hu kanga,it may not be possible to overcome it not until you have finished tapping,train +45326,45327,45327,cifalucu satu,just think of it,train +45327,45328,45328,uninian sawi anu rumakat kisu,this is when you walk,train +45328,45329,45329,ala han i takuwan,you take it with me,train +45329,45330,45330,o misafuluan ni mama a padeteng ku pidaecian naira,the place where they took the arrow was specially planted by Dad,test +45330,45331,45331,o tatapangan nu citaneng ku pitaung tu was,fear worship of God is the beginning of wisdom,train +45331,45332,45332,hu^,still,train +45332,45333,45333,cima ku siimpicay,does anyone have a pencil,train +45333,45334,45334,micacumuliay matengil aku i,hear it from the pickers,train +45334,45335,45335,remiad,sky,train +45335,45336,45336,patinaku saan kura itiniay i Makuytaay a kakitaan,there was a case of a tribal head in the harbor,train +45336,45337,45337,tapa,cut,train +45337,45338,45338,Kelem satu makelem ku wadiwadisan nu mita,bite it to make your teeth crunch,train +45338,45339,45339,mipasasangi,grill,train +45339,45340,45340,Pakafana,teaching,test +45340,45341,45341,kaulahan,lover,train +45341,45342,45342,maulahay kaku tu Pitil a demak samanen u nidemakan itini sahetuay u sapipadamaaw tu tamdaw miingid ci Yihufaan,I love Bertrams service because everything I do here is to help others draw near to the LORD,train +45342,45343,45343,mahecaday tu samanen i u nu tipay a tayal,the same because the raft works,train +45343,45344,45344,pasevana tu suna nu mita tiniyan u mamaan,teach our children and grandchildren everything,train +45344,45345,45345,iya adidiay hananay u kavus han kiraan,it is like a little shrimp,train +45345,45346,45346,tu lakaw nu punu ita,cleaning out the junk in our brains,train +45346,45347,45347,mansa kaku kiya haw hay halafinay tu misanga tu tawyi hananay,that is why I have been making pottery for so long,train +45347,45348,45348,hananay matira ku demak nu itini tu niyaru itiya hu saka,that is how the tribe was in the past,train +45348,45349,45349,anu caʼay ka caluh ku demak namu itiya i,if you are not in a hurry,train +45349,45350,45350,anu u maan tu,whether,test +45350,45351,45351,nu nini a malitengay,these things about these ancestors,train +45351,45352,45352,tahanini maaraw namu kaku,people who know me can see my condition,train +45352,45353,45353,itini i Taypak i anu sausien ku mihecaan itira i enem pulu ira ku saka tulu,it was around to Taipei,train +45353,45354,45354,anu huni miala kaku tuna lukut hawi,I will be picking sassafras later,train +45354,45355,45355,pasuwal kaku tu niharatengan aku tu pakayniay tunini a padahufay a dmak nawhani u sakaci^puc namu kunini i ruma a mihca kamu a misatapang tunini a dmak o namilungucay kamu tu sapilahciaw tunini,and here is my advice about what is best for you in this matter last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so,train +45355,45356,45356,lumadiway,sing a song,train +45356,45357,45357,o Cilamitay ku niyaru niyam,our tribe is in Fengnan,train +45357,45358,45358,o nitefadan nu ina aku kira paysu,that money was withdrawn by my mother,train +45358,45359,45359,pinaay,when,train +45359,45360,45360,u ruma a tamdaw caay pilunguc,some bereaved families do not pray for a priest,test +45360,45361,45361,mitudung tu suwal a tu pinagan ni Yis itiyahu sa,to learn from Jesus previous behavior,train +45361,45362,45362,o paangreren ku kafi nu futing a aredet a kafien,let the fish soup have a bit of bitterness so that it tastes sweet and delicious,train +45362,45363,45363,iraan sa u pisaʼukakan nu selal tu kiraan,as for the celebration it is a matter for all walks of life,train +45363,45364,45364,sa naitiya i,at that time,train +45364,45365,45365,yu sasifuantu nu nipisalisinan i itiya a macukacuk ci Yis a tayra i Fangcalay Pitaungan a pasifana,not until halfway through the Feast did Jesus go up to the temple courts and begin to teach,train +45365,45366,45366,i nacila,yesterday,train +45366,45367,45367,cayka tawal nu niyam u hiya,we will not forget some of the things that our elders have taught us,train +45367,45368,45368,kararaayan,distant,train +45368,45369,45369,ni ulungan,tagged,train +45369,45370,45370,tayraay tu i umah ci mira,they go to the fields every day,test +45370,45371,45371,mikilim kami tu niyam tu salikaka itini i Taypey,we are going to Taipei to look for relatives,train +45371,45372,45372,lima tuyu uni u sakaenem haw haen sakaenem,when it comes to article this is article,train +45372,45373,45373,alaen niyam ku safa niyam minukay papicudad haca han nira,we are taking my sister back to school,train +45373,45374,45374,matiniay masaʼupu tu ku kapah itira,at this point the tribal youths are gathering,train +45374,45375,45375,ini ku Ucya^,please have some tea,train +45375,45376,45376,Aciya kaku u Amis a wawa i,it is good to be an Amis,train +45376,45377,45377,cifakiya kaku,I am wearing clogs,train +45377,45378,45378,sakangaay,keep,train +45378,45379,45379,mafawahay,open,train +45379,45380,45380,Kalapawaan han tu ira,it is just easy to forget,test +45380,45381,45381,a tekak yu ku mahiniay a kilangan,the texture of this tree is very hard,train +45381,45382,45382,maharek mipanay tu laluud tu laluud hay hay tu laluud,the season after the summer rice harvest it is summer,train +45382,45383,45383,tu aawiten sasalamaen,for the imitation of posterity,train +45383,45384,45384,Miyakkiw kita haw,shall we go play baseball,train +45384,45385,45385,mafanaʼay tuni,learn these,train +45385,45386,45386,o nikapatay nu fayi nira ku niememan nira,the pain she endured was the death of her ahjumma,train +45386,45387,45387,satapang teka^,begin,train +45387,45388,45388,pasuwalen kaku,just tell me,train +45388,45389,45389,ngaay saca talayufing a panaeng mitefad tu payci atu patikami,you can also go to the post office to deposit and receive money and send mail,train +45389,45390,45390,pacufcuf,I am going to force feed them,test +45390,45391,45391,kaheciday,it is salty,train +45391,45392,45392,itiya i sakalamkam sa a patiku a tayra i kaayaw nu hungti kuya kaying a milunguc a sumuwal Tangsulen hungti Pakitipiden ku funguh ni Yuhani u Painuay a pafli i takuwanan han ningra,at once the girl hurried in to the king with the request I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter,train +45392,45393,45393,masasaway tu kuni,and this is cleaned,train +45393,45394,45394,mahapinang tu ku nikacahiw,it also shows that poverty,train +45394,45395,45395,initu kiyaru,it is going to attract,train +45395,45396,45396,Akung tayniay kami a milisu itisuwanan,Grandpa we have come to see you,train +45396,45397,45397,cinglaw,speak,train +45397,45398,45398,malahungti,emperors,train +45398,45399,45399,nika u tayal nira i u mipitpitay tu heci nu kilang,his work was pick fruits,train +45399,45400,45400,u cengel ha,it is the color,test +45400,45401,45401,u mamalepun u mamaherek tu sakacecay a pakumuran a rumiad a malikuda a ilisin,it is almost over the first day of the Toyotomi dance is almost over,train +45401,45402,45402,o mihecaʼan aku i,my age,train +45402,45403,45403,kisu ku miafufuay tu wacu a madakaw tu fasu,you can carry the dog on the bus,train +45403,45404,45404,anu cimacima misangaay macalivad ku matuasay,it does not matter who does not do it right the old man will scold,train +45404,45405,45405,miliyas tu tiya ina nu ina hananay nu Pangcah,if you leave your mothers culture for good,train +45405,45406,45406,caayay ka saenarar ku katayalan,employment inequality,train +45406,45407,45407,anu,Help,train +45407,45408,45408,mipatalaan,For Prepare,train +45408,45409,45409,ini ku simalsaetu u sasangaen tu siraw kuni,lean meat and fatty meat are the most suitable ingredients for making savory meat,train +45409,45410,45410,mikilim tu dungec mikilim tu lukut,collecting rattan heart and mountain Jesus,test +45410,45411,45411,itiraay i fatiian nu tanumal cumud sa kisu maaraw tu,it is next to the round basket you will see it when you enter the warehouse,train +45411,45412,45412,awaaytu anini ku papapudawan,there are no more small fry to catch,train +45412,45413,45413,Tadafaheka ku i lumaay niyam a pakatengil tu patay nu faki niyam,our family was very surprised to hear of our uncles death,train +45413,45414,45414,awa ku kihar nangra,they do not care,train +45414,45415,45415,uka lihenawan tamatini haw,I can see it clearly now,train +45415,45416,45416,sahu,just now,train +45416,45417,45417,u nu nira i deng u samukun saan,he is only got the hammer,train +45417,45418,45418,o pakuyucay kina matuasay,this old man is very poor,train +45418,45419,45419,nikalalaisan atu,a game with the Japanese,train +45419,45420,45420,Saka tangasatu cingra i Sikar hananay a niyaru nu Samariya i ngata nu nipaflian ni Yakup i wawa ningra ci Yusifan a sra kunini,so he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph,test +45420,45421,45421,Pacauf sa ku ccay a pasifanaay tu Rikec a tamdaw a sumuwal i Cingraan Singsiaw anu hatira ku suwal Isu i halu ami a lukesen Isu han ningra,one of the experts in the law answered him Teacher when you say these things you insult us also,train +45421,45422,45422,misanga,punish,train +45422,45423,45423,hatu maulahay ca kaku tu kimad nu matuʼasay sa caluway kahemaw,I love the old mans historical stories,train +45423,45424,45424,o tin tu si ku tayal nu maku itni i kakawasan u niyalu nu maku i tini i etulan,I am involved in evangelism and I am currently at stone mountain tribal Church my hometown is Tulane,train +45424,45425,45425,ruray san midiput kaminan,he is still taking care of us all by himself,train +45425,45426,45426,iniyan iri vangcal tu,it is beautiful like this one too,train +45426,45427,45427,o matitiay nu kakahulul kami a maemin i pisaselalan,we are all hammered by class leaders within our class,train +45427,45428,45428,Nikawrira u sapakafanaaw aku i tamdamdaw tu nika ulah aku tu wama aku saka lahcien aku ku limuut nu wama i Takuwanan Kalumuwad tata Tayratu kita,but the world must learn that I love the father and that I do exactly what my father has commanded me Come now let us leave,train +45428,45429,45429,Maulahtu cira i takuwanan,he likes me too,train +45429,45430,45430,ini u pasawali adihay ku maninaay itiniay i pasawali,more from the east Coast,test +45430,45431,45431,sa ku malitengay tura,sage points out in this way,train +45431,45432,45432,malaanengang,turn it into a chair,train +45432,45433,45433,u tamdawan a wayway,humane,train +45433,45434,45434,Tumangic ci Kacaw tu rawraw aca keter sa a sumuwal mana capacaliwen namu kaku tu silikami,Kacaw burst into tears he said angrily why do not everyone lend me toilet paper,train +45434,45435,45435,u ngangan nira u mangutaay nanum sa,Actually the name means turbidity,train +45435,45436,45436,Mafeculay tu kami maemin,we are all full,train +45436,45437,45437,manawnaw tu luma niyam,our house is swamped,train +45437,45438,45438,masakapah tu ku kaka ni Sawa,Sawas brother is an adult,train +45438,45439,45439,cakalipa ku suta kira a wawa,be unable to reach the ground,train +45439,45440,45440,ila i pinsiang ku kacawasay,Yes there is watermelon in the fridge,test +45440,45441,45441,ngaʼay tu,it is okay,train +45441,45442,45442,ya tekuen tu ira kura,add it all together,train +45442,45443,45443,araw mahiya ku mata mapudaʼtu,and then my eyes got all blurry,train +45443,45444,45444,wata ini ku masadafdafay masahetalay sa itira paluma saan kura matu ittira,who hoo this is the place where it all comes together and sits,train +45444,45445,45445,katalawan,scary,train +45445,45446,45446,ku luma nu niyam ci ama nu maku,it is the Amis who live off the earth,train +45446,45447,45447,tuwa siumah ku heni itini,then they had land to farm,train +45447,45448,45448,pacufayan,deploy something return,train +45448,45449,45449,nu Recurd,because,train +45449,45450,45450,mangah nira i,that is a lie,test +45450,45451,45451,caay hu ka citingsya tayra i lutuk,there are no bicycles to go to the mountains,train +45451,45452,45452,cacay ku wawa aku tu vavahiyan saan,said I only have one daughter,train +45452,45453,45453,lalima ku fafuy niyam i sakuray nu luma,we have five pigs in our backyard,train +45453,45454,45454,ci wawa tu kaku i,when I have a child,train +45454,45455,45455,ninukaan kira kakawitan,that is for twisting,train +45455,45456,45456,u militangalay a vinacadan ku Taluku,the foreigners have a bad habit of head hunting,train +45456,45457,45457,pahuda isu misanga adihay kunalatek anakeh,You move well I have been doing a lot of that for about pounds,train +45457,45458,45458,mapeli kiya na tali nu tamdaw,that taros been stepped on,train +45458,45459,45459,a,Yeah Oh,train +45459,45460,45460,kasulin,train,test +45460,45461,45461,o ni Kristu i kinaccay aca cingra a pacakat tu sakahpul nu raraw a midaucay ku icel a sapatuaya ta aru satu cingra i kawanan nu Kawas,but when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins he sat down at the right hand of God,train +45461,45462,45462,kuyumi,calendar,train +45462,45463,45463,picacescesan,a place to catch cobras,train +45463,45464,45464,enem pulu tu ku mihecaan ningra,he is years old,train +45464,45465,45465,ta karemadiw,come on Sing,train +45465,45466,45466,anu tataakay a laing micumud kita,we go in when the waves are strong,train +45466,45467,45467,hatira aca ku cikang nura urip nura fanglay,that is the only time yeast grows,train +45467,45468,45468,cima ku ngaangan ningra,what is his name,train +45468,45469,45469,rafas,remain,train +45469,45470,45470,ye halimelaw kaku,I used to peek,test +45470,45471,45471,ilaen tu ku hananenengen,it is necessary to present some visible,train +45471,45472,45472,nuya,then,train +45472,45473,45473,onini a icel ku sapaluwad nu Kawas ci Kristuan a paurip nai patay atu sapakamaru ningra ci Kristuan i kawanan ningra i kakarayan,which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,train +45473,45474,45474,paruruhen,scourge,train +45474,45475,45475,Pakamaan kisu a tala Pengfu,how do you go to Penghu,train +45475,45476,45476,rimu^ud,the Yuan or Mongol dynasty,train +45476,45477,45477,cima nuya niucuran aku a tamdaw a patayra i tamuwanan ku misafitay a milihiw i tamuwanan saw,did I exploit you through any of the men I sent you,train +45477,45478,45478,cada,hand held,train +45478,45479,45479,Mapitek ku impic aku,my pencil is broken,train +45479,45480,45480,saw sa kami Cakay,so we pay for it,test +45480,45481,45481,u malikakay ku fufu niyam,our grandmothers are sisters,train +45481,45482,45482,itiya tu matira i ku ngaʼaytu saan ci,at that time mayor Lim said it was okay,train +45482,45483,45483,maʼurip tu amin kamu,why are you all alive,train +45483,45484,45484,anini haw i,and now,train +45484,45485,45485,Nikawrira fikfik han ni Pawlu kuya uner a mitfad i namal caay ka maamaan cingra,but Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects,train +45485,45486,45486,nu Recurd,in this case I brought my problem to the church,train +45486,45487,45487,Cicanemay i kasienawan ku niyaru niyam,our tribe gets foggy in the winter,train +45487,45488,45488,tahira cangra i lutuklutukan i,they arrived at a forest,train +45488,45489,45489,Marupena nu ifangat ku fuduy niira,sweat dampened his clothes,train +45489,45490,45490,hai matiraay,Yeah that is it,test +45490,45491,45491,manikaway ku urip nu niyam,our lives are in short supply,train +45491,45492,45492,ayaw nu pina furad misatapang tu misuped tu hiya,brewed a few months ago,train +45492,45493,45493,ya timulay micudad,schools in the south,train +45493,45494,45494,Hay u Yincumin kami,Yes we are Aboriginal,train +45494,45495,45495,e u pi u katayal aku i kiukay ta e e e e lima a pulu ku mehicaan aku a mikerid tu kiukay,I have been working for the church for fifty years leading the church,train +45495,45496,45496,mialaay kaku tu faʼinay,I am a recruiter,train +45496,45497,45497,anu makritaytu kisu yu mitahidang ku Kawas tisuwanan i aka palasawaden ku nika krit isu anu caay ka krit kisu yu mitahidang ku Kawas tisuwanan i ^ca han pidu^du tu krit a lisin,was a man already circumcised when he was called he should not become uncircumcised was a man uncircumcised when he was called he should not be circumcised,train +45497,45498,45498,Namipalita kaku i ciraan pasuwal sa tu nikasingangan nira pasasuaraw aca i takuwan tu lalavu nu luma atu niyaru nira,during the interview he introduced to me the origin of his name and also introduced me to his family and tribe,train +45498,45499,45499,micaliw tu vuduy nu taw atu kucu,I borrowed clothes and shoes from other people,train +45499,45500,45500,cuung,headdress,test +45500,45501,45501,Masamisimisi ku demak nira,he did not act quite right his acts were not fitting for the occasion,train +45501,45502,45502,tuedaway,long,train +45502,45503,45503,cuhcuh,sucking,train +45503,45504,45504,siniˈada tanu suwal atu waywayan paihkal a capeling,the qualities of kindness revealed in word and deed,train +45504,45505,45505,Lima^ ku laed nu mihecaan nu niyam,we have a year age difference,train +45505,45506,45506,mikaumahan,crops,train +45506,45507,45507,pakaluud,win a war,train +45507,45508,45508,maherek,Over,train +45508,45509,45509,ama,female elder,train +45509,45510,45510,Cifaluhang ku singsi milayap tu culi nu tawu,teachers have the grace to take abuses from people,test +45510,45511,45511,o citanengay ku malatumukay nu niyaru,the tribal leaders are very clever,train +45511,45512,45512,cahid2,dried taro stems,train +45512,45513,45513,Hay laliden tu malahulul tu malitengay nga mafana mikimad,Yes I can speak fluently in my ethnic language only when I talk to the elderly,train +45513,45514,45514,u palimuan kira rumiʼad ri,day of the thanksgiving service,train +45514,45515,45515,alatek suped sakura fafahiyan i tatihi isu mikayat maan kufana,you will probably have a lot of girls holding hands around you what can you do,train +45515,45516,45516,nanuʼemang miliyas tu kisu tu niyaru tahini ka tuʼasan,you have been away from home since you were a child,train +45516,45517,45517,u tudung u tutu Tutu,it is a water scoop made from local materials the water scoop,train +45517,45518,45518,nikaurip,life experience,train +45518,45519,45519,mikurkur tu lakelal mikutud ku fukeluh san,when I was digging rocks would roll to my side,train +45519,45520,45520,ay lumuwadtu kaku a idang,Guys I am off,test +45520,45521,45521,Sasienaw saan ku rumiad i Alisan tu kasienawan,it feels cold in Alishan in winter,train +45521,45522,45522,Ocung ku facidul i lutuk u nipalumaan ni mama isu,there is a lot of breadfruit trees on the hill your dad planted them,train +45522,45523,45523,o Tapang aku ci Kristu han ku falucu a mingudu i Cingraan kararid kamu a mipatala ta anu cimacimatu ku milungucay i tamuwanan tu sapisahciaw namu a pasuwal tu pakayniay i pafalucuan namu i ira ku sapacauf namu,but in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have but do this with gentleness and respect,train +45523,45524,45524,kahufucan,birthday,train +45524,45525,45525,micacak,boil,train +45525,45526,45526,mayatayat,being active,train +45526,45527,45527,masakeru tu ku kaying tu limecedan,the unmarried girl danced,train +45527,45528,45528,Taluma tu kaku tayni hatu aku anuruma^ a rumiad han aku caira a palicay,I said goodbye to them and said I would see them next time,train +45528,45529,45529,adihay ku kahirahira nu pinaluma nu Pangcah,the Amis grow many crops,train +45529,45530,45530,oya misanga cingra tu fadahung i matefaday nanifadahung,he fell off the roof while repairing it,test +45530,45531,45531,sani malimad ku heni a takudul,they are going up slowly for a change,train +45531,45532,45532,mafana tuya pasifana tu kaput nira,teach your peers to be wiser too,train +45532,45533,45533,adihay ku futing i fanaw,there are a lot of fish in the pond,train +45533,45534,45534,kungkuan,school,train +45534,45535,45535,macekuk,shocked,train +45535,45536,45536,siumah cavayi aku itira,random said it is on that mountain,train +45536,45537,45537,malacafay kaku i tisuwanan a minengneng,I will share it with you,train +45537,45538,45538,i lutuk a midateng,going to the mountains to pick wild vegetables,train +45538,45539,45539,Pakahikukiay tayra i Pukutu kaku,I go to Penghu by plane,train +45539,45540,45540,masamaan tataʼang ku lifung,there was a great plague,test +45540,45541,45541,Masefay ku caang nu kilang,the branch is dangling but attached,train +45541,45542,45542,kuskus kirikiri,scratch and itch,train +45542,45543,45543,pasuwal sa ci Akripa ci Fistusan Mangalay kaku a mitngil tu suwal nuya tamdaw han ningra Saka Anu hatira i anucila satu kisu a mitngil han ni Fistus,then Agrippa said to Festus I would like to hear this man myself he replied Tomorrow you will hear him,train +45543,45544,45544,fangsis say,it really smells good,train +45544,45545,45545,Satataang sa ku ngiha nu ekur ni mama,dad was snoring loudly,train +45545,45546,45546,han aku,I do,train +45546,45547,45547,saka asimanay u apilis mamaan,it does not matter if it is on a hillside,train +45547,45548,45548,u nipalumaan tu maamaan,crops planted,train +45548,45549,45549,tuwa u u huwad,and nine holes,train +45549,45550,45550,u maan,what is that,test +45550,45551,45551,anca pasifana a mifalud,if they are not taught how to bundle,train +45551,45552,45552,anu harek nu lahuk ira ku rumiad isu haw tayra kaku mihumung i tisuwanan sakaku ngaay haw,are you free this afternoon I would like to visit you is that okay,train +45552,45553,45553,mihawikid kaku tu tafu anini lacecay sa kita a malahuk,I have brought a lunchbox today let us eat together at noon,train +45553,45554,45554,misiyakay tayra i Taypak Tayciw i Takaw i,just go to Taipei Taichung Kaohsiung,train +45554,45555,45555,ci kaenan,personal name,train +45555,45556,45556,nipaasisiwan,straw lined,train +45556,45557,45557,o umah,it is dry land,train +45557,45558,45558,Caayay u kikuya ku paliwalen nu mita,No we will sell balloons,train +45558,45559,45559,Orasaka mipaicel kaku tu sapituuraw namu tu matiniay a tamdaw atu mikaputay cangraan a marurayay a matayal tu nu Tapang,to submit to such as these and to everyone who joins in the work and labors at it,train +45559,45560,45560,pacafayen,please accompany me,test +45560,45561,45561,awaay hu kuya ku amekam itiya,in those days there were no canals to divert water from the river,train +45561,45562,45562,kurana hiya fukesi,the pastor,train +45562,45563,45563,papikaykien,ask him to hold a meeting,train +45563,45564,45564,nakuhikuhan,open fields,train +45564,45565,45565,maiyaka,choke off,train +45565,45566,45566,i ayaw nu nika sanga nu hkal i mahrektu ku Kawas a mipili ci Kristuan Nikawrira i tini i pahrehrekan nu hkal i talahkal cingra tu sakatdal namu,he was chosen before the creation of the world but was revealed in these last times for your sake,train +45566,45567,45567,Papirameten tu kaludi ku wawa ita i lakelal,at the river let us let our kids hold on to the loach,train +45567,45568,45568,u ni u waxaran ni ngaʼayaytu,mulberry trees are great too,train +45568,45569,45569,ira ku katalatuasan nu niyaru niyam,our tribe has a place for ancestor worship,train +45569,45570,45570,hay mifalic tu fuduy,Yes to change,test +45570,45571,45571,tu nika u hadhad,because it is a dry field,train +45571,45572,45572,pacaʼuf san ya tumuk akaka talacuwacuwa kita anini,the boss said we should not run around now,train +45572,45573,45573,misakimulmul,round,train +45573,45574,45574,nengneng sa ku mulamamaay nu niyaru ri,when the leader of the tribe sees this,train +45574,45575,45575,mafanaʼay haw awa,do you know this song,train +45575,45576,45576,Cima^ ku mikingkiway tu dingwa^,who invented the telephone,train +45576,45577,45577,Maangliwen ku lafang tu hakhak nu mita,guests found our sticky rice,train +45577,45578,45578,tura pauʼunucan han aku,that is what I mean by revitalization,train +45578,45579,45579,Mangaay,can,train +45579,45580,45580,tu kimad nu matuʼasay kukapah ita anini,young people are no longer able to connect to the wisdom language of the elderly,test +45580,45581,45581,u ngangan nira u lalu,it is called rice washing water,train +45581,45582,45582,o pafasiyawan ku pihifangan a rumiad,kite flying is best on vacation days,train +45582,45583,45583,Kabalan han Kaliyawan han nu itinia,that is the Kavalan we are talking about now,train +45583,45584,45584,kayhi,raincoats,train +45584,45585,45585,nisilsilan,ordered,train +45585,45586,45586,mingusngus,bite,train +45586,45587,45587,u luwad tu,I am out,train +45587,45588,45588,maherek tu a remadiw sani,after the song,train +45588,45589,45589,o miʼacaan tu kura luma isu han,is that what you bought it for,train +45589,45590,45590,naʼun satu ku matuasay a remakat a taluma,the old man just walked home slowly,test +45590,45591,45591,o rumasatu ku siwkayen nu maku,the next thing I am going to talk about is,train +45591,45592,45592,ira kiya likid nu riyar,there is a strong current,train +45592,45593,45593,mahanay,that is right,train +45593,45594,45594,tahini tini ku misu i masahatira,the way the age group jumped into the arena has been passed down to modern times,train +45594,45595,45595,yu valiyusan a remiad pihacen ku tataak nu urad atu vali i hekal aka piliyas kamu tu luma,on the day of a typhoon the wind and rain outside are very strong so do not leave the house,train +45595,45596,45596,i ayaw nu parengreng pakasaw milayap aca tu pilifet a minanam tu serangawan nu masa Pangcahay i laluma nunini,and basic educational training in Aboriginal culture prior to the rite of passage,train +45596,45597,45597,mafana sakita pakatawa tu fana ita tu Yincumin,our people are very creative in entertaining themselves,train +45597,45598,45598,Mangaʼayay,it is okay,train +45598,45599,45599,anu u Yutayatu a tamdaw anu u rumatu a finacadan i sungilaen aku a palimuut tu sakasiyur nu falucu nangra a pasayra i Kawas a papitier tu Tapang ita ci Yisan,I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus,train +45599,45600,45600,o,Oh,test +45600,45601,45601,kedal hatu kuni na,tighten him up like this,train +45601,45602,45602,cuhung,memories of an old friend,train +45602,45603,45603,milaylay,practice,train +45603,45604,45604,u maan ku niyaru isu,what tribe,train +45604,45605,45605,anini Ay tu a nipiye tu tasiye,I am just out of college now,train +45605,45606,45606,nengnengen kura talakal aku matu ci tamaay tu,go and see our trap for it seems that we have caught our prey,train +45606,45607,45607,Pasefien ku fa^luhay a taluan isu,your new workhouse is going to have a kitchen,train +45607,45608,45608,ci Yusif i u wawa ni Matatiyas ci Matatiyas i u wawa ni Amus ci Amus i u wawa ni Nahum ci Nahum i u wawa ni Isli ci Isli i u wawa ni Nakay,the son of Mattathias the son of Amos the son of Nahum the son of Esli the son of Naggai,train +45608,45609,45609,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Sulinen Aku a sumuwal kisu anini a rumiad malakaput kita i kalipahakan han ningra,Jesus answered him I tell you the truth today you will be with me in paradise,train +45609,45610,45610,i niyaru,tribal,test +45610,45611,45611,Onu maku,it is mine,train +45611,45612,45612,kesi,to subside,train +45612,45613,45613,akaa pisyasing,no photographing either,train +45613,45614,45614,aka ka matiya u rumaruma nangra a ngaliwngiw kamu tuna ngaliwngiw cangra saka matkup nu mipatayay a cuyuh cangra,and do not grumble as some of them did and were killed by the destroying angel,train +45614,45615,45615,malunanengnengan,regard as,train +45615,45616,45616,patireng cangra tu cahung,they build thatched roofs,train +45616,45617,45617,Saicelen tu a mifana haw,study hard,train +45617,45618,45618,Fuhafuh han nu matuasay ku wawa,the old man kicked the kid out,train +45618,45619,45619,edux,love bite,train +45619,45620,45620,i tini,here it is,test +45620,45621,45621,ira,yes,train +45621,45622,45622,ci mama aku a cecay ku misaciwcikaay i niyaru nu mita,my father was the only one in our tribe who made crosses,train +45622,45623,45623,fangcal kura kaying saan ku harateng,I thought That girl is pretty,train +45623,45624,45624,matuʼas tu tu mamang,I have grown up a bit,train +45624,45625,45625,I ikur nunini a kapadesan a rumiad i u tatuman ku cidal caaytu ku mamalikat ku fulad o mamatfad ku fuis nai kakarayan o mamangernger ku pulung nu kakakafikafit nu kakarayan,Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light the stars will fall from the sky and the heavenly bodies will be shaken,train +45625,45626,45626,uni kaurira anu matira sa haw i,but here is the thing,train +45626,45627,45627,tapuru,graveyard,train +45627,45628,45628,yu pisakalafiantu i ira ku ccay a cidafungay a tamdaw ci Yusif nu Arimatiya o nisawawaan ni Yis cingra,as evening approached there came a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph who had himself become a disciple of Jesus,train +45628,45629,45629,o pilipayan i nacila,yesterday was Sunday,train +45629,45630,45630,niafufuan,clasp,test +45630,45631,45631,o mifakungay ci ina nu maku a mipaluma i kasaaed nu luma,my mom went to pick up some crabapples and planted them in the middle of the house,train +45631,45632,45632,siwkayen aku ku widang a miaca ngaay kaemeden tu mamang haw,I will introduce my friend to buy can you give a further discount,train +45632,45633,45633,mipaisihu,when you urinate,train +45633,45634,45634,anu kaliki maedeng hu kiya ay cikayen aku,if it is fast maybe it is okay I will go get it,train +45634,45635,45635,fangcal nanumen ku uciya namu,your tea is delicious,train +45635,45636,45636,mikakilidulidung misanga tu marad saan,making iron in a makeshift sunshade,train +45636,45637,45637,tapa,knife cuts,train +45637,45638,45638,caay ka kunayat kuni kafer,these pants have no stretch,train +45638,45639,45639,a mahaen ku piharateng namu,you think so too,train +45639,45640,45640,itira i pipacekan ci Yisan i ciwcika i ira ku cilusayay a pala ira itira ku ccay a fa^luhay a tadem tu awaayhu ku matademay,at the place where Jesus was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had ever been laid,test +45640,45641,45641,matiya u ccayay a tatirengan ci Kristu adihay ku caang nu tireng nikawrira anu adihadihay ku caang nu tireng i u ccayay ku tatirengan,the body is a unit though it is made up of many parts and though all its parts are many they form one body so it is with Christ,train +45641,45642,45642,nanu iya iya tu haw i,from here on out,train +45642,45643,45643,kafana,realize,train +45643,45644,45644,yu matini i,nowadays,train +45644,45645,45645,o nihapinangan aku i u saka^caaw piliyaw aku a pakasmer i tamuwanan a milisu,so I made up my mind that I would not make another painful visit to you,train +45645,45646,45646,mikalic tu ku pasu kura malasufitay a nanicuwcuway a kapah,young people from all over the world who have enlisted in the military ride on the bus,train +45646,45647,45647,halifungaay,fond of groundnuts,train +45647,45648,45648,nanay mafana miharateng,I hope I can remember it,train +45648,45649,45649,caay ka hacuwa ku lipida itiya,it was a time of low income,train +45649,45650,45650,han sa kisu ay,if you set it for feet,test +45650,45651,45651,ta limela kira tulu ku rumiʼad a mihecaan i,I realize that a term of office lasts only three years and that time is precious,train +45651,45652,45652,u luma itiyahu,in the old days when I was building a house,train +45652,45653,45653,matiniay ku satapang nu kasaniyaru itiya hu awaay hu ku mimingay a niyaru,early tribal ecology was centered around this and there were no smaller tribes yet,train +45653,45654,45654,u twapay,or with a tractor trailer,train +45654,45655,45655,maedeng pina ku mihecaan itiyahu hani,what is the approximate age,train +45655,45656,45656,u saka tulu a remiad u lisin nu Ciwidiyan u lavi,the third day of the Shuilian Tribes annual Festival is dinner,train +45656,45657,45657,Pakunira,let them,train +45657,45658,45658,tu hemay hayi a miasikasik aca,cooking or sweeping,train +45658,45659,45659,tangitangic tu u maan ku kakaengen hukini,I am tired but I am trying to make a living,train +45659,45660,45660,samamanen a fangcal ka tu Rikec,no matter how good the organizational plan is,test +45660,45661,45661,wa a Sakahemekan saan ku demak nu namu,Wow your work is so admirable,train +45661,45662,45662,tunini tu i kasalumaʼlumaʼ nu miingkay tu,a farewell celebration in the family home,train +45662,45663,45663,i samatila mahuped anu hacuwa hani sanay kura harateng,I thought When will you save up,train +45663,45664,45664,i nian ta u sama nu Pangcah,change this Amis wild vegetable,train +45664,45665,45665,patayra han nira i tayring,take it to the police,train +45665,45666,45666,ciramuday tu,married,train +45666,45667,45667,ha u mira a iya haw pakiraan haw,Oh you have your own style,train +45667,45668,45668,la cadcad hananay i,sharpen and organize the yellow vines,train +45668,45669,45669,tura luma amisanga,the house to be made,train +45669,45670,45670,anu matira ka u ayam ku nengnengen,it does not matter then you go and watch the birds,test +45670,45671,45671,o ciafadeng ku fukes niyam a mapulung a miringu,we were covered in charcoal ash from the fire,train +45671,45672,45672,Mahafelut nu rengus ku waay aku saka mapulin kaku,my foot got caught in the grass and I fell,train +45672,45673,45673,tumerac,Clean,train +45673,45674,45674,Ngaay tu tayniay kaku a mikilim kisuwan a malalicay,I am doing great I came to chat with you,train +45674,45675,45675,tulu suut lima pulu ku aca nu cecay hatulu han i mulefut ku aca,one piece of clothing is dollars three pieces for dollars,train +45675,45676,45676,sakinatusa idengay hen,it is okay for the second time,train +45676,45677,45677,aliwatecen,cross cutting,train +45677,45678,45678,Hakenu caay kafana kaku tura demak,I do not know I do not understand that one,train +45678,45679,45679,saka ira tu ku kungku naira naytira i Gilan,so about the little things in Yilan,train +45679,45680,45680,pakatingsaay a mitilid kisu,do you go to school by bicycle,test +45680,45681,45681,tapal han nu mita katikati sakiniyan u sikawasay,we found the priest shouting Come come come,train +45681,45682,45682,citadah kaku tu cecay a ufad a paysu,I am in debt owe ten thousand dollars,train +45682,45683,45683,kufiten,button up,train +45683,45684,45684,micekiw ni alaan haw,conch,train +45684,45685,45685,u sapimaan ku mahiraay saw ayi,what are these things for,train +45685,45686,45686,itiya hu tu mita u mawmahay kiyami haw,in those days like us we were farmers,train +45686,45687,45687,Lalat han tu ku tangal nu misu na masapinang kaku a misanga tu kafung isu,measure your head so I can make a hat that fits,train +45687,45688,45688,itinitu kita masaʼupu malahuk sa ku malitengay,the old man said We will dine here,train +45688,45689,45689,asipen sipacakay han tu nu niyam,we will sell them,train +45689,45690,45690,itira tu kaku i sinku,I am succeeding,test +45690,45691,45691,u maan,differing interpretations,train +45691,45692,45692,minukayhu kaku tayra i Kalingku,I have to go back to Hualien first,train +45692,45693,45693,anu i lutuk i,if it is in the mountains,train +45693,45694,45694,wawawawa aku nga,the next generation of children,train +45694,45695,45695,mahiya ku para atu pakah mirngu,Yes do not wash until the heat has subsided then rinse and wipe,train +45695,45696,45696,itiyaay satapang ku finawlan,the folks are just getting started,train +45696,45697,45697,Cidadacdacay tu dafadafak atu dadayadaya,there were cicadas early in the morning and late in the evening,train +45697,45698,45698,teli san teli han ra tu papah teli san ha ha ha ha,he slides down and puts the food on top of the leaves ha ha ha ha,train +45698,45699,45699,mahaen kina i ayaw kungku nu matuʼasay saka,this is the story of life that the elders have told in the past,train +45699,45700,45700,satatak ku,we are,test +45700,45701,45701,ngaay hu,Hello,train +45701,45702,45702,lunguc,to wish,train +45702,45703,45703,widi^,clock,train +45703,45704,45704,matiya u tatalaayaw a miluud a ^fa ku facu nuya riri matiya u citamuhungay tu tada^kim ku funguh naira matiya u pising nu tamdaw ku pising naira,the locusts looked like horses prepared for battle on their heads they wore something like crowns of gold and their faces resembled human faces,train +45704,45705,45705,hakuwaay ku hufuc nu misu,what year were you born,train +45705,45706,45706,u niyaru aku i u Madawdaway Pisidian,my tribe is succeeding in the,train +45706,45707,45707,caay pisangudungudu^ kaku yu,I will make myself at home then,train +45707,45708,45708,kafit sa kita a mihakelung tunini,we are directly connected to the rapidly changing times,train +45708,45709,45709,caay ku nikahrekan nu tau a matayal ku papasnengen niyam mangalay kami a pakayra i tamuwanan a tayra i ruma a pala a mipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh,so that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you for we do not want to boast about work already done in another mans territory,train +45709,45710,45710,maduka,wound,test +45710,45711,45711,Saka patunu hantu nu salikaka cangra pakayra cangra i Fuinikiya atu Samariya a tayra Caferen nangra ku i tiraay a paratuh tu nika sasiyur nu falucu nu ruma a finacadan a pasayra i Kawas Saka salipahak sa ku salikaka a ma^min,the church sent them on their way and as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria they told how the Gentiles had been converted this news made all the brothers very glad,train +45711,45712,45712,tiliden ni Pilatu ku paya a papipakting i ciwcika Ci Yis nu Nacali u Hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw han ningra a mitilid,Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross it read Jesus of NAZARETH the king of the JEWS,train +45712,45713,45713,an cika cecay miheca i hay san,without a years worth of training is that possible,train +45713,45714,45714,putu nu maku sanay kura tawki hatila sanay,mine is seven that is it,train +45714,45715,45715,niyan sata na ni Angah Alimulu,what about this Ali Acre Road,train +45715,45716,45716,maherek satu kuniʼan ira tu ku tuʼas nu mita taw ira tu ku misurikur aca ku tamdaw tuya i lalafuʼay nu luma,at the end of this stage all members of the family turn their backs,train +45716,45717,45717,pasuwal sa ku nisawawaan Pahapinang satu kisu i matini a sumuwal caaytu pakatinakunakuen isu kami a sumuwal,then Jesus disciples said Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech,train +45717,45718,45718,pakinacecay,I,train +45718,45719,45719,liyawen haca aku pakafana kisu misanga tu talakal,then I will teach you how to set up these two traps,train +45719,45720,45720,palalan,road repair,test +45720,45721,45721,lalid sa misacidalan,frequent Exposure to the sun,train +45721,45722,45722,hatiraay saka cilifunay tu,I am still getting paid,train +45722,45723,45723,Hakuwaay ku mihecaan nu kaka isu tu fainayan anini,how old is your elder brother,train +45723,45724,45724,Matatungutungud ku tireng ita,our bodies are joined together in many ways,train +45724,45725,45725,o malatuluay tu kinian,this has been divided into three,train +45725,45726,45726,u maʼan ku katawaʼan nu karepiʼan nu calaped,Grandpas pants are torn what is so funny,train +45726,45727,45727,katimulay,South,train +45727,45728,45728,itiniay lumaʼmaedeng cahu kapitilid,at home I was not in school yet,train +45728,45729,45729,fasal,roundworm,train +45729,45730,45730,lietec,ice cold,test +45730,45731,45731,makalim,toothache,train +45731,45732,45732,oya caay ka ulah a ada tu nika lahungti aku i kriden a patayni ta patayen cangra i kaayaw aku saan han ni Yis,but those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them bring them here and kill them in front of me,train +45732,45733,45733,a tu niyaru a mapulung,mutual cooperation,train +45733,45734,45734,mipanay tu san,go home and help cut the rice,train +45734,45735,45735,anu,fig not admit,train +45735,45736,45736,rumiad,time,train +45736,45737,45737,parakar,fishing for fish and shrimp by cage,train +45737,45738,45738,kahacuwa,which,train +45738,45739,45739,maan sasaw ku demak nu ina ni Madadingu,and he said to the leader How is it going,train +45739,45740,45740,sepat a pulu a remiʼad mipacuk tu vavuy,it is days to kill a pig,test +45740,45741,45741,kakawasan,antiquity,train +45741,45742,45742,ira ku wina aku ci Oti ci Oti ci Oti ku wina aku,my original name was Maudie Maudie it is Maudie my mom named me Maudie,train +45742,45743,45743,caayhu pisaluma ira,we have not started building yet,train +45743,45744,45744,Pinaay ku tuki nu misu a mavuti,what time do you go to bed at night,train +45744,45745,45745,alatek cecay aca ku imi,or it could mean only one thing,train +45745,45746,45746,pakararum,break,train +45746,45747,45747,yu matini sa i,at that time,train +45747,45748,45748,hatiraay ku pakafana aku itiya hu,this is how I used to teach,train +45748,45749,45749,iraw sasing tu ngaʼayay kuni u pitelian aku tu puyliw,come on take a picture this is nice this is my space for fertilizer,train +45749,45750,45750,mamitapiday,mending,test +45750,45751,45751,hantu i papuʼi wawa nira,Otherwise they will say Whose kid is it,train +45751,45752,45752,pitifekan,wooden mortar,train +45752,45753,45753,micada tu inuˈmataˈlifaytu ku 60 miheca sanay ku suwal ni Pulusum Cuwa ku mamapawan kaku tuya dadaya,more than years after the immersion Blossom says I will never forget that night,train +45753,45754,45754,cacay anu malingad itini i lutuk,when you are alone in the mountains,train +45754,45755,45755,o awaayay ku nipasifanaʼay tu saka fana,one in the uninitiated,train +45755,45756,45756,Mapafiikay nu tuas kina wawa tahanini,the child thyroid line is genetic in origin,train +45756,45757,45757,cima haca,if not me who else,train +45757,45758,45758,fau,bugs,train +45758,45759,45759,Raud satu ci Yis a miala tu ^pang a pafli i cangraan haenen ningra ku futing,Jesus came took the bread and gave it to them and did the same with the fish,train +45759,45760,45760,samaanen isu misaday ku niyah hu pakacuˈay tu sakayhid,one of these is to avoid situations that would tempt us to violate Gods law,test +45760,45761,45761,mituduhan maemin,it is all going to be burned,train +45761,45762,45762,vuhat,lift off,train +45762,45763,45763,i ci Nawisan,Vulcans,train +45763,45764,45764,o ruma satu a micidekay a kakahemekan uya naluwan naluwan saanay awaayay ku imi^ nu suwal nika u kalimelaan caay ka ngaay a lawaen kunini,another feature of the song is the chorus which though meaningless is an indispensable part of the song and dance,train +45764,45765,45765,Namafutiʼay cay kahiya ka cipinang san,Madam is drowsy in her sleep,train +45765,45766,45766,nufalucu,I am very relieved,train +45766,45767,45767,u harateng sanay nu cilumaʼay,depends on the host family,train +45767,45768,45768,safinalan,Headwear,train +45768,45769,45769,itiya i maru i taliyuk ni Yis ku finawlan Paratuhen nangra Cingra Ira ku ina atu salikaka Isu i paputal a mikilim i Tisuwanan saan,a crowd was sitting around him and they told him Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you,train +45769,45770,45770,tulikan haw,supernumerary,test +45770,45771,45771,cufelis,rendezvous,train +45771,45772,45772,anu miala tu ʼaʼadupen i u ukang,only males can be hunted,train +45772,45773,45773,kisu u misamangahay a tamdaw i ayawen a miala tu mifalatay a kilang i mata isu ta pakaaraw kisu a miala tu cuca nu mata nu salikaka,you hypocrite first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brothers eye,train +45773,45774,45774,kedal han tu mihaen kedal han tu mihaen,tighten it like this pull it like this,train +45774,45775,45775,atu suni nu la^pa atu ngiha nu pasuwalay yu mitngil ku finawlan tuya ngiha i mingitangit cangra tu saka^caaw piliyaw nuya pasuwalay a pasuwal,to a trumpet blast or to such a voice speaking words that those who heard it begged that no further word be spoken to them,train +45775,45776,45776,kina vekeluh vaw,what kind of rock is this,train +45776,45777,45777,Nanuya i ikur nu nika tayra nu salikaka ningra i pisalisinan i dukduk sa ci Yis a tayra caay patalahkal cingra tu tireng,However after his brothers had left for the Feast he went also not publicly but in secret,train +45777,45778,45778,yara ina u wa tanu tangkuy sa kisu ina,Auntie your melons up there,train +45778,45779,45779,kahiyaan nu falucu aku kaku,that is what worries me,train +45779,45780,45780,nipakungkuan,stories told,test +45780,45781,45781,u mahaenay ku sapakilac a kilac,enjoying it together as a family,train +45781,45782,45782,taluma a misaenar,I will come back from the mountain,train +45782,45783,45783,mivahuwitu tu tuwid,it is time to catch the bird,train +45783,45784,45784,nengneng han naku kiya wama,look at the Father,train +45784,45785,45785,citu pihiya kami piradum i lakelal,no need to go to the river to get water,train +45785,45786,45786,kufaw,barn,train +45786,45787,45787,ura kapah ita ya tumak tu ku miʼununay,the tribal youths were already in ambush lured by their leader,train +45787,45788,45788,cecay aca ku wawa nira,he has only one child,train +45788,45789,45789,u mahaenay ku demak patadu pangangan u maam ku demak i niyaru ira ku sapanganga tu cimil u mahaenay,here is the thing tribes have big things that is where the anonymity comes from,train +45789,45790,45790,Mifulesak tu tu hiya kapaysingan tatiih kumaeng tu siraw futing itiya hu tiya mifulesakay aca tala umah,when sowing those seeds those who went to the fields to sow seeds at that age were not allowed to eat fish and cured meat,test +45790,45791,45791,mangudu,I am sorry,train +45791,45792,45792,wata maratar,Wow it is early,train +45792,45793,45793,pakatamina kaku tayra i Punghu,I go to Penghu by boat,train +45793,45794,45794,miliyaw na i u falat hananay,then the beams,train +45794,45795,45795,hanay saka tiraw kura fana aku tura,that is what I saw,train +45795,45796,45796,anca ka hatinien haw i,if you do not do this,train +45796,45797,45797,kalas,fiberglass,train +45797,45798,45798,matiya u kakeridan nu sufitay a pasuwal tu finawlan Oarasaka hay hay hay sanay a pacauf ku finawlan a rumadiw haw i tu tudung micaufay tu tulun nu mikeriday a hai hai hai a saanay,the leader is giving orders when he leads the song and the crowd sings Hi Hey Hey it is like a military order Yes Yes yes yes Yes,train +45798,45799,45799,manen aca mihiya,what are we going to do,train +45799,45800,45800,caay ka ^ca u papaliyasen nu Tapang kaku nai masamaamaanay a tatiihay a dmak o rumasatu u kakriden ningra kaku a tayra i kakarayanay a Kitakit Nanay caay ka citulas a mapahmek Cingra Amin,the Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom to him be glory for ever and ever Amen,test +45800,45801,45801,hay idang,Yes my friend,train +45801,45802,45802,iraay hu ku cecay i kufaw ca tu kapiaca haw,there is still one bottle left in the kitchen so there is no need to buy one,train +45802,45803,45803,anu mangalay kamu a pasulin tu nisuwalan nangra a mafana i ci Yuhani ku nisuwalan nangra tu pakayniay ci Iliyaan,and if you are willing to accept it he is the Elijah who was to come,train +45803,45804,45804,o maan ku cakayen isu wawa^,what do you want to buy kid,train +45804,45805,45805,kuna Pangcah,Aboriginal people are very creative people,train +45805,45806,45806,u maan ku sinavel nu mita,maiden Ku i padauk nu matuasay,train +45806,45807,45807,pasuwal ku singsi^ i tamiyanan,the teacher told us,train +45807,45808,45808,wata,Whoa,train +45808,45809,45809,u taterungan anini,Todays top priorities,train +45809,45810,45810,tangasa,accomplish,test +45810,45811,45811,saka tusa lalakaw mamilengu tu pina capeling nu faeluhay pinangan mitadtad samaanen ita patahekal i nukaˈurip atu i mitusilay demak kuni Fangcalay capeling,the second text will discuss several of the traits of the new character and show how we can exhibit these good traits in our lives and in our preaching,train +45811,45812,45812,u mamaan nira a demak,for any matter relating to him,train +45812,45813,45813,pulungen,congregate,train +45813,45814,45814,dademak,at work,train +45814,45815,45815,kaw rarutu kaku suwal satu ci ama ci Kacaw itakuwan mavatac tu kisu tanestes tu kisu saan,before I left my uncle praised me for growing taller and becoming more handsome,train +45815,45816,45816,pananukas mihebang kami han ku tawki,I am going back to work I am going to ask my boss for a vacation,train +45816,45817,45817,cima na cafuul tu kaku misi kaku ha ha ha ha,I thought if someone could help me I would be brave enough to tell the teacher that I had to pee,train +45817,45818,45818,o macucaay nu tahefud cira saka matiya satu u tumangicay a cilusa,he was dusted into his eyes so that he seemed to she would tears as if he were crying,train +45818,45819,45819,Ngaay tu kawrira patikuren kaku anupapacem,Okay but you have to give it back to me tomorrow,train +45819,45820,45820,u hatiraay tu saka cingangan nina Makutaay tu suta nina kasaci ngangan nu niyaru nu Makutaay,that is the name of all the land in Magadan,test +45820,45821,45821,nu dingkiay a sapihpih,electric fans,train +45821,45822,45822,ca ku miadupan,not hunting,train +45822,45823,45823,unsying,urine odor,train +45823,45824,45824,mipakilac,allocate,train +45824,45825,45825,tangasa i way a mihcaan masumad tu ku Cikasuwan,the good times did not last forever but in,train +45825,45826,45826,cuwa ci faliay tu saemelay,No it is windy and cool,train +45826,45827,45827,ta ya cikawasay masakeru caayay,does the witch dance,train +45827,45828,45828,paylipayan,Weekly,train +45828,45829,45829,narumiadan,Day Time,train +45829,45830,45830,cecay a tatukian itinikita a masaupu,we will be back in an hour,test +45830,45831,45831,nidanguy i riyar riyarlan,swimming and playing in the water at the beach,train +45831,45832,45832,i niyaruay,in the tribe,train +45832,45833,45833,Sulinay adihay ku patlac nu mita a ma^min o caay ka patlac ku suwal a tamdaw i u masungilaay a tamdaw u pakametay tu tireng ningra a ma^min,we all stumble in many ways if anyone is never at fault in what he says he is a perfect man able to keep his whole body in check,train +45833,45834,45834,samatiya sa u pimiyat nu kalapiyat i kakarayan a patdi i tulas nu kakarayan mahaen ku nika ira nuya wawa nu tamdaw a kataynian ningra a rumiad,for the son of man in his day will be like the lightning which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other,train +45834,45835,45835,sakuyulan sa ku fakifaki tura lalumaʼan,the uncles and elders came to the house discreetly,train +45835,45836,45836,Nanuya tayra ci Yis i Nain hananay a niyaru Mihaklung ku nisawawaan ni Yis atu alumanay a finawlan a tayra,then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well,train +45836,45837,45837,o Misafudawanay ciira,he is a goldsmith,train +45837,45838,45838,kakaenen,rice,train +45838,45839,45839,pacauv,respond,train +45839,45840,45840,nengneng,to see,test +45840,45841,45841,tu wawa,sons and daughters,train +45841,45842,45842,Malalaʼis itiya mifitangal ku Taluku tayra i niyaru nu pangcahi tira i niyamay,it was all in the midst of war and the Taroko tribe would attack to behead the Amis it was in the Tachang tribe,train +45842,45843,45843,cumuli,snail,train +45843,45844,45844,lalangatan nu lise,the origin of history,train +45844,45845,45845,masiday aku ku sacukcuk nu luma,I lost my house keys,train +45845,45846,45846,ira tu ku mipasuwalan nira hatira san i aya kasiniʼadaan kura kaemangay sa kaku,they are in love too if that is the case what is going to happen to these kids,train +45846,45847,45847,awaay tu,it is gone,train +45847,45848,45848,hatinien ku pituntun tu laput,this is how to cut the groundnut leaves,train +45848,45849,45849,ira haw ku yuvin i ngata,is there a post office nearby,train +45849,45850,45850,Atekaken cifufu sakaemeden ku aca mamanay han nira ku tawki a milicay,grandma thought it was too expensive and asked the boss if it could be cheaper,test +45850,45851,45851,kakitaan anini ku aniniay a wawa citu ka awaay ku nanu,modern kids are rich,train +45851,45852,45852,o matinakuay namu a pilifet i u nanu matinakuaytu nu alumanay a tamdaw o sulinay a tatieren ku Kawas caay palitmuh cingra tamuwanan tu caay ku mamahadidi namu a salifet anu malitmuh namu ku salifet i paicelen ningra kamu a papihadidi Patalaen ningra ku kasadakan namu a lalan,no temptation has seized you except what is common to man and God is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it,train +45852,45853,45853,Orasaka yu malaccay a masaupu ku pulung nu salikaka anu sumuwal cangra a ma^min tu nu Adinguan a suwal anu micumud ku tau anu ^ca i u caayhu pipasulin a tamdaw i u maapaay cangra caay ku sasaan cangra i tamuwanan hakiya,so if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues and some who do not understand or some unbelievers come in will they not say that you are out of your mind,train +45853,45854,45854,tangsul han i,if it is dealt with immediately,train +45854,45855,45855,rakat,go on foot,train +45855,45856,45856,caay katekedhan nu luma ku patiren tu luma,people would not build houses on their own,train +45856,45857,45857,mahemek,happy,train +45857,45858,45858,niucuran,group,train +45858,45859,45859,u kakaenen nu luma nu niyam,it is a meal for the whole family,train +45859,45860,45860,kiya mahaen ku nika tataak nu liyal,why is it so fierce,test +45860,45861,45861,Masanuliay kami a mikaput tu lumauc nu niyaru,we had a hundred people at the tribal rally,train +45861,45862,45862,Paramuden ku wawa nu misu,find a partner for your child,train +45862,45863,45863,nanu kaemangan nu maku i,when I was a kid,train +45863,45864,45864,o lisataay Cakay,Zacchaeus was a tax collector,train +45864,45865,45865,o rafac tu nu fanul i kakarayan a maefer,pigeons fly freely in the sky,train +45865,45866,45866,misaaning,perform,train +45866,45867,45867,awai ku duka,no injuries,train +45867,45868,45868,tu nu mahaen haw i maretep tuya rumiʼad,on the set day,train +45868,45869,45869,tatudung,significance,train +45869,45870,45870,anu ca i,Otherwise,test +45870,45871,45871,pina tu ku tuki anini,what time is it,train +45871,45872,45872,hay san,yea,train +45872,45873,45873,i kaciferangan ku kalufican nu lingking,longan stay in summer,train +45873,45874,45874,ya ka Dipungan hu,it was still the Japanese era,train +45874,45875,45875,makavatikar ma,I am riding my bike,train +45875,45876,45876,Seka saan kaku a mapacekuk nu misu,you are scaring me into shock,train +45876,45877,45877,sa numang kaku i hatu u cikawasay irahu misatangkiay itiya,so when I was a kid I was always exposed to witchcraft or mediums,train +45877,45878,45878,Inia enemay a kulit u taterungan a misanga tu lusid nu Pangcah caay ka lecad ku salangawan nu payniyaniyaru manay caay ka lecad kuni sangaan tu lusid,these six colors are the basic colors of Amis clothing and the combination of accessories varies from region to region depending on the culture,train +45878,45879,45879,nu malitengay itiyahu,the old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old old,train +45879,45880,45880,mafana tu cangra tu uya kira tu lekakawa tu demak maanen ta fangcal kita,they also learned about the organizational system to discuss how to solve things,test +45880,45881,45881,pasifana nu malitengay kuninan,the elders taught me that,train +45881,45882,45882,kilimen ku dihapalay a fukeluh tu malu anengang,look for a flat rock to sit on,train +45882,45883,45883,o papasulinen kunini a suwal Saka mangalay kaku tu pipaicel isu tunini a dmak ta malaluk ku pasulinay tu Kawas a tamdaw a misaicel tu ngaayay a dmak o fangcalay u sakaci^puc nu tamdamdaw kunini a dmak,this is a trustworthy saying and I want you to stress these things so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good these things are excellent and profitable for everyone,train +45883,45884,45884,tumes satu ku nanum i fakici nu mita,our buckets are full,train +45884,45885,45885,niyam,our,train +45885,45886,45886,kisu ku maru han nira,my parents say you are staying to be the family,train +45886,45887,45887,cukaymas,utilization,train +45887,45888,45888,u dengan kaku iraay kuni palumaan tuni hatiniay,I am the only one here who grows this palace vegetable,train +45888,45889,45889,ha i,yea,train +45889,45890,45890,malcad tunini ira i tamuwanan ku midu^duay tu sifana nu Nikulay a pakayraan,likewise you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans,test +45890,45891,45891,u luma tu haw kini sa kami,we thought we were home,train +45891,45892,45892,u vavainay hakulungen nu pakayakayay atu luma nu tireng a tara i kakadavuwan u aayaw nu nipataheka mivetik ku sikawasay pakalemed,the groom is accompanied to the woman home by the matchmaker and his family before the feast the priest prays for blessings,train +45892,45893,45893,Maliʼang kura ama ira kira,his grand mom is mean,train +45893,45894,45894,Kaesu a pacamulen tu tana ku kafi nu futing,fish soup with scallions is delicious,train +45894,45895,45895,vayi u maan han kiya lalikulay nu misu,Auntie what is the name of the one behind you,train +45895,45896,45896,mapiiway,lame person,train +45896,45897,45897,fangcal ku rumiad itira kisunan haw,how is the weather there,train +45897,45898,45898,yanu,and then that,train +45898,45899,45899,ma tefad tu kuya luma nuya unal saka,the beehive fell down,train +45899,45900,45900,Tahasiˈayaway tu masamaanay a pasangar kuya minukayay tayra i Yirusalim a Israil tamdaw,what difficulties did the Jews returning to Jerusalem face,test +45900,45901,45901,itira mansa,the reason why,train +45901,45902,45902,hina,avoids,train +45902,45903,45903,i cuwa mikilim tu sakafana,where can I find the answer,train +45903,45904,45904,tu maan,alternate,train +45904,45905,45905,Wawaaw aku miliyaw haca kaku a matiya u maatatay a misemsem tangasa i kasafacuan ni Kristu i falucu namu,my dear children for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,train +45905,45906,45906,curahan nira kira vuhang mangalay a patahekal tu alem,he set fire to the cave to make the pangolin come out,train +45906,45907,45907,taperik,sea wave,train +45907,45908,45908,ta kakitaan caira,they were rich people then,train +45908,45909,45909,pitulasan,terminal,train +45909,45910,45910,mawaswas tu kiya niyaru,that tribe is scattered,test +45910,45911,45911,niyan nu sakay,nature,train +45911,45912,45912,icuwaay ku sangataay a siyataw nu ciyun itini,where is the nearest MRT station,train +45912,45913,45913,falud,tie it up,train +45913,45914,45914,malaluk ci Panay matuka^ ci Dungi^,Panay is hardworking and Dongi is lazy,train +45914,45915,45915,mahrek a malaliyaliyang a macaculiculi i tireng sa ci Pitiru a sumuwal Salikakaaw mafana kamu u nipilian nu Kawas kaku i tiyahu nai tamuwanan tu mamipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh i ruma a finacadan tu sakangaay nangra a mitngil ta pasulin,after much discussion Peter got up and addressed them Brothers you know that some time ago God made a choice among you that the Gentiles might hear from my lips the message of the gospel and believe,train +45915,45916,45916,hay tu hatiniay misafila kamu i,usually it is like now when you grow Lao leaves,train +45916,45917,45917,talalutuk ci mama^ a miadup,dad was hunting in the mountains,train +45917,45918,45918,anu anu caay itini i lutukan,if it is not here it is in the mountains,train +45918,45919,45919,Pangasawen nu Kawas ku finacadan nu mita u Pangcah,God made us Aborigines to have clans,train +45919,45920,45920,O rumasatu awaay ku mitapiday i matlangay a riku tu fa^luhay a kiradum nawhani anu haenen i macicih nu fa^luhay a satapid ku matlangay a riku Satataang satu ku nika cicih nuya riku,No one sews a patch of shrunk cloth on an old garment if he does the new piece will pull away from the old making the tear worse,test +45920,45921,45921,misanga kami tu taluan,we will start working on the squatters,train +45921,45922,45922,caay kacicih kuya kulah hananay saan,the undershirt is completely intact,train +45922,45923,45923,tala i lutuk a miyara kita tu,going to the mountains to collect wild vegetable seeds,train +45923,45924,45924,Pasakasuan a tengilen da da sacecacecayen a pahadak,sounds delicious so order one of each,train +45924,45925,45925,as a na hatira kuna Yencumin hakini sa araw han u ka awa tu nura,why do the Aborigines not cherish the idea that there must be a lack of economic resources,train +45925,45926,45926,i niyan tu itiraay i lutuk,this one is in the mountains,train +45926,45927,45927,u malemeday tu cira a maurip,she will be happy,train +45927,45928,45928,awaay ku nangaayan,there is no improvement,train +45928,45929,45929,kaku a maritus saka,I drew this,train +45929,45930,45930,tuur han nira ku pahiya nu fafaw,she is been following what is going on up there,test +45930,45931,45931,nacnac,lick,train +45931,45932,45932,matena ku rakat nu fali saka nu riyaran ku rumiad faedet kalaurad anu caeca ku Fangcalay kauripan nika fangcal ku liumah matatudung paluma tu panay cecay miheca kinatusa mianip,blocking the monsoon the climate is oceanic with high temperature and rainy which is not ideal for human life but good for crop growth and suitable for rice planting which can be planted twice a year,train +45932,45933,45933,imatiya awa ku kucu yu,and no shoes,train +45933,45934,45934,Orasaka i tini i pulung nu dmak i u mamilcalcad aca cingra tu salikaka ningra ta ngaay cingra a malasiniadaay malatatieren nangra a sakakaay a citudungay tu taung a matayal tu nu Kawas tu sakahpul nu raraw nu tamdamdaw,for this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people,train +45934,45935,45935,hakulungen kisu miatdup,I will take you hunting,train +45935,45936,45936,tura sikuwangay,the men with the guns,train +45936,45937,45937,u Huling kiyami ira kiya sauwac,this is Fung Lam crossing a big river,train +45937,45938,45938,cuwa ka talaw a mafaliyus,for faith is as firm as a ships anchor,train +45938,45939,45939,o widang aku cingra ci Imuy ku ngangan ningra,she is my friend her name is Imoy,train +45939,45940,45940,mutep ku pihiya aku haw nengneng kuya kamay yaku,look at my hands I have made ten,test +45940,45941,45941,maherek tunini a pitapangan nu ta,the whole Maori root system is built,train +45941,45942,45942,itira ku mitungal nu maku tu taneng,increase my experience there,train +45942,45943,45943,Oli micefus tu nanum kisu,you go watering,train +45943,45944,45944,Miaca ci kaka tu nanges,my sister went to buy mangoes,train +45944,45945,45945,matini aluiman tuku suna aluman tuka wawawawa nu wawa,there are more and more grandchildren children and children children,train +45945,45946,45946,kalalisanan,influenza epidemic,train +45946,45947,45947,mipuhpuhay,Confirmation of existence,train +45947,45948,45948,i naayaw u niyaru nu Taycang,early on it was the Taichang tribe,train +45948,45949,45949,namapulin,fall down,train +45949,45950,45950,adada ku cebu nira,he is got bladder pain,test +45950,45951,45951,vayi,aunt,train +45951,45952,45952,maulahay kisu tu kacanglahan,do you like spring,train +45952,45953,45953,vuhcal ku dadimusa vuhecal ku mata,Eyeballs eyes white,train +45953,45954,45954,Mucirid ku falucu nira,he thinks differently from the rest his thinking is wrong,train +45954,45955,45955,ina ira ku sukuy isu haw ira,Yes,train +45955,45956,45956,mahaenay u sikal,just like the straw mat,train +45956,45957,45957,matiya tu u semuwalay,it is like the sea,train +45957,45958,45958,anu milungay tu hananay,melt the iron,train +45958,45959,45959,pidama^,help,train +45959,45960,45960,minengneng tu lawac,to check around the hedge,test +45960,45961,45961,mikalic,travel by,train +45961,45962,45962,ni,indistinct,train +45962,45963,45963,mahaena ku suwal,I have heard that,train +45963,45964,45964,Ama u kasufucan isu anini^ nanay lipahak kisu,grand mom today is your birthday happy birthday to you,train +45964,45965,45965,caay kangaʼay ku urip nu maku kaʼemang hu,from the hardship of my life,train +45965,45966,45966,pakaynien i wawa anini,today God is calling through the beloved Son,train +45966,45967,45967,u wina aku i icuwa nga u maan han kunian haw mapatay,my mother passed away five years ago,train +45967,45968,45968,mikilim kita ku kafulawan,let us find another place,train +45968,45969,45969,saka 2 simsimen miharateng samaanen mitudung ku taˈarawan nu Kawas atu mamisamaan tu demak ngaˈ ira ku ngaˈayay minaruˈan,Second think carefully about how we can learn from Gods example and what good will come from doing so,train +45969,45970,45970,masakeru kira itini,because there is dancing going on,test +45970,45971,45971,Mangaay tayra mikihatiya kami,can we come and join,train +45971,45972,45972,Matadiec nu luma nira ku luma niyam,his house is next to ours,train +45972,45973,45973,matatuud,in a flurry,train +45973,45974,45974,rawang,classrooms,train +45974,45975,45975,nay,me,train +45975,45976,45976,aka ka u tatiihay ku sapicuay i cimacimaan ka u ngaayay a tapalen nu tamdamdaw ku dmak namu,do not repay anyone evil for evil be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody,train +45976,45977,45977,Orantu haw i,after that,train +45977,45978,45978,kilemel,strength,train +45978,45979,45979,anu pakacacuwacuwaay tu iya nu dihidihif,having to walk in the shelter of the ridge caves the,train +45979,45980,45980,karuheman,Mature,test +45980,45981,45981,masanengsengay,it is cool,train +45981,45982,45982,ci Sakiku fafahiyan wawa sanay ku suwal Itini isaka 1990 a mamihecaan marariday malitemuh ku naitiniay i Pracil a tamdaw,in the we used to meet immigrants from Brazil when we preached says her daughter Sakiko,train +45982,45983,45983,ka^mangan,I am still young,train +45983,45984,45984,ta mahakelung kita tayra i piuntuan,let us go to the playground together,train +45984,45985,45985,cima ku mitapalay tunini a katayalan,who oversees this business,train +45985,45986,45986,ilu matini paka Cirakesay han kunini a niyaru aca numita,so now it is called the Kirakosai tribe,train +45986,45987,45987,nmapeli ku cikaw nu taluʼan,it is been stepped on near the hut,train +45987,45988,45988,caay kapikaput tu wawawawawa malikuda,no more organized class dances for the younger generation,train +45988,45989,45989,celien,to shout,train +45989,45990,45990,Saka tahidang hantu ni Yis cangra a ma^min ta pasuwal sa i cangraan Mafana kamu tu nika u mikuwanay tu finawlan hananay a tadamaanay a tamdaw i tini i hkal i mipa^kel tu finawlan a mikuwan,Jesus called them together and said You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles Lord it over them and their high officials exercise authority over them,test +45990,45991,45991,padamaen ku canguutay a salikaka Paladaen cangra Sangaayen ku pihamham tu lafang,share with Gods people who are in need practice hospitality,train +45991,45992,45992,Manaun ku rakat nu papuyuay cecay a rumiad kina tusa^ a misaliyuk,the short needle goes slowly twice a day,train +45992,45993,45993,Reku han nu mita kira papitpiten anini,we will finish the harvesting,train +45993,45994,45994,anu awaay,if not,train +45994,45995,45995,matngil ningra itira ku caay ku sasuwalen nu tamdaw atu caay ku papatalahkalen a patngil i tamdaw a suwal,was caught up to paradise he heard inexpressible things things that man is not permitted to tell,train +45995,45996,45996,halihepul,easily pardoned,train +45996,45997,45997,Pasuwalan aku cingra Suwal ni Yis u ngaˈayay lihaf nu Hungti Kitakit wa mapaedef i pulung nu hekal awaay ku papakacunged a tamdaw,I told him Jesus said that the good news of the kingdom will surely be preached throughout the world and no one can stop it,train +45997,45998,45998,Cuwa nanaman tu aku tu rumiamiad,Where I am used to it every day,train +45998,45999,45999,makaen nu Pangcah kinian,everyone in the tribe eats it,train +45999,46000,46000,maacang kaku anini fangcal kaku anini,I am fine now I am very happy,test +46000,46001,46001,itini hang cecay u funufunuan kina liyuk,this place used to be barren,train +46001,46002,46002,anu tangasa i tumuk enem ku safaw nu upih ningra yan saka,the crown of the head has feathers,train +46002,46003,46003,mapuliti,thrown by a stone,train +46003,46004,46004,sakikarumakatan,walking area,train +46004,46005,46005,maala kaku matuʼas tu kaku i han aku,though I reveal that I am old,train +46005,46006,46006,kaulahen nu matuasay,loved by the old man,train +46006,46007,46007,adada ku tangal aku,my head hurts,train +46007,46008,46008,remadiw kami a miwaniw,we mowed the lawn with a song,train +46008,46009,46009,mahungira isu miiya makapahay tu,it would be nice if you had it organized,train +46009,46010,46010,sasepat yu,only,test +46010,46011,46011,Tulun han nira mitulun umaan kuya sapi karup nira,plus spells what do they look like,train +46011,46012,46012,sapariri,bait,train +46012,46013,46013,Akuk satu kaku tu pienucan tu masaalitaday a piyang,that candy Bar makes me choke,train +46013,46014,46014,ci Apetayan kaku,I am Apetayan,train +46014,46015,46015,nu nu kwapin nu minku ku caciyaw nu maku kafanaʼan,I only understood Chinese at that time,train +46015,46016,46016,anu tatusa sepat,or put two or four,train +46016,46017,46017,masamaanay,I do not know,train +46017,46018,46018,caveng,wall,train +46018,46019,46019,mafanaʼay mikawid sanay,I hear you are the best at weaving a web of gossip,train +46019,46020,46020,pitpit han kinian,this one needs to have its leaves peeled,test +46020,46021,46021,cuwa u miacaan ni ina aku tu hanu maku,No my mom bought it for me,train +46021,46022,46022,mimaantu saw,how will you spend the next two years,train +46022,46023,46023,unu,expense or outlay,train +46023,46024,46024,hay malawidawidang a masakaput,we are in the same age group together,train +46024,46025,46025,ira kura sapipihay nira a radiw kira,they have a song like this for women ritual music and dance,train +46025,46026,46026,Hayda u maan tu haca^,no problem and what else do you need,train +46026,46027,46027,han naku ci mama aku ri tangic sa ci mama aku misufucay takuwan,I told my father that and my biological father was very sad to hear it,train +46027,46028,46028,Pangalaen ku rumiad na mangaay a tayni kisu,free up a day so you can come,train +46028,46029,46029,o maan ku tayal isu,what kind of work do you do,train +46029,46030,46030,yan nisangaʼan isu maulah ku wawa tinian,my children all say Mom we love the costumes you made,test +46030,46031,46031,Saka pakayni han ni Filip tunini a tusir ku pipasuwal ningra cingraan tu Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay ci Yisan,then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus,train +46031,46032,46032,pina mihecaan isu siwa ira ku lima,how old are you,train +46032,46033,46033,hatini tu ku fitelak nu facal,the field is cracked so wide,train +46033,46034,46034,mangudu cingra tu urip nira,he is embarrassed about his family situation,train +46034,46035,46035,haen naku kumu ey mahanen tu ira mamararay tu i,I told you that is how you are connected,train +46035,46036,46036,siiya sanay maemin,will still be enforced collectively to wear,train +46036,46037,46037,nu niyaru nu Cikasuwan,history of the Shichibukawa tribe,train +46037,46038,46038,ngaʼayay ku misamuwacayay,it is good to catch eel seedlings,train +46038,46039,46039,nahatini hatiniaca kuna licay tisuwanan haw,that is it for today interview,train +46039,46040,46040,a mifahkul tu tatiihay a tamdaw i marengrengay a namal i parud o a itira cangra a tumangic a mingric tu wadis,and throw them into the fiery furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,test +46040,46041,46041,suwalay tu cingra tayni tu i tayku,and then in Thailand,train +46041,46042,46042,pacikafen,Let fish scales,train +46042,46043,46043,marariwasak,expansion,train +46043,46044,46044,Maru kaku i laed namu,I am sitting between you guys,train +46044,46045,46045,misangiru,warm oneself,train +46045,46046,46046,sa anini satu,Now,train +46046,46047,46047,salaw u rumiʼadsatu anu makerah ku riyar cumikay micekiw ku wina nu niyam,So when the tide goes out mom goes to the beach and picks up shellfish,train +46047,46048,46048,luwad satu ci Lifi sawad han ningra ku maamaan a mituur i ci Yisan,and Levi got up left everything and followed him,train +46048,46049,46049,siririk haw,do you have any bait,train +46049,46050,46050,mahetec ku tireng,to become skinny after being fat,test +46050,46051,46051,Pakaenu uya penen tu miturikan,at the bottom are the reeds,train +46051,46052,46052,tatayla milisu tu widang aku ci Cunukan,going to visit my friend Cunukan,train +46052,46053,46053,matutufur,much like a calf,train +46053,46054,46054,ali^,sister in law,train +46054,46055,46055,mahrek a pasuwal kuya tatusaay i suwal sa ci Yakup Salikakaaw tngilenhu ku suwal aku,when they finished James spoke up Brothers listen to me,train +46055,46056,46056,icuwa hatini ku lemangaway,not many of them survived,train +46056,46057,46057,anu caay dudui a mikilim tu,if there is no traceability,train +46057,46058,46058,sakalima a lipay anini pahanhan anucila malacafay kita a misalama,it is Friday today we have a day off tomorrow let us go out and play together,train +46058,46059,46059,mahecaday ira ku tingki ngaˈ malikatay ku dawdaw helipen ku matatudung ku kaadihay nu fali caciyaw anca rumadiw i wa ira ku ˈicel,just like a light bulb needs electricity to shine taking in enough air will make your voice stronger when you speak and sing,train +46059,46060,46060,aka pasasiikur a minengneng,do not look back,test +46060,46061,46061,caay ka urira a ccay cilaed kita tu talulungay kakahaday a tunu Saka caay ku mamafilu niyam a milacal a tayra i tamuwanan han ningra,and besides all this between us and you a great chasm has been fixed so that those who want to go from here to you cannot nor can anyone cross over from there to us,train +46061,46062,46062,malaliyas,separate,train +46062,46063,46063,Pangcah haw,Amis,train +46063,46064,46064,sa iu Dipun haw i,in Japan,train +46064,46065,46065,katayni,please come to,train +46065,46066,46066,sa ku rarum nu falucu nira itiya mikilim tu cingra,he was so sad that he looked for,train +46066,46067,46067,amciya,turner,train +46067,46068,46068,Mipalimuut hu ku faki mipalemed ku finawlan samiranan,in addition to the uncles admonition the clan also blessed the pair,train +46068,46069,46069,mahaenay u tayniay a mikilim tu,just as people come here looking for,train +46069,46070,46070,o pisakamian i Kalingku kinian,this is a pulp mill in Hualien,test +46070,46071,46071,nu mita misa Pangcahay misaʼAmisay hananay haw,We the Amis,train +46071,46072,46072,papiis^isen,Let Whistle,train +46072,46073,46073,maasisiway,Alreadypicked up,train +46073,46074,46074,u maan kura cilah hananay,why do you need salt,train +46074,46075,46075,saka licayen ni Yis cangra Anu hatira i cahu ka fana kamu saw han ningra,he said to them Do you still not understand,train +46075,46076,46076,caay kapina ku remiad mapatay tu cira,a few days later they beat him to death,train +46076,46077,46077,Lahuday,liable,train +46077,46078,46078,ayuranan kura paicep hananay mafana ku finawlan,the clan knows that this is the origin of the lovers bag,train +46078,46079,46079,Piyaw,female name,train +46079,46080,46080,fana ci Wangcenfa tu nu Hulam kira,because Wong Shing fat knows Chinese,test +46080,46081,46081,Hinukup san ci Mayaw a misaali tu paysu tu inaan nira,Mayaw bends down and asks her mother for money,train +46081,46082,46082,pakaen,entertain,train +46082,46083,46083,ira tu ku meyley nu i faleday,we have got orders from the top,train +46083,46084,46084,Mialemay ku lingad a talalutuk,this time we went to the mountains to catch pangolins,train +46084,46085,46085,sa ku wama aku,father thinks so,train +46085,46086,46086,sanay ku falucu nu maku,that is how I remember it,train +46086,46087,46087,valucu,center,train +46087,46088,46088,namakawali namakatimul namakaamis,from east to south to north,train +46088,46089,46089,i ngataay nu mita,our neighborhood,train +46089,46090,46090,ca ca hekaw i awa minukay,did not Hekaw come home,test +46090,46091,46091,Pacikuen nira ku pipalu tu tau,he elbows people,train +46091,46092,46092,Pakayapen ku kapah a malikuda,the young people will dance the Harvest Festival with a loincloth,train +46092,46093,46093,kaysing,rice bowl,train +46093,46094,46094,o tumatu ku sinafel nu tafu aku,my bent dish is tomato,train +46094,46095,46095,malinah satu nani Kalala itini saca iraw akalaw kuraw a sera iraw,moved from the Ghanaian tribe to the higher ground there,train +46095,46096,46096,o mamatfad ku fuis nai kakarayan o mamangernger ku pulung nu kakakafikafit nu kakarayan,the stars will fall from the sky and the heavenly bodies will be shaken,train +46096,46097,46097,Amimaamaan misanga tu luma,whatever you do build a house,train +46097,46098,46098,tayiraay may i liyal a mimeraw,go to the beach,train +46098,46099,46099,Fiyacen,straighten,train +46099,46100,46100,atepen tu iya,Just Pressing,test +46100,46101,46101,pasifana han tu aku kunu namitngilay kira akungan,I will teach the one who interviewed Grandpa first,train +46101,46102,46102,Mingiriway cira tu tireng saka misamamang cira a kumaen,she is losing weight so,train +46102,46103,46103,pangalaen,free something,train +46103,46104,46104,a melaw ci ama aku suelinay,my father thought it might be because he had not worshipped his ancestors,train +46104,46105,46105,mamaan ku remiad anini,how is the weather today,train +46105,46106,46106,nipafelian,Here,train +46106,46107,46107,o maanalay ku rayray nu paru nu luma niyam tahamatini,our traditional family members are bald to this day,train +46107,46108,46108,Sakuhenac sa ku fukes isu u maan ku sakalulu isu,your hair is so smooth what do you use for a bikini,train +46108,46109,46109,Matengel nu misu,did you hear that,train +46109,46110,46110,rasa anu pahanhanan anu micudad i,so during the summer and winter vacations,test +46110,46111,46111,Hay ci Mayaw ku ngangan ningra,Yes his name is Mayaw,train +46111,46112,46112,Pakasuen ku piruhem tu pawli,use gas to smother bananas,train +46112,46113,46113,haliki mipudpud i adihayay ku futi nu tululu,faster picking results in more sleep,train +46113,46114,46114,Mahengheng,Rumble of the sea,train +46114,46115,46115,mahaenay naʼayaw awaay hen ku lunan ma,it is different there were no big ships in the past like this,train +46115,46116,46116,misinafel,gathering wild vegetables,train +46116,46117,46117,yasan ya lalan itini i hatini,the mountain road here is very narrow,train +46117,46118,46118,i cuwacuwaʼay a minukay tayni ta misanga kami tu siraw sa,whenever we get people back from different places we will make salt pork,train +46118,46119,46119,san ku caʼuf nu mama nu maku atu ina aku,my parents answered me this way,train +46119,46120,46120,militapang tu nanay haenen ita ku suwal ita u Pangcah saan,the children of the tribe said they wished they could be like them,test +46120,46121,46121,matawal aku ku sasisit aku,I forgot to bring the eraser,train +46121,46122,46122,hay sa,desirable,train +46122,46123,46123,tuna paru nu luma aku tuni a masalikaka,we are brothers and we are sisters and we love each other,train +46123,46124,46124,matirahanhan nu kamay i,that is it touch your hand like this,train +46124,46125,46125,o ciringasaay a maemin ku pisafununan nu Pangcah,the Amis have a ridge to release water from their paddy fields,train +46125,46126,46126,saw,it,train +46126,46127,46127,suʼelinay ku demak ni ina nu maku,what mom did was meaningful,train +46127,46128,46128,ta iraay ya kakeruan niyam kiyami,there is a dance floor over there,train +46128,46129,46129,mikurih,lift off,train +46129,46130,46130,ruma safukilfukil sanay,some of them were stoned it is not a good idea,test +46130,46131,46131,masanga isu kura tamud kira haw,after you made the yeast,train +46131,46132,46132,palauc kunini u kakitaan,the chiefs would assemble,train +46132,46133,46133,hamedac,bias,train +46133,46134,46134,Murungay tu sapur u vavainay tu,men also carry seedlings on their shoulders,train +46134,46135,46135,malifawaay ku kacieng nura wawa,the child cheeks were swollen,train +46135,46136,46136,u manan ku minawasing mifunanuli hay mifunanuli hay mifunanuli,what is the meaning of the letter Nawa Mifune is trying to go to the ocean,train +46136,46137,46137,mamaan saw kina luma,what is wrong with this farmhouse,train +46137,46138,46138,pararamud han tu cangra sa ku matuʼasay mahenay,Finally the elders made us a couple,train +46138,46139,46139,maliʼliʼay ku lutuk nu tiniay i ci Puypuyan,the mountain here collapsed,train +46139,46140,46140,naytira hay u yu,there it is Yes that one,test +46140,46141,46141,maʼurung nu Amis kura manan kuni manan kuni mafukil ku Paliwan tu manan kura,the Paiwan have never seen the turmeric that the Amis brought with them when they migrated,train +46141,46142,46142,lusid,clothing accessories,train +46142,46143,46143,maʼikesay tu malitengay tu kuni kira,the trees are a bit solid as one is already very old,train +46143,46144,46144,aka pisamsam tu tau kisu,you do not bully others,train +46144,46145,46145,pasuwalen aku anini tu serangawan nu mama atu ina nu tihi nu faʼinay nu maku,I am going to talk about the fishing culture of my parents,train +46145,46146,46146,fangcal tu ku hiya nu mita itini tuni hekalan,that alone makes us better off than we were before,train +46146,46147,46147,maalatu ku avar adidid,shrimp caught it,train +46147,46148,46148,kuesit ku falucu,stubborn resistant,train +46148,46149,46149,mapatayay kya Tafalung i ta tayra kita idang sa kya widang aku,a friend of mine invited me to go there because a relative had passed away in Taipa Long,train +46149,46150,46150,lumahad,growth,test +46150,46151,46151,ya,that one,train +46151,46152,46152,na sumuwal kaku tu tudungay nu patireng,I am going to describe the construction of the house,train +46152,46153,46153,Pusku^,Yuli,train +46153,46154,46154,Malaklaktu ku kapah a miʼuway,the youth dispersed to pick the vines,train +46154,46155,46155,o ˈOlic 118 samanay paihekal tu mamalaˈusi ku miliyaway maˈurip a demak,how does Psalm show that the resurrection will be fulfilled,train +46155,46156,46156,misaecaw,brew wine,train +46156,46157,46157,adihayan,too many,train +46157,46158,46158,samafanaʼay kura saraw sakira,he will pay attention to ghosts and spirits,train +46158,46159,46159,rakat saan kapetan nu muylan ku yu tulangku,just walk Walking it is a matchmaker with a suitcase,train +46159,46160,46160,makaen nu lutung ku alupal,the persimmon was eaten by a monkey,test +46160,46161,46161,kura keru,the steps,train +46161,46162,46162,suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad Duedu han ni Musi kunini a demak a paˈaraw i kakrikridan nu finawlan,the Bible says And Moses did so before the eyes of the elders of Israel,train +46162,46163,46163,micufcuf,to eat or drink heavily,train +46163,46164,46164,mansa mafana kaku,so I would know,train +46164,46165,46165,sepat ya fafuy nangra tataʼak sa caay ka maan ku fafuy,all four pigs weighed nearly pounds and they were fine,train +46165,46166,46166,u Pangcah amin,they are all Amis,train +46166,46167,46167,hay pacekuk sanay kira,I do not know how to face you,train +46167,46168,46168,mananaw,go to the toilet,train +46168,46169,46169,anu misasiraw kisu mipalamlaman nanay tu hemay,do you add sticky rice to your meat marinade,train +46169,46170,46170,o wawa^ nu Pangcah kaku,I am from the Amis,test +46170,46171,46171,nawhan ci payci cangra macahiw ku macahiway,because they are rich they are poor,train +46171,46172,46172,matini,this,train +46172,46173,46173,awaay tu maʼaraw aku ku wina aku atu mama aku,I do not see Mommy and Daddy,train +46173,46174,46174,unian a kararem,these are the later generations,train +46174,46175,46175,ira ku tuwantuy nu niyaru,the tribe has a workforce,train +46175,46176,46176,tu cina tu nu maku ku sitatudungay,and then my mom was in charge,train +46176,46177,46177,awa kupakaylaan miliyaw tu i mikihatiya tu kaku,I have no choice but to join again,train +46177,46178,46178,pakaen han nira kura safa aku pataluma,I took him home and invited him to dinner,train +46178,46179,46179,sa mipacuk anini mipacuk tu i dafak ya fafuy,we already killed a pig this morning,train +46179,46180,46180,ku nipitapal nu maku,I think so,test +46180,46181,46181,sulinay kina suwal,this is a very sensible remark,train +46181,46182,46182,u edeng kura damaen aku paetanen,I can only think to,train +46182,46183,46183,yu matengil aku ku suwal nira i keter satu kaku,when I heard what he said I became angry,train +46183,46184,46184,cifalaay,pulmonary,train +46184,46185,46185,midiʼeciw ku malitengay i,by leading the congregation,train +46185,46186,46186,o nu Cawi tu ku awaay kira cay kahaen kunu Cawi nengnengen aku anini,it does not seem to be a custom in the Jingpu tribe anymore,train +46186,46187,46187,Wu,Oh,train +46187,46188,46188,uway tu na dungec,and yellow vine,train +46188,46189,46189,hay sa maulah na ama namu mihiya,that is why your grandma loves it,train +46189,46190,46190,u keliw nu nicakayan,I bought it,test +46190,46191,46191,i palapalaʼan pimaumahan nu mama,in the fields where my father works,train +46191,46192,46192,nalikulan,expire,train +46192,46193,46193,o manan kuya mipacengelay tu pising,which tribe has tattoos,train +46193,46194,46194,mapatay tu haw,are you going to die,train +46194,46195,46195,luwad anu mifawah tu fawahan luwad ʼaas saan ila hu ku caciyaw tura,when I start to go out and open the door I want to sneeze it is ominous,train +46195,46196,46196,upu,pile up the sun dried grain,train +46196,46197,46197,han ca niya singsi kaku,the teacher told me I was stupid again,train +46197,46198,46198,Orasaka tiliden ku maaraway isu i matini atu aira i ikur a maaraway isu a dmak,I am the living One I was dead and Behold I am alive for ever and ever and I hold the keys of death and Hades,train +46198,46199,46199,fangcal nian haw san,I find the costumes very appealing,train +46199,46200,46200,awaay ku safuhat nunini a saciker,this lock has no key,test +46200,46201,46201,kasiniʼadaan ri ya cifafahiay,the poor thing is the one who already has a wife,train +46201,46202,46202,haen han mikumu kiyami,that is how it is done,train +46202,46203,46203,mansa anini saan paluma saan micakay milicay kaku cila tu sapaluma nuya sukuy,So what happens now when you want to plant I will ask for a price for a woodchuck seedling,train +46203,46204,46204,namahaʼen kina niyaru u maan hakiya ku canguʼutan nangra,I do not know what else this tribe needs,train +46204,46205,46205,u daya han kura,that is elderberry,train +46205,46206,46206,u icep hanay takadaw cingra ri,the betel nut grows very tall,train +46206,46207,46207,ku Ripun,Japanese person,train +46207,46208,46208,akung,male elders,train +46208,46209,46209,pasuwal sa ci Akripa ci Pawluan Anu caacaay ka hakuwa ku suwal i ma^deng kaku a palamisa Kristuay cingraan saan ku harateng isu takuwanan saw han ningra,then Agrippa said to Paul Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian,train +46209,46210,46210,a katangasaan tu ku kalalikidan,the traditional Toyotomi Festival is fast approaching,test +46210,46211,46211,Malahcitu na Yusif aci Mariya ku dadu^duen a nitilidan a Rikec nu Tapang a midu^du Saka nukay satu cangra i niyaru nu tireng i Nacali nu Kalili,when Joseph and Mary had done everything required by the law of the Lord they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth,train +46211,46212,46212,Naunen a mihawang kura kali,cross the ditch carefully,train +46212,46213,46213,fahkulen nira mifahkul tayra itira hiya mafana tu itiniʼay i Kuhkuh,the same place it was thrown was in Mizuhos,train +46213,46214,46214,u hatapes kunian saka hanaw u salengac ku sasangaʼen,because it is for a sieve tray it is made from moon peach trees,train +46214,46215,46215,o tafiling a maemin ku umah nu pangcah,Aboriginal land was all hillside,train +46215,46216,46216,Aninihu minanam tu harateng ni Yihufa hanu u masaka limlaan,please use examples of why it is important to learn Jehovahs perspective now,train +46216,46217,46217,u rengaw nu lalamitan tu Murenus i caay ka itini Murenus,the roots of the Yongfu tribe are not here,train +46217,46218,46218,rihung,red bean,train +46218,46219,46219,kaka tu vavainayan,brother,train +46219,46220,46220,ta faluden nira mikedec sulinga han nira mikedec,after you have secured it re emphasize,test +46220,46221,46221,Saka suwal sa cingra Maaraw aku ku nika fawah nu kakarayan atu nika tumireng nuya Wawa nu Tamdaw i kawanan nu Kawas saan cingra,Look he said I see heaven open and the son of man standing at the right hand of God,train +46221,46222,46222,Miadimaceng ku matuasay i ayaw tu sapifaca tu fuduy,the old man,train +46222,46223,46223,na pakafana nima ngaʼayay ku pimali nira,which coaches teach their players superior skills,train +46223,46224,46224,ira ku sikawasay u tudung u ising atu miekakay tu caayay pitengil a tamdaw atu micicihay tu Rikec nu niyaru atu pailuay a tamdaw,there were priests who acted as a tribal physician and the law punished those who disobeyed orders and broke tribal norms,train +46224,46225,46225,a mikuli ku cacay iri ini i luma ku cacay,one has to go out to work to make money and one has to stay home,train +46225,46226,46226,tastasen nira ku kikay a lim tu samu,he took the engine apart looking for the trouble,train +46226,46227,46227,a talaumah iri,we are going to the field,train +46227,46228,46228,han nira kura wawa nira tu fafahiyan,he said this to his daughter,train +46228,46229,46229,Tumian talsuwal tu mivutingay ku heni i nalica,just the other day they were talking about fishing methods yeah,train +46229,46230,46230,masamaanay a fainayan ku kaulahan isu o akawangay u masu^su^ay u sipaysuay anca u malalukay,what kind of boys do you like Tall Fat Rich Hardworking,test +46230,46231,46231,u wawa nu wawa,the child child,train +46231,46232,46232,mimaanay,what do you do,train +46232,46233,46233,sakapah han ku tireng isu,take good care of your body health is the most important thing,train +46233,46234,46234,salawina,friends and family,train +46234,46235,46235,u pakaʼen tu rarapa iri,when we were herding the cows,train +46235,46236,46236,Sipasip,rubbing,train +46236,46237,46237,cai papicudaden nu nidiputay kaku nengneng kaku hana,my parents would not let me study look at me,train +46237,46238,46238,u ruma sa tu haw i anini sa makedal ku kaliwmahan awa ku urad,Next it is cultivation season now there is a drought it don't rain,train +46238,46239,46239,mahaen saka,that is it that is why,train +46239,46240,46240,anini han tu mahaen tu,that is the way it is now,test +46240,46241,46241,u nipaketunan a suwal ni Vavuy Liyal kiniyan,it is a promise made by a whale,train +46241,46242,46242,paluwadaw han cayka kahi,they do not want us to build,train +46242,46243,46243,a mitapal tu tu ma tu matafesiway tu saan,alcohol test standard value exceeding,train +46243,46244,46244,tatuluay kami a malikaka,there are three brothers and sisters in our family,train +46244,46245,46245,tatuyan tuya ufang,this eyelet should be well grasped,train +46245,46246,46246,ngaayhu salikaka mapulung,Hi guys,train +46246,46247,46247,caradaw a remadiw ira hacacay sa a remadiw,we will sing together one after another,train +46247,46248,46248,fideluan,canyon,train +46248,46249,46249,Nikawrira ^pud satu ci Pawlu a tayra Hinefa han ningra kuya mapatayay a mitakec Aka ka rawraw ku falucu namu Mauripayhu cingra han ningra cangra,Paul went down threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him Do not be alarmed he said He is alive,train +46249,46250,46250,ising nu kilang kura cwumunyaw han nu mita,that is what we call a tree doctors woodpecker,test +46250,46251,46251,Lima^ pulu tu ku mihecaan ni mama^ nu maku,my father is years old,train +46251,46252,46252,anu matira kamu i man sa kamu tu tumuk nu niyaru,how can you face your leader like this,train +46252,46253,46253,itini i Ciw Kangan ku hufuc,I was born in Changbin Township,train +46253,46254,46254,matiya u maapaay kaku Nikawrira kamu ku paci^ciay tu nika matini aku kuna kahmeken namu kaku nawhani anu caacaay ka tatudung kaku i awaay ku kaisafaan aku tu maan aca tuya Tadamaanay a tarukus hananay namu,I have made a fool of myself but you drove me to it I ought to have been commended by you for I am not in the least inferior to the super apostles even though I am nothing,train +46254,46255,46255,matiraay ku han aku a mivingkiw,history and geography are the subjects I want to study,train +46255,46256,46256,micelem ku cidal tueman tu ku rumiad,as the sun goes down the sky becomes dark,train +46256,46257,46257,tatiih a simanta a kumaen tu titi,it is bad to eat raw meat,train +46257,46258,46258,Iraay,Yes,train +46258,46259,46259,huw u niyaru itiya hu i tayraay tu i niyaru,I ended up in the village,train +46259,46260,46260,itira kami i itira kami saan,our homeland is there where it is said,test +46260,46261,46261,mangarud tu kakaenen,lack of food and clothing,train +46261,46262,46262,Orasaka mapatireng kaku a malapasifanaay i ruma a finacadan a malapatnakay a malatarukus tu saka pasulin atu sakafana nangra tu sulin caay ku misamangahay kaku o sulinay ku suwal aku,and for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle I am telling the truth I am not lying and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles,train +46262,46263,46263,pangciw,soccer,train +46263,46264,46264,anu matuʼas san tu faluhay a masufuc,blessing of the bride by the head,train +46264,46265,46265,ira ku ngiha a pasuwal i cingraan Pitiruaw kalumuwad pacuken ta kaenen saan,then a voice told him Get up Peter kill and eat,train +46265,46266,46266,Hayda mihamham kaku,Alright I am looking forward to it,train +46266,46267,46267,manikaw,lacks,train +46267,46268,46268,yu mahrektu ku pisalisin yu minukay cangra i itira sa kuya wawa ci Yis i Yirusalim caay ka fanafana ku mama atu ina ningra,after the Feast was over while his parents were returning home the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem but they were unaware of it,train +46268,46269,46269,Sakapitu a fulad lima a rumiad ku likuda,in July there is a five day extravaganza,train +46269,46270,46270,Aluman ku aamaen a fafahiyan i niyaru niyam,there are many ladies in the tribe who are called grandmothers,test +46270,46271,46271,caliw,lending,train +46271,46272,46272,ni Maʼuwid,the Malverde,train +46272,46273,46273,hatini hatini sanay tarafekang kafekang kafekang,layers are stacked on top of each other,train +46273,46274,46274,samaan ku demak ita hu eca ka pawan patuˈaya tu dafung ci Yihufaan hani,what can we do so that we do not forget to offer our possessions to the LORD,train +46274,46275,46275,wiypulu,microwave oven,train +46275,46276,46276,sa kaku a patinaku tu nini a kalahulul ka rumadiw kira,so I am going to share with you the song I sang during the chat,train +46276,46277,46277,idang,friend,train +46277,46278,46278,u tada nu Pangcah a kakurut adidiay kiyami,this is the real Amis native species of bitter melon which is smaller,train +46278,46279,46279,Aya macaluh kaku,Oops I am in a hurry,train +46279,46280,46280,mihalaka,preparation,test +46280,46281,46281,maepud tu ku heni a malinad,they moved,train +46281,46282,46282,kalingad,set out,train +46282,46283,46283,tiya lalima kiya mapahatifekan itira san,five people were thrown to the ground,train +46283,46284,46284,maeferay,fly,train +46284,46285,46285,Hay misu i u maan ku tayal isu,Yeah yeah yeah what about you what do you do,train +46285,46286,46286,maulatek,excessive,train +46286,46287,46287,makasimsim tu cira tu mamihulul nira,walking and thinking about her lover,train +46287,46288,46288,caay ka u sukitang u fakeluh sera,it is not coal it is rocks and dirt,train +46288,46289,46289,sasiwa kami malikaka sasafaʼay kaku,I am the youngest of nine brothers and sisters,train +46289,46290,46290,imah san kaku tu nikakapah ni Panay,I really envy Panay for being so pretty,test +46290,46291,46291,vuduy,apparel,train +46291,46292,46292,ira ku suwal Mingataay tu lutuk mikitadu tu lutuk a maurip mingataay tu riyar mikitadu tu riyar a maurip,as the old saying goes You live off the mountain you live off the sea,train +46292,46293,46293,fukesi na kiwkay,church pastor,train +46293,46294,46294,maan han mi hukini sa kaku,what should I teach you,train +46294,46295,46295,ku iteparay ni Singkuy a lutuk,it is also the neighbor of hunger mountain,train +46295,46296,46296,mipawali ku fiyaw tu panay nangra,the neighbors are drying their rice,train +46296,46297,46297,sakacaluway,Convenience,train +46297,46298,46298,suna,grandchild,train +46298,46299,46299,Tek tek tek sanay ku huni nira,it makes a sound like drip drip drip,train +46299,46300,46300,makahi kisu tu ninian a demak,do you agree with this,test +46300,46301,46301,anu mahaen ku nika tayal nu tamdaw i ci Kristuan i u kaulahan nu Kawas malakahmekan nu tamdamdaw cingra,because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men,train +46301,46302,46302,anu ira ku kapulungan a demak nu finawlan i tinaku anu ira ku misalumaay ruma anu ira ku saupu nu kalas nu niyaru,if there is something big going on in the tribe like if the tribe is building a house or if there is an important elders meeting,train +46302,46303,46303,ira ku tingsu nu heni,Scoring,train +46303,46304,46304,14 Palimuˈutay ku luma 122 kitaanan Aka madenga nunini a hekal safaeluhen ku harateng a mifalic tu niyah hu cipinang tu ngaˈayay nu Kawas u malefutay kahemekan ningra a araaw,Romans exhorts us Do not be assimilated to this system but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may test the good and perfect will of God which is pleasing to him,train +46304,46305,46305,anu hatini misanga tu kaku tuni han,so now I am going to do it,train +46305,46306,46306,Hayi fangcal kuna lusay a nengnengen,Yes these fruits look great,train +46306,46307,46307,ludi,afterglow,train +46307,46308,46308,samaanay,how about,train +46308,46309,46309,i tini kami i lutuk haw i,when we were still in the mountains,train +46309,46310,46310,sanay,price crash,test +46310,46311,46311,ci tanengay,intelligent,train +46311,46312,46312,Orasaka u cecayay ku ngangan nu tamdaw atu niyarau atu suwal ku nanam nu tuas ita Nikaurira aniniay tu a tamdaw du^du^ han tu nangra ku pikakunis a paini nu mikingkiway,Thus in the past it was the custom of our ancestors to use the same names for people tribes and languages but modern people use them in accordance with the divisions of the studies done by anthropologists,train +46312,46313,46313,sa a kuwakuway sa kisu a misiʼayaw,self righteous Confrontation,train +46313,46314,46314,i tini i tilid,it is in the book,train +46314,46315,46315,itiya i ira a miraud ku ccay a cuyuh nai pipatuayaan o citudungay tu namal cingra lkal sa cingra a sumuwal tuya mitatuyay a cuyuh tu matalemay a mamiya Pisatapangtu a miklet tu minaruan nu fadisusu i hkal Nawhani maruhemtu ku fadisusu saan,still another angel who had charge of the fire came from the altar and called in a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle Take your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from the earths vine because its grapes are ripe,train +46315,46316,46316,vulekan,suckling pig,train +46316,46317,46317,ira matakup nu tumuk,I have got a problem with the head,train +46317,46318,46318,sa ku maku miharateng tu maku a fana sa kaku,this is my personal opinion,train +46318,46319,46319,aya kuwang aku i,where is my gun,train +46319,46320,46320,Malilid nu kapah a miculu kuya taakay a kilang a milinah,young people shared the large timber removal,test +46320,46321,46321,malikelun itira Kiram i,after that we will go down to the river bridge,train +46321,46322,46322,watah maulahay kaku tu adipangpang makapahay,Yeh Wow I love butterflies they are very beautiful,train +46322,46323,46323,awaay ku epuc saan,it is meaningless,train +46323,46324,46324,i lutuk ku adihayay a adidem,mulberry trees are more common in the hills,train +46324,46325,46325,Masarad ku uning nuya tamdaw,the dirt has accumulated on that person,train +46325,46326,46326,itiya hu kita u Amis i,we Amis,train +46326,46327,46327,ya miseking hu tu hatiniay han i,you are still going to participate in this kind of competition,train +46327,46328,46328,talafakung,Toyohama,train +46328,46329,46329,sa miaca satu dateng tangasa i Kalingku i,when I went to Hualien to buy food,train +46329,46330,46330,masamaan ku rumiad tuya rumiad hakiya,how was the weather that day,test +46330,46331,46331,mianip kita anini mipanay i maharek a mipanay ciye,it is the rice planting period the cutting period the end of rice cutting in July,train +46331,46332,46332,maulahay tayra riyal mifuting,I love to go fishing at the beach,train +46332,46333,46333,cuwa hu miyuciing hu ku sakakaay a wawa,not yet the older one is still in kindergarten,train +46333,46334,46334,u luma tu ku mitahevay,closure move in burial move in burial,train +46334,46335,46335,tu cahung nu matuʼasy itiyahu,when we were building the old mans house,train +46335,46336,46336,o saayaway a rumiad tu Ka^caan Pipatamud tu ^Pang a Lisin uya pipacukan tu tufur a siri tu saki Pitalifan a lisin i licayen nu nisawawaan ci Yis I cuwa ku kangalayan Isu tu pipatalaan niyam tu malu nu Misu a tahka tu saki Pitalifan a Lisin saw han nangra,on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb Jesus disciples asked him Where do you want us to go and make preparations for you to eat the Passover,train +46336,46337,46337,ilalek,it is been a long time,train +46337,46338,46338,kasaparan ku falucu,heart is not responsive,train +46338,46339,46339,ira ci mamu i luma haw,is grandmother at home,train +46339,46340,46340,Mangawa ku wadis nira,he has a missing tooth,test +46340,46341,46341,maletep tu kutuas pataysan,wither away naturally,train +46341,46342,46342,anu satu han isu a misasiraw maʼemin ku tireng nu fafuy i,if you are using it all to make savory meats,train +46342,46343,46343,wa kiya lipahak aku i,Wow I am filled with joy,train +46343,46344,46344,matuas cingra cifalu ciheci hatini kuheci,growing fruits,train +46344,46345,46345,neng han aku kuya saka ranam niyam a dateng,I saw our breakfast what the hell is that,train +46345,46346,46346,a han naku itini kita a pasifana haw,I will start by stating the above here,train +46346,46347,46347,nu mikuliay,working children,train +46347,46348,46348,mikilangay mituktukay kaku,go do the fetching and the hammering,train +46348,46349,46349,Kilimen,look for,train +46349,46350,46350,malecad tu kami,we are the same,test +46350,46351,46351,aka tumireng i fatiian aku,do not stand beside me,train +46351,46352,46352,nu titiniay hen nu kirestukiw,for Christianity,train +46352,46353,46353,nanay ku lalan u siʼelaʼelac ku lalan itiya,the path we are on is rocky,train +46353,46354,46354,miceli ku mama nu kapah,the father of youth shouted,train +46354,46355,46355,tatihi nu amunun nu tiluci ya luma nu kakitaan,the boss house is over by the railroad station,train +46355,46356,46356,lafut,rip,train +46356,46357,46357,saka tusa tu safaw marepun tu,it is been about hours,train +46357,46358,46358,o ruma sa ku misu i anu han aku i tahanini ku misu i,another thing to say nowadays,train +46358,46359,46359,sasepat kala kana aenem ku kabanaʼan aku,there are people that I remember,train +46359,46360,46360, wa ngaˈayhu kita misamucek i sapalifun ni Yihufa mikiˈukay cingra tu papafelien ningra ku padutucay makurac atu madimadiay a tamdaw,we can also focus our eyes on the rewards that the Lord will give us and he promises to bless those who remain pure and faithful,test +46360,46361,46361,Misaelet tu kawus nu cukap,lace up your shoes,train +46361,46362,46362,tulu a pulu ku hiya aku,my votes,train +46362,46363,46363,nu maku tu nu Amis,it is my Amish name,train +46363,46364,46364,Micupiy tu ku luma,the family ready,train +46364,46365,46365,tu,be,train +46365,46366,46366,malaluud kiymi haw u,what about when you are fighting,train +46366,46367,46367,pafeli,Here,train +46367,46368,46368,Halikuwaw ci Mayaw tu maicangay,Mayaw loves dried flying fish,train +46368,46369,46369,hatini,some,train +46369,46370,46370,minukay i maedeng tu a mifuting sa ku suwal ira,when he came back he said he was not going fishing anymore,test +46370,46371,46371,sanay kura AAayaayaaya,that is what it looks like Ah Ah Aah,train +46371,46372,46372,o laput ku sapakaen tu fafuy,feed pigs with groundnut stems and leaves,train +46372,46373,46373,maluwan,minimize,train +46373,46374,46374,Mahayanira luengel,that is very tender,train +46374,46375,46375,yinminhuy,indigenous Peoples Association,train +46375,46376,46376,macakat,climb up,train +46376,46377,46377,sapicamul,facts or reasons for participation,train +46377,46378,46378,Singsi wa mamipahanhan kaku tu anucila a sakacecay nu lipay wa mamipaising kaku,Teacher I need to take a sick leave next Monday I have to see a doctor,train +46378,46379,46379,mirmir satu kuya fafahiyan a matalaw saka pkaw sa cangra a milaliw nai tadem caay pasuwal cangra tu maan aca i cimacimaan nawhani matalaw cangra,trembling and bewildered the women went out and fled from the tomb they said nothing to anyone because they were afraid,train +46379,46380,46380,sa,let us put it this way,test +46380,46381,46381,pahapinang,show,train +46381,46382,46382,adihayen ku nialaan,take more,train +46382,46383,46383,ira hatini kura wikul,you have to look closely because there is only a little bit of tail,train +46383,46384,46384,ci ci ci Suwana han niya nangra kiya ama isu ci Suwana,Mr Shi Mr Shi Pinggui they called my father Juana Yes,train +46384,46385,46385,mahaenay u cadiway a nisangan a cadiway a mivuting,it is like fishing with a trammel net,train +46385,46386,46386,enem ku safaw ku radiw,there are songs that need to be presented,train +46386,46387,46387,lifun,salary,train +46387,46388,46388,rakat sa kaku maepud haca,keep walking down the hill,train +46388,46389,46389,u maan ku ngangan nira han niyam,what did we say the name was,train +46389,46390,46390,haw yu,bleating of the deer,test +46390,46391,46391,Misapuener ku falucuˈmisaluf tu waywayan nu niyah wa milifuk tu sapalemed nu Kawas,a humble adjustment of ones attitude will result in a blessing from God,train +46391,46392,46392,ya da,the second is talent development,train +46392,46393,46393,mahapinang ku nika u nitilidan ni Kristu kunini o kami ku pasadakay caay ku nanu nitilidan tu ingki i masasapaday a fukluh u nanu nitilidan nu tudung nu tireng nu mauripay a Adingu nu Kawas i falucu nu tamdaw kunini a tilid,you show that you are a letter from Christ the result of our ministry written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts,train +46393,46394,46394,tini i riyar haw,at the beach,train +46394,46395,46395,sulinay iratu ku niparasur tu mahaenay,Really they are ready,train +46395,46396,46396,o widang aku ku mimetmetay tu kamay aku,it was my friend who held my hand,train +46396,46397,46397,sapihiya nu maku anulica,for next times reference,train +46397,46398,46398,ira haca ku kasasiruma^ nu lusid nu kasaniyaru anu u safinalan tu u fuduy tu u masamaamaanay a eres tu i caay kalalen malecad,tribal differences are also not small for example headdresses costumes accessories et are extremely different so it is impossible to generalize,train +46398,46399,46399,Maupic ku ceris ni mama aku saka caay ka likat,my dads lighter was wet so it would not light,train +46399,46400,46400,piadaada,other tribes,test +46400,46401,46401,anu talapala ku Pangcah i makaen aca ku matiniay,if they go to the fields they will pick it up and eat it,train +46401,46402,46402,Hayda man ku kena,Sure no problem,train +46402,46403,46403,Mipaetah kaku tu hana,I want to fertilize the flowers with coarse chaff,train +46403,46404,46404,paka uraday,it is to pray for rain,train +46404,46405,46405,tiya hu,in the old days,train +46405,46406,46406,rafiyas,overflow,train +46406,46407,46407,saka matiya itiniay i Rangasan a nemnem kina nemnem san kya matuʼasay,the old man said it looked like a spring like the one in the Chiléas,train +46407,46408,46408,ura icivangay haw u nira amin ku kawlah nu hiya nu vinawlan sipaveli i ciraan,that first place runner gets all the prizes,train +46408,46409,46409,Mitukelay ci Yihufa kitaanan ira ku ngaˈayay a widang patireng tu nuˈadinguan a patusukan,the Lord wants us to have good friends and set spiritual goals,train +46409,46410,46410,tayni tu cira tu ku mavanaʼay,anybody know who is here,test +46410,46411,46411,Makadit ku lalielan nu fainayan,the mans collar is dirty,train +46411,46412,46412,aya u finawlan awaay tuku ilisin,there is no new Years Eve Festival for the tribe,train +46412,46413,46413,ta tahanin i,until now,train +46413,46414,46414,Tadu misakaranam tu miasik mifaca tu riku,then go make breakfast sweep the floor and do the laundry,train +46414,46415,46415,Vavuy Liyalan,whale of the sea,train +46415,46416,46416,Sapipaackan cingra tu Fangcalay Pitaungan saka rpet han niyam cingra,and even tried to desecrate the temple so we seized him,train +46416,46417,46417,hay malangaw ku masawad masidaya kiyami,the ones that are forgotten and abandoned grow,train +46417,46418,46418,mahaenay ku suwal nu matuʼas i tiya kiya,that is what the old man used to say,train +46418,46419,46419,pakauraday,pray for rain,train +46419,46420,46420,kuhpicay,thin,test +46420,46421,46421,ku niyaru nu mita,it is in our tribe,train +46421,46422,46422,Ngaay hu ci Apetayan ku ngangan nu maku,hello everyone my name is Apetayan,train +46422,46423,46423,kisu ku micupaay i takuwan,you are close to my ear,train +46423,46424,46424,adihay haca kiya emu i,there is a lot of rice cakes,train +46424,46425,46425,tulu a vulad kaku a suvucen tira iri ta,three months after birth,train +46425,46426,46426,talacuwa awaaytu ku pafalucuan ni Apraham nikawrira pasulin saan cingra a cifalucu Saka malamama nu alumanay a finacadan cingra matu suwal i Fangcalay Cudad O aaluman ku tluc isu saan,against all hope Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations just as it had been said to him So shall your offspring be,train +46426,46427,46427,maeminay nu tulatulaw,the egret ate it all,train +46427,46428,46428,ta masetul aku kiya kamukuan i,when the end I was carrying hit the wall,train +46428,46429,46429,suwal nu matuʼasay,the teachings of the elders,train +46429,46430,46430,mahaen kita talesasa mibuting,like when we go fishing,test +46430,46431,46431,wa maminukay tu kami,we were going home too,train +46431,46432,46432,awa ku kamawmahan niyam sa ku kaemangay,kids think there is no place to work,train +46432,46433,46433,sanay nu maku tanga sa,this is my experience,train +46433,46434,46434,ira ku mikayatay tu ccay a maduengay a matangulaay a tamdaw a patayra i ci Yisan ngitangiten nangra ci Yis a papikapa tuya tamdaw,there some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk and they begged him to place his hand on the man,train +46434,46435,46435,pacilahen,Saltimbar,train +46435,46436,46436,hay hay ali haw,Yes sisters in law,train +46436,46437,46437,o niututan ku papatiyamen nu maku,my items are wood carvings,train +46437,46438,46438,kunu itiya hu tamdaw,in the former clan,train +46438,46439,46439,natangasa,accomplish,train +46439,46440,46440,anu hacuwa a patikur kisu tu paysu i takuwan saw,when are you going to pay me back,test +46440,46441,46441,masimsimtu nu maku naayaw ku,all I can think of is the past,train +46441,46442,46442,inasawni,just now,train +46442,46443,46443,awaay ku rihaday,no peace and happiness pleasant,train +46443,46444,46444,tayni satu mifuraw kura Hulam,when the Ching dynasty invaded,train +46444,46445,46445,Haysakatulu a radiw iri,Yes the third song is,train +46445,46446,46446,cipusak,there are rice crumbs,train +46446,46447,46447,simal,Oil large intestine,train +46447,46448,46448,u sikawasay aca a cecay ku pakaadahay sakamatini nu adadaay i u tinaku i u maaruay tu nu kawas u mapiliay tu nu Kawas caira a malasikawasay,the person has to be healed with the help of a shaman this means that the kavas possessing the person have chosen him as a priest,train +46448,46449,46449,Siwaaytu a pulu ira ku falu ku mihecaan aku,I am years old,train +46449,46450,46450,riyal liyal riyar,Sea seaside,test +46450,46451,46451,u kapahay a radiw a keru nu tatuasan a patuducen nu mita,that is why good traditional dances songs should be passed on to each other,train +46451,46452,46452,miala tu dateng pitpit han tini,get the groceries,train +46452,46453,46453,cimacima tu kula Mu^tep ira ku sepat,may I ask which are the tribes,train +46453,46454,46454,matira ku maku pinengneng i niyaru saka,that is what I saw at the tribe,train +46454,46455,46455,mivalic,replace,train +46455,46456,46456,pasuwal sa cingra i cangraan Mapasuwaltu aku kamu i caay pitngil kamu kyami Nawiru sapitngilan haca kamu saw Halu amu a mangalay a malanisawawaan ningra saw han ningra,he answered I have told you already and you did not listen why do you want to hear it again do you want to become his disciples too,train +46456,46457,46457,kahuyayan ku urip nu niyam Taywanay saan kiyami,we are free in Taiwan,train +46457,46458,46458,kerakera satu ira ku nipasasuʼaraway tu mulutihi nu maku,So gradually someone helped us put it together,train +46458,46459,46459,itini ayaw nu ku luma a patun,lives in front of the cement company,train +46459,46460,46460,mahaenay ku sakacingangan nu suta nu niyaru nu Makutaay,this is the name of one of the places in the Magudam tribe,test +46460,46461,46461,tahaf,in this world,train +46461,46462,46462,awa ku luma,I do not have a home,train +46462,46463,46463,mahrek tu,afterwards,train +46463,46464,46464,Mafana kamu kaku ku matayalay tu sakaurip aku atu sakaurip nu mikaputay i takuwanan,you yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions,train +46464,46465,46465,o fuefu kuni telien nu mita i lawac nu alu a mifuting,this is a fish trap which we put beside the river for fishing,train +46465,46466,46466,ira hu kiya akung namu i,your grandfather is still here,train +46466,46467,46467,ku aniniay awawa kakitaan tu,Nowadays children are very well off,train +46467,46468,46468,mangaʼay yaca,either,train +46468,46469,46469,Matukatuka ku wawa nura tamdaw,that mans children are all lazy,train +46469,46470,46470,o maan kiyaan a malikatay,what is that glowing,test +46470,46471,46471,saʼayaway tu kura malikakaay,these two brothers were the first,train +46471,46472,46472,hay alingatu san kumatuʼasay,senior citizens thank young people,train +46472,46473,46473,pakaput han kami i,just take us with you,train +46473,46474,46474,talacuwa kisu Panay,Panay where are you going,train +46474,46475,46475,tusa pulu ku mihecaan hay,twenty years old,train +46475,46476,46476,naay,do not,train +46476,46477,46477,talacuwa u tatiitiihay a tamdaw kamu i mafana kamu a pafli tu ngaayay i wawa namu Saka mangalef ku nipipafli nu wama namu i kakarayan tu ngaayay i milungucay i Cingraan,if you then though you are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him,train +46477,46478,46478,o pakuyuc ku urip ninaluma,this family lives in poverty,train +46478,46479,46479,anu i tinitini kita i laluma nu matiniay a pades i pakayni tuya maulahay titaanan a Tapang ku sakapakaluwid ita tunini,No in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us,train +46479,46480,46480,ngaʼay tu pakalamud kina wawa matuʼas tu i san cangra,the elders said I am old enough to get married,test +46480,46481,46481,papica pacikayen hu nira kisu i,and I am going to make you run the gym,train +46481,46482,46482,Miung^ungay kina luma a mihinaaw tu patay nu tuas naira,this family weeps for the loss of their old man,train +46482,46483,46483,u ruma ku wina ira,his mothers business is something else,train +46483,46484,46484,ta madakaw tu tamina,ferry,train +46484,46485,46485,u nganga nu tatuasan a kakitilaan,geographical boundaries of the orthodox domain,train +46485,46486,46486,caay ku maan deng ku sakatiʼenecan nu tiyad,it is not important it is just for food,train +46486,46487,46487,tangasa i tatelecan ku tangungul nu nanum nu alu,the river is waist deep,train +46487,46488,46488,u Yencumen hanaku sa ira hu aniniay tu kamangay,the younger generation of our present day Aboriginal people,train +46488,46489,46489,awa hu ku kilang itiya maemin tu mafaliw kira,there were no trees then because they were all cut down,train +46489,46490,46490,micedem,sweet,test +46490,46491,46491,maliteng tu kura faʼinayan sa kita kira,we will also think that the man is old,train +46491,46492,46492,sikasasuwal,communication,train +46492,46493,46493,lipahak kaku anini^ a palicay i tisuwanan painien hu kaku tu pakayniay i paysin tu piadup haw,it is a pleasure to interview you today can you talk about the taboo of hunting,train +46493,46494,46494,maanen nanay pacuker,how is it going with support,train +46494,46495,46495,malafunguhay,become the head of the,train +46495,46496,46496,sa kaku a Cu Cu Cu u kakiedaw hu ku urip,I think so Ah No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No,train +46496,46497,46497,sangien nu wawa ku wacu,the children tortured the dog,train +46497,46498,46498,milalu,immerse,train +46498,46499,46499,malecad tu u Pacidal sadipungan munali adihay,it is like a lot of places with names like Sun Birds Nest Light,train +46499,46500,46500,ku ngangan aku,my name,test +46500,46501,46501,mahaen ku maku,that is what I do,train +46501,46502,46502,u suwal tu nu matuʼasay haw i,about the old mans teachings,train +46502,46503,46503,o pisaciciwan nu finawlan i tira,that is where the tribes raise their piglets,train +46503,46504,46504,Hai aray singsi,Yes thank you,train +46504,46505,46505,na kaherek nu maku itini kawcung,when I graduated from high school,train +46505,46506,46506,awaay kapu,there is no future in it,train +46506,46507,46507,masakefengay,debt holed,train +46507,46508,46508,uwak,cheers,train +46508,46509,46509,hefung,low lying land,train +46509,46510,46510,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad O saayaway a tamdaw ci Atam i u citirengay a mauripay O saikuray a Atam i u pafliay tu urip a Adingu saan,so it is written The first man Adam became a living being the last Adam a life giving spirit,test +46510,46511,46511,o maamaan ku pakafanaan isu,what do you teach,train +46511,46512,46512,tu a ini ku ngaʼayay,it is nice here,train +46512,46513,46513,o marikecay ku finawlan nu Pangcah,the Amish community is very law abiding,train +46513,46514,46514,misalama kaku aci kaka aku i luma,my brother and I were playing at home,train +46514,46515,46515,tu i lumaʼay,Families,train +46515,46516,46516,mavana haw kisu vaduwac niya saung,do you know the main frame of an umbrella I have no idea,train +46516,46517,46517,anu caay luwanen nu Tapang kuya kapadesan a rumiad i awaay ku mamapaurip tu ccaccay aca a tamdaw Nikawrira maluwantu nu Tapang kuya rumiad tu saki nipilian ningra a finawlan,if the Lord had not cut short those days no one would survive but for the sake of the elect whom he has chosen he has shortened them,train +46517,46518,46518,anu hacuwacuwa aca u mvanaʼay tu adidi kami,more or less we will know,train +46518,46519,46519,mikuli pakaen tu rarapa,earn money by herding cows for others,train +46519,46520,46520,sangaʼan nira a mirusarus kura kupu,making cups from sawed off bamboo,test +46520,46521,46521,pacamul palamlam,hybrid,train +46521,46522,46522,i pala ku paciciwan nu niyam,our little piggy bank is in the field,train +46522,46523,46523,caluway yu tu ira ku paliding ira ku maamaan,it is a lot easier now there is a lot of transportation,train +46523,46524,46524,o aalaen tu nangra a minukay saan haw,let them take it back,train +46524,46525,46525,yu caay pasifana kira wawa,she will not tell me,train +46525,46526,46526,Palesles han nu mita ku tayal tangasa katahecereman nu cidal,we will just keep going until the sun goes down,train +46526,46527,46527,paadiyam,with chili,train +46527,46528,46528,u maan kiya lalavuway,what is in it,train +46528,46529,46529,u sufuc nu maku ta malinah tayra i tafalung,moved to Tai Po long Valley after birth,train +46529,46530,46530,Kanas,round bamboo basket,test +46530,46531,46531,samanay hakiya u lalicayen naku itini i tisuwanen,I do not know what to talk about,train +46531,46532,46532,caayay kafana kura maku ira kura kimad nira hanaw mafana kura maku hatira kura kafanaʼan,I would not have known if Granny had not told me a story,train +46532,46533,46533,ngaay,do,train +46533,46534,46534,caay kaw kaw u usausawen ku pi,no reduction in training,train +46534,46535,46535,kunini kiyaan milaylay mikunleng,the mountains of difficulties that I have to face make me hide in the,train +46535,46536,46536,nanifafaeday,from the above,train +46536,46537,46537,u na papah inini i u haiya ita kira,take this leaf,train +46537,46538,46538,Mifutingay kita i mafukil hu kita misimsim,we do not even have a plan when we are crew,train +46538,46539,46539,remakat,go on foot,train +46539,46540,46540,sarimadacen,will smooth,test +46540,46541,46541,ya adihayay ku ikung u katelang a suwal kura,a lot of curves that is the oldest language,train +46541,46542,46542,cecay a kuwat,a length of four strides,train +46542,46543,46543,anu mataʼeliʼelif hu ku kiya haw,if above the knee,train +46543,46544,46544,mangudu kaku a milunguc tu sapisululaw namu nikawrira milunguc kaku i tamuwanan u mararaway iayaw i caay tu piliyaw ira hu ku cecay a rumiad kunini a Kitakit i pasayraen i kasasisulul karariariay ku ngaay,I do not dare ask you to forgive here and now but I sincerely ask you to sustain the hope that past wrongs will not be repeated and that one day this country can see true reconciliation,train +46544,46545,46545,saka ngaʼayay ca aluman ku tamdaw masaniyaru tini sahtu mafanaʼay saharateng,So it is good to have a big crowd to have a tribe and everyone is a good thinker,train +46545,46546,46546,Nikawrira anu caay pakamet kamu i u nika ciramud namu ku ngaay o nika ciramud ku ngaay tu nika rafraf nu falucu,but if they cannot control themselves they should marry for it is better to marry than to burn with passion,train +46546,46547,46547,Lafii^ tu matayal hu cingra,it is late at night and she is still doing housework,train +46547,46548,46548,u vayi ni Mataypiyaw,Horses grand mom,train +46548,46549,46549,itira tu i paisingan ku ina nu maku,my mother was hospitalized,train +46549,46550,46550,o maakunalay cafaki aku a malekaka,my uncles brothers are bald,test +46550,46551,46551,cimaramuday,someone is getting married,train +46551,46552,46552,pisasangaʼay i saʼayaw haw aya ku ruray nu malitengay,I have been working too hard in the past you old man,train +46552,46553,46553,Maparenget ku pakalifetay a mitiliday,only those students who pass will be allowed to wear headgear,train +46553,46554,46554,Orasaka matayal cangra tu rumiad tu dadaya tu saki Kawas i kaayaw nu tadamaanay a anengang ningra i Fangcalay Pitaungan Cingraan Saka u mamararid cangra a madiput nuya maruay i tadamaanay a anengang,Therefore they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them,train +46554,46555,46555,mihulul kaku atu vavahiyan a kaka nu maku i luma,my sister and I were playing at home,train +46555,46556,46556,ayira tu ku nipisarahteng,they are all memorialized,train +46556,46557,46557,sakietec,it is cold,train +46557,46558,46558,papananan nu heni kira cering tu sapabubu,they have cut holes in the front of the fish curtains for the fish to play in,train +46558,46559,46559,sapisayal,reduce fatigue,train +46559,46560,46560,icuwaay ci Panay wa mamilifet tu cumikayay cingra anusawni,where is Panay she is going to compete in a running competition later,test +46560,46561,46561,anu mangalay tu turun,if you want sticky rice cake,train +46561,46562,46562,Paˈicelay kuniya suwal ci Mariyaan,these words reinforced Maria,train +46562,46563,46563,ira ci akung i luma haw,is grandfather at home,train +46563,46564,46564,Tucila a rumiad malingad mitilid pacerem ci Kacaw tayra i kungkuan uya nicaliwan ni Kacaw a manmaan nu kaput patikulen tu nira ku kaput,the next day at school Kacaw arrived at school early and returned everything he had borrowed from his classmates,train +46564,46565,46565,waneng,sugar,train +46565,46566,46566,aka tu sasingen,no photographing either,train +46566,46567,46567,sa tayra tu i Takaw kiya kumaen sa tu icep matawa ku mapui nu singsi,when I went to Kaohsiung my classmates laughed at me for eating betel nut and the teacher scolded me,train +46567,46568,46568,Cuwa itiniay i tukay ku aru nu wawa aku,No my kids are all living in the city,train +46568,46569,46569,unian haw i u pasifana nu malitengay niyam kuni kira,that is what our elders taught us,train +46569,46570,46570,mahecad anu caka sungila ku tinaʼi misasaway haw,it is like not cleaning your insides,test +46570,46571,46571,velalutung,spider,train +46571,46572,46572,u wawa hu ku satapangan aku a miala,I was thinking of starting with the kids,train +46572,46573,46573,maʼaraw nura faʼinay aku kira maʼaraw ningra kaku tu dafak,my husband sees me every morning when I leave for work,train +46573,46574,46574,hanu maulah kisu tu kacidalan,why do you like summer,train +46574,46575,46575,han tu i,responsibility,train +46575,46576,46576,Nanuya suwal sa ci Yis Tayra haca kita i Yutaya han ningra ku nisawawaan ningra a sumuwal,then he said to his disciples Let us go back to Judea,train +46576,46577,46577,iraay i luma ku fufu haw,is grandmother at home,train +46577,46578,46578,ciraanan,it,train +46578,46579,46579,parefungan,hollow,train +46579,46580,46580,Pananiulen ku fanaw nu mita ta adihay ku fitakula,we put some tadpoles in our pond to get lots of frogs in the future,test +46580,46581,46581,syanghucwan,turn back,train +46581,46582,46582,ira tu nu tipay tu ku sapihicay,we will use the raft to catch the fry,train +46582,46583,46583,o nipidu^du ita tu limuut nu Kawas ku tudung nu nika ulah ita Cingraan caay ku pakarurayay titaanan ku limuut nu Kawas,this is love for God to obey his commands and his commands are not burdensome,train +46583,46584,46584,nika anca canguʼut hu tu sakangaʼay nu fafahi nu wawa nu Kating sai,but it is still not enough to make a good life for my wife and kids,train +46584,46585,46585,oya rumiad i u pipatalaan tu Pitalifan a Lisin ma^deng u kalahukan itiya pasuwal sa ci Pilatu tu finawlan Nengnengen u hungti namu kunini han ningra,it was the day of preparation of Passover Week about the sixth hour Here is your king Pilate said to the Jews,train +46585,46586,46586,pucu,thyroid tumor,train +46586,46587,46587,u misakalahukay nu vaki miniwaniway nu vayi haw ira kiniyan haw a radiw,there is also the song of grandma weeding the paddy fields while Grandpa cooks Chinese food,train +46587,46588,46588,tu maamaan u kaangalayan nu misu,Anything your favorite,train +46588,46589,46589,macelak tu ku nipalumaan ni kaka a falu,the flowers planted by my sister are blooming,train +46589,46590,46590,o finacadan nu Paridaw a Amis i itiniay i Cesangsiyang Fulisiyang Luyisiyang Taymalisiyang atu Hengcun itiniay i Paridaw ku kamaruan itiya hu saka singangan tu Paridaw a Amis,Hengchun Ami Group distributed in Chihshang Township Fuli Township Luye Township Guanshan Township Taimali Township and Hengchun the group is so named because they once lived in the Hengchun area,test +46590,46591,46591,misafaes,glutinous rice cake,train +46591,46592,46592,nawhani u tadaikakaay a dmak ku nisahalakaan nu Kawas tu saki titaanan Saka papitala han nu Kawas cangra tu sakalakaputaw ita atu cangra a masungila,God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect,train +46592,46593,46593,wata karaay kinimaraay aca ku cepu san kiya mutuʼasay tu nu Cawi,the old man in Jungpo said Why is it so far away the harbor is far away too,train +46593,46594,46594,sakulukulu,sweet and sour,train +46594,46595,46595,cecay ku tamdaw a lalima,five for one,train +46595,46596,46596,sasavaay sakatulu a vavahi cacay vavahi haw sakatulu a vavahi a wawa nye,the third in line is a girl the third in line is a girl who is discouraged,train +46596,46597,46597,ira ku cecay a kaka aku tu fainayan ci Kulas ku ngangan nira muetep ira ku cecay ku mihecaan nira,I have a brother his name is kolas he is years old,train +46597,46598,46598,Orasaka aka ka tuled kamu a ma^min nawhani caay ka ^ca ka du^du ku nisuwalan ningra i takuwanan saan ku pipasulin aku tu Kawas,so keep up your courage men for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me,train +46598,46599,46599,u sakalaluk awaay ku sasuwalen ni mama aku,as far as work is concerned my father has nothing to say,train +46599,46600,46600,icuwa ku tayal tayra a misakuli,I will go wherever there is a job,test +46600,46601,46601,Narikuran isu i adada cingra,after you left he got sick,train +46601,46602,46602,hay hay hay,Yes yes yes,train +46602,46603,46603,hamaanen nu mita a maawit,what are we going to do,train +46603,46604,46604,u klamu^tepan,a tenth a tithe,train +46604,46605,46605,matini ku Cawi uranan ku tapangan a ngangan nu Cawi hatira ku suwal aku,this is the origin of the name of the Jungpo tribe that is all I have to say,train +46605,46606,46606,Cirakayan,name of the Shanxing tribe,train +46606,46607,46607,saka pakayni kura matuʼasay tura ini a keliw atu raʼu haw,the old man thought of this Boehmeria and Sapindales,train +46607,46608,46608,tamdamdawan,People,train +46608,46609,46609,mananaw tu kaku anu huni,I will wash my hands later,train +46609,46610,46610,nadademakay i siyangkungsu,I used to work at the village office,test +46610,46611,46611,nanu wawa na i Rinahem ku luma niyam micudad satu tayraen i Tawyen a malinah i tukatukayan satu a maurip,when we were young our family lived in Rinahem after I started school we moved to Taoyuan and have been living in the city ever since,train +46611,46612,46612,hatiraay ku matukayay miradum malalukay kisu mafanaʼay kisu,it is a lazy way of doing things you are a hard working intelligent man,train +46612,46613,46613,u nu akuma kura nu heni ma naʼayaw,it used to be their god,train +46613,46614,46614,enaw haca u maan ku matawalay,here we go again what did you forget,train +46614,46615,46615,adihay tu,that is a lot,train +46615,46616,46616,i nacila milisuay kaku atu wama tu faki aku,Yesterday my father and I visited my uncle,train +46616,46617,46617,o maan maʼaraway aku irawan u pipa han nu Hulam,I just sawthat that is a loquat Chinese for loquat,train +46617,46618,46618,tatiih,no good,train +46618,46619,46619,ira ku tasiyang sevayu lukedaw i tunguyen nahacuwa kaku a makamelaw tu matiniay a aadupen salipahak sa ku vulucu a makamelaw i anini a remiad,there are elephants horses and tigers in the zoo I have never seen these animals before I was really happy to see them today,train +46619,46620,46620,kasihafay,Harvest,test +46620,46621,46621,mangalay su ala han saw ah u kining nu misu kunini,love it take it it is a souvenir for you,train +46621,46622,46622,i cuwaan,that one,train +46622,46623,46623,ngitangiten nuya palafuay ci Yis aka fahfahen cangra a pacumud i awaay ku tulas a rfung,and they begged him repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss,train +46623,46624,46624,kinakingkyuan tu ku safa aku,my brother has already studied it,train +46624,46625,46625,takaraway,terrific,train +46625,46626,46626,masatamdaway hay,that is what makes you a decent human being,train +46626,46627,46627,nu valucu nu tamdaw,with love for God,train +46627,46628,46628,nengnenghan naku huni wata dadahalay tu kiya lalan makuay sutu,I just saw that the road is wider because they hired an excavator to open it up,train +46628,46629,46629,talacuwa cuwa katadafana kami a mitengil nika tanutingwaan nu niyam a misasing nga ngaay ku pisaliyaliyaw nu niyam a mitengil,although we could fully understand it we could record it on our cell phones and listen to it more,train +46629,46630,46630,a patahekal pasevana tu,how to express yourself in a conversation,test +46630,46631,46631,Maefay talalaenu ku calay nu tingki,the wire is slacked down,train +46631,46632,46632,ira kusuwal aku i huni kiya saw,I just said that,train +46632,46633,46633,Kapicumud halafin tu ku pitatala aku tisuwanan,come on in I have been waiting for you for a long time,train +46633,46634,46634,u Pangcah ku raan,all belong to the Amis tribe,train +46634,46635,46635,Mafetak ku fukeluh tu pisuwa nu lamit nu kilang,tree roots cracked a crevice in the stone,train +46635,46636,46636,satu ci tumuk,the chieftain wondered what it was,train +46636,46637,46637,ya saikuray tu mapanukay urana kumatatudung a malalamud kura wawa ningra tu faʼinayan,the last one to be sent home was the one who was most suitable to be his sons best wife,train +46637,46638,46638,matuas tu kaku,when I grew up,train +46638,46639,46639,o sakamaan niyam ku nika rarid a misiayaw tu katalawan saw,and as for us why do we endanger ourselves every hour,train +46639,46640,46640,hay,some,test +46640,46641,46641,yu pakasakasak satu kami,when it is our turn to tread the earth,train +46641,46642,46642,tupelak,peeling the bark of a tree,train +46642,46643,46643,Sakaenem,it is Saturday,train +46643,46644,46644,edengan kura patireng tu maan paluma tu maan nga,when the elders want to build or plant anything,train +46644,46645,46645,ngaayay micaliw kaku tu riku nu misu han,can I borrow your clothes,train +46645,46646,46646,nu aniniyay a masakapahay,Todays youth,train +46646,46647,46647,suelin,accurate,train +46647,46648,46648,tangsa kaku i kaherekan nu lalan i,when I come to the end of the road,train +46648,46649,46649,u vavainay ku micirisay,the boys came to do the ridge sparing canal,train +46649,46650,46650,dafak midakaw kakutu haya tayra minukay miraum tu rumiʼadmiʼad,I take a taxi every day to take my mom back and forth to the doctor,test +46650,46651,46651,aluman tu ku tayniay,orders are flying in,train +46651,46652,46652,tini satu kami,we are staying right here,train +46652,46653,46653,uya makalu tiya hatinitiniay,it is about this thick,train +46653,46654,46654,u nu mala Amis a pinangan han nu maku,I say it is an Amish custom,train +46654,46655,46655,Saka cli sa ci Pawlu Katumireng Fiyacen ku waay isu han ningra i takud sa cingra a tumireng ta rakat satu,and called out Stand up on your feet at that the man jumped up and began to walk,train +46655,46656,46656,o kalingatuan tu ami papiala ku kayki,accounting arranging for workers to pick up meals,train +46656,46657,46657,u micakayay sa aemin a,they are all buyers,train +46657,46658,46658,mamalacungtung,he is going to be president,train +46658,46659,46659,u mata saan ku mimelaway,just use your eyes,train +46659,46660,46660,aamaen,matching grandmother,test +46660,46661,46661,Matuem ku kakarayan,the sky is cloudy,train +46661,46662,46662,ta itiya hu mifahfah tuya lifung i,in the early days of the epidemic,train +46662,46663,46663,u maan kusangaʼen,what do you make,train +46663,46664,46664,mipakalemed,celebration,train +46664,46665,46665,fakciw han nuya cuyuh ku takaraw nuya adipel i ^nem a pulu a kungce o nu tamdaw a saditek ku safakciw nu cuyuh tunini,he measured its wall and it was cubits thick by mans measurement which the angel was using,train +46665,46666,46666,nawhani alumantu ku niadahan ni Yis a tamdaw Saka cacu^cu^cu sa ku mapadesay a tamdaw tu masamaamaanay a adada tu sapitfingaw ci Yisan,for he had healed many so that those with diseases were pushing forward to touch him,train +46666,46667,46667,misalaku ku heni iri,they opened up the fields,train +46667,46668,46668,awaay tu ku nu tau ira hen ku muwa aku,other peoples numbness is gone but mine is still growing,train +46668,46669,46669,hekahekalan,plan other related,train +46669,46670,46670,katikati,come on,test +46670,46671,46671,maxera tu ira ku dafdaf,we finally found Hiradihara,train +46671,46672,46672,tayra tu i tingsukiw haw i iraay ku riku,there are clothes donated by foreigners at the Catholic Church,train +46672,46673,46673,Tataang ku adada nira,he is very sick,train +46673,46674,46674,Mauraday tu,it is raining,train +46674,46675,46675,caay ku patakus sanay kinian u paʼaludu han nu mita,this is not an informational event it is a toast,train +46675,46676,46676,Salikakaaw pasuwalen aku kamu caay ku mamilayap tu Kitakit nu Kawas ku cihciay a tatirengan u rumasatu caay ku mamidauc ku mamapuni a malasawad a maamaan,I declare to you brothers that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable,train +46676,46677,46677,u maucuray a tayra lutuk,we are going to the mountains,train +46677,46678,46678,caka patelas a miala ku malitengay,old people do not take things casually,train +46678,46679,46679,ku fenek nu matuʼasay,wisdom of the elderly,train +46679,46680,46680,dadiwal,water Cricket,test +46680,46681,46681,ina aray han kisuna hahaha,Mom thank you so much ha ha ha,train +46681,46682,46682,hatira ku itiyaay hu,that is how the past was,train +46682,46683,46683,pakungku ku matuasay i terung,the old man is in the middle telling stories,train +46683,46684,46684,Orasaka paytmek sa ku tamdamdaw a minukay i niyaru nu tireng tu sapatilidaw tu ngangan,and everyone went to his own town to register,train +46684,46685,46685,micepet tu maliangay mitakaway misakaniway,catching vandals thieves fraudsters,train +46685,46686,46686,Pakakasulingay tayra i kungkuan ci Lapic,Lapic goes to school by train,train +46686,46687,46687,mamidanguy cingra,he is going swimming,train +46687,46688,46688,tingalaway kiya nanum ira,it is clear,train +46688,46689,46689,han han ku kamay haw,you have to do it like this,train +46689,46690,46690,Safawlima^ nu efun ri tangasa^ tu,minutes to school,test +46690,46691,46691,u eli ku luma tiyahu,it is thatched,train +46691,46692,46692,kacicedeman,salty,train +46692,46693,46693,niira,He she,train +46693,46694,46694,mahaenhaen aca ray kira na makakaay,that is what that sibling is like,train +46694,46695,46695,sakalahuk,Chinese,train +46695,46696,46696,u maliyangay nga masetiʼay caayay,it is supposed to be disobedient is not it,train +46696,46697,46697,iraʼay ku caay ka laheci aku pasanga tu tamud,the production did not work,train +46697,46698,46698,Talacuwaan caacaay ka lecad ku nicakayan niyam tu cudad kirami lalecad saan ku aca^,although the books I bought were different the prices were exactly the same,train +46698,46699,46699,vuhat,open,train +46699,46700,46700,letek tu aul,chopping rafts of bamboo,test +46700,46701,46701,kami san i u matayalay tu misafununay,we are farmers we do not know anything about it,train +46701,46702,46702,tarakaw,very large,train +46702,46703,46703,itiya hu i awaay ku katayalan,it was not easy to get a job back then,train +46703,46704,46704,suwal sa ku matuʼasay ri yu kukuʼen nu Ripun nu itiniay tini i saʼetipan haw saʼetipan a milimek ku Cikasuʼan a tamdaw matuʼasay,the old man once told us that when the Japanese were chasing and killing the people of Chikagawa they hid in the west direction,train +46704,46705,46705,sahabala u huyun litec ku huyun ma naʼayaw,quilts are very cold in the old days,train +46705,46706,46706,itiya i cli sa ci Pawlu a pasuwal Aka piriang tu tireng Iraaytu kami i tini a ma^min han ningra,but Paul shouted Do not harm yourself we are all here,train +46706,46707,46707,Adihayhu ku nidmakan ni Yis a kafahkaan a dmak i kaayaw nu nisawawaan ningra Nikawrira caay ka ^min a matilid tunini a cudad,Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples which are not recorded in this book,train +46707,46708,46708,tumalu saka ngaʼay nu tireng,keeping the body healthy,train +46708,46709,46709,o paliw kita mapulung,we are all working partners,train +46709,46710,46710,masulesuleptu ku adiwawa,the kids are starving,test +46710,46711,46711,paluwaden nu maku kinaʼutuc,I will put the stone back up,train +46711,46712,46712,cuwa,no discouragement,train +46712,46713,46713,tatiih ku hiya aku caka facal,mine was really bad,train +46713,46714,46714,ira ku Atayal Pangcah Saysiya Vunun Puyuma Rukai Paiwan Yami Tsuu Thau Kavalan Taluku Sakizaya Tekdaya hatini amin i matini,there are the Atayal Amis Saisiat Bunun Penan Rukai Paiwan Yami Tsou and Thao Kavalan Taroko Sakia and Sedek,train +46714,46715,46715,i ngata nu cacudadan ku luma niyam,our house is near the school,train +46715,46716,46716,mahecaday tu Ta Fa Lung atu Fa Ta Ang,as in the case of long Valley and the restoration,train +46716,46717,46717,awaay ku didusiya itiya hu atu utuvay,there were no cars or motorcycles back then,train +46717,46718,46718,ya aul pela hanira masatipid caayay haen haen hanira,the bamboo is stripped and flattened into a flat plate,train +46718,46719,46719,Mikikasi ku wawa i patiyamay,a child goes to the store to buy candy,train +46719,46720,46720,haluteluc matiniyan kaʼapaʼapa ku lawuc nira kaesu,taste it with the heart of the sugarcane like this bag,test +46720,46721,46721,Diputan ni Yihufa ku suˈlinay piduyungan caka manahul,Jehovah ensures that right worship is not corrupted,train +46721,46722,46722,kakamayan,person skilled in certain types of work,train +46722,46723,46723,a kapah tuway ku niyaru nu mita,our tribe will be peaceful,train +46723,46724,46724,ya ikuray tu a tatusa kaemangay saʼicelen,come on the two teenagers in the back come on,train +46724,46725,46725,ura unuc tura i samisi alaen nukay sapimaan kura,I did not even use those burdens when I wanted to take them home,train +46725,46726,46726,maan han nu Ripun,what is it called in Japan I do not know,train +46726,46727,46727,han ci hinasunki,Name,train +46727,46728,46728,nimaanay kisu,what are you doing,train +46728,46729,46729,na itini sawali,from the east,train +46729,46730,46730,himaʼemin masenger kura felac itiya huw,that is why all the rice is wet,test +46730,46731,46731,Pasaupuen ku ciiliday a luma a sumuwal tu pipalasapudan,please gather the families who have dumpsters together to explain the centralized site,train +46731,46732,46732,itini midukuay a demak nulitengan a Israil tamdaw hakuwaay ku nika masaka limelaan nu rumadiway hani,what role did singing play in the worship of the ancient Israelites,train +46732,46733,46733,rarungay,cottage,train +46733,46734,46734,awaw,dog bark,train +46734,46735,46735,kakaulahan nu Pangcah ku hiya,this is an Amis dish,train +46735,46736,46736,sapiucuran,dispatch,train +46736,46737,46737,tangsul sa cangra a miliyas tu tamina atu mama nangra a mituur i ci Yisan,and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him,train +46737,46738,46738,iraay hu ku,and,train +46738,46739,46739,calivad,angry,train +46739,46740,46740,Maansa kiya caka fanaʼ kaku mitudung ira itira i radiw hiya nu misa Pangcahay,as for how to sing it I will not be able to follow along it is in the Amis song,test +46740,46741,46741,malafaw,voles,train +46741,46742,46742,rengurengusan,grassland,train +46742,46743,46743,ini haca rayray nu lutuk sanku maku harateng,and the order of the names on the mountain,train +46743,46744,46744,o tadamaanay a pakakmuday a suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad kunini Mafana kaku ci Kristu atu kiwkay ku nisuwalan tunini,this is a profound mystery but I am talking about Christ and the church,train +46744,46745,46745,Tumangic kira wawa sapicucuan tu ciira,the boys crying he wants his milk,train +46745,46746,46746,saka tusa a rumiʼad awaay talaluma i,it did not arrive the next day,train +46746,46747,46747,away maaraw nu matuasay,old people are seldom seen,train +46747,46748,46748,aacaen,want,train +46748,46749,46749,Nikawrira u tatayni a nai ci Wamaan a Padamaay uya sulinay a Adingu Cingra u a ucuren aku cingra a patayni i tamuwanan ta cingra ku pawacayay tu pakayniay i Takuwanan,When the Counselor comes whom I will send to you from the Father the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father he will testify about me,train +46749,46750,46750,rakat sanay cingra a tayra i paisingan,he walks to the hospital,test +46750,46751,46751,papikayakayen,Let Climb,train +46751,46752,46752,kakararuraruman,it is a sad thing,train +46752,46753,46753,uya caluwaluwayay a Hulam a tamdaw a micuker cangra,this includes the support of some outstanding Han Chinese,train +46753,46754,46754,naw han haw i oni a ngangan haw i,because of the name,train +46754,46755,46755,suwalen aku kamu u raranikay ku Kawas a patadu cangraan Nikawrira anu miliyaw a tayni kuya wawa nu tamdaw i maaraw ningra hakiya ku mitieray cingraan i tini i hkal han ni Yis,I tell you he will see that they get justice and quickly However when the son of man comes will he find faith on the earth,train +46755,46756,46756,mitukad,kill,train +46756,46757,46757,nu Cikasuwan,Reflections of the seven foot Chuan people,train +46757,46758,46758,tatiih ku nguyus nira,he spreads gossip,train +46758,46759,46759,saka saan i aayaw nu kaen mamanaw kaku tu kamay,because I wash my hands before meals,train +46759,46760,46760,o malaapetay caira a tatusa,the two of them became brothers in law,test +46760,46761,46761,pina ku aca nu cecay a kalung nu simal,how much is a gallon of gas,train +46761,46762,46762,kadamsayay nu urip,peaceful life,train +46762,46763,46763,ci Takuy medac ci Singkuy,the boa constrictor was called the hungry Ghost,train +46763,46764,46764,hacul,milk,train +46764,46765,46765,tu pipakelang hananay,is there a completion festival,train +46765,46766,46766,tulu pulu ira ku lima a mihecaan isu,you are years old,train +46766,46767,46767,malacafay a maru i luma kisu tu wama wina isu haw,do you live with your parents,train +46767,46768,46768,aya kaku,what is wrong with me,train +46768,46769,46769,cayka ci maan kami malalamud,we are a couple with the same heart,train +46769,46770,46770,hitelek han aku matini matini saan,I did what the old man taught me step by step,test +46770,46771,46771,mapawan kaku a citafu^,I forgot to bring my lunchbox,train +46771,46772,46772,u hemay hantu,where is the rice,train +46772,46773,46773,naʼayaw,before,train +46773,46774,46774,Saka pasuwal sa ci Yis i nisawawaan Ningra Anu cima ku sapituurananay i takuwanan i falahen ku nu tireng a harateng urungen ku ciwcika nu tireng tuuren Kaku,then Jesus said to his disciples If anyone would come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me,train +46774,46775,46775,maurun,long to see again,train +46775,46776,46776,ta manhan tu ku icuwa paherek han aku makeyer kura caciyaw aku icuwa paherek,I got mad and said Where do we have to be,train +46776,46777,46777,Matayu cingra a miharateng,he is not quick in thinking a bit inferior in intelligence,train +46777,46778,46778,aka ka caruh itiya hatu cipaysu^ kisu,it is okay you can talk about it when you have money,train +46778,46779,46779,sarayaray han nira kiya,they will be neatly organized,train +46779,46780,46780,matuem,cloudy day,test +46780,46781,46781,mamaan sa kiya kaka aku,what is wrong with you,train +46781,46782,46782,alatek tayra i pusung alatek,maybe Taitung,train +46782,46783,46783,a tayra i kungkuan ku rakat nu maku,on my way to and from school,train +46783,46784,46784,hatira sanay kakeru nura kapah hananay,young people just keep on dancing,train +46784,46785,46785,itini i tayni kami tini a maru,we came to live here in,train +46785,46786,46786,alaen naila pataw ma paluma,they took the seeds home with them,train +46786,46787,46787,Itiyaayhu a tamdamdaw i mararid a kumaen mitauwak cifainay cifafahi tangasa i picumudan na Nuwa i tamina tuya rumiad ta ira ku lenlen a mitkup i cangraan a ma^min,people were eating drinking marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark then the flood came and destroyed them all,train +46787,46788,46788,Maaraw nu wama i u aidahi kisu a miadup anu taangay tu han nira kaku,dad saw it and told me that I will be a very good hunter in the future,train +46788,46789,46789,hay,Is,train +46789,46790,46790,Anu hpulen namu ku raraw nu misatatiihay tamuwanan i hpulen nu wama namu i kakarayan ku raraw namu,for if you forgive men when they sin against you your heavenly father will also forgive you,test +46790,46791,46791,tumian,luckily,train +46791,46792,46792,Suˈlin u Kanata a tamdaw kaku kawra unu Afrika ku niyah sanay a miharateng,although we are Canadian citizens we feel that we belong to Africa,train +46792,46793,46793,lalid,recurrent,train +46793,46794,46794,nawhani u papawacay kisu tu pakayniay i Cingraan o papasuwal kisu i tamdamdaw tu ninengnengan atu nitngilan isu,you will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard,train +46794,46795,46795,hay naniyu san ku Ripun kiya ri,then the Japanese will answer what is the matter,train +46795,46796,46796,malahu u apalu malavi u apalu tu,breadfruit for lunch breadfruit for dinner,train +46796,46797,46797,masuʼut tura dadanguyan hay fangcal ku,it is safer to be tied to the raft,train +46797,46798,46798,cimayamayay,ducky,train +46798,46799,46799,akaa katalaw,and do not be afraid,train +46799,46800,46800,tiya malecad tiya sarakatay a nunum ta nukay satu kiya mama,we will go home after we have restored the situation,test +46800,46801,46801,caay tu pinaun cingra minengneng tu aayaw,he could not look at the front attentively,train +46801,46802,46802,sanay ku suwal ni Yis cangraanan O cacilafu kamu u misamangahay ku demak a pasifanaˈay tu Rikec atu Farisay a tamdaw,Jesus said to them Woe to you scribes and Pharisees you hypocrites,train +46802,46803,46803,puni caka sa,it is going to rot,train +46803,46804,46804,itiya i rauden nu nisawawaan ci Yis a sumuwal Mafanaay Kisu haw tu nika kter nu Farisay a tamdaw a mitngil tunini a suwal Isu han nangra,then the disciples came to him and asked Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this,train +46804,46805,46805,tu patafuʼan nu kaʼemangay itiya hu,I used to give them to my kids,train +46805,46806,46806,mana tayni kita tuna niyaru,I accidentally came to a tribe,train +46806,46807,46807,mimali,play,train +46807,46808,46808,awaay tu ku misatipusay i hatiniay a lafin,recently no one has been planting in Lemmi,train +46808,46809,46809,Ocung ku riwang i luma nu mama ita,lots of room in our dads house,train +46809,46810,46810,awaay ku pakapacaufay ci Yisan tu ccaccay aca a suwal nanitiya a paskatu ku tamdaw a milicay i ci Yisan tu talulungay a salicay,no one could say a word in reply and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions,test +46810,46811,46811,selic italakapahtu kamatiya i u mimingaytu ku nu kapah a futing u usaw tu i u mamalu sakalahuktu,by analogy the youngest class gets the smallest fish and the rest becomes Chinese food,train +46811,46812,46812,misalisin tu mihecahecaan haw,do you hold a rain Festival every year,train +46812,46813,46813,pasadak,set out,train +46813,46814,46814,katayni u nipalumaan nu maku a lusay kuni tanamen a kumaen,come here these are the fruits I grow you should try it,train +46814,46815,46815,mangalef kunu lihilihi haw sahetu u matuʼasay tu,especially since the Ligi tribe is full of old men,train +46815,46816,46816,Nanay mapaini nu wama a Kawas ita atu Tapang ci Yis Kristu kamu tu mikumi atu rihaday,grace and peace to you from God the father and the Lord Jesus Christ,train +46816,46817,46817,maliangay,it is fierce,train +46817,46818,46818,Teluctu matungalay ku tangungul nu kalawidang aku ci Yihufaan,as a result my friendship with the Lord has grown even deeper,train +46818,46819,46819,mapacek nu pacek ku kamay nu maku,I got a nail in my hand,train +46819,46820,46820,cuung,Sprouts,test +46820,46821,46821,malevawa tu ku nanum tanasa ililis nu tukus naun han niyam,the sea has risen to the shore so we will take our time,train +46821,46822,46822,Mangaay,possible,train +46822,46823,46823,nanicuwaay kita sa malalicaylicay san kiya mutuʼasay,you will also ask where we came from and what the elders said,train +46823,46824,46824,Awa tu ku maamaan,everything will be destroyed,train +46824,46825,46825,ulal,peers,train +46825,46826,46826,u hafay,that millet,train +46826,46827,46827,maherek a malahuk,after lunch,train +46827,46828,46828,nengneng sa ku mikaputay ci Yisan a nisawawaan tunini a dmak i suwal sa Tapangaw tapaaw niyam tu funus haw han nangra,when Jesus followers saw what was going to happen they said Lord should we strike with our swords,train +46828,46829,46829,lalengatan,a factor,train +46829,46830,46830,mudac,skin,test +46830,46831,46831,Wataay tu ku cedi nu maku,you do have certain abilities,train +46831,46832,46832,misamaan kita misaˈicel midama tu nika kurac nu likakawa nu Kawas,how can we do our part to keep Gods organization clean,train +46832,46833,46833,fa^det ku rumiad tuna kaciherangan nuna mihecaan hakiya,will it be very hot in summer this year,train +46833,46834,46834,kaenen nu Pangcah ku matiniay hiay,like the peach leaf people eat this month,train +46834,46835,46835,nanu urip nu mita haw,in our lives,train +46835,46836,46836,u kakitaan han ku saʼusi u cihafayay han ku saʼusi,it is a man of high status and affluence,train +46836,46837,46837,pinaay ku fufu isu,how many grandchildren do you have,train +46837,46838,46838,pakafanaen tu suwal nu Pangcah haw ina,teach them the Amish language let them learn,train +46838,46839,46839,edefen,close,train +46839,46840,46840,o niyaru nu maku haw i,my tribe is,test +46840,46841,46841,tu niyan han tu i awaay kiya,this direction,train +46841,46842,46842,matakup,catch up,train +46842,46843,46843,matira duduen tuku suwal nu painiay kitanan,that is why we all have to cooperate,train +46843,46844,46844,matira ku pikadafuan nu maku i caay katatudung caay kaulah i takuwanan,I married a man who does not like me,train +46844,46845,46845,aca ku faʼinay,a man,train +46845,46846,46846,patihi mirarakat,shopping with her,train +46846,46847,46847,Mangeru kaku pasasata hen,I am tired and want to rest,train +46847,46848,46848,kuyaan,that,train +46848,46849,46849,malecaday,identical,train +46849,46850,46850,haw i a mipacakat tu salil mitefad tu salil,So close the net and get off the net,test +46850,46851,46851,u masasikakuwy,that is how you make a quadrangle,train +46851,46852,46852,hay ura anu caka sasawen kura kuhetingay cayka ngaʼay han,cannot I leave the black part unwashed,train +46852,46853,46853,mahaen sa kumatuʼasay sa naʼayaw,that is what the old man in the rodeo told us,train +46853,46854,46854,eneng kunini nu itiyaay hu kunini,see how old this is,train +46854,46855,46855,o wawa nu Amis kaku,I am from the Amis,train +46855,46856,46856,kaemih,let somebody off lightly,train +46856,46857,46857,ka^esu,delicious,train +46857,46858,46858,ira ku mahapelaway niyam i kisu ku mamicepet,if what we have does not pull you are the one who will grab it,train +46858,46859,46859,awaay ku pakayraan ita,we have no way,train +46859,46860,46860,tulu^,three,test +46860,46861,46861,mamalasingsi,I am going to be a teacher,train +46861,46862,46862,itiyahu i ya utuc kiraan haw i,Stonehenge at that time,train +46862,46863,46863,namahaen matini haw,there is a God on this mountain,train +46863,46864,46864,Miladum tu kami tahira i ura kali inini kali ini,we will just go together and pick up water from the Creek over there,train +46864,46865,46865,ma palumaan tu malu kakaenen nu matuʼasay,crops can be grown to feed the people,train +46865,46866,46866,ikur harateng han aku i anu hatira i tiihay tu tayalen kuni sanay haw,then I thought carefully about the insurance and could not do it anymore,train +46866,46867,46867,Raway,mans name,train +46867,46868,46868,mitusyang tu han tu nu Ripun ri,Japan says it is surrendered,train +46868,46869,46869,itini iumah nu nira,in his field,train +46869,46870,46870,mafanaʼay minengnengen tu,it is easy to focus on finding,test +46870,46871,46871,u lanan ku kaen han niyam u wawa fecul san,that is how we kids eat,train +46871,46872,46872,u matenetenesay tu araaraw a,Gradually over time,train +46872,46873,46873,mikilimay tu lafang u hayya han nu Ripun,it is just a cab job looking for customers,train +46873,46874,46874,maedeng tuniya tuki u cecay Micekiway tu Fangcalay Cudad ci Wierciliu Fukusen mihalakaay malinah tayra i Putawya midama tu mitusilay a demak,around this time Virgilio Ferguson a Brazilian biblical researcher planned to move to Portugal to assist in evangelistic work,train +46874,46875,46875,malaliway nu cedas i safanaw san,when the flood waters recede there are ponds left behind,train +46875,46876,46876,tusa nu sumuutan aca ku Pangcah i pulung a tamdaw nu Taywan,the total Aboriginal population in Taiwan is only,train +46876,46877,46877,ya ina,that mom,train +46877,46878,46878,tahaynitu i sepat pulu ira ku pinapina i,when I was in my forties,train +46878,46879,46879,o hatalip ha ya caka sitilid ha,is it the right skirt is it the one without the totem,train +46879,46880,46880,ira ku kaheciday a nanum tini i Makutaay sanay kira ngangan tira,Maguda is named so because of its salty water,test +46880,46881,46881,u lise nu Cikasuwan,history of the Shichibukawa river,train +46881,46882,46882,ku nu maku a urip,my life,train +46882,46883,46883,u ruma satu,next is,train +46883,46884,46884,Acin,personal name,train +46884,46885,46885,tutu takid tumes kurila,fill the ladle with wine,train +46885,46886,46886,o ramud aku kunini,this is my spouse,train +46886,46887,46887,samanen hukini marawraway,I have been suffering for a long time,train +46887,46888,46888,u salengac han nu Pangcah,the Amis call it the moon peach Tree,train +46888,46889,46889,mangaay haw a nanaman ku suwal nu Pangcah,is it easy to learn northern Amish,train +46889,46890,46890,anu nitengel mafukilay i,what if I do not get it either,test +46890,46891,46891,Okakay,name of the Ukagai tribe,train +46891,46892,46892,Saka matu malalangay sa ku pipatuaya nu finawlan i cangraan,even with these words they had difficulty keeping the crowd from sacrificing to them,train +46892,46893,46893,awaay ku kucu,no shoes,train +46893,46894,46894,kalu Kawas,all the spirits,train +46894,46895,46895,niudutan,BULLYED Bullied,train +46895,46896,46896,mavana tu kaku tu nipiadup,I learned to hunt,train +46896,46897,46897,itini a mahapinang nu mita kuni a radiw anu caacaay kalecad tu nu itiyaay hu ka Dipungan ku kafafulaw a demak nika naikuran hu nu kafafulaw nu 823 i masamatini maala malasafitay,this famous ballad shows that the scenes of the Japanese era have long been familiar to people However after the August artillery battle,train +46897,46898,46898,hay iratu tahekal kita iratu,Yeah there is always people we buy them as soon as they come out,train +46898,46899,46899,Saka yu itira kaku i tamuwanan i tadanca kaku matalaw kaku Tataang ku nika mirmir aku,I came to you in weakness and fear and with much trembling,train +46899,46900,46900,tintusi hananay haw saʼicel mitintu pakatayal tu maamaan sanay ku harateng nu salikaka,brothers and sisters believe that preachers should concentrate on preaching the gospel and not do other work,test +46900,46901,46901,idengaw,Oh honey,train +46901,46902,46902,kakirian,groovy den,train +46902,46903,46903,misawsaw,wash,train +46903,46904,46904,fs ngaʼayay hu ku pinang a rayray nu suwal haw anu ura ku suwal haw,What about that,train +46904,46905,46905,muku,stay somewhere temporarily,train +46905,46906,46906,ira i laenu nu Cudad ku impic,there are pens underneath the books,train +46906,46907,46907,Hinefa han isu a mipasela,lie down and rest,train +46907,46908,46908,aka a kacumikay tayuen ku rakat mapulinaw,do not run and walk slowly lest you fall down,train +46908,46909,46909,u maan a adadaan saw,what is it,train +46909,46910,46910,aku tu piharateng tu tireng aku,do not miss me,test +46910,46911,46911,paruen itira,put the wine inside,train +46911,46912,46912,ngitangiten aku ku Wama ta paflien ningra kamu tu ccay a ruma a padamaay a papidauc a mikaput i tamuwanan,and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever,train +46912,46913,46913,malahitay tu ku wawa aku sa,it means the kids going into the army,train +46913,46914,46914,katahinian,get there,train +46914,46915,46915,Patingalawen hu ku nemnem ta miradum,let the spring water be clear before you go scooping,train +46915,46916,46916,pakafana aku tu situ nu maku,this is how I teach,train +46916,46917,46917,ira i Ilan ku misasulipaay,there are slippers made in Yilan,train +46917,46918,46918,u Piwma,it is a Peinan,train +46918,46919,46919,u Isi yama itini,this is stone Mountain,train +46919,46920,46920,kaliyalaw,yellow,test +46920,46921,46921,Wa adihay ku mikuwisan isu a kunga,Wow you dug up so many gourds,train +46921,46922,46922,Tengilen Mitengil,Listen pay attention,train +46922,46923,46923,tayira han awaaytu a mamelaw,you will never see them again,train +46923,46924,46924,halafin tu caay ka sasuaraw matiya^ takaraway tu kisu,I have not seen you in a while have you grown taller,train +46924,46925,46925,micelak tu kafutian,make the bed,train +46925,46926,46926,a,when,train +46926,46927,46927,yu i tirahu kami i tamuwanan i u mamapades kita saan ku nipipaliayaw niyam a sumuwal i tamuwanan matu nika fana namu lahci satu anini,in fact when we were with you we kept telling you that we would be persecuted and it turned out that way as you well know,train +46927,46928,46928,maʼaraw ningra ku cecay a kaying,he met a young girl,train +46928,46929,46929,malialac nu mita u Pangcah,the Amis ritual of purifying the body from evil spirits,train +46929,46930,46930,nawhani anca ka kangkangen kura punu nuna Parang haw i,However without a conceptual revolution or plowing of the Han brain,test +46930,46931,46931,Pacauf sa ci Yis Olili pakafanaen ci Yuhani tu nitngilan atu maaraway namu a dmak,Jesus replied Go back and report to John what you hear and see,train +46931,46932,46932,licay sa ci Yis O maan ku milcaday tu Kitakit nu Kawas saan kita hakiya o maan ku sapatinaku ciiraan ta mahapinang saan kita hakiya,again he said What shall we say the kingdom of God is like or what parable shall we use to describe it,train +46932,46933,46933,adipac,five,train +46933,46934,46934,caay ku kakalimlaan ku nika krit atu nika ^ca ka krit o kakalimlaan i u nipidu^du tu limuut nu Kawas,circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing keeping Gods commands is what counts,train +46934,46935,46935,ngaʼay hu kita salikaka a mapulung,Hello brothers and sisters,train +46935,46936,46936,malecaday sa awʼawʼawʼaw sa i huni haw ira kupi,he is screaming over there,train +46936,46937,46937,maliyangay a wawa,child disobeys does as he pleases,train +46937,46938,46938,o maan ku saselaan nu futing,what organ does a fish use to breathe,train +46938,46939,46939,anu makalitemuh tu kiya likid niya riyar haw caay pakacubedas,if there is a strong current you cannot go against it,train +46939,46940,46940,misaka dademakay cingra tu safalud i taneng 205 mitala tu matatudungay a tuki pakapipatalahkal tu harateng nu maku kawrira cuwa kuyaan hahimeden a demak,she will apply the principle of Proverbs and wait for the right moment to draw out my thoughts provided of course that it is something I do not need to keep secret,test +46940,46941,46941,aka pisanga tu tatiʼih,do not make a scene,train +46941,46942,46942,o parad kuni u anengan kuni,this is the table this is the chair,train +46942,46943,46943,kawrira tulu miheca ku urip ningra san ci inaan aku,but he will not live more than three years,train +46943,46944,46944,pasaputunen,pursue something one paragraph at a time,train +46944,46945,46945,kiya ira saw kira niyaru,why else would there be a tribe,train +46945,46946,46946,matini san i cuwaen nu misu patireng ku adawang,Now where are you going to build the clubhouse,train +46946,46947,46947,hatiraay kunu malitengay hu,that is how it used to be in the old days,train +46947,46948,46948,pasuwal sa ci Pilatu Caay ku Yutaya a tamdaw kaku O nipaturudan nu finacadan isu atu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung kisu i takuwanan Nau maan ku dmak isu saw han ningra,Am I a Jew Pilate replied It was your people and your chief priests who handed you over to me what is it you have done,train +46948,46949,46949,saka u ruma rumiʼad maʼaraw niya Tangafulan,So one day the Pinkertons saw him,train +46949,46950,46950,ku miparasur nu sikawasay,what is the sacrifice in preparation for,test +46950,46951,46951,lenek,sink down,train +46951,46952,46952,u wawa nu tuda,it is an eel baby,train +46952,46953,46953,ora sanay u angungul nu kilang ku mituuran,with the length of the post go how deep to dig,train +46953,46954,46954,miliyas,come on,train +46954,46955,46955,aka ka kumaen,do not eat,train +46955,46956,46956,cariwciw,chirp,train +46956,46957,46957,Hay nawhani malalid a macidal saka malufic ku heci,Yes it is usually sunny so it is fruitful,train +46957,46958,46958,cikciken ni fayi ku sasimi a mipatata i tamiyanan,Auntie cut dashiki for us,train +46958,46959,46959,inaayaw u sikawasay amin,they used to be witches,train +46959,46960,46960,u caay ka talaw,scared,test +46960,46961,46961,Patalukanen kira mamasufuc tu a ayam,please build a coop for the chicken that will be laying eggs,train +46961,46962,46962,Malalayap tu kadang atu kuwati ku mipakayifan,those getting married exchange bracelets and rings,train +46962,46963,46963,naira ku maan nu dateng nu itiyaay hu cecay kudateng,at that time there was no cuisine just one dish,train +46963,46964,46964,herek,afterwards,train +46964,46965,46965,cai tastasen niyam maluhahiningan nu wawa a matuʼas,we do not take it down as I want to give it to my grandchildren for viewing when they grow up,train +46965,46966,46966,talutaludan,Mangrove bush,train +46966,46967,46967,mafanafanaʼay ka Dipungan kura haw,the people who know about it,train +46967,46968,46968,itepar ni Singkuy a lutuk hantu,in other words in the neighborhood of the hungry mountain god,train +46968,46969,46969,telien ira ku cecay i sahatira sa tu,put another one in and it goes on and on,train +46969,46970,46970,tayra tu itira i riyal Sieracay,and then to the waterfront at the Promenade,test +46970,46971,46971,Masifed ku waay aku,my leg is caught in brush,train +46971,46972,46972,o riku ni Kacaw kura han,is that Kacaws clothes,train +46972,46973,46973,Mamaan a nanumen ku nanum nu liyal,how does seawater taste,train +46973,46974,46974,mikaketiay,wasp catcher,train +46974,46975,46975,a iraay ku maruʼay tura dihif haw sa ira tu,where did people live in the caves,train +46975,46976,46976,matira ku pipakafana nu matuasay itiya,it is a reminder from the elders,train +46976,46977,46977,o sapatampu tu tadah aku kunini a tuki,this watch is surety for my debt,train +46977,46978,46978,mahaen tu ku nikalipahak nikariharay anini,there is still some peace and quiet left,train +46978,46979,46979,talaʼamis tayra i tumiyac hatiraay u kalala a tamdaw,that is how the Canucks went north and succeeded in the town,train +46979,46980,46980,pasuwal sa ci Yis tuya mapikingay ku kamay a tamdaw Kalumuwad katayni i sifu han ningra,Jesus said to the man with the shriveled hand Stand up in front of everyone,test +46980,46981,46981,Milingkiw ci fayi i lutuk,Auntie went to the mountains to pick peppers,train +46981,46982,46982,nengneng han matengil ku ngiha i fali hiwawa i,I heard the wind tell of it,train +46982,46983,46983,pakuningra han,just let him be,train +46983,46984,46984,o maan ku nipasuelinan isu,what doctrine do you believe,train +46984,46985,46985,tusaay ku pacek i taya nu utufay aku,I have two nails in my motorcycle tires,train +46985,46986,46986,saʼayaway hatiraay kuni,it is always like this at first,train +46986,46987,46987,onini ku suʼlinay a pitaʼung namu,it is pleasing to God it is only right that you should serve in this way,train +46987,46988,46988,awa hen ku Pangcah mikuli itiya hu,very few Amis were working at that time,train +46988,46989,46989,saʼayaw u hiya sa,before,train +46989,46990,46990,Suped han nu maku ku tusaay a pulu,I will just save twenty dollars,test +46990,46991,46991,ha ha ha,Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha,train +46991,46992,46992,anu masuvuc tu idengay tu kisu taluma,if it is born you can go back,train +46992,46993,46993,ung^ung,laughing,train +46993,46994,46994,lamanan haw i mitahidang ku kaput,sometimes I get called over by other students,train +46994,46995,46995,nira,my sister hid the pearls in a pearl box in her closet,train +46995,46996,46996,Pasidsid han nira wawa ku kucu atu fakiya i lakelal,the child let his shoes and shoes off one by one by the river,train +46996,46997,46997,ini i niyaru anini,still living in the tribe,train +46997,46998,46998,o karafitakulaay tu kacanglahan,lots of frogs in the spring,train +46998,46999,46999,rarar,small hoes,train +46999,47000,47000,Midu^du ci Simun Pitiru i cingraan a tayra tangsul sa cingra a micumud i laluma nu tadem Maaraw ningra ku nika tli nuya nisangaan tu kliw a kiradum,then Simon Peter who was behind him arrived and went into the tomb he saw the strips of linen lying there,test +47000,47001,47001,hatira aca ku suwal aku,I shared it here,train +47001,47002,47002,o Yencumin kamu haw,are you Aboriginals,train +47002,47003,47003,nu tiya hu nu Amis kiya,the Amis of the past,train +47003,47004,47004,Masuni^ tu ku takula^,the frogs are calling,train +47004,47005,47005,Saka pasuwal sa ci Yis tuya pasulinay i cingraan a Yutaya a tamdaw Anu mararid kamu a maimer tu suwal aku i u sulinay a nisawawaan aku kamu,to the Jews who had believed him Jesus said If you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples,train +47005,47006,47006,maedeng enem ku kilang anu cirafas haw i maedeng falu ku kilang,as long as there are six or even more than eight logs,train +47006,47007,47007,hatira tu kura kalalicay tu kaemangay,that is how we started talking,train +47007,47008,47008,miyalaay tu sapaluma tu dateng han tu i,you know the ones who collect wild vegetables,train +47008,47009,47009,cika cinglaw mimi,I do not even know the secret,train +47009,47010,47010,likuda,sacred dance,test +47010,47011,47011,maiya isu kinisaw ku paini nu mama,have you used this father in laws memory,train +47011,47012,47012,malaliupay,the man who washes his face,train +47012,47013,47013,anu unini ku sapalatawes,if we are tied together like this,train +47013,47014,47014,nanu mamang mafana kisu tu u pising na mama namu,do you remember your fathers face from when you were a child,train +47014,47015,47015,Olaw,tribal name,train +47015,47016,47016,sanay ku saʼusi,I have got a plan,train +47016,47017,47017,nawhan i sakacingangan nina lutuk tini i Langasan tu tenem hananay haw i,why is salt spring named after Mount Chiloe,train +47017,47018,47018,Mafcul cangra a ma^min a kumaen,they all ate and were satisfied,train +47018,47019,47019,kami sa malekaka haw ri,as for us brothers and sisters,train +47019,47020,47020,deng kaku matuʼasay,I have heard all the old people say I am the only child,test +47020,47021,47021,hatira tu kura demak,getting started,train +47021,47022,47022,mingkuk lima anca enem,in the fifth and sixth years of the Republic of China,train +47022,47023,47023,singsi u manan ku nanengnengen nu mita a talaalu,Teacher what are we going to see at the riverside,train +47023,47024,47024,watah ma kura falucu aku haw,my heart is very nervous,train +47024,47025,47025,hay i sawalian nu Tafalung,Yes it is just to the east of Tai Po long Valley,train +47025,47026,47026,Patefu tini na micumud tayni tuna Kaluluan hananay a niyaru,stop here and go into the Carolan tribe,train +47026,47027,47027,tanektek,well being,train +47027,47028,47028,Cuwa si Kulas ku ngangan nu mira,No his name is Kolas,train +47028,47029,47029,Patirien kaku tu sapasata a tinali han ningra patayra han nangra i ci Yisan ku ccay a tinali,show me the coin used for paying the tax they brought him a denarius,train +47029,47030,47030,caay katama aku,I did not find it,test +47030,47031,47031,u runung caay tu picakat,the fish rarely come up here either,train +47031,47032,47032,tuna paaliwacan a rumiad tayraay kaku atu kaka aku tu fafahiyan i pusung a milisu ci fakian,this holiday my sister and I went to Taitung to visit my uncle,train +47032,47033,47033,asanay i usaruma asa i,Besides it is different,train +47033,47034,47034,hay sa cumud satu cangra i masayra tu,so when we got in we started,train +47034,47035,47035,pikaturin nu suwal,the Shun Lee tribe will be speaking Amis,train +47035,47036,47036,na wacu saan sa cekucekud saan cingra a mi mi anin tunian a matatingay i fafaed a a maan kuraan,the dog was jumping playing with something hung above,train +47036,47037,47037,caay hu kafana kaku tu Kawas,still do not believe in God,train +47037,47038,47038,sa mipatireng ku mipatirengay,so build a house to build a house,train +47038,47039,47039,matiniyay ku dateng nu Pangcah u tipus u havay u lahengangay a panay u adeci u ulawlaway a paringad,suitable for growing organic non toxic wild vegetables rice millet red glutinous rice arrow bamboo shoots red quinol and other crops,train +47039,47040,47040,mika mikalat tu kamay nira,bit his hand,test +47040,47041,47041,kamu u kuli i kamirmir a matalaw sarucuden ku falucu a mihaklung tu tawki nu i hkalay matiya u katayal ci Kristuan,Slaves obey your earthly masters with respect and fear and with sincerity of heart just as you would obey Christ,train +47041,47042,47042,suʼelin i tahira i turanan a tapelik i,it is true that during the big wave,train +47042,47043,47043,dukduk,stealing,train +47043,47044,47044,Makerem tu ku rumiʼad,it is almost dusk,train +47044,47045,47045,icuwaay ci Panay o mamilifet cira a cumikay anuhuni,where is Panay she is going to compete in a running competition later,train +47045,47046,47046,Panay u nipacaliwan ni Kacaw kura ngaytu^ i tisuwanan haw,Panay did Kacaw lend you this coat,train +47046,47047,47047,o masamaanay a tamdaw kisu,what kind of person are you,train +47047,47048,47048,ya micakayan tu pala,the field that was purchased,train +47048,47049,47049,hatiraay ku ulah ni ina tu wawa kaminan hatiraay,this is how his mother Chen Chamou loved her children,train +47049,47050,47050,Cucuken itini kura uway,this end goes through the bamboo hole,test +47050,47051,47051,tireng,health,train +47051,47052,47052,kaʼamis nu ci Habayan unu tu a ngangan,a little north of Zhongxing tribe in Fenghuanglin Township is the rice Trail,train +47052,47053,47053,maledef tu i Taywan ku finacadan nu mita u Pangcah sausien i 19 a ufad 7 patek 8 nuli 7 pulu ira ku 9 ku tamdaw nu mita u Pangcah i matini,the Amis ethnic group has spread throughout Taiwan with a current population of about,train +47053,47054,47054,fituka,Stomach,train +47054,47055,47055,maenep,be enchanted,train +47055,47056,47056,u suwal nu malitengay,the elders used to say,train +47056,47057,47057,anini a mihca wa micudiyap tu kaku,I am graduating this year,train +47057,47058,47058,anini a remiad pasevana i tamiyan ku pasevanaay a misanga tu viyuk,today our teacher taught us how to make bamboo flutes,train +47058,47059,47059,makena,what way,train +47059,47060,47060,Fangcal ku pisanu Pangcah nu misu,you speak Amis fluently,test +47060,47061,47061,kiyaves,guava,train +47061,47062,47062,sacekucekur sa kiya wacu sapi tatuyan tiya tatekuh,the dog kept jumping and wanted to catch the bees,train +47062,47063,47063,Sarucuden ku harateng isu,give your mind to,train +47063,47064,47064,lahuk,luncheon,train +47064,47065,47065,pakacidal pakaʼurad matuʼasay,elderly people perform the sun prayer festival when they pray for rain,train +47065,47066,47066,sanukanukay kuniyam a,we all come and go,train +47066,47067,47067,u faʼinayan kiya haw pacafay miala tura dita,the boys are helping with the clay,train +47067,47068,47068,pinaay hakiya cacayay ziking ma ku cacayay naʼayaw,back in the day how many was it,train +47068,47069,47069,malatulaku malacusiw,be the trucks assistant,train +47069,47070,47070,karakalaw,bushy eyebrows,test +47070,47071,47071,masafituka,resemble the stomach,train +47071,47072,47072,itiya safaw pitu mihecaan hu,I was years old,train +47072,47073,47073,feren nu misu a milawit,you have to jump up and reach out,train +47073,47074,47074,cukeruh han yi cifen sa,push it out Yeah how many points,train +47074,47075,47075,sulsul han anu maansan,the bundling is the wisdom of the Amish elders,train +47075,47076,47076,anu tengilen naku faki i hatu,Elder it sounds to me like,train +47076,47077,47077,herek nu lahuk mipihay tu ku fafahiyan,in the afternoon the girls send Ling,train +47077,47078,47078,tatulu kura nipadakawan ni Angah,the total number of people listed in Angah is three,train +47078,47079,47079,Kiyanca,even though,train +47079,47080,47080,tadengal,gleam,test +47080,47081,47081,pakayni tuniya kafalican iraay ku maanan a harateng nu matuˈasay a maluhemay malitengay hani,how did these older elders react to this arrangement,train +47081,47082,47082,lalid i senasenaan atu fakelukeluhan a mikiluma,often inhabits wet areas and rock piles,train +47082,47083,47083,iraay ku ungtufay isu haw,do you have a motorcycle,train +47083,47084,47084,a micudadtu kaku,I will start,train +47084,47085,47085,u kuwa papah nu kuwa fedfed han kala talakesen,wrap the leaves of macaroni around the calf as an ankle brace,train +47085,47086,47086,mapacica,it is stained with sap,train +47086,47087,47087,tayraen nira i umah nu heni a micacak,go over there to their field and take care of it,train +47087,47088,47088,Mafanatu ci Yuta u pacakayay ci Yisan tunini a umah nawhani hinatayra ci Yis atu nisawawaan a masaupu itira,now Judas who betrayed him knew the place because Jesus had often met there with his disciples,train +47088,47089,47089,lahcien ku Tapang a Rikec nu Yincumincu lahcien ku mu^celay a saway ta mapatereng ku paranaan nu pakuniyaniyah pikuwan unini a tulu^ay ku hahalakaen nu Cenfu tu demak nu Yincumincu,to implement the indigenous peoples basic Law to serve indigenous historical justice and to lay the foundation for indigenous self government these are the three major goals for the governments policy towards indigenous peoples,train +47089,47090,47090,maraud satu ku mihecaan tu saka muetep saka siwa afulad,that October September will come soon,test +47090,47091,47091,saka anu matira haca haw pasifanaʼen aku kamu ini ku sapitipelak,Well I will teach you now here is one that has not been peeled yet,train +47091,47092,47092,mahaenay ku parud nu luma nu niyam,all of our family is like that,train +47092,47093,47093,haenen ku demak,do it like this,train +47093,47094,47094,tu sapalimuʼut paruʼut i takuwanan,words of encouragement,train +47094,47095,47095,satimul,South,train +47095,47096,47096,pinaya kura sapiala nira,how much did he buy a few hundred dollars or a thousand,train +47096,47097,47097,taluan,pavilion,train +47097,47098,47098,Nikawrira ira ku ccay nangra u lumaucay a Farisay a tamdaw ci Kamalil hananay a kakanguduan nu finawlan a pasifanaay tu Rikec tireng sa cingra i Pilaucan a sumuwal tu sapacnaaw tu tarukus a patalapaputal,but a Pharisee named Gamaliel a teacher of the law who was honored by all the people stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while,train +47098,47099,47099,ira hu karurayan aku hay karurayan,sometimes very tired yes tired,train +47099,47100,47100,maaraway ira kura radiw ira,he found that song over there,test +47100,47101,47101,irasatu itini i Cudad,only in the literature,train +47101,47102,47102,tataakay a sauwac kiyami,that big big river,train +47102,47103,47103,hay u simaanay,whatever you want,train +47103,47104,47104,Matahepu ku pising nu fafahiyan i Alapu,Arabian women faces are covered over,train +47104,47105,47105,dimataen,carry on ones shoulder,train +47105,47106,47106,Lakuwit han nu mita i ayaw nu kalahukan kira lutuk,we will be over that hill before noon,train +47106,47107,47107,pacakayen ningra ku umah ningra ta patayraen ningra i tarukus ku aca nunini,sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles feet,train +47107,47108,47108,Orasaka macara kaku tu kinapina saka cahu ka tayra kaku i tamuwanan,this is why I have often been hindered from coming to you,train +47108,47109,47109,micuhung han kiraan,it is a memorial,train +47109,47110,47110,hatinian tu aku anini u ngatu hu aku kunian,I made this this is my half finished product,test +47110,47111,47111,miurung kaku tu paruk nu matayalay,I carried the workers quilts,train +47111,47112,47112,fadien,drained,train +47112,47113,47113,maemin a misanga kina na suraratan,we are all working together to renovate the clubhouse,train +47113,47114,47114,ahemaw,light,train +47114,47115,47115,u cihak,it is a redwood tree,train +47115,47116,47116,cukacuk satu kami iki tahini tu kami saan kiya falucu aku,so we climbed up thinking we would finally arrived,train +47116,47117,47117,aka katawal,do not forget,train +47117,47118,47118,mikaciki,catching flag fish,train +47118,47119,47119,nengneng han ni i ya ina niyam ci aku,mother Chen Zha you looks at her aunt,train +47119,47120,47120,omaan ku sapatafu nu mita u Pangcah ya turun ya icep atu raʼan fila u epah tamaku mahaenay ku patafu nu mita u Pangcah i tiya,what were our Amis rice packets at that time sticky rice cake betel nut and betel nut leaves rice wine cigarettes et this is how we worshiped our rice packet ancestors,test +47120,47121,47121,u maʼan hu kura,I am only answering the questions you asked me what else,train +47121,47122,47122,cai pakatuur kita tu laluk nira matuasay,we cannot keep up with the old mans diligence,train +47122,47123,47123,mafadi,drained,train +47123,47124,47124,pahemeken ita ci Yihufa,praise the great and true God together with fervor,train +47124,47125,47125,macadiway tu ku menah nu tawu,I have netted someone is ass,train +47125,47126,47126,salang,liquid,train +47126,47127,47127,o masaduduhay a awul ku sapisanga tu tiftif,harmonica made of hollow bamboo,train +47127,47128,47128,kihepicay,thin,train +47128,47129,47129,mikali tu vakeluh miwaniw tu vekeluh iri mikalang,digging up rocks or moving them around looking for crabs,train +47129,47130,47130,itiya i raud saan ci Pitiru i ci Yisan a milicay Tapangaw anu ciraraw ku salikaka aku i takuwanan i kinapina kaku a misulul tu raraw ningra Kinapitu haw han ningra,then Peter came to Jesus and asked Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me up to seven times,test +47130,47131,47131,nipatatudung tu nipiadup,specialized hunting Festival,train +47131,47132,47132,pecih,break open,train +47132,47133,47133,mapaluay,battered,train +47133,47134,47134,ma henhweykuwtung,very communicative,train +47134,47135,47135,anu muʼetep ku panay tu pawti i,if there are ten packages of rice,train +47135,47136,47136,o pilitudan tu mami anini,it is time to Harvest oranges,train +47136,47137,47137,o dama aku ciira,he is my assistant,train +47137,47138,47138,Makelahay i fatihi haw i u Tapuwaray,Makoto tribe next door to the big club,train +47138,47139,47139,karaaraay,distance between,train +47139,47140,47140,mhaenay kira,that is it,test +47140,47141,47141,suwalen haca aku kamu anu malafinawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas ku cidafungay a tamdaw i ikakahu nu pimumuk nu lakuta a micumud tu tangila nu rinum ku nika ^ca ka rahuday han ningra,again I tell you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God,train +47141,47142,47142,Mafana kita talacuwa u makuwanay nu Palafuay ku hkal a ma^min nikawrira u wawa nu Kawas kita,we know that we are children of God and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one,train +47142,47143,47143,manunengay,peaceful,train +47143,47144,47144,kuninian,this kind of,train +47144,47145,47145,Papidadimawen ni ina kaku a papiafufu tu safa aku,mom asked me to push the cradle and rock my sister to sleep,train +47145,47146,47146,iniyan a cacay ku masimaimmay nu maku a cengceng,all I can think about is this one fish home,train +47146,47147,47147,telisaan cingra kakimulmul hatini sa ku takalaw kiya,it is right there in a circle very high almost six meters high,train +47147,47148,47148,cacey cacicafay saan aluman u Pu Yu Ma sasepat ta,I am alone and I am accompanied by four other Puerto Ricans,train +47148,47149,47149,makawaliay,from the east,train +47149,47150,47150,ngaliwngiw a mivetik mavaher tayira i siadadaay ku tingalaway,cast a spell and break a bottle and the broken bottle flies to the person who might be sick,test +47150,47151,47151,tatiih a nisa ru manaʼun a ni a rumakat,no slow walking,train +47151,47152,47152,tuper,hat,train +47152,47153,47153,misaepahay,brew wine,train +47153,47154,47154,pusadak,compatriots,train +47154,47155,47155,falic han ca ita ku ngangan ita,they replaced our place names,train +47155,47156,47156,ilaay kura pipatengilan anu a mawmah,I listen to familiar songs at work,train +47156,47157,47157,rey usang han nira kina Ripun,she called the Japanese lady,train +47157,47158,47158,ca ku mifuting kaku u mamikalang kaku saan caʼay kamatini ku suwal nu fainayan,men are less likely to say things like I am going fishing or I am going crabbing,train +47158,47159,47159,Naicuwaay a uning kira i fuduyay nu misu,that is where the dirt on your clothes came from,train +47159,47160,47160,aya ira ku usaw nu matuʼasayay i,since our ancestors have preserved this piece of land,test +47160,47161,47161,Midahecung ku cecay a waay aku i faedetay a nanum,I dipped my other foot into the hot water,train +47161,47162,47162,pitngil kamu u pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw,he who has ears let him hear,train +47162,47163,47163,mitngil ci Pilatu tunini i O Kalili a tamdaw kunini saw saan cingra a milicay,on hearing this Pilate asked if the man was a Galilean,train +47163,47164,47164,awaay ku tulas nu hemek,we enjoy boundless joy,train +47164,47165,47165,hay mahaenay,Yes that is it,train +47165,47166,47166,Karakakicuh kuni kida,this Shakya has a lot of fruit,train +47166,47167,47167,cima ku mirufuay ngraan,who put him in prison,train +47167,47168,47168,awaay ku pinang nu mita,active promotion of ethnolinguistic families,train +47168,47169,47169,ora kahmekan nu falucu aku i,what I am most proud of,train +47169,47170,47170,u maan caw ku pudaway anini,there is nothing wrong with catching small fish in rivers these days,test +47170,47171,47171,nawhani kita i u Partiya u Mitiya u Ilam atu nai tiraay i Misuputamiya Yutaya atu Kapatukiya Puntus atu Aciya,Parthians Medes and Elamites residents of Mesopotamia Judea and Cappadocia Pontus and Asia,train +47171,47172,47172,tahepu han tu nira ta maherek tu a mitahpu tu hiya minaʼang tura kangic,when you are done cover the dragon with the marinade,train +47172,47173,47173,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Caay ka fana kamu tu tatudung nu ningitangitan namu O nananumen Aku a pades a takid atuya lalayapen Aku a inu i mafilu namu a milayap saw han ningra,You do not know what you are asking Jesus said Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with,train +47173,47174,47174,cecay tafu^ tusa^ lian ku pida^,for a pack,train +47174,47175,47175,mapatireng ku salil nu miciriciriay i lutuk,nets for catching white eared paintbrush are erected on the hill,train +47175,47176,47176,makahirahira tu kura lakaw nu sakadademak tu luma haw i,I have got all the materials I need to build a thatched roof,train +47176,47177,47177,mananiwacay,hung beans harvested,train +47177,47178,47178,ngaʼay a mituluh,you can burn it anytime,train +47178,47179,47179,Salikakaaw matiya u dmak nu i Yutayaay a kalukiwkay nu Kawas a mituuray ci Yis Kristuan ku dmak namu matiya u nipipasemsem nu Yutaya a tamdaw i cangraan ku nipipasemsem nu finacadan namu i tamuwanan,for you brothers became imitators of Gods churches in Judea which are in Christ Jesus you suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews,train +47179,47180,47180,sakalahuk,Chinese food,test +47180,47181,47181,tayraay kaku i niyaru a milisu ci akungan i nacila,Yesterday I went to visit my Grandpa in the tribe,train +47181,47182,47182,Kawra mikala cafaytu ci Numa tu kuhecalay salikaka mitusil Halu tayra i lumaˈ nangra ikur lipahak pasuwal cingra Mahecaday kitanan cangra u kalu tamdaw cangra,However after preaching with white brothers and sisters and visiting their homes Numa exclaimed They are ordinary people like us,train +47182,47183,47183,Kinatahtah sa kamu a maurip i tini i hkal a maacang Pasu^suen namu ku tireng namu tu sakangaay namu a pacuken,you have lived on earth in luxury and self indulgence you have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter,train +47183,47184,47184,tumes han nira ku pinsyang,Iceboxes are full,train +47184,47185,47185,cekcek,extrusion,train +47185,47186,47186,a mi milicay tu tuʼas a milisin,who can inherit the culture in the Festival,train +47186,47187,47187,dama,helping,train +47187,47188,47188,tu paluwad tu licay itiya,it is also an effort to appeal to the Han people for accountability,train +47188,47189,47189,saka u Makutaay han ku pangangan kina niyaru,that is why I named it that way,train +47189,47190,47190,aluman,that is a lot,test +47190,47191,47191,cacaliwcaliw sa kaku tu pida i fiyawfiyaw,I borrowed money from my neighbors,train +47191,47192,47192,Malauteng tu ku tireng nira,he is drenched,train +47192,47193,47193,manay u nicakayan tu vavuy atu rarapa kunu aniniyay,that is why we buy our pork and beef now,train +47193,47194,47194,sahetu u fafahiyan faʼinayan san,all girls where are the boys,train +47194,47195,47195,munpi,women long pant,train +47195,47196,47196,awaay tu ku hanhanhanhan,I do not even get a chance to rest,train +47196,47197,47197,walian,East,train +47197,47198,47198,mautang,late,train +47198,47199,47199,awaay a matilid i tilid,it is not in the book,train +47199,47200,47200,tiya maherek a miala tu vanges iri,after removing the bark,test +47200,47201,47201,suelin tu,that is right,train +47201,47202,47202,anu mariang tu ku taperik,no matter how strong the waves are,train +47202,47203,47203,kriden kami tu saka^caaw ka sawi niyam Pauripen kami a paliyas nai tatiihay,and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one,train +47203,47204,47204,bulaw satu ca ama aku tayra i Hacuni,my dad moved to south China,train +47204,47205,47205,niulawan,smoky,train +47205,47206,47206,maefay,loose,train +47206,47207,47207,Mu^celay ku falucu nangra a tatusa i kaayaw nu Kawas Madu^du nangra a ma^min ku limuut atu Rikec nu Tapang,both of them were upright in the sight of God observing all the Lords commandments and regulations blamelessly,train +47207,47208,47208,o mamakak nu Kawas ku mitadiecay tu nipidu^du nangra tu Rikec nawhani u suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i O mamakak nu Kawas ku caay pilahci a midu^du tu pulung nu matiliday i Rikec saan,all who rely on observing the law are under a curse for it is written Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the book of the Law,train +47208,47209,47209,hatira ku sawal aku,that is what I am saying,train +47209,47210,47210,malasang,drunk,test +47210,47211,47211,masuni^,weep aloud,train +47211,47212,47212,aya u makukyami kunian a faki,this is my relative,train +47212,47213,47213,anu caka miakuˈid ku tamdaw tu hinapaladaˈ nu mita wa padutuc kita makahi a paladaˈ han Tadtaden hena,generally speaking people respond well to acts of generosity,train +47213,47214,47214,pungkang,cavern,train +47214,47215,47215,Nasemuwal tu ku matusay nu niyam,our elders have said,train +47215,47216,47216,misa fafuy misakudasing misatefus,raising pigs growing peanuts and sugar cane,train +47216,47217,47217,anu caay a wawa ku miurungay tu sapur,Otherwise we will switch to children picking seedlings,train +47217,47218,47218,tayraen amin ivuvu,they are all in the fish trap,train +47218,47219,47219,tu sadama sapadan tu i lumaʼay,I am just trying to help my family,train +47219,47220,47220,pakaluwid,to win,test +47220,47221,47221,cumpu,chef,train +47221,47222,47222,yu mi tangtang ci fai i mihalhal kaku tu lafang palalaha sa kaku milekal i fatiian sahetu unu niyah palumaan a dateng caay ku nipahiliwan kalamkam tayni miaca,while my grandmother was cooking I was on the side attracting customers I shouted The vegetables are self grown,train +47222,47223,47223,fawahan,door,train +47223,47224,47224,u safiki nu nian laluma nu safiki ci fucacing kira,the betel nut tree blossoms and bears betel nut fruit,train +47224,47225,47225,aka satakaraw tu falucu,do not make your heart tall i do not be proud,train +47225,47226,47226,u Pangcah tu maherek tu ku,third grade is Amish,train +47226,47227,47227,u mata nu maku arihay kiya ku paemek,the eyes of the contemptuous and the self righteousness of the obnoxious,train +47227,47228,47228,itiya i ira a maaraw nangra ku matiyaay u kasasmasma nu namal a malaklak a patfu i kahaccaccay nangra,they saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them,train +47228,47229,47229,o kamu ha Mailul kaku tamuwanan,so it is you guys I missed you guys so much,train +47229,47230,47230,neneng han kura tapelik u katalawan kura taladaw,the waves in the Xiuguluan river are still so high it is scary to watch,test +47230,47231,47231,sayit,wipe out or exterminate,train +47231,47232,47232,hay ira ku ruma iniini u hiya,here is another one,train +47232,47233,47233,o riku ni Tumun kura haw,is that Tomons clothes,train +47233,47234,47234,tada awaay ku ulah nangra,they are such a cold hearted bunch,train +47234,47235,47235,mafalah tu nu alumanay caka ulah kakuwanan kira,just a bunch of people who hate me Ha ha ha ha,train +47235,47236,47236,adipangpang,butterfly,train +47236,47237,47237,u finawlan nu niyaru kaku i,I am part of the tribe,train +47237,47238,47238,u ruma miheca i u tingsikiw,the next year the Catholic church will pray,train +47238,47239,47239,suwalen aku kamu tangasa i kalahcian nunini a dmak i Kitakit nu Kawas i caaytu ku mamiliyaw kaku a mitahka tu matiniay han ningra,for I tell you I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God,train +47239,47240,47240,itiyahu itiray kisu i Tayhuk hay mawmah itira,you were living in Taipei at the time Yes I was working there,test +47240,47241,47241,Masahci ni Simun a pasuwal ku pakayniay i limla nu Kawas i ayaw tu ruma a finacadan Pilien ningra cangra a palacidek tu malu Ningra,Simon has described to us how God at first showed his concern by taking from the Gentiles a people for himself,train +47241,47242,47242,luud,throw,train +47242,47243,47243,lidung,shade,train +47243,47244,47244,mavanaʼay mi tu maan,will do the decoration aspect,train +47244,47245,47245,u sakapitu tu,that is seven,train +47245,47246,47246,ticuy ha samukun ticuyticuy,a hammer a hammer for woodworking,train +47246,47247,47247,midiput tu kaku tu suna,I started taking care of my grandson,train +47247,47248,47248,o fadil kuni a mataringay a kasuy,these piles of wood are driftwood,train +47248,47249,47249,maʼaraway itini pimalian adihayay ku,you can tell a lot on the field,train +47249,47250,47250,misakukuay,chicken breeder,test +47250,47251,47251,Ay sakaulahan kina wawa,Wow your kids are adorable,train +47251,47252,47252,mafeded,a blocked nose,train +47252,47253,47253,tu ku ngangan ningra,later he was named Tse Kim Lan,train +47253,47254,47254,ira tuna mata ini ta mateng i,once you have got a hole you are done,train +47254,47255,47255,a putuy malahitay ri niman nikikung,Oh No why would a soldier get married,train +47255,47256,47256,hay u kakaenan nira naadidi henay,Yes he wants to eat he was small before,train +47256,47257,47257,Ciherang kaku itini a matayal,I am well respected for my work here,train +47257,47258,47258,alitaden,hard,train +47258,47259,47259,mitamaku tu dafakifa,smoking with a cigarette,train +47259,47260,47260,o ruma a tamdaw i pasulin tu nika ngaay a kumaen tu maamaan Nikawrira u tadancaay a tamdaw i u dateng a ccay ku kaenen ningra,one mans faith allows him to eat everything but another man whose faith is weak eats only vegetables,test +47260,47261,47261,sa itira hu kaku imatini sa maan tu i kaikur tu i caay ka isang kaku tu na demak aku,so far I have never had any trouble with my coaching duties here,train +47261,47262,47262,i,Bit,train +47262,47263,47263,Tayiratu a semuwal tu sikawasay ku siadadaay a luma,if you have a sick person in your family talk to a witch,train +47263,47264,47264,ma maman,here is the thing,train +47264,47265,47265,itiya hu i hakakerem nu rumiad a pataluma u kalafian tu itiya,in the olden days weddings were held in the evening which means they could be at dinnertime,train +47265,47266,47266,man sa haytiraay kura malitengay,it is because the old man is like this,train +47266,47267,47267,tafedu nu ciyak,pumpkin core,train +47267,47268,47268,anu malafi satu itira tu ruma widang a selal caingra pulu malafi,for dinner they go to another friends or peers house and have dinner together,train +47268,47269,47269,Luwanen ku dafung isu,get rid of some of your things,train +47269,47270,47270,siwa ku tuki tu dafak a Paceken nangra ci Yis i ciwcika,it was the third hour when they crucified him,test +47270,47271,47271,mapacidek tu kuya adadaay,the patient has been isolated,train +47271,47272,47272,a paanip anu ira ku vaesingay haw,what if you sneeze when planting seedlings,train +47272,47273,47273,iraan,then,train +47273,47274,47274,Itinienhu,put it here for awhile,train +47274,47275,47275,u ninian masamaan cangra,what can I say,train +47275,47276,47276,a mililid a miʼurung panukaay,it takes more than two people to carry it,train +47276,47277,47277,masiday,lose,train +47277,47278,47278,Araw han i tataang a tataang ku namal,I did not realize that the fire was getting bigger and bigger,train +47278,47279,47279,Helungen ku kafung isu,please take off your hat,train +47279,47280,47280,malacafacafay ca mira haw a,many conflicts big and small are hard to avoid,test +47280,47281,47281,pararid,extend,train +47281,47282,47282,tadakareteng,very heavy,train +47282,47283,47283,maturin kemaen a adada ku cebu,I have been taking him again and again and my bladder hurts,train +47283,47284,47284,tu dadaya satu i,it is getting late,train +47284,47285,47285,o cicediay kaku san kisu haw,thinks he is got what it takes,train +47285,47286,47286,malaʼaraw tu salaedan nu pala haw i masa malapalu padeteng,they are fighting with each other and they are fighting with each other,train +47286,47287,47287,hai u faʼinayan ku mamaseti,Yeah only boys get hit,train +47287,47288,47288,nu Taracan,Dara station,train +47288,47289,47289,saka u aarayen kuninian mikansia tu pikelid nu Kawas sa ku falucu nu u maku,we thank God for guiding us that is what I think,train +47289,47290,47290,Fangcalay Cudad luma,Bible Romans,test +47290,47291,47291,hemut,ass,train +47291,47292,47292,sirikuʼay ku Amis tu liteng tu,the Amis ancestors wore that,train +47292,47293,47293,litakawan,non staple food,train +47293,47294,47294,mapaneneng tu ku kaemangay,being able to present to the children,train +47294,47295,47295,Tusa^ patek pida^ a mapulung nakamayan nu maku kinian mihusyu kaku caay kalales,it is a total of dollars I handmade these and they are guaranteed to last a long time,train +47295,47296,47296,tiratu,it is been there forever,train +47296,47297,47297,hay mahaen tu,this is indeed the case,train +47297,47298,47298,sapisuʼut tuya miperaan kuriraan,that is the rope to tie the bamboo in half,train +47298,47299,47299,siʼayaw tisunan anini ira ku misu a licay i hay tu,Yes in the face of your interview,train +47299,47300,47300,muwad,I said I could not get out of bed,test +47300,47301,47301,Caay ci Kulas ku ngangan niira,No his name is Kolas,train +47301,47302,47302,cupelaken,it is bitter,train +47302,47303,47303,nga,not until,train +47303,47304,47304,Mifuenut ci ina tu fanuh nu ayam,mom plucked the chickens feathers,train +47304,47305,47305,minanam kaku tu matira a mitulikay,I started learning to knit,train +47305,47306,47306,o maninaay nu tuas i urip nangra kura,that is the life that the ancestors experienced,train +47306,47307,47307,kahengangay kuni kasuʼay,the red ones are good too,train +47307,47308,47308,awaay hu ku fanaʼan nangra tuya anu hakuwa kita hakiya,there is no seasonal division,train +47308,47309,47309,satu ku niyaru ira ku anu u,tribal people are talking,train +47309,47310,47310,sanay ku suwal ira,that is what he told me,test +47310,47311,47311,Aciyah malalukay tu kisu,Wow you are a hard worker you are a hard worker,train +47311,47312,47312,a malekep ku niyaru namu,your tribe will end,train +47312,47313,47313,Matalif ku ccay a lipay i masaupu haca ku nisawawaan itira tuya luma itiya i ira a mikaput i cangraan ci Tumas Madef ku fawahan i sdak sa ci Yis a tumireng i kaayaw nangra Pingan han ningra,a week later his disciples were in the house again and Thomas was with them though the doors were locked Jesus came and stood among them and said Peace be with you,train +47313,47314,47314,o nanicuwaay kisu,where are you from,train +47314,47315,47315,pikursquu,length of one finger bone,train +47315,47316,47316,matiya u nituduhan a miulac a fudawan ku nika tdi nu waay ningra a madil matiya u suni nu cdas ku ngiha ningra,his head and hair were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were like blazing fire,train +47316,47317,47317,Talulungen tu kuni kafana haw,you have to study hard,train +47317,47318,47318,mifedfed ku tuwasu nu patay i takuwanan,the noose of death is around me,train +47318,47319,47319,matalakalaymatamaay,trapped,train +47319,47320,47320,kamimingen micicik kira,because it is sliced,test +47320,47321,47321,Cilalusidan cangra,they have things,train +47321,47322,47322,Karaludakay ku lutuk na Kacaw i nu walian,Kacaw they have a lot of hundred paced snakes on the east side of the mountain,train +47322,47323,47323,ya misangan isu a radiw,the one you did was just fine,train +47323,47324,47324,Mifihun tu pising kura kakikungen nu mita anini,the wedding party is doing their makeup today,train +47324,47325,47325,suwal sa kuya itiraaytu Sulinay u lumuwaday ku Tapang a maurip nai patay paaraw ci Simunan han nangra,and saying It is true the Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon,train +47325,47326,47326,saka tulu fulad i,third month,train +47326,47327,47327,aka awaay pakaenay kulung,No no ones herding cows,train +47327,47328,47328,itiya i micumud ci Satan i falucu ni Yuta u Iskariyut a tamdaw,then Satan entered Judas called Iscariot one of the Twelve,train +47328,47329,47329,anu makahi pida namu han ningra kiya faki aku,and I did not get any of your money,train +47329,47330,47330,aluman nitataay Taywan Halu liuleyng pu san uwa han naku,a lot of Chinese people wanted to take me to work and they said Hello are you free I said yes,test +47330,47331,47331,ini i balucu aku kuya kungku nu matuʼasay,the stories of the elders are deeply embedded in my heart,train +47331,47332,47332,malaafu,downhearted,train +47332,47333,47333,lafi,in the evening,train +47333,47334,47334,hatinien ku pilikat tu lamal,that is how you start a fire,train +47334,47335,47335,anu irahu ku maan a lalungucen namu i u papasadaken i pilaucan nu lumaucay kunini a mihapinang,if there is anything further you want to bring up it must be settled in a legal assembly,train +47335,47336,47336,ta u maan cakafilu kura Pangcah saan,the Qing soldiers could not figure out why they could not defeat the Amis,train +47336,47337,47337,u suelinay a daduʼduan nu mita u finawlan sa ku tuʼas,the elders said that this is what the clan should really learn,train +47337,47338,47338,tangsul sa mafana,soon will be the academy,train +47338,47339,47339,inget san ciira tu ina nira,he is mad at his mom,train +47339,47340,47340,Mafana kisu tanu panaen a miadup haw,do you know how to hunt with a bow and arrow,test +47340,47341,47341,fungfung,covering,train +47341,47342,47342,awatu,Moms about to die,train +47342,47343,47343,Haliki ku rakat nuni tamdaw,this man walks fast,train +47343,47344,47344,Takupen a paising hatini,go to the doctor now,train +47344,47345,47345,Mikitataang tu luma ku pawirukan nu Olalip,the house is bigger than the house,train +47345,47346,47346,tenngil han tu nira,obey her,train +47346,47347,47347,caay ka sulinga nu Cenfu kunini a demak saka mapakaruray ku Yincumincu,the government has not done enough so indigenous peoples have suffered pain and frustration unknown to other ethnic peoples,train +47347,47348,47348,marakam pakayni san i rengurengusan,barefoot and sore feet have to walk on the turf,train +47348,47349,47349,awaay ku rinum i parinuman,there are no needles in the needle kit,train +47349,47350,47350,Anu u nafalucuan nu Tapang i mauriphu kita a midmak tunini turira u sasaan kamu,Instead you ought to say If it is the Lords will we will live and do this or that,test +47350,47351,47351,namamaan naayaw cira,his past accomplishments,train +47351,47352,47352,nanu itiya tahira anini,from then to now,train +47352,47353,47353,u miluku mahaen tu tulamukang kaya miluku,canned milk night market like this,train +47353,47354,47354,Mifunga a pakaen ci mama tu fafuy,dad digs groundnuts to raise pigs,train +47354,47355,47355,ona mitapiʼan isu u faʼinay isu aniani haw,are you working for your current husband,train +47355,47356,47356,Karaalungdas kina lutuk,there are a lot of brocade snakes on this mountain,train +47356,47357,47357,milakec a maanen,what should we do we have to cross the river,train +47357,47358,47358,u masavelengay ku heni a madanguy,they are swimming in a group,train +47358,47359,47359,Malafafahi nu ising ci Osay,Woodsey becomes the doctors wife,train +47359,47360,47360,hu la hu la,Hurray,test +47360,47361,47361,Pakaaraw ku mama atu ina ningra cingraan i safahka sa cangra suwal sa ku ina ningra i Cingraan Wawaaw nawiru haenen isu kami Maruray kaku a ci mama isu a mikilim i Tisuwanan han ningra,when his parents saw him they were astonished his mother said to him Son why have you treated us like this your father and I have been anxiously searching for you,train +47361,47362,47362,ailucan,neck,train +47362,47363,47363,capet,take over for somebody,train +47363,47364,47364,tataʼang ken,Louder,train +47364,47365,47365,mansa i paputal tu ku tesel caay tu katafu mahahatini tu,after that I put the old embroidery out of the way and did not hide it any more,train +47365,47366,47366,kailisinan,holding a Festival,train +47366,47367,47367,anu mifadic tu luma nima itira tu mikalic,if a family needed to repair their house the men would climb this banyan tree,train +47367,47368,47368,makaʼen nira kiya tefus ya Payrang,Minnans sugarcane was eaten by cows,train +47368,47369,47369,mitefus,sugar cane picking,train +47369,47370,47370,haen satu a mamalais,it caused a war,test +47370,47371,47371,itini kapalitan misawkitay ku cecay ˈaˈideman takuwanan celiˈ sanay takuwanan Wa kahenay kami palaˈafu tamuwanan mahecad u pipesiˈ tu ˈedu a madulu,in prison one of the officers while interrogating me shouted at me We will soon destroy you as easily as we trample on a rat,train +47371,47372,47372,caedungan,bore through,train +47372,47373,47373,alesu cilemin hay,Yummy and tart,train +47373,47374,47374,ira tahanini,from the past to the future,train +47374,47375,47375,mananam tu tu fiyaw,familiarize yourself with your neighbors,train +47375,47376,47376,kapa^,touch,train +47376,47377,47377,itiya a mahufuc ci Musian tada u makapahay a wawa cingra tulu a fulad a madiput cingra i luma nu mama ningra,At that time Moses was born and he was no ordinary child for three months he was cared for in his fathers house,train +47377,47378,47378,anu mangata tu mangaaytu mikuwang kira haw,if you are close enough you can shoot right,train +47378,47379,47379,unu Hulam,let us talk in Chinese,train +47379,47380,47380,awa tu ku sining itini i niyaru,there are fewer and fewer youths in the tribe,test +47380,47381,47381,kapapadang,mutual help,train +47381,47382,47382,a kungku,Tales,train +47382,47383,47383,tayni i micaliw kaku tu luma nu tau awa ku luma,if you do not have a house you can rent one here,train +47383,47384,47384,Kavuti hanan sanay,I am glad I can sleep,train +47384,47385,47385,kaisutu,as you wish,train +47385,47386,47386,itiya i palimuut hantu ni Yis cangra Aka pasuwal i cimacimaan tunini a dmak han ningra,Jesus strictly warned them not to tell this to anyone,train +47386,47387,47387,i tiyahu i pakunira han nu Kawas ku dmak nu tamdamdaw nu kasakitakitakit,in the past he let all nations go their own way,train +47387,47388,47388,u dateng,cuisine,train +47388,47389,47389,malingad ku malitengay a mieli,going to collect thatch,train +47389,47390,47390,Nikawrira u nanu icel nu Kawas ku sapifahfah aku tu palafuay Saka u pahapinangay kunini tu nika iratu i tamuwanan ku pikuwan nu Kawas,but if I drive out demons by the finger of God then the kingdom of God has come to you,test +47390,47391,47391,ira hen anini haw awaay tu,do you still have it not anymore,train +47391,47392,47392,Latekay cuwa ka sadafdaf ku suwal nu tau kitaanan mangalef milikafay kitaanan,Sometimes others may judge us unfairly or even criticize us,train +47392,47393,47393,dengan,only,train +47393,47394,47394,mitataay,slasher,train +47394,47395,47395,finacadan,ethnic,train +47395,47396,47396,mangic kaku palawina kaku ci kakaan naku,I cried I thought my sister was my mom,train +47396,47397,47397,kiya haenen saw ku nipangangan,why is it so named,train +47397,47398,47398,o sakalahuk nu pitilidan ku kakaenen aku,I want a nutritious school lunch,train +47398,47399,47399,o malakahengangay ku ludi i kakarayan,the evening sun in the sky turns red,train +47399,47400,47400,mucem sa ka u kaka aku san ku harateng aku,I looked at my brother and thought it should be him,test +47400,47401,47401,na mira wawa na fai hatu u safa aku,Their Aunties kids are much younger than me,train +47401,47402,47402,kaemed ku aca,cheap price,train +47402,47403,47403,suwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Pakaarawtu kisu O pasulin isu ku sakaadah isu han ningra,Jesus said to him Receive your sight your faith has healed you,train +47403,47404,47404,haenen kuni paciang han kunini ta micelem ku puʼut,this is how you do it so the knife will go in,train +47404,47405,47405,kaeredan miming han,make it look like this,train +47405,47406,47406,maukakay,slight person,train +47406,47407,47407,caay pisairairayay,not proud,train +47407,47408,47408,naayaway nu matuʼasay,past elders,train +47408,47409,47409,latek ira ku caayay kalaheci^ nikaurira u suelinay kura,it may not be accurate but it is true,train +47409,47410,47410,mahapinang isu hu kini namu hu kini,can you see clearly,test +47410,47411,47411,ci Kulas ciira,he is Kolas,train +47411,47412,47412,mafeculay,eat your food,train +47412,47413,47413,hiya han nu niyam,we are in a hurry,train +47413,47414,47414,hatiraay nika i ayaw itini i kaku haw i atulan i,but I used to go to Tulane in the tribal school,train +47414,47415,47415,laup,chase after,train +47415,47416,47416,mahita nu widawidang ya maan tayra i,so I went with my friend,train +47416,47417,47417,Mafuwakay ku nanum imatini,the water is opening,train +47417,47418,47418,kaulahan aku haw tayni i,I am most happy to be here at man Kin Station,train +47418,47419,47419,sanay ku kura harateng minukay atulan kira,a comfortable place to live in Tulane,train +47419,47420,47420,mikared kaku,I am shaving,test +47420,47421,47421,panukay paluma han i suta,you can take it back and plant it in the ground,train +47421,47422,47422,miliyaw,once again,train +47422,47423,47423,maedenghu kaku a mi asa kisu haw i,when there is still the idea of receiving training,train +47423,47424,47424,teli teli teli hatu kuya turun,a young man puts a piece of Maggi on the table,train +47424,47425,47425,misakalahuk kaku aci vayi aku i kalahukan,at noon I cooked lunch with my grandma,train +47425,47426,47426,cuwa u kakeriden nu singsi kita a talatukus,No our teacher is going to take us to the mountains,train +47426,47427,47427,masangasaway,family run,train +47427,47428,47428,tanatanaan,forest of prickly onions,train +47428,47429,47429,i hanahanaan tu a misaefeefer,flying around in the flowers,train +47429,47430,47430,wawa tu wawa tu,they are just kids,test +47430,47431,47431,anu matira mangaay kaku a minanam a misurit,not only can you practise writing but you can also practise writing,train +47431,47432,47432,pa^pa^,bail,train +47432,47433,47433,u rakat tayra i picudadan,walking to school,train +47433,47434,47434,mahaenay kuni Hiruti saka patikuen ningra i tamiyanan cingra awaay ku ccaccay aca a nidmakan ningra a raraw tu sapipastekaw niyam cingraan i patay,neither has Herod for he sent him back to us as you can see he has done nothing to deserve death,train +47434,47435,47435,hai fai rengus ngaʼay hadaken ku naitiniay a lifetan nu misu haw,now we are going to ask the chairwoman of the board of trustees to share this with us,train +47435,47436,47436,misanga kamu tu likec i,when you plan and execute,train +47436,47437,47437,Tadaikaka nu siri ku nika u kakalimlaan ku tamdaw Orasaka u nipidmak tu ngaayay i pi Paslaan a Rumiad i u mahaydaay i Rikec han ningra,how much more valuable is a man than a sheep therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath,train +47437,47438,47438,o misaapaay kira tamdaw,that man is pretending to be stupid,train +47438,47439,47439,kafit,hooks,train +47439,47440,47440,yaratu,gone,test +47440,47441,47441,mimaan micudad san,why are you studying,train +47441,47442,47442,tahacuwa,by when,train +47442,47443,47443,o hulu ku kakaene nu maku,I want some rice,train +47443,47444,47444,kapah aca ku,crops,train +47444,47445,47445,anini u wawawa mavukil tu nu Pangcah,Nowadays the next generation does not know the Amish language,train +47445,47446,47446,hay matatudung tura pakesangan,it happens to be on the dragon boat Festival,train +47446,47447,47447,tepek,breathe ones last,train +47447,47448,47448,Anuhacuwa^ kisu a taluma i niyaru,when are you going back to the tribe,train +47448,47449,47449,ulanan a kaput mamiala miculu patayni hatira,the same class that carried it down,train +47449,47450,47450,itini han tu maherek tu a valengan cira,when the deceased is buried,test +47450,47451,47451,ta miteka ku kakahulul mipasaupu tu kapah misuwac,the rank and file leader began to recruit young people for educational training,train +47451,47452,47452,maherek cingra i mapadang nira kiya tatuluay wawa kiya fakar tara i kafekang atu ya heci nu kilang,after he was done he helped the three children put the basket on,train +47452,47453,47453,maʼedeng kina funun,about an Acre of farmland,train +47453,47454,47454,imatini sa micudad kaku tu ta fangcal pasifana cairanan saan ku harateng aku atu icel aku,I am currently in college with the goal of getting better at teaching and I am working on that,train +47454,47455,47455,pipawalian ningra tu tefu,they will dry the bamboo shoots,train +47455,47456,47456,u nipaini mu Wamaikudulay a livung inaayaw,in the past there was a God given epidemic,train +47456,47457,47457,nanu yaan kaku tahamatini caay tu pinengneng tu ilisin kaku mananam tu,since then I have gotten used to not attending the Toyotomi Festival,train +47457,47458,47458,i nahacuway hakiya a marueru tayni,when will you go down to the plains,train +47458,47459,47459,miringi kita tuya namisangaan tu sra a tamdaw malcad tunini u mamiringi kita tuya tayniay nai kakarayan a tamdaw,and just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven,train +47459,47460,47460,u mata tu ku masasuwalay nangra sa,they tell each other with their eyes,test +47460,47461,47461,kakaemangan hu kuniyan a urip,life as a child,train +47461,47462,47462,ira ku patayni,some of them are far away,train +47462,47463,47463,nunini a faki ku kafung,it is this uncles hat,train +47463,47464,47464,hay,it is a will that wants to be done Yes,train +47464,47465,47465,tu sakamawmah,I came to farm,train +47465,47466,47466,hay awaay kura iya kira ura nanum kira,because there is no water,train +47466,47467,47467,Kacaw awaay tu ku miciw i luma miaca hu tu miciw,Kacaw our home is out of rice wine please go and buy some,train +47467,47468,47468,malulay ku urip nu niyam,we have had a hard life,train +47468,47469,47469,mitaliyuk,go around,train +47469,47470,47470,i tini i i maliyas haw tayni tu mafafalic tula sera,left there in to trade land and came here,test +47470,47471,47471,nengneng sa kaku i ira ku kuhcalay a tuem Maru itira ku matiyaay u wawa nu tamdaw Citamuhung tu tada^kim ku funguh ningra Mitatuy cingra tu matalemay a mamiya,I looked and there before me was a white cloud and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand,train +47471,47472,47472,maedeng,possible,train +47472,47473,47473,a mahaenay yaca saan tu hay,Oh that is right,train +47473,47474,47474,sanay,that way,train +47474,47475,47475,anu anu macalibad,If if you are angry,train +47475,47476,47476,Hay macedem kina ariray,Wow the corn tastes so sweet,train +47476,47477,47477,walu a pulu tu ku mihcaan nu matuasay nika matiya i terungay hen ku mihcaan a melawen,the old man is already eighty years old but he still looks like a middle aged man,train +47477,47478,47478,tayni tu i pasaetip matayal ku tamdamdaw itira satu matayal miaca tu luma ciramud atu ciwawa satumesek satu a maurip,However when the people came to the west to make a living they started businesses bought houses got married and had children and settled down in the area,train +47478,47479,47479,i cuwaay ku niyaru isu,where is your hometown,train +47479,47480,47480,muketep,ten,test +47480,47481,47481,malapakalungay kaku itiyah,I was one of the youth group at that time,train +47481,47482,47482,Onu niyah a harateng ku dadu^duen,one should follow his personal opinions ideas,train +47482,47483,47483,suwal nu wama hatinien hatinien,my father said To build a house you have to do this and that,train +47483,47484,47484,anu mahaen hu marawraw i,if the tribe has any input No,train +47484,47485,47485,nika,however,train +47485,47486,47486,o lalayalayapen aca ningra ku lifun nu matayalay a tamdaw caay ku tatudung nu mikumi,now when a man works his wages are not credited to him as a gift but as an obligation,train +47486,47487,47487,maeluc saan maeluc sa,wear and tear,train +47487,47488,47488,padang hatu ci kaka isu a matayal i funun,help your sister in the field,train +47488,47489,47489,way tu haw way tu ri,I am dead,train +47489,47490,47490,o ama ni rengus ci Osay,Osay is Rengos am,test +47490,47491,47491,pakaung^ung,till the weeping,train +47491,47492,47492,mikilalidec,selection of Lovage tree,train +47492,47493,47493,hayi saan cira,he said yes,train +47493,47494,47494,itini kaku mi kaku tu,so he left the mine in,train +47494,47495,47495,cima ku ngangan asu san takuwan,what is your name,train +47495,47496,47496,Hay tayra kaku,Okay I will borrow it,train +47496,47497,47497,ngaay,an excellent,train +47497,47498,47498,miala tu kilang miala tu aul,going to the mountains to cut trees and bamboo,train +47498,47499,47499,tu sapisanga tu likec caay ka matini kuna Ku Ka,regarding this statute and principle,train +47499,47500,47500,u itiniay kami,we are here,test +47500,47501,47501,Orasaka nanay caay ka tuled ku falucu namu tu nika pades aku tu saki tamuwanan o sakaci^puc namu kunini a ma^min,I ask you therefore not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you which are your glory,train +47501,47502,47502,midiput tu tamdaw Aku,I will guard the faithful servant,train +47502,47503,47503,caay ka hatira ku pidemak nara kitanan,but they did not use the concept to customize the design for our people,train +47503,47504,47504,atu sakafanaʼ nu maku maanen ku pisiʼayaw tu tamdaw,it taught me how to deal with people and things,train +47504,47505,47505,anu sintaʼen aku saan i ngaʼayay,you can eat it raw if you want,train +47505,47506,47506,nanitira cingra i iya i fanaw,when they go back and forth from the pool,train +47506,47507,47507,Sahetu faʼinayan kami a malahad,our kids are all boys,train +47507,47508,47508,hayken,do not know,train +47508,47509,47509,a,indistinct,train +47509,47510,47510,ira ku kilang hatira ku sapituduh,and the wood it burns like this,test +47510,47511,47511,pakailuvuc han,put it in your pocket,train +47511,47512,47512,maan ku lawa niyam a makat i lutuk sa,we never let go of every hilltop,train +47512,47513,47513,matayal ku wina atu wama,Mommy and Daddy went to work,train +47513,47514,47514,Mitukud kita tu mali^,let us play soccer,train +47514,47515,47515,o misatangkiay cangra,they are involved in communicating with the dead,train +47515,47516,47516,u kakasenengan u kakahemekan nu rumaay a niyaru,that would be the envy of other tribes a tribe worthy of praise,train +47516,47517,47517,tada ngaʼay aca makaputay nu mita tiya,we have been a part of things before,train +47517,47518,47518,laciw,radio,train +47518,47519,47519,lahad,grow,train +47519,47520,47520,paikur a pakaen,to give a farewell meal to,test +47520,47521,47521,u sa,it is a national policy,train +47521,47522,47522,Tatiih ku mihamedacay a pinangan,Biography is a bad habit,train +47522,47523,47523,Anu macahicahiw edeng tu u urang ku kakaenen sa o itiniay i saetip misiayaw tu lutuk i masadahtalay i lawac nu alu paniyaru pakayni i sakaurip u pala ku pinengnengan,the coastline tribesmen are often quoted as saying We are so poor that all we have left are lobsters as for the Amis who live in the Rift Valley Plain they have adapted to the local conditions,train +47523,47524,47524,yu,Whoo,train +47524,47525,47525,Sitingsa sanay ci Kacaw a talakiwkay,Kacaw goes to church by bicycle,train +47525,47526,47526,Orasaka caay paska kita a sumuwal tu O padamaay ku Tapang takuwanan Orasaka caaytu ka talaw kaku Pakapimaan ku tamdaw i takuwanan saw sanay,so we say with confidence The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid what can man do to me,train +47526,47527,47527,aka pitapa tu tamdaw,do not cut anyone,train +47527,47528,47528,o safa^ ni saway tu fafahian kaku ci lisin ku ngangan aku,I am Saways sister my name is Lisin,train +47528,47529,47529,patekenan,the hundreds place in the decimal system,train +47529,47530,47530,maraay ku Taytu hiwa ey,Taitung is far away,test +47530,47531,47531,27 kapah tamdaw ka tanektek a Micuged ci Akumaan,page young people must stand firm against the devil,train +47531,47532,47532,sasepatay,Four,train +47532,47533,47533,malacafay kami tu rumiamiad a mitilid a misalama,we read and play together every day,train +47533,47534,47534,Oya Tapangaw Tapangaw sanay a mitahidang i takuwanan a tamdaw i ira ku caay ku mamicumud i Kitakit nu Kawas deng u midu^duay tu nafalucuan nu wama aku i kakarayan ku mamicumud,Not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my father who is in heaven,train +47534,47535,47535,mapalal ci kaka aku i,then my brother woke up,train +47535,47536,47536,pangta,shallow,train +47536,47537,47537,anu matira satu,tribe anything from that point on,train +47537,47538,47538,anu pawli tu hawikiden ita,or bananas,train +47538,47539,47539,Papisingasifen kira wawa isu,ask your child to boil water,train +47539,47540,47540,u tanu ulah sa wa wa tenglay lu saan,I am very happy I am going back to Minnan,test +47540,47541,47541,hekakan,squat down,train +47541,47542,47542,caay ka a hakuwa ku ka takunul nu takunul mangaʼay tu mipitaw,you do not have to bend much to dig with a hoe,train +47542,47543,47543,makantung,very touching,train +47543,47544,47544,unini u suwal nu mita u Pangcah,languages of the Amis ethnic group,train +47544,47545,47545,atul a kakureng,edible plant climbing fig,train +47545,47546,47546,u maan ku tatayalen atu,what is the mission,train +47546,47547,47547,hay kira sa ira ci,that is uh that is his brother,train +47547,47548,47548,tangsa i enar,distance traveled,train +47548,47549,47549,pasuwal sa ku,the boss said,train +47549,47550,47550,mafecul,I am full,test +47550,47551,47551,malaymayyay,fluent,train +47551,47552,47552,i tusa pulu ira ku cecay miheca itiya,I studied years ago,train +47552,47553,47553,picu^yapan,graduated,train +47553,47554,47554,Pakasuˈlinay kita cuwa ku pisalimla aca ni Yihufa tu mihudupay cingranan a tamdaw hanaca maulahay cangranan,we are assured that the Lord not only cherishes everyone who serves him but also loves them very much,train +47554,47555,47555,matiyatiya u dungec,it is like the heart of a yellow vine,train +47555,47556,47556,Tadamafana kisu a mitenuuy u cima tu ku pasifanaay i kisuwanan,you are very skilled at weaving who taught you,train +47556,47557,47557,caay tu ka kakahi papisyakay,we are not allowed to work in the city,train +47557,47558,47558,paflien kami tu sakaurip niyam tu rumiamiad,give us each day our daily bread,train +47558,47559,47559,u maan ku sapatengil aku tu wawa aku na sanay kaku sa,I am not sure there is anything for the kids,train +47559,47560,47560,yu malakelak ku Pangcah itini i Kiwit haw i,local dispersal in Chimay,test +47560,47561,47561,mitilid kaku mikingkiw kaku itini i Ripun itini Kupa,I went to Japan and Cuba to study and research,train +47561,47562,47562,misekingan ku pitilid i cucung itiya,you used to take exams in middle school,train +47562,47563,47563,ci Kulas cingra,he is Kolas,train +47563,47564,47564,Ocung ku rawang nu luma ita i kakarayan,we have a lot of compartmentalized housing in heaven,train +47564,47565,47565,Mila^pa ku sakaa^nem a cuyuh ta matngil aku ku ngiha i spatay a tadimucukan nu tada^kim a pipacakatan i kaayaw nu Kawas,the sixth angel sounded his trumpet and I heard a voice coming from the horns of the golden altar that is before God,train +47565,47566,47566,nian sa,that is right,train +47566,47567,47567,saka tungud han aku ku nanunafalucuʼan nu matuʼasay a misulinga tina utuc,so I took over from the elders and organized the pillars,train +47567,47568,47568,mafafulud caira tayra tu malinina,they migrate together to relatives,train +47568,47569,47569,nu hananay,Roman Fonts,train +47569,47570,47570,saku tulu mala Cu We nu Ta Pe Si Se Fu Yingcumicu iingkay,the third one was a member of the Taipei city Council of indigenous Peoples,test +47570,47571,47571,Fuhad sa ku ayam a maefer tu ngiha nu kuwang,the birds were frightened by the sound of the guns,train +47571,47572,47572,han,Bar,train +47572,47573,47573,dapu,wrap the body in cloth,train +47573,47574,47574,marawraw hu caira,they are still making a lot of noise,train +47574,47575,47575,maapaay,folly,train +47575,47576,47576,Sarumaen ku picacak tu hemay,cooking should be varied,train +47576,47577,47577,pakaenen tu ira tu hulu atu salang na hulu atu iya nu talacay,I started giving him rice and pineapple juice like the doctor ordered,train +47577,47578,47578,kami a tayla sa mangaʼayay kami a matayal itini i,we went to a place where we could work the Sunbeam textile Factory,train +47578,47579,47579,o kakaumelaan ni ina aku kira katelangay a kaysin,my mom treasures vintage bowls,train +47579,47580,47580,tini tuna say haw i pakatim,married at,test +47580,47581,47581,awaay ku sapacaucauf nangra tunini a suwal,and they had nothing to say,train +47581,47582,47582,inaayaway a matuasay ira ku makapatayay milavin a Panahay,in the past the elderly would spend the night at the funeral home,train +47582,47583,47583,papicekiwen,Please Stab,train +47583,47584,47584,cima namu ku cilawaday a tayra ci mamaan,which one of you has time to go to Dads,train +47584,47585,47585,i tiya,at that time,train +47585,47586,47586,awaay ku caay pikilafang kita i ayaw,No we did not have a banquet before,train +47586,47587,47587,ci Fuya kaku u mamikilim kaku ci Ofayan,I am Fuya I am here for Ofay,train +47587,47588,47588,anu miadada ku tiyad anu sa i,what if you have a stomachache,train +47588,47589,47589,pasuwalen cangra tu saka^caaw ka likaf nangra,give the people these instructions too so that no one may be open to blame,train +47589,47590,47590,harateng han aku,I was thinking,test +47590,47591,47591,iri caay kalecad ku sapaci tu,millet and rice are different,train +47591,47592,47592,u sanga nu nu Taywan sa ku suwal i haen hatu haateng,our walls in Taiwan have no choice but to think this way,train +47592,47593,47593,17 anu misaharateng kita tu samaanan ni Yihufa miharateng ku finawlan Ningra wa ira ku maanan a epuc hani,what good will it do us to think about how the Lord cares for his people,train +47593,47594,47594,ita u Pangcah caay kanca malahuk,we Amis will definitely have lunch,train +47594,47595,47595,sakaʼamisay nu niyaru nu ci Puypuyan tira tu,the neighbor of the most neighboring tribe in the rice stacks,train +47595,47596,47596,hay kadafu nira sa,his son in law,train +47596,47597,47597,nitalakalan nu malitengay itiya hu sapihiya ira,in the early days of old man hunting all would,train +47597,47598,47598,takaw1,kaohsiung,train +47598,47599,47599,eraw,wine,train +47599,47600,47600,vavekelu sapahakulung misanga,it is mixed with Jobs beads,test +47600,47601,47601,tadem han ku pungapung,is a grave a cemetery,train +47601,47602,47602,nikaherekan,outcome,train +47602,47603,47603,namakatimulay tayni tini saan ma naʼayaw,back in the day they came through here from the south back in the day,train +47603,47604,47604,macelak,open,train +47604,47605,47605,tini satu i kaysiya kaku matayal i,I started working at an automobile company,train +47605,47606,47606,sa i riyar mibuting sa mihicay sa ma ku nu riyar,is fishing at the beach only for small fry,train +47606,47607,47607,suwal sa O Kawas nu tatuasan isu Kaku O nitaungan ni Apraham ni Isak ni Yakup Kaku han ningra Orasaka mirmir sa a matalaw ci Musi caaytu ka sapinengnengan cingra,I am the God of your fathers the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Moses trembled with fear and did not dare to look,train +47607,47608,47608,o misaaciyusay kaku i matini a miutut i kilang,now I am carving hair swirls in the wood,train +47608,47609,47609,alaen,Here,train +47609,47610,47610,Cacay a remiad ku nisalungucan nu kapah a pahanhan,young people applying for only one days vacation,test +47610,47611,47611,kasienawan mangaʼay i laluma nu luma ku tau ci uray,in winter people stay at home under blankets,train +47611,47612,47612,nacnac,lap,train +47612,47613,47613,saka tulu a vulad awaay tu,not in March,train +47613,47614,47614,siniadaan tu kami mahaenay ka mihecaʼan itiyahu hay,we are pathetic,train +47614,47615,47615,Saka suwal sa ci Pitiru Tapangaw kami ku nisuwalan tunini a tinaku haw Anu ^ca i u alumanay haw han ningra,Peter asked Lord are you telling this parable to us or to everyone,train +47615,47616,47616,ngawi,not choose ones words,train +47616,47617,47617,anu kurackurac han a mikuskus tu nian tu,if you are going to kill them all you are going to kill them all,train +47617,47618,47618,sa kaku,here is what I think,train +47618,47619,47619,lukedaw,lions,train +47619,47620,47620,suelinay mavekac ci ama niyam,it is true my dad runs too,test +47620,47621,47621,o pataduay i takuwanan a maruray ci ina,it is my mom who did all the work for me,train +47621,47622,47622,Hay Mimaan saw kisu Marang,Yes Marang what are you doing,train +47622,47623,47623,katayni i takuwan a micakay tu vuting saan kira i teparay a tawki caay katekes tataak aca ku vuting nu maku saan a semuwal,the boss next door said come and buy my fish my fish is big and cheap,train +47623,47624,47624,cinahen cinahen aku,salt it again I will salt it again,train +47624,47625,47625,Faluhay ku luma aku,I have a new home,train +47625,47626,47626,mahrek cangra a matatlek tu ccay a rumiad ccay a tinali ku lifun i ucur hantu ningra cangra a pakatayal i pisafadisusuan ningra,he agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard,train +47626,47627,47627,curahan,set it on fire,train +47627,47628,47628,hakuwa ku kareteng nina enur hani,how heavy is this anchor,train +47628,47629,47629,cafaki teluteluc kuni kasaʼan haw i mafinal,too much separation between the old and the young can be divisive,train +47629,47630,47630,cuenekmicucuk,plug,test +47630,47631,47631,falat nu malitengay kura,the old ones used to make beams,train +47631,47632,47632,mimaan kisu i huni^,what were you doing just now,train +47632,47633,47633,Hafelut han ni karu ku kafang aku a mapulin tuya pitaelifnira tatihi aku,when taro passed by me he bumped into my bag and fell down,train +47633,47634,47634,tu nu Tingsukiw,Catholic Scripture,train +47634,47635,47635,Cikafung ci ina a masadak haw,did Mommy wear a hat when she went out,train +47635,47636,47636,Pakamaan ci Kacaw a talakiwkay,how does Kacaw go to church,train +47636,47637,47637,fangcal ku futi nu safa aku itini kurur aku,my sister is asleep on her back,train +47637,47638,47638,mirurangay,collection of Constituent trees,train +47638,47639,47639,micumud tu tura katatungudan kira,the roofs on both sides are connected,train +47639,47640,47640,o sapaterung kalahukan tu fufuan,give it as a gift to your grand mom at lunchtime,test +47640,47641,47641,mapawpaw ceka alul sa ku malitelitengay ku suwal nura mitawcikeray takuwanan a malitengay,elderly men tell us that the weight of buoyancy has lessened the flow,train +47641,47642,47642,simed han nu maku ku rarum aku,I hide my sadness,train +47642,47643,47643,Ciriku,wear clothes,train +47643,47644,47644,Dawangwang kunian falicen tu mamangay,this top is a little too big please replace it with a smaller one,train +47644,47645,47645,anu misanga tu lalan,construction of roads,train +47645,47646,47646,sasidaʼit sanay ku falucu a mineneng a miharateng,I feel sympathy in my heart,train +47646,47647,47647,ira ku Palidaw a finacadan Falangaw a finacadan pasawali a finacadan Siwkulang a finacadan atu nu Amisay a finacadan,they are divided into five subgroups Hengchun Amis Malan Amis Coastal Amis Xiuguluan Amis and Nanshi Amis,train +47647,47648,47648,ni,Grid marker,train +47648,47649,47649,Akawangay ku wama aku u imeng cingra,my father is tall and he is a policeman,train +47649,47650,47650,a dengay hen kita anini,they are alive now they are thinking,test +47650,47651,47651,Yami tuʼetuʼay tuna Ye Su kiyami,the man who carved the cross,train +47651,47652,47652,maepud namakalutuk,what about from below,train +47652,47653,47653,i tini i kaʼamisan a Pangcah hananay i suʼelinay adihay hu ku aalaen nu mita tu nanu tuʼas a demak,the Amis community of Nansei is rich in cultural stories,train +47653,47654,47654,ira tu kiya herekan nira misaluf a tilid u,Yes he is already prepared his speech,train +47654,47655,47655, maharatengay ni Yihufa ku nanu demak ita isalakat mikiˈukay tu cuwa ku mamapawan tu nanu demak ita anini,the Lord remembers what we have given in the past and promises not to forget our present efforts,train +47655,47656,47656,unu tawuwan a ada ku Taluku,foreign enemies of the Taroko,train +47656,47657,47657,saka tuladay tu rumiʼad,on a normal day,train +47657,47658,47658,sanu kilangay,like a tree,train +47658,47659,47659,iraay kiya ma awaay kiya kaka aku kiya,we are holding a funeral for my brother,train +47659,47660,47660,paini hu kaku tu urip nu maku kaku u sufuc itini i Paʼilasen,describe my career born in Fuyuan,test +47660,47661,47661,o micadaaytu kisu tu inuˈa kaemangay anca sapicadaaw tu inuˈa tamdaw anu sapitungalaw tu kalawidang ci Yihufaan wa misamaan kisu tu demak hani,whether you are a young person who has been baptized or one who is planning to be baptized if you want to increase your friendship with the LORD what can you do,train +47661,47662,47662,miraduman tu sauwac hanay,go to the river to get water,train +47662,47663,47663,hanay iayaw ku urip nu iayaway i,that is how we used to live,train +47663,47664,47664,nimaan kisu patikul minukay tayni,why did you come back here,train +47664,47665,47665,o ratar niyam a tala lutuk a mikasuy idafak,early in the morning we went to the mountains to cut wood,train +47665,47666,47666,Saalafinay u makalu,the most durable is the cinnamon bamboo,train +47666,47667,47667,uninan a payci haw i,the money,train +47667,47668,47668,fangcal tu mamaan tu san,then I agreed to their proposal,train +47668,47669,47669,tastasen aku kya saayaway u luma amututu,I will knock the house down,train +47669,47670,47670,em sanay kiya,uh huh There,test +47670,47671,47671,masaupu tu matiya,maybe we will get together again,train +47671,47672,47672,hayi san ci Vavuy Liyalan tu nipilungucan ni tumuk,the whale answered the chiefs prayers,train +47672,47673,47673,sikac tuka hatiraay ku kasadak aku tayni i sekal,he was born on April,train +47673,47674,47674,Cipaysu kaku,I have money,train +47674,47675,47675,Namikayakay tu kilang kaku i nacila,I climbed a tree yesterday,train +47675,47676,47676,kiraan saka matiniay ku sapihelip,just play with it slowly pull it apart and it sucks in water like a suction cup,train +47676,47677,47677,i kalasufitayan a mikunling,the training centers train together,train +47677,47678,47678,paekelenec,hold it down,train +47678,47679,47679,tamiyanan,we are,train +47679,47680,47680,Nanuya yu tayra kami i pitulunan i malitmuh niyam ku ccay a fafahiyan a kuli u maaruay nu palafuay pakayni tunini a palafuay ku sakafana ningra a midaw tu aira a dmak Saka pakayni i cingraan ku sakaadihay nu ^tan nu tawki ningra,once when we were going to the place of prayer we were met by a slave girl who had a Spirit by which she predicted the future she earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune telling,test +47680,47681,47681,Cafunen nangra i funguh ku alafuh a mararum a tumangic lkal sa a sumuwal Aya Aya Kuna tataangay a niyaru u nanu dafung ningra ku sakaci^tan nu cilunanay i riyar a ma^min Arawhani ca ka satuki i malasawad ku dafung ningra a ma^min saan,they will throw dust on their heads and with weeping and mourning cry out Woe Woe O great city where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth in one hour she has been brought to ruin,train +47681,47682,47682,aya hining satu kaying atu sining hahaha,see only men or see women,train +47682,47683,47683,o yakiw ku kaulahan nu maku,I like baseball,train +47683,47684,47684,sakasakripa,trample on,train +47684,47685,47685,u saka caay ka hicera nu lifung tatirengan nu mita,so that the epidemic does not fall on us,train +47685,47686,47686,mamaan sa kaku,I have always wondered why that is,train +47686,47687,47687,hanaw anini satu u Cawi a tamdaw awa tu ku maanmaan a tatiʼihay fangcal tu ku aru itini i Cawi,that is why up to now no other bad things have happened to the people of Shizuura and they live in peace in the current Shizuura tribe,train +47687,47688,47688,caay piati caira i tamiyanan a papitahka,they did not invite us to the table,train +47688,47689,47689,e nanu kaʼeman i tangasa i kafanaʼan,Ah ever since I was a child,train +47689,47690,47690,epuc,meaning,test +47690,47691,47691,mitakaway,pilfer,train +47691,47692,47692,mahanay itiya ku nikalalikid imatiya,that years Toyotomi Festival was like this,train +47692,47693,47693,puhi,come on,train +47693,47694,47694,Caayay u fafahiyan cingra,No she is a girl,train +47694,47695,47695,Palimuuten cangra tu sapidmakaw nangra tu ngaayay aka ka idi kamu a pafli kararid kamu a palada,command them to do good to be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share,train +47695,47696,47696,Saka misaliway mitulun cangra ta kapaen nangra kuya tatusaay ta ucur hantu nangra,so after they had fasted and prayed they placed their hands on them and sent them off,train +47696,47697,47697,nu mita,we are,train +47697,47698,47698,mausuy kaku tahira i kalafian,I am late for dinner at the restaurant,train +47698,47699,47699,masugila a mipataustaus,be fully coordinated,train +47699,47700,47700,miceruray,successor,test +47700,47701,47701,Mahrektu kaku a sumuwal i tamuwanan talacuwa manengneng namu kaku i caay pasulin kamu han aku kamu kyami,but as I told you you have seen me and still you do not believe,train +47701,47702,47702,matayalay,staff,train +47702,47703,47703,iraay ku aturay hukiya mailuhay hukiya,maybe there was an earthquake or a fire,train +47703,47704,47704,u maan ku sipipiyawpay isu,what do you use for bleaching,train +47704,47705,47705,Hayda kawrira i patikulen kaku anucila,Okay but you have to give it back to me tomorrow,train +47705,47706,47706,saka mafuhat kina utuc,that is why Stonehenge was opened,train +47706,47707,47707,samaenan u tayal nu wama ira i,because of his fathers work,train +47707,47708,47708,kararadiw,can sing,train +47708,47709,47709,yu tahekal ci ina situper tu haw,does mom wear a hat when she goes out,train +47709,47710,47710,Micumuday tira misamana misamatang,the ones who went in there to cultivate the wasteland,test +47710,47711,47711,paini haca ci Yis tu ruma a tinaku i pakumu^celay tu tireng atu mi^pecay tu tau a tamdaw ku nisuwalan suwal sa Cingra,to some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else Jesus told this parable,train +47711,47712,47712,pakarungay,teenagers,train +47712,47713,47713,paluma tu kudasing,growing peanuts,train +47713,47714,47714,hawang,cross over,train +47714,47715,47715,o kalifutan ku matiraay a demak,that kind of thing is troublesome,train +47715,47716,47716,usiraw cecacecay kusapakaen tu akung,and then the side dish is a piece of salted cured meat for each of us,train +47716,47717,47717,caay ka ngaʼay san ku suwal niya Tangafulan san kiya patifekan,the owner of the rice mill said that the Pingpu people still cannot do it,train +47717,47718,47718,kaw sapamelawen tu itilaay aku,I wish I could show you what I grew,train +47718,47719,47719,apa ku urad ira ku nanum san,it is raining a lot,train +47719,47720,47720,a u niyam u ceruh a ini u tatapangan nu katahini nu kafanaʼan nu matuʼasay,the former elders knew the origin of the Zoroastrian tribe,test +47720,47721,47721,awaay hu ka lalan itini,there is no road here yet,train +47721,47722,47722,ira hu ku mamaulah takuwanan han sa kaku,will someone still like me I think so,train +47722,47723,47723,kangkang,plow,train +47723,47724,47724,hatiraay saka,because of this,train +47724,47725,47725,atu itini Yencuminwiyenhuy,Committee on indigenous peoples,train +47725,47726,47726,ini tihi aku haw,my wife is here,train +47726,47727,47727,mikawid tu kisu,you are hooked,train +47727,47728,47728,Licayaw,ask,train +47728,47729,47729,halhalen,welcome,train +47729,47730,47730,ancaay kita pisanga,if we do not cooperate with this program,test +47730,47731,47731,takaraway,higher,train +47731,47732,47732,watah ku ruray nu mamu nu niyam misasiraw sa,it reminds me of how hard it was for grand mom to marinate the meat,train +47732,47733,47733,tu cecay,a unit of money,train +47733,47734,47734,ku nu ku nu ruma finacadan panasaʼupuʼupu tu nu Pangcah,there are rituals for all ethnic groups,train +47734,47735,47735,o Mama niyam aka ka saan a mitahidang i cimacimaan i tini i hkal nawhani ccay aca ku wama namu u Wama i kakarayan,and do not call anyone on earth father for you have one Father and he is in heaven,train +47735,47736,47736,Mitilidaytu ku safa isu haw,does your sister go to school,train +47736,47737,47737,haenen miala henen ira,just like that just like that,train +47737,47738,47738,misangaʼay tura tudung nu,Contracting the airport,train +47738,47739,47739,mahaenay kaku matawalay aku tata miaca kita,I do not have one either let us go buy one,train +47739,47740,47740,Saka kayat hantu nuya Tapang nu sufitay kuya kapah a tayra i awaay ku tamdaw O maan ku sasuwalen isu i takuwanan han ningra a milicay,the commander took the young man by the hand drew him aside and asked What is it you want to tell me,test +47740,47741,47741,Kawas,God gods ghosts,train +47741,47742,47742,icuwa ku Tayanpay,where is the big,train +47742,47743,47743,celak,open up,train +47743,47744,47744,mafana kisu misasirasiraw,so learn how to do all kinds of pickling,train +47744,47745,47745,matumes tu,it is full,train +47745,47746,47746,Arawhani mausi kamu a tayni i takuwanan tu sakaciuripaw,yet you refuse to come to me to have life,train +47746,47747,47747,ku nipicacak tu emu anu,steamed sweet rice cake,train +47747,47748,47748,sapaiyu^,medicine,train +47748,47749,47749,Api tayni kaku a misalama^,Api I am here to play with you,train +47749,47750,47750,tayni tini i tuni a makuta,come here to Asahi,test +47750,47751,47751,tu maan kiya kanakelus niyam a misangaay tu mikelusaytu rakes,I will do what I did when I cut it down,train +47751,47752,47752,pariyar,numerous,train +47752,47753,47753,tayra kisu itira a mipakaen tu kulung,you go over there and graze the cows,train +47753,47754,47754,makeruay,dances,train +47754,47755,47755,padakaw han i rarapa dakawan tu aku,then I put it on the cow and loaded it home,train +47755,47756,47756,halafin kuya misawkitay a caay pihai tu suwal nuya fafahiyan Nikawrira harateng sa cingra Talacuwa caay ka talaw kaku tu Kawas caay ka ngudu tu tamdaw,For some time he refused but finally he said to himself Even though I do not fear God or care about men,train +47756,47757,47757,u radiw tu ku iraay haw,there is only one song left right,train +47757,47758,47758,sa kiya harateng aku mi,think of it this way,train +47758,47759,47759,Cikaysingay ku finawlan a mikaput tu saupu,bowls are always brought to tribal gatherings,train +47759,47760,47760,ira tahaninien ku misu i,until now,test +47760,47761,47761,anu macuwa hu ku tayal nu namu,no matter what you do where you work,train +47761,47762,47762,awaʼayay ku urip nu niyaru,the tribes are facing an unlivable situation,train +47762,47763,47763,u wawa tu ku mamidiput tamiyanan,our children will raise us,train +47763,47764,47764,mitilid,go to school,train +47764,47765,47765,mabana ku Ripun yu raecus sa,the Japanese know that the quality is not good,train +47765,47766,47766,nisasapalan,seedling,train +47766,47767,47767,o maamaan ku tatayalen namu saw,what are your jobs,train +47767,47768,47768,anu ila ku lumiad namu katayni mikihatiya,if you have time please come and join us,train +47768,47769,47769,Pafiwfiwen naira ku hata a pakafana tu nikatangasa naira,they waved flags to signal their arrival,train +47769,47770,47770,anu mapacidalay a suta caay kalengaw,if the sun shines on it it will not grow,test +47770,47771,47771,sa ku suwal nu Kaping,the mother tongue is Chinese,train +47771,47772,47772,makalah kaku a matuas saan kiya a hakulungen nu matuasay a miadup saremiad satu kaku a minanam a misanga tu tatekeran sulinay sinikalepelan tu aadupen ku nisangaan nu maku a teker,in order to go hunting with adults as soon as possible I practiced making traps every day and soon my traps can really catch prey,train +47772,47773,47773,asu sasimien kira huhusi,they are very tasty raw,train +47773,47774,47774,Macait i saadifan ku pulul tu paciricirian ni faki,my uncles cage for white eared paintbrush birds hangs on the front porch,train +47774,47775,47775,pakalayap,received,train +47775,47776,47776,culi aka saan,do not talk back,train +47776,47777,47777,Maseday kuya sasing,that picture dropped of its own accord,train +47777,47778,47778,Serser satu ku falucu nu finawlan,tribal hearts have fallen,train +47778,47779,47779,miilisin,abundant years of Sacrifice,train +47779,47780,47780,aya tusa hu a pulu ku lifun naku sanay kura harateng ita,I was wondering when my paycheck would go up,test +47780,47781,47781,mamasufuc,be born,train +47781,47782,47782,Hay ilaay tu ku likakawa tu mi ilisin nu niyaru,Yes the tribe holds an annual Harvest Festival,train +47782,47783,47783,Mafana kita u saki adinguan ita ku Rikec ni Musi Nikawrira tuna u tamdaw kaku saka mapacakay kaku a malakuli nu raraw,we know that the law is spiritual but I am unspiritual sold as a slave to sin,train +47783,47784,47784,a misanga tu liyad tu caciyaw,for syllabus and language,train +47784,47785,47785,mahaenay ku kalipahakan matiya,maybe that is what heaven looks like,train +47785,47786,47786,Madadiput,mutual care,train +47786,47787,47787,Talakingku ci ina minaang tu pida,mom went to the bank to deposit money,train +47787,47788,47788,dadaya tu i ira tu ku tusiya tu mamiculu,at night there is a car that carries them,train +47788,47789,47789,Cifucud ciira tu wawa nu Padaka,she has the bastard son of a white breeder,train +47789,47790,47790,fangcal a arawen ku teker ni Idek,the rainbow looks beautiful,test +47790,47791,47791,saka harateng sa cingra i kakuyhan aku ku ccay fakar latek caay pakaaraw saka,so he thought If I take one basket maybe he will not see it,train +47791,47792,47792,ngiyangi,swing,train +47792,47793,47793,raan ku caay pimisa cangra nasa ku harateng,it is the fact that they do not go to Mass that bothers me,train +47793,47794,47794,nga tanamem aku rumadiw haw,I will try to sing,train +47794,47795,47795,ka,as soon as,train +47795,47796,47796,pipakauʼrad nu mita i,our rain Festival,train +47796,47797,47797,saku harateng aku,I am thinking,train +47797,47798,47798,saka tulu u mikieciway Malikuda^ ku Pangcah haw i u micidekay kahemekan a rumadiway ku mikieciway,Thirdly there is the leader the most distinctive feature of Amis songs and dances is the chorus between the leader and the group,train +47798,47799,47799,adihay ku mapawpaway a kasuy i riyar,so much driftwood on the sea,train +47799,47800,47800,micumpi tu kaemangay,for the kids,test +47800,47801,47801,satapang sanay kaku mitilid,I am just starting my homework,train +47801,47802,47802,Tahacuwa ku pilafin ira i pipaisingan,how long will I need to be hospitalized,train +47802,47803,47803,malucien,I am sick of talking,train +47803,47804,47804,malecad kiyaru,if you have just lost your breath,train +47804,47805,47805,makapah a paalemeten ku pahanaan nu misu i putal,the Plaza garden will look even better with the red color,train +47805,47806,47806,Wa maulah kaku tu makapahay a adipangpang,Yeh Wow I love butterflies they are very beautiful,train +47806,47807,47807,Nanuya patirengen nu Tapang ku ruma a pitu a pulu ira ku tusa a tamdaw Mahkatusatusaen ningra cangra a pakiayaw a miucur a malaayaw a tayra i kakatayraan ningra a niyaruaru,after this the Lord appointed seventy two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go,train +47807,47808,47808,aka hu hana maafac aku,Oh no I skipped that,train +47808,47809,47809,Malutayaytu ci Taniayer pacaˈuf cingra Kuˈdaway ku wadis nu matefaday fuˈis,Danielle was exhausted and she replied Meteorites have longer teeth,train +47809,47810,47810,o maan ku paysin anu tara i lutu,what are the taboos about going to the mountains,test +47810,47811,47811,hay i miniw^ing hen a mikinsa,Yes I am currently hospitalized,train +47811,47812,47812,funus,straight hunting knife,train +47812,47813,47813,halipidaay san sa ku maku,I liked having money too much back then,train +47813,47814,47814,kina kungku sa kami palitaan naca,we have questions about this rumor and would like to ask about it,train +47814,47815,47815,maenen hakiya ku paini saan tu ku harateng,I was wondering what Topic I should share with you,train +47815,47816,47816,nu malitengan hu a nu Amis a demak,about traditional culture,train +47816,47817,47817,Pakacinamalay,take the train,train +47817,47818,47818,hatini satu salama satu ku rakarakat,now you can relax and travel around the countryside,train +47818,47819,47819,kaʼayaway kura iciku kaikuray kami,the first ones a ways from our ship,train +47819,47820,47820,tangasa itini i Yamatu,all the way to big Rich,test +47820,47821,47821,adihay ku sinavel,lots of wild greens,train +47821,47822,47822,u sakakaay aku tu vavainay a wawa yara i hiya,the big boys are here,train +47822,47823,47823,Mamiaca hu kaku tu fitaul iraay ku namu,I want some eggs too do you have some,train +47823,47824,47824,u mataelif kutayal su,their own work is done,train +47824,47825,47825,Nikawrira sapipataduaw i tamuwanan tu sapitrekaw tu sulin nu Ngaayay Ratuh caay pisurar kami i cangraan tu mamamamang aca,we did not give in to them for a moment so that the truth of the gospel might remain with you,train +47825,47826,47826,u cirut hananay haw i,what about the so called Painted Bird,train +47826,47827,47827,nu fafahi hananay haw a hinatala,Wifes waiting mood,train +47827,47828,47828,o pakaluwiday a tamdaw i mangaay a milayap tunini a tatudung uya mamalu Kawas ningra Kaku o mamaluwawa aku cingra,he who overcomes will inherit all this and I will be his God and he will be my son,train +47828,47829,47829,ya karac san i sahanhanen sanay sa kira,Zigzagged terrain,train +47829,47830,47830,Talatalukan ciira a milepel tu ayam,she went to the chicken coop to catch chickens,test +47830,47831,47831,o sakacedaah nu maku ku fukil nu situ tu nipasifanaan nu maku,the reason I lament is that the students do not know what I am teaching them,train +47831,47832,47832,sawalian,East,train +47832,47833,47833,u mivahvahay tu tuwid,the man who drives the birds away,train +47833,47834,47834,u ci puʼutay,and those with knives,train +47834,47835,47835,Saka yu masaupu cangra i licayen ni Pilatu cangra Cima ku kangalayan namu tu tatdalen aku a tamdaw saw Ci Yisus Parapas haw Anu ^ca i ci Yis uya Kristu hananay haw han ningra,so when the crowd had gathered Pilate asked them Which one do you want me to release to you Barabbas or Jesus who is called Christ,train +47835,47836,47836,a mahayi satu haw ci panay,will Barnett say yes,train +47836,47837,47837,o wawa ni Mayaw lahuk kaku,I am Mayaw Lahoks child,train +47837,47838,47838,paaraw,to show,train +47838,47839,47839,anu lalumuwad ku matuasay miharateng hu tu lemed tu rumiad u suni nu ayam u rakat nu uner u awaw nu wacu atu kaesing ta cipinang tu sakalumuwad,so the old man or priest would observe dreams weather changes birdsong flying snakes dogs barking and sneezing to decide whether to go or not,train +47839,47840,47840,Mu^tep tu ku mihcaan nu maku,I am ten years old,test +47840,47841,47841,mipenen aca micurucuru ku kapah,the youngsters will take turns to collect the materials,train +47841,47842,47842,a satanekteken nu mita,we have to,train +47842,47843,47843,samisi caka alaen u safasafa pakarungay,the concept of one with the other for the younger ones,train +47843,47844,47844,maherek i tini i takuwanan matayal haw i,when my work is done,train +47844,47845,47845,malasingsiay haw i,teachers as Educators,train +47845,47846,47846,taterungan,bridge,train +47846,47847,47847,aca samanen nga mapaluwad ku niyaru nu mita,how do you raise your tribe,train +47847,47848,47848,mialal,digging up rocks,train +47848,47849,47849,u inian haw nu hiya,as for this,train +47849,47850,47850,yu cecay a rumiʼad,one day,test +47850,47851,47851,saka sumuwal kaku i matini,so I will start there,train +47851,47852,47852,saku harateng,what somebody is thinking,train +47852,47853,47853,mavanaʼay cira nimaay a wawa kiraan,does he know whose kid this is,train +47853,47854,47854,maharatengay aku kinacecayay rumakatay ku salikaka i niyaruˈ u pakafitan i tireng a paya sanay ku mitilidan O talakal atu Salipalaw ku Piduyungan,I remember one time when brothers and sisters marched through our town with signs that said Religion is a trap and a scam,train +47854,47855,47855,pauweren tayra,just send it,train +47855,47856,47856,hanaw hanen ku pisaka tu tafukud,that is how you make a gossip program,train +47856,47857,47857,u kaka sa maku i mikadafu mikadafuʼay,my brother and sister have grown up,train +47857,47858,47858,facaltu petun nira ku pakalatay,it is all very well but his siblings will drive a wedge between us,train +47858,47859,47859,ya mama aku tiya ina aku a tiya faki faki,like my parents Grandpa,train +47859,47860,47860,ku suwal nu kakahulul mikeriday,the leader said this,test +47860,47861,47861,ku suwal nu Pangcah,indigenous languages,train +47861,47862,47862,maecad tu niya mikesi tu,it is like a sea festival,train +47862,47863,47863,misatikutiku ira ku saupu ira ku pinanam ira ku pikusiw,I have been practicing over and over again and I have been attending all of my friends meetings and lectures,train +47863,47864,47864,malalikid han syanghucwan han ri,when you call out Attention turn backward,train +47864,47865,47865,ira sera misanga ku heni tu laku haw,is it for plowing,train +47865,47866,47866,hai,Yeah right Yes,train +47866,47867,47867,han han tu vangcal,wear it like this it is beautiful,train +47867,47868,47868,Sidinayay,umbrella,train +47868,47869,47869,Nanuya tahidangen ni Yis a misaupu ku tusa ku safaw a tarukus paflien ningra cangra tu icel atu sakacitudung nangra a mifahfah tu palafuay atu sapiadah tu adadaay,when Jesus had called the twelve together he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases,train +47869,47870,47870,na nu emang ku itira i ciwkangan a matuas tahira i tulu ku safaw nu mihecaan,I grew up in Ciwkangan until I was thirteen,test +47870,47871,47871,liyaw,repeat,train +47871,47872,47872,samanen suwal han nuku,what should we do or talk,train +47872,47873,47873,halilafangay,hospitable,train +47873,47874,47874,Cicanemay ku urip naira a mararamud,the couple met with bad luck,train +47874,47875,47875,anu sitama kita u Pangcah namiadup caay kanca pavatis tu lalumaan,when we Amis go hunting we will share our kills with our friends and relatives,train +47875,47876,47876,awaay ku silumaay a mademakay,there are no special events,train +47876,47877,47877,Nanuya mapunengtu cingra falu a pulu ira ku spat nu mihcaan ningra caay piliyas cingra tu Fangcalay Pitaungan tu dadaya tu rumiad misaliway mitulun cingra a mitaung tu Kawas,and then was a widow until she was eighty four she never left the temple but worshiped night and day fasting and praying,train +47877,47878,47878,mahaenay kami,we do,train +47878,47879,47879,o miadiyamay ku tayal nu matuasay niyam,our elders worked as ginger pickers,train +47879,47880,47880,ira ku sumuwalay,that is when the news came in,test +47880,47881,47881,ura kaikur nu funguh i,what about the back of the head,train +47881,47882,47882,sukayap san kadahal sukayap san,wooden supplicant Presidents Spaciousness,train +47882,47883,47883,Maraudtu ku rumiad tu pikinafalahan aku tu urip aku a malasapacakat Maraudtu ku rumiad tu piliyasan aku tunini a hkal,for I am already being poured out like a drink offering and the time has come for my departure,train +47883,47884,47884,suni tu,wait a moment,train +47884,47885,47885,anu tayra kakelul sa kita itira,we will go straight to that spot when we are fishing,train +47885,47886,47886,cuwa kuninian aca ya sumuwalay tu cuwa paliwal tu sera ku Kuwaping sanay a tamdaw makahiyaytu paliwal tu sera ningra,not only that but the same landowner who said the Chinese will only buy not sell is also willing to sell,train +47886,47887,47887,nira,Him her,train +47887,47888,47888,tatakung,hundred pace snake,train +47888,47889,47889,cecay a rumiʼad pasifanaʼay kakunan,one day he taught me,train +47889,47890,47890,matepa tu aku ku cafay tatulu sasepat,I found three or four members of the clan,test +47890,47891,47891,mana cakatawal isu,how do you remember,train +47891,47892,47892,e i tiya hu u tuaʼs nu Amis,past Amis ancestors,train +47892,47893,47893,o malakakahaday ku umah niyam,our fields have become wide,train +47893,47894,47894,i tapuru Yis a mapacek i ciwcika,Jesus was crucified on a hill,train +47894,47895,47895,Kaliyawan,the real Kaliwan,train +47895,47896,47896,anu mafalic ku pakayraan nu tamdaw wa ira ku cuka hecad a pinengneng tu suˈlinay kimad alatek,Peoples circumstances change and they may see the truth differently,train +47896,47897,47897,ati taʼangay kaku i,I am an adult,train +47897,47898,47898,a miwadwad tu lise nu itimulay,Uncovering the history of the Southside,train +47898,47899,47899,hay awaay tu suʼelinay,No really,train +47899,47900,47900,awaay ku pakapiay,no additional days,test +47900,47901,47901,oya,then,train +47901,47902,47902,kalimelaen,value it do not waste it,train +47902,47903,47903,sa miusawan tu kakaenen itini i luma,the rest of the family food,train +47903,47904,47904,makakarireng,hitch a ride,train +47904,47905,47905,itiya i malalisan mapiyas ku mama ni Puplius a mafuti i kafutian tayra sa ci Pawlu i cingraan a mitulun a mikapa tu tireng ningra a miadah,his father was sick in bed suffering from fever and dysentery Paul went in to see him and after prayer placed his hands on him and healed him,train +47905,47906,47906,o Pikiˈadingan sapatada,our shelter our strong backing,train +47906,47907,47907,ku sakadademak nu niyam a mipasakasak,it is used to help us do the stomping and tilling work,train +47907,47908,47908,o sakaamuut nu laluma kira lesa,that Leak is making the house smell musty,train +47908,47909,47909,Parunungen ni mama aku ku fanaw niyam,dad put carp in our pool,train +47909,47910,47910,ta ciramud tu kaku,and then I got married,test +47910,47911,47911,cietukay,narcotics,train +47911,47912,47912,Hai kawrira u Paliwan cingra,Yes but she is Paiwanese,train +47912,47913,47913,iraan kiya u ta maherek i lapiyupiyuk satu tuan,one by one they are leaving,train +47913,47914,47914,adihayay ku misasingan nu maku sapipanengneng ciamaan atu ciinaan,I took a lot of pictures and showed them to my parents,train +47914,47915,47915,pasifafaw sa kira,just keep going up and up and up,train +47915,47916,47916,caay katatudung a mifarasi i kalahukan hinafadi ku nifarasian,watering should not be done in the middle of the day as the plants you water will tend to wilt,train +47916,47917,47917,o maparatuhay tu mama nu kapah kita,we have been told by the youth leaders,train +47917,47918,47918,Lima^ lian kinian,it is dollars,train +47918,47919,47919,u vavainay a cacay ku masausiyay caay kasausi ku vavahi,men only not women,train +47919,47920,47920,yu nika palit ni Yis itiya i patayraen ni Anas ci Yis i sakakaay a citudungay tu taung ci Kayafasan,then Annas sent him still bound to Caiaphas the high priest,test +47920,47921,47921,caculuk sanay kami,help each other Harvest,train +47921,47922,47922,naw han ni manenengay ku pinangan,these Karma to find such customs and practices,train +47922,47923,47923,anu vavahi ku tayraay i lutuk,if it is a woman going to the mountains,train +47923,47924,47924,utung,flour,train +47924,47925,47925,sa caay ka vana ku heni a wawa,it is a blind spot in today children vernacular,train +47925,47926,47926,mifitay ci ina tu kudasing,mom sifting peanuts,train +47926,47927,47927,minengneng kaku,I am watching it all,train +47927,47928,47928,Tanulaling satu kaku,I groaned with pain,train +47928,47929,47929,ku kasufuc nu maku u kasufuc nu maku,I was born on March Republic of Korea,train +47929,47930,47930,panga^,male reproductive organs,test +47930,47931,47931,caefas,overflow,train +47931,47932,47932,i ruma ira ku remiʼaday,some do it during the day,train +47932,47933,47933,ci Madadingu limecedan,flawless white and delicate girl,train +47933,47934,47934,mararaway ku nisausian isu,you miscalculated,train +47934,47935,47935,Nikawrira yu kahufucan ni Hiruti a rumiad i masakru ku kaying a wawa ni Hirutiyas i kaayaw nu alumanay a palipahak ci Hirutian,on Herods birthday the daughter of Herodias danced for them and pleased Herod so much,train +47935,47936,47936,sa ci tumuk,the boss said,train +47936,47937,47937,kalala,Ghana tribe name,train +47937,47938,47938,hariki,quickly,train +47938,47939,47939,liyad,a gust,train +47939,47940,47940,faniw,edible mushroom,test +47940,47941,47941,tira i i,it is in Shilins,train +47941,47942,47942,Maraudtu ku tuki saka laccay satu ca Yis atu tarukus a mitahka,when the hour came Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table,train +47942,47943,47943,saka natusa hu mikapkap haw,the second mowing,train +47943,47944,47944,u arawʼaw nu falucu nu niyam,I am bored,train +47944,47945,47945,tanamen kunini a fa^luhay a kakaenen,try eating this new kind of food,train +47945,47946,47946,wata cay kafilu ama kura adingu nira,Whoa whoa whoa whoa it is so hard to lure her soul,train +47946,47947,47947,emin han ta patayra i nu kuhecalay a tamdaw ku pinanam saan,send them all to white neighborhoods to be educated,train +47947,47948,47948,palesap,walking around,train +47948,47949,47949,taluma,I am back from school,train +47949,47950,47950,nawhani tahiraw tahiiraw a,for the sake of our children and grandchildren,test +47950,47951,47951,saka tayni satu ci Kafutul mimisa tu cecay fulad na cecay,that is why Fr Koo comes to Tucson once a month,train +47951,47952,47952,o fitaul ku kakaenen nu maku,I ate an egg,train +47952,47953,47953,hawa wina u hawa wina hu cahu kananam,when I was in junior high I loved my mom and could not leave her,train +47953,47954,47954,lalumaan u cafay nu maku itini i Tayhuku,it is hard to live without family so bear with me,train +47954,47955,47955,malingatu tu kami a milihay,we will start worshiping,train +47955,47956,47956,caay kapi pilinsiw,I will never practice,train +47956,47957,47957,makahem,cloudy day,train +47957,47958,47958,ngituen,tooth extraction,train +47958,47959,47959,pangangan han ningra ku ngangan i,name the child,train +47959,47960,47960,masamatiraay saka u tamdaw awaay ku mamaanay,there were no casualties,test +47960,47961,47961,samanen pisanga awa ku mafanaʼay kira,no one knows how to make it,train +47961,47962,47962,paalemeten,Put the red color,train +47962,47963,47963,hima,comfort,train +47963,47964,47964,u vavainay,and males,train +47964,47965,47965,ya makayra milakec ci kamangay,when a child wades through the pool,train +47965,47966,47966,itiya hu yu awa hu kuna as a ku tilid nu mis i ca kalecad ku caciaw nu mis atu timul atu i sifuay,at the time when there was no writing system of Amis the Amis spoken in the south was different from that spoken in the Central area,train +47966,47967,47967,anu maan tu ku ngangan nira,I do not know what they will be called after that,train +47967,47968,47968,kalakapahan,at an early age,train +47968,47969,47969,samitilitili itini i i kumaenay hu tu icep,I ate betel nut when I was in elementary school,train +47969,47970,47970,tayra i nu kuhecalay tamdaw,go to a white school,test +47970,47971,47971,nu ina nu maku yan sa kaka nu maku,my mom and brother,train +47971,47972,47972,Mihaemin tu i kaysingay a kakaenen,eat all the food in your bowl,train +47972,47973,47973,mana eca u tada Falangaw kaku i,of course I am a native Malanese,train +47973,47974,47974,Macu nu aul ku nipalumaan a lusay,the bamboo crowds out fruit trees that were planted,train +47974,47975,47975,9 anu hatiraay i ura heci ita u masamanay a heci hani,What then must we bring forth,train +47975,47976,47976,Saka patinaku satu ci Yis a sumuwal i cangraan,then Jesus told them this parable,train +47976,47977,47977,Mifitawngi ca ina i lutuk,mom and the others are picking fungus in the mountains,train +47977,47978,47978,han nira a pangangan saan,that is how it was named back then,train +47978,47979,47979,ya mafuti sanay malitingay,I cannot get a bedridden old man up,train +47979,47980,47980,tulu^ pulu,thirty,test +47980,47981,47981,liwal,selling,train +47981,47982,47982,haliunih,loves caterpillars,train +47982,47983,47983,unu kasuy i hatinien tu haw,if it is wood does it have to be like this,train +47983,47984,47984,ira hu ku salawina tayraay tu,there are still some family members who will pass on,train +47984,47985,47985,mansa i katayra ri kita,that is why I would like you to go,train +47985,47986,47986,hay paratuhay,Yes your teachings,train +47986,47987,47987,haw uraan saka,Uh So,train +47987,47988,47988,Midu^du kami tu limuut nu singsi,we follow the teachings of our teachers,train +47988,47989,47989,kunun,go down on ones knees,train +47989,47990,47990,o pata^ngaday tu tuman cingra u likat caay pakapadeng tu likat ku tuman,the light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it,test +47990,47991,47991,Malifawa^ ku fihid niira,his thyroid gland is swollen,train +47991,47992,47992,daydaya,in the evening,train +47992,47993,47993,Hay makapahay ku fulad tu dadaya mimaanay kamu,Yes the moonlit night is beautiful so what do you guys do,train +47993,47994,47994,saka u mihecaʼan aku haw i,my age is,train +47994,47995,47995,hayda,okay,train +47995,47996,47996,hapinangen a mipalita ku masamaamaanay a dmak Kaimeren ku ngaayay a dmak,test everything hold on to the good,train +47996,47997,47997,kang,diabetes,train +47997,47998,47998,pakarungay,youngest member,train +47998,47999,47999,ci Alupalan sa ku matuʼasay,the clan says there is a persimmon fruit that grows all over,train +47999,48000,48000,tusa tulu ku laed nu mihecaan,there is a difference of or years,test +48000,48001,48001,ma kiya saung maveli saw,the whole umbrellas flipped,train +48001,48002,48002,malitiay,castrated,train +48002,48003,48003,i kaput nu maku kalangudu tu kaku,I have an inferiority Complex in my class,train +48003,48004,48004,nu aniniay i awaay tu ku mahenay,it has not disappeared today,train +48004,48005,48005,caay ka fansis,it will not smell good,train +48005,48006,48006,parakat tu paliding halafing a tahila i Olay haw,is it a long drive to Ulai,train +48006,48007,48007,mahaen ku nipasevanaʼan,that is what it is all about,train +48007,48008,48008,icang satu i pinsiyang,will dry in the refrigerator,train +48008,48009,48009,Inaaw mamaan ku nikaramud namu aci ama,Mom how did you and dad get married in the past,train +48009,48010,48010,taʼangayay ku kerah tura,that is when the tide goes out,test +48010,48011,48011,adihayay ku likes i lutuk saan ci ina,mom says that there are lots of mosquitoes in the mountains,train +48011,48012,48012,Kawawen ku suwal ta matengil niyam,speak louder so that we can hear you,train +48012,48013,48013,icuwa saw ku nipisang a misanga tu vuvuu nasaan,they are not making it they are making a fish trap,train +48013,48014,48014,mililisay tu tukus nu tukus sinang nu tukus,some clans walk along the ridges of mountain areas,train +48014,48015,48015,Nikawrira yu tayra i Antiyuk ci Pitiru i ira ku mararaway a dmak ningra Saka siayaw han aku cingra a mikakter,when Peter came to Antioch I opposed him to his face because he was clearly in the wrong,train +48015,48016,48016,Talakufaw a misakalahuk ci ina,mom went to the kitchen to cook lunch,train +48016,48017,48017,miculu,transportation,train +48017,48018,48018,maulah kaku a miucekuy a misafalucu,I like to keep my head down and think,train +48018,48019,48019,atekak ku kilang nira iri ku nu lalidec,the trunk of the tree is very hard,train +48019,48020,48020,hai kira anu matira haw i tata tayra kita,in that case let us go,test +48020,48021,48021,mitangila,collect fungus,train +48021,48022,48022,nanu emang aku malingaday tu funung,growing up we were a peasant family living by the sea and the mountains,train +48022,48023,48023,ya tamina tu,work on board,train +48023,48024,48024,kunu,Main,train +48024,48025,48025,mifelutay,Non consensual,train +48025,48026,48026,mamaan,and stabilize the indigenous languages,train +48026,48027,48027,o misaacucul kami a mapulung yu kaemang hu,we all made gyros when we were little,train +48027,48028,48028,o ciadipingay a maemin ku ayam ita,our chickens have crowns,train +48028,48029,48029,nipalumaan,seeded,train +48029,48030,48030,sapikpik,wing,test +48030,48031,48031,kaykahida saan mapalafangcalay,the ones like that are modified,train +48031,48032,48032,tu sakaiʼimer,and therefore cherish,train +48032,48033,48033,caay ka sipinang kaku vayi tina,and I have asked grand mom about it,train +48033,48034,48034,parihien,embankment or footpath between paddy fields,train +48034,48035,48035,miʼadup sa,hunting,train +48035,48036,48036,pakasungtul,bang,train +48036,48037,48037,mahaenay u hiya,it is like that,train +48037,48038,48038,nawhan ni u eli haw i,but it is a thatched roof,train +48038,48039,48039,i lumaay kisu ha Lapic,Lapic are you home,train +48039,48040,48040,Singsi^ tatalaalu^ kita a midanguy hay,Teacher are we going to swim in the river,test +48040,48041,48041,macahiw ku Tafalung,the people of Tai Bak long are starving,train +48041,48042,48042,maherek ni senac kaku i,I will plow the field,train +48042,48043,48043,funus tu,switchable,train +48043,48044,48044,pasuwal sa ku nisawawaan Tapangaw nengnengen ini ku tusa a funus han nangra Ma^dengtu han ni Yis cangra,the disciples said See Lord here are two swords That is enough he replied,train +48044,48045,48045,sa malinah kami haw i tayni i Tuwyen,we moved to Taoyuan,train +48045,48046,48046,a maanen aca saan ku heni,they are helpless too,train +48046,48047,48047,a lalumaʼan kiya,over households,train +48047,48048,48048,a hay awaay ku nu mita a tilid kira,we did not have words,train +48048,48049,48049,miyatayat,sports,train +48049,48050,48050,a tayra haca miliyaw miala tu tefu i,if we go back to picking bamboo shoots,test +48050,48051,48051,Taangayay tu kaku nu hatini Caelayen aku ku sapana atu pana aku mahakelung tu wama a miadup,now that I have grown up I carry my bow and arrows and go hunting with my father,train +48051,48052,48052,hatila ku maku a urip i tiyahu,that is my old life,train +48052,48053,48053,marahiday,more than expected,train +48053,48054,48054,ha mamaan sa,how did this happen,train +48054,48055,48055,pakaen tu kulung sa ku matuʼasay hai saku halateng,my parents said I am going to graze the cows I did not dare disobey them so I did as I was told,train +48055,48056,48056,naifadahung,roof,train +48056,48057,48057,sulac,erase,train +48057,48058,48058,Cli sa haca cangra Aka ka unini a tamdaw ku tatdalen Ci Parapas ku han niyam saan cangra,they shouted back No not him give us Barabbas now Barabbas had taken part in a rebellion,train +48058,48059,48059,cipakamaamaan ci Maʼuwidan da,there is no way to win against Malverde,train +48059,48060,48060,Pipananumi kisu,you go watering,test +48060,48061,48061,ca ka hakuwa ku kafanaan nu maku anu ira ku kafanaan nu maku pacaku han tu aku kisu,I do not know much about that but I will tell you everything I know,train +48061,48062,48062,anu u suna nira makatengil,his grandchildren are listening,train +48062,48063,48063,Ahunitu a mikared ci ina,wait a minute Moms still reeling,train +48063,48064,48064,itira i pikadafuan nira a caay pinukay tayni i luma ira inacila milisu patiku tu tayra,to the home of their spouse T Oh did not come home P Yesterday they visited left,train +48064,48065,48065,tu dadingu kifanaʼen nu maku ku dademakay,they think they can show it to their supervisors,train +48065,48066,48066,samaan satu pasuwalen aku kamu anu caacaay ka lumuwad cingra a pafli i tisuwanan u widang ningra nikawrira tuna caay pisawad kisu a mingitangit cingraan saka u lalumuwad cingra a pafli i tisuwanan tu nilungucan isu,I tell you though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend yet because of the mans boldness he will get up and give him as much as he needs,train +48066,48067,48067,maulah kaku tu pelu nu matuasay,I like what the old man said,train +48067,48068,48068,Wui,Wow,train +48068,48069,48069,i putalay a mipawali tu panay ci ina,mom was outside drying the grains,train +48069,48070,48070,niharatengan,what comes to mind,test +48070,48071,48071,sakatulu a rumiad i tahiratu cangra i Kaysariya Matahidangtu ni Kurnilius a misaupu ku malininaay atu tadawidang ningra a mitala cangraan,the following day he arrived in Caesarea Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends,train +48071,48072,48072,mapelaʼay han nu matuʼasay,the old man said Where the cracks are,train +48072,48073,48073,naayaw matuʼasay,old people in the past,train +48073,48074,48074,hacuwa tu ku tumuk hay maherek tu ku mama hiwa i,of course after the parents have finished,train +48074,48075,48075,ana,cries of fear,train +48075,48076,48076,Cu ka ira kura mitafukudan niyam i,if you cast your nets you will get something,train +48076,48077,48077,Maaraw ni Yis ku tusa a tamina i lawac Ma^pudtu itiya kuya mifutingay a misawsaw tu salil nangra,he saw at the waters edge two boats left there by the fishermen who were washing their nets,train +48077,48078,48078,u ruma tangasa,sometimes,train +48078,48079,48079,pikuyfungan,Qingming or pure Brightness Festival or tomb sweeping day,train +48079,48080,48080,alatek a mipanay tu sa ku maku,it is time to harvest I think,test +48080,48081,48081,ira tu ku kidudung caay pakaala,I have fabric but I cannot afford it,train +48081,48082,48082,maherek tu tunini a fana haw i,I just learned Japanese,train +48082,48083,48083,mapiyasay,dysentery,train +48083,48084,48084,nu aniniay tu a dangah,now the pot,train +48084,48085,48085,macaculuk tu a rumadiw ku rumadiway,take turns to sing,train +48085,48086,48086,maharateng aku kura suwal nu malitengay i,when I realized the truth of the Elders words,train +48086,48087,48087,kasuvucan,birthplace,train +48087,48088,48088,padeteng aka kasaan kisu a mihifang a matayal,you work do not take vacations on purpose,train +48088,48089,48089,hadidi han naku hay,just be patient Yes sir,train +48089,48090,48090,miciyumpi tu sa,be prepared,test +48090,48091,48091,u manikaway manikaw saka linlaan kunian,the more deprived and the more vulnerable the more this one is deplorable,train +48091,48092,48092,fukelukeluhan,stony ground,train +48092,48093,48093,tu sapicuka macuwacuwaay a impic,ink and a variety of brushes,train +48093,48094,48094,hay i,Right,train +48094,48095,48095,mararimaay,worn,train +48095,48096,48096,lasawasawad,gradual,train +48096,48097,48097,wa milengu kita tu pina tinakuan minengneng tu sasamaan kita itini kihcud a demak misasuˈliˈlin ku waywayan,we will discuss some examples of how we can be honest in every way,train +48097,48098,48098,Linahen kunini,move this,train +48098,48099,48099,ira i ngata ku umah ni Puplius hananay a kakitaan nuya kanatal halhalen ningra kami a misalafang tu tulu a rumiad,there was an estate nearby that belonged to Publius the chief official of the island he welcomed us to his home and for three days entertained us hospitably,train +48099,48100,48100,Miciiwi ku harateng nira,he thinks differently from the rest his thinking is wrong,test +48100,48101,48101,fanul,pigeon,train +48101,48102,48102,sakaccayyuru nu isiyama Kalulankuude,at night in the port of Caroline,train +48102,48103,48103,iraʼay ku nanum i nemnem kuranan,they all have spring water,train +48103,48104,48104,Fufu tayniay tu kami,Grandfather we are here,train +48104,48105,48105,masa matira tangasa satu i,by ROC,train +48105,48106,48106,cinguhahay,love,train +48106,48107,48107,maulahay ku malitengay itiya hu tu takula,the elders used to love frogs,train +48107,48108,48108,Wata caay tu ku sasafaen ku tayal isu,Wow your job is really not easy,train +48108,48109,48109,misiʼayawan aku han saan kura suwal,you can only talk to your mother,train +48109,48110,48110,matira i cayka kahi ci,I do not think Kwok Kwok Leung is willing to do that,test +48110,48111,48111,sayaway i micikcik tu titi anini,now cut the pork into pieces cut it into cubes,train +48111,48112,48112,tahira anini irahu malinahay tayni hanaku saka,there are still people who have moved here,train +48112,48113,48113,Pacilah ci ina tu sinafel,mom puts salt in the dishes,train +48113,48114,48114,awaay tunu matuʼasay pataheka sanay,I have never eaten at a table before,train +48114,48115,48115,supsup,accumulate,train +48115,48116,48116,nanay nu halafin tu haw i,I hope it lasts,train +48116,48117,48117,dayum,competent,train +48117,48118,48118,mikafit,attach,train +48118,48119,48119,ira ku suwal nu matuʼasay kina ngangan nu Makutaay,the elders have a different story about the name of the tribe,train +48119,48120,48120,tulu pulu ira ku cecay,thirty one,test +48120,48121,48121,o misafa^luhay kami a maluwama a misarafar,We father and son reclaimed the hillside fields,train +48121,48122,48122,ira tu sa Miciyang ila ta ta ta malingad tu kita,Miciyang they are over there let us go let us go let us go let us go,train +48122,48123,48123,niadadan,counter,train +48123,48124,48124,o malinahay tayra i ruma Kitakit a wama wina anu papadama tu nuˈadinguan nu wawa i hanu mamisinanut tu pakayniay sasuwalan a demak,why should immigrant parents consider language related matters when helping their children spiritually,train +48124,48125,48125,mituwan tu cangra,they are going back,train +48125,48126,48126,paliwalay kisu saʼayaw yahaw iraay liwalay hu kaku ira tusa tilung aku,Have you ever bought and sold before I have bought and sold two more urns they are with my daughter,train +48126,48127,48127,nani itiyah i,from before,train +48127,48128,48128,yasa kaku,and I,train +48128,48129,48129,madadafitay,link,train +48129,48130,48130,Pakapalidingen kunini a sielac,take this gravel away in a vehicle cart,test +48130,48131,48131,sa mahemekay kaku tu ninian,that is what I like,train +48131,48132,48132,awai i urip nu maku ku duit hananay a demak,there is no such thing as being late in my life,train +48132,48133,48133,pasaadawang,face toward the door,train +48133,48134,48134,tura radiw,the song,train +48134,48135,48135,o cima ku misatapangay a misanga tu tingwa,who invented the telephone,train +48135,48136,48136,papina ku paru nu luma namu,how many people are in your family,train +48136,48137,48137,mitilid,writing,train +48137,48138,48138,sikacaluway,bringing Convenience,train +48138,48139,48139,masadak kaku matuʼas tu ku kaka aku,my brother was old enough when I was born,train +48139,48140,48140,laliden isu nga hatinitiniay ini haw mangaʼayay kaenen isu,it is good to have a continuous harvest like this one,test +48140,48141,48141,cadung,clothing accessories,train +48141,48142,48142,sukadi,trample on,train +48142,48143,48143,kunu,That,train +48143,48144,48144,miniwaniw kiyami haw iri,because I was on my knees in the field pulling weeds,train +48144,48145,48145,kawrira manamnam tu ku pinangan nira i cuwa tu patikul tu nicaliwan a manmaan,but he has a bad habit of often borrowing things but not returning them,train +48145,48146,48146,aniniay misasangaʼay a kaemangay haw i,Nowadays the young generation is making a lot of money,train +48146,48147,48147,tamafana,only then,train +48147,48148,48148,kiya misa inʼin kiya vavuy han aku,why are the pigs squealing,train +48148,48149,48149,ira tu maʼaraway matini,I can still see it,train +48149,48150,48150,saka tahini i Makutaay haw i,so when we got to Magadhaan,test +48150,48151,48151,hanaw itiraan aku tura a misatapang itiya hu tu,so I will start with written symbols,train +48151,48152,48152,Maditdit aku ku piala,I gradually took,train +48152,48153,48153,Mafiik kina matuasay,this old man has a goiter,train +48153,48154,48154,iraay halurira,Yes the building of the house will be celebrated,train +48154,48155,48155,pakeridan tiya rara,bring back the red bean and pork soup,train +48155,48156,48156,u nikaurip nu matuasay naayaw,Ancestors past lives,train +48156,48157,48157,tangasa tu i kailisinan tuyaan haw i patakus tu patakusay satu,the Amis people when it comes to celebrating the Chinese new Year have a lot of fun,train +48157,48158,48158,u kafuhungay saan u fila saan,hairy tomatoes betel leaves,train +48158,48159,48159,maala nura saraw kuna wawa,his child was taken by the spirits,train +48159,48160,48160,singkiw kita ku tumuk saku finawlan tuna ilisim,the tribe says we can choose the leader at the festival,test +48160,48161,48161,saietanpu,ministry of economic affairs,train +48161,48162,48162,Natawran iniyan u Lidaw u vavahiy amin,there is Nadolan Dongchang all girls,train +48162,48163,48163,fainayan,male,train +48163,48164,48164,nu Ripun atu Amilika mi haw,it was a war between Japan and the united States,train +48164,48165,48165,milukut kami mipaheku kami,we picked sassafras we picked cats,train +48165,48166,48166,a mihiya,for the first time,train +48166,48167,48167,matiya u sipudaay,it is like right eye shit,train +48167,48168,48168,Ngaay hu ci kumud kaku i Pusungay ku niyaru aku,Hi I am Kumud I am from Taitung,train +48168,48169,48169,itiya i krid hantu nangra kuya nanu mapuhaway a patayra i Farisay a tamdaw,they brought to the Pharisees the man who had been blind,train +48169,48170,48170,pasuwal sa cangra i ci Yisan O maan a kafahkaan a dmak ku sapaaraw isu i tamiyanan ta pasulin kami i Tisuwanan o maan ku dadmaken isu saw,so they asked him What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you what will you do,test +48170,48171,48171,o pala ku niterekan nu matuasay i takuwanan,this field was left to me by my elders,train +48171,48172,48172,maharatengay ni Yihufa ku madimadiay a sikawdan Ningra mafanaˈ tunini pairaay tu lipahak nu mita,the Lord loves and remembers those who are faithful to him and it gives us great joy to know that,train +48172,48173,48173,rarukuh,turtle,train +48173,48174,48174,tayra i Talacan,Darazan,train +48174,48175,48175,Hai caay karaay,Yeah not far,train +48175,48176,48176,Katayra kamu tura niyaru ta tangsul a maaraw namu ku mapaktingay a lufa atu tufur nira i tatihi tdalen caira a mikiting a patayni i Takuwanan,saying to them Go to the village ahead of you and at once you will find a donkey tied there with her colt by her untie them and bring them to me,train +48176,48177,48177,itini ku paʼurip nu Dungi takuwan,I think an angel saved me,train +48177,48178,48178,o pawacayay tuya dmak kami Haluya nipaflian nu Kawas i mituuray tu suwal ningra a Fangcalay Adingu a mipawacay tuya dmak han nangra,we are Witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him,train +48178,48179,48179,tenuk,middle,train +48179,48180,48180,i namicudad mahkulung kaku atu kaput a mimelaw tu cudad,during class I and my classmates read the textbook together,test +48180,48181,48181,caay pasulin ku kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw tu nika u nanu mapuhaway kuya tamdaw ta pakaarawtu Saka tahidang hantu nangra ku mama atu ina nuya mapuhaway a tamdaw,the Jews still did not believe that he had been blind and had received his sight until they sent for the mans parents,train +48181,48182,48182,Tadamaulahay masakeru ku Pangcah anu itini i laday nu urip anca matayal tu i luma caayay ka tumerep ku nguyus a rumadiw pakayni tu demak i sakaurip anca sapisayal tu ruray nu falucu maemin sa i radiw a patalahekal,Amis people are born to love dance no matter in daily life or in the field work always singing without leaving their mouths dancing without stopping swinging all the love affairs of life personal mood expression are expressed in song and dance,train +48182,48183,48183,o maan ku kaulahan isu a miyatayat,what is your favorite sport,train +48183,48184,48184,Hai u papatikulen nu maku cingra anini matawalay nu maku a mihawikid ku payci,Yes I was supposed to return to him today but I forgot to bring the money,train +48184,48185,48185,mihecahecaan,every year,train +48185,48186,48186,3 Mitusil kita u sakakaay lalangian u papaˈdil ci Yihufaan atu patahekal tu ngangan ningra,the primary reason we preach to people is to glorify the Lord and manifest his name,train +48186,48187,48187,maduka kiya buting,the fish is hurt,train +48187,48188,48188,cuwaay kuya lumaluma cecay dadaya ku mirarakatan nu niyam,I found a family one night and visited them there,train +48188,48189,48189,anu cecay kuya fainayan,what if it is a boy,train +48189,48190,48190,dademak sa tusa a remiad iri,two days of work,test +48190,48191,48191,i ngata nu pitilidan ku luma isu,do you live near a school,train +48191,48192,48192,tadakasiniadaan,it is so sad,train +48192,48193,48193,sasepat ku ayaway nu maku,I have got four bosses in front of me,train +48193,48194,48194,ira ku ccay tu nu niraay a a takula,one of them was his frog,train +48194,48195,48195,u nu salengacayhu,leaves of moon peach,train +48195,48196,48196,a mi mabana ku tawki u riya hicay yu sa ku tawki a,the boss knows that the boss said so,train +48196,48197,48197,nika haw ita yu ruma,but our generation of clansmen,train +48197,48198,48198,ecak,ripe,train +48198,48199,48199,i,thirty seven years,train +48199,48200,48200,san sa ku matuasay sa matira ku,elderly people who have to listen to their elders,test +48200,48201,48201,anu caay haenen i,if not,train +48201,48202,48202,marihateng nira mamtiya matini matuʼas suytu imatini kira,maybe he remembers he is grown up now years old,train +48202,48203,48203,o pikakereman tu ku rumiad i matini,it is now evening,train +48203,48204,48204,Iri Pakamaan kita a tayra,Awesome how are we going to get there,train +48204,48205,48205,Papicawcawen niyam ku wawa i lakelal a misalama tu nanum,we let the kids have fun playing in the water by the river,train +48205,48206,48206,Fangcalay tu,very good,train +48206,48207,48207,ira ira aca tu tudungay nu mama nu luma hananay mamipupu tu maninaay,there must be a head of the family who leads the way in comforting relatives and friends,train +48207,48208,48208,ila mutep ila ku,a dozen,train +48208,48209,48209,o tayal niyam i ayaw ri,in our past work,train +48209,48210,48210,tu matuʼasay anini hatiray ku maku a piaray,thank you for this opportunity to talk about the past,test +48210,48211,48211,pidaduki,Bat,train +48211,48212,48212,madukaay,injured,train +48212,48213,48213,ira aca ku,there is always,train +48213,48214,48214,saamisan,North,train +48214,48215,48215,kura,the book,train +48215,48216,48216,papinapina,how manyfew,train +48216,48217,48217,na cima ku misangaʼay,who did that,train +48217,48218,48218,tulii tu cangra a miflaw haw itiya,the court supported soldiers,train +48218,48219,48219,tatiʼih ku hufuc ningra,she is in labor,train +48219,48220,48220,hay hay,Is,test +48220,48221,48221,u sisangraay a ilisin pakaranaman tu,on the first day of the festival we will have breakfast,train +48221,48222,48222,haen han ri cika hapinang cipakatepa,that is not clear,train +48222,48223,48223,saka sulap san kiya mama niya wawa niya mama tayni i nuʼamisan,and then the boss and his kid came up north to make their rounds,train +48223,48224,48224,mifulud,follow,train +48224,48225,48225,midemakay tunu Amis tunu Pangcah a,Amis affairs,train +48225,48226,48226,uli uli tu,go on,train +48226,48227,48227,paʼaraw tu aniniay a wawa,let us show the kids today,train +48227,48228,48228,huyan sikadavu kina luma,after this family has a son in law,train +48228,48229,48229,hay i,Yes,train +48229,48230,48230,aka pisakaniw tu tamdaw,do not lie to people,test +48230,48231,48231,Ngaaytu hakuwa ku caliwen isu,Yes how much do you need,train +48231,48232,48232,itiya u rarapa,that is when the cows were utilized,train +48232,48233,48233,Masalalen a ku nini,it is flat here,train +48233,48234,48234,ta maherek malafi masamaan ku ka sasuwal nu faʼinayan,after dinner the boys will talk to each other,train +48234,48235,48235,han tu nira kura pangangan turira tu tu kalang,he named crabs Kalang,train +48235,48236,48236,tahira i tenuk ku misu matataedipay u matataedipay,they overlap in the middle,train +48236,48237,48237,ya cadiway micekeruh aca i titaan malikid ku nanum,and that triangular net is being pushed back by a strong current,train +48237,48238,48238,cepi,thigh,train +48238,48239,48239,alahan nira ku ccay fakar pakafithan nira itini i kulisiw nira ta saharakat sa tu mitaelif milaliw,he took one basket and hung it on his bike leaving quickly,train +48239,48240,48240,kamimingay a cinah kiya haw,salt Bar of the little one,test +48240,48241,48241,hiya han tu mitupelak,it is all right,train +48241,48242,48242,O mihamhamay i tamuwanan a tamdaw i u mihamhamay i Takuwanan o mihamhamay i takuwanan i u mihamhamay tu miucuray takuwanan a Kawas,He who receives you receives me and he who receives me receives the one who sent me,train +48242,48243,48243,iraan i lalikulay i,what about the ones in the back,train +48243,48244,48244,saan i takuwanan na caay itini i,you are applying for the job yourself so that is that,train +48244,48245,48245,yu ccay a rumiad mapatay cingra tuna adada Saka sawsawen nu tamdaw ku hurac a tireng ningra a mitli i tungruh a luma,about that time she became sick and died and her body was washed and placed in an upstairs room,train +48245,48246,48246,awaay ku nu maku a saka ngaʼay san maku ci tihi tu nu maku,I want a partner,train +48246,48247,48247,saan ku imi alatek tura pikiʼeciw tunini ka rumadiw itini ka likudaan,that is why the most important meaning of leading a song is to be united,train +48247,48248,48248,aka pipaculi tu mama atu ina nu misu,do not talk back to your parents,train +48248,48249,48249,cifau hu cira haw,after the seeds grow,train +48249,48250,48250,mahaen kaku haw kutud san ya fafahi aku,I have been with my wife ever since I became a wife,test +48250,48251,48251,o eli hananay a luma,thatched hut Times,train +48251,48252,48252,u lumaʼan nu Cikasuwan,the Chikagawa family,train +48252,48253,48253,udung,flour,train +48253,48254,48254,misapud tiya caang,pick up tobacco sticks,train +48254,48255,48255,saka itiya yu haw i,that is why in the year of the ROC,train +48255,48256,48256,maefer tu nu misu sa,because you jumped,train +48256,48257,48257,ini,it is here,train +48257,48258,48258,masadak tu ku fulad,the moon is out,train +48258,48259,48259,sawad,Away,train +48259,48260,48260,maulah,love,test +48260,48261,48261,macahiw,I am hungry,train +48261,48262,48262,awa tu maʼaraw niyam kiya mama aku,I did not see Dad,train +48262,48263,48263,tayra i miververay tu tevus,then I went to the field where I cut dry sugar cane,train +48263,48264,48264,ira kiya matiniay u lalan nu matuʼasay itiya hu kuranan itiya hu kuranan a maumah,there is a pillar that used to be the old mans road to the fields,train +48264,48265,48265,Mikudiwis ci mama i nakuhikuhan,dad was catching rabbits in the wilderness,train +48265,48266,48266,kiya mahaen,what is going on,train +48266,48267,48267,micepetay tu sasifin kaku i matini,I am twisting dry towels,train +48267,48268,48268,saka tulu satu i a saka sepat i pihiyaan tu ka hayhayan tu nu fafahiyan nu fafahiyan tu kakeru,the third ah fourth day was a women ball a dance by women,train +48268,48269,48269,milawit,over,train +48269,48270,48270,haen sa sakalafi maherek malafi tala nukanukay satu,after dinner we will go home,test +48270,48271,48271,tapatukuen i patangan,draw,train +48271,48272,48272,afar,shrimp,train +48272,48273,48273,i 1984 a mihecaan ku kahufucan aku,I was born in,train +48273,48274,48274,a talutuk kira wina kiyami,because the bitch is going to the mountains,train +48274,48275,48275,away ku midemakay,there is no one handling it,train +48275,48276,48276,sakarakatay,fastest,train +48276,48277,48277,liyasen ku maapaay a nika laliyaliyang nu tamdaw Mafana kisu u sakacaculiculi nu tamdaw ku matiniay a dmak,do not have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments because you know they produce quarrels,train +48277,48278,48278,Misafa^luh tu lalan nu silamalay,replacement of new rails,train +48278,48279,48279,u lipahak tunu falucu tiya aku a minukay,I am so happy to be home,train +48279,48280,48280,Ngaay hu ci putal kaku ira ci Fusay i luma,Hello this is Ramay is Fosay home,test +48280,48281,48281,ngaˈayay a lalusidan kunini ngaˈayay saka dademaken a pakalaluk tu tamdaw minanam tu Fangcalay Cudad atu mirienang tu saˈupu,please provide examples of the extent to which viewing a movie in ones mother tongue can have an impact on a person,train +48281,48282,48282,o reda nu maku a mafuti i herek nu lahuk,I fell asleep after lunch,train +48282,48283,48283,fudaraw,stars,train +48283,48284,48284,Mafanaay a misanga tu wail a talakal ci ama aku suwal sa ci ama u sapitalakal tu turuk kuni sulingaen nu mita a minengneng ku narakatan a saripa nu aadupen itiraen ku talakal a miteli i karumakatan nu aadupen,my dad is very good at making lasso traps dad said that this is used to catch pheasants we have to carefully observe the footprints of the prey and the traps should be placed on the path of the prey,train +48284,48285,48285,tanusuni^ sa kira cirut,the Burrowing bird is singing,train +48285,48286,48286,i fatad nu kacukacuk na Yis a tayra i Yirusalim i malasaayaway ci Yis a rumakat Fahka ku nisawawaan a mackuk haluya mikutuday a tamdaw a matalaw miliyaw haca ci Yis a papiingid tu tusa ku safaw a tarukus pasuwal i cangraan tu aira a dmak i tireng ningra,they were on their way up to Jerusalem with Jesus leading the way and the disciples were astonished while those who followed were afraid again he took the twelve aside and told them what was going to happen to him,train +48286,48287,48287,etipan,west side,train +48287,48288,48288,awa,No I did not,train +48288,48289,48289,maherek a milisimet,when you are done roll it up,train +48289,48290,48290,masarayaʼay faʼinayan tu,the very long ones are also made by men,test +48290,48291,48291,samanen pi tu matiniay tu,how to set up an Association,train +48291,48292,48292,ya ninukay tu ku kapah aya kuyu kaira nu niyaru pakpak nu niyaru,Aye the young man is back and the tribal elders are clapping their hands in satisfaction,train +48292,48293,48293,teluc,grandchild,train +48293,48294,48294,itiraay ku cincya itiraay ku niyaru i aayaw saka,the tribe used to be over by the shrine,train +48294,48295,48295,mimaan milapac,what for to feed the cows,train +48295,48296,48296,tanulalangaw,a lot of flies,train +48296,48297,48297,i fafekangay lalakaw mananamay ita cuwa ka sumuwal ku Fangcalay Cudad hakuwa ku mihecaan ngaˈngaˈay micada tu inuˈku tamdaw,as we learned in our last lesson the Bible does not say that a person has to be a certain age to be baptized,train +48297,48298,48298,tahira i kaku itini i Paanifung,lived in Hing Cheong until grade,train +48298,48299,48299,sapiinu kura nanum,just for bathing,train +48299,48300,48300,kuni hulankay,this Showa dish,test +48300,48301,48301,Matukatuk materak i umah,sometimes I doze off due to fatigue and fall into the field,train +48301,48302,48302,u tingalaway atu vekeluh,bottle shards and stones,train +48302,48303,48303,Macakattu ku nikaurip nu Taywan a nini,now the standard of living in Taiwan has improved,train +48303,48304,48304,Miladum tu nananumen kaku,I am going to get some water,train +48304,48305,48305,pakarungay pakarungay ku mikieciyuway,it is the youth who will lead the singing,train +48305,48306,48306,singsi nu takulaay kinian inian aca fafahiyan,these women are already teachers when it comes to catching frogs,train +48306,48307,48307,tira hu kami i niyaru awaay ku niyam u ilisin,we did not have a Harvest Festival when I was in the tribe,train +48307,48308,48308,Kafana kamu anu u kulitu anu caaytu ku kuli i pakaynien nu Tapang i ngaayay a nidmakan nu kahaccaccay ku nipipakaulah i cangraan,because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does whether he is slave or free,train +48308,48309,48309,ta ini tu kuni ira tu ku sasakilacen a paysu saan ku falucu,I am finally getting some income to share,train +48309,48310,48310,akuʼiday taʼangay ku lipahak tu pitengil tu kungku nu misu lahecien tunu maku ku piluing,I cannot tell you how sad I feel we are done with the video,test +48310,48311,48311,Pacauf sa ci Yis O nipipasulin namu a mitier tu niucuran nu Kawas a Tamdaw ku kaulahan nu Kawas a dmak namu han ningra,Jesus answered The work of God is this to believe in the one he has sent,train +48311,48312,48312,Anaana sakatefadan sa kaku nani paliding,it is a real shocker I almost fell out of the car,train +48312,48313,48313,eneng sa kaku tu cidal hatini maaraw kira,that is all the sunlight there is when you look up from the bottom,train +48313,48314,48314,u Ripun namikuwan alumanay itira maru,most of them are Japanese,train +48314,48315,48315,misasing i nipitemi tu emu,operation and re stirring video recording of the actual situation,train +48315,48316,48316,sakacuwa,where,train +48316,48317,48317,anu caay ka,if it does not fit,train +48317,48318,48318,pihiya tiya,the matter of getting into bed with somebody,train +48318,48319,48319,cayka fana kaku,I do not know,train +48319,48320,48320,itini i pikikungan a pipatalumaan i malecad tu nu Payrang a paefer tu satahidang a tu pakilac tu piyang pataheka ira ku pakifu a demak nu aniniay,the form of the wedding also seems to adopt the Han Chinese custom of issuing wedding invitations wedding cakes banquets and red envelopes,test +48320,48321,48321,pasifana nu malitengay,elderly special education,train +48321,48322,48322,siheci iri cilemin lahengan,the fruits are tart and reddish,train +48322,48323,48323,vavahen tu ku ruma sa iri,the others have been driven away,train +48323,48324,48324,misalikat,make a fire,train +48324,48325,48325,hatiraay sasuwalen aku,I shared it here,train +48325,48326,48326,aluvu,bag,train +48326,48327,48327,sa itini kuka keda niyam mangalay kami a mafana tunu Amis atu micudad,to be able to read and write later,train +48327,48328,48328,tuwa mitakus,family invitation,train +48328,48329,48329,o kaedahay ku suwal nira,he is got some hot words,train +48329,48330,48330,pasayra i timul ku rakat naira,they are headed south,test +48330,48331,48331,ici pyawyen satu,when the first class performs,train +48331,48332,48332,cidal,sun,train +48332,48333,48333,deng ya tiih aku ci Kiwlay hananay ku micudaday,there was only one student who made it to school,train +48333,48334,48334,Sulinga han niyam a milepun kira cacudaden,we do amend those to be written,train +48334,48335,48335,Hayhaw tadangaayay tu ku dadaya i kacidalan,Yes summer nights are wonderful,train +48335,48336,48336,Madadengadenga ku adada nu ayam,the spread of bird flu,train +48336,48337,48337,milicay,ask,train +48337,48338,48338,cuway,nine,train +48338,48339,48339,mangici,notch,train +48339,48340,48340,micudad tu kaku tangasa i picudadan haw i,I have come to school,test +48340,48341,48341,mifataan,tree bean picking,train +48341,48342,48342,Matngiltu namu kuya Olahen ku widang isu Kaintelen ku ada isu yasanay a suwal,You have heard that it was said Love your neighbor and hate your enemy,train +48342,48343,48343,o miakikay tu pinaluma kina kakedalan a cidal,the sun in this dry season dries up all crops,train +48343,48344,48344,matalaway,scared,train +48344,48345,48345,nga fulfulen hu,and then you have to knock it down until it is very fine and crumbly,train +48345,48346,48346,hantu nira ci Maʼuwid,tell that to Malverde,train +48346,48347,48347,sasepat suelinay suwal han ira i mamaan kaku satu mikilimay san,four members said it is okay I will do the search,train +48347,48348,48348,pakappaen,put on a rain tarp,train +48348,48349,48349,nu wama atu wina aku,hard work as well as anticipation,train +48349,48350,48350,ya nanum nira i manguta kiya alu kuraan,the spewing water has muddied the creek,test +48350,48351,48351,ira i luma ci akung haw,is grandfather at home,train +48351,48352,48352,malukelung tu tayni san itini kita itini i cepu,migrate to the downstream estuary below the mountain,train +48352,48353,48353,i sakacingangan nu niyaru tu Makutaay haw i,there is another theory as to why the Magudam tribe was named,train +48353,48354,48354,Naitini isaka 1990 a mamihecaan misatapang iraaytu ku pasalat niyam a mitenak tu ngaˈayay lihaf hanaca ngaˈayaytu malisupsup a masaˈupu,like since the we have been able to proclaim the good news more freely and we have been able to get together in large groups,train +48354,48355,48355,maherekay tu ku nangra a,now that they have finished their studies,train +48355,48356,48356,Singsi matawal aku ku impic,I forgot to bring my pen,train +48356,48357,48357,Orasaka saicelen nu mita a micumud tu nisuwalan nu Kawas a paslaan ta caay ka matiya uya paculiay tu Kawas a tamdaw ku cimacima ita a ^ca pakacumud,let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience,train +48357,48358,48358,sanay nu maku a falucu misaka sanay ku misu hay,that is my personal opinion which means they can be involved in the program,train +48358,48359,48359,awaay tu ku lalan nu nanum,there is no waterway,train +48359,48360,48360,kalaenuen,here is a bit more,test +48360,48361,48361,cilengaw san cingra hatini ka takaraw,it will grow to be as tall as this,train +48361,48362,48362,Cenyiing,Chan YUET Ying,train +48362,48363,48363,cahulak,bamboo cage with conch for fishing,train +48363,48364,48364,a nikataynian i nu Hulam,from the mainland,train +48364,48365,48365,Paisisen cimama isu a patayra i piisisan,take your dad to the barbershop for a haircut,train +48365,48366,48366,o maan ku kakaenen isu,what do you want to eat,train +48366,48367,48367,maanen naca a kaka ini kami a mipalafang satu,Say Brother I am very sorry we are here as guests,train +48367,48368,48368,pasa^sa,breaks,train +48368,48369,48369,caay tu ka ngaay saka lalicayen,they have their own ideas,train +48369,48370,48370,suwalen hu ari,please say something,test +48370,48371,48371,mamana mapuhaw ku mata nangra ta caaytu pakaaraw mamana midauc a matakunul ku kurur nangra tu nika pades saan,may their eyes be darkened so they cannot see and their backs be bent forever,train +48371,48372,48372,caay kangu kaku a remadiw,I am not embarrassed to sing,train +48372,48373,48373,hay,be,train +48373,48374,48374,kanawayan nira,he does not want it,train +48374,48375,48375,mapasifana u maan ku wenghwa,teach them what culture is,train +48375,48376,48376,ci pikikung u,I have never remarried,train +48376,48377,48377,Saka luwad satu ci Yusif tuya dadaya a mikrid tuya wawa atu ina nuya wawa a tayra i Icip,so he got up took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt,train +48377,48378,48378,nu misu,yours,train +48378,48379,48379,caayhu kasarucud ku falucu mala,the mind is still in the early stages of enlightenment,train +48379,48380,48380,araw u ila tu ku mipatudungan nangra,it is also good to have access to a specific water distribution,test +48380,48381,48381,hu,Oh Oh my God,train +48381,48382,48382,u maku a pitapal tuya kalalipuing hu aku haw,my personal wish to be a member of the Legislative Council,train +48382,48383,48383,o malaapiay kira tasusaay a wawa aku,my kids are twins,train +48383,48384,48384,Pacuisen a pateli ku katupih a miicang,let the bottles dry upside down,train +48384,48385,48385,macakat itini Madawdaw hananay,Disembarkation from Chenggong Township Taitung County,train +48385,48386,48386,matayal i mukung,carpentry,train +48386,48387,48387,maleviyaway,neighboring,train +48387,48388,48388,Maaraw aku ku maluluday a Cudad i kawanan a kamay nuya maruay i tadamaanay a anengang Maldef ku tilid i laluma atu paputal nuya cudad Mapacipat tu pituay a nitupaan kunini,then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals,train +48388,48389,48389,pacena a mifuting ku kapah satarus sa,the youth will go fishing beforehand,train +48389,48390,48390,Hai mitilidaytu,Yes she went to school,test +48390,48391,48391,Patikulen aku kisu anucila,I will return it to you tomorrow,train +48391,48392,48392,itini ku,I am here,train +48392,48393,48393,kiya ci tamdaway,and family,train +48393,48394,48394,Cacak han nira ku tatukem malusakalahuk,she cooks lobelia for lunch,train +48394,48395,48395,ta harateng aku tu i,I think I am driving a bus,train +48395,48396,48396,matu masawaday tu nu finawlan caay tu kalusimet kira utuc,the tribe seems to be giving up and not organizing the pillar,train +48396,48397,48397,maanhan kumatiniay tayninisatu i Tansuy,we worked our asses off to pay off the loan we made it to Freshwater,train +48397,48398,48398,papikicayen,to make them thrifty,train +48398,48399,48399,anu sahemay a kemaen,if the staple food,train +48399,48400,48400,kemkem han nu maku ku cupelakay a icep,I bit into a bitter betel nut,test +48400,48401,48401,ruhu^,bend over,train +48401,48402,48402,Yincumin finacadan,original inhabitant,train +48402,48403,48403,Singsi^ matalaw kaku tu uner,I am afraid of snakes,train +48403,48404,48404,tultulmitultul,peck,train +48404,48405,48405,maecak ku hemay nga caka cahiw kamu,you will not go hungry until the food is cooked,train +48405,48406,48406,pacelem,get an early start,train +48406,48407,48407,selic,slip off,train +48407,48408,48408,u Cilamitay han itiya,or is it suitable for Gyalami,train +48408,48409,48409,tayra ku ccay a a anekak mi sapi siwpaw itini i cingranan,here came an eagle which wanted to dive towards him,train +48409,48410,48410,tuna paru nu luma niyam,in my family,test +48410,48411,48411,dadisapan,seaside,train +48411,48412,48412,kiya cacay a matuʼasay tu,an elderly man,train +48412,48413,48413,walay,fine line,train +48413,48414,48414,a misaeli tu pafelihan nu tau hai sa i itira tu marawraw ku aniniay a siyakay hanany kiya,social disorder caused by unthinking and easy acceptance of undue advantage,train +48414,48415,48415,iraay hu ku kamaruan mitamakuay kamu haw,there is room for one more do you have a cigarette please,train +48415,48416,48416,hay ira tu,Yes,train +48416,48417,48417,piala haca aku tuni kalitang laenu nuya lupas,I only picked the snap beans under the peach trees,train +48417,48418,48418,naay a milaliw kisu takuwan haw,the girl said Are you going to leave me,train +48418,48419,48419,masuvuc,births,train +48419,48420,48420,kalufican,weighed heavily,test +48420,48421,48421,hay tu hasa tu i,after you have made the arrangements,train +48421,48422,48422,anu mapacekuk tura matiraay u awaay tu ku tihi san kiya matuʼasay hu tiya hu,in the early days the elders said Do not let them scare you,train +48422,48423,48423,kira vinawlan niyam,among our tribal people,train +48423,48424,48424,o ruma nga mikasuyay mituul tura faʼinayan sasalama sa,some of them go with the men to chop wood and have fun,train +48424,48425,48425,nawhani misaicel tu rumiamiad a minanam ku mira,because he practiced hard every day,train +48425,48426,48426,iraay ku maanan a lalusidan ilalumaˈ nu Lalusidan nu Sapasifanaˈ,what tools are in the teaching toolbox,train +48426,48427,48427,pangasawen,form a clan,train +48427,48428,48428,Lafii^,very late at night,train +48428,48429,48429,supedsa,have saved,train +48429,48430,48430,miketingay,cling,test +48430,48431,48431,katalawan ku karacanemay a lalan tu dafak,roads that are often foggy in the morning are the worst,train +48431,48432,48432,tu dadaya tu i malacafay kami a tayra i maci a malafi,in the evening we went to the city to have dinner together,train +48432,48433,48433,Huntu mifariw kita i,we will cut the weeds then,train +48433,48434,48434,anu makahirahira kura lakaw,prepare the materials to cover the house,train +48434,48435,48435,anu caay ka paruen ita ku tiyad tu pinangan nu mimaliay,if we do not have a wealth of baseball knowledge,train +48435,48436,48436,kaku itiya haw mamang hu,probably only seven years old,train +48436,48437,48437,tura tunu ira ku maamaan cicekaay,on that cliff there are many many things with thorns,train +48437,48438,48438,tulu sa iri u babahiyan,the third is a girl,train +48438,48439,48439,mabana ku heni yu,they know it very well,train +48439,48440,48440,itini nuka pikuwan nu misatekeday tamdaw maedeng 450 tamdaw ku miyuyakay tunu Putawya suwal a Mikeculay,during the first year of the dictatorship some people subscribed to the Portuguese language Watchtower,test +48440,48441,48441,tatingasud ku radiw nangra,they were not singing in unison,train +48441,48442,48442,Arawhani kamu kura tatiihay ku dmak a misafana o salikakatu ku nihaenan namu,Instead you yourselves cheat and do wrong and you do this to your brothers,train +48442,48443,48443,mangataay,closer,train +48443,48444,48444,palukesay,deploy something shame on you,train +48444,48445,48445,u kakakaka aku kiran ira ku Paliwan tatusa,they are all older than me and they are all Paiwanese,train +48445,48446,48446,cecay rumiʼad palipida caykasaan,he is not a day collar,train +48446,48447,48447,Kincu ku fawahan,the doorway is narrow,train +48447,48448,48448,itirahawri kapah ku rakat nu demak,the company was thriving and doing very well,train +48448,48449,48449,o titi nu lawal u faes atu kuhaw nu dungec,flying squirrel meat glutinous rice cake and yellow vine heart soup,train +48449,48450,48450,o resap nu tatiihay a suwal i niyaru nu mita,in our tribe bad words spread quickly,test +48450,48451,48451,nu henitu u,the name of their Central Districts Bountiful years Festival,train +48451,48452,48452,faw sani raud sani,in a flash,train +48452,48453,48453,emudemud han aku mahenay kaku itiyahu saka,I will just gobble it up,train +48453,48454,48454,terep han tu aku hatiray kuni a demak tuni,I will not talk about it that is what this is all about,train +48454,48455,48455,Cakcak han ni mama a mipitaw ku sera nu sadatengan,my father used a hoe to dig the soil of the vegetable garden in big chunks,train +48455,48456,48456,eng u ulal kamu tatusa kira,Yeah because you two are the same age,train +48456,48457,48457,kiraan,That,train +48457,48458,48458,Ana a matawa tan,watch out or Satan will get to laugh,train +48458,48459,48459,sanu Kuwaping sanay tu kami,let us just say it is all in Chinese,train +48459,48460,48460,tamdaw hananay ku pipamatang itiyahu,it used to be reclaimed by hand,test +48460,48461,48461,hakuwa a miaraw kunini a heci,when will we see the results,train +48461,48462,48462,adihay,many,train +48462,48463,48463,hatira sanay kami,that is what we are,train +48463,48464,48464,Miekuan nu mirikecay cangra miuwingay tu tamdaw misafelit tu sarikec manaˈayay mala sufitay misafelit tu kitakit padetengay misafelit tu sarikec tada u taˈakayay a raraw sanay ku mirikecay,the authorities accused these persons of instigating disobedience refusal to perform military service and betrayal of the State and considered them to be guilty of the most heinous of crimes committed with intent to violate the law,train +48464,48465,48465,i nian ta u nu Pangcah a suwal kakurut han,the clan called it the bitter Gourd,train +48465,48466,48466,sasuwal sa kura wina aku ux,my mother always said that after,train +48466,48467,48467,unu mita ini i macaluhay kumaen kira,we had this one because we had to eat it in a hurry,train +48467,48468,48468,eminhan micefus kira felac,pour it all over the rice,train +48468,48469,48469,macahiw tu ku hitay awaay tu ku ceʼdi nu hitay miluud san,soldiers cannot fight if they do not have food,train +48469,48470,48470,angungl angungl hananay ku mikurkuran nu malitengay,dig as deep as you want,test +48470,48471,48471,Patayringen nu i faleday i lawac nu lalan,superiors have placed police officers on the side of the road,train +48471,48472,48472,tapa nga talaenu han ku piiya,cut further down,train +48472,48473,48473,misuvaw,purge,train +48473,48474,48474,unian madengay tu malecad ku punka,this should be the same culture,train +48474,48475,48475,mahaen ku nipahepu itisuwan,I am going to cover you up like this,train +48475,48476,48476,patayra kami i Kalingku,we are from Hualien,train +48476,48477,48477,anu caay ka pitapi,what if you are not courting,train +48477,48478,48478,malatarukus nu sufitay kami,on behalf of our army,train +48478,48479,48479,aadihay,enough,train +48479,48480,48480,kerid,carrying,test +48480,48481,48481,cakeli ku rakat niyam,our path was very steep,train +48481,48482,48482,caay kadayum ku pisanga tu emu,it is not easy to make rice cakes,train +48482,48483,48483,falu^hay,renewed,train +48483,48484,48484,anu mi midudu a cai pitulas micudad i,do I have to continue my education,train +48484,48485,48485,hiwkun na tawki hew ra wa cay ya ra rya hicay satu,Boss you are taking a break Yes I know I have to catch small fry,train +48485,48486,48486,paisemsem tu falucu a miatem itini a mipitusur,to enable the tribal people to respect each other and have dignity as Amis,train +48486,48487,48487,a miasip kita,we have to count,train +48487,48488,48488,ila ku taluʼan ni mamu,grand mom has a hitchhiker,train +48488,48489,48489,saka haratengen tu numita kuni,we need to think about this,train +48489,48490,48490,Mafiluʼay hakini sa kiya ina,the wizard said he did not know if I could win,test +48490,48491,48491,nisangaan nu matuʼasay,traditional sweet rice cake made by an old man,train +48491,48492,48492,maherek kuranan i,and after this,train +48492,48493,48493,hatira ku demak saka inian haw i tangasa itra Tapang nu haw i,that is how you get to the source of the tap water,train +48493,48494,48494,anu masakacaciyawan masangatuwatuwa i,after we start talking,train +48494,48495,48495,Ayasan matuʼasay haw i awaay ku daduduan,these elders have no one to follow,train +48495,48496,48496,caay ka dengan u imeng u singsi tu mahaen tu,it is not just police officers it is teachers too,train +48496,48497,48497,na mafana kisu,how do you know,train +48497,48498,48498,u hatiniay ku demak nu matuʼasay,it turns out that the process of pickling by the elders is like this,train +48498,48499,48499,Tinumaan i anini u pipahanhan anucila^ mafuludaw kita a misalama^,it is Friday today we have a day off tomorrow let us go out and play together,train +48499,48500,48500,mililucay,taking a shower,test +48500,48501,48501,sakayi tini i niyaru nu Lidaw,about this Tosho,train +48501,48502,48502,a lihwana sa a mitunganga,a Minnan once made a joke about Fan,train +48502,48503,48503,a talalutuk a misakilang,they are going to the mountains,train +48503,48504,48504,o sakaira nunini a dmak i u sapalimuutaw i titaanan tu saka^caaw ka anuf ita tu tatiihay a matiya u nika anuf nangra,now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did,train +48504,48505,48505,caay sululen nu Kawas ku ciraraway a cuyuh Saka fahkul han ningra cangra i pisemseman a mirufu i tumanay tangasa i pisawkitan a rumiad,for if God did not spare angels when they sinned but sent them to hell putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment,train +48505,48506,48506,cira,he is so proud,train +48506,48507,48507,ira iraw kina lutuk maʼaraw,you can see the mountain from there,train +48507,48508,48508,nanay nu maku a pafeli tu aniniay a mimaliay,do not back up and do not drive fast when you are driving or riding a motorcycle,train +48508,48509,48509,sanay ku caˈuf ni Yis Cuwa ku nuni hekal ku Hungti Kitakit aku,Jesus replied My kingdom is not of this world,train +48509,48510,48510,a mimecel ku saʼusi saw,I want to go straight,test +48510,48511,48511,aluman kira Hulam,there are a lot of Han people,train +48511,48512,48512,malakapah,becoming a young adult,train +48512,48513,48513,matatudungay ku tayal nira,his work is adequate suitable,train +48513,48514,48514,adihay ku lusay nunini a lutuk,there are many fruit trees on this mountain,train +48514,48515,48515,tangsul saan a miʼurung tu isiisi,I am going to pick out the shit right now,train +48515,48516,48516,hayi ira tu saw iri minawaniw patawsi,Yes yes yes yes yes,train +48516,48517,48517,mapaherek,Over,train +48517,48518,48518,i cimaanan kisu a mirini,who do you resemble,train +48518,48519,48519,cikippuay,ownership tickets,train +48519,48520,48520,Itiyatu i cilusaˈay ci Pitiru a milicay O cecay nura malafelay a siri kaku han,Peter read it tears welling up in his eyes and he asked Donn Am I one of the sheep,test +48520,48521,48521,anu hatira i nawiru patamurungen namu kuya nisawawaan a ruma a finacadan tu caay ka fawa nu tatuasan ita atu caay ka fawa ita a inurung a milifet tu Kawas saw,now then why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear,train +48521,48522,48522,cuwa kakapah kaku u kufaw han aca ca hu kasulimeten aka tu hena,No I am plain and the warehouse has not been tidied up yet,train +48522,48523,48523,nawhani mimasan,why is this happening,train +48523,48524,48524,anu paʼpaʼ aca tiyu u nituʼtuʼ u tuʼtuʼ iranan,it is like drinking from a ladle,train +48524,48525,48525,awa ku sapiaca ira tu dating kira,because we do not have money for groceries,train +48525,48526,48526,cuwa piala tura siri,no goat hunting,train +48526,48527,48527,matengil ni Yis sanay ku suwal O tanuktukay a tamdaw i caay ku papaisingen,when Jesus heard this he said Healthy people do not need a doctor but sick people do,train +48527,48528,48528,cecay a kaen caya hu kakumaen tu hemay haw i macahiw tu,it is easy to get hungry when you do not get a meal,train +48528,48529,48529,tura nu hananay a piseking,what about the sounds and shapes of the words,train +48529,48530,48530,hanu pasuwalen ni Apraham ku fafahi tu safa aku kisu han a pasuwal cangra hani,Abraham said to his wife Please tell people that you are my sister,test +48530,48531,48531,yu mirakat cangra tu niyaruaru i paturuden nangra i mituuray ci Kristuan kuya nihapinangan nu i Yirusalimay a tarukus atu ciwlu a limuut Papiimeren nangra cangra tunini,as they traveled from town to town they delivered the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey,train +48531,48532,48532,caluwayay tu kura kaemangay ta haratengen,think of the patience of our children,train +48532,48533,48533,a kapah ku luma,it is a happy family,train +48533,48534,48534,u niyaruʼay a salikaka mapulung,tribal friends and family,train +48534,48535,48535,patanektekan,firm,train +48535,48536,48536,malakahengangay,turns red,train +48536,48537,48537,patalapala,take it to the field,train +48537,48538,48538,caay picudad kami anini^,we are not going to school today,train +48538,48539,48539,mafana tunu hananay,learned how to manage,train +48539,48540,48540,a mapatay awaay ku ising i naayaw,it is fatal there were no doctors in the past,test +48540,48541,48541,dayici itini i,primary enhancement,train +48541,48542,48542,Kakaya ku fatac nuni awul,the bamboo has very long joints,train +48542,48543,48543,nanay maku a fana,I wish I knew,train +48543,48544,48544,uya penen ku miturikan,for knitters,train +48544,48545,48545,bunabunakan sa kisu,you said it was a beach,train +48545,48546,48546,na u pakafanaay tu suwal nu finacadan ku demak nu maku,I used to work in the field of teaching ethnic languages,train +48546,48547,48547,mamangay tu ku paru nura tangtang saka kiyut han ni ama tu tarudu ta maala kuya apul,there was very little lime left in the lime box so grandma had to dig with her little finger to get the lime,train +48547,48548,48548,saupu hantu ku u nisinafelan nu niyam i,we will gather all the wild vegetables together,train +48548,48549,48549,aya mahaen ami saan ta malinah kami,we were scared we were shocked,train +48549,48550,48550,anu misiʼayaʼayaw tu ku kapah tu maamaan haw,when young people have to face anything,test +48550,48551,48551,sanaw sa masamihecaan kami itira,we lived there for over a year,train +48551,48552,48552,taemud,swallow,train +48552,48553,48553,alingatu,thank you sir,train +48553,48554,48554,o dengat nu fayfahi kiyami,Womens Jewelry,train +48554,48555,48555,haen saan mikumu,that is how you shoot a slingshot,train +48555,48556,48556,deng satu u tingki,just pay the electricity bill,train +48556,48557,48557,kakuniyaru,bole,train +48557,48558,48558,caay kahatira aca misungila hu tu mitafu tu sanay ca,that is not the only thing I have got to do I have got to wrap it in betel nut,train +48558,48559,48559,misanga tu pisuraratan anini,today we are renovating the clubhouse,train +48559,48560,48560,acinumutu,monosodium glutamate,test +48560,48561,48561,awaay ku wawa niira dadahal pala san kaku,I think he is got no kids and a big field,train +48561,48562,48562,anini,present,train +48562,48563,48563,matulu i lalan,you might fall on the way,train +48563,48564,48564,sasayit,scissor,train +48564,48565,48565,iyu nu fituka,medicine for stomach,train +48565,48566,48566,sahetu u tefus,it is all sugar cane,train +48566,48567,48567,matuʼas kaku,when I came of age,train +48567,48568,48568,tuntun ta cangra u remes tu ku tireng haw i nanu remes nu na kangic haw i,they were covered in dragons blood,train +48568,48569,48569,ku naremiʼadan nu mihicay ngaʼay tu saw,you can earn dollars a day by catching small fry,train +48569,48570,48570,paangreren,deploy something bitter,test +48570,48571,48571,san ku suwal nara,they said it was a month away,train +48571,48572,48572,Pacuungay iru matira kira kilang,that tree is going to grow new shoots,train +48572,48573,48573,tuluay ku fufu isu han hay,do you have three grandchildren Yes I do,train +48573,48574,48574,lingking,dragons eyes,train +48574,48575,48575,fanaku nguyus nira,he surely knows how to talk,train +48575,48576,48576,tu adingu ita tu fukil ita haw i,our souls and all our ignorance,train +48576,48577,48577,tahini tini tuna kana Farangaw nga tahiniay tini,to the tribe of Damaraland,train +48577,48578,48578,tahanini hu,Now,train +48578,48579,48579,hatira sa i pitangtangan tu dateng,this is for cooking,train +48579,48580,48580,matama nira kuya masidayay aku a papaysuan,she found my lost wallet,test +48580,48581,48581,o mareduay ku saawas nu keru nu Pangcah i piilisinan,the Amis dance at the Harvest Festival in unison,train +48581,48582,48582,citulisay ku laway,vein lines,train +48582,48583,48583,miaray ku heni ci Madadinguwan,they are grateful for the white flawless and beautiful girl,train +48583,48584,48584,mafana tu maan tu suwal nu Hulam tu nu hitayan a demak,how do you know anything about Chinese and the military,train +48584,48585,48585,pasuwalay ci ina aku,mom told me,train +48585,48586,48586,u rumaruma i mafulaw tayra i Singku,some travel to successful areas,train +48586,48587,48587,ku matiniay ku hiya nira,that is the way it is,train +48587,48588,48588,mapaakiw,appointed to too many jobs,train +48588,48589,48589,Halaka misatumadaw tu niyaru,tribal renewal program Program,train +48589,48590,48590,aya nasa,Aah Laughter that is it,test +48590,48591,48591,i satawpanan,on the bamboo hill,train +48591,48592,48592,makapahay kuni tukus niyam i ayaw,in the early days we had a very beautiful mountain,train +48592,48593,48593,pisatusilan,bulletin board,train +48593,48594,48594,i sakalima liyad ku aasipen nu mita anini,today we are going to read the fifth lesson,train +48594,48595,48595,amiaray kita tu wama i kakarayan,thank you Abba Father,train +48595,48596,48596,miading,protection,train +48596,48597,48597,a mimawmah tu pahafay nangra anu kunga tu falisan,grow millet and groundnuts or sorghum,train +48597,48598,48598,tadamakapahay san kira,it is very beautiful,train +48598,48599,48599,langaw tu nipahavay tu niyan,growing up,train +48599,48600,48600,tatakec satu cangra a malawidang,and friends embrace,test +48600,48601,48601,o nu tanufakeluhan a talakal kuni sapiadup tu edu,this is a stone trap used to catch rats,train +48601,48602,48602,misaˈicelay kisu milaheci tu nuˈadinguan a patusukan han,are you striving to reach a spiritual goal,train +48602,48603,48603,Cupcup han nu ina ku pising nu diput nira,mom kisses her baby face,train +48603,48604,48604,a u matiraay sa kiya wawa itiya hu masamatira kunu itiyaay hu a demak,kids do not understand that is how it is in the early days,train +48604,48605,48605,sapancu han kiya singat futi san,I went to bed with my fart marks,train +48605,48606,48606,pala duduen nu urip ita u Pangcah haw,as a rule of life for our Aboriginal people,train +48606,48607,48607,cuwa tu kananam,I am not used to it anymore,train +48607,48608,48608,Kacaw ci Mayaw kaku tayni kaku i tisuwanan a misalama,Kacaw I am Mayaw I have come to play with you,train +48608,48609,48609,ci Yuta ku mama ni Piric aci cira ci Piric ku mama ni Hicrun ci Hicrun ku mama ni Ram,Judah the father of Perez and Zerah whose mother was Tamar Perez the father of Hezron Hezron the father of Ram,train +48609,48610,48610,o rekrek nu finawlan i pinenengan tu ika,the theater is crowded with residents,test +48610,48611,48611,Lumadiw kita,let us sing,train +48611,48612,48612,macepa,wet,train +48612,48613,48613,hay i riyal tu,there at the waterfront,train +48613,48614,48614,na u mawmahay kiya Ripun,the Japanese are all farmers,train +48614,48615,48615,Macukcuk ku paenen nu kafutian nu maku,the door to my room is locked,train +48615,48616,48616,milifung tu sakaʼurip,earn a living wage,train +48616,48617,48617,u niyan kiyari u raecus,rather than,train +48617,48618,48618,a mikaykic san haw i,Arrested,train +48618,48619,48619,Hay pataduen aku kisu a mipalu i kalasan lima pulu a limuud kunini,Okay I will pack it in a bag for you that will be dollars,train +48619,48620,48620,o fuay satan,Satan brings trouble and calamity on people,test +48620,48621,48621,maulah midanguy kaku pahanhan tu i malacafay midanguy ku paru nu luma niyam,I like swimming during the holidays our whole family go swimming together,train +48621,48622,48622,maledat lipuwak,split open,train +48622,48623,48623,tini sa tu i lalan sarakarakat sa,on this road walking around,train +48623,48624,48624,o asik ku saayaway a tatayalen nu micudaday tu dafadafak,the first thing the children do when they arrive at school in the morning is to clean up,train +48624,48625,48625,adihay tu kuya ni pitpitan nira,what he plucked were numerous,train +48625,48626,48626,materakay ku kayakay,washed away by the waters of a typhoon,train +48626,48627,48627,ira anini kakavutian niyam,it is our old mans resting place now,train +48627,48628,48628,kakitiw,wasp,train +48628,48629,48629,matira tu a tangasa itira Fataan hay iratu hay,that is how you report the information Yes that is how you report it,train +48629,48630,48630,malcad tunini tangsul a mahapinang ku ngaayay a dmak anu caacaay ka hapinang i caay ku mamasimed,in the same way good deeds are obvious and even those that are not cannot be hidden,test +48630,48631,48631,mahaenay yalu ku matuʼasay imatiya sa kaku anini,now that I think about it I realize that the old man used to be like this,train +48631,48632,48632,a sining atu kaying,young people of both sexes,train +48632,48633,48633,papah,leaf,train +48633,48634,48634,Kanguduen ku mama atu ina namu onini a limuut ku saayaway a mapakapiay nu Kawas tu sapalmed a suwal tuya,Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise,train +48634,48635,48635,repunen,fulfillment,train +48635,48636,48636,ha ila hu kiya paputalay,Oh yes and the surface of the skin,train +48636,48637,48637, mikitini kita i tinakuan atu sapalimuˈut ni Pitiru wa mananam ku maanan,B what do we learn from Peters example and his counsel,train +48637,48638,48638,itiya i fahal sa a ira ci Yis a militmuh i cangraan Ngaayhu saan cingra Raud sa cangra i ci Yisan a mitakec tu waay ningra a mitaung,suddenly Jesus met them Greetings he said they came to him clasped his feet and worshiped him,train +48638,48639,48639,Caay pisausi tu kacahedalan atu kauradan,rain or shine,train +48639,48640,48640,Miangtulay tu pasinafelan kira mapatayay a wacu,the dead dog made the garden smell like rotting meat,test +48640,48641,48641,putalay,outside,train +48641,48642,48642,mamaan hakiya u tengil,I do not know why,train +48642,48643,48643,iniyan u luma haenen tu nu sikawasay,that is how the family communicates,train +48643,48644,48644,tayra tu i niyaru kura Hulam,the Qing soldiers are coming to the tribe,train +48644,48645,48645,cekuk saan kaku a pakanengneng tuyaan a uner,I was shocked when I saw the snake,train +48645,48646,48646,adihay tu ku,a little too much,train +48646,48647,48647,ca kapaculi hatini hatinien kura demak isu,I am not going to talk back you are going to do this you are going to do that,train +48647,48648,48648,Pailangen ku panay awaay tu ku felac,there is no more rice go and mill the rice,train +48648,48649,48649,Pakaheciden ku kafi nu futing,fish soup is salty,train +48649,48650,48650,o mitiliday hu cingra,is he a student,test +48650,48651,48651,waay ku Taywan cika pina ku Taywan,there are no Han Chinese,train +48651,48652,48652,o pitatukeman ni fayi kinian,this is where my aunty picks the okra,train +48652,48653,48653,emu sa sanga saku,sweet rice cake,train +48653,48654,48654,malecad,equal,train +48654,48655,48655,ya maluma kami tu lukut,for planting sassafras,train +48655,48656,48656,o nipasetekan tu a rumiad anini,this is the day that was set,train +48656,48657,48657,huvaw ina lutuk,Wow this is a spectacular mountain,train +48657,48658,48658,ngaay tu ira tu ku payci isu itiya sa tu a mipatikul,it is okay you can talk about it when you have money,train +48658,48659,48659,saan,this is the answer,train +48659,48660,48660,fangcal tu ku urip patireng tu tu tataʼakay luma,life got better and better and bigger houses were built,test +48660,48661,48661,minukay han nanay nu matuʼasay itiya hu,that is what the old man said about going home,train +48661,48662,48662,iyufhan nira ku nguyus miiyuf tuya wawa i saikur a minengneng patikuen kiya kafung kaemangay wawa kuya mikulisiway,he blew and turned around to see returning the hat to the rider,train +48662,48663,48663,Kavalan,Kavalan one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +48663,48664,48664,pitek,break,train +48664,48665,48665,Talacuwaay ci Panay,where did Panay go,train +48665,48666,48666,aka ka pihakenu tu tuʼas,do not disrespect the old man,train +48666,48667,48667,mahiya tu nu kusi kura mangaay tu,that is because the company already has a partnership to fish there,train +48667,48668,48668,u cipidaay a tamdaw,a rich person,train +48668,48669,48669,Kupiten,close it,train +48669,48670,48670,itiya satu u hemin nu vinawlan nu,it is all over now,test +48670,48671,48671,hay hay hay u tayhi u pilidungan aku maʼurad,in addition to storing farming tools the hut can also be used as a shelter from the rain,train +48671,48672,48672,maulah kaku aci kaka a rumadiw,both my brother and I like to sing,train +48672,48673,48673,mahaen ma,that is it,train +48673,48674,48674,tura ngangan ira kalapawan han itu,the name of the place was Taiyuan,train +48674,48675,48675,Caay uya cayka ya citihiay hu a tamdaw cayka mi malahuk cidek han cangra i laluma,the elders are responsible for the fact that the recently deceased is not allowed to eat with the others so she will eat in the house,train +48675,48676,48676,micumud anu malahitay kisu anu saan itiya,before the army academy,train +48676,48677,48677,masangaʼay tu,done,train +48677,48678,48678,hacafay ra mikilim miala tura wawa sa i,get them together to find this kid,train +48678,48679,48679,o tatala Kakacawan kaku anudafak,I am going to Nagahama tomorrow,train +48679,48680,48680,Milinsiway tamiyanan sanay aki,Instead they are learning Mandarin from us,test +48680,48681,48681,ca tu ka edeng kuya pitilid tungangan nu ita,we do not have enough fields for our ID cards,train +48681,48682,48682,mikariang,broken,train +48682,48683,48683,maaraw nira kiya takula nira alumanay a takula itira malawidang,he saw that the frog had many friends there,train +48683,48684,48684,mililafang,receive,train +48684,48685,48685,pasayraw ku cecay pasayraw ku cecay,Ones over there and the others on the other side,train +48685,48686,48686,kita u ki^melay ku falucu a tamdaw i u mamidama tu tadancaay ku falucu a matuleday a tamdaw aka pisatked a palipahak tu tireng,we who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves,train +48686,48687,48687,hana,flower,train +48687,48688,48688,ala^,pick,train +48688,48689,48689,ci Nawisan han kura haw,it is called fire Mountain,train +48689,48690,48690,kakumaen,edible,test +48690,48691,48691,palakaw,bundle of branches and bamboo in the water to lure fish,train +48691,48692,48692,aya kuna malitengay ira ku pafeli nu siyfu a nu kukka a nanum,Oops these old people the government state has installed tap water,train +48692,48693,48693,maherek ri pawacay tu kini sari,it is getting close to the end I feel like I have had too much to drink,train +48693,48694,48694,kapalal a mu^cel ku dmak Akatu ka ciraraw o nika sumuwal aku tunini i u sapipakanguduaw i tamuwanan nawhani ira ku mafukilay namu tu Kawas,come back to your senses as you ought and stop sinning for there are some who are ignorant of God I say this to your shame,train +48694,48695,48695,Milakuwit tura tukus,crossing the bridge that we found earlier,train +48695,48696,48696,u emu sa kakaenen i naayaw,in the past there were only sweet rice cakes,train +48696,48697,48697,Orasaka caay ka matiya u awaay ku patusukan ku kacumikay aku caay ka matiya u mistiay tu fali ku piskung aku,therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly I do not fight like a man beating the air,train +48697,48698,48698,Salikakaaw pakafanaen aku kamu oya nipatnakan aku a Ngaayay Ratuh i caay ku nanu tamdawan,I want you to know brothers that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up,train +48698,48699,48699,Yatayat han nu matuasay ku tireng tu dafadafak,every morning the elders warm up and exercise,train +48699,48700,48700,nawhani maharateng ningra kaku u sasafaay a fafahiyan a matayalay ningra Saka i ikur nunini i u malmeday wa han nu tamdamdaw kaku,for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant from now on all generations will call me blessed,test +48700,48701,48701,ira kuya Hulam awa ku pitangtangan namu tu hemay,it is a good thing there are foreign workers you do not have a place to cook,train +48701,48702,48702,madefit,vomit,train +48702,48703,48703,kamu aca mailul tu kaku tamuwanan,it is you guys I missed you so much,train +48703,48704,48704,nikasaupuan nu mama nu kapah a masasuwal,young fathers collection discussion,train +48704,48705,48705,hakuwa tu nu itiniay mikuliniway,susceptible to being framed in the dark,train +48705,48706,48706,tatiihay ku kinapatayay a demak,suicide is a very bad behavior,train +48706,48707,48707,o manan ku kangaʼayan sanay atek i misiwkay hu kaku,what is so special about it,train +48707,48708,48708,a mitafi tu funun caay ka fana kaku a mitafi,father wants me to plow the ground,train +48708,48709,48709,hay kiraan a niyaru kiya,Yes the second neighbor not far from the rice trestle,train +48709,48710,48710,nu Dipungay kiya nara na,the music is Japanese,test +48710,48711,48711,Mapararaw nira kaku,he made me an innocent party look guilty he misled me,train +48711,48712,48712,ku mihecaan aku,I am not sure how old I am,train +48712,48713,48713,mapakunling,trained,train +48713,48714,48714,u mauripay a pudaw caay kahaen dengay a sasimien,not while the fry are still alive they can be eaten raw,train +48714,48715,48715,cekuk,to startle,train +48715,48716,48716,paliw,working partners,train +48716,48717,48717,tayra satu ci Parnapas i Tarsus a mikilim ci Sawluan,then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul,train +48717,48718,48718,pasuwal sa ci Yis tu ruma a tinaku Ira ku ccay a tamdaw tatusa ku wawa ningra tu fainayan,Jesus continued There was a man who had two sons,train +48718,48719,48719,mikesi,conducting the sea Festival,train +48719,48720,48720,Cai u kalas nu niyaru niyam ciira falu^ pulu tu ku mihecaan niira,No he is an elder of our tribe he is years old,test +48720,48721,48721,paluma tu kunga,and grow groundnuts,train +48721,48722,48722,edengan u kaen,just food no money,train +48722,48723,48723,vatelu,bang,train +48723,48724,48724,mahrek ci Yis a sumuwal tunini a ma^min i pasuwal sa cingra i nisawawaan Ningra,when Jesus had finished saying all these things he said to his disciples,train +48724,48725,48725,onini a fafahiyan ci Mariya i u nanu palusuay tu fangsisay a simal i waay nu Tapang ta u fukes ningra ku sapisisit ningra tu waay ningra o salikaka ningra kuya adadaay ci Lacarus,this Mary whose brother Lazarus now lay sick was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair,train +48725,48726,48726,iyan haw i u cecay nu ku hatiniay,this award is a team honor,train +48726,48727,48727,misalunguc tu sakaenarar nu tamdamdaw,the mission of Taiwans indigenous people should be to pursue equality for all,train +48727,48728,48728,Cifuhetay kira lutuk,there are squirrels on that mountain,train +48728,48729,48729,maudangay,sexual harasser,train +48729,48730,48730,tira kami u tudung nu han nu tayal nu maku itira,equivalent to the operations of the former Hong Kong port authority,test +48730,48731,48731,uya tu ngasaw hananay ita iraay ku mamuetep,there are a total of clans,train +48731,48732,48732,mararid kaku a maru i lidung nu kilang a mitengil tu pipakimad ni akung,I used to sit under the shade of a tree and listen to Grandpas stories,train +48732,48733,48733,atu u nu tangalay a hana hay,and the crown of flowers on top YES,train +48733,48734,48734,tu hatiraay i tiya hu mipacuk tu fafuy cisata,that is how it used to be there was a tax on the killing of pigs,train +48734,48735,48735,Makumukumud tu amin ku luwad nu cavacavay,companions still work together yes,train +48735,48736,48736,talalutuk ci mama a miadup,dad was hunting in the mountains,train +48736,48737,48737,Panawiruen haca nifaki ku kararutun nu suwal saadihay satu ku nawiru,Gongs speech has why in every connection so there are too many reasons,train +48737,48738,48738,matlung ku mitafian matafi aca matafi ku lalu,I do not know much about farming but I am willing to learn,train +48738,48739,48739,pacarcar a maru,sit down for a few minutes stay in someone is home,train +48739,48740,48740,misakaniw misaʼefitay tu mama saan misamangah saan,she is a liar and a cheat,test +48740,48741,48741,riang,vicious,train +48741,48742,48742,atu naʼaywaay saan cai kalecad,it is very different from before,train +48742,48743,48743,tales,blunt,train +48743,48744,48744,ira kura mawmahay,there was a farmer,train +48744,48745,48745,anu ira tu ku tayhi u tayi nu kulung,if there are cow droppings,train +48745,48746,48746,itira tu i tiya katefadan nira a tiya nanum itiraen tu nira a palipahak kuyanan a takula,he made the frog happy there in the water where he fell,train +48746,48747,48747,caay ka fana kita,few of us know,train +48747,48748,48748,i rarikur cingra a maru,he sat in the back,train +48748,48749,48749,sanay kunini a sasuwalen aku,this is what I want to talk about,train +48749,48750,48750,cahu ka taengad lumuwadaytu kami awaay ku adeses a pacumud tu cuwantan atu kihpicay Cudad i ngalaˈ nu fawahan,we got up before dawn and quietly slipped flyers or pamphlets under the doors of the tenants,test +48750,48751,48751,nipacimilan,give to Greetings,train +48751,48752,48752,herek tu lafi iraay ku radiw,there will be a song after dinner,train +48752,48753,48753,Matarang nu cidal kaku saka matukatuk tu kaku,the sun has warmed me up so I am sleepy,train +48753,48754,48754,misasing i nipicaul tu emu pacumud tu tusa a waneng,putting in sugar video recording,train +48754,48755,48755,misahemay,glutinous rice,train +48755,48756,48756,kalualualu,rivers,train +48756,48757,48757,Nikawrira tdalen nu Kawas ci Yis nai sapalit nu patay a paluwad a paurip nawhani caay ku mamapalit nu patay cingra,but God raised him from the dead freeing him from the agony of death because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him,train +48757,48758,48758,ira ku kayhi maulah kisu,do you like the raincoat,train +48758,48759,48759,kena mabana kaku tu maamaan,I might know a little more,train +48759,48760,48760,Mafana ciira a mikesip,he is very good at whistling,test +48760,48761,48761,nu Cikasuwan,harbor hard feelings,train +48761,48762,48762,ruma a nu u tukus hananay cuwa ka lihaday,it is not that easy to go up the mountain,train +48762,48763,48763,cucu,lean closely against,train +48763,48764,48764,itini cingra a malu saka citihi kaku,she lives here to accompany me,train +48764,48765,48765,itira a paini tu nisangaan atu pacamul tu Unkakaday atu lalikid nu niyaru manay mala kaulahan a tayniyan nu lavang masadak tu ku isu a kadademakan matungal nu lalavinan ku siwvay,combined with music and dance groups and tribal festivals it has become a favorite destination for tourists which in turn has led to the enhancement of the tribal craft industry and the operation of restaurants and lodges,train +48765,48766,48766,u titi nu kuku ku mikaenan nu maku,I ate the chicken,train +48766,48767,48767,urur uning,filth,train +48767,48768,48768,Nguwi saan kura kulung ilakelal,the cow kept mooing at the river,train +48768,48769,48769,lyasen kuya wawa tu wacu,make the child go away from the dog,train +48769,48770,48770,cecay ku faʼinayan sasafaay,and the youngest brother,test +48770,48771,48771,matengilay tu nu tapatapang hanaca mikuwanay tu demak midiput nu misu tu waw,they still hear about your parenting,train +48771,48772,48772,anu mahaen ku nika ciraraw namu i kaayaw nu salikaka a paduka tu tadancaay a falucu ningra i u ciraraway kamu i kaayaw ni Kristu,when you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience you sin against Christ,train +48772,48773,48773,epud sa kakunan tu,for me to come down,train +48773,48774,48774,saka lafanaw sanay kura nanum macedacedas sa,a small lagoon becomes a passing gully,train +48774,48775,48775,tavuhu,sturdy,train +48775,48776,48776,caay ku nipipurung tu fukes atu nipicadung tu tada^kim atu nika ciriku tu makapahay ku sapa^res namu tu tireng,your beauty should not come from outward adornment such as braided hair and the wearing of gold Jewelry and fine clothes,train +48776,48777,48777,anu u ruma ku mitangtangay haw,if another person cooks it,train +48777,48778,48778,saan ku falucu aku itiya,that was what I thought then,train +48778,48779,48779,a uli kisu u sakakaay han niyam kiya niyam tu a salikaka san kiya matuʼsay,then we sent the biggest boss in the family,train +48779,48780,48780,o masuwalay afay cira sai malikulung sari u kafanaʼan nu tamdaw ku raan,people seem to feel sorry for them,test +48780,48781,48781,caay kafangcal u luma,some of them do not grow very well,train +48781,48782,48782,o tayring ciira,he is a cop,train +48782,48783,48783,mikacaw mirakat tu pala,patrol Department,train +48783,48784,48784,adihay kiya nu masamamanay makalihay ku lutuk mita matuʼasay atu tamdaw,our ancestors were in a trance of sorts,train +48784,48785,48785,mihaen ku harateng isu alatek Paratuh tu tamdaw ira ku maanan a epuc hani,you may be thinking What is the benefit of greeting someone,train +48785,48786,48786,o suusuur ku taturuan nu luma aku,there are puddles of water in front of my house,train +48786,48787,48787,hatiraay kiya demak niyam i tiyahu ku urip,that is what our lives were like back then,train +48787,48788,48788,Iwasen a patalaterung nu fanaw ku tamina isu,go row your boat to the center of the pool,train +48788,48789,48789,nimaanay kamu,what are you doing,train +48789,48790,48790,mamimpadang kaku maumah i,when I am helping with the housework,test +48790,48791,48791,Pacauf sa kuya tamdaw Singsiaw nanu ka^mangan aku a midu^du tunini a limuut a ma^min saan cingra,Teacher he declared all these I have kept since I was a boy,train +48791,48792,48792,nika ira ku funiyenci sananay a lisin,that is why there is a Festival to celebrate the Harvest Festival,train +48792,48793,48793,u sera niyam tuna niyaru tunini,it is a traditional area of our tribe,train +48793,48794,48794,hey u mahiniay a edu sa ci vaki sa,Grandpa said Hey you rats,train +48794,48795,48795,mitengil tu pikimad nu fufu,listen to your grandmothers stories,train +48795,48796,48796,ci kura ngangan nura,my sister named him Jung Soo mi,train +48796,48797,48797,saka cakangaʼay han niyam kiya mama niyam,so tell father we are not going to be here,train +48797,48798,48798,Inaaw u vavainay ku mikadavuway haw,Mom was it always men who married,train +48798,48799,48799,maru faki akung awaay tu,I do not greet my elders anymore,train +48799,48800,48800,Misakiemel kaku a micudad,I have to study hard,test +48800,48801,48801,Singsi matawal aku ku sasipasip,I forgot to bring my eraser,train +48801,48802,48802,aka pitawal kita,we must not forget,train +48802,48803,48803,anini pakaaraw kaku tu mauripay a tumpu,today is the first time I see real living dragonflies,train +48803,48804,48804,mavanaʼay paruma iri,people who know how to plant,train +48804,48805,48805,u cecay saan u tapad,and the other one leggings,train +48805,48806,48806,u manan ku tiliden anini saan ku suwal nu singsi,the teacher told me what to write today,train +48806,48807,48807,katimul nira ura kapidanguyan itira awahu,there were no sea bathing beaches at that time,train +48807,48808,48808,patusukan,objectives,train +48808,48809,48809,nu niyaru ukakitaan,it is the elder priests of the tribe who lead the way,train +48809,48810,48810,o Pangcah ku saalumanay i niyaru niyam,most of the people in our village are Amis,test +48810,48811,48811,Papicadiwayen ni mama nira ci Kacaw a mifuting,his father instructs Kacaw to catch fish with a triangular net,train +48811,48812,48812,mailuhay,burned,train +48812,48813,48813,maulah mielu kura wawa tu ina nira,the kid loves to pamper his mom,train +48813,48814,48814,anu caka tama tatiih tu ku falucu,Well if you do not get a shot your mood will be affected,train +48814,48815,48815,anu mafalic ku pakayraan i misarucud tu mitusilay a demak hanu tataˈangay ku sapadama kitaanan hani,why does focusing on evangelism help us so much when circumstances change,train +48815,48816,48816,paytemek tu tu pisiyakay,they have gone off to make money,train +48816,48817,48817,anu nianhaw caay paka ha,no wayohthe water did not put out the fire,train +48817,48818,48818,mahaenay kira Nafanawan hananay saka,that is what happened with the retention pond,train +48818,48819,48819,itini i sinkakuin i misaʼicel kaku a miharateng tunini a muntay,I thought about this very seriously when I was in seminary,train +48819,48820,48820,Du^du sa i ira ku sakatatulu a cuyuh a mitaktak i alualu atu nemnem a ma^min tu nitatuyan ningra a wakung ta malarmes kunini a ma^min,the third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water and they became blood,test +48820,48821,48821,kaka ni ni Sawa iri ci Angah Alimulu han,Sawas brothers name was Anahom Ariel,train +48821,48822,48822,tamuwanan,you,train +48822,48823,48823,nu niyaru tayni muetep ku saayaway,from their hometowns there were ten of them at once,train +48823,48824,48824,mingata tu cecay a ufadan,less than ten thousand,train +48824,48825,48825,milirengus i,when mowing,train +48825,48826,48826,Mangaay kaku a milicay tisuwan haw,can I interview you,train +48826,48827,48827,paruk,cotton,train +48827,48828,48828,sahetu u pakayniay tini Singku a miharateng,it is all for the sake of happiness,train +48828,48829,48829,hay mafanaʼay,of course I will,train +48829,48830,48830,tu kasasuwal nu,between people,test +48830,48831,48831,icuwaay a salal ku niaʼulay,which age group does the bamboo chopping,train +48831,48832,48832,anu suwal sa kaku,but I can share,train +48832,48833,48833,papinanamen cairanan a mieli,as thou hast taught them how to gather thatch,train +48833,48834,48834,vavainay vavahi,boys girls,train +48834,48835,48835,Panawen nu mita a misanga tu kamu nu sasekingen nu wawa ita,we put in the exam papers why our kids are taking the exam,train +48835,48836,48836,sa suelinay nengneng han nura matuʼas saan,Later our ancestors could really see it clearly,train +48836,48837,48837,ci Nahur i u wawa ni Siruk ci Siruk i u wawa ni Riw ci Riw i u wawa ni Pilik ci Pilik i u wawa ni Ipir ci Ipir i u wawa ni Sila,the son of Serug the son of Reu the son of Peleg the son of Eber the son of Shelah,train +48837,48838,48838,ka,Table State,train +48838,48839,48839,mawarak nu sapaiyu nu edu kira tamdaw,the man was poisoned with rat poison,train +48839,48840,48840,saka,so,test +48840,48841,48841,caay ka ulah ci Osay tu ci^ci sanay a falucu ni Turay,Osay does not like Torays pushy personality,train +48841,48842,48842,fenek,wisdom,train +48842,48843,48843,masadak tu cingra nai pirufuan,he has come out of prison,train +48843,48844,48844,tudungay nu sakalaluk a mililit saan kuranan,it means that you need to learn how to circulate seriously,train +48844,48845,48845,ruma i u mipaluma tu deteng,some grow vegetables,train +48845,48846,48846,dakaw satu kami tu mamicafer i lilis nu riyar nu Aciya a lunan nu Atramitium a lumuwad Mihaklung i tamiyanan ci Aristarkus hananay a Tisalunika a tamdaw nu Makituniya,we boarded a ship from Adramyttium about to sail for ports along the coast of the province of Asia and we put out to sea Aristarchus a Macedonian from Thessalonica was with us,train +48846,48847,48847,nu mitaay haw,our people,train +48847,48848,48848,ura matiyaay hay u kapida niyam san tayra han i sefi i talian,if the team is feeling a little better about the economy they can just sign up for the club,train +48848,48849,48849,i cuwaay a mihatatanam tu suwal nu Amis kisu,where did you learn Amish,train +48849,48850,48850,u wama aku i ci Sawmah ku ngangan ila u wana aku,my fathers name is Shawarma,test +48850,48851,48851,awaay ku ^puc nu niktunan nu Kawas a suwal caay ku nika saan aku caay ka ^min a u finawlan nu Kawas ku Israil,theirs are the patriarchs and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ who is God over all forever praised Amen,train +48851,48852,48852,kumimit,screw up,train +48852,48853,48853,u sapakavana tu adiwawa tina kungkuwan,this story is to let the children know,train +48853,48854,48854,u manan ku sapasuwal nu mira,what is he going to say,train +48854,48855,48855,ira sa kura lifun tura haw i,what about the paycheck for the trip to the ocean,train +48855,48856,48856,mahemak tu ku mafanaʼay a wawa numita haw i,our Aboriginal children are ecstatic,train +48856,48857,48857,kurira itira tura Madawdaw hananay,in that place where the beetle leaks,train +48857,48858,48858,u maku a urip,my life,train +48858,48859,48859,Sisa raremed sa nu tuhem ku vuduy nira,so sweat wet his clothes,train +48859,48860,48860,u fuluʼIcuwa miala,this is arrow bamboo where did you get it,test +48860,48861,48861,ca hu ka mituysiw kaku,I am not retired,train +48861,48862,48862,a matira kaku hatu ni Maʼuwid,then Malverde said Then I will do it,train +48862,48863,48863,i kungkuan mihatatanam kaku,I am studying at school,train +48863,48864,48864,takaraw ku luma nira,his home is tall,train +48864,48865,48865,maumiay,Spoiled,train +48865,48866,48866,o cirahuday ku hanhan nu mita i kasienawan,our winter breath has vapors,train +48866,48867,48867,o likakawa nu Kawas samaanay kalasaka dademaken tu sapakiyahu anini,how does Gods organization use donations today,train +48867,48868,48868,Maanenaca ruma hanaw tu,there is nothing we can do so we have to talk about it next time,train +48868,48869,48869,a remiʼad,on that day,train +48869,48870,48870,misakacawasay,the watermelon grower,test +48870,48871,48871,nanay matiya u nu ya sanay falucu ita,our ultimate goal is to be like the Maori,train +48871,48872,48872,utuy,sassy,train +48872,48873,48873,cuwa ka faedet,not hot,train +48873,48874,48874,nga malifut kira,that is what makes it so much easier,train +48874,48875,48875,teluhu,sputum,train +48875,48876,48876,mapasifana tu aku i siwngaku tu malasingsiay tu kaku iʼayaw,I used to teach Amis in elementary school,train +48876,48877,48877,o matuasay cingra,he is an old man a man to be respected,train +48877,48878,48878,kalalid,recurrent,train +48878,48879,48879,Nikawrira suwal sa ku Kawas i cingraan Kisu u maapaay a tamdaw anini a dadaya i u mamaala Aku ku saluafang isu Anu hatira i u malunimatu kura ninaangan isu a dafung saw han nu Kawas,But God said to him You fool this very night your life will be demanded from you then who will get what you have prepared for yourself,train +48879,48880,48880,sanay kunian saka tadamaan ku fangcal numita,we are just so good at not falling,test +48880,48881,48881,hay itini satu kaku i ku tayal nu maku,that is why I was assigned to the arsenal,train +48881,48882,48882,nanipala,surname Tian,train +48882,48883,48883,i ayaw anu mafulaw a tararuma a etal a misaparud caikaca alaen nu ina a mihawikid a miala kira tuluay a fukeluh nu parud cai ka u sasidayen a miwaesid ku cecacecay aca,in the past if the family had to move to another place the mother would tie up the three zaoshi with rattan and take them away,train +48883,48884,48884,Disdis u hahaenen kira fulu,those arrowhead bamboos need to be cut down,train +48884,48885,48885,awaay ku hiya u maan saw u raan u hiya,there is nothing else,train +48885,48886,48886,o sapidiputaw tu nika kurac nu finawlan Halu mapadama kura cuku padetengay a mipatayay tamdaw tahacada tu sidaˈit ni Yihufa,the elders did this to ensure that the congregation of Israel would remain clean and to help those who had been killed by mistake to receive the mercy of the Lord,train +48886,48887,48887,o sasafaay a tarukus kaku caay ka tatudung kaku a cingangan a malatarukus nawhani nanu mikariangay kaku tu kiwkay nu Kawas,for I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle because I persecuted the church of God,train +48887,48888,48888,awaaytu Awaay tu miliyas tu emin han aku ku suwal tamuwanan u wawa,it is rare one by one they are leaving the world,train +48888,48889,48889,ihacuwa ira,when did he come,train +48889,48890,48890,madengay katumirengan aca u semutsemut ku lawac,standing room only surrounded by grass,test +48890,48891,48891,samaan ngaˈ milifuk tu suˈlinay a lipahak,how can I enjoy true happiness,train +48891,48892,48892,itini tu kausumuwal aku,that is all I have to say,train +48892,48893,48893,o nipacakayan i kalaliacaan a titi i ngaaytu a kaenen namu aka tu pakaynien i ngaayay a falucu a misalicalicay tu maamaan,eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience,train +48893,48894,48894,hay sumuwal kiyami nasani ku tumuk su,Yes did not the boss say that earlier,train +48894,48895,48895,mahereksataramtam ku ranam maherek maranam,finish your meal on the rocks,train +48895,48896,48896,sanay tu kuni tapad,that is the story of the little leg wrapper,train +48896,48897,48897,yu tahiratu i luma ningra ca Pitiru i litmuhen ni Kurnilius cingra Hinukup sa i kaayaw ningra a mitaung,as Peter entered the house Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence,train +48897,48898,48898,micudad,go to class,train +48898,48899,48899,pakafana,surname Jiao,train +48899,48900,48900,matucicax,it is like a Burrowing Bird,test +48900,48901,48901,u maan kura mitatuyan nu misu kakahung,what is that in your hand it is a flying fish,train +48901,48902,48902,aka fangad fangad han cukidet han a miala,you cannot uproot the whole thing,train +48902,48903,48903,malasang,intoxicated,train +48903,48904,48904,awaay ku limaw namu haw,do not you all have time,train +48904,48905,48905,nawhani u dafak maratar,because the next morning,train +48905,48906,48906,o maan ku i aluay sau,what is in the river,train +48906,48907,48907,katuas,grow,train +48907,48908,48908,saan kura pasuwal tu wama aku hai han tu nu wama aku,I told my father that and he said yes,train +48908,48909,48909,pakacidal pakuʼurad,pray for the sun pray for rain,train +48909,48910,48910,Maupic nu cuhel ku fuduy aku,my clothes are damp with sweat,test +48910,48911,48911,taes,punch,train +48911,48912,48912,hayey saku finawlan,let us just say yes,train +48912,48913,48913,tiya nasaan i maculah ku luma nu ina aku,then there was a fire in the house,train +48913,48914,48914,pakayniay tu u Kungpu hananay a kuwan itini i Talampu a niyaru,about Daranbu tribe of Fuli Township,train +48914,48915,48915,madeng ciira ku matatudungay malamama nu niyaru san,I think he is the best person to be a tribal leader,train +48915,48916,48916,kapalal kamu a mitulun tu saka^caaw ka sawi namu talacuwa mangalay ku falucu namu nikawrira rarima ku tireng namu han ni Yis,Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation the Spirit is willing but the body is weak,train +48916,48917,48917,u mamakerukeru aca ku mikaputay ta u hai u hin u hui u yan ku sapacauf tu nikieciwan u limaay ku rayray nu ngiha,the lyrics contain many virtual vowels had hin how can et and the scales used are mostly pentatonic,train +48917,48918,48918,o hacuwa^,when,train +48918,48919,48919,Matuas tu ku wawa isu anini,your child has grown up,train +48919,48920,48920,minengnengen tu nipalumaan nu tau,to see what other people are growing,test +48920,48921,48921,anca miyaan mipudac han hai,or do you treat the bark first Yes,train +48921,48922,48922,o maan ku pinang ita a maurip itini,we have nothing to live for here,train +48922,48923,48923,fangcal ku rumiad itiya caay ka urad,it will have no rain and be sunny that day,train +48923,48924,48924,sa ku nu maku haw sa hatini sa ku pisiwkay nu maku,this is my brief introduction,train +48924,48925,48925,a mitesek a,counseling and assistance,train +48925,48926,48926,lafii^,night,train +48926,48927,48927,iraan nu maan kurira dadamaʼan,or if you need help,train +48927,48928,48928,Makatulu a tatukiyan,it takes about three hours,train +48928,48929,48929,hara,loach,train +48929,48930,48930,pacefa han nu wawa a mifahekul ku niarian a kufuc,children throw away broken bottles,test +48930,48931,48931,mamanaw,develop,train +48931,48932,48932,u vaki nu mita taluma itini i luma nu mita,our grandfather came back to our house,train +48932,48933,48933,adihay ku rawraw nu urip i hekal,life in this world is full of troubles,train +48933,48934,48934,niya tu u adihay ku tali,this is a variety of taro,train +48934,48935,48935,itiya i ira ku papinapina a Farisay a tamdaw a tayra i ci Yisan a pasuwal Olili piliyas tunini a niyaru Nawhani sapipatayan Tisuwanan ci Hiruti han nangra,at that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him Leave this place and go somewhere else Herod wants to kill you,train +48935,48936,48936,cecay tu salengacan tuna ini,like this one,train +48936,48937,48937,u alufu sa i away hu ku singasing,Valentines bags did not have bells in those days,train +48937,48938,48938,misaacucul,making gyros,train +48938,48939,48939,pela,split,train +48939,48940,48940,awu heni ku mipinaruway,they are coming to dress up,test +48940,48941,48941,saan uya turun pavelitu milaliwtu saan ci ina aku,my mom said that rice Krispies can make her leave,train +48941,48942,48942,8 o materekay a Tukel aku i Kawas,page The hope I have in God,train +48942,48943,48943,ˈayaw nu pina patek miheca cecay mitiliday tu ˈOlic mihayay anu tahalifa ku tamdaw tu pasangaray i u hahalamham ci Yihufa,a long time ago a Psalmist recognized the need for mankind to look to Yahweh in times of trouble,train +48943,48944,48944,u ruma satu haw talacuwa tu awaay tu milaliw tu,the rest of the runners and walkers are gone,train +48944,48945,48945,malafangcalay pinengnengan kami,we became a good company a model company,train +48945,48946,48946,kisu aci kaka aku di naʼaytu,I do not care about you and my brother anymore,train +48946,48947,48947,o maan hu ku sasaalien isu,may I help you,train +48947,48948,48948,Vaheren anu i cimaanan a miruhepit saan,Fly look who is stuck,train +48948,48949,48949,sahulu hannen tu pakaen,I will start cooking rice,train +48949,48950,48950,ona lutung san haw,these monkeys,test +48950,48951,48951,adahananay,good doctor,train +48951,48952,48952,masetik mikalang talariyar mifuting masetik masetik hu kaku,go fishing catch crabs go fishing at the beach I will go fishing,train +48952,48953,48953,ta pakafanaen naku kaikuray saan kaku,that is how we are going to raise our next generation,train +48953,48954,48954,Canglah,spring,train +48954,48955,48955,kaulah,I like it,train +48955,48956,48956,safulad ku nika awa nira,he has been gone a month,train +48956,48957,48957,anu ira ku adadaay haw i iraay ku cikawasay nu ciwkangan,if someone is sick there are wizards in Ciwkangan,train +48957,48958,48958,hatiya satu i mihimaw tu kaku i limaʼ a mihecaʼan,I have been doing this for five years,train +48958,48959,48959,pakapaliding kaku a tayra i taluan,I drive to the block house,train +48959,48960,48960,hatira tu ku nu maku a mihecaan ngaʼayay hu kiya sakadademak ku tireng aku,I am old I do not know if I am still capable of doing anything,test +48960,48961,48961,Tapang ku faʼinayan,boys are the pillars,train +48961,48962,48962,o pitakawan nuya cifalecay malingad sakiyami kumatiraay saan,a place for widows and widowers to work in secret,train +48962,48963,48963,terik saan nani tini a tangasa i paputal ku paysu aku,my money is bouncing out of here,train +48963,48964,48964,nu mafana kisu a,how could you,train +48964,48965,48965, Nikawrira cangaw sa cangra a minengneng i mawalin itu kuya fukluh,but when they looked up they saw that the stone which was very large had been rolled away,train +48965,48966,48966,cuwa ku adipangpang u fitengal kura,those are not butterflies they are bees,train +48966,48967,48967,Asimaanay,it is for your own use,train +48967,48968,48968,malecacay tu itini,we can all be united now,train +48968,48969,48969,mitilid,read,train +48969,48970,48970,nu aikuray a wawa,let the post modern child,test +48970,48971,48971,hacacay,letter by letter,train +48971,48972,48972,Saka sapirpetan saan cangra ci Yisan Nikawrira awaay ku pakamayay i Cingraan nawhani cahu ka raud ku rumiad ni Yis,at this they tried to seize him but no one laid a hand on him because his time had not yet come,train +48972,48973,48973,sapiadup a hawan,hunting knife,train +48973,48974,48974,maʼinget ci Yusiku misapadek ci tucyang a Halu,Auntie Yohi is angry with Harold saying that her father is biased,train +48974,48975,48975,ci ungtufayay cingra a miaca tu dateng,she went to the grocery store on a motorcycle,train +48975,48976,48976,u kaput aku mitilid,my classmates also said,train +48976,48977,48977,u pinangan nu Pangcah a ira a tayni ku widawidang a mipalafang anu ca itini i pipatalumaan,the Amis tend to do this when they have friends over or when they are having a good time drinking at a party,train +48977,48978,48978,ta pasuwalhan tu nira kiya alumanay widang mitakula i minukay tu kami,then he told the frogs friends We are going home,train +48978,48979,48979,icuwa mateli isu ku impic,where do you keep your pencils,train +48979,48980,48980,mana liway sa kisu,why are you fasting,test +48980,48981,48981,Asiasip saan haw kamu,do you guys always count always count,train +48981,48982,48982,nawhani anu tanektek ku falucu namu a malaccay atu Tapang i u mamapaki^mel kami a maurip,for now we really live since you are standing firm in the Lord,train +48982,48983,48983,karaecus ku luma kiyami ka u vadahung iri,the roof of the old house is broken,train +48983,48984,48984,pasuwal ku Kawas tu pakayniay i fa^luhay a katatlekan saka u katlang han ningra kuya saayaway 0 mamalasawadtu ku mamatlang a maamaan,by calling this covenant new he has made the first one obsolete and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear,train +48984,48985,48985,kietec,ice cold,train +48985,48986,48986,macupelakay,raw,train +48986,48987,48987,ira kahengangay,with red color,train +48987,48988,48988,ta lecad han tu nu alumanay kunini tu ku radiw,let us sing this song together,train +48988,48989,48989,palapatan,season,train +48989,48990,48990,kisu i,and you,test +48990,48991,48991,uraan kiya lemangaway sivaru,it is because of the flower that it sprouted,train +48991,48992,48992,ta alahan nira a panukay uya a wawa suelin matalaw ku falucu nira malalitemuh tu tamdaw suelin matalaw,the child took home and was really afraid he met other people and was really afraid,train +48992,48993,48993,tu hatira,that is it,train +48993,48994,48994,pacangaw,necklace,train +48994,48995,48995,Simi,Cicada,train +48995,48996,48996,o rumasatu maaraw nangra ku nika tumireng nuya niadahan nangra a tamdaw i tatihi nangra saka awaaytu ku sapacawicawi nangra a pasuwal,but since they could see the man who had been healed standing there with them there was nothing they could say,train +48996,48997,48997,ha ya hatapang kamu tahiraay ku niyam,Yeah ours started out pretty full in your year,train +48997,48998,48998,pakayni tunini ku sakangaay namu a micumud i midaucay a Kitakit nu Tapang ita u pauripay ci Yis Kristu,and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,train +48998,48999,48999,nengnengen isu hakuwaen isu ku kakahad,depends on how wide you want it,train +48999,49000,49000,hadaken ku tilid,please take out your textbook,test +49000,49001,49001,ku talalilisan,go to the side,train +49001,49002,49002,hai siyesiye,Okay thank you,train +49002,49003,49003,miliyaw,repeat,train +49003,49004,49004,matnak kunini a dmak tuya pala a ma^min,news of this spread through all that region,train +49004,49005,49005,man tu ku kakanen i fatad nu lalan hiwa,what else are we going to eat along the way,train +49005,49006,49006,lalangan,forbidden,train +49006,49007,49007,mahaen tu mihuhusiyay ku raan miiliyay,it also catches gobies the same way it catches Guardian Creek fish but,train +49007,49008,49008,suwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Yutaaw u picucup isu ku sapacakay isu tu Wawa nu Tamdaw haw han ningra,but Jesus asked him Judas are you betraying the son of man with a kiss,train +49008,49009,49009,Pamutek sa a minengneng ci Stifanuan ku pulung nu maruay a tamdaw i Pilaucan itiya i masapinang a matiya u pising nu cuyuh ku pising ningra a nengnengen,all who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel,train +49009,49010,49010,o sapateli nira,the reason for the pendulum,test +49010,49011,49011,Masasipafeli kami tu sapatelung,we exchange gifts,train +49011,49012,49012,awaay kaku i luma talalutuk kaku,I am going to the mountains tomorrow so I will not be home,train +49012,49013,49013,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu i pisawkitan a rumiad i u nu Tiri atu Situn a nika tfuc ku kahmaway tu nu namu a nika tfuc,but I tell you it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you,train +49013,49014,49014,pakayni itini i umaumahan,during the busy season,train +49014,49015,49015,i fangafangasan ku ekung a muku tu daydayadaya,at night owls like to stay in the need forest,train +49015,49016,49016,nawhani aluman hu caay pilihay u pilihay nu salikaka,but there are still many parishioners who do not go to Mass,train +49016,49017,49017,cumud i luma nu tau an ira ku fafahi micumud tira haw i,if a person trespasses on private property,train +49017,49018,49018,haratengen hena acah ku ruray miharateng tuninian,and I have been gone for five years it is exhausting to think about it,train +49018,49019,49019,mira,she,train +49019,49020,49020,o tayrin cingra,he is a cop,test +49020,49021,49021,kaku ri mafana kaku ira i sinfun tu,I know it is on the news,train +49021,49022,49022,Papidungecen nu mama ku wawa nira,Papa told his son to go and gather the heart of the vine,train +49022,49023,49023,caay ku ci puʼutay i tayra u ngangan nira,it is not really a knife it is just what they call it,train +49023,49024,49024,saruruken,become a generation,train +49024,49025,49025,mikadafu,to marry,train +49025,49026,49026,ina ngangan iri,that is the name,train +49026,49027,49027,tayni i kawali haw i,come to the East,train +49027,49028,49028,naay sa padameki,you just cannot fertilize,train +49028,49029,49029,Mifarasi ku Pangcah i kalilisian,the Amis fish on the riverbanks during floods,train +49029,49030,49030,na nuya malitmuh nu tatuluay a tamdaw cingra ta paluwadhan tu cingra,at that time he met three people who raised him to his feet,test +49030,49031,49031,sasafaay kaku sa ci Lifuk ku ngangan isu,I am the oldest in the family so I am named Rifu,train +49031,49032,49032,maʼurad i ira ku pa,it is been raining,train +49032,49033,49033,u pitelian tu tamina sanay ku tatudung nu mira,it means a place where boats are moored,train +49033,49034,49034,Hay i ngata^ nu picudadan ku luma nu niyam,Yes my home is near the school,train +49034,49035,49035,Mikuyud ci ina tu fakar a midateng,mom carries baskets of vegetables,train +49035,49036,49036,suwal asa Aya kura tamdaw Deng u pisatapang aca ningra a patireng Caay pakalahci cingra saan,saying This fellow began to build and was not able to finish,train +49036,49037,49037,Micekiway,spiny,train +49037,49038,49038,unini a katatulu nu faʼinay aku itiya hu i,when the gentleman fell,train +49038,49039,49039,sadak satu kuya Farisay a tamdaw samaanen ita ku pipatay ci Yisan saan a masasuwasuwal cangra,but the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus,train +49039,49040,49040,takudul satu,just keep going up,test +49040,49041,49041,a maanen isu a parayray ku radiw nu aniniay a radiw,So how do you pass on the songs to today children,train +49041,49042,49042,rarapa,cattle,train +49042,49043,49043,malecad,identical,train +49043,49044,49044,o uipc nu ngalay kira masanekay,that is the smell of wet saliva,train +49044,49045,49045,miuraur hu,brush ones teeth,train +49045,49046,49046,tingnaw,computer,train +49046,49047,49047,anu ira ku licay aku mitahidang tisuwanan ri,I will call you back,train +49047,49048,49048,lian,surname Bai,train +49048,49049,49049,tu sakay tini i havay,millet Festival activities,train +49049,49050,49050,o kefing ku sakalalisan nira,the because of his fever was measles,test +49050,49051,49051,mafukil ku faʼinay aku minengneng tina Cudad,my husband does not know how to read this word either,train +49051,49052,49052,tangila^,ear,train +49052,49053,49053,caay kita,let these cultural assets,train +49053,49054,49054,itiya hu u niyaru na ira ku maan saw,what was there in the village then,train +49054,49055,49055,tamuwanan,you guys,train +49055,49056,49056,malahecitu kuranan haw i,when you are done,train +49056,49057,49057,caay ka lemed,scourge and disaster,train +49057,49058,49058,Namipalita kaku ci Kulas vutingan tu matenesay a madademec tu cengfu a sacacayen ku sakasingangan i muvinsiw nu Yincumin,I interviewed Noami Kulas a young tribal member who has long been advocating for the inclusion of tribal names on identification cards,train +49058,49059,49059,sa masadak kaku,so I am going out,train +49059,49060,49060,lecad,Same same,test +49060,49061,49061,wa aray hanaku kamu,thank you,train +49061,49062,49062,suwalen aku kamu itiya tuya dadaya i yu mafuti i ccay a kafutian ku tatusaay a tamdaw i u mamaala ku ccay u mamasiday ku ccay,I tell you on that night two people will be in one bed one will be taken and the other left,train +49062,49063,49063,anu pikulifungan i,if it is Ching Ming Festival,train +49063,49064,49064,i tiyahu kiya puluyakiw hananay,because this team has a history of,train +49064,49065,49065,o wawa^ nima^ kisu,whose child are you,train +49065,49066,49066,o masatisilay a kakunah kami,we are a bunch of ants,train +49066,49067,49067,mahaen tu anu kasiapaluwan,that is it breadfruit season,train +49067,49068,49068,iraan a pitelucan,wild vegetable picking areas,train +49068,49069,49069,papina kumu tina basiw caay tu picalap,a few people in the area will not cross the line into someone else area,train +49069,49070,49070,mafaliyus,going through a typhoon,test +49070,49071,49071,mulu han tu mimulu kira,roll into a ball,train +49071,49072,49072,manen aku,what do I do,train +49072,49073,49073,Sipasaksaken a mala sikal,spread it out like a mat,train +49073,49074,49074,caluway,lightness,train +49074,49075,49075,hay adihay tu ku kacanguʼutan i,Yeah there is a lot of things missing from the policy,train +49075,49076,49076,anu ruma sanukeren ku nikaen tu piyang kahina sulac aca tu wadis,in the future you should eat less candy and brush your teeth more often,train +49076,49077,49077,u lemed aku kuraan,that is my dream,train +49077,49078,49078,rusarusan itini kelapan kuni u terung iri,saw here cut in the middle,train +49078,49079,49079,u menpaw u maan,for example sweets such as bread or others,train +49079,49080,49080,kaheciday ku riyal,the sea is salty,test +49080,49081,49081,halihinapecay,suspicious,train +49081,49082,49082,una radiw ca kararadiw nu niyaru namu,this is a song that is sung a lot in your tribe,train +49082,49083,49083,anu tayra kakuan i,if you want to go to my place,train +49083,49084,49084,anu anu,in the event that,train +49084,49085,49085,misakuli ci mama i Taypak,dad works as a laborer in Taipei,train +49085,49086,49086,tatenuunan,fabric weaving machine,train +49086,49087,49087,itiyaay a nikasaselal walu a mihcan ku laed tuwa padudu tu sava a paselal,at that time the age scale was every eight years,train +49087,49088,49088,ya radiw isu i radiwen hen na,what about that song of yours sing it,train +49088,49089,49089,tueman,darkness,train +49089,49090,49090,kinatusa,Twice,test +49090,49091,49091,sinanum tu kiya navi,put water in the pot,train +49091,49092,49092,aku atu wama aku a mivaca,even dad washed clothes there,train +49092,49093,49093,pauwer,live,train +49093,49094,49094,sulinay u hananay,it is called the thanksgiving Festival or the Harvest Festival,train +49094,49095,49095,sa kaku,that is what I am going to do,train +49095,49096,49096,suwal sa ci Yis Pitngil Narikay kaku a tayni O pakifalucuay tu nipaliayawan a suwal i tini tunini a cudad i u malmeday saan,Behold I am coming soon blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book,train +49096,49097,49097,an tusa tusa haenen,if you want two burdens to go with two burdens that is it,train +49097,49098,49098,tu u kafaliyusan tu miʼanip hu han aku ci mama,September is typhoon season so I asked my dad if I should still plant rice,train +49098,49099,49099,ala karkar han fukeluh,after we dig it up,train +49099,49100,49100,vakiyaw u maan ku kangalayan nu misu,Grandpa you are the favorite,test +49100,49101,49101,Malalahud ku nanum anu makerah,water vaporizes into gas,train +49101,49102,49102,pisafulucu,there is still the power of mind,train +49102,49103,49103,haen tu nira a mipumpu mapumpum,it makes a sound like a water absorber,train +49103,49104,49104,recus a patdu sa,and not at all casual,train +49104,49105,49105,mulengaway,growth,train +49105,49106,49106,hadidien ta naiyan tu,keep it together,train +49106,49107,49107,maeminay tu a mapatay,they are all dead from the war,train +49107,49108,49108,anu tataang ku fali,if it is windy,train +49108,49109,49109,i dafak helek nu lahuk ku pitelek kisunan ngaay tu haw,can I make an appointment with you tomorrow afternoon,train +49109,49110,49110,talafafaw hu tira Muliyaw cuwa kina alu ini da,a little more,test +49110,49111,49111,kapina a remiad,few days,train +49111,49112,49112,Paaraw cingra tu demak nira,he revealed what he was doing,train +49112,49113,49113,21 Pataengaden ku likat Namu paˈdil ci Yihufaan,page let your light shine and glorify the LORD,train +49113,49114,49114,saka tayni sa i kawali nu niyaru ninapaniyaruʼan nu Makutaay haw i,to the east where the tribe was founded,train +49114,49115,49115,ya,when,train +49115,49116,49116,misatangitangic,pretend to cry,train +49116,49117,49117,luengel ku falucu,responsive agreeable in attitude,train +49117,49118,49118,katalaw,be afraid,train +49118,49119,49119,ini ku,events,train +49119,49120,49120,minanamay hu,still learning,test +49120,49121,49121,ruma tu a wawa,other peoples children,train +49121,49122,49122,patala haratu kelaʼkelaʼ a paliding,I will take you to the iron ox,train +49122,49123,49123,mipatikami,send a letter,train +49123,49124,49124,macacukecuker,mutual support,train +49124,49125,49125,tisuwan,facing you,train +49125,49126,49126,miala tu i,when you are going to take it,train +49126,49127,49127,likat han kuraan,just click on that,train +49127,49128,49128,kedecen kuni hay caay pilaliw tini satu,if you pull it tight it will not come loose,train +49128,49129,49129,mamaan sa,key Strategies,train +49129,49130,49130,ura nini a haw i ma kunini,it is not a bad motor,test +49130,49131,49131,itini a cacay miala kamu haw,it is the only place that has it will you take it,train +49131,49132,49132,cecay a rekad,a three year term is like a three year term for the Minister,train +49132,49133,49133,u kamuku ira ku nu matuasay mavekac,the program includes a race for senior citizens,train +49133,49134,49134,Padaydamen ku kafi nu futing,put some chili peppers in the fish soup,train +49134,49135,49135,maherek cangra a miceli tu niyaru,after they yelled at the tribe,train +49135,49136,49136,midimukusay,caregiver,train +49136,49137,49137,kedecen mihaen,we need to tighten it,train +49137,49138,49138,carcar,a period of time,train +49138,49139,49139,Nanuya micumud ci Yis i Yiriku pakayra cingra a rumakat,Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through,train +49139,49140,49140,licay han ni Yis cingra Nawiru ngaayay han isu kaku saw awaay ku ngaayay a tamdaw deng u Kawas a ccay ku ngaayay,Why do you call me good Jesus answered No one is good except God alone,test +49140,49141,49141,sa nu anu cinamal i matefad sa itini cisimalan han i,so if you fall into the oil fire pit,train +49141,49142,49142,upu^,pile up,train +49142,49143,49143,Nikawrira yu cirarawhu kita i mapatay ci Kristu tu saki titaanan onini ku sapahapinang nu Kawas i titaanan tu ulah ningra,but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us,train +49143,49144,49144,o makalu nga u cukis,caesura bamboo is for rafters,train +49144,49145,49145,eleten ku kaus nu cukap isu,tie into a knot your shoe laces,train +49145,49146,49146,Sungilaen ku aru isu,sit orderly,train +49146,49147,49147,muraraw haw,lest we get distracted,train +49147,49148,49148,milakuwit,go beyond,train +49148,49149,49149,mimulis ci mira pacelem,early on,train +49149,49150,49150,Palataang ku singsi tu fana ni Mayaw,the teacher praised Ma Yiu for his knowledge,test +49150,49151,49151,itini a aseraan,here,train +49151,49152,49152,Misatefun ku yufayuf nu Tafalung,the Shui tin group in Tai Po long has drilled wells,train +49152,49153,49153,Mihaenay saalien nu wama wina ci Yihufa tu sakayat tada kalimelaan,Therefore it is important for parents to seek guidance from the Lord,train +49153,49154,49154,nanicuwaay kira fukeluh,where did that rock come from,train +49154,49155,49155,halafin tu ca kasasuaraw kami mailul tu kaku cingraan,we have not seen each other for a long time and I miss him a lot,train +49155,49156,49156,nika iraay hu kura Dipung mikaliʼang tu,but the Japanese army is still doing damage,train +49156,49157,49157,capux,seedling,train +49157,49158,49158,cirid,to stray,train +49158,49159,49159,Saka satapang satu kuya maruay i tuem a miritrit tu hkal Saka maritrittu ku kinaira nu hkal,so he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth and the earth was harvested,train +49159,49160,49160,Nikaurira anu ci mapadesay ku luma tatiih a misuni nawhani mapaysin,However if there is a funeral in the family it is forbidden to play otherwise it will violate the taboo,test +49160,49161,49161,sa manaʼay a miluing,that is why they do not want to go into business,train +49161,49162,49162,pinangan,of course,train +49162,49163,49163,Akatu ka u tatiihay ku suwal namu ka u paicelay u palatamdamdaway atu sakaci^puc nu mitngilay a tamdaw a ccay ku suwal namu,do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen,train +49163,49164,49164,tadafangcal tengilen ku radiw isu,you sing very beautifully,train +49164,49165,49165,malafuis,become a star,train +49165,49166,49166,hay saw Ngaayay tu ku urip namu,Yeah you guys have an awesome life,train +49166,49167,49167,o caay ka ngaay ku hci a kilang i u lalteken ta fahkulen i namal,every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire,train +49167,49168,49168,edueduxan,strawberry fields,train +49168,49169,49169,o fuwahan nu luma kuni,this is the door to the house,train +49169,49170,49170,iki tayra kamu i Tayhuku fangcal ku urip namu haw,that is great you guys went to Taipei what was it like,test +49170,49171,49171,tanu mata hananay nu malitengay,by visual inspection of the distance,train +49171,49172,49172,iraay kura alu kira,because of the river,train +49172,49173,49173,ditek han iri mavanaʼ ci ama isu misanga,Measurements,train +49173,49174,49174,tengil han kiya ci Lafay sa ci faki ningra tengil han na faki niyam nukay kaku,sister in laws uncle said he would listen to her views and she replied that she wanted to go back to her hometown,train +49174,49175,49175,edeng,about,train +49175,49176,49176,saira sa nu walian,the man from the East,train +49176,49177,49177,itini i kasaniyaru nu Pangcah ira aca ku Misikawasay a saupu,each Amis tribe has its own group of priests,train +49177,49178,49178,i tini i Lidaw i tini i Yusinu u Pukpuk atu Lidaw caay kalecad,there is a difference between Renli and Dongchang in Jian Township,train +49178,49179,49179,sakapitu pacuwah,the seventh one is a knot,train +49179,49180,49180,Hay anu maherek kisu a miasip kanca^ panukas hatu i ci Panayan,Well if you read it be sure to return it to Panay in person,test +49180,49181,49181,muetep hu ku mihecaan aku mapatay tu ku ina aku,my mom died when I was,train +49181,49182,49182,a suwal han tu nu finawlan matenger tu nu suwal kya tatusaay i,the tradespeople told them over and over and over again and they got impatient,train +49182,49183,49183,sanay,So so,train +49183,49184,49184,mahaen ku nu Taywan,that is how Minnan people are,train +49184,49185,49185,masarucud ku tayal,why was the work smooth,train +49185,49186,49186,resres,shred,train +49186,49187,49187,Pasairaen i paputal ku mata namu a minengneng tu kangdaway a lutuk,turn your eyes outward to green Mountain,train +49187,49188,49188,u raan a vakivakiyan a cacay ku kabanaan nu maku tu sakaycengcengan,the only person I know about Fishs home is that old man,train +49188,49189,49189,o mikaenan niyam u mimaan i lutuk i,what do we do with the food we eat and what do we do with it on the mountains,train +49189,49190,49190,matuka tu minukay milafin kita satu kuya mama,it is a long way home dad said we would spend the night here,test +49190,49191,49191,fiyac,stretching,train +49191,49192,49192,nikaurira u maku a fana haw i,However this is not the case with my perception,train +49192,49193,49193,anengang,chairs,train +49193,49194,49194,hay hufuceng nu malitengay kaku,the old man gave birth to me,train +49194,49195,49195,matayal ci mama a mihungku tu panay,dad was busy with the wind and rice,train +49195,49196,49196,maemem,tolerate,train +49196,49197,49197,u manan a kilangan u riku ha,what kind of tree is that is it a rag,train +49197,49198,49198,upuen ku nialaan namu a futing,gather together the fish you caught,train +49198,49199,49199,anu turin saan itila,if it continues,train +49199,49200,49200,caay hen,never before,test +49200,49201,49201,samamangay,minimum,train +49201,49202,49202,pakacinamalay kami nani Taypak a tala Pusung,we took the train from Taipei to Taitung,train +49202,49203,49203,natala cuwa kisu i nacila,where were you yesterday,train +49203,49204,49204,tingki,land title,train +49204,49205,49205,patelung,present,train +49205,49206,49206,ciraraway,sins,train +49206,49207,49207,neneng hatu mipiked tu marad fekafekat ku tayal,it is very compact and hard work,train +49207,49208,49208,ha ha ha maheʼennay saka,Watercolors ha ha ha so that is why,train +49208,49209,49209,Saayaw i u lalipana hu^ ciira,in the beginning it was a caterpillar,train +49209,49210,49210,samaanen a maumah u manan ku payci han aku,I am talking about what to do when you are a farmer and you do not have any money,test +49210,49211,49211,u mamangaay tu a misafa^eluh tu urip u sanay,you can live a normal life again,train +49211,49212,49212,faian,step mother,train +49212,49213,49213,Satingsaen,bicycle,train +49213,49214,49214,mitedal tu ciraraway a tamdaw,deliver the guilty,train +49214,49215,49215,o nira pakafanaʼan hanu awa ku hatilaay,he taught his students well,train +49215,49216,49216,u sipanayay u valinunu hu hay yan,there is a kind of black glutinous rice,train +49216,49217,49217,anini^,at the present,train +49217,49218,49218,cirah,Saltimba,train +49218,49219,49219,madukaay ku kuku ni ama ni Kacaw,my uncle injured his foot,train +49219,49220,49220,hai maulahay tu takula,Yes I like frogs,test +49220,49221,49221,maciker,locked,train +49221,49222,49222,tapielal tu kaku,I woke up,train +49222,49223,49223,i nanengay tu mihatatanam ku kaemangay,they are all very serious about their studies,train +49223,49224,49224,iratu ku pitu tu safaw sa kaku,I was about,train +49224,49225,49225,Cahucahu matumes tu ku fakar nangra,Their all at once was full,train +49225,49226,49226,nu Pangcah itini i niyaru,Amis culture passed on,train +49226,49227,49227,itini i niyaru itiyahu i,at the time of the tribe,train +49227,49228,49228,ha hay kini,Ha Yes it is,train +49228,49229,49229,Kudaitay sa i laliyun sanay,if you have the stamina you will just keep spinning,train +49229,49230,49230,pasatip a rumakat,walk travel to the west,test +49230,49231,49231,hatiniay lafing kunika tumuk aku i,I have been in charge for so long,train +49231,49232,49232,Pacauf sa kuya tamdaw Oya miadahay i takuwanan ku Alaen ku kafutian isu a rumakat sanay han ningra,but he replied The man who made me well said to me Pick up your mat and walk,train +49232,49233,49233,Halikaenen u tau kisu a mimaan,try to eat and drink as much as possible you are not an outsider,train +49233,49234,49234,widi^tuki,of the clock,train +49234,49235,49235,ya tataakay a ising ya misuwalan ningra i,the big hospitals he is talking about,train +49235,49236,49236,ta maʼepud nai lutuk tangasa i Ciwidian,then go downhill to Shuilian village,train +49236,49237,49237,ey twan haw,Uh two,train +49237,49238,49238,niyam sa sarakat inti kaku i hiya nu,we walk there I live by the police station,train +49238,49239,49239,tu sakaytini i lalavu,speech expression,train +49239,49240,49240,kura kuni hatu nian,these two sides this and this,test +49240,49241,49241,cima ku mafanaʼay yanan satu,who knows same thing,train +49241,49242,49242,u kaemangay,these latecomers,train +49242,49243,49243,a sifilid han ni Cyangcen a ni ala caira sa,Chiang Chun Ching carried them away,train +49243,49244,49244,u wawa tawma sa,Childrens homecoming,train +49244,49245,49245,sapad,desks,train +49245,49246,49246,tadamaan ku icel nira,it is very powerful,train +49246,49247,49247,mapatanged,locked,train +49247,49248,49248,itini i tamina,adapted to shipboard work,train +49248,49249,49249,atu ina tu panay mana caka kaen ku felac,Rice why cannot we eat rice,train +49249,49250,49250,u kita i away tu ku kapah kapah a mipaluma saan haw,no young people are coming back to farming,test +49250,49251,49251,iraay ku kili,there it is,train +49251,49252,49252,Pacauf sa ci Simun Pitiru Tapangaw i cimaanan kami a palawina saw deng kisu a ccay ku pasuwalay tu sakaciurip tu midaucay,Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life,train +49252,49253,49253,o mamaefer hu ku maecakay a huwak saw,will a cooked duck still fly,train +49253,49254,49254,cialemay,pangolin,train +49254,49255,49255,i kalasufitayan a mipili,just pick it up at the training center,train +49255,49256,49256,tuur,musical instrument,train +49256,49257,49257,anu caay haenen ningra ku dmak i tadu u pipatapang anu caay ka lahci i katawaen nu minengnengay a tamdamdaw cingra,for if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it everyone who sees it will ridicule him,train +49257,49258,49258,sa mira,they,train +49258,49259,49259,yraen ku falucu,give your full attention to that,train +49259,49260,49260,naun han a mivelun,pour slowly,test +49260,49261,49261,kapurus,squirrel,train +49261,49262,49262,cingangan,Prestige status,train +49262,49263,49263,halitangic kuni a wawa,this kid really does not cry anymore,train +49263,49264,49264,mitakaw tu panaluma nu ariray u talitali tu i,stealing peoples corn and taro,train +49264,49265,49265,u siyang kungsu ku milimuutay a misilsil tu remiad nu pay niyaniyaru,arrangement of processing time for each tribe by the respective village office,train +49265,49266,49266,a mahenay yaca kalahan mahenay tu,Oh that is right get a move on,train +49266,49267,49267,Macahulak niyam ku rarukuh i tarawadaw,the quail was caught in the river by us in a bamboo cage in the shape of a conch,train +49267,49268,49268,a misasiraw i pinengneng tu sasangaʼen tu siraw,if you want to make savory meat first select the meat you want to make savory meat,train +49268,49269,49269,tuna mahaen saka lungucaw ita ku sakararihaday atu sakasasipaicel tu falucu a dmak,let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification,train +49269,49270,49270,iyuf han nu fali i anca ka huni ku kikay haw i,blowing in the wind or the machine is not working,test +49270,49271,49271,Orasaka u midmakay tunini i caay ka u kaku uya iraay i takuwanan a raraw ku midmakay,as it is it is no longer I myself who do it but it is sin living in me,train +49271,49272,49272,Caay u safa^ nu maku ciira,No she is my younger sister,train +49272,49273,49273,cukaymas,use,train +49273,49274,49274,suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O maan kura kasasuwalan namu a rumakat saw han ningra tireng sa cangra a mararum ku pising,he asked them What are you discussing together as you walk along they stood still their faces downcast,train +49274,49275,49275,dengaytu ira sa ku heni,they all say it is okay,train +49275,49276,49276,turecek,peck,train +49276,49277,49277,mafukil,No I will not,train +49277,49278,49278,kakairayan,cherish,train +49278,49279,49279,Orasaka u midu^duay ci Yis ci Milikicitikan a malasakakaay a Citudungay tu Taung han nu Kawas cingra,and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek,train +49279,49280,49280,caay kalecad u nipalumaan ku nu Taywan haw,it is different Do Minnan people grow their own food,test +49280,49281,49281,pasuelin,believe,train +49281,49282,49282,tedac wasaan kaku a minukay,I will go home directly,train +49282,49283,49283,rakat sa tangasa i lutuk,walking to the mountains,train +49283,49284,49284,Tatungutungud han nu salikaka a i tini kuna radiw a makeru,the people of the tribe are here to sing and dance this song to each other,train +49284,49285,49285,pakayni kacipala atu kaciluma ikaka ku pinangan itini kala laelaed nu pala a makakenis ira aca ku nipipulenem tu fukeluh i cecay nu laya ku talulung u tudung nu silusi nu pala,this is especially evident in the fields and houses the boundaries of fields were often marked by burying stones one meter below the ground,train +49285,49286,49286,mahaenay ku fafahiya kuna tayal ku na suwal,I mean it is like a girls job,train +49286,49287,49287,anu tayra hu kisu tuna sakakaay nu pimalian itini puluyakiw,if you are lucky enough to have a chance to be selected as a midfielder,train +49287,49288,49288,Mitiselay ku pinengneng nu was tu laluma nu falucu ita,God sees inside our hearts,train +49288,49289,49289,samaanen isu a tayra i Pukutu,how do you go to Penghu,train +49289,49290,49290,malahedaw,disappearance,test +49290,49291,49291,o cifunguhay cingra,he is smart intelligent,train +49291,49292,49292,mahan tu malecad ini mahaen tuw ini,it is exactly the same here it is,train +49292,49293,49293,initu ku hay mangalayay a micakay,here we go Yes I want to buy it,train +49293,49294,49294,iniyan u aʼul kiniyan,it is also made of bamboo,train +49294,49295,49295,lipahak sa ci mama^ a matawa^,dad was happy and smiling,train +49295,49296,49296,o duduh nu awul tu sapisulut ni mama tu nanum,dad used a bamboo pipe to draw water,train +49296,49297,49297,ina niyam i i Tafalungay tamdaw,Moms from Tomita,train +49297,49298,49298,yu pakatengil kaku i satatiih ku harateng aku,when I heard that my attitude changed,train +49298,49299,49299,tevus,sugar cane,train +49299,49300,49300,saka tulu i mi,Third it is enforcement,test +49300,49301,49301,iraay tu ku hatiniay ini kira,because it is already there,train +49301,49302,49302,tangasa tu anini malupisak tu i kasaniyaru nu pasaetip ku Pangcah miliyas tu niyaru atu kaliumahan nengneng han ku tamdaw nu niyaru caay tu ka papina awaay tu ku sunisuni a matengil,until now the tribes have been left alone as the Amis have dispersed to the western regions after leaving the tribes and their farming areas,train +49302,49303,49303,maedeng tu mikuku tu malinah tu,when you have outgrown your place of residence you move on with the others,train +49303,49304,49304,aka pakukampiwta tu tangal nu maku,do not mistake my brain for a computer,train +49304,49305,49305,Lesa san ku lusa nira yu mapui nu singsi,when she was scolded by her teacher tears came out one by one,train +49305,49306,49306,tu mi itini i Kiwit,still continuing to evangelize in Chimay,train +49306,49307,49307,u nu mita pusung iraay manengneng aku,I have seen it in Taitung,train +49307,49308,49308,mihalaka kaku tu sakatayra i Ripun anu ruma mihecaan,I plan to go to Japan next year,train +49308,49309,49309,patinaku han aku,let me give you an example,train +49309,49310,49310,haydahi satu ka u urip nu niyam a niyaru na itiraay,the lives of the other tribes have improved,test +49310,49311,49311,ku lise nu niyaru nu Cikasuwan,picked up in the trace,train +49311,49312,49312,kay alumanay sa,there seems to be a lot of people in there,train +49312,49313,49313,misaʼicel kaku miharateng samaanen nu maku a mikerid tu niyaru,I really want to think about how to improve the tribes life,train +49313,49314,49314,mitngil ku tamdamdaw tunini i tataang ku kter nangra Cli sa O satadamaanay i tini i Ifisu ci Artimis saan,when they heard this they were furious and began shouting Great is Artemis of the Ephesians,train +49314,49315,49315,tu tireng tu,it is me,train +49315,49316,49316,niiluhan,it is on fire,train +49316,49317,49317,Puhay o nipalumaan aku kuna lusay tanamen a kumaen,come here these are the fruits I grow you should try it,train +49317,49318,49318,hanaw,the reason why,train +49318,49319,49319,sadupil,glue,train +49319,49320,49320,tu macacakaytu,mature,test +49320,49321,49321,sisa rikurtu mabana tu kaku i nengneng han aku i,it is because I can read the Amish language and take a closer look,train +49321,49322,49322,itiya i pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Simunaw ira ku sasuwalen Aku i tisuwanan han ningra Pacauf sa ci Simun Singsiaw pasuwalen kaku han ningra,when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to himself If this man were a prophet he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is that she is a sinner,train +49322,49323,49323,iraay kura,it is all about the sound of the words,train +49323,49324,49324,Kawas,the,train +49324,49325,49325,i picudadan kita a matatala^ haw miluin kita,how about meeting at school we need to shoot a video,train +49325,49326,49326,tayni a midadudu mapulung alaen ku sakimaumah,come and line up remember to bring your tools,train +49326,49327,49327,u Pangcah u Kaliyawan mimaan misumad tu ngangan niyam,some of us Amis Karmalans have changed our names,train +49327,49328,49328,saka ngaʼay nu urip,to make life better,train +49328,49329,49329,turun u epah,rice Cake wine,train +49329,49330,49330,han aku paini tamunan u wawa,that is how I encourage my children,test +49330,49331,49331,Fisun han nira ku fafisun matefad aca kuya wawa,when she shook the cradle the baby fell,train +49331,49332,49332,saka masanga aku ku mitiniay,it took a long time to finish it,train +49332,49333,49333,maalimay tu ku piseti,I am still black and blue,train +49333,49334,49334,caira haw,what about them,train +49334,49335,49335,mihayda atu misaicel ku Cenfu a midemak tunian,the government made certain promises and efforts,train +49335,49336,49336,a minukay aca ku,return home,train +49336,49337,49337,Suuten kuni i tartar,tie this to the post,train +49337,49338,49338,hemek cuwa ka maluwan,a joyful heart does not languish,train +49338,49339,49339,samaan ku teluc nuya demak,how did that matter come to an end,train +49339,49340,49340,u saka caay kacumud nu lifung,prevention of droplet infection,test +49340,49341,49341,anini satu,up to the present,train +49341,49342,49342,malaliw,not in time,train +49342,49343,49343,a lalumaʼan nu tamdaw ku talumaʼay,population of households returned to,train +49343,49344,49344,o mamilifet kita tu milatengtengay,we will compete in tug of war,train +49344,49345,49345,maʼuriphu kina fafahiyan kina malalukay mafana kaku,I also know that these hardworking women are still alive,train +49345,49346,49346,Ma^deng cecay a tatukian,it takes about an hour,train +49346,49347,49347,o maan ku kateliian nu misu,what are you angry about,train +49347,49348,49348,ucimadaaluka saan kakuwan ri,just ask me if there is any Chinese food left,train +49348,49349,49349,hamham san ku falucu aku a mitala tu pinukay nu wawa,I am giddy with anticipation for my child return,train +49349,49350,49350,a kakawaw nira,it is spiritual,test +49350,49351,49351,idahiay a wawa saan ku singsi a pahemek takuwanan,my teacher praised me for being a great kid,train +49351,49352,49352,sinavel,dish,train +49352,49353,49353,o maunipay tu niyam ku cecay a facal i pala,we have planted a field of seedlings,train +49353,49354,49354,u man ku sapisawsaw nanum nanum aca ha,what do you use to clean Water just water,train +49354,49355,49355,enem tu kuni enem tu kura mata nira,this is the sixth the sixth hole,train +49355,49356,49356,cuwa ka kiharen aku ciira,I ignored him,train +49356,49357,49357,i tukay tu caira a matayal atu misaparud,they have a family in the city and work there,train +49357,49358,49358,pikadafuan,in laws or in laws,train +49358,49359,49359,Cencune,Chan Chun Ngor,train +49359,49360,49360,o serangawan nu mita ku tenuun sapi parayrayaw kaku tu serangawan,weaving is a part of our culture and I want to ensure its continuity,test +49360,49361,49361,velihen ku salil a mitepik sasaaluvuen,fold the fish net to make a net bag,train +49361,49362,49362,u niyan hantu,i,train +49362,49363,49363,micaculi tu Ripun,resisting the Japanese,train +49363,49364,49364,pasifanaay,Teacher,train +49364,49365,49365,o maan ku sakasasela nu futing,what do fish breathe,train +49365,49366,49366,Sivatikar kaku,I have a bicycle,train +49366,49367,49367,micikcikay,cut it into pieces,train +49367,49368,49368,miliyas kaku tu pala itini i Taywan,have I left the land of Taiwan,train +49368,49369,49369,maharatengay nu maku i tiya hu,I remember it best,train +49369,49370,49370,caay ka simanay cika saan,it will not be built on a whim,test +49370,49371,49371,piala kisu tu salaplap tu ayam,you go get the bird catcher,train +49371,49372,49372,makakiing,members,train +49372,49373,49373,i fafaeday nu sapad ku cudad,the book is on top of the table,train +49373,49374,49374,Sapu^neren ku falucu namu i kaayaw nu Tapang ta pacakaten nu Tapang kamu,humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up,train +49374,49375,49375,hay tefus,Yes sugar cane,train +49375,49376,49376,usa,attack,train +49376,49377,49377,miaca,buy,train +49377,49378,49378,mahedek kamu mililuc kira miringu kamu hyaen tu daya,you can do the same thing after taking a bath and soak your feet,train +49378,49379,49379,pavuvuen i sasa,then go downstream to place the fish trap,train +49379,49380,49380,hay u Sedeng han ini i Puseku,Yes here in Yuli Town the Dayu tribe,test +49380,49381,49381,o paru nu lumaˈ niyam miceriday mirienang tu saˈupu atu mitusil,our family regularly attends meetings and we often preach the truth of the Bible to people,train +49381,49382,49382,yu itiya hen,at that time,train +49382,49383,49383,mafanaʼay tu tu u mamang a minengneng tu adada a,a man who knows a little about the medical aspects of the disease,train +49383,49384,49384,itiraay i pusung ku,in Taitung,train +49384,49385,49385,makapahay ku kucu nu misu,your shoes are beautiful,train +49385,49386,49386,Iraay mafutiay i kafatian cingra,Yes she is sleeping in her room,train +49386,49387,49387,ci ina aku itiya,the mother at the time,train +49387,49388,49388,pasu niyan u,in particular,train +49388,49389,49389,o micengelay tu kiradum ku tayal nu maku i Taypak,my job in Taipei was dyeing fabric,train +49389,49390,49390,ruma a tamdaw misisit tu palatawan ruma a tamadaw i miasik tu paenan,some people clean the windows some sweep the floor,test +49390,49391,49391,paʼarawen kamu saw,I will show you,train +49391,49392,49392,masakuduay,production of finished products,train +49392,49393,49393,pasadaken ku sasipasip,please take out the eraser,train +49393,49394,49394,awai matengil tu rumiamiad u sakatadamaan nu radiw nu sakailisin i ira aca ku cecay u mikieciway maherek i u picaradaw nu alumanay,the songs that are limited to this Festival and are forbidden to be sung in normal times are called Nensai no Kyoji,train +49394,49395,49395,sisa itiya ira ku runu atu madukaay,in those days there were mullet and wounded fish,train +49395,49396,49396,tiraay i man hatu pawan tu,I do not remember what it was called,train +49396,49397,49397,padiheku,warm,train +49397,49398,49398,caay pakapatiku cingra tuya tadah saka palimuuten nu hungti ku tamdaw a papipacakay cingraan halufafahi atu wawa atu pulung nu dafung ningra tu sapatiku tu tadah ningra,since he was not able to pay the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt,train +49398,49399,49399,o picaferan nu lafang ku luma niyam,our home is a place for our guests to rest,train +49399,49400,49400,tiyad,abdomen,test +49400,49401,49401,hay mahaen,Yeah that is it,train +49401,49402,49402,tumangic ku harateng anu maharateng,when I think about it tears flow from my heart,train +49402,49403,49403,o kami i caay pakinali kami a mipasneng tuya niparucekan nu Kawas i tamiyanan a tayal oya niparucekan nu Kawas a tatayalen niyam ku piarawan niyam a pasneng Halu amu a masausi tunini,We however will not boast beyond proper limits but will confine our boasting to the field God has assigned to us a field that reaches even to you,train +49403,49404,49404,o awaay ku matiniay a dmak i u mapuhaway u ingataay a ccay ku maaraway ningra o matawalay ningra ku nika sawsawtu nu i ayaway a raraw ningra a makurac,but if anyone does not have them he is nearsighted and blind and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins,train +49404,49405,49405,Pihaytaw,Hokkaido,train +49405,49406,49406,misakuli kaku i Kalingku,that is why I went to work at Hualien,train +49406,49407,49407,adihay ku hiya nu falucu tangic nu falucu aya,there is a lot of crying and shouting in my heart,train +49407,49408,49408,nawhani saʼayaw nu malakakitaan i,from the previous leaders,train +49408,49409,49409,na saan ku malitengay,this is what the elderly expect,train +49409,49410,49410,caw,foretell,test +49410,49411,49411,O Amis kamu,are you aboriginals,train +49411,49412,49412,o makuwanay nu luma a tamdaw papasata tu cecay sapasata a payci itiya,at that time people under Roman rule were required to pay a poll tax of one silver dollar,train +49412,49413,49413,tatulu cangra,there are three of them,train +49413,49414,49414,misarakarakat misaniwaniwang,take a stroll,train +49414,49415,49415,o Yincumin kisu hay,are you Aboriginal,train +49415,49416,49416,tahekal amin ku nisangaʼan nu heni tu vangcalay a lusid u makapahay,they wore all their beautiful handmade costumes,train +49416,49417,49417,Mafelihaytu isu ku suta,did you turn over the soil,train +49417,49418,49418,u matamaay tu,sound,train +49418,49419,49419,mapafalinunuay,adding tall stem glutinous rice seeds to the,train +49419,49420,49420,caay pitahpu kita tu makapahay a nengnengen a caang nu tireng ita Sungilaen nu Kawas a patatudung ku kahaccaccay a caang nu tireng a patatungud tu sakatadamaan nuya sasafaay a caang,while our presentable parts need no special treatment but God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it,test +49420,49421,49421,Miaca kita tu impic haw,let us go buy a pen shall we,train +49421,49422,49422,u maan kura pinengneng ningra alatek kaku kiya mamatama nura faʼinayan ka ulahan ningra,what would he think maybe he would like me I am his favorite,train +49422,49423,49423,itiya haw ca ka bana kaku,I cannot quite figure it out at that point,train +49423,49424,49424,sakaminengneng san kaku minengneng,I have been watching,train +49424,49425,49425,u saka pina a remiad namilipay anini,what day of the week is today,train +49425,49426,49426,masarieduc,concentrating ones thoughts and efforts,train +49426,49427,49427,nanu kaemang aku maulah kaku mitengil tu caciyaw nu mama aku mi,since I was a kid I have always loved listening to my father,train +49427,49428,49428,maharek i anu u kalamkamay i,if you are done picking wild greens soon,train +49428,49429,49429,cicawfan,quilt,train +49429,49430,49430,tusa^,two,test +49430,49431,49431,ura tatulu iʼayaw nira a mipanukay,he will take those three home first,train +49431,49432,49432,Padetengan a milawa saw,it was not an intentional omission,train +49432,49433,49433,hay paseday ra hay,Yes it is called a sword belt,train +49433,49434,49434,ya furafurayan,that flowery maiden,train +49434,49435,49435,caay tu kangaʼay caay kafancal ku hemay sangaen,No the rice will not taste good,train +49435,49436,49436,pakadihemayay,relaxation,train +49436,49437,49437,anu ira ku malasawaday nu mita a tamdaw i,if someone dies in the family,train +49437,49438,49438,saasik,broom,train +49438,49439,49439,Tanukamay han nira,he did it by hand,train +49439,49440,49440,kalucaacaang,each branch,test +49440,49441,49441,o mitngilay cingra tu lunguc aku a ma^min anu saan ku nika fana ita i malayaptu aku ku nilungucan aku i Kawas saan ku nika fana ita,and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have what we asked of him,train +49441,49442,49442,mifafa ci kaka tu wawa nira,sister carries her children,train +49442,49443,49443,cikaketiay,waspish,train +49443,49444,49444,dimukus,to care for,train +49444,49445,49445,halifutingay,I like fish,train +49445,49446,49446,kerah,drought in the land,train +49446,49447,49447,pakayni tuna mitafukud hananay,Topics on Sat Gossipcom,train +49447,49448,49448,Tupinen ni mama^ aku kaku tu paliding,dad drove me with him,train +49448,49449,49449,u nian u karipudut maikes tu sisa,because it is so overcooked that is why,train +49449,49450,49450,kaku a fafahiyan haw maan ci Oʼekim kaku,I am the baby,test +49450,49451,49451,suedac,upstream,train +49451,49452,49452,o pirayrayan niyam kinian a cudad,we are based on this book,train +49452,49453,49453,anu ira ku patalumaay a demak i niyaru u tataangay a demak nu ngangasawan kunian,when someone in the tribe gets married it is a big deal for the whole clan,train +49453,49454,49454,minengneng,pay a call to,train +49454,49455,49455,hakufuku,chalk,train +49455,49456,49456,u ruma hantu,the other story,train +49456,49457,49457,demak nu kapah,youth work,train +49457,49458,49458,taluan,clubhouse,train +49458,49459,49459,ayaw nu lahuk i u nu u,kindergarten is Bible study until noon,train +49459,49460,49460,o sapatalaw tu ayam ku kangkang i palapalaan,tin cans are used in the fields to scare away birds,test +49460,49461,49461,kulung,cattle,train +49461,49462,49462,sakahengan sa tu kura cepi isu kira saw,your thighs are red from thread rubbing,train +49462,49463,49463,ihuni,just now,train +49463,49464,49464,kana tu mahaen,that is what it looks like,train +49464,49465,49465,tadamapacakayay,Popularity,train +49465,49466,49466,masalaw tu ku urad,stop raining,train +49466,49467,49467,pasuwal sa ci Yis O lalumuwad a maurip ku salikaka isu han ningra ci Marta,Jesus said to her Your brother will rise again,train +49467,49468,49468,pasuwal sa ci Pawlu O tumirengay kaku i pisawkitan nu hungti nu Luma Saka a u i tini kaku a maliclic awaay ku maan aca a patlac aku i Yutaya a tamdaw Kafanaantu isu kunini,Paul answered I am now standing before Caesars court where I ought to be tried I have not done any wrong to the Jews as you yourself know very well,train +49468,49469,49469,radiwen radiwen,sing it,train +49469,49470,49470,sataʼing satu kya finawlan a mi mahemak a mi makeru,the tribesmen danced happily to celebrate the event,test +49470,49471,49471,macacak ni mama ku dadiwal,dad cooked the water crickets,train +49471,49472,49472,rinum,needle,train +49472,49473,49473,Mafana ci akung a pakungku^,Grandpa is a good storyteller,train +49473,49474,49474,samatiyaen u falucu ni Kristu Yis ku falucu namu,your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus,train +49474,49475,49475,cicir,pipe,train +49475,49476,49476,haen sa kami malahanghang ri,that is how we have always been friends,train +49476,49477,49477,impic,pencil,train +49477,49478,49478,ya pakayra minukay,there are back from there,train +49478,49479,49479,maʼaraw nira kura safa aku,he saw my brother,train +49479,49480,49480,paketunay,judge,test +49480,49481,49481,i pinsiyang tu ku kaʼicang ira,it dries out in the fridge,train +49481,49482,49482,ngeru sa cira a mawmah tu remiremiad,he worked hard in the fields every day,train +49482,49483,49483,mahaenay saka lipahak ku falucu,I am so happy,train +49483,49484,49484,iraan a taku mikesi pavalicentu tu kilang atu aul,dividing the area with canals and replacing the wood and bamboo,train +49484,49485,49485,iya midatengay tu tamana sa,speaking of picking cabbages,train +49485,49486,49486,aka patelas sa a mifalah tu lakaw,do not litter,train +49486,49487,49487,rarawraw,make a racket,train +49487,49488,49488,tu sulep nu tiyad,to satisfy the hunger of the stomach,train +49488,49489,49489,iraan nahufi i caay kunu teked,it means that this award is not unique,train +49489,49490,49490,micumud tu,come in quickly,test +49490,49491,49491,mafana a mi minanam,I am a very strong learner,train +49491,49492,49492,anu pakilumaʼlumaʼ hani,by way of the household,train +49492,49493,49493,sapi maan han saw pisahalafin tu,what is it for it will last forever,train +49493,49494,49494,Makalitusaay tu ku tamdaw nu i niyaruay,about half of them still live in tribes,train +49494,49495,49495,kaketeren nira kaku,he rebuked me,train +49495,49496,49496,Adila i vanges,you have to touch the skin,train +49496,49497,49497,ngaʼay hu,Oh yeah,train +49497,49498,49498,tayni kaku i nu Kilung,I am going to Keelung Anle district,train +49498,49499,49499,paafesaway,make something Smoky,train +49499,49500,49500,Misanga ci ina tu fuduy nu maku,mom made my clothes,test +49500,49501,49501,ya satu ciwawaay,parental,train +49501,49502,49502,palalitemuh han tu kuni,it is linked to this,train +49502,49503,49503,Limuˈut nu Kawas,obeying Gods commands,train +49503,49504,49504,acah,traditional rope,train +49504,49505,49505,i pala sa kaku i sa taynian kaku,I thought you were in the field so I came,train +49505,49506,49506,nanu ʼayaw mamang hu i mieli tu kami,we mowed thatch to catch fish and build dikes to attract fish and when I was a kid,train +49506,49507,49507,Citatudung ku mama nu kakaph a mikunling tu kapah nu niyaru,young peoples,train +49507,49508,49508,ta nengneng sa ci Yis tu i taliyukay a tamdaw a ma^min Fiyacen ku kamay isu han ningra kuya tamdaw fiyac han ningra ku kamay ningra i tatiku satu a mangaay ku kamay ningra,he looked around at them all and then said to the man Stretch out your hand he did so and his hand was completely restored,train +49508,49509,49509,sanay ku suwal ningra Tada miakuˈiday kaku tu siniˈada ni Yihufa makahi a misudud tu raraw aku,he said I am grateful that the Lord is so merciful and willing to forgive my sins,train +49509,49510,49510,tayra i riyal tayra i riyal i,will go to the beach and before going to the beach,test +49510,49511,49511,Tutu kaku a mitengil,I went to the person directly to hear the status of things,train +49511,49512,49512,o luma tu maaraw ira i ini tu ku taʼangayay niyaru sa i,also see that there is a big horde here,train +49512,49513,49513,u sama kunini kiya,this is a dandelion,train +49513,49514,49514,Cuwa u kakeliden nu singsi tayra i lutuk kita,No our teacher is going to take us to the mountains,train +49514,49515,49515,mangalay a mialaw tu sera a,they want to take away the land,train +49515,49516,49516,o sinael nu Fangcalay Cudad ku sadama tu kimad isu,focusing the presentation on the Bible,train +49516,49517,49517,tayra tu kami anu pahanhanan,we will be gone by the holidays,train +49517,49518,49518,tahira u Tapang nira u sukuy hananay u Tapang ira,the stem up to the root of a woodchuck is called a woodchuck,train +49518,49519,49519,pisarafar,arid,train +49519,49520,49520,hay pakungku ci ama matini ci ina isu,Yes grand mom has stories your mom is like that,test +49520,49521,49521,Talatimul kaku a mipalafang,I was a guest at Southside,train +49521,49522,49522,Amay han niyam iri,we reached out to him,train +49522,49523,49523,anca mi sanay,or a speech contest,train +49523,49524,49524,piradum awaay sapitangtangta tu hemay san miradum kami,when there is no water for cooking he will tell us to go get water,train +49524,49525,49525,Vayiyaw,Grandmom,train +49525,49526,49526,nanikaemangay,from a small,train +49526,49527,49527,Alamicuhcuh tu tuku kami a malafi i huni,we were just sucking on snails for dinner,train +49527,49528,49528,itini i liyal paiyawan ku heni,by the sea wherever they please,train +49528,49529,49529,anu u caleng,sometimes it is red cypress,train +49529,49530,49530,aluman ira tu cai kikungen,there are a lot of them but they do not register their marriages,test +49530,49531,49531,saka cecay i Maherekaytu kisu pakayni kinafalah ni Yis Kristu pasasiyur tu raraw nu niyah a pafatang tu tireng ci Yihufaan midufduf tu araaw ningra han,the first question is Have you repented of your sins and offered yourself to the Lord to do his will according to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ,train +49531,49532,49532,sakiya falucu aku,that is what I am thinking,train +49532,49533,49533,ci Kristu ku facu nu caay ka araw a Kawas o i kakaay nu masangaay a maamaan cingra,he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all creation,train +49533,49534,49534,aredet,sweet,train +49534,49535,49535,harakatay,faster,train +49535,49536,49536,maherek mahan tu,make it into pills,train +49536,49537,49537,hay malucekay tu,Yes that is right,train +49537,49538,49538,siheci haw kira lusay tu mihemihecaan,do those fruit trees bear fruit every year,train +49538,49539,49539,u heci kiniyan u saalesuʼay nu dateng nu Pangcah kiniyan,this is the fruit the most delicious wild vegetable of the Amis,train +49539,49540,49540,fangcal ku pinangan,it is a good habit,test +49540,49541,49541,o rumasatu yu mipatay ci Stifanuan uya mipawacayay tu pakayniay i tisuwanan i ira kaku itiya a mihai tura dmak kaku ku misimaway tu riku nuya mipatayay cingraan han aku i,and when the blood of your martyr Stephen was she would I stood there giving my approval and guarding the clothes of those who were killing him,train +49541,49542,49542,mahaenay matatakangay kuyami,like stones stacked on top of each other,train +49542,49543,49543,o widang nu Kawas wa ira ku manan a sapalemed nuikur,what blessings will God bestow on his friends,train +49543,49544,49544,o samasu^suay ci Panay,Barnet is the fattest man,train +49544,49545,49545,ta yasa ekim i maaraway san culem i maaraway kya ekim san,if you dive in you will easily see the gold,train +49545,49546,49546,itiraay kura sakatusa a pahicelaan,that was the second temporary stopover,train +49546,49547,49547,Cuwa u wama aku i u Amis u ina aku i u Payrang,No my father is Amis and my mother is Han Taiwanese,train +49547,49548,49548,maulah kukapah hanen haw ta,this way of working would be very popular with young people,train +49548,49549,49549,sisa i hadhadan amin a paluma tu sivanuhay kuetengay a panay atu havay,Therefore they work in dry fields such as glutinous rice millet is grown in dry fields,train +49549,49550,49550,demak tuninian tura maalaay a saraw a wawa,this thing the child who was taken by the spirits,test +49550,49551,49551,Paratuh i lihulihuc,spread the good news throughout the four realms,train +49551,49552,49552,ta sakalahuk haw,preparing for lunch,train +49552,49553,49553,i patelian tu picaʼitan tu hawan haw i,just hang on to the hunting knife,train +49553,49554,49554,aka ka muraraw haw pasayni katip ku alu i u pinukay tu niyaru,do not go the wrong way if the river is heading north it is the way back to the tribe,train +49554,49555,49555,saayaway a tayni i Makutaay,the first to come to the tribe,train +49555,49556,49556,hamaan hanta caycaka tayni kira Taylin sakami,what are we going to do the cops will not even come here,train +49556,49557,49557,sa keling sakeling,the bell,train +49557,49558,49558,niciwangan,deploy something open the fork,train +49558,49559,49559,o maririay ku lutuk i rikur nu lunen,mountains collapse after earthquakes,train +49559,49560,49560,ira haca ku,another thing,test +49560,49561,49561,o maan ku kakeseman isu,why are you sad,train +49561,49562,49562,u hahadaken aku kura sasing ngaʼayay haw,can I share the photos on the wall with you,train +49562,49563,49563,samatini anu ruma a mihecaan i,at this time next year,train +49563,49564,49564,u pulung nu niyaru haw ku mituuray,almost the whole tribe came to worship,train +49564,49565,49565,mi tu kaku,I am retiring,train +49565,49566,49566,atu itiraʼay ku suwal nu maku,this is what I shared,train +49566,49567,49567,Lada han ku mamang a cinah i fiyaw,go borrow some salt from your neighbor,train +49567,49568,49568,kakakaka macaciyawhu cima i caciyaw,Sisters please say something,train +49568,49569,49569,muetep ira ku lima,fifteen,train +49569,49570,49570,haen han naku ku tudung pakafana sa itini,I am here to make it clear to you,test +49570,49571,49571,kahkrekerem ku rumiad,the day is growing dark,train +49571,49572,49572,tulun,pray,train +49572,49573,49573,maadah ku keter nu falucu,the anger of heart is healed gone,train +49573,49574,49574,Saka halumisimaway tu luma nu hungti a mikifikifiay a tayring a ma^min atu rumaruma a tamdaw i tini a mafana tu nika u nanu nika tayal aku ci Kristuan ku sakarufu aku,as a result it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ,train +49574,49575,49575,saka tusa a muking,pieces,train +49575,49576,49576,ci Mayaw i iraw macuis i san cima kiya macuis iraw marasang,where is Mayo he fell in the gutter who was drunk and primped,train +49576,49577,49577,hay mahaen ku naayaway,Yes it is this is the old one,train +49577,49578,49578,Tadamaruray kaku anini a miungtu u maan ku mitangtangan isu a dateng sau,I am really tired from working out today what are you cooking,train +49578,49579,49579,cahu ka kafana a caciyaw kura faʼinayan,the kid could not talk yet,train +49579,49580,49580,rimadac,smoothness,test +49580,49581,49581,pakafana aku kitanan sanay hatini ku tudung,that is the point I am trying to make right there,train +49581,49582,49582,napacuwah saanay mahaenay matiniay,that is what it looks like when you are in the past,train +49582,49583,49583,u dihmayay ku valucu nira,she is gentle and soft,train +49583,49584,49584,kerid,bring,train +49584,49585,49585,Mielik ci ina tu panay,mom rubs the hulls with her footboard,train +49585,49586,49586,Mitaelif kami tu pacakayay tu titi^ nu ayam suwal sa kuya tawki^ O maan ku cakayen isu fangcal masu^su^ kina ayam anini^ tulu^ lian ku cecay saan,we passed the meat stall and the boss said What do you want to buy Todays chickens are big and fat and one is NTD,train +49586,49587,49587,o ngaayay kunini u matatudungay i nafalucuan nu pauripay titaanan a Kawas,this is good and pleases God our Savior,train +49587,49588,49588,Ckuk sa cangra a matalaw matiya u tahakawasay,they were startled and frightened thinking they saw a ghost,train +49588,49589,49589,mapatay,death,train +49589,49590,49590,a mimaumah,I do not know what is going on in the paddy fields,test +49590,49591,49591,u saayaway iri,before all else,train +49591,49592,49592,mifurac,brush,train +49592,49593,49593,Pacauf sa ci Yis Caay ku nanu raraw nunini a tamdaw caay ku nanu raraw nu mama atu ina ningra o sapatalahkalaw tu icel nu Kawas i tireng ningra,Neither this man nor his parents sinned said Jesus but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life,train +49593,49594,49594,sahen,just now,train +49594,49595,49595,Tadu u nika tayni isu awaay cingra,it is too bad you came he is not here,train +49595,49596,49596,Mafanaay ku fainayan nu niyaru a patalakal misanga cangra tu wail a sapitalakal atu saenec a sapitalakal,the men of the tribe also trap their prey making lasso traps and rock traps,train +49596,49597,49597,kahapinang,figure out,train +49597,49598,49598,mahaen ku pinengneng isu,I am sure you will agree,train +49598,49599,49599,malusapiidid,charcoal grill,train +49599,49600,49600,aluman satu ku luma nu mita i tini ira tu ku cecayay a niyaru,there were more and more people living there a tribe was formed,test +49600,49601,49601,mimaan tayni kamu cuwa ku itiniay kamu saan,they do not think we are part of the neighborhood,train +49601,49602,49602,hay mahaenay itiya hu,that is how life used to be,train +49602,49603,49603,o maan ayaw i tayni ku malitengay tuna niyaru,what is it early settlers migrated to the tribes,train +49603,49604,49604,i Pusungay ku luma niyam,our family lives in Posongay,train +49604,49605,49605,misiay,peeing,train +49605,49606,49606,iraan tahanay,that is the point,train +49606,49607,49607,masamanay kina niyaru saw,what is the tribe really like,train +49607,49608,49608,Cuwa u safa nu widang aku cingra,No he is my younger brothers friend,train +49608,49609,49609,tahira kiya cecay a tamdaw i,take turns one at a time,train +49609,49610,49610,furafurayan,adolescent girl,test +49610,49611,49611,u maan ku rarafuan u icep atu fila,what is inside betel nut and leaves,train +49611,49612,49612,wata hu kuya cekiw,there is a lot more to take in,train +49612,49613,49613,Salikakaaw yu tayra kaku i tamuwanan i ayaw i caay ku tadamaanay caay ku talulungay ku suwal aku a patnak i tamuwanan tu pakayniay i pakakmuday a dmak nu Kawas,when I came to you brothers I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God,train +49613,49614,49614,tayra i takuwanan tira i i pusung,he came to Taitung to see me,train +49614,49615,49615,o nu eliʼhu a luma i Kungyin,sightseeing thatched roof house in Peinan cultural Park Taitung City,train +49615,49616,49616,oya ciadipelay ku luma niyam,our house is the one with the fence,train +49616,49617,49617,atu masakapahay,it is harder than ever,train +49617,49618,49618,cima ku hacikayay nangra,which one of them is faster,train +49618,49619,49619,fafuy nu lutuk,wild boar,train +49619,49620,49620,hilam han i sapiparamudaw na matuʼasay i tamiyanan tatusa,it is supposed to keep us together,test +49620,49621,49621,kasienawan,in winter,train +49621,49622,49622,u maan aca ku sangaʼan namu,what else do you do,train +49622,49623,49623,malasakangaay,perfect,train +49623,49624,49624,ey ciluma tu ku cilumaʼay haw i,everyone has built their own homes,train +49624,49625,49625,pitangtangan nu niyam a mialanan tu fanuh,boil the water and shave and kill,train +49625,49626,49626,eminen a kumaen kuya hemay,please eat all that rice,train +49626,49627,49627,nu wawa titaan ay mahaenay ku vaki yaku,to leave a good example in Grandpas mind,train +49627,49628,49628,mamili kec tu kapah nu niyaru,bringing together the youth of the tribe,train +49628,49629,49629,naira ku pitifekan iayawhu awaay hu,there was not a rice mill before,train +49629,49630,49630,nani,from,test +49630,49631,49631,a hai sanay tu,okay,train +49631,49632,49632,yu awaay hen,not yet,train +49632,49633,49633,ira itiraw ku impic nu maku,my pencils over there,train +49633,49634,49634,mararum ku matuʼasay nisafalucu tu kafukil nu wawa a cinglaw nisa Pangcah,the next generation of children who do not speak the Amis language are doing the elderly feel very sad,train +49634,49635,49635,tusa ku safaw nu purud ningra haw,when the tangled threads are more than hours old,train +49635,49636,49636,ya itiyahu a u eli u uway misangaʼan luma,in the early days they built houses out of thatch and rattan,train +49636,49637,49637,Halu pinengneng han tu futing,I will also take the opportunity to look at the fish,train +49637,49638,49638,o maan ku kangaayan a midanguy,what are the benefits of swimming,train +49638,49639,49639,sapikpik,wings,train +49639,49640,49640,sapitaenaw nuya matuʼasay sakairaaw,the old man was eager to,test +49640,49641,49641,Tulangen ku kasuy,add more firewood,train +49641,49642,49642,tuya cacay a remiad i lalan nu sakatala cacudadan,one day on the way to school,train +49642,49643,49643,a kisu sa ku mamangay ku,and hopefully by him,train +49643,49644,49644,o kacelakan nu hana i matini,it is blooming season,train +49644,49645,49645,nika patatudung kaku,it is just a way to express yourself,train +49645,49646,49646,Kaesu ku maafesaway a titi nu fiyaw aku,my neighbor uses smoky flavored meats that are delicious,train +49646,49647,49647,mililis,along the line,train +49647,49648,49648,itiya i aluman ku mamisawad a mituur i Takuwanan o mamarariariang cangra a masasiintel,at that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,train +49648,49649,49649,o tikami ni kaka aku nani Amilika,my brothers letter from America,train +49649,49650,49650,salisinay itini i ciranan,someone cast a spell on her,test +49650,49651,49651,hay nay tira,Yes I came from there,train +49651,49652,49652,tu sakangaayaw nu maku a mituur tu matuasay a miadup milisiw kaku a misanga tu talakal suelin narikay a citama tu aadupen ku talakal nu maku,in order to go hunting with adults as soon as possible I practice making traps every day and soon my traps can really catch prey,train +49652,49653,49653,Puputen riya Yis tu kiradum a pakafuti i tuptup,Mary wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothes and put him to sleep in a trough,train +49653,49654,49654,tayraw i kaʼamis a miliyas tu niyaru a ciluma,they will leave the Headquarters and build on the north side,train +49654,49655,49655,sasi nuhiya hu kiya u cahukan nanay hu ku epah,I will use a float to scoop up the wine,train +49655,49656,49656,i Cirangasan ku mita a luma i saan ku matuʼasay hai sa kami u kapah,the elders said that our homeland was Mount Kilai and we youths said yes,train +49656,49657,49657,kaku mala tumuk,he is been a kingpin for years,train +49657,49658,49658,Talakawanan ku pulin nu paliding,the car is leaning to the right,train +49658,49659,49659,u suʼelinay kilimaw,it is real fabric,train +49659,49660,49660,nanay ira ku faʼeluhay mitungud,Hopefully new young people will be willing to take it on,test +49660,49661,49661,a,name,train +49661,49662,49662,tatukian,time,train +49662,49663,49663,hay matiyatu tu anini,Yeah it is like bucks right now,train +49663,49664,49664,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Idangaw ira ku maalaay namu a futing haw han ningra Awaay han nangra,he called out to them Friends have not you any fish No they answered,train +49664,49665,49665,a salikaka ngaʼay tu nipitingtu aku,it means what I preach in the east is working,train +49665,49666,49666,itira sa i luma nu niyam i,Because in my home,train +49666,49667,49667,hadidi han nu malitengayay a mikuwaysu ku facal,the elders are still hiring excavators to barely clear the land,train +49667,49668,49668,ku iraay matiyaay ku urip aku nanu emangan haw,that was my life back then,train +49668,49669,49669,asiken tu,just sweep the floor,train +49669,49670,49670,Ciadipangpang ku hanahanaan,there are butterflies in the garden,test +49670,49671,49671,ringasa,fish gills,train +49671,49672,49672,anu pavalucu saan a minanam cuvaysaan a mavana,it is okay if you are willing to learn and talk you will get it,train +49672,49673,49673,mifuting tu kaku i Cinpu,I have started fishing in Jungpo,train +49673,49674,49674,fangcal ku urip nu mita misa,our lives will be better,train +49674,49675,49675,saku matuʼasay facal kaenen kinian,it is a legacy from our ancestors,train +49675,49676,49676,mala sinafel taha matini,become a wild vegetable,train +49676,49677,49677,yana rumiʼad haw i maletep kiya rumiʼad haw i,when that day comes,train +49677,49678,49678,rasmas,drizzle,train +49678,49679,49679,ngangasawan,clan,train +49679,49680,49680,nura ngiha nira itira i laenu,his voice is down there,test +49680,49681,49681,u nikaurip nu Taluku atu Pangcah,Amis and Taroko life,train +49681,49682,49682,samaan itira hu tura,because in,train +49682,49683,49683,misaturun tu tuluway a muking,just make three big pieces of glutinous rice cake,train +49683,49684,49684,Inaaw miseking kaku i kawcung han aku,Mom please let me go to high school,train +49684,49685,49685,cuwa kangaay miaca kaku tu riku,No I want to buy some clothes,train +49685,49686,49686,mingkuk tulu mihecaan,my father was born in the third year of the Republic of Korea,train +49686,49687,49687,Miefaw kaku tu tayal a misakilang i lutulutukan,I am contracted to plant trees deep in the mountains,train +49687,49688,49688,anini i hay itini itini Etulan,to this day Yes,train +49688,49689,49689,anu kacalemceman tu a tengilen,if you are scared to death of what you are hearing,train +49689,49690,49690,wa u lutungay awa ku kakaenen ri a mimerec tu maamaan aca ka ta madengay a mimelecen pakaen han tu ku lutungay mahaenay aca ku itiya u ka Ripunan,for those babies the clan fed them by pulverizing the food they picked and squeezing out the soup and that is how babies were fed in the Japanese era,test +49690,49691,49691,Silaya,Siraya,train +49691,49692,49692,tayniay,comer,train +49692,49693,49693,u namalaviyay u malahukay,Dinner Lunch,train +49693,49694,49694,ka caay kay,why do not you go to Hualien Harbor,train +49694,49695,49695,kafutian,bedroom,train +49695,49696,49696,tahira kaku pitayalan,I have arrived at my place of work,train +49696,49697,49697,adahayay ku tuʼem ira,there are a lot of clouds,train +49697,49698,49698,tusa a pulu,two groups of ten twenty,train +49698,49699,49699,o mauripay Kaku nau mapatayay Kaku Nikawrira nengnengen mauripay kaku a tahadauc o citudungay kaku tu safawah a mikuwan tu patay atu kaitiraan nu mapatayay,when I saw him I fell at his feet as though dead then he placed his right hand on me and said Do not be afraid I am the first and the Last,train +49699,49700,49700,patayra han tu niyaru malaimeng,assigned to the tribe as a police officer,test +49700,49701,49701,Sakapina^,days,train +49701,49702,49702,mafanaaypakafiluay,teach,train +49702,49703,49703,kikung hantu nira kami itini,we will get married at the church,train +49703,49704,49704,cinikalatan,nip,train +49704,49705,49705,saka pakafanaʼan aku tu ranan,So I will teach them even that,train +49705,49706,49706,o kasidaitan aku a wawa cingra,he is the child I fell concern for,train +49706,49707,49707,ta,later on,train +49707,49708,49708,kukang,amid bamboo harp,train +49708,49709,49709,marukitacay,elongated,train +49709,49710,49710,unu lutuk a diyung kifetul kiya haw fanges,if it is a mountain pig the skin must be thick after,test +49710,49711,49711,pakayni i lakuing iraay ku maanan cuwa ka hecad a suwal nu tamdaw hani,what do people say about Paradise,train +49711,49712,49712,mikilimay kaku Micekiway kaku miaʼuwangay kaku itira sanay kaku i riyal maʼurip,I scavenge for shells and I dig for sea urchins to support myself,train +49712,49713,49713,ngaayay,okay,train +49713,49714,49714,cima ku caayay kaulah tu fudawan,who does not like gold,train +49714,49715,49715,Miaca kaku tu felac,I want to buy rice,train +49715,49716,49716,Pina^ tu ku mihcaan nu misu,may I ask how old you are,train +49716,49717,49717,tuhiya padadiw san niyan,this is Aspergillus coryza,train +49717,49718,49718,pinangan nu maku ha cecay tu kalahiyay haw i,my personal military career,train +49718,49719,49719,adihayen ku nikaenan adihay ku nisafelan aku a dateng,enjoy yourself I cooked a lot of dishes,train +49719,49720,49720,o pasu anca parakatay kisu tu paliding a tayra i kiwkay,are you going to drive to the church or take the bus,test +49720,49721,49721,iya sa tu kira tahanini tiya,I will keep going until then,train +49721,49722,49722,nu maku caay ku dadingu sa ku kafanaan nu maku,so not only will I be doing eyeglasses,train +49722,49723,49723,Nanu ka^mangan a dmak aku i Kitakit aku atu dmak aku i Yirusalim i mafana ku pulung nu Yutaya a tamdaw tu nika masamaan ku dmak aku,The Jews all know the way I have lived ever since I was a child from the beginning of my life in my own country and also in Jerusalem,train +49723,49724,49724,faeluhay,renewed,train +49724,49725,49725,kalalitemuhan,come across,train +49725,49726,49726,adihay ku lutuk nu Taywan,there are many mountains in Taiwan,train +49726,49727,49727,misalama tu ku kafiyaw kira,the dormitory out of town,train +49727,49728,49728,itira tu mitala tu sakinatusa a mibuting,it is been sitting there waiting for the second fish fry,train +49728,49729,49729,Mafana kisu tu ngangan niira hay,do you know his name,train +49729,49730,49730,kamu u ruma a finacadan a sufucen haratengen ku itiyaayhu a pinangan o caay ka pidu^du tu krit a lisin hananay nu midu^duay tu krit a lisin kami sanay a Yutaya a tamdaw kamu,Therefore remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called uncircumcised by those who call themselves the circumcision,test +49730,49731,49731,sinaʼusal han ku mahaenay ngangan,it is called Spikenard,train +49731,49732,49732,wina atu wama nu maku sahetuay u Amis,my parents are Amis,train +49732,49733,49733,kumaenaw,stammer,train +49733,49734,49734,patireng,stand up,train +49734,49735,49735,vasu,bus,train +49735,49736,49736,u maan han kuni,what do you call that,train +49736,49737,49737,Cingaruan,name of the Fung Shun tribe,train +49737,49738,49738,ferarangad,stag beetle,train +49738,49739,49739,u Duvac saan kiniyan a niyaru,the name of the tribe is on the side of the mountain,train +49739,49740,49740,mamaan tayra san kiya ca ali aku i,my sister in law agrees that I should go,test +49740,49741,49741,Hay pakacilamalay ciira,Yes he took a train to Taitung,train +49741,49742,49742,misangaʼtu tu sapipatalaw tu tuwid,it is time to start making bird catchers,train +49742,49743,49743,mataʼelif tu,it is been about two years,train +49743,49744,49744,u kakurut kuni hay,Yes,train +49744,49745,49745,u a tamdaw haw,he is from the mainland,train +49745,49746,49746,anu u saka^ca ka cicih nu Rikec ni Musi ku pidmak tu krit a lisin i Paslaan a Rumiad i nawiru makter kamu tu nipiadah aku tu adadaay a tamdaw i Paslaan a Rumiad saw,now if a child can be circumcised on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses may not be broken why are you angry with me for healing the whole man on the Sabbath,train +49746,49747,49747,sulingnay sanu kila,you can really speak Aboriginal in one breath,train +49747,49748,49748,makeru tu ku uya kapah,and the youth will rise up and dance,train +49748,49749,49749,mikilim tu ruma,go find another factory,train +49749,49750,49750,lalikulay a putal,backyard,test +49750,49751,49751,nikaurira tungalhu kupitilid nasa,I wanted to add more courses,train +49751,49752,49752,masamsam nira kaku,he mocked me,train +49752,49753,49753,tilid,letter,train +49753,49754,49754,i laenu tiya tefun nu fulad hananay uranan ku saka pipakaurad,there is the so called moon well below pray for rain there,train +49754,49755,49755,tahira tu luma ira tayra i luma i limekan naku matawa,when I get home when I get home I hide,train +49755,49756,49756,hai anu dademak sa ku cacupi,move this maggot,train +49756,49757,49757,mitaelivay,passing through,train +49757,49758,49758,caciyaw han nu Pangcah kira palamlam tu,the Amis are known for their dipping materials,train +49758,49759,49759,i nina acicimay i u hana kura i caay kaenen kura,what is this sour one it is a wildflower you cannot eat it,train +49759,49760,49760,itini i aru nu kalas ira ku sapalengaw itira,hear the words of wisdom from the elders,test +49760,49761,49761,masadankaydankay ku hiya ku laku,the paddy fields are still in a state of being in a single layer like a ladder,train +49761,49762,49762,kaku ku midiputay tu wina tu wama,I serve my parents,train +49762,49763,49763,malasangtu adihay tu ku kungku nu matuasay caay haw,Drunk old people have a lot of stories do not they,train +49763,49764,49764,hicera sa kami i u miangatay kura pihiceraan niyam,we arrived at the hairdressing place,train +49764,49765,49765,o maan ku tayal nu faki isu,what does your uncle do for a living,train +49765,49766,49766,midimukus tu paru nu luma,and care of the family,train +49766,49767,49767,namaherek ami laveng,the bodies of the deceased have been buried,train +49767,49768,49768,Suˈlinay haw i awaay ku pinang ita tu samaanay ku tatirengan atu pising ni Pawlu,frankly speaking no one today can be sure of Pauls appearance,train +49768,49769,49769,mivuting tu madukaay mihakulung kaku samavana,just take me there I just found out,train +49769,49770,49770,paruruhen,clap,test +49770,49771,49771,suʼlinay maʼurad tu itiya ney,and then it really rained,train +49771,49772,49772,mitaelif i kaʼayaw aku haw i,passed me by,train +49772,49773,49773,misalinalinah,moving around,train +49773,49774,49774,o cikay ku han nira a undu,he enjoys running,train +49774,49775,49775,u tadaʼaluman a kasarekad a hitay nu maku,my unit was a regiment,train +49775,49776,49776,tatayni hu ku nu i cuwacuwaay a malitengay milikulung hu,people from all parts of the tribe who want to migrate have to pay for a cow,train +49776,49777,49777,u maanay hakiya kira Kawas,what kind of mountain God is he,train +49777,49778,49778,tayra satu i Taypak,arrived in Taipei,train +49778,49779,49779,yu mitngil tunini kuya masaupuay i kasaupuan a tamdaw a ma^min i tataang ku kter nangra,all the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this,train +49779,49780,49780,Dawaen ku ada nu misu i kalaluudan,defeat your enemies on the battlefield,test +49780,49781,49781,hay,an excellent,train +49781,49782,49782,mahaen i pikilumaan satu ku katayni isu,then come during our Harvest Festival,train +49782,49783,49783,Macuwa tu ri tamisanga kaku tu,traditional costume stage,train +49783,49784,49784,anu luma ira ku kaemaemangay i,if the tribe has a lot of children,train +49784,49785,49785,mimelaw tu ku siningkay tiya remiad,young people came to watch that day,train +49785,49786,49786,raramud sa tatusa icuwa mialacangra tu tamdaw awaay hai away,two people become husband and wife what can we do there is no one else we have to get married,train +49786,49787,49787,o tatayra i alu anini kita,are we going to the riverside today,train +49787,49788,49788,nu aul,bamboo,train +49788,49789,49789,anu mafanaʼ kisu tu kasahamaʼamaan,even if you are good at everything,train +49789,49790,49790,kaku ari ura pinengneng,to catch a glimpse of a friend or family members sporting event,test +49790,49791,49791,cuwa hu pitanam a paluma kaku tu niya fulad i,have not tried planting at this time of the month,train +49791,49792,49792,o safak a maemin ku panay niyam tinana mihecaan,this year our rice grains are empty grains with no kernels,train +49792,49793,49793,paramud,getting married,train +49793,49794,49794,masacacayay a lutuk,independent hill,train +49794,49795,49795,tangsa anini pavaliw hen kaku,until now I have had my doubts,train +49795,49796,49796,mangata tu ku kalahukan,it is close to noon,train +49796,49797,49797,o nanu micidekay a rucek nu Kawas ku saka malakuli kaku tu nu Ngaayay Ratuh unini i pakaynien ningra i dmak nu tadamaanay a icel ku pipafli i takuwanan,I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of Gods grace given me through the working of his power,train +49797,49798,49798,tayra tu i,on my way,train +49798,49799,49799,Taypak,Taipei,train +49799,49800,49800,mikilim tu falu nu minumuki,get some fruit from the Acanthopanax plant,test +49800,49801,49801,Mafafelin tu kura diput,that baby rolling over,train +49801,49802,49802,o kasuling ku sakarakatay a cilamalay i tiya hu,in the old days the fastest trains were gasoline powered,train +49802,49803,49803,ca ka pahanhan kaku maumah,I have been working from young to old without a break,train +49803,49804,49804,Awaayhu ku pakaaraway tu Kawas Nikawrira anu masasiulaulah kita i ira ku Kawas titaanan mapalahci a misungila i falucu ita ku ulah ningra,no one has ever seen God but if we love one another God lives in us and his love is made complete in us,train +49804,49805,49805,safulut satu ku matuʼasay tayni a mi,gather here and start the lesson,train +49805,49806,49806,a midiput tu,take care of that one,train +49806,49807,49807,nu niyaruʼay nu mita a wina a wama haw,are all the fathers and mothers of our tribe,train +49807,49808,49808,3 ˈayaw ni Yis tu 520 miheca ucuran ni Yihufa ci Cikariya papipadama tu finawlan Ningra patalipaˈelal tu misamaanay hanu matedal cangra miliyas tu Papilun,in BC the Lord sent the prophet Zechariah to help his people by reminding them why they had been released from Babylon,train +49808,49809,49809,edeng ca hiya sami misafalucu minanam tura,Mandarin at that time I was concentrating on learning Mandarin,train +49809,49810,49810,Adiyadidi ku luma nu Pangcah itiya cakanca ira kuni pisaparud,at that time Amis houses were very small and definitely had stoves,test +49810,49811,49811,ciwawa,having children,train +49811,49812,49812,mikali,digging a gutter,train +49812,49813,49813,sapirpetan ci Yisan ku rumaruma nangra Nikawrira awaay ku pakamayay i ci Yisan,some wanted to seize him but no one laid a hand on him,train +49813,49814,49814,Amis itiya hu,Pre Amish traditions,train +49814,49815,49815,naʼicelan aku eminen aku ku iya ku sangaen ku lalan han aku i,I am going to do everything I can I am going to do everything I can to open up the road with my application,train +49815,49816,49816,cai kasumuwal a i ngapa ku Rikec hanany nakawrira itini i niyaru atu i pilumaluma i ira kira sareku a mipulul,the matter of the law seems not to be much talked about but naturally contributes to its function in all tribal and family codes,train +49816,49817,49817,Parinumen ku mising isu,your seamstress needs to hang up her needles,train +49817,49818,49818,mangudu cingra tu nika ciraraw,he is ashamed of his sin,train +49818,49819,49819,Tahira tu i katahiraan itini i Taypey,after arriving in Taipei,train +49819,49820,49820,akaa akaa kangalay a malasikawasay,No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No,test +49820,49821,49821,ira ku micihiay raecusay ku valucu,the fierce master said,train +49821,49822,49822,Hay aray singsi^,got it thank you teacher,train +49822,49823,49823,Micunacun kura matuasay tu nanum i fanaw a mifuting,the old man was stirring the water in the pond to catch fish,train +49823,49824,49824,itiya i tireng sa ku papinapina a tamdaw a patdu a pawacay tu pakayniay i ci Yisan suwal sa,then some stood up and gave this false testimony against him,train +49824,49825,49825,layap han nira mipalu i falucu ira,you have to bear it in your heart,train +49825,49826,49826,cefung han isu faedetay nanum tangtang han nu misu i,when you cook it in a pot of boiling hot water,train +49826,49827,49827,pitu tu a miheca mi tira,we have been fighting for seven years for a cultural park,train +49827,49828,49828,tura a maraud sakalima a rumi ad,on the fifth day,train +49828,49829,49829,nawhani itini kaku Wen Cyin Can kaku haw i,I am at Boon Kin Station,train +49829,49830,49830,matemi tu asani,making sweet rice cake,test +49830,49831,49831,aka palasawad tu pida,do not waste money,train +49831,49832,49832,matuka tu cingra,he is lazy,train +49832,49833,49833,o niyaru nu masapangcahay i sakuwan nu Kalinku u pala kaliumahay i enar atu pisarafar i lutuk,the Aboriginal tribes in Hualien County grow a wide variety of crops in the flatland and mountains,train +49833,49834,49834,itira ci inaan aku cingangan tura Tapang ni ina aku tura ikuray safa aku,he took his mothers name Chan,train +49834,49835,49835,paʼurip kaku paʼurip kaku sa kura suwal nura,his voice came from directly below him saying help me help me,train +49835,49836,49836,Layapen,take accept,train +49836,49837,49837,Micahkit kuya wawa,the child is disturbing others,train +49837,49838,49838,ma fukil tu mangudu tu malitengay,they do not know how to respect the elderly or the aged,train +49838,49839,49839,salinalinah han mituduh,we are going to keep it moving and barbecuing it,train +49839,49840,49840,aluman aluman satu ku wawa isaw,after the children were born,test +49840,49841,49841,a mi adihay kiyaru ku,translating ethnic languages into Chinese,train +49841,49842,49842,i satimulan nu fanaw ku luma aku,my home is on the south side of the fishpond,train +49842,49843,49843,Misaatekakay kaku tu para aku a tumireng,I am standing to get my ass hard,train +49843,49844,49844,itiya u sifu i,the government of the year,train +49844,49845,49845,matuduh,getting burned,train +49845,49846,49846,maritusay,jerked,train +49846,49847,49847,tatusa ku kaka nu maku tu vavainayan cacay ku sava tu vavahiyan,I have two brothers and a sister,train +49847,49848,49848,mikiaraw,view,train +49848,49849,49849,Halu amu a mafana tunini a demak,even you know about this matter,train +49849,49850,49850,Wata mangaay a nanumen ku uciya namu,your tea is delicious,test +49850,49851,49851,ya sa sakatusa a kalarumiʼad i paceremay,it is only the next morning,train +49851,49852,49852,fana kaku,I know,train +49852,49853,49853,sapacuay,as a return gift,train +49853,49854,49854,tini kaku a milunguc kitanan salikaka mapulung haw,I am here to ask you brothers and sisters,train +49854,49855,49855,nisa usawen a micaʼit ku hatiniay,that is why they are here,train +49855,49856,49856,supaʼan nu malitengay cicuʼus tu sakalahuk ku mihaena isu haw kaliki matamakisu haw nu tau,the elders spit at him saying that if he is found so early he is going to eat everyone is Chinese food greedy bastard,train +49856,49857,49857,u tamdaw hiya han miritrit,in farming days it was all manpower,train +49857,49858,49858,madudaduc,bite sized,train +49858,49859,49859,liakungen,curve,train +49859,49860,49860,anu ira ku,get in there and help,test +49860,49861,49861,anu tuktuken nu misu u maan a kulitan,if you dyed it what color would it be,train +49861,49862,49862,aka ka sadak kamu,do not go out,train +49862,49863,49863,yu pakatamina haca ci Yis a milacal a tayra i tiraw a lawac nu fanaw i tihlum sa ku alumanay a finawlan i cingraan itira i lawac nu fanaw,when Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake,train +49863,49864,49864,ngaʼay hu ku pisadateng,you can water the vegetables,train +49864,49865,49865,atu nai Yirusalimay atu nai Itumiyaay atu nai tiraway nu Yurtan atu nai tatihiay nu Tiri atu Situn a niyaru pakatngil cangra tu nanu dmak ni Yis saka tayra cangra u alumanay a finawlan i ci Yisan,when they heard all he was doing many people came to him from Judea Jerusalem Idumea and the regions across the Jordan and around Tyre and Sidon,train +49865,49866,49866,tamurung,carry it on your head,train +49866,49867,49867,malapawmu mala,be a nanny be a social worker,train +49867,49868,49868,micepu,to remove the bark,train +49868,49869,49869,mipafatis,sharing,train +49869,49870,49870,sapaini,it is for you,test +49870,49871,49871,pinaluma,crops,train +49871,49872,49872,cangra haw i awaay tu ku kaenen kaen i,and the others have nothing,train +49872,49873,49873,cirikuʼay a maemin ciriku anu u maan tu kiya i,we all arrived in our clan clothes,train +49873,49874,49874,caira satu silsil satu ku ciparud a palatang tu tumuk,the men went to the leaders side in order to make a toast,train +49874,49875,49875,halikien a minukay papalilamen nu mita ku salawinawina,let us go back immediately and share it with everyone,train +49875,49876,49876,^Enem pulu tu ku mihecaan ningra,he is years old,train +49876,49877,49877,Miaca kaku tu tusa a falud nu kenaw,I want to buy two green onions,train +49877,49878,49878,Mipatafang ku misaaangay pasikakalayan mi lunguc tu sakaulad,shamans offer sacrifices and pray to the heavens for rain,train +49878,49879,49879,itini i haw,Mid autumn Festival,train +49879,49880,49880,hatiraay ku tayalan nu kapah i tiya hu,it used to be such a hard job for young people,test +49880,49881,49881,tanulakaw,uncleanliness,train +49881,49882,49882,nawhani u iraay ku nitatuyan i matungal a matungal a mapafli a marafas o awaay ku nitatuyan i halunitatuyan ningra a mamangay a maafas,for everyone who has will be given more and he will have an abundance whoever does not have even what he has will be taken from him,train +49882,49883,49883,Papinaunen cangra a papiimer tu tireng a makurac pakalaluken cangra a matayal tu nu luma atu ngaayay a dmak tu saki tamdaw papituuren cangra tu fainay nangra ta caay ka lukes ku suwal nu Kawas,to be self controlled and pure to be busy at home to be kind and to be subject to their husbands so that no one will malign the word of God,train +49883,49884,49884,u muhetingay ku wacu nu maku,my dog is black,train +49884,49885,49885,Anangen kura impic nu misu,put your pen away,train +49885,49886,49886,malingatu aca kita a mikilim tu samiciw,we will have to find a new point of aim again,train +49886,49887,49887,u kapah tu riranan i malingad ku kapah i,when the youths are all here we will set out as a group,train +49887,49888,49888,Orasaka maherek i maumah tu mangaʼay tu suʼlinay u fiyaw haw i fangcal tangasa i paherekan,as a result both parties continue to farm,train +49888,49889,49889,awaay a maaraw tuya niyaru ku Fangcalay Pitaungan nawhani u tudungtu nu Fangcalay Pitaungan ku Ciicelay a Tapang a Kawas atu Tufur a Siri,I did not see a temple in the city because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple,train +49889,49890,49890,nantira i,from there,test +49890,49891,49891,lalupela,lovers tears,train +49891,49892,49892,nanay papapa ikumuden naku ku milinsiw tu pimali,I am going to make a name for myself in baseball,train +49892,49893,49893,tangasatu i Taytung parakat ci vaki tu karireng a tayni i pangiruan a militemuh i tamiyan,when we arrived in Taitung my uncle drove to the station to pick us up,train +49893,49894,49894,macidal anini,it is a sunny day,train +49894,49895,49895,o sakacakat nu parud ku riharay nu luma ita,family harmony enhances our family,train +49895,49896,49896,masadak,appear,train +49896,49897,49897,militadahay,indebted,train +49897,49898,49898,remakat,walk,train +49898,49899,49899,tini Kalingku ya,in Hualien it is the China Japan tour Bus,train +49899,49900,49900,a puna a taneng haw i,it is off the charts,test +49900,49901,49901,Maaraw nu mikaputay ci Mariyaan i luma a mihinumay cingraan a Yutaya a tamdaw ku nika kalah ni Mariya a lumuwad a masadak i u tatayra cingra i tadem a tumangic saan cangra Saka tuur satu cangra ci Mariyaan,when the Jews who had been with Mary in the house comforting her noticed how quickly she got up and went out they followed her supposing she was going to the tomb to mourn there,train +49901,49902,49902,karung,sign,train +49902,49903,49903,mapakafusay,Released Shrimp,train +49903,49904,49904,matilid i kafafang atu cpi ningra ku Hungti nu hungtingti Tapang nu tapatapang sanay a ngangan,on his robe and on his thigh he has this name written king of kings and Lord of Lords,train +49904,49905,49905,satapang ku pakamihecaay saˈupu i uya milisuˈay ku tayal a salikaka ci Licate Papu ku mitulunay,the annual meeting began with a prayer by Richard Barber a faithful brother in visitation,train +49905,49906,49906,palumaay kisu tu tana,do you have any prickly onions,train +49906,49907,49907,Ngaay tu Pina^ ku picaliw isu,Yes how much do you need,train +49907,49908,49908,hay makasimsim han kisu tu nipikared nu matuʼasay,Yes you remember the old mans knitting,train +49908,49909,49909,a parena tu salikaka,preach to the brethren,train +49909,49910,49910,hay matiya padiwawa nu rakar fana kisu tu rakar,you know a fish trap it is the one with the narrow end,test +49910,49911,49911,awaay ku milikatay tu dawdaw a mipatli i la^nu nu satu o papatlien i padawdawan ta ta^ngad ku paru nu luma a ma^min,neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl instead they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house,train +49911,49912,49912,hayda,agree,train +49912,49913,49913,anu hatira i u misakasakay tu wawa nu Kawas u mi^pecay tu laluwadan nu nika tatlek nu Kawas a rmes kuya mikuracay tu raraw ningra a rmes atu misamsamay tu painiay tu mikumi a Adingu i hakuwa ku nika ngalef nu nika karteng nu tfuc ningra hakiya,how much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the son of God under foot who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him and who has insulted the Spirit of grace,train +49913,49914,49914,tahila hu i kalahitay haw i,and in the army,train +49914,49915,49915,o waa ku sakadat ni Ohay,Ohays comb is made of cow horn,train +49915,49916,49916,uniya hecek hakuwa ku kakahad,how wide should each column be,train +49916,49917,49917,o lusid nu Pangcah nani Kalingku tangasa i Pusaung maedeng palatuluen a misapinang ku kasasiruma^,the traditional costumes of the Amis people are divided into three major systems from Hualien to Taitung North Central and South,train +49917,49918,49918,luma,family run,train +49918,49919,49919,kami ira haca ku liliw misa Pangcah itiya,we Amis also have word of mouth gatherings,train +49919,49920,49920,maʼalul maʼalulay mahaen,carried away by the sea,test +49920,49921,49921,kakafanaan,realize,train +49921,49922,49922,kinat,viscid,train +49922,49923,49923,man han ku nu Amis Pangcah,what happened to the Amish,train +49923,49924,49924,Ngaay hu^ ci Tukung kaku,Hello I am Tokong,train +49924,49925,49925,du^du,to follow,train +49925,49926,49926,u payniyaniyaru nu Pangcah miterung tu salangawan a demak kilemel a mavalud ku valucu u saka masa niyaru iraku sepat a liyad,the Amis society is a self contained tribe and its cultural activities are based on the most basic condition of a tribe a fixed area of traditional life,train +49926,49927,49927,u cavay nira,and his family and friends,train +49927,49928,49928,a mi celi,come and shout,train +49928,49929,49929,cuwa,where,train +49929,49930,49930,nani etulan nanay kaku,I am from Duran,test +49930,49931,49931,suwal satu iri,I have said before,train +49931,49932,49932,u aayaw atu lalikul nu 15 a remiad nu vulad 4 a tatukiyan ku kerah a malenu tu manay u tuas nu mita ira kuni kavanaan a mimelaw tu kerah nu liyal manay pavana i titaan,around the full moon on the day of the lunar month the low tide is very big but the time is very short about hours before the high tide starts that is why our ancestors,train +49932,49933,49933,kaulahan aku a salikaka kasasiulaulah kita nawhani u nai Kawasay ku ulah o ciulahay a tamdaw i u wawa nu Kawas u mafanaay tu Kawas cingra,dear friends let us love one another for love comes from God everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God,train +49933,49934,49934,adihay ku ngici nura puut,there is a lot of nicks in that knife,train +49934,49935,49935,Orasaka u maan ku kakaenen u maan ku nananumen u maan ku sasarikuen aka ka saan a marawraw ku falucu namu,so do not worry saying What shall we eat or What shall we drink or What shall we wear,train +49935,49936,49936,lukic panga^,male genitalia,train +49936,49937,49937,karkar han nira ku cecay a facal a mipaluma tu kudasing,he dug a field for peanuts,train +49937,49938,49938,u icyin ira u santung u hiya ma haw eng,Oh there used to be a cave,train +49938,49939,49939,Paingayaen i kalalitemuhan nu lalan ta caay ka muraraw,crossroads should be marked so you do not get lost,train +49939,49940,49940,paputalay a mikuli,children who work abroad and return to their hometown,test +49940,49941,49941,mafana kisu a mingudu,you know how to be humble,train +49941,49942,49942,miterung,host,train +49942,49943,49943,harakatay,swift,train +49943,49944,49944,o lalakaw nu ˈOlic saka 118 fedengan iraay ku maanan kalaliting ci Yisan,what does the content of Psalm have to do with Jesus,train +49944,49945,49945,cecay ku maherekay,there is only one thing that is finished,train +49945,49946,49946,papinaay kamu a malikaka,how many brothers and sisters do you have,train +49946,49947,49947,misupeday tu pida,save money,train +49947,49948,49948,ku heci ira pipitang aku,I picked the seed of the palace vegetable,train +49948,49949,49949,hatira ku laya talaʼayaw,arms spread out to take a few steps forward,train +49949,49950,49950,tuku han namin satu ku heni,we must keep quiet in our hearts,test +49950,49951,49951,maratar ku finawlan a ma^min a lumuwad tu dafak a tayra i Fangcalay Pitaungan tu sapitngilaw tu suwal ni Yis,and all the people came early in the morning to hear him at the temple,train +49951,49952,49952,ta haenen tu tini,here is how it is done,train +49952,49953,49953,fiteluk,bloating,train +49953,49954,49954,swanlinping kaku cai piwayping,I am a messenger I do not have to stand guard,train +49954,49955,49955,Si^naw adihayen ku kaciriku,it is cold so wear more clothes,train +49955,49956,49956,caay tu pakatepa tu lalalan,why lost,train +49956,49957,49957,midakawamay,take a ride,train +49957,49958,49958,aka kangawi a sumuwal,you cannot say anything you do not want to say,train +49958,49959,49959,wa ira ku tulas nu ruray ˈOlic 37911,all suffering must end and there is hope for life,train +49959,49960,49960,malefutay,flat,test +49960,49961,49961,Daytay haen pihecekay a kilang,simple wooden plugs,train +49961,49962,49962,caciyaw a pakafana tuna Payrang,we have to educate the Han people not to be hostile and shift the blame,train +49962,49963,49963,kalumuwad,please rise,train +49963,49964,49964,suni^,sound,train +49964,49965,49965,papicelem,Call Diving,train +49965,49966,49966,Maaraw aku ku fa^luhay a kakarayan atu fa^luhay a hkal Malahdawtu ku i ayaway a kakarayan atu hkal Malahdawtu ku riyar,then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no longer any sea,train +49966,49967,49967,iniʼan malecad tu haʼen han a misanga tu siraw,and this same thing,train +49967,49968,49968,tayhi^,fertilizer,train +49968,49969,49969,itira satu ku heni misataluan maru tu iri,they are building a house over there and living there,train +49969,49970,49970,urasaka nu maku a tuʼas wawa i,when I was a kid,test +49970,49971,49971,Pacauf sa kuya mama atuya ina Hai u wawa niyam kunini Mafana kami tu nika u nai kahufucanhu a mapuhaw cingra,We know he is our son the parents answered and we know he was born blind,train +49971,49972,49972,kaalawan,grab,train +49972,49973,49973,Maparenget ku pakalifetay a micudaday,only those students who pass will be allowed to wear headgear,train +49973,49974,49974,tutumen,ignite,train +49974,49975,49975,ini ku,here it is,train +49975,49976,49976,Mahakelung kita tayra i piungtuan,let us go to the playground together,train +49976,49977,49977,tayni ku makatimulay makaʼamisay miala tuya masisiday a kunga kiyami,from the north and the south they come here to look for abandoned groundnuts,train +49977,49978,49978,kalamkam a malasawad,it will be gone in no time,train +49978,49979,49979,caay ka talaw tu mikuwanay ku ngaayay ku dmak a tamdaw o tatiihay ku dmak a tamdaw ku matalaway anu mangalay kisu tu saka^caaw ka talaw tu mikuwanay a tamdaw i ka u ngaayay ku dmak isu ta malakahmekan ningra kisu,for rulers hold no terror for those who do right but for those who do wrong do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority then do what is right and he will commend you,train +49979,49980,49980,u micumiday i vuvu maala amin,everything that goes in the box is in the box,test +49980,49981,49981,miala i tireng,it is inconvenient to carry it around,train +49981,49982,49982,ta itira tu cangra,in their day,train +49982,49983,49983,ku nu tukus miala tu kakaenen,gathering wild vegetables in the mountains,train +49983,49984,49984,mahaen hu pihining nu maku matuʼasay,that is my old mans opinion,train +49984,49985,49985,kaulahan aku kahemekan aku haw i,the biggest gain was,train +49985,49986,49986,ira na patakus iraan kira patakus sanay,it is a bell that Announces information,train +49986,49987,49987,Nilawaan kunini,this was deliberately omitted,train +49987,49988,49988,Lusimeten ni ina ku sakalingad ni mama a matayal,mom organizes and prepares Dads tools for work,train +49988,49989,49989,kaw mahaenay caay kaw kakaenen,fragile and not used to the food there,train +49989,49990,49990,Waya falucu aku,Wow I was happy,test +49990,49991,49991,u eli hu sangahanay ku eli,it is a thatched roof,train +49991,49992,49992,a siruma haw mikadavu i takuwan,Whatever just marry me,train +49992,49993,49993,mata nu tafukud mahaen kira,that is how the hole in the gossip net works,train +49993,49994,49994,hay matuul aku hanima saan ku harateng aku,but I do not know if I can do it here is what I think,train +49994,49995,49995,u iingiday nira,the one along side of him,train +49995,49996,49996,hay sulinay ira ku mahaenay a demak,Yes it does it is true,train +49996,49997,49997,ta mafana kamu a mipili a midu^du tu sangaayay a dmak ta makurac kamu awaay ku taturuen a raraw namu i piliyawan ni Kristu a tayni,so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,train +49997,49998,49998,nanay kisu ku murenu mikeriday,I hope you will lead the way in the Spirit of God,train +49998,49999,49999,kapah itini kasaniyaru a maru,it is a great place to stay,train +49999,50000,50000,miesaay,being hot,test +50000,50001,50001,ura ecay a kamay ra i,where is the other hand,train +50001,50002,50002,Arayum singsi,goodbye teacher,train +50002,50003,50003,malaheci tu ku suwal nira,his words are fulfilled have come true,train +50003,50004,50004,tangsul,instantly,train +50004,50005,50005,o tumuk ci namuh saka ciira ku citudungay a misawkit,Namo is a leader so he will be the judge,train +50005,50006,50006,mahaen ku nu paheku ku pisiwkay aku,the dishes the old man used to share with me,train +50006,50007,50007,kamaruan,seat,train +50007,50008,50008,misaparud,it is a family,train +50008,50009,50009,pitatukeman,a place to pick lobelia,train +50009,50010,50010,pina tu ku mihecaan nu misu,how old are you,test +50010,50011,50011,sakuhecal satu i,the whole things gone white,train +50011,50012,50012,palakulung,the slave is a cow,train +50012,50013,50013,filu han nira ku tayal nu masamamanay,successful completion of assigned tasks,train +50013,50014,50014,Mitaung,Bow,train +50014,50015,50015,u tika han nu matuʼasay,the elders say it is a fixed mortise and tenon,train +50015,50016,50016,kapahay,great,train +50016,50017,50017,cadada,grill,train +50017,50018,50018,Ngaay tu Lunuk han,Well you take it yourself,train +50018,50019,50019,haen mihaen mibaliw,that is it that is how you cut the grass,train +50019,50020,50020,ca hu kalepun ku ciwluksay nu maku i,I am not yet,test +50020,50021,50021,nipisanga tu emu,traditional sweet rice cake,train +50021,50022,50022,ni paunting kaʼemangay tusiya,the kids are driving the car,train +50022,50023,50023,hayi cecay tu ku wawa nu aniniay,Yes people only have one child nowadays,train +50023,50024,50024,pakayni,from here,train +50024,50025,50025,iraay ku pitilidan namu i niyaru han,do you have schools in your community,train +50025,50026,50026,hatiraay kura salil hananay,that is what the net is for,train +50026,50027,50027,Terungtu nu lavii dademak hen cira tunu luma,it is late at night and she is still doing housework,train +50027,50028,50028,tadafangcal,it is very beautiful,train +50028,50029,50029,maangliwen,it smells like stale rice,train +50029,50030,50030,mingitangit cangra i ci Yisan a papitfing tu adadaay tu parungapingan nu kafafang Ningra u mitfingay a tamdaw i maadahtu a ma^min,and begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak and all who touched him were healed,test +50030,50031,50031,aka pilayp tu saka ciulah unu san haw i,this award is not personalized,train +50031,50032,50032,cacay saan cira,just by myself,train +50032,50033,50033,kira tilefu,the manzanita,train +50033,50034,50034,kisu sa ku mihimaw tu malitengay,you take care of the elders,train +50034,50035,50035,Cakay han tu mahaenay iraan u nisangaan tu suka,purchase a statue made of plastic over there,train +50035,50036,50036,cumikay,paw,train +50036,50037,50037,nu maku tu kuni saan,after this became my farmland,train +50037,50038,50038,tahidang han tu kiya kaka aku hay mangudu kiya kakda aku,I asked my brother to pick me up from school and he was mortified,train +50038,50039,50039,Papituuren aku tu falucu aku ku ^fa anu saan kita i pakadangen ita ku nguyus nira ta ma^deng kita a misasiwasiwar tu tireng nira,when we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us we can turn the whole animal,train +50039,50040,50040,cakaca,particular,test +50040,50041,50041,anu mafana tu kaku a mitilid i,when I learned to write,train +50041,50042,50042,mangaʼayay ku suwal nu malitengay,this is what the elders say,train +50042,50043,50043,nanay hakiya itini kami u misa Pangcahay itini i niyaru,wish we were here with the native tribes,train +50043,50044,50044,cecay lipay kami i lutuk i enar ri taluma kami,a week on the mountain and back,train +50044,50045,50045,kiraan ku pipahecekan nangra tu,that is the one they use to stick sticks in,train +50045,50046,50046,rasras,sprinkle,train +50046,50047,50047,malipahak ku aniniay matayal misapeti,the farmers are doing very well now,train +50047,50048,50048,walu,lit eight vessels,train +50048,50049,50049,miwiawi,move it,train +50049,50050,50050,Hay ira ku utufay aku,I have a motorcycle,test +50050,50051,50051,mavulaw cavaki aku tayni,my Grandpa and his family moved here,train +50051,50052,50052,Singsi^ adada^ ku tiyad aku talakatumayian hu kaku,Teacher I have a stomachache I need to go to the restroom,train +50052,50053,50053,ucuren nu wina nira kura wawa nira tu fafahiyan,the girls mom sent her,train +50053,50054,50054,Repet sa kaku tuya ci fukeluhay,I grabbed the stones on the fence,train +50054,50055,50055,uk,billion,train +50055,50056,50056,kiaayawan namu ku Taywan haw hayi,ahead of Minnan was,train +50056,50057,50057,Marasiras ku papah nu kilang,the leaves on the tree are shedding,train +50057,50058,50058,u papinaay a tamdaw ku kakemaen,how many servings,train +50058,50059,50059,mamalien,shot,train +50059,50060,50060,savaw tu sepat,fourteen,test +50060,50061,50061,nga mafanaʼay caciyaw tu nu Amis,he speaks the language,train +50061,50062,50062,pakuyuc ku luma haw,because of the family poverty,train +50062,50063,50063,o hecek ku saʼayaw patilengen,the first thing to do is to build up the columns around,train +50063,50064,50064,mifutingay tu ku urip sa i,since I will always be in the fishing business,train +50064,50065,50065,Tataang ku paenan nu luma namu,your door is so big,train +50065,50066,50066,kiyami maan sa ci ama tu hiya,I am going too what did your father say,train +50066,50067,50067,u maicangay,so use dry,train +50067,50068,50068,mitangtang tu kaku tu hemay,I will just cook,train +50068,50069,50069,naw han i maululay kaku tu niyaru aku miharateng haca pacuay tu niyaru,because I miss my hometown and I also want to give back to the tribe,train +50069,50070,50070,nimaan ni ratuh kisuwan ci ciyciyan isu san,he said why did you tell your sister,test +50070,50071,50071,pisuwac kami,it is our life education,train +50071,50072,50072,tiya,at that time,train +50072,50073,50073,mangaʼay hu,I can take on a job,train +50073,50074,50074,macuis,be planted upside down,train +50074,50075,50075,ira ku rumiad isu anini,are you available today,train +50075,50076,50076,kamadiw tu nu pancah san ri,ask them to sing an Amis song,train +50076,50077,50077,nika cifalucu hu,but if you want to do it you have to do it,train +50077,50078,50078,paysin aka ka saan a kumaen tu titi nu kulung,eating beef is not a taboo,train +50078,50079,50079,masakaputay,age group,train +50079,50080,50080,lawud hananay ira kaku,just initiate the pursuit of me,test +50080,50081,50081,madeng i i,I think it was in the,train +50081,50082,50082,Cima^,who,train +50082,50083,50083,alipawnay nina lavii,the fireflies of this night,train +50083,50084,50084,deng tu ci mama aku ciiraay,Dads still here,train +50084,50085,50085,Sarawraw saan ku falucu aku,I am in a state of upset,train +50085,50086,50086,o cipuyapuyay kunini a fafahiyan Maatat cingra tu sakahufucaw saka lkal sa cingra,she was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth,train +50086,50087,50087,matepi nu faʼinay aku ku ku fasu i,my husband got into the highway department for his job,train +50087,50088,50088,suelinay hakakeremkerem sa tu ku rumiʼad,by the end of the day,train +50088,50089,50089,mihamham,greet,train +50089,50090,50090,a matira ku kalu demak na marayray tu ku luma haw i,this kind of work continues in the Horde,test +50090,50091,50091,misawiruk,grapefruit,train +50091,50092,50092,kuengel ku titi,meat is tender,train +50092,50093,50093,matira sa,if that is the case,train +50093,50094,50094,sisa ira ku lalikid,that is why we have the Toyotomi Festival,train +50094,50095,50095,kakalahan,matter of vital importance,train +50095,50096,50096,aka pipelpel tu kaysing,do not break the dish,train +50096,50097,50097,facal,a field,train +50097,50098,50098,hay i niyaru nu Huling,Yes the tribe at Fung Lam,train +50098,50099,50099,u maku u tintusi kaku saan ku falucu nika niyaruʼay a tamdaw kaku,I may be a preacher but I am a tribesman too,train +50099,50100,50100,lusid,dress up,test +50100,50101,50101,sipakaynien i nisitekedan a misurit nu Sipanya i ay a mihcaan,according to Spanish records from,train +50101,50102,50102,Nikawrira caay pihai cingra Saka mapaturud kuya kaput i pirufuan tangasa i pipatikuan ningra tuya tadah,But he refused Instead he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt,train +50102,50103,50103,Karaadada ku fituka isu Saka aka ka u nanum a ccay ku nananumen isu Ngaaytu a pasalung a miinip tu fadisusu a ^pah,stop drinking only water and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses,train +50103,50104,50104,hatiraay haw ku nika pifuting saka,that is the way it is when you are fishing so,train +50104,50105,50105,malayap,receive,train +50105,50106,50106,lalima ku tamedaw nu luma nu niyam,there are five of us in the family,train +50106,50107,50107,hay kina kalukacup,this is the YIWU tree,train +50107,50108,50108,o kuli ni Yis Kristu u salikaka ni Yakup ci Yuta kaku patilid kaku i tamuwanan u kaulahan nu wama a Kawas u madiputay ni Yis Kristu a matahidangay nu Kawas a tamdamdaw,Jude a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James to those who have been called who are loved by God the father and kept by Jesus Christ,train +50108,50109,50109,kaludafudafung,all properties,train +50109,50110,50110,Cuwa u safa aku cingra,No she is my younger sister,test +50110,50111,50111,ila ku suwal nu matuʼasay pakaynitini tuna paysin,in the past it came from the elders about taboos,train +50111,50112,50112,aya maan han ta,what are we going to do,train +50112,50113,50113,nika,just like,train +50113,50114,50114,malaliay,get along with each other,train +50114,50115,50115,papituan han nira kaku duduenku faʼinay isu,he just let me go and told me to follow the gentleman,train +50115,50116,50116,anu i kaʼayaw haw i,if it is up ahead,train +50116,50117,50117,pasay ya ngumu patelien,life jackets too,train +50117,50118,50118,itini kiya paniyaruʼan nu cincya itiyahu san ku falucu nu maku,I thought this is where the shrine was built,train +50118,50119,50119,o ciicelay a patlaw ningra ku sapatiri ningra tu dmak ningra a mipaliwasak tu misatakaraway ku falucu atu misahalakaay a tamdaw tu masamaamaanay a dmak,he has performed mighty deeds with his arm he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts,train +50119,50120,50120,u Cilamitay nawhan maʼaraway tu nu,it is called Gyalamidai because,test +50120,50121,50121,patireng i terung i alu,put it in the water,train +50121,50122,50122,calascas,the sound of running water,train +50122,50123,50123,suped sa tu masakureng,as time goes by the grain is slowly stored to make wine,train +50123,50124,50124,Pakayufin han ku pipauwer tu tikami isu,your letter was sent through the post office,train +50124,50125,50125,kuemi ku falucu,responsive agreeable tenderhearted,train +50125,50126,50126,Inaaw haya amaaw sululen kaku lina matini,Mom Dad,train +50126,50127,50127,hay ira i ciraan,Yes she does,train +50127,50128,50128,samangataay ku luma nira nanipicudadan,his home is closest to the school,train +50128,50129,50129,aka ka cifutul tu ilem nu naniwac yusanay,do not be a bad green bean,train +50129,50130,50130,awayayku kayakay itini i Pungudan,Taitung bridge,test +50130,50131,50131,sisa mikiketun miketun tu kilang miketun tu aul ku matuasay atu lalengac,that is why the old man will chop wood bamboo and moon peaches,train +50131,50132,50132,caenget saan mikuskus matalaw katefadan nira,I cannot scratch it when it is itchy for fear of falling off,train +50132,50133,50133,patahekal,make it out,train +50133,50134,50134,paru^,membership,train +50134,50135,50135,ci Ram ku mama ni Aminatap ci Aminatap ku mama ni Nasun ci Nasun ku mama ni Salmun,Ram the father of Amminadab Amminadab the father of Nahshon Nahshon the father of Salmon,train +50135,50136,50136,matatuutuur,mutual follow up,train +50136,50137,50137,makera ku taʼangay a kietec manen mafana,I do not know what I will do if there is a big chill,train +50137,50138,50138,halafin kaku a matayal i Taypak,I have been working in Taipei for a long time,train +50138,50139,50139,sa ngasangasangasaw itu ku pisalisin,each clan would worship,train +50139,50140,50140,salafii cingra a minukay,he traveled home in the middle of the night,test +50140,50141,50141,matiraay ku sakafulaw nu itiniay,this is the reason for the great migration of the Canaanite tribes,train +50141,50142,50142,mamamaan satu ku suwal nu kakahulul,the previous leader said something,train +50142,50143,50143,kaered,twisting,train +50143,50144,50144,tahafen,Clip well,train +50144,50145,50145,diputen tu kutileng,take care of yourself,train +50145,50146,50146,nu wawa nu maku ira kaku san ku wama,God says I am here,train +50146,50147,50147,anac anac han tiniay,they call them yams here,train +50147,50148,50148,palada,see a visitor out,train +50148,50149,50149,Kinacecay kinatusa kinatulu pacaliwan nu pulung tu manmaan cingra,Once twice three times everyone would lend him something,train +50149,50150,50150,rayaray,bridge,test +50150,50151,50151,kakahad ku funun naira,their paddy fields are very wide,train +50151,50152,50152,sanay ku nu maku a pinengneng tu tayal itiya hu,here is what I think about my past work,train +50152,50153,50153,padanghan nira mipadang mipudpud tuya nasi miparu itira i langa,he helped pick up the pears and put them in the basket,train +50153,50154,50154,mangata tu a han nu Dipung,I am about to turn in Japanese,train +50154,50155,50155,cima saw kemanay,who ate the lunchbox,train +50155,50156,50156,tayhira satu i katangasaan aku,I am finally there,train +50156,50157,50157,mahaenay suwal kura,that is what it is all about,train +50157,50158,50158,Caay minengneng kita tu facacidu,No we are going to see dragonflies,train +50158,50159,50159,ngaʼay kaenen haw,can I eat it,train +50159,50160,50160,saka harateng saʼusi han,so do the math,test +50160,50161,50161,ngaʼay hadaken ku nu misu pakayni tu urip,can you share a little bit about your program at the time,train +50161,50162,50162,na malacinuwas cangra i talalutuk ci Yis a mitulun,after leaving them he went up on a mountainside to pray,train +50162,50163,50163,Nanuya miliyas ci Yis atu nisawawaan ningra a tayra i Kalili a fanaw tayra a mituur ku nai Kaliliay a alumanay a finawlan atu nai Yutayaay,Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the lake and a large crowd from Galilee followed,train +50163,50164,50164,mahapelaw nengneng han aku iraay ka cay a singing,I saw a crew member fall,train +50164,50165,50165,misipasip san ku matuʼasay i tu mitapes tu,if the old man wants to remove the chaff,train +50165,50166,50166,u eliʼay cikamatini u sulafu pakuyuc iʼayaw u eli,the houses used to be thatched unlike the concrete houses now,train +50166,50167,50167,Pulung nu mafanaay ci Yisan a tamdamdaw atu mituuray cingraan nai Kalili a fafahifahiyan i tumireng i raay a minengneng tunini a dmak,when all the people who had gathered to witness this sight saw what took place they beat their breasts and went away,train +50167,50168,50168,Icuwa^ ku luma nu misu,where is your home,train +50168,50169,50169,u niyan u tumuk,the head of the tribe,train +50169,50170,50170,Nikawrira pasayra sa ci Yis i cangraan a mikakter,but Jesus turned and rebuked them,test +50170,50171,50171,hatira saan ku urip aku itiyahu,my old life,train +50171,50172,50172,ingid,near,train +50172,50173,50173,suwal hatu nu kaput ciira Caay pihakiwid kisu tu nu misu ruma^ i caay haca^ pipanukas kisu tu nicaliwan isu han nira,the classmate told him because you did not bring it yourself and you would not return the things lent to you,train +50173,50174,50174,o piadapawan nu ada kira sacumud nura lutuk,the entrance to that mountain is where the enemy was ambushed,train +50174,50175,50175,o tayring i ayaw nika misawad tu kaku a matayal,I was a police officer but I am retired now,train +50175,50176,50176,milicay kaku tu singsi^,I am going to see my teacher,train +50176,50177,50177,kulantu,parks,train +50177,50178,50178,saka suʼelinay haw i lahad lahad satu,when I grow up,train +50178,50179,50179,malalitemuh,a chance encounter,train +50179,50180,50180,sitakak,headdresses,test +50180,50181,50181,yu ma malemeday tiraanan,some will be lucky because of it,train +50181,50182,50182,kamu u mapuhaway a mikriday i sefsefen namu ku likes a mifalah Nikawrira mruen namu a kumaen ku lakuta,you blind guides you strain out a gnat but swallow a camel,train +50182,50183,50183,Catu pisalama kita limlaen ku cikang mitilid kita,let us not go out to play let us cherish our time and study together,train +50183,50184,50184,saca pisiwngac tu pafilung sa han nu matuʼasay,the old man said it is not spring Festival it is new Years Eve,train +50184,50185,50185,kitasi,drawers,train +50185,50186,50186,sa hacuwa kamu a mabulaw tayni i ciʼAdetuman,so when did you migrate to the Heiwa tribe,train +50186,50187,50187,Ngaay hu^,how are you,train +50187,50188,50188,pawli,banana,train +50188,50189,50189,panawhanien,put why,train +50189,50190,50190,ahecid,salty,test +50190,50191,50191,i kiwkay kaku a pasibana,teaching in the church,train +50191,50192,50192,malakakeridan,become a leader,train +50192,50193,50193,Pacauf sa ci Yis Caay ka filu nu tamdaw ma^min a midu^du kunini a suwal deng u nisausian nu Kawas a tamdaw ku pakadu^duay tunini a suwal,Jesus replied Not everyone can accept this word but only those to whom it has been given,train +50193,50194,50194,hay ina a mama,Yes Mommy and Daddy,train +50194,50195,50195,i huni hai,T just now P Right,train +50195,50196,50196,o dadahalay a sala ku pipatelian tu nikelingan a sinafel ita,we have to use very wide plates for the stir fried dishes,train +50196,50197,50197,ci tuka ey han aku,I am lazy I will answer that,train +50197,50198,50198,makacacaytu a lalipayan kinacacay cira tayni a mimelaw,he comes to see me once a week,train +50198,50199,50199,ci Maʼuwid san irey,and Malverde,train +50199,50200,50200,awaay ku mafanaʼay nura acu atu ama matini nuiyaru sa mipihay,now what none of the tribes grandmothers and grandmothers know this song,test +50200,50201,50201,pasuwal ku ccay nu nisawawaan ni Yis uya sapipacakayananay ci Yisan a Yuta nu Iskariyut,but one of his disciples Judas Iscariot who was later to betray him objected,train +50201,50202,50202,u maan tu,what else,train +50202,50203,50203,Mafana kura wawa a mirenaf,the kid is good at drawing,train +50203,50204,50204,o likes ku micepcepay tu liel nu misu haw,did a mosquito suck on your neck,train +50204,50205,50205,hatiraay ku suwal nu Payrang ney,the Han people also have such a saying,train +50205,50206,50206,nanitiraay tura ngangan ira turanan,the names from over there,train +50206,50207,50207,hai u tukus kira,because it is a mountain,train +50207,50208,50208,Miala ci akung nu maku tu uwal i suku nu niyam,Grandpa took the sled at my houses warehouse,train +50208,50209,50209,Pakalaenuay ku luma nu maku,my home is at the bottom,train +50209,50210,50210,ora i pasuwalen aku kamu,in fact I will tell you what,test +50210,50211,50211,Tumay aca u lukedaw,bears are still tigers,train +50211,50212,50212,adihay ku karireng i lalan,lots of cars on the road,train +50212,50213,50213,maucur,accredited,train +50213,50214,50214,maanen aku kura pakafana caayay ka tadafana kaku,I am not very good at teaching,train +50214,50215,50215,Tatimul,southward,train +50215,50216,50216,omaan kiya pi laedes hahanay kina hananay asaan tu kamu,what is the significance of the fishing festival,train +50216,50217,50217,a itini saca kaku mifuting sa kaku hiwa i sawad,I have been thinking about getting out of the fishing business,train +50217,50218,50218,karanguwiay,Preferred Tweet,train +50218,50219,50219,malayufayufay,turned into a farming group,train +50219,50220,50220,mangudu tatu kisu,you are too polite,test +50220,50221,50221,pilikakawaan,affairs center,train +50221,50222,50222,ci panay kaku na i Puskuay,I am Panay from Yuli,train +50222,50223,50223,haw i,after,train +50223,50224,50224,fafakien,become an elder male,train +50224,50225,50225,ilaay ku saʼusi tu niya nu fulad haw,is there an analogy to a full moon,train +50225,50226,50226,malepel ni Mayaw ku tuluk i nacila,Mayaw caught pheasants yesterday,train +50226,50227,50227,adihay ku pana i fucul ni mama,Dads got a lot of arrows in his sheath,train +50227,50228,50228,o maanhu ku nanengnengen isu a cudad pasuwal han kaku,you can tell me what else you want to read,train +50228,50229,50229,lutuk,bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons,train +50229,50230,50230,miaca,I will take it,test +50230,50231,50231,kaku itiya hu tangasa kaku i malatumuk,I served three terms until,train +50231,50232,50232,sa ya styentwu sepat ku tuki ira ku pangkiw,about or or so,train +50232,50233,50233,lecad han nu alumanay kura kiʼeciw,they will all sing along and lead the song,train +50233,50234,50234,mitengteng kura tamdaw nu iciku,get the men from the previous boat on board,train +50234,50235,50235,hatinien ku pituduh,it is this one,train +50235,50236,50236,Atumu,Ataumo tribe name,train +50236,50237,50237,iya tusa pulu ku mata mahaen,you see these are the holes,train +50237,50238,50238,mausuy kisu tu liyangtin patupin tu liyangpay,if you are two hours late you will be fined,train +50238,50239,50239,kinavalah han nu misu ku tireng a paayaw i tamiyan,you sacrificed for us,train +50239,50240,50240,ca kaw tatangic tengilen ku matiraay mahaen,it does not have to be that way you know,test +50240,50241,50241,ya itira tu cangra haw i aluman kira wawa ira tu faʼinayan fafahiyan,when they are here there is a lot of children men and women,train +50241,50242,50242,alememrama^,soreness,train +50242,50243,50243,Tadatueman ku rumiad caay kangaay a rumakat,it is too dark to walk,train +50243,50244,50244,pasuvanaay,Teacher,train +50244,50245,50245,u lilit ku nu mataelifay tu ku 60 mihecaan a matuasay a fafahian tusa tu pulu ku mihecaan ta mangaay ci upih tu fuhecalay u limecedan hu i cisapengec tu nu tangal,women over sixty years of age were allowed to wear a chignon women over twenty years of age were allowed to wear an ornate headdress with white feathers and young girls wore a headdress with a three colored band,train +50245,50246,50246,anu man tu i,no matter what,train +50246,50247,50247,mifana,learning,train +50247,50248,50248,i tiya mihalama saan,it is time to go out on vacation,train +50248,50249,50249,papacem ala haca faʼeluhay adihayay ku kuwa itiyahu ma,in the morning look for new leaves,train +50249,50250,50250,matalacay,pineapple harvested,test +50250,50251,50251,sakaenem,sixthly,train +50251,50252,50252,matengil nu singsi haw i,the teacher hears you,train +50252,50253,50253,man huwa anu ca ni anu cipihayi i,what should I do if I do not get it,train +50253,50254,50254,o suwal nu Amis tu pinanuwang pakafanaen nu singsi kita anini,I will teach everyone all kinds of animals in Pangcah language today,train +50254,50255,50255,parakaten tu nu wina atu mama ku kayakay,parents ask a matchmaker to lead the way,train +50255,50256,50256,away ku mitaʼelifay a tamdaw itini,is there anyone here,train +50256,50257,50257,ku a itiya,the train to Taipei is also two hours,train +50257,50258,50258,alumanaluman ku tamdaw nu Taluku,the number of foreigners is increasing,train +50258,50259,50259,Kanguduen isu kuya cirikuay tu makapahay a sumuwal i cingraan Kaitini i fangcalay a kamaruan a maru han isu suwal sa kisu tuya pakuyuc a tamdaw Katumireng itira Anu ^ca i iir han a maru i tatihi aku anu han isu ku suwal i,if you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say Here is a good seat for you but say to the poor man You stand there or Sit on the floor by my feet,train +50259,50260,50260,maʼican kura tamud haw,after the mold has dried out,test +50260,50261,50261,Nikawrira anu mauriurip ku haliacangay tu nu hkal a mapunengay i matiya u mapatayay cingra,but the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives,train +50261,50262,50262,matiraay mizungaay,I am a student of painting,train +50262,50263,50263,tudtuden i cirah tu kakaenen,mixing food and sultans with each other,train +50263,50264,50264,sangaʼay kaku tu nanum paʼuripen aku,I do pool planting,train +50264,50265,50265,sapieteng,round up,train +50265,50266,50266,Misurarat tu kalaafas tu sera nu finawlan ku tumuk,the ringleaders are going to meet to settle a tribal dispute over land,train +50266,50267,50267,anu awa kiya malitengay samanen san kiya kapah mifalud,how can a young person be tied up without an old man,train +50267,50268,50268,awaway ku pida nira ya wawa aku i tira kami i,my kids do not have enough money to buy a house so we go to Yangmingshan,train +50268,50269,50269,Madengaay a mapadacidacay nu kapat ciira i picudadan matiya,it seems he was infected with leukorrhea at school,train +50269,50270,50270,Sahetu u Amis ku paru nu luma isu haw,are all your family members indigenous,test +50270,50271,50271,mana awa ci panay a tayni saw,why did not Panay come,train +50271,50272,50272,mafana a iraay kura tawki pakaen titanan sai,I know the boss is coming to feed us,train +50272,50273,50273,miseter,cut meat,train +50273,50274,50274,mafecul,full,train +50274,50275,50275,hatu nangraay kura,like the family,train +50275,50276,50276,samatira danguy satu cingra,dad swam and pulled the boat down the current,train +50276,50277,50277,Pangcah u kapahay kiniyan,this is the ideal environment for learning the ethnic languages,train +50277,50278,50278,Mipapah ku wawa a mipakaen tu kudiwis,a child picks groundnut leaves to raise rabbits,train +50278,50279,50279,maan sanay ku misuwac sanay,what is class training,train +50279,50280,50280,Lahudayay nanamen ku caciyaw nu Falangaw haw,is it good to learn Malan American,test +50280,50281,50281,u demak nu niyan niyaru haw i,like a tribal thing,train +50281,50282,50282,Satatikutiku saan tukatayni aca,do not get too busy,train +50282,50283,50283,hatira tu kiya haw i maemin tu mifaliw kuna lutuk i nu kufa aca a lutuk kira,the grass on the mountain where we work is cut down,train +50283,50284,50284,natala cuwa,where are you going,train +50284,50285,50285,usakalima nu Payrang tu,Hanjins first Friday,train +50285,50286,50286,nengneng han aku i pafafuyan ira ku kunga,when I saw the groundnuts in the pigsty,train +50286,50287,50287,o mirametay tu tuda kira wawa i matini,the boy is holding on to the eel right now,train +50287,50288,50288,cilimaw kisu Halu san cai pimaan kaku ney,I was just asking Harold are you free I am fine,train +50288,50289,50289,cingra,it,train +50289,50290,50290,Du^du sa i ira ku saka saspat a cuyuh a mitaktak i cidal tu nitatuyan ningra a wakung Saka mahayda ku nipitarang nu cidal tu tamdamdaw a mituduh,the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire,test +50290,50291,50291,cima ku mafanaʼay ha ha ha,who knows what the teachers talking about she is slurring her words ha ha ha,train +50291,50292,50292,haen han aku ku maku a falucu a maliteng,my old man offers thanksgiving,train +50292,50293,50293,fanaʼinay emin ku safa aku kira,I have got brothers underneath me,train +50293,50294,50294,ca hu kafana tu nu kuwaping kaku,I do not speak Chinese yet,train +50294,50295,50295,ilise nu pakayniay tu pakayniay tu,basic understanding of automotive power engines and chassis,train +50295,50296,50296,ta namahaen ri,since then my boss has been using me a lot,train +50296,50297,50297,mihiya tu liyatu ufakas nu liyatu unpangen nu hya mamiepud kami i ayaw tu fakas nu liyatu,we were responsible for unloading the raw materials from the sugar mill,train +50297,50298,50298,tayra mihalama,where do you go,train +50298,50299,50299,awaay ku kaka aku,I do not have a brother,train +50299,50300,50300,o niyaru i ira aca ku kakakelakelac nu kaitiraan matiya u aniniay a kakulin saan anu cecay a etal i mamuetep ku parud nu luma,a tribe usually consists of a number of districts and a district consists of a number of neighborhoods each consisting of a few or a dozen families,test +50300,50301,50301,picereman,dusk,train +50301,50302,50302,tihemuk han cimira,and then you put it upside down,train +50302,50303,50303,ora tu cukis hananay i,what about doing the roof supports,train +50303,50304,50304,u lalingwan nu demak kina limecedan,it is a girl,train +50304,50305,50305,ciadipingay,crowned,train +50305,50306,50306,nawhani ira tu kura karecrecay hananay,because I met a ghost,train +50306,50307,50307,a tingadaw tu,water is crystal clear,train +50307,50308,50308,caay kalecad ku ngangan,not the same name,train +50308,50309,50309,mararamud,getting married,train +50309,50310,50310,Mauraday hatini haw,is it raining now,test +50310,50311,50311,nawhani ira,in the,train +50311,50312,50312,aci Maʼuwid takuwan ataen kaku,No it was Malverde who said to come and get me,train +50312,50313,50313,saka ^nem a lumiad namilipay anini,it is Saturday,train +50313,50314,50314,ini tatusa ini,these two Here,train +50314,50315,50315,misanga tu sapadangdangen mahaen tu,drawing up the requirements,train +50315,50316,50316,Naunen miala cihinangay ku kawkaw kiya,be careful and do not get hurt the sickle is very sharp,train +50316,50317,50317,papikenaway,permission to pick onions,train +50317,50318,50318,Pakadum kaku tura kusi,I have invested in that company,train +50318,50319,50319,o kalitumayay a tamdaw kaku,I am a crazy person,train +50319,50320,50320,icuwa kiya futing icuwa maka tayni man kina futing,where the hell is the fish,test +50320,50321,50321,^Enem ku tuki lumuwad kaku,I got up at six,train +50321,50322,50322,cavay nira,to his best friend,train +50322,50323,50323,ira hu ku kakaenen yu,there is still that food,train +50323,50324,50324,cima kura cafay isu,who is your partner,train +50324,50325,50325,ira ku ccay a tamdaw mi kitingay tu siri,there was a person who pulled a goat along,train +50325,50326,50326,malakaliay sanay nengngen han nu Amis kiya,they saw the big deep ditch in the riverbed,train +50326,50327,50327,u faʼinayanca fafahiyanca u kayingca u kapahca,boys and girls young ladies,train +50327,50328,50328,ira ku fuliciw aku,I have my own bike,train +50328,50329,50329,na ku sausi,what is the count,train +50329,50330,50330,patekenan,dollars,test +50330,50331,50331,masamaanay tu ku urip naira hakiya,I wonder how their lives are going,train +50331,50332,50332,Palaeden nu singsi ku kamaruan na Kulas aci Mayaw,the teacher separated the seats of Gulas and Mayo,train +50332,50333,50333,anu mitusil kita i sasamaan mitudung tu misapueneray ni Pawlu hani,first of all we must avoid the thought of being exalted for we depend on the LORDs help to accomplish his work,train +50333,50334,50334,Orasaka suwal han ni Pawlu ku kakridan nu sufitay atu sufitay ningra Anu caay ka i tini itu i lunan cangra u palunanay i caay ku mamapaurip kamu han ningra,then Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers Unless these men stay with the ship you cannot be saved,train +50334,50335,50335,Inaaw misanga kisu tu emu,Mom you make sweet rice cakes,train +50335,50336,50336,Aluman ku maulahay tuya paliwalan ni fai aluman ku miacaay tu damdam atu kakurut aluman ku mitanamay tu ni safelan niira a dateng,everyone loved my grandmothers stall many people bought the chilis and African eggplants and many people came to taste the dishes she cooked,train +50336,50337,50337,mikida,picking up the Sharjah,train +50337,50338,50338,hanira a mihiya a misalising,procedure,train +50338,50339,50339,neng han kami salama sa anini,look at the way we have been playing,train +50339,50340,50340,saka itiya i ca hu ka alumnan ku patenakay,there were not many preachers at that time,test +50340,50341,50341,ngaʼay hu cima ku ngangan nu misu,Hello,train +50341,50342,50342,mabutiʼtu amin,they are all still asleep,train +50342,50343,50343,o rumasatu sapipatalahkalan cingra tu tadamaanay a dil ningra i titaanan u nipalmedan ningra a lalusidan uya nipatalaan ningra tu mamikaput i cingraan a malatadamaanay,does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use,train +50343,50344,50344,Tiktik han masadak kuya titi,knock on it and the meat will come out,train +50344,50345,50345,ikaka nurira a rumiad kunini a rumiad saan ku harateng nu ruma a tamdaw o ruma a tamdaw i malcaday a ma^min ku rumiad saan ku harateng o nipihapinang nu paytmek a misafalucu ku ngaay,one man considers one day more sacred than another another man considers every day alike each one should be fully convinced in his own mind,train +50345,50346,50346,mata hu kuni nikalaenu kuni yu kalaenu,this is the ruler down here,train +50346,50347,50347,aka ka u maanufay tu paysu ku dmak namu Ma^deng kaku tunini a iraay a dafung aku han ku falucu nawhani Caay piliyas caay pifalah Kaku i tisuwanan saan ku suwal nu Kawas,keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said Never will I leave you never will I forsake you,train +50347,50348,50348,kisu ku miiwasay i rarikur nu lunan anuhuni,later you will row in the stern,train +50348,50349,50349,mailuhtu,burn to,train +50349,50350,50350,pakayradiw i keru inu tuʼasan a kimad,through music and dance the story of ancient history,test +50350,50351,50351,su^metay,wetlands,train +50351,50352,50352,salaw aluma sa tu ku tandaw,that is why there are more and more people,train +50352,50353,50353,mimaan macaculi aci mama kamu aci papa sa ku wawa,why cannot kids understand when their parents are fighting,train +50353,50354,50354,sipasipen,painting,train +50354,50355,50355,11 itini salikuray rumiˈad adihayay ku malaˈusiay ni Yihufa a demak wa ngaˈay kita midama tuniya demak,the Lord accomplishes many things in the last days and each of us can support these works,train +50355,50356,50356,micudad tu ku safa^ isu tu fafahian hay,does your sister go to school,train +50356,50357,50357,itiya a mangalay a misumad,I would like to change my ethnicity at this point,train +50357,50358,50358,deng tu u mapastekay i patay sanay ku piharateng niyam o sakamatini niyam i u saka^caaw pitier niyam tu tireng u sapitieraw niyam tu Kawas uya paluwaday a paurip tu mapatayay,Indeed in our hearts we felt the sentence of death but this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God who raises the dead,train +50358,50359,50359,sapiacaw tu nanum maan han niyan kiya o paepa u taraʼar,shake the water with it what does that say,train +50359,50360,50360,ya kami u mihufucan ni ina a wawa sahetu u fafahiyan,mothers give birth to girls,test +50360,50361,50361,u suney saan,Oh he just said yes,train +50361,50362,50362,anu suni ira ku wawa aku,my child will be here soon,train +50362,50363,50363,mitefad,take money out of the bank,train +50363,50364,50364,caay ku mamakaintel nu tamdamdaw kamu Nikawrira makaintel Kaku nawhani u pasuwalay kaku tu tatiihay a dmak nangra,the world cannot hate you but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil,train +50364,50365,50365,naitiniay kaku itira Kalinku,I am from Hualien,train +50365,50366,50366,ciatikakay,earthworms,train +50366,50367,50367,kahemekan a minengneng hatiraay kuna niyaru niyam tuninian,it is just so much fun to watch that is what our tribe is all about,train +50367,50368,50368,mipakayifan,married,train +50368,50369,50369,Akungtumuk naw misanga kamu tunini,Grandpa Chieftain how did you come up with the idea to make these,train +50369,50370,50370,kaku i u sakakaay a wawa nu wina nu wama aku,I am the eldest,test +50370,50371,50371,Matelung ku pikangkang nira,he ploughed deeply,train +50371,50372,50372,nimaanay kisu isawni,what were you doing just now,train +50372,50373,50373,i alu,by the river,train +50373,50374,50374,awaay tu ku makahiay,there is no more recognition,train +50374,50375,50375,Papicelem saan i tamiyanan ku sakakaay a papinanam a mifuting,the officer told us to practice diving into the sea to catch fish,train +50375,50376,50376,Saka krid han ni Yis kuya tamdaw a ccay a paliyas tu finawlan pacumud han ni Yis ku tarudu i tangila nuya tamdaw Supa satu ci Yis ta mitfing tu sma nuya tamdaw,after he took him aside away from the crowd Jesus put his fingers into the mans ears then he spit and touched the mans tongue,train +50376,50377,50377,mapaherektu,Graduation,train +50377,50378,50378,malaluk,serious,train +50378,50379,50379,makasimsim kisu tu maan i,what do you think,train +50379,50380,50380,taniyur,rotary,test +50380,50381,50381,sadaken ku Cudad nu misu,take out your textbook,train +50381,50382,50382,lutuk,rustic,train +50382,50383,50383,edil,gleam,train +50383,50384,50384,Paaraw cingra i ci Pitiruan Du^du sa i paaraw i tusa ku safaw a tarukus,and that he appeared to Peter and then to the Twelve,train +50384,50385,50385,samamaanen a miluʼec,wrapped up in a variety of ways,train +50385,50386,50386,Paiyuwan,anesthetic,train +50386,50387,50387,tayal hatini,this job now,train +50387,50388,50388,mahenay ku maku a,I am like this,train +50388,50389,50389,Maatep tu ku awul sapiadipel,the bamboo for the fence has been blackmailed,train +50389,50390,50390,kinapinaay marepet nu siwni kaku,I have been caught by the nuns a couple of times,test +50390,50391,50391,adihayen ʼaʼayaw anu lima anu enem,prepare five or six,train +50391,50392,50392,mahaenay aca ku mancel sa kaku,in this way the traps for the mountain hogs are set,train +50392,50393,50393,pasun ira ku epah itakiniyan u vila,you can also put wine and Lao leaves,train +50393,50394,50394,Makerid kaku anu cila a talariyar mifuting,tomorrow I will be taken to the sea to catch fish,train +50394,50395,50395,anini iraay tu ku fainayay a kangkufu,there is a male nurse today,train +50395,50396,50396,tuya cumikay kaku i maturuay kaku puwak sanay ku ilang naniturus,when I was running I fell down and my knees were bleeding,train +50396,50397,50397,pasuwal sa ci Marta ci Yisan Tapangaw anu ranikayay kisu a tahini i kuna caay ka patay ku salikaka aku,Lord Martha said to Jesus if you had been here my brother would not have died,train +50397,50398,50398,latek cecay ku tatukian,it takes about an hour,train +50398,50399,50399,sanay a pinangan kura demak hanaw,it is their strategy,train +50399,50400,50400,maala,take,test +50400,50401,50401,ci Sila i u wawa ni Kaynan ci Kaynan i u wawa ni Arfasat ci Arfasat i u wawa ni Sim ci Sim i u wawa ni Nuwa ci Nuwa i u wawa ni Lamik,the son of Cainan the son of Arphaxad the son of Shem the son of Noah the son of Lamech,train +50401,50402,50402,Tadamaruray,it is hard,train +50402,50403,50403,miliyaw aca kami atu fafahi a misiyakay tayni i Taypak,with my wife I went to Taipei to make a living,train +50403,50404,50404,haenen ku pihiya ku matiniay pakayni,from here that is how it is done,train +50404,50405,50405,anu haenen madengayay hakiya ku alumanay a kemaen anu caay kadengay,is that enough for a lot of people if not,train +50405,50406,50406,deng,they only,train +50406,50407,50407,taliyuk,Peripheral,train +50407,50408,50408,awaay ku epuc nu maanufay a tamdaw,greedy people have no good results,train +50408,50409,50409,o patamuhungay kira ina tu wawa nira,the mother was wearing a hat for her child,train +50409,50410,50410,puliti,lose,test +50410,50411,50411,tusa a pulu ira ku lima,twenty five,train +50411,50412,50412,nga dadaya minukay helungen falahen,take it off when you get home at night,train +50412,50413,50413,tu suwal nira ku demak,the event turned out like he said,train +50413,50414,50414,masuni ku tatakula masadak ku vulad,the frogs are calling and the moon is appearing,train +50414,50415,50415,mahicera,landing site,train +50415,50416,50416,u temak nu tafukad kir,these are the tools of the trade,train +50416,50417,50417,ila ku namal aka isiʼen,do not defecate on fire,train +50417,50418,50418,Patanektekan nu mita ku kapakapah i niyaru,we have come to strengthen the youth of the tribe,train +50418,50419,50419,anca nu tayra i kapahanhanan nu mitiliday,or during school vacations,train +50419,50420,50420,tangasa tini adihaytu ku laba,there is a lot of Japanese bald sharks around here,test +50420,50421,50421,Nanay mapaini nu Kawas kamu a ma^min tu mikumi,greet all your leaders and all Gods people those from Italy send you their greetings,train +50421,50422,50422,misavalucu misanga,and use of counseling training and funding,train +50422,50423,50423,maemin mapidah ni Kafuuk,but they are running away,train +50423,50424,50424,nika,yet,train +50424,50425,50425,Kawrira maulahay cangra padama tu salikaka tiya misatapang aca mararumay ku falucuˈ nangra,However because they love to serve their brothers and sisters they are a little sad at first,train +50425,50426,50426,ekung,owl,train +50426,50427,50427,au samau kuni samau kunian hay,Ah is this doddering weed is that doddering weed,train +50427,50428,50428,kakaenen,eatable,train +50428,50429,50429,tahidangen ey,find it,train +50429,50430,50430,kaku itini,I am happy to serve this station,test +50430,50431,50431,saka saan nu maku i,nevertheless,train +50431,50432,50432,aka kapawan tu nitulunan nu ina,do not forget moms exhortations,train +50432,50433,50433,mimaan u nacikawkaw,why do you carry scythes,train +50433,50434,50434,Caedungen ku fuduy nu misu,put your clothes on,train +50434,50435,50435,suwal sa ku Tapang i cingraan Olili katayra kisu nawhani u nipilian aku a mamatayal aku cingra tu papatnak tu pakayniay i takuwanan i ruma a finacadan atu hungtingti atu finawlan nu Israil,but the Lord said to Ananias Go this man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel,train +50435,50436,50436,patahtah satu a macakat,go with your instincts,train +50436,50437,50437,miadup,going on a hunt,train +50437,50438,50438,o Paliwan kamu haw,are you Paiwanese,train +50438,50439,50439,malamaamaanay tu parakat tu paliding san,they do all kinds of work and drive,train +50439,50440,50440,Cuhcuh han nu maku ku alutuc,I suck on snails,test +50440,50441,50441,kita tu u nu Pangcahay a maemin i,all of us Amis,train +50441,50442,50442,kilim satu fafahiyan kura tusaay a kaput,those two age groups are both looking for girls,train +50442,50443,50443,o mamahaen ku dmak i pahrekan nunini a hkal o tatayni ku cuyuh a palacidek tu ngaayay a tamdaw atu tatiihay a tamdaw,this is how it will be at the end of the age the angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous,train +50443,50444,50444,u matuʼasay san itiya u faʼinaʼinay irai,the elders were still young,train +50444,50445,50445,kavana tuni,I do not know how to make traditional sweet rice cake,train +50445,50446,50446,rey u sanaykinian saka,that is it that is why,train +50446,50447,50447,anu hatira i caay ku nipidmak ita tu tatiihay ku sakafangcal nu dmak saw saan ku suwal ni Pawlu saan ku nipitungangan nu tau i takuwanan o hatiniay a tamdaw i u nika pastek nangra i raraw ku ngaay,why not say as we are being slanderously reported as saying and as some claim that we say Let us do evil that good may result their condemnation is deserved,train +50447,50448,50448,awaay i luma ci Lapic ci Yuing kaku nimaan saw tahaluma tu ci Lapic suwal han tu aku,Lapic is not at home I am Yoing what can I do for you I will let him know when he comes back,train +50448,50449,50449,maadupay,hunt,train +50449,50450,50450,na matumesay ku pasuˈlin ni Marta a pasuwal Mafanaˈ kaku tu nika u lalumuwad ku salikaka aku a maˈurip nai patay i saikuray a rumiˈad,Martha once said with confidence I know that at the resurrection in the last days my brother will rise,test +50450,50451,50451,ta maepud cingra mifun cingra a pateli itini i kanicaw,then he went down he unpacked the fruits and put them into a basket,train +50451,50452,50452,tumian itiya hantu,it was a blessing,train +50452,50453,50453,nipalatih nu mata,have spiritual eyes,train +50453,50454,50454,latek a nimanay kiya matuʼasay,maybe the old man did not know what he was doing there,train +50454,50455,50455,itira sanay mafana tu nu paylang nika anini anu sanu paylang satu i ngaʼayay tu mamang ku nu maku a misaʼicel,I have been speaking Taiwanese since then so I can speak a little bit of it now,train +50455,50456,50456,sinasera,floor,train +50456,50457,50457,tura sapikiut turaura a sasuʼut,it is for blocking that it is just a rope,train +50457,50458,50458,hina tala liyal a mivuting ku mivutingay,fishermen often go out to sea to catch fish,train +50458,50459,50459,caay pakatudung ku wawa,kids do not learn,train +50459,50460,50460,mafana masamaanay lalicayen aku mahaenay,track and field event,test +50460,50461,50461,velunen ita i mahaenay u bingtang a papitilaan,we poured it into a vessel that looked like a washbasin,train +50461,50462,50462,sasuwal sa tu matuʼasay haw i aya ciira i ayaw han i malaaraw tura i aka piramud tiraan a tamdaw,they love each other and are opposed by their parents,train +50462,50463,50463,miteka kaku a micudad,from study,train +50463,50464,50464,Macekuk ci tumuk itiya,the ringleader was shocked,train +50464,50465,50465,misuwi tu luma u nu mira saku halateng,we are renting a house and we respect that,train +50465,50466,50466,mikitemel ku faki^ a sumuwal mipalemed ku finawlan i cairaan,the fathers would give them instructions and the clansmen would give them their blessings,train +50466,50467,50467,ni karamud nu maku aci vavuy liyalan,I am married to a whale,train +50467,50468,50468,Mapitek ku waay nira,his leg is broken,train +50468,50469,50469,pasifanaʼen naku haenen kuni hanaku,I will teach them the organ,train +50469,50470,50470,u tipus tu amin ku kavanaʼan,as far as I know it is all rice,test +50470,50471,50471,anu tuuren ku suwal ni Tiway Saiun aisedan tu pakayniay i cengel tu lusid nu Pangcah o teluc nu cidal ku Pangcah saka u kahengangay i tudung u cidal,according to Principal Lee Lai Wang the reason for the color of Amis clothing the Amis are the people of the sun and the color red represents the sun,train +50471,50472,50472,Si^naw ku rumiad tungalen ku kaciriku,the weather is very cold so wear more clothes,train +50472,50473,50473,hatiraay saka,the reason why,train +50473,50474,50474,cecay ku i Kalingkuay mahaen,there is only one in Hualien,train +50474,50475,50475,mifuting hu kaku saan anu awa kiya ku futing iraira u afar atu maan atu kalang,I will go fishing So if there is no fish or shrimp or something or crab or something or something or something or something,train +50475,50476,50476,sa awaay ku maan anu ira ku adadaay,there is no dispute if someone is sick,train +50476,50477,50477,fana nu matuasay nu painian i,wisdom of the elders,train +50477,50478,50478,tira satipananay a lutuk amin haw,the whole mountain on the west side,train +50478,50479,50479,anu sanay,whether,train +50479,50480,50480,sa itiya kumi haw i tada pakuyuc ku urip itini i Fataʼan,life was pretty poor back then,test +50480,50481,50481,parinumen,hang up the needle,train +50481,50482,50482,mikangkang misenat mikara miʼanip,we have to plow the fields plant the seedlings et,train +50482,50483,50483,matungal,will increase,train +50483,50484,50484,tatunguden kunini,join these,train +50484,50485,50485,ta,then,train +50485,50486,50486,o rarem aku cingra,he is below me in rank,train +50486,50487,50487,i cuwa a mikilim tu cauf,where can I find the answer,train +50487,50488,50488,lalang,prohibit,train +50488,50489,50489,anu matuka kita i,if we are lazy,train +50489,50490,50490,kumuden han a misausi atu i cuawcuwaay ku aru,Tallying up with the clansmen everywhere,test +50490,50491,50491,tuʼud tilefus u cidek,Acacia Beech Mistletoe,train +50491,50492,50492,sapicada,shaft something take over,train +50492,50493,50493,tu cafay tu tihi,mate,train +50493,50494,50494,patakudultu saan,it is going up,train +50494,50495,50495,kumaen cangra tu hemay kumaen tu kunga ku macahiway haen saku urip,the rich eat white rice the poor eat groundnuts the difference in fate,train +50495,50496,50496,hatira tuku pasuwal aku i tamuwanan,I shared it here,train +50496,50497,50497,masaecaw,brewed,train +50497,50498,50498,tayla tu mivaleng,the coffin should be buried in the ground,train +50498,50499,50499,marikec sanay ku tudung nu kakimulmul u kadadama a malacecay sanay ku tudung nu kakayat tu kamay,the circle represents unity and the hand holding represents cooperation,train +50499,50500,50500,Amis Amis sanay tu ku ngangan,the name was given to the north and it is still in existence today,test +50500,50501,50501,o kikay tu anini ku sapiliyun tu felac,Nowadays rice is milled by machine,train +50501,50502,50502,itiya i matngil ni Hiruti u hungti nu Kalili kunini a dmak a ma^min rawraw sa ku falucu ningra nawhani ira ku sumuwalay Lumuwadaytu a maurip nai patay ci Yuhani u Painuay saan,now Herod the tetrarch heard about all that was going on and he was perplexed because some were saying that John had been raised from the dead,train +50502,50503,50503,Minanuwang tu fafisunan nu wawa,go rock your child cradle,train +50503,50504,50504,mifetak,split the wood into two halves,train +50504,50505,50505,ici yu ni san siyu lina,Mom I will jump in one two three,train +50505,50506,50506,Misafula cira tu fafahi nu tau,he molests other peoples wives,train +50506,50507,50507,karetengay,heavy,train +50507,50508,50508,hai ngaʼay suwal isu ku cecay,can you name one,train +50508,50509,50509,sa a pakafanaʼen aku ta matalahekal,I want everyone to know,train +50509,50510,50510,matangic ku balucu macecay sa remaremadiw sa iri,we will all get together and sing,test +50510,50511,50511,manay u lisin nu Ciwidiyan u niduduwan tu lisin nu Sakizaya,so the Shuilian Tribes Harvest Festival follows the Sakilea celebration,train +50511,50512,50512,hatira aca ngaʼay tu,that is it okay,train +50512,50513,50513,patarimasaen,gutter,train +50513,50514,50514,iraay ku kakitaan na maru i tahini hu a sakakitaan saka,in the old days there was no leader living here,train +50514,50515,50515,u paru nu luma niyam haw i,our family does,train +50515,50516,50516,tatiwan,I am holding it,train +50516,50517,50517,wa pinaay tu mihecaan nisangaʼan su nianay,Wow how long has this been going on how long has this been in the works,train +50517,50518,50518,miusi tu tilid,read,train +50518,50519,50519,nuwalian,East,train +50519,50520,50520,unini a nu Payrang nunini Ciw Ka Min Ku,this is the law of the Han Chinese in the Republic of China,test +50520,50521,50521,tini,this way,train +50521,50522,50522,u maan ku sasuwalen,what else can I say,train +50522,50523,50523,u cimacima,who is there,train +50523,50524,50524,pasuwal sa ku nisawawaan ci Yisan Anu hatira ku dmak nu mararamuday i u nika ^ca ka ciramud ku ngaay han nangra,the disciples said to him If this is the situation between a husband and wife it is better not to marry,train +50524,50525,50525,o marukitacay ku tireng nu katacumuli a rumakat,a snails body stretches when it walks,train +50525,50526,50526,kanikaran,early morning,train +50526,50527,50527,Cerenuh ku fanuh nu maku tu talaw,I am scared so creeper out,train +50527,50528,50528,o mitiliday ni Mayaw kaku ci Kacaw kaku,I am a student in Mayaw my name is Kacaw,train +50528,50529,50529,kuna pihalaten nu maku itiyahu malaheci ku pitilid nu kaemangay i taykak,I am thinking of them after they finish their college education,train +50529,50530,50530,misafafuy,raising pigs too,test +50530,50531,50531,mantaay,undercooked,train +50531,50532,50532,dadaya mikiʼaraw dadaya mikiʼaraw maulah ku wawa,my kids like to watch the priests dance every night,train +50532,50533,50533,malakapahay,become an outstanding,train +50533,50534,50534,nanu davak tangasa i lavii caacaay pahanhan,there was no rest from morning to night,train +50534,50535,50535,kaka^,older brother,train +50535,50536,50536,yu u kapah hu,at an early age,train +50536,50537,50537,samanay kura pala,what about that place,train +50537,50538,50538,haenen nauun han a mivahvah,it is a slow drive,train +50538,50539,50539,ira ciira a tumireng,he is standing there,train +50539,50540,50540,ira ku ccay mikitingay tu siri a fainayan mitaelif itini i laenu nu pipitpitan nira tu kilang,there was a man pulling a goat along passed the tree where he picked fruits,test +50540,50541,50541,misafungaay,Groundnuts,train +50541,50542,50542,pacuk kyasaw mifadisawan nangra,after the butchering the next step is to burn it,train +50542,50543,50543,Maurad tu hay,is it raining,train +50543,50544,50544,huni i malafi tu san malafiʼay kami,it is dinner time,train +50544,50545,50545,Hay ikur i u sapaini aku tu niyaru,Yes I am I am going to return home and give back to my tribe,train +50545,50546,50546,araw mitengilay ci Madadingu,the original white flawless and beautiful girl,train +50546,50547,50547,cuwa hu kahining nu wawa aku kupi,I will not let my children have access to it,train +50547,50548,50548,u alu ira i u fukung hanay kiya alu,the river the stream is called Fukung,train +50548,50549,50549,mitulun kaku tu saki cawan,I am praying for Kacaw,train +50549,50550,50550,o ruma a kalitusa i i tukay tu a maru,the other half they already live in the city,test +50550,50551,50551,maxeraxera niyam itira i Tayen mahenay kura a demak nu niyam itira,looking and looking we found one in grand Park that is what we do,train +50551,50552,50552,Mafanaay kisu a kuliciw haw,do you know how to ride a bicycle,train +50552,50553,50553,telien ku i laluma nu riku,I hid it carefully under my clothes,train +50553,50554,50554,mapuyapuy,pregnant,train +50554,50555,50555,mararid ku ulah nira i takuwanan,his love towards me is continual constant,train +50555,50556,50556,u teyningtu ku saayaway a kavanaʼan a livung,the first plague to be discovered was the asphodel,train +50556,50557,50557,ira ku lalima ancuwa aenem,sometimes there are five or six of them,train +50557,50558,50558,Pakaluwid kisu tuya demak saw,can you handle that,train +50558,50559,50559,Talasauwac a mifuting ci faki,my uncle went to the river to catch fish,train +50559,50560,50560,saka itiraay aca a calemcem,I am worried right now,test +50560,50561,50561,ira ku caay ka saredu,it is not sweet enough,train +50561,50562,50562,i nipihiya nira,his will,train +50562,50563,50563,lidung,under the shadow of,train +50563,50564,50564,curung,bundles of firewood are stored in upside down rows,train +50564,50565,50565,kasasirumaruma,kind,train +50565,50566,50566,Hay faedet ku rumiad anini,Yes it is very hot today,train +50566,50567,50567,tiya micingcu tu,then we will celebrate,train +50567,50568,50568,lutuk ku urp nu lukut amengaw mahaen kinian,Sansui used to grow in the mountains,train +50568,50569,50569,o rumasatu kararid a mitatuy tu sapatada u tudung nu pitier namu ci Kristuan ta unini ku sapipadeng namu tu nipa^feran nu Palafuay a cinamalay a pana a ma^min,in addition to all this take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one,train +50569,50570,50570,tata tayra i luma san takuwanan,come on let us go home with me,test +50570,50571,50571,Intruductiun,history of tribal Life Liu Yuemei,train +50571,50572,50572,u kawkaw,Scimitar,train +50572,50573,50573,a falucu tu saka i tini i luma,think of the family,train +50573,50574,50574,Natini i,from here,train +50574,50575,50575,Aluman ku mipasulinay tu suwal ni Pitiru ta mapainu cangra Saka ma^deng tulu a patek ku tamdaw tu mitungalay a mikaput i cangraan tuya rumiad,those who accepted his message were baptized and about three thousand were added to their number that day,train +50575,50576,50576,edeng ku ruray cecay ku urip nu maku,I have only had a hard life,train +50576,50577,50577,u mahenutay u dita kina niyaru itini,the clay in the tribe will sink,train +50577,50578,50578,sanu Pangcah ya hay i tilid haw,what about the Amish word,train +50578,50579,50579,niyana a mialaay ci Sawahan nira i,the one who took Savva,train +50579,50580,50580,cucup,to suck,test +50580,50581,50581,caira caay pakasuʼlin tu paʼuripay kiyami,they do not believe in God,train +50581,50582,50582,hay masaniyaruʼay tu,Yeah it is a tribe now,train +50582,50583,50583,maulahay kaku milisuˈ tu icuwacuwaay a fenpu pakalaluk tu matayalay i Pitil atu milakuwitay tu riyar a mitusilay,I also enjoy visiting branch offices around the world and encouraging Berean members and missionaries,train +50583,50584,50584,Katumrep han nu finawlan cangra a mikakter nikawrira mangalef a mangalef ku nipicli nangra Tapangaw u Wawa ni Tafiti kasiniadaenhu kami saan,the crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet but they shouted all the louder Lord son of David have mercy on us,train +50584,50585,50585,u sakalitaang aku,the thing that causes pride,train +50585,50586,50586,itiniay miala tu kunga langaw nu kunga,get the groundnut pieces here,train +50586,50587,50587,sakalatim,scissor,train +50587,50588,50588,sisa tangasa tu ku nipakungku itamiyan,So the plot of the story as told to us,train +50588,50589,50589,25 kapah Tamdaw micangacang tu Nuˈadinguan a Patusukan Han,page young man are you committed to your spiritual goals,train +50589,50590,50590,o sakaacis nu pinalumaluma ku kedal nu rumiad,dry weather is responsible for the wilting of various crops,test +50590,50591,50591,e haratengen aku i,Uh I guess,train +50591,50592,50592,Mafana kamu nanuya yu mangalay cingra a milayap tu sapalmed nu mama ningra i mawaniktu cingra anu tumangimangic cingra a mingitangit i awaaytu ku pakayraan ningra a mifalic tu nidmakan ningra,Afterward as you know when he wanted to inherit this blessing he was rejected he could bring about no change of mind though he sought the blessing with tears,train +50592,50593,50593,anu maan harrku i iyaen hu iyaen tu puʼut,Or if you are making clothes get a knife,train +50593,50594,50594,9 Anini milasil kita tu lihaf nu Hungti Kitakit pairaay tu hatuki nu tamdaw cipinang tu araaw nu Kawas i tamdaw,today we proclaim the message of the Kingdom giving people the opportunity to understand Gods will for mankind,train +50594,50595,50595,sa hadidien tu nu matuʼasay pakafana ta mafana ku wawa sanay u falucu niyam u matuʼasay,this is a common plight of the elderly,train +50595,50596,50596,salikuray tu parumiʼad ta,on the last day,train +50596,50597,50597,safelifelih hanany mitapay ari,barbecue over and over again,train +50597,50598,50598,o aaimeren aku a minaang ku ninian,I am going to keep well,train +50598,50599,50599,nanu dafak tangasa lafii^ caay hu pasela cingra,from morning to night she never rests,train +50599,50600,50600,sakatepu,it is falling,test +50600,50601,50601,^Enem ku mihecaan nu safa aku,my sister is six years old,train +50601,50602,50602,o maan ku tayal ni ina^ nu misu,what does your mother do,train +50602,50603,50603,samaanen awa ku kakaenen awa ku maan,because of the burden of maintaining a household,train +50603,50604,50604,e ura sa i mafulaw kita sa i mafulaway tu cangra,when it was decided to move they moved,train +50604,50605,50605,tu nika kaaisalisal nu matuʼasay tu ala mamang tu suta sanay matiya sa ku matuʼasay,the elders were equally divided into small plots of hillside land,train +50605,50606,50606,ila sa ku tawciker nu maku i,I will tell you more,train +50606,50607,50607,lakelal,riverbed,train +50607,50608,50608,ura Kalinulinum,that is Sugihara,train +50608,50609,50609,palukelungen,drag,train +50609,50610,50610,sadafdaf a nu mafaliyus cumud sa ku faliyus itiyah naniʼamisay malifes,the richness of the fields is even more spectacular when a typhoon arrives especially with a northerly wind,test +50610,50611,50611,Himed han ku pida i kucu nira matalaw a maala nu fafahi nira,he hid the money in his shoes for fear that his wife would take it,train +50611,50612,50612,masisit nira ku uning,he wiped the dirt off,train +50612,50613,50613,tu tusiya,car,train +50613,50614,50614,ngerngeren,shake,train +50614,50615,50615,u sama kuni wa katarakaw nina sama,this is lettuce wow this lettuce is so tall,train +50615,50616,50616,talapadatengan kaku paluma^ tu dateng,I am going to plant vegetables in the garden,train +50616,50617,50617,tayraay Marataw,going to Mt Tulan,train +50617,50618,50618,aluman ku ngasaw nu mita i niyaru,we have many clans in the tribe,train +50618,50619,50619,caay ka tatudung kunini a hkal a malukamaruan nangra saka salinalinah saan cangra a maru i kuhkuhan i lutulutukan i dihidihifan i rfurfungan nu sra,the world was not worthy of them they wandered in deserts and mountains and in caves and holes in the ground,train +50619,50620,50620,pacakaten ku fayang a pahalhal tu fali,raise the sail for the wind to catch,test +50620,50621,50621,matayal tu kaku itiya,I will get to work,train +50621,50622,50622,ta maherek misaupu,there is no end to the assembly,train +50622,50623,50623,u tuper,buy a hat,train +50623,50624,50624,ha araw mahaenay aca haw sa kiya faʼinay nira,so that is how it is,train +50624,50625,50625,nawhan mahapinang ku cifes nu kaciki u faling,it is easy to sailfish and umbrella sailfish with this wind,train +50625,50626,50626,hanay kuranan u harateng nu maku i,my thoughts at the time were,train +50626,50627,50627,Matalacay tu kina pala,this field has already harvested pineapples,train +50627,50628,50628,mahenay itini ta sadak sa kaku neng han,that is why I was born,train +50628,50629,50629,talakungkuan tu,it is time to go to school,train +50629,50630,50630,itini i kakawasa i itini i kaʼetip nu na cehangciti haw kaetip ningra,the Jihang base west of the Ishiyama tribe,test +50630,50631,50631,takuwanan,me,train +50631,50632,50632,u nengnengen ku suwal nu Pangcah,let us take a look at the Amis language,train +50632,50633,50633,nanu mimingan nu maku a maharateng aku kuninian haw tuna tuninian,these are the types of lives I miss,train +50633,50634,50634,micadcad mihiya mi mitipelak,the skin is already cut into thin strips,train +50634,50635,50635,hayda na,Sure take it,train +50635,50636,50636,itiya tu kaku,in the year of the Republic of China,train +50636,50637,50637,aka kakteren ku matuasay samatiyaen u mama nu tireng ku nika sumuwal a paicel samatiyaen u salikaka nu tireng ku falucu isu tu saki kapah a paicel,do not rebuke an older man harshly but exhort him as if he were your father treat younger men as brothers,train +50637,50638,50638,anu miliyaw ku Tapang a tayni u mamatfuc ku matiniay a tamdaw midauc a matkup mapalaed nai kaayaw nu Tapang atu u mamapaliyas nai madilay a icel ningra,they will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power,train +50638,50639,50639,sikaen,dish,train +50639,50640,50640,nu fainayan a lusid i midu^du tu nu kasaselal saka caay ka lalecad,Mens traditional dress varies according to age class,test +50640,50641,50641,o pararamudan tu wawa anini,this is our child wedding day,train +50641,50642,50642,Misararurarum cingra tu pising,he purposely makes his face look sad,train +50642,50643,50643,tu rira a kayakay,matchmaker,train +50643,50644,50644,edid,wheat,train +50644,50645,50645,nawhani u Tapang nu Paslaan a Rumiad ku wawa nu Tamdaw han ningra,for the son of man is Lord of the Sabbath,train +50645,50646,50646,paceva han ku nipilitek tu kilang,cutting down branches at will,train +50646,50647,50647,Anu paluen kura tamdaw niyam san kura Tangafulan san,the Pimps saw this and thought Why are we beating up our friends,train +50647,50648,50648,kafana a miraʼuy san,you have to appreciate it,train +50648,50649,50649,o mitiliday ku mira haw,is he a student,train +50649,50650,50650,Fa^edetay ku rumiad tu miming kapinanum tu nanum,it is a bit hot so you need to drink more water,test +50650,50651,50651,mavuti tu kami,we are already asleep,train +50651,50652,50652,halafin itini Pailasen maedeng mamuetep a mihecaan kya Tumiyac a tamdaw nani Pasawali,the people from the eastern Chuan tribe have only been in Fuyuan for a decade or so,train +50652,50653,50653,nanay kita kaemangay,may we as children,train +50653,50654,50654,Pipatelac awaay ku sanay itisuwanan,nobody told you to make a mistake,train +50654,50655,50655,nialapitan,he is already been taken hostage,train +50655,50656,50656,tacuwa kisu saan awaʼay ku singsi nu Haciliwan,when I was asked where I was going I was told that there was no teacher at Lok Hop,train +50656,50657,50657,anu hatira i samaanen aku hakiya anu pakaynien aku i adingu aku ku pitulun i halusaluafangen aku a mitulun anu pakaynien aku i adingu ku karumadiw i halusaluafangen aku a rumadiw,so what shall I do I will pray with my spirit but I will also pray with my mind I will sing with my spirit but I will also sing with my mind,train +50657,50658,50658,Maladahetalay ku alualuan i Kalinku,the rivers of Hualien became plains,train +50658,50659,50659,malingad tu miʼuway i tira kita a pala itira ku uway saku malitengay,go up the hill and gather yellow vines there,train +50659,50660,50660,tatulu kami a malakaka,I have three siblings,test +50660,50661,50661,ta cicedi kamu a mipalusiyang atu midmak haca tu pulung nu ngaayay a dmak,encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word,train +50661,50662,50662,misalutuk ku matuʼasay,the old man is cultivating the mountains,train +50662,50663,50663,tayni i Kuhkuh i,come to Mizuho,train +50663,50664,50664,nayat,stretching,train +50664,50665,50665,malakaput,become a classmate,train +50665,50666,50666,kerah,ebb or go out,train +50666,50667,50667,i cuwaay kisu a mitilid,what school do you go to,train +50667,50668,50668,mihusiway,Witnesses,train +50668,50669,50669,piliyas,excuse me,train +50669,50670,50670,kafel,women long pant,test +50670,50671,50671,anu sicaedung kiya haw icuwaay ku kaʼayaw,which one is the first to wear it,train +50671,50672,50672,maʼaraw nangra u mahenay ku Kilisetu u kurisciyang satukira u kalimelaan kuni haw,they see and realize that Christians are of such good behavior,train +50672,50673,50673,vukeluh,stone,train +50673,50674,50674,riri,talus slide,train +50674,50675,50675,yu mitilid kaku,since I have been studying,train +50675,50676,50676,Miidid ci mama tu kuwaw,dad was smoking and grilling flying fish,train +50676,50677,50677,matatakup ku matuasay atu siningkay itala i tarawadaw,old men and young people gather at the big river to fish,train +50677,50678,50678,cihuken tu aku ku i siwkeng a pafeli,I used a ladle to scoop water from the tank and bring it to the old man,train +50678,50679,50679,Hay ci Kanas cira,Yes he is Kanas,train +50679,50680,50680,anu ira ku caayay ka ulah tu Tapang a tamdaw i u mamakak cingra Tapangaw nanay tayni Kisu,if anyone does not love the Lord a curse be on him Come O Lord,test +50680,50681,50681,matiya u fakeluh ku tatihi,hardened as a rock,train +50681,50682,50682,i fatad nu pinukayan a lalan ira ku pinanay nu falucu aku tu fuis,on the way home I made a wish with the stars,train +50682,50683,50683,iraay kura cecay a pisiay hananay,there is a competition,train +50683,50684,50684,melaw han awaay tu talacuwa tu hakiya,I just saw it and then I do not know where it is,train +50684,50685,50685,inii sakanatulu haen,it is still on the second one,train +50685,50686,50686,Miulaulay tu kisu haw,did you brush your teeth,train +50686,50687,50687,kales,hairbrush,train +50687,50688,50688,afelatang,charcoal,train +50688,50689,50689,teruc,jump,train +50689,50690,50690,tinaku tinaku san kaku,I often cite this example,test +50690,50691,50691,anu icuwa tu ku pakasuʼelin nanay tura,which one should we believe,train +50691,50692,50692,saka maduyduy aku ku nanu tuʼas,so I followed the tribal elders,train +50692,50693,50693,paliyasen cangra tu hkal caay ka saan Kaku diputen cangra a paliyas nai Palafuay saan ku pilunguc aku i Tisuwanan,my prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one,train +50693,50694,50694,u kakayaay atu kamukuay,one long one short,train +50694,50695,50695,mansa kadafu kaku tayni i Pungudan,that is why I married here in Bridge,train +50695,50696,50696,misakunga ku matuʼasay itiyahu,previous work such as planting sweet potatoes,train +50696,50697,50697,ira ku mahaenay,it is like,train +50697,50698,50698,kita san haw saka sepat nu mihecaan luwad san hu,and we are only four years in and we are just getting started,train +50698,50699,50699,o maacisay kira nipalumaan nu maku a tumatu,the tomatoes I planted wilted,train +50699,50700,50700,yu sumuwalhu ci Pitiru i fahal sa ira ku madilay a carufacuf a mitahpu i cangraan matngil ku ngiha i carufacuf suwal sa O kakaulahan Aku a Wawa kunini O kakahmekan Aku Cingra Pitngil kamu tu suwal Ningra saan,while he was still speaking a bright cloud enveloped them and a voice from the cloud said This is my Son whom I love with him I am well pleased listen to him,test +50700,50701,50701,ngaʼay hu kisu kaka ngaʼay hu,Sister how are you Hello Hi,train +50701,50702,50702,atu kaʼemangay,and the kids,train +50702,50703,50703,mihawad,graduation,train +50703,50704,50704,u maku kyami kunian a salikaka,these are my brothers and sisters,train +50704,50705,50705,fadahung,roof,train +50705,50706,50706,itini i kalu nukaˈurip,in everyday life,train +50706,50707,50707,misanga tiya minatu,while the port is being built,train +50707,50708,50708,caayay ku matatudungay i urip nu Yincumin,there is no way to apply it to our native people,train +50708,50709,50709,u saalumanay a finacadan nu Pangcah i Kitakit nu Taywan,it is the most populous Aboriginal group in Taiwan,train +50709,50710,50710,Pina^ a daduy ku picakay isu,how many pounds of eggs do you want to buy,test +50710,50711,50711,pasuwal sa kuya pasifanaay tu Rikec i ci Yisan Singsiaw matu suwal Isu deng ccay aca ku Kawas awaay ku ruma yasanay a suwal isu i sulinay kura,Well said teacher the man replied You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him,train +50711,50712,50712,misafudawanay a tamdaw,a coppersmith,train +50712,50713,50713,ira kuya ccay a rumiad masuni tu ku ngiha nu ayam i ira ku malingaday tayra tu i umah malingad,the rooster crowed one day there was a farmer who went to the farmland to work,train +50713,50714,50714,matirtir,Tension,train +50714,50715,50715,Ngaayay tu u tayal tu aku kuninian,it is okay it is my job,train +50715,50716,50716,saasu saan ku kavi tangasa anini caay hen ka pawan kami a maenen caaytu kalecad ku saka urip anini nika masimsim hen nu maku ku asu nu kavi nuya vuting,the soup is so delicious that I still cannot forget it although times and lifestyles are different it is still one of my most memorable flavors and the river fish used to be so delicious,train +50716,50717,50717,rimuud,the Yuan or Mongol dynasty,train +50717,50718,50718,anini misanga kaku kiya haw paipaputalan aku ku tesel,and now I am showing off my embroidery,train +50718,50719,50719,padatengan ni ina kuni ira ku kuwa,Auntie grows papayas in her garden,train +50719,50720,50720,o taneng nu matuʼasay nu mita tu saparuʼut i titaanan,Proverbs of the wisdom of our ancestors,test +50720,50721,50721,liyaw han tu ita mi,Mr Lam we will make up for it then,train +50721,50722,50722,caay hen kasaumah imatiya enaenaran,it was not plowed land yet it was a plain,train +50722,50723,50723,talariyal,to the beach,train +50723,50724,50724,macuwa awiten saku wawa i,how do kids make it,train +50724,50725,50725,masuvuc ci ina aku tu vavainay a sava,my mother had just given birth to my brother,train +50725,50726,50726,micakay tu citing nu wawa i patiyamay kaku,I went to the store to buy my kids dictionary,train +50726,50727,50727,malaliup,wash your face,train +50727,50728,50728,hatiraay ku kadafu aku itira,that is how I got married,train +50728,50729,50729,u maan saw a demakan ku sasasuwalen nu misu itakuwan,what do you have to tell me,train +50729,50730,50730,milaliw tu kura Piyuma i,the Pequod ran away,test +50730,50731,50731,demak,work,train +50731,50732,50732,o micikcikay kaku tu kilang a mipalikat a misingasif,I chopped up the wood and used it to start the fire to boil the water,train +50732,50733,50733,Pacauf sa cangra Ci Yuhani u Painuay ira ku sanay ci Iliya ira ku sanay Ci Yirimiya anu ^ca i u ruma a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas ira ku sanay han nangra,they replied Some say John the Baptist others say Elijah and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets,train +50733,50734,50734,saka a a u mihecaan aku anini falu a pulu ira ku ccay,Now I am years old,train +50734,50735,50735,citangilaay,eared,train +50735,50736,50736,misatikulacay,black boned chicken,train +50736,50737,50737,Minengnenng kita tu adipangpang,we are going to see butterflies,train +50737,50738,50738,kuna sapaiyu u mingaʼayan ira i,what does this herb cure,train +50738,50739,50739,suwal sa ku matuasay u vaesingan hananay u nipatalaayaw a pavana i tisuwan a malitemuh ku raecusay a demak sananay,they say This sneeze is an omen for you to avoid bad things so that you will not meet with bad things on your way out and at work,train +50739,50740,50740,Iayaw tu cingra a lumuwad Takupen cingra,he left ahead of us catch up with him,test +50740,50741,50741,pekpeken kiya lamit tataak sivulang,crack a big root and there is foam,train +50741,50742,50742,adihayay tu matengilay,I have heard a lot of,train +50742,50743,50743,tatukian,Hourly,train +50743,50744,50744,Nikawrira caay ka tatudung i nafalucuan nu Kawas ku alumanay nangra Saka matkup cangra i kuhkuhan,Nevertheless God was not pleased with most of them their bodies were scattered over the desert,train +50744,50745,50745,ira ku futing cekiw atu urang i riyar,the sea is full of fish shellfish and lobsters,train +50745,50746,50746,Cuwa u nu ina niacaan,No this is what mom bought,train +50746,50747,50747,caay pakatepa kita tu sapisamiciw,we will not be able to find the point of aim,train +50747,50748,50748,o tataangay a lunguc nu falucu aku i nanay awaay ku kanguduan tu sikining aku ta matiya u hatiniay ku nika ^ca paska aku anini a pasuwal ta anu nika uriptu anu nika pataytu aku i u sapadil ci Kristuan ku pulung nu maku,I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body whether by life or by death,train +50748,50749,50749,sasawad,separate,train +50749,50750,50750,nu ruma saan niyaru i,and in the other tribe,test +50750,50751,50751,haen han aku a patangasa,I will tell it like this,train +50751,50752,50752,tada masumaday ku falucuˈ aku mapatayay ci Walte tuna ciadadaay tu ekang nu punuˈ,my heart aches that Walter passed away in from brain cancer,train +50752,50753,50753,o culuk niyam tu fafuy nu lutuk,we will just spear the mountain hogs with our guns,train +50753,50754,50754,mamuniay umaingay,soft,train +50754,50755,50755,uraan tu tadaawulay tadaawulay hatiraay,with bamboo Bamboo it looks like this,train +50755,50756,50756,3 mihadidiay a mitala kisu Han,will you wait patiently,train +50756,50757,50757,Micekiway tu likisi nu Yutaya ci Yusifus maedeng 12 ku mihecaan ni Samuil itiya sanay,Jewish historian Josephus notes that Samuel was years old,train +50757,50758,50758,matini u safa aku,one of my retired brothers,train +50758,50759,50759,mahakulung,altogether,train +50759,50760,50760,pacelem kisu Limat tata maranam tu,Limat you are up early let us go it is time for breakfast,test +50760,50761,50761,o wama wina papadama tu wawa miliyas tu tatiihay a lawla han,have parents helped their children avoid harmful entertainment,train +50761,50762,50762,maliayaw tu ku sababaay niyam,the youngest has gone first,train +50762,50763,50763,tipus,Tipps,train +50763,50764,50764,u maan kacitatudung kacingangan nu paniyaruʼan nura kangasawan sanay,the origin of tribal and clan names,train +50764,50765,50765,Nikawrira anu kamitu anu nai kakarayanaytu a cuyuh i anu paculiay tu nipatnakan niyam a Ngaayay Ratuh ku nipatnakan ningra i mamana makak cingra,but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you let him be eternally condemned,train +50765,50766,50766,ira a tayra i Ifisu ci Apulus hananay a makimaday a Yutaya a tamdaw o i Aliksantriyaay a hufucen cingra tada u mafanaay cingra tu Fangcalay Cudad,Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos a native of Alexandria came to Ephesus he was a learned man with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures,train +50766,50767,50767,kapah,that young man used to want this son,train +50767,50768,50768,matahepuay ku nu ecay a mihecaan a sikac sanay i,you can support your living expenses for a whole year,train +50768,50769,50769,awaay hu ku manmaan na niyaru i tiyay hu,because back then tribes did not have a lot of jobs,train +50769,50770,50770,o paketeray i takuwanan a tamdaw,people who make me angry,test +50770,50771,50771,anu maurad atu macidal tu ku rumiad i,it does not matter if it is sunny or rainy,train +50771,50772,50772,Kakufel saan ku laway nuna wacu,this dog has wrinkles all over his face,train +50772,50773,50773,mangutaay,milky,train +50773,50774,50774,i tini tunini a dmak a ma^min i pahapinangen ku ulah nawhani u ulah ku misungilaay a mipalaccay tu falucu nu tamdamdaw,and over all these virtues put on love which binds them all together in perfect unity,train +50774,50775,50775,angerer kaenen maulah ku matuasay,it tastes bitter but the old man likes it,train +50775,50776,50776,malukafung,be my hat,train +50776,50777,50777,hu vaw Sakainalan sa kamu a hacuwa satu kaku,Oh wow I am so jealous when do I get to go,train +50777,50778,50778,sapilunguc tu cidal,Harvest moon Festival,train +50778,50779,50779,tamuciris ku rakat nu nanum mikihatiya tu nikakerah nu nanum a tangsul satu a mihaup a mifuting,temporary weirs are set up to divert the flow of water and catch the fish while the river is drying up,train +50779,50780,50780,maulah tu kami maen tu kahengangaay tefus ri,and we prefer red sugarcane,test +50780,50781,50781,hayda mama ina luwad sacakaku a malahitay misikang,Mom Dad okay I am going to the army,train +50781,50782,50782,nu itiyaay a sasalamaen tahanini,things having reached this stage,train +50782,50783,50783,awaay ku fafuy a saan i u cima kiya sikulungay,if there is no pig we will see who has a cow,train +50783,50784,50784,u luma satu i matira tu i taliyuk nu luma mipaluma tu icep u tudung nu kalalaed anu u niyaru atu niyaru ira tu ku sanga,as for the houses betel nut is planted around them a fence is built between communities,train +50784,50785,50785,ta ri itini ku paini aku huw hay,to express this meaning,train +50785,50786,50786,ci Asing ku ngangan nu wama aku,my dads name is Asing,train +50786,50787,50787,ngaruy,chin,train +50787,50788,50788,caay kacaledes,not hot very cool,train +50788,50789,50789,a pakeriden tu basis nitadahan ita a micakay,we still have to pay for the pork and owe money to buy it,train +50789,50790,50790,matini san latek ira ku patek a usaw,there are about a thousand sons left,test +50790,50791,50791,i ayaw a mihecaan tuninian,this was years ago,train +50791,50792,50792,mausuy,late,train +50792,50793,50793,maalepaday,terrific,train +50793,50794,50794,minecnec tu mata,to crush ones eye,train +50794,50795,50795,Sali^tec sa kuni nanum,this water is so cold,train +50795,50796,50796,tadasuʼlinay ku Kawas nu mita,our God is the true God,train +50796,50797,50797,tusa a falulan kumi,one day I will have two pairs of glasses I made myself,train +50797,50798,50798,Cuwa u Piwma cingra,No she is a Puyuma,train +50798,50799,50799,kalikali han ku lemangawy tu a vunga,scoop up the sprouted groundnuts,train +50799,50800,50800,caluway tu matini hay,Yes,test +50800,50801,50801,yu masaupu ku Farisay a tamdaw i licayen ni Yis cangra,while the Pharisees were gathered together Jesus asked them,train +50801,50802,50802,anu valiyusan i tayra amin i tarawadaw a mitavukud ku Pangcah,when a typhoon comes the Amis will go to the riverbed to catch fish,train +50802,50803,50803,kina rakes awaay tu maʼaraw,you cannot see camphor trees anymore,train +50803,50804,50804,tu waneng caay,sugar comparison,train +50804,50805,50805,ira ku nu siningkay ira ku nu kaying ira ku nu wawa a nikavekac a kamuku,there are arrangements for races and programs for young people young ladies and children,train +50805,50806,50806,tuna cuwa ka ngaˈay ku kicay manikaway ku ˈurip nu tamdaw,because of the recession everyone is life is simple,train +50806,50807,50807,u patelacay haw,is that a load of crap,train +50807,50808,50808,itiya,vacation,train +50808,50809,50809,awaay hu ku falucu nu maku a malaakung,I am not ready to be a grandfather,train +50809,50810,50810,lalengawan,founder of a school or trade,test +50810,50811,50811,micincuay,the pearl hunter,train +50811,50812,50812,laluma,inside,train +50812,50813,50813,ura mafanaʼay cingra tuya palasaecanan nura aʼayawan a Amis tayniay,they came back because they knew their ancestors had lived here before,train +50813,50814,50814,Mapuhed ku mami ita,our oranges are rotten,train +50814,50815,50815,a mangatangata tu a tangasa i sawalian kiya nipahiya iri,the one that is going to the east,train +50815,50816,50816,aya hani mafilu kura tapangan nura a talud,the roots are so thick how do I cut them,train +50816,50817,50817,kacifenek,mature,train +50817,50818,50818,u sakaenem saanay,in this sixth,train +50818,50819,50819,ngiru,bake on a fire,train +50819,50820,50820,Nikawrira pasuwal sa ci Yis Aka lalangen ku harateng ningra o nipatalaan ningra kunini tu saki pitademan takuwanan a rumiad,Leave her alone Jesus replied It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial,test +50820,50821,50821,sisa i pangangan hantu nu heni,that is why they named it,train +50821,50822,50822,o nika tatala ita ku ngaay,we should wait for each other,train +50822,50823,50823,Kelac han aku kunga I sahetu u maengiday ku laluma,I peeled the groundnuts and they were rotten inside,train +50823,50824,50824,o hahatinitini aca kita tu nanu tatudung nu dmak ita Nikawrira unini a tamdaw i awaay ku maan aca a tatiihay a dmak Ningra han ningra a mikakter,we are punished justly for we are getting what our deeds deserve but this man has done nothing wrong,train +50824,50825,50825,Nanuya yu malpuntu ku pikuracan nangra a rumiad tu nanu Rikec ni Musi i alaen na Yusif aci Mariya kuya wawa a macukacuk a tayra i Yirusalim tu sapacakataw i Tapang tuya Wawa,when the time of their purification according to the law of Moses had been completed Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord,train +50825,50826,50826,anu adihay kura icep malafalatay cuwa ku satuku aca,if there are a lot of betel nut trees use them as beams not just pillars,train +50826,50827,50827,20 Patinakuan ni Pawlu ku sapafeli ni Yihufa a funus tu u kimad nu Kawas,Paul compares the word of God to the sword the Lord has given us,train +50827,50828,50828,maherek satu a paenip,when the rice planting is done,train +50828,50829,50829,lufen ita ku nitilidan ita a kimad,we must edit the story we wrote,train +50829,50830,50830,fienut,pluck,test +50830,50831,50831,anu awaay ku payci kiya luma i,what if this family is poorer,train +50831,50832,50832,iya sasafaay ku mihecaan isu sa ku tawki,the boss says you are the youngest,train +50832,50833,50833,miliyaw tayni satu a misalama,come again next time,train +50833,50834,50834,pakiafala a miurung,to carry on the shoulders,train +50834,50835,50835,ira ku misisitay tu sasingaran ira ku miasikay tu paputal,some people clean the windows some sweep the floor,train +50835,50836,50836,adihayay ku sama adihayay ku maamaan tu kalimelamelaw,there is a lot of mountain lettuce a lot of wild greens and mountain Citrus is edible,train +50836,50837,50837,mararum kaku nay,I am sad when I think about it,train +50837,50838,50838,pasuwal sa cingra Kaku kuya nisuwalan ni Isaya u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya Ira ku ccay a milkalay i kuhkuhan a sumuwal Sungilaen ku malulalan nu Tapang sanay han ningra,John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet I am the voice of one calling in the desert Make straight the way for the Lord,train +50838,50839,50839,masimsim nu maku anini,it is all coming back to me now,train +50839,50840,50840,tu,Help,test +50840,50841,50841,Sienaw adihayen ka cifuduy,it is cold so wear more clothes,train +50841,50842,50842,ngaay tu miaraw kisu tu ayam,it does not matter then you go and watch the birds,train +50842,50843,50843,o fafahiyan a kaka^ nu misu ciira hay,is she your elder sister,train +50843,50844,50844,matiya malitangal ku malitangalay maala nu ada,some were beheaded by the enemy,train +50844,50845,50845,hay haha pakaen ciakungan,Ha Hah I will buy Grandpa a drink,train +50845,50846,50846,Kaemed ku nipaliwalan nira a fuduy,she sells clothes at very cheap prices,train +50846,50847,50847,panukayen,deploy something come back,train +50847,50848,50848,matumes tu ku lufuc i itini i itini lufuc nira i,his bag was full,train +50848,50849,50849,malaliw tu tayni awaay tu ku malitelitengay,the elders are no longer here,train +50849,50850,50850,sidemak haw isu,what is the matter with you,test +50850,50851,50851,Maruray ku ina atu mama palahad tu wawa,it is hard for moms and dads to raise children,train +50851,50852,50852,ura saadihay sanay u maan han kura,what is all that stuff up there,train +50852,50853,50853,caay ka^eca katumes ku tamina tu futing atu afar,the boat is always loaded with fish and shrimp,train +50853,50854,50854,i ci Madadingu u limecedan,flawless white and delicate girl,train +50854,50855,50855,caay,fault,train +50855,50856,50856,cahu pitanam kaku a mipacemut anucila pakafana han tu kaku,I have never used a fishing rod before would you mind teaching me next time,train +50856,50857,50857,sanpilaw hananay i,there is a shellfish,train +50857,50858,50858,o saikuray a laluwiden ningra a ada i u patay,the last enemy to be destroyed is death,train +50858,50859,50859,Nikawrira u hci nu nipikrid nu Fangcalay Adingu i u ulah u lipahak u rihaday u kudait u siniada u ngaayay u sulinay a falucu,but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness,train +50859,50860,50860,tengilen nira,she will listen,test +50860,50861,50861,anu hakuwa kura wina aku icuwa hakini ku wina aku,when did my mom show up where the hell is she,train +50861,50862,50862,kaiyuf,blow,train +50862,50863,50863,ini tu kaku a idang hatu na ha,just tell my friend I am here,train +50863,50864,50864,o adada nu mama aku ku kasanawsawan nu maku,what worries me is my dads condition,train +50864,50865,50865,suwal sa ci Pilatu i kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu finawlan Awaay a matama aku ku maan aca a raraw nunini a tamdaw han ningra,then Pilate announced to the chief priests and the crowd I find no basis for a charge against this man,train +50865,50866,50866,Malaadipangpang ku lalipana,the caterpillar becomes a butterfly,train +50866,50867,50867,mangalay kaku a miruyaruy tinalisinan dengay tu haw,I am very interested in this festival can I join,train +50867,50868,50868,samanen mailul kaku tu niyaru aku nanay ira ku sapipacuay tu riyaruan,because I miss my hometown and I also want to give back to the tribe,train +50868,50869,50869,anu hacuwa a patikur kisu tu Cudad i takuwan saw,when are you going to return my book,train +50869,50870,50870,adada,soreness,test +50870,50871,50871,cuwa ku pihaen aca nu mita tu demak micangacanghu ci Yihufaan padama kitaanan micuwat tu kalacecay i kalalaˈed,not only will we do this but we will also ask the Lord to help us promote unity among ourselves,train +50871,50872,50872,san kiya ina aku,this is what my mother told me,train +50872,50873,50873,pakaen tu rarapa itaywan,we have been herding cows for the Han since we were almost years old,train +50873,50874,50874,olahen ku wawa isu,love your child,train +50874,50875,50875,herek satu i cacufay tu kami milafin tu cecay dadaya,we ride motorcycles and spend the night,train +50875,50876,50876,matawalay aku a mifa^det tu patafuan,I forgot to steam my lunchbox,train +50876,50877,50877,Nikawrira anini satu minukaytu ci Timuti nai tamuwanan a paini tu ngaayay a ratuh i tamiyanan tu pakayniay i pitier namu tu Kawas atu ulah namu Paratuh cingra tu nika rarid namu a miharateng tamiyanan atu nika lcad nu harateng ita tu sakasasuarawaw,but Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love he has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us just as we also long to see you,train +50877,50878,50878,sanay kiya kaemangay,the child answered,train +50878,50879,50879,adidem,mulberry,train +50879,50880,50880,kuwan,rule,test +50880,50881,50881,ira ku ngaʼayay saan kaku,I think it is the legacy that is best for the community,train +50881,50882,50882,o piungtukay nu pitilidan a rumiad anini adihay ku lalifeten nu pitilidan,today was the schools sports day and the school organized many competitions,train +50882,50883,50883,tusa tu ku fulad i awa hu ku pinang,it is been two months and no sign,train +50883,50884,50884,miaca tu ku luma ku wawa aku i,my kids bought a house,train +50884,50885,50885,awaay tu hatini,not anymore,train +50885,50886,50886,u nian ey nu mimingay a mimingay ku mata nu ma nu tafukud,this is the tiny hole gossip Network,train +50886,50887,50887,nikelingan,stir fried,train +50887,50888,50888,Hinafadi ku nipalumaan nu maku,the ones I planted wilt easily,train +50888,50889,50889,Mapalakuli nu tau kamu malihiw nu tau kamu a masafana ^pecen nu tau kamu stien nu tau ku pising namu i hadidi sa kamu tunini,in fact you even put up with anyone who enslaves you or exploits you or takes advantage of you or pushes himself forward or slaps you in the face,train +50889,50890,50890,nawiru,Why I do not know,test +50890,50891,50891,avih,rice bran,train +50891,50892,50892,sabaw lima a remiʼad,fifteen days ago tribal men,train +50892,50893,50893,fafahiyan a kaka,older sister,train +50893,50894,50894,picafer,stay somewhere temporarily,train +50894,50895,50895,Hay caay kaw nika vecul a cacay niyam sikakapah aca nu tireng,Yes we do not just eat a lot of food it is also good for health,train +50895,50896,50896,saka tayni i minengneng tu nanum,that is why I came here to see the water first,train +50896,50897,50897,u mafanaay kaku tu falucu nira,I used to know how he felt,train +50897,50898,50898,hai anini i mahemak ku falucu nu maku haw,I am very happy today,train +50898,50899,50899,Caayay u Amis kami,No we are Amis,train +50899,50900,50900,aray haw,thank you,test +50900,50901,50901,Cengawen ku mata,keep your eyes open,train +50901,50902,50902,hay ri samaanen aku sa kaku,at that moment I was thinking,train +50902,50903,50903,patefad,fall,train +50903,50904,50904,tiraay i rumaay aniaru niyan na culal sanay,watercress grows in other countries,train +50904,50905,50905,yu itiyaay a tamdaw araaw tu kakaenen kiyami,because in those days there was a lack of food to eat,train +50905,50906,50906,tayran ci mama aku lusufaw aku ci Halu,dad went over and thought I would better go and see Harold,train +50906,50907,50907,nika licayen ningra,so he went up and asked,train +50907,50908,50908,maʼaraw aku kiya nu fufu aku kiya,when I first saw my grandmothers,train +50908,50909,50909,kaku tu mafukil kaku tura imi,what about me I do not know what it means,train +50909,50910,50910,mikilim kaku tu masidayay a wacu,I am looking for a lost dog,test +50910,50911,50911,Orasaka aluman ku miliyasay a mituuray i Cingraan caaytu pikaput cingraan a talacuwacuwa,from this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him,train +50911,50912,50912,anini a a pahanhan tu kaku,now I have retired,train +50912,50913,50913,o mimaanay ku tayal nu ina isu,what does your mother do,train +50913,50914,50914,icuwa ku pasuvanaay nu misu,where is your teacher,train +50914,50915,50915,saan saka lunuk sa kaku miʼuway miala tu salengac,I took the initiative to collect moon peach bark and organize the materials,train +50915,50916,50916,sakacuwa,somewhere,train +50916,50917,50917,maemin tu miketu,take them all,train +50917,50918,50918,rakarakat melaw han nu heni,they are walking they are looking,train +50918,50919,50919,Paatalen tu cacay a ficin a felac ciira,serve him a liter of rice,train +50919,50920,50920,cikay satu cingra a tayra i ci Simun Pitiruan atuya kaulahan ni Yis a nisawawaan a pasuwal Mialaan nu tau ku Tapang a pasadak nai tadem caay ka fana kami tu nika i cuwaan nangra a mitli Cingra han ningra,so she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple the one Jesus loved and said They have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we do not know where they have put him,test +50920,50921,50921,mananamay tu haw kura kamay isu,your hands are still familiar,train +50921,50922,50922,pamiyaten,flash something,train +50922,50923,50923,malakumuing,become a civil servant,train +50923,50924,50924,pasikaʼen han tu,serve it with rice wine,train +50924,50925,50925,icuwa ku pahku ina ini u,here they are,train +50925,50926,50926,han hanaku palecacay a pasifana titanan u nu pulung,I will be brief,train +50926,50927,50927,Saka ira ku pasulinay tu suwal ni Pawlu nikawrira ira ku caay pasulin,some were convinced by what he said but others would not believe,train +50927,50928,50928,iraay ku pina fulad u Micekiway tu Fangcalay Cudad a tamdaw padadutucay palilam tu Malaˈusiay a Mahimeday a cudad,for several months Bible Researchers continued to distribute the book the finished Mystery to people,train +50928,50929,50929,kita haw mi,we will protest together,train +50929,50930,50930,itini tuna matuʼasay haw,the elders know this,test +50930,50931,50931,singwicing,Microscope,train +50931,50932,50932,ayaw suwal nu matuasay aka kakumaen tu tinai,the old man reminded me not to eat offal,train +50932,50933,50933,i taliyuk nura Paʼunucan han ira itiya hu sa i,in the old days around the Flat Stretcher the,train +50933,50934,50934,o mamiluud caira tu Tufur a Siri nikawrira u mamaluwid nuya Tufur a siri caira nawhani u Tapang nu tapatapang u Hungti nu hungtingti cingra o nipilian atu sulinay a mituuray i cingraan a tamdamdaw i u papakaluwid itu saan,they will make war against the Lamb but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and king of kings and with him will be his called chosen and faithful followers,train +50934,50935,50935,i i syukaycyu,at the gathering house,train +50935,50936,50936,anu masamaan i pasayrahu kita,let us go over there and take a look,train +50936,50937,50937,papikumimiten,want someone to screw someone,train +50937,50938,50938,tienangwakang,lie down,train +50938,50939,50939,Masasipafeli^ tu sapatapang ku mararamuday,married couples will exchange their love gifts,train +50939,50940,50940,waw tada fangsisay a kaenen,Oh it smells good and looks delicious,test +50940,50941,50941,licese han nu,it is the license that counts,train +50941,50942,50942,maulah kaku cingranan nawhan masinanutay ku tamdaw nira,I like him very much because he is very humble,train +50942,50943,50943,malikakaay ku fufu niyam,our grandmothers were sisters,train +50943,50944,50944,lukuninsi kami awaay tu,we did not have it in sixth grade,train +50944,50945,50945,mapapaliw kita uraan maumah kita i tauanan,change jobs we help others,train +50945,50946,50946,Niditekan nu Kawas ku urip ita,our lives are ordained by God,train +50946,50947,50947,dadayadaya,nightly,train +50947,50948,50948,tiya mafana kaku tina suwal nina matuʼasay,I just realized what the old man said,train +50948,50949,50949,miliyaw haca ci Yis a patinaku i cangraan suwal sa,Jesus spoke to them again in parables saying,train +50949,50950,50950,Hadi^di san ku singsi a pasifana tu maliyangay a situ,teachers are very patient with misbehaving students,test +50950,50951,50951,matima hay,it is sour and numb,train +50951,50952,50952,hay ku hufuc aku tini kira,Yes I was born in,train +50952,50953,50953,iratu kya kuntung satueman satu kya riyar san,the sea is dark the Cantonese are coming,train +50953,50954,50954,ikur nu pina fulad miucuran kami tayra i kaˈamis nu Sulis 240 kungli ku raay a Kilpeter Playens,a few months later we were sent to Gilbert Plains about kilometers north of Souris,train +50954,50955,50955,Du^du han kuni lalan tahira i sakatulu a kacacipaan pasiwali sa manengneng tu,go straight down the road and at the third intersection turn east and you will see it,train +50955,50956,50956,urip nu maku i,my qualifications,train +50956,50957,50957,kalumaanay,kind,train +50957,50958,50958,Pataduen kaku a miala tu sasifin,can you help me with the cloth,train +50958,50959,50959,ku maamaan i kaku i awaay tu ku,all kinds of advantages and me Nothing,train +50959,50960,50960,Wa misawacay kaku tu suˈlinay a kimad unini ku sakatayni aku i hekal Yohani 1837,I will bear witness to the truth for which I came into the world John,test +50960,50961,50961,pawikulen,dock,train +50961,50962,50962,turaan saka tayra i tayra kamunan iraw i sacumud tayni,I am coming to you from Nagahama Township,train +50962,50963,50963,aka ka matiya u macuusay u malasangay nu ^pah u mikalunaay u maamlasay u malaudutay u mainapay ku dmak namu Sangaayen ku dmak namu a matiya u nu i ta^ngaday,let us behave decently as in the daytime not in orgies and drunkenness not in sexual immorality and debauchery not in dissension and jealousy,train +50963,50964,50964,ya adihayay ku fau,there is a lot of bugs,train +50964,50965,50965,sala,small dish,train +50965,50966,50966,ditdit,a little bit,train +50966,50967,50967,kaacang kamu tu pisyungacan tu pafilungan,be joyful and happy at the spring Festival,train +50967,50968,50968,misa Cawiʼay hananay ku paniyaruʼan tu nu maku,Jeongpo tribe,train +50968,50969,50969,tataakay kuya pucu nira,he is got a big tumor,train +50969,50970,50970,pavavuy ku heni maherek tu,the pig ceremony is over,test +50970,50971,50971,lahedaw sanay ku pasu isu tu pikakaenan tu epah,you spend all your money on booze,train +50971,50972,50972,ngala,crevice,train +50972,50973,50973,inaayaw aluman ku wawa,in the past people raised many children,train +50973,50974,50974,Hinam,results,train +50974,50975,50975,tu tatulu a kaput,three partners,train +50975,50976,50976,ura marariday kaku nanu kaemangan,I have experienced this a lot since I was a child,train +50976,50977,50977,ira ku tuki,it is time sensitive,train +50977,50978,50978,midaduay,comforter,train +50978,50979,50979,Mafana kisu a mipana a miadup hay,do you know how to hunt with a bow and arrow,train +50979,50980,50980,Ocung ku nipalumaan ni ina aku a kiseraay,my mom grows a lot of ginger,test +50980,50981,50981,Oyasa a rumaruma pulul pulul hanira kuya talud telien nira i sasera,the other is similar to reed grass knotted and placed in a pile on the ground,train +50981,50982,50982,katengilantu,Listen,train +50982,50983,50983,u sakatalawan nu Ripun,the Japanese are terrified,train +50983,50984,50984,talacuwa kamu han nuya Taywan,the Minnan asked where you are going,train +50984,50985,50985,hu y Misarauʼ kita anu dafak sa ku piceli milekel nu kapah,tomorrow we will sow the time of sacrifice this is what young men cry out,train +50985,50986,50986,malikat,shiny,train +50986,50987,50987,ataen,band,train +50987,50988,50988,alaen tu nira cukeric han tu miala ku pudac,after you take it peel and scrape it,train +50988,50989,50989,manegneng tu wina nuya fafahiyan ku hiya a kapah,this young man was already a favorite of the girls mother,train +50989,50990,50990,anu aku tu i a caaytu pisulul kaku,if I were you I would not do it either,test +50990,50991,50991,siwara,Wrong,train +50991,50992,50992,safa nu wama isu sanu Dipungan ira,your fathers sister wrote it in Japanese,train +50992,50993,50993,nikalupisak,diffuse,train +50993,50994,50994,taang kifetul,coarse,train +50994,50995,50995,Onu manima kunini,whose are these,train +50995,50996,50996,maulah kaku tuya tuluay a cudad u nipafelian isu i takuwanan i ayaw nunini a fulad,I love all three of the books you sent me last month,train +50996,50997,50997,u iya kuni u engac u engac han niyam kuniay ini,this is a moon peach leaf,train +50997,50998,50998,siyat siyat sakufanuh,the hairs are standing on end,train +50998,50999,50999,mamaan kiya kungku,the story is how how,train +50999,51000,51000,pafeli han nu wama aku kaku tuya,father sent me,test +51000,51001,51001,atu niucurantu ningra a tapatapang tu mamitfuc tu tatiihay a tamdaw atu mamipakaulah tu ngaayay a tamdaw,or to governors who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right,train +51001,51002,51002,naayaway a wawa,former children,train +51002,51003,51003,Misalilay kami tu futing,we are releasing fishing nets to catch fish,train +51003,51004,51004,Cikakuhkuhay ku luma aku,I have cobras in my house,train +51004,51005,51005,kiri,scratch and itch,train +51005,51006,51006,u ka ciwawaan ira anini a latek hai,maybe it is time to spawn Yeah,train +51006,51007,51007,mafanaway tu aku ku kaysing nu maku,I already washed the dishes,train +51007,51008,51008,mitiruday,inheritance,train +51008,51009,51009,nu niyam hu iʼayaw ka mamangay hu a urp,this was our life when we were kids,train +51009,51010,51010,ta masaupu kura u kapah ri,so the tribal youth will gather,test +51010,51011,51011,yu ta^ngad satu i ucur hantu nu mikumuday a luma ku tayring a papipasuwal Tdalentu kuya tatusaay han nangra,when it was daylight the magistrates sent their officers to the jailer with the order Release those men,train +51011,51012,51012,sipasipen kuya tilid,erase that writing,train +51012,51013,51013,ira tu ku mipaliway misanga haw,there is also a job exchange,train +51013,51014,51014,cacay a patekenan,one hundred,train +51014,51015,51015,awaay tu ku papudacen,there is nothing left to chip,train +51015,51016,51016,o nidacian nu mama aku i nacila kuni,this is the arrow shoots my father picked yesterday,train +51016,51017,51017,nu Taywan faesis kaenen,if it is grown in Taiwan it will smell good,train +51017,51018,51018,hatiraay,the reason why,train +51018,51019,51019,o Amis ku fafahi isu haw,is your wife also Ami,train +51019,51020,51020,samaan i,there is nothing I can do,test +51020,51021,51021,tada u misakakinihay kamu tu tamdaw o nanu tatiihay a falucu namu ku sapinengneng namu tu tamdaw,have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts,train +51021,51022,51022,sanengseng kisu cikucu tuninian,you look great in those shoes,train +51022,51023,51023,caayay,never,train +51023,51024,51024,caay ka rumakat kaku i,I could not walk when I was in second grade,train +51024,51025,51025,fs100sanuwawaay isu haw pakafanaʼan nira tahatuʼas uyanan satu kafesa sanay tu kafesa,if you use childish language it will not make perfect sense to him when he is older,train +51025,51026,51026,anca u futing,whether it is fish,train +51026,51027,51027,Hay maulah kaku,Sure I like it very much,train +51027,51028,51028,widang ira,his friends,train +51028,51029,51029,Mapafalinunuay kina facal nu unip ita,this field was seeded with a mixture of high stemmed glutinous rice seeds,train +51029,51030,51030,adihay ku pipasuwal ni Pitiru a paicel i cangraan Piliyas kamu tu pitfuc tu aniniay a tatiihay a tamdaw han ningra,with many other words he warned them and he pleaded with them Save yourselves from this corrupt generation,test +51030,51031,51031,aka ka lasang nu ^pah nawhani u mitfaday tu urip namu kunini ka u matumesay nu Fangcalay Adingu kamu,do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery Instead be filled with the Spirit,train +51031,51032,51032,malifunguhay ku wawa sa,the child head was cut off,train +51032,51033,51033,o lalaplapen nu tamdamdaw kamu nai kasaupuan a luma anu hakuwa i o saki Kawas a tayal ita kunini u sasaan cangra tu nipipatay nangra i tamuwanan,they will put you out of the synagogue in fact a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God,train +51033,51034,51034,dadipis,cockroach,train +51034,51035,51035,hakaered nu acucul,the rope used to wind the gyroscope,train +51035,51036,51036,ala han mihaen kantanay kuni,it is the easiest way to pull like this,train +51036,51037,51037,hatiraay kuni mipalumaan aku,that is the way it is with these vegetables,train +51037,51038,51038,si,indistinct,train +51038,51039,51039,a mivahuy tu tuwid,go and drive away the sparrows,train +51039,51040,51040,u pihiyaca aku kuni awu pakabitan kira mahaen tu,it is half finished there is nothing to hang it on,test +51040,51041,51041,Pangcah ku mama i o ruma finacadan,it does not matter if the father is Amish or not,train +51041,51042,51042,anu sapicadaaw tu suˈlinay kimad a miduedu tu palinian nu Fangcalay Cudad a maˈurip i wa makahi a misaluf tu harateng atu waywayan ngaˈ,concerning this Peter said Being obedient children do not be ruled again by the desires of the former times of your ignorance after the manner of those days but be Holy in all your conduct,train +51042,51043,51043,yasa kaku i pacici sa kaku minukay,I could not bear to walk home,train +51043,51044,51044,malaʼuduʼudut i,if you are going to fight,train +51044,51045,51045,pataduaw,help,train +51045,51046,51046,Arayum,Bye,train +51046,51047,51047,u maku a paluwad nu falucu a,that is my motivation and my intention,train +51047,51048,51048,makefingay,Leper,train +51048,51049,51049,Macufel a maemin ku hawan nu makeruay haw,are all the performance knives sheathed,train +51049,51050,51050,ya wina aku ya wama aku ya akung ama malahakelukelungay kami tayni,my mother came with my father and my grandfather,test +51050,51051,51051,hay makapahay kuna titi ini,that is right it is great pork,train +51051,51052,51052,anini u heni tu ku makaenay,now it is up to them,train +51052,51053,51053,Hayda naunen ku rakat a minukay,Okay take care and go home,train +51053,51054,51054,matalaw ka cumudan nu huwak i laluma nu cahulak,I am afraid the ducks will get into the fish pond,train +51054,51055,51055,20 kapah tamdaw salimlaen ku sapafeli nu Kawas kisuwanan a pasalat,young man cherish the freedom God has given you,train +51055,51056,51056,futi,Sleep,train +51056,51057,51057,marumutay,confined,train +51057,51058,51058,Fafalu ku fafuy,eight pigs,train +51058,51059,51059,matiraay ku lingatu a mifulaw,the Qing soldiers have been ordered to get ready,train +51059,51060,51060,madefit a suwalen nu singsi ciira,he was disgusted by what the teacher said about him,test +51060,51061,51061,Mapaakiw ciira tu adihayay a tayal,he is been appointed to many jobs without a job,train +51061,51062,51062,ayaw,beforehand,train +51062,51063,51063,Mihatefu ku ukang nira tu nu maku,his bull ran off and attacked mine,train +51063,51064,51064,wa makahi kisu tayra i misaaliay tu sadama a pala matayal han,what was the Spirit of Isaiah how can Christians today imitate Isaiah,train +51064,51065,51065,anu caay dudui a misapud kunu naayaway,if I do not get the past back,train +51065,51066,51066,Anuhacuwa^ tu aca^ kisu a panukas,Then when will you return the money,train +51066,51067,51067,ira i pinsiang ku lidaw,there is watermelon in the fridge,train +51067,51068,51068,kura pakayniay tura sukuy sa itini i ka sukuy hananay sa,this is what they call a woodchopper,train +51068,51069,51069,mlam ku huwak atu ayam a mapalit,ducks and chickens are cooped up together,train +51069,51070,51070,la caka halafin,it will not take long,test +51070,51071,51071,nam han siwa tukiay aca,the result is,train +51071,51072,51072,a caay pinukay cingra awa ku limaw,did not come home they did not have time,train +51072,51073,51073,nanay aluman ku mamicuker anu saan i,more peoples support not just talk about it,train +51073,51074,51074,anini satu i,the clan now wants to plant in the plains,train +51074,51075,51075,o nu Pungudan a iya kura,it is the bridge Tribes,train +51075,51076,51076,ini ku felac u manan hu ku aacaen isu,here is the rice what else do you need,train +51076,51077,51077,hay palumaay,it is a groundnut farmer,train +51077,51078,51078,u siʼelaʼelacan caka cikucu,it is all rocks and no shoes,train +51078,51079,51079,vavayuh,caterpillar,train +51079,51080,51080,atu imeng,and the police,test +51080,51081,51081,manay sankingcu han nu Taywan a pangangan,that is why the Minnan people named it three Houses,train +51081,51082,51082,mulesu satu ku nanum i pipacakatan,water dripped ran down over the sides of the altar,train +51082,51083,51083,tahini tu i tenuk nu riyar,into the sea,train +51083,51084,51084,kumaen ku tatuasan ita tu mana i kuhkuhan matu nika tilid i Fangcalay Cudad tuya Tfaden Ningra nai kakarayan ku kakaenen nangra saan han nangra,our forefathers ate the manna in the desert as it is written He gave them bread from heaven to eat,train +51084,51085,51085,misanga tu riku,making clothes,train +51085,51086,51086,iniyan hawiu rayaray nu demak,tribe anything from that point on,train +51086,51087,51087,ya mipasuwalan nira a,then she is a true lover,train +51087,51088,51088,pacavayan nu lalumaʼan nu heni a patay itini,it is only through the help of my relatives that I got here,train +51088,51089,51089,o nanusaikuray kaku a malingad a talapala,I was the last one to leave the field,train +51089,51090,51090,tu cila^,on alternate days,test +51090,51091,51091,milesimet,save,train +51091,51092,51092,o luma kura nu marad,the iron one is different,train +51092,51093,51093,anu milisu kamu lipahak ku matuasay,if you come back to visit the old man will paddle quickly,train +51093,51094,51094,Hacuk han ni panay nani caykeng pataladangah,Panay scoops water from the tank and pours it into the round pan,train +51094,51095,51095,misedef,weir,train +51095,51096,51096,Mifuut tu fukes ku kapah nu aniniay,Nowadays young people have their hair tied up,train +51096,51097,51097,masiday,it is gone,train +51097,51098,51098,aci,cap,train +51098,51099,51099,maanen mipaluma alaen ku tapangan nira,how do you plant it like planting seedlings,train +51099,51100,51100,kita u tamdaw hanaku ci Kaynga,the event was perfect,test +51100,51101,51101,naniriyaray,from the sea,train +51101,51102,51102,anu taluma kisu ri,if you go back,train +51102,51103,51103,makumud a malahuk,we will have lunch together,train +51103,51104,51104,cukarcukas,kick,train +51104,51105,51105,patiraay kamu matuʼasay itiyahu,the elders used to do the same thing,train +51105,51106,51106,ira sa ku kuwa ni ina,Auntie has a papaya,train +51106,51107,51107,ura na awa ku kafanaʼan ha ha ha ha,that is why I still cannot figure out my third voice from my second voice,train +51107,51108,51108,u nu mita tu u nu a tayal,it is a panel job,train +51108,51109,51109,rupas,peach,train +51109,51110,51110,nu makacuwaay kamu,where did you come from,test +51110,51111,51111,iratu malenu ku hiya tiratu a mibuting,I have been fishing there since the tide came in,train +51111,51112,51112,ngaay hu pina ku aca nuna dateng,Hello how much is this bunch of vegetables,train +51112,51113,51113,pilafinan,accommodating,train +51113,51114,51114,ora mitapiʼay hanay kumaenay kisu malahukay malafiay haw,did you eat lunch and dinner while you were working,train +51114,51115,51115,aka ka matiya u imuc,do not be like beans,train +51115,51116,51116,mahapinangay aku ura minanaman aku u suˈlinay kimad mansa kalikiay a macakat kaku,I know I am learning the truth so I am progressing quickly,train +51116,51117,51117,niyam kisu,a benefactor who helps somebody else,train +51117,51118,51118,yan tu ayi hani pacici han aku i hay anu hacuwa tu i,and then ouch I am going to have to go I do not know how long it is going to take,train +51118,51119,51119,misaumahay ku urip itiyaayhu,life used to be about farming,train +51119,51120,51120,pakutayen aku tina luma anini hatiraay,I will remodel the building,test +51120,51121,51121,haenen ku pipaicel tu matuasay a fafahiyan a papilcad tu Fangcalay ku dmak a fafahiyan aka papilikafen aka palakulien nu ^pah cangra Papipasifanaen cangra tu ngaayay a dmak,Likewise teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine but to teach what is good,train +51121,51122,51122,o marihaday tu kaku saka caitu karumadaw kaku i matini,I do not sing now because I have a low voice,train +51122,51123,51123,tataʼakay luma caay kunuya patedu sanay taluʼan,a very large house is not a casual hut,train +51123,51124,51124,kahedawen sapifedfed nihaen nihatini e,it is better to tear it long enough to tie your feet,train +51124,51125,51125,ku mihecaan nu maku,my age,train +51125,51126,51126,pacaliwen isu ci Kacaw kiya,did you lend it to Kacaw,train +51126,51127,51127,Hay mavana kaku a remadiw tu kapahay a tengilan a radiw,Yes I can sing a good song,train +51127,51128,51128,man tafu su san kakuwan,ask me what kind of lunchbox you brought,train +51128,51129,51129,malecaday ku niyaru,the same tribe,train +51129,51130,51130,palecaden ku nitilidan isu tu nu kaka a makapah,your writing should be as good as your sisters,test +51130,51131,51131,sakarahuday,harmony,train +51131,51132,51132,tayra amin kita,we will all go together,train +51132,51133,51133,anu fau tu i tura wacuwacu tu pusipusi aca ka tahira aca an kira,I do not want animals or dogs or cats crawling in there,train +51133,51134,51134,katayraw i kafafaw hannaku,it is going up a little bit,train +51134,51135,51135,henu nira,his slimy,train +51135,51136,51136,o mapangkiway ku picudad nu maku,I am halfway through my book,train +51136,51137,51137,anu caay kisu caay kakaph ku tayal saan,if you had not been unable to finish your work,train +51137,51138,51138,Talacuwa^ kisu Panay,Panay where are you going,train +51138,51139,51139,matuʼas satu haca leteken nu ci icepay,the old betel nut trees will be cut down by the farmers first,train +51139,51140,51140,u maradiway remadiw,those who love to sing sing,test +51140,51141,51141,selay selay sa ku lusa u lusa isu ha kaka,I am thinking of you in tears I am thinking of my brother in tears,train +51141,51142,51142,mamu,grandmothers,train +51142,51143,51143,u maan ku sasuʼut ita kiya,what kind of rope,train +51143,51144,51144,Pakacitingsya^ ci Kacaw a talakiwkay,Kacaw goes to church by bicycle,train +51144,51145,51145,itira tu kaku pitu mihecaan kaku itira miparang tu faʼinay,I have been helping my husband for years,train +51145,51146,51146,Nawhani u micumuday tu nisuwalan nu Kawas a paslaan a tamdaw i u paslaay tu tayal nu tireng matiya u nipipasla nu Kawas tu tayal ningra,for anyone who enters Gods rest also rests from his own work just as God did from his,train +51146,51147,51147,malipahak i mamangay,we had a lot of fun in our childhood when we were little,train +51147,51148,51148,Raud han nuya Tufur a siri kuya maruay i tadamaanay a anengang a miala i kawanan a kamay ningra tuya maluluday a cudad,he came and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne,train +51148,51149,51149,yu Paslaan a Rumiad i pasifana ci Yis i ccay a kasaupuan a luma,on a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues,train +51149,51150,51150,maulaway,old,test +51150,51151,51151,Parananum satu,we will keep farming,train +51151,51152,51152,mawalin tu kuya kulung,the water buffalo rolled over,train +51152,51153,51153,nu Recurd,Aww after the past several people have given up their lives,train +51153,51154,51154,u demak nu imeng ita kira,this is police business,train +51154,51155,51155,Kaʼemaemangay na litiʼan tefus,long and slender sugarcane after castration,train +51155,51156,51156,Ngaayhu a mapulung anini a rumiad tayraen nu singsi kita i niyaru ami humung tu malitengay,hello everyone today I am taking you to the tribe to interview the elders,train +51156,51157,51157,Cuwa ci Suntuk kaku,No I am Sontok,train +51157,51158,51158,sasunien,musical instrument,train +51158,51159,51159,faluheci,fruit,train +51159,51160,51160,awaay tu ku upih nu lidep,has lacked the eagles feathers,test +51160,51161,51161,o papaculien ningra ku kawakawas hananay a ma^min atu nitaungan a maamaan a misatakaraw tu tireng o mamaru cingra i Fangcalay Pitaungan tu Kawas a palakawas tu tireng ningra,he will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped so that he sets himself up in Gods temple proclaiming himself to be God,train +51161,51162,51162,na itatu satu,where did you go,train +51162,51163,51163,hay a maliyun,I can spin around,train +51163,51164,51164,Sapituuraw tu malitengay a miadup misarumiamiad kaku a minanam misanga tu sapitalakal Nga kaliki matalakal ku aadupen,in order to go hunting with adults as soon as possible I practiced making traps every day and soon my traps can really catch prey,train +51164,51165,51165,o ulic atu suwal haw,like a hymn or a song,train +51165,51166,51166,ciwawa cingra haw Awa,does she have children No,train +51166,51167,51167,o harateng aku i una pades ita anini caay ku papasasutirien atuya mamaaraw ita a dil nu Kawas tu nika tadamaan ningra,I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us,train +51167,51168,51168,yu matiya henay,at that time,train +51168,51169,51169,anu cima ku midu^duay tu nafalucuan nu Kawas i urira ku salikaka aku atu ina Aku han ningra,whoever does Gods will is my brother and sister and mother,train +51169,51170,51170,adihayen,many,test +51170,51171,51171,iraay kura umah nu Amis tira kira,because there are Amish fields there,train +51171,51172,51172,u napelupeluhan ku tini,here is a patch of reed grass,train +51172,51173,51173,i cuwaʼay ku sasangaʼan tu siraw hay mahapinang tuya,you can tell which part of the pig is good for savory meat,train +51173,51174,51174,Mapacaliwaytu aku ci Ciyaw,I lent it to Ciyaw,train +51174,51175,51175,san ku maku a miharateng,I think it helps,train +51175,51176,51176,kaciki,sailfish,train +51176,51177,51177,Kaemeday sumuutay aca,it is cheap it is only bucks,train +51177,51178,51178,maan sa ku falucu nu misu,what would you think,train +51178,51179,51179,Saka patiku kunini a tatusa a pasuwal i rumaruma a nisawawaan i caay pasulin cangra,these returned and reported it to the rest but they did not believe them either,train +51179,51180,51180,sanu sikawasay nanay mavana haw kisu vaki,Amis use traditional priests for funerals,test +51180,51181,51181,Aluman ku mipanayay nu luma anini fangafang san kami a misakalafi,there were so many people cutting rice today that we were busy cooking dinner,train +51181,51182,51182,maliyut,wind around,train +51182,51183,51183,Papirangien kami a micunga,let us draw a resemblance,train +51183,51184,51184,anu cilafang i pasadaken nu cilumaay ku kaesuay a kakaenen,if friends come to visit the host will bring out the most delicious food,train +51184,51185,51185,satapang kaku a matayal tu nu umah i,when I started working in the fields,train +51185,51186,51186,saka mafana ku matuʼasay a mipangangan kina niyaru,so the elders were wise in naming their tribes,train +51186,51187,51187,mavana mizuga mavana mikulit,very good at designing very good at making pictures,train +51187,51188,51188,mahrek ku Palafuay a milifet i ci Yisan tu masamaamaanay a dmak i pacna sa ciira a miliyas ci Yisan,when the devil had finished all this tempting he left him until an opportune time,train +51188,51189,51189,luma na,that home,train +51189,51190,51190,ira tu patedu sa kumaen anu ira tu ku kakaenen,eat as much as you can if you have something to eat,test +51190,51191,51191,nawu iniyan a demakan kiyami,because of this incident,train +51191,51192,51192,saan huni ira patatikul kiya mama aku,it was not long before dad came back,train +51192,51193,51193,Tnaken ku emi a mipawali,spread out the wheat to dry,train +51193,51194,51194,a malingad,participation process,train +51194,51195,51195,hatini ku kadadahal nu nganganu kakitilaan,how extensive are the geographical boundaries,train +51195,51196,51196,o paasuluan i tira,that is where the mortar and pestle are,train +51196,51197,51197,u kungku niya mavarecay a tamdaw,the story is about what happened to the deceased,train +51197,51198,51198,pisahalaka,planning,train +51198,51199,51199,sanay padutuc ci Munika mitadtad tu lalangian,Monique went on to explain why,train +51199,51200,51200,u tungfung hananay nu Kwaping kura,in Chinese it is called gout,test +51200,51201,51201,tumireng han aku cingra i tireng nngra,I told him to stand up and he stood up,train +51201,51202,51202,mipalemed,wish somebody well,train +51202,51203,51203,cumud sa cangra i luma i maaraw nangra kuya wawa atu ina ningra ci Mariya Pitusur sa cangra a mitaung tuya Wawa Fuhat satu cangra tu padafungan a pafli i cingraan tu tada^kim atu tada^xiw atu mir,on coming to the house they saw the child with his mother Mary and they bowed down and worshiped him then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh,train +51203,51204,51204,makupec kiya tiyad,the belly is dry,train +51204,51205,51205,saka cecay a fulad,January,train +51205,51206,51206,makamelaw tu kaku tu dateng ina,Auntie I saw a wild vegetable,train +51206,51207,51207,fangcal ku rumiad tataak ku cidal,very well out of the big sun,train +51207,51208,51208,Maruray ku tireng aku,my body is tired I am tired,train +51208,51209,51209,maringatu kita micacak,start with steaming,train +51209,51210,51210,mapiyak,Opened,test +51210,51211,51211,u Ripun cira u maminanam tu suwal nu Pangcah haw,is he a Japanese who came to Taiwan to learn the language of the indigenous people,train +51211,51212,51212,tadafangcal a nengnengen kura cuka,that painting looks so beautiful,train +51212,51213,51213,Sululen ku ada nu misu,forgive your enemies,train +51213,51214,51214,anu u tangal ku hahiyaen i mi siʼuway kiya uway san,if it is the root of the vine we need to start working on it,train +51214,51215,51215,u niyaru nu Cikasuwan,Chikagawa tribe,train +51215,51216,51216,tataʼakay kuni mata u matiniay ku nira,this is the big hole in the gossip net,train +51216,51217,51217,Hay kapah ku keru nu maku,Yes I dance well,train +51217,51218,51218,Tikilu cecayen aca,Yes just one,train +51218,51219,51219,Makeru u mamikihatiya ku finawlan maemin,of course the whole tribe has to be involved,train +51219,51220,51220,sapacek,nails,test +51220,51221,51221,fafaw,upper reaches,train +51221,51222,51222,u nisangaʼan tu tataʼakay a kilang,it is made from large cuts of wood,train +51222,51223,51223,seraen tu nira kura pakaikur a fafahiyan i,we will send the last girl back,train +51223,51224,51224,halafin tu itira,I have been there for a long time,train +51224,51225,51225,patireng sa ci i ma tu caira,Wong Sau Yings station was successfully organized,train +51225,51226,51226,yaratu i masarevungay u lunan tu ku mihiyaay,it is gone deep that is the fishing boat coming to catch it,train +51226,51227,51227,tepik,folding,train +51227,51228,51228,maan han alumanay tu kami a malekaka itiya,in those days I would say we were a lot of brothers and sisters,train +51228,51229,51229,ila tu kura kuwang han nanay i,after I borrowed the gun,train +51229,51230,51230,Mapawpaw ku sikela i riyar,driftwood floats on the sea,test +51230,51231,51231,kaku itini i matini i tini i kaku ci Lakesay,I currently live in Shiodome,train +51231,51232,51232,u malalukay hay haw iraay hu maharateng kura tatayalen,a hard working man thinks of the work that remains to be done,train +51232,51233,51233,Kitakit,countries,train +51233,51234,51234,paniyaruʼan nu kinanuka,now only the antlers,train +51234,51235,51235,Hayda aka katawal minukay tu kalafian haw,I will do it do not forget to come back for dinner,train +51235,51236,51236,pasaupuen ku silumaʼaytu a wawa,gathering of family members who have already made a home,train +51236,51237,51237,araaw cira tu tatayalen,he was very eager to get a job,train +51237,51238,51238,mangaʼay tu,is that all right,train +51238,51239,51239,mademec ku dateng aku anu tavian,if you plow a field it will grow more than my vegetable garden,train +51239,51240,51240,Fula san ciira a matawa,he giggled,test +51240,51241,51241,taluma iray,when I get home,train +51241,51242,51242,satueman sanay ku kakarayan,darken the sky,train +51242,51243,51243,fakici^,bucket,train +51243,51244,51244,nu heniyan a valucu a patahekal tu,discussion of issues in ethnic languages,train +51244,51245,51245,u pala hananay u salaedan malecaday tu,boundaries of land,train +51245,51246,51246,tuya kumuh,that dragon bean,train +51246,51247,51247,tayni sa a mifuting haw i suʼelin tu,after we start fishing let us be honest,train +51247,51248,51248,Itiyasatu mafawah ku Fangcalay Pitaungan tu Kawas i kakarayan Maaraw i laluma nuya Fangcalay Pitaungan ku katatlekan a Lipa itiya i ira ku kalapiyat atu harengheng atu kakleng atu lunen atu matfaday a tataangay a kasaikaikay nu su^da,then Gods temple in heaven was opened and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant and there came flashes of lightning rumblings peals of thunder an earthquake and a great hailstorm,train +51248,51249,51249,masadak,appearance,train +51249,51250,51250,masaenaray,level,test +51250,51251,51251,Awaay nika ira ku kaka tu vavahiyan,No I have a sister,train +51251,51252,51252,mapatay tu ku falucu aku,I have lost my spirit,train +51252,51253,51253,ira tu ku maku pacaliw han aku tamuwanan sa ci,Huang Xiuying said I will lend you mine,train +51253,51254,51254,maherek a misamukung haw i,I am off work as a carpenter,train +51254,51255,51255,itini i kasakupang a mipasifanaˈ,when teaching in the congregation,train +51255,51256,51256,maʼaraw tu nu tau kira ira ku idahiay tu miming i maala tu nu tau hatiniay,the better players get poached,train +51256,51257,51257,ini haw mafana kunamamay mihaen,what about this one you know what that is how it works,train +51257,51258,51258,mahaenay ku urip itiayhu,that is the way it used to be,train +51258,51259,51259,anca aka hu kafuhecien isu ngaʼayay tu,or you do not open it yet,train +51259,51260,51260,o pinangan nu Pangcah a rumadiw i tatulu aca ku tamdaw a maluwidang ta mangaay a u suelinay ku radiaw saan ira aca ku rayray nu karumadiw,it is the custom of the Amis to sing with at least three people gathered together before the song is officially sung,test +51260,51261,51261,icel a mifafa,back of the force,train +51261,51262,51262,pawakawak aka haenen kaku a papinukay,do not send me home without anything,train +51262,51263,51263,sanay ku ruma tamdaw u cidal kinacecay miyaw misadakan a ˈicel maedengay sakadademaken nu tamdaw tu 20 ˈufad a miheca,another scholar said that the sun emits enough energy per second to supply mankind for years,train +51263,51264,51264,i putal kami a malafi,we had dinner in the front yard,train +51264,51265,51265,uni ka lapaliw dadamadama mapapadapadang haw i,such exchange of work cooperation and mutual help,train +51265,51266,51266,cima ku katumecekan isu,whom are you considering,train +51266,51267,51267,mirmir satu tu sienaw kira wawa i pala,the boy was shivering in the field,train +51267,51268,51268,Tayra sa ku ruma a kuli a sumuwal Tawkiaw ini kuya ccay a mina isu Tafuen aku tu sasifin a minaang,Then another servant came and said Sir here is your mina I have kept it laid away in a piece of cloth,train +51268,51269,51269,macedas tayra tura kali nu Farangaw,the lagoon drains into a large canal which feeds into Damaraland for irrigation,train +51269,51270,51270,Cuwa^ masuesu^ tu kaku,No I have gained weight,test +51270,51271,51271,ci falucu san kaku ina a ci mama,mom and Dad I cannot live without her,train +51271,51272,51272,a kakawaw iri,waiting for action,train +51272,51273,51273,awaay ku cafay nu mira caciyaw tu nu Amis,he does not have anyone he can talk to in his own language,train +51273,51274,51274,a malasawad kiya haw,it is not going away,train +51274,51275,51275,tafu,lunchbox,train +51275,51276,51276,Saka suwalen ningra ku finawlan a pakamaru i rngurngusan ta tatuy satu cingra tuya limaay a aplad nu ^pang atuya tusaay a futing Cangaw sa cingra a pasikakarayan a mikansiya tu Kawas pcih sa tu ^pang a pafli i nisawawaan ta pakilacen nu nisawawaan kunini i finawlan,and he directed the people to sit down on the grass taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he gave thanks and broke the loaves then he gave them to the disciples and the disciples gave them to the people,train +51276,51277,51277,hadakan pasufawan,take it out wet it with alcohol,train +51277,51278,51278,hai satu ku demak i,while agreeing to this,train +51278,51279,51279,masulut,attract,train +51279,51280,51280,pakayni i ccay a tamdaw ku sakaira nu raraw i hkal pakayni i raraw nuya tamdaw ku sakaira nu patay Saka u mamapatay ku tamdaw a ma^min tuna ciraraw,Therefore just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin and in this way death came to all men because all sinned,test +51280,51281,51281,cuis,to plant upside down,train +51281,51282,51282,ina na na Kamih haw sa kaku cai aca,I thought it was that Garmichael and his mother but it is not,train +51282,51283,51283,suelinay,really,train +51283,51284,51284,sepat a pulu han tu i,I am only,train +51284,51285,51285,matuʼasay ka ira ku,creating an all ethnic gathering place,train +51285,51286,51286,laylic,tall and thin,train +51286,51287,51287,awaay ku wawa nu Kaliyawan,there are very few children born in Karaivan,train +51287,51288,51288,yu ruma matulu i taritaringan,sometimes I slip and fall on the ridge,train +51288,51289,51289,enem a miheca tu,it is the sixth year,train +51289,51290,51290,Pakaaraw ci mama^ tu demak aku i suwal sa O cacitaneng kisu a miadup saan,dad saw it and told me that I will be a very good hunter in the future,test +51290,51291,51291,funafunakan atu fukukuluhan ku lalan u laluud haca,it is pretty tough with all the gravel and rocks along the way,train +51291,51292,51292,mahaenay ku sapivuting nu vayivayiyan inaayaw,this is how old ladies used to fish,train +51292,51293,51293,ira tu kuni misalamaay,someone is coming to work again,train +51293,51294,51294,Tatalacuwa^ kisu i ikur nu pipahanhanan,what do you do after school,train +51294,51295,51295,velun han i ivakic ku nipudawan,catch small fry directly into the,train +51295,51296,51296,sanay ku mikingkiway anini,Researchers have been puzzled so far,train +51296,51297,51297,Alimulu,her brother Anahom Arimlo,train +51297,51298,51298,itiya i mafuhattu ku mata nangra Mapalitatu nangra ku nika ci Yis kurira Nikawrira fahal sa a awatu a maaraw nangra ci Yis,then their eyes were opened and they recognized him and he disappeared from their sight,train +51298,51299,51299,pituay a mihecaʼan,years,train +51299,51300,51300,maherek tu malahuk ku heni,after they had Chinese food,test +51300,51301,51301,ningra,his,train +51301,51302,51302,Nikawrira ira ci Ananiyas hananay a tamdaw ci Sapfira ku fafahi ningra pacakayen nangra ku umah nangra,now a man named Ananias together with his wife Sapphira also sold a piece of property,train +51302,51303,51303,palakawakawasen aku ku nika sumuwal,I spoke in riddles,train +51303,51304,51304,as o mita u Amis iraay haw,ah we do we have Amis,train +51304,51305,51305,dafak ira tu ca kaka aku maherek a malahuk,the next day my sisters said,train +51305,51306,51306,Papiis^isen ku wawa isu a papinanam a mitahidang tu wacu,please have your child practice whistling to try to get the dog on a leash,train +51306,51307,51307,ira itila ku patiyamay Yuci atu paisingan,there are stores a post office and a hospital,train +51307,51308,51308,o cedi nu falucu ku sapakalaheci tu tayal,confidence is the key ingredient to business success,train +51308,51309,51309,papiselalen,enrollment in age groups,train +51309,51310,51310,dafdaf,grassland,test +51310,51311,51311,cacayay tu kaku,I am all alone,train +51311,51312,51312,aka suwaden ku rayray nu mita u tuʼas,do not forget your birth and do not forget your cultural heritage,train +51312,51313,51313,Bilung ci ama aku itiya,dad was in Oakland at the time,train +51313,51314,51314,hales,Really,train +51314,51315,51315,nu itiya nu mituduh tu hatiniay kiya haw,when I used to cook this,train +51315,51316,51316,pikedan tu kiya haw,just fold it up,train +51316,51317,51317,o titiu ayam atu futing ku sapatuaya nura hulam,the Han mans offerings included pork chicken and fish,train +51317,51318,51318,o malaulalay ku wawa ita i niyaru,in the tribe our kids go to school together,train +51318,51319,51319,cidafdafay,flat,train +51319,51320,51320,afuay a cengel,grey,test +51320,51321,51321,sakalaecaan,willcannot afford to be sick,train +51321,51322,51322,kasimanay sa tu kaku a maʼurip a tumuk,I can only live in this kind of misery boss,train +51322,51323,51323,u keliw hen inaayaw,I used to use Boehmers thread,train +51323,51324,51324,rengahaway,warm,train +51324,51325,51325,awaawaay ku suwal,but I do not know how to say it,train +51325,51326,51326,pinaay mihecaan matayal kisu tura demak,how long did you do that job,train +51326,51327,51327,nga satapangtu iya haw ila ku cinah hakuwaen ku cinah hai,are you ready to start you have salt how much salt do you need,train +51327,51328,51328,haenetu nu heni ku demak,they do this,train +51328,51329,51329,mansa maeminay cikucaw kaku,that is why we wear masks,train +51329,51330,51330,awaay hen pacakaya tu vuduy itiya,they did not sell clothes back then,test +51330,51331,51331,tiya laliw han tu ya faki kami,uncle left us,train +51331,51332,51332,ira ku suwal haw caay kura fafahi ku pangangan tura cimil,there is a saying that a wife cannot take her husbands nickname,train +51332,51333,51333,tayra ku micudad,go to school,train +51333,51334,51334,pacuwah i tini tusaen pipacuwah,after you add a knot here add a knot to the second one,train +51334,51335,51335,u piyuc pilatek pikilim tu pitelucan,going on a wildlife hunting expedition on my own right now,train +51335,51336,51336,tiya,then,train +51336,51337,51337,anu icifacifang,though he won first place,train +51337,51338,51338,lalange tu a sikuwang,no guns,train +51338,51339,51339,nu payniyaniyaru haw,Eventually it became a household name for the tribesmen in Hualien County,train +51339,51340,51340,yan u cecay haw i aya ci lunuk tiyan haw i,the neighbors must have crossed the border,test +51340,51341,51341,u niket nu i sapikuwan ira ku nipatireng tu tumuk nu niyaru mami ririd tu niyaru,political system the tribe elects a leader who has the ability to lead the tribe and has the highest authority to do so,train +51341,51342,51342,u wi cima ku masuaway sa,Hey who is thirsty he shouted,train +51342,51343,51343,itiya i fahal sa ira ku ccay a cuyuh a miraud i cangraan mapatdi nu dil nu Tapang ku taliyuk nangra Saka tataang ku talaw nangra,an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were terrified,train +51343,51344,51344,ca mitangtang tu,it is about to start cooking,train +51344,51345,51345,kaliling,spoon,train +51345,51346,51346,kuwati,ring,train +51346,51347,51347,o Amis ku mira haw,is she Pangcah too,train +51347,51348,51348,mifunga,digging for groundnut,train +51348,51349,51349,uli,go on,train +51349,51350,51350,kalupuy,TONG Yuen,test +51350,51351,51351,Maucurtu aku kamu a papipanay tu caay ku nanu nikatayalan namu o nanu nikarurayan nu tau a matayal i kamutu ku milayapay tura hci han ningra,I sent you to reap what you have not worked for others have done the hard work and you have reaped the benefits of their labor,train +51351,51352,51352,tusur,hoof,train +51352,51353,51353,Singsi adadaay ku wadis aku,Teacher I have a toothache,train +51353,51354,51354,maala tu ni satakaraway a seking sanu Pangcahay,I finally got certified as a native speaker in the highest level of the country,train +51354,51355,51355,sakangaʼayaw namu,for your sake,train +51355,51356,51356,nani Taywan kaku cipiwayping kaku sa,I have not stood guard since Taiwan,train +51356,51357,51357,pahanhan tu mitilid mamimaan kisu,what are you going to do after school,train +51357,51358,51358,u fafahi,wife,train +51358,51359,51359,nira,own,train +51359,51360,51360,malalicay,discussion,test +51360,51361,51361,caliwan aku ci kaka aku ci aku,I borrowed money from my cousin,train +51361,51362,51362,Melemeleten ku mata a miarayum ku lafang,say goodbye to your guests with a wink,train +51362,51363,51363,sateluc ku pakalungay tahini,the teenage class is jumping on the bandwagon,train +51363,51364,51364,tadangaay,very good,train +51364,51365,51365,tahira tura maxeraay ira a dafdaf i,when we reach the level ground we have found,train +51365,51366,51366,sanay ku suwal na singciw niyam,the captain encouraged me,train +51366,51367,51367,parekreken,crowd something,train +51367,51368,51368,i ayaw nau awaay ku ^puc i tisuwanan cingra Nikawrira anini sa i u sakaci^puc ita cingra,formerly he was useless to you but now he has become useful both to you and to me,train +51368,51369,51369,kuriraan,That,train +51369,51370,51370,caay tu haen sa ngarngar nu Cikasuʼan nika u Cikasuʼan a suwal tekak haw matiya micihiʼay,they do not speak with the same accent as the Shichigokawa tribe as if they were cursing,test +51370,51371,51371,a tamdaw,this kind of person,train +51371,51372,51372,misaangrer,bitter,train +51372,51373,51373,hayi niyah sa tu harateng misakapah,I am just trying to make it look good on my own,train +51373,51374,51374,itini i Winnipe malitemuhay aku ku faˈinayan kaka ci Ciyak mikitiniay cingra i kaˈamis nu Antali a tayni mirienang tu taykay,in Winnipeg I met my brother Jack who had traveled from northern Ontario to attend the convention,train +51374,51375,51375,mitudungay tura demak tira,what they do there,train +51375,51376,51376,felin,overturn,train +51376,51377,51377,ira iraay yaca haw,that is for sure,train +51377,51378,51378,lima a rumiʼad a makeru hay tu dadaya,I have been dancing five days in a row night time,train +51378,51379,51379,kilim han i lutuk miʼadup ri,you have to go to the mountains to find it,train +51379,51380,51380,9 Ihekalay ci Yis mitadtad itini kalalaˈed nu mita u malikakaay han ku pinengneng dutuc misaˈicelay cingra tu kalimelaan ku misapueneray falucuˈ,Jesus makes it clear that we should treat each other as brothers and sisters and then he emphasizes the importance of humility,test +51380,51381,51381,o ngaayay ku lihaf ni Timuti itira i salikaka nu Listra atu Ikunium,the brothers at Lystra and Iconium spoke well of him,train +51381,51382,51382,mansa ca katawal aku,so I will not forget,train +51382,51383,51383,alengel,bitter,train +51383,51384,51384,maan,What,train +51384,51385,51385,ya tumangicay,the ones that are crying,train +51385,51386,51386,hay hay,Yes that is right,train +51386,51387,51387,saka mahaen ku nu saka,so that is why,train +51387,51388,51388,kaliyalaway ku cengel nu pawli anu maruhem,bananas are yellow in color when ripe,train +51388,51389,51389,ku tamina i minatu haw i,tie it up,train +51389,51390,51390,caay kalamut ita awid,our age group did not get it,test +51390,51391,51391,cungfung,strokes,train +51391,51392,51392,u saraw hanay nu niyam,tribes are called ghosts and gods,train +51392,51393,51393,o aadihay ku paysu anu matuas tu kaku,when I grow up I will have a lot of money,train +51393,51394,51394,Salangdaw sanay ku kakarayan tu rumiad cuwa kasienaw cuwa kafaedet ku rumiad saemelay ku fali,the sky is blue during the day the weather is neither cold nor hot and the wind is cool,train +51394,51395,51395,vanul nu umah,feral pigeon,train +51395,51396,51396,cecay u fuduy cecay u ayam u pida eng,Ones for clothes the others for chickens and money huh,train +51396,51397,51397,fakelukeluhan,stone pile,train +51397,51398,51398,Matu itiraay i Fafukud atu i Etulan paluwad tu kasaupuan a matayal tu kalumanmaan a lalusidan itira i Makutaay nu Fakung paluwad tu nu sayfusayfuan a niyaru,for example the development of cultural and creative clusters in Donghe and Tulane and the development of port artist tribes in Fombin,train +51398,51399,51399,malaluk mipasifana tu rarem caay tu kasawad haw,if you actively teach the younger generation the tradition will not be lost,train +51399,51400,51400,pitu ira ku falu tu ku mihecaan naku,I am years old,test +51400,51401,51401,samaanay pasifanaˈ ci Yihufa tu tamdaw ningra siniˈada tu tau,how does the Lord teach his people to have compassion on others,train +51401,51402,51402,asulu^,wooden pestle,train +51402,51403,51403,u talud,amnesia,train +51403,51404,51404,lahecien niyam anu sa ku mawmahay i,farmers want to get the job done,train +51404,51405,51405,nakamayan,art,train +51405,51406,51406,Namatiya mirepet ira tu kiya ina,I was clutching the bed when the witch came,train +51406,51407,51407,pakakaen,stammer,train +51407,51408,51408,Tadamalipahak a maaraw ku katayni isu,it is so good to see you,train +51408,51409,51409,tiya ci kuranan,that is why they named him Jung tin Choi,train +51409,51410,51410,wenghwa sa anini cakafana kita,we still do not know much about culture,test +51410,51411,51411,minanamay,still learning,train +51411,51412,51412,a miluvang a panutek,commencement of resolution,train +51412,51413,51413,tu dungec ira ku dungec ira i laluma,it is like a tender heart it is got a tender heart in it,train +51413,51414,51414,minukay sa a maranam paitemek maranam kura cahu katayra i kasaselaan a maranam,it is still time to go home and have breakfast not yet with the age group,train +51414,51415,51415,ta suelinay,then it is true,train +51415,51416,51416,Pacauf sa cangra ci Yisan Ci Apraham ku mama niyam han nangra pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Anu u wawa ni Apraham kamu i kuna haenen namu u ni Apraham ku dmak namu,Abraham is our father they answered If you were Abrahams children said Jesus then you would do the things Abraham did,train +51416,51417,51417,Makadufah ku luma nira,their family is rich,train +51417,51418,51418,isa ciwawa san fayfahi di pafeli han naku ku tau kisu,and then I had a daughter so I gave you up for adoption,train +51418,51419,51419,mipawacay kaku tu laluk nangra tu saki Kawas Nikawrira caay ku nanu fana nangra kunini a laluk,for I can testify about them that they are zealous for God but their zeal is not based on knowledge,train +51419,51420,51420,ku nu maku wawa kunu urip nu maku i wawa,my life as a child,test +51420,51421,51421,mamalutartar,wood pile,train +51421,51422,51422,Milipayci kaku i tawki,I am going to get my paycheck from my boss,train +51422,51423,51423,23 malacafay ci Yihufaan a matayal tu Rumiˈamiˈad,work with the Lord every day,train +51423,51424,51424,hai han aku,I said Yeah,train +51424,51425,51425,anu lica siwa ira ku walu,ninety eight I will be in a few days,train +51425,51426,51426,caay katama nu cidal,you will not get sunburned,train +51426,51427,51427,Misaimer kami a minanam tu keru nu Pangcah i picudadan,we practice Aboriginal songs and dances very carefully at school,train +51427,51428,51428,misarafar kaku sa ci Kafutul,open up your own land,train +51428,51429,51429,u sasuwalen aku u urip ni wina aku,I would like to share a story about my mother,train +51429,51430,51430,maan han tu mikilim tu sapakaen tu rarapa,where do you find grass to feed the cows,test +51430,51431,51431,misaafetay,Gunpowder,train +51431,51432,51432,miesun,the sound water makes before it boils,train +51432,51433,51433,nanay ira ku kay haw inanengay hu a matuʼasay,I hope that aspiring young people or intelligent elderly people will,train +51433,51434,51434,pinaan isu ku paru nu angpaw,how much is your red packet,train +51434,51435,51435,kafekangay,above,train +51435,51436,51436,kira,there,train +51436,51437,51437,o maan tu ku malawaay nu misu anini,what did you miss today,train +51437,51438,51438,mangudu kaku tisuwan,I am so sorry for you,train +51438,51439,51439,ura sa fafahiyan fafahiyan i ey mafanaʼay mifitay,especially the girls they are just as powerful,train +51439,51440,51440,ati san sut,prepare the third chorus,test +51440,51441,51441,mikilim tu karahekeray,go find a better one,train +51441,51442,51442,celak han nu maku kuya linay macicihay aca,I opened the umbrella and it was broken,train +51442,51443,51443,lacal,fig turn everything into gold,train +51443,51444,51444,itini tu i Pailasan,stay here at Rehoboth,train +51444,51445,51445,a maanen misakared,how do you roll the rope,train +51445,51446,51446,Caay liyasen aku kamu a pakaccay a matiya u pakuyuc a Wawa o mamiliyaw kaku a tayni i tamuwanan,I will not leave you as orphans I will come to you,train +51446,51447,51447,caay ka ngudu kaku,I am not shy,train +51447,51448,51448,ila ku luma ariri sefi tatekasan atu pikacawan nu niyaru,the tribe has a home barn meeting house mission platform and watchtower,train +51448,51449,51449,yu misuut cangra ci Pawluan tu sapistiaw i pasuwalen ni Pawlu kuya tumirengay i tatihi ningra a kakridan nu sufitay Caayhu ka hapinang ku raraw i mangaay haw a misti tu Luma a tamdaw han ningra,as they stretched him out to flog him Paul said to the centurion standing there Is it legal for you to flog a Roman citizen who has not even been found guilty,train +51449,51450,51450,maedeng maedeng saan,just enough,test +51450,51451,51451,masadak tu i paputal sa ku maku harateng,take them out I think,train +51451,51452,51452,u yaan tu u nikawmahan,it is all about the Harvest from the plow,train +51452,51453,51453,tangasa,until,train +51453,51454,51454,maedengaytu kuna penen nu mitasa ku malitengay,the elders said that the reeds we gathered,train +51454,51455,51455,nawhani namakatimulay namakaʼamisay,because people from the south and from the north will come here,train +51455,51456,51456,u inian i,this one,train +51456,51457,51457,o aahuwiden ita ku Kawas u wama nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu nawhani tadamaan ku adayay Ningra saka pakayni i kalumuwad ni Yis Kristu a maurip nai patay ta mapafli kita tu fa^luhay a urip atu saka ira nu mauripay a pafalucuan ita,praise be to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ in his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,train +51457,51458,51458,o nanu pitier ita Kristuan ku saka maurip kita,we are saved on the basis of our faith trust in Christ,train +51458,51459,51459,sapangaʼay tu mitapalay a tukus sanay,call on the Holy mountain to bless us,train +51459,51460,51460,manaay,will not,test +51460,51461,51461,o malukesay a tamdaw cira,he is a terrible person,train +51461,51462,51462,o cipisingay ku kakitaan,the head is very dignified,train +51462,51463,51463,sulinayay atu patelacay,even if it is a true story or if it is just a ridiculous story,train +51463,51464,51464,pulung,whole,train +51464,51465,51465,sawarak,narcotics,train +51465,51466,51466,nanay malahungti ita ciira,I wish he was our emperor,train +51466,51467,51467,tatuasan,age old,train +51467,51468,51468,u nisimsim a sakalemed ni tumuk kiniyan,this is the heads vision of the blessing,train +51468,51469,51469,pakungku hu kaku tu tiyahu kaemangan nu maku,I would like to tell you what happened to me when I was a kid,train +51469,51470,51470,cila satu a rumiad i kriden ni Pawlu kami a tayra a milisu ci Yakupan ira itira ku ciwlu nu kasakiwkay a ma^min,the next day Paul and the rest of us went to see James and all the elders were present,test +51470,51471,51471,u kakaenen naira a tumimul,the food they are going to eat when they head south,train +51471,51472,51472,manay i saayaway a remiad u ranam,that is why the first day of the Festival is breakfast,train +51472,51473,51473,nu rengawan aku,my growth,train +51473,51474,51474,patek cecay patek paru nu niyaru,it is probably around,train +51474,51475,51475,matenes kaku a micudad itira yu,I studied there for a long time,train +51475,51476,51476,ci Kulas kaku mikilimay kaku ci Taluan,I am Kolas I am here for Talo,train +51476,51477,51477,yu nacifalu ku aʼul i,when the bamboo blossoms,train +51477,51478,51478,Tadaimpacekem tu pising nu maku ku kietec nu rumiad i kasienawan,the cold winter weather really makes my face tingle,train +51478,51479,51479,Salikakaaw patinakuen aku kamu a sumuwal tu nu tamdaw anu nikahrekantu nu tatusa a matatlek i cimahu ku palasawaday anu ^ca i patungalay saw Awaay,Brothers let me take an example from everyday life just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established so it is in this case,train +51479,51480,51480,a makayraay isawaliyay,it has to be from the east,test +51480,51481,51481,hay satu kiya na wawa tu pituay hu ku miheca,the seven year old said yes,train +51481,51482,51482,mipaluma,seedling,train +51482,51483,51483,cima ku pakaluwiday tu dmak nu hkal hakiya deng u pasulinay tu nika u wawa nu Kawas ci Yis sanay,who is it that overcomes the world only he who believes that Jesus is the son of God,train +51483,51484,51484,Taluma,return home,train +51484,51485,51485,anini a mihiya a mipudaw,current fishing methods,train +51485,51486,51486,tilifi,television,train +51486,51487,51487,i sawali nu Fataʼan,it is east of the horse Saddle tribe,train +51487,51488,51488,padungus kami san na ina ri,mother said When we went to see her off,train +51488,51489,51489,ayanghwatan,carbon dioxide,train +51489,51490,51490,Hay ilaay kiya i kawaliay nu ciyataw,Yes it is on the east side of the station,test +51490,51491,51491,hatiraay ku demak nu niyam itiya hu,it was true then,train +51491,51492,51492,micacumuli adihayay resap sanay sanay u manan,said they were picking up snails all over the place at the moment,train +51492,51493,51493,u ruma hananay tu anini u wawa tu,as the modern ones are called houses,train +51493,51494,51494,a savavahiyen nu maku cira,I will take her,train +51494,51495,51495,Talaayaw sa i ci Yisan ku ccay a nisawawaan ci Antiri u salikaka ni Simun Pitiru suwal sa,another of his disciples Andrew Simon Peters brother spoke up,train +51495,51496,51496,maru itira kasafikid,sitting under the shade of a tree,train +51496,51497,51497,hanhan,rest,train +51497,51498,51498,Akaa taangayay ku urad i paputal,I cannot it is pouring outside,train +51498,51499,51499,mipacuenekay,inserted,train +51499,51500,51500,saka tusa rumiˈad i Pitil tayraaytu pitepangan tu Cudad a matayal tu misapuruday a demak,the day after I arrived in Bertrams I went to Adams street to do bookbinding related work,test +51500,51501,51501,kalawina sanay tu singsi i pitilidan,at school I think of my teachers as my moms,train +51501,51502,51502,nikautuyan,because of the flirtatiousresult,train +51502,51503,51503,i tiyai hu a,past,train +51503,51504,51504,taʼang kiya safaw aku i,I have a high fever,train +51504,51505,51505,milalangay,prohibited,train +51505,51506,51506,makakafit kita aci Yis,we are related have a relationship to Jesus,train +51506,51507,51507,nawhani u tayal aku nanumamang,because I have been working here since I was a kid,train +51507,51508,51508,cedam,good flavor,train +51508,51509,51509,lahengang kalakiwkiwan ku kulit,red with a hint of purple,train +51509,51510,51510,nipaveli,for,test +51510,51511,51511,ci,called,train +51511,51512,51512,Matala aku ku kataynian nira a rumiad,I can wait till the day he gets here,train +51512,51513,51513,o kaput kura misuwalan isu hay nu kaput,you are talking about age groups Yes it is age group,train +51513,51514,51514,awaay i enar sa tayra kita,no wild vegetables in the plains,train +51514,51515,51515,a inurung namuayununiyamay,the last mission at that time was to the port of Success,train +51515,51516,51516,pising,face,train +51516,51517,51517,mitukad tu diyung,pig slaughter,train +51517,51518,51518,i ayaw u ngangan nu niyaru atu itiraay a tamdaw atu suwal nangra haw i u cecayay ku pinangan,the name of the early tribes the people who lived there and the language they spoke were one and the same,train +51518,51519,51519,falic han nita a pangangan Tungsin sanay anini,we will change the name to the current Tung Hing tribe,train +51519,51520,51520,mavuti,sleep,test +51520,51521,51521,caradaw,chorusable,train +51521,51522,51522,tedac sa tayni tini tu nu taʼangayay a niyaru,Docking directly to the larger tribes,train +51522,51523,51523,ya pacuʼung cingra,that is why when it sends out new shoots,train +51523,51524,51524,nawhani iraaytu ku rumaruma a mapunengay tu miliyasay ci Kristuan a pasayra ci Satanan,some have in fact already turned away to follow Satan,train +51524,51525,51525,o maan ku saka suwalen su,what is it that you want to say,train +51525,51526,51526,pafelien nira kuya wawa tu alaccay tuya suiguu,he gave each person a fruit,train +51526,51527,51527,ama,grandmothers,train +51527,51528,51528,pinaay tu ku tuki nu hatini,what time is it,train +51528,51529,51529,mararid kami malacafay mitengil tu pakungku nu malitengay sahetu mafanaay kami a misanu Amsi,we often listen to the elders telling stories together and we both can speak the Amis proficiently,train +51529,51530,51530,u matuʼasay kura tihi nira,the elderly man is very experienced,test +51530,51531,51531,anu itini caay kavuresak itinisatu,if it is here it will stay here,train +51531,51532,51532,mapalal tu ku ekung,the owl woke up from his nap,train +51532,51533,51533,mahaenay,here is the deal,train +51533,51534,51534,aru satu itini kami itinitu ku patay ni vaki,I have lived here all my life the old man died here,train +51534,51535,51535,Tataang ku telaw nira fainayan,the man had thick arms,train +51535,51536,51536,limaay ku nisangaan nu mifingkiway,scholars have studied a total of five language families,train +51536,51537,51537,o papatikul kaku tuna tusa a tilid,I want to return these two books,train +51537,51538,51538,niyaru nu namay,in our tribe,train +51538,51539,51539,caay pililafang naicuwaay a,we will not have guests because we do not have a lot of money,train +51539,51540,51540,u ruma i u mamala ku sakararimaaw tu nu niyaru sikacalemceman ku demak saka inian a paysin i,the more serious ones bring disaster to the tribes et,test +51540,51541,51541,en Pangcah,it is the Amis,train +51541,51542,51542,Du^duen ningra ku nanu nisuwalan ningra i tatuasan,he has helped his servant Israel remembering to be merciful,train +51542,51543,51543,nu aniniyay a niyaru nu Cikasuwan,we are now the seven foot river tribe,train +51543,51544,51544,Raraen niyam ku tayal i misalingkaay,where we do red bricks we work slowly,train +51544,51545,51545,anini awaaytu ci Madadingu i niyaru,now that the white pristine girl is not on the tribe,train +51545,51546,51546,Masarumiad ku pitenged nu maku anini,I have been in a daze all day,train +51546,51547,51547,o malasingsiay cingra,she is a teacher,train +51547,51548,51548,kakarayan,heavens,train +51548,51549,51549,ka u yincepi^ ku sapisurit,write with a ball pen,train +51549,51550,51550,cekad,reminders,test +51550,51551,51551,ya umah kuni ifafaw hu kaya Palingatu niyam apahaduy yu,our bamboo paddle starts at the upper part of the field,train +51551,51552,51552,icuwaen,where is it,train +51552,51553,51553,nu wawa nu tangal nira,her children are intellectually deficient,train +51553,51554,51554,suwal sa kuya tawki nu pisafadisusuan Samaanen aku ku dmak hakini Ocuraw aku ku kaulahan aku a wawa Latek kanguduen nangra cingra kiya saan,Then the owner of the vineyard said What shall I do I will send my son whom I love perhaps they will respect him,train +51554,51555,51555,cima maenay i,who is eating it,train +51555,51556,51556,nu ruma,some of,train +51556,51557,51557,Mapaluma ku icep i taliyuk nu luma niyam,our house is surrounded by betel nuts,train +51557,51558,51558,mafana tu ku tamdaw,we all know that,train +51558,51559,51559,kiya ira ku ccay mikitingay tu siri a tamdaw pakayra a mitafsiw,Then a person who pulled a goat along passed,train +51559,51560,51560,u kanasaw adihay ku ceka,there are sea urchins with lots of thorns,test +51560,51561,51561,kiya u hikuki han saw,why is it called airplane food,train +51561,51562,51562,u safa aku kura han nira kuya aku saan,it is a joke so I tell my classmates that it is my sister,train +51562,51563,51563,aluman ku temangicay u Kawas,the sound of a lot of people crying is a ghost,train +51563,51564,51564,kadangkic kita u Pangcah san kaku,we Amis are united,train +51564,51565,51565,anini matuʼas u suʼelinay nu falucu ku ruray aku anini san sa kaku,but now it is all about inner aggravation and hard work,train +51565,51566,51566,hay u ami aringadu kaku kamawanan,I would also like to thank you for the interview,train +51566,51567,51567,Sanawsaw saan kaku tu wawa nira,I am most worried about his kids,train +51567,51568,51568,cadicien,painful,train +51568,51569,51569,hay,be close,train +51569,51570,51570,a manen ira haw ku sapal,what is it going to be you got any seeds,test +51570,51571,51571,misacici,digging small canals,train +51571,51572,51572,matawalay isu a miala ku impic,do you forget to bring your pen,train +51572,51573,51573,ira ku tatangalan ira ku mikumuday,bring pillows there is a convocation,train +51573,51574,51574,aka ka cifutul tu ilem nu naniwac saan,do not be a bad green bean,train +51574,51575,51575,talaw,be afraid,train +51575,51576,51576,tungal,an additional posthumous title,train +51576,51577,51577,awaay hai caay kalengaw,No Yes it will not grow,train +51577,51578,51578,ira ku suwal ira uya malalukay a fainayan nu Amis ku ngaayay sanay,they say it is better to marry a hard working Amis,train +51578,51579,51579,oya caay ka ci^puc a kuli i fahkulen i tumanay i paputal ta itira cingra a tumangic a mingric tu wadis han ningra,and throw that worthless servant outside into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,train +51579,51580,51580,a malalukay u daduduen aku,that is what I am trying to learn,test +51580,51581,51581,kandaway,green,train +51581,51582,51582,nawhani u suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i O mamidu^du Kisu ci Milikicitikan a midauc a malacitudungay tu taung saan,one who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life,train +51582,51583,51583,mipakalalukay tisuwanan,encourage you,train +51583,51584,51584,iduc,thatched gun,train +51584,51585,51585,mitaring,stacked,train +51585,51586,51586,papinaruan tu vuting,so as not to be associated with the millet,train +51586,51587,51587,mahaen ku nipirepet,just hold on to it,train +51587,51588,51588,Pakamaan kisu a taluma,I go to Penghu by boat,train +51588,51589,51589,o mitiliday kisu haw,are you a student,train +51589,51590,51590,vulad a lavii,moonlit night,test +51590,51591,51591,kilimen,look for it,train +51591,51592,51592,caay kiyari ku niyan u kingicu,it is not man made,train +51592,51593,51593,sa Suwana han nu Taywan kura Cuwan Si kiya mama aku,that is why the Han people call him Brina,train +51593,51594,51594,caay kasaenarar ku paisingan,medical inequality,train +51594,51595,51595,u kakawa nu maku itiya hu,my old rituals,train +51595,51596,51596,tahakefeng,fall into a hole,train +51596,51597,51597,cedas,flood,train +51597,51598,51598,Sirikuay,wear,train +51598,51599,51599,mapuniʼaytu ku luma ita,because the thatched house is broken,train +51599,51600,51600,Pasalamaen ni ina ku wawa nira tu fulang nu safun,mom let us her kids play with soap bubbles,test +51600,51601,51601,miucilay kaku mamangay hu kaku hu kaku itiya haw,I was eight years old and my parents wanted to come with me,train +51601,51602,51602,kaku san i micudad hu ku wawa i,I am still studying,train +51602,51603,51603,mihaenay haw i masaluftu a mihungyak ku ˈOlic saka 144 fedengan i cuwa ka falic ku kacipinang ita tu suˈlinay kimad nu Fangcalay Cudad,Therefore the revised translation of Psalm does not change our understanding of biblical truth,train +51603,51604,51604,u lalidec sivaru tu u vuhecalay,the Kukui Ligusticum tree has bloomed and it is white,train +51604,51605,51605,kakuay ku midiputay,I will take care of him,train +51605,51606,51606,Kisu u Piclihim nu Yuta a kuwan caay ku samimingay a niyaru kisu i niyaruaru nu Yuta Nawhani u mamasadak i tisuwanan ku mamikuwan u mamidiput tu Israil a finawlan Aku saan han nangra,But you Bethlehem in the land of Judah are by no means least among the rulers of Judah for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel,train +51606,51607,51607,kafanaʼan tu ita haw,we all know that,train +51607,51608,51608,faruru,bamboo back basket,train +51608,51609,51609,lutulutukan,wooded mountain,train +51609,51610,51610,emahemek tuku falucu nu faʼinayan,the boys will be happy,test +51610,51611,51611,tafukuden,throw the net,train +51611,51612,51612,u mamihululay kina radiw saw haw hay tengilay isaw kina radiw,please listen to this song it is a love song,train +51612,51613,51613,mausi,hate,train +51613,51614,51614,yan saka itini i saupu nu niyaru,So in a colony assembly,train +51614,51615,51615,talihuc,ecology,train +51615,51616,51616,mararid ku matiniay a pipakafanaan,this kind of Craftsmanship will continue to flourish,train +51616,51617,51617,Orasaka kutay han aku ku Cenfu a mitaung tu Yincumincu,for this I apologize to the indigenous peoples on behalf of the government,train +51617,51618,51618,karaw kiya ura pinangan nura dangah,the shape of the pot,train +51618,51619,51619,hatilatu ku mangeruʼay a nipivuting nu matuasay,the old mans way of fishing is a thing of the past,train +51619,51620,51620,kapidu^du,compliance with,test +51620,51621,51621,mikayki hu i,the sea has to meet first,train +51621,51622,51622,araw han i maʼapac aca ku hikuki,the plane was delayed again,train +51622,51623,51623,itira kaku mimali kakumaʼaraw ku demakdemak nu mimali a tamedawsahetu ngaʼaay,the players I saw there had good behavior and character,train +51623,51624,51624,edengen mi,unless,train +51624,51625,51625,miaray kaku tu picuker nu misu i tisuwanan,thank you for your support,train +51625,51626,51626,caay hu kaʼicang haw,it is not dry yet,train +51626,51627,51627,mimingay,a little bit,train +51627,51628,51628,wakay hu kisu matini hay,you are still a teenager Yes I am,train +51628,51629,51629,u vavainay satu,Gentlemen,train +51629,51630,51630,mafana kaku itiya turanan anu u ʼaʼadupen i aka piala tu tawinaan,I have been told not to take females while hunting,test +51630,51631,51631,Kamaru,please sit down,train +51631,51632,51632,ayya kaku siniʼada kaku ci Yis San mateli i ciwcika,I have great pity on Jesus because I have been hanging him on the cross,train +51632,51633,51633,anu pakayra i picudadan tawma tu i milusimet hu tu luma nu fuduy nu niyam,you have to do your chores when you get home from school,train +51633,51634,51634,matalaw ku falucu nangra misimaw tu adadaay,they will also take care of these patients,train +51634,51635,51635,alaen tu aku hatini kuna misiʼayawan nu maku,Okay I will take my first one now,train +51635,51636,51636,pahalaen ku para isu ta setien aku kisu,get your bottom ready for a spanking,train +51636,51637,51637,Kasihilumitu a maka utuvay,always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle,train +51637,51638,51638,anu mihiya kamu mipatireng kamu hawi,we need to set up an association,train +51638,51639,51639,o miuwiday kaku tu sariri a patireng,I used an iron lever to erect the pole,train +51639,51640,51640,mitukadmipacuk,killing animals,test +51640,51641,51641,a pasevana tu niyan hantui,will become a home teacher of the ethnic language,train +51641,51642,51642,Saka pakalimelimek satu ci Yis a talacuwacuwa i Yutaya a pala Nanuya liyas satu Cingra itiya a tayra ingataay nu kuhkuhan i Ifraim hananay a niyaru itira satu cingra atu nisawawaan a maru,therefore Jesus no longer moved about publicly among the Jews instead he withdrew to a region near the desert to a village called Ephraim where he stayed with his disciples,train +51642,51643,51643,cayka a patedu aca kaku a pasuwal,I do not just say that,train +51643,51644,51644,tu adingu,Spirit,train +51644,51645,51645,sa ku malitengay,the elders will have instructions,train +51645,51646,51646,ksem satu ku falucu nuya hungti Nikawrira tuna u niktunantu ningra ku suwal i kaayaw nu alumanay a lafang saka du^du hantu ningra ku lunguc nuya kaying,the king was distressed but because of his oaths and his dinner guests he ordered that her request be granted,train +51646,51647,51647,u rarapa kiyami kemaen tu nipalumaan nu,the cows will run away to eat the Hans crops,train +51647,51648,51648,yana niyam a nyenlin,the one we ordered,train +51648,51649,51649,itiya hu kaemang hu i,I was young and stupid,train +51649,51650,51650,anu tumerep ku kikay,when the machine stops,test +51650,51651,51651,kita u wawa hananay,we as children,train +51651,51652,51652,year i sinsiya kiyami,is not it over there by the new Agency,train +51652,51653,51653,satu amiala sa,compensation for points,train +51653,51654,51654,Misaciciway ku tuas namu i karipunan,your ancestors used to raise piglets in Japan,train +51654,51655,51655,hay Fangcalay tu,Yeah it is great,train +51655,51656,51656,o maan ku kaulahan nu misu,what do you like,train +51656,51657,51657,Milusimet ci ina tu luma tu rumiamiad,mom does the housework every day,train +51657,51658,51658,i picudadan kaku a matayal,I am working at school,train +51658,51659,51659,caka hatira kalukeru,it is not a normal dance,train +51659,51660,51660,miadecaway,marble,test +51660,51661,51661,sa turana tu,because of this,train +51661,51662,51662,Nikawrira mangalay ci Fistus a makahmek nu Yutaya a tamdaw saka pasuwal sa ci Pawluan Mangalay kisu a tayra i Yirusalim a maliclic i kaayaw aku tu pakayniay tunini a dmak haw han ningra,Festus wishing to do the Jews a favor said to Paul Are you willing to go up to Jerusalem and stand trial before me there on these charges,train +51662,51663,51663,manawnaw,rafting,train +51663,51664,51664,Itiya,formerly,train +51664,51665,51665,itiya hu ku demak aku,my job at the time,train +51665,51666,51666,daat,choking on smoke,train +51666,51667,51667,cecay a miheca kina tulu kami a mihulu tu matuʼasay,we entertain the elders three times a year,train +51667,51668,51668,o nisangaan tu fanuh nu lakuta ku riku ni Yuhani o rafir ku safaked ningra tu tatlecan o riri atu waneng nu udal nu pala ku nikaenan ningra,John wore clothing made of camels hair with a leather belt around his waist and he ate locusts and wild honey,train +51668,51669,51669,mapawali niya kaka i maʼaraw aku ha ha ha,when my brother showed me my underwear he saw three holes ha ha ha,train +51669,51670,51670,Nanutiya lahengangsatu ku kuring nu ungay,from then on the monkeys butt turned red,test +51670,51671,51671,litemuh,call for,train +51671,51672,51672,hacuwa ku tenes a remakat,how long will it take to walk,train +51672,51673,51673,ci panay ku ngangan ni ina^ nu maku,my mothers name is Panay,train +51673,51674,51674,mipacalay,pull the phone line,train +51674,51675,51675,Hayda uliuli,Okay go quickly,train +51675,51676,51676,u mamisimaw tu nanum a cecay tu tadamanay a tayal,it is best if the only source of water is managed,train +51676,51677,51677,patangicen tu nu malitengay pakacifaʼinay tu,my parents forced me to marry,train +51677,51678,51678,malaynaay,friends and family,train +51678,51679,51679,o mamicafer kaku a micakay tu paya nu silamalay i Fataan,I will have to buy a train ticket on the way to Gwangju,train +51679,51680,51680,Masungaliw ku radiw naira,their singing was uneven,test +51680,51681,51681,anu awaay kuraan isu i,without that license,train +51681,51682,51682,u sirikuʼay tu hatiniay a tulak nu kilang,I have worn clothes made of tree bark,train +51682,51683,51683,sapisanga tu maamaan,it can be used to make many kinds of utensils,train +51683,51684,51684,sapicacak naayaw,traditional steaming,train +51684,51685,51685,nu heni mawmah,they are farming,train +51685,51686,51686,oya mipacaliwan isu iayaw i takuwan a Cudad kuni patikuren aku kisu,this is the book you borrowed from me last time I give it back to you,train +51686,51687,51687,matuʼas tu kiya wama aku kiya wina aku,my parents are old,train +51687,51688,51688,enem a mihecaan nu maku a malatumuk itira,year after year after year,train +51688,51689,51689,kiya silisin tu mahaenay hani,why is this Festival being held,train +51689,51690,51690,masangaʼtu,it is all done,test +51690,51691,51691,Singsi nimaan kita tayra i umah,what are we going to do in the fields,train +51691,51692,51692,nu mita u sulinayay haw,is the plot of the legend true,train +51692,51693,51693,watah,Oh my,train +51693,51694,51694,u singsi tu ku pasevanaʼay,it is up to the teacher to teach,train +51694,51695,51695,o ngaayay ku nisangaan nu Kawas a ma^min awaay ku fafalafalahen o kakansiyaen ku Kawas a milayap tunini,for everything God created is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,train +51695,51696,51696,kacawasay,cantaloupe,train +51696,51697,51697,kamiyanan tu hay mahenay aca hay,back to our class Yes,train +51697,51698,51698,Nikawrira yu mangatatu ni Sawlu ku Tamaskus i fahal sa ira ku likat nai kakarayan a patdi i cingraan,as he neared Damascus on his journey suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him,train +51698,51699,51699,patihen,wall,train +51699,51700,51700,maku ha kala tumuk saka,that is what I am in charge of,test +51700,51701,51701,o maedengay saan cima,who thinks that it is enough,train +51701,51702,51702,tatulu,three,train +51702,51703,51703,mipatahka,entertain,train +51703,51704,51704,atekakay anu mihatatanamen i cangranan,it is very expensive if you have a teacher,train +51704,51705,51705,mitala tu nipadudu,to be continued,train +51705,51706,51706,a mitahka ri kalafi kalafian tu,it is time for dinner,train +51706,51707,51707,kumud,joint,train +51707,51708,51708,sanay kamu haw,maybe you are wondering,train +51708,51709,51709,mirametay,hold on tight,train +51709,51710,51710,mamaanay,how is it going,test +51710,51711,51711,Ruhu sa cingra a minengneng tu nika tli nu nisangaan tu kliw a kiradum nikawrira caay picumud cingra i laluma nu tadem,he bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in,train +51711,51712,51712,pacumud,go in,train +51712,51713,51713,i tatihi nu kangkang a mateli,put it next to the plow rake,train +51713,51714,51714,onini i u kacipinangan tu nika u mu^celay ku pisawkit nu Kawas ta pakayni a u mamatatudung kamu a mirenec i Kitakit nu Kawas onini ku saka rarid namu a mihadidi tu pisemsem saki tunini a Kitakit,all this is evidence that Gods judgment is right and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God for which you are suffering,train +51714,51715,51715,Mumiay nu ina ciira urasaka ulatek sa ku pinangan nira,he was spoiled by his mother so he went overboard,train +51715,51716,51716,caʼay kafana ku wawa tu ruray,kids do not get to experience what hard work is,train +51716,51717,51717,kih minukay tu saan ku falucu nu maku,I think it is time to go home,train +51717,51718,51718,ku sapihemhem tu hemay sanay ku suwal ni ina aku,the remaining fire is used to smother the rice in the pot,train +51718,51719,51719,ci Singkuy hananay a lutuk,the hungry mountain God legendary Tales,train +51719,51720,51720,tienang,lie down,test +51720,51721,51721,maherek kamaraud minukaysa,lunch is over everyone is going home,train +51721,51722,51722,caay paka tahira lacu,their bullets do not have that kind of range,train +51722,51723,51723,pakafanaʼen nu maku tu miduʼedu ku fana,I can teach her to inherit the skill,train +51723,51724,51724,Makapah ku kafucerak nu cungiliw nu sakula nu niyaru niyam kafucerakan nu cungiliw tayni satu a mikilim i takuwanan,the cherry blossoms in our tribe are beautiful when they bloom come find me when the flowers bloom,train +51724,51725,51725,Arawhani u nu finawlan nu Kawas a Israil i pakaynien nangra i pisaicel a midu^du tu Rikec ku pikilim nangra tu sakangangaay nangra atu Kawas Nikawrira caay pakalahci cangra,it is just as Isaiah said previously Unless the Lord Almighty had left us descendants we would have become like Sodom we would have been like Gomorrah,train +51725,51726,51726,asanay ku maku tu niyaru a tayal sa,this is my view of the tribes work,train +51726,51727,51727,cikciken,cut everything,train +51727,51728,51728,u mabanaʼay a misanga tiraan,that will make that one,train +51728,51729,51729,Olili katayra a tumireng i Fangcalay Pitaungan Sungilaen ku finawlan a pasuwal tu pakayniay i saka ciurip nangra tu fa^luhay han ningra,Go stand in the temple courts he said and tell the people the full message of this new life,train +51729,51730,51730,ku kamay aku i a hay mainuʼay tu kuna wawa sa,I touched my hand and said Uh huh I washed it,test +51730,51731,51731,pacakay hatu citang kina malalukay paluma tu sakuy,planting Suppon made a lot of money,train +51731,51732,51732,ci lafii hu ancila pakelang kita sa,you have to spend the night and the next day before you can sing eight songs,train +51732,51733,51733,sa i luma satu midiput tu vavainay aku,I will take care of him at home,train +51733,51734,51734,o sapaaraw aca ku dmak a Yutaya a tamdaw i caay ku sulinay a Yutaya a tamdaw caay ku sulinay a krit kuya maaraway i tireng a krit,a man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly nor is circumcision merely outward and physical,train +51734,51735,51735,edeng kini satu,and after this,train +51735,51736,51736,o luma kiya muwa,it is not just Boehmeria,train +51736,51737,51737,nu mita iri mataktak awaaytu,then there is nothing left like ours,train +51737,51738,51738,awa ku pilifunan,there are no employment opportunities,train +51738,51739,51739,akung maranam,Grandpas having breakfast,train +51739,51740,51740,ira ku kaheciday a nanum,because there is salt water coming out of there,test +51740,51741,51741,pisalupas,seed peaches,train +51741,51742,51742,ya tu cilatu i misanga tu piʼanipan,we have to get ready for planting seedlings the next day,train +51742,51743,51743,mimaan kisu anuhuni,what are you doing later,train +51743,51744,51744,anu caay repeti a milaliw haw,and then you go ashore if you do not grab it will it go away,train +51744,51745,51745,hatira itiya,that is how it was,train +51745,51746,51746,mikiseraay,ginger picking,train +51746,51747,51747,itiya,he used to be governor Huang,train +51747,51748,51748,mawmah tunu hiya,be that farmland,train +51748,51749,51749,cudiyap,graduation,train +51749,51750,51750,tunini a hiya,these,test +51750,51751,51751,makayakayay,crawling,train +51751,51752,51752,riri,bait,train +51752,51753,51753,o mipaypayay ku luma nu maku,my home is Bye bye,train +51753,51754,51754,papikasuyen ningra kami,he is going to collect firewood,train +51754,51755,51755,patelien anini iri,now place it,train +51755,51756,51756,saka ka itini aku ku ngaʼayay saku falucu ira,he thought to himself This is a better place to be,train +51756,51757,51757,masamaan ku caciyaw nu Kaping,how do you say it in Mandarin,train +51757,51758,51758,pakaynien ni Yis i tireng ningra ku nipifawah tunini a fa^luhay mauripay a malulalan ita a mitalif tu sapalaed a kiradum,by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain that is his body,train +51758,51759,51759,Mapaliwalay tu ku hakhak ira hu ku tanaay a tinpung mangalay kisu a miaca,the rice is sold out I have tana pancakes would you like to buy them,train +51759,51760,51760,cima saw ku caay ka siadada,who does not have a disease,test +51760,51761,51761,ra suwal nu faki itira kalala misaraʼu saan,in the Kanana tribe I heard the elders say to plant a Sapindus tree,train +51761,51762,51762,calaped,pants,train +51762,51763,51763,tayra aca kiniyan u sikawasay,this is a ritual that the priests must go to the mountain,train +51763,51764,51764,ci Iliyut ku mama ni Iliyacar ci Iliyacar ku mama ni Matan ci Matan ku mama ni Yakup,Eliud the father of Eleazar Eleazar the father of Matthan Matthan the father of Jacob,train +51764,51765,51765,Raud sa cingra i takuwanan a tumireng i tatihi aku suwal sa Salikaka Sawluaw pakaarawtu kisu saan itiya i tangsul a macngaw ku mata aku maarawtu aku cingra,he stood beside me and said Brother Saul receive your sight and at that very moment I was able to see him,train +51765,51766,51766,o manan ku caay misamangah ku ulah hananay,what do you mean love without hypocrisy,train +51766,51767,51767,Cima^ saw,who is it,train +51767,51768,51768,saka a hatira ku pasifana aku tu ni nu rakat nu u urip aku hay,I have now told you about the journey of my life,train +51768,51769,51769,namamahufuc takuwanan mahufuc tu safasafa,mom gave birth to me and then three more brothers,train +51769,51770,51770,Micipat kuya tatipeluk i cafeng,the paper was stuck to the wall,test +51770,51771,51771,sapacamul tu kafus ku paheku nu matuasay i ayaw,the old man used to cook cats with shrimp,train +51771,51772,51772,safa ni Marang Piciw Cenyiing caey,Jang man boys sister Chen Yue young is not it,train +51772,51773,51773,Hai fa^det ku rumiad tu kaciherangan saka saadihayen tu ku pinanum tu nanum,Yes it will be very hot and you need to drink more water,train +51773,51774,51774,caka emin aku itini a mihacecacecay a sumuwal,I cannot explain the origin of each place name here,train +51774,51775,51775,paacefelan,Chimney,train +51775,51776,51776,sapadang,auxiliary,train +51776,51777,51777,sapilunguc nu heni a maenen,led discussions in their own language,train +51777,51778,51778,caciyaw,language,train +51778,51779,51779,sikawasay sikawasay sa u maan,there are spirits on this mountain,train +51779,51780,51780,taʼangay ku Tapang miming ku teluc,tree with large head and small tail,test +51780,51781,51781,Ciduka ku falucu aku tu pisamsam nira i takuwanan,his insults to me hurt my heart,train +51781,51782,51782,caay ka mangic kaku,but I did not cry,train +51782,51783,51783,patelacay hakiya,or is it a misprint,train +51783,51784,51784,alu,Creek,train +51784,51785,51785,hay yu itiya hen,Yes at the time,train +51785,51786,51786,Maceled tu a maemin ku niketusan a falinunu,all of the cut sticky rice has been bundled up,train +51786,51787,51787,kumaen satu tingalaw tu kuhaw,the soup was cleaner when I ate it,train +51787,51788,51788,anu i riyar tu anu auwang anu futing,whether it is sea urchins fish,train +51788,51789,51789,na itila ku matuasay niyam,our ancestors lived there,train +51789,51790,51790,masuvuc kunu vutingan a laylay anini hay masubuc anini,the fish are spawning now Yes reproducing,test +51790,51791,51791,alaen nu heni,they are taking it,train +51791,51792,51792,Itiyasatu masadak a ma^min ku tamdaw nu niyaru a minengneng ci Yisan yu maarawtu nangra i ngitangiten nangra cingra a papiliyas tuna pala nangra,then the whole town went out to meet Jesus and when they saw him they pleaded with him to leave their region,train +51792,51793,51793,maharek,to end,train +51793,51794,51794,maurad,raining,train +51794,51795,51795,tu,Void,train +51795,51796,51796,cilimaw kisu i herek nu lahuk han malalitemuh hu kita,are you free this afternoon we will meet up,train +51796,51797,51797,tueman,dusk,train +51797,51798,51798,a u mahaenay saca pinukay tu pinukay tu sa ku huni nu aruru hanay kuni,that is what it sounds like it sounds like it is time to go home it is time to go home,train +51798,51799,51799,adihayay ku lalikakawaen tuni lisin haw,is there a lot of preparation for this festival,train +51799,51800,51800,a malingad a milifun,go make some money,test +51800,51801,51801,Rikec,rule,train +51801,51802,51802,ey sulinay tu nayni aca u cara,Boss really thanks for coming again,train +51802,51803,51803,misacalascas,the water rumbles,train +51803,51804,51804,minukay satu tayni i niyaru sa nira yu tahira satu,he is barely made it back to the tribe,train +51804,51805,51805,ta laliwen tu ira,and he left,train +51805,51806,51806,mifuluday,tagging along,train +51806,51807,51807,rakarak,vagrancy,train +51807,51808,51808,u emu nu mita i u maanmaan,do we have those pastries,train +51808,51809,51809,hanu kakahad san,that is how it is going to work,train +51809,51810,51810,papiki^ciwen,pursue something leader,test +51810,51811,51811,hacuwa ku icel su i ati mafekac kita,how much can you do let us run,train +51811,51812,51812,Marawis nuya wawa ku pusi nira,that child can reach his cat,train +51812,51813,51813,ancay patudung i,worshipping the spirits continues to hurt,train +51813,51814,51814,Semuut aca ku aalaen ita,we should take just one hundred,train +51814,51815,51815,Akatu ira u kuhaw nu katacumuli,no need escargot soup it is then,train +51815,51816,51816,Ma^deng a tulu a fulad ci Mariya a maru ci Ilisapican ta minukaytu i luma ningra,Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home,train +51816,51817,51817,cinah hananay nangra ku kahatini nira ney,that is it salt the whole thing,train +51817,51818,51818,pulung falah han aku han,I said I threw it all away,train +51818,51819,51819,Nawiru misanga kamu i matini sa,Whydo you want to make it now,train +51819,51820,51820,o hikuki ku nikalican aku kaliki ku hikuki tu kasuling,I will take the plane because it is faster than the train,test +51820,51821,51821,wacay,strip nude,train +51821,51822,51822,i tini i masamaamaanay a dmak i aka ka ngaliwngiw aka ka laliyaliyang kamu,do everything without complaining or arguing,train +51822,51823,51823,kira micumud ku tamina mipasimal,go in and get gas,train +51823,51824,51824,ira i ayaw ku papituay a malikaka tu matiniay ku dmak cifafahi ku sakakaay cahu ka ciwawa i mapatayaytu,now there were seven brothers the first one married a woman and died childless,train +51824,51825,51825,Cifuisay ku kakarayan,there are stars in the sky,train +51825,51826,51826,cuʼaf hananay namu caay ka cuʼaf ta,Oh yeah we said we would not choke,train +51826,51827,51827,tarakaw ku ngusu nira,he has a very straight nose,train +51827,51828,51828,a mawmah i nu mingatuan tura nu mapataya,Bridging the unfinished business of the dead,train +51828,51829,51829,o tayniay i Taywan a mikuwanay tina 400 a mihcaan i sahtu u salais ku sapiafas atu sapiriang tu saka urip nu Yin cumincu,for years every regime that has come to Taiwan has brutally violated the rights of indigenous peoples through armed invasion and land seizure,train +51829,51830,51830,ki^tec,ice cold,test +51830,51831,51831,Vucvuc han ku tatapangan,pluck the head of her tree,train +51831,51832,51832,Mafihfih nu fali ku talip nira,her dress was swaying in the wind,train +51832,51833,51833,falu pulu,eighty,train +51833,51834,51834,i cuwaay kamukuan i ayaw tahunini,I have lived there since,train +51834,51835,51835,hay iniyan kangaayan kasumuwal sa kisu i pasuwalen kaku,Yes if you think you can say something say it to me,train +51835,51836,51836,simanay,it is okay,train +51836,51837,51837,minanam cira tu salicay saan yan saka anu maan tu ku licay nu milicayay i,meaning that he is to learn the language or thing he has been asked to do,train +51837,51838,51838,caʼay kami u matuʼasay haw i nika mafinal,we are not going to do that we are going to split,train +51838,51839,51839,ci Rasier 40 a mihecaan milisuˈ tu kasakupang u malu paputalay a singsihu cingra,for years Russell visited congregations and served as a mentor abroad,train +51839,51840,51840,tusa miheca,two years,test +51840,51841,51841,pateli,set up,train +51841,51842,51842,haenen ku nipisanga nu adiwawa i matiya hen,that is how it was made when I was a kid,train +51842,51843,51843,u kungku naira aci ina aku haw,my moms story,train +51843,51844,51844,sulinay itiya satu i,Commence official flight,train +51844,51845,51845,lawud hananay ira kaku tayra i luma niyam,so the man came to live with me,train +51845,51846,51846,tayra i pala nikafus,catch shrimp in the field,train +51846,51847,51847,Misakaciw ci faki i palapalaan,uncle is raising geese in the field,train +51847,51848,51848,kaluadada^,various diseases,train +51848,51849,51849,itini tu kura namal kaingid kaʼayaw,the fire is close by it is right in front of us,train +51849,51850,51850,sapakayni i,thereby,test +51850,51851,51851,cuwa ku pilengu aca nu taneng 2323 tu miˈaca tu suˈlinay kimad pasuwalayhu tu mamiˈaca kita tu taneng sapirikec saka cipinang,in addition to buying the truth Proverbs also says we should buy wisdom discipline and understanding,train +51851,51852,51852,kapah hu caay ka ruray,young people can handle it,train +51852,51853,51853,hatila ku pipaini aku tamunan,I am going to share this with you,train +51853,51854,51854,o pakaaraway takuwanan i u pakaaraway cingra tu miucuray Takuwanan,then Jesus cried out When a man believes in me he does not believe in me only but in the one who sent me,train +51854,51855,51855,i imeng ciira a matayal,he works at the police station,train +51855,51856,51856,likecen halecacayen ku niyaru saʼan,the tribesmen must be united as one and the tribe must be their master,train +51856,51857,51857,u macadiway amin cadiwayen nu heni,they are fishing with trammel nets if they can,train +51857,51858,51858,Cuwa u idang nu safa aku cira,No he is my younger brothers friend,train +51858,51859,51859,mafana ci ina aku u ina ningra i cahu ka cifaʼinay itiya,my mother knew he did not have a husband,train +51859,51860,51860,Pamutek han ningra a minengneng kuya cuyuh matalaw cingra Saka suwal sa Tapangaw u maan saw han ningra pasuwal sa kuya cuyuh Matngilaytu maarawaytu nu Kawas ku pitulun isu atu pipalada isu,Cornelius stared at him in fear What is it Lord he asked the angel answered Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God,test +51860,51861,51861,tanektek ku tumirengan nu luma niyam,our homes foundation is stable strong,train +51861,51862,51862,tu remiremiad,trouble,train +51862,51863,51863,a itira a laluma ancila sa,and then they will move to the other one,train +51863,51864,51864,matuka ku tiyad,the stomachs just as lazy,train +51864,51865,51865,makedalkedal haw i hatini tu caykaluwan,even in a drought the same amount of water flows out,train +51865,51866,51866,iraan i caay kita paculi,we do not even talk back about things like that,train +51866,51867,51867,nengnengen siyasing pafeli na ueysang kaku di,I was looking at the photo that the senior gave me,train +51867,51868,51868,o pakadangaway ku semut i taliyuk nu luma,weeds around your home breed mosquitoes,train +51868,51869,51869,tahira kaku i paherekan i mahemak ku tamdaw a maemin,everyone was happy when I reached the finish line,train +51869,51870,51870,aka picarikus a mitiku tu sakaʼanufaw yusanay,do not be tempted to go back and collect again,test +51870,51871,51871,Rukruk satu ku nanum i dangah nu misu,the water in your pot is boiling,train +51871,51872,51872,malaselaltu,through,train +51872,51873,51873,Mafanaay a mikimad ku fufu,grandmother is a great storyteller,train +51873,51874,51874,o sulinay a tatieren ku mitahidangay tamuwanan a Kawas Saka u lalahcien ningra kunini a dmak,the one who calls you is faithful and he will do it,train +51874,51875,51875,yu ma^pud ci Yis nai tamina nengneng sa cingra tu alumanay a finawlan i sasiniada sa cingra cangraan Saka adahen ningra ku adadaay nangra,when Jesus landed and saw a large crowd he had compassion on them and healed their sick,train +51875,51876,51876,matidid ku makuay tilid han aku sanu,I am writing it down in Roman,train +51876,51877,51877,u umah nu kinsyefu kuni paceva han aku maumah,this is County land I will plant it anywhere,train +51877,51878,51878,Uy i luma ci panay haw,Hello Hello is Panay home please,train +51878,51879,51879,pikuhaw,Soup,train +51879,51880,51880,iniyan u i aʼayaway malatumuk,these are all former leaders,test +51880,51881,51881,hanima,Maybe,train +51881,51882,51882,mamaan hakiya u nu wawa sa awaay ku masatamdaway,I do not know why none of the children are developing normally,train +51882,51883,51883,nika adihay ku,from what I understand it seems,train +51883,51884,51884,padiyam,check,train +51884,51885,51885,mipatay han mikeret tu eli mikeret tu eli,to mow the thatch,train +51885,51886,51886,Nikawrira u suwal ningra tu pakayniay i wawa ningra i Kawasaw u tatahadauc ku tadamaanay a kamaruan Isu o mu^celay ku pikuwan Isu,but about the son he says Your throne O God will last for ever and ever and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom,train +51886,51887,51887,aka hu,wait a moment,train +51887,51888,51888,cima ku narikuran nu mita i,who is going to take over,train +51888,51889,51889,ira ku nisaupunan tu i luma,there is a concentration of straw in the fields,train +51889,51890,51890,yu ma^mintu ningra a milaum ku maamaan ningra i ira ku tataangay a kdal itira tuya pala Itiyatu a macahiw cingra,after he had spent everything there was a severe famine in that whole country and he began to be in need,test +51890,51891,51891,u wancyen wawa ku insyang haw,Oh I do not remember that at all,train +51891,51892,51892,o mamipahanhan tu hunisatu a tayra,it is almost time for class to end wait a little longer,train +51892,51893,51893,o maan ku kakaenen isu tu kalahukan,what did you have for lunch,train +51893,51894,51894,o sakasaan ningra i u nika fahka nangra tu nika adihay nu maalaay nangra a futing,for he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken,train +51894,51895,51895,Mitekep tu kulafaw ci Mayaw i umaumahan,Ma Yiu is catching voles in the field,train +51895,51896,51896,Duvac,hillside,train +51896,51897,51897,mikapkap tu,paddy field weeding,train +51897,51898,51898,tataataang,major,train +51898,51899,51899,pacelem,it is so early,train +51899,51900,51900,pakarahayen,wear sun protection,test +51900,51901,51901,maherek patireng tu luma itiya tu masaʼusi tu nangra,after the house is built they have an arrangement,train +51901,51902,51902,micaliw hu kaku tuna tulu a cudad,I would like to borrow these three books,train +51902,51903,51903,mipulinay,drop something Down,train +51903,51904,51904,mihakerung tu nu Kaping,he will follow the Han people,train +51904,51905,51905,papina^,how much,train +51905,51906,51906,Hay faedet ku rumiad anini^,Yes it is hot today,train +51906,51907,51907,mimaanay ku tayal nu mira,what does she do for a living,train +51907,51908,51908,tuya kacumikay aku haw i mapulin kaku adihay ku ilang nai turus nu maku,when I was running I fell down and my knees were bleeding,train +51908,51909,51909,urip,life,train +51909,51910,51910,o pasafa hu mimaan harakat ma ecak ku matiraay a panay sa kuya mama,dad says it is okay the rice we have got here is a little early,test +51910,51911,51911,ura cipuʼutay hananay haw,names with knives,train +51911,51912,51912,kararid kamu a masasiulaulah atu salikaka,keep on loving each other as brothers,train +51912,51913,51913,taterung nu ilisin haw ri,in the midst of the Toyotomi Festival,train +51913,51914,51914,u lalan nu matuʼasay tayraw i fafaʼed,that is the way the elders go to the fields up there,train +51914,51915,51915,sa ku faʼinay aku,my son in law would like to make this announcement,train +51915,51916,51916,nawhani nanitiya aca a ira ku patnakay tu Rikec ni Musi i kasaniyaruaru maasip kunini tu paslaslaan a rumiad i kasaupuupuan a luma nu Yutaya a tamdaw han ningra,for Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath,train +51916,51917,51917,anu caay ka hungilaen nu malitengay mitapes i,if the elders do not take care of the rice bran,train +51917,51918,51918,iraay tu ku singsi,the teacher is here,train +51918,51919,51919,maan a saʼayawan aku ku wina atu wama atek milicay kamu i uranan kiya u,maybe you will wonder why the attitude towards parents is a form of tutelage,train +51919,51920,51920,i ku luma aku,my house is in Shiodome,test +51920,51921,51921,Misatukituk a mikadkad tu malusapaiyu nu H1N1 ku ising,doctors are stepping up their research on medications,train +51921,51922,51922,ya kuntung i u mafanaʼay a miculem san yu,I hear that Cantonese guy is a very good diver,train +51922,51923,51923,minengneng kuya wawa tu kiyafes i masefel tu,when the child sees the guavas he is afraid,train +51923,51924,51924,maitiya awaay ku dingki nu lalan isaw,there were no streetlights in the,train +51924,51925,51925,Tadamaruray ci ina,Moms having a hard time,train +51925,51926,51926,u usaw a wawa itini kami,the rest of the kids we are all here,train +51926,51927,51927,mauraday nu hatini haw,is it raining now,train +51927,51928,51928,nu milicay ku tau,if someone says hello to you,train +51928,51929,51929,tey Neng han i tiyahu kami u Pangcah i tatiih tayra ku fafahiyan nawhan hani mawacay mamin ku faʼinayan cima ku ci kaferay caka ci kafer mamin mangudu sanay nu matuʼasay,However in the past in our Amis tribe it was not advisable for women to go there because all the men were naked all without pants and the elders thought it was shameful,train +51929,51930,51930,pakayni han i tamdaw nu Yincumin,our indigenous people,test +51930,51931,51931,suleda^,have the appearance of snow,train +51931,51932,51932,macacuruk,taking turns with each other,train +51932,51933,51933,patikulen,come back,train +51933,51934,51934,miangang tu sikawasay,then they will call a witch to pray for rain,train +51934,51935,51935,patuuren mituktuk ha hay,you need to hit it again Yes sir,train +51935,51936,51936,saku suwal nu wama aku ura sa i ura sa Amis i,my father described the characteristics of the Amis people who were building the south Bypass,train +51936,51937,51937,tangasa sa i maraayay a niʼurung samaanen anu cai piʼurung tu capux awaay ku sapiʼunip miʼunipay kira saanay Iʼayaw,the seedlings are distributed to those who are farther away from the planting site and those who are not reached by the seedlings cannot plant the seedlings,train +51937,51938,51938,aka ka u dmak nu tireng a ccay ku haharatengen Halu nu tauen a dmak a miharateng,each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others,train +51938,51939,51939,a cima ku pasevanaʼansaan semuwal iri,and he said Who is he going to teach,train +51939,51940,51940,itini i Siwkulansi a kasadakan nu alu itira haw,it is at the mouth of the Xiuguluan River,test +51940,51941,51941,maulah kaku tu katayni namu,I welcome you here,train +51941,51942,51942,inaayaw ira i lalikul ci vaki a maurip,before that the old man lived in the back,train +51942,51943,51943,hannay nira kaku ha ha ha ha,he said this,train +51943,51944,51944,itiya hu misakuliay u Dipung hu,they used to work in the days of the Japanese,train +51944,51945,51945,talacuwa,where are you going,train +51945,51946,51946,Patureceken nira ku raraw aku,he pointed at my mistake,train +51946,51947,51947,yu matengil ku radiw matatuur kami a masadak nai pitilidan misiayaw tu fa^eluhay a urip,when we hear the song we are leaving school and moving on to a new life,train +51947,51948,51948,anu ira ku cimapatayay nanay caay ka ^ca ka e paysin ku niyaru,if someone died there would be taboos in the tribe,train +51948,51949,51949,macunacun,stirred,train +51949,51950,51950,suelinay anu samanay,is that true or what,test +51950,51951,51951,Mapasuuray nu hacikayay a paliding kaku,the speeding car made me get splashed into the puddle,train +51951,51952,51952,valahen aku a lemangaw kira mahetik tu ku mahiniyayra,when I leave it there the seeds will fall off and sprout like this,train +51952,51953,51953,o cikampiwtaay ku tamdamdaw anini,Nowadays everyone has a computer,train +51953,51954,51954,tahunian,musical instrument,train +51954,51955,51955,ketun,cutting,train +51955,51956,51956,talariyal,go out to sea,train +51956,51957,51957,Mafana kaku a mikuliciw,I can ride a bicycle,train +51957,51958,51958,u hatiniay ku nu kaemangay i tiyahu,this is how kids gyros used to be made,train +51958,51959,51959,kalumaan,purpose,train +51959,51960,51960,kalatapad hananay kura kuwa awa ku kafer u talip,the leaves became the material for the foot binding because only the skirt,test +51960,51961,51961,miawaw,the dog is barking,train +51961,51962,51962,cepet,scratch,train +51962,51963,51963,maferuhmacedet,get burnt,train +51963,51964,51964,Parafasen nifayi ku pipitpit tu wiruk tu sakinu cila,Auntie harvests the leftovers for tomorrow,train +51964,51965,51965,kakitaan tu anini ira tu ku namum,life is good now,train +51965,51966,51966,nanuadidi siviyaw kamu tu nu Taywan ira tu,Yes,train +51966,51967,51967,ura mafanafanaʼay miseteng tura tilu i,those who have started to set the nets,train +51967,51968,51968,awa ku usimi,no diapers,train +51968,51969,51969,adihay ku paliding i lalan,lots of cars on the road,train +51969,51970,51970,namahaen sa tayal satu kami iʼayaw,we have been working like this forever,test +51970,51971,51971,masatamita mitaheka,just one or two drinks if you are having dinner together,train +51971,51972,51972,Tulunan aku ci Yihufa a pasuwal cuwa ku mamisawad kaku a mihudup cingraanan tahadaˈuc,I prayed to the Lord that I would never give up serving him,train +51972,51973,51973,isaka 1995 miheca ikur nu 8 miheca tuna katayra niyam mapatirengaytu ku kasakupang i Palikeci,in a group of congregations was formed eight years after we had gone to Barekage to preach,train +51973,51974,51974,saka ira tu ku,there is kindergarten elementary school junior high high school,train +51974,51975,51975,kihaha hanay tu nu malitengay,the old mans waiting to share,train +51975,51976,51976,satelec,it is a belt,train +51976,51977,51977,militemuh ku Taywan u taywan saca ku alumanay,it is mostly Han Chinese,train +51977,51978,51978,suwal sa,recall that,train +51978,51979,51979,anu mafaliyus mafuduʼsaan huw awaay ku piadingan tu fali,there is nothing to be done when there is a strong east Typhoon,train +51979,51980,51980,matira ku malingaday mararum maruray ku falucu,the farmer was like this he was sad and industrious,test +51980,51981,51981,itini kucung haw i iraay,even in the middle of the country,train +51981,51982,51982,pakitupen,traditional blouse,train +51982,51983,51983,Macacaliw kita tu tayal,we will take turns doing the work,train +51983,51984,51984,aniniay,Now,train +51984,51985,51985,tuya makeru i rumadiw haw,do you want to sing and dance,train +51985,51986,51986,sa kira,here is the deal,train +51986,51987,51987,u maan ku katawaan tu nikacukana a miniwaniw,what is so funny about grand mom bending her ass and weeding,train +51987,51988,51988,Saka caaytu ka u kaku ku mauripay i matini ci Kristutu ku mauripay i falucu aku o nika urip aku anini i u nanu pitier aku tuya maulahay takuwanan a kinafalah tu tireng tu saki takuwanan a wawa nu Kawas,I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me the life I live in the body I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me,train +51988,51989,51989,lipahakay,optimistic,train +51989,51990,51990,u maan kura lafang,what is a guest,test +51990,51991,51991,u mami fahfah a micuru tu luma tuna lifung saan,it is about banishing the disease from every household,train +51991,51992,51992,tuni tusa lalakaw wa maˈaraw ita tu samaanay ci Yis pasifanaˈ tu mikutuday cingranan a makelec Halu piremu tu masakakinihay a harateng,in these two texts we will look at how Christ taught his disciples to overcome prejudice and be united,train +51992,51993,51993,faki^,wife brother,train +51993,51994,51994,i tiraw kiya,it is over there,train +51994,51995,51995,ngaʼay tu,can,train +51995,51996,51996,maenay kaku,I have to eat,train +51996,51997,51997,tuʼeman tu,it is getting dark,train +51997,51998,51998,pangta^,shallow,train +51998,51999,51999,likisa tangasa i tini iri melaw itini ku dadahalay kina seraseraan,I have drifted here and I have seen the vastness of the land,train +51999,52000,52000,u wawa nu niyah,their own children,test +52000,52001,52001,u mihecaan nu maku i matini,my age,train +52001,52002,52002,pariri,feed,train +52002,52003,52003,hacuwa a patikul kisu i takuwanan tu tilid,when are you going to return my book,train +52003,52004,52004,cuwa awaaytu,I am not here,train +52004,52005,52005,misangaʼay tu ninian ala hananay aku,so I picked it up,train +52005,52006,52006,u nu niyam satu,as for us,train +52006,52007,52007,taviras,corn,train +52007,52008,52008,pacebasa i micihi ku Taywan,if you put Minnan in the wrong place you will be cursed,train +52008,52009,52009,liyawen a misingkiw maala kinatusa misingkiw tu a mipalatumuk i takuwanan,I am still in the race after the reelection,train +52009,52010,52010,kaku kuya ma^puday nai kakarayan a mauripay a ^pang anu kumaen ku cimacima tunini a ^pang i u mamidauc cingra a maurip o sapafli aku i cingraan a ^pang hananay i u hci Aku u sakaciurip nu tamdamdaw kunini han ni Yis,I am the living bread that came down from heaven if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever this bread is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world,test +52010,52011,52011,aka paciʼciʼ sa matuʼasay nanum hu kaku kuraanan sa,the old man said Do not force yourself to go out I need water,train +52011,52012,52012,ma fana a misakureng ci ama aku,my grand mom is very good at making pottery,train +52012,52013,52013,o cakil a maemin ku lalan ita i lutuk,the roads in our mountains are steep and dangerous trails,train +52013,52014,52014,matafukuday,I got it from the casting net,train +52014,52015,52015,sakasaan i saetipan ira kiya pahikukiyan,because there is an airport on the east side,train +52015,52016,52016,nawhani tuman ku falucu nangra o nika fukil atu nika atkak nu falucu nangra ku saka^ca pikihar nangra tu nipipafli nu Kawas tu urip cangraan,they are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts,train +52016,52017,52017,yan saka caay ku mamipaculi caay ku mamipakawanan tu kalas ku malatumukay,Therefore he shall not resist nor instruct the elders of the tribe the,train +52017,52018,52018,patala,send somebody away,train +52018,52019,52019,micikcik tu ku micikcikay i,starting a Culinary lunch,train +52019,52020,52020,macahiw kamu,when you are hungry,test +52020,52021,52021,samanan satu ku Ripun caay tu piala,and the Japanese will abandon it,train +52021,52022,52022,u huhusi han niyam a pangangan,we call it the Fish guard Creek,train +52022,52023,52023,mikaered,twisting,train +52023,52024,52024,u sapaʼicel tu sanayhahaha,said it was for extra energy ha ha ha,train +52024,52025,52025,Pudacen nu maku ku lusay tu hakakaenen nu misu,let me peel the fruit for you,train +52025,52026,52026,o maciwangay ku nicakayan nu safa aku tu hakama,my sister bought the open skirt,train +52026,52027,52027,ku nu malitengay misangaan hatiraay,the elders made it,train +52027,52028,52028,akung mafana ku suna isu misalama tunini,Grandpa does your grandson know how to make this toy,train +52028,52029,52029,Hamanen anu tayni hu kisu i mahemekay tu kaku,no need I am glad you came to my birthday party,train +52029,52030,52030,kuni u tayu haw,it is ginger,test +52030,52031,52031,u na salengad haw i,this mountain of brown heartiness,train +52031,52032,52032,tihelum,rise up in masses,train +52032,52033,52033,e matini ya nipalumaan tiya rupas haw,the peaches that grow,train +52033,52034,52034,hatiraay ku limela nu malitengay tura kilang,Therefore the old man is not willing to throw it away,train +52034,52035,52035,mahaen i,that is it,train +52035,52036,52036,tayra i luma kura tatusaay,two of them come to the house every day,train +52036,52037,52037,sanay ku nu matuasay hu,the ancestors were like this,train +52037,52038,52038,kapi haw haw sa fanaʼinaʼinay i,do not do not do not do not do not do not do not do not,train +52038,52039,52039,kangkufu,nurse,train +52039,52040,52040,Pakacaenut cingra,he is able to remember the first time he is told,test +52040,52041,52041,kamukuan,stop,train +52041,52042,52042,cicura,Corolla bearing,train +52042,52043,52043,Cu ku malikakay ku fufu namu saw,are not your grandmothers sisters,train +52043,52044,52044,sienaw tu mamang kuya rumiad ka cifuduy tu kifetulay anu masadak,it was a bit cold and you needed to wear a jacket when you went outside,train +52044,52045,52045,ta awaay ku maan nu mita tu sakaʼurip tu hekalan sa nu maku,it is the only way we are going to be okay in this world,train +52045,52046,52046,aadupen,animals,train +52046,52047,52047,Safahka sa ku fiyafiyaw a ma^min Mayakyak i pulung nu i lutukay a niyaru nu Yutaya kunini a dmak,the neighbors were all filled with awe and throughout the hill country of Judea people were talking about all these things,train +52047,52048,52048,mawasil,categorize,train +52048,52049,52049,ta cayka fana tu kafanaʼan i,because I did not learn much,train +52049,52050,52050,picadiwan,millstone,test +52050,52051,52051,pikamacalan,strawberry picking place,train +52051,52052,52052,saka mafana ku ina atu mama^ nu wawa patayra han i faki anuca^ i akung nu wawa^ sumad han tu nu faki^ ku ngangan haw i,the parents saw at once that there was something wrong so they sent it to the elders residence and asked him to look at it and when the elder changed his name,train +52052,52053,52053,hatira kiya dateng aku,this is what I was eating,train +52053,52054,52054,adingu,Spirit,train +52054,52055,52055,satu kiya fafahi nira a pa kungku,my wife told my husband and children to listen to her,train +52055,52056,52056,tayni u suwal sa nu kakahulul ri,what I said to my brother when I came to visit,train +52056,52057,52057,mahaen ku nikarikec kalalikid,at that time it was a very serious festival,train +52057,52058,52058,cirit,receipts,train +52058,52059,52059,halisiraway,love cured meats,train +52059,52060,52060,ira ci Anas u sakakaay nu citudungay tu taung ira ci Kayafas ci Yuhani ci Aliksantur atu paru nu luma nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung,Annas the high priest was there and so were Caiaphas John Alexander and the other men of the high priests family,test +52060,52061,52061,macedas,flood,train +52061,52062,52062,tu mikumuay,the guy who shot the slingshot,train +52062,52063,52063,unglay,pineapple,train +52063,52064,52064,miaruriray,swallow,train +52064,52065,52065,a lima a miheca itiya mavana,it will take five years,train +52065,52066,52066,piyalai tu sapaiyu,get the drugs,train +52066,52067,52067,hay aniniayi aniniayi palafac atu kira,Yes now now it is all about relaxation,train +52067,52068,52068,kapahay ku kakawsan nu luma namu,your ancestors were the best,train +52068,52069,52069,enaray,peacefully,train +52069,52070,52070,faki,fathers elder brother,test +52070,52071,52071,saifangat,perspire,train +52071,52072,52072,a kisu,Aah for you,train +52072,52073,52073,tiya haw i sasiwa kami malikaka,we have nine brothers and sisters,train +52073,52074,52074,hamanen tu,what to do,train +52074,52075,52075,mel ku fali anini,the wind is cool today,train +52075,52076,52076,tayni i aayaw a papimelaw,come in front of me Here,train +52076,52077,52077,kiyaan,that,train +52077,52078,52078,nai hakuwa malasawad,when did it disappear,train +52078,52079,52079,karayaʼ cingra cifalu tu matini,it will grow very long and it will bear fruit this season,train +52079,52080,52080,pina hakiya ku nika sasuwal,there are fewer Moments to interact and talk to your family,test +52080,52081,52081,han,thus,train +52081,52082,52082,mamanay kisu saw han naku,I asked him what was wrong,train +52082,52083,52083,anu ira ku,if there is,train +52083,52084,52084,maepiʼay hananay nu Amis,the Amis say it is polio,train +52084,52085,52085,ira itira tuya pala ku ccay a Kanan a fafahiyan tayra i ci Yisan Cli sa a sumuwal Tapangaw O Wawa ni Tafiti kasiniadaen kaku Maaru nu palafuay a mapasemsem ku fafahiyan a wawa aku han ningra,a Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him crying out Lord son of David have mercy on me my daughter is suffering terribly from demon possession,train +52085,52086,52086,Misapalitalita kaku anini,I am searching out the matter investigating now,train +52086,52087,52087,Pasifanaen hu kami tisuwanan,please introduce yourself,train +52087,52088,52088,pasuwal kaku,I will say it,train +52088,52089,52089,cialupalay,Persimmon,train +52089,52090,52090,duhduh,burn,test +52090,52091,52091,ira tu ku Taywanay,there is a Taiwanese guy coming,train +52091,52092,52092,fafahyian,wife,train +52092,52093,52093,hay i maulah cira tu serangawan nu pangcah,Yes he loves Aboriginal culture,train +52093,52094,52094,mahaen ku kungku nu matuasay isaw,here is the old mans story,train +52094,52095,52095,mamifawah,we need to open the door,train +52095,52096,52096,ku wama ku wina nu maku haw uninian a mi tu ku malitengay,the departure of a parent,train +52096,52097,52097,itiyaay a misanga,it was made at that time,train +52097,52098,52098,malacafay kita a pawacay mikantuk tunini a demak,I invite you not to endorse but to oversee,train +52098,52099,52099,o funun niyam ku raan,that is our paddy field,train +52099,52100,52100,pakalafi,supper,test +52100,52101,52101,atu hay hay hay,and the world yes yes yes,train +52101,52102,52102,Alacecacecay kami tu nipecihan a epang,we will each have a piece of bread cut open,train +52102,52103,52103,kakaya ku kuya sikatu niyam hay,our skirts are very long and they are a hundred percent folded,train +52103,52104,52104,tuwis,a cripple,train +52104,52105,52105,Citamatu kita anini,Wo got a catch of meat,train +52105,52106,52106,nanicuwaay nanu ayaw matiya halafinay tu malumanay tu niway hacasa wawa,does this look a little old it is a little old,train +52106,52107,52107,o pilunguc tu Kawas a mipaurad,in order to pray to the gods for rain,train +52107,52108,52108,mitudung kaku,follow the example of,train +52108,52109,52109,man saku fafahiyan a mitefad ku matuʼasay tu kilang,how women handle wood thrown by the elderly,train +52109,52110,52110,cay way tu nilaliway niyam,No we do not have any deserters,test +52110,52111,52111,maharateng aku ku lusa isu yu malaliyas kita Saka sakatayraan kaku i tisuwanan tu sakalipahak aku,Recalling your tears I long to see you so that I may be filled with joy,train +52111,52112,52112,tahanini i yu miasip cangra tu Rikec ni Musi matahpuhu nu tapudu ku falucu nangra,even to this day when Moses is read a veil covers their hearts,train +52112,52113,52113,misimed cira tu raraw nira,he hides his faults,train +52113,52114,52114,ci Kuluriya u misaˈuduan nu falucuˈ aku cingra tahanini,Gloria has always been very dear to my heart,train +52114,52115,52115,kacinguhah,I like it,train +52115,52116,52116,Singsi^ adada^ ku pielukan ni Kacaw mihifang ciira anini^,Teacher Kacaw has a sore throat she took a sick leave today,train +52116,52117,52117,samuheting satu ku vilvil atu nguyus,eat so much that your mouth and lips turn black,train +52117,52118,52118,wata tu pikilim nu niyam tu palumaʼan i caay katama niyam,we have been looking for a place to build a house for a long time but we cannot find a place to build a house,train +52118,52119,52119,mahemek kaku tura pinangan nura malitengay,in my heart of hearts I secretly rejoice in that old mans words,train +52119,52120,52120,karasiniadaay,poor thing,test +52120,52121,52121,malinahay kami tayni i Eʼtulan,the family moved back to Turin,train +52121,52122,52122,Hasamanay ku akawang aku hani,Ha what is my height,train +52122,52123,52123,Nanuya yu midakaw tu tamina ci Yis i mihaklung ku nisawawaan ningra i Cingraan,then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him,train +52123,52124,52124,anu,when,train +52124,52125,52125,hai singsi nialaan tu niyam ku sakimaumah,Yes sir we have got our tools,train +52125,52126,52126,renuk,infringement,train +52126,52127,52127,nu langawan amin kina nipidungdung,all following the grain of the trees,train +52127,52128,52128,tuna mafana kaku tunu tamdawan,ever since I can remember,train +52128,52129,52129,u nimaan tu ku demakmasasuwalhu,what is next we will figure it out,train +52129,52130,52130,miurauray tu kisu,did you brush your teeth,test +52130,52131,52131,ha i sefi tu kami anini,Oh we are all at the club now,train +52131,52132,52132,maedeng,Jomo,train +52132,52133,52133,pisalumaan,build home office,train +52133,52134,52134,mafana kura kaemangay tura,the child will understand,train +52134,52135,52135,mararid kaku a milunguc ci maman a midu^du^ i ciiraan a miadup,every time I quarreled with my father I wanted to go hunting with my father,train +52135,52136,52136,milakisay,adherent,train +52136,52137,52137,ha takupen aku kura fulad,the sun is trying to catch up with the moon,train +52137,52138,52138,a makaefer,can you jump,train +52138,52139,52139,Mapakutu nu wacu ku pusi,a cat is infected by a dog with bed bugs,train +52139,52140,52140,aluman tu ku tamdaw nira niyaru,the tribes current size,test +52140,52141,52141,u miselselay tu radiw enem safaw aca itini i malatumukay a miherek itini i salaluma nu kasaselal,there should also be guidance on what songs to sing for each age group,train +52141,52142,52142,u kapahay kiniya u rayray nu mita u Pangcah,this is a very good Amis tradition,train +52142,52143,52143,caay tu pihaen anini,not anymore,train +52143,52144,52144,atu finawlan nu niyaru,and the tribesmen,train +52144,52145,52145,nga masulinga nga mangata tu nu mita anini a urip,it is the only way that it is going to be completely relevant to our modern lives,train +52145,52146,52146,Maurad tu,it is raining,train +52146,52147,52147,iray ku cecay a wawa ira itiya hu i,there was a kid back then,train +52147,52148,52148,ya katerang a suwal hay iraay hu ku ikung ika faeruhay tu niyaru awa tu,so the traditional and the new tribal language is no longer available,train +52148,52149,52149,aka tu diteken kura piteli,and do not put it too close,train +52149,52150,52150,capakaʼarawen aku ku ina aku,I did not let my mom see it,test +52150,52151,52151,iniyan,Here,train +52151,52152,52152,Kasasuulah kapapadang atu cavay,friends should love and help each other,train +52152,52153,52153,mamidiput tu urip nu niyaru atu sakafana a mangudu i finawlan pasifana atu mihatatanam tu tayal mamisimaw tu niyaru atu midama^ masasipadang,maintenance of family and social ethics of tribal life education and training maintenance of tribal security,train +52153,52154,52154,Osalen ni ina ku nipalumaan nira a funga i pala,mom made her groundnut leaves flourish,train +52154,52155,52155,sankasanka tu matinay,then I joined the activities here,train +52155,52156,52156,i tepar niya hahululan tulu kiya tarakaway a palumaan iraan ya i terungay kiya cacaliwan tu cudad,the one in the middle of the three buildings next to the park is the library,train +52156,52157,52157,tayni tu i Eʼtulan i tu kaku,I am in sixth grade back in Duran,train +52157,52158,52158,hay alingatu hatira pisuawal aku aray,thank you that is the end of my report,train +52158,52159,52159,wakang sa tu itini i suta kuna wawa,the child lay on the ground,train +52159,52160,52160,kining,commemorate,test +52160,52161,52161,Hehehe hayda hatira aca,Hahahaspeaking of which,train +52161,52162,52162,ta fafalu ku wawa niya mama niyam a tiya wina,my dads mom had eight kids,train +52162,52163,52163,han aku kura faʼinayan,I told the man this,train +52163,52164,52164,misatapang tu kaku mihiya micurcur tu na hananay,I began to actively promote the baton,train +52164,52165,52165,o rumasatu tatuy sa cingra tu takid kansiya sa cingra tu Kawas ta pafli i cangraan a sumuwal Kapinanum kamu a ma^min tunini,then he took the cup gave thanks and offered it to them saying Drink from it all of you,train +52165,52166,52166,ya mama han aku,talk to your father,train +52166,52167,52167,sapiringu,fire grill,train +52167,52168,52168,u masakapahay nu Cikasuwan,he is a young man from the Shichibukawa clan,train +52168,52169,52169,matngil haca aku ku ruma a ngiha nai kakarayan suwal sa Kamu u finawlan Aku liyasen kunini a fafahiyan ta caay pikihatiya kamu tu raraw ningra ta caay ka raput kamu a matfuc,then I heard another voice from heaven say Come out of her my people so that you will not share in her sins so that you will not receive any of her plagues,train +52169,52170,52170,misasiraw kisu,when you pickle it,test +52170,52171,52171,a miala tu kawkaw,get the scythes and other paraphernalia,train +52171,52172,52172,Malayaptu namu ku nipaturudan nu cuyuh a Rikec nu Kawas Arawhani caay pidu^du kamu tunini han ningra,you who have received the law that was put into effect through angels but have not obeyed it,train +52172,52173,52173,ta hatiniay ku arawraw,that is how it is round,train +52173,52174,52174,citiyad,Pregnancy,train +52174,52175,52175,oh fay kaemang hu kisu,Oh yeah that is a lot you were a teenager,train +52175,52176,52176,Suli nay haw,Right,train +52176,52177,52177,luya,wastage,train +52177,52178,52178,hawang han nira malasangay a kapah ku taheka,the drunken young man crossed the dinner table,train +52178,52179,52179,hay tiʼetiʼ han tu nu niyam hiwawa i,Yes we try to keep tapping,train +52179,52180,52180,sakalahuk,lunch,test +52180,52181,52181,ciwnisay kaku ciwnisay takaraw tu kisu cai ka takaraw kaku puener kaku malaemang hay,I have been around since I was and I have grown up since I was No I was shorter then,train +52181,52182,52182,pitu ku rumiad tu cacay a lipay,there are seven days in a week,train +52182,52183,52183,mamisamaan ci Yihufa mihinum kitanan,how will the Lord comfort us,train +52183,52184,52184,ya ci singsi sa kami u Ngayngay ku singsi niyam,my teacher at that time was a Hakka,train +52184,52185,52185,maharateng aku tura,reminds me of,train +52185,52186,52186,o turun ku hanaku caay kaulah kaku tu hemay,I like glutinous rice cake not rice,train +52186,52187,52187,lumingay,long beans,train +52187,52188,52188,haup,Everything,train +52188,52189,52189,raan san ku piarawan nangra,that is how they measure it,train +52189,52190,52190,rapaskaay ku falucu nira,he has a lot of inhibitions,test +52190,52191,52191,i ngata^ nu picudadan ku luma nu namu haw,do you live near a school,train +52191,52192,52192,huwanpawsu,EPD,train +52192,52193,52193,mipatireng tu ku masapangcahay a masamaanay a finacadan,the revitalization of indigenous peoples in their native languages,train +52193,52194,52194,icuwaay tu hakiya a malahuk kira matuasay,but I do not know where the old man ate Chinese food,train +52194,52195,52195,hatiniay yaca ku Rikec huw tayhinian hu cangraan,the rituals of this Festival have been passed down to their generation,train +52195,52196,52196,silusiday,wearing traditional dress,train +52196,52197,52197,Hay Mangaay kisu a midama a patafafekang tu na lalusidan han,Hi Hi can you help me get this luggage up there,train +52197,52198,52198,Miliyastu mahaen ku nipuhpuh nu naayaway a sikawasay,Away that is the way witches used to be,train +52198,52199,52199,takuwananay,in me,train +52199,52200,52200,kita u kahaccaccay i u papalipahak tu salikaka tu sakaci^puc atu sakatanektek nu falucu nangra,each of us should please his neighbor for his good to build him up,test +52200,52201,52201,mihaliyutay tina,it is around the world,train +52201,52202,52202,mitiʼer tu kita tu ising,we are all dependent on doctors,train +52202,52203,52203,Nikawrira suwal sa ku ruma a tamdaw O miadahay kunini a tamdaw tu mata nu mapuhaway i caay ku mamafilu ningra hakiya a mipaurip ci Lacarus saan,but some of them said Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying,train +52203,52204,52204,hanaku cira ta pasifanaʼen nira kaku tu piyanu,I agreed and she taught me piano,train +52204,52205,52205,aka piparac tu futi aku,do not interrupt my sleep,train +52205,52206,52206,kaura san u nasalikaka nu tensiw itiya,as for Catholics,train +52206,52207,52207,talacuwa i tini i hkal ku urip niyam nikawrira caay pituur kami tu nu hkalan a harateng a micuay,for though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does,train +52207,52208,52208,fulesak,sow seeds,train +52208,52209,52209,o siparuday tu kira tamdaw,that man has a family,train +52209,52210,52210,o hinac niyam a miadup i nuwalian a lutuk,we hunted in the eastern mountains with no luck,test +52210,52211,52211,nipalu misapeti fafulufulud sa anu nganguetep sa kakutakutay san,ten people in a group take turns transplanting and cutting rice,train +52211,52212,52212,Mifuyul kira alumanay a miadupay tu fafuy nu lutuk,many hunters push the hogs together into a corner,train +52212,52213,52213,nawhani u malingad ku urip,because it is farm life,train +52213,52214,52214,haenen nu misu a pasuwal ciira,you must say that to him,train +52214,52215,52215,mangaay kaku a misulut tu ngiha isu han sapikilukan nanay kaku,would you mind if I do the voice recording I would like to keep a record,train +52215,52216,52216,misiʼuway kita kira,when we cut the bamboo rattan into thin slices,train +52216,52217,52217,naayaw,past,train +52217,52218,52218,anu ala maeluc tu ku vikiya isu,If uh your slippers are worn,train +52218,52219,52219,tu adada nu tangal niira,it means he has a headache,train +52219,52220,52220,pila^disan,fishing Festival,test +52220,52221,52221,aluman tu ku idang ku faʼinayan fafahiyan tada salipahak tu,I have a lot of friends both male and female,train +52221,52222,52222,Pakuduhen ku tarudu a mianip ta caay ka duka,you will not get hurt if you put your fingers in a sleeve to plant seedlings,train +52222,52223,52223,o sakaacis nu pinalumaluma ku kedal,drought is a blight on all crops,train +52223,52224,52224,manhan ku nu katacumuli,what did the snail say,train +52224,52225,52225,edeng kini sa tu i taʼangay sa tu kami,and then slowly we grew up,train +52225,52226,52226,sa kura ina aku hatiraay aca,that is what my mother told me and that is how it is,train +52226,52227,52227,tanamen hu aku san,I will try it again,train +52227,52228,52228,masapelaw ku pitatuy tuni u adipel nu tamina,I accidentally loosened my grip on the wall,train +52228,52229,52229,samisi a suwalen awid saku falucu,I do not know who to talk to or where to start,train +52229,52230,52230,o kusi ku misarinumay,it is the company that makes the pins,test +52230,52231,52231,malalifet kita tu matatengtengay,we will compete in tug of war,train +52231,52232,52232,patiked kaku i riyar,I fish with hook and line in the ocean,train +52232,52233,52233,adihay ku heci nu panay,the rice is heavy with grain,train +52233,52234,52234,misacaciyaw,talk,train +52234,52235,52235,u sinavel nu matuasay i matiya henay,early elders used to eat,train +52235,52236,52236,ta caay hanay,Ah it is not over yet,train +52236,52237,52237,u tecu ni Wangcengte ku ini,here are Wang Zhengdes bamboo shoots,train +52237,52238,52238,aka kakumaen tu kakaenen,do not eat,train +52238,52239,52239,kisu tu ku malutihi aku a mihiya minanam tu tilid nu mis,you are my companion when I study Amis,train +52239,52240,52240,yu cumikayay hu kaku i matuluay maremesay ku tusur aku,when I was running I fell down and my knees were bleeding,test +52240,52241,52241,Kasasihamham kamu aka ka ngaliwngiw,offer hospitality to one another without grumbling,train +52241,52242,52242,samatukaay,laziest,train +52242,52243,52243,caay pifalah ku Kawas tu niliayawan ningra a mipili a finawlan Mafana kamu tuya matiliday i Fangcalay Cudad tu pakayniay i ci Iliyaan o lunguc ni Iliya i Kawas a mipakukut tu dmak nu Israil i,God did not reject his people whom he foreknew do not you know what the Scripture says in the passage about Elijah how he appealed to God against Israel,train +52243,52244,52244,muku ku falucu nira,his heart is short i he is easily provoked,train +52244,52245,52245,hay malecad tu mitekaʼay tu mipanay,it is as if the sacrifice has confirmed the Harvest,train +52245,52246,52246,keliden,leader,train +52246,52247,52247,mafukilay ku ina aku misangaʼnu wina aku misanga u angkukuy ku mirau angkukuy hay,my mother did not know how to make these but she did know how to make turtles,train +52247,52248,52248,Orasaka kararid kamu a mipatala Nawhani caayay ka harateng namu a tatukian i itiya a fahal sa a tayni kuya wawa nu tamdaw,so you also must be ready because the son of man will come at an hour when you do not expect him,train +52248,52249,52249,macuaf,choke,train +52249,52250,52250,Pacueneken ku hawan i cufel,please sheathe your large knife,test +52250,52251,52251,tu kumu,Slingshot,train +52251,52252,52252,awaay matengil nu maku ku miadetengay a tayal i Taywan,I have never heard of a sap extraction job in Taiwan,train +52252,52253,52253,samatira naʼay han aku kaen sa kaku tu cilah u cilah kuya maku a dateng,I do not want it I will have saltines with rice,train +52253,52254,52254,mansanay kuna suwal sanay ku matuʼasay,the old man was flabbergasted he wanted to know what paragraphs and paragraphs meant,train +52254,52255,52255,haenen kami tiya matatudung sanay,this is the right kind of legislation,train +52255,52256,52256,pasuwal sa ci Yis i nisawawaan Ningra O airaira aca ku misawiay a pakaciraraw tu tamdaw a dmak nikawrira u cacilafu kuya paci^ci sanay a misawi a tamdaw,Jesus said to his disciples Things that because people to sin are bound to come but Woe to that person through whom they come,train +52256,52257,52257,i cuwaay ku yufing i tini hani,is there a post office nearby,train +52257,52258,52258,sanay ku suwal nu mira ni ama aku,dad taught us that,train +52258,52259,52259,ira kiya,we have,train +52259,52260,52260,i nipilisu niyam a masasuwal adihay ku nipasevana ni vaki tu kakawaw tunu sakay pivutingan piadupan a rayrayan,during our interview the old man talked about a lot of traditional knowledge about hunting,test +52260,52261,52261,micudad kaku tu itiya haw,when I was a junior high school student,train +52261,52262,52262,fainayan a wawa,boy,train +52262,52263,52263,u niyaru awa ku tataʼian,the tribe has no toilets,train +52263,52264,52264,u muhetingay ku kulit nira,it is black in color,train +52264,52265,52265,Lima^ tu ku mihecaan niira anini^,he is five years old,train +52265,52266,52266,malacafayay tu Payrang,it is with Han,train +52266,52267,52267,o maan ku nipalihafan nu tilifi,what is the news in the TV broadcasting newspaper,train +52267,52268,52268,rangatan,around,train +52268,52269,52269,suusuur,there is puddles and puddles of water on the road,train +52269,52270,52270,Malaatang tu ku kasuy,the wood turns to ashes,test +52270,52271,52271,u palumaan aku yaca kura ila kaikur nura taluʼan aku,I planted turmeric behind the hut,train +52271,52272,52272,malalahud,become a vapor,train +52272,52273,52273,anu maraud ku rumiad i u mamalahci kunini a suwal aku Nikawrira tuna caay pasulin kisu tu suwal aku saka u mamaapa kisu a caaytu ka caciyaw tangasa i kalahcian nunini a suwal aku han ningra,and now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens because you did not believe my words which will come true at their proper time,train +52273,52274,52274,ini Taypak i mimaanay hani,what are you doing in Taipei,train +52274,52275,52275,tu rumiʼamiʼad rariden tu a milinsiw haw,that is after practicing every day,train +52275,52276,52276,nika saan,dreams come true,train +52276,52277,52277,piadadungacan,a place to catch beetles,train +52277,52278,52278,pasifana,tell,train +52278,52279,52279,o sulinay a tatieren ku Kawas cingra ku mitahidangay i tamuwanan a papikaput tu wawa ningra ci Yis Kristuan u Tapang ita,God who has called you into fellowship with his son Jesus Christ our Lord is faithful,train +52279,52280,52280,sa tayni kakunan,I am here to talk to you,test +52280,52281,52281,fekac han yu fekacen nu kapah,young people are using running newsletters,train +52281,52282,52282, o nisawawaan ni Yis wa ciheci tu maanan a heci hani,What fruit does a disciple of Jesus need to produce,train +52282,52283,52283,cayka ci falucu kami a tatusa u pikikung sanay,Actually we are not ready to get married,train +52283,52284,52284,malcad cangra a ma^min a kumaen tu nai Kawasay a kakaenen,they all ate the same spiritual food,train +52284,52285,52285,a ci karemadiw haw kita anusani,we are going to sing together later,train +52285,52286,52286,itini pakalumaˈay a piduku i ngaˈayay kisu milengu tu malifukay nu niyah a epuc mikitini kafalic nu saˈupu atu pitusil wa mahapinang isu mihaen tu demak ngaˈayay pakalaluk tu niyah ngaˈayhu pakalaluk tu paru nu lumaˈ,during family worship talk to your family about the benefits you have gained from changes in the meeting or in the ministry and you may find that this encourages both you and your family,train +52286,52287,52287,Misatakalaw ku tamdaw tu finacadan nu niyah wa mifekad ku pasangaray,problems also arise when people are proud of their race,train +52287,52288,52288,o sapiadup a lalusidan i caay papitefing i tamiyanan u fafahiyan,our hunting weapons are untouchable to women,train +52288,52289,52289,Anangen aku ku tusa^ pulu a paysu^,I will just save twenty dollars,train +52289,52290,52290,ama,grand mom,test +52290,52291,52291,tu matuʼasay anu ira henay,legends told by the elderly while they were still alive,train +52291,52292,52292,onini miakuˈiday a Misawacayay Tamdaw lipahak a mala cafay tu salikaka mitaykay cuwa ku manan kura nuka caka depuc nu demak sanay,for these grateful Jehovahs Witnesses the joy of being together with their brothers and sisters must have made all the sacrifices worthwhile,train +52292,52293,52293,u wawa ci wawaay kura ci wawaay anini kuna kakahung,you got balls that one has eggs the flying fish right now have eggs,train +52293,52294,52294,awaay tu,Extinct,train +52294,52295,52295,ci Kulas ku ngangan niira,his name is Kolas,train +52295,52296,52296,saka yu talaalu kiya ccay a matuasay,an old man went to the river,train +52296,52297,52297,a tini sa kaku,hard to part with,train +52297,52298,52298,hanaw,So,train +52298,52299,52299,fangcal ku nirenafan nira,his drawings are beautiful,train +52299,52300,52300,Pulung,total,test +52300,52301,52301,mucila kiya kiya kiya kiya sanay kiyamey,the wooden clogs that is what they are,train +52301,52302,52302,mapuraricay,pulpy,train +52302,52303,52303,pahiyaen tu hatinitiniay a amakung u hiya u marad,it is a big round iron on the bottom,train +52303,52304,52304,Kinasuut cingra a kinapatay,he killed himself by hanging,train +52304,52305,52305,maʼedeng haw i marurayen tu kaku nukay satu kaku,after that I felt tired so I went home,train +52305,52306,52306,ku yaan kisu a tamdaw sa,you are not from around here,train +52306,52307,52307,onini a suwal aku i caay ku palimuutay tamuwanan mangalay kaku a pahapinang tu sulinay a ulah namu a mipadang Saka patinakuen aku kamu tu nu tau a laluk,I am not commanding you but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others,train +52307,52308,52308,Ramet han ku kamay nu maku a macukacuk i lutuk,we held my hand tightly as we climbed the mountain,train +52308,52309,52309,awa hu ku panay away matiniay panay hafay,at that time there was no rice only millet,train +52309,52310,52310,tihtihen kura pusak i fuduy nu misu,please shake the rice off your clothes,test +52310,52311,52311,sakihatiya sa kaku a misiki misakananec,curious to participate in learning,train +52311,52312,52312,kita,we are,train +52312,52313,52313,mapiliay,I do not like it,train +52313,52314,52314,liwkang liwkang u kura,a hostel is not a hotel it is a dormitory,train +52314,52315,52315,kalapisiwfay han nu Taiwan anini,Nowadays it is a business for Han Chinese,train +52315,52316,52316,hilam haenen aca^ muraraw ku nu maku onini ku sakacaay pakalepel nu maku,no wonder I am mistaken and that is why I cannot catch any of them,train +52316,52317,52317,tuya tayra tura mikaumahan nira tura pala turanan i,Later when I went to the reclamation site,train +52317,52318,52318,tahacuwa ku kasasingrad atu pina ku mihecaan tu laday ku pilicekahan anucaeca kalecad ku kasaniyaru nika u tudung tatayalen atu sakaciepuc nu kasaselal malalecad tu,initial enrollment how many tiers exist and what the age gap is varies from tribe to tribe but the tasks and functions of the age tiers are the same,train +52318,52319,52319,Oy mifadic tu luma naira saan panganganen ningra kuya luma,I have got a message for you Today a certain family is going to have their house repaired,train +52319,52320,52320,sahetu mifutingay ku tayal nu tiniay i Kalingku itiya,many choices from Hualien work,test +52320,52321,52321,masadak ku finawlan nuya niyaru a minengneng tunini a dmak yu tahira cangra i ci Yisan i maaraw nangra ku nika cirikutu nuya namiliyasan nu palafuay a masatamdaw a maru i kaayaw nu waay ni Yis Saka talaw satu cangra,and the people went out to see what had happened when they came to Jesus they found the man from whom the demons had gone out sitting at Jesus feet dressed and in his right mind and they were afraid,train +52321,52322,52322,ta itira ku heni a milihay iri,they are doing worship there,train +52322,52323,52323,o rarinaen ku radiw ita,our songs should be printed,train +52323,52324,52324,samisimisi sanay malaheci,that is there are imperfections in the Federation,train +52324,52325,52325,tayra tura i pitelian tura salahuk,the round place for the lunch box,train +52325,52326,52326,yu maherek a paini tu sulinay a rayray nu demak i ta han nu matuasay a matatakid matalifaytu a demak i talif hatu,when this truth telling concludes the elder calls for everyone to drink together so that what is past is truly past,train +52326,52327,52327,nawhani maharateng niyam i kaayaw nu wama a Kawas ita ku pipatalahkal namu i dmak tu pitier namu i Kawas atu nika ruray namu a matayal tu nanu ulah namu atu nika tanektek nu kacifalucuan namu tu Tapang ci Yis Kristuan,we continually remember before our God and father your work produced by faith your labor prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ,train +52327,52328,52328,cipucuʼay Iwatan,a Bunyan with a tumor on his neck,train +52328,52329,52329,Ngaay luingen haw,would you mind if I do the video recording,train +52329,52330,52330,karakakicuh,lots of fruit,test +52330,52331,52331,Natalacuwacuwa tu kami kiyami,because we are traveling around,train +52331,52332,52332,vangecal,Beautiful,train +52332,52333,52333,Itiya pasuwal ci Musi tu Israil tamdaw Pakayni han niyam tunini a ˈungcuy ku pipasadak tu nanum a pananum i tamuwanan,at that time Moses said to the Israelites Must we bring you water from this rock,train +52333,52334,52334,misulimet,tidy up,train +52334,52335,52335,away i tini ku pitalaan tu cieying deng u haya kupi Kalican isu a tayra,there is no MRT station here you can only take a taxi,train +52335,52336,52336,anu mangaʼay hu kaku,I will wait until I am healthy again,train +52336,52337,52337,o maan ku sapatala ni fufu i tamuwanan,what does Grandpa have in store for you,train +52337,52338,52338,pacpac,whipping,train +52338,52339,52339,hatiraan nu malitengay kiyasaw,that is how it used to be with the elders,train +52339,52340,52340,maulah ci ama tanu ulah sa cingra,he is very happy,test +52340,52341,52341,nay,indistinct,train +52341,52342,52342,pakira i Amis i han nu Kuwaping,the tributary from the north is called north Creek,train +52342,52343,52343,fang kita,let us go on a trip,train +52343,52344,52344,Pafesuc han ku rakat ciwi aka ka saan,walk straight and do not go astray,train +52344,52345,52345,cafeng,partition,train +52345,52346,52346,milaheci,fulfillment,train +52346,52347,52347,mahaen ci Sara Mihaklung cingra ci Aprahaman O tapang aku han ningra cingra a mitahidang anu ngaayay ku dmak namu anu caay ka talaw kamu tu maamaan a dmak i u wawa ni Sara kamu,like Sarah who obeyed Abraham and called him her master you are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear,train +52347,52348,52348,pakalunuk han nu mama a pakatayal lunuk sa kaku hilam a mafana kaku a matayal,I took the initiative and did my work in an orderly fashion and it was easy to do,train +52348,52349,52349,ira ku paini numaku kuhatiniay a licay,I can be a subcontractor during this interview,train +52349,52350,52350,Sakuicaw sa ku misu a dademak,you are very bad at doing things,test +52350,52351,52351,masamaan ku rumiad tuya pipahanhanan,how is the weather on the weekend,train +52351,52352,52352,halafin tu caka sasuaraw kita akawangay tu kisu,I have not seen you in a while have you grown taller,train +52352,52353,52353,litaul,egg,train +52353,52354,52354,pasiked tu rarapa iri luma mahaen,when I got home I tethered the cows and rested,train +52354,52355,52355,kapahay ku nikaurip nu misu,you have the best life,train +52355,52356,52356,ira i laed nuya padawdawan ku matiyaay u wawa nu tamdaw Ciriku cingra tu tangasaay i saripa ku kakaya a kafafang Cifaked tu tada^kim ku faluhang ningra,I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me and when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands,train +52356,52357,52357,anca ngaˈayay saka dademaken kuniya kacingangan a tuki patenak tu ngaˈayay lihaf sanay han,or think visibility can be used to promote good news,train +52357,52358,52358,i cuwa kamu a milalupela,where did you pick up the fungus,train +52358,52359,52359,Kaurira u mamaadah tu ku duka aku anucila,but in a few days my wound will be healed,train +52359,52360,52360,suwal sa ci Yis Halu amu a tahanini a milcad tu tau a mafukilhu saw,Are you still so dull Jesus asked them,test +52360,52361,52361,mararum ku falucu maanenhakini,what can you do if you are sad,train +52361,52362,52362,nu awul a nisangaan tutepi,that is why they use bamboo to make models,train +52362,52363,52363,cima kiya fafahiyan,who is that woman,train +52363,52364,52364,misahemay,cooking,train +52364,52365,52365,nikaurira maulah cangra a mihamham tu tayraay a lafang pakalafi atu papilafin i luma nangra,they value friendship and welcome you in every home,train +52365,52366,52366,Awaay caay pacakay kami tu icep,No we do not sell betel nut,train +52366,52367,52367,mansa mafana kaku hatira kuna u painian aku i tamuwaen,so I knew I would share it with you,train +52367,52368,52368,Lupisak san ku pusak i pising nura wawa,the grains of rice were scattered all over the child face,train +52368,52369,52369,cika hacuwa kakumaen ci kawarak,eating a small amount will not poison you,train +52369,52370,52370,u mahiniay u lalidec atekak,it is very hard as in the case of the Kau Ligusticum tree,test +52370,52371,52371,tahira itini maaraw tu nira itini i fafaed nu ungcuy ku kuya takula atura wacu nira,at this point he saw the frog and his dog on the rock,train +52371,52372,52372,Hai u kaulahan aku ku kaciherangan,Yes summer is my favorite,train +52372,52373,52373,sahtu u sulinay kuni suwalan aku mahaen ku kituh nu tatuasan,all that I say is true the sayings of my ancestors,train +52373,52374,52374,Pakucima kamu i takuwanan,who do you think I am,train +52374,52375,52375,mahemek tuna demak,those interested in the matter,train +52375,52376,52376,parengreng,adult running ceremony,train +52376,52377,52377,kahengangay,red,train +52377,52378,52378,mangata ku aru nu maku rakat han a tayni,I live close by I walked over,train +52378,52379,52379,mimawmahay mipalumaay,what are you doing or planting,train +52379,52380,52380,falucu,heart,test +52380,52381,52381,Orasaka Hakenu han nangra ci Yis a pacauf ta pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Anu hatira i caay pasuwal kaku i tamuwanan tu nika u maan ku sakacitudung aku a midmak tunini,so they answered Jesus We do not know then he said Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things,train +52381,52382,52382,Nasemuwal tu kira tumuk,the guy said that,train +52382,52383,52383,hay u mafana tu kisu sanay,you will know how to cover the house,train +52383,52384,52384,nu maku i cefang niyam i maedeng a miseking,about the joint entrance examination for senior secondary schools,train +52384,52385,52385,Sulinay sakapatayan cingra tu nika adada ningra Nikawrira siniada ku Kawas cingraan caay ka cingra a ccay Halu aku a siniadaen nu Kawas Saka caay ka tungal ku rarum aku,indeed he was ill and almost died but God had mercy on him and not on him only but also on me to spare me sorrow upon sorrow,train +52385,52386,52386,Pacauf sa ci Yuhani O nanum ku sapainu aku Nikawrira ira i tamuwanan ku ccay a kafukilan namu a tamdaw,I baptize with water John replied but among you stands one you do not know,train +52386,52387,52387,dengay,able,train +52387,52388,52388,a milisin haw,year of Abundance Festival,train +52388,52389,52389,Miekur kaku anu mafuti,I snore in my sleep,train +52389,52390,52390,a kapahtu ku sauripen nu mita,our lives will be good if we are right,test +52390,52391,52391,Pararitingen ku tufutufur a mikayat a pataluma,link up all the calves and lead them home,train +52391,52392,52392,matayalay kaku i pitilidan,I am working at school,train +52392,52393,52393,kacekcek,crammed full,train +52393,52394,52394,anu duduen nu mita ku siyakay hananay haw i,if we want to keep up with this society,train +52394,52395,52395,tu saka i luma papukuhan nu mihecaan miilisin cangra,in the middle of the year they have a Festival at home,train +52395,52396,52396,Pacauf sa ci Yis i cangraan Ka u kincuay a adawang ku saicelen namu a micumud suwalen aku kamu aluman ku sapicumudananay a tamdaw nikawrira caay pakacumud,Make every effort to enter through the narrow door because many I tell you will try to enter and will not be able to,train +52396,52397,52397,pantaay,simple,train +52397,52398,52398,matungal a matungal ku lipahak atu pipaicel nu Fangcalay Adingu tu i Antiyukay a nisawawaan,and the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit,train +52398,52399,52399,Ngayaw,ancient wars,train +52399,52400,52400,saan ku mama nu maku sai u faʼinayan papitiliden nira ku faʼinayan,that is why dad only wants boys to study,test +52400,52401,52401,o sakatuduh nu luma isu kira misalamaay tu ringu a wawa,the child playing with the fireplace will make your house burn down,train +52401,52402,52402,Saka hlung hantu ningra ku kafafang a mifalah a mitakud a tayra i ci Yisan,throwing his cloak aside he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus,train +52402,52403,52403,ila hu ku hatiniay ta,there is more of this,train +52403,52404,52404,maedeng tu tu kaku itira haw i,I was there for almost a year and a half,train +52404,52405,52405,felien kami tu riku,give me some clothes,train +52405,52406,52406,mipapaliw ku funi ukakaenen,for food women also organize themselves to help each other,train +52406,52407,52407,u nu vinacadan a lusid kini sapikihatiya tu lisin a malalikid,this is our traditional dress for the festival,train +52407,52408,52408,Cirucan,Pied Pagoda tribe name,train +52408,52409,52409,nanu 15 ku mihecaan ˈalumanaytu ku midiˈiyan a faˈinayan tuha sakacaaw ka tuˈul,she had been having sex with different people since she was years old in an attempt to combat her loneliness,train +52409,52410,52410,aka pakaenen tu maamaan,you cannot feed me anything else,test +52410,52411,52411,cay kamatiya nu aniniay awasa hu patay sahu ku tihi patedu sa misalama kunu anini,the times have changed and they do not believe in taboos and they are all over the place when the other half has just left the world,train +52411,52412,52412,i katimulay a mapateli,put it on the south side,train +52412,52413,52413,tudungay u daten nu niyam a maʼurip,enough for us to live on,train +52413,52414,52414,anca hatini han micikcik,or cut it like this piece by piece,train +52414,52415,52415,ta inwey,because,train +52415,52416,52416,pasuwal haca cingra i takuwanan Malahcitu ku dmak o Alfa Kaku o Omika Kaku o satapangan Kaku o pahrekan Kaku o masuaway a tamdaw tadu han a minanum tu sakaciurip a nanum nu nemnem,he said to me It is done I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the End to him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life,train +52416,52417,52417,fakciw,measurement,train +52417,52418,52418,tayraay ku malitengay a miletek,the old man also went to cut bamboo,train +52418,52419,52419,anu adada madengay a tayra i paisingan a paising,if you are sick you can go to the hospital,train +52419,52420,52420,tu a miraradiway,he is a good singer,test +52420,52421,52421,saka kafana kita u rarem ami nanam tu na fangcalay serangawan nu mita u Pangcah,that is why we as the next generation need to learn about the beautiful culture of the Amis,train +52421,52422,52422,o caciferang ku rumiad i aniniay a laluud haw,will it be very hot in summer this year,train +52422,52423,52423,u pipatalaw tu tamdaw,it is also used to scare people,train +52423,52424,52424,salaw ira ku kaulahan ita anini,so now we can do whatever we want,train +52424,52425,52425,nu palalanay nu malakacaway hanay,they go out with them in the mountains and in the water during the day,train +52425,52426,52426,pasifana tu tayal nu kapah,teach a child to work,train +52426,52427,52427,Anini^ matuas tu kaku kuyud satu kaku tu iduc atu pana mihakelung ci mamaan a miadup,now that I have grown up I carry my bow and arrows and go hunting with my father,train +52427,52428,52428,ya akung naira,his grandfather,train +52428,52429,52429,hananay kura ngangan nira,that is what it is called,train +52429,52430,52430,malecaday iniʼan i maʼedeng a masasiraw kuni,like this one this is the perfect ingredient for savory meat,test +52430,52431,52431,enar,peacefully,train +52431,52432,52432,i Taypakay a matayal cingra mailulay kaku tu miraanan,he is working in Taipei I miss him,train +52432,52433,52433,mana sikakereng ku kakarayan,why is there thunder in the sky,train +52433,52434,52434,namu pinatu,that is a lot,train +52434,52435,52435,hatiniay a demak saw,this kind of thing,train +52435,52436,52436,maicangay tu,it is dry,train +52436,52437,52437,caay katataang ku cacudadan nu niyam caay kaaluman ku micudaday u masasuvana tu amin kami,our school is not big there are not many students everyone knows each other,train +52437,52438,52438,suwal sa adihay ku salikaka nu ina nu maku tu faki tu fai,as far as I know I have a lot of relatives there,train +52438,52439,52439,mirekalay kura kapah,the young will cry out,train +52439,52440,52440,mangcel,grammar particle indicating nonsense,test +52440,52441,52441,miʼanip tu sa kiya wama aku,Fathers planting seedlings,train +52441,52442,52442,u niyaru nu Cikasuwan,the tribe of Shichibukawa,train +52442,52443,52443,mite^kaay,commencement,train +52443,52444,52444,maakik,the wound is scarred,train +52444,52445,52445,pakayra itini tunian a pinangan nu maku tuniniʼan a,about my learning experience,train +52445,52446,52446,u matuasay kisu cisaan u siningkay kisu cisaan u wawa kisu cisaaan,no distinction is made between the elderly the young and the children,train +52446,52447,52447,taw tara tu nu niyan mihiya milaʼis tu a mikuwang tu niyan u Cikasuʼan,when they were about to take over the seven foot river tribe with guns and cannons,train +52447,52448,52448,lilisay nu liyal,sea neighborhood,train +52448,52449,52449,awaay ku lalan u rakat tangasa i Huling,there is no road we have to walk to Fung Lam,train +52449,52450,52450,Makapangekiw nu tatukiyan,it takes about half an hour,test +52450,52451,52451,caay tu ka fana kiya,that one I do not know,train +52451,52452,52452,sataluan hananay nu niyam ku luma niyam cima ku mikeliday tamuwanan,our house is made of straw,train +52452,52453,52453,lukuzyu,years,train +52453,52454,52454,aka tu kararum kamu,do not be sad,train +52454,52455,52455,awaitu,No it is not,train +52455,52456,52456,Tumireng i taliyuk nuya tadamaanay a anengang atuya ciwlu atuya saspatay a mauripay ku cuyuh a ma^min ta hinukup sa cangra i kaayaw nuya tadamaanay a kamaruan a mitaung tu Kawas,all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures they fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God,train +52456,52457,52457,o tanusuk a tatayalen nu kasaselal haw i midiput tu sakangaay nu niyaru mamireku tu rakat nu lisin mamidemak tu kacaluhan a demak,their tasks are to protect the safety of the tribe perform rituals and deal with emergencies,train +52457,52458,52458,Orasaka yu matngiltu aku ku pakayniay i pitier namu tu Tapang ci Yisan atu nika ulah namu tu mituuray a ma^min,for this reason ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints,train +52458,52459,52459,o rumaruma a tamdaw i masamsam masti mapalit tu lunayi marufu i pirufuan,some faced jeers and flogging while still others were chained and put in prison,train +52459,52460,52460,iricen,strain,test +52460,52461,52461,araw han,did not expect,train +52461,52462,52462,sakatuduh,set something Burned,train +52462,52463,52463,tangsul hanay tu,right away,train +52463,52464,52464,tini sa tu matuʼas,I have been growing up here,train +52464,52465,52465,Hay pakacitingsya^ kaku a talapicudadan,Yes I go to school by bicycle,train +52465,52466,52466,micaradaw tu kura miniwaniway a cavayma,and the guys who mowed the lawn would sing along,train +52466,52467,52467,Mangaay kaku minanaw tu kamay han,may I go wash my hands,train +52467,52468,52468,Pacauf sa ci Yis Atkak ku falucu namu saka mihayda ci Musi tu nipisawad namu tu fafahi namu Nikawrira caay ka hatira ku dmak nanisatapangan,Jesus replied Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard but it was not this way from the beginning,train +52468,52469,52469,masafa nira kaku,he has excelled over me,train +52469,52470,52470,pakawas,play God and play Tricks on people,test +52470,52471,52471,latekay mitadtadan aku ku ruma demak i cingranan pairaen ku rumiˈad a misaharaterateng ikur padutuc kami a malalengu,sometimes I would explain something to my son and then give him a few days to think about it before continuing our discussion,train +52471,52472,52472,anu enem a talid haw i ha ha ha ha,if you do not feel anything after six bottles ha ha ha ha,train +52472,52473,52473,cafay,companions,train +52473,52474,52474,naicuwayay kaku naicuwaay kami,where the hell did I come from where did we come from,train +52474,52475,52475,awa ku kihar nu wawa han,do not kids have problems,train +52475,52476,52476,manan kuni,what is this,train +52476,52477,52477,sakayi tini ci Fangcalan,about so beautiful,train +52477,52478,52478,kisu a ina ku miasicay i takuwanan awaay ku sanay a wawa tu ina nira,no child will ever say that my mom made me an infertile woman,train +52478,52479,52479,tu kapah mita,our young people,train +52479,52480,52480,sakakaay a ira ku kakaenen saan ku falucu nunu mitiliday i tiya hu,I was still in school so I thought the main thing was to have bread,test +52480,52481,52481,paadifay,setting up a fence wall,train +52481,52482,52482,ira ku tulu a miheca ira ku cecay a selal,there are years in each year class,train +52482,52483,52483,Masaadiyuc ku fali i lakelal i kalahukan,a swirling wind forms at noon along the river,train +52483,52484,52484,ya kinahetec isu haw,you squeezed it,train +52484,52485,52485,Sakahirahira saan ku sapilalat nu milalatay,surveyors have a variety of measurement tools,train +52485,52486,52486,nawhani Patayen cingra saan ku alumanay a finawlan a micli a mikutud i aikur nangra,the crowd that followed kept shouting Away with him,train +52486,52487,52487,Tanukaciw saan kina fanaw nu Rinahem,the ponds in Lina Everest are geese,train +52487,52488,52488,nakumiminang aku haw,childhood,train +52488,52489,52489,haen san tangsa i matini afay u,and they are still together to this day Wow,train +52489,52490,52490,mipafalas kakukami tu lalan nu kindulu,I helped my father lay gravel on the road,test +52490,52491,52491,caay ka ngaay a citudung kaku a matiya u rumaruma a tarukus atu salikaka nu Tapang aci Pitiru a malahaklung atu fafahi a mirakat tu niyaru hakiya,do not we have the right to take a believing wife along with us as do the other apostles and the Lords brothers and Cephas,train +52491,52492,52492,malahuk satu ku kalahukan i,have lunch,train +52492,52493,52493,matiniay ku tayal nu maku misay tu paliding han aku,I told you I was working on the body of a car,train +52493,52494,52494,Saˈusi nu maku maulah Tisuwan,I have made up my mind that my life is yours,train +52494,52495,52495,u sukatu kuni,this is Sakyamuni,train +52495,52496,52496,cafuul,urinary urgency,train +52496,52497,52497,o pilkal ni Isaya a pasuwal tu pakayniay i Israil i Anu hatiratira u tafuk nu riyar ku nika aluman nu tluc nu Israil i caaytu ka hakuwa ku mamaurip,as he says in Hosea I will call them my people who are not my people and I will call her my loved one who is not my loved one,train +52497,52498,52498,mafaking,fined,train +52498,52499,52499,anu matira tatata pasifanaen aku kisu i matini,Otherwise let us go I am teaching you now,train +52499,52500,52500,i tukayen a patireng tu kusi,the company is in the city,test +52500,52501,52501,Tawyan hay,Taoyuan,train +52501,52502,52502,ta anu papituutuur ku Palafuay cangraan tu nafalucuan nira a mitilu i u tatalipalal cangra a miliyas tu tilu nu Palafuay,and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil who has taken them captive to do his will,train +52502,52503,52503,mitipus,harvesting in Lai Mee,train +52503,52504,52504,akaa kisu kasidait,please do not worry,train +52504,52505,52505,tilid,book,train +52505,52506,52506,nilungucan,requested,train +52506,52507,52507,yu masadak ku cidal tu dafak i ira ci Yis a tumireng i lawac nu fanaw Nikawrira caay ka fana ku nisawawaan tu nika ci Yis kurira,early in the morning Jesus stood on the shore but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus,train +52507,52508,52508,ira ku futing u hara u afar u kafus u kalang atu masamaamaanay aalaen,there are fish brook trout shrimp brook shrimp crabs and all kinds of stream life,train +52508,52509,52509,akaa katayni ku valiyus nasa kaku a managlay hen kaku a mihulul kiyami,I hope the typhoon does not come I still want to go out to play again,train +52509,52510,52510,Micupcup ku udal tu salang nu falu,bees suck the nectar from flowers,test +52510,52511,52511,u maan kuranan u taneng nuna fana nuya,what this means is that the wisdom accumulated through experience in the workplace,train +52511,52512,52512,nawhani u niktunan nu Kawas a suwal i Anu maraudtu ku rumiad i u mamiliyaw Kaku a tayni Itiya i u mamahufuc ci Sara tu ccay a fainayan a wawa saan,in other words it is not the natural children who are Gods children but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abrahams offspring,train +52512,52513,52513,lahuk,midday,train +52513,52514,52514,mananam mananam tu ri mahanen nu hiya,every time I do this I get used to it I get used to it,train +52514,52515,52515,Misacekecekem ku macucukay nu ceka i saripa nu maku,I was pricked by thorns and my paws stung in bursts,train +52515,52516,52516,o fainayan a safa aku cira,he is my younger brother,train +52516,52517,52517,mahaenay iri,I was in the fourth grade,train +52517,52518,52518,mitaemuday,to swallow,train +52518,52519,52519,sapiala tu kadafu,for a daughter in law,train +52519,52520,52520,mingata,approach,test +52520,52521,52521,niyaru,bole,train +52521,52522,52522,misafidac,mussels,train +52522,52523,52523,anu hacuwa cingra a tayni,when is he coming,train +52523,52524,52524,ci tamih kuni pakalima nu mama atu ina takuwanan,my father and mother named me Tamih,train +52524,52525,52525,lihaf,messages,train +52525,52526,52526,misaaangay,wizard,train +52526,52527,52527,u sarikuray tu nu kailising a rumiʼad kiraan,it is the last day of the Toyonen Matsuri,train +52527,52528,52528,fangsisay ku hanang hatiniay a hulangkay,the flavor of this dish is fragrant and aromatic,train +52528,52529,52529,kiri,credits,train +52529,52530,52530,minanamay,learning,test +52530,52531,52531,Mikerem ku cidal,the sun is setting,train +52531,52532,52532,matuul,feeling alone,train +52532,52533,52533,fulud,to come together,train +52533,52534,52534,Cengawen,keep your eyes open,train +52534,52535,52535,vanuh,fur,train +52535,52536,52536,i ucaka tahira ku fana i,those who do not specialize in their craft,train +52536,52537,52537,haen sa kita i Su Aw i,we stayed in so O for a while,train +52537,52538,52538,Tamaku cuwa kacerisen,you do not have to light your cigarettes,train +52538,52539,52539,miala a mipitpit,that is how it is harvested,train +52539,52540,52540,a yaraay a tamdaw sa mahaenay sa,meeting of the ancestral Spirit,test +52540,52541,52541,simsim sa kaku,I am thinking back,train +52541,52542,52542,o piadideman nu misakaykuay kinan a etal nu lutuk,this area on the hill is where the silkworm breeders gather the mulberry trees,train +52542,52543,52543,maduengay,deaf,train +52543,52544,52544,nahikuan,measured,train +52544,52545,52545,nu tau,that is what people say,train +52545,52546,52546,o nu kaemangay anini nu miraay samaanay kaemangay harateng,the young people nowadays have their own ideas and they do not know what they think,train +52546,52547,52547,sanga tu luma,learning to build house fortifications,train +52547,52548,52548,u laluwadan nu finawlan,it is the origin of the tribe,train +52548,52549,52549,anu kidaten,if we start from the beginning,train +52549,52550,52550,wair,noose trap,test +52550,52551,52551,peduc,slip off,train +52551,52552,52552,itiya kaku haw mafanaʼay tu kaku,that is when I got it,train +52552,52553,52553,tayran kami tangasa kami i ngiwkiniya,we went to Nursinia,train +52553,52554,52554,mangalayay a minanam,willingness to learn,train +52554,52555,52555,ci kuwanay tu cecay a tadaʼalumanay kasarekad haw i,a regiment like right now,train +52555,52556,52556,ciremesay,she would blood,train +52556,52557,52557,pausawen ku ruray,it is a lot of hard work,train +52557,52558,52558,icuwatu miala tu eli hiʼwawa,there is not that much new thatch available,train +52558,52559,52559,matefad tu kuya wawa nai kilang,the child fell from a tree,train +52559,52560,52560,minukay tu ku wina atu wama,mom and dad just came home,test +52560,52561,52561,Marucek kita tu tayal,each of us has his work to do,train +52561,52562,52562,sakacerenuh,reasons for being creepy,train +52562,52563,52563,nanu tatuasan nu Pangcah a sinafel,it is our Amis dish,train +52563,52564,52564,u tuʼas kuni a raradiwen,it is a song sung by the older generation,train +52564,52565,52565,aku a wawaan,my kid,train +52565,52566,52566,awaay ku maan u manan ku lalicayen nu misu,you are welcome what would you like to know,train +52566,52567,52567,patelaw,arm,train +52567,52568,52568,Tangungulay i tira ngaay itinisa kita a midanguy,the water is deep there so we just swim here,train +52568,52569,52569,misafiku,brew wine,train +52569,52570,52570,sapikakaenen nu finawlan tura pilisinan a rumiʼad,it is served to the clan at the time of the festival,test +52570,52571,52571,walipelaraw,eastern Hemisphere,train +52571,52572,52572,Faluay,eight radical in Chinese characters,train +52572,52573,52573,ira ku payci han ira kaku kami,that is what he told us there is money to be made there,train +52573,52574,52574,misi kaku han naku kiya singsi ha ha ha ha,I told the teacher I had to pee again,train +52574,52575,52575,unian haw i iraay ku mapataay saan,it means someone died,train +52575,52576,52576,a rengreng satu milaliw,I ran in a panic,train +52576,52577,52577,ha i,Right,train +52577,52578,52578,o nanihikuan nu matuasay iayawhu kinafacal,this piece of land was originally cultivated by the elders,train +52578,52579,52579,ikur tu i mitahka ci Yis i luma ni Lifi ira a mituur haca ku alumanay a milisataay atu tatiihay a tamdaw i Cingraan ira itira ku alumanay a tamdaw mikaput ci Yisan atu nisawawaan ningra a mitahka,while Jesus was having dinner at Levis house many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples for there were many who followed him,train +52579,52580,52580,paputal,courtyard,test +52580,52581,52581,Pakatala kisu haw,can you wait,train +52581,52582,52582,Pangcah itini,this is Amis,train +52582,52583,52583,karkaren,dig it up,train +52583,52584,52584,parakaten,drive a vehicle,train +52584,52585,52585,nika,be,train +52585,52586,52586,Saka u iraay i falucu ku wawa nu Kawas i u iraay kunini a urip o awaay i falucu ku wawa nu Kawas i awaay kunini a urip,he who has the son has life he who does not have the son of God does not have life,train +52586,52587,52587,ha,a Pekinese,train +52587,52588,52588,o miawasay kita tu katelangay a mihecaan,we are going to leapfrog the old year,train +52588,52589,52589,mapulung,total,train +52589,52590,52590,caykanca^ ira ku pipangangan nu matuasay tuya maramuday pakayni tuya ngangan ku sakangaay a malalicay tu lalumaan,there will be elders who will give the couple nicknames which will make it easier for them to communicate with their clansmen,test +52590,52591,52591,Macedaah kaku tu nika awa nu pietanan,I cannot find a job and I am sighing,train +52591,52592,52592,Omeling,bright,train +52592,52593,52593,Cirihaday ku falucu aku,my heart is at peace,train +52593,52594,52594,Hayda Papiteken aku tu falu ku aca,Alright I will give you a discount,train +52594,52595,52595,yu ci Hirutihu ku hungti i itiya a hufucen ci Yis i Piclihim nu Yutaya Nanuya ira ku nai waliay a papinapina a tamdaw tu matanengay tu nu fuis a tayra i Yirusalim,after Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea during the time of king Herod Magi from the east came to Jerusalem,train +52595,52596,52596,sisa mapatayay tu ku ama,that is why the father passed away,train +52596,52597,52597,tahini i minatu hiwawa i misaharaterateng tu,when I got to the pier I started thinking,train +52597,52598,52598,i sakafiyaw tu niyaruʼan,in the next village,train +52598,52599,52599,malahitay ciira tu misikangay,he was a volunteer,train +52599,52600,52600,Cidadayday ku lutuk nu pasawali,there are cicadas on the east side of the mountain,test +52600,52601,52601,nanay,hopefully,train +52601,52602,52602,suwal sa ku ina atu mama i,my parents did,train +52602,52603,52603,pitengil ku citangilaay a tamdaw,those who have ears to hear listen,train +52603,52604,52604,o miculalay kaku a taluma u nukay aku a masasiyur anu huni,I suddenly appeared but I am going back later,train +52604,52605,52605,Ngaay tu o tuwami saca,all right then just order the noodles,train +52605,52606,52606,nirawisan,catch,train +52606,52607,52607,17 anu milisuˈ hahakuwa ku halafin,how long should we stay when we visit,train +52607,52608,52608,simsimen sa kaku lipahak ku naayaway,it is better to pick up where you left off,train +52608,52609,52609,miduduaw tunu mita tunu liteng a demak,I hope to keep the old memories alive,train +52609,52610,52610,matiya suwal i huni tu misawad ku pakelungay haw ci salilit tu cihiya,as I said the young man is finished,test +52610,52611,52611,a kakavutian,for those who have passed away,train +52611,52612,52612,ca panganganen nura malitengay malikakaay kira,they did not name the two brothers at that time,train +52612,52613,52613,maʼaraw niyam ku tukus i,when we see the mountains,train +52613,52614,52614,anu huni satu a tuan anu mafelec tu kita i,Later when we are going back,train +52614,52615,52615,Niyalaan nu maku mala,I will take it as a souvenir,train +52615,52616,52616,laklak sa tu kuya suiguu nira itira i lalan,his fruits were scattered over the road,train +52616,52617,52617,awaay ku pakumangahay tunini Orasaka katumreptu kamu Akatu patdu tu dmak,Therefore since these facts are undeniable you ought to be quiet and not do anything rash,train +52617,52618,52618,nu Paliwan ku manengnengay ita a cufu a tilung sa kaku nga,the urns we saw were from the Paiwan pottery craft,train +52618,52619,52619,u lutuk na ama aku itira,my fathers mountain is over there,train +52619,52620,52620,ira kira cwumunyaw hananay i ya miʼiʼitay tu kilang sa,there is a woodpecker pecking at the tree,test +52620,52621,52621,Maurad anu sawni hawikiden ku saung isu,it is going to rain heavily you have to remember to bring an umbrella,train +52621,52622,52622,naira kira niyaru,there is a tribe,train +52622,52623,52623,a maanen hakiya sa,we have been farming in the wilderness for years,train +52623,52624,52624,Maaraw nangra ku nika walintu nu fukluh nai tadem,they found the stone rolled away from the tomb,train +52624,52625,52625,Itiya u KKK a mariˈangay a kasakaput tada matenakay miuwingay cangra tu misafinacaday a harateng marariday ira ku mikariˈangay a demak nangra,at that time the Ku Klux Klan was rampant advocating racism and often committing acts of violence,train +52625,52626,52626,farasay,men mesh bag,train +52626,52627,52627,ci Fuya^ kaku mikilimay kaku ci Okayan,I am Fuya^ I am here for Okay,train +52627,52628,52628,samisi pakirakira sa i ʼaluʼaluan,you cannot just wade along the river all the time,train +52628,52629,52629,mitakaw a mitengil tu nika sasuwal,listening to the ringleader and the mother on the sly,train +52629,52630,52630,afetuy,calf,test +52630,52631,52631,siheciay tu mihecahecaan kura lusay namu haw,do your fruit trees bear fruit every year,train +52631,52632,52632,alamaanan,sometimes,train +52632,52633,52633,o lemed ku Tapang kiraan,it is all about luck,train +52633,52634,52634,vulad,the moon,train +52634,52635,52635,laliw han nina Taywan i hiya,the Minnan left just like that,train +52635,52636,52636,ku matuasay titaan pakungku,in the old mans story,train +52636,52637,52637,a milicay tu tayal,ask for job skills,train +52637,52638,52638,mukeng nu atulan,problems with equity,train +52638,52639,52639,o papaliyasen ningra kamu tu ada namu atu miintelay tamuwanan a ma^min,salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us,train +52639,52640,52640,u itiniay i,it is in this,test +52640,52641,52641,rakaten nangra ku Siriya atu Kilikiya a pala a patanektek tu pitier nu falucu nu kasakiwkay a salikaka,he went through Syria and Cilicia strengthening the churches,train +52641,52642,52642,o sapicacak tu hakhak kina langseng,this steamer basket is used to steam glutinous rice,train +52642,52643,52643,pitakcian,schools,train +52643,52644,52644,u cima ku cifafahi sa kiya,I mean who wants to be a wife,train +52644,52645,52645,haenen ku pidemak tu paluwad tu suwal nu Aims,if the Amis language is revitalized with such a concept,train +52645,52646,52646,palecaden ita ku demak,let us do the activity the same way,train +52646,52647,52647,wa sanay kura singciw nu iciku,it was the first captains idea,train +52647,52648,52648,a paramud tu mahaenay a sakaramud,marry your child off to that kind of person,train +52648,52649,52649,caay ka eca^,always,train +52649,52650,52650,hatiraay kurira filang han na papisil i,that is what happens when the aftermath is over,test +52650,52651,52651,Masufuc tu fainayan ci Piyaw,Biyo gave birth to a boy,train +52651,52652,52652,malepun itini paluma tu hafay i,here is where the seed millet ends,train +52652,52653,52653,ci ngangan ku Pangcah tu Awa^ Afu^ Oning falah sanay a ngangan,that is why the Amis have names like Awa^ Afo^ Oning Falah and so on,train +52653,52654,52654,Patataaken hu kira runi ta mipecu,let the loofah get a little bigger before you pick it,train +52654,52655,52655,o sakamatini nu dmak niyam i caay ka ngaay kami a milunguc tu sakaurip niyam caay ku nika saan niyam o malupiarawan namu kami ta tudungen namu kami u sanay niyam,we did this not because we do not have the right to such help but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow,train +52655,52656,52656,masetiʼay,I will get hit,train +52656,52657,52657,tatayra kami i Taypak anucila,we are going to Taipei tomorrow,train +52657,52658,52658,maʼanufay hu laliyaw han miala anca,I am still greedy I keep taking it,train +52658,52659,52659,mitiliday,write it down,train +52659,52660,52660,mapadiheku,warmed,test +52660,52661,52661,paekerreken,repress,train +52661,52662,52662,Masasirumaruma ku tatirengan nu mauripay ira ku nu tamdaw ira ku nu aadupen ira ku nu ayam ira ku nu futing a tatirengan,all flesh is not the same men have one kind of flesh animals have another birds another and fish another,train +52662,52663,52663,makakawang,bare shoulders,train +52663,52664,52664,caay tu kangaʼay a matayal misasuna kaku,I cannot work because I have to take care of my grandchildren,train +52664,52665,52665,maedil ta^engal,bright,train +52665,52666,52666,Misafidac ku matayalay i riyar,workers picking mussels at the seashore,train +52666,52667,52667,Micuwat nani niyaru a talapala ku pipakuyasi nu maku,I am spreading fertilizer from the tribal extension,train +52667,52668,52668,mamaan saw ku nisimsim anini,what would be the ideal today,train +52668,52669,52669,mangataay nu patiyamay ku luma namu han,is the market close to your house,train +52669,52670,52670,masangaʼtu kiya,the Luen Fook garment factory is completed,test +52670,52671,52671,capay,earrings for men,train +52671,52672,52672,pasalil,stone trap,train +52672,52673,52673,anudafak,tomorrow,train +52673,52674,52674,anu ca sapimaan ni lekal kuya safang alaan tu ka patayni ta sangaan tu ita kura rangra nura putaw sa ku falucu aku,if Lekal did not take it we will use it as a she would for the grapes that is what I think,train +52674,52675,52675,taangay tu kisu nga keriden aku kisu sa ci ama i takuwanan,dad said that he would take me with me when I grew up,train +52675,52676,52676,kilakilangan,trees,train +52676,52677,52677,sakapitu satu u teluc nu tuʼas,seventh level elderly,train +52677,52678,52678,aci,respond in singing,train +52678,52679,52679,i sacuwaan anini anu sameteken iri,where is it now,train +52679,52680,52680,Hatiyaen unini a demak,do it like this,test +52680,52681,52681,mahaen kisu talaʼayaw niala tu wawa aku,that is what you are you came and took my baby first,train +52681,52682,52682,sa hadidi sa kaku a miduedu tu mama a milinsiw a matayal,I forced myself to work hard with my father,train +52682,52683,52683,sanaw anu misanga tura tamud kira haw,that is why we have to make the mojo,train +52683,52684,52684,nu itimulay a lise,and on the Southside,train +52684,52685,52685,kawawen,louder,train +52685,52686,52686,orat sa kaku tu suwal isu,I cannot make sense of what you are saying,train +52686,52687,52687,Sied han nu kahkah ku aenucan nu maku,my throat was choked with sticky rice,train +52687,52688,52688,suwal sa kuya fafahi aku i matira haca suwal han aku,so I said to my wife,train +52688,52689,52689,Saicelen tu ku misu a mitilid,you have to study hard,train +52689,52690,52690,Hay fangcal ku keru aku,Yes I dance well,test +52690,52691,52691,Misaalaneng ca Turay tu funun,Toray they set up the ridge,train +52691,52692,52692,teli han kura kapung kira pasaksaken kura kili,place on container to mat cloth,train +52692,52693,52693,adihay ku cekiw niyam i dadaya,in the evening we dug a lot of snails,train +52693,52694,52694,ningra,He she,train +52694,52695,52695,valucu,psychosocial,train +52695,52696,52696,lima limuud ku impic siwa limuud ku ciwming,pencils are and notebooks are,train +52696,52697,52697,awaay ku kakaenan mivunga mimaamaan,if there is nothing to eat we will dig up some groundnuts and do some chores,train +52697,52698,52698,u,The,train +52698,52699,52699,Mafukil patararikur sanay,I am not going to take a step back,train +52699,52700,52700,na mayasyas tu nacecay a minukay nangra haw i,the first time we come back we will have to split up into teams,test +52700,52701,52701,uta,vomit,train +52701,52702,52702,ta patiku haca cingra i nisawawaan manengneng ku nikafuti haca nangra nawhani tadamatukatuk cangra mafukiltu cangra tu sapacauf ci Yisan,when he came back he again found them sleeping because their eyes were heavy they did not know what to say to him,train +52702,52703,52703,kasienawan,winter,train +52703,52704,52704,mikitini maˈuningay i dmak 14815 wa samaan kita mihapinang tu misapueneray a capeling ni Pawlu hani,how can we see Pauls trait of humility in acts,train +52704,52705,52705,u serangawan nu mita kiniyan saan ku matuasay,the old man said it is our culture,train +52705,52706,52706,masakumikumi,blanket something divided into groups,train +52706,52707,52707,ta sakincu sa tu kura i Alapawan,that is why Tai Yuen is getting crowded,train +52707,52708,52708,caay hu ka icang ku ukak nira,its rhizome is not yet dry,train +52708,52709,52709,hay,Yes October,train +52709,52710,52710,fufu,grandma,test +52710,52711,52711,i tiyahu,Previously,train +52711,52712,52712,adihay ku nanum nura dangah kerahen tu mamang,there is too much water in that pot please drain some,train +52712,52713,52713,anu masafalat ku fali i O fafa^dettu ku rumiad saan kamu Sulinaytu a malahci,and when the south wind blows you say It is going to be hot and it is,train +52713,52714,52714,ta ira ku mitahidangay haca,there is always someone to talk to,train +52714,52715,52715,matepa,find,train +52715,52716,52716,sasepat kiya yu,there should be four of you,train +52716,52717,52717,hayi ta mahakulungkulung kita a tayra sa,we always went to the mountains together,train +52717,52718,52718,kisu i sepatay hu mihecaan mifuting malasingciw tu sanay ku puduh,and you are jealous because you have only been captain for four years,train +52718,52719,52719,o maatemay nu kilang,clipped by a tree,train +52719,52720,52720,anu mikapui ku tau i aka piudut,if someone calls you a name do not use violence to counteract it,test +52720,52721,52721,anu malalengu ku cafacafay i cuwa pirienang ci Kimy cangranan,when her classmates are talking about it Kimmy does not get involved,train +52721,52722,52722,masadafdaf ku sera i tungruh nu lutuk,a plain is formed on the summit,train +52722,52723,52723,Kiemelay ku falucu nira,he is very courageous,train +52723,52724,52724,1984 miheca a mahufuc kaku,I was born in,train +52724,52725,52725,anini i palacecay sanay tu itini i kakawasan kunini a niyaru,it is now unified in the stone mountain tribe,train +52725,52726,52726,nika caay ka seren kira seli saikulan nu luma niyam,the only reason we were not buried in the mudslide,train +52726,52727,52727,hay harateng han aku,I was thinking,train +52727,52728,52728,o kasamu nu waay nira kura sakainain nira,the reason he walks with a limp is that he has a defective foot,train +52728,52729,52729,hakadafu aku kura kapah tura sa,I have been concerned about the young man from time to time in my mind,train +52729,52730,52730,masu^su^,build,test +52730,52731,52731,hasakalafi,supper,train +52731,52732,52732,rucek,bestow a gift from God,train +52732,52733,52733,Halu ci Tafiti a sumuwal Mamana u sakatilu a marpet nangra ku tadamaanay a tahka nangra mamana matfadtu matfuctu cangra,and David says May their table become a snare and a trap a stumbling block and a retribution for them,train +52733,52734,52734,Vayiyaw talumatu kaku,grand mom I am back,train +52734,52735,52735,rumakat tu cingra tayni i lalan i lutulutukan,he walked on the road to the mountains,train +52735,52736,52736,i ayaw nu pafilung nu Taywan han naku i ayaw,I said Do they germinate before the Chinese new Year he said Yes before,train +52736,52737,52737,misasalaay,plates,train +52737,52738,52738,cidadacdacay,Cicada,train +52738,52739,52739,o macadicuay ku takaraw naira a tatusa,the height of those two is perfect,train +52739,52740,52740,piedac,scar,test +52740,52741,52741,Madudem ku dadinguan aku,my glasses are fogged up,train +52741,52742,52742,maalaw namu haen natusaen,did you see the second one,train +52742,52743,52743,Hai papadutuc hu kaku a mitakci,Yes I will continue to study,train +52743,52744,52744,cuka tanu eliʼcen u uway,use the yellow rattan stripes as a rope,train +52744,52745,52745,huduc,to pull out,train +52745,52746,52746,ngaʼay malaheci cangra miamasasuwal itiya,that is the result of the discussion,train +52746,52747,52747,i lalavu nu tiyad niya uner sa,when they were still in the pythons belly,train +52747,52748,52748,matiya u nipatirengan a luma kamu i fafaed nu nipatirengan nu tarukus atu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a paranaan ci Kristu Yis ku taenengan a fukluh nunini,built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone,train +52748,52749,52749,itiya haw i,So,train +52749,52750,52750,renec san tu kaku tayni Ciwlukiw,I got used to coming to the Presbyterian Church,test +52750,52751,52751,yan tu i anu caka tulasen tu mipisalama,if there is no limit on the number of dedication hours,train +52751,52752,52752,kamu u mama atu ina i aka pakasmeren ku wawa isu tu saka^caaw ka tuled nu falucu nangra,Fathers do not embitter your children or they will become discouraged,train +52752,52753,52753,kiyana naripaʼan niyana a mialaay ci Sawaʼan,the footprints of the man who took Sawa away,train +52753,52754,52754,ta suwal sa Olili katayra i Siluam a fanaw a milaliup han ningra tayra satu cingra a milaliup i pakaarawtu ta nukay satu cingra,Go he told him wash in the pool of Siloam so the man went and washed and came home seeing,train +52754,52755,52755,o futing ku sakaranam nu mita,our breakfast was fish,train +52755,52756,52756,Hayda keruren aku tu tusa^ pulu a pasintu,Alright I will give you a discount,train +52756,52757,52757,a tayran kita i Taytu,let us go to Taitung,train +52757,52758,52758,tayiraen tu ni tumuk i liyal,the head is on the beach,train +52758,52759,52759,ira matiya,there just might be,train +52759,52760,52760,aya hayi tu maruwi kiya wawa,Oh this kid is so sad he really does not understand Chinese,test +52760,52761,52761,unini kiya anu adada tu ku tiyad,this is if you have a stomach ache,train +52761,52762,52762,hay hatira sanay ku demak aku i,I stayed there and worked,train +52762,52763,52763,ta mikimad cingra tura u kuwaping,he read it,train +52763,52764,52764,ku nipihiya pikumu,that is how you hit a slingshot,train +52764,52765,52765,suwal sa cingra tu maumahay ningra Tulutu a mihca ku nipisataynini aku a minengneng tu hci nunini a sukun a kilang arawhani awaay ku hci nira Anu hatira i ltek hantu O milaumay aca tu sra kunini han ningra,so he said to the man who took care of the vineyard For three years now I have been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and have not found any cut it down why should it use up the soil,train +52765,52766,52766,minukay haw makemu kiya ina milalas tu alupal,come back here mom fell while picking persimmons,train +52766,52767,52767,vangcal kiniyan nu misu u maan saw kiniyan,that is a beautiful thing you have got there what is it,train +52767,52768,52768,niziwsay ci ama aku haw,my dad was years old,train +52768,52769,52769,calemcem,fear,train +52769,52770,52770,ira i riwang cingra tahidangen aku cingra,she is in the auditorium I will go call her,test +52770,52771,52771,u ina isu i u Pangcah tu,is your mom uh Amis,train +52771,52772,52772,Ngaay hu sapi acaaw kaku tu hakhak atu miimucan a titi,Hello I would like to buy sticky rice and braised pork with macaw pepper,train +52772,52773,52773,lalesing,dew,train +52773,52774,52774,Mipalimuut ci ina i tamiyanan tu dafadafak kalaluk a micudad saan,my mom reminded us every morning to study hard,train +52774,52775,52775,cuwa ku kasasikaken,no quadrangles,train +52775,52776,52776,sakahecid,too salty,train +52776,52777,52777,tataakay,largest,train +52777,52778,52778,aru sa i mucumucuan i lawalwac kuda fafahiyan maemi,So the girls were sitting in the corner of the house side by side,train +52778,52779,52779,kateli nengnengen sa fuhecal sa cai kalecad uh cai kalecad haw,White different Whoo it is different,train +52779,52780,52780,kafangcal ku demak nu mita i pisyakaay,we will be happy in the workplace too,test +52780,52781,52781,kuya mituktukan a salang nira ngaʼayay,the juice from the mallet very good,train +52781,52782,52782,han hanaku ku paini i titanan u kita tu,that is how I will let you know,train +52782,52783,52783,yni kita a rumakat,we go this way,train +52783,52784,52784,patikuen ku suwal,we need to communicate afterwards,train +52784,52785,52785,ura pisaday atu pifacu,design and construction,train +52785,52786,52786,Hayken cuwa kafana kaku,I do not know,train +52786,52787,52787,Cli sa cingra a sumuwal Mama Aprahamaw kasiniadaen kaku Papicduen ci Lacarus tu tarudu ningra i nanum ta ucuren a papicpa tu sma aku Nawhani tataang ku pisemsem aku i tini tunini a marengrengay a namal han ningra,so he called to him Father Abraham have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue because I am in agony in this fire,train +52787,52788,52788,kakudayit,insist on,train +52788,52789,52789,Karalalangaw i pisakacawasan,the place where the watermelons are grown is full of flies,train +52789,52790,52790,hay u rumaay tu kira,because it is different,test +52790,52791,52791,mihatatanamay,in learning,train +52791,52792,52792,Pla en ku kasuy,chop split wood,train +52792,52793,52793,Mikulafaw ci mama i umah,dad was catching voles in the field,train +52793,52794,52794,payayaway,undergarment covering the chest and abdomen,train +52794,52795,52795,nawhani mafana kita tuya Kaku ku cacitudung a micuay u mamitfuc Kaku atu O Tapang ku mamisawkit tu finawlan Ningra sanay a sumuwal,for we know him who said It is mine to avenge I will repay and again The Lord will judge his people,train +52795,52796,52796,mami,grapefruit,train +52796,52797,52797,tumireng,standing,train +52797,52798,52798,karadefit,irritable,train +52798,52799,52799,ira kiya cecay a matuʼasay,there was an elderly man,train +52799,52800,52800,anu hatira,in that case,test +52800,52801,52801,fahal ira ku suwal,suddenly I have something to say,train +52801,52802,52802,salilis sa tu kuranan,it becomes a strip wherever you go,train +52802,52803,52803,kalaluudan,autumn,train +52803,52804,52804,dakawan aku tayni i,I will take her car,train +52804,52805,52805,itira sa i ngata nu umah nitevulan a sakalahuk,I only wait for the catches near the fields for lunch,train +52805,52806,52806,u nian i u tefus uh saka urip sapacakay su haw kakaenen nu wawa anuta luma,this one is sugar cane do you eat it yourself or sell it I eat it myself when the kids come home,train +52806,52807,52807,pakalican nu wama nu maku a tayra,dad drove me with him,train +52807,52808,52808,remuhu,bend over,train +52808,52809,52809,mahaenay ku cidaway nu heni,their trammel nets look like this,train +52809,52810,52810,Nanuya maluklun ci Yis a tayra i Kapirnaum a niyaru nu Kalili i paslaantu a rumiad i pasifana cingra tu tamdamdaw,then he went down to Capernaum a town in Galilee and on the Sabbath began to teach the people,test +52810,52811,52811,saka saʼusien ku mihecaan aku tahanini,count how old I am,train +52811,52812,52812,maulahay kaku a malipahak,I like to be happy,train +52812,52813,52813,tahanini i maʼaraw tu aku kuya mimalimaliay a kaemangay,the players I have seen so far,train +52813,52814,52814,Cekem san ku adada nu tusur aku,my knees are tingling,train +52814,52815,52815,sisa nasawni mipatangsa nu maku ititaanan haw,so just now I shared with you,train +52815,52816,52816,kalacawka,use as a kitchen,train +52816,52817,52817,nani Pusungay kaku,I am from Taitung,train +52817,52818,52818,awa ku sapaiyu,and no herbs,train +52818,52819,52819,pinaay tu ku mihecaan nu misu,how old are you eighty three,train +52819,52820,52820,ikur i papidakaw han ni Yis ku nisawawaan ningra tu tamina a pakiayaw a tayra i tiraw a lawac nu fanaw i Pitsayta ta papinukayen ningra itiya ku finawlan,immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to Bethsaida while he dismissed the crowd,test +52820,52821,52821,i haen haen han nu heni i tapiingen,they are right on the shore,train +52821,52822,52822,Mipalitaa hen kaku i tisuwanan maanen a tayra i niyaru nu Natauran,may I ask you how to get to the Dolan tribe,train +52822,52823,52823,Mangangata ku luma niyam,our house is in the neighborhood,train +52823,52824,52824,canglal,full moon,train +52824,52825,52825,yu itiya tu pisangaʼan tu kaliumahan,do your plowing while you are there,train +52825,52826,52826,harateng safalucu,think,train +52826,52827,52827,nanitirya kafekang rikerun sa talaenu misuʼut hatiraay,tie it down from the top,train +52827,52828,52828,itaya hu caka hatini kiya,should not it have been like this before,train +52828,52829,52829,mapasilusi,marking,train +52829,52830,52830,teked sa cecay,alone,test +52830,52831,52831,kinafalah,as if ones life depends on it,train +52831,52832,52832,awa matama nangra sakasepat tu a rumiʼad,on the fourth day I still could not find it,train +52832,52833,52833,kakalumelaan,regrettably,train +52833,52834,52834,a pakamesay u mikupaay,add some fringe that is posted,train +52834,52835,52835,Mimaan,what is the matter,train +52835,52836,52836,Mafanaay cira miedaw,he knows divination,train +52836,52837,52837,akaka,unacceptable,train +52837,52838,52838,nu mita tu u Pangcah atu Taiwan,both clansmen and Hans will sell,train +52838,52839,52839,mansa u mitinuuyan tu kuni tapad,that is why these little leggings are knitted,train +52839,52840,52840,maparu tu isu kura suwal sanay kura imi ira,I want you to remember these words,test +52840,52841,52841,pihiya pi,as if,train +52841,52842,52842,anu hacuwa ku vavainay nu luma a mikihatiya amin,how many men in each household all of them,train +52842,52843,52843,cialufuay,with a backpack,train +52843,52844,52844,u awul nu u fitunay,spiny bamboo,train +52844,52845,52845,cuwa,Where,train +52845,52846,52846,pipaini,share,train +52846,52847,52847,Salikakaaw nanay mapaini nu Tapang a Yis Kristu ita kamu a mapulung tu mikumi Amin,the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit brothers Amen,train +52847,52848,52848,Mafana kamu tu nika ci^puc nu tayal ni Timuti matiya u malahaklungay a maluwama kami a matayal a mipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh,but you know that Timothy has proved himself because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel,train +52848,52849,52849,awaay ku katumirengan,there is no good place to stand,train +52849,52850,52850,ha u Cudad u uhung niya kaka aku haen hanen,we have been tearing up my brothers books and newspapers for toilet paper,test +52850,52851,52851,takayliwsece,about feet,train +52851,52852,52852,sawaliyay a Pangcah Namakayni i saamisan a Vakung mitatimul tangasa i Cipung nu Taytu midungdugn tu sawaliyan a liyal manay sawaliyay a Pangcah han ku nipangangan,Coastal Amis from Fengbin in the north to Cipung in the south the Coastal Amis are called Coastal Amis because they live in the Coastal area on the east side of the Sawaliyan a luck,train +52852,52853,52853,pakatengil ku ituanay a fainay tu tangic nu fafahi ningra i mararum a tumangic saka miteka a maurad ku kakarayan,the late husband would hear his wife cry and plea and would cry in self reproach and thus the sky would begin to rain,train +52853,52854,52854,15 Masuwal ni Yis ku mitusilay atu palu nisawawaan tu tamdaw a tayal i sanay ku suwal Adihay ku papanayen nikawrira caay ka ˈaluman ku matayalay,Jesus said of preaching and making disciples The Harvest is indeed plentiful but the laborers are few,train +52854,52855,52855,hatira aca,that is it,train +52855,52856,52856,wutu hemek ira kira haw,Oh he is very satisfied,train +52856,52857,52857,cay tu ka tayni i Kilung ku nukay tayraay tu i Sinciku,instead of going back to Keelung we went to Hsinchu,train +52857,52858,52858,tiktak tiktak saan ku suni nira,it makes a ticking sound,train +52858,52859,52859,layap,connections,train +52859,52860,52860,hu,yet,test +52860,52861,52861,ikur nunini a dmak masadak ci Yis i maaraw ningra ku nika maru ni Lifi hananay a milisataay a tamdaw i pilisataan Katayni a mituur i Takuwanan han ni Yis cingra a sumuwal,after this Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth Follow me Jesus said to him,train +52861,52862,52862,matiya,that is it,train +52862,52863,52863,kikuya,balloon,train +52863,52864,52864,pihuykuysyen,north return line,train +52864,52865,52865,pakacecay a fulad kaku ira ku sakahitay,I was in the army for a month before I got my draft notice,train +52865,52866,52866,masenger ku lalan saka tuni ku lalan,the road is wet so the road is soft,train +52866,52867,52867,pakakahungen,put in some flying fish,train +52867,52868,52868,malacafay kaku tu wama wina kaka tu fainayan atu kaka tu fafahiyan a maurip,I live with my father mother brother and sister,train +52868,52869,52869,Tataang ku cedas i nu timulan a niyaru,there was a great flood in the southern tribes,train +52869,52870,52870,mahaen huw,it is a matriarchal society,test +52870,52871,52871,o cekur tu nu maamaan i takaraway a lutuk,we can see everything from the mountain,train +52871,52872,52872,u ni u papikedan nu kapah,this middle class youth,train +52872,52873,52873,mihulul,games,train +52873,52874,52874,ci Mayaw ku ngangan niira hay,is his name Mayaw,train +52874,52875,52875,itini i i kura pipakafana aku itiya,I teach in elementary and middle school,train +52875,52876,52876,laʼafaʼafas saan kuya kapah paʼaca tayra tuya ay a kaying,the young boys snatch each other up and sell them to the pretty girls,train +52876,52877,52877,o kutem ku rumiad a nu cila saan ku sinpung,the news reports say it will be cloudy tomorrow,train +52877,52878,52878,Misaluma ku fakifakian i tatihi nu luma sakafiyaw niyam,my uncles and uncles are building houses next door to each other,train +52878,52879,52879,a u maan ku sapicudad namu saan pakuyuc ku nikaurip naayaw,what are you going to study with,train +52879,52880,52880,aka kaeca a minukay a misakalafi,be sure to come back and cook dinner,test +52880,52881,52881,away ku fainayan a kaka aku,I do not have a brother,train +52881,52882,52882,caay ka fana kamu saw tu nika caay ku mamalafinawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas ku tatiihay a tamdaw aka ka safana kamu o maamlasay a tamdaw u mitaungay tu samiyay u maudangay a tamdaw u masasikalunaay a fainayan u mautitay,do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders,train +52882,52883,52883,Pakamaan ciira a tala Futud,how did he get to Orchid Island,train +52883,52884,52884,lufuctisaki,bag,train +52884,52885,52885,cunad satu ku itiniay i,then suddenly there was,train +52885,52886,52886,kingsihu atu nu,government and first nations commission,train +52886,52887,52887,u aru nu maku iraan a luma,I still live in this house,train +52887,52888,52888,u nipalusiyangay u nipaʼayaw u nipakawananay kuni malatumuk a hananay,to pass on to lead and to guide are the responsibilities of the head of the organization,train +52888,52889,52889,pakatukien,time based,train +52889,52890,52890,Mikadum ku piadaada tu ilisin nu mita a lipahak,other tribes joined us at the Harvest Festival to share in the fun,test +52890,52891,52891,mahaenay itu ci Kristu caay ka cingra ku pacakatay tu tireng a palasakakaay a citudungay tu taung o Kawas ku pasuwalay Cingraan O Wawatu Aku Kisu Mala Wamatu Isu Kaku anini saan,so Christ also did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a high priest but God said to him You are my Son today I have become your Father,train +52891,52892,52892,mahrek a sumuwal tunini i patiri satu i nisawawaan tu kamay atu fatiian ningra salipahak satu cangra tuna pakaaraw tu Tapang,after he said this he showed them his hands and side the disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord,train +52892,52893,52893,itini pisi^si tu nanum haw i miceli a sumuwal tu Fainay aku i kakarayan kasiniadaen kaku saan,she kept saying My husband in heaven have mercy on me,train +52893,52894,52894,macapu,slashed,train +52894,52895,52895,mafukilay haw,some people do not get it,train +52895,52896,52896,o haen matiniay a hiya haw,what about cases like this,train +52896,52897,52897,siwawa i takuwan caay hen kavana kaku,I do not know,train +52897,52898,52898,kasasuaraw,to meet,train +52898,52899,52899,itiya sari,at that time,train +52899,52900,52900,micalap ku fiyaw aku tu umah aku,my neighbors are encroaching on my land,test +52900,52901,52901,u heci nira u sapimaan saw nu vavaʼinay,what do men do with the fruit,train +52901,52902,52902,tala i tawan mi kuli,going to work for someone else,train +52902,52903,52903,i tayani satu kisu i i,you are moving to flat Town,train +52903,52904,52904,Hai pakatingsa kaku a talakungkuan,Yes I go to school by bicycle,train +52904,52905,52905,pakayni nu painiay mikunling kaminan,for the training that the chief Executive has given us,train +52905,52906,52906,kalakapahan satu misemut tu sera hananay,tribal age groups were my experience growing up,train +52906,52907,52907,ciepucay,has value,train +52907,52908,52908,Emem han ku pades a militemuh tu karurayan i paputal,please bear the pain when you are tired in a foreign country,train +52908,52909,52909,titi,hammer,train +52909,52910,52910,atu cahung nu matuʼasay,and the old mans thatched cottage,test +52910,52911,52911,sakinutamdawan,morals,train +52911,52912,52912,sisa pangangan hantu,that is why they used to call it,train +52912,52913,52913,hatinien ku ninan una mituntunan isu a laput,your chopped ground vegetables,train +52913,52914,52914,malacilah,it is salt,train +52914,52915,52915,maalangaday,food served in the hand,train +52915,52916,52916,i nian tari u samau u kaka ulahan nu matuasay i ayaw ku samau,it is endive it is an old mans favorite,train +52916,52917,52917,itini kita ciluma sa,we are going to build a home here they said so,train +52917,52918,52918,maumah kaku,I work,train +52918,52919,52919,o nanicuwacuwaay a niyaru ku Pangcah anu saan i tapalen ku kaitiraan nu mita malalimaay anu ca tuluay ku kakakenis nu mikingkiway tu kasaniyaruaru nu pancah,most of the large and small settlements in Taitung County as well as Pingtung County are plains bordering the water and the sea,train +52919,52920,52920,cung,many,test +52920,52921,52921,man awaay ku pida nu matuʼasay,What where does the family get the money,train +52921,52922,52922,nicakay,purchase,train +52922,52923,52923,Talakakarayantu ci Yis Kristu a maru i kawanan nu Kawas imatini kuwanen ningra ku cuyucuyuh atu mikuwanay i kakarayan atu cisakuwanay a ma^min,who has gone into heaven and is at Gods right hand with angels authorities and powers in submission to him,train +52923,52924,52924,savuut,makeup and accessories,train +52924,52925,52925,mavukil henay a misanga,I do not know how to do it yet,train +52925,52926,52926,tangasa i labyi,until the night,train +52926,52927,52927,pinanam,learning,train +52927,52928,52928,O cacipuyapuy ku limecedan a mahufuc tu fainayan a wawa Ci Imanuil han ku pitahidang i Cingraan sanay,The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel which means God with us,train +52928,52929,52929,mamacaciyaw tu,they can talk too,train +52929,52930,52930,widawidang hayda ata mifuting kita sa,all right let us go fishing let us go fishing that is the answer,test +52930,52931,52931,Lalitengan a finawlan nu Kawas samaanay pakayni i patafang tu dafung midama tu suˈlinay a piduyungan,how did Gods ancient people give their possessions to support proper worship,train +52931,52932,52932,u irahu ku matawalay aku tu pisaday,uh huh there is something I forgot to mention about design,train +52932,52933,52933,Mafanaay ku safa isu a sumuwal tunu Amis haw,do your siblings speak the language,train +52933,52934,52934,malawud satu ku rumiʼad mikangkang tayniumah,when the farm is busy plowing the fields,train +52934,52935,52935,vuting,fish,train +52935,52936,52936,misangaʼay tu kaku tu hatiniay,make something like this,train +52936,52937,52937,saka anu icuwaay kura kaemeday i saan hai ma matira tu hatira a hatira aca kura pi hiya,if there is an easier part it is just like this,train +52937,52938,52938,sacafayen,as a partner,train +52938,52939,52939,Maaraw haca aku ku ccay a ciicelay a cuyuh a ma^pud nai kakarayan Matafu nu tuem cingra ira i fafaed nu funguh ningra ku talakal ni Idek matiya u cidal ku pising ningra matiya u miciruay a namal ku cpi ningra,then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven he was robed in a cloud with a rainbow above his head his face was like the sun and his legs were like fiery pillars,train +52939,52940,52940,caay palifunen namu ku maumahay tu umah namu Saka tngilen ku ngaliwngiw nangra tuna masafana namu Matngiltu nu Ciicelay a Tapang a Kawas ku tangic nu milituday a tamdaw,Look the wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty,test +52940,52941,52941,pasinangen,deploy something the knife is favorable,train +52941,52942,52942,rurang,organization of trees,train +52942,52943,52943,kura misangaʼay tu funus,the one who makes swords,train +52943,52944,52944,enemay,six of the clock,train +52944,52945,52945,anu hatira i,in that case,train +52945,52946,52946,hay i haenaw i,Okay it is decided,train +52946,52947,52947,mararid maduit kaku talapicudadan,I am often late for school,train +52947,52948,52948,ya nu seking hananay,what about the certification exam,train +52948,52949,52949,Pakafung ci ina tu kaka,mom puts a hat on her brother,train +52949,52950,52950,itiya hu i,in the old days,test +52950,52951,52951,o salifung han kuya matiraay malecaday utalud iraw italadaw mulengaw kuya matiraay,there are plants that grow along the streams that look like reed grass to prevent epidemics,train +52951,52952,52952,Malahcitu aku ku nipaturudan isu i takuwanan a dmak Mapatalahkaltu aku i tini i hkal ku nika tadamaan Isu,I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do,train +52952,52953,52953,sarawacan,bamboo roof skeleton,train +52953,52954,52954,miʼecakan i huni kira mituduh,because I just let it cook until it is done,train +52954,52955,52955,Nikawrira caay pihamham kuya Samariya a tamdaw i ci Yisan nawhani mahapinang nangra ku nika u tatayra i Yirusalim ku rakat ni Yis,but the people there did not welcome him because he was heading for Jerusalem,train +52955,52956,52956,masungila,very thorough,train +52956,52957,52957,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O mipalafangcalay kamu tu tireng i kaayaw nu tamdamdaw nikawrira mafana ku Kawas tu falucu namu o tadamaanay hananay nu tamdamdaw i u awaay ku ^puc han nu Kawas,he said to them You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men but God knows your hearts what is highly valued among men is detestable in Gods sight,train +52957,52958,52958,caay picucucma,no milk,train +52958,52959,52959,uul,dew,train +52959,52960,52960,Nacimanay ku kemanay tini,who is going to eat this first,test +52960,52961,52961,aka ka liyang,you cannot disobey me,train +52961,52962,52962,iniyan iri adidi ku langaw,it is a small plant,train +52962,52963,52963,picefus,sprinkle,train +52963,52964,52964,pucpucen,pull out,train +52964,52965,52965,tusaay ku lafii,it is a two night extension,train +52965,52966,52966,Hai micaliw kaku,Okay I will borrow it,train +52966,52967,52967,kamu u maapaay a tamdaw u misangaay a Kawas tu paputal i caay ka halulaluma a masanga ningra saw,you foolish people did not the one who made the outside make the inside also,train +52967,52968,52968,micamul,participation,train +52968,52969,52969,ta cakud satu i cangraan kuya maaruay nu palafuay Nec han ningra cangra a pakakawang Saka tanuduka satu cangra a milaliw tuya luma,then the man who had the evil Spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all he gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding,train +52969,52970,52970,niculuan,objects moved,test +52970,52971,52971,u adidiʼay ku tangal,the tiny head,train +52971,52972,52972,oya kacumikay aku i matuluay kaku tanu remes sanay ku tusur aku,when I was running I fell down and my knees were bleeding,train +52972,52973,52973,tamana,kohlrabi,train +52973,52974,52974,o paatikakan kira kufuc,that bottle is for earthworms,train +52974,52975,52975,kuengelmalatu,fragile,train +52975,52976,52976,cacay kaku i lalan,I was walking alone on the road,train +52976,52977,52977,napilian,selection,train +52977,52978,52978,caka halafin ku liyun ira,it will not be around for long,train +52978,52979,52979,cayka pitulas kami a mitadiec,we rely on God not to interrupt,train +52979,52980,52980,hai caka halafin,Yes it will not take long,test +52980,52981,52981,takaraw,tall,train +52981,52982,52982,kailulan,think,train +52982,52983,52983,tayra han i,when they arrive,train +52983,52984,52984,ura setik nu misu,what you have collected,train +52984,52985,52985,kapulung minukay a minengneng tu niyaru nu paitemek haw,we need to come back to the tribe and see them all together,train +52985,52986,52986,Inu sahu kisu saw,why are you in the shower,train +52986,52987,52987,o nifalican tu tayaay ku paliding niyam,our oxcart was replaced with one with tires,train +52987,52988,52988,a remiʼadan,time point,train +52988,52989,52989,ca kapitulas kaku a mirakat a mi patenak tu suwal nu Kawas,I kept preaching the words of God,train +52989,52990,52990,kay miming hu kabanaʼan,just a little bit,test +52990,52991,52991,nga sangaʼen i sera a misaksak,First lay it on the floor and weave it,train +52991,52992,52992,tunini a mipaluwadan nu Ku Ka,for national policies,train +52992,52993,52993,picumud rey han cika kahi sa tu na ama kira sa rey,then the grand mom said that she asked you to come in but she refused to do so,train +52993,52994,52994,sivalahen nira ku ilalavuway a maaman,he threw the unwanted items out,train +52994,52995,52995,ca tu katatudung kami sa i,I think this place is not suitable for me to live,train +52995,52996,52996,maisaw,have no appetite,train +52996,52997,52997,sasasuwalen adihay ku demak,there is just too much going on,train +52997,52998,52998,sulimeten,pack up,train +52998,52999,52999,sakula,Taiwan cherry,train +52999,53000,53000,lima mihecaan,years,test +53000,53001,53001,u usaw tu nu hiya kuranan,think of it as a balance Extra,train +53001,53002,53002,hayi saan amin ku tamdaw nu niyar,the entire tribe agrees,train +53002,53003,53003,Maucuray nu pasuˈlinay falucuˈ kaku cuwa ku piduedu aca tu muecelay palinian nu Kawas a maˈurip u mamilasilayhu tu palinian nu Kawas i tamdaw han,am I motivated by faith not only to live according to Gods standard of justice but also to proclaim Gods standard to others,train +53003,53004,53004,ira ku caay kahecal,what are the different forms of prevention,train +53004,53005,53005,ira ku pitadiʼecan niyam sa kami,I have got something to fall back on,train +53005,53006,53006,minanam tu tu nu Hulam,I also read Chinese,train +53006,53007,53007,u nisacengcengan nu matusay,the old man who made the fish,train +53007,53008,53008,saka malitengay haw i,that is why the elders,train +53008,53009,53009,Masasiulah mapapadang kami,we love each other and help each other,train +53009,53010,53010,ya mama nu kapah sangmin haw,above the young mans father,test +53010,53011,53011,saan mafukih kaku mitengil,I cannot understand a word I am being called,train +53011,53012,53012,caay ka patay ina aku,it is not going to happen,train +53012,53013,53013,haw a mifaliw kaku hawi,at the time of Felling,train +53013,53014,53014,Hakelungen ku salikaka namu yu,bring your friends and family yo,train +53014,53015,53015,tumangic,weep,train +53015,53016,53016,runi,loofah,train +53016,53017,53017,mitafesiw,it is been done,train +53017,53018,53018,curuk,rotation,train +53018,53019,53019,o fainayan si panay haw,is Panay a boy,train +53019,53020,53020,masumad tu ku tamdaw mala Kebalan atu nu Pangcah,now some people are thinking of the Amarans and the Amis,test +53020,53021,53021,saka u Pangcah a tamdaw anu iraay ku adada u pades atu ira ku masidayay a manmaan a demakan maemin mitahidang tu cikawasay papifetir a misair,Therefore when the Amis people have a disease disaster loss et they usually ask the priests to recite the incantation to perform the spell,train +53021,53022,53022,u tengil u suʼlinay a pituuran haw,I heard the pastor say,train +53022,53023,53023,kahalikaen,too much of a fan,train +53023,53024,53024,mamifalic tu suwal aku saan kura simpu,can someone help me translate what I am saying that is what the priest said,train +53024,53025,53025,o ruma a suwal ningra i Caaytu ku haharatengen Aku ku raraw atu patlac nangra saan,then he adds Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more,train +53025,53026,53026,caka u mamalaput kiya wina ira,so including his mom,train +53026,53027,53027,ciciim,growing buds,train +53027,53028,53028,a maan han tu kita a masulep tangasa,what are we going to do we have to wait,train +53028,53029,53029,ciyankakaci ku lalan u sera henay,the road is sandy and uneven,train +53029,53030,53030,tu hemay hakhak,there is white rice glutinous rice,test +53030,53031,53031,maherek tu ku ninan a miiya i,after this is done,train +53031,53032,53032,u nu maku a fana minengneng tina Cudad,I am using my intelligence to read this word,train +53032,53033,53033,tama,prey,train +53033,53034,53034,Caluway pakatusiya a talakatayalan,it is more convenient to drive to work,train +53034,53035,53035,cikalapiyat,there is lightning,train +53035,53036,53036,Ngaay caliwen aku ku fuduy isu haw,can I borrow your clothes,train +53036,53037,53037,pikakaen,stammer,train +53037,53038,53038,safaw tusa^ tu ku mihecaan niira,he is years old,train +53038,53039,53039,arihaw wawa sa,Boys be strict Remember the words the old man commanded,train +53039,53040,53040,hanu ira ku hatiniay a kalingad nu demak,why did things go this way,test +53040,53041,53041,Sakapina^ anini^ nanilipay,how many weeks is it today,train +53041,53042,53042,i ngata nu niyaru ku pipacekan ci Yisan Orasaka aluman ku Yutaya a tamdaw a miasip tunini a paya o nu Hipray u nu luma atu Krisiya a suwal ku nitilidan,many of the Jews read this sign for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city and the sign was written in Aramaic Latin and Greek,train +53042,53043,53043,fawaaw,burden sharing,train +53043,53044,53044,fenfenan,Skull,train +53044,53045,53045,palalangaway,let there be flies,train +53045,53046,53046,ira a marayray ku enemay ku safaw a radiw nu Pangcah itiya,songs and dances are still being sung today,train +53046,53047,53047,niicangan,Dry,train +53047,53048,53048,pakaynien ni Kristu i ciwcika ku pipalasawad tu sakuwan nu mikuwanay atu cisakuwanay a kawakawas Patirien ningra i tamdamdaw ku nipalitan ningra,and having disarmed the powers and authorities he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross,train +53048,53049,53049,pasinufu,present,train +53049,53050,53050,mikadafu tatiih ku malitengay aku,I married into a very bad mother in law,test +53050,53051,53051,i tiniay i San Cin Ku Siw cingra malasingsi hay han hay,I am a junior in Sanzenkoku Yes yes,train +53051,53052,53052,Saka tayra sa ku kuli a pasuwal tu tawki Tawkiaw uya nifulsakan niyam i umah isu a sapaluma i u ngaayay a sapaluma kiya saw Nawiru ira a mulngaw ku samadu saw han nangra,The owners servants came to him and said Sir did not you sow good seed in your field where then did the weeds come from,train +53052,53053,53053,tuaya,raise your head,train +53053,53054,53054,hay sanay ku suwal nu malitengay hay kaemangay mapiliay hay haw,Elderly people talk is not loved by children but not by some,train +53054,53055,53055,kidung,soup ladle,train +53055,53056,53056,mangata,nearby,train +53056,53057,53057,sahetu u taʼangayay a luma u kakitaan atu haw,the head of the family is called the Big Family and the Kings Family,train +53057,53058,53058,hanima,serves you right,train +53058,53059,53059,mamanay,what,train +53059,53060,53060,hananay nu malitengay,that is what the old man would teach them,test +53060,53061,53061,tira i,that way,train +53061,53062,53062,kami satu i tayra i riyar pasalil u itiya hu kami pasalil mamaan kuya futing,as for us we went to the beach to cast our nets and we caught a lot of fish in those nets,train +53062,53063,53063,o ikay kira makapkapay nu maku i kurur nu misu,I felt something behind your back,train +53063,53064,53064,awa ku cecacecay a mihawikidan aku,I did not bring anything with me,train +53064,53065,53065,Alapawan Alipaw,Alabawan what Alabawan,train +53065,53066,53066,Mayaw kerid han tu ku fa^luhay a kaput talapidanguyan,Mayaw you brought the new students to the pool,train +53066,53067,53067,Matastas tu ku kikay nu citusiya aku,my auto engine is broken down,train +53067,53068,53068,hadidi saan ku tayal i tira,work patiently there,train +53068,53069,53069,nanay kita,I hope we,train +53069,53070,53070,hatiya a rumiʼad patireng kita saan cangra,that is it find a day to build,test +53070,53071,53071,man satu picaferan niyam,give us a place to rest in the middle of the day,train +53071,53072,53072,Nawiru safalucu sa kisu misanga tu fuduy nu Pangcah,what motivated your interest in making traditional Amis clothing,train +53072,53073,53073,o humung ku tadatayal nu malafukesiay,an important part of being a pastor is visiting,train +53073,53074,53074,mipuhpuh ku cikawasay tu adadaay,witch touch heals the sick,train +53074,53075,53075,lacal,Ferry,train +53075,53076,53076,anu makeru tu i hay tadu sa tu,straight to dancing,train +53076,53077,53077,kumaen tu sakalahuk nu pitilidan kaku,I want a nutritious school lunch,train +53077,53078,53078,Hai cecay suut ira ku tulu pulu ku akawang aku,Yes I am centimeters now,train +53078,53079,53079,caay ka tataak ku picudadan niyam caay ka aluman ku micudaday masasufana kami a mapulung,our school is not big there are not many students everyone knows each other,train +53079,53080,53080,takaraw a masuesu kaku puener a makuli ci Kacaw,I am tall and overweight while Kacaw is short and thin,test +53080,53081,53081,u ruma satu iri,additionally,train +53081,53082,53082,kamay,person skilled in certain types of work,train +53082,53083,53083,Hayi kaku a miadup i kaemang hu,Yes I used to go hunting in the mountains when I was young,train +53083,53084,53084,halamham,expectation,train +53084,53085,53085,caay pakatengteng a itiya hu,I cannot even pull it up,train +53085,53086,53086,idahiay,terrific,train +53086,53087,53087,halimelen ku wawa pisidu haw piciwiku haw,you must take good care of your children and educate them,train +53087,53088,53088,saka u rakat a atu talaluma,I walk from school to home,train +53088,53089,53089,raecus ku nikasuvuc patala isingan tu,hospitalization for severe obstructed labor,train +53089,53090,53090,tata tu,let us go,test +53090,53091,53091,ira ku siuyi ira ku dangah,there is a wok and there is a frying pan,train +53091,53092,53092,micaa,raise ones head,train +53092,53093,53093,Haw kakapah nu misu,you are so good,train +53093,53094,53094,raecus a itini i,not allowed in,train +53094,53095,53095,hiningen ita na i sapaday,let us take a look at the work on the table,train +53095,53096,53096,tatukem,lung Kwai,train +53096,53097,53097,anu itiyaayhu cuwa hatini nu mita a mipela,you did not split wood like you do now,train +53097,53098,53098,minengnengan nu mamu hu kuni,I learned that in my grandmothers time,train +53098,53099,53099,u sakalingatu tu nu Ripun kina demak,the incident began with the Japanese,train +53099,53100,53100,fangcal kyami kunian a wawa,that is a good boy,test +53100,53101,53101,mitana,prickly onion,train +53101,53102,53102,Piarawi Materaka i salil nu velalutung,be careful do not fall into the spiders trap,train +53102,53103,53103,Mapuni ku niruheman ni kaka i pafelacan a kida,the shiksas that my brother had put in the rice vat to be cooked were rotten,train +53103,53104,53104,Orasaka kilimen nu mita ku saka ngaay a makaykic nunini a demak,for such cases we will deliberate solutions,train +53104,53105,53105,Singsi^ mihifang kaku i anucilaay a tinucayan mipaising kaku,Teacher I need to take a sick leave next Monday I have to see a doctor,train +53105,53106,53106,a mamin tu ku niyaru ita a malasawad,our tribe was destroyed,train +53106,53107,53107,kasasirumaruma,category,train +53107,53108,53108,mimali kita tu lankiw haw,let us go play basketball shall we,train +53108,53109,53109,nanaman,study,train +53109,53110,53110,salaw,no wonder,test +53110,53111,53111,Pacedeten ni ina tu fa^edetay a sasifing ci Kacaw a mipalal,mom wakes up Kacaw with a hot towel,train +53111,53112,53112,o maasisiway tu nu tawu ku umah na Kacaw,Kacaws straw from their fields has been picked up by others,train +53112,53113,53113,caay ka madiw tu nu Pangcah,no Amis songs will be sung,train +53113,53114,53114,milinsiw tu tudung tu saka ngaʼay itini nu maku saka urip,continuous self education to live a more fulfilling life,train +53114,53115,53115,o kaput nu maku ku miafangay i takuwanan,my classmate on my shoulder,train +53115,53116,53116,misanga tu luma ku malitengay haw i,the old generation of building proof houses,train +53116,53117,53117,Matafesiw tu ku kalahukan awa hu tayni ku pawsaay,it was past noon but the meal delivery man had not yet come,train +53117,53118,53118,o nitenuuyan a riku kunini,this clothing is woven with a loom,train +53118,53119,53119,tangasa i Rinahem,until Shoufeng,train +53119,53120,53120,nu malitengay itiyahu,in the old days,test +53120,53121,53121,u adidiʼay a tangal a cacay ku mamelaway ala hantu a miasip,I only see little heads counting like that,train +53121,53122,53122,micupaay,whisperer,train +53122,53123,53123,deng san ya Tangafuran han namu,only the Pingpu as you call them,train +53123,53124,53124,i ayaw nu Pitalifan a lisin i mahapinangtu ni Yis ku nika maraudtu ku piliyasan ningra tunini a hkal a tayra ci Wamaan tangasa i tulas nu urip ni Yis ku nika ulah ningra tuya kaulahan ningra tu hatiniay a salikaka ningra i tini i hkal,it was just before the Passover Feast Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father having loved his own who were in the world he now showed them the full extent of his love,train +53124,53125,53125,micadiway,cuttlefish,train +53125,53126,53126,Mapahapinangtu anini ku dmak nawhani talahkaltu ku fa^luhay a citudungay tu taung u milcaday ci Milikicitikan,for it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah and in regard to that tribe Moses said nothing about priests,train +53126,53127,53127,yu maraudtu ku nipatunekan a rumiad i ciriku ci Hiruti tu nu hungti a maru i kamaruan ningra a pakimad i finawlan,on the appointed day Herod wearing his royal robes sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people,train +53127,53128,53128,mahufuc,births,train +53128,53129,53129,o tatiihay a tamdaw i kinahated hantu au tatiihay ku demak,an evil person persists in not changing his ways,train +53129,53130,53130,kaytila kisu saan itilay tu kita,tell us where we should be and we will be there,test +53130,53131,53131,ira ku faki u talicayan ku faki san kyami ku matuʼasay,elderly people say the elders are the core of the family,train +53131,53132,53132,i kalahukan itini malalafi kira,lunch is served here,train +53132,53133,53133,papa ni Ocihwa malecad tu,so did Oh Juhuas father,train +53133,53134,53134,o misarihungay ci fayi imatini a misakalafi,Auntie cuisine has boiled red beans for dinner,train +53134,53135,53135,Piliyasliyas kiya,the one who just left,train +53135,53136,53136,pararitingay,link,train +53136,53137,53137,sisa ira ku lunguc aku itisuwan tu sakayi tiniyan a demak,Therefore I have a prayer for you in this matter,train +53137,53138,53138,itiya pafelien tu titi anu titi anu maan i pafelien,they gave me meat or anything else,train +53138,53139,53139,hay,Ah yes,train +53139,53140,53140,tapalen,Overlook view,test +53140,53141,53141,mahaen kalimuut kalangkic,very strict and united,train +53141,53142,53142,anu rumakat i lalan,if you are walking on the road,train +53142,53143,53143,itiyahu cuwa ya cangaw,these are not the old beads,train +53143,53144,53144,madeng,can,train +53144,53145,53145,a minengneng talacuwacuwa sa tu hakiya sa a mikilim cingra,he searched everywhere and wondered what happened to the frog,train +53145,53146,53146,itiya i sangaen nangra ku facu nu tufur a kulung patayraen nangra tunini a samiyay ku sapatuaya lipahak cangra a maacang tu nisangaan nangra,that was the time they made an idol in the form of a calf they brought sacrifices to it and held a celebration in honor of what their hands had made,train +53146,53147,53147,sai ira ku suwal nu matuʼasay tu nika masulep kaku sa hay matudung kuni patafu nu mita i tiya,in addition the ancestors also convey the message of whether they are hungry or full which is the purpose of making the offerings,train +53147,53148,53148,nanhuykuysyen,south return line,train +53148,53149,53149,pacucuken,slot something,train +53149,53150,53150,untuan,sports,test +53150,53151,53151,ira ku iyuc han nira pacumud ku uʼu ira i,he used that to drill a hole and put his foot in it,train +53151,53152,53152,tuya awaayay,that is not true,train +53152,53153,53153,singsi matalaw kaku tu unel,I am afraid of snakes,train +53153,53154,53154,haliafaray,shrimp lovers,train +53154,53155,53155,idahien tu nu mita tu pakahufi tu kaemangay nu mita nga,the incentives for students should also be increased,train +53155,53156,53156,kemaʼen ku matuasay tina heci nu verus iri,when the old man ate the fruit of the saltish,train +53156,53157,53157,ira ku misaefeefelay a tunpu itira,there are dragonflies flying around,train +53157,53158,53158,pakatengil kisu haw,can you hear,train +53158,53159,53159,sipisipu,wipe,train +53159,53160,53160,i Taywan itini i tingsukiw i wa mahemekay tu itiya,they are all in the Catholic Church,test +53160,53161,53161,tiya u wacu canngra,they are like dogs,train +53161,53162,53162,kami a tusa naniyaruʼan,we are two tribes,train +53162,53163,53163,suelin maanuf ku falucu nira,he was really greedy,train +53163,53164,53164,ci Kacaw ku sarikuray a midudaduc tu hemay,Kacaw was the last one to finish his meal in one gulp,train +53164,53165,53165,iraay ku nani tira i Fafukudan,and from the east River,train +53165,53166,53166,mangaay tu,Sure,train +53166,53167,53167,pueneramelek,bitter,train +53167,53168,53168,aka,I should not,train +53168,53169,53169,o sauwauwac kuya lutuk kiya,that mountain has streams everywhere,train +53169,53170,53170,i raw wata hu ku tataʼang kura canul nura taladaw,the waves of the Xiuguluan river have not yet receded and they are hitting the end of the sea,test +53170,53171,53171,nawhan itiya hu icuwa miala tu payci saw,at that time where should I go to work for money,train +53171,53172,53172,mifarasi,watering,train +53172,53173,53173,o mamacaculi ku mama atu fainayan a wawa ningra o mamacaculi ku ina atu fafahiyan a wawa ningra o mamacaculi ku fafahiyan a kadafu atu ina nu fainay ningra han ni Yis,they will be divided father against son and son against father mother against daughter and daughter against mother mother in law against daughter in law and daughter in law against mother in law,train +53173,53174,53174,huni,sound,train +53174,53175,53175,pisakudasingan,peanut garden,train +53175,53176,53176,u ayam mipacing tu ayam sa kira hatiraay ku urip itiya hu,hunting birds was the way of life back then,train +53176,53177,53177,maemin tu mapalitulu,three paragraphs in full,train +53177,53178,53178,saan kira saka,that is what I am saying,train +53178,53179,53179,nika mikangsiya kaku tu Kawas haw itini i sinkakuin sai pakuyukuyu ku urip i ira ku pikerid nu Kawas sanay haw,I want to thank God for the fact that most of the people who go to seminary are poor,train +53179,53180,53180,Milaput tu kakaenen nu fafuy,picking groundnut leaves for pigs to eat,test +53180,53181,53181,cecayapi^,pair,train +53181,53182,53182,ta pasuwal sa cingra i lumaucay Kamu u finacadan aku a Israil anu u sasamaanen namu kunini a tamdaw i pinaun kamu,then he addressed them Men of Israel consider carefully what you intend to do to these men,train +53182,53183,53183,maherek mi sanga tiya ngayangay,the simple hut is ready,train +53183,53184,53184,Erur han tu sinpuki kura lamal ta malaflaf,blow the fire with an electric fan to make it hot,train +53184,53185,53185,Mifukeluh ciira tu sapisaluma,he is picking up the cornerstone of the house,train +53185,53186,53186,ta misaimer a mitala tu sapirpetaw tu patlac nu suwal ningra a mikariang i Cingraan,waiting to catch him in something he might say,train +53186,53187,53187,acucul,gyroscope,train +53187,53188,53188,matudtud tudtud kura tireng hanaw,burned by the iron,train +53188,53189,53189,masawawaay hen,at an early age,train +53189,53190,53190,lingatu a mihiya kita,before we started making it,test +53190,53191,53191,anu itiya a rumiʼad i,if it was before,train +53191,53192,53192,o i ta^ngadaytu kaku anu saan ku tamdaw anu miintel cingra tu salikaka i u i tumanay cingra anini,yet I am writing you a new command its truth is seen in him and you because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining,train +53192,53193,53193,em anu deng itini i pitilidan kiymi haw,Well besides only at school,train +53193,53194,53194,tatamurungen,taking responsibility,train +53194,53195,53195,ira ku Pitaelifan a lisin nu Yutaya a tamdaw,the Jews have a Passover feast,train +53195,53196,53196,kalaluk,you have to work hard,train +53196,53197,53197,Mafalucu kina tamdaw i takuwanan,this man has a mind for me,train +53197,53198,53198,nu malawinaay,for the clan,train +53198,53199,53199,3 makalimay cangra mikinafalah itiniay i Miyanmar,willingness to give up ones own life Myanmar,train +53199,53200,53200,u parikuʼan nira,it is his luggage,test +53200,53201,53201,mitamakuay,cigarette smokers,train +53201,53202,53202,cumud sa hen kami i tunguyen suwal satu ku pasevanaay i aayaway u ayam u uner ku i lalikulay ka amu hantu ku misamelamelaway,after entering the zoo the teacher said there are birds in the front and snakes in the back,train +53202,53203,53203,a tura minatu nura Madawdaw,in the fishing harbor of Ma Lao leakage,train +53203,53204,53204,nanu yanan lakelak lakelak satu ku tamdaw tayni tu i kaʼamis nura Ngayaw hananay kura Lisu hananay ku rumaruma,However the more the people spread out the more they grew and some of them moved north of where they came from,train +53204,53205,53205,kakeridan,Leaders leaders,train +53205,53206,53206,pasun u nu mahaen mihicay kiyami,just like these fry catchers,train +53206,53207,53207,u hatiraay kaya falucu aku itiya eng,that is what I had in mind,train +53207,53208,53208,ngerngeren ni akung ku kilang a palaslas tu heci,Gong shakes the tree to facilitate the falling of the fruit,train +53208,53209,53209,ini ini ini,here here,train +53209,53210,53210,sanaw malapakuyuc ku Pangcah i tiya hu,that is why the Amis became very poor in the old days,test +53210,53211,53211,o man han nu mita nu Kuwapin,Well how do you say it in Chinese,train +53211,53212,53212,Pafafuyen kira pafafuyan namu,your pigsty is going to let the pigs out,train +53212,53213,53213,pakakunahay,so that it has ants,train +53213,53214,53214,i tini i terung nu lutuk i faled,on the top of the hill,train +53214,53215,53215,onini a ngaayay a dmak u ccay nu wacay tu sakafana nu alumanay a tamdaw tu pihaklung namu ci Kristuan atu nika sulin nu falucu namu a midu^du tu nipatnakan a Ngaayay Ratuh halipalada haca tu pakuyucay a tamdaw ta mipadil cangra tu Kawas,because of the service by which you have proved yourselves men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else,train +53215,53216,53216,anu saan kapah kuni sanu Pangcah nu misu,So you are fluent,train +53216,53217,53217,cimacima,who,train +53217,53218,53218,Nikawrira u nika kakaya nu fukes nu fafahiyan i u sakasalungan ningra a tadamaan nawhani u malutapudu nu fafahiyan ku nika kakaya nu fukes ningra,but that if a woman has long hair it is her glory for long hair is given to her as a covering,train +53218,53219,53219,aymay tanengay nu maku may,I am trying to get a better look,train +53219,53220,53220,kilimen hu aku ku ruma a safawah,I will get the spare key,test +53220,53221,53221,nikaurira nengnengen anini,But on the contrary today,train +53221,53222,53222,macekuk,make a frightening leap,train +53222,53223,53223,sa anini satu i adihay tuku paysu micumuday i,that is why people are earning so much now,train +53223,53224,53224,apasifana tu awaay maʼaraw san ku imi nura malitengay sa,the elders say they are doing this to let the spirits know,train +53224,53225,53225,pina ku aca nura kamila,how much does that camera cost,train +53225,53226,53226,nu,indistinct,train +53226,53227,53227,Sakasepat Midu^duay tu pinangan nu rumiad anu kalahukan ku nikasufuc nu wawa^ haw i ci lahuk ku pipangangan,Fourthly the name is given according to the hour of birth if the birth occurs at noon the name is Lahok,train +53227,53228,53228,Ciriku tu kuhcalay tumliay a Fangcalay a muwa a riku ku i kakarayanay a sufitay a midakaw tu kuhcalay a ^fa a mituur i Cingraan,the armies of heaven were following him riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen white and clean,train +53228,53229,53229,o mamatungal ku tatiihay saka u mamafasaw ku ulah nu alumanay a tamdaw tu Kawas,because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold,train +53229,53230,53230,o pisawkitan tu ciraraway kunini a riwang,this room is where the prisoners are tried,test +53230,53231,53231,maraur tu dadaya i mafuti tahira kaledaan nira makuliniw nuya takula a milaliw,when it was time to sleep at night and he was asleep the frog left stealthily,train +53231,53232,53232,paparariden nu maku ku kalahitay nu maku,I am going to make my military service extended,train +53232,53233,53233,mangudu tu ku finawlan,everyone respects him,train +53233,53234,53234,anini wakayay a wawa sa tawaytaway sa kisu,that is why a lot of young people have nothing to do nowadays,train +53234,53235,53235,o pawti ita a mipanay kinian,this is the sack we use to cut rice,train +53235,53236,53236,mikikung,getting married,train +53236,53237,53237,masimsim hen nu misu,does that ring a bell,train +53237,53238,53238,ira tu kami u hiya u misatapangay a sumuwal i,Organizers report,train +53238,53239,53239,u Cikasuan ku ina ira isaw u Sakizaya ku ama,my mother is from the seven foot river and my father is from Zachariah,train +53239,53240,53240,icuwaay a kasarekadan,that is a camp,test +53240,53241,53241,misimed kisu itiya haw,did you hide it,train +53241,53242,53242,caay haw,No,train +53242,53243,53243,Tanukakuhkuh saan i suemetay a pala,lots of cobras in very wet fields,train +53243,53244,53244,caay tu kadengay ku pida nu matuasay,your honor does not have much money left,train +53244,53245,53245,caay hen caay hu kasisaramud kaku asa anu tangasa tu ku matiniay suwal satu ku matuʼasay,not yet I have not started a family when I encounter such care the elderly will say,train +53245,53246,53246,tenlutin han naira kiran,they call that a log in boat,train +53246,53247,53247,dafak satu haw,the next day,train +53247,53248,53248,matuʼas satu kisu san kusi i manaay tu takuwanan,the company says I am old enough to retire,train +53248,53249,53249,ising nu ayam cwumunyaw,tree doctor woodpecker,train +53249,53250,53250,kaku nu hatini maharateng nu maku ku demak itiyahu,and I remembered what happened back then,test +53250,53251,53251,Nikawrira anu maulah ku tamdaw tu Kawas i kafanaantu nu Kawas kuya tamdaw,but the man who loves God is known by God,train +53251,53252,53252,malalifet kami a mafekac,we race to run,train +53252,53253,53253,ci Madadinguwan utemeliay ku vuhcal a limecedan,his eyes are on the white flawless delicate girl,train +53253,53254,53254,anu takadaw cingra fadiw nihaen,if you grow tall you will hoe like this,train +53254,53255,53255,paiyawan kamu u luma,let your families do what they want,train +53255,53256,53256,cipuh,makeup,train +53256,53257,53257,ngaʼayay saka haratengen anini haw,that is good Now if you want to,train +53257,53258,53258,a matayal tu kakaenen,self sufficiency in growing vegetables,train +53258,53259,53259,malapicucukay tura falad hananay,it is used to make holes where wood meets wood,train +53259,53260,53260,mapulung tu cangira haenhan ningra tu Cawi,watching what is happening to the tribe the youth are gathering,test +53260,53261,53261,kaadada atu patay,Birth old age sickness and death,train +53261,53262,53262,suritan,it is written,train +53262,53263,53263,u maetengay a taraʼar i,dried gourds,train +53263,53264,53264,yu ccay a rumiad ccay ci Yis a mitulun ira a miraud ku nisawawaan ningra itiya i licayen ningra cangra Pakucima ku kalutamdamdaw i Takuwanan saw han ningra,once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him he asked them Who do the crowds say I am,train +53264,53265,53265,kakulukulu,sweet and sour,train +53265,53266,53266,sulinay saka tusa a remiʼad,by the next day,train +53266,53267,53267,curah,burn,train +53267,53268,53268,kura siwni tangsul san ira ku suwal nura siwni,the nun said to me right away,train +53268,53269,53269,piwin aku mililit mihaen,I have already shown you,train +53269,53270,53270,Fesu sa ku tiyad nu takura,the frogs stomach swells up,test +53270,53271,53271,sa cecayay ku tadet nu mama nu maku,father was alone,train +53271,53272,53272,maherek i mipaliluc,careful cleaning and maintenance,train +53272,53273,53273,o kafitelakan nu falufalu i matini,it is bud season,train +53273,53274,53274,suʼelinay mitilid kami itiya i,when we were studying,train +53274,53275,53275,ira aca,here we go again,train +53275,53276,53276,miala mihaen haw haen han pacumud,use it like this that is how it goes in,train +53276,53277,53277,i lalumaʼay ku tesel,embroidery on the inside,train +53277,53278,53278,oya madadu^du^ay a mikuwanay ku palasawaday tu Tangafulan a finacadan,one ruling power after another eroded the individual and collective identities of the Pingpu ethnic group,train +53278,53279,53279,ayaw ni iraan i,before that,train +53279,53280,53280,o matuasay ku mitekaay a misanga u tekes ku sapisanga tuni sasunien,it is a musical instrument invented by our ancestors and is made of cinnamon bamboo,test +53280,53281,53281,o nipalumaan aku kuna kunga tanamen a kumaen,this is the sweet potato I grow try it,train +53281,53282,53282,tasalamaan,toys,train +53282,53283,53283,Liayaw han aku a miaray kamu tu palemed takuwanan anu hakuwa ku nu misu Ofad,thank you in advance for the well wishes when is your Ofad,train +53283,53284,53284,a tiraay ku luma salikaka isaw iri,and my brothers and sisters who live in the metro area,train +53284,53285,53285,kalung saanu sapa uripaw nu tireng,Falling you are trying to stay alive,train +53285,53286,53286,ci kuwang kura Hulam u funus cecay ku mita,they use guns and shells we use swords,train +53286,53287,53287,Da nanay isu fufu malipahak i kahufucan a rumiad,random wishes you a very happy birthday,train +53287,53288,53288,paaraparen,to make it emit fireworks,train +53288,53289,53289,mipadang ci panay tu ina a misawsaw tu felac anini,Panay helped mom wash the rice today,train +53289,53290,53290,samanay,what way,test +53290,53291,53291,simsim sa ku ina nira ci panay,She Ma Barnet thought to herself,train +53291,53292,53292,Maulatek ku piseti nira tu wawa,he beat the child unmercifully,train +53292,53293,53293,mafukil,neither will I,train +53293,53294,53294,rakat sanay kaku a tayni,I came on foot,train +53294,53295,53295,mipapacekan kunu ya,there are nails,train +53295,53296,53296,mafana tu cangra a misanga amiharaten,they have got it all figured out in their minds,train +53296,53297,53297,u mimaanay ku demak nu misu,what do you do for a living,train +53297,53298,53298,mineneng,regard as,train +53298,53299,53299,a u maan ku kakaenen sa haw,you did not even have food did you,train +53299,53300,53300,misaˈicelay kita tanu pinengneng ni Yihufa cangranan han,am I endeavoring to see them in the light of the LORD,test +53300,53301,53301,itiniay a malacafacafay kami u itini i Paanifung hu itiya,we live together we are a big family in Hing Cheong,train +53301,53302,53302,minanam milingsiw tu pakayniʼay itini i,learn and try,train +53302,53303,53303,cacay eli ku paysu,money is a hundred,train +53303,53304,53304,o nian ku saka peca nu wadis isu,cracked teeth,train +53304,53305,53305,ngernger han nu kulunug ku taluan a pakiskis,our cattle scratching makes the hut shake,train +53305,53306,53306,malutay ku falucu,to lose ones Spirit no heart let,train +53306,53307,53307,o tatala Kalinku^ kaku anucila^,I am going to Hualien tomorrow,train +53307,53308,53308,Cedet han nira tu fadisaw kaku,he scalded me with boiling water,train +53308,53309,53309,u nian iri kina tulu ku luma,there are only three houses here,train +53309,53310,53310,8 aka Kau paputal aca ku nengnengen a misawkit tu tamdaw,do not judge people by their looks,test +53310,53311,53311,mapacacaay,the mat is already laid,train +53311,53312,53312,o tanusuk nu urip nu Pangcah i ayaw kunini nika caay tu ka matira anini kalupihulul han tu ku piadup,However agriculture was still at the forefront of its traditional society and to this day hunting has become a recreational activity,train +53312,53313,53313,misamaanay hanu sumuwal ku Fangcalay Cudad u suˈlinay kimad mahecaday u safaked tu tatelecan nu sufitay nu luma hani,why does the Bible say that truth is like the belt of a Roman soldier,train +53313,53314,53314,tangasa i Paʼilasan haw i ira kiya cecay a salikaka nu niyam a mitala,when I got to Fuyuan there was a brother waiting for me,train +53314,53315,53315,maala aku ku seking nu niyan nu,I got in,train +53315,53316,53316,misiteked ku keru nu ruma a niyaru dengay a masasuaraw,other tribal dances are special we can observe each others dances,train +53316,53317,53317,miilisin ku niyaru niyam i salaluma nu faluay atu siwaay a fulad tu mihecahecaan,every year between August and September our tribe holds a Harvest Festival,train +53317,53318,53318,Malasuur tu ku suda,the ice cube dissolved,train +53318,53319,53319,Orasaka ngitangiten nangra ci Yis a papiliyas tu pala nangra,then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region,train +53319,53320,53320,tayra sa tu ku aniniay tura i huniay misuwal aku pilafinan ira,moving to the previously mentioned place of lodging,test +53320,53321,53321,enay tu siri,shepherd,train +53321,53322,53322,saka hakelung sa tu malitengay,so follow your parents,train +53322,53323,53323,matiya u muraraway a siri kamu Nikawrira mapanukaytu kamu anini i midiputay atu misimaway tu saluafang namu,for you were like sheep going astray but now you have returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls,train +53323,53324,53324,masungaliw,uneven,train +53324,53325,53325,u mituuray tu tusiya,worked as a ride along attendant in Success Township,train +53325,53326,53326,caay ku Kristu kaku u niucuran i ayaw ningra kaku yasanay a suwal aku i kamu ku mamipawacay tuya suwal aku,you yourselves can testify that I said I am not the Christ but am sent ahead of him,train +53326,53327,53327,Nanutuas ira ku matiniay a pinangan niyam,we have been doing this since ancient times,train +53327,53328,53328,maherek tu kaku a milekakawa tu lalusidan,the luggage I have organized,train +53328,53329,53329,suwalen,say,train +53329,53330,53330,tayni kaku tuna niyaru i caay kangaʼay misakaay tu kilumaʼan,when I arrived in the wilderness this tribe I was not allowed to participate in the Harvest Festival,test +53330,53331,53331,hatu hatira i fafalu ku pakalungay i tiya hu kita,there used to be only eight teenagers of my age and class here,train +53331,53332,53332,itini kapalitan misawkitay ku cecay ˈaˈideman takuwanan celiˈ sanay takuwanan Wa kahenay kami palaˈafu tamuwanan mahecad u pipesiˈ tu ˈedu a madulu,in prison one of the officers while interrogating me shouted at me We will soon destroy you as easily as we trample a rat,train +53332,53333,53333,o saka cinuwas nira alu,where the river branches off is,train +53333,53334,53334,Pakafanaay kaku tu suwal nu Amis atu serangawan kicic hatiniay,teach Aboriginal language culture and art,train +53334,53335,53335,caayay maala ku panukay,I did not bring them back here,train +53335,53336,53336,anu alaen numisu sawsawen atekak,if you wash the meat it will be tough,train +53336,53337,53337,nengneng han i lakelal irey,look towards the riverbed,train +53337,53338,53338,ira kunga ku adihayay hani,there are more groundnuts,train +53338,53339,53339,mangaʼay maemin ku kakaenen nu Amis a dateng,the Amis will eat anything that is wild,train +53339,53340,53340,Hai pakakuliciway kaku a talapitilidan,Yes I go to school by bicycle,test +53340,53341,53341,Ritus hantu ku makapahay a kaulah,I will just draw a better gift,train +53341,53342,53342,u ruma tu sawad sanay tu,so someone gave up halfway through,train +53342,53343,53343,haenen ku pidudu tu suwal nu Aims a nipaluwad,I have been educated by the mother of my ancestors,train +53343,53344,53344,Tatimul han ku rakat a tangasatu,it is just a short walk south,train +53344,53345,53345,itiya ira tu ku pakafitay tuya aul,that is when someone came to build the bamboo,train +53345,53346,53346,kaemangay sa i,give the children,train +53346,53347,53347,Hai anucila malacafay kita a mipacemut,Sure let us go fishing together next time,train +53347,53348,53348,masanek,smells like it,train +53348,53349,53349,tiya pilawan aku a rumiad i,on the day I left,train +53349,53350,53350,hatiniay ku tawinaan nu iya kalipangay tawinaan kuni,this is the mother plant of wild amaranth,test +53350,53351,53351,hatinien ku demak,do it like this,train +53351,53352,53352,itiyatiya i yan san a pifelunan niyam i ha tulu niyan a luma a takalaw,we work in a place that is almost three floors up from a house,train +53352,53353,53353,hatini kaadidik,it is so small,train +53353,53354,53354,caradem,six,train +53354,53355,53355,Salikakaaw uya pakayniay i mikriday tu mirpetay ci Yisan a tamdaw ci Yuta i caay ka^ca ka lahci ku nanu nipaliayawan nu Fangcalay Adingu a suwal pakayni i nguyus ni Tafiti a suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad,and said Brothers the Scripture had to be fulfilled which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through the mouth of David concerning Judas who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus,train +53355,53356,53356,matu kalatim ku kamay nu kakawangay,mantis has hands like scissors,train +53356,53357,53357,u nipafakeluh hu itini,put the stone here,train +53357,53358,53358,likukuen,specialized footwear,train +53358,53359,53359,ditek,measure,train +53359,53360,53360,a u kudasing ku kuninian sa tu kuya matuasay a tatusa sa u kudasing,the old couple Ah Kudasing,test +53360,53361,53361,yu caciyawhu cangra tunini a dmak i fahal sa ira ci Yis a tumireng i sifu nangra Pingan han ningra cangra,while they were still talking about this Jesus himself stood among them and said to them Peace be with you,train +53361,53362,53362,Caay ka limla kaku tu urip Aku kinafalah sa kaku tu urip aku tu sakalahci nu nafalucuan nu Kawas Saka maulah ku wama i Takuwanan,I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen I must bring them also they too will listen to my voice and there shall be one flock and one shepherd,train +53362,53363,53363,mihecan,year,train +53363,53364,53364,Facfac han ni Mayaw fariakar ku kulung nira,Mayaw whips his cow with a leaf bearing tree,train +53364,53365,53365,kaesu,be gluttonous,train +53365,53366,53366,ira i Kuhkuh,at Mizuho,train +53366,53367,53367,eya,Boss,train +53367,53368,53368,taluma namihiya nami malahitay,about the time I came back from the army,train +53368,53369,53369,anu cay kangah nu,if it is not okay,train +53369,53370,53370,hiya aku ku tinsu ku piseking itiya,my test scores,test +53370,53371,53371,nu kaemangay tayniay a singpung kisiya ita anini,Interviewers here today,train +53371,53372,53372,hakuwa ku nika raay,how far is it,train +53372,53373,53373,uway,cane,train +53373,53374,53374,u kapahay haw ku pacebay a sumuwal,is it good to talk nonsense,train +53374,53375,53375,Sanuciruten ku suni a misakaniw tu cicax,learn the call of the Bareback Burrowing bird to trick the bird,train +53375,53376,53376,a pakavana tu alumanay a kapah nu niyaru,I want to make sure that the majority of,train +53376,53377,53377,tayra haca ci Yis i Kalili a fanaw itiya i rauden nu finawlan cingra saka pasifanaen ningra cangra,once again Jesus went out beside the lake a large crowd came to him and he began to teach them,train +53377,53378,53378,pakahikuki^,take the plane,train +53378,53379,53379,caʼay ka kaʼesuʼ ku siraw,salted meat is not good,train +53379,53380,53380,mipasifana hatira hu kura picudad aku i,that is how I teach sometimes that is how I went to babysitting school,test +53380,53381,53381,madeng kita,that is enough let us go,train +53381,53382,53382,lukedaw lasiyu kuranan huw,it is got to be a tiger right,train +53382,53383,53383,icuwaay ku ama isu,where is your father,train +53383,53384,53384,kaesuay,most delicious,train +53384,53385,53385,itiya i Fiyacen ku kamay isu han ni Yis kuya tamdaw Saka fiyac han ningra ku kamay i maadahtu ku kamay ningra Malcadtu atu tatihi a kamay a mangaay,then he said to the man Stretch out your hand so he stretched it out and it was completely restored just as sound as the other,train +53385,53386,53386,Kinacecayay maharek nu 70 nisawawaan ku mitusilay ˈinurung tayraay ci Yisan pakayni ka ngaˈay nangra midemak tu kafahkaˈan milaplap tu palafuay tada lipahakay,on one occasion disciples returned to Jesus after their ministry and were overjoyed that they had been able to perform miracles and expel evil spirits,train +53386,53387,53387,anu matekek nu facacenal i tadacaay ku adada,the pain of a wasp sting is unbearable,train +53387,53388,53388,caay pakaaraw kisu tu nika ira nu mifalatay a kilang i mata isu saka caay ka ngaay kisu a sumuwal tu Salikakaaw alaaw aku ku cuca nu mata isu saan a sumuwal i salikaka kisu u misamangahay a tamdaw i ayawen a miala ku mifalatay a kilang i mata isu ta pakaaraw kisu a miala tu cuca nu mata nu salikaka,how can you say to your brother Brother let me take the speck out of your eye when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye you hypocrite first take the plank out of your eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brothers eye,train +53388,53389,53389,urana ku pitangtangan,just cook anything with that,train +53389,53390,53390,hamhamen,Hospitality please,test +53390,53391,53391,nangra malikaka papitu cangra a malikaka,they have seven siblings,train +53391,53392,53392,ira hu kira usaw nu Kaliyawan tira i tayna ira,Yes and those who stayed in Yilan,train +53392,53393,53393,mafukil cima kiran san mafukil,I do not think I will be able to figure out who that is,train +53393,53394,53394,pisilsil tu tatayalen nu tireng,please schedule your own work,train +53394,53395,53395,misatekaay,Inventors,train +53395,53396,53396,ira anu caay paka adihaykilang tuka sasangaan,if you do not cut enough wood to cover the house,train +53396,53397,53397,eked,separation,train +53397,53398,53398,tira kami i Kukwan hananay timulan nu,we are north of the place we call Valley Pass,train +53398,53399,53399,hayi haw eng u,Yeah uh huh Wow,train +53399,53400,53400,maharek i ura tu cukis,cinnamon bamboo for rafters,test +53400,53401,53401,tahira i Pusung parakatay ci faki tu paliding a militemuh tamiyanan,when we arrived in Taitung my uncle drove to the station to pick us up,train +53401,53402,53402,malingaday kaku mifuting,I will go fishing,train +53402,53403,53403,itiya tu na maʼaraw tu nu tau ku pakafana nira,later on the players skills were also noticed,train +53403,53404,53404,Suˈlin marariday makinsa ku lumaˈ niyam padutucayhu kami i Arumafir a mitusil,although our home was often searched we continued to preach in Alma Vale,train +53404,53405,53405,u Pangcah u Pangcah ku urip nu niyam haenen ku falucu haw aka pikuliniw,I am an Ami I have to recognize that I am an Ami I must not stray from the path,train +53405,53406,53406,tu kalahukan,it is lunchtime,train +53406,53407,53407,patitien,fleshy,train +53407,53408,53408,u dafak hu kisu pinengneng isu kira,because you read it in the morning,train +53408,53409,53409,cecay ku tayniay haenen haenen u matatudungay Fangcalay san,another foreign invader comes to Taiwan and says it is good,train +53409,53410,53410,hay ura tu i,Yes,test +53410,53411,53411,maememay,bearable,train +53411,53412,53412,Nikawrira u pipastek namu atu nu tamdawan a pinengneng namu i takuwanan i caay pikihar kaku Halu aku a caay pipastek tu tireng aku,I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court indeed I do not even judge myself,train +53412,53413,53413,atu saan i yana huni,it is the same as the one I just saw,train +53413,53414,53414,awaay ku uray niyam,no blankets,train +53414,53415,53415,Macada,receive,train +53415,53416,53416,malaunay a uner,it is a greedy snake,train +53416,53417,53417,adada,pain,train +53417,53418,53418,Orasaka anu misamatiyatiya u matayalay nu Kawas ku kararem ni Satan a misamu^celay i caay ku kafahkaan o pahrekan nangra i mapatatudung tuya nidmakan nangra,it is not surprising then if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness their end will be what their actions deserve,train +53418,53419,53419,mapud kuya mipitpitay tu nasi,the person who was plucking pears went down,train +53419,53420,53420,adada kaku,I am sick,test +53420,53421,53421,Awaay masadak ciira,No she is out,train +53421,53422,53422,na saan tusa miheca i,years later,train +53422,53423,53423,o miraradiway,it is the music department,train +53423,53424,53424,kiya ira saw,why is that,train +53424,53425,53425,padudu sa tu i ira aca ku sepat a pulu a remiʼad,continue about the days,train +53425,53426,53426,ira kiyau tawki nu piangatan,the owner of the hairdressers store,train +53426,53427,53427,mansa ka nani cuwaay ku rakat nu malitengay,so where did the old man start,train +53427,53428,53428,caay ka alumanay kula mafanaʼay a mikiʼeciw nu niyaru kira,there are very few singers in my hometown,train +53428,53429,53429,caka en isu ku fana sa kisu haw,you did not even use a measuring tape,train +53429,53430,53430,pakayni tunini a dil atu nika tadamaan ningra a mapafli i titaanan ku tadamaanay a nisuwalan ningra a sapalmed ta pakayni tunini a maliyas namu ku mitkupay tu tamdaw a anuf i tini i hkal ta milcad kamu tu pinangan nu Kawas,through these he has given us his very great and precious promises so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires,test +53430,53431,53431,Hayda pafelien kaku tu cecay miliyaw tu a tayni ta miaca kaku tu hemay,Alright please give me one I will come back next time to buy rice,train +53431,53432,53432,tadaadihay ku impic nura situ,that student has so many pens,train +53432,53433,53433,midemak,use,train +53433,53434,53434,i Singku a micuwanciyaw hatiraay ku demak,doing missionary work in Successville,train +53434,53435,53435,sakatenged,causes of Dumbness,train +53435,53436,53436,tau,Tao or Yami one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +53436,53437,53437,fa^edet,hot,train +53437,53438,53438,masamaanay,what is up,train +53438,53439,53439,aka taynian kaku a milicay tisuwanan,that is why I am here to ask you to do some interview logging,train +53439,53440,53440,anu huni pilaliuʼup tu,time to wash your face and brush your teeth,test +53440,53441,53441,sapalietec,air Conditioner,train +53441,53442,53442,cidemiay,kitchen,train +53442,53443,53443,mafungfung,covering,train +53443,53444,53444,Ocung ku adeteng nu facidul a kilang,the breadfruit tree has a lot of sap,train +53444,53445,53445,fitawngifatawngi,agaric,train +53445,53446,53446,nisaselal hananay,the so called age class,train +53446,53447,53447,tura miheca i mifutingay ku wama aku,my father was at sea in those days,train +53447,53448,53448,anu ta^ngad a ma^min ku tireng isu a awa ku mamamamang aca a tumanay i matiya u nika patdi nu madilay a dawdaw i tisuwanan ku nika tdi nu tireng isu a ma^min han ningra,Therefore if your whole body is full of light and no part of it dark it will be completely lighted as when the light of a lamp shines on you,train +53448,53449,53449,hanuw masuesu ku fafuy nu tau,that is why they are so fat,train +53449,53450,53450,matiya u mamapatay a nitkaan a paduka ku ccay a funguh nuya aadupen Arawhani maadah kuya duka nira Saka safahka sa ku i hkalay Tuur satu cangra tuya aadupen,one of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound but the fatal wound had been healed the whole world was astonished and followed the beast,test +53450,53451,53451,ka talulung ku,it is true,train +53451,53452,53452,caay kaeca matumes ku tamina nangra tu futing atu afar,their boats are always full of fish and shrimp,train +53452,53453,53453,uni sakapitu tu,that is number seven,train +53453,53454,53454,kaku tu i cakakahi kaku malinah tayni naʼay kaku tayra hanaku,I do not want to come here personally I said I do not want to,train +53454,53455,53455,suwal hantu caay,there is a saying,train +53455,53456,53456,Cirudihangay ku radiw niyam i kiukay,there is an echo of the songs we sing in our churches,train +53456,53457,53457,huni huni pakuliʼung,I am always on duty,train +53457,53458,53458,caka pitilid tu kawcung,I did not go to high school,train +53458,53459,53459,saka ira ku tenem hananay tini i Makutaay,that is why the tribe has salt springs,train +53459,53460,53460,hakenu tu nu irumaay,is it the same for other tribes,test +53460,53461,53461,itiraay tu kira idahiay masadafdafay a sera kira,there are better plains there,train +53461,53462,53462,Citatekuhay kina kilang,this tree has tiger bees,train +53462,53463,53463,a hulangkay i maan han nu Hulam,what is the Chinese name for this wild vegetable,train +53463,53464,53464,sa aray han naku tuna a putuʼay Ci Kang a pilicay tisuwana haw aray,thank you so much for the short time we have had to talk to you I really appreciate it,train +53464,53465,53465,caayay kafana tunu masamamaanay a demak,I do not know the situation yet,train +53465,53466,53466,caedung,clothing,train +53466,53467,53467,han naca nira kaku ha ha ha ha,he said this to me,train +53467,53468,53468,manengneng nira kuya mipitpitan nunian a malingaday a tamdaw,he saw the worker who was plucking,train +53468,53469,53469,hay ma satu ri cika fa facal ku Kinmun,and then he said Okay Gammons fine,train +53469,53470,53470,putunputun han niyam aka pihaen,we will interrupt and ask them to be quiet,test +53470,53471,53471,u ruma i ira ku nanu tuas a lisin atu sakapi felihaw tu nu tuasan a pituuran atu kalumaamaan a tataungen saka i tini i laluma nu Rikec nu tuas,traditional superstitions and other matters contrary to traditional Amish religious jurisprudence,train +53471,53472,53472,alili,barn,train +53472,53473,53473,suwal sa kuya mafulaay i mafanaay a miharateng a limecedan Paladaen kami tu simal namu Nawhani sakapadengan ku dawdaw niyam saan cangra,the foolish ones said to the wise Give us some of your oil our lamps are going out,train +53473,53474,53474,ci tan cira mafulawtu tacuwatu caykafana kami,we made a lot of money and left here we do not know where we went,train +53474,53475,53475,ketun han kunini tatirengan ira,I cut down its trunk,train +53475,53476,53476,tayal satu kaku i u maanay han i,my job description is,train +53476,53477,53477,talipaalal cingra nengnenghan nira kiya talid,when he woke up he looked at the bottle,train +53477,53478,53478,u rumaay i atek haykeng caka fana kaku tuna i kaliay a nanum ana,Also perhaps not too clear I do not know why the water in this canal,train +53478,53479,53479,mifalic kita tu fangcalay a cutad saan,let us translate the Bible,train +53479,53480,53480,hatiya ku kapah,that is what teenagers do,test +53480,53481,53481,tayra kita,we are going,train +53481,53482,53482,masiday,lost,train +53482,53483,53483,ran sa matiniay u sapicudad,my study stage,train +53483,53484,53484,aca,both,train +53484,53485,53485,madaatay,choked by smoke,train +53485,53486,53486,dimata han nira kuya fungfu nu itiyahu,carrying a dustpan with ease in a single motion,train +53486,53487,53487,ta u usaw a tamdamdaw i kacitahaduyan tu sapad atu maamaan nu lunan a talahkal han ningra Saka mahaen ku nika mapaurip kami a talahkal a ma^min,the rest were to get there on planks or on pieces of the ship in this way everyone reached land in safety,train +53487,53488,53488,tayra i pala kakitaan tu anini,now I am praising the rich who have land,train +53488,53489,53489,ku ngangan,hence the name,train +53489,53490,53490,Cima^ ku ngangan ni kaka^ isu tu fafahian,what is your elder sisters name,test +53490,53491,53491,palu^,whip,train +53491,53492,53492,nu maku tu falucu nu maku awa kiya,I want to study not go fishing,train +53492,53493,53493,misamukungay,carpenters do not feel it,train +53493,53494,53494,tengilen,Listen,train +53494,53495,53495,o piadadungacan niyam kira lutuk,that mountain is where we caught the beetles,train +53495,53496,53496,mapuhaway,be blind,train +53496,53497,53497,sahenay i tiya,at that time,train +53497,53498,53498,aka a pilaliw aka tatiih ku falucu han,that is what we are trying to teach,train +53498,53499,53499,kulismas,Christmas,train +53499,53500,53500,tatusa ku fafahiyan hatiraay fakifaki ku maku a urip,this is the introduction of my life and my family,test +53500,53501,53501,sa sa hiya sa kiya kiyukay iri,about that church like that,train +53501,53502,53502,ira ku lafang haenen ta ku pinangan,we have got guests who want to change our performance,train +53502,53503,53503,ini kuya vana nu mata,have spiritual eyes,train +53503,53504,53504,siwa^ pulu,ninety,train +53504,53505,53505,ramut,pick up,train +53505,53506,53506,taniy han tu nu tafu han tu nu han tayni,just come to me with your lunchbox,train +53506,53507,53507,hay pisaturuni hatilaen ku turun,Okay we are going to make sticky rice cakes how about some sticky rice cakes,train +53507,53508,53508,uya suiguu u kiyafes kura pitpitan nira,the fruit that he plucked is guava,train +53508,53509,53509,keting sanay kura dita i falucu aku,the clay is fixed in my heart,train +53509,53510,53510,miekakay,cursed,test +53510,53511,53511,milafin ku kapah nu niyaru i pikacawan,tribal youth spend the night at the watchtower,train +53511,53512,53512,Laya sa ci Yis tu kamay a mikapa i cingraan O falucu Aku i tisuwanan kakuractu han ningra a sumuwal tangsul sa a maadah kuya tamdaw,Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man I am willing he said Be clean immediately he was cured of his leprosy,train +53512,53513,53513,hawad,give up,train +53513,53514,53514,Suʼelin tu,Seriously,train +53514,53515,53515,Nikawrira u nanu mikumi nu Kawas saka yu itiyadhu nu ina kaku i pilien ningra kaku a palacidek tu mamalumamatayal ningra,but when God who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace was pleased,train +53515,53516,53516,mamang masadak,there is very little water coming out,train +53516,53517,53517,ku suwal nu Pangcah,Amis language,train +53517,53518,53518,kalahay sapimaan ku kalahay,what is the mat for,train +53518,53519,53519,hay ina,Yes mom,train +53519,53520,53520,tireng sakapahen ku adingu,be kind to your body and Spirit,test +53520,53521,53521,i falucu han nangra kunini a suwal O maan kuya lumuwad a maurip nai patay hananay Ningra hakiya saan cangra a malalicalicay,they kept the matter to themselves discussing what rising from the dead meant,train +53521,53522,53522,mangalev,rise,train +53522,53523,53523,fuhefuhetan,it is all squirrels,train +53523,53524,53524,kanafuy isu a kamangic icuwa tira i padatengan,you are crying on the ground Where in the garden,train +53524,53525,53525,sangaleven ku lumalumaʼan nu mita,even our place,train +53525,53526,53526,ng kita,let us have our pictures taken,train +53526,53527,53527,ciira ku misetulay tu paliding aku,he rammed my car,train +53527,53528,53528,Autu ku pasela nira,he gets angry easily,train +53528,53529,53529,a minanam,learning,train +53529,53530,53530,pateli,put into,test +53530,53531,53531,mikakuy,lift it up,train +53531,53532,53532,matakup kiya patay na aʼul icilai,the last time I saw a new life of bamboo,train +53532,53533,53533,talatimul,to the south,train +53533,53534,53534,kilim sa ci ama aku tu sera,father went to look for land,train +53534,53535,53535,sahetu u kuppu u awul nu itiyaay hu,all the cups are made of bamboo,train +53535,53536,53536,Nikawrira alapatdutdu sa a micli ku finawlan saka rarawraw satu awa satu ku pinang nu Tapang nu sufitay a mihapinang tunini a dmak saka papikrid hantu ningra ku sufitay ningra ci Pawluan a patayra i luma nu sufitay,some in the crowd shouted one thing and some another and since the commander could not get at the truth because of the uproar he ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks,train +53536,53537,53537,maʼaraway aku i cipayciay kaku sa caay tu pafelifeli tu malitengay,as far as I know players with big salaries do not leave them in the hands of their parents,train +53537,53538,53538,Lawiten ita kuni lutuk,we have got to get over this mountain,train +53538,53539,53539,nu mivuting tu pacengceng,utilizing fish houses for fishing,train +53539,53540,53540,o maan han ku caciyaw hakini,what is it going to be,test +53540,53541,53541,haihai,Yes Yes,train +53541,53542,53542,pacarcaren,take a break,train +53542,53543,53543,adihay ku suwal nira,there is a lot of guidance here,train +53543,53544,53544,pasuwalen kami u pisungila a pasata i hungti nu luma i u maliyangay tu Rikec ita haw han nangra,is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not,train +53544,53545,53545,caay i pala,not necessarily in the field,train +53545,53546,53546,iraay ku siraw ni mamu aku nyi sanay,he said My grand mom has pickles,train +53546,53547,53547,misasing ciira tu sapikacedu,he takes pictures to make movies,train +53547,53548,53548,suped,collects,train +53548,53549,53549,patayra i alu aluʼan paliluc,go to the river and wash it right away,train +53549,53550,53550,sasawen tu misungila,it needs to be cleaned very carefully,test +53550,53551,53551,paihkal nu Hungti ci Tafiti tu pakaˈmetay tu tireng tiya mapakangulaw ni Simi,the self control David showed when provoked by Shechem,train +53551,53552,53552,sanay ku harateng aku anini,I am thinking about it now,train +53552,53553,53553,adihay ku nanamecen,there have been many taboos in the past,train +53553,53554,53554,hay mamingming sa maeneng ita,we thought what we saw would be flexible,train +53554,53555,53555,takusen nu Syawcang ku matuasay nu niyaru a parengreng i tamiyan,the Principal invited the tribal elders to organize our coming of age race Ceremony,train +53555,53556,53556,mahaen ku piharateng aku,that is what I think,train +53556,53557,53557,vunak,sand,train +53557,53558,53558,Talaayaw ci Yis tu mamang i maaraw ningra ku ruma a malikakaay a tatusa u wawa ni Cipitay ci Yakup atu safa ningra ci Yuhani i tamina Misulimet tu salil cangra,when he had gone a little farther he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat preparing their nets,train +53558,53559,53559,mafanatu kaku a misimsim anuhaen sa kita a,I am starting to think Is this how we are going to live,train +53559,53560,53560,kaka,Brother sister,test +53560,53561,53561,a alatek i ira tu ku sasuwalen nu malitengay,maybe it is like what the elders said,train +53561,53562,53562,caay ka ngaay a mafekut ku tusur nira,he cannot bend his legs,train +53562,53563,53563,anu masamaantu,no matter how people react,train +53563,53564,53564,ramud atu pisaparud,marriage,train +53564,53565,53565,Vaw ina cidal sasedaseday sa ku tuhem nu maku,the sun was so hot and I was sweating so much,train +53565,53566,53566,i kiwkay mipa mipa pasifana tu seysiw atu radiw,I teach Amish hymns as well as the Bible at my church,train +53566,53567,53567,pakaynien ita i icel nu haw,the power of the academy,train +53567,53568,53568,ira a min kira lutuk,it is buried on that mountain,train +53568,53569,53569,ira kura licay nu maku,I have a question,train +53569,53570,53570,Opu han nu mita ku iraay a situ,we gathered the students together,test +53570,53571,53571,ira ku dita hananay a lutuk,there is a mountain called clay,train +53571,53572,53572,nika tayni tu i sai misaali ku,but in it was condemned as an airfield for an air force base,train +53572,53573,53573,itu,surname Ye,train +53573,53574,53574,i ikur nu nika itira nangra tu pinapina a rumiad i sangaayen ku rakat han nu salikaka cangra a patunu ta patiku cangra a minukay i miucuray cangraan a tamdaw,after spending some time there they were sent off by the brothers with the blessing of peace to return to those who had sent them,train +53574,53575,53575,u tatupinan tu maamaan,items to be loaded on top,train +53575,53576,53576,Masanengsengay kami a maemin u wawa nu Pangcah,all of our Amish children are very handsome,train +53576,53577,53577,Hepik satu ku afala nira kapah a fa^keten tu inurung,the young mans shoulders were drooping because of the weight he was carrying,train +53577,53578,53578,ira tu kura minengnengan kafanaʼan tu mamang,I have seen a lot of them and I have learned a little bit about them,train +53578,53579,53579,mahaen kiyami,like this,train +53579,53580,53580,tu kulung u mahaenay u kasipiray,beef with salted and abalone roots stewed together,test +53580,53581,53581,iya nimipitapi ciwnisay kaku sanay,there are people who go to work at the mans house when they are years old,train +53581,53582,53582,caleng,pine,train +53582,53583,53583,talaen hu miala kaku,just a minute I will get it,train +53583,53584,53584,liyaw han ningra pacaʼuf ci ina aku dafak milingwa,just another reminder about tomorrows surgery,train +53584,53585,53585,anca tuna caay ka lecad ku pinangan niyam han,or is he just a different personality than me,train +53585,53586,53586,cinanum cimira,not if it has water,train +53586,53587,53587,Onduen ku tireng ta tanuktuk,you have to exercise to be healthy,train +53587,53588,53588,anu hatira i u maan ku tatudung nu dmak nu pipatadu tu mapatayay a mapainu hakiya anu sulinay caay ku lalumuwad a maurip ku mapatayay i nawiru mipatadu ku tamdaw tu mapatayay a mapainu saw,now if there is no resurrection what will those do who are baptized for the dead if the dead are not raised at all why are people baptized for them,train +53588,53589,53589,u icel nu demak nu niyaru ita itiya hu,in the early days of tribal power,train +53589,53590,53590,paysin,ominous,test +53590,53591,53591,matawalay aku a miala ku paysu aku ngaay micaliw kaku tu paysu i tisuwanan haw,I forgot to bring money can I borrow money from you,train +53591,53592,53592,Kalimela^ tu rumiad matiya u saanay i titaanan,it seems to be telling us to cherish time,train +53592,53593,53593,Arawhani malitaang kamu a pasneng o tatiihay a ma^min ku matiraay a pipasneng namu,as it is you boast and brag all such boasting is evil,train +53593,53594,53594,malitengay,senior,train +53594,53595,53595,mimaan ca peca san,of course it is going to break,train +53595,53596,53596,u tamdaw mamin,all the clansmen,train +53596,53597,53597,Papikawcungen ku wawa nu mita u Pangcah,let our Aboriginal kids go to high school,train +53597,53598,53598,mitefad tu kakaenen kuya hikuki nu sufitay,that military plane dropped the food,train +53598,53599,53599,Misikul tu a mimelaw iraay hen saan,look back in the distance,train +53599,53600,53600,milaliw tu sa,he ran away,test +53600,53601,53601,ira i Listra ku ccay a mapiiway a tamdaw o nai kahufucanhu ningra a mapiiw Aru saan Caayhu pitanatanam cingra a rumakat,in Lystra there sat a man crippled in his feet who was lame from birth and had never walked,train +53601,53602,53602,o mapetekay ku kamay niira,his hand is broken,train +53602,53603,53603,pafidadukian,Bat bag,train +53603,53604,53604,mapatay tu ku wian nu faʼinay nu maku,my husbands mom died,train +53604,53605,53605,san ci mama aku,that is what dad said,train +53605,53606,53606,u katalawan nu mawmahay ku valiyus,farmers are most afraid of typhoons at this time of the year,train +53606,53607,53607,Canguut ku cecay a talid tusaen a talid ku niacaan,one bottle is not enough for me go and buy two more back,train +53607,53608,53608,ikur mapanilnilay kami tayra i kakatimulan nu Luntun,some time later we were commissioned to go to south London,train +53608,53609,53609,caay kaw ni patudung sa hatira pinaay a mihecaan pinaay a fulad pinaay a rumiʼad malingatu a mi hiya laʼedis caay,the seven Legged Kawasaki do not have a specific day of the year or month to hold any events no,train +53609,53610,53610,saka cifalucu kaku cila tayni itini tuna,that is why I am interested in going to the national Institute of Education,test +53610,53611,53611,ta nu suwal nu maku ihuni kiyami,as I said,train +53611,53612,53612,marekenay,Pressed,train +53612,53613,53613,cakalecad tuya mabanaʼay,it is not like the usual story,train +53613,53614,53614,Adahaayay ku hara,lots of brook trout,train +53614,53615,53615,mahelek satu miilisin satu i mimi padengen hu,when the Toyotomi Festival is over justjustturn it off,train +53615,53616,53616,masadakay ku tatiitiihay,it is a pain in the ass,train +53616,53617,53617,Hacecacecay han ningra ku tikami a patangasa i lumalumaan,he delivered letters one by one to each house,train +53617,53618,53618,misanga matini,as they learn to make,train +53618,53619,53619,mahaenay iri kina Yusinu kataniyan nina Ripun,the Japanese came to Jian like this,train +53619,53620,53620,a tataʼakay kuni u kumuris i,Here the biggest Festival of all will be held,test +53620,53621,53621,taangasa i tini i,so in this,train +53621,53622,53622,manguyus kura fafahiyan,the woman chattered on,train +53622,53623,53623,mataelifay tu ku hay,it is been over years has not it,train +53623,53624,53624,awa ku limaw nuya a wawa,the children do not have time to come home,train +53624,53625,53625,awaay ku undukay anini a mihecaan i picudadan nu kaemangay a wawa,there are no sports in the children school this year,train +53625,53626,53626,Cu ku mira miradiway,he did not sing this song,train +53626,53627,53627,tadamahapinang,the wind is shining brightly,train +53627,53628,53628,selaan ira kaku pakatingsa,he would take me home on his bicycle,train +53628,53629,53629,tira han i pinsiyang,store it on the refrigerated side,train +53629,53630,53630,kikay,machinery,test +53630,53631,53631,pasuwal sa ci Yis O nananumen namu ku nananumen Aku a takid Nikawrira u nipipatireng i kawanan i kawili Aku i caay ku nu Maku a dmak kurira Deng u Wama Aku ku patalaay a patireng itira tu nipilian Ningra a tamdaw han ningra,Jesus said to them You will indeed drink from my cup but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant these places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father,train +53631,53632,53632,aka tuka haw,do not be lazy,train +53632,53633,53633,Parumiad kamu a tayni,you gave time to come here,train +53633,53634,53634,u mafanaʼay miiya tatanam misacan i,he was a hard working farmer who tried to make a paddy field,train +53634,53635,53635,awa tu ku dateng herek tu mipanay nga,the Harvest is over because there are no vegetables,train +53635,53636,53636,Paliayawen aku pacaliw kisu tu nu maku,I will lend you my eraser first,train +53636,53637,53637,Icuwa^ kisu a micudad,where did you study,train +53637,53638,53638,maraay,long time,train +53638,53639,53639,pakatama sa kita tu ngaʼayay a pitilidan ha kiya,are we going to get into a good school,train +53639,53640,53640,sa matelek ngara kura caciyaw,that is why they have agreed to do it,test +53640,53641,53641,atu unu Kaping u pahakelung,English and Chinese can only follow,train +53641,53642,53642,cecay ku fafuladan kaku a mikilim,it took me a month,train +53642,53643,53643,cinas han ni ina ku malumanay a fuduy,mom tore the old dress,train +53643,53644,53644,MAˈARAWTO ni Cikariya ku saka 7 a mapulusi ikur misimsimay tu adihayay demak cingra,after Zechariah saw the seventh vision he began to think about many things,train +53644,53645,53645,valeng,bury,train +53645,53646,53646,a ira maʼemin itira i i kasakeruan,they are all on the dance floor,train +53646,53647,53647,malemed kami,we are blessed,train +53647,53648,53648,hay hay manaeca,Yes how can I not,train +53648,53649,53649,o paacuculan niyam a malekaka kiraan a alufu,that bag is where our brothers keep their gyros,train +53649,53650,53650,i ayaw nu rayray nu mita u misa Pangcahay,this is the norm for Amish hunters,test +53650,53651,53651,piap^apan,Grasping the land of field chickens,train +53651,53652,53652,siwa mi cerem tu kisu,you will be diving by the time you are nine,train +53652,53653,53653,ikung,bend,train +53653,53654,53654,paliding,oxcart,train +53654,53655,53655,Madah han ni ina a milinah kuya mafutiay a wawa,mom gently moved the sleeping child,train +53655,53656,53656,sakumeced,sturdy,train +53656,53657,53657,patadas,Kenting,train +53657,53658,53658,ci niri i u wawa ni Milki ci Milki i u wawa ni Ati ci ati i u wawa ni Kusam ci Kusam i u wawa ni Ilmatam ci Ilmatam i u wawa ni Ir,the son of Melki the son of Addi the son of Cosam the son of Elmadam the son of Er,train +53658,53659,53659,ira ku nu heni u ya mahiyaay,they have got that,train +53659,53660,53660,Maminaw ku suwal nira wawa,the child was slurring his words,test +53660,53661,53661,cahu kaʼecak sa kira kumaenay,they say it is not fully cooked,train +53661,53662,53662,kakeris ku citusiya,the cars scraped each other,train +53662,53663,53663,tatusa,two persons,train +53663,53664,53664,hatu cima tu ku tihi a mikidkid,who can help with the towing,train +53664,53665,53665,tayra i Singku han,come to success,train +53665,53666,53666,sa itira matalaw tu kaku haw sa mikilim tu ruma a tayal,that is why I am scared to find another job,train +53666,53667,53667,facacenal,hornet,train +53667,53668,53668,Palimuut Yis i sarimadac ku nanum,Jesus commanded and the water became smooth,train +53668,53669,53669,i Huwalen,at that time,train +53669,53670,53670,nu Cikasuwan,history,test +53670,53671,53671,a mipili,selection,train +53671,53672,53672,Painging,expose to the sun,train +53672,53673,53673,matuʼastu ku wawa di niyenci tu ku sasafaay ni kuwcungtu sa,the kids are growing up the youngest is in grade and going to middle school,train +53673,53674,53674,anini sa pangangan kalimelaan kura pifalic,it is a shame to change the name now,train +53674,53675,53675,ira kiya hiya lyenpu ni ina kura hay,Yes,train +53675,53676,53676,nawhani namicudaday tu kaku i Tafalung,because I have studied in Tai Po long Valley before,train +53676,53677,53677,mahelekay tu aku miasik,I swept it,train +53677,53678,53678,mapatireng tu cingra a mala hungti,he was elected president king,train +53678,53679,53679,kali ya lutuk maliʼliʼay u itiya i,the mountain that collapsed due to the earthquake at that time,train +53679,53680,53680,o midatayay kami a talalutuk i ayaw nu tulu a rumiad,we went to the mountains three days ago to collect seven miles of incense,test +53680,53681,53681,ku mihecaan tahini tu i,it is already years old,train +53681,53682,53682,o riku nu kaka u tilid nu kaka u tatuy hananay,I receive my brothers clothes and his textbooks,train +53682,53683,53683,onini a Ngaayay Ratuh i u nisuwalantu nu Kawas i tiyahu pakayni i paliayaway tu suwal ningra a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad,the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures,train +53683,53684,53684,maherek micadiw haw i teli,finished sharpening the hunters knife,train +53684,53685,53685,dacdac sanay,that squeaking squealing,train +53685,53686,53686,pidiput,take care of,train +53686,53687,53687,saka huyu huyu Idangaw sanay,that is why I am shouting my friends,train +53687,53688,53688,Nikawrira mafana kaku anu u maan ku nilungucan isu i Kawas i u papafli cingra i matini i tisuwanan han ningra,but I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask,train +53688,53689,53689,itiya tura tayray i pasaetip mitlid kiya hai kiay maalaay nu tau ku falucu nira,it is easy to get caught up in the early days of northern schooling,train +53689,53690,53690,nawhani u piliyaw nuya wawa nu tamdaw a tayni i u mamatiya u pimiyat nu kalapiyat fahal sa nai wali a tala^tip,for as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west so will be the coming of the son of Man,test +53690,53691,53691,makalunaay,Slutty,train +53691,53692,53692,saka u Makutaay han kina niyaru,that is why I named it that way,train +53692,53693,53693,sapiiya tu uciya hay,it is for tea,train +53693,53694,53694,matiya u mitaungay ku falu^,the flowers seem to be nodding,train +53694,53695,53695,nawhani u dita tya sela nangra awa ku epuc panaluma,because the land over there is clay nothing grows well,train +53695,53696,53696,sa ku maku patuur tunini a suwal,here is a quote I have added,train +53696,53697,53697,matupusi,like a cat,train +53697,53698,53698,tahira ku nanum u nanum,that is the amount of water right there,train +53698,53699,53699,mi hanay mitafu tu pising nika cecay a rumiʼad i,the whole face is wrapped up but it is dollars a day,train +53699,53700,53700,o pananaman aku a wawa cingra,he is a child I disciplined trained,test +53700,53701,53701,Maenen aca,I am sorry,train +53701,53702,53702,hatu ma miʼedaw caay,it is like he is trying to divine,train +53702,53703,53703,kangaʼayay sakaku,it is a very rare phenomenon,train +53703,53704,53704,icifa,markets,train +53704,53705,53705,Cikarahay a maemin ku kay^ing a talaumah,the ladies all brought their sun protection gear to work,train +53705,53706,53706,u waneng sa kunu maku,I use brown sugar and brown sugar,train +53706,53707,53707,paʼuripay,thank God,train +53707,53708,53708,tangasa i katangasaan pitelucan i,when you arrive at your destination for picking wild vegetables,train +53708,53709,53709,matayal i cuwacuwa kaku tu,working in four places,train +53709,53710,53710,ca kangaay u mamiaca tu riku kaku,No I want to buy some clothes,test +53710,53711,53711,Adihayaytu ku futing ira i patelian,the fish basket has been full of fish,train +53711,53712,53712,u ranan ku palaciʼepucan haw,let us build on our best qualities,train +53712,53713,53713,minengneng ci Yis tu nika aluman nu tamdaw i taliyuk ningra i palimuuten ningra ku nisawawaan a papilacal a tayra i tiraw a lawac nu fanaw,when Jesus saw the crowd around him he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake,train +53713,53714,53714,anu mangalay mikadafu,if you are willing to get into trouble,train +53714,53715,53715,ya u ner hantu,it is a python,train +53715,53716,53716,miʼasik tu tadem,sweeping up the graveyard,train +53716,53717,53717,maulahay kaku tuni a riku pina ku aca,I like this piece of clothing how much is it,train +53717,53718,53718,cangra ku patalahekaray sa haw,they found an answer by themselves,train +53718,53719,53719,Sululen kaku saan ci Kacaw tu kaput nira a mikerid tu kaku tu lausidan nu tireng i nalikulan saan a miaray aca tu nikangaay nu kaput a pacaliw i ciraan,Kacaw apologized to the students and said that he would definitely bring his own things in the future and thanked the classmates for their willingness to lend him things before,train +53719,53720,53720,itiya tu kaku mafana mapalal kaku,that is when I realized,test +53720,53721,53721,u suwal nu maku haw i,what I am trying to say is this,train +53721,53722,53722,palu^2,whip,train +53722,53723,53723,u tayal hu mafana hu kua kaemangay anini mikangkang,not to mention work how can a kid plow a field,train +53723,53724,53724,awaay tu ku salikaka i tini,there are no brothers or sisters here,train +53724,53725,53725,muka^,genus Chaenomeles of shrubs in the family Rosaceae,train +53725,53726,53726,kaapac,late,train +53726,53727,53727,misetek,cut off,train +53727,53728,53728,Pakamaan kisu a tayra i taluan,how do you go to the block house,train +53728,53729,53729,matalacuwa aca satu,and where will he go,train +53729,53730,53730,mawarak,be poisoned,test +53730,53731,53731,kungce,kilometers,train +53731,53732,53732,o manan ku tayal nu wina isu,what does your mother do,train +53732,53733,53733,o cangal nu maku tu lifun saka misalafii kaku a matayal,I am too short on paychecks I stay up late and work overtime,train +53733,53734,53734,u maan saw a dmakan,what is it,train +53734,53735,53735,itiniay tini patefu,stop right here,train +53735,53736,53736,tunian ini ah,these,train +53736,53737,53737,samanay cima ku mafanaʼay tura,but no one has ever known this,train +53737,53738,53738,tini,Here,train +53738,53739,53739,mikihatiya,participation,train +53739,53740,53740,misahakhak,I can cook sticky rice,test +53740,53741,53741,si Kanas teliyan,bring a basket to put it in,train +53741,53742,53742,sumuwal ci Pilatu i cangraan tu sakinatulu O maan ku tatiihay a dmak ningra saw Awaay a matama aku ku sakapastek ningra i patay a raraw Saka sti han aca ta tdalen saan ku harateng aku saan,for the third time he spoke to them Why what crime has this man committed I have found in him no grounds for the death penalty therefore I will have him punished and then release him,train +53742,53743,53743,ru ku yun kun niyun kun san ya mama aku i mafukil mitengil,it is a foreign teachers accent even my dad cannot understand it,train +53743,53744,53744,fainayan a safa,younger brother,train +53744,53745,53745,padutucay,inherit,train +53745,53746,53746,paradiw han naku i luma palakelaw han naku ku putal aku,I am outside with the lights on and the music playing,train +53746,53747,53747,sava,Brother sister,train +53747,53748,53748,o nu Fataan a niyaru i iraku cecay a kalimelaan a siki yu ituan tu ku mapatayay a tamdaw telien i taterungan nu luma ku kudih a tireng nu mapatayan,in the traditional funeral ceremonies of the Mataan tribe there is a vivid ritual in which the body is placed in the center of the house after the person has passed away,train +53748,53749,53749,mitngil ci Pilatu tunini a suwal i krid hantu ningra ci Yis a pasadak i paputal ta aru satu cingra i Nidapican tu Fukluh a pisawkitan,when Pilate heard this he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judges seat at a place known as the stone Pavement,train +53749,53750,53750,mita a,our environment,test +53750,53751,53751,tuka san mapapapaliw matira kira,start taking turns helping each other weed this way,train +53751,53752,53752,kisu misangaʼay kaku misangaʼay,did you make it yourself I made it myself,train +53752,53753,53753,samadahen,Gently,train +53753,53754,53754,o tera nu urad ku pasuniay tira tudang,it is the raindrops that make the sound of the iron plates,train +53754,53755,53755,pakuyus ku urip awaay ku sapimaan itiya i,in those days there was a great lack of material goods for poor people to live on,train +53755,53756,53756,puni,soft,train +53756,53757,53757,o idang aku ci Kaniw,Kaniw is my friend,train +53757,53758,53758,papipahanhan han nu wina aku kaku tu,mom told me to take a break from school,train +53758,53759,53759,u lalud ku kaulahan nu maku,summer is my favorite time of year,train +53759,53760,53760,Patu^si ku piriang nuya misafudawananay a tamdaw ci Aliksantur i takuwanan o mamatfuc nu Tapang cingra tu nanu dmak ningra,Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm the Lord will repay him for what he has done,test +53760,53761,53761,o kahemehemekan ku mafanaay a mikampiwta,it is admirable that people can play computer games,train +53761,53762,53762,pacaliwen hu^ kaku tu sasisit isu haw,can I borrow your eraser,train +53762,53763,53763,tadamaan kupihahay itiyahu ku matuasay,the tribal elders ceremonies are very special,train +53763,53764,53764,pakayra i sifu nu lalan nuya niyaru kuya nanum ira ku sakaciurip a kilang i makulawac nuya alu cihci tu fulafulad kuya kilang Masasiruma ku hci nuya kilang tu fulafulad o sakaadah nu finawlan nu kasakitakit ku papah nuya kilang,down the middle of the great street of the city on each side of the river stood the tree of life bearing twelve crops of fruit yielding its fruit every month and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations,train +53764,53765,53765,anu maherek kisu kumaen i anu irahu ku usaw isu i,when you have had enough to eat and drink if you still have money left over,train +53765,53766,53766,anu kami u mafukilay ata tanu tapaʼtapaʼ sanay tu ku asi,not our kind they must have cut their feet,train +53766,53767,53767,kasiniadaan ku hatiraay urip ita,life is hard,train +53767,53768,53768,Ngaaytu talaen aku kisu i luma,Okay I will wait for you at home,train +53768,53769,53769,sawnitu,in a minute,train +53769,53770,53770,tatayra cingra a makeru,she is going to go dancing,test +53770,53771,53771,fuheci han nu malitengay kuninian ini,the elders will peel this off,train +53771,53772,53772,Tanukamila satu ku lumalumaan anini,many homes now have cameras,train +53772,53773,53773,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Anu awaay a maaraw namu ku kafahkaan a dmak atu nipahapinang nu Kawas i caay ku papasulin kamu han ningra,Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders Jesus told him you will never believe,train +53773,53774,53774,Macafi nu safa kisu a cumikay,you have been run over by your sister,train +53774,53775,53775,caay hu,sometimes,train +53775,53776,53776,Safahka sa ku nisawawaan tunini a suwal ningra nikawrira pasuwal haca ci Yis Wawaaw caayay ku rahudayay ku sakalafinawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas,the disciples were amazed at his words but Jesus said again Children how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God,train +53776,53777,53777,Halusalikaka ni Yis a caay pasulin i cingraan saka mahaen ku suwal nangra,for even his own brothers did not believe in him,train +53777,53778,53778,i pisatapangan a talalutuk a paluma kami tu kilang,we planted trees at the launching point up the hill,train +53778,53779,53779,rahudayay,susceptible,train +53779,53780,53780,caci,fried chicken,test +53780,53781,53781,u kakahung hay kakahung han nu niyam Pasungan,a flying fish we call him flying Fish,train +53781,53782,53782,farihenaway,it is scary,train +53782,53783,53783,a mitaʼelif kumanan i ʼalʼala ala ala han nira ka kira,he took hold of all that came before him,train +53783,53784,53784,caay kasuʼelinay unu han,it is not even a real mother tongue,train +53784,53785,53785,u hatiniay i cuwa ka hatira ku sanay u malitengay,every time we have a sea festival the elderly are always so worried about safety,train +53785,53786,53786,wa kapah a malapasuvanaay,Oh wow it is good to be a teacher,train +53786,53787,53787,mamin a makaen,everything is eaten,train +53787,53788,53788,angliw,sour odor,train +53788,53789,53789,anu caay ku kakicunen caykalifuen san laliw tu ira,go to a distant water source and start making a canal,train +53789,53790,53790,u dating a samaʼan ku kabanaʼan,all they know is mountain lettuce,test +53790,53791,53791,manay ayira aca ku sapacekil,that is why the people of the Nanakagawa tribe,train +53791,53792,53792,i itiya,when I was at the rice Inn,train +53792,53793,53793,haen anu macelak paw ku,that is how it is going to work,train +53793,53794,53794,caay pakaemet ku matuasay tu cefu nu tireng,the old man had no bladder control,train +53794,53795,53795,mata^taay,Anti locked,train +53795,53796,53796,mafanaʼay pasuwal tinian ku falucu nu maku,I am not going to explain how these are made,train +53796,53797,53797,kuheting sa cimira samahan kumaen ku ungʼung,how do you eat this very burnt black,train +53797,53798,53798,ciharateng tu sapihicayaw,I am going to start trying to catch a fish fry,train +53798,53799,53799,nawhan na ira ku saka fecul awaay kira,that is because there is a lack of supplies that is why you cannot have a full meal,train +53799,53800,53800,kaemiemin hu kami,we are all still small,test +53800,53801,53801,malacitudungay tu taung a Kitakit kita a matayalay tu saki wama a Kawas ningra nanay u cidilay atu ciicelay ci Yis Kristu a tahadauc Amin,and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth to him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood,train +53801,53802,53802,tayra i apilis nu lutuk i fahekulhan nuya malunem kuya wawa,at the cliff of the mountain the deer flung the child,train +53802,53803,53803,ta lalima ku patakusay tayraan paini mahaen,so five informants have arrived,train +53803,53804,53804,anu ira ku pakukutay tu dmak nu ciwlu i anu awa ku tatusa tatulu a pawacayay i aka tngilen,do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses,train +53804,53805,53805,misuka,painting,train +53805,53806,53806,cay tu kanga niya ya yu micumud cira mahaenay tu micumuday sa kira,he cannot get out but he can get in,train +53806,53807,53807,tatusa u vainay a wawa,I have two sons,train +53807,53808,53808,masaaamay,it becomes rice,train +53808,53809,53809,palivungen,it is the plague,train +53809,53810,53810,saka mananam tu kaku a cacay anini nika,although I have been used to being alone,test +53810,53811,53811,Pakaafesen nu matayalay a mituduh tu awul ta mipacakay i patiyamay,the staff burns the bamboo to make it hard and sells it in the store,train +53811,53812,53812,itiya haw i,before,train +53812,53813,53813,cikakaan aku,place where brother is,train +53813,53814,53814, Kawra u pakayraan nu luma tu mapatayay tireng kasimaan sanay ku demak pakihater hananay mitating i tektek anca saulatekay hananay a mitadem,the Romans however usually disposed of the bodies of criminals as they pleased either leaving them hanging on poles or dumping them in Mass graves,train +53814,53815,53815,papicafien,Encourage catch up,train +53815,53816,53816,anu malecad ku kamay atu waay a miperuk malacecay ku piawas a masakeru tadasalungan ciicel tanestes a nengnengen kaulahan nu kapah ku matiniay a keru,dancing in a neat and tidy manner is very beautiful showing the power and beauty of dance which is most popular among young people,train +53816,53817,53817,Tangsulen a mipadeng ku dingki anu miliyas,turn off the lights when you leave,train +53817,53818,53818,o kahecid nu Fataan a suwal i kuesan han nu Pasawali Falangaw atu Palidaw sicedam han nu Amis,in the Xiuguluan Ruan Ami sweet is used in the Coast Malan and Hengchun sweet is foeman and in Nansei sicedam is used,train +53818,53819,53819,mansa pasaemet sa kaku miya misalama,so I endured and continued to go to the mans house to offer my labor,train +53819,53820,53820,u Dipung hu ku misangaʼay i,Yes the Japanese did,test +53820,53821,53821,nisafakaran,plastic Platters,train +53821,53822,53822,nu niyam a luma kiya,our own family,train +53822,53823,53823,Tatata miliangpaw kita ci fakian,Go go go let us go ask uncle for a red packet,train +53823,53824,53824,nawhani u sakalaliay nu tamdaw a malayap nu Kawas i caay ku nanu nilahcian tu Rikec deng u pitier,for we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law,train +53824,53825,53825,acah a tayra i kungkuan mahemekay kaku,you can eat all kinds of fruits,train +53825,53826,53826,minengneng tunini a dmak ku mikumuday i pasulin satu cingra Fahka cingra tu nipipasifana nangra tu pakayniay i Tapang,when the proconsul saw what had happened he believed for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord,train +53826,53827,53827,pisarauan,misalisin,train +53827,53828,53828,ci ina aku sa ci,my mother,train +53828,53829,53829,anu mahaen tu,if it is a bird festival,train +53829,53830,53830,pisangiruan,heating and fire service,test +53830,53831,53831,pasakasak,treading the paddy fields,train +53831,53832,53832,mangudu kaku a sumuwal tu nika paska niyam a mihaen tu dmak matiya u nu maapaay ku suwal aku anu masamaan ku nika ^ca paska nu tau a pasneng i haenen aku ku nu maku,to my shame I admit that we were too weak for that what anyone else dares to boast about I am speaking as a fool I also dare to boast about,train +53832,53833,53833,matakup nu urad kita,it is going to rain,train +53833,53834,53834,talaputal,outside,train +53834,53835,53835,ta u sasafaay a selal u miafatay han kura,it is the responsibility of the youngest age group to pick up the firewood,train +53835,53836,53836,tatuʼasan ningra,growing memories,train +53836,53837,53837,sunuk cikasaan a malcacay,I am not going down there alone,train +53837,53838,53838,hay fetiken nira kiya saw,we will also make a drink offering,train +53838,53839,53839,tahatulas,forever and ever,train +53839,53840,53840,miefengay tu maamaan i saan kakuan,athletes in Athletics,test +53840,53841,53841,Nanuya krid han ni Yis cangra a miliyas tu niyaru a tayra i Pitani ta laya sa ci Yis tu kamay a mipalmed i cangraan,when he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany he lifted up his hands and blessed them,train +53841,53842,53842,cisafaw ku fafuy niyam,we have more than ten pigs,train +53842,53843,53843,Pahaklungen aku i cingraan ku sulinay ku falucu a kaulahan ita a salikaka ci Onisimus o namu a tamdaw cingra onini a tatusa ku papakafana i tamuwanan tu dmak niyam u i tiniay,he is coming with Onesimus our faithful and dear brother who is one of you they will tell you everything that is happening here,train +53843,53844,53844,Haydaw,desirable,train +53844,53845,53845,cahu ka tangasa iciningsey kaku i ira tu ku safa nu niyam,I was not in elementary school yet and I had a sister at home,train +53845,53846,53846,mahaen ku pinangan nu etipan haw i samanen kiya kaliumah itira,it is customary in the west how can we cultivate the fields there,train +53846,53847,53847,o mariangay a tamdaw cira,she is a bad person,train +53847,53848,53848,ya cuwa pihatatanam kamu saw sanay,do not you guys go to class,train +53848,53849,53849,saka ira ku harateng nu maku hawi,I sometimes wonder,train +53849,53850,53850,ira ku pala nira itirasa mi misimaw tu pala nira,Moms been taking care of his crops all day,test +53850,53851,53851,samanen mafekafekac tu,what can I do just keep running,train +53851,53852,53852,samatira milafin satu kami sakatusa dadaya niyam milafin,and that is how it was for the second night,train +53852,53853,53853,malemeday,Lucky,train +53853,53854,53854,maliwalay tu nu salikaka ku pina pina a sera sai maʼaca tu nu cipaysuay,some of the land has been bought by the Han,train +53854,53855,53855,saanay,in this way,train +53855,53856,53856,Nikawrira sapauripan ci Pawluan ku kakridan nu sufitay saka lalang han ningra kunini a dmak ta suwal sa Kamu u mafanaay a midanguy i i ayaw a mihitfu i riyar a midanguy a talahkal,but the centurion wanted to spare Pauls life and kept them from carrying out their plan he ordered those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land,train +53856,53857,53857,apuru haw,it is short,train +53857,53858,53858,yasakuntun i wata kya ekim,Cantonese surprised to see gold,train +53858,53859,53859,iraay saw ku iya itiya hu,there was nothing before,train +53859,53860,53860,wa ngaˈay kita pafeli ci Yihufaan tu maanan a sapatelung hani,what gift can we give the LORD,test +53860,53861,53861,caay ka siku kiya nipaluma niyam,our heavy did not work out,train +53861,53862,53862,ci Kristu ku patusukan nu nika urip aku Saka anu u nika pataytu aku i u sakaci^puc aku,for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain,train +53862,53863,53863,misamsam,being bullied,train +53863,53864,53864,mipadang kaku a mawmah,I will be helping out in the fields,train +53864,53865,53865,Pasa Kalingku ku ingay nu rakat naira,their direction of travel is Hualien,train +53865,53866,53866,o kakeriden nu singsi a tayra i umah kamu anini,I will take you to the fields,train +53866,53867,53867,kahian,Agreed,train +53867,53868,53868,haen han tu ku pihiya nipisanga tu kumu,that is how you make a slingshot,train +53868,53869,53869,urang,shrimp,train +53869,53870,53870,Tiwasen tu ku nipalumaan isu a fila,it is time to pick the betel leaves you planted,test +53870,53871,53871,ci Futul Kacaw kaku,my name is Crawford,train +53871,53872,53872,Hayda nikawrira patikulen anu papacem,Okay but you have to give it back to me tomorrow,train +53872,53873,53873,mikerid,collar,train +53873,53874,53874,yu ira hen ku nipatalikul tu valucu a tamdaw alawan tu umah tipus vavuy rarapa u epah anu caay paka patevuc vahvahen papiliyasen tu niyaru,if he repented he was compensated with fields rice and grain pigs and cattle and wine or he was expelled from the country,train +53874,53875,53875,citelep,someone died,train +53875,53876,53876,Orasaka aka ka talaw kamu ikakaay nu nika limla nu Kawas tu adihayay a alic ku nika limla ningra i tamuwanan,so do not be afraid you are worth more than many sparrows,train +53876,53877,53877,maanen hakini awa tu ku umah,what if the farmland is gone,train +53877,53878,53878,Singsi^ u maan ku nengnengen ita i alu^,Teacher what are we going to see at the riverside,train +53878,53879,53879,karireng,car,train +53879,53880,53880,haw ya u pidatungay haw,the man who took the tree trunk,test +53880,53881,53881,matalaw kisu mabuc payul asa kisu,if you are worried about the starting hole of the net being too big,train +53881,53882,53882,huwaden ku sapad,raise the table,train +53882,53883,53883,ufainayan tatulu ufafahiyan tatulu,they have three boys and three girls,train +53883,53884,53884,suemetay,Wetness,train +53884,53885,53885,hay sa cilimaw kisu anudadaya^ Malafia hu^ kita a tatusa^ ri,no wonder are you available at night would you like to have a meal with me,train +53885,53886,53886,paihkal nu Hungti ci Tafiti tu pakaˈmetay tu tireng tiya mapakangulaw ni Simi,the self control David showed when he was angered by Shechem,train +53886,53887,53887,patatuutuuden,Let one by one,train +53887,53888,53888,anu han iri misanga kita tu luma sa,if that is the case we will build a home,train +53888,53889,53889,Api i luma kisu hay,Api are you home,train +53889,53890,53890,takuwanan,Suffering me,test +53890,53891,53891,Sulinay malakaput ci Hiruti aci Puntius Pilatu atu ruma a finacadan atu finawlan nu Israil a masaupu i tini tunini a niyaru a paculi ci Yisan uya nipilian isu a mipatireng a pala Kristu a Fangcalay a matayalay,indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your Holy servant Jesus whom you anointed,train +53891,53892,53892,cai mahaen kiyami mahaen sa kami,it behaves like this,train +53892,53893,53893,itini i kailisinan,at the Toyotomi Festival,train +53893,53894,53894,Fataan,restoration of tribal names,train +53894,53895,53895,Caay i tukay a maemin ku wawa^ aku a maurip,No my kids are all living in the city,train +53895,53896,53896,papisalama,something used for amusement,train +53896,53897,53897,ci,be,train +53897,53898,53898,kalalicakayan,purchase,train +53898,53899,53899,miyla tu matiyaay,catch something like that,train +53899,53900,53900,dahepay,Upholstery,test +53900,53901,53901,tangasa sa i saka cacay a vulad saka tusa a vulad,around January February,train +53901,53902,53902,o mamaparu ku masahfuhfungay a sra a ma^min o mamaparayas ku lutulutuk atu tapurupuru a ma^min o mamasamu^cel ku maliakungay a lalan o mamarayas ku masahfuhfungay a lalan,every Valley shall be filled in every mountain and hill made low the crooked roads shall become straight the rough ways smooth,train +53902,53903,53903,matngil ningra ku nika ira ci Yis nai Yutaya a tayni i Kalili Saka tayra satu cingra i ci Yisan a mingitangit tu sakatayraaw ni Yis i Kapirnaum a papiadah tuya sakapatayananay a wawa ningra,when this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son who was close to death,train +53903,53904,53904,nga siʼarusaysay,this haze,train +53904,53905,53905,miang^ang,Shoutout newspaper,train +53905,53906,53906,tamdawtamdamdaw,people,train +53906,53907,53907,Mihukala maumah tu kita mimaamaan,after that I will work in the fields,train +53907,53908,53908,nga aratek malitelitengay mafana tu alatek,maybe the elders know,train +53908,53909,53909,mapadingki,electricity,train +53909,53910,53910,mafana tuku wawa mipaluma tu i matini i pala,now the kids are smart enough to take it and plant it,test +53910,53911,53911,wata,Wow,train +53911,53912,53912,lalan,kind,train +53912,53913,53913,rarid sa kaku a minengneng tuna kilang a pinangan,I used to look at the trees,train +53913,53914,53914,sai itini awaay ku salikaka nu misu,because you do not have any brothers or sisters here,train +53914,53915,53915,lidep,eagle,train +53915,53916,53916,anu caay ku nai Kawasay kunini a tamdaw i caay ka filu ningra ku maan aca a dmak han ningra,if this man were not from God he could do nothing,train +53916,53917,53917,hatiya aca i catu pakafilu kami saan,and then they really could not take care of them,train +53917,53918,53918,liyusyiseng,student,train +53918,53919,53919,Malaafas caira tatusa tu mali,the two of them are fighting for the ball,train +53919,53920,53920,ranikay a manguta ku nanum anu urad sahu haw i mangutaay tu ku nanum sanay,because when it rains the water in the stream gets muddy,test +53920,53921,53921,nu maku tu sakaytini,about promoting ethnic language families,train +53921,53922,53922,hay mahaen kira sa magey,that is what that machine looks like,train +53922,53923,53923,anu alaen nu misu itiya tahekal i pulut ku remes,it only bleeds from the tail if you scratch it,train +53923,53924,53924,Miedaw cingra yu,he is got to have it first,train +53924,53925,53925,angcuhen,smells like urine,train +53925,53926,53926,dengan u pinanam tunu kuhecalay tamdaw,the only culture that learns about white people,train +53926,53927,53927,mael^el,choke with emotion,train +53927,53928,53928,unian han makaen kuni,you can eat this too,train +53928,53929,53929,u hacining,Qiancheng former name of Beijing municipality,train +53929,53930,53930,saka caayay u kadafu atek ku iraay,some of them are son in laws who have been in trouble with the law,test +53930,53931,53931,dadaya satu i kaku tu micacakay tu kakaenen pakaen tu safa,when evening came I had to cook dinner and feed my sister,train +53931,53932,53932,Ayu kakasemelan tu ku tayal namu,Wow you guys are doing an awesome job,train +53932,53933,53933,palaliwen,deploy something run away,train +53933,53934,53934,u pisakuli,pure work,train +53934,53935,53935,ura wawa tayraay tu i tukay kira,the kids are already in the city,train +53935,53936,53936,fulesak,spill,train +53936,53937,53937,Pakalawac a rumakat,walk to the side,train +53937,53938,53938,saka u niyaru hananay lacecay san pinakucecay a niyaru cecay lalumaʼan kira,the tribe should be one like a big family,train +53938,53939,53939,a,Here,train +53939,53940,53940,tuya tufang haw i tira tu kaku i laluma nu Kiw Kay a miulukang,when I am done with the maid I go to church and play the piano,test +53940,53941,53941,suwal sa ci Yis Pataynien i Takuwanan kuranan han ningra,Bring them here to me he said,train +53941,53942,53942,i tira i kengkeng ira tu ku nanum way ku nanum niyam apa ku misu sa makakaingen kami i pala iʼayaw,there is water in all your fields and you are always fighting over rice water,train +53942,53943,53943,satu matira ku demak,here is the thing,train +53943,53944,53944,citahaduyan tu sapad a talahekal,go to land on a floating object,train +53944,53945,53945,parahiden,punch,train +53945,53946,53946,tayni hatu haw,come again next time,train +53946,53947,53947,anu huni santu pasifana han tu kamu tu pikawit tu matiniay,I will explain how to knit later,train +53947,53948,53948,u tumuk cira hakiya,is he still the leader,train +53948,53949,53949,Tataang ku rudihang nu mita i tenuk nu lutuk,we echoed loudly in the mountains,train +53949,53950,53950,wuhicu mafana kaku milililit,I can do it I will do it,test +53950,53951,53951,sakakaay atu sasabaay haw u ruma ku nipiʼangʼang,the oldest and the youngest are called differently,train +53951,53952,53952,u fulad ku sakatangad nangra,they have to rely on the light of the moon,train +53952,53953,53953,sakilanganhu,Felling trees,train +53953,53954,53954,itira i haw itira aluman ku Amis a mapatay,many Aborigines died in Kaohsiung,train +53954,53955,53955,adihay ku raecusay,a lot of bad ones too,train +53955,53956,53956,mikulit,drawing,train +53956,53957,53957,maherek tu palilam kira matuʼasay itiya tu a malahuk tu saan,start Dining,train +53957,53958,53958,kumulis masamamanay san,what is the ritual of the fishing festival,train +53958,53959,53959,paselaʼenhu,take a break,train +53959,53960,53960,ca kafana tu nika u kudasing ku ngangan nura papalumaan nira,did not know kudasing was the name of what they were growing,test +53960,53961,53961,Nikawrira aka ka cihinapec tu mamamamang aca Pasulin han ku Kawas a milunguc nawhani matiya u nifiyukan nu fali a taplik nu riyar a macunacun ku hinapecay a tamdaw,but when he asks he must believe and not doubt because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind,train +53961,53962,53962,Catu matalaw kaku kumaen tu acedahay,do not I am afraid to eat spicy food,train +53962,53963,53963,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad Palahdawen Aku ku taneng nu citanengay a tamdaw Palasawaden Aku ku fana nu citangalay a tamdaw saan,for it is written I will destroy the wisdom of the wise the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate,train +53963,53964,53964,tuluay tu a lulung itini emin han aku a pafeli kisunan,there are three left all for you,train +53964,53965,53965,Itiyasatu tayra a miraud i ci Yisan ku fainayan a wawa ni Cipitay ci Yakup aci Yuhani suwal sa Singsiaw ira ku ccay a lalungucen niyam nanay lahcien Isu han nangra,then James and John the sons of Zebedee came to him Teacher they said we want you to do for us whatever we ask,train +53965,53966,53966,tu paluwad tu tanengay tamdaw,to promote the talents of our intelligent people,train +53966,53967,53967,tiya kuwang iri hanʼhan matiya u lacu,which gun loaded like this is used as a bullet,train +53967,53968,53968,tiya pasuwal ci Musi tu niyam i u niyah aci Yihufa anca u niyah aci Arun ku mituruˈan ningra,when Moses said we he probably meant himself and Aaron,train +53968,53969,53969,pusi^,cats,train +53969,53970,53970,Masarayarayay tu kira awul a masanga nu kapah,young people have made bridges out of bamboo,test +53970,53971,53971,matahidang ku tumuk mamin,the leaders have been summoned,train +53971,53972,53972,nu minukay a tamina itira a micumud ira kura a hananay,the lighthouse is the target for guiding ships into the harbor,train +53972,53973,53973,nika maulah kaku a minanam tu suwal nu Pangcah,but I am interested in northern Amish,train +53973,53974,53974,rumakat caira,they walk,train +53974,53975,53975,malukulung mingata tini tu riyar,and then we will move closer to the sea,train +53975,53976,53976,mapasaksak kura kili kira,padded,train +53976,53977,53977,maruray ku urip aku,I have had a hard life,train +53977,53978,53978,tamdaw,people,train +53978,53979,53979,13 anu makelec ku kalaliting nu pihakelungan atu mirikecay i wa mifekad ku mariˈangay a demak,when religion and politics are closely intertwined it can easily lead to violence,train +53979,53980,53980,mahiya aca,on the contrary,test +53980,53981,53981,hatira ku fafahiyan nu ci Lingacay,that is a good Ling Ya woman,train +53981,53982,53982,Ngaay tu o maan ku lalicayen isu,you are welcome what would you like to know,train +53982,53983,53983,tuya cacay a remiad,someday,train +53983,53984,53984,i itiya itini i Tabalung away i matengil ku Tangbalan,at that time I had never heard of the Kavalan in Tai Pa Long,train +53984,53985,53985,mihadidi kita a mitusil tu tamdaw salikur wa ira ku ngaˈayay harateng nu tamdaw halatek,we preach patiently to people and some of them may eventually respond favorably,train +53985,53986,53986,duka^,wound,train +53986,53987,53987,Kadkad san kisu a mimaan tu nu i ayaway hu a demak,why do you need to revisit the past,train +53987,53988,53988,anu matira malitusa kuna niyaru,the people of the tribes of faith are divided into two factions,train +53988,53989,53989,kidafes,guava,train +53989,53990,53990,tiya hu awaay ku ising hiwawa,there was no doctor at that time,test +53990,53991,53991,sisa verver han tu niyam manay mahaen,So we cut it all down and this is what we got,train +53991,53992,53992,cayka ngaʼay caay ka tapi ku nu ruma ruma a tamdaw saan,you cannot win against someone with credentials,train +53992,53993,53993,na u nivaki aku saw,it is my grandfathers,train +53993,53994,53994,misausi,calculation,train +53994,53995,53995,pitaungan,days of worship,train +53995,53996,53996,huni ira ku ccay a wawa tu nikiliciway mitafsiw itira,after a while there was a child who rode a bike and passed by,train +53996,53997,53997,pisafanawan san neneng han nira ku salawacang nu tarawadaw maedeng itini saan,look at the stream first let him dig a pond right here,train +53997,53998,53998,itili i caay kakayakay nu edu itilaen mipawali,put it there where the rats cannot go,train +53998,53999,53999,nengneng kina kamay umisasingan ku demak,Photography look at my hands,train +53999,54000,54000,nu caʼang,the branches of the tree,test +54000,54001,54001,taʼelif e limaay maheca,has it been more than five years,train +54001,54002,54002,lawpen tu nuya unal cingra a mi law laliw sa tu cingra,the bees began it and it ran away,train +54002,54003,54003,kilim han tu kuna mamikilimay kakuwan,then let us get this interviewer to do it,train +54003,54004,54004,tu kakaenen tu misangaan nu ina,Mothers preparation,train +54004,54005,54005,patangkuyan,the place for the winter squash,train +54005,54006,54006,han naku anini awaay tu tumuʼetep,I will make ten,train +54006,54007,54007,na awa ku falucu nira kura a kapah,I do not have a heart for this boy,train +54007,54008,54008,mimetmet,handshakes,train +54008,54009,54009,tafangcal ku urip ita tahini i dauʼc,everything will be fine in your family until the end of time,train +54009,54010,54010,miyat,flash,test +54010,54011,54011,u kudul nu kapah waayay ku kulit nu vuduy sitakak a maemin u teluc nu selal mawacay tu vuduy,youths above to the father of youths wear plain short tops and all wear feathered crowns youths are naked and wear headdresses,train +54011,54012,54012,nu Yincumin hananay,Aboriginal,train +54012,54013,54013,tangasa sa yara i hiya nu niyaru salikulay nu niyaru a mavekac tangasa i unduva,until the last tribal player arrives at the stadium,train +54013,54014,54014,u pulung nu sakaira nu niyaru tu kalumaamaan anu u pisarafar tu anu pifuting tu o tayal nu nini a selal inian i u suelinay a ukak nu niyaru nu Pangcah,it is also the organization that carries out all the main production activities which is an important tribal structure in Amis,train +54014,54015,54015,mahrek kuya tarukus a pawacay a pasuwal tu suwal nu Tapang i kala pinukay han nangra i Yirusalim ku nipipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh i kasaniyaruaru nu Samariya a pala,when they had testified and proclaimed the word of the Lord Peter and John returned to Jerusalem preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages,train +54015,54016,54016,mihicay i riyar ci mama saan,Daddys going to catch a fish fry,train +54016,54017,54017,pacuyuhen,To Angel,train +54017,54018,54018,nengnengen kaku,look at me,train +54018,54019,54019,awaay i luma cingra nimaan kisu,she is not here what can I do for you,train +54019,54020,54020,masulep naayaw ku wawa,kids used to come home from school hungry,test +54020,54021,54021,pahecek tira tu tudung nu paniyaruʼan nu Makutaay sanay,tree pillars in the Maguadam tribe,train +54021,54022,54022,malinah cangra mafaliway itiraway,they are moving it is all organized,train +54022,54023,54023,ci Madadingu ku ngangan nu cacayay a limecedan,there is a girl named flawless and Centrifugal,train +54023,54024,54024,aray han naku,thank you sir,train +54024,54025,54025,Paulien kira wawa a micakay tu simal,let the kid go get the oil,train +54025,54026,54026,misulsul tu capuh san,Stringing seedlings,train +54026,54027,54027,mitala tu nipatavu nu vavahi a malahuk i tarawadaw,they were waiting for the lunchbox to be delivered by their wives by the river,train +54027,54028,54028,saka sasuwalen aku kita,that is why I am sharing it here,train +54028,54029,54029,ira kunu tapuduay,there is a man with a turban,train +54029,54030,54030,tayen kuya wacu,kill that dog,test +54030,54031,54031,anini tu i mafana tu ku kaemangay i,after today children learn,train +54031,54032,54032,saka unini ku tapngang a suwal ita anini,and for that reason this is the main point of our conversation today,train +54032,54033,54033,mifuyul,push it into a corner,train +54033,54034,54034,o kakayaay ku wikul nu kulung,cows have long tails,train +54034,54035,54035,licay han aku cingraan anu pacici han a mifalic tu ngangan tatiih ku katelangay a pasingsi hayda,I asked him why he insisted on changing his name was not the old registration method sufficient,train +54035,54036,54036,kutu^,head lice,train +54036,54037,54037,falahen,lose,train +54037,54038,54038,anu mangaay mangaay,if she can be cured she would recover,train +54038,54039,54039,adingu tu tireng mahemek ku tau,flexible life is respected,train +54039,54040,54040,mangaay mapaluwad ku mihadidiay a falucu aku,it also fosters my patience,test +54040,54041,54041,upic,wet,train +54041,54042,54042,semuwal,tell,train +54042,54043,54043,malikat ku hemut nu alupaynay tu lafii,Fireflys butt glows at night,train +54043,54044,54044,teker ni Idek,rainbow,train +54044,54045,54045,kamu kaemangay aka pitawal kamu tu,Children do not forget,train +54045,54046,54046,nikaulira sumuwal haca ku kaput nu maku,I have been getting messages from my buddies,train +54046,54047,54047,itiya hu sueling na tayni kuya Hulam tayni,when the Qing soldiers came,train +54047,54048,54048,u katelang a umah sanay ku ngangan tira a pangangan sa,it is named after the old fields on that side,train +54048,54049,54049,mahahiyaay a lutuk,it is a connected mountain,train +54049,54050,54050,Dadaya maaraw tu ku fuis,in the evening see the stars,test +54050,54051,54051,cuyakuen ni Wangcenfa,translated by Wang Cheng,train +54051,54052,54052,pinaen isu ku picakay,how much do you want to buy,train +54052,54053,54053,minanam tu hatiniay,learning to make pottery,train +54053,54054,54054,ci Maʼuwid san ri,and Malverde,train +54054,54055,54055,minginguy tiya,it will be washed in there,train +54055,54056,54056,taangayay ku cidal halileng ku funguh mapacidal,the sun is so big it makes me dizzy,train +54056,54057,54057,cimangta,raw,train +54057,54058,54058,halikien a minukay palilamen nu mita ku salawinawina,let us go back immediately and share it with everyone,train +54058,54059,54059,Tusa^ kufuc atu cecay pawti^ ku felac,I want two bottles and a pack of rice,train +54059,54060,54060,milepel,scratch,test +54060,54061,54061,ira i Tatpak ku misatayaay,there are tire makers in Taipei,train +54061,54062,54062,Ngaay tu,Okay no problem,train +54062,54063,54063,o niyaru nu mita na hacuwaay malingatu a patireng sa u kakilimen nu mita ku matiniay a sasimsimen nu pakayniay nu finacadan nu mita,when were our tribes founded this is where we need to find out what the relationships between communities looked like at that time and think about them,train +54063,54064,54064,tuluay tu mihecaan ku kararamud niyam,we have been married for three years,train +54064,54065,54065,sangataay,nearest,train +54065,54066,54066,tifek,beat,train +54066,54067,54067,mapalamitakaway,taken for a thief,train +54067,54068,54068,hecek,pillar,train +54068,54069,54069,o maan ku misu kaulahan a telung,so what would you like as a gift,train +54069,54070,54070,ira ku mahaenay a demak san,there is this kind of damage to the world,test +54070,54071,54071,niya fanges ira,it is bark like,train +54071,54072,54072,tu pacici han tu cecayay a hulic,to enforce compliance with a law,train +54072,54073,54073,afay widi san tapirudan niyam,if you see a lot of leeches dump the water,train +54073,54074,54074,anu Cikasuan tu anu u Falangaw tu i malecaday tu a matira,the same is true for the Cikasoan and the Falangaw,train +54074,54075,54075,aka pisakaniw haratengen isu kunian,do not lie you must remember that,train +54075,54076,54076,ci mama aku kira miudawisay tu kiyafes i sarikuran nu luma,my dad is the one who picks the fenugreek in my backyard,train +54076,54077,54077,hatiraay sa ira sa ku sapimisa nu tiniay i Tucen,that is why Tucson has Kemosha,train +54077,54078,54078,hatinien haw,is it the same,train +54078,54079,54079,ta patadu han nuya tatuluay a mipakalic itira i kuliciw nira,the three helped him put onto his bike,train +54079,54080,54080,pisalamaan,amusement parksplaygrounds,test +54080,54081,54081,iri alaen tu ku suwasuwal nu ina,and then I took my moms language with me,train +54081,54082,54082,awiday,thank you sir,train +54082,54083,54083,Pakamaan cira a tayra i paisingan,how does he go to the hospital,train +54083,54084,54084,tayni i Tunghayan pakafana kaku tu mimaliay,wants to go back to the east coast as a coach,train +54084,54085,54085,i kuhkuhay a tamdaw hiwawa haw,who lives in Mizuho,train +54085,54086,54086,mikapkap tu panay,although it is hard to raise pigs hoe grass and cut rice,train +54086,54087,54087,kapisyakay nu tau,people who can get to the city,train +54087,54088,54088,Tapang nu mita itiya ci nan,Zhu Lilun the head of the party at that time,train +54088,54089,54089,itiraay Kanifangal i cuwacuwaay tayni tu tini,from the Hsin Chong tribe or from all over the place,train +54089,54090,54090,Orasaka salikakaaw pakayni i nika patay ni Yis ku saka^catu ka paska ita a micumud tu Safangcalay a Kaitiraan,Therefore brothers since we have confidence to enter the most Holy place by the blood of Jesus,test +54090,54091,54091,malafiyaway kami,we are neighbors,train +54091,54092,54092,tayni,come,train +54092,54093,54093,ca kalifanaʼan haw i ira ku matefaday a sasuʼut,by chance a rope fell down,train +54093,54094,54094,ecak,cooked,train +54094,54095,54095,Mafanaay kisu tu ngangan ningra han,do you know his name,train +54095,54096,54096,iraan kiya u hananay,that is why we have the Harvest moon Festival,train +54096,54097,54097,masasipafeli,exchange,train +54097,54098,54098,u mamaanay a kulit ku kangalayan nu misu,what color do you like,train +54098,54099,54099,mawmah haw a caay katayra itila i hiya,of course I am going to plow the field,train +54099,54100,54100,Elik hananay ku panay itiya hu,in the old days rice was shelled by rubbing it with a footplate,test +54100,54101,54101,saw katalawan ku urip nu mita,So our fate is unpredictable,train +54101,54102,54102,Opic en ku sapisisit ta mangaay a misisit tu sapad,you have to get a wet cloth to wipe the table clean,train +54102,54103,54103,hikitasi,drawers,train +54103,54104,54104,kilim saca kita tu kamaruʼan mita tu iraay ku kalingadan satu kuya matuʼusay,so the old man tried to find a place to live and farm,train +54104,54105,54105,tu tulak nu rurang sanay kura caciyaw ira,a garment made of bark that is what he said,train +54105,54106,54106,a demak sanay kuni pangangan takuwanan hay,I thought a bad name would be good for me,train +54106,54107,54107,malumed kaku itiya ira ci fan a singsi,I was lucky to meet Professor Afan,train +54107,54108,54108,kicay,economy,train +54108,54109,54109,Furifur san kuya malasangay tu pikayki niyam,that drunk disrupted our meeting,train +54109,54110,54110,ya u kincal ma haw,the police,test +54110,54111,54111,haenen numaku saan ta i caay pihada ku faed,if we insist on doing this the chief Executive may not accept it,train +54111,54112,54112,Mafaheka kami tu nikatayni nu misu,we were surprised by your visit,train +54112,54113,54113,sisa malikit ku heni,that is why they were floated away,train +54113,54114,54114,saka talacuwa tu kuya takula aku saan cingra a miceli a mikilim,Where is my frog he called and searched,train +54114,54115,54115,i cuwa man tu ku nanum,what should I do there is no water,train +54115,54116,54116,17 Itinihu ci Yis i hekal na pasuwalay ciharatengay cingra itini tatihi nu kakarayan wama milifuk tu saˈayaway a ˈdil,Jesus said while on earth that he wanted to be glorified with the father in the way he had been glorified,train +54116,54117,54117,o ruma alatek cuwa ku papakaremu kaku milaheci tu tayal saan a miharateng,some brothers feel that they are not able to fulfill the work of the congregation,train +54117,54118,54118,taha tengil cangra i,both parties respond to each other,train +54118,54119,54119,pawaayen,to make a foot,train +54119,54120,54120,masamsam nu tau,you will be bullied,test +54120,54121,54121,han ni kaka aku ni Yusiku di mangic kaku,I cried when my sister Yuji said that,train +54121,54122,54122,mahan u vekeluh caay,seems like a rock,train +54122,54123,54123,haen saan,that is right,train +54123,54124,54124,mararid talariyar mifuting ku mifutingay,fishermen often go out to sea to catch fish,train +54124,54125,54125,papituuren,deploy something Follow,train +54125,54126,54126,siparuday,familial,train +54126,54127,54127,nu maku,my,train +54127,54128,54128,kacelakan,blooming season,train +54128,54129,54129,nanu mimingan aku tahanini haw cuwa ku ney kaku,I have never had a princess since I was a kid,train +54129,54130,54130,Hay kaku ku mipananumay,Okay I will water it,test +54130,54131,54131,Pinaun kamu Mapaliayawtu aku kamu a sumuwal tunini a dmak a ma^min,so be on your guard I have told you everything ahead of time,train +54131,54132,54132,nengneng hanaku,I have been watching,train +54132,54133,54133,malusasangaʼen tu kawkaw,you can make a woodcutter,train +54133,54134,54134,itila i sacumud niya sauwac tarawadaw,right at the mouth of the river,train +54134,54135,54135,ira ku futing san haw,I thought fish was plentiful,train +54135,54136,54136,Nikawrira pasuwalen aku kamu u makteray tu salikaka ningra a tamdaw i u mamasawkit O awaay ku ^puc a tamdaw kisu sanay tu salikaka ningra i u mamaliclic nu lumaucay O maapaay kisu sanay tu salikaka ningra i u mamafahkul i pisemseman a namal,but I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment Again anyone who says to his brother Raca is answerable to the Sanhedrin but anyone who says You fool will be in danger of the fire of hell,train +54136,54137,54137,ira ku nipituktuk tu papah nira,someone is marketing the leaves,train +54137,54138,54138,amin,influential family,train +54138,54139,54139,u mata mahaen haw,look at this hole in the net that is what it is,train +54139,54140,54140,pacefa sa nihulul iriyar,going for a swim at the beach,test +54140,54141,54141,Paaca ci ina tu nicakayan,Mommy shopping Payment,train +54141,54142,54142,ira i sawalian kiya tusaay a hiya a salili,there are two pillars on the east side,train +54142,54143,54143,mamipakilac tu tatayalen canira tu nira a tidung,and the distribution of planning tasks,train +54143,54144,54144,Hai miala kaku tu kiradum,Okay I will go get the cloth,train +54144,54145,54145,pakadangaway,expose it to mosquitoes,train +54145,54146,54146,icuwa micakay hiwa,I am going to buy it there,train +54146,54147,54147,pakacuperasen,refresh something,train +54147,54148,54148,ku Tapang na na kaytiraan niya padamsuan,where is the place where the tax is paid,train +54148,54149,54149,o maalaway nu kapah ku katayalan nu matuasay,the jobs of the elderly have been taken away by the young,train +54149,54150,54150,ya uraan tu i malingad tu,when we are done here we will be on our way,test +54150,54151,54151,itini satulun ngaˈayay kita sumuwal tu maanan,what can we mention in our prayers,train +54151,54152,54152,pangangan nu malitengay,elderly peoples views,train +54152,54153,54153,malemed kaku citatudung tu demak,I am lucky to be in charge of this,train +54153,54154,54154,iray demak a sa,if it is an action,train +54154,54155,54155,o idang ni kaka ci Panay,Panay is a friend of his brother,train +54155,54156,54156,sali^tecen,cool,train +54156,54157,54157,irikur nunini iikur nunini,after this,train +54157,54158,54158,malufic,fulfillment,train +54158,54159,54159,O nipiduedu tu araaw nu miucuray i takuwanan atu nipilaheci tu tayal ningra ku malu kakaenen aku Yohani 434,my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work John,train +54159,54160,54160,ta mafana kamu tu sulinay a suwal nu Kawas onini a suwal nu Kawas ku mamitdal tamuwanan a pakunira han ningra,then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free,test +54160,54161,54161,nu Ripun masipun ha ha ha hay citan kisu,Japans got a lot of money ha ha ha Yeah you got it,train +54161,54162,54162,Masahaen tu u papah nira ku nipitutukan,the mallets like its leaf shape,train +54162,54163,54163,Kapahtu aka kapawan a taluma tu sansandev,do not forget to go home in the evening,train +54163,54164,54164,tayra i Sincwang,to Shinsengumi,train +54164,54165,54165,metmet,handshakes,train +54165,54166,54166,Nikawrira anu ira ku sumuwalay i tamuwanan O nipacakatan i samiyay kunini a kakaenen anu saan i aka ka kumaen kamu onini i u pipaayaw namu tu ngaay a falucu nuya pasuwalay i tamuwanan a tamdaw,but if anyone says to you This has been offered in sacrifice then do not eat it both for the sake of the man who told you and for conscience sake,train +54166,54167,54167,mafana ku ni nisanu Hulam kira ri,I can speak Chinese,train +54167,54168,54168,maala makaen,it is all edible,train +54168,54169,54169,satengitengilaw,ask,train +54169,54170,54170,takuwan,me,test +54170,54171,54171,ku nalitengan hu nasa kamu alatek mitengilay,you are probably listening to this and you are probably thinking what is going on,train +54171,54172,54172,tuna lifung,this epidemic,train +54172,54173,54173,malecad,the same,train +54173,54174,54174,Safanaen Satan Yis a papisanga tu epang,Satan tried to tempt Jesus to make bread,train +54174,54175,54175,pinafuting,fish catch,train +54175,54176,54176,talaliyal a misalul mivuting atu misadipit mimuri mikanasaw,go to the beach to collect seaweed catch fish and search for shellfish and sea urchins,train +54176,54177,54177,samaanay sanay haw,what is it like,train +54177,54178,54178,makalat nu wacu,bitten by a dog,train +54178,54179,54179,Micerur ci Dakuc tu tayal ni namuh a pasifana tu suwal nu Pangcah,Dakoc takes over Namohs job of teaching Amish,train +54179,54180,54180,tu litapang sa ku miteka i,learning opportunities,test +54180,54181,54181,ku pisanga nu riku i keracan kuya,making or clothes scrape,train +54181,54182,54182,u nika awaay hu ku katayalan itini i kaysiya han haw i,no job opportunities if you work in a factory,train +54182,54183,54183,perar,crumble,train +54183,54184,54184,itiyahu awaay ku ilisin nu mita u finawlan,in those days the tribes did not have the Harvest Festival,train +54184,54185,54185,anu caay ka hapinang ku nipatnakan niyam a Ngaayay Ratuh i deng u mamatkup a tamdaw ku caay pakahapinang,and even if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing,train +54185,54186,54186,mihima,consolation,train +54186,54187,54187,itiya i samaen hukiya iraay ku pilalang,I did not know what to do my heart was in denial,train +54187,54188,54188,anu,regardless of,train +54188,54189,54189,maraay ku patiyamay nani luma namu hay,is the market close to your house,train +54189,54190,54190,pasafaken,empty grain rice without grains,test +54190,54191,54191,marufu tu,Lockdown,train +54191,54192,54192,mahaen ku pisanga tu emu hananay,this is how the traditional rice cake is made,train +54192,54193,54193,saikur tu i cuwa tu kakahi a pacaliw ku alumanay i cingranan,in the end no one wanted to borrow anything from him,train +54193,54194,54194,o talupung,I will take the hat,train +54194,54195,54195,pakayra satu i lutuk,so flee to the mountains,train +54195,54196,54196,u luma nu maku u paru nu luma nu maku haw i,my family,train +54196,54197,54197,sa ira ku kungku,the reason why there is a story,train +54197,54198,54198,pipatuayaan a rumiad,day for offering a sacrifice,train +54198,54199,54199,samaanen sa kaku,here is what I am going to do,train +54199,54200,54200,icuwa ku taheka^an ita,where is our meal to be served,test +54200,54201,54201,anu lalima kura faki nura luma,if this family has five uncles,train +54201,54202,54202,sahatiraay ku tayal nu niyam,try hard,train +54202,54203,54203,maduka ku waay ningra,his foot was wounded,train +54203,54204,54204,misafila,stacked Lao leaves,train +54204,54205,54205,Pangcah,Amis,train +54205,54206,54206,ci rengus tui,Rengus of course,train +54206,54207,54207,mapades kaku,I am of trouble,train +54207,54208,54208,Fahka ku tamdamdaw a pakatngil tu pakafana ni Yis nawhani u nu cisakuwanay ku pakafana Ningra caay ka lcad tu kalupasifanaay tu Rikec,the people were amazed at his teaching because he taught them as one who had authority not as the teachers of the law,train +54208,54209,54209,Saka krid hantu nangra ci Pawlu a tayra i Ariupakus hananay a pilaucan suwal sa Anu u maan kura fa^luhay a nisuwalan isu a pasifana i mamaan pasifanaen kami,then they took him and brought him to a meeting of the Areopagus where they said to him May we know what this new teaching is that you are presenting,train +54209,54210,54210,tuna caaytu pakahadidi kamu saka kita a tatusa ku mamasiday i Atin saan ku ktun nu falucu niyam itiya,so when we could stand it no longer we thought it best to be left by ourselves in Athens,test +54210,54211,54211,anu cilemed tu taangay,if you are hunting big game in your dreams,train +54211,54212,54212,mafelih ku nikasifuduy nira,his clothes are on backwards,train +54212,54213,54213,Maaraw nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec ku kafahkaan a dmak ni Yis o rumasatu matngil nangra ku nipilkal nu ka^mangay i laluma nu Fangcalay Pitaungan tuya Hmeken ku Wawa ni Tafiti sanay i makter cangra,but when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and the children shouting in the temple area Hosanna to the son of David they were indignant,train +54213,54214,54214,malingad tu kaku tayra itini i peypu Cungli,I am going to Jungli in the north,train +54214,54215,54215,tu suwal nu,Harmonization,train +54215,54216,54216,nu wina nu mita tu emu,Mothers homemade sweet rice cake,train +54216,54217,54217,Kasasiulah kamu nawhani u malaccayay kamu i ci Kristuananay a salikaka Kasasingudu kamu a misapu^ner tu falucu,be devoted to one another in brotherly love honor one another above yourselves,train +54217,54218,54218,tusa a pulu ira ku cacay,twenty one,train +54218,54219,54219,wata hu kuya kalang,I thought there were plenty of crabs,train +54219,54220,54220,papicadiwayen,command something catch fish in a trammel net,test +54220,54221,54221,anu u kavi nu tatakula kapah tu mamaan naca,the frog soup looks good too,train +54221,54222,54222,anu tayra kisu itini i kalahitayan nu misu haw,you are in military service,train +54222,54223,54223,ikur padutucay kami mitaykay i Amustetan itira mikalic tu hikuki minukay i Niwyuk,after that we drove on to Amsterdam where we caught a plane back to new York,train +54223,54224,54224,i saikuray a rumiad nu pisalisinan u satadamaanay a rumiad i tireng sa ci Yis a milkal a pasuwal Anu cima ku masuaway a tamdaw i katayni i takuwanan a minanum,on the last and greatest day of the Feast Jesus stood and said in a loud voice If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink,train +54224,54225,54225,Maledat ku kuliciw nu maku,my bike broke down,train +54225,54226,54226,o atkakay a kakaenen i u kakaenen nu matuasay uya mafanaaytu a mihapinang tu ngaayay atu tatiihay a matanengaytu a tamdaw,but solid food is for the mature who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil,train +54226,54227,54227,Nengnengen wata ku nika ulah nu wama titaanan o wawa nu Kawas han ningra kita a mitahidang Sulinay u wawa ningra kita Orasaka caay ka fana ku nu hkalan a tamdaw i titaanan nawhani caay ka fana cangra tu Kawas,how great is the love the father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him,train +54227,54228,54228,apilis,spur,train +54228,54229,54229,malitengay,elderly people,train +54229,54230,54230,ku Ingkuleng,British,test +54230,54231,54231,anu ku sadimata tu amutu tusa dimata ku bunak,if the cement is to be stretches with stretches of sand and mud,train +54231,54232,54232,ini cacuus tu epah nu kaka saan,so greedy to drink our wine,train +54232,54233,54233,tu iri tara tu kami mikalukacup,and then we will go pick some YIWU fruit,train +54233,54234,54234,misapuener tu falucu,to take a low place humble ones heart,train +54234,54235,54235,awaay ku tingnaw itiya,no computer equipment,train +54235,54236,54236,hacuwa ku,basic,train +54236,54237,54237,kaen hantu nu matu��asay itiyahu,the elders used to eat this,train +54237,54238,54238,tina sakalahuk ita satu ku heni anu mahaen tu,where is our lunch and while they are wondering,train +54238,54239,54239,haen tu nangra kira,that is what they say,train +54239,54240,54240,mikiskis kaku tu sapicudad aku mi kaku itiya,I was able to get a job cutting sugar cane,test +54240,54241,54241,araw mahaenay a mihicay,you know you have been fishing,train +54241,54242,54242,patayraen nu heni pasaupuen,take it and put it together,train +54242,54243,54243,Matengel hu aku tu milihay i,as soon as I hear about doing worship,train +54243,54244,54244,tara kami i Hutin,we are going to the cattle range,train +54244,54245,54245,a sanu duduhay,with bamboo joints,train +54245,54246,54246,iraay ku hiya u,there is that,train +54246,54247,54247,Orasaka u a imeren namu a midu^du ku nisuwalan nangra i tamuwanan Nikawrira aka pitudung tu dmak nangra nawhani caay pidu^du cangra tu sifana nangra,so you must obey them and do everything they tell you but do not do what they do for they do not practice what they preach,train +54247,54248,54248,nanukaciferangan,since summer,train +54248,54249,54249,icuwa ku kamaruan isu,where are you sitting working staying,train +54249,54250,54250,ira tu kakumaenan hatiraay ku maku,I will have something to eat,test +54250,54251,54251,Lalima^ caira a mapulung,there are five people in their family,train +54251,54252,54252,ina suwal na makayni i sawali a niyaru u sapavana tu caayay pisausi tu tuki atu matukaay a tamdaw,this famous saying is an aphorism used by the Amish who lived by the sea to admonish those who did not keep time,train +54252,54253,54253,keriden tu nu itukalay cifayfay micumud i sefi,the leader enters the venue waving the bridge tribe flag,train +54253,54254,54254,tu maharek tu micudad tu nu kawcung heywa i,until I finish my high school education,train +54254,54255,54255,a tahira tu itira hu kaku mitidid tahiraay i Kucueng,it is a good thing I went to middle school,train +54255,54256,54256,minanam,go and learn,train +54256,54257,54257,o Pitsayta a tamdaw ci Filip o niyaru na Antiri aci Pitiru ku niyaru ningra,Philip like Andrew and Peter was from the town of Bethsaida,train +54257,54258,54258,misahemay ci ina tu rumiamiad,mom cooks every day,train +54258,54259,54259,pacuricuren tu icuwaayentu ku buting isu,do you still have your fish,train +54259,54260,54260,uratu tura nipacisawan nira a faʼinayan i,that guy the one you want to introduce me to,test +54260,54261,54261,mihengaday,trap,train +54261,54262,54262,matatudung ku niyan kiya,creating an ethnic language friendly environment,train +54262,54263,54263,10 nengnengen ku ruma nilifetan nu cecay paru nu lumaˈ i Dipung,please look at the experience of one Japanese family,train +54263,54264,54264,Misatangitangic i ayaw nu matuasay,packing and crying in front of the old man,train +54264,54265,54265,hayi ira tu saw iri,Yes yes yes,train +54265,54266,54266,a mangaʼay malatamdaw kura Kauta ira sanay ku singciw,his vomiting will only get better the captain said the same thing,train +54266,54267,54267,Inaaw Mikadafu tu kaku,Mom I am getting married,train +54267,54268,54268,kelungkelungkelung saan i,Boom Boom Bombardment,train +54268,54269,54269,u misamsamay tumatuʼasay anu caay pipawa caay kacefus ku matuʼasay kura man ku pawa,if the firecrackers had not been set off it would not have disturbed the clan,train +54269,54270,54270,tu lipalipay tayra itini i sinku i luma nira a patihi minanam tu ti tu suwal nu mis cingra,every week I went to his house at Hsinkang so that he could study Amis with me,test +54270,54271,54271,sinafel,dish,train +54271,54272,54272,Mikaput kami ci Kristuan a mapades tu masamaamaanay a pades Saka pakayni i ci Kristuan ku sakahinum niyam tu masamaamaanay,for just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives so also through Christ our comfort overflows,train +54272,54273,54273,micumud haca ci Pilatu i luma nu mikumuday ta tahidang han ningra ci Yis a miliclic O Hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw kisu saw han ningra,Pilate then went back inside the palace summoned Jesus and asked him Are you the king of the Jews,train +54273,54274,54274,nanay u pakayraan ita maˈurip paihekalay tu suˈlinay ku niyah mikaput tu Kawas,may we live in a way that shows we are truly walking with God,train +54274,54275,54275,maʼurad,raining,train +54275,54276,54276,ku ngangan nu wama aku,Tian Laomin is my fathers name,train +54276,54277,54277,pararikahen,Installationwith centipedes,train +54277,54278,54278,Pacauf sa kuya nanu mapuhaway a tamdaw Fahka kaku tamuwanan tu nika fukil namu tu nika u nai cuwaay cingra Nikawrira cingra ku miadahay tu mata aku,the man answered Now that is remarkable you do not know where he comes from yet he opened my eyes,train +54278,54279,54279,patiked,angling for fish,train +54279,54280,54280,Nikawrira yu mapatireng nu aniniay a Kitakit ku sapihalaka tu niyaru a demak i mapalasawad tu ku lekakawa atu pakuniyaniyah a imar nu Yincumincu,but in the process of modern state building indigenous peoples lost the right to steer their own course and govern their own affairs,test +54280,54281,54281,culah,events,train +54281,54282,54282,Mamaan,what way,train +54282,54283,54283,yu velavelat ku alipawnay,when the fireflies are flickering and glowing,train +54283,54284,54284,matumes tu,full,train +54284,54285,54285,talukan,she would,train +54285,54286,54286,oya tu ku misu i,after that,train +54286,54287,54287,matira ku demak,that is what happened,train +54287,54288,54288,ira lutuk hantu ci Singkuy hananay a lutuk,why is that mountain called the mountain of Hunger,train +54288,54289,54289,cudungtekikiw,longitude,train +54289,54290,54290,sangutngut,incisor,test +54290,54291,54291,masamanay hakini kuna fana nuna kuka,what exactly is the country design,train +54291,54292,54292,anu cay katayniy kamu mitengil tu matuʼasay,if you had not come to hear the old mans story,train +54292,54293,54293,awaay ku pinsyang,it is because there is no refrigerator,train +54293,54294,54294,Ngaay tu Malahakelung kita a mipatiked anucila^,Sure let us go fishing together next time,train +54294,54295,54295,o rumasatu paliayaw a sumuwal tunini a rumiad ci Samuil atu i ikuray ningra a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a ma^min,Indeed all the prophets from Samuel on as many as have spoken have foretold these days,train +54295,54296,54296,talacekaceka,into the thorns,train +54296,54297,54297,patelac ku nisausi nu misu,you have got the price wrong,train +54297,54298,54298,anu haenen han isu,if you do,train +54298,54299,54299,masuped ira ku misupedan a pida tunu pakinking,donations collected,train +54299,54300,54300,rihaw,hoarse voice,test +54300,54301,54301,ira ku katayalan sa san tayra kami,we heard about a decent job,train +54301,54302,54302,matayal ci kaka^ isu haw,does your sister have a job,train +54302,54303,54303,nika urira i malingad kita tayni lutuk i,after that we will be heading for the foothills,train +54303,54304,54304,Pakifakicien kirafuting,put the fish in the bucket,train +54304,54305,54305,niawit kaku tu wusyentyen sanay,I am holding a radio like,train +54305,54306,54306,tahira i kacanglahan mausuyay tatu,that would have to wait until spring it is too late is not it,train +54306,54307,54307,matiya u,Instead they are giving redemption rolls,train +54307,54308,54308,anu matengil ku kahengheng nu riyar tu dadaya caykanca u mamaurad anu dafak,if you hear the sea rumbling at night it will definitely rain the next day,train +54308,54309,54309,u maan ku kangalayan nu misu a micaliw,what kind of books do you want to borrow,train +54309,54310,54310,mikangkang tu eʼcan,field Plows work,test +54310,54311,54311,haen han mipalit kiya Pangcah itiya ma tu ku luma,locking up the Aborigines like this will put them out of business,train +54311,54312,54312,ciira haw,that is him,train +54312,54313,54313,Arawhani paturuden nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu kakrikridan ita cingra a papipastek i patay mipacek i ciwcika,the chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death and they crucified him,train +54313,54314,54314,Putunen ni ina ku tefus a micikcik,mom will cut the sugar cane into sections,train +54314,54315,54315,papinaay ku wawa nu luma namu,how many children in your family,train +54315,54316,54316,o picu^yapan nu niyam a rumiad anini^,today is our graduation day,train +54316,54317,54317,caay kakahih miʼaca tu nu Taywan a nanum,not willing to buy outside water,train +54317,54318,54318,a mahaen tahalemeday kisu,you are probably dreaming,train +54318,54319,54319,pisalamalan,fire station,train +54319,54320,54320,Nanuya liyas hantu ni Pawlu ku Atin a tayra i Kurintu,after this Paul left Athens and went to Corinth,test +54320,54321,54321,Ngaayhu saan i tisuwanan ku wawa nu nipilian nu Kawas a salikaka isu tu fafahiyan,the children of your chosen sister send their greetings,train +54321,54322,54322,mituris,write,train +54322,54323,54323,pacahiwen,starve something,train +54323,54324,54324,Maredat kuya ina a mahufuc,the mother was torn in childbirth,train +54324,54325,54325,cangray,backing,train +54325,54326,54326,citupiay,there are pigeons,train +54326,54327,54327,tayra satu kami maranam,we will just go over for breakfast,train +54327,54328,54328,ku malataw,it is called Mount Malado,train +54328,54329,54329,anu katangasaan tu i katawaan a demak i tanutawa saan caira u matuasay a nu katatiihan tu i ira ku pilunguc tu alumanay a masasulul,if we talk about something funny we will laugh and if we talk about something bad we will ask for forgiveness,train +54329,54330,54330,apucuk,mound,test +54330,54331,54331,cacilakanlinaysawung,umbrella,train +54331,54332,54332,anu adehayan naku asa enem a pulu,if I want more I will make holes,train +54332,54333,54333,Cukiwat han nu maku a miala ku tamuhung aku i nanum,I used a bamboo pole to hook my hat in the water,train +54333,54334,54334,matilid tu manaeng tu,if it is recorded if it is seen,train +54334,54335,54335,pakaynien nu Kawas ci Musian ku nipipafli i titaanan tu Rikec Nikawrira pakayni ci Yis Kristuan ku saka ira nu mikumi atu sulin,for the law was given through Moses grace and truth came through Jesus Christ,train +54335,54336,54336,nian selal papina,how many in this age group,train +54336,54337,54337,mitulun ku matuasay palimuut a paicel i takuwanan tu saka laluk a matayal,the elders blessed us and encouraged me to take things seriously,train +54337,54338,54338,kacidalan a rumiad kacitamuhung a masadak,wear a hat when you go out in sunny weather,train +54338,54339,54339,sasalungaen,to make a basket,train +54339,54340,54340,caay ka fana kamu saw u midiiay tu tasalamaan a fafahiyan i u malaccayaytu ku tireng nangra nawhani matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad O mamalaccaytu ku tireng nuya tatusaay saan,do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body for it is said The two will become one flesh,test +54340,54341,54341,mafanaʼ ca pitilid kaku tunu Dipung i,I am sure you will not I have never studied Japanese,train +54341,54342,54342,kemaen ku tuvur tu heni,the calf will eat it too,train +54342,54343,54343,cay ku mamilaliw kami,we will never desert,train +54343,54344,54344,a tayra kaku i nu niyaruan a tasiyi a minanam tu suwal nu Pangcah,I am going to community college to learn my ethnic language,train +54344,54345,54345,saciradiw sa kuya kapuh ya mamalahitay a wawa,the kids who enlisted in the army sing songs at a young age,train +54345,54346,54346,patirengan,stand,train +54346,54347,54347,u matiniay ku tayal nu mita,that is what we are trying to do,train +54347,54348,54348,mahaenay aca,that is the way it is,train +54348,54349,54349,Tatataak ku cidal,the suns too big,train +54349,54350,54350,salungan ku tireng nu fainayan a makakawang,boys look good with bare shoulders,test +54350,54351,54351,kapah ku remiad anini,it is a beautiful day,train +54351,54352,54352,anu matuktuk kura pii ira i,after the bark has been completely tapped,train +54352,54353,54353,mahaen ku maku pihiya tu niyaru,this is how I handle things,train +54353,54354,54354,fafaen a matayal ikien tu kaku tu matuʼasay,I will do what I have to do to help the elders,train +54354,54355,54355,sa isaw kiya hatila tu ku mayseng namu ku nikaurip,that is why you live so long what do you eat,train +54355,54356,54356,Hayi ngaayay kaenen,Well it is delicious,train +54356,54357,54357,Paafalaen nu maku ku kapah a mikuwit tu pawti i umah,I will help,train +54357,54358,54358,hakulungen nu pasevanaay kami anini a remiad a tayra i tunguyen misilsil kami i panan a micakay tu paya,today the teacher took us to the zoo and we lined up at the gate to buy tickets,train +54358,54359,54359,itini saka cecay lalakaw wa milengu kita tu u manan ku tatudung nu malu nuˈadinguan a tamdaw atu mikitini i nuˈadinguan a tamdaw wa mananam ita ku maanan,in the first text we will talk about what it means to be a spiritual person and what we can learn from spiritual people,train +54359,54360,54360,Mahuni tu ku takura,the frog made a squawking sound,test +54360,54361,54361,misanga kaku tu citen nu pancah saan ku suwal nira saka,I am going to compile an Amis dictionary he said,train +54361,54362,54362,pacakayen itira patiyamay pacakay lumalumaʼan,sell to market or home,train +54362,54363,54363,maʼicang tu cangra,it is the only way they will dry out,train +54363,54364,54364,kakumudan,total,train +54364,54365,54365,as hatuya nikaenan aku i miming hu,I think I ate this when I was a kid,train +54365,54366,54366,tayraay tura kaysa,come to this company,train +54366,54367,54367,ta mapainu cingra atu paru nu luma ningra ikur i milunguc cingra i tamiyanan O sulinay a mituuray tu Tapang anu saan ku harateng namu i takuwanan i katayni i luma aku a milafin saan cingra a mifuut i tamiyanan,when she and the members of her household were baptized she invited us to her home If you consider me a believer in the Lord she said come and stay at my house and she persuaded us,train +54367,54368,54368,ira sa kami i fangcal sa ku pihululan kami tu i i kaysakaysa ku lumaʼniyam mamang hu kami talacuwa tu mihiya mihulul kami i,back in those days the sugar factory had a great open space to play games and since it was right near our home we used to run around like that when we were kids,train +54368,54369,54369,hatinien falicen ku namu a samanay ku harateng,tell them that we need to know and reach out,train +54369,54370,54370,pasawaliyay kiya papah,it is an east facing leaf,test +54370,54371,54371,ala han ningra i puhung tumes ku miciw,he then took a bullhorn and filled it with rice wine,train +54371,54372,54372,saka i luma mangaʼay tu,Therefore it is good to take lessons at home,train +54372,54373,54373,u pililafangan tu han kura,this is called the Feast of the Spirits,train +54373,54374,54374,a lingad a kanatuluay ha,Hey three times,train +54374,54375,54375,mapulung kita a huk,let us all eat lunch together,train +54375,54376,54376,adihay ku futing itini hay,are there many fish here,train +54376,54377,54377,mira,he,train +54377,54378,54378,kapisawal nu mita a mitafu tu nguyus atu ngusu,we have to cover our mouths and noses,train +54378,54379,54379,samaanen ta ku pangangan sanay tu kiya sasuwal tiya sasaka,and then there was a discussion about what to name the tribe,train +54379,54380,54380,pakaen tu kaku tu kulung,after that I started herding cattle,test +54380,54381,54381,macepa,getting wet,train +54381,54382,54382,o lusid nu sakiilisin nu Pangcah nanu tuas tangasa anini tataak ku kasasiruma nu facu a manengneng u nika kalamkam mafalic ku pinangan nu lusid saka tadamahapinang ku nika fangcal nu lusid atu kacifenek nu iayaway misanga a tamdaw,the Amis ceremonial costumes the changes in the form of ancient and modern are very different and the rapid changes in the style of the costumes show the beauty of the Amis costume culture and the wisdom of the ancestors creations,train +54382,54383,54383,awaawaay ku mihawikidan aku,I did not bring anything with me,train +54383,54384,54384,o aikakungen kinian a marad a misakimulmul,bend this iron branch to make a round shape,train +54384,54385,54385,o hacul nu kulung ku sakalahal nu maku,I grew up drinking milk,train +54385,54386,54386,Cima^ ku i aayaway,who is in front,train +54386,54387,54387,Inaaw,forms used to call your mom,train +54387,54388,54388,hatitiniay ku cinah ira ini,it was the same with Yimba,train +54388,54389,54389,malaama,become a grandmother,train +54389,54390,54390,maniawanay yu arawtu i faʼinay i Fataʼan i,it is too late we are already at his place sir,test +54390,54391,54391,hanen hay kusuwal haw,is that what you are saying,train +54391,54392,54392,Masaluf kuya demak anini,that matter has been rectified,train +54392,54393,54393,u tamdaw hananay iri u ngasaw han iri u Kebalan han namu hayi,do you call the clan by its ethnic name Kavalan Yes,train +54393,54394,54394,i sapaputalay nu Rikec kaku a maurip i tiyahu ikur satu yu iratu ku limuut nu Rikec i marafraf ku sakaciraraw aku o hci nunini a raraw aku i,once I was alive apart from law but when the commandment came sin sprang to life and I died,train +54394,54395,54395,nawhan matiliday tu kiya tu Cilamitay,because it is all written out,train +54395,54396,54396,tireng sa cingra miala cingra tu pafeli nuya tatuluay a wawa tu ccay i cingranan a kafeng,he gave each of the three children one,train +54396,54397,54397,o kisu ku milengatay tunini demak,you started this thing,train +54397,54398,54398,tataang,oldest,train +54398,54399,54399,u urip sa ku tapal tunini a caciyaw nu Hu Lam,what do the Chinese say language is the key to life,train +54399,54400,54400,u suwal nu ina sanay ku tatudung tunuini,it is correct to say that mother tongue is the language of the mother,test +54400,54401,54401,sayit,cut,train +54401,54402,54402,maku sa caay kahiya pisuʼut aku makedec,what is wrong why cannot I tie it up,train +54402,54403,54403,tuʼeman hu,but it is still dark in the morning,train +54403,54404,54404,sapikihatiya,participating,train +54404,54405,54405,icuwa,where is it,train +54405,54406,54406,o maan ku tayal nu kaka isu,what does your brother do for a living,train +54406,54407,54407,Rahid saan tu ku panay tinana mihecaan,there is more rice than expected this year,train +54407,54408,54408,iraay kiya ya misasirawan ni mamu aku sa,he replied My grand mom has pickles,train +54408,54409,54409,tara i cacudadan,go to school,train +54409,54410,54410,maramud tu kamu i,your marriage,test +54410,54411,54411,taʼangayay aca ku tapelik,the waves are also very big,train +54411,54412,54412,Miparatuh kami tu mama nu kapah,we went to inform the youth leaders,train +54412,54413,54413,cakasungila sapinu Hulam nira,his Chinese is not very clear,train +54413,54414,54414,kafana mitengil tuna suwal nu maku,can you understand what I am saying,train +54414,54415,54415,tuwa yu tiya,at once,train +54415,54416,54416,Orasaka caay ku nanu taneng nu tamdaw ku sakapitier namu u nanu icel nu Kawas,so that your faith might not rest on men wisdom but on Gods power,train +54416,54417,54417,ta tangasa satu i tamiyanan saan,then it is our turn to be the ringleader,train +54417,54418,54418,siyasi san a palatang,overflowing wine tasting,train +54418,54419,54419,tulu suut lima pulu ku aca nu cecay a riku cecay patek ku tulu a riku,one piece of clothing is dollars three pieces for dollars,train +54419,54420,54420,misadateng,growing vegetables,test +54420,54421,54421,aka katawal tu hiya tu Kaliyawan,do not be in high season Kaliwan,train +54421,54422,54422,anu maimer kisu tu Rikec i ci^puc ku nipidu^du isu tu krit a lisin Nikawrira anu miliyang kisu tu Rikec i awaay ku ^puc nu nipidu^du isu tu krit a lisin,circumcision has value if you observe the law but if you break the law you have become as though you had not been circumcised,train +54422,54423,54423,ira ini ku kamamuday atu lukiyu sahutu unu niyamay a mipalumaan,I have chili and okay both grown by myself,train +54423,54424,54424,nanu iay haw i tangasa anini,from that time to the present,train +54424,54425,54425,malahitay anu ituan aca kisu i,Soldier if you are really leaving,train +54425,54426,54426,Safangsis sa ku fucacing nu icep,the aroma of freshly unwrapped betel nut buds is overwhelming,train +54426,54427,54427,hay caay kakaen ku hiya ita,our lunches were not eaten,train +54427,54428,54428,tu hacaedung nu mira mana ila,how can they have a set like this,train +54428,54429,54429,Pasiamis,northward,train +54429,54430,54430,aka ka caciyaw kamu u fafahiyan i saupu Sapu^neren ku falucu namu a minanam,a woman should learn in quietness and full submission,test +54430,54431,54431,mapatay han nu Paliwan a milikaf sa kiya,you would all better eat yourselves to death mockingly,train +54431,54432,54432,o incuming ku ramud isu haw,is your spouse Aboriginal,train +54432,54433,54433,pawaswasen tu i cuwacuwaay a kakitilan,decentralized,train +54433,54434,54434,lipahak ku falucu mararum ku falucu itini,there is sadness and laughter,train +54434,54435,54435,Mauradtu,it is raining,train +54435,54436,54436,celihan nira sulin micelitu kiya takula itini i cingranan,he called and the frog also called him,train +54436,54437,54437,Caay mipatadu^ kaku i ci amaan a micakay tu sinafel,No I went grocery shopping for my grandma,train +54437,54438,54438,suwal sa ci Yis Sawaden Hatiraen aca han ningra ta kapa han ningra ku tangila nuya kuli a miadah,but Jesus answered No more of this and he touched the mans ear and healed him,train +54438,54439,54439,hanen ku akaway hehan nihaen,Rootstocks like this,train +54439,54440,54440,hacikayen,we have to run,test +54440,54441,54441,tipus,rice,train +54441,54442,54442,nu ri a kakurengay,Fairy fig tree,train +54442,54443,54443,Ocuren ni Pawlu ku pakarungay nai Militus a patayra i Ifisu a papitahidang tu ciwlu nu kiwkay,from Miletus Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders of the church,train +54443,54444,54444,ken a kuwa cacuscusen a kuwa cecu,Pith paper plant,train +54444,54445,54445,cecay lipay kaku i tira i ira tu ku wina aku,I stayed there and a week later my mother showed up,train +54445,54446,54446,fananiul,tadpoles,train +54446,54447,54447,sakatanuktuk,good,train +54447,54448,54448,raraya dadahal sa ku nipisanga tu luma makaala tu 20 ku maruay nu tamdaw,the ideal house is a long wide house that can accommodate about people inside,train +54448,54449,54449,cufay,turn back,train +54449,54450,54450,o waniwanian ku tarawadaw nu Pulacil,Brazilian rivers are full of crocodiles,test +54450,54451,54451,hay hay mituur tu tuya,Yes yes just do it,train +54451,54452,54452,Pacauf sa ci Yis i cangraan Pasulintu kamu i matini saw,You believe at last Jesus answered,train +54452,54453,54453,hakuwa ku ngudu nara a misatamdaw kitaanan u Pangcah,when did they ever treat the Aborigines like human beings,train +54453,54454,54454,Ocung ku lukut u nipalumaan nu niyam i pala,we grow a lot of sorrel in our fields,train +54454,54455,54455,haw i,consequently,train +54455,54456,54456,u nipaturduyan nu tuas a kungku u nika lalitemuh nu tamdaw atu vuting nu liyal,legendary Tales the curious case of man and whale,train +54456,54457,54457,Sakaenem mifalicay a pangangan,Sixth the name change method of naming,train +54457,54458,54458,misamaanay ku malitengay a misanga tu acucul,the old man used to make gyros,train +54458,54459,54459,mamaan ku falucu nu misu,what is wrong with your heart,train +54459,54460,54460,mikesip,whistle,test +54460,54461,54461,sa ca ama aku,that is what my father said,train +54461,54462,54462,u ruma san kiya malitengay ira i,and then the old man would say,train +54462,54463,54463,misaapulay,lime making,train +54463,54464,54464,o niudutan nu tau kira rara ita i lalan,that child was bullied on the road,train +54464,54465,54465,Sei Lei han hay,is it the Holy Spirit,train +54465,54466,54466,Miucil ku falucu nu finawlan tu patay nu tumuk,the death of the ringleader was a saddening experience for the public,train +54466,54467,54467,namahaʼen kami u naayaway yu wawa henay,this is what it used to be like when we were kids,train +54467,54468,54468,yu mamiliyas kaku i akawangay tu kaku sanengseng haca saan ci faki,before I left my uncle praised me for growing taller and becoming more handsome,train +54468,54469,54469,sisa paluma han tu nu heni tu bitunay,that is why they planted bamboo,train +54469,54470,54470,kadafu^,son in law,test +54470,54471,54471,Pakawas ku matuasay tu wawawawa,the old man is pretending to scare the children,train +54471,54472,54472,o maan ku malu sakalahuk isu,what would you like for lunch,train +54472,54473,54473,sahadidi sakami milifung,we are trying to make money,train +54473,54474,54474,ya siiya hatiraay maecaecaday,look at that one he is the same,train +54474,54475,54475,Tatahini tu ku singsi namu anuhuni,your teacher will be here soon,train +54475,54476,54476,mihiyaan tu icep nu matuʼasay,it is for the elderly to eat with champagne,train +54476,54477,54477,iraay kiya mitatalaay matuʼasay,there is an old man waiting for me,train +54477,54478,54478,ora kilang hananay ita itaya hu nu mita haw nu Amis,are those trees from our tribe they were Amis,train +54478,54479,54479,mipasevanaʼan a,teaching and learning,train +54479,54480,54480,keliw nu muwa^,Boehmeria thread,test +54480,54481,54481,hatinian nira cuwa pasatahafen nira,it is the same embroidery but hers does not have a flap,train +54481,54482,54482,Mafana tunu Pangcah a suwal ku safa isu,do your siblings speak the language,train +54482,54483,54483,mikumimit,make up,train +54483,54484,54484,lupas,peach,train +54484,54485,54485,yansatu,later on,train +54485,54486,54486,a ciʼiceʼicelay kura kumaenay tu dungec atu cumuli,because of the escargot it is very powerful that is what we thought at the time,train +54486,54487,54487,efa^,horse,train +54487,54488,54488,ira ku mavanaʼay nu matuʼasay,there will be elders who are skillful in their work,train +54488,54489,54489,kalukayki,conferences,train +54489,54490,54490,arihaw,warm,test +54490,54491,54491,rufuen nu tayrin i ayaw haw i cecay a lipay,so the prisoner was detained at the police station for another week,train +54491,54492,54492,Hay o mamimaan kisu saw,Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so what are you going to do,train +54492,54493,54493,mapelaay,split open,train +54493,54494,54494,o patiyamay tu tuwami ku ina aku,my mom owns a noodle store,train +54494,54495,54495,citu pisawaneng ku kaysya ri,at the Koufu sugar Factory,train +54495,54496,54496,Mapalangdaw nunini fuduy ku ruma fuduy,this one stains the others,train +54496,54497,54497,o caluh aku tu sakatayraaw i Taypak,I am anxious to get to Taipei,train +54497,54498,54498,matu mauraday masengerhu ku lalan,it seems to have rained and the road is wet,train +54498,54499,54499,tangasa tu a micudad tu sa,the kids are starting school,train +54499,54500,54500,Pangawaen kira caca u pilaliwan nu futing,make a gap in the bamboo curtain to allow the fish to escape,test +54500,54501,54501,ketun satu tu suwal itiya ta itiya tu rumiʼad i ta tayni haca kami haw,and a date was set,train +54501,54502,54502,o ruma mihungyakan a Fangcalay Cudad u canguˈutay mihungyakan tu awaay ku kapu awaay ku epuc cuwa ku kalimelaan,some Bible translations translate poor as useless meaningless and lack of use,train +54502,54503,54503,ilalavu cira a misadimel tu cering,he is in there fixing the fish curtain,train +54503,54504,54504,talaimeng ci panay a miala tu masidayay nira a mifunsiw,Panay went to the police station to collect her missing identity card,train +54504,54505,54505,i ira tuku fangsis tu mamang,Yee it is got a little flavor,train +54505,54506,54506,maparatuhay,notified information,train +54506,54507,54507,u ruma sa tu,additionally,train +54507,54508,54508,Mafanaʼ kura malitengay kura wina aku miʼusi tu rumiʼad,mom was very good at counting the days,train +54508,54509,54509,sa naicuwaay a sa kamu haw i,you will wonder where I am from,train +54509,54510,54510,mafanaʼay haw,I know it well,test +54510,54511,54511,Ata lumuwad tu kita,come on let us go,train +54511,54512,54512,kuhetingay,ferrous,train +54512,54513,54513,lufen ku falucu nuya wawa,correct that child,train +54513,54514,54514,nu miliyas ciira tuna hekal,why did he leave this world,train +54514,54515,54515,nawhan i ayaw hu awaay hu ku maanmaan u kakaenen tu caay tu ka tatudung caay kaedeng,since there was nothing not even enough food,train +54515,54516,54516,u muwa kiyami iri,it is jute,train +54516,54517,54517,naycing,cream,train +54517,54518,54518,tusa ku aciyus nira fafahiyan,the girl had two hair swirls,train +54518,54519,54519,kumuing,civil servants,train +54519,54520,54520,Ngaay a misawsaw kaku tu kamay haw,may I go wash my hands,test +54520,54521,54521,ciray,slant,train +54521,54522,54522,nukay kaku malasufitay,I am back from the army,train +54522,54523,54523,mapuni,rotten,train +54523,54524,54524,lacafay sa kita kumaen tu tafuan aku,then let us eat my lunch box together,train +54524,54525,54525,pasuwal sa i cingraan Liyasen ku niyaru isu atu malininaay isu a tayra i niharatengan Aku a malukamaruan isu a pala han ningra,Leave your country and your people God said and go to the land I will show you,train +54525,54526,54526,han tu yana ina nira,her mother told her this,train +54526,54527,54527,vayiyan,grand mom,train +54527,54528,54528,ngaʼayay sapiiyaen,you can make ropes,train +54528,54529,54529,iraay ku hatiraay a suwal nu malitengay han anu caka sungila,do the elders have a saying about not washing,train +54529,54530,54530,pafeli hu ku wawawawa,kids Feedback,test +54530,54531,54531,u mahemekay u malemeday kaku namakamelaw tu nikavanaan ni vayi a misacacak tu kakaenen nu Pangcah,seeing my grandmothers passion for traditional food I feel very proud and honored,train +54531,54532,54532,i ayaw aca i tuan sa ku tayal han aku ri,so I am taking his place,train +54532,54533,54533,Orasaka pinaun tu saka^caaw ka tuman nu laluma isu,see to it then that the light within you is not darkness,train +54533,54534,54534,mimudac,skin,train +54534,54535,54535,kiya,first fear ha ha ha ha ha second fear my second fear,train +54535,54536,54536,Hai mailul kaku kisunan kapicumud mihulul,Yeah I miss you so much come on let us chat,train +54536,54537,54537,a tataw maʼepud i matini kuni adupen nu mita,Attention the prey is now moving down,train +54537,54538,54538,kakaenen nu nira tamdaw,I am going to eat that,train +54538,54539,54539,sipakaynien i nipatulduyan nu tuas a pasevana ititaan u wawa,to teach the children of our generation by means of this legend,train +54539,54540,54540,piyak,both feet open,test +54540,54541,54541,mihaʼciw kita,we will just snort,train +54541,54542,54542,i,mesmerizing,train +54542,54543,54543,mahaen tu,that is what it looks like,train +54543,54544,54544,pakpak,clap ones hands,train +54544,54545,54545,mi,interrogative particle,train +54545,54546,54546,matuasay i hekal,no longer alive,train +54546,54547,54547,niefecan,forbidden,train +54547,54548,54548,mapaysinay,violate a prohibition,train +54548,54549,54549,Pacauf sa cangra Tapangaw milunguc kami nanay pakaarawen Isu ku mata niyam han nangra,Lord they answered we want our sight,train +54549,54550,54550,marepun,fulfillment,test +54550,54551,54551,misa,as soon as,train +54551,54552,54552,o suwal nu Kawas i Kanguduen ku mama atu ina isu pasuwal haca O milukesay tu mama atu ina a tamdaw i u papatayen saan,for God said Honor your father and mother and Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death,train +54552,54553,54553,makumud kisu atu akung atu ama a muku^ hay,do you live with your grandparents,train +54553,54554,54554,i ayaw ri awaayhu ku fukesu hanay,there was no pasture before,train +54554,54555,54555,kuhepicay kiya turun,glutinous rice cake is thinner than,train +54555,54556,54556,mananum,classifier for number of washes,train +54556,54557,54557,hananay haw,I am going to get a certificate,train +54557,54558,54558,anini,at the present,train +54558,54559,54559,yu itiya hu a pikungling tu nu hitay,I look back on my training at the cadet school,train +54559,54560,54560,nika caayay ka a edeng ku kamay nu matuasay saka malami padangay,but there were not enough people to help the elders thus I became their helper,test +54560,54561,54561,sulinaytu cacay ku wawa isu tu vavahiyan,that is all you have a daughter,train +54561,54562,54562,maaraw aku ku adihayay a ayam misaefeefer cangra i kilakilangan maaraw hu aku ku ekung a mafuti i dihif,I saw a lot of birds flying around in the trees and saw owls sleeping in tree hollows,train +54562,54563,54563,tuna lumuwad nu satu kaku ina ama salikaka mapulung,after I leave you my parents and my brothers and sisters,train +54563,54564,54564,i ruma a pala haw i minukay hatiraay tu kakawang sanay,I got detained overseas and came back with my ass on the line,train +54564,54565,54565,u maan a demak,I can do anything,train +54565,54566,54566,suʼelinay nengneng han aku i,Really I am looking at it closely,train +54566,54567,54567,Citamud kunini epang,this bread is made with yeast,train +54567,54568,54568,mahelek tu ku nian i,when this is done,train +54568,54569,54569,ma tefad na itira tura kilang a makunkun cingra,he fell down from the tree,train +54569,54570,54570,mafana matengil tu nu tumuk haw i,when the head knows and hears about it,test +54570,54571,54571,maulah ciira a palada tu pakuyucay,he loves to give Alms to the poor,train +54571,54572,54572,talaʼamis cangra tedac sa tayra iya i Singku ku ruma,migrate to the north directly to success,train +54572,54573,54573,mana awa,how could it not be,train +54573,54574,54574,fafahiyan,schoolgirl,train +54574,54575,54575,mifalic kita tu,on our side,train +54575,54576,54576,u wawa hu kamu anini,even though you are still kids,train +54576,54577,54577,haen han nu misu tangasa i pising,you just pull it over your face,train +54577,54578,54578,cirut,woodlouse,train +54578,54579,54579,malaʼafas,robbing each other,train +54579,54580,54580,matiraay ku nu pi nu kakahulul itiya,in fact it is a way for students to encourage,test +54580,54581,54581,u nisarurayay tu nini hafay hafay atu falisan,and the hard earned millet and sorghum,train +54581,54582,54582,mamahaen,also,train +54582,54583,54583,pucpuc,unplug,train +54583,54584,54584,maherek tu kisu a remadiw iri,when you are done,train +54584,54585,54585,halakaay tu ku pacedi cangra tu nangra,they also work hard to complete their projects,train +54585,54586,54586,cecay a rumiʼad tahira tu cira,he arrived in almost a day,train +54586,54587,54587,ci Canglah ku ngangan nu widang aku sakalecadtu u wawa nu Pangcah cingra,my good friends name is Canglah and he is also an Amis child,train +54587,54588,54588,pipahanhanan,holidays,train +54588,54589,54589,Pacauf sa cangra I Piclihim nu Yutaya nawhani u suwal a matilid i Cudad nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas i,In Bethlehem in Judea they replied for this is what the prophet has written,train +54589,54590,54590,Malalikisiay tu ku urip nu matuasay i ayaw i tini i niyaru nu mita,our elders past lives in the tribe are history,test +54590,54591,54591,makaawaay saw ku riku hatiraay tu,it is not like we do not have any clothes to wear that is right,train +54591,54592,54592,nanitira i Pafus pakalunan ca Pawlu a tayra i niyaru nu Pirka nu Pamfiliya a pala i tini a miliyas ci Yuhani Maruku cangraan a minukay i Yirusalim,from Paphos Paul and his companions sailed to Perga in Pamphylia where John left them to return to Jerusalem,train +54592,54593,54593,mahaenay ku pikikung niyam,that is how we got married,train +54593,54594,54594,Siwa^ pulu,only,train +54594,54595,54595,tala dadama cingra tu kafung nira tu sakatefadaw nuya kafung nira haw,his hat was going to fall down soon so he grasped it,train +54595,54596,54596,nicawuran,stirred,train +54596,54597,54597,sanga han tu nira tu luma,and he built a house,train +54597,54598,54598,Sulinay kuna suwal,this is true,train +54598,54599,54599,sakapitu^,seventh,train +54599,54600,54600,ta caay ka ngiyangi ku falucu namu tuna mapades Mafana kamu tu nika u airaira aca ku matiniay a pades,so that no one would be unsettled by these trials you know quite well that we were destined for them,test +54600,54601,54601,Ahuwiday misu i hacuwa tu,thank you what about yours what about yours when is it,train +54601,54602,54602,aku,me,train +54602,54603,54603,ciim,sprouting,train +54603,54604,54604,Sikanu han ku,place name,train +54604,54605,54605,a maanen namu a mivuting saw,how are you going to fish,train +54605,54606,54606,cira,he called out,train +54606,54607,54607,Itiyaaw tu a mihakulung anu matuas tu kisu saan ci ama,dad said that he would take me with me when I grew up,train +54607,54608,54608,tufur,calf,train +54608,54609,54609,mafukil ku Payrang pakali saw,the Minnan people do not dig roads and ditches either,train +54609,54610,54610,haaa hay sa,Hait is this way,test +54610,54611,54611,Kapara kura kayuing,that lady has a big ass,train +54611,54612,54612,ta nanuya maaraw aku ku tumirengay i kaayaw nu Kawas a papituay a cuyuh mapafli cangra tu pituay a la^pa,and I saw the seven angels who stand before God and to them were given seven trumpets,train +54612,54613,54613,Patatuutuuden ni ina ku suna nira a paliluc,mom makes her grandchildren take baths one after the other,train +54613,54614,54614,maherek tu ku suwal san cara kira kiya mama kira,the elders have already made a deal,train +54614,54615,54615,awaay ku fafahi na niya wawa na wama kira tara i Halawan tara i cuwacuwa kira,the elders son did not have a wife so he went to Lohas and many other places,train +54615,54616,54616,edev,shut,train +54616,54617,54617,a idang hatu ni Angah Alimulu,Anahang Arimlo said about this friend,train +54617,54618,54618,papina,several bits,train +54618,54619,54619,isu a cacay ku madengayay a mihayum,you are the only one who can comfort me,train +54619,54620,54620,tahekal tu amin a mietan tu pida,they all go abroad to work and make money,test +54620,54621,54621,hanaw tayni san tini i Amis,so go all the way north,train +54621,54622,54622,hatapang tu sitalip nga ngaʼay mikiting sa i,when I want to start to lead the dance,train +54622,54623,54623,Hayda hinatala han tu aku,Alright I am looking forward to it,train +54623,54624,54624,na hulankay Hulankay malecaday tatukem,it is very close to anemone,train +54624,54625,54625,latek irahu kamaruʼan tira,maybe there is a place to live there,train +54625,54626,54626,mikayakay,scramble,train +54626,54627,54627,malingatu tu,commencement,train +54627,54628,54628,maharekay tu kisu a miasik haw,are you done sweeping,train +54628,54629,54629,tu ku niyaru nu mita,our tribe,train +54629,54630,54630,misawad kaku a mimali,I do not play anymore,test +54630,54631,54631,nunini a mipaluwad tu suwal,such a revitalized language,train +54631,54632,54632,tayran kaku i kaysiya mililuc tataen naku ku wawa tu pilipayan,I took the kids to the sugar factory on Sunday for a bath,train +54632,54633,54633,misimaw tu tusuna,she asked me to take care of my grandchildren,train +54633,54634,54634,Anuhuni tu kaku a munanaw,I will wash my hands later,train +54634,54635,54635,sakalahuk nura kaput,prepare partners Chinese food,train +54635,54636,54636,tafesiw hatu nu mita ku fana nu matuasay,we surpass the wisdom of our elders,train +54636,54637,54637,anu patenaken nu tau ku pakayniay kitaanan mararaway a lihaf i samaan ku demak ita u mitudungay ci Yisan,what can we do to imitate Jesus when others spread false news about us,train +54637,54638,54638,anu ca ka kura atama ita haw,if my mind is wrong,train +54638,54639,54639,pasifana nu malitengay sa kiya,teach the old man a lesson,train +54639,54640,54640,tini hanen mihaen palecati tu,So just use the same one,test +54640,54641,54641,uya tu a suwal yanu malu nu tireng aca,if we talk about ourselves,train +54641,54642,54642,aka tu maherek tu kumaen i luma kaku,No I have already eaten at home,train +54642,54643,54643,ya mahawikid nu Ripun micudad tayni i Pusku kira wawa niyam,my children were taken to Tamato by the Japanese to study,train +54643,54644,54644,i sela ita ya suwal nu suwal nu Pangcah haw,between the language of breath and speech,train +54644,54645,54645,u ma nay ku demak kuranan,it is a dangerous thing,train +54645,54646,54646,anu maharek a mihapinang ku kihcud a wacay i wa misaˈusi ku kasacefang nu maluhemay malitengay tu papatireng tu miiingay a demak,once the relevant evidence of the matter has been ascertained the Council of elders will decide whether to establish a judicial commission,train +54646,54647,54647,kaenen tu ira hatini han mipudac,that is how it is done,train +54647,54648,54648,i ayawen nangra ci Yis a patayra i ci Anasan o mama nu fafahi ni Kayafas cingra u sakakaay a citudungay tu taung tuya mihcaan,and brought him first to Annas who was the father in law of Caiaphas the high priest that year,train +54648,54649,54649,wa,very much so,train +54649,54650,54650,o upic nu fuday i nacila ku sakalalisan nu maku,I have a fever because my clothes got wet yesterday,test +54650,54651,54651,u miʼadupan iraay tu,there is hunting too,train +54651,54652,54652,itini i pifutingan itini i Kilung nengnengaw haw i,seeing fishermen fishing in Keelung,train +54652,54653,54653,madacidac,I am sorry,train +54653,54654,54654,u heni han tu ira aca ku nipasurut nu heni,they will make a donation,train +54654,54655,54655,o tatala Kakacawan kaku,I am going to long Beach,train +54655,54656,54656,cupa,get close to others,train +54656,54657,54657,matafa ningra haw i pasaraw tu ku nanum,when it is blocked the water flows the other way,train +54657,54658,54658,a midemak,let us decide,train +54658,54659,54659,inget,Sighting vomiting angry scolding,train +54659,54660,54660,o cicawhiay kina alu i rikur nu kalilisian,there were bass in this Creek after the flood,test +54660,54661,54661,han nira ku pi tu kalu demak nu Pangcah,they are all applying it to our Amish events,train +54661,54662,54662,yu sumuwalhu cingra i ira ku carufacuf a mitahpu i cangraan yu mangata nu carufacuf cangra i matalaw cangra,while he was speaking a cloud appeared and enveloped them and they were afraid as they entered the cloud,train +54662,54663,54663,u alu mahaen kuni ka likid,the water by the river flows like this,train +54663,54664,54664,aray tisuwanan tadamangaay ku pipakafana isu anini a rumiad,thank you what you taught me today was really great,train +54664,54665,54665,ayiwtalaw,Ouch how scary,train +54665,54666,54666,vayi cima ku ngangan isu,Granny what is your name,train +54666,54667,54667,kararayan,sambar,train +54667,54668,54668,aluman kuni kadafu kumi kadafuay,a lot of son in laws and daughters in law,train +54668,54669,54669,hananay nu malitengay haenen haw han,that is what the old folks taught me,train +54669,54670,54670,sangaen ku matiniay anu dekes tu,you need to make these tools first,test +54670,54671,54671,malasawad tu kira buting,that fish is extinct,train +54671,54672,54672,aka ka pipalafu kisu i takuwanan,do not you marry me,train +54672,54673,54673,o misakasiay ku parud niyam,my family makes candy,train +54673,54674,54674,Saka sasuwasuwal sa ku nisawawaan Latek iraay ku patayniay i Cingraan tu kakaenen saan,then his disciples said to each other Could someone have brought him food,train +54674,54675,54675,ya suwal isu i pakafanaʼan nu malitengay,you said the old man taught you that,train +54675,54676,54676,tatiih ku pinangan nu aniniay a hkal saka kalimlaen ku kangaayan namu a rumiad,making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil,train +54676,54677,54677,tusa pulu ira ku lima,twenty five,train +54677,54678,54678,caenget,itchy,train +54678,54679,54679,o cecay milakuwitay tu riyar a mitusilay ci Stanli Pukus sanay ku suwal Fahkaˈay kami makahiay ku itiraay tamdaw padama tamiyanan paihkal tu harateng nu niyah,one mission evangelist Stanley Bogus said We were surprised how willing the locals were to help us express our feelings,train +54679,54680,54680,kelak ku tilid,the papers are scattered,test +54680,54681,54681,uyaan tu i,Later,train +54681,54682,54682,pitahekul nura makeruay mitaliyuk,the dancers just kept going around and around,train +54682,54683,54683,ri pakayraay sa mahaenay huw,about that,train +54683,54684,54684,a caay haw kasibintu a hacuwacuwa a taluma,it must be like this you may not be able to go home for dinner,train +54684,54685,54685,a mipakafana i pitilidan tu kaemangay,that is how you teach,train +54685,54686,54686,Pakamilaen ku paliding nu misu,please install a camera in your car,train +54686,54687,54687,u cila,the morrow,train +54687,54688,54688,nawhan i ityahu awaay hu ku maanmaan nu mita u Pangcah,in the old days the people lived in poverty and had little to eat,train +54688,54689,54689,mitala,pending,train +54689,54690,54690,u hatiniay haw ku nu singciw hananay sa,Oh so that is what a captains job is,test +54690,54691,54691,kimad,SYNOPSIS,train +54691,54692,54692,kalamkamen,as fast as possible,train +54692,54693,54693,ku katumai nu finawlan,the tribesmen went to the beach to trumpet,train +54693,54694,54694,Tikeluen kura rihum atu fataan,please separate the red beans from the yellow beans,train +54694,54695,54695,pasuwalen aku kamu anu caay ka ikaka nu nika sulin nu dmak nu pasifanaay tu Rikec atu Farisay a tamdaw a midu^du tu nafalucuan nu Kawas ku nika sulin nu dmak namu i caay ku mamicumud kamu i Kitakit nu Kawas,for I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven,train +54695,54696,54696,i tatihiay nu luma aku ku pitilidan saka rakat sanay kaku a talapitilidan rakat sanay kaku a minukay tu rumiamiad,my school is next to our house I walk to school every day and I also walk home,train +54696,54697,54697,mimaan kisu anupapacem,what will you be doing tomorrow morning,train +54697,54698,54698,anu paceba sa i,what if it is placed randomly,train +54698,54699,54699,sinausal,Franchise Grass Cabbage,train +54699,54700,54700,ta mafutiaw tu sa mafuti cingra,he slept,test +54700,54701,54701,masakaputay,pack,train +54701,54702,54702,o tatiihay a tamdaw a ma^min i u mamapades a misemsem cangra i ayaw ku Yutaya a tamdaw ta ikur i u rumatu a finacadan a mapasemsem,there will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil first for the Jew then for the Gentile,train +54702,54703,54703,ku safiki,champagne tree,train +54703,54704,54704,o dmak aku i tini a ma^min i ci Tikikus u sulinay ku falucu a matayalay tu nu Tapang a kaput aku a malakuli a kaulahan a salikaka ku misahciay a pakafana i tamuwanan,Tychicus will tell you all the news about me he is a dear brother a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord,train +54704,54705,54705,falicen ku paysu isu,change your money,train +54705,54706,54706,u vavainay misiwasiw aca,sometimes men also sift rice,train +54706,54707,54707,kanatal,countries,train +54707,54708,54708,patayra,send to,train +54708,54709,54709,cecay pikukin tira i pikukinan nu niyam,there is only one man on guard duty on our side of the fence,train +54709,54710,54710,misanga tu kuwang,making guns,test +54710,54711,54711,a minengneng tura a mamapatay a tamdaw,look at the man who is about to die,train +54711,54712,54712,kilimen nu wina aku wama aku kuni,my mom and dad are looking for this one,train +54712,54713,54713,mahaen ku maumahay,that is what farmers do,train +54713,54714,54714,ira ku radiw nu vavahi tu mivutingay a vavainay,there is a song the wife sings to her husband who is a fisherman,train +54714,54715,54715,Papateken ku hawan nu misu a faki,uncle your knife is going to be a hilt,train +54715,54716,54716,mimaan ciira i pipahanhanan,what is she doing after school,train +54716,54717,54717,mitafi kaku mikarut kaku milidalid kaku i ayaw,I am good at plowing fields and ploughing fields,train +54717,54718,54718,o fangsisay a safun ku niacan,buy scented soap,train +54718,54719,54719,anu u nanu pitier tu Kawas ku pitulun nuya tamdaw i maadah ku adadaay Paluwaden nu Tapang kuya tamdaw a misangaay Haluraraw ningra a mahpultu,and the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well the Lord will raise him up if he has sinned he will be forgiven,train +54719,54720,54720,u matengil namu ku maku a ngiha haw i,if you have heard what I have shared,test +54720,54721,54721,Hayda naunen ku tireng,Alright take care of yourself,train +54721,54722,54722,misanga tu tangsu u elun misangaʼan nira,making cabinets and chairs,train +54722,54723,54723,u kura midiputay cingranan,he lives in Matsuura,train +54723,54724,54724,aka ka sitau kita u ʼAmis a maemin,as Amis there is no difference between you and me,train +54724,54725,54725,malusapaiyu,medications,train +54725,54726,54726,mihulul,something used for amusement,train +54726,54727,54727,sakasepat malakacaway,layer Lala Gajo love,train +54727,54728,54728,u mitatuyan nu matuʼasay kina fakeluh,that is the stone our ancestors built,train +54728,54729,54729,midu^du,observance,train +54729,54730,54730,a maanen saw nu mita a malasankingcu,how do we become the three Alcoves,test +54730,54731,54731,taangay tu,it is huge,train +54731,54732,54732,nu malitengay itiya hu haw,that is what the old timers used to say,train +54732,54733,54733,mikawcung,attending high school,train +54733,54734,54734,naun han nu heni a micekeruh saupu satu ii putut,they slowly push there aggregate,train +54734,54735,54735,saka patay han nira mikalic kiya alupal,the persimmon tree he climbed was the because of his death,train +54735,54736,54736,hatiraay aca kira,that is all there is,train +54736,54737,54737,awaay tu kira kapah,the warriors,train +54737,54738,54738,mitamakuay,cigarettes,train +54738,54739,54739,a paini tu kaku,I am going to say it,train +54739,54740,54740,tahka,dinner table,test +54740,54741,54741,malialac naayaw saw iri tayni sauwac,before the festival we will go to the river,train +54741,54742,54742,pihiyaan tu emu ni riyun,a mill for making rice cakes,train +54742,54743,54743,saca ku niyam a milicay hay ha naku,my classmates kept questioning me so I responded Yes,train +54743,54744,54744,itini i,exist,train +54744,54745,54745,Hay u caciferang ku rumiad i laluud saka kahalinanum,Yes it will be very hot and you need to drink more water,train +54745,54746,54746,sakales,comb,train +54746,54747,54747,u rengus,is it grass,train +54747,54748,54748,ri i mahaenay satu ri,that is the situation,train +54748,54749,54749,yu naikuran nu misu itakuwanan haya harateng kisu kaka,tears fall like rain as I think of you take care of yourself brother,train +54749,54750,54750,palahukan a pacafay,it is almost time for lunch,test +54750,54751,54751,waneng,honey,train +54751,54752,54752,lalavu,inner,train +54752,54753,54753,Lidaw ira tu anini iniyan aca u Natawran,now we have Dongchang Nadolan,train +54753,54754,54754,nikaurira saʼet han i kaʼayaw,But it was blocked on the first pass,train +54754,54755,54755,nu Recurd,halala,train +54755,54756,54756,onini a nisawawaan ku pawacayay tunini a dmak onini a nisawawaan ku mitiliday tunini Mafana kita tu nika u sulinay ku nipipawacay ningra,this is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down we know that his testimony is true,train +54756,54757,54757,a caay picudad ku kaemangay sa,what if the kids do not read,train +54757,54758,54758,ku pikerid aku tuya Paypeyaw a mipayfang tu salikaka,taking parishioner representatives to visit,train +54758,54759,54759,palitaaw,ask a question,train +54759,54760,54760,dupuh,to be diligent,test +54760,54761,54761,mararum tu ku falucu nunian a wawa,the child was sad,train +54761,54762,54762,hatinihatini han milukut ku lukut,that is how the sassafras are harvested,train +54762,54763,54763,marauteng,fully wetted,train +54763,54764,54764,kinapatayay,suicidal person,train +54764,54765,54765,o tatayra ku naiwaliay nai^tipay naiamisay naitimulay a tamdaw i Kitakit nu Kawas a mikaput a mitahka,people will come from east and west and north and south and will take their places at the Feast in the kingdom of God,train +54765,54766,54766,diheku^,warm,train +54766,54767,54767,Rata Marang,Rada Marang,train +54767,54768,54768,tataataang,very large,train +54768,54769,54769,kalecapuan,clubhouse,train +54769,54770,54770,naw sa ira ku katengilan aku mafana kisu caciyaw tu nu pangcaha sa,I heard you say Why do you speak Amish,test +54770,54771,54771,atp madiw mikeru atu misanga tu maamaan,Singing dancing and some crafts,train +54771,54772,54772,Fa^esis ku linalu ni ina aku i sefi,my moms pickles are very flavorful,train +54772,54773,54773,kalawkaw,agile,train +54773,54774,54774,namiasiptu,I have read it,train +54774,54775,54775,u iratu satu ku finawlan san i tala tu i lawac nu riyar san,here we go the tribesmen are waiting on the shore,train +54775,54776,54776,karayaay,long,train +54776,54777,54777,Marauday tu ku mihecaan isu tu tusaay a pulu,you are approaching years of age,train +54777,54778,54778,ngitid,mouths east west,train +54778,54779,54779,mahaen aca,because of this,train +54779,54780,54780,paru,staff,test +54780,54781,54781,a sadadahalen ku tepi,make the model wider,train +54781,54782,54782,Pavanatu ngalay anu masa pinangtu ku sasuvana a tatusa ungalay nu maku anu saan ku vavainay maratar tu davak miurung tu cacay a valud nu kapahay a kasuy pateli han i aayaw nu panan pavana tu matuasay,marriage proposal when a man and a woman have reached a certain level of acquaintance the man in order to show his further love places a large bundle of fine firewood in front of the woman house early in the morning as a sign of marriage proposal,train +54782,54783,54783,anu tipukuy sa ku fanul tu dafak i caay ka eca^ Fangcalay kuya rumiad,if you hear pigeons crowing in the morning it must be a good day,train +54783,54784,54784,caliwen kunu tatihiay a sasipasip,please borrow erasers from your classmates,train +54784,54785,54785,o maan ku sasaturunen mafana kisu haw,do you know what ingredients are used to make mocha,train +54785,54786,54786,i ikur nunini i caaytu ka i tini i hkal Kaku Nikawrira i tinihu i hkal cangra tayra kaku i Tisuwanan Fangcalay a Wama nanay u nipaflian isu i takuwanan a icel isu ku sapidiput isu i cangraan ta matiya u nika laccay ita ku nika laccay nangra,I will remain in the world no longer but they are still in the world and I am coming to you Holy Father protect them by the power of your name the name you gave me so that they may be one as we are one,train +54786,54787,54787,u nian haw u tuku han kuni u tuku han nu matuʼasay u tuku nu riyar han tira ku suwal li,this old man called it a snail he said it was a snail from the sea,train +54787,54788,54788,nangra,third person Complex subject,train +54788,54789,54789,suwal sa kiya wama niyam haw,our father said,train +54789,54790,54790,Katumireng,please rise,test +54790,54791,54791,Caayay u Amis ku wama aku u Payrang ku wina aku,No my father is Amis and my mother is Han Taiwanese,train +54791,54792,54792,i mafana ira i karaenu,just realized that underneath the,train +54792,54793,54793,hay kaka ngaʼay hadaken ku kaciharatengan nu misu a kungku haw,Mr Chow can you share with us,train +54793,54794,54794,u,be,train +54794,54795,54795,sakapina a fulad,few months,train +54795,54796,54796,nikapitesek a maala,gathering to go deeper,train +54796,54797,54797,u maanan saw,what is it,train +54797,54798,54798,hayken ana caka pituul tu nu litengan a demak,it is not clear why there is no such thing as following your ancestors,train +54798,54799,54799,Fahka cangra u ruma a finacadan anini tu nika ^catu pinaul namu a milcad tu dmak nangra a macilas Saka mitungangan cangra tamuwanan,they think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation and they heap abuse on you,train +54799,54800,54800,mahirateng aku mararum kaku,I get sad when I think about it,test +54800,54801,54801,15 itini i nuˈadinguan mipadang tu tamdaw,Also we can help them to see that it is good for people to live by Gods standards,train +54801,54802,54802,patamuhungay,cap something Hat,train +54802,54803,54803,Sangaay sa ku tireng anu mayatayat,it is so refreshing to move your muscles and bones,train +54803,54804,54804,i ayaw cangra a lumuwad tala han nangra kami i Truas,these men went on ahead and waited for us at Troas,train +54804,54805,54805,i masa Pang Pangcahay,our Aboriginal Amis group,train +54805,54806,54806,aray,thank you sir,train +54806,54807,54807,mipadangay ciranay hatiraay kuninian,helping and assisting his,train +54807,54808,54808,pipakimad,storytelling,train +54808,54809,54809,Olili han ni Yis a sumuwal caira i sadak satu ku palafuay a tayra a micumud tuya fafuy ta cikay satu kuya masaflaway a fafuy a maluklun i tunu a mihitfu i fanaw a maalul a mapataytu,he said to them Go so they came out and went into the pigs and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water,train +54809,54810,54810,awaay tu ku dufung kira nu luma,maybe the house has burned down,test +54810,54811,54811,mararamud kaku atu cafay nu maku,I am married to my son in law,train +54811,54812,54812,luma aku i misawanengay kaysya i siwkusya kami muku,our family lived in the sugar factory dormitory,train +54812,54813,54813,cedengen ku rakakat,walk slowly and carefully,train +54813,54814,54814,o suemetay ku rumiad anini,the weather today is very humid,train +54814,54815,54815,i sakatusa a salupiku a matatala kita,we are at the second crossroads and so on,train +54815,54816,54816,lumuwad ku finawlan,the society would be mobilized,train +54816,54817,54817,niyaru,Clansman,train +54817,54818,54818,pi pi pipipi sa ku mikeriday miparayray,the leaders beeping and whistling,train +54818,54819,54819,a talacuwa kamu a padamsu saan,where will we pay our taxes,train +54819,54820,54820,cecay lipay mapatay tu cira,the prey will die one week after being caught in a trap,test +54820,54821,54821,patikamien aku ku fainayan a kaka aku,I am going to write a letter to my brother,train +54821,54822,54822,kaka tu vavainayan,older brother,train +54822,54823,54823,pitu tuku mata,the seventh hole,train +54823,54824,54824,Anu i cuwa ku kudih i u a itira a masaupu ku lidep,wherever there is a carcass there the vultures will gather,train +54824,54825,54825,sing kita a tayra o sing aca ita,let us go and make our appearance we will not stay,train +54825,54826,54826,sisa a maanen hakiya a semuwal,so what do we call it,train +54826,54827,54827,nika ira tu ku nu kapah nu i,but little Liuqiu has become environmentally conscious,train +54827,54828,54828,mikilim tu mamalu dutuc aku,I am looking for my heir,train +54828,54829,54829,cecay ku wawa aku tu faʼinayan sa pangangan han aku,I only have one son so I will inherit the name,train +54829,54830,54830,Arayen,thank you,test +54830,54831,54831,Hai malalifet kaku tu milalayapay a cikay,I will compete in croquet,train +54831,54832,54832,saka mafana ku Pangcah tiyahu mikiayaw tu Taywan awaayhu ku Taywan tiyahu,the Amis knew they had to get here before the Han Chinese did and there were not any Han Chinese living here yet,train +54832,54833,54833,saka tangasa itini i suʼlin,when I get here really,train +54833,54834,54834,pacek han tu nira miculem sa mitepung,he dived through the hull,train +54834,54835,54835,mamatelep cingra tu sela nira haw i,I am afraid I will not be able to breathe,train +54835,54836,54836,yukayuk,righting,train +54836,54837,54837,saka cacay a muking,piece,train +54837,54838,54838,hai u nu Dipung kira ku kiwyik itiya,Yes education in those days was Japanese,train +54838,54839,54839,Rumiamiad miasik kami u rawang maulacay nu pulung a miasik,we have to clean every day and everyone has to clean the classroom,train +54839,54840,54840,halafin kaku tangasa itini i pitilidan mitilid i sinkakuing,I will live here until I graduate from seminary,test +54840,54841,54841,Nanuya maaraw aku ku nika ^pud nu ccay a ruma a cuyuh nai kakarayan tadamaanay ku icel ningra Sata^ngad sa ku hkal tu nanu dil ningra,after this I saw another angel coming down from heaven he had great authority and the earth was illuminated by his splendor,train +54841,54842,54842,alaentu mahaen matini,when you pick it up it looks like this,train +54842,54843,54843,Cadicien ci kaka aku a tumangic tu duka nira,my sister cried from the pain of the wound,train +54843,54844,54844,Mafiluay hakini mikawih saan kiya wina,I waved for him to come back I tried to see if he would,train +54844,54845,54845,Mihengaday kini wawa a mikulay tu kilang,the boy opened a tree to catch a beetle,train +54845,54846,54846,mipakimad hu tu nu i ayaway hu haw,past events,train +54846,54847,54847,alu,streams,train +54847,54848,54848,u luma i mafanaʼay i,and for those of you who will be using rafts,train +54848,54849,54849,ta talaenu sa nika kakincu alatek i talaenu sa talaenu taheni tu palumaʼan kira,it is all the way down but the hole is too small so we have to go down to where the house is now,train +54849,54850,54850,o karasiniadaay tu pakuyuc ci mama nira,his father was always kind to the poor,test +54850,54851,54851,cay ka haen sa,some people think that,train +54851,54852,54852,pinaay kamu tayni i Tumay,you have been coming to Yanliao for years,train +54852,54853,54853,vetelian,clap of thunder,train +54853,54854,54854,sapilafung tu lalan sa kura wama aku a sumuwal,it is used to fill in dips in the road my father mentioned it,train +54854,54855,54855,o ruma mihungyakan a Fangcalay Cudad iraay ku sinael nu Yuhani 753811 kawra cuwa ka fanaˈ ku ˈalumanay tu patungalan kuniya sinael cuwa ku suˈlinay,some Bible translations include verses from John however many people do not realize that these verses were added later and were not part of the original work,train +54855,54856,54856,Tatusa^ ku kaka^ aku cecay ku safa^,I have two brothers and sisters and one younger brother and sister,train +54856,54857,54857,ta maraud tu ku kaci cuʼungan nira haw,when the new shoots are close to sprouting,train +54857,54858,54858,suur,quagmire,train +54858,54859,54859,medac hananay a uner,the boa constrictor is a hungry ghost,train +54859,54860,54860,makuliniw,theft,test +54860,54861,54861,sakanguduan,so shy,train +54861,54862,54862,caay ku dadahalay ya funun nu Makutaay itini i Makutaay,the tribal paddy fields are not very wide,train +54862,54863,54863,pisamadah,Gently,train +54863,54864,54864,sasamaan pakalaluk minanam tu,what can we do to encourage our people to continue learning,train +54864,54865,54865,Sarikecay ku vavainay a micumud,boys only,train +54865,54866,54866,tiyad,belly,train +54866,54867,54867,Pararamuday han nu Amis ku mipatalumaay,the Amis say that the ceremony of marriage means to make husband and wife,train +54867,54868,54868,itiya u tuʼas isu ira ku suy enem pulu ira ku enem,you would be years old by then,train +54868,54869,54869,kukut,accusation,train +54869,54870,54870,ira ku ccay a wawa sulin maulah cingra tunini a wacu atu u takula,there was a child who really liked the dog and the frog,test +54870,54871,54871,mahan u runu kiyami,it looks like a fish roe,train +54871,54872,54872,talalutuk tu ku talalutukay,going to the mountains,train +54872,54873,54873,miliyas tu kaku ikul tu i nanay matengil ku adihay a kimad nu misu,I am going to leave now and look forward to hearing more stories next time,train +54873,54874,54874,mifawah,open up,train +54874,54875,54875,Saka tangsul sa a lumuwad kuya mapiay i kaayaw nu tamdamdaw a miala tu kafutian ningra Halu nika hmek han ningra tu Kawas a minukay i luma ningra,immediately he stood up in front of them took what he had been lying on and went home praising God,train +54875,54876,54876,kurah,sweet liquor,train +54876,54877,54877,mabanaʼay kaku tuna,I still know that one,train +54877,54878,54878,Hlafinay kura pirarakat ira tira,I have been walking like this for a long time,train +54878,54879,54879,melawi saw ku kapurus nu niyam,look at our squirrels,train +54879,54880,54880,wa caka tungalen ku nu pitilidan ku tingsu nu mita,we will not be able to add points,test +54880,54881,54881,o maaruay nu Fangcalay Adingu a tamdaw i pakahapinang tu nika masamaan ku nika ci^puc nu pulung nu dmak Nikawrira awaay ku pakahapinangay tu falucu ningra,the spiritual man makes judgments about all things but he himself is not subject to any mans judgment,train +54881,54882,54882,itiya cuwa pihuwaliyaw a tusa fulad tatawa sanay ci Taniayer pasuwal takuwanan O adada aku hatu awaaytu,during the two months that Danielle was not undergoing chemotherapy she smiled at me and said You know what,train +54882,54883,54883,latek u halikaenay cingra tura Suwang Tu latek,most likely she likes garlic ha ha ha ha,train +54883,54884,54884,sa kira harateng a,psychological suspicion,train +54884,54885,54885,8 Kaemanghu ci Yis milifetaytu tu patay nu salawina,Jesus also suffered the loss of family and friends when he was young,train +54885,54886,54886,ya macel han nu niyam,just like the one we are talking about,train +54886,54887,54887,valuhaytu,new,train +54887,54888,54888,caay pisairairayay malalukaca a minanam tu maan a demakan a tamdaw cira,he was never proud of himself and was an open minded learner,train +54888,54889,54889,sumuwal ku safa nu maku,my sister said to me,train +54889,54890,54890,naliti,rush hour,test +54890,54891,54891,mikiwli,picking Cucumber,train +54891,54892,54892,mahenay kuni ka,here is the deal,train +54892,54893,54893,Aciya,wow very wise,train +54893,54894,54894,nga kahenay maʼecak nu cinah,it is easy to cook it with saltpeter,train +54894,54895,54895,milisimet tu hiya tu nivutingan nu heni,gather up the fish you have caught,train +54895,54896,54896,miliyaw cangra a milkal Haliluya Midauc a macakat ku acfel nu nika tuduh nuya niyaru saan,and again they shouted Hallelujah the smoke from her goes up for ever and ever,train +54896,54897,54897,anini miedefay ku misamangahay a demak,Today lying is very common,train +54897,54898,54898,latek ira ku caayay kalaheci nikaurira u suelinay kunian,it is not always reliable but it is usually very flexible,train +54898,54899,54899,paciciwan,piggy bank,train +54899,54900,54900,maeden u sapiʼaca tu maamaan aca tu kakaenen tu,the so called settling in fee can only buy some daily necessities and food,test +54900,54901,54901,Mafanaay kaku tu suwal nu Amis atu nu Piwma,I speak Aramaic and Puyuma,train +54901,54902,54902,Matalif ku tusa a mihcaan i cruren ni Purkius Fistus ci Filis a malamikumuday mangalay ci Filis a makahmek nu Yutaya a tamdaw saka pararid han ningra ci Pawlu a mirufu,when two years had passed Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus but because Felix wanted to grant a favor to the Jews he left Paul in prison,train +54902,54903,54903,pikulasan,dividing the season,train +54903,54904,54904,sa anu adihay ku adadaay nu niyaru u malalisanay masamamaanay a adada haw i e malekal tu ku mama nu kapah,if many people in the tribe were sick or had a fever or any disease the fathers of the youths would be called,train +54904,54905,54905,lingatu tu kaku misasiraw,I am going to start making salt pork,train +54905,54906,54906,kasaficin nura,that is the unit of measurement,train +54906,54907,54907,oya saikuray a tamdaw i u mamalasaayawaytu o saayaway a tamdaw i u mamalasaikuraytu han ni Yis,indeed there are those who are last who will be first and first who will be last,train +54907,54908,54908,vanavana satu ku matuʼasay,as a result the old man gradually moved away from,train +54908,54909,54909,ngata,near,train +54909,54910,54910,u faʼinayan kisu nu wawa i,you are a boy,test +54910,54911,54911,ya a matuʼasay ku singsi,teachers in the tribe over the age of with a mother tongue,train +54911,54912,54912,niraduman,pick a good one,train +54912,54913,54913,pilipayan,Sunday,train +54913,54914,54914,itini kaku a mikansiya miaray miahuwiday tu wina wama nu maku,I would like to send my deepest thanks to my parents,train +54914,54915,54915,cakangaay,t,train +54915,54916,54916,adihayay ku paliding i maci mansa pakautupay kami a tayra,there are a lot of cars in the city so we go there by motorcycle,train +54916,54917,54917,fuhat,lift off,train +54917,54918,54918,haw saka manan haw i mafanaʼ cimira misaʼusi,he must read it very familiarly,train +54918,54919,54919,ruma,else,train +54919,54920,54920,halafinay ku luma nga caka resa,the house is durable and watertight,test +54920,54921,54921,9 o mihadakan ni Pitiru a limuˈut ngaˈayay saka dademaken i ruma kalimelaan a demak i nukaˈurip tinakuen u picudadan atu katayalan,the advice given by Peter also applies to other important things in life such as choosing an education and a profession,train +54921,54922,54922,mamifalah ku mira tu lakaw,he is going to throw away the trash,train +54922,54923,54923,awaay tu ku saʼusi tura,it is not going to work,train +54923,54924,54924,masamaanay,what way,train +54924,54925,54925,pakaʼurad sa i micumpi tu,if you decide to pray for rain start preparing,train +54925,54926,54926,herek tu nu lahuk sanay itiya tu adada ku tiyad nu maku i,it was not until late afternoon that she started having bouts of pain,train +54926,54927,54927,ra aul pacukis hatiniay hatiniay haw i,bamboo brackets are used to secure and tie down the thatched roof,train +54927,54928,54928,o sufitay cira,she is a soldier,train +54928,54929,54929,u ariray u mamaan tu,there is corn and then there is other things,train +54929,54930,54930,pasadak,bring it out,test +54930,54931,54931,o cinguyusay ku mapipapelu,let the celebrities do the talking,train +54931,54932,54932,suwal sa kami a mapulung Ngaay hu^ singisi^ saan,we said loudly Hi teacher,train +54932,54933,54933,pipapeluan,speech place,train +54933,54934,54934,taʼangay kiya saw hatu edu ku dadipis awa ku i ayaw,the cockroaches were so big they looked like rats they did not have sanitary standards,train +54934,54935,54935,sakaenem tu nu pilipayan,it is already Saturday,train +54935,54936,54936,saan patinaku tu suwal kira,tell me about it,train +54936,54937,54937,amipelaraw,Hemisphere,train +54937,54938,54938,u matiraay u pakarungay tu,it is like the lowest level,train +54938,54939,54939,ihkal mahapinang ita ku pikerid ni Kristu i saka 1 hahekalan a kasakupang,we clearly see Christ leading the congregation in the century,train +54939,54940,54940,kaciherangan,summer,test +54940,54941,54941,he he he,uh huh uh huh,train +54941,54942,54942,mahaen i pacici sa a tayra,in that case I will go I will go,train +54942,54943,54943,ci Kacaw ku ngangan nu maku,my name is macaw,train +54943,54944,54944,i Fataan ku niyaru aku,our tribe is in Matthews Saddle,train +54944,54945,54945,haensa tataak,that is how you grow up,train +54945,54946,54946,caay kafana tu rumiʼad,I do not know the date of the mass,train +54946,54947,54947,itini sanay tu i Taywan taliyuk nu nu icuwa hatira sanay,I had to stay in Taiwan around Maple harbor or somewhere else,train +54947,54948,54948,salikaka safa aku,my brother,train +54948,54949,54949,ketun han aku ku salengac tu,I will cut off the neck of the moon peach,train +54949,54950,54950,sanay,History of Chinese Literature,test +54950,54951,54951,lidateng,biting cat,train +54951,54952,54952,mavuhat,open,train +54952,54953,54953,ngiliw kihepic,thin,train +54953,54954,54954,mahaenay kura niyaru nu mulenus,the Wingfoot tribe is so,train +54954,54955,54955,walinen kunini a fukeluh,roll this stone over,train +54955,54956,54956,u maan kura kiʼeciw,what is a lead singer,train +54956,54957,54957,atu nu hu nu ilisinan a kapah,youth in Wabutsu Festival culture,train +54957,54958,54958,sausi han i limaay pulu tu tamina sa,that is ships,train +54958,54959,54959,caay kafana ci ama nu aku atu ci ina nu maku,no negotiation no goodbyes leaving your parents in a heartbeat,train +54959,54960,54960,cahu kaherek ku a micudad,I had not finished second grade yet,test +54960,54961,54961,caay ka ngaay a adihay ku suwal aku i tamuwanan nawhani iraaytu a tayni ku mikuwanay tunini a hkal caay pakapimaamaan cinira i Takuwanan,I will not speak with you much longer for the prince of this world is coming he has no hold on me,train +54961,54962,54962,mahaen ku nipavavuy nu sikawasay,this is the way of the priest,train +54962,54963,54963,kura pala itira,in that place,train +54963,54964,54964,kawrira hatini haw iraku lifung,but because of the epidemic,train +54964,54965,54965,langtu,ashes,train +54965,54966,54966,sarumiad,whole day,train +54966,54967,54967,sulimet sulimet han ku kaysin,arrange the dishes,train +54967,54968,54968,awaay aca ku maan nu luma nira,it is really a house full of people,train +54968,54969,54969,mimaan kisu anini mimaan kaku anini mi,what are you doing now am I currently,train +54969,54970,54970,rasa hatini halafin kita haw i,we have lived here so long,test +54970,54971,54971,caay henay patangsa tu u maan,I have not shared anything yet,train +54971,54972,54972,tangasa ka ilisinan i u tungus nu dmak nu demak nu ilisin itiyaayhu,on every tribal holiday,train +54972,54973,54973,miliyas tu niyaru,away from the colony,train +54973,54974,54974,ayah,a ya,train +54974,54975,54975,aputuʼay,short,train +54975,54976,54976,pakayni mitaluh,through here,train +54976,54977,54977,wama ama,dad,train +54977,54978,54978,o ruma a suwal i Fangcalay Cudad i O mamaaraw nangra ku nicucukan nangra a Tamdaw saan,and as another Scripture says They will look on the one they have pierced,train +54978,54979,54979,itira kaku tusa miheca kaku itira i Kalingku minanam mi,I have been in Hualien for two years,train +54979,54980,54980,haenen ku maku ira,here is how I do it,test +54980,54981,54981,kilim sa kaku itira i hananay,I got a job at the waterworks there,train +54981,54982,54982,malafacuay,dimorphic,train +54982,54983,54983,maulah kami malekaka a remidiw,both my brother and I like to sing,train +54983,54984,54984,mikikeliw hananay u keliw,make it a fine line fine line,train +54984,54985,54985,namilihay ca ina ca ama aku,when my mom and dad were at church,train +54985,54986,54986,a malasawd ku niyaru nu mita,our tribe will die out,train +54986,54987,54987,Macacawas ku ramud nangra,they are divorced,train +54987,54988,54988,malaheciay tu ku nifalucuʼan aku i,though I have fulfilled my wish,train +54988,54989,54989,mainget,get angry,train +54989,54990,54990,macangalay kaku tu sacuker nira i takuwanan,I do not think that he has given me enough support,test +54990,54991,54991,masasuwasuwal kita,let us discuss with each other,train +54991,54992,54992,sa ku malitengay haw i,the old man said,train +54992,54993,54993,talapaputal,go outside,train +54993,54994,54994,hatira ku pilifun nu niyam,we make money,train +54994,54995,54995,u patelian nira tu icep tu payci nira hatini han nira haw,putting her betel nut and coins she hangs like this,train +54995,54996,54996,o lalacal tu nu ku finacadan itini i Taywan kira,in fact in the modern multicultural society of Taiwan,train +54996,54997,54997,misatekel kisu,you must abstain from bitter practices,train +54997,54998,54998,karicucu,nook,train +54998,54999,54999,ya,at that time,train +54999,55000,55000,maan han cahu karepun kuna mihecaan,what can I say if the year is not over,test +55000,55001,55001,nakamayan,handmade,train +55001,55002,55002,caedesen,it is a great feeling,train +55002,55003,55003,tanutusiya,it is all cars,train +55003,55004,55004,kami san i matayal hu kami,we are still working,train +55004,55005,55005,cakayen aca han aku tiisuwan,I will buy it from you,train +55005,55006,55006,yan tu i hay aluman,although there are a lot of girls here,train +55006,55007,55007,dadutusen,inheritance,train +55007,55008,55008,uul,frost,train +55008,55009,55009,uran ku ruma rukut u maan han ita saw,Shanshu and others,train +55009,55010,55010,patapiden,Call Sewing,test +55010,55011,55011,sasawan tu,rice wine cleaning,train +55011,55012,55012,midudu natira i Cepu tiraw i Makutaay pasafafaw,upstream of the Changhong bridge at Jingpu Harbor,train +55012,55013,55013,Nikawrira aluman a aluman ku mikaputay tu saupu nangra a pasulinay a mituur tu Tapang a fainayan atu fafahiyan,Nevertheless more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number,train +55013,55014,55014,sitakak a maemin u muhetingay sini taisanay ku calaped atu payayaway a talakes,men wear black embroidered aprons and leggings on the lower half of their bodies,train +55014,55015,55015,kahiceraan,destination,train +55015,55016,55016,e mafama nu maku matuʼas itu mitilid tu i pitilidan,I know when I grow up I go to school,train +55016,55017,55017,maruray hu itini nawhan,it is a tough time I do not know,train +55017,55018,55018,kakinih tu demak,to be unfair show partiality,train +55018,55019,55019,han na niyam,no climbing trees no loud talking,train +55019,55020,55020,takaraw ciira takaraway maala safaw tusa ku takaraw,and the top sugarcane heart is up to centimeters long and is edible,test +55020,55021,55021,kafaedetan kalikiay ya haw,Summer will be quicker Hmm Soon,train +55021,55022,55022,Papisaupuen ku singsi tu wawa,have the teacher gather the children together,train +55022,55023,55023,hay tu pikiʼayaw nira miritrit tura tusa a Tapang,Yes it is the symbol of the first two cuts,train +55023,55024,55024,rahekeray,fulfillment,train +55024,55025,55025,Hai kaesu ku sakalahuk niyam,Yes we ate heartily,train +55025,55026,55026,tahila,accomplish,train +55026,55027,55027,mituur haw kaku tayni haw i Taypak haw misiyakay,I followed him to Taipei to work,train +55027,55028,55028,tira tangasaan nu niyam,we got there first,train +55028,55029,55029,itiya hu u urip nu mita u Amis,the life of the Amis in those days,train +55029,55030,55030,o nuriyaray a hitay ku Cwuin i,the left battalion is the navy,test +55030,55031,55031,mimaumah tu tefus nu kaysya paluma tu tefus nu kaysya,when planting cane seedlings,train +55031,55032,55032,hay ala han tu i lalavu,Yeah just take it from the inside,train +55032,55033,55033,nu tiniay niyaru saka macad tu niyam,all from this tribe just like my wife,train +55033,55034,55034,Cuperas a cacaken ku funga,groundnuts cook up crispy,train +55034,55035,55035,umaan haca katusilen sa kaku sa,what else do I have to list,train +55035,55036,55036,Arawen mihapinan ku cacakayen nu misu a fuduy,look carefully at the clothes you want to buy,train +55036,55037,55037,anu ira ku likuda nu Amis tu,about any Amis cultural activities,train +55037,55038,55038,hawupen,gather round,train +55038,55039,55039,ira i sakatusa a tingluhan cakat han isu a mikilim cingraan,he is upstairs you can go up and find him,train +55039,55040,55040,u manan ku aalaen isu,may I help you,test +55040,55041,55041,aka pipuhpuh tuya pusi,do not pet that cat,train +55041,55042,55042,ka mitangtang ku nu malitengay tu hiya,but the old man used to cook it,train +55042,55043,55043,minengneng kaku tu ising saan,I am the one who is going to see the doctor,train +55043,55044,55044,Suelin a matira mangaay mifuting kita,Really then we can go fishing,train +55044,55045,55045,atu cayka araw a Kawas nu mita haw,and God the father in heaven,train +55045,55046,55046,makamelaw tu ayam haen sa a mikumud,when you see a bird just shoot it,train +55046,55047,55047,o tudung tuni piangang hananay Sakacecay Pakaaraw tu adadaay mapatay tu u rarum nu falucu sa miucil a miangang a tumangic,the main purposes of Miangang are it is human nature to weep and call out in grief at the sight of a dying patient,train +55047,55048,55048,u riyal hananay u sakakaay,the sea is the most important place for us to live,train +55048,55049,55049,Safahka sa kuya Farisay a tamdaw a minengneng tu nika ^ca ka munanaw ni Yis i ayaw nu nika kumaen,but the Pharisee noticing that Jesus did not first wash before the meal was surprised,train +55049,55050,55050,Tangesul han kisu a patatukusen anu caay pisametek tu laying,if you do not watch out the waves will knock you straight ashore,test +55050,55051,55051,saka tayni sakami i Talampu san ngangan ira haw Talampu kira niyaru iraw Katimul,So we moved to a place called Duranburgh which is south of here,train +55051,55052,55052,mansa ira kura cyangpi matilid,so there are those on that wall,train +55052,55053,55053,Akawang a masu^su kaku puener a mangiliw ci Kacaw,I am tall and overweight while Kacaw is short and thin,train +55053,55054,55054,suta,land,train +55054,55055,55055,maulah kisu tu kuhaw nu dungec,do you like vine heart soup,train +55055,55056,55056,mangalay a micudad kami iri,we would love to go to school,train +55056,55057,55057,a caay u hiya u cungal,but the bottle category is not available,train +55057,55058,55058,i niyan u dademakay patayraan tu i tangulan,the crew put the body in the casket,train +55058,55059,55059,matiya masafalucuʼay aku maan aku nanu suwal,the words that my elders used to say came back to me one by one,train +55059,55060,55060,o pikalitangan ni mama kina pala,this field is where my father grows beans,test +55060,55061,55061,mikeyak tahidang takuwanan,I am the one who wrote the contract,train +55061,55062,55062,Pakasupay kisu tu riku aku,can you rub the dirt out of my clothing,train +55062,55063,55063,kaay a mipuhpuh,we still need to do the Rang plucking ceremony,train +55063,55064,55064,na si adihay ku nemnem itini,there are plenty of springs,train +55064,55065,55065,malalikisiay,it is history,train +55065,55066,55066,u marangatay nu vitunay,there will be a hedge of prickly bamboos,train +55066,55067,55067,talalutuk sa umaan miala aadupen adihay kira,there is a lot of hunting to be done in the mountains,train +55067,55068,55068,Maridriday nu singsi kaku a minanam tu sakalatamdaw,I was guided by my teachers to become a useful person,train +55068,55069,55069,makamiaca,purchase,train +55069,55070,55070,mafaliyus anini^ micudad kamu hay,there is a typhoon today are you going to school,test +55070,55071,55071,ala han tu tengteng han tu tengteng,just La La La La La La La La La La La La la,train +55071,55072,55072,awa ku katayalan kahi fangcal ku kicay,the employment rate is so low,train +55072,55073,55073,kaila ku suwal i,there is a reason for this,train +55073,55074,55074,mamicuker,will be there to support,train +55074,55075,55075,adihay,how,train +55075,55076,55076,marihadayay,it is very pleasant,train +55076,55077,55077,Miliyut cingra tu tangila aku,he twisted my ear,train +55077,55078,55078,ti miala a canguʼut ku kakaya san miala tuya uway nu lutung,the epidemic plants are not long enough we are going back to collect Tarzans monkey tree vines,train +55078,55079,55079,maledep tu ku tukar nu matuasay satulutulu han ku nipatireng tu tukar,when the old mans hairs are all here each of the three spears is set up in a three Legged tripod,train +55079,55080,55080,liliden niyam a panukay,we are all moving home,test +55080,55081,55081,aca,both and,train +55081,55082,55082,a cekiw cuwa kaadak sa fulad,the time of the night moon when the conch shells do not appear,train +55082,55083,55083,adihay ku adecaw i Kalingku,Hualien produces marble,train +55083,55084,55084,ecay a suwal i ecayay ku tayal,one command one action,train +55084,55085,55085,ira sawali,on the east side,train +55085,55086,55086,cifalucu tu a mipaluwad tu niyaru saan haw,plan well how to raise the tribe,train +55086,55087,55087,suelinay matiya u maferay ku sikawasay a nengnengen a sikawas saan,Seriously the wizard looks like he can fly,train +55087,55088,55088,ngaʼay tu patefuc kita pafeli tu kulung pafeli tu diyung,it is a good deal we pay taxes for cows or pigs,train +55088,55089,55089,Mafanaay kamu tu nika u mu^celay ci Kristu Saka kafana kamu u midu^duay tu mu^celay a tamdaw i u wawatu nu Kawas,and now dear children continue in him so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming,train +55089,55090,55090,saka tahanini kini saw ku fana nu kaemangay,that is why even now children can still cast nets to catch fish,test +55090,55091,55091,talararem kita,let us go downriver,train +55091,55092,55092,kiya tanuulah sa ku,make the listener like it,train +55092,55093,55093,misahatira kiya haw i papaliwal kami tu kasuy i,because of that we are selling wood,train +55093,55094,55094,demak,operate,train +55094,55095,55095,nawhan kura anekekay haw i,because of the crows,train +55095,55096,55096,Midilidtu,I have been reading,train +55096,55097,55097,lafi ca kira,it is time for dinner,train +55097,55098,55098,ngaruy,jaw,train +55098,55099,55099,ka anini tu kita haw i awaay tu ra,but not anymore,train +55099,55100,55100,caay pisavalucu,and to inspire the people,test +55100,55101,55101,ku tatusaay a Ripun,two Japanese killed,train +55101,55102,55102,nanay ira mafanaʼay,I hope someone will be willing to learn,train +55102,55103,55103,sakatusa a radiw i,what about the second verse of the song,train +55103,55104,55104,kasiniʼadaan haratengen kasiniʼadaan tu,it is pathetic it is really pathetic to think about,train +55104,55105,55105,tada,cushion,train +55105,55106,55106,Paculi aca kunu Ciwidiyan u sakalivutan a sasimsiman nu maku u malatumukay kiniyan,and the Shuilian tribe talks back that is what is bothering me right now,train +55106,55107,55107,Paupin kira,Artillery,train +55107,55108,55108,kemkemem ku smut,chew the cud,train +55108,55109,55109,ta mareku ku kapah saan ku falucu,I hope the young people will be more united,train +55109,55110,55110,malikulungay,lit not into a cow and,test +55110,55111,55111,Misikeliw ku fafahiyan i pipacarcaran tu tayal a misaumah,the women are making stripped hemp rope skins in their spare time on the farm,train +55111,55112,55112,malalesilesirsquu,mutual water splash,train +55112,55113,55113,tusaca kuya sakeru nira hai cayka adihay,he only dances twice Yes not much,train +55113,55114,55114,mimelaw tu remiad mitengil tu suni nu ayam mavaheray u rakat nu uner u piawaw nu wacu atu u nikavaesing,weather changes birdsong flying snakes dogs barking and sneezing,train +55114,55115,55115,han,in this way,train +55115,55116,55116,ta minengneng tu saka Rikec nu niyaru,I can see the unity of the tribes,train +55116,55117,55117,a awaay tu ku Pangcah sa,the Amis are disappearing,train +55117,55118,55118,micudad tu tulu a mihecaan,primary,train +55118,55119,55119,falaku,leathers,train +55119,55120,55120,kura alumanay a kapah,that is a lot of young people,test +55120,55121,55121,iraay ku umah niyam itira i u luma i Fataʼan,our fields are in front of the old Gwangju house,train +55121,55122,55122,u maʼan ku katawaan tu nikarepiʼan nu calaped,Grandpas pants are torn what is so funny,train +55122,55123,55123,awa hu ku singasingasing ira,there is no bell,train +55123,55124,55124,Patatudungen,you have to stop,train +55124,55125,55125,Masasaelet ku tatenuuyen a keliw,the thread to be woven is all twisted and tied in knots,train +55125,55126,55126,u malitengay itiya hu haw mafana kaku tiya malitengay tukiya alumanay kiya,I know a lot of old people,train +55126,55127,55127,ruma awa ku kakaenen sacihemay sa u kunga,Plus the food lacked the staple of a whole pot of groundnuts,train +55127,55128,55128,kuskus,scratch and itch,train +55128,55129,55129,ira ya siluk kiyasaw ya salang ali,does not it produce juice,train +55129,55130,55130,i facalfacalan,or in the field,test +55130,55131,55131,o misuutay tu uu a talakal kura u sapi talakal tu tu mancel,it was a leg rigged rope trap and we used it to catch Shankiang,train +55131,55132,55132,ku falucu aku,I was so scared,train +55132,55133,55133,i lutukay amin a dateng,it is all wild vegetables from the mountains,train +55133,55134,55134,o falucu aku i nanay caay ku matfaday ca Pawlu saan kamu,and I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test,train +55134,55135,55135,Anuhacuwa^ kisu a panukas tuya paysu^ i takuwanan,when are you going to pay me back,train +55135,55136,55136,a maʼurad san i suelinay kinaniyaru tunian haw a Makutaay i,Seriously when it rains the Maguadayan tribe,train +55136,55137,55137,awa ku hahafafahi,I cannot get a wife,train +55137,55138,55138,tangasa i daˈuc,footsteps of Jesus Christ,train +55138,55139,55139,mitilid hu kaku tu kawcung sakaku,I want to go on to high school,train +55139,55140,55140,Kamec aka han ku kamay nira wawa,do not hold the boys hand too tightly,test +55140,55141,55141,o nasaripaan nu fafuy kunini saka u lalan nu fafuy Kunini,these are the footprints of the boar so this is the path the boar took,train +55141,55142,55142,ridriden na ama kaku ciira san ri cika ʼaraw aku,my grand mom always takes me where is she I do not see her very often,train +55142,55143,55143,o riyar ku sawalian nu niyaru niyam,the ocean is east of our town,train +55143,55144,55144,saayaway mamuni hen ku tireng nu mapatayay caay hen ka nanam tunu i tiraay a kakaenen,when the departed is new to the realm of the ancestral spirits the body is fragile and not accustomed to the food there for the first time,train +55144,55145,55145,o ruma tu kunga ca tu kahirahira anini,like other groundnuts do not have this symptom,train +55145,55146,55146,makemut,joking,train +55146,55147,55147,harateng niyam nuhatini matungalaytu ku pakasuˈlinay falucuˈ,we feel more confident now,train +55147,55148,55148,awaay cingra u maan ku salicay nu misu saw,she is not here what can I do for you,train +55148,55149,55149,milalang a maramud tu mangataay hen a lalumaan milalang a maramud tu masa suringesay hen a luma milalang a maramud tu nutaw a tamdaw u nu niyaru tu a tamdaw ku kapahay,close relatives and feuding families were not allowed to marry and marriages with foreigners were prohibited based on the principle of endogamy among tribesmen,train +55149,55150,55150,saitira kaku mafana tura fulahata nu tefus i ayaw,I did not know there were mushrooms until I made cane sugar it was an eye opener,test +55150,55151,55151,caay kalecad kiya atu nu enar,it may be different from the way it is done in the Flatirons,train +55151,55152,55152,anu awaay kiniyan hantu anu kakukaku sa,without the promotion of tribal ethnic language learning activities,train +55152,55153,55153,nani wamaay i,from Dads side,train +55153,55154,55154,palatumuk han kaku itiya suwalan nu maku,I have been elected tribal leader I have been elected to speak,train +55154,55155,55155,kaketun tu suwal,an agreement between two parties,train +55155,55156,55156,anca u paylang a tintu si ci atu cima cima haw nu Padaka tayniay tini sa,or the Han Chinese propagandist named Lu Xinchun and other people and Americans,train +55156,55157,55157,melaw sa sivulu iyah utiih itini sa ku heni malimad,it is not easy for them to look around so they leave,train +55157,55158,55158,misangaʼan itiya hu kira pulung san hu,we have to decide together,train +55158,55159,55159,onini i u nika lahci nu nisuwalan ni Isaya u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya,this was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah,train +55159,55160,55160,malalefud,race,test +55160,55161,55161,ngabul,sika deer,train +55161,55162,55162,kiemel,Winning,train +55162,55163,55163,anu caka faliwen isu,if you do not cut,train +55163,55164,55164,iraay tira kura penen,there are reeds over there,train +55164,55165,55165,anu enem tu kurakura mata nira,if we get to the sixth that sixth hole,train +55165,55166,55166,adihay ku i kalalaay tamdaw,there is a lot of Kanana tribesmen,train +55166,55167,55167,hay haw,is it true,train +55167,55168,55168,hayusey ci rumuray tu,who else has a wife,train +55168,55169,55169,mafulaway,move to a new place of residence,train +55169,55170,55170,tayra kisu minengneng tura takula,you go to the frogs,test +55170,55171,55171,u maan ku kaenen nu misu,what do you want to eat,train +55171,55172,55172,kakuhkuh,cobra,train +55172,55173,55173,tu malu sakalahuk nangra,as their Chinese food,train +55173,55174,55174,u siniʼada nira takuwanan sa,he sympathizes with me,train +55174,55175,55175,pakaurad pakacidal hatiraay saka,this was also true of praying for rain and the sun,train +55175,55176,55176,malu ura kilang hu ku sasa ningra misanga,it is the wood that has to be covered first,train +55176,55177,55177,suwal sa Ira ku ccay a tadamaanay a tamdaw o tatayra cingra i maraayay a Kitakit tu sakalahungtiaw ta minukay,he said A man of noble birth went to a distant country to have himself appointed king and then to return,train +55177,55178,55178,ciwyungsay kaku itira hu kami i nu Kalingku a kuwan hatilaay,I was only years old,train +55178,55179,55179,hatini sanay ku uu nu malitengay,the old mans feet are on the ground like this,train +55179,55180,55180,Pacauf sa ci Simun Oya adihayay ku mapalasawaday a tadah ku maulahay saan ku harateng aku han ningra Hai matamaay kura piharateng isu han ni Yis a pasuwal,neither of them had the money to pay him back so he canceled the debts of both now which of them will love him more,test +55180,55181,55181,mikilim tu kiwkay,will also go to the Catholic Church,train +55181,55182,55182,adihayay ku nisasingan aku tu hasapanengneng ci mamaan ci inaan,I took a lot of pictures and showed them to my parents,train +55182,55183,55183,o ruma i u kantuk nu fenpu itiya tuna misafelitay tu palinian nu Fangcalay Cudad a mafalah,in addition the then division superintendent was removed for acting in violation of biblical standards,train +55183,55184,55184,o rumasatu pasuwal kaku i tamuwanan u caayhu ka ciramud a tamdaw atu mapunengay anu pakapilcad kamu i takuwanan i urira ku ngaay,now to the unmarried and the widows I say it is good for them to stay unmarried as I am,train +55184,55185,55185,mataediedip kura tukus kira Macelcel sa,because of the feeling of being pushed out when walking on the steep slopes of the ridges,train +55185,55186,55186,suwal,say,train +55186,55187,55187,o mipaluwaday ku Kawas a paurip tu Tapang nai patay malcad tunini ku icel ningra a paluwad titaanan a paurip nai patay,by his power God raised the Lord from the dead and he will raise us also,train +55187,55188,55188,u lengac han nu Pangcah kinian lengac han ri,the clan says it is called the moon peach Leaf,train +55188,55189,55189,da,indistinct,train +55189,55190,55190,nu itiyaay hu kuriraan,that is the way it used to be,test +55190,55191,55191,itira i riyar haw,at the beach,train +55191,55192,55192,picihi hatui maanen hakiya,there are also voices of severe criticisms and criticisms of the,train +55192,55193,55193,o maanan a lalangian ku mihaian nu Fangcalay Cudad a malalikung o ruma Krisciyang hanu misaˈusi caka malalikung,what is the only biblical recognized reason for divorce why do not some Christians choose to divorce,train +55193,55194,55194,hay watasi nu fyentung kuci alimasyu u han naku,so I said yes I brought my lunch box,train +55194,55195,55195,vuheci,peel,train +55195,55196,55196,u inci han nu baylang ya uteng,Biron weighs in at Indo German,train +55196,55197,55197,Cifanaw kami i taturuan nu luma,I have a small pond in front of my house,train +55197,55198,55198,suped naʼang hanay aku,I am keeping it in my collection,train +55198,55199,55199,ura ta i madeng kini sa cangra i maruray tu kita sa i tayniay itini tu i Lalawdan,I came to new Zealand on the move and took a break to look at this spot,train +55199,55200,55200,malehulul,love each other,test +55200,55201,55201,itiniay tu niyaru namu,on your side of the tribe,train +55201,55202,55202,a mi hay cecay yaca aka kasaʼan,do not think that there is only one student do not have this mentality,train +55202,55203,55203,tangasa i tiraw i matatala tu,when we get there we will wait for each other,train +55203,55204,55204,15 tahira 20 ku mipacekiwan aku tamdaw,I probably host to Bible classes,train +55204,55205,55205,micaraan tu aku ci ama miucil a malahakelung ci Wamaan a miadup,every time I quarreled with my father I wanted to go hunting with my father,train +55205,55206,55206,ilisin tu kita satu,it is the beginning of the Harvest Festival,train +55206,55207,55207,matira sa i,since you are like this,train +55207,55208,55208,saw uniku kalimelaan titanan u misyakayay kaemangay,so for the kids working in the metro area remember,train +55208,55209,55209,kuwaw,magpie,train +55209,55210,55210,cikafer,wear pants,test +55210,55211,55211,pakaynien aku i cecay a taneng nu Yin cumincu a pasuwal tu demak anini,please allow me to she would light on this occasion with a piece of indigenous wisdom,train +55211,55212,55212,caay kacahiw ku tiyad sa salaw tayni ca mira tuni a niyaru i,they are definitely not hungry so they are willing to come to the tribe,train +55212,55213,55213,suʼelin manganguwah satu ku manganguwah tu hiwawa,it is just a matter of time before we become a couple,train +55213,55214,55214,matengil a caay kamitini a Mayaw,your comments can be an indicator of what we are missing,train +55214,55215,55215,duet,hot,train +55215,55216,55216,mansa mamihecahecaan i tu ira ku ngangan,the name is formed every few years,train +55216,55217,55217,cuwa ka faedet cuwa kasi^enaw saemelay,it is neither cold nor hot today very comfortable,train +55217,55218,55218,pauliday mauliday a fuis,a shooting star from a comet,train +55218,55219,55219,i saamisan nu Pangcah ku likuwat nu Taluku,the territory of the Taroko is north of the Amis,train +55219,55220,55220,yuciyen,kindergarten,test +55220,55221,55221,caayay nu ka likuda itiya,there will not be a Bountiful years Festival then,train +55221,55222,55222,yan tu malingad tu,then mom said Let us go,train +55222,55223,55223,lalavu,membership,train +55223,55224,55224,matiya u tupi ku facu nu Fangcalay Adingu a ma^pud i tireng ningra itiya i ira ku ngiha nai kakarayan suwal sa O kakaulahan Aku a Wawa kisu u kakahmekan Aku kisu saan,and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove and a voice came from heaven You are my Son whom I love with you I am well pleased,train +55224,55225,55225,pitek,rip,train +55225,55226,55226,sakalahuk,lunch preparation,train +55226,55227,55227,u acufel ira hai,Cigarette Yes,train +55227,55228,55228,o Amis cingra han,is she Pangcah too,train +55228,55229,55229,o paayaman kuni kaayaway u paunelan kuna aikuray paytemek han ita a minengen,there are birds in the front and snakes in the back,train +55229,55230,55230,matiya u sikal,it is like a straw mat,test +55230,55231,55231,iraay ci Lamen i luma haw,may I ask if Lamen is home,train +55231,55232,55232,damdam,pepper,train +55232,55233,55233,tu hatiniay a sasalamaen nu itiyaay,past Childs play,train +55233,55234,55234,tatikeda,come across,train +55234,55235,55235,sisa tangasa anini ira henay ku hicay,that is why it is still there,train +55235,55236,55236,masenat ku waay aku a rumakat,my legs got cut walking,train +55236,55237,55237,kedal,drought,train +55237,55238,55238,palamlaman niyam tu nu niyaruʼay niyam a sera,we mixed the soil of our tribe,train +55238,55239,55239,sasawen hu cimira,you have to wash it first,train +55239,55240,55240,micidapay,reach,test +55240,55241,55241,u niyan haw ku,this is my,train +55241,55242,55242,Katahenay u aituan tu kita,hurry up we have to go,train +55242,55243,55243,Mamaaw,the form used to call your father,train +55243,55244,55244,o luma,Different,train +55244,55245,55245,ci Kaynan i u wawa ni Inus ci Inus i u wawa ni Sit ci sit i u wawa ni Atam ci Atam i u wawa nu Kawas,the son of Enosh the son of Seth the son of Adam the son of God,train +55245,55246,55246,caka eca,No I will not,train +55246,55247,55247,ya saʼayaw isu tayra,when you were first,train +55247,55248,55248,Pacauf sa ci Yis Pitngil kita u Israil deng ccay aca ku Tapang ita a Kawas,The most important one answered Jesus is this Hear O Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one,train +55248,55249,55249,u kafanaʼan nu maku haw i u malitengay nani timul nani Amis,as far as I know old people used to come from the north and the south,train +55249,55250,55250,u ira Kinanuka san u mama nu wina hu aku itiyahu kinanuka tu ngangan nuna nuniyan niyaru,when my grandmothers and grandfathers were still around the tribe was called Gona Antlers,test +55250,55251,55251,sakaifenek,reasons to work hard without interruption,train +55251,55252,55252,nicahulakan,caught in a bamboo cage made of snails,train +55252,55253,55253,awa aca ku maan ira saan kira kura wina aku,mom said there is nothing wrong with them,train +55253,55254,55254,mawmah sa iʼayaw malaʼalaw tu namum,during the farming period water was often seized for rice,train +55254,55255,55255,Miaca hu kaku tu sakalahuk anusuni kilimen aku kisu,I will go buy lunch first and then I will meet you later,train +55255,55256,55256,halilingkiw,I love chili peppers,train +55256,55257,55257,kalahukan faʼinayan kasaselan mapulu ku kaen,at noon all the boys classes have lunch together,train +55257,55258,55258,teleng,straighten,train +55258,55259,55259,anu malitemuh tu matuʼasay i,diligently seek advice from elders,train +55259,55260,55260,tayni tu kami i Kilung,when we arrived in Keelung,test +55260,55261,55261,daci,bamboo shoots,train +55261,55262,55262,a malakadafu kura kapah tu faʼinayan,that young man is his son in law,train +55262,55263,55263,anini ya mafanaʼay a rumadiw mamaan saw kiluken ita ku radiw a patenak tayni i alumanay,for those who can sing nowadays would you like to record the songs and pass them on to more people,train +55263,55264,55264,saan kuya cecay a faduc,this is what the survivor described,train +55264,55265,55265,nawhan u faʼinayan sa ku fulucuʼnu maku itiya,Why because I always thought I was a man,train +55265,55266,55266,anu hatusa^ han aku a micakay ri pina^ ku aca^,how much for both,train +55266,55267,55267,pakaʼen tu kulung,lit letting a cow graze on grass,train +55267,55268,55268,sapakuyucen,like the poor,train +55268,55269,55269,adet,favorable taste,train +55269,55270,55270,1958 miheca mafalicay ku tayal aku uniya tayal milingatay tu Kiliyat a picudadan,in I changed to a new position which was related to the Killette School,test +55270,55271,55271,Ari kisu hu ku rumadiway,Please you sing first,train +55271,55272,55272,itiya i niyam a urip itiya i,we were in a situation where,train +55272,55273,55273,tafayar,giant taro,train +55273,55274,55274,Mapulin tu ku Kitakit ita,our country has fallen,train +55274,55275,55275,tatiku tu ku falucu niyam a malacecay,our unity has been restored,train +55275,55276,55276,maulah ciira a mikales tu fukes,she loves to brush her hair,train +55276,55277,55277,ta mamang hu ci Acwan,ah Chiu is still young,train +55277,55278,55278,mapades nu masamaamaanay kami Nikawrira caay ka rarima kami caay ka perid caay ka hinapec caay ka tuled kami,we are hard pressed on every side but not crushed perplexed but not in despair,train +55278,55279,55279,u dungus saan ku finawlan,the clan can only see them off,train +55279,55280,55280,masanekay,heard,test +55280,55281,55281,Pacauf sa ci Yis Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u sakapikilim namu i takuwanan i caay ku nanu ninengnengan namu tu kafahkaan a dmak Aku u nanu nikafculan namu a kumaen tuya ^pang,Jesus answered I tell you the truth you are looking for me not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill,train +55281,55282,55282,yu itira cangra i Piclihim i maraudtu ku kahufucan ni Mariya a fulad,while they were there the time came for the baby to be born,train +55282,55283,55283,mafanaʼay kura cecay a kaka misangaʼay tu fuduy saan,there is a man who specializes in making traditional clothing,train +55283,55284,55284,Mala Seiyensu amin nu Huwalen Nungsiyaw ku isasaay nu lutuk,because that side of the hill is used by the entire Hualien agricultural School,train +55284,55285,55285,maala tu kura wawa turanan,and that child was found,train +55285,55286,55286,anu midungec hantu,so the men picked up the heart of the vine,train +55286,55287,55287,palecaden ku kakaya nara mihaen,this is as long as the length of the piece,train +55287,55288,55288,u mifutingay ku urip nu maku,I work as a fisherman,train +55288,55289,55289,ira tu ku miʼedaway,with Divination,train +55289,55290,55290,mauraday haw mana macepa kisu,is it raining why are you all wet,test +55290,55291,55291,anu manen pisanga tu tafukud,how do you make a gossip website,train +55291,55292,55292,u adupen u ayam ku kafanʼan nu mita tu matiniay sa,this is where we know through the animals or birds that something is going on,train +55292,55293,55293,cafay ku mitilid widawidang tini i,I have some friends who graduated,train +55293,55294,55294,tini hu ka,about grade,train +55294,55295,55295,mirahekaday,steamy,train +55295,55296,55296,haenen ku nu maku ci havelut sa ku heni takuwanan,my way is this they say I am a brute,train +55296,55297,55297,maulah ku safa aku a mahinefa a mafuti,my brother likes to sleep on his back,train +55297,55298,55298,o fuefu kuni telien niyam i lawac nu alu a mifuting,this is a fish trap which we put beside the river for fishing,train +55298,55299,55299,ka inaneng mimatayal,take your work seriously,train +55299,55300,55300,anu caay kacacay a vicing ku cacayay a kaliti,if a piece of glutinous rice cake weighs less than catty,test +55300,55301,55301,caay ka laheci nikaurira,unfulfilled wishes,train +55301,55302,55302,lalimaay kami,there were of us going,train +55302,55303,55303,ira tu ku sapicakay namu tu epah i hay,do you already have a place to buy alcohol,train +55303,55304,55304,atu manmaan,we all see it in our lives,train +55304,55305,55305,caay ku adipangpang kura u kaketi^,those are not butterflies they are bees,train +55305,55306,55306,tura pina rumiʼad nura pafilung matuʼasay itiya hu,on which days of Chinese new year do old people prepare new Years food,train +55306,55307,55307,cecayay a tadek ciira,he is an only son,train +55307,55308,55308,ta hlungen nangra ku riku ni Yis ta parikuen nangra cingra tu kahngangay a kafafang,they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him,train +55308,55309,55309,a midiput tu wawa,the child will be handed over,train +55309,55310,55310,anu maan ku kiliman nu katayalan asa i,if you are looking for the job you want,test +55310,55311,55311,hay caka caenget mitaelif i takulaw,it does not itch when it passes through the throat,train +55311,55312,55312,nivutingan niayaman,fishing and birding places,train +55312,55313,55313,matawa kaku nengnengen aku kura malitengay,I am smiling I am looking at those old people,train +55313,55314,55314,haen sanay kuya cahung sa kiya,the temporary shelter is covered like this,train +55314,55315,55315,takar,rattan bed,train +55315,55316,55316,nanu satapang tangasai,from day to day,train +55316,55317,55317,Piyhaytaw,Hokkaido,train +55317,55318,55318,i sacuedan a mapateli aku ku alufu aku,my backpack is in the dim corner of the room,train +55318,55319,55319,savaw tu pitu,seventeen,train +55319,55320,55320,mipacunuh,Shift shirk to,test +55320,55321,55321,matu,as if,train +55321,55322,55322,makaala tu,close to,train +55322,55323,55323,diheku,warmth,train +55323,55324,55324,anu haratengen anini,Now if you want to look back,train +55324,55325,55325,dumikud,curl up,train +55325,55326,55326,Ira cecay ku kaka aku tu fainayan,Yes I have a brother,train +55326,55327,55327,anu pawali tu panay nu maan haw i,if the sun grains or other,train +55327,55328,55328,Samsam han nu kaput ciira,he was bullied by his classmates,train +55328,55329,55329,aasipen,text,train +55329,55330,55330,pakacinamalay anca pakahikukiay kisu a tala Pusung han,are you going to Taitung by train or by plane,test +55330,55331,55331,Lahuday a nanamen ku suwal nu Amis,is it easy to learn the Amis language,train +55331,55332,55332,anu nu Kaping anu Hulam kuni duduan haw i,if you are speaking Chinese or Chinese for that matter,train +55332,55333,55333,u nima a kulung nu taʼu,whose cow someone else,train +55333,55334,55334,Name kuli cira i tyecyukubu,he used to work for the railroad Bureau,train +55334,55335,55335,nafuy sahu kunini a wawa,this child is just learning to crawl,train +55335,55336,55336,mademec ku Cikasuan i tina nikalalaisan,the seven Legged kavas were finally defeated in this war,train +55336,55337,55337,padadaydayen,placement of Cicada,train +55337,55338,55338,sakalafi nura kaput,getting ready for partners dinner,train +55338,55339,55339,O cacilafu kamu u pasifanaay tu Rikec a tamdaw Rpeten namu ku safawah tu sakafanaaw nu tamdaw tu taneng Caay ka sapicumudan kamu Tnaen haca namu ku mangalayay a sapicumudan a tamdaw han ni Yis,Woe to you experts in the law because you have taken away the key to knowledge you yourselves have not entered and you have hindered those who were entering,train +55339,55340,55340,i kalaenu,place below,test +55340,55341,55341,anu aluman kira adiwawa amin mahakulukulung amin,if there is a lot of young kids we will come back together as a team,train +55341,55342,55342,cecay aca ku aacaen aku pafelien kaku tu fa^luhay,I will just buy one piece please give me a new one,train +55342,55343,55343,cinguyusay,popular TV or radio host,train +55343,55344,55344,hanaw tira saan kita itini tuna taladaw han kura haw,that is why I have been living along the Xiuguluan River,train +55344,55345,55345,namapalifun,I have given a paycheck,train +55345,55346,55346,mausaw haw a lawupan a mitaes ku cacay a Ripun,beat up a Japanese man,train +55346,55347,55347,tayni i kawali haw i,as for the east,train +55347,55348,55348,papacem tu nura maharek maranam i,in the morning after breakfast,train +55348,55349,55349,u hay sa,Oh I see,train +55349,55350,55350,o sapimaan ku muwa,what is the purpose of Boehmeria,test +55350,55351,55351,itira i niyaru nu Tafadi,at the big eight Mile,train +55351,55352,55352,ngaʼayay ney kuriraan,this tree is very strong,train +55352,55353,55353,kacalemceman,worrisome things or places,train +55353,55354,55354,u ruma hantu ina limaay a kakinih nu suwal caay ka lecad ku nipaini tu suwal,in addition in these five dialect groups there are different ways of expressing the same concept,train +55354,55355,55355,Mangaay tayra i riyar midanguy atu kumaen tu kulikulian,you can go to the beach for a swim and a cold one,train +55355,55356,55356,aluman satu ku tamdaw mainalinal,more and more people are envious,train +55356,55357,55357,mimaamaan kutayal iayaw,and doing all sorts of farming things,train +55357,55358,55358,safa hu camira kira,they are relatively young,train +55358,55359,55359,pakaynien i nipimeraw tu lise wensiyen,from the historical literature,train +55359,55360,55360,pasemuten,make the grass grow,test +55360,55361,55361,anu caay ku kakicunen caykafiluan san laliw tu ira,if there is no way to make a canal leave,train +55361,55362,55362,nu remesremesay a urip,it is the lifeblood,train +55362,55363,55363,o mamatfuc nu Tapang kisu o mamapuhaw kisu ta caay pakaaraw kisu tu cidal tu pinapina a rumiad han ningra i tangsul sa a matahpu nu canem atu tuman cingra Saka sakapkapkap satu cingra a mikilim tu mamikayat cingraan,now the hand of the Lord is against you you are going to be blind and for a time you will be unable to see the light of the sun immediately mist and darkness came over him and he groped about seeking someone to lead him by the hand,train +55363,55364,55364,caay ka nga paising i,there is no cure,train +55364,55365,55365,midungec dungec anini,we are in the middle of it now,train +55365,55366,55366,Maraud tu ku rumiad a minukay,the time has come to go home,train +55366,55367,55367,Miangang ku sikawasay a pakaen tu tuas,the priest calls out to the spirits to enjoy the offerings,train +55367,55368,55368,u mamaparatuh kisuwan kiya,you can be trusted,train +55368,55369,55369,itiya i tatudung sa a ira ku ccay a tamdaw ci Parapas hananay u mapakaputay a marufu i namiparawraway a mipatay tu tamdaw,a man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising,train +55369,55370,55370,mansa nisangan nira kuna radiw,so he composed this song,test +55370,55371,55371,Talakawiliay ku rakat nira malasangay,that drunken man walks favoring the left side,train +55371,55372,55372,sapaaraw tu wawa a mihanghang,for the children play,train +55372,55373,55373,mansa faluay a mihecaan ku pinanam aku,so I studied for years,train +55373,55374,55374,Mafana kisu a sumuwal tu nu Amis,do you speak Amis,train +55374,55375,55375,maku tunu radiw nu Amis,my knowledge,train +55375,55376,55376,ci lemed tu kaku,I am in a dream world,train +55376,55377,55377,Orasaka anu mahrektu kaku a mipaturud i cangraan tu nisaupuan a paysu i u papakayra kaku i tamuwanan a tayra i Sipaniya,so after I have completed this task and have made sure that they have received this fruit I will go to Spain and visit you on the way,train +55377,55378,55378,o kafanaan aku i deng u nipipahapinang nu Fangcalay Adingu i takuwanan i kasaniyaruaru tu nika o mamarufu atu u mamapades kisu saan i takuwanan,I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me,train +55378,55379,55379,mapaekel,to be held down,train +55379,55380,55380,talip,skirt,test +55380,55381,55381,mikuwanay,Managed,train +55381,55382,55382,u hiya kaku kira u swanlinpin kaku,I am the messenger,train +55382,55383,55383,maʼemin i laluma,it is all inside,train +55383,55384,55384,Mituur miparakat kira,just follow the car,train +55384,55385,55385,iya ekim laluma itira ya laluma,Christmas is stuck in there it is safe to go through,train +55385,55386,55386,i luma niyam saan,the funeral home,train +55386,55387,55387,ci Kacaw sa halafin tu caay kaaraw kisu ngaay kisu haw,it is Kacaw I have not seen you in a while how have you been,train +55387,55388,55388,uni ku katalawan,that is what I am worried about,train +55388,55389,55389,nawhani u nanu pitier nu falucu ita ci Kristuan ku sakangaay ita a malayap nu Kawas o nanu nipipatalahkal ita i nguyus ku saka mapaurip nu Kawas kita,for it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved,train +55389,55390,55390,hawan,straight hunting knife,test +55390,55391,55391,na mikedecen nank nini haw,tighten this up,train +55391,55392,55392,u tuwasing u pitaw u Caki,cross Hammers hoes and Dustpans,train +55392,55393,55393,han hanaku ku paini i tamuwanan u misasingay sa,I told you I would do this for your picture,train +55393,55394,55394,Cilalan ku falucu aku,I know what direction to take how to do,train +55394,55395,55395,adidikay,small,train +55395,55396,55396,o kahengangay kira felalitic,the cow flies are red,train +55396,55397,55397,o hulul aca ku kafanaan nira,he only knows how to play,train +55397,55398,55398,nengneng han i,just noticed,train +55398,55399,55399,eli atu penen u kilang i maluhecek atu daung u aul atu penen ku malupatih u eli ku fadahung mareku tu ku lalusidan maedeng tu misaluma,a house is built with thatched roofs wooden beams and pillars wooden planks bamboo or straw poles for the walls and thatched roofs,train +55399,55400,55400,mipaladaay,will share,test +55400,55401,55401,Milikiyam ciira tu widang,he went to collect the debt from his friend,train +55401,55402,55402,nikasefek,Enrichment,train +55402,55403,55403,misuac,purge,train +55403,55404,55404,mifer,jumping,train +55404,55405,55405,Sakatulu u kasaupuan nu finawlan u suraratan han nu kapulungan,Thirdly the main venue for the great tribal gatherings which we call the meeting place,train +55405,55406,55406,mikalic tu cinmahaw itini i kawsiung tahiraay i Taytung,take the golden horse from Kaohsiung to Taitung,train +55406,55407,55407,Caelayen ku dufut isu,please drape your Valentines bag,train +55407,55408,55408,cecayay aca a riku ku harikuʼan awaay ku maan,I am wearing a dress and nothing else,train +55408,55409,55409,awaay hu ku citingsiya awaay hu haw,when there were no bicycles and no transportation,train +55409,55410,55410,Ngaay tu Fangcangcal a nengnengen kuna sweykwu,Yes these fruits look great,test +55410,55411,55411,tarawadaw,stream,train +55411,55412,55412,cuwa ku ney u manan huw uninian a ngangan tuni,there is no such thing as a jewel in the palm of your hand you know my name,train +55412,55413,55413,saikuran,behind,train +55413,55414,55414,hay cedeng han nita maumah sanay kura cafacafay,we will do it little by little,train +55414,55415,55415,haen han nira kira kafit satu kuya fawu a,one swipe of the hand and the bugs stick to the scraper,train +55415,55416,55416,Raud a satu kira wacu a mikalat tu ayam,the dog will come close to the chicken and bite it,train +55416,55417,55417,palatumukan kapah haw sa,how about just being the leader,train +55417,55418,55418,malaluk ku kadafu nu misu,your daughter in law is a hard worker,train +55418,55419,55419,iratu ku pafelian nu wawa tu,the children also provide pocket money,train +55419,55420,55420,matira na ira kunini a tamdaw,this character is real,test +55420,55421,55421,rumiad,a date,train +55421,55422,55422,salawinawina,relative,train +55422,55423,55423,sanan kiya malitengay,the old man told me so,train +55423,55424,55424,mahaen ku tatudung nu icep,that is what betel nut is for,train +55424,55425,55425,masanga aku,I did,train +55425,55426,55426,mapaherek tu kiya kamakatay tu kiya,after that walk,train +55426,55427,55427,u niya u sapaluma i miala kaku maʼaraw aku itiya i adipelay nu,the seeds came from a fence from the big Creek tribe,train +55427,55428,55428,matiay imatini kiymi haw,like now,train +55428,55429,55429,tayni tu i tusa pulu ila ku siwa,count to twenty nine,train +55429,55430,55430,Orasaka kapalal kamu nawhani caay ka fana kamu tu nika anu hakuwa a minukay ku tawki nu luma alatek u dadaya u lafii u kaniharan u kasadakan nu cidal,Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back whether in the evening or at midnight or when the rooster crows or at dawn,test +55430,55431,55431,ku talumaʼay a misanka anini a mihecaʼan u misankaʼay a tamdaw,two thirds of the participants came back,train +55431,55432,55432,pakah,buttocks,train +55432,55433,55433,paladafdaf,level the playing field,train +55433,55434,55434,pasifana tu tu cima kisu cima kaku,after that I will teach you who you are and who I am,train +55434,55435,55435,Parucuken kaku tu dafung nu ina aku,give me an inheritance of part of my mothers things,train +55435,55436,55436,kakakenis,emerge,train +55436,55437,55437,ira ku nira a fana haenhaenen sani,he is got his own ideas and he is going to run with them,train +55437,55438,55438,Hai malalifet kaku tu cumikayay,Yes I will compete in running,train +55438,55439,55439,ya nu niyaman hu a urip i,in our time,train +55439,55440,55440,sakinatulu tu a tayni itini,this is the third time I have been here,test +55440,55441,55441,maʼurad kuna hiya kuna taluʼan icuwasa kita misalikat,how do we get a fire out of the squatters when they are all wet,train +55441,55442,55442,awaay ku mafanaʼay,no one knows,train +55442,55443,55443,tu ruray nu matuʼasay,the burden of elders,train +55443,55444,55444,awaay pakafanaʼay kakuwan,no one guided me,train +55444,55445,55445,kumuing,public officers,train +55445,55446,55446,suwal han aku kiya kaying saan kiya kaying,I asked the lady what he meant and the lady said I did not understand,train +55446,55447,55447,Osay tu tumurak,Osay only takes one pumpkin,train +55447,55448,55448,macakat cangra itini i Madawdaway a niyaru,the court sent more Qing troops ashore from the Success tribe,train +55448,55449,55449,cangra ku rumadiway anu dadaya,it is their turn to sing tonight,train +55449,55450,55450,selsa ku remes aku,it is coming out like blood,test +55450,55451,55451,awaay hen ku lalan itiya,it is not convenient because there is no road yet,train +55451,55452,55452,o misafilaay ku tayal ni fayi aku,my aunt and uncles job was stacking Lao leaves,train +55452,55453,55453,ha mana milaliw hani aka hu aka hu,Oh my God how did you get away wait a minute wait a minute,train +55453,55454,55454,mitala^,wait,train +55454,55455,55455,Icuwa^,Where,train +55455,55456,55456,anu misawkit ku maluhemay malitengay tunu iing a demak i samaan mitudung tu Kawas paihekal tu masadafdafay,how do elders follow Gods example of justice in judicial cases,train +55456,55457,55457,mafulaway kini a nani tiniay Palidaw,moved here from Hengchun,train +55457,55458,55458,Misaˈusian aku wa papadama takuwanan micangacang tu patusukan nu ˈadinguan han,will the decisions I make help me pursue my spiritual goals,train +55458,55459,55459,simsisimsim san tayiraay Tumay,Think I would rather do it myself,train +55459,55460,55460,cecay ku tuki ira ku pangkiw ira cingra a tayni,he came at one thirty,test +55460,55461,55461,sihicay anini sa mabana a,we all know there is a fish fry today,train +55461,55462,55462,ta hatila ku nikahemek nu niyam,we are really impressed,train +55462,55463,55463,u maku a urip kuniyan,it is fate,train +55463,55464,55464,Mamirmir ku falucu aku,I was shaking inwardly,train +55464,55465,55465,o piasip tu Fangcalay Cudad i kaayaw nu salikaka atu pipakimad atu pipasifana tu mituuray ku sasarucuden isu tangasa i katahiraan aku,until I come devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture to preaching and to teaching,train +55465,55466,55466,suʼelin mapapaliwpaliw kami i,we are starting to help each other,train +55466,55467,55467,madakaw haca kami tu paliding tangasa itira i Pusingan hananay,we will take a bus to Taroko,train +55467,55468,55468,awaay ku kinaira niyam,we have nothing,train +55468,55469,55469,caay ka pakaen tisunan,I am not really asking you to eat,train +55469,55470,55470,yu vavainay u vavahi,to create a male or female look,test +55470,55471,55471,salaw pitinpitin han aku a miala kura iya,so I will take it on the break later,train +55471,55472,55472,nu misu a riku parikuʼen kura tafu,give the first mate your clothes,train +55472,55473,55473,ci Mayaw ku ngangan nu mama^ aku,my fathers name is Mayaw,train +55473,55474,55474,Ngaay luingen aku ku caciyaw ita haw o mamikiruk kaku,would you mind if I do the voice recording I would like to keep a record,train +55474,55475,55475,Saaniwan,Yee Wan,train +55475,55476,55476,mavulaw tu ami kiya Cikasuwan,all the people of Cascade moved,train +55476,55477,55477,awaay ku caay ka filu nu Kawas a dmak han ningra,for nothing is impossible with God,train +55477,55478,55478,malecad tu kiya inuli hiwa,it is the same prayer,train +55478,55479,55479,Haratengen u caay ka hakuwa ku nipalumaan i caay ka hakuwa ku nilitudan o adihayay ku nipalumaan i adihay ku nilitudan,remember this whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously,train +55479,55480,55480,o maan ku kakaliman nu misu a demak,what are your interests,test +55480,55481,55481,caay tu,no longer,train +55481,55482,55482,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u mitngilay tu suwal aku u pasulinay a mitier tu miucuray takuwanan i ciurip tu midaucay caaytu ku mamapastek i raraw maliyasaytu ningra ku patay o caciurip cingra tu midaucay,I tell you the truth whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned he has crossed over from death to life,train +55482,55483,55483,sasuwalen aku nu hatini tu nihemekan nu maku ta,Lastly I would like to share an interesting and unforgettable incident,train +55483,55484,55484,midateng,pick vegetables,train +55484,55485,55485,Masafa^luh ku falucu aku,my attitude has changed for the better,train +55485,55486,55486,tatiʼih ku tatelecan nu maku,I am starting to go downhill,train +55486,55487,55487,oniya milifetan nu salikaka ngaˈay pakalaluk tisuwanan miharateng tu ngangaˈay tayra i misaaliay a kilac mitusil hukira padama tu suˈlinay ku falucuˈa tamdaw mafanaˈtu Kawas,I hope that the above voices of brothers and sisters will make you think about whether you can serve in areas where there is no one to preach and help the sincere people there to know God,train +55487,55488,55488,nian sarakatay nisangaʼan aku nian,this is the bag it is also the first piece I made,train +55488,55489,55489,malalaway,wrong,train +55489,55490,55490,tu ʼaʼawiten sasalamaen nu itiyaay,make a child play,test +55490,55491,55491,mahaen ku suwal nu ʼaʼayaʼayaw sa kira ta paini,that is what they used to say in the old days and that is how it is been passed down to this day,train +55491,55492,55492,laluudan,in summer,train +55492,55493,55493,o nima a sasipasip kuni,whose eraser is it,train +55493,55494,55494,Orasaka aka ka apa kamu Kafana kamu tu nika u maan ku nafalucuan nu Tapang,therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lords will is,train +55494,55495,55495,o matiniay a tamdaw i u pacfaay a tarukus u misafitay tu tamdaw a matayalay u misamatiyatiyaay u tarukus ni Kristu cangra,for such men are false apostles deceitful workmen masquerading as apostles of Christ,train +55495,55496,55496,tahira sa tu i Pusung pakapaliding ci faki a militemuh i tamiyanan,when we arrived in Taitung my uncle drove to the station to pick us up,train +55496,55497,55497,misamaanay hanu ira ku hatiniay a sarikec hani,why is there such a rule,train +55497,55498,55498,miadada tu ciira haw,when the body starts to hurt,train +55498,55499,55499,u tatudung nu malatumukay han i,as a tribal leader,train +55499,55500,55500,u nipatirengan tu tuluay a fukeluh u pisakakaenan nu luma itini a misaringu u kasaupuan a makakungku,Traditionally three stones are set up to form the center of the house where the family cooks heats works and reunites,test +55500,55501,55501,mitahidang hu takunan hatira,invite me again,train +55501,55502,55502,ta matuas tu kami ina matuas tu kami ama,just tell mother and father that we are adults,train +55502,55503,55503,Mangaay ku nika awa aku itira onini i u paayaw aku tu saki tamuwanan tu sapasulinaw namu Tata tayra kita i cingraan i matini han ningra,and for your sake I am glad I was not there so that you may believe but let us go to him,train +55503,55504,55504,paulicay,bard,train +55504,55505,55505,kaku haw i kaku,I did not have a baby yet,train +55505,55506,55506,tudung nu kawarasang nu luma kuranan hatiraay,good as a tile roof,train +55506,55507,55507,sapiading,masking tools,train +55507,55508,55508,u malamamuay han nu timul,these are the things that elders do,train +55508,55509,55509,anu saʼusien anini tahiraay i Taytusi,calculate the level of the Taitung city team so far,train +55509,55510,55510,tu umah satu u kulung,it is all oxen plowing the fields,test +55510,55511,55511,cira,a few days later,train +55511,55512,55512,Tawki^ micakay kaku tu impic atu ciwming,Boss I want to buy a pencil and a notebook,train +55512,55513,55513,ngiyangicuwacu,shaking,train +55513,55514,55514,Misurar cira tu karariang nu wawa nira,she forgave the children for their discord,train +55514,55515,55515,i kawcung sa kaku lahuday sa ku harateng,I am calm because I have made up my mind,train +55515,55516,55516,sa hatira aca ku pisuwal kitanan,that is all I have to say,train +55516,55517,55517,aru sa i awa ku pisalamaan,because there is nowhere else to go,train +55517,55518,55518,Hayda sangaayen ku tireng,Alright take care of yourself,train +55518,55519,55519,tafu hananay tu,wrap,train +55519,55520,55520,Ngaay hasapisanga tu kucu ku nisamudacan nu uner haw,can the she would skin of a snake be made into shoes,test +55520,55521,55521,tulu rumiʼad i riyal mikesi,the sea Festival is three days at the beach,train +55521,55522,55522,Farasi han ni faki tu epah kami a milaplap tu tatiihay,my uncle sprayed wine in my mouth to ward off the evil spirits,train +55522,55523,55523,anu citin kura secin nira haw,scheduled time,train +55523,55524,55524,akawang,high,train +55524,55525,55525,mahima kiya falucu aku tiya a,my heart is soothed to,train +55525,55526,55526,Saka tahidang hantu ni Yis cangra a pasuwal Mafana kamu tu nika u mikuwanay tu finawlan hananay a tadamaanay a tamdaw i tini i hkal i mipa^kel tu finawlan a mikuwan,Jesus called them together and said You know that the rulers of the Gentiles Lord it over them and their high officials exercise authority over them,train +55526,55527,55527,singarih aca tu vayi,I will leave it in the care of my grandmother,train +55527,55528,55528,faki,elder,train +55528,55529,55529,atu sasafaay a kaka aku,and the youngest sister,train +55529,55530,55530,adihayay tu ku mikaenan nu maku cuwa tu kangaay a kumaen,I ate a lot and could not eat any more,test +55530,55531,55531,u Cudad saan mimaanmaan,you write everything,train +55531,55532,55532,aciyah,compliments,train +55532,55533,55533,nanu mang hu kami pasuʼlin tu caama nu maku tunu kelistu,we have been doing this since we were kids,train +55533,55534,55534,Luhuk,gospel tribe,train +55534,55535,55535,Cekeruhan talalikul han tu,Push push push push push push push push push push push push push push,train +55535,55536,55536,mimali kita haw,let us go play basketball shall we,train +55536,55537,55537,Adihayhu ku sasuwalen aku i tisuwanan nikawrira caay ka ngalay kaku a pakatilid a pasuwal i tisuwanan,I have much to write you but I do not want to do so with pen and ink,train +55537,55538,55538,savaw,Ten I have got something left,train +55538,55539,55539,Purpur san tu kuni puut hacuwa a renafen saw,this knife is so unfavorable when should it be sharpened,train +55539,55540,55540,masadak tu,it is coming out,test +55540,55541,55541,namahaen iri maraay sa kaku,I think it is too far,train +55541,55542,55542,mikiyut,dig into the east with your little finger,train +55542,55543,55543,amciya,Shovels,train +55543,55544,55544,caay kafalic ikur tu ku nu misu sanay ku suwal nura singsi,the teacher told me you will always be the last man standing if you do not change,train +55544,55545,55545,piluwad tu pilatek nu rayray serangawan,strive for your own culture,train +55545,55546,55546,o pitahidang nu Kawas i titaanan i u sakakuracaw ita caay ku sapidmakaw ita tu kaackan,for God did not call us to be impure but to live a Holy life,train +55546,55547,55547,ku ngarngar,loudly,train +55547,55548,55548,nira masulepay a Kawas sa,maybe the mountain God is hungry,train +55548,55549,55549,iraay ku ruma a cengel haw,do you have another color,train +55549,55550,55550,matiya satu u maan ku niyaru nu mita a awai ku diwadiwang,the tribe became silent,test +55550,55551,55551,ira Tafalung ci hiya ci Wangcenfa,there is a Wong Shing fat in Tai Po long Valley,train +55551,55552,55552,mahelek mi ku Ripun i mihifan tu,I will take a break after the new year in Japan,train +55552,55553,55553,tisuwan,you,train +55553,55554,55554,cuwa kaedeng ku cecay acaen hu ku tusa a minukay,one bottle is not enough for me go and buy two more back,train +55554,55555,55555,sanay ku harateng aku,I think about it like this,train +55555,55556,55556,dahecung,plunge,train +55556,55557,55557,mitafukuday hanay pasifana nu malitengay itiya hu,the old man taught me how to cast a net,train +55557,55558,55558,palapusi,think of it as a cat,train +55558,55559,55559,kumaenan,stammer,train +55559,55560,55560,hatiraay riku kura riku,it is the same clothes,test +55560,55561,55561,mareda,sleeping soundly,train +55561,55562,55562,Namakasipu ku Taywan a tayni,Minnan people from the western,train +55562,55563,55563,hay mahaen ku nu timul caay kamaru ku vavainay i luma,Yes they do like the Amis men in the south who do not live at home,train +55563,55564,55564,miasikay kaku papialaen ci Sawmah,I am sweeping the floor and you ask Sawmah to help you,train +55564,55565,55565,a hatira ku inurung,what kind of responsibility will come with it,train +55565,55566,55566,haw hay,two thirds of the way,train +55566,55567,55567,tura a alaen ira a tamaʼnira i,go get the beast you have hunted,train +55567,55568,55568,sepat a pulu,forty,train +55568,55569,55569,tadangaayay,terrific,train +55569,55570,55570,a adihayay i ayaw ku hatiraay,Wow early on there were a lot of like,test +55570,55571,55571,Mihaenay miliyawan aku misaluf ku patusukan misamacay a mihudup ci Yihufaan,as a result I have reoriented myself to focus on serving the LORD,train +55571,55572,55572,mihadimel,carefully,train +55572,55573,55573,yu mitulun ci Yis i ccay a pala mahrek a mitulun i rauden nu ccay a nisawawaan ci Yis a sumuwal Tapangaw pasifanaen kami tu sapitulun a matiya u pipasifana ni Yuhani tu nisawawaan ningra han ningra,one day Jesus was praying in a certain place when he finished one of his disciples said to him Lord teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples,train +55573,55574,55574,nika maala nu tawu ku radiw nu mita,but others have learned our tribal songs and dances,train +55574,55575,55575,Halu kaku a nikilim manaʼay malahitay,even I am looking for something I do not want to be a soldier,train +55575,55576,55576,mahaen ku suwal nu kaput aku a matayal ci Maruku ci Aristarkus ci Timas aci Luka,and so do Mark Aristarchus Demas and Luke my fellow workers,train +55576,55577,55577,adihay ku masamaamaanay a seking i picudadan saan ku wawa aku,my kids say that there are a lot of different tests at school,train +55577,55578,55578,kalahukan,midday,train +55578,55579,55579,ta haen kulukulu satu tayra i sasa,it just rolls down on its own,train +55579,55580,55580,paka muetep tu a mihecaan,it is been years,test +55580,55581,55581,mafanaay,realize,train +55581,55582,55582,pahanhan tu a micudad masadak kaku a talapaputal nu picudadan,I walked out of the classroom when class was over,train +55582,55583,55583,yasa tu kura ina aku ira tu ku suwal nira,my mother said,train +55583,55584,55584,tu pinanaman i micaliw cingra tu impic sararup anca u tilid nu kaput,during class he borrowed pencils erasers or notebooks from his classmates,train +55584,55585,55585,Tarahad kira vakivakiyan,the old man is very small,train +55585,55586,55586,aciyah ka fangcal u maan ku sakatayra ita,Awesome how are we going to get there,train +55586,55587,55587,una niniira kupisaʼusi tuna nini,this there are calculations that can be made,train +55587,55588,55588,o patusiyaan a luma kinian a takaraway a luma,this tall building is a parking lot,train +55588,55589,55589,tina sera kina lima,quintuple,train +55589,55590,55590,a tayni kisu a milecapu anucila,are you coming to the party tomorrow,test +55590,55591,55591,mielu,act coquettishly,train +55591,55592,55592,misamangah tura Pangcah sa,and they changed their plan to fight the fighters,train +55592,55593,55593,hay caka pitala ku mikesiʼay tu riraan i,will not wait for the moon,train +55593,55594,55594,u sapatayira i iki a pahavay,they are taking it to the fish pond,train +55594,55595,55595,o dadaya nuya saayaway a rumiad nu fa^luhay a lipay i madef ku fawahan nu kasaupuan nu nisawawaan nawhani matalaw cangra tu kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw itiya i sdak sa ci Yis a tumireng i sifu nangra Pingan han ningra cangra,on the evening of that first day of the week when the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jews Jesus came and stood among them and said Peace be with you,train +55595,55596,55596,Halu ci Simun a pasulin ta mapainu cingra rarid sa cingra a mihaklung ci Filipan Fahka cingra a minengneng tu ciicelay a kafahkaan a dmak ni Filip,Simon himself believed and was baptized and he followed Philip everywhere astonished by the great signs and miracles he saw,train +55596,55597,55597,mamang hu kami i ri,when we were kids,train +55597,55598,55598,kamu u misamangahay a tamdaw matama ku suwal ni Isaya tu nipaliayawan a suwal tu pakayniay i tamuwanan tuya,you hypocrites Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you,train +55598,55599,55599,mangernger,Vibrated,train +55599,55600,55600,anu,provided,test +55600,55601,55601,milaplap mitaraay tu ku sikuwangay i alu,Hunting the men with the guns are in ambush in the creek,train +55601,55602,55602,a tatukiyan itini i luma,family learning Moments,train +55602,55603,55603,malacafayay kami malikaka tatulu a mitepa tu takula,my brothers and sisters and I will catch frogs together,train +55603,55604,55604,tira tamiyanan ira tu,we have them in our area,train +55604,55605,55605,masaesa ku urad,stop raining,train +55605,55606,55606,u yaan iri a mikilim tu ngangan,to find out the name of the,train +55606,55607,55607,Ngaay hu^ kisu,are you all right,train +55607,55608,55608,nu niyam san i ayaw kalakaying,our youthful days,train +55608,55609,55609,a mipasacacacacay ku kangkang,from one tin can to another,train +55609,55610,55610,intuyang,Pacific ocean,test +55610,55611,55611,ira hen ku namaka cuwacuwaay mangalayay a mitengil tu kungku nu Ciwidiyan,And I want to hear stories from all the local Shuilian tribes,train +55611,55612,55612,ku,Received,train +55612,55613,55613,cucucu,thank you,train +55613,55614,55614,masiwil,slant,train +55614,55615,55615,macahiw tu kaku,I am hungry,train +55615,55616,55616,mi sa raudraud sa,it is all coming together at the show,train +55616,55617,55617,tayra kita tira da,let us go over there and take a look,train +55617,55618,55618,mamapatay tu kisu,you are a dying man,train +55618,55619,55619,iraay ku penen icuwa,there is manzanita where is it,train +55619,55620,55620,anini away tu ku palumaay tu pawli,few people grow bananas anymore,test +55620,55621,55621,ikudukudul a mivahvah tu ili,repel the gobies from the top,train +55621,55622,55622,caiyaw a langiwngiw kira,by muttering to himself,train +55622,55623,55623,manengnengay tu aku ku demak na mira a,I just watched them do it,train +55623,55624,55624,aka a kasifaking kamu,they shall not accuse one another of disobedience,train +55624,55625,55625,ira ku tefus,there is sugar cane,train +55625,55626,55626,kaedah,spicy,train +55626,55627,55627,tatusa kami aci ali a matayal,my sister in law and I take care of everything around the house,train +55627,55628,55628,lima pulu ira ku lima a mihecaan kaku malahitay kira,I joined the army in,train +55628,55629,55629,u apalu tu tu kiya maaraway ku savelan,I can see the breadfruit cooking,train +55629,55630,55630,fangcal ku Cilamitay hananay sa,Gilamiday has a very good name,test +55630,55631,55631,u singsi tu kisu,you are a teacher too,train +55631,55632,55632,pasuwal hanaku anu maadahtu ku waay ni faki itiya haantu tayni i luma niyam misalama,I said when your foot gets better,train +55632,55633,55633,pawan,forget,train +55633,55634,55634,miilang,mill,train +55634,55635,55635,pasuwal sa ci Yis Aka pikapa i Takuwanan Nawhani cahu pinukay Kaku a tayra ci Wamaan Olili katayra i salikaka Aku a pasuwal O maminukay Kaku a tayra i ci Wamaan ita u Kawas ita saan Cingra han a pasuwal cangra han ni Yis,Jesus said Do not hold on to me for I have not yet returned to the Father go instead to my brothers and tell them I am returning to my father and your Father to my God and your God,train +55635,55636,55636,ku,indistinct,train +55636,55637,55637,malaluud,throwing things at each other,train +55637,55638,55638,a sacacayen ku heni yu,they are going to have their own table,train +55638,55639,55639,hayi nanamen aku damay,Yes I will try to learn,train +55639,55640,55640,adihay hen ku masidayay,there is also a lot of missing information,test +55640,55641,55641,satahev,lid,train +55641,55642,55642,tahanini tu i aya,by now wow,train +55642,55643,55643,madengay,can,train +55643,55644,55644,atu ci Yuta nu Iskariyut unini a tamdaw ku pacakayay ci Yisan i ikur,and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him,train +55644,55645,55645,dadutus,inheritance,train +55645,55646,55646,mitauwak,Tilt your head back and drink up,train +55646,55647,55647,ciicel,strength,train +55647,55648,55648,Nikawrira tahidangen ni Yis kuya wawawawa a papiraud i Cingraan suwal sa Pakuningra han ku nika tayni nu wawa i Takuwanan aka lalangen cangra nawhani u matiniay a wawa ku finawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas,but Jesus called the children to him and said Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,train +55648,55649,55649,macawcaway,overflow from water play,train +55649,55650,55650,hatiraay ku katenes nu,I am just trying to get ahead,test +55650,55651,55651,Sienaway ku rumiad adihayen a minanum ku faedetay a nanum,it is a bit cold so you need to drink more warm water,train +55651,55652,55652,maedeng kita minukay,we can go home,train +55652,55653,55653,kalumuwi,chatter,train +55653,55654,55654,anu maan tu iri,if anything,train +55654,55655,55655,anu cayhuw i nu pahatum,a cornerstone of the Amis people,train +55655,55656,55656,anu,if,train +55656,55657,55657,kiyana a faʼinaʼinay i,the boys,train +55657,55658,55658,miilisin,holding the Harvest Festival,train +55658,55659,55659,sa ku nipisimsim anini mavana tu,now there is a basis for the concept,train +55659,55660,55660,hafalak,cloth,test +55660,55661,55661,cima ku mipaur^uray,who is the instigator,train +55661,55662,55662,Maurip haca kuya masekaay,the shock victim survived,train +55662,55663,55663,as anu misalama,Strange I came here to play,train +55663,55664,55664,misamanman tu ciwawaay tu fafahiyan tu,if there is a girl in the house he will keep an eye on her,train +55664,55665,55665,misakalahuk kaku sani ira tu,I am cooking lunch,train +55665,55666,55666,sama sama nu Amis ilaay kiya ila a malengaway,lettuce grows in random places,train +55666,55667,55667,anu hatiniay tuku mata,that is it,train +55667,55668,55668,luwad satu ci Yis a pasuwal tuya fafahiyan Talacuwaay kuya tamdamdaw Awaay ku pastekay i raraw tisuwanan haw han ningra,Jesus straightened up and asked her Woman where are they has no one condemned you,train +55668,55669,55669,misakaniway,liar,train +55669,55670,55670,o ruma a kumi caira,they are a separate group,test +55670,55671,55671,a hay haw deng kami sa kami,Oh yeah we are the only ones,train +55671,55672,55672,sacifalucu ku wina atu mama tu sapakafitaw tu wawa nu tireng,so parents who are willing to help their children are in the right place,train +55672,55673,55673,ku suwal nu Hulam ku suwalen,they all speak Mandarin but they do not speak any ethnic language,train +55673,55674,55674,u kira hay,because of the matrilineal society Yes,train +55674,55675,55675,haiken kamunan,I do not know,train +55675,55676,55676,pipululan,prison,train +55676,55677,55677,caay hu ka kakahad,the river is not very wide yet,train +55677,55678,55678,anu makafer sutu,if you can jump over,train +55678,55679,55679,efaw,undertake,train +55679,55680,55680,ya suwal hanira ya itiraay ulah satu,he told the people there very happily,test +55680,55681,55681,faluay tu a pulu ku mihecaan nura matuasay nengneng han hatu kaemangay hu,the old man is already eighty years old but he still looks like a middle aged man,train +55681,55682,55682,caremcem ku falucu nangra a mitapal tunini,they are worried and anxious and they are calling for it,train +55682,55683,55683,mu^tepen,Ten,train +55683,55684,55684,keru,dancing,train +55684,55685,55685,Karatumay ku lutuk nu pasaetip,lots of bears on the west side of the mountains,train +55685,55686,55686,a maulahay tu ku,favorite,train +55686,55687,55687,hay1,yea,train +55687,55688,55688,Cipuut cingra,he has a knife,train +55688,55689,55689,maliʼliʼay ku lutuk itiya,the mountain that collapsed during the earthquake,train +55689,55690,55690,miadipelay,working on the fence,test +55690,55691,55691,hatiraay mahaen kira ungcuy anini,just like the boulder now,train +55691,55692,55692,hatiraan kunian haw,that is what this is,train +55692,55693,55693,tira kalahitayan i,because when I was in the service,train +55693,55694,55694,atu saan i nuku a saan kamu le,maybe you guys think that what is purple is showing up,train +55694,55695,55695,i pulung nu lisin nu Pangcah i laluma nu cecay a mihecaan u satataakay haw i ya ilisin nu kaluniyaru itiniay i faluay a fulad,in addition to crop festivals and sea festivals the most important and representative traditional Festival of the year is the Harvest Festival held in July and August,train +55695,55696,55696,u nihaenen nu naayawa a tamdaw misaadihay miala,it was also the greed of the people of that time,train +55696,55697,55697,mamapaliayaway tu ira a rumadiw i ayaw hu nu dadaya kiya,I sang a song for him the night before,train +55697,55698,55698,Pudacen nu maku ku lusay tu kakaenen isu,let me peel the fruit for you,train +55698,55699,55699,o sakacingangan nu mita u Pangcah tu sinafel i ira kira mu^etepay a teruc hananay inian a teruc hananay i,our Amis are famous for their Ten heart Vegetables where heart refers to the young stem of the plant,train +55699,55700,55700,adidikay aca a,Xiaomi,test +55700,55701,55701,kaku haw nu itiniay tunu Dipun a tayal nu maku u Hitaci hananay,I work for Hitachi Ltd in Japan,train +55701,55702,55702,mafangafang,bustling,train +55702,55703,55703,maulahay kaku tu paru nu luma niyam,I like our family very much,train +55703,55704,55704,Orasaka kapalal kamu nawhani caay ka fana kamu tu nika anu hacuwaay a rumiad a tayni ku Tapang,Therefore keep watch because you do not know on what day your Lord will come,train +55704,55705,55705,anu mamalemed mamaurad maurad,if they were lucky it would rain,train +55705,55706,55706,masulingaay,well,train +55706,55707,55707,u maan kura micacuyay,it does not look like it is hanging,train +55707,55708,55708,ta,indistinct,train +55708,55709,55709,o maimeray kisu tuya kakudait sanay a limuut aku tisuwanan Orasaka anu maraud ku aira a kapadesan i tini i pulung nu hkal tu sapilifetaw tu i tiniay i hkal a tamdamdaw i u dadiputen aku kisu,since you have kept my command to endure patiently I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth,train +55709,55710,55710,u niyaru aku u ciwkangan,my hometown is Changbin,test +55710,55711,55711,saamisan,on the north side,train +55711,55712,55712,caay paka ala ku tura ngiha kura alumanay,so we cannot sing together,train +55712,55713,55713,samaenen pakacawa nilaliw,what should we do where should we run away from,train +55713,55714,55714,pawanengen,ratio of sugar,train +55714,55715,55715,mafafalic,exchange,train +55715,55716,55716,Mafukilay hu a mikufit tu sakufit ku safa padangen ciira a mikufit,my sister does not know how to do buttons yet go and help him do it,train +55716,55717,55717,o nipalumaan niakung a kacawas kuesanay,the watermelon grown by Grandpa is very sweet and really delicious,train +55717,55718,55718,o kudaitay ku falucu ni Apraham Saka malayap ningra ku nanu nisuwalan nu Kawas a dmak,and so after waiting patiently Abraham received what was promised,train +55718,55719,55719,i tini i wawa hu a misalama mafulud a mifafa i kurur nu kulung a mililis i alaneng a pakaen tu semut,when I was a child my playmates sat together on the back of a cow and drove it to graze,train +55719,55720,55720,pa tahidang ningra ku finawlan,Then he is going to call the villagers,test +55720,55721,55721,mafukil kaku a mipaculi tu ina aku,I am not going to talk back to my mom,train +55721,55722,55722,maherek i mikucung hawa i,when I graduated from high school,train +55722,55723,55723,itni tu i ngaʼayay tu ku aku,I could have finished third in Nagahama,train +55723,55724,55724,u maan ku nanay,efforts,train +55724,55725,55725,Cekcek han niyam ku panay a miparu i pawti,we crammed the rice hard into the mama bags,train +55725,55726,55726,naayaw han tu iniyan u luma,past relatives,train +55726,55727,55727,tefu,bamboo shoot,train +55727,55728,55728,Orasaka pasuwal sa ku kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw tuya maadahay a tamdaw O Paslaan a Rumiad anini Caay ka ngaay a mitatuy tu kafutian han nangra,and so the Jews said to the man who had been healed It is the Sabbath the law forbids you to carry your mat,train +55728,55729,55729,u ngaʼay pakayni ku nanum sa fereng han nira pakali saw,it can be used as an approach to a paddy field so we will use it as a ditch,train +55729,55730,55730,nanu miming han hu aku itini hu niyaru,from when I was a kid in the tribe,test +55730,55731,55731,mitungal,strengthened,train +55731,55732,55732,caka ketunen ku teluc nira,I did not cut the end of the leaf,train +55732,55733,55733,a pasifana tu urip nangra itiya hu,tell their stories of growing up,train +55733,55734,55734,palatumukan ita saan,become our leader,train +55734,55735,55735,madahen ku pasuwal tuya wawa,be gentle the way you address rebuke that child,train +55735,55736,55736,peciʼen ku tingalaway,break the bottle,train +55736,55737,55737,maulah kaku a paluma tu varu a misadateng isu i,I like to grow flowers and vegetables what about you,train +55737,55738,55738,milaling,groan,train +55738,55739,55739,aka pisamaamaan aca pauciya han kaku i palafangan kita a malalicay,no need to bother I will just have tea let us sit in the living room and chat,train +55739,55740,55740,kiping,jacket,test +55740,55741,55741,tura kungku isu tahanini saka ngaʼay nu urip namu haw,what you did in the past you still do today,train +55741,55742,55742,hay Pangcah kira huw hay,Yes Amis,train +55742,55743,55743,saka kumaenan kaku tu kunga,I want to eat groundnuts,train +55743,55744,55744,isa ira kina siyasing a tucyang han naku di,I told my dad that is why I got this picture,train +55744,55745,55745,itiya hu malakincacay kaku mituysiway tu kaku nu hatini,I was a police officer but I am retired now,train +55745,55746,55746,cingra ku papasuwal tisuwanan atu paru nu luma isu a ma^min tu sapaurip tamuwanan a suwal saan cingra,he will bring you a message through which you and all your household will be saved,train +55746,55747,55747,remiremiad,everyday,train +55747,55748,55748,cialungdas,there is a brocade snake,train +55748,55749,55749,Ku^sitay kuna titi caay pakafilu kuna wadis aku,this meat is so hard my teeth will not budge,train +55749,55750,55750,ira hu i,Yes,test +55750,55751,55751,man han kiya i Cingangiwan,what is it called copper mine,train +55751,55752,55752,tala suraratan aca cilusid kaku a tayraan,then let us go to the community center I will wear folk costume,train +55752,55753,55753,hatira tu icel nu cilah,that is how good salt is,train +55753,55754,55754,cedeng,slow,train +55754,55755,55755,u sufuc isu kura,is this your birth,train +55755,55756,55756,Patudungan tu ku matiniay,annual fishing Festival in the middle of the year to show worship,train +55756,55757,55757,mangalay kami a micakay tu citing atu nu kungku^ a cudad,we all want dictionaries and storybooks,train +55757,55758,55758,Mu^tep ku mihecaan a ku anini,I am years old,train +55758,55759,55759,aku ku patihiay kisuwanan,I will go with you,train +55759,55760,55760,haisaw,Oh yeah,test +55760,55761,55761,saiputalke,neurosurgery,train +55761,55762,55762,falah han i tiraw malengaway,throw it over there and it will germinate,train +55762,55763,55763,tiya sa tuwaan tu cangra ta,and so they set out together,train +55763,55764,55764,maherek tu nu saʼayaw tini i pasawali satataʼangay,the largest true Jesus church on the east coast is in long Beach,train +55764,55765,55765,sa ku heni melawi saw maremes tu kaku kiya milepel i takuwanan saw,they are saying Why are you holding me look at me bleeding,train +55765,55766,55766,makayira a tawalien ku rakat,Eastbound from there,train +55766,55767,55767,maminengneng kita tuya nipalumaan nu mita a ariray naunen yu adihayay ku kakunah atu fitengal,we are going to see the corn we grow in the fields but you need to be aware of the ants and bees,train +55767,55768,55768,matiya u malikatay a dawdaw a matdi ci Yuhani Nikawrira caay ka halafin ku nika ulah namu tuya likat,John was a lamp that burned and gave light and you chose for a time to enjoy his light,train +55768,55769,55769,Mafana tu nu Tayan nu Ngayngay atu nu Ripun a suwal,as well as Atayal Hakka and Japanese,train +55769,55770,55770,hatiniay,like this,test +55770,55771,55771,awaay ku lalungucen nu maku tu maanan,I do not have any needs,train +55771,55772,55772,mialaay tukilang tu tatutungeng,take care of the dry wood for firewood,train +55772,55773,55773,madiw tu,you will be able to sing,train +55773,55774,55774,pilaliw kamu u maruay i Yutaya a tamdaw a talalutuk,then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains,train +55774,55775,55775,maharateng hu aku sakaku,I do not know if I will think of anything else,train +55775,55776,55776,caay pakaʼaraw kami caay pakaʼaraw,we did not see it,train +55776,55777,55777,mafutili,clap of thunder,train +55777,55778,55778,Caay ka tala cacudadan kami,we do not have to go to school today,train +55778,55779,55779,u sapimaan hakiya kuna Siy Hway ha ha ha,what the hell is this organization doing,train +55779,55780,55780,uraykafang,quilt,test +55780,55781,55781,u kaku i anu paitikiden aku kuniyan tatikayen aku kuni matayalay caay kakahi pasadak cangra sa,if I as chairman of the board ask people to work without pay,train +55781,55782,55782,pasayra sa ci Yis tu nisawawaan ningra a sumuwal Kamu u pakuyucay a tamdaw i u malmeday nawhani u finawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas kamu,looking at his disciples he said Blessed are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of God,train +55782,55783,55783,ala han mitaruh ini tataruhan,take this one pull on it and pull it out,train +55783,55784,55784,sapatinaku,example,train +55784,55785,55785,kasaingaten nu niyam kacaculi nu niyam atu fafahi,husband and wife arguing and quarreling,train +55785,55786,55786,o nisapalaan nu matuasay niyam kinian,this is the land that our ancestors cultivated,train +55786,55787,55787,ira satu pasifanaʼay takuwanan i,then I heard something,train +55787,55788,55788,hay caka araw kiya ciwang itini sanay ku malitengay,the elders thought that if they did that they would not be seen,train +55788,55789,55789,maratar kaku a lumuwad tu rumiamiad,I get up early every day,train +55789,55790,55790,umaan kira han han kuraay,Why because there is a war on,test +55790,55791,55791,oniya saparadiw u paparihaday tu falucuˈ ita misaday a mitengil tu kamuk nu taykay,these orchestrations allow us to settle down and prepare to listen to the program that follows,train +55791,55792,55792,anu,be,train +55792,55793,55793,fiyac han ni Tumay ku kamay nira a milalac tu awul,Tomay straightens his hand to measure the length of the bamboo,train +55793,55794,55794,Patikur hantu aku kisu anupapacem,I will return it to you tomorrow,train +55794,55795,55795,Mangaayay tataang ku sadak nu cidal,very well out of the big sun,train +55795,55796,55796,masadak ku vulad mapalal ku tuul,as soon as the moon appears the owl wakes up,train +55796,55797,55797,anu mirperpet cangra tu uner anu minanunanum tu sawarak i caay ku aadada cangra o rumasatu u mamaadah ku nikapaan nangra a adadaay saan,they will pick up snakes with their hands and when they drink deadly poison it will not hurt them at all they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well,train +55797,55798,55798,kietec ku nanum nu etepan i,the water on the west side is cold,train +55798,55799,55799,tiya miliyaw kami tayra kakahaday putal i milicayay ku mitaˈlifay tamiyanan Ngaˈayayhu kamu han,when we came back to the square again some people passing by asked us Are you okay,train +55799,55800,55800,o murekuhay ku kikay niyam i nangatuan a maumah,our machine did not move at all when we first started working on it,test +55800,55801,55801,anu caay pisaʼicel kita tu samanen ita paluwad tu niyaru,if we do not make an effort to bring up the tribes,train +55801,55802,55802,micepetay cira tu kuku i pakukuan,she went to the chicken coop to catch chickens,train +55802,55803,55803,Mademdem aku ku adada nu wadis aku,I put up with my toothache,train +55803,55804,55804,o malukacipinangan namu i u mamaaraw namu ku nika puput nuya wawa tu kiradum a mapakafuti i tuptup saan,this will be a sign to you you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger,train +55804,55805,55805,awa kupakaylaan,there is nothing I can do,train +55805,55806,55806,u saalumanay a tamdaw,the vast majority of people,train +55806,55807,55807,letu aku misasiraw hay,this is the same paragraph I made earlier,train +55807,55808,55808,pekpeken iri sipahaen han,and then it is just like that,train +55808,55809,55809,mamaan,what,train +55809,55810,55810,u maan ku sapicengel u papah nira,what do you dye it with it is the leaves,test +55810,55811,55811,nga u kawala a kungkuan,then came the tile school,train +55811,55812,55812,dengada,infectious diseases,train +55812,55813,55813,Cait han ku fuduy a mipawali anu huni,I am going to hang up my clothes to dry later,train +55813,55814,55814,tu cilacila cilacila mililiw misanga tu luma kira,a few days later another laborer helped build the house,train +55814,55815,55815,hales man ku kafuuy,Yeah what is a Kraftwerk,train +55815,55816,55816,mamaanay,what,train +55816,55817,55817,Icuwa^ ci Panay,where is Panay,train +55817,55818,55818,Fanetfet a cadungen kuni a fuduy,this dress is not easy to wear,train +55818,55819,55819,unini u pacek,this ones nailed,train +55819,55820,55820,puyaw sa naʼay wupuyawcyi sanay tala fukuku,that means I do not want to go to the bomb shelter,test +55820,55821,55821,mitafukud,throw the net,train +55821,55822,55822,Orasaka tangsul han aku a patayra i tisuwanan ku tamdaw Ngaay aca ku nika tayni isu o sapitngilaw niyam tu nanu suwal nu Tapang i tisuwanan a ma^min saka masaupu kami i kaayaw nu Kawas i matini han ningra,so I sent for you immediately and it was good of you to come now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us,train +55822,55823,55823,Malaliday kamu talaniyaru a misacaciyaw tu malitengay haw,do you go to the tribe often to talk to the elders,train +55823,55824,55824,i sakacuwaay,in which direction,train +55824,55825,55825,maherek a malahuk kami itiya i,after dinner,train +55825,55826,55826,ni na ipei puneng tawtiaw,cannot you pour that one out,train +55826,55827,55827,caʼay tu kananam kaku kira ittini,because I do not know the place well,train +55827,55828,55828,fangsi tu cimira haw,when it smells really good,train +55828,55829,55829,Nanuya iratu a tayra kuya mafulaay a limecedan Tapangaw tapangaw fawahenhu kami a pacumud saan cangra,Later the others also came Sir Sir they said Open the door for us,train +55829,55830,55830,micakat cira yara tu i kukudul,he climbed a tall tree,test +55830,55831,55831,nani tiniay tu nu natiraay hu i Tumiyac hananay,it was moved here from Chung an,train +55831,55832,55832,nu Recurd,and the church prayed for me for my factory,train +55832,55833,55833,ecu,elephants,train +55833,55834,55834,miraradiway,music department,train +55834,55835,55835,ira ku picudadan i niyaru nu namu haw,do you have schools in your community,train +55835,55836,55836,ayaw nu kanikaran micukangay tu,it left the harbor before dawn,train +55836,55837,55837,u tireng ku mikuniay ami pasadak,you have to pay for all this yourself,train +55837,55838,55838,Nikawrira anu ciramud kisu i caay ku raraw kunini anu ciramud ku limecedan i caay ku raraw kunini Nikawrira u mamaruray ku mararamuday a tamdaw caay ka ngalay kaku tu sakarurayaw namu,but if you do marry you have not sinned and if a virgin marries she has not sinned but those who marry will face many troubles in this life and I want to spare you this,train +55838,55839,55839,mapulita,take a good look at,train +55839,55840,55840,Karahekeran nu finawlan kisu a malakiing,your election to the legislature is well deserved,test +55840,55841,55841,kafung,label,train +55841,55842,55842,tayniay kisu faki,Uncle you are here,train +55842,55843,55843,kitkiten,peel off,train +55843,55844,55844,Ngaay hu si Kumeng ku ngangan aku nani Pusungay kaku,Hello my name is Komeng I am from Taitung,train +55844,55845,55845,matatuutuur kami nanikungkuan a masadak misiayaw tu faeluhay a urip,one by one we are leaving school and moving on to a new life,train +55845,55846,55846,mitala,et a,train +55846,55847,55847,cacayay tu ku wina a mituʼas ciraan,he was left with his mom,train +55847,55848,55848,sasetul kita,we bumped into each other,train +55848,55849,55849,makapahay tu caka kakerih a makapah,they grow well but not all of them grow well,train +55849,55850,55850,pakayni i midiputay,relative babysitter fluent in the language of the indigenous people,test +55850,55851,55851,ri talaumah maratar,you are out early,train +55851,55852,55852,a kaykaying,Ms Miss,train +55852,55853,55853,i,Main,train +55853,55854,55854,u tulu a niyaru sanay cimacima tu kiya,the three tribes are,train +55854,55855,55855,12 anu mahecad kita ci Yihufaan a ˈinter tu tatiihay a demak suˈlin cuwa ka ihkal ku Fangcalay Cudad misaˈusi tu u maanan ku tatiihay waywayan wa ngaˈay a mahapinang nu mita,if we hate iniquity as much as Jehovah does then we will be able to see that certain behaviors are wrong even if the Bible does not explicitly say so,train +55855,55856,55856,a patireng tu suwal,Purpose promotion of indigenous peoples,train +55856,55857,55857,Mafasawtu ku falucu aku tu saki ngraan,my heart has grown cool towards him,train +55857,55858,55858,o aped nu kunga kinian,this is groundnut flour,train +55858,55859,55859,o riang nu tamdaw ku sakaadepet nu falucu,the reason why there is miserliness is because people are bad,train +55859,55860,55860,ira haw ku sakaʼurip nu i lumaʼay fafahi,the family has enough money to live on,test +55860,55861,55861,Marepingay ku luma niyam,our two houses are next to each other i we are neighbors,train +55861,55862,55862,pacaliwen kaku tu tingsa isu haw,can I borrow your bicycle please,train +55862,55863,55863,tangasa tahini tuna say kaku haw i,until I was,train +55863,55864,55864,micuca,into the eye,train +55864,55865,55865,o sanay kaku a pasifana i tisuwanan,that is how I taught you,train +55865,55866,55866,sipasip,painting,train +55866,55867,55867,away ku hatiniay itiyahu,this was not there before,train +55867,55868,55868,o mamalaciwlu i u awaay ku taturuen a raraw u ccayay ku fafahi u pasulinay ku wawa u caay ka cilikaf tu macilasay atu paculiay ku wawa,an elder must be blameless the husband of but one wife a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient,train +55868,55869,55869,caay pililafang mahaen,we do not invite guests,train +55869,55870,55870,matini cimilicayay ku wawa tu tau tu tireng aku lina,the teenager asked me what I thought,test +55870,55871,55871,saka naʼay tu papitiiden ku wawa ita saan,However we decided not to send our children to school,train +55871,55872,55872,i tepal nu umah,near the edge of the field,train +55872,55873,55873,u sanay a misatekel,that is what fasting is,train +55873,55874,55874,tahidang han a maemin malekaka a pataluma,call all our brothers and sisters home,train +55874,55875,55875,Mikulismas kami anucila,we have Christmas tomorrow,train +55875,55876,55876,mahufuc i takuwanan,give birth to me,train +55876,55877,55877,cifadahungay,Roofed,train +55877,55878,55878,cisuy way tu faʼinay haw,I lost my husband in my,train +55878,55879,55879,masapinang ku nivenisan tu pala,the zoning is clear and complete,train +55879,55880,55880,o niresresan nu maku kira sinafel i fakiciay,the one in the bucket was shredded by me,test +55880,55881,55881,ya mimuluʼan isu kira haw,you rolled it into a ball,train +55881,55882,55882,Nacila milisuay kaku atu ama aku tu faki aku,Yesterday my father and I visited my uncle,train +55882,55883,55883,marucekay a mapafeli kisu tu sapicudad haw,did you get the tuition separately,train +55883,55884,55884,caay ka kunu u Pangcah a likakawa kuni naʼunan,this is not the original customary system of our indigenous people,train +55884,55885,55885,mama,dad,train +55885,55886,55886,mahaen ku demak,that is the way it is,train +55886,55887,55887,Karatastas ku tusiya ni mama,Dads car breaks down quite often,train +55887,55888,55888,mimi^mi,de acupressure,train +55888,55889,55889,serangawan,culture,train +55889,55890,55890,yu mitngil ku finawlan a ma^min tu suwal ni Yis i pasuwal ci Yis i nisawawaan Ningra,while all the people were listening Jesus said to his disciples,test +55890,55891,55891,Isan,nephrite,train +55891,55892,55892,tayniay tu milusuk milasung,come here and visit,train +55892,55893,55893,udal,nectar,train +55893,55894,55894,Mafeculay,I am full,train +55894,55895,55895,itiya a misaliyut tu sakamawmah,let the cows round up and trample the ground,train +55895,55896,55896,limuuten,I do not know what you are talking about,train +55896,55897,55897,kakitiraan,field,train +55897,55898,55898,palasawad,waste,train +55898,55899,55899,hatini tu i sicaedung tu salungan sapikpik,Now it wears soft and beautiful feathers,train +55899,55900,55900,u uyyahahay u way hahay anu saan kunu mita masaruma adihay ku alu nu laku a radiw,our songs and dances have deep meanings,test +55900,55901,55901,u maan aca ku sangaʼen namu,what else do you do,train +55901,55902,55902,o wawa nu Pangcah kaku,I am an Pangcah child,train +55902,55903,55903,surar,permission,train +55903,55904,55904,falah han tu ku matiniay a makamelengay a sasufin,this slippery towel needs to go,train +55904,55905,55905,o misafungaay ku Pangcah i ayaw,early Aboriginal people grew groundnuts,train +55905,55906,55906,tuwa iri,additionally,train +55906,55907,55907,o kangaayan aku kunini,this is my opportunity,train +55907,55908,55908,sapipulinan,desire to Down,train +55908,55909,55909,lumingay,yard long bean,train +55909,55910,55910,anini iraay ku cecay kasaˈupuan i Tuluan mataˈlifay ku 100 mitusilay itira,Today Tulum has a congregation with over local preachers,test +55910,55911,55911,Mamaurad kuya rumiad,will it be rainy that day,train +55911,55912,55912,adihay ku fafuy niya Taywan tini,Flatlanders raise a lot of pigs here,train +55912,55913,55913,samaanen,how do you do it,train +55913,55914,55914,Saka ala han aku i kamay nuya cuyuh kuya mamangay a nanu maluluday a Cudad a kumaen i matiya u waneng nu udal a ku^san i nguyus aku Nikawrira mahrek kaku a kumaen i angrer i tiyad aku,I took the little scroll from the angels hand and ate it it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth but when I had eaten it my stomach turned sour,train +55914,55915,55915,mimising mising mimisingay hay,it is a tailor it is a seamstress,train +55915,55916,55916,Nikawrira u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas i u pasuwalay i tamdaw a mipadama a mipaicel a mihinum,but everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening encouragement and comfort,train +55916,55917,55917,Nalicayen fana satu kaku nanu kaemangan cingra minanam tu suwal nu Dipung u Punung ku fafahi i katayalan nira aluman ku kananaman a Ngayngay mansa kahirahira sa ku kafanaan nira tu suwal,I asked him to find out that he learned Japanese when he was a child his wife is a Bunun and he knows many Hakkas at work so he can speak so many languages,train +55917,55918,55918,anu masamaan ku misu a pinengneng tura panay sa ku maku harateng,what do you think after seeing the rice that is what I think,train +55918,55919,55919,u hiya kunian u rakerakesan kuni maemin,it is all camphor trees,train +55919,55920,55920,anu u maan ku ningitangitan ita i mapafli nu Kawas nawhani u midu^duay kita tu limuut nu Kawas o rumasatu u palipahakay cingraan ku dmak ita,and receive from him anything we ask because we obey his commands and do what pleases him,test +55920,55921,55921,nu cay haenen nu misu han naku cimama aku di terep san,I told my father why you did not say that to him and he was silent,train +55921,55922,55922,ira i tira taʼangay a kilang,he is under a very big tree,train +55922,55923,55923,upiren,to braid the queue,train +55923,55924,55924,o mitieray tu Kawas ci Musi saka yu tataangtu cingra i manaay cingra a malawawa nu fafahiyan a wawa nu hungti nu Icip,by faith Moses when he had grown up refused to be known as the son of Pharaohs daughter,train +55924,55925,55925,o tarimasa nu kengkeng kiraan a suni,that sound is the sound of water dripping from the gutter,train +55925,55926,55926,valuhay,renewed,train +55926,55927,55927,mitalakal,lit a pit for trapping animals,train +55927,55928,55928,hatira kinian,introduction,train +55928,55929,55929,itini i sikusya iri,our Rentals,train +55929,55930,55930,Litmuhen kaku haw,please meet me,test +55930,55931,55931,pasuwal ci Yis i cangraan O nu i la^nuay kamu u nu i faeday Kaku o nu hkalan kamu o caay ku nu hkalan Kaku,but he continued You are from below I am from above you are of this world I am not of this world,train +55931,55932,55932,luwad sa kaku,I will get up,train +55932,55933,55933,i namaka saʼetipan a tawali,from the west to the east,train +55933,55934,55934,a cecay a rumiʼad,it is not a day,train +55934,55935,55935,o mitieray tu Kawas ku mama atu ina ni Musi Saka namahufuc ci Musian tulu a fulad cangra a misimed cingraan makapah a nengnengen nangra kuya wawa Saka caay ka talaw cangra tu limuut nu hungti,by faith Moses parents hid him for three months after he was born because they saw he was no ordinary child and they were not afraid of the kings edict,train +55935,55936,55936,anu caka pararikeren tu acucul,if we do not let them each have a gyro,train +55936,55937,55937,tayra kaku i,before you go,train +55937,55938,55938,cuka,paintings,train +55938,55939,55939,muketep tu makaala tu sanzyunamey kiya ku itiniay,there must be people here,train +55939,55940,55940,itiraʼay kura pitala nura Cawi,waiting at the mouth of the sea,test +55940,55941,55941,ta matama aku ku parakat tu mamangay a paliding,I got a job driving a minivan,train +55941,55942,55942,sarakatay sarakatay tangasa matini tu ku wa,the earliest work which is now years old wow,train +55942,55943,55943,palakawas hananay kura tukus i kaʼamas,and they made the mountain in the north a Holy mountain,train +55943,55944,55944,yu mangatatu ni Yis ku Yiriku i ira ku ccay a mapuhaway a tamdaw a maru i lawac nu lalan a mikiaam,as Jesus approached Jericho a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging,train +55944,55945,55945,maulah kaku aci kaka^ aku a rumadiw,both my brother and I like to sing,train +55945,55946,55946,aka pilaum tu paysu,money should not be wasted,train +55946,55947,55947,Pakungkuen kami tu demak nu misu,please tell us your story,train +55947,55948,55948,Paapilisen nu Kawas ku lutulutuk,God created hillside land,train +55948,55949,55949,malanguhah,talking about love,train +55949,55950,55950,mahean amin kita haw,it is a good example to follow is not it,test +55950,55951,55951,maeminmapulung,entire,train +55951,55952,55952,pisawad,give up,train +55952,55953,55953,eyraw satimul aya aya ha a ha ha ha,I ended up hitting the south side ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ha ha ha ha,train +55953,55954,55954,cifakici,with a bucket,train +55954,55955,55955,Hayda tadafangcal anu hatini haw i ikur tu wapakacepet tu kaku tu aadupen,Great I will be able to catch the prey in the future,train +55955,55956,55956,tuki^,clock,train +55956,55957,55957,u niyaru aku i Karuruananay,my tribe is in Caroline,train +55957,55958,55958,finacadan malakakeridan,take the lead for our organization,train +55958,55959,55959,Ngaay hu tahidangen nu singsi kamu tayra i umah nu lamelu a maumah,hello everyone today I will take you to work in the millet field,train +55959,55960,55960,ira tu ira tu ku sapinukayaw tayra i niyaru,of course you are I want to go back,test +55960,55961,55961,limlaen,treasure,train +55961,55962,55962,Maupuh cingra,he works fast and hard,train +55962,55963,55963,away hen ku hiya aku,I do not have anything yet,train +55963,55964,55964,anu makereng ku urad mangaay tayra i alu micadiway,when it is raining heavily you can go to the river to catch fish,train +55964,55965,55965,tulu ku tuki,it is three of the clock,train +55965,55966,55966,mi,act as,train +55966,55967,55967,a mahemek ku salikaka,the brothers and sisters are happy too,train +55967,55968,55968,lalima ku mikacaway i pikacawan,the watchtower is guarded by five men,train +55968,55969,55969,ya maherek tu i dafak ca hu,have you finished this morning,train +55969,55970,55970,nawhan i aluman ku aikur a mitalaay haw i,because there are a lot of people waiting below me,test +55970,55971,55971,nengnenghan nira kiya fakar nira i tusa tu,he looked at his baskets only two left,train +55971,55972,55972,kamatiya u matuʼasay i,the old man is for the family,train +55972,55973,55973,Paangcuhay tu fali nu niyaru ku unsēng,the hot springs make the air of the tribe stink of urine,train +55973,55974,55974,mikadat,combability,train +55974,55975,55975,u Tulik,metropolitan,train +55975,55976,55976,tuna u kacalemceman ku dmak anini saka u harateng aku i kauyanantu a urip nuya tamdaw ku ngaay saan kaku,because of the present crisis I think that it is good for you to remain as you are,train +55976,55977,55977,iraw i Luhuk,in the Lohia Valley tribe,train +55977,55978,55978,hakuwa ku halafin,how long will it take to walk,train +55978,55979,55979,liyawaw aca,let us do it again,train +55979,55980,55980,itira i kami i,we are in Taitung,test +55980,55981,55981,Pasingsingen isu u maan ku kaʼayaw ira i,do some embroidery on the front,train +55981,55982,55982,mikadavu kisu itiya mamaan ku nikaramud namu,how did you get married and have lots of kids,train +55982,55983,55983,misanga san turanan haw,when it is time to build a house,train +55983,55984,55984,saka caay kangaʼay kita itini mafulaw kita tayraw i ʼamiʼamisan,we cannot be here we have to move up north,train +55984,55985,55985,hatilaay ku nu malitengay ya,that is what the elders did back then,train +55985,55986,55986,nawhani u nafalucuan nu wama aku i u sakaciuripaw tu midaucay ku minengnengay mipasulinay i takuwanan u Wawa ta u papaluwaden aku cangra a paurip nai patay i saikuray a rumiad han ningra,for my Fathers will is that everyone who looks to the son and believes in him shall have eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day,train +55986,55987,55987,itiya i cinas satu tu riku ningra ku sakakaay a citudungay tu taung suwal sa O maanhu ku kakilimen ita tu papawacay a tamdaw saw,the high priest tore his clothes Why do we need any more witnesses he asked,train +55987,55988,55988,malamisimaway kaku i tapulu tu mikacaway tu hikuki,I was garrisoned in the hill to take care of the soldiers who guarded the planes,train +55988,55989,55989,sepat miheca i falic han na singsi kaku patayra,after four years my teacher changed my workplace,train +55989,55990,55990,cayay pasifana takuwanan,they did not teach me how to cut hair,test +55990,55991,55991,caliw han hu ku cilah i sakafiyaw,for the time being I borrowed a salt Bar from my neighbor,train +55991,55992,55992,itira kura matuʼasaymatuʼasay ni,Soo Mis parents live there,train +55992,55993,55993,miutut,hoeing,train +55993,55994,55994,ma ira tu ku mitayalan panukay tu ku wawa tu payci saka tuʼas saka fangcal tu nu,I work and earn money and my children bring money home to make life better for the elderly at home,train +55994,55995,55995,patangasa^,pass it on,train +55995,55996,55996,saikuray tu rumasutu rumiʼad,and in the end the next day,train +55996,55997,55997,mangaay a mituur ku fafahiyan a miadup han,Then can women go hunting together,train +55997,55998,55998,nu waayhu taluma,then you are not good enough,train +55998,55999,55999,pusi,cat,train +55999,56000,56000,i rengurengusan kami a kumaen tu epang tada diheku a mapacidal ku tireng,we ate bread on the grass the sun was shining on us and it was very warm,test +56000,56001,56001,mafasaw tu ku keter aku,my anger has subsided,train +56001,56002,56002,cuwa kaurad nu hatini mamaurad iikur nu lahuk kacidinay a mahadak,it is not raining now but it will be rainy in the afternoon so you need to bring an umbrella when you go out,train +56002,56003,56003,ina makamelaw kaku tuni u maan kuni ina cuwaan nian,which one,train +56003,56004,56004,Fetasen nu ising kuya malifawaay a duka aku saka kaliki a maadah,the doctor squeezed my swollen abscess and that is why it healed so quickly,train +56004,56005,56005,ira ku cecay a rumiʼad,one night,train +56005,56006,56006,anu mapili sa kisu paʼayawan hatira sanay kira,if you get picked whatever,train +56006,56007,56007,Renaf han nu wawa aku ku cafeng nu luma,my kids draw pictures on the wall,train +56007,56008,56008,pisekingan satu pacaliw saan ku cafay tu inpic atu sapisisit i takunan,during the exam a classmate lent me a pen and an eraser,train +56008,56009,56009,tusa a mihecaan,second year,train +56009,56010,56010,ta miliyas tu kuya wawa,Then the children left,test +56010,56011,56011,emec,pinch,train +56011,56012,56012,han satu kami mikarkaray tu pungkang ta itini satu kami i cay tu ka linah kami itini satu kami i mamuku,my husbands job is a tunnel digger he has not moved since then and has settled in so O until now,train +56012,56013,56013,etip,west,train +56013,56014,56014,nengneng hanta minengneng,we will have to see for ourselves,train +56014,56015,56015,kaiwilan,isolate,train +56015,56016,56016,Anini^,nowadays,train +56016,56017,56017,Misuikurhu kaku a minukay,I have to go back home for a minute,train +56017,56018,56018,o midu^duay kamu tu dmak nu mama namu han ningra Dengan u Kawas a ccay ku Wama niyam Caay ku fucud kami han nangra,you are doing the things your own father does We are not illegitimate children they protested The only father we have is God himself,train +56018,56019,56019,misenac kaku,we still need to loosen the soil and plow the fields,train +56019,56020,56020,Mahere ku heni maanen ku nipisalisin nu heni,what is the ritual after that,test +56020,56021,56021,Fa^eluh hu ku fuduy ni mama^ aku,my fathers clothes are still new,train +56021,56022,56022,nanu ʼayaw,previously,train +56022,56023,56023,o mapuhaway kaku saka i luma satu kaku,I have been staying home because I am blind,train +56023,56024,56024,vuhangan itini vuhangan itini iri,drill here drill here drill here,train +56024,56025,56025,samisi a papculi han kura malitengay kira,but they do not dare to talk back to their elders,train +56025,56026,56026,nikatiluan,due to a fall,train +56026,56027,56027,nawhani malifung ku Kitakit ita mapuling,because there is an epidemic in our country,train +56027,56028,56028,misamsam ku kaput takuwan,my classmates bully me,train +56028,56029,56029,Mapaseta kaku tu nika kameleng nu lalan,I fell down heavily from the slickness on the path,train +56029,56030,56030,ayaw nu likuda mimanay hu kamu,what are you doing in the lead up to the Harvest Festival,test +56030,56031,56031,^nem ku mihecaan nu safa aku,my sister is six years old,train +56031,56032,56032,cuwa tu kaku kumaen tu epah,that is why I never drink,train +56032,56033,56033,pisaluya,wastage,train +56033,56034,56034,picumudan,entrance,train +56034,56035,56035,iic,edible mushroom,train +56035,56036,56036,aw,Oh,train +56036,56037,56037,pahanhan tu kita mitilid tayuen ku rakat a minukay,it is the end of the class be careful on your way home,train +56037,56038,56038,Mapaicel mapakalmed nu Kawas ci Stifanu saka tadamaan ku nidmakan ningra tu kafahkaan a dmak a patiri i kaayaw nu tamdamdaw,now Stephen a man full of Gods grace and power did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people,train +56038,56039,56039,atu saʼicelan nu fafahi,and the power of women,train +56039,56040,56040,nay kita tu ku dadiputay,let us get married,test +56040,56041,56041,sustala uya suwal isu icila e anu matira mamaaca tu ni Mayaw kura suta,so last time you mentioned that Mayaw already bought that piece of land,train +56041,56042,56042,u ngangan nu maku tu nu Pangcah awaay,I do not have an Amish name,train +56042,56043,56043,rumakat tayra i kungkuan haw maraayay mikitini i luma tayra tukutukusan,it looks like it is far away but it is not,train +56043,56044,56044,miwatawat i tiring nu maku,Wiggling around on my body casting spells,train +56044,56045,56045,kumaen kisu tu udax haw,would you want some cookies,train +56045,56046,56046,sisa u suwal nira han tu u tiray tu kisu,but he said you were already there,train +56046,56047,56047,naayaw satu u kasienawan u madukaay,in the old winter there was a kind of injury,train +56047,56048,56048,nu singcentangwi miusiʼay tu payci,it is the calculator again,train +56048,56049,56049,pakakemuday ku suwal,words have a hidden meaning,train +56049,56050,56050,a tahira i miletek tu kasuy tura kilang,when we get there we will start cutting wood,test +56050,56051,56051,itini satu ku urip nu wawa,it is like the children hometown,train +56051,56052,56052,hatira,like that,train +56052,56053,56053,wa tatengilen nu niyam,I am not the only one who wants to know,train +56053,56054,56054,miterungay,Middleman,train +56054,56055,56055,anu kami ku matayalay tacuwacuwaay tu ya kamay matiya,if we are doing it that hand could be anywhere,train +56055,56056,56056,mikawmah kita tu umah anini^,we are going to loosen the soil today,train +56056,56057,56057,minukay tu cangra tayra sefi,they are back at the clubhouse,train +56057,56058,56058,ta pacuwah mahaen i,all of them,train +56058,56059,56059,nu caay saan,why not,train +56059,56060,56060,caay kangaay,shouldn't,test +56060,56061,56061,catu kanga tayra i kusi matayal,unable to work at the company,train +56061,56062,56062,Nikawrira u a itini kaku i Ifisu tangasa i pisalisinan tu saka lima a pulu a rumiad,but I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost,train +56062,56063,56063,tuʼatuʼas satu tangasa anini u maan haca ku maan nu urip nu anini masadak ku masadakay mietan tani i Amis,as we grew older there was nothing more we could ask for in life and our people went out to the north to make money,train +56063,56064,56064,dafak satu haw saka tusa a rumiʼad munihar taengad taengad satu,next day dawn time,train +56064,56065,56065,mahen kina kungku nu ina aku,this is how my mom tells the story,train +56065,56066,56066,u satataʼangay nu malatumukay haw i,what exactly are the powers and responsibilities of the head,train +56066,56067,56067,Pakasiacefelay ci panay a talakungkuan,Panay goes to school by train,train +56067,56068,56068,nengneng sa ci Yis tuya fafahiyan tahidang han ningra a sumuwal Salikaka maadahtu ku adada isu han ningra,when Jesus saw her he called her forward and said to her Woman you are set free from your infirmity,train +56068,56069,56069,malcad tunini u limlaay tu urip nu tireng i u mamafalah ningra ku urip o kinafalah sanay tu urip nu tireng i tini i hkal i u maimeray tu urip ningra a tahadauc,the man who loves his life will lose it while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life,train +56069,56070,56070,hey tu epah,Yes rice wine,test +56070,56071,56071,Keridentu nu mita,we have to lead her to speak the language,train +56071,56072,56072,awaay tu Ripun mikataynian nu misu ma haw,were there no more Japanese when you came here,train +56072,56073,56073,mapawali i sakuicaw sa kifetul,it is hard and thick from the sun,train +56073,56074,56074,u nu piati tu nu i faleday i han falucu sa,all I can think is that my superiors are going to draft me,train +56074,56075,56075,kaʼamis a alu nu Makutaay a alu,north of the tribal river water,train +56075,56076,56076,o wawa ira ni fai i,where is Aunties baby,train +56076,56077,56077,cieduay,fleshy,train +56077,56078,56078,Pakahikuki nani Taypak a minukay ku pulung nu paru nu luma nu faki,my uncle and his family flew back from Taipei,train +56078,56079,56079,tayra i pitilidan haw i,when I arrived at the school,train +56079,56080,56080,o maan ku paru nu riyar,what is in the sea,test +56080,56081,56081,Tasatu ku rinum ni Ina,Moms got two more needles,train +56081,56082,56082,o mihakenuay i takuwanan i kaayaw nu tamdamdaw i u hahaenen aku a mihakenu cingra i kaayaw nu wama aku i kakarayan,but whoever disowns me before men I will disown him before my father in heaven,train +56082,56083,56083,kita a sifalucuʼay a minanam,like our people who want to learn,train +56083,56084,56084,mizunvi ku heni tu lusid nu lalavuay nu luma,they have to prepare the costumes for their families to wear at the Harvest Festival,train +56084,56085,56085,hacuwa a patikulen aku kisu tu payci,when do I have to pay you back,train +56085,56086,56086,dingkiay,electric,train +56086,56087,56087,a pacumud tuni i,place in steamer basket,train +56087,56088,56088,karatangic kura wawa fetir nu tangingana ci Mayaw tu kisu,if the baby cries flick your finger in his ear and call you Mayo,train +56088,56089,56089,u siraw hananay tala i lutuktala i umah matayal i awa ku sikaʼen,salted meat is an indispensable dish whether you are working in the mountains or in the fields,train +56089,56090,56090,alumanay tu kura matuʼasay a minukayay mapatayay tu,because the old mans leaving in a different way,test +56090,56091,56091,Kalimela kita tu suwal nu mita u Pangcah,we need to cherish our Amish language,train +56091,56092,56092,saman nu ruma a lalumaʼan a tamdaw nu mitiliday haw i,families of some schoolchildren,train +56092,56093,56093,sienaw ku rumiad adihayen ku kacifuduy,the weather is very cold so wear more clothes,train +56093,56094,56094,makadufah ku urip sa ku wama u ina i,my parents are looking forward to a richer life,train +56094,56095,56095,tarafekang hananay pifadahung,it is thatched from the bottom up,train +56095,56096,56096,kavidangan tu aca,it is also the most annoying,train +56096,56097,56097,caay caay anu mahaen,No if that is the case,train +56097,56098,56098,mikarkaray tu afet,it is supposed to be a coal mine,train +56098,56099,56099,Patuayaen ci Wamaan ku falucu nu misu i kiwkay,offer your heart to God at church,train +56099,56100,56100,u yaan u hiay u vunga u vunga a,and groundnuts just groundnuts,test +56100,56101,56101,u futi u futi tu dadaya kira,you can go to sleep when it is time to go to sleep at night,train +56101,56102,56102,Fa^det ku rumiad helung han nu maku ku fuduy,it was hot so I took off my clothes,train +56102,56103,56103,tura kacepuan nura riyal tura alu,rest at the very end of the river where it enters the sea,train +56103,56104,56104,tahini i kakarayan mitekuh tu tuem,reach the sky above the clouds,train +56104,56105,56105,kiharen,realize,train +56105,56106,56106,stek han ku cecay a,after you cut it down,train +56106,56107,56107,awaay tu ku sasuwalen ta rihaday tu ku,it is easy now there is nothing to worry about,train +56107,56108,56108,tafu han hu nira,and he is going to wrap it up,train +56108,56109,56109,naw hani u futing ira ku misuʼedacay pasalalemay ku futing,Why because fish go up against the water,train +56109,56110,56110,icuwaay a selal ku miuwayay,which age group picks the yellow vine,test +56110,56111,56111,mana mafan kisu,how did you learn to do that,train +56111,56112,56112,u sapi fahfah nara tu lifung,that is to repel epidemics,train +56112,56113,56113,cakafanaʼ kaku macaciyaw,I am not very expressive,train +56113,56114,56114,caay kangaʼay ku lalan i tini,it is a tough road here,train +56114,56115,56115,miucur san ku singsi takuwanan,when the teacher assigned me,train +56115,56116,56116,mapatireng tu ku adawang away tu ku suwal nu taywang,there is no protest from the Flatlanders after the building of the clubhouse,train +56116,56117,56117,pipakaenan,feeding,train +56117,56118,56118,pakayni i nika laccay namu aci Kristu a mapakadufah kamu tu masamaamaanay Halu nika fana atu nika sumuwal namu,for in him you have been enriched in every way in all your speaking and in all your knowledge,train +56118,56119,56119,a mihiya,trial,train +56119,56120,56120,u mitiniay u muwa hananay,like this one,test +56120,56121,56121,mangiyangiay,shake,train +56121,56122,56122,iwuy haw malahitay ku wawa ma haw nu tireng haw,because my son is in the army,train +56122,56123,56123,matenes,long ago,train +56123,56124,56124,Cauren a pacauf ku licay nu tayring,answer the police officers question immediately,train +56124,56125,56125,saki hungti atu rumaruma a mikuwanay ta masinanut rihaday ku dmak ita a maurip i tini i hkal ta mu^cel ku dmak ita a mitaung tu Kawas,for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness,train +56125,56126,56126,kawih,wave,train +56126,56127,56127,sangaay sa ku urip aku i tini,I have lived my life to the fullest,train +56127,56128,56128,akawang sanay ku malitengay niyam,my parents say I am so tall,train +56128,56129,56129,maemin awa tu kakaenen kira,it is all the same there is nothing to eat,train +56129,56130,56130,minukay kaku,I am going home,test +56130,56131,56131,maan han aku a matiyaay siwa ira ku lima ku mihecvaan isu kis,how do I sing you are years old you are something else,train +56131,56132,56132,usalen,groundnut Leafy,train +56132,56133,56133,felihen,turn it over,train +56133,56134,56134,yu mihakulung ci amaan aku,my father said I was going to catch a wounded fish,train +56134,56135,56135,uniyan a tuʼas haw u Fuladan,in those days the name of the place was Luna,train +56135,56136,56136,Kutubuki,place name,train +56136,56137,56137,makafafaway,from above,train +56137,56138,56138,pina ku hecek nu laluma,that is how many rooms there are,train +56138,56139,56139,tu epah,rice wine,train +56139,56140,56140,mipaluma kami kuya sapakaen tu kulung,we are going to feed the cows,test +56140,56141,56141,o matuʼasay i,where is the old man,train +56141,56142,56142,u,marker of surprise sudden realization reminder,train +56142,56143,56143,ira ku ccay a tamdaw malingad tayni i lutuk,there was a person who went to the mountain,train +56143,56144,56144,fuhaten,open it first,train +56144,56145,56145,tangasa tu i,upon arrival,train +56145,56146,56146,malingad haca kaku i luma,so I stayed home,train +56146,56147,56147,ira tu ku tuwid a mipucpuctu tu lutuc nu sapur,then a bird will come and peck at the ears of the rice paddies,train +56147,56148,56148,Malicad ku ngitu nu wadis ita anini,today we broke our teeth at the same time,train +56148,56149,56149,mumpi^,women long pant,train +56149,56150,56150,ya ci kuliciw tu kita sa,tell everyone to ride their bikes,test +56150,56151,56151,nu niyan havay a,to people,train +56151,56152,56152,mahufuc ku ina aku kakuwanan i,my mother gave birth to me,train +56152,56153,56153,hai hatini sanay kami mipudpud tu lukut hatini,Yeah that is how we are picking sassafras,train +56153,56154,56154,o kamuay ku mamaucur nu matuasay,it is your turn to be called by the elders,train +56154,56155,56155,misafalinunu,making glutinous rice,train +56155,56156,56156,tangafuran,ethnic group plain tribes,train +56156,56157,56157,miwikwik,bamboo basket,train +56157,56158,56158,caay tu kafana kaku,I am unconscious,train +56158,56159,56159,caay kaaraw haw i cuwa kakahi,if you do not like it you will not want it,train +56159,56160,56160,awa tu ku demak saan miaʼuwang tu ku faʼinayan nu niyaru miʼuwad,when the young boys of the tribe have nothing better to do they go and collect sea urchins collect conchs,test +56160,56161,56161,micinas,tear,train +56161,56162,56162,madadimaw a maumah matayal sa ci kaka ku,my sister says the kids get shaken up at work,train +56162,56163,56163,miilisin,Abundance of annual festivals,train +56163,56164,56164,miasik kami tu rumiamiad hadimelen niyam a miasik ku riwang,we have to clean every day and everyone has to clean the classroom,train +56164,56165,56165,Piyaken ku waay namu a miuntu,please turn your feet up for exercise,train +56165,56166,56166,eminen miala sanay taminan sa hemek sa kami i ayaw miʼala tu aʼuwang,I told us to try to get the sea urchins that we were so excited about,train +56166,56167,56167,i cuwa ku satakaraway a luma,where is the tallest building,train +56167,56168,56168,cikaputay,fellowship,train +56168,56169,56169,mifedfedan nira kiya lufuc,bundled up in a bag,train +56169,56170,56170,tahira ciira i lutuk tuʼeman tu,it is dark on the mountain,test +56170,56171,56171,awaay tu mi hicay tutuna pasawali,fewer and fewer people are catching fish off the coast,train +56171,56172,56172,wadis,ivory,train +56172,56173,56173,fadukus,groundnut soup,train +56173,56174,56174,Pacucuken ku unuc i kadang,put the pole in the ring,train +56174,56175,56175,suʼelinay patireng ca tu tu anu pihiyaʼan nu mita pihiya aca ku n mihecahecaan ami ka sasisi nu finawlan tu nika cima ku misangaʼay tu luma tu nu lalumaʼan nu mita u nu niyan u finawlan saan,although life has improved a lot since then when the clan shared the news of building a house every year the clan was still full of blessings for their friends and relatives as in the past,train +56175,56176,56176,maliangay,bad,train +56176,56177,56177,tayni fafaed,be proactive and strive for excellence,train +56177,56178,56178,u pikutud tu numaku tu kakakaka numaku saka,then I will follow in your footsteps,train +56178,56179,56179,miedis kina mahiniyay a Kawas,it will be punished by the elves,train +56179,56180,56180,misatefun,chiseled well,test +56180,56181,56181,Matufainayan ku tayal nura fafahyian micawur tu funak,that woman job is a lot like a man mixing gravel,train +56181,56182,56182,mahemek kaku a malawawa nu Amis,I am proud to be an Ami,train +56182,56183,56183,misisatayal tuni manamanan ini sa,we can take care of that,train +56183,56184,56184,Hayda cila tu lacafay satu kita a mipacemut,Sure let us go fishing together next time,train +56184,56185,56185,hiyan tu mi hiya mipasufaw,all fermented,train +56185,56186,56186,awaay ku maku pinengneng tu tamdaw,to see someone else,train +56186,56187,56187,mikakilim kaku tu hasapaluma nu maku tu lukut tu,I am looking for Yamazoo seedlings,train +56187,56188,56188,sanengseng,Cool,train +56188,56189,56189,ciaresingay,dewy,train +56189,56190,56190,misulul ma haw hay,is that allowed Yes,test +56190,56191,56191,maluparuk,quilts,train +56191,56192,56192,i namaka sawaliʼan nay ta saʼamis,from the east to the north,train +56192,56193,56193,mapulung i satimulan nu niyaru rumadiw misakeru,Everybodys singing and dancing on the tribal square,train +56193,56194,56194,cacay kaku Paliwan,I am the only one from Paiwan,train +56194,56195,56195,inian a keliw tini mahaen haw,here are the knitting threads,train +56195,56196,56196,caka fangcal rakaten,it is not a good place to walk,train +56196,56197,56197,Saka liyas satu ci Yis tu Yutaya a miliyaw a tayra i Kalili,when the Lord learned of this he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee,train +56197,56198,56198,cacay lipay pituay ku rumiad,there are seven days in a week,train +56198,56199,56199,u matuasay saw nu matuasay nisimsiman,it is an old mans idea,train +56199,56200,56200,minukay ku mimawmahay i,I am back from farming,test +56200,56201,56201,hay mituysiw tu kaku mimaanay tu kaku ngaʼay tu hananay aku,I do not have any plans for my retirement so I agreed to stay,train +56201,56202,56202,anu cuwa ku kimad nu Kawas ku Fangcalay Cudad wa samaan hani,what if the Bible is not the word of God,train +56202,56203,56203,lamit,radical,train +56203,56204,56204,o sapakaduh ita kira titi tu wacu nu palapalaan,that meat was the bait we used to attract the dingoes,train +56204,56205,56205,a mipatikur tu lusid tuya kapah,returning to Youths clothing,train +56205,56206,56206,i Kakacawan,from Nagahama,train +56206,56207,56207,niyan a kamay,this this hand is important,train +56207,56208,56208,makaamis i u Hupu nu Kalingku tahira i katimul i Cipun nu Pusang u ruma i iraku i salalumaay nu Pingtung a sakuwan a finacadan nu mita u Pangcah,in the north it starts from Beipu in Xincheng Township and in the south it ends at Benxi in Taitung County,train +56208,56209,56209,i iniyan tuku karurayan numa tayalay,this is one of the difficulties of the staff,train +56209,56210,56210,Tadangaayay tu mikilim tisuwanan malalicalicay,I am doing great I came to chat with you,test +56210,56211,56211,cavay,friend,train +56211,56212,56212,Hay menanaw hu kaku,Okay I will go wash my hands,train +56212,56213,56213,nawhan awaʼay kira kura rengus,Why because there are so few plants,train +56213,56214,56214,tuya,That,train +56214,56215,56215,nu Recurd,okay,train +56215,56216,56216,miheca,surname Nian,train +56216,56217,56217,Rasit hatu nu kapah nu niyaru ku Olalip,the youth of the tribe go from house to house in the house Rally to announce the joy,train +56217,56218,56218,adihay ku nananamen nu maku tunu hawi,and I learned a lot about being a human being,train +56218,56219,56219,u saka kapah nu,millet,train +56219,56220,56220,minaang,reservations,test +56220,56221,56221,falucu,eight,train +56221,56222,56222,ku nisangaʼan nipalumaan nisadimelan nu palumaay,let the grower take the well made planted and organized,train +56222,56223,56223,cima tuni safasaf sa,who is going to take care of the siblings,train +56223,56224,56224,Sakakayaen ku pisanga tu talip nu maku,I will make my skirt a little longer,train +56224,56225,56225,man kafanaan hiwa saan kaku matira sa,Seriously how can I learn to,train +56225,56226,56226,iyaen tu kalatimen tu kimulu hu nira hu,then cut out the rounded skin,train +56226,56227,56227,ura sa i mamaan,that is why,train +56227,56228,56228,Kawraan cacipinang kita tuni tusa Casi pakayniay cimaanan ku pitilid mihaen ngaˈ ira ku epuc palilam i matatudungay a tamdaw tuniya casi,However we need to know who these two magazines are for in order to more effectively target them to the right people,train +56228,56229,56229,ini han naku matiniay,I will say it right here,train +56229,56230,56230,hay misiwkay kaku tu ku urip aku,I want to introduce my life,test +56230,56231,56231,aluman ku ini u ka kariʼangriʼang nu Tangafuran hanaw maedes ku cangra itiyahu hiwawa,they say many people are bullied by the Pingpu who are tough pirates,train +56231,56232,56232,lamelu,millet,train +56232,56233,56233,ukakitaan hananay unisuwalan isu upihahayan,the square in front of his house is,train +56233,56234,56234,Mangaay kaku a minanaw tu kamay haw,may I go wash my hands,train +56234,56235,56235,tayniay,come on,train +56235,56236,56236,mahemhem,warmth,train +56236,56237,56237,o cacilafu kamu nawhani matiya u caay ka hapinang a tadem kamu caay kafanaen nu miripaay a tamdaw ku nika u tadem han ni Yis,Woe to you because you are like unmarked graves which men walk over without knowing it,train +56237,56238,56238,nanumamangan,less,train +56238,56239,56239,mihawikid tu epah kira,will you bring the wine,train +56239,56240,56240,anu maduedu tu ku nanurayray a pinangan u matatudungay tu anu caayay piduedu i u mararaway tu,anything that conforms to traditional customs is considered lawful while the opposite is an offense,test +56240,56241,56241,o ina ni lafin kaku ci Amuy kaku,I am Lafins mom Amoy,train +56241,56242,56242,lukedaw tu kiya mirepelantu patayra tu i imeimengan kiya lukedaw a misuʼut,it is a real tiger catch it and kidnap it at the police station,train +56242,56243,56243,aniniay tu a radiw,the songs are more up to date now,train +56243,56244,56244,Sausien ku matahidangay,count how many have been invited,train +56244,56245,56245,mitatuy,apprehend,train +56245,56246,56246,itira saan tu i sera masanga,First we will set it up on the floor,train +56246,56247,56247,malu tanengnengan tu nangra a cudadan,as a textbook for their study,train +56247,56248,56248,Hayda i cuwa kita a malalitemuh,Okay where are we going to meet,train +56248,56249,56249,akaa kamu ka talaw,do not be afraid,train +56249,56250,56250,kilim tu ku Amis u maan ku kakilimen sa,the Aborigines are looking for work again,test +56250,56251,56251,ruyaruy sanay ku masakiyakiyaway yu u mamilakec,a group of girls wading across a river together,train +56251,56252,56252,mahaen kuni ka likid,the water flows like this,train +56252,56253,56253,o lutung han ku lutung,even monkeys,train +56253,56254,56254,macepa,fully wetted,train +56254,56255,56255,tahira i tusa lipay saan ta suelin tu ku ican nira,about two weeks worth of drying would be enough,train +56255,56256,56256,maetut,fart,train +56256,56257,56257,Macekcek ku niparuan niyam tu kiru i kufuc,we put the dried sauerkraut hard into jars,train +56257,56258,56258,i Puskuay ku luma niyam,our home is in Yuli,train +56258,56259,56259,ciwadisay,there are teeth marks,train +56259,56260,56260,tada mahemekay kami malacafay mirieneng tu Kiliyat picudadan,we are both so happy to be attending Kile school together,test +56260,56261,56261,i niyaru nu Cikasuwan,it is at a place called Shichibukawa tribe,train +56261,56262,56262,masungiay tu masasapad ku rumaruma,some are suitable for planking,train +56262,56263,56263,patahekalen nu heni,they took it out,train +56263,56264,56264,o maan ku kaulahan isu a sapatiwid,what are your favorite gifts,train +56264,56265,56265,Kawra mihayay cingra O tireng aku tatiih tatiihaytu misaaliay tu tuki a midimukus,but he also admits My health is getting worse and it takes time to take care of it,train +56265,56266,56266,misacacak,cooking,train +56266,56267,56267,nimaan nisangaʼan kura kaku ku misangaʼay,what is it made of I made it myself,train +56267,56268,56268,ira ku kaliyalaway,it is also yellow,train +56268,56269,56269,itini i kaenu nu tamina i iraay ku Amis itini i takalaway nu iraay ku Amis,there are Aboriginal people underneath the boats and in the very tall buildings,train +56269,56270,56270,mikuli nu wawa,children working in the field,test +56270,56271,56271,miedaway,fortune telling,train +56271,56272,56272,u tekdan a wawa tu vavahiyan,Unaccompanied daughter,train +56272,56273,56273,ngaʼayay tu fituka sanay ku kaʼinalan aku a paluma,they say it is good for the stomach which is why I am eager to plant it in large quantities,train +56273,56274,56274,levawa,swelling,train +56274,56275,56275,o marekrekay ku finawlan i piilisinan,a large number of people gather at the venue of the Toyonen Matsuri,train +56275,56276,56276,mamaan tu simaan asimaan,it is okay,train +56276,56277,56277,kalamkam ku pikelac nira tu tefus,he peels sugarcane fast,train +56277,56278,56278,kaeped ku kamaruan,soft place to sit,train +56278,56279,56279,semut,grassy,train +56279,56280,56280,Mayafayaf ku tayal aku,I have to do a lot of things at the same time,test +56280,56281,56281,kalunipan,the and and and of the lunar month,train +56281,56282,56282,san ku suwal hatira aca,that is all I have to say,train +56282,56283,56283,caay kapawan kami tu nikainitu nu namu,we will not forget you exist,train +56283,56284,56284,matikedaay isu ku pisaluma nu luma namu haw,have you ever seen your family build a house,train +56284,56285,56285,ansani anu maherek a malahuk haw,Later after lunch,train +56285,56286,56286,pina ku kasafinacadan nu Yencumincu anini,how many ethnic groups are there among the indigenous peoples,train +56286,56287,56287,awaay kukakalivutan nira,and she did not,train +56287,56288,56288,cay ka sumuwal kiya fafahi tu nika,Madam did not make it clear to her husband,train +56288,56289,56289,hatinien ku nian hatinien mararaway kuni huducen haca hanen aca,this is the way to do it if this is wrong take it out and do it again,train +56289,56290,56290,papitirien,deploy something go read,test +56290,56291,56291,Karalaput kura kungkungan,the groundnut leaves in that groundnut garden are very lush,train +56291,56292,56292,saka pina tu a miheca,what grade is it,train +56292,56293,56293,caay tu ka mucide caay tu ka muraraw kira,there will be no bias,train +56293,56294,56294,mapacekuk kira tumuk,that is an amazing head,train +56294,56295,56295,hay lumaʼnangra,Yes at his house,train +56295,56296,56296,ci Ripun haw,Chikagawa,train +56296,56297,56297,i vatad nu lalan alenih ci Kacaw nika mapawan cira tu sailus a tatipeluk,on the way Kacaw wanted to go to the bathroom but he forgot to bring toilet paper,train +56297,56298,56298,nu ku ninian,this is hell,train +56298,56299,56299,nawhani mainap macaculi kamu caay hakiya ku pahapinangay kunini tu nika u nu tirenganhu ku pinangan namu a mituur a matiya u urip nu kalutamdaw,you are still worldly for since there is jealousy and quarreling among you are you not worldly are you not acting like mere men,train +56299,56300,56300,manengneng naku ku demak nu matuʼasay,I also saw the old man building a house,test +56300,56301,56301,salikaka nu tireng nu kiwkay hatu mahennay ku tayal kira,they are all brothers and sisters from their own church and that is what they do,train +56301,56302,56302,ikur nu cecay lipay a pakaetim kami misatapangtu milisuˈ tu Rapu Rapu a Putiput,the first week after our wedding we began visiting the congregation on the Island of Lapu Lapu,train +56302,56303,56303,u cingra itiya tu i,acting as a driver,train +56303,56304,56304,tu pisiyakay yan tu ikeye800kuay,for a months work,train +56304,56305,56305,ira aca ku sapilisin,there is such a ritual culture,train +56305,56306,56306,away tu ku wama nu maku,my dad is gone too,train +56306,56307,56307,Pakafangen kura mafutiay,cover the sleeper with a quilt,train +56307,56308,56308,pangkiw,half,train +56308,56309,56309,misapinang,find out,train +56309,56310,56310,misaasiasik,sweep the floor,test +56310,56311,56311,Sakiemelen ku falucu isu,you have to be brave,train +56311,56312,56312,man han Kalapawanan,why is it so easy to forget places,train +56312,56313,56313,tusaay pulu mapaluay ku sapiaca tu felac tura muʼetep a limuud a lifun hay,although it is dollars you can fill a rice bag with dollars,train +56313,56314,56314,micekiw tu Fangcalay Cudad mamisamaan padama tisuwanan atu paru nu lumaˈ palahad tu pakaˈmetay tu tireng hani,how can Bible study help you and your family develop self control,train +56314,56315,56315,na a rekad ku aasipen ita,how many paragraphs do we need to read,train +56315,56316,56316,Mu^tep ira ku tusa ku mihecaan ningra anini,he is years old,train +56316,56317,56317,ini ku pahku hananay ira u pahku kuni haw teluc u kaenen ina haw,there is a cat fern here,train +56317,56318,56318,alapacaliw,individual Lending,train +56318,56319,56319,Suʼelinay satu i muetepay tu ku tuki initu ku milenemay,the divers and fishers arrived at the meeting place at am that day,train +56319,56320,56320,pakatusiya,vehicle,test +56320,56321,56321,u nu amisay u nu matuʼasay ha,Amis songs or old songs,train +56321,56322,56322,ira ku nipaluma isu tu tali ina ira u makulikuli,Do you grow taro Yes I do Malnutrition,train +56322,56323,56323,a misanga a paʼaraw amiawit,previous production methods,train +56323,56324,56324,anaku,ouch,train +56324,56325,56325,pakaynien nu mita,we are here by way of the native Americans,train +56325,56326,56326,u heni tu ku misangaʼay tu vuduy tu lusid nu heni,they make their own traditional costumes,train +56326,56327,56327,nima,who is it,train +56327,56328,56328,caay ka dungdung,cannot help,train +56328,56329,56329,^kang,diabetes,train +56329,56330,56330,tawyiw,soy sauce,test +56330,56331,56331,mililis,Along along the side,train +56331,56332,56332,ciyan,fry,train +56332,56333,56333,masa mapawan ku hiya ku ngeru u mahaen haw,only then will forget about that hard work,train +56333,56334,56334,caka pisatarepesrepes i,it is still not raining,train +56334,56335,56335,samaanen ita a mifuting,how are we going to fish,train +56335,56336,56336,nu havay,millet,train +56336,56337,56337,Malisawut kita i luma nu singsi,we will meet at the teachers house,train +56337,56338,56338,Nikaurira ya nu kimad a tilid caka lecad ku miacaan niyam,but the storybooks we buy are different,train +56338,56339,56339,Pisaicel kamu tu sakararihaday namu atu tamdamdaw,if it is possible as far as it depends on you live at peace with everyone,train +56339,56340,56340,Kalupaliw aka kasaan i takuwan,do not think of me as a working partner,test +56340,56341,56341,Cifelac i kakungkungan,there is rice in the brass box,train +56341,56342,56342,maraud ku pipanayan,it is time to cut the rice,train +56342,56343,56343,Likukuen ni ina ku safa aku a misapeti,mom hits her brothers feet,train +56343,56344,56344,malakaka,sibling,train +56344,56345,56345,mansa itiya hu kita u mita u Yincumin itini,so this was already our Aboriginal place by then,train +56345,56346,56346,kafahekaan kunian ini,it is a strange thing to say,train +56346,56347,56347,tadaparanaan,as a basis,train +56347,56348,56348,i fafaed nu maku ku fafutian ni Mayaw,Mayaw sleeps on my top bunk,train +56348,56349,56349,haw mi kuliciwsatu i ya,that is why everyone rides bicycles,train +56349,56350,56350,ci ka saan,that is not going to happen,test +56350,56351,56351,Pataruduen a mimi^mi tu hakhak,press the glutinous rice firmly with your fingers,train +56351,56352,56352,mipitpit cingra tu kilang i sanengnengnengneng saan kiya siri tura heci nu kilang sakakumaenan,when he was picking fruits the goat looked around and wanted to eat the fruits,train +56352,56353,56353,maherek ku niyam miala tu sinafel nu heni,after we finish picking up our food,train +56353,56354,56354,Du^duen ni Yis Kristu ku nafalucuan nu Kawas a pacakat tu tireng ningra tu kinaccay Saka makuractu kita,and by that will we have been made Holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all,train +56354,56355,56355,Mahere tu a mivaleng,the burial is complete,train +56355,56356,56356,hay itira san i,Ah there it is,train +56356,56357,56357,kapah tu,an excellent,train +56357,56358,56358,pala^,cropland,train +56358,56359,56359,ya sa ya singsi niyam kalaicepay,that teacher likes to chew betel nut,train +56359,56360,56360,hangay mabana kami,that is how we will understand,test +56360,56361,56361,o nisatafilingan nu matuasay niyam kira rafar,our elders reclaimed that hillside land,train +56361,56362,56362,na mapalafuay cingra tiya ayaw tuya dadayaan,cursed the night before he is to face the enemy,train +56362,56363,56363,Sienaway adihayen ku micadungan a riku,it is cold so wear more clothes,train +56363,56364,56364,Papitaliyuken tu niyaru nu mita kura lafang,please ask those guests to bypass our tribe,train +56364,56365,56365,ira ku cecay a aliwac ngaay tu minukay,she will be home in about a week,train +56365,56366,56366,ruray,tired,train +56366,56367,56367,tini Makutaay,in Maguindan,train +56367,56368,56368,tahira tangsa caay kafana mitengil tu suwal nu singsi u,I still do not know how to listen to my teachers Mandarin in and grades,train +56368,56369,56369,na masungila tu makinsa panengneng tu ising,did you have your doctor do a thorough examination,train +56369,56370,56370,Tenukay a riyar,the Mediterranean sea,test +56370,56371,56371,itilaay i nikaaruan ni Wu lawse a luma anini kiyami,it is the house where Mr Wu lives now,train +56371,56372,56372,maliteng tu kisu caay hu kafalic ku pinangan,you have gotten older and your temper has not changed,train +56372,56373,56373,matayalay misanukungay tu tayal nangra siwalang san tu tu kiyukay,most of their jobs are as molders which makes it easy for them to miss church mass,train +56373,56374,56374,cima kira mipulitiay tu fukeluh a mipeci tu kalas aku,who threw a stone and broke my glass,train +56374,56375,56375,nura a tamdaw ku paysu,the money belongs to that person,train +56375,56376,56376,a kiayaw a saan haw kaku,I cannot be rude,train +56376,56377,56377,o maan ku tayal isu yu u limecedan hu^ kisu,what do you do when you are young,train +56377,56378,56378,adihay ku masacapaay a lalan i niyaru niyam,our tribe has many forks in the road,train +56378,56379,56379,fangcal kamu a misinsi,then apply,train +56379,56380,56380,Misaefit cira tu singsi,he cheated the teacher,test +56380,56381,56381,sapisuʼut tura falat,bind the pillars with yellow vines,train +56381,56382,56382,mahaenay saka,that is it that is why,train +56382,56383,56383,patayni i tini i lalumaʼan nu h,relatives bring them here they bring them here,train +56383,56384,56384,hanu miliyas kamu itiyahu,why did you leave your home town,train +56384,56385,56385,u nisatamakuay,Oh a cigarette maker,train +56385,56386,56386,Ira u miacaan ni mama inacila,Yes dad bought it yesterday,train +56386,56387,56387,mapawan nu maku kura demak,I forgot about that,train +56387,56388,56388,Malaliay tu kita atu was,we have been reconciled with God,train +56388,56389,56389,hatira kiraan,like that,train +56389,56390,56390,ma miefer,let us jump,test +56390,56391,56391,nanu tatuʼasan nu Pangcah,raising Amis descendants,train +56391,56392,56392,cacay a remiad mahekulung kami u alumanay a tayra i umaumahan a mihulul,one day we all went on an outing together,train +56392,56393,56393,adihay ku kacanguʼutan niyam,our needs,train +56393,56394,56394,sadak,go out,train +56394,56395,56395,pakangalangala san,just go through the crack,train +56395,56396,56396,maketer,criticize harshly,train +56396,56397,56397,mitestes,severe Reprimand,train +56397,56398,56398,1962 Miheca mapalitay kaku,in I was in a labor camp,train +56398,56399,56399,miala tu ku matuʼasay tu falu nu aul,the old man then began to collect the flowers of the bamboo,train +56399,56400,56400,vanaw,lake,test +56400,56401,56401,rarikur,back,train +56401,56402,56402,cuwacuwa,where,train +56402,56403,56403,aya u kakitan tu ku aniniay a wawa,modern kids are rich,train +56403,56404,56404,ey,Brightness of the room,train +56404,56405,56405,wata aluman aluman ku tamdaw,the crowds getting bigger,train +56405,56406,56406,matira siwkay han ningra kaku tu,they introduced me to a temporary job,train +56406,56407,56407,tayni tu haw a mihatatanam,just start learning,train +56407,56408,56408,malusinufu ku cirah,saltpeter is the main ingredient,train +56408,56409,56409,tahacuwa ku felac i,meters up to there,train +56409,56410,56410,itini i saetip salaed nu lutuk nai pusung tangasa i Kalingku wata kafangcal nengnengen ku talihuc nu niyaru atu u maumahan,the Rural tribal agricultural scenery in the east Rift Valley of Huadong,test +56410,56411,56411,Cakay han kiya,buy this school that one,train +56411,56412,56412,eli,soon grass,train +56412,56413,56413,Tumireng ci ina i fawahan a mitala tamiyanan a taluma,mom was standing at the door waiting for us to come home,train +56413,56414,56414,malasadiput nu niyaru atulan,in the Tulane tribe,train +56414,56415,56415,satapang tu kaku a matayal,I will get started,train +56415,56416,56416,o sapakukut nuni maumahay matiliday i cecay pecih nu kureng,pottery tablets record a complaint filed by a field laborer,train +56416,56417,56417,Mafana kaku tu nika i ikur nu nipiliyas aku i u aira a micumud i tamuwanan ku mariangay a ules a mifurifur tu masaflaway a siri,I know that after I leave savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock,train +56417,56418,56418,o salikaka hanay i saʼaluman satu miliyasay i niyaru tayni i Takaw,more and more brothers and sisters are leaving the tribe,train +56418,56419,56419,o papadetengen nu mita pakararum ciira,we have come to make things difficult for him on purpose,train +56419,56420,56420,pasuwal ku ruma a tamdaw Tapangaw u mamituur kaku i Tisuwanan Nikawrira papinukayenhu kaku a papipaikur tu suwal tu i lumaay aku han ningra,still another said I will follow you Lord but first let me go back and say good by to my family,test +56420,56421,56421,awaay ku pida sa kini kadafu isu maan sa kisu han ra ci ina aku,your daughter in law says she does not have any money what do you think,train +56421,56422,56422,makaterung ku lunan ma,Wheelbarrow in the middle,train +56422,56423,56423,Mifitelak tu fitaul ku ciwciw,the chick breaks out of its she will,train +56423,56424,56424,tulun,encourage,train +56424,56425,56425,mahanen kiyami ku suwal nira,I will tell you the truth about his words,train +56425,56426,56426,ka ira kunu matuʼasay,recording of discussions as a senior citizen,train +56426,56427,56427,mitala tu pinukay nu kamangay,waiting at home for the kids to come home,train +56427,56428,56428,caay pitaes u yaan caayay pitengil ku taesen,the only ones who will be beaten are the ones who do not listen,train +56428,56429,56429,ira tu kalananumen nira,boil the pulp in water and drink it as tea,train +56429,56430,56430,Patatudungen patatudungen saan,you have to do what you can,test +56430,56431,56431,a cuwantan ngaˈayay paˈarawen isu tu putal nu cuwantan a salicay licayen ku cilumaˈay Na miharatengay kisu tu sasamaan ku hanu ikur han,for this flyer you can show the person the question on the cover of the flyer and ask them Have you ever thought about what the future holds,train +56431,56432,56432,naw hani enem ku safaw nu radiw yan saka itini enem ku safaw nu radiw itiya,there are songs and dances during the Harvest Festival,train +56432,56433,56433,patikul,turn around,train +56433,56434,56434,Hayda liyawaraw,Okay goodbye,train +56434,56435,56435,mapacangray,rest,train +56435,56436,56436,wa minukay tu ku safa tu fainayan anini tu kakeremam,my younger brother is going home this evening,train +56436,56437,56437,awaay ku niparucekan nu Kawas i ci Aprahaman itiya tu mamamamang aca a sra Nikawrira yu cahu ka ciwawa cingra i maktuntu nu Kawas ku suwal i cingraan tu sapafliaw tunini a sra tu mamaluningra atu tluc ningra,he gave him no inheritance here not even a foot of ground but God promised him that he and his descendants after him would possess the land even though at that time Abraham had no child,train +56437,56438,56438,malafelay ku siri niyam,our sheep are loose not penned up,train +56438,56439,56439,talakal ni Adek,rainbow,train +56439,56440,56440,citudungay a mipakayat,to the person responsible for pulling the strings,test +56440,56441,56441,i nacila hay,Yesterday,train +56441,56442,56442,Tueman tu ku rumiad o dadayatu,the day is dark it is evening,train +56442,56443,56443,patung,diary,train +56443,56444,56444,setepcapu,chop,train +56444,56445,56445,mafana tu i misakakaenen i,I will cook it for you,train +56445,56446,56446,mahaenay iraan a tukar,like the stairs,train +56446,56447,56447,o Kawas ku misaapucukay tu kalulutuk i tahaf nu kakarayan,it is God who creates the pinnacles of the mountains under the heavens,train +56447,56448,56448,cuwa ku mafukilay kita,it is not that we do not understand,train +56448,56449,56449,malecaday tu malaliyasay tu ku harateng hatini,it is as if they have separated,train +56449,56450,56450,o miahuwidantu ita a minanum a takid i caayay ku miladaay tu rmes ni Kristu saw o mipcihantu ita a kumaen a ^pang i caayay ku miladaay tu tireng ni Kristu saw,is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ and is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ,test +56450,56451,56451,pakapaliding,drive a vehicle,train +56451,56452,56452,u cidal u fuis sanay,Sun stars,train +56452,56453,56453,tuduh,roast,train +56453,56454,56454,u rengaw kura san,it is self grown,train +56454,56455,56455,Wawu u vuting nina vakivakiyan,Wow the old mans catch,train +56455,56456,56456,makumimitay,twisted and pinched,train +56456,56457,56457,u maan kiya u fuduy su sa Halu,Hello what are you wearing,train +56457,56458,56458,padamaen kaku,help me out by supporting,train +56458,56459,56459,itini itiraw i,in our part of the world,train +56459,56460,56460,maraay ku piraduman,it is a long way to fetch water,test +56460,56461,56461,pakafana aku tu situ nu maku itiya,this is how I taught my students at that time,train +56461,56462,56462,Idahiay tu kisu halafinay ku pisa^epah haw,you are really talented does it take a long time to make,train +56462,56463,56463,sakasuaw,causes of thirst,train +56463,56464,56464,hay yan tu hay sa kamu u wina i han aku kira,if my parents think I am good of course they will say yes,train +56464,56465,56465,efek han i tamgal nira,Craniotaping aspects,train +56465,56466,56466,matiraay kurira a hahangitan,that is how you get a sign,train +56466,56467,56467,ira tu mamang ku kafanaʼan mapawan tu ku rumaruma a radiw,there are some songs that will be sung and some that are forgotten,train +56467,56468,56468,caay kahapinang ku cuay nu ada,the enemy vengeance is unrecognizable,train +56468,56469,56469,samirakat kami tu luma lumaʼan a mi tu salikaka,that is why we went to all the houses,train +56469,56470,56470,hatira ku suwal aku,I am just reminded to share this here,test +56470,56471,56471,Mamecmecay tu aku ku cucu aku a mikinsa,I myself have cupped my own palms to examine the breasts,train +56471,56472,56472,Ahuwiday anini a rumiad a dihay ku pakafana isu tadangaay,thank you what you taught me today was really great,train +56472,56473,56473,saka anini,so now,train +56473,56474,56474,mifanaway tu kisu tu kaysing haw,did you wash the dishes,train +56474,56475,56475,kaku han hai namu a luma,Me Yes your house,train +56475,56476,56476,matuni,soft,train +56476,56477,56477,Decdec san kita a mafuti,let us just sleep together,train +56477,56478,56478,vangcal,nice,train +56478,56479,56479,ta aru sa itira cangra a misimaw ci Yisan,and sitting down they kept watch over him there,train +56479,56480,56480,micaliway kita tu taʼengad nu fulad tu dadaya,at night you need the light of the moon,test +56480,56481,56481,i patihen ni faki a micait ku sapiadup nira,uncle hangs his hunting gear on the wall,train +56481,56482,56482,o kuhetingay ku niira caay ka lecad ku cengel nu niyam,his coat is black so our colors are different,train +56482,56483,56483,satarawadawen,like a river,train +56483,56484,56484,anu nimaan san kita i aluman ku kaemaemangay,if there is an event and there is a lot of kids involved,train +56484,56485,56485,Mitiku aca itini i riyariyaran,and back to the sea to gather again,train +56485,56486,56486,kadavu,daughters husband,train +56486,56487,56487,u wawa misanga ku matuasay tu telatela,even children and adults are making bird driving soundboards,train +56487,56488,56488,a heci,fruitful,train +56488,56489,56489,Orasaka anu hai i Hai han anu caay i Caay han ku suwal namu anu pakinali ku suwal isu i u nai Palafuaytu kurira,simply let your Yes be Yes and your No No anything beyond this comes from the evil one,train +56489,56490,56490,tu demak,senior crew member,test +56490,56491,56491,tayra i Ripun a mimaliay kura pakafanaʼay tamiyanan,a coach who went to Japan to play baseball will teach us,train +56491,56492,56492,ta,go away,train +56492,56493,56493,Malalakelal ku lawac nu nanum narikuran nu cedas,on both sides of the river after the flood,train +56493,56494,56494,cecay a lian,one hundred,train +56494,56495,56495,taelif ku cacay mahira kisumahaen,read it to me when it comes,train +56495,56496,56496,satapang kita anini a matayal,we start work today,train +56496,56497,56497,pasevana tu suwal itini i,indigenous languages,train +56497,56498,56498,u pakilac san tu siʼsiʼ tu maan ni,distribute anything,train +56498,56499,56499,awa ku fanaʼfanaʼ miraud tu riyar,I do not know anything about the beach,train +56499,56500,56500,matumaymikapui,curse,test +56500,56501,56501,padangen,help,train +56501,56502,56502,macahiw kaku,I am hungry,train +56502,56503,56503,anu caay pakaytini i,lifelike,train +56503,56504,56504,Acek san kaku pakaaraw tu tayi saka mauta kaku,I cannot look at poop without getting nauseous and vomiting,train +56504,56505,56505,Mararamud ci panay aci Turay,Panay and Toray married,train +56505,56506,56506,maanen naca saw,what can I do there is nothing I can do,train +56506,56507,56507,ira i Tamaskus ku ccay a nisawawaan ci Ananiyas hananay pakaynien nu Tapang i mapulusi cingra a pasuwal Ananiyasaw han ningra Tapangaw ini kaku han ningra a pacauf,in Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias the Lord called to him in a vision Ananias Yes Lord he answered,train +56507,56508,56508,ya kakuedaw nu papah i,let the leaves grow as long as they can,train +56508,56509,56509,nawhani misaparuday ku mama i,it is because families are built by parents,train +56509,56510,56510,hay u sakatalawan mahaenay u nikalingatuwan nu maku,Yes it is very scary like when I started,test +56510,56511,56511,Sakaeped sa kuni kamaruan,this seat is so soft,train +56511,56512,56512,hay kira saan maherek tu masasuwal maketun tu kasasuwal,both families agreed to this decision,train +56512,56513,56513,macaemut,remembered,train +56513,56514,56514,cay kalalen ku fangcal tu aru nu niyaruʼay itiya hu,tribal life is unstable,train +56514,56515,56515,Hay adihay ku heci,Yes it bears much fruit,train +56515,56516,56516,awaay ku umah u pala amin isaw,there is no farmland it is all plains,train +56516,56517,56517,i pipakaenan keriden nifaki pariri tu siri atu mikalic tu efa kami,in the ranch my uncle took us to feed the sheep and ride horses,train +56517,56518,56518,kalecapu,congregate,train +56518,56519,56519,Cuwa u ni Fayan kuni a riku,No this is Fayans coat,train +56519,56520,56520,Alaahan nira haw,take a lot,test +56520,56521,56521,itiya tu pasadak han tu,save the urn at that time,train +56521,56522,56522,pasifanaʼen tu aku kamu,let me tell you something,train +56522,56523,56523,mamana maekak tu kuya tamdaw,may that person be accursed,train +56523,56524,56524,pina kamu cacay a lipay,a few days a week,train +56524,56525,56525,Ilaay ila kaayaw nu luma ku nanges ila kaikur nu luma ku afinung atu kamuraw,Yes there are mangoes in front of the house and coconuts and grapefruit behind the house,train +56525,56526,56526,mikitadu^,rely on something,train +56526,56527,56527,saka,wish,train +56527,56528,56528,mipaiyu tu adadaay,take sick person to the doctor give medicine to treat the sick person,train +56528,56529,56529,cay kamananay,on our side,train +56529,56530,56530,Saka matnak i cuwacuwa nuya pala ku ngangan ni Yis,and the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area,test +56530,56531,56531,Talacuwaay kisu inacila,where were you yesterday,train +56531,56532,56532,maru tini suelinay,live here,train +56532,56533,56533,itira hu ku katalaw nu falucu nira,he felt scared again,train +56533,56534,56534,saan,thus,train +56534,56535,56535,u maan tu kuna demak nu mita a ina,what is our current program,train +56535,56536,56536,radiw maman hacaka mafana rumadiw kiya,can you sing I am not much of a singer,train +56536,56537,56537,u subuc nu maku itinitu i Kutubuki,I was born here in Shoufeng,train +56537,56538,56538,malahuk,luncheon,train +56538,56539,56539,lifafuy,dog bark,train +56539,56540,56540,Hay picumudi,Yes come on in,test +56540,56541,56541,anu maan ku pina ku pihiya fakim namu,how much compensation do you want,train +56541,56542,56542,nu hatira i,Well in that case,train +56542,56543,56543,Ngaayhu han ca Antrunikus aci Yuniya a paratuh o nanu kaput aku a marufu a finacadan aku cangra u cinganganay a tamdaw i kaput nu tarukus i ayaway aku cangra a mituur ci Kristuan,greet Andronicus and Junias my relatives who have been in prison with me they are outstanding among the apostles and they were in Christ before I was,train +56543,56544,56544,mikihatiya kaku ku tayal nu tumuk itiya,and I started working with the boss,train +56544,56545,56545,kuni,this,train +56545,56546,56546,man han aku ku pitungal tu sapakafana tu wawa,how to prepare for Enrichment,train +56546,56547,56547,tara kami i kawikawian hananay,let us go to the mountain of Dragons Eye,train +56547,56548,56548,namirapet kisu tu kenaw kavanaʼan tu nira,he can see if you have touched the green onions,train +56548,56549,56549,lingses san kaku tu duka nira,his wounds make me feel sick,train +56549,56550,56550,Suʼelinay ri malimad namakayra i niyamay tangasa i tini i taw tangasa i fanaw,Later the clan moved from Taichang to the Nanhua area and continued southward to reach Jinan,test +56550,56551,56551,Icuwa^ kuya tilu^ nu misu,where is your trap,train +56551,56552,56552,Mapiiw ku rakat nira,he walks with lameness,train +56552,56553,56553,pisaaningan,stage,train +56553,56554,56554,lepel,grab,train +56554,56555,56555,Midadiwal ca mama i alu,dad they were catching crickets in the river,train +56555,56556,56556,Orasaka yu mauriphu ku fainay ningra anu ciramud cingra tu ruma a fainayan i u maudangay han cingra Nikawrira anu mapataytu ku fainay ningra i matdaltu cingra nai Rikec nu mararamuday Saka anu ciramud cingra tu ruma a fainayan i caay ku maudangay cingra,so then if she marries another man while her husband is still alive she is called an adulteress but if her husband dies she is released from that law and is not an adulteress even though she marries another man,train +56556,56557,56557,o kaka aku ku miisisay i takuwanan i nacila,yesterday it was my brother who cut my hair,train +56557,56558,56558,o hahaenen namu ku nipikaput i takuwanan a lipahak,so you too should be glad and rejoice with me,train +56558,56559,56559,sakasaan manguyus ci ama nu maku,because my grand mom is a nag,train +56559,56560,56560,Piiw satu cifayi aku a misinafel i pala,my aunt had a severe limp picking vegetables in the field,test +56560,56561,56561,nawey manan cudadan kinian,poor thing what is this about,train +56561,56562,56562,ngaʼay ku misu kira miaraay tu fafahi,yours is very good your wife is married to it,train +56562,56563,56563,Cecianghaw,self strengthening,train +56563,56564,56564,Ngaayay ku rumiad i tira haw,how is the weather there,train +56564,56565,56565,itiya tu kiya a hakira ira wawa aw mahenay ku tayal san tu itiyaay haw i,we will tell our children and grandchildren that this is what we have worked for,train +56565,56566,56566,samanen ku falucu nu maku,I am just going to start from the beginning,train +56566,56567,56567,yasa tatusa i u wawa tu nu rumaay a faki a wawa,the other two are children of other relatives of mine,train +56567,56568,56568,Pacauf sa ku ccay nuya finawlan Singsiaw mikridan aku a patayni i tisuwanan ku wawa aku nawhani u maaruay nu miapaay a palafuay cingra saka caay ka caciyaw,a man in the crowd answered Teacher I brought you my son who is possessed by a Spirit that has robbed him of speech,train +56568,56569,56569,cika matiya adupen ku adup nu mita Pangcah,it is not like catching a wild animal,train +56569,56570,56570,u mahenutay u dita ku suta nina nuyaru,dirt is clay it sinks,test +56570,56571,56571,tumak mikihatiya kisu tu nipilisin nu niyaru,Chieftain will you participate in the tribal rituals,train +56571,56572,56572,Mingataay tu lutuk mikitadu^ tu lutuk a maurip mingataay tu riyar mikitadu^ tu riyar a maurip,The mountains live on the mountains and the sea lives on the sea,train +56572,56573,56573,lahamham,welcome,train +56573,56574,56574,i ayaw i malikeletan kaku ira i kira,a long time ago I had pain in my back and I bought some medicine at the Farmers Market,train +56574,56575,56575,yaan tu i sakakukaku sa cuwa tu kapuʼien kisu sa,you do not get scolded if you rush to fetch water like this,train +56575,56576,56576,anu awa kura pimukungan talacuwa tu tayra minukay,where would I go if I did not have a carpentry job or go back,train +56576,56577,56577,sahetu hu tuʼsing,they are all single,train +56577,56578,56578,Cilafinan han tu ira tahanini a tamdaw kura niyaruʼturanan,that is why it was named Giraffe until now,train +56578,56579,56579,anu ira hu ku ukak imahapinang namu,if there are any bones left you can see it clearly,train +56579,56580,56580,sa u matiniay a falucu kakawaw nu mita u Pangcah aniniay a cikay awaay tu mahanayay a kakawaw nu mita,it is no longer possible to see the same image of mutual cooperation as the Amis community,test +56580,56581,56581,anu adada^ i mangaay a talapipaisingan a paising,if you are sick you can go to the hospital,train +56581,56582,56582,tangic sa ku wina aku masahatira,my mom was crying when it happened,train +56582,56583,56583,yu midakaw ci Yis tu tamina i Mihaklung kaku saan a mingitangit i ci Yisan kuya namaaruay nu palafuay a tamdaw,as Jesus was getting into the boat the man who had been demon possessed begged to go with him,train +56583,56584,56584,pasacuwa,There,train +56584,56585,56585,caliwen nira ku silikami nu kaput cuwa kaala aku ku silikami han nu kaput a pacaku,he borrowed toilet paper from his classmates but everyone told him that I did not bring them either,train +56585,56586,56586,ura sa i mafana sa nu Amis kura wama aku,that is why my father spoke Amis,train +56586,56587,56587,anu matiya tiya ayaw tayra i picudadan niyam milisu,just like when my older brother came to school,train +56587,56588,56588,hay taraay Marataw,Yes to Tulane,train +56588,56589,56589,mama atu wina nu niyam,including my parents,train +56589,56590,56590,tatangalan,pillowcase,test +56590,56591,56591,amidakaw henay kaku tu lunan a,I am going to run the ocean again,train +56591,56592,56592,caku iduc ku sapicucuk,not with thatch,train +56592,56593,56593,Talacuwa^ tu aca^ kuya sasisit aku,Then why is my eraser missing,train +56593,56594,56594,tatudung sa ira i ngata nangra ku alumanay a masaflaway a kumaenay a fafuy,some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding,train +56594,56595,56595,Maanangay tu nu maku ku hawan i suku,I have the knife in my inventory,train +56595,56596,56596,silu,lemon,train +56596,56597,56597,i pisacerisan a matayal ci kaka aku,my brother worked in a match factory,train +56597,56598,56598,Hai i ngata nu pitilidan ku luma niyam,Yes our home is near the school,train +56598,56599,56599,nima wawa kura,whose kid is it,train +56599,56600,56600,alaen aku tiraw,I will get it,test +56600,56601,56601,Du^du sa i miktun haca cingra a sumuwal Anu u maan ku nilungucan isu i anu latusatusa nu kitakit aku i paflien aku kisu han ningra,and he promised her with an oath Whatever you ask I will give you up to half my kingdom,train +56601,56602,56602,mahaen tu pacuwah,let us just end it like this,train +56602,56603,56603,Mapicpic nu tutuy niyam ku tikami aku,our puppy has shredded in pieces my letter,train +56603,56604,56604,nuniyam itiniay mulenus masamaan kunu tau sakaku kira mafukil,I do not know if it is like this in other villages,train +56604,56605,56605,itiya wawa hu kita u,when we were kids,train +56605,56606,56606,na nu iya i minukay tu ci turis tayra i Padaka ira tu ku faeluhay a a xuanjiaushi ci afan,Turis returned to the States there was a new preacher Afan,train +56606,56607,56607,nikawrira maciw nura wacu cingra saka,but the dog rescued him,train +56607,56608,56608,u pipacafeng,partition,train +56608,56609,56609,sisa u nipitalikul nu nisimsim nu,So the old man remembers,train +56609,56610,56610,Orasaka paicel kaku i tamuwanan nanay malamitudungay kamu i takuwanan,therefore I urge you to imitate me,test +56610,56611,56611,cangra ku milukesay tu nipaflian nu Kawas tamuwanan a tadamaanay a ngangan,are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong,train +56611,56612,56612,kami u fanaʼinay ri,where are our men,train +56612,56613,56613,itini i niyaru niyam,in our tribe,train +56613,56614,56614,namakamelaw kaku tiya babakian,I have seen that old man before,train +56614,56615,56615,matengil kura nafa,I hear you,train +56615,56616,56616,ci Kacaw fufu han halafin cuwa tu kaaraw kisu ngaayay hu kisu,it is Kacaw I have not seen you in a while how have you been,train +56616,56617,56617,tusaay ku mafanaʼay,there are only two things to know,train +56617,56618,56618,mulihawpamucek,open your eyes,train +56618,56619,56619,Ocuren niyam ku ccay a salikaka a papihaklung cingraan tuna matayal kunini a tamdaw tu Ngaayay Ratuh saka u kakahmekan nu kalukiwkay cingra,and we are sending along with him the brother who is praised by all the churches for his service to the gospel,train +56619,56620,56620,salakarakat sa kami mimukung,moving around,test +56620,56621,56621,mapuiʼay ku malitengay,the old people at home will criticize,train +56621,56622,56622,Cakay han ni ama aku,dad bought it from them,train +56622,56623,56623,caay kakeman tu sapaiyu,I rarely take medication,train +56623,56624,56624,o paliw aku cingra a mipanay,he is my partner in harvesting the grain,train +56624,56625,56625,ha ha ha kiyami,Maybe,train +56625,56626,56626,nawhani mana ira ku harateng aku tu sapimuwacayaw,why would I want to catch an eel,train +56626,56627,56627,Catu,I cannot do that,train +56627,56628,56628,ya matakunukunulay u malitengay miala tu tu pitisiwan,there were hunchbacks and old people carrying water bottles,train +56628,56629,56629,saka,the reason why,train +56629,56630,56630,o raraw aku kunini,I made this mistake,test +56630,56631,56631,fasaw,cooling,train +56631,56632,56632,tangasa kaku i paherekan i lipahak maemin ku mikiaraway,everyone was happy when I reached the finish line,train +56632,56633,56633,yu murakat i lalan talaumah,if you are walking down a field road,train +56633,56634,56634,Mafalaay a matuasay ciira,he is an old man with lung disease,train +56634,56635,56635,u dafak ri tangasa i niyaru i,in the morning it is back to the tribe,train +56635,56636,56636,ˈayaw nu sumuwal ci Yis tu kilang nu fadisusuˈa sapatinaku pasuwalay tu tarukus Pafelien aku kamu tu Dipayal nu maku,Jesus said to the apostles before telling the parable of the vine I give you my peace,train +56636,56637,56637,O maan ku sapatinaku aku tu aniniay a tamdaw hakiya matiya u maruay a wawa i pisalamaan tahidangen nangra ku rumaruma a wawa a micli,To what can I compare this generation they are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others,train +56637,56638,56638,padadaya hu kami tayra caka talaw kami Amis,let us go at night we Amis are not afraid,train +56638,56639,56639,milaedis hananay nu Lidaw a suwal kunini,this is the fishing Festival of the Dongchang village tribe in Hualien,train +56639,56640,56640,mafana ku malitengay itiya hu haw hay mahaenay sa aka paciʼciʼ sa,That is the way it is do not force yourself to go out,test +56640,56641,56641,itiya u ruma miheca cifafahitu kaku,Then I got married the following year,train +56641,56642,56642,Wawaaw aka ka sawi nu nimanima kamu o midu^duay tu mu^cel a tamdaw i matiya u nika mu^cel nu pinangan ni Kristu ku nika mu^cel nu pinangan ningra,dear children do not let anyone lead you astray he who does what is right is righteous just as he is righteous,train +56642,56643,56643,u nu malitengay kura,it is also what the old man favors,train +56643,56644,56644,ta cumikay tu niyam u nukay u nukay tu niyam kura,we are going straight back to the ship,train +56644,56645,56645,Marupena,wet through,train +56645,56646,56646,ira ku makapahay a alu,there is a beautiful river,train +56646,56647,56647,manhan nu Pangcah ku u misimaway misefangay nu Pangcah sanay sa mahenay ku tayal nu maku sepat a miheca,I do not know how to explain this guards job in Amerikan and it is taken me four years to do it,train +56647,56648,56648,yan saka itini i kalas cingra a miradum tu likakawa tu fana tu sapisaniyaru itiya,maintaining the tribe and the Legacy,train +56648,56649,56649,ora tu ina ira kiya haw,and then his mother,train +56649,56650,56650,waay aca tawma,I am really not coming back,test +56650,56651,56651,mifalic,replace,train +56651,56652,56652,miedaw,divination,train +56652,56653,56653,singaayay,simple,train +56653,56654,56654,cacay a vicing ku kangalayan,that is it one catty,train +56654,56655,56655,a maanen hakiya a palecapu ku kapah nu niyaru,how do you bring the young people of the tribe together,train +56655,56656,56656,ya suwal aku atek iraay ku misafaliday i,that is what I am talking about there might be a raft ride,train +56656,56657,56657,latek,possible,train +56657,56658,56658,anu maherek tu kura misanga aku i anu,if I am done with the salted meat,train +56658,56659,56659,o litapangan nu sakaʼurip kunini,not even life is equal,train +56659,56660,56660,papauripen,cultures,test +56660,56661,56661,Ngaay a pataynien takuwanan ku kawkaw atu pitaw haw,will you get my scythes and hoes please,train +56661,56662,56662,a misanga tu cepu,made in Haikou,train +56662,56663,56663,mangata tu malepun caytu ka pina hai,it is almost over there is not much left Yeah,train +56663,56664,56664,u nian matiya u sapiiyuf tu parud parud haw,this is used as a fire starter and blowing stove Stove,train +56664,56665,56665,a,Link,train +56665,56666,56666,taʼakayay tu kaku maʼaraway tu aku ku wina ku ruray,I have learned my lesson I have witnessed my mothers suffering,train +56666,56667,56667,Cilamitay tahanini kira mahaenay,Gyalamidai has been around since then,train +56667,56668,56668,maawasay,spanned,train +56668,56669,56669,Keting san ku fafahiyan tura kapah,the woman is clinging to the young man,train +56669,56670,56670,malatumuk kaku,I have always been the leader,test +56670,56671,56671,Kasemeran nu tamdamdaw,all mankind shall praise thee,train +56671,56672,56672,Nikawrira caaytu pacauf ci Yis tu maan aca Safahka satu ci Pilatu,but Jesus still made no reply and Pilate was amazed,train +56672,56673,56673,mipacaengar,steaming in a steamer barrel,train +56673,56674,56674,u sapalatamdaw,encourage them,train +56674,56675,56675,Sulimeten ku tilid,put your textbook away,train +56675,56676,56676,anini kura man han,what is it called now,train +56676,56677,56677,kuya,then,train +56677,56678,56678,malasangay,drunken,train +56678,56679,56679,aca ku sapacauv,respond,train +56679,56680,56680,rarem,lower reaches,test +56680,56681,56681,hawi ya tayni tu kaku itini tini,that is why I am here,train +56681,56682,56682,ira tuku suna nu maku,I have a grandson,train +56682,56683,56683,saka mipakayat cangra caay kamuraraw ku pakayat nangra tu,that is why they do not make mistakes when they are pulling the strings,train +56683,56684,56684,makadufah,Enrichment,train +56684,56685,56685,makapah a paapucuken nu wama ku lutuk nu Taywan,God made the mountains of Taiwan to have the pinnacles of beautiful mountains,train +56685,56686,56686,i ikur nu tusa^ a rumi ad,three days later,train +56686,56687,56687,lalima,five,train +56687,56688,56688,hay mapiked mapiked,Yes fold them one by one,train +56688,56689,56689,patikamien,write a letter,train +56689,56690,56690,ruma,do not,test +56690,56691,56691,fa^detay,it is hot,train +56691,56692,56692,ku nipicakcak tu nu emu,cooking sweet rice cake,train +56692,56693,56693,mitanam kaku mitafi cikulung hu,there were oxen plowing and I learned to plow,train +56693,56694,56694,dangka,sesame seed,train +56694,56695,56695,ta iʼayaw mihifang kami i,in the old days when we were on vacation,train +56695,56696,56696,ira i Kaysariya ci Kurnilius hananay a tamdaw o kakridan nu sufitay nu Itali hananay a cfang nu sufitay nu Luma,at Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius a centurion in what was known as the Italian Regiment,train +56696,56697,56697,yu talaayaw ci Yis i pasaksaken nu tamdamdaw i lalan ku kafafang nu tireng,as he went along people spread their cloaks on the road,train +56697,56698,56698,faeket,weight,train +56698,56699,56699,angeliw,sour smell,train +56699,56700,56700,sulinay si Kawas haw kina lutuk,I knew there was a ghost on this mountain,test +56700,56701,56701,mararum ku falucu,the heart will feel sad,train +56701,56702,56702,mikilim kaku tu safa aku sa kisu iri ati,since you said you are going to find your sister come on,train +56702,56703,56703,pateng,intentional,train +56703,56704,56704,ira i ayaw i tamiyanan ku papituay a malikaka tu matiniay ku dmak cifafahi ku sakakaay cahu ka ciwawa i mapataytu Saka siday hantu kuya mapunengay i safa ningra,now there were seven brothers among us the first one married and died and since he had no children he left his wife to his brother,train +56704,56705,56705,anu mamadepuc ku tamdaw ira ku Miangang sanay ku pinangan nu Pangcah itiya hu misiayaw hu tu mapatayay masadak tu ku rarum nanifalucuay a piucil caay kafilu a milalang kuna matiniay a demak,in the past the Amis kept the custom of Miangang when the dead died which is a natural phenomenon of human nature that no one can stop when facing the grief of the dead and shouting,train +56705,56706,56706,neng han kura taladaw ka tataʼak,the Xiuguluan river is still big,train +56706,56707,56707,lamu,animal mating,train +56707,56708,56708,Hayda pafeli han kaku tu cecay cila tu aca satu kaku tu hakhak,Alright please give me one I will come back next time to buy rice,train +56708,56709,56709,Ruhuday ku demak anu malaluk,diligence is easy,train +56709,56710,56710,o singsi^ aku ciira ci Namuh,he is my teacher Namoh,test +56710,56711,56711,tanginga,ear,train +56711,56712,56712,malaafaafas tu kami malikaka,our brothers and sisters are still competing for food,train +56712,56713,56713,ulid,dating,train +56713,56714,56714,Ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan ku kaput aku a marufu ci Aristarkus atu sasalikakaen ni Parnapas ci Maruku,my fellow prisoner Aristarchus sends you his greetings as does Mark the cousin of Barnabas,train +56714,56715,56715,hadidi sa ku wama aku a mitingtu,my father was patient and did not fight back,train +56715,56716,56716,herek tu a mikikung i nukay tu kaku tayra kaysiya,after I got married I went back to the office,train +56716,56717,56717,u kanikaw hu itiya hu awa ku payci,I was poor and had no money,train +56717,56718,56718,Kasatisil a madakaw tu fasu^,there is a queue for buses,train +56718,56719,56719,aca tusa mihecaan tulu mihecaan nukay tu malahitay nga,only two or three years before you are done,train +56719,56720,56720,mapulung kuya mapunengay a fafahian a misi^si tuya luuh matira ku demak Rikur satu i mikihatiya ku fainayan a mirawud tuya luuh mapulung cangra a rumadiw tu sapisaurad a radiw,all the widows start pouring water on the banana trees and then the men join in surround the bananas and everyone sings a song for rain,test +56720,56721,56721,arawhan tu mitili maʼeden tu kini saan matiya i,the doctor determines that the next step in the treatment is possible,train +56721,56722,56722,hay tahira i dauc ku kalatungutungud nu mita,let us keep it going forever,train +56722,56723,56723,lumiad,weather,train +56723,56724,56724,nu niyam u Matadim san i,and we the Martyrs,train +56724,56725,56725,o miruniay ci ina aku i pala,my mom went to the field to pick loofahs,train +56725,56726,56726,yan tu hatiraay kura demak aku,that is how I work when I go to a mans house,train +56726,56727,56727,nikatengilan,it is said,train +56727,56728,56728,pinarengaw,growth,train +56728,56729,56729,awaay tu ku nu Tapang nu hiya nu tada Kaliyawan atu Pangcah,the original Kalyvans or Amis have simply disappeared,train +56729,56730,56730,caay kasaredu mahaen,so it will not be sweet,test +56730,56731,56731,lingka,brick,train +56731,56732,56732,pakalilingen,please bring a spoon,train +56732,56733,56733,mita,we are,train +56733,56734,56734,mi araw hu tu kuwaysu ku ngaʼay,I would rather have an excavator,train +56734,56735,56735,Ayaw tu kisu sawni tu kaku tayra mikilim tisuwanan,you go first and I will catch up later,train +56735,56736,56736,yu itiya hen maumah kami i wawa henay,at that time even though we were children we had to work in the fields,train +56736,56737,56737,anu iraay ku pisaʼupuan tu matuʼasay,I thought to myself If there was a place for the elderly,train +56737,56738,56738,nanu hu mafukil kamu hay,if you still cannot,train +56738,56739,56739,Anini^ a rumiad pasifanaen nu maku kamu u maan han nu Pangcah ku kalupinaluma^,I will teach everyone all kinds of plants in Pangcah language today,train +56739,56740,56740,mangalay,wish,test +56740,56741,56741,pasuwal haca ci Yis i cangraan Sulinen Aku a sumuwal kamu ira i tini i tamuwanan ku papakaaraw tu ciicelay a pikuwan nu Kawas i ayaw nu nika patay nangra han ningra,and he said to them I tell you the truth some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power,train +56741,56742,56742,ira harek turiraan ku misu i,Later after getting everything in order,train +56742,56743,56743,milaliw ku vavainay,some men run away,train +56743,56744,56744,mahanay kiya yahiya fukesi,Actually the pastor is,train +56744,56745,56745,wata ku celi nira ina tu wawa nira,the mom scolded her child in a loud voice,train +56745,56746,56746,datay,Chinese sweetgum,train +56746,56747,56747,Telayen nira ku tuwasu i fawahan nu luma nira,he put a rope across his doorway,train +56747,56748,56748,lima ku nipahavalak caay henay kadiheku siensw hen,five quilts and you are still cold,train +56748,56749,56749,uman tu ku kakaenen ta i fatad nu lalan,what else are we going to eat along the way,train +56749,56750,56750,u Tapang nu paluwad ita tu suwal nu Aims sa,without policy changes to revitalize the Amis language,test +56750,56751,56751,Luingen,recorder,train +56751,56752,56752,maratar ci mama talalutuk,dad went to the mountains early in the morning,train +56752,56753,56753,Akahu cahu kaharek aku a miasik itini,wait a minute I am not done sweeping here yet,train +56753,56754,56754,u matuasay pakungku,elderly man telling stories,train +56754,56755,56755,icuwa katayalan i tira ku aru niyam,we live where we work,train +56755,56756,56756,ta a,then,train +56756,56757,56757,misasing i nipicaul tu emu pacumud tu tusa a waneng,putting sugar in the operation actual situation,train +56757,56758,56758,a malaupes kina,otherwise,train +56758,56759,56759,caay kafana kita tu masamamaanay ku kakarayan,we do not know what is going to happen to the sky,train +56759,56760,56760,tu dafak satu i masasuwasuwal ku kakrikridan nu citudungay tu taung atu kalas nu niyaru nu Yutaya a tamdaw a ma^min tu sapipatayaw ci Yisan,early in the morning all the chief priests and the elders of the people came to the decision to put Jesus to death,test +56760,56761,56761,nu,from,train +56761,56762,56762,alahan maharatengay kiya radiw i,I do remember this song,train +56762,56763,56763,u mamelawan tu sinavel kinian,this is the menu please refer to it,train +56763,56764,56764,mahakulung,in the same place,train +56764,56765,56765,caay ka pina fulad misawad kaku ta,it will not be long before I leave again,train +56765,56766,56766,nani tini sinpin ri cai piwaypin kaku,I have not stood guard since I was a recruit,train +56766,56767,56767,suwal nu matuʼasay iri,the elders said,train +56767,56768,56768,tuud,one after the other,train +56768,56769,56769,u kabanaʼan nu maku iri,from what I know,train +56769,56770,56770,pawmaka pakamakat tu kabaw sa,go on let us go to the cows,test +56770,56771,56771,hatilaen ku kaliti,how heavy should block be,train +56771,56772,56772,aka paska kisu a sumuwal tunini a dmak a paicel a misaluf tu tamdaw aka ka u kacangalan nu nimanima kisu,These then are the things you should teach encourage and rebuke with all authority do not let anyone despise you,train +56772,56773,56773,Vataanay ku,my dad is,train +56773,56774,56774,pafelien haca kaku tu tusa^ nu limaay a pida^ i mangaay tu,you can give me two more five dollar ones,train +56774,56775,56775,tingalaw ku nanum yu matiya tayra ci vaki mivatili talumasa adihay kuni kaalaan tu vuting atu urang u kalang,the river used to be so clear that Grandpa used to go fishing in it and every time he came back we could enjoy an excellent meal of fish shrimp and crab,train +56775,56776,56776,edeng san mifariway mipunkiay palalan tu lalan nu paliding,only Limban and the temporary worker who repaired the road,train +56776,56777,56777,mahanay,that is it,train +56777,56778,56778,Sausienma,count it,train +56778,56779,56779,cunadcunad satu u Taywan ku alumanay a aku,one by one my kindergarteners were more Han Chinese,train +56779,56780,56780,Pacauf sa ci Yis O suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad i Caay ku kakaenen a ccay ku sakaurip nu tamdaw han ningra,Jesus answered It is written Man does not live on bread alone,test +56780,56781,56781,suwal sa Pasasiyuren ku falucu namu Nawhani mangatatu a talahkal ku Kitakit nu Kawas saan,and saying Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near,train +56781,56782,56782,ci caay pakasaparud ci pidah han nu matuʼasay ku faʼinayan itiya hu,early on the elderly said they were weak for not being able to form a family,train +56782,56783,56783,na i Dipungay tayni mihatatanam tunu Amis a suwal,I came from Japan to learn the Amish language,train +56783,56784,56784,halies^es,I love whistling,train +56784,56785,56785,sapifafa^safit,sling,train +56785,56786,56786,nu kungku^,storytelling,train +56786,56787,56787,papiridriden,lead,train +56787,56788,56788,saka a a tusa miheca kuni kapisatayni ni nuya patenakay,during those two years the preachers kept coming,train +56788,56789,56789,Tinaku sa matu suwal nu matuasay Pakafihahak tu alitad nu ^pang a ma^min ku mimingay a tamud saan,A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough,train +56789,56790,56790,i ikur nu cecay a tatukian i patikur kita a masaupu,we will be back in an hour,test +56790,56791,56791,o tudung u suku hay,is it a warehouse,train +56791,56792,56792,mi ma,I am in class,train +56792,56793,56793,u nima kira lahengangay a cudad,whose red book is it,train +56793,56794,56794,mikaputay,participation,train +56794,56795,56795,anu patelucay tu luma,or the completion of the home,train +56795,56796,56796,ric mikeric ku nanum tu sera,the water swept away the earth,train +56796,56797,56797,anini a rumiad,today,train +56797,56798,56798,o laluudan ku tadakaulahan aku,summer is my favorite time of year,train +56798,56799,56799,aikur,back,train +56799,56800,56800,paicelay a suwal,words of encouragement,test +56800,56801,56801,saana,that is it,train +56801,56802,56802,cuwa pinengneng itiya hu,in the past it was not customary to look at the time,train +56802,56803,56803,Hay kakalipahakan ku pinanam,it was very funny,train +56803,56804,56804,u mamilawa ku Pangcah tu nikahaen,the Amis are taking precautions,train +56804,56805,56805,tayra han tu ira tu ku nikaala,it is all there is to it,train +56805,56806,56806,kay kamay yaku haenen ku tatapangan,see how my hand begins to be sure,train +56806,56807,56807,hi satapang a han naku,I will start at the beginning,train +56807,56808,56808,kapapadang,we have to help each other,train +56808,56809,56809,paveli han ku malecapuʼay,Then they were distributed to the villagers who gathered at the meeting place,train +56809,56810,56810,u ngangan aku ci panay,my name is Panay,test +56810,56811,56811,kasaruruk,generational,train +56811,56812,56812,picakay,purchase,train +56812,56813,56813,Lekahirahira saan ku fiting ni kaka,Sisters earrings come in so many varieties,train +56813,56814,56814,u han tu ira kuranan,today it is known as the Meran tribe,train +56814,56815,56815,nitilidan,written,train +56815,56816,56816,Nikawrira u nafalucuan nu Kawas ku nidu^duan ningra a misanga tu kahaccaccay a caang nu tireng nu tamdaw,but in fact God has arranged the parts in the body every one of them just as he wanted them to be,train +56816,56817,56817,u sasasuwalen nu maku i,what I am going to share is,train +56817,56818,56818,masamaan tu ku mihiyaan namu,how is the production going,train +56818,56819,56819,o rumasatu matadem Cingra sakatulu a rumiad i lumuwad Cingra a maurip nai patay saan ku suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad,that he was buried that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,train +56819,56820,56820,mihetec,press,test +56820,56821,56821,maruay,inhabit,train +56821,56822,56822,irari,look,train +56822,56823,56823,u wawa nu namu,your juniors,train +56823,56824,56824,ci Yuta u wawa ni Yakup atuya malamipacakayay i ikur ci Yisan a tamdaw ci Yuta nu Iskariyut,Judas son of James and Judas Iscariot who became a traitor,train +56824,56825,56825,u ci Wirukay,it is called pomelo,train +56825,56826,56826,pakatiyatiyawan maepud tayni tu,somewhat confused me come on down,train +56826,56827,56827,Pasulinen ku suwal nu maku,please take my word for it,train +56827,56828,56828,mikadavu itini i Kaliyawan mavana tu nu Kaliyawan,daughters in law who marry in Karaivan learn Karaivans language,train +56828,56829,56829,Nikawrira yu tangasatu kuya midipangay a tayring i pirufuan i awaay kuya tarukus itira Saka patatiku sa cangra a pakafana tunini i milaucay,but on arriving at the jail the officers did not find them there so they went back and reported,train +56829,56830,56830,Ngaay kaku micaliw tu riku isu haw,can I borrow your clothes,test +56830,56831,56831,mikansiya kaku i Kawas tu nika awa ku ccaccay aca a nipainuan aku i tamuwanan deng ci Krispus aci Kayus ku nipainuan aku,I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius,train +56831,56832,56832,samanen ura takula haw,because of the frogs,train +56832,56833,56833,Mafutiʼmafutiʼ,too much sleep,train +56833,56834,56834,Sakilemelen a tangasatu,it is almost here come on,train +56834,56835,56835,lacemcem ku ciwawaay tu,I am very worried about my own children who are enlisted in the military,train +56835,56836,56836,Miading kuya tawinaan tu ciwciw,the hen protects the chick,train +56836,56837,56837,sangaen nura malitengay a miiya misulinga kuriraan i,the old man will do a good job of organizing it,train +56837,56838,56838,u matiniʼay i satu u sasangaʼen tu siraw,these are the ingredients for the savory meat,train +56838,56839,56839,i ci Vavuy Liyalan,where is the whale,train +56839,56840,56840,maherek kisu micakay tu tuki i anu irahu ku usaw isu ura payci i,if you have any money left over after you buy the watch,test +56840,56841,56841,papina tu kuya malatumukay itira,a couple of them were former tribal leaders,train +56841,56842,56842,ma caay pihiya tu matiraay falicu,I do not have any other ideas,train +56842,56843,56843,unu vavainay a demak kiniyan,it is a boys job,train +56843,56844,56844,cakaitini ku luma aku pikadafuan tu aku kuni kira,this is not my mothers house this is my husbands house,train +56844,56845,56845,u mitakaway u maanufay u malasangay nu ^pah u milukesay atu milihiway a tamdaw a ma^min i caay ku mamalafinawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas,nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God,train +56845,56846,56846,pasevanaay,Teacher,train +56846,56847,56847,u nu finawlan a payci kumud hannanay,it is the villages money it is all pooled together,train +56847,56848,56848,naw hatini i adihay ku malifunguhay i Kimung malahitay sa,because many soldiers in Kinmen were beheaded,train +56848,56849,56849,o mamalasawad ku kakarayan atu sra Nikawrira caay ku mamalasawad ku suwal Aku,heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away,train +56849,56850,56850,pasuwal sa ci Yis Pitngil kamu u pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw han ningra,then Jesus said He who has ears to hear let him hear,test +56850,56851,56851,makilim,call on somebody,train +56851,56852,56852,Haliki ku rakat nu tuedaway kanitusa pulu ila ku sepat a mitaliyuk tu cecay rumiad,the long needle moves fast making twenty four revolutions a day,train +56852,56853,56853,matama tu nufaʼinayay ku ngaʼayay pakayraan itira u mangaʼayay san,it is a good thing the men helped us find a good place,train +56853,56854,56854,malinah,move,train +56854,56855,56855,Hay u Yencumin kami,Yes we are aboriginals,train +56855,56856,56856,sasikaken han hai,you want a quadrilateral Yes,train +56856,56857,56857,akung ikakunglikakung,bend,train +56857,56858,56858,hay kaku,the person himself,train +56858,56859,56859,cekuk saan kami tu ruhruh i dadaya,the thunder at night scared us,train +56859,56860,56860,malipaʼlipaʼ tunu niyam haw,we stepped on it,test +56860,56861,56861,mielikay,Friction with the footboard to remove the she will,train +56861,56862,56862,tayra i luma nu cikawasay,to the wizards house,train +56862,56863,56863,Pasevanatu selangawan atu ngudu tu matuasay atu sakay tamdaw atu sakakilemel nu tireng minanam tu keru atu radiw,this includes learning about your culture honoring the elderly dealing with people physical training and learning songs and dances,train +56863,56864,56864,iniya mihiyaen naku kuni mihedal haw,I knitted this one and it opens up like this,train +56864,56865,56865,itini i lalavu nu luma tu saykaytini,it is something we should think about,train +56865,56866,56866,o unul aku kuni,this is my responsibility,train +56866,56867,56867,nu aniniay a wawa,our children,train +56867,56868,56868,cifacu,material form,train +56868,56869,56869,anu caay kaci Madadingu a limecedan,if it is not a flawless delicate girl,train +56869,56870,56870,tini han naku kuni uni satu,at this time,test +56870,56871,56871,han niya mama mafana kiya patifekan fana kaku fana kaku san,the owner of the rice mill said I know I know,train +56871,56872,56872,miperu,picking,train +56872,56873,56873,o cecay faˈinayan salikaka ci Stifen sanay ku suwal Misaˈicelay kaku miliˈay tu patusukan ikur miharateng tu hakuwaay ku kacakat nu niyah tada masaluay ku harateng,a brother named Steven said I try to reach my goals and then feel satisfied when I think about how much I have improved,train +56873,56874,56874,kaku satu matuaʼsay,I am getting old now,train +56874,56875,56875,ira ku mukuh iraw mahaenay,that is how it works,train +56875,56876,56876,nengnengen ku Palang hna caay pifulsak tu sapaluma caay pilitud awaay ku ariri naira Nikawrira pakaenen nu Kawas caira ikaka nu nika limla nu Kawas tu ayam ku nika limla ningra i tamuwanan,consider the ravens they do not sow or reap they have no storeroom or barn yet God feeds them and how much more valuable you are than birds,train +56876,56877,56877,ta u ci Lakayay a niyaru,tribes of the Chiragai coast,train +56877,56878,56878,tatiihay ku apiyan hananay,opium is bad stuff,train +56878,56879,56879,o naripaan nu fafuy kinian saka u kamakatan nu fafuy kinian,these are the footprints of the boar so this is the path the boar took,train +56879,56880,56880,nu kikay nu vukeluh,machine or stone,test +56880,56881,56881,adidik ku nika,if there is a little bit of it,train +56881,56882,56882,itiraay ci baki matayal,that is where Grandpa works,train +56882,56883,56883,nanay kita nu ikur niyan i,I hope that in the future,train +56883,56884,56884,kefuh,plunge,train +56884,56885,56885,mipitpit anu pitpiten isu hawi kaenen kira,you can eat it when you pick it up,train +56885,56886,56886,Pacauf sa ku nisawawaan Ningra Nengnengen aluman ku micu^cuay i Tisuwanan i nawiru cima ku mitfingay i Takuwanan saan Kisu saw han nangra,You see the people crowding against you his disciples answered and yet you can ask Who touched me,train +56886,56887,56887,ma ku,recall,train +56887,56888,56888,penec,hold it down,train +56888,56889,56889,u maulahaytu kaku tu uciya ni vaki alesu aca a nananuman,I also like grandpas tea it is tasted good too,train +56889,56890,56890,anu tusa han ku miacaan wa pina ku aca,how much for both,test +56890,56891,56891,hungku,grain mill,train +56891,56892,56892,maharek misawsaw,it is cleaned,train +56892,56893,56893,ira tu marengaw,it will grow,train +56893,56894,56894,i niyan u kalukacuk,this is the YIWU tree,train +56894,56895,56895,suwalen aku kamu tu pakayniay i nu hkalan a dmak i caay pasulin kamu anu sumuwamuwal kaku tu pakayniay i nu kakarayanay a dmak i caay ku papasulin kamu,I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things,train +56895,56896,56896,aya aca kisu,Oh my it is you,train +56896,56897,56897,cawa ka cifau,no moths,train +56897,56898,56898,sehwalanliyaw,fossil fuel,train +56898,56899,56899,tansulsa kaku miaca tu,I would buy it in a heartbeat,train +56899,56900,56900,Micidapay ku lamal a pakailuh tu luma,the fire that burns the house will spread,test +56900,56901,56901,mahaenay ku demak,that is just the way it is,train +56901,56902,56902,awaay tu ku tumuk,that is why there is no ringleader,train +56902,56903,56903,ciwidiay,with leeches,train +56903,56904,56904,misakapukaput itu,help each other from all levels,train +56904,56905,56905,tada kiʼeciw sanay u imi nira,the significance of leading it is,train +56905,56906,56906,Micuay cira anu caay katama ku raan,if you do not hit it right it will hit you back,train +56906,56907,56907,pasiriay,shepherds,train +56907,56908,56908,o Kalingkuay itu a tamdaw ciira,he is also from Hualien,train +56908,56909,56909,iraay ku hatini ku,I do not know if they have this,train +56909,56910,56910,o mitatekuhay caira a talalutuk i matini,now they are going to the mountains to catch tiger bees,test +56910,56911,56911,ira ku lima a mihecaan i masadak ku cecay a selal,there are also five years,train +56911,56912,56912,u pakungku ni ama aku haw i,what about the story dad told you,train +56912,56913,56913,itiyahu i,at that time,train +56913,56914,56914,Nisawkitan nu huing kura ciraraway a tamdaw,those prisoners were tried and sentenced by the court,train +56914,56915,56915,pisakemut nu wawa tunu matuʼasay tu singsi ri,my youngest child thinks I am old,train +56915,56916,56916,Hai nu pasawalian a caedung kunini,Yes it is this is what the eastern Amis wear,train +56916,56917,56917,nengneng han aku i manamateleng kuna sasuʼut sa kaku,I was surprised to see the rope pulled,train +56917,56918,56918,mahaen kuya nipaturudan a tamdaw tu tusa a talantu Saka ci^tan cingra tu tusa a talantu,so also the one with the two talents gained two more,train +56918,56919,56919,masakananer,in very short situations,train +56919,56920,56920,palifet palifet saan,I am going to do it,test +56920,56921,56921,flaf ku falucu nangra a pasayra i mautitay a demak,their hearts were inflamed toward perversion,train +56921,56922,56922,nanay Halu aku a lumuwad a maurip nai patay saan ku falucu aku,and so somehow to attain to the resurrection from the dead,train +56922,56923,56923,kifetulay kiya turun,very thick glutinous rice cake,train +56923,56924,56924,u kaemangay itiyahu matengil ku maku,I heard it when I was a kid,train +56924,56925,56925,Padutucay ku cuyuh pasuwal Mariyaaw aka ka talaw nawhani tada u kaulahan nu Kawas kisu,the angel continued Do not be afraid Mary you have found favor with God,train +56925,56926,56926,a mangatatu a kamaumahan,it is going to be close to the farm busy,train +56926,56927,56927,Pasalaenuen ku mata a minengneng,eyes looking downward,train +56927,56928,56928,adada kaku haw ta panukay han tu na wina,after that I got very sick and my mother took me home,train +56928,56929,56929,mahaen ri,such harshness,train +56929,56930,56930,ya hatini caka depuc cikapi tu ku wawa i,the increased population is a bit inconvenient,test +56930,56931,56931,o manan ku sakatayra nu fufu isu a miaca tu dateng,how does your grandmother go to the grocery store,train +56931,56932,56932,sa paluma kami tu na lukut atu,that is why we planted this this,train +56932,56933,56933,o tadan caay tu kuraan sanay haw,it is bad quality,train +56933,56934,56934,o talutaludan ku lalan,there is reed grass all along the road,train +56934,56935,56935,kuraan sakaku a miharateng,I think this is something we can look into,train +56935,56936,56936,masamaan ku falucu nu misu,in your opinion,train +56936,56937,56937,sa maherek tu miʼunip tu sari mami ʼurung capux kaku i ayaw,it is not easy to finish turning the soil then I will be in charge of picking seedlings for transplanting,train +56937,56938,56938,Pacaufen kaku,please answer me,train +56938,56939,56939,na,I see,train +56939,56940,56940,matu i tiraʼay saan ku sapainiaw aku kitanan a mapuling,I would like to share the story of that time with you,test +56940,56941,56941,matengil aku ku suwal nu wama hu i,when I heard the words of my fathers deacon,train +56941,56942,56942,miming,a little,train +56942,56943,56943,sapisanga tu kiyamcay,it is for sauerkraut,train +56943,56944,56944,macefis nu tamdaw kiya na wawa niira,her child was taken from her,train +56944,56945,56945,u ngangan na malikakay tatusa sa i,the names of these two brothers,train +56945,56946,56946,Malawup nu ada ku sufitay nu Amilika,American troops are surrounded by the enemy,train +56946,56947,56947,ya kasuy ku teli han itira,just put the wood there,train +56947,56948,56948,peric,free oneself from grain,train +56948,56949,56949,milifet ci sera tu falucu ni Kaniw,sera examines Kahnus heart,train +56949,56950,56950,Mafana kuya tarukus tunini a dmak laliw satu cangra a tayra i Listra atu Tirpi hananay a niyaru nu Likauniya atu i taliyukay a pala,but they found out about it and fled to the Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe and to the surrounding country,test +56950,56951,56951,masa pisalama tayra ngaʼay tu,just go back and walk around sometime,train +56951,56952,56952,ku sapisafang miala tu hicay,he will also go down to the net to catch fish and dive for fish,train +56952,56953,56953,pakaikur,from the back,train +56953,56954,56954,hatu nu mita a falucu,it all depends on what people think,train +56954,56955,56955,u ngangan nu lutuk ngangan nu niyan nu funun itiyahu,it is the name of a mountain Yes it is the name of an early field,train +56955,56956,56956,o efa ku hacikay tu kulung,horses run faster than oxen,train +56956,56957,56957,ala han kinakasuy yana a tacye i,it is not good for either side to start a fight,train +56957,56958,56958,anu han aca iraay tu a stapang,but it is a start,train +56958,56959,56959,u malitengay itiya hu tanu awul hananay sa hay,the elders used to use bamboo,train +56959,56960,56960,oya nipacaliwan isu i takuwanan kina cudad panukasen aku i tisuwanan,this is the book you borrowed from me last time I give it back to you,test +56960,56961,56961,ira ku patiyamay u yufing atu pipaisingan itira,there are stores a post office and a hospital,train +56961,56962,56962,cuwa kacerisen ku namal,no need to light a fire,train +56962,56963,56963,atu sakilikilim han tu ira ku,and then she looked everywhere,train +56963,56964,56964,hatiraen ku demak,do it like that,train +56964,56965,56965, Tapangaw Tapangaw saan kamu a mitahidang i takuwanan i nawiru caay pidu^du kamu tu suwal aku saw,Why do you call me Lord Lord and do not do what I say,train +56965,56966,56966,cecay dadaungan,bunch,train +56966,56967,56967,u maan ku vana nu sikawasay maka melaw ku mat atu kawas maka tengil ku tangila tu suwal nu kawas dengay a masa suwal tu kawas,the special function of the priests they can see the spirits with their physical eyes hear the spirits with their ears and communicate and talk with the spirits,train +56967,56968,56968,ira hu ku nu cacay tu,there is another one in the light,train +56968,56969,56969,i keritantu,Harvested,train +56969,56970,56970,u suwal nu mita atu pipakafana nu matuʼasay,the Amis language is a descendant of the first people,test +56970,56971,56971,wumaʼikesay tu,Oh that is so mature,train +56971,56972,56972,ser satu ku rakat a talayaw,I am just going to go ahead,train +56972,56973,56973,hai saʼayaway tayni,Yes the first to come here,train +56973,56974,56974,cinamalay,train,train +56974,56975,56975,kilima kina Tangafulan itini san Tangafulan kuni kira iraay ku tadem,then I searched for a cemetery in Pingpu,train +56975,56976,56976,kuwangen nira mihiya paʼaraw han nira tura tumuk itira saan,the ringleader was there as bait and a target,train +56976,56977,56977,fiyafiyaw,next door neighbors,train +56977,56978,56978,mialemetay,picking up the annual red,train +56978,56979,56979,Pungapung han kura,does that mean graves,train +56979,56980,56980,u Dikidiki Kaluluan kakawasan tu Lalawdan tu Alapanay,Yrigi Caroline Ishiyama Laloran Alabanai,test +56980,56981,56981,ruma i,Besides it is not a good idea,train +56981,56982,56982,cikciktuntun,chop,train +56982,56983,56983,halikaen,can eat,train +56983,56984,56984,pakidu a sumuwal,to speak discourteously without thought of courtesy,train +56984,56985,56985,Ekel han ni mama kura nirunican nira a kulang tu fakeluh,dad used a stone to press the mustard he was kneading,train +56985,56986,56986,yu maherek micudad i kumin kaku iri,when I graduated from elementary school,train +56986,56987,56987,sanaw ci lemed sa kaku,so in my dreams,train +56987,56988,56988,cahu kacitiyad ci wawa kami,we did not have kids then,train +56988,56989,56989,niteyseyku a,Cheng successful,train +56989,56990,56990,tayhira satu saka tusa saka tulu sepat tu pitilidan,into the second third and fourth grades,test +56990,56991,56991,masimaw nu matuasay ku pipawalian tu panay,the drying grain is being watched by the elders,train +56991,56992,56992,kasa cai,Right No,train +56992,56993,56993,Paliʼayaway tu ku malitengay miiya hay,the elderly will make prior arrangements,train +56993,56994,56994,Cedam san ku kafi nu dungec pesien tu atikiway,vine heart soup is delicious when mixed with small chili peppers,train +56994,56995,56995,Mifekut ciira tu tireng a mitulun,he bent down and prayed,train +56995,56996,56996,cira ku mitengilay tu suwal nu maku,he is the one who listens to me the most,train +56996,56997,56997,harateng,think,train +56997,56998,56998,macakat tu misaluma sa misasulafu tu,I have made progress on the concrete building,train +56998,56999,56999,han nu kwaping,incompetent in Mandarin,train +56999,57000,57000,ci Fihil ku ngangan ningra haw,is his name Fihil,test +57000,57001,57001,mahenay sanu mahenayhu awaay ku kisya san itiyahu,there were no trains back then,train +57001,57002,57002,maymay,duck,train +57002,57003,57003,Ka^esuay ku siraw nu itiniay sanay ku matengilay i unini ku hanaku,I hear the cured meats here are very good I am going to order this,train +57003,57004,57004,hanu pasuwal ci Yis tu nisawawaan Caay ku hahaenen kunu namu,so why did Jesus say to his disciples But do not do this,train +57004,57005,57005,a pateliyen tu a misinga,Aah just put it away,train +57005,57006,57006,patipelukan,where to put the paper,train +57006,57007,57007,patahtah cingra tu urip,he spent his money freely,train +57007,57008,57008,kaku a i,take me to the source,train +57008,57009,57009,mana caka hatira hiwawa lalumamihecaan kira,why do I ask this question it is because it is an annual festival,train +57009,57010,57010,Nikawrira u sapipadangaw tu mituuray saka tayra kaku i matini i Yirusalim a mipadang,Now however I am on my way to Jerusalem in the service of the saints there,test +57010,57011,57011,Tueman,darkly,train +57011,57012,57012,kiraan a keridan nira,first time in the realm of the ancestral Spirit,train +57012,57013,57013,saka na itiya misatapang tu kaku a patihi cingranan,from then on I started to accompany him,train +57013,57014,57014,tu laviʼi sikalavi nu luma tu a malingatu a maumah,after the family dinner they will start to work in the fields,train +57014,57015,57015,itiya i u mamaaraw nu tamdamdaw ku nika u tadaciicelay u cidilay kuya wawa nu tamdaw a pakatuem a tayni,at that time they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory,train +57015,57016,57016,parunicen,toss,train +57016,57017,57017,matiya nisangʼan nu misu fuduy atu nianay malikat,as beautiful and illuminating as you have created,train +57017,57018,57018,itiniay tu mahapinang nu mita ku,from this we can see,train +57018,57019,57019,masadaktu ku cidal,the sun is out,train +57019,57020,57020,ira ku makapatayay mahaen ku inaayaway a matuasay,that is what happened to an old man who passed away in the past,test +57020,57021,57021,Kahian tu aku ciira,I have already agreed with him,train +57021,57022,57022,pakikawal,climb the ladder,train +57022,57023,57023,hicera san i tingalaw kiya matuʼasay,the old man moved to,train +57023,57024,57024,Mihakenu haca ci Pitiru Caay itiya i maskaktu ku ayam,again Peter denied it and at that moment a rooster began to crow,train +57024,57025,57025,mimali kami,let us play ball,train +57025,57026,57026,man han nira mineneng tu tilid nu mita u Amis,how is he going to read the Amish book,train +57026,57027,57027,makahi pacidek tu ngangan nu finacadan nu Yincumin i mifunsiw i saka tusa patek tusa pulu ira ku tusa miheca palisafun ku cengfu milufang,in the government announced that indigenous identification cards can include tribal names separately,train +57027,57028,57028,milalang,prohibited,train +57028,57029,57029,o mamiaca tu luma ku sakaifenek nira,the reason he works hard without interruption is that he wants to buy a house,train +57029,57030,57030,nu matuʼastuʼas kami milaliw tu kami anu tala cuwcuw tu kami,in case we get old and die or go somewhere else,test +57030,57031,57031,tayra i putal,Outdoor,train +57031,57032,57032,cipadesay kaku,I am having trials,train +57032,57033,57033,Malakamukuay ku pancu nu misu,your panties are getting shorter,train +57033,57034,57034,lakec tu alu^mikicaw,crossing the stream,train +57034,57035,57035,ngaayay kahenayay a iyuten,easily hollowed out,train +57035,57036,57036,tuwa kumahaen away i niyaru niyam,after that no one in our tribe,train +57036,57037,57037,ninaluma,classifier for families or businesses beg shops companies,train +57037,57038,57038,kaku tu i pasuwalen aku kuni fafahi aku,then I confessed to my wife,train +57038,57039,57039,itiya hu a mita a urip nu malitengay,in the old days when we old people were living,train +57039,57040,57040,ini ku pitelian tu felac,this is a rice bowl,test +57040,57041,57041,naayen,do not,train +57041,57042,57042,saka salipahak satu kira tumuk,that is why the boss is so happy,train +57042,57043,57043,hai hatiniay tu ini anini,so that is how it is now,train +57043,57044,57044,miradum tu,carry water,train +57044,57045,57045,san ku kaput nira a matayal naw hatira ku icel nira matayal,the guy he was with said he was very strong,train +57045,57046,57046,Sipasiphan,clean,train +57046,57047,57047,ira kura na kasakefu nu saseles nu hiya kaʼepudan nu nanum,they went under the waterfall,train +57047,57048,57048,rumut,narrow,train +57048,57049,57049,i dihif a misalama kura wacu,the dog was playing in the burrow,train +57049,57050,57050,pateras sanay kita saw,it is not like we are just doing anything,test +57050,57051,57051,Malahakelung,in the same place,train +57051,57052,57052,Ngaay kita a mimali haw,let us go play basketball shall we,train +57052,57053,57053,u mafanaʼay tu mimali han kuranan tayraay tu i Ripun iraan ku saʼayaway aku minalay tuna yakiw hanaw,he was a great player and went to Japan where he was the first to join baseball,train +57053,57054,57054,u sakaytini,this is,train +57054,57055,57055,anu miʼicepay kiya,if you are eating betel nut,train +57055,57056,57056,vaki atu vayi haw,it is grandma and Grandpa,train +57056,57057,57057,rurungen,bundle up,train +57057,57058,57058,sumuwal tuku wina nu ya a fafahiyan,the girls mom spoke,train +57058,57059,57059,paatikakan,earthworm,train +57059,57060,57060,maturin kemaen a adada ku cebu sa,they say if you take him continuously your bladder will hurt,test +57060,57061,57061,Saka taliyuk satu cangra i Mysiya a tayra i Truas,so they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas,train +57061,57062,57062,Safahka sa ku tamdaw a ma^min tu nika tadamaan nu icel nu Kawas yu fahkahu ku tamdamdaw tu nanu dmak ni Yis a ma^min i suwal sa ci Yis i nisawawaan Ningra,and they were all amazed at the greatness of God while everyone was marveling at all that Jesus did he said to his disciples,train +57062,57063,57063,suwal sa ci Yis Katayni han ningra Saka ^pud satu nai tamina ci Pitiru a rumakat i kafkang nu nanum a miraud ci Yisan,Come he said then Peter got down out of the boat walked on the water and came toward Jesus,train +57063,57064,57064,O tudung nu cilah kamu i tini i hkal anu malasawad ku kahcid nu cilah i awaaytu ku ^puc Dengtu u nika falah i paputal a masakasak nu tamdamdaw,You are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its saltiness how can it be made salty again it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men,train +57064,57065,57065,maedeng tu kini san ri,that is enough to qualify,train +57065,57066,57066,a matayal a pakaen tu wawa nira,he works to support his children,train +57066,57067,57067,palumaen ku heci nira maikes ku heci ri,Ripened betel nut seeds can be used as seeds for further planting,train +57067,57068,57068,o hatiniay a pisahalaka u cima ku pakapilikafay a misakahmaw saw o hatiniay a pisahalaka aku i u laluwadan nu misatkeday a falucu a misatikutikul a mihai a caayay sanay haw,I planned to visit you on my way to Macedonia and to come back to you from Macedonia and then to have you send me on my way to Judea,train +57068,57069,57069,tangasa anini matuʼas tu ku wawa ma tu cira masakaying tu ciraring ri,now that the kids are grown up after graduation,train +57069,57070,57070,maan han tu kura futing tura matawal tu aku,what was the name of that fish I forget,test +57070,57071,57071,u sikawasay iniyan u lalumaʼan u vinawlan,Priests relatives tribesmen,train +57071,57072,57072,misapuhpuhpuh tuya waay nira,he stroked his foot,train +57072,57073,57073,Miliruc,take a shower,train +57073,57074,57074,Linut satu ku puut i hasapuuten hu isu saw,why do you keep using the knife when it is dull,train +57074,57075,57075,a maanen naca haen han tu ku demak,it is the only way,train +57075,57076,57076,u niyam u Amis hawi,we Amis,train +57076,57077,57077,mikicayay,frugal people,train +57077,57078,57078,misukadiay,I am going to step on it,train +57078,57079,57079,o maan kira wacu,what kind of dog is that,train +57079,57080,57080,Mipacaengar ci ina tu mahud misahakhak,my mom used a steamer to cook glutinous rice,test +57080,57081,57081,Makakaletu ku matuasay u vavainay,elders will invite men,train +57081,57082,57082,o nima a kaemangay kuna tatusay u situ hu awih,whose kids are these two they are still students are not they,train +57082,57083,57083,sadak,to go out,train +57083,57084,57084,mifasaw ci ina tu kafi,mom cooled the dish,train +57084,57085,57085,Ecer sa ku isi ni Ngayaw tu dafak,morning Ngayaws urine is like water,train +57085,57086,57086,kala kapahan tu tu mamang,my teenage years,train +57086,57087,57087,ku rumiʼad tu dafak palalen nira ku wawa nira tatusa,early in the morning wake up the kids,train +57087,57088,57088,yu rumakat ci Yis i lilis nu fanaw nu Kalili i maaraw ningra ku pitafukud nu tatusaay i fanaw ci Simun atu safa ningra ci Antiri,as Jesus walked beside the sea of Galilee he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake for they were fishermen,train +57088,57089,57089,rafiyas,spillage,train +57089,57090,57090,mitengil,Listen,test +57090,57091,57091,selen,bury,train +57091,57092,57092,hatini ku nipasuwal aku tu demak nu mita u Amis,that is all I am going to say about the customs of the Amis people in the past,train +57092,57093,57093,urasaka,like this,train +57093,57094,57094,anu rumadiw kita wa ngaˈay a misamaan,what can singing accomplish for us in the worship of the Lord,train +57094,57095,57095,tiliden latu ku paya a patakec i ciwcika,Pilate wrote a sign and had it put on the cross,train +57095,57096,57096,ta palimuuten ningra ku kakridan nu sufitay a papisimaw ci Pawluan aka paliten cingra aka lalangen ku nipilisu nu widawidang ningra a paini cingraan han ningra,he ordered the centurion to keep Paul under guard but to give him some freedom and permit his friends to take care of his needs,train +57096,57097,57097,ripa,treading,train +57097,57098,57098,mahaen ku nu lengac hananay,this is Ye Tao Ye,train +57098,57099,57099,aka tu u mamalepun tu aku,No I am going to finish,train +57099,57100,57100,anu mahaenay tu ini,if it is made like this,test +57100,57101,57101,manay kiya saw mama kiya pisanga tu matiniay,how do you make this tool,train +57101,57102,57102,o pinangan nu aadupen ku lamu hananay,mating is a special behavior for animals,train +57102,57103,57103,o maengiday kina karu nu mita saka mafadi ku papah,the leaves of our Buntan trees wither because of internal corrosion,train +57103,57104,57104,mipatafang,offerings,train +57104,57105,57105,mihibang tu cacay a remiʼad cila yaratu,one day off today and back to work tomorrow,train +57105,57106,57106,misafangcal tu falucu,to make changes in attitude,train +57106,57107,57107,rahemed,soft,train +57107,57108,57108,ura tusa aca a Tapang ku miiyaan nira i,why did you just cut the corner,train +57108,57109,57109,ya aku tengil han awaay kafanaʼan,in first grade I listened all the time I could not say a word,train +57109,57110,57110,lalima ku suna aku,I have five grandchildren,test +57110,57111,57111,haca,over,train +57111,57112,57112,nengneng han ku fulang nu tamina i kaikur,waves behind the boat,train +57112,57113,57113,nengneng sa ci Yis i cingraan suwal sa Caay ka rahuday ku cidafungay a tamdaw a malafinawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas,Jesus looked at him and said How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God,train +57113,57114,57114,tuulen tu ita tuduen tu ita ku nu litengan a demak sanay satapang sa tu hatini,we should follow and revive the traditional customs which are only now coming into being,train +57114,57115,57115,kiraan a sikawasay,the wizard,train +57115,57116,57116,lipahakay,happy,train +57116,57117,57117,hakuwaay tu a mihecaan kuna lukut,how many years has this sassafras been planted,train +57117,57118,57118,hatira ku tatudung nu malatumukay itiya hu,it is the boss responsibility,train +57118,57119,57119,hay makaʼen nu cilah saʼan,that is how the salt penetrates the meat,train +57119,57120,57120,mahecad ku pitilidan niyam a kungkuan,we study in the same school,test +57120,57121,57121,u lavii haw ira aca,at night there is a set of,train +57121,57122,57122,marahemeday,it is soft,train +57122,57123,57123,fin cingra i umah,he stayed overnight in the field,train +57123,57124,57124,hatu sanninsi kaku i,when I was in third grade,train +57124,57125,57125,matira ku suawl nu matuasay,that is what the old man used to say,train +57125,57126,57126,u faʼinayan ku alumanay matayal,mostly men work there,train +57126,57127,57127,udal,honeybee,train +57127,57128,57128,caay kasungira ku pitilid i tini i pitilidan,I cannot do well in school,train +57128,57129,57129,anu tiyaayhu matuʼasay,if the old man who used to,train +57129,57130,57130,anu kariʼangen isu mahecad masidayay isu ku lakaw,as in you have lost some of your garbage,test +57130,57131,57131,caengetay,itchy,train +57131,57132,57132,sakayi tira seraan,about the land,train +57132,57133,57133,tuna aluman ku tamdaw saka papipatalaen ni Yis ku nisawawaan ningra tu mamangay a tamina unini i u saka^caaw picu^cu nu finawlan Cingraan,because of the crowd he told his disciples to have a small boat ready for him to keep the people from crowding him,train +57133,57134,57134,paacaay,Hawking area,train +57134,57135,57135,mitanam kaku sa ku tamdaw mangaʼayay mitanam,it is good for people who want to try it,train +57135,57136,57136,tayni tu tulu pulu hananay i,and day,train +57136,57137,57137,saka hatiraay kura pirakat nu maku a micaciyaw tu salikaka,that is how I do my missionary work,train +57137,57138,57138,maruruhay,scapegoated,train +57138,57139,57139,makahiya tu vulekan a vavuy tayra i kakarayan,take the piggy back to heaven,train +57139,57140,57140,yu dafak satu i maratar ci Yis a miliyaw a tayra i Fangcalay Pitaungan Miraud i cingraan ku finawlan a ma^min Saka aru sa ci Yis a pasifana i cangraan,at dawn he appeared again in the temple courts where all the people gathered around him and he sat down to teach them,test +57140,57141,57141,tulas,end point,train +57141,57142,57142,Cuvay sa,all of a sudden,train +57142,57143,57143,mamakariang,damaged,train +57143,57144,57144,caka kahecid ku rumaruma,some are not salty,train +57144,57145,57145,Salikakaaw anu patnakhu kaku tu sapidu^duaw nu tamdaw tu krit a lisin i kuna caay ka kariang kaku i matini anu hatira i kuna awaay ku tahfikuday tu ciwcika,Brothers if I am still preaching circumcision why am I still being persecuted in that case the offense of the cross has been abolished,train +57145,57146,57146,Suˈlin pasangaran nanay ci Tifani a minanam kawra rahekeray ku kaˈurip ningra,although learning a foreign language is not easy for Tiffany it makes her life more fulfilling,train +57146,57147,57147,kaacekan ciira,he is dirty,train +57147,57148,57148,matayal nu mama namu u parud i,it is the father of the family at work,train +57148,57149,57149,tuduh han ku tutung i,bundle the branches together,train +57149,57150,57150,anu anini mamaanay tu ku aca nu hicay,what is the price of small fry now,test +57150,57151,57151,awaay tu,no more,train +57151,57152,57152,u pakayifan na misaʼusiay tu ku pakayifan,if you are getting married you will choose a special date,train +57152,57153,57153,yasatu hanenta hanenta,we are going to be so so so,train +57153,57154,57154,kaulahan aku a salikaka kafanaantu namu kunini Orasaka pinaun kamu Arawi makayhid nu mararaway a dmak nu pacfaay a tamdaw kamu tu saka^caaw ka lasawad nu nika tanektek nu falucu namu,Therefore dear friends since you already know this be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position,train +57154,57155,57155,pakutay naku hatiraay a mipaluma u kura,I alternately grow three starred scallions,train +57155,57156,57156,maesusay,stinking,train +57156,57157,57157,tusa a pulu ira ku tulu,twenty three,train +57157,57158,57158,caayay pilenem a tamdaw matayalayri,clansmen who do not dive setting up an event venue,train +57158,57159,57159,ciuul,dewy,train +57159,57160,57160,hayken caka tengil aku ku suwal nu malitengay i,I do not know I did not hear the old mans story,test +57160,57161,57161,caay papituur tu Cituciyaw,I am not going to follow Christianity,train +57161,57162,57162,u malitengay itiya hu mafanaʼay,early generations were very good at making wine,train +57162,57163,57163,a maanen ita ami,how do we do it,train +57163,57164,57164,ta kerakera satu cecay hu fulad ku ka itira aku a micudad haw,I stayed for a month to study,train +57164,57165,57165,katalawan ci Kacaw anu mafirang,it is scary when Kajo loses his temper,train +57165,57166,57166,kakituhen,a story to tell,train +57166,57167,57167,nawhan u hiya nu matuʼasay kuninian,it is also the work of the elderly,train +57167,57168,57168,awaay tu ku pisiyakay itiya hu,there is no point in going to work in the city,train +57168,57169,57169,hatinien mikurac tahira kakuracan nira,wash him like this until he is clean,train +57169,57170,57170,4 5 itini nuka picaˈedung tu faeluhay capeling mafanaˈ a mirikec tu harateng hanu u masaka limelaan hani,A why is it important to learn self discipline in the process of putting on a new character,test +57170,57171,57171,yu cahu ka fana kamu tu Kawas i tiyahu i malakuli nu caay ku sulinay a kawakawas,Formerly when you did not know God you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods,train +57171,57172,57172,hay i kalenuwan nu liyal,at high tide yes at high tide,train +57172,57173,57173,misatapang,begin,train +57173,57174,57174,lkal sa cangra a sumuwal Fangcalay sulinay a tatieren a mikuwanay a Tapang niyam anu hacuwa Kisu a misawkit tu tamdamdaw i hkal a micuay tu nanu pipatay nangra i tamiyanan saw saan,they called out in a loud voice How long Sovereign Lord Holy and true until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood,train +57174,57175,57175,pakamurarawen nu tau,people make us lose our way,train +57175,57176,57176,u saw han niyam anini kina sasasingen namu,we will leave the ingredients for the savory meat for you to take pictures of,train +57176,57177,57177,anu hacuwaay a remiad haw,what is the date,train +57177,57178,57178,anengelay,miserable,train +57178,57179,57179,Kuesit nanamen ku caciyaw nu Pangcah haw,is it hard to learn Amish,train +57179,57180,57180,hantu nira ku finawlan hayi,that is what they tell their people,test +57180,57181,57181,u sakiliel,necklace,train +57181,57182,57182,sulinay a,king,train +57182,57183,57183,aka tu pisanga tu raecusay,stop ruining your image,train +57183,57184,57184,halafin ku nika ^ca ka kumaen niyam itiya i tireng sa ci Pawlu a pasuwal i cangraan Kamu a ma^min anu mitngilay kamu tu suwal aku a caay piliyas tu Kriti i kuna caay ka hatini ku pades atu sipun ita,after the men had gone a long time without food Paul stood up before them and said Men you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss,train +57184,57185,57185,sasaeled han ku papah nu tevus,tie the sugar cane leaves tightly,train +57185,57186,57186,tangsul sa kaku a minukay,I will go home directly,train +57186,57187,57187,malasingsi,being a teacher,train +57187,57188,57188,Nikawrira ira ku ccay a pawacayay tu pakayniay Takuwanan Mafana kaku tu nika u sulinay ku nipipawacay ningra tu saki Takuwanan,there is another who testifies in my favor and I know that his testimony about me is valid,train +57188,57189,57189,namimaan,what is that,train +57189,57190,57190,ciyak,cantaloupe,test +57190,57191,57191,an caykatengilen i a masatu san ku wawa ku faʼinayan saka,if you do not listen to the instructions how will you tell the boys what to do in the future,train +57191,57192,57192,o mirakarakay ku tayal nu kaka isu i tukay,your brother works in the city and wanders around,train +57192,57193,57193,ura tu cidal i,so it is with the sun,train +57193,57194,57194,mafanaʼay tu kaku itiya,I knew better then,train +57194,57195,57195,Mifataan kita mapulung,we are picking tree peas together,train +57195,57196,57196,itiyaay a tumuk caay hu kasuwal caay pakahirateng,the old bosses did not think about it they did not think about it,train +57196,57197,57197,kasaw,porridge,train +57197,57198,57198,anu hatira i sasing han aca aku,then I will just take photos,train +57198,57199,57199,dadahal ku umah niyam,we have a big field at home,train +57199,57200,57200,i ayaw san ni ri ucung ku kilang hatitini ku kilang,a lot of the trees used to be this big,test +57200,57201,57201,riku,dresses,train +57201,57202,57202,hulu,white rice,train +57202,57203,57203,karaalic,lots of sparrows,train +57203,57204,57204,ci Silewiyana aci Silewian itiniay Picadaan tu inuˈ ni Turatin,Sylviana and Sylviane pose with Duratine on the day of her baptism,train +57204,57205,57205,away tu ku fafahi aku,I do not have a wife either,train +57205,57206,57206,tira Yangmey yu santilen,in Yangmei Oh mountain man,train +57206,57207,57207,matawalay tu katimul nu Pifasiyawan kiya,Forgot it should be the south of the kite stone,train +57207,57208,57208,u luma i ayaw ti Kipuwa ri,Oh the house on Buddha street in Datong Village,train +57208,57209,57209,o maan ku sasuwalen isu,what do you have to say,train +57209,57210,57210,saw anini misyakay kita anini kaemanay,that is why the kids who are going out to work now,test +57210,57211,57211,fala pulu ira ku sepat a miheca aku tangsa anini,I am years old,train +57211,57212,57212,Pulung a lekakawa ni Satan mahawpay ku mirikecay mararaway piduyungan atu misasingdiay u mamapelal,Satans entire system including politics false religions and Commerce will surely disintegrate,train +57212,57213,57213,miliyasay tu itini i sekal,he is gone,train +57213,57214,57214,u mahaen tu u,what is that,train +57214,57215,57215,u pukuh hu i iraay kura,that is what happened in the sessions,train +57215,57216,57216,a picudadan hantui,Mandarin school,train +57216,57217,57217,u urip nu niyam u malaluʼung tuniyan sa,this is how we live in the Hing Cheong tribe,train +57217,57218,57218,yan sa ca ina,where is the mother,train +57218,57219,57219,hanaku sa enem tu,now it is six,train +57219,57220,57220,ta itini i Pakaraʼac ku urip nu niyam,that is why we are living in Nanjukho,test +57220,57221,57221,niulian,dated,train +57221,57222,57222,Kdecen ku safaked isu kacicukap han nuya cuyuh cingra Saka du^du han ningra Ta Kacikafafang a mituur i takuwanan han nuya cuyuh cingra,then the angel said to him Put on your clothes and sandals and Peter did so Wrap your cloak around you and follow me the angel told him,train +57222,57223,57223,o halikaedahay ku Amis a tamdaw,the Amis love spicy food,train +57223,57224,57224,ci Yisi i u wawa ni Opit ci Opit i u wawa ni Puwac ci Puwac i u wawa ni Salmun ci Salmun i u wawa ni Nasun,the son of Jesse the son of Obed the son of Boaz the son of Salmon the son of Nahshon,train +57224,57225,57225,rapet,hold it,train +57225,57226,57226,hay nu malitengay,the seniors will give their praise,train +57226,57227,57227,Maurad saw,is it going to rain,train +57227,57228,57228,hayi ri sa,Yeah that is why,train +57228,57229,57229,itiya i talipalal sa ku falucu ningra suwal sa Itira i cimamaan aku i cirafas tu kakaenen ku alumanay a kuli ningra kaku sa i sakapatayan sa tu cahiw i tini,When he came to his senses he said How many of my fathers hired men have food to spare and here I am starving to death,train +57229,57230,57230,u davak tu parapac,we will go back the next morning,test +57230,57231,57231,masakapahay hu itiya,I was a young man,train +57231,57232,57232,pakungku kuni haw mangic kaku,I feel sad just talking about it,train +57232,57233,57233,Tadamalaluk kamu a malakaka,your brothers and sisters are hardworking,train +57233,57234,57234,maʼanen ku pisanga tu siraw,how do you make savory meat,train +57234,57235,57235,oya micumuday i nguyus a maamaan i caay paacek tu tamdaw oya masadakay i nguyus a suwal ku paacekay tu tamdaw han ningra,what goes into a mans mouth does not make him unclean but what comes out of his mouth that is what makes him unclean,train +57235,57236,57236,talaulat,red face and blue veins,train +57236,57237,57237,yu i tinihu kaku i hkal i u likat nu hkal Kaku han ningra,while I am in the world I am the light of the world,train +57237,57238,57238,naycuwaay kisu a masubuc,where were you born,train +57238,57239,57239,pipahanhanan i minukay i niyaru mapakafanaay tu nu fufu,when I went back to my tribe on vacation I was taught by my grandfather and mother,train +57239,57240,57240,cecay ku impic cecay ku ciwming,a pencil and a notebook,test +57240,57241,57241,cahu ka piʼida ku malitengay,my parents will not let me participate fully,train +57241,57242,57242,kailulan,the object of thoughts,train +57242,57243,57243,i radiw nu Pangcah i ira haca kira aenemay papituay a mapulungay ku nikarumadiw anu u fafahian tu u fainayan tu alekatatusatusa matatihefahefa ku radiw,in Amis songs there is a special kind of polyphonic singing in which six or seven men and women are divided into two or four parts,train +57243,57244,57244,fafuy,boar,train +57244,57245,57245,miemetay,controlled,train +57245,57246,57246,heci^2,significance,train +57246,57247,57247,rengreng,the fire is strong,train +57247,57248,57248,itiya hu malitengay nu maumah,in the old days if an old man went to work,train +57248,57249,57249,masupeday ku itira sa panay tura,the best way to accumulate and gather grains,train +57249,57250,57250,pananumen naku tu miming hanu pananumenngaʼ cakaicang maicanga,Add some water why add water so that it is not too dry do not be too dry,test +57250,57251,57251,masamisi tu mapawan tu,it is going to be a four way street or forgotten,train +57251,57252,57252,mikawit kaku tulu a remiʼad,I hooked it for three days,train +57252,57253,57253,Nafanawan tunu niyaruʼan tiya fuwaksan saninci ya kasadakan ya nanum,the tribe now has a pool that gushes out three feet of water,train +57253,57254,57254,haenen ni Vavuy Liyal a semuwal ci tumuk tina demakan,the whale told the boss about the marriage,train +57254,57255,57255,malinah ku papina a maninaay masasurut ku luma,gathered a few families with relatives and moved them,train +57255,57256,57256,o pulung nangra i ma^deng tusa ku safaw cangra,there were about twelve men in all,train +57256,57257,57257,malimuuday,round,train +57257,57258,57258,anini ku Taywan mafana sa tu i mahanay saca sa,by the time the Han people had realized the benefits of the bean,train +57258,57259,57259,Misafaeluh hu kaku a miharateng tura demak,rethink that one,train +57259,57260,57260,kapahay a luma iraan hantu,nice resting place,test +57260,57261,57261,kel satu ku nanum micumud saka leneng,the water got to the hull and the boat sank,train +57261,57262,57262,kahinatalaan,most anticipated,train +57262,57263,57263,Nanitiyahu kamu a midmak tu kaulahan nu ruma a finacadan a dmak a mautit maanuf malasang haliacang tu nu hkal Malali^pah kamu o kausian ku dmak namu a mitaung tu samiyay Ma^dengtu Akatu piliyaw tu matiraay,for you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do living in debauchery lust drunkenness orgies carousing and detestable idolatry,train +57263,57264,57264,milisapen,take unfair advantage of,train +57264,57265,57265,sanay ku harateng nu maku,these are my thoughts,train +57265,57266,57266,tu anu u maan sanay ku katayra iya,pray for the purpose of this visit,train +57266,57267,57267,saalesuay,best,train +57267,57268,57268,o rumasatu pakayni i nika laccay namu aci Kristu ku nipidu^du namu tu krit a lisin onini a krit a lisin i caay ku nu tamdawan o nanu tayal ni Kristu a mihlung tu ciraraway a pinangan namu a palasawad tu icel nunini,in him you were also circumcised in the putting off of the sinful nature not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ,train +57268,57269,57269,Talacuwa^ tu ku sasisit nu maku,my eraser is missing,train +57269,57270,57270,anu maan ku tayal nira,he is working out somehow,test +57270,57271,57271,anu,despite,train +57271,57272,57272,Ahuwiday han kamu,Okay thank you,train +57272,57273,57273,mi kaku tu Taypay a ilisin,that is why I went to the Taipei Festival,train +57273,57274,57274,anini mafukilay tu ku kaemangay,the kids nowadays know how to do it,train +57274,57275,57275,ini ci mafanaʼay rumadiw ngaʼayay tu kira,Mi u can sing too,train +57275,57276,57276,paatimen,clamp,train +57276,57277,57277,u mavanaay a paayaw tu cimaan a tamdaw kaku,I am a person who thinks of others,train +57277,57278,57278,lafii,midnight,train +57278,57279,57279,Itiyasatu micumud ku hungti a minengneng tu lafang i maaraw ningra itira ku ccay a tamdaw tu caay ka ciriku tu saka^res a riku,But when the king came in to see the guests he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes,train +57279,57280,57280,kaka tu vavahiyan,older sister,test +57280,57281,57281,pisatapangan tu a minanam micumuday tu ku singsi i laluma nu pitilidan katumireng mitaung sa ku kakeridan,it is time for class the teacher walked into the classroom and the monitor said Stand up Salute,train +57281,57282,57282,nanay pakayni i ci Yis Kristuan a midauc a mapahmek cingra u tadacitanengay a dengan a Kawas Amin,to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ Amen,train +57282,57283,57283,mapaherek tu aca,that is the end of it,train +57283,57284,57284,ci Acay ku ngangan ningra,his nickname is Choi,train +57284,57285,57285,mikiskis kaku miala tuna miketun tura sapikpik nira,I started scaling the fish and cutting off the fins,train +57285,57286,57286,matiya hen u wawa hanay haw,it is like when I was a kid,train +57286,57287,57287,tuna kaitini niyam tini tuna Saditaʼan a niyaru i,we will be coming to the tribe of Chung long today,train +57287,57288,57288,ta pasuwal sa ci Yis tuya tamdaw Kalumuwad Olili O pitier isu tu Kawas ku sakaadah isu han ningra,then he said to him Rise and go your faith has made you well,train +57288,57289,57289,makalim ku wadis,teeth hurt,train +57289,57290,57290,icuwa sakiya nu Yincumin,the Aborigines had pianos there in those days,test +57290,57291,57291,iraay ku suwal nu hiya iraay ku suwal nu,there is a rumor,train +57291,57292,57292,mangatatu ku pisalisinan nu Yutaya a tamdaw tu nu Taluan a Lisin,but when the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was near,train +57292,57293,57293,katayni tamiyanan,come to our funeral home,train +57293,57294,57294,nay cimanan a minanam,who taught you all that,train +57294,57295,57295,walu,eight,train +57295,57296,57296,i paputal nu luma kita a malafi,we had dinner in the front yard,train +57296,57297,57297,hedut,sucking,train +57297,57298,57298,malaheci ku kuucung i,after graduating from junior high school,train +57298,57299,57299,Suwalsa,say,train +57299,57300,57300,nipecihan,severed,test +57300,57301,57301,pahiya aca,an offering,train +57301,57302,57302,a u ruma satu i malinah tu kisu i,by the WAY you moved to the flat Township area,train +57302,57303,57303,cifuladay,moon lit,train +57303,57304,57304,sa misafalucu tu kami tu saka taylaʼaw i Taypak a matayal,so I decided to work in Taipei,train +57304,57305,57305,masuni^,ask,train +57305,57306,57306,u kadavu Natawran,daughters in law are from Nadoland,train +57306,57307,57307,anu caay licirekayen,if you do not catch the bugs,train +57307,57308,57308,tadalusid,traditional clothing,train +57308,57309,57309,ta ati rey tanamen ta anu san,come on if we are going to try it,train +57309,57310,57310,kaen satu tali nu lutuk,we will eat taro from the mountains,test +57310,57311,57311,nanu rayray,history,train +57311,57312,57312,i ilaay ku tesel ira haw,does it have embroidery,train +57312,57313,57313,Sapitungalaw cingra tu demak ci Yihufaan misingsiay tayra i Pitil matayal hanaca itini 1971 miheca matahidang tayra Pitil a matayal,Later wanting to do more for Jehovah she applied for service in Bertram and was invited to work there in,train +57313,57314,57314,Afalang han ni Pawlu ku ccay a rurung nu kasuy a pakasuy i namal Fa^deten tu namal saka sadak sa ku ccay a cisawarakay a uner a mikafit i kamay ni Pawlu,Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and as he put it on the fire a viper driven out by the heat fastened itself on his hand,train +57314,57315,57315,tira i,in that Shilin,train +57315,57316,57316,i,at,train +57316,57317,57317,o nika matira nu nipipatilid aku i ayaw i anu tayra kaku i tamuwanan i u saka^caaw pakasmer namu i takuwanan u sapalipahakaw namu i takuwanan nawhani u lipahak aku i u sakalipahak namu a ma^min saan ku pipasulin aku,I wrote as I did so that when I came I should not be distressed by those who ought to make me rejoice I had confidence in all of you that you would all share my joy,train +57317,57318,57318,paceful pakaen,feed,train +57318,57319,57319,Milupisak ci laway a papisawad tu matayalay nira,La Wai dispersed his workers,train +57319,57320,57320,naremadiw tu haw kisu tina radiwan,have you ever sung this song,test +57320,57321,57321,nu liteng kuni cuwa ku pacakatan,it is based on the facts of our forefathers and not publicized,train +57321,57322,57322,payayaw,belly band,train +57322,57323,57323,u wina aku ci Sukedi,my moms name is Gregory,train +57323,57324,57324,tataak tataak ku lifung anini,infectious diseases rage Relentlessly,train +57324,57325,57325,o ciwikulay tu nawa kina fasiyaw,this kite has a straw rope tail,train +57325,57326,57326,canhu canhu kapilaliw kisu nengnengen hu kana mimaliay,let us see how this team practices first,train +57326,57327,57327,anu hpulen namu ku raraw nu nima i Halu aku a mihpul tu raraw nuya tamdaw anu ira ku hahpulen aku a maan a raraw nima i patadu kaku tamuwanan i kaayaw ni Kristu a mihpul tu raraw nuya tamdaw,if you forgive anyone I also forgive him and what I have forgiven if there was anything to forgive I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake,train +57327,57328,57328,u pilicay aku tu tapangtapang itiya haw i,Deliberations with the chief Executive at a higher level,train +57328,57329,57329,tira kaku i lyenpu kaku maala mahay tu,I have been assigned to the company,train +57329,57330,57330,mipalalan a mipaluwad itiya,give them direction for sustainable development,test +57330,57331,57331,anu i riyar tu anu i tukus tu,whether it is fishing at the beach or hunting in the mountains,train +57331,57332,57332,adihay ku parimuʼut ningra i takuwanan,gave me a lot of words of encouragement,train +57332,57333,57333,cakat santura ciʼciʼ kura matuʼasay nu nuniyam ayaw tura ciʼciʼ,and our elders climbed up to the upper gully,train +57333,57334,57334,manguyus hananay i,what does lots of mouths mean,train +57334,57335,57335,o sicimilay a maemin ku tamdaw nu Amis,the northern clansmen have nicknames,train +57335,57336,57336,kakulacing sa kuya Taywan haw,the Taiwanese How hardworking,train +57336,57337,57337,mihicay makala tu saan na,the pay for catching small fry is more than dollars a day,train +57337,57338,57338,sapihicay,tools for catching fish fry,train +57338,57339,57339,maharateng nu maku ku urip nu malitengay,I thought about my parents lives,train +57339,57340,57340,masadak yu,the whole village is out in force,test +57340,57341,57341,ira ku likid titaan silikid nu riyar,we have strong currents,train +57341,57342,57342,11 anu mamalu nuˈadinguan a tamdaw i wa samaan ku hademak ita,what do we need to do to become spiritual people,train +57342,57343,57343,yu matiya awaay hen kunu aniniyay u lietecay a pingsiyang matalaw a masanek saka 23 aremiad valengen tu amisinga,in the past because of the lack of modern refrigerators the deceased were buried in the second or third day for fear of rotting,train +57343,57344,57344,misalisin saan haw,is it a sacrifice,train +57344,57345,57345,hay u sakatusa,and about the second time,train +57345,57346,57346,masamanen ku Fangcalay kilang u lusay haw i,what is a good fruit tree,train +57346,57347,57347,caay kaw u maan u ayam ku kemaenay,I did not get any the birds ate it,train +57347,57348,57348,tiktak,pattering sound,train +57348,57349,57349,adihay kura ka pi,there are a lot of competition events,train +57349,57350,57350,pulung,whole body,test +57350,57351,57351,o futing u kafus u kalang,there are fish shrimp and crabs,train +57351,57352,57352,o impi ku sacaduk nu sufitay tu hemay,the troops used a shovel as a shovel to serve rice,train +57352,57353,57353,niyan i mikaputay tu Ngayngay u Taywan ya niyaru itira,there are Hakka and Flatlanders living together in that tribe,train +57353,57354,57354,hay hanhukiya,really,train +57354,57355,57355,u fafakecen nu niyam kuninian ini,the ones we wear around our waists,train +57355,57356,57356,fana,to know,train +57356,57357,57357,kasacefang,teams,train +57357,57358,57358,Malafukes aku ku damay nu riyar,Kelp for my hair,train +57358,57359,57359,awaay tu ku tadah tu nu luma,there is no more outstanding loan on the house,train +57359,57360,57360,caay pasulin cangra i Takuwanan Saka muraraw ku piharateng nangra tu pakayniay i raraw,in regard to sin because men do not believe in me,test +57360,57361,57361,samanen,because,train +57361,57362,57362,awaay tu ku hafainay nu misu anu ikur malaangas ku tireng isu,in the future if you do not have a husband you will be alone,train +57362,57363,57363,tipus,it is in Lai Mee,train +57363,57364,57364,nimaan kita i piundukayan a rumiad,what will we do in the sports day,train +57364,57365,57365,Pahecekan limera a miketun tura kilang,the length of the column,train +57365,57366,57366,ku nipisanga tuna kumuan,to make a slingshot like this,train +57366,57367,57367,minaang,hide it,train +57367,57368,57368,Mikiadidem ku wawawawa,the children look for mulberries,train +57368,57369,57369,maemin aca saw ku hiya ku teker,there is a lot more of that now with the snap traps,train +57369,57370,57370,u lukut aca haw ku mapalumaay isu itini,is this the only place you grow sassafras,test +57370,57371,57371,ci atu kaku,Chen Cha and I,train +57371,57372,57372,deng kaulahan ningra i,his favorite is,train +57372,57373,57373,itila kami pakaen tu rarapa pauli han niyam ku rarapa,we all go out there to graze the cows and we let them eat by themselves,train +57373,57374,57374,Mialutuc ca fayi,Auntie and the others went to pick up a sharp tailed snail,train +57374,57375,57375,micengel kaku tu nu verus,I stained it with salt wood,train +57375,57376,57376,u lalicayen aku ina,I would like to ask mom something,train +57376,57377,57377,mikesir,fry,train +57377,57378,57378,misawaniay,Crocodile farming,train +57378,57379,57379,u ngangan naku ci Lifuk,my name is Rifu,train +57379,57380,57380,Taungen ku singsi isu,show respect to our teacher,test +57380,57381,57381,ayu malafuksi,a Ya wants to be a pastor,train +57381,57382,57382,Sakacecay u facu nu keru nu Pangcah masakimulmul mitaliyuk makakayat ku kamay a masakaeru makakayat ku kamay i tusa ku kasasiruma a mikayat u cecay i,First formation the Amis song and dance formations are mainly circular and hand holding is usually the most popular and hand holding can be divided into two types,train +57382,57383,57383,ngaay,okay,train +57383,57384,57384,a maanen nu mita caw,how do we capture it,train +57384,57385,57385,Irikur nu pipasasiyur tu pikuwan i na iratu ku pipacauf nu Kitakit tu salunguc nu Yincumincu,after the democratic transition the country began to respond to the appeals of indigenous movements,train +57385,57386,57386,Kumimit han nira ku tangila nu fainay nira a mikapui,she pinched her husbands ear and scolded him,train +57386,57387,57387,caay tu pakamelaw raecus tu ku mata aku,I cannot see well anymore,train +57387,57388,57388,Sapiacaaw,want to buy,train +57388,57389,57389,o macaefasay ku nanum i fakici nira wawa,that child bucket of water overflowed,train +57389,57390,57390,licayen aku,I will ask,test +57390,57391,57391,u Rikec nu nu likuda haw,traditional rituals for the Harvest moon Festival,train +57391,57392,57392,matuasay,old man or woman,train +57392,57393,57393,papidu^edu,comply with,train +57393,57394,57394,u sanay cay katara kuna,that is why it will not slide,train +57394,57395,57395,adahien,just passable,train +57395,57396,57396,walak,chew,train +57396,57397,57397,a taluma sa sisa han tu,the way home therefore,train +57397,57398,57398,mituaya,raise ones head to the sky,train +57398,57399,57399,niuwidan,iron lever,train +57399,57400,57400,mimetmet tu kamay,I cannot forget the old man holding my hand,test +57400,57401,57401,awaay ku,No,train +57401,57402,57402,faki,mothers brother,train +57402,57403,57403,Matatapesi tu nanum patinaku na kaawaayan nu vavainay matiya malicangay tu ku tireng awaay tu ku nanum,the meaning is because the absence of a husband is like the absence of water in a drought,train +57403,57404,57404,atu niyan cuka aku a niyaru,and my tribal work,train +57404,57405,57405,mitanam han mihiya kira misanga,try it,train +57405,57406,57406,awa ku payci i,if you do not have money,train +57406,57407,57407,malalitemuh mali,collide with,train +57407,57408,57408,matumes ku tusa a fudal i,it is been two months,train +57408,57409,57409,caay pakaala,children cannot,train +57409,57410,57410,a misatapang a mikurkur,just start digging the foundation for the columns,test +57410,57411,57411,anu sidateng tu matiniay u,if you are going to pick your vegetables this way,train +57411,57412,57412,mamala siwni kaku han naku kiya mama aku,I told my father I wanted to be a nun,train +57412,57413,57413,awaay ku maudenay nu ku urip aku,I do not have an easy job,train +57413,57414,57414,Malavavahi tu nu maku,once I am married,train +57414,57415,57415,mamiridrid,collar,train +57415,57416,57416,pasuwalen kami masamaan ku harateng Isu u pisungila a pasata i hungti nu luma i u maliyangay tu Rikec ita haw,tell us then what is your opinion is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not,train +57416,57417,57417,anu,impromptu,train +57417,57418,57418,saan i talatalaen ni kaka aku caay pilingwa ci ali aku,my sister in law will not listen to me no matter what,train +57418,57419,57419,maacisay,infertility,train +57419,57420,57420,tahira i kaʼicang,until very dry,test +57420,57421,57421,ciciw,piglet,train +57421,57422,57422,ku pinanaman u singsi sasepatay,there are teachers to learn from,train +57422,57423,57423,kaingiday,Sidekick,train +57423,57424,57424,simeden ku paysu isu ta caay ka Takaw,hide your money so it will not be stolen,train +57424,57425,57425,Aday^ayen ku ising midiput tu karetengay ku adada a tamdaw,doctors take care of very sick people compassionately,train +57425,57426,57426,cima kura,who is that,train +57426,57427,57427,ta masausi tu ningra,I am fine,train +57427,57428,57428,waay tu i lumaay,not at home,train +57428,57429,57429,ku pisanga tu emu,making sweet rice cake,train +57429,57430,57430,hantu sa adihay sanay kaku a paluma,that is why I planted a lot of them and I planted more and more,test +57430,57431,57431,kiya na ci yana tengilan nanay,the guy who got hit in the head,train +57431,57432,57432,sa pakungku kaku i matini tanu kungku ni ama nu maku itiya hu ayaw nu cecay nuli a mihecaan,I am going to tell the story of my grand mom about years ago,train +57432,57433,57433,saka maaraw aku ku pitayal nu matuʼasay,that is why I saw the old mans house,train +57433,57434,57434,talacuwa fangcal kura Rikec,even if the law is well set,train +57434,57435,57435,ira kina pida i manan nu misu mama han nu niyam,there is some money here Father what are your plans,train +57435,57436,57436,maherek tu a miatul tu bekeluh,when you are done start stacking the stones,train +57436,57437,57437,tangasa tini milahitay,to becoming an officer,train +57437,57438,57438,matngil ni Yis ku nika rufu ni Yuhani i liyas satu cingra a tayra i Kalili,when Jesus heard that John had been put in prison he returned to Galilee,train +57438,57439,57439,sapisikeliw,spatula,train +57439,57440,57440,ka uninian pisanga tuna riku,about making this dress,test +57440,57441,57441,o marenecay kaku tu ulah nu misu i takuwanan,I am satisfied with your love for me,train +57441,57442,57442,o anini aca ku sasuwal nu maku,what I want to talk about today,train +57442,57443,57443,ca ka satuki i malasawad ku dafung ningra a ma^min saan Tumireng i raay ku pulung nu kakridan nu lunan atu pulung nu midakaway tu lunan a lafang atu palunanay atu i riyaray ku tayal a tamdaw,in one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin Every sea captain and all who travel by ship the sailors and all who earn their living from the sea will stand far off,train +57443,57444,57444,suʼlinay sakalima matama tu mahadak tu kay,I really found it on the day,train +57444,57445,57445,cahid1,cloud,train +57445,57446,57446,ila satu ini i facalen tu niyam nira kuniya dapdap i tamiyanan,when the Amis came here they began to cultivate the land,train +57446,57447,57447,tenas,brine,train +57447,57448,57448,nu saraw hananay itiya hu u sasuwal nu matuʼasay kuninian,Tales of gods and ghosts told,train +57448,57449,57449,u sarikuray tu kina hananay,and finally the so called spiritual leader,train +57449,57450,57450,hikuki hacuwa pakaʼaraw huwa,when did you see the airplane,test +57450,57451,57451,anini makala tu,now it is about,train +57451,57452,57452,takasatini saku zuni aca,at the twelfth position,train +57452,57453,57453,Maparu tu i dudang ku kudih nuya mapatayay a tamdaw,the body is in a coffin,train +57453,57454,57454,o farihenaway kaku a cecay i lutuk tu dadaya,I am terrified of being alone on the mountain at night,train +57454,57455,57455,mimaanay kamu,what are you doing,train +57455,57456,57456,adihay ku nikavanaan tu serangawan nu tuas mangalev ku nikariang a malawawa nu Pangcah u masacidekay u kasenengan ku vinacadan nu mita,the more I know the more I feel that being a Amis is unique and something to be proud of,train +57456,57457,57457,liel,necks,train +57457,57458,57458,masakeru,singing and dancing,train +57458,57459,57459,mararitingay,linked,train +57459,57460,57460,anini hantu i itiyantu i suleda a haku,Now it is in the fridge,test +57460,57461,57461,saka nu hatira i samanen ta ku demak satu sa,so what should we do,train +57461,57462,57462,o cudah nu kapah nu niyaru ku kahemekan nu tumuk,it is the bravery of the youth that the head honors,train +57462,57463,57463,masumad,change,train +57463,57464,57464,u radiw aca u tiniay nu pusung aca,traditional songs and languages in Taitung,train +57464,57465,57465,anu pafesuc minukay i,should we go straight back,train +57465,57466,57466,caay kanguta kina nanum kini saw san ku tamdaw a tayni minengneng,Actually the water does not seem to be very turbid now,train +57466,57467,57467,o marihaway caira a maemin inacila,they were all hoarse yesterday,train +57467,57468,57468,mahiyaay tu kita,that is why we are,train +57468,57469,57469,pakatufilen,make it have lips,train +57469,57470,57470,nani Taypak,from Taipei,test +57470,57471,57471,maulah kisu tu pipurangan haw,do you like autumn,train +57471,57472,57472,tivtiv,netting needle,train +57472,57473,57473,mafana mililit,I am going to wind it up too,train +57473,57474,57474,sacumud iri puetan misahaen kiya sacumud,the entrance is blocked and the entrance is made to look like this,train +57474,57475,57475,halafin tu caay kaaraw sufac satu kisu,I have not seen you in a while you have grown taller,train +57475,57476,57476,maharekay tu a mianif,completion of rice planting,train +57476,57477,57477,caka pahecaden paredu ku pisakilang haw,if the head is not of the same thickness as the tail,train +57477,57478,57478,adihay ku aadupen u kapahay a kakaene,hunt for more mountain food,train +57478,57479,57479,nawhani anu mapataytu ku tamdaw i u matdalaytu cingra nai sapalit nu raraw,because anyone who has died has been freed from sin,train +57479,57480,57480,patayniay i Wen Cyin Can,elders who came to the station,test +57480,57481,57481,papingatuen,let pick up the slack,train +57481,57482,57482,Cisamu ku falucu nira,his heart has a defect,train +57482,57483,57483,Hakelung sa tatusa,we will go together,train +57483,57484,57484,malingatu tu kita haw,and now we are about to begin,train +57484,57485,57485,o miedaway a maemin ku tuas nu maku,all my ancestors were diviners,train +57485,57486,57486,ira tu,also have,train +57486,57487,57487,hakuwa ku fana nu maku,I do not know much,train +57487,57488,57488,i Fataan ku nalaculan nu maku,my hometown is in Matthew Ann,train +57488,57489,57489,Tangsulen,on horseback,train +57489,57490,57490,mirucek tu tuki u papisamataay i takuwan,remind me to be on time,test +57490,57491,57491,tangila^,handle,train +57491,57492,57492,tayra aca ku sikawasay,the priest came again to the house of the bereaved,train +57492,57493,57493,ora cikay nu saraw i,ghosts run fast,train +57493,57494,57494,iraay hu kiya ama aku itiya,at that time my grand mom was still there,train +57494,57495,57495,Mafulud kita a mikakuy tu tafu^,let us carry the lunch boxes together,train +57495,57496,57496,Mitaelif tu kami tuya paliwalay tu kuku suwal sa kuya tawki O maan ku aacaen isu Taangayay a masuesuay ku kuku anini tulu suut ku cecay a kuku,we passed the meat stall and the boss said What do you want to buy Todays chickens are big and fat and one is NTD,train +57496,57497,57497,sa hatiraay kunu maku a falucu,I have got a few ideas for you,train +57497,57498,57498,namakayra icuwa ni vaki aku,from my grandfather,train +57498,57499,57499,iraay,Yes,train +57499,57500,57500,Ngaayhu u maan ku aacaen isu,Hello what are you looking for,test +57500,57501,57501,mangaay kita a misanga,it is easy to make sweet rice cake,train +57501,57502,57502,o wawa isu i niyaruay ku aru nira haw,do your kids live in the tribe too,train +57502,57503,57503,nawhani malcad atu cangra kita a mapatngil tu Ngaayay Ratuh Nikawrira caay ka ci^puc ku nipitngil nangra nawhani caay pasulinen nangra ku nitngilan nangra a suwal,for we also have had the gospel preached to us just as they did but the message they heard was of no value to them because those who heard did not combine it with faith,train +57503,57504,57504,misatanetaneng tu isaw tu ruma a yangpen,try other styles as well,train +57504,57505,57505,nika cacamul niyam ti u Dikidiki,it is because we hang out with the Paiwanese,train +57505,57506,57506,ku taʼangay nu acucul itya hu,the size of a former gyro,train +57506,57507,57507,u tatiʼihay ku falucu nu namu ramud matiya,you may have the wrong idea about marriage,train +57507,57508,57508,lipahak ku falucu niyam,we are very happy,train +57508,57509,57509,han tu,here is the deal,train +57509,57510,57510,Mafuhad nu wacu ku tuluk i nakuhikuhan,pheasants and chickens are scared by dogs in the wilderness and fly apart,test +57510,57511,57511,pasuwal sa kura singsi,the teacher asked,train +57511,57512,57512,aya u wawa matuʼas tu,the kids are growing up,train +57512,57513,57513,lipahak ku falucu nu matuʼasay sa maku a falucu sa malacecay imatini,I feel the joy of the elderly,train +57513,57514,57514,Malahakelung kami tatusa,the two of us went together,train +57514,57515,57515,sakita,it is us too,train +57515,57516,57516,culuen niyam a pataluma,we are all moving home,train +57516,57517,57517,iayawhu,previous,train +57517,57518,57518,samanay ci Yis paihekal tu caka ulah ku niyah mikaput tu mirikecay,how did Jesus show that he was not interested in political campaigns,train +57518,57519,57519,milunguc,to wish,train +57519,57520,57520,adada ku tiyad aku,my belly stomach hurts,test +57520,57521,57521,awaay hen ku tayniyay saayaw ku heni a tayni a malekakakaka tayni iri,no one came here then the brothers and sisters were the first to come here,train +57521,57522,57522,o wacuwacuan ku luma nu miadupay,the hunters house is full of dog packs,train +57522,57523,57523,tuʼeman tu ri pisalafian tu ri alaen tu na akung kaku u,when it is dark and it is time to cook dinner Grandpa will come to pick me up,train +57523,57524,57524,siwa pulu ira ku falu tu ku mihecaan nu maku,I am years old,train +57524,57525,57525,pulung han i samanen cima tuku ruma a tayal,if we go all the way who is going to do the rest,train +57525,57526,57526,o niulian nu kaka nira kaku a tayni,I am here because his sister sent me,train +57526,57527,57527,caur,foretell,train +57527,57528,57528,tuwa a malingatu tu ku kapah misakeru satu,then Ching Nam is going to start dancing,train +57528,57529,57529,midef tu luma,to close the house up,train +57529,57530,57530,ira ku suwal i na mira,their answer was,test +57530,57531,57531,Matedalay tu ku ruray nu falucu aku,I am released from my burdens,train +57531,57532,57532,cuvay kavanaʼan,I will see you soon enough,train +57532,57533,57533,Mangaay kaku misalama tu herek nu lahuk,can I go play this afternoon,train +57533,57534,57534,atu panay ku,glutinous rice,train +57534,57535,57535,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ci Apilis o mapalifetay a mituuray ci Kristuan cingra Ngaayhu han a paratuh ku paru nu luma ni Aristupulus,greet Apelles tested and approved in Christ greet those who belong to the household of Aristobulus,train +57535,57536,57536,nanu mukasi a kukung nu matuasay,from the stories of old men in ancient times,train +57536,57537,57537,tu emu anini,sweet rice cake,train +57537,57538,57538,Pangihaen ku nikarumadaw,please sing out loud,train +57538,57539,57539,Tanutupi saan i palapalaan,there are many pigeons in the field,train +57539,57540,57540,a aʼurungen nu dademaken nu tuwantuy nu atulan,to make the tribe better,test +57540,57541,57541,misasing inipacumud tu tusa a waneng,putting sugar in the operation actual situation,train +57541,57542,57542,mahiya tu alihaytu,enough,train +57542,57543,57543,misadateng iratu ku kakaenen kira,grow your own vegetables and you will get to eat them,train +57543,57544,57544,tu pakayraay tu itiyahu mi saluma,something about building a house in the old days,train +57544,57545,57545,malaaped,turns into powder,train +57545,57546,57546,hanen,this lathis way,train +57546,57547,57547,ciyanghuwa ciyanghuwa kuni,ginger flower,train +57547,57548,57548,Mihakenu tiru Yisan,Peter denied Jesus was evasive about his relationship,train +57548,57549,57549,Mamipasera tu sawni tu,it is almost time for class to end wait a little longer,train +57549,57550,57550,matiya sa i likuwat nu sakeru,dance in a circle then,test +57550,57551,57551,caay kavana ku wawa mawmah,kids do not know how to farm,train +57551,57552,57552,salilitan nake semetupucu,cut him off and do nothing,train +57552,57553,57553,paluserangawan,Contemporary culture,train +57553,57554,57554,kaku itira kaku mala,he was a guard there,train +57554,57555,57555,mikawit,hooked weave,train +57555,57556,57556,oniya lalakaw wa padama kitaanan mihapinang suˈlin matungalay ku cariraw sapalifet atu ruray nu mita anu tiˈeren ita ci Yihufa wa milifuk tu sapalifun atu salidung nu Kawas,this text will help us to see that even as our cares trials and sufferings increase our trust in God will surely be rewarded and saved,train +57556,57557,57557,saka ura fafahiyan sa tala sa tura faʼinayan i luma,So the girls they have been waiting at the boys house,train +57557,57558,57558,salama,play,train +57558,57559,57559,calaped awaay,no pants,train +57559,57560,57560,Miluwi ci mama a mayuing i tamiyanan,dad talked to us loudly,test +57560,57561,57561,kahemekan tu kura misu a harateng haw,your ideas are great,train +57561,57562,57562,Simamaulahay tu si Ohay niy,Ohay is in love,train +57562,57563,57563,hatira ku tudung nu suwal,that is the point,train +57563,57564,57564,caay pihayda kaku tu pipasifana nu fafahiyan atu pikuwan nu fafahiyan tu fainayan o nika tumrep nangra ku ngaay,I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man she must be silent,train +57564,57565,57565,Misauduˈan isu ku mitusilay demak misaˈicel mipalak tu tuki tu lipalipay a mitusil han,do you treasure your ministry and try to set aside time each week to preach,train +57565,57566,57566,mitangtang tu fuceki,how to cook Mandarin fish,train +57566,57567,57567,sapisanga tu acucul,it is for making gyros,train +57567,57568,57568,Kalacawka hantu naira kura ariri,they used the warehouse as a kitchen,train +57568,57569,57569,mahanay iniyan sakikamay,it is like this gloves,train +57569,57570,57570,tuna mafana ci Pitiru tunini i tayra satu cingra i luma ni Mariya u ina ni Maruku hananay a tamdaw ci Yuhani ira itira a masaupu ku alumanay a tamdaw a mitulun,when this had dawned on him he went to the house of Mary the mother of John also called Mark where many people had gathered and were praying,test +57570,57571,57571,mitangtangan,Cooked Stuff,train +57571,57572,57572,pasuwal sa ci Akripa ci Pawluan Ngaaytu a pasuwal kisu tu nanu dmak isu han ningra Saka laya sa ci Pawlu tu kamay ningra a pasuwal a paading tu tireng,then Agrippa said to Paul You have permission to speak for yourself so Paul motioned with his hand and began his defense,train +57572,57573,57573,anucila hantu aku a patikul cingra,I will return to him tomorrow,train +57573,57574,57574,laliup,wash your face,train +57574,57575,57575,ngaʼay tira ku paniyaruʼan san mahawikid tayni tini,they said the tribe was nice so they brought them here to live,train +57575,57576,57576,karurayan namu pakaen tu kuku,deserved Harvest,train +57576,57577,57577,tungal,rise,train +57577,57578,57578,u itiyaʼay hu atu aniniay a lifung,past and present epidemics,train +57578,57579,57579,rakaten nu maku a tala cacudadan tu remiremiad,I walk to school every day,train +57579,57580,57580,i kingkuen ku pida a minaang ku ngaayay,it is better to keep your money in the bank,test +57580,57581,57581,mikilimay tu mami falic tu tilid nu pancah malu mifalic sa nu Hulam,he is looking for someone to translate Amis into Chinese,train +57581,57582,57582,maapa ku matuʼasay a saan,if you say you feel the elders are so stupid and foolish,train +57582,57583,57583,han san awai aca ku maan nu maku miteka,that is how it was for a while,train +57583,57584,57584,afadengafu,charcoal ash,train +57584,57585,57585,9 o manan a lalangian alatek matalaw kita misataˈangay tu ngihaˈ a rumadiw pahemek ci Yihufaan hani,what factors might keep us from singing psalms out loud in gatherings and assemblies,train +57585,57586,57586,tu cecay nu Amis a caciyaw,an Amish word,train +57586,57587,57587,unini a suwal ita u Pangcah,Amis,train +57587,57588,57588,edef,shut,train +57588,57589,57589,itira i Matang kami a mitilid,we study together in the Tafalong tribe,train +57589,57590,57590,ciwaa,horn,test +57590,57591,57591,marupayay,level,train +57591,57592,57592,taraan nu sikawasay a mimeraw,examined by the priest and confirmed to be present,train +57592,57593,57593,masa Sunay Mulisang anu sa ca ka edeng kira,four words as in Chenille Morrison but there is not enough space for four words,train +57593,57594,57594,wawa tayra tu maemin i Taypak nisakul,the kids went to work in Taipei,train +57594,57595,57595,faki ini ku misu u tangal a ini ku pulut ku misu han kiya safa saan,the ends are in order of age,train +57595,57596,57596,o nika tayni nuya wawa nu tamdaw i u mamatiya u dmak tuya rumiad yu mauriphu ca Nuwa,as it was in the days of Noah so it will be at the coming of the son of Man,train +57596,57597,57597,u sulinayay kiniyan,is the plot of the legend true,train +57597,57598,57598,mailul,long to see again,train +57598,57599,57599,Ciedu ku ariri nu niyam,we have mice in our barn,train +57599,57600,57600,sapirayrayaw,pass it on,test +57600,57601,57601,mamaan alaen malufaʼinay hanaku kura wina aku a paculi,I will make you a husband I am talking back to my mother,train +57601,57602,57602,Alimanan,Besides,train +57602,57603,57603,itini rarem han ita,by the time we get to the next generation,train +57603,57604,57604,natafukud han naku kira aray,learn about the production of Gossipcom thank you,train +57604,57605,57605,masalikaf nu tau sa ku suwal nu pakimaday palimuʼut tu mamalahitay a wawa,exhorting and exhorting kids who are enlisted in the military to guard against vilification,train +57605,57606,57606,maulahay kaku atu kaka a miraradiw,both my brother and I like to sing,train +57606,57607,57607,mansa hatiniay ini ku acucul a,that is why you see a gyro like this,train +57607,57608,57608,malasawadtu ku mafanaay a miulicay a tamdaw i niyaru,the people who sang poetry in the tribes have disappeared,train +57608,57609,57609,ira tu pinaen isu kufuc ku picakay,Yes how many bottles do you need,train +57609,57610,57610,san ku nu tangic nu maku cecay lunguc tu ku hatiniay,this is my plea the first point of encouragement,test +57610,57611,57611,Masasangi ku mapalitay,the imprisoned person is tortured,train +57611,57612,57612,naayaw haw u matuʼasay,past elders,train +57612,57613,57613,u yaan u yu tataakay tu pahiyaan itini i piwnungan,large cows should be fitted with nose rings,train +57613,57614,57614,Hakuwaay ku akawang isu,how tall are you,train +57614,57615,57615,tayni ku Padaka i Taywan a patenak,foreigners came to Taiwan to spread the gospel,train +57615,57616,57616,samanay mansa i mafulaw ku salawinawina nu nani tiniay i Palidaw,I do not know why the Hengchun clan moved,train +57616,57617,57617,salil,plugging fish,train +57617,57618,57618,tayra tu i Sakul ku ruma i Cupu,some go to the Saguaros,train +57618,57619,57619,Papilunaw caaytu ku mamatngil i tisuwanan ku suni nu midatukay atu radiw nu rumadiway atu suni nu mitipuluay atu suni nu mila^paay caaytu ku mamaaraw i tisuwanan ku matayalay tu masamaamaanay a tayal caaytu ku mamatngil i tisuwanan ku suni nu tailangan,the music of harpists and musicians flute players and trumpeters will never be heard in you again no workman of any trade will ever be found in you again the sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again,train +57619,57620,57620,ye duduen ita ku demak nu liteng ita,we must pass on the skills of our ancestors,test +57620,57621,57621,ta ma miliyas tu cingra,the he left,train +57621,57622,57622,mana sapi nanamaw kisu a mitenuun,how did you develop an interest in learning weaving,train +57622,57623,57623,ira hen kiniyan u sakatalaumah,and to the fields,train +57623,57624,57624,maherek tu,after completion,train +57624,57625,57625,isu haw,you are,train +57625,57626,57626,Macaling nu tau ku umah aku,my field has been encroached upon by outsiders,train +57626,57627,57627,mararumay,Pessimistic,train +57627,57628,57628,tatata,walk,train +57628,57629,57629,Saka latusa satu ku finawlan tu pakayniay i ci Yisan,thus the people were divided because of Jesus,train +57629,57630,57630,ciyanghuwang kaw sa ciyanghuwang,it should be called turmeric,test +57630,57631,57631,maneng aca ku futing itini i luma nu widawidang hiwawa,I also saw that my friend had a lot of fish in his house,train +57631,57632,57632,lipahak ku falucu,I am so happy,train +57632,57633,57633,a unian aca ku kaulahan nu wawa aku,so this is what my kid likes,train +57633,57634,57634,caay ka eca,certain,train +57634,57635,57635,tahanini intu i mafana tu ku,when we get to the point where we understand,train +57635,57636,57636,vakiyan,Grandpa,train +57636,57637,57637,u siningkay hu i,in the prime of youth,train +57637,57638,57638,maedeng kiya riraw fafahiyan kura taturung nu mis ramud han nira,that girl might be suitable for you suitable to be your wife he said,train +57638,57639,57639,anu,no matter,train +57639,57640,57640,fihekac,trap,test +57640,57641,57641,ca kalecad ku tamdaw,various authors,train +57641,57642,57642,Suˈlinay i anu caka paratuh tu tamdaw u awaay ku ngudu atu ulah,in fact not greeting people can be perceived as impolite and uncaring,train +57642,57643,57643,malaliciw a tamdaw haw i,as a mayor,train +57643,57644,57644,Hayda,Okay,train +57644,57645,57645,malasingsi nangra,be their little teacher,train +57645,57646,57646,tuli tuli uksan anta tuli ilimaska han niira ri,Chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken and she said Do you want a chicken madam,train +57646,57647,57647,o mapapadang,help each other out,train +57647,57648,57648,mana awa hani,why not,train +57648,57649,57649,pinahakuwa,how much,train +57649,57650,57650,na caay kapadiput kaku ri mapadiput kiyami tumangic kaku,I am not being raised and I am being adopted and I am very sad about that,test +57650,57651,57651,ira henay kina niyaru,the tribe still exists this tribe still exists,train +57651,57652,57652,saka u kahemekan maulah ku finawlan a mikaput i cingraan,So everyone is very happy and enjoys being with him,train +57652,57653,57653,talacacudadantu,go to school,train +57653,57654,57654,o caciurip tu midaucay ku kumaenay tu hci atu rmes Aku o rumasatu u papaluwaden aku cingra a paurip nai patay i saikuray a rumiad,whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day,train +57654,57655,57655,Hayda matira pafelien hu kaku tuya sapasurut isu,all right then give me your dues in advance,train +57655,57656,57656,tey Sakeru haen sa kami itiya a rumadiw mafanayay muradiw angengahawawa milicay cangra mihaen,we sang and danced all the time and because we could sing that is how they asked us,train +57656,57657,57657,u malitengay ci ama aku ci ina aku,my dad and mom,train +57657,57658,57658,o Rikec nu pisaniyaru nu Pangcah i pakayniay i rayray nu kakitaan i kasaselaselal atu i sapalengaw a tuluay a marekecay a pinangan,the social organization of the Amis is based on three main elements the leadership system the age hierarchy and the priests,train +57658,57659,57659,cuwa ka dulu a minanam tu suwal nu Matakaska,for Didier and Nadine learning Malagasy was not easy,train +57659,57660,57660,nanay fangcal ku katuas namu,I hope you grow up well,test +57660,57661,57661,kura ifelacay mipacukay tu fafuy,sleeping with them at night in the clubhouse,train +57661,57662,57662,iraay kura palifunan ira kami,and he rewarded us,train +57662,57663,57663,awaay ku Pangcah palumaay tu icep,at present there are fewer betel nut trees planted by the clan,train +57663,57664,57664,mangalay ku,just in time for Taiwan,train +57664,57665,57665,sakatusa,secondly,train +57665,57666,57666,Tunamahaen awaay tu ku pacaliway nu alumanay tu lalusidan nu heni i ciraan,in the end no one wanted to borrow anything from him,train +57666,57667,57667,o cuaf aku a minanum saka mafaha kaku,my cough is caused by choking,train +57667,57668,57668,tayni satu ku heni tu namaka sakapina hakiya a mihca iri,a few years after they came here,train +57668,57669,57669,u finawlan ku mipatirengay tura ruma,neighbors build that kind of house together,train +57669,57670,57670,u pakayniay u masamaan ku fana namu tu Pangcah,for that reason how much of the Aboriginal language do you understand,test +57670,57671,57671,haen han nira kuya tuluay a dadanguyan,pulling the three bamboo paddles,train +57671,57672,57672,sekalay,superficial,train +57672,57673,57673,tu hatiniay mikuwanay a Cenfu caay kaedeng ku pidiput tu saka rayrayaw nu serangawan nu Yin cumincu,Successive governments have been negligent in the protection of indigenous cultures,train +57673,57674,57674,pinaʼen kuni titi cecay tingting,How much meat one pound,train +57674,57675,57675,maemin ku itiyaayhu maalul ku maalulay a mikilang,or other factors causing the disappearance of the person,train +57675,57676,57676,maedeng maritus matira sa malecadtu,it does not matter what you draw,train +57676,57677,57677,fiting,earrings,train +57677,57678,57678,nawhan mihicay,because I am going to catch a fish fry,train +57678,57679,57679,oyaan ta tahalamaan ta,we will use it as a toy,train +57679,57680,57680,nu demak nu mita u mitahafan nu kakarayan,the Spirit of God knows all the things we do,test +57680,57681,57681,Nanuya tahira ca Pawlu i Tirpi ta tayra i Listra ira itira ci Timuti hananay a nisawawaan o mituuray ci Kristuan a Yutaya a tamdaw ku ina ningra o Krisiya a tamdaw ku mama ningra,he came to Derbe and then to Lystra where a disciple named Timothy lived whose mother was a Jewess and a believer but whose father was a Greek,train +57681,57682,57682,tali ci semut,taro has weeds,train +57682,57683,57683,itira tu masasiulahulah caira matiya,and so they fell in love,train +57683,57684,57684,iniʼan nu u siraw ku sapisapakaʼen han,this salted meat is for them,train +57684,57685,57685,sapalengaw,priests,train +57685,57686,57686,Tatangasa^ tu kita hay,are we there yet,train +57686,57687,57687,dafak maratar nanutimulan nanuʼamisan ku rumaruma makupisak ku matuʼasay,the old men scatter every other morning some to the south some to the north,train +57687,57688,57688,mifalah tu lakaw cingra,he is going to throw away the trash,train +57688,57689,57689,akaa caay kaku pisulul,No No no no no no no I am not going to do it,train +57689,57690,57690,mihiyaen tuktuken nu niyam i,so I tried to tap it,test +57690,57691,57691,anu huni ira hu ku saka tusa,continued episode,train +57691,57692,57692,i paputal ku pisaaningan nu niyaru,the tribal stage is outside,train +57692,57693,57693,nu niyaruʼan cecay i,it is all tribal songs,train +57693,57694,57694,awaay ku cahid i dadaya^ masadakay ku fuis,there were no clouds in the sky at night and the stars came out,train +57694,57695,57695,sapilalikid,Toyono Matsuri,train +57695,57696,57696,itini i enar tu i mahaen tu a kadufah sahaca dadahal ku kaliumahan itini i enar u nipalumaan i ira ku katepaay ira ku panay ira ku tefu ira ku tali ira ku kimciam u lukut u karu,it is widely distributed and crops grown include red glutinous rice rice bamboo shoots lotus flowers golden needles shanshu sedan dry rice and herbs,train +57696,57697,57697,hatira kura urip niyam mamanghu,this is what I remember from my youth,train +57697,57698,57698,o dii nira cira,he was her sex partner,train +57698,57699,57699,mifalunay kami,dumping of coal,train +57699,57700,57700,caay ka ranih aku ku tatayalen,there is too much work I cannot handle the work alone,test +57700,57701,57701,anu dadahal haw,if it is too wide,train +57701,57702,57702,sulul,transmission,train +57702,57703,57703,i cuwaay niyan naniyaru amaemin,everywhere has running water,train +57703,57704,57704,Nikawrira u sakacidafungananay a tamdaw i masafit a matilu nu maapaay a falucu atu tatiihay a anuf ningra onini a anuf ku sakatfad nu tamdaw a matkup,people who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction,train +57704,57705,57705,kiya kilang,the tree,train +57705,57706,57706,pangangan u nu Dipung tuna haw hay,my uncles name in the Japanese era was,train +57706,57707,57707,taynien i niyaru nu Cikasuan u enar,to the plains Shichigokawa tribe,train +57707,57708,57708,o nanutuas ita u Pangcah a pinasanga kiraan,that is our traditional Amis building,train +57708,57709,57709,hatiniay tumuk ku nanu maku a midemakan itini i niyaru,that is what I did when I was chief of my tribe,train +57709,57710,57710,kasaupuan,gathering of,test +57710,57711,57711,pasuwal sa cangra Mihayda ci Musi tu nipitilid nu fainay tu sakalaliyas a tilid a misawad tu fafahi ningra han nangra,they said Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away,train +57711,57712,57712,mahenay a tamdaw ay i saan,respect and love people like that,train +57712,57713,57713,ngaʼay hu kamu mapulung,Hello everyone,train +57713,57714,57714,u saaurip nu heni iri,they live on it,train +57714,57715,57715,o samaanen misanga,how do you make it,train +57715,57716,57716,saʼayaway aku pisaʼicel aku pakafana,that is what I am trying to teach first and foremost,train +57716,57717,57717,tengteng,draw,train +57717,57718,57718,halafhafay,warm,train +57718,57719,57719,na kilimen naku kiya sasing niya ama aku haw matamatu ya wina aku,if you look for a picture of my father and mother you will see,train +57719,57720,57720,tahenay ku rakat nu karayaay cecay a rumiad kina tusa^ pulu ira ku sepat a misaliyuk,the long needle goes fast twenty four times a day,test +57720,57721,57721,maherek a mitulun keriden nira ku madapunuhay a fafahian talaalu hawupen nangra kuya luuh telien nu fainayan kuya Luuh i terung nu alu^,leading the widow into the water and around the banana tree while the male stationed the entire banana in the center of the stream,train +57721,57722,57722,naicuwa isu a icelen,where does the power come from,train +57722,57723,57723,Macupa nu kaka nira kaku i huni,just now her sister was near my ear,train +57723,57724,57724,ira ku patuper tu nu kasakakakakay kakunan,my superiors have given me,train +57724,57725,57725,ye hatira tura anu ira ku dadaya,as in one night,train +57725,57726,57726,itina Cikasuwan hananay,Chikagawa,train +57726,57727,57727,harateng aku ira hu kaku,I have an idea that as long as I am around,train +57727,57728,57728,macukuyay,dropped,train +57728,57729,57729,tiya herek nu lahuk ta papulungen nira i,in the afternoon we will make one together,train +57729,57730,57730,fakici,barrel,test +57730,57731,57731,sisa ci Singkuy a lutuk,Thus the hungry mountain god,train +57731,57732,57732,cuwa ka talaw kami,but we are not afraid,train +57732,57733,57733,o maan ku nu misu a kaulahan midemak,what are your interests,train +57733,57734,57734,miulatek,arbitrarily,train +57734,57735,57735,nikafangcal,good,train +57735,57736,57736,malcadcad ku valucu nu maruʼay itini a Cikasuwan,the Chikagawa people who lived here recognized the,train +57736,57737,57737,u maan han tu ku tulatulaw kiya,what did you say about the egret,train +57737,57738,57738,maan u paylang caay ka hatira kini a mimin kuna payci a pakiyaw,it is not a big bet but the Han does not care,train +57738,57739,57739,fai licayen hu aku kisu haw,Auntie may I ask you something,train +57739,57740,57740,itiya ku luwad nu sikawasay nu mita u Pangcah itiyahu,that is where the Amish shamans used to pray,test +57740,57741,57741,laway,face,train +57741,57742,57742,sasepat ku fafahiyan a wawa,four daughters,train +57742,57743,57743,aluman ku pakuyucay a luma,families are generally poor,train +57743,57744,57744,alesu sa,I hear it is delicious,train +57744,57745,57745,nu ecahan a radiw inian i u tadaradiw tu rumiamiad anu matayal tu anu pilekakawaan tu maan,General Ballads these are songs that are sung during the day including work songs and life songs,train +57745,57746,57746,mipahecekan nu matuʼasay tu kilang,did the ancestors pile it up themselves,train +57746,57747,57747,nawhan ni caay ka tahekal kami u wawa,we kids did not leave the house back then,train +57747,57748,57748,icuwaay kisu minalay,where did you learn that,train +57748,57749,57749,o wawa isu ku mirasrasay tira naniwac i sefi,it is your kids in the kitchen spilling green beans all over the floor,train +57749,57750,57750,icuwa ku kasadakan,where is there an exit way out,test +57750,57751,57751,mapakutay,superseded,train +57751,57752,57752,alumanay,enough,train +57752,57753,57753,unini a wawa suelin ca hu hu katuas u wawa hu kunini a wawa pakayra a mitafsiw,Really the child has not grown up he passed there,train +57753,57754,57754,awa tu ku kakaenen itini tu nu mipaypayay sa i tayraen,then the families will be even poorer and have nothing to offer,train +57754,57755,57755,ta nukay satu cingra maedeng sepat a rumiʼad,So back home four days later,train +57755,57756,57756,mamang,one point,train +57756,57757,57757,wa cadaen aku kuniya tayal han,should I do this job,train +57757,57758,57758,yu tatudung sanay ney,just the right length,train +57758,57759,57759,u Ripun ku misumaday tu sakamawmah,it is a tool for the Japanese to change the way they farm,train +57759,57760,57760,u Fataʼan kuni,it is a tree bean,test +57760,57761,57761,macicih namu ku tatelekan ita,you broke our covenant,train +57761,57762,57762,Papaliw a mipanay ku finawlan,the tribes work for each other as helpers in the rice harvest,train +57762,57763,57763,ya simanay ku maku caʼaytu pisausi hay,if it were me I would just ignore it Yes,train +57763,57764,57764,aka tuka inanengen ta a matayal,do not be lazy work hard,train +57764,57765,57765,ira haw ku lutuk nu niyaru nu mita,does our tribe have mountains,train +57765,57766,57766,adihay ku mipakiyaway nu hiya itini i Yencumin itini i pimalian san i,there are a lot of Aboriginal players who cannot resist the temptation,train +57766,57767,57767,oni a ngangan i mafana tu,I know,train +57767,57768,57768,mafukilay tu ku suna niyam pasuwal tu nu Amis,our grandchildren do not speak the language anymore,train +57768,57769,57769,itiya i mapulung ku ruma a finacadan atu Yutaya a tamdaw atu kakrikridan nangra a misahalaka tu sapikariangaw tu tarukus a mitkul tu fukluh,there was a plot afoot among the Gentiles and Jews together with their leaders to mistreat them and stone them,train +57769,57770,57770,Ngaay tu nika panukasen i rikur nu tulu^ a rumiad,sure and remember to return them after three days,test +57770,57771,57771,kaesuay,delicious,train +57771,57772,57772,saka ira ku tayal nu niyam,when the work comes in,train +57772,57773,57773,halafin tu halafin tu kiraan mahaen ra,Yes it will be a long time,train +57773,57774,57774,sakaytini i suwal nu Pangcah,he speaks the language fluently,train +57774,57775,57775,saicelen,refueling,train +57775,57776,57776,o marasmasay tu ku rumiad ita anini,our weather today is grossly rainy,train +57776,57777,57777,tayra miiya nu niyamay niyamay kuni sa,when you go to the scene this is ours this is ours so to speak,train +57777,57778,57778,paaliwacay,brief,train +57778,57779,57779,u ina ni Madading ku sitekeden a caay,especially the flawless white and delicate girl,train +57779,57780,57780,sarararen,made into hoes,test +57780,57781,57781,wikidfatili,Mobile power,train +57781,57782,57782,mahrek ci Yis a sumuwal tunini i liyasen ningra ku Kalili a tayra i tiraw nu Yurtan i Yutaya a pala,when Jesus had finished saying these things he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan,train +57782,57783,57783,ya cukis tu kira,it is the rafters,train +57783,57784,57784,marauday tu ita haw,are we there yet,train +57784,57785,57785,o makuwanay nu pinangan nu tireng i u patay ku pahrekan o caciurip u rarihaday ku makuwanay nu Fangcalay Adingu,the mind of sinful man is death but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace,train +57785,57786,57786,tangasa itini i,from,train +57786,57787,57787,suwal san iri,say,train +57787,57788,57788,Malaudut ca Mayaw atu kaput nira i picudadan,Mayaw and his classmates fight at school,train +57788,57789,57789,makaen ni aki ku futing atu hemay,Aki ate fish and rice,train +57789,57790,57790,u malekepay tu ku tamdaw nu mita,we will disappear,test +57790,57791,57791,u caay ka hali^pah u caay piudut u damsayay u caay ka caculi atu tau u caay ka anuf tu paysu,not given to drunkenness not violent but gentle not quarrelsome not a lover of money,train +57791,57792,57792,tasyang,elephant,train +57792,57793,57793,u taʼangay nu nanay nu maku,it is my greatest wish,train +57793,57794,57794,itini,it is here,train +57794,57795,57795,rumadiway,singable,train +57795,57796,57796,pasa pakiynien numita u Amis,I will say it in my mother tongue,train +57796,57797,57797,samaan kamu tayni mimaumah aki awaay ku kamaumahan,how do you work at that moment,train +57797,57798,57798,vayi maherek kisu misakeliw,Auntie after you finish rolling,train +57798,57799,57799,Hay misalimlaay tu mitusilay demak cingra,it is clear that Irene really loves to preach,train +57799,57800,57800,nika taturuturud tu numita macaciyaw,then we will explain it to each other,test +57800,57801,57801,mi hiya tu nu yakiw undu hananay hatiniay aca ku nu maku,I have been working hard in the baseball world without complaint,train +57801,57802,57802,mikalic,riding,train +57802,57803,57803,tu dafak satu i kalah sa a masaupu ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu kalas nu niyaru atu pasifanaay tu Rikec atu pulung nu lumaucay a masasuwasuwal ta palit hantu nangra ci Yis a mikidkid a paturud i ci Pilatuan,very early in the morning the chief priests with the elders the teachers of the law and the whole Sanhedrin reached a decision they bound Jesus led him away and handed him over to Pilate,train +57803,57804,57804,tu niyan u,seed,train +57804,57805,57805,sumuwal,tell me about it,train +57805,57806,57806,miliyas ci Yis tu niyaru a matiya tu hatiniay a tayra i Olif a lutuk Mihaklung ku nisawawaan i Cingraan,Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives and his disciples followed him,train +57806,57807,57807,itiya hu ku pulung nu wayway nu malatumukay,it is an indicator of what it means to be a tribal person,train +57807,57808,57808,maʼedeng tu kini,that is enough,train +57808,57809,57809,Kaereden aku hatini,I am going to twist it into a rope now,train +57809,57810,57810,miteking,ignite,test +57810,57811,57811,Inaaw namatengil tu nu maku,Mom I heard it,train +57811,57812,57812,anu macaculi a malacinuwas ku paru nu Kitakit i caay ku tatumireng kuya kitakit,if a kingdom is divided against itself that kingdom cannot stand,train +57812,57813,57813,kafutian,bedding,train +57813,57814,57814,hay caay kalecad matini,it is completely different from what we have now,train +57814,57815,57815,pacumuden nangra tu fukeluh caay kadademak caay ka alul,put a stone on it so that it will not be blown by the wind and will not disappear,train +57815,57816,57816,ihuni,a few Moments ago,train +57816,57817,57817,masamatira kuya matuʼasay itiya hu,early Villagers elderly approach,train +57817,57818,57818,u maan ku sapisanga isu tu tamud,what do you use to make yeast,train +57818,57819,57819,mangac kiya harateng aku i sakacecay lipay niyam minukayay tu kaku tayni itini,I will be back here in a week,train +57819,57820,57820,huwadwalin,flip,test +57820,57821,57821,caʼay tu kaenga ku itini tuna nu mita u wawa,it is not suitable for children,train +57821,57822,57822,awa ku elun itiya,there were no chairs back then,train +57822,57823,57823,kuniay ini,this is interesting,train +57823,57824,57824,anu awa ku misu saan ku wina nuya wawa,the kids mom said why yours did not,train +57824,57825,57825,sakafungen,wear,train +57825,57826,57826,adihay ku kahemekan maku itini,to be honest I have gotten a lot of blessings here,train +57826,57827,57827,ka isu tu ku remadiway tu nu Pangcah,I will sing you an Amis song,train +57827,57828,57828,situ nu maku,my students,train +57828,57829,57829,ya satu u rumasatu i kisu ku ci tatudungay tu matuʼasay,Civic party Classified work hospitality for VIPs,train +57829,57830,57830,sapakaen tu diyung kuninan sanay,it is for the pigs,test +57830,57831,57831,Misekin tu i pacaliwen nu kaput kaku tu impic atu sasipasip,during the exam a classmate lent me a pen and an eraser,train +57831,57832,57832,mami ku matuʼasay ta mafana ku tangal a sa kami sa,the main purpose is to keep the old mans brain from deteriorating,train +57832,57833,57833,calay,a web,train +57833,57834,57834,hengheng,Rumble,train +57834,57835,57835,matahidang kami a mikaput,we have been invited to be a part,train +57835,57836,57836,a patireng,construction,train +57836,57837,57837,Maritrit tu ku panay,the grain has been cut,train +57837,57838,57838,tatiih,cannot,train +57838,57839,57839,malaheci ku nian a lima miheca,I hope that in the next five years,train +57839,57840,57840,i tini kaku tini i pusung a minaray haw i,I started my apprenticeship in Taitung,test +57840,57841,57841,patelas sanay ya mikilim tu hafaʼinay nu wawa,how can you be so casual about finding a husband for your child,train +57841,57842,57842,Hay tada salungan a arawen ku teker ni Idek,Yes the rainbow looks beautiful,train +57842,57843,57843,Pakafanaay tu suwal nu Amis kaku,I used to work in the field of teaching ethnic languages,train +57843,57844,57844,samanen iraay ku pilimekan niyaruˈ a limasmas cuwa ku mapacieci cangra milaliw tayra ruma kitakit makayhidtu miduku tu makaniway kawas,because of the arrangement of the city of refuge these people will not be forced to flee to foreign lands where they will be tempted to worship false gods,train +57844,57845,57845,u nu itiya hu a,at that time,train +57845,57846,57846,hay,Good,train +57846,57847,57847,iniyan u nipilihay ku kapahay,it is better to do it for worship,train +57847,57848,57848,a hayi satu a patatihi,how could I,train +57848,57849,57849,patalasala^,vegetable plate,train +57849,57850,57850,maku haw hatu u,what about me,test +57850,57851,57851,maʼedeng tu aci pasenli tu pasenliay,so people started to get baptized one by one,train +57851,57852,57852,tiraay u hiya,like that,train +57852,57853,57853,rumaay imi sanay ri hay,Besides Yi Han is very mysterious oh,train +57853,57854,57854,faecal,an excellent,train +57854,57855,57855,maunipay,seedlings sown,train +57855,57856,57856,tu ruray mikilim tu sakaʼurip,I have worked hard for my life,train +57856,57857,57857,ira ku cidal atu fuʼis Fuʼis haw,there is the sun there is the stars there are stars,train +57857,57858,57858,fula,clumsy,train +57858,57859,57859,itiya hu u fitaʼul kalu hananay,with a mallet on a rock,train +57859,57860,57860,masaupu misakuli misakuliay,collective work working together,test +57860,57861,57861,sanay ku hemek nu maku,the thing that makes me happy,train +57861,57862,57862,reyp satu ku rey kira nu cesinkwan,the executioners whistle will sound,train +57862,57863,57863,acaʼaca sa tu epah ipin,I will buy a bottle of wine,train +57863,57864,57864,kalacecay ku falucu,be united,train +57864,57865,57865,alumanay ku alumanay tayni i luma a malahulul kira,everyone came to the house to celebrate,train +57865,57866,57866,u futing tu,or fish,train +57866,57867,57867,palilinen tu a mangata tu a mipaenip sa,once the ground is leveled we will be ready to plant seedlings,train +57867,57868,57868,adihay ku mahuracay tu a ukak nu tamdaw i tira,there were a lot of dry bones there,train +57868,57869,57869,matiraay ku nika u demak u ninian haw i,so when I hear about a job I do it,train +57869,57870,57870,tayhiraay kamina u Rikec nu malitengay kura samisi ca ka duʼeduen,this class has come to us and the traditional rituals of our ancestors have to be followed,test +57870,57871,57871,iniyan han tu,this is,train +57871,57872,57872,anu ku haw,it takes hours to get to Hualien,train +57872,57873,57873,Safahka sa ku finawlan a mitngil tunini a nipipasifana ni Yis,when the crowds heard this they were astonished at his teaching,train +57873,57874,57874,o pecih nu siping ku sacucup ni ina tu wawa nira,the mom brings home half of a wedding cake as a gift for the child,train +57874,57875,57875,u citudungay cingra tunini a tayal,he is responsible for the representative of this work,train +57875,57876,57876,ngaay patuurhan tu ni hiya tu u safang saka ku kira,we can do it this way as a net I think,train +57876,57877,57877,hakuwa ku nika raraay,how far apart are the two,train +57877,57878,57878,itira sa cangra tangasa i kapatayan ni Hiruti onini i u nika lahci nu nisuwalan nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Tapang tuya Tahidangen Aku ku Wawa Aku a pasadak nai Icip sanay,where he stayed until the death of Herod and so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet Out of Egypt I called my son,train +57878,57879,57879,anu dafak haw i masadak ku cidal,the sun will come out in the morning,train +57879,57880,57880,una i pina kuni repetan tu ma ma kisu han i,I will give you extra credit for your performance,test +57880,57881,57881,awaay ku lalan i lutuk ku lalan,there were no roads on the mountain,train +57881,57882,57882,adihay ku kapaysinan nu Amis itiyahu,the Amis used to have a lot of sacred and religious prohibitions taboo,train +57882,57883,57883,Nikawrira suwal sa ku ina ningra Caay Ci Yuhani ku ngangan ningra han ningra,but his mother spoke up and said No he is to be called John,train +57883,57884,57884,vaki kemaen hen haw kisu tu sapaiyu,Grandpa did you take your medication again,train +57884,57885,57885,Sicica kiyam ku tavaku,because tobacco has juice,train +57885,57886,57886,Pakuicawen ku lalielan nu riku aku a misanga,please stiffen the collar of my dress,train +57886,57887,57887,yu tahiratu kami i luma i mahayda ku nipicidek ni Pawlu a maru i ccay a luma Nikawrira masimaw nu ccay a sufitay cingra,when we got to Rome Paul was allowed to live by himself with a soldier to guard him,train +57887,57888,57888,maʼemin Halu daheciʼciʼ,and the reed core,train +57888,57889,57889,nu Recurd,Mau Hey,train +57889,57890,57890,yu pakatngil kuya tamdaw tunini a suwal i falic sa ku pising sa ickuy sa a mararum a miliyas nawhani adihay ku dafung ningra,at this the mans face fell he went away sad because he had great wealth,test +57890,57891,57891,nuya pitingtu nu maku itira hu i Singku haw,I was doing missionary work in Successville,train +57891,57892,57892,Orasaka ngaay kunini saan ku falucu nu tarukus atu ciwlu atu kiwkay a ma^min Saka pili han nangra nai cangraan ku mamikaput ca Pawluan aci Parnapasan a tayra i Antiyuk oya nipilian i ci Parsapas hananay a tamdaw ci Yuta aci Silas u kanguduan nu salikaka cangra,then the apostles and elders with the whole church decided to choose some of their own men and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas they chose Judas and Silas two men who were leaders among the brothers,train +57892,57893,57893,ku pipelak tu hiya nu titi,and cut the meat in pieces,train +57893,57894,57894,pakapakaulahan ku lalan iri,the road is full of potholes,train +57894,57895,57895,u,species,train +57895,57896,57896,niman ca ka miucur ku tawki papipatangic a mi,of course the boss will force us to leave Hong Kong,train +57896,57897,57897,o tadu^duan a pinangan nu Amis ku ninian,this is a traditional Amis custom,train +57897,57898,57898,hay han maku fangcal ku siraw aku,Yeah I am pickling very well,train +57898,57899,57899,u pafeli ni ama aku takunan tu kuninan,my father gave it to me,train +57899,57900,57900,matalaway rumakat kura malitengay,old people are scared to go,test +57900,57901,57901,ta pakafana kaku itiay hawi,at the time I was teaching,train +57901,57902,57902,nawhan itira haw awaay ku fadfad itira haw,because there is no flat land anywhere it is a wasteland,train +57902,57903,57903,o citirengay ku suwalen,to tell themselves,train +57903,57904,57904,suwal sa kiya mama,dad said,train +57904,57905,57905,tuwa malingatu tu ku kaying micumud,and then the ladies started coming in,train +57905,57906,57906,hay kira,that is right,train +57906,57907,57907,Mafana,realize,train +57907,57908,57908,inaayaway a tumuk nu niyaru,past tribal leaders,train +57908,57909,57909,Saka mararid kaku a misaicel tu saka^caaw ka turu nu ngaayay a falucu aku i kaayaw nu Kawas atu i kaayaw nu tamdaw,so I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man,train +57909,57910,57910,cupelak,astringent,test +57910,57911,57911,tisaki,basket,train +57911,57912,57912,o sakasaan aku i masadak a talacuwacuwa ku alumanay a misafitay a tamdaw o malatamdaway ci Yis Kristu a tayni i hkal caay ka saan ku suwal nangra o misafitay ku matiniay a tamdaw u misaadaay ci Kristuan,many deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh have gone out into the world any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist,train +57912,57913,57913,maan han ca kapinengneng tu ising,how are we going to get to the doctor,train +57913,57914,57914,anu caacaay ka itira kaku i mikaput i tamuwanan ku falucu aku lipahak kaku a miharateng tu nika ^ca ka ngiyangi namu atu nika tanektek nu falucu namu a mitier ci Kristuan,for though I am absent from you in body I am present with you in Spirit and delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is,train +57914,57915,57915,awaay,pass away,train +57915,57916,57916,Pangta^,shallow,train +57916,57917,57917,inaan,Mom,train +57917,57918,57918,iraw ku niyah a kamaruʼan,going to a potluck dinner,train +57918,57919,57919,onini a tamdaw i u nirpetan nu Yutaya a tamdaw yu mamipatay cangra cingraan i mafanatu kaku tu nika u luma a tamdaw cingra Saka krid hantu aku ku sufitay a tayra a paurip i cingraan,this man was seized by the Jews and they were about to kill him but I came with my troops and rescued him for I had learned that he is a Roman citizen,train +57919,57920,57920,nikaapac,the late facts,test +57920,57921,57921,Masaikaikay ku sureda i riyar a manawnaw,ice in the form of chunks drifting in the sea,train +57921,57922,57922,aka pitawal,do not forget,train +57922,57923,57923,tahidangen tu nuya ku faki nura laluma,we will also invite the uncles of this family,train +57923,57924,57924,pairaen ku matatudungay a harateng maulah tu Kawas atu maulah tu tau ngaˈ kudait a midemak tu paturudan nu Kawas a demak,we must have the right motives love for God and love for others in order to persevere in the work God has entrusted to us,train +57924,57925,57925,liti,female genitalia,train +57925,57926,57926,u uya u sangaʼayay,best Material,train +57926,57927,57927,caay pakasped tu pida aluman aca ku wawa,no savings more kids,train +57927,57928,57928,malakiing,members,train +57928,57929,57929,u ruma ku nu maku kira a hiya,I am of a different breed,train +57929,57930,57930,malaum,wastage,test +57930,57931,57931,nu itiyaay hu kira matiraay milaliway tu ku tihi,taboo for widows and widowers in the early years,train +57931,57932,57932,culem han micumud tayraw,just dive in there,train +57932,57933,57933,takawen nu paylang nenengen niyam makapahay kura kunga,stolen by Min Min we see that the groundnuts are very lush,train +57933,57934,57934,kaikur,back,train +57934,57935,57935,celcel,crowded,train +57935,57936,57936,miʼaca kami tu luma itini i,we buy,train +57936,57937,57937,cuwacuwaan,what are the possibilities,train +57937,57938,57938,ku niyam aci baki,me and Grandpa,train +57938,57939,57939,caay tu kapawan kaku tahamatini,I cannot forget it till now,train +57939,57940,57940,itini kita misamatang,they opened up and settled here,test +57940,57941,57941,tangasa i,right,train +57941,57942,57942,sa ramiʼad,whole day,train +57942,57943,57943,Mafesu ku tiyad nira saka pawaxen ciira a mitukad,his belly was so swollen that he had to be cut open,train +57943,57944,57944,ira ku ccay a wawa misiayaw cingra tu mialaan nira takula paruhan nira itini i ccay a talid,there was a child facing the frog he caught putting in a bottle,train +57944,57945,57945,miilisin tu nu cila sa miala tu pakarungay huw hai,in a few days we are going to have the Hounen Tote Festival and we are going to recruit young people,train +57945,57946,57946,kamu u pakuyucay a salikaka anu pacakaten nu Kawas kamu i kalipahak,he is a double minded man unstable in all he does,train +57946,57947,57947,ciciken u malitengay kyasaw haw,why did the elders before them cut everything,train +57947,57948,57948,ka haen u vekeluh u maan kiniyan,it does not look like a rock either,train +57948,57949,57949,tu lalavu,family gathering,train +57949,57950,57950,mamelaw han mivaca ci ama aku,my father saw him at the edge of the seven foot river,test +57950,57951,57951,u ruma tu ku lalan kira,the mountains have changed,train +57951,57952,57952,maliyaw upang alaen kuni,take this around the first hole,train +57952,57953,57953,mauripay,cultural life,train +57953,57954,57954,iraay ku sa efeefer sanay a facacidu itira,there are dragonflies flying around,train +57954,57955,57955,anu maʼemin tu kuna miheca,if the year is over,train +57955,57956,57956,tuya mihecaan saka 9 fulad 19 rumiˈad matahidangay kaku tayra i Prukelin a Pitil matayal 17 ku mihecaan aku itiya,on September of that same year I was invited to work at Bertrams in Brooklyn when I was years old,train +57956,57957,57957,mahaena kami i naayaw pakanay tu rarapa,this is what it was like to herd cattle,train +57957,57958,57958,kunian,this is,train +57958,57959,57959,kay kapah tu a tuktuken sakaku iri,I think it might be possible to whack dye,train +57959,57960,57960,misabaluhay a misanga,make a new one,test +57960,57961,57961,masakalupuy,like a soup dumpling,train +57961,57962,57962,mikuwan tu ku kingcal,police commencement of entry,train +57962,57963,57963,malitengay tu sanay ku harateng,I am getting old now,train +57963,57964,57964,pipacakay,sell,train +57964,57965,57965,Kaesu saan i,very delicious so,train +57965,57966,57966,ita u mavukilay,speaking to the language,train +57966,57967,57967,ta tingalaw ku falucu namu awaay ku raraw namu u masungilaay a wawa nu Kawas kamu a mikaput tu aniniay a tatiihay ku falucu a ciraraway a tamdamdaw i tini i hkal kamatiya u fuis kamu a matdi i tini i hkal,so that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you shine like stars in the universe,train +57967,57968,57968,o salikaka ita cingra,he belongs to our family,train +57968,57969,57969,hatu,as if,train +57969,57970,57970,Naay caayhu ka patikur kisu tuya i ayaway a paysu,No you have not paid me back the money you borrowed last time,test +57970,57971,57971,miruruh tu suelin tu minanam tu suwal sanay,go and ask your children,train +57971,57972,57972,ta anu iratu a talahkal ku sakakaay a midiputay i u mamilayap kamu tu caay ku mamalasawad ku dil a tamuhung,and when the chief shepherd appears you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away,train +57972,57973,57973,u sasasuwalen nu maku anini,what I am going to talk about now,train +57973,57974,57974,rutarut,saw,train +57974,57975,57975,suwal sa kuya matuʼasay,the elder said,train +57975,57976,57976,anu suelin tu kisu maliteng mafana tu kisu,when you grow up one day you will do it,train +57976,57977,57977,ina ayaayaw hen u hadhad amin awaay henay ku lakulakuwan,it used to be sweat fields not so called water fields,train +57977,57978,57978,miaca kaku tu kupu paliwalay kamu haw,I want to buy a cup do you sell them,train +57978,57979,57979,miketun tu liel,cut off the head,train +57979,57980,57980,Karacahid ku kakarayan tu kalafian,the sky is cloudy at dusk,test +57980,57981,57981,paini nu matuasy,expectations of the elders,train +57981,57982,57982,nisasirawan,preparation of cured meat,train +57982,57983,57983,sa maherek a minaʼang tura mapatayay i,after we have sent the dead away,train +57983,57984,57984,hay haw sanay u macakay tu a Pangcah,Yeah well it is a cooked indigenous people,train +57984,57985,57985,anu tayra i,like where,train +57985,57986,57986,aya paysin,Oh No it is bad luck,train +57986,57987,57987,misalisin a mitulun tulun han nira matira kiya matuʼasay itiya hu matakup aku kuranan,I have encountered spells and incantations like this before,train +57987,57988,57988,nicenuan,submerged,train +57988,57989,57989,cecey NT san matengilay nu maku i,I heard at the hotel that they sell a pack for dollars,train +57989,57990,57990,a enemay a pulu ku mata,a hole with circles,test +57990,57991,57991,mipafucud,be in covert communication with,train +57991,57992,57992,pulin satu kaku i sra matngil aku ku ngiha a sumuwal i takuwanan Sawluaw Sawluaw nawiru mikariang kisu i Takuwanan saw saan,I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me Saul Saul why do you persecute me,train +57992,57993,57993,itiya hu u iya i cahu ka hatac ku mitifekay tu felac i,in the old days threshing machines were not that advanced,train +57993,57994,57994,Pakafanaen aku kisu u duway ku sapisafaes,let me tell you mocha is made of glutinous rice,train +57994,57995,57995,nenghan ira ku salikaka nira i hananay,he has a relative in Hualien Beipu,train +57995,57996,57996,kaherek aku a malahitay,is it time for me to get out of the Army,train +57996,57997,57997,milalang a miadup anini a maanen saw nu Yencumin ku mahaenay,now that hunting is banned what can the Aboriginals do,train +57997,57998,57998,Hayi mikalicay cingra tu kasuling a tala pusung,Yes he took a train to Taitung,train +57998,57999,57999,kasasuntul,hit,train +57999,58000,58000,sanukeren,saving,test +58000,58001,58001,sa faca han hu nira ha ha ha ha,he washed his underwear Ha ha ha,train +58001,58002,58002,minukay i kailisinan nu niyaru kisu,will you go back for the tribal festival,train +58002,58003,58003,ata,let us go let us go,train +58003,58004,58004,ulah saan kumaen tu ku urip niyam i ayaw mamanghu,I loved betel nut when I was a kid,train +58004,58005,58005,han aku i ayaw,in the old days,train +58005,58006,58006,maherek tu kaku a malafi,I had dinner,train +58006,58007,58007,itiya tu a mahufuc sa hananay,same day,train +58007,58008,58008,rucek satu,after you have been assigned,train +58008,58009,58009,400 a mihcaan u ruray atu pades nu Yincumincu i caay ka ngaay pakayni i cecay a tilid atu pitaung a malahdaw sanay ku pinanay nu maku,I do not expect any one speech or phrase of apology to wipe away four centuries of pain and suffering by the indigenous peoples,train +58009,58010,58010,Mafasawtu ku keter aku,my anger is cooled off,test +58010,58011,58011,matayal kami tu rumiʼad,we are working during the day,train +58011,58012,58012,patekenan,surname Bai,train +58012,58013,58013,matuʼas mutuʼas tu kura matuʼsay,as the elder grows older,train +58013,58014,58014,sulinay a mikilim hen tu pasawaliyay a papah mucekasi,Really it is very difficult to find the leaves to the east,train +58014,58015,58015,minaang,save,train +58015,58016,58016,Sasadak ku niyaru aku,new Zealand is my tribe,train +58016,58017,58017,na ira kiya,is or is not,train +58017,58018,58018,sinufu,carrying,train +58018,58019,58019,Pakasapsap ku was tu falucu ita,God is able to feel find out our inner hearts,train +58019,58020,58020,cuwa pi mik tu cingra anini,never took a vacation and now he is retired,test +58020,58021,58021,ita tu suwal,our,train +58021,58022,58022,hwana hwana sanay haw u mitunganganay sa i malaʼudut kami i Takaw,we will fight if you mock us like this,train +58022,58023,58023,itiniay aca i Kanifangar a niyaru,some of them are from the Lonchon tribe,train +58023,58024,58024,ngiliw,slim,train +58024,58025,58025,o idang aku ciira ci Imuy,she is my friend and her name is Imoy,train +58025,58026,58026,pasuniay,produce something there is a sound,train +58026,58027,58027,cuwa ka tengil aku ngaay taangayen ku ngihahaw,I cannot hear you can you speak louder,train +58027,58028,58028,matiya a cacay tu cimaay hakiya caay kavanai,I think there is one left I wonder who it is,train +58028,58029,58029,u Tesaw a vinacadan,it is the Shaw tribe,train +58029,58030,58030,u liyuk yana taluan nira i,around her workplace,test +58030,58031,58031,nu Recurd,China sea Institute,train +58031,58032,58032,haliepah,love to drink,train +58032,58033,58033,fiku,glutinous rice wine,train +58033,58034,58034,matengil aku ku,I hear you,train +58034,58035,58035,talapatekay,kilos,train +58035,58036,58036,miunip,transplant rice seedlings,train +58036,58037,58037,Militimuh,welcome,train +58037,58038,58038,mahelek kurira taʼengad tu masadak tuku cidal,after the ceremony the sun came out,train +58038,58039,58039,talahenuhenut ku paliding tini itiyahu,it is going to get muddy too,train +58039,58040,58040,tikuri,painted bird,test +58040,58041,58041,mingkiw,Drivers license,train +58041,58042,58042,malaluʼung hananay saku malaluʼung,so that is how Miyama came to be,train +58042,58043,58043,matiyatiya u hawsyaw a tengilen aku,sounds like a lie to me,train +58043,58044,58044,pangangan nu tuʼas tiyahu tunu akung kira,I was named by my grandfather,train +58044,58045,58045,tiya maala kaku,I am in,train +58045,58046,58046,maanen aca minukay kami tala pusung,Sorry I have to go back to Taitung with my family,train +58046,58047,58047,Ka^dah ku damdam a ka^enen,chili peppers taste spicy,train +58047,58048,58048,terung kiyana siʼinafa ri aenem,the one with the baby is in the center there are six of them,train +58048,58049,58049,kasungaayan kiniya u vinawlan u luma haw,very concerned about the tribesmen,train +58049,58050,58050,pakaciparuden,settle somebody down,test +58050,58051,58051,tumuk hanaay ci ira kulah han nu mita,stopping these conflicts by volunteering to negotiate the outcome,train +58051,58052,58052,i matepa tu nu niyam,we found it,train +58052,58053,58053,pipatalumaan,wedding Day take home day,train +58053,58054,58054,atu hu ku akung aku,at that time my grandfather was the leader,train +58054,58055,58055,mahaen ku urip itiya hu,that is how life used to be,train +58055,58056,58056,aka piala kamu tu aʼuwang anu miala kamu i tefucen nu niyam kamu sanay tu,just tell us we cannot dig up any more sea urchins and we will fine you if you keep taking them,train +58056,58057,58057,rahker,satisfied,train +58057,58058,58058,hay ri i saʼuwac kiraan yu,Hey that is also in the Valley and the river,train +58058,58059,58059,anu cila saan,if by tomorrow,train +58059,58060,58060,pacelul san i malahuk,what it means to have lunch,test +58060,58061,58061,ma malunuʼay ku tireng,body pus,train +58061,58062,58062,mahaen kiraan a palimu,that is what thanksgiving is all about,train +58062,58063,58063,mihadidi tu naluma,to support the family,train +58063,58064,58064,a sakuwan nu Kitakit adihay,there is also the issue of state management,train +58064,58065,58065,miladaʼay tu kulung u kulung i cuwa ku nu Taywan a kulung ku kulung,the cows are not native to Taiwan they are shared,train +58065,58066,58066,piilisinan,year of Abundance Festival,train +58066,58067,58067,u maan a mafana kaku mahaen kaku sa caay ka haen,I thought I knew it all but I did not,train +58067,58068,58068,Pasulin kita tu nika patay ni Yis atu nika lumuwad ningra a maurip nai patay Saka u hahaenentu nu Kawas a mikrid a papihaklung i ci Yisan ku mituuray ci Yisan a mapatayay a tamdaw,we believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him,train +58068,58069,58069,iya vavainay ku laliw sanay,the man ran away by himself,train +58069,58070,58070,misalama^,enjoy oneself,test +58070,58071,58071,u hatiraay,I will tell you what,train +58071,58072,58072,karalunenay,tsunami,train +58072,58073,58073,iciraan a ina,take care of the mother,train +58073,58074,58074,u masausiyaytu ku mikihatiyaay a mipacu tu rarapa a malavi,that is what counts we are going to kill a cow for dinner,train +58074,58075,58075,maedeng samanen san ku falucu,what can be done about it,train +58075,58076,58076,Panasuen ku pikeling tu sinafel ta maulah ku wawa a kumaen,add a little eggplant to the dish so that the kids will enjoy it,train +58076,58077,58077,Mepelpel nu paliding kuya aul,that bamboo was broken by the vehicle,train +58077,58078,58078,ira cingra i kufaw a misafel atien aku cingra,he is in the kitchen cooking let me go call him,train +58078,58079,58079,Ngaaytu mamaan aca saw,Okay no problem,train +58079,58080,58080,o mikuwanay ku was tu tahaf nu kakarayan,God is ruler over everything,test +58080,58081,58081,fetir han ni kaka ku tangila aku tu kumu,my brother popped me in the ear with a rubber band,train +58081,58082,58082,kiya u pangciw saw,why baseball,train +58082,58083,58083,paruhan nira i nengnenghan caay katumes ku tulu a fakar tusa ku matumel matumesay,he put them but the three baskets did not seem to be full two were full,train +58083,58084,58084,i sancung,moving to a triple switch job,train +58084,58085,58085,nikawrila pahanhan sa aku i nikawrila ku pipadang aku tu mamangay a kiukay itini i yungfu tu atu takumi,although I have retired I still help small churches here like those in Yongfu and Takumi,train +58085,58086,58086,kisu tu nu hatini kiya mihatatanam tu a miacucul,from now on you have to learn how to play the gyroscope,train +58086,58087,58087,matama nira ku masidayay a riku aku,he found my lost clothes,train +58087,58088,58088,O saki tamdaw ku sakaira nu Paslaan a Rumiad caay ku saki Paslaan a Rumiad ku sakaira nu tamdaw,then he said to them The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath,train +58088,58089,58089,mikuli i tauwan sapicakay tu tipus,I will do something else I will buy rice,train +58089,58090,58090,Cadici ku duka a mapaiyu,the wound hurts when the medicine is applied,test +58090,58091,58091,ay a vulad ay a remiad,December,train +58091,58092,58092,u masamaamaanay tu a vuting,no matter what kind of fish it is,train +58092,58093,58093,naw palaliwen nu misu kura mitakaway,why did you let the thief get away,train +58093,58094,58094,yay miʼaraw ku ri,Yeah I saw that,train +58094,58095,58095,nitukadan,cutting,train +58095,58096,58096,Censiwing,Chan Sau Ying,train +58096,58097,58097,ira a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad ku pakayniay i saka pitu a rumiad Mahrektu ku pulung nu tayal nu Kawas saka pasla Cingra tu saka pitu a rumiad saan,for somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words And on the seventh day God rested from all his work,train +58097,58098,58098,cuwa kura,not that,train +58098,58099,58099,saka 2 miala tu nu tuas atu nu vaki a ngangan ku sapangangan tu wawa sakasaan midetuc tu kakawasan kiya a caay ka putun ku ngangan nu tuas,Secondly naming a child after an elder or a grandparent is a way of naming a child with the meaning of transmission and inheritance,train +58099,58100,58100,minukay kaku tayra i niyaru,I am going back to the tribe,test +58100,58101,58101,suaw,thirsty,train +58101,58102,58102,maumahay kaku i itira situkaysiya,I work for Taiwan Sugar,train +58102,58103,58103,kaku,I ah,train +58103,58104,58104,kelakela pa sa milaʼud kiya kaka aku,Brother come closer to me,train +58104,58105,58105,sa kaku a miharateng,my thoughts,train +58105,58106,58106,ka sitavu u maan ku sakalahuk,I am going to take a lunch,train +58106,58107,58107,ku cafay itini i luma,they were my companions at home,train +58107,58108,58108,tu nipailang,abrasive,train +58108,58109,58109,mipaini tu nu sakailisin nu niyam,I am here to send a message,train +58109,58110,58110,ira ku wama a midiput it aku wanen,there is Gods watch,test +58110,58111,58111,Mifuting i nu walian a riyar,catching fish on the east coast,train +58111,58112,58112,tu sakalahuk,it is an offering,train +58112,58113,58113,miviyuk,play,train +58113,58114,58114,mahiya ku alumanay,many people,train +58114,58115,58115,adihay tu ku futing i kupid,the fish basket has been full of fish,train +58115,58116,58116,u suni nu lalicay haw,the voice of my call,train +58116,58117,58117,Kawraan ˈayaw nu mamalinah ku salikaka tayra i Miyanmar samaanay ku demak hani,but what do brothers and sisters do before moving to Burma,train +58117,58118,58118,kamaruan,auditorium,train +58118,58119,58119,antu masasuwal tu ku faʼinayan,so the boys would get together and talk about it,train +58119,58120,58120,i falucu han nangra ku piharateng,it is all in their minds,test +58120,58121,58121,unu sifu a suwal ku piaucun anini nu suwal niam u mis,now the Amis spoken in the Central area is considered the standard speech,train +58121,58122,58122,matiraay ku demak nu urip nina niyaru tu niyan nu Malaluung tuni a saan,that is how life is for the Tung Hing tribe,train +58122,58123,58123,talulung itira itini han ita a midanguy,the water there is deep so we just swim here,train +58123,58124,58124,u facyang iyang yu iyang yu han naku ri,I keep saying grand mom I do not want it I do not want it,train +58124,58125,58125,tayni mikuli makamelaw i takuwan,come here to work and see me,train +58125,58126,58126,Mapakadit nu situ ku pinanaman a riwang,classrooms are contaminated by schoolchildren,train +58126,58127,58127,u malacacay kita u Pangcah,we Amis are very united,train +58127,58128,58128,maituh,the ears of rice exceed the harvesting period,train +58128,58129,58129,ngaʼay tu saan ku suwal nira sa mitaykuwan tu kami,he said it is good,train +58129,58130,58130,mafuhid,to rot,test +58130,58131,58131,Matais nu ina aku ku riku aku,my mother made my clothes,train +58131,58132,58132,atikak,earthworms,train +58132,58133,58133,Makakalat ku wacu atu pusi,dogs and cats bite each other,train +58133,58134,58134,lise wensiyen,historical literature,train +58134,58135,58135,ikur i ira a tayra ku ccay a pakuyucay a mapunengay a miparu tu tusa a laliping unini i u tudungay nu ccay a paysu,but a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins worth only a fraction of a penny,train +58135,58136,58136,maan hunu malitengay a miraud,how do you approach an old man,train +58136,58137,58137,ngaʼayay anini,it is good now,train +58137,58138,58138,Mitatuy cingra tu hatapes tu sapitapes ningra a mihimrac tu niparparan a ^mi o nanaangen ningra i ariri ku ^mi o tatuduhen ningra ku tpes i caay ku mamapadeng a namal han ningra,his winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire,train +58138,58139,58139,emin nu kapah itini tu i Amis sanay saka pakayniay tu na paniyaruʼan nu Cawi u na nu matuʼasay nu niyam,all the young men worked in the north so the origin about the location of the tribe is based on the fact that our earliest elders,train +58139,58140,58140,misasinar,watermelon,test +58140,58141,58141,nawhani u mipahapinangay tu ^min i u likat Orasaka matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad Mafutiay a tamdaw kapalal Kalumuwadtu a maurip nai patay Ta mapatdi ni Kristu kamu saan,for it is light that makes everything visible this is why it is said Wake up O sleeper rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you,train +58141,58142,58142,Papituuren ku wawa isu i takuwanan a talalutuk midungic,let your children follow me up the mountain to gather rattan hearts,train +58142,58143,58143,Nuhatini malu finawlan nu Kawas u masakalikuan sanay ku harateng nu salikaka,Now brothers and sisters feel more honored to be Gods people,train +58143,58144,58144,misacahuyay tura hananay,this is the grand harbor incident,train +58144,58145,58145,mavana,realize,train +58145,58146,58146,caya ka pikihatiya ku matuʼasay a mikihatiya tu fafahi a malahuk,Taboo men and women should not eat together,train +58146,58147,58147,kakurut kinian angrer kaenen kinian,this is a bitter melon it tastes bitter,train +58147,58148,58148,nanu kaeman hu tahanini,from childhood to the present,train +58148,58149,58149,o papaliyasen ningra kamu tu ada namu ta caay ka talaw kamu tu ada ta mangaay kamu a mitaung Cingraan,to rescue us from the hand of our enemies and to enable us to serve him without fear,train +58149,58150,58150,keriden kaku,lead me,test +58150,58151,58151,pakapina,few days,train +58151,58152,58152,anu caledes tuay isaw ku sakacean haw lemangaw tu kina muwa,if it starts to heat up in March it will start to germinate,train +58152,58153,58153,tangtang tu maanmaan,cook anything to eat,train +58153,58154,58154,tayra i icifa miaca tu kuku ci fufu atu kaku misaday tu sakalafi nu safa tu fainayan,my grandma and I went to the market to buy chickens and prepared a delicious dinner for my younger brother,train +58154,58155,58155,pakiniay tu u urip nu luma nanay hukiya,the main reason is to help my family,train +58155,58156,58156,ya fukeluh culuen tu nira tayra i salawacan itiya tu micadeway,Next move the rocks to the side and use a triangular net,train +58156,58157,58157,yu sufucen kaku misatapang ku fana a taha matini u urip tu u nisafalucuan tu u rakat nu remes tu u nikamadikmik nu tatirengan tu anu u cakat tu nu fanafana,since birth life thought the pulsations of the blood the rhythms of the body and the growth of the intellect,train +58157,58158,58158,kafana haw a cifalucu kafana pasifana tu wawa,you have to have a heart you have to teach your children with a heart,train +58158,58159,58159,ci,indistinct,train +58159,58160,58160,maulah kaku tu nasu,I love eggplant,test +58160,58161,58161,anu patatikul tu i niyaru i wapalilamen ku finawlan tu tama nu piadup aku,when returning to the village share the hunted prey with the tribe,train +58161,58162,58162,tu kasafasafa nu urip saan kuni u ka laheker nu falucu nu maku a mikaput,my psyche is very diligent in living with its elders,train +58162,58163,58163,cila satu a rumiad i pafli han ningra tu tusa a tinali kuya tawki nuya pilafinan suwal han ningra Sangaayen ku pidiput i cingraan Anu caay ka deng kunini a paysu i anu patiku kaku a pakayni pafli hantu aku kisu han ningra,the next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper Look after him he said and when I return I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have,train +58163,58164,58164,o mitiliday tunini a salicay i kaku ci Pawlu Ngaayhu ku namu,I Paul write this greeting in my own hand,train +58164,58165,58165,ngudu sakaku umaan kura hwana icep saan kira haw,I am embarrassed I do not understand betel nut,train +58165,58166,58166,savul,urge urination,train +58166,58167,58167,Taytung Amis u Dikidiki,Taitung Amis Paiwan Paiwan tribe,train +58167,58168,58168,sa ku wawa,that is what the kids always say,train +58168,58169,58169,nanuwang,shake,train +58169,58170,58170,sa nengneng satu kuya wina nuya kapah atu tura kapah,that is why the young mans mother was there watching,test +58170,58171,58171,futili,terrifying,train +58171,58172,58172,pasaripaan,pressure equipment,train +58172,58173,58173,yan tu aluman kami malikaka kira,because I have many brothers and sisters,train +58173,58174,58174,Orasaka caay ka ngaay a matiya u tau kita a mafuti o nika palal ita a masinanut ku ngaay,so then let us not be like others who are asleep but let us be alert and self controlled,train +58174,58175,58175,kafalawfawan,autumn,train +58175,58176,58176,a hen han naku ku suwal,that is all I am saying,train +58176,58177,58177,u,a large amount of money,train +58177,58178,58178,inian a kalas,the senior class,train +58178,58179,58179,Civuy nengvuy savuy sivuy satu ku Taywan a miasip,One two three four the Minnan people are counting,train +58179,58180,58180,anu matira,if that is the case,test +58180,58181,58181,terep sa a mitengil tu kimad palimuʼut nu faki faki,listen quietly to the encouragement of the elders,train +58181,58182,58182,awaay ku sakakinih nu harateng aku,I do not have any other ideas,train +58182,58183,58183,milicay hu hacuwa kisu a malinah a tala niyaru,may I ask why you decided to move back to the tribe,train +58183,58184,58184,iayaway malatumukay awaay ku suwal,he did not say anything about it before he was in charge,train +58184,58185,58185,Mafecak ku sera,the ground is cracked,train +58185,58186,58186,mivatikal ci ama aku,my dad was riding his bike,train +58186,58187,58187,tu dadaya nukay misakaeleday haw ku malitengay,when the old man gets home at night he starts rubbing the threads,train +58187,58188,58188,i taliyuk nangra itiniay matayal,working around the fishing port in the former town,train +58188,58189,58189,Cepa sa tu ku riku nira tu sinuut,sweat dampened his clothes,train +58189,58190,58190,Masungaliw ku cilamalay,the trains crossed,test +58190,58191,58191,vayi mangalay aca kami tu kungku nu misu,Auntie we still want to hear your story,train +58191,58192,58192,mana awa tu ku sararup nu maku,Then why is my eraser missing,train +58192,58193,58193,Damihmih san kura tutuy kaulahan nu nimanima a miafufu,the puppy is so fluffy and cuddly,train +58193,58194,58194,nira i hatiraayu manan kilangan sa,This what kind of tree is that,train +58194,58195,58195,nanutuas,from antiquity,train +58195,58196,58196,i rikur nu sinaepahan ucung tu ku lawla nu matuasay,when there is a drink the old man will have a lot of jokes,train +58196,58197,58197,o marinaay tu nu maku ku sapicudad nu wawa ihuni,I have just stamped my child school attendance certificate,train +58197,58198,58198,Parihungen ku kafi,add red beans to the soup,train +58198,58199,58199,nanu dafak tangasa^ tu dadaya^ caay kamuku^,from morning to night non stop,train +58199,58200,58200,tatakel,chain store,test +58200,58201,58201,nawhani u sulinay a kakaenen ku hci atu rmes Aku,for my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink,train +58201,58202,58202,ura lalan tura haw tunu saan tayni i,it is a very narrow road that runs all the way up the cliff,train +58202,58203,58203,ca ka subucen kaku itiya,I was not even born yet,train +58203,58204,58204,tangasa satu i cecay rumiʼad u rakat tangasa i luma i Ciwidian,it took about a day to get to Shuilian Village,train +58204,58205,58205,anu ^ca mahaen ku suwal aku pakayni i pasulin nu falucu ita ma^deng kita a masasipaicel,that is that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each others faith,train +58205,58206,58206,itini iraruma i laluma nu Kawng Pu Giy haw,in broadcasting,train +58206,58207,58207,milecapu,gathering,train +58207,58208,58208,malatusa,there are two types,train +58208,58209,58209,cekuk saan ku tumuk,the head is scared,train +58209,58210,58210,kacumuli^,snail,test +58210,58211,58211,itiyasa,that was around,train +58211,58212,58212,Palasuʼupuʼupu kami tuna Pangcah,gather the people together,train +58212,58213,58213,makayira i lalan nu Wenhuwacun,from that cultural village,train +58213,58214,58214,hay maliteng tu kisu akawang sa kisu sanay ku malitengay kira,my elders think I am old and tall,train +58214,58215,58215,pimaan naku midudu tu faʼinay u wawa ku han naku sa dudu han naku,why am I following my husband I am only following him because of the baby,train +58215,58216,58216,mitiwas,take,train +58216,58217,58217,u verus kiraan,that is salt wood,train +58217,58218,58218,melawi saw ku nipaluma aku aw,you see this is what I planted poor thing,train +58218,58219,58219,mihaliyut tiniyan tuwa,around the world after earth,train +58219,58220,58220,malupisak,decentralized,test +58220,58221,58221,pakauladay,rainy season,train +58221,58222,58222,nasaka awaay tu maʼaraw tahanini,I cannot see it anymore,train +58222,58223,58223,sakalaluk,serious,train +58223,58224,58224,cihu parungus mamang hu caira,they did not give me a welcome they were all very young,train +58224,58225,58225,tira tiraw mutipan tu ri maʼedil ku Kinmung,golden gate shines brightly when you are over there in the west,train +58225,58226,58226,tangasa i haw ira tu ku ci wawaay,by the kids parents were here,train +58226,58227,58227,sisa adada ku valucu mararum kina vavahiʼan a wawaʼan,so the girls heart is sad and broken,train +58227,58228,58228,pakapalidingay kaku a tayra i taluan,I drive to the block house,train +58228,58229,58229,mahela aku kuni u lahar,so I found this open space,train +58229,58230,58230,damaen kaku a patalaariri^ haw,will you help me with the barn,test +58230,58231,58231,sakacecay kuni duedu u nu Dipung,that is the first one followed by a Japanese song,train +58231,58232,58232,semuwal ku,bereaved family Announces,train +58232,58233,58233,fangcal,very interesting,train +58233,58234,58234,maedeng iti ya mitilid i lukuninsi,when I was in sixth grade I heard,train +58234,58235,58235,aray han nu maku kisu anu macaliw nu maku paveli hantu kaku,thank you then if you borrow it please bring it to me,train +58235,58236,58236,atu nika tangasa nu Makutaay itini i saki Makutaay i niyaru haw i,and the history of the Magudam tribe,train +58236,58237,58237,Aling talacuwaay kisu i sawni Miuntu kisu,Aling where have you been just now did you go exercising,train +58237,58238,58238,malakincacay,being a cop,train +58238,58239,58239,hay awwaay tu,Yeah I cannot see it,train +58239,58240,58240,saka hatira hawikid han tu ira ku wawa ira tayni i nuetipan,so he brought the children here from the west,test +58240,58241,58241,mapacekuk,Scared,train +58241,58242,58242,sa fana saharateng san ya suwal niya mama,I have been thinking about it a lot that is what the old man said,train +58242,58243,58243,uya tu fafahi nira i pasuwal i takuwanan,then his wife told me,train +58243,58244,58244,anu malafinawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas ku cidafungay a tamdaw i ikakahu nu pimumuk nu lakuta a micumud tu tangila nu rinum ku nika ^ca ka rahuday han ningra,it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God,train +58244,58245,58245,mansa kiʼayawen nira miketus,that is why we are cutting first,train +58245,58246,58246,u mihicayay mipudaway kami,we are catching small fry,train +58246,58247,58247,Paafiliden ni ina kami a malekaka tu sapatisud a fuduy,mom made us sisters,train +58247,58248,58248,maharek kuriraan i maharekay tu,that is all,train +58248,58249,58249,taʼangay a kufa itira,a very large vendor,train +58249,58250,58250,mihakelungay tunu tau hu a facu a midenga,to follow others and be influenced or infected,test +58250,58251,58251,ap^ap,frog,train +58251,58252,58252,makanina kami tu matiniay a demak itiya,we have been through this before,train +58252,58253,58253,u papah nu kakurut han kiniyan,this is the little bitter melon leaf,train +58253,58254,58254,ira ka masamanay i ngaʼay a radiw i,if you have any good songs teach them to me,train +58254,58255,58255,han niya saan ha ha ha,I cannot give up who knows where her brother is,train +58255,58256,58256,sa tu pisasahung nangra itiyahu,build a house at that time,train +58256,58257,58257,anca canguʼut ku sakaen tayni i kungkuan kumaen tu tafu i,sometimes I do not eat enough lunchboxes at school,train +58257,58258,58258,u niparakarung nu Ripun,the Japanese regarded it as slavery,train +58258,58259,58259,kalecad,equal,train +58259,58260,58260,hatiraay kura tatudung nu demak,that is what I am saying,test +58260,58261,58261,ku kakaenen itiya hu,Food,train +58261,58262,58262,talacuwa,even though,train +58262,58263,58263,u suwal tu nu malitengay kuraan,that is what the elders say,train +58263,58264,58264,malikakay kura saʼusi,sort of a sister,train +58264,58265,58265,tu demak nu Pangcah sa,particularly on matters relating to indigenous peoples,train +58265,58266,58266,u papucian nu tau u mavaʼan a pacakayay tu tevus,people know you can sell sugarcane after you peel it,train +58266,58267,58267,Miaca kaku tuni puut atu inian a dangah,I want this knife and this pot,train +58267,58268,58268,u malikakay ku fufu namu,your grandmothers are sisters,train +58268,58269,58269,tura kaput maemin a milarekal,join the age group in shouting for action,train +58269,58270,58270,mapulung tu ku finawlan ci luma tu amutu sulafu tu,the tribesmen are building concrete buildings,test +58270,58271,58271,aka ka u kacangalan nu nimanima ku nika mamanghu nu mihcaan isu ka u malupiarawan nu pasulinay ci Kristuan a tamdaw ku suwal isu atu dmak atu nika ulah atu nipitier atu nika kurac nu falucu isu,do not let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech in life in love in faith and in purity,train +58271,58272,58272,Nikawrira suwalen aku kamu iraaytu a tayni ci Iliya kirami caay ka fana ku tamdamdaw cingraan patdu han nangra a mikariang cingra o hahaenentu nangra a mikariang ku wawa nu Tamdaw han ni Yis,but I tell you Elijah has already come and they did not recognize him but have done to him everything they wished in the same way the son of man is going to suffer at their hands,train +58272,58273,58273,o maan ku nitatuyan isu,what are you holding,train +58273,58274,58274,satueman satu sa,it is pitch black,train +58274,58275,58275,Misafalucu aca pakayni tuna hananay itini i Cawi,we also hope to build a memorial hall in Jungpo,train +58275,58276,58276,anini matuʼasay tu kaku i,now I am old,train +58276,58277,58277,sapicadiway,Use triangle,train +58277,58278,58278,tanudadacdac,many Cicada,train +58278,58279,58279,sasipasip,eraser,train +58279,58280,58280,paringien,resemble,test +58280,58281,58281,paikur tu demak,to do something for the last time,train +58281,58282,58282,ta malalen tu a matayla ku sera saanay kinamama nu maku,could work well on the next one and father seems to be satisfied too,train +58282,58283,58283,adawang,entrances,train +58283,58284,58284,a demak,operate,train +58284,58285,58285,micikeray,Locked,train +58285,58286,58286,pacawi takuwan,suddenly ask me,train +58286,58287,58287,kayhan a malecad kaku atu kisu a malakapahay a pasevanaay anuayaw,I hope I will be as good a teacher as you are in the future,train +58287,58288,58288,iraan i,That,train +58288,58289,58289,u nian u itis ini han naku kuni,I am using this fork here,train +58289,58290,58290,matumes tu ku ringes i valucu,Mindfulness,test +58290,58291,58291,tayiraen i cuwacuway a niyaru,to all tribes,train +58291,58292,58292,o tatelekan nu was atu finawlan nira kunini,this is Gods covenant with his people,train +58292,58293,58293,matefaday,it is falling,train +58293,58294,58294,tu katayalang itini i Taypey,I got a job,train +58294,58295,58295,i engic nu funufununan umihacanan ufacal nu kicun,in the ditch between the mountain streams and field ridges,train +58295,58296,58296,ya kura tamdaw hatini,but people nowadays,train +58296,58297,58297,kikul,tail,train +58297,58298,58298,anu matengil ku suni nu tatakula tu sansandev a kapah ku remiad tu cila,if you hear frogs chirping in the evening the sky will clear up the next day,train +58298,58299,58299,caay tu tatusa kita i haw,No it is just the two of us right,train +58299,58300,58300,u cecay tatusatusa kuya pi nu misatawkiay,at that time there were two groups of two,test +58300,58301,58301,pilafinan nu militafaday nu Iwatan i ayaw kura na cipucuʼan,that tumor area is where the beheaded Bunun spend the night,train +58301,58302,58302,macahiw,hungry,train +58302,58303,58303,anu saan kuna licay haw i,this is the response,train +58303,58304,58304,panay,rice,train +58304,58305,58305,Kafana kamu a mapulung atu finawlan nu Israil a ma^min u sakaadah nunini a tamdaw a tanektek a tumireng i kaayaw namu i u nanu icel ni Yis Kristu nu Nacali uya nipacekan namu i ciwcika a mipatay uya nipaluwadan nu Kawas a paurip nai patay,then know this you and all the people of Israel it is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead that this man stands before you healed,train +58305,58306,58306,pataduen,help,train +58306,58307,58307,marepi,torn,train +58307,58308,58308,na ku widi,what time is it,train +58308,58309,58309,Papina^ ku paru^ nu luma naira,how many people in their family,train +58309,58310,58310,pingsiyang,refrigerator,test +58310,58311,58311,mangic,Crying,train +58311,58312,58312,o ruma i u kantuk nu fenpu itiya tuna misafelitay tu palinian nu Fangcalay Cudad a mafalah,in addition to this the then division superintendent was removed for acting in violation of biblical standards,train +58312,58313,58313,mawmah paluma tu panay,working to grow rice,train +58313,58314,58314,tu kasasuwal,short conversation,train +58314,58315,58315,u rayray tu,next generation,train +58315,58316,58316,Orasaka yu masaupu i tini kuya pakukutay a tamdaw i caay panayanayaren aku ku rumiad cila a rumiad i tireng sa kaku i pisawkitan a papipatayni i pisawkitan tuya tamdaw,when they came here with me I did not delay the case but convened the court the next day and ordered the man to be brought in,train +58316,58317,58317,fafahiyan hu ku sa siwkayen aku anu hatini,now for women apparel,train +58317,58318,58318,pateli han isasa,put it down,train +58318,58319,58319,sahedut,Vacuum cleaner,train +58319,58320,58320,nawhani nai satapangan nu tayal aku i tamuwanan tahanini ku nika dadama ita a patnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh,because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now,test +58320,58321,58321,Singsiaw Tapangaw saan kamu a mitahidang i Takuwanan matamaay ku suwal namu nawhani urira Kaku,You call me Teacher and Lord and rightly so for that is what I am,train +58321,58322,58322,adihay ku tayal niyam caay ka ranih,our work is very complicated,train +58322,58323,58323,i paisingan kaku i matini,I am in the hospital now,train +58323,58324,58324,samaenen iraira ca ku anu sausien kura ira,what can we do there are people who believe that,train +58324,58325,58325,a matiya u tilu nawhani u mamasalaluma nunini a rumiad ku pulung nu maruay i tini i hkal a tamdaw,for it will come upon all those who live on the face of the whole earth,train +58325,58326,58326,misasiraw tu kira,I will start pickling,train +58326,58327,58327,laling,groan,train +58327,58328,58328,o masuwalay i fafekang ci Taniil sanay ku suwal Anu miˈusi kaku tu Fangcalay Cudad i mipiliˈan ku ngaˈayay padama tu i kilacay tamdaw a sinael,Daniel mentioned earlier in this article said When I read the Bible I pick out verses that will be helpful to the people in the area where I am preaching,train +58328,58329,58329,micahuk,scoop,train +58329,58330,58330,sakakaay ipaywang tu,at least a million,test +58330,58331,58331,Sikadang a maemin ku fafahiyan nunini a luma,every girl in this family wears a bracelet,train +58331,58332,58332,tama han nu matuasay kaku a palasingsi,the old man asked me to be his teacher,train +58332,58333,58333,ku panganganay yu,help with the names,train +58333,58334,58334,a patireng tu,it is really up to the indigenous Amis people,train +58334,58335,58335,kahirahira sanay u maan,various,train +58335,58336,58336,awaay ku raraw aku anu saan kita a sumuwal i u misamangahay kita tu tireng awaay tu ku pikihar nu sulin i titaanan,if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us,train +58336,58337,58337,Pasuwalan ni Yis ku nisawawaan Anu adihay ku heci namu i mapahemek ku wama aku onini ku sapahapinang namu tu nika u nisawawaan aku kamu,Jesus told his disciples By this my father will be glorified that you continually bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples,train +58337,58338,58338,tuki,clock,train +58338,58339,58339,pacawhien,raising Seabass,train +58339,58340,58340,cikay,paw,test +58340,58341,58341,hacikaay ciʼicelay makapahay ku tatirengan say,Running good stamina good physique,train +58341,58342,58342,awaay ku safa aku tu fainayan tatuluay ku safa aku tu fafahiyan,I do not have any younger brothers but I have three younger sisters,train +58342,58343,58343,ukadafu aku utaywan matayalay i,my daughter in law is a Han Chinese beautician by profession,train +58343,58344,58344,pilecepan,sinkhole,train +58344,58345,58345,Mafanaay ku kapah nu niyaru a pipatilu^ tu aadupen mafana caira a misanga tu sapitilu^ atu sapitaeref,the men of the tribe also trap their prey making lasso traps and rock traps,train +58345,58346,58346,anu maruhem tu kiniyan hanhan han pariwasak,if it is ripe go there,train +58346,58347,58347,neng han maʼaraw makera na wawa sannay ha ha ha ha,they finally found it this little girl put it there,train +58347,58348,58348,tatapangan nu kilang,treetop,train +58348,58349,58349,malengaw tu,it is growing,train +58349,58350,58350,satueman saan,it is very dark,test +58350,58351,58351,nuwhani kura rengus cecay miheca hinacecay malengaw,because it only grows once a year,train +58351,58352,58352,caay kalecad ku hiya ita,we are in a different time,train +58352,58353,58353,o aira ku faliyus sa kiya,I heard there is a typhoon coming,train +58353,58354,58354,maedeng samaanen awaay ku lalan ita,there is nothing that can be done about it we have no way,train +58354,58355,58355,masamaan tu ku urip aku,what will be my fate,train +58355,58356,58356,makalicay nira ya lunem sacikay sa tu kiya lunem,he climbed onto the deer so the deer kept running,train +58356,58357,58357,Sidadahalay a pahutinan ci vaki i ngata nu luma mahakulungay kami a mivatikar i pahutinan,there is a big ranch near my uncles house and we rode bicycles to the ranch together,train +58357,58358,58358,icuwa saw kira paringad sa ci ina,Auntie where is your pineapple,train +58358,58359,58359,ira tu ku kinaira haw i,there is a catch,train +58359,58360,58360,o matelangay a Cudad kunini,this is an old book,test +58360,58361,58361,salipu han kuna niyaru ira kura salipu,why are they called the Sanlingpo tribe because of Sanlingpo,train +58361,58362,58362,vutul nu edu sa matiya hen kami u wawa,mouse testicles we used to say that when we were kids,train +58362,58363,58363,huni tu sawi,I have been there once,train +58363,58364,58364,aka piwilet tu suwal aku,do not change my words to another meaning,train +58364,58365,58365,mapatay tu kuyawawa saan,she said The baby dead,train +58365,58366,58366,pahku^,vegetable fern,train +58366,58367,58367,maruray mimuric kura hiya,it is very hard to knead,train +58367,58368,58368,enemay,VI,train +58368,58369,58369,hacuwa ku taneng ku cudah nu falucu kinana kadafu aku,how capable is my future son in law,train +58369,58370,58370,minengneng mikilim tuya takula ningra,they looked for the frog,test +58370,58371,58371,mitupiay,pigeon Catchers,train +58371,58372,58372,u maan saw,what school is it,train +58372,58373,58373,kasangasaw,various families,train +58373,58374,58374,sapaiyu^,medicines,train +58374,58375,58375,15 Nalifetan nu tamdaw Palemeday ci Yihufa tamiyanan,Biography the Lord Treats us well,train +58375,58376,58376,anu awa kiya hicay awaʼay tu ku sakaʼurip nu niyaru,without the work of catching fish fry the tribe would be unable to live,train +58376,58377,58377,anu mangalay ku tamdaw a malakakridan nu kiwkay i u milungucay cingra tu tadamaanay a tayal Sulinay kunini a suwal,here is a trustworthy saying if anyone sets his heart on being an overseer he desires a noble task,train +58377,58378,58378,o suwal ni Tafiti i nitilidan ningra a Olic i Pasuwal ku Tapang tu Tapang aku kamaru i kawanan Aku,David himself declares in the book of Psalms The Lord said to my Lord Sit at my right hand,train +58378,58379,58379,saku ruma ku faʼinayan haw i,some of them do that to men,train +58379,58380,58380,kanikaw nu luma i ata mifuting kita,you are so poor come on let us go fishing and run a boat,test +58380,58381,58381,u manan ku ngangan nuni a dateng,what is the family name of this dish,train +58381,58382,58382,sisa caay pisawad tuni a miheca yara tu ku rakat mihemihecaan pitu tu a mihecaan anini mirakat tu ku pituay a sining,Therefore we have never given up the ritual of searching for our roots and have been practicing it for seven years now,train +58382,58383,58383,Repeten tu ku putut a masadak ii tukus,just like that I grabbed the tube and came out,train +58383,58384,58384,masamaan ku rumiad anini,how is the weather today,train +58384,58385,58385,Palidaw a Pangcah i Vanaw i Palayapay i Tidatiday i Taymali atu Palidaw,Hengchun Amis they are found in Chihshang Township Luno Township Guanshan Township Taymali Township and Hengchun,train +58385,58386,58386,minukay tu ci mama aci ina,dad and mom are home,train +58386,58387,58387,Cila^ satu maratar ci Kacaw a talapicudadan panukasen ni Kacaw ku nicaliwan niira tu kaput a mapulung,the next day at school Kacaw arrived at school early and returned everything he had borrowed from his classmates,train +58387,58388,58388,mimaanay ku tayal niira,what does she do for a living,train +58388,58389,58389,itiya i yu i umah ku tatusaay a matayal i u mamaala ku ccay u mamasiday ku ccay,two men will be in the field one will be taken and the other left,train +58389,58390,58390,malapakarungay tu san micumuda tu sasafaay u miafatay,he entered the youth Division the youngest age group as a faggot,test +58390,58391,58391,mipacaufay,Respondent,train +58391,58392,58392,o papahapinangen aku kamu tu nika u cisakuwanay ku wawa nu tamdaw i tini i hkal a mihpul tu raraw han ni Yis ta pasuwal sa ci Yis tuya mapiay a tamdaw,but that you may know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins he said to the paralytic,train +58392,58393,58393,misatayaay,tire Manufacturing,train +58393,58394,58394,matateki,Clink,train +58394,58395,58395,paangsawen,go to smells like cigarettes,train +58395,58396,58396,tataak ku vatikar,that bike is very big,train +58396,58397,58397,araw han matini ku urip nu mita i matengil tu,I did not expect to hear our modern,train +58397,58398,58398,hungwaysyin,Infrared,train +58398,58399,58399,itini i pungu i misaharaterateng maaini,I am thinking about it and I am making it,train +58399,58400,58400,alaen aku ku nanum u nananumen isu,I will bring you some water,test +58400,58401,58401,mamaan kita macakat,why do not we move up,train +58401,58402,58402,halafin tu cai ka tayni^ kisu tahidangen aku caira tayni^ a malafi^,it is been a while let us have a meal together,train +58402,58403,58403,pina ku aca nuna felac,how much is this bag of rice,train +58403,58404,58404,an tayraraan ri kapasikul tu i lumaʼay,if you go do not miss your family at home,train +58404,58405,58405,ikur tu,Later,train +58405,58406,58406,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Mimaan a mikilim kamu i Takuwanan Caay ka fana kamu saw tu nika u a i tini Kaku i luma nu Wama Aku han ningra,Why were you searching for me he asked Did not you know I had to be in my Fathers house,train +58406,58407,58407,ikur tu i maaca tu niyam ku kuku atu futing minukay a tahaluma i tangsul sa a mitangtang tu cecay a etu a kakaenen,in the end we bought chicken and fish and went home to cook a table of food,train +58407,58408,58408,sasamaan pangangan tu u kuraan,they are about how to get,train +58408,58409,58409,caay hu,it is not dry yet,train +58409,58410,58410,caay ka hakuwa ku lifun itiya hu,I did not get a lot of pay in the old days,test +58410,58411,58411,o rimuud nu piyang kinian a nitatuyan nu maku,this is a whole candy Bar I am holding,train +58411,58412,58412,u mietengay ku vavainay,Boys Plugged waterway,train +58412,58413,58413,i lutuk pa awaay ku kira,in the mountains there is no fertilizer,train +58413,58414,58414,mahelekay tu isu miasik haw,are you done sweeping,train +58414,58415,58415,o suwal nu Pangcah u Singku nu misu,is it an Amish language or is it your religion,train +58415,58416,58416,pacelem mipalal takuwanan ku wina,mom wakes me up early in the morning,train +58416,58417,58417,sa cingra ku mikeliday takuwanan micudad,that is why he took me to school,train +58417,58418,58418,sanay ku maku saka,this is where I see a lot of present day aspects of the past,train +58418,58419,58419,nai ayaw tahanini,from the past to the present,train +58419,58420,58420,Kapilunguc kamu tu sakalahciaw nu pikuwan nu Kawas ta halunini a sakaurip a ma^min a mapafli nu Kawas kamu,but seek his kingdom and these things will be given to you as well,test +58420,58421,58421,itiyahu ku malitengay i manikaw awa ku pancu,in the old days the elders were very poor and had no underwear to wear,train +58421,58422,58422,u ranam u lahuk u lafi u tawki ku pakumaen i ayaw,we also provide food and shelter for our workers and we live wherever the project is,train +58422,58423,58423,icuwa milifun awa edengan nu teked a umah,where can I work I can only work in agriculture,train +58423,58424,58424,suwal satu ci ci i,the Deputy Secretary Ms Priscilla Chan advised that,train +58424,58425,58425,pina tatukian,how long does it take,train +58425,58426,58426,nikulafawan,caught a vole,train +58426,58427,58427,cai ka nu tamdaw pikungling,almost inhumane,train +58427,58428,58428,tayni i Tafalung tayni i Fakung tayni i Cawi tayni i Pailasen i Kuhkuh haw i,to Taeba Long to Toyohama to Jungpo to Fuyuan and also to Mizuho,train +58428,58429,58429,sapateraw nu matuʼasay itiyahu,that is the process designated by the elderly,train +58429,58430,58430,renaf,draw,test +58430,58431,58431,malecapu tu ku niyaru,the tribesmen are gathered at the meeting house,train +58431,58432,58432,kadaʼingeʼinget tu nimaan wa palu a saan,if you are angry you should not have hit me,train +58432,58433,58433,cayka matiya u kaying nu Pangcah,I do not think it is an Amis girl,train +58433,58434,58434,ta hawikiden tu ira kura wawa nira,so he took the kids and went east,train +58434,58435,58435,Itiyasatu tangsul a macuracur nu Fangcalay Adingu ci Yis a patayra i kuhkuhan,at once the Spirit sent him out into the desert,train +58435,58436,58436,Orasaka aka ka lataang kamu tu nidmakan nu tamdaw o nanu Kawas a nipaayawan ku dmak namu a ma^min,so then no more boasting about men all things are yours,train +58436,58437,58437,Nikaumahan nira,he plows,train +58437,58438,58438,maamaan,any,train +58438,58439,58439,Awaayhu ku cimacima a tayraay i kakarayan deng uya ma^puday nai kakarayan a wawa nu tamdaw ku tayraay tu,no one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven the son of Man,train +58439,58440,58440,ura wawa nu hatini i,about kids now,test +58440,58441,58441,Maruhemay haw muheting,mature ones are black in color,train +58441,58442,58442,aka tu,no longer,train +58442,58443,58443,itini i Hwa Si Cey anu law Kung mahecaday kita kaput kita,whether it is on Westminster or labor we are all in this together for the national movement,train +58443,58444,58444,nu timulan tu nu hiya etipan nura niyaru,the hill tribes to the south,train +58444,58445,58445,o rumasatu a suwal i Kamu u pulung nu ruma a finacadan pahmeken ku Tapang Kamu u kasafinawlan hmeken Cingra saan,and again Praise the Lord all you Gentiles and sing praises to him all you peoples,train +58445,58446,58446,tada matuaya ku dingki nu fatikar nu misu,the lights on your bike are up too much,train +58446,58447,58447,raecusay ku mahaenay malukut,this fruit is not growing well,train +58447,58448,58448,Tapay hananay kira kimciam,that gold pin was dried,train +58448,58449,58449,tatatayal ku madapunuhay,when a newlywed is at work,train +58449,58450,58450,patusukan,target,test +58450,58451,58451,kaku san haw,my way,train +58451,58452,58452,caka faliwen su i,if you do not cut it down,train +58452,58453,58453,u Etulan tu Etulan tu hay suwalan aku,also from Tulane I told her,train +58453,58454,58454,mihapinang,figure out,train +58454,58455,58455,malicangay,dry,train +58455,58456,58456,Matucaluwayay ku falucu nu Pangcah a mipacakay tu sera,the Amis sell their land very easily,train +58456,58457,58457,Maimah kaku tisuwanan,I envy you,train +58457,58458,58458,awaay,No because of time,train +58458,58459,58459,pidanguyan,swimming pools,train +58459,58460,58460,Dengadengay saan,that is what happened,test +58460,58461,58461,misatapang kami a minanam,we start learning again,train +58461,58462,58462,raramud,marriage,train +58462,58463,58463,masa ku,just as,train +58463,58464,58464,ku mahaenay a kungku u nipatulduyan nu tuas,it is a legend,train +58464,58465,58465,u nu aul nisangaʼan masadicem,you made it out of bamboo,train +58465,58466,58466,liyasen ku namal,stay away from the fire,train +58466,58467,58467,anu maan ku cakayen saan kamu,if you want to buy anything,train +58467,58468,58468,mahayda kuya aadupen tu nika lataang nira a sumuwal a milukes tu Kawas mahayda kuya aadupen tu nipikuwan nira tu spat a pulu ira ku tusa a fulad,the beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty two months,train +58468,58469,58469,satu san saniʼada u pasifana tunu matuʼasay i tiyahu,in the old days old people used to be pitiful and teach,train +58469,58470,58470,maherek tu malalesi i tayra tu i hekal cangra kira,they will come ashore after spraying each other with water,test +58470,58471,58471,matamurak,pumpkin,train +58471,58472,58472,nanuya malakakitaʼan cira haw i,when he was a cadre,train +58472,58473,58473,ya ciʼepah sa i uya misangaʼan a epah ku epah ira,they are drinking home brewed wine,train +58473,58474,58474,Pasuvana kaku tu nu misaamisay a suwal nu pangcah,I teach northern Amish,train +58474,58475,58475,nu Kawas a tayal kuni,it is Gods good pleasure the works of God,train +58475,58476,58476,iraay aca ku adayay a salikaka,I have a sister who sympathizes with me,train +58476,58477,58477,harateng han aku i falucu kuni,it is something that is been on my mind for a long time,train +58477,58478,58478,o rayray nu suwal makera ku kedal matenes tu caay kaurad u fafahiyan nu niyaru tayra tu i tefun nu fulad a miradum malusapipaurad a misalisin,legend has it that whenever there is a long drought and no rain the tribal women will go to the moon cave to carry water to pray for rain,train +58478,58479,58479,catu pitulas a milihay cingra,it will not stop us from going to church,train +58479,58480,58480,malingatu kaku a,I am going to start,test +58480,58481,58481,macahkit,not acclimatized,train +58481,58482,58482,uraan ku tala han nira milepet,just wait for the catch that way,train +58482,58483,58483,takaraw,high,train +58483,58484,58484,nawhani anu lifit han miiʼkes haw i,what do you say assuming the training makes them more skilled they will grow up,train +58484,58485,58485,o esang nu maku kunini,this is my prize,train +58485,58486,58486,o malusangraay kaku a tangasa,I was the first to arrive,train +58486,58487,58487,maulah kaku a midanguy paaliwacan i malahakelung ku paru nu luma niyam a midanguy,I like swimming during the holidays our whole family go swimming together,train +58487,58488,58488,hapinang hapinang satu ku fana nu paylang,slowly learn about the excellence of the Han Chinese,train +58488,58489,58489,tefi,legumes,train +58489,58490,58490,hacul nu ina,mothers milk,test +58490,58491,58491,ira ku laviiay a pasakasak,there is also stepping at night,train +58491,58492,58492,pinanaman,learning Targets,train +58492,58493,58493,kakufel,lots of wrinkles,train +58493,58494,58494,Cilasatu a rumiad yu ira haca ci Yuhani atu tatusa a nisawawaan ningra itira i,the next day John was there again with two of his disciples,train +58494,58495,58495,i tiraw mingata tu piatalan kita,we are over there near the gardening area,train +58495,58496,58496,a minengneng tu salikaka tu nira i,or to visit his brothers and sisters,train +58496,58497,58497,hay haw kapah ku nikaurip i sariwsiwan,Yeah is not life really great in the fall,train +58497,58498,58498,ya Ripun tayra kami ulipiku saan,we do not know what the Japanese are talking about,train +58498,58499,58499,uswunsyung hayupake marihateng aku maʼemin,I still remember all of your,train +58499,58500,58500,dadaya tiya mangaʼay tayra,you cannot go until the evening,test +58500,58501,58501,dengay haw kaku a sa,may I,train +58501,58502,58502,lukut hay,Shanshu Yes,train +58502,58503,58503,matalawaytu ku falucu nu maku itiya,I was very nervous there too,train +58503,58504,58504,tayni tu kaku i Kimun,I was drawn to serve at Gammon,train +58504,58505,58505,mihusiway,Guarantor,train +58505,58506,58506,aka caay kapitengel,behave yourself,train +58506,58507,58507,mafuti,Sleep,train +58507,58508,58508,sapipana a tilu,a bow snare,train +58508,58509,58509,Sisa a sadimelen nu maku a milesimet,so I am going to keep it well,train +58509,58510,58510,taelingang,lie down,test +58510,58511,58511,saan ku pilicay nangra,that is what she said,train +58511,58512,58512,alatek,sometimes,train +58512,58513,58513,ham cietaetan sa i caay ka cietan,I wanted to say if I would make money but I did not,train +58513,58514,58514,kalademak hanay kuni,it is a time consuming task,train +58514,58515,58515,mikihatiya,follow,train +58515,58516,58516,u samavanaʼay a makalutulutukan,familiarity with the mountains,train +58516,58517,58517,mitakciay,I am going to school,train +58517,58518,58518,Cima ku ngangan isu han ni Yis a milicay Ci Likiyun kaku saan ciira a pacauf nawhani aluman ku palafuay a micumud i cingraan,Jesus asked him What is your name Legion he replied because many demons had gone into him,train +58518,58519,58519,saka micafer itira,so leave it there,train +58519,58520,58520,sisa a mavana haw tu laying ku mivutingay,that is why you need to know the waves to fish like this,test +58520,58521,58521,u maan saw ku sinavel nu sikawasay,what would a wizard eat,train +58521,58522,58522,micakay hu kaku tu sakalahuk kilim han tu aku kisu anuhuni^,I will go buy lunch first and then I will meet you later,train +58522,58523,58523,aluman kiya tahekalay mangalay nika,people want to run for office,train +58523,58524,58524,kita ku Pangcah,at the same time I was awakened to the greatness of the Amis rituals,train +58524,58525,58525,pacaedung,delivery Mandate,train +58525,58526,58526,Milalen kamu tu marufuay a tamdaw a mapades o rumasatu yu maafas a ma^min ku dafung namu i lipahak kamu nawhani mafana kamu tu nika irahu ku ikakaay nunini a midaucay a maludafung namu,you sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions,train +58526,58527,58527,masakawanan,the right,train +58527,58528,58528,U talumatu haw kisu nay cacudadan,Oh you are out of school,train +58528,58529,58529,kaciheranganlaluud,summer,train +58529,58530,58530,Caengar han ni ina ku funga a micacak,mom cooked the groundnuts in a big pot of water,test +58530,58531,58531,saka ira ku kuciw haw i tayraan a misawkit,So the two sides asked the tribesmen to come to a referendum,train +58531,58532,58532,latek cai kafaliyus tinamihecaan,maybe there will not be a typhoon today,train +58532,58533,58533,akung,male elder,train +58533,58534,58534,Makiric makickic nu nanum ku pala,the field was swept by the water,train +58534,58535,58535,mikiʼeciw kita patatudungen kiya ngiha nu alumanay,when you are leading your voice should be moderate to suit the crowd,train +58535,58536,58536,maiwilay,lonely,train +58536,58537,58537,ka tanektek kita tuni a lintad,we must be firm in the end,train +58537,58538,58538,pa^caw,Change,train +58538,58539,58539,tamita sa ku kakahulul,let us go,train +58539,58540,58540,Pafeli^,Give,test +58540,58541,58541,o maelucay tu ku saripa nu paliding nu maku,the tires on my car are already worn out,train +58541,58542,58542,caay tu kangaʼay itini,this is not the best place to be,train +58542,58543,58543,Singsi u papaluma tu dateng i umah kita,Teacher are we going to grow some vegetables in the fields,train +58543,58544,58544,cakaca,Definitely,train +58544,58545,58545,palitulu tini haen han palitulu,it is like this in three parts,train +58545,58546,58546,kitaanan,we are,train +58546,58547,58547,anu ira kura mafanaʼay mikiʼeciw,if there is one who can lead,train +58547,58548,58548,Miparu ci safa tu tasalamaan i kafang nira,my brother is packing toys in his book,train +58548,58549,58549,micakay kaku tu funga^,I want to buy sweet potatoes,train +58549,58550,58550,u lutung hani cai ku nu lutung,it does not look like a monkey,test +58550,58551,58551,cangra tiya tayratayra san tu milihay,on attending church services,train +58551,58552,58552,Malalulaluk ku wawa nura manikaway,the children of that poor family are all hardworking,train +58552,58553,58553,i cuwa kira cariwciway a suni,that squeaky voice over there,train +58553,58554,58554,ahuwid,thanks,train +58554,58555,58555,o ruma^ satu pakaradiwananay ku pikerid pakafana tu rarikurikur a finacadan ku Pangcah,it is also a people who educate the next generation through song and dance,train +58555,58556,58556,nakamayan,Crafts finished products,train +58556,58557,58557,hamatiyaen aku u teker,I will do what the traps do,train +58557,58558,58558,namialaen niyam itiraw itiraw tira ci Widian san a riyar,we took it from the waters over by Shuilun,train +58558,58559,58559,palatumuk,establishment of the ringleaders,train +58559,58560,58560,hahululan,parks,test +58560,58561,58561,nawhan tini i ʼaluʼaluan,So rivers and estuaries,train +58561,58562,58562,malecavay,in the same place,train +58562,58563,58563,Sapasuwalan kaku nikaurira caay ka sadak ku sasuwalen,I want to speak but the words do not come out,train +58563,58564,58564,Kiningen ku kaludemak nira tu finawlan,please remember what he did for his people,train +58564,58565,58565,o cima kura fafahiyan,who is that woman,train +58565,58566,58566,tadiwaa likes,mosquito,train +58566,58567,58567,haydaen ci mama isu,promise your dad,train +58567,58568,58568,onini i u sakahmekaw nu mafukilay tu Kawas a tamdaw tu dmak namu ta caaytu pikitadu kamu tu nu tau,so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody,train +58568,58569,58569,mifulaw haca mafana tu kura Pangcah kira caay tu pitena,the Ching invasion is back and the Amis are getting smart,train +58569,58570,58570,unipen,go sow seedlings,test +58570,58571,58571,onini a pipaicel niyam i tamuwanan i caay ku nanu muraraway atu kaackan a falucu caay ku misafitay,for the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives nor are we trying to trick you,train +58571,58572,58572,Hudhud hatu kira maupicay a fuduy i parud,use the stove to bake the wet clothes,train +58572,58573,58573,kaʼayaw kura haw hay hatini,in the front Yes that is right,train +58573,58574,58574,onini a papituay a hungti i matfadaytu ku lalima Tumirenghu anini ku ccay Awaayhu a talahkal ku ccay Nikawrira anu iratu ciira i caay ku hahalafin ku nika tumireng nira,they are also seven kings five have fallen one is the other has not yet come but when he does come he must remain for a little while,train +58574,58575,58575,tiraay,There,train +58575,58576,58576,maramud,matrimonial,train +58576,58577,58577,u pisupedan hatiraay ca,in the archive,train +58577,58578,58578,dadinguandadingu^,mirror,train +58578,58579,58579,mahaen isaw kunu matuasay a nipieteng inaayaw,that is the way the old man used to block the waterway to catch fish,train +58579,58580,58580,ha hay,Yeah Oh,test +58580,58581,58581,mangudu ciira tu tuwis nu waay nira,he feels inferior about his crippled leg,train +58581,58582,58582,nawhani ira i dadaya a tumireng i kaayaw aku ku cuyuh nu nitaungan aku a Kawas,last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me,train +58582,58583,58583,Kureced ku patelaw ni Tumay,Tomays arms are strong,train +58583,58584,58584,tahira tu i kaʼamiʼamis i,going north,train +58584,58585,58585,cahu ka laheci ku kalaluʼud minukayay tu,I am going back before the war is over,train +58585,58586,58586,ci daya ku ngangan ningra,his name is Daya,train +58586,58587,58587,pakafiluay hakiya kaku,I asked myself Can I really do this,train +58587,58588,58588,atu niyaru nu mita a funka,sharing the culture of our tribe,train +58588,58589,58589,maulah a makakaluna kura wacu a tatusa,the two dogs love to play with each other,train +58589,58590,58590,harateng han i haw i muntay harateng hananay i falucu,it is a question that is been on my mind for a long time,test +58590,58591,58591,o tafukud ku sapifuting nu mita anini,today we will be catching fish with cast nets,train +58591,58592,58592,Pasulin ci Apraham a mitier tu Kawas Saka mapalmed cingra o pasulinay a tamdaw a ma^min i milcad i cingraan a malmed,so those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham the man of faith,train +58592,58593,58593,kulafaw,vole,train +58593,58594,58594,miucekuy,bow the head,train +58594,58595,58595,Oinafa hu Mapadiput i fufu nila i niyaru,as a baby he was taken care of by his tribal grandmother,train +58595,58596,58596,talapitilidan,go to school,train +58596,58597,58597,u tingalaway a ngaayay a falucu u maimeray tu sulinay a sifana nu mituuray ci Kristuan,they must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience,train +58597,58598,58598,pulangala nu valucu ita,expectation of reunion,train +58598,58599,58599,pacakayen nira tu cila di nu ira ku nicakayay san ku ali aku,my sister in law said she sells them every other day so why do people buy them,train +58599,58600,58600,Icuwa^ ku niyaru nu misu,where is your tribe,test +58600,58601,58601,matira itiya sa,the reason why,train +58601,58602,58602,aka pisawad,do not give up,train +58602,58603,58603,tatuminukay satu widang aku takuwanan,my friend says we are going home,train +58603,58604,58604,tayra Taypak kita,propose to work in Taipei,train +58604,58605,58605,muku ku riku nira,his clothes are short,train +58605,58606,58606,hatini ku nikaadiyay nu talumaʼay nu kapah a mikihatiyaay tu lalikid nu niyaru,there are only so many young people coming back to the tribe,train +58606,58607,58607,nima a luma kira cifadahungay tu kahengangay,whose house is that with the red roof,train +58607,58608,58608,san kina wawa takuwan yay miratuh,my child said this to me originally,train +58608,58609,58609,i niyaru awaʼay kuepuc awaʼay ku laheci,there is no future in the tribe it is not going to work out it is not going to work out,train +58609,58610,58610,awa ku ina i kaku satu matiya tu ina mipakaen tu safa paliluc tu safa,when my mom was not home I prepared food fed my sister and helped her take a bath,test +58610,58611,58611,hatini i,Now,train +58611,58612,58612,macahiw kisu hanaku ha ha ha ha,I asked Him Are you hungry Ha ha ha,train +58612,58613,58613,nacecay hu ku unuc tu tekes nu anip,the first time I went to cut down a flat burden to pick up seedlings,train +58613,58614,58614,Nikawrira u minanumay a tamdaw tuya sapafli aku a nanum i caaytu ku mamasuaw a tahadauc o sapafli aku a nanum i u mamatiya u nemnem a mapuwar i cingraan a malamidaucay a urip ningra han ningra,but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life,train +58614,58615,58615,mahaenay itiya hu kira urip,that is how life used to be,train +58615,58616,58616,aka ka kakaya hanen mahaen,you do not want it to be too long look at it like this,train +58616,58617,58617,Safulucu sa kaku icuwa mitulas hakini,I was trying to figure out which side to take,train +58617,58618,58618,Tahaluma tu,we are home,train +58618,58619,58619,puener kami a kalekaka,our brothers and sisters are short,train +58619,58620,58620,u aku haw wa mi ku sanay haw,Wow first and second place are going abroad,test +58620,58621,58621,nanuraw,mercury,train +58621,58622,58622,kacilinay,umbrella,train +58622,58623,58623,talaen,just a moment please,train +58623,58624,58624,sunuk hanaku a mitakaw minanam tu sapisangaʼaw,I quietly showed it to my coworkers and they all appreciated it,train +58624,58625,58625,papaengawan,vantage point,train +58625,58626,58626,Hai singsi,Yes sir,train +58626,58627,58627,hatini i nengnengen aku,now I see it,train +58627,58628,58628,u serangawan nu Pangcah,it is an Amis ritual culture,train +58628,58629,58629,nga kehenay maʼecak nu,it is easier,train +58629,58630,58630,macuwacuwaay,a variety of,test +58630,58631,58631,Amis kiya sanu Payrangay kita haw,we Amis speak Fukienese,train +58631,58632,58632,aya hayi tu caay ku misakaniway kura wawa satu kira,so the kid was not lying,train +58632,58633,58633,mahanay ku tafukud,this is Gossip,train +58633,58634,58634,Tinaku sa kita u tamdaw i deng u falucu nuya tamdaw ku mafanaay tu saluafang ningra malcad tunini deng u Adingu nu Kawas ku mafanaay tu harateng nu Kawas,for who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the mans Spirit within him in the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God,train +58634,58635,58635,nengen ku hemut aku hena sakahengang sanay tu caay tu kangaʼay aku a maru,look at my red ass I cannot even sit down,train +58635,58636,58636,na kiyana matuʼasay,the old people,train +58636,58637,58637,tu mahiniyay a demak,such language revitalization work,train +58637,58638,58638,tadamaulah,love,train +58638,58639,58639,atumu nu riyar,Olaunpi fig,train +58639,58640,58640,pakaruray,tired of working,test +58640,58641,58641,sadak satu ku mawmahay i laku,and there is a farmer,train +58641,58642,58642,Saka tayra sa kaku tuya cuyuh Paflien kaku tura mamangay a nanu maluluday a cudad han aku i suwal sa cingra Alaen a kumaen Angrer i tiyad isu kunini Nikawrira yu i nguyushu isu i matiya u waneng nu udal a ku^san saan,so I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll he said to me Take it and eat it it will turn your stomach sour but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey,train +58642,58643,58643,malasawaday haw itira,resting place for deceased loved ones,train +58643,58644,58644,i nanukaciferangan a misatapang ku minanamay tu yakiw,the baseball team starts practicing in the summer,train +58644,58645,58645,ta tayra a malafi,come to dinner,train +58645,58646,58646,a pakayni tu i suwal han tu i,language learning courses,train +58646,58647,58647,anucila,tomorrow,train +58647,58648,58648,awaay tu ku sela nira wacu,the dog is not breathing,train +58648,58649,58649,sakatusa u vavahi saka tatulu iri u vavainay,the second one is a girl and the third one is a boy,train +58649,58650,58650,pakuyuc ku luma nira,they live in poverty,test +58650,58651,58651,hatiraay tu ku mana misanga kaku han i,as for why I came to production,train +58651,58652,58652,suwal hantu nu tumuk ci Vavuy Liyal,the ringleader told the whales,train +58652,58653,58653,udang,committing adultery,train +58653,58654,58654,tayra satu ku alumanay a mituuray ci Kristuan a tamdaw a patalahkal tu nanu dmak nangra,many of those who believed now came and openly confessed their evil deeds,train +58654,58655,58655,kungkung sa kiya ci Acu,Na Joo knocked at the door,train +58655,58656,58656,Taylaay kamu i Pihaytaw han,did you go to Hokkaido,train +58656,58657,58657,itini haw i mata tu kaku mi i hawi,I was about to retire in,train +58657,58658,58658,o kacalemceman ku katayalan i tini,the work here is worrying,train +58658,58659,58659,naayaway cacay a lipay,for the past week,train +58659,58660,58660,ila,there are,test +58660,58661,58661,han nu Taywan,this is Taiwan,train +58661,58662,58662,o ˈicel nu misu Kaku,I am your shield your strength,train +58662,58663,58663,mikaenan,edible,train +58663,58664,58664,Sipalamlam tu katacumuli alesutu haw,it is also good in escargot,train +58664,58665,58665,aluman ku,numerous,train +58665,58666,58666,aka piudut tu cimacimanan,do not pick on anyone,train +58666,58667,58667,anu Cu ku hamisu,if it does not suit your taste,train +58667,58668,58668,u kakakaʼalulung u celak,it is like a deep spread,train +58668,58669,58669,patafu hananay i matiya mapatayay tu ku matuʼasay nu mita ayaway caay kafanaʼen nu mita,it is like our elders passed away a long time ago and the next generation does not know about it,train +58669,58670,58670,Parihenawen nu tireng tu kaku,I made myself afraid,test +58670,58671,58671,manga alaen kira,you can have it if you want it,train +58671,58672,58672,alunam itira kuya Hulam mimatayalay i,there is a lot of out of owners there workers in the white clay mines,train +58672,58673,58673,damsayay,peaceful,train +58673,58674,58674,ciku nu lalan,intersection in the street,train +58674,58675,58675,milalacan,pick up shellfish,train +58675,58676,58676,maʼurad satu ri ira u fadahung iʼayaw u ina atu mama,when it rains we take the rainwater from the roof,train +58676,58677,58677,macicihay,bad,train +58677,58678,58678,u luma i talawali,some of them are going east,train +58678,58679,58679,pisakakurutan,bitter gourd garden,train +58679,58680,58680,tangasa satu anini hay hay,until now Yes yes,test +58680,58681,58681,mimali kita anini,we came to play today,train +58681,58682,58682,misufitay kaku,my type of soldier,train +58682,58683,58683,ira kiya ina nu niyam i,it is a good thing we have an aunt who is a relative,train +58683,58684,58684,suy suy suy,years old years old years old,train +58684,58685,58685,Miadidemay kaku i palapalaan,I was picking mulberries in the field,train +58685,58686,58686,maulah ciira a mikiri tu wawa nira a patawa,he likes to tickle his kids with a maniacal laugh,train +58686,58687,58687,matuniʼtuniʼ cira haw,he is slimy,train +58687,58688,58688,awaaytu makelah tu ku riyar pahanhan,rest when the sea has receded,train +58688,58689,58689,Macaemut tu nuya situ ku nipasifanaan nu singsi,students have comprehended what the teacher has taught them,train +58689,58690,58690,imani kae reru,I am going back now,test +58690,58691,58691,nu namu,You,train +58691,58692,58692,Awaw saan ku wacu aku a pasatimul tu dadaya,at night my dog barks towards the south,train +58692,58693,58693,kura nu mama nu kapah,Dads class,train +58693,58694,58694,tahiraay i patay ku kamadimadi nu wama wina aku a mihudup ci Yihufaan mitukelay kaku militemuh cangranan i faeluhay hekal,both my parents served the Lord faithfully until their deaths and I very much look forward to welcoming them back in the new world to come,train +58694,58695,58695,Hay micudad tu ciira,Yes she went to school,train +58695,58696,58696,u nikavanaʼan nu mita,what we know,train +58696,58697,58697,palangaw,misalisin,train +58697,58698,58698,nansay miilisin tatudung nu misu,how old are you to participate in the Harvest Festival,train +58698,58699,58699,tatudung,meaning,train +58699,58700,58700,ali,sister in law,test +58700,58701,58701,Cihafayan,name of the Chung Hsing tribe,train +58701,58702,58702,misanga kaku tu kumu,I am making a slingshot,train +58702,58703,58703,pakafana tu wawa tu fufu,raising children sun Tzu,train +58703,58704,58704,anu saawaay i,the least number to be involved would be,train +58704,58705,58705,piʼangʼang nu matuʼasay haw,what do you call the elders,train +58705,58706,58706,u kaka ni Sawa iri ci Angah,Sawas brothers name was Anakin,train +58706,58707,58707,tusuy tu kaku matini hay,Yo I am in my,train +58707,58708,58708,ira tu pinaen isu ku picakay,Yes how many do you want to buy,train +58708,58709,58709,matatudungay ku urip nu Pangcah a finacadan tunini a suwal,the best way to describe the life of the Amis is to say,train +58709,58710,58710,sumadaw,variation,test +58710,58711,58711,tayraay kitaanan,here to help us,train +58711,58712,58712,Anenger ku kuhaw nu dungec,Fujinori soup is bitter,train +58712,58713,58713,miladum hu ku malitengay tangtangen ira,the old man still picks the water and he boils it,train +58713,58714,58714,cuwa ku pirienang aca tu taykay uniya taypiyaw tayraay i Lipanun atu Yurtan mirienang tu mikiriwiˈay piliwku tayra i masuwalay nu Fangcalay Cudad a pala,in addition to arranging flights and hotels our job is to obtain visas for delegates for different countries,train +58714,58715,58715,o nisangaan tu tingting ku karahay,the sunshade is made from the spikes of the manzanita plant,train +58715,58716,58716,Mamu^etep ku siri ni Kulas,Kolas has ten sheep,train +58716,58717,58717,latek minukay kami itiya sa kira,we will probably come back then,train +58717,58718,58718,maherek ka malafi siʼayaw tu lawmiciu,after dinner we will have some old rice wine here,train +58718,58719,58719,ruma a tayal,additional areas of work,train +58719,58720,58720,Mafayu ciira tuya kakumaen nira tuya icep,he ate the betel nut and his chest was sweaty,test +58720,58721,58721,angrer saan,very bitter,train +58721,58722,58722,saka paluwaden ku kira utuc kina iraan,so I erected the pillars,train +58722,58723,58723,ilaay i fanaw cuka katayra i Farangaw,have to stay on the pool to live,train +58723,58724,58724,sasuwalen,quote,train +58724,58725,58725,tisuwan,here you go,train +58725,58726,58726,tayra tu misakilang,just do the fetching,train +58726,58727,58727,Mikikaru kami i lutuk,we went up the mountain to pick grapefruit,train +58727,58728,58728,matitiay,hit by the hammer,train +58728,58729,58729,pakawasan,important personage,train +58729,58730,58730,nu itiyaay hu a wawa tahanini,so there used to be many types of toys to make,test +58730,58731,58731,caay,no,train +58731,58732,58732,wayway,behavior,train +58732,58733,58733,tura taraay tulu miheca mafanaʼay tu mieneng,because he is three,train +58733,58734,58734,ey kura i ka Hulaman hu yu,Doubtful is it the national government,train +58734,58735,58735,Naunen matafala Matalem kura kawkaw,be careful and do not get hurt the sickle is very sharp,train +58735,58736,58736,10 nengnengen haca ita ku cecay tinakuan u fafahiyan wawa nu kakitaan ci Yifta u misaaliay tu sapakalaluk cingra,let us look at another example of someone who needed to be encouraged the daughter of Shlomo Jephthah,train +58736,58737,58737,patayraen kaku i lalikul nu i hasisiw i naayaw,take me to Jian station,train +58737,58738,58738,aanayaen hu ku rarakaten nu mita ta tangasa i luma,we still have a ways to go before we get home,train +58738,58739,58739,aka kasadak i kafitilian a rumiad,do not go out when there is thunder and lightning,train +58739,58740,58740,Pasuwal Matini matini haenen haenen,this one should be like this and that one should be like this,test +58740,58741,58741,aka ripaen kaku,do not step on me,train +58741,58742,58742,itiraay iri tangasa anini ira hu ku tamdaw nu Cikasuʼan itira,to this day there are still people from the Shichibukawa who have settled there,train +58742,58743,58743,i kaʼamisay a alu,it is a tributary to the north side,train +58743,58744,58744,Titi han nira kaka ku safanira,that brother hit his brother with a hammer,train +58744,58745,58745,aca kafana kaku mitengil tiya suwal nira,I do not understand what he is saying,train +58745,58746,58746,u fafahiyan cecayay kaku u fafahiyan,I am the only girl,train +58746,58747,58747,mansa maaraway kura Kitakit,so when they see a place where there is land,train +58747,58748,58748,mitangtang tu papah nu sukuy ruma a tamdaw mitangtang kiyami haw,some people cook the leaves of woodchucks,train +58748,58749,58749,ca ci ina san cingra ci mama ningra haw i u itiniay i Fataʼan saka,his parents were horse saddles,train +58749,58750,58750,cay kafana tangasa i larem u sanay kuniyan,in the end we cannot appreciate it,test +58750,58751,58751,micabel kami tiya i,just passing through though,train +58751,58752,58752,ura pakelang hananay i,the meaning of the word bakelang is,train +58752,58753,58753,Aka kaduit maliwa nu kerah saan ku suwal nu matuasay,elders say Being on time is the basic truth of doing things,train +58753,58754,58754,talacuwa awa maala ku sakacecay nikaurira mahemekay tu kaku hawhani malaheci tu aku ku pilalifetan,although I did not get first place I am glad because I completed the race,train +58754,58755,58755,nengneng han aku pasipaputal,I looked outside,train +58755,58756,58756,itira ku rarum sa tu kiya malingaday a tamdaw,at that time the farmer was sad,train +58756,58757,58757,ura han tu i awaay ku mifangafang sa,that way there is no more trouble,train +58757,58758,58758,o sakapipatilid niyam i tamuwanan tunini i u sakatataang nu lipahak ita,we write this to make our joy complete,train +58758,58759,58759,mahenay kami a misafalucu,we have a goal,train +58759,58760,58760,maacek,I do not like it,test +58760,58761,58761,kaurira i,But No,train +58761,58762,58762,ira tu ku,with a price tag,train +58762,58763,58763,iraay tu kura kaʼayaʼayaw a mimaliay sahetu i dahiay kira,early on we had great baseball players,train +58763,58764,58764,aka kumaen tu epah icep tatiihi ku tireng han tu aku,drinking and chewing betel nut is bad for your health,train +58764,58765,58765,tafuen tu hi maheret tu mitafu nga,I will wrap it right away when it is done I will wrap it,train +58765,58766,58766,maredu hahecek ngaʼayay,a straight tree trunk can be used as a pole,train +58766,58767,58767,u kaku tu i,so I,train +58767,58768,58768,caay ka nuc,cannot be swallowed,train +58768,58769,58769,matenesay,long,train +58769,58770,58770,na matayal ancila ku matayalay satu,it is because everyone who has a job has to work tomorrow,test +58770,58771,58771,saka tahini tuna enem mihecaan,after years,train +58771,58772,58772,ka Ripunan,the Japanese colonial period,train +58772,58773,58773,o ngaayay ku nanuwang nu tireng ita,our body shaking is beneficial,train +58773,58774,58774,a kalamkamay cangra,if they are quick,train +58774,58775,58775,Nanay caay ka tayni ku faliyus nawhani mangalay hu^ kaku a mihulul,I hope the typhoon does not come I still want to go out to play again,train +58775,58776,58776,o pacarufacufay tu dafak ku urad nu dadaya,rain at night brings fog the following day,train +58776,58777,58777,Mafanaay kisu tu u pana ku sapifuting haw,do you know how to hunt with a bow and arrow,train +58777,58778,58778,tayni i mutep ila ku tusa i,twelfth day of the lunar month,train +58778,58779,58779,hay ira ku sapaini nu maku tu pakayni isuwal nu mita u Pangcah haw,I am here to share a story about our Amish people,train +58779,58780,58780,ira aca ku surarat nu maulaway a niyaru,ancient tribes must have had gatherings to settle something,test +58780,58781,58781,merawaen ita anini u wawa,in contrast today children,train +58781,58782,58782,kakafien,drink,train +58782,58783,58783,hay pacafay,it is companionship,train +58783,58784,58784,cima sanay kalaliyas cima sanay,who is it the one who said he wants a divorce,train +58784,58785,58785,cuwa kahecad tunu paylang,it is not like the Han Chinese,train +58785,58786,58786,Tungalen ku safadut ta mahemhem ku inafa,add swaddling clothes to keep the child on your back warm,train +58786,58787,58787,watah ku fana isu halafin a misaeraw haw,you are really talented does it take a long time to make,train +58787,58788,58788,mialaan ira kura saseti,he is got a stick,train +58788,58789,58789,u hatiniyay katataan,it is not a big deal,train +58789,58790,58790,i lumaʼay sa mitala cingraan a minukay ta lanam sa ku i lumaʼay,the ones at home waited for her to come home before eating breakfast,test +58790,58791,58791,tangal tu kira ri,it is morning,train +58791,58792,58792,sasinuet,perspiration,train +58792,58793,58793,mililis i lalan a rumakat kami,we are walking along the side of the road,train +58793,58794,58794,sapaayaw a tilid,letters of recommendation,train +58794,58795,58795,inasani,just now,train +58795,58796,58796,maharekay tu kiya haw,what happens when it is over,train +58796,58797,58797,kakedalan,dry season,train +58797,58798,58798,saka emin han patayra rikur ha ha ha,write all the names in the back and the last one in the memo line,train +58798,58799,58799,hay mafana caira a misanga,you can learn from the process of making it,train +58799,58800,58800,mitengil kita tu suwal nuya tamdaw,let us listen to what the man has to say,test +58800,58801,58801,Maakik tu maemin ku nifariwan a kilang atu semut,the cut grass has dried up,train +58801,58802,58802,nengneng han ku aniniay haen ku pakumud,they were instructed to choose the young men of honor in this way,train +58802,58803,58803,maanen talaniyaru nu Makutaay,how to get to harbor village Tribe,train +58803,58804,58804,papimetmeten,hold,train +58804,58805,58805,maturinum,like a needle,train +58805,58806,58806,cuwa kaharek ku midemakan,things do not get done easily,train +58806,58807,58807,u lutungay hen u vayi ku midiputay,when I was a baby my grandmother took care of me,train +58807,58808,58808,Orasaka u mamafurifur a mafalah ku pitaungan namu,Look your house is left to you desolate,train +58808,58809,58809,ngisngis,mustache,train +58809,58810,58810,pahmek cangra tu Kawas malarihaday cangra atu finawlan a ma^min o rumasatu tungalen nu Tapang cangra tu rumiamiad tu mafuhatay ku falucu a nipauripan ningra a tamdaw,praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved,test +58810,58811,58811,kararuman kaʼiwilan aku a haw,the process of sadness and grief,train +58811,58812,58812,kira Kawas a tahekal satu ku matuʼasay,the old man said that the mountains are haunted by ghosts and spirits,train +58812,58813,58813,nengneng sa ku matuʼasay i aya eneng kuni anekek sasuni sa nu mamaan sa,our ancestors watched the crows chirping and wondered what the chirping meant,train +58813,58814,58814,nu lutuk a tali,taro on the mountain,train +58814,58815,58815,maharek miradiw,after the chant,train +58815,58816,58816,aacaen,I want to buy it,train +58816,58817,58817,pafelihan naku kisu tu amadahay a dademaken,I have arranged for you to have an easier case,train +58817,58818,58818,raradiwan,sung,train +58818,58819,58819,samaanen manikaway ku urip hiwawa,they are all living in poverty,train +58819,58820,58820,pacukcuk,vaccination,test +58820,58821,58821,alaen miala kuni haen han haen han miala mihaen,hold it like this,train +58821,58822,58822,anu,indistinct,train +58822,58823,58823,ayaw u pida u pida ka saan,do not think about being broke all the time,train +58823,58824,58824,mahecad ci Sunaykira ha ha ha ha,he is a pro democracy activist on the same side as Shunai Ha ha ha,train +58824,58825,58825,paludaken,draft,train +58825,58826,58826,u kaka nu kaka niya mama niyam hay,it was named after my fathers brother,train +58826,58827,58827,kuti,damn it,train +58827,58828,58828,suwal sa ci Maʼuwid haw rey,Malverde said,train +58828,58829,58829,ira ku nipacakayan namu haw,did you sell it,train +58829,58830,58830,mafana a misungila tu serayan unini a maemin haw i u nanamen a talaayaw micumud tu selal kunini,the ability to live in symbiosis with nature is a life skill that must be practiced before entering the classroom,test +58830,58831,58831,icuwacuwa a niyaru a misanga,traveled around and worked as a carpenter,train +58831,58832,58832,paketerey,give somebody a hard time,train +58832,58833,58833,caay kasuvaw u maan ku savun,it will not come off there is no soap,train +58833,58834,58834,duduan nu feyci san kiyamey,being followed by an airplane,train +58834,58835,58835,acis,dried out,train +58835,58836,58836,taenang,lie down,train +58836,58837,58837,nengnengen ku suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad itini i Taniil 244 atu taneng 221 22,see what the Bible says Daniel Proverbs,train +58837,58838,58838,ku nika lahad nu urip nu maku itiyahu,that is how I grew up in my life,train +58838,58839,58839,kura picucur tu kapah,that is how you send young people,train +58839,58840,58840,adihay ku vasis ahecid aca,it is fatty and salty,test +58840,58841,58841,fesul,zero,train +58841,58842,58842,o kasiniadaan a tamdaw cingra,he is a person who needs to have kindness shown towards him,train +58842,58843,58843,sa cacay kaku a nikelut tina sera niselen tuya pueneray a laku,I do a good job of leveling and grading as I have experienced,train +58843,58844,58844,sakapahen namu a maurip wa midiput tu kami,you are going to have a good time and now we are going to put,train +58844,58845,58845,anu caʼay katefad katulu kapingku,if it has not been lost torn down broken,train +58845,58846,58846,Resres han ku sinafel a micacak,Shred the vegetables to cook,train +58846,58847,58847,maakunalay,Bald,train +58847,58848,58848,Pateduay tu nura mama,Dads just being arbitrary,train +58848,58849,58849,Taringen ku nialalan nu mita a fukeluh i laad nu pala ita,the rocks we excavated are stacked on our border,train +58849,58850,58850,fana,will,test +58850,58851,58851,mahecaday ku kaytu ni Kacaw tu nu misu,Kacaws coat is the same as yours,train +58851,58852,58852,tikelu,Distinctions,train +58852,58853,58853,saatemsaatim,tong,train +58853,58854,58854,tira patiked,fish there,train +58854,58855,58855,pakayni i nika patay ni Kristu ku sakatdal ita a mapakunira atu sakahpul nu raraw ita u nanu kadufahay a mikumi nu Kawas kunini,in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of Gods grace,train +58855,58856,58856,ayu mafanaʼay tu kisu ari,Oh my God you are amazing,train +58856,58857,58857,u vulang sa haw,only bubbles Yeah,train +58857,58858,58858,anu caʼay kahaen kiymi haw,if not actually implemented,train +58858,58859,58859,saaciyusen,make a hairpin,train +58859,58860,58860,ira kakiwaten ini,knit from here,test +58860,58861,58861,o siraw ku sakasuaw nu maku,the because of my thirst is cured meat,train +58861,58862,58862,Hakuwaay tu ku mihecaan nu mama isu anini,how old is your father,train +58862,58863,58863,imatini haw ira ku miduʼeduay tu tayal su,so far has anyone inherited these skills from you,train +58863,58864,58864,i tuʼas tu kina ina,Moms getting older,train +58864,58865,58865,paʼacaan nura wawa aku paliwaran tira i lalan,my kid sells them Traders sell them on the side of the road,train +58865,58866,58866,ngaʼayay tu kita hai,are we ready Yes we are,train +58866,58867,58867,itiya i u mamaaraw nu tamdamdaw ku nika u tadaciicelay u cidilay kuya wawa nu tamdaw a pakatuem a tayni,At that time men will see the son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory,train +58867,58868,58868,sakatusa niyam mamihecaan i,after the next year we will start again,train +58868,58869,58869,Itiyasatu mapaicel nu Fangcalay Adingu ci Yis liyas satu cingra tu Yurtan a alu ta kriden nu Fangcalay Adingu cingra a patayra i kuhkuhan,Jesus full of the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert,train +58869,58870,58870,saan tu caira matini,they think so now,test +58870,58871,58871,iratu i ayaw kinian,it is been done before,train +58871,58872,58872,masafalatay a fali,wind blowing straight across from the east,train +58872,58873,58873,Malakasiniadaan ku salikaka naira,their brothers and sisters became in a pitiable condition,train +58873,58874,58874,ciyeku,results,train +58874,58875,58875,saliyaw itira kamu maru ma haw,Again where did you live,train +58875,58876,58876,u patay aku o sakaciurip aku ku Rikec nasa kaku Arawhani u sakapastek aku i patay aca kunini,I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death,train +58876,58877,58877,itiya i maaraw ningra ku tatusa a cuyuh Ciriku cangra tu kuhcalay a maru i pitlian tu tireng ni Yis i tatangalan ku ccay i pasaripaan ku ccay,and saw two angels in white seated where Jesus body had been one at the head and the other at the foot,train +58877,58878,58878,10 mahecaday ku harateng ita ci Yihufaan aci Yisan han,are we in agreement with Jehovah and Jesus,train +58878,58879,58879,lima suut kuni aka hu Malalaway ku sapa^caw isu,it is dollars wait a minute you seem to have the wrong money,train +58879,58880,58880,lumuwad tu tulu ku tuki tu papacem haw,Ling was up at am,test +58880,58881,58881,araw han tataak tataak ku lamal,Unexpectedly the fire got bigger and bigger,train +58881,58882,58882,itini caypakapina ku tamdaw haw i,there were not a lot of people there,train +58882,58883,58883,matenak i sawalian atu satimulan nu Taywan ku Amis,the Amis are found in the eastern and southern parts of Taiwan,train +58883,58884,58884,citahefud,dust,train +58884,58885,58885,fafafafa han ku wawa cai kamangic ku wawa a fafaen,just carry the baby the baby will not cry when he is carried,train +58885,58886,58886,han naku en,I say you must treasure it,train +58886,58887,58887,manangan tu anini ku suwal hatiraay,I have memorized and preserved this event,train +58887,58888,58888,o misaeletay ci mama nu maku kawus nu tafukud i matini,my dad is tying the rope for the cast net,train +58888,58889,58889,u raang ku cacay ta u miduduʼay tu raang,first the cow then the cow,train +58889,58890,58890,yu pisakalafiantu i maluklun ku nisawawaan ni Yis a tayra i fanaw,when evening came his disciples went down to the lake,test +58890,58891,58891,sa kutay han aku ci Mawang itiraw,I replaced Marwan who lives nearby,train +58891,58892,58892,mifuting ku mifutingay a matira ku nika u demak nu kapah nuna niyaru,some of them were catching fish that is what happened to the young tribesmen at that time,train +58892,58893,58893,nu saʼayaway a tefus,is it early sugar cane,train +58893,58894,58894,kusiw,malfunctions,train +58894,58895,58895,u kiyu luki saan kunu Taywan a suwal,I will keep talking,train +58895,58896,58896,tiya a remiad mikerid tu turun epah icep ku matuasay nu vavainay a tayra,the next day the mans family brings rice cake wine and betel nut to the woman house,train +58896,58897,58897,haʼen han nu waay,use your feet,train +58897,58898,58898,Pakamaruen kira sinsi nu misu,please sit your teacher down,train +58898,58899,58899,namisufuc,births,train +58899,58900,58900,tayni satu i ini i niyaru tu haw i,to the tribe here,test +58900,58901,58901,kupal,Mens cloths,train +58901,58902,58902,iayaw tuya pihahayan maherek tu mihahay,you cannot eat until you have finished dancing at the Toyonen Matsuri,train +58902,58903,58903,Aka tataang ku urad i hekal,I cannot it is pouring outside,train +58903,58904,58904,kaku ku micukeruhay tu safa nu maku,I was the one who pushed my brother,train +58904,58905,58905,papitamurakay,Call pumpkin Pickers,train +58905,58906,58906,kemanay tu tamdaw a lutuk sa,that mountain God is a cannibalistic god,train +58906,58907,58907,Ngaay kaku a micaliw tu paysu isu haw,can I borrow money from you,train +58907,58908,58908,malawud ku tuki tayra misalama,we will go there when the time comes,train +58908,58909,58909,tira satu kami halafing,we were there for a long time,train +58909,58910,58910,ulah,like,test +58910,58911,58911,tu sapitestes nu kakahulul,lessons learned from the rank and file,train +58911,58912,58912,Kuhecal sa ku pising isu adadaay kisu haw,you look pale you are sick are not you,train +58912,58913,58913,tira i cekacekaan,in a thicket of thorns,train +58913,58914,58914,Lahuday a nanamen ku suwal nu Amis haw,is it easy to learn the Amis language,train +58914,58915,58915,Onu maku a sakafana haw,I could have hunting skills,train +58915,58916,58916,sasingaran,shutter,train +58916,58917,58917,ku nikawmah anca adihay,or millet planted,train +58917,58918,58918,ira ku faliyus sa ku katengilan,I heard that there is a typhoon,train +58918,58919,58919,o kumaenay a tamdaw i ma^deng spat a patek a tamdaw itiya i paliwasak hantu ni Yis cangra,about four thousand men were present and having sent them away,train +58919,58920,58920,mapilihmapiiw,lame,test +58920,58921,58921,kuhcalay,white,train +58921,58922,58922,caay ku mayuf kuya tamdaw,that person will not change,train +58922,58923,58923,tira kaku misanga milinsiw,that is where I learned to sew,train +58923,58924,58924,uruma malitengay milicayan ira kiya kapah,some elderly people will ask the young people,train +58924,58925,58925,mikumuris maaʼraw ku nika Rikec nuraan a selal,So at the Toyonen Matsuri we saw a very united age group,train +58925,58926,58926,han saan,let us put it this way,train +58926,58927,58927,talaen tu ku demak niyam haw tulu fulad,we will deal with this in three months,train +58927,58928,58928,cacakelaw,umbrella Festival,train +58928,58929,58929,makayhid nu tau cingra,he is led astray by others,train +58929,58930,58930,a matayal a maramud,we are a couple,test +58930,58931,58931,mafulaw kura malitengay tayni i,when the elders moved here,train +58931,58932,58932,tuduhen,setting fire to it,train +58932,58933,58933,mafanaʼay a mifekac mafanaʼay cumikay,outrun,train +58933,58934,58934,nanay ca tu katayni ku faliyus hay ngaay mahadak hu kaku a misalama,I hope the typhoon does not come I still want to go out to play again,train +58934,58935,58935,ku saka lahuk ita,our lunch,train +58935,58936,58936,tadengalay hu itiya tayra i putal mitilid kaku,I go outside to write while it is still light,train +58936,58937,58937,anini kalipisiwfay matini ku fuksu,mango is now available for sale,train +58937,58938,58938,Cuwa ka fanaˈ tu manan ku hasuwal niyam kawra maulahay kami tisuwanan,We want you to know that we love you very much,train +58938,58939,58939,cekiw,shellfish,train +58939,58940,58940,saaraaw,expectations,test +58940,58941,58941,anu u nika ^ca ka mu^cel ita ku sapatalahkal tu mu^cel nu Kawas i maanen ita ku nika sumuwal hakiya o nipitfuc nu Kawas i titaanan i u nika caay ka mu^cel ningra haw,but if our unrighteousness brings out Gods righteousness more clearly what shall we say that God is unjust in bringing his wrath on us,train +58941,58942,58942,Hai tulu pulu tu ku tingting aku hatini,Yes I weigh kilograms now,train +58942,58943,58943,Talaciku ku alul nu cuhel aku,I am sweating up to my elbows,train +58943,58944,58944,palahd tu iniyan u langaw,make millet grow,train +58944,58945,58945,milasu,watering,train +58945,58946,58946,miselal ku falu^hay a pakarungay anini a miheca,new age class inductions this year,train +58946,58947,58947,caaytu ku mamacahiw caaytu ku mamasuaw cangra caaytu ku mamatarang nu cidal atu masamaamaanay a fa^det cangra,never again will they hunger never again will they thirst the sun will not beat upon them nor any scorching heat,train +58947,58948,58948,ira kura radiw kira,there is a song too,train +58948,58949,58949,yaan tu i,Later,train +58949,58950,58950,nawhan u miʼacaan kura karurayan ita,because that is what we worked so hard for,test +58950,58951,58951,o miraudaytu kamu tu Ciun a lutuk atu i kakarayanay a Yirusalim a niyaru nu mauripay a Kawas ira itira ku pinapina a ufad a cuyuh,but you have come to Mount Zion to the heavenly Jerusalem the city of the living God you have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly,train +58951,58952,58952,Faluay ku rumiad tu kilumaan nu Farangaw,there are eight days in the Maranchals Harvest Festival,train +58952,58953,58953,haenay ku malitingay satu ku falucu,I thought to myself This is how old people live,train +58953,58954,58954,cicuung,bud,train +58954,58955,58955,tada,very much,train +58955,58956,58956,Kaesuay ku lusay a kaenen haw,how is the fruit,train +58956,58957,58957,kuhenackameleng,smooth,train +58957,58958,58958,fulaw,war,train +58958,58959,58959,culal saan a taluma kina kaka isu kini,your brother suddenly shows up at home after a long absence,train +58959,58960,58960,cekel,bow the head,test +58960,58961,58961,Suraren nu singsi ku nipisaefit nuya situ,the teacher forgives the students deceptive behavior,train +58961,58962,58962,cilamalay,internal heat,train +58962,58963,58963,a mudac ku waay nu maku tu kasienawan,my feet peel in the winter,train +58963,58964,58964,mapulung malafi nawhani misuficu sa itiya,we are all welcome to dinner together,train +58964,58965,58965,u rumiaʼd san i,what about during the day,train +58965,58966,58966,hakenu matukatuk tanga ira ku pitaʼung nara ciʼicelay kira miinuli ha i,though they doze off they know how to nod their heads and they are really strong in their faith,train +58966,58967,58967,satu,as soon as,train +58967,58968,58968,ca kalifanaʼan haw taʼangay ku tapelik maseti i,suddenly there is a big wave,train +58968,58969,58969,sa talaen hu anu pankesyawse anu cecay tuki,let us take a half hour or an hour and then we will see,train +58969,58970,58970,tu niyaru kasaniyaniyaru itiya tayni maulah,the tribes that were formed back then they liked it,test +58970,58971,58971,samisi satu ku urip nu mita,for this reason we live in half tone,train +58971,58972,58972,o materekay a Tukel aku i Kawas,The hope I have in God,train +58972,58973,58973,Hayda Tadangaayay tu anu miliyaw miadup haenen tu aku a mitalakal nga citama,Great I will be able to catch the prey in the future,train +58973,58974,58974,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O mitngilay a midu^du tu suwal nu Kawas i urira ku ina Aku atu salikaka Aku han ningra,he replied My mother and brothers are those who hear Gods word and put it into practice,train +58974,58975,58975,u mamu ku mihimaway,it is grand mom who is taking care of it,train +58975,58976,58976,pasuwal sa cangra ci Yisan Maanen niyam ku dmak ta u kakaulahan nu Kawas ku tayal niyam han nangra,then they asked him What must we do to do the works God requires,train +58976,58977,58977,tangasa itini i muetep miheca ira ku tusa,I have been doing this for years,train +58977,58978,58978,icuwa ku satarakaway nu nika satungtungruh nu luma i hekal,where is the worlds tallest building,train +58978,58979,58979,Mituris tu patung kaku tu rumiamiad,I keep a diary every day,train +58979,58980,58980,o nanu Fangcalay Adingu ku sakaciurip ita Saka u tatuuren ita ku pikrid nu Fangcalay Adingu,since we live by the Spirit let us keep in step with the Spirit,test +58980,58981,58981,u licay i nu huni mipatireng tu Siy Hway san,we have also heard that the Association will be set up later,train +58981,58982,58982,ciyak,pumpkin,train +58982,58983,58983,Orasaka,the reason why,train +58983,58984,58984,akawangay ku wama aku u kincac ku mira,my father is tall and he is a policeman,train +58984,58985,58985,nima,Whose,train +58985,58986,58986,itini i niyaru a makakafit tuni paluwad tu suwal nu Aims,linking up with the tribe revitalizing the Amis language,train +58986,58987,58987,yu nikapiniwaniw,in the field on my knees pulling weeds,train +58987,58988,58988,saka mahapinang nu wama nu maku,my dad can see very well,train +58988,58989,58989,uway,rattan,train +58989,58990,58990,Orasaka Fiyacen ku marurayay a kamay atu rarimaay a tusur namu,Therefore strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees,test +58990,58991,58991,liim,codpiece,train +58991,58992,58992,san ku suwal,that is the way it is,train +58992,58993,58993,siraw,cured meat,train +58993,58994,58994,fesuc,straight ahead,train +58994,58995,58995,misakamuk,programs,train +58995,58996,58996,malekaka,siblings,train +58996,58997,58997,nawhan ura Hulam kiyami haw miafasay caira tu suta ita,these Han people have been robbing our farmland,train +58997,58998,58998,aka pituka tu culcul nu mama isu,do not slack off on your dads make calls,train +58998,58999,58999,mafitelak tu ku mata nu tutuy,the puppy eyes opened,train +58999,59000,59000,O pasifanaay tu Rikec atu Farisay a tamdaw pala ci Musiay tu tireng a mitadtad tu Rikec,The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses seat,test +59000,59001,59001,tusa a pulu ira ku tusa,twenty two,train +59001,59002,59002,hay,good,train +59002,59003,59003,u Pangcah adihay ku,the Amis have a lot of them there,train +59003,59004,59004,u nu talutaludan a cacupi,in the bushes,train +59004,59005,59005,adihay ku felac itira u ayawan,hard working young people are increasingly followed by,train +59005,59006,59006,mi tu luma tangic san nengneng han kiya singsi niyam,I cried when I got home I saw our teacher,train +59006,59007,59007,mapatirengay tu ku wenciyancan iitini i Sice i,about the establishment of Shiodome station,train +59007,59008,59008,mahaen pikwangpu naira saka,that is how they broadcast,train +59008,59009,59009,Misavuvuti henay i luma,I will sleep at home first,train +59009,59010,59010,itiya i pasuwal sa ku Tapang i cingraan Hlungen ku cukap isu nawhani u Fangcalay a sra kura katumirengan isu,Then the Lord said to him Take off your sandals the place where you are standing is Holy ground,test +59010,59011,59011,cuwa hu kafana kami tura,we still do not and will not,train +59011,59012,59012,naifalahung,roof,train +59012,59013,59013,fulad nian u fuis fulad u cidal tu kinian hay hay wa,the moon the stars the sun yes yes Wow,train +59013,59014,59014,rupay,level,train +59014,59015,59015,a tayni i Takaw,Kaohsiung is what they call Nan Biao,train +59015,59016,59016,mala ising kiya faʼinay aku,my husband is a medical professional,train +59016,59017,59017,nu aniniay caaytu pidemak tu mahaenay nu matuasay a demak,they do not fish like the old man did,train +59017,59018,59018,hakuwa satu ku mahatatanamay nira hakiya,how much can he learn,train +59018,59019,59019,pipurangan,it is fall,train +59019,59020,59020,ta tangsul sa ci Yuta a micupa ci Yisan suwal sa Singsiaw ngaayhu saan ta micucup i Cingraan,going at once to Jesus Judas said Greetings Rabbi and kissed him,test +59020,59021,59021,anu sungilaen tu nura tamdaw kura pisasaw ra haw,how can that man clean himself,train +59021,59022,59022,perperen,shatter,train +59022,59023,59023,karalalangaw,fly,train +59023,59024,59024,masiday nira i talutaludan ku tuki nira,he lost his watch in the weeds and grass,train +59024,59025,59025,aka pakinali a kumaen tu epah,do not drink too much,train +59025,59026,59026,aka pacici a hiaya nukas han a taluma,do not force yourself just go home,train +59026,59027,59027,Saka masaupu ku tarukus atu ciwlu tu sakalalicalicayaw tu pakayniay tunini a dmak,the apostles and elders met to consider this question,train +59027,59028,59028,macelcelen,Feeling Overwhelmed,train +59028,59029,59029,hay hatiraay kunian a kulang hananayu maan tu,this is where we eat mountain pickles in Gurang,train +59029,59030,59030,mifuting sa i,what about fishing,test +59030,59031,59031,atu mimaan tu kami i tayrasa i alu miala tu futing afar misalama tu nanum miala tu futing patawma pakaen tu safa kami satu micacak,I went to a small stream to play catch fish and shrimp and bring them back to cook for my sister,train +59031,59032,59032,masuni tu ku ekung,the owl hooted,train +59032,59033,59033,anca sa nu papahay kura kamay nira i,or they will turn into leaves,train +59033,59034,59034,fana,realize,train +59034,59035,59035,sa hatiraay ku nu maku piharateng itiyahu,that is what I thought at the time,train +59035,59036,59036,tu maalaalaay yu maalaʼay haw i cecay kaku tumangc hu kaku itira,I was the only one who got accepted I cried,train +59036,59037,59037,ira ku hanghang aku tu lawcanse,I have a friend who is an old warrior,train +59037,59038,59038,u kulung ku i ayaw,cow based,train +59038,59039,59039,samatiyaen u nika ulah aku i tamuwanan ku nika sasiulaulah namu o limuut aku i tamuwanan kunini,my command is this love each other as I have loved you,train +59039,59040,59040,misa Amisay a,Amis,test +59040,59041,59041,a mifutingay ku ngaʼay sanay ku harateng,I think it is better to fish,train +59041,59042,59042,kawkaw,sickle,train +59042,59043,59043,sateltelteltel sanay ku rakat sanay ku malitengay,the old man said he felt pushed out,train +59043,59044,59044,maemin,all of it,train +59044,59045,59045,fahuy,drive out,train +59045,59046,59046,nu paru nu ruma,family,train +59046,59047,59047,maʼaraw ningra ku taʼengad niya kalang haw masadak,see the reflection of the crab,train +59047,59048,59048,wata kini saw cima saw ku sasimsimen aku saw satu ku falucu ira alatek,Wow what do you think I am going to do with that one maybe that is what he is thinking,train +59048,59049,59049,tayni kaku han,I am coming here,train +59049,59050,59050,lunic lutalut,tumble,test +59050,59051,59051,ta ta ta,walk,train +59051,59052,59052,siʼalufu tu,just the backpack,train +59052,59053,59053,Nikaurira,yet,train +59053,59054,59054,mahenay ku suwal nu tau,I have heard rumors,train +59054,59055,59055,tastas satu ku fatikar aku,my bike is broken,train +59055,59056,59056,nu Cikasuwan,the disgruntled Nanakagawa,train +59056,59057,59057,kami u wani u wama hay awaay tu ku wina atu wama,our parents have passed away,train +59057,59058,59058,a azi,flavor,train +59058,59059,59059,cuwa ka laingingid caka saan,this kind of thing is not connected,train +59059,59060,59060,kurahut,scratch,test +59060,59061,59061,malalicay,say hello to each other,train +59061,59062,59062,Mipana ca Tumay tu fafuy,Dumai and the others went to shoot wild boars,train +59062,59063,59063,ira i luma ci ama haw,is grandmother at home,train +59063,59064,59064,yan tu i minukay selaan ira kaku,he will take me home on the way back,train +59064,59065,59065,masasuwal tu Pakitupaan a tumuk atu tiraay a Pangcah a tumuk msasuwal,the leaders of the two sides were negotiating at that time,train +59065,59066,59066,tanupara,the bottom is huge,train +59066,59067,59067,o lahuk tu ku saka ini nu niyam nani pipaisingan,it was noon when we got back from the hospital,train +59067,59068,59068,Pangcah sausi saw,are you an Ami,train +59068,59069,59069,cayka,it is less likely to melt,train +59069,59070,59070,Tafaang ku laying i kafaliyusan,the waves are very big during typhoons,test +59070,59071,59071,anu caay kafana tu nu pinangan tu tamdawan tu hananay mafana mi,if you do not know the basics of human decency,train +59071,59072,59072,misanga tu acucul hatini tuni pisanga aku nu hatini,I am making a gyro just like the one I am making right now,train +59072,59073,59073,Tataang ku fali i pariyar,the wind is blowing strongly at the beach,train +59073,59074,59074,i kalenuwan nu liyal haw i kakerahan nu liyal a mihicay,whether to catch small fry at high or low tide,train +59074,59075,59075,itiraay hu itira nalaculan sakira,when they were still at the tribal site,train +59075,59076,59076,u itiniyay ku aru nu Cikasuwan,the people who live here,train +59076,59077,59077,tangasa anini u maherekay tu,until the loan was paid off today,train +59077,59078,59078,Orasaka kafana kamu tu nika u mitieray tu Kawas a tamdaw ku sulinay a tluc ni Apraham,Understand then that those who believe are children of Abraham,train +59078,59079,59079,maherek,end,train +59079,59080,59080,pikeling,fire,test +59080,59081,59081,o ciwciw nu tuluk kunini,it is a ring necked chicken chick,train +59081,59082,59082,tangsul a mahapinang ni Yis ku nika saruma nu harateng nangra suwal sa ci Yis Nawiru ira ku hatiniay a harateng namu saw,immediately Jesus knew in his Spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts and he said to them Why are you thinking these things,train +59082,59083,59083,o sasuwalen nu maku anini i,what I want to talk about today is,train +59083,59084,59084,paratih,touch of anger,train +59084,59085,59085,u lalavu nu lumasavacalvacal han ira ku kakavutian ira ku papalavangan ira ku aniva i tusaay a tapiingan ku sasingaan,the house is divided into a dormitory a living room for daily life and a guest room a kitchen and a storage room are built on both sides of the house,train +59085,59086,59086,hay a kavanaʼan anu kinapina ku laying a masadak,Yes we need to know the number of waves,train +59086,59087,59087,adihay ku,Alarming jokes,train +59087,59088,59088,mikilim aca tu hademak miʼaul miʼuwayhu kita sa,let us say we are going to pick rattan and cut bamboo,train +59088,59089,59089,atulan anini a miheca misatapang,starting this year in Tulane,train +59089,59090,59090,pina ku mihecaan ningra anini,how old is he,test +59090,59091,59091,mipakituh,storytelling,train +59091,59092,59092,lahrci satu,it finally worked,train +59092,59093,59093,misatapang ku nika u demak i,at the beginning of the work,train +59093,59094,59094,maʼaraw tu ku pinapinangan itini pasaetip,seeing all sorts of things,train +59094,59095,59095,Cudad,old practice,train +59095,59096,59096,tingluh,floor,train +59096,59097,59097,mikiyafes,picking guava,train +59097,59098,59098,kuracen,clean,train +59098,59099,59099,tara tu iikur a sa,it is too long so I will move it to the end of the page see the notes,train +59099,59100,59100,nanay makadufah ku kinaira tuni a mihecaan,I hope this year will be a great harvest,test +59100,59101,59101,Nailuma awaay hu ku tingsya,from homewithout a bike,train +59101,59102,59102,wa padama tu wawa aku tanu harateng ni Yihufa a minengneng tu demak hu eca ka mafiyur nu harateng nu hekal han,will I help my child to see things from the LORDs point of view and not be influenced by the worlds view,train +59102,59103,59103,vuis,star,train +59103,59104,59104,ku nuna radiw away ku imi nuna radiw,here is what the song means,train +59104,59105,59105,uya nu tataʼangay cika hapinang cilumaʼay tu lanan,I can see that this house has a pillar,train +59105,59106,59106,Mairay ci Mayaw a paaraw tu micekahay a fafahi nira,Mayaw proudly shows his bride to others,train +59106,59107,59107,malacafay kaku a maru i luma tu wama wina kaka aku,I live with my father mother and brother,train +59107,59108,59108,maaraw nu Taywan,seen by the Han,train +59108,59109,59109,Aray haen han aca,thank you it is a deal,train +59109,59110,59110,Aluman kiya na mipailangay kira,too many people come to grind rice,test +59110,59111,59111,palavang ku luma nu vavahiyan tatusaay a matuasay misapinang tu saka remiad a remiad sasuulah satu a remadiw atu misakeru,the woman family hosts a banquet the parents set a date for the engagement and everyone sings dances and enjoys themselves,train +59111,59112,59112,maʼaeses nu fali kira,the wind is blowing in,train +59112,59113,59113,sa ca ka muraraw ma haw caay tu,and there is no confusion about it there is no confusion about it,train +59113,59114,59114,o nanu tuas hu ita a mipatirengan kuni,this is our traditional building,train +59114,59115,59115,hapatih tu luma kurira,the mezzanine of the walls of the house,train +59115,59116,59116,tina niyaruʼan,this tribe,train +59116,59117,59117,paresapen,disperse something,train +59117,59118,59118,nitulikan nira tu awul,he weaves with pieces of bamboo,train +59118,59119,59119,awaay ku suwal saka itinitini aca i kimad nu pancah a miala ta ma fana tu urip nu pancah itiya hu tahira sa anini,only by collecting Amis narratives could we learn about the Amis culture in the past and present,train +59119,59120,59120,u riranan san hatira tu kura suwal nira kira,it is definitely this he definitely said that,test +59120,59121,59121,Tataangtu kuya wawa Tanektektu ku falucu atu adingu ningra itira sa cingra i kuhkuhan tangasa i katalahkalan ningra a paaraw i finawlan nu Israil,and the child grew and became strong in spirit and he lived in the desert until he appeared publicly to Israel,train +59121,59122,59122,o tudung nu cecayay a Kitakit ku sausi tu itiyaay hu a kasaniyaru,the tribes were like a national concept,train +59122,59123,59123,caay tu ka saluyan ku tatirengan a ina hay caay tu,do not overwork yourself Yeah I will not,train +59123,59124,59124,pataynien ita i enar a paluma,to the plains for planting,train +59124,59125,59125,8 Masuwal ni Yis ku wama ningra i sanay ku suwal O caay ka ciheci a caˈang aku a maemin i ketunen nu wama a mifalah,when Jesus spoke of his Father he said Every branch of mine that does not bear fruit he removes,train +59125,59126,59126,kakeleman,toward evening,train +59126,59127,59127,u nu sifu sanay tu ira ku diyung tayra satu likuda satu kami,now it is the governments business if there is a pig we will go to the Harvest moon Festival,train +59127,59128,59128,matatudungay kunini pinaay ku aca,this top fits perfectly how much does it cost,train +59128,59129,59129,makaleng,gloomy,train +59129,59130,59130,mimaan mafukil ku matuʼasay,why do not parents know better,test +59130,59131,59131,yu milisilisin ku niyaru iri,as soon as the tribes Bountiful annual Festival arrives,train +59131,59132,59132,icuwaay kina niyaru sa kamu isa,and you say Where is this tribe from,train +59132,59133,59133,matuasay,elderly,train +59133,59134,59134,suwal sa kuya ama aku itiya haw,my dad was talking,train +59134,59135,59135,adihay ku dademakan nu maku sumadaw i sakalima na milipay mamaan saw,can you change it to Friday because I have other trips,train +59135,59136,59136,awaawaay tu ku nanum makerah han,completely low tide Dry,train +59136,59137,59137,i Taywan itiya kaku a cacay,I am first chair,train +59137,59138,59138,kalaenu na kasapad,below Kasapads,train +59138,59139,59139,ira ku papadangan nu maku haw,is there anything I can do for you,train +59139,59140,59140,tadangaʼay ku demak isu mansa,you have a good record,test +59140,59141,59141,pulung hatiya na ayaway i,add it to the previous ones,train +59141,59142,59142,nu niyaru san haw i deng u saayaway a raraw san haw i u pulung nu kuciw ku,tribal wrongdoers are punished by the tribal tribesmen in a referendum,train +59142,59143,59143,u muka tu u muka tu adihay ku nipalumaan su u nian i kafiy,this papaya is papaya you grow many kinds this is Coffee,train +59143,59144,59144,Turu sa cingra tuya midaucay ku urip a Kawas u misangaay tu kakarayan atu i lalumaay nunini u misangaay tu sra atu i lalumaay nunini u misangaay tu riyar atu i lalumaay nunini Ktun sa cingra tu falucu a sumuwal Caaytu ku mamanayar ku rumiad,and he swore by him who lives for ever and ever who created the heavens and all that is in them the earth and all that is in it and the sea and all that is in it and said There will be no more delay,train +59144,59145,59145,na nu sasiday nu fafahi aku tu mirarar misupud,my wife is a thrifty woman,train +59145,59146,59146,caay ka adihay ku nikafana aku tu piadup nika anu u kafanaan aku i caufen aku kisu,I do not know much about that but I will tell you everything I know,train +59146,59147,59147,kunu matuʼasay parebahuy naʼayaw,cursed objects that old people used to place,train +59147,59148,59148,iyawen naca hanaw tusa tu itini,that is the one that is got two now,train +59148,59149,59149,anu hatira i talaen hu uwawen aku cingra papitengil tu tingwa,then hold on I will get her on the phone,train +59149,59150,59150,pacupuen,please make a levee,test +59150,59151,59151,talalutuk kaku a mikiseraay,I went to the mountains to pick ginger,train +59151,59152,59152,anu matngitngil nu mikumuday kunini a suwal i kami satu ku mafanaay a sumuwal ta awaay ku maan namu han nangra,if this report gets to the governor we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble,train +59152,59153,59153,caay ka ngaay,the results are bad,train +59153,59154,59154,u kakahemekan nu tamtamdaw a niyaru,it is a tribe that everyone praises,train +59154,59155,59155,mapalulud tu kisu i tarakaway nu laying,the waves are lifting you up,train +59155,59156,59156,lima ku nialaan nu maku a funga i pala,in the field I took five groundnuts,train +59156,59157,59157,o nidukdukan aku a sumuwal i tamuwanan i patalahkalen namu a pasuwal o nihawhawan aku a sumuwal i tamuwanan i lkalen haca a pasuwal i alumanay,what I tell you in the dark speak in the daylight what is whispered in your ear proclaim from the roofs,train +59157,59158,59158,revung,deep,train +59158,59159,59159,yu mabana ku matuasay suwal saan,when the old man knew it he said,train +59159,59160,59160,Mafana kamu u matayalay a tamdaw i Fangcalay Pitaungan i u kakumaen tu nu i tiraay a kakaenen o matayalay a tamdaw i pipatuayaan a misalisin i u mamiisal tu nipatuayaan nu tau,do not you know that those who work in the temple get their food from the temple and those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar,test +59160,59161,59161,Kaku wina atu safa ci Kerikuri itiniay ngata nu Tuluan a mitusil wa misinanut kami,I preached with my mother and my brother Grigore in a village near Tulum but we had to be careful and alert,train +59161,59162,59162,Hatucepi ku tataak nuya nifutingan ni mama i dadaya,last night dad caught a fish as big as his leg,train +59162,59163,59163,a pakanengneng anu awaay tu ku mafanaʼay misanga,if the idea is not passed on,train +59163,59164,59164,o paepa i O taraar Kisu nisangaʼay haw,it is a gourd dipper it is a gourd did you make it,train +59164,59165,59165,sa caay pi,so none of them,train +59165,59166,59166,maalaay nu ruma a finacadan ku tangal sanay,beheaded by someone from another community,train +59166,59167,59167,o amelikay ku kalutayal ninian a kaying a miherek,any work this lady does is done very quickly,train +59167,59168,59168,micakaycakay san cecay,it is all bought and paid for,train +59168,59169,59169,Matafi^ tu isu hay,did you turn over the soil,train +59169,59170,59170,pisakimulu,make a circle,test +59170,59171,59171,mahenay ku hiya aku,that is how it goes,train +59171,59172,59172,pacuken,slaughter,train +59172,59173,59173,u nu maku cecay aca aka piharateng tu tatiʼihay tu hananaytu ngaʼayay,the only thing is not to fall prey to bad outside interests,train +59173,59174,59174,ira i Kurintu ci Irastus adada ci Trufimus Saka siday han aku cingra i Militus,Erastus stayed in Corinth and I left Trophimus sick in Miletus,train +59174,59175,59175,Hay milifet tu nu mafekacay kaku,Yes I will compete in running,train +59175,59176,59176,omaan satu ku saku nu dafak,there is no tomorrow,train +59176,59177,59177,o matemuyay a tamdaw cingra,he is a quiet person,train +59177,59178,59178,o nipetekan nu maku kira kilang,I broke that log,train +59178,59179,59179,hakulungen nu ina aku,my mom took me with her,train +59179,59180,59180,mitilid tu i Tayhak minanam kaku tu serangawan nu Yincumin cipinangay tu a mafana tu makahirahiraay a serangawan nu Yincumincu i Taywan,after I went to college I took a course on Aboriginal culture and learned that the Aboriginal people in Taiwan have various and rich cultures,test +59180,59181,59181,cifiku,wine,train +59181,59182,59182,itiya i miadah ci Yis tu alumanay a adadaay atu misemsemay atu maaruay nu palafuay Pacngawen ningra ku mata nu alumanay a miadahay tu mapuhaway,when the men came to Jesus they said John the Baptist sent us to you to ask Are you the one who was to come or should we expect someone else,train +59182,59183,59183,o safa isu tu fainayan cingra han,is he your younger brother,train +59183,59184,59184,u rumahu,alternate,train +59184,59185,59185,mangaʼay tu misanga tura sasangaan ita hatiraay,once that is done we can start making whatever we want,train +59185,59186,59186,sanay yaca nengnengen ita ku maˈuningay i Fangcalay Cudad misamaan a pakasuˈlin kita ci Yihufa ngangaˈay tanu kafahekaan a pakayraan a mipadama kitanan,let us see how some of the Bible accounts give us greater assurance that the Lord can help us in unexpected ways,train +59186,59187,59187,anu miliwal kisu i tu dateng anu cecay fulad pinaay ku payci anu makapah ku dateng isu,how much can you sell vegetables in a month,train +59187,59188,59188,haratengen,think,train +59188,59189,59189,hay ngaʼay hu,Hi Hi how are you,train +59189,59190,59190,Taywan,Minnan,test +59190,59191,59191,hay nasakanatusa nayni mitengil tu,Hi Hi this is my second visit here,train +59191,59192,59192,Suelin anca maʼurad ney tiyadadaya haw maʼurad,it is really going to rain in the evening,train +59192,59193,59193,a mafekac kita ri fer han ta,we will run before we jump,train +59193,59194,59194,Nikaurira talapasa^etipay a salikaka nu mita i ciramud tu ciwawa tu micakay tu tu luma tumesek tu a cilamit ku tayal,However those of us who went west to make a living got married and had children bought our own houses and had regular careers,train +59194,59195,59195,ri u karurayan sa ri,the thing that wears me out the most is,train +59195,59196,59196,anu kuʼedawen kura hecek angungulen,with the height of the column,train +59196,59197,59197,i enar kina dateng,planted in the mountains in the plains in the plains,train +59197,59198,59198,nawhani alaclicli sa kuya kaackan a adingu a masadak nai kamaruan nangra a tamdamdaw maadah ku alumanay a mapiay atu mapiiway a tamdaw,with shrieks evil spirits came out of many and many paralytics and cripples were healed,train +59198,59199,59199,malusapakaen,stammer,train +59199,59200,59200,tuuren ku pinangan anu awa ku masamaanay a suwal sakatulu a rumiad patalumaen tu a pararamud,according to the old custom if everything goes well most of the wedding ceremonies are held on the third day after the wedding,test +59200,59201,59201,ramet,hold tight,train +59201,59202,59202,lalima kami u sufuc niina aku,mom gave birth to five of us,train +59202,59203,59203,tu nini,this herb,train +59203,59204,59204,pelal,crumble,train +59204,59205,59205,manan,what is that,train +59205,59206,59206,anu ira ku milungucay i tisuwanan a tamdaw tu maan i paflien anu ira ku sapicaliwananay i tisuwanan a tamdaw i pacaliwen,give to the one who asks you and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you,train +59206,59207,59207,tu dafak i maherek kiya tayal tiya rumiad i,the next day after the work is done,train +59207,59208,59208,cayay u mipatelian nu matuʼasay kira sakaeca kakerah nu tefun,dad replied No that is a special place to worship the spring so there will not be any drought or shortage of water,train +59208,59209,59209,salikulay maleka micakay kami a tatusa tu malcaday a cutin,we both ended up buying the same dictionary each,train +59209,59210,59210,o ratuh nu matuʼasay,it is the oral tradition of the old man,test +59210,59211,59211,kapah haw satengitengilaw kisu pina tu ku yancuming anini hani,Hi how many ethnic groups are there now,train +59211,59212,59212,tangasa i kakarayan saan,reaching the sky,train +59212,59213,59213,maharek malafi i,after dinner,train +59213,59214,59214,saka misanga tira tu taluʼan itira,so they set up a hut there,train +59214,59215,59215,Arawhani rpet han nuya mifuluday kunini a kuli a mipalu pawakawak han nangra cingra a papinukay,but they seized him beat him and sent him away empty handed,train +59215,59216,59216,nga maʼecak kura katul nira,it is the skin that is cooked,train +59216,59217,59217,papuyuay,short,train +59217,59218,59218,nu niyam a tamdaw,our loved ones,train +59218,59219,59219,mangalay mimelaw tiya langaw ninakeliw,I would like to see his tree seeds,train +59219,59220,59220,lalengatan nu sapisanga isu tuniya,the reason for such a production,test +59220,59221,59221,sa miceli tuku mama nu kapah,so the father of youth began to shout,train +59221,59222,59222,mikayakay mikalic,climb,train +59222,59223,59223,sulinga han tu nu niyam kya utuc,the cadres are organizing it together,train +59223,59224,59224,yu ruma sa u vavuy nu lutuk yu ruma sa u rapic alamaanan ira ku tuluk,sometimes it was a boar sometimes a flying squirrel and occasionally a pheasant,train +59224,59225,59225,piliyas,Away,train +59225,59226,59226,i cacingkian a malafi kita anu dadaya,tonight we are having dinner at my in laws house,train +59226,59227,59227,o usaw niyam a malafi kiraan a titi,that pork was left over from our dinner,train +59227,59228,59228,pitengil,Listen,train +59228,59229,59229,Misanga ci ina tu kayap nu kaka,my mom made a short apron for my brother for the Harvest Festival,train +59229,59230,59230,kami u niyaru naitiya paratal sa paitemek,the Sub is the task and the burden behind it is the price of the work and these are lovely,test +59230,59231,59231,o masetikay ku kadafu aku,my son in law has a habit of going fishing,train +59231,59232,59232,palu han i laluma nga,put it in,train +59232,59233,59233,adada emin ku tatirengan aku,my body aches all over,train +59233,59234,59234,hananay a kilang,that kind of tree,train +59234,59235,59235,tu i,marked,train +59235,59236,59236,patinaku saikuray a tayal nu maku i,for example my last job was to,train +59236,59237,59237,ira ku nuˈadinguan a harateng wa samaan padama kitanan i miliyas tu mamipalak tu tanuktuk nuˈadinguan a demak,how does having a spiritual perspective help us avoid activities that jeopardize our spiritual health,train +59237,59238,59238,ta mihiya milingatu,it is on,train +59238,59239,59239,ka samanay ku malitemuhay tuni u kacalemceman,if you are asking if you have been in any danger,train +59239,59240,59240,u ka Ripunanhu taangtaʼang tu ku rakes itiya haw i,the camphor trees were particularly large in the Japanese era,test +59240,59241,59241,i Kalingkuay ku paniyaruan aku,my hometown is in Hualien,train +59241,59242,59242,mikakuy,transportation,train +59242,59243,59243,Caa han ku tangal a pasafaled,Tilt your head up,train +59243,59244,59244,mitala tu tamina,waiting for the warships,train +59244,59245,59245,Hei,uh huh,train +59245,59246,59246,anu tikulen a miharateng i,looking back,train +59246,59247,59247,anini san ku urip nu aniniay a tamdaw,now look at modern life,train +59247,59248,59248,mananam tu caay kahakiya,it is nothing to get used to,train +59248,59249,59249,tangila,handle,train +59249,59250,59250,Masaʼupu ku misu i masahatira ira ku iya ku,everyone just gather,test +59250,59251,59251,cietan,favorable profit,train +59251,59252,59252,cedet,get burnt,train +59252,59253,59253,ira ku pitefusan sa,Say there is a place to cut sugarcane,train +59253,59254,59254,saman i Kilungay kura aru aku kira,because I live in Keelung,train +59254,59255,59255,u sanay kinan saka,that is what it says,train +59255,59256,59256,nawhani ura kaput turanan awaʼay kura macelemay kira pasawali haw miclem kira haw,because some of the team no one dives the east side dives,train +59256,59257,59257,ciferang ku rumiad anini,the weather is very hot today,train +59257,59258,59258,hatu ya matuʼasay ira ku mikutayay,like elders there are substitutes,train +59258,59259,59259,kilac,take up,train +59259,59260,59260,itiniay i Fataʼan ku niyaru nu maku,home in Matthews Saddle,test +59260,59261,59261,aka palawacu tu tamdaw,do not treat people like dogs,train +59261,59262,59262,awa ku payci uyaan tu i,there is no money after that,train +59262,59263,59263,u papuhpuhen,something that should be stroked,train +59263,59264,59264,mangalayay tu,miss,train +59264,59265,59265,tuninian tu,it is here now,train +59265,59266,59266,nu i ayaw nika,it used to be,train +59266,59267,59267,nikasasuwalen nu heni ya,they have already negotiated the price,train +59267,59268,59268,u maan ku kakaenen nu namu sanay kura wina niyam hatiraay,what are you eating our mom says so,train +59268,59269,59269,mikales,comb ones hair,train +59269,59270,59270,suwalan aku itiya hu anu nengneng han ita ku pisikiy nu fafaw,as I said in the early days I have looked closely at the projects designed by the senior officials,test +59270,59271,59271,harateng aku tu pakayniay i niyaru,the main reason is to get back to the tribe,train +59271,59272,59272,faedet ku rumiad cikciken aku kaenen ita,it is hot I will cut everything let us eat,train +59272,59273,59273,u niyan kinuuday hu u tatipelakan hu kuniyan,this is the material to be peeled,train +59273,59274,59274,wa enemay a rumiʼad ku nu Amis hu itiya hu,the Amis Festival is held for six days,train +59274,59275,59275,ta tayra cingra i marufuay a saluafang nu tamdaw a mipatnak tu suwal,through whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison,train +59275,59276,59276,trep sa cangra nawhani Cima ku satadamaanay ita hakiya nau sanay cangra a malaliyaliyang i lalan,but they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest,train +59276,59277,59277,anu hakuwa misacepu ku niyaru namu,when does your tribe hold a sea festival,train +59277,59278,59278,Mamu^tep ku siri^ ni Kulas,Kolas has ten sheep,train +59278,59279,59279,u tatukian tu ku pinangan a maurip nanay matungal ku nikaimer tu rumiad a maurip,time and effectiveness are important and time management is even more important,train +59279,59280,59280,pakadiput cira tu mama nu tau,about him taking care of another mans father with all his heart,test +59280,59281,59281,unian u kalulayan hawi,it is a labor of love,train +59281,59282,59282,cahu kapasuʼelin u,I do not believe that,train +59282,59283,59283,caay hu kaecak ku hemay,the rice is not cooked yet,train +59283,59284,59284,Dungi u nani cuwaay kisu,Dongi where are you from,train +59284,59285,59285,sanaw,So,train +59285,59286,59286,parunirunen,Erythrina,train +59286,59287,59287,o sapicadiway ni mama tu futing kiraan,that is Dads fishing triangle,train +59287,59288,59288,caʼay ka fangcal haenen,this is a very bad sign,train +59288,59289,59289,talakingku,go to the bank,train +59289,59290,59290,hakakerem,sunset,test +59290,59291,59291,mahaen tu itya,at that time,train +59291,59292,59292,itini sidaˈitay a Samariya tamdaw a tinakuan wa mananam ita ku maanan,what can we learn from the parable of the loving Samaritan,train +59292,59293,59293,misalama kaku i dafak malitusur a matulu,I was playing this morning and fell down,train +59293,59294,59294,vayi u manmaan saw kura,Auntie what are those,train +59294,59295,59295,cima ku pakafanaay kisuwanan,who taught you all that,train +59295,59296,59296,Akung milisu kami i tisuwanan,Grandpa we have come to see you,train +59296,59297,59297,Papisaturunen ni fayi ci ina anini,today my aunt asked my mom to make mocha,train +59297,59298,59298,kakeridan nira a tayra itira,the Spirit will take him to a new realm,train +59298,59299,59299,sapinengneng isu,I will show you,train +59299,59300,59300,o rumaruma a tamdaw i rpeten nangra kuya kulikuli a mikariang a mipatay i cangraan,the rest seized his servants mistreated them and killed them,test +59300,59301,59301,anu hatira haw adihayay tu ku kafanaʼan isu a radiw,so you must have learned a lot of songs,train +59301,59302,59302,caka awa hu ku awaay hu ku,not before not yet,train +59302,59303,59303,misangaʼaytu tu luma nu malitengay,building an old generation house,train +59303,59304,59304,ira hu ira ku luma niyam,Yeah we still have it,train +59304,59305,59305,awaay aca ku kakakakaenen nu maku itiya,lack of food often prevents you from finding food to eat,train +59305,59306,59306,mahrek a sumuwal cingra i tatuy sa tu ^pang a mikansiya tu Kawas i kaayaw nu alumanay a tamdaw ta pcih sa tu ^pang cingra a kumaen,after he said this he took some bread and gave thanks to God in front of them all then he broke it and began to eat,train +59306,59307,59307,taeta,lock up,train +59307,59308,59308,lafades,lose,train +59308,59309,59309,kafien,soup,train +59309,59310,59310,o mifidangay kaku imatini tu sapafeli i tisuwan,I am laying out one of the grapefruit petals for you right now,test +59310,59311,59311,a u maan hakini sanay ku falucu aku tu sapaini,I am trying to figure out how to interpret the story,train +59311,59312,59312,nanu ʼayawʼayaw nanu itiyatiya haw i,historical stories,train +59312,59313,59313,Mapuhed kuya kilang,that tree wood is rotten,train +59313,59314,59314,Malenuay ku riyar tu kafaliyusan,the sea swells during typhoons,train +59314,59315,59315,pinaay ku wawa ira,how many kids does she have,train +59315,59316,59316,Tadatataang kinian awaay haw ku adidiay atudi,this top is a bit too big can I have a smaller one,train +59316,59317,59317,Nikawrira u tatfucen aku kuya mipalakuliay i cangraan a finawlan i ikuray i u mamiliyas cangra nanitira a tayni a mitaung i Takuwanan saan,but I will punish the nation they serve as slaves God said and afterward they will come out of that country and worship me in this place,train +59317,59318,59318,Hatiay ira hu kiya fufu,when the grandmother was still there,train +59318,59319,59319,ku^sanay kuni a kunga,the sweet potato is so sweet,train +59319,59320,59320,tahiraay cangaraan away tu,not with them,test +59320,59321,59321,saruma sa tu u ruma tu ku luma,covering the house is a lot different than it used to be,train +59321,59322,59322,araw siwar han a talatapiingan atudi,there is a way to do it just a little bit to the side,train +59322,59323,59323,papilifeten,enabling participation in Contests,train +59323,59324,59324,karafilfilay,a lot of words,train +59324,59325,59325,Saka sasiniada sa ku hungti tuya kuli Saka sulul han ningra cingra a mipalasawad tuya tadah ningra,the servants master took pity on him canceled the debt and let him go,train +59325,59326,59326,mariʼang kura wina isu,your moms so mean,train +59326,59327,59327,micuking,survive,train +59327,59328,59328,miyatayat tu tireng kaku,I move my tendons,train +59328,59329,59329,mitiya ci hiya ci ali ni,that Wang Jinchuan is Shi Yujus brother in law,train +59329,59330,59330,pasiketan tu dinki,lighted,test +59330,59331,59331,mahaenay ku paru nu luma nu mita,that is what our family is like,train +59331,59332,59332,malafi kita i cangraan,we had dinner at their house,train +59332,59333,59333,ira ku tumes nu ulah,in peoples minds,train +59333,59334,59334,futul,male reproductive organs,train +59334,59335,59335,purang,lose leaves,train +59335,59336,59336,Ciem han nuya kay^ing kuya kapah tu usi nira,that lady,train +59336,59337,59337,u rama sa kiya haw,Besides it is the design,train +59337,59338,59338,paadawangen,setting the doorway for catching rabbits,train +59338,59339,59339,O tatalahkal a ma^min ku masimeday a maamaan o mamahapinang a ma^min ku nikilifan a dmak a u kafanaantu nu tamdamdaw,for there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open,train +59339,59340,59340,aka piliyas han ni tipus ci Kacaw a mitangic,dibs begged Kazuo not to leave,test +59340,59341,59341,malalitemuh haw,meet with it,train +59341,59342,59342,umaan ku kangaʼay awaay ku,making our people better,train +59342,59343,59343,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu anu caay ka tfad i sra a mapatay ku ccay a sapaluma nu ^mi i uyanantu a ccay kuya ^mi Nikawrira anu mapatay i adihay ku hci nira,I tell you the truth unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains only a single seed but if it dies it produces many seeds,train +59343,59344,59344,ya ruma a kalitusa i tukay sanay tu a paluma,the other half lives in the city,train +59344,59345,59345,papicekuren,please look into the distance,train +59345,59346,59346,maulah ku pusi a dihdihen ni kaka ku fanuh nira,the cat likes her sister to stroke her fur,train +59346,59347,59347,Stien nangra tu pnen nu ardu ku funguh Ningra supaen nangra mipitusur cangra a misatautaung Cingraan,again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him falling on their knees they paid homage to him,train +59347,59348,59348,telien ira ku cecay i,put one away,train +59348,59349,59349,samaanay i paputal,how is the weather outside,train +59349,59350,59350,celcel,squeeze,test +59350,59351,59351,caay pakaafas kira,because you cannot take it,train +59351,59352,59352,emi,wheat,train +59352,59353,59353,pacilahen isu mapatay ku mipalumaan,any plant that touches salt will die,train +59353,59354,59354,o Tayan Saysiya Taruku atu Secik,the Atayal Saisiyat Taroko and Sedgwak,train +59354,59355,59355,Hemhem sa hu ku hemay,the rice has just been cooked and kept warm,train +59355,59356,59356,ira ku Mayawtuktuk ira ku Mayawkatid i tataʼangay ku waʼay ci Mayawkakati kakati han namu matira,you have got big thighs you have got big thighs you have got big thighs that is what it is,train +59356,59357,59357,malahekel ku falucu nu yufing,the letter carrier felt satisfied,train +59357,59358,59358,u mipalumaay ku Ngayngay tu tamaku,the Hakka people are all growing tobacco leaves,train +59358,59359,59359,Masetu tu cingra tu nika adihay nu niurungan nira,he collapsed from the heavy load he was carrying,train +59359,59360,59360,u pasifana nu malitengay hawi,I have been told by my elders,test +59360,59361,59361,matkul tu fukluh a mipatay marusarus a makalitusa patayen tu funus Ciriku cangra tu falaku nu lalifanuhen a siri atu siri a misarakarakat o malapakuyucay u makariangay u masamsamay cangra,they were stoned they were sawed in two they were put to death by the sword they went about in sheepskins and goatskins destitute persecuted and mistreated,train +59361,59362,59362,Pacefcef ku mama nu kapah tu sasa a selal tu epah,leaders of the class force the younger generation to drink,train +59362,59363,59363,cinganganay haw kuna kali itiya hu,did this stream have a name back then,train +59363,59364,59364,pasasuʼusuʼuten amin,they are all tied to each other,train +59364,59365,59365,maketer tura maʼuripay saan nu kisu kisu nusa,how can you be the one who survived when all the people were cursing him,train +59365,59366,59366,Tangafulan,ethnic group,train +59366,59367,59367,anu hatira i malasakapatay aku ku ngaayay hakiya Caay o raraw ku mipatayay i takuwanan pakaynien nu raraw i ngaayay ku pipatay i takuwanan ta mahapinangtu ita ku nika masamaanay ku raraw hananay Saka pakayni i limuut a mapahapinang ku nika hakuwa ku nika tatiih nu raraw,did that which is good then become death to me by no means but in order that sin might be recognized as sin it produced death in me through what was good so that through the commandment sin might become utterly sinful,train +59367,59368,59368,o mamasaupu i kaayaw ningra ku finawlan nu hkal a ma^min itiya i u sasamatiyaen ningra u nipipalacidek nu pakaenay tu siri atu lalifanuhen a siri ku pipasasiiked ningra i cangraan,all the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats,train +59368,59369,59369,u nipatirengan nira kina niyaru,this tribe was founded by him,train +59369,59370,59370,kaku kiya,what about me,test +59370,59371,59371,kapafelian na wama aku a sisuy,a Bible my father gave me,train +59371,59372,59372,u maan a demakan i,no matter what,train +59372,59373,59373,hatini aca ku lalicayen aku haw,this is the end of my interview,train +59373,59374,59374,eli sanay ca mira i itiya hu u eli hu sanay,they said it was a thatched roof they used to say it was a thatched roof,train +59374,59375,59375,hatu pahanhanay itiya hu,it seems to be resting,train +59375,59376,59376,ya cecay aca a faki malahiyay tu,another senior went to college,train +59376,59377,59377,cika lemed faʼinay san ri maʼalul,it is bad luck to have a husband and then drown,train +59377,59378,59378,misalisin hen ku tumak,the ringleaders still doing his rituals,train +59378,59379,59379,ey adihay ku kasasirumaruma nu ngangan kina suta nina Makutaay,there are a lot of different names,train +59379,59380,59380,micudad mimaemin mikuling,it is all about practicing writing,test +59380,59381,59381,caay tu panahal kura Sena kira,the muddy soil will not be empty,train +59381,59382,59382,sarumiʼad u kik hu ku ciyamalay kira,all day long it was a steam train back then,train +59382,59383,59383,Fiyuk sa ku fali,the wind blew suddenly,train +59383,59384,59384,mikilim kaku tu singsi^,I went to meet the teacher,train +59384,59385,59385,u laluk ku piʼarawan u naneng ku piʼarawan,it is all about hard work it is all about effort,train +59385,59386,59386,pina tu ku miheca nu misu,how old are you,train +59386,59387,59387,Micekem tu saripa nu maku ku cimcim nu eli,the new shoots of thatch sting the palms of my feet,train +59387,59388,59388,puki,female genitalia,train +59388,59389,59389,o masaka semeran a Tawcikel kuni mikitiniay i niyaruˈ aku a misatapang itiraay i kakaˈamisan nu Kirekistan a misatapang,it is an exciting story and it all started in my hometown in the northern part of Kyrgyzstan,train +59389,59390,59390,papah nira kadahal,his leaves are wide,test +59390,59391,59391,halitangicay kisu,I love to cry,train +59391,59392,59392,adihayay ku misangaˈan nu tamdaw a dafung madepucay ku kaˈurip tinakuen u tingwa tinghuy tusiya atu pinsiyang,humans have invented many things to make life easier such as the telephone the electric light the automobile and the refrigerator,train +59392,59393,59393,urung,carry on the shoulder,train +59393,59394,59394,malaluk,diligent in,train +59394,59395,59395,cinglaw maanen,how do you mean,train +59395,59396,59396,ci ku ca kuni kura kuya,main marker,train +59396,59397,59397,kinalumaʼan ni baliwan nu maku ku maku sanay,all that I cut down is my field,train +59397,59398,59398,tu misangaan nu,produce,train +59398,59399,59399,caay kaulah tu tireng,not loving ones own body,train +59399,59400,59400,saw tayni tu kami malinah,so we moved here,test +59400,59401,59401,enaenaran,plains,train +59401,59402,59402,matatudung itu satu,I think it is a good idea,train +59402,59403,59403,furafurayan kapah,young boys and girls,train +59403,59404,59404,haytu rumiʼamiʼad hatira sa tu i,the sun rises and sets and it goes on like that,train +59404,59405,59405,hu yu i rarum macayu kina tireng aku lina ama,Dad Mom I am going to be so miserable and sad,train +59405,59406,59406,kaketi^,native bee,train +59406,59407,59407,licayen,inquiry,train +59407,59408,59408,matiraay ra,it is like this,train +59408,59409,59409,tahidanen aku ci Pahaw mala,I immediately hired him as a personnel officer,train +59409,59410,59410,Aya masapelaw aca nira kuya futing,Oops the fish got away from him what a shame,test +59410,59411,59411,malialac tu ku heni,then the funeral ceremony will be held,train +59411,59412,59412,u nisangaan tu marad a lalan inaayaw mahan u lalan nu silamalay,it used to be made of iron like a railroad,train +59412,59413,59413,Kaluna han nura taangayay a wacu kura mimingay a wacu,the big dog teases the little dog,train +59413,59414,59414,lipay,worship,train +59414,59415,59415,nu Pangcahay a tili nu Amis ahiya sisuy,an Amish Bible,train +59415,59416,59416,iray nu maan ku suwal matini,what do we say now,train +59416,59417,59417,mikitini picada ni Yihufa ci Ataman aci Ifaan a pakayraan wa mananam ita tu sasamaan siniˈada tu tamdaw,we can learn how to treat people with kindness from the way the Lord treated Adam and Eve,train +59417,59418,59418,liyasen ku masamaamaanay a tatiihay a dmak,avoid every kind of evil,train +59418,59419,59419,midudu tu heniyan sa,follow them,train +59419,59420,59420,Haperic han ni kaka ku panay i saka masenat ku kamay nira,my sister cut herself on the hand when she plucked the grain from the spike,test +59420,59421,59421,Misaenged tu falu malucaluk a masakeru,make a round wreath to wear as a flower crown for dancing,train +59421,59422,59422,aka ka laccay atu caay pasulin tu Kawas a tamdaw a micadung tu taluudan nawhani caay ka ngaay samaanen nu ngaayay atu tatiihay ku nika laccay hakiya samaanen nu likat atu tuman ku nika laccay hakiya,do not be yoked together with unbelievers for what do righteousness and wickedness have in common or what fellowship can light have with darkness,train +59422,59423,59423,Mipausa tu sakalahuk nu matayalay kaku imatini,I have to deliver the workers lunch now,train +59423,59424,59424,tulu a rumiad ku pikali naira,they dug a ditch for three days,train +59424,59425,59425,nisangaʼan nu wawa ri nu maku,my granddaughter made it too I am keeping it,train +59425,59426,59426,masakapukaput naitiraay,hierarchical system from that time,train +59426,59427,59427,mikadkaday,Excavated verified,train +59427,59428,59428,o sapafeli nu Kawas a rihaday samaan padama kitaanan misiˈayaw tu kafalic nu pakayraane,how can Gods peace help us cope with changing circumstances,train +59428,59429,59429,Orasaka liyasen nu tamdaw ku mama atu ina ningra a malaccay atu fafahi ningra,For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,train +59429,59430,59430,kunian nanitiniay i Palidaw hananay,these clans were also migrated from the Hengchun lineage,test +59430,59431,59431,yu rumakat cangra i lalan i ira ku sumuwalay i ci Yisan Anu talacuwacuwa Kisu i mituur kaku i Tisuwanan han ningra,as they were walking along the road a man said to him I will follow you wherever you go,train +59431,59432,59432,Sulinay maaraw aku ku pisemsem nu finawlan aku i Icip matngilay aku ku picdaah nangra o sapauripaw aku i cangraan a pasadak nai Icip saka tayni Kaku Ocuren aku kisu a patayra i Icip Olili katayratu han ningra,I have indeed seen the oppression of my people in Egypt I have heard their groaning and have come down to set them free now come I will send you back to Egypt,train +59432,59433,59433,radiw han nu kaikuray nu radiw nu atulan,I am going to go with the Tulane song,train +59433,59434,59434,mamilisu,we are going to visit,train +59434,59435,59435,tiraay a mi,There,train +59435,59436,59436,pikisaemelan,where to take a cooler,train +59436,59437,59437,ya pimamaan nu falucu nu finawlan saan,becoming the father of tribal confidence,train +59437,59438,59438,ngaʼay tu sapiacucul,you can play with the gyro,train +59438,59439,59439,nanu matngilay namu ku pakayniay i Cingraan malanisawawaan tu Ningra u mananamaytu kuya iraay i ci Yisan a sulin,surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus,train +59439,59440,59440,malataang,pride,test +59440,59441,59441,i tataʼakay lalan sacumud nu niyaru a mipakafit,installation at the tribal avenue intersection,train +59441,59442,59442,manen ku demak nu ita hakini satu kya niyaru sa,what are we going to do about it,train +59442,59443,59443,matama haw,Yeah,train +59443,59444,59444,Mavuhang ku vadahung nu luma saan cira i tamiyan,he told us that there was a hole in the roof of his house,train +59444,59445,59445,Pinatu ku mihecaan nu sava nu misu,how old is your sister,train +59445,59446,59446,ku hiya sari,that is it,train +59446,59447,59447,ngiha,sound,train +59447,59448,59448,palumaan,buildings,train +59448,59449,59449,ngaʼayay kuninian sa,said it was good,train +59449,59450,59450,a lalangatan nu niyaru,tribal rising,test +59450,59451,59451,kacumud,enter,train +59451,59452,59452,ira kya ekim iraw maaraway san,you can see the gold in there,train +59452,59453,59453,awaay kaku i luma cidemak kaku cilaen tu ri,I am out today how about another day,train +59453,59454,59454,anu awaay tu ku kacanguutan tuya saayaway a katatlekan i sapimaanhu ku sakatatusa a katatlekan saw,for if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant no place would have been sought for another,train +59454,59455,59455,Kiw Kay,church,train +59455,59456,59456,anu matngitngil namu ku nika ira nu kalaluud atu nika furifur i aka ka talaw nawhani u airaira aca i ayaw nu pahrekan kunini Nikawrira caayhu ku pahrekan nu hkal itiya,when you hear of wars and revolutions do not be frightened these things must happen first but the end will not come right away,train +59456,59457,59457,fanaw Laic san,it is a pool,train +59457,59458,59458,Orasaka u nika ciramud tuya limecedan i ngaayaytu o nika ^ca ka ciramud cingraan i mangalef ku nika ngaay,so then he who marries the virgin does right but he who does not marry her does even better,train +59458,59459,59459,facacidu,dragonfly,train +59459,59460,59460,suwal sa ku Tapang i cingraan Mikurac kamu u Farisay a tamdaw tu paputal nu takid atu sala Kirami u laluma namu i matumes nu cuus a maanuf atu tatiih,then the Lord said to him Now then you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish but inside you are full of greed and wickedness,test +59460,59461,59461,ini ku cecay a nisetekan a titi,here is a piece of cut meat,train +59461,59462,59462,nawhani matiya u nika u Tapang nu kiwkay ci Kristu ku nika u Tapang nu fafahi ku fainay o pauripay tu tireng ningra a kiwkay ci Kristu,for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church his body of which he is the Savior,train +59462,59463,59463,pipakaen,eat,train +59463,59464,59464,u maan ku kakulian namu,what kind of jobs are you looking for,train +59464,59465,59465,malakakaay kami ri han sa kami maladipudiput,mutual care,train +59465,59466,59466,alalpit,chopsticks,train +59466,59467,59467,u kapah tu a tamdaw i,people in the hierarchical team,train +59467,59468,59468,pafatis sa ku itiyaay hu haw,previously shared with each other,train +59468,59469,59469,hahadimelen,well,train +59469,59470,59470,misanga tu kakaenen,eatable,test +59470,59471,59471,yu matira u kalifunan hu ku demak i tiya,it was a very confusing situation,train +59471,59472,59472,adihay ku Pangcah kami matuʼasay itini i Cilakesay niyaru i,we have a lot of people in Shiodome,train +59472,59473,59473,hecian,fruitfulness,train +59473,59474,59474,mahaen unian ca Se Pa Kuyi itu saan,muttering in a loud voice bucks for a small bag,train +59474,59475,59475,suvucen,births,train +59475,59476,59476,caay hen tu sumadi,it has not even been modified yet,train +59476,59477,59477,mabanaʼtu kisu tura,you remember this,train +59477,59478,59478,u hulu ku kaulahan nu maku kisu i,I like rice do not you,train +59478,59479,59479,Tuluaytu a lulung itini ^min hantu a pafeli kisu,there are three left you can have them all,train +59479,59480,59480,u kakahung han ra uninan sapikpik atek,it is probably because of the wings,test +59480,59481,59481,Marupiraay kina kapah nani katayalan nira tahanini a u epah ku niafufuan nira,until now this young man has been holding onto his wine because he has failed from his place of work,train +59481,59482,59482,makahirahiraay ku nuˈadinguan a sapiluud isu a rikuˈ han,do you have all your spiritual armor,train +59482,59483,59483,karaedu,lots of rats,train +59483,59484,59484,awaay ku sasuwalen,Nothing,train +59484,59485,59485,miliyas kaku tu hitay hiwa i,I am officially out of the military,train +59485,59486,59486,inian,this is,train +59486,59487,59487,ila i pinsyang ku kacawas haw,is there any watermelon in the fridge,train +59487,59488,59488,suvuca cira,it is where he was born,train +59488,59489,59489,Sabanaʼen nira ci li accun,she cheated on Li ah Chun,train +59489,59490,59490,makedal,drought,test +59490,59491,59491,matama kami,we found it,train +59491,59492,59492,mamaan sa ku matuʼasay,the old man was bored,train +59492,59493,59493,awaay ku heni siheci tu sicirekay saan,there are fruits and there are lots of worms,train +59493,59494,59494,Maaraw niama aku suwal sa ikul tu u tadamaanay tu kisu a miadupay a tamdaw,dad saw it and told me that I will be a very good hunter in the future,train +59494,59495,59495,misadipung,birds nest,train +59495,59496,59496,paluma tu tu hana tu cihuwa aririray sa hatiraa ku nu maku miharatengan haiken,in planting flowers or chrysanthemums or corn which is my wish I do not know,train +59496,59497,59497,tusa pulu a fen nu tuki,it takes minutes,train +59497,59498,59498,kahahudingan,drill ground,train +59498,59499,59499,Mimi^mi ci ina tu hemay,mom went to squeeze the rice balls,train +59499,59500,59500,tilu ni Idek,rainbow,test +59500,59501,59501,itini a masadak kunika cinsenlinsiw han wa epung han kina suwal,this is the so called spiritual leader the ringleader,train +59501,59502,59502,cifanuhay nu fafahiyan kuni a kuppu,it is a girls cup,train +59502,59503,59503,karengrengan na itira micakat kiya maramuday,the couple went ashore on the south shore,train +59503,59504,59504,anu patangsan i luma han tu,if it is delivered to your home,train +59504,59505,59505,katenak,become fashionable,train +59505,59506,59506,huntu cira ku cihanghangay,it should be his playmate,train +59506,59507,59507,Talamilisu ci fakian kaku atu ci mama aku inacila,Yesterday my father and I visited my uncle,train +59507,59508,59508,10 nengnengen haca ita ku cecay tinakuan u fafahiyan wawa nu kakitaan ci Yifta u misaaliay tu sapakalaluk cingra,let us look at another example of someone who needed to be encouraged namely the daughter of Shlomo Jephthah,train +59508,59509,59509,pidangecan,woven core,train +59509,59510,59510,sakaepeday,softest,test +59510,59511,59511,misanga tu tuna kiwkay kiya i,so when this church was being built,train +59511,59512,59512,mitapang misanga kami itiya i,at the beginning of our program,train +59512,59513,59513,Malusiyang i cuwacuwa ku lihaf tu pakayniay ci Yisan saka matngil ni Hiruti a hungti kunini a dmak ira ku sumuwalay Lumuwaday a maurip nai patay ci Yuhani u Painuay saka ira ku icel a midmak tu matiniay a kafahkaan saan,king Herod heard about this for Jesus name had become well known some were saying John the Baptist has been raised from the dead and that is why miraculous powers are at work in him,train +59513,59514,59514,tahidang,invite,train +59514,59515,59515,matiniay ku mimingay haen han naku ku tudung,what I am trying to weave here is the gossip network of the tiny hole Circle,train +59515,59516,59516,i riyal,go to the beach,train +59516,59517,59517,cika tumangic kaku sa kaka naʼay kaku niliyas kaka tu wawa aku,I am not going to cry sister I am not going to leave my child,train +59517,59518,59518,haw,yea,train +59518,59519,59519,matalaw itira maru milaliw cangra,he was afraid to live there so he ran away,train +59519,59520,59520,micinahan,it is all salts and pickles,test +59520,59521,59521,u umah nu Payrang,Minnans field,train +59521,59522,59522,maala nu salil,caught in a fishnet,train +59522,59523,59523,tengilen haw i hay,after listening it is a,train +59523,59524,59524,itiya ca kunu ca kaʼaraw aku cangra haw i,I did not even see them then,train +59524,59525,59525,caay ka eca cikucusita anu cikucu,always wear socks with your shoes,train +59525,59526,59526,Ikul tu awaay tu ku makahiay pacaliwa tu manmaan cingraan,in the end no one wanted to borrow anything from him,train +59526,59527,59527,anu ira ku,if not,train +59527,59528,59528,tawki,Robam,train +59528,59529,59529,Cekil saan kira wawa a mapalal nu suni nu silamalay,the child was awakened by the sound of a train siren,train +59529,59530,59530,ri u suwal iri,that is,test +59530,59531,59531,kilakilang,trees,train +59531,59532,59532,taengad saku dafak,it is just dawn,train +59532,59533,59533,patalakal,hunt,train +59533,59534,59534,ruma sa tu i,additionally,train +59534,59535,59535,o ngangan aku i ci Lifuk,my name is Rifu,train +59535,59536,59536,caay pinengneng kiya malinagday,the farmer did not see him,train +59536,59537,59537,u sasafaay a safa ni mama aku ami,he is my fathers youngest brother,train +59537,59538,59538,o micidekay ku tayal niyam tu nu alumanay,we work separately from the public,train +59538,59539,59539,ira ku nialan nu heni namaka Kilan vesul han tu nu heni haw,the threading tools they brought from Yilan,train +59539,59540,59540,Kawriraan ura tuwa wama wina milicay tisuwanan hanu caka papirienangen isu ku wawa wa saan,in this case will you show courage and tactfully explain why,test +59540,59541,59541,caay ka rawis hananay a demak,many courses do not implement the ethnic language,train +59541,59542,59542,mahaʼen muruhu ku hiya iri,bend over like this,train +59542,59543,59543,o tadakatalawan ku cacesces i pala,cobras are the worst in the field,train +59543,59544,59544,ruma suwal nu malitengay i,and the elders said,train +59544,59545,59545,anu cahu kadeng sa kisu,if you think that is not enough,train +59545,59546,59546,cente aringatu kaku tu ina aku wama aku,I am really grateful to my parents,train +59546,59547,59547,u falucu nu maku,the attitude towards faith is also indifferent and uncaring,train +59547,59548,59548,suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O tatayrayra aca kita i fiyaw a niyaruaru O papatnatnaken aca Aku ku i tiraay nawhani unini ku patusukan Aku a tayni saan,Jesus replied Let us go somewhere else to the nearby villages so I can preach there also that is why I have come,train +59548,59549,59549,mimaan kamu han aku,I asked you what you were doing,train +59549,59550,59550,sapatapang kuranan,that is to make him ferment,test +59550,59551,59551,saka itini tu i kafafaw kira,so the water supply is coming from the top,train +59551,59552,59552,ila kiya si lin culen kira ya singsi,that is when Mr Lin came,train +59552,59553,59553,ira kunu eli a luma u alili atu papaengawan nu niyaru niyam,our tribe has huts barns and watchtowers,train +59553,59554,59554,ciepucay,valuable people,train +59554,59555,59555,anu sakufalucu nu namu haw kapulung,you must all be united,train +59555,59556,59556,nuwiru cahu kataluma,why have not you come home yet,train +59556,59557,59557,Mitakuya ku mitakuyaʼay,catching frogs catching frogs,train +59557,59558,59558,anini tu i han tu aku,Eventually I will have to retire and leave,train +59558,59559,59559,malaudut,fighting each other,train +59559,59560,59560,Namituktuk tu kaku isaw iri,I used to knock,test +59560,59561,59561,cecay mihecaan,once a year,train +59561,59562,59562,ira tu ku matuʼasay,the elders at that time,train +59562,59563,59563,17 sanay ku suwal ni Saresiaw Cecay liyad adadaay kami hatu cuwa ka tayra kakahaday putal mitusil,Sergio said There was a time when we did not go to the square to preach because we were sick,train +59563,59564,59564,ta talakacumikayan kita,let us go to the playground together,train +59564,59565,59565,masamaan ku rumiad anini^,how is the weather today,train +59565,59566,59566,nipivalic,replace,train +59566,59567,59567,Namautang kaku a talacacudadan i nadavak,I was late for school this morning,train +59567,59568,59568,anu caay ku midiput,if you cannot take care of it,train +59568,59569,59569,nani Kiwitay nani Mesannay nani tiniay i amisay,from Chimene from Meishan and from the north,train +59569,59570,59570,ci,Main,test +59570,59571,59571,malahuluhulul kaku atu faki i kafutian adihay ku mipainian nira a kungku,my uncle and I chatted in the room and he shared many stories,train +59571,59572,59572,a mikilim tu nanum a pakaʼurad,pray for rain from the gods,train +59572,59573,59573,caay ku u Pangcah cecay ku mafukulay,Amis are not the only ones who do not speak it,train +59573,59574,59574,mamipapelu,I will be speaking,train +59574,59575,59575,kaka^,common name,train +59575,59576,59576,Surar han tu nu maku ku nika cay katatudung nu misu,I will forgive you if you do not,train +59576,59577,59577,caay tu pisanga kisu,and you will not do it,train +59577,59578,59578,karapapah,full of leaves,train +59578,59579,59579,Sakilaya,Sachilea,train +59579,59580,59580,masaefuefung,low lying area,test +59580,59581,59581,u maan ku ngangan nu maamaan a dafung han,what is the family name of this item,train +59581,59582,59582,misahatila i talahan kura faʼinay,she waited for her husband in silence,train +59582,59583,59583,ira ku misaefeefelay a adipangpang itira,there are butterflies flying around,train +59583,59584,59584,hu fangcal kira,Good,train +59584,59585,59585,sapakaen tu ku uma,feeding the horses,train +59585,59586,59586,saka tayra i Pailasen maedeng a tusa pulu a mihecaan itini Pailasen,I have been in Fuyuan for years,train +59586,59587,59587,muliluc kamu sarakat haw mialanan tu ifangat,and when Ye use it at first it will take away all your fatigue,train +59587,59588,59588,maaraw ku pida iraku pida niyam i,so we made money,train +59588,59589,59589,suwal sa ku Palafuay i Cingraan Anu u Wawa nu Kawas Kisu i kala^pang kisu han a sumuwal kunini a fukluh han nira,the devil said to him If you are the son of God tell this stone to become bread,train +59589,59590,59590,ira ku taangayay a pipakaenan i ngata nu luma nifaki citingsa kami matatuur tayra i pipakaenan,there is a big ranch near my uncles house and we rode bicycles to the ranch together,test +59590,59591,59591,u fukeluh hu ku lalan itini i niyaru laluma nu nuyaru,the tribal roads are all stone,train +59591,59592,59592,futek han tu ku mata fiyac han tu ku waʼay i u tuʼeman tu ku rakat,when we close our eyes and stretch out our legs we leave behind a legacy of history for generations to come,train +59592,59593,59593,hecek,pillars,train +59593,59594,59594,Ngaayhu pasifana ku singsi titaanan tu kakaenen nu Amis,hello everyone today I am going to teach you how to say Ami for food,train +59594,59595,59595,o mamaska ku tamdamdaw tu nanu talaw a miharateng tu aira a dmak i hkal nawhani u mamangernger ku pulung nu kakakafikafit nu kakarayan,men will faint from terror apprehensive of what is coming on the world for the heavenly bodies will be shaken,train +59595,59596,59596,caay ka pakasalaleku aku caay ka ducung,I cannot stretch and expand the sieve,train +59596,59597,59597,u hiya a maemin,it is all,train +59597,59598,59598,pahapinang ci panay tu falucu nira,Panay confesses her feelings,train +59598,59599,59599,sisa idengaytu,so it should be enough,train +59599,59600,59600,ha,Yes,test +59600,59601,59601,Nawhani u wawa nu tamdaw cingra saka paturuden haca nu wama ku wawa tu sakacitudung a misawkit,and he has given him authority to judge because he is the son of Man,train +59601,59602,59602,sakasiwa kalasufitayan i Taynan kami,it is at the center in Tainan,train +59602,59603,59603,u awaay tu nisafalucu saan kami u ina i matini,No as a mother there is nothing,train +59603,59604,59604,i Lidaway ku luma nira,his home is in Lille,train +59604,59605,59605,yu iratu cangra i pasuwal sa ci Pawlu Nai pisatapangan aku a tayni i tini i Aciya tahanini i mafana kamu tu nika masamaan ku nipikaput aku i tamuwanan,when they arrived he said to them You know how I lived the whole time I was with you from the first day I came into the province of Asia,train +59605,59606,59606,o suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad i O mitieray ci Apraham tu Kawas tuna pasulin cingra saka u mu^celay a tamdaw han nu Kawas cingra saan,what does the Scripture say Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness,train +59606,59607,59607,satu uruma sasuwalen,in other words,train +59607,59608,59608,maedeng tu pateli tu rakar san cingra,he thinks it is possible to put fish in the water,train +59608,59609,59609,anu hatira i mararid kami a misuayaw tu patay ta ira a malayap namu ku saka ciurip,so then death is at work in us but life is at work in you,train +59609,59610,59610,Itiya i makter kuya kaka saka caay ka sapicumudan i luma sadak sa kuya mama a mihima i cingraan,The older brother became angry and refused to go in so his father went out and pleaded with him,test +59610,59611,59611,o rumasatu ira ku nitatuyan nu nisawawaan tu pinapina a mimingay a futing kansiya sa ci Yis tunini ta papipakilacen ningra ku nisawawaan ningra tunini,they had a few small fish as well he gave thanks for them also and told the disciples to distribute them,train +59611,59612,59612,hatiraay kuriraan,that is it,train +59612,59613,59613,paekel,repress,train +59613,59614,59614,ira anini i tangilaan tu papaya,now there is a sign to wear in your ear,train +59614,59615,59615,sumuwal kaku anini tu,today I want to talk about,train +59615,59616,59616,micudadtu kaku i,it is just as well I am going to school,train +59616,59617,59617,ya suwal han tu aku minukay kaku,I told them I was going back,train +59617,59618,59618,misulimet tu kuya ising tu saka tayal ira,then the doctor prepares for the surgery,train +59618,59619,59619,vavekelu kini,this is also a pearl of coin lacrymal,train +59619,59620,59620,tiya mafulaway kiya akung ira itini saan,then his grandfather moved here,test +59620,59621,59621,kisu i,six months,train +59621,59622,59622,caay kangaʼay ku faʼinay aku hatiraay,my husband is no better,train +59622,59623,59623,u kungku nu kungku tu matuʼasay,it is a story told by the elders,train +59623,59624,59624,rau,Sapindales,train +59624,59625,59625,sulinay hanen ku hay haen kitiya,that is the way it works,train +59625,59626,59626,o maakungay a maemin ku lalan nu mita a talalutuk,our road to the mountains is almost always curvy,train +59626,59627,59627,u suwal nu matuʼasay,the elders said,train +59627,59628,59628,halikiay maʼecak nu cinah a,it is easier to cook it,train +59628,59629,59629,limulu limulu hanan,one grain at a time,train +59629,59630,59630,pasakasak satu kami,when we were trampling the ground,test +59630,59631,59631,i aʼayaway haw ca ka bana kaku,I did not know that in the past,train +59631,59632,59632,naa kisu wawa u cacitudung mamirucuk tu demak nu niyaru,here you go the children will be the ones responsible for carrying on the affairs of the tribe,train +59632,59633,59633,awaay anini awaay tu i sasaʼuwacan,not anymore not even by the river,train +59633,59634,59634,nu suwal nu Pangcah anini,how do you speak the language nowadays,train +59634,59635,59635,tiya pasuwalen aku hatiraay kura demak niyam itira i Kalingku han aku,I will tell you everything about Hualien,train +59635,59636,59636,u rumatu ku suwal nu maku,let us move on to the next one,train +59636,59637,59637,mifelih ciira tu harateng nu alumanay,he opposed the idea of the crowd,train +59637,59638,59638,tuna,Here,train +59638,59639,59639,a miharateng tuni a caciyaw nu hatini,there are too many tears and sorrows,train +59639,59640,59640,o wama a Kawas nu Tapang ci Yis uya hahmeken a midauc a Kawas ku mafanaay tu nika caay ku mangah ku suwal aku,the God and father of the Lord Jesus who is to be praised forever knows that I am not lying,test +59640,59641,59641,unini a fafalicen huw i,to practice the Dharma is,train +59641,59642,59642,aku caay ka pawapawan huw,it is unforgettable,train +59642,59643,59643,lilam,allocation,train +59643,59644,59644,aray han kita mapuling,thank you all,train +59644,59645,59645,icuwa ku mahaenay a demak satu ka fafaʼinay,sir said he would never heard of such a thing,train +59645,59646,59646,malipahak tu ku falucu a nira a pakaaraw tu ya takula,he was glad to see the frog,train +59646,59647,59647,Pakatimul ku rakat niyam,we went to the south of,train +59647,59648,59648,ta padangen nu tatuluay a wawa cingra a miparu tuya langa,three children helped that child load the basket,train +59648,59649,59649,paluma kami tu hana lusenhuwa,we grow flowers Loropetalum,train +59649,59650,59650,lukuninsi kami away tu ku likuda nu misalu,we did not have the Bountiful years Festival in grade at Miyama,test +59650,59651,59651,itiya,at this point,train +59651,59652,59652,atu atulan,in the rocks,train +59652,59653,59653,salipahak satu cangra a mipadakaw i tamina ci Yisan ta tangsul satu cangra a tahira i katayraan nangra,then they were willing to take him into the boat and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading,train +59653,59654,59654,ilisin,the Harvest Festival was held in ROC,train +59654,59655,59655,mahaen mafana tu ci ina aku i,when my mother found out about it,train +59655,59656,59656,Tala Cilung tu kami,so we went to Keelung,train +59656,59657,59657,tayni kami milihay,come here to worship,train +59657,59658,59658,u lunem kuya nalunem kuya masadakay,what went out was a deer,train +59658,59659,59659,icuwa i lalavu,Where Inside,train +59659,59660,59660,midateng,gathering vegetables,test +59660,59661,59661,Laluupen ku pising nu misu,wash your face,train +59661,59662,59662,kenu u talaan nara ku Fangcalay a rumiʼad hakiya sa kaku,do you think they have picked a special day,train +59662,59663,59663,pahanhanan,vacation days,train +59663,59664,59664,mitekup,go for a merger,train +59664,59665,59665,tayra tu i Takaw kira,I am going to Kaohsiung,train +59665,59666,59666,laklak sa tu a ma efer ku pu^lung nuya unal tura kilakilangan,the bees flew out and scattered all over the forest,train +59666,59667,59667,hatiraay tu ruma satu mamihecaan i,that is how it was until the next year,train +59667,59668,59668,masakaput,pack,train +59668,59669,59669,masamaan tu cima ku mafanaʼay,what happened who knows,train +59669,59670,59670,u nipaini tu nu sakakaay tu Fangcalay ka itiraan sa fangcal ku urip nu itiniay misa Cawiʼay hatira ku suwal aku,this is the best place we have been given at the highest level so life is very good for the people of Jingpu that is all thank you,test +59670,59671,59671,sawad kina sawasawad satu,once you are off you are always off,train +59671,59672,59672,ikudul nu 60 nu mihecaan a matuasay ira ku sakaytangal a lusid malawit ku 20 nu mihecaan ira ku vuhecalay a takak u limucedan a vavahiyan ira ku tuluway a kulit nu saki tangal,hair buns are worn over the age of sixty and only over the age of twenty are eligible to wear ornate headdresses with white feathers while young girls wear headdresses with three colored ribbons,train +59672,59673,59673,e dimata han nira paluma i umaumahan niyam ila ku palumaan,carefully nurtured and cultivated in our family fields,train +59673,59674,59674,man han tu sa ku matuʼasay saka,the old man said What should we do,train +59674,59675,59675,mapaedilay,lit illuminated,train +59675,59676,59676,Milidadaya ku miafaray a tamdaw,shrimp Catchers often utilize nighttime operations,train +59676,59677,59677,nu matuʼasy a tu pisaluma nangra,the house covered by the old man,train +59677,59678,59678,Nikawrira maaraw nu Yutaya a tamdaw ku finawlan i tataang ku inap nangra Saka paculien nangra ku suwal ni Pawlu a milukes a sumuwal,when the Jews saw the crowds they were filled with jealousy and talked abusively against what Paul was saying,train +59678,59679,59679,tu kuku i,and chickens,train +59679,59680,59680,Tadamafana midiput tu wawa kura tamdaw,that man is good at taking care of children,test +59680,59681,59681,mangiraw maacang,celebrate,train +59681,59682,59682,Masafana nira kaku,I succumbed to his tempting me,train +59682,59683,59683,Micuwat ku dateng,the vegetables spread out as they grew,train +59683,59684,59684,o pipatusukan a mitaung tu Kawas ku kiwkay,the church is a place dedicated to the worship of God,train +59684,59685,59685,titayi,alternative service,train +59685,59686,59686,paapucuken,to the top of the mountain,train +59686,59687,59687,panucay,Feedback,train +59687,59688,59688,itini kita salikuray rumiˈad maˈurip adihayay ku kacarirawan,the last days of our lives are by no means carefree,train +59688,59689,59689,mihima hu tu rarum nu wawa,and to calm the child,train +59689,59690,59690,sataw,sons and daughters,test +59690,59691,59691,pisacacak,cooking method,train +59691,59692,59692,pahanhan henay kaku,I have the technical license,train +59692,59693,59693,19 Pakalalukay ku Fangcalay Cudad kitanan patahekal tu mihamhamay mihaen u ngangaˈay a misaluf tu kalalaˈed atu tau anu u ˈadatu u mamala ngaˈay,the Bible encourages us to show hospitality which improves relationships with others even with our enemies,train +59693,59694,59694,maharateng aku ku sulinay a pitier isu ci Kristuan matiya u pitier nu mamu isu ci Luis atu ina isu ci Yuniki i tiyahu ku pitier isu Pasulin kaku iraay i falucu isu ku pasulin nu falucu nangra,I have been reminded of your sincere faith which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and I am persuaded now lives in you also,train +59694,59695,59695,u vavaʼinanay haw i pinaay a vulad saw iri siheci,what month does a male tree grow fruit,train +59695,59696,59696,itiya hu itira i Taypak u demak nu maku i,at that time in Taipei,train +59696,59697,59697,Karasalupiku ku lalan nu niyaru niyam,our tribes roads have forks in them everywhere,train +59697,59698,59698,i kiwkay kira u Ting Tu Si ku mama aku sa,my father was a missionary for the Church,train +59698,59699,59699,Namhan mapitin tu kuya uway safalud tu ya fadahung,the canes on the roof are broken,train +59699,59700,59700,a palada kitanan,share,test +59700,59701,59701,mansa kura sakeru tahira ca u ladiw nira wa mafukel kaku tu ladiw tadafukil aku tura ladiw nura cikawasay,what about the dances is that all they do and the songs Honestly I do not know any of the Witches songs,train +59701,59702,59702,Suuten ku fukes,tie your hair back,train +59702,59703,59703,fangcal kita patireng tu Wen Cyin Can,we can set up a cultural and health station,train +59703,59704,59704,sa macakat kita u,we will be better off,train +59704,59705,59705,Manguwien tu ku fiyaw aku a mayuyang i tamiyanan,our neighbors are fed up with the sound of cows bellowing and cursing,train +59705,59706,59706,iratu kunu dingkiyay,in the manner of an electric fish,train +59706,59707,59707,micumud haca i luma nu mikumuday a milicay ci Yisan I cuwaay a tamdaw kisu han ningra Nikawrira caay pacaucauf ci Yis tu maan aca,and he went back inside the palace Where do you come from he asked Jesus but Jesus gave him no answer,train +59707,59708,59708,ya misiʼayaw ku cirut anu luwad kisu haw,when you are about to get up and you see the painted bird facing you,train +59708,59709,59709,sipatelacay,that is not true,train +59709,59710,59710,mikicuway satapang kura lutukimu,since when is volunteer labor available,test +59710,59711,59711,naw tumangic kisu,why are you crying,train +59711,59712,59712,maetut,break wind,train +59712,59713,59713,mahaen ya nisuwalan ci Titiay Tayra i misaaliay a kilac mitusil wa pahatatanamay kitanan misaday tu nuikuran,as Didier mentioned earlier said Preaching where the need is great trains us to be ready for the future,train +59713,59714,59714,matira ku pidemak nu maku i niyaru,this is how I run my tribe,train +59714,59715,59715,Milinga tu tu a mitangtang tu sinafel,starting a Culinary lunch,train +59715,59716,59716,Mafana cingra tu nika ira aku,he knows I am here,train +59716,59717,59717,aefengen,things that can be thrown,train +59717,59718,59718,mahemekay tu kami tunini a patadu tamiyan a mimasahatini,I am glad that you have joined us today,train +59718,59719,59719,o mita Amis a pinangan kura,this is a traditional Amis custom,train +59719,59720,59720,inian u,this is,test +59720,59721,59721,mifulesak,sow seeds,train +59721,59722,59722,matngil nu alumanay a nisawawaan kunini suwal sa O pakinaliay a suwal kunini Cima ku papakahadidi a mitngil saw saan,on hearing it many of his disciples said This is a hard teaching who can accept it,train +59722,59723,59723,edeng sa i ceka ngaʼay tini ku katayalan sa i,because it is not as good as I thought it would be,train +59723,59724,59724,mihirhir tu kudasing,fry,train +59724,59725,59725,ci Lifi i u wawa ni Simiyun ci Simiyun i u wawa ni Yuta ci Yuta i u wawa ni Yusif ci Yusif i u wawa ni Yunam ci Yunam i u wawa ni Iliyakim,the son of Simeon the son of Judah the son of Joseph the son of Jonam the son of Eliakim,train +59725,59726,59726,o naniwac ku sinafel nu mita a malafi,our dinner dish was green beans,train +59726,59727,59727,u ya kausian nira a fafahiyan i,and the girls he does not like,train +59727,59728,59728,6 oya saka 8 mapulusi isatapang maˈaraway ni Cikariya ku manan,what did Zechariah see at the beginning of the eighth vision,train +59728,59729,59729,maherek tu,I swept it,train +59729,59730,59730,suwal sa kira tataakay a vuting nu liyal itakuwan,the big sea fish told me,test +59730,59731,59731,marepun aka hu repunen naku haw,finish it wait I will finish it first,train +59731,59732,59732,uy mama san pakarungay,teenagers will answer Yes,train +59732,59733,59733,o citudungay tu Rikec nu niyaru i litapangaytu a matayal,the system of tribal public Corporation is already in place,train +59733,59734,59734,kadavu,daughter in law,train +59734,59735,59735,aka paladafdaf tu maririay a pala,do not treat a field that is falling apart as if it were flat,train +59735,59736,59736,mafana tu nu tamdawan a demak,that is good enough for me,train +59736,59737,59737,o tatalahkal a ma^min ku masimeday a maamaan o mamahapinang a ma^min ku nikilifan a dmak,for whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open,train +59737,59738,59738,Tinaku sa ira ku ccay a tamdaw Tatusa ku wawa ningra Tayra cingra tuya kaka a wawa ningra a sumuwal Wawaaw katayra kisu anini i pisafadisusuan a matayal han ningra,What do you think there was a man who had two sons he went to the first and said Son go and work today in the vineyard,train +59738,59739,59739,Rumakat kaku a talapicudadan tu rumiamiad,I walk to school every day,train +59739,59740,59740,matakaw cangra tu titi,they craved meat,test +59740,59741,59741,a padudu aca kaku haw,I am going to continue,train +59741,59742,59742,Alapekapekaw cangra a milaliw,they all fled,train +59742,59743,59743,tayen cingra tu ada aku,make him have him kill my enemy,train +59743,59744,59744,alingatu sa hatini,thank you,train +59744,59745,59745,iraay hu ku cecay Matawalay tu kaku tura,is there another one I forgot,train +59745,59746,59746,kumu hai,Eraser Yes it is,train +59746,59747,59747,o nanu suwal nu wama aku ku sakatayni Aku Arawhani caay pihamham kamu i Takuwanan Nikawrira uya ningra sanay a harateng a tayni a tamdaw i hamhamen namu cingra,I have come in my Fathers name and you do not accept me but if someone else comes in his own name you will accept him,train +59747,59748,59748,ci faʼinay kisu sa ku malitengany,your parents say you are ready to marry,train +59748,59749,59749,makamelaw tu mahaenay nu a demak,I have seen things like this,train +59749,59750,59750,i hawniay kiya pilafinan ira i saʼayaw tira i,at the previous lodging,test +59750,59751,59751,ipan maparu ta sadaken tu,half of what you put in you have to take out,train +59751,59752,59752,o nanu tayal ni Satan ku sakaira nuya paculiay tu Rikec a tamdaw o caciicel cingra a midmak tu masamaamaanay a pacfaay a kafahkaan a dmak,the coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles signs and wonders,train +59752,59753,59753,ininan i u maanan kininan lingtaw haw,are these beans,train +59753,59754,59754,sanay ku nu maku a falucu tunian sa,that is what is on my mind,train +59754,59755,59755,makumud,total,train +59755,59756,59756,misahakhak ci ina,mom makes sticky rice,train +59756,59757,59757,suwal,said,train +59757,59758,59758,kuesan ku kacawas anini a miheca,the watermelon was very sweet this year,train +59758,59759,59759,sapitungal,subsidies,train +59759,59760,59760,ayaw caay pakacakay kira,I could not afford it in the past,test +59760,59761,59761,ha,Yeah,train +59761,59762,59762,saan ku suwal nu matuʼasay,that is what the elders say,train +59762,59763,59763,Tayni^ tu ku singsi^,the teacher is here,train +59763,59764,59764,Halihinapecay ciira saka aka tu pakafanaen ciira tura demak,she is a worrier so do not let her know about that,train +59764,59765,59765,mipacek kaku tu anengan,I am going to nail the chair,train +59765,59766,59766,pasayra maemin,that is where everyone is headed,train +59766,59767,59767,papicauren,catch,train +59767,59768,59768,u wawa hu kaku kira,maybe I am just a kid,train +59768,59769,59769,nengneng han aku aya suelinay haw,from what I have seen well it is true,train +59769,59770,59770,mantarsquuay,raw meat,test +59770,59771,59771,a mamaan ira kuya dadacdac hananay kapah kiya saw,and the cicadas too,train +59771,59772,59772,aka palasawaden kuya nu Adinguan a rucek isu uya niparucekan i tisuwanan a rucek pakayni i nipaliayawan a suwal nu Kawas yu mikapa ku ciwlu a patireng i tisuwanan,do not neglect your gift which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you,train +59772,59773,59773,masarucud ku demak tuya rumiad han,why was the thing smooth on that day,train +59773,59774,59774,tangkuy,wax gourd,train +59774,59775,59775,saka kaku i nai Kalinku,I am from Hualien,train +59775,59776,59776,heluen i kulul nu rarapa,unloading from the backs of cows,train +59776,59777,59777,Sasaʼusiʼusi han aku,reading,train +59777,59778,59778,anca pasuwal tunu katatalawan a a demak kira,or tell some ghost stories,train +59778,59779,59779,cayka sasipuduh,there will be no mutual jealousy or resentment,train +59779,59780,59780,ku pisanga tu emu haw,homemade sweet rice cake,test +59780,59781,59781,o maanan ku tatudung nu nuˈadinguan a tamdaw,what does it mean to be spiritual,train +59781,59782,59782,miala aca tu tu luma,this house,train +59782,59783,59783,Caay u Pangcah ci mama^ nu maku u Taywan ci ina^ nu maku,No my father is Amis and my mother is Han Taiwanese,train +59783,59784,59784,icuwaay ci Panay,where is Panay,train +59784,59785,59785,u payniyaru nu Pangcah i matiya u ina haw ku miterungay mikadavu ku vavainay i vavahiyan a luma,the primitive Amis society was a matrilineal society dominated by women where men were married to women,train +59785,59786,59786,awaay ku makunan sanay maemin ku damsay ku pinangan niya matuʼasay itiya hu,the old people used to be so kind they did not care about us,train +59786,59787,59787,maharek iri,after completion,train +59787,59788,59788,sisa i,So,train +59788,59789,59789,anini u nian ku nisadakan haw,Now the fangs are out,train +59789,59790,59790,anu mifadis tu luma saan i,one of these days someone is going to get a new roof,test +59790,59791,59791,mialutipalay,catch a crows head,train +59791,59792,59792,kiya mama upuh satu micadeway kiya mama ira tu ku futing,then my father started fishing for the national treasure with a triangular net,train +59792,59793,59793,hatiniay kakahad ku mata,that is the size,train +59793,59794,59794,cicacelakan kisu hay,did you bring an umbrella,train +59794,59795,59795,lisin pasuvanaay anini satu a mimaan tu kita,may I ask Mr Lisin what we are going to do now,train +59795,59796,59796,sananay a lungucan nu matuʼasay,the old man was always there to remind you,train +59796,59797,59797,timulpelaraw,Arab world,train +59797,59798,59798,u palafuay ku ranen,he was framed,train +59798,59799,59799,u ruma satu haw,what is more,train +59799,59800,59800,masadak satu ku tamina,when the ship goes to sea,test +59800,59801,59801,cukiwat,a bamboo pole assistant is not long enough to pick up things,train +59801,59802,59802,nu kaʼemang u suwal nu matuʼasay ya,I heard the old man say,train +59802,59803,59803,cecay a rumiad talapaputal a mihulul kami a mapulung,one day we all went on an outing together,train +59803,59804,59804,i,name,train +59804,59805,59805,tini i Cawi hananay mahaenay,this place right here in Tranquility,train +59805,59806,59806,cacay kaseduk ku demak anu mahaen,it did not go so well,train +59806,59807,59807,niefecan,By Toweled,train +59807,59808,59808,i sakacuwa nura kungyen,which side of the park,train +59808,59809,59809,a pukung han naku sa taluh han tu mihaen,I am about to fold it up,train +59809,59810,59810,awaaytu i falucu ira,he was desperate,test +59810,59811,59811,hai makerahay i Paʼanifung,Yes it is very dry in Hing Cheong,train +59811,59812,59812,tengilayma,listen to this,train +59812,59813,59813,pasifana han nu i faki u selaʼnu caciyaw haen ku piketung,for me professionals are reminded of the corrections and switches in tone,train +59813,59814,59814,Pasinufuen ni faki kami tu nicacakan nira a hakhak a taluma,Grandpa let us bring home the glutinous rice he had steamed,train +59814,59815,59815,o macukeray nu kapah ku tayal nu niyaru,tribal work is supported by young people,train +59815,59816,59816,wa talariyal kita sa i,just as the sun rises to go to the beach,train +59816,59817,59817,ngangusuan,nose,train +59817,59818,59818,naunen,careful,train +59818,59819,59819,o kulac tu nira matuasay i niyaru,that old man had nothing in the tribe,train +59819,59820,59820,Kuhkuh,hoeing,test +59820,59821,59821,faeketkareteng,heavy,train +59821,59822,59822,lalavaen,hunt and capture,train +59822,59823,59823,Rimadac saan ku lalan ita i nuetipan a lutuk,on the west side of the mountain we have a smooth road,train +59823,59824,59824,sapisafangcal,maintain,train +59824,59825,59825,hatu,And,train +59825,59826,59826,narikuran nu ina i ayaaw sanay tu kaku imatini ah,maybe it got lost after me Ahh,train +59826,59827,59827,satapang ku urip,start having a good life,train +59827,59828,59828,Sapisaluma tu salili ku kilang nira,its wood is used to make posts for houses,train +59828,59829,59829,misimed,concealment,train +59829,59830,59830,maharek mipanay satapangay ku mita Amis,we Amis do not start until after the harvest,test +59830,59831,59831,cuwa ku adipangpang kura u udal kura,those are not butterflies they are bees,train +59831,59832,59832,Mapelaay ku niacaan ni ina a sinar,mom bought a watermelon cut open,train +59832,59833,59833,Panay micaliway tu payci ni Kacaw kisu,Panay did you borrow money from Kacaw,train +59833,59834,59834,sikace tu cira a tahkal,it will not bud until April,train +59834,59835,59835,u nu matuʼasay hu,senior citizen,train +59835,59836,59836,matatudung kunini pina ku aca,this top fits perfectly how much is it,train +59836,59837,59837,harek nu micudad i,after school,train +59837,59838,59838,tala Taypak kakucilimaw lisu hatu ku matuasay aku i luma,I am going to Taipei to visit my family elders when I can,train +59838,59839,59839,sapi,act as,train +59839,59840,59840,Imengen cingra,guard keep him in prison,test +59840,59841,59841,wawa nu ciwkangan,when I was a child I lived in Changbin Township,train +59841,59842,59842,mangaay a pacaliwen kaku tu miming han kalikien tu aku a patikul i tisuwanan,can you lend me the pen for a second I will return to you immediately,train +59842,59843,59843,tueman,it is getting dark,train +59843,59844,59844,Suʼelinay itiya hu ku futing cay tisakien,fish caught in the early days were tied up with twine,train +59844,59845,59845,o mamangitid nu wacu kira kucu nu misu,your shoes will be going to the dogs,train +59845,59846,59846,lingku,apple,train +59846,59847,59847,na itini iraw pasaʼamis tahini pasatimul haw,from the far west to the south,train +59847,59848,59848,hales ri malahitay wa satu taluma,that is why they say they went to the army and never came back,train +59848,59849,59849,miadetumay,Physalis caryophyllus,train +59849,59850,59850,itini rumiˈad ni Yis misaka dademakan nu Yutaya tamdaw ku pakayraan nu Krisiya atu Luma kalisepatan pafafidaˈ ku dadaya a tuki,by the time of Jesus the Jews had adopted the Greek and Roman method of dividing time dividing the night into four shifts,test +59850,59851,59851,sa mafanaʼay tu mieneng tu tireng ira,that is how you recognize your partner,train +59851,59852,59852,u harateng nu maku,my idea is to make a memorial,train +59852,59853,59853,samatiyaen u caay ka rarum ku dmak namu u tumangicay samatiyaen u caay ka lipahak ku dmak namu u lipahakay samatiyaen u caay ka citatuy tu maamaan ku harateng namu u micakayay a tamdaw,those who mourn as if they did not those who are happy as if they were not those who buy something as if it were not theirs to keep,train +59853,59854,59854,u ninan haw nanay kita,about this hope we,train +59854,59855,59855,Pakacuwaay ku lalan a tayra,which way is that,train +59855,59856,59856,tahini aca ku palicay i tisuwanan Akuwiday han aku kisu tu paini nu misu,that is all for today interview thank you very much for sharing with us,train +59856,59857,59857,o sakasaan aku a sumuwal i aka ka ciramud caay ku nika saan aku a palimuut o mihaydaay kaku,I say this as a concession not as a command,train +59857,59858,59858,savaluvaluvalud han niyam iri,we are bundled into handfuls,train +59858,59859,59859,luma sanay nu salikaka ci haw tira,worship at Hongs house,train +59859,59860,59860,en nu haenen ku suwal,Well why do you say that,test +59860,59861,59861,makakalat,bite each other,train +59861,59862,59862,anu mikaputay kita i ci Kristuan a mapatay i u mikaputay kita i cingraan a miliyaw a maurip saan ku pipasulin ita,now if we died with Christ we believe that we will also live with him,train +59862,59863,59863,u safa tu aku tu midiputay kararem nira,my siblings are taking care of the younger ones,train +59863,59864,59864,itiya u nipilisin ku nipilisin,in those days the Toyotomi Festival was very strict,train +59864,59865,59865,Maruray ci ina miliyun tu felac,it is hard for mom to grind rice,train +59865,59866,59866,Maesus kira tamdaw,that man farted,train +59866,59867,59867,Harikaenen cuwa ku tau kisu,try to eat and drink as much as possible you are not an outsider,train +59867,59868,59868,nimaru cika sadak kaku hiwa,why do not I do something,train +59868,59869,59869,lima^,five,train +59869,59870,59870,Nikawrira anu kumaen ku tamdaw tunini a nai kakarayanay a ^pang i caaytu ku mamapatay cingra,but here is the bread that comes down from heaven which a man may eat and not die,test +59870,59871,59871,o kakalumelaan ku mulaliway a nanum i ringasa ita,it is a shame to lose all the water from our ridge drains,train +59871,59872,59872,katayra kamu i pisalisinan caay ku tatayra kaku imatini nawhani cahu ka raud ku rumiad Aku han ningra,you go to the Feast I am not yet going up to this Feast because for me the right time has not yet come,train +59872,59873,59873,u maan kuranan,what is this,train +59873,59874,59874,kilim sa ku matuʼasay tu,the old man in order to give the children a,train +59874,59875,59875,anu,then,train +59875,59876,59876,o matuasay niyam cingra,he is our oldest member,train +59876,59877,59877,matiya u malanangay ci ama tu nipivuting nu niyam,it is like dad does not like that we are fishers,train +59877,59878,59878,urang,lobster,train +59878,59879,59879,Nanuya maaraw aku ku tumirengay a saspatay a cuyuh i spatay a tadimucukan nu hkal Takeren nangra ku nai cuwacuwaay a fali tu saka^caaw pifiyuk tu hkal atu riyar atu masamaamaanay a kilang,after this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree,train +59879,59880,59880,pina a lufuc ku aacaen isu,how many packs do you want to buy,test +59880,59881,59881,mamelawan nu wawa,kids can still watch it,train +59881,59882,59882,Paculi ci inaan ciira,he talks back to his mom,train +59882,59883,59883,adada ku tangal aku caay ka saan,I will not say my head hurts,train +59883,59884,59884,mimaan ku fafahiyan i luma,what do women do at home,train +59884,59885,59885,Miariwadang tu falucu nu tamdamdaw ku pacefaay a suwal,the rumor mill has been a source of anxiety,train +59885,59886,59886,yu mafulaw satu mikayat tu tatusa kulung,we were moving with two buffaloes,train +59886,59887,59887,karaangliw,EDF,train +59887,59888,59888,awaay kamawmahan niyam,I did not have a career at the time,train +59888,59889,59889,a vuting u urang haw kavus,fish shrimp,train +59889,59890,59890,Hay i ngata nu kungkuan ku luma niyam,Yes our home is near the school,test +59890,59891,59891,kilim han hu isu ku tau wa mamikilim kaku tu singsian,you find someone else I am going to find the teacher,train +59891,59892,59892,itiya hu,from before,train +59892,59893,59893,kumaen kaku tu epang,I want some bread,train +59893,59894,59894,Du^du sa i ira a matngil aku ku ngiha suwal sa i takuwanan Pitiruaw kalumuwad pacuken ta kaenen saan,then I heard a voice telling me Get up Peter kill and eat,train +59894,59895,59895,cay ku nu suta a miripaʼan haw i,not on land,train +59895,59896,59896,o suwal nu Amis tu pinarengw pakafanaen nu singsi kita anini,I will teach everyone all kinds of plants in Pangcah language today,train +59896,59897,59897,patefuay,array something long bamboo shoots,train +59897,59898,59898,ya tahira satu i ka Dipungan haw i,during the Japanese period,train +59898,59899,59899,maalaay tu ku NT sakucecay hatiniay,a small packet will cost you nearly in Taiwan dollars,train +59899,59900,59900,nika u maku malayapay itini isinkakuin haw,but what I received from the seminary I attended,test +59900,59901,59901,u hiya nu dingki,it is also a lampshade,train +59901,59902,59902,rakat sa micakat a itini kita a maru,let us stay here,train +59902,59903,59903,paun^un,shouting and screaming to get the message across,train +59903,59904,59904,ura matumes kura haku,the box is full,train +59904,59905,59905,katayni kaytayni han nira kura Hulam kirahaw,The head is at the entrance,train +59905,59906,59906,Pakamaan a tala Taypak,what is the best way to get to Taipei,train +59906,59907,59907,Saka marakat ni Yuhani ku lilis nu Yurtan a alu a pala a patnak Ka pasasiyur kamu tu falucu a milayap tu inu ta mahpul nu Kawas ku raraw namu,he went into all the country around the Jordan preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins,train +59907,59908,59908,sapi pakafana tu situ nu maku sanay nanay,later on they promote and teach others,train +59908,59909,59909,u niyaru nu maku Fataʼan,my tribe is restoring the Saddle in Hualien,train +59909,59910,59910,pararaw kuya tamdaw i takuwanan,he made me out to be a sinner,test +59910,59911,59911,atemen ku aʼul itini a mipakih tusur masemsem tu suwal han i,bamboo poles between your legs for punishment,train +59911,59912,59912,pasuwalen aku kisu tu misamaanay hanu hatira aki,let me tell you why,train +59912,59913,59913,mipecu,take off,train +59913,59914,59914,Kuwaping tu i,Chinese is volcanic ash,train +59914,59915,59915,tatuasan,forebears,train +59915,59916,59916,pasuwal haca ci Yis O maan ku sapatinaku aku tu aniniay a tamdaw hakiya o maan ku miringiay cangraan hakiya,but the Pharisees and experts in the law rejected Gods purpose for themselves because they had not been baptized by John,train +59916,59917,59917,samaan ku demak ita hu eca ka pawan patuˈaya tu dafung ci Yihufaan hani,what can we do so that we do not forget to give our possessions to the LORD,train +59917,59918,59918,Pataeta,expose to the sun,train +59918,59919,59919,mangicngicay latek nu edu atu nu,maybe a mouse bit a hole in it or maybe Suk nae do not keep smiling,train +59919,59920,59920,Kaesuay ku nitangtangan ni ina,Moms cooking is so good,test +59920,59921,59921,hatira ku kahadihay ku takura,there are so many frogs,train +59921,59922,59922,cecay suut,one hundred,train +59922,59923,59923,ci riku tu kaku tu masamaan kiya riku tiya caytu kaharateng aku,I do not know what I was wearing,train +59923,59924,59924,Oli sangaayen tu ku rakat,let us go have a good trip,train +59924,59925,59925,cuwa kuninian aca mitunganganay tu tamdaw cangra tanu mariˈangay a mangah mipalak tu ngangan nu tau,not only that but they also slander people and destroy their reputations with malicious lies,train +59925,59926,59926,matiya u ccay a falu nu kulang alaen nu tamdaw a paluma i padatengan ningra yu lumahadtu kuya kulang i malakilangtu ta haluma^feray a ayam a padipung i caang niira han ni Yis,it is like a mustard seed which a man took and planted in his garden it grew and became a tree and the birds of the air perched in its branches,train +59926,59927,59927,mapedped,multitude,train +59927,59928,59928,kawra tangasa i 14 mihecaan mafekaday ku cecay a demak itiyaay mahapinang aku tu mangah nu kiyukay,However something happened when I was almost years old that opened my eyes to the hypocrisy of the Church,train +59928,59929,59929,o maan kuraan,what is that,train +59929,59930,59930,nawhani inian u tungruh haw i,for being at the high point of the tribe,test +59930,59931,59931,Paʼanifung kura,he is also from Hing Cheong,train +59931,59932,59932,o tireng ni Kristu kamu o caang nu tireng ningra ku kahaccaccay namu,now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it,train +59932,59933,59933,saku kapah,young people say it is modernized,train +59933,59934,59934,matama tu niyam ku palumaʼan aca nu niyam,we have found a place to build a house,train +59934,59935,59935,tangasatu i nanum avesaay a nanum muhtingtu,it is black by the time it reaches fresh water,train +59935,59936,59936,sakatusa matiya tu,the second campaign of the Qing army the same,train +59936,59937,59937,a misadak tuni a hakakimaden aku,I will say this,train +59937,59938,59938,ira ku ngangan nu mitaay hay,do we have a name in our language,train +59938,59939,59939,samanen ku namu a mifuting,how are you going to fish,train +59939,59940,59940,miacucul,play with a gyro,test +59940,59941,59941,u maharek i pacukisen tu kira,when you are done make the rafters,train +59941,59942,59942,Pakatulakuen a miculu tu tefus,sugar cane is transported in trucks,train +59942,59943,59943,duʼedu satu kaku misatapang tu,I began to follow the textbook,train +59943,59944,59944,masadak nai Fangcalay Pitaungan ku mitatuyay tu pituay a pades a papituay a cuyuh Ciriku cangra tu mali^miay Fangcalay a muwa a riku Cisafaked tu tada^kim ku faluhang nangra,out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues they were dressed in clean shining linen and wore golden sashes around their chests,train +59944,59945,59945,paysing,contraindication,train +59945,59946,59946,ira i kacumikayan malalifet ku mira a malalefud,they race and run there at the stadium,train +59946,59947,59947,saka ira ku mama u kakakaka nu maku,so it is all my elders and my brothers,train +59947,59948,59948,kami satu i hatini awid i iya u saʼung ita i awa,Besides we did not even have umbrellas,train +59948,59949,59949,matenak,distribution,train +59949,59950,59950,kisu tatiihay tucyang cidek han isu pafeli tauwan kaku,Dad it is your fault why did you just give me away,test +59950,59951,59951,ina tu emu,sweet rice cake,train +59951,59952,59952,maliyuk,surrounding,train +59952,59953,59953,cifafahi kaku,I got married in,train +59953,59954,59954,miminhu kisu awaay ku limaw aku misimaw san ku suwal na ina,you were too young to take care of you,train +59954,59955,59955,kiya maulah kisu mahaen tu mahiraay,so why do you like these things,train +59955,59956,59956,Diheku^ anini^ caay ka sienaw caay ka faedet,it is neither cold nor hot today very comfortable,train +59956,59957,59957,kakasemelan,Admirable,train +59957,59958,59958,o luma i mafafalicay tu kutang maliteng kira,because of marriage,train +59958,59959,59959,akaa,unacceptable,train +59959,59960,59960,matngil ni Ilisapic ku licay ni Mariya i satakutakud sa kuya i tiyaday ningra a wawa Mapaicel nu Fangcalay Adingu ci Ilisapic,when Elizabeth heard Marys greeting the baby leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,test +59960,59961,59961,awaay ku utupay aku,I do not have a motorcycle,train +59961,59962,59962,Ingangulay,deep,train +59962,59963,59963,miala ku heni tu nisahemayan nu heni u panay u hakhak u turun,they offered their steamed glutinous rice and mocha to the assembly,train +59963,59964,59964,ufang,cave,train +59964,59965,59965,naadidi henay,it was very small,train +59965,59966,59966,saan i,that is it,train +59966,59967,59967,mafana ku matuʼasay,the old man is very smart,train +59967,59968,59968,hai tangtangen ta nu hatini kaenen ngaʼay,cook it or eat it raw now,train +59968,59969,59969,mahaenay haw ira ili,like the loach,train +59969,59970,59970,Mihadimel ci Osay a miasik tu putal,Osay carefully sweeps the courtyard,test +59970,59971,59971,tu mahaenay u selal nu itiniay haw masa sa niyaru ku niʼan u niyaru nu mita i tini iraay ku pakayni i niyaru nu mita u selal hananay,like here there is a distance between the tribes so the age class is established through training among the tribes,train +59971,59972,59972,ta tatuy satu ci Yis tu takid kansiya sa cingra tu Kawas ta suwal sa i cangraan Dada alaen a kumaen Alainipinip han kunini a takid,after taking the cup he gave thanks and said Take this and divide it among you,train +59972,59973,59973,piruceken kunu,in order to pass on,train +59973,59974,59974,nga a mafana tu ku wawawawa tu nu mita,our next generation will talk,train +59974,59975,59975,saman caay pisanuʼAmis ku i lumaʼay ra kira,because my family does not speak the language,train +59975,59976,59976,Pakingsa ciira tu faduwac nira i isingan,he gave the doctor a chance to check his ribs,train +59976,59977,59977,kadikuan,nests,train +59977,59978,59978,n han nira kuya wacu aka kacaciyau latek ira tini ku takula ya widang nu mita sa,the child said to the dog Do not speak our friend the frog might be here,train +59978,59979,59979,Cikafung ci ina masadak,does mom wear a hat when she goes out,train +59979,59980,59980,ʼangʼang ku niyaru,tribal driven evil shout,test +59980,59981,59981,naʼayaw hu itini natayni kami u hiyaan tu pala tini,we have been here before this is the field,train +59981,59982,59982,anu icuway tu ku tayal anu mangaʼay tu mipaʼedil tu Kawas,serving God or working anywhere as salt and light,train +59982,59983,59983,Calaw kalumuwad tu maranam,Calaw is up for breakfast,train +59983,59984,59984,namasufu ci ina aku itakuwanan i,my mother gave birth to me,train +59984,59985,59985,Matamurak tu nu niyam i nacila,we went pumpkin picking yesterday,train +59985,59986,59986,kelac,cut,train +59986,59987,59987,Pacufayan nu maku ku Cudad ni Saumah,I returned Saomahs book,train +59987,59988,59988,parakat kaku tu fasu i tusa pulu ira ku tusa ku tayal nu maku tu fasu,years of driving buses,train +59988,59989,59989,anu inacilatu anu aninitu anu tahadauctu i caay ku mamafalic ci Yis Kristu,Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever,train +59989,59990,59990,mapapayiniini tu a macuwa,we started discussing what to do,test +59990,59991,59991,mamangata tu ku pila^disan ita,our fishing Festival is coming up,train +59991,59992,59992,malacecay,harmonize with,train +59992,59993,59993,itiraay kaku miharateng,that is when I started thinking,train +59993,59994,59994,adihay ku tinaku Yis,Jesus used a lot of parables,train +59994,59995,59995,mapeci kiya malatamdaw tu aca,when the rock breaks up it becomes human,train +59995,59996,59996,ku ci,main marker,train +59996,59997,59997,Ma^mintu ku fadisusu a ^pah saka pasuwal i ci Yisan ku ina Ningra Awaaytu ku ^pah nangra han ningra,when the wine was gone Jesus mother said to him They have no more wine,train +59997,59998,59998,a mapatay kiran cecay watu,if that ones dead there is no more,train +59998,59999,59999,cecay kimuluay kiya,make a thatch knot in the shape of a circle,train +59999,60000,60000,tayra tura mingata tu taʼangay a lalan,also near Avenida,test +60000,60001,60001,luma,family,train +60001,60002,60002,Satukian nu maku tu remiremiad,I wear it every day,train +60002,60003,60003,matalaw a makufel ku pising nu maku,I am afraid of wrinkles on my face,train +60003,60004,60004,Cukafilu hatatanamen ku suwal nu Palidaw han,is it hard to learn Hengchun Amish,train +60004,60005,60005,huyan sikadavau kina luma,this family has a son in law,train +60005,60006,60006,malecad kisu ci kakaan nu misu ci taciyan,you will be just like your big sister,train +60006,60007,60007,napinapina tu kami kakaʼaraw naw hari,we have met many times because,train +60007,60008,60008,nikatengilan,I heard that,train +60008,60009,60009,Akuwiday,thank you,train +60009,60010,60010,haw,Okay that is a snore Uh go on,test +60010,60011,60011,ira ku kiyafes u muka^ u pawli^ atu masamaamaanay,there are guavas papayas and bananas and much much more,train +60011,60012,60012,sisa hay a miseking kita,that is when I decided to take the selection test,train +60012,60013,60013,nian a sumuwal aka han i anu hatira i,without permission,train +60013,60014,60014,masadak tu ku fulad,the moon has appeared,train +60014,60015,60015,ta nukay satu cangra nai tadem ta paratuh tunini a maaraway a dmak a ma^min i ccay ku safaw a nisawawaan atu rumaruma a tamdaw a ma^min,when they came back from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the others,train +60015,60016,60016,itiya a malahci ku suwal ni Yirimiya u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya O nihapinangan nu Israil a tamdamdaw a tatudung nu aca ningra tu tulu a pulu a rimuud i alaen nangra,then what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled They took the thirty silver coins the price set on him by the people of Israel,train +60016,60017,60017,Kawra ci Yis palimuˈut tu nisawawaan Pinaˈun tu tamud nu Farisay a tamdaw atu tamud ni Hiruti sanay,However Jesus instructed his disciples Be careful beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod,train +60017,60018,60018,a miheca ku luma tayni,my family moved here in,train +60018,60019,60019,Pacefungen ku wawa i pitilidan,enter the child into school,train +60019,60020,60020,o suˈlinay ciepucay a patusukan i tahadaˈucay mihudup tu Kawas misaˈicel a padama tu tamdaw macakat i nuˈadinguan sanay,the truly meaningful goal is to serve God forever and to do all we can to help people advance spiritually,test +60020,60021,60021,tangasa tu kami i maan kafanaʼan nu misu,the factory asked us what we knew,train +60021,60022,60022,Kuhecalay anu ca i u kuhetingay,white or black,train +60022,60023,60023,hanaku kumu u kaemangay,I want to tell you kids,train +60023,60024,60024,mangalay kaku tu makapahay a paliding,I want beautiful cars,train +60024,60025,60025,macidal haw anini,is it sunny today,train +60025,60026,60026,cafer,pick up something,train +60026,60027,60027,dadahal atudi ninasapad,it is a little wider than this table,train +60027,60028,60028,halhalen may nu mita ku nipalihav nu cengfu,we look forward to good news from the county,train +60028,60029,60029,taywaan,Min Nan,train +60029,60030,60030,samanen u lemed kuni,there is nothing we can do about it it is just the way it is meant to be,test +60030,60031,60031,u parud han ku luma na makayni i nipisanga tu parud ina parud u papalamalan,the Amis meaning of home is derived from the hearth the place where the fire is made,train +60031,60032,60032,o cisidaitay a tamdaw kaku,I am a kind hearted person,train +60032,60033,60033,ila sa atu kali kura atu sikaliay ku pala,rainwater erodes and washes along the surface of the ground to form an erosion gully,train +60033,60034,60034,Karkaren itira i ciatikakay,dig where there are earthworms,train +60034,60035,60035,Kausian ku miculiay tu ina a tamdaw,people who talk back to their mothers are the most annoying,train +60035,60036,60036,mikarkar ci mama tu alaneng,dad digs the ridge,train +60036,60037,60037,pina,how much,train +60037,60038,60038,savun,soap,train +60038,60039,60039,kina tusa hu kaku a miliclic,I only asked times,train +60039,60040,60040,hu,give it a go,test +60040,60041,60041,matinakuay numita i nu nu suta u mimukungay tu parumaan tu i,we have experience with land we have done carpentry we have built houses,train +60041,60042,60042,matawal,forgotten,train +60042,60043,60043,letek,felled,train +60043,60044,60044,u pipapanayan itiya,it was rice cutting season,train +60044,60045,60045,nanay u nanu nika tadamaan nu dil ningra atu icel nu Fangcalay Adingu ku sakaki^mel nu falucu namu,I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,train +60045,60046,60046,mahaen saka,that is it,train +60046,60047,60047,iy samaanay ku kaira,Oh how was the fishing port,train +60047,60048,60048,yraw kita a rumakat,let us go that way,train +60048,60049,60049,Maadup ni akung ku mangcel,Grandpa hunted to Shankiang,train +60049,60050,60050,namalalais naayaw,it was during the war,test +60050,60051,60051,lalima ku nidiputan nira a wawa,she cared foradopted five children,train +60051,60052,60052,lima pulu tu ku mihecaan nu wama aku,my father is years old,train +60052,60053,60053,Miaca kaku tu kukpu miliwalay kisu haw,I want to buy a cup do you sell them,train +60053,60054,60054,sadaken ku namu,please take out your textbook,train +60054,60055,60055,Hacuwa^,which,train +60055,60056,60056,o luma i,what else,train +60056,60057,60057,pasuwalkaku matini,let me start,train +60057,60058,60058,teli hanra ku i atateluc nu ungcuy,he drove his hand to the highest point of the rock,train +60058,60059,60059,aka ka,do not,train +60059,60060,60060,tedac ku piasip ita tuya cudad,we read straight through the book,test +60060,60061,60061,anini a mihecaan,last year,train +60061,60062,60062,suwal satu ci ina kay a initu ku valiyus,mom said maybe the typhoon is coming,train +60062,60063,60063,tiraan ku iyuan aku,I am taking that drug,train +60063,60064,60064,matiya u mitaktakan i fakici a nanum ku urad nu laluud hananay,and now the summer rain seems to be poured down in buckets,train +60064,60065,60065,maherek cingra haw i ta tuktuken nira ku sadim itira i lawac nu nunum,after that they started using poison ivy along the creek,train +60065,60066,60066,u inian atu inian haw,this one and this one,train +60066,60067,60067,O malmeday ku mararumay a tamdaw tu nika ciraraw nangra nawhani u mamahinum nu Kawas cangra,blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted,train +60067,60068,60068,a ilisin ku Tafalung saan mafana,I knew there would be an annual Festival in Tai Pa Long,train +60068,60069,60069,u limecedan nu niyaru namu,the girl from your tribe,train +60069,60070,60070,pi pihiyaay tu buting hananay haw,at the fishing festival,test +60070,60071,60071,hatira ku caay ku hay,that is it it is not easy yeah,train +60071,60072,60072,22 Pafeselen ku pinengneng tu nisahalakaan nu ˈAda,page seeing through the Enemys Tricks,train +60072,60073,60073,silawad,leisure,train +60073,60074,60074,tahira tu i kura lamal i marukruk tu ku hemay,cook it long enough and then the rice is gone,train +60074,60075,60075,mafana,do,train +60075,60076,60076,mafanaʼay mitakud,jump higher than a person,train +60076,60077,60077,mahaen naʼayaw nikabana nu maku,it is just like the old days when all I knew was that,train +60077,60078,60078,Oruma i maherek mitadem sakatusa a rumiad ira ku micuhung hananay a demak krideden nu fakifaki atu fai ku cipadesay a lalumaan patihi milisu tu luma nu malininaay anca tala ruma a niyaru nu malininaay a palafang,Secondly the day after the funeral Micohong means a visit and the family members of the bereaved family are accompanied by their relatives to visit the homes of their tribal relatives or relatives from other tribes,train +60078,60079,60079,paherek satu kami,and then we arrived,train +60079,60080,60080,caay kakinacecay a mipalu,more than one pounding,test +60080,60081,60081,mapili kaku kira,I do not like it,train +60081,60082,60082,cima namu ku iraay ku wacay tu nika ciraraw aku saw anu u sulinay ku suwal aku i nawiru caay pasulin kamu takuwanan saw,can any of you prove me guilty of sin if I am telling the truth why do not you believe me,train +60082,60083,60083,u tusa kura cifar tu pikalican,there are two available,train +60083,60084,60084,u nikavanaʼan nu maku a mikawi tu tavukud kiniyan,that is the way I know how to knit,train +60084,60085,60085,tya micumud san i miala kira kya ekim sa itira i sifu nu riyar,when they enter they all take gold from the sea,train +60085,60086,60086,aluman caira itira u Ripun cika ulah san matiya ri,he thought a lot of them would be liked by the Japanese,train +60086,60087,60087,itini ˈayaw nu kinafalah ci Yis tu ˈurip a dadaya malalenguay tu nisawawaan tu maanan kalimlaan a demak hani,what important thing did Jesus talk to his disciples about the night before he sacrificed his life,train +60087,60088,60088,up^upay,ugly guy,train +60088,60089,60089,kalupitukuhan,facilities,train +60089,60090,60090,paveli han tu kami,just leave it to us,test +60090,60091,60091,Nanuya yu rumakat ku tatusa nangra a tayra i umaumahan i u mafalicay a tireng ku sapaaraw ni Yis i cangraan,afterward Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them while they were walking in the country,train +60091,60092,60092,mamaan kisu,what is wrong,train +60092,60093,60093,a pakamay tu ura cahung nura luma a misanga,and that is how you build a house,train +60093,60094,60094,i tira i cengceng nu urip a mikesi,hunting in your own fish house,train +60094,60095,60095,mahaen ku niyam sawali itini i niyaru,we are an east coast tribe,train +60095,60096,60096,mangata tu Uhira,closer to Fengping,train +60096,60097,60097,anu u suelinayay ku kabanaʼan itiya a semuwal,if you really know then say so,train +60097,60098,60098,u hatiniay katataʼak ku tepi,just use this size ruler,train +60098,60099,60099,falic saan mafalic,Change constant transformation,train +60099,60100,60100,nu finawlan i tusatusa ku kulung,if you want to send it to the villagers you might need two cows,test +60100,60101,60101,mapalipahak nangra ku falucu aku a matiya u pipalipahak nangra tu falucu namu o kakanguduen ku tayal nu matiniay a tamdaw,for they refreshed my Spirit and yours also such men deserve recognition,train +60101,60102,60102,misakani,brew wine,train +60102,60103,60103,saka ngaʼay ca nu urip nu niyam i lutuk u luma nu maku han aku,there is nothing better than being in the mountains,train +60103,60104,60104,u sapatudung tuyniyan,preparation for offering at the ceremony,train +60104,60105,60105,ci Madadingu a limecedan saan ci Vavuy Liyal,the whale responded by saying Flawless delicate girl,train +60105,60106,60106,salaw mitatiw tu kita tu funus u kawkaw,that is why we have to carry scythes and scythes,train +60106,60107,60107,suwal nu matuasay nu maku akung aku,my elders said in a reproachful way,train +60107,60108,60108,a u mahiniay tu,to do so,train +60108,60109,60109,sienaw ku tireng pahavalakan iri,what about a blanket when you are cold,train +60109,60110,60110,mitustusan,final,test +60110,60111,60111,hanaku ku hawiri tani kisu mi,I got slapped in the face and told to mind my own business,train +60111,60112,60112,cukur,old mans staff,train +60112,60113,60113,caay hen kapatireng ku niyaru kiyami,the reason is that the tribe is not established,train +60113,60114,60114,maulah kaku tu kuhecalay a cengel,I like the white color,train +60114,60115,60115,mavanaʼtu naayaw,there used to be a foundation,train +60115,60116,60116,mitngil ci Pilatu tunini a suwal i mangalef ku talaw ningra,when Pilate heard this he was even more afraid,train +60116,60117,60117,anu sasimi han aku sa i ngaʼay,you can eat it raw if you want,train +60117,60118,60118,hatini ku niparunguc,that is what I am looking for,train +60118,60119,60119,taluma tu,return home,train +60119,60120,60120,kadufah ku mitangtangan ni mamu a sakalahuk ira ku futing kuku tamurak ira hu ku katacumuli,grandma cooked a big lunch including fish chicken pumpkin and snails,test +60120,60121,60121,lipahak,happy,train +60121,60122,60122,cecay safaw ku mami,there are eleven oranges,train +60122,60123,60123,fecacidu,dragonflies,train +60123,60124,60124,pakefuhen,toss throw it in,train +60124,60125,60125,mahaenay kiyami sisa pangangan han nu Taywan tu sankingcu,that is why the Min Min people took three houses,train +60125,60126,60126,hay micakayay ma pulpul,Yes the buyer,train +60126,60127,60127,suwal sa ku nisawawaan i ci Yisan Deng lima aca a aplad ku ^pang atu tusa aca a futing ku nitatuyan niyam han nangra,We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish they answered,train +60127,60128,60128,Maaraw aku ku nika lasang nuya fafahiyan tu rmes nu finawlan nu Kawas atu rmes nu mapatayay tu nanu nipipatalahkal nangra tu nipituur nangra ci Yisan Safahka sa kaku a minengneng tuya fafahiyan,I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus when I saw her I was greatly astonished,train +60128,60129,60129,matiniay sa unian saca ku u kafanaʼan nu mita,that is how it works that is where our knowledge comes from,train +60129,60130,60130,Nikawrira mahapinangtu ni Yis ku pisafit nangra saka suwal sa i cangraan,he saw through their duplicity and said to them,test +60130,60131,60131,u niyaru nu Cikasuwan,it is the Shichigokawa tribe,train +60131,60132,60132,hamanen u nangra a tayal kunian sa,there is nothing they can do about it after all it is their job,train +60132,60133,60133,makakeleng,clap of thunder,train +60133,60134,60134,tu dateng hananay,you can buy groceries,train +60134,60135,60135,ulah sa kuna matuʼasay itini ta,the elders were very happy with the program,train +60135,60136,60136,kita,let us,train +60136,60137,60137,kaulahan aku a salikaka u sausi nu Tapang i matu ccay a patek nu mihcaan ku ccay a rumiad matu ccay a rumiad ku ccay a patek nu mihcaan aka ka pawan kamu tunini,but do not forget this one thing dear friends with the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day,train +60137,60138,60138,mininingkukay ku faʼinay aku,my husband went to the ocean for two years,train +60138,60139,60139,Cima^ ci Kaniw,who is Kaniw,train +60139,60140,60140,ci Rihupuam cuwa ka hecad ci Tafitian cuwa ka palahad cingra tu ngaˈayay kalalaˈed atu Kawas,unlike David Roboam did not cultivate a close relationship with God,test +60140,60141,60141,samanen misanga awa ku pinang a,no clue about the procedure,train +60141,60142,60142,Ngaay tu ka u walay aca^,Well just eat the noodles instead,train +60142,60143,60143,macalcal,split open,train +60143,60144,60144,u minengnengan aku uraw kaetipay uya tusa tapanga,I took a look at those two in the west,train +60144,60145,60145,urasaka saka i riyaray maurip a tamdaw haw i mafana patatudung tu tatukian a tayra i riyar mifuting micekiw atu midamay ta makadufah ku nilitudan,Therefore people who live by the sea go to the beach to fish collect sea snails and sea vegetables in accordance with the tides in order to have an abundant harvest,train +60145,60146,60146,tuni,That,train +60146,60147,60147,malasangay yaca mautaʼay yaca kaku itiya,I was seasick and vomiting,train +60147,60148,60148,ya cuwah han naku kamu a pakafana tu,after you tie the knot you will have the result,train +60148,60149,60149,sa siwawa satu kami tu faʼinayan,we have a son,train +60149,60150,60150,ta,the only thing is that the,test +60150,60151,60151,kafafang,quilts,train +60151,60152,60152,aka ka apac a talapicudadan,you cannot be late for school,train +60152,60153,60153,mipacekay,nailed coffin,train +60153,60154,60154,iraay hu ku lifun sanay kiya harateng itiya,there is still room for one more,train +60154,60155,60155,naw ayaw kaku tayni,I came here first,train +60155,60156,60156,sahatini sa kuni niyaru,why is this place like this,train +60156,60157,60157,suʼelinay tu sanay kaku,and I recognize it all,train +60157,60158,60158,a wa,No,train +60158,60159,60159,waneng1,honey,train +60159,60160,60160,yu maurathu cangra i fahal sa a ira ku matdiay ku riku a tatusaay a tamdaw a tumireng i tatihi nangra,while they were wondering about this suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them,test +60160,60161,60161,wa wa,uh huh about or years about years now WOW,train +60161,60162,60162,misawad tu kaku hanaku ku niyam,so I resigned from the Governor,train +60162,60163,60163,Suedac han nu mita ku sauwac a macukacuk i lutuk,we climbed up the mountain against the flow of the stream,train +60163,60164,60164,pakani i satulun ni Hapakuk samaanay ku caˈuf ni Yihufa,what was the LORDs answer to Habakkuks prayer,train +60164,60165,60165,kakahad kiya tadawadaw,that riverbed is wide,train +60165,60166,60166,anini a mihecaan wa faedet i laluudan,will it be very hot in summer this year,train +60166,60167,60167,pakitangalen nu fafahian ku kapuwa a miradum hatira satu ku nikafana ita tu taneng nu tuas ita a misaatumu^,the image of an Amis woman carrying water on her head in a clay pot is a good example of how to trace the pottery of our ancestors,train +60167,60168,60168,ira u hanghang ni apa itiya ta itira kisu a mikuli,dad has friends there so you are doing hard labor there,train +60168,60169,60169,Nika pangta^ tu kasienawan,but the stream is shallow in winter,train +60169,60170,60170,misidateng ci ina tu sicekaay a cihin,Aunties picking out the spinach now,test +60170,60171,60171,awaay tu ku mama,Dads dead,train +60171,60172,60172,makaʼaraw nuya Tangabulan haw,what about the Kavalans,train +60172,60173,60173,mapatay tu kira matuʼasay haw i,when the elder passes away,train +60173,60174,60174,Ricaric han a pacamul tu cilah ku tafedu nu lalidec a kumaen,the young leaves of the rhizome are rubbed together with saltpeter and eaten,train +60174,60175,60175,maricaricay,kneaded,train +60175,60176,60176,Hater san kura wawa a paluen nu ina,the mom hit the kid and the kid was quiet and did not resist,train +60176,60177,60177,macakat ku tamdaw haw i,after the rescue,train +60177,60178,60178,cima ku miafalangay nu mita tina kasuy,who are we going to carry the firewood,train +60178,60179,60179,itiya i friw satu ku safalat Saka i matini kita a lumuwad saan cangra a ma^min Saka kakuy hantu nangra ku enur a pakalunan a mililis tu lawac nu Kriti,when a gentle south wind began to blow they thought they had obtained what they wanted so they weighed anchor and sailed along the shore of Crete,train +60179,60180,60180,mangalay kisu tu piyang haw,would you want some cookies,test +60180,60181,60181,ha sakairaaw nu hakakaenan,let us have food,train +60181,60182,60182,o maan a tusiyaan ku pikalican isu a tayni,what kind of car did you take,train +60182,60183,60183,i tira i pala maen tuku paheku,eating in the field,train +60183,60184,60184,wata ku hadhad itira kakahad cayhu katayra tu tayraay a minengneng i,Wow the dry land there is really wide and I have not even been there yet,train +60184,60185,60185,o pitieran ita Yis,Jesus is the object of our faith the one to be trusted,train +60185,60186,60186,mibuting tira ku micakayay caay pacakay i hiya i,fishers sell to buyers not to outsiders,train +60186,60187,60187,patatama tulasuwal kinanuk sakaku patinaku tu suwal tu nini ngangan nu niyaru nu maku,I am here to tell you the name of my native tribe,train +60187,60188,60188,u na pakungkungay tuninian i matengilay tu aku i,the man who told me this story,train +60188,60189,60189,mihadi^diay,patience,train +60189,60190,60190,Maanglis tu kura futing,that fish is no longer fresh,test +60190,60191,60191,a tifahaw aca,lonely,train +60191,60192,60192,ri mafana tu kisu i matini,now you know,train +60192,60193,60193,nihanan tu nu niyam,let us put it this way,train +60193,60194,60194,u mamaanay han kaku,what is it,train +60194,60195,60195,mapapaicep,Interdelivery of betel nut,train +60195,60196,60196,tamiyanan,we suffer,train +60196,60197,60197,Sei Lei,Holy Spirit,train +60197,60198,60198,kangudu tu matuasay,be respectful of the elderly,train +60198,60199,60199,ecu,push,train +60199,60200,60200,anuhatila,that is it,test +60200,60201,60201,arengeray,harsh,train +60201,60202,60202,pahiyaan nu niyam fakimen nu niyam,we will compensate and penalize,train +60202,60203,60203,Ciadecaway ku lutuk nu puseku,there is marble in the hills of Yuri,train +60203,60204,60204,atu ita,and us,train +60204,60205,60205,tu sasiʼayawen nu misu i hitay,what you face in the military,train +60205,60206,60206,o kaciherangan nu maku ci Mayaw mikaput i tamiyanan,Mayaws participation makes me feel very relieved,train +60206,60207,60207,kungyen,parks,train +60207,60208,60208,u nipatatudung tu a nipavavahi itakuwan,I am my rightfulmarried wife,train +60208,60209,60209,sapasifana a Cudad,reading Chinese masterpieces,train +60209,60210,60210,uni sa ku nikaenan nu faʼinay aku,that is what my husband eats,test +60210,60211,60211,u lalicayen han i ya i lumaʼay,the people we are talking to are from the homeland,train +60211,60212,60212,nemnem,spring,train +60212,60213,60213,Tahiratu i Kaysariya ku paka^faay a sufitay i pafli han nangra i mikumuday kuya tilid ta paturud hantu nangra i cingraan ci Pawlu,when the cavalry arrived in Caesarea they delivered the letter to the governor and handed Paul over to him,train +60213,60214,60214,hay tataak ku vatikar,Yeah that bikes pretty big,train +60214,60215,60215,fana,know,train +60215,60216,60216,malinah kunian nani tiniay a sakatusa nu malinahay salawinawina i,clans move here and there,train +60216,60217,60217,Falud han nura kapah ku kasuy a patalaluma nura kaulahan nira a kay^ing,the young man bundled the wood and sent it to the house of the girl he liked,train +60217,60218,60218,ita ta,let us do it,train +60218,60219,60219,Sakakemaen tu epah sananay,wine drinking,train +60219,60220,60220,Akaa tataang ku urad i paputal,I cannot it is pouring outside,test +60220,60221,60221,pawalien,re tanning,train +60221,60222,60222,maharatengay nu maku i,here is what comes to mind,train +60222,60223,60223,dengan tu kisu ku cuka pikihatiya yu,you are the only one who did not show up,train +60223,60224,60224,cinuwas kita,we will go our separate ways,train +60224,60225,60225,maanen han nira kaku ha ha ha ha,I thought to myself How the hell do you pronounce that ha ha ha ha ha,train +60225,60226,60226,nika tayni tusa tayni tulu sepat mihecaan i ruma tu awaay tu ku,the next year the third year and the fourth year were different because the construction company was gone,train +60226,60227,60227,Satukinikinih han nu faliyus kami,the storm was violent against us,train +60227,60228,60228,limaw,free time,train +60228,60229,60229,tiya celiʼen tu na miceliʼay i,start shouting that which is calling,train +60229,60230,60230,pakawananen,to guide,test +60230,60231,60231,ya ngaʼay ku aru aku ikur,after Reconstruction,train +60231,60232,60232,yu pisakalafiantu i tayra i ci Yisan ku nisawawaan ningra a sumuwal O kuhkuhan kunini Sakatumanantu ku rumiad Saka paliwasaken ku finawlan a papicakay i ngataay a niyaru tu kakaenen nu paytmek nangra han nangra,as evening approached the disciples came to him and said This is a remote place and it is already getting late send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food,train +60232,60233,60233,Pangcah tu,the Amis brother,train +60233,60234,60234,ira kura alu,there is a river,train +60234,60235,60235,kalaluk,diligent,train +60235,60236,60236,caay tu picakay tu sapisulac tu wadis,I do not even have to buy a toothbrush,train +60236,60237,60237,u nisangaʼan tu tanim mahaenay u cadiway,fishing gear made like triangular nets,train +60237,60238,60238,masamatiraay,that is it,train +60238,60239,60239,naway saan ci Vavuy Liyal,the whales say absolutely not,train +60239,60240,60240,atu anca u kapah nipivetik,various rituals of the,test +60240,60241,60241,Ngaay pacaliwen kaku tu sasipasip,can I borrow your eraser,train +60241,60242,60242,iraay tu ku epah,there is wine for sale,train +60242,60243,60243,Madimukus nu Kawas ku hekal tahatulas,God rules the world forever,train +60243,60244,60244,caay ka fangcal ku aku i hu,I did not do well in elementary school,train +60244,60245,60245,a kura a teluc nu matuʼasay ku mifacuʼay tura luma,the youngest of the elders will be the foundation,train +60245,60246,60246,anu iraay ku sela,However if there is a free file,train +60246,60247,60247,ku wawa tu nisangan nu ina,Kids mom made this,train +60247,60248,60248,i sakaenem,on the sixth floor,train +60248,60249,60249,lima caur ku dafung nangra,they have five trillion dollars of property,train +60249,60250,60250,hanen sa a macakat kini kiwkay isaw,that is how the church grew,test +60250,60251,60251,kacikucu,shoes,train +60251,60252,60252,halafin i lumahad tu ciira u satataangay nu kaludateng a ma^min Tataang ku caang nira Saka tayra ku ma^feray a ayam a padipung i caang niira a mikilidung saan,yet when planted it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade,train +60252,60253,60253,ngangasawan ira salawina ira i,relatives and family members have agreed,train +60253,60254,60254,nu kaitian kaitinian nuna kahufucan aku saan kura ama aku tamiyan a pasuwal,that is what my grand mom told us when I was born,train +60254,60255,60255,o piparayarayan nu kapah anini,this is the time when the youths come back in formation,train +60255,60256,60256,cuda haca saan,continue your studies,train +60256,60257,60257,fafahiyan fafahi,female,train +60257,60258,60258,a remadiw sa kisu paw,you said you wanted to sing,train +60258,60259,60259,mahapinang ni Yis ku nika u pisafana nangra kunini suwal sa Nawiru sapisafitan kamu i Takuwanan Pataynien ku ccay a tinali a patiri i Takuwanan han ningra,should we pay or should not we but Jesus knew their hypocrisy Why are you trying to trap me he asked Bring me a denarius and let me look at it,train +60259,60260,60260,usiwngac,spring Festival,test +60260,60261,60261,Pakacyiyun kisu a tayni i luma aku hacuwa^ ka halafin,how long did it take you to come to my house by subway,train +60261,60262,60262,Misaanekak kura wawa a pangiha,the boy learns like a crow cawing,train +60262,60263,60263,macuwacuwaay itiya,all sorts of things you can think of,train +60263,60264,60264,maherek tu misaʼanip tiya ira ku lipahak,the fun starts when the seedlings are ready,train +60264,60265,60265,u mikutangay tu kaciki,it is a dart boat,train +60265,60266,60266,Orasaka aka ka rawraw ku falucu namu tu sakicila o sakicila i anucila a miharateng o nika ruray tu ccay a rumiad i pa^deng han tuya rumiad,therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own,train +60266,60267,60267,cukimisay han aca,year of Abundance Festival,train +60267,60268,60268,paadien,it will make Potpourri,train +60268,60269,60269,Saepi,refreshing,train +60269,60270,60270,hay i,Yeah,test +60270,60271,60271,saluma kaku tiya sulafu anini a luma i halimisaluma satu finawlan,after I built my house the tribe built theirs after I built theirs,train +60271,60272,60272,ya mama,that is my dad,train +60272,60273,60273,Na tanamen kuni,try this one,train +60273,60274,60274,nga panukayen niyam,and then we will take it home,train +60274,60275,60275,Paaceren nu Ripun i ayaw i takaraway a lutuk,in the past the Japanese constructed dams on high mountains,train +60275,60276,60276,tatulu ku fafahiyan a kaka nu maku,I have three sisters,train +60276,60277,60277,tahira uraan tu,and then after that,train +60277,60278,60278,o maisafay tu nu maku ku hana i pahanaan,I have already thinned out the flowers in my garden,train +60278,60279,60279,nu,yes,train +60279,60280,60280,naayaw awaay ku tavi maanen haw,what do you do when you do not have the tools to plow a field,test +60280,60281,60281,Makutem ku rumiad anini,it is cloudy today,train +60281,60282,60282,ci Cakay ku ngangan niira,his name is Cakay,train +60282,60283,60283,awaay ku riku ira tiku sataʼangayay kisu i,he is got no clothes you are the biggest man alive,train +60283,60284,60284,pihumung kisuwanan i,about your life history,train +60284,60285,60285,o hiya u sinafel u mahaenay kina demak i tini,worship shows respect,train +60285,60286,60286,nawhani cipaysuay ku Amis sa padangen aku ku Amis miʼaca cangra tu,because the Aborigines have money and I help them with their insurance,train +60286,60287,60287,a siruma haw anu awaay kaku,it is okay if it is not me,train +60287,60288,60288,Masukapah tu a tu Ripun,we have made up with the Japanese,train +60288,60289,60289,itiraay i katimul nu Cungaw Tayan kinian saniyaru kamansa u siicelay a finacadan i katimul han nu mikingkiway a pangangan,because they are located in the southern part of the northern part of the Atayal group they are relatively called Nansei Ami,train +60289,60290,60290,taʼisan huhay u,you will have to stitch it up So Whoa,test +60290,60291,60291,mipatirengay cangra tu luma anini,they are building a house right now,train +60291,60292,60292,ni niyan ni Maʼuwid,Malverde said that,train +60292,60293,60293,Misarumiad ciira a mitiri tu cudad,he spends his days reading books,train +60293,60294,60294,Karaekur ciira a mafuti,he snores a lot in his sleep,train +60294,60295,60295,i rengurengusan kami a kumaen tu ^pang mapaedil nu cidal ku tatirengan tada dihekuay,we ate bread on the grass the sun was shining on us and it was very warm,train +60295,60296,60296,sapiedaw,witchcraft appliance,train +60296,60297,60297,saci etan satu itiyahu macakat tu ku macakatay,later on I made some money and my life got better and better,train +60297,60298,60298,pakalemed,pray for blessings,train +60298,60299,60299,ira a makakutakutay ku mikieciway,songs and dances alternate through the age groups,train +60299,60300,60300,o sumpu nu tireng,it is a personalized accessory,test +60300,60301,60301,fangcal macidalay,very well out of the big sun,train +60301,60302,60302,ha a taynien a tumuk,Ah just let him come boss,train +60302,60303,60303,tuna mahaen ku katanektek nu falucu aku a pasulin saka misahalaka kaku i saayaw tu sakatayraaw aku i tamuwanan a milisu ta matungal ku lipahak namu a malmed,as you have understood us in part you will come to understand fully that you can boast of us just as we will boast of you in the day of the Lord Jesus,train +60303,60304,60304,hai mahaen mapela kiya niyam,Right ours also cracked,train +60304,60305,60305,liliden nuniyam tiya fakici macukacuk tayraw tini palanan miradum kami,we went to the field with buckets to get water,train +60305,60306,60306,latek caay ka cipuhal cangra caka pakayni tuni mipurudan nangra,maybe they are not smart enough or they have learned from the tangled threads,train +60306,60307,60307,pakidem,seriousness,train +60307,60308,60308,aray han aku ku piladaisu,thanks again for the interview,train +60308,60309,60309,padamsuan tu tipus kiyami iʼayaw,it used to be a place to pay taxes,train +60309,60310,60310,mahaenay tu kuya nu ikuray,that is the way it is going to be,test +60310,60311,60311,awaay tu mxera ira ku sapi sanukay a lalan,cannot find my way home anymore,train +60311,60312,60312,itiya u finawlan u widang nira ira tu sa,in addition to the tribesmen there were also his companions,train +60312,60313,60313,Hay ahuwiday singsi,got it thank you teacher,train +60313,60314,60314,itiya i ira i Yirusalim ci Simiyun hananay a tamdaw o mu^celay ku falucu u malalukay a mituur tu Kawas cingra o hinatalaay cingra tu papaurip tu Israil o mikaputay ku Fangcalay Adingu i cingraan,now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon who was righteous and devout he was waiting for the consolation of Israel and the Holy Spirit was upon him,train +60314,60315,60315,tahanini itiya tu,from then until now,train +60315,60316,60316,u ruma satu ci ama aku haw i,and my dad,train +60316,60317,60317,pacaliwen kaku,can I borrow it,train +60317,60318,60318,ira aca ku nipasisi tu vavuy,you must be in the habit of giving away pigs,train +60318,60319,60319,u mananmanan ku cumpien,So what do you need,train +60319,60320,60320,naciwpucetawsenaike lahuk,then I do not know which one La Hougue,test +60320,60321,60321,misatarin ku vavahi,women build ridges,train +60321,60322,60322,awaʼay tuku pialaʼan tu rengus,there is no place to get grass,train +60322,60323,60323,minaang,de inventory,train +60323,60324,60324,heni,Him her,train +60324,60325,60325,adada ku punu nu maku,my head hurts,train +60325,60326,60326,ku wawa taluma,the kid came home,train +60326,60327,60327,patayra han nira kiya u sisi u lilam nu heni tira i fafahi,men distribute fish to family members in the field,train +60327,60328,60328,widangidang,friend,train +60328,60329,60329,i fatad nu lalan talakamayian ci Kacaw mapawan niira ku weysengce,on the way Kacaw wanted to go to the bathroom but he forgot to bring toilet paper,train +60329,60330,60330,yu mafana ci Pilatu tu nika u makuwanay ni Hiruti ku niyaru ni Yis i patayraen ningra ci Yis i ci Hirutian nawhani ira i Yirusalim ci Hiruti itiya,when he learned that Jesus was under Herods jurisdiction he sent him to Herod who was also in Jerusalem at that time,test +60330,60331,60331,padangan,Help assistance,train +60331,60332,60332,tayran i Feyliping itiya ku tataan na Hwansinfu kami ri,Huang Xinfu took us to the Philippines,train +60332,60333,60333,kuna,this one,train +60333,60334,60334,mimaan a miiyuy ciiraan,what is he doing,train +60334,60335,60335,i ka i ka kaʼayaw nu niyam a lumuwad tu papacem,and all of them arrived at work before we did,train +60335,60336,60336,maedeng u kalitusa^ nuya tamdaw ku i niyaruay,about half of them are in the tribe,train +60336,60337,60337,nu mita a tudung kirana tayal,that job is ours,train +60337,60338,60338,awaay itira ku fuefu niyam u pacemut ku sapifuting niyam,we do not have any fish traps there so we catch fish with a fishing rod,train +60338,60339,60339,kukuku tututu miyaw,calling,train +60339,60340,60340,semsem han nu matuasay akemaen,that is why old people eat them raw,test +60340,60341,60341,a maeminaw tu nu tau,I am worried about being photographed,train +60341,60342,60342,kisu tu hana han aku ci Wangcenfa,I will just tell Wang Chengfa that you are coming,train +60342,60343,60343,kumaenay kaku tu uciya tu rumiʼamiʼad,I drink tea every day,train +60343,60344,60344,nika tu cecay a rumiʼad aluman manengnengay aku a salikaka minukay,one day I saw a lot of brothers and sisters,train +60344,60345,60345,hiku,newly opened land,train +60345,60346,60346,anini sa i ma tu malakuhecalay tu,now it has mutated and is gradually turning white,train +60346,60347,60347,aci ama aku,my father also speaks Kavalan,train +60347,60348,60348,nay tini i Rinahem milihay ma kiya babakian,that Grandpa attends a service at Shoushan Church,train +60348,60349,60349,mimaan itini a maru ku wawa,why are the kids here,train +60349,60350,60350,caciyaw nu niyaru nu mita,local dialects,test +60350,60351,60351,i tatavukuwan nu Ripun,tobacco factories in Japan,train +60351,60352,60352,maaletay,impeded,train +60352,60353,60353,pa^pa^,water ladle,train +60353,60354,60354,Kawraan anu pakayniay katuled isu a sawad saan mihudup ci Yihufaan wa kahenay mahapinang isu edengan u salikaka i kasakupang atu Krisciyang a wama wina isu ku suˈlinay a maulah tisuwanan,However if you give up serving the Lord because you are discouraged you will soon realize that the people of this world do not care about you as much as your Christian parents and your brothers and sisters in the congregation do,train +60354,60355,60355,cecayen aca^ aku a micakay ka u faeluhay ku pafelien kaku,I will just buy one piece please give me a new one,train +60355,60356,60356,takarakaran nu Kaingku kira,because Hualien is tall,train +60356,60357,60357,salikaka^,siblings,train +60357,60358,60358,naayayaway a tamdaw kiyami,Formerly,train +60358,60359,60359,tuwasu,rope,train +60359,60360,60360,hai itiya hu,Yes at that time,test +60360,60361,60361,anu maharektu misaˈusi ikur ngaˈayay falicen han,can a Christian make a decision and then change it,train +60361,60362,60362,Caheni ku tireng nu maku i matini saka mililuc kaku,I am itchy right now so I am going to take a shower,train +60362,60363,60363,caka halafin masasuˈarawaytu kaku aci Walte Pulayte u saka 30 liyad nu Kiliyat a milakuwitay tu riyar cingra,shortly afterward I met Walter Bright who was the graduate of the Gillette school of missionary Evangelism,train +60363,60364,60364,macepa uyanan sanga hananay han,is it wet enough to do it,train +60364,60365,60365,i yay a mihcaan kaay ii yay a sucucan ku vaki nu maku,my grandson is about years old,train +60365,60366,60366,lalungucen nu maku tu maanan,I do not have any needs,train +60366,60367,60367,mikilim tu sakaʼurip,for a better life,train +60367,60368,60368,Angtul a saneken ku mapatayay a kakakaay,a dead toad smells like rotting flesh,train +60368,60369,60369,mecelen ku kamay,keep your hands straight,train +60369,60370,60370,Palacaleng han ni kaka ku fangas,my brother mistook a need tree for a pine tree,test +60370,60371,60371,mahrek ci Marta a sumuwal tunini i nukay satu cingra Hawhaw han ningra a sumuwal ku safa ningra ci Mariya Iratu ku Singsi Mitahidang Cingra i tisuwanan han ningra,and after she had said this she went back and called her sister Mary aside The teacher is here she said and is asking for you,train +60371,60372,60372,itini i Cupu,at national fellowship church,train +60372,60373,60373,micukang minukay tu kaku haw i,as a result I went out of the harbor and when I came back,train +60373,60374,60374,u akuma anini awaaytu ku maamaan,it is an evil spirit there is nothing left,train +60374,60375,60375,o sakafanaaw namu tu pakayniay i takuwanan atu dmak aku a ma^min saka ci Tikikus u sulinay ku falucu a matayalay tu nu Tapang a kakaulahan ita a salikaka ku papakafana i tamuwanan,Tychicus the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord will tell you everything so that you also may know how I am and what I am doing,train +60375,60376,60376,maedengay,able,train +60376,60377,60377,Nikawrira kamu u pakaaraway ku mata u pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw i u malmeday,but blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear,train +60377,60378,60378,itiraay hatatanglan hanay pasitira tura malataw hananay haw,the head will be resting in the direction of Maladao,train +60378,60379,60379,savangcalay,prettiest,train +60379,60380,60380,adihay ku nialaan ni ama tu funga^ tali^ lukiyu^ patalumaen sa i takuwanan,grandma brought me a lot of sweet potatoes taro and buckwheat and asked me to take them home,test +60380,60381,60381,mapetek ku ukak,suffer a fracture,train +60381,60382,60382,u wama nu maku kiya haw,where is my dad,train +60382,60383,60383,raritingen msun ku wikul nu kuyu,Samson tied the tails of Foxes together,train +60383,60384,60384,kalaanengang,use as a chair,train +60384,60385,60385,o caluwayan ku Safangcalay kadakawan i Taypak,the MRT is the best form of transportation in Taipei,train +60385,60386,60386,suwal sa Cingra Kawasaw u papalusiyang Kaku tu ngangan Isu i salikaka Aku O mamihmek kaku i Tisuwanan i kaayaw nu finawlan saan,he says I will declare your name to my brothers in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises,train +60386,60387,60387,itiya i mafana kita itini i pusung ku likis nu riyar i,I wish I knew the history of the Taitung east Coast,train +60387,60388,60388,mitaes ku raʼic i tiyad nu rarapa haw,the rope hit the cow in the stomach,train +60388,60389,60389,calay ku dingki kuni,this is the wire,train +60389,60390,60390,paur^ur,acquiescence,test +60390,60391,60391,pakacahcahen,catch,train +60391,60392,60392,Muetep ku mihecaan nu maku anini a mihecaan,I am years old,train +60392,60393,60393,hay kyasaw,Yes it does not melt easily,train +60393,60394,60394,anu sapanay tu i,or if you grow rice,train +60394,60395,60395,adihayen ku nikaenan ira ini ku adihayay,enjoy yourself there is a lot more,train +60395,60396,60396,lunen,earthquake,train +60396,60397,60397,iniyan haw airi,This uh oh,train +60397,60398,60398,sasisit,erasers,train +60398,60399,60399,fangcal ku matuʼasay a masaʼupu,this will make it easier to take care of the elders gatherings,train +60399,60400,60400,uta han ku mahiraay,it is called a misfire,test +60400,60401,60401,ta iraay tu ku harateng niyam tu,So we had the idea that,train +60401,60402,60402,Saka anu masamaamaanay kuya kakrikridan hananay a tamdaw i awaay ku sapafli nangra i takuwanan tu fa^luhay a saparatuh,as for those who seemed to be important whatever they were makes no difference to me God does not judge by external appearance those men added nothing to my message,train +60402,60403,60403,miafalaay,a man with a mission,train +60403,60404,60404,tenteng han kingkingking san,it makes a sound when you pull on it,train +60404,60405,60405,pawaneng tu hiya,sweet rice cake,train +60405,60406,60406,u tau pasuwal uniya ci simalay ku ngaʼayay kaʼenen sa haye,Some people say the fat part is the best part Yes,train +60406,60407,60407,anu hananay kimi haw,and the Thao,train +60407,60408,60408,o mituuray ku,follow,train +60408,60409,60409,paaresingen,spot something there is dew,train +60409,60410,60410,kaka nu maku tu vavahi,my sister,test +60410,60411,60411,u lawlalawla nu Pangcah haw,even the Aboriginal joke,train +60411,60412,60412,malalikid,Toyonen dance Festival,train +60412,60413,60413,ta cay pakadudu kaku tu kulung,it is hard to do both,train +60413,60414,60414,sulinlin sa a malapusak kina finawan yasa kiya falucu aku,Really I thought to myself that the tribe seemed to be scattered,train +60414,60415,60415,mucu hay ya mucu,it is the wall,train +60415,60416,60416,Puruhan tataang satu,it gets bigger when you roll it,train +60416,60417,60417,furafurayan,lass,train +60417,60418,60418,Sararima ku falucu aku anini,my heart is troubled at present,train +60418,60419,60419,sa ku celi nu mama nu kapah a mitaliyuk tu niyaru,the father of the youth is yelling around the tribe,train +60419,60420,60420,suwal sa cangra Tapangaw mitatuyay kuya tamdaw tu mu^tep a mina a paysu han nangra,Sir they said he already has ten,test +60420,60421,60421,angpaw,a bonus payment,train +60421,60422,60422,mitilid tu kamu saku wina atu mama rumuwadtu kami,mom and dad say Wake up and get ready for school,train +60422,60423,60423,pidiput nu maku tu niyaru,leader to lead the tribe,train +60423,60424,60424,kaitira ku ngaʼayay mitadiet tu Taylin san,it is better to stay there near the police,train +60424,60425,60425,ira ku paliding sapinukay,do you have a car to go back to your hometown,train +60425,60426,60426,facal tu ku nanum maemin,the water is very clean now,train +60426,60427,60427,tayraʼay kaku i Cirakesay,I went to the camphor tree in Shiodome,train +60427,60428,60428,tipus,grain,train +60428,60429,60429,minanam kaku,I am learning,train +60429,60430,60430,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u pasulinay i takuwanan a tamdaw i ciurip tu midaucay,I tell you the truth he who believes has everlasting life,test +60430,60431,60431,wikul,tail,train +60431,60432,60432,pipaliwalan,Hawking area,train +60432,60433,60433,mahiniyay a likec nu Pangcah nanu tuas nu mita a paini manay vangcal ku niyarunu mita,these are the traditional laws of nature which is why the Amis tribe is peaceful,train +60433,60434,60434,matahidang kami a mikaput,we were invited to participate,train +60434,60435,60435,wawa^,kid,train +60435,60436,60436,mafana ira hu manengneng ta hakiya awaay tu awaay tu ku tefus i awaay tu oh,cannot find it I cannot find it the cane is gone and so is this,train +60436,60437,60437,tingas,something stuck in your teeth,train +60437,60438,60438,misarihungay,cooked red beans,train +60438,60439,60439,kareteng,heavy,train +60439,60440,60440,Rumakat tiru i tungruh nu nanum,Peter walked on the surface of the water,test +60440,60441,60441,o tamuhung nu fayifahi kiraan,that is a girls hat,train +60441,60442,60442,o kaulahan nu kapukaput nu misu,being liked by your peers,train +60442,60443,60443,talaumah kita a minengneng tu nipalumaan ita a ariray iraay ku kakunah udal kapinaun tu yu,we are going to see the corn we grow in the fields but you need to be aware of the ants and bees,train +60443,60444,60444,maluluay,Purple,train +60444,60445,60445,suwal sa kuya tatusaay Pasulinen ku Tapang a Yis ta mapaurip kisu atu paru nu luma isu han nangra,they replied Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved you and your household,train +60445,60446,60446,Mamecelay kaku mangaay aca a sikasasuwal kalawkaw ku demak,I am an outgoing personality good at communication and I move quickly,train +60446,60447,60447,tawa hiyaan nu maku tukilic i lalavu,then I put hemp rope in it,train +60447,60448,60448,malahitay tu ku wawa niyam saan,inform your children that they are going to be enlisted in the army,train +60448,60449,60449,Orasaka namatngil niyam ku pakayniay i tamuwanan a dmak i mararid kami a mitulun tu saki tamuwanan nanay mapafli nu Kawas kamu tu nanu Fangcalay Adingu a masamaamaanay a taneng atu sakafana ta ma^deng a mihapinang tu nafalucuan ningra,for this reason since the day we heard about you we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding,train +60449,60450,60450,i ayaw nu pipasadak ni Hiruti ci Pitiruan tu ccay a dadaya i mapalit ci Pitiru tu tusa a lunayi a mafuti i laed nu tatusaay a mikifiay a tayring ira ku ruma a mikifiay a tayring i fawahan nu pirufuan,the night before Herod was to bring him to trial Peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains and sentries stood guard at the entrance,test +60450,60451,60451,Pakamaan kisu a tala Futud,how are you going to get to Orchid Island,train +60451,60452,60452,o Yincumin kamu haw,are you aboriginals,train +60452,60453,60453,anu suʼelin naku miharateng kiya,it really makes me think about the old days,train +60453,60454,60454,Ira ku ccay a cidafungay a tamdaw Ciriku cingra tu makapahay a riku mararid tu rumiamiad a maacang a patahtah ku urip ningra,There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day,train +60454,60455,60455,Ahuwiday makasalang kuna lusay,thank you this fruit is so juicy,train +60455,60456,60456,Nikawrira acaen nunini a tamdaw tu nanu lifun nu tatiihay a dmak ningra ku ccay a umah itira cingra a macuis a matfad maftas ku tiyad ningra masadak ku tinai ningra a ma^min,With the reward he got for his wickedness Judas bought a field there he fell headlong his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out,train +60456,60457,60457,ca ka halabin kaku itini kiyami,I have not been here for a long time,train +60457,60458,60458,pakaala kisu tu icifang ciicelay tu kisu,Congratulations on getting first place you are amazing,train +60458,60459,60459,hay mikawit tu kina cay kalalalepul,Yes so they do not get tangled up,train +60459,60460,60460,namahaen i mavana tu sivalucu tayra tu mikuli,that is it I will think about it and go to work,test +60460,60461,60461,Orasaka milunguc kaku i tamuwanan tu sapipahapinangaw namu tu nika ulah namu i cingraan,I urge you therefore to reaffirm your love for him,train +60461,60462,60462,maʼemin tayni i Cirakesay hay hay,all of them moved to Kirakosai Yes sir,train +60462,60463,60463,namahaen kinanaan a hiya,here is what happened,train +60463,60464,60464,hay i,I did not buy it,train +60464,60465,60465,mafukil tu misanga tu tafukud,I do not know how to make a gossip website,train +60465,60466,60466,initu kaku mama tayni kaku milicay kaku,the chief told the elders why I was here,train +60466,60467,60467,o sapipulinan kaku tu kilang,I would love for the tree to fall,train +60467,60468,60468,tahidangen,invite,train +60468,60469,60469,ya ciwlu nu itiraay Paʼilasen,elders in Fuyuan,train +60469,60470,60470,tira haca ku kacelian,this is another reason for quarrels,test +60470,60471,60471,u kalikiay a mimacakat i cifaran i,safest,train +60471,60472,60472,hay u maan ku ngaʼayay,so effective,train +60472,60473,60473,talulung ku nanum nu alu tu kaciherangan,the Creek is very deep in the summer,train +60473,60474,60474,hay tayra i Kilung,I am sending it to Keelung,train +60474,60475,60475,u rumaay tu kuku maan kura hananay,we have got different tools for the job,train +60475,60476,60476,tutuk han tahira tira kangaʼayan kanga,just keep hammering until you get it right,train +60476,60477,60477,adihay ku demak nu a,very much so,train +60477,60478,60478,heci^1,fruit,train +60478,60479,60479,naay,will not,train +60479,60480,60480,Malakumuing kaku anu taangay tu,I want to be a civil servant when I grow up,test +60480,60481,60481,lumalumaan,go from house to house,train +60481,60482,60482,matalaw kita tiraan u Kawas sa,we are terrified that he will become the devil,train +60482,60483,60483,matalaw tu Hulam tu kaʼarawan,I am afraid of being seen by the Han people,train +60483,60484,60484,herek nu lahuk i talapadatengan kami a midateng,after lunch we went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables,train +60484,60485,60485,pakangala,crevice,train +60485,60486,60486,o mifalahay tu wawa nu Kawas i u mafukilay ci Wamaan o pitieran aku ku wawa nu Kawas sanay a tamdaw i u mafanaay ci Wamaan,who is the liar it is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ such a man is the antichrist he denies the father and the Son,train +60486,60487,60487,matuas tu kaku kuyuden tu aku ku fucul atu pana a mihakelung ci amaan a miadup,in order to go hunting with adults as soon as possible I practiced making traps every day and soon my traps can really catch prey,train +60487,60488,60488,anu caka hanen haw,if not,train +60488,60489,60489,ayaw tu kisu a tayra kilim han tu aku kisu anu huni,you go first and I will catch up later,train +60489,60490,60490,masulut,attracted,test +60490,60491,60491,kami ira ku saʼemuan nu mita iʼayaw hay,in the old days did we make any pastries,train +60491,60492,60492,kini,not until,train +60492,60493,60493,ringu,fire roasting,train +60493,60494,60494,turuaw,I will be blamed,train +60494,60495,60495,saka urip nu niyam,for our living expenses,train +60495,60496,60496,taraay i iya falu ku tuki nukayay kaku,I was home by almost,train +60496,60497,60497,cacay a tatukiyan,one hour,train +60497,60498,60498,mangaay,good,train +60498,60499,60499,o maakikay nu cidal a maemin kura nipalumaan nu maku a hana,the flowers I planted were all dried up by the sun,train +60499,60500,60500,maedeng tu palimuut papitengil tu suwal nu makakaay malaluk a matayal maherek pakimad u malepunay tu tudungay tu u micumuday tu sasafaay nu kapah malapakarungay nu miafatay,after completing the training you have entered the lowest level of the youth group Sasafaay no kaph and become a pakarongay miafatay,test +60500,60501,60501,22 tiˈeren ku ˈaˈideman ita ci Kristu,trusting Christ our leader,train +60501,60502,60502,anu madingac aca a matafal,slip and fall,train +60502,60503,60503,mi,it is a second victimization of the Aboriginals,train +60503,60504,60504,tahira sa tu i lutuk i,when we get to the mountain,train +60504,60505,60505,Pakafanaen nu singsi kamu tu ngangan nu pinalengaw anini,I will teach everyone all kinds of plants in Pangcah language today,train +60505,60506,60506,hai han ku suwal nira,just agree with her,train +60506,60507,60507,itiya i masaupu ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu kalas nu niyaru i putal nu luma ni Kayafas u sakakaay a citudungay tu taung,then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the palace of the high priest whose name was Caiaphas,train +60507,60508,60508,sapakaen tu matayalay,for the people at work,train +60508,60509,60509,mananamay tu siwawaay tu ci ama aku itiya ta,at that time I knew that my father had a child,train +60509,60510,60510,awaay ku payci,no money,test +60510,60511,60511,caay kafana cangra,they do not even know who it is,train +60511,60512,60512,anu tamdawen ca paka raecus,if you do it manually it is no good,train +60512,60513,60513,fesu,grotto,train +60513,60514,60514,malingad i lutuk masalafii milafin itira,they have to go to the mountains every day to plow and even sleep in the open,train +60514,60515,60515,ka u nu misa Kristuay a ulah ku sakacacucup namu a malalicalicay Nanay rihaday kamu u mituuray ci Kristuan a ma^min,greet one another with a kiss of love peace to all of you who are in Christ,train +60515,60516,60516,yanu pakalicanhu tu panay a fuliciw kaikur yanu iraay ku tipid,it is the one with the tray in the back to carry the rice,train +60516,60517,60517,sunasuna u wawa nu mita tya mafana cangra,it is our children and grandchildren who will understand,train +60517,60518,60518,miliyaw cingra ci fainay,because of my mothers remarriage,train +60518,60519,60519,o pakimaday a tamdaw i ka u suwal nu Kawas ku sasuwalen o matayalay a tamdaw i ka u nipaflian nu Kawas a icel ku sakatayal ta pakayni i ci Yis Kristuan a mapahmek ku Kawas i masamaamaanay a dmak nawhani u cidilay u ciicelay cingra a tahadauc Amin,if anyone speaks he should do it as one speaking the very words of God if anyone serves he should do it with the strength God provides so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ to him be the glory and the power for ever and ever Amen,train +60519,60520,60520,kangalayan isu,your favorite flavor,test +60520,60521,60521,ya lawas kiya tiedaway kiya ulungan tu nu niyam kuriraan,we all carried long bamboo jugs with us,train +60521,60522,60522,mahiya aca ku balucu aku itiya,I was in the mood for that,train +60522,60523,60523,Miduedu tu rakat nu fulad ku kerah atu pilenu ku nanum nuni tefun nu fulad urasaka tefun nu fulad han anca tepung nu fulad han a pangangan,the water in the cave rises and falls with the moons waxing and waning which is why it is called a moon cave or a moon well,train +60523,60524,60524,tamdawen ma mimageymagey,turn it by hand,train +60524,60525,60525,mitaelif,going through,train +60525,60526,60526,itini i a eresen ita i kaput ita i pakayif ita,how we can be stylish at class events or celebrations,train +60526,60527,60527,hinatakaway,habitual thief,train +60527,60528,60528,itiya i u mamaaraw i kakarayan ku kacipinangan tu nipiliyaw nuya wawa nu tamdaw a tayni ta u tatumangic a ma^min ku kasafinacadan nu hkal o mamaaraw nangra ku nika u tadaciicelay u cidilay kuya wawa nu tamdaw a pakatuem a tayni nai kakarayan,At that time the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky and all the nations of the earth will mourn they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory,train +60528,60529,60529,tuni a pisangaay nu malitengay tuni a cufu ita,it is time for the elders to make pottery,train +60529,60530,60530,u tatukem,it is lobelia,test +60530,60531,60531,alaen ni apa ku lipida isu kacyang sa,dad still took your money,train +60531,60532,60532,cawang,split,train +60532,60533,60533,saʼayaw kami pakaʼaraw haenen a mipaluma,it is the first time I have seen farming done this way,train +60533,60534,60534,o nafalucuan nu Kawas ku nidu^duan ningra a patatudung a pafli tu masasirumarumaay a tatirengan i kahaccaccay nu sapaluma,but God gives it a body as he has determined and to each kind of seed he gives its own body,train +60534,60535,60535,ta Paceken nangra ci Yis i ciwcika ta mararitus haca cangra a misakilac tu riku ningra,when they had crucified him they divided up his clothes by casting lots,train +60535,60536,60536,suwasuwalen aca,I am sure I will,train +60536,60537,60537,facal kaenen ku teluc nira matiya unian,the tender hearts in the middle are delicious like this one,train +60537,60538,60538,titanan,we are,train +60538,60539,60539,lavii,night,train +60539,60540,60540,matefad ku nisekingan aku tu ninian a salifet,I failed this exam,test +60540,60541,60541,pakayni tu nika piliyaw ningra a maurip nai patay a caay ku mamapatay a dmak i suwal sa ku Kawas O papaflien Aku kamu tu nanu nisuwalan Aku ci Tafitian a fangcalay a karahkeran a mikumi saan,the fact that God raised him from the dead never to decay is stated in these words I will give you the Holy and sure blessings promised to David,train +60541,60542,60542,o pinangan nu Pangcah a makeru,dancing is an Aboriginal character,train +60542,60543,60543,marangatay tu pahavayan aku tu ayam naayaw,this is where I used to raise my chickens,train +60543,60544,60544,aya mahanay saca ku anekak pasifana tu nikaumahaenay sa,Oh so the crows are just telling the neighborhood that there is such a thing,train +60544,60545,60545,o misaafelay ku tayal nu tuas niyam i ayaw,our ancestors used to be charcoal makers,train +60545,60546,60546,mansa,the reason why,train +60546,60547,60547,nipalecapu,congregate,train +60547,60548,60548,pina a lufuc ku acaen isu,how many packs do you want to buy,train +60548,60549,60549,malaafih,turned into bran powder,train +60549,60550,60550,sa mifariw ku kapah,and the fights the past lives,test +60550,60551,60551,terekusaw,stay,train +60551,60552,60552,anu maputun i akaway,if that breaks off that stem,train +60552,60553,60553,i samanen maala niyam,I have got it but what do I do with it,train +60553,60554,60554,pakataniktikay tu tireng nu mita,to keep us healthy,train +60554,60555,60555,Timutiaw matu suwal nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas i ayaw tu pakayniay i tisuwanan u wawa aku ku pipalimuut aku i tisuwanan Kaunini a suwal ku malulalusidan isu a miluud,Timothy my son I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you so that by following them you may fight the good fight,train +60555,60556,60556,Mafana kamu tu nika pades niyam i ayaw a mapakangudu itira i Filipi anu iraira ku paculiay i tamiyanan i mapaicel nu Kawas kami Saka caay paska kami a pasuwal i tamuwanan tu Ngaayay Ratuh nu Kawas,we had previously suffered and been insulted in Philippi as you know but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in spite of strong opposition,train +60556,60557,60557,aka haenen ku Pangcah a mikariʼang,please do not treat the indigenous people so badly,train +60557,60558,60558,saka tahira tu itini cingra ma alul itu cingra i nanum,he was drowning in the water,train +60558,60559,60559,miteli tu tuya mipulungan a talud,let us start laying out the tied grass,train +60559,60560,60560,pitaw ami kita a matayal,I am working hard with this hoe,test +60560,60561,60561,Sulimeten ku tasalamaan,put your toy away,train +60561,60562,60562,cecay ku safa atu fahifahi,a brother and his wife,train +60562,60563,60563,o papaflien aku kisu tu safawah nu Kitakit nu Kawas Saka u nimetan isu i hkal i u mamamettu i kakarayan o nihaydaan isu i hkal i u mamahaydatu i kakarayan han ningra,I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven,train +60563,60564,60564,anini satu kaemangay,young people nowadays,train +60564,60565,60565,cima kura wawa,who is that kid,train +60565,60566,60566,u ukak nira,it is a rhizome,train +60566,60567,60567,u maan ku viyuk,what is a bamboo flute,train +60567,60568,60568,pacakay satu NT san hatini niyan NT tu,it will cost you bucks to sell this pack,train +60568,60569,60569,mamaanay hakiya saan amin ku heni,they all think it is amazing,train +60569,60570,60570,ca ka macuwa ku urip nira i ayaw,he used to come from a bad family,test +60570,60571,60571,misa kuli kiya luma,go help the maid,train +60571,60572,60572,maherek tu ku demak nu mita,our work is done,train +60572,60573,60573,Orasaka kasasipatalahkal kamu tu raraw Kasasitulun kamu ta maadah ku adada namu Tadaciicel ku pitulun nu mu^celay a tamdaw,therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective,train +60573,60574,60574,u uway ya misangaan a uway,use yellow rattan to make rope,train +60574,60575,60575,i fatad nu lalan kaenihay ci Kacaw nikawrira matawal ningra ku sailus,on the way Kacaw wanted to go to the bathroom but he forgot to bring toilet paper,train +60575,60576,60576,u nirakatan nu fafuy kuni a lalan,this is the road the boar took,train +60576,60577,60577,papitu kami kira,we have seven,train +60577,60578,60578,nuni,just use half,train +60578,60579,60579,ta macakat kaku,I am going up,train +60579,60580,60580,maatipilay,flattened,test +60580,60581,60581,adidi,fine,train +60581,60582,60582,icang,dry,train +60582,60583,60583,unu mita u Pangcah anu Punun,our Amis and our Bunun,train +60583,60584,60584,mafalic tu u wacu kita,we have changed our name to Dog,train +60584,60585,60585,sananay,opinion,train +60585,60586,60586,Saum akakasaan kamu tu nanum a mililuc,do not waste water when you take a bath,train +60586,60587,60587,Piunduankayan nu picudadan anini rumiad mipaluwad ku picudadan tu adihayay a salifet,today was the schools sports day and the school organized many competitions,train +60587,60588,60588,naw han i u hananay i,but what is culture,train +60588,60589,60589,maharateng,think of,train +60589,60590,60590,tanektek ku tireng nira,his health is good,test +60590,60591,60591,Mirumut cingra tu rumakatan nu alu,he made a small exit for the water from the stream,train +60591,60592,60592,Hay papacem aca,Yes but only in the morning,train +60592,60593,60593,mipatirengay tu luma nu tau,I have built a lot of other peoples houses,train +60593,60594,60594,cepu,downstream,train +60594,60595,60595,safaduwacen,Imaging ribs,train +60595,60596,60596,a caay tu kiyukay i laenu saan,Oh it is not a church down here,train +60596,60597,60597,u tamdaw nu luma nu niyam lalima,there are five people in our family,train +60597,60598,60598,ney ku nicudadan aku kaka han naku,I told my sister that I wrote it here,train +60598,60599,60599,ini i salili,put in the rice container,train +60599,60600,60600,nanu tayring aca ma mafana ira ku fingtu faku eng,you are a former cop so you know about the lunch boxes right,test +60600,60601,60601,anu ira aca ku radiw iri remadiw aca kaku,if there is more then I will sing again,train +60601,60602,60602,mimaan saw kita a tayira,what are we going to do there,train +60602,60603,60603,miceduk i lutuklutuk i,hunting in the mountains,train +60603,60604,60604,kapah tu kami sa yaratu,we are fine we are leaving,train +60604,60605,60605,pasuwalan ningra kaku,and he said to me,train +60605,60606,60606,o niuwidan nu maku kira fukeluh a mipasadak,I dug that stone out with an iron bar,train +60606,60607,60607,i lyenpu,company,train +60607,60608,60608,awa ku wawa ira,they do not have children,train +60608,60609,60609,miawaway,barking,train +60609,60610,60610,anu kuʼedawen isu maʼiyak ku diyung saan,if it is too long the pig will choke on it,test +60610,60611,60611,kasalaed,middle,train +60611,60612,60612,o saka ira nu dayhiw nu kalufinacadan atu Tangafulan i u nikalecad nu falucu nu niyaru ku tapang,the election of tribal representatives including for the Pingpu ethnic group will take as basis the consensus of peoples and tribes,train +60612,60613,60613,tuwa iri i aayaw nu niyan,on the Eve of Harvest,train +60613,60614,60614,i lalabu cira a patatules,he is connected in there too,train +60614,60615,60615,tiyahu ku urip nu maku,I used to live my life,train +60615,60616,60616,pabeli satu a sera,giving peeing of land,train +60616,60617,60617,Tataang kisu reken aka kasaan i takuwanan,you are too big do not hold me down,train +60617,60618,60618,u mamilayap kya Hungti tya ekim sa awaaytu kira,it is the Emperor who wants this gold but there is no news,train +60618,60619,60619,ku pilenuk ira tu pala ura sa i,one going north on the Loop,train +60619,60620,60620,u cekuk tu aku i,I am scared to death,test +60620,60621,60621,iraan sa a ilisin hananay iʼayaw kiyami,former Toyotomi Festival,train +60621,60622,60622,an saʼusien iraay tu ku ngangan nu hiya,if you are careful you should have a name by then,train +60622,60623,60623,anu caay ka sausi nu Kawas kamu tu tatayalen niyam i paci^ci caay ka saan kami a tayra i tamuwanan kami ku saayaway a tayra i tamuwanan a mipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay ci Kristuan,we are not going too far in our boasting as would be the case if we had not come to you for we did get as far as you with the gospel of Christ,train +60623,60624,60624,mita u,the way we grew up,train +60624,60625,60625,masidayay ku sasipasip nu maku,my eraser is missing,train +60625,60626,60626,safaw enem miheca nu maku tangasa safaw falu ku mihecaan aku,I was between and years old,train +60626,60627,60627,ayaw tu ku suwal nu matukaay kira,lazy people always talk first,train +60627,60628,60628,singsi matawalay aku ku impic,I forgot to bring my pen,train +60628,60629,60629,mahaentu sumuwal kiya hiya,so I was a child in the,train +60629,60630,60630,safafa,sling,test +60630,60631,60631,tudisen haca haen a nihaen henhan tini,tear it up like this,train +60631,60632,60632,mi pakafana kaku tu urip aku,I am going to tell about my life,train +60632,60633,60633,itini i saka,at the meeting,train +60633,60634,60634,masamaan ku rumiad anu cila,how is the weather tomorrow,train +60634,60635,60635,u masamanay a radiw,what kind of song,train +60635,60636,60636,alaen hu ku saasik uli,please help me with the broom,train +60636,60637,60637,i dudun i,its original location,train +60637,60638,60638,caay kahaen anini adihay ku simal,unlike a lot of oils nowadays,train +60638,60639,60639,aluman ku malainaay faki fai,many of our neighbors and elders,train +60639,60640,60640,o mapiiway cira,he is lame,test +60640,60641,60641,nanay maluwan ku sakiluma a tatiliden,I hope that homework can be reduced,train +60641,60642,60642,mikupit,sewing torn clothes,train +60642,60643,60643,Namimaan kisu iru angsaw ku fuduy nu misu,what did you do why do your clothes smell like barbecue smoke,train +60643,60644,60644,saditek,Thermometer,train +60644,60645,60645,u mamelaway nu matuasay,elderly peoples views,train +60645,60646,60646,caay ka fana cangra mitusil,they do not know to pray,train +60646,60647,60647,ku matuasay nu niyam,our old people are poor really poor,train +60647,60648,60648,suwal sa ci Yis Kalafian i Maludi ku kakarayan saka u mamacidal kita anucila saan kamu,he replied When evening comes you say It will be fair weather for the sky is red,train +60648,60649,60649,mamaan sa wawa,the ringleader has gathered the children,train +60649,60650,60650,a alu a nikimadan u sufuc katuʼas,Birth old age sickness and death,test +60650,60651,60651,mala tu kudademakay,we have to recruit more people and split the working hours into three,train +60651,60652,60652,nini,this one,train +60652,60653,60653,Alatiretireng sa a misaimer ku pulung nu hungti nu hkal Masaupu ku mikuwanay a mipaculi tu Tapang atu nipalusuan ningra tu simal a Kristu sanay,the kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his anointed One,train +60653,60654,60654,mikayat ci kaka tu safa^ a rumakat,sis is leading her sister,train +60654,60655,60655,Mafanaay kisu tu suwal nu Palidaw han,do you speak Hengchun Amis,train +60655,60656,60656,dangahay,for the large round pot,train +60656,60657,60657,pina ku mihecaan isu anini a mihecaan,how old are you,train +60657,60658,60658,fuciynke,Rehabilitation,train +60658,60659,60659,maeminay tu a mapaliwal ku fitaul,we are out of eggs,train +60659,60660,60660,mahepikay,sagging,test +60660,60661,60661,ku mata nu tafukud milingatu haenen,Gossipcom started out with this size,train +60661,60662,60662,caay kakapah ku nikasasuwal nuheni,the results of their discussions were not optimistic,train +60662,60663,60663,caay kaifenek ku maamitiray a tamdaw a micawaw tu luma nira,ambiguous people do not take care of their families,train +60663,60664,60664,nawhani itiya na rekad haw i,because in those days,train +60664,60665,60665,mifacacidu,dragonflies,train +60665,60666,60666,midiput aca tu faʼinay aku,I will take care of you sir,train +60666,60667,60667,kafana aku tura faki,the uncle I know,train +60667,60668,60668,ngala,leisure,train +60668,60669,60669,pakamaanay ci Kacaw a talakiwkay,how does Kacaw go to church,train +60669,60670,60670,awaay ku masimeday i kaayaw nu Kawas tu ccaccay aca mawacay a ma^min a maaraw nu mata ningra ku nisangaan ningra o papasuwal kita i cingraan tu nanu dmak ita,nothing in all creation is hidden from Gods sight everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account,test +60670,60671,60671,awaay tu anini ku vuting kiyami haw,there are very few fish left,train +60671,60672,60672,hay i,Really,train +60672,60673,60673,nu itiyaay haw i tangtangen ku nanum nga iraay ku sapiinu,in the early days the water had to be boiled to make it hot enough to bathe in,train +60673,60674,60674,Ngaay tu tala hantu niyam ku ilisin namu,of course we look forward to your Harvest Festival,train +60674,60675,60675,kuya hiya pilaliw nuya fadahung tuya taluʼan,the roof of the hut flew over a hundred meters,train +60675,60676,60676,hana,florid,train +60676,60677,60677,paterep,brake,train +60677,60678,60678,pasadaken,bring it out,train +60678,60679,60679,caay ku manga aku suʼelinay na suwal aku neye misahatira,in all honesty I am not lying,train +60679,60680,60680,saʼusien wa,counting up to now,test +60680,60681,60681,kuniyan u piyala,millet crops,train +60681,60682,60682,ngaʼayay minukay kami malikelun kira,good thing we are going back downhill,train +60682,60683,60683,haen han iri kararaya satu,it is just going to get longer and longer,train +60683,60684,60684,aka sawidangen ku misaicahay a tamdaw,do not make friends with people who are vain,train +60684,60685,60685,cacay kemaen tiya papah nira,I am eating the leaves,train +60685,60686,60686,Palimuuten ningra cangra a sumuwal Anu mirakat kamu tu niyaru i ka u cukur a ccay ku tatuyen aka pihawikid tu kakaenen atu lufuc atu paysu i alufu namu,these were his instructions Take nothing for the journey except a staff no bread no bag no money in your belts,train +60686,60687,60687,inian nu fafaʼinay satu itinin italuʼan,men eat in congregate places,train +60687,60688,60688,Papiciepen nu mama nu kapah kami tu epah a mitefuc,the tribal leaders penalized us for sucking the wine by mouth,train +60688,60689,60689,miakikay,wither,train +60689,60690,60690,mitayraan nira naayaw,I have been there before,test +60690,60691,60691,nu u aesesan nawhan,why do you call it the highest age,train +60691,60692,60692,malasingsi kaku a minukay,I want to return to teach at the local school,train +60692,60693,60693,miadawisay,plucked,train +60693,60694,60694,singsi matalaway kaku tu uner,I am afraid of snakes,train +60694,60695,60695,Tawki^ cecay lian ku pida^ aku mangalay kaku a mifalic,Boss I have a hundred dollars I want to change money,train +60695,60696,60696,mana cingangan tu Sanayasay hananay,why was the Island named Burnt Island,train +60696,60697,60697,kiya minukay tu ku Dipun itiya,that is why they went back to Japan,train +60697,60698,60698,8 hanu u fudawan kuni tukus hani,why are these two mountains made of copper,train +60698,60699,60699,isi,urinate,train +60699,60700,60700,malaheci ku pitilid itini i sinku,successful efforts in completing studies,test +60700,60701,60701,Arayum singsi^,goodbye teacher,train +60701,60702,60702,ciadada nu fuwa ciira saka futus ciira,he has kidney disease so his body is swollen,train +60702,60703,60703,kinatulu a ira ku matiniay a dmak ta tangsul a makakuy a talakakarayan kuya patlian,this happened three times and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven,train +60703,60704,60704,misarayaray kita mamiaca kita tu paya,everyone line up we are ready to buy tickets,train +60704,60705,60705,ka,Void,train +60705,60706,60706,u ni Diway a kimad ku micakayan ningra u ni Isup ku micakayan aku,he got Diways myths and I got Aesops fables,train +60706,60707,60707,mahiya tu ca ama aku,my dad they have been,train +60707,60708,60708,satu adada tu tu ci kaka aku,at that time my brothers health was deteriorating,train +60708,60709,60709,cayka pipawa matiya u niyam kaput malatakac tu pakalingay,we do not have to set off firecrackers like our teenagers,train +60709,60710,60710,cuwa ka,never,test +60710,60711,60711,malitimulan kita saku kamatuʼasay,the old man said we are going south,train +60711,60712,60712,Kacipitaw,plough,train +60712,60713,60713,a matira sa matira mituur matira sa matira mituur,do whatever you have to do,train +60713,60714,60714,nengneng han aku haw,my own opinion,train +60714,60715,60715,maedeng limalima saʼawaayay tulu ku kafanaʼan nu malatumukay tu radiw,there must be at least songs first the headliner has to start with songs,train +60715,60716,60716,misaharateng tu wawa ita anini,our children I keep thinking,train +60716,60717,60717,mangataay ku yufing tu kungkuan haw,is the post office close to the school,train +60717,60718,60718,kangaay,be close,train +60718,60719,60719,mi ci mama aku,my dad thought about it,train +60719,60720,60720,nikatengilan,it is said that,test +60720,60721,60721,atikiway,chili pepper,train +60721,60722,60722,diput,to care for,train +60722,60723,60723,haen han tu isaw pamelaw hay paringad kuni haw,that is the only way to look at it,train +60723,60724,60724,Kasasurar kamu a malikaka,brothers should know how to back off from each other,train +60724,60725,60725,wakawak,empty handed,train +60725,60726,60726,mata^,eyes,train +60726,60727,60727,hatiraay kuriraan,that is what this is,train +60727,60728,60728,tu epah u turun aca nu tireng,your own wine and glutinous rice cake,train +60728,60729,60729,u mibutingay,catching fish,train +60729,60730,60730,sapatala,receive,test +60730,60731,60731,ilaay ku laluluden itini haw,do you follow the rules like this,train +60731,60732,60732,ira kuya faki cecay,there was an elderly man,train +60732,60733,60733,fasawen tahepu han aku tu siminki nu maku matalaw tu ka hiyaan nu pusi,I cover it with a large basin when I defrost it for fear that the cats will eat it,train +60733,60734,60734,o kapah tamdaw wa misaˈusi itini picudadan katayalan atu rumaruma pakayraan,young people must make decisions about education careers and other aspects,train +60734,60735,60735,palamal,make a fire,train +60735,60736,60736,sa kaku,I was thinking,train +60736,60737,60737,itiniay i mipaypayay ku palumaʼan niyam,my family goes Bye bye,train +60737,60738,60738,Parihien kira dadahalay a facal,make ridges in wide square fields,train +60738,60739,60739,Tusatu a rumiad ta maraud ku Pitalifan atu Ka^caan Pipatamud tu ^Pang a Lisin misahalaka ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec tu sapidukdukaw a mirpet a mipatay ci Yisan,now the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened bread were only two days away and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some sly way to arrest Jesus and kill him,train +60739,60740,60740,hatiraay haw i,that is it,test +60740,60741,60741,Pasalaenuen ku kapal namu,please keep your palms down,train +60741,60742,60742,manengneng,see that,train +60742,60743,60743,nu kaselaselal,youth,train +60743,60744,60744,pina rumiʼad nikanit kisu tunini,how much time do you need to finish when you hook up,train +60744,60745,60745,iraan u nitulikan,the fabric,train +60745,60746,60746,fahekul,throw,train +60746,60747,60747,tu kakaenen u velac,donation of rice bread,train +60747,60748,60748,yu mivuting a maramud,when the couple is fishing,train +60748,60749,60749,o cayna ni ina aku kinian,this is my moms food basket,train +60749,60750,60750,u likuda malikecay ku malitengay malikuda itiya hu,elderly people are united in the Harvest Festival,test +60750,60751,60751,ariri,warehouse,train +60751,60752,60752,o miadingay kira kapa tu fali i saamisan,that raincoat shields it from the cool north wind,train +60752,60753,60753,Nikawrira pasuwalen aku kamu anu cima ku cianufay ku falucu a minengneng tu fafahiyan i u maudangaytu cingra i falucu ningra tuya fafahiyan,but I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart,train +60753,60754,60754,ira alaen ku raan asa,take that,train +60754,60755,60755,aca,and,train +60755,60756,60756,maʼuraday han caka hatira sa tadaʼurad,it is said to be raining but it is not raining hard enough,train +60756,60757,60757,cekiw han tu marad a mipasadak,remove it by digging with an iron splinter,train +60757,60758,60758,caay tu paka tiku tayni,never came back here,train +60758,60759,60759,laenu nu lutuk,at the foot of the mountain,train +60759,60760,60760,lipahak sa ku wama a matawa,dad was happy and smiling,test +60760,60761,60761,mavana,me,train +60761,60762,60762,caayay ka halikaen kaku tu heci nu lusay,I rarely eat fruit,train +60762,60763,60763,masuni,respond,train +60763,60764,60764,cahu matuʼas malitengay nu niyam itiya,at that time the elders of the family still had their strength,train +60764,60765,60765,feli san ciira i takuwanan tu pida,he gave me money,train +60765,60766,60766,ari,please do,train +60766,60767,60767,pawli^,banana,train +60767,60768,60768,o laluud tu imatini pasa^sa tu ku picudadan,it is summer we are on summer vacation,train +60768,60769,60769,naʼayaw ca ka bana kaku,because I did not know that before,train +60769,60770,60770,anu samaantu samacayen i ngaˈayay nangra ku harateng mahaen tisuwanan mitukel tu tau minengneng tu ngaˈayay isu,by all means focus on their strengths just as you would want others to focus on yours,test +60770,60771,60771,Signsi^ awaay ku aasipen a Cudad nu maku,Teacher I did not bring my textbook,train +60771,60772,60772,mikinunuh pailidan,pick up discarded textiles,train +60772,60773,60773,yu kalahukantu i satuman sa ku pulung nuya hkal ma^deng tulu a tatukian ku halafin,at the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour,train +60773,60774,60774,cilah,salt,train +60774,60775,60775,itiraen aku ku wawa aku tura luma anu sa kura wina nura kapah i,if the mother of the youth wants her child to be homed in which family the,train +60775,60776,60776,i Tafaling saan,in the light of the restoration,train +60776,60777,60777,u ya suni nu fali tuya lafii,the sound of the wind in the middle of the night,train +60777,60778,60778,Vayiyaw u maan kiraan iniyan iniyan,Grandma what is that this this one,train +60778,60779,60779,pafelien tu acucul ngaʼay mitengil,give them gyros and hope they listen,train +60779,60780,60780,nga halafin,it is the right thing to do,test +60780,60781,60781,misafalucu kami,we made up our minds,train +60781,60782,60782,rarum sa ku falucu aya u hitay aca kina tire,I am really a soldier,train +60782,60783,60783,kacipida,bring money,train +60783,60784,60784,Tayratu i malinah kami tayni san itiya tu aluman san ku wawa malikaka haw i,when we moved here we had many brothers and sisters,train +60784,60785,60785,hatu sanay i tini i Amis sanka,they are all from the north,train +60785,60786,60786,papinaʼun tu wawa,be attentive to your children,train +60786,60787,60787,sanaw awaʼay matama han kiya,that is why it is so hard to find,train +60787,60788,60788,ci falucu ku wawa nu maku tu wawa nu misu,my son is interested in marrying your daughter,train +60788,60789,60789,nanay pakayni i pitier namu ku sakamaru ni Kristu i falucu namu nanay u ulah ningra ku palamitan atu katanektekan nu falucu namu,so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and I pray that you being rooted and established in love,train +60789,60790,60790,dingki,lamps,test +60790,60791,60791,mahaen,it is like this,train +60791,60792,60792,ci tangfulay keling keling keling sa tangful,the hip bells jingle and jingle when I walk,train +60792,60793,60793,paputal,surface,train +60793,60794,60794,u cikilistu hananay,Christianity,train +60794,60795,60795,o sakarihawan tu kaku i matini,now I am going to be hoarse,train +60795,60796,60796,Liyuc satu ku faliyus a pasani i Kalingku,the typhoon has turned towards Hualien,train +60796,60797,60797,duedu satu tu nakali tapelik,it follows the currents and winds,train +60797,60798,60798,tu sapalimuut nira,to encourage,train +60798,60799,60799,wawa haw,Kids,train +60799,60800,60800,pitu,seven,test +60800,60801,60801,sedak sedak san kiya kakuwak a patalaw kakunan haw i,the little egret suddenly appeared to scare me,train +60801,60802,60802,Caayay u singsi cingra,No he is a teacher,train +60802,60803,60803,ku sikac nu malitengay i,the elders are better off,train +60803,60804,60804,taha,till,train +60804,60805,60805,ta maepud kami i Pusingan i,when we get to Taroko,train +60805,60806,60806,lakaliyaliyaw,turning yellow one by one,train +60806,60807,60807,nialalan,excavated rocks,train +60807,60808,60808,nikapatay,uncrossable,train +60808,60809,60809,a malahuk,at noon,train +60809,60810,60810,utani utatta,singing,test +60810,60811,60811,yu i Kalilihu ci Yis i mararid cangra a mihaklung i cingraan a mipadang ira a mikaput cangraan ku rumaruma a fafahiyan o nanu mihaklungay cangra ci Yisan a tayra i Yirusalim,in Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there,train +60811,60812,60812,ira ku kiyaru,this item is,train +60812,60813,60813,pinaay tu mihecaan ku kararamud namu,how long have you been married,train +60813,60814,60814,Aka kausuy maliwa nu kerah saan ku suwal nu matuasay,elders say Being on time is the basic truth of doing things,train +60814,60815,60815,miadifatay,Roadblockers,train +60815,60816,60816,i haw,in Sansendai national park,train +60816,60817,60817,Palataangen nu mita ku wacay nu widang ita,we make our friends testimonies even more commendable,train +60817,60818,60818,anu ca sakalikuda ku fafahian,if a woman is not wearing a dance costume,train +60818,60819,60819,awaay ku citusiya,we did not have any trucks for transportation,train +60819,60820,60820,aca i pusung tayra tu i pasaetip,just go to northern development,test +60820,60821,60821,i semusemutan kaku a kumaen tu mantu^ mapacidal ku tatirengan sadiheku^ saan,we ate bread on the grass the sun was shining on us and it was very warm,train +60821,60822,60822,sepat ku palapatan nu cecay a miheca,there are four seasons in a year,train +60822,60823,60823,sakilafang a radiw atu kerud u sakilafang a radiw i tanu radiw caikasaan aira tu a mapafulud ku keru,Feast songs and Dances these are songs that are sung and danced during the feast,train +60823,60824,60824,Paarawen nu maku nisangaan nu matuassay,I showed you what the old man did,train +60824,60825,60825,halafin tu cuwa kasasiaraw akawangay tu kisu han,I have not seen you in a while have you grown taller,train +60825,60826,60826,nga mangaʼay ku cuʼung ira,that way the new shoots will be better,train +60826,60827,60827,a miadup ku vavainay,men hunting,train +60827,60828,60828,katelangay,old,train +60828,60829,60829,kakitaan haw cihakhak tu,it is rich we have already got sticky rice,train +60829,60830,60830,Maetut ci mama alalalilaliw san kami a miliyas,when dad farted we ran away,test +60830,60831,60831,palafangay,Sightseers,train +60831,60832,60832,o kakeriden nu singsi a tayra i lutuk kamu anini,I will take you to the mountains today,train +60832,60833,60833,anini a milimuʼut patahekal,to start organizing,train +60833,60834,60834,a midiput tamiyan,duty of care,train +60834,60835,60835,malecad tu haw,is it all the same,train +60835,60836,60836,ci Takuy medac han,hungry ghosts hungry mountain gods,train +60836,60837,60837,o wawa ni Mayaw Luhuk kaku,I am Mayaw Lohoks child,train +60837,60838,60838,papaliw kiyana a ina,mutual exchange of work,train +60838,60839,60839,o nanu nima kunini a demak,who did this what was the source of this activity,train +60839,60840,60840,hatira tapiyasen ira ku miladuman,just dump the water I picked out,test +60840,60841,60841,Hayda uraan ku aledetay,Well that is pretty tasty,train +60841,60842,60842,Orasaka anu ira ku maan a sasuwalen ni Timitrius atu kaput ningra a matayalay tu pakayniay i cimaanan i ira ku pisawkitan a rumiad ira ku mikumuday itira Saka kaitira a masasipakukut kamu,If then Demetrius and his fellow craftsmen have a grievance against anybody the courts are open and there are proconsuls they can press charges,train +60842,60843,60843,saka,consequently,train +60843,60844,60844,Saka anu cikafung ku fainayan yu mitulun anu ^ca i yu pakimad tu suwal nu Kawas i u mipakanguduay cingra ci Kristuan,every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head,train +60844,60845,60845,fituka,stomach,train +60845,60846,60846,u kunga u ariray,only groundnuts and corn,train +60846,60847,60847,Tadamatekes Keruren ari,it is too expensive can you make it cheaper,train +60847,60848,60848,Mamiyatay ku niyaru nu Olalip i tusaay ku safaw a fulad,The Olalip Tribes December Equinox is sparkling,train +60848,60849,60849,kulang,green vegetable,train +60849,60850,60850,tu tinaku aku mapataytu kina aʼul mamin i hatini ku nukay ninananum,even if the bamboos dry up and die the water will not diminish,test +60850,60851,60851,atu kawkaw,and the machete,train +60851,60852,60852,uya tusa a kaput,the top two levels,train +60852,60853,60853,Salikakaaw pakaynien aku i ngangan nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu ku pilunguc i tamuwanan tu sakalaccayaw nu suwal namu atu saka^caaw ka lacidecidek namu a masakapukaput palcaden ku falucu palcaden ku harateng namu a masungila a marikec,I appeal to you brothers in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought,train +60853,60854,60854,mising te te te te hay yusay hay,it is a machine it is a sewing machine,train +60854,60855,60855,itiya i pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Cufelen ku funus isu o mitatuyay tu funus a tamdaw i u funus ku sakapatay ningra,Put your sword back in its place Jesus said to him for all who draw the sword will die by the sword,train +60855,60856,60856,mahaenay ku ʼaʼawiten a ayaway,know how early childhood toys are made and used,train +60856,60857,60857,u nu Amis i u Paʼunucan hananay kira,the Amis people call it Bian Dang,train +60857,60858,60858,sanay pangangan tu riranan,calling out to these groups in this way,train +60858,60859,60859,u maan han ku ngangan nira,what is its name,train +60859,60860,60860,nanam satu,gradual familiarity with tribal ministry,test +60860,60861,60861,itini hu i Langasan hananay a lutuk itini i kaʼamis kafaʼed nu Kiwit haw i,when I was in the Chilayas that is north above Chimay,train +60861,60862,60862,kunini,this top,train +60862,60863,60863,tangasa tu i taluan,arrival at the Workshop,train +60863,60864,60864,Tataang ku pinsyang namu,your refrigerator is so big,train +60864,60865,60865,katelang,old,train +60865,60866,60866,itiya i miharateng kaku,I was thinking,train +60866,60867,60867,anucila tacuwa tu kaku a palilac nu maku a katahiraan sa,I do not know where they are going to distribute it,train +60867,60868,60868,nengnenghan naku ri siʼinafa,I was carrying a child during the observation,train +60868,60869,60869,pelapela han nu heni ku awul a paladidiʼay,they first split the bamboo into small pieces,train +60869,60870,60870,maʼaraw nuya,be seen,test +60870,60871,60871,milafin,stay the night,train +60871,60872,60872,anini u kaemangay i caka fana,now the kids do not know,train +60872,60873,60873,hay hanen iya haen satu,that is the way to do it,train +60873,60874,60874,talulungen tu,deep and refined,train +60874,60875,60875,matini sa i tayni i kiwkay kaku mipasifana tu Pangcah nu radiw seysiw,I am currently teaching Amish poetry and Bible at my church,train +60875,60876,60876,o maan ku tatudung nunini a suwal aku saw o samiyay atu nipacakatan i samiyay a kakaenen i ira ku tatudung nunini u sanay aku saw,do I mean then that a sacrifice offered to an idol is anything or that an idol is anything,train +60876,60877,60877,oya fiyaw i katihi a tawki suwal sa katayni miaca tu futing aku kaemeday a taangayay ku futing aku saan,the boss next door said come and buy my fish my fish is big and cheap,train +60877,60878,60878,Yafayaf han naira a rumakat ku lalan,they walk side by side and fill the entire road,train +60878,60879,60879,itini kaku i pusung itira kaku,I am at Taitung Veterans hospital in Taitung,train +60879,60880,60880,Pinaʼun tu tireng,take care of your body,test +60880,60881,60881,ta maherek satu,all right then,train +60881,60882,60882,i paputalan tu aku ku tesel,I will put the embroidery outside,train +60882,60883,60883,kaliaraw uraan tu nu sapad tu a kiwkay,building a church with special boards,train +60883,60884,60884,cima ku mipacekay tu anengan nu maku,who nailed my chair,train +60884,60885,60885,matawalay aku ku patafuan,I forgot to bring my lunchbox,train +60885,60886,60886,midiputay tu matuʼasay,taking care of elders,train +60886,60887,60887,nika kura hefung hu caka hakuwa ku kakahad nura hefung,but that pothole will not be very wide,train +60887,60888,60888,lakec,wade across the water,train +60888,60889,60889,nika caay ka laluk ku matuʼasy misanga tu hatapes tu uway,but old people do not often use rattan to make sieve trays,train +60889,60890,60890,o latak ku kaulahan nu maku,my favorite is Yang Tao,test +60890,60891,60891,hay saliti hananay,Yes it is like being castrated,train +60891,60892,60892,ku maku tiya malakapah aca,I was a young man,train +60892,60893,60893,idafak,this morning earlier in the day,train +60893,60894,60894,Ngaay hu miaca kaku tu hakhak atu siimucay a titi,Hello I would like to buy sticky rice and braised pork with macaw pepper,train +60894,60895,60895,lasuwayaw nu kamaumah tuniya umah,Reducing the workload in the fields,train +60895,60896,60896,tu masakakaay,to my brother,train +60896,60897,60897,alamaanan sivekeluh saan,sometimes they say there are rocks,train +60897,60898,60898,paini tu kungku iru sai,since we are telling a story,train +60898,60899,60899,u aayaw nu 40 a tu 50 a mihecaan u lumanu Pangcah unu kilang atu eli uway hen ku sapisanga tu luma,in the early days before the and most Amis houses were built of wood with thatched roofs,train +60899,60900,60900,o sapisenger tu felac i ngaay malalu u sanay,the reason for soaking the rice is to soften it,test +60900,60901,60901,Mafutiˈay ku idang ita tayra kaku a mipalal i cingraan Yohani 1111,our friend has fallen asleep and now I am going to wake him up John,train +60901,60902,60902,ci laya ka ngangan nu maku,my name is Raya,train +60902,60903,60903,ira aca ku usaw,she has unfinished business,train +60903,60904,60904,nu niyaru,rituals,train +60904,60905,60905,palumaan tu Fataʼan sanay,planting tree beans at this time,train +60905,60906,60906,tusa^ pulu ira ku lima^,twenty five,train +60906,60907,60907,macidal anini a rumiad,is it sunny today,train +60907,60908,60908,uyaan hatiyaay u tutuy,it is probably just a small prey item,train +60908,60909,60909,miala tu tu kadafu i,it is time to get married,train +60909,60910,60910,pacaliwen hu kaku tu sasisit nu misu,let me borrow your eraser,test +60910,60911,60911,a talacuwacuwa a ruma,I used to go to certain places in Taipei,train +60911,60912,60912,Hulam,mainland,train +60912,60913,60913,lipahak a masasuaraw aci Kawasaki i cuwa ku aru isu Lisin,nice to meet Kawasaki where do you live Lisin,train +60913,60914,60914,parakatay,driver,train +60914,60915,60915,Patisuden ku riku isu,change your clothes,train +60915,60916,60916,u maan ku tayal nu misu sa ku hitay i,the officer asked what did you do in the past,train +60916,60917,60917,hacuwa saw ku nikawitan nisu raraya haw,how many of these are very long,train +60917,60918,60918,ala han tu nira ca babahi nira ca ina aku,he took his woman my mom with him,train +60918,60919,60919,Mafana ci Yis tunini a harateng nangra licay sa i cangraan O tadancaay ku pitier namu i Kawas Nawiru masasuwasuwal kamu tu nika awa nu nitatuyan namu a ^pang saw,aware of their discussion Jesus asked You of little faith why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread,train +60919,60920,60920,iraay ku ulic ira tu hatini ini sanay u ulic ira tu micudadan ira haw pafeli nu Ripun,he is got this thick book of poems given to him by the Japanese,test +60920,60921,60921,Ahuwiday tu pihamham isu minukay tu kaku,thank you for your hospitality I have to go now,train +60921,60922,60922,Papitatiwan ni Yihufa ci Musi tu cukur misetiˈ tu fakeluh nu Hurip a lutuk puwal sanaytu ku nanum nai fakeluh,and the Lord told Moses to take his staff and strike the rock in the mountainous region of Horeb and water would gush out of it,train +60922,60923,60923,maʼaraway aku sanay,Say I have seen it before,train +60923,60924,60924,o maan ku pinaru nu alufu isu,what is in your bag,train +60924,60925,60925,Hay katimulay nu kingsifu,it is just south of the County office,train +60925,60926,60926,o pisawadan niyam a mitilid anini a rumiad,today is our graduation day,train +60926,60927,60927,patalipaelal,reminders,train +60927,60928,60928,Caedung han ni faki ku tangsuy a talaumah,uncle put on his straw raincoat and went to the field,train +60928,60929,60929,aka kiyaru pisasamaan,do not do anything that will hurt or harm the world,train +60929,60930,60930,caay tu kamatiya u,there is nothing left of the Maori,test +60930,60931,60931,anu cayka curuken haw curuk hanen,if you do not erase them one by one,train +60931,60932,60932,Patekulen ku wacu,feed the dog,train +60932,60933,60933,tafuk,sand,train +60933,60934,60934,malikakaay kamu haw,are you brothers,train +60934,60935,60935,tingwa ningra ini i alufu aku ku tingwa ra sa,I have got their number in my pocket,train +60935,60936,60936,kapah tu hakiya kira tira,is there rest in that realm,train +60936,60937,60937,hay u patuur kuni a suwal tura,Yes sir so says the oral tradition,train +60937,60938,60938,kaku satu hahiwa itini haw,as for me,train +60938,60939,60939,satataʼakay nu tiniay nu Taywan a kaysiya pakayniay citusiya hananay mahaenay sa,it was the largest automobile company in Taiwan at that time,train +60939,60940,60940,celalunu,waterbird,test +60940,60941,60941,macidal,sunshine,train +60941,60942,60942,saka ya wacu i caay pinaun pacumudhan nira ku funguh nira mikilim tiya talid i macumud i talid kiya funguh ningra i saceliceli sa kuya wacu atu kaemangay wawa i,the dog accidentally put its head into the bottle to search the bottle and his head entered the bottle the dog and the child kept calling,train +60942,60943,60943,kuyumien,mark,train +60943,60944,60944,rarid,frequent,train +60944,60945,60945,Akung taynian tu kami,Grandfather we are here,train +60945,60946,60946,Mipakarung ku matuasay i pikumurisan,an old man erects a pole at the river festival,train +60946,60947,60947,Pacenaen hu a taluma milisu tu mama atu ina isu,please take a break and go home to visit your parents,train +60947,60948,60948,sakay tini i malavi,conversations about dinner,train +60948,60949,60949,o cadada ku piididan nu kapah atu limecedan tu titi i palapalaan,young men and women grilling meat on a barbecue grill in the wilderness,train +60949,60950,60950,kati kati mamaan saw kamu,come on come on why have you fallen so low,test +60950,60951,60951,Nikawrira anu maraudtu ku rumiad tu pialaan tuya papararamuden a fainayan i itiyatu cangra a misaliway han ningra,but the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them in those days they will fast,train +60951,60952,60952,o patiliday kaku i tamuwanan tu pakayniay i sapisawiananay tamuwanan a tamdaw,and this is what he promised us even eternal life,train +60952,60953,60953,Liwkimhing han,it is Liao Jinxing,train +60953,60954,60954,hay han tahida haw,let us say it is a warrior,train +60954,60955,60955,tangasa i,Wait,train +60955,60956,60956,u Lalawdan ku Paliwan ku pangangan tuni niyaru,the name of the tribe we named is new Zealand,train +60956,60957,60957,u maan ku demak nu maku san,then think about where you are going,train +60957,60958,60958,ku papausaʼen pausaʼen nira,his old man would be of real help,train +60958,60959,60959,uisiney,it is delicious,train +60959,60960,60960,raan ku masangaʼay aku nilinsiw,that was my first work when I was studying,test +60960,60961,60961,i lumaʼay tu ku salikaka hay,or siblings are home,train +60961,60962,60962,minukay tu kura cecay a salikaka i,my brother just ran back to one,train +60962,60963,60963,rarung,hut,train +60963,60964,60964,u kisyafa mahanen ku uʼrip nu niyam i tiyahu kaemang hu,that is what we did when we were young when we did not have much,train +60964,60965,60965,caaytu ku caci^puc ku dmak nangra nawhani u mamalcad tu dmak ni Yanis aci Yampris ku dmak nangra o mamahapinang nu alumanay a tamdaw ku nika apa nangra,but they will not get very far because as in the case of those men their folly will be clear to everyone,train +60965,60966,60966,mahaen ta nasalatusa a,So there are two,train +60966,60967,60967,kereit han tu kunu aniniyay,now with the cut outs,train +60967,60968,60968,Maaraw ni Yis ku nika futi ningra itira Mafana ci Yis tu nika halafintu nu adada ningra saka Mangalay kisu a maadah haw han ningra a milicay,when Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time he asked him Do you want to get well,train +60968,60969,60969,itini paru nu lumaˈ a picekiw mihatatanam a rumadiw,practice singing psalms during family worship time,train +60969,60970,60970,yu mamiucur ku Kawas tu fisac a wawa ningra a patayni i hkal i pasuwal Cingra O tataungen nu pulung nu cuyuh Aku Cingra saan,and again when God brings his firstborn into the world he says Let all Gods angels worship him,test +60970,60971,60971,o malacingkiay caira a tatusa,the two of them are in laws,train +60971,60972,60972,faliyus,typhoon,train +60972,60973,60973,nincin,carrot,train +60973,60974,60974,anu haensa tunu,Summary of work of indigenous language Promoters,train +60974,60975,60975,tuna mapafli nuya kangic kuya aadupen tu sakuwan saka taung satu ku tamdamdaw tuya kangic Haluya aadupen a taungen nangra suwal sa cangra Cima ku milcaday tunini a aadupen Cima ku papakafilu a miluud ciiraan saw saan,men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast and they also worshiped the beast and asked Who is like the beast who can make war against him,train +60975,60976,60976,ngaayay micaliw kaku tu tilid nu misu han,can I borrow your book,train +60976,60977,60977,caay kavana ku wawa,kids do not know,train +60977,60978,60978,o he,Yeah Oh,train +60978,60979,60979,cecay aca ku piala ni Osay tu tumurak,Osay only takes one pumpkin,train +60979,60980,60980,ngaʼay hu hay ngaʼay hu nga ay hu mama,how are you,test +60980,60981,60981,Malahaklung ku acfel nu ^xiw atu pitulun nu mituuray a pakayra i kamay nuya cuyuh a macakat i kaayaw nu Kawas,the smoke of the incense together with the prayers of the saints went up before God from the angels hand,train +60981,60982,60982,lalaem a ngiha,fricative sound,train +60982,60983,60983,hay matama tu,that is right,train +60983,60984,60984,adihay ku adadungac i kilakilangan,there are a lot of beetles in the forest,train +60984,60985,60985,Mapaicel nu Tapang cangra saka aluman ku pasasiyuray tu falucu ta pasulin tu Tapang,the Lords hand was with them and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord,train +60985,60986,60986,naw u paʼunucan han,why is it called a stretcher,train +60986,60987,60987,faniw,mushrooms,train +60987,60988,60988,enemay ku tuki tu davak palalan nu wina kaku,at six of the clock in the morning my mom woke me up,train +60988,60989,60989,mahaen amin ku rip nu tamdaw,that is the average age of a persons life,train +60989,60990,60990,tevu,bamboo shoot,test +60990,60991,60991,Alaw han nu maku cikaka aku tu tatayalen i luma,at home my sister and I grabbed jobs,train +60991,60992,60992,paricaricen,rubbing,train +60992,60993,60993,namaherek,after the sun,train +60993,60994,60994,Haliepah ci faki nu maku,my uncle loves to drink,train +60994,60995,60995,nu tuʼas nu mita a Pangcah ya Amis hananay atu ya Hulam,it is a place of war for the original Han people,train +60995,60996,60996,Nawhani O pitfucan a rumiad kunini tu sakalahci nu matiliday i Fangcalay Cudad a ma^min,for this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written,train +60996,60997,60997,nanay tahira i dauc ku kalaidang nu mita,may our friendship last forever,train +60997,60998,60998,hatiraay ku nu malitengay hu a sikac,that is how the elders live,train +60998,60999,60999,tangasa i fatad nu lutuk haw,what about when you get to the middle of the trail,train +60999,61000,61000,misarakes itini i kawali,planting of camphor trees in the east direction,test +61000,61001,61001,papaini kaku tu,I will tell you,train +61001,61002,61002,tulu a rumiad cingra a caay pakaaraw caay ka kumaen caay pinanum,for three days he was blind and did not eat or drink anything,train +61002,61003,61003,u ranam han kiniyan,it is called breakfast,train +61003,61004,61004,Pakafana kaku i tamuwanan tunini a fafahiyan a salikaka ita ci Fuypi u i Kinkriyaay a kiwkay a hicuci cingra,I commend to you our sister Phoebe a servant of the church in Cenchrea,train +61004,61005,61005,Makalim ku wadis aku,my teeth hurt,train +61005,61006,61006,nikulitan,the picture painted,train +61006,61007,61007,dengay haw kaku a micaliw i tisuwan tina cudad,can I borrow this book from you,train +61007,61008,61008,panganganen ku wawa tu nu Pangcah,give children Aboriginal names,train +61008,61009,61009,Tatalacuwa kisu,where are you going,train +61009,61010,61010,pusi^,cat,test +61010,61011,61011,papaen,think over,train +61011,61012,61012,Hai hakelungen niyam ku wawa a minukay,Yes we will take the children back,train +61012,61013,61013,sapihunghung tu waʼay tangasa itini fangcal tu matapuh tu,or you can cover this half of your body with a hot compress,train +61013,61014,61014,o tatayalen i midipang tu sakangaay nu niyaru mamireku tu rakat nu sapisalisin mamitayal tu kacaluhan a demak mamidiput tu urip nu niyaru atu sapingudu i finawlan,their duties are mainly to protect the safety of the tribe perform rituals deal with emergencies and maintain tribal life and social ethics,train +61014,61015,61015,atu tayra i lutuk tahila i luma i,when we get home,train +61015,61016,61016,maemin hali wawa mafana mahufuc kiya hiya kiya Yincumin ha ha ha ha,almost all of them are good at making babies this hillbilly aborigine ha ha ha ha,train +61016,61017,61017,mapatireng tu ku saupu nu misakatepaay a misadadahal a mipaluma tu katepaay imatini satu suelin ku demak nu kapah a mitufatuf tira u mamamulecem tu a katepaay,to attract tribal youths to return to their hometowns to jointly set up red glutinous rice organic production and marketing classes to gather for study and research and development,train +61017,61018,61018,pakayraay tamuhung,about Corolla,train +61018,61019,61019,Matihemuk ku futi nira,he slept in a prostrate position,train +61019,61020,61020,mahaenay yaru sa kaku tu riyar mihicay naʼayaw,after fishing I realized how the ocean changes,test +61020,61021,61021,Nikawrira u nu Kawastu kita Saka mitngil tu suwal ita ku mafanaay tu Kawas a tamdaw caay pitngil tu suwal ita ku caay ku nu Kawas a tamdaw onini ku sakafana ita tu kasasiruma nu sulin a Adingu atu palafuay a adingu,we are from God and whoever knows God listens to us but whoever is not from God does not listen to us this is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of falsehood,train +61021,61022,61022,paulevesen itini pavuvuen itila,fill up the garbage here and put it in the yuan there,train +61022,61023,61023,Panirniren ku wawa aku a papitilid,help my child first so he can get into a school,train +61023,61024,61024,maruhimur maacek kira,turbid water is dirty,train +61024,61025,61025,ira haca a masadak nai tireng nu alumanay a tamdaw ku palafuay cli sa O Wawa nu Kawas Kisu saan kakteren ni Yis caira tu saka^caaw ka sumuwal naira nawhani mafana caira tu nika ci Kristu cingra,Moreover demons came out of many people shouting You are the son of God but he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak because they knew he was the Christ,train +61025,61026,61026,luwanen,to reduce,train +61026,61027,61027,anu mamisaˈusi kita tu patusukan nu ikur i hanu mitengil tu sapaini ni Yihufa hani,why should we listen to our Creator when deciding our life goals,train +61027,61028,61028,kaci cwanfuucwang sa kira,and then he said Full armor,train +61028,61029,61029,Kilemeltu matiya u kemanay tu cilah hay,it is like taking saltines,train +61029,61030,61030,u mawmahay ku wama nu maku,my dad was a farmer,test +61030,61031,61031,ala han paluma tayni sanay kaku,I would like to take it over here and grow it,train +61031,61032,61032,falicen aku tu mamu^tep a mu^tepay a limuud,I will exchange it for ten tens,train +61032,61033,61033,o kasasuwal niyam i tu hatiniay tu a tenes,we have been preparing for this for a long time,train +61033,61034,61034,anu u faliyus saca,if there is a typhoon,train +61034,61035,61035,namahaen satu,that is it,train +61035,61036,61036,tu cima,Anyone,train +61036,61037,61037,u maan ku demak iri,what are you doing,train +61037,61038,61038,kaurira i maherek kuriraan i,after this part is completed the,train +61038,61039,61039,mikakalang kaku,I plowed the field,train +61039,61040,61040,u mahiya tu anu caay henay,the dead man is as dead as he is alive,test +61040,61041,61041,Maulah kisu ngaayay tu,it is good that you like it,train +61041,61042,61042,saka malitengay maulahay tu takula kira,because the elders like frogs,train +61042,61043,61043,suwalen ari u maamaan a sweykwuan ku iraay itini i Taywan,what kind of fruits are available in Taiwan,train +61043,61044,61044,itira sahu ku ni kamaru nu niyam tu tulu a fulad,we lived there for three months,train +61044,61045,61045,awaay tu ku kakakaka nu niyam,there is no one older than me,train +61045,61046,61046,cacay pi kami talatala sa tu piletuʼan ningra faʼinay aku,until my son in law could not recover I gave myself to him,train +61046,61047,61047,kakahad ku cawang nu hakama nira,the split of her dress was wide,train +61047,61048,61048,dakawen,take,train +61048,61049,61049,pakungku hatu ku fafahi nira,sharing this realization with his wife,train +61049,61050,61050,ya alem hananay alaen ya puki hananay,get the conch,test +61050,61051,61051,licay han aku cingra a mafana kaku yu kaemang hu cingra i minanamay tu tu suwal nu Dipung u Piyuma ku fafahi ningra alumanay aca ku kananaman ningra a Payrang i katayalan saka adihay ku kafanaan ningra a suwal,I asked him to find out that he learned Japanese when he was a child his wife is an Pinuyumayan and he knows many Hokkien at work so he can speak so many languages,train +61051,61052,61052,aredet,sweetness,train +61052,61053,61053,misatapang kaku malatumuk haw i,when I started being the leader,train +61053,61054,61054,mautang,I am late,train +61054,61055,61055,talacuwa awaay ku ^puc nu nipipasneng aku nikawrira ma^deng a samaanen o papasnesneng aca kaku pasuwal kaku tu pakayniay i nipipaaraw nu Tapang i takuwanan i mapulusi,I must go on boasting although there is nothing to be gained I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord,train +61055,61056,61056,Malahecitu kuriran haw i,it is done,train +61056,61057,61057,Maraheci tura hecek haw i,the column is finished,train +61057,61058,61058,masetikay a tamdaw i saka,a man who is good at going down to the sea and gathering by the sea,train +61058,61059,61059,Karauul ku kakarayan i kasienawan,winter skies are cloudy,train +61059,61060,61060,kadafu,daughters husband,test +61060,61061,61061,o maan ku tamataan nu tayal ita,what are the precautions for our work,train +61061,61062,61062,tusa pulu ira ku sepat,twenty four,train +61062,61063,61063,ahecid han nu Amisay kahecid han nu sawaliyay atu Valangaw u Palidaw kuruma sicedam saku siwkulan kuesan saku sawali Valangaw atu palidaw sicedam saku Amisay,for example kahecid means salty in north Arabia Coastal Malan and Hengchun but sweet in Xiuguluan Ruan Amei while sweet in Coastal Malan and Hengchun means quean and sicedam is said in north Arabia,train +61063,61064,61064,anu awaay ku maalaay ri,if there is no prey,train +61064,61065,61065,sakuheting sanay,special Black,train +61065,61066,61066,ku mahiray a vekeluh haw,that kind of stone,train +61066,61067,61067,Cicamahaway a maemin ku suwal nura tamdaw,that mans words are all exaggerations,train +61067,61068,61068,suwal sa ci ina^ Adihay ku likes i lutuk saan,mom says that there are lots of mosquitoes in the mountains,train +61068,61069,61069,Namakacuwa,What,train +61069,61070,61070,unu dingkiyan tu ku nu aniniyay alumuda,now it is easier to use an electric fish,test +61070,61071,61071,Mafana kisu a caciyaw tu rumaruma a suwal haw,what languages do you speak,train +61071,61072,61072,mikilim tu taʼangay pida,I started looking for a better paying job,train +61072,61073,61073,karacicax,many birds of prey roosting,train +61073,61074,61074,duduen mita mahecad tunu,if we follow these standards,train +61074,61075,61075,tada mahemekay kaku a midama cingranan tahira kalahecian ningra rumakat tu kaˈurip i fafekang nu sera i 1992 miheca saka 12 fulad,it was a real pleasure for me to assist him until December when he completed his journey on earth,train +61075,61076,61076,o macuhelay kaku i kalahukan,I sweat at noon,train +61076,61077,61077,kuhepic,ungenerous,train +61077,61078,61078,talalutuk ca panay a mipecu tu mami^,Panays family went to the mountains to pick oranges,train +61078,61079,61079,tulu ku adawang i kawali tulu ku adawang i kaamis tulu ku adawang i katimul tulu ku adawang i ka^tip,there were three gates on the east three on the north three on the south and three on the west,train +61079,61080,61080,Ong^ung sa tumangic caira tuya mapatay ku mama naira,their father died with a sob in his voice,test +61080,61081,61081,kita u pancah haw i,We the Amis,train +61081,61082,61082,mulesaay,turtle cracked and leaking,train +61082,61083,61083,sa aluman aluman satu ku salikaka,the number of participants is increasing,train +61083,61084,61084,ya faʼinay aku u tayal nira i u ticetuay ku hiya ya pungkang cirari,my husbands job is digging tunnels,train +61084,61085,61085,ʼAngreray kuni,this herb is very bitter,train +61085,61086,61086,sulinay caay kangarah kaku,I really cannot let go,train +61086,61087,61087,mafukil ku wawa miharateng tu,the kid will not get it,train +61087,61088,61088,miteka kami matayal,we are on the job,train +61088,61089,61089,hatiniay ku niyaru niyam,that is how our tribe is,train +61089,61090,61090,lupu^ sasuut,rope,test +61090,61091,61091,mipadeteng a unu maku kunini haenen sanay,insisting that we follow the rules they legislate,train +61091,61092,61092,kamu matuʼas tu kamu i,you have grown up,train +61092,61093,61093,caay ka vana kita,we do not have that kind of knowledge,train +61093,61094,61094,cainsiw ca mangaay masadak tamina sakira,you have to get a license to go on the boat,train +61094,61095,61095,Matulek mavutek tu,Deaf Blind,train +61095,61096,61096,minengneng tu Cudad tu,reading and writing,train +61096,61097,61097,nawaca,Why,train +61097,61098,61098,anu niciwnansayhu,when I was in my twenties,train +61098,61099,61099,kunis,line,train +61099,61100,61100,o fa^eluhay a pancu ni kaka aku kiraan,those are my brothers new underwear,test +61100,61101,61101,ciatayay,it is a good idea,train +61101,61102,61102,katalawan mahaen nu maku pihining,it is scary and dangerous for me to watch,train +61102,61103,61103,asisiw,straw,train +61103,61104,61104,way tawma,I am not coming back,train +61104,61105,61105,ta caypakayni ku lalan itiyahu saka,it was not this way back then,train +61105,61106,61106,lima suut a limuud kuni a riku,it is dollars,train +61106,61107,61107,nga pexpexen hu,and then you have to break it,train +61107,61108,61108,ira haca ku cecay tu nipauripan nu maku a ngiyaw ira ku pinanuwang pacafay hay cakalahulac ku urip,I have a cat too I will not get bored with the company of my pet,train +61108,61109,61109,suldalutuk,icebergs,train +61109,61110,61110,itini kaˈurip ita awaawa sa misiˈayaway tu ka calemceman ka tuledan ka rurayan a demak,more or less we face things in our lives that because us worry disappointment and pain,test +61110,61111,61111,Caay mafali^ tu Saepi,No it is windy and cool,train +61111,61112,61112,o nipacaliwan ni Kacaw i tisuwanan a impic kuninian haw,did Kacaw lend you this pen,train +61112,61113,61113,teker,noose trap,train +61113,61114,61114,sapipatala,for hospitality,train +61114,61115,61115,hananay,toward a new way,train +61115,61116,61116,Mihakelung kaku cairaan a misalama,I play with them,train +61116,61117,61117,Satakutakud,jumping,train +61117,61118,61118,malitengay,old man or woman,train +61118,61119,61119,herek sa namalahuk tayra kami i padatengan a mikituc tu dateng,after lunch we went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables,train +61119,61120,61120,ha misanga tu kita tu tapad,so let us make a little leg bandage,test +61120,61121,61121,raurhan nira manengneng nira ku luma nu na unal,as they came closer they saw a beehive,train +61121,61122,61122,i,Virtual objects,train +61122,61123,61123,mahiya tu kiya falucu aku i,my heart wants to go ah,train +61123,61124,61124,Macauwaway ku keru nu kapah i kailisinan,the dance of the youth at the Bountiful years Festival is jumping,train +61124,61125,61125,Macacukecuker ku malikakaay a matayal,brothers work to support each other,train +61125,61126,61126,Cauf sa kuya tawki^ Kaemeday tu kuni caay tu ka ngaay sereren saan,but the boss said that it is already very cheap and cannot be reduced any further,train +61126,61127,61127,telihan haen han sapi hiya miketun hai,just leave it like this do it like this cut him up,train +61127,61128,61128,itila han i lidun,keep in the shade,train +61128,61129,61129,i,amongst,train +61129,61130,61130,pakaulah,get rewarded,test +61130,61131,61131,aka pisawad tu demak nu Amis tiyaay hu,do not let the former traditions of the Amis disappear,train +61131,61132,61132,malemeday ku wawa anini,children of the modern age,train +61132,61133,61133,liyas hatu nu wawa kira matuasay,and the child left his elders,train +61133,61134,61134,anu caay kamupisulul tu,and if Ye deny me,train +61134,61135,61135,milaliw,Away,train +61135,61136,61136,mahelek tu miʼanip i misakudasing misakudasing mahaen tu kalapasing tu ku itiyaay hu,after planting the rice seedlings peanuts were planted in the past peanut planting was also very taboo,train +61136,61137,61137,anu caay pi hayi,if not,train +61137,61138,61138,anu ca ka ruray i,if there is no labor,train +61138,61139,61139,tusa suut lima pulu ira ku lima a limuud,dollars in total,train +61139,61140,61140,nengneng han ningra lalima papitu kura fafahiyan i luma,he saw five or eight girls at home,test +61140,61141,61141,dipdipen,peeking,train +61141,61142,61142,matiya u fangsisay a nipacakatan ni Kristu i Kawas kami a mapalusiyang i mamapaurip atu mamatkup a tamdaw,for we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing,train +61142,61143,61143,malepataymatastasay,spoiled,train +61143,61144,61144,em mahaenmelaw hana mahaen kiyami a mamawmah,uh huh that is it you see that is how it is done,train +61144,61145,61145,anu hakuwa cingra a tahira,what time will he arrive there,train +61145,61146,61146,mikalang,crab,train +61146,61147,61147,mama aku i ci Suwana anu paka ci Suwana han,the other name is Brina why Brina,train +61147,61148,61148,miriiw,brush ones teeth,train +61148,61149,61149,masemer ku falucu aku tu suwal nira,his words hurt me in my heart,train +61149,61150,61150,ya litapangan matuʼasay,those who are old or senile,test +61150,61151,61151,iraay ku kacawas i pingsiyang niyah sa miala,there is some watermelon in the fridge help yourself,train +61151,61152,61152,micukang tu kami,we are going to work for a living,train +61152,61153,61153,mairang,bloodshed,train +61153,61154,61154,tiniyan unu,it is a real estate school,train +61154,61155,61155,Pangta^ ku nikafanaan aku minanamay hu^ kaku,a little bit I am learning,train +61155,61156,61156,cikcik han nu maku ku titi nu fafuy,I cut the pork into pieces,train +61156,61157,61157,ira kiya tusa kiya pucu na Iwatan,the Bunun with two tumors right,train +61157,61158,61158,iraay ku misaefeeferay a tumpu i tira,there are dragonflies flying around,train +61158,61159,61159,Paciwcikaen i utuc nu kiyukay nu mita,crosses are erected on the steeple of our church,train +61159,61160,61160,tahira i tira i Pakulungan,all the way to the ranch,test +61160,61161,61161,ha anu,if it is,train +61161,61162,61162,haen sa itiya malialac hananay a demak,they go fishing in rivers and streams,train +61162,61163,61163,oniya demak atu ruma mahecaday demak sahtu O Lalaˈis nu Kwipik,this incident and others like it are part of the Quebec struggle,train +61163,61164,61164,sakilacen nangara ku tama i sacumudan nu niyaru palilamen nangara ku finawlan,they would divide the prey at the entrance of the village and share it with the tribe,train +61164,61165,61165,pacefaay,untrue,train +61165,61166,61166,a tayray i taumah tura,the road to the field,train +61166,61167,61167,malecad tu matiya wadis sema makalatkalat mahenay,like teeth and tongue fighting,train +61167,61168,61168,mifaca tu riku nu tawki miʼisʼisay,cleaning of barbershop laundry,train +61168,61169,61169,a mikared ku kaku anu huni,I will have it ready in a minute,train +61169,61170,61170,Nikawrira anu caay hpulen namu ku raraw nu misatatiihay tamuwanan i caay hpulen nu wama namu ku raraw namu,but if you do not forgive men their sins your father will not forgive your sins,test +61170,61171,61171,hanaw nu mita u nika demak nu mita itini i katayalan,we have to do the same in the workplace,train +61171,61172,61172,u sapimaan ku verus,what is salt wood used for,train +61172,61173,61173,mangalef,not to mention,train +61173,61174,61174,anu hatira i samaanen ita ku kasumuwal saw anu i tini i titaanan ku Kawas a midama i cimahu ku mamisaada i titaanan saw,What then shall we say in response to this if God is for us who can be against us,train +61174,61175,61175,Cikudiwisay ku rakat naira a miadup,they got a freebie this time,train +61175,61176,61176,pasu^lin,be convinced,train +61176,61177,61177,itiya i cli sa kuya palafuay Pafickut han niira kuya wawa ta masadak samatiya satu u mapatayay kuya wawa Saka Mapatayaytu cingra saan ku alumanay a sumuwal,the Spirit shrieked convulsed him violently and came out the boy looked so much like a corpse that many said He is dead,train +61177,61178,61178,Paunulen ni mama kaku a midiput tu safa,my father gave me the responsibility to take care of my younger siblings,train +61178,61179,61179,mahaenay nisangaʼan aku,these are the works I made earlier,train +61179,61180,61180,tusa kina fang dimata han aku,I will carry two bags,test +61180,61181,61181,nengneng han naku awaay kafanaʼan aku a tamdaw i,I looked and looked and there was no one I knew,train +61181,61182,61182,u piʼadup nu misu tiya haw i,what was the motive in the first place,train +61182,61183,61183,hemek,I am glad,train +61183,61184,61184,Aray ku pahemek isu anu hakuwa ku nu misu a kahufucan,thank you for your wishes when is your birthday,train +61184,61185,61185,hantu,not only,train +61185,61186,61186,awaay tu kumalitengay niyam caay sasny tu ka,now that my parents are gone,train +61186,61187,61187,ya mangaʼayay hukini,maybe this will work,train +61187,61188,61188,u maradiway,it is the one who can sing,train +61188,61189,61189,nu Mifelacay hananay,now it is up to the kids to return the favor,train +61189,61190,61190,faliwtepuc,cut off,test +61190,61191,61191,o malawawaaytu nu Kawas a tamdaw i caaytu ka rarid a ciraraw nawhani iraaytu ku urip nu Kawas i cangraan tuna u wama nangra ku Kawas saka caaytu ku mamararid cangra a ciraraw,no one who is born of God will continue to sin because Gods seed remains in him he cannot go on sinning because he has been born of God,train +61191,61192,61192,pacaʼufay i,it is permissible to say,train +61192,61193,61193,matira haw ri,if that is the case,train +61193,61194,61194,ya kureng tiya tataʼangayay kiya saw,the very big urn,train +61194,61195,61195,kulikulian,frozen food,train +61195,61196,61196,pafilungan,celebrate the Chinese new year,train +61196,61197,61197,misaciwcikaay,making the cross,train +61197,61198,61198,pakayni i dmak nangra ku sakafana namu i cangraan Tinaku sa cihci ku fadal tu hci nu fadisusu saw cihci ku udidal tu hci nu sukun saw,by their fruit you will recognize them do people pick grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles,train +61198,61199,61199,pakaynien i nipivuting,about fishing,train +61199,61200,61200,o saucungay ku futing nu maku,I have the most fish,test +61200,61201,61201,nanay ira ku miduʼeduay a kaemangay nu Pangcah,I look forward to discovering new people,train +61201,61202,61202,maulah ku tireng maulah ku,he who loves the body also loves,train +61202,61203,61203,Mamaurad tuya rumiad haw,will it be rainy that day,train +61203,61204,61204,ta u ruma haw i unu mita i a pafesut sa ku mita suwal kira,our style of expression is more direct,train +61204,61205,61205,nitalaan,et a,train +61205,61206,61206,ira,there is,train +61206,61207,61207,u singcya tu kita maemin sanku suwal saka,we are all believers now,train +61207,61208,61208,Hai ci Mayaw ku ngangan ningra,Yes his name is Mayaw,train +61208,61209,61209,ira tu kita machunpi nu,we had been prepared,train +61209,61210,61210,matu ira ku sakacipinang nu mifutingay a dawdaw satumeked sa tumireng u pecih a kunis nu cikiw u sakacipinang tu dihkuay atu faedetay a rumiad,the lighthouse like structure is a pillar in the sky which is a marker of the northern return Line it is the boundary between the temperate and tropical zones of the northern hemisphere,test +61210,61211,61211,u nipanganganan nu Hulam ku hananay,it is called Kavalan by the Chinese,train +61211,61212,61212,Kamaru minanum hu,please sit down and have some tea,train +61212,61213,61213,ri aka tu,So do not,train +61213,61214,61214,kuniyan a demak,obtained a certificate of technical nursing staff,train +61214,61215,61215,a mafanafana a mafukil mitilid caay tu pakatuur tu tau,I think I am behind if I do not study hard,train +61215,61216,61216,maanglis,fresh,train +61216,61217,61217,Mapacekil nu afang nira kuya cikawasay,the medium was visited upon by his spiritual power,train +61217,61218,61218,Misafalinunu ci ina aku,my mom makes mocha,train +61218,61219,61219,nani cuwaay kira,where did modernization come from,train +61219,61220,61220,kinian,this one,test +61220,61221,61221,kinaira,crops,train +61221,61222,61222,awaay kukakaenen safasafa sa i,the population is large and the siblings are in a difficult situation,train +61222,61223,61223,tatuluay kami a malikaka^,we have three siblings,train +61223,61224,61224,nu niyamay a lalumaʼan nu namu alalumaʼan,this is ours and that is yours,train +61224,61225,61225,taylaay,over,train +61225,61226,61226,u rira i u kenaw nu Payrang kaetip nu Amis,the Hans three star onion is over there and the western one is Amis,train +61226,61227,61227,Paruruhen nu awaayay a maaraw a Kawas ku kakarayan,the unseen God made the sky thunder,train +61227,61228,61228,sepat,Four,train +61228,61229,61229,mawmah haw i rumadiw,singing at work,train +61229,61230,61230,nu lalavu nu luma caay kahaen,if the family is not united,test +61230,61231,61231,sakapatay,because that is why I am dead,train +61231,61232,61232,Cifiku ci ina nu maku i demi,my moms kitchen has sticky rice wine,train +61232,61233,61233,cay kanca unu Hulam,it is all in Chinese,train +61233,61234,61234,satukuay caay ka sa caira mahaen miafas ku falucu,the Maliun tribes mentality is that it is their goal to occupy the Crane Pillars,train +61234,61235,61235,sisa alumantu anini ku wawa nu Yincumin a suvucen a matuas i tukay,that is why there are now many descendants of the Aboriginal people born and raised in the city,train +61235,61236,61236,hay ini ku adingu nira,Still he is got a soul he is got a soul,train +61236,61237,61237,anu hakelungen kunini a fana,if you follow their direction,train +61237,61238,61238,a aluman tu ku mamicuker a tamdaw i kitanan,then more people will support us,train +61238,61239,61239,sisa dadahal tu ku nikawaswas nu Cikasuwan,that is why the Shichigokawa were dispersed,train +61239,61240,61240,cefu,bladder,test +61240,61241,61241,saan kiya tamdaw sakiyami haw,the speech of the one who speaks of the departed,train +61241,61242,61242,dipudiput,infant,train +61242,61243,61243,pa pa minukay tu cingra,he went home,train +61243,61244,61244,hananay i hitu haw,Hengchun in Pingtung County,train +61244,61245,61245,mitiku kura safa aku i,my brother comes and goes,train +61245,61246,61246,ini ku purud hatiraay saka,there is a bundle here,train +61246,61247,61247,u kakaenen nu luma,housekeeping,train +61247,61248,61248,nian i sapicefus tu nanum tu nanum,what about this one it is for water,train +61248,61249,61249,maurad,rainy day,train +61249,61250,61250,malecad ku harateng ita,we agree,test +61250,61251,61251,tihi,spouse,train +61251,61252,61252,nipimelaw haw tu mahiniay haw,in this case,train +61252,61253,61253,Pitu^ a rumiad,there are seven days in a week,train +61253,61254,61254,ira ku paysin haw nu heni,what are the taboos,train +61254,61255,61255,papa,chew,train +61255,61256,61256,tu sapakaʼen tu matuʼasay u matayalay,for the elderly and working people,train +61256,61257,61257,hatu ni Maʼuwid,Malverde said so,train +61257,61258,61258,u mamipaterep a cai pisafalucu tu pidii misaliway midu^edu tu likakawa nu tuas u titi nu fafuy u huwak u ra^rau lauc u tefu hatini tu ku makaenay,all of them must be abstained from and fasted from according to the traditional custom except pork duck beans mango and bamboo shoots,train +61258,61259,61259,oninian u kasataʼarawan nu maku tu,I saw it with my own eyes,train +61259,61260,61260,u pakuyuc kisu haw san,do not forget you are a poor mans child,test +61260,61261,61261,u sasaman han kuna kamamangay hu a wawa hakini,what are these little kids supposed to do,train +61261,61262,61262,mama aku sa kaku tu akung,I always thought Grandpa was my father,train +61262,61263,61263,sa tunian han i ira tu ka u Payrang,and then some Minnan people,train +61263,61264,61264,aresing,dew,train +61264,61265,61265,tepatepadan a lutuk,lofty mountains and steep hills,train +61265,61266,61266,o luma ku teluc nuni haw,it is got a different tail end,train +61266,61267,61267,mikayat tu kami i lutuk tu kahacacay nu luma cidingki,every house on the mountain is getting electricity,train +61267,61268,61268,talacuwa u Tapang u singsi namu kaku nikawrira sawsawen aku ku waay namu Orasaka u hahaenen ku namu a masasisawsaw tu waay,now that I your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet you also should wash one another feet,train +61268,61269,61269,Ana a mafalah nu was kaku,what if God should reject me,train +61269,61270,61270,caaytu kamelaw ku sikawasay anini,witches are rare nowadays,test +61270,61271,61271,fangcal itini san sanaw,it is not a bad place to work,train +61271,61272,61272,anu suwalen nu mita cai kapasuwal,if we talk we cannot beat them,train +61272,61273,61273,maepud tu saan masuʼut tu nira kuya dadanguyan kiya,Dads belt is fastened tell me to come down,train +61273,61274,61274,na itiraay satapang kaku a mimisa,that is how I started going to Mass,train +61274,61275,61275,pida^,money,train +61275,61276,61276,itiya pafilangan nu Ripun ira tu ku mimaliay nu malitengay,in Japan the elderly play baseball on new Years Day,train +61276,61277,61277,itimulay ira ku sumuwalay isaw,there is also a saying in the south,train +61277,61278,61278,micakay,buy,train +61278,61279,61279,u tudungay u laluwadan nu finawlan,it is a symbol of our tribal origins,train +61279,61280,61280,u kacihelangan iyaen isu,we will cut it down in the summer,test +61280,61281,61281,saka siwa a malingad kuranan,it is time for the ninth trip out of the harbor,train +61281,61282,61282,suwal han ni tumuk caay pisulul cira,the boss said She does not agree,train +61282,61283,61283,hacuwa ku aca,how much does it cost,train +61283,61284,61284,tusa aca ku rengus ku sapisanga,are there only two plants to make it,train +61284,61285,61285,ku talatimulay talawali ku talawaliay,south to south east to east,train +61285,61286,61286,merawen tu,observe at any time,train +61286,61287,61287,tatala Kakacawan,to Nagahama,train +61287,61288,61288,talip,traditional skirt,train +61288,61289,61289,awaay hu ku tulatulaw tiya,no egrets yet,train +61289,61290,61290,samsaman,take unfair advantage of,test +61290,61291,61291,madengay hen a dateng ku mahiniay a hatini han militeluc a midateng,this ones ready we will take it from here,train +61291,61292,61292,nu Pangcah hantu i,in the Ami language,train +61292,61293,61293,kasu,gas,train +61293,61294,61294,iraay kuya itiniay salawinawina nu Dikidiki,here is the Lejeune clan,train +61294,61295,61295,niyur,rotate,train +61295,61296,61296,palusiyan tu nitayalan atu sakafangcal nu kamaruan mala kasaupuan nu citanengay tu nakamayan u fulis nu rayray a lusid atu misafaeluhan tu nikawitan a tatayalen nu serangawan a radiw atu keru,spawning craft and aesthetics clusters traditional tattoos and innovative lifestyle textile applications and music and dance culture promotion industries to create cultural and creative industry brands and aesthetic living spaces,train +61296,61297,61297,maraay,it is far away,train +61297,61298,61298,disdis,prune,train +61298,61299,61299,hay han ita sanay ku kasasuwal nu wina aku,and my mother promised them,train +61299,61300,61300,o sapa araw kinian,here is a sample,test +61300,61301,61301,anini awaay tu ku sata nu fafuy a mipacuk,there is no tax on killing pigs now,train +61301,61302,61302,a niyaru,one location,train +61302,61303,61303,naka mifariw cira,they started cutting,train +61303,61304,61304,mikihatiyaay hu tu malitengay maumah i sawali,I was still farming with the elders in the east,train +61304,61305,61305,luwad satu kuya tusa ku safaw a nisawawaan a mirakat tu niyaruaru a mipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh miadah cangra tu adadaay,so they set out and went from village to village preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere,train +61305,61306,61306,tihelum,surround,train +61306,61307,61307,pina ku tuki pikalican,what time is it,train +61307,61308,61308,Sarumiamiad,everyday,train +61308,61309,61309,tayniay kami,we are here,train +61309,61310,61310,Aya kaku u tadancaay a tamdaw Acima asa ku papaurip i takuwanan a paliyas nai mipatayay takuwanan a pinangan aku hakini,what a wretched man I am who will rescue me from this body of death,test +61310,61311,61311,pakayni i Rikec ku sakangaay niyam a malayap nu Kawas yasanay a misaicel a tamdaw i u miliyasay i ci Kristuan maliyas ningra ku mikumi nu Kawas,you who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ you have fallen away from grace,train +61311,61312,61312,cuyacuy,suspension bridge,train +61312,61313,61313,matini malifung ku niyaru ita,we have an epidemic now,train +61313,61314,61314,palilam,allocate,train +61314,61315,61315,cay tu kahiya ku falucu matini ira ku,I do not have to worry about it I do now,train +61315,61316,61316,misapeti,whip,train +61316,61317,61317,Pakamaan kisu tala Taypak,what are you taking to Taipei,train +61317,61318,61318,cikcik,cut,train +61318,61319,61319,sa kaku anu haenhan,material for material collection,train +61319,61320,61320,matira tusa kura peruk nira hai cay ka adihay ku sakeru nu ci Kawasay itiya hu,are there only two kinds of songs Yes witches do not have many songs and dances,test +61320,61321,61321,tu falucu isu haw,especially your voice,train +61321,61322,61322,katalaw nu falucu aku a cacay matuʼul,it is scary that I am all alone,train +61322,61323,61323,sakacaaw,avoids,train +61323,61324,61324,o capa ku sapitesek aku tu futing,I shoot fish with a spear,train +61324,61325,61325,anu makrid nu Fangcalay Adingu kamu i caaytu ka kuwan nu Rikec kamu,but if you are led by the Spirit you are not under law,train +61325,61326,61326,u luma sa niyam,what about our home,train +61326,61327,61327,u mipadangay,a helper assistant in a task,train +61327,61328,61328,u salevadesay,hardest,train +61328,61329,61329,patudungan,designed for,train +61329,61330,61330,ulah saan kami,we would be happy to,test +61330,61331,61331,tamuwanan,You you,train +61331,61332,61332,samaanay ku wawa isu a minukay idahiay tu hemek sa mitengil,I am glad the kids are doing well when they get home,train +61332,61333,61333,kirami mamatayal tu ititni,and then we have to recruit staff,train +61333,61334,61334,misulutay tu payci kura malakacaway,elders are paid too,train +61334,61335,61335,sanay kunu niyam a niyaru itiya hu,my tribe was like this at the time,train +61335,61336,61336,anu caay kahaen ku pipaʼicel nuya Amilika i tini i,if the foreigners do not have any excitement,train +61336,61337,61337,tayra kaku a miʼetan tu mamang satungal tu sakaʼurip,I will make money to support my family,train +61337,61338,61338,o edung ni mama,Dads gloves,train +61338,61339,61339,malalisan kaku,I have a cold and a fever,train +61339,61340,61340,Hay mafecul ku kalahuk niyam,Yes we had a full lunch,test +61340,61341,61341,saka u matiniay kina niyaru tini i Makutaay,this is what happens at the tribe,train +61341,61342,61342,Mauradaytu cuwa ka piala kaku tu linay pacaliwen kaku haw,it is raining I do not have an umbrella can you lend me your umbrella,train +61342,61343,61343,anu pecel han ku aku hay,assuming the roles are switched I am a very independent personality yes,train +61343,61344,61344,Matuastu ku tamdaw i ungang satu ku pinangan,the older you get all the acts are clumsy,train +61344,61345,61345,maulah a mihuwad tu para nu tawu ciira,he likes to Jack peoples asses,train +61345,61346,61346,Hai u Amis cingra,Yes she is Pangcah too,train +61346,61347,61347,tahidangen,invitation,train +61347,61348,61348,Awaay ila ku kaka aku tu fafahiyan,No I have a sister,train +61348,61349,61349,lataang,praise,train +61349,61350,61350,matayal kami,we are working,test +61350,61351,61351,itiya matiya ya nu,just like the Maori,train +61351,61352,61352,niya saraw,the ghost,train +61352,61353,61353,cengel han,Color,train +61353,61354,61354,tu emu naayaw,making rice cake bent,train +61354,61355,61355,suʼlinay,yea,train +61355,61356,61356,nahacuwa kita,when do we,train +61356,61357,61357,misaukung sanay,it is practicing Kung fun,train +61357,61358,61358,anu makatakup satu nucahiwcahiw suʼawsuʼaw i i cuwa kita a tahecafer,if we get hungry or thirsty where do we land,train +61358,61359,61359,mapalal,conscious,train +61359,61360,61360,papisaʼusi tu suwal nu Amis tu tilid nu Amis,you have to speak and write Amish,test +61360,61361,61361,mikelit tu kusuy a talaraayay han ku falucu aku,I will go far away to cut lemongrass,train +61361,61362,61362,o sapatalaw tu ayaw ku kangkang i palapalaan,tin cans are used in the fields to scare away birds,train +61362,61363,61363,Niʼadupan numu nian haw,the prey you hunt,train +61363,61364,61364,milupisak,dispersion,train +61364,61365,61365,Ahan ku maku a suwal imatini sanay kinian saka,that is all I am saying right now,train +61365,61366,61366,u kilang ku uʼuʼ ira,it is got wooden feet,train +61366,61367,61367,Nikawrira kter sa a pasuwal kuya ruma a ccay a tamdaw Malcadaytu kita a mapastek i patay i caay ka ngudu kisu tu Kawas saw,but the other criminal rebuked him Do not you fear God he said since you are under the same sentence,train +61367,61368,61368,i 2022 a mihcaan namiluvang ku cengfu tu madengay a cacayen ku nipangangan tu ngangan nu Yincumin i muvinsiw,in the government announced that indigenous identification cards can include tribal names separately,train +61368,61369,61369,faw cecay ku fafuy niyam,we have eleven pigs,train +61369,61370,61370,faʼedet hu i telien ira i fintang haw,when it is still hot he puts it in a big pot,test +61370,61371,61371,miingid,approach,train +61371,61372,61372,anuayawanu hacuwa,future,train +61372,61373,61373,yuyang,angry,train +61373,61374,61374,palakawan,junkyard,train +61374,61375,61375,Maiwil kaku tuya suwal nira,I do not like what he said,train +61375,61376,61376,cai,No it is not,train +61376,61377,61377,Namituktuk tu kaku,I have knocked around,train +61377,61378,61378,masadaktu,it is coming out,train +61378,61379,61379,ya tukus tira i kaʼamis iraay kiya fanaw tira,it is on the north side of the mountain there is a lake in this area,train +61379,61380,61380,yu tayra tu a,Yoo hoo there you go again,test +61380,61381,61381,saka dakaw nu maku awa ku sakadakaw nu maku,but I do not even have a fare,train +61381,61382,61382,awa ku masamanay nani tira riyal kapah tu suʼelinay,they came back from the beach in one piece no one was hurt it was really great,train +61382,61383,61383,samaan kita u mikanguduay tu raramud,what do we do to honor marriage,train +61383,61384,61384,a u ayam aca,or other birds fly away,train +61384,61385,61385,urauren,rush,train +61385,61386,61386,Pina^ tu ku mihecaan ni mama^ nu misu,how old is your father,train +61386,61387,61387,o piyanu tu ku nanamen nu maku,I will start learning the goddam,train +61387,61388,61388,tira ku luma niyam i,our home is still at the rice inn,train +61388,61389,61389,maherek ciraan haw i tayra i ruma tamdaw,after completing the work at his home and then switching to another home,train +61389,61390,61390,paafalaen,to give a mission,test +61390,61391,61391,Anu hatira i anu iratu a minukay kuya tawki nu pisafadisusuan i maanen ningra kuya mifuluday hakiya han ni Yis,Therefore when the owner of the vineyard comes what will he do to those tenants,train +61391,61392,61392,maherek tu a mivuting tu nipacengcengan,make a good home for the fish,train +61392,61393,61393,itiya hu i,at that time,train +61393,61394,61394,Pacauf sa cangra Ci Yuhani u Painuay ira ku sanay Ci Iliya ira ku sanay O lumuwaday a maurip nai patay a ccay nu itiyaayhu a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas ira ku sanay han nangra,they replied Some say John the Baptist others say Elijah and still others that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life,train +61394,61395,61395,ya falucu aku iki tahidang ku Tung Se Cang kaku sa,I am so grateful to be chosen by the chairman of the board to join the broadcasting industry,train +61395,61396,61396,caniwciw,sharp pain,train +61396,61397,61397,o maku a urip kiya satapangan aku a mimali i tini hu kaku i hiya i kuwsiyaw mimaliay tu kaku,I started my baseball career as an elementary school student,train +61397,61398,61398,tahira tu i kucung haw i ngaʼay itiya,in my third year I started to study hard,train +61398,61399,61399,nipatireng,facilities,train +61399,61400,61400,mamaan han,what do you mean,test +61400,61401,61401,awaay aca ku ngaangaan,no achievements,train +61401,61402,61402,kira lutuk hana ku cavay yaku,I asked grand mom is it true that there is a mountain god,train +61402,61403,61403,Sakumeced sa ku tireng nira,his body is very sturdy,train +61403,61404,61404,anini u wawa,Todays children,train +61404,61405,61405,tu cila satu a dafak,by the next morning,train +61405,61406,61406,iraay han ku mitukuficay kisu,you have got a special trip,train +61406,61407,61407,minengneng kaku tu tayal ni mama aku anuminukay,I came home to see my father at work,train +61407,61408,61408,pasitimul,going south past that coast,train +61408,61409,61409,hatira mamutep malikaka i kami,like we have brothers and sisters,train +61409,61410,61410,ira ku kakaulahan nu maku a limecedan,I have a favorite girl,test +61410,61411,61411,nawhan awa minukay matayal kaku i hiya maraluk kisu tangasa i Fakung sa pahiwa mahaenay,the lazy man puts chili peppers in his drink and that is our xxxxx,train +61411,61412,61412,mapatayay tu udemak nangra itiyahu i,they have been farming all their lives,train +61412,61413,61413,tatulu ku ayaw aku malatumuk,there were three leaders here before,train +61413,61414,61414,kaduh,attract,train +61414,61415,61415,malecad tu ku nipihaen,same shot,train +61415,61416,61416,mi mihumung humung malalicay ci Ohay singsi,talking with Mr OHare,train +61416,61417,61417,hani nirid hani ni pip,ringing and whistling at the same time,train +61417,61418,61418,itiya haen saan kuya tayal aku itiya hu,that is what I used to do,train +61418,61419,61419,saka ira ku suwal nu matuʼasay,thus there are the Proverbs of the forefathers,train +61419,61420,61420,o papakaaraw ku tamdaw a ma^min tu pipaurip nu Kawas sanay,and all mankind will see Gods salvation,test +61420,61421,61421,maadahay,get up,train +61421,61422,61422,taʼangayay ku fali taʼangay ku tapelik,the wind and waves are very strong,train +61422,61423,61423,Paludisen nu Kawas ku riray a mipaurip tu kalufuting,God made the sea to ebb and flow so that all the fish species could live,train +61423,61424,61424,ku pisanga ita tu emu,the rice cake,train +61424,61425,61425,cengelan,color,train +61425,61426,61426,kara samaanen,what should I do,train +61426,61427,61427,nawhan tunian i sakangaʼay latek nu tatireng nu mita,because maybe these are the foods that make us strong,train +61427,61428,61428,caayay ku masalalanay ku paʼurip,not to mention the lack of a proper direction in life,train +61428,61429,61429,maecaday tu pikumud enemay limaay,the requirement is the same as or days,train +61429,61430,61430,maepud nani tukus tayni tuni kana Farangaw,I came down the hill to this place in Malan,test +61430,61431,61431,misalafii sa kaku milaliw,I will run away in the night,train +61431,61432,61432,mikahutay,tight,train +61432,61433,61433,sakasinaadaan,poor thing,train +61433,61434,61434,Pakacyiyun kisu a talapicudadan hay,do you go to school by MRT,train +61434,61435,61435,haen han niya mihaen kaluh sa ini,just pull it out this way,train +61435,61436,61436,misaʼusi tu u pulung nu niyaru satu hiwawa,we did the math and then we called the tribesmen and said,train +61436,61437,61437,aka pisungtul tu rumakatay i lalan,do not hit a pedestrian,train +61437,61438,61438,itini i paputal adihay,there is plenty of snacks out there too,train +61438,61439,61439,o Pangcah,it is the Amis,train +61439,61440,61440,mafulaw ca cangra talaʼamis,some migrated to the north,test +61440,61441,61441,Siputut tu amin ilalavu,there are tubes inside,train +61441,61442,61442,mi kami tu faʼinay nu maku ci Mayaw itini i Cilakesay,my husband and I are going to walk around the Shiodome neighborhood,train +61442,61443,61443,tinulu,Three,train +61443,61444,61444,mafana,learning,train +61444,61445,61445,mamaanay tu hakiya ku urip nira tu mihemiheca,I wonder how he is been doing these past few years,train +61445,61446,61446,mahapinang tu ita adihay tuku masamaamaanay anini,we realize that there are a lot of different things going on nowadays,train +61446,61447,61447,o pawlipawlian ku Rinahem anini,now Shoufeng is a banana plantation,train +61447,61448,61448,maumah kaku,when I am working,train +61448,61449,61449,o sakatusaay tu a rekad kinian a faliyus,this typhoon is the second batch,train +61449,61450,61450,cefa ku demak nira,he did the thing altogether incorrectly leaving trouble behind him,test +61450,61451,61451,Panayaw Panayaw,Banai,train +61451,61452,61452,naw madawa kita Pangcah,Besides we are the most populous people in the world,train +61452,61453,61453,inaayaway a matuasay,the old people of the past,train +61453,61454,61454,katekes,noble,train +61454,61455,61455,tutu,water ladle,train +61455,61456,61456,haenen ku nu tau nu maku han tu i ci havelut,people pick like this I pick like this,train +61456,61457,61457,tura pikiʼayaw nira miiya ha,does that mean it is within the auspicious time frame,train +61457,61458,61458,miaca kisu tu titi nu hatini,if you are buying meat now,train +61458,61459,61459,tu nika paliw sanay ku urip i tauan,I have been trading jobs with other people,train +61459,61460,61460,nusaka nawhan tataʼang kura luma,so it is going to be a big house,test +61460,61461,61461,diʼeciwen nu malitengay,the elders will lead the singing,train +61461,61462,61462,malkakukukutu,mutual pursuit,train +61462,61463,61463,maherek i,finish washing,train +61463,61464,61464,san saka,so to speak,train +61464,61465,61465,pasuwal satu ku pasevanay itakuwan akaa tu kautang karatar tu a lumuwad haw,the teacher told me Wake up earlier next time and do not be late again,train +61465,61466,61466,Macalap nu lalan ku pala nu maku,my land was crossed by the road,train +61466,61467,61467,papicakcaken,Please cut it into big pieces,train +61467,61468,61468,^nem ku tuki a lumuwad kaku,I get up at six of the clock in the morning,train +61468,61469,61469,niyan na hiya tafukud mahaen,that is how you make a gossip network,train +61469,61470,61470,tahidangen,find it,test +61470,61471,61471,pasuwal sa ci Filip ci Yisan Tapangaw paarawen kami tu Wama ta rahker kami han ningra,Philip said Lord show us the father and that will be enough for us,train +61471,61472,61472,nawhani adihay tuku anini awaay ka lengaw a rengus,because there is a lot of grass that does not grow anymore,train +61472,61473,61473,o kasimaanay hu umamaan a kilang,various trees,train +61473,61474,61474,Makakuring kuni wawa,this kids got a big ass,train +61474,61475,61475,itinitini aca kita i piunduan a mituʼur tu paylang,you can only win with your athletic prowess,train +61475,61476,61476,anu sasepat,whether it is digits or not it is still drinkable,train +61476,61477,61477,tawki,Boss,train +61477,61478,61478,Katumireng Mitaung,please stand up Salute,train +61478,61479,61479,belun han itira,he fell right there,train +61479,61480,61480,Maaraw ningra itira ci Ayniyas hananay a tamdaw Falutu a mihcaan ku nika lacaan ningra a mafuti i kafutian tu nika pi ningra,there he found a man named Aeneas a paralytic who had been bedridden for eight years,test +61480,61481,61481,anu tayni tu kaku i sifu i anu mimaamaan kaku,I told myself I would grow up no matter what,train +61481,61482,61482,o raan tu ku tuur han nira pangangan tahanini kira,named after sargassum or kohlrabi,train +61482,61483,61483,tayra a malingad a mifuting ku heni,they went fishing father and son,train +61483,61484,61484,caay kawu nu tireng ku turun,the glutinous rice cake is definitely not your own,train +61484,61485,61485,awaayhu mipalumaan itiyahu kira sa matiraay,because bamboo has never been planted before,train +61485,61486,61486,talaʼamisay i tayraay i ku kasadak ira,the other side drifted north to what is now a large harbor,train +61486,61487,61487,caka papina i,the number of people is very small,train +61487,61488,61488,Malupisak ku siri i semusemutan,sheep scattered and hid in the meadow,train +61488,61489,61489,kita u Pangcah hananay,We the Amis,train +61489,61490,61490,taelif,go through,test +61490,61491,61491,cuwa ku mamaulah ci Yihufa takuwanan sa kaku,I still feel unworthy of the LORDs love,train +61491,61492,61492,sangsangdev,toward evening,train +61492,61493,61493,mateli,place,train +61493,61494,61494,Nikawrira mafanatu kamu tu Kawas anini ikaka ku nika fana nu Kawas i tamuwanan Nawiru pasayra haca kamu i tadancaay awaay ku ^puc a lkakawa nu lisinan saw Nawiru mangalay kamu a miliyaw a malakuli nangra saw,but now that you know God or rather are known by God how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again,train +61494,61495,61495,hatiraay mansa ca ka fana tu manan sa aku i,that is why I do not know anything I have not read any books,train +61495,61496,61496,milingkiw,pick,train +61496,61497,61497,a pasinaku a pasuwal tu samaanay,tell me some stories from my childhood,train +61497,61498,61498,o hiya tu,change that,train +61498,61499,61499,sa rucek han a lalimaay a,there are five language families,train +61499,61500,61500,tatapangan,that amount or less,test +61500,61501,61501,tueman satu taluma tu ku pakaenay tu rarapaa,when it gets dark the cattlemen go home,train +61501,61502,61502,u punka,cultures,train +61502,61503,61503,langedaway,green,train +61503,61504,61504,uya tu falingkud atuya fanglay kura sapisanga aku,I am all about chrysanthemums and yeast grass,train +61504,61505,61505,deng u nai Aciyaay a papinapina a Yutaya a tamdaw ku iraay itiya anu ira ku maan a papakukuten nangra a raraw aku i kuna cangra ku tatayni i kaayaw isu a pakukut,but there are some Jews from the province of Asia who ought to be here before you and bring charges if they have anything against me,train +61505,61506,61506,u maan hakiya ku sapafili tina kaemangay san kaku,how will you teach these kids the players,train +61506,61507,61507,siding,one line,train +61507,61508,61508,u sayhu itiya mafana tu hatiniay,it takes a master to do that,train +61508,61509,61509,Maladafdaf ku lutuk niyam tu nika riri,the mountains we crumbled into flat ground,train +61509,61510,61510,ya nu Taluku anu Puyuma u Paliwan,like the Atayal the Birnam and the Paiwan,test +61510,61511,61511,kueku tuna lafang nu paru nu ruma atu u niyaru saan cangra,they are trying to figure out how to get rid of this epidemic in the entire population and tribe,train +61511,61512,61512,hatiraay ku demak nu malitengay itiyahu,this is how the older generation used to live,train +61512,61513,61513,u kapah a tamdaw i,young people,train +61513,61514,61514,tira kaku a micudad,that is where I went to school,train +61514,61515,61515,mahaen cangra a papitu a cifafahi tuya fafahiyan a caay ka citluc ta saikuray satu haluya a fafahiyan a mapatay,in fact none of the seven left any children last of all the woman died too,train +61515,61516,61516,Saikuray tu a rumiad nu kakeruan nu ilisin anini,today is the last day of the Toyonen Matsuri song and dance program,train +61516,61517,61517,rakat,actions,train +61517,61518,61518,i cuwaan miteli ku kawkaw,where are the sickles,train +61518,61519,61519,micait,hang,train +61519,61520,61520,Mahrektu kaku a misungila a mihapinang nai satapangan tunini a dmak saka u pipatilid aku i tisuwanan tu kadadu^du nunini a dmak ku ngaay saan ku harateng aku Saka patilid kaku i tisuwanan,Therefore since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you most excellent Theophilus,test +61520,61521,61521,kita u makapatayay a demak,there is still the matter of the nightly companion of the Guardian,train +61521,61522,61522,cai kira,I cannot,train +61522,61523,61523,sa aluman aluman ku salikaka itiya,that is why there were more and more brothers and sisters at that time,train +61523,61524,61524,sasinavel,cook,train +61524,61525,61525,tuyanan tu a rumiad i masadak ci Yis nai luma a tayra i lawac nu fanaw a maru,that same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake,train +61525,61526,61526,Pacauf sa kuya cuyuh O tumirengay i kaayaw nu Kawas a cuyuh ci Kapriil kaku o niucuran nu Kawas kaku a papipasuwal i tisuwanan tunini a ngaayay ratuh,the angel answered I am Gabriel I stand in the presence of God and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news,train +61526,61527,61527,oni tusa lalakaw papadama kitanan cipinang tu satadamaanay nuka pikuwan ni Yihufa tu hakuwaay ku nika masaka limlaan atu samaanen ita midupu ku satadamaanay nuka pikuwan nu Kawas,these two texts will help us understand how important Jehovahs supreme dominion is and how we can embrace Gods supreme dominion,train +61527,61528,61528,Tiktik han Tiktik han,Knock knock knock,train +61528,61529,61529,maku,mine,train +61529,61530,61530,tunikama falic tu a masaruma ku taliyuk nu kaitiraan atu kakafukilan tu ku rakat nu tahaf nu kakarayan inian u kakararuraruman hananay i,the helplessness is that no one can change the environment and the world pulse and the excitement is that this era is full of unpredictable technological development,test +61530,61531,61531,a nanay u kita pakayniay tunu Amis a,looking forward to workers who like to work with Amis,train +61531,61532,61532,sacukcuk,key,train +61532,61533,61533,sa pacedi sa kaku itini Taywan a matayal,I stayed in Taiwan to work,train +61533,61534,61534,falu^ pulu,eighty,train +61534,61535,61535,i rengurenusan ku suni a matepa,searching in the haystacks barking,train +61535,61536,61536,mamatay tu mapatay ku urip nu wina nu maku,my mom looks like she is dying,train +61536,61537,61537,patupida nu supa kaku,I was hit with spit,train +61537,61538,61538,edeng kini i,until later,train +61538,61539,61539,halamham sa kaku tu nikatayni ni Panay,I am looking forward to Panays arrival,train +61539,61540,61540,himeden aku tayni i riku nu maku a miiya ta ca kapakaʼarawen,I hid the card from my family,test +61540,61541,61541,itira caay kanca^ ira ku pikacawan a mapatireng u tudung tu hata^ nu niyaru nu Pangcah kunini,of course in the clubhouse there must be a watchtower set up which is like a tribal flag,train +61541,61542,61542,mahaen na saan i misawad tu mifuting,then I gave up fishing,train +61542,61543,61543,safa,Brother sister,train +61543,61544,61544,Rumakat,go on foot,train +61544,61545,61545,o sapimaanan kunini a kureng,what was this pottery used for,train +61545,61546,61546,fana tu nu Ripun sanu Ripunay,you know Japanese you speak Japanese,train +61546,61547,61547,Pitusuren a mitulun,please get down on your knees and pray,train +61547,61548,61548,o tudung nu i Arapiyaay a Sinay a lutuk ci Hakar o tatudung nu aniniay a Yirusalim cingra nawhani malakuli cingra atu wawa ningra,now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem because she is in slavery with her children,train +61548,61549,61549,a mikingkiw tu tafukud,gossip monger,train +61549,61550,61550,keru^,dancing,test +61550,61551,61551,pituay pulu ira ku tusa,years old,train +61551,61552,61552,masakaying,looks like a lady,train +61552,61553,61553,tuna awaay tu ku mama nu maku,I do not have a father anymore,train +61553,61554,61554,mikihatiyaay tu tura malitengay,follow your predecessor in everything,train +61554,61555,61555,sanay kura kaemangay,the boy told me so,train +61555,61556,61556,Miakuˈid ku falucuˈ niyam,grateful praise to the Lord for his salvation,train +61556,61557,61557,ala hatinien a kapapuyu,keep it short like this,train +61557,61558,61558,tudungay tu pacauf tu suwal nu kakitaan matu nu safitay a suwal tudungay Hai Hai Hai sanay ku tatudung,it is the same as answering Yes Yes the meaning of the word yes is the same as yes,train +61558,61559,61559,i tatihi ni Yis a maru kuya kaulahan ningra a ccay a nisawawaan,one of them the disciple whom Jesus loved was reclining next to him,train +61559,61560,61560,masasiadaay,hostile to each other,test +61560,61561,61561,ma han nu Hulam,in Mandarin it is a premature death,train +61561,61562,61562,ira cadiwayi,the triangular fishnet,train +61562,61563,61563,karuheman tu,Mature,train +61563,61564,61564,sakacuwa,where is it,train +61564,61565,61565,u vavainay kisu,you are boys,train +61565,61566,61566,tarakaw cikadakaw,it is very high and you cannot really climb it,train +61566,61567,61567,Naangen i kakarayan ku maludafung namu nawhani awaay ku aayad a mikaen caay ku mamatayi a mapuhed awaay ku mamitakaw a tamdaw itira,but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal,train +61567,61568,61568,o kasiniadaan a tamdaw kuya marufuay,that prisoner is someone to feel sorry for,train +61568,61569,61569,tutuy,puppy,train +61569,61570,61570,Halikiyafes kaku,I love guavas,test +61570,61571,61571,Mapacerur tu nu maku ku matayalay nira,I have supplemented his staff,train +61571,61572,61572,cuwa pitamaku kami i tila kami tuya awaay ku mitamakuay a kamaruan,no smoking we have to sit in the no smoking area,train +61572,61573,61573,Papihaklungen ku nidiputan isu a salikaka tu mikuwanay a tamdaw a papituur ta lunuk u sasaan cangra a matayal tu masamaamaanay a ngaayay a dmak,remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities to be obedient to be ready to do whatever is good,train +61573,61574,61574,malitemuhay,encountered,train +61574,61575,61575,paluma tu vunga a,I am going to grow groundnuts,train +61575,61576,61576,ira ku cena nu tayal a pahanhan saka minukay kaku,I came back because I had a short break from work,train +61576,61577,61577,malangtu^ maunged,burnt,train +61577,61578,61578,misaakiway,selfish,train +61578,61579,61579,sava aku tu vavahiyan a sava,will be ready to produce my sister,train +61579,61580,61580,ira tu wa mamilifet kaku tu cumikayay,Yes I will compete in running,test +61580,61581,61581,ira i cingyen,in Proverbs,train +61581,61582,61582,nian san cikaadaw,this is a rare sight,train +61582,61583,61583,i,in the process of,train +61583,61584,61584,i a mihecaan a demakhay,it was in the year of the Republic of China,train +61584,61585,61585,Mirucukay ciira tu mama nira a kumeced ku tatirengan,he inherited his fathers good health,train +61585,61586,61586,ikur satu i,later on,train +61586,61587,61587,icuwacuwaay mapulung tu anini,it is from all over it is all mixed up,train +61587,61588,61588,lutung,monkeys,train +61588,61589,61589,u urip nu tamdaw,it is human life,train +61589,61590,61590,itiya hu kaemangay,when I was a kid,test +61590,61591,61591,nu ruma a luma nika,However there are some bereaved families,train +61591,61592,61592,ira ku tatusa a kaka aku cecay ku safa aku,I have two brothers and sisters and one younger brother and sister,train +61592,61593,61593,tahaniniay tu,until now,train +61593,61594,61594,maʼecakay tu kini ini,this skin is cooked,train +61594,61595,61595,Saka anini mihecaan u pahanhanan tu nu kafaedetan i minukay tayra i niyaru mihumung tu malitengay kaku atu kaka tu fainayan hay mafana tu serangawan nu niyah tu a finacadan,so this summer my brother and I went back to our tribe to visit the elderly hoping to understand the culture of our own ethnic group,train +61595,61596,61596,ulat,tendons,train +61596,61597,61597,Miterikay kuya kikay tu lakaw,that machine is throwing off debris,train +61597,61598,61598,nu Kuwaping tu anini tura Cilafinan hananay i,Republic of China to the present day Giraffe,train +61598,61599,61599,Iira ku maamaan ira ku kakaen tayni tuni a niyaru,there is all kinds of there is food that goes to this tribe,train +61599,61600,61600,nalikulan nu Taywan a mikunga kiyami,after the Min Min harvest like this,test +61600,61601,61601,matuaya,lie too far up,train +61601,61602,61602,cakelistimpu,axe,train +61602,61603,61603,mikanasaw,catching sea urchins,train +61603,61604,61604,pakifunguhen,on top of the head,train +61604,61605,61605,kafangcal,standard,train +61605,61606,61606,o idang aku ci Calaw,Calaw is my friend,train +61606,61607,61607,madimukus,to care for,train +61607,61608,61608,misarafar,fill a container,train +61608,61609,61609,sakudusiya,cable car,train +61609,61610,61610,malcad tunini tuna u kasiniadaan nu Kawas kamu saka malacaay pituur ku Yutaya a tamdaw anini onini i u sakangaayaw nangra a milayap tu siniada nu Kawas,so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now receive mercy as a result of Gods mercy to you,test +61610,61611,61611,Sasiwaen ku tamdaw,it is going to be nine people,train +61611,61612,61612,mimalasufitay i,be discharged from military service,train +61612,61613,61613,Luwanen ku paru nu kafang,reduce the weight of the bag,train +61613,61614,61614,sasilawan nu malitengay,the parents would pickle it,train +61614,61615,61615,awaay henay ku sukuy haw ina haw caay kasiheci ku sukuy aku,my agarics does not grow fruits,train +61615,61616,61616,ira ku ruma a nikridan nangra tu tatusa a ciraraway a tamdaw o papakaputen cangra ci Yisan a mipatay,two other men both criminals were also led out with him to be executed,train +61616,61617,61617,Itiyasatu tayra i kakridan nu citudungay tu taung ku ccay nu tusaay ku safaw a tarukus ni Yis ci Yuta nu Iskariyut,then one of the twelve the one called Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests,train +61617,61618,61618,Thau,Thao one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +61618,61619,61619,kami u ka makaninaʼay tu,what we have been through,train +61619,61620,61620,kiskisen cimira mihatini kurac,you have to shave like this until it is clean,test +61620,61621,61621,nawhani nu ʼayaway a awiten haw i,there must be a basis for imitation,train +61621,61622,61622,han ita ku falucu mitilid tu ku tamdaw anini i adihaay tu ku tayraay i u puluyakiw,readers will think so there are a lot of people in mid career right now,train +61622,61623,61623,nika awaay ku maamaan a sakangaʼay aetan itini i niyaru,but there is nothing to make the tribesmen rich,train +61623,61624,61624,o maan satu ku saku nu ikur,what else is there to collect in the future,train +61624,61625,61625,nira tu valuhay nira,carrying behavior of the departed,train +61625,61626,61626,halafin,very long,train +61626,61627,61627,matayal kaku anini,I am working now,train +61627,61628,61628,sisa cay kalepel,So there is no catching,train +61628,61629,61629,anu misatapang kisu tu faeluhay a tayal i pairaen ku talaˈayaway a waywayan,if you are starting a new job keep a positive attitude,train +61629,61630,61630,mita^kud,jump,test +61630,61631,61631,saka ira tu ku kuwaping,when the Republic of China came,train +61631,61632,61632,nu,belonging to remember,train +61632,61633,61633,Icuwaan ku kalamkamay nu silamalay atu vasu,which is faster the train or the bus,train +61633,61634,61634,Mafcul ku finawlan a ma^min a kumaen Saka saupu han nu nisawawaan ku pnapcih a usaw a ^pang i pitu a fakar,the people ate and were satisfied afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over,train +61634,61635,61635,hananay,the so called traditional house,train +61635,61636,61636,Halu ya wacu tu nira a mipadang a mi kilim tuya takula,his dog helped him look for the frog,train +61636,61637,61637,Mananiwacay na lahuk i nacila,they harvested the green beans yesterday,train +61637,61638,61638,cima ku kaayaway,who is in front,train +61638,61639,61639,u tamdaw maruray inaneng i,a man must labor and work hard,train +61639,61640,61640,o matayalay tu umah itiya mianip sai malecad tu tatiih kumaen tu futing u futing ku suwal nu matuʼasay,those who work in agriculture are not allowed to eat fish even when planting rice seedlings and fish is what the elders tell them to eat,test +61640,61641,61641,malasafitay,go into the army,train +61641,61642,61642,makalat nu sapaiyu ku fanges,skin reacts to medication,train +61642,61643,61643,alahan i,but then again,train +61643,61644,61644,mataelif,over,train +61644,61645,61645,tariktikay ci Kacaw u kaulaulahan nu alumanay cingra,Kacaw is very energetic and everyone likes him a lot,train +61645,61646,61646,ira ira masidasiday kina puʼut,as a result even the knife was lost,train +61646,61647,61647,huti^,felt tip pen,train +61647,61648,61648,pedped,multitude,train +61648,61649,61649,pilatek,each acts in accordance with his own convictions,train +61649,61650,61650,maanen tu sakaciʼepuc tuna Ku Ka sa,how to make this country more valuable,test +61650,61651,61651,pasintu^,percentage,train +61651,61652,61652,ira ini u ini ku heci u,there are fruits growing here,train +61652,61653,61653,wata kahemekan tu anu miliyaw miadup haenen tu aku a mitalakal nga citama,Great I will be able to catch the prey in the future,train +61653,61654,61654,macuraf,fire,train +61654,61655,61655,milunguc kaku ci inaan tu tingnaw,I begged my mom for a computer,train +61655,61656,61656,saan tu ku falucu tu ninian haw i,that is what I remember,train +61656,61657,61657,caka futi tadafaʼinayan tu kura sa,I think the one who never sleeps is a real man,train +61657,61658,61658,mahaen u menmen talasasaen ku sirsir,the water flows down like this,train +61658,61659,61659,Ocung ku kasuy i sarikuran nu luma pili hatu ku maicangay,we choose dry lumber for a lot of the wood in our backyard,train +61659,61660,61660,na lumuwad kaku lingatuen aku cumikay a talaayaw,but I stood up and continued running forward,test +61660,61661,61661,mauraday i sawni tumerepay tu ku urad hatini,it just rained and now it is stopped,train +61661,61662,61662,duedu satu kaikur,I cannot believe the other cows followed,train +61662,61663,61663,o makapahay makapahay tu,Whoo Beautiful beautiful,train +61663,61664,61664,hatira aca ku masuwalay ita,end of explanation of geographical names,train +61664,61665,61665,picangrayan,relying on,train +61665,61666,61666,u sakavidangan nu,all,train +61666,61667,61667,o karayaay atu papuyuay,one long one short,train +61667,61668,61668,malakulem tu taraw,that is how it is going to take shape,train +61668,61669,61669,macawang,Split,train +61669,61670,61670,maciwangay ku papah mahaenay,the leaves are angled,test +61670,61671,61671,mifuting saan iraay ku sasiayawan katalawan mifuting a tayal nu misu haw,have you ever faced anything dangerous in your fishing career,train +61671,61672,61672,makakawangay,fully nude,train +61672,61673,61673,Maliʼalac han tu,funeral Ceremony,train +61673,61674,61674,mapalusiyangay,circulate,train +61674,61675,61675,miliyaw tu suraratan saan,the clubhouse will be renovated,train +61675,61676,61676,karatangila,big ears,train +61676,61677,61677,ta u mahaenay kura Tumukay sa kaku itiya maaraw aku,that is what I saw when I saw the ringleader,train +61677,61678,61678,naway,do not,train +61678,61679,61679,luma,classifier for families or businesses beg shops companies,train +61679,61680,61680,hatira satu adada,I cannot walk I am sick,test +61680,61681,61681,Matayi kuya marad,that metal is rusted,train +61681,61682,61682,fangsis sanay a,it is a very nice smell,train +61682,61683,61683,mariang,I am bad for people,train +61683,61684,61684,17 anu sakacakataw i pihudup ci Yihufaan makahi kisu micada tu adihayay a Sapahatatanam han,are you willing to receive more training in order to do a better job in serving God,train +61684,61685,61685,hanahanaan,florid,train +61685,61686,61686,itiya i awaay ku kihar namu ci Kristuan masapaputalay nu nipilian nu Kawas a finawlan kamu anu pakaynien i katatlekan atu niktunan nu Kawas a suwal i caay ka sausi kamu awaay ku pafalucuan i hkal awaay ku Kawas,remember that at that time you were separate from Christ excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise without hope and without God in the world,train +61686,61687,61687,fihun,powder,train +61687,61688,61688,hatiniay tu ka i akawang nura salil,the net is almost as high as this table,train +61688,61689,61689,u wawa nu runung,mullet fry,train +61689,61690,61690,tini haan i pinsiyang,always stored refrigerated,test +61690,61691,61691,Patalaisingen ni ina^ kaku,mom is taking me to the hospital,train +61691,61692,61692,saan ku malitengay,that is what my parents think,train +61692,61693,61693,Cen ey,boss,train +61693,61694,61694,masahefuhefu,rugged,train +61694,61695,61695,maranam,breakfast,train +61695,61696,61696,itiya i ira a masadak ku ccay a cuyuh nai Fangcalay Pitaungan pasayra sa cingra tuya maruay i tuem a milkal a sumuwal Pisatapangtu a miritrit Nawhani ma^caktu ku panay nu umah Maraudtu ku pipanayan a rumiad saan,then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud Take your sickle and reap because the time to reap has come for the Harvest of the earth is ripe,train +61696,61697,61697,a afinawlan,dear Clansmen,train +61697,61698,61698,matira kirana suwal,that is what I said,train +61698,61699,61699,nima,whose,train +61699,61700,61700,cima ku sakaretengay nu namu,which one of you is the heaviest,test +61700,61701,61701,tatiihay,bad,train +61701,61702,61702,masamaanay ku rumiad nu dadaya anini,how is the weather tonight,train +61702,61703,61703,iniyan u malasawaday nu mita,dealing with our deceased loved ones,train +61703,61704,61704,picaceli,exclamation,train +61704,61705,61705,awaʼay hu ku palumaay tu uway tu dungec kira,no one had ever grown rattan before,train +61705,61706,61706,o mamidauc cingra a malahungti u tluc ni Yakup caay ku cacitulas ku pikuwan Ningra han ningra,and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever his kingdom will never end,train +61706,61707,61707,pangangan nu malitengay tura Alapawan,it is the old people who named this place,train +61707,61708,61708,niyan,this one,train +61708,61709,61709,mafutfut,fig pull out patches of grass,train +61709,61710,61710,nu Recurd,and then there is this,test +61710,61711,61711,u nian ta u matuʼasay tu i ayaw,this is also a dish for the elderly,train +61711,61712,61712,Saka cli sa cingra a sumuwal O tadamalmeday kisu i pulung nu fafahiyan o malmeday kuya i tiyaday isu,in a loud voice she exclaimed Blessed are you among women and blessed is the child you will bear,train +61712,61713,61713,u maan kuma tiniay saku wawa tu,the kid said What is this,train +61713,61714,61714,ira tu ini maherek a mifawah kisu patikulen kaku haw,I have got it when you are done with it please return it to me,train +61714,61715,61715,tayira i enar,to the plains,train +61715,61716,61716,Kirami adihay ku faliyus,but there are many typhoons,train +61716,61717,61717,hatira saka nengnengan nu finawlan san,the tribesmen are watching,train +61717,61718,61718,Papitatiwan ni Yihufa ci Musi tu cukur misetiˈ tu fakeluh nu Hurip a lutuk puwal sanaytu ku nanum nai fakeluh,the Lord told Moses to take his staff and strike the rock in the mountainous area of Horeb and water would gush out of it,train +61718,61719,61719,mana caka piasiken isu,why do not you clean up,train +61719,61720,61720,cima ku hahumungen nira,who is he going to interview,test +61720,61721,61721,fafelin,bring about a change of ones fortunes,train +61721,61722,61722,putut,bamboo tube,train +61722,61723,61723,cuker,support,train +61723,61724,61724,u minanaman tu nu malatumukay ku adihayay a nanamen,someone has asked for a satisfactory response to answer the question,train +61724,61725,61725,anu u wawa hen kaku,if when I am old,train +61725,61726,61726,milidafak,the sooner the better,train +61726,61727,61727,pipakaen aca tu kulung,it is just a question of how to take care of the cattle,train +61727,61728,61728,huducen,to pull out,train +61728,61729,61729,Safahka sa ku mama atu ina nuya fafahiyan a wawa sulingaen ni Yis a palimuut cangra aka ka pasuwalen ku cimacima tunini a dmak han ni Yis,her parents were astonished but he ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened,train +61729,61730,61730,patireng tu luma nu awaay ku luma anini,help build a house without a house,test +61730,61731,61731,cakamatira ku cay katama,No I did not find it,train +61731,61732,61732,miundukay ku cacudadan anini manay adihay ku nikacacavi i cacudadan,today was the schools sports day and the school organized many competitions,train +61732,61733,61733,i ayaw aluman ku nilaliway,a lot of people deserted before,train +61733,61734,61734,o kamukuay ku cacaedungan a riku ku aacaen nu maku,ant to buy the clothes with short sleeves,train +61734,61735,61735,mifuting satu kaku i,fishing jobs,train +61735,61736,61736,tangsul sa cangra a misawad tu tafukud nangra a mituur i ci Yisan,at once they left their nets and followed him,train +61736,61737,61737,tala sa misaremiremiʼada,almost daily travel to,train +61737,61738,61738,awaay ku suwal nira tu yniay tunini a demak,he did not say anything about this matter,train +61738,61739,61739,Yay Mafana kamu a misanu Pangcah Fangcal,you speak Pangcah that is great,train +61739,61740,61740,Ifatad nu lalan tatayra i tataian ci Kacaw kawra matawal ningra ku silikami,on the way Kacaw wanted to go to the bathroom but he forgot to bring toilet paper,test +61740,61741,61741,pinatu taluma iri,how many times have you been home,train +61741,61742,61742,Hai cilimaw tayni i luma aku a misalama,Okay come to my house sometime,train +61742,61743,61743,caay ka,absolutely not,train +61743,61744,61744,taʼangen ku ngiha satapang tu,turn it up here we go,train +61744,61745,61745,uya sa mipatikulay tu lalusidan i,and what about the ones who return to their costumes,train +61745,61746,61746,yu pakaaraw kaku tu ina nira i masumad ku falucu aku,when I saw his mother I had sad mixed up feelings,train +61746,61747,61747,i nanum i saewac,in the waters of the river,train +61747,61748,61748,ira i lakulakuan a remadiw iri,singing in the rice fields,train +61748,61749,61749,han,coerce,train +61749,61750,61750,hatiniay ku kafanaʼan nu maku i ayaw san,these are my past years,test +61750,61751,61751,ira na u hananay,it is called a clubhouse,train +61751,61752,61752,pasuwal sa kuya fafahiyan Singsiaw u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas kisu sa kaku,Sir the woman said I can see that you are a prophet,train +61752,61753,61753,ira ku masasulutay saliwaay mimali cumikayay masakeruay atu mipanaay,there were tug of war soccer running dancing and archery,train +61753,61754,61754,ira ku hemay suwasatu,there is also rice,train +61754,61755,61755,ira kura tunu saka tayra i Kuhkuh,it is at a cliff on the way to Mizuho,train +61755,61756,61756,Huni^,wait a moment,train +61756,61757,61757,kaysingay,in the bowl,train +61757,61758,61758,micudad,reading,train +61758,61759,61759,Hai cuwa ku tatayra i raay kami,got it we will not go anywhere too far,train +61759,61760,61760,miringiay,striking,test +61760,61761,61761,samaen hadidi satu kaku a malatumuk,I had to stick with my job as a ringleader,train +61761,61762,61762,u mibutingay tu ku demaken nu baki,elderly people work as fishermen,train +61762,61763,61763,limuut,discipline,train +61763,61764,61764,nawhani caay ka tatudung,because it is still not enough,train +61764,61765,61765,tanu intuc u kawil tu kini,it is got a pointy wooden handle,train +61765,61766,61766,Miaca kami tu incay kuretu atu saytaw,we bought water spinach yams and carrots,train +61766,61767,61767,mavana tu,got it,train +61767,61768,61768,maicang,yin and Yang,train +61768,61769,61769,madengay ayi tini ku Cikasuwan a maurip,enough to give the seven foot river people a life,train +61769,61770,61770,yu tahiratu ci Yis i luma nuya citudungay tu kasaupuan i maaraw ningra ku mitipuluay a mitademay atu mararawraway a finawlan,when Jesus entered the rulers house and saw the flute players and the noisy crowd,test +61770,61771,61771,Siwa^ tu a pulu ira ku falu^,I am years old,train +61771,61772,61772,maamaan ku nipatayni pakayni namaka i Kilan,bringing different kinds from Yilan,train +61772,61773,61773,nga mangaʼay kakumaen sanay,that is the only way you can eat,train +61773,61774,61774,mapui kura wina aku ayakisu sausiʼusi sa kisu tu faʼinayan,my mother scolded me for being so picky,train +61774,61775,61775,saka itini i katayalan,whether at work,train +61775,61776,61776,o tatayra kita a ma^min a tumireng i kaayaw ni Kristu a masawkit anu masamaan ku dmak nu paytmek ita yu i hkalhu anu u ngaayaytu anu u tatiihaytu i pakayni tunini ku pilayap ita tu tatudung nu dmak ita,for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body whether good or bad,train +61776,61777,61777,sa maan sa ku misinghuy sanay,what is the meaning of Be careful what you wish for,train +61777,61778,61778,Pacaedesay a maemin ku suwal nu tumuk,every word of the ringleader is harsh,train +61778,61779,61779,ira ku paisingan itini,is there a clinic here,train +61779,61780,61780,ku nu mita u Amis a caciyaw wa palac satu lasawad satu,our language will collapse and disappear,test +61780,61781,61781,ni,Received,train +61781,61782,61782,a pina ku nicakay nu misu,how much do you want to buy,train +61782,61783,61783,o ngangan nu kaka isu tu fafahiyan cima saw,what is your elder sisters name,train +61783,61784,61784,adihay ku ruma uruma san haw i u lutuk,there are many different events large and small as shown here,train +61784,61785,61785,maʼarway aku kura malitengay,I found an elder,train +61785,61786,61786,kawciya,high pressure,train +61786,61787,61787,maan han kiyami,how can I put this,train +61787,61788,61788,midudaduc,eat it all in one go,train +61788,61789,61789,takaraw ci mama^ aku u tayring ci mama^ aku,my father is tall and he is a policeman,train +61789,61790,61790,caliw han nu caay ka tatudung kitanan,but it is been replaced by something else,test +61790,61791,61791,Sakautaaw sanay kaku tayra hu kaku i tataian,I feel like vomiting I need to go to the restroom,train +61791,61792,61792,itini i hananay,native language Proficiency test,train +61792,61793,61793,namihicay tu kaku sisa mabana,I have fished for fry before I knew it,train +61793,61794,61794,paising kaku saan,I am going to the doctor,train +61794,61795,61795,catu anu luwanen mamasipun tu kaku,No if I lower it further I will lose money,train +61795,61796,61796,o pitaung anini talacuwa maapacay tu nika u litapang kuni,Todays apology is long overdue but it is a beginning,train +61796,61797,61797,adihay ku masimsimay nu mak,I have got a lot on my mind,train +61797,61798,61798,mikahut tu hemay,to eat rice with ones hands,train +61798,61799,61799,pacuwah han kuni,increase the number of knots played together,train +61799,61800,61800,pacumud han tu tira titi nacinci,put the meat in again,test +61800,61801,61801,sulinay sumuwal tu ku sikawasay,at this point the priest will say,train +61801,61802,61802,hay ira ku suwal nu singsi tu pakayniay tu urip sa nu maku,Yes as the teacher mentioned about my life growing up,train +61802,61803,61803,i lutuk aca,rustic,train +61803,61804,61804,Caayhu ka rahrah ku mami,the oranges still are not ripe colored,train +61804,61805,61805,tamdaw,demographic,train +61805,61806,61806,malamama,become a father,train +61806,61807,61807,sa kaku i Tafalung ta malinah kami sa,he was in Tiberias until the fourth grade and then moved away,train +61807,61808,61808,Pacaku han aku Anu maadah tu ku uu nu faki i katayhi hu i luma niyam a misalama,I said when your foot gets better,train +61808,61809,61809,panufu^,present,train +61809,61810,61810,hakulungen aku kamu liliden aku kamu,I will lead you you will follow me,test +61810,61811,61811,raecusay mahaenay,that is how you get rid of bad luck,train +61811,61812,61812,Ngurngur,bury oneself in ones work,train +61812,61813,61813,tuna u cihciay ku tatirengan nuya wawawawa saka palcad han ni Yis tu tireng nangra ku tireng ningra onini i ngaay pakayni i nika patay ningra ku pitkup ningra tuya ciicelay a mikuwan tu patay nu Palafuay,since the children have flesh and blood he too shared in their Humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death that is the devil,train +61813,61814,61814,i NiyaruʼU pisaemu nu Pangcah,tribal history homemade Amis traditional sweet rice cake,train +61814,61815,61815,awaay ku pateli tu maanmaan niyam,that is why a lot of our equipment is out of commission,train +61815,61816,61816,tahanini mu tahiraay tu atek ku pidemak aku tuna mimaliay,I have been in baseball for years,train +61816,61817,61817,nawhani iraay tu u tudung tu u salikaka nu maku cangra,they are like sisters to me here,train +61817,61818,61818,mapulung kami itini i luma,we are all at home,train +61818,61819,61819,away ku kamay away ku uu away ku funguh,he has no hands no feet no head,train +61819,61820,61820,haenen u nika sungila nu wama namu i kakarayan ku nika sungila namu,be perfect therefore as your heavenly father is perfect,test +61820,61821,61821,wama nu maku,my father in law,train +61821,61822,61822,cecayay kisu a maru haw,Then do you live by yourself,train +61822,61823,61823,nengnengsa kaku tina fiyaw di,I see the neighbors,train +61823,61824,61824,misakaniw kisu hawi,if you lie,train +61824,61825,61825,sapicacak,for steaming,train +61825,61826,61826,u makapahay a fulad han nira kura u man han u man hankiya,what is the so called good moon what is it,train +61826,61827,61827,farah farah,one is discarded the other is charcoal,train +61827,61828,61828,suwal sa kuya tumuk u kakitaan,one of the bosses mentioned it,train +61828,61829,61829,tahanini caay pifalic kaku tu demak aku,he still loves his job as a coach,train +61829,61830,61830,itiya i tuur satu a micumud i tadem kuya saayaway a tahira i tadem a ccay a nisawawaan minengneng cingra tunini i pasulin sa cingra,finally the other disciple who had reached the tomb first also went inside he saw and believed,test +61830,61831,61831,sa,So it might be a bit more stable,train +61831,61832,61832,mitilid kami i,when we write,train +61832,61833,61833,ya dadaya mifulaw saan,I heard there is going to be a war tonight,train +61833,61834,61834,itini i aputuˈay a tuki mataˈlifaytu ku tulu a kufu ku nika tungal nu sera nu fenpu,as a result in a short period of time our division has more than tripled its land area,train +61834,61835,61835,saka u matiraay,that is it,train +61835,61836,61836,Mihaenay u palinian nu Fangcalay Cudad ku sapilalat tu salikaka hamaan tanu serangawan atu nu niyah a harateng ku pisaˈusi u masakalimlaan,that is why it is so important to evaluate brethren by biblical standards rather than relying on culture or ones own opinions,train +61836,61837,61837,cinahen hu,and then salted,train +61837,61838,61838,hilem han i caay ka tatudung ku parumiʼadan,the timing does not work out,train +61838,61839,61839,makumud aca kita a kumaen tu tafu^ aku,then let us eat my lunch box together,train +61839,61840,61840,karatar a lumuwad iayawaw nu tumuk kisu,wake up early or you will be punished by the ringleader,test +61840,61841,61841,tahidang,welcome,train +61841,61842,61842,Keni san kura tamdaw tu mata i takuwanan,the man winked at me,train +61842,61843,61843,aka hatenen,do not do this,train +61843,61844,61844,matukatuk,sleepy,train +61844,61845,61845,hai matira ku pisanga,Yes that is how it is done,train +61845,61846,61846,cuhcuhen,suck in,train +61846,61847,61847,i tini i tukay hatira ku urip niyam i tirasyakay,our life in the north,train +61847,61848,61848,saelien ku malitengay tu payci,ask your parents for money,train +61848,61849,61849,anu paci Lifuken nu matuʼasay kaku,why did the elders name me Satomi,train +61849,61850,61850,a masamanay ku piʼaraw isu tu pakayraay,your opinion,test +61850,61851,61851,itila satu,it is right there,train +61851,61852,61852,u suwal ira i Panayaw i itiyahu i,he said this Barnett in the old days,train +61852,61853,61853,anini awaay,nowadays it is bleak,train +61853,61854,61854,ta pakafanaʼaw cimacima ku matuʼasay itini itiya,it is also a way for us to learn and understand our ancestors who fought here in the past,train +61854,61855,61855,Cima^ ku ngangan nu misu,what is your name,train +61855,61856,61856,hanaw kira ku suwal saka,that is why there is something to say,train +61856,61857,61857,Caay u tihi^ nu safa^ nu maku,No he is my younger brothers friend,train +61857,61858,61858,mikikung tu haw kisu,are you married,train +61858,61859,61859,ira hu ku nuruma u hay,there are other songs too Oh yeah,train +61859,61860,61860,Tinuluan i anucila^ misalamaaaw kita tu mali^ i herek nu lahuk anucila^,tomorrow will be Wednesday let us go play ball tomorrow afternoon,test +61860,61861,61861,adihay ku turanan,it creates a lot of problems,train +61861,61862,61862,mahaen tu ira tuku u maan a demakan ira tu ku dadama,we can support each other no matter what,train +61862,61863,61863,pacumudan tiya u bani kiyami i lalabu,it is got a spring in it,train +61863,61864,61864,ku kapahay a dademaken,finding the right job,train +61864,61865,61865,u ngiha nu mita a radiw,it is a sound song,train +61865,61866,61866,o latulu litulu kunini,this is one third,train +61866,61867,61867,u i sapaday numita ita tu ku kemanay,we will eat at our table,train +61867,61868,61868,u ina aku,my mom,train +61868,61869,61869,fangtan cipen cyawlyen hu,basic Bulletproofing instructor yell,train +61869,61870,61870,saman sa tayni sa tini naikuran nu han nu aniniay tu,so they are on the ground after the mudslide,test +61870,61871,61871,makapahay hulu,It is really pretty Rice Uh,train +61871,61872,61872,tangal atu ya fala lamumaay i,meat mash et,train +61872,61873,61873,o sakatayni nu mitakaway i deng u mamitakaw u mamipatay tu siri Nikawrira u sakatayni aku i u sakaciurip nu siri atu sakalmed nu urip nangra,the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy I have come that they may have life and have it to the full,train +61873,61874,61874,emin,full,train +61874,61875,61875,Saka palawina satu cingra tu ccay a tamdaw nuya pala Ocuren nuya tamdaw cingra a patayra i umah ningra a papipakaen tu fafuy,so he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country who sent him to his fields to feed pigs,train +61875,61876,61876,saka mahaen ku demak ri,so that is what happened,train +61876,61877,61877,anu misaluf ku cima a palatamdaw titaanan i caay ku kalipahakan ita itiya u kararuman ita Nikawrira i ikuray i pakayni tunini a dmak ku sakacirihaday atu sakamu^cel nu dmak nu mita u nilifetan a tamdaw,no discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful later on however it produces a Harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it,train +61877,61878,61878,mita Amis a saʼusi u mialaay tu faʼinay i,it is our Amis tradition to have a husband,train +61878,61879,61879,lakelaw,lights,train +61879,61880,61880,ira ku fafuy Ira ku fafuy atu siri,there are mountain pigs there are mountain pigs and goats,test +61880,61881,61881,yu mapakafulaw a mapatayra i Papilun ku finawlan nu Israil i i tiyaay a ciwawa ci Yusiya ca Ihuyacinan a malikaka,and Josiah the father of Jeconiah and his brothers at the time of the exile to Babylon,train +61881,61882,61882,Orasaka u sasungilaen ita a pakifalucu ku nitngilan ita a sulin tu saka^caaw ka kayhid,we must pay more careful attention therefore to what we have heard so that we do not drift away,train +61882,61883,61883,o tatalahekal Yis Kristu,Jesus Christ will appear,train +61883,61884,61884,mifulud,day assembly,train +61884,61885,61885,mifuting ku mifutingay,running the boat running the boat,train +61885,61886,61886,haratengen ku i ayaway a mikriday tamuwanan uya pasuwalay i tamuwanan tu suwal nu Kawas haratengen ku hci nu dmak nangra Tudungen ku pitier nangra tu Kawas,remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith,train +61886,61887,61887,16 cuwa ku pisinanut aca ni Kristu tu saali ita i nuˈadinguan padamaayhu kitaanan misamacaytu kalimlaan a demak i fafekang nu sera,Christ not only attends to our spiritual needs but also helps us to focus on the most important work on earth,train +61887,61888,61888,sa mararum kura wina aku,my moms sad sad thoughts,train +61888,61889,61889,Hakuwaay ku karaaraay nu mihecaan namu,is your brother much older than you,train +61889,61890,61890,pirit,wok,test +61890,61891,61891,terep saca,and then it stopped,train +61891,61892,61892,tuduhen hay hatini,burn it like this,train +61892,61893,61893,o fenek nu tuas sapasifana kunini pakaynien i radiw atu keru pasifana tu rarem patieciw ku kakitaan tudungay tu patalahekal tu dademaken lecaden nu alumanay Hahay Hahay Hahay saan a rumadiw,this is the wisest form of education of our ancestors educating the next generation through song and dance when the leader leads the song he is giving the teachers order and when the crowd joins in they sing Hi Hi,train +61893,61894,61894,ka,Link,train +61894,61895,61895,cuwa ku mimingay pacikay han aku haw,it is a long story so I will just skip it and move on,train +61895,61896,61896,hay u niya arusaysay,the haze that drapes,train +61896,61897,61897,takaraw tu ku semut nu umah Oli alaen hu^ ku kawkaw i ariri^ talaumah kita,the grass in the fields is too tall go to the warehouse to take the sickle and let us go to the fields,train +61897,61898,61898,Hufuchan ci Taniil ciadadaay tu Tangsecen suwal nu ising caka halafin ku ˈurip ningra sanay,Daniel was born with severe down syndrome and his doctors say he will not live very long,train +61898,61899,61899,mangaʼay cakaemin mangaʼay tu,it is okay it is okay if you do not take it all off,train +61899,61900,61900,makakaluna,playing with each other,test +61900,61901,61901,itiyahu tini i Makutaay haw,I used to be in Maguindan,train +61901,61902,61902,u kapah a tatusa,the two young people who have a daily,train +61902,61903,61903,pina tu ku mihecaan nu fainayan a kaka isu,how old is your brother,train +61903,61904,61904,Muhu a misaalaneng ci ina aku i pala,my mom is bending over in the field to build a ridge,train +61904,61905,61905,Mihaupay ku pikuwan nu was,God rules over all expresses himself in all his character,train +61905,61906,61906,maan sa tu kuya takula aku,What happened to my frog,train +61906,61907,61907,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Kalumuwad Alaentu ku kafutian isu a rumakat han ningra,then Jesus said to him Get up pick up your mat and walk,train +61907,61908,61908,macalap,overstepped,train +61908,61909,61909,minengneng,regard as,train +61909,61910,61910,hatini ku cuwapang misirsir misa hatini misirsir,the average thatch thickness is laid on,test +61910,61911,61911,Malulayay kaku anini,I am so tired today,train +61911,61912,61912,dakawen nu tamdaw i kudukudul ku latak hananay,someone has to step on the farm equipment,train +61912,61913,61913,awaay ku saka raruman tuni natireng,and it will not break your heart,train +61913,61914,61914,nu wama atu ina,Daddy and Mommy sowing millet,train +61914,61915,61915,kifetul,coarse,train +61915,61916,61916,itini tu kalikudaan itini tu kasalumaʼan itini tu piingkayan,whether it is at the Harvest Festival whether it is at home whether it is at a celebration,train +61916,61917,61917,itini saca i Kiwit ku katangasan,it is still the Chimay Tribes newspaper,train +61917,61918,61918,sama saan paluma satu sa uya tarud,only grasses,train +61918,61919,61919,tayra i kasaniyaniyaruʼan i Pangciyaw Singcuwan Cunhe Yunhe,at night I go to my family and pray,train +61919,61920,61920,mawmahay palumaay tu panay,can only engage in rice farming,test +61920,61921,61921,saka tulu a muking,pieces,train +61921,61922,61922,kuskus,scratch the surface of something,train +61922,61923,61923,anini sa u mikaenan i sahetu saan u cisimalay sa,the food we eat nowadays is very oily,train +61923,61924,61924,i sefi nu Falangaw,activity center in Maryland,train +61924,61925,61925,matiya u fukes nu fafahiyan ku fukes naira matiya u wadis nu layun ku wadis naira,their hair was like women hair and their teeth were like lions teeth,train +61925,61926,61926,o ekim a cangaw atu kadang ku amid nira a patapang tu malufafahihi nira,his engagement gift to his fiancée was a gold necklace and bracelet,train +61926,61927,61927,ta halhalen nu Kiwit itira i,and then wait in Chimay,train +61927,61928,61928,harateng sa kaku i pakayni tu nu,at that time I thought I would come to farming for the rest of my life,train +61928,61929,61929,nu Recurd,Pusher Oh yeah,train +61929,61930,61930,adihay tu ku kakaenen nu wawa,lots of treats for the kids,test +61930,61931,61931,mimeraw aca kita,we have to observe,train +61931,61932,61932,awa ku sinang nunini a puut,the knife is no longer favorable,train +61932,61933,61933,akaa pacikay tu tusiya,do not drive fast,train +61933,61934,61934,ira maʼaraw ku tilifiay kiya,I have seen it on TV before,train +61934,61935,61935,mihiya aca kiya wina aku misaʼupu tu kiya militlitan nangra haw i,Mom they are going to gather the cuttings together again,train +61935,61936,61936,kaka,older brother,train +61936,61937,61937,ciutufay,motorcycle,train +61937,61938,61938,o nipadetengan naira a pakatelii,they are the ones who deliberately make people angry,train +61938,61939,61939,Orasaka saicelen ku namu Tungalen tu tadamaanay a dmak ku pitier namu tu Kawas Tungalen tu fana ku tadamaanay a dmak namu,for this very reason make every effort to add to your faith goodness and to goodness knowledge,train +61939,61940,61940,caay ku malatamdaway ci Yis sanay i caay ku maaruay nu Adingu nu Kawas o misaadaay ci Kristuan ku maruay i cingraan Matngiltu namu ku nika u aira ku matiniay a dmak iratu i hkal i matini ku matiniay a dmak,but every Spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God this is the Spirit of the antichrist which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world,test +61940,61941,61941,ta i hakuwa ku kalengawan nira,what about the season in which he grows,train +61941,61942,61942,miliyaw aka falahen yu sa takuwanan,tell me not to lose it next time,train +61942,61943,61943,cietan ku misawaniay a Payrang i pasaetip,Crocodile farmers in the west are making a lot of money,train +61943,61944,61944,Orasaka pinaun kamu tu dmak aka ka matiya u mafulaay a tamdaw kamatiya u citanengay a tamdaw,be very careful then how you live not as unwise but as wise,train +61944,61945,61945,oya sapaaca niyam i harakat sa maemin maaca suwal sa ci fai u nika iraan isu mipadang ku sakahaen,our goods sold out quickly and my grandmother said It is all thanks to your help,train +61945,61946,61946,kanuus,fingernails,train +61946,61947,61947,pakafasuay,take the bus,train +61947,61948,61948,mahemek kaku kira haw miiya tu mi,then I pick up my backpack and go to school happily,train +61948,61949,61949,kafana,learning,train +61949,61950,61950,naluwan hay yu hay yay sa,That is it,test +61950,61951,61951,misacaciyaw cingra,he talked a lot went on and on without stopping,train +61951,61952,61952,i ayawhu na malepun mafulaw mafafulaw ku Cepu na milaliw tu tayni i tini i Cilangasan,in the early days after the battle of grand Harbor he went to Mount Holyoke to escape the Qing soldiers,train +61952,61953,61953,Mafana kaku caciyaw tu suwal nu Amis atu nu Punung,I can speak Ami and Bunun,train +61953,61954,61954,mavana kisu vaki naayaw u Pangcah kiyami haw,Grandpa do you know about the Amis wild vegetables,train +61954,61955,61955,o wawa aku kura sa,he is pretty sure it is his kid,train +61955,61956,61956,hai sahu iranan i ciira tu pasifana tu kaput nira,the one who is been initiated will teach his peers,train +61956,61957,61957,haw simetek,unique properties,train +61957,61958,61958,caay ka pivareng a remiʼad,the day before the funeral,train +61958,61959,61959,o papinaay kita a tayra i picudadan,how many of us go to school,train +61959,61960,61960,ta ikurikur satu hay maan hakini wata karaay ku nanum miladum san ku matuʼasay itini i fuwak hananay i kaetip tura paniyaruʼan tuya masacawiʼay hananay,Afterwards they found out that the place to get water was very far away and they did not know what to do so the old people had to go to the west of the tribe where there was a spring to get water,test +61960,61961,61961,kananaman mawmah,agricultural period,train +61961,61962,61962,vayi mavana tu kami tu namakayniyay i keliw,Auntie we already know from the line,train +61962,61963,61963,tini pisiyakayan Taypak haw,but I work in a factory in Taipei,train +61963,61964,61964,pataluma masasuwal tu tumuk,after returning home we arbitrated at the boss house,train +61964,61965,61965,Macedemay kina wawa,this kid is very sharp tongued,train +61965,61966,61966,a patangasa tu suwal nu heni,convey their meaning,train +61966,61967,61967,salikakaaw aku anu malitmuh namu ku masamaamaanay a pades i u kakahmekan kunini han ku falucu namu,consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds,train +61967,61968,61968,hepiken,hanging,train +61968,61969,61969,matiya u fakelal haen han nira silacen tu nira,assembled like an ancient bed,train +61969,61970,61970,anu nu niyaruʼay a kasaupu,if it is at a tribal gathering,test +61970,61971,61971,kita mafukil kita tu tilid,we cannot read,train +61971,61972,61972,misakapah kaku hatiraay ku nu maku a,the promotion of etiquette and ethics at the stadium is my starting point,train +61972,61973,61973,uwal,sled,train +61973,61974,61974,palahatu i paʼpaʼ han tu i pateli i taʼakay a kureng,tie him up and put him in the urn,train +61974,61975,61975,u iytang sapakaen tamiyanan miala pakarungay,we were given a plant to eat during the training of the youth,train +61975,61976,61976,u ekim kuni kira u maku kuninian kahemekan nu maku kuni,I am so excited it is mine I want it all to myself it is my baby,train +61976,61977,61977,namahaen haw mapinku tu kira kusiw,and then the company went out of business,train +61977,61978,61978,hananay,it is called the Christian mustard Society,train +61978,61979,61979,anu i luma tu,whether it is at home,train +61979,61980,61980,nawhani micudad kaku han ku mama atu ina i,remember to tell your parents that you want to go to school,test +61980,61981,61981,o mapatuayaay tu niyam i huni tu epah ku matuasay,we have just offered wine to our ancestors,train +61981,61982,61982,Hay pacaliwen kaku tu nu misu haw,Yes can you lend me a pen,train +61982,61983,61983,malakangkufu nu itira tu kaku,I am a nurse at a General hospital,train +61983,61984,61984,o mamiketun a pacepu tu suwal ku tumuk,the head is the last to conclude,train +61984,61985,61985,anu ira aca,if there is more,train +61985,61986,61986,wama,father,train +61986,61987,61987,a eminen ku nilumaʼay a nisingaʼan,fish in each family,train +61987,61988,61988,o papalmed a tamdaw i caay ka ^ca i kaka nu mamilayap tu sapalmed a tamdaw ku nika tadamaan ningra,and without doubt the lesser person is blessed by the greater,train +61988,61989,61989,tahiraen i kakuhetingan nira,until he is burnt to a crisp,train +61989,61990,61990,iraya dungec minukay i misaturun,I will bring back the heart of the vine so I will be able to make and eat make,test +61990,61991,61991,Pairasulay ci Yihufa,our God remains the same,train +61991,61992,61992,Kararid a mipatala tu falucu namu likaten ku dawdaw namu,Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning,train +61992,61993,61993,ta paayawan kamu,as you wish,train +61993,61994,61994,enep,to bewitch,train +61994,61995,61995,u kaku kura a iraay ku saraw sa kaku,that kid who got caught was me,train +61995,61996,61996,naaw anu malingatu tu a mawmah kiyami haw,in the past when I started plowing the fields,train +61996,61997,61997,o suwal nira i u tatayni kaku saan,he said he would come,train +61997,61998,61998,Hay sahetu u kaulahan isu,Yes it is all your favorite dishes,train +61998,61999,61999,anu caay ka decal ku matiniay,it is completely different from what it is now,train +61999,62000,62000,sa haen sa takudul ma hay,that is the way to go Yeah,test +62000,62001,62001,caay ku sapasneng ku nipipatnak aku tu Ngaayay Ratuh o tatayatayalen aca aku kunini anu caay pipatnak kaku tu Ngaayay Ratuh i u cacilafu kaku,yet when I preach the gospel I cannot boast for I am compelled to preach Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel,train +62001,62002,62002,makapah ku cincu a cangaw i ailuc ni Osay,the pearl necklace around Osays neck is beautiful,train +62002,62003,62003,mukaw,vegetable fern,train +62003,62004,62004,itiya hu i kaetip nu niyaru niyam,used to be on the west side of our tribe,train +62004,62005,62005,tu katayalan mikuli milifun,work as a laborer for money,train +62005,62006,62006,hay mangata tu malaheci,it is almost done,train +62006,62007,62007,masamaanay tuna dadaya,how is the weather tonight,train +62007,62008,62008,onian kasamatini nu maku a paini itini,this is what I shared to emphasize,train +62008,62009,62009,mafana kaku tu kamaruan isu u kamaruan ni Satan a mikuwan kurira o sulinay a pawacayay tu pakayniay takuwanan ci Antipas Nikawrira itiya yu patayen nu tamdaw cingra itira i tamuwanan i kamaruan ni Satan i tanektek ku falucu namu caay pisawad kamu a mitier i Takuwanan,I know where you live where Satan has his throne yet you remain true to my name you did not renounce your faith in me even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness who was put to death in your city where Satan lives,train +62009,62010,62010,iraay kurira hawa,I will do it,test +62010,62011,62011,kamu sa tu ku mitengiray,it is up to the listener to decide,train +62011,62012,62012,salengad han nu malitengay,the elders call it the heart of the palm,train +62012,62013,62013,u maan tu ku sasuwalen ta tu,what is the point,train +62013,62014,62014,u sufitay ku faʼinay aku,my husband is military,train +62014,62015,62015,nanay kamu itiniay a salikaka,I pray that the fathers and brothers,train +62015,62016,62016,Nuhatini 83 ku kasakupang atu 25 kaput mahawpay ku Kuwaping Padaka Kirekis Ruwasiya maikaway suwal nu Ruwasiya Tureky Wikhur Ucpik a suwal,currently there are congregations and groups in Chinese English Kyrgyz Russian Russian sign Language Turkish Uighur and Uzbek,train +62016,62017,62017,a midutuc tu serangawan nu mita,our language Transmits culture,train +62017,62018,62018,mahaenay ku pinatengil aku,I have heard that before,train +62018,62019,62019,tusa a pulu,century,train +62019,62020,62020,ucuren hu nu mama nu kapah cangra,and they were sent by the father of youth,test +62020,62021,62021,malukatul,cowhide,train +62021,62022,62022,kuraan a Kawas saan kiya,this ghost the mountain god swallowed it,train +62022,62023,62023,raraya,long,train +62023,62024,62024,o kaka isu tu fafahiyan cingra,is she your elder sister,train +62024,62025,62025,nanikurahutan,caught,train +62025,62026,62026,Nima^ kiraan a kahngangay a cudad,whose red book is it,train +62026,62027,62027,ci Kulas ku nipuhayan nu singsi anu eca ci Mayaw,the teacher is called Kolas or else Mayaw,train +62027,62028,62028,Maduka mairang ku turus nu maku,I am bleeding from a knee injury,train +62028,62029,62029,Minukaytu ku tarukus a tayra i ci Yisan paratuhen nangra tu nanu nidmakan atu nipatnakan nangra a dmak a ma^min i Cingraan,the apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught,train +62029,62030,62030,ngaʼay aca ira ku kulung niyam,it is great that we have a cow,test +62030,62031,62031,saka u sasafaay kaku,I am the youngest,train +62031,62032,62032,u urip niyaw haw i,our life,train +62032,62033,62033,sin,zinc,train +62033,62034,62034,Masufuc ciira tu fucud,she gave birth to illegitimate children,train +62034,62035,62035,o matupelakay ku fadic nu lalidec a kilang,the bark of the Kau Ligusticum tree was peeled off,train +62035,62036,62036,adihay ku manengnengay aku a uner atu ayam,I saw a lot of snakes and a lot of birds,train +62036,62037,62037,fafayuh,caterpillar,train +62037,62038,62038,mangalay,taste,train +62038,62039,62039,mikingkingay ku Payrang,the Minnan people can bang pots and pans,train +62039,62040,62040,Iwatan kura,it is Bunun,test +62040,62041,62041,tangasa anini tumangic kaku,and to this day my heart still weeps,train +62041,62042,62042,pasuwal sa ci Yuhani i cangraan O nanum ku sapainu aku i tamuwanan Nikawrira u aira a tayni ku ikakaay aku ku icel a tamdaw caay ka tatudung kaku a mitdal tu kaus nu cukap ningra o Fangcalay Adingu atu namal ku sapainu ningra i tamuwanan,John answered them all I baptize you with water but one more powerful than I will come the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire,train +62042,62043,62043,patek,shanks,train +62043,62044,62044,melaw han cacay cacay satu,one by one one by one one by one,train +62044,62045,62045,katumayian,toilet,train +62045,62046,62046,Haluakuen a pakilac tu titi,please give me some meat too,train +62046,62047,62047,tulu a pulu a rumiʼad nga runicen,in about days I will be ready for pickles,train +62047,62048,62048,dadicu,just in time,train +62048,62049,62049,Siwkulan,Xiuguluan,train +62049,62050,62050,hanaw i cimamafanaay tu misaruay a iya,so I am looking for someone who knows the origin of Miyama,test +62050,62051,62051,hantui walu,there are eight classes,train +62051,62052,62052,pitu ira ku pitu ku mihecan aku,he is years old,train +62052,62053,62053,lilis han nira kura tunu nu rakat ira i,follow the banks of the river,train +62053,62054,62054,o ha,Yeah Oh,train +62054,62055,62055,awaay ku hatiniay u mamalayap nu mita,it would not have worked out that way,train +62055,62056,62056,tahira tu sepat a mihecaan a tuki i,until four of the clock,train +62056,62057,62057,maʼalaw ku paliding maʼalaw ku niyaru han naku kura wina aku,I saw the car here I saw the tribe and I said to my mother,train +62057,62058,62058,masanga tu kura minatu haw i,since the fishing port was ready,train +62058,62059,62059,Nikawrira mahapinangtu nuya tawki ningra ku nika awatu ku pili^tanan nangra saka rpet hantu nangra ci Pawlu aci Silas a mikidkid a patayra i sifu nu niyaru a mipakukut i mikumuday,when the owners of the slave girl realized that their hope of making money was gone they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities,train +62059,62060,62060,mipacengelay,vein lines,test +62060,62061,62061,matini ira tu ku Dipun haw i caay tu kaenga sanay tu kuni u demak mifalic,now that the Japanese no longer live here we will change the name,train +62061,62062,62062,tamdamdaw kira lamit sa,everyone can see the roots of the tree going deeper and deeper,train +62062,62063,62063,aka saken ku riku,do not trample on the clothes,train +62063,62064,62064,sa a malapalu tu raan haw i malaʼiluay tu kiraan maanen a misawkit ku hatiniay a tamdaw,they fought and got hurt over a small land dispute and they told each other,train +62064,62065,62065,sahtu tu pisa^yil,all depend on spells,train +62065,62066,62066,satapang sa hu kaku,I will start talking,train +62066,62067,62067,mafaliyus kiya,there is a typhoon,train +62067,62068,62068,matini tu haw ira tuna mata ini ney,this way you can see the knitting holes,train +62068,62069,62069,kamu u cidafungay a tamdaw pitngil tu suwal aku pilkal kamu a tumangic tu pakayniay i aira a pades namu,now listen you rich people weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you,train +62069,62070,62070,kacikafang,covering the quilt,test +62070,62071,62071,tahini,getting here,train +62071,62072,62072,mikalic tu kilang ku wawa a mikamaya,a child climbs a tree to pick persimmons,train +62072,62073,62073,ci Hiruti ku miucuray tu tamdaw a papirpet ci Yuhanian a mipalit i pirufuan onini a dmak i u sakapisangaayaw ni Hiruti ci Hirutiyasan nawhani u nikalafafahiyantu ni Hiruti ci Hirutiyasan u fafahi nu salikaka ningra ci Filip,for Herod himself had given orders to have John arrested and he had him bound and put in prison he did this because of Herodias his brother Philips wife whom he had married,train +62073,62074,62074,mihayi,respond,train +62074,62075,62075,kainanen kamu itini ira ku katayalan matayal,you are here to work hard you are here to do whatever work you have to do,train +62075,62076,62076,luwad,stand up,train +62076,62077,62077,o maan ku miraradiwan isu,what kind of songs do you sing,train +62077,62078,62078,a unu eu tuked pina ku tuked,there are as many pillars as there are pillars,train +62078,62079,62079,Vayiaw ci Lunaw aci Nanip kami vuhati hen ku panan,grand mom we are Lunaw and Nanip please open the door,train +62079,62080,62080,namakayra su i tataʼakay a niyaru nu Cikasuʼan itiya,at that time that was the largest clan of the seven foot river tribe,test +62080,62081,62081,mahaen,inevitable,train +62081,62082,62082,talud,amnesia,train +62082,62083,62083,ca ka tuedaw ku urip nangra,they are not going to live long,train +62083,62084,62084,sasaremiʼad sa itra a mibuting ma haw,you have been fishing there all day,train +62084,62085,62085,anu cuwa mafana han,how else would it be,train +62085,62086,62086,tapid,stitching,train +62086,62087,62087,Caay malcad tunini kamu anu milahcihci kamu tu limuut a ma^min i O nanu caayay ka ci ^puc a kuli kami deng u pisarucud aca niyam tu dadmaken niyam han ku suwal,so you also when you have done everything you were told to do should say We are unworthy servants we have only done our duty,train +62087,62088,62088,Haydaaw tata mihalama tu kita,all right then let us go we are going out to play,train +62088,62089,62089,malacafay kita mikakuy tu patafuan,let us carry the lunch boxes together,train +62089,62090,62090,o tayra itira tura ikur tu tini sa i,it is the end of the line,test +62090,62091,62091,mahelek tu kira,it is also done,train +62091,62092,62092,o uway ku sapisanga ni akung tu anengang,the material used by Gong to make the chairs is vines,train +62092,62093,62093,nipacudad,profess faith in,train +62093,62094,62094,Mauraday i sawni tumerepaytu nuhatiai,it just rained and now it is stopped,train +62094,62095,62095,anca u mama niyam micerem malafi satu ira ku surita ira ku cekiw,or dad goes diving in the ocean and there is squid and shellfish for dinner,train +62095,62096,62096,fs pakaaraw tu tuda malaafas patay han nira kiya wawa niya sakatulu,I saw an eel and in the middle of a robbery I killed the third eel,train +62096,62097,62097,Lalangiwngiw saan kisu u maan ku epuc,what is the use of your whining,train +62097,62098,62098,pipatelac,make a mistake,train +62098,62099,62099,halafinay ku nuni hai,it is been a long time coming yes,train +62099,62100,62100,u malinaay maemin tayra i kiwkay mitulung,my whole family came to the church to pray,test +62100,62101,62101,iraay han ku itiyaay hu kaulahan nu misu a radiw nu liteng hu,do you have a favorite song that is old,train +62101,62102,62102,o kaka aku cingra ci Yusi ku ngangan ningra,he is my brother Yosi,train +62102,62103,62103,Matucirut ku cicax i Pingtung,Pingtungs Burrowing bird looks like a red backed Burrowing Bird,train +62103,62104,62104,ca hu ira kuya pa ka kuliciway a wawa,before long there was a child that rode a bike,train +62104,62105,62105,hatiraay ku tayal nu maku,here is what I do,train +62105,62106,62106,ungay,monkeys,train +62106,62107,62107,masamaan ku palatamdaw nu mita,how to educate us to be living beings,train +62107,62108,62108,Nanikaemangay ku litapang nu tayal aku,my work originally started from a small one,train +62108,62109,62109,caay ka fana,I do not know,train +62109,62110,62110,maremes ku kamay aku,my hands are bleeding,test +62110,62111,62111,milulud,roll up,train +62111,62112,62112,patumuken,we need to set up a ringleader,train +62112,62113,62113,sarumiʼad sanay tura,it will take you all day,train +62113,62114,62114,nimaan kisu ansawni,what are you doing later,train +62114,62115,62115,misemsem i kaitiraan nu mapatayay kuya cidafungay Cangaw sa cingra i maaraw ningra i raay ci Apraham Maaraw ningra ci Lacarus itira,in hell where he was in torment he looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus by his side,train +62115,62116,62116,yu miraud kuya wawa ci Yisan i pulin han nu palafuay cingra ta mapafickut cingra Saka kakter han ni Yis kuya kaackan a adingu maadahtu kuya fainayan a wawa ta paturud hantu ningra ku mama ningra,even while the boy was coming the demon threw him to the ground in a convulsion but Jesus rebuked the evil spirit healed the boy and gave him back to his father,train +62116,62117,62117,Palimuuten ningra cangra Aka pakafanaen ku tau tu pakayniay i Takuwanan han ningra,warning them not to tell who he was,train +62117,62118,62118,uyaanan tu mihawad tu mitefus,then he quit his job as a sugar cane cutter,train +62118,62119,62119,Naay mitilid kaku,No I want to study,train +62119,62120,62120,manengneng nu maku ku pipalu nu misu tu wawa,I saw you hitting the kid,test +62120,62121,62121,masadak kina radiw itiya,the Amis have a song that goes like this,train +62121,62122,62122,aka ka u kakaenen ku sapipalasawad tu tayal nu Kawas o ngaayay ku kakaenen a ma^min Nikawrira anu u sakatahfikud i pitier nu tamdaw a ciraraw ku nika kumaen isu i u tatiihay,do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food all food is clean but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble,train +62122,62123,62123,Maraudtu ku pisawkitan nu Kawas a rumiad o paru nu luma nu Kawas ku mamalusaayaway a sawkiten anu kita ku saayaway a masawkit i mangalef ku nika tatiih nu pahrekan nu caay pasulin tu Ngaayay Ratuh nu Kawas,for it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God and if it begins with us what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God,train +62123,62124,62124,miming,some,train +62124,62125,62125,adihayay ku kaikaka nu mihecaan nu kaka isu tisuwanan haw,is your brother much older than you,train +62125,62126,62126,cuwa pieneng tu fulad nu Payrang,it does not follow the Han Chinese lunar calendar,train +62126,62127,62127,panikutayen,tie,train +62127,62128,62128,ta mahapinang ku nika laccay aku aci Kristu caaytu ku nanu pidu^du aku tu Rikec ku sakangaay aku a malayap nu Kawas o nanu pitier aku ci Kristuan u nanu Kawas a nisangaan ku sakangaay aku a malayap ningra u sanay aku,and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law but that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith,train +62128,62129,62129,tangasa sa kaku mi hayi,my first grade through graduation was,train +62129,62130,62130,kakereman,in the evening,test +62130,62131,62131,takusen,invitation,train +62131,62132,62132,kuna,the book,train +62132,62133,62133,han tu san hatiraay a na malitengay sa,that is all the old man wanted,train +62133,62134,62134,Orasaka pahapinang hantu ni Yis cangra a sumuwal Mapatayaytu ci Lacarus,so then he told them plainly Lazarus is dead,train +62134,62135,62135,a manan demak tini haw i,it is my fathers hard work that is fresh in my mind,train +62135,62136,62136,ngaʼay hu,how are you,train +62136,62137,62137,tadu^duan,succeeding,train +62137,62138,62138,Matuwayway nu tuas nira ku pinangan nura wawa,the boys behavior resembles that of his ancestor,train +62138,62139,62139,Pinapinatu a mihcaan i tila a mikuli,worked there for a couple years,train +62139,62140,62140,kedal han tu mihaen enengen,look at that that is how it is tightened,test +62140,62141,62141,itiya malingatu mi,I will start working,train +62141,62142,62142,misavalucu a pavalucu saan,intent,train +62142,62143,62143,icuwa tu kuya takula aku hakini,Where is my frog,train +62143,62144,62144,hatira anu,that way,train +62144,62145,62145,adihay ku urang adidiay,lots of little shrimps,train +62145,62146,62146,nu ruma tamdaw anu tatiʼih haw samaanen ira micilah haw masanek itu,some of them are not good for pickling she will stink no matter what she does,train +62146,62147,62147,makapahay ku pimali nuni wawa cuwa kalasak ku mali nira,this kid is hitting the ball well he is not missing any catches,train +62147,62148,62148,cah ca hu ca hu misanga matayal anini tunu tadem kami icila misanga tu miliyaw tu tadem niya wina tiya mama,not yet we are still cleaning a few days ago we cleaned Mothers and Fathers tombs,train +62148,62149,62149,kavana nu heni tu,Elders knowledge of millet,train +62149,62150,62150,tanektek tu ku katayalan niyam,our business is secure,test +62150,62151,62151,a cilai tu kita talumaʼtu,let us go back and see if we can come back tomorrow,train +62151,62152,62152,fahedil,cypress,train +62152,62153,62153,nawhani caay kakelec,it is the wind that is pushing,train +62153,62154,62154,nawhani i ayaw haw i mikadafu ku faʼinayan nu Pangcah,because in the old days traditional Amis men were required to be in labor,train +62154,62155,62155,Kaulaha nu nimanima,Lovely,train +62155,62156,62156,caka sankeyi minukay tu,I will be home in less than a year,train +62156,62157,62157,linah linah sa tu,they are moving here one by one,train +62157,62158,62158,tuuren ku harateng niyam,follow our ideas,train +62158,62159,62159,Palitaen kiniyan u sikawasay,we asked the priests,train +62159,62160,62160,tadakakaya,very long,test +62160,62161,62161,siwa tuki mitukad tu,surgery starts at am,train +62161,62162,62162,masadakay kira takula,and the frogs came out,train +62162,62163,62163,midanguy cingra,he is going swimming,train +62163,62164,62164,talaawmay sa awaay tu,I have been waiting for a long time but I have not heard anything,train +62164,62165,62165,Tataak ku faedet,it is very hot,train +62165,62166,62166,kaka cira u safa kaku,she is a sister I am a sister,train +62166,62167,62167,u ruma hatu cacay a tatukiyan i tiya maherek,it even took an hour to finish,train +62167,62168,62168,iraay i luma picumud,she is at home please come in,train +62168,62169,62169,pakukahemaway,think of it as light,train +62169,62170,62170,kakaya ku ngangusuan nira,he has a long bullnose ring,test +62170,62171,62171,Miduhduh ca Raway tu fafuy,they are roasting a mountain pig,train +62171,62172,62172,fangcal tu matini ha nima,I wonder if it is any better now,train +62172,62173,62173,makalimay cangra mikinafalah itiniay i Tureky,giving up ones self willingly Turkey,train +62173,62174,62174,mahaen u papayi sananay,it is a lie,train +62174,62175,62175,anu u Hulam a,in other words,train +62175,62176,62176,parud,stoves,train +62176,62177,62177,mahaenay ku suwal kungku nu matuʼasay kuni,that is what the elders say,train +62177,62178,62178,anu hatira tayni tu kaku i pitilidan pasifana tu kaemangay,in that case I will teach at the school,train +62178,62179,62179,tula lifung hay sasamaanen papacem malingad papacem malingad papacem malingad,what should I do I go out every day every day every day,train +62179,62180,62180,msamen nu tataangay a wawa ku mangay a wawa,the big boys mistreated the small boys,test +62180,62181,62181,i niyaru ura Tapang ira anu makatali kiya,in the tribe if it has a lot of rhizomes,train +62181,62182,62182,nikaurila tayra niyaru niyam ku Maysan matuma tiya matukaay ya tamdaw,but when it comes to our tribe the name of the buyer is a very lazy man,train +62182,62183,62183,ya usausaw tu ya malawalawaay nu kapah,you can only pick up the forgotten and forgotten aquatic life of the youth,train +62183,62184,62184,ya tatuluay sa tu tayra tu i katayraan nira,the three went towards their destination,train +62184,62185,62185,nuwalian,it is on the east side,train +62185,62186,62186,sakemuten nu widang,even bullying,train +62186,62187,62187,i suwal nu Pangcah hatui wacaay,I cannot even learn the Amis language,train +62187,62188,62188,Ngaʼayhu kamu kaemangay,Hello boys,train +62188,62189,62189,cingala,free,train +62189,62190,62190,mahaen ku nipihicay,that is how you catch a fry,test +62190,62191,62191,haw,indistinct,train +62191,62192,62192,parayrayen,please instruct,train +62192,62193,62193,anu sepat lima ku piciriciri isu mamang tataʼak,if you slice well whether it is a small heel or a big root,train +62193,62194,62194,mivanut tu niyan,Thinning and weeding,train +62194,62195,62195,o maumahay ku luma niyam,our family is a farmer,train +62195,62196,62196,tusa paysu,twenty cents,train +62196,62197,62197,kanuus,fingernail,train +62197,62198,62198,papafelien nira kaku tu riku,make him give me some clothes,train +62198,62199,62199,mipatada i kurur nu kulung,the pads are placed on the backbone of the cow,train +62199,62200,62200,u suwal kura,that is true,test +62200,62201,62201,felinen,turn over and fry,train +62201,62202,62202,nika,consequently,train +62202,62203,62203,Ngaay hu kisu kaka,Cousin Hello,train +62203,62204,62204,ira sa kura kaka ira matukaay maumah,his brother was lazy and worked a lot,train +62204,62205,62205,Maritus tu nu rumaruma a hitay kira,it is been drawn by the other branches of the army,train +62205,62206,62206,Pacauf sa ci Yis Ccay aca ku nidmakan aku i fahka kamu a ma^min,Jesus said to them I did one miracle and you are all astonished,train +62206,62207,62207,Hay mafanaay cangra a sumuwal,Yes they speak the ethnic language,train +62207,62208,62208,renaf,drawing,train +62208,62209,62209,katalecu ka,is it smooth,train +62209,62210,62210,Mafana haca^ kaku a mipadang misawsaw tu kaysing tu tapila atu alapit,I also help to wash dishes and chopsticks,test +62210,62211,62211,patek,thousands,train +62211,62212,62212,el^eel^el,keeps choking,train +62212,62213,62213,riharay ku nu aniniay u suka ku sapisang,Nowadays it is very easy to make them out of plastic,train +62213,62214,62214,u maamaan kapah tu a kaenen nu maku,everything tastes good,train +62214,62215,62215,o nima^ a sasisit kinian,whose eraser is it,train +62215,62216,62216,sa maruray ku urip aku nu mamangan kafanaʼan nu maku katuʼas aku tahira i,I have been poor and hardworking for as long as I can remember,train +62216,62217,62217,nani tira ku lengat nura ngangan namu,so here is how the Amis name came about,train +62217,62218,62218,Kaesu ku nipalumaan ni mama^ a edux i palapalaan,dad grows great strawberries in the fields,train +62218,62219,62219,tayra san i ayaw aku mi pasuwal,he came to me and said,train +62219,62220,62220,safel,cook,test +62220,62221,62221,Saliyuten ku ceringa a mivuting,when you want to catch a fish go around the curtain,train +62221,62222,62222,vayi aku a itira ka kaying,there was a little girl at her grandmothers house,train +62222,62223,62223,mikulay,catch,train +62223,62224,62224,patangasaen nu mikriday ci Pawlu i Atin ta patulun hantu ni Pawlu cangra tu sakakalamkamaw na Silas aci Timuti a tayni ta nukay satu cangra,the men who escorted Paul brought him to Athens and then left with instructions for Silas and Timothy to join him as soon as possible,train +62224,62225,62225,kuwang,guns,train +62225,62226,62226,mituuray ku maku urip,I have kept up with my years,train +62226,62227,62227,pedit ku tilid,illegible writing,train +62227,62228,62228,caay pakangudu tu tamdaw caay pisatked caay ka karakter caay pitafu i falucu tu tatiih nu tau,it is not rude it is not self seeking it is not easily angered it keeps no record of wrongs,train +62228,62229,62229,Saka sasuwal sa cangra Hanaw aca yu sumuwal Cingra i titaanan i lalan yu misahci Cingra a pasuwal tu Fangcalay Cudad i dihku ku falucu ita saan,they asked each other Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us,train +62229,62230,62230,ku maluyuhay nu faliyus a luma,houses that were half collapsed by typhoon have been righted by tribal youths,test +62230,62231,62231,caedungan,sleeve,train +62231,62232,62232,a suwal anu ira tu ku matiniyay,teaching family members how to work effectively in learning styles,train +62232,62233,62233,mipatnak cangra i titaanan u luma a tamdaw tu caay ku dadu^duen ita a lkakawa han nangra a mipakukut,by advocating customs unlawful for us Romans to accept or practice,train +62233,62234,62234,tatay raw i fafaw kuya umah,the rice paddies are in the upper reaches of the river and stream,train +62234,62235,62235,maharek kuriran,after that sides done,train +62235,62236,62236,mitafi^,plow,train +62236,62237,62237,tu ningraan tu patireng itini i a kufa,he is starting his own company in the new store,train +62237,62238,62238,kunayat,to stretch,train +62238,62239,62239,aku meduku tu ci ina aku,mom is weak and sickly,train +62239,62240,62240,30 wa ngaˈay kisu misamaan a mananam i Faeluhay a Kasakupang,page how can you adapt to a new congregation,test +62240,62241,62241,mahecaday ku kungkuan niyam,we study in the same school,train +62241,62242,62242,tadamaan ku rudis i kafaliyusan a rumiad,the waves are very special in typhoon days,train +62242,62243,62243,cakafangcal adihay ku cilah nira haw,No he is got enough saltines,train +62243,62244,62244,onini i u kangaayan namu a mipawacay tu Ngaayay Ratuh,this will result in your being Witnesses to them,train +62244,62245,62245,Kalumuwad mapulung,please rise,train +62245,62246,62246,caka kahecid,why is not it salty,train +62246,62247,62247,Mauraday haw mana macepa ku tireng isu,is it raining why are you all wet,train +62247,62248,62248,patireng han nangra i kaayaw nangra ku tarukus O nima a icel u nima a ngangan ku sapidmak namu tunini han nangra a miliclic,they had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them By what power or what name did you do this,train +62248,62249,62249,ta ngaʼay yaca kami sa u mikeriday u Ging Li hananay haw i,for this reason as leaders we,train +62249,62250,62250,Nanuya yu tahira cingra i tiraw a lawac nu fanaw i katara hananay a pala i ira a militmuh i ci Yisan ku nai tademay a tatusaay a maaruay nu palafuay o tadamariangay a tamdaw cangra saka matalaw ku tamdaw a pakayra tuya lalan,when he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes two demon possessed men coming from the tombs met him they were so violent that no one could pass that way,test +62250,62251,62251,samaan sa kupitulun mifetikay,how to pray at the sea Festival,train +62251,62252,62252,ngaʼay hu ina,Hello Mom,train +62252,62253,62253,awaay hu ku fuyfuy nira awaay hu ku kawes ira,there is no tassel yet and there is no tape,train +62253,62254,62254,tataak ku muli nira,it has a very large tire,train +62254,62255,62255,na nu nira a nira pida,and money,train +62255,62256,62256,tada matira ku,that is why,train +62256,62257,62257,icuwa hatini matanam matanam,an old man might try this like this,train +62257,62258,62258,onini ku sakapirpet nu Yutaya a tamdaw takuwanan itira i Fangcalay Pitaungan sapipatayan cangra i takuwanan,that is why the Jews seized me in the temple courts and tried to kill me,train +62258,62259,62259,faha,cough,train +62259,62260,62260,tu mahaenay a demak,something like that,test +62260,62261,62261,u papah u kilakang u awul,leaves or something Bamboo,train +62261,62262,62262,o kakanguduen ita ku kakrikridan nu saupu nu mituuray a ciwlu a palifun ikakaen ita ku pihaen tu marurayay a patnak a pasifana a ciwlu,the elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor especially those whose work is preaching and teaching,train +62262,62263,62263,Cariwciw saan kuya ciwciw i dipung,chickens squeak and chirp in their nests,train +62263,62264,62264,faeket,heavy,train +62264,62265,62265,yu tumreptu kuya ngiha i dengtu ci Yis a ccay ku itiraay itiya tuya rumiad i trep sa ku nisawawaan tu pakayniay tunini a dmak caay pasuwasuwal cangra i cimacimaan tu manengnengay nangra a dmak,when the voice had spoken they found that Jesus was alone the disciples kept this to themselves and told no one at that time what they had seen,train +62265,62266,62266,Rakam satu kaku a cay kananam a mihadasi,I am not used to going barefoot anymore,train +62266,62267,62267,sasirumaay,difference,train +62267,62268,62268,paala tusa a tatukian tangaʼsa i picudadan,it took about hours to get to the school,train +62268,62269,62269,tu maanmaan ku safalic sai,or other fish exchanges,train +62269,62270,62270,Tiktik han masadak ku heci,I will knock the meat out,test +62270,62271,62271,ci Osay saan Osay ci Osay ci Osay kuna pialaan tuna ngangan,it is not wrong to name it Dance Match but it is really the name Dance Match,train +62271,62272,62272,mahiya nu futili sanay yu,I think it was struck by lightning,train +62272,62273,62273,akaa kasinpay,do not worry,train +62273,62274,62274,pahiya han nira tu kilang pasarayray han nira,and then the wood is discharged,train +62274,62275,62275,i kaku i tiya,junior high school,train +62275,62276,62276,Masacanglah tu ku rumiad nu mita,we have reached spring,train +62276,62277,62277,ketunenhu ku funguh isu han nira kaku,First I will cut off your head,train +62277,62278,62278,mahiya tu futi,in terms of sleep,train +62278,62279,62279,masakalaw,third quarter or waning moon,train +62279,62280,62280,tadek cingra a kumaen i luma niyam,he eats at our house,test +62280,62281,62281,iratu ku mialaay mialaay,someone is coming to buy,train +62281,62282,62282,o nulitengan a Israil tamdaw anu madimadi a midufduf tu araaw ni Yihufa i u rumadiway itini i nuka piduku nangra iraay ku masaka limelaan a saaruˈan,it is noteworthy that singing played an important part in the worship of the ancient Israelites as they faithfully served the Lord,train +62282,62283,62283,tuliluc,flutes,train +62283,62284,62284,tayi,feces,train +62284,62285,62285,a paniyaru itira,built a tribe out there,train +62285,62286,62286,malaluk mitahaf tu ngusu atu nguyus,cover your nose and mouth regularly,train +62286,62287,62287,anu sumuwal kamu ini ku icep ini ku tamaku,you are going to say Here is betel nut here is cigarettes,train +62287,62288,62288,o husu ku sasulut naira tu nanum,they use a hose to draw wood,train +62288,62289,62289,maherek kami i pikunglingan,when we finished training at the training center,train +62289,62290,62290,Haydaaw i cuwa kita a malalitemuh,Okay where do we meet,test +62290,62291,62291,mafanaay,will,train +62291,62292,62292,o niyara i anu awa ku kaemangay atu kaying u kapah kiya,if there are no children ladies or youth in the tribe,train +62292,62293,62293,o mapasifanaay tu mu^celay a lalan ni Kristu a tamdaw i u papaladaen ningra ku singsi ningra tu iraay i cingraan a ngaayay a maamaan,anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor,train +62293,62294,62294,hatiraay kura demak aku tu,things go by the wayside,train +62294,62295,62295,macucuk i falucu maku itini matengil kura suwal nura singsi sa,the teachers words woke me up,train +62295,62296,62296,Maaraw nu maku kisu inacila,I saw you yesterday,train +62296,62297,62297,adadaay tu ku mira,he is already sick,train +62297,62298,62298,mamalasawad,it is going away,train +62298,62299,62299,pifalic ira tu tireng ira sa,change it into all sorts of things,train +62299,62300,62300,tayra cingra a pasuwal i nanu kaput ni Yis a tamdaw mararum tumangic cangra itiya,she went and told those who had been with him and who were mourning and weeping,test +62300,62301,62301,o mifalahay takuwanan a caay pilayap tu suwal aku i ira ku mamisawkit i cingraan o suwal aku ku mamisawkit cingraan i saikuray a rumiad,As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them I do not judge him for I did not come to judge the world but to save it,train +62301,62302,62302,Ngaay pacaliwen hu kaku haw halikien tu aku a patikul kisu,can you lend me the pen for a second I will return to you immediately,train +62302,62303,62303,Ruhuen a mitaelif itini,bend over here,train +62303,62304,62304,matalaw ma ma,I am afraid,train +62304,62305,62305,Misakalafiay ci ina i demi,mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen,train +62305,62306,62306,ci safaw hatira ku hiya,more than,train +62306,62307,62307,tayra cingra i kilakilangan mikilim tunian a pung,he went to the forest and searched the hole,train +62307,62308,62308,anu pakaenen kuni hangru tuya mahufucay a wina kiya,I have heard about the benefits of pregnant women giving him palace Vegetables,train +62308,62309,62309,o sapatuaya niyam kiraan a titi,that meat is our sacrifice,train +62309,62310,62310,sakapatapatayan tu kura kilang sanay i,this tree looks like it is dying,test +62310,62311,62311,rarukuh,quail,train +62311,62312,62312,aeneng han pasiikur ku minatu itini i Takaw haw i,as the ship gradually left I kept looking back at the Kaohsiung pier,train +62312,62313,62313,micaliwan,borrowed,train +62313,62314,62314,Cinuwas sahu cangra i nacila,they were separated yesterday,train +62314,62315,62315,mahaen yu tiya ku niyam malalikid,the Harvest Festival of our time,train +62315,62316,62316,caay pinaun kiya wacu i matefad nika peleng sa tu kiya talid i,the dog was not careful and fell down Afterwards the bottle was broken,train +62316,62317,62317,ninukaan,weaving and production,train +62317,62318,62318,makat kami tay ra i Fataʼan,we have to walk to an elementary school far away from Guangfu Township,train +62318,62319,62319,o nukaˈurip itini i Payen Pelaf nu Arkansa adihayay ku pasangar kawra ngaˈayay ku nika cacawmaˈ atu salikaka maulahay kami itini a mitusil,although life in pine Bluff has been difficult we have had a wonderful time with our brothers and sisters and have enjoyed preaching in the area,train +62319,62320,62320,tinaku,beg examples,test +62320,62321,62321,hatira sa ka pakaleku kaku hakiya sa kaku itiya,can I handle the training,train +62321,62322,62322,saka inian ku sasuwalen nu maku,that is what I am talking about,train +62322,62323,62323,a wayway kuraan a tamdaw,that person is the one who influences others with his loamy behavior,train +62323,62324,62324,ira ku mipasnengay a pakafana tu pakayniay i tireng nangra a tamdaw caay ku papasasutiri kami tu tireng niyam atu cangra o nika apa nangra saka pasasutiri cangra tu tireng atu kaput a patatudung i nisangaan nangra a lkakawa,we do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves they are not wise,train +62324,62325,62325,tarayaay,long,train +62325,62326,62326,itira satu i a mi,rust in the middle of the ship,train +62326,62327,62327,Mifaca kisu tu fuduy misakaranam kaku,you do the laundry I will make breakfast,train +62327,62328,62328,kina ayawayaw malatumuk sanay kaku a mihiratengtu,I wonder if the old bosses did not think of that,train +62328,62329,62329,sasepat ku usaw san malahitay tatulu ri,they said only four survived and three went to the army,train +62329,62330,62330,ikaka nu nika tadamaan nu luma ku nika tadamaan nu mipatirengay tuya luma malcad tunini ikaka ni Musi ku nika tadamaan ni Yis,Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself,test +62330,62331,62331,u wawa tu mangalay a minanam tu Tulik hananay nu tuas i,I am still young but I want to learn to knit,train +62331,62332,62332,urad,rain,train +62332,62333,62333,anu caay kafecul ku kulung i awaay ku sakaʼurip sa matuʼasay,the old man taught us that we must feed the cows before we can do anything else,train +62333,62334,62334,Makaleng ku suni nu ap^ap i pala,the sound of the chickens in the field is very low,train +62334,62335,62335,o saalumanay a finacadan ku Pangcah i nuwalian nu takaraway a lutuk i Taiwan i satimulan a enar nu Liu a tarawadaw,the Amis are the most populous of all the Aboriginal groups and are mainly found in the plains east of the Central mountain Range and south of the Liwu Creek,train +62335,62336,62336,tahini kunini a suwal,that is all he said,train +62336,62337,62337,u salikaka aku tu faʼinayan,my brother,train +62337,62338,62338,cihuken,draw water with a ladle,train +62338,62339,62339,o mamimaan kita i piundukayan saw,what will we do in the sports day,train +62339,62340,62340,rahid,more than expected,test +62340,62341,62341,tu sakayi demak,affairs,train +62341,62342,62342,wa saʼayaway matengilay hani u pancu nisangaʼan,Wow I heard you talking about making Dads underwear,train +62342,62343,62343,mahaentu,both,train +62343,62344,62344,ci siku kaku tayni kaku a mihulul,I am Siko and I have come to play with you,train +62344,62345,62345,Mafutfut tu ni mama a maemin ku semut nu umah,the weeds in the field were all taken care of by Dad,train +62345,62346,62346,tayra kaku i cingranan,I am going with him,train +62346,62347,62347,u nani niyaruʼay kapinanaman a radiw kira,it is all the same songs that we used to sing in the tribe,train +62347,62348,62348,cecay ku suwal nu maku u sakakaay iri,all I have to do is say it,train +62348,62349,62349,nanay mapafli nu tadamaanay a wama a Kawas nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu kamu tu Fangcalay Adingu onini a Fangcalay Adingu i u pafliay tu sakacitaneng namu u pahapinangay tu sakafana namu tu Kawas,I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the glorious Father may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know him better,train +62349,62350,62350,ahay uya pakaʼurad nu malitengay,Oh when the elders were begging for rain,test +62350,62351,62351,mapatireng a maemin ku fihekac nu kaput a mapulung i rarem,all the companion traps for catching swallows were erected,train +62351,62352,62352,o tatiihay a ina cingra caay pisikul cingra tu wawa nira,she is a bad mother she does not have an attitude of care for her child,train +62352,62353,62353,Nikawrira caay pitulas ci Pitiru a mikungkung Saka fawah han nangra i safahka sa cangra a minengneng tu nika ira ni Pitiru itira,but Peter kept on knocking and when they opened the door and saw him they were astonished,train +62353,62354,62354,hatini ku dadahal,that is how wide it is,train +62354,62355,62355,mahaen ku itiniay a matuʼasay,the old man here feels the same way,train +62355,62356,62356,malasingsi ku wawa nu salikaka aku,my siblings child is a teacher,train +62356,62357,62357,u teking ku sapilikat tura kadupak,Ignite paper with fire wood,train +62357,62358,62358,o Pariwan kamu haw,are you Paiwanese,train +62358,62359,62359,a misanga tu tudungay nu sapikasaʼupuʼupu mapulung tu salikaka,organize parishioners to form groups,train +62359,62360,62360,ci mama aku ri malawawa tu nira nengnengen kaku,so she treated me as if I were her own child,test +62360,62361,62361,panafuyen,crawl somebody,train +62361,62362,62362,pakafanaʼen aku kamu tu nisaʼusian,let me talk about a statistic,train +62362,62363,62363,maherek ku tumuk haw iri,when it is over then,train +62363,62364,62364,samira,they,train +62364,62365,62365,a u maan kiya kungku u mawmahay,what is the best story to tell or is it about farming,train +62365,62366,62366,hayda,desirable,train +62366,62367,62367,Nikaurira lumuwad kaku milingatu a pasiayaw a cumikay,but I stood up and continued running forward,train +62367,62368,62368,saluma sa kisu suni,and you said you were building a house,train +62368,62369,62369,ha iraay kuna tamdaw han,Oh so there is such a great predecessor,train +62369,62370,62370,Mitarangan nira,she is baking with,test +62370,62371,62371,ya sera itira kalimlaan tu,it is a shame about the land there,train +62371,62372,62372,lahud,vapor,train +62372,62373,62373,i cuwaay ku luma namu,where is your home,train +62373,62374,62374,awaay ku yufin i niyaru niyam,our tribe does not have a mailman,train +62374,62375,62375,cecay luma cecay,one person per household,train +62375,62376,62376,sakitamdaw,behavior,train +62376,62377,62377,Cilangasan,sierra de Chilaca,train +62377,62378,62378,canem,fog,train +62378,62379,62379,Iikur tu i pakaynien niyam i pilahci tu mihalakaan a tayal tu saka caay ka lasawad kapawan tu suwal atu serangawan ku teluc nu Yincumincu atu maruay tunini a pala^ nu Taywan a finacadan ta caaytu ka matiya u pakuyucay a misatiwatiwal i pala^ nu niyah,in the future we will push for policies to ensure that succeeding generations of indigenous tribes and all ethnic peoples in Taiwan never lose their languages and memories that they are never separated from their cultural traditions and that never again are they lost in a land of their own,train +62379,62380,62380,Mikaput kaku tu cefang nu mimaliay,I am on the team,test +62380,62381,62381,Sakacecay Nuamisan a Pangcah itini i masadahtalay a pala mingataay tu riyar a pala paluma na itira i Cingaruan talaamis tangasa i taliyuk nu Nafakuwan ku pala,the Amis of Nansei the area of residence is the northern plains of Taiwans east coast region between the present day Fenglin area in Hualien County and Hualien City,train +62381,62382,62382,i cued nu luma aku a maru,I sat in the dimmest corner of the room,train +62382,62383,62383,kaludian,evening,train +62383,62384,62384,Kuhepic san kuni tipeluk,this paper is so thin,train +62384,62385,62385,mansa rakat sanay kaku a tayra i kungkuan,so I will just walk to school,train +62385,62386,62386,o saka^caaw ka tulu nu nima namu i raraw a malaatkakay ku falucu saka yu irahu ku anini hananay a nituruan nu Fangcalay Cudad a rumiad i kasasipaicel kamu tu rumiamiad,but encourage one another daily as long as it is called Today so that none of you may be hardened by sins deceitfulness,train +62386,62387,62387,nu maku ina atu mama akung tuʼas i pituʼasan,this is my grandma and grandpas time,train +62387,62388,62388,lima a fun ku karumakat tahira tu i ciyataw,it only takes five minutes after you walk out of the station,train +62388,62389,62389,malamlamay,mixed,train +62389,62390,62390,onini a suwal ni Yis i u nisuwalan ningra i tatihi nu pakingkingan a haku yu pasifana i Fangcalay Pitaungan Nikawrira itiya i awaay ku mirpetay i Cingraan nawhani cahu ka raud ku rumiad ningra,he spoke these words while teaching in the temple area near the place where the offerings were put yet no one seized him because his time had not yet come,test +62390,62391,62391,mitngil tunini kuya kakridan nu sufitay i tayra sa cingra i Tapang nu sufitay a milicay Samaanen isu kura tamdaw saw O Luma a tamdaw cingra han ningra,when the centurion heard this he went to the commander and reported it What are you going to do he asked This man is a Roman citizen,train +62391,62392,62392,itiya i suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Hatu mamapataytu Kaku tu nika tataang nu rarum nu falucu Aku Kaitini kamu a mitala kihatiyaen Kaku a mapalal han ningra,then he said to them My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death stay here and keep watch with me,train +62392,62393,62393,o sasululen aku ku patlac nangra caaytu ku haharatengen aku ku raraw nangra saan,for I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more,train +62393,62394,62394,sanu Amisan nu wama kami a caciyaw i luma,my father speaks the Amis language with us at home,train +62394,62395,62395,Ngaay hu^ kisu Tukung ci panay kaku,Hello Tokong I am Panay,train +62395,62396,62396,Nayat han nira wawa ku kakamayan nu fuday nira,the child pulls the sleeve of his shirt up and stretches it,train +62396,62397,62397,u wama aku kiya ci hanay nu tau u maan ku haw,my fathers name is Chan and people used to tease me Who is the senator,train +62397,62398,62398,a misalatalatak,make it into a wave board rolled farm implement,train +62398,62399,62399,hiningen ku masamaamaanay awas nu finawlan,you have to be a keen observer,train +62399,62400,62400,tadapacakayay,Boutiques,test +62400,62401,62401,mitengil tu suwal nu,participate in organizing regular meetings,train +62401,62402,62402,o kumaenay tu ^pang a tamdaw i lima a patek ku fainayan aca,the number of the men who had eaten was five thousand,train +62402,62403,62403,matataedipay kura matatunguday,the joints overlap,train +62403,62404,62404,Mafana kaku micuka,I can draw,train +62404,62405,62405,sakakadufah,reasons to be rich,train +62405,62406,62406,o malecaday ku picudadan nu niyam,we study in the same school,train +62406,62407,62407,kiya mapatayay,until the end of life,train +62407,62408,62408,saka ya,that is why the traditional ballads,train +62408,62409,62409,caka urip awaay tu ku urip nu niyaru,the tribe has no energy,train +62409,62410,62410,cira cay,he is the only one,test +62410,62411,62411,Hepulen kura raramus nu misu,take off your gold ring,train +62411,62412,62412,u,there are,train +62412,62413,62413,tu nukay a miʼadup,on the way back from the hunt,train +62413,62414,62414,a hay,ah yes,train +62414,62415,62415,cecay suut sepat pulu a kungfen ku akawang aku,I am centimeters,train +62415,62416,62416,nu itiyahu caay ka hatira nu Taruku tu maanmaan san,the Atayal used to be different,train +62416,62417,62417,masamaan irahu ku maku a sasuwalen,I will tell you about it,train +62417,62418,62418,itini pakalumaˈay a piduku i ngaˈayay kisu milengu tu malifukay nu niyah a epuc mikitini kafalic nu saˈupu atu pitusil wa mahapinang isu mihaen tu demak ngaˈayay pakalaluk tu niyah ngaˈayhu pakalaluk tu paru nu lumaˈ,during family worship talk to your family about the benefits you have gained from the change in meeting or preaching and you may find that this encourages you as well as your family,train +62418,62419,62419,ci panay aci Api kami fuhaten hu^ ku fawahan,Grandma we are Panay and Api please open the door for us,train +62419,62420,62420,Palacefangen kami itiya ta masarucud ku nikarumadiw,singing in a group is the only way to get us to do our best,test +62420,62421,62421,mahaen nitu malecat tu suwal naku na huni iraw,as I have just said put it in the same way,train +62421,62422,62422,Hai munanaw kaku tu kamay,Okay I will go wash my hands,train +62422,62423,62423,ona impic umipacaliwan ni Kacaw i tisuwanan haw,did Kacaw lend you this pen,train +62423,62424,62424,suwal han nira kaku cuwa kamuecel ku tilid nu Kuwaping tu tudung nu ngangan nira anca i Fa syen sen hananay nu tau cira saka adihay ku kalatawaan nuna pipangiha tu ngangan,he told me that using Chinese characters could not accurately convey his name and others would still call him Fa Xian Sheng,train +62424,62425,62425,Pacauf sa ci Yis i cingraan Sarucuden ku falucu isu sarucuden ku urip isu sarucuden ku harateng isu a maulah tu Tapang a Kawas isu saan,Jesus replied Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind,train +62425,62426,62426,si Caki kaku Muetepay tu ku mihecaan aku,my name is Caki and I am years old,train +62426,62427,62427,hay kalipahakan,it is heaven,train +62427,62428,62428,masamaan ku fana ita tunini a ninanaman ita,what we have learned about learning our mother tongue,train +62428,62429,62429,matawalay aku a miala ku tilid,I forgot to bring the textbook,train +62429,62430,62430,ira kura nu kuwaping anini,that is how they say it in Chinese,test +62430,62431,62431,anu awa tu ku wawa i,when the kids are not here,train +62431,62432,62432,walu ira ku tulu nu mihecaan nu misu,are you years old,train +62432,62433,62433,itini i Kiwitay i amisay i tini i timul haw i,people from Chimay from the north and from the south,train +62433,62434,62434,hatiraay ku nu tipay hananay haw a tayal,that is the dangerous thing about rafting,train +62434,62435,62435,a mangalay a mapatireng,desire to build,train +62435,62436,62436,ta ira tu kiya Kaping,and then another dynasty,train +62436,62437,62437,mangudu,respect,train +62437,62438,62438,ta makasanga nu matuasay kinian,that is why the elders made this kind of equipment,train +62438,62439,62439,sisa caay kanca a palita tu itiniay a tamdaw,so make sure you ask someone in the area,train +62439,62440,62440,itini kasaselal cayka lasawad,there will be no elimination of age groups,test +62440,62441,62441,sa kita tu matuʼasay,the old mans Mandarin is not good,train +62441,62442,62442,sa u Pangcah haw i mialaay tu kasuy sa mangaʼay ku pisawkit,the clan has experience of being imprisoned because there are good rulings to avoid the penalty of imprisonment,train +62442,62443,62443,kaka^,older brother and sister,train +62443,62444,62444,pinasisiw aku tu tina ngara ngara a sasangaʼen,my made and finished work,train +62444,62445,62445,yu mauriphu kaku anini i u tayal aku kunini a mipalal tu falucu namu saan kaku,I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body,train +62445,62446,62446,ku sapiala anini,I can only buy it,train +62446,62447,62447,o lamlam niyam u fainayan atu fafahian a malacecay ku keru,we were both boys and girls at the dance,train +62447,62448,62448,Nanuya miliyas ci Yis itira a tayra i ngata nu Tiri micumud ci Yis i ccay a luma manaay a kafanaen nu tamdaw nasa kawrira caay aca ku mamasimed ku kaitira ningra,Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre he entered a house and did not want anyone to know it yet he could not keep his presence secret,train +62448,62449,62449,Yuadidi kamu lipahak haw,you guys were so happy when you were little,train +62449,62450,62450,halafin tu caay ka araw kisu,long time no see,test +62450,62451,62451,o i tiraay a Yutaya a tamdaw i ikaka nu i Tisalunikaay a tamdaw ku nika ngaay nu falucu nangra Tadamalaluk cangra a mitngil tu suwal nu Kawas Sulinay hakini caay hakini saan cangra a mitiri tu Fangcalay Cudad tu rumiamiad,now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true,train +62451,62452,62452,saka u kami u cangping ni unu sifu kami saka,Changbin is located in the middle,train +62452,62453,62453,tiya turanan haw satapangay tu a malasang,I have been seasick ever since,train +62453,62454,62454,ta ci wawa ci mamaan aku,and then my father was born,train +62454,62455,62455,awaay ku kamukuan mimaumah kaku i malaliw,it was a busy farming season so I did not have time to hook up,train +62455,62456,62456,kami sa cima hu ku mafana,so it is not just us who else understands,train +62456,62457,62457,Maenuc nu maku ku ukak,I swallowed the bone,train +62457,62458,62458,tayni tu i puluyakiw hiwa maʼaraw tu nu tau as idahiay ku pusung haw,being in a professional baseball team shows that Taitung can play well,train +62458,62459,62459,tatu tatu satu kira matira san,I will say Let us walk back together,train +62459,62460,62460,Mihaenay anu ecatu ka semer ku tamdaw tu mihadakan ita wa padutuc kita makahi a paladaˈ,on what grounds should we not be generous,test +62460,62461,62461,tuwa misaling a milunguc tu tuas a pakaurad u vavahiyan u madapunuhay nu niyaru aca ku misalisinay,after the priest had blessed the tree again all the widows began to pour water on the banana tree,train +62461,62462,62462,cidek,special,train +62462,62463,62463,o rucek nu tamdaw nu Pangcah i 201679 tu ku tamdaw,the current population is approximately,train +62463,62464,62464,emin matayal itini tiran a kiwkay,I have been working here ever since,train +62464,62465,62465,a,connecting words,train +62465,62466,62466,tuya rumiʼad tura minukay tu kaku i,when I came home that day,train +62466,62467,62467,emakilim tu kaku,uh huh I found it,train +62467,62468,62468,atu kadafu nuna luma,and this family wife,train +62468,62469,62469,tungalen,plus,train +62469,62470,62470,wawa hu kaku itiya i niyaru,when I was a kid in the tribe,test +62470,62471,62471,pakayni itini i yu malinah kaku tayni,that is when I moved from here,train +62471,62472,62472,anu mafana tu kaku a misurit i,if I learn to write,train +62472,62473,62473,Sakatulu Tatamurungen nu masakaputay Tatamurungen nu mararaway caayay ka edeng uya mararaway anu maraput ku malininaay atu selal nira maemin citatudung a patefuc,collective responsibility the responsibility for the crime is not only on the perpetrator himself but also on the relatives or the whole age group who are jointly and severally liable for the crime and compensation,train +62473,62474,62474,kappah,an excellent,train +62474,62475,62475,urumaruma a ngasaw,other village names,train +62475,62476,62476,lingatu satu kaku a misanga tu siraw sa,so I started making salt pork,train +62476,62477,62477,o siacefelay ku hacikayay,trains are faster,train +62477,62478,62478,itira tu mitayalay midademakay tu,so someone did,train +62478,62479,62479,pamaraden,iron release,train +62479,62480,62480,a maanen saw nu kaku,what am I going to do,test +62480,62481,62481,Mafanatu kamu tu katayraan aku a lalan han ningra,you know the way to the place where I am going,train +62481,62482,62482,pasuwal sa ci Yis i nisawawaan Ningra Anu hakuwa i nanay maaraw niyam tu ccaccay aca a rumiad ku nika tayni nuya wawa nu Tamdaw u sasaan kamu Nikawrira caay ku mamaaraw namu,then he said to his disciples The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the son of Man but you will not see it,train +62482,62483,62483,patikiri,chorus,train +62483,62484,62484,nilecep sa ketunen,it is just diving in and cutting down,train +62484,62485,62485,ora nem rumiʼad sakacay a rumiʼad i nimanay,how does the six day Festival work,train +62485,62486,62486,misitala tura ngangaen nura sera,the child is applying for ownership of the land in Taitung,train +62486,62487,62487,kaku misanga,do I do it,train +62487,62488,62488,pakatawa,laughter,train +62488,62489,62489,tataruwa,goose,train +62489,62490,62490,o maan ku cengel nu cahid i kakarayan,what color are the clouds in the sky,test +62490,62491,62491,haca^,both,train +62491,62492,62492,rimuud,whole,train +62492,62493,62493,nanay ku hatiniay a demak anu caka tuem aka ka tuemanen sa ku singsi,I hope that such activities as long as there are no clouds do not feel dark and teachers remind this matter like this,train +62493,62494,62494,Pacauf sa ci Yis Cahu ka asip namu saw ku pakayniay i nanu dmak na Tafiti atu kaput ningra yu macahiw cangra,he answered Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need,train +62494,62495,62495,watah kuya fadahung itiraw watah kiya faliyus,Wow a strong typhoon blew the roof so far away,train +62495,62496,62496,ciadada,fall ill,train +62496,62497,62497,na u ruma tu hatnini san kuʼayaw,what is the difference between now and then,train +62497,62498,62498,san as ku maku falucu,this is my wish,train +62498,62499,62499,sanay kinian saka cikatalaw,that is why I am not afraid,train +62499,62500,62500,maraud kuni kafunuran nira haw,when its fruit is ripe and falls to the ground,test +62500,62501,62501,samanen haw wawa i,opens voles,train +62501,62502,62502,anu u ci Lingacay a liciw kita,we are the mayor of Ling Ya,train +62502,62503,62503,tiked tu ada,meet the enemy,train +62503,62504,62504,u suwal nu matuʼasay,that is the traditional way,train +62504,62505,62505,anu masuaw,if you are thirsty,train +62505,62506,62506,o ngangan nu kaka aku tu fafahiyan ci Panay,my elder sisters name is Panay,train +62506,62507,62507,mahaen amin kiya mapapapadang,that is how we complement each other,train +62507,62508,62508,ira ku heci nu fafuy ira ku simal,there is pork and there is fat,train +62508,62509,62509,alaen a pasadak ku tatiliden nu misu,take out your homework,train +62509,62510,62510,Cima^ kura tamdaw,who is that person,test +62510,62511,62511,mifafa,sling,train +62511,62512,62512,mamang hu ka sera ningra,his breathing is very small,train +62512,62513,62513,u wawa hu kaku,I am very young,train +62513,62514,62514,kira tataakay a babuy nu liyal,there is a big whale,train +62514,62515,62515,2 mafanaˈay ci Cikariya tura minukayay tayra i Yirusalim a Israil tamdaw ˈifuwaay a pakasuˈlin tu Kawas,Zechariah knew that these Jews returning to Jerusalem had full confidence in God,train +62515,62516,62516,ira itira a matli ku kureng tu matumesay tu acicimay a ^pah Pahcep han nangra ku paruk i acicimay a ^pah ta pakafiten nangra i caang nu hisup a rngus a parawis i nguyus ningra,a jar of wine vinegar was there so they soaked a sponge in it put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant and lifted it to Jesus lips,train +62516,62517,62517,saka e,So uh,train +62517,62518,62518,watah matuka tu maraay kura umah,it is a bit lazy to farm so far away,train +62518,62519,62519,Orasaka matu suwal nu Fangcalay Adingu Anu mitngil kamu anini tu suwal nu Kawas i,So as the Holy Spirit says Today if you hear his voice,train +62519,62520,62520,hai kiya tayal isu hatini arawen Fangcalay acad,Yeah your movements look so smooth and simple,test +62520,62521,62521,Mihaenay anu tudungen ita ci Yis ngangaˈay padadutuc patahekal tu ulah,Therefore if we imitate Jesus we can continue to show love,train +62521,62522,62522,samatira tangasa i,by the year of the Republic of China,train +62522,62523,62523,ci ina aku saʼayaw miadafu,my mother was the first to marry out of the tribe,train +62523,62524,62524,nawhan tata angay ku tata ang kura kilang,because it is all big wood,train +62524,62525,62525,kamisian,pee,train +62525,62526,62526,alufu sa i caay ka hatiniay,Lovers bag does not look like,train +62526,62527,62527,o nangatuan nu maku a midisdis tu tefus i tini,here is the cane I am about to finish peeling,train +62527,62528,62528,matama ku suwal isu,what you said is right,train +62528,62529,62529,anu hacuwa kisu a minukay i niyaru,when are you going back to the tribe,train +62529,62530,62530,adada ku kakirian nu maku,my credits hurts,test +62530,62531,62531,u laheci nu rumiʼad,the day is over,train +62531,62532,62532,saitira lima miheca ku urip nu maku itira a matayal,so I lived and worked there for five years,train +62532,62533,62533,masuemetay ku kasuy sakangaʼay mitangtang tu hemay,Moist firewood is handy for cooking,train +62533,62534,62534,penec,repress,train +62534,62535,62535,talaen ku kapukaput itini sapitalaan kamaruʼan,wait for the rest of the group at the rendezvous,train +62535,62536,62536,u Tumay,it is a bear,train +62536,62537,62537,sa haen sa kami tatusa mahaenay,so here is how our relationship works,train +62537,62538,62538,Mafana kaku i Cingraan nawhani u nanitiraay Kaku u niucuran ningra Kaku saan,but I know him because I am from him and he sent me,train +62538,62539,62539,caka pakatayhira kita i tataykaw hanta,we will just take our time paying off the loan,train +62539,62540,62540,talalutuk kaku anupapacem awa kaku i luma,I am going to the mountains tomorrow so I will not be home,test +62540,62541,62541,Cicukur kaku talalutuk a macukacuk,I have crutches for hiking,train +62541,62542,62542,tadakalimelaan,most importantly,train +62542,62543,62543,cuwa ku pihadidi aca ni Tayanna tu kapatay nu salawina miremuayhu tu ekang nu cucu,during this time Diana not only had to endure the loss of her family but also battled breast cancer,train +62543,62544,62544,aniniay sanay i iraay tu ku tingnaw turuturu han i manan adada nangra hatiraay anini ku ising anini,Nowadays with computers in medical facilities a doctor can show the condition of a patient with just a click of his finger,train +62544,62545,62545,inian kina milaedis hananay a kungku hay,this is the legend of the fishing festival,train +62545,62546,62546,ira melawi saw ku tevu,Look the bamboo shoots here,train +62546,62547,62547,malamatuʼasay tu cangra,they have become seniors,train +62547,62548,62548,tira kami micingcu tu sentanciye tira,we are here to celebrate Christmas,train +62548,62549,62549,Pinaun tu tireng isu atu pipasifana isu kararid a misaicel tunini ta mapaurip isu kisu atu mitngilay tu suwal isu,watch your life and doctrine closely persevere in them because if you do you will save both yourself and your hearers,train +62549,62550,62550,misiwasiw mipili tu etah,to screen out empty shelled kernels,test +62550,62551,62551,antu ilaay ku mira tudung a tesel,So does it come in its own embroidery color,train +62551,62552,62552,mafana ku kasakakakaka u mikeriday,and all these officers know it,train +62552,62553,62553,maaraw nira kurira a matuasay mipitpit ifafa tu heci nurira kilang,he saw that that elder was picking fruits,train +62553,62554,62554,kuhetingen,feeling black,train +62554,62555,62555,tangal tu kira hineng han ri,it is morning Look,train +62555,62556,62556,anu kihepichepic cimira haw,if you cut small slices small slices,train +62556,62557,62557,suʼelinay u ruma cihinafaay,some of them are carrying children,train +62557,62558,62558,ira kiya ni alaan aku inacila i,I picked some yesterday,train +62558,62559,62559,itiya saan a hitay hiwa i,and in the army,train +62559,62560,62560,funur,drop,test +62560,62561,62561,caay kaliyaw i,no duplicates,train +62561,62562,62562,ira tu ku nipihiya tu hiya yu,there is also that,train +62562,62563,62563,mavalud ku niyaru nu Cikasuwan,the unity of the Shichibukawa tribe,train +62563,62564,62564,anuhuni masuwal aku kuninian,we will get to that later,train +62564,62565,62565,o tadakalisautan nu kapah ku Siukulan a tarawadaw inian a kumuris hananay a pifuting u mikihatiyaay tu licinuwas nu nanum a mitafa tu nanum nu tarawadaw,the Xiuguluan river is the main site of this collective action comoros a collective fishing operation takes advantage of the forks in the water flow,train +62565,62566,62566,Milalad ku tamurak,the squash plant is growing and running shoots out,train +62566,62567,62567,masaupuay niyam ku Ami Amis itini,we have brought a lot of Amis people together here to work hard on the fields,train +62567,62568,62568,misilsil tu tatayalen kira mama nu kapah,that tribal leader is lining up the work to be done,train +62568,62569,62569,7 itiya mitusil ci Yis i painuˈay ku nisawawaan tu tamdaw,during the time of Jesus earthly ministry the disciples also baptized people,train +62569,62570,62570,daycakit,night market,test +62570,62571,62571,cayka hatira aca nyi,that is not all,train +62571,62572,62572,makaciengay,cheeks are big,train +62572,62573,62573,damdam,capsicum,train +62573,62574,62574,miyatayat,do soft exercises,train +62574,62575,62575,keriden nu singsi kamu a talatukus anini,I will take you to the mountains today,train +62575,62576,62576,hai i fangcal,that is good,train +62576,62577,62577,pakayni tu nukaˈurip nu kaemanganhu ni Yis u matiliday ni Matay aci Luka hanu caka hahecad,why is Matthews account of Jesus early life different from Lukes,train +62577,62578,62578,kacedasan,flooding season,train +62578,62579,62579,awaay tu maʼaraw kiya cuyuh,and the angel disappeared,train +62579,62580,62580,maluupihen,become a feather,test +62580,62581,62581,Pasuvanaima kami cima ku ngangan nu misu,please briefly introduce yourself,train +62581,62582,62582,unu riyar urang han,lobster on the beach,train +62582,62583,62583,anu katangasaan tu ku rumiad tu piilisinan nu niyaru haw i itini i suraratan ku pulung nu i niyaruay a masaupu,if it is time for the annual tribal Festival of the year of plenty all the tribesmen of the tribe will surely gather here,train +62583,62584,62584,a narikuran tura mapatayay saka,because of the departure of a loved one,train +62584,62585,62585,i,exist,train +62585,62586,62586,u pakayraay i nanum,look for water in the river,train +62586,62587,62587,Micukcukay kaku tu taluan i matini,I am at the lock up now,train +62587,62588,62588,kucanci,Bureau of national assets,train +62588,62589,62589,maraud tuku misu a pacukcukan,it is time for your shot,train +62589,62590,62590,futili,thunder,test +62590,62591,62591,kadum,talent,train +62591,62592,62592,tayra kaku pitilidan haw,when I arrived at the school,train +62592,62593,62593,ming ku tangila nu rinum,the needles eye is very small,train +62593,62594,62594,faki tayni tu kisu,Uncle you are here,train +62594,62595,62595,o nu maku kiraan a fuday,that dress is mine,train +62595,62596,62596,oni lalakaw misadakay tu sapalimuˈut nu Fangcalay Cudad padama tisuwan misahalaka tu Fangcalay a nuikuran,this text offers biblical counsel to help you make good plans for a better future,train +62596,62597,62597,mahaen u rakat nu tarawadaw,but just as a river has a flow of water,train +62597,62598,62598,caay ka edeng ku nanum tu,maybe it is not enough to remove the hair by boiling water,train +62598,62599,62599,Tuas sa a nengneng anu malufa ku tireng,if the muscles are flabby the person will look old,train +62599,62600,62600,waswas,spill,test +62600,62601,62601,Palidaw a Pangcah marariwasak i Vanaw Kunpu Paliyapay Lilung Taymali atu Palidawnay Palidaw ku aru manay Palidaw a Pangcah han ku ni pangangan,Hengchun Ami Group distributed in Chihshang Township Fuli Township Luye Township Guanshan Township Taimali Township and Hengchun the group is so named because they once lived in the Hengchun area,train +62601,62602,62602,saayaway nu pilisin miundukay i kaʼku nu niyaru,on the first day of the Harvest Festival a sports event is held at the tribal school,train +62602,62603,62603,macaefasay,overflowing,train +62603,62604,62604,awaaytu ku cinah katayra ci Panayan amicaliw tu cinah,we are out of salt go borrow some from Panay,train +62604,62605,62605,mapiliʼay kaku tura nipaʼinian tura wina aku da lawlaw sa pakacifaʼinay tu wawa,I do not like the man my mother chose for me why are you in such a hurry to marry your child,train +62605,62606,62606,Fiyacen ku kamay atu waay namu a miwiawi,straighten your arms and legs and move them around,train +62606,62607,62607,Hayi ngaay tu,Okay no problem,train +62607,62608,62608,O malmeday ku malukesay nu tamdamdaw a mikariang a mipalafu tu masamaamaanay a tatiihay a suwal tuna mituur kamu i Takuwanan,Blessed are you when people insult you persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me,train +62608,62609,62609,tadaawul,prickly Bamboo,train +62609,62610,62610,Cumikay ci ina aku tuuren aku caay pakatuʼur,our mom runs so fast I cannot even catch up,test +62610,62611,62611,Micedeng ciira i Taypak mikilim tu tatayalan,he has not been home for a long time looking for work in Taipei,train +62611,62612,62612,hina adada kaku vaedet adada ku tangal singuset atu mauh^uh,I recently caught a cold too a bit of fever not only headache and sore throat but also runny nose and cough,train +62612,62613,62613,pitu a rumiad i pahanhan tu ku was,God rested the seventh day,train +62613,62614,62614,aenemay ku wawa nu wacu,the dog has six puppies,train +62614,62615,62615,saci kawasen saci kawasen caayay ka adah,asking for witchcraft did not make it any better,train +62615,62616,62616,o mikaumahan nanu tuas ira ku panay falinunu kunga tali hafay atu fataan u kaen tu laday u felac ku kakaenen u kunga u tali u hafay atu fataan u litakawan aca a kakaenen,the traditional crops of the Amis include rice glutinous rice groundnuts taro millet and tree peas et Usually rice is the staple food and groundnuts taro millet and tree peas are the side dishes,train +62616,62617,62617,o mipalemeday ku Kawas tu kita pulung Amis sa ku maku harateng,I think Jesus Christ blessed us Aboriginals,train +62617,62618,62618,taʼangay tu ku wawa aku,my child is growing up,train +62618,62619,62619,matini a ina mama,that is the way it is Mommy and Daddy,train +62619,62620,62620,anu caeca kalecad,although different,test +62620,62621,62621,o daya kuraan hay,is that called elderberry,train +62621,62622,62622,pahanhan tu a mitilid masadak kaku a talapaputal,I walked out of the classroom when class was over,train +62622,62623,62623,payniyaniyaru,community,train +62623,62624,62624,udax,confectionary,train +62624,62625,62625,mahaen a makairaira ku maamaan mararid a micumud ku citudungay tu taung i saka ccay a rawang nu Taluan a matayal tu nu taung a dmak,when everything had been arranged like this the priests entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry,train +62625,62626,62626,hai cimahu ku awaay ita,who else is not here,train +62626,62627,62627,atu vana nu tangila,have a spiritual ear,train +62627,62628,62628,anu malecapu kita u i lumaʼay dengay tu paradiwen ku wawa,when we get together at home we can also teach the children to sing,train +62628,62629,62629,maladimengay,being a cop,train +62629,62630,62630,mahrek cangra a kumaen haenen ningra ku dmak a mitatuy tu takid a sumuwal O laluwadan nu fa^luhay a katatlek atu Kawas a masadakay tu saki tamuwanan a rmes aku kunini,in the same way after the supper he took the cup saying This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is poured out for you,test +62630,62631,62631,mafulaw kiya matuʼasay,that is why the old man moved,train +62631,62632,62632,salinalinah sanay ku urip niyam,we have been living in the North,train +62632,62633,62633,Faluen ku enged a misanga,there are eight padded rings to be made,train +62633,62634,62634,paytuy sa kura sakunukunul sa ku malitengay miladum,the old people lined up in an orderly fashion ostrich and ostrich to carry water,train +62634,62635,62635,o nimaay a kulung kinian,whose cow was it originally,train +62635,62636,62636,imeng,police,train +62636,62637,62637,sasangaan tu luma nu heni,to build their house,train +62637,62638,62638,kiʼetec faʼedet i macefu ye misi saan ku tau,because it is cold and hot and my classmates laugh at me for peeing,train +62638,62639,62639,o hiya nira u pinangan nira nu lalima lima kiya fau kira falah han tu nira tayra i alu,Formally we could scrape off three or five of them and throw them in the river,train +62639,62640,62640,O saka sumuwal aku i tamuwanan tunini i u saka^caaw ka tuled nu falucu namu,All this I have told you so that you will not go astray,test +62640,62641,62641,ngaayay tu hakuwa ku cacaliwen isu a payci,Yes how much do you need,train +62641,62642,62642,exiw,savory or appetizing,train +62642,62643,62643,hay,indistinct,train +62643,62644,62644,a pasadak tura lafang nagra,they are here to get rid of the guests,train +62644,62645,62645,madicuh,to be loosened,train +62645,62646,62646,ya milakec cangra tura taladaw,when typhoon passed through Xiuguluan river on the day of typhoon,train +62646,62647,62647,nika iri anu tataak tu haw iri maluvic ku heci,but it grew up to be very fruitful,train +62647,62648,62648,Pasanengsengen nu niyam ku tau a makeru,we let people see how cool we look when we dance,train +62648,62649,62649,tahini tu i Siw Ni Yen miliyas tu tu luma kira halatangic kaku hay han,when I got to the convent I cried a lot Oh yeah,train +62649,62650,62650,karahay,sun protection,test +62650,62651,62651,iniyan u kali temuhtemuh han kuni aka palaliw tuni,this is the point of contact do not leave it out,train +62651,62652,62652,yu cicit cicitcit sa kuya edu,the mouse squeaks,train +62652,62653,62653,samsam,bullying,train +62653,62654,62654,wa malekup kita,we are going to die out,train +62654,62655,62655,anu caay kaʼaraw ku wayway nu likakawa nu tuʼas,if he does not look like his forefathers,train +62655,62656,62656,maraud,at that time,train +62656,62657,62657,malu mafanaʼay tu pakayni tu i Kuwn PO ha,recognize them as outstanding broadcasting talents,train +62657,62658,62658,Mapawpaw ku suwal nira,his words are without significance impractical,train +62658,62659,62659,anini fangcal tu ira tu ku masulinga kira utuc haw,it is all organized now,train +62659,62660,62660,miangang tu i tamiyan,just call us,test +62660,62661,62661,Nanuya liyasen ni Yis ku Tiri a pala a pakayra i Situn atu Tikapulis a pala a tayra i fanaw nu Kalili,then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon down to the sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis,train +62661,62662,62662,caay haw kalecad,it is not the same,train +62662,62663,62663,mitanam a mimilmil ci Dakuc tura uner,Tatsuko tries to touch the snake,train +62663,62664,62664,matiya ku demak i naayaw milalikid,things to do at past Harvest festivals,train +62664,62665,62665,nu Recurd,approximate number of households,train +62665,62666,62666,caka kami putal mimali i,when I am not out playing croquet,train +62666,62667,62667,mararid ku urad,when it rains every day,train +62667,62668,62668,teluc tu mahererek ku laluud u Sakiˈuk nu Fersay misaka dademakan ku Muetup ira ku sepat saka Dipayal a Safalud mihadakan nu cungtung ci Wiesun u saka tumireng nu Kuksay Lianmung unini a 14 safalud ku mituuran,as a result president Wilsons fourteen points for peace were invoked in the negotiation of the peace Treaty of Versailles at the end of the great War and the League of Nations was founded on the basis of those fourteen principles,train +62668,62669,62669,raecus anu caay kaedem tu cacayay a bicing,No I need a full kilogram for each one,train +62669,62670,62670,makakayat,holding each others hands,test +62670,62671,62671,matawaay ci Alinta a pasuwal Mikawihay ku palakatay tu fasu tamiyanan u ruma palakatay mikitira i fasu miuwaw tamiyanan Tada kasemerantu kamu,Olinda also laughed The bus drivers waved at us and some of them yelled at us from their cars You guys are amazing,train +62671,62672,62672,tahenay,soon,train +62672,62673,62673,pakaalaay kisu tu sakacecay tadaidahiay tu,Congratulations on getting first place you are amazing,train +62673,62674,62674,o cifalaay ku tamdaw,people have lungs,train +62674,62675,62675,hay yaca liyawaw aca nu maku a misausi,Really I will recalculate,train +62675,62676,62676,awaayhu ku salingsiya ityahu,they did not even have collage cars back then,train +62676,62677,62677,matumes ku kaysing,the dish is full,train +62677,62678,62678,matures nani tini ci Hulangsi,from the Netherlands,train +62678,62679,62679,sa mifacu cangra caay ka tiliden rira i raruka,they do not have plans for the house,train +62679,62680,62680,saan ku saʼusi nu matuʼasay,that is what the elders say,test +62680,62681,62681,saka hadidi sa kaku misyakay,that is what I am trying to do with my social work,train +62681,62682,62682,a kakaenen tu ngaʼayay a kakaenen itira,as long as it is here you can eat it,train +62682,62683,62683,anu minukay kuya tawki anu matakup ningra ku pitala nuya kuli a caay ka futi u malmeday cangra Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u mamikdec kuya tawki tu safaked ningra o papataduen ningra kuya kuli a papitahka,it will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes I tell you the truth he will dress himself to serve will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them,train +62683,62684,62684,patalahekal tu serangawan u kungku u caway likisi,you can talk about Aboriginal culture history and stories,train +62684,62685,62685,o mamenacay a tamdaw ci Cunuk,Cunuk is a very naughty man,train +62685,62686,62686,sisa hamanay casumuwal nu maku,that is why I am going to tell you,train +62686,62687,62687,pasuwal ci Tafiti tu pakayniay i Cingraan Mararid a maaraw aku ku Tapang i kaayaw aku ira i kawanan aku cingra saka caay ku mamangiyangi kaku,David said about him I saw the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken,train +62687,62688,62688,iniyay kiyaru ku,original,train +62688,62689,62689,tamdaw,man,train +62689,62690,62690,Hai malacecay ku aru aku tu mama atu ina,Yes I live with my mom and dad,test +62690,62691,62691,karumadiw,singing method,train +62691,62692,62692,yu pa^xiw cingra i mitulun i paputal ku alumanay a finawlan,and when the time for the burning of incense came all the assembled worshipers were praying outside,train +62692,62693,62693,saka fangcal nu urip tahini i teluc,so that happiness may last forever,train +62693,62694,62694,itini i suku haw,process,train +62694,62695,62695,sersaan,it is very even it goes down very smoothly,train +62695,62696,62696,pakakahaday,widener,train +62696,62697,62697,namakayra i kadademakan aku lina,Mom I am from work,train +62697,62698,62698,cima haca awaay tu haw,it may be lost,train +62698,62699,62699,Anini^ a rumiad pasifanaen nu maku kamu u maan han nu Pangcah ku heci^ nu lusay,I will teach everyone all kinds of fruits in Pangcah language today,train +62699,62700,62700,nanay lemed,I am lucky,test +62700,62701,62701,singsi anu hatini misasingay samanay ku i tiyaay hu sa i,Nowadays when teachers and photographers ask what the Toyonen Matsuri used to be like they say,train +62701,62702,62702,a singsi,Teachers,train +62702,62703,62703,i Fataan ku luma nu niyam,our home is in Matthew Saddle,train +62703,62704,62704,Maaraway aku ku pipatingwa ningra tu mamaulah ningra,I saw him call his girlfriend,train +62704,62705,62705,o usaw nu maku kinian a paysu,this money is what I have left,train +62705,62706,62706,maku ri ira ku safa,mine should be a sister,train +62706,62707,62707,anu suˈlin mimimiming ku lumaˈ wa makahi kisu misaday tu pilafinan nangra han,even if it is not a big house can you provide lodging,train +62707,62708,62708,tadamaan kura kilang tura,best quality trees,train +62708,62709,62709,Paafeten ku kuwang nu misu ta miparutu lacu,your gun is loaded with gunpowder and reloaded with bullets,train +62709,62710,62710,awaay ku,if not,test +62710,62711,62711,tangasa sa nikaherek nu undukay taluma tu amin,everyone went home until the end of the games activities,train +62711,62712,62712,hanaw itira ku kapah nu niyaru mahacera,so he divided the youth of the tribe into two groups,train +62712,62713,62713,i hekal ci ama aku a dademak,my father has been working away from home for a long time,train +62713,62714,62714,raudraud satu kya tamina,the ship kept approaching,train +62714,62715,62715,u mamitaraay tu u dihif mitaraay tu patay,just waiting it is like going into a hole and waiting to die,train +62715,62716,62716,faʼinay nu maku i,Mr me,train +62716,62717,62717,u siraw hananaymahaʼenay sa,that is how important salted meat is,train +62717,62718,62718,u suwal nu misu nasawni,you just said that,train +62718,62719,62719,kacidal tu u i,will the sun come out soon,train +62719,62720,62720,mamalasingsi,become a teacher,test +62720,62721,62721,Orasaka kumud han nu maku ku Cenfu a mitaung tu Tangafulan a finacadan,for this I apologize to the Pingpu ethnic group on behalf of the government,train +62721,62722,62722,mamahaen,surname Ye,train +62722,62723,62723,u sanay tusa kafana tu tuniyan,so we know there are two,train +62723,62724,62724,anu awa sa i away tu,if it is not it is not,train +62724,62725,62725,papina,how many,train +62725,62726,62726,anucila nu cila,three days later,train +62726,62727,62727,hatiniay tahira i anungnungan,to the very top of the roof,train +62727,62728,62728,alaen aca ku ayam,or take the chicken out,train +62728,62729,62729,sanay a demak u maan han nu Amis kura a haici,what is the significance of the Amis sea Festival,train +62729,62730,62730,fuwi,cut open,test +62730,62731,62731,sa kura sa iʼayaw nu safaw sepat a mihecaʼan,on this day in years,train +62731,62732,62732,nankway palahiya han nu i faleday kami a nicuʼaʼad tu Tayliwkuay,no wonder our superiors think we are fighting against the mainland,train +62732,62733,62733,mahaen tu anini,look at that that is what it looks like,train +62733,62734,62734,Pitabayari han ku adiwawa,the children went to get the leaves of the Aunties taro,train +62734,62735,62735,itiya tu kaku a misarucud a minanam tu tilid nu Amis,that is when I started practicing the Amis symbols,train +62735,62736,62736,o yakiw a cecay ku kaulahan nu niyam a mineneng,we just love watching baseball,train +62736,62737,62737,u micudaday haw kisu,are you a student,train +62737,62738,62738,tayra kita i sunciw caay kini samakat kita itini i dapidapit tu niyaru,we cannot find the neighboring tribes except for the mayor,train +62738,62739,62739,matalaw kaku i tisuwanan nawhani u ca^desay a tamdaw kisu o caayay ku nu tireng i miala kisu o caayay ku nipalumaan isu i militud kisu han ningra,I was afraid of you because you are a hard man you take out what you did not put in and reap what you did not sow,train +62739,62740,62740,mahrek ci Yis a sumuwal tunini i clahad sa a sumuwal i cangraan Pilayap tu Fangcalay Adingu,and with that he breathed on them and said Receive the Holy Spirit,test +62740,62741,62741,u havay,millet,train +62741,62742,62742,pakakuliciw,bicycles,train +62742,62743,62743,unu Yincumin a Tin Tay kira,it is because it is an Aboriginal radio station,train +62743,62744,62744,u maan saw ku lalungucen isu saan ci Tumukkan,so he said to the leader What do you want,train +62744,62745,62745,nanay kini,hopefully,train +62745,62746,62746,aka hu malaliup hu kaku,Wait I will go wash up,train +62746,62747,62747,hayda miaca tu kita tu luma,Okay we will buy a house no one else,train +62747,62748,62748,kunian,this,train +62748,62749,62749,maruray itu kaku,I am so tired,train +62749,62750,62750,u namu a serangawan adihayay,you have a lot of culture,test +62750,62751,62751,Saka pacauf han aku Tapangaw mafana cangra tu nipirpet aku tu tamdaw a mirufu atu nipisti aku tu pasulinay i tisuwanan i kasaupuupuan nangra a luma,Lord I replied these men know that I went from one synagogue to another to imprison and beat those who believe in you,train +62751,62752,62752,kakusa tu,let me do it,train +62752,62753,62753,o maan ku sakalahuk isu,what did you have for lunch,train +62753,62754,62754,oya talid hu arusaysay,or glass beaded chamois,train +62754,62755,62755,o ruma u ruma ku niyaru ita,our village is continually changing,train +62755,62756,62756,o pahrekan nu urip nangra i u nika tkup nawhani malakawas nangra ku tiyad nangra o kakanguduan a dmak ku kalataangan nangra o nuhkalan a dmak a ccay ku niharatengan nangra,their destiny is destruction their God is their stomach and their glory is in their shame their mind is on earthly things,train +62756,62757,62757,takenip,coffin,train +62757,62758,62758,malakahemaway,it is light,train +62758,62759,62759,Nanuya miliyas ci Yis itira a tayra i Yutaya a pala atu i tiraw nu Yurtan a alu miliyaw a masaupu ku finawlan i Cingraan matiya u nipipasifana ningra tu hatiniay ku nipipasifana ningra i cangraan,Jesus then left that place and went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan again crowds of people came to him and as was his custom he taught them,train +62759,62760,62760,citingsiya kaku tayra i niyaru,I rode my bike to the tribe,test +62760,62761,62761,oya nipaturudan a tamdaw tu lima a talantu i tangsul a lumuwad a mipakatayal tuya paysu saka ci^tan cingra tu lima a talantu,the man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more,train +62761,62762,62762,awa ku masidayay,there is no one lost we are a nation of people,train +62762,62763,62763,cakunini a mimaan ku sidaʼit nu tapatapang nu mita,our officials are constantly concerned,train +62763,62764,62764,yu makapatay kita u Pangcah kiya,the Amis believe in the end of tangible life,train +62764,62765,62765,kaʼepa ku lipida nu Taluku san di,said the wages in Taroko were higher,train +62765,62766,62766,masuni,yelling,train +62766,62767,62767,matamaay ku pilicay aku,I am asking the right person,train +62767,62768,62768,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Ira ku kakaenen Aku tu caay ku kafanaan namu a kakaenen han ningra,but he said to them I have food to eat that you know nothing about,train +62768,62769,62769,naun han cira a mahan cira cira tu,slowly and gently the mallet will reveal a prototype,train +62769,62770,62770,maanen nira saw karup karup han nira mihaen tiya hiya sa kaku mikarup falah han nira tayra i alu,gather the bugs with a wave and discard them from the river,test +62770,62771,62771,iʼayaw nu miheca,years ago,train +62771,62772,62772,vahal saan a masadak ku,Suddenly the sea appears,train +62772,62773,62773,maherek tu nanikulitan aku,I have finished my drawing,train +62773,62774,62774,sapipasadakan ciira tuya alem saka palamalen niira kuya fesu,when it wanted to force the pangolin to come out it set fire to the cave,train +62774,62775,62775,a pipatireng,Constructing and promoting,train +62775,62776,62776,mahaenay kinian pi aku,So here is what I am thinking,train +62776,62777,62777,u rumasa tu a sasuwalen aku niyan tu u hiya,I am going to change it,train +62777,62778,62778,Papicumuden ku lafang ita i luma,bring our guests into the house,train +62778,62779,62779,tadimucukan,nook,train +62779,62780,62780,samaanen hakini pakafanaʼen ku wawa i caay kafana ku wawa a nisanu Pangcah,how to teach children to speak Amis without losing it,test +62780,62781,62781,pinapina tu a fulad i,it is been months,train +62781,62782,62782,lyenpu lyencan kaku mahay tu ri,I have been assigned to the department of,train +62782,62783,62783,maminnima ku buting,there is a lot of fish,train +62783,62784,62784,tadamaan ku falucu nu matuʼasay i tiya hu,the thoughts of the old men of the past are remarkable,train +62784,62785,62785,mafukil atek maliada sanay matalaw atek haw,maybe I do not know if there is an enemy ahead maybe I am scared,train +62785,62786,62786,katayalan,working place,train +62786,62787,62787,hacuwa ku tenes nu misu a pasuvana,how long have you been working,train +62787,62788,62788,awaay ku sasa u papadamaen nu Kawas kuya mipadangay tu wawa a wama wina,there is no doubt that God will bless parents who help their children,train +62788,62789,62789,pasuwal haca ci Yis tu ruma a tinaku Ma^deng ku mapuhaway a mikrid tu mapuhaway saw anu haenen ningra i u mamatfad cangra a tatusa i rfung,he also told them this parable Can a blind man lead a blind man will they not both fall into a pit,train +62789,62790,62790,itiyaay kaku misatapang,that is when I started,test +62790,62791,62791,macefuay,bed wetting,train +62791,62792,62792,mafulful tu kiya haw nga fitayen hu,beat it until it is very fine and crumbly then sift it through a sieve,train +62792,62793,62793,maharek maranam tangsulay malingad,as soon as I finish breakfast,train +62793,62794,62794,maratar ku Amis a lumuwad,Amis get up early in the morning,train +62794,62795,62795,Cuwa tatayra kita i umah anini,No we are going to the fields,train +62795,62796,62796,uranan sanay tu harateng aku,I am just going to do what I think I am going to do,train +62796,62797,62797,alaen a pasadak ku tanengnengan nu misu,take out your textbook,train +62797,62798,62798,nawhani u urip nu pancah awaay ku tilid,because there was no written language in Amis culture,train +62798,62799,62799,salaw tala hu i tuyufi singciliw,Therefore as soon as Saturday rolls around,train +62799,62800,62800,damaenpenecen,hold down,test +62800,62801,62801,tahamatini satu maen,eating moon peach leaves until now,train +62801,62802,62802,kaka,brother,train +62802,62803,62803,fayi,auntie,train +62803,62804,62804,u sipanayay,glutinous,train +62804,62805,62805,o nu aniniay tu ka ciramud cai tu kamatiya u nu i ayaway itini i sarekec nu selal a masasipadang a malekafikafit saka maemin tu a ciramud tu ruma a finacadan ku rumaruma,although the modern Amis have a low age limit for marriage and a low correlation between age groups it is now normal for them to intermarry with other ethnic groups,train +62805,62806,62806,hulac,fossil fuel,train +62806,62807,62807,ci sapalu kami tu sikur a kilang,we are using hardwood,train +62807,62808,62808,laluk,serious,train +62808,62809,62809,Ripun,the war,train +62809,62810,62810,sa nu ira ku ngasaw nu tumiyac,why is there a clan in Success Town,test +62810,62811,62811,fulis,pattern,train +62811,62812,62812,o kafaedetan a pahanahanan minukayay tu kami talaniyaru,we will all go back to the tribe during the summer vacation,train +62812,62813,62813,mafana kisu ci,you know the one,train +62813,62814,62814,ira mahiniyay u heci nira ku ini,this is its fruit,train +62814,62815,62815,aluman ku mafukilay misa Pangcah ku wawa ku suna masamaan ku harateng su,what do you think about the increasing number of children and grandchildren who do not speak Amis,train +62815,62816,62816,28 lipahak o naitiniay i Kawas a capeling,joy a trait that comes from God,train +62816,62817,62817,anu cima ku pakanguduananay i takuwanan atu suwal aku i u mamapakangudu aku cingra itiya yu malahaklung tu kuya wawa nu tamdaw i dil nu niyah atu i dil nu wama ningra atu Fangcalay a cuyuh a tayni,if anyone is ashamed of me and my words the son of man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the father and of the Holy angels,train +62817,62818,62818,silsilen nu heni,they arranged it,train +62818,62819,62819,ngaʼay sapi hiya tu ukak,heel bone,train +62819,62820,62820,i lalipayan limasa a pulu ku nipaveli nu wina i takuwan,mom gives a week,test +62820,62821,62821,u manan hu,what else,train +62821,62822,62822,Marekenay nu kilang kira wacu i lutuk,the dog was held down by a log,train +62822,62823,62823,picudad,go to school,train +62823,62824,62824,palupisaken,deploy something decentralize,train +62824,62825,62825,i tini i riyar i tini i alu,by the sea or by the river,train +62825,62826,62826,mihawikid ci mama tu titi nu kulung atu icep a pafeli ci fakian,my father brought beef and betel nuts for my uncle,train +62826,62827,62827,tayni ku tuʼas nu mita,our ancestors,train +62827,62828,62828,ikur away tu ku ura mifutingay sa maluwan tu ku tamina,then there were no more fish harbors and fewer fishing boats,train +62828,62829,62829,o maan a unduan ku kaulahan nu misu,what is your favorite sport,train +62829,62830,62830,u sikawasay i laliku tu amin,it is all a job for the staff afterward,test +62830,62831,62831,a milicay O maan ku sakacitudung Isu a midmak tunini Cima ku papidmakay Tisuwanan tunini a sakacitudung saw Pasuwalen kami han nangra,Tell us by what authority you are doing these things they said Who gave you this authority,train +62831,62832,62832,lungucen ku Fangcalay adingu ta mapalihaday ku urip,call on the Holy Spirit to be our help and enjoy peace,train +62832,62833,62833,matiniay ku siraw hananay naw,this is the ingredient for the savory meat,train +62833,62834,62834,maharek misanga safangcalen mitahaf hay cakahawhaw,if you are done remember to seal it up to avoid moisture,train +62834,62835,62835,nu ina nu mama nu maku a tuʼas,my mom and dads life,train +62835,62836,62836,hatira ku demak nu kuntung i,Cantonese people should do this,train +62836,62837,62837,awaay ku lawad malahitay ku ruma caay sululi a pahanhan saan ku suwal,some say they are busy some say they are soldiers some say they do not get leave,train +62837,62838,62838,sapaiyu caay ku dateng,it is a herb not a weed,train +62838,62839,62839,kura ngangan ningra han kura,her name is Chen Jinlan,train +62839,62840,62840,cinanum itira amatiraay i fangcal kina lutuk masa liyalaw kina lutuk,there is a mountain there is water there is land that needs to be reclaimed,test +62840,62841,62841,pahiningen ku wawa,decide not to go in front of your children,train +62841,62842,62842,Misahafayay awaay tu kura,the preparation day has been mentioned,train +62842,62843,62843,samaanen hani saku harateng padangen hu ku faʼinay sa kaku,I am thinking about how I am going to share my husbands burden,train +62843,62844,62844,adihay ku suwal nu sumuwalay,there is a lot of talk about that,train +62844,62845,62845,ira i Kangtangkaan kiyami haw kiya,just stay there,train +62845,62846,62846,atu u Pangcah matiyatu u Pangcah ku urip,and the Amis they live like the Amis,train +62846,62847,62847,kalupaliw,as a working partner,train +62847,62848,62848,ya cahu katahira kamu i Paepiʼan,before you guys moved to the eight side,train +62848,62849,62849,kura matuʼasay sa mafulaw alatek ci wawa ci wawa,maybe the old man moved or had a lot of kids,train +62849,62850,62850,nengnengngen kisu citanengay nengnengen nika,you are very smart and you are very capable but,test +62850,62851,62851,u caayay hen ka pauning a sera nu Taywan itini i sawaliyan nu Taywan sulinay anu miripa kisu tina seraan huway vangcalay a lutuk a nanum a palapalaan sa kisu a pangiha,Taiwans last pure land is in the east and indeed anyone who steps foot on this land will say Wow what mountains what water what scenery,train +62851,62852,62852,macaculukay ku kasaniyaruaru,the tribes take turns doing it,train +62852,62853,62853,u sapasavel tu naniwac a vasis haw hatinitini ku dadahal,if you cook pork that wide,train +62853,62854,62854,aka ka fahka kamu tunini anu hakuwa i u mamatngil nu matademay a tamdamdaw ku ngiha Aku,Do not be amazed at this for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice,train +62854,62855,62855,hatini han tu numita,we are done here,train +62855,62856,62856,sakatulu,tertiary,train +62856,62857,62857,nawhani ira kumi,Why there is,train +62857,62858,62858,hu,I am only in my,train +62858,62859,62859,Papangkiwen a mitulang ku narumiadan nu maku,please increase my salary by half,train +62859,62860,62860,mifayu,stuffy chest and cold sweat after chewing betel nut,test +62860,62861,62861,lasak,to leak,train +62861,62862,62862,sanay kaku a miharateng awid,that is what I expect,train +62862,62863,62863,o fanaw sa i,after a small lake,train +62863,62864,62864,pasayra kami nira tadafak yu,we went that way that morning,train +62864,62865,62865,matangkic malacecay ku binawlan iri,the villagers are very united,train +62865,62866,62866,itiyay ihu na matayal,work at that time,train +62866,62867,62867,Saysiya,Saisiyat or Saisiat one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +62867,62868,62868,aka paciʼciʼ a malingad sa patiku sa,a reminder not to go out and turn right back in,train +62868,62869,62869,rakat han isu mikadavu hayi mikadavu maanen saw rakat,Yes I married on foot what can I do,train +62869,62870,62870,o amutu ku adipel niyam a malafiyaw,the fence between me and my neighbor is cement covered,test +62870,62871,62871,itiniay hu nu Palidaw a tamdaw kaurira,they are from Hengchun,train +62871,62872,62872,hantu ni Maʼuwid,that is what Malverde said,train +62872,62873,62873,kakerengay i sawni ansawni maurad tu,there was thunder just now and it is supposed to rain later,train +62873,62874,62874,aca parakat tu tusiya,just drive to Taipei,train +62874,62875,62875,han sa ku matuʼasay itiya hu a misanga tu siraw,that is how the old man used to make salt pork,train +62875,62876,62876,samaanen isu a tayra i kiwkay,how do you go to church,train +62876,62877,62877,i Tiyencuciyaw a mapatay,passed away in Catholicism,train +62877,62878,62878,cuwa ya wawa hu kisu,I asked you when you were little,train +62878,62879,62879,na cecayay miʼurung tu kasuy,I have only carried lumber once,train +62879,62880,62880,cecayay ku kaka aku ci Kulas ku ngangan ningra cecayay tu ku safaw ku mihecaan ningra,I have a brother his name is kulaks he is years old,test +62880,62881,62881,cuwa pisawad ci Katalina tu patusukan misaˈicel misawacay tu cafay matayal tada makapahay ku minaruˈan,Catalina did not give up on her goal and worked hard to witness to her coworkers and what a wonderful result,train +62881,62882,62882,cifasiyaway,with a kite,train +62882,62883,62883,malengaw cara,will he grow out of it,train +62883,62884,62884,misiayaw,toward,train +62884,62885,62885,Malupilimekan nu widang nira ku nipicakay nira tunini a luma,he bought the house to use as a hideout for his friends,train +62885,62886,62886,mamamamang,odd,train +62886,62887,62887,araw han nira ku a adup kira i,close to hunting areas,train +62887,62888,62888,nira,he,train +62888,62889,62889,tatusa ku wawa aku itiya cecayhu ku wawa aku,we had two children but I only had one at the time,train +62889,62890,62890,u halilafangay u maulahay tu ngaayay u minaunay u mu^celay u fangcalay u pakametay tu tireng ku mamalukakridan,rather he must be hospitable one who loves what is good who is self controlled upright Holy and disciplined,test +62890,62891,62891,uni u tudungay itira hu kaku,I was still studying,train +62891,62892,62892,o maan ku tiftif,what is a harmonica,train +62892,62893,62893,rumadiw kaku atu idang aku,I am going to sing with my friends,train +62893,62894,62894,ini kaku katayni tu,I am here come on,train +62894,62895,62895,tada kasumadan tu ku tayal namu itiya hu,your old job was a pain in the ass,train +62895,62896,62896,rpet hantu nu alumanay a tamdaw ci Sustinis u citudungay tu kasaupuan a kakridan a misti i kaayaw nu pisawkitan Nikawrira caay pikihakihar ci Kaliu tunini a dmak,then they all turned on Sosthenes the synagogue ruler and beat him in front of the court but Gallio showed no concern whatever,train +62896,62897,62897,Cedet han nu tayring tu faedetay a marad kuya kukung a mipasasangi,the police questioned the robber with a hot iron,train +62897,62898,62898,muk a ripaen ku tafuk,feet burn too much to walk on the sand,train +62898,62899,62899,Masti kami marufu makariang maparawraw maruray a matayal caay ka ala ku fafutien misaliway kami,in beatings imprisonments and riots in hard work sleepless nights and hunger,train +62899,62900,62900,kalic,ride,test +62900,62901,62901,satanian i Kalingku i,you can come to Hualien,train +62901,62902,62902,kinian u talud han niyan u laluma nira facal kaenen,this is a manzanita and it is edible inside,train +62902,62903,62903,pacumu haenay kita,we will put in,train +62903,62904,62904,enem pulu ku mihecaan ni ina aku,my mom is years old,train +62904,62905,62905,nani cuwa^,from where,train +62905,62906,62906,araaw nu Kawas dademaken,we are happy to do Gods will,train +62906,62907,62907,pakafiten tu nira kilakilangan tura iya,hang it in the bushes,train +62907,62908,62908,Malakuwit nira ku lutuk,he crossed a mountain,train +62908,62909,62909,e sepat a miheca ta ku itira ta a malepun tu ku kalaluud sawad satu,I stayed there for four years until the war was over,train +62909,62910,62910,miulicay,poetry,test +62910,62911,62911,paciʼci ma niya kaku,I was forced to stand by my teacher Yes,train +62911,62912,62912,kaku tusa pulu ira ku tusa tangasa i tusa pulu ira ku tulu a miheca tusa miheca kaku a malahitay,I was years old and I did years of military service,train +62912,62913,62913,tayraay i aru mikiskis tuna fanges nira ini,I am going down to the Creek to scrape the skin,train +62913,62914,62914,maharek i u awul,once the trees have been collected go and collect the bamboo,train +62914,62915,62915,mahaenay adihay ku tayal tu matiniay,that is it it is a lot of work,train +62915,62916,62916,nanu masasiadaay ci Hiruti aci Pilatu tu hatiniay Nikawrira itiya tuya rumiad a masasingaay cangra,that day Herod and Pilate became friends before this they had been enemies,train +62916,62917,62917,taang kaku tu wawa aku,I am proud of my child,train +62917,62918,62918,way tawma ri cecay tu ku usaw,he did not come back so there is only one survivor,train +62918,62919,62919,pinaen,which,train +62919,62920,62920,mafaha u ruma fafaha i u turuhu nangra i u remes,and then you cough up blood and cough it up,test +62920,62921,62921,mapaluceʼkiya cingra a tayra i Kimung anu ku suwal haw i,especially when they were sent to Kinmen,train +62921,62922,62922,talatukus mikilang,go to the mountains to collect trees,train +62922,62923,62923,na u makariʼangay ku tireng nu maku sa i u adadaay ku tireng nu maku,I am prone to illness because of the damage I have done to my body,train +62923,62924,62924,alaen niyam kisu,we are taking you with us,train +62924,62925,62925,fahiyahiyan,women,train +62925,62926,62926,nami nanam a situ,do it with the students,train +62926,62927,62927,fiyafiyaw,neighbors,train +62927,62928,62928,tangsul sa masasiulahulah,they fall in love very quickly,train +62928,62929,62929,anu ila ku hemek ira makeru icuwa,dance with your friends when you feel like it,train +62929,62930,62930,a ciluma kita san ku cilumaʼay haw i,when we build a house together,test +62930,62931,62931,falalutung,spider,train +62931,62932,62932,caka sapinukayan kamu,you do not want to go back,train +62932,62933,62933,aya kinafalucu,Oh that is cold,train +62933,62934,62934,ira haca ku canye hananay,there is even an industry thing,train +62934,62935,62935,Lacalen ku nu kaemangan a tadawidang isu,contact your childhood friend,train +62935,62936,62936,matayal,operate,train +62936,62937,62937,kiya u lalud ku kaulahan nu misu,why do you like summer,train +62937,62938,62938,dafak,Morning,train +62938,62939,62939,safalucuʼan aku tu suwal nu liteng hu,take these words of the elders to heart,train +62939,62940,62940,Talacuwaay tu,where did you go,test +62940,62941,62941,mikukin,Guards,train +62941,62942,62942,ku ngangan pipangangan nu matuʼasay,it is a name given by tribal elders,train +62942,62943,62943,ila mikiyangkiyangay ku Payrang tura,and the Han people are very enthusiastic about banging pots and pans,train +62943,62944,62944,Nikawrira caay ka matira ku pinanam namu tu pakayniay ci Kristuan,You however did not come to know Christ that way,train +62944,62945,62945,ca ka hina hulul kaku haw,I do not get out much,train +62945,62946,62946,anu u lafiitu anu u kanikarantu ku sapinukay nuya tawki anu hatiraay ku nipitala nuya kuli a caay ka futi i u malmeday cangra,it will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready even if he comes in the second or third watch of the night,train +62946,62947,62947,Mipausa ci ina tu sakalahuk nu kaka,mom went to drop off my brothers lunch,train +62947,62948,62948,hatira aca ku pipakafana nu wama aku,that is all my father told me,train +62948,62949,62949,mukaw,Pteridium aquiline,train +62949,62950,62950,pifalah,lose,test +62950,62951,62951,matiraay ku tayal na Taywan itini,that is what the Flatlanders are doing here,train +62951,62952,62952,pakalaenuay a lalan nu Heping,down the road from the peace tribe,train +62952,62953,62953,miututay,carved,train +62953,62954,62954,wata,very much,train +62954,62955,62955,iraʼay ka mitaʼelifay a fiʼnayan,one of the boys went by,train +62955,62956,62956,caay hu pimisa a mituur ku wina naira,their parents if they have not already done so will be on the bus,train +62956,62957,62957,o tihi aku a talalutuk a mikasuy kisu,you are my companion going up the hill to cut wood,train +62957,62958,62958,tangasa i tini ku pitngil nu finawlan tu suwal ni Pawlu i cli saan Aka pauripen ku matiniay a tamdaw i tini i hkal Patayen cingra saan,the crowd listened to Paul until he said this then they raised their voices and shouted Rid the earth of him he is not fit to live,train +62958,62959,62959,u miadupay nu niyaru ku ama nu maku,my dad is a hunter of the tribe,train +62959,62960,62960,hatiraay kunu matuʼasay,that is how the elders acquired the land,test +62960,62961,62961,awaw sa kiya wacu niyam,our dog started barking,train +62961,62962,62962,awaay ku ecasan nu falucu aku,I feel there is no way to resolve i no open door,train +62962,62963,62963,malesi kuheting ku nanum,the water is cloudy during typhoons,train +62963,62964,62964,o pusung a mikuwanan u Singku u Mararuʼung,the tribe is in Meishan Chenggong Township Taitung County,train +62964,62965,62965,Dada kaenen,come on eat,train +62965,62966,62966,ira aca ku cecay a matengilay tu masamaanay ku malahitayay aca i,I have been told about various situations in the military,train +62966,62967,62967,ira kiya kavanaʼan aku,I have friends I know,train +62967,62968,62968,kici,Prosecutor,train +62968,62969,62969,maka muketeptu a mihecaan,it is been years,train +62969,62970,62970,tadacai ku refung nu edu i pala aku,it is too bad about the rat Burrows in my field,test +62970,62971,62971,pulung nu matuʼasay tu pulung awaay tu ku katayal,they are elderly people who need care,train +62971,62972,62972,ha Ini kararem ku masadafdafay a pala sa kira,Ah turns out there is a plain downstream,train +62972,62973,62973,masasuaraw,getting to know each other,train +62973,62974,62974,inian satu unu lekakawatu niyam u Pangcah a nipatireng,this is our traditional Amis building,train +62974,62975,62975,maliyangay kami u situ anini mangalef ci Angah,our classmates were very disobedient today especially Anka,train +62975,62976,62976,masaapeladay,block,train +62976,62977,62977,mangaay,yes,train +62977,62978,62978,ya micimer kisu tura cinah caen hu ka tayraen i cidal,do you want to keep it out of the sun for a while while it is still pickling,train +62978,62979,62979,o caay pitilid a wawa nu mita,now we have an out of school rate for children,train +62979,62980,62980,papiradum tu ku malitengay,my parents have told us to go get water,test +62980,62981,62981,Pinaay ku tuki anini,what time is it,train +62981,62982,62982,o sakapina nu pilipayan anini,what day of the week is it,train +62982,62983,62983,mimali tu kaku i ngaʼay tu ku pimali nu itiniay,I was good at baseball,train +62983,62984,62984,o mitaemuday tu fitakula kira uner i matini,now the snake is swallowing the frog,train +62984,62985,62985,tanestes,Nice,train +62985,62986,62986,misefet cingra tu liel,he put on a necktie,train +62986,62987,62987,itiyahu tu salil hananay,it is been there since the old days,train +62987,62988,62988,tuwa iri ira ku maulahay i takuwan,and then someone liked me,train +62988,62989,62989,makaduhay,attracted,train +62989,62990,62990,miala kami tu kilang u Amis sa siniadaan tu Amis,we are picking up wood and the Amis the Amis are very poor,test +62990,62991,62991,u suwal nu malitengay i,the elders have a saying,train +62991,62992,62992,milenem sa mibaba tu caay ma,is there any oxygen tank for diving,train +62992,62993,62993,aciyah,Sigh,train +62993,62994,62994,pasaririan,Positioning of columns,train +62994,62995,62995,siwa pulu ira ku lima a limuud itini,here is,train +62995,62996,62996,anu ngaʼay ciʼicel tu kisu cifalucu tu minukay,if you can afford it think about coming back,train +62996,62997,62997,u ninian a demak haw i malececayay tu ku falucu,if it makes us more united,train +62997,62998,62998,masamaanay,various,train +62998,62999,62999,maharateng hu tumangic tu kaku,it makes me bitter when I think about it,train +62999,63000,63000,painien aku tu Cudad cairanan ta mafana caira pasifana caira tu wawa tu suna naira san matini ku falucu aku,that is why I teach them to write symbols so they can pass them on to their children and grandchildren,test +63000,63001,63001,tahini kaku i tini i kaku tahini tini,so it must have been the when I got here,train +63001,63002,63002,vavahiyan a sava,young woman,train +63002,63003,63003,cipihiya ku Pangcah iayaw,not often used by Amis,train +63003,63004,63004,mangalay kaku tahenay a mafana,I am hoping for the academy soon,train +63004,63005,63005,u kalaluudan tu i,during the summer,train +63005,63006,63006,senger,soak,train +63006,63007,63007,hatira ku suwal aku harateng aku anini tu kaemangay haw,and while I am at it I would like to say something to the children today,train +63007,63008,63008,hay i laya singsi a fuksi han naku i,Yes master Raya Pastor,train +63008,63009,63009,macakcakay,chopped up into big chunks,train +63009,63010,63010,sataenek u sanay kura anafa nira mifafaay tura tingting,carrying a child with a reed umbrella is uncomfortable for the child,test +63010,63011,63011,nawhan tataang tu ku riyal,because the waves are getting bigger,train +63011,63012,63012,adihay ri,there is a lot of them,train +63012,63013,63013,Mitilu haw Yasa maherek kami itini,in the hunt the hunt ends here,train +63013,63014,63014,haen han nu mita painiini,this is how we encourage each other,train +63014,63015,63015,titi,meat,train +63015,63016,63016,mahaenay kiyami itiyahu,that is how it was back then,train +63016,63017,63017,paatayen,make it intentional,train +63017,63018,63018,u ya saan a fafahiyan,and the girls,train +63018,63019,63019,misafadic,peeling off the outer layer,train +63019,63020,63020,tulu a miheca,third year,test +63020,63021,63021,Mitahepu tu pising ku fafahian nu Arapu,Arab women cover their faces,train +63021,63022,63022,Cuwa mafaliay saemelay,No it is windy and cool,train +63022,63023,63023,piiw,a nickname given to a lame person,train +63023,63024,63024,u wawa nu Amis kaku,I am an Amish child,train +63024,63025,63025,saan ku suwal nu mira,that is what he said,train +63025,63026,63026,hay saw,Oh yeah,train +63026,63027,63027,Saka pasuwal satu ci Stifanu Mamaaw salikakaaw tngilen ku suwal aku i ayaw nu nika maru nu tatuasan ita ci Apraham i Haran yu i tirahu i Misuputamiya cingra i paaraw i cingraan ku tadamaanay a Kawas,to this he replied Brothers and fathers listen to me the God of glory appeared to our father Abraham while he was still in Mesopotamia before he lived in Haran,train +63027,63028,63028,ila hu,and,train +63028,63029,63029,nipatala kita tu misiwngacu,we are getting ready for spring,train +63029,63030,63030,kaku sanay kalawina sanay tu kaku,I have to take up the role of a mother,test +63030,63031,63031,maʼulah a mala nenghani atekakay tu kura paysu,I like making molds because it pays a lot of money,train +63031,63032,63032,caang,chandelier,train +63032,63033,63033,caay ka tuka kaku a mikaput,I am not going to be lazy,train +63033,63034,63034,ira kura lusay ta unu kuwa tu,the papayas we grow,train +63034,63035,63035,mitingtu ku urip nu wama aku i tini i Kiwit,Fathers evangelism in Chimay,train +63035,63036,63036,kina cecay mipanay i,first Harvest,train +63036,63037,63037,na ira kunini a fangcalay cutad wa malecad tu ku caciaw,our speech was unified after we had an Amis Bible,train +63037,63038,63038,itini dan midueduay tu awas nu likakawa sanay,and guide the people to follow them,train +63038,63039,63039,caay ka fana kisu,you will not learn,train +63039,63040,63040,alaen ku maamaan niira mafukil tu,sleeping and taking anything of his,test +63040,63041,63041,Hai salaw mafana caciyaw tu nu Pangcah kisu,I do no wonder you are so good at speaking Amish,train +63041,63042,63042,kafalian,go on a hike,train +63042,63043,63043,Tatahila tu,almost there,train +63043,63044,63044,ku pisanga tu kukuy,how to make sweet rice cake,train +63044,63045,63045,a ira aca ku mahiniay,there is more,train +63045,63046,63046,anu hatira i pahapinangen i dmak namu ku nika sasiyur nu falucu namu a pasayni i Kawas o tatuasan niyam ci Apraham aka ka saan a malataang ku falucu namu suwalen aku kamu ma^deng ku Kawas a misanga tu malutluc ni Apraham tunini a fuklukluh,produce fruit in keeping with repentance and do not begin to say to yourselves We have Abraham as our father for I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham,train +63046,63047,63047,tala ku cacay a initu awaay ku hibang nu heni micakayay,one person goes away another comes back and the buyers do not stop,train +63047,63048,63048,lilid,two or more people to carry,train +63048,63049,63049,o kahangayan tefus maʼikesay nira ri facal kaenen ku maʼikesay tefus,you can eat the sugar cane when it is ripe,train +63049,63050,63050,anu caciyaw kami tu nu Amis i,if we speak in tongues,test +63050,63051,63051,iraay ku aku,I had a teacher,train +63051,63052,63052,sa tayraay kuna suwal aku tunini,that is why I am telling you this,train +63052,63053,63053,misaatumu,making a pottery jug,train +63053,63054,63054,cumikay tu masiday tu tatusa ya wacu atu kaemangay wawa,ran away ignoring the dog and the child,train +63054,63055,63055,saka mitilid kita i kitanan tu u taliyuk nu mita,our surroundings,train +63055,63056,63056,o maan ku malu sakalafi^ isu,what would you like for dinner,train +63056,63057,63057,kinatusa tu kaku misaliyaw a sumuwal tunini demak,I have already repeated this matter twice,train +63057,63058,63058,mafana tu kaku ma itiya,I would have known,train +63058,63059,63059,ma man han,what can I say,train +63059,63060,63060,u makemutay a tamdaw kaku,I am a very humorous person,test +63060,63061,63061,ya tayni tu Palau hananay,he came to the American colony of Palau,train +63061,63062,63062,tayraan kaku nimaan ci ina aku,I am coming what is my mom doing,train +63062,63063,63063,pina a remiad ku cacay a lalipayan,how many days are there in a week,train +63063,63064,63064,o saycalu Cu ku muwa,it is jonquil not Boehmeria,train +63064,63065,63065,misamata,take a good look at,train +63065,63066,63066,pifidadukian,land of the Bat Catchers,train +63066,63067,63067,tiya awaaytu ci ama aku,my dad died when I was a teenager,train +63067,63068,63068,itini i kiwkay,time at church,train +63068,63069,63069,saka,so his wisdom is also good,train +63069,63070,63070,anu matira cipacici kaku Halu haw hadidi han ku urip,Harold in that case I will not force you any further you must be strong and live on,test +63070,63071,63071,Hai milaplap kaku tu ayam,Okay I will go and catch the birds,train +63071,63072,63072,naw han i ya suwal aku aku huni,Why as I said earlier,train +63072,63073,63073,nga masulinga ku luwad u suwal nu matuʼasay kuni,so that you can stand up straight and steady that is the old saying,train +63073,63074,63074,Mapaicel nu Fangcalay Adingu ci Yis saka nukay satu i Kalili matnak i pulung nuya pala ku lihaf tu pakayniay i ci Yisan,Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit and news about him spread through the whole countryside,train +63074,63075,63075,masepelay,pasture that has been cut,train +63075,63076,63076,icuwa kita i lutuk a awa ku tuki awaay ku maan,when we are in the mountains and there is no clock there is nothing,train +63076,63077,63077,malepun tunini u funur nu raʼu u saka fana nangra,it was only when the scented seed fell completely to the ground that I realized,train +63077,63078,63078,aka ka matiya u mafukilay tu Kawas a ruma a finacadan a pakunira tu anuf nu tireng a miulatek a mikaluna,not in passionate lust like the heathen who do not know God,train +63078,63079,63079,u malecad tu u maan ku kaen ita u,the Aborigines eat the same thing,train +63079,63080,63080,pahanhan tu kita naunen tu ku rakat a minukay,it is the end of the class be careful on your way home,test +63080,63081,63081,anu kapah ku lemed nira nira iri,If by his luck,train +63081,63082,63082,aluman kukapah,there are a lot of young people,train +63082,63083,63083,ya misu a icel li parakat han kura,stay on track with your goals,train +63083,63084,63084,ayaw u keru kiya misaʼuraday,the dance of the past in the rain festival,train +63084,63085,63085,Sarumiad saan kuya wawa a misalama tu tingnaw,that kid plays with computers all day,train +63085,63086,63086,sani kaenen ku tavu nu,often stealing farmers lunchboxes,train +63086,63087,63087,ci Nawisan,Vulcans,train +63087,63088,63088,Mahapinangayhu aku anu u samaanaytu ku fanges nu salikaka mahecaday kitaanan kamayan u salikaka ita cangra u ngangaˈay mikinafalah kita tu ˈurip saki cangraanan,I also realized that whether a brother has the same skin color as us or not he is still our brother and is willing to sacrifice his life for us if necessary,train +63088,63089,63089,aya kuna waʼay nuna wawa maan tu satu kiya mama aku,the father said What should we do with the boys feet,train +63089,63090,63090,awaay ku pakahiratengay kafana nu miʼadupay a miteker,it is hard to imagine a hunter specializing in hunting,test +63090,63091,63091,tayra tu i sasa a cacay i masatangkuy,it flows down to the bottom and becomes a cistern,train +63091,63092,63092,ta deng kaku itini i ising misimaw tu faʼinay i ising,and I was in the hospital taking care of my husband,train +63092,63093,63093,funga,sweet pot,train +63093,63094,63094,mahaen tu cira maikes tu i,because it is starting to get overcooked when you kick it,train +63094,63095,63095,nengnengen ra nengneng sa takuwan ha ha ha ha,I am looking and he is staring at me like an idiot ha ha ha ha,train +63095,63096,63096,itiya kaku mipaluwad tina utuc,that is when I put up the monument again,train +63096,63097,63097,aka ka u sakangaay nu tireng a ccay ku haratengen ka u sakangaay nu tau ku haratengen,nobody should seek his own good but the good of others,train +63097,63098,63098,caayay tu iratu ku matuʼasay papasifana,No there is an old man teaching,train +63098,63099,63099,hanaw mafana kisu tunian,that is how you know about this herb,train +63099,63100,63100,laradiw kuya tamdaw,that person is very musical,test +63100,63101,63101,anu minukay ciira namitilid mimaantu ciira,what is he doing after school,train +63101,63102,63102,o saayaway a rumiad tu Ka^caan Pipatamud tu ^Pang a lisin i tayra i ci Yisan ku nisawawaan a milicay I cuwa ku kangalayan Isu tu pipatalaan niyam tu malu nu Misu a tahka tu saki Pitalifan a Lisin saw han nangra,on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus and asked Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover,train +63102,63103,63103,Hai misafalucu matini kaku,Yes I am serious now,train +63103,63104,63104,mafuhat,open,train +63104,63105,63105,Lungucen nu maku ku pulung nu finawlan pakayni tuna demak anini malacafay kita a paluwad tu mu^celay masulingaay a kitakit u cecay a sulinay malalenay a kitakit,I call upon all citizens to seize the opportunities offered by this day to join together work hard and build a country of justice a country of true diversity and equality,train +63105,63106,63106,ku nipasevana,Sakoku language learning,train +63106,63107,63107,u niyaru nu Taycang,Taichang tribe,train +63107,63108,63108,hamham san ku falucu nu maku,I was so excited,train +63108,63109,63109,anu han mangata ningra kura a maʼaraw,you can see this place from Toyohama,train +63109,63110,63110,u saʼasuʼay a nikalavi ku itilaʼan a remiʼad,dinner that day was one of the best and happiest meals ever,test +63110,63111,63111,pafalat tu,just make the roof beams,train +63111,63112,63112,fasawen hu cingra hamaan faedet ya haw ngaʼayay tu,Let it cool down first cannot it be too hot it is okay,train +63112,63113,63113,mapunengay,Widows honor,train +63113,63114,63114,o ngangan nu niyaru itiya hu icuwaay ku aru a tamdaw atu caciyaw nangra u cecayay ku pinangan maemin a malecad ruma i caayay ka adihay ku paniyaruan nu tuas hu nu mita nika itiya hu masasiada hu ku niyaru atu niyaru,the names of the early tribes the people who lived there and the languages they spoke were one and the same in addition there were not many tribes where our ancestors lived and in the early days tribes were still hostile to each other,train +63114,63115,63115,hai,of course,train +63115,63116,63116,masadak tu kaku nanitini i tamina,when I got out of the boat,train +63116,63117,63117,sacaciyaw sa cangra a tatusa tu pakayniay tunini a dmak a ma^min,they were talking with each other about everything that had happened,train +63117,63118,63118,a nu tuʼas haw i awa cayhu ka amutu ku lalan,there were no concrete roads when our ancestors lived there,train +63118,63119,63119,a uli tuan tu,go ahead just leave,train +63119,63120,63120,tuinci,projectors,test +63120,63121,63121,tatudung,use,train +63121,63122,63122,sailalek,long ago,train +63122,63123,63123,hay una mitapiʼay hananay suelinay mialaay tu hakadafu ihaw,the real women labor is when the man goes to the woman house is not it,train +63123,63124,63124,tatusa,two,train +63124,63125,63125,piayawan,undergarment covering the chest and abdomen,train +63125,63126,63126,nau pala niyam ku raan kaetipay nu lala saʼamis,Originally our field was on the west side of the road there to the north,train +63126,63127,63127,Ocuren isu i matini ku tamdaw a patayra i Yupa tahidangen kuya ci Simun Pitiru hananay a tamdaw a patayni,now send men to Joppa to bring back a man named Simon who is called Peter,train +63127,63128,63128,pingiruan,fire grill,train +63128,63129,63129,Fufu tayniay kami milisu tisuwanan,Grandma I am here to see you,train +63129,63130,63130,itila satu ku heni,they are right there,test +63130,63131,63131,matiraay ku matuʼasay sakatiʼenac tunu tiyad,that is why old people do this to their stomachs,train +63131,63132,63132,iraay,some,train +63132,63133,63133,mitafesiw tura,Xuguluan river,train +63133,63134,63134,diputen ta ku niyaru,the tribe must be taken care of,train +63134,63135,63135,ira ku lalayapen aku a inu tangasa i kalahcian nunini i caay ku kakahmaw ku pades Aku,but I have a baptism to undergo and how distressed I am until it is completed,train +63135,63136,63136,maʼaraw ningra kaku malatumu,he saw that I was acting as the leader,train +63136,63137,63137,aci,and,train +63137,63138,63138,awaay hu itini sa kaku yu,I do not think so,train +63138,63139,63139,iraay hu ku alumanay a salawinwina tini,there is a lot of relatives here,train +63139,63140,63140,itiraay ci an ku Tapang ningra cara,they are still taking their mothers name Chen Cha you,test +63140,63141,63141,nanay aka hu katayni kuni a faliyus sakasadakan nanay hu kaku a misalama,I hope the typhoon does not come I still want to go out to play again,train +63141,63142,63142,tayni tu kami aca i Taypey mikilim kiya faki itini i,we will go to our relatives on Bade road in Taipei,train +63142,63143,63143,Mafana kita u lumuwadaytu ci Kristu a maurip nai patay caaytu ku mamiliyaw cingra a mapatay,for we know that since Christ was raised from the dead he cannot die again death no longer has mastery over him,train +63143,63144,63144,malialac ku heni miala aca,they will bring them to the funeral,train +63144,63145,63145,mifuwi,cut open,train +63145,63146,63146,misupsup tu tafukud,to draw the strings in a draw net,train +63146,63147,63147,mangataay nu siyataw ku kakumaenan han,is the restaurant close to the station,train +63147,63148,63148,o aulahen a wawa cingra,he is a loveable child,train +63148,63149,63149,Falu^,lit eight vessels,train +63149,63150,63150,matawal tu kami tunu itiyaʼay hu a demak,we have forgotten our traditions,test +63150,63151,63151,saka tayni tu mutep ila ku tulu,thirteenth day of the lunar month,train +63151,63152,63152,tuluay a facal ku nikangkangan nira,he plowed three beds,train +63152,63153,63153,matatelek tu kaku atu mira tuna paaliwan a mihumung ciraan,we had arranged to visit his home this holiday for the interview,train +63153,63154,63154,inian ku Tapang falucu nu maku tu,that is how I learned to knit in the first place,train +63154,63155,63155,kakungkungan,iron cylinder,train +63155,63156,63156,Nakaepeday kina fuduy yu i sangaraay a safuduyen,it was very soft when I first put it on,train +63156,63157,63157,caay kasanga ku unic nu wawa nu maku,my child fussy behavior cannot be improved,train +63157,63158,63158,adihay tu ku riku ngaaytu ku urip itini,life has improved with endless clothes,train +63158,63159,63159,u suwal nu matuasay ira ku masakuduay ira ku siuy ira ku sapisasiraw ira ku sapiradum ira ku satakid ira ku diwas na mahaen liwadis satu ku alumanay a minanam a misanga tu atumu,with the memories of their predecessors who had heard or seen them making pottery when they were young the old people succeeded in making pottery by firing the pottery according to the old method,train +63159,63160,63160,sakacaciyaw,talk,test +63160,63161,63161,atu uraan,and that one,train +63161,63162,63162,tayra i Kalingku alatek,maybe Hualien,train +63162,63163,63163,mitilidan tu nura ni,wrote it up,train +63163,63164,63164,maru,live,train +63164,63165,63165,tamina,vessels,train +63165,63166,63166,unu edef tu nu Kitakit kunini,the world will end,train +63166,63167,63167,minanam suʼelin u ruma tu ku tayni tu i kaʼayaw misaʼicel tu,I have been studying hard and I have been able to move up in the rankings,train +63167,63168,63168,Caay u nicakayananan ni ina^ aku,No my mom bought it for me,train +63168,63169,63169,Hay kapah kaku kisu i,Yeah I am fine and you,train +63169,63170,63170,ka u masungilaay a suwal ku sapasuwal isu ta awaay ku lalikafen nu misaadaay titaanan ta mapakangudu cangra,and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us,test +63170,63171,63171,aray han aku kisu singsi,my heart is full of gratitude to my teachers,train +63171,63172,63172,malutihi tu aku kira matuʼasay han nira kura tumuk,he will be my companion that is how he answered the chief,train +63172,63173,63173,fafahiyan ku faʼinayan,girls are the offspring of boys,train +63173,63174,63174,Luhu han ku tireng a mimumuk tu dihif,crouch your body down into the cave,train +63174,63175,63175,hay,thank you for listening,train +63175,63176,63176,Mafana kami uya paluwaday a paurip nai patay tu Tapang ci Yisan a Kawas ku papaluwad tamiyanan a palcad tu nika lumuwad ni Yis ta u kakriden ningra kita a patayra i kaayaw ni Yis,because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence,train +63176,63177,63177,ku mita u wawa nu mita kiyami huw,children of the clan,train +63177,63178,63178,kalulisin,various instruments,train +63178,63179,63179,tawa,laugh,train +63179,63180,63180,matawal aku a mihawikid ku paysu ngaay a pacaliw tu paysu isu haw,I forgot to bring money can I borrow money from you,test +63180,63181,63181,icuwa tu kisu maumah tu i maumahan nu i luma,I am helping out on the farm at home,train +63181,63182,63182,alaen ni Ananiyas a palanutireng ku pinapina nuya aca oya usaw i patayraen ningra i tarukus Mafana itu ku fafahi ningra tunini,with his wife full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself but brought the rest and put it at the apostles feet,train +63182,63183,63183,anu iraay ku misaʼusiay nuniyam i,if someone is calculating how much material is needed,train +63183,63184,63184,padungus,see,train +63184,63185,63185,kapa han ni Yis ku kamay ningra i fasaw satu ku lalisan ningra Saka luwad satu cingra a mihamham ci Yisan,he touched her hand and the fever left her and she got up and began to wait on him,train +63185,63186,63186,o mialemetay kinian a tawki a taynian i niyaru nu mita,this boss came to our tribe to collect the red,train +63186,63187,63187,hatiniay ku patuur aku tu suwal,this is what I want to emphasize,train +63187,63188,63188,nawhani cahu ka ^pud i cimacimaan nangra ku Fangcalay Adingu deng u nika painuhu nangra pakayni i ngangan nu Tapang ci Yis,because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them they had simply been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus,train +63188,63189,63189,sanuciruten,learn to be like a red backed woodpecker,train +63189,63190,63190,kariyut,head turmoil,test +63190,63191,63191,pafeli tiya amaan ningra a minanum,give the water to the woman father,train +63191,63192,63192,sanay sa talalutuk ku matuʼasay,so we went to the mountains to gather,train +63192,63193,63193,anini pakaaraw kaku tu mauripay a tunpu,today is the first time I see real living dragonflies,train +63193,63194,63194,ina,Mom,train +63194,63195,63195,pakayaten,lead someone to hold someone is hand,train +63195,63196,63196,mamang aca tunu matuʼasay,I have learned a few things,train +63196,63197,63197,kalimelaan maketun ku ninian,it is a shame it is all over,train +63197,63198,63198,u na suwal nu tumuk kinian hay,that is what the boss said,train +63198,63199,63199,u tayringtayring tu misuʼutay,the police tied him up,train +63199,63200,63200,matiya u micudaday i kaemangay a picudadananay a mikihatiya a minanam nani ruma a sikawasay ta mikihatiya tu nikatuas naira a macakat a malaisidan,at first you will learn from other priests like an apprentice and then you will change your rank as you grow in age and the number of spirits you possess,test +63200,63201,63201,itini i mitepangan a Cudad ita u cuka ni Pawlu cuwa ku mikitiniay i materekay a cuka nu likisi a micukaay,the pictures depicting Paul in our publications are not based on confirmed archaeological data,train +63201,63202,63202,umaan a an kuraan,what is that material,train +63202,63203,63203,tahini kami i,we just got here,train +63203,63204,63204,patatunguden ku demak,Legacy,train +63204,63205,63205,misakapah tu tireng nira tu urip nira,first of all he will clean and straighten up his body and his appearance,train +63205,63206,63206,hay hay hay antu anini tu i,Oh yeah and now,train +63206,63207,63207,aya kita hani,what are we going to do,train +63207,63208,63208,matiya ura dmak ku dmak i matini ira ku niusawan nu Kawas a nipilian ningra a tamdaw tu nanu mikumi ningra,so too at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace,train +63208,63209,63209,malasawad kina,this ones gone,train +63209,63210,63210,mahaenay ku kami itiyahu na malinah tani i lutuk,that is how we used to move to the mountains,test +63210,63211,63211,linah,move,train +63211,63212,63212,anini a rumiad,Today,train +63212,63213,63213,araw han i makapah ku pinukay ira hatiraay,Luckily everyone returned safely,train +63213,63214,63214,rahekeray tu ku falucu nu yufing,the letter carriers heart felt satisfied,train +63214,63215,63215,samaanen a metek han ku pireku tu tayal i umah,how to accomplish the work in the field with one mind,train +63215,63216,63216,mahan u varu nira manasenas,its flowers fall apart,train +63216,63217,63217,wa ngaˈay kita tanu maanan a pakayraan a malacafay ci Yihufaan a matayal hani,in what ways can we work with the LORD,train +63217,63218,63218,akungaw,grandfather,train +63218,63219,63219,sakaytini i suwal nu Pangcah,to implement and promote indigenous languages,train +63219,63220,63220,u wama atu wina,father and mother,test +63220,63221,63221,Lalima^,five in total,train +63221,63222,63222,Salangdaw sanay ku kakarayan tu rumiad cuwa ka sienaw anca cuwa kafaedet ku rumiad saemer ku fali,the sky is blue during the day the weather is neither cold nor hot and the wind is cool,train +63222,63223,63223,caay kanca,Always definitely,train +63223,63224,63224,nika u matuasay itiya miadup,but the old man used to hunt,train +63224,63225,63225,a mawmah tu a hulangantu,take it off when you have to go to work,train +63225,63226,63226,u Talukun ku rumaan a vinacadan a ada,foreign enemies of the Taroko,train +63226,63227,63227,Tinac sa ci Yis tuya acicimay a ^pah ta suwal sa Malahciaytu Aku ku dmak saan ta tawiing satu ku funguh Ningra ta lafut satu ku sla ningra,when he had received the drink Jesus said It is finished with that he bowed his head and gave up his spirit,train +63227,63228,63228,pakalasen,field something put the glass on,train +63228,63229,63229,iniʼan i u sasangaen tu siraw i,this is for the savory meat,train +63229,63230,63230,pakayingen,Ms Knowles,test +63230,63231,63231,matatapal,look at one another,train +63231,63232,63232,ufang nu ungcuy,cavern,train +63232,63233,63233,dengkini matakuptu ku mafalictu ku citay nu mita Taywan haw i,but we in Taiwan have also caught up with the changing times,train +63233,63234,63234,a saʼusian enemay a lalumaʼan,if you count households,train +63234,63235,63235,nikalatuluay,become a triple,train +63235,63236,63236,pasevanaʼen kami ina u maan kunian ina,Auntie please tell us what this is,train +63236,63237,63237,saka sepat aku mala tumuk,in my fourth term as leader,train +63237,63238,63238,Pataniyan ku mavelecay nu mita,to bury the bodies of our departed,train +63238,63239,63239,Lituden kuya pacek,pull out the nail,train +63239,63240,63240,kapah haw kisu kaka,how are you brother,test +63240,63241,63241,u vatili tu kunu aniniyay a mivuting,Electrofishing that is the way it is done now,train +63241,63242,63242,siheciay,results,train +63242,63243,63243,matenes,long,train +63243,63244,63244,lalidungan,shade,train +63244,63245,63245,fiyaw,neighbor,train +63245,63246,63246,kunu niyam a paru nu luma u niyam,our circle of life is simple,train +63246,63247,63247,kinatulu a miseking sakinatulu seking,I have taken three advanced certifications,train +63247,63248,63248,kaciluma,Home housing,train +63248,63249,63249,u naayaway kina kilang,it is past wood,train +63249,63250,63250,Wawaaw,child,test +63250,63251,63251,makeru satu,dancing time,train +63251,63252,63252,ira kunu a aniniay tu a radiw,there are also modern ballads,train +63252,63253,63253,matiraay san,this way,train +63253,63254,63254,Hayda hinatalaay kaku,Alright I am looking forward to it,train +63254,63255,63255,nu,slanting,train +63255,63256,63256,tu emu haw,Japanese mocha,train +63256,63257,63257,sawad satu a picudad i,I did not go on to higher education,train +63257,63258,63258,tuduhen kuna ira nga fangsis,the skin will smell good when it is burned,train +63258,63259,63259,u ina nu maku atu mama sakafiyaw aya,at that time I saw my parents fighting with the neighboring field for the rice,train +63259,63260,63260,mafana kita u raʼu hananay matu u sapinanaw ita,we know that the so called Sapindales are used for washing,test +63260,63261,63261,maucekuy,keep your head down,train +63261,63262,63262,tawhu,tofu,train +63262,63263,63263,naun han ita pawaneng,we put in the granulated sugar,train +63263,63264,63264,Tumay,shine brightly,train +63264,63265,63265,dudu han nira i tayni Dikidiki,follow the river to the Ligi tribe,train +63265,63266,63266,u saalumanay nu Cikasuwan ku itilay a maru,that is where the majority of the tribe lives,train +63266,63267,63267,nay tira kiya,that ones over there,train +63267,63268,63268,Nanuya mahaen itu a ma^min kuya sakatatusa sakatatulu tangasa i sakapapitu,the same thing happened to the second and third brother right on down to the seventh,train +63268,63269,63269,dadaya^,in the evening,train +63269,63270,63270,caay ka kapah a macaculiculi ku malafiyaway,it is not good for neighbors to fight with each other,test +63270,63271,63271,Makicay ku urip nu mita,we live a frugal life,train +63271,63272,63272,tshira satu kaku i mafana kaku tu tu kaku,I remember when I was,train +63272,63273,63273,ini mangaʼay kaenen kuni,you can eat this too,train +63273,63274,63274,o tataakay pisaatumuan a niyaru i i kaamis i u Lidaw i Siwkulan i u Tafalung i pasawali i u Fakung i timul i u pusung atu Falangaw,the pottery centers are mainly located in Lili Le Nanshi Ami Taibalang Xiuguluan Ami Fengbin Coastal Ami and Malan areas of Taitung,train +63274,63275,63275,caay ku kaput niyam mitili cangra u safa hu nuniyam,they are not our classmates they are our juniors,train +63275,63276,63276,anu caay sa mitapi,what if I do not,train +63276,63277,63277,suelen paherek satu cingra matiwas tu nira ku hekal,it is the end of the line Daddys on the ground,train +63277,63278,63278,kumaen,edible,train +63278,63279,63279,i rengurengusan kumaen tu miyenpaw kami tadadiheku a mapacidal ku tireng,we ate bread on the grass the sun was shining on us and it was very warm,train +63279,63280,63280,u tatahira i lawac kya tamina san mulengengay saka,the ship sank again as it approached the shore,test +63280,63281,63281,anu kalengawan nuya reungs i,so it is plant season,train +63281,63282,63282,adeteng,sap,train +63282,63283,63283,Cadiw han ni mama ku matalesay a puut,dad sharpened his blunt knife,train +63283,63284,63284,caira,They,train +63284,63285,63285,kinacacay a mivahuy adihaytu,one eviction is a lot,train +63285,63286,63286,ha iraay ku nu mita u Amis a cufu,Ha so we Amis have clay pots,train +63286,63287,63287,hay i micidek ku laedis hananay,Some like the sea Festival are very special,train +63287,63288,63288,Hay kaesu,Yes it is really delicious,train +63288,63289,63289,u sapituduh tura cufu,ingredients for pottery jars,train +63289,63290,63290,cuwa ka suuten nga malafetud nira kura,it is not tied down for those who break in and crash in,test +63290,63291,63291,o miktunayhu tu falucu a mihaklung i ci Kristu Yisan atu manguduay tu Kawas ku urip a tamdaw i u mamakariang a ma^min,in fact everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,train +63291,63292,63292,makufel,wrinkles,train +63292,63293,63293,mitengil tu haw sa ucekuycekuy sanay tu cangra ha ha ha ha,when they listen to the message they have dozed off to the point of falling over,train +63293,63294,63294,yu lumuwad nani kafutian u laluup ku saayaway,the first thing you do when you get up is wash your face,train +63294,63295,63295,ala han nira ku tefu maludateng naira malafi,she takes bamboo shoots for their dinner,train +63295,63296,63296,cuang,Hos bad luck,train +63296,63297,63297,hay ira u pacakayay kanpuyaku tatihiah,Yes in the clothing store next to the Chinese medicine store,train +63297,63298,63298,tatulu ku faʼinayan papitu ku fafahiyan,men and women,train +63298,63299,63299,hami tau nani Kinmun facal tu saku suwal sari,I mean it is not bad to see someone from Kinmen,train +63299,63300,63300,tayra i,in the,test +63300,63301,63301,itini tu a misanengnengnengneng aka tu katalaraay yu,come here and take a look do not go too far,train +63301,63302,63302,a ha ha ha,Ahahahaha,train +63302,63303,63303,pina ku ni nan isu tu ta u kisu han,you are the first to solve a crime with a few guns and the robbers are the first,train +63303,63304,63304,Mafana kamu tu nika matiya u pidiput nu mama tu wawa ningra ku pidiput niyam i tamuwanan u kahaccaccay,for you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children,train +63304,63305,63305,ku raing yara kinalima masaʼusi tu saw,that wave counted five times,train +63305,63306,63306,matuʼas ciira facal malasaasi nu sera,the resulting flower spikes can be made into brooms,train +63306,63307,63307,u masakapahay ci Kacaw manay aluman ku maulahay i ciraan,Kacaw is very energetic and everyone likes him a lot,train +63307,63308,63308,adihay ku nikamaen aku tada mafecul,I ate a lot I am full,train +63308,63309,63309,u kabulilan paceva aka kasaan a semuwal,do not talk nonsense if you do not know,train +63309,63310,63310,papina kamu a malakaka,how many brothers and sisters do you have,test +63310,63311,63311,kahengangayay,Red,train +63311,63312,63312,makapah ku kalaw nuni wawa,this kid has beautiful eyebrows,train +63312,63313,63313,samanen tini tuni kalasingciw nu maku haw i,because when I was a captain,train +63313,63314,63314,falah han nu fainay ku fafahi,Mr abandoned his wife,train +63314,63315,63315,Sakangdaw saan ku pising nu tumuk anu matelii,that guys face is so green when he is angry,train +63315,63316,63316,mitngil ku lumaucay i pilaucan tunini i tataang ku kter nangra Saka pasayra sa cangra ci Stifanuan a mingric tu wadis,when they heard this they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him,train +63316,63317,63317,niratak kaku tu aʼanipen i umah,I am going to the field,train +63317,63318,63318,tatulu ku Sakizaya,there are three Zacharias,train +63318,63319,63319,patama san tataang kiya tamina,it is a big ship,train +63319,63320,63320,ngaʼay tu han aku kiya tatusaay,I can teach you,test +63320,63321,63321,lalipayan,Week Week week,train +63321,63322,63322,caay paka araw kami tuya lukedaw,we did not see the tiger either,train +63322,63323,63323,Palacayna han ni fayi aku ku fakici niyam,Auntie used our buckets as vegetable baskets,train +63323,63324,63324,caay ka ccay aca a cacaangan ku sakaira nu tatirengan o adihayay a caang ku sakaira nunini,now the body is not made up of one part but of many,train +63324,63325,63325,cayka si maan ku matuʼasay nuniyam,the elders do not have any objections,train +63325,63326,63326,anu maficekut ku midanguyay u tadakatalawan,Swimmers are really dangerous if they get cramps,train +63326,63327,63327,mahelek satu i anca cakangaʼay kuna demak tuni maruray tu sa kaku,it is been a long time and I am really tired of this job,train +63327,63328,63328,sa taliyukliyu sa ku anekak itiya hu sa,Uya is hovering there,train +63328,63329,63329,hemek satu,high,train +63329,63330,63330,caay hu^ misawsaway kaku tu kaysing imatini,not yet I am doing the dishes,test +63330,63331,63331,anu caay ka limela^ tu rumiad caay pidu^du^ tu pilenu atu pierac nu riyar i mamalitemuh nira ku lafades malakuhaw nu fadas ku nisafalucuan awaay ku maamaan mamaala^,if one does not treasure time and cannot master the ebb and flow of the tide one will often meet with failure and give up all ones previous endeavors with nothing to show for it,train +63331,63332,63332,Hai anu mipiyiy tu i minukay kaku padama tu niyaru,Okay I will return to my hometown and give back to my tribe when I graduate in the future,train +63332,63333,63333,pipakaruray,to tire,train +63333,63334,63334,safak,empty grain rice without grains,train +63334,63335,63335,Paiyuen tafuen nu singsi ku duka aku,the teacher rubbed me with medicine and bandaged me up,train +63335,63336,63336,o ruma satu ini na limaay a suwal ira ku nikasasiruma a pasapinang tu malecaday a pinangan Tinaku Oradan anini,in addition there are different ways of expressing the same concept in these five dialect groups such as It is raining today,train +63336,63337,63337,itiya u mitatiliday nu salikaka ci Miletun Hansuel kaku pinaay pulu miheca cingra malacafay ci Nuluan a matayal,at that time I was Secretary to Bro Milton Hansel who had worked with Bro Noel for decades,train +63337,63338,63338,sata mafaʼeluh tu ku kanatal,a change in national leadership changes everything,train +63338,63339,63339,hay cadaen tu nu niyam,let us continue,train +63339,63340,63340,o citanengay a tamdaw kamu Orasaka salipahak sa kamu a mihadidi tu maapaay a tamdaw,you gladly put up with fools since you are so wise,test +63340,63341,63341,hai mahaenay ya tayal na wina say kira,that is what they are doing,train +63341,63342,63342,o sakaira nu lenu atu erac nu riyar i u fiyur nu cidal atu fulad,the oceans produce high and low tides because the earth is influenced by the sun and the Moon,train +63342,63343,63343,misatapang a macukacuk,when I started to climb up the hill,train +63343,63344,63344,sepasuwiy satu kaku pasuwal satu ku malitengay i u wina,when I was my old man told my mother something,train +63344,63345,63345,malalukay,laborious,train +63345,63346,63346,cacay a bicing ku cacayay a kaliti,a piece of glutinous rice cake costs catty,train +63346,63347,63347,pakayni tu matiliday likisi nu Yutaya tamdaw u paru nu lumaˈ nura cuku padetengay a mipatayay tamdaw u mamihakelung tayra i pilimekan a niyaruˈ sanay,according to Jewish literature the family of the manslaughter was also able to flee with him to the city of refuge,train +63347,63348,63348,pifihekacan,standing swallow trap,train +63348,63349,63349,mangataay nu ciyataw ku kakumaenan,is the restaurant close to the station,train +63349,63350,63350,maedeng hu kaku sa kisu,you think you can still work,test +63350,63351,63351,misafalucuʼlucuʼ tu kaku itiya,at that time I began to think,train +63351,63352,63352,ruhu^muhu^,bend over,train +63352,63353,63353,amin,whole body,train +63353,63354,63354,yu midefung i Taywan ku sapaputalay a tamdaw i saayaway a makariang i uya maruay i nu^etipan a dafdaf a Tangafulan a finacadan,ever since outsiders began arriving in Taiwan the Pingpu ethnic group on the western plains have born the brunt of the impact,train +63354,63355,63355,o naitiniay i ruma Kitakit tayra mirienang a tamdaw lipahakay cangra mitusil i Tureky,brothers and sisters who came from abroad to participate in the program enjoyed their time preaching in Turkey,train +63355,63356,63356,micumud tu i pinanuwangan i suwal sa ku singsi ura i kaayaway i u ayaayam kaikur i u uneuner saniyaniyah han tu ita a minengneng,after entering the zoo the teacher said there are birds in the front and snakes in the back,train +63356,63357,63357,anu maʼurad tu,if it rains,train +63357,63358,63358,tiya aya anu inian tu kiya,I wonder if it is,train +63358,63359,63359,sulimet,sort out,train +63359,63360,63360,Pasuelinen ku suwal aku,believe what I say,test +63360,63361,63361,Tangsulay ci Pawlu aci Parnapas paihkal tu cuwa pihai cangra tu harateng nu ˈalumanay micicih han nangra ku rikuˈ tayra ilalumaˈnu tamdamdaw taˈangay ku piuwaw Nawiru matini ku demak namu saw,Paul and Barnabas immediately made it clear that they did not agree with the crowd by tearing off their coats and jumping into the crowd shouting Why are you doing this,train +63361,63362,63362,Pakilingen ni ina nira ci Osay i umah,Usais mom puts a sunshade on her in the field,train +63362,63363,63363,paciricirian,white eared bird of prey,train +63363,63364,63364,u mahaenay kiyami ku tamtamdaw a tayni a miyala tu lemangawy a vuna,because people come here to pick up sprouted groundnuts like this,train +63364,63365,63365,Misarucud mirienang tu mitusilay mapakalaluk kisu kaleki mananam i faeluhay kitiraan,being fully involved in evangelism will encourage you to adapt more quickly to new situations,train +63365,63366,63366,kakuhetingan nuna ini i,after this skin darkens,train +63366,63367,63367,Wangaay kaku miluing haw u mamikiruk kaku,would you mind if I do the voice recording I would like to keep a record,train +63367,63368,63368,pangangan han tu,hence the name,train +63368,63369,63369,malaklak ku Cudad nu safa i sapad,my sisters books are scattered on the table,train +63369,63370,63370,anu mafanafanaʼ ku lutung amikalic itini i kilakilangan,monkeys cannot climb trees,test +63370,63371,63371,aka pisekung tu fafahi isu,do not hit your wife with your fist,train +63371,63372,63372,Hay kapah sakaulahan aca,it is very easy to learn and fun,train +63372,63373,63373,fanuhungay,aroma,train +63373,63374,63374,itiya iri,at that time,train +63374,63375,63375,minengneng tu einga kira,watching a movie,train +63375,63376,63376,tu matiniayhu sakina tireng mita,this is the basic knowledge to protect your body,train +63376,63377,63377,uya lifun ku lilanan,it is an epidemic,train +63377,63378,63378,maemin aca saw ku teker,there is plenty of snap traps out there,train +63378,63379,63379,unini ku pudac han kunini,it is just a way to skin it,train +63379,63380,63380,palu^,punch,test +63380,63381,63381,laway,forehead,train +63381,63382,63382,sanay tu ku nu maku tu wawa nira,that is what I think,train +63382,63383,63383,iraan saan maemin makesi iri,that is all the way through,train +63383,63384,63384,masafaluca nu maku ku icuwacuwaay a sasangaan nu maku,I thought of all kinds of notables,train +63384,63385,63385,tilu tarakar Idek,rainbow,train +63385,63386,63386,malinah tu mikuli matila ku demak,and so we went back to looking for work,train +63386,63387,63387,o saka fangcal tu tatirengan,safety of life,train +63387,63388,63388,ana matekung sa matekung aca kura iciku sanay kiya singciw,the captain says these two ships are about to collide,train +63388,63389,63389,Itiyasatu pasuwalen ni Yis ku finawlan atu nisawawaan Ningra,then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples,train +63389,63390,63390,itini tuni lekakawa nuni hekal hanu iraaytu ku manikaway tamdaw,in today system why are there always poor people,test +63390,63391,63391,an tumelep tu ku urad i,what if it stops raining,train +63391,63392,63392,mahaen hu nu nanum hu,it is the water,train +63392,63393,63393,radiw,sing,train +63393,63394,63394,pakayni pitahidang nu tau kitaanan a mitahka wa samaan ku pinengneng hani,what should we think about people inviting us to dinner,train +63394,63395,63395,Sulinay mahaenay kura dmak haw han nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung ci Stifanu a milicay,then the high priest asked him Are these charges true,train +63395,63396,63396,Maledu nira ku tayal,he finished the work,train +63396,63397,63397,yra a minengneng,look that direction,train +63397,63398,63398,pakayni i surit,and Roman script in the ethnic languages,train +63398,63399,63399,o manan ku ni telian isu i tira,what is that thing you put there,train +63399,63400,63400,o mipangkiway tu tayal kira kaliepah namu,you drink to make the work half done,test +63400,63401,63401,talakufaw,go to the kitchen,train +63401,63402,63402,ini i kaʼamis suelinay caay pakapina ku itiraay a ciluma,it is true there are not many families north of there,train +63402,63403,63403,ila ku patiyamay yufing atu paisingan i tira,there are stores a post office and a hospital,train +63403,63404,63404,tamisangaʼ tuya hiya,make that one again,train +63404,63405,63405,pakay ni tu i kakaenen,it is the thought of food,train +63405,63406,63406,hayken,I do not know,train +63406,63407,63407,o pidefungan nu Ripun a tayni i Taywan kira hadhad,that dry land is where the Japanese invasion came ashore,train +63407,63408,63408,malakaka^,siblings,train +63408,63409,63409,mahalek kisu mibalut,after you tie it up like this,train +63409,63410,63410,taliwahwahan hanu mita u suwal nu Pangcah,the Amish analogy,test +63410,63411,63411,ya misiyakay kaku tu maku urip tiya kaemang hu,when I was young when I was out in the world,train +63411,63412,63412,hay paypay hu itira papay tira ku misu i,worship at the beach to pray for peace,train +63412,63413,63413,kakalimelaan,important,train +63413,63414,63414,Hinefa san kura wawa i sera a misalama,the kid was playing on the ground,train +63414,63415,63415,tangasa itini i piunpangan,until the distribution center is moved,train +63415,63416,63416,anu sakaci^puc namu i caay paska kaku a pasuwal a pasifana i tamuwanan i kapulungan a saupu anu ^ca i i pailumaluma namu,you know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house,train +63416,63417,63417,mata^taay,it is locked,train +63417,63418,63418,dadingu,mirror,train +63418,63419,63419,Mauningay ku fuduy nu misu facaen tu makena,your clothes are dirty you should wash them,train +63419,63420,63420,malatumukay,acting as head,test +63420,63421,63421,hanu caka ngaˈay mahufuc tu wawa matuled ku falucuˈ,why is it so sad and desperate to have unfulfilled wishes for children,train +63421,63422,63422,Hayda Sangaayen tu ku tireng,Alright take care of yourself,train +63422,63423,63423,mademakay,Passive,train +63423,63424,63424,kapawapawan han tu,Forgotten,train +63424,63425,63425,masaʼupu tu malingad tu cingra,he then came up with a collection of,train +63425,63426,63426,cecay ta miheca,it is been a year,train +63426,63427,63427,watawat sanay tu ku kaiyaan nu lamit nu ulip nu mira kalimelaan,it is a shame that the roots of their clan are broken,train +63427,63428,63428,kitusur,get down on your knees,train +63428,63429,63429,o tanenengan nu kaludateng kuni u manan ku kaulahan namu,here is the menu let us see what you like to order,train +63429,63430,63430,caay tu ka herek ku maka cuwacuwaay a suwal salikulay uni patawsitu ku sapiherek,it always ends with a drink,test +63430,63431,63431,tayra i timul mafulaw ira ku kamawmahan itira ira ku kakaenan san,let us move to the south where there are fields to cultivate and plenty of food to eat,train +63431,63432,63432,ecu^,elephant,train +63432,63433,63433,maruhem,mellow,train +63433,63434,63434,o mahaenay ci Himinayus aci Aliksantur o sakafanaaw nangra ta caaytu pilukes cangra tu Kawas saka paturuden aku cangra ci Satanan,among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme,train +63434,63435,63435,kadabuay ci baki i takuwanan,Grandpa married me,train +63435,63436,63436,yu masaupu ku nisawawaan ni Yis a ma^min i Kalili i suwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O mamapaturud i kamay nu cisakuwanay a tamdaw ku wawa nu Tamdaw,when they came together in Galilee he said to them The son of man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men,train +63436,63437,63437,maemin tu niya fau kuninian sa ku suwal nu Paliwan sa,it is better if the building materials you are building are eaten up by moths,train +63437,63438,63438,ningra,Him her,train +63438,63439,63439,nawhan i ira kura safa ina aku ci,Luckily there was my moms brother Chan Ka Chun,train +63439,63440,63440,falu kiya kulung niyam,my family has eight cows,test +63440,63441,63441,awaay ku teluc nuya luma,that family has no descendants,train +63441,63442,63442,satapangtu malahuk kura malitengay,starting lunch,train +63442,63443,63443,muen ita ku demak anini,for now let us improvise,train +63443,63444,63444,kakataan,I have been constipated,train +63444,63445,63445,u palu nu icep hay palu han kuraan,Yes betel leaf sheath,train +63445,63446,63446,o katengilan nu alumanay kira suwal,we have all heard those words before,train +63446,63447,63447,o pikenawan ni fayi kiraan a padatengan,that vegetable garden is where the ahjumma picks green onions,train +63447,63448,63448,mansa maxera aku kura pahecek,that is why I mentioned that the pillars of the house should be erected,train +63448,63449,63449,cuwa tu kaiya kiya,ignore them,train +63449,63450,63450,ni madadinguan limecedan,the girls mother,test +63450,63451,63451,saka sawadan nu niyaru kira liumah caay tu pakapina ku ciumahay kira umah anini itini i kawali nu niyaru,the rice fields on the east side of the tribe are not being farmed much and some of them are fallow,train +63451,63452,63452,sa kira kura suwal,that is how it is said,train +63452,63453,63453,misawidangan aku ku Finam a salikaka,I also met some brothers and sisters from the Vietnamese speaking congregation,train +63453,63454,63454,edung,mitten,train +63454,63455,63455,mikuwang,shoot,train +63455,63456,63456,cifangas,there is a need tree,train +63456,63457,63457,saci camul sankula takula u maan u tefu,bamboo carrot is the ingredient of the frog,train +63457,63458,63458,ikudul ci ama aku mihiya tiya hen,dad was up there,train +63458,63459,63459,maherek tu ku sakeru ku likuwat,after the circle dance,train +63459,63460,63460,tayal,operate,test +63460,63461,63461,patayringen,setting up the police,train +63461,63462,63462,lavii,at night,train +63462,63463,63463,u taʼarawan a wama hananay a,the honor of being a model father,train +63463,63464,63464,fula,fool,train +63464,63465,63465,kasiangian,it is scary,train +63465,63466,63466,wa ina hiya inaan,Wow about that,train +63466,63467,63467,sisa u maumahay ku kungku nu maku,So I am going to tell the story of the farmer,train +63467,63468,63468,mangaʼay kaenen kuni,you can eat this too,train +63468,63469,63469,matafar siduka a san,Avoiding knife injuries,train +63469,63470,63470,o ngangan aku i si panay,my name is Barnett,test +63470,63471,63471,minukay tara i sihawawa,I am going back to the construction site,train +63471,63472,63472,cuwa tu na tice mahaen,I do not know where the address is that is it,train +63472,63473,63473,o fukeluh ku asulu nu i ayaway,a long time ago mortars and pestles were made of stone,train +63473,63474,63474,Nikawrira u a imeren namu ku iraay i tamuwanan tangasa i kataynian Aku,only hold on to what you have until I come,train +63474,63475,63475,tuluay ku rumiʼad,it will be three days,train +63475,63476,63476,mararid kaku a maru i lidung nu kilang a mitengil tu pipakungku^ ni akung,I used to sit under the tree and listen to Grandpas stories,train +63476,63477,63477,mahapinang isu ku nisuwalan nu singsi haw,do you understand what the teacher says,train +63477,63478,63478,tayra satu i tingruh nu kilang mikalic kuya mililiway a tamdaw,the broadcaster climbed the tallest tree trunks and called out to the tradespeople about the days events,train +63478,63479,63479,tuwa a itini kita a,Decide,train +63479,63480,63480,caay ku nu adinguan ku saayaway o cihciay a tatirengan ku saayaway ta i ikur i ira ku nu adinguan,the spiritual did not come first but the natural and after that the spiritual,test +63480,63481,63481,fala,lungs,train +63481,63482,63482,o macudahay a maemin ku kapah nu Pangcah,the Amis youth are brave,train +63482,63483,63483,Maapiay ku pawli,the banana is double,train +63483,63484,63484,tulu a pulu,thirty,train +63484,63485,63485,masamaan malipahak mama isu yu,dad must have been so happy,train +63485,63486,63486,mitikelu,differentiate,train +63486,63487,63487,ira a mikaput cangraan ci Mariya nu Maktala aci Mariya u ina ni Yakup aci Yusif atu wina nu tusaay a fainayan a wawa ni Cipitay,among them were Mary Magdalene Mary the mother of James and Joses and the mother of Zebedees sons,train +63487,63488,63488,ira ku seyey mikaput ciranan,with the Holy Spirit,train +63488,63489,63489,samangaʼaay ku nanum nu malaluʼung,the water quality in Miyama is very good,train +63489,63490,63490,urasa ya wama mamapatay,that dads dead,test +63490,63491,63491,Malinut tu ku puut,the knife is dull,train +63491,63492,63492,Mafana kuya kangic tu nika fahkul nira i hkal Saka lpelen nira kuya mahufucay tu fainayan a wawa a fafahiyan,when the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child,train +63492,63493,63493,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ci Priskila aci Akuila atu paru nu luma ni Onisifurus,greet Priscilla and Aquila and the household of Onesiphorus,train +63493,63494,63494,hanen han naku haw nanam saru kira,it is just a habit I have gotten used to,train +63494,63495,63495,pasayra ku rakat nira,he is headed in that direction,train +63495,63496,63496,mangiraw tu ma ma tukuk tu kiya na ina,the mother began to panic,train +63496,63497,63497,mihakerung tu matuasay malingad minanam tu tayal nu malingaday,I worked with the elders and learned farming,train +63497,63498,63498,kakahad,spacious,train +63498,63499,63499,ura patih mucu falat cuwa,walls corners and beams nor is it that the,train +63499,63500,63500,maka utuvay,motorcycle,test +63500,63501,63501,ku tayal niyam a tini i niyaru,our work with the tribe,train +63501,63502,63502,ula tusa miheca sepatay a fulad ku kaitinian nara i Taywan,two years four months in Taiwan,train +63502,63503,63503,uya ku tafu han nu malitengay,the old man made his own lunch box,train +63503,63504,63504,kaitini kisu mitala haw,you wait here,train +63504,63505,63505,calenget,itchy,train +63505,63506,63506,matu mipalalay i takuwanan a papidu^du^ tu rakat nu rumiad,it is like a reminder to me to follow my schedule,train +63506,63507,63507,fahal cingra a maseta,he suddenly fell fainting,train +63507,63508,63508,yu maherek kami a mipaliw iri,after we switched jobs,train +63508,63509,63509,nipimelaw nu mita,we are taking a wait and see attitude,train +63509,63510,63510,Miculu tu panay ira i lutuk,go to the mountains and carry rice,test +63510,63511,63511,mafawah,open,train +63511,63512,63512,o maan ku micidekay a dateng sapahadak namu,any special dishes you can recommend,train +63512,63513,63513,ya mi haw awa ku tuki malingad i lutuk haw i,there is no time to go to the mountains,train +63513,63514,63514,mirenaf,drawing,train +63514,63515,63515,tatiih tu ku falucu,it is depressing,train +63515,63516,63516,away ku lidung nu mikudasingay i pala nu mita,the peanut plucker have no shade in our fields,train +63516,63517,63517,Pinaaytu ku tuki i matini,what time is it,train +63517,63518,63518,u hitay kura faʼinay aku awaay i luma kura faʼinay aku,Husbands a career military man who is away from home all the time,train +63518,63519,63519,kecec,in the twinkling of an eye,train +63519,63520,63520,u ukak atu u manmaʼan i caʼay kaʼenga a misasiraw,bones and other meats are not suitable for making savory meats,test +63520,63521,63521,ni sahatirai iraay ci Haliung kiya ya tiraway Muliyaw,there is one over there by Chun Hing,train +63521,63522,63522,Cimaymayay ku fiyaw niyam i umah,we have ducks in our neighbors field,train +63522,63523,63523,afay hatira tu ku tuʼas isu ya namu u wawa hu saw hay oh,Wow that is a lot you think you are young Yeah I am,train +63523,63524,63524,mafanaʼay misanga tu tafukud,very good at weaving a gossip web,train +63524,63525,63525,kilim saan ku matuʼasay mi,that is how old people find work,train +63525,63526,63526,cipayciay,rich,train +63526,63527,63527,finacadan,marry to a non ethnic clan member,train +63527,63528,63528,sasamaan sa tu kaku saw,what should I do,train +63528,63529,63529,u vayi u wama u wina u vavahiyan a sava atu kaku,Grandma Dad Mom my sister and me,train +63529,63530,63530,kavanai,realize,test +63530,63531,63531,o faha ku adada nira,his illness is a cough,train +63531,63532,63532,ngaʼay u Makutaay han kina niyaru sanay ku matuʼasay,then let us call this tribe the Magudas,train +63532,63533,63533,saka tayni tu haw i Kilung,that is why I came to Keelung,train +63533,63534,63534,awaay ku sicikafay nu takuraay,frogs do not have fish scales,train +63534,63535,63535,cawhi,perch,train +63535,63536,63536,anu hatini a tuki ku sasuwal ita i,at this point in time,train +63536,63537,63537,tuna misemsem a cikaliwates cangra saka milukes cangra tu Kawas i kakarayan caay pifalic cangra tu falucu a miliyas tu tatiihay a dmak nangra,and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but they refused to repent of what they had done,train +63537,63538,63538,Nawaca matini ku demak nu kapah ita,why is the behavior of our youth so,train +63538,63539,63539,patemek paytemek nu tamdaw haw,some people do other things,train +63539,63540,63540,matiniay kumulis hananay i iratu,the fishing rituals continue to be passed down,test +63540,63541,63541,uya kuwaping tu ku sinpu,he is been replaced by a Chinese priest,train +63541,63542,63542,caay,does not have to,train +63542,63543,63543,itini tu kami i Kilung a maru,just go to Keelung,train +63543,63544,63544,u mahaenay yari ku vaki yaku,then we will understand the greatness of Grandpas past,train +63544,63545,63545,maraayay macakatay ku lalan kira tayra i Pungudan,it is a long way to bridge tribe road and it is uphill,train +63545,63546,63546,paacaen,pay,train +63546,63547,63547,Cifangas ku taluan ni akung isu,your grandpas straw house has need trees,train +63547,63548,63548,sapihalhal,welcome,train +63548,63549,63549,Seriw sa ku fali salipahak saan cangra,they are happy when the breeze blows,train +63549,63550,63550,ifenek,diligence,test +63550,63551,63551,tusa a talid ku aacaen nu maku miaca hu tu cecay tafu a felac,I want two bottles and a pack of rice,train +63551,63552,63552,talaayaw ku rarapa,the cows will move forward,train +63552,63553,63553,tangasa i Angcuh haw i matengil tu nu maku tu suwal ni itiraay malinaay,when I got to Antong I heard from my relatives there,train +63553,63554,63554,anu midu^du kamu tu limuut aku i kalaurip han namu ku ulah Aku malcad tunini ku nipidu^du aku tu limuut nu wama aku atu nipikalaurip aku tu ulah ningra,if you obey my commands you will remain in my love just as I have obeyed my Fathers commands and remain in his love,train +63554,63555,63555,Caay u Piwma^ ciira,No she is a Puyuma,train +63555,63556,63556,wawa hen kaku wa hiya,I was a kid,train +63556,63557,63557,Hereken ku demak nu misu,get your business done,train +63557,63558,63558,u kelakela,or with an oxcart,train +63558,63559,63559,maemin tu malidun ku panay ku kudasing,Rice peanuts the whole collection,train +63559,63560,63560,Mapisetu ku pitaw,the handle of the hoe comes apart from the metal hoe,test +63560,63561,63561,tada ha wawina tu hay,I am very attached to my mom,train +63561,63562,63562,ila ku sakales isu ila ku udax ira ilaay,there is combs and candy I am here,train +63562,63563,63563,tangasaay,accomplish,train +63563,63564,63564,Hayda anu ira kurumiad tayni satu misalama,Okay come to my house sometime,train +63564,63565,63565,sa taemud taemud han tu ira cecacecay a hiya,he could just swallow them one by one,train +63565,63566,63566,ngaayhu,Hello everyone,train +63566,63567,63567,Saka ccay ira ku pangkiw nu mihcaan ku nika itira ni Pawlu a pasifana i cangraan tu suwal nu Kawas,so Paul stayed for a year and a half teaching them the word of God,train +63567,63568,63568,madiput tu nu wawa kami u matuasay,the kids take good care of the old man,train +63568,63569,63569,matalaw ma en,because they are afraid,train +63569,63570,63570,Paketingen ku lufa i palufaan,take the donkey to the donkey she would,test +63570,63571,63571,saka matiraay ku sakacingangan nu Makutaay tu Makutaay hananay,so that is how we got the name of the Magudan tribe,train +63571,63572,63572,hatiraʼay ku maku a katiʼ nu luma,this is my family,train +63572,63573,63573,fuheci,peel,train +63573,63574,63574,waay nilaliway niyam ayaw aluman nilaliway Taywan,there were many Han deserters before there were any deserters among us,train +63574,63575,63575,mipaluma tu panay paluma tu tali,growing rice and taro,train +63575,63576,63576,pina a rumiad ku kailumaan isu,how many days do you have to go back,train +63576,63577,63577,i ayawen ku fana itini i laluma haw i,wisdom starts in the brain,train +63577,63578,63578,uc ku luma,the house is guarded,train +63578,63579,63579,itiya hu malikuda hu malesafun tu,in the old days during the Harvest Festival,train +63579,63580,63580,nawhan ci payciay tamdaw,Why rich people,test +63580,63581,63581,pasuʼlin tu ku ama nu maku,our grandmothers believed in God when we were kids,train +63581,63582,63582,karanguyus,in many words,train +63582,63583,63583,Pafesut san tayni i tukus,straight up the ridge,train +63583,63584,63584,mana sapinanamaw kisu a mitenuuy,how did you develop an interest in learning weaving,train +63584,63585,63585,fangcal ku pisanu Pangcah isu,you speak Amish very well,train +63585,63586,63586,fangcal tu kura pisasaw isu haw,that is why you have to wash it,train +63586,63587,63587,Dudu tiya kaʼayaw aku kimad,continued from the previous section,train +63587,63588,63588,u tumuk ku cacitatudung tu matiniay a matuʼas a midiput,an old man like that should be taken care of by the chief,train +63588,63589,63589,anini tra tu ku sapahanhan i sakayi lisnan cacay a remiad,I am currently on ceremonial leave just one day,train +63589,63590,63590,miceliay,shouter,test +63590,63591,63591,pasalamaen,something used for amusement,train +63591,63592,63592,saka eyrumakat sa ku kulung haw i,so when the cows go by,train +63592,63593,63593,sapaluma kuni hay haen han lemangaw tu,Yes if you sow it like this it will germinate naturally,train +63593,63594,63594,itiya kiyari,good enough,train +63594,63595,63595,man han hu miliyaw,how do we get there,train +63595,63596,63596,Pakakuliciw kaku talapitilidan tu rumiamiad,I ride my bike to school every day,train +63596,63597,63597,sanaw pasuwal ci ina aku,that is why mom said,train +63597,63598,63598,sanay tu kuna kaemangay mangalay awih,the younger generation is already thinking about me,train +63598,63599,63599,idahi mitungalan tu taneng,it is good to have more experience,train +63599,63600,63600,Papatayra kaku tu nifutingan ni mama aku i luma namu,I am going to send the fish dad caught to your house,test +63600,63601,63601,paadipingen,make it grow a crown,train +63601,63602,63602,sanay kura rarum halukakukaku tu tumangic itiya,it is so sad even I cried at that moment,train +63602,63603,63603,hay u rumiʼad,Yes depending on the day or night,train +63603,63604,63604,nu Recurd,crossing the river in a small boat then to Jungpo,train +63604,63605,63605,awaay ku tusiya itiya hu kira,there were no cars back then,train +63605,63606,63606,kakuyen tatuyen,draw,train +63606,63607,63607,milakuwit tura tukus tayni i,over the mountains to,train +63607,63608,63608,micelem tu ku cidal,sunset,train +63608,63609,63609,Mifaca,laundry,train +63609,63610,63610,tuluen,Three,test +63610,63611,63611,malasingsi tu kaku tu nu pancah,therefore I became an Amis teacher,train +63611,63612,63612,kakaula han,funny thing,train +63612,63613,63613,ira ku paysin nu matuʼasay tu matiniay,and the ancestors had this taboo,train +63613,63614,63614,tahadadaya,until the evening,train +63614,63615,63615,3 itini tuni lalakaw nengnengen ita i masamaanay a pakayraan materek ku kimad nu Kawas o nika falic nu suwal u lingad nu mirikecay mifiyuray tu matenakaytu kalusuwal macungeday ku pihungyak tu Fangcalay Cudad,in this text we will look at how Gods word has been preserved in the face of the evolution of language the impact of political situations on the common language and the obstruction of Bible translation,train +63615,63616,63616,miʼangki hu tu caciyaw nu mita u Amis,and memorize our Amish,train +63616,63617,63617,Macawang nu pacek ku sukun ni Osay,Osays waist skirt is ripped with iron on studs,train +63617,63618,63618,tayra i nu tawan a niyaru a dademak cira maurun tu kaku i ciraan,he went out of town for work and I miss him,train +63618,63619,63619,mafulaw cangra tayra i Farangaw,they migrated to Maryland,train +63619,63620,63620,ripa,step,test +63620,63621,63621,nacila,past,train +63621,63622,63622,kura i mifuutay hu kungkuan takawnan,but the school kept me,train +63622,63623,63623,Hai kapicumud,Yes come on in,train +63623,63624,63624,a mihecaan,age group,train +63624,63625,63625,misatafiling,opening up hillside land,train +63625,63626,63626,hai tangasa unian kura aku,I have always spoken in tongues it is been my journey,train +63626,63627,63627,miyakiway,duty station,train +63627,63628,63628,milalang,discourage,train +63628,63629,63629,Patuayaay ku sikawasay tu tuas tira fafuy,the priest was the one who raised his eyes to offer the pig sacrifice,train +63629,63630,63630,hanta ku falucu sanku maku a paini sa tira kira mapasuwaltu saki tini nanum,do not worry that is what I am talking about,test +63630,63631,63631,Falu^,Eight,train +63631,63632,63632,ira i sakatulu a tungruh,please go up to the third floor,train +63632,63633,63633,sa ku mahaenay ku malatumuk sa,that is why I do not do headlines anymore,train +63633,63634,63634,hatiray ku demak nu malitengay,it used to be built this way,train +63634,63635,63635,deng urian pida a cecay ku maharatengay nu mita,all I cared about at the time was how much money I had,train +63635,63636,63636,hatiraay ku lifung i saayaw,it was a horrible infection in those days,train +63636,63637,63637,maulah kaku ci madadinguan a limecedan,I am a big fan of the white and the clear,train +63637,63638,63638,awaay tu ku nu makalaya nu tangtuwaay,there is nothing in the family register transcript,train +63638,63639,63639,baki,why is Grandpa from here,train +63639,63640,63640,hatira katakaraw mifer,you will have to jump as high as that one,test +63640,63641,63641,patalaayaw tu nu heni,they must first offer sacrifices,train +63641,63642,63642,pakutayen nira patikuen kiya wawa pakutay tuya wina,to replace her her child with its mother,train +63642,63643,63643,Mauta kaku,I vomited I am vomiting,train +63643,63644,63644,iri Kalaʼaheʼahecidan saan,it is also salty,train +63644,63645,63645,maikes ku kilang,the tree is solid,train +63645,63646,63646,ira ku patefu nira haw,is there an answer from him,train +63646,63647,63647,Parudihangen ku radiw itiya a faecal a tengilen,a song can only sound good if it has an echo,train +63647,63648,63648,miala kita icuwaay miala,where can we get these trees,train +63648,63649,63649,i niyaru nu Taycang,Taichang village tribe,train +63649,63650,63650,Cima^ kura tamdaw,who is that guy,test +63650,63651,63651,cipinang tu kaku anini a miharateng,I have some evidence now to go on in thinking,train +63651,63652,63652,nisangaʼan tu palu,it is the betel leaf sheath,train +63652,63653,63653,ikur tu,future,train +63653,63654,63654,mikapuyi,curse in rage,train +63654,63655,63655,Tata midanguy kita,let us go swimming,train +63655,63656,63656,amihalateng tu malu saka ngaay nu urip namu itini pisyakayan,think for yourself about how you can turn your life around in the metropolis,train +63656,63657,63657,adihayay,numerous,train +63657,63658,63658,makaheciay tu makapahay tu i,Yes and the beans are growing well,train +63658,63659,63659,kaikur hu niyam awaay tu,not after us,train +63659,63660,63660,cira sa ni ciku finawlan nu mita matiyanay,is he not one of us,test +63660,63661,63661,lisin,taboo,train +63661,63662,63662,caay kana tanestesay kiya naitiya,not a very good person,train +63662,63663,63663,citiih,nightmare,train +63663,63664,63664,sarumiʼad tu,everyday,train +63664,63665,63665,u sakalahuk anini ira ku titi nu ayam litaul lumingay ira aca ku lukut,Todays lunch consisted of chicken eggs long beans and sans,train +63665,63666,63666,matngil aku ku nipipasuwal nu citudungay tu nanum a cuyuh suwal sa Kisu u iraay anini u iraay nanitiya aca a Fangcalay a Kawas u mu^celay a misawkitay Kisu,then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say You are just in these judgments you who are and who were the Holy One because you have so judged,train +63666,63667,63667,o pipacuungan nu hana kiraan,that is where the flowers are going to grow new buds,train +63667,63668,63668,micici mi rusarus,going to the mountains to cut wood and saw timber,train +63668,63669,63669,edeng uya msetikay a tamdaw,only those who want to learn how to gather by the sea,train +63669,63670,63670,alatek i tayra i hiya maan han ita itira san tu awaay tu kamaruʼan nira samaan,maybe I will be in Taipei and have no place to stay,test +63670,63671,63671,em u sakapahay kina kakitilan,uh huh it is a beautiful place,train +63671,63672,63672,u kapahay kuni a piseking,Organizers the indigenous peoples of the consortiums,train +63672,63673,63673,18 anu pasifanaˈatu mirikec ku tawki nu lumaˈtu wawa mamitudung ci Kristuan,the head of the family should also imitate Christ in teaching and disciplining his children,train +63673,63674,63674,pakaaraw ci akung i takuwanan tangsul sa a pakaen i takuwanan tu kacawas pananum tu uciya i takuwanan,as soon as Grandpa saw me he invited me to eat watermelon and drink tea,train +63674,63675,63675,pisamsam,take unfair advantage of,train +63675,63676,63676,yu masadak ci Yis a miliyas tu Fangcalay Pitaungan i suwal sa ku ccay a nisawawaan i Cingraan Singsiaw wata ku nika tadamaan nunini a fukluh atunini a luma han ningra,as he was leaving the temple one of his disciples said to him Look Teacher what massive stones what magnificent buildings,train +63676,63677,63677,i satimul nu pala aku ku luma nira,his house is on the south side of my field,train +63677,63678,63678,awa ku niyam a luma,we do not have a house either,train +63678,63679,63679,safitauay a nanum,a puddle of water,train +63679,63680,63680,o Yincumin kamu,are you Aboriginals,test +63680,63681,63681,patihi cingranan,accompany her,train +63681,63682,63682,malafi,Dinner good night,train +63682,63683,63683,mamaulah,a lover,train +63683,63684,63684,o cudah nura wawa ku sakapakaculi nira tu tayring,the boys courage enabled him to resist the police,train +63684,63685,63685,remiad,daytime,train +63685,63686,63686,Limaen aca a suut a rimuud haw,count me in for okay,train +63686,63687,63687,tayra milisuf kira,go check over there,train +63687,63688,63688,miiya tu i,just do it just do it,train +63688,63689,63689,ci panay ci panay maan,Barnett Barnett what,train +63689,63690,63690,caay kariyad cingra,I cannot persuade him,test +63690,63691,63691,yu macukacuk ci Yis a tayra i Yirusalim i pakayra cingra i laed nu Samariya atu Kalili a rumakat,now on his way to Jerusalem Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee,train +63691,63692,63692,faca,wash,train +63692,63693,63693,Suluten ku paliding,pull the wagon,train +63693,63694,63694,nirawraw satu kina lapa,and then that horn was loud,train +63694,63695,63695,aka siwara midu^du tu tuki saan,do not get it wrong be punctual,train +63695,63696,63696,miʼatul tayni i lawac misarihi haw,walls and ridges at the edge of the field,train +63696,63697,63697,mikalic kaku tu kilang a midadacdac,I climbed a tree to catch a cicada,train +63697,63698,63698,o aira a rumiad tu nika tayni nuya wawa nu tamdaw i u mamatiya yu mauriphu ca Nuwa,Just as it was in the days of Noah so also will it be in the days of the son of Man,train +63698,63699,63699,mkalicay tafekang misanga,climb up to the top of the thatched roof first,train +63699,63700,63700,ilaay ku matengilay isu tu suwal nu Dipung haw,have you heard any rumors about the Japanese,test +63700,63701,63701,ira i katayalan itini Ruyfang,said he had a job in Ruifang,train +63701,63702,63702,nanitiya,from then on,train +63702,63703,63703,miteka,to begin,train +63703,63704,63704,o maan ci Apulus o maan ci Pawlu o matayalay nu Kawas kami o mamikrid aca i tamuwanan a papitier tu Kawas o pilahci aca niyam tu niparucekan nu Tapang i tamiyanan a tayal,What after all is Apollos and what is Paul only servants through whom you came to believe as the Lord has assigned to each his task,train +63704,63705,63705,misaparud,building of stoves,train +63705,63706,63706,saka timul nira i Arutuc,the one to the south of it is called the snail,train +63706,63707,63707,cecay lian,one hundred,train +63707,63708,63708,irahu kura luma niyam itira,home is still over there,train +63708,63709,63709,sakatayraan ta haw,we are going okay,train +63709,63710,63710,ira ku tapudu matatuyay ku cecay,one of them got a bandana,test +63710,63711,63711,hay halatengen ku pisuwal nu maku malitengay,think about what my old man said,train +63711,63712,63712,mi,This,train +63712,63713,63713,Masarad ku aasipen aku a tikami,letters have accumulated for me to read,train +63713,63714,63714,anu hatira i u misakakinihay ku Kawas saan kita haw Caay,not by works but by him who calls she was told The older will serve the younger,train +63714,63715,63715,malitemuh,come across,train +63715,63716,63716,namaruraay ku urip aku i tiyahu,I had a very hard life at that time,train +63716,63717,63717,masadak i tira kura salikaka u safa aku,my brother was there,train +63717,63718,63718,u lalangatan nu Cikasuwan a niyaru,origin of the Nanakagawa tribe,train +63718,63719,63719,o kilangkilangan hu maemin marefak ira kura kasaengal nura Liyaki,Roshan is still a forest of trees he is cut it down very brightly,train +63719,63720,63720,pinaan nu Pangcah u Amis han kuranan haw,those are the areas of Amish life,test +63720,63721,63721,damsayay,Peaceful,train +63721,63722,63722,kilimen niya ku matu asay ku fangcalay ku ngiha,tribal elder picks a strong man with a big voice,train +63722,63723,63723,um ku paysu aku,my money was wasted,train +63723,63724,63724,saka matayal kami,so we work,train +63724,63725,63725,naw kamuraw sa ku matuʼasay iri,the old man said to use small tomatoes,train +63725,63726,63726,ruma satu i,additionally,train +63726,63727,63727,lafu,scourge,train +63727,63728,63728,fuenut,plucking the animals hair,train +63728,63729,63729,awaay ku tatayalen nangra i mamaan siduunen ita,those who do not have a job we have to mentor them,train +63729,63730,63730,pakayraay,initial intention and motivation at the time,test +63730,63731,63731,u icep cecay,only betel nut,train +63731,63732,63732,Tumangic tu kira miceliay a tamdaw,the reprover wept,train +63732,63733,63733,ngaʼay mamapadang tu pina ku nu misu saan,when you are helping each other they ask you how many you have left,train +63733,63734,63734,Pakaaraw kuya tayraay i ca Mariyaan a alumanay a Yutaya tamdaw tu dmak ni Yis i pasulin satu cangra ci Yisan,therefore many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary and had seen what Jesus did put their faith in him,train +63734,63735,63735,4 o mahecaday a safalud ngaˈayay saka dademaken i matuˈasay tamdaw,the same concept can be applied to adults,train +63735,63736,63736,mikilim tu hiya,looking for that,train +63736,63737,63737,macaluh,urgent,train +63737,63738,63738,uwawen,yell,train +63738,63739,63739,huni tu sawsawen tu ku felac,then you wash the rice,train +63739,63740,63740,talapipaisingan,go to the hospital,test +63740,63741,63741,mituulay kita tu nu mitaay a pakalaan saan,we have to follow our faith and say this,train +63741,63742,63742,Wawaaw damaen hu kaku,Son can you do me a favor,train +63742,63743,63743,man na kafuuy ha ha ha,what is a gateway ha ha ha,train +63743,63744,63744,militud,take,train +63744,63745,63745,milepel ma ku hiya micihi hayi,arresting and criticizing yes,train +63745,63746,63746,mavuhat,open for business,train +63746,63747,63747,o macicihay ku fuduy nura wawa a talapicudadan,the boy went to school in tattered clothes,train +63747,63748,63748,saka tusa i sakakaay a wawatu fafahian ku micadaay sakatulu i ira aca ku kaka atu safa hananay anu mapatay ku sakakaay tu fafahian i u sakatusa tu a fafahian ku citudungay a micada,priority is given to the eldest daughter the system of precedence if the eldest daughter dies the second daughter shall succeed her and so on,train +63748,63749,63749,hay u hatini kaluwadan aku a misanga,Oh I started with this,train +63749,63750,63750,tepu,drop down,test +63750,63751,63751,silsil ha a sumuwal,Specifically,train +63751,63752,63752,safaw lima tu a falud ku kasuy,just large handfuls of lumber a sizable amount,train +63752,63753,63753,i mafama cangra patuur san,and they are so cooperative,train +63753,63754,63754,mangalay kaku a pasuwal tisuwanan isaw,I was trying to tell you,train +63754,63755,63755,mapulita nai enemay sakapitu pacuwah,do you see it on the sixth and seventh,train +63755,63756,63756,matalaw tuku lifung micumud,we prevented the outbreak from entering the country,train +63756,63757,63757,ira ku adidemay ira ku kingking ira ku kudafes,mulberry tree longan tree pomegranate,train +63757,63758,63758,ira tu ku katayalan niyam itiya,we have all got our jobs,train +63758,63759,63759,caay hu kafana tu luma,I do not know where home is yet,train +63759,63760,63760,Pakatulu^ a wawidian,it takes about three hours,test +63760,63761,63761,nengneng han aku i tatihi aku ira kura faki aku,I watched to see that my uncle was there,train +63761,63762,63762,anu mahaen kisu maliyang kisu suwalen haw,I said that and you did not listen,train +63762,63763,63763,mikikung kami sivuduy kaku tu nu,we got married I wore a bridal gown,train +63763,63764,63764,mangaay a sasingen haw,would you mind if I do the video recording,train +63764,63765,63765,tu sapidimukusaw tu paru nu lumaˈ tada matayalay kaku atu fafahi samanen ˈalumanay ku wawa niyam,in terms of taking care of our family my wife and I are also very busy because we have more and more children,train +63765,63766,63766,tatayra aku a dademak itira,so that I can work there,train +63766,63767,63767,saytaw,daikon,train +63767,63768,63768,maruray ku tayal,it is very hard work,train +63768,63769,63769,mingiyangi,shake,train +63769,63770,63770,nicakayan,purchased,test +63770,63771,63771,padamaen cangra tanektek i kimad,Help them to be steadfast in the truth,train +63771,63772,63772,ira kiya u masatakuay a sasengeran tu sapur yu a pasapuran,a place to soak seedlings,train +63772,63773,63773,talalutuk ca panay a mipitpit tu mami,Panays family went to the mountains to pick oranges,train +63773,63774,63774,Icuwacuwaan ku sipaselalay a vinacadan hani,which ethnic groups have an age class system,train +63774,63775,63775,nunul,knee,train +63775,63776,63776,Saka pakaarawtu ku mata nangra Sungilaen ni Yis cangra a palimuut Aka ka pakafanaen ku cimacima tunini a dmak han ningra,and their sight was restored Jesus warned them sternly See that no one knows about this,train +63776,63777,63777,o,mesmerizing,train +63777,63778,63778,wacuwacuan,dog pack,train +63778,63779,63779,sa ku malitengay,that is what the elders say,train +63779,63780,63780,cuwa ka pasi tira,it did not go that way,test +63780,63781,63781,ci Luʼuh Mayaw,I am mama Yiu,train +63781,63782,63782,u cisikitinay miurung tu katey nu luma,father does all the farming,train +63782,63783,63783,awu faʼinayan tu kaku sa itiya tu malipahak,a real man it is the happiest,train +63783,63784,63784,iraay ma^min kura misuwalan isu a dateng,you have got all those dishes you mentioned,train +63784,63785,63785,caluk,put on,train +63785,63786,63786,maherek satu a mikarud,the harrow is plowed,train +63786,63787,63787,mapaliway hu ku tiya a matayalay itira i funun,working on the farm we all help each other out,train +63787,63788,63788,iraay tu kura dangah,there is still a wok,train +63788,63789,63789,hatiniay kunu malitengay u kawanan kuni ha hay,that is the way it is with the old generation this is the right skirt Yes it is,train +63789,63790,63790,u lalidec,it is a rhizome tree,test +63790,63791,63791,Maaraw aku ku nika sadak nu ruma a cuyuh nai Fangcalay Pitaungan i kakarayan Mitatuy cingra tu matalemay a mamiya,another angel came out of the temple in heaven and he too had a sharp sickle,train +63791,63792,63792,rumakat,go on foot,train +63792,63793,63793,pakapalidingay kaku a talakiwkay pakapalidingay ku caluwayay tu pakapasuay,I will drive to the church because it is more convenient than the bus,train +63793,63794,63794,Maaraw haca ningra ku nipipakingking nu ccay a pakuyucay a mapunengay tu tusa a laliping,he also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins,train +63794,63795,63795,Hay Naunen ku rakat,Okay goodbye,train +63795,63796,63796,misaʼurad kami tiya yapisaʼurad i,that is when the rain Festival is held,train +63796,63797,63797,Ngaay hu^ ci Kulas kaku,Hello I am Kolas,train +63797,63798,63798,caay ka talaw ku ciulahay a tamdaw nawhani mapalasawad nu masungilaay a ulah ku talaw o matalaway a tamdaw i u mamatfuc kaku saan cingra nawhani caayhu ka sungila ku ulah i falucu ningra,there is no fear in love but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment the one who fears is not made perfect in love,train +63798,63799,63799,sa ca pakatayalen talacuwacuwa kaku,that is why they will not let me work out of town,train +63799,63800,63800,cakayen hu ku fitaul uli,go buy me eggs,test +63800,63801,63801,tuwa padangen tu nu Ripun,then the Japanese helped,train +63801,63802,63802,o matdalaytu kamu nai sapalit nu raraw Saka u mu^celay a dmak ku palakuliay tamuwanan,you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness,train +63802,63803,63803,lahedaw sanay tu samanen,fade,train +63803,63804,63804,Miditdit caira a mifariw tu semut i lutuk,they cut down the grass on the hills little by little,train +63804,63805,63805,lisin,offer sacrifices to the gods or ancestors,train +63805,63806,63806,hay anu mafukil kamu tayni han tu ciakungan mitengil hay ala han tuku pah,if you still do not know how come to Grandpas and listen to it remember to bring hot water,train +63806,63807,63807,adihay ku pisanga isu,will you do a lot or,train +63807,63808,63808,hatiraay ku nu liteng hu,it is the custom of our ancestors,train +63808,63809,63809,a kaemangay fakifaki,young people elders,train +63809,63810,63810,kafahkaan a demak,something amazing biblical term for a miracle,test +63810,63811,63811,maala hatiniay niyam miheca i saka,people of our age are taken away so,train +63811,63812,63812,dadahal ku umah tiraw fafaed,he is very wide on the mountain,train +63812,63813,63813,ala han aku kuya matepikay a kafutiʼan a tayra i,I will get the folded mattresses and go to the living room,train +63813,63814,63814,Mayaw kaka mangaʼay kisu a mipadang i tini san ku pilicay nu Tung Se Cang kira,he said Mayo you can join the native American radio program,train +63814,63815,63815,saka eca kalasawad sanay ku maku,I think this is the only way to ensure that the tradition will not be lost,train +63815,63816,63816,kaʼar han kinatepi,it is a circle of feet,train +63816,63817,63817,cucukceka^,sting,train +63817,63818,63818,oya caay kakahi a miurung tu ciwcika nu tireng a mituur i takuwanan i caayay ka tatudung a malamituuray i Takuwanan,and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me,train +63818,63819,63819,tatayra,on my way,train +63819,63820,63820,Nanuya yu tahira cangra i Kapirnaum i tayra i ci Pitiruan ku misurutay tu saki Fangcalay Pitaungan a sata Caay pasata ku singsi namu tu saki Fangcalay Pitaungan a sata haw han nangra a milicay,after Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum the collectors of the two drachma tax came to Peter and asked Does not your teacher pay the temple tax,test +63820,63821,63821,cecay fulad pina falad tahira muetep mihecaʼan,it is been ten years month after month,train +63821,63822,63822,sanay kiranan hay paʼaludu,that is what it means,train +63822,63823,63823,nu Recurd,I am Taitung,train +63823,63824,63824,limecedan,teenage girls girls,train +63824,63825,63825,Alumanay ku maruay i Piyuma nu Pusung saka Piyuma a Pangcah han itiya hu anini satu i milunguc ku finawlaw nu finacadan falic hantu u Falangaw han tu ku ngangan,because most of the tribesmen lived in the Taitung Beinan area the name was Beinan Amis which was later changed to Malan Amis after the tribesmen fought for it,train +63825,63826,63826,macahiw2,perspire,train +63826,63827,63827,hay takudul,Yes all the way up,train +63827,63828,63828,i cuwaan hakiya ku saayaway a selal caay kavanai,age class distribution do not know which class was the earliest,train +63828,63829,63829,sai awaay tu ku harateng nangra haw tini sanay tu i kakawasan a misaʼicel,so they do not think about it anymore they are here now trying to make a go of it,train +63829,63830,63830,cedu,jump in the water,test +63830,63831,63831,Wangaay miluing haw,would you mind if I do the video recording,train +63831,63832,63832,na a tingting ku kareteng nunini,how heavy this,train +63832,63833,63833,neng han caay han naku kakahi nukay satu kuya singsi,I said No I did not want to the teacher had to go back,train +63833,63834,63834,ciringasaay,there is a water discharge point at the ridge,train +63834,63835,63835,o mantaʼay kilang ku ngaʼayay anca u maʼicangay,is it better to use wet wood or dry wood,train +63835,63836,63836,Takaw hatu nu wawa ita a mitudung tu fana ita a miwikwik,our kids secretly learned our knitting,train +63836,63837,63837,pina a tatukiyan kiya tangasa i Taypak,how many hours does it take to get to Taipei,train +63837,63838,63838,Saaciyusen nu mipamaay ku fukes nu safa aku,the hairdresser made my sisters hair into a hair spiral,train +63838,63839,63839,falicen aku tu mu^etep a mu^etepay a payci,I want ten tens,train +63839,63840,63840,suwal sa cangra kauya malalukay fainayan nu Amis sanay,they say it is best to marry a hard working Amis man,test +63840,63841,63841,Caay u pasuvanaay cira,No he is a teacher,train +63841,63842,63842,han naku kita pulung nu,and all of us,train +63842,63843,63843,kiya wawa,the child,train +63843,63844,63844,cima kiya misemutay,who is going to cut the grass,train +63844,63845,63845,culal,suddenly appearing after a long absence,train +63845,63846,63846,mituktuk tu sawalak,some use wooden or stone hammers to beat the poisonous bait,train +63846,63847,63847,o kadaʼatan mitilid kadaʼatan huw hay,from today point of view,train +63847,63848,63848,Kamaru hu o nipalumaan aku a ariray kuni tu cuwa kasiwtuken tanamen a kumaen,take a seat you should try some organic corn that I grow,train +63848,63849,63849,anu nanitira i pusung kura Dipung,if this Japanese from Taitung,train +63849,63850,63850,anu maduka a maamaan a,if there is an accident or injury,test +63850,63851,63851,malecad,look as if,train +63851,63852,63852,Mifaca ci ina tu fuduy i lawac nu alu,mom is washing clothes by the river,train +63852,63853,63853,i pusung ku luma niyam,our family lives in Posong,train +63853,63854,63854,tu pakayniay tu i,additionally,train +63854,63855,63855,kura tiraay a mipiyaway haw i,this is because the rules for contracted courses are,train +63855,63856,63856,Tadakaesuay ku mitangtangan ningra tu lukut atu hakhak ira hu ku mapacamulay tu linnalu a kuhaw nu tefu masulut nu sanek ku alumanay a lafang misarayaray tu pulung a tayni i pipaacaan niyam,the ferns and sticky rice she cooked were delicious as well as the braised pork with macaw pepper and wild boar meat the flavors attracted many customers and everyone lined up at our stall,train +63856,63857,63857,u hulic ita i saan sa itiya ku yucung nira,but our regulation is as a standard,train +63857,63858,63858,mangasanay mafana kisu tu mangasanay,do you know what that means,train +63858,63859,63859,u niyam hu a urip hatiniay ku acucul niyam,our life the committees gyro is this kind,train +63859,63860,63860,o pacarufacufay ku urad nu dadaya,rain at night brings fog,test +63860,63861,63861,lalumaan,friends and family,train +63861,63862,63862,suwal sa Singsiaw u suwal ni Musi i anu mapatay ku tamdaw yu cahu ka ciwawa i u kakalafafahien nu safa ku nanu fafahi nu kaka ningra a pawawa tu malutluc nu kaka ningra saan,Teacher they said Moses told us that if a man dies without having children his brother must marry the widow and have children for him,train +63862,63863,63863,ira ku micayfangay takuwanan,I was invited to collect and record the corpus,train +63863,63864,63864,Mifaca,washer,train +63864,63865,63865,ta pasifana han aku kamu kita itini a alumanay,I am here to tell you all about it,train +63865,63866,63866,tumekel,Forging,train +63866,63867,63867,iraw i Matadim natira iraw i Tapang nu lutuk u Matadim hananay cakapapina ku luma,you see there were not many families living on that side of the hill before Matthews Grove,train +63867,63868,63868,23 tanu harateng ni Yihufa ku pinengneng isu tu demak Han,do you see things from the LORDs point of view,train +63868,63869,63869,mahaenhaen ku urip hananay,it is a process of life,train +63869,63870,63870,suwal,telephone,test +63870,63871,63871,mitefing kura singciw i mitiliday kaku,I will start recording when the captains operating,train +63871,63872,63872,a saan ri tuʼeman tu,so it is dark,train +63872,63873,63873,Tadafa^det ku rumiad fetak san ku sera,the heat makes the earth crack,train +63873,63874,63874,mahaen mahaen anini haw,this is how it is done now,train +63874,63875,63875,satu ci tumuk haw,and the leader called out to them and said,train +63875,63876,63876,u maan kura iminingra,what does it mean,train +63876,63877,63877,cecay ku linay aku cacayat han ita,I only have an umbrella let us stick together,train +63877,63878,63878,palaeden,partition,train +63878,63879,63879,tengteng han,if that is the case pull up,train +63879,63880,63880,a taluma tu kita,we are going home soon,test +63880,63881,63881,Matefad nai kilang tu pisakalikalic nu ningra,no matter how good you are at climbing trees you will fall sometimes,train +63881,63882,63882,tu haen tayra iri,that is it,train +63882,63883,63883,Nanifafaeday a matefad ku urad,rain falls from the sky,train +63883,63884,63884,Lutac hatu kira laput a misafel,knead groundnut leaves while cooking,train +63884,63885,63885,papitatuy tu ku kaysiya tu ecay a tamina,the company has put me in charge of a ship,train +63885,63886,63886,^ecaw,glutinous rice wine,train +63886,63887,63887,cecaycecay tu,there is only one,train +63887,63888,63888,mafukil ku tau a mitengil,it is all so hard to understand,train +63888,63889,63889,u saifuan kaku sakalima kaku,I am number five in the middle,train +63889,63890,63890,nawhan papaytemek ku ulah tura kapah,each likes the young man,test +63890,63891,63891,Mafukil ku ruma a tamdaw a mies^es,some people do not whistle,train +63891,63892,63892,masenger,soaked,train +63892,63893,63893,Mamaumah niyam sanay kura wina ira,his mom thinks she is working for the family,train +63893,63894,63894,matupelakay,stripped,train +63894,63895,63895,saka mafana ku matuʼasay a mipangangan kina niyaru,that is why the elders are so good at naming their tribes,train +63895,63896,63896,i suwal nu Pangcah a patireng haw,ethnic language learning environment,train +63896,63897,63897,Masikeda nu adada kaku anini,sickness has found me,train +63897,63898,63898,mitulun kaku tu saki tisuwanan,I am praying for you,train +63898,63899,63899,Safahka sa ku finawlan suwal sa Onini alatek kuya Wawa ni Tafiti hananay saan cangra,all the people were astonished and said Could this be the son of David,train +63899,63900,63900,malingad kaku tu rumiamiad a mitilid minanam kaku tu rumiamiad tu suwal nu Amis u papatengilen ku wina tu pisanu Amis aku,I go to school every day I learn the Amis language every day and I want to tell my mother,test +63900,63901,63901,sanay kura radiw nu wawa,the kid sang this song,train +63901,63902,63902,awaay ku nanum anu awaay kuna kali tuninian awa ku mipalumaan a lusay ta,if there was no water if there was no canal there would be no crops for us to grow,train +63902,63903,63903,Orasaka anu kakutu anu cangratu i unini ku nipatnakan niyam onini itu ku nipasulinan namu,Whether then it was I or they this is what we preach and this is what you believed,train +63903,63904,63904,malingad tu a misatapang,just go up the hill,train +63904,63905,63905,pasifanaʼen ku kaemangay nga,teach it to young children,train +63905,63906,63906,na iraay ku nangra a litapangan tu,subjects have their linguistic roots in the subject,train +63906,63907,63907,makumud kisu atu ina^ atu mama^ a muku^ haw,do you live with your parents,train +63907,63908,63908,anu mahaen mangaay kaku a mihatatanam tu tatiliden,if that is the case I can practice writing too,train +63908,63909,63909,rumakatay,walking,train +63909,63910,63910,nawhani u mamalahaklung kuya wawa nu tamdaw atu cuyuh ningra i dil nu wama ningra a miliyaw a tayni itiya i u dmak nu kahaccaccay a tamdaw ku malupiarawan ningra a pafli tu lifun i cangraan,for the son of man is going to come in his Fathers glory with his angels and then he will reward each person according to what he has done,test +63910,63911,63911,maherekay tu haw mafana ku itiniay haw i minatu,the pier has received this message,train +63911,63912,63912,o suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i Tuna pasulin kaku saka mipalusiyang kaku saan tuna malcad ku pitier nu falucu saka nanu pasulin niyam ku sapipalusiyang niyam,it is written I believed therefore I have spoken with that same Spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak,train +63912,63913,63913,hai hatiraan nu malitengay ku mira,Yes that is what the elders do,train +63913,63914,63914,itini kaku i a maru nu hatini,I am living in Huilong now,train +63914,63915,63915,iyanghwatan,carbon monoxide Co,train +63915,63916,63916,micumud patayra i salili,enter the barn,train +63916,63917,63917,onini a tamdaw i u wawa nu misakilangay a sayhu kiya saw caay ku ina ningra ci Mariya saw caay ku safa ningra tu fainayan ci Yakup aci Yusif aci Simun aci Yuta saw,Is not this the carpenters son is not his mothers name Mary and are not his brothers James Joseph Simon and Judas,train +63917,63918,63918,saʼicelen saan ku kakitaan kalas nu niyaru,tribal leaders and elders say to go all out,train +63918,63919,63919,ira kura kafanaan aku haw,there are some that I know,train +63919,63920,63920,Kadat han ni panay ku fukes ni Osay,Panay combs Osays hair,test +63920,63921,63921,haen han aku haw paini tu nani rakatan aku nanu mamang tangasa anini,just this overview of my hard times,train +63921,63922,63922,fangcal tu kilimen aku kisu a malahulul,I am doing great I came to chat with you,train +63922,63923,63923,Papicipuhen kira wawa ta misaaning,tell the kid to finish his makeup and go back to the show,train +63923,63924,63924,kimulu,circle,train +63924,63925,63925,Muktep tu ku mihcaan nu maku i anini a mihca,I am years old,train +63925,63926,63926,sangaay tu ku namu han nira a milicay kiya takula,Take care he said to the frogs,train +63926,63927,63927,o limlaay tu urip nu tireng a tamdaw i u mamafalah ningra ku urip ningra o kinafalahay tu urip ningra i u mamilayap tu urip cingra,whoever tries to keep his life will lose it and whoever loses his life will preserve it,train +63927,63928,63928,nanitiya i nanu kamangan naku,when I was a kid,train +63928,63929,63929,kungfen,gram,train +63929,63930,63930,anu tayra tu kura malitengay i,if the old man goes,test +63930,63931,63931,tada ngaayay ku pinanam nu misu,your grades are excellent,train +63931,63932,63932,kapah,desirable,train +63932,63933,63933,tahini tu i ciwnisay,at years old,train +63933,63934,63934,Naengen aku ku tusa pulu,I will just save twenty dollars,train +63934,63935,63935,yawcise,Pharmacist,train +63935,63936,63936,anu hakuwaay i caaytu ka pa^kel nu mamapuni canira u masangaay o mamikaputtu canira tu tadamaanay a urip nu wawa nu Kawas a mapakunira,that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God,train +63936,63937,63937,kisu ku hanen aku,I mean you,train +63937,63938,63938,cupa san irey,Nearby,train +63938,63939,63939,Makerid nira kaku,he led me,train +63939,63940,63940,saalaf^afen,heat distortion,test +63940,63941,63941,ci Hitaka singsi i,what about Mr Hidaka,train +63941,63942,63942,Nikawrira cahu ka fana i takuwanan ku kalukiwkay itira i Yutaya,I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ,train +63942,63943,63943,ina ka madiw hu cecay,Mom sing a song,train +63943,63944,63944,ira hu kuya malitengay tayra i luma,the old man went to see me at home again,train +63944,63945,63945,ira ku mahecaday masa paputal nu Kiw Kay a,there is a foreign brother and sister here,train +63945,63946,63946,masaupu ku lufang,the seniors will gather for a meeting,train +63946,63947,63947,i ʼayaw haw i,early on,train +63947,63948,63948,ku niyaru namu,the tribe will be peaceful and happy,train +63948,63949,63949,aluman ku milicayay,a lot of people ask questions,train +63949,63950,63950,itiya i talifahal sa a ira ku tataangay a faliyus i fanaw Matahpu nu taplik ku tamina nikawrira mafuti ci Yis,without warning a furious storm came up on the lake so that the waves swept over the boat but Jesus was sleeping,test +63950,63951,63951,nikamaen,stammer,train +63951,63952,63952,Papituuren ni Musi kamu tu nu krit a lisin midmak kamu tunini a krit a lisin tu Paslaan a Rumiad,Yet because Moses gave you circumcision you circumcise a child on the Sabbath,train +63952,63953,63953,yu mitulun tu saki tamuwanan i mararid kami a mikansiya tu Kawas uya wama nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu,we always thank God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ when we pray for you,train +63953,63954,63954,makilim ita ku suʼlinay a adingu,we will find the true souls of the Aborigines,train +63954,63955,63955,cay ka vana kami i lalavu tu,we did not know we were in his belly,train +63955,63956,63956,salikakaaw aku anu ira i tamuwanan ku miliyasay tu sulin a tamdaw anu cima namu ku mikriday i cingraan a papipatatiku i,my brothers if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back,train +63956,63957,63957,nasaan i tayni tu i tansuy matuas tu kuya wawa aku,by the time we moved to Freshwater the kids were already grown,train +63957,63958,63958,itini i patireng cangra i itni sanay luma a milihay,I want to build a church in and I am going to do worship at home for the time being in and,train +63958,63959,63959,Orasaka tuna maktuntu namu ku suwal i ayaw saka kalah han aku ku salikaka a pakiayaw aku a patayra i tamuwanan a papipatala tuya sapadahuf namu ta caay pisaidiidi kamu a pasadak ta u nanu lipahak namu ku pipatala saan ku harateng aku,so I thought it necessary to urge the brothers to visit you in advance and finish the arrangements for the generous gift you had promised then it will be ready as a generous gift not as one grudgingly given,train +63959,63960,63960,o pikilidungan tu cidal pikiadingan tu urad atu pikidihekuan ku luma,a home is a shelter from the sun rain and heat,test +63960,63961,63961,ca ka ciwawa kaku,I am not pregnant,train +63961,63962,63962,Malasaayaway nu mita ci Yis a micumud itira a malataypiyaw ita a matayal o midu^duay cingra ci Milikicitikan a midauc a malasakakaay a Citudungay tu Taung,where Jesus who went before us has entered on our behalf he has become a high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek,train +63962,63963,63963,satapangan tu aku kisu pasifana,I will start teaching you,train +63963,63964,63964,Ngaay hu ci Sintu kaku,Hello I am Sinto,train +63964,63965,63965,fufu,mom,train +63965,63966,63966,saka tusa satu haw i,secondly the desire to lose ones mind,train +63966,63967,63967,umi,tenderness,train +63967,63968,63968,tingalaway,bottle,train +63968,63969,63969,Hay tulu^ pulu tu ku daduy aku i matini^,Yes I weigh kilograms now,train +63969,63970,63970,Rungac,female name,test +63970,63971,63971,malitengay itiya hu itini Paʼanifang i,when the elders were in Hing Cheong,train +63971,63972,63972,suwalen nura wina nira caay pitengil nika sa,he did not even listen to his mom,train +63972,63973,63973,saka mi tayra han ku sinpu tira i Cunhe a sinpu,before the event the priest will call the priests of the Neutral Zone,train +63973,63974,63974,Pasuvanaay,Teacher,train +63974,63975,63975,yan tu i,and then,train +63975,63976,63976,natiniay i cuwaccuwaay a kasawidangwidang nu masaninaninaay,that is from anywhere good friends and relatives,train +63976,63977,63977,hinukifidengal,cypress,train +63977,63978,63978,sisa itiya han tu u nu Pukpuk kiniyan haw,So it is thinly veiled,train +63978,63979,63979,patuu han aku samanen adada kiya faʼinay aku i siwing,she was hospitalized because her husband was unwell,train +63979,63980,63980,anu talapitilidan tu anca minukay tu,whether you are going to school or coming home,test +63980,63981,63981,mi^mi,Acupressure,train +63981,63982,63982,dakaw sa hu ci Osay rumakat tu ku cinamalay,Osay had just stepped onto the train when it started,train +63982,63983,63983,hanu pakaala kisu tuniyan,how did you get these,train +63983,63984,63984,tipus aca,rice and,train +63984,63985,63985,ta minukay i,when I get back,train +63985,63986,63986,rifuwas,fill out,train +63986,63987,63987,hatira tumes han tu kura iya ira haw,that is how you fill up the tank,train +63987,63988,63988,sapaterung,gifts,train +63988,63989,63989,mangaʼay hakiya nanumenta ku nanum nu ci Lingacay a satu ku pasasa nu faalucu,we may think that the water in Lingya is drinkable,train +63989,63990,63990,matawa tu kaku tayra tu kaku minengnengen tura malitengay,I am just happy to be there and see the old people,test +63990,63991,63991,milalad,climb,train +63991,63992,63992,anu caay kamu pisulul tu tireng aku lina,if you do not make me whole,train +63992,63993,63993,mahecad hu itiya hu,just like the old man,train +63993,63994,63994,u nian ku aalaen taurh han kuni,this ones for pulling out,train +63994,63995,63995,Licayaw hu aku kisu tu kapaysinan nu miadupay a demak,I would like to ask you about the taboos of hunting,train +63995,63996,63996,a miladum san iraw ku piladuman,told to go there to fetch water from so far away,train +63996,63997,63997,o maakukay nu ceka nu futing ciira i huni,he just choked on a wishbone,train +63997,63998,63998,Miliyuk a minengneng ci mama tu umah nira,dad looks around the field,train +63998,63999,63999,mitadem,burial,train +63999,64000,64000,nukay kami mitafesiw kami yu,we have been back there too,test +64000,64001,64001,maaʼilu ku Luhuk kiyami tu pakayra,Lohas Valley tribe fights for water,train +64001,64002,64002,tu dadaya micudad,evening reading,train +64002,64003,64003,ciwikulay,have a tail,train +64003,64004,64004,i ciiraan a masiday ku paysu,the money was lost to him,train +64004,64005,64005,talatuas,offer sacrifices to ones ancestors,train +64005,64006,64006,caay nu Pangcah,No Amis,train +64006,64007,64007,o rumiad ku sakatayni isu ngaaytu,you should come in the day time,train +64007,64008,64008,tusa plu ira ku tusa,twenty two,train +64008,64009,64009,mipakarung,to set a standard,train +64009,64010,64010,pesus han kiya hayhayhay uraan alaen papacem citapad papacem citapad tu raan,I leave early in the morning,test +64010,64011,64011,a lutuk hananay,hungry mountain God,train +64011,64012,64012,naca aʼalʼaen aku saan kutau misanga kaku milingsiw saan,what if someone wants to practice their craft,train +64012,64013,64013,salataang,to respond with pride,train +64013,64014,64014,Fangpyenay kuni,it is more convenient,train +64014,64015,64015,o paadifay kaku tu tumatu i pala anu huni,I am going to set up a fence in the tomato garden later,train +64015,64016,64016,talacuwa ku rakat nu mita,where are we going,train +64016,64017,64017,ya ruma tu ku tiniay nisa ku falucu aku,I thought to myself Are the beliefs in Taipei different,train +64017,64018,64018,Masasurut tu hiyakuing,we need each,train +64018,64019,64019,tayni tu i kakawasan i suʼelin miingiday tu pusung,I have come to Shishan tribe near Taitung City,train +64019,64020,64020,hatiniay a demak i mikilumaʼay a tamdaw i masamaan san haw i,This Trespassers,test +64020,64021,64021,u maku a fufu fufu ira,my grandmother and her grandmother,train +64021,64022,64022,Setul han nu utafay kira rumakatay a ina,the mom who was walking was hit by a motorcycle,train +64022,64023,64023,ca fayi aku ku mihikuay tina dadahalay a pala,my aunts cultivated this wide field,train +64023,64024,64024,ta minukay tayni i,I will go back to Nagahama junior high School,train +64024,64025,64025,anu caʼay haʼenen nu mita i caʼay picumud ku cilah,if you do not the salt will not penetrate the meat,train +64025,64026,64026,adihay ku kararuman nu falucu aku anini,there are a lot of things that make me grieve at present,train +64026,64027,64027,liyuc,rotate,train +64027,64028,64028,masaʼupu tu i tini satu haw i mareku tu ku niyaru ita,all gathered here to form a complete tribe,train +64028,64029,64029,awaihu,No it is not,train +64029,64030,64030,kurira kelang hananay,that is the meaning of Hachigami,test +64030,64031,64031,pangangan tu nu Dipung itiyahu,it is been registered since the days of the Japanese,train +64031,64032,64032,samanen haw i u mifutingay,that is why boat runners,train +64032,64033,64033,a pananukas tu anucila,I will be back tomorrow,train +64033,64034,64034,tatihi ira iraay tu maʼaraw ku mangutaay,I can see the muddy river next to me,train +64034,64035,64035,situper,wear,train +64035,64036,64036,mafana miraradiw mafana mikimad,there are singers there are speakers,train +64036,64037,64037,Malaawaayay ku epuc nu nitayalan nu misu,the results of your work,train +64037,64038,64038,pasuelin,be convinced,train +64038,64039,64039,Masedi ku pising nira,his face is smiling,train +64039,64040,64040,o kangalayan aku a ngaayay i caay pidmak kaku o kausian aku a tatiihay i dmaken aku,for what I do is not the good I want to do no the evil I do not want to do this I keep on doing,test +64040,64041,64041,hatira ku ni paini nu maku tu patafu hananay,that is all I have to say about the story of the rice packet,train +64041,64042,64042,hatihatini amin,they are all a little wide,train +64042,64043,64043,tira ku nu niyam a pihayluan ri,we were in the navy and army there,train +64043,64044,64044,u suvuc nu maku itini i Miyamay haw,I was born in Mayanmar,train +64044,64045,64045,cetaw,equator,train +64045,64046,64046,saka pangangan han nira tu tenem hananay a ngangan kira lutuk,so he named the mountain salt Spring,train +64046,64047,64047,natataak ku itiniyay a taku,formation of small ponds here is very large,train +64047,64048,64048,anu caay kakilim tu i,if you cannot find it,train +64048,64049,64049,Haluya miucuray takuwanan a wama a pawacay tu pakayniay i Takuwanan Caayhu ka tngil namu ku ngiha ningra Caayhu ka araw namu ku tireng ningra,and the father who sent me has himself testified concerning me you have never heard his voice nor seen his form,train +64049,64050,64050,aacaen,I will take it,test +64050,64051,64051,tu danguyyun aca,we must use bamboo rafts,train +64051,64052,64052,u manikaway ku urip,a cold life,train +64052,64053,64053,sapatiked,fishing tackle,train +64053,64054,64054,matukinih ku rakat,unbalanced walk,train +64054,64055,64055,mapatay tu ci baki niyam iri,our grandfather is dead,train +64055,64056,64056,fudawan,gold,train +64056,64057,64057,o citangalay kami saan cangra tu tireng Arawhani u maapaay aca cangra,although they claimed to be wise they became fools,train +64057,64058,64058,Mulesa ku caykeng ni akung aku i sefi,the water tank in my grandfathers kitchen is cracked and leaking,train +64058,64059,64059,nu Taywan sa misanu Taywan a ku ruma,Besides if you want to become Min Min you should only speak Min,train +64059,64060,64060,misakavi pasavelan nu heni tu vuting,they add it to the fish soup when they cook it,test +64060,64061,64061,hai aray han kisu,thank you very much,train +64061,64062,64062,nanuyanan tu haw i,afterwards,train +64062,64063,64063,ngitngit,nibble,train +64063,64064,64064,paedil,sidelight up,train +64064,64065,64065,kina cecayay matengilay aku ku kimad i kasaˈupuan sumuwalay ku mikimaday tu Yakup 123 24 patatinakuan nu sinael ku Fangcalay Cudad tu dadinguan,Once I was listening to a talk at the speaker quoted James and pointed out that the Scripture compares the Bible to a mirror and by reading the Bible we can see ourselves from Gods point of view,train +64065,64066,64066,itiiya i tatusa hu ku wawa na ina ci rengus ci Masaku ci panay,mom only had two children at the time,train +64066,64067,64067,u nanum nu niyam u sakamawmah,our water is used to irrigate farms,train +64067,64068,64068,Sikumu kami sapidanguy,we are wearing life preservers,train +64068,64069,64069,awaay kura tepatepa sanay awaay haw awaay ku tepatepa sanay,there is no such thing as a lazy roar,train +64069,64070,64070,anca muraraway kunini a pitayal isu sanu kuwaping han aku i mapuiʼay cingra,or they do not like it when you point out their construction mistakes in Chinese,test +64070,64071,64071,hatini kiyami katataak,it is the size of a mackerel,train +64071,64072,64072,maadangen,disturb by making a noise,train +64072,64073,64073,mihicay cara,they are going for the fry,train +64073,64074,64074,tu hiya,those,train +64074,64075,64075,itiya satu anu hacuhacuwa icuwacuwa ku niyaru namu u masasukapahay u lipahakay ku nikauri,at this time your tribe will be at peace and happy in any situation,train +64075,64076,64076,saka tusa a remiad nu lisin,the second day of the Toyotomi Festival,train +64076,64077,64077,dengan u kuhaw yustu kunu itiyaay hu adateng,there is only one kind of soup,train +64077,64078,64078,mikidiheku,warm oneself,train +64078,64079,64079,saan,results,train +64079,64080,64080,maruray kaku minengneng malinah kaku hanaku,I am tired of watching it I said I would move,test +64080,64081,64081,tayra a misalama san kiya ama niyam,my father said he is going to visit them,train +64081,64082,64082,pakuyuc awa ku sapimaan,there is nothing in the life of poverty,train +64082,64083,64083,idahi ku Pangcah,the Amis are fine,train +64083,64084,64084,pasifana ni ama aku i,dad taught us,train +64084,64085,64085,u niyaru nu niyam adihay ku widi,our tribe has a lot of leeches,train +64085,64086,64086,ci acun aca raecus kaku a semuwal,And uh I cannot say,train +64086,64087,64087,hayda malacafay kita a mipacemut anu cila,Sure let us go fishing together next time,train +64087,64088,64088,kaʼemang hu kamu fai i,Auntie when you were little,train +64088,64089,64089,misalafii,all night,train +64089,64090,64090,hitira sanay ku urip aku,this is my life,test +64090,64091,64091,anini tu misakimukimur miharateng,it is only now that I am starting to think about it,train +64091,64092,64092,mangalef tu miafasay tu fafahiyan,they even robbed women,train +64092,64093,64093,itiya sakafalu,until the eighth uh huh,train +64093,64094,64094,matumes nu lipahak ku falucu nu maku,my heart is full of joy,train +64094,64095,64095,u hatu u awul haw ku sapisanga tu luma hay hay hay,it is all about building houses out of bamboo right right,train +64095,64096,64096,san ku matuʼasay,the old man said so,train +64096,64097,64097,hatiraay saka tayni cingra i nu etipan haw i,when he comes from the west,train +64097,64098,64098,anu suʼelin limela ku Kitakit kitanan u Pangcah,let us assume that this country values its indigenous people very much,train +64098,64099,64099,anu irahu ku kakaenen atu riku ita i ma^dengtu kita,but if we have food and clothing we will be content with that,train +64099,64100,64100,u futing i,where is the fish,test +64100,64101,64101,militemuh kisu sa kiya fafahi,you will meet us,train +64101,64102,64102,faruru^,female Slinging basket,train +64102,64103,64103,i hani haen sa kaku mafana kisu mafekac,I just mentioned that you are a good sprinter,train +64103,64104,64104,maʼucul tu nu ina a misaʼafal itira kaku a mi haw,mom woke me up at to peel the shrimp,train +64104,64105,64105,u limecedan a tayra tura a luma,an unmarried woman went to that house,train +64105,64106,64106,pacait,hang,train +64106,64107,64107,aka piharateng tu nu hkalan ka u nu i kakarayanay ku sasarucuden namu a miharateng,set your minds on things above not on earthly things,train +64107,64108,64108,pakaulah nu sifu,praise from the government,train +64108,64109,64109,a hatiniay han,Ah so that is how it is,train +64109,64110,64110,asa tu kisu,maybe you do,test +64110,64111,64111,sivaru amin ku mahenay anini,they are all blooming like this now,train +64111,64112,64112,pasuwal sa ku finawlan O maaruay nu palafuay kisu Cima ku sapipatayananay tisuwanan saw han nangra,You are demon possessed the crowd answered Who is trying to kill you,train +64112,64113,64113,mahufuc kura ina ningra,when her mother gave birth to her,train +64113,64114,64114,malanguhahay,lovers,train +64114,64115,64115,kahina,as often as possible,train +64115,64116,64116,taluma tu hari nilimek kilim,when you go home hide and seek,train +64116,64117,64117,o masafalu^haytu a hufucen kamu caay ku nanu mapuheday a sapaluma a nihufucan u nanu caay ka puhed a sapaluma uya midaucay a mauripay a suwal nu Kawas a nihufucan,for you have been born again not of perishable seed but of imperishable through the living and enduring word of God,train +64117,64118,64118,malalicay haca caira,they were exchanging pleasantries,train +64118,64119,64119,maherek tu kisu a miasik hay,are you done sweeping,train +64119,64120,64120,niredatan,gap,test +64120,64121,64121,tilu,fig suffer a reverse,train +64121,64122,64122,Saʼiyaway han patalaayaw,start like this move forward,train +64122,64123,64123,Pinaun tura wacu,watch out for the dog,train +64123,64124,64124,silusi,Login,train +64124,64125,64125,masarekaday,graded,train +64125,64126,64126,Opir han nu matuasay ku asisiw a misanawa,the old man made a straw rope out of straw,train +64126,64127,64127,teli han tu nira ku iya kiya ku miciw,put the rice wine on the floor,train +64127,64128,64128,renec,it is very satisfying,train +64128,64129,64129,tadaadada^,ouch,train +64129,64130,64130,yu maherek miniwaniw,if pulling weeds is good,test +64130,64131,64131,ngaʼay hu,Hello,train +64131,64132,64132,widawidang itiya hu,friends,train +64132,64133,64133,o pisasutaan nu niyam itira,that is where we make the earth,train +64133,64134,64134,awaay ku widang nu maciemay a tamdaw,he who despises others has no friends,train +64134,64135,64135,i ilaay tu masadakay tu,Yo it is coming out,train +64135,64136,64136,tarawadaw,Creek,train +64136,64137,64137,o nisariwangan nu sayhu a misanga,it was built into a room by the Master,train +64137,64138,64138,mahapinangay tu haw saka hatira,did you see that that is how it is done,train +64138,64139,64139,Mapaflitu nu Kawas cingra tu tumliay mali^miay Fangcalay a muwa a riku saan,fine linen bright and clean was given her to wear,train +64139,64140,64140,talumatu,come back,test +64140,64141,64141,onini a sulinay a Adingu cingra caay pilayap ku tamdamdaw i Cingraan caay pakaaraw cangra caay ka fana ku tamdamdaw i Cingraan Nikawrira mararid a ira i urip namu cingra,the Spirit of truth the world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he lives with you and will be in you,train +64141,64142,64142,mafalic tu ku rarem nu uirp anini,a change in the economic living conditions of the current generation,train +64142,64143,64143,aadihay haw kira hiya isu kira matilaay isu,do you make a lot of stuff,train +64143,64144,64144,i kanatalay ku urip nu tamdaw,people live in this world,train +64144,64145,64145,kamaya,rough persimmon,train +64145,64146,64146,iri aku haw,what about me,train +64146,64147,64147,u lakelal ku ruma,Contains riverbed land,train +64147,64148,64148,es^es,whistle,train +64148,64149,64149,ura pucpuc i u maan ku tatudung nira,does the hairball mean anything to you,train +64149,64150,64150,ungted,burnt,test +64150,64151,64151,nu heni pirucek nu heni,equal language Rehabilitation,train +64151,64152,64152,caay haw kalcalcad ku kasubucan nu heni,they are not produced at the same time,train +64152,64153,64153,ura kaanengel ira haw i ngaʼayay a kaenen kura ka anengel ira unini ira i,its bitterness is palatable,train +64153,64154,64154,Nanuya kriden haca nu Palafuay ci Yis a tayra i Yirusalim patirengen nira cingra i apapunung nu Fangcalay Pitaungan suwal sa i Cingraan Anu u wawa nu Kawas kisu i nanitini pihitfu a pasila^nu,the devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple If you are the son of God he said throw yourself down from here,train +64154,64155,64155,hacuwa kami ri nilaliw,when have we ever deserted,train +64155,64156,64156,Salingses kaku,I responded with revulsion,train +64156,64157,64157,yu itira kami tu pinapina a rumiad i ira nai Yutaya a tayni ci Akapus hananay a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas,after we had been there a number of days a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea,train +64157,64158,64158,malakayciw kaku,after I became president,train +64158,64159,64159,o canglahantu anini,it is spring tine now,train +64159,64160,64160,nimaan kisu anusawni,what are you doing later,test +64160,64161,64161,onini i u palasawaday tu misawiliay misakakinihay kunini a ngangan atu pasifanaay a pahapinang au Tapang nu Taywan a tamdaw ku Yincumincu sanay,this correction not only did away with a discriminatory term but also highlighted the status of indigenous peoples as Taiwans original owners,train +64161,64162,64162,papadangan,I need help,train +64162,64163,64163,malakapah ku tayal nu matuasay,elderly people work like young people,train +64163,64164,64164,hay daya,it is elderberry,train +64164,64165,64165,tira lutukan hawtayra sa ku heni a,they went to the mountains when they get to the mountain,train +64165,64166,64166,awaawa ku nikerid nu maku tu maamaan,I did not bring anything with me,train +64166,64167,64167,mitapi i tahira sa i luma nura faʼinayai,the mans house is the place where you go to dedicate your work,train +64167,64168,64168,mapuniay,pulpy,train +64168,64169,64169,tiyam,store,train +64169,64170,64170,ku matira i anu u macuwa tu i nawhan kira itira iri,I also help the adults with the farming,test +64170,64171,64171,talapaputal,outside,train +64171,64172,64172,yu sidingki tuway caacaay pisanga tu tavukud atu,when there is electricity there is weaving a web of gossip and,train +64172,64173,64173,sa misiyakay i tiyahu,he is working there,train +64173,64174,64174,o cieduxay ca Kacaw,the Kasho family has strawberries,train +64174,64175,64175,latek talifahal sa a minukay cingra Saka caay ka ngaay a maaraw ningra ku nika futi namu,if he comes suddenly do not let him find you sleeping,train +64175,64176,64176,Nikawrira awaay ku palamitan i falucu saka caay ka halafin anu ira ku pades atu kariang tuna suwal nu Kawas i tangsul sa a misawad a mituur,but since they have no root they last only a short time when trouble or persecution comes because of the word they quickly fall away,train +64176,64177,64177,sa minukay away tu,so when I get home I will not,train +64177,64178,64178,Sukadi han nu wacu kira nipawalian a panay,the sun dried grain was trampled by the dogs,train +64178,64179,64179,Saka rakaten ningra ku pulung nu Kalili a mipatnak i kasaupuupuan a luma ta mifahfah tu palafuay,so he traveled throughout Galilee preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons,train +64179,64180,64180,misawidang tu matuˈasay salikaka wa patanektek tu pakasuˈlinay falucuˈ nu misu,being friends with older people will give you confidence,test +64180,64181,64181,vavahiyan a wawa,girl,train +64181,64182,64182,matalaw kaku madadengaʼdengaʼ caira,I am worried they will infect each other,train +64182,64183,64183,aka deng kuya suwal hananay,do not just talk about it,train +64183,64184,64184,anu ira ku mimaanay,if any of them do not participate,train +64184,64185,64185,u sakapitu tu haw pacuwah tu,that is seven tie it off,train +64185,64186,64186,misungilaay tu paliding,planning for the production of motor vehicles,train +64186,64187,64187,ira kunu fafahiyan ci Maysan anca nu faʼinayan faʼinayan iraay kunu niyam ci Maysan,Are there any men or women who call themselves buyers Yes men We have women who call themselves buyers too,train +64187,64188,64188,u malcadcaday tu a nipivuting,it is the same way of fishing,train +64188,64189,64189,caay tu kamaecad i ayawayhu,it does not mean what it used to mean,train +64189,64190,64190,kamu u fafahi i samatiyaen u nipihaklung tu Tapang ku pihaklung namu tu fainay nu tireng,Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord,test +64190,64191,64191,o maparariday kaku a mapalalinciw nu finawlan,I was kept on as a neighborhood leader by the tribesmen,train +64191,64192,64192,hatu ya akung niya tumuk i,even Grandpa who is the boss now,train +64192,64193,64193,Makaditay ku paenan sifinen hu,the floor is dirty go clean it,train +64193,64194,64194,karakusiw,malfunction,train +64194,64195,64195,kasiniʼadaan tu kami umi,we are really pathetic,train +64195,64196,64196,a itiyaen ku lumiʼad satu i,I would like to think so at that time,train +64196,64197,64197,o fainayan a safa^ nu misu ciira hay,is he your younger brother,train +64197,64198,64198,nga temehem tu aul kafekang misuʼut,tie it with bamboo strips to hold it in place,train +64198,64199,64199,lulu,four,train +64199,64200,64200,tayra i kungcang malatyekungcang,to work in the ironworks,test +64200,64201,64201,Navakuwan,Hualien city,train +64201,64202,64202,hay ura takula ku Tapang mafulaw a tayni,Yes it was for the frogs in the first place,train +64202,64203,64203,uh^uh,Gollum,train +64203,64204,64204,latek,Maybe,train +64204,64205,64205,maenmaen na ayam cika emin na panay,even if the chickens are eating they cannot eat all that rice,train +64205,64206,64206,caracar,wild lily,train +64206,64207,64207,Karaulat ku siraw naira,their cured meats are sinewy,train +64207,64208,64208,catu kafana a micelem,I do not know how to dive,train +64208,64209,64209,na i Kalingkuay kaku i nacila ni ulungan aku panukay kuna hemay,I brought this mocha back from Hualien yesterday,train +64209,64210,64210,a miheca tayni matenes tu,years that is a long time,test +64210,64211,64211,sasaka saʼusi han tu nu tumuk,So the ringleader started assigning jobs,train +64211,64212,64212,misaanekak,learn to be like a crow,train +64212,64213,64213,avel,charcoal,train +64213,64214,64214,natini i Tumiyac milakuwit tu lutuk,over the mountains from Taitung Chung an,train +64214,64215,64215,tuluen ku sapacik,it takes three nails,train +64215,64216,64216,edu^,mice,train +64216,64217,64217,Mahepikay ku sapikpik nu siminsiw i huni,just now the turkeys wings are drooping,train +64217,64218,64218,matira kumaku a paini titanan u sakatini u ci Lingacay a demak,I will tell you some things I know about the Lingya tribe,train +64218,64219,64219,karafukes,thick hair,train +64219,64220,64220,i saetipan ku pilecepan nu cidal,the sun is waning in the west,test +64220,64221,64221,mitakaway,thief,train +64221,64222,64222,ira ku pisisi nu tumuk kisu a ci tatudungay ci manan a mi sanga tu luma kisu i cima hacuwaʼay a rumiʼad i cuwa malingatu,the headman would assign the clan members to work such as whose house you were to build and what work another person was to help with with dates times and places planned,train +64222,64223,64223,misanga tu capa kaku,I am making a slingshot bow holder,train +64223,64224,64224,malusitu nu maku,students who want to learn from me,train +64224,64225,64225,marakamay,barefoot,train +64225,64226,64226,minanam tu kangaʼay nu mita misaumahay,learning from the professional knowledge of farmers,train +64226,64227,64227,u kunga i u sakangaʼay nu tireng saenen,groundnuts are good for your health so they say,train +64227,64228,64228,masadak tu tala i sekal,we are out we are on the shore,train +64228,64229,64229,saka mutep ila ku siwa tayni tusa pulu i,Nineteenth and twentieth,train +64229,64230,64230,Suped han a maemin ku nipafelian nu maku a cudad,I will give you a collection of all the books,test +64230,64231,64231,ila ku iya paseday nira,there is this brightly colored sword belt,train +64231,64232,64232,anu cahu kadeng ku kifetul anusay,if you think it is not thick enough,train +64232,64233,64233,kami tatusa kiya safa aku,I am with my brother,train +64233,64234,64234,saka itiya kita ira ku cecay a matuʼasay,so we had an elder at that time,train +64234,64235,64235,Matuduh,burned,train +64235,64236,64236,Miicefus tu hana kaku,I am going to water the flowers,train +64236,64237,64237,mahaen ku nu aniniay tuya han ya matuʼasay hu haw,the elders said at that time I have become the way I am now,train +64237,64238,64238,mahaen iri,that is it,train +64238,64239,64239,u mantaay caka kahi ku niyam,we do not use green thatch,train +64239,64240,64240,Suˈlin hatiraay ku lalengawan aku cuwa ka pirienang kaku tu Naci cuwa ka mala siwni kaku,Despite my family background I did not become a Nazi party member or a nun,test +64240,64241,64241,pala^,areas outside the city,train +64241,64242,64242,mansa maharateng aku,So I thought,train +64242,64243,64243,papisaupu,set,train +64243,64244,64244,ha hatiniay ku sapisanga nu liteng ita,Ha so this is how our elders made it,train +64244,64245,64245,micuafay,boring person,train +64245,64246,64246,sawsawen iya sa anu tatiʼih,and then to clean it if it does not work,train +64246,64247,64247,tangsul ma,Immediately,train +64247,64248,64248,u paytiye hananay,the white iron,train +64248,64249,64249,hatira,that way,train +64249,64250,64250,Du^du sa i kita u mausaway a maurip ku mamikaput i cangraan a makakuy a tayra i tuem a malalitmuh atu Tapang i fatad nu kakarayan Saka u mamidauc kita a mikaput tu Tapang,after that we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we will be with the Lord forever,test +64250,64251,64251,hatini hannay ku kayam a milaya,measure with your arms spread out,train +64251,64252,64252,namu,You,train +64252,64253,64253,ini ku kuwa,this is a papaya,train +64253,64254,64254,hatu iraay kuni kaucedi,it is like the human body has an invisible magnetic field,train +64254,64255,64255,haw minanamay tu kamu kiyami,did not you learn that,train +64255,64256,64256,pacuwah pacuwah pacuwah hanen,must be pierced pierced through,train +64256,64257,64257,edid,barley,train +64257,64258,64258,u satapang kurira tu nika u rumaruma cayay tu ka hiya,it was in the beginning the other tribes did not have that,train +64258,64259,64259,8 o ruma i nulitengan a finawlan ni Yihufa tanu dafung atu payci midama tu ciˈinurungay i piduyungan a tamdaw,Also the ancient people of the Lord would support financially those who were leaders in worship,train +64259,64260,64260,tahanini kumaʼen tu sapaiyu mahaenay,they are all on medication now,test +64260,64261,64261,ku Rikec nu Ripun,of the Chikagawa people,train +64261,64262,64262,tini i Cilangasan saan,stories from the hills of Chilterns,train +64262,64263,64263,Sakinutamdawan a demak atu sarikec a harateng caayay kalecad ku kasafinacadan nu Pangcah nika ira ku cecay kalalecadan awaay mapalatilid ku sarikec maemin duedu saan tu pinangan a sausi,the concepts of morality and law among the Amis vary from dialect to dialect but they have one thing in common there is no written law they are based on customary law,train +64263,64264,64264,anu cay su pakaefer tu talukan irey,if you cannot jump out of the coop,train +64264,64265,64265,cecay kaku u faʼinayan a wawa,I am the only one who is a boy,train +64265,64266,64266,mikuli tu amin ku aniniyay a wawa,kids are working now,train +64266,64267,64267,hemay,rice,train +64267,64268,64268,sa kaku a minengngen tuni ini,when I looked at this thing I thought,train +64268,64269,64269,micuayay,avenger,train +64269,64270,64270,kavana,realize,test +64270,64271,64271,palimekan u wawa nu luma,the kids at home are hiding,train +64271,64272,64272,itiniay i niyaru,home,train +64272,64273,64273,Mapacekil nu kimad isu ku falucu niyam a mapulung,your sermon has awakened us all,train +64273,64274,64274,Papikununen nu singsi kami a papisafalucu tu ruray nu matuasay a papicudad i tamiyanan,teachers make us get down on our knees and think about the old man who worked so hard to get us to read,train +64274,64275,64275,payawan hu tamuwanan,whatever you know,train +64275,64276,64276,tingruh,floor,train +64276,64277,64277,sasurut,contributions,train +64277,64278,64278,mamasiku,Successes,train +64278,64279,64279,Pilien ni Pawlu ci Silas paturud hantu nu salikaka cangra i mikumi nu Tapang a papidiput ta liyas satu cangra,but Paul chose Silas and left commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord,train +64279,64280,64280,anu kalingadan itu pahanhan kaku,I have to take time off when the farm is busy,test +64280,64281,64281,sanay tu kura singsi ira,that is what the teacher said,train +64281,64282,64282,o sulinay a matayalay tu saki pulung nu dmak nu luma nu Kawas ci Musi onini i u ccay nu pipaliayaw ningra tu i ikuray a sasuwalen nu Kawas a dmak,Moses was faithful as a servant in all Gods house testifying to what would be said in the future,train +64282,64283,64283,suʼlin tu rumadiw hu ku,Really there are other peers who want to sing,train +64283,64284,64284,saka tulu^ u icep atu facidul itini i taliyuk nu luma caay kanca ira ku nipaluma^ tu icep atu facidul saka u cecay nu kacipinangan nu niyaru nu Pangcah kunini,betel nut and breadfruit trees which are planted all around the Amis tribes homes have also become a specialty of the Amis tribe,train +64284,64285,64285,mahetikay,it is falling,train +64285,64286,64286,malisawut,set,train +64286,64287,64287,i adawangay a macait ku paya nu luma aku,my house sign hangs in the doorway,train +64287,64288,64288,ngangan,Name,train +64288,64289,64289,saku kadafu aku tangitangi aku,I cried out,train +64289,64290,64290,i tukayay ku luma nu maku,my home is in the city,test +64290,64291,64291,i katuemanan a midatuk ku kapah u sapitiyaluk tu furafurayan,a young man plays the harmonium at night as a way of inviting young girls,train +64291,64292,64292,malikec tu ku difun nu misu,so you do not run out of paychecks,train +64292,64293,64293,miala kiya ekim na wadis,it is got gold dentures,train +64293,64294,64294,Matucepi nu kulung ku kaciicel nu cepi nu kapah,the youths legs are as strong as a bulls,train +64294,64295,64295,kilakilangan,wooded mountain,train +64295,64296,64296,malaatang,turned into charcoal,train +64296,64297,64297,mahaenay anini sa cacay kita caay caay,it is the same as it is now Oh no no No,train +64297,64298,64298,ha u maan kiniyan kiya,what the hell is this,train +64298,64299,64299,misanga sa matu mapawanay tu,in the process of making it it seems to have been forgotten,train +64299,64300,64300,miasisiw,pick up straw,test +64300,64301,64301,mahaen naca ku Taywan ku nipacaʼit naiira,the Minnan people have a custom of hanging dead cats from trees,train +64301,64302,64302,u mahiraay sa ku demak namu,is that the only kind of work you do,train +64302,64303,64303,u paulisananay tu valucu a tamdaw kaku,I am a simple man,train +64303,64304,64304,a paluwad tu suwal nu Pangcah haw i,revitalizing the Amis language,train +64304,64305,64305,i nangen kaku mimawmah i nangen ku faʼinay aku mimawmah,my husband and I have always been diligent and responsible,train +64305,64306,64306,talacuwaan,even though,train +64306,64307,64307,u epah u nanum idengay tu u icep,wine and water are fine betel nut,train +64307,64308,64308,mangalay kaku a keman tu tali,I want to eat taro,train +64308,64309,64309,anu i cuwacuwa tu anu tala tukus kita i,no matter where we go in the mountains,train +64309,64310,64310,Pacauf sa kuya maumahay a tamdaw a sumuwal Tawkiaw palihaenenhu tunini a mihcaan Karkaren aku ku taliyuk a mitanam a pahiliw,Sir the man replied leave it alone for one more year and I will dig around it and fertilize it,test +64310,64311,64311,Saruruken nu Kawas kita u tamdaw itini i hekal,God has set us apart for generations on earth,train +64311,64312,64312,caay tu kalecad ku aniniay,it is different now,train +64312,64313,64313,iraan,there are,train +64313,64314,64314,anu awaay ku nipaliwliw tu niyaru,without perimeter security measures,train +64314,64315,64315,Paamel ciira a mimetmet tu kamay,he shook hands with a secret trickster,train +64315,64316,64316,piterungan,crux,train +64316,64317,64317,nawhani paci^ci han ningra ku pulung nu kasakitakit a patakid tu sakiudang a ^pah makakaudang atuya fafahiyan ku hungtingti nunini a hkal ci^tan ku mipatiyamay nunini a hkal nai maudangay a dmak ningra saan,for all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries the kings of the earth committed adultery with her and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries,train +64317,64318,64318,pasuwal han nu Fangcalay Adingu ci Filip Rauden kura paliding ningra a mihaklung han ningra,the Spirit told Philip Go to that chariot and stay near it,train +64318,64319,64319,dungdungsa tu lalan a,following the road until,train +64319,64320,64320,Macuraf ku katayalan niyam i ruma a fulad,our factory burned down last month,test +64320,64321,64321,taluma tu amin ku heni,they have all gone back,train +64321,64322,64322,caay ka terep caay ka pela ku tangal nu maku itiya sa,no sprains or broken skin,train +64322,64323,64323,u mita u niyaru,origin of the tribe,train +64323,64324,64324,misyakayay tu,I have been out on the job,train +64324,64325,64325,vakiyaw mavana kamu tu dateng nu Pangcah,Grandpa do you know the Amis wild vegetables,train +64325,64326,64326,o pakahengangay tu nanum kuni,this will stain the water red,train +64326,64327,64327,malalicay samaan kita idang makakaput,friends and classmates discussing work with each other,train +64327,64328,64328,nengnengen nengnengen,check it out,train +64328,64329,64329,liyuten nira a mirangat,that is how he did it for one lap,train +64329,64330,64330,Patamuden ku sasangaen isu a epang,leaven the bread you are making,test +64330,64331,64331,mialutuc,pick up a sharp tailed snail,train +64331,64332,64332,ku nikarevahuy nu mahiniay a hiya,that is how marbles fly,train +64332,64333,64333,Suluten aku tu lukuungki ku nipakungkuan ni akung,I used a tape recorder to record the story told by Grandpa,train +64333,64334,64334,madeng salafii sarumiʼad ta tahira sa,it takes about a day and a night to get to Taitung,train +64334,64335,64335,anini nengneng han ku cilumaʼay nu Yincumincu,Taiwans average ownership rate for indigenous peoples housing is also the lowest,train +64335,64336,64336,Hayda miaca kita tu sasipasip,Well I still have to buy erasers,train +64336,64337,64337,a sa,this breathalyzer test and the breathalyzer test is,train +64337,64338,64338,micudad tu i kawcung ku wawa aku,my kid is in high school,train +64338,64339,64339,Arapu,Arabian,train +64339,64340,64340,i tiniay i pusung u Singku a tamdaw kaku,I am from Chenggong Taitung,test +64340,64341,64341,karasiday,missing in action,train +64341,64342,64342,hemaw a tengilen ku suwal nira,his words are easy to receive,train +64342,64343,64343,sipakayni i calay ku nu niyam,and ours with the help of spider silk,train +64343,64344,64344,anu mapades ku ccay a caang i mapades itu ku pulung nu caang anu makahmek ku ccay a caang i lipahak a ma^min ku caang,if one part suffers every part suffers with it if one part is honored every part rejoices with it,train +64344,64345,64345,hatiya satu i ni anipay tu i,it is because of the rice planting,train +64345,64346,64346,makapahay,lovely,train +64346,64347,64347,maparafacay,free,train +64347,64348,64348,mikiʼeciw aca rumadiw aca ngaʼayay tu,it does not matter if you are leading or singing,train +64348,64349,64349,telaydingwa,telephone,train +64349,64350,64350,o manan ku padamaay tu nulitengan madimadiay a sikawdan makahi a mitala ci Yihufaan,why were the faithful servants of old willing to wait on the LORD,test +64350,64351,64351,suy suy itiya kami,I was years old,train +64351,64352,64352,misasiwkay kaku tu ngangan nu maku i,that is why I would like to introduce you to my name,train +64352,64353,64353,ngangan nu ci Akila hay tahatini ku karetengan nu maku,that name that is what I have been trying to figure out,train +64353,64354,64354,Hai u micaliwan aku anini i cingraan,Yes I borrowed it from him today,train +64354,64355,64355,caay katangsa i dues,still cannot get to the bone marrow,train +64355,64356,64356,micacakay,chef,train +64356,64357,64357,ya matuʼasay ya malitengay,the seniors the elders,train +64357,64358,64358,hatu mikapulungay misafulucuʼay kami misafulucuʼay,and a lot of other dedicated people who share the same philosophy,train +64358,64359,64359,Kacipitaw a mitali,you need to bring hoes to dig taro,train +64359,64360,64360,o citiliday a kiradum kunini,this cloth is patterned,test +64360,64361,64361,Ciingay tu tanektekay a pakayraan ku urip nira,he has a firm model for life,train +64361,64362,64362,ka u nipipalada namu i pakuyuc tura iraay i takid atu sala namu ku ngaay ta makuractu a ma^min ku maamaan namu,but give what is inside the dish to the poor and everything will be clean for you,train +64362,64363,64363,riting,add,train +64363,64364,64364,o maan ku suwal nu malitengay ita,what did our old man say,train +64364,64365,64365,samaan kita miˈaca ci Yihufaan tu suˈlinay kimad,how do we buy truth from the Lord,train +64365,64366,64366,Aka pinaang i tini i hkal tu maludafung namu nawhani anu haenen namu i ira ku aayad a mikaen u mamatayi a mapuhed o rumasatu u mamatakaw nu mitakaway a tamdaw,Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal,train +64366,64367,64367,adidiay a puut,knife,train +64367,64368,64368,singsi hay singsi mafanaʼay kaku,Teacher I know,train +64368,64369,64369,sisa aka kita ka pawan,So let us just remember not to,train +64369,64370,64370,pasadak han ku raridiw nu tireng,show me your voice,test +64370,64371,64371,fitelak han nira u hakhak haca,open it and it is sticky rice again,train +64371,64372,64372,Pacacuruken ku situ isu a miasip,tell your students to take turns reading the text,train +64372,64373,64373,pisaluna,stay,train +64373,64374,64374,tangtang han kiya hiya ra u remes kuranan kira hay,because it is blood you cook it,train +64374,64375,64375,hatira aca ku maku sasuwalen akuwiday,this is the end of my report thank you,train +64375,64376,64376,i cepuay a niyaru nu Siwkulan a tarawadaw ku kasufucan nira,his birthplace was in the tribe at the end of the Xiuguluan River,train +64376,64377,64377,hay wa anini mahaen ku Taywan mikinunuhʼurip namu i ayaw,Yeah Wow Wowby now in fact the Hans are picking it up,train +64377,64378,64378,Pasifana ku singsi niyam a misanga tu tiftif anini^ a rumiad,today our teacher taught us how to make a mouth harp,train +64378,64379,64379,macakat i tungruh nu luma nu kakitaan atu aisedan a mifarasi tu ecaw nanay masayir ku kaluadada nu tamdaw u sanay,the priestess climbed up to the roof of the head house and sprinkled sweet wine on the people as a sign of exorcism and to cure them of various diseases,train +64379,64380,64380,Rumakatay kami tu 8 kungli tayra i lumaˈ ni Kerus a masaˈupu,a few of us walked eight kilometers to brother Cruzs home for the meeting,test +64380,64381,64381,nipaadingan,Sidekick,train +64381,64382,64382,papadutuc,continue,train +64382,64383,64383,malahuk wawa caay kasan itakuwan,he did not tell me the kids were coming for Chinese food,train +64383,64384,64384,fuhecalay tudung ci malataw a Kawas kuhetingay tudung mitapalay a Kawas langdaway tudung ci Tiyamacan Kawas nu riyar kandaway tudung u sera kaliyalaway tudung u tamdaw saan ku suwal nira tu pakacengelay,white represents the God of agriculture black represents the ancestral spirits Tiyamacan the God of the sea is blue green represents the land and yellow represents the people,train +64384,64385,64385,Malcad titaanan ku nipilayap nangra tu Fangcalay Adingu Saka maanen ita ku nika ^ca painu i cangraan saw saan,Can anyone keep these people from being baptized with water they have received the Holy Spirit just as we have,train +64385,64386,64386,pakayni mifana tu nu tireng a serangawan mingudu tu matuasay sakitamdaw sakatanestes nu tatirengan minanam tu radiw atu keru mifana tu pinanuwang atu pinalengaw talalutuk miadup atu talariyar mifuting hatini ka adihay ku taneng tu sakaurip,these include learning about your culture honoring the elderly life ethics physical fitness training learning songs and dances learning about plants and animals hunting and fishing in the mountains and survival skills,train +64386,64387,64387,mabukilay kuya ma haw,you do not know anything about sea statues,train +64387,64388,64388,anu u masamaamaanay tu a kungku^ i maulah kaku a mitengil,I love all kinds of stories,train +64388,64389,64389,i cuwacuwaay tu a pala,anywhere,train +64389,64390,64390,sumu,wrestling,test +64390,64391,64391,misakay hu kaku,I will be up north,train +64391,64392,64392,ca Wangcenfa,like Wong Shing fat,train +64392,64393,64393,Pawaa kina kulung a micaedung tu taruudan nu paliding,this ox hooked its horns onto the oxcarts yoke,train +64393,64394,64394,tayra ci Simun atu kaput ningra a mikilim ci Yisan,Simon and his companions went to look for him,train +64394,64395,64395,karkar,scoop out,train +64395,64396,64396,enem a pulu,sixty,train +64396,64397,64397,awaay tu ku demak sa haw i,I do not have a job at this time,train +64397,64398,64398,o manan ku sakatayra isu i Futud,how are you going to get to Orchid Island,train +64398,64399,64399,itiya i suduc sa tu funus ku ccay nu tumirengay i tatihi ni Yis a tamdaw a micuay tu kuli nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung a mikrit tu tatihi a tangila ningra,then one of those standing near drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest cutting off his ear,train +64399,64400,64400,Dipdipen ku kaitiraan nu ada,go and explore the enemy residence,test +64400,64401,64401,caay kapisademademak saiyaiya kita,there is no other twisted movements,train +64401,64402,64402,anu kaleteng kuninan haw i,if this is heavy,train +64402,64403,64403,Tatiih ku harateng aku,I do not feel good about,train +64403,64404,64404,nay cuwaay cira suvucen,when and where was he born,train +64404,64405,64405,mangalay hu kuranan sa anini tu wawa haw i caay tu kafana sa,I am still craving it but the kids do not know anything about it,train +64405,64406,64406,pasuwal sa ku kalas anu makera tu ku kakedalan saupuen nu kakitaan ku mapunengay a fafahiyan mitatuy tu pahpah nu lengac tayra i alu malalesilesi u ta tudung nunini a suwal i nawhani awaay tu ku fainay matu tatirengan makedal manikaw tu salang,the elders explained In case of drought the tribal leaders would invite the widows to splash water on each other in the streams with the leaves of moon peaches the meaning is without a husband it is like a drought with no water,train +64406,64407,64407,tanu nguset saan ku wawa nu misu i paputal a misalama,your kids are snotty from playing outside,train +64407,64408,64408,Maresres ku tamaku,the tobacco is minced very fine,train +64408,64409,64409,fangcal ku rumiad anini,it is a beautiful day,train +64409,64410,64410,talararem kita a mifuting,we went downstream to fish,test +64410,64411,64411,tuna caay pasulin cangra saka caay ka adihay ku pidmak ni Yis tu kafahkaan a dmak itira,and he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith,train +64411,64412,64412,cinasuay,with eggplant,train +64412,64413,64413,ila sa tu ku Amis ilaay tu ku icep,only when the Amis come here do they grow betel nut,train +64413,64414,64414,u safa taynian kamian mahaen tu,it is the same with the lower classes coming to our class,train +64414,64415,64415,anu caay ci ina aku mikalic miala kiya alupal,if he had not climbed that persimmon tree,train +64415,64416,64416,tatatatatu,Go go go,train +64416,64417,64417,nanay kamu kaemangay,I hope that all the children,train +64417,64418,64418,awa ku talaw nu mira,he is not even scared,train +64418,64419,64419,raririteng tu ku tayal haw,the principle of doing things this way is to have a solid foundation,train +64419,64420,64420,mapuhpuh,stroked,test +64420,64421,64421,u sarawina kami,we are a family,train +64421,64422,64422,nikawrira caay ka rarid misakilang,you do not go to the mountains every day to get wood,train +64422,64423,64423,Kuracen ku taliyukan nu kamukuan nu mita,we had to go to the cleaners all four weeks of our stay,train +64423,64424,64424,nikawrira u kinanuka hananay,but what about the antlers,train +64424,64425,64425,Sawaywayen nu matuasay hana ku kakawaw nu misu,you would better learn to act like your old man,train +64425,64426,64426,cima cima a malitengay,who is the old man,train +64426,64427,64427,maridriday,guided,train +64427,64428,64428,Mipacarcar hu kaku a pasela,give me a break,train +64428,64429,64429,velin,overturn,train +64429,64430,64430,ira i tilipi,it is all over the TV,test +64430,64431,64431,yu misatapang ci Yis a patnak i ma^deng tulu a pulu ku mihcaan ningra anu u nu tamdaw a pinengneng i u wawa ni Yusif ci Yis ci Yusif i u wawa ni Hili,now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry he was the son so it was thought of Joseph the son of Heli,train +64431,64432,64432,mahaen tu matini,now here is the thing,train +64432,64433,64433,hanu ira ku harateng isu,why would you consider in advance,train +64433,64434,64434,mamalepun anini saan,we would finish today,train +64434,64435,64435,ya sakasiwa sakamutep i,the and day of the month,train +64435,64436,64436,anu micekiw kita tuni lalakaw i simsimen a miharateng Tuha sakatangungulaw ku nika ulah tu nuˈadinguan a uduˈ wa misamaan kaku hani,as we study this text we also need to think carefully what can I do to deepen my love for spiritual treasures,train +64436,64437,64437,talaayawhu kisu anini kapahu ku tireng,while you are young and strong,train +64437,64438,64438,tenuk,center,train +64438,64439,64439,na misu kuni uwak hatilaay aca sapalifun maliteng,Well here is to you that is all you get,train +64439,64440,64440,halafinay kisu tira minanam,you have been studying for a long time,test +64440,64441,64441,misaʼukak tu ri i fanawfanaw aca i palapalaan caay i luma tu,No it is all at home,train +64441,64442,64442,makalece nu cinan,pursue only,train +64442,64443,64443,maturin ku serangawan nu Pangcah,passing on the Amis culture,train +64443,64444,64444,a kaku satapang kaku a mitentu a pasifana,I am starting to tell the story of what happened,train +64444,64445,64445,misatamuhung,making hats,train +64445,64446,64446,Hay mangeru i tamuwan,Okay thank you,train +64446,64447,64447,ci Tumay kaku,I am Tumay,train +64447,64448,64448,anu rumakat kamu i aka piculed i safaked namu tu tada^kim atu ^kim atu fudawan a payci,do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts,train +64448,64449,64449,amin,full,train +64449,64450,64450,naw ira kura utuc,why is there that monument,test +64450,64451,64451,matiraayanu mafukil kisu tepuc asa,that is just it if you do not cut it it will keep breaking,train +64451,64452,64452,harateng aku a malakakitaan nu atulan,my idea was not to be the ringleader,train +64452,64453,64453,manhan u Amis kuni,how do you say this in Amish,train +64453,64454,64454,ca hu kahufucen nu wina kaku haha,my mom has not given birth yet Ha ha,train +64454,64455,64455,x Icuwaay ku ama isu,he is in the kitchen cooking let me go call him,train +64455,64456,64456,caka fana kaku mitengil tu suwal isu sanay sanu paylangen nga mafana kaku sanay kura paylang sa,I cannot understand what you are saying please speak to me in Taiwanese so I can understand,train +64456,64457,64457,maihut a cima Rapi han maihutay ku waʼay san,so who is Rabbi it is the one with the inconvenient foot,train +64457,64458,64458,o miadupay a tamdaw i niyaru ku wama aku,my dad is a hunter of the tribe,train +64458,64459,64459,Nikawrira u masadakay i nguyus a suwal i u nai falucuay nu tamdaw unini ku paacekay tu tamdaw,but the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart and these make a man unclean,train +64459,64460,64460,Milisu kaku tu malitengay niyam,I am going to visit our parents,test +64460,64461,64461,sadaken hu cingra hadaken ya ilang ira angtuhay,And take it out take it out his first water the blood water it stinks throw it out,train +64461,64462,64462,kirami ira ku,but sometimes,train +64462,64463,64463,Itiyasatu papikayat hantu ni Pilatu ku tamdaw a papisti ci Yisan,then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged,train +64463,64464,64464,misasaw hu,and clean it,train +64464,64465,64465,hen sa kaku,that is me,train +64465,64466,64466,yu palafang kaku i caay papilafin kamu i Takuwanan yu mawacay kaku i caay pariku kamu i Takuwanan yu adada Kaku yu marufu kaku i caay pilisu kamu i Takuwanan wa han ningra,I was a stranger and you did not invite me in I needed clothes and you did not clothe me I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me,train +64466,64467,64467,safatel,belt,train +64467,64468,64468,patuayaen,to make an offering,train +64468,64469,64469,sa matiya satu ya kayakay i,then the matchmaker said,train +64469,64470,64470,mingitangit kaku i tamuwanan nanay mitulun kamu i Kawas tu sakaranikayaw aku a minukay i tamuwanan,I particularly urge you to pray so that I may be restored to you soon,test +64470,64471,64471,pakungku satu ku matuʼasay,and the tribal elders began to tell stories,train +64471,64472,64472,singsi,teacher,train +64472,64473,64473,cacay tu ku usaw nu matavuk,horse with Fu one left,train +64473,64474,64474,namaka Taypey atu sipu u maraayay,from as far away as Taipei and as far west as,train +64474,64475,64475,taluma kaku,I am going home,train +64475,64476,64476,kakauluah nu wawa ku tefus hananay mahaen ku,red sugar cane is a favorite among children,train +64476,64477,64477,ura han nu kuwaping haw,I will even think of Chinese Qiang,train +64477,64478,64478,pacilahen tu mamang ta kaesu a kaenen,add a little salt to make it taste good,train +64478,64479,64479,nawhan anca kita pitaʼung haw,if we do not look at the clan,train +64479,64480,64480,rarapa,cow,test +64480,64481,64481,madiku,animal curled up in a sleeping position,train +64481,64482,64482,itayal hu i falucu hu hay,in the work in the heart,train +64482,64483,64483,pasuwal ku kaka^ aku O ilisin nu niyaru ku kakaurunan niyam i Taypak saan,my brother said What we miss most in Taipei is the Harvest Festival in our hometown,train +64483,64484,64484,sapituduh,for barbecuing,train +64484,64485,64485,pasuwal sa ci Pitiru i cingraan Oya nipacakayan namu a umah i hatiniay ku aca haw Suwalen kaku han ningra Hai hatiraay ku aca nuya umah han ningra,Peter asked her Tell me is this the price you and Ananias got for the land Yes she said that is the price,train +64485,64486,64486,ira aca haw ku mamalasingsi nu namu sa tamiyany,did he say to us that any of you could be a teacher,train +64486,64487,64487,cacaken,boiled,train +64487,64488,64488,mifawah,open the door,train +64488,64489,64489,a kakawang kaesuʼ kaenen ku heci laluma,the betel nut hearts were very tasty,train +64489,64490,64490,sainanengay,the most serious,test +64490,64491,64491,pavalucu,attentively,train +64491,64492,64492,masadakay kaku aci ina a misalama anini,I went out with my mother today,train +64492,64493,64493,katayni a minengneng yu ira ku nipacakayan tu fuduy atu tamuhung,come and take a look we sell clothes and hats,train +64493,64494,64494,tira mikadafu i ciwawa tu hiwawa,she married there and had a child,train +64494,64495,64495,o kuesanay a suwal nira ku sapisulut nira tuya fafahiyan,he used polished speech to attract that woman,train +64495,64496,64496,yu taengal tu ku rumiad i patalumaen naira ku maalaay a aadupen,at daybreak they returned with their prey,train +64496,64497,64497,u nani Palidaway kami sanay tu kura salawinawina hatini,all of them already know that their clan elders are from Hengchun,train +64497,64498,64498,ku liyal,tsunami,train +64498,64499,64499,hanira kura kapah nu niyaru kira,gathered the youth of the tribe,train +64499,64500,64500,taakay,terrific,test +64500,64501,64501,anu matini kita mikuyud tu pucu itini i Pailasen sa ku a maruʼan nangra,they said Why do we live in Fuyuan and get pus,train +64501,64502,64502,sapitangtang niyam tu hulu laluma ira hatiniay,the inside of the rice we use to cook is like this,train +64502,64503,64503,yap tu nira,received accepted by him,train +64503,64504,64504,pasungtul nira kaku,he forced me to hit someone,train +64504,64505,64505,a kisu haw kisu haw kisu haw san ku ini u mi saakuay a luma,the people who stick up for their families name you you you and you together,train +64505,64506,64506,iraay ci hana haw,may I ask if Hana is home,train +64506,64507,64507,niyaan tawan sa,it is said that the Minnan people,train +64507,64508,64508,iri dengaytu,as well,train +64508,64509,64509,dihdih,Petting a child or a dog or cat as a gesture of comfort,train +64509,64510,64510,ngaay tu makahi kaku,Yes I would love to,test +64510,64511,64511,ciuduay,Jade,train +64511,64512,64512,mahiwhiwway,Asthma,train +64512,64513,64513,o pakayraan isu a maˈurip mahapinangay nu tau tu Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa kisu han,do you live in a way that shows you are a Jehovahs Witness,train +64513,64514,64514,o pataduan nu maku kisu i nacila,I did it for you yesterday,train +64514,64515,64515,mamaadah,I will get better,train +64515,64516,64516,nu serangawan hananay,let these cultural assets,train +64516,64517,64517,tayra i ci Yisan ku nisawawaan a milicay i cingraan tu tatudung nunini a tinaku,his disciples asked him what this parable meant,train +64517,64518,64518,Nanuya rarawraw saan kuya masaupuay Masasirumaruma ku picli nangra onini i u nika fukil nu alumanay tu tatudung nu nika saupu nangra,the assembly was in confusion some were shouting one thing some another most of the people did not even know why they were there,train +64518,64519,64519,u wina aku i atu wama aku awaay tu,my parents are dead,train +64519,64520,64520,manguduay kaku tu tisuwan,I am embarrassed about you too,test +64520,64521,64521,kaurira i,still,train +64521,64522,64522,etah,rice bran,train +64522,64523,64523,mapunengay,widow,train +64523,64524,64524,kakaya tatu kuya fanuh nira haw,if the silk is too long,train +64524,64525,64525,haenen ni tumuk a semuwal ci Vavuy Liyal tu demak,that is what the ringleader told the whales,train +64525,64526,64526,paadada,sicken,train +64526,64527,64527,mahaen tu kiya,process,train +64527,64528,64528,tayira putun han nu matuasay inaayaw,in the past the old man used to cut it off,train +64528,64529,64529,u pacakayay tu widang cangra u patduay u malataangay ikaka nu nika ulah tu Kawas ku nika acang tu nu hkalan,treacherous rash conceited lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,train +64529,64530,64530,Hay u kaka aku cira,Yes he is my brother Are you brothers,test +64530,64531,64531,inacila patirengay kaku tu taluʼan aku i,I just finished building my hut a while ago,train +64531,64532,64532,Ngaay,good,train +64532,64533,64533,a mitahaf tu nguyus atu ngusu,cover your mouth and nose,train +64533,64534,64534,Pinaun tu likelun nu lalan anuhuni kita,we have to be careful where we go from here,train +64534,64535,64535,mansa tu urira ku tuʼul hanay aku,so I followed my fathers words,train +64535,64536,64536,pa^kel,suppression,train +64536,64537,64537,masaupu tayra tura mipatireng haw itiya,building together,train +64537,64538,64538,Mifelihantu isu kura sera haw,did you turn over the soil,train +64538,64539,64539,Palapasu aka kasaan tu paliding nu katayalan,do not treat your company car like a bus,train +64539,64540,64540,sapasevana,teaching and learning,test +64540,64541,64541,matu ya mapatayay nu luma kiya,a death in the family,train +64541,64542,64542,Nuhatini misamaan kita midupu tu satadamaanay nuka pikuwan ni Yihufa,how can we now embrace the supreme dominion of Jehovah,train +64542,64543,64543,sisa mahaenay kina demak,so that is what happened,train +64543,64544,64544,Saka pakuningra han cangra o mapuhaway a mikriday cangra anu kriden nu mapuhaway ku mapuhaway i u mamatfad i rfung a tatusa han ni Yis,leave them they are blind guides if a blind man leads a blind man both will fall into a pit,train +64544,64545,64545,iraay ku umah ira ira ku taluʼan ni ama ira tiraan nira palimek,nearby fields his fathers fields have labor therapy hidden there,train +64545,64546,64546,sepat ku tuki ira ku pangkiw mahuniay tu kiya ayam,but at am the bird chirps,train +64546,64547,64547,awaay hu ku hatiniay ta ini kira,we did not have this kind of faucet before,train +64547,64548,64548,Aday^ay ku falucu nu wawa aku a pakaaraw tu kiaamay,my children have a sense of compassion when they see a beggar,train +64548,64549,64549,caay caay caay,No,train +64549,64550,64550,Kaliyawan aka pisumad saan,there is no way we can change the Garrison,test +64550,64551,64551,u suwal atu dmak u nanu icel nu kafahkaan a dmak atu nanu icel nu Adingu nu Kawas tuna mahaen saka malahci aku ku nipipatnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay ci Kristuan nai Yirusalim a mitaliyuk tahira i Ilirikum,by the power of signs and miracles through the power of the Spirit so from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ,train +64551,64552,64552,u maan ku kulit nu kutem i kakarayan,what color are the clouds in the sky,train +64552,64553,64553,misurar,tolerance,train +64553,64554,64554,cefusen nu mama nu maku yu nika fukil miʼanip,because I do not know how to plant rice seedlings my father splashed water on me,train +64554,64555,64555,o pipalatumukan nu niyam,the jointly honored leader,train +64555,64556,64556,Palafalifali han nira ku suwal aku,he put to the wind he did not listen to what I said,train +64556,64557,64557,anini iri ira tu kalawacu ni vavainay,Mr now is sick,train +64557,64558,64558,fangsis tu cimira tangsul hanay tu a mikumaen,you will just eat it,train +64558,64559,64559,malepel,catch up,train +64559,64560,64560,Mialilis kima i nu etipan a lutuk,we were catching eagles in the hills to the west,test +64560,64561,64561,maumi,love,train +64561,64562,64562,madikutu,recline,train +64562,64563,64563,Saka tahidang han nuya hungti a misaupu ku pulung nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec a milicay I cuwa a hufucen kuya ci Kristu hananay han ningra,when he had called together all the peoples chief priests and teachers of the law he asked them where the Christ was to be born,train +64563,64564,64564,Masahefuhefung ku lalan,the road surface is rugged,train +64564,64565,64565,sukayap,climb,train +64565,64566,64566,o laluk nu maku a micudad ku sakalatayring aku,I studied hard to become a policeman,train +64566,64567,64567,ya mimisa tu ini i cecay u fulad kinacecay,masses are once a month,train +64567,64568,64568,adihayay ku tayal nu kincac haw,do police officers have a lot of work,train +64568,64569,64569,ku malutatayalen,let us talk about responsibility again,train +64569,64570,64570,hatiniay ku lalan makema ku lalan,the road is so small and slow,test +64570,64571,64571,manaay ititaan kiyami,they do not want us anymore,train +64571,64572,64572,suʼlinay adihay ku lipida,good salary,train +64572,64573,64573,mangataay nu Yufing ku kungkuan,is the post office close to the school,train +64573,64574,64574,tu sapidu^duaw ningra tu harateng nangra a milinah ci Pawluan a patayra i Yirusalim onini i u sapisitalaaw nangra a mipatay ci Pawluan i fatad nu lalan,they urgently requested Festus as a favor to them to have Paul transferred to Jerusalem for they were preparing an ambush to kill him along the way,train +64574,64575,64575,caay kafana tunu Pangcah kura simpu,because the priest does not speak the Amish language,train +64575,64576,64576,mafuwiay,split open,train +64576,64577,64577,fayifahi,Girls,train +64577,64578,64578,u saikuray tuna licay tuna haw i,the final question is,train +64578,64579,64579,mamaan saw ku lalan namu itiya,what is your path,train +64579,64580,64580,hay tayni itini,come here Yes,test +64580,64581,64581,u nu hatiraay ila haw alaen isu,just like the one you harvested,train +64581,64582,64582,nga mitaus tu fukes,So braid his hair,train +64582,64583,64583,mihakulung kita a macuis ku cadiway,the trammel net will follow that and turn upside down,train +64583,64584,64584,ayen han nira ku usimi,he is holding on to his diaper,train +64584,64585,64585,iratu remakat i,playing from junior high school,train +64585,64586,64586,masamaan ku misu pinengneng tuya malasingsiay han,what are your thoughts and ideas about the teachers at the school,train +64586,64587,64587,anu maharek kiniyan,if this is done right,train +64587,64588,64588,nawhan,Why I do not know,train +64588,64589,64589,kaminaw,unable speak clearly,train +64589,64590,64590,mimumuk,drill into,test +64590,64591,64591,tangasa itini i Kiwit,getting to the Chimay tribe,train +64591,64592,64592,cyiem,mother of ones own family,train +64592,64593,64593,funus,western style knife,train +64593,64594,64594,mumpi^,Womens pants,train +64594,64595,64595,tusa pulu ku aca nuna dateng tu cecay a rurung,the vegetables are for a bunch,train +64595,64596,64596,mamaan,What,train +64596,64597,64597,Pasahetuen kaku a mipatakid tu nanum,I need to get a drink of water,train +64597,64598,64598,Maaraw ni akung kaku pakaenen nira kaku tu kacawas pananumen hu nira kaku tu uciya,as soon as Grandpa saw me he invited me to eat watermelon and drink tea,train +64598,64599,64599,kakunah,ant,train +64599,64600,64600,sanu suwal tu sasalama hatini,as I said we are not seeing each other anymore,test +64600,64601,64601,cingra tu ku misimaway kaminan,he will take care of us,train +64601,64602,64602,Orasaka suwalen aku kamu pingitangit ta mapafli kamu pikilim ta pakatama kamu Pikungkung tu fawahan ta mafawah,So I say to you ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you,train +64602,64603,64603,tangasa i tini i Cawi,from successful Coasts to great ports,train +64603,64604,64604,milimek kaku tura tamdaw,I am going to avoid that guy,train +64604,64605,64605,ata miharatengay kaku han aku,I told them about my plans,train +64605,64606,64606,pakaen fafuy,to feed the pigs,train +64606,64607,64607,miilangmifulful,beat,train +64607,64608,64608,tangasaen i tulas nu urip ku pihadidi,it is time to endure to the end of life,train +64608,64609,64609,mapawan kaku mihakiwid tu alapit aku,I forgot to bring my chopsticks,train +64609,64610,64610,lipahak mahemek ku falucu,it is fun,test +64610,64611,64611,ila satu minukay nga minukay kura faʼinay yaku nga ci wawaay kaku,back home after my husband was honorably discharged I got pregnant,train +64611,64612,64612,i niya mamin nu aʼul,it is all made of bamboo,train +64612,64613,64613,o talutaludan ku umah naira,and their fields are full of grass,train +64613,64614,64614,sapituur hu tu licay tisuwanan,I would like you to ask a question,train +64614,64615,64615,o macuerungay tu ku cafeng nu luma niyam,the walls of our house have been storing bundles of firewood in upside down rows,train +64615,64616,64616,hungira han mikiskis ku na iya ira,strip it down four weeks and organize it,train +64616,64617,64617,raecus tu ku mata,bad eyes,train +64617,64618,64618,hay,right,train +64618,64619,64619,papifahekul,discard,train +64619,64620,64620,anu aniniay tu kiya iri,what about now,test +64620,64621,64621,matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad Kaulahan Aku ci Yakup Kausian Aku ci Isau saan,Yet before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad in order that Gods purpose in election might stand,train +64621,64622,64622,maapac kaku i dafang tayra i picudadan,I was late for school this morning,train +64622,64623,64623,nira,He she,train +64623,64624,64624,Usay icuwaan ku saung nu misu,Usay which umbrella is yours,train +64624,64625,64625,fufu,grandma and Grandpa,train +64625,64626,64626,tunu manan,what is it it is a continuation,train +64626,64627,64627,ura misasuʼelinan aku hatira sa ira ku safaw nu muetep,and there are more than Amis tribes that were seriously visited and surveyed,train +64627,64628,64628,sapipawali,by let us do it,train +64628,64629,64629,malaheci,fulfillment,train +64629,64630,64630,caay ka nguta kina alu,there is no turbidity in this river,test +64630,64631,64631,mahaen ku urip nu niyam kaemang hu,that is what my life was like when I was a kid,train +64631,64632,64632,isaka 1993 miheca mirienangay tu sanu Ruwasiyaay suwal a kaput i Niwyuk itiya 20 aca ku mitusilay,in she joined the Russian speaking group in new York City which at the time had only about preachers,train +64632,64633,64633,misangaˈan nu tamdaw,what will happen in the future,train +64633,64634,64634,kimulmulay,round,train +64634,64635,64635,pakungkukan nu fuluka tu simal nu kudasing,rumor has it that lemongrass oil was mixed with peanut oil,train +64635,64636,64636,safasafa,senior,train +64636,64637,64637,Anu kaintelen nu tamdamdaw kamu anu mafalah kamu anu malukes kamu anu mapakangudu kamu tuna mituur kamu tu wawa nu tamdaw i u malmeday kamu,blessed are you when men hate you when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil because of the son of Man,train +64637,64638,64638,anu pasalil tu,it is also good to get off the Internet,train +64638,64639,64639,i nanitiyaay hu i Kiwit,from Chimay,train +64639,64640,64640,mahecad tu kami tu mirawisay tu sasuʼut,it is like we are pulling on a rope,test +64640,64641,64641,u niya unu niyan u palumaay tu havay,sowing millet,train +64641,64642,64642,muetep ira ku siwa,nineteen,train +64642,64643,64643,latlat,measurement,train +64643,64644,64644,anu cacay i,if you are alone,train +64644,64645,64645,matataedipay u matepiay,Overlapping Yes,train +64645,64646,64646,ira tu ya,there is that song,train +64646,64647,64647,miala tu safa isu,go get your sister,train +64647,64648,64648,maleku aku ku pikungling itiiya ta,I have also completed my flight training,train +64648,64649,64649,o Tapang aku Yis,Jesus is my Lord,train +64649,64650,64650,u dungec han nu mita u Amis haw i kahilahila sa,we Amis have many different kinds of fingers,test +64650,64651,64651,yu malenu tu ku liyal,when the tide rises,train +64651,64652,64652,sepat aca ku nu Pangcah,there are only four types of indigenous talent,train +64652,64653,64653,enaenaran umaumahan,Plains Fields,train +64653,64654,64654,Mahaennay ku Kawas,that is what ghosts do,train +64654,64655,64655,Ikur tu nu marepun tu nu ilisin sa,the final ceremony of the Bountiful years Festival,train +64655,64656,64656,hatiraay ku nanu tuʼas nu kalalay a tamdaw tura,the Kanana tribe is that old,train +64656,64657,64657,aru satu itini kami,we live here,train +64657,64658,64658,o nisangaan ni mama a rakar kunini,this is a fish cage made by my dad,train +64658,64659,64659,aka pihawikid tu lufuc atu saka tusa a riku atu cukap atu cukur nawhani o papafliflien aca ku matayalay tunini,take no bag for the journey or extra tunic or sandals or a staff for the worker is worth his keep,train +64659,64660,64660,anu cilimaw i isaf hatu ku nisasapalan a uway i pala,if you have time you can thin out the seedlings of yellow vine cultivated in the field,test +64660,64661,64661,u nu maku satu i u pinengneng aku pasifana tu ku matuʼasay,what about me I have read carefully that the old man taught me,train +64661,64662,64662,hatira sa emet han kiya lulay i,that is how it is so I have to endure the hard work,train +64662,64663,64663,sakafana ititanan han naku sa huni ey,I will talk about it later,train +64663,64664,64664,mavana kaku ye ina wawa sa,dad was surprised and said,train +64664,64665,64665,matngil ni Parnapas aci Pawlu kunini i cinas sa cangra tu riku nangra ta cikay sa a tayra i finawlan cli sa a sumuwal,but when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of this they tore their clothes and rushed out into the crowd shouting,train +64665,64666,64666,milivalucu a tatalusa u ya lusa malalusa mahaen haw ku misaurad hananay,he would cry with remorse so it would start to rain,train +64666,64667,64667,Hayda micefus tu nanum kaku,Okay I will water it,train +64667,64668,64668,matastas,spoiled,train +64668,64669,64669,mahelek mifulesak i mitala tu ku katuʼas nuya capux,after sowing the seeds we wait for the seedlings to grow,train +64669,64670,64670,Kahut han nira wawa a kumaen ku kudasing i sapad,the kid grabbed a peanut from the table with one hand to eat,test +64670,64671,64671,adihayay ku paliding i maci mansa pakautupay tayra kami,there are a lot of cars in the city so we go there by motorcycle,train +64671,64672,64672,Sakapitu,seventh,train +64672,64673,64673,rieduc,concentrating ones thoughts and efforts,train +64673,64674,64674,saka itira ku aru nu malitengay itiya hu a masupsup,where the old folks used to gather and live,train +64674,64675,64675,o serangawan ita ku tenuuy sapipatenakaw kaku tu serangawan ita,weaving is a part of our culture and I want to ensure its continuity,train +64675,64676,64676,u lumaʼay nu mita ngaʼayay tu kita,our family is allowed,train +64676,64677,64677,akaa pisimsim,do not miss it,train +64677,64678,64678,alumanay ku safasafa isu sanay kura wina aku kira,we have a lot of kids at home anyway,train +64678,64679,64679,Ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan ci Luka u kaulahan ita a ising aci Timas,our dear friend Luke the doctor and Demas send greetings,train +64679,64680,64680,Awaay ku niawitan aku tu paysu^,I do not have any money either,test +64680,64681,64681,sauwac,Creek,train +64681,64682,64682,madefit,angry,train +64682,64683,64683,mapulung ku alumanay a rumadiw atu masakeru^ i paputal malipahak tu nikasefek nu kinaira nu pinaluma^,everyone celebrated the Harvest by singing and dancing happily in the square,train +64683,64684,64684,hai anu sepat tuki lima tuki tahira kaku saan kiya faʼinay aku,my husband says he will be back there in hours,train +64684,64685,64685,hatiraay saka hatira satu i ya masa u,that is how it was back then,train +64685,64686,64686,radiw Mifuting ku kadafu,Ballad son in law goes fishing,train +64686,64687,64687,Cuwa u mamilifet ku mira tu miterucay,No he is competing in high jump,train +64687,64688,64688,u kungku aku ku niyan,that is the story I am telling,train +64688,64689,64689,sadiheku,greenhouse effect,train +64689,64690,64690,hatiraay aca kura nu maku itiya hu,that is all I had in my old life,test +64690,64691,64691,ciyu,sound of a stone falling into the water,train +64691,64692,64692,masasikak,quadrangular,train +64692,64693,64693,u afar ku mialaan,it is shrimp that is being caught,train +64693,64694,64694,o maraʼay kira,so far away,train +64694,64695,64695,fangcal ku rumiad anini^,it is a beautiful day,train +64695,64696,64696,safaw siwa,nineteen,train +64696,64697,64697,a maharatengay aku kuni,Aaah I remembered this,train +64697,64698,64698,cima ku mafanaʼay tu hatiraay miala itira san,who knows how to get it there,train +64698,64699,64699,Pasekaseka ku falucu nira anini,he seems so inhibited unnatural in responding at present,train +64699,64700,64700,tayra i tini i,you have to go to Longtan in Taoyuan,test +64700,64701,64701,sifinen ku cukui,wipe off the table,train +64701,64702,64702,han sa ku suwal nu matuʼasay,the old man starts at the beginning,train +64702,64703,64703,hay kiskisen naku,I will scratch it,train +64703,64704,64704,Ngaay tu talaen aku kisu i luma,Okay I will wait for you at home,train +64704,64705,64705,a milepel tu mipahutinan a rarapa,go and fetch back the cows that are grazing,train +64705,64706,64706,mapatalahekal tu kuya demak,the thing is revealed,train +64706,64707,64707,kisu kaikur kisu sataʼangayay,you are the strongest you are the one who is going to stand behind me,train +64707,64708,64708,catu kakacamul hatini,there are no more mixed classes,train +64708,64709,64709,maala nu kadafu ku suna tayra satu,when my daughter in law takes the grandchildren away I will go,train +64709,64710,64710,misapikupikuh,limp,test +64710,64711,64711,o maan ku kulit nu fuday nira,what color was his shirt,train +64711,64712,64712,anu iniyan u dadahal cira caay haw,if it is is not it wide,train +64712,64713,64713,tini aru isaw iri,when I stayed here,train +64713,64714,64714,ruma haw unu Piaywan anu u taya,some are Paiwanese some are Atayal,train +64714,64715,64715,pasifanaan,didactic,train +64715,64716,64716,sanay ira ku siwku aku tu,according to business week,train +64716,64717,64717,mipawali tu panay kura wina aku,my mom was drying rice,train +64717,64718,64718,tayra i kasinuutan,in the summer,train +64718,64719,64719,macakat,get on the train,train +64719,64720,64720,misaniyaru,becoming a tribe,test +64720,64721,64721,halidung anu taʼangay ku cidal,shade when the sun is high,train +64721,64722,64722,u hatapes hai,sifting disks huh Uh yeah,train +64722,64723,64723,sapiayam haw,for bird hunting,train +64723,64724,64724,hayi nasumul ku wina niyam,random says it is true,train +64724,64725,64725,u mita u niyaru,our tribe,train +64725,64726,64726,matira ku radiw nu itini i ka likudaan ka ilisinna han nu ruma a suwal,this is the song sung at the Harvest Festival,train +64726,64727,64727,yanu fusiw hananay u maan han kura,it is embroidery I do not know what to say,train +64727,64728,64728,maedeng tu anu saan ku sawinaay nu lalumaan mikilim tu malukayakay tatayra i luma nu fainayan a paratuh anu tuuren ku sausi mikilim tu kayakay mipili tuya Fangcalay ku kararamud a fainayan ku malukayakay,when the woman parents think the time is right a kayak is appointed to go to the mans home to propose marriage in principle the role of the kayak is filled by a man who is happily married,train +64728,64729,64729,haenen milacecay ku niyaru itiya san ku maku hatira ku maku pipaini haw,the tribe must be united that is what I am talking about,train +64729,64730,64730,Orasaka matiya u pipaturud nu wama takuwanan tu sakuwan ku nipipaturud aku i tamuwanan tu sakuwan,and I confer on you a kingdom just as my father conferred one on me,test +64730,64731,64731,aa akaa katayni saan,No no no no no No,train +64731,64732,64732,o nanu mikumi ni Kristu ku sakatahidang namu a mituur Cingraan safahka sa kaku tu nika hatini namu a ranikay a miliyas ci Kristuan a pasayra i ruma a ratuh,I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel,train +64732,64733,64733,malikaka,cousins,train +64733,64734,64734,i huing ciira a matayal,he works at the courthouse,train +64734,64735,64735,Itiyatu a mapaurip ku pulung nu Israil a tamdaw matu suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad O tatayni nai Ciun ku pauripay o papalasawaden ningra ku raraw nu tluc ni Yakup,and so all Israel will be saved as it is written The deliverer will come from Zion he will turn godlessness away from Jacob,train +64735,64736,64736,kuhecalay,fig reactionary,train +64736,64737,64737,pilalikidan,Harvest Festival dance,train +64737,64738,64738,Nikasatangku nu hiya nu sauwac haw,after the river gets in the way and becomes a reservoir,train +64738,64739,64739,rurud han,production rolls are good,train +64739,64740,64740,tuntuncikcik,chop,test +64740,64741,64741,alatek alumanay tuku matawalay ita a radiw nu tuʼas,we have probably forgotten a lot of songs from the older generation,train +64741,64742,64742,namatiya,that is it,train +64742,64743,64743,cuwa ku mitusilay aca wa ngaˈayhu kita misamaan pataengad tu likat nu niyah hani,how else can we make our light shine besides being involved in evangelism,train +64743,64744,64744,u tumu hananay i itiniay sa punka nikautayal nu mita u malatumuay,the so called chieftain is the one who promotes the work of cultural inheritance,train +64744,64745,64745,nuya sining a mipudpud kuya turun,these young people are very happy to have make,train +64745,64746,64746,ya nananay nu falucu isu i,your hearts desire,train +64746,64747,64747,samaanay a cengelan ku kaulahan isu,what is your favorite color,train +64747,64748,64748,kaay,possible,train +64748,64749,64749,maamaan,what is that,train +64749,64750,64750,patedu han niyam kiya umah niyam,people passing by were looking at the desolate fallow farmland in Riluosha,test +64750,64751,64751,kaka,elder brother,train +64751,64752,64752,o nima kuna sasipasip,whose eraser is it,train +64752,64753,64753,sipaliw ciira tu lalima fafahi a maemin,five replacement workers,train +64753,64754,64754,Maleflef ku lalan likaten ku dawdaw nu tusiya,it is foggy on the road Lights please,train +64754,64755,64755,Patikuen ku kaka nu misu tu nicaliwan nu misu a pida,please return the money you borrowed from your sister,train +64755,64756,64756,micaliw cira tu sailus i kaput Nika awaay ku nikerida niyam saan a pacauv i ciraan,he borrowed toilet paper from his classmates but everyone told him that I did not bring them either,train +64756,64757,64757,parekpek a rumakat tu nimaanmaan aca i,we are going to kick what are you doing,train +64757,64758,64758,picakayan,store,train +64758,64759,64759,sanu Mikuken nira,convert into Chinese,train +64759,64760,64760,cima ku ngangan isu,what is the name,test +64760,64761,64761,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan Maarawaytu isu kuya Tamdaw Ora sakasasuwal isu i matini a Tamdaw kuya Tamdaw han ningra,Jesus said You have now seen him in fact he is the one speaking with you,train +64761,64762,64762,aka pilayap tu sakapiulah anu hanen,in simpler terms,train +64762,64763,64763,u tamdawtu mahaen tu fukesu ahiya,this is Mangrove,train +64763,64764,64764,tilid,word,train +64764,64765,64765,tadanca ku falucu nira,he is harassed feels no courage,train +64765,64766,64766,hay hatiraay hawad sa tu misakusuy u can tu ku mawmah,that is why they gave up planting lemongrass and planted paddy fields instead,train +64766,64767,64767,Ci Yis kurira saan ku nika fana nu i tiraay a tamdaw i ucur han nangra ku tamdaw a papiparatuh tu ingataay a niyaruaru Saka kriden nangra a patayra i ci Yisan ku adadaay a ma^min,and when the men of that place recognized Jesus they sent word to all the surrounding country people brought all their sick to him,train +64767,64768,64768,caay kapatay,you will not die,train +64768,64769,64769,maurip hen,I am still here,train +64769,64770,64770,latak,poppies,test +64770,64771,64771,o Pacidal ku urip nu niyam,the origin of our ancestor is the Yang clan,train +64771,64772,64772,saicel kaku,I strive,train +64772,64773,64773,Parenecen kaku tu sacawaw nu misu i luma,make me meet your care at home,train +64773,64774,64774,hey u mahiniʼay a kakuʼkuʼ sa ci vayi,grand mom said hey you frogs want it,train +64774,64775,64775,Pakafanaen aku kamu tu nika cima ku katalawan oya citudungay a mipatayay a mifahkulay haca i pisemseman a Kawas ita ku katalawan Hai suwalen aku kamu deng cingra ku sulinay a kakatalawan namu,but I will show you whom you should fear fear him who after the killing of the body has power to throw you into hell Yes I tell you fear him,train +64775,64776,64776,na mitilid tu i Tasiye patudung sanay kaku a minanam tu pakayniay i serangawan nu Yincumin cipinangay tu a mafana tu makahirahiraay a serangawn nu Yincumincu i Taywan,after I went to college I took a course on Aboriginal culture and learned that the Aboriginal people in Taiwan have various and rich cultures,train +64776,64777,64777,maedeng tu kini san kiya mama ku tuya futing nira i,father thought the fish were about right,train +64777,64778,64778,maherek mifariw tu taliyuk hacuwacuwa,chop up every corner of the perimeter,train +64778,64779,64779,u ruma aca i,what else,train +64779,64780,64780,fusfusen,watering,test +64780,64781,64781,Rasmas saan ku rumiad ita tu kasienawan,in winter our weather can be grossly rainy,train +64781,64782,64782,anu mama^deng kisu i kalamkamen a tayni i takuwanan,do your best to come to me quickly,train +64782,64783,64783,talaʼamis patefu tayni Singku,land at Newport to the north,train +64783,64784,64784,tayra kami i Kalinku a miseking,exam in Hualien,train +64784,64785,64785,na itiniay i Kalingku misa Fakungay,hometown from Fengbin Township Hualien County,train +64785,64786,64786,halikeruay,love to dance,train +64786,64787,64787,pahanhanan tu lavii mavuti,for nighttime rest and sleep,train +64787,64788,64788,tefuc,penalties,train +64788,64789,64789,damaen tu ku idang,you have to help your friends,train +64789,64790,64790,ira aca ku pakafana itiay ngaʼnay,it is always good to have someone to teach,test +64790,64791,64791,manawnaway kiya,it was flooded,train +64791,64792,64792,dadingu sisa adihay ku kafana,various types of eyeglasses,train +64792,64793,64793,anu tatiʼihay a lafang hananay,like the not so good passengers,train +64793,64794,64794,maanen ku mahaenay mavukil kami sa ku tau haenen,a lot of people do not know how to pick vegetables that is how you do it,train +64794,64795,64795,Ramuten kunini a cudad,take hold of this book,train +64795,64796,64796,o hananay haw,about interests,train +64796,64797,64797,saʼaluman saca i mareng kaku a tumimul,I do not have to do all the work I will just go south by myself,train +64797,64798,64798,a adihay kina lutuk itini,lots of hills around here,train +64798,64799,64799,mimuwacay ku ngaʼayay ali sa kiya harateng,maybe it is more profitable to catch eel fry,train +64799,64800,64800,paini tu safa aku a mitengil,listen to me,test +64800,64801,64801,iniyan tu sawaliyan a papah nu pawli,and the banana leaves facing east,train +64801,64802,64802,mapacedamay,flavored,train +64802,64803,64803,Pinaun kamu tu pasifanaay tu Rikec maulah cangra a ciriku tu kakayaay a misarakarakat maulah cangra a mataung nu tau i kalaliacaan o rumasatu maulah cangra a maru i micidekay a kamaruan i kasaupuan a luma atu tadamaanay a kamaruan i pitahkaan,Beware of the teachers of the law they like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets,train +64803,64804,64804,kami mananamay caciyaw tu nu Amis i,and we are used to speaking in tongues,train +64804,64805,64805,tu maamaanan haw tu hananay anca hananay itiya,in the mountains there is all kinds of food like mountain hogs and flying squirrels,train +64805,64806,64806,o malukelungay kita a talaalu mifuting,we have to walk downhill to the river to catch fish,train +64806,64807,64807,itira tu haw a,at that time,train +64807,64808,64808,Fuut han ni kaka kaku,my brother and sister kept me,train +64808,64809,64809,Orasaka masamaan itiya hu ku pinangan nu tamdaw u caciyaw tu nu niyaru malecad tu nika aniniay satu duedu satu tu misakilacan nu cifenekay a mikadkad ku kasasiruma nu mita a finacadan,in the past our ancestors used to call people tribes and languages by the same name but nowadays they are divided according to the basis of anthropologists research,train +64809,64810,64810,miliad tu luma tayra i hetu a mitilid tahira tu i kukiw maherek misawad tu itira,left home and went to Pingtung to study until I graduated from high school,test +64810,64811,64811,talacuwa tu kira ukak hiwa,where else would I put my bones,train +64811,64812,64812,tadamaan ku nipitier namu ci Kristuan mafana kamu a sumuwal tadamaan ku fana namu maulah kamu a mipadang tu tau maulah kamu i tamiyanan Saka haenen ku dmak namu tunini a mipadahufay a tayal,but just as you excel in everything in faith in speech in knowledge in complete earnestness and in your love for us see that you also excel in this grace of giving,train +64812,64813,64813,u latak hananay,and what about the Waveboard rolling wooden farm Equipment,train +64813,64814,64814,makeda ku tamdaw cuwa ka duka,you will not get hurt if you hit someone,train +64814,64815,64815,hayi tangasa i hiya i tangasa i iri,until second grade third grade,train +64815,64816,64816,misakeru,dance,train +64816,64817,64817,o maan ku kafi ita anini,what kind of soup are we having today,train +64817,64818,64818,pakarungay atu makakaʼay nangra,their intermediate and junior members,train +64818,64819,64819,o nu Pangcah kira ku sakalalicay niyam,we all talk in our mother tongue,train +64819,64820,64820,karariang,be on bad terms,test +64820,64821,64821,papinaay ku safa isu tu fainayan atu fafahiyan,how many younger siblings do you have,train +64821,64822,64822,Ngaayay kaenen kuna kidafes haw,how is the fruit,train +64822,64823,64823,o misaediday ku luma niyam,our family grows wheat,train +64823,64824,64824,miliyaw tura sefi haw i,when it is time for renovation,train +64824,64825,64825,sakasasela,respiratory,train +64825,64826,64826,u nikabanaʼan maku,what I know,train +64826,64827,64827,Suduc sa tu funus ku ccay nangra a mitapa tu kuli nu sakakaay nu citudungay tu taung a mikrit tu kawanan a tangila ningra,and one of them struck the servant of the high priest cutting off his right ear,train +64827,64828,64828,Aluman ku tamdaw nu Taywan,there are many people in Taiwan,train +64828,64829,64829,ira ku lutuk atu riyar i taliyuk nu paniyaruan niyam,our tribe is surrounded by mountains and the sea,train +64829,64830,64830,u ninian a ikuray nu maku a malatumuk,behind me the head honcho has taken care of everything with ease,test +64830,64831,64831,ya dadaya,that night,train +64831,64832,64832,kihatiyaen a malipahak ku lipahakay a tamdaw kihatiyaen a tumangic ku tumangicay a tamdaw,rejoice with those who rejoice mourn with those who mourn,train +64832,64833,64833,ya maesingay kila ku esing i dafak ku lumuwad aku hiwa,that could have been the sneeze I sneezed on the way out in the morning,train +64833,64834,64834,yu velavelat ku alipawnay,when the fireflies fly and flash and glow,train +64834,64835,64835,tulu pulu a limuud kuna udax u manan hu ku aalaen isu,for the cookies anything else you need,train +64835,64836,64836,a paluma,creating a home,train +64836,64837,64837,Mafanatu ci Yis tu nika mapaturudtu nu wama i cingraan ku dadmaken a ma^min Mafana cingra tu nika u nai Kawasay cingra atu u maminukay cingra i Kawas,Jesus knew that the father had put all things under his power and that he had come from God and was returning to God,train +64837,64838,64838,ira ku macacuisay a suwal tinaku kahecid han nu Amis Pasawali Falangaw atu Palidaw ku kacedah nu Fataan,there are also inverted terms such as kahecid which means salty in Nansei Coast Malan and Hengchun,train +64838,64839,64839,keriden aku kisu patayraw,I am going to take you over there,train +64839,64840,64840,pakpak han tu kamay a mifahuy tu ayam i pala,I use the clapper to chase birds in the field,test +64840,64841,64841,iniyan u luma hiyakuing kiniyan,per family,train +64841,64842,64842,tanektek tu ku falucu aku,I feel secure,train +64842,64843,64843,uranan tu ku saʼicel aku a misanga tu na taykak nu mimaliay,that is what inspired me to start a college baseball team,train +64843,64844,64844,kira na tamdaw,those people,train +64844,64845,64845,cuwa ka itira tura kakimulu nura kilang ha hay hay,on a log Yes Yes it is,train +64845,64846,64846,duduhan naku saka,with faith,train +64846,64847,64847,u ngaʼayay tu,it is okay,train +64847,64848,64848,yamin sa palacapu han tu,the tribal leader gave the order,train +64848,64849,64849,kaen,eat,train +64849,64850,64850,yayuyanan i malaheci aca kuna demak,things must work out,test +64850,64851,64851,rumiad,moment,train +64851,64852,64852,tulu ku lunguc nu maku salikaka,I have three words of encouragement for you,train +64852,64853,64853,tahira i dadaya,at night,train +64853,64854,64854,u sakamawmah nu niyam tu Ciwidian itini i laku,while farming in the Shuilian tribes fields,train +64854,64855,64855,saicangsing,dish dryer,train +64855,64856,64856,han aku i miiya ku tapatapang saan ku harateng aku nga,it is only when you are waiting for the head of the organization that you are able to,train +64856,64857,64857,mapatuul,be lonely,train +64857,64858,64858,sanay ku harateng aku,I thought so,train +64858,64859,64859,kufaw,warehouse,train +64859,64860,64860,saka anu ira ku singsi aca kiyami haw,if there is a teacher,test +64860,64861,64861,saalesu saan a tengilan da halacacay han a pataheka i,sounds delicious so order one of each,train +64861,64862,64862,o maan kura maangcepay,what is that burnt thing,train +64862,64863,64863,midisdis tu tefus han,to peel the sugar cane,train +64863,64864,64864,Malahurac ku falucu naira,their hearts are empty,train +64864,64865,64865,i kalasufitayan a pakilac nu niyaay a pihitayan,the training center distributes it back to your unit,train +64865,64866,64866,Haida malahakelung aca kita tayla mihalama,Okay we will go together again,train +64866,64867,64867,tahiraay ku malitengay minengneng kiya tu lukedaw hananay,the old man went to see the tiger,train +64867,64868,64868,tadamaan ku ulah nu was,Gods love is great,train +64868,64869,64869,avala,shoulder,train +64869,64870,64870,makeru kami awa ku tadasay niyam sa,but when they say they do not have our headdresses,test +64870,64871,64871,kaku aci Parnapas a ccay ku ci tudungay a mamaruray a matayal tu sakaurip niyam hakiya,or is it only I and Barnabas who must work for a living,train +64871,64872,64872,caay kahaen naayaw anu u emu sa,the kids in the past did not have a lot of snacks,train +64872,64873,64873,ancac ci alufu tu,or a lovers bag or something,train +64873,64874,64874,Olalip,house Rally tribe,train +64874,64875,64875,han tu itira ku han ku falucu nu niyam,just stay there that is our wish,train +64875,64876,64876,sakapahen pakatanekteken tu ku niyaru nu niyam,our tribes must be guarded and strengthened,train +64876,64877,64877,Tueman ku leflef tu dafak i Pailasan,the morning fog is very thick in the Fuyuan area,train +64877,64878,64878,awaay i luma mansa i edeng u wina ku,I am not at home,train +64878,64879,64879,masanekay tu ku siraw nu mita,we make savory meat that smells,train +64879,64880,64880,pauculi,looking for money,test +64880,64881,64881,tangasa ihacuwa awaay tu kina mahiniya,since when,train +64881,64882,64882,inaayaw naira ku,in the past the elderly had,train +64882,64883,64883,u ruma tu a demak i sasuwalen nu maku,another thing I wanted to mention,train +64883,64884,64884,pavuhangan nu heni ku vuvu,they are bringing in the fish and making holes in it,train +64884,64885,64885,Orasaka yu masaupu ku tarukus atu ci Yis i licayen nangra ci Yis Tapangaw anini Kisu a paluwad tu sakuwan nu kitakit nu Israil haw han nangra,so when they met together they asked him Lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel,train +64885,64886,64886,o cuhel ku sakacepa nu fuduy nu maku,my clothes were soaked through due to sweat,train +64886,64887,64887,kuwang,gun,train +64887,64888,64888,milakelaw kaku tu takura,when I went to catch a frog in the middle of the night,train +64888,64889,64889,manay hayi hantu,Therefore the answer is,train +64889,64890,64890,misefet tini lawaen tini itini misefet itni,tighten it here skip it and tighten it here,test +64890,64891,64891,ci Pawlu kaku pakayni i nafalucuan nu Kawas a matahidang a malatarukus ni Kristu Yis kaku atu salikaka ci Sustinis,Paul called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God and our brother Sosthenes,train +64891,64892,64892,Paratuhen kami tu demak nira,tell us about what he is doing,train +64892,64893,64893,ma putuy kisu dadahal ku pala saan,you are wrong you said the world was wide open,train +64893,64894,64894,itini pinukayan tu Pitil a lalan milicayay ku mikayatay tamiyanan O maanan ku kasasiruma nu maeferay atu matefaday a fuˈis,back at Bertrams the docent asked us What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite,train +64894,64895,64895,mitulun,pray for blessings,train +64895,64896,64896,hanen haca nu maku ku wawa aku di,if I do this to my children again,train +64896,64897,64897,misumad,amendment,train +64897,64898,64898,maading,defilade,train +64898,64899,64899,fakciw,measure,train +64899,64900,64900,u itiniay i Takaw a tamedaw i wata ku nangra pisaʼicel,the people who live in Kaohsiung are very serious,test +64900,64901,64901,sanay u suwal nu Padaka haw,as the Americans say Strength industry nationhood,train +64901,64902,64902,paicel,encouragement,train +64902,64903,64903,iraay kura cecay a luma a paylang,there is a Han Chinese family,train +64903,64904,64904,Naay caay pakakaen kaku tu aledahay,do not I am afraid to eat spicy food,train +64904,64905,64905,maʼedengay tu kuni aul,the bamboo material for the thatched roof is good enough,train +64905,64906,64906,macerenuh,creepy,train +64906,64907,64907,awaay tu ku sinang nunini a puut,the knife is already unfavorable,train +64907,64908,64908,rasa hatira ku limuʼut,that is why it is so important to be so disciplined,train +64908,64909,64909,madudu aku ku suwal nu matuʼasay,I have listened to the teachings of the old man,train +64909,64910,64910,cay ku tadaising cingra tiya,he was not a doctor,test +64910,64911,64911,mahaenay han mararaway ku demak aku salaw awa ku maadpay nu maku,no wonder I am mistaken and that is why I cannot catch any of them,train +64911,64912,64912,Anu u maulahay i tamuwanan a ccay ku kaulahan namu i hakuwa ku nika tadamaan isu saw Haluciraraway a tamdaw a mahaen ku dmak,If you love those who love you what credit is that to you even sinners love those who love them,train +64912,64913,64913,hinatala kaku anini tuna saupu^ u Cen fu atu Yincumincu i masasi Sbalay,I hope today occasion can be a Sbalay between the government and the indigenous peoples,train +64913,64914,64914,tayra kami miritrit miriterit kami tu kusuy i,we went there to cut the lemongrass and while we were doing that we cut the lemongrass,train +64914,64915,64915,pinaay tu hakiya nu mihecaan taluma kami a patireng tu luma,I do not know how long we will be back to build the house,train +64915,64916,64916,nikamenek,quiet state,train +64916,64917,64917,anu sulinay caay ku lalumuwad a maurip ku mapatayay i kuna caay ka lumuwad ci Kristu a maurip nai patay,if there is no resurrection of the dead then not even Christ has been raised,train +64917,64918,64918,Cikiling a maemin ku kaying a talauamah,the ladies all brought their shades to work,train +64918,64919,64919,Cilicaes ku fukes nina wawa,there are lice eggs in this child hair,train +64919,64920,64920,Hay adihay ku lutuk nu niyaru nu mita,Yes our tribe has many mountains,test +64920,64921,64921,o kining tu isu a nisanga,consider these first creations your souvenirs,train +64921,64922,64922,tayni tu kaku i Dipung,we have been to Hong Kong Singapore Japan,train +64922,64923,64923,anini satu mafanatu kita u tamdaw maen tu fukesu,now we are all eating grass too,train +64923,64924,64924,Nikawrira caay ka fanafana ku nisawawaan tu tatudung nu suwal ni Yis nawhani u pakakmuday kunini a suwal saka caay pakahapinang cangra tu tatudung nunini a suwal ni Yis,the disciples did not understand any of this its meaning was hidden from them and they did not know what he was talking about,train +64924,64925,64925,sa maseking aku ku tusa a paya,that is how I got my two licenses,train +64925,64926,64926,Yincumincu,original inhabitant,train +64926,64927,64927,Nayara i Taukak ku luma,they used to live in a big house,train +64927,64928,64928,itira kura pisalingkaan niyam Yiangmey Cungli,the place where we make the bricks is in Yangmei Jungli,train +64928,64929,64929,anu aayaw nu pipikaliumahan ayaw nu kaliumahan iri,If prior to the Harvest of a crop the,train +64929,64930,64930,iraay hu i cawka ku cecay a talid hamanay tu a miaca,there is still one bottle left in the kitchen so there is no need to buy one,test +64930,64931,64931,urira i u safafa nu iya aku sanay,but I have one as a carrier,train +64931,64932,64932,palatamdaw,teach,train +64932,64933,64933,yaan tu i tu cilacila tu i,and then after a couple of days,train +64933,64934,64934,maruya san ku falucu a mararum,I am sorry for the extravagance and the waste,train +64934,64935,64935,awaay ku nu maku nika mavana kaku ira ku ni Panay pataduaw nu maku kisu a micaliw,I do not have it but I know Panay does I can borrow it for you,train +64935,64936,64936,Mirunang ku kulung i ngutaay a nanum,the water buffalo rolled in dirty water,train +64936,64937,64937,tadafaʼinayan tu kura,what a fine fine man,train +64937,64938,64938,Pamuecal a rumakat aka a miikung,go straight and do not turn,train +64938,64939,64939,u paliw hananay a demak haw i,the so called change of job,train +64939,64940,64940,sawad han tu nu matuasay ku nikalasikawasay,the old man gave up the path of the Wizard,test +64940,64941,64941,micadcad tu uway,stripping bamboo,train +64941,64942,64942,ta tayni sa tu itini,then he came here,train +64942,64943,64943,ira hen ci Cen kunkuwi kiyami u kaka cira,because there is Chen Kun guy who is his brother,train +64943,64944,64944,Hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw nanay midauc a malahungti Kisu han nangra cingra a mitaung,and they began to call out to him Hail king of the Jews,train +64944,64945,64945,misatueman,make it dark,train +64945,64946,64946,iyuf,blow,train +64946,64947,64947,Malacaltu nangra ku fanaw macakat cangra i Kinisarit,when they had crossed over they landed at Gennesaret,train +64947,64948,64948,kiwlien,picking Cucumber,train +64948,64949,64949,a can pala can nira i mikilim tu nanum,reclaiming the land requires a lot of abundant water,train +64949,64950,64950,mipatala tu siraw atu epah ku silumaay mipakucisu tu salawina,the family prepares a Feast of salted pork and wine for their relatives and friends,test +64950,64951,64951,awaay ku salikaka aku,I do not have any siblings,train +64951,64952,64952,Mapanukas tu aku inacila^ kiya,I returned it yesterday,train +64952,64953,64953,malaina,a relative,train +64953,64954,64954,anu dafak,tomorrow,train +64954,64955,64955,Anini^,Here,train +64955,64956,64956,naʼay kaku misikul kisuwan imatini awaytu ku ina nu niyam di,I will ignore you now our mother is gone,train +64956,64957,64957,pakasevekay tu nikawumahan nu mawumahay,to make a good Harvest of the grains and cereals that we cultivate,train +64957,64958,64958,mavukil a mivuting,and they do not fish,train +64958,64959,64959,ˈayaw nu cecay fulad ta mifekad ku mitakaway i satapangay cingra pacekiw tu tatusa Antantelu a tamdaw,a month before the theft Riana began discussing the Bible with the two Antandros,train +64959,64960,64960,Em fangsis sanay adetay a kaenen,Oh it smells good and looks delicious,test +64960,64961,64961,o cacipuyapuy kisu ta mahufuc tu fainayan a Wawa ci Yis han ku pipangangan tuya Wawa,you will be with child and give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus,train +64961,64962,64962,tu narakatan nasuuyan nu misu a misetik,or go out in the wild to catch and collect,train +64962,64963,64963,o kahengangay ku dufut nu kaying a malikuda,a lady hangs a Valentines bag and dances at the Harvest Festival,train +64963,64964,64964,tusa ku diyung paluma ira i,I have got two pigs,train +64964,64965,64965,sakapahen ku rakat isu,a good way to go,train +64965,64966,64966,kalimaan ku payul asa kisu,if you do not start with the head,train +64966,64967,64967,Malahakelung kami a tayra i Taypak,we will go to Taipei together,train +64967,64968,64968,mafulud,together,train +64968,64969,64969,lawac,edge,train +64969,64970,64970,o maan ku tatulunen nu mita,what do we pray for,test +64970,64971,64971,ira sanay tamdaw haw,that man has,train +64971,64972,64972,Kalingkuay,place Name Hualien,train +64972,64973,64973,ira ku yu caay kalemed hananay,it is a recipe for disaster,train +64973,64974,64974,pasayrapasipasa,go,train +64974,64975,64975,unini ku malaheciay aku itiya,this is one of the policies I have accomplished,train +64975,64976,64976,ayaw nu 5 miheca,five years ago,train +64976,64977,64977,Ritrit hatu kira takaraw a eli u sapisaluma,they cut the tall thatch with a sickle and used it as material for building their houses,train +64977,64978,64978,itini aayaw papina kamu na itini kisu,in front of this,train +64978,64979,64979,sa malaay kiya luma ni kaka aku patatiwtiw hu kami,the big sister still lives far away and took a short break in the middle of the day,train +64979,64980,64980,malaliw,Away,test +64980,64981,64981,Taywan cika papina,there are not many Han Chinese,train +64981,64982,64982,sanay kiraan mawuc ku finawlan,as for the preparatory meeting it is a gathering of the townspeople,train +64982,64983,64983,caay kasawad nu niyaru kina iraan,the tribe has not forgotten the pillar,train +64983,64984,64984,mahapinang namu ku nika u tatudungen namu kami nawhani yu i tirahu kami i tamuwanan i caay ka tuka kami,for you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example we were not idle when we were with you,train +64984,64985,64985,sasirawensakiruen,pickle,train +64985,64986,64986,kalimelaan nu misu nian haw,you treasure these,train +64986,64987,64987,a mipatala,prepared,train +64987,64988,64988,mimeraw a kapah tu,the bodies were buried at the same time,train +64988,64989,64989,sisa mayseng kamu,that is why you will live longer,train +64989,64990,64990,pakasuelin,believe,test +64990,64991,64991,saman misuwalan aku camira kira,because I told them,train +64991,64992,64992,hay litud hananay kuni ini,that is what happens when you rip this off,train +64992,64993,64993,i herek na pahanhan tina lalud i aw tasiyi tu kaku,after summer vacation it is time to be a college student,train +64993,64994,64994,keliw,vegetarian linen thread for weaving,train +64994,64995,64995,sipasip,rub,train +64995,64996,64996,miki araw tu matuasay,watching elders handiwork,train +64996,64997,64997,onini i u sakasungilaaw isu a mafana tu nitngilan isu,so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught,train +64997,64998,64998,mecel,straight,train +64998,64999,64999,han nira,he said so,train +64999,65000,65000,matiya u patirengay tu luma cingra Satalulungen ningra a mikarkar ku sra a misanga tu paranaan i ungcuy Tataang ku nanum stulen nu cdas kuya luma i caay ka ngyangi nawhani tanektek ku nipipatireng nuya tamdaw tuya luma,he is like a man building a house who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock when a flood came the torrent struck that house but could not shake it because it was well built,test +65000,65001,65001,mali^,ball,train +65001,65002,65002,ura rengus kiya,the plant,train +65002,65003,65003,tulu a pulu,years,train +65003,65004,65004,caay ka ci takamayan,I am not wearing gloves,train +65004,65005,65005,itiya haw,at that time,train +65005,65006,65006,pangangan tu nu Payrang,because the Minnan people went straight to register these lands,train +65006,65007,65007,Pecu u sanay a cecay ku tayal nu fayifahi i Olalip tu dadayadaya,the women neighbors of the Yalali tribe work every night only picking betel nuts,train +65007,65008,65008,o rumasatu tayra ci Yisan a milicay ku caay pasulin tu nika lumuwad a maurip nai patay sanay a Satukay a tamdaw,then the Sadducees who say there is no resurrection came to him with a question,train +65008,65009,65009,o cici nu finawlan kiraan,that is the tribes little water canal,train +65009,65010,65010,satu ku lihaf nu finawlan,the clan has concerns,test +65010,65011,65011,micekahay,brides,train +65011,65012,65012,Cu,Chow,train +65012,65013,65013,tahira itini itini tu i kilakilangan cingra a mikilim tuya takula,at this point he went to the forest to look for the frog,train +65013,65014,65014,u faʼinayan u mamalahitay,because the boys are going to the army,train +65014,65015,65015,u cipayciay cipayci u awaay awaay,the rich are rich the weak are weak,train +65015,65016,65016,itira tu kami mapapaliw a mipatireng tu luma,so we started switching jobs with each other and we built the house,train +65016,65017,65017,rekrek,crowds,train +65017,65018,65018,awa tu kisu saan ku matuʼasay,you have no use for them either,train +65018,65019,65019,hai hatiraay ya,that is it,train +65019,65020,65020,o nisangaan tu tingting ku kiling,the sunshade is made from the spikes of the manzanita plant,test +65020,65021,65021,o lasang ku adihayay nu urip nira tu rumiamiad,he lives a drunken life,train +65021,65022,65022,tangasa i lutukay enaray sanay a pikuwan nu Minkuk,and the post war ROC government undertook assimilation policies,train +65022,65023,65023,riyar mafukir tu riyar liyal hay aray tatimutimur alay,there is a flutter tongue in the sea scale but no flutter tongue in the south,train +65023,65024,65024,Nikawrira tangsul sa a pasuwal ci Yis i cangraan Aka ka talaw O Kaku kunini Sangaayen ku falucu namu han ningra,but Jesus immediately said to them Take courage it is I do not be afraid,train +65024,65025,65025,anu tuuren ku suwal ni Tiway Sayun aisedan tu pakayniay i cengel nu lusid nu Pangcah,according to Principal Lee Lai want the reason for the color of the Amis costume,train +65025,65026,65026,u nu heni tu a nipasiket,also what they place,train +65026,65027,65027,Namiusiay tu kaku tadangaayay tu kina tilid,I have read it and it is very good,train +65027,65028,65028,mahaen i matini,now this,train +65028,65029,65029,o radiw atu keru nu Pangcah caay ka sasawad nika u radiw haw i sepat ku nikasasiruma^ u radiw nu sikawasy u radiw nu sakiilisin u radiw nu malanguhahay atu radiw tu sakikeru^ nu fafahian,the songs and dances of the Amis are inseparable and there are four types of songs songs for rituals songs for the Harvest Festival songs for lyrics and songs for dances,train +65029,65030,65030,u salil atu tabukud,fish and gossip,test +65030,65031,65031,caay pipili tu mihecaan,you do not pick your age,train +65031,65032,65032,pinangan,traditional custom,train +65032,65033,65033,itiya hu a misiyakay kura pinangan aku itiya ayaw i,at the beginning I was in the following situation,train +65033,65034,65034,Alulung,the name of the Athlone tribe,train +65034,65035,65035,matuas tu kaku mavana kaku mapatay tu,when I grew up I realized he was dead,train +65035,65036,65036,madiput nu faki aku,my uncle adopted it,train +65036,65037,65037,kunini,this one,train +65037,65038,65038,u huhusi han nu niyam kiraan a vuting,catch the fish we call Guardian Creek,train +65038,65039,65039,Dutucen ku tayal nu tuas isu,to follow in the footsteps of your forefathers,train +65039,65040,65040,maariay,broken,test +65040,65041,65041,ira ku uway,some of them also use rattan,train +65041,65042,65042,mihecaan tuniyan iri,in the early years of the century,train +65042,65043,65043,wa ira tu ku kadadutuc tahira i daʼuc,it is the only way to carry on the tradition forever,train +65043,65044,65044,matini tira i haw,now it is at Chong Shengs place,train +65044,65045,65045,hacuwaay,when,train +65045,65046,65046,ira kira vavuy sa cira,he said there was a mountain pig,train +65046,65047,65047,Inacila tayra kaku iniyaru milisu ciakungan,Yesterday I went to visit my Grandpa in the tribe,train +65047,65048,65048,u niket nu sapikuwan ira ku nipatireng tu tumuk nu niyaru mamiririd tu niyaru,political system tribes elect a leader with leadership ability as the highest authority,train +65048,65049,65049,cima hakiya ku kakteran nu Kawas tu spat a pulu nu mihcaan caay kuya ciraraway uya pulin sanay a mapatay i kuhkuhan a finawlan saw,and with whom was he angry for forty years was it not with those who sinned whose bodies fell in the desert,train +65049,65050,65050,ciiraan,It,test +65050,65051,65051,Cuwa u papaliwal kita tu sifaliay a mali,No we will sell balloons,train +65051,65052,65052,sa ira ku cacudadan tira cacudadan i tira i malecapuʼay ku Pangcah u Taluku a micudad i tira,that is why they set up the school in Na Mile where the students of the school are Amis and Taroko together,train +65052,65053,65053,cay kalifanaʼan haw i,beyond expectation unexpected,train +65053,65054,65054,hatira sanay tu ku sikac tahanini,that is how I have been living until now,train +65054,65055,65055,matenes kaku itira yu,I will be there for a long time,train +65055,65056,65056,mamelaw tu nu finawlan,tribesmen see envy,train +65056,65057,65057,tatiʼitiʼih ku salikaka isu haw,or a bad sibling,train +65057,65058,65058,hay ira tu ku suwal nu wina aku kasiluma tu isu ku ngaʼay,my mom also said You would better start a family soon,train +65058,65059,65059,dadahal kunu matuasay,the old mans very long,train +65059,65060,65060,sapatuaya,an offering,test +65060,65061,65061,caay karaheker naw han i,I am not happy with it either how can I put it,train +65061,65062,65062,mahaenay u nisuwalan nu maku atu misadim tu vuting,use the fish vines I told you about to poison the fish,train +65062,65063,65063,cinglaw matini kisu kacyang,just say it mom that is what you are,train +65063,65064,65064,sapicacak tu niyam tu sinafel u hemay,we are going to use it to cook rice,train +65064,65065,65065,itini i tingwa kami masasuʼaraw atu ramud nu maku,I met my wife on the phone,train +65065,65066,65066,cuwa aca kunu pinukay,I do not just want to go home,train +65066,65067,65067,Hadefek han nu Amilika ku sufitay nu Ilak,the YOUS military has wiped out the Iraqi army,train +65067,65068,65068,maanen,pardon me,train +65068,65069,65069,rumaruma,do not,train +65069,65070,65070,pecih han ni ina ku epang a pafeli tu wawa nira,mom breaks the bread and gives it to her children,test +65070,65071,65071,pawpaw,rafting,train +65071,65072,65072,u tana u sapimaan kuni,what is this one for,train +65072,65073,65073,a hai matira kura matama han,I would day Right like that,train +65073,65074,65074,safaw luma kaku matayal tu kinciku hananay,for years I worked in geotechnical engineering,train +65074,65075,65075,sa minengneng aca itiya hu i,at that time it was highly valued,train +65075,65076,65076,a miʼanip miputaput sa,you have to plant seedlings and weed them,train +65076,65077,65077,adihay misangaʼan aku icila,I have done a lot of collecting before,train +65077,65078,65078,kalatemuhan nu alu atu riyar,follow the river to the sea,train +65078,65079,65079,sadak satu ci Lacarus Mafedfed tu kiradum ku waay atu kamay ningra matafu tu sasifin ku pising ningra Tadtaden kura satafu ta papinukayen cingra han ni Yis,the dead man came out his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen and a cloth around his face Jesus said to them Take off the grave clothes and let him go,train +65079,65080,65080,padawdawenpalikaten,sidelight up,test +65080,65081,65081,mamaanay matuka vavaianay,Why are you so lazy,train +65081,65082,65082,u tudung nu tamuhung kinian haw,someone is using a dipper as a hat is this a hat,train +65082,65083,65083,caay caay kavana umaumahan a hiya a Taywan kuraan,No I do not know the fields there are all Min Min,train +65083,65084,65084,i niyan anu ira ku mavelecay niyan nu luma,if there is a funeral in the family,train +65084,65085,65085,siiyaay siiluay,it is colored,train +65085,65086,65086,yu mamang hu^ kaku caay ka fana kaku tu serangawan nu niyah mangudu^ tu au Pangcah kaku sa ku harateng,when I was young I did not understand the culture of my ethnic group and I was a little embarrassed that I was an aborigine,train +65086,65087,65087,mavana kami a misausi,we will calculate,train +65087,65088,65088,malmed ku mihadidiay tu pades a tamdaw nawhani anu malahci ningra ku pilifet nu Kawas i u mamapafli cingra tu urip uya nanu nisuwalan nu Kawas a sapafli ningra i maulahay cingraan a tamdaw,for the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant its Blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed in the same way the rich man will fade away even while he goes about his business,train +65088,65089,65089,micakay kita tu sakaranam haw,let us go get breakfast shall we,train +65089,65090,65090,kiya sumuwal tu,they have been ordered to do so by the bereaved,test +65090,65091,65091,supa,saliva,train +65091,65092,65092,ci Yustus hananay a tamdaw ci Yisu ku ruma a ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan deng unini a tatulu a Yutaya a tamdaw ku mikaputay takuwanan a matayal tu saki Kitakit nu Kawas tadamaan ku pipadama nangra i takuwanan,Jesus who is called Justus also sends greetings these are the only Jews among my fellow workers for the kingdom of God and they have proved a comfort to me,train +65092,65093,65093,o maan a untuan ku kaulahan isu,what is your favorite sport,train +65093,65094,65094,sakalessakadat,comb,train +65094,65095,65095,ucung,enough,train +65095,65096,65096,misaikaikang,showing off,train +65096,65097,65097,adihay ku nirakaran ni mama,Dads fish traps were very productive,train +65097,65098,65098,a mipakatawa tu rumaruma,often makes people laugh,train +65098,65099,65099,u dihemayay sakapahay a tamdaw cira,he has a very kind personality and is a good person,train +65099,65100,65100,kisu i maanen nu misu a tayni,so how did you get here,test +65100,65101,65101,sapatiked,fishing rod,train +65101,65102,65102,pahanhan tu kita mitilid arayum,the class is over goodbye everyone,train +65102,65103,65103,vavainayan,male,train +65103,65104,65104,fangcal tu cangra,how are they,train +65104,65105,65105,tusa hu kura safang nira kira i lawac nu tipay,there are two nets on either side of the raft,train +65105,65106,65106,hatini aca ku paini nu maku,that is all I have to say,train +65106,65107,65107,sanu ʼAmis saan ku malitengay,the family uses Aramaic exclusively,train +65107,65108,65108,makameraw tu enar,see the plains,train +65108,65109,65109,caay kanga micumud kira tuna u matiniay,because it cannot get into this,train +65109,65110,65110,inurung patalaafala ni Kacaw,the men supported and lifted the burden onto Kacaws shoulders,test +65110,65111,65111,fafa tu safa,and to carry my siblings,train +65111,65112,65112,16 itini pikuwanan tu 1000 a miheca ci Yis atuya 144000 a dama a hungti papadama tu madimadiay tamdaw patikur malefut ku ˈurip,during the millennial reign Jesus and the assistant kings will help restore perfection to the faithful,train +65112,65113,65113,caay tu kapadeng ku curaf nu lamal i lutuk,the fire burning on the mountain cannot be extinguished,train +65113,65114,65114,rikur tu nga ilaay tu ku nu Paliwan a can,we will only take up the lease for farming after the implementation of the rent reduction,train +65114,65115,65115,kena malakakitaan maliteng tu i,who asked you to be a leader people are old,train +65115,65116,65116,u Taluku nu Taluku maleca tu,it is the same with the Taroko,train +65116,65117,65117,minawani miniwaniw,Weeding,train +65117,65118,65118,nanimaan itiya ku matuʼasay,in the early days the old people did all sorts of things in their spare time,train +65118,65119,65119,kalimelaan sapaʼicel nu kaemangay a nu malitengay itiyahu,it is a waste of the parents hard work,train +65119,65120,65120,warak,poison,test +65120,65121,65121,minukay tayra i Yirusalim cangra u saka siemelaw aca nu ˈurip nangra han,did they return to Jerusalem just to live in comfort,train +65121,65122,65122,caka piʼaca tu faeluhay a tilid,I have not bought any new books,train +65122,65123,65123,anu tataʼak ku mising ita kiyahu akaka ku falucu ita,let us not be afraid if we are too superstitious,train +65123,65124,65124,adihay ku tadah nu luma,there is a lot of debt in the family,train +65124,65125,65125,nisausi,it is been counted,train +65125,65126,65126,o suwal i Rikec ni Musi i Anu miilang tu panay ku kulung i aka pacinawen ku nguyus nira saan deng uya kulung a ccay ku kasidaitan nu Kawas hakiya,for it is written in the law of Moses Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain is it about oxen that God is concerned,train +65126,65127,65127,caay tu pakaduyduy kita tu nanu liteng a demak,there is no way to learn about early antiquity,train +65127,65128,65128,cirudihangay,there is an echo,train +65128,65129,65129,icep ku falat,the betel nut can be used as a beam,train +65129,65130,65130,fuduy riku,dress,test +65130,65131,65131,tada u katalawan ku demak nira,what he is doing is very frightening,train +65131,65132,65132,cakat,go up,train +65132,65133,65133,kaku ku kaku sa kisu haw,I am an honored man,train +65133,65134,65134,Du^duen nu Kawas ku nanu niktunan ningra a falucu Saka paturuden ningra ci Yis i tamuwanan Arawhani pakaynien namu i tadatatiihay a tamdaw ku nipipacek i cingraan i ciwcika a mipatay,this man was handed over to you by Gods set purpose and foreknowledge and you with the help of wicked men put him to death by nailing him to the cross,train +65134,65135,65135,a misaʼusitu,schools are counted,train +65135,65136,65136,misetek ci ina tu titi,mom cut the meat,train +65136,65137,65137,Caayay mararaw ku pinengneng isu,No you are mistaken,train +65137,65138,65138,Nanay mikaput ku Tapang i tisuwanan Nanay mapaini nu Kawas kamu tu mikumi,the Lord be with your spirit grace be with you,train +65138,65139,65139,anu taynien i nu kuwaping haw hananay hay,the Chinese translation is,train +65139,65140,65140,a lise nu Pangcah,the treasured legacy of Amis history,test +65140,65141,65141,anu u maan kurira caay kafana cingra,he did not know what it was,train +65141,65142,65142,anu maan ku finawlan caykatuka mitangtang tu hemay,the tribe will never turn down an event and they will cook,train +65142,65143,65143,ura kaetip i u kangangiw nga,I planted some peppers on the west side,train +65143,65144,65144,aya ina una adada nu wawa isu tadamanay ku adada nuna wawa isu,Auntie your child is very sick,train +65144,65145,65145,itiyahu tu niya turapas kiya haw paupihen,why did this crown used to have feathers attached to it,train +65145,65146,65146,adihayay i tira,there is a lot of them over there,train +65146,65147,65147,lima ku safaw a efen nu tuki tahira i pitilidan,minutes to school,train +65147,65148,65148,o mamicuker kaku i tisuwanan,I am going to back you up,train +65148,65149,65149,tuna masadaktu ca Pawlu aci Silas nai pirufuan tayra satu cangra i luma ni Litiya itira a masasuaraw tu salikaka paicelen nangra cangra ta liyas satu cangra,after Paul and Silas came out of the prison they went to Lydias house where they met with the brothers and encouraged them then they left,train +65149,65150,65150,atu hatira tu ku,there is also a management fee,test +65150,65151,65151,Orasaka u kakalimlaan i caay kuya palumaay atu micfusay a tamdaw deng uya palahaday a Kawas ku kakalimlaan,so neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything but only God who makes things grow,train +65151,65152,65152,ta pakitipid hantu ku funguh ni Yuhani a pafli kuya fafahiyan a wawa ni Hirutiyas ta paflien nuya kaying ku ina ningra,his head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl who carried it to her mother,train +65152,65153,65153,luluʼeng mahelek a milulung,carry it when you are ready,train +65153,65154,65154,mahaenay ku nikaurip naayaw ku nipacengceng hananay,that is how we used to make fish houses,train +65154,65155,65155,marasitay,go from house to house to report good news,train +65155,65156,65156,u sasuraratan han i ayaw,previously known as a meeting place,train +65156,65157,65157,o saakawangay a tukus ku Nitakayama,the tallest mountain is Jade Mountain,train +65157,65158,65158,han aku kamu inaʼaw amaʼaw,I am asking mom and Dad,train +65158,65159,65159,Edengkini,after that until now,train +65159,65160,65160,nanitira,three or four hundred years ago,test +65160,65161,65161,safaw enem,sixteen,train +65161,65162,65162,teli han itira tangaʼay a hatapes hai,it is in a big bamboo basket,train +65162,65163,65163,pakaen tu kulung sa pakaen tu kulung awa kumaan,if we are told to graze the cows we will graze the cows there is nothing,train +65163,65164,65164,nanay caay ka citulas a mataung a mapahmek ku midaucay a Hungti uya caay ku mamapuhed caay ka araw a dengan a Kawas Amin,now to the king eternal immortal invisible the only God be honor and glory for ever and ever Amen,train +65164,65165,65165,anu tumireng kamu a mitulun i ayawen ku pisulul tu pararaway i tamuwanan a tamdaw ta mahpul nu wama namu i kakarayan ku raraw namu,and when you stand praying if you hold anything against anyone forgive him so that your father in heaven may forgive you your sins,train +65165,65166,65166,o pasulinay ta mapainuay a tamdaw i u mamapaurip Nikawrira u caay pasulin a tamdaw i u mamapastek i raraw,whoever believes and is baptized will be saved but whoever does not believe will be condemned,train +65166,65167,65167,suwal sa ku mama,dad said,train +65167,65168,65168,tahenay,quickly,train +65168,65169,65169,mipa,implore,train +65169,65170,65170,maulah ku adingu ciraan,you can go back to the ancestral Spirit world,test +65170,65171,65171,minukay pakafana kaku tu tilid,I want to return to teach at the local school,train +65171,65172,65172,u ka Ripunanhu tangtaʼang tu ku lakes itiya haw i,the camphor trees were particularly large in the Japanese era,train +65172,65173,65173,Mihadi^diay ku singsi a pakafana i tamiyanan,the teacher was very patient in teaching us,train +65173,65174,65174,tu niyan u paysin iri,taboo rules,train +65174,65175,65175,pakacinamalay ci panay a talapicudadan,Panay goes to school by train,train +65175,65176,65176,Tataang ku ulah nira tuya wawa,his love is great for that child,train +65176,65177,65177,Taracen,clean up sweep,train +65177,65178,65178,Tuwapun kiwkay,Mid America church Towa bend church,train +65178,65179,65179,cici,small canals,train +65179,65180,65180,pinapina tu ku rumiʼad i ira tu kuya harateng,after a few days of this I had a new idea,test +65180,65181,65181,cima ku pakafanaay tisuwanan,who taught you that,train +65181,65182,65182,mapapalu^,fight,train +65182,65183,65183,ta tatiʼih ku matiniay sa,think that is not good,train +65183,65184,65184,Mu^tep ira ku sepat,fourteen,train +65184,65185,65185,saka urana tu kafanaan kira mafana tura faʼinayan,you know it from here the boys know it,train +65185,65186,65186,Namahecek nu kilang siremes i lalavu,he is been hit with a log and there is blood spilling out of his brain,train +65186,65187,65187,mikilim tu sasalamaen,find entertainment,train +65187,65188,65188,Anu icuwa ku dafung anca uduˈ namu i itira ku falucuˈ namu Luka 1234,where your treasure is there will your heart be also Luke,train +65188,65189,65189,ucuren ku cecay a tayra i Taypey san a minanam tu ulukang san ku mihak,we are sending a student to Taipei to learn the organ,train +65189,65190,65190,Hay naunen a taluma,Okay take care and go home,test +65190,65191,65191,maala ku pangkiw nu tuki,it takes about half an hour,train +65191,65192,65192,o nitilidan nima kunini,who wrote this,train +65192,65193,65193,itira tu ku aru nu niyam,that is where we live,train +65193,65194,65194,kafanaan,known,train +65194,65195,65195,edeng i sasing tu ku nikafana nu mita tu pisanga nu fafahian nu Pangcah tu atumu hananay a demak pakifunguhen nu fafahian ku kapuwa a miradum hatira satu ku nikafana ita tu taneng nu tuas ita a misaatumu,one can only find traces of the wisdom of our ancestors in making pottery through historical photographs of Amis women making urns by hand patting pottery and images of women carrying water on their heads in clay pots,train +65195,65196,65196,itiya hu cuwa ka papaceken han,did not you used to put nails in it,train +65196,65197,65197,satarakawen ku nipihuwad itila amin,lift it up high and drop it all down there,train +65197,65198,65198,ca^ung,forehead,train +65198,65199,65199,awaay hu ku luma itini itiya,there were not any houses here yet,train +65199,65200,65200,mafukil ku naniniay tu wawa,because modern kids do not understand,test +65200,65201,65201,pina ku kakaya,how long is it,train +65201,65202,65202,a Fangcalay pinenean,now a tourist attraction,train +65202,65203,65203,lifuha^,influenza,train +65203,65204,65204,petun eng kakaniira,brother and sister Uh her brother,train +65204,65205,65205,misaefitay,fraudster,train +65205,65206,65206,sewaka,use a credit card,train +65206,65207,65207,kura kapah miala tura patayra i,mountain youth to earn more rice food,train +65207,65208,65208,Mitefu ku kapah nu finawlan i lutuk,the young people of the tribe went up the mountain to gather bamboo shoots,train +65208,65209,65209,Piarawi,take care,train +65209,65210,65210,u ruma misiket,some are possessed by,test +65210,65211,65211,nikawrira i tini i mituuray tu Tapang i u mamasasidama ku fainayan atu fafahiyan,in the Lord however woman is not independent of man nor is man independent of woman,train +65211,65212,65212,sapatenas,flavored with vinegar,train +65212,65213,65213,pahacikay,deploy something fast,train +65213,65214,65214,wuliwtyenelila,it is only five or six days,train +65214,65215,65215,awaay ku saka ira nu mita,we would not have gotten anything,train +65215,65216,65216,waa,horn,train +65216,65217,65217,tayra satu ci Angah a tuan tu u cila tu kiraan,Anahata left for the city that was yesterday,train +65217,65218,65218,maherek mikuwad,lift it up when you are done,train +65218,65219,65219,taluma amin a misanka tu pilisinan nu niyaru,they all came back to participate in the are tribal festival,train +65219,65220,65220,iraay kiya aku anini sa,and now my least popular one,test +65220,65221,65221,u saayaway a sapinangen nu mita a misausi,first of all we have to do the math ourselves,train +65221,65222,65222,nanu mimingan aku miharateng haw,ever since I was a kid I have always thought,train +65222,65223,65223,makirum kita ey pacekuk,we are also worried about surprises,train +65223,65224,65224,atu unian ini ini,and some of these,train +65224,65225,65225,anu hatira i caay ka kisu kuya paluwaday tu rawraw i tiyahu a mikrid tu spatay a patek a mariangay a tamdaw a milaliw a tayra i kuhkuhan a Icip a tamdaw han ningra,Are not you the Egyptian who started a revolt and led four thousand terrorists out into the desert some time ago,train +65225,65226,65226,kupu,cup,train +65226,65227,65227,Hay ira i kafutian a mafuti ciira,Yes she is sleeping in her room,train +65227,65228,65228,sa maʼurip aca kiya kilang,and then the tree came back to life,train +65228,65229,65229,o suwal nu matuasay caayay pitulas paini ku mitapalay tu sakalihaday a maurip ku tamdamdaw,according to the old man everything sends messages to human beings to make their lives smooth,train +65229,65230,65230,hakuwaay kisu a mafana misasiraw,you pickled at that age,test +65230,65231,65231,anini haw,Now,train +65231,65232,65232,nikawrira ira kiya tatuluay a tamdaw maaraw nira mapulin kura wawa,but there were three people they saw the child fall down,train +65232,65233,65233,u awul na u hecek,Bamboo columns,train +65233,65234,65234,i Fataan ku luma nu niyam,our family lives in Fataan,train +65234,65235,65235,Sisinaadaan sa kita kiyami haw,I feel sorry for you again,train +65235,65236,65236,hatiniay aca ku nu maku a,my only goal,train +65236,65237,65237,miedem,fulfillment,train +65237,65238,65238,misacacakay,chef,train +65238,65239,65239,sinfunkisya,Reporter,train +65239,65240,65240,mahaen,so,test +65240,65241,65241,o cifar ku pitenesan naira tu sinafel,they use a boat shaped plate made of leaves to cook the food,train +65241,65242,65242,o tawen kunini a sera,this soil must be worked up with a hoe,train +65242,65243,65243,Hay u papacem aca,Yes but only in the morning,train +65243,65244,65244,hawikid han tu ku funus ni mama isu anu talaumah kisu,if you are going to the field take Dads knife with you,train +65244,65245,65245,pilalakat niyam a nihiya,moving around,train +65245,65246,65246,tahira kuya tatusaay i mitulun cangra tu sapilayapaw nuya Samariya a tamdaw tu Fangcalay Adingu,when they arrived they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit,train +65246,65247,65247,o tusa lunguc maku haw i,my second message is,train +65247,65248,65248,naʼengan hu simeden hu i tangsu,not only did you put it away you hid it in the closet,train +65248,65249,65249,pakafana tunu,instructing students,train +65249,65250,65250,sikaen,cuisine,test +65250,65251,65251,ci Mayaw ku ngangan nira,he is called Mayaw,train +65251,65252,65252,ihiya saka mabana tu kaku nu tamdaw ta,that is why I have been doing this since I was a kid,train +65252,65253,65253,nawhani,because our place is small,train +65253,65254,65254,itni saan a cinglaw le,from languages,train +65254,65255,65255,nama haen kami tayni midateng kami,we came to this mountain to collect wild vegetables,train +65255,65256,65256,naayaw huw u niyaru niyam itiyahu,our tribe at that time,train +65256,65257,65257,Misatadem kami anucila,we are going to make a grave tomorrow,train +65257,65258,65258,remadiw tuya radiw nu misu,sing your song,train +65258,65259,65259,cai kaku cai pakaʼaraw kaku,I have not I have not seen it either,train +65259,65260,65260,i terungay u Siwkulan a Pangcah nama ka ini i Huling Vataan Kuhkuh Puseku Silamitay a niyaru,in the Central area is the Xiuguluan Ami Group distributed in Fenglin Township Guangfu Township Ruisui Township Yuli Township and Fuli Township,test +65260,65261,65261,hanaw misanga ku matuʼasay tu siraw sa,that is why the old man makes savory meat,train +65261,65262,65262,u suwal hananay haw i,the language is,train +65262,65263,65263,u maduengay tu pinangan nu niyaru na demak i,law listening to representatives of tribal affairs,train +65263,65264,65264,maputun ku kamay nuya singsi,that preacher has lost his arm,train +65264,65265,65265,ku naremaʼadan maidengaytu,three hundred dollars a day is enough to earn dollars,train +65265,65266,65266,maharek milasu nimaan hu kisu,what do you do after watering,train +65266,65267,65267,ni a sasalamaen,cannot afford toys,train +65267,65268,65268,anu cai pakaadah tu sakinacecay hu i u mamiliyaw haca ku sikawasay a mihapinang a misalisin nawmamaanay ku nika muraraw a saan,if the healing is not good enough the priest will perform the ritual again more carefully to see if he has found the wrong one,train +65268,65269,65269,itiya hu u fainayan a wawa nu niyaru midu^du^ tu mihecaan a madadu^du^ micumud tuna masakaputay nai sasafaay pakarungay a misatapang milayap a mitaneng tu rarakaten,in the early days of the tribe all men had to enter the organization according to age starting at the lowest level of the pakarongay,train +65269,65270,65270,halikaedahay,I like it spicy,test +65270,65271,65271,kaku tu haw,it is my turn,train +65271,65272,65272,mapilik nu mafanaʼay a misasiraw sa hanaku ku suwal i titanan sa,I am telling you people who know how to make savory meats and they know how to choose the right meat to make it,train +65272,65273,65273,misakeru,dances,train +65273,65274,65274,minengneng kita tu fuis,we went stargazing,train +65274,65275,65275,samulimuli hananay ma,I have been going back and forth,train +65275,65276,65276,malakaka,siblings,train +65276,65277,65277,damsayay,nice and warm,train +65277,65278,65278,padateng sa ci ina takuwanan ya acicimay,my mother gave me a sour one,train +65278,65279,65279,sanay ku maku a madama ku,that is my personal opinion,train +65279,65280,65280,nawhani u ku kaku haw,I am an engineering graduate and a civil engineering graduate,test +65280,65281,65281,mahaen malahuluhulul ku malitengay itiya malitengay kuraan,at that time the old people gathered with each other,train +65281,65282,65282,sweykwu,fruit,train +65282,65283,65283,Nikawrira caay pasulin kamu tu nitilidan ni Musi saka samaanen namu ku pipasulin tu suwal aku saw,but since you do not believe what he wrote how are you going to believe what I say,train +65283,65284,65284,o talalutuk ku kapah a mikasuy i mamalahuk saan ku ratuh nu mipahusuay,the radio message said that the young men had to go to the mountains to cut wood before noon,train +65284,65285,65285,mahaen tu pakuyuc kami saan,that is what it looks like very poor,train +65285,65286,65286,tatukian,of the clock,train +65286,65287,65287,pasakasuan,Delicious,train +65287,65288,65288,Pinaun a ducuh a satu kira fiher nu paliding i lalan,please watch out for loose wheels on the road,train +65288,65289,65289,tayni tu i mataelif kura Maʼulaway i,when I came I passed by the Shande,train +65289,65290,65290,mifuut i takuwanan ci fayi aku i Tafalung,my ahjumma kept me in Taeba Long,test +65290,65291,65291,mahaenay ku lalangatan a pangangan,source of name,train +65291,65292,65292,anu caay ku sumuwal mafecul caay ka saan,if you do not stop it you will keep eating without feeling full,train +65292,65293,65293,nilawalan,flying squirrels hunted,train +65293,65294,65294,nawhani matngil nangra ku nika sumuwal nangra tu nu Adinguan a suwal atu nipipahmek nangra tu Kawas Saka suwal sa ci Pitiru,for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God then Peter said,train +65294,65295,65295,caay ka tengil aku ngaay taangayen ku ngiha haw,I cannot hear you can you speak louder,train +65295,65296,65296,fafekacen,running distance,train +65296,65297,65297,maherek mitukad tahaf han ningra ku kiladup,after the operation he covered his brothers body with a cloth,train +65297,65298,65298,misurut tu paysu,collect money,train +65298,65299,65299,tumireng kaku itira mitala cingranan,I stood there waiting for him,train +65299,65300,65300,mihawikid tu hakakaenen tu,just take it with you as food,test +65300,65301,65301,militemuh tu faʼinay nu mira haw i,meet their husbands,train +65301,65302,65302,matama nira ku ccay a fawn,he found an insect,train +65302,65303,65303,anu u uway haw caay ka lecad ku tayal,if it is a yellow vine it is a different job,train +65303,65304,65304,awaay a mamelaw,No,train +65304,65305,65305,cengel,color,train +65305,65306,65306,miala tiraan,it is a meet and greet,train +65306,65307,65307,Mapaflitu ni Musi kamu tu Rikec kyami Nawiru sapipatayan kamu i takuwanan saw awaay ku ccaccay aca a maimeray namu tu Rikec han ningra,has not Moses given you the law yet not one of you keeps the law why are you trying to kill me,train +65307,65308,65308,tamita satu,let us go,train +65308,65309,65309,patiku,refute,train +65309,65310,65310,samaanen isu a tayra i taluan,how do you go to the block house,test +65310,65311,65311,13 Kawrira ci Yakup aci Yuhani cuwahu ka fanaˈ masadafdaf ku picada tu tamdaw,James and John however had not yet learned to treat people justly,train +65311,65312,65312,mansa maciwang ngaʼaayay sanay,I would say that is a good way to crack a skirt,train +65312,65313,65313,tuna pahanhanan tayra i pusung milisu cifakian kaku atu kaka tu fafahiyan,this holiday my sister and I went to Taitung to visit my uncle,train +65313,65314,65314,nawu Huwalen Nungsiyaw ku sakalima nu haeni,they moved here mainly because of the Hualien agricultural School,train +65314,65315,65315,tahamatini mala awaiyay tu ku siuduku han tu ku nipaluma tu kalumaamaan,to develop the tribe as a whole into a non toxic organic fruit and vegetable producer,train +65315,65316,65316,ira kupi hicay itiya hu midanguyay,they are all rolling in the river and the sea,train +65316,65317,65317,lingatu satu kami,we are on our way,train +65317,65318,65318,nau han i,Because,train +65318,65319,65319,Pakahikuki^ kaku kitahenayan nu hikuki^ ku cinamalay,I will take the plane because it is faster than the train,train +65319,65320,65320,musus u,fart without a sound,test +65320,65321,65321,aka pitungangan tu tamdaw,do not speak evil against the character of people,train +65321,65322,65322,u sakakaay pina tu ku miheca,how old is your oldest,train +65322,65323,65323,araw amuway aca mauruntu kaku i tamuwanan,it is you guys I missed you so much,train +65323,65324,65324,ya laenuay a luma u wawa ira tu faʼinayan,that home down there that is her son,train +65324,65325,65325,Papimecmecen ni kaka kaku tu fesu,my sister told me to squeeze the balloon in my palm,train +65325,65326,65326,a masasuwal tu nu Pangcah,speak Amis,train +65326,65327,65327,paturuden rayrayen ku serangawan,nurturing the seeds of legacy in children,train +65327,65328,65328,han a pangangan,so name it this way,train +65328,65329,65329,u dafak kanikaran hu mikasuy patayra i luma ira,we have to take the wood to their house in the morning before dawn,train +65329,65330,65330,Misikul kaku i kaikur,when I look back,test +65330,65331,65331,mararamud,get married,train +65331,65332,65332,ku vana nu wawa,weakening of the ability to speak the language of the ethnic group,train +65332,65333,65333,Mafana kaku tu nika rarid isu a mitngil tu lunguc Aku o sakasaan aku a sumuwal i matini i u paayaw aku tunini a finawlan ta pasulin cangra tu nika u niucuran isu Kaku saan,I knew that you always hear me but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here that they may believe that you sent me,train +65333,65334,65334,milicay a mi kumi i ayaw,do a thorough investigation before the surgery,train +65334,65335,65335,ira ku futing saw,will there be fish,train +65335,65336,65336,masakeruay,dancing,train +65336,65337,65337,sapitatamek,a common tool used to bake groundnuts,train +65337,65338,65338,nuhuni misiʼuway,the next step is to cut the bamboo rattan into thin slices,train +65338,65339,65339,cacesces,Cobra,train +65339,65340,65340,Fesuc san ku Piyuma a silamalaycaay picafer i ciyataw niyam,the Puyuma goes straight ahead without stopping at my station,test +65340,65341,65341,adah saku suʼaw eng,totally thirst quenching no problem Yes,train +65341,65342,65342,hacuwatu maidengaytu naʼayaayaayaw,I have earned enough in the past how much more do I need,train +65342,65343,65343,mamaadah tu,it will heal,train +65343,65344,65344,tiliden ku manengnengay a tamdaw atu demak,write down the people and things you meet,train +65344,65345,65345,matedalay,free,train +65345,65346,65346,una mirusarusan hay,this is what it looks like when it is sawed off,train +65346,65347,65347,singsi sanay tumangicay kura wawa,I cannot believe I am crying,train +65347,65348,65348,u misulimetay saan urasaka,it is making a cultural push,train +65348,65349,65349,ci fafahi kaku san kaku cayka hirateng,I did not think I wanted a wife,train +65349,65350,65350,Hayda ka maharek a miusi i patikul han tu isu si Fasaw,Yes I am sure but when you are done reading give it back to Fasaw,test +65350,65351,65351,ˈArawen ku sapatungal lalakaw Ka tayni a Minengneng,see the accompanying column Why do not you come and see for yourself,train +65351,65352,65352,u pulung nu demak nu mita anini,and what we are doing here,train +65352,65353,65353,ya sera maru hu yu,and sit on the floor,train +65353,65354,65354,Savaway tu tusa nu kalahukan awaay sa ku lawad nira a misakalahuk,at twelve noon she was busy making lunch,train +65354,65355,65355,Parafrafen nu wawa ku lamal mitaliyuk a makeru,the children danced around the fire after making it a roaring flame,train +65355,65356,65356,saka malaluk kami a minanam,we value the short time we have to study hard,train +65356,65357,65357,ˈOlic saka 147 fedengan pakalalukay tu tamdaw nu Kawas a pahemek ci Yihufaan,Psalm constantly encourages Gods people to praise the LORD,train +65357,65358,65358,Mafahekul nu fali ku tamuhung aku,the wind blew my hat off,train +65358,65359,65359,anu cuwa ku Krisciyang ku raramud isu mamisamaan pasifanaˈ tu wawa mikangudu tu wama wina,as a Christian you will teach your children to obey the Bibles command Honor your father and mother,train +65359,65360,65360,Raud han nu nisawawaan cingra a mipalal a sumuwal Tapangaw pauripen kita sakaalulantu kita han nangra,the disciples went and woke him saying Lord save us we are going to drown,test +65360,65361,65361,17 anu sapisaluaw ku kaˈurip ita i mitengil a mihakelung tu sifanaˈ ni Yis,if we want to be satisfied we must listen to the teachings of Jesus,train +65361,65362,65362,mipakaus,Buckle up,train +65362,65363,65363,tira ta ca ama aku,that is where my dad and them stayed,train +65363,65364,65364,nawhani mafana kamu matu nika tayni nu mitakaway tu dadaya ku nika fahal sa ku nipiliyaw nu Tapang a tayni nuya rumiad,for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night,train +65364,65365,65365,misuvaw tu raecusay nu tireng,go down to the river and clean yourself up for fishing,train +65365,65366,65366,mifuenut,plucking the animals hair,train +65366,65367,65367,o imer atu kurac nu falucu ku sakarahuday nu urip ita,the harmony of our lives depends on cleansing and cherishing,train +65367,65368,65368,anu samaamaan tu ku ikuikur i haiken nanay,what is going to happen Whatever,train +65368,65369,65369,aka pisupa,do not spit,train +65369,65370,65370,maliayaw kaku inian,the first thing I want to introduce is,test +65370,65371,65371,Pinaay,which,train +65371,65372,65372,Hay mitilidaytu,Yes she went to school,train +65372,65373,65373,samaan ku rumiad anini,how is the weather today,train +65373,65374,65374,aka picarikus tu saka anufaw a mitiku,do not be tempted to go back to greed,train +65374,65375,65375,Nankang Sice kamu mikilim tu na mawsying,is it looking for discarded wool in Nangang and Shiodome,train +65375,65376,65376,u salalangatan tu nu Cikasuwan kiniyan a niyaru,this is the origin of the Nanakagawa tribe,train +65376,65377,65377,maulah kaku a misuped tu payci,I love collecting coins,train +65377,65378,65378,dadahal ku rafar ni akung aku i nuwalian a lutuk,Grandpa was traveling in the eastern part of the mountains to farm the hillside,train +65378,65379,65379,maharek a mikayki kuriraan ku misu i,after the meeting,train +65379,65380,65380,u saka dademak hay,I think so,test +65380,65381,65381,awaay ku paherekan nu anuf nu tamdaw,Mans greed has no end,train +65381,65382,65382,Saka pasuwal ci Yuhani tu pulung nu maaraway ningra i alumanay mipawacay cingra tu ratuh nu Kawas atu sulin nu nipaarawan ni Yis Kristu,who testifies to everything he saw that is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ,train +65382,65383,65383,ira ku paysin a demak tu pakayniay i sapiadup a lalusidan haw,do you have any taboos about hunting weapons,train +65383,65384,65384,Tumerepay ku urad mahadakay tu ku cidal,the rain stops and the sun comes out,train +65384,65385,65385,o hay,Really,train +65385,65386,65386,aka likauten ku suwal,do not talk around the subject i speak directly to the point,train +65386,65387,65387,sangaʼan nira ku lalan nu teinsiyat,filling in the factory roads,train +65387,65388,65388,o mirekuay tu tayal kunini a wawa,this child did his work according to directions,train +65388,65389,65389,tueman,darkly,train +65389,65390,65390,tayra miladum kini haw i panukayin tu niyam kila haw tayni i luma kiyahaw i,go down to the river and pick up water and take it home,test +65390,65391,65391,fafahi ni Payu,Bayous wife,train +65391,65392,65392,nisawawaan,kid,train +65392,65393,65393,tuyanan a lalusidan,those things,train +65393,65394,65394,ura lifung,it is an epidemic,train +65394,65395,65395,Pacauf sa ci Yis Sulinen Aku a sumuwal kisu anu caay liyawen ku tamdaw a mihufuc i caay ku papakaaraw tu kalahci nu Kitakit nu Kawas han ningra,in reply Jesus declared I tell you the truth no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again,train +65395,65396,65396,kaeped ku suwal,to be soft spoken,train +65396,65397,65397,palimu^,drinking to the elderly and blessing of the elderly,train +65397,65398,65398,makakametay,compatible,train +65398,65399,65399,kapilian nu tamdaw kausian nu tamdaw,someone who is disliked by people,train +65399,65400,65400,nidiputan,adopted,test +65400,65401,65401,tayra i Kinmung,to Kinmen,train +65401,65402,65402,misamamang,reduce,train +65402,65403,65403,tuyanan tu haw i,that is when it started,train +65403,65404,65404,Waw Kainalan kamu saw hacuwa tayra ku maku hani,Oh wow I am so jealous when do I get to go,train +65404,65405,65405,anu tahacada tu sakayat nu likakawa nu Kawas ku kasakilac kantuk atu maluhemay malitengay i mamisamaan tu demak cangra,what should be done when responsible brethren such as ward overseers and elders of a congregation receive guidance from Gods organization,train +65405,65406,65406,saka sa mahaʼen ku misasiraw nu mita u misa Pangcahay,So this is how we Amis make savory meat,train +65406,65407,65407,muraraw ku suwal aku,I was wrong,train +65407,65408,65408,kakeridan,collar,train +65408,65409,65409,Mikakuy kaku tu kamay,I raised my hand,train +65409,65410,65410,ininiyan hawimisanka tu ku safinawlanamisangaʼ tu tumuk,that is when all the tribesmen started to get involved in the election of the chief,test +65410,65411,65411,o sulinay a likat kunini a suwal o tayniay cingra i hkal a pata^ngad tu pulung nu tamdamdaw,the true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world,train +65411,65412,65412,ngaay hu tatayla kita i luma nu aadupen anini,hello everyone we are going to the zoo today,train +65412,65413,65413,uni taʼangay u larunicen aku,when I grow up I will pickle him and make pickles,train +65413,65414,65414,ciwawa kami i,among our children,train +65414,65415,65415,sahadidiay,I am very patient,train +65415,65416,65416,caedung,dressing,train +65416,65417,65417,Papimilmil ku singsi takuwanan tu kafang aku,the teacher asked me to check my school bag carefully,train +65417,65418,65418,mafiyukay,blow,train +65418,65419,65419,patikulen ma pasufaw kisu misasaw tu,it is the rice wine that cleanses,train +65419,65420,65420,makapaliding,riding in a car,test +65420,65421,65421,licay han niya simpu mangaʼay kisu mipadang takuwanan han nira,the priest asked my father if you could help me,train +65421,65422,65422,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cingraan O minanumay tunini a nanum i u mamiliyawhu a masuaw,Jesus answered Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,train +65422,65423,65423,Namalasang a taluma i u pulin nira i kafutian,he is been in bed since he came back drunk from drinking,train +65423,65424,65424,matini hi wawa,like when I was a kid,train +65424,65425,65425,adihay ku kungakunga nirama,they have a lot of groundnut gardens,train +65425,65426,65426,caʼay ka fangcal mahaʼen ku pisanga tu siraw anini,this is not a good way to make salted meat,train +65426,65427,65427,ta pasuwal sa cingra Yisaw anu mala Hungti tu Kisu a miliyaw a tayni i haratengen kaku haw han ningra,then he said Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom,train +65427,65428,65428,itiya i kriden nu pasifanaay tu Rikec atu Farisay a tamdaw ku ccay a fafahiyan tu nirpetan i nika udang ningra patirengen nangra cingra i sifu nangra,the teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery they made her stand before the group,train +65428,65429,65429,Kanguduen,respectable,train +65429,65430,65430,awaay ku nu ruma a demak nu misu,do not you have another job,test +65430,65431,65431,Saka luwad satu ci Pitiru atuya ccay a nisawawaan a pasayra i tadem,so Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb,train +65431,65432,65432,licayen aku iraay ha,I asked to see if there were any,train +65432,65433,65433,misanga,do,train +65433,65434,65434,kaemangay tamdaw ka Padutuc Misaˈicel Milahecitu Sakalidung namu a Tayal,young people are to labor continually to finish the work of your salvation,train +65434,65435,65435,o maan ku kacangalan nu misu i takuwanan,what is it you do not like about me,train +65435,65436,65436,Kamaru pinanum tu uciya,please sit down and have some tea,train +65436,65437,65437,cafacafay,classmate,train +65437,65438,65438,mitilid alatek ira ku kafanaʼan ira ku taneng i,maybe studying will increase your knowledge and strengthen your abilities,train +65438,65439,65439,aka ngudu liyaw satu kita a malicay,you are welcome let us talk again,train +65439,65440,65440,hantu namakayniyay,it is all from,test +65440,65441,65441,u fafahiyan tu ku maharatengay nira,they have started looking for women,train +65441,65442,65442,caay ka fana kamu tu nika u mamasamaan ku urip namu anucila matiya u canem kamu caay ka halafin ku nika ira i malahdawtu,Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow what is your life you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes,train +65442,65443,65443,a maherek kaku a remadiw,I finished my song,train +65443,65444,65444,sasiwasiwsafitay,sieve,train +65444,65445,65445,ya miaalay tura kilang,go cut down the trees,train +65445,65446,65446,u sahetusa u usi a kilang ku kilang ku falat nu mira,all with good trees for crossbeams,train +65446,65447,65447,u wawa i pilinsiw sa i pitilid kira hay,the kids are practicing at school Yes they do,train +65447,65448,65448,ila hu ku manan faluheci i pinsyang haw,is there any other fruit in the fridge,train +65448,65449,65449,palalen tu misalafiʼi,Woken up in the middle of the night,train +65449,65450,65450,maruhruhay,there is thunder,test +65450,65451,65451,anini nu mita u Amis hananay kiya,what about us Amis now,train +65451,65452,65452,uraan haw tahanini,this is what I have been doing since,train +65452,65453,65453,tulu rumiʼad anu mahalek tura tulu rumiʼad i,Three days what happens after three days,train +65453,65454,65454,ku iyaau Tumay,tigers are bears,train +65454,65455,65455,kalamkamen a mipafa^det,take it to the heat,train +65455,65456,65456,kakadahal nu kamay,very long hands,train +65456,65457,65457,ira ku futing afal titi atu tatukem,cooked fish shrimp meat and lobelia today,train +65457,65458,65458,i ka Ripunan hu,during the Japanese colonial period,train +65458,65459,65459,nu maku matuʼasay,I see ideas,train +65459,65460,65460,anu mi san i sakita u Yincumin i,if you raise your hand we Aborigines will raise ours,test +65460,65461,65461,nengneng han naku ku salikaka suʼelin,the parishioners I see,train +65461,65462,65462,o ngaayay a rumiad anini,this is a good day,train +65462,65463,65463,mamatayal tu nu kapulungan a demak anu ira ku cara nu niyaru misanga tu lalan atu kayakay,Watchfulness attendance for public things repairing roads and building bridges et,train +65463,65464,65464,sacapaen,divergent,train +65464,65465,65465,paluma han nina Taywan ku awul,the Minnan people grow bamboo in their fields,train +65465,65466,65466,maulah a miafufu ciira tu pusi,she likes to cuddle cats,train +65466,65467,65467,tengilen,please listen,train +65467,65468,65468,Paludaken nu Kawas ku lutuk nu Paywan,God made the mountains of the Paiwan tribe have hundred paced snakes,train +65468,65469,65469,u ruma tu ya karamud namu maan sa,where is the other couple,train +65469,65470,65470,Nikawrira ira i cangraan u Yutaya a tamdaw ku caay ka sulin ku dmak Saka anu hatira i caay ka sulin ku dmak nu Kawas saan kita haw,what if some did not have faith will their lack of faith nullify Gods faithfulness,test +65470,65471,65471,Mananginang kira wawa a pamucirid tu wayway nira a pakatelii tu mama atu ina nira,the child often deliberately engages in deviant behavior to make the parents angry,train +65471,65472,65472,sawsawen liyawen hu sarumiʼad sa,take it to the cleaners and recycle it all day long,train +65472,65473,65473,edeng nika mafukil tu nu Hulam a misaheci,but I cannot explain in Chinese,train +65473,65474,65474,Pina^ paysu^ kuya nicaliwan niira,how much does she owe you,train +65474,65475,65475,aawa,there will be no,train +65475,65476,65476,ya kaulahan aku,and my favorite,train +65476,65477,65477,kalawidang,friends,train +65477,65478,65478,tangasa i Ku Cun itini malasiwni tu kaku han naku kiya mama aku ha ha ha,when I was in middle school I told my father I wanted to be a nun ha ha ha ha,train +65478,65479,65479,sa caay kaku,talking about marriage,train +65479,65480,65480,tangasa i lima a remiad,to days,test +65480,65481,65481,tangasa itira mihifang tu kita,every year on June the clan participates in this festival,train +65481,65482,65482,itiya i fahal sa a mapulin cingra i kaayaw ni Pitiru a mapatay micumud kuya kapah i maaraw nangra ku nika pataytu ningra saka lilid hantu nangra a pasadak a mitadem i tatihi nu fainay ningra,at that moment she fell down at his feet and died then the young men came in and finding her dead carried her out and buried her beside her husband,train +65482,65483,65483,halupiʼauf hanira kura piseni nira mihaen nuya cikawasay,the wizard blew into my head with his mouth,train +65483,65484,65484,kinanuka nuka,the term antlers was given in the Japanese era,train +65484,65485,65485,fayi^,aunt,train +65485,65486,65486,tu fintang ira tu tu micada tu nu tukus a nanum,a basin to fill with water from the mountains,train +65486,65487,65487,kimulu tuktuk han manguyanguy tu kura pii kira,Tap tap tap and the skin will come off,train +65487,65488,65488,pafelien kaku tu tulu a tafu,give me three packs,train +65488,65489,65489,paaditen,Scleroderma,train +65489,65490,65490,u man ku sapasevana nu heni itini,parents without ethnic language training and learning,test +65490,65491,65491,mausuy haw tupien tu kira,if you are late you mark it with a cigarette,train +65491,65492,65492,kaenen ku hiya nira heci,both the tree and the fruit are edible,train +65492,65493,65493,tu matuʼasay hantui,short conversations with the elderly,train +65493,65494,65494,suwalen nira kura kapah ku wawa nira tu faʼinayayn,I would tell my son beforehand,train +65494,65495,65495,u nian anu kamangay ku mata,it is a small circle hole,train +65495,65496,65496,tayra i tira i,at that time,train +65496,65497,65497,way ku nanum sa eten sa tu nanum,they say our rice has no water and you are blocking it,train +65497,65498,65498,puway kisu cicuʼus saka lahuk nu finawlan kaulahan isu huw,after the humiliation you greedy bastard you are going to eat the tribes Chinese food,train +65498,65499,65499,misatapang miharateng kaku cuwa ka lecad ku nika pinengneng aku atu Kawas,and I began to think that maybe I do not see myself the way God sees me,train +65499,65500,65500,mana ku hanek nu antux nuni mamanay hu kiya sa,it is an outrageous odor what is going on,test +65500,65501,65501,palasawad,wastage,train +65501,65502,65502,kumaen tu heci nu lusay kisu tu rumiamiad,do you eat fruit every day,train +65502,65503,65503,yu wawa henay kami,when we were kids,train +65503,65504,65504,a misakeru,dances,train +65504,65505,65505,mavukil a mitavukud,and they do not fish with nets,train +65505,65506,65506,tu wawa nu mita hantui,how to build a family,train +65506,65507,65507,ura makaʼicep ku luma niyam,and the family loved it,train +65507,65508,65508,ngaʼay hu,Hello everyone,train +65508,65509,65509,himedan,concealment,train +65509,65510,65510,Elu sa kura wawa tu ina nira,the child was pampering his mom,test +65510,65511,65511,mainal,envious,train +65511,65512,65512,ira ku kulung anca ira ku kuku,if there are cows or chickens,train +65512,65513,65513,Hatapangen aku kamu panengneng,let us get started on what you are about to see,train +65513,65514,65514,katumireng mitaung,please stand up Salute,train +65514,65515,65515,ira aca palalan nu sifu tu nanay luwaden ku suwal nu mita Pangcah,government promotes native language revitalization program,train +65515,65516,65516,nay Ilan hay,it is in Yilan Okay,train +65516,65517,65517,anucila,in a few days,train +65517,65518,65518,atu nu tini Taywanay haw hay,it is not the same as a Taiwanese accent,train +65518,65519,65519,ku kalusimet niyam,we are good at what we do,train +65519,65520,65520,misamangah tu suwal,to lie deceive,test +65520,65521,65521,Masamen tu kaku,I am upset disturbed,train +65521,65522,65522,lepel,arrest,train +65522,65523,65523,miuwakay,dry,train +65523,65524,65524,akaa kuwangi saan,do not shoot,train +65524,65525,65525,maanen isu a tayra i kiwkay,how do you go to church,train +65525,65526,65526,kerid han nu tau kya kuntun san,others bring Cantonese,train +65526,65527,65527,una tuni nahaw,this bottle,train +65527,65528,65528,malasang aca,motion sickness again,train +65528,65529,65529,suwal sa ci Tumukan a,the boss said,train +65529,65530,65530,tulu a cikang kura sa tayal niyam i piʼafalan san,only three hours at the shrimp farm,test +65530,65531,65531,tayni kaku haw a mifuting,I am back to fishing,train +65531,65532,65532,kulung hay kulung,herding cows Yes cattle,train +65532,65533,65533,yaan i malafukeluhay hakini kya kilang sanay kaku u harateng aku anini a misafalucu,I am wondering if that rock is made of wood,train +65533,65534,65534,hatira kurira u tudung tunu,that is the way it is,train +65534,65535,65535,titaan haw a miyala titaan haw,the same people who greeted us,train +65535,65536,65536,patayra tu kakaenen ita tafu han ita kura haw pafeli tu kakaenen,then the rice packets were sent to Tian Li the rice packets we are talking about,train +65536,65537,65537,nawhani mafanaʼay tu ku na mikinkiwway,Why because there is already a study going on,train +65537,65538,65538,namitaelib cira watayira i sawalian hakiya,he is passing through or going east,train +65538,65539,65539,u ^pang ku kakaenen nu maku,I want some bread,train +65539,65540,65540,Nikaurira,still,test +65540,65541,65541,makayrayra kakitaan tu anini ku wawa mafana matayal,technological advancement should be all encompassing,train +65541,65542,65542,i Kalingku kaku tuna i Hai Sin i Hai Sin kaku,I went to starfish middle school in Hualien,train +65542,65543,65543,Anini pinaaytu patek ku Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa itira palemedan ni Yihufa ku mitusilay demak niyam,there are thousands of Jehovahs Witnesses in Ireland today and the evangelism there is truly blessed by Jehovah,train +65543,65544,65544,a misanga tu tafukud,we are going to make a gossip network,train +65544,65545,65545,u sasuwalen aku anini,what I want to talk about today,train +65545,65546,65546,hinalasang,easily intoxicated,train +65546,65547,65547,u maan kiniyan i kukudulay,what is that up there,train +65547,65548,65548,haen han niya mama i kafafaw haw i ira ku awul,underneath the front end there should be a small fish curtain,train +65548,65549,65549,tu nacafal aku i hacasuwalen tu namu,this is what I am leaving behind for you to talk about in the future,train +65549,65550,65550,miliyaw kisu i macakat i,you have been promoted again,test +65550,65551,65551,hananay ku ngangan nura fulad,the name of the moon that appears at this time,train +65551,65552,65552,ta matepiay han nu pusung matama kimad ta,it is a dialect of Taitung but it is not a dialect of Taitung it is a dialect of Taitung,train +65552,65553,65553,malaiing saan itraay ku hiyasafitay sanay,you are going to serve in the military as if you were a representative of the people,train +65553,65554,65554,muʼecelay kahemaway anu maʼicang,the trunk is straight and reddish in color when dry,train +65554,65555,65555,mahaen naira,they are the same,train +65555,65556,65556,fupeci,she will Protector,train +65556,65557,65557,micelem,downhill,train +65557,65558,65558,mikingkiway ku malitengay cuwa ku pateras nira,the older generation is working on it not just doing it,train +65558,65559,65559,Mafana ku i tiraay i Ifisu a Yutaya atu Krisiya a tamdaw a ma^min tunini a dmak saka matalaw cangra a ma^min mangalef ku pipahmek nu tamdaw tu Tapang ci Yisan,when this became known to the Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus they were all seized with fear and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor,train +65559,65560,65560,madeng kisu cacay,can you do it alone,test +65560,65561,65561,Mafutiay i luma ci mama nu maku,my dad is sleeping at home,train +65561,65562,65562,iraw sa kafafaw san,overhead,train +65562,65563,65563,silusid tu ku siningkay matuasay u wawa atu kaying itiya a remiʼad,on that day young people old people children and ladies wore traditional costumes,train +65563,65564,65564,amuut,musty odor,train +65564,65565,65565,misahuwakay,duck farming family,train +65565,65566,65566,alaen,Hold,train +65566,65567,65567,kukuʼen ku salikaka,we have to take care of each other,train +65567,65568,65568,Halipata ku wawa nu maku,kids love cream,train +65568,65569,65569,maherek miʼatul haw i maedeng mipateli tu cahulak san,once the rocks are stacked put the fish in the water,train +65569,65570,65570,ka u rihadayay a falucu namu ku sakakakafit namu kararid a misaicel a maimer tu nipipalaccay nu Fangcalay Adingu i tamuwanan,make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace,test +65570,65571,65571,samaanay ku rumiad anini,how is the weather today,train +65571,65572,65572,Miedis kira Kawas tina tamdaw,he will continue to hurt people,train +65572,65573,65573,yu malafitu cangra i mapaluwadtu nu Palafuay ku falucu ni Yuta u wawa ni Simun nu Iskariyut tu sapipacakayaw ci Yisan,the evening meal was being served and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot son of Simon to betray Jesus,train +65573,65574,65574,anu ira tu ku Ripun,if Japans,train +65574,65575,65575,Sarumiamiad saan a patangasa^ tu tikami^ tu pilumaluma,every day he went from house to house delivering letters for people,train +65575,65576,65576,capitulas mitulung,constant prayer,train +65576,65577,65577,itiya i ira ku ccay a citudungay tu taung a maluklun a pakayra tuya lalan Maaraw ningra kuya tamdaw i liyas han ningra a mitalif,a priest happened to be going down the same road and when he saw the man he passed by on the other side,train +65577,65578,65578,midakaw kaku tu ciacefelay anucila a tayra i Taypak,I am taking the train to Taipei tomorrow,train +65578,65579,65579,mangta maʼaraw ka pidanguy nu,you can see them swimming very very close,train +65579,65580,65580,u ruma satu maharatengay aku itiya hu,plus I think about the old days,test +65580,65581,65581,anu sikasiken anu mitapes,while sifting to remove the chaff,train +65581,65582,65582,mihatatanam,learning,train +65582,65583,65583,adihay ku karurayan nu falucu aku,there are a lot of things that bother me,train +65583,65584,65584,taelif,pass,train +65584,65585,65585,Cima^ ku ngangan nu mama^ nu misu,what is your fathers name,train +65585,65586,65586,u nafi pakilac tu titi nu kuwan tu kiraan,distribute the meat in the raisers that is for the neighbors,train +65586,65587,65587,nu ayaway matuʼasay misamukungay,the old days of carpentry,train +65587,65588,65588,ira itira ku ccay a adadaay a tamdaw tulutu a pulu ira ku falu nu mihcaan ku nika adada ningra,one who was there had been an invalid for thirty eight years,train +65588,65589,65589,o hakuwa ku pisunian tu datuk atu ^epip,when can I play the mouth harp and bamboo flute,train +65589,65590,65590,Cipatelaw ku halifekacay a tamdaw,people who can run are very muscular,test +65590,65591,65591,hay anu mangalay a mihaentu,Yeah if you want it you will get it,train +65591,65592,65592,adidiay,I,train +65592,65593,65593,hatiratu ku hiya saʼicelen han tu ku falucu aku,I am cheering myself on,train +65593,65594,65594,fahfahen kulung nifahfah kaku mahaenay ku demak nu maku,I was told to drive the oxen and I drove the oxen and that is what I did,train +65594,65595,65595,o ˈurip nu maku makayat Isu,I have given myself to serve you every day,train +65595,65596,65596,sadfadefak ku pipalumaan niyam,the place we want to build our house is not level ground,train +65596,65597,65597,u nu kwaping aku a ngangan ci lyusyumey,her Chinese name is Lau Sau Mui,train +65597,65598,65598,matukitakit,much like the country,train +65598,65599,65599,acawa aku,my family,train +65599,65600,65600,lamal,fiery or flaming,test +65600,65601,65601,Kilimay kisu tu singsi han,do you have a teacher,train +65601,65602,65602,nawhani siniadaay damsayay ku Kawas ita Saka u papata^ngaden ningra ku urip ita a paurip titaanan,because of the tender mercy of our God by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven,train +65602,65603,65603,u ma,I will step on it,train +65603,65604,65604,talalutuk,up in the mountains,train +65604,65605,65605,Mafana kamu tunu Amis a caciyaw A tadamangaay,you speak Pangcah that is great,train +65605,65606,65606,10 sapa kahemekaw ku kapah ci Yihufaan wa misaˈicel mitusil i tamdaw,when a young man wants to please the LORD he will try to preach to people,train +65606,65607,65607,itiya mafana ku alumanay u mahaenay kunini a lipuying,at that time many people knew that she was a legislator,train +65607,65608,65608,uranan tu ku miduʼeduan aku haw a mi,we are going out of the harbor exactly as he did,train +65608,65609,65609,vali,wind,train +65609,65610,65610,tataang,major,test +65610,65611,65611,hatu maapaay ku nika sumuwal aku i ma^deng a samaanen hadidi hanhu,I hope you will put up with a little of my foolishness but you are already doing that,train +65611,65612,65612,maharek ku misu i,Dewatering mission completed,train +65612,65613,65613,o aulahan a wawa cingra,he is a child that must be loved,train +65613,65614,65614,u urad nu laluud haw i,summer rain,train +65614,65615,65615,cima ku pacaliway i Tapang tu papatikuen ningra tuya pacaliway hakiya saan,Who has ever given to God that God should repay him,train +65615,65616,65616,nukay satu kaku ya tayra kaku i Kalingku minanam kaku tu,I went back to Hualien to learn to knit,train +65616,65617,65617,Lantuen kuya namal,bury coals for lighting,train +65617,65618,65618,maliyang kisu i awa ku mamaulah sa,if you do not listen no one will like you,train +65618,65619,65619,pacumud hantu nangra kuya tarukus ta sti hantu nangra Akatu pakaynien i ngangan ni Yis ku nipipasuwal han nangra a milalang ta tdal hantu nangra cangra,his speech persuaded them they called the apostles in and had them flogged then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus and let them go,train +65619,65620,65620,kahacecay cecay nu luma,one by one in the house,test +65620,65621,65621,kaaraw,regard as,train +65621,65622,65622,pacaufen,please answer,train +65622,65623,65623,ya rumaruma i awaay tu itini kira,the other one is not here anymore,train +65623,65624,65624,matatuud,one after the other,train +65624,65625,65625,tawal,oblivion,train +65625,65626,65626,sasepatay kami u wawa,there are four children in our family,train +65626,65627,65627,daduyen tu haca ku futing maherek a midaduy,the number of fish for each master catcher must be weighed,train +65627,65628,65628,hatu i kakaay nu misiyakayay itini i Taypak ku lifun,their salaries are much higher than those working in Taipei,train +65628,65629,65629,tusa^ pulu ira ku cecay,twenty one,train +65629,65630,65630,Si^naw itiya saka milikat tu afel a misaringu ku matayalay atu midipangay a tayring a tumireng itira a miringu Mikaput ci Pitiru i cangraan a tumireng a miringu,it was cold and the servants and officials stood around a fire they had made to keep warm Peter also was standing with them warming himself,test +65630,65631,65631,miavuvu tu kaulah nu wawa tanu ulah sa cira,he was very happy to hold the child prize,train +65631,65632,65632,anu suwalen ku ku laʼed niyam tiya kaka aku,speaking of the age difference between my older brother and me,train +65632,65633,65633,Ahuwiday,thank you,train +65633,65634,65634,pasifanaʼen tu aku,I will start teaching,train +65634,65635,65635,mafuhad,dispersion,train +65635,65636,65636,anu awaʼay satu mangaʼay kira,it is okay if you do not,train +65636,65637,65637,ira ku ira ku kahengangay ira ku masamaanay,something with trains samples,train +65637,65638,65638,u katayni i a sa,when I came to the police station,train +65638,65639,65639,u malemeday tu kita sa ku malitengay,and the elders concluded that our ceremony was complete,train +65639,65640,65640,itiya i ira a miraud i ci Yisan ku ccay a pasifanaay tu Rikec suwal sa Singsiaw anu talacuwacuwa kisu i mituur kaku i Tisuwanan han ningra,then a teacher of the law came to him and said Teacher I will follow you wherever you go,test +65640,65641,65641,taʼangaʼangay tu ku wawa aku i,my kids are growing up,train +65641,65642,65642,mitilid i yuciyen ku fafahiyan a safa aku,my sister is in kindergarten,train +65642,65643,65643,ta icuwa tu kita ina,let us go,train +65643,65644,65644,Mialikatu aca miaray aca kaku tu wama aku tu wina aku,I would like to thank my parents,train +65644,65645,65645,aya u suwal nu matuʼasay tu paysin,Heh Ancestors taboos,train +65645,65646,65646,pacamul tu papah niyam ta,add this leaf,train +65646,65647,65647,misasiraw sa sulingaʼen ku hiya ku pifenay,you have to be very careful when you are making savory meat,train +65647,65648,65648,aya kuni wawa mangalef mangalef san ci ina aku,the mother is very anxious,train +65648,65649,65649,huduc,pluck,train +65649,65650,65650,Macucuk nu rinun nu tatekuh ku kamay niira,he was stung by a tiger bee,test +65650,65651,65651,mihuni,play,train +65651,65652,65652,anu i cuwacuwa ku aru na mita,wherever you are,train +65652,65653,65653,paluma cira maumah tu atu,she grows and,train +65653,65654,65654,tangasa itini i tu Ku Cung hay i,until the middle of the country yes,train +65654,65655,65655,yafayaf,walking side by side fills the road,train +65655,65656,65656,patinaku,debrief,train +65656,65657,65657,nika tu kamu sadak tuna luwad i anu maesing anu ʼaʼas ku tamdaw kiya i,if someone sneezes when you get up to start out you are going to have to go back to the office,train +65657,65658,65658,Malupaenan ita kiraan a kilang,that wood serves as our door,train +65658,65659,65659,hai maulah kaku mi tengil,No I like to listen,train +65659,65660,65660,ira aca ku nipilunguc nu,school expectations for ethnic language education,test +65660,65661,65661,ku pitilid nu maku a mitilid kaku i kawcung,my grades have improved and I am confident that I will be able to enter high school,train +65661,65662,65662,lima a remiad malalikid,five days of Harvest Festival,train +65662,65663,65663,mahanay ku pifacu nu matuʼasay tiyahu tura,that is how old people used to make foundations,train +65663,65664,65664,pilaum,wastage,train +65664,65665,65665,Sapit tu,it is Sapit,train +65665,65666,65666,mapapadang sanay ku paliw,it is about helping each other at work,train +65666,65667,65667,o kaketeren nu kaka ku matukaay a safa nira,the lazy brother is the one that the older brother is responsible for,train +65667,65668,65668,na nu pakayraay Kiwit kura na nu tuʼas kura,the early elders were migrated from the Chimay tribe,train +65668,65669,65669,caengawen,open up please open it,train +65669,65670,65670,mahaenay sakakahaen celak sakutafukud,that is how gossip networks get started,test +65670,65671,65671,anini,this one,train +65671,65672,65672,iraay ku timulu isu mihayi tu u hungti isu ci Yis han,do you have the courage to recognize Jesus as your King,train +65672,65673,65673,tasiyang,Pacific ocean,train +65673,65674,65674,saman han nira mafana tura,how do they know about,train +65674,65675,65675,kakitaan kira,that is rich,train +65675,65676,65676,seu seliw awaay ku aalaen nira a maamaan,the and days of the lunar calendar are not as busy as the and days of the lunar calendar,train +65676,65677,65677,u Tumukay kaku,I am the boss,train +65677,65678,65678,Maraudaytu ita haw,are we there yet,train +65678,65679,65679,awaay ku hemay itini edeng u walay aca,there is no rice here only noodles,train +65679,65680,65680,Saka tayra sa i tadem ku papinapina a kaput niyam i madu^du ku suwal nuya fafahiyan awaay a maaraw nangra ku tireng ni Yis han nangra ci Yis,then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said but him they did not see,test +65680,65681,65681,namamaan saw,why is that,train +65681,65682,65682,palaluma,household,train +65682,65683,65683,Rkuen ita ku limuut Yis,let us follow Jesus directions,train +65683,65684,65684,kecec,close eyes,train +65684,65685,65685,niurungan,items carried,train +65685,65686,65686,ceceken sungilaʼen micece cimira,be sure to set it right,train +65686,65687,65687,wa,Oh wow,train +65687,65688,65688,a maanen saw,what can we do,train +65688,65689,65689,matiay u cafung saan i matiay tu,it is like a dress it is also like,train +65689,65690,65690,a demak,disaster,test +65690,65691,65691,han san misimsim tina urip nu niyam katawaan,it is fun to think about life like this,train +65691,65692,65692,kacitafu,I will bring a lunchbox,train +65692,65693,65693,u piceli nira i nuna ruma takuwanan anu cimacima tu haw i,when he calls me by my name or any of the others,train +65693,65694,65694,kaka nu maku,my brother my sister,train +65694,65695,65695,mikafit,append,train +65695,65696,65696,malusariri tu kinian san ri,I think it is going to be a pillar,train +65696,65697,65697,kaen satu epah macaciyaw,drinking to end family conversations,train +65697,65698,65698,itiya i tatuy satu ci Yis tuya lima a aplad nu ^pang atuya tusa a futing Cangaw sa cingra a pasikakarayan a mikansiya tu Kawas ta pcih sa cingra tu ^pang a papipakilac tu nisawawaan i finawlan,taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he gave thanks and broke them then he gave them to the disciples to set before the people,train +65698,65699,65699,Sapituuraw tu pikrid nu Fangcalay Adingu ku falucu aku saka u tatayra kaku i Yirusalim anu u maan ku aira a dmak aku itira i caay ka fana kaku,And now compelled by the Spirit I am going to Jerusalem not knowing what will happen to me there,train +65699,65700,65700,mikilim ci fayi aku tu sapaluma tu kalitang,my grandmother was looking for seeds for long beans,test +65700,65701,65701,yanan cakaʼedeng ku nu maku itiya,but I still cannot pay my tuition,train +65701,65702,65702,seking,exams,train +65702,65703,65703,ci sera Rata han ku wawa nu maku,my child name will be Srila Prabhupada,train +65703,65704,65704,u kakabutian nu buting saan ku heni,they say that is where the fish sleep,train +65704,65705,65705,paanalen,deliberately bald,train +65705,65706,65706,saka matiraay ku demak ri,so that is what happened,train +65706,65707,65707,Kaenen cuwa ku tau kisu,try to eat and drink as much as possible you are not an outsider,train +65707,65708,65708,itiya kiya matuʼasay a tayni Makutaay,that is when the elders came to the Magadam tribe,train +65708,65709,65709,olatek sa ciira a pasuwal ci inaan nira,his mother speaks rudely,train +65709,65710,65710,mansa,consequently,test +65710,65711,65711,u Mulimutu,it is our Fungli tribe,train +65711,65712,65712,itiya hu sa minukay sa,when I came home that time,train +65712,65713,65713,masalaw,park,train +65713,65714,65714,mihecaan tu,it is been almost a year,train +65714,65715,65715,hay haen han pakayni miala,that is it you see it is from here,train +65715,65716,65716,tatuasan,wilderness,train +65716,65717,65717,icuway kina mitataay fanaʼinay,who is the man who brought it,train +65717,65718,65718,han tu ku pikunglin,in the face of all training,train +65718,65719,65719,furikat,open your eyes,train +65719,65720,65720,a milicay hu tu matuʼasay nira mama a mama ina,I am going to ask my mom and dad for their advice,test +65720,65721,65721,tiya maliyaliyangay,the naughty ones,train +65721,65722,65722,weyseme tuw se pancah,why are the all Amis,train +65722,65723,65723,ya dafak satu i miceli ku kapah tayra i taruan,in the morning the young people would call out to go to the assembly hall,train +65723,65724,65724,muruhu maruhu kita a kumaen,let us squat to eat,train +65724,65725,65725,o pusung u Singku u Saʼaniwa ku niyaru aku,I live in Taitung County Chenggong Township Yi Wan tribe,train +65725,65726,65726,mikelus tu rumiʼadmiʼad tayni i lutuk mikilim tu pudac nu rakes,his day job is to find camphor bark,train +65726,65727,65727,Maaraw ku kinaulah ni ama tu nai litengay a kakaenen tada malataang atu mahemek ku falucu aku,seeing my grandmothers passion for traditional food I feel very proud and honored,train +65727,65728,65728,anu ira ku maan a nananamen nangra i u pilicay tu fainay nangra i luma ku ngaay o kakanguduan ku nika sumuwal nu fafahiyan i saupu nu mituuray,if they want to inquire about something they should ask their own husbands at home for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church,train +65728,65729,65729,a sangaen nu malitengay,elderly people are easy to do well,train +65729,65730,65730,saka saan kappah ku nika pacidal sisa adihay ku heci,they bear a lot of fruit because they get plenty of sunshine,test +65730,65731,65731,Aray makasalangay tu kuni a lusay,thank you this fruit is so juicy,train +65731,65732,65732,malecad a masariwang ku pisanga,the rooms are all built the same,train +65732,65733,65733,Suemet ku rumiad amuut ku laluma nu luma nu mita,the humid weather makes our house smell like mold,train +65733,65734,65734,Namakayni mecel han ku rakat tangasa ira a hahululan,go straight from here to the park,train +65734,65735,65735,sadak saan tiya ya micelian tiya epung nuya kilang sadak sa u anikak,he shouted towards the tree hole but a crow went out,train +65735,65736,65736,mitengil tu hatiniay a demak sak a,you heard the story,train +65736,65737,65737,sanga,make,train +65737,65738,65738,hatira tu ku maku aʼurip,life at that time,train +65738,65739,65739,Ama,grand mom,train +65739,65740,65740,maalaay aku ku seking itiya,I passed the test,test +65740,65741,65741,o maulaway a nengnengen kina kilang,the wood looks smoke blackened,train +65741,65742,65742,matira suʼelinay maletep tu,that is it Times up,train +65742,65743,65743,siya,blood pressure,train +65743,65744,65744,tatukem han mahaen ku kafi kandaway ku kafi sapiʼ ku tiyad a kaenen,lobelia soup is green so it is good for the stomach and intestines,train +65744,65745,65745,matama tu ura wawa nanu kaemang mitengil ha ha ha ha,that is the little girl who is been listening to Amish since she was a little girl Ha ha ha ha,train +65745,65746,65746,mitulun,pray,train +65746,65747,65747,o sasuraraten kinian a demak nu mita,this is something that we are going to have to address in the coming meetings,train +65747,65748,65748,cuwa u sapisanga han telec hananay,No but mainly as a belt,train +65748,65749,65749,i ruma satu,Sometimes,train +65749,65750,65750,tahini pakarungay,to the smallest of the youthful classes,test +65750,65751,65751,mifusfus,let loose,train +65751,65752,65752,adihay ku misangaan,I deal with a lot of things,train +65752,65753,65753,arengeray ceperakay a sasasuwalen,Bitter harsh words are coming,train +65753,65754,65754,a Cikasuwan,tribes,train +65754,65755,65755,padaemuhay,gladden something Soft,train +65755,65756,65756,malikuda tu itira i u awa sa ku dawdaw itiya hu,the celebration was at the clubhouse and there were no lights,train +65756,65757,65757,Mafanaay misanga ku wama a tu wail a sapitalakal suwal sa ku wama u sapitalakal tu tuluk kuni sa Sungilaen a mitapal ku naripaan nu aadupen patelien i lalan nu aadupen,my dad is very good at making lasso traps dad said that this is used to catch pheasants we have to carefully observe the footprints of the prey and the traps should be placed on the path of the prey,train +65757,65758,65758,na nu mita,our ethnic groups,train +65758,65759,65759,halicucuay,milk Lovers,train +65759,65760,65760,saka anini u kahiyan nu maku haratengan maku haw,after visiting so many tribes the one that sticks out in my mind the most,test +65760,65761,65761,haw misiwngac nawhan kacicuʼungan kira,the branches will sprout in the spring,train +65761,65762,65762,caay kaadihay ku pisanga,there is not going to be a lot of work,train +65762,65763,65763,masamaan ku harateng nu ina atu wama isu,what do your parents think,train +65763,65764,65764,ruma sa rumiʼad saan i tira i riyar,sometimes I am at the beach every day,train +65764,65765,65765,nu mahaen,in this way,train +65765,65766,65766,malacafay kaku atu ina misalama anini,I went out with my mother today,train +65766,65767,65767,fihkac,bird trap,train +65767,65768,65768,u dadaya tu ku sakamakat nu tamina,warships only sail at night,train +65768,65769,65769,itiya hu iraay ku nu mita u Amis,early we Amis,train +65769,65770,65770,midatayay,adoption of seven Miles,test +65770,65771,65771,na itira ca icuwcuw a ira ku mamuetep niyaru hu kiya ku nirakatan tuna pulung,I have visited more than first nations tribes,train +65771,65772,65772,misawkitay,a judge,train +65772,65773,65773,mama aku sankutay i kaysya a matayal,Dads working third shift,train +65773,65774,65774,tafu han tu nu wina ku tafu sa cisikaen saan kalitang,mom wrapped a rice bag and filled it with string beans,train +65774,65775,65775,ni ama aku tiya ta,at the time my dad,train +65775,65776,65776,anu misaluma tu,covering the house,train +65776,65777,65777,kaaalaw,regard as,train +65777,65778,65778,Alacecacecay kami tu nisetekan a titi,we cut the meat one by one,train +65778,65779,65779,pabiyaw tu mananamtu,if you get used to it you will have a neighbor,train +65779,65780,65780,o paharekan tu nu niyaru,it is the end of the tribe,test +65780,65781,65781,u maan ku aca nu diyung hatiraay tu,it is only the price of pork,train +65781,65782,65782,pina kita Aims Taruku u Paliwang Tayan Punun,we do not have several ethnic groups the Amis the Therus the Paiwan the Thayas the Bununs,train +65782,65783,65783,hay caay ka ngaʼayay ku umah,Yes the land is not very good,train +65783,65784,65784,cakapisamaamaan kaku da itiyahu i sahatira i,at the time I did not do anything that is all,train +65784,65785,65785,masiwar ku kasarayaray namu pamu^celen,you are lined up on the wrong side of the line please line up,train +65785,65786,65786,mitakus,invite,train +65786,65787,65787,Hay minanawhu kaku tu kamay,Okay I will go wash my hands,train +65787,65788,65788,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kisu yu u kapahhu kisu i kisu ku mifakeday tu tatlecan isu a mituur tu niharatengan isu a talacuwacuwa Nikawrira anu matuastu kisu i u mamilaya kisu tu kamay ta paliten nu tau kisu a patayra i caay ku kangalayan isu a katayraan han ningra,I tell you the truth when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted but when you are old you will stretch out your hands and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go,train +65788,65789,65789,u matiniay kusapikawat ini han han,this is the time to use this knitting tool,train +65789,65790,65790,Nikahaenan nu niyaru nu mita,There so our tribe,test +65790,65791,65791,tatiitiih hu ku fulad kaikur a fulad,to avoid the unlucky days ahead,train +65791,65792,65792,mitahidang ci ina tu faki a patayni i luma,mom invites her uncle to her home,train +65792,65793,65793,amelik kuyama hay,that was very fast Yeah,train +65793,65794,65794,salil,fishnet,train +65794,65795,65795,sapariri,Bait bait,train +65795,65796,65796,o maan ku nikiliman nu misu,what are you looking for,train +65796,65797,65797,o kadang ni kaka kunini,this is my sisters bracelet,train +65797,65798,65798,vuhang nu kapera,cavern,train +65798,65799,65799,Mapalananuwang ku pinengneng nu maku kura kilang,I will take that one,train +65799,65800,65800,caay kavana misanga,I do not know how to make it,test +65800,65801,65801,lalima ku paru nu luma niyam,there are five of us in the family,train +65801,65802,65802,harateng sa kaku miliyaw kaku misanga,I kept thinking about it and then I started over,train +65802,65803,65803,enam a pulu nu mata ku matatudungay,sixty holes is very orthodox,train +65803,65804,65804,mahrek ci Yis a misawsaw tu waay nu nisawawaan i ciriku cingra tu kafafang Ningra ta patiku a maru i kamaruan ningra suwal sa Pasuwalen aku kamu i matini tu tatudung nunini a dmak Aku,when he had finished washing their feet he put on his clothes and returned to his place Do you understand what I have done for you he asked them,train +65804,65805,65805,Licayaw hu pinaay ku aca nuni riku,how much for the clothes,train +65805,65806,65806,matiya hen u ay mihcaan sa ku nisimsim nu maku,in yes that is what I think,train +65806,65807,65807,icuwaay kisu mavana u matuasay ku mavana,where did you learn to do that,train +65807,65808,65808,Sakuesan sa a kaenen kuna lusay,the fruit tastes sweet,train +65808,65809,65809,nu saan kaku i,I think so,train +65809,65810,65810,sasimsimen,homesick,test +65810,65811,65811,hatiniay kina urip niyam,this is the history of our tribes life,train +65811,65812,65812,Cangaw sa ci Yis a pasikakarayan cdaah sa a sumuwal Ifata han ningra o tatudung nunini i Kafawahtu sanay,he looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him Ephphatha,train +65812,65813,65813,Itiyasatu kakteren ni Yis ku nanu pakaaraway tu adihayay a kafahkaan a pidmakan ningra a niyaruaru nawhani caay pasasiyur tu falucu ku i tiraay a tamdaw,then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of his miracles had been performed because they did not repent,train +65813,65814,65814,tanakerit,cut,train +65814,65815,65815,miala tu tudem,gather firewood,train +65815,65816,65816,kalikien tayni mafelihay tu kami sa ku singciw nu iciku,the captain of the first ship said Come quickly our ship has capsized,train +65816,65817,65817,paterep san ku pina miheca,after a few years,train +65817,65818,65818,O pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw i pitngil tu pipasuwal nu Fangcalay Adingu i kasakiwkay,I will also give him the morning star,train +65818,65819,65819,kalamkamen a tala ising,you have to go to the doctor,train +65819,65820,65820,ninian,this,test +65820,65821,65821,matira ku satapang nu kasaniyaru saka awaay hu ku mamangay a niyaru,early tribal ecology was largely like this and there were no small tribes yet,train +65821,65822,65822,kamaumahan,occupation,train +65822,65823,65823,wata ku hemek ni mama tu pinukay ni kaka,dad was so happy to have his brother home,train +65823,65824,65824,kalamkam ciira a milicikaf,he scales the fish very quickly,train +65824,65825,65825,Licayaw hu^ kisu icuwa^ ku Cilangasan,may I ask you where are the Chilacas,train +65825,65826,65826,Patinakuen ni Yis cangra a pasifana tu masamaamaanay a dmak mahaen ku nipipasifana ningra a sumuwal i cangraan,he taught them many things by parables and in his teaching said,train +65826,65827,65827,cacukaymasen a nanum hatiraay,there is no more water to use,train +65827,65828,65828,anu ira ku pasumaday kitanan i tanamen mikalasaka dademak ku safalud nu Kulusay 31214 a misaluf tu kalalaˈed ita,when someone causes us grief the first thing we can try to do to improve our relationships is to practice the principles of Colossians,train +65828,65829,65829,saanini sa tu i citilid tu i,now have written Amis,train +65829,65830,65830,mahaen ku pisanga tu tamud,that is how you make the mold,test +65830,65831,65831,talapicudadan,go to school,train +65831,65832,65832,masulep tu kaku,I am hungry,train +65832,65833,65833,Pafinawlan,into tribal communities,train +65833,65834,65834,u Fataʼan ku sufuc nu ama,my grandmother was born in Kwangju,train +65834,65835,65835,saan kaku i,that is what I think,train +65835,65836,65836,Nikawrira paluwaden nu Kawas cingra a paurip nai patay,but God raised him from the dead,train +65836,65837,65837,itiya i u icel ni Kristu a papituur tu mauripay a ma^min ku sapifalic ningra tu tadancaay a mamapatay a tireng ita a palcad tu tadamaanay a tireng ningra,who by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body,train +65837,65838,65838,micudad ku fafahiyan a safa^ nu maku i yuciing,my sister is in kindergarten,train +65838,65839,65839,tu kalahukan tu i malacafay kaku cifufuan a mitangtang tu salahuk,at noon I cooked lunch with my grandma,train +65839,65840,65840,Nikawrira caay ka ngaay anu u Singsi han nu tau kamu a mitahidang nawhani ccay ku Singsi namu o malikakaay kamu a ma^min,But you are not to be called Rabbi for you have only one master and you are all brothers,test +65840,65841,65841,takadaw cingra hatini takadaw,it is very tall like this,train +65841,65842,65842,ku demak nu fafaw nuniay a hulic,this is the law of those in authority,train +65842,65843,65843,cecay miheca mangaʼay itu,you can leave it for a year,train +65843,65844,65844,anu mihakenuhu kita haw maseti kita nutuʼas nu mita,the spirits will not forgive us if we ignore the family,train +65844,65845,65845,Ngaayhu Mayaw,Hello Mayaw,train +65845,65846,65846,u suni nu maamaan ku matengilay,I can hear everything,train +65846,65847,65847,kafanaʼan aku,what I know,train +65847,65848,65848,Patumecek cingra a sumuwal takuwanan,he directed his words to me,train +65848,65849,65849,caayay pakarawis tu talaʼayaway a taneng nu sapaiyu,not being able to enjoy Taiwans advanced medical technology,train +65849,65850,65850,nanuayaw tangasa itini,from the past to the present,test +65850,65851,65851,mangarud tu ku kakaenen i,our material lack,train +65851,65852,65852,o salikaka ita cingra,he is a part of the Christian community,train +65852,65853,65853,i kalahukan ku katahinian nu singsi,the teacher arrived there at noon,train +65853,65854,65854,hatini sa cimamu kyasaw mituduh,that is how my grandmother used to burn it,train +65854,65855,65855,itiya haw i,at that time,train +65855,65856,65856,Matulu ci kaka i lalan,brother fell on the road,train +65856,65857,65857,rakat sanay,walking,train +65857,65858,65858,alatulu,three each,train +65858,65859,65859,Fangcalay ku nanum itini,it is because the water here is great,train +65859,65860,65860,sapaveli,for,test +65860,65861,65861,o sapasapad tu panan nu luma kinian,this is the wood material used to decorate the floor of our house,train +65861,65862,65862,Makayakayay nu masay kira kilang,those vines climbed up the tree,train +65862,65863,65863,Sataluan sa ku heni u eli sapisataluan,they built thatched roofs,train +65863,65864,65864,tatayra kami i mitadek ami,we will go directly to Taichungs Central County government to apply,train +65864,65865,65865,hai hai anu minanamay i ku misaliyaliyaw a sumuwal hai hai mikinkiway cingra sa,T Right if they want to learn they have to practice many times P Yes they do research,train +65865,65866,65866,kira i ya saka,the reason why,train +65866,65867,65867,saka kelisa tu kami tuʼas satu kami,we are Christian,train +65867,65868,65868,maharek tu ku kiraan,that is good,train +65868,65869,65869,saʼusi nangra kuya purud niya keliw haw,it also counts the number of Boehmers loops,train +65869,65870,65870,malacafay ku aru aku atu wama wina kaka tu fainayan atu kaka tu fafahiyan,I live with my father mother brother and sister,test +65870,65871,65871,a miman malumaan saan,what are we going to do that is it,train +65871,65872,65872,oniya tusa lalakaw wa milengu tu caka hecad a pakayraan paihkal tu hinapaladaˈay wa ira ku maanan a haepuc,these two texts will discuss the benefits of showing generosity in different ways,train +65872,65873,65873,paliluc tu tireng nu heni misuvaw tira,they go down to the water and wash their bodies there,train +65873,65874,65874,ira ku ccay a citudungay tu kasaupuan a kakridan ci Yayrus hananay ira a tayra a miraud Hinukup sa cingra i kaayaw ni Yis mingitangit ci Yisan a tayra i luma ningra,then a man named Jairus a ruler of the synagogue came and fell at Jesus feet pleading with him to come to his house,train +65874,65875,65875,hapinang tu kahu haw,I can see that wait for the tape,train +65875,65876,65876,u takula aku icuwa itu hakini saan cingra a mikilim,My frog where are you he said so searching,train +65876,65877,65877,caay kaceka nu ceka ney,I cannot even stab you in the heart,train +65877,65878,65878,kacawas,cantaloupe,train +65878,65879,65879,ila hu ku raciu naʼengan aku,and the radio I put it away,train +65879,65880,65880,han aku ku paini kitanan salikaka,it is twice as much as in Taiwan so that everyone knows,test +65880,65881,65881,itiya a tayra i lutuk ku matuʼasay a misakilang,the old man went to the mountains to cut wood,train +65881,65882,65882,laliyaliyas satu caira mahaen ku nu niyam,just get out of his class we are in the same boat,train +65882,65883,65883,unu vutingan a laylay caay kalcadcad,different fish species,train +65883,65884,65884,ira matama nira ku ccay a fawu,he found an insect,train +65884,65885,65885,itini i Kalingkuay a tamdaw,for those who live in Hualien,train +65885,65886,65886,cakasaan ku falucu nangra,I am not here,train +65886,65887,65887,adihayay i,there were a lot of them,train +65887,65888,65888,tulu a mihecaay a picuda,third grade,train +65888,65889,65889,ta madiput nu wama kaku,my father took very good care of me,train +65889,65890,65890,mitngil ci Ananiyas tunini a suwal i pulin satu a mapatay matngil nu tamdamdaw kunini a dmak i tataang ku talaw nangra,when Ananias heard this he fell down and died and great fear seized all who heard what had happened,test +65890,65891,65891,o ngaayay kuya piahuwid isu a mitulun tu Kawas Nikawrira caay ku paicelay tu masaupuay a tamdaw ku pitulun isu,you may be giving thanks well enough but the other man is not edified,train +65891,65892,65892,u kalikiayay a mikalic tu cifaran i maʼurungay nu cifar mitakecik i,that is the fastest one to land,train +65892,65893,65893,naremiʼadan,one days payroll,train +65893,65894,65894,patiku tu a miala itini takunan,turn around and lead me,train +65894,65895,65895,i huni sahu,just now,train +65895,65896,65896,malahanghang i pala,going on a picnic,train +65896,65897,65897,matayal sa kami itini mihanghang tu maanmaan haw i,when we are working here or baking any time,train +65897,65898,65898,mahaen naayaw caay pihemin,that is the way it used to be,train +65898,65899,65899,fana sa kisu nacecay kisu ninengneng ri,you are clueless I have only seen it once,train +65899,65900,65900,O sapalasawadaw nu Tapang tu ngudu aku i tamdamdaw saka haenen Ningra ku dmak i takuwanan saan,The Lord has done this for me she said In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people,test +65900,65901,65901,nawhani u caang nu tireng ni Kristu kita,for we are members of his body,train +65901,65902,65902,tilu,fishing rod,train +65902,65903,65903,acaw,drawing water,train +65903,65904,65904,uya wacu sa tu i pakatengil tu cingra tu katefad nuya nuya tamdaw i,the dog heard him fall,train +65904,65905,65905,makaini micumud i sauwac,the sea is going into the river,train +65905,65906,65906,mavana tu mihiya tu rarapa,they also plowed the fields with oxen,train +65906,65907,65907,o maanhu ku papatiliden aku i tamuwanan tu pakayniay i kasasiulaulah namu u salikaka o nipasifanaan nu Kawas kamu tu sakasasiulaulahaw,now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other,train +65907,65908,65908,iniyan hantu,this is an unscheduled,train +65908,65909,65909,malaliw nu kerah sanay a suwal nu tuas nu mita u cecay nu manyiaay nangra a fenek i nikaurip itini i hekal,the saying Missed Opportunity is a wise saying from the life experience of our ancestors,train +65909,65910,65910,Pariharayen kami Wama,God give us peace,test +65910,65911,65911,o piyang ku sakasied nu aenucay nira,it was the candy that made his throat catch,train +65911,65912,65912,itini i Paanifung ku niyaru nu maku,my tribe is in Hing Cheong,train +65912,65913,65913,Paadimacengen ku pifaca tu lefuk ta tamelac,wash your pants and mix them with Sapindales to get them clean,train +65913,65914,65914,cila satu,next day,train +65914,65915,65915,tapakayni u tahirahira han tu aku i sukuy mangaʼay tu,from here I will go straight to the wooden scum,train +65915,65916,65916,Pitngil kamu u pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw han ni Yis,he who has ears let him hear,train +65916,65917,65917,hananay i mahiratengay hu isu tiyahu misanga tu luma itini i niyaru,do you remember the way the tribes built their houses in the early days,train +65917,65918,65918,uni kangangiw anu makapah tu i litelitan naku i,when this pepper is ripe I will cut off the whole plant with the leaves,train +65918,65919,65919,Maʼuwid,it is called Malverde,train +65919,65920,65920,hatangic ku wawa i,reasons why children love to cry,test +65920,65921,65921,aanayaen,we need to do more,train +65921,65922,65922,o misaudaxay ku parud niyam,my family makes candy,train +65922,65923,65923,mana,Why,train +65923,65924,65924,i pihululan aca a kumaen,definitely just eat out,train +65924,65925,65925,tuwa iniyan,the reason why,train +65925,65926,65926,dengaytu kiya anu hacuwa ku raraya,Oh almost depends on how long it takes,train +65926,65927,65927,kaw mikadati itakuwan a mihiya mipana,I was invited to join the archery team,train +65927,65928,65928,Mauradtu capihawikid kaku tu saung ngaay a pacaliw takuwan tu saung haw,it is raining I do not have an umbrella can you lend me one,train +65928,65929,65929,itisuwanan,you,train +65929,65930,65930,kaen han ita,eat up,test +65930,65931,65931,wuruma u cacupi i,Oh sometimes it is the maggots that make you lose your mind,train +65931,65932,65932,na litiʼan tefus,a castrated sugar cane,train +65932,65933,65933,Mapeduc anu huni,it is going to come off it is going to get washed away,train +65933,65934,65934,Matucicax ku cirut a nengnengen,Barebacked Burrows look a lot like Burrows,train +65934,65935,65935,awaay ku kakaenan nu mita u Pangcah itiya hu,there was nothing to eat,train +65935,65936,65936,Kasaruruk nu tamdaw ku piarawan tu likisi nu tuas,ancestral history can be seen in the formation of generations,train +65936,65937,65937,tatala Kalinku^,to Hualien,train +65937,65938,65938,masacefang,form a team,train +65938,65939,65939,aka ngudu rumiad satu a mihulul,you are welcome let us talk again,train +65939,65940,65940,o suni nu silamalay kira tarektekay,that noise is the sound of a train,test +65940,65941,65941,ila i cukuwi ku tali alaen a kumaen,there is taro on the table take it,train +65941,65942,65942,rarihaday cangra a tatusa,the two of them are at peace with each other,train +65942,65943,65943,Patiliden isu ku cuyuh nu i Tiyatiraay a kiwkay u suwal i O wawa nu Kawas uya matiyaay u marengrengay a namal ku mata u matiyaay u matdiay a fudawan ku waay haen sa tu suwal,To the angel of the church in Thyatira write these are the words of the son of God whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze,train +65943,65944,65944,tirtir tu epah licay han naira i,he asked questions and sprinkled offerings,train +65944,65945,65945,maengiday,rotting,train +65945,65946,65946,mirumadiw kaku atu widang nu maku,I am going to sing with my friends,train +65946,65947,65947,sacaciyaw sanay hamaen ku hatiniay,and we have been talking about what they are for,train +65947,65948,65948,Parauen nu matuasay ku pifaca i ayaw,a long time ago old people used to wash their clothes with no pain in the neck,train +65948,65949,65949,Salaw mu^cel ku caciyaw isu tu nu Falangaw,no wonder you are fluent in Malayoamerican,train +65949,65950,65950,harateng sa kaku,I was thinking,test +65950,65951,65951,Yasiyas san ku nanum,water overflows in all directions,train +65951,65952,65952,pakaulah nu sifu hani,what about the reward from the government,train +65952,65953,65953,nu vekeluh amin,what about the rocks,train +65953,65954,65954,Paturud san,at the time of delivery,train +65954,65955,65955,sahetuay u maradiway,they are all good singers,train +65955,65956,65956,mi i tamiyanan tu pilihay nu niyam,rebelling against our Sunday service,train +65956,65957,65957,hananay ku ngaʼayay a fulad nupakayif,choose the time of the month to do this,train +65957,65958,65958,dateng,cuisine,train +65958,65959,65959,ku tayal nu maku,recognizing the work of developmental trainers,train +65959,65960,65960,i umah saan,Yu Tien Chong,test +65960,65961,65961,malecaday kisuwanan,just like you,train +65961,65962,65962,Kaku kurira yu han ni Yis cangra a pasuwal i tararikur sa cangra a mapulin i sra,when Jesus said I am he they drew back and fell to the ground,train +65962,65963,65963,ta tahini kaku hawi itinitini satu kaku itiratira satu kaku i luma na panay a matuʼas,I never left this house when I came here and I have lived here ever since,train +65963,65964,65964,lalisan,fever,train +65964,65965,65965,itira cidal caka icang han caputule,it does not have to be dry it is almost ready,train +65965,65966,65966,cima ku mafanaʼay,who knows,train +65966,65967,65967,cima kiya paveliay tira umahan,who gave you the farmland,train +65967,65968,65968,Pakakuruten,bitter gourd,train +65968,65969,65969,ci falucu kaku tu kiwkay tiya hu nay,my mind was on the Catholic church at that time,train +65969,65970,65970,caka ka eca,certain,test +65970,65971,65971,han,virtual,train +65971,65972,65972,matalaway kaku tu uner saka cuwa kapiaraw kaku tu uner,I am afraid of snakes so I do not look at snakes,train +65972,65973,65973,maedeng pina ku fulad tu nu mihecaan,what is the approximate month of the year,train +65973,65974,65974,unanay,wish,train +65974,65975,65975,pakaen tiniyan u tuas nu mita,eat for your ancestors,train +65975,65976,65976,Ngaayay tuduhen ku katul nu kulung a kumaem,the raw hide of a cow can be roasted and eaten,train +65976,65977,65977,kedec han ni kaka ku tatelecan nira ta ngaay a sarikuen nira kuya kafer,my sister tightened her waist so she could put on those pants,train +65977,65978,65978,itiya minengnengay kaku kira as ngaay aca ku hatiniay undu kahemekan itira i Falangaw,I was so excited to see that it was the best sport in Malan and I was so excited to see that it was the best sport in Malan,train +65978,65979,65979,isu,you,train +65979,65980,65980,paaruriren,sow discord,test +65980,65981,65981,a panay atu tipus iri,cultivation of rice and glutinous rice,train +65981,65982,65982,o tumangicay cangra,they are crying,train +65982,65983,65983,tu tiraan a kungku nasani,just like the story I just told,train +65983,65984,65984,Papimetmeten tu carekah nu kamay nu mama isu kira suna,let your grandchildren hold your dads rough hands,train +65984,65985,65985,maherek cira a remadiw iri,when he is done,train +65985,65986,65986,hacuwaʼay ku tatudung nu niyam miʼulung i hatiraen ku kaʼedaw kura kasuy tura hatiniay a kasuy,that is the extent of the wood that can be moved cut into sections,train +65986,65987,65987,mitatuy tiya penen,holding the stem in your hand,train +65987,65988,65988,tala ising,go to the clinic,train +65988,65989,65989,Palacafeng aka ka saan tu sasaedef,do not treat the door like a wall,train +65989,65990,65990,Itiya u makuwanay nu Suwiay ku Talin,at that time Tallinn was still under the jurisdiction of the Soviet Union,test +65990,65991,65991,masadak tura Alapawan alu i,out of Taiyuan Creek,train +65991,65992,65992,pafasiyaw,kite flying,train +65992,65993,65993,ku lifut pades ku ruray u,the stress of training,train +65993,65994,65994,o tatalahkal itiya kuya paculiay tu Rikec a tamdaw Nikawrira anu miliyawtu a tayni ku Tapang ci Yis i u sla atu dil ningra ku sapipatay ningra cingraan a mitkup,and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming,train +65994,65995,65995,patihien nuya awaay ku tihi i laluma a kumaen mahaen kunu saetip mahaen hu,Amis situation in Koufu Township is maintained by a widower and widow who eat with her,train +65995,65996,65996,tu Simi atu havalak,wash diapers wash sheets,train +65996,65997,65997,cacaedungan,sleeve,train +65997,65998,65998,adihayay ku tadanca nu tireng nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung saka damsay ku falucu ningra a paayaw tu mafukilay atu muraraway a tamdaw,he is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray since he himself is subject to weakness,train +65998,65999,65999,cakcak,big chunks to deal with,train +65999,66000,66000,ka halikaen tu heci nu lusay ta fangcal ku tatirengan,eat more fruits to be healthy,test +66000,66001,66001,u Pangcah kuwaneng nura Kaping kura,he is been guarding our Buncha and one time the leader wanted to,train +66001,66002,66002,o faki aku cingra,he is my uncle,train +66002,66003,66003,Mamaam aca ulili pinengneng tu ayam,it does not matter then you go and watch the birds,train +66003,66004,66004,na nu maan hakira na nu Kawas tu nu pipalalan,because of the guidance of the ancestral spirits,train +66004,66005,66005,u sitevusay tu u umah nu Payrang,the owner of the sugar cane field is Han,train +66005,66006,66006,anu haenen nangra i u ccay nu pisuped nangra tu ngaayay a dafung a mipatala tu tanetkay a paranaan ta pakaala cangra tu sulinay a urip,in this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life,train +66006,66007,66007,u ruma satu haw i,additionally,train +66007,66008,66008,miefer ci Maʼuwid maefer niira,Malverde can do it he can do it,train +66008,66009,66009,riwariw,stirring,train +66009,66010,66010,sanay ku suwal ni ina aku,mom told me so,test +66010,66011,66011,anu itiraay tu i,If at that time the,train +66011,66012,66012,manaʼay a malahitay maruray,I do not want to be in the army it is hard hard work,train +66012,66013,66013,mikesi,hold a sea Festival,train +66013,66014,66014,Kamucafay nu Pangcahay haw i,you Amish people,train +66014,66015,66015,anu tayra kaku i tamuwanan i papihawikiden aku tu sapatilid ku nipilian namu a tamdaw tu a ucuren a papipatayra i Yirusalim tuya sapadahuf namu a paysu,Then when I arrive I will give letters of introduction to the men you approve and send them with your gift to Jerusalem,train +66015,66016,66016,cuwa kalalim hatira tu mira a malitenay ku fana ira,they do not value the wisdom of their elders,train +66016,66017,66017,anu matakupay aku haw kaku turaan,if I get here in time I will know exactly what is going on,train +66017,66018,66018,miuraur,brush ones teeth,train +66018,66019,66019,maharek tu ku cacay pahanhan tu,one device is finished and we are resting,train +66019,66020,66020,tutuy,pups,test +66020,66021,66021,hay pinangan nu malalukay hananay,that is how hardworking people are,train +66021,66022,66022,Misafinawlan ku ngcah,Amis people do things as a large group,train +66022,66023,66023,minengneng ku maku haw,back in the day,train +66023,66024,66024,o ciatangay kira afu i taluan,there are still ashes in the hut,train +66024,66025,66025,Pacauf sa ci Yis Mapaflitu i tamuwanan ku pakakmuday a suwal tu pakayniay i Kitakit nu Kawas caay ka pafli i cangraan,he replied The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not to them,train +66025,66026,66026,u kaʼayaw mangudu maciwang anu maru maʼaraw ku cepi sa i,there is a seam in the front which will be exposed if you squat and are ashamed of your thighs,train +66026,66027,66027,ira hu ku sakingudu,bad Economy bad economy,train +66027,66028,66028,anu haenen isu i mangalef ku nika ngaay,if you do that it is even better,train +66028,66029,66029,pinguhahan,Valentines day,train +66029,66030,66030,dimanta hanan patayra i diyung,carry it to the barn and feed the pigs,test +66030,66031,66031,tuna u tatalahkal ci Kristu a milahci tu pikuwan Ningra saka tahatangic kaku i kaayaw nu Kawas aci Yis Kristu uya mamisawkit tu mauripay atu mapatayay a palimuut i tisuwanan,in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who will judge the living and the dead and in view of his appearing and his kingdom I give you this charge,train +66031,66032,66032,o mapakuniraaytu a tamdaw kamu nikawrira aka ka pakunira sa a mitahpu tu masamaamaanay a raraw ka u malakuliay nu Kawas kamu,live as free men but do not use your freedom as a cover up for evil live as servants of God,train +66032,66033,66033,tayra tu kita mituur tu tau tayra i sa,we went west with the others,train +66033,66034,66034,o satakaraway a lutuk nu Taywan ku Isan,the tallest mountain in Taiwan is Jade Mountain,train +66034,66035,66035,nanu vavayuh cira,it was a caterpillar,train +66035,66036,66036,tu kakaenen nira tu itini i luma sapiʼaca tu mamamaʼan,buy what they like to eat at home,train +66036,66037,66037,misatapang malatumuk kaku haw i,I have been the head of the program since the beginning,train +66037,66038,66038,maherek miasik kaku i,after I cleaned up,train +66038,66039,66039,mafanaʼ tu ku aniniay awawa,modern kids are smart,train +66039,66040,66040,cilemin,sour,test +66040,66041,66041,a miseking tu hatiraay hananay,join the contest,train +66041,66042,66042,mipakutay,change,train +66042,66043,66043,tatatata micukang kita saku widawidang,friends say let us go,train +66043,66044,66044,u tihi nu maku i,my neighborhood,train +66044,66045,66045,saan kanguduan saan,I am ashamed of it,train +66045,66046,66046,salipahak sa,I am very happy,train +66046,66047,66047,nipisanga,produce,train +66047,66048,66048,ira tu kafukilan,of course there are still some deeper things that I cannot do,train +66048,66049,66049,Aka picarikus tu saka anufaw a mitiku yusanay,do not be tempted to go back and collect again,train +66049,66050,66050,Micufel ciira tu hawan nawhan matalaw tu katafalan nu wawa,he put his sword back into its sheath for fear that the children might be hurt by it,test +66050,66051,66051,ya fadahung matu matiniay kuya luma matihemuk tihemuk tihemuk saan,I read that the house is upside down,train +66051,66052,66052,tistis,cut off,train +66052,66053,66053,itiya hu itira mitilid hu kami i,when we were in school,train +66053,66054,66054,hakuwaay tu ku kahalafin,how long,train +66054,66055,66055,mihiya tu kapah masaʼupu,young people get together to discuss,train +66055,66056,66056,i laay ku pihahalamaan han,are there any playground facilities,train +66056,66057,66057,u mahaenay caayay kapetek caayay kapeca a kilang,this kind of tree is not easy to break or tear,train +66057,66058,66058,kailisinan nu niyaru minukay kisu,are you going back for the tribal festival,train +66058,66059,66059,saka cecay huw i,first article,train +66059,66060,66060,Mifetak ci mama tu kasuy,dad split the wood in half,test +66060,66061,66061,caay ka ratal kiya,but not so fast,train +66061,66062,66062,12 misaka dademakayhu ci Pitiru tu suwal ni Tafiti i ˈOlic 1101 padama tu mitengilay a misa haraterateng,Peter also quotes Davids words and audience reasoning in Psalm,train +66062,66063,66063,u manan ku mikaenan nu misu a sakaranam,what did you have for breakfast,train +66063,66064,66064,piaduan,paragon,train +66064,66065,66065,papicudaday,send to school,train +66065,66066,66066,ira ku ci hiya hananay,in Jian Township Hualien County there is a,train +66066,66067,66067,adihay kiya ni nu nanayan a ni nanayan a falucu haw,there are so many wishes deep in my heart,train +66067,66068,66068,u hiya caay pasadim kesi hanay misusu tu kalang itira,So instead of using the fish vines look for crabs in the cracks in the rocks,train +66068,66069,66069,hatira kiraan,that is the only way,train +66069,66070,66070,cecay patihi takuwanan mi tayra i,accompany me to the ward for a month,test +66070,66071,66071,Caayhu maraayayhu,not yet it is still far away,train +66071,66072,66072,i rahaca rumaay tali,there are other kinds of taro,train +66072,66073,66073,lesa,drop by drop,train +66073,66074,66074,caay kaadihay ku nipisanga,not a lot to do,train +66074,66075,66075,Orasaka lipahak kaku anini a mapades tu saki tamuwanan onini a tireng aku ku sapipadang aku tu lalahcien ni Kristu a pades tu saki tireng ningra a kiwkay,now I rejoice in what was suffered for you and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christs afflictions for the sake of his body which is the church,train +66075,66076,66076,saciwiciwi saan pidac,the mountain wall is curving around again,train +66076,66077,66077,misasing inipicaul tu emu pacumud tu tusa a waneng,putting in sugar video recording,train +66077,66078,66078,patahtah saan cingra a parakat tu citusiya,he drove the car as he pleased,train +66078,66079,66079,aka malatumuk haw,do not be a ringleader,train +66079,66080,66080,tayra kiya maku inacila i takuliaw a minengneng,I went to Takuliaw yesterday to check,test +66080,66081,66081,Matepatu,got it,train +66081,66082,66082,uaya sa kina,that is it,train +66082,66083,66083,O tilu^ tu sakiwaay u sapilepel tu mangcel,it was a leg rigged rope trap and we used it to catch Shankiang,train +66083,66084,66084,patalapala,surname Tian,train +66084,66085,66085,malikelun,from the highs to the lows,train +66085,66086,66086,ta mafun nira itini kanicaw kuya mipipitpitan nira a kyafes,Then he put the guavas that he plucked into the basket,train +66086,66087,66087,anu maamaan tu i aka picafer tu maamaan nu tau,whatever happens do not stop to follow in the footsteps of others,train +66087,66088,66088,o katalawan ku riri nu lutuk,the collapse of the mountain is dangerous,train +66088,66089,66089,i ayaw nu luma nu niyam kura luma,we used to have a family,train +66089,66090,66090,aw mihaen,Oh that is it,test +66090,66091,66091,tu rara ira ku palamlamay,sweet rice cake with red beans,train +66091,66092,66092,ira ci tipus,it is Tipps over there,train +66092,66093,66093,pacamulen han tu titi kaesuʼ kuhiya,it is even better with pork,train +66093,66094,66094,ngaayhu singsi,Hello teacher,train +66094,66095,66095,mikuwad tu hemut isu,get your ass up,train +66095,66096,66096,wail,noose trap,train +66096,66097,66097,o karataliay kina sapaluma,this seedling will be full of taro,train +66097,66098,66098,miyala tu urang u huwad miyala tu salul,Lobster nine Hole sea vegetables,train +66098,66099,66099,lalu,soak,train +66099,66100,66100,Lalu han ni ina ku felac ta misahakhak,mom soaks the rice before steaming,test +66100,66101,66101,tulu mihecaan ku laed nu niyam,it is just years away,train +66101,66102,66102,pakaharaten kamu a mafulaw tayni i Taypak,why do you want to come to Taipei,train +66102,66103,66103,i kala kaemang hu kaku,when I was a kid,train +66103,66104,66104,caay kaurip i,in their cognitive dissonance,train +66104,66105,66105,o pawacayay kaku tu pakayniay i Takuwanan Halumiucuray i takuwanan a wama a mipawacay tu pakayniay i Takuwanan han ningra,I am one who testifies for myself my other witness is the Father who sent me,train +66105,66106,66106,mikimaday i taykay atu micuyak sanu Sipuanu a suwal,speaking at a convention with a Cebuano interpreter,train +66106,66107,66107,katayni i pitilidan pasifana tu kaemangay tu nu Amis a suwal sanay,come to the school and teach the students how to speak the language,train +66107,66108,66108,talacuwa sahtu u maaraway nu tamdaw a dmak ku nisuwalan aku a patinaku nikawrira halurikec a mahaen ku suwal,do I say this merely from a human point of view does not the law say the same thing,train +66108,66109,66109,Mangiriw kaku ciraan,I am thinner than him,train +66109,66110,66110,misafaes mitukad tu diyung atu mipasadak tu kurah ku lumaluma,every family makes glutinous rice cakes kills pigs and puts out brewed sweet wine,test +66110,66111,66111,cay ku pilaliw nira tu niyaru,he is not far from his homeland,train +66111,66112,66112,hatinien ku demak saan haw i,here is what we are going to do,train +66112,66113,66113,rarakaten,must see,train +66113,66114,66114,lakecen ira,just wade through the water,train +66114,66115,66115,saka naw talayla sa kinanuka,that is why we are talking about the antlers,train +66115,66116,66116,cecay ku tatukian a tahila,it takes about an hour,train +66116,66117,66117,hatiraay ira kira,how do you do it,train +66117,66118,66118,Nikawrira suwal sa ci Yis Pitiruaw pasuwalen Aku kisu i ayaw nu nika skak nu ayam anu dafak i wa kinatulu kisu a mihakenu i Takuwanan han ningra,Jesus answered I tell you Peter before the rooster crows today you will deny three times that you know me,train +66118,66119,66119,Cukcuk han tu ku luma,remember to lock the house,train +66119,66120,66120,u nu taw cacaken iri muhetingay ku nu lalidec,some people use the boiling method but the rhizome is black when boiled,test +66120,66121,66121,nu luma tu matuʼasay hantui,parents and family members,train +66121,66122,66122,Sekseken a miparu ku panay i pawti,shake down and pack solidly the rice into the sacks,train +66122,66123,66123,nikaurira nanu tuʼas katengilan nu maku ira hu ku ama aku itiya,but what I heard from my elders that my grand mom was still alive at that time,train +66123,66124,66124,ka u ngaayay a dmak ku saka^res nu tireng namu onini ku matatudungay a dmak nu sulinay a mituuray tu Kawas a fafahiyan,but with good deeds appropriate for women who profess to worship God,train +66124,66125,66125,heci nu lusay,fruit,train +66125,66126,66126,mahaenay haca haw ku saka,it turns out that our destiny was planned to be changed,train +66126,66127,66127,Patedu ku suwal nira,he talked without thought for feelings or propriety,train +66127,66128,66128,aka tawalen ku satenas,do not forget the dipping sauce,train +66128,66129,66129,aka hatira ku pinangan nu maku sa,never again,train +66129,66130,66130,ci kupu sa ku malitengay i,cups for elders,test +66130,66131,66131,cecay falud tusa^ pulu ku pida^,the vegetables are for a bunch,train +66131,66132,66132,o nika cepa nu fuduy i nacila ku sakaadada nu maku,I am sick because I got wet yesterday,train +66132,66133,66133,kirana a kiyana safa aku hatu ha,tell that to my sister,train +66133,66134,66134,ʼaʼayaʼayaw nira ri,and before that,train +66134,66135,66135,ira kiya radiw tu milalikid u asuʼay a radiw kuraʼan,sing a nice song,train +66135,66136,66136,saka tusa a remiad tayni tu ku tamdaw,someone will be here tomorrow,train +66136,66137,66137,u falu nira nian fer san lakelak satu palapalaan cuwa i lalan,this is his seed it is going to fly all over the road,train +66137,66138,66138,sisa pariwasak han tu,and decentralized,train +66138,66139,66139,miming,a little bit,train +66139,66140,66140,i tiyahu i maliyasay namu ku Kawas o tatiihay a dmak atu harateng namu ku sapisaada namu tu Kawas,once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior,test +66140,66141,66141,tataʼangay kiya kilang hatini ya kilang,the tree is very big now,train +66141,66142,66142,way ku rarum tu nanum kaʼapa ku nanum,do not worry about the water,train +66142,66143,66143,ku lalan tayni i Malan kira,the road to Maryland,train +66143,66144,66144,maan sanay ku paʼarudu,what is the order of seniority,train +66144,66145,66145,Maaraway aku ku adihayay a uner atu adihayay a ayam,I saw a lot of snakes and a lot of birds,train +66145,66146,66146,mangudu,popularity of a place,train +66146,66147,66147,keter,to scold,train +66147,66148,66148,palifunen,there is a prize,train +66148,66149,66149,a nu pakaynien i nanu tuas a rumadiw i mangaay a kalituluen ku piwasir u sakacecay i pakayni i radiw nu saki ilisin,traditional Amis songs can be divided into three parts the first is the song of the Harvest Festival,train +66149,66150,66150,Mireku,allow me,test +66150,66151,66151,malatusa ku falucu ningra Nikawrira u caay ka ciramud a fafahiyan atu limecedan i Samaanen aku ta makurac ku tireng atu falucu aku saan cingra a miharateng tu tayal nu Tapang Nikawrira u ciramuday a fafahiyan i Samaanen aku ta lipahak ku fainay aku saan cingra a miharateng tu nu hkalan a dmak,and his interests are divided an unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lords affairs her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit but a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world how she can please her husband,train +66151,66152,66152,pakalaliw,run away,train +66152,66153,66153,ya awa hu ku hulirekan tuni,it does not look like it is ever going to be finished,train +66153,66154,66154,kadufah,Enrichment,train +66154,66155,66155,o maan ku sarikuan isu itiya,what were you wearing then,train +66155,66156,66156,kinaira nu mita haw i hacuhacul han nu mita,any Harvest we have to share with each other,train +66156,66157,66157,hay wawaay hen kura wawa kura,yes seedlings are affected,train +66157,66158,66158,u lungen tu kiya asisiw,to carry the straw,train +66158,66159,66159,waw tadaku^sanay tu kuni a ariray,Wow the corn tastes so sweet,train +66159,66160,66160,mahaena iniyan,do not look like that,test +66160,66161,66161,ngaʼay a misarafar saku matuʼasay kira,elderly people say we can open up the hillside here,train +66161,66162,66162,safeti i laliw san cai,in the middle of the lesson No,train +66162,66163,66163,Kakadik kura tanameng sisiten hu,that window is very dirty go clean it,train +66163,66164,66164,o kadafu aku i mi nay i,my daughter in law works at an electronics company,train +66164,66165,66165,kiladum han nu ya kiya kiley ya kuhetingay a kiley,the fabric is the black fabric,train +66165,66166,66166,nika talacuwa cacay kaku itini i luma i pacina a minukay a milisu cangra a patihi itini i takuwanan,although I live alone at home they would return to visit me and accompany me,train +66166,66167,66167,mitursquuetursquuay,Craftsman,train +66167,66168,66168,sanay ku maku,that is what I thought,train +66168,66169,66169,an u kilang tu,or trees,train +66169,66170,66170,ira u caayay,another kind of death,test +66170,66171,66171,lalat,measurement,train +66171,66172,66172,han nangra kaku i,they told me this,train +66172,66173,66173,suwal satu ku kakahulul ri,the heads of grade will say,train +66173,66174,66174,o nanukakahaday ku luma niyam itiya hu anini away tu,our home used to be spacious but now it is gone,train +66174,66175,66175,mitunguday,Connection Continuation,train +66175,66176,66176,musu,dripping water,train +66176,66177,66177,mafalucu,it is a good idea,train +66177,66178,66178,kasanga,improvement,train +66178,66179,66179,pasuwal sa kuya cuyuh tuya fafahifahiyan Aka ka talaw Mafana kaku tu nika u mikilimay kamu ci Yisan uya nipacekan i ciwcika,the angel said to the women Do not be afraid for I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified,train +66179,66180,66180,u luma aku i,I am home,test +66180,66181,66181,Faeluh kuni a fuduy,it is new clothes,train +66181,66182,66182,hay,Yeah Oh,train +66182,66183,66183,mifalud,tie it up,train +66183,66184,66184,urun,reminisce,train +66184,66185,66185,Vawu adihay ku nicadiwayan i vuvu ku vuting,Wow there is a lot of catch in the trammel nets the fish traps,train +66185,66186,66186,i ayawtu ku nika ulah nu Kawas i titaanan saka ciulah kita,we love because he first loved us,train +66186,66187,66187,tumatukamuraw,tomato,train +66187,66188,66188,Hatira kura demak nu pipihay,this is the case with the women ritual music and dance,train +66188,66189,66189,ku pisanga niyam,this is us,train +66189,66190,66190,Mavleng ku heni u limecedan a min,they are a bunch of teenage girls all over the place,test +66190,66191,66191,Licayaw hu^ kisu maanen a tayra i Tafalung,may I ask you how to get to Tai Po long Valley,train +66191,66192,66192,miliyas cingra tu niyaru,he left the village,train +66192,66193,66193,yu dafak satu i sakaput sa ku Yutaya a tamdaw Anu cahu ka patay ita ci Pawlu i caay ku kakumaen caay ku maminanum kita saan ku nipiktun nangra tu falucu,the next morning the Jews formed a conspiracy and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul,train +66193,66194,66194,suwalen kura han,please explain,train +66194,66195,66195,hatu takulaʼ ku tamdaw i para nu tiʼpay kafekang nu tamina,people are like frogs on the bottom of a boat,train +66195,66196,66196,kura demak tiya hu,that was my life at the time,train +66196,66197,66197,Orasaka salikakaaw satanekteken ku falucu namu a maimer tu nipasifanaan niyam a sulinay a suwal anu u nipatnakan anu^ca u pakatiliday imeren namu a milayap,so then brothers stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you whether by word of mouth or by letter,train +66197,66198,66198,Patatikultu ku adingu nuya wawa tangsul sa a lumuwad kuya wawa ta paflien tu kakaenen kuya wawa han ni Yis a pasuwal cangra,her Spirit returned and at once she stood up then Jesus told them to give her something to eat,train +66198,66199,66199,makemutay,humorous,train +66199,66200,66200,limucedan,adolescent girls,test +66200,66201,66201,nikawnira,nevertheless,train +66201,66202,66202,hanu caka i tukay a malasingsi,why not teach in the city,train +66202,66203,66203,pasawalian,eastern,train +66203,66204,66204,Manaukaniw cuwa ka dulu kawra adihayay ku malayapay nangra a sakaraheker,there are still some challenges but by and large they have been blessed by serving in areas where more preachers are needed,train +66204,66205,66205,patangasaen i picudadan ku pipadungus,to be sent to school,train +66205,66206,66206,malemeday itiya tusa pulu a mihecaʼan ri,I was lucky to be,train +66206,66207,66207,ya miʼuwayan kura sasuʼut nu malitengay,it is with the vines that were harvested,train +66207,66208,66208,kalapingsiyang,become a refrigerator,train +66208,66209,66209,mangaay,able,train +66209,66210,66210,a alaen hu ku sapanamal aku tu tamaku tu ungtu aku sa i,sometimes an old man will say Get me a light I want to light a cigarette,test +66210,66211,66211,tura sapitafu tura wawa,a child wrapped in clothes,train +66211,66212,66212,rarem,later life,train +66212,66213,66213,ay valucuan naku ku nipaini nu misu,thank you for giving me such a precious gift,train +66213,66214,66214,Maarawraw ku fulad i pisakaruan,the moon is full at mid autumn,train +66214,66215,66215,o marupayay tu nu maku kira funak i putal,the sand in the square was flattened by my organizing,train +66215,66216,66216,o maan ku sapisaturun mafana kisu,do you know what sticky rice cake is made of,train +66216,66217,66217,ura sa a Amis a tayniay miliyaw i,the Amis who had left before are returning,train +66217,66218,66218,adihay,enough,train +66218,66219,66219,ora misalufan a pihungyak maruyaruyay tu rumaruma sinael i ˈOlic saka 144 fedengan,the revised translation is more harmonized with the rest of Psalm,train +66219,66220,66220,o pasuemetay kina urad atu fali aninin a rumiad,today this wind and rain made the weather humid,test +66220,66221,66221,mituur kaku,I will follow,train +66221,66222,66222,o aira tu minukay sa,when you know you are coming back from the sea,train +66222,66223,66223,caay ku kami ku kingcuay o falucu namu kura kingcuay,we are not withholding our affection from you but you are withholding yours from us,train +66223,66224,66224,cuʼung nu lukut,tender shoots of Yamazoo,train +66224,66225,66225,Saka ucuren haca nu tawki nu pisafadisusuan ku ruma a kuli ningra i padukaen nangra ku funguh ningra a misamsam i cingraan,then he sent another servant to them they struck this man on the head and treated him shamefully,train +66225,66226,66226,Mapacekil nu Fangcalay Adingu kaku,I am inspired by the Holy Spirit,train +66226,66227,66227,itiyaay awaay ku hiya,not at that time,train +66227,66228,66228,kaku ku mieraway yu,I made it myself,train +66228,66229,66229,Orasaka miliyaw haca ci Yis a pasuwal i cangraan Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u adawang nu pasirian Kaku,therefore Jesus said again I tell you the truth I am the gate for the sheep,train +66229,66230,66230,lavii,evening,test +66230,66231,66231,maepud tiya cicir,it is coming down from the water intake,train +66231,66232,66232,malacafay kaku tu kaput a minengneng tu tilid,share the book with your classmate next to you,train +66232,66233,66233,tangsul,quickly,train +66233,66234,66234,ya wawa hu kisu haw,when you were a kid,train +66234,66235,66235,mitilid kami,we write,train +66235,66236,66236,i luma tu Picumudi,she is at home please come in,train +66236,66237,66237,a mihemhem tu tulu a remiad,muffled for more days,train +66237,66238,66238,Kalaluuptu,wash your face,train +66238,66239,66239,aka sasifuden ku keliw,do not tangle the string,train +66239,66240,66240,maanen a mivuting,how to fish,test +66240,66241,66241,saka tusa u pikacawan caay ka awaay ku pikacawan nu itiyaay a niyaru u sapikacaw tu ada midiput tu niyaru nikaurira awaay tu anini una pikacawan haw i u cecay nu kacipinangan nu niyaru nu Pangcah,Second the watchtower the early tribes have watchtowers which is in the past in order to keep watch over the tribe of the high platform is now gradually declining this is one of the Amis tribes mark,train +66241,66242,66242,ira ku mahaenay wacu,dogs do that too,train +66242,66243,66243,Pacauf sa ci Yis Kamu ku papafli tu kakaenen nangra han ningra a sumuwal suwal sa ku nisawawaan Kami ku tatayra a miaca tu ^pang tu tusa a suut a tinali a pakaen i cangraan haw han nangra,but he answered You give them something to eat they said to him That would take eight months of a mans wages are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat,train +66243,66244,66244,tu mamisiʼayaw tu kalahitay,when faced with a call up for military service,train +66244,66245,66245,o Pangcah ku ramud isu haw,is your spouse Aboriginal,train +66245,66246,66246,u luma i talaʼamis i,some of the clans went in a northerly direction,train +66246,66247,66247,onini a tamdaw kuya nisuwalan ni Isaya u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya Ira ku ccay a milkalay i kuhkuhan a sumuwal Patalaen ku malulalan nu Tapang Sungilaen ku malulalan Ningra sanay,this is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah A voice of one calling in the desert Prepare the way for the Lord make straight paths for him,train +66247,66248,66248,13 itini i masamaanay pakayraan papatahekal kita tu mihadidiay,under what circumstances do we need to show more patience,train +66248,66249,66249,misafalucu,reflections,train +66249,66250,66250,o nipacamulan tu afih a funga ku sapakaen nu maku tu futing i fanaw,I use sweet potatoes laced with bran meal to feed fish in my pond,test +66250,66251,66251,i cuwa kita maru,where do we sit,train +66251,66252,66252,matilid i Rikec ku nika tatusa nu wawa ni Apraham o ccay i u wawa nu kuli a fafahiyan o ccay i u wawa nu caay ku kuli a fafahi ningra,for it is written that Abraham had two sons one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman,train +66252,66253,66253,tu hatiniay ney ku eli,thatch is so thick,train +66253,66254,66254,u sukuy anini sanay i,it is said that we are having a good time here,train +66254,66255,66255,o misa Pangcahay misaʼAmisay hananay tuna tawaladawan,Amis living in the Xiuguluan River,train +66255,66256,66256,Mafukilay kaku tu hatiniay,I do not know that one,train +66256,66257,66257,matalaw kaalaan nu ada ku tangal,fear of enemy beheading,train +66257,66258,66258,a itiniay nu Kalingku i u,it is about Lotus,train +66258,66259,66259,tumerep ku remes,the bleeding stopped,train +66259,66260,66260,kenu hakiya kiraan haw,carrying the gift of meeting the spirits of the ancestors,test +66260,66261,66261,caay ka tefek itiraʼay kura,it is not even down it is right there,train +66261,66262,66262,ira tu kura ira tu kuna cuwah ini,there is a knot here,train +66262,66263,66263,Matang,virgin land,train +66263,66264,66264,nanay kaadayayen nu Tapang cingra itiya tuya piliyawan ni Kristu a tayni anu hakuwaay ku nitayalan ningra tu saki takuwanan yu i tirahu i Ifisu kita i kisu ku tadamafanaay,may the Lord grant that he will find mercy from the Lord on that day you know very well in how many ways he helped me in Ephesus,train +66264,66265,66265,mangataay tu kita a tahira,almost there,train +66265,66266,66266,a lutuk sa a cacay,that mountain has ghosts and spirits,train +66266,66267,66267,anu miala kisu tu tura tana talatukusay kisu miala haw hay talatukusay miala,when you need green onions do you go to the mountains to pick them,train +66267,66268,66268,sapihulul nangra sa talalutuk ku matuʼasay,learning to emulate,train +66268,66269,66269,o nira a lemed kunini,that was his luck,train +66269,66270,66270,Lahaklung satu ci Yis atu cingra a tayra Aluman ku tamdaw tu mikutuday i cingraan a rumakat a micu^cu^cu i Cingraan,so Jesus went with him a large crowd followed and pressed around him,test +66270,66271,66271,kahecid,sweet,train +66271,66272,66272,ku tamdaw,man made disaster,train +66272,66273,66273,Sicepuay ku tayal nira i Taypak,his work in Taipei paid off,train +66273,66274,66274,apuru,short,train +66274,66275,66275,ira a mitaelif ci faki^,there was an uncle who passed by,train +66275,66276,66276,dangah,rice cooker,train +66276,66277,66277,Oruma u niwarakay a fulahata kahengang ku laenu niira,Oh no some of it is toxic and his bottom is red toxic,train +66277,66278,66278,itiya i tireng sa ci Pitiru atu ccay ku safaw a tarukus ta cli sa ci Pitiru a sumuwal i finawlan Kamu u finacadan aku a Yutaya atu i tiniay i Yirusalim a tamdamdaw kafana tunini a dmak pitngil tu suwal aku,then Peter stood up with the Eleven raised his voice and addressed the crowd Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem let me explain this to you listen carefully to what I say,train +66278,66279,66279,uni sa a rengus awaʼay tu mulengaw,it is almost impossible to grow this plant,train +66279,66280,66280,nawhani u ruma tu ku aniniay a tayal,because the mode of operation is different now,test +66280,66281,66281,ilaay ku saʼusi ira tu kailaan nu futing,we have an estimate of when the fish will be available,train +66281,66282,66282,o micaengaway kaku mineneng tu sadak nu cidal a pasawali,I looked up at the rising sun in the east,train +66282,66283,66283,caay kwu Cikasuwan a min ku,not all of the Tachang tribe are,train +66283,66284,66284,mafasaw,cool down,train +66284,66285,66285,cahiw,hungry,train +66285,66286,66286,hatini kiya ku raraya niraan,that is a long date,train +66286,66287,66287,vaki awaay ku adada nu misu haw,Grandpa you are not sick now are you,train +66287,66288,66288,maʼemin mafaʼil ku pinaluma,even what is planted withers,train +66288,66289,66289,ira tu ku hikuki ira tu ku hikuki itiya sivavainayay kaku ira tu,I had a plane when I got married,train +66289,66290,66290,mamiya,scythe,test +66290,66291,66291,nanumen,shout loudly,train +66291,66292,66292,iniyan haw u verus han kiniyan u maan verus verus,is this it it is salt wood,train +66292,66293,66293,adihay,Naturally there will be more,train +66293,66294,66294,atu caay pakaʼaraw sanay,I cannot see it at the same time,train +66294,66295,66295,Kerit han nira wawa kira pawli,the boy cut off the banana,train +66295,66296,66296,u maan ku saka urip na ina han nu faki aku i,Otherwise how can mom live,train +66296,66297,66297,papicapuen,Please cut it off,train +66297,66298,66298,pulung han misaʼusi paylang han aku ku tu paini aca kitanan,the whole family does not earn as much as a Han Chinese,train +66298,66299,66299,nawhani u nipipalimuut nu Tapang i titaanan i O nipatirengan Aku kisu tu malulikat nu ruma a finacadan Ta matnak i cuwacuwa nu hkal ku pakayniay i pipaurip Aku saan han ni Pawlu,for this is what the Lord has commanded us I have made you a light for the Gentiles that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth,train +66299,66300,66300,tayra haca ci Yis a mitulun tu sakinatusa suwal sa Wamaaw Aku anu caay ku laliyasen Aku kunini a angreray a takid u nanunanumen aca Aku i nanay malahci ku nafalucuan Isu saan cingra,he went away a second time and prayed My Father if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it may your will be done,test +66300,66301,66301,mipasifana,pass,train +66301,66302,66302,kakalipahakan,Interesting,train +66302,66303,66303,Taywan,Min Nan,train +66303,66304,66304,cacay a laya ira ku pangkiw,about one arm plus half an arms length,train +66304,66305,66305,Kacitafu a pakaen tu kulung anini a rumiad,I have to bring my lunchbox to the cattle ranch today,train +66305,66306,66306,caay ka kahi ciira,he disagrees,train +66306,66307,66307,kamu u mangalayay a makuwan nu Rikec i pacaufen kaku Caayhu ka tngil namu ku Rikec ni Musi saw,tell me you who want to be under the law are you not aware of what the law says,train +66307,66308,66308,amin,entire,train +66308,66309,66309,anu masamaan ku urip nu kahaccaccay namu yu matahidang nu Kawas i haenen a pararid,each one should remain in the situation which he was in when God called him,train +66309,66310,66310,hay safalucuʼan nu harateng nu Amis,is what the Amis want in their hearts,test +66310,66311,66311,Pakacinas aka kasaan tu katelangay a riku,do not wear old clothes until they tear,train +66311,66312,66312,Paleneken nu mita i falucu ku tatiih nu kalu tamdamdaw,everyone is wrong is buried in our hearts,train +66312,66313,66313,Ki^tec ku nanum nu pidanguyan,the water in the pool was icy,train +66313,66314,66314,urungen tu nira kiya kilang patisekpatisek han nira i nanum mituktuk,remove the wood and put it in the water to fix it,train +66314,66315,66315,misanga kaku tina kumuan kiyami haw,when I was going to make this slingshot,train +66315,66316,66316,itini niyaru niyam awaay tu ku misangaʼay,in our tribe no one is making it,train +66316,66317,66317,remiad,a date,train +66317,66318,66318,laccay sa ku falucu nu finawlan a mitngil tu suwal ni Filip o rumasatu minengneng cangra tu kafahkaan a dmak ningra,when the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did they all paid close attention to what he said,train +66318,66319,66319,Orasaka aka pinaul kamu tu matiraay a tamdaw,therefore do not be partners with them,train +66319,66320,66320,Sadihekuen ku ringu nu misu,your roasting fire should be very warm,test +66320,66321,66321,yan saka u tumuk ku pakilacay tu demak i kasaselal,the only way to distribute them to all ages is to have a leader,train +66321,66322,66322,Orasaka yu ccay a dadaya pakafakar han nu nisawawaan ni Sawlu cingra a mi^pud nai adipel nu niyaru,but his followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall,train +66322,66323,66323,awaay tu ku tudung nu sakangaʼay sa tu nu urip san,then there was no room to make a living there,train +66323,66324,66324,Cangaw sa cingra a sumuwal Maaraw aku ku tamdaw Matiya u rumakatay a kilang cangra han ningra,he looked up and said I see people they look like trees walking around,train +66324,66325,66325,hatiraay kura adada ira,that is what is wrong with him,train +66325,66326,66326,hay,Help,train +66326,66327,66327,i mitusil tura tu riyal a Kawas,first worship informs the God of the sea,train +66327,66328,66328,Hay u Yincumin kami,Yes we are Aboriginals,train +66328,66329,66329,atu mama atu ina atu fafahiyan a kaka,even my mom dad and sisters were born there,train +66329,66330,66330,sacidalan,Braving the sun,test +66330,66331,66331,rengus,personal name,train +66331,66332,66332,o milicicaay ku tayal nira i Malaysiya,he works on horses,train +66332,66333,66333,malafukes,when becoming hair,train +66333,66334,66334,Mila^pa ku sakapapitu a cuyuh ta ira ku tataangay a ngiha i kakarayan suwal sa O malu nu Tapangtu ita atu mipatirengan Ningra a Kristu ku mikuwanay tu pulung nu tahaf nu kakarayan atu hkal O mamikuwan Cingra a tahadauc awaay ku tulas saan,the seventh angel sounded his trumpet and there were loud voices in heaven which said The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and he will reign for ever and ever,train +66334,66335,66335,Adihayaytu ku mikaenan aku mafeculay kaku,I ate a lot I am full,train +66335,66336,66336,a icuwa mikilim awaay tu ku tatapangan nu Cudad,where do we find the root of the problem,train +66336,66337,66337,i pipahanhanan taluma i niyaru mapasuvana tu nu vaki atu vayi,I learned it from my Grandpa and grandma when I went back to my tribe for vacation,train +66337,66338,66338,o cacitudung cingra tu adihayay a tayal,he will have responsibility for a lot of work,train +66338,66339,66339,kumaen,Eat,train +66339,66340,66340,pakafana,Knowsunderstands,test +66340,66341,66341,Odengan tu kisu ku caayay ka tayni yu,you are the only one who did not show up,train +66341,66342,66342,kyuwaney ufacyang arey reyluney sa takuwan,and today grand mom she told me this,train +66342,66343,66343,marafi,spillage,train +66343,66344,66344,kaliki san ciira misakalafi nawhan tataluma tu ku maumahay a malafi,she cooks dinner very quickly because the farmer will be coming home for dinner,train +66344,66345,66345,Nipaanipan niyam,the rice fields we planted,train +66345,66346,66346,tu sapicudad tu wawa itini i,so that your children can go to high school,train +66346,66347,66347,Saka ucuren haca ningra ku ruma a kuli a papipasuwal tuya namitahidangan a lafang Matukadtu aku ku kulung atu masu^suay a pinaurip Makairairatu ku maamaan Mapatalatu aku ku tahka Kataynitu a mitahka han a pasuwal han ningra kuya kuli,Then he sent some more servants and said Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner my oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered and everything is ready come to the wedding banquet,train +66347,66348,66348,tatihi,side,train +66348,66349,66349,Saka licay han aku Tapangaw cima Kisu saw han aku i Oya nikariangan isu ci Yis nu Nacali Kaku saan cingra,Who are you Lord I asked I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting he replied,train +66349,66350,66350,misu,You,test +66350,66351,66351,Akiya aka tu awaay tu,there is no more,train +66351,66352,66352,kaurira i,but then,train +66352,66353,66353,tadamaanay,salient,train +66353,66354,66354,Safawfalu^ tu ku mihecaan nu fainayan a kaka^ nu maku,my brother is years old,train +66354,66355,66355,caay kafana kunini a matuasay,the elder did not know this,train +66355,66356,66356,futi kaku tuya asisiw i sasera ya mama a mafuti,I slept on the straw and dad slept on the floor,train +66356,66357,66357,Hayi sulinay ngaayay a kaenen,Yes it is really delicious,train +66357,66358,66358,samatini ira ku nu maku a tayal itini i niyaru,that is what I do at the tribe,train +66358,66359,66359,nu niyaru nu Matadim mahaenay,this is the tribe of Matalin,train +66359,66360,66360,talulung ku limit nu kilang,the roots of the trees are deep,test +66360,66361,66361,matu masanekay nu wacu tata kalamkamen ita a mituur,the dog seems to have smelled it let us follow them,train +66361,66362,66362,ci Marang sera,Marang,train +66362,66363,66363,mahufuc kaku tu sakakaay aku wawa,giving birth to an elder daughter,train +66363,66364,66364,nirimuudan,block,train +66364,66365,66365,pudac,skin,train +66365,66366,66366,suaw,thirst,train +66366,66367,66367,tiya mahaen ku tayal aku itira haw i,my job was like that,train +66367,66368,66368,milifet tu nu mimukunay tu mali^ kaku,I will compete in croquet,train +66368,66369,66369,ca kangaay kaku kumaen tu kuesanay,I am not allowed to eat sweets,train +66369,66370,66370,Miura^ur kita a rumakat,we have to go faster,test +66370,66371,66371,Nikawrira paluwad han ni Pitiru cingra a sumuwal Katumireng Aka pitaung takuwanan O tamdawtu kaku han ningra,but Peter made him get up Stand up he said I am only a man myself,train +66371,66372,66372,anu saʼusi han tatulu tatulu,just count three,train +66372,66373,66373,matiniyay ku demak sisa,that is how it works,train +66373,66374,66374,hay ma sadak tu kuriraan ku misu i,I have mentioned this before,train +66374,66375,66375,pasikaen sa ku ina u takula u tufa,mom ate it with frogs and bamboo carrots,train +66375,66376,66376,kami saan haw,as for us,train +66376,66377,66377,itini i lalang,on the road,train +66377,66378,66378,oya mipalitay titaanan a tilid atu Rikec nu kacirarawan ita i Paceken nu Kawas i ciwcika a mipalasawad,having canceled the written code with its regulations that was against us and that stood opposed to us he took it away nailing it to the cross,train +66378,66379,66379,a masuvuc aca ci Ina aku tu,Moms due,train +66379,66380,66380,nipatikamian,letters written,test +66380,66381,66381,anu midakaw kamu tu,if you are taking,train +66381,66382,66382,demak,affair,train +66382,66383,66383,cila cila tu i,a few days later,train +66383,66384,66384,masadak kina tau kira sa ri,and then the man came out,train +66384,66385,66385,nian satu ruma tu kusuwal aku,get the next one,train +66385,66386,66386,awaay tu i Paʼanifung ku tamdaw,there are no more relatives in Hsing Chang,train +66386,66387,66387,misingkiw itiya aluman,there are many such elections,train +66387,66388,66388,u niyan u nitenunyan yu,this ones made up too,train +66388,66389,66389,salipahak sa cangra a minengneng tuya fuis,when they saw the star they were overjoyed,train +66389,66390,66390,tuuren aka pifalah kamu,please do not throw it away,test +66390,66391,66391,tangasa sa i kasienawan,probably in the winter,train +66391,66392,66392,ira ku kavi nu dungec u kanasaw atu piyapiya,there are vine heart soup sea urchins and shellfish,train +66392,66393,66393,araw han,original,train +66393,66394,66394,anu mahiya kiya pihiya nangra haw maʼurad kuya pisalisin nuya cifalecay a tamdaw hai,widows and widowers they pray with all their hearts that it will rain,train +66394,66395,66395,u cay tu ka ngaʼay ku rakat nira,he is no longer able to function,train +66395,66396,66396,Hay patalumaen ita i niyaru a pafatis,Yeah let us take it back to the tribe and share it,train +66396,66397,66397,adihay ku caang nu mami,Citrus trees have many branches,train +66397,66398,66398,o suwal nu Amis tu lusay pakafanaen nu singsi kita anini,I will teach everyone all kinds of fruits in Pangcah language today,train +66398,66399,66399,Lalawdan itiniya tu tamiyanan a niyaru,we here at the new Shannon tribe,train +66399,66400,66400,kahkah,carelessness,test +66400,66401,66401,O ngaayay a kilang i u ngaayay ku hci o tatiihay a kilang i u tatiihay ku hci nawhani i hci a mahapinang ku nika masamaanay kuya kilang,Make a tree good and its fruit will be good or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad for a tree is recognized by its fruit,train +66401,66402,66402,tira i,go there,train +66402,66403,66403,Mikulay ku kuku tu panay a kumaen,chickens scratch the rice and eat it,train +66403,66404,66404,anu hatira i u maan ku papasnengen ita saw awaay ku maamaan Pakamaanay saw o nika pidu^du tu Rikec haw Caay o nika pitier,Where then is boasting it is excluded on what principle on that of observing the law No but on that of faith,train +66404,66405,66405,cicuhelay,Sweating,train +66405,66406,66406,caykanga matayal i kusi,unable go to work,train +66406,66407,66407,midiput,take care of,train +66407,66408,66408,anu maicanay caay kalengaw,if it is dry it will not grow,train +66408,66409,66409,tala i sekal i suʼelin hatini i maherek tu ku,we are at the shore it is over,train +66409,66410,66410,anu maan tuku damak tayraw hu itiraw pakalaac malariyar tumanan a damakan,if there is something important I will still go to the Shui Hing tribe to discuss it,test +66410,66411,66411,malatusa a mapecih kuya epang,the piece of bread is peeled in half,train +66411,66412,66412,Salikakaaw pahapinangen aku kamu a sumuwal tu pakayniay i tatuasan ita ci Tafitian mapatay cingra matadem oya tadem ningra i ira i titaanan a tahanini,Brothers I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried and his tomb is here to this day,train +66412,66413,66413,ira kiya isisiw ma ku isisiw itiraay,there is a restroom over there,train +66413,66414,66414,u maan ku kapu awa hatiraay sa i,I do not see the point in it,train +66414,66415,66415,nawhani irahu ku lalima a salikaka aku Palimuuten cangra tu saka^caaw ka tayni nangra tunini a pisemseman han ningra,for I have five brothers let him warn them so that they will not also come to this place of torment,train +66415,66416,66416,iric,squirming,train +66416,66417,66417,Palimuʼut satu,so he gave me an admonition,train +66417,66418,66418,sakairla nu nanum niyam itini mianip mipanay,it is only because of this that we have water to plant rice and grow rice,train +66418,66419,66419,isaka 1950 a miheca mitusilan nu cecay Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa ku wina aku,in mom had the opportunity to hear Jehovahs Witnesses preach the truth of the Bible,train +66419,66420,66420,tusa^ pulu ira ku sepat,twenty four,test +66420,66421,66421,sakasa hanaw nu ira ku siraw,why do they make salted meat,train +66421,66422,66422,luluden tu nira ku cering,he put up the fish curtain,train +66422,66423,66423,Misaupu tu mapunepunengay misaday tu sapatafang,widowers and widowers are collected and offerings are prepared,train +66423,66424,66424,Ingaing sa tu funguh ku mitafsiway a tamdaw a milikaf i ci Yisan a sumuwal Is kisu uya plengen aku ku Fangcalay Pitaungan ta patirengen aku i tulu a rumiad yasanay a tamdaw,those who passed by hurled insults at him shaking their heads and saying So you who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days,train +66424,66425,66425,lalumuwad,are trip,train +66425,66426,66426,mahaen kiyaru,this was when I was a kid,train +66426,66427,66427,sapicumud ila tu ku nanum ila tu ku nanum,formation of an inlet channel,train +66427,66428,66428,nga itiya misatapangay kaku mikingkiw,that is when I started working on it,train +66428,66429,66429,Paangsawen nu mita ku taluan a mihudhud ta matalaw ku fau,let us smother the barbecue hut so that the bugs are not afraid of the smell of smoke,train +66429,66430,66430,karifateng,spider,test +66430,66431,66431,Miadadungacay ku tamdaw anini a mipacakay,Nowadays people catch beetles and sell them,train +66431,66432,66432,o mikitangkuyay kira paliding a tayni,that cart is for picking winter squash,train +66432,66433,66433,maulah a mikunayat tu kumu ci safa a mifetil tu cepi aku,my brother likes to stretch rubber bands and bounce them against my thighs,train +66433,66434,66434,anu cima ku citerepay sa matefad ku cima sa,if someone goes up the mountain and falls down,train +66434,66435,66435,hanaw sahiya hatu mihiya iraay tu kura mata nira,I have been doing the same thing over and over again,train +66435,66436,66436,saan kiya falucu aku catu kaku mikumimit,I feel sorry for him I do not pinch anymore,train +66436,66437,66437,Paˈicelen ningra hu Tanuktuk kisu,he will make you strong,train +66437,66438,66438,awaay maʼaraw ku ya iyaay wa,I have never seen this BBB stuff before,train +66438,66439,66439,pahavay,nurture,train +66439,66440,66440,hatiraay kuna iya nuna sapaiyu tunian haw,that is what this herb is,test +66440,66441,66441,maliyawen adihay ca ka emin a tuna pisuwal i matini tuna tatukian,there is a lot of things I cannot tell you right now,train +66441,66442,66442,matiya u nipimelaw,it is like,train +66442,66443,66443,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu anu cimacima tu i u i ci Kristuananay kamu saka pananumen aku kamu tu ccay a takid yasanay a tamdaw i caay ka ^ca u mamapakaulah cingra han ningra,I tell you the truth anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward,train +66443,66444,66444,awaay tu ku takula hatini,until now there are no frogs,train +66444,66445,66445,na itini cira i Meylun a misanga tu luma,build a house here in Merrill,train +66445,66446,66446,satu ku suwal nu kalas,elders say this,train +66446,66447,66447,sataluʼan sataluʼan sanay,workers in one district at a time,train +66447,66448,66448,o iraay ku pafalucuan tu katalahkalan ni Kristu a tamdaw i u mamikurac tu tireng nu niyah matiya u nika kurac ni Kristu,everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure,train +66448,66449,66449,cuwa itiniay i tukay ku aru nu wawa aku,No my kids are all living in the city,train +66449,66450,66450,haenen a mieteng,just plug it up,test +66450,66451,66451,uwey caay pahiya kanadal mahaen itu,it is just that I do not know enough to understand,train +66451,66452,66452,tira,that way,train +66452,66453,66453,u Pangcah maemin kiraan,it is all Amis,train +66453,66454,66454,ngaʼay anu tayra kaku i i,if I get to the ward,train +66454,66455,66455,ira haca ku tayal i tini i kiwkay,and the work of the church,train +66455,66456,66456,misatapang mafalic ku kicay nu Taywan u finawlan nu niyaru mituur tu a mafalic u kapah nu niyaru maemin tu miliyas tu niyaru tayni i tukay mikilim tu sakaurip atu micakay tu luma nika u falucu itini i niyaru ku lamit nu niyam saan,after Taiwans economic structure changed the primitive tribal society also changed in order to make a living many young people leave their hometowns to work or settle in metropolitan areas but their roots are in their hometowns,train +66456,66457,66457,mimaan kita nasa,what is the best thing to do,train +66457,66458,66458,itini hu i han nu kwaping,what is the latest in Mandarin,train +66458,66459,66459,o mamilifet ci Kacaw tu mimaliay tu cuyciw haw,is Kacaw competing in croquet today,train +66459,66460,66460,ira ku kutu nuni wacu,the dog has head lice,test +66460,66461,66461,misatapang nu niyam tu tingki nu finawlan,in our tribe began to have electricity,train +66461,66462,66462,Pakingcalan i lalabu,police supervision in the center,train +66462,66463,66463,talacuwa maruray a mikilim tu sakaʼurip itiya hu,I am so tired of looking around for a living,train +66463,66464,66464,tatefitefingen,any touch,train +66464,66465,66465,kaysiyawen,please tell us about,train +66465,66466,66466,a miuʼur tu kita tu demak nu naʼayaway nu mita a rayray sanay ku misimsim aku,we have to learn from the wisdom of the elderly in the past,train +66466,66467,66467,sumuwal tu lepunen tu ita satu,they say everyone has a coil,train +66467,66468,66468,Paafetuyen a misatataak nu miututay kuya samiyay,the carver carved the calves of that statue to be very large,train +66468,66469,66469,o dadutusen isu kaku,you are to succeed me,train +66469,66470,66470,Mitilidaytu ku fafahiyan a safa isuhaw,does your sister go to school,test +66470,66471,66471,fetik,wine dedication,train +66471,66472,66472,Singsi^ matawal aku ku sasisit aku,I forgot to bring my eraser,train +66472,66473,66473,ya funka han saka cecay kuni,the heirs of the lineage,train +66473,66474,66474,wata u fakec caay pakadawa kaku tu miurung tu matiraay,it is too heavy for me to handle,train +66474,66475,66475,suwal sa ci mama^ Anu matuas tu kisu i hakelungen aku kisu saan,dad said that he would take me with me when I grew up,train +66475,66476,66476,Paaditen hu kira duka saan ku suwal nu ising ta mangaay a miliyas tu pipaisinan a minukay,the doctor said to let the wound harden before leaving the hospital and going home,train +66476,66477,66477,ira kiya tatudungay a saʼusi tusaka pidademak tu Ciy Mu,better budgeting for better quality programs,train +66477,66478,66478,suwal saan ku ina ni Madadingu,the white flawless and delicate mother says,train +66478,66479,66479,paangcep,produce something Burning,train +66479,66480,66480,u luma ni ina nu maku itini tuwa taluma kaku itini,this is my moms house of course I came back here,test +66480,66481,66481,itini pitengil tu sakayat haharatengen ita ku maanan hani,have we listened to the latest instructions given to us by the LORD,train +66481,66482,66482,Siicelay ci Kacaw o kaulahan nu nimanima cira,Kacaw is very energetic and everyone likes him a lot,train +66482,66483,66483,tayni tuya pikiraan aku a taluʼan aku nu hatinini,I am going to the hut where I am staying now,train +66483,66484,66484,hantu i kapahay,good strategy,train +66484,66485,66485,kiya ira saw ku mahaenay,why is that,train +66485,66486,66486,ni u fuʼis fuʼis haw,it is the stars,train +66486,66487,66487,Maduka maremes aca ku tusur nu maku,my knee is injured and bleeding,train +66487,66488,66488,mipakayifan,after the wedding ceremony,train +66488,66489,66489,na hatiniay ku heci ira anu maʼicang,this is what it looks like when it is dry,train +66489,66490,66490,hatiraay i saayaw ku niyam a tayal,we have to help too that is our job,test +66490,66491,66491,maulahay kisu tu kacanglahan han,do you like spring,train +66491,66492,66492,tu ku tahini tu i e,Until uh huh,train +66492,66493,66493,pacakat hantu nangra i hkal ku tamina nangra sawad hantu nangra ku maamaan nangra a mituur i ci Yisan,so they pulled their boats up on shore left everything and followed him,train +66493,66494,66494,cifaliyus,there is a typhoon,train +66494,66495,66495,paecipan,straight hunting knife,train +66495,66496,66496,tangasa i luma haw i tapulungen nira i talay kiya futing panunum,when you get home put all the fish in a big pot,train +66496,66497,66497,Halicakay ciira tu fa^luhay a fuduy,she loves to buy new clothes,train +66497,66498,66498,fangsis,savory or appetizing,train +66498,66499,66499,rawis,reach out and grab,train +66499,66500,66500,acaan tu niyam ku talacay atu lupas,we bought pineapples and peaches,test +66500,66501,66501,ku pituka nu selal,support the fence timbers,train +66501,66502,66502,tuuren mirepet,hunt and capture,train +66502,66503,66503,nawhani caay ka i falucu nu tamdaw a micumud ku kakaenen i tiyad ningra a micumud ta mafalah i tatayian saan,for it does not go into his heart but into his stomach and then out of his body,train +66503,66504,66504,wawa ningra,her children,train +66504,66505,66505,acer,dams,train +66505,66506,66506,sani iri a iratu ku sa,there is going to be a tidal wave again,train +66506,66507,66507,midudu tu alu,along the streams and gullies,train +66507,66508,66508,Cakarepunen tu,I am not going to finish it,train +66508,66509,66509,palatek misaʼusian aku a rumiʼad u lipaysan tayra kaku i,I expect to go to Neutral on Wednesday,train +66509,66510,66510,o sapaicelaw i tamuwanan a palatamdaw ku nipaflian nu Tapang i tamiyanan a icel caay ku sapitfadaw i tamuwanan Saka anu pakinalinali tu miming ku pipasneng aku tu pakayniay tunini i caay ka ngudu kaku,for even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than pulling you down I will not be ashamed of it,test +66510,66511,66511,Suelinay caay kahemhem ku ruray nu malasufitay,ah Bings suffering is really hard to bear,train +66511,66512,66512,itira ku luma niyam mapatay ku ina aku,we settled there my mom died there,train +66512,66513,66513,makapah ku nikulitan nira,her drawings are beautiful,train +66513,66514,66514,cayahu tu mi,not yet,train +66514,66515,66515,Rumakat kami a tayni,we came walking,train +66515,66516,66516,kilim itini i u katalawan kura iraay ku simal nu tamina,we found a horrible shipbreaker with oil on board,train +66516,66517,66517,anu mavana kisu tu nu Pangcah,how come you speak Amish,train +66517,66518,66518,iraay tu ku harateng aku harateng sa kaku i,I have my own idea of what I want,train +66518,66519,66519,vetili,thunder,train +66519,66520,66520,makavatikar,Cycling,test +66520,66521,66521,taluma sa kaku,every time I come home,train +66521,66522,66522,tiyahu a pisaday tu luma a mifacu,design and production,train +66522,66523,66523,rumatu arumiʼad ta pa kungku han tu nira kuya faʼinay nira,soon after I told my husband about the dream,train +66523,66524,66524,suwal sa ku kaka i,that is what the dean said,train +66524,66525,66525,kapalal kamu a mitulun tu saka^caaw ka sawi namu talacuwa mangalay ku falucu namu nikawrira rarima ku tireng namu han ni Yis cangra,watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation the Spirit is willing but the body is weak,train +66525,66526,66526,hatiraay tuya pitilid isu,it is just like what you wrote sir,train +66526,66527,66527,pasiwduan nu Kuka ku hiya,we are getting running water,train +66527,66528,66528,itira sanay tu kaku i a parakat tu,I have been driving a bus,train +66528,66529,66529,Minanum kisu Hay minanum kaku,do you want some water Yes I want some water,train +66529,66530,66530,tayra tu i lutuk ku fainayan kira mi uway,the men went to the mountains to gather rattan,test +66530,66531,66531,Malakaedahay a maemin ku sinafel nu Kuria,Korean food has become spicy,train +66531,66532,66532,Mikulas kita tu panay anini,we are vaccinating the rice today,train +66532,66533,66533,san saka,consequently,train +66533,66534,66534,saalumanay,maximum number,train +66534,66535,66535,tahiniay haca i kahu hay,it is a career that only lasts until middle school Yes well then,train +66535,66536,66536,iraan kararuman haw,that is the saddest thing of all,train +66536,66537,66537,saredu,sweet,train +66537,66538,66538,cuwa kangaay ku fafahiyan a miadup,Then can women go hunting together,train +66538,66539,66539,naayaayaway a demak nu niyaru,legends of the tribe,train +66539,66540,66540,alutuc,Oncomelania,test +66540,66541,66541,unian ini,this one,train +66541,66542,66542,anu matini kamu mangalay mitengil hiwa,if you want to hear it now,train +66542,66543,66543,ta umaan kiya ya hatiniay a ka tataʼang a tutu,so what is the matter with you it is such a big scoop it used to be a scoop,train +66543,66544,66544,kuishii hitu yu,my beloved lover,train +66544,66545,66545,ira i laluma ku masamaamaanay a ma^feray a ayam atu aadupen atu manafuyay a fau nu hkal,it contained all kinds of four footed animals as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air,train +66545,66546,66546,papipulakayen tu nu faki faki ya kaput ira ya widangwidang ira ya malainainaay,we will start entertaining our elders peers family and friends,train +66546,66547,66547,Marumut ku waay,the foot tapers down,train +66547,66548,66548,pasilusi tu kilang haw i makuay san malaaraw sa caykaliyad haw i malalefu tu caira,the subject property was constructed by tree planting in accordance with the individual,train +66548,66549,66549,ya pisuʼutan kiya,it is the location of the bundle,train +66549,66550,66550,laluudan,autumn,test +66550,66551,66551,cumud cumud satu ku paylang cumud cumud satu ku ruma a finacadan,the Han or other ethnic groups will move in here,train +66551,66552,66552,anucila a lipay,next week,train +66552,66553,66553,anu mifadic tu fadahung ku mifadicay matira,lift the roof off the roof,train +66553,66554,66554,saka tayni kami i tura malitengay tuna niyaru i,that is why the elders came to this tribe,train +66554,66555,66555,ecu^,elephants,train +66555,66556,66556,ci kaka nu maku a mala,I made my brother the business manager,train +66556,66557,66557,tatakula,ugly guy,train +66557,66558,66558,Tusa^ falud nu sinafel atu cecay daduy nu funga^ ku picakay aku,please give me two bunches of vegetables and a pound of sweet potatoes,train +66558,66559,66559,citilid,add color washes to a painting,train +66559,66560,66560,u kabanaʼan nu maku,what I know,test +66560,66561,66561,na i umah,in the field,train +66561,66562,66562,mifutfut,fig pull out patches of grass,train +66562,66563,66563,u maan haca ku iraay,what else,train +66563,66564,66564,minenenenengay tu,take a look around,train +66564,66565,66565,pisalunguc,plead,train +66565,66566,66566,sanay ku falucu nu maku a tumeru itiya,I was determined,train +66566,66567,66567,kinasawad,Gone,train +66567,66568,66568,na miala tu kami tu falu nu lakes,let us get the camphor buds,train +66568,66569,66569,matuduh,it is been burned,train +66569,66570,66570,mafulad,Menstruation,test +66570,66571,66571,iʼayaw hu,before,train +66571,66572,66572,hai,desirable,train +66572,66573,66573,surarat,meet to resolve something,train +66573,66574,66574,macaluh,I am in a hurry,train +66574,66575,66575,milicay kaku tu matenesay misiayaway tu sifu a milunguc tu sakacipinang nu tireng micidek tu ngangan nu finacadan a kapah nu niyaru ci futing Mayaw,I interviewed Foting Mayaw a young tribal member who has long been advocating for the inclusion of tribal names on identification cards,train +66575,66576,66576,miala tu saka lafi niyam,get our dinner,train +66576,66577,66577,nanay lahedaw tu ku lafu nira,may his bad luck be wiped out,train +66577,66578,66578,ira sa ku heci nu kunga,growing groundnuts,train +66578,66579,66579,macekuray,overlooked,train +66579,66580,66580,ngaayay,an excellent,test +66580,66581,66581,Cahucahu miliyas cangra tu limuut aku,almost immediately they left my commands,train +66581,66582,66582,malalesay,blunt,train +66582,66583,66583,masametek ku valucu nu tumuk nu niyaru a semuwal,the tribal leader is very serious,train +66583,66584,66584,tengteng han naku kina keliw haw i,if I pull the rope,train +66584,66585,66585,Misadangudanguy ku huwak i fanaw,ducks are swimming around in the pond,train +66585,66586,66586,misakangicay,Crocodile farming,train +66586,66587,66587,itiya hu i masamanay ku kasumadan atu maharatengay ningra,past memories and heartbreaking stories,train +66587,66588,66588,pisaselalan,age group,train +66588,66589,66589,u sera hani maʼaca tu nu Paylang,the land has been bought by the Han Chinese,train +66589,66590,66590,i tiyahu adihaay ku kaemangay mimaliay,a lot of kids played baseball back then,test +66590,66591,66591,o ira hu mi,at that time there was still,train +66591,66592,66592,kereng,thunder,train +66592,66593,66593,samasu^suay,fattest,train +66593,66594,66594,utiih rasiu a kemkeman,inconvenient Diet teeth,train +66594,66595,66595,Henta nengnengen aku han nira maru kaku kira,the wizard said I would come and see the wizard has a banana leaf,train +66595,66596,66596,picudadan,school,train +66596,66597,66597,yu mahini awaay tu,not at this time,train +66597,66598,66598,anu itiniay tu i Kalingku,or go to Hualien,train +66598,66599,66599,ala,apprehend,train +66599,66600,66600,mana eca nu liteng a serangawan kuni,of course this is our traditional culture,test +66600,66601,66601,numita ira tu cika ala,we Amis have them too we do not have them,train +66601,66602,66602,mifutingay ku ngaʼay,fishing seems better,train +66602,66603,66603,ta malafi malafi san,then he said it was time to eat,train +66603,66604,66604,o kaulahan aku ku titi atu kalang,my favorites are meat and crab,train +66604,66605,66605,cima ku ngangan nu safa isu tu fafahiyan,what is your younger sisters name,train +66605,66606,66606,caay kahaen i naayaway,that is not how I used to shoot a slingshot,train +66606,66607,66607,O aira ku kacipinangan i cidal atu fulad atu fuis i tini i hkal i tataang ku pades nu kasafinawlawlan o mamatalaw cangra tu harengheng nu riyar atu taplik,There will be signs in the sun moon and stars on the earth nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea,train +66607,66608,66608,anu awa ku limaw isu aka pacici maketeraw kaemangay wawa saka ku kira,if you do not have time we will not force you your child will be angry,train +66608,66609,66609,maluwan tu muetep ku mihecaan,ten years less,train +66609,66610,66610,Cifaliyus tu kaciferangan,typhoons are common in summer,test +66610,66611,66611,pakutay kaku tu tayal ta,I am switching jobs,train +66611,66612,66612,a miluwad tu suwal,revitalize our language,train +66612,66613,66613,panukas,yet,train +66613,66614,66614,caay ka i itira i lutuk kura matuʼasay,the old mans not on flat ground he is on a mountain,train +66614,66615,66615,u hiya hen kinian,there is still some here,train +66615,66616,66616,pacici hay cefu han tu aku ya pancu aku ha ha ha ha,Uncontrollable peeing just a warm stream that flows into my underwear ha ha ha,train +66616,66617,66617,lilis,the edge,train +66617,66618,66618,haenen pacumud haen satu mitaluh,just put it in and pull it out,train +66618,66619,66619,maraayay,far away,train +66619,66620,66620,pikecuran,observing,test +66620,66621,66621,itira ku sakafanaʼ nu tamdaw tu nika,that is when we found out,train +66621,66622,66622,aray vayi,Auntie thank you,train +66622,66623,66623,sakatusa haw i ya mama u cahulak talaʼayaw micahulak kiya mama haw i,Secondly about the fish that my father made out of bamboo before,train +66623,66624,66624,tu,Already,train +66624,66625,66625,hatini aca,only,train +66625,66626,66626,cinglaw ku finawlan tu nidemakan nira,the tribal people have micro aggressions against what he has done,train +66626,66627,66627,saan ira tu ku suwal,then there was news,train +66627,66628,66628,Suwalen aku kamu i pisawkitan a rumiad i u papatalahkalen nu tamdamdaw a ma^min ku kahaccaccay nu nanisuwalan nu tireng tu caay ka ci^puc a suwal,but I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken,train +66628,66629,66629,hatiraay awih ku iya nu,that is why,train +66629,66630,66630,itira tura tefun,the well over there,test +66630,66631,66631,sakacecay,life is not equal,train +66631,66632,66632,herek saan kami a micakay tu ayam atu vuting taluma satu cacay a sapadan ku nipatada tu nicacakan tu sinavelan,in the end we bought chicken and fish and went home to cook a table of food,train +66632,66633,66633,ci^ci,to force,train +66633,66634,66634,pacemut,angling for fish,train +66634,66635,66635,itiya caay hu ka ci faʼinay tira i ilisin,I was not married at the time,train +66635,66636,66636,Mihacuk a minaum ku miuwayay i nemnem,a man who collects cordage holds water at a spring and drinks from it,train +66636,66637,66637,diputen tu ku tireng namu,take care of yourselves,train +66637,66638,66638,tahini sahu kaku nani pala,just got here from the field,train +66638,66639,66639,Malecavi ku heni a mavekac,they are running in a race,train +66639,66640,66640,pana,bow,test +66640,66641,66641,ira ku adiwawa ira ku matuʼasay ira ku siningkay ira ku kaying a misanka tu niyan u malasung hananay,the participants of the marathon included children elderly people young people and young ladies,train +66641,66642,66642,lawilaw,giant elephants ear,train +66642,66643,66643,tahira tu karekrekan i riyal i,proceed to identified waterfront campsites,train +66643,66644,66644,u sapifahfah tu lifung,Banish the epidemic,train +66644,66645,66645,kasufucan,birthday or place of birth,train +66645,66646,66646,kuwa,genus Chaenomeles of shrubs in the family Rosaceae,train +66646,66647,66647,anu mitala kita tu caay ka araw a dmak i sakudait han ita ku falucu a mitala tunini,but if we hope for what we do not yet have we wait for it patiently,train +66647,66648,66648,nura talikufadpatatudung haw,purpose of the front small apron Oh it is like this,train +66648,66649,66649,mafana aku tu nu Amis,I speak the language,train +66649,66650,66650,Pisanaunaun tu kungaayay saka^caaw ka pakidem,please take care of yourself and avoid seriousness,test +66650,66651,66651,anu suwalen tunu Pangcah awaay ku OHay sanay a,Pronunciation there is no OHare pronunciation among the Amis,train +66651,66652,66652,itiya tuya rumiad i tada u kasiniadaan ku cipuyapuyay a fafahiyan atu ciwawaay a wina tu micucuayhu a wawa,how dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers,train +66652,66653,66653,ku ira a masadak,I will come out too,train +66653,66654,66654,u niyan u Kawas,millet,train +66654,66655,66655,ira ku lalan nu paliding o away paliding rakat sayu,there should be cars viable cars on the road,train +66655,66656,66656,sakatingalaw,expose something clear,train +66656,66657,66657,Hayda^ pafelien kaku tu cecay cilacila tu kaku a micakay tu hemay,Alright please give me one I will come back next time to buy rice,train +66657,66658,66658,o sakasaan aku a sumuwal tunini i u paayaw aku tamuwanan caay ku sapilalangaw i tamuwanan o sakasungilaaw nu dmak namu atu sakasarucudaw namu a matayal tu saki Tapang,I am saying this for your own good not to restrict you but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord,train +66658,66659,66659,palamlaman niyam,we now put in,train +66659,66660,66660,saka aluman satu ku minanamay tu kaen nu mita u Pangcah,maybe it is as simple as the food culture,test +66660,66661,66661,Turuma a remiad midakawamay,I will come and take a ride some day,train +66661,66662,66662,lalima kami a maruyaruy,there were five of us,train +66662,66663,66663,sapatiwid,gift,train +66663,66664,66664,mikihatiyaay ku singsi malacafay tamiyanan a misalama mahecad tu lalumaan ku kungkuan niyam,the teachers also play with us the school is one big family,train +66664,66665,66665,Ma^deng ku Kawas a pafli tu adihayay a sakalmed namu ta ma^deng kamu caay kunini a ccay cirafas kamu tu sapadama i masamaamaanay a ngaayay a dmak,and God is able to make all grace abound to you so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work,train +66665,66666,66666,kanguduan tu kamu han ni Kacaw ku kaput ikul tu mihawikid tu kaku tu manmaan sa ahuwiday kaput iayaw nipacaliw kamu takuwanan tu manmaan makahi kaku a pacaliw tamuwanan,Kacaw apologized to the students and said that he would definitely bring his own things in the future and thanked the classmates for their willingness to lend him things before,train +66666,66667,66667,Sakatulu^ u nanay nu falucu nu ina atu mama a pangangan tu wawa^ hay matiya u nganngan nira ku nikangaay nu urip saan,Thirdly the parents expectations of their children hoping that their children future development will be as good as their names,train +66667,66668,66668,iraay hu ku pifutingan sa ku widawidang,they say there is a fishing place there,train +66668,66669,66669,taangayay,oldest,train +66669,66670,66670,fainayan a wawa^,boy,test +66670,66671,66671,tifeken itiya hu tifek han mitifek,pounding rice we used to pound rice by hand,train +66671,66672,66672,ira i ngata nuya tapuru ku alumanay a masaflaway a kumaenay a fafuy,a large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside,train +66672,66673,66673,nikalalais nu mita atu Ripun,war with the Japanese,train +66673,66674,66674,simpu,father,train +66674,66675,66675,paliʼayaway tu,arrangements will be made in advance,train +66675,66676,66676,nira niyaru haw,hence the tribal,train +66676,66677,66677,pafeliay tu kalimlaan wawa,he gave his precious son for all mankind,train +66677,66678,66678,Pacauf sa ci Yuhani Aka parafas a miala tu nisausiantu a sata han ningra,Do not collect any more than you are required to he told them,train +66678,66679,66679,u matini sa pinengneng,it looks different now,train +66679,66680,66680,nikamadikmik,rhythm,test +66680,66681,66681,kitingen,holding hands,train +66681,66682,66682,pusi nu lutuk,a wildcat,train +66682,66683,66683,misaupu tu maamaan saka sarucud sa tu ku tayal,everything was arranged so the work was smooth,train +66683,66684,66684,hatiraay ku kafafalic turira,that is how you exchange things,train +66684,66685,66685,kifetul,favor,train +66685,66686,66686,pilunguc kamu tu tadamaanay a rucek Nikawrira pasifanaen aku kamu tu sangaayay a dadmaken,but eagerly desire the greater gifts and now I will show you the most excellent way,train +66686,66687,66687,tira kaku i,then,train +66687,66688,66688,ciyacay,veggie,train +66688,66689,66689,dadaya,in the evening,train +66689,66690,66690,Nanuya tahiratu i Kapirnaum cangra yu i laluma tu ca Yis i licayen ningra ku nisawawaan O maan ku kalaliyaliyangan namu i huni i lalan saw han ningra,they came to Capernaum when he was in the house he asked them What were you arguing about on the road,test +66690,66691,66691,kamu malakaka,you who are children,train +66691,66692,66692,malakasiniadaan,it is a pitiful state of affairs,train +66692,66693,66693,mapelaʼay han nu matuʼasay,the old man just named it The cracked Place,train +66693,66694,66694,ira i sacumud nu niyaru ku pikacawan u pikecuran a minengneng tu rakat nu ada,the watchtower is at the entrance to the horde and is used to observe enemy movements,train +66694,66695,66695,makupit ci ina aku u ising ci ina nu maku,my mother is thin and my mom is a doctor,train +66695,66696,66696,u Cilamitay sanay kira,they are all called Ghiramidai,train +66696,66697,66697,a u kalang ku ngangan nuninian sa sa u kalang,its name is Kalang,train +66697,66698,66698,Tinaku sa u fa^luhay a pararamuden a fainay ku caciramud tu kaying salipahak sa i tatihi ku widang ningra a mitngil tu suwal ningra malcad tunini ku nika lipahak aku anini,the bride belongs to the bridegroom the friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him and is full of joy when he hears the bridegrooms voice that joy is mine and it is now complete,train +66698,66699,66699,Hayda katahenay,Okay go quickly,train +66699,66700,66700,El^el san ciira a tumangic,she choked back a sob,test +66700,66701,66701,a kinalima a miasip,five times,train +66701,66702,66702,Furifur han ni Sawlu ku kiwkay cumud sa cingra tu lumaluma a mirpet tu mituuray a fainayan atu fafahiyan a mikidkid a pacumud i pirufuan,but Saul began to destroy the church going from house to house he dragged off men and women and put them in prison,train +66702,66703,66703,maharateng,Reflections,train +66703,66704,66704,hatiraay ira hatiraay ira maʼaraway isu u ranan kira sau,that one over there did you see it which one,train +66704,66705,66705,talip,skirts,train +66705,66706,66706,saan ku sausi,execute good or bad,train +66706,66707,66707,dafak satu,how about in the morning,train +66707,66708,66708,e maharek a maranam masaupu itu,they gathered after breakfast,train +66708,66709,66709,nu misaʼAmisay saan kuya falucu nu maku,I thought The Amis have a fishing festival,train +66709,66710,66710,papipudeken,roll,test +66710,66711,66711,ci ama aku mafukilay minengneng tunu Kuwapin a tilid,my dad cannot read Chinese,train +66711,66712,66712,nirekadan,stepped,train +66712,66713,66713,hay hanaku ku suwal sa milingatu kaku anini amisanga,that is all for now I am going to start making salted meat,train +66713,66714,66714,hay kiya u kita malitengay haw,Yes it is we elders,train +66714,66715,66715,misi,urinate,train +66715,66716,66716,anu haratengen i Fangcalay ku Rikec ni Musi hananay Saka u fangcalay u malalenay u ngaayay ku matiliday a suwal i Rikec,so then the law is holy and the commandment is holy righteous and good,train +66716,66717,66717,araw han i nanu kaemangan nu mita i,in fact our childhood,train +66717,66718,66718,nu Recurd,Oops I cannot see your body,train +66718,66719,66719,citangalay ku micudaday,a reader is a wise man,train +66719,66720,66720,kacalemceman anuca katalawan,Worried or afraid,test +66720,66721,66721,oya mafanaay a miharateng a limecedan i mitatuy tu dawdaw mihawikid tu pinapina a talid nu simal cangra,the wise however took oil in jars along with their lamps,train +66721,66722,66722,afala^,torso,train +66722,66723,66723,u maan saw a demakan Tumuk kasumuwal may,what is it Mr Boss please,train +66723,66724,66724,micuraf,fire,train +66724,66725,66725,sapifuting,fish catching gear,train +66725,66726,66726,malaising,being a doctor,train +66726,66727,66727,anu adada sa tu i ngaay a tayra i paisingan paising,if you are sick you can go to the hospital,train +66727,66728,66728,man sa ku kafana nu rararem kaput i,what are the plans and opinions of your subordinates,train +66728,66729,66729,madicadic,flood,train +66729,66730,66730,unu cecay a kaen nahaw,it is just one bite,test +66730,66731,66731,ya tiyatu i malacafay kaku tu widang aku,I was with my friends at the time,train +66731,66732,66732,mamaan,what is going on,train +66732,66733,66733,maesus,break wind,train +66733,66734,66734,falat,horizontal,train +66734,66735,66735,cecay daduy i tulu^ pulu ku pida^,sweet potatoes are thirty dollars for a pound,train +66735,66736,66736,adihay ku sasingaran nu luma namu,you have a lot of windows in your house,train +66736,66737,66737,pafelien,Here,train +66737,66738,66738,mansansaw san,how come,train +66738,66739,66739,Kasasiniadaada kasasipaayaw kamu Kasasihpul kamu tu raraw a matiya u pihpul nu Kawas tu raraw namu pakayni ci Kristuan,be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you,train +66739,66740,66740,mahapinangay,representative,test +66740,66741,66741,paraecus tu tamdaw,it will not hurt,train +66741,66742,66742,herek nu lahuk kita a matatala^ i ancila^ haw,can I make an appointment with you tomorrow afternoon,train +66742,66743,66743,fuuten,await,train +66743,66744,66744,tuwa a maanen ita,what will I do,train +66744,66745,66745,mitipus haca,Harvest period,train +66745,66746,66746,iki tu,that is amazing,train +66746,66747,66747,miangrer,bitter,train +66747,66748,66748,saka tara tu kami iraw i paniyaruʼan nuya Talampu hananay,So we went to Duranbul where there is a settlement,train +66748,66749,66749,u niyam itiya hu itira i niyaru,back in the day when we were in our tribe,train +66749,66750,66750,Mapingaping ku sapikpik nu ayam,the birds wing hangs loose flapping from being broken,test +66750,66751,66751,u yucay satu mikihatiya a lipahak a miedem tu ulah nu valucu,the letter carrier also felt joy and satisfaction,train +66751,66752,66752,unian u cirut ku pasifanaʼay kitanan sa,it is the painted lady bird that told us,train +66752,66753,66753,Ina adihay ku mitangtangan isu a dateng,Mom you are cooking a lot of food today,train +66753,66754,66754,mansa,because,train +66754,66755,66755,aluman ku tamdaw midanguyay itini,there are a lot of people swimming here,train +66755,66756,66756,Pacinahen tu mamang ta adet a kaenen,add a little salt to make it taste good,train +66756,66757,66757,cuhel,sweat,train +66757,66758,66758,mamaanay tu kisu,what is wrong,train +66758,66759,66759,hedaw tu ku ruray nu falucu aku,the burden of my heart is gone,train +66759,66760,66760,cahu hu kafuhaten,I cannot open it yet,test +66760,66761,66761,o ruma satu,another,train +66761,66762,66762,san sa ku matuʼasay,the old man used to say,train +66762,66763,66763,ilang han tu kuya panay,remember to grind the rice,train +66763,66764,66764,Malahaklung ci Yusif atu nipatapangan ningra a malufafahi ningra ci Mariya a tayra tu sapipatilidaw tu ngangan nangra o mamahufuctu ci Mariya itiya,he went there to register with Mary who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child,train +66764,66765,66765,makakuy tu nu cuyuh kaku nay,I have been carried away by angels,train +66765,66766,66766,a misateviteving,easy to touch,train +66766,66767,66767,nawhan i ira kuni itini i Cung Kuw tani i Cung Kuw Kawng Pu Ting Tai,Why there is something from China on China Radio,train +66767,66768,66768,malukafutirsquuan,as a bed,train +66768,66769,66769,Munanaway kira wawa i mintang i matini,that kid is now washing his hands in the basin,train +66769,66770,66770,paturud,to pass on to hand over,test +66770,66771,66771,kamu u fafahi i pihaklung tu fainay namu nawhani u dadu^du^duen aca nu misa Kristuay kunini,Wives submit to your husbands as is fitting in the Lord,train +66771,66772,66772,hay sisa mahaen ku nipangangan,Yeah that is why it is named that,train +66772,66773,66773,Anini itiraayhu ci Riana i cisuwalay tu Tantelu a kilac mitenak tu lihaf nu Hungti Kitakit padama cangranan mafanaˈ ci Yihufaan,Today Riana still proclaims the kingdom message to the Tandrona speakers helping them to recognize the LORD,train +66773,66774,66774,Taytay hancikang cacay a tatukiyan,about half an hour and an hour,train +66774,66775,66775,matini mapaluwad nu yinminhuy kita,now the original people will value the wisdom of our creators,train +66775,66776,66776,u nu mita,our Executive director,train +66776,66777,66777,suwal sa ku matuasay Mahengheng ku riyar u mamaurad masadak ku tupi u mamacidal sanay,the old man used to say The rumbling of the sea brings rain and the flying of pigeons brings sunshine,train +66777,66778,66778,lalimaay ku paru luma nangra,there are five people in their family,train +66778,66779,66779,Namihkulung aku aci vayian talaiciva inacila adihay ku nialaan nira tu nipalumaan a dateng ira aca ku nicacakan tu alesuay a kakaenan nu Yincumin a sapasisi tu alumanay,Yesterday I went to the market with my grandmother to set up a stall my grandmother brought a lot of vegetables that she grew herself and also prepared indigenous cuisine for everyone,train +66779,66780,66780,licay sa ci Pilatu i cangraan Papitdal kamu i takuwanan tu hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw haw han ningra,Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews asked Pilate,test +66780,66781,66781,mahaenay itiyahu ku urip saka,that is how life used to be,train +66781,66782,66782,u maku a urip i mitiliday kaku i,I went to Tulane Elementary,train +66782,66783,66783,mangalayay tu kaku a pakungku,I want to tell a story too,train +66783,66784,66784,isasaay nu lutuk,Laboratory,train +66784,66785,66785,suʼlinay maumah tu,I am going to work,train +66785,66786,66786,Tataang kuya lunan,that ship is very large,train +66786,66787,66787,nananamen,learning,train +66787,66788,66788,dihemay,brisk,train +66788,66789,66789,u pakayniay i nanum,about water,train +66789,66790,66790,hetecen mihetec kura salang ningra,squeeze the juice,test +66790,66791,66791,madeng tu a ilisin matateku kina kapah san kaku,now that the youths are together again I think it is time to organize a Toyotomi Festival,train +66791,66792,66792,saniyaru san kami itini i tulu a niyaruʼan,we will build our tribe in these three places,train +66792,66793,66793,caay kaw katacumuli,not for snails,train +66793,66794,66794,huni kaku tu saan ku ruma tayra tu kaku,I will be there when the other guy calls me,train +66794,66795,66795,nikawrira harateng han naku,So I was thinking thinking,train +66795,66796,66796,saka sakacecay a licay i,Okay first question please,train +66796,66797,66797,anini sa aluman tu kinaluma,there are a lot of houses now,train +66797,66798,66798,a pakimad hu kaku tu ccay a kakimadan u nu pakayniay i wawa,I will tell a story about a child,train +66798,66799,66799,lingatu,begin,train +66799,66800,66800,Kiwit,Chimay tribe name,test +66800,66801,66801,misisiw tinian hana i pakaʼaraw ci ina aku,when I was doing this my mom was watching,train +66801,66802,66802,murec,shatter,train +66802,66803,66803,mitala kaku tu kaila nu faʼinay hay,waiting for my husband to come back from the ocean,train +66803,66804,66804,matini sanay i tani itini cuka aku haw,turn to my portrait of discouragement,train +66804,66805,66805,ku malitengay itiya hu,the elders used to be great,train +66805,66806,66806,mapiliʼay tu kunga ku urip itiya hu,everyone hated groundnuts at that time,train +66806,66807,66807,suʼelinay mararumay ku falucu,I am really sorry,train +66807,66808,66808,Ngaaytu micakay haca kaku tu sasipasip,Well I still have to buy erasers,train +66808,66809,66809,itiya i ira ci Yuhani u painuay a tamdaw a patnak i kuhkuhan nu Yutaya a pala,in those days John the Baptist came preaching in the desert of Judea,train +66809,66810,66810,u maan,what is it,test +66810,66811,66811,ila ku suwal nu malitengay i,as the old man used to say,train +66811,66812,66812,Cunacun saan ku nanum i pipatikedan nu maku,the water is stirred up where I fish,train +66812,66813,66813,itini mamangay hu picudadan,I am still in elementary school,train +66813,66814,66814,mafalic tuku urip nu maku tu sakangaʼay nu tayal,I have a good job because of the changes in my life,train +66814,66815,66815,nu heni milenem i riyar miala ku heni tuya kanasaw,they go down to the sea to get the sea urchins,train +66815,66816,66816,cuwa ku aniniay a Alapanay yu,not the current Alabanai,train +66816,66817,66817,Mipudac ci ina tu lingku,mom is peeling apples,train +66817,66818,66818,saka tusa a remiʼad malecapu ku niyaru,the next day we all gathered together and,train +66818,66819,66819,anca away ku ngiha,Ami phonetic symbols,train +66819,66820,66820,masadafdaf,flat land,test +66820,66821,66821,caay ka pihawikid kaku tu paysu,I do not have any money either,train +66821,66822,66822,Hawu,Sighs,train +66822,66823,66823,mahrek ku Tapang ci Yis a pasuwal i cangraan i makakuy cingra a talakakarayan a maru i kawanan nu Kawas,after the Lord Jesus had spoken to them he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God,train +66823,66824,66824,deng u kuʼtengay kira,it is only sticky rice cake,train +66824,66825,66825,yu mitngil cangra tu nipisanu Hipray ni Pawlu a pasuwal i mangalef ku nika tumrep nangra Saka pararid satu ci Pawlu a sumuwal,when they heard him speak to them in Aramaic they became very quiet then Paul said,train +66825,66826,66826,hawan,straight hunter,train +66826,66827,66827,kita anini u cayhu kafana tinian u hatiraay ku tayal nu matuʼasay tiyahu san,we do not know anything about that yet that is what old people used to do,train +66827,66828,66828,Ati picumudi Tatala^ sa kaku,come on in I have been waiting for you for a long time,train +66828,66829,66829,maamaan itira ku orip niyam i sancung,that is how it is been in the last few years of working at Mie Prefecture,train +66829,66830,66830,anini initu,ingredients,test +66830,66831,66831,u rira i u kingcay ya mifalahan ku papah,that is celery celery leaves have to be picked off,train +66831,66832,66832,ayaw,previously,train +66832,66833,66833,u Kaliyawan iri,in Kellettwan,train +66833,66834,66834,furuk,syncope,train +66834,66835,66835,cidadipis,Cockroaches,train +66835,66836,66836,Mafana kaku a sumuwal tu suwal nu Pangcah atu nu Piwma^,I speak Aramaic and Puyuma,train +66836,66837,66837,madengay tu sapiayam,bird hunting is also possible,train +66837,66838,66838,pavuliki,brake,train +66838,66839,66839,anini i u tatayni ku kuntung a mitekup kitanan i,now the Cantonese are coming to wipe us out,train +66839,66840,66840,19 itini i Ikuk u cecay mararamuday mikitini tatusa maluhemay malitengay milifuk tu sadama,in England a couple received help from two elders,test +66840,66841,66841,matukatuk,doze off,train +66841,66842,66842,tayra mi,I will apply,train +66842,66843,66843,papina ku tamdaw a masacefang a miyakiw,how many players are there on a baseball team,train +66843,66844,66844,Mipalu ci mama tu nanum a mifahuy tu futing,Daddy hit the water to catch fish,train +66844,66845,66845,Sulimeten tu ku tanengnengan,put your textbook away,train +66845,66846,66846,hatiraay tu,that is it,train +66846,66847,66847,maherek mipacuk,and then they are also responsible for killing the pigs,train +66847,66848,66848,pinaay ku tuki a lumuwad kisu tu papacem,what time do you get up in the morning,train +66848,66849,66849,anu hatira i sahcien aku a sumuwal ku pakayniay ci Aprahaman u tatuasan niyam,what then shall we say that Abraham our forefather discovered in this matter,train +66849,66850,66850,ami lakec itira,we will have to cross the river when we get there,test +66850,66851,66851,katawaan,laughter,train +66851,66852,66852,yu ka^manghu kaku i masaka^mangay ku nika sumuwal aku masaka^mangay ku harateng aku masaka^mangay ku nisafalucuan aku Matuas satu kaku i masawadtu aku ku nu ka^manganhu a dmak,when I was a child I talked like a child I thought like a child I reasoned like a child when I became a man I put childish ways behind me,train +66852,66853,66853,Taelifen nu paliding kaku,a vehicle passed me,train +66853,66854,66854,hatinien kunu kasuy,the timber ones are also to be,train +66854,66855,66855,au nu Taywan tu ali sa kiya hareteng itiya,I think he is Taiwanese,train +66855,66856,66856,mipuhpuh,touch therapy,train +66856,66857,66857,ka anini,Now,train +66857,66858,66858,wata ku karaaraay nu kaciluma nu Pangcah i tukay,urban dweller,train +66858,66859,66859,hay ya tangic nu tuya falucu nu misu,Yes your heart cries and screams,train +66859,66860,66860,away ku hiratengrateng aku tu saka ci fafahi,I do not want to have a wife,test +66860,66861,66861,u paradiw han,this is Aspergillus coryza,train +66861,66862,66862,suwal han nu kaka aku ci ali aku,big brother reveals to second sister in law,train +66862,66863,66863,a minanam tu suwal nu Pangcah haw i,if you are here to learn the Amis language,train +66863,66864,66864,nikaurira u na u nanay haw sahetu tayra i tunuʼtunuʼ,However this wish has fallen off the cliff,train +66864,66865,66865,suwal han nu kaput ca piala kisu tu aalaen anu pacaliwen hu kisu tu lusid i cuwa patikul,the classmate told him because you did not bring it yourself and you would not return the things lent to you,train +66865,66866,66866,kaput,Classmates classmates,train +66866,66867,66867,pawli u kilang,Bananas and trees,train +66867,66868,66868,wiru fafuti kisu saw,why are you still sleeping,train +66868,66869,66869,malikelun tu hasakalafi,carry it down the mountain for dinner,train +66869,66870,66870,a siwawa aca cira haw,and you can reproduce and have children,test +66870,66871,66871,caay ka ngata^ pakautufay kaku a talapatiyamay,No it is not so I always ride the motorcycle to the market,train +66871,66872,66872,anu mananam tu misanga tu emu,if you are familiar with making sweet rice cakes,train +66872,66873,66873,u niyam u niyam saan,we have our own ideas,train +66873,66874,66874,Satadamaanen ku demak,make a big occasion of the thing do it up fancy,train +66874,66875,66875,aka papalafu kamu tu miharatengan nu mitapiʼay,do not spoil the object of our devotion,train +66875,66876,66876,mikifelac,search for rice,train +66876,66877,66877,caay kaeca,always,train +66877,66878,66878,o fainayan ci panay hay,is Panay a boy,train +66878,66879,66879,cakapina ku hicay,there are not many fish fry,train +66879,66880,66880,hanaw masanga kiya ni mararaway a,that is what creates all the wrong programs,test +66880,66881,66881,pakaenpahafay,feed,train +66881,66882,66882,mahaen tu malalitemuh u fukil kira ku rumaruma,it is still the same some people just cannot do it,train +66882,66883,66883,mafalic tu nu tamdaw,the idea of being a man has changed,train +66883,66884,66884,pinukayan,time or place of return,train +66884,66885,66885,tura tulu pulu ira ku lima kisangen haw i,if you count days,train +66885,66886,66886,siwa ku widi a mafuti kaku tu dadaya,I go to bed at nine of the clock at night,train +66886,66887,66887,nga makedec i marilen tu mi,tighten the rope and turn it,train +66887,66888,66888,mucu,walls on both sides of the house,train +66888,66889,66889,sakapina,days,train +66889,66890,66890,ira ci tayra kakunan,mayor Lin Huimin came to see me,test +66890,66891,66891,Oli panukasen kuya paysu^ han ci Panay,go and ask Panay to return the money,train +66891,66892,66892,maraay kuya kalingadan niyam mitafesiw tuya kayakay,where we are going to work we are going to have to go over a drawbridge,train +66892,66893,66893,ta mahaen malasawad mikuli,not going to work like this,train +66893,66894,66894,pitapa,throw something at somebody,train +66894,66895,66895,tayni kisu tumuk,Boss you come here,train +66895,66896,66896,subucen nu matuʼasay kaku ma,the old man gave birth to me,train +66896,66897,66897,ta saʼicelen kita haw masa Pangcah kita san ha ha ha ha,let us all work together and speak Amis shall we Ha Hah,train +66897,66898,66898,maʼafas nu Payrang tu suta nira itira tu umah nangra tu kakawmahan,paddy fields and dry land were plundered by the Min Min people,train +66898,66899,66899,wama wina padamaen ku wawa ira ku taneng ngaˈay Malidung,parents are to help their children be wise unto salvation,train +66899,66900,66900,saan kuya kuya mi mipitpitay tuya suiguu a tamdaw manengneng nira kuya tatuluay a wawa,the person who plucked fruits saw those three children,test +66900,66901,66901,Nikawrira ira itira ku papinapina a tamdaw a masasuwasuwal Nawiru haenen a misaluya kura fangsisay a simal saw,some of those present were saying indignantly to one another Why this waste of perfume,train +66901,66902,66902,makudic,skin disease,train +66902,66903,66903,tura cahung nangra,the old man in the covered house,train +66903,66904,66904,kaku itini,I am also physically and mentally healthy,train +66904,66905,66905,wata kaya ku acang a rumadiw,it is really very pleasant and joyful to sing,train +66905,66906,66906,u cay pakungku ri,Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no No,train +66906,66907,66907,caykaenga ita micumud sa,no one can get in,train +66907,66908,66908,ungcuy,rocks,train +66908,66909,66909,tatungruh ku luma,the house has two stories one surface on top of another,train +66909,66910,66910,kuliung,colored pens,test +66910,66911,66911,i cuwaay kisu a minanam,where did you study,train +66911,66912,66912,fuhid,old betel nut,train +66912,66913,66913,naayaw yu siheci ku makuniyam,before my mango turned out to be,train +66913,66914,66914,u sukuy i tulu ku maiyungay nu mita kira ma cukaymasay han nu Ripun,there are three kinds of woodchuck available which are called edible by the Japanese,train +66914,66915,66915,mitulun kita,let us pray,train +66915,66916,66916,malaluk kura mitangtangay ira tu hulu sa i,the cooks are very diligent,train +66916,66917,66917,Sintu ngaay hu ci anay kaku,Hello Sinto I am Anay,train +66917,66918,66918,kadepuc,devotion,train +66918,66919,66919,yuciing,kindergarten,train +66919,66920,66920,caay palamlam ku niyam tu hemay misasiraw,we will not add sticky rice,test +66920,66921,66921,sauwac,canyon,train +66921,66922,66922,anu tayraaw i nunghuei,what if we store it at the farmers association,train +66922,66923,66923,licayen haca ni Yis cangra Anu hatira i pakucima kamu i Takuwanan han ningra Pacauf sa ci Pitiru a sumuwal Ci Kristu Kisu han ningra,But what about you he asked Who do you say I am Peter answered You are the Christ,train +66923,66924,66924,liyas sa tu cingra atu wacu ningra atu tiya takula tatulu,He the dog and the frog left,train +66924,66925,66925,Anini u palimu han tu a palacecay ku pakumud atu pakeras,Today pakomod and papers are combined to form palm,train +66925,66926,66926,Hayda^ padangen aku kisu a miparu^ i tisakiay lima^ pulu pida^ a hatini,Okay I will pack it in a bag for you that will be dollars,train +66926,66927,66927,mafuti,sleep,train +66927,66928,66928,miliyaw,then,train +66928,66929,66929,pakayni i dmak nu tuem atu riyar a mapainu cangra a malamituuray i ci Musian,they were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea,train +66929,66930,66930,cacilakelaw saan,what about the lighting,test +66930,66931,66931,misacerecerek ku tangal,headaches,train +66931,66932,66932,maan han ku suycay adihay ku kilakilang,what about the flooding,train +66932,66933,66933,O Kitakit nu Kawas i matiya u pipatala nu ccay a hungti tu tahka a pararamud tu wawa ningra,The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son,train +66933,66934,66934,anu mafana kamu pakahufien aku kamu han aku ku kaemangay,if you do you will get a prize,train +66934,66935,66935,tu rayray tu nu kaka sa kaku,and the hard work of my brothers,train +66935,66936,66936,malikuda tu kira,Dance,train +66936,66937,66937,yan tu maketer tu kaku kiya,then I got angry,train +66937,66938,66938,yu miteka^ tu a micudad i micaliw tu sasurit sasisit atu cacudadan nu kaput,during class he borrowed pencils erasers or notebooks from his classmates,train +66938,66939,66939,sasedaseday,constant stream,train +66939,66940,66940,Saka cangaw sa cangra a minengneng i awaaytu ku cimacima dengtu ci Yis a ccay ku iraay,when they looked up they saw no one except Jesus,test +66940,66941,66941,fecul,full,train +66941,66942,66942,sa anini u tataʼangay a muntay nu niyam itini i kakawasa hananay i,our biggest problem at stone mountain tribe is,train +66942,66943,66943,kalaafas,strive for,train +66943,66944,66944,itira i Kalingku pusung,in Hualien and Taitung,train +66944,66945,66945,maicangay,yin and Yang,train +66945,66946,66946,sapakining nu wama nu niyam kuna funus,my father in law gave me this sword as a souvenir,train +66946,66947,66947,tura misangaan,moving into a new house,train +66947,66948,66948,vituka,stomach,train +66948,66949,66949,o nisaaraawan nira kura fafahiyan nira,his wife is the one whom his heart desires,train +66949,66950,66950,katalatuasan,outpost,test +66950,66951,66951,o saka saan u falucu nu maku a wawa i u maan satu paratuh aku tu wawa,what I expect and want to say to the children,train +66951,66952,66952,onini a pipangangan a pinangan nu Pangcah haw i ira kuya pacimil hananay a lawla^ nu matuasay u cecay a fenek nu matuasay a pakemut pakatawa^ tu alumanay,this naming culture gave rise to the early so called Pacimily Adana^ a humorous piece of wisdom left behind by our ancestors,train +66952,66953,66953,Du^du sa i ira ku sakaa^nem a cuyuh a mitaktak i Yufratis hananay a tataangay a alu tu nitatuyan ningra a wakung ta maicang kuya alu o mamalulalan nu i waliay a hungti a tayni kuya alu,the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East,train +66953,66954,66954,yu mawmah tu mahiniyay,when plowing,train +66954,66955,66955,Fuuten ni kaka ci Mayaw a malafi i luma,sister kept Mayaw home for dinner,train +66955,66956,66956,a micukang maumah sa ku tau haenay,that is how it is when you are asked to work for money in farming,train +66956,66957,66957,matira ku paini nu maku tu,this is what I have to share with you,train +66957,66958,66958,Macahcah ku tamdaw a macukacuk tu takaraway a luma i tukay,anyone who climbs a tall building in the city will be out of breath,train +66958,66959,66959,aning,performances,train +66959,66960,66960,hay mafana malaluk haw mitudung,Yeah well if you know you know how to learn,test +66960,66961,66961,vaesing,sneeze,train +66961,66962,66962,o lalumaan i u uway ku mitulikan sapisanga tu takar malukafutian maraud ku kaciherangan tada siemelay ku laluma nika kasienawan satu i tadasienaw sa,the interior of the house is made of wickerwork with elevated beds which makes it particularly airy and cool in the summer but cold in the winter,train +66962,66963,66963,Macu^cu nu ada ku niyaru niyam,our tribe has been invaded by the enemy,train +66963,66964,66964,micakatay i tarawadaw haw,will you swim to the sea,train +66964,66965,66965,nawey u kadafu ni Daw mafukil,poor thing the daughter in law cannot do it,train +66965,66966,66966,mihalhal tuwaca tu lisin nu Pangcah i matini,I am really looking forward to the Toyotomi Festival,train +66966,66967,66967,sa ruma satu mapacaʼuf kina Tangafulan itini haw i,Later the Pingpu clan replied that,train +66967,66968,66968,mafuhiday,rotten,train +66968,66969,66969,nawhani anu mauriphu kuya mipaikuray a pasuwal a tamdaw i cahu lahcien ku suwal ningra anu mapataytu cingra i itiyatu a milahci tu suwal ningra,because a will is in force only when somebody has died it never takes effect while the one who made it is living,train +66969,66970,66970,aka pisalama tu citusiya nira,do not handle her car,test +66970,66971,66971,u i saamisay a finacaday u sanay irikur tu i ira tu ku mikingkiway a kitadu satu a milenak itinitini satu ku fana nu tamdamdaw au Pangcah saan,it means northern people or northern nation and was later adopted and spread by academics becoming a widely known name for the ethnic group,train +66971,66972,66972,mahaen ku pisuwal aku,I will share this one here,train +66972,66973,66973,hay ey ca ka lecalecad ku ma,but it is a little different than what history shows,train +66973,66974,66974,o kuhaw nu dungec samanay,how is the vine heart soup,train +66974,66975,66975,maherek kaku minanam tuya haw i,I learned to knit,train +66975,66976,66976,sa u herek a mafulaw miteka a misaluma,starting to build a home after the move is over,train +66976,66977,66977,Awaay masadak cingra mimaan saw,No he is gone out what is he going to do,train +66977,66978,66978,caay pinanam tu nu Hulam a suwal,do you study Chinese,train +66978,66979,66979,a nika tekel niira i,the time he fasted,train +66979,66980,66980,saku harateng,such an idea,test +66980,66981,66981,hay i,that is right,train +66981,66982,66982,Matefuc ku miadaay a tamdaw,the one who attacks sits and eats his evil,train +66982,66983,66983,itiya tu haw,it was there,train +66983,66984,66984,ising itiya i u Padaka mafana miadah tu adada ya Padaka,most of them are American doctors,train +66984,66985,66985,Tangil sa tu ci Kacaw a marawraw keter sa cira mana ca pacaliwen namu kaku tu silikami hani,Kacaw burst into tears he said angrily why do not everyone lend me toilet paper,train +66985,66986,66986,hay han,Yes,train +66986,66987,66987,mawmah,and farming,train +66987,66988,66988,nawhani O papalimuuten nu Kawas ku cuyucuyuh Ningra a papisimaw i Tisuwanan saan ku suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad,for it is written He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully,train +66988,66989,66989,sapisangaaw,editor,train +66989,66990,66990,tangasa anini makakutay,and now we are switching leaders,test +66990,66991,66991,sikiyamay,in arrears,train +66991,66992,66992,sapaini,present,train +66992,66993,66993,Ciepuc ku tayal nu mita,our work is valuable,train +66993,66994,66994,patiyamay tu sapaamid ciira,he opened a gift store,train +66994,66995,66995,nanay ira ku mita Amis a kaemangay,I hope there will be children of our Amis tribe,train +66995,66996,66996,mafafilufilu,competition,train +66996,66997,66997,awaay tu ku cinah caliwen hu ku cinah ni Miding,we are out of salt let us go borrow some from Miding,train +66997,66998,66998,tungruh,floor,train +66998,66999,66999,iri ira ku kimulmulay ira ku madicemay,there is round there is pointy,train +66999,67000,67000,hai mahaen u papacumuden,correspond,test +67000,67001,67001,ku niya ka kapafacalen ira papalacan tini sa,I have heard that the paddy fields here were you,train +67001,67002,67002,o miyakiway ku tayal aku,I play professional baseball,train +67002,67003,67003,u suawal nu Ripun tu san kiya sa,I heard it is also Japanese,train +67003,67004,67004,himed,hide,train +67004,67005,67005,tihemuken ku nian ini masasaway tu,this ones been washed before so it is upside down,train +67005,67006,67006,kalasak,Leak out,train +67006,67007,67007,matiya u alemet,approximate shape of dollar red,train +67007,67008,67008,patayen nu masakapahay nu Cikasuwan,clan youth they will,train +67008,67009,67009,u mikuliyay i hekal a kapah ira ku sasasuwalen tu sakacaay pikihatiya a mikuli kiyami saan,young people who work outside the home work related reasons for not attending,train +67009,67010,67010,icuwaanay tu hakiya a pateli,I do not know where I put it,test +67010,67011,67011,pasaetipay,west,train +67011,67012,67012,mamikasuy,pick up firewood,train +67012,67013,67013,u hatiray haca kusuwal aku i matini,that is the end of the story,train +67013,67014,67014,Orasaka anu mitaung kisu i takuwanan i u malumisutu a ma^min kunini han nira,so if you worship me it will all be yours,train +67014,67015,67015,milingatu a tu tuʼas nu tireng,starting to grow up with the elders,train +67015,67016,67016,matawal aku a mifa^det ku tafu,I forgot to steam my lunchbox,train +67016,67017,67017,Kupiten ku mata namu i matini ta tengilen ku sasuwalen nu maku,please close your eyes and listen to what I have to say,train +67017,67018,67018,hayken cakafana,not knowing what to expect,train +67018,67019,67019,papicufuken nu mama tu laku atu fulisiw tu laku pikwapien nu mama kaku iʼayaw,my father also taught me to remove the grass from the fields,train +67019,67020,67020,makerah kira sauwac ira,when the stream dries up,test +67020,67021,67021,mikadum,partnership,train +67021,67022,67022,sahtu u tinaku ku sapasuwal ningra i cangraan Nikawrira yu ccaytu cingra atu nisawawaan i sungilaen ni Yis ku tatudung nu nisuwalan ningra a ma^min,he did not say anything to them without using a parable but when he was alone with his own disciples he explained everything,train +67022,67023,67023,Saka haen han nu nisawawaan a pakamaru ku finawlan a ma^min,the disciples did so and everybody sat down,train +67023,67024,67024,falu ku waay nu felalutung,spiders have eight legs,train +67024,67025,67025,Nawiru malaliyang kamu a tatusa,what are you two arguing about,train +67025,67026,67026,maala nu tau,someone else took it,train +67026,67027,67027,tayhi^,manure,train +67027,67028,67028,ira cecay lipay kaku itira i tiya luma niyam cuka tatasen niyam kura luma niyam i kaʼamis,I have been in that house for a week and the house has not been torn down,train +67028,67029,67029,ci Vavu Liyalan,whale,train +67029,67030,67030,Nikawrira pasuwal sa ci Yis Caay ura mitngilay midu^duay tu suwal nu Kawas ku malmeday han ningra,he replied Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it,test +67030,67031,67031,cekus,turn around and pick up the east and west,train +67031,67032,67032,yu micumud ci Yis i ccay a niyaru i maaraw ningra ku mamu^tepay a malunuay a tamdaw Tumireng cangra i raay,as he was going into a village ten men who had leprosy met him they stood at a distance,train +67032,67033,67033,maanen mihifang i,how do I take a vacation,train +67033,67034,67034,anu caka u kaulahan nura wawa namu i,your son may not like it,train +67034,67035,67035,u hatiniʼay aca ku ka ci ngangan nu itiniay a finawlan,that is all the tribes here have,train +67035,67036,67036,mahaen cacay cacay sa ku heni talasasa,one by one one by one,train +67036,67037,67037,ha ha ha i ayaw hu a,Ha ha ha that was before,train +67037,67038,67038,anu pina,how much do you need,train +67038,67039,67039,caay kapapina kinaluma itini,there are not many families here,train +67039,67040,67040,maulah a payakayak ciira tu demak nu maku,she loves to spread the word about me everywhere,test +67040,67041,67041,papinaay ku kaka isu,how many older siblings do you haven I do not have any older siblings,train +67041,67042,67042,sapi husu itini i,hose it down,train +67042,67043,67043,han nu wina palimut tu suwal tuya wawa ningra tu fafahiyan,this is what the mother taught her daughter,train +67043,67044,67044,kakeleng,thunder,train +67044,67045,67045,matawal isu ku impic isu hay,do you forget to bring your pen,train +67045,67046,67046,anu misanga i,if you want to make,train +67046,67047,67047,liyawen nira a misadaemuh ku suwal tu wawa nira,he changes the way he speaks to his children using a soft tone of voice,train +67047,67048,67048,17 itini kamutuˈay a tuki taˈangayay ku kafalic nu kaˈurip ni Yupu,Jobs life was dramatically transformed in a short period of time,train +67048,67049,67049,o pinaengan tu hafay ku ariri tu sakacaaw ka kaen nu kacincun,barns are used to store crops as well as to keep mice from stealing them,train +67049,67050,67050,pudaw,fish,test +67050,67051,67051,nu niyam san iʼayaw,our old life,train +67051,67052,67052,anu caay kamu pisulul iri,if you do not agree to this marriage,train +67052,67053,67053,inian ku nikafanaʼan nu matuʼasay u eneng sa u cirut ku pasuwalay,the only reason the ancestors knew that is because they told you that it is a painted lady bird,train +67053,67054,67054,caay pihayda cingra tu nipitatuy nu nimanima tu lalusidan a pakayra i laluma nu Fangcalay Pitaungan a rumakat,and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts,train +67054,67055,67055,terung nu,high,train +67055,67056,67056,wa maʼecak tu,almost ripe,train +67056,67057,67057,ya tanamen nga sa miala tu tekes,let us try it go and cut the bamboo,train +67057,67058,67058,han niyam sanay,that is all it says,train +67058,67059,67059,cikudiwisay,free,train +67059,67060,67060,nu niʼan nu papina kina niyaru tu niʼanu Cikasuʼan Natawran Lidaw atu Pukpuk a ci Puypuyan han itira i sawalian numita haw a niyaru,what are the tribes in the area of Nanshi Amis there are the Chichapuchon Dolan Riliao Renli and rice stacks tribes,test +67060,67061,67061,pacakayen,sell it,train +67061,67062,67062,itira hu i niyaru ku Tapang hay,it starts with the tribe Yes,train +67062,67063,67063,patenaken ku finawlan ta tu ʼAmiʼamis,please prosper us Amis,train +67063,67064,67064,pinaay sapi lisu tisuwanan,I have wanted to visit you so many times,train +67064,67065,67065,anu mangalay minanam kita,the younger generation if we want to learn,train +67065,67066,67066,nihanan,it is of,train +67066,67067,67067,Makuri^ tu kisu haw,have you lost weight,train +67067,67068,67068,mikalicay cingra tu hacikayay a cinamalay a tayra i Takaw,he took the THSR to Kaohsiung,train +67068,67069,67069,ta tayni i Ka Lin Ku,I moved to Hualien,train +67069,67070,67070,ka talulung,Amis,test +67070,67071,67071,cay tu ku mipanganganan nu tuʼas ku ngangan nira,it is not the name he was given by his elders,train +67071,67072,67072,sasiekeeked ku aru nu finawlan,the crowd all had places arranged for sitting,train +67072,67073,67073,hatiraay hiwawa mafanaʼay tu kita i matini,it is all the same we all know that,train +67073,67074,67074,unu i Takaway tu itini siyakaya tu kisu i anu caka falic ku harateng isu i,you are in Kaohsiung you are already out of society if you have not changed your mind,train +67074,67075,67075,u nay hu caay hu ka tangasa i kalahukan,it is still it is not here yet,train +67075,67076,67076,yu i tirahu kaku i tamuwanan i mapasuwaltu aku kamu tu matiniay a dmak caay ka harateng namu haw,do not you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things,train +67076,67077,67077,sasikur sasikur sa kya tatusaay sa,those two look back at each other,train +67077,67078,67078,Mamipanukas kaku tunini a Cudad tusa^,I want to return these two books,train +67078,67079,67079,aycen,diabetes,train +67079,67080,67080,matayal itira,worked there,test +67080,67081,67081,tu sapicakay tu umah nu misakurengay Saka madu^du ku suwal nu Tapang i takuwanan sanay,and they used them to buy the potters field as the Lord commanded me,train +67081,67082,67082,palamlam han nira tafuen nira ta maʼupuh tu miala tu lalusidan,mix it all together and pack it with tools,train +67082,67083,67083,misanga kita tu adawang sa away ku adawang nu Matadim itiyahu,there was no clubhouse before so I wanted to build one,train +67083,67084,67084,mikuwang,shooting,train +67084,67085,67085,pisacapuxan,nurseries,train +67085,67086,67086,anu ira ku matatudungay a ngiha,it must be pronounced correctly,train +67086,67087,67087,saka haen hanaku ku pacaku,this is a short response to you,train +67087,67088,67088,milinsiw kaku tira kaku mafana niawit tu masamaanay,I can make different kinds of clothes and I am learning how to make them as I go along,train +67088,67089,67089,nina luma,ancestry of the funeral family,train +67089,67090,67090,Ngaay tu icuwa kita a masasuaraw,Sure where should we meet,test +67090,67091,67091,adihay ku matiyaay u tinaku ku sapakimad ni Yis i finawlan o ka^meday a tngilen nangra ku sapasifana ningra,with many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them as much as they could understand,train +67091,67092,67092,Sausi,count it,train +67092,67093,67093,mipacuk ku mipacukay tu vavuy,kill the pig that kills the pig,train +67093,67094,67094,masamaan i masasuntul,we are in danger of hitting the ship,train +67094,67095,67095,o tau ku mamineneng,Well let someone else comment on it,train +67095,67096,67096,anu tahira i pahrekan ku nika imer ita tuya saayaway a tanektekay a falucu ita a mitier i u kaputtu ni Kristu kita,we have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first,train +67096,67097,67097,itira i Tafulung,in Tai Po long Valley,train +67097,67098,67098,paʼacaan i Taywan,we will sell it to the Han Chinese,train +67098,67099,67099,tuki,clocks and watches,train +67099,67100,67100,maan sa kisu pahavay kamu tu rarapa,are you talking about herding cows,test +67100,67101,67101,awaay tu,No,train +67101,67102,67102,datengen,going to pick vegetables,train +67102,67103,67103,haw irey u tali,there is a kind of taro,train +67103,67104,67104,na caay hu piawit tu mahaenay,I have never had any experience with this,train +67104,67105,67105,nanhani tuya dadaya tu dadaya,late at night,train +67105,67106,67106,malingaday ku faʼinay tura faʼinay aku malasufitay,my husband went off to do his military service,train +67106,67107,67107,anu pakapaliding a tala Ulay i hacuwa^ ka halafin,is it a long drive to Ulai,train +67107,67108,67108,sataniktiken an cay ka taniktik ri malepel mafacu,you have to be quick if you are not you will be punished,train +67108,67109,67109,mapawpaw,rafting,train +67109,67110,67110,o fitaul ku nikaenan aku,I ate an egg,test +67110,67111,67111,ngaʼay hu faki atu fai a itini kaku a sumuwal tu niyaru nu maku,I am here to tell you about my tribe,train +67111,67112,67112,makapahay ku tukus nu malaluʼung kiya itiya hu,the mountains of Miyama used to be very beautiful,train +67112,67113,67113,kaku satu itiya i,I was there,train +67113,67114,67114,i tiraay i Kiwit a wawa,the child who lives in Chimene,train +67114,67115,67115,kahafayan,Harvest,train +67115,67116,67116,hay u faki niyam kunini,Yes my own uncle,train +67116,67117,67117,Mapatelac ku nipiyala aku tu sacukcuk,wrong key,train +67117,67118,67118,oni milaladay hatini haw u adidemay,mulberry trees grow here now,train +67118,67119,67119,Dimeng,police officer,train +67119,67120,67120,a masaʼupu,or set,test +67120,67121,67121,a aluman tu ku talumaʼay nu kapah a mikihatiya tu lalikid nu niyaru,many of the tribes youth clubs participate in the Harvest Festival,train +67121,67122,67122,unini ku painiay takuwanan aka ci falucu nu maku,this gives me great confidence,train +67122,67123,67123,sanuwacu san ku pikunglign itiya,the training was hell,train +67123,67124,67124,ya mamiliyas tu kami i matakaway ku utupay nu niyam saka pakapasu sa tu kami a minukay,when we were about to leave we found that the motorcycle had been stolen so we had to leave by bus,train +67124,67125,67125,maherek mikangkang kaku i,after the plowing is done,train +67125,67126,67126,safelmitangtang,cook,train +67126,67127,67127,Pasifanaen hu kaku tu urip isu,can you introduce yourself,train +67127,67128,67128,aca^,indistinct,train +67128,67129,67129,matuas tu ku tabaku mipitpit tu,when the tobacco grows you have to pick it,train +67129,67130,67130,u dengan nura suwl u facidul hay,The origin of the name is from the breadfruit Yes,test +67130,67131,67131,makadufahay,wealthy family,train +67131,67132,67132,lalangaw,fly,train +67132,67133,67133,aray,thank you,train +67133,67134,67134,mananam haca papinanam i tini i takuwanan,you want me to study with you again,train +67134,67135,67135,ruma i malafulufulud kami miyakiw,we will play ball together sometime,train +67135,67136,67136,awa tu ku sakacakataw a nu imengimeng nu sining,there is no pipeline for young cops to get promoted,train +67136,67137,67137,miliwalay kisu tu icep haw,do you sell betel nut,train +67137,67138,67138,i ciapilisay a mapateli ku pitaw,the hoes are placed on the hillside,train +67138,67139,67139,kahufucan aku a mihecaan,the year of birth is,train +67139,67140,67140,Nanay rihaday kita saan ci Mayaw a minanay,Mayo wished I hope everyone is safe he said,test +67140,67141,67141,Masakawkaw ku fulad i kalunipan,the moon bends like a sickle at the time of the stringed moon,train +67141,67142,67142,pakatelay,make a phone call,train +67142,67143,67143,na pilingsiw namu tu nu caciyaw nu,you are learning,train +67143,67144,67144,misakuhaw aluman a malafi kira,cook it all into one big pot of soup for more people to eat together,train +67144,67145,67145,suwal sa ku wawa aku,my kid asked me,train +67145,67146,67146,dademak tu kaku i tini i satip kiyami haw ta,because I am working out west to make money like this that is why,train +67146,67147,67147,malaluk,Diligent hard working,train +67147,67148,67148,mikaruay,Grapefruit,train +67148,67149,67149,palimuut,discipline,train +67149,67150,67150,safun,soap,test +67150,67151,67151,micakat,climb,train +67151,67152,67152,sicedam iri cupelak atudi iri,it is a little bit sweet and astringent,train +67152,67153,67153,Matekesen ci vayi keluli saw atudi saan a mipalita tira tawkian,grandma thought it was too expensive and asked the boss if it could be cheaper,train +67153,67154,67154,talacuwa kumaen ku tatuasan namu tu mana i kuhkuhan i mapatayaytu cangra,your forefathers ate the manna in the desert yet they died,train +67154,67155,67155,kalaluma hananay tu nu sufitay ira,the soldiers turned it into a barracks,train +67155,67156,67156,tanektek,hard,train +67156,67157,67157,matayal itini i Pitil mirienangay kaku tu pilukuing nu WBBR,during my first few years in Bertram I had the opportunity to participate in radio broadcasts on WBBR,train +67157,67158,67158,tu,about a year and a half,train +67158,67159,67159,palumarsquu,cover the house,train +67159,67160,67160,caay kafana cingra tu nika u maan ku ngangan nunini a fawu,he did not know the name of the insect,test +67160,67161,67161,diyafu,leaf,train +67161,67162,67162,Nikawrira mapafli kuya fafahiyan tu tusa a sapikpik nu tataangay a lidep tu malusaka^fer ningra a tayra i kamaruan ningra i kuhkuhan o a itira cingra a milimek tuya uner a madiput tu tulu a mihcaan ira ku pangkiw nu mihcaan,the woman was given the two wings of a great eagle so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert where she would be taken care of for a time times and half a time out of the serpents reach,train +67162,67163,67163,mitiya u mitiyangay,it is like it is predetermined,train +67163,67164,67164,paliw,exchange partners,train +67164,67165,67165,aya kuna demak tunian tayra kaku,Oh my God I am so sorry about this,train +67165,67166,67166,o manan hu ku nanengnengan isu a tilid pasuwal han tu kaku,you can tell me what else you want to read,train +67166,67167,67167,ciatangay,Ashes,train +67167,67168,67168,hatira haiken samaan ku mata nu tau minengneng kamiyanan,I do not know how other people will look at us,train +67168,67169,67169,u litapang i mitahidang aca tiyaan a mipaadadaay a kawas tunikacai kalecad ku Kawas saka masanga naira ku masamaamaanay a lalifeten naira u sikawasay a pakayraan a misatahuwahuway,in the beginning the priests would first identify the spirits that caused the disease and then depending on the spirits they would,train +67169,67170,67170,sa nu kacipaʼan hananay a pukuh,like ginger in the joint,test +67170,67171,67171,papatireng tu ruma,to build a house,train +67171,67172,67172,sa i wawa ku,ethnic language world,train +67172,67173,67173,micumud cangra i Pitaungan tu Kawas a Luma miliyang tu Rikec cingra atu kaput ningra a kumaen tu nipacakatan i Kawas a ^pang,he entered the house of God and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread which was not lawful for them to do but only for the priests,train +67173,67174,67174,Maimacay a maemin ku hawan niyam u kapah,the knives of our youth are sharp,train +67174,67175,67175,kukufang,blackboards,train +67175,67176,67176,itira amin mavana,at this point you will know,train +67176,67177,67177,Ke Ke ira ku matinakuay sa Ke Ke,in Japanese it is something you have experienced,train +67177,67178,67178,mahalek kayami ira kuni,when you are done there is this,train +67178,67179,67179,u aul haen han kiyami,bamboo,train +67179,67180,67180,cima namu ku miemekay tu pitaw nu maku i lakelal,which one of you sunk my hoe in the river,test +67180,67181,67181,kura picukaymas a mifalic kura fanges,spent a lot of money on skin replacement,train +67181,67182,67182,kadangaway,mosquitoes,train +67182,67183,67183,mihining tu nu ina mama niyam a urp pakuyuc i ayaw,mom and dad used to live in poverty,train +67183,67184,67184,adihay ku tayal niyam,our work is very complicated,train +67184,67185,67185,kedep,Raspberry,train +67185,67186,67186,o wawa nuya kuli a fafahiyan i u nu tamdawan a niharatengan a nihufucan o wawa nuya caay ku kuli a fafahi ningra i u nanu niktunan nu Kawas a suwal ku sakahufuc ningra,his son by the slave woman was born in the ordinary way but his son by the free woman was born as the result of a promise,train +67186,67187,67187,caay ka hanaw,so No,train +67187,67188,67188,anu rarima ku cima i rarima kaku anu matfad i raraw ku cima i adada ku falucu aku a miharateng,who is weak and I do not feel weak who is led into sin and I do not inwardly burn,train +67188,67189,67189,taha matini tu kaen san tu,I am still eating it,train +67189,67190,67190,i huni kira mituduhan,the blackened parts of its body,test +67190,67191,67191,ngangay,saliva,train +67191,67192,67192,parayrayen ku wawa amin hay,Yes let us keep the language and culture alive,train +67192,67193,67193,Diyafu sanay caliwan kura ngiha ku kacingangan nuna tukus,the mountain was named Leah Fu after the sound Leah made,train +67193,67194,67194,Padangenhu kaku a miaca tu fitaul,go buy me eggs,train +67194,67195,67195,kalimelaan i minanam tu samaan paˈdil tu pafeliay tu pasalat a Kawas ci Yihufa,more importantly we can learn how to honor Jehovah the God of our freedom,train +67195,67196,67196,mahekulung,in the same place,train +67196,67197,67197,mamaan hakiya caay kasiwaw,I do not know why I did not have any children but I did not,train +67197,67198,67198,talifahal ira cingra,he appeared suddenly i he appeared from nowhere,train +67198,67199,67199,ya haw u Dipung,that aunt is Japanese,train +67199,67200,67200,yuren ku falucu isu,Repent,test +67200,67201,67201,mahaen isaw,here is the thing,train +67201,67202,67202,u kaput niyam,at our level,train +67202,67203,67203,micafer sa tayni kay haw i samanen ku malitengay itiyahu i mikilimay tu nanum cinanumay a umah,whenever he passes by he stops here because the old man is looking for a field with water,train +67203,67204,67204,cima ku micuwacuay tu nanum i tefun,who stirred the water in the well,train +67204,67205,67205,cuwa kaulah kaku tu kafalawfawan adihayay ku faliyus ikafalawfawan,I do not like autumn because there are lots of typhoons in autumn,train +67205,67206,67206,a awa ku siraw niyam saan mipacu ku cifafuyay patemek mihafay ku fafuy i tiyahu,ah if there is no savory meat there are pigs will kill pigs in the old days all raise their own pigs,train +67206,67207,67207,u mausaway a Cikasuwan,remaining clansmen,train +67207,67208,67208,kaulahan aku a salikaka sulinay ku dmak isu a malaluk a matayal tu saki palafangay a salikaka,dear friend you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers even though they are strangers to you,train +67208,67209,67209,ulah sa a tayra mituʼul,like to follow,train +67209,67210,67210,Icuwa^ ku impic nu misu,where is your pencil,test +67210,67211,67211,raecus,be out of the question,train +67211,67212,67212,maynuʼay tira mikaruruay tu fukes,I will take a shower and wash my hair there,train +67212,67213,67213,mahaen ku naayaway,that is the way it used to be,train +67213,67214,67214,haen sa,each other,train +67214,67215,67215,tu tangku pasike tu mahaen tu ku urp nu aniniay tu,start the tap water,train +67215,67216,67216,kifetul ku canem i kakarayan,the sky is thick with fog,train +67216,67217,67217,titi^ nu fafuy,pork,train +67217,67218,67218,i ruhu nu matuasay aku a maaraw ku ruray,I can see from my old mans stooped back how hard he has worked,train +67218,67219,67219,Akex adada ku tiyad aku,Ouch my stomach hurts,train +67219,67220,67220,hanaku ku nu niyam,I went to the manager and asked him for advice,test +67220,67221,67221,Tuuren niyam ku singsi a misausi miraradiw kami tu nu sausi a radiw,we followed the teacher to read we sang the number song,train +67221,67222,67222,Terp sahu ku urad masadaktu ku cidal madasak ku talakal ni Idek,the rain has just stopped the sun has come out the rainbow is coming out,train +67222,67223,67223,itini i hekal,in this world,train +67223,67224,67224,i etulan ku luma niyam,our home is in Turin,train +67224,67225,67225,Miaca kaku tu simal tusa a talid,I want to buy two bottles of oil,train +67225,67226,67226,a sakapahen ku,conclusion,train +67226,67227,67227,o rumasatu caay ka fana cangra a mitaung tu Kawas saan,There is no fear of God before their eyes,train +67227,67228,67228,kalumela,treasure,train +67228,67229,67229,mahemek,praise,train +67229,67230,67230,u lavi nu naayaayaw u niadupantu ku sakalavi,a long time ago and for dinner it is all about hunting in the mountains,test +67230,67231,67231,caay karemadiw kisu patengil tamiyanan,we have never heard you sing,train +67231,67232,67232,Papingitiden ni kaka kira wacu tu sinfun,the brother let the dog chew on the news paper,train +67232,67233,67233,taangay ku fali itini,we are going to have a big storm here,train +67233,67234,67234,cipat saan ku kumu kasi i ngapa aku,the gum is stuck in my mouth,train +67234,67235,67235,ira i sakatulu a tungruh,on the third floor,train +67235,67236,67236,cay kanah nu matiniay micumud ku mata,that hole will not go through,train +67236,67237,67237,vaduwac,rib,train +67237,67238,67238,itiya mafana kaku tu Hulam a nhangan aku,I just realized my Chinese name,train +67238,67239,67239,awa,no,train +67239,67240,67240,kapahay samanay i kaʼayaw ira,it is beautiful how is the front of it,test +67240,67241,67241,cima aca kura,and who is that,train +67241,67242,67242,ngaʼay tu kasiluma,you can have a family,train +67242,67243,67243,aka hu cuwa hu malaheci a miasik itini,wait a minute I am not done sweeping here yet,train +67243,67244,67244,Itiyairi u kaka banaʼan nu maku iri,I knew it at the time,train +67244,67245,67245,sapiliyas,Away,train +67245,67246,67246,Matayu ku tayal nira,his work is done slowly,train +67246,67247,67247,u ifafaeday,the things that are above,train +67247,67248,67248,o pakaciwan kina taluan,this is a grass hut where geese are kept,train +67248,67249,67249,Pinaay ku tuki nu misu a lemuwad tu davak,what time do you get up in the morning,train +67249,67250,67250,Miehuh cira tu fali,he exhaled,test +67250,67251,67251,miraanan,in his,train +67251,67252,67252,nu Recurd,I cannot Besides it is a gas discouragement,train +67252,67253,67253,pakamaumahen tu nu mama kaku itira i funun,so my father took me to the fields to start farming,train +67253,67254,67254,tu nu aniniyay,for this new,train +67254,67255,67255,Palaʼapi han nira tura taangayay a kilang,he merged the two thick logs together,train +67255,67256,67256,kaenen ku hiya ku icep nira,betel nut seeds and ten hearts of betel nut can be eaten,train +67256,67257,67257,aka tu malifutaw u uciya ku nanumen aku ngaay tu i palafangan kita a malahulul,no need to bother I will just have tea let us sit in the living room and chat,train +67257,67258,67258,Haaaa pancu nima Nimama akuah,ha ha ha whose panties are those it is my dads underwear,train +67258,67259,67259,sakatusa tu i,what about the second time,train +67259,67260,67260,hatu saʼayaw u itira i falucu aku kiya,it is like my hearts desire,test +67260,67261,67261,tayni itini i telifi nu haw,on the indigenous Peoples television,train +67261,67262,67262,a makeru kiya,dance with it,train +67262,67263,67263,misaudaxay,candy making,train +67263,67264,67264,sayuyanan i,later on,train +67264,67265,67265,ku suwal nu Pangcah,there is no such compulsion,train +67265,67266,67266,uraan tu lasangaʼsangaʼ sanay tu tahaanini,that is why it is now a production trend,train +67266,67267,67267,ni paisingngan a mi sulinga padiyam han,did you see a doctor for a thorough checkup,train +67267,67268,67268,Tafuen ku Cudad isu a panukay,wrap up your books and take them home,train +67268,67269,67269,cukay,kick it,train +67269,67270,67270,ira ku suwal nu malitengay,the elders said,test +67270,67271,67271,hatiraay ku pisaluma tu luma nu malitengayitiyahu,the old generation built their houses this way,train +67271,67272,67272,aca kuni ama hani sa papacem hai,Aaaah how can grand mom talk like this in the morning,train +67272,67273,67273,yani tafuan nira tu kudasing atu afed haw i,take that packet of peanuts and rice bran,train +67273,67274,67274,u vainay aku u Pangcah ku heni,my husband they are Amis,train +67274,67275,67275,nengnenghan nira ira i fafaed kuya tamdaw mipitpit,he saw a person plucking above,train +67275,67276,67276,matama hu kita ku lalan,you can still find your way to the goal,train +67276,67277,67277,iraay ku kiwkay itira i sakalenu a lalan,listen to the church down the road,train +67277,67278,67278,ira ku Paliwan ira ku Iwatan ira ku Puyma,there are ethnic groups including the Paiwan the Bunun and the Peinan,train +67278,67279,67279,tuna mafana kami tu nika u kakanguduan ku Tapang saka suluten niyam ku falucu nu tamdaw a papipasulin Mafana ku Kawas tu dmak niyam a ma^min nanay halufalucu namu a mafana takuwanan,Since then we know what it is to fear the Lord we try to persuade men what we are is plain to God and I hope it is also plain to your conscience,train +67279,67280,67280,kakeruan,dance floor,test +67280,67281,67281,Mafana ci Yis tu nika sapilicayan cangra Cingraan Saka suwal sa i cangraan Caay kuya Caaytu ka halafin ta awatu a maaraw namu Kaku Nikawrira cahu ka halafin i u mamaaraw haca namu Kaku yasanay a suwal aku ku kalalicalicayan namu saw,Jesus saw that they wanted to ask him about this so he said to them Are you asking one another what I meant when I said In a little while you will see me no more and then after a little while you will see me,train +67281,67282,67282,a kaput,students of the same school,train +67282,67283,67283,o taakay pisaatumuan a niyaru i sepat i kaamis i u Lidaw i Siwkulan i u Tafalung i pasawali i u Fakung i timul i u pusung atu Falangaw,the pottery centers are mainly located in Lili Le Nanshi Ami Taibalang Xiuguluan Ami Fengbin Coastal Ami and Malan Taitung,train +67283,67284,67284,Kacitakamayan ngaay caay pikinat,wear gloves so you do not get sticky,train +67284,67285,67285,awaay ku utufay haw,no motorcycle,train +67285,67286,67286,u nu Amis aca ku kafanaʼan aku,I only speak Ami,train +67286,67287,67287,kiskisen hu haw,and a shave,train +67287,67288,67288,Misaˈusian aku wa papadama takuwanan mala rihaday tu tau han,will the decisions I make help me get along with people,train +67288,67289,67289,sitamataan hayi,Glasses Yes I do,train +67289,67290,67290,matiya u a papulung nu kulung kira Taymangan hananay a lutuk,it is like the side of a cattle corral,test +67290,67291,67291,nangiwimu han,Nanaimo,train +67291,67292,67292,caay anu tada Pangcah,No if it is Amis,train +67292,67293,67293,pankiw nu mihecaan,about half a years worth of classes,train +67293,67294,67294,Haydaaw ta ta,Okay let us go,train +67294,67295,67295,tina lutukan,from mountain products,train +67295,67296,67296,masatamdaway,clever,train +67296,67297,67297,hatinian mifuhat na maʼaraway ku teselhatiniay,this is how you open it to see the embroidery this way,train +67297,67298,67298,o sapikuracaw ni Yis tu finawlan pakayni i rmes Ningra urasaka mapatay cingra i paputal nu niyaru,and so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people Holy through his own blood,train +67298,67299,67299,iniyan kiya kakalimelaan aku,that is what I find so valuable,train +67299,67300,67300,pakatengil kuya mapatayay tu a fainay tu pisalunguc a tumangic ku fafahi u rarum nu falucu nira tangic satu urasaka maurad tu ku kakarayan saan ka suwad nu taas,it is an old legend that when a deceased husband hears his wife cry he cries out in remorse and so it begins to rain,test +67300,67301,67301,anu mitulun kisu i picumud i kafutian isu ta defen ku fawahan a milunuk a mitulun tu caay ka araw a wama isu a Kawas ta uya minengnengay a wama isu tu nipilunuk isu a mitulun ku papakaulah i tisuwanan,but when you pray go into your room close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen then your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you,train +67301,67302,67302,pahanhan1,cessation,train +67302,67303,67303,saka hawikiden tu ira minukay tu tira tayni i wali,when we get back we will take them east with us,train +67303,67304,67304,raecus a tadadadahal ku nipisanga tu capa,it is not good to make the bow frame too wide,train +67304,67305,67305,Miaca kaku tu cecay a kafung,I want to buy a hat,train +67305,67306,67306,Mitekul ku wawa tu mali,kids pitching,train +67306,67307,67307,maedeng ca pakamutep kiya kiya fangcalay ku heci,the good ones were less than ten,train +67307,67308,67308,hai irairay aca kuna kali,there was already this stream,train +67308,67309,67309,anu sawni i mitekul tu fakeluh sawni masaʼupu a mi malaʼudut sanay haw,sometimes they throw stones sometimes they get together and fight,train +67309,67310,67310,awaay hen ku lunan awaaay hen ku,there is no boat,test +67310,67311,67311,ura satu u sakalima a waw,the fifth child,train +67311,67312,67312,sa matalaw tu ku finawlan tu nika anu ci ilu ku tamdaw,that is why the tribal people are also very afraid of committing this major sin,train +67312,67313,67313,ira hu^ ku fuhecalay atu langdaway,we have white and blue ones too,train +67313,67314,67314,o sakayat nu mama aku kiraan,those were my fathers instructions,train +67314,67315,67315,midakaw kaku tu pasu a talapicudadan,I am taking the bus to school,train +67315,67316,67316,misafangcal tu demak,to do work very well,train +67316,67317,67317,macucukay,stabbed,train +67317,67318,67318,ci ciira ku mifalicay tu suwal nu mipapeluay,he will be responsible for turning over the speakers words,train +67318,67319,67319,mamaan ku nikaramud namu i naayaw pakayakay han,how did you get married in the past do you need an introduction,train +67319,67320,67320,malileng,dizziness,test +67320,67321,67321,ku mihecaan i,level,train +67321,67322,67322,teliha tu tira i aka kateliʼen i fafaʼed tiraen i sasifuʼan i,put it on not on top put it in the middle and refrigerate it,train +67322,67323,67323,ilaay,there are,train +67323,67324,67324,varu,flower,train +67324,67325,67325,cicinghuy,foundation,train +67325,67326,67326,u niyaru nuniyam hay,it is our tribe Yes,train +67326,67327,67327,paafiliden,Let bring up,train +67327,67328,67328,o midimukusay nu mama aku ciira,she is my dads caretaker,train +67328,67329,67329,o fidaduki kira maeferay tu dadayadaya,flying every night are bats,train +67329,67330,67330,na ira tu ku pisiyakayan alaliyaliyas satu tu niyaru,leaving the tribe to work in the field,test +67330,67331,67331,tu tangasa i cacay a lipay ku nipisenger,to soak up to a week between,train +67331,67332,67332,pulung sa mahapinang Rikec nu niyaru milecad tu raridiw,the leaders song shows the unity of the tribes,train +67332,67333,67333,miliyaw saan awaay ku saneksanek nira,there is no flavor when you make it again,train +67333,67334,67334,matekup,all in one,train +67334,67335,67335,sa nu kilang sanay kura katataʼang,almost as big as a tree,train +67335,67336,67336,pacunuhen,dump something pass the buck,train +67336,67337,67337,awaay ku pinang aku tuna demak,I am not sure about this,train +67337,67338,67338,sakasasuwal,the person to talk to,train +67338,67339,67339,pina a tingting ku acaen isu a fitaul,how many pounds of eggs do you want to buy,train +67339,67340,67340,caay ka talaw cangra,they are not afraid,test +67340,67341,67341,sa matiaya han nira u minapecay misahakenuay,they have always denied and suppressed the indigenous peoples,train +67341,67342,67342,aka patelas saan a mifalah tu kakicuh,do not throw away the clusters,train +67342,67343,67343,Makayang ku kulung niira,his bulls back was arched,train +67343,67344,67344,Wa adihay ku malungaday isu a kunga,Wow you dug up so many gourds,train +67344,67345,67345,Kafanaantu ita u Yuta a ngangasawan ku mihufucay tu Tapang ita Nikawrira awaay ku maan a suwal ni Musi tu pakayniay i nika tayal nunini a ngasaw tu nu citudungay tu taung,he of whom these things are said belonged to a different tribe and no one from that tribe has ever served at the altar,train +67345,67346,67346,micakat tu lutuk,mountaineering,train +67346,67347,67347,haca^,yet,train +67347,67348,67348,8 Anini u Krisciyang anu kareteng ku raraw u tatayra i maluhemay malitengay nu kasakupang mikilim tu sapadama hu patikur ku nika lalaˈed atu Kawas,Today if a Christian commits a serious sin he needs to seek help from the elders of the congregation to restore a good relationship with God,train +67348,67349,67349,naw hani i tini i urip nu niyam,in our lives,train +67349,67350,67350,hay aray,that is all thank you,test +67350,67351,67351,sufuc,children,train +67351,67352,67352,saku suwal nira takuwanan,he said to me,train +67352,67353,67353,ina fafahiyan kunian i u suna aku i maminay mamakat tina lutuk,these women are my granddaughters they have traveled all over the mountains,train +67353,67354,67354,talaayaw hu ku tayal u misamukungay haw i,the earliest jobs were those of carpenters,train +67354,67355,67355,imatini saw sacisuta satu,until now it is permanent land,train +67355,67356,67356,Nanuya ira ku lisin nu Yutaya a tamdaw Saka macukacuk ci Yis a tayra i Yirusalim,some time later Jesus went up to Jerusalem for a Feast of the Jews,train +67356,67357,67357,nu Pangcah hantui,Amis,train +67357,67358,67358,katul,animal skin,train +67358,67359,67359,mituwaci tu kadengay itini a milihay saan iri,discussed not being able to party here,train +67359,67360,67360,kayang,body in a curved shape,test +67360,67361,67361,matalaʼayaw tayni kaku i siyakay mahaenay,it is my first time working in the city,train +67361,67362,67362,makalaya,allergy,train +67362,67363,67363,sulin matalaw tiya mi angangan nira a anikak matalaw cangra,they were really afraid of the crow that he shouted at,train +67363,67364,67364,sa kaku,I think,train +67364,67365,67365,kami mamutep a malikaka i,we are ten brothers and sisters,train +67365,67366,67366,Itiya hu samsamen nu lutung ku alem,once upon a time monkeys bullied pangolins,train +67366,67367,67367,lusu,stream of water or something resembling one,train +67367,67368,67368,tu ku lipida talumaʼtu,I have got bucks back home,train +67368,67369,67369,fuwas,spreading out,train +67369,67370,67370,Micinas ciira tu tipeluk,he tore the paper,test +67370,67371,67371,pinenengan,places to see,train +67371,67372,67372,ala satu cangra tu fukluh tu sapitkulaw i ci Yisan Nikawrira limek satu ci Yis ta masadak nai Fangcalay Pitaungan,at this they picked up stones to stone him but Jesus hid himself slipping away from the temple grounds,train +67372,67373,67373,a caay kangaʼay ku falucu,I will be sorry,train +67373,67374,67374,anu mafana kisu misanga tu tamud,how did you learn how to make yeast,train +67374,67375,67375,itini i Tayhuku mikadavu i,married in Linkou Taipei,train +67375,67376,67376,marufuay,locked,train +67376,67377,67377,misuayaw tu cidal malalikid,face the sun Harvest Festival,train +67377,67378,67378,Alatek u rumaruma wama wina Pasalatay tu wawa nangra mirienang tu manan a demak kawra cuwa ku mamakahi kisu papirienang tu wawa isu,those Christian parents will likely ask you the reason you do not let your children participate,train +67378,67379,67379,repelen tu ningra kaku catu patayraen ningra kaku,they caught me and would not let me leave,train +67379,67380,67380,matawal nu maku kunini a demak,I forgot about this,test +67380,67381,67381,mi,be,train +67381,67382,67382,awa satu ku mafanaʼay kina utuc nu Makutaay hakini,does not anyone know anything about the Magdalene monument,train +67382,67383,67383,papicepcepen,Let Suck,train +67383,67384,67384,mapulung tu tangasa tangsa i tusa pulu tulu a pulu ku tamdaw,about members,train +67384,67385,67385,mafesu,swelling and bulging,train +67385,67386,67386,Anini^,Now,train +67386,67387,67387,u feleng a tayraan a mitaus ti nika ira nu ada,if there is an enemy all of them will swarm together to meet it,train +67387,67388,67388,milatlat,measure,train +67388,67389,67389,kasiramud,settle down and get married,train +67389,67390,67390,namakayniyay kayri i,ritual presentation,test +67390,67391,67391,sapacek,iron nail,train +67391,67392,67392,misanga tu piʼanipan,seedling production,train +67392,67393,67393,kinsaen nu Ripun u Ripun ku mikinsaay,Japan is going to inspect it,train +67393,67394,67394,u pimamaan nu selal ku tumuk hananay,the title character is a father figure,train +67394,67395,67395,yu ruma misimsim kaku matiya tu unu cengfu a demak mimaan saw kita a mitengil tu suwal nu heni,sometimes I wonder why I have to do what they tell me to do,train +67395,67396,67396,tu malu sasalumaʼan a kilang,as a material for building a house,train +67396,67397,67397,liway,fasting,train +67397,67398,67398,itila kaku a pakaen tu raarpa inaayaw,I have been herding cattle there,train +67398,67399,67399,sulingaʼlingaʼ satu safangcalcal satu,and then it got better and better and more complete,train +67399,67400,67400,caka tawal nu maku,and I have never forgotten it,test +67400,67401,67401,anu kinala tudi nu hiya nu kalenu adihay ku buting,if you go to the center you will catch more fish,train +67401,67402,67402,malitaang lataang kaku tu wawa aku,I am proud of my child,train +67402,67403,67403,hu,indistinct,train +67403,67404,67404,matiraay sa itira,it was like this,train +67404,67405,67405,patadas,open up,train +67405,67406,67406,adaday tu kaku,I am sick now,train +67406,67407,67407,anu iraay ku tatiihay a dmak ningra i tisuwanan anu citadahay cingra i tisuwanan i kaku satu ku citudungay,if he has done you any wrong or owes you anything charge it to me,train +67407,67408,67408,aniniay a alufu a makapah,it is so beautiful now,train +67408,67409,67409,Saka liyas satu kuya Palafuay ci Yisan Raud satu ku cuyucuyuh a mihamham i Cingraan,then the devil left him and angels came and attended him,train +67409,67410,67410,ita u awaay ku epuc laliwan nanay nu ama,like we are useless dad ran away,test +67410,67411,67411,caay kavana ci ama nu maku,my dad does not know,train +67411,67412,67412,naw u tamdaw nu itiniay i kalala a tamdaw,why do the people of the Kanana tribe live here,train +67412,67413,67413,suwal sa kisu nasawni awaay tu ku niyan u sidukaay a vuting,injured fish,train +67413,67414,67414,papasevanaʼay,model educator,train +67414,67415,67415,suelinay kira liumah nu Makutaay itini i kawali nu niyaru haw i,the fields east of the serious tribe,train +67415,67416,67416,mimaan kura wawa saan,what the hell is this kid doing,train +67416,67417,67417,pinaay ku mihecaan nu misu,how old are you,train +67417,67418,67418,itini i Tumiyac hananay,it is the Taitung Chung an tribe,train +67418,67419,67419,o makaniway a tamdaw kaku,I am a very humorous person,train +67419,67420,67420,Kuhenacen kura dadinguan a misisit,that mirror is polished,test +67420,67421,67421,cenu,plunge,train +67421,67422,67422,Maseka kura mikaketiay,the man who caught the poisonous bees went into shock,train +67422,67423,67423,ngaʼayay kura fulad sanay i,there is a rumor that it is okay for this day,train +67423,67424,67424,sakaira ku tuulan tu Kawas hananay demak i,that is why there is such a thing as faith,train +67424,67425,67425,malatulu a malacinuwas ku lalan sakatayra i riyar,the road towards the sea forks into three roads,train +67425,67426,67426,hacuʼung nu mita ura ngiha nu mita u Amis a sumuwal tu nu Amis,what is the tone of our Amish language,train +67426,67427,67427,kalatim,wipe out or exterminate,train +67427,67428,67428,Anucila^,I will return it to you tomorrow,train +67428,67429,67429,awaay i luma ci Hungay ci Dakuc kaku mimaan saw minukay tu ci Hungay suwal han tu aku,Hongay is not at home I am Dakoc what can I do for you I will let him know when he comes back,train +67429,67430,67430,rakat sanay tayni,I walked here,test +67430,67431,67431,kalaluudan nu faʼedet,on the hottest summer day,train +67431,67432,67432,Cumikay tu kura kura saraw sa kira,the ghosts will start to run away,train +67432,67433,67433,Yincumin,Aboriginal,train +67433,67434,67434,matelangay,it is old,train +67434,67435,67435,papulung,altogether,train +67435,67436,67436,haen sa kami a maulah lipahak ku falucu ku mitiluay,we receive it with joyful hearts,train +67436,67437,67437,tayra satu ku tatusa a nisawawaan a midu^du tu nanu suwal ni Yis i cangraan,the disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them,train +67437,67438,67438,piruhem,promote ripening of fruit,train +67438,67439,67439,mimanca caka sunul nu hiya sunul saan samatira,Normally a building like this would be easily washed away by water,train +67439,67440,67440,kifetulay,thick,test +67440,67441,67441,iraay masiday matiya ku rumaruma a caciyaw nu matuʼasay hanaku,it is possible to miss what the elders are saying,train +67441,67442,67442,mapatay tu kura ina aku i,when my mother passed away,train +67442,67443,67443,ya han kaku haw i pasacuwacuwa ku falucu nu maku,I was distracted,train +67443,67444,67444,sakangaay,good,train +67444,67445,67445,iraay kura umah niyam i kaʼamis da cecay a ceka mutepay a pawti,our ears of rice the Harvest is not good,train +67445,67446,67446,en a ira ku kafanaan a cecay i,uh huh if only I knew some of the traditions,train +67446,67447,67447,Tadaciicel ku pipawacay nu tarukus tu pakayniay i nika lumuwad nu Tapang ci Yis a maurip nai patay Tadamapakalmed nu Kawas cangra a ma^min,with great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and much grace was upon them all,train +67447,67448,67448,o hahadimelen aku a mianang,I am going to keep it well,train +67448,67449,67449,aka picudad sa ku matuasay,my parents want me to stop studying,train +67449,67450,67450,aka patelas a mikunis tu patih,do not scratch the walls,test +67450,67451,67451,kararum,sadness,train +67451,67452,67452,cuwa pinengneng tu hakuwa,there is no deliberate scheduling,train +67452,67453,67453,kinacecay,once,train +67453,67454,67454,u maan ku tatiʼihay tu demak i niyaru awa ku Fangcalay ngangan haetu ya tatiihay Fangcalay i palataang kura,there is no such thing as a perfect group name they are all ugly the perfect one is Warriors,train +67454,67455,67455,neng han kiya kirana,look at that,train +67455,67456,67456,o cepi nu kuku ku kaulahan aku a kumaen yu kaemang hu,when I was a kid I loved chicken thighs,train +67456,67457,67457,matumes nu lipahak ku falucu aku,my heart is filled with joy,train +67457,67458,67458,mitataay tu tamdaw u mikuliniway malakiaamayay atu ira kira tadacaiyay ku nikalapakuyuc a tamdaw sanay,cases of murder or theft and of beggary or destitution,train +67458,67459,67459,nananaman,Spots to learn ethnic languages,train +67459,67460,67460,u maan kiya i kamayay nu misu,what is in your hand,test +67460,67461,67461,mangutaay,translucent,train +67461,67462,67462,Mu^etep ku waay nu urang,a lobster has ten legs,train +67462,67463,67463,nawhani kalapawan hananay,why do you call it a forgettable place,train +67463,67464,67464,maresapay,scattered,train +67464,67465,67465,mihaen ta ira ku daduduan,for the younger generation to learn,train +67465,67466,67466,iraay ku urip ita tu hatiraay han,do we actually do that in our lives,train +67466,67467,67467,nu niyaru,tribal,train +67467,67468,67468,nanay rihaday kami,may our whole family be safe,train +67468,67469,67469,tataynian kisu tata taluma kita tu kalahukan,you come too we will be home by noon,train +67469,67470,67470,catu ka lipetu ku caciyaw nu mita u Amis,so that our Amis language will not be interrupted,test +67470,67471,67471,tavuen,bind up,train +67471,67472,67472,kaemang hu kaku,when I was a kid,train +67472,67473,67473,sakakapah,work out,train +67473,67474,67474,o sasaririen kira niurungan a kilang,the one that carried back the wood as a post,train +67474,67475,67475,cilalipana,there is caterpillars,train +67475,67476,67476,sakasadakan kira kuku,the chicken wants to get out,train +67476,67477,67477,nanuyaan kira mamang hu kaku mafana kaku miharateng tuya ruray aku,I still cannot forget the hard times when I was young,train +67477,67478,67478,uya i curukhan ku luma a misitatatata,spells were casting from door to door,train +67478,67479,67479,Nilucukan ku caang nu kilang,the branches are joined on to the tree,train +67479,67480,67480,waay,No it is not,test +67480,67481,67481,Sulinaytu nahufucen u Yutayataya aca a tamdaw kita caay ku ciraraway hananay a ruma a finacadan kita,We who are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners,train +67481,67482,67482,itiya satu,I was there,train +67482,67483,67483,Saayaway a rumiad nu fa^luhay a lipay yu tumanhu tu dafak i tayra i tadem ci Mariya nu Maktala maaraw ningra ku nika walintu nu fukluh nai tadem,early on the first day of the week while it was still dark Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance,train +67483,67484,67484,tadalisin,important Festival,train +67484,67485,67485,mavecul,eat your food,train +67485,67486,67486,o nilawalan ni mama i nacila kunian,this is the flying squirrel dad hunted yesterday,train +67486,67487,67487,pacaliwen nu maku kisu tu sasipasip aku,I will lend you my eraser,train +67487,67488,67488,tayni i Taypey u,my husband has a good job,train +67488,67489,67489,matayu,scattered,train +67489,67490,67490,cuwa katataang ku pitilidan niyam cuwa kaaluman ku mitiliday sahtu u kananaman tu,our school is not big there are not many students everyone knows each other,test +67490,67491,67491,anu u mamamaen haw i hay mama,if you can be your fathers relative call him Dad,train +67491,67492,67492,u cilah hananay anu fulesaken ita i pinaluma,for example sprinkle salt on the plants,train +67492,67493,67493,o udut ku adihayay nura wawa tu picudad,that kid fights more than he reads,train +67493,67494,67494,a cacakan haw,it is not that good,train +67494,67495,67495,di miteker ta mafana kaku tu,that is why they set traps for birds,train +67495,67496,67496,aka kariwasak haw,the boss told us not to disperse,train +67496,67497,67497,nai cuwaay miala tu suta,where are we going to get the dirt from,train +67497,67498,67498,Watah ka adihay ku nifungaan isu,Wow you dug up so many gourds,train +67498,67499,67499,Karafitunay kura pisaadecian niyam,the area where we planted the arrow bamboos is full of prickly bamboos,train +67499,67500,67500,tataak ku inaayaway a pawti,the old sack it was very big Yes very big,test +67500,67501,67501,tuwa,afterwards,train +67501,67502,67502,u mamimaan ku hatiniay a fafahiyan,what is a woman like that doing here,train +67502,67503,67503,aku ci vayi vayaw sulinay haw,my grand mom about the truth of the story,train +67503,67504,67504,itiya ri u harateng niyam a misafalucu a sapitekeraw i,at that time we were motivated to set traps,train +67504,67505,67505,nu matuasay,it is ancestral,train +67505,67506,67506,kemaʼen tu pakayluvuc miperu,eat it while picking it and putting it in your pocket,train +67506,67507,67507,malufafahi,fiancée,train +67507,67508,67508,alaen tu aku teli hananay tu itini iya i uray,I will put it on the quilt,train +67508,67509,67509,mahaen pakungku kuya mihicayay mahaentu,that is what people who have caught small fry say,train +67509,67510,67510,mafana tu tu Kawas kaku itiya ri,I knew God by then,test +67510,67511,67511,ya elucay i lasawad satu,that wear and tear just disappeared,train +67511,67512,67512,tahiraay kapah ku malingaday,it was only the youth group that went there,train +67512,67513,67513,napec tu kitanan maan sanay kura matiniay,it is oppression what is the reason for that,train +67513,67514,67514,na misu kuni misu kuni,I will give you this one at,train +67514,67515,67515, pakayni luma 122 hanu cuwa ka ngaˈay kita minanam tu harateng nu hekal hani,b according to Romans why should we not assimilate the ideas of the world,train +67515,67516,67516,misakutekutem,it is getting dark,train +67516,67517,67517,adihay ku nipivuting nu heni tu makaliyalay atu namaka saʼuwacay,they caught many fish from the sea and the river,train +67517,67518,67518,caay pakazipik iri a,less than tails,train +67518,67519,67519,malusapaʼaca tudungay tu u lifun,it is used for trading as if it were money,train +67519,67520,67520,cupelakay,astringent,test +67520,67521,67521,a cacaliw sa kaku a tayra tuna tusa a kiukay a mi padang,I go to both churches in turn to help,train +67521,67522,67522,Hay u micudaday kaku,Yes I am a student,train +67522,67523,67523,u ngangan nira u palaritin tu kalalaay,its name is linked to Kanana,train +67523,67524,67524,a tangasa itini i Sinsya nay tinuay wali,when you go east you can reach Shinsa,train +67524,67525,67525,as aʼusien ku mihecaan ni ama aku,if you count your fathers years,train +67525,67526,67526,nisahemayan,cooked rice,train +67526,67527,67527,aka pakaruray i takuwanan,do not bother me,train +67527,67528,67528,o ruma a sapaluma i matfad i ngaayay a sra fangcal ku lngaw a lumahad malufic ku hci citungal tu tulu a pulu u ruma i ^nem a pulu u ruma i smuut saan,still other seed fell on good soil it came up grew and produced a crop multiplying thirty sixty or even a hundred times,train +67528,67529,67529,16 Mamisaˈicel kisu misaysay tu Lacungis Micuwat tu rihaday Han,pages do you try to resolve disputes and promote harmony,train +67529,67530,67530,hay i katalawan a,yeah pretty scary so,test +67530,67531,67531,u dungec han nu malitengay,the heart of the elderly,train +67531,67532,67532,ku tihi niyam,we are on the same ladder,train +67532,67533,67533,malingad ku faʼinay aku a mifuting,my husband went to the ocean,train +67533,67534,67534,kanhaw pakeyi kaku itiya saan na ina ku ri,my mother said I was exactly eight months old,train +67534,67535,67535,miyuciing,kindergarten,train +67535,67536,67536,u luma san i,as for home,train +67536,67537,67537,fafahiyan a safa^,young woman,train +67537,67538,67538,aluman ku wawa aku san ku falucu nu maku san kiya matuʼasay,the old man thought I have got a lot of kids,train +67538,67539,67539,Tulik nu mita u Pangcah,our Amis traditional weaving classes,train +67539,67540,67540,cuwa kangaay anu luwanen i masipunay kaku,No if I lower it further I will lose money,test +67540,67541,67541,anu maan ku nitekeran mavana tu,we will know if we need to hunt a bird,train +67541,67542,67542,nayira hen ku cadiway nu maku,I still have my trammel net,train +67542,67543,67543,u tada niyaru nu Pangcah anu ira ku makapatayay caykanca ka papadang patayra tu velac sinavel kasuy,in the traditional Amis tribe whenever any family has a funeral everyone mobilizes to help each other they volunteer to donate rice food firewood et,train +67543,67544,67544,saka patatudungen ku ngiha,that is why the sound has to be moderate,train +67544,67545,67545,safawah,key,train +67545,67546,67546,cecay caul,one thousand,train +67546,67547,67547,o ruma a sapaluma i matfad i cifadalay a sra Haluya fadal a lumahad saka macu kuya lngaw,other seed fell among thorns which grew up with it and choked the plants,train +67547,67548,67548,kaka aku atu mama aku,brother and father,train +67548,67549,67549,titaanan,we are,train +67549,67550,67550,malasawaday,disappearance,test +67550,67551,67551,u mahaenay u papa,like the soup ladle,train +67551,67552,67552,ciacefelay,train,train +67552,67553,67553,a lutuk haw itini,mountain God,train +67553,67554,67554,o apac nira ku adihayay talapicudadan,he is late for school more often than he is on time,train +67554,67555,67555,padadipisay,cockroach,train +67555,67556,67556,anu saan kisu i tudungay tu nu edef tu nu Kitakit,the more cosmopolitan it becomes,train +67556,67557,67557,Papiki^ciwen nu matuasay ciira,the elder asked him to lead the singing,train +67557,67558,67558,malenu,rising tide,train +67558,67559,67559,pahuluen tu aku mahalek,put in the rice O and stir the rice,train +67559,67560,67560,ku nipatudung nu,dedication of millet Festival,test +67560,67561,67561,kahufucan,birthdays,train +67561,67562,67562,tu hatiniʼay ha lafin haw ri,I have been working in the language for so long,train +67562,67563,67563,ra na han aku,before and after the award,train +67563,67564,67564,oya masadakay i nguyus nuya midakaway tu ^fa a funus ku sakapatay nu sufitay nangra a ma^min Mafcul a ma^min ku ayam a kumaen tu hci nangra,the rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh,train +67564,67565,67565,Mirengusan tu nu ningra,sea vegetables gathering,train +67565,67566,67566,anu maru itira a manefnef nu namum sanay ku matuʼasay kira sanay itiyahu,the elders told me what to do if we get flooded here,train +67566,67567,67567,saka pina a wawa kura,how many children is this,train +67567,67568,67568,nasumuwal kisu i anu awaay ku vingtu awaay ku palu haw,you said you did not bring a lunchbox no betel leaf sheaths,train +67568,67569,67569,Sarumiamiad saan a patangasa tu tikami i tamdamdawan,delivering mail for people every day,train +67569,67570,67570,dadahal isaw kira pala iri,the plains are wide and uncultivated,test +67570,67571,67571,o faketaw nu sayhu^ kunini,this is Senseis ink thread set,train +67571,67572,67572,tangasa anini,until now,train +67572,67573,67573,ta tatuy han ni Pitiru ku kawanan a kamay ningra a paluwad i tangsul sa a tanektek ku waay atu pakih ningra,taking him by the right hand he helped him up and instantly the mans feet and ankles became strong,train +67573,67574,67574,matuka ku tamdaw matukaay ku tiyad,if you are lazy your stomach will be lazy too,train +67574,67575,67575,o kahengangay ku cacelakan ni Dakuc,Dakocs parasol is red,train +67575,67576,67576,saka mahapinangay tu ku itiya,that is why you could tell at that point,train +67576,67577,67577,makapahay ku piiya,very good,train +67577,67578,67578,sakaurip,live your life,train +67578,67579,67579,mitapay kami tu titi anucila,we are baking tomorrow,train +67579,67580,67580,maalaw namu sakatusa kuni,did you see that this is the second one,test +67580,67581,67581,Pakapasu kaku a tayni,I came by bus,train +67581,67582,67582,ma misanga tu ku matuʼasay,the old man just started doing it,train +67582,67583,67583,tayni Singku nga patatikul,come to Newport and turn back,train +67583,67584,67584,Hayda mangaay kisu masadak a misalama,all right you can go out and play,train +67584,67585,67585,u saka sepat u kaku i kucung a mi haw i,I graduated from the fourth class of junior high school,train +67585,67586,67586,onini a dafung aku i lumaan hu saan kaku,I have decided I do not want this anymore,train +67586,67587,67587,mahaen i lutuk i kilakilangan nu lutuk,I used to grow up on a tree in the mountains,train +67587,67588,67588,Dadaya mahakelung kami tayra i maci a malafi,in the evening we went to the city to have dinner together,train +67588,67589,67589,hatira u kaherekan tu kuni mihiya,that is it it is already chipped,train +67589,67590,67590,palahad,bring up,test +67590,67591,67591,tu matiraay a,This,train +67591,67592,67592,pisilsil,please arrange,train +67592,67593,67593,fangcal aca ku tireng fangcal aca ku keru,able to sing and dance,train +67593,67594,67594,malimanan ira ku turun itiraw i tefun ney han kuya matuʼasay,I asked my father why they put mocha and pork in the spring water,train +67594,67595,67595,Madicuh ku mata nu kulung,the cows eyes were gouged out,train +67595,67596,67596,Nika siraecusay a wayway cira namicaliw tu lalusidan caay tu panukas tu nicaliwan,but he has a bad habit of often borrowing things but not returning them,train +67596,67597,67597,matira sa kamu i,if you say so,train +67597,67598,67598,taniay ku militadahay i pitipusan,the debtors will come when the rice is cut,train +67598,67599,67599,fangcal a kiya Fangcalay nanumen hakini,is this good can I drink the water or not,train +67599,67600,67600,icuwa kisu suvucen,where were you born,test +67600,67601,67601,malepelay,arrested,train +67601,67602,67602,Hai u kasuling ku sakatayra ningra i Pusung,Yes he took a train to Taitung,train +67602,67603,67603,itiya i talifahal sa a ira ku faliyus i fanaw Matapsi nu taplik ku tamina sakatumesan satu tu nanum,a furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped,train +67603,67604,67604,Cakasanengseng kaku a nengnengen u kufaw hanaca cahu kasulimet aka tu hena,No I am plain and the warehouse has not been tidied up yet,train +67604,67605,67605,Hay u mipatalaan nu kungkuan ku ninian,Yes these are prepared by the school,train +67605,67606,67606,pataheka,serve also to put on plate,train +67606,67607,67607,madudu ta matini iʼayaw i,we have learned from the traditions of the past,train +67607,67608,67608,Malafufu tu nu suna ku ina nu maku,my mother became the children grandmother,train +67608,67609,67609,u ruma ku laluk a tayra i kiwkay nu Tiyencuciyaw,very seriously in a Catholic church,train +67609,67610,67610,Wataay ku rakat nu tusiya tu parakatay tu hatiraay,that is long distance,test +67610,67611,67611,caay pisamiciw,I cannot even aim right,train +67611,67612,67612,patangasa i sikawasay,take it to the priest,train +67612,67613,67613,papiceleden,WILL BINDING,train +67613,67614,67614,sacaduk,shovel,train +67614,67615,67615,u liyuk nu luma,the area around the house,train +67615,67616,67616,Tata Taluma tu kita paladaen ita ku alumanay,let us go back immediately and share it with everyone,train +67616,67617,67617,ina aku,my mom,train +67617,67618,67618,nga ngaʼay halafin,it is the only way to make it last,train +67618,67619,67619,yu maraudtu ku pisalisinan tu saka lima a Pulu a rumiad i malaccay a masaupu ku mituuray ci Kristuan a ma^min,when the day of Pentecost came they were all together in one place,train +67619,67620,67620,caay ka patelac ira anu pakatelay satu i salipahak saan matenes aca a masasuwal,no way he talks on the phone for a long time and gets excited,test +67620,67621,67621,a hacuwa saw ku tenes a mieteng itiya a adihay ku buting,how long does it take to get a lot of fish in a clogged waterway,train +67621,67622,67622,o nanu icel nu Tapang ku sapalimuut aku i tamuwanan asipen a patngil i salikaka a ma^min kunini a tilid,I charge you before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers,train +67622,67623,67623,o kuhtingay a dangka kuni,it is black sesame seeds,train +67623,67624,67624,tamdawen a mikali,digging by hand,train +67624,67625,67625,ta tiliden nu Tapang nu sufitay ku sapatilid,he wrote a letter as follows,train +67625,67626,67626,Saka cadungen ku sapiluud nu Tapang ci Yis Kristu a lalusidan sawaden ku pituur tu ciraraway a pinangan isu atu maanufay a falucu isu,Rather clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature,train +67626,67627,67627,i cuwcuway tu a niyaru haw i ira hu ku namu tira tu maru kuya malitengay mikilim tu nanum nu facal,no matter where the tribe is as long as there is water the elders live there and look for water in the fields,train +67627,67628,67628,malacinuwas,to divide,train +67628,67629,67629,pueneray,short,train +67629,67630,67630,Wauw mahaen masuni masuni,there is sound,test +67630,67631,67631,kipin,blouse,train +67631,67632,67632,tiyamsim,dim sum,train +67632,67633,67633,nga u misamsamay tura matuʼasay kura halung tefus hantu nu matuʼasay,I was bullying the seniors so I got watered down by the seniors,train +67633,67634,67634,Papicukapen ku wawa isu a talapicudadan,tell your child to wear shoes to school,train +67634,67635,67635,icuwa ci rengus aci Dawa,where are Rengus and Dawa,train +67635,67636,67636,safaw lima a fen tahira tu i pitilidan,minutes to school,train +67636,67637,67637,maidiay,mean,train +67637,67638,67638,u mahiniyay midudutu nu tuas a nipisaatumu na itiya 80 amiheca u siyawcang nu cacudadan nu Vakung,this traditional technique of pottery making was first practiced in the by Principal Lin Bixia,train +67638,67639,67639,miala tu pala u linu,Napalm lotus Mist,train +67639,67640,67640,mahaenay iraan,like that one over there,test +67640,67641,67641,cacay a malevut,one thousand,train +67641,67642,67642,yucekess sanay,that is a fact,train +67642,67643,67643,maanen aca^ awaay ku hemay itini edeng u walay a cecay,I am sorry there is no rice here only noodles,train +67643,67644,67644,Kacipuut kisu a malingad,you are going out with a knife,train +67644,67645,67645,Cikalapiyat ku kakarayan i nu walian,there is lightning in the eastern sky,train +67645,67646,67646,ku laluma niyan na heci nina hiya heci nu sukuy,inside the fruit of woodchuck,train +67646,67647,67647,yu ruma anu caay patalawen mahemin,Sometimes if we do not scare them like this all the rice will be eaten,train +67647,67648,67648,Caluway a mihawikid tu tafu ku cialufuay,for those who have a backpack it is easy to bring a lunchbox,train +67648,67649,67649,ura uhung u ruma i adihay kura tatiliden i,there is a lot of writing to do in some of these texts,train +67649,67650,67650,nanu yaan ira tu kuya hananay fafaed tu nu hiya,Later there were coal miners above the Changhong Bridge,test +67650,67651,67651,ira ku cilu nu niyam maʼepud mapulung kami malakaka,we are going there as a family,train +67651,67652,67652,pela,split open,train +67652,67653,67653,u ruma satu ku suwal aku,get the next one,train +67653,67654,67654,pakarungay,the young,train +67654,67655,67655,sa sarakatay sausi nu tayniay,the clans that use rafts are considered the first to come,train +67655,67656,67656,ku iayaw nu niyan,before that,train +67656,67657,67657,ku pakafana nu wama atu wina,parenting,train +67657,67658,67658,telek satu ku luma i,the family all set,train +67658,67659,67659,cirah cirah aca,it is just saltines,train +67659,67660,67660,talaʼayaw a paramud kaku tu wawa nu maku,before you get married,test +67660,67661,67661,kay caay kalecad atu enar,maybe in a different way than other flatland areas,train +67661,67662,67662,maenenta ku matiniay a damak sa a maingiingid,they will talk to each other about how to fix it,train +67662,67663,67663,nanu kaying tahira i tuas i u kangkufu ku tayal aku,I have been working as a nurse since I was young,train +67663,67664,67664,yaratu sani iratu,let us go we will be back,train +67664,67665,67665,sakimaan nu mita u Pangcah,what is the Amish going to do,train +67665,67666,67666,ci Piday kaku,I am Piday,train +67666,67667,67667,hahimawen,to look after,train +67667,67668,67668,matalaw,dare not,train +67668,67669,67669,nu payniyaniyaru,Amis tribes,train +67669,67670,67670,Parunicen i pitifekan kira hafay,knead the millet in a rice beater,test +67670,67671,67671,vulilan,bunch,train +67671,67672,67672,nengneng malifes ku fali adihay kakici atu faling,wind changes bring out sailfish and umbrella sailfish,train +67672,67673,67673,safa,brother and sister,train +67673,67674,67674,macalivad ku vavahi nu maku,my wife is angry,train +67674,67675,67675,Pacaelayen tu cangaw ku masakeruay a wawa,let the dancing children,train +67675,67676,67676,makaala haw tu buting ku mahaenay micumud haw ku buting,will they catch fish will the fish go in there,train +67676,67677,67677,arawen kaku awaayen tu maamaan awa ku kafang itiya iya sa,at that time I had no farm work to do and there was a shortage of bedding in the house,train +67677,67678,67678,i niku,indefinite,train +67678,67679,67679,ira itira ku tfun ni Yakup Maruray ci Yis tuna rumakat saka aru sa cingra i tatihi nuya tfun Ma^deng u kalahukan itiya,Jacobs well was there and Jesus tired as he was from the journey sat down by the well it was about the sixth hour,train +67679,67680,67680,Pakafanaen aku kamu tu nika matdaltu nai pirufuan ku salikaka ita ci Timuti anu ranikay cingra a tayni i malahaklung kami a tayra a milisu i tamuwanan,Brothers I urge you to bear with my word of exhortation for I have written you only a short letter,test +67680,67681,67681,Patangasaay tu mavelecay nu mita,sending off a departed loved one,train +67681,67682,67682,adihay ku dawdaw nuya tungruh a kasaupuan niyam a luma,there were many lamps in the upstairs room where we were meeting,train +67682,67683,67683,saka tusa kantan han aku misiwkay tu nu kakawasan a niyaru,Secondly I would like to briefly introduce the stone mountain tribe,train +67683,67684,67684,patiku,yet,train +67684,67685,67685,sinuvu,gift,train +67685,67686,67686,cacay nuli ku daduy nura fafuy,the pig weighed a hundred pounds,train +67686,67687,67687,talaumah han tu i,they went to the field,train +67687,67688,67688,lalidec,nine Lovage tree,train +67688,67689,67689,maherek tu ku heni a mi tu kakitilaan nu heni,they have finished reclaiming the land and have a place to live,train +67689,67690,67690,Itatihiay nu kungkuan ku luma aku rakat sanay kaku tu rumiamiad rakat sanay a minukay,my school is next to our house I walk to school every day and I also walk home,test +67690,67691,67691,Mapakafanatu nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu kaku tu nika mangatatu kaku a miliyas tu mamapuhed a tireng Mahapinangtu aku kunini,because I know that I will soon put it aside as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me,train +67691,67692,67692,u Taywan ku saayaway a tayni,the Minnan people were here first,train +67692,67693,67693,maulah kisu tu kacanglahan haw,do you like spring,train +67693,67694,67694,cisuytu kaku itiya,I was a few years old,train +67694,67695,67695,adihay ku pingiliway sanay malifung aca,there are also a lot of people who can hurt people and plagues,train +67695,67696,67696,hay mabukilay ku heni,Yes they do not understand,train +67696,67697,67697,malecavay kami a micudad a mihulul tu remiremiad,we read books and play games together every day,train +67697,67698,67698,padawdaw han a patingtu i,shine a light on it,train +67698,67699,67699,Cilukedaway ku lutuk nu Yusan,there are leopards on Jade Mountain,train +67699,67700,67700,miwahwah sakacakat nira tayni,he struggled to push it away,test +67700,67701,67701,atu u piʼedaw nu miʼedaway,there are also rituals and divination,train +67701,67702,67702,kafilu,tolerate,train +67702,67703,67703,ira ku pipucu nu kiwkay,the child will get a subsidy Yes,train +67703,67704,67704,aluman ku awaay ku katayalan,the unemployment rate for Aboriginal people is so high,train +67704,67705,67705,ya pakafanaʼan tu tura nu mita a kira,because they teach you how to write symbols,train +67705,67706,67706,imeng,yamen,train +67706,67707,67707,masacecayay a luma kita,it is like a family,train +67707,67708,67708,han pasuwal pacawi sa i u namu namu u liteng,they will say it is your old mans idea,train +67708,67709,67709,rasras satu i lalan ku falwac ni kaka,on the way my sisters rice grains spilled all over the place,train +67709,67710,67710,na i cuwaay cingra,where did he come from,test +67710,67711,67711,wa ira ku ciʼekimay a kami sanay,and about the shiny Christmas cards,train +67711,67712,67712,mitangtang,cook,train +67712,67713,67713,yu misaharateratenghu ci Pitiru tuya mapulusi i suwal sa ku Fangcalay Adingu cingraan Ira a tayni a mikilim tisuwanan ku tatulu a tamdaw,while Peter was still thinking about the vision the Spirit said to him Simon three men are looking for you,train +67713,67714,67714,vaki,fathers younger brother,train +67714,67715,67715,kamu san u itira tekeraay aca,your tribe is supposed to be above the mountain,train +67715,67716,67716,tapiyasen nimaan sa kura salikaka tu ira,the relatives said why do you still dump the water you picked,train +67716,67717,67717,kereten telian itiratu pawalien,row the cut pieces neatly and put them in the same place to dry,train +67717,67718,67718,itiya i mangernger nu ngiha ningra ku sra Nikawrira anini satu miktun cingra tu suwal Kinacaaytu Kaku a mingernger tu sra Caay ku sra a ccay halukakarayan a ngerngeren Aku saan,at that time his voice shook the earth but now he has promised Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens,train +67718,67719,67719,Cecaytu a talid ku usaw,we only have one bottle left,train +67719,67720,67720,a masulep tu,when you get hungry at noon,test +67720,67721,67721,tu taʼanay tu ku lamal sapitangtang tu hemay,the fire will be strong enough to cook the rice,train +67721,67722,67722,o rupira tu nu mita a malalifet a masasulut atu kapah,we are doomed to fail in a tug of war with young people,train +67722,67723,67723,mafanaʼay cingra cifalucu misapirikec,he used intelligence to bring the tribe together,train +67723,67724,67724,hanaw caay kangaʼay nu kangkang nu kikay mikangkang,that is why you cannot plow a field with a machine,train +67724,67725,67725,o cicir nu fiyaw niyam kunini,this is a water bridge made of bamboo troughs by our neighbors,train +67725,67726,67726,maherek a misilac haw i atepen hu nira tu mifalatay,after assembling use bamboo poles to tie it up,train +67726,67727,67727,miming ku mihecaan nu safa,my sister is very young,train +67727,67728,67728,mitangtang ci ina tu titi,Moms cooking the meat,train +67728,67729,67729,caay hu katatudung ku mihecaʼan saan i,because I am underage,train +67729,67730,67730,matatudung kisu tura sanay,let us just say it is a good match for you,test +67730,67731,67731,u kura haw,it is just like the American Amis,train +67731,67732,67732,rahekad,steam,train +67732,67733,67733,patilid han aca tu saka^caaw ka kumaen nangra tu nipacakatan i samiyay atu kaackan a kakaenan atu saka^caaw ka udang atu titi tu nimecan a mipatay a aadupen atu rmes,instead we should write to them telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols from sexual immorality from the meat of strangled animals and from blood,train +67733,67734,67734,amis,Amis or Pangcah one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +67734,67735,67735,aray ku ruray isu aray,thank you for your hard work thank you,train +67735,67736,67736,sululi kaku lina ama,please promise me a friend,train +67736,67737,67737,tatala,I am going,train +67737,67738,67738,malcaday ku ina u vavainaay,moms and dads are the same,train +67738,67739,67739,hatiraay kuna kuya demak nuya niyaru,the tribal thing is this,train +67739,67740,67740,u Pangcah mahaen,our Amis funeral,test +67740,67741,67741,hatiraay ku nu malitengay hu a demak,that is the way it is with the older generation,train +67741,67742,67742,mifulaw,fighting,train +67742,67743,67743,hatiraay haw ku demak saka,that is the way it works,train +67743,67744,67744,papaysuwan,remittance,train +67744,67745,67745,iraan satu u palimu sanay ri,as for the thanksgiving service,train +67745,67746,67746,uyaan tu i laluma aca ira ku ci Haraay,some say it is called a loach,train +67746,67747,67747,o maan ku nikaenan isu a sakalahuk,what did you have for lunch,train +67747,67748,67748,lafii^,very late at night,train +67748,67749,67749,misuʼayaw haca tu matiniay a kungling,in the face of a difficult training,train +67749,67750,67750,haenen a nialanan facal ku laluma nu teluc,peel off the stems like this and take out the stems and hearts from the inside to eat,test +67750,67751,67751,miasik haca kami tu kalutadimucukan nu kungkuan makumud ku pulung tu tatayalen masulinga a maulac ku kungkuan,we will also clean every corner of the school everyone works together and the school is very clean every day,train +67751,67752,67752,tah kuna rarem nu urip,the life of these latecomers,train +67752,67753,67753,milinglingay ku anekak tura mapataay,the Ujahs are gathering for the body,train +67753,67754,67754,mikarkar tu hatu tamdaway katataang a helung o nipalasapudan a kalukilakilang ku mamaladudang,digging a man sized hole with a wooden box made up of assorted logs,train +67754,67755,67755,nu wama aku a suna,he is my fathers grandson,train +67755,67756,67756,Mafana kisu a mipana tu aadupen,do you know how to hunt with a bow and arrow,train +67756,67757,67757,ta malamakapahay malamakuracay u awaay ku nadukadukaan caay ka ciuning anu ^ca i caay ka cikufel ta u ngaayay a sapacakat i tireng nu niyah,and to present her to himself as a radiant church without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish but Holy and blameless,train +67757,67758,67758,Pulung han ku lima atu siwa i safaw ira ku se^pat ku paysu,five plus nine totals fourteen dollars,train +67758,67759,67759,Warawara ku rakat nira,his walking was not straight but weaving,train +67759,67760,67760,a lacecay suut ira ku mu^tep Limuud sanay,you have to pay,test +67760,67761,67761,malecaday tu,same thing,train +67761,67762,67762,awa tu ku mihicayay,there is no one to catch the fry,train +67762,67763,67763,caay kavana icuwa ku samicwan,I do not know where to aim,train +67763,67764,67764,aka pitudung kamu tu dmak nunini a hkal,do not follow the example of the world,train +67764,67765,67765,hay ka anini tu haw malifutay tu sanay kaku,I guess it is too much trouble nowadays,train +67765,67766,67766,itiya hu naira sakiya kangkang sapiiya,there were plows in those days,train +67766,67767,67767,fangku,number,train +67767,67768,67768,midanguy ku kapah,young Swimmers,train +67768,67769,67769,vanges,skin,train +67769,67770,67770,ira ku kanir nu falucu nu maku,I am looking forward to it,test +67770,67771,67771,papina ku faʼinayan luma,how many brothers in the family,train +67771,67772,67772,Mapiec ku lalan,the trail has become very narrow,train +67772,67773,67773,Malahurac ku falucu nangra,their hearts became empty,train +67773,67774,67774,Papingatuwaen nu singsi kamu a mipasifana a rumadiw,the teacher taught us to practice singing with our mouths open,train +67774,67775,67775,nu itini a caciyaw i,and here is what it says,train +67775,67776,67776,mimaumah hu kami i sawali,when I was still farming in the east,train +67776,67777,67777,kisu haw i,after your training,train +67777,67778,67778,kacahedalan,clear sky,train +67778,67779,67779,pakaʼurad ku matuʼasay,the old man praying for rain,train +67779,67780,67780,Ngaay hu^ Pina^ pida^ kina sinafel,Hello how much is this bunch of vegetables,test +67780,67781,67781,capisanga kisu kaku ka nga,you did not do it Me all of it,train +67781,67782,67782,pisawadan,stop,train +67782,67783,67783,maraʼay aca ku hiya,and it is far away,train +67783,67784,67784,awai ku undukay anini a mihecaan i picudadan nu kaemangay a wawa,there are no sports in the children school this year,train +67784,67785,67785,Paemekan a misenger ku kawil nu kawkaw ta faecal a sakawilen,the handle of the scythe is made well by dipping it under water,train +67785,67786,67786,Pasevanaaw,to teach,train +67786,67787,67787,maulah ku matuasay i ayaw,the old mans favorite,train +67787,67788,67788,ku luma nu maku,my home,train +67788,67789,67789,anini maenen anu pakayni han iu zikan han awaay,because of the time today,train +67789,67790,67790,nanay sapakaen tu wawa san itiya,to raise a child,test +67790,67791,67791,a midudu tu nanu liteng a likakawa,the early days of good style,train +67791,67792,67792,malangkes,sandy soil,train +67792,67793,67793,caay pakasimsim tu radiw,I cannot remember the lyrics,train +67793,67794,67794,Maedeng kalitusa nu tuki,it takes about half an hour,train +67794,67795,67795,hay anu matuʼasay itiya haw i Fangcalay kiniaan,handling of Disposition in tribal Jains,train +67795,67796,67796,o papasnengen aku ku pakayniay tuya tamdaw Nikawrira u pakayniay i tireng aku i deng u nika tadanca nu tireng aku a ccay ku papasnengen aku,I will boast about a man like that but I will not boast about myself except about my weaknesses,train +67796,67797,67797,hatiraay kunu malitengay hu sa,that is how old people are,train +67797,67798,67798,matiya u nu Puyuma kiya satu kiya na ci,that guy said it sounded like Peinan,train +67798,67799,67799,itini i Ilan saan,I have been doing this in Yilan for almost years,train +67799,67800,67800,Itiyasatu makrid nu Fangcalay Adingu ci Yis a tayra i kuhkuhan a malifet nu Palafuay,then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil,test +67800,67801,67801,tu maymay tu kaciw haw i,duck or goose,train +67801,67802,67802,mapatada,Pad it up,train +67802,67803,67803,anu ira tu i misasiraway tu,if so start pickling,train +67803,67804,67804,keriden nu matuasay ku madapunuhay a fafahian hakiwiden nangra ku Luuh atu lengac a tayra i terung nu sauwac itira cangra a misi^si miupic tu tatirengan,the elders lead the widows and take the banana trees and moon peaches to the riverbed where there is water to perform the water splashing ceremony,train +67804,67805,67805,pasiwali tuku pasiamis tuku rakat aca nu niaym i,we are walking toward the east North,train +67805,67806,67806,awaay ku rukut,no Yamazoo,train +67806,67807,67807,o mitieray tu Kawas ci Sara talacuwa mataliftu ku kaciwawaan ningra nikawrira mapafli nu Kawas cingra tu sakaciwawaaw nawhani pasulin cingra tu Kawas u midu^duay tu miktunan ningra a suwal,by faith Abraham even though he was past age and Sarah herself was barren was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who had made the promise,train +67807,67808,67808,cuwacu,stirring water,train +67808,67809,67809,ya saka siwa aku a i,ninth my sister,train +67809,67810,67810,maulah ku wawa a pasipasipen i mantu ku pata,kids love to put it on their buns,test +67810,67811,67811,as,Oh,train +67811,67812,67812,saka tulu saka sepat a remiʼad kiya,the body of the deceased will be dead in three or four days,train +67812,67813,67813,pacakaten ta ku hiya itiyahu awaay ku kakaenen nu mita u maumahay itiyahu kira,we need to improve our lives because of the lack of food for our farmers,train +67813,67814,67814,cumud sa cangra i tadem awaay a maaraw nangra ku tireng nu Tapang ci Yis,but when they entered they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus,train +67814,67815,67815,miura^ur,rush,train +67815,67816,67816,safun,soaps,train +67816,67817,67817,kamadikmik,peristalsis,train +67817,67818,67818,Naruwan,Naluwan tribe name,train +67818,67819,67819,Kami ci Kulas aci Dungi^ fuhaten hu ku paenan ama,grand mom we are Kolas and Dongi please open the door,train +67819,67820,67820,mihecahecaan,each year,test +67820,67821,67821,Naicila lima a rumiʼad kuna piilisin nuna niyaru saikuray a rumiʼad,a few days ago on the fifth and final day of the tribal rituals,train +67821,67822,67822,na nu kitemel nu matuʼasay,my training at that time was based on,train +67822,67823,67823,Mapedik ku tangila nuya wacu,that dogs ears droop,train +67823,67824,67824,mipadang kami misuac tu paliding ni mama anini,we helped wash Dads car today,train +67824,67825,67825,pinaluma niran na a ina,what the mother planted,train +67825,67826,67826,ma matalaw tu kura cangra kira malinah,they were so scared they moved,train +67826,67827,67827,Renec satu kaku tu titi nu fafuy,the pork was very satisfying,train +67827,67828,67828,misalisinay,spell casters,train +67828,67829,67829,namaepud i lutuk,just go down the hill and come here,train +67829,67830,67830,matefad tu ku ngangan nuya tadamaanay a tamdaw,that man of honor lost his reputation,test +67830,67831,67831,mapacek,Nailed,train +67831,67832,67832,cima ku pitengilan isu,who is your counsellor,train +67832,67833,67833,cecay kiya faduc niya tuʼas,there were survivors,train +67833,67834,67834,pisiwangacuan tu,preparing for spring,train +67834,67835,67835,u namu u matuʼasay misaniyaru,the elders who guard our tribe,train +67835,67836,67836,adihay ku ciriciri i lutulutukan,there are many white eared paintbrush birds in the mountains,train +67836,67837,67837,cima ku mihelupay tu walay i kaysin aku,who drank all the noodles from my bowl,train +67837,67838,67838,ta maurat pinengneng tu ni kakahad nu riyad,I am stunned to see how wide the ocean is,train +67838,67839,67839,tayra i kaka a mihulul,we will go to the next level,train +67839,67840,67840,tanucuhel,I am sweating,test +67840,67841,67841,u maan kuni a hecian a iini ku heci,Look is not this the fruit,train +67841,67842,67842,dadawdawen,fire roasted,train +67842,67843,67843,Falihenaw sa ku falucu a pakatengil tuni a ratuh,I was very shocked to hear this news,train +67843,67844,67844,na malasang mahiya nu cirah i mapalal ku tamdaw,it is because the salt rubbed on you makes you sober,train +67844,67845,67845,ira tu ku hiya ku falucu nu fafaʼinay kini,Hubbys thinking about this,train +67845,67846,67846,mahaenay ku pitilu hananay saka,it is a hunting situation,train +67846,67847,67847,Olid han nu wawa aku ku wawa isu,my kids are looking for your kids to date,train +67847,67848,67848,maraaraay ku umah niyam,my family farm is quite far away,train +67848,67849,67849,misalutuk kisu i lutuk mikuli kisu i Taluku,you are working in the mountains you are a laborer in Taroko,train +67849,67850,67850,o maan ku demak,what is the matter,test +67850,67851,67851,hayi itila kami mihiya pakaen tu rarapa,Yeah we have always herded cattle there,train +67851,67852,67852,o ngangan nu maku ci Kacaw han,my name is Kacaw,train +67852,67853,67853,itiyahu,at that time,train +67853,67854,67854,satumesek,deep rooted,train +67854,67855,67855,samanen misanga sa u hatiraay tu,what is the best way to succeed,train +67855,67856,67856,palumaen nu mita panengnengen ku wawa nu mita kaenen nu mita,we will grow it we will show it to our children we will eat it,train +67856,67857,67857,a maʼusuy ma naʼun sa u tamdawen hacuwa caw,the progress of human work is very slow,train +67857,67858,67858,anu malahedaw ku suwal nu mita,our culture is disappearing,train +67858,67859,67859,i papacem cecay rurung cecay kungking lima pulu,in the morning I sold a catty for dollars a kilo is dollars,train +67859,67860,67860,i lalabu,it is inside,test +67860,67861,67861,o cifenekay u cicediay kaku,think you are good at what you do,train +67861,67862,67862,yan tu i ititni ku ngaʼayay parumaʼan,it is the best place to build a house,train +67862,67863,67863,anucila,for tomorrow,train +67863,67864,67864,cuwa ku paylang ku mialaay anini,it is not for the Han Chinese,train +67864,67865,67865,i nu Rinaheman a nikuwan,Shoufeng Township,train +67865,67866,67866,Mametek cira a malarumariway anu matuas,she has her heart set on being a singer when she grows up,train +67866,67867,67867,Piciw sahu ku kikay i,if the machine is damaged,train +67867,67868,67868,ku pida ita sa kaku tuwa,I am looking at a good salary,train +67868,67869,67869,tuuren kaku san suʼlin ira ku palalan,God speaks,train +67869,67870,67870,ira ku rukut,and Yamazoo,test +67870,67871,67871,maulah ku mitutuay tu kilang nu kamaya,the sculptors favorite is the hairy persimmon tree,train +67871,67872,67872,o suwal nu manaangay a tilid nu likisi i ayaw nu 150 a mihecaan iraay tu ku pisaatumu nu Pangcah,literature shows that the Amis have had pottery making skills since years ago,train +67872,67873,67873,maʼicang tu nga,just dry it,train +67873,67874,67874,mabulaway makacuwa,they are from all over the world,train +67874,67875,67875,mahenay,here is the deal,train +67875,67876,67876,uninan i hatini u kaemangay nu mita i,that is the way it is with today kids,train +67876,67877,67877,Maaraw ku nikaulah nu fufu tu nu litengan a dateng tada mairay atu malemed kaku,seeing my grandmothers passion for traditional food I feel very proud and honored,train +67877,67878,67878,Situsiyaay kisu haw,do you drive,train +67878,67879,67879,anu awaay awaay cay patangic kaku,I will not force myself if I cannot help it,train +67879,67880,67880,masasipatelaw,reciprocal comparison of muscle strength,test +67880,67881,67881,cinglaway,speaker,train +67881,67882,67882,Mulah misafaeluh a ciwidang kaku malacafay rumadiw atu midanguy kami,I love meeting new people we can sing and swim together,train +67882,67883,67883,u ruma i,alternate,train +67883,67884,67884,ha siira kura hatiraay kiya widang nira sa,whoever said her partner was that way,train +67884,67885,67885,payayaw,breastplate,train +67885,67886,67886,aluman henay,there is a lot more,train +67886,67887,67887,Miculu ku sufitay tu kakaenen nura niyaru,the army was carrying food from that tribe,train +67887,67888,67888,Mafukil tu rumadiw,not good at singing,train +67888,67889,67889,Cacamulcamul han tu a mikungling,mixed training,train +67889,67890,67890,fuhecalay,white,test +67890,67891,67891,liay,reconciliation,train +67891,67892,67892,pafeli,to give,train +67892,67893,67893,malecaday tu tu sanay tu hatini,it is like someone else is someone else now,train +67893,67894,67894,kaku cecay caay picudad kaku,although I did not go to school alone,train +67894,67895,67895,anu cecay ku hana maedengtu nimaan adihay ku hana hani,if one was enough there would not be so many flowers,train +67895,67896,67896,tayraan tu i lakelal,also went to the riverbed,train +67896,67897,67897,nawhani u sakapituru nu Kawas i tamuwanan a papituur ci Kristuan i caay ku pipasulin namu cingraan a ccay o mamilifet kamu tu pades tuna mituur Cingraan,for it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for him,train +67897,67898,67898,katalasasa nu,transformation,train +67898,67899,67899,tayra han aku ci ina aku mavuti tu i lalan,when I arrived my mom was sleeping on the street,train +67899,67900,67900,taringsaapuraw,pile up,test +67900,67901,67901,u sawali tahini,from the sea too,train +67901,67902,67902,vayi maanen misavel ku mahiniyay,Auntie how do you cook this,train +67902,67903,67903,inian kuya safa niyam mamitiku micudad han nira,that is why my sister wants to go back to school,train +67903,67904,67904,ira kira i tini i punu funguh a maharateng,it is all in your head,train +67904,67905,67905,adihay ku tatayalen tu sakitini niyaru,there was much tribal work,train +67905,67906,67906,ngiriw,thin,train +67906,67907,67907,Isakapina a tingluh ku pilafinan isu,what floor do you live on,train +67907,67908,67908,falucu,mind,train +67908,67909,67909,ta patayra han nangra i kaayaw nu mikumuday a luma kuya tatusaay suwal sa cangra O Yutaya a tamdaw kunini o mirawraway tu niyaru ita,they brought them before the magistrates and said These men are Jews and are throwing our city into an uproar,train +67909,67910,67910,tiya ira tu a,there it is,test +67910,67911,67911,mifiwa,loquat mining,train +67911,67912,67912,makeru a papiyuk,bounce and twirl,train +67912,67913,67913,nawhani pakuyuc ku urip ita,because we live in poverty,train +67913,67914,67914,kapiseti aku mafanaʼay kisu,do you know why I hit you,train +67914,67915,67915,samadahen ni ina a mitafu ku duka nira,mom gently bandages her wound,train +67915,67916,67916,ira tu ku kiwkay manay tayra kami a milihay,we have a church that is why we worship,train +67916,67917,67917,malenaf tu adihay tu kina,breeding more,train +67917,67918,67918,owa malaheci tu,Whoo it is done,train +67918,67919,67919,icuwa ku rawang namu,where is your classroom,train +67919,67920,67920,Sarumiad kaku a mafuti,I slept all day,test +67920,67921,67921,atu niyan,sensitivities,train +67921,67922,67922,manikaway kami suelin aca,we are really poor,train +67922,67923,67923,Hamanan papising tu kisu maulahay tu kaku,no need I am glad you are here,train +67923,67924,67924,kunian,this one,train +67924,67925,67925,kiling,sunshade gear,train +67925,67926,67926,maʼaraw nu maku ku liyad,I saw the ocean,train +67926,67927,67927,natasaen cira natasaen cira,just go with it just go with it twice,train +67927,67928,67928,yu i lalanhu cingra i litmuhen nu matayalay ningra cingra suwal sa i cingraan Mauriptu ku wawa isu han ningra,while he was still on the way his servants met him with the news that his boy was living,train +67928,67929,67929,a tayra i valuhay nira,to her new territory,train +67929,67930,67930,o dungec makena,how is the vine heart soup,test +67930,67931,67931,pataduan,labor representative,train +67931,67932,67932,Micuka ku wawa tu sariri,a child draws a picture on a pole,train +67932,67933,67933,halafin tu mifuting,keep running the boat,train +67933,67934,67934,saka pacakat tu tu salil,when you get back online,train +67934,67935,67935,hatini ku angungul,it is about as deep as the chest,train +67935,67936,67936,o maan ku mawailay nu misu,what do you set out to hunt,train +67936,67937,67937,Awaitu ku mifihekacay tu arurir tinamihecaan,no one sets traps for swallows these days,train +67937,67938,67938,masulep,hungry,train +67938,67939,67939,Malaymay cira,he is got a lot of mouth,train +67939,67940,67940,o laluudan ku kahufucan isu salaw maulah kisu midanguy,so you were born in the summer no wonder you like to swim so much,test +67940,67941,67941,mamatengil nu mita nu hatini,we are about to hear,train +67941,67942,67942,halafinay,it is been a long time,train +67942,67943,67943,ta tdal hantu ningra kuya nilungucan nu finawlan a parawraway mipatayay tu tamdaw a marufuay paturud hantu ni Pilatu ci Yis i cangraan namu satu a harateng han ningra,he released the man who had been thrown into prison for insurrection and murder the one they asked for and surrendered Jesus to their will,train +67943,67944,67944,o cifenekay kaku,thinks he is got the skills,train +67944,67945,67945,kalakaka,become a brother or sister,train +67945,67946,67946,tira tepung han misasiraw,stuff it all in there,train +67946,67947,67947,tanu lipahak satu ku alumanay tu nikatangsa nu maku,everyone was happy when I reached the finish line,train +67947,67948,67948,o nipacaliwan ni Kacaw i tisuwanan kina impic hay,did Kacaw lend you this pen,train +67948,67949,67949,papimisa a mi,going to Mass in the catechetical class,train +67949,67950,67950,Mapaamuut nu suemet ku fuduy i kafutian,Bedclothes smell musty from moisture,test +67950,67951,67951,o matiniay a nipikayhid i caay ku nanu dmak nu mitahidangay tamuwanan a Kawas,that kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you,train +67951,67952,67952,pasinuvu,present,train +67952,67953,67953,ta u kaulahan tu kunini sakaku,this should be my favorite,train +67953,67954,67954,u maan ku sapaiyu cai pakacakay i ayaw tu sapaiyu ku Pangcah hananay i ayaw,in the past the people could not afford to buy fertilizer,train +67954,67955,67955,malapaliway saanay madadamaay,mutual Cooperation helpful stories,train +67955,67956,67956,a miʼanip tu umah itiya hu,go to the field and plant seedlings,train +67956,67957,67957,ka u mikumi nu Tapang ita a Pauripay ci Yis Kristu atu nika fana namu i cingraan ku sakatuas nu falucu namu a mararid Nanay nai anini a tahadauc a mapadil Cingra Amin,but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever Amen,train +67957,67958,67958,ura mialiyapa kahemaway taruhan aku tu tingsa,the tin was light I towed it with my bike,train +67958,67959,67959,kenu cuwacuwaay tu,Well who knows maybe somewhere else,train +67959,67960,67960,inian ku cacelakan nu maku,my umbrella is this one,test +67960,67961,67961,Siwkulan,Xiuguluan River Sichuan,train +67961,67962,67962,mimaan ku vavainay a u maan ku demak nu vavainay mihulul,What do boys do just play,train +67962,67963,67963,Sulimeten tu ku kakaenen,put your food away,train +67963,67964,67964,nansay kisu a mipadang tu luma a mimaumah,how old were you when you worked for your family,train +67964,67965,67965,masamaan kuya pitulun nangra,do you remember the incantation they recited,train +67965,67966,67966,ca ku racusay ku luma nu niyam,our home is not bad,train +67966,67967,67967,mahaenay kamu Mu^celay a nengnengen ku paputal namu nikawrira matumes nu mangah atu tatiihay ku laluma nu falucu namu,in the same way on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness,train +67967,67968,67968,kakahad,wide,train +67968,67969,67969,anu initu ku tataakay a laing,if it is big it is coming,train +67969,67970,67970,edeng kini sa i papacem i i kakaay nu tamiyanan midimata tu pungki,Despite this every next day everyone wakes up and carries a dustpan,test +67970,67971,67971,fs100caay tu ka nanam caciw haw mafukil tu mifetir tu sema,if you do not use your tongue often enough it will not be as flexible as it should be,train +67971,67972,67972,ni ina saan ku wawa,sweet rice cakes are what kids look forward to,train +67972,67973,67973,mitengil cingra tu pikawanan nu kalas,listen to what the tribal elders have to say,train +67973,67974,67974,pitin han tu kamay sanay ku nu iya,just break it by hand,train +67974,67975,67975,mahaen tu u papah ku nipicengel,it will also be dyed like a leaf,train +67975,67976,67976,haen sa ku safitay,that is what being a soldier is all about,train +67976,67977,67977,Demdem han ku adada nu wadis,endure the pain in your teeth,train +67977,67978,67978,sepat a mihecaan ku kalasinging aku,I have been a crewman for four years,train +67978,67979,67979,nanucila,since,train +67979,67980,67980,nanay pasifana nu ama tu Cudad ku suna atu wawa naira,we hope that our grandmothers will pass on the language and writing to their children and grandchildren,test +67980,67981,67981,saka matiraay ku demak,so that is what happened,train +67981,67982,67982,ya matayal cingra i lumaˈ ni Putifar i patahekalay cingra tu pakaˈmetay tu tireng a capeling,Joseph demonstrated this trait of self control when he worked in the house of Potiphar Pharaohs chief of guards,train +67982,67983,67983,o kahengangay ku cengel nu fuduy nira,the color of her dress is red,train +67983,67984,67984,kacisikaʼen sa u siraw a tala lutuk a malingad tala umah,whether I am working in the mountains or in the fields I always have salt pork as a side dish,train +67984,67985,67985,halikiay ku punuh nu hatiniay u rama kiya taʼangay ku difun aku i,smart people are easy to employ relative to have traces of good treatment,train +67985,67986,67986,kakuyen i kisu,it lifts you up,train +67986,67987,67987,milisu,pay a visit,train +67987,67988,67988,pakaesuay,tasty,train +67988,67989,67989,caay kanca a sayvangen nu Ripun,the Japanese will have a trial and a verdict,train +67989,67990,67990,kayat saitatihi nura faʼinayan,he is holding the boys side,test +67990,67991,67991,tangsul masaterep ku tangic nuya wawa unini haw i u cecay a lisin nu tuas kunini,the child immediately stopped crying and this naming method is one of the taboos of traditional beliefs,train +67991,67992,67992,Suʼlin,truly,train +67992,67993,67993,malaccay ku falucu nu pasulinay ci Kristuan a tamdamdaw awaay ku misatkeday nangra tu dafung nu tireng Sakapulungan han nangra ku dafung nangra a ma^min,all the believers were one in heart and mind no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own but they shared everything they had,train +67993,67994,67994,paulien,let so,train +67994,67995,67995,tuna malaccay kaku aci Yis Kristu saka mangaay kaku a malataang tu pakayniay i tayal aku i Kawas,therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God,train +67995,67996,67996,o acucul ku nisalamaan niyam yu mamangan hu,we played with gyros when we were kids,train +67996,67997,67997,misasiraw kisu kyasaw nahaw,if you are marinating meat,train +67997,67998,67998,faecal,Beautiful,train +67998,67999,67999,kura Alapawan hananay,it is Tai Yuan,train +67999,68000,68000,malasinging,you can be a fisherman,test +68000,68001,68001,kaku ney,I was about years old,train +68001,68002,68002,anu pakayraay i,this is also the credibility of the tribal people,train +68002,68003,68003,keng,manganese,train +68003,68004,68004,ira ku tamdaw i luma haw,is anyone at home,train +68004,68005,68005,mamacidal,it will clear up soon,train +68005,68006,68006,Saka saupu hantu nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu Farisay a tamdaw ku lumaucay a sumuwal Adihaytu ku nidmakan nuya tamdaw tu kafahkaan a dmak i samaanen ita,then the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the Sanhedrin What are we accomplishing they asked Here is this man performing many miraculous signs,train +68006,68007,68007,Matastas,spoiled,train +68007,68008,68008,u kalas,seniors,train +68008,68009,68009,ariy,praise,train +68009,68010,68010,Taypakay,Taipei,test +68010,68011,68011,Inaaw,Mom,train +68011,68012,68012,u tengil haw aku pafesut sa kisu,I just want to hear your opinions on how you can make decisions for me,train +68012,68013,68013,Tumerepaytu ku urad mahadakaytu ku cidal,the rain stops and the sun comes out,train +68013,68014,68014,nipaini,give,train +68014,68015,68015,misawad itini i pitilidan,graduated here,train +68015,68016,68016,cadiwen,grindstone,train +68016,68017,68017,fasu^,bus,train +68017,68018,68018,u nu lusay,Fruit,train +68018,68019,68019,sa cira,he said,train +68019,68020,68020,sa itini satu i Taywan ku tudung nu maku a miharateng,I will consider staying in Taiwan,test +68020,68021,68021,mikamuraw,pomelo picking,train +68021,68022,68022,Ngurngur sa cingra matayal i umah,he worked hard in the fields every day,train +68022,68023,68023,i ikur nu ^nem a rumiad i dukduk han ni Yis a mikrid ci Pitiru aci Yakup aci Yuhani a tayra a macukacuk i takaraway a lutuk itiya i mafalic ku tireng ni Yis i kaayaw nangra,after six days Jesus took Peter James and John with him and led them up a high mountain where they were all alone there he was transfigured before them,train +68023,68024,68024,o ruma a sapaluma i matfad i ngaayay a sra cihci tu maluficay cihci kuya sapaluma tu smuut u ruma i ^nem a pulu u ruma i tulu a pulu ku nika lufic nu hci,still other seed fell on good soil where it produced a crop a hundred sixty or thirty times what was sown,train +68024,68025,68025,Talapatekay ku pineneng nu maku tu cacay nu li a paysu,I see a hundred dollars as a thousand dollars,train +68025,68026,68026,u nu tau han haw,what about the rest,train +68026,68027,68027,valucu,heart,train +68027,68028,68028,sakilangseng,use as a steamer basket,train +68028,68029,68029,maherek i madeng kiya,about am,train +68029,68030,68030,maulah tu suur ku kaludi,the loach love the mire,test +68030,68031,68031,anca hu kita pitiku mihansi mihayda,assuming that there is no total commitment to change,train +68031,68032,68032,cuwa ka adihay ku kafanaan aku nikawrira maulah kaku a pasuwal tu kafanaan aku,I do not know much about it but I will try to answer as best I can,train +68032,68033,68033,diput,nurture,train +68033,68034,68034,mapatelac,No I am not,train +68034,68035,68035,o maulahay kisu tu mu^celay miintel kisu tu tatiihay saka u Kawas isu ku mipiliay i tisuwanan papalipahaken ningra kisu tu ikakaay nu tau a lipahak saan,you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness therefore God your God has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy,train +68035,68036,68036,o ˈifuwaay mitusil a taˈarawan ningra ngaˈayay ku pilingat takuwanan,his passion for evangelism was a good influence on me as a young man,train +68036,68037,68037,iratu a matayal i matini ku mitnaay tunini a dmak Mafana kamu tunini Nikawrira anu maraudtu ku rumiad i u tatalahkal kuya paculiay tu rikec,and now you know what is holding him back so that he may be revealed at the proper time,train +68037,68038,68038,iduc,spears,train +68038,68039,68039,atu tiniay tafalung u kalutungan,whether it is Tai Po long Valley or the next village over,train +68039,68040,68040,asipen ku ku cecay a liyad,please read the first lesson aloud,test +68040,68041,68041,misangaaw kaku,I will do it first,train +68041,68042,68042,mihadasi,barefooted,train +68042,68043,68043,taterungan,middle period,train +68043,68044,68044,ku azi nu,different tastes,train +68044,68045,68045,Liyawenhu a misausi sa taangayen ku ngiha,read it again please speak louder,train +68045,68046,68046,kalakam tangasa kasasaʼan,we will be at the meeting place in no time,train +68046,68047,68047,pacakay,sell,train +68047,68048,68048,ira ku Taywan nay a tamdaw,there are people from Taiwan,train +68048,68049,68049,Katumrep han nu i ayaway a rumakat cingra a mikakter Nikawrira mangalef a mangalef ku nipicli ningra O Wawa ni Tafiti kasiniadaenhu kaku saan,those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet but he shouted all the more Son of David have mercy on me,train +68049,68050,68050,nu Pngcah anini,legendary Tales of the elders,test +68050,68051,68051,mangeneng nira kami i u pinapina i u kaemanay haw i,he sees us as teenagers,train +68051,68052,68052,sapipasadakan,want to takeout,train +68052,68053,68053,macacayat,one cover,train +68053,68054,68054,o sapatiku naira kiraan a tipus,that is what you have to pay back in Lai Mee,train +68054,68055,68055,mitifek,pound rice,train +68055,68056,68056,o kamuraw atu pawli ku kaulahan nu maku,my favorites are grapefruit and bananas,train +68056,68057,68057,mahaen,such a prayer,train +68057,68058,68058,nika anini sa kita caayay hu piraʼuy tu kasaenarar,but we do not enjoy equality now,train +68058,68059,68059,caay hu ka hiya kira,I do not have that yet,train +68059,68060,68060,halafin,long,test +68060,68061,68061,apa^pela,fool,train +68061,68062,68062,ya rurayhu i nacira lafii,last nights Pirelli,train +68062,68063,68063,Sarucuden ku falucu isu a maulah tu was,give yourself wholly to loving God,train +68063,68064,68064,sasa nu lutuk,at the foot of the mountain,train +68064,68065,68065,itira tura kilang i,the tree there,train +68065,68066,68066,iraan u nipacakayan i Huwanghun secang u vuhcalaly a pudaw,it is that little white fish fry they sell at the dusk market,train +68066,68067,68067,puener,short,train +68067,68068,68068,manen ku patatulus,how to graft,train +68068,68069,68069,caay ka,it is not a mistake,train +68069,68070,68070,malinah tu ku lutuc san malinah kami itini,in we moved here,test +68070,68071,68071,Fufu tayniay tu kaku milisu tisuwanan,Grandma I am here to see you,train +68071,68072,68072,nipamelaw,struck by something,train +68072,68073,68073,saan kiya mi ku pilicay,just look into it,train +68073,68074,68074,2 cuwa ka pifanaˈ ci Yihufa kitanan tu manan ku ngangan nuniya mituwakangay a cuyuh,the Lord did not tell us what the name of this rebellious angel was,train +68074,68075,68075,mamamang hu ku kabanaʼan nu maku itiya,that is all I know,train +68075,68076,68076,u dadahalay ku umah a lumaluma,for households with large tracts of farmland the,train +68076,68077,68077,u maan han ku walaw hani,what is the name of this mayfly,train +68077,68078,68078,Nanuya pisakalafiantu ku rumiad i ayaw nu Paslaan a Rumiad tu pipatalaan a rumiad,it was preparation day so as evening approached,train +68078,68079,68079,Fakiaw icuwaay ku niyaru nu Farangaw,Uncle where is the Malan tribe,train +68079,68080,68080,Mikiyafes a miemin ku pakaenay tu kulung,all the cattle ranchers pick guavas,test +68080,68081,68081,ngalay kaku miʼisʼis han aku kya ina aku caay ka kahi,my mother would not let me work as a barber,train +68081,68082,68082,u cecay tu nu sapirayrayaw tu demak tu nanu tuas nanituasay a serangawan matiniay ku pinangan nu palatumuk nu niyaru,their synthesis is the transmission to future generations called the traditional cultural system,train +68082,68083,68083,mahrek ci Pawlu a pasuwal i pitusur satu cangra a ma^min a mitulun,when he had said this he knelt down with all of them and prayed,train +68083,68084,68084,itini i niyaru i cayka sawaden aku ku nu tuʼas a kakawaw,I will not forget the rituals of the past in the tribe the rituals of the past in the tribe,train +68084,68085,68085,awaay ku awaay i luma kura wama kira midiput kaminan,Mostly dad was not even home with us,train +68085,68086,68086,pilunguc,pray for,train +68086,68087,68087,vana,knowledge,train +68087,68088,68088,i niyanay saan i,for the daytime,train +68088,68089,68089,kiya mahaen saw u suwal nu matuasay yu makedal ku niyaru palecapu ku mikeriday nu niyaru tu madapunuhay a vavahiyan,elders explained that in the event of a drought tribal leaders would invite the widows to splash each other with water in the streams,train +68089,68090,68090,hacacay han nira a mipalu,because they have to be whipped one by one as they go by,test +68090,68091,68091,mapanukayay hu,return,train +68091,68092,68092,misudacay talaremay patelien tu bubu,patrol fish trap placed downstream,train +68092,68093,68093,maku tu pafeli tu hiya mimaliay kiya,so here is what I expect from my players,train +68093,68094,68094,malatahefud,the dust of sand,train +68094,68095,68095,akawangay,higher,train +68095,68096,68096,patireng ku safa alaen ku kaka,the brother took the brother,train +68096,68097,68097,Tataak ku fali^ adada^ sa ku tangal aku,the wind is blowing so hard that my head hurts,train +68097,68098,68098,hiya han tu nira ku yu muwa a cacay haw a miala i,he will take one,train +68098,68099,68099,mipana,archery,train +68099,68100,68100,nu heni ku suwal,speaking the language is a difficult task,test +68100,68101,68101,mahemak ku falucu aku,I am satisfied,train +68101,68102,68102,o matefaday i sera^ a pusak atu fawu^ i,rice grains and worms that fall on the floor,train +68102,68103,68103,yu malacafay a miilang ku tatusaay a fafahiyan i u mamaala ku ccay u mamasiday ku ccay han ningra,two women will be grinding grain together one will be taken and the other left,train +68103,68104,68104,timul,south,train +68104,68105,68105,anuhuni,in a minute,train +68105,68106,68106,hai fangcal ku maʼicang cingra,Yes it is beautiful she is not going to dry out until she does,train +68106,68107,68107,purpur,the blade is unfavorable,train +68107,68108,68108,fatiian,live near,train +68108,68109,68109,mipasadak,plastic injection,train +68109,68110,68110,hatu u wawa,they are all fish eggs,test +68110,68111,68111,cima tu pakaenay tu kulung san ku suwal nu matuasay sa,the elders said If you go to school who will feed the cows,train +68111,68112,68112,i tiraay i malitengay milluludan kuriraan hatiraay kuriraan,this is how we pass it on from generation to generation,train +68112,68113,68113,mamiseking tu kita anucila ngay kita tu,we are going to take the ethnic certification test soon we have already signed up,train +68113,68114,68114,Parupiraen kira wawa tamafana tu caayay katatudung a demak,let the kid fail before he learns what is wrong with his behavior,train +68114,68115,68115,pakusin kuranan,that is what it is,train +68115,68116,68116,Mafana kita tu nika caay ka rarid a ciraraw ku wawatu nu Kawas nawhani madiput nu wawa nu Kawas cangra saka caay ku mamikariang kuya Palafuay i cangraan,we know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin the one who was born of God keeps him safe and the evil one cannot harm him,train +68116,68117,68117,Kawas,expressive,train +68117,68118,68118,hay mangaay tu anu matira ku falucu isu a,Well that is okay if that is what you think,train +68118,68119,68119,ya matuʼasay mamapatay tu cingra nu huni,I am about to die,train +68119,68120,68120,miturinay,articulator,test +68120,68121,68121,fiher,wheel,train +68121,68122,68122,caay ka samadah ku piseti aku,I beat without mercy,train +68122,68123,68123,nawhani pakayni i suwal nu Kawas atu pitulun a malamakuracay kunini,because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer,train +68123,68124,68124,tayniay kira i nu Pangcahay a niyaru,priests preaching to Amish tribes must learn Amish,train +68124,68125,68125,tayra sabaw tu pina kiya kina lumaʼlumaʼan itini,there is dozens of them,train +68125,68126,68126,tali^,taro,train +68126,68127,68127,sani sani manevnev,frequent flooding,train +68127,68128,68128,tangasa i matiini,until now,train +68128,68129,68129,anu sakelemel han mituktuk a maruminak,if you hammer it hard enough it will rot,train +68129,68130,68130,ta mipatala tu sapila^paaw kuya mitatuyay tu la^pa a papituay a cuyuh,then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them,test +68130,68131,68131,anu pasifanaʼen i mafana tu hay,they should be able to make it if they are taught Yes they should,train +68131,68132,68132,mafutil ku tireng ku fanges mahira nu cirah,the skin of my body was eroded in many places by the salt,train +68132,68133,68133,papicepaen,Call Wet,train +68133,68134,68134,mipihay tura pihay a raradiwan,now she is the only one who can sing the song to send off the soul,train +68134,68135,68135,matini matu kurengay,shaped like a bottle,train +68135,68136,68136,harateng aku ha,my thoughts are ah,train +68136,68137,68137,Anini itini i Putawya atu sumuwalay tunu Putawya a putiput mahaupay ku Yasue atu Matela u milasilay tu ngaˈayay lihaf nu Kitakit nu Kawas mataˈlifay ku 5 caˈul a tamdaw,Today there are more than preachers of the good news of the kingdom of God in Portugal and some Portuguese speaking islands including the Azores and Madeira,train +68137,68138,68138,Cudad Cudad Cudad han maku hitiniay a lafin,I will keep track of it all it is been a long time,train +68138,68139,68139,u karakatay tu i fukac,fast pace Running,train +68139,68140,68140,Halipakukut ku tatiihay a tamdaw,bad guys sue,test +68140,68141,68141,mahaen tu ku demak,that is the way it is,train +68141,68142,68142,macidal,out of the sun,train +68142,68143,68143,sisa mangalay hen kami a misapinag aca kami,that is why we have to double check,train +68143,68144,68144,maan sa ira ku mapangangan tu Makutaay han kina niyaru hananay,why was the tribe named Maguda,train +68144,68145,68145,matucepi,like a thigh,train +68145,68146,68146,u kuntung hananay i itini i haw,Guangdong is from the mainland,train +68146,68147,68147,niyam,we are,train +68147,68148,68148,ucungen,a little,train +68148,68149,68149,aya u sasamaanen ku hatiniay,Oh my God what should I do,train +68149,68150,68150,i ayaw nu nika ira nu tadamaanay cidilay a rumiad nu Tapang i u mamapadeng ku cidal o kakahngang ku fulad a matiya u rmes,the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord,test +68150,68151,68151,san kura matuʼasay kira,that is what the old man said,train +68151,68152,68152,malasuur,dissolved,train +68152,68153,68153,o nu,you have to practice hard you have to practice a lot,train +68153,68154,68154,Nikawrira caay pasulin kamu nawhani caay ku nu maku a siri kamu,Jesus answered I did tell you but you do not believe the miracles I do in my Fathers name speak for me,train +68154,68155,68155,naw hani pasifana kaku,all right I will start with the teachings,train +68155,68156,68156,matawal aku ku aasipen a Cudad aku,I forgot to bring the textbook,train +68156,68157,68157,salikakaaw aku ciicel ku pasulin aku i tamuwanan tu nika sahtu u ngaayay ku dmak namu tada u mafanaay kamu tu masamaamaanay a dmak o rumasatu mafana kamu a masasipaicel,I myself am convinced my brothers that you yourselves are full of goodness complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another,train +68157,68158,68158,tu nu lisin nu hiya kiyami haw nu Kliyawan,it is because of the traditional Kavalan beliefs,train +68158,68159,68159,Mavana haw kisu a remadiw,can you sing,train +68159,68160,68160,u ruma han tu,some people,test +68160,68161,68161,Wailen ku aadupen i lutuk,please go to the mountains and trap the hunter,train +68161,68162,68162,maminanam,to learn,train +68162,68163,68163,ruma miheca,next year,train +68163,68164,68164,iya aluman ku Farangaw ura Farangaw,a lot of Malan tribesmen except for Malan,train +68164,68165,68165,Siluma tu,I am home,train +68165,68166,68166,ma mitapesi mitapesi kiyami tu ma tu,splash at high tide,train +68166,68167,68167,ira tu ira ku kyafes i aayaw nu luma niyam ira ku alupal i saikuran nu luma niyam,Yes we have guavas in the front and persimmons in the back,train +68167,68168,68168,kenu kina akung niyam ri,I do not know what our Grandpa is talking about,train +68168,68169,68169,Nanuya tayra i Kalili kuya ccay ku safaw a nisawawaan a macukacuk i nisuwalan ni Yis a lutuk,then the eleven disciples went to Galilee to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go,train +68169,68170,68170,mipacemut,angling for fish,test +68170,68171,68171,kaemangay tu kahemekan maulahay kaku,giving joy to the children that is the kind of thing I like,train +68171,68172,68172,o maan ku lalungucen nu misu,what are you asking for,train +68172,68173,68173,caay tu piharateng tu tatihitihi nanay adihay ku payci isu i,people who do not want to be around if they are getting paid,train +68173,68174,68174,misanga tu luma nira vuting,the one that made the fish home,train +68174,68175,68175,hacuwa tu,When,train +68175,68176,68176,tapatapang,leaders,train +68176,68177,68177,miramutay,picked up,train +68177,68178,68178,Malufic ku heci nu panay,the rice is profuse in grain,train +68178,68179,68179,ira ku cacay a suwalan u serangawan nu mita sakilemelen a mikilim,that is why there is a saying Pass on the culture bring back the original culture,train +68179,68180,68180,cifuduy,apparel,test +68180,68181,68181,u usaw nu malininaay nu luma,spare,train +68181,68182,68182,maulah ku uner a masadak tu dadaya,snakes like to appear at night,train +68182,68183,68183,cifulangay,Bubbles,train +68183,68184,68184,tu malasawaday nu mita a tamdaw,our late loved ones,train +68184,68185,68185,malecad ku kaluaca nu kalusapasifana a cudad,all textbooks are priced the same,train +68185,68186,68186,ta tala kaku malasayhu tu kaku satu kaku tala Fataan kaku a misiwfay tu layku hananay misangaʼay tu tangsu,I moved to Kwang Fu and opened a business specializing in furniture,train +68186,68187,68187,tireng sa ku sakakaay a citudungay tu taung a pasuwal i ci Yisan Awaay ku maan a sapacauf Isu tu nipipakukut nunini a tamdamdaw a pawacay tu pakayniay i Tisuwanan saw han ningra a milicay,then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus Are you not going to answer what is this testimony that these men are bringing against you,train +68187,68188,68188,Raud sa ku cuyuh ci Mariyaan a sumuwal Malmeday a fafahiyan ngaayhu Mikaput ku Tapang i tisuwanan han ningra,the angel went to her and said Greetings you who are highly favored the Lord is with you,train +68188,68189,68189,nuya,indistinct,train +68189,68190,68190,mahaʼen ku nipicengel nu maku,this is my coloring process,test +68190,68191,68191,lalusidan,public properties and assets,train +68191,68192,68192,icuwaay kura a fafahiyan han ningra,where is she from,train +68192,68193,68193,kitanan salikaka,share with others,train +68193,68194,68194,lukuciwnanasay haw kuni u urip,years old,train +68194,68195,68195,mafana misaʼusi,read it,train +68195,68196,68196,ya makatimul kami,when we came from the south,train +68196,68197,68197,ci Singkuy hananay a lutuk hantu,Tsz Wan Shan this mountain is,train +68197,68198,68198,o simaanay tuku hakilang nira,just take whatever you want,train +68198,68199,68199,araw han maʼaraw nu mita ku mimaliay pasaetip sahetu nanitiraayi kingku,we used to see players coming out of the bank after they went upstate,train +68199,68200,68200,o tali u niyan tu u tamurak ku mipalumaan tu karumaanmaan nu dateng,they also grow taro and pumpkin for their dishes,test +68200,68201,68201,kadat,hairbrush,train +68201,68202,68202,malatamdaw tu Yis,Jesus became man,train +68202,68203,68203,i kafanaʼan aku i mamang hu,when I was a kid,train +68203,68204,68204,mahelek malepeng aku kura picudad i,when I finish my studies there,train +68204,68205,68205,mapapadang i niyaru anu ira ku maan aca mapapavatis,there is a blessing in mutual cooperation in the tribe,train +68205,68206,68206,Pakicuruken nu singsi kaku a miasip tu cudad,the teacher told me to read in order,train +68206,68207,68207,hatiraay ku itiyaay hu,Yes that is how it used to be,train +68207,68208,68208,Eluen nira ku fafahi nira a misulul tu udang nira,he pleaded with his wife to forgive him for cheating,train +68208,68209,68209,pakakuwad,lift it,train +68209,68210,68210,Sulaling awaay ku hemay u tuwami aca ku ilaay itini,I am sorry there is no rice there is no rice there is only noodles,test +68210,68211,68211,niditditan,little by little,train +68211,68212,68212,misamangah tu demak,to be insincere deceptive,train +68212,68213,68213,miala kiya tutung kiyami,look for branches that catch fire easily,train +68213,68214,68214,kameleng ku pudac nu lalidec,the skin of the nine Ligustre tree is very slippery,train +68214,68215,68215,maulah kisu micudad hay san ri hay satu kaku i iciningsi hu kaku imatini nu,my husband asked me Do you like to read Yes I do Yes I like to study I am currently in my first year of university,train +68215,68216,68216,u maan ku dademaken aku nu mamisawad kaku tuni a,what will I do if I retire from Taiwan Sugar,train +68216,68217,68217,tataak ci ama nu maku,my father was very tall,train +68217,68218,68218,sahtu u cisawarakay atu mikakay ku suwal nangra,Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness,train +68218,68219,68219,Raud sa cingra i aikur ni Yis a mitfing tu parungapingan nu kafafang ni Yis i tangsul sa a tumrep ku nika lesles nu rmes ningra,she came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak and immediately her bleeding stopped,train +68219,68220,68220,awai ku mitunguday tu ngatu nu misu i pala,no one will pick up the work you left unfinished in the field,test +68220,68221,68221, sasepat nu niyaruˈ a tamdaw cecayay ku Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa,these towns alone have congregations over preachers and in residents are Jehovahs Witnesses,train +68221,68222,68222,caay tu kahaen ku nipikumu,that is not how you shoot a slingshot anymore,train +68222,68223,68223,Ngaay a mipadang takuwan a pateli i alili haw,will you help me with the barn,train +68223,68224,68224,Halamhamen a mitala ku nika ira nuya rumiad nu Kawas Saicelen ku falucu namu tu sakaranikayaw nuya rumiad a ira itiya i u mamatuduh a maprar ku kakarayan o mamatuduh a malasuur ku i lalumaay nu kakarayan a maamaan,as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming that day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire and the elements will melt in the heat,train +68224,68225,68225,Makadufahay ku parud na Mayaw,the Ma Yiu family is rich,train +68225,68226,68226,itini kaku i luma,I am still at home in the country,train +68226,68227,68227,tangtangan nira ira kura lahud,steam will come out after steaming,train +68227,68228,68228,vacal,interval,train +68228,68229,68229,iya kaka nu vavainay nu maku makatal,my husbands big brother is very bad,train +68229,68230,68230,halafin,duration of time,test +68230,68231,68231,mahaen iri aku kasangaʼen ta ku kapahay a kiwkay saan,because then you have to build beautiful churches,train +68231,68232,68232,minukay kaku tu kaciferangan a pahanhanan,I will go back in the summer,train +68232,68233,68233,mahrek a mitulun i luwad satu ci Yis a tayra i nisawawaan arawhani marda cangra tu nanu rarum nangra,when he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples he found them asleep exhausted from sorrow,train +68233,68234,68234,mapurpur,the blade is unfavorable,train +68234,68235,68235,sa kunu Kaping,that is what the Han people say,train +68235,68236,68236,Nawiru caay pidu^du ku nisawawaan Isu tu nanu tuas a lkakawa saw O sakasaan niyam i yu kakumaen cangra caay kamunanaw han nangra a sumuwal,Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders they do not wash their hands before they eat,train +68236,68237,68237,mulic hananay ra kura kulang haw,while rolling the mustard,train +68237,68238,68238,Maraheci kura haw i,when you are done,train +68238,68239,68239,ku kapah,young people,train +68239,68240,68240,Saka luklun sa ca Yakup a tayra i Icip itira ci Yakup atu rumaruma a tatuasan ita a mapatay,then Jacob went down to Egypt where he and our fathers died,test +68240,68241,68241,Singsi matawalay aku a miala ku sasipasip,I forgot to bring my eraser,train +68241,68242,68242,Milingad tu kami mipahaduy,we started drifting,train +68242,68243,68243,anu suelin haw anu pacieci kisu matulu tu i makunkun tu i,if you insist on going out what if you fall down and have an accident,train +68243,68244,68244,i pipahanhanan nu laluud kaku a taluma,I will go back in the summer,train +68244,68245,68245,iraay ku misaniyaruʼay,some people build tribes,train +68245,68246,68246,ira ku cingraw awa ku Cudad hay,language without words yes,train +68246,68247,68247,u rumatu ku demak mipenen,do something else go get the emergency reeds,train +68247,68248,68248,Mikiratar ci ina a micakay tu dateng,mom got up early to go grocery shopping,train +68248,68249,68249,pakaen tu ayam milaput tu maamaanan,feed the chickens pick up wild vegetables,train +68249,68250,68250,nga maharateng tu nu misu kuninan,I hope you remember this,test +68250,68251,68251,tirahu kusi matayal,working in the company,train +68251,68252,68252,alakahukahut,all of them,train +68252,68253,68253,oya nitngilan isu a suwal aku i kaayaw nu alumanay a minengnengay i u papaturuden isu i sulinay a tatieren isu a tamdaw ta cangra ku papasifana i rumaruma a tamdaw,and the things you have heard me say in the presence of many Witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others,train +68253,68254,68254,tungal tungal han tu tu tusa tulu a mihecaan wa pitu pulu tu ku mihecaan aku,if I gain two or three more years I will be,train +68254,68255,68255,aka pitakaw,do not steal,train +68255,68256,68256,parariday,continued,train +68256,68257,68257,mahemin nu cirekay ku papah nu tipus,worms will crawl all over the leaves of the rice paddies,train +68257,68258,68258,ku zayliw nu niyam haw,it is all set,train +68258,68259,68259,tu malusakangaʼay madiput nu wama ita,the gods will take care of us,train +68259,68260,68260,hai singsi,Yes sir,test +68260,68261,68261,Singsi cuwa kafana kaku a mitengil tu suwal isu liyawenhu kura suwal,I do not understand can you repeat it again,train +68261,68262,68262,kaetip tusaay defak tayra kita mieneng ata pakayni sa,those two fields on the west side let us go over there and look at them from this side,train +68262,68263,68263,o cafay nu maku ku wawa nu misu,your children are my companions,train +68263,68264,68264,o aning atu radiw a cecay ku kaulahan nura wawa,the only thing that kid is interested in is acting and singing,train +68264,68265,68265,tifek,pound,train +68265,68266,68266,Macuwa^ a nanumen ku riyar,how does seawater taste,train +68266,68267,68267,dateng,dish,train +68267,68268,68268,Misaatumu ca ina anini,mothers are making pots today,train +68268,68269,68269,wakawak,fighting hand to hand,train +68269,68270,68270,malemed kamu vaki tayni itini,Grandpa you are blessed,test +68270,68271,68271,misapala tu awaay ku sapaiyu i ayaw,there is farmland that can be cultivated but it has not been fertilized in the past,train +68271,68272,68272,anini adada ku mama niyam,Dads health is not very good,train +68272,68273,68273,nu aniniay tu kiya haw,now here is the thing,train +68273,68274,68274,saan kamu,you say because of modernization,train +68274,68275,68275,lawit,over,train +68275,68276,68276,tayni tu aylul,on to the next level,train +68276,68277,68277,fafalu,eight,train +68277,68278,68278,Malaciwciw tu ku fitaul nu kuku niyam,our eggs have hatched into chicks,train +68278,68279,68279,hanen aku tucyang niman pafelien isu ku tau kaku han naku di,I said Dad why did you give me away,train +68279,68280,68280,matiniay tu nengnengay misu,you will just have to measure it yourself,test +68280,68281,68281,mikurac,clean,train +68281,68282,68282,na u suʼelinay a mangaay paluma tu maamanay han caayay,I thought I could grow a lot of crops but I cannot,train +68282,68283,68283,nani tini u lukelun tu ku rakat nu mita a taluma,the way home from this place is all downhill,train +68283,68284,68284,ngaʼay hatira tu ayam,to be like a bird,train +68284,68285,68285,awa ku kakaenen na mira itira tura mira a niyaru i,there is no food where they used to live,train +68285,68286,68286,Pafangcalen ngangan nu Kawas,we are going to show the name of God,train +68286,68287,68287,hay anini i u nu mita haw pakiniay han,Yes today Topic is about the history of an anchors career,train +68287,68288,68288,Saka laplap hantu ni Kaliu cangra nai pisawkitan,so he had them ejected from the court,train +68288,68289,68289,minukay tu miilising tu i luma,returning home to celebrate the Harvest Festival,train +68289,68290,68290,u ranan ku patinakuan nu matuʼasay,the elders use it as a metaphor,test +68290,68291,68291,anu sakaecaaw kalasinul,just trying not to,train +68291,68292,68292,dengan nu mita umah maseutay,it is just our farmland that is gone to waste,train +68292,68293,68293,nianay haw nakamayan su kamayan tu nian,because you made it yourself,train +68293,68294,68294,u kahaceraan nu matayalay,if you are going to work in the factory you will arrive first,train +68294,68295,68295,suwal nu malitengay i,it is all about what the old generation has told us,train +68295,68296,68296,ira ku maannu mita i cuwa kita parenuk i tini i kiwkay,when the family is in trouble we must rely on the power of the church,train +68296,68297,68297,awaay aca ku karihakedan aku ngraan,instead he failed to live up to those expectations,train +68297,68298,68298,tahira kalahecian ira i,and when it is done,train +68298,68299,68299,milaliw kiya Kawas,when the ghost runs away,train +68299,68300,68300,o fafahian ku wawa aku,my kids are girls,test +68300,68301,68301,Taangay ku cidal haratengen a mikilidung,the sun is bright and remember to wear sunscreen,train +68301,68302,68302,micukcukay,the person who is locking,train +68302,68303,68303,matayal u misasingkiay awa tu minukay,I will never go home from my plumbing job,train +68303,68304,68304,hatiniay i,there is a lot of broadcasting talent outside of undergrad,train +68304,68305,68305,o maan ku kapasekaan isu,what is causing you to be inhibited double minded,train +68305,68306,68306,Eminen aku a maen ku kakaenen i kaysing,I finished my bowl of rice,train +68306,68307,68307,yu pasifana i cangraan haw i suwal sa Cingra Pinaun kamu tu pasifanaay tu Rikec maulah cangra a ciriku tu kakayaay a misarakarakat i kalaliacaan a taungen nu tamdaw,as he taught Jesus said Watch out for the teachers of the law they like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted in the marketplaces,train +68307,68308,68308,itiya iri micudad hen kaku tu kuminkaku,I was in elementary school,train +68308,68309,68309,a mililuc ku heni,bathe under the water to clean your body,train +68309,68310,68310,Nikawrira u tatayratu kaku i matini i miucuray Takuwanan Arawhani O tatalacuwa Kisu awaay ku sanay namu a milicay i Takuwanan,Now I am going to him who sent me yet none of you asks me Where are you going,test +68310,68311,68311,iraay hu ku kuhecalay atu langdaway niyam,we have white and blue ones too,train +68311,68312,68312,hatini aca ku pakayniay pitapiʼay a demak,this is the end of the introduction of the matter of solicitation,train +68312,68313,68313,anini caay tu kahan naayay isaw,it is not the same as it used to be,train +68313,68314,68314,i sanhuw talunglung kinian cinglaw,Well it is very profound,train +68314,68315,68315,mikilim kura siwtaw tu kamaumahan niyam,the foreman looking for the place where we work,train +68315,68316,68316,wa ngaˈay kita misamaan misaka dademak tu safalud nu Filipi 214 hani,how can we put the principles of Philippians to work,train +68316,68317,68317,u Kaliyawn han kina ngangan itini,from the early days this place was called Caritas,train +68317,68318,68318,matufaeluhay,looks new,train +68318,68319,68319,fafahiyan a wawa,girl,train +68319,68320,68320,mipararamud,marriage,test +68320,68321,68321,kufuc,bottle,train +68321,68322,68322,o mamalacafeng kunini a sapad,this board will be made into a wall,train +68322,68323,68323,Kamaru,sit down,train +68323,68324,68324,matunemnemay,it is like a spring,train +68324,68325,68325,ira ku lalifeten isu tuya piuntukayan a rumiad han,will you compete in the sports day,train +68325,68326,68326,u rumasatu tini i kahicecay nu parud maemin nima ku kahacecay nu parud,Besides there are problems in every family,train +68326,68327,68327,mamaan hani matiya u,how can I put it it is like this,train +68327,68328,68328,satu saka,because of this,train +68328,68329,68329,u nanicuwaay kunina nanum hakini,where the hell is this water coming from,train +68329,68330,68330,patih,wall,test +68330,68331,68331,kawu i ay yay a mihcaan a pakika,I was years old I did not report until I was,train +68331,68332,68332,Ngaay milunguc i takuwanan u Tapang ku pulung nu tamdaw uya nipilian aku tu malu nu maku a ruma a finacadan a ma^min,that the remnant of men may seek the Lord and all the Gentiles who bear my name says the Lord who does these things,train +68332,68333,68333,maecakay,cooked,train +68333,68334,68334,tu hakuwa ku kakahad,how wide,train +68334,68335,68335,matirtir kira wawa tu patelac niira anini i picudadan,the boy is nervous about the mistake he made at school today,train +68335,68336,68336,Karafelalutung ku pala niyam,our fields are full of cobwebs,train +68336,68337,68337,Ngaay hu ku nu misu Mayaw ci Amuy kaku,Hello Mayaw I am Amoy,train +68337,68338,68338,u urip nu Pangcah caay ka awaay ku radiw atu keru sangaleven anu ira ku lipahakay a remiad cay kanca tangasa i kudul ku lipahak,songs and dances are an integral part of Amis life especially during festivals where everyone participates and the atmosphere is spectacular and joyful,train +68338,68339,68339,maruhemay tu,it is already red,train +68339,68340,68340,padangen kaku a miala tu kawkaw atu pitaw haw,will you get my scythes and hoes please,test +68340,68341,68341,katalawan hiningan nu maku ku wawa anini,I am in a cold sweat,train +68341,68342,68342,ira i ayaw ku papituay a malikaka tu matiniay ku dmak cifafahi ku sakakaay cahu ka ciwawa i mapataytu,now there were seven brothers the first one married and died without leaving any children,train +68342,68343,68343,mangaay tu itira ci katay,it is okay that you leave your portion at Katays place,train +68343,68344,68344,pina ku wawa Patedu saan neng han cingra palifet san cingra midanguy,the kids are not helping Dads holding on to the boat really hard and he is swimming,train +68344,68345,68345,cisimalay ku mata nira,his eyes are full of lust,train +68345,68346,68346,kahiceraan karekrekan tu dadaya a maru,a place to gather or camp at night,train +68346,68347,68347,tiya tu mafana tu kita,we will see,train +68347,68348,68348,papiyatayat,sports,train +68348,68349,68349,anu milikilang miʼuway talalutuk satu u matiniyay u siraw ku dateng nira awaʼay ku nanum,if you go to the mountains chopping wood gathering rattan salted meat is always the main dish without water,train +68349,68350,68350,ciʼepungay tu tulu ha ha ha ha,there are three holes ha ha ha ha ha,test +68350,68351,68351,mingataay tu tukus ku niyaru namu haw,is your tribe near the mountains,train +68351,68352,68352,Salikakaaw kamu u tluc ni Apraham atu mitaungay tu Kawas a ruma a finacadan mapafli i titaanan kunini a sapaurip a suwal,Brothers children of Abraham and you God fearing Gentiles it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent,train +68352,68353,68353,liliden nira ma a tatusatusa liliden nira malikelun itiraw,two by two they are leading the pigs down the hill,train +68353,68354,68354,sanay kura harateng aku Takaw han naku milaliw patiku kaku Pailasen,I was thinking of just sneaking back to the tribe,train +68354,68355,68355,miaca kita tu impic haw,let us go buy a pen shall we,train +68355,68356,68356,kapah kisu dalu,You should be fine,train +68356,68357,68357,takaraw ci mama^ isu hay,is your father very tall,train +68357,68358,68358,irahu ku tayal aku i tini i Taypey sa kaku,I still have a job in Taipei,train +68358,68359,68359,nu Pangcahay a hiya hay,is that the Ami one,train +68359,68360,68360,i sawaliyan nu Taywan ku aru nu Pangcah,we Amis are located in the eastern part of Taiwan,test +68360,68361,68361,a maenen saw a misawad ku lisin nu niyaru anu pinapina ku mikihatiyaay hatila hannaw,how can you give up on a tribal celebration how can we give up the tribal celebration,train +68361,68362,68362,maanen,what way,train +68362,68363,68363,paru,full,train +68363,68364,68364,nawhani anu miliyaw kaku a paluwad tu miplengan aku i ayaw a Rikec i u pahapinangay kaku tu nika u mararaway kaku,if I rebuild what I destroyed I prove that I am a lawbreaker,train +68364,68365,68365,mahaen kiya suwal nawamaan nu niyam,that is what my father said,train +68365,68366,68366,Macidem ku iduc nira,his spear gun is sharp,train +68366,68367,68367,paremiad,whole day,train +68367,68368,68368,Nanuya tkupen ningra ku pituay a finacadan i Kanan a kanatal ta paflien ningra ku finawlan ningra tuya sra tu malunangra,he overthrew seven nations in Canaan and gave their land to his people as their inheritance,train +68368,68369,68369,caay ka tumerek i satapang tangasa i paherekan,singing in alternating rounds,train +68369,68370,68370,Ilikul nu nikasaselal nu niyaru iri,behind the tribal age group,test +68370,68371,68371,u vuting nu liyal,fish in the sea,train +68371,68372,68372,ira ku kakitilaan a misalisin i karimucu,there is a worship area in the corner,train +68372,68373,68373,mamutepay tamdaw hatini,there are ten of them,train +68373,68374,68374,itiniʼay tu ku urip aku mutuʼas kaku i,I am already an old man,train +68374,68375,68375,faʼinay nira ci,her husband,train +68375,68376,68376,mafaʼna ku matuʼasay itiyahu aray kinian aenar san i,formerly the elders knew that they were grateful for these plains,train +68376,68377,68377,Olili Pacuken ku masusu^ay a tufur a kulung u kakaenen ita a maacang,bring the fattened calf and kill it let us have a Feast and celebrate,train +68377,68378,68378,sa matinisaan u kasiniʼadaan tu ku matuʼasay itiyahu,the elders used to live in poverty,train +68378,68379,68379,macered nuya marad kura tireng ningra haw,you will get burned by the iron,train +68379,68380,68380,Kasahirahira ci Canglah ku mafanaʼay san,I thought I could do anything,test +68380,68381,68381,hatinien ku matafaay sadafdafay,this is how we are going to level the ground,train +68381,68382,68382,kapah,youthful years,train +68382,68383,68383,Awaay ku nu maku u ni panay kinian,I do not have one either this is Panays,train +68383,68384,68384,ngitangiten ci Yihufa,let the Lord have mercy and hear,train +68384,68385,68385,mingata kiyaru ku luma niyam tu hacining haw,our house is close to the Chichibukawa river,train +68385,68386,68386,Puelacen ku suwal,speak to issue,train +68386,68387,68387,latek i,About,train +68387,68388,68388,fawufawuan,lots of bugs,train +68388,68389,68389,sipasisi han tu ku ruma a turun i tawan,give away the glutinous rice cake to others,train +68389,68390,68390,ira ku cuyuh nu Tapang a pasuwal ci Filipan Kalumuwad a talatimul Katayra i sakatayra i Kaca a saliklun a lalan tu nani Yirusalimay han ningra,now an angel of the Lord said to Philip Go south to the road the desert road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza,test +68390,68391,68391,masupeday ku minaʼangan sanay ku suwal nu mira,that is how we will get richer and richer,train +68391,68392,68392,kacipinangan,symbol,train +68392,68393,68393,a pararitinen ku iamisay a lise,connecting with the history of the Northside,train +68393,68394,68394,cika ku Cikasuʼan a tangasa kumuden cayka tayra ciya tuw matalaway a hiyaʼen nu Punun mifitangal,the Chikagawa did not go to Na Li for fear that the Bunun would behead them,train +68394,68395,68395,Micaluk kisu tu lusid nu Pangcah haw,do you wear traditional clothes,train +68395,68396,68396,Mahrektu a malalicay atu cangra i sungilaen ni Pawlu cangra a pasuwal tu nanu tayal nu Kawas i ruma a finacadan pakayni i tayal ningra,Paul greeted them and reported in detail what God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry,train +68396,68397,68397,sakacecay ira misamatang,at the time of the first reclamation,train +68397,68398,68398,o maduengay kura tamdaw,that man is deaf and transparent,train +68398,68399,68399,fituwaliwal,pry open,train +68399,68400,68400,dungdung han tu ku langaw nira a misanga,and then as it grows make it,test +68400,68401,68401,kemaen tu ku Pangcah aru nay,do the Amis not eat do they No,train +68401,68402,68402,sangitngit,front tooth,train +68402,68403,68403,hay cikarihateng nira i lumaʼay,so he will not miss his folks back home,train +68403,68404,68404,malatayra cila kaku mifuting i,I wanted to go fishing again,train +68404,68405,68405,naay tu kaku tayar i pitilidan,I do not want to go to school anymore,train +68405,68406,68406,minukay kami i niyaru i pipahanhanan a rumiad,we will all go back to the tribe during the summer vacation,train +68406,68407,68407,ruma san ira ku cecay maucuray nu i Kinmungay,there is the Gammon Pie one,train +68407,68408,68408,limecedan,adolescent girls,train +68408,68409,68409,minukay kami,come back with me,train +68409,68410,68410,ku ngiha nu nuyaan,teaching by voice,test +68410,68411,68411,mavanaʼay nu wawa,the child will talk,train +68411,68412,68412,raecus tila u nu sikawasay amin kiraan,it is not good there it is all the witch,train +68412,68413,68413,miala tu eli u aul,we need to cut thatch and bamboo,train +68413,68414,68414,fukeluh,stone,train +68414,68415,68415,o rihung ku sakalafi nu mita,our dinner was red beans,train +68415,68416,68416,masamanay a mapatireng hanaca,how it was established and,train +68416,68417,68417,kaetietip kawaliwali a tukus i u pala i,to the west to the east there are eagles,train +68417,68418,68418,misacekel kisu han tu,you need to work out,train +68418,68419,68419,faenut,pull out,train +68419,68420,68420,adecaw,marble,test +68420,68421,68421,Nikawrira maulah kaku i tisuwanan saka lunguc han aca aku kisu o marufuay kaku ci Pawlu tu saki ci Kristu Yisan i matini tuna u tarukus ni Kristu kaku saka,yet I appeal to you on the basis of love I then as Paul an old man and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus,train +68421,68422,68422,anu caacaay pidu^du tu krit a lisin ku ruma a finacadan anu maimer cangra tu limuut nu Rikec i matiya u makritay cangra a nengnengen nu Kawas,if those who are not circumcised keep the laws requirements will they not be regarded as though they were circumcised,train +68422,68423,68423,mitenuun,learning to weave,train +68423,68424,68424,tangasa kaku i ayaw nu lahuk i tisuwanan,I will be with you by noon,train +68424,68425,68425,mifuut,headbands,train +68425,68426,68426,i ci Nawisan saku matuʼasay haw,the tribal elders called the mountain Mount Firenze,train +68426,68427,68427,pakaenay tu rarapa caay kahaen haw,so did the cowherd,train +68427,68428,68428,Fangcalay ku mitiniay a pakafana,it is a very good education,train +68428,68429,68429,kafanaan aku i Cwuin cecay,I only know the left side of the camp,train +68429,68430,68430,mahaen ku suwal ni Madadingu tu ina nira,The white the beautiful the beautiful girl said this to mom,test +68430,68431,68431,anu caka kedecen mahuka caka liyun,if it is not tightly wound it will not move,train +68431,68432,68432,matuʼasay itiya hu paluma tu dateng,the old man grows vegetables,train +68432,68433,68433,caayay,no,train +68433,68434,68434,caay u fafahi aku mikadafuay tayni,No it is my wife who is getting married,train +68434,68435,68435,tu siwawaay tu futing a Kawas,children of the fish God,train +68435,68436,68436,nanay nu saka urip,for life,train +68436,68437,68437,Mayamayam ku niiluhan a lutuk,the fire on the burning mountain is blazing,train +68437,68438,68438,pakarenec tu urip nu niyah,make your life richer,train +68438,68439,68439,aka pisavel tu dateng,do not cook the vegetables,train +68439,68440,68440,nanitira lumuwad ku lunan niyam a tayra i Rikiyum a niyaru cila sa a rumiad i friw sa ku safalat Saka saka tusa a rumiad i tahiratu kami i Putiuli a niyaru,from there we set sail and arrived at Rhegium the next day the south wind came up and on the following day we reached Puteoli,test +68440,68441,68441,Mafanaaytu kisu tu limuut Aka pipatay tu tamdaw aka ka udang aka pitakaw aka patdu a pakukut tu tamdaw aka pisafana a miala kanguduen ku mama atu ina isu yasanay han ningra,you know the commandments Do not murder do not commit adultery do not steal do not give false testimony do not defraud honor your father and mother,train +68441,68442,68442,2 Naitini i ˈOlic 3422 u sikawdan nu Kawas hanu caka marawraw tu mamapaekel nu matuleday a falucuˈ,from Psalm how do we see that Gods servants do not have to worry about being overwhelmed by feelings of guilt,train +68442,68443,68443,Mapawan kaku tu nu maku tata micakay kita,I do not have one either let us go buy one,train +68443,68444,68444,atu saremiʼad sananay a remadiw tu nikararum nu urip nira haw,Then when I feel sad I sing this song to vent my sorrow,train +68444,68445,68445,han nu kwaping,Chinese,train +68445,68446,68446,manikaway,the poor,train +68446,68447,68447,matefing tu nu was kaku,I have experienced special power from God,train +68447,68448,68448,maulah ciira a misalikaf tu tau,she likes to say bad things about people,train +68448,68449,68449,anini mitaisan naku u saka tusa tu a upang hanen,the second one I am knitting now is on its way to the next level,train +68449,68450,68450,langdaway,Blue,test +68450,68451,68451,caay kawu madayumay a misanga tu vuvu,it is not easy to make a fish trap,train +68451,68452,68452,caay ka ngalay cangra tu sakafanaaw tu Kawas Saka pakunira hantu nu Kawas ku nipituur nangra tu kaackan a falucu nangra a midmak tu caay ku dadmaken,Furthermore since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God he gave them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not to be done,train +68452,68453,68453,uranan kura u sapihinumaw,just to give them comfort,train +68453,68454,68454,suwal han nu ya mama niyam,I will report it to my father,train +68454,68455,68455,saka sepat a mihecaan a micudad itira haw,in fourth grade,train +68455,68456,68456,Mifangad ci mama tu talud i pahanaan,dad is pulling weeds in the garden,train +68456,68457,68457,cilah,Saltimba,train +68457,68458,68458,ya saasik sa kira,she is using a broom,train +68458,68459,68459,ci Yakup ku mama ni Yusif ci Yusif ku fainay ni Mariya ci Mariya ku mihufucay ci Yisan uya Kristu hananay,and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ,train +68459,68460,68460,ariri^,barn,test +68460,68461,68461,u Taiwan san kalakakitaan ku Taiwan mipacakay tu icep,and the Han people made a lot of money by planting betel nut trees,train +68461,68462,68462,awa ku sasaʼit,no scissors,train +68462,68463,68463,sacihemay sa ruma iratu ku hulu,there is rice but it is not the same as the Mukden,train +68463,68464,68464,u maudangay u mautitay u mirpetay a misimed tu tamdaw u misamangahay a sumuwal u pacfaay a pawacay atu miliyangay tu sulinay a sifana ku sakaira nu rikec,for adulterers and perverts for slave traders and liars and perjurers and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine,train +68464,68465,68465,itiyahu,previously,train +68465,68466,68466,milalat hatinien ku pilalat tu felac,Measurement measure the meters this way,train +68466,68467,68467,singsi niyam yu wawa,schools are often used by schoolchildren,train +68467,68468,68468,Misanu Amisan nu wama kami i luma,my father speaks the Amis language with us at home,train +68468,68469,68469,patengil tu kami kamengay,tell stories to your grandchildren,train +68469,68470,68470,cuwa ka piala kaku tu paysu,I do not have any money either,test +68470,68471,68471,taʼangayay ku nanum niya Palimeleng hananay itiya hu,there was a lot of water in the Peinan river at that time,train +68471,68472,68472,nengnenghan tu nira i aluman kiya takula kuya al al kuya alu,they saw many frogs in the river,train +68472,68473,68473,anu tayra i kungkuan haw,the distance from my house to school according to my walk,train +68473,68474,68474,macangalay,suspect that something is insufficient,train +68474,68475,68475,anu cay kasausi u ruma a kanatal kura,fishing on another Island,train +68475,68476,68476,Marafiyasay ku nanum i fakici nira kapah,the young mans bucket overflowed,train +68476,68477,68477,mafaking nu matuasay ku maesusay a kapah,the old man punished the young man who farted,train +68477,68478,68478,kaemang hu itini i Takaw haw,I was in Kaohsiung when I was a kid,train +68478,68479,68479,kapahay,the Harvest will get better and better,train +68479,68480,68480,i,in,test +68480,68481,68481,u malaheciay ci Pangcahay itiya malaʼayaway,at that time the first Amis settlements in,train +68481,68482,68482,sakuhawen pahipu han ngaʼayay,or add a little dried fish to make a nice soup,train +68482,68483,68483,maʼaraw ira ku dadipis,when he saw the cockroaches,train +68483,68484,68484,faciducidulan,bread forest,train +68484,68485,68485,caay ka u ningikiwan ku mahiraay,it is not a study,train +68485,68486,68486,ta caay ka u kangtang sanay hu,it is not that simple,train +68486,68487,68487,itiraay catu awaay tu kura ngangan,there is no name for it there anymore,train +68487,68488,68488,sadak sahu hatini katakaraw,it is just sprouted and it is so tall,train +68488,68489,68489,atek i ini u misimaway numita iraku liciw,maybe we have a governor here who cares about us,train +68489,68490,68490,hay itiyahu malapaliwpaliw i,originated from the past practice of mutual help in the rotation of labor,test +68490,68491,68491,yu milayap cangra tuya lifun i paculi cangra tuya tawki,when they received it they began to grumble against the landowner,train +68491,68492,68492,masadak ku manamanan kira,something is going to come out of that,train +68492,68493,68493,itiya i ira i finawlan ku ccay a micliay a tamdaw Singsiaw ngitangiten aku Kisu pauripenhu ku wawa aku u dengan a wawa aku cingra,a man in the crowd called out Teacher I beg you to look at my son for he is my only child,train +68493,68494,68494,hengangay a saytaw,carrots,train +68494,68495,68495,hanen aku ku wawa aku,that is how you teach your children,train +68495,68496,68496,ngaʼay yaca ira ku nu mita,it is great that the fishing Festival project will be completed soon,train +68496,68497,68497,Fursenan ku falucu nu tamdaw,the people are unresponsive,train +68497,68498,68498,atu u talud a mipurung,and mango grass knitting knots,train +68498,68499,68499,awaay tu ku tiihan nu falucu awaay tu saka raruman,my heart would not be sad my heart would not be broken,train +68499,68500,68500,dafak satu ira tu kiya ising,the doctor came to the bed the next day,test +68500,68501,68501,tangaʼsa itiya,until then,train +68501,68502,68502,hakenu u nipalalanan nu Kawas ku falucu aku,this is probably what God has guided me to do,train +68502,68503,68503,misuni,go play,train +68503,68504,68504,kararamud,become a couple,train +68504,68505,68505,Ngaay hu sapiacaan kaku tu kafung,Hello I would like to buy a hat,train +68505,68506,68506,samaanen ni Sawmah a tayra i kiwkay,how does Saomah go to church,train +68506,68507,68507,ya matuas matuas kaku,as I grew up,train +68507,68508,68508,Mansatu kuya kulung ita tayra hu kita san,dad says no ones feeding our cows so we have to go,train +68508,68509,68509,cacay tu a lipay a maciker kina luma,this house has been locked up for a week,train +68509,68510,68510,maherekay tu ni ina a misakalafi halikien a tayni kumaen,mom has cooked dinner come and eat,test +68510,68511,68511,awaay tu ku waʼay maanen han,no car means no legs,train +68511,68512,68512,Cedaah san kaku tu kareteng nu tatayalen,I am sighing from the stress of my job,train +68512,68513,68513,cememek,lower your head down,train +68513,68514,68514,Sienawaytu anini ku rumiad kacikafang a mahadak,it was a bit cold and you needed to wear a jacket when you went outside,train +68514,68515,68515,awaay ku tudung nu misu a kakaenen yu,No you do not,train +68515,68516,68516,maru satu kita u Amis a tamdaw Pangcah hananay,a settlement inhabited by the Amis our Aboriginal people,train +68516,68517,68517,maala,approximately,train +68517,68518,68518,itira ku salikaka ita kakaʼamiʼamisan,the south misses its northern kin,train +68518,68519,68519,karauul,dewy,train +68519,68520,68520,maurunay,I miss it,test +68520,68521,68521,upuuputu,it is in its stomach,train +68521,68522,68522,tingas,the thing stuck between the teeth,train +68522,68523,68523,hay lisi kiya wawa,Yes those little fry,train +68523,68524,68524,kulac,Nothing,train +68524,68525,68525,piepipenec,squash,train +68525,68526,68526,ku cefang niyam u kaput niyam pakalungay maulahay kami misalama tu suta,our classmates friends and peers of all ages love to play in the dirt,train +68526,68527,68527,ura hananay kura tayal nu maku,it is an economic survey,train +68527,68528,68528,mungi,wheat,train +68528,68529,68529,o mapatayay ci Lacarus u sanay ni Yis Nikawrira u pahanhanay a mafuti cingra u sanay ni Yis saan ku harateng nu nisawawaan,Jesus had been speaking of his death but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep,train +68529,68530,68530,o masangasaway ku Pangcah a finacadan,Aboriginal people are organized in families,test +68530,68531,68531,i tukaytu kuheni a maru a dademak a maramud a siwawa,they have settled worked married and had children in the city,train +68531,68532,68532,kaulatan,ambiguous,train +68532,68533,68533,ina u nu misu i,Mom what about you,train +68533,68534,68534,Nikawrira pasuwal sa ci Pitiru Ananiyasaw nawiru hai sa kisu a papisafanaen ni Satan ku falucu isu a papisamangah tu Fangcalay Adingu a miala a palanutireng tu pinapina nu aca nuya umah saw,then Peter said Ananias how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land,train +68534,68535,68535,remadiw cira tu rumaan a radiw iri,and he sang a different song,train +68535,68536,68536,haenen u nika siniada nu wama a Kawas namu ku nika siniada namu,be merciful just as your father is merciful,train +68536,68537,68537,kita satu u Cawi haw,about us,train +68537,68538,68538,Orasaka u nipalaccayan nu Kawas i aka palicinuwasen nu tamdaw han ningra,therefore what God has joined together let man not separate,train +68538,68539,68539,yu,when,train +68539,68540,68540,yatayra i miculu lilid han tu nuya ciwlu,the elders went to the harbor to bring it in,test +68540,68541,68541,as awaay ku ha ʼuraʼuradan,Whoa whoa whoa whoa not a hint of rain,train +68541,68542,68542,pakalifetay,through,train +68542,68543,68543,u rikuran tu nu hiya dademak,start working after that,train +68543,68544,68544,nusa,why,train +68544,68545,68545,Patedu san watah manguta kuya taladaw yu,it is so arbitrary that the water in the Xiuguluan river is so fast and turbid,train +68545,68546,68546,hay u sarikuray tu a suwal aku i,Well the last thing I want to say is,train +68546,68547,68547,micakayay tu kaku tiya man han kiya hananay kiya u saka madiw,I bought a record player,train +68547,68548,68548,u mahiraay vuhecalay a tevus,it is this sugarcane,train +68548,68549,68549,sasangaʼen isu i u kafung u ruma ku,what are you going to do or a hat or something,train +68549,68550,68550,Suʼelinay ira ku mangalayay mafana tu nika na makacuwaay ku niyaru nu mita,Indeed there are those who would like to know where our tribe came from,test +68550,68551,68551,anu tulu a pulu an tusa pulu,or maybe or,train +68551,68552,68552,u maan saw ku sapicengel sa iri,what do you dye it with,train +68552,68553,68553,sakacecay,the first one,train +68553,68554,68554,mamirmiray,trembling,train +68554,68555,68555,ira ku ccay a tamdaw ci Yusif hananay a lumaucay o ngaayay u mu^celay a tamdaw cingra,but all those who knew him including the women who had followed him from Galilee stood at a distance watching these things,train +68555,68556,68556,mata ngaʼayay tura wawa tuni mafanafana a san,I will say This young man can be taught,train +68556,68557,68557,Maseneng kaku,I feel threatened by his ability I feel panic from heights,train +68557,68558,68558,tayratayra i taluʼan,we are walking to the hut,train +68558,68559,68559,nu misu kapah,a beautiful life of your own,train +68559,68560,68560,o maan saw pakayni tuanu micudad mafana a micudad haw,I can only say that when one is studying one has to be motivated,test +68560,68561,68561,cecayay ya maʼaraway aku kiya hatiraay,that is the only one I have seen,train +68561,68562,68562,talumiʼad nu mira tahira i sepat tuki,the surgery lasted until about in the afternoon,train +68562,68563,68563,anu hacuwa patikul kisu tu tilid i takuwanan,when are you going to return my book,train +68563,68564,68564,reci^,diary,train +68564,68565,68565,ku cavay,friends and family,train +68565,68566,68566,natayni tu,have been here before,train +68566,68567,68567,naʼay kaku kumaen,I am not eating it,train +68567,68568,68568,Papiceleden ni ina ci mama tu niketusan a hafay,mom instructed dad to tie up the ears of millet that had been harvested,train +68568,68569,68569,matalaway kaku tu adeteng nu facidul,I am terrified of breadfruit tree slime,train +68569,68570,68570,kuretu,yam,test +68570,68571,68571,ci Mayaw ku ngangan ni ama aku,my dads name is Mayaw,train +68571,68572,68572,mahaen nu niyam yara atpiingan,just like ours over there,train +68572,68573,68573,i yai,No,train +68573,68574,68574,patihien tu aku kura ina aku ci tayra i,I accompanied my mother to Mizuho,train +68574,68575,68575,Hay nawhan i mituur tu tu lisin,will because that is part of following the Sacrifice,train +68575,68576,68576,fakung,stinging crab flower,train +68576,68577,68577,itiya milicay kaku tu wina nu maku,when I was born,train +68577,68578,68578,patalakadac,add basket,train +68578,68579,68579,takaraw ku adiping nira fainayan a ayam,that rooster has a very high crown,train +68579,68580,68580,cecay a lipay padeteng maanen namu samaanen saan haw i i tiya haw i,and to identify it on a cycle basis,test +68580,68581,68581,anu hatira i ikapulungay ku ayaw san,if that is the case the meeting should be held first,train +68581,68582,68582,O hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw kunini saan ku nitilidan a paya i fafaed ni Yis,there was a written notice above him which read this is the king of the JEWS,train +68582,68583,68583,o kefeng sanay ku lalan niyam,our roads are full of potholes,train +68583,68584,68584,iraay ci fufu i luma han,is grandfather at home,train +68584,68585,68585,nu kaku u safa,I am a sister who is lost her mind,train +68585,68586,68586,dengay,do,train +68586,68587,68587,matumesek,finalize,train +68587,68588,68588,anu misiayaw ku cirut ngaʼayay ku rakat ita anini sa ku matuʼasay kiya,old people used to say that if the bird is facing you today will be a good day,train +68588,68589,68589,unduen,to exercise,train +68589,68590,68590,faki,fathers younger brother,test +68590,68591,68591,sangaʼay sa kami tina Hulam a malahanghang,we became good friends with that provincial,train +68591,68592,68592,caykafuti kaku tu dadaya mihirateng,I cannot sleep at night because of this,train +68592,68593,68593,kiemar timer timer suwal nu Pangcah hay,cherish the language of the Aborigines which is different from that of Ma Ma,train +68593,68594,68594,tumrep a mitu saay san,Regretting why you took a break halfway through,train +68594,68595,68595,ira ku kaway,Corporate governance,train +68595,68596,68596,masacakafau,no moths,train +68596,68597,68597,u remes niya futing ha niya titi,it is fish blood Oh flesh blood,train +68597,68598,68598,kalimelaan,you have to love it,train +68598,68599,68599,tesen nu pakaenay tu rarapa ku rarapa,the cowherd will whip the cows and run,train +68599,68600,68600,a an ira ku lawad nira mipadang i tauan,if he has time to spare he will help others,test +68600,68601,68601,hamaman a mitawal ku mita misaʼAmisay yaca,let us not forget what it means to be Amis,train +68601,68602,68602,urasa i caay katawal ku nu Amis,that is why I will not forget Amis until now,train +68602,68603,68603,nu heni tu suwal i takuwanan,about their learning of our language,train +68603,68604,68604,haen sanay ku tayal aku anini,here is how things are organized now,train +68604,68605,68605,misuayaw,face to face,train +68605,68606,68606,u ninian a mikilim tu katayalan nawhan itiraan haw i,because I found a job there,train +68606,68607,68607,liyad,lesson,train +68607,68608,68608,o nima kuna impaic,whose pen is it,train +68608,68609,68609,malecacay tu ku demak nu niyaru itiya hu,things were going well for the tribe back then,train +68609,68610,68610,saka tulu a remiʼad,third day,test +68610,68611,68611,tuya cecay mihecaan na cecay i sakapina a fulad,Yes what month does it happen once a year,train +68611,68612,68612,hay cahu ka nga katatiʼih ku iya,Right it is not lucky yet,train +68612,68613,68613,tu nika haenen ku likakawa yasanay a niketunan nu tuʼas i,and the norms of the cultural traditions of the tribe as a whole,train +68613,68614,68614,sisa tangasa anini mahaen tu mapapaini kita i tini a niyaru kapah tu sasakapah nu niyaru nu mita saan kaku haw tangasa ku mahaʼenay ku pikuwan nu mita,this is why such a good tradition has been maintained to this day and it is an important example to be passed on to the next generation of the tribe,train +68614,68615,68615,ucekuy,bow the head,train +68615,68616,68616,a initu kiya,here we are,train +68616,68617,68617,militemuh,greet,train +68617,68618,68618,mahaen ku urip niyam i ayaw,in the early days we lived like this,train +68618,68619,68619,alengel,miserable,train +68619,68620,68620,Cefus han ni Mayaw kaku a miupic tu fuduy,Mayaw splashed water on my clothes soaking wet,test +68620,68621,68621,ya nika maumah han tu hiya tu tali,the field where the taro was planted,train +68621,68622,68622,kananam,habits,train +68622,68623,68623,hatira aca hatiraen aca,that is good that is it,train +68623,68624,68624,ira ku panay,there is rice,train +68624,68625,68625,mafanaʼay tu ku falucu ita misaharatengrateng tu maamaan,we will be able to do the same thing with other things,train +68625,68626,68626,han tu awaay tu a taluma,he did not come back,train +68626,68627,68627,kanca ira ku pakerid,the family taking it with them,train +68627,68628,68628,malasingsi tu kaku,became a teacher of the ethnic language,train +68628,68629,68629,celedan,bundle of units,train +68629,68630,68630,o singsi aku cingra ci Piday cingra,he is my teacher Piday,test +68630,68631,68631,itiniay cangra masufuc kira,they were born here and live here,train +68631,68632,68632,tu suwal nu Amis i,speak Amis,train +68632,68633,68633,Ngaayhu kita mapulung keriden nu singsi kita anini a tayra i pisalamluan a umah,hello everyone today I will take you to work in the millet field,train +68633,68634,68634,Mainap ku salikaka ni Yusif cingraan saka pacakayen nangra cingra ta mapatayra cingra i Icip Nikawrira mikaput ku Kawas i cingraan,Because the patriarchs were jealous of Joseph they sold him as a slave into Egypt but God was with him,train +68634,68635,68635,peleng,crusher,train +68635,68636,68636,natarakaw ku bunak,the sand is high,train +68636,68637,68637,mahaenay ku urip,that is life,train +68637,68638,68638,saka mangaaytu tayra san,so you can go there to fish,train +68638,68639,68639,itira tu tiya ka seliʼan a pahatalay,the place that is been flattened by the mudslide,train +68639,68640,68640,rihateng san kaku,I am thinking,test +68640,68641,68641,u katalawan i,the most frightening thing is that,train +68641,68642,68642,Makawaliay a lalan ku rakaten,take the east road,train +68642,68643,68643,aluman ku kaikuray haw i maʼinap mikaliʼang i tisuwanan,because a lot of people will be jealous and hurt you back there,train +68643,68644,68644,teker,stone trap,train +68644,68645,68645,mamaanay kisu,what is wrong,train +68645,68646,68646,kemaen tina heci nina verus iri,after eating the fruits of the saltish,train +68646,68647,68647,Mafana haca kaku a mipadang mifanaw tu kaysing tu sala atu alapit,I also help to wash dishes and chopsticks,train +68647,68648,68648,o paysu nira,it is his money,train +68648,68649,68649,sankusuwal,at that time I heard that,train +68649,68650,68650,Hai anu hakuwaay tu ya fana aku minukay a paradiw panucay sapatengil i niyaru,Yes I am I will return home to sing and give back to the tribe what I have learned,test +68650,68651,68651,pisakilac,split,train +68651,68652,68652,maerus maiya ku kapah maemin a,it means the young people will be fine,train +68652,68653,68653,caay ka fana kamu saw tu nika u micumuday i nguyus a maamaan i talatiyad ta mafalah i tatayian kiya saw,Do not you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body,train +68653,68654,68654,pisaparukan,quilt makers,train +68654,68655,68655,yasan na mifaway naʼay pakacuwaen ku lalan san cayka matini inian,when the contractor saw this he thought there was no way out but it was not the case at that time,train +68655,68656,68656,ci ina niyam ku mikiwiku i tamiyanan,our mothers are responsible for educating us,train +68656,68657,68657,parihadayen,let there be peace,train +68657,68658,68658,o rumasatu Halu i taliyukay nu Yirusalim a niyaruaru a miraud a patayra i ca Pitiruan tu adadaay atu mapasemsemay nu kaackan a adingu maadah cangra a ma^min,crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem bringing their sick and those tormented by evil spirits and all of them were healed,train +68658,68659,68659,matiya,regardless of,train +68659,68660,68660,o kaka isu cira haw,is she your elder sister,test +68660,68661,68661,caay karanikay a mipanay saka ituh sa tu ku panay,harvesting is too late so the ears of rice are beyond Harvest time,train +68661,68662,68662,anu taʼangay a futing i,if it is a big fish,train +68662,68663,68663,anu ira aca ku tuwid a mingata palatelaʼen tu,Trigger the bird chaser when a bird approaches,train +68663,68664,68664,leday saan kira,I cannot stop flowing,train +68664,68665,68665,maaides,competition,train +68665,68666,68666,maliyangay,disobedience,train +68666,68667,68667,papicukapen,call wear shoes,train +68667,68668,68668,u sasuwalen nu mita,Today what we call,train +68668,68669,68669,simsim,think,train +68669,68670,68670,masaikaikayay a su^da,Hail,test +68670,68671,68671,cengu satu tapangan tini cengu ningra fadiw han,the haystack rhizome grows into a Cluster of small plants expanding continuously,train +68671,68672,68672,pasuwal sa ci mamu adihayay tu ku mitangtangan tahidangen tu ku alumanay a mitahka,grandma said that she has cooked so much so let us eat together,train +68672,68673,68673,suelinay tu ku talaʼayaway hu a tireng,it is not bad for a young mans physical strength,train +68673,68674,68674,muetep ira ku tusa,twelve,train +68674,68675,68675,o kafaedetan a pahanhanan minukayay tayra i niyaru kami,we will all go back to the tribe during the summer vacation,train +68675,68676,68676,o kuhetihetingay aca ku cengel nura kiradum,the color of that fabric was originally black,train +68676,68677,68677,narikuran nu patelucay tu luma,after the house is completed,train +68677,68678,68678,fay nimaan tu ya makafah ri,Wow what are we going to do now it is still new,train +68678,68679,68679,Cakaedeng,not enough,train +68679,68680,68680,tuya palulul ningra misanga tu fadahung i matefaday makunkun,he fell off the roof while repairing it,test +68680,68681,68681,nu singsi^ kiraan a kahngangay a cudad,the red book is the teachers,train +68681,68682,68682,acufel,smoke,train +68682,68683,68683,adadaay ku tiyad nira itiraay i tataiyen cira,she has a stomachache she is in the restroom,train +68683,68684,68684,luuluuhan,banana garden,train +68684,68685,68685,herek satu i micudad,after finishing elementary school,train +68685,68686,68686,misasulipaay,slippers,train +68686,68687,68687,sanay nu mita u Pangcah,that is what we Amis say,train +68687,68688,68688,langtuen,burnt to a charcoal,train +68688,68689,68689,cukuy,hang ones head,train +68689,68690,68690,mafana kuna Yincumin mi,the Aborigines are very good at visual inspection,test +68690,68691,68691,tahira i fatad kunini a wawa ira ku saka lalitemuh nira a ccay a fafahiyan a wawa tu mikulisiway,Halfway the child met a girl who rode a bike,train +68691,68692,68692,fs nika u u suwal nara matiya tu pasawal i misiking saku,So Yulis dialect belongs to eastern Ami so you could not understand it in the Chubu test,train +68692,68693,68693,ura itiya hu iraay ku renren kiya haw,there was an earthquake earlier,train +68693,68694,68694,i aikur nu saka tusa a sapalaed a kiradum i ira ku ccay a rawang a Taluan o Safangcalay a kaitiraan han kunini,behind the second curtain was a room called the most Holy Place,train +68694,68695,68695,aka ka lipalaw nu misafitay a suwal kamu o matiniay a dmak ku sakakter nu Kawas tu caay pituur cingraan a tamdaw,let no one deceive you with empty words for because of such things Gods wrath comes on those who are disobedient,train +68695,68696,68696,yu maru ci Yis i Olif a lutuk a pasayra i Fangcalay Pitaungan i dukduk sa ca Pitiru aci Yakup aci Yuhani aci Antiri a milicay i ci Yisan,as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple Peter James John and Andrew asked him privately,train +68696,68697,68697,cecay a kilang i,it is just a big log,train +68697,68698,68698,ha ha ha u mamitama kakuwan ri,ha ha ha it was supposed to hit me,train +68698,68699,68699,pinukay,I do not get to go back,train +68699,68700,68700,ura makalu ku cukis,Gui bamboo for rafters,test +68700,68701,68701,tangsul mitakud ku matiniay,we need to be there right away,train +68701,68702,68702,Pakakuliciw,Bicycling,train +68702,68703,68703,nu Pangcah aluman ku,in the field of Amis languages,train +68703,68704,68704,Masiac ku nanum nu alu,the river is dried up,train +68704,68705,68705,singaen tu remiad,put it away during the day,train +68705,68706,68706,Maaraw ni Yis ku nika tumireng nu ina ningra atu kaulahan ningra a nisawawaan itira Saka pasuwalsa tu ina Ningra Inaaw u wawa isu kunini han ningra,when Jesus saw his mother there and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby he said to his mother Dear woman here is your son,train +68706,68707,68707,cai tu kau maminukanukay kita a tala ayaw masarumaay tu a maemin,there is no going back Everythings changing,train +68707,68708,68708,Suˈlinay a cipinang cingra tu kalimelaan a saˈusi ku micadaay tu inuˈ han,does she really understand that baptism is a serious decision,train +68708,68709,68709,eduk,wild strawberry,train +68709,68710,68710,paytemek samitatuy,to each his own,test +68710,68711,68711,haca,then,train +68711,68712,68712,ha ha ha,halala,train +68712,68713,68713,Itiyasatu pasuwal ci Yis i cangraan Anini a dadaya u mamilaliw kamu a ma^min i Takuwanan nawhani Paluen Aku ku pakaenay tu siri ta maliwasak ku kasaflaw nu siri saan a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad,then Jesus told them This very night you will all fall away on account of me for it is written I will strike the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will be scattered,train +68713,68714,68714,aacaen,what to buy,train +68714,68715,68715,i cuwaay ku mingataay tu pikalican tu cieying a Paliding,where is the nearest MRT station,train +68715,68716,68716,pacakay hatu nu Pangcah patiyamay,now the clan is selling them,train +68716,68717,68717,a kinalima ku laing nu riyar,waves,train +68717,68718,68718,micadaay tu Inuˈ o Tatuuren nu Krisciyang a palinian,baptism is necessary to become a Christian,train +68718,68719,68719,kami tu anini cahu ka hakuwa kuna tuʼas aku,now it is our turn though I am not so old now,train +68719,68720,68720,patakus,newspaper,test +68720,68721,68721,nukay tu kaku i,I am going back,train +68721,68722,68722,u satarakaway a lutuk nu Taywan ku Isan,the tallest mountain in Taiwan is Jade Mountain,train +68722,68723,68723,makapah adidemay a,you look beautiful it is beautiful it is a mulberry tree,train +68723,68724,68724,yu tiniay aca fafakian haw,and the elders,train +68724,68725,68725,Sitaekuk tu a parakat tu utupay,always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle,train +68725,68726,68726,sanay hatira sanay muʼetepay a miheca,that is it ten years,train +68726,68727,68727,niyaru nu Cikasuwan,Chikagawa tribe,train +68727,68728,68728,u sataʼis nira haw,what about the mending,train +68728,68729,68729,limaen,to five,train +68729,68730,68730,ta dakaw satu cangra tu tamina i trep satu ku fali,and when they climbed into the boat the wind died down,test +68730,68731,68731,sipaysuay,Rich,train +68731,68732,68732,maungang,slow witted,train +68732,68733,68733,hasalahuk ita sanay,for our lunch,train +68733,68734,68734,caay tu kalecad tu nu aniniay tu adiwawa,not like the kids today,train +68734,68735,68735,lahdaw satu ku kanatal a ma^min lahdaw satu ku lutulutuk,every Island fled away and the mountains could not be found,train +68735,68736,68736,duedu satu,then,train +68736,68737,68737,Camul hatu nu mita a mikaput a makeru,we will just join in and dance together,train +68737,68738,68738,cikaka,Brother sister,train +68738,68739,68739,sawni tu kaku a misawsaw,I will wash my hands later,train +68739,68740,68740,onini i u nika lahci nu suwal nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya O tinaku ku sapasuwal Aku i cangraan u papasuwal Kaku i cangraan tu nanu masimeday a dmak nai satapangan nu hkal sanay,so was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet I will open my mouth in parables I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world,test +68740,68741,68741,Parekuhen ku paliding nu misu i lawac nu lalan,stop your vehicle at the curb,train +68741,68742,68742,u fali ku mamiʼican kura tamud,use the wind to dry out the yeast,train +68742,68743,68743,mahemekay,I am glad,train +68743,68744,68744,ku malitengay mifadisawan nira,the elders are great they will iron it first,train +68744,68745,68745,malaliw,Away slipped away,train +68745,68746,68746,nanay narikay a maaraw nu maku,I want to see them right away,train +68746,68747,68747,cingihaay,it is audible,train +68747,68748,68748,nairatu ku ilisin ira ku maan itiyahu awaayhu,there is never been a Bountiful years Festival or a grand Festival,train +68748,68749,68749,tatusa ku ayaw aku malakayciw,I had two jobs running churches before me,train +68749,68750,68750,mavana kisu nei haw,you are good at it,test +68750,68751,68751,Funut han ni ina ku salipanay,mom pulled up the tares,train +68751,68752,68752,o ngaayay a kakaenen ku sapafcul ningra tu macahiway a tamdaw Pawakawaken ningra a panukay ku cidafungay a tamdaw,he has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty,train +68752,68753,68753,hasara u babahi ku takusen niyam a mikuli,that is why we call girls to work,train +68753,68754,68754,ri lipahak sakaku maʼiray kaku,I was very happy at that moment I was proud of myself,train +68754,68755,68755,matadipuhaw,loss of vision,train +68755,68756,68756,makat tangsa i Taytu,walking to Taitung,train +68756,68757,68757,rarid sanay kaku a matira haw,do I always do that,train +68757,68758,68758,pasiket han ku rarapa i cilis,tie the cows to the stream,train +68758,68759,68759,makapah ku rumiad tuya rumiad cuwa ku mamaurad,it will have no rain and be sunny that day,train +68759,68760,68760,o nima a impic kuni,whose pen is it,test +68760,68761,68761,sarakarakat sananay kisu,you are a walker,train +68761,68762,68762,mangalay kaku a kalamkam a mavana,I wish I could learn it quickly,train +68762,68763,68763,kaku cecay ku misafalucuʼay miharatengay,it is all up to you,train +68763,68764,68764,caay pikihatiya kita kira u wawa itiyahu,we did not go when we were kids,train +68764,68765,68765,itira tu i salawacan tu nu niyaru a mawmah cira,he came to farm on the outskirts of the tribe,train +68765,68766,68766,tayraw i Ku Fu Ni Ci Kuwang ha ha ha,I am going to Father you take care of it ha ha ha,train +68766,68767,68767,o ulah i u kudaitay u karasiniadaay caay ka inap caay pasneng a misatakaraw ku falucu,love is patient love is kind it does not envy it does not boast it is not proud,train +68767,68768,68768,ini laledled sananay ku dateng sananay ku dateng nina wina,I have got a lot of vegetables here that I have been growing over and over again,train +68768,68769,68769,mangayaway,affected by the war,train +68769,68770,68770,ku rumiʼad pihiyaan isu kunian i,how many days do you need for this,test +68770,68771,68771,unini u cufu,this is a clay pot,train +68771,68772,68772,pina tu ku mihecaan nu kaka isu tu fainayan anini,how old is your elder brother,train +68772,68773,68773,anu mapawan kita tu suwal nu mita,if you forget your own language,train +68773,68774,68774,urad,raining,train +68774,68775,68775,o fadahungen tura penen,cover the reeds,train +68775,68776,68776,hatiraay ku nu maku matengilay tu suwal nu malitengay hu,just as I heard from the elders,train +68776,68777,68777,cuwa,no,train +68777,68778,68778,anu hatira ngaʼay tu pasifanaʼen aku kamu,if that is the case I will teach you,train +68778,68779,68779,arikak,earthworm,train +68779,68780,68780,pihaceng,seriousness,test +68780,68781,68781,ta ta mipawmin,sign up,train +68781,68782,68782,Micipuh tu pising kura ama ta talakiyukay a milihay,the grandmother went to church after putting on her make up,train +68782,68783,68783,mamafulaw atu taylik atu mamaan san kira,we are going to war with the mainland,train +68783,68784,68784,o ruma tamdaw cuwa ka tanektek a midupu ci Yihufaan aka a mafiyur nangra kita,there are those who do not stand up for the LORD let us not be influenced by them,train +68784,68785,68785,karengus sanay nifaliway tu rengus kaku micefus hu ansawni,there is too much grass I am cutting it I will have to water it later,train +68785,68786,68786,pakatumayien,let go to the toilet,train +68786,68787,68787,a ha ha,Oh yeah yeah,train +68787,68788,68788,masanga tu acucul makapah kuni,this would make a beautiful gyro,train +68788,68789,68789,saka ngaʼay nu urip i sinkakuin nai tini i sinkakuin i tangsa i ku pitilid nu maku,my life at the seminary from the beginning to years of schooling,train +68789,68790,68790,Simpu,father,test +68790,68791,68791,araw matuʼas,ageing,train +68791,68792,68792,sa mahaen ku demak itiya,this is what happened,train +68792,68793,68793,macidalay,clear sky,train +68793,68794,68794,anu ira ku maan haw i,if there are any difficulties,train +68794,68795,68795,neng han kura a wawa,look at the kid,train +68795,68796,68796,i tuas nu mita,to the ancestors,train +68796,68797,68797,pasevana tunu pinaurip pinalangaw a mauripay pasevana a miadup atu mivuting atu tuud nu sakaurip,learn about plants and animals hunting and fishing in the mountains and survival skills,train +68797,68798,68798,tuna Cawi hananay tu kapah niyam,youth of the Jeongpo tribe,train +68798,68799,68799,na culal awaay i ayaw itini Kuwang fu,western food has not been restored before,train +68799,68800,68800,Cilifun ku mipanayay a tamdaw Misaupu cingra tu kinaira tu sakaciurip nu tamdaw tu midaucay urip ta mapulung ku mifulsakay atu mipanayay a lipahak,even now the reaper draws his wages even now he harvests the crop for eternal life so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together,test +68800,68801,68801,paherek kami i i sasera tu nuya umah,the downstream terminus is a long way down in the field,train +68801,68802,68802,Ngaay tu patungal han pafeli kaku tu tusa a limaay rimuud,it is okay you can give me two more fives,train +68802,68803,68803,adada^,Friction pain,train +68803,68804,68804,iraay tu,Yes I do,train +68804,68805,68805,ci hiya sa ku,this is a member of the past Clan,train +68805,68806,68806,sadaken ku tilid,please take out your textbook,train +68806,68807,68807,u namakalaay kami i Kilan a mavulaw a tangasaay itini iri,we moved here from Yilan,train +68807,68808,68808,mahan ku varu nira kiyami haw,its flowers look like this,train +68808,68809,68809,nawhani u caay pilahci a tamdaw tu nitngilan ningra a suwal i matiya u midadinguay tu facu nu pising nu tireng,do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves do what it says,train +68809,68810,68810,i Taypak ku pisakulian ni mama,the place where dad does his work is in Taipei,test +68810,68811,68811,o sufitay cingra,she is a soldier,train +68811,68812,68812,tulu tu a malatumuk,there used to be three leaders,train +68812,68813,68813,Kawra u kalimelaan a kimad ku mamiliyaw maˈurip wa saan kisu a minengneng Halu patenak i tamdaw han,but do you see the resurrection as an important truth and share it with others,train +68813,68814,68814,Mipiyi tu mamalasingsi^ tu kisu saan ku suwal a matengil,I heard you are graduating and you are going to be a teacher,train +68814,68815,68815,mafana kisu haw,you too you know what,train +68815,68816,68816,u muhtingay a min,it is all black,train +68816,68817,68817,alikatu han aku tu cafay aku paini nira tu ira ku mahanay tu picudadan,thanks to my husband who said that having such a course,train +68817,68818,68818,o satadamaanay namu i ka u mamatayal namu,the greatest among you will be your servant,train +68818,68819,68819,satu ku suwal sa,that is all,train +68819,68820,68820,macangal tu futi,not enough sleep,test +68820,68821,68821,u ruma tu a maanen a palamlamen,also how to join,train +68821,68822,68822,tu sakaytini i patireng tu hantui,language revitalization and matters Arising from the Council,train +68822,68823,68823,i kawali nu luma niyam ira ku kilang,there is a tree east of our house,train +68823,68824,68824,sakawiliay ku demak,to be out of step awkward,train +68824,68825,68825,masuni tu ku Piyakung saka tuemanan tu,it is going to be dark and the robins are calling,train +68825,68826,68826,halupiʼadupan ira u han nu Kuwaping kuranan kira tahanini ku caciyaw ira,in Chinese the hunting area is called the burning Ground,train +68826,68827,68827,rimurak,celebration,train +68827,68828,68828,mihifang,vacation,train +68828,68829,68829,ci mamaulahay tu ci Ofak niy,Ufak is in love,train +68829,68830,68830,Lingwa han nima kisu takuwanan,who asked you to care about me,test +68830,68831,68831,taynihu kaku hamaan,two weeks is enough I am coming back No you just take this,train +68831,68832,68832,mararid a tayra kami i picudadan a mimali,we often play soccer at the school,train +68832,68833,68833,saka unini mapatayni i Taywan itiya haw,this entered Taiwan in,train +68833,68834,68834,ka u Fangcalay a kacacucup ku sakalalitmuh namu a malalicalicay atu salikaka a ma^min,greet all the brothers with a Holy kiss,train +68834,68835,68835,u maʼuripay tu a suna kuni,it is the only one of the children still alive,train +68835,68836,68836,man ku nu Amis a rumiʼad kura,so what day do we Amis choose,train +68836,68837,68837,Saka makalah kaku tu sapanukayaw cingraan i tamuwanan ta lipahak kamu a makakaaraw atu cingra onini i ngaay maluwan ku rarum nu falucu aku,therefore I am all the more eager to send him so that when you see him again you may be glad and I may have less anxiety,train +68837,68838,68838,i saʼayaw i maecaday kura katayraan,did you go to the same place earlier,train +68838,68839,68839,a maemin tu a matuas kunini wawa lalima ku wawa aku,my children are all grown up I have five children,train +68839,68840,68840,mavanavana hakiya,how could I,test +68840,68841,68841,ta anu ira kuya maan nira ta matini malecad tamatini yi u sa kiya sakeru nuya itiya hu,and then if there is a special event the Wizards dance is this with the hands swinging up and down,train +68841,68842,68842,anu kaliki ma^deng hu cikay hantu aku,if it is fast maybe it is okay I will go get it,train +68842,68843,68843,a nu tuʼas haw i awa caayhu ka amutu ku lalan,there were no concrete roads when our ancestors lived there,train +68843,68844,68844,ta anu miliyaw kaku a tayra i tamuwanan a mikaput i matungal ku nika lataang namu i takuwanan pakayni i nika laccay namu aci Yis Kristu,so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me,train +68844,68845,68845,ku pilipayci tiya hu tu pisiyakay sa,salary of the jobholder,train +68845,68846,68846,nanuwang,shaken,train +68846,68847,68847,malalikid,Harvest Festival,train +68847,68848,68848,cuwa kaurad nu hatini mamaurad i ikur nu lahuk sidinay tu anu mahadak,it is not raining now but it will be rainy in the afternoon so you need to bring an umbrella when you go out,train +68848,68849,68849,rangi,homologous,train +68849,68850,68850,patiyamay,people who open a business,test +68850,68851,68851,awaay ku sasasimsiman,no worries,train +68851,68852,68852,o usaw nu kinarigu kuni a falah,the wood burns down to ashes,train +68852,68853,68853,u vavahi iri misakeru paimung aca tu keru,what about the girls they are not just dancing they are doing another show,train +68853,68854,68854,paciciren,installation of bamboo water bridge,train +68854,68855,68855,cuwa ka cecay aca ku nani Palidaway,not a clan that migrated from Hengchun,train +68855,68856,68856,ANINI pakayni tu ˈalumanay a tamdaw u payci ku masaka limlaan nangra,for many people today money is very important,train +68856,68857,68857,icuwaay ku wama isu,where is your father,train +68857,68858,68858,Sulinay u mahaenay itu ku pipawacay ni Yis Kristu i kaayaw ni Puntius Pilatuan tu ngaayay a patalahkal Saka i kaayaw nu pauripay tu maamaan a Kawas atu ci Yisan kaku a palimuut i tisuwanan,in the sight of God who gives life to everything and of Christ Jesus who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession I charge you,train +68858,68859,68859,siwkayen aku ku widang tayni a miaca mangaay a saka^meden haw,I will introduce my friend to buy can you give a further discount,train +68859,68860,68860,kacyang san di marihateng isu,I said Mom do you remember,test +68860,68861,68861,u maan ka ngalayan,demand driven,train +68861,68862,68862,makayni i Ciwidiyan remakat tayni i Kalinku,from Shuilian to Hualien,train +68862,68863,68863,tahira tu i hekal kaku saan kira hay,I am going ashore as soon as I am done collecting,train +68863,68864,68864,Ina mangerutu kisu,Mom you worked hard,train +68864,68865,68865,o mamalaada nu tamdaw ku paru nu luma ningra,a mans enemies will be the members of his own household,train +68865,68866,68866,maalulay,against the water,train +68866,68867,68867,w^iru tenged kisu,why did you stay so long,train +68867,68868,68868,na mahaen,here is the deal,train +68868,68869,68869,sefi,activity center,train +68869,68870,68870,nipalihafan,news,test +68870,68871,68871,ya wawa sai cima katihi nira,and who are our children to be his companions,train +68871,68872,68872,ci ama nu maku haw,where is my dad,train +68872,68873,68873,itiya i ira ku ngiha nai kakarayan suwal sa O kakaulahan Aku a Wawa Kisu u kakahmekan Aku Kisu saan,and a voice came from heaven You are my Son whom I love with you I am well pleased,train +68873,68874,68874,sa ira ku matuasay lipahak saku falucu,it makes me happy when I see elders visiting me,train +68874,68875,68875,tura malupahecekan tu kilang,a stick to stick in the ground,train +68875,68876,68876,u mahaenay kiniyan,that is it,train +68876,68877,68877,nanumamang ku tayl aku haw i,I have been working since I was a kid,train +68877,68878,68878,ikur i mitilid kaku itini sinkakuin,then I went to seminary,train +68878,68879,68879,suut,hundred,train +68879,68880,68880,kuhecalay kiya,it is white,test +68880,68881,68881,ngaayay tu,just fine it is okay,train +68881,68882,68882,hatini caay kadadahal,it is just not wide enough,train +68882,68883,68883,katalawan hay,it is really scary,train +68883,68884,68884,apulaw,mound,train +68884,68885,68885,Tulu^ tu falud ku usaw emin han miala^ ari,there are three left all for you,train +68885,68886,68886,maamaan han tu kiya kaʼamisay kiya alumanay itiya i,there were a lot of northern communities in those days,train +68886,68887,68887,katayra a mihulul i tira,never go to the mountains alone,train +68887,68888,68888,misu,your,train +68888,68889,68889,Anini^ palimu^ han tu a palacecay ku pakumud atu pakeras,merged pakomod and papers into palm today ^,train +68889,68890,68890,nanu itiya hu,from before,test +68890,68891,68891,cayi tu iraan sa ri,No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No,train +68891,68892,68892,cuwa ka pina kura picudadan aluman kira kura wawa maemin,there are not many schools so there are a lot of students,train +68892,68893,68893,malaheci tu ita ku demak,we are done,train +68893,68894,68894,Tueman ku kakarayan,the sky is dark,train +68894,68895,68895,mifutek,close,train +68895,68896,68896,pakafanaʼay takuwanan i tiniay i,one of my instructors,train +68896,68897,68897,Matulu,lost,train +68897,68898,68898,o cepu nu kengkeng kunini,this is the end of the ditch,train +68898,68899,68899,o niditditan ni mama aku a maumah kira lutuk,that mountain was cultivated by my father little by little,train +68899,68900,68900,pakeen tu tu kuku,I am going to feed the chickens,test +68900,68901,68901,mirepet tu mariangay mitakaway malasangay a parakat tu tusiya atu misaefitay,catch vandals thieves drunk drivers and fraudsters,train +68901,68902,68902,u maan ku tatudung a patireng tu Siy Hway sa,he did not realize that it would be better to set up an association,train +68902,68903,68903,o nicenuan nu wacu kira nanum i mintangay,the water in that basin was dipped in by a dog,train +68903,68904,68904,Saka patangic han nangra ci Yis a mifuut Pilafin i tamiyanan nawhani u pisakalafiantu ku rumiad Miclemtu ku cidal han nangra Saka cumud satu ci Yis i luma a sapilafinan,but they urged him strongly Stay with us for it is nearly evening the day is almost over so he went in to stay with them,train +68904,68905,68905,hay fila atu icep ladeken hatini ini,it is just betel nut and beetle leaves like this,train +68905,68906,68906,tavukud han nu matuasay pasalil han tu adihay tu ku niala,the old man catches a lot of fish when he casts his net,train +68906,68907,68907,o aahuwiden ita ku wama a Kawas nu Tapang a Yis Kristu nawhani pakaynien nu Kawas i nika laccay ita aci Kristu ku pipaini titaanan tu i kakarayanay a masamaamaanay a nu adinguan a sapakalmed,praise be to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ,train +68907,68908,68908,ni Angah Alimulu ku finawlan,it was Anakin Ali who informed the clan,train +68908,68909,68909,patayniyan i telay haw,make a phone call,train +68909,68910,68910,malacafay tuniya matuʼassay salipahak sa ku falucu aku,I have had a lot of fun with the old man,test +68910,68911,68911,matutang tu kura futing,as long as they are shot at by the fished,train +68911,68912,68912,caay malecadlecad aemin malecalecad amaemin hay,No they all sell for the same price they all sell for the same price,train +68912,68913,68913,o tapa nu puut kuraan,that is a knife wound,train +68913,68914,68914,tayra i pitakcian haw i matawalay aku ku kacikafang,when I was going to school I forgot to bring my backpack,train +68914,68915,68915,lacal,continue,train +68915,68916,68916,mitahidang ku tayrin iayaw sa u mahaenay haw i kaykic satu tayrin,the police were also invited to act as notaries public,train +68916,68917,68917,taluma,return home,train +68917,68918,68918,cucuk han ningra i sera i suta,stick it in the dirt,train +68918,68919,68919,Papikamecen tu kamay isu kaku a macakat tu ungcuy i tarawadaw,please let me hold your hand to climb the rocks by the river,train +68919,68920,68920,mitenun,woven cloth,test +68920,68921,68921,talacuwa a mipangangan hani,where do they sign up,train +68921,68922,68922,samaanay ku demak ira samaanay ku piala ira tu suta,how do you make it how do you get the dirt,train +68922,68923,68923,ani palumaan,sowing of crops,train +68923,68924,68924,o pipangangan haw i u cecay nu fenek atu fana nu tatuasan kunini itini tuna pipangangan ira ku pinapinaay u sasapinangen nu mita,the naming system is an expression of our domestic knowledge and wisdom there are some points we need to understand and explain about the naming system,train +68924,68925,68925,o rumasatu u papakaynien nu Kawas i iraay i ci Yis Kristuan a tadamaanay a dafung ku sapipafli ningra tu kacanguutan namu a ma^min,and my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus,train +68925,68926,68926,Arikik ku safa aku a miasik tu luma atu paputal,my sister cleans the house and the square quickly and gently,train +68926,68927,68927,cimil,nickname,train +68927,68928,68928,i cuwaay kisu a mitilid,where did you study,train +68928,68929,68929,mikilim kaku tu safa aku san kisu i,you said you were looking for your sister,train +68929,68930,68930,u yaan a papah,it is this kind of leaf,test +68930,68931,68931,malafiay itira,have dinner over there,train +68931,68932,68932,caciyaw nu Amis i minukay ku ngaʼay,back to Amis,train +68932,68933,68933,ta haen satu ku,and my job is going well,train +68933,68934,68934,tangsa i Kilung ri,when I arrived in Keelung,train +68934,68935,68935,itiraay Mikukku nʼing,in the year of the Republic of China,train +68935,68936,68936,sapalamlam tu titi nu kulungtengelen kaesuʼay tu kaenen,it is very delicious when added to beef while cooking,train +68936,68937,68937,caay ka deng cira cecay kira ku mialaay tuya lusidan,because he is not the only one with a costume,train +68937,68938,68938,dafak tu lusimeten tu ku riku isu saan tu kuya,in the morning the pastor told me to get dressed,train +68938,68939,68939,Suˈlin malutay ku ruma tamdaw kamayan mirienang tu ˈayaw nu mitusilay a saˈupu mahererek cangra mitusil patikulay fanekfek ku harateng na iraay ku mahaenay malifetay isu han,some people go to are evangelistic meetings even though they are tired and they feel restored after the preaching have you experienced this too,train +68939,68940,68940,Suwal sa kuya tawki tu tumirengay i tatihi a tamdaw Alaen nai cingraan ku mina ningra a pafli i mitatuyay tu mu^tep a mina han ningra,Then he said to those standing by Take his mina away from him and give it to the one who has ten minas,test +68940,68941,68941,Paaraparen nu wawawawa a misalama tu lamay i palapalaan,children like to play with fire in the fields to spread starbursts,train +68941,68942,68942,ira patahekal tu a mivaleng,we are about to be buried,train +68942,68943,68943,sarumiamiad,everyday,train +68943,68944,68944,uriranan kura inlyaw nu cuyhaw saan ku Payrang,the Minnan people say it is the best drink,train +68944,68945,68945,kiya pasinuvu saw i takuwan,why are you giving me a gift,train +68945,68946,68946,nika,Just,train +68946,68947,68947,tu kisu,you are years old,train +68947,68948,68948,maedeng tu san cangra tatusa tu herek nu lahuk haw i,in the afternoon they thought it was enough,train +68948,68949,68949,mikilutuik satu kami itini,we have land right here,train +68949,68950,68950,patudung,learning by example appearance,test +68950,68951,68951,hayda nu hatira hawi malaheciay tu ku pi nu maku ci fakian,Well that is the end of the interview with the uncle,train +68951,68952,68952,ira matataedipay tu itira,the top overlaps,train +68952,68953,68953,masadakay,Out,train +68953,68954,68954,Malaafu ku falucu aku,I was disheartened,train +68954,68955,68955,sanay kura,it means this,train +68955,68956,68956,ri anu caay kahaen i nasa,if I had not grown up with it,train +68956,68957,68957,matiniay ku paini nu ningra itiya hu takuwanan,that is how I have been encouraged in the past,train +68957,68958,68958,Ketunen ku wikul nu alutuc ta ngaay a cuhcuhen,the tail of the sharp tailed snail has to be cut off to make it easier to suck,train +68958,68959,68959,hacuwa,when,train +68959,68960,68960,u ruma satu pasakasak i ruma,or go stomp around somewhere else,test +68960,68961,68961,micumud kita tu mangaʼayay katayalan maku miharateng,I think we can all move on to more professional and higher level jobs,train +68961,68962,68962,pasasuara han ta kahemaw tu ku harateng,I have extracted wisdom from many sources and I have found that I am very relaxed,train +68962,68963,68963,malalisan ciira,she has a fever,train +68963,68964,68964,u pipacingan u piadipitan u piauwangan,it is the youth of Tulane who shoot fish and take shellfish,train +68964,68965,68965,misukic,purge,train +68965,68966,68966,ala maanan mivuting miurang mikalang i tarawadaw atu sauwac caay haw ka putun ku asutu kaen nu umah,you can also go down to the river to catch fish shrimp and crab and you can always enjoy the wild food,train +68966,68967,68967,Manikar a lumuwad aka tu kausuy han nu singsi kaku,the teacher told me wake up earlier next time and do not be late again,train +68967,68968,68968,naw^iru,Why I do not know,train +68968,68969,68969,hadaken ku sasipasip,please take out the eraser,train +68969,68970,68970,sauwauwac,stream,test +68970,68971,68971,mangalay kaku a papiharateng tamuwanan tu nanu suwal nu Fangcalay a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas i tiyahu atu suwal nu tarukus namu tu nanu limuut nu pauripay a Tapang,I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the Holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles,train +68971,68972,68972,u mamala siwni kaku han na ku kiya mama aku tangican aku hay han,I cried to my father and told him I was going to become a nun,train +68972,68973,68973,aci Madadingu,with the white flawless and beautiful girl,train +68973,68974,68974,mahaen isaw kina niyaru tiniyan,Yes that is what this tribe is all about,train +68974,68975,68975,itira,exist,train +68975,68976,68976,Pasuwalan ni Yis ku nisawawan Anu masasiulahulah kamu i pakayni tunini ku sakafanaˈ nu tamdamdaw tu nika u nisawawaan aku kamu sanay,Jesus told his disciples By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another,train +68976,68977,68977,ini tangasa i tini i Singku ku saraayay i tini saetip i tini i kaʼamis tini Fakung ku kalalisapisak ya matuʼasay,these elders are scattered from here as far as Chenggong Town and to the west and north there is Fengbin,train +68977,68978,68978,urasaka sienaw sa ku rumiad misangiru i laluma ku payluma misadihekuya pingiru i mapaacefel ku laluma maulaw nu acefel ku kilang masacakafau ca mapuhed ca ka makaen nu fau malasakangaay saca,Therefore when it is cold every family must build a fire inside the house to keep warm and the smoke from the fire can prevent the building materials from being infested by insects thus killing two birds with one stone,train +68978,68979,68979,paluma tu kunga misatefus pakaen tu kulung,I am going to graze cows in addition to planting groundnuts and sugarcane,train +68979,68980,68980,mipaliw san iteyan lianteyan hatira mukutu kira,if you work part time you only have one or two days off,test +68980,68981,68981,pangangan tu kura ikuikur a tamdaw i,in the future when taking the name of a place,train +68981,68982,68982,dadukap,paper,train +68982,68983,68983,falah hananay tu kura,I had to throw it away,train +68983,68984,68984,laluk,industrious,train +68984,68985,68985,o mamaraudtu ku rumiad tu kanaayan nu tamdaw a mitngil tu sulinay a sifana o tatuuren nangra ku niharatengan nangra a mitahidang tu singsingsi tu matatudungay a tngilen nangra ku sifana,for the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine Instead to suit their own desires they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear,train +68985,68986,68986,Sarucuden ku falucu isu a midmak tunini ta mahapinang nu alumanay ku nika cakat nu tayal isu,be diligent in these matters give yourself wholly to them so that everyone may see your progress,train +68986,68987,68987,na caay pivetik sa ci ama nu maku,maybe he did not pay homage to his ancestors,train +68987,68988,68988,tusiya,automobile,train +68988,68989,68989,maruyaruy,grouping,train +68989,68990,68990,paʼarawen aku kiya wawa,I can show the kids,test +68990,68991,68991,tatahira,I will be there,train +68991,68992,68992,tusaay ku linay aku,I have two umbrellas,train +68992,68993,68993,kaku satu i kaysya masufuc,I was born in a sugar factory environment,train +68993,68994,68994,niama nu maku iri,like mine,train +68994,68995,68995,tamaku,tobacco,train +68995,68996,68996,o cufelis nu safa aku tu tikami kinian,this is my sisters letter back to me,train +68996,68997,68997,nu malitengay itiya hu,the old generation used to be,train +68997,68998,68998,nu kanatal haw i masaruma tu ira tu ku katayalan,the country system has changed and people have jobs,train +68998,68999,68999,nu hatiniay tu a urip aku itini haw,I am also involved in the life experience,train +68999,69000,69000,masakaying a nenengan ku wawa nu misu,your daughter already looks like a lady,test +69000,69001,69001,pisanga nu pisakamisaday hananay kurira,production for the design thing,train +69001,69002,69002,ina sa nu maku u Kaliyawan ci ina aku hay,my mom is a Kavalanian,train +69002,69003,69003,ku hiya ku mitangtangay tini pasisi tu matuʼasay tu futing,cooked fish for the elderly,train +69003,69004,69004,kanikaw,lacks,train +69004,69005,69005,a mipacucuk tu tireng i tini i,Vaccination at the health center,train +69005,69006,69006,pakumud,blessings,train +69006,69007,69007,anu ciʼilu cingra haw i anu mitefing mikuliniw cira anu ʼiceʼicep i ayaw awaay ku icep tiyan haw i,he is an abomination to all he is often in the habit of stealing and is hated by all,train +69007,69008,69008,Ngaayhu saan i tisuwanan ci Ipafras u kaput aku a marufu tuna mituur ci Yis Kristuan,Epaphras my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus sends you greetings,train +69008,69009,69009,Mavana,will,train +69009,69010,69010,isu sawni adihayay tatu ku demak itira i Paʼanifung,you just said there are too many things in Hing Cheong,test +69010,69011,69011,alekatatusatusa,two for two,train +69011,69012,69012,u mantaʼay ku ngaʼayay,wet wood is better,train +69012,69013,69013,Mafana haca kaku a patadu misaasiasik mifanaw tu kaysing,I also help out with cleaning the floors and doing the dishes,train +69013,69014,69014,u kakeridan nu sasafaay a selal ku tayraay i kaayaw nu kakitaan pakafana tu mikaputay a tamdaw u kakitaan ku mamitulun,the leader of the first grade of the age class reports the number of people to the chief and the chief prays for them,train +69014,69015,69015,maherek a mivareng,after the funeral,train +69015,69016,69016,Hai u cacitudung mamifawah tu pitilidan niyam kaku,Yeah I am in charge of opening the door to my classroom,train +69016,69017,69017,Kitingen ku kamay nu faki a panukay,please take your uncles hand and take him home,train +69017,69018,69018,maparu nira i kureng haw,he put in the urn,train +69018,69019,69019,Makaalahaw tu urang,will you catch a lobster,train +69019,69020,69020,mafana ku liteng nu mita,our ancestors would have known,test +69020,69021,69021,u nu Pangcah ku sakasasuwal i luma haw,do they talk in northern Amish at home,train +69021,69022,69022,Kawasaki,Kawasaki,train +69022,69023,69023,Pakakawtiy hakuwa ku halafin tahira tu i Tayciw,how long does it take to get to Taichung by THSR,train +69023,69024,69024,ira ku papinapina a salikaka a tayni a paratuh i takuwanan tu nika pisarucud isu tu sulin atu marariday a u patusukan nu urip isu ku sulin saka tadalipahak aku,it gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth,train +69024,69025,69025,hatiraay awih saka ila nu arusaysay,that is why I am wearing the Kasumiga today,train +69025,69026,69026,caay pisaʼusi kuraan,that does not count either,train +69026,69027,69027,cahen sa ku tayal niyam,do the work,train +69027,69028,69028,pisa pisamatangan nu malitengay,older paddy field areas,train +69028,69029,69029,halikaenen adihayay ku mitangtangan aku a dateng,enjoy yourself I cooked a lot of dishes,train +69029,69030,69030,mapatalahekal,publish,test +69030,69031,69031,Talacuwaay kamu misalama i nacila,where did you guys go last time,train +69031,69032,69032,palecad han tu nu Hulam a urip muetep miheca ku laʼed,the average life expectancy is more than ten years less than that of the Han Chinese,train +69032,69033,69033,Sulinay haw kapah a tengilan mangalay tuwaca kaku a tayra,Really sounds like fun I would love to check it out,train +69033,69034,69034,sisa,So,train +69034,69035,69035,kiya u Pangcah tiya kaymi,any family that has a funeral,train +69035,69036,69036,Hay u sapakalahuk nu cacudadan i tamiyan,Yes it is the school that prepares our lunches,train +69036,69037,69037,aka tu ka rawraw kisu dimukusen tu ku tireng atu wawa,you do not worry too much take care of yourself and the kids,train +69037,69038,69038,cuwa kunini aca nuˈadinguan a tamdaw atu midueduay tu tireng a tamdaw iraayhu ku manan a kasasirumaan hani,other than that what is the difference between a spiritual person and a person who conforms to the flesh,train +69038,69039,69039,uya nu Paliwan haw awaay ku icep nu Paliwan,the Paiwan people did not know about betel nut and did not have it,train +69039,69040,69040,mamakiya malacaan makudic,you will get sick and skin diseases,test +69040,69041,69041,matepu,drop down,train +69041,69042,69042,sarakat macepetay huw kalikiay mapatay,the first one was caught and died soon after,train +69042,69043,69043,maulah kaku tu langdaway a cengel,I like the color blue,train +69043,69044,69044,siraw,salted pork,train +69044,69045,69045,suwal sa ci Yis Olili O pasulin isu ku sakaadah isu han ningra Saka tangsul satu a pakaaraw ku mata nuya mapuhaway ta tuur satu ci Yisan a rumakat,Go said Jesus your faith has healed you immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road,train +69045,69046,69046,kantanay keruen haw,is traditional dance good,train +69046,69047,69047,u nani fufuay i,it is grand mom,train +69047,69048,69048,Ngaayhu o maan ku aacaen isu,Hello what do you want to buy,train +69048,69049,69049,itiya i pakafakar han nu tamdaw kaku a mi^pud nai sasingaran nu padal a adipel nu niyaru a papilaliw tuya mikuwanay,but I was lowered in a basket from a window in the wall and slipped through his hands,train +69049,69050,69050,ira i Yupa ci Tapita hananay a fafahiyan a nisawawaan sahtu u ngaayay ku dmak nunini a fafahiyan maulah cingra a palada tu pakuyuc a tamdaw,in Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha who was always doing good and helping the poor,test +69050,69051,69051,sapizunvi haw,preparation,train +69051,69052,69052,sa milicay tu kaku tu matuʼasay maanen nunamu ku pinanam,because of this I asked my elders how they practiced,train +69052,69053,69053,Mapahapinangtu nu Kawas kaku a pakafana tu pakakmuday a dmak ningra Mapasamuaytu aku a mitilid tunini a pakakmuday a dmak,that is the mystery made known to me by revelation as I have already written briefly,train +69053,69054,69054,suwal sa cangra a ma^min Anu hatira i u Wawa nu Kawas Kisu saw han nangra pasuwal sa ci Yis O suwal namu kunini han ningra,they all asked Are you then the son of God he replied You are right in saying I am,train +69054,69055,69055,maan,anything,train +69055,69056,69056,awaay tu kura kilang tu makakapahay a kilang,there are very few trees with beautiful texture nowadays,train +69056,69057,69057,cimukung sa tu kami ta,we were doing carpentry work,train +69057,69058,69058,a ina,mother of,train +69058,69059,69059,milafin tu kami itira i taluʼan nu umah nu tau,we are staying in someone else hut,train +69059,69060,69060,malimad tayni patikul itini i Lidaw,moving back to Lilian here,test +69060,69061,69061,suʼelin itiya hu u matuʼasay misanga tu siraw i,it is true that old people used to make salted meat,train +69061,69062,69062,piicang,desiccation,train +69062,69063,69063,Milalu ku misafununay tu sasacapuxen a panay,farmers soak the rice to be made into seedlings,train +69063,69064,69064,anu macuwaay tu hakiya,what will it be like,train +69064,69065,69065,na ku paru nu luma namu,how many members are in your family,train +69065,69066,69066,miming,small,train +69066,69067,69067,sarumaruma ku rumiad,the weather is continually changing,train +69067,69068,69068,caay tu pakapapa ku wadis ni akung tu titi,Grandpas teeth cannot chew meat anymore,train +69068,69069,69069,Araw,i saw it,train +69069,69070,69070,Cifitaulay kina ayam,this chicken has eggs,test +69070,69071,69071,u saka cecay a pakumudan a rumiʼad kunini,this is the first day of the gathering,train +69071,69072,69072,maikes,salty,train +69072,69073,69073,Miaca kaku tu tusa talid a simal,I want to buy two bottles of oil,train +69073,69074,69074,hemek,happy,train +69074,69075,69075,itiniay i 2015 miheca saka 5 fulad 20 rumiˈad mapatay ci Aser 66 miheca mararamud kami,then Arthur who was with me for years passed away on,train +69075,69076,69076,nga malikat kura lamal,that is why it is so easy to click,train +69076,69077,69077,satamdaw kuya wawa,that child is well behaved,train +69077,69078,69078,mituduh haw,burn,train +69078,69079,69079,maharek tira mitala ku cacay a initu ku cacay,there is one purchased waiting for another,train +69079,69080,69080,nu aniniay lingses hiningen nu kaku,I think it is dangerous now,test +69080,69081,69081,Hai Kaesuay a kaenen,Yes it is really delicious,train +69081,69082,69082,maumah kisu kacisifilu nu niay Taypey a tamdaw,you can work in Taipei where people wear suits,train +69082,69083,69083,samanen u tayal sa,I cannot work,train +69083,69084,69084,cuepen,go to the surface and sip directly from your mouth,train +69084,69085,69085,u maan kura imi ira maharateng nira,I do not know what it means,train +69085,69086,69086,mafana hu kamu madiw mafana tu fangcal hu ku ngiha madiw ri fangcal tu,does that mean you will all still be singing these songs Yes I will it is going to be loud let us do it Okay I will do it,train +69086,69087,69087,mahaenay saka mafana ku Tapang a paurip tu manguduay cingraan a tamdaw a paliyas nai pades Nikawrira pasteken ningra i raraw ku tatiihay a tamdaw tangasa i pisawkitan a rumiad,if this is so then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment while continuing their punishment,train +69087,69088,69088,Tueman tu ku pising nira,his face is glowering,train +69088,69089,69089,misaupu tu pakayniay i midiput tu matuʼasay haw saan,collective care of elders,train +69089,69090,69090,caay tu ka lasuped itini i tukay,it is not easy to collect them all in one place in the city,test +69090,69091,69091,liyasen tu aku cangra liyaw a rumiad tayra satu kaku milisu cangraan han aku,I said goodbye to them and said I would see them next time,train +69091,69092,69092,tayni cumud han nu valiyus,when a typhoon comes,train +69092,69093,69093,ilangen ira tepulen ira,he grinds it up,train +69093,69094,69094,itira i Matang iraay ku mira iya a kilumaʼan,in the Madang tribe they have a Harvest festival,train +69094,69095,69095,suvawen anusani saw haha vutul nu edu,you can eat it when you wash it Ha Hah,train +69095,69096,69096,aya,a ya,train +69096,69097,69097,maulahay kaku a misawidang ngaay a malacafay kami a miraradiw atu midanguy,I love meeting new people we can sing and swim together,train +69097,69098,69098,ku sausi,it is called the Harvest Festival,train +69098,69099,69099,fs wa itira san i sakusuwal macamucamuray tu haw ku suwal,I heard that Lao San is in the Xiuguluan River,train +69099,69100,69100,sakilafang,for entertaining guests,test +69100,69101,69101,itiniay sawmuʼan,at the graveside,train +69101,69102,69102,tayra kaku a mihulul itira,I will go there to play,train +69102,69103,69103,ʼaʼayaw nu syawkingmun kami sari,we are in front of the little golden Gate,train +69103,69104,69104,aka ka sasinaay Nikawrira u sakasarucudaw nu pitulun namu i u nika lalcadan nu falucu ku sakalaliyas namu tu pinapina a rumiad ta miliyaw haca a malaccay ta caay ka safit ni Satan kamu tuna ^ca pakamet kamu tu tireng,do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time so that you may devote yourselves to prayer then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self control,train +69104,69105,69105,pa taelipenhu tuya eli,thatch the fabric after it is been thatched,train +69105,69106,69106,o niliyawan nira ku luma aku,he remodelled my house,train +69106,69107,69107,Tayratu i Kiliyat ci Aser i patikuray kaku tayra i Himuus mala mikiriwiˈay a misakafahay,after Arthur went to Gillette School I was sent back to Hemsworth as a special herald,train +69107,69108,69108,nu Recurd,there was no refrigerator,train +69108,69109,69109,tusa fulad ku pisalama aku nga,I went to help for two months before,train +69109,69110,69110,mipatuur tura radiw,follow the main theme,test +69110,69111,69111,ku maku a mitapal tu i niyaruʼay,people like me who care about the tribe,train +69111,69112,69112,a pasifana a pakafana tu sakalumahad kalatamdaw nu niyam a malakaka itini,teach our brothers and sisters to grow up,train +69112,69113,69113,Aluman ku tayraay a Yutaya a tamdaw i ci Martaan aci Mariyaan a mihinum tu nika patay nu salikaka nangra,and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother,train +69113,69114,69114,saka mahaen ku pisanga aku tu niyaru,So this is how I handle my tribe,train +69114,69115,69115,u kangkufu kisu haw san takuwanan,tell me you are a nurse,train +69115,69116,69116,icuwaay kisu a tamdaw,where are you from,train +69116,69117,69117,itira i masenaʼay,also in the wetlands,train +69117,69118,69118,hatiraay haw kuni ka pifuting itiya hu,that is how fishing used to be,train +69118,69119,69119,caliwan aku safaw tusa nu pida sakadakaw tu itiya,so I borrowed from her for a round trip,train +69119,69120,69120,anu cuwa ka tapiyasen ira u matumes tu ku nima sa,if he had not dumped the water he picked it would have been full by now,test +69120,69121,69121,Yasuwal nu niyam iri itiraen tu ita i lukungacu siwkunici,our program is held on June each year,train +69121,69122,69122,mihatatanam,practice,train +69122,69123,69123,Macuaang nu fali ku hikuki niyam,our plane was facing into a head wind,train +69123,69124,69124,misacicir,making bamboo water bridge,train +69124,69125,69125,iraay hu ku paluma tu iya dungec,and the heart of the vine,train +69125,69126,69126,miung^ungay,weeping,train +69126,69127,69127,itiya tu a mafana ku kaʼemangay,since then young people have benefited,train +69127,69128,69128,Cikadit ku fuduy nu maku,my clothes are dirty,train +69128,69129,69129,ta mangaay kaku a miliyas tu sariang nu caay pasulin ci Kristuan a i Yutayaay a tamdaw nanay rahker ku i Yirusalimay a mituuray a milayap tu nihawikidan aku a sapafli,pray that I may be rescued from the unbelievers in Judea and that my service in Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints there,train +69129,69130,69130,patirengan,be tenable,test +69130,69131,69131,yu maru ci Yis i Olif a lutuk i dukduk sa ku nisawawaan a tayra i ci Yisan a milicay Anu hacuwa aira kunini a dmak Anu miliyaw Kisu a tayni anu pahrekantu nu hkal i u maan ku kacipinangan niyam a mafana saw Pasuwalen kami han nangra,as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately Tell us they said when will this happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age,train +69131,69132,69132,pitin satu kiya aku u,that is where my wish is Yes,train +69132,69133,69133,malesi^,water disaster,train +69133,69134,69134,mahaen kira u pisaʼukuk sanay,that is what a celebration is,train +69134,69135,69135,ikur tu matu falic sanay,then something happened,train +69135,69136,69136,an tataʼang kami san ku fudu,if it floods,train +69136,69137,69137,tayra i maveleca nu lalumaʼan nu mita,to our funeral home,train +69137,69138,69138,u cipirakarak kami tatusa sa,Oh we are not going anywhere the two of us,train +69138,69139,69139,ya kilang nira u sakapah a sakasuyan,its trunks make the best firewood,train +69139,69140,69140,tanestesay,handsome,test +69140,69141,69141,suwal sa ci ama kansiyaen ita ku palemed nu tuas adihay ku kinaira ita a miadup,dad said we want to thank the ancestors for their blessings so that we have a lot of prey to harvest,train +69141,69142,69142,katikati kisu,you watch out for me,train +69142,69143,69143,sakapina nu lipay anini,what day is it today,train +69143,69144,69144,hay tuna sakaenem sakalima ka,Right this June or probably May,train +69144,69145,69145,sacalascas,streaming,train +69145,69146,69146,o paaliwacan anucila o tatayra kaku atu ina aku i kiwkay,tomorrow will be Sunday I will be going to church with my mom,train +69146,69147,69147,liyawen haca ni Yis cangra a milicay Cima ku nikiliman namu han ningra Ci Yis nu Nacali han nangra a pacauf,again he asked them Who is it you want and they said Jesus of Nazareth,train +69147,69148,69148,Maulahay kisu tu kacanglahan,do you like spring,train +69148,69149,69149,anu citama a miadup ku Amis i mipalada tu fiyafiyaw,when our people went hunting and caught something they would share the kill with their neighbors,train +69149,69150,69150,ratar anu micufay kisu hawi,if you stop halfway,test +69150,69151,69151,papinaay kuya mipaketingan a kulung,how many cows are tethered,train +69151,69152,69152,Ha mapawan haw kisu u kasuvucan nu misu anini,Ha ha ha did you forget it is your birthday,train +69152,69153,69153,acicim,sour,train +69153,69154,69154,tana^,blankets,train +69154,69155,69155,teluc,grandchildren,train +69155,69156,69156,Matuas ku wawa matuas kita,children grow up and we grow old,train +69156,69157,69157,awaay tu ku katayalan,there are no more factories,train +69157,69158,69158,ci Miku ku ngangan nu safa aku tu fafahiyan,my younger sisters name is Miko,train +69158,69159,69159,sisa u likelik nu luma nu lalavu nu maku,so my neighborhood,train +69159,69160,69160,ya pasuwal tu malawud tu ku nu kilumaʼan ku misu i sa i,it was announced that the tribe was going to hold a Harvest festival,test +69160,69161,69161,adada minukay sa kiyami,I went back and got sick,train +69161,69162,69162,o adihay si ku alu,and there are so many rivers,train +69162,69163,69163,tu amipatihi misanga tula kilang a talalutuk,come to the mountain to make materials together,train +69163,69164,69164,cecayay tu a fulad alatek ngaayay alatek sasirumaay,it is been a month and he is been getting better and worse,train +69164,69165,69165,tu sakaytini,the phonetic alphabet,train +69165,69166,69166,pakuyuc hu kita iʼayaw,we used to be poor,train +69166,69167,69167,maharek malahuk tayra kami i padatengan midateng,after lunch we went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables,train +69167,69168,69168,u muemuan a hakhak atu turun itini,there is sticky rice and there is Amis sticky rice cake,train +69168,69169,69169,Taladipung kami mihalama,we went to Japan to play,train +69169,69170,69170,cacu^cu,stuffing,test +69170,69171,69171,dengay,can,train +69171,69172,69172,saka anini a mihecaan tu pipaaliwacan tu kaciherangan minukay kaku atu kaka aku a tayra i niyaru a milicay tu malitengaymatuasay tu sakafanaaw tu serangawan nu niyah a finacadan,so this summer my brother and I went back to our tribe to visit the elderly hoping to understand the culture of our own ethnic group,train +69172,69173,69173,cai pakalaliw kaku kaka tu wawa,Sister I cannot leave my child,train +69173,69174,69174,Asu a kaenen kura mapaacicimay a kuhaw,that soup with the acid was delicious,train +69174,69175,69175,u Pangcah amin ku tamdaw nu niyaru niyam,our village is full of Amis,train +69175,69176,69176,o safa aku tu fainayan cingra,he is my younger brother,train +69176,69177,69177,Saka ira ci Yuhani i kuhkuhan mipainu tu tamdaw ta mipatnak Ka pasasiyur kamu tu falucu a milayap tu inu ta mahpul nu Kawas ku raraw namu,and so John came baptizing in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins,train +69177,69178,69178,sakelilic,harness,train +69178,69179,69179,ta a enemay tu kami anini,so now we have six,train +69179,69180,69180,ciker,lock,test +69180,69181,69181,anu pakasungilaay a mikurac tu mitaungay tu Kawas a tamdaw kunini i u ciraraway kaku kuna caay ka saan cangra kuna malasawadtu ku patuayaay a dmak,if it could would they not have stopped being offered for the worshipers would have been cleansed once for all and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins,train +69181,69182,69182,ngaʼay hu Sunay matenesay tu a idang aku,Hello Suna my old friend,train +69182,69183,69183,nawhani u maemin maduengay kura tangila nangra,and yet they are all deaf,train +69183,69184,69184,tusa a mihca a mararid kunini a dmak ningra Saka matngil nu i tiraay i Aciya a Yutaya atu Krisiya a tamdaw a ma^min ku suwal nu Tapang,this went on for two years so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord,train +69184,69185,69185,nawhani caay ku patalaway tamuwanan a palakuli ku Adingu nu Kawas u saka malawawatu nu Kawas kamu pakayni tunini a Fangcalay Adingu a milunguc kita tu Kawas Ama Wamaaw sanay,for you did not receive a Spirit that makes you a slave again to fear but you received the Spirit of worship and by him we cry Abba Father,train +69185,69186,69186,mahaenay ku demak,that is what it is all about,train +69186,69187,69187,pacamul,mix in,train +69187,69188,69188,ira tu ku makaʼaraway,did anyone see it,train +69188,69189,69189,mangudu cingra a milicay,he is embarrassed to ask,train +69189,69190,69190,patatuʼedip han cingra,it is okay to put them on top of each other,test +69190,69191,69191,cifayi,Auntie,train +69191,69192,69192,uruma ku radiw ka i lisinan,sing a different song at the Harvest Festival,train +69192,69193,69193,u davak u apalu maranam u apalu,breadfruit in the morning breadfruit for breakfast too,train +69193,69194,69194,Pina^ ku laed nu mihecaan nu namu,is your brother much older than you,train +69194,69195,69195,mapaiyu tuku umah anini,all the fields are sprayed now,train +69195,69196,69196,ira i lalavu u kakaenan nu niyam yu adidi henay,Inside I used to eat it when I was a kid,train +69196,69197,69197,cecay a tingting tulu pulu ku aca nuna kunga,sweet potatoes are thirty dollars for a pound,train +69197,69198,69198,matira ku,that is it,train +69198,69199,69199,tayra tadimucuʼhtila sa futi sanay itira,I sleep there even when I am hiding in the corner,train +69199,69200,69200,maturarukuh,like a supplicant,test +69200,69201,69201,yu mikapa ci Pawlu i cangraan i ma^pud i cangraan ku Fangcalay Adingu Saka pasuwal cangra tu nu Adinguan a suwal o rumasatu pakimad cangra tu suwal nu Kawas,when Paul placed his hands on them the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied,train +69201,69202,69202,ku,belonging,train +69202,69203,69203,maleneng ku tamina nuya mifutingay i riyar,that fishing boat sank in the middle of the ocean,train +69203,69204,69204,maherek malalicay caira tatusa i,when they are done talking,train +69204,69205,69205,hayi hay,Yes,train +69205,69206,69206,pakungku nu tuʼas tu pakayniay i,the elders have passed down a story about,train +69206,69207,69207,Tafalung away heng ku nisafununay,there was no paddy field in Tai Po long then,train +69207,69208,69208,Mitahic kaku i ngraan tu pipadang nira i takuwanan,I want get even with him for his helping me,train +69208,69209,69209,maherek tu kaku a misawsaw tu ngapa^,Yes I rinsed out my mouth,train +69209,69210,69210,Saalitaden ku sera a mitaring u sapituduh nu mita tu funga,the clay should be stacked in hard lumps for barbecuing potatoes,test +69210,69211,69211,matamaay tu kuraan,that is right,train +69211,69212,69212,sikeliw,scrape ramie,train +69212,69213,69213,patangasa,arrival,train +69213,69214,69214,nanikuray,afterwards,train +69214,69215,69215,mibariw haca i ruma,we will start over with new fields,train +69215,69216,69216,niruheman,cooked,train +69216,69217,69217,tu pinapina hu a fulad,I do not know how many months,train +69217,69218,69218,o papacilahen hu kira nicacakan a tamurak,the pumpkin is cooked with salt,train +69218,69219,69219,lenen ku demak,treat everyone or everything the same,train +69219,69220,69220,ku radiw nu Pangcah itiya,ethnic poetry of the time,test +69220,69221,69221,caay pitefing kaku tu tayal nira,I did not get involved in his work,train +69221,69222,69222,Takupen cingra iayaw nu pilaliw nira tu niyaru,get hold of him before he leaves town,train +69222,69223,69223,tupilung,fall,train +69223,69224,69224,maan sa,What,train +69224,69225,69225,a alaen ira a fau,the prey to be hunted,train +69225,69226,69226,ta luma tu i hacuwa tu piliyas malamama tu,I am going back to my old class,train +69226,69227,69227,widi,Hourly,train +69227,69228,69228,maulahay kaku a muradiw,I like to sing,train +69228,69229,69229,a ha,Oh yes,train +69229,69230,69230,Mauraday imatini hay,is it raining now,test +69230,69231,69231,O Kitakit nu Kawas i matiya u masimeday i umah a dafung matama nu tamdaw kunini i lafung hanhu ningra salipahak sa cingra ta minukay a pacakay tu maamaan ningra a ma^min ta micakay tuya umah,The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field when a man found it he hid it again and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field,train +69231,69232,69232,sasifin,slippers,train +69232,69233,69233,Pinaun kamu tuna u mituuray kamu i takuwanan saka u mamapaturud kamu i piliclican o mamasti kamu i kasaupuan a luma o mamapatayra kamu i kaayaw nu mikuwanay atu hungtingti onini i u sakangaay namu a pawacay tu Ngaayay Ratuh,You must be on your guard you will be handed over to the local Councils and flogged in the synagogues on account of me you will stand before governors and kings as Witnesses to them,train +69233,69234,69234,Orasatu malaina kisu sanay i,so you as a mother,train +69234,69235,69235,Pacuungay tu kura hana nu mita,our flowers are growing new buds,train +69235,69236,69236,malaliyas ci ina aci mama aku,my dad and mom are divorced,train +69236,69237,69237,Maaraw ningra ku nika rarima nu nisawawaan ningra a miiwas tu tamina nawhani cuaangen nangra ku fali a miiwas Saka yu kanikaran i rumakat ci Yis i fanaw a miraud a sapitalifan i cangraan,he saw the disciples straining at the oars because the wind was against them about the fourth watch of the night he went out to them walking on the lake he was about to pass by them,train +69237,69238,69238,misaheci,itemized,train +69238,69239,69239,hanu awa tayni ci Panay,why did not Panay come,train +69239,69240,69240,kalaidang,to be a friend,test +69240,69241,69241,Mafungfung tu semut ni mama i paliding nira,dad covered his car with grass,train +69241,69242,69242,caay pakapacerur ku matuasay tu tadah i ayaw,in the early days the elderly could not afford to pay their debts,train +69242,69243,69243,malalicay kaku atu faki i rawang paini cingra tu maamaanay a kimad,my uncle and I chatted in the room and he shared many stories,train +69243,69244,69244,yu kumaen cangra i tatuy sa ci Yis tu ^pang kansiya sa cingra tu Kawas ta pcih han ningra a pafli i nisawawaan a sumuwal Dada alaen a kumaen O tireng Aku kunini han ningra,while they were eating Jesus took bread gave thanks and broke it and gave it to his disciples saying Take it this is my body,train +69244,69245,69245,hay u uway tu hatinitiniay,the yellow vine is so long,train +69245,69246,69246,inian wa,what about this one,train +69246,69247,69247,caay henay han ni ama aku,my dad says it has not been named yet,train +69247,69248,69248,hatira ku maku ku urip itiyahu,the life I led at the time,train +69248,69249,69249,satueman satu mangata tu san,it is getting darker,train +69249,69250,69250,terikterik sa pudpud hanay kumaen,just jumping around and getting eaten one by one,test +69250,69251,69251,mahaenay kina demak itini,ritual process,train +69251,69252,69252,ukut,Shrinkage,train +69252,69253,69253,Tumihecahecaan i kinacecay a marengreng ku kapah malecad unu i amisay a Pangcah a ira ku milaedisay u nu pasawali ira ku misacepuay u nu Falangaw ira ku mikesiay hananay,comoros is an annual collective action of the age classes similar to the Miladis of Nanshi Ami the Misacepo of Coastal Ami and the Mikesi of Malan Ami,train +69253,69254,69254,nu makatimulay makaʼamisay a tayni mikilim tu kunga,because there are people from the north and the south who come here to look for groundnuts,train +69254,69255,69255,ku ruray nu wama nu wina nu maku,sorrow with mother,train +69255,69256,69256,pahavay,feed,train +69256,69257,69257,mamakerukeru,compulsory dancing,train +69257,69258,69258,daduy,scales,train +69258,69259,69259,mimaan awa kura kakaenen iraay tu,No it is not it is still there,train +69259,69260,69260,anu maaraw nu Iwatan i maala ku tangal nira,if the Bunun saw him he could have his head chopped off,test +69260,69261,69261,Caemut han ku nisuwalan nu mama a limuut,remember Dads lesson,train +69261,69262,69262,a simikani kiya makahiya kaku,I am fine if I wear glasses,train +69262,69263,69263,o sakasaan aku i yu rumakat kaku i lalan a minengneng tu pitaungan namu a ma^min i maaraw aku ku ccay a pipacakatan ira a matilid ku mipacakat i kafukilan a kawas sanay Orasaka pasifanaen aku kamu i matini tura kafukilan namu a nitaungan a kawas,for as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship I even found an altar with this inscription to an unknown GOD now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you,train +69263,69264,69264,hatiraay tu saka,consequently,train +69264,69265,69265,o maan ku sakatenged nu misu,why are you so dumb,train +69265,69266,69266,maletaes,fight,train +69266,69267,69267,mipadang tu matayal,help with work,train +69267,69268,69268,itiya kami i anu ira ku tatiihay a adada i,in the past we have had serious cases,train +69268,69269,69269,tatiʼihay adihay awaay sa deng kuriranan,is it unsuitable or a lot of No that is all,train +69269,69270,69270,ira ku ulah nu wawa,the kids love coming back,test +69270,69271,69271,falic hanca nu singsi kaku patayra sawali,then the teacher transferred me to the east wing,train +69271,69272,69272,pataynien hu^ kuya kawkaw atu pitaw,will you get my scythes and hoes please,train +69272,69273,69273,Misaehuehuh kura ciadadaay tu fala,a person suffering from lung disease is constantly vomiting,train +69273,69274,69274,Taluku,Taroko one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +69274,69275,69275,nialaan,apprehend,train +69275,69276,69276,kadafu,son in law,train +69276,69277,69277,matira aca tata masadak kita misalama,So come on let us go out,train +69277,69278,69278,wa fanaˈen isu ku kihcud a demak han,do you need to tell them everything,train +69278,69279,69279,u ku ama aku,my dad is from Paiwan,train +69279,69280,69280,u sapitilid nu wawa u kusuy,kids go to school on lemongrass,test +69280,69281,69281,cima tu cilumaʼay anini,I wonder who is living there now is it still public land,train +69281,69282,69282,nanay kalahad tu kamu,I hope you grow tall,train +69282,69283,69283,Malitemutemuh tu,they will meet up,train +69283,69284,69284,kasanusapat saan,like a table,train +69284,69285,69285,ta namahaen satu a mamaan saw,I am thinking about how I am going to deal with it,train +69285,69286,69286,sanay ku pilicay takuwanan,ask me that,train +69286,69287,69287,ca ka fangcal ku tireng nira,he is not very fit,train +69287,69288,69288,saan ku suwal nu matuʼasay,this is how the elder admonished,train +69288,69289,69289,ta ya tamdaw hu nu Paʼanifung,Hing Cheongs relatives at that time,train +69289,69290,69290,kakahaday ku sera nu Amis i tira meyhecun,the Albanian land in Meiwa is very extensive,test +69290,69291,69291,matiya u niyaru nu Cihafayan i sakuwan nu Kalinku tadamaan ku nipipaluma i sinasera miliyaw a maumah a mipaluma,such as Hualien Shanxing tribe specific effective use of land from the environmental side after the reorganization,train +69291,69292,69292,misamaan kita mihamham tu tayniay mikimad a salikaka,what can we do to honor our brethren who come to speak,train +69292,69293,69293,epud cingra i tatudung nu tumirengan Yis,he came down right in front of Jesus,train +69293,69294,69294,tenurenhu ku fafacaen a riku,soak the clothes you want to wash,train +69294,69295,69295,as,What,train +69295,69296,69296,o maanan a tulu pakayraan ku papaˈicel tu falucuˈ ita miduedu tu suˈlinay kimad a midemak,what are three ways that we can strengthen our resolve to walk according to the truth,train +69296,69297,69297,papacem,morning,train +69297,69298,69298,iraay tu ku kakaenen,there is food,train +69298,69299,69299,u tudung nu Palidaw hananay,Allusions to Hengchun,train +69299,69300,69300,maala nu kaka ku impic nu maku,my brother took my pen,test +69300,69301,69301,faheka ku tau minengneng widang aku maemin maulah mi tu,they are all curious because they all like to wear them,train +69301,69302,69302,falic,change,train +69302,69303,69303,ta malaylay tu,what we have,train +69303,69304,69304,o lasiniadaay a was ku was ita,our God is always gracious and kind,train +69304,69305,69305,Matepes ku panay aku,my grain is no good,train +69305,69306,69306,anini kasihicayan sawad sa mikuli,it is not working now when the fry are in full bloom,train +69306,69307,69307,mafana kaku tu hatiniay sa,I can do that,train +69307,69308,69308,Mapui kaku i tisuwanan,I am angry with you,train +69308,69309,69309,Halu u ina nu maku a awaay tu i tini,not even my moms here,train +69309,69310,69310,3 Mitusil kita u sakakaay lalangian u papaˈdil ci Yihufaan atu patahekal tu ngangan ningra,the primary reason we preach to people is to glorify the Lord and to magnify his name,test +69310,69311,69311,Nawhani u saki ci Kristuan ku nika lumuwad nangra a patnak caay pilayap cangra tu maan aca a pipadang nu mafukilay tu Kawas a tamdaw,it was for the sake of the name that they went out receiving no help from the pagans,train +69311,69312,69312,itiya i ci Anas aci Kayafas ku sakakaay nu citudungay tu taung itiya a mapatalahkal ku suwal nu Kawas i ci Yuhanian u wawa ni Cakariya itira i kuhkuhan,during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the desert,train +69312,69313,69313,sa kaku damay tanengaw ita damay,I will apply for the job,train +69313,69314,69314,deng ya mama aku masulut nura simpu kira,only my father who was a Catholic was influenced by the priests,train +69314,69315,69315,alatulu tu mita tuyan a penen kura,three stalks each in your hand,train +69315,69316,69316,patirengay kaku tu luma u aku,I will be a laborer,train +69316,69317,69317,ci tumuk asemuwal,so says the chief,train +69317,69318,69318,pimali,play ball,train +69318,69319,69319,nasanay kami sa sainaneng,cherish it so take it seriously,train +69319,69320,69320,talalusa a mitengil,I am in tears,test +69320,69321,69321,anu kapah ku,if the proportions of the ingredients are correct,train +69321,69322,69322,inanengay picudad hakiya,do you take your studies seriously,train +69322,69323,69323,mawmahay,farmer,train +69323,69324,69324,paturud,vest,train +69324,69325,69325,pina a cacudadan caay kahacuwa ku umah nu cacudadan,there are not many schools and the fields are not big,train +69325,69326,69326,yu masadak cangra i malitmuh nangra ci Simun hananay a Kirini a tamdaw ta patangic han nangra cingra a papiurung tu ciwcika ni Yis,as they were going out they met a man from Cyrene named Simon and they forced him to carry the cross,train +69326,69327,69327,u a cima kamu,who is in charge,train +69327,69328,69328,latek u kaka ningra ku nipatingwaan,maybe he called his brother or,train +69328,69329,69329,patafuan na akung aku,my Grandpa prepared it for me,train +69329,69330,69330,ku aca nu hicay i tiya hu,the price at which they used to sell fish fry,test +69330,69331,69331,faecal ku lemed nu maku i katayalan,I am very lucky to be in the company,train +69331,69332,69332,pangiha,shout,train +69332,69333,69333,i enaray ku urip a Pangcah haw i fangcal ku pisapala^ nangra,the Amis who live on the flatland are well developed in agriculture,train +69333,69334,69334,sacudahen,very brave,train +69334,69335,69335,adawang,main entrance,train +69335,69336,69336,ta kumangin maalaay tu ku tusiya,you can get it for bucks,train +69336,69337,69337,Makahimamang kaku pakaʼaraw tu miawitay awaay i falucu,that is something I saw as a teenager and just was not interested in,train +69337,69338,69338,caayay ku a simanay a tamdaw ku mamifacu,you do not just hire a foundation guy,train +69338,69339,69339,patinaku sa ci Yis a sumuwal tu nisawawaan Ningra Anu tayra ku cima namu i luma nu widang namu tu tnuk nu lafii a sumuwal Idangaw pacaliwen kaku tu tulu a aplad nu ^pang,then he said to them Suppose one of you has a friend and he goes to him at midnight and says Friend lend me three loaves of bread,train +69339,69340,69340,makavatikar,Bicycling,test +69340,69341,69341,ya anini namu tu a niyaru,change this tribe today,train +69341,69342,69342,o sakasaan aku a pakatinaku tu suwal i cangraan i nawhani minengneng cangra i caay pakaaraw mitngil cangra i caay pakatngil caay haca ka fana cangra,this is why I speak to them in parables Though seeing they do not see though hearing they do not hear or understand,train +69342,69343,69343,rasa,consequently,train +69343,69344,69344,sa ku falucu aku a ma ulah,I felt gratified,train +69344,69345,69345,tamaku,smoking,train +69345,69346,69346,o nuriyaray a hitay ku Cwuin kira,the one in the left battalion is the navy,train +69346,69347,69347,mahenay takutangenhu itiyahu,I used to shoot it with fish moss,train +69347,69348,69348,hananay kiya,that is how it is supposed to be,train +69348,69349,69349,ira tu ku Len Ciy mamitungud haw,there must be talent to take over or replace it,train +69349,69350,69350,malimad tu kami a maepud,move out we will move down,test +69350,69351,69351,sa awaay tu ku akung,grandfather passed away too,train +69351,69352,69352,rumadiw,sing,train +69352,69353,69353,tangasa itini Hulin u rakat nu kapah,the young man walked to Fung Lam,train +69353,69354,69354,u ruma pasifanaʼen ku wawa tu tafukud hani,plus teach your kids to throw nets,train +69354,69355,69355,tumeliay ku kipin ciupih a maemin o pakarungay i wawacay saan cisapengec ku funguh caayay ka citapad u fainayan maemin i ci kayap ci inapil ta ci tapad mahaenay ku lusid nu Pangcah,youths and above to the father of youths wear short plain colored tops and all wear feathered crowns youths are naked and wear headdresses males wear black embroidered aprons and leggings on the lower half of their bodies,train +69355,69356,69356,uruma^ satu itini piringu^ mapaacefel ku luma haw i caay ka cifawu ku sariri atu patih nu luma,smoking your house over a roaring fire is a great way to keep pests out of your building materials,train +69356,69357,69357,mahaen piharateng nu maku,here is what I think,train +69357,69358,69358,u caka falic ku pinangan aku i tini hu i niyaru,I have not changed my habits with the tribe,train +69358,69359,69359,ini cira,he is here,train +69359,69360,69360,masakaying tu kisu itiya,you were already a lady,test +69360,69361,69361,cicukapay,with shoes,train +69361,69362,69362,paculi,talk back,train +69362,69363,69363,Misaciyu ku nipuletian nu wawa a fukeluh i nanum,the stone thrown by the child makes a sound in the water,train +69363,69364,69364,masasuwasuwal ku papinapina a nisawawaan tu pakayniay i Fangcalay Pitaungan o tadamaanay a fukluh atu nipacakatan a dafung ku sapa^res tunini saan cangra suwal sa ci Yis,some of his disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God but Jesus said,train +69364,69365,69365,maan saan ku suwal i Fangcalay Cudad saw Fahfahen kuya fafahiyan a kuli atu wawa ningra Nawhani u wawa nu fafahiyan a kuli i caay ka ngaay a mikaput tu wawa nu caay ku kuli a fafahi a mirucuk saan,but what does the Scripture say Get rid of the slave woman and her son for the slave woman son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman son,train +69365,69366,69366,maulahay kaku tu uciya ni akung ngaayay tu a nanumen,I also like grandpas tea it is tasted good too,train +69366,69367,69367,mapalangdaw,dyed blue,train +69367,69368,69368,tusa tu rumiʼad sa kiya ising han aku,the doctor said the mother will die in about two days,train +69368,69369,69369,kalang,crab,train +69369,69370,69370,anu mangalev a mavana,if you want to know more,test +69370,69371,69371,cingki,in law,train +69371,69372,69372,aka tu ka pisanimanima harateng,do not hesitate to think,train +69372,69373,69373,misamaanay hanu itiniay i mikiriwiˈay a lalintadan a maˈurip kita,why do you say we are living in a special moment,train +69373,69374,69374,Sacupelak sa a kaenen ku sasengeren a alupal,persimmons that have not yet been soaked taste very astringent,train +69374,69375,69375,ira anu fangcal ku rumiʼad tusa rumiʼad mangʼay tu,if the weathers good days,train +69375,69376,69376,i tuwa,I am in middle school,train +69376,69377,69377,pakalawac,from the side,train +69377,69378,69378,ngaayay tu a sidetengen ku dateng isu haw,are your vegetables ready to be harvested,train +69378,69379,69379,u simal,you can also add the sausage to the lard,train +69379,69380,69380,Mulufic ku heci nu nanges,mango trees are fruitful,test +69380,69381,69381,maadah,recovered,train +69381,69382,69382,a dengay tu sahiyaan mituktuk micengel,it can also be used for mallet dyeing,train +69382,69383,69383,u cavay yaku ci Kawasaki,he is a friend of mine named Kawasaki,train +69383,69384,69384,masakaputay,Team workforce,train +69384,69385,69385,hay u malitengay awaay ku kungkuan,Yeah the old man never went to school,train +69385,69386,69386,kamayay,person skilled in certain types of work,train +69386,69387,69387,mitala^,wait for,train +69387,69388,69388,u mamisiʼayaw kaku tuna hananay,I am facing the joint entrance Examination,train +69388,69389,69389,semuyangcetuyu ku tamurak aku,I grow all kinds of pumpkins,train +69389,69390,69390,ta tayra haca i alu tangasa i alu haw i,going to the Creek again to river Creek,test +69390,69391,69391,makaniway,humor,train +69391,69392,69392,itiya i liclicen nu sakakaay a citudungay tu taung ci Yis tu pakayniay i nisawawaan ningra atu nipipasifana ningra,Meanwhile the high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching,train +69392,69393,69393,malingad sa kami tayni i kamiyanan a umah hay wawa i,we are going to work in the fields,train +69393,69394,69394,caka saan haw i,still,train +69394,69395,69395,iraay ku singsi,Teacher,train +69395,69396,69396,mihecaan isu tahanini pinaay tu,how old are you,train +69396,69397,69397,pasadakay,sender,train +69397,69398,69398,anu mahaen ku paluwad ita tu suwal nu Amis,if this is the way to revive our mother tongue,train +69398,69399,69399,anu misaapacan kaku matayal san naʼay naʼay san kisu haw,if you are late for work or do not do it at all,train +69399,69400,69400,pasera tu kuedaway,students on summer vacation,test +69400,69401,69401,Mihecacaʼan milisin mizunvi i walu nu vulad ku vinawlan tu demak,things to prepare for the annual August Toyotomi Festival,train +69401,69402,69402,tu pakayniay i kakaenen,Nutrition of the food concerned,train +69402,69403,69403,puki^,female genitals,train +69403,69404,69404,cuwa pakapasuay kaku a talapitilidan,No I go to school by bus,train +69404,69405,69405,mifulesak,let loose,train +69405,69406,69406,iratu i ayaw ku tatusa,we will send two men ahead,train +69406,69407,69407,caay kami picudad itiniyay a kaying,none of the girls here go to school,train +69407,69408,69408,sa minukayay a tamdaw i caay ka aluman,that is why there is not a lot of people going back to the tribe,train +69408,69409,69409,i fatad nu lalan sakatumaiaw ci Kacaw matawal nira miala ku silikami,on the way Kacaw wanted to go to the bathroom but he forgot to bring toilet paper,train +69409,69410,69410,ka cingra takuwanan,what happened to me was very upsetting to him,test +69410,69411,69411,ngaʼay tayni sa kamu,it is so easy for you guys to come and live here like this,train +69411,69412,69412,o rumasatu caay ka tayra kaku i Yirusalim a minengneng cangraan u i ayaway aku a malatarukus tangsul sa kaku a tayra i Arapiya ta patiku kaku a minukay i Tamaskus,nor did I go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was but I went immediately into Arabia and later returned to Damascus,train +69412,69413,69413,Paafeten kura kuwang,please load that gun,train +69413,69414,69414,nika matuas tu kami,but when we grow up,train +69414,69415,69415,sisa malingatu tu a patireng tu nisaselalan,that is when the age classes began to be established,train +69415,69416,69416,sa maruray ku falucu aku awaid,it is very stressful,train +69416,69417,69417,anu hatiraay i wa ngaˈay salakat i lalan misawacay kaˈalumanay misawacay anca milisuˈ tu lumuwadaytu a tamdaw,if so we might start by witnessing on the streets in public places or by renewing visits to those who have already risen,train +69417,69418,69418,miurauray tu kaku,Yes I rinsed out my mouth,train +69418,69419,69419,mi salafiiʼay a tayra i liyaliyalan a tumai,late night at the beach for the big one,train +69419,69420,69420,Sapakalafi niyam ci amaan,we are going to invite grand mom for dinner,test +69420,69421,69421,tu nialaan nu malingaday kuranan a mikiyafes saka itira ku talaw nira,he took the farmers guavas so he was afraid,train +69421,69422,69422,tayni satu kamu caay tu paanip haw,have you stopped farming since you have been here,train +69422,69423,69423,ura tuki ura mipadangay takuwanan,that clock helped me a lot,train +69423,69424,69424,misamaanay hanu pakasuˈlin kita mafanaˈay ci Yihufa tu misaaliay tu sahinum ku mararumay a tamdaw,why can we be sure that the Lord understands the need for comfort for the grieving,train +69424,69425,69425,misanga tu nu tuʼas a lusid nu Pangcah,Inheriting the art of creating traditional Amis costumes,train +69425,69426,69426,mapiyas kuya adadaay,that sick person has diarrhea,train +69426,69427,69427,Mapasuwaltu aku i tamuwanan ku nilayapan aku a kakalimlaan a Ngaayay Ratuh tuya mapatay ci Kristu tu sakahpul nu raraw ita sanay a suwal nu Fangcalay Cudad,for what I received I passed on to you as of first importance that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,train +69427,69428,69428,kuli^,ice,train +69428,69429,69429,ayaw haw nuni u sepat a mihecaan,just four years ago,train +69429,69430,69430,milecad cingra tu demak aku,he imitated what I did,test +69430,69431,69431,hayda han tu,just say yes,train +69431,69432,69432,i safaayhu nu cuyucuyuh tu miming ku pisanga isu cingraan mapafli isu cingra tu madilay atu tadamaanay tu malutamuhung ningra,you made him a little lower than the angels you crowned him with glory and honor,train +69432,69433,69433,dadaya tu iraay mitaʼelif u rumiʼad iraay mitaʼelif,at night during the day,train +69433,69434,69434,u niyaru niyam anu i lutuk kura umah nura kasaluma,some of them live in remote and dangerous mountain areas,train +69434,69435,69435,anu matira tatata masakeru^ kita,Well let us dance together,train +69435,69436,69436,u niya fulad hananay saʼusi nu malitengay,about the Elders calendar of the moon,train +69436,69437,69437,misakulungkulung,the sea is spinning,train +69437,69438,69438,i luma ci lisin hay,may I ask if Lisin is home,train +69438,69439,69439,Mienuc tu supa,Swallow,train +69439,69440,69440,adingu,shadow,test +69440,69441,69441,haelis,Yeah it is,train +69441,69442,69442,mahaenay kina aru nina ceruh kinaan,this is the establishment of the Oro tribe,train +69442,69443,69443,lekakawa,packing of bags and are work supplies,train +69443,69444,69444,ya telang a fadahung,Reusable,train +69444,69445,69445,i tini a mafana kamu pakayni i dmak ku sakangaay nu tamdaw a malayap nu Kawas caay ka pakayni i pitier ci Kristuan a ccay,you see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone,train +69445,69446,69446,u nipasevanaʼan namu u matuʼasay kami inaayaw,what you taught us before,train +69446,69447,69447,ta ya miteka micudad tayni i Ku Saw i hay,by the time elementary school starts yes,train +69447,69448,69448,Hay Ahuwiday singsi,got it thank you teacher,train +69448,69449,69449,caay kaputun ku nipisalisin nu heni,they continue to worship without interruption,train +69449,69450,69450,Singsi adadaay ku tiyad aku tayra hu kaku i tataiyan,Teacher I have a stomachache I need to go to the restroom,test +69450,69451,69451,kaku a mahufuc i lalekawan hananay,born in south Bali,train +69451,69452,69452,tya patayra tini Pailasen,we are going to Fuyuan,train +69452,69453,69453,Farawfawan,autumn,train +69453,69454,69454,Misasinal ca aki i lakelal,Aki they grow watermelons in the riverbed,train +69454,69455,69455,itiya hu tanu tamdaw sa misnga tu cecay,I used to make gyros with my bare hands,train +69455,69456,69456,pahayhay,dry up,train +69456,69457,69457,u maʼasit,call it infertility,train +69457,69458,69458,Naay micudad kaku,No I want to study,train +69458,69459,69459,Navakuwan,Hualien,train +69459,69460,69460,adihayay han,a lot ticket evaders,test +69460,69461,69461,titi^,squashy,train +69461,69462,69462,Halu,including,train +69462,69463,69463,o pitarang tu masengeray a riku isu ku ngaay,you should dry your clothes,train +69463,69464,69464,lada,sharing,train +69464,69465,69465,facal tu ku nanum anini,the water is very clean,train +69465,69466,69466,u tanguulnguul,tender vegetable hearts,train +69466,69467,69467,mahaen kinian a ngangan nu Pangcah a sinausal,our Amis dishes,train +69467,69468,69468,Nukay satu kuya kuli a paratuh i tawki ningra tunini a dmak Kter satu kuya tawki nu luma Ta suwal sa tuya kuli Kalamkamen a tayra i tataangay a lalan atu mamangay a lalan nu niyaru Kayaten a patayni ku pakuyucay tatiihay ku tireng a tamdaw mapuhaway atu mapiiway han ningra,The servant came back and reported this to his master then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor the crippled the blind and the lame,train +69468,69469,69469,sakisera,planning land,train +69469,69470,69470,falahen nu tau ku axenang,people throw chairs,test +69470,69471,69471,tira hanay nu Kuwaping i,the Chinese name of the place is Zhongxing,train +69471,69472,69472,anu itini sa i luma,if you stay at home all the time,train +69472,69473,69473,yasan na cecay a tamdaw cingra hawi,one of them is from Matsu,train +69473,69474,69474,alaen ku puwtaw puwtawen teliteli han ku fakeluh,get the planer plow it up and put the stone on it,train +69474,69475,69475,piyang,confectionary,train +69475,69476,69476,tangasa i pisawadan tu lukuninci ta,until the end of the school day in grade,train +69476,69477,69477,misangaʼay tu luma ku babaʼinay aku u tayku,my husband is in engineering,train +69477,69478,69478,Maaraw aku patingwa ku mira tu mamaulah ira,I saw her call her boyfriend,train +69478,69479,69479,o tatakaraw ku karawaayay a wawa,Bigfoot kids must grow very tall,train +69479,69480,69480,ayaw maaraw nira ku ccay a kaemangay a wawa u fafahian makapah saan cingra a minengneng i,he saw a young girl ahead he saw beautiful,test +69480,69481,69481,Fahekul han kuni a dufang,throw this thing away,train +69481,69482,69482,saan a senuwal ci vaki,Grandpa said so,train +69482,69483,69483,kuhecalay ira ku,there are white flowers,train +69483,69484,69484,kalu tayal,ordinary work,train +69484,69485,69485,deng ci Timuti ku milcaday tu falucu aku a sulin ku nika sidait tamuwanan,I have no one else like him who takes a genuine interest in your welfare,train +69485,69486,69486,anini awaay tu,not anymore,train +69486,69487,69487,o fukaw hananay kuninian a kilang,this tree is called a penholder tree,train +69487,69488,69488,misaenuray,Anchor,train +69488,69489,69489,i ayaw nu nika sanga nu hkal i iratu ku Suwal Malakaput atu Kawas ku Suwal o Kawas ku Suwal,in the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the word was God,train +69489,69490,69490,tahini satu i minatu i sapisawasawadan sanay haw a mifuting,I have been trying to give up fishing ever since I came into Hong Kong,test +69490,69491,69491,sanga tu ecaw atu eraw kani,making millet wine and brewing wine,train +69491,69492,69492,caay kakapah,it will not be pretty,train +69492,69493,69493,o manan ku sasuwalen u ngangan aca,it is just the name of the place there is nothing to talk about,train +69493,69494,69494,ruma,another,train +69494,69495,69495,rey,then,train +69495,69496,69496,hatira ca,okay,train +69496,69497,69497,Madawdaw,Success,train +69497,69498,69498,o ina aku cingra,she is my mom,train +69498,69499,69499,hatira ku ruray itiyaay a pida kaʼapa matiya sa kaku,it is so hard to earn a living in the past,train +69499,69500,69500,maimer tu tireng,have good morals and high standards,test +69500,69501,69501,maharek kuraan i,after that is done,train +69501,69502,69502,nika maaraw ku cepi,but you will see the thighs,train +69502,69503,69503,Misatakutakud kami tu lipahak niyam,we pranced with joy,train +69503,69504,69504,a nipil nipi nipikumu,the process of making a slingshot,train +69504,69505,69505,kurira a fafahiyan,that girl,train +69505,69506,69506,mitaeta tayni i lutuk,planting in the mountains,train +69506,69507,69507,mita u Pangcah kiraan,in our Amis ritual culture,train +69507,69508,69508,kilakilangan,forest,train +69508,69509,69509,o nanu nipaarawan nu Tapang ku sakatayra aku i kakrikridan nu saupu nu mituuray i satked han aku cangra a misahci a sumuwal tu nipatnakan aku a Ngaayay Ratuh i ruma a finacadan onini i u saka^caaw ka lasawad nu nitayalan aku tu hatiniay,I went in response to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles but I did this privately to those who seemed to be leaders for fear that I was running or had run my race in vain,train +69509,69510,69510,Cahucahu matumes tu ku kadangu nu mira,their giblets filled up in no time at all,test +69510,69511,69511,ta kafanaʼan ta,it is the only way to recognize them,train +69511,69512,69512,tatiih a ira ku uyas nu falucu nu malasingsiay i picudadan,teachers cannot be biased at school,train +69512,69513,69513,paxiw,to burn incense as in worship,train +69513,69514,69514,i takuwanan a mapaherek,I am done here,train +69514,69515,69515,Mahaenmahaen sa,what do you want What,train +69515,69516,69516,kemaʼen tu kami iri a maanen saw,we ate it we had no choice,train +69516,69517,69517,saka maenen ita ku demak satu sa,so how should we handle this,train +69517,69518,69518,u nu misu a demak i maherek kisu micinah telien i luma,the way you do it you marinate it and keep it inside,train +69518,69519,69519,u nu litengan hu,in the old days,train +69519,69520,69520,anu pakayni tu i maamaan a lusayan haw i,or all kinds of fruit trees,test +69520,69521,69521,Maenecay nu paliding ku sakatuwis nira,the reason for his limp is that he was run over by a car,train +69521,69522,69522,mihcaan,age,train +69522,69523,69523,kita,we,train +69523,69524,69524,masakapah hu^ kisu,you are so young,train +69524,69525,69525,maaraw ningra ku nika fawahtu nu kakarayan ira ku matiyaay u kakahaday a kiradum macait ku spat a tadimucukan nunini a kiradum a ma^pud i sra,he saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners,train +69525,69526,69526,a cima mililiday a cima saw dudu han aku ku tau han aku ku suwal tu milicayay a wawa,there is no one to lead the way follow the people that is my answer,train +69526,69527,69527,hatiniyan ku nu itiya hu,that is how it was done back then,train +69527,69528,69528,mafali,be windy,train +69528,69529,69529,sakinutamdawan,reasoning for dealing with people,train +69529,69530,69530,anu hipu pahipuan i anu mangalay kisu pahian yinwicuyhaw,you can add dried fish if you want but plain is best,test +69530,69531,69531,nu Recurd,I am from Taitung,train +69531,69532,69532,atimla^,flea,train +69532,69533,69533,u nu Kaluluan a tamdaw u Amis,he is a Carolinian he is an Amish,train +69533,69534,69534,una kuhetingay nuna titi,the black part,train +69534,69535,69535,awaaytu aemin yu,it is all gone,train +69535,69536,69536,alekapadapadang,mutual assistance,train +69536,69537,69537,o fainayan ci Panay,is Panay a boy,train +69537,69538,69538,ilanay han nu matuʼasay kira huwa ri,the older one said no,train +69538,69539,69539,uwa natalud mamasa,there is still so much weed,train +69539,69540,69540,nika anu ira ku tadamaanay a rumiad matu misaluma pataluma kailisinan pakelang atu mililafang caykaeca misahakhak anca misaturun malu hemay sapakaen,However on important occasions such as house building marriage the Harvest Festival or gatherings hakhak or torn or glutinous rice will be steamed and served to guests,test +69540,69541,69541,u niyan ri u tefus,this is sugar cane,train +69541,69542,69542,wata kafangcal nikaurira caay kafilu ku sienaw,very pretty however no law to endure the cold,train +69542,69543,69543,Patiliden isu ku cuyuh nu i Lautikiyaay a kiwkay u suwal i Oya Amin uya sulinay a tatieren a pawacayay u tatapangan nu nisangaan nu Kawas a mamaan haen sa tu suwal,To the angel of the church in Laodicea write these are the words of the Amen the faithful and true witness the ruler of Gods creation,train +69543,69544,69544,nika mikihatiya ku lalavu nuluma awaay taluma ku kapah,But the family joined but the young man did not come back,train +69544,69545,69545,mahiraay a havay haw,and even made into various kinds of food,train +69545,69546,69546,atu tamuramurak,and some pumpkin,train +69546,69547,69547,tu silasimi awaay ku payci,I do not have money for salad oil,train +69547,69548,69548,ya sanga tu ya sangaʼen nu itiya,completion of the ID card,train +69548,69549,69549,siri,goats,train +69549,69550,69550,hadidi saan paherek,stick with it until it is done,test +69550,69551,69551,tahepu,covering,train +69551,69552,69552,han nu Dipung adipangpang,the name of the song in Japanese is butterfly Girl butterfly,train +69552,69553,69553,aka pisakasak tu suwal nu matuasay,do not be disrespectful of the words of the elders,train +69553,69554,69554,ci fai ci rengus a itini i masamanay ku inurung ningra,what is the burden on Auntie Shannon the chairwoman,train +69554,69555,69555,ta matira patireng tira adawang nu niyam i fafaʼed,that is what we are building the clubhouse on,train +69555,69556,69556,tuwa nanu Pukpuk henay,at that time it was still in i,train +69556,69557,69557,haw ma milaliw ma,I am running away,train +69557,69558,69558,Mikiyut ciira tu apul i tangtang,he was digging for lime in the lime box,train +69558,69559,69559,safaw pitu^,seventeen,train +69559,69560,69560,Ngaaytu Naunen ku rakat,Okay please take care,test +69560,69561,69561,aka hu lepunen hu aku ku tayal nu maku han aku,I said Wait let me finish my current job first,train +69561,69562,69562,kakacungvang nu hiya,they have been taking turns,train +69562,69563,69563,hatiray aca ahuwiday,thanks for listening,train +69563,69564,69564,anu tayra kaku i Sipaniya i u mamicafer kaku i tamuwanan a milisu anu ma^dengtu ku falucu aku a mikaput i tamuwanan i mangalay kaku tu pipadama namu i takuwanan tu sakatayra aku i Sipaniya,I plan to do so when I go to Spain I hope to visit you while passing through and to have you assist me on my journey there after I have enjoyed your company for a while,train +69564,69565,69565,Patikamien Patiliden kaku,write me a latter,train +69565,69566,69566,natayraay tu a mawmah natayraay tu,I have been farming in the mountains,train +69566,69567,69567,adihayay,the amount is very high,train +69567,69568,69568,ta itiya hu u haw,what about the crate,train +69568,69569,69569,sakuran,backyard,train +69569,69570,69570,tulu a,do it for years,test +69570,69571,69571,ta malacafay kita mililid tu patafuan,let us carry the lunch boxes together,train +69571,69572,69572,ta maru tu ku pipatirengan sahaw i,pillars to be set up,train +69572,69573,69573,tira ku tayal nu maku i hananay,working in Palau,train +69573,69574,69574,a mahemin aca u ruma sa tavukuden nu matuasay iri,they cannot even eat it all so the old man uses a gossip net,train +69574,69575,69575,itiya mamuni ku hiya sera,this is when the soil on the farm becomes soft,train +69575,69576,69576,o tahapinang a nira tu mipasuwalan nira,he said it was just a way for lovers to recognize each other,train +69576,69577,69577,u caelng kiaymi,red cypress is not it,train +69577,69578,69578,sapisanga na mira tu tilung,used to make pottery jars,train +69578,69579,69579,anini misakilang saan,now we are going to the mountains to cut wood,train +69579,69580,69580,namal,fiery or flaming,test +69580,69581,69581,Pasiamis han ku rakat tangasa tu,it is just a short walk north,train +69581,69582,69582,maulah kaku tu kacanglahan caay ka faedet caay ka sienaw,I like spring because the weather is warm,train +69582,69583,69583,san ci kaka aku saka tusa a kaka ci Yusiku,my sister said so my second sister Yoh Xi Gu,train +69583,69584,69584,milusid tu ku matuʼasay tu ini umah nira,after the old man prepares the tools for farming,train +69584,69585,69585,ka halikaenen aka ka ngudu^,eat more do not be polite,train +69585,69586,69586,Maansa kiya radiw ningra,what is his song about,train +69586,69587,69587,a caay hu ka cilaheci ku malu demak,it will not be over so soon,train +69587,69588,69588,anu ikur wa milifuk ci Taniil tu maanan sapalemed,what blessings will Daniel receive in the future,train +69588,69589,69589,a mipekpek hen tu sadim,I am going to hit poison Ivy,train +69589,69590,69590,tu misangaʼay,someone made it,test +69590,69591,69591,mahemek malipahak ku falucu nu maku itini,it is the happiest and most joyful thing I have ever done,train +69591,69592,69592,nina babuy nu liyal hanu,this is when the whales,train +69592,69593,69593,pawali han ku tingting nira malasaasi tu,However the flower spikes need to be dried before they can be made into brooms,train +69593,69594,69594,misaficing,design,train +69594,69595,69595,valahen ku caayay kalecad a lutuc,the groundnut seedling that grows up is not quite the same as the one that removes it,train +69595,69596,69596,Pacemet cingra a mafuti,he took a nap,train +69596,69597,69597,ira ku pipululan i Fataan,the light is restored to the prison,train +69597,69598,69598,icuwaan hay,where is it,train +69598,69599,69599,matumatumay misahakengnu tu,he is a drunkard he is a forgetful man,train +69599,69600,69600,Dipung,birds nest,test +69600,69601,69601,aka henay,wait a moment,train +69601,69602,69602,tura hananay a tura niyaru,start targeting the big port tribes,train +69602,69603,69603,samaan ku demak ita catu ka piliyas tu suˈlinay kimad anca mapawpaway a maˈalul,what can we do so that we do not fall away from the truth or drift away with the current,train +69603,69604,69604,o wacu ku mipulinay tu kufuc,the bottle was knocked over by the dog,train +69604,69605,69605,mararaw tu ku cima ku anu saan,it is confusing as to who is the subject,train +69605,69606,69606,nawri itiyaay a tamdaw malalicay ku tamdaw haw i,people used to say hello to each other,train +69606,69607,69607,ci lusiday maemin ku finawlan nu niyaru,the tribesmen are all dressed up,train +69607,69608,69608,malatarawadaw,it becomes a river,train +69608,69609,69609,a pakacikafutul han nu fiyafiyaw ciira,they call him by his nickname Big Testicles,train +69609,69610,69610,sudaten tu a patahekal patala i luma,I am going to take it out and put it in the house,test +69610,69611,69611,rakat,go away,train +69611,69612,69612,Salikakaaw nanay mafana kamu tu nika u malusakatnak nu Ngaayay Ratuh ku nika matini aku a marufu,now I want you to know brothers that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel,train +69612,69613,69613,ya kayki i sakatulu nu mitiliday ira kisu haw,will you come to the meeting on Wednesday,train +69613,69614,69614,yu tayni tu,when there are foreigners,train +69614,69615,69615,pakini tu salawinawina nu mita u ngangasawan nu mita,about our family our clan,train +69615,69616,69616,ya manenengay aku,I have seen it all before my eyes,train +69616,69617,69617,miʼicangan,just dry it,train +69617,69618,69618,Siwa^ pulu ira ku lima^ kina pida^,here is,train +69618,69619,69619,mikimadan,the story told,train +69619,69620,69620,ilaay tu hatiniay ura mira haw,Yes it is just like this her but,test +69620,69621,69621,metemet han nura ecay a kamay ira,all hands are clasped,train +69621,69622,69622,itisakiay,pouch,train +69622,69623,69623,o fadic aca ku pituuran nangra nikawrira minaay tu sulinay a pituuran o hatiniay a tamdaw i ka piliyas kamu i cangraan,having a form of godliness but denying its power have nothing to do with them,train +69623,69624,69624,nanian a cuwah sakufalu,this is the eighth crossing,train +69624,69625,69625,ira saku falucu hamanen aku ta fangcal sa,if you have your mind set on what to do,train +69625,69626,69626,Dihku ku falucu aku,I am encouraged in heart after having been afraid or upset i comforted,train +69626,69627,69627,u muntay nu niyaru nu finacadan nu mita i,the problems of our indigenous tribes,train +69627,69628,69628,fuwah,opening,train +69628,69629,69629,melawi saw ku nipaluma nu matuasay saletlet,that is what old people look like when they are heavy,train +69629,69630,69630,tangasa i luma a maanen a semuwal cira,what do I tell him when I get home,test +69630,69631,69631,Kasasuulah,love each other,train +69631,69632,69632,anu dadahal caay kakapah haw,if it is too wide it will not be right,train +69632,69633,69633,pafulis,floating fabric,train +69633,69634,69634,a ilangen niira,he is going to grind it,train +69634,69635,69635,Cudad,letter,train +69635,69636,69636,adidiʼay a vuting,bite,train +69636,69637,69637,Omeling ku fukes niira,her hair is shiny,train +69637,69638,69638,masapangcahay hananay,Aboriginal children,train +69638,69639,69639,tayraay kaminan,come to me,train +69639,69640,69640,o tatayra tu a miniwing misaheci pakinsa,he is about to be hospitalized for an itemized examination,test +69640,69641,69641,Angungulay ku nanum itira itini sa kita a midanguy,the water is deep there so we just swim here,train +69641,69642,69642,panayat panayar tu rumiad,to delay the time for an event to take place,train +69642,69643,69643,mahaen han kita,I will share it with you,train +69643,69644,69644,sakakaay ka fufu aku,my grandmother was the oldest,train +69644,69645,69645,nawhani anu pakaynien i nipilahci tu Rikec i awaay ku mamalayap nu Kawas a tamdaw o tayal nu Rikec i deng u nipipakafana aca tu tamdaw tu nika ciraraw nu tireng,therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law rather through the law we become conscious of sin,train +69645,69646,69646,tu hatatudung nira mana hatira ku pisikki nu malitengay,what are the reasons for the real design,train +69646,69647,69647,anu u kalipahakan tu anu u kararuman tu a kimad,whether it is a happy or a sad story,train +69647,69648,69648,wa taniktiken ku tireng ku nikaurip niyam,our lives must be healthy,train +69648,69649,69649,anu milahcihci ku kuli tu suwal nu tawki ningra i mikansiya ku tawki i cingraan saan kamu saw,would he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do,train +69649,69650,69650,safa ira tu nu Dipung sanay,it is a Japanese,test +69650,69651,69651,cimanan,who,train +69651,69652,69652,ikur i mikitini Estunia malinahay kami tayra i katimul nu Ruwasiya a Necilupunaya,after that we moved from Estonia to Nezlobnaya in the south of Russia,train +69652,69653,69653,takadaw kadahal papah nira,the leaves are wide and long and tall,train +69653,69654,69654,Palitaen nu maku ci ina kiya u lahngangay saw ku kulit nu kakarayan,I asked my mother why the sky is red,train +69654,69655,69655,masuaw,thirsty,train +69655,69656,69656,awa kiya mapatay ciira tu piulatek isu a mipalu,Careful he will die if you hit him too hard,train +69656,69657,69657,tengteng patayra i hiya,forced me into it,train +69657,69658,69658,ya katimul nira i initu u ludak,the one south of it is called the hundred pace Snake,train +69658,69659,69659,panukay,bring it back,train +69659,69660,69660,ituluway a vulad,in March,test +69660,69661,69661,o macupcupay nu safa nira ku tangcepan nuya wawa,the boys pacifier was sucked by his brother,train +69661,69662,69662,anu pararekep hatiraay,to assemble a four piece wall,train +69662,69663,69663,anu tataak kiya vulad makerah,if the moon is big the tide goes out,train +69663,69664,69664,Sausien hu,count it,train +69664,69665,69665,saʼayaw tanu kasuyan niyam mitangtang kuni tu misafer,Before we cooked with firewood,train +69665,69666,69666,ira ku ccay a pung itini i suta,there was a hole here on the ground,train +69666,69667,69667,muraraw,labyrinth's vestibular,train +69667,69668,69668,pacarcar,temporary,train +69668,69669,69669,hay mahaen,Yes that is it,train +69669,69670,69670,suʼelinay uraan ku pitafuan nu malitengay,that is why the elders use it to pack lunches,test +69670,69671,69671,hilam han u malecaday aca^ ku nicakayan niyam a citing,as a result we both bought the same dictionary each,train +69671,69672,69672,hay adihayay tu niadahan nuna tali tuninaan,this taro grass is much better,train +69672,69673,69673,nengneng han itini i taliyuk nu mira i,see around his body,train +69673,69674,69674,haen haen miniciay kulanan,it is like this it is like a conch,train +69674,69675,69675,i sa mafana kaku,that is why I am here,train +69675,69676,69676,hawikid,carry,train +69676,69677,69677,o manan ku kakaenen isu tu kalahukan,what are you having for lunch,train +69677,69678,69678,kamay nu tamdaw ku piʼarawan u siraw tu pikin han tu,it is all in the hands of the person and that is the case with cured meats,train +69678,69679,69679,o mainal ku finawlan tu nika cietan nu misu,the tribesmen envy you for making so much money,train +69679,69680,69680,o miadupay nu niyaru ci mama^ aku,my dad is a hunter of the tribe,test +69680,69681,69681,Aka mipacakay tu mali^ kita,No we will sell balloons,train +69681,69682,69682,masamaanay ku rumiad i paputal,how is the weather outside,train +69682,69683,69683,Cikapatay ku wawa nu mita a taluma,our children have company back home,train +69683,69684,69684,nu Pukpuk a niyaru,thin tribe,train +69684,69685,69685,rey nengneng han aku,in my opinion,train +69685,69686,69686,cay ka hirateng nangra ku ruray,they do not feel hard done by,train +69686,69687,69687,na pikunglingan saka tahira kami ri,the training center so when we get there,train +69687,69688,69688,ira ku wawa nu Kiw Kay,tutoring,train +69688,69689,69689,iri micukimisay,Tsukimi Festival,train +69689,69690,69690,o safa ku mi,take it all with you,test +69690,69691,69691,cima kiya emekalay a tamdaw i niyaru,who is the guy shouting at the tribe,train +69691,69692,69692,ira tayra mima taynini sa kisu saan,come to me and tell me why you are here,train +69692,69693,69693,Singsi caay ka hapinang aku liyawen haca a sumuwal,I do not understand can you repeat it again,train +69693,69694,69694,u nikadafuay ku wama aku nani Fataan,my fathers house is in the process of being restored,train +69694,69695,69695,ising,doctor,train +69695,69696,69696,cuwa ira ku tama kira,there is not always a hunt,train +69696,69697,69697,awaay ku kakaenan itiya hu nu matuasay,the old man did not have anything to eat,train +69697,69698,69698,nawhani makuwan nu midiputay atu misimaway kuya wawa tangasa i nipatunekan nu mama ningra a rumiad,he is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father,train +69698,69699,69699,paatulen,array something stacked,train +69699,69700,69700,Muetep ira ku lima ku mihecaan ningra anini,he is fifteen years old,test +69700,69701,69701,o pasasifinay ku ciruhefay a luma,there are complimentary towels in the bad house,train +69701,69702,69702,adihay ku lunen nu Kalinku,there are many earthquakes in Hualien,train +69702,69703,69703,o makunayatay ku kaulahan aku a kafel,I like pants with stretch,train +69703,69704,69704,o kaka^ aku tu fainayan ciira ci Kuning,he is my brother Koning,train +69704,69705,69705,mapulung sasepat ku wawa niyam,there are four children in our family,train +69705,69706,69706,riyal,sea,train +69706,69707,69707,malamlam ira ku Paliwan,it is a mix some of them are Paiwanese,train +69707,69708,69708,Mu^etep tu ku mihecaan aku,I am ten years old,train +69708,69709,69709,saka ta ma tuas kaku ma u kalaluud nu Dipung atu nini u Padaka itiya saka,when I grew up there was a war between Japan and the us then,train +69709,69710,69710,Matuem ku rumiad anini,it is cloudy today,test +69710,69711,69711,maemin saca maenuc,you cannot drink all of it,train +69711,69712,69712,kaedahay,spicy,train +69712,69713,69713,kaput,classmate,train +69713,69714,69714,ey Cyin Kwu Lu,Uh Jianguo Road,train +69714,69715,69715,ta pasuwalen nangra cingra atu paru nu luma ningra a ma^min tu suwal nu Tapang,then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house,train +69715,69716,69716,hanay nira ku itiniay,that is what they say around here,train +69716,69717,69717,ura cahung,about thatched roof,train +69717,69718,69718,taluma,come home,train +69718,69719,69719,ku nipisanga,it is stylized,train +69719,69720,69720,papicucuen,pursue something stay close,test +69720,69721,69721,fufufufu,Grandmas,train +69721,69722,69722,miraraay,red bean picker,train +69722,69723,69723,Marang,Mary,train +69723,69724,69724,u luʼengelay naun han aku,I will hit the tender leaves slowly and gently,train +69724,69725,69725,kakawit,scythe,train +69725,69726,69726,ilikien kaku tu matuʼasay itiya hu,at that time I had expectations of the elders,train +69726,69727,69727,anu ca pafelien isu i,if you do not give,train +69727,69728,69728,Micurah ci ina tu lakaw i putal,mom burns trash in the yard,train +69728,69729,69729,saka sepat u selal anu katangasaan tu ku ilisin nu Pangcah haw i ira tu ku masamaamaanay a saupu^ nu kasaselal onini a kasaselal u laleku nu sakuwan nu niyaru matiya u sufitay u icel atu sarikec nu niyaru,Fourth the age class every year every tribal festival there will be activities of the age class this organization is the administrative backbone of the tribe just like the military organization and is the driving force of the tribe,train +69729,69730,69730,midisdis,skin,test +69730,69731,69731,yu ccay a rumiad pasifana ci Yis tu finawlan i Fangcalay Pitaungan a patnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh itiya i ira ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec atu kalas nu niyaru a miraud i ci Yisan,one day as he was teaching the people in the temple courts and preaching the gospel the chief priests and the teachers of the law together with the elders came up to him,train +69731,69732,69732,1 2 o picada ni Yihufa tu tamdaw samaanay caka lecad tu cifadangalay a tamdaw,how does the Lord treat people differently from the powerful,train +69732,69733,69733,enur,anchor,train +69733,69734,69734,malcad tunini caay ku nafalucuan nu wama namu i kakarayan ku nika tkup nu ccaccay aca nunini a sasafaay a tamdaw,in the same way your father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost,train +69734,69735,69735,Pakatawaen kami,make us laugh give us a good time,train +69735,69736,69736,hatalipay ku kaka ha,it is the right skirt that is more upturned,train +69736,69737,69737,ci pala cangra i tira i palapalaan ira ku pala nangra i palapalaan,they have a plot of land in the wilderness,train +69737,69738,69738,u lusid nu sapilalikid caay ka lecad kunu payniyaniyaru i Kalingkuway u lahengangay ku taterungan i sawaliyay u vuhecalay ku vuduy u muhetingay ku talip caay ka lecad kunu i tangalay a lusid,in the Hualien area the dresses are mainly red and black on the east Coast white tops and black skirts are used with the difference being in the headdresses,train +69738,69739,69739,hay aray han aku kisu singsi,first of all I would like to say thank you to the teacher,train +69739,69740,69740,kuli,tight,test +69740,69741,69741,matuʼasay nu niyam,our ancestors,train +69741,69742,69742,fariingantatihi,side,train +69742,69743,69743,minukay sa kami amicudad umaan kura matiniay akapiʼawas san ku tau,you will see these plants on the road after school and people around here say it is not a good idea to step on them,train +69743,69744,69744,mipaluma tura,the building is over there,train +69744,69745,69745,suwal sa ci Yis Talacuwa u caayay ka filu nu tamdaw i mafilu nu Kawas a ma^min han ningra,Jesus replied What is impossible with men is possible with God,train +69745,69746,69746,misaluma kinatusa kaku misaluma,I covered the house twice,train +69746,69747,69747,tira cingra i pi Palidaway i,clansmen who drifted to the south Hengchun,train +69747,69748,69748,Cihawikid tu titi nu kulung atu icep sapafeli ci fakian,my father brought beef and betel nuts for my uncle,train +69748,69749,69749,Alafinay haw ku riyun ira Mecaday tu,does it take a long time to spin is it still the same,train +69749,69750,69750,ya siira malawidang malecalecaday,those who are best friends with their peers will have the same,test +69750,69751,69751,o caelay nu limecedan kira dufut,that bag is for a young girl to wear over her shoulder,train +69751,69752,69752,maalaala sa kami sa,I was the only one actually hired along with other people,train +69752,69753,69753,miala tu kuya amisay miala tu ku i timulay tu nini u suwal saka lalen sa tu saka,both the north and south areas adopted the unified speech,train +69753,69754,69754,makera aku ku cecay,I have discovered a problem,train +69754,69755,69755,ye ira tu,Boss Yes,train +69755,69756,69756,ira kuna suwal nangra masetik hu kaku sa itini a pakafana tu i lumaʼay,they often say to their families I am going to go hunting,train +69756,69757,69757,ciadecaway,with marble,train +69757,69758,69758,patada han itira i fakici,in a bucket,train +69758,69759,69759,uruma iri kalakulawlawan ku caayay karuhem,some of the immature ones have a yellowish color,train +69759,69760,69760,ta hulankay ngaʼayay,the food is very good too,test +69760,69761,69761,a tayra hu kaku i riyar saan cingra,I am thinking of going to the beach,train +69761,69762,69762,itini kami a miaray a patata,we would like to offer our thanksgiving service,train +69762,69763,69763,pasuwal sa cangra i ci Ilisapican Awaay ku cinganganay nu malininaay namu tunini a ngangan han nangra,they said to her There is no one among your relatives who has that name,train +69763,69764,69764,mitapi hananay a demak,Attentiveness,train +69764,69765,69765,pina tu ku miheca nu misu ina,how old are you Mom,train +69765,69766,69766,faled,above,train +69766,69767,69767,paliwalay kamu tu icep haw,do you sell betel nut,train +69767,69768,69768,sanufaʼinayen ku demak nu misu haw wawa,you have to act like a man,train +69768,69769,69769,iratu haw mahelek i mihiya tu mimi ya rumiʼad i pakelang pakelang patemek pakelang talariyal tayra cuwacuwa mihiya adihay ku hahiyaen itiya hu,there is also after the completion of the feast the celebration of the feast the celebration of the feast each go to the beach and various places in the past there are a lot of feasible,train +69769,69770,69770,nawhani caay pakacakay ku matuʼasay,no financial resources in the early days,test +69770,69771,69771,ila ku aalaen sanay ku niya,that is the only way to get something out of it,train +69771,69772,69772,matuas,grow up,train +69772,69773,69773,Hakuwaay ku mihecaan ningra anini,how old is he,train +69773,69774,69774,sanay niya,that means,train +69774,69775,69775,Mikakawangay ci faki tu sa pasifana nira situ tu facu nu kakawangay,uncle catches a praying mantis in order to teach the students the form of praying mantis,train +69775,69776,69776,niyaruay,tribal people,train +69776,69777,69777,tasaselaan,oxygen mask,train +69777,69778,69778,u fangcal ku lalan rumakat sa kaku i,thought the way was good when I walked that way,train +69778,69779,69779,ca tu kangudu aku yu,I will make myself at home then,train +69779,69780,69780,miuwayay,the man who picks rattan,test +69780,69781,69781,mimingay,small,train +69781,69782,69782,hacuwa katataak,how big is it,train +69782,69783,69783,Hay takaraw ku pulung nu paru^ nu luma niyam,Yes we are all very tall,train +69783,69784,69784,tuna paaliwacan tayra i pusung kaku atu kaka tu fafahiyan a milisu ci fakian,this holiday my sister and I went to Taitung to visit my uncle,train +69784,69785,69785,ira hu ku ilisin itiya,there was also the Harvest moon Festival back then,train +69785,69786,69786,o faeluhay kasakupang ni Luci 1600 kungli ku raay tu kitiraan i salakat sanay saka nanamaw tu faeluhay kasakupang misaˈicel mirienang tu mitusilay demak,Rogers new congregation is more than kilometers from where he used to live and he says The best way to fit in with the new congregation is to get involved in evangelism as much as possible,train +69786,69787,69787,rucuk,legacy,train +69787,69788,69788,sawad,Stop resign give up let go let go,train +69788,69789,69789,aca pahuluen isu haw masalumaay ku titi cuwa kangaʼay kaenen,if you do not add rice the drowned meat will be bland and tasteless,train +69789,69790,69790,Cacuruken nu mita a milimuut,we take turns,test +69790,69791,69791,mana,What,train +69791,69792,69792,yasa kiya ina aku,and then the mothers reaction was,train +69792,69793,69793,cecay ku diyung,a pig,train +69793,69794,69794,tuas,the mothers character,train +69794,69795,69795,tafu han ku tesel nu malitengay kalimelaan sa kaku i,I regret that the embroidery of my predecessor was hidden it is a shame,train +69795,69796,69796,ina u maan kupiu maan ku pafeli nu misu tu paru nu luma tu suna,Mom do you want to say something to your family grandchildren,train +69796,69797,69797,mikiskis ci mama tu cikaf nu futing,dad scales the fish,train +69797,69798,69798,o edeng tu nu tayal nira saka u felec tu nira,he had enough work so he went home,train +69798,69799,69799,haw sa,that is what I said,train +69799,69800,69800,ura kaka aku mafana tu mamaan ci kura kaka aku,my sister knows a lot about the past,test +69800,69801,69801,kakavukilan,it is not going anywhere,train +69801,69802,69802,raramud satu kami atu fafahi aku,I have accomplished my life work,train +69802,69803,69803,fafahian,girls,train +69803,69804,69804,u dafak maratar dadaya minukay,early in the morning and late at night,train +69804,69805,69805,nawhani itiyahu ku matuʼasay i,it is because of the former elders,train +69805,69806,69806,i sasa nu maamaan,beneath something,train +69806,69807,69807,ira ku faki fai nu maku u salikaka nu wama aku,we lived with my fathers brothers and sisters,train +69807,69808,69808,o mipaekelan tu fakluh a talakal kunini u sapilepet tu mulafaw,this is a stone trap used to catch rats,train +69808,69809,69809,malalikel kita,the two of us each has one,train +69809,69810,69810,Hay ira ku nicakayan ni ama i nacila,Yes dad bought it yesterday,test +69810,69811,69811,cepet,arrest,train +69811,69812,69812,liyaw tu a rumiad pakafana han tu aku kisu a misanga tu fuefu,I will teach you how to make a fish trap next time,train +69812,69813,69813,o rarupayen ku sera a misalalan,the dirt must be graded to make a road,train +69813,69814,69814,nipivuting nu heni pataynien amin i luma,all the fish we caught were taken to the funeral home,train +69814,69815,69815,a demak salikulay,Work Last,train +69815,69816,69816,lafang,visitor,train +69816,69817,69817,ititra cecay kaku a miheca a matayal,spent a year working there,train +69817,69818,69818,paafufuen,to bear,train +69818,69819,69819,saka itini a macaciyaw kaku,that is why today I am going to say,train +69819,69820,69820,maading tu nuya lutuk kaku atu mama aku wina aku,my mom and dad are being picked up by a bush,test +69820,69821,69821,mahecaday tu kura iya ira u pinangan ira,it has the same growth pattern,train +69821,69822,69822,mafanaʼay misetikay a wawa isu hatini ku fana isu,have your children learned your skill at beachcombing you are so good at it,train +69822,69823,69823,mafali anini,it is windy today,train +69823,69824,69824,lamlam,hybrid,train +69824,69825,69825,saka cayca kangaʼay a itini ama maraay kira Taylin iraw Talampu i kaʼamis i,it turns out this is not the right place and the police are too far away up north in Durham,train +69825,69826,69826,a patireng tu parud nu luma,building a family,train +69826,69827,69827,Cisiuyay a mapateli ku cilah,saltpeter is placed at the rice cooker,train +69827,69828,69828,u caacaayay tu kalalesi,there will never be another tsunami,train +69828,69829,69829,o sifana caay kasaenarar,Dropout rates are the highest access to education is not equal,train +69829,69830,69830,ta tayra satu cangra i ruma a niyaru,and they went to another village,test +69830,69831,69831,Maruray kaku a miharateng tamuwanan matalaw kaku tu kalasawadan nu nitayalan aku i tamuwanan,I fear for you that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you,train +69831,69832,69832,nika itini i ayaw i iraay ku pakafana nu wama aku a micelem,I think my dad used to teach me how to dive,train +69832,69833,69833,halafin ku nika itira nuya tatusaay saka pasuwal han ni Fistus kuya hungti tu pakayniay ci Pawluan suwal sa Ira ku ccay a tamdaw tu nirufuanhu ni Filis,since they were spending many days there Festus discussed Pauls case with the king he said There is a man here whom Felix left as a prisoner,train +69833,69834,69834,Sulinay adihay ku caang Nikawrira ccay aca ku tatirengan,as it is there are many parts but one body,train +69834,69835,69835,macacelcel tu i lalavu,squeeze it in his belly,train +69835,69836,69836,mapacidal iri mavunartu,the sun makes you white and red,train +69836,69837,69837,O rumasatu anu cimatu a hungti anu sapiluudan tu ruma a hungti i misahalakahu cingra a miharateng Ma^deng hakini ku ccay a ufad a sufitay aku a misiayaw tura tusa a ufad a sufitay nura ada a hungti caay ka saan cingra saw,Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand,train +69837,69838,69838,suwal sa ci ama A mivetik kita tu nipalemed nu Kawas tu nikarahid nu mita a ira ku sakataluma a tama,dad said we want to thank the ancestors for their blessings so that we have a lot of prey to harvest,train +69838,69839,69839,dipi,seek refuge from disaster,train +69839,69840,69840,culed,stick,test +69840,69841,69841,Lepel hantu tu kamay,just grab it with your hands,train +69841,69842,69842,atu kararuman hananay,there is also the sadness,train +69842,69843,69843,hatira sa tayra i alu,and so to the river to the stream,train +69843,69844,69844,matawalay ku nu maku ata miaca kita,I do not have one either let us go buy one,train +69844,69845,69845,akaway,block,train +69845,69846,69846,adihay tu ku nipihaʼen nu maku tu hiya tu nu,I have dyed a lot of them too,train +69846,69847,69847,tira tu paluma,room with a seat,train +69847,69848,69848,o marimadacay ku sinasera ninian a luma,this home has a smooth floor,train +69848,69849,69849,pakamaanay cingra a tayra i paisingan,how does he go to the hospital,train +69849,69850,69850,mililis,along the mountains,test +69850,69851,69851,saka itini kiya pitapal aku tu caay kafana haw,I am appealing to our country to legislate on the terms,train +69851,69852,69852,hatiraay ura sakatusa niya,that is what happened to us the second time,train +69852,69853,69853,suwal sa ci Yis Mahaenay saka u minanamay tu pakayniay i Kitakit nu Kawas a pasifanaay tu Rikec a nisawawaan i matiya u misadakay tu fa^luhay atu matlangay a dafung nai ariri nu luma nu tawki han ningra,he said to them Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old,train +69853,69854,69854,a mipayfang tu salikaka,visiting parishioners,train +69854,69855,69855,pimali,sphere,train +69855,69856,69856,hatiraay kuna demak sa tu,you will think Well that is the way it is,train +69856,69857,69857,u maan ku sapalamlam hakiya savel han ku nu maku,I will just cook it,train +69857,69858,69858,ruma sa a sasuwal haw kita anini kiya,and by the way here is the thing,train +69858,69859,69859,Caay u miacan nu ina aku kunini,No this is what mom bought,train +69859,69860,69860,pasuvana,explanation,test +69860,69861,69861,siysiy aray,thank you,train +69861,69862,69862,masamaan ku nipahecekan namu a tartar,how are you guys doing on the fight,train +69862,69863,69863,mipalafangay,visitors,train +69863,69864,69864,misanga kuya mama tuya tuluay adadanguyan,dad made a bamboo boat out of three pieces of bamboo,train +69864,69865,69865,caay picumud i tuʼas a luma itini i Lidaw,I did not go back to the home of my ancestors,train +69865,69866,69866,kalikiay a mapaliwal ku dateng niyam suwal sa ci fufu Hay iraay kisu a mipacafay kira,our goods sold out quickly and my grandmother said it is all thanks to your help,train +69866,69867,69867,tu taviras u tipus u hiya u vunga haw,Corn rice groundnuts,train +69867,69868,69868,Halupatiyamay a tamdaw nunini a hkal a mararum a tumangic tu pakayniay tuya fafahiyan nawhani awaaytu ku mamicakay tu dafung nangra,The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more,train +69868,69869,69869,Palakatul nu kulung kaku tuninian a katul nu efa,I mistook the rawhide of a cow for that of a horse,train +69869,69870,69870,matakup,to be in time,test +69870,69871,69871,maharateng aku paluma kaku tu lukut,I am thinking of planting sassafras,train +69871,69872,69872,mikimad sakita haw i malifetay i pitidian nu Sen Say Yin kira,I have been trained in the seminary to give speeches,train +69872,69873,69873,ira a maaraw i kakarayan ku tadamaanay a kafahkaan a dmak Ciriku tu cidal ku ccay a fafahiyan Ripaen ningra ku fulad Citamuhung cingra tu tusa ku safaw a fuis,a great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head,train +69873,69874,69874,a hiya,homemade,train +69874,69875,69875,tu mihcacaan nu 8 a fulad saka 1 a rumiad u paparatuh ku Sincenyin i pulung nu Yincumincu tu nidemakan a mu^celay a saway atu fa^luhay a palamucelan a demak,on every August to come the Executive Yuan will report to the indigenous peoples our progress on restoring historical justice and Transitional justice,train +69875,69876,69876,nga fangsi,that is what makes it smell good,train +69876,69877,69877,o pinengneng isu ku ngaay,you should look and see,train +69877,69878,69878,cara,stirring,train +69878,69879,69879,aka palicaang han ku pikasuy nu misu,do not just choose branches when cutting wood,train +69879,69880,69880,sienaw i paputal hay,is it going to be cold outside,test +69880,69881,69881,u maan a emuan,sweet cake,train +69881,69882,69882,kanus,fingernail,train +69882,69883,69883,Filimunaw yu mitulun kaku i maharateng aku kisu a mararid a miahuwid i Kawas,I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers,train +69883,69884,69884,tu serangawn nu mita,and culture,train +69884,69885,69885,teli han nananuman i ngaʼay tu piala tu ira tu ku futing,put it into the water then you can take it and you have fish,train +69885,69886,69886,misaluma,cover the house,train +69886,69887,69887,ci Pawlu kaku u marufuay tu nanu nika tayal aku ci Yis Kristuan kaku patilid kaku aci Timuti u salikaka ita i tisuwanan u kaulahan niyam a kaput Filimun,Paul a prisoner of Christ Jesus and Timothy our brother to Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker,train +69887,69888,69888,papi patikulen ci panay tu paysu i takuwanan,go tell Panay to pay me back,train +69888,69889,69889,malenu itiyaay ku malitengay padefung mifuting,the elder is fishing in this sunrise,train +69889,69890,69890,ci Alimulu ku mama kira,because my fathers name is Ari Mu la,test +69890,69891,69891,nu nira,his,train +69891,69892,69892,haluakuen,with me,train +69892,69893,69893,u ngangan namu matuasay initu amin kamu,old mans name you are all here,train +69893,69894,69894,tu nika awa nu nilifetan catu pakafilu tuni ˈinurung cingra han,or will you be too young and inexperienced to take on this responsibility,train +69894,69895,69895,Caayay matawal nira a cikafung,No she forgot her hat,train +69895,69896,69896,awaay ku kakuliyan inaayaw pakuyuc,in the past there was no work for the poor,train +69896,69897,69897,sapad cukuwi parar,table,train +69897,69898,69898,kacedah kahecid anengel,spicy,train +69898,69899,69899,fesulen,field something have a hole,train +69899,69900,69900,sikid sa kita selic satu a midanguy,turn around and we will float downstream,test +69900,69901,69901,a minahin tuya dadaya,I will say goodbye at night,train +69901,69902,69902,Matahepu nu tueman ku falucu nira,his heart is covered with darkness he is ignorant,train +69902,69903,69903,yu mitulun ci Yis i mafalic ku pising Ningra haluriku ningra a tumli a matdi,as he was praying the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning,train +69903,69904,69904,turun,sticky rice balls,train +69904,69905,69905,miilang tu panay kaku,I am going to grind rice,train +69905,69906,69906,itiniay i pasawali,right here in Tomioka,train +69906,69907,69907,u siri u mancel u maamaan ku adupen nu mita,Sheep goats kiang and other kinds of beasts of prey on the land,train +69907,69908,69908,kapa,touch,train +69908,69909,69909,Narikuran nu faliyus u tupelak nu fadahung nu taluan i pala,after the typhoon all the roofs of the grass huts in the fields were peeled off,train +69909,69910,69910,liyas sanay tu kaku tu mikilim tu kaku tu ruma a tayal,that is why I left the insurance business to find another job,test +69910,69911,69911,misanga kaku anini tu siraw pakaʼen tu talalutukay,I am going to make savory meat now for the people who go to the mountains,train +69911,69912,69912,o maan kura misangaan isu nu hatini,what are you working on,train +69912,69913,69913,Malanimaay kinian a pala,whose field is this,train +69913,69914,69914,tatudung unu havay a Kawas,Xiaomis elf,train +69914,69915,69915,ku pikiliman ita tu ising,we are looking for the doctors office,train +69915,69916,69916,mipalitaay,inquirer,train +69916,69917,69917,maruyaruy tu amin kita,they are all in a group,train +69917,69918,69918,talaʼayaw han tanamtanam a mikiʼeciw,Bravely trying to go forward leader,train +69918,69919,69919,mitilid i kungkuan kaku,I am in school,train +69919,69920,69920,nanu serangawan nanu nanam a suwal tu mamang,like language traditional culture,test +69920,69921,69921,satapangay tu ci mira pasifana takuwan,he started teaching me,train +69921,69922,69922,maedeng a mangata tu a lima pulu a mihecaan,about years,train +69922,69923,69923,Luwid a hatu nu mariangay a tamdaw kita,the bad guys could beat us,train +69923,69924,69924,Mikasuyay haw cuwa pikasuy piladum aca,did you chop wood No I did not chop wood I just carried water,train +69924,69925,69925,u Kebalan kami maramud u wawa niyam u Kebalan amin,we are married to a Kavalan and our children are Kavalanese,train +69925,69926,69926,u maan ku sapituduh nu matuʼasay itiya hu,what did the elders use in the past,train +69926,69927,69927,pipateli,let go,train +69927,69928,69928,Icuwa^ ci Panay milifet tu nu mafekacay ciira anuhuni^,where is Panay she is going to compete in a running competition later,train +69928,69929,69929,sapiyupiyuk,Waving Dance,train +69929,69930,69930,fafa^,carry,test +69930,69931,69931,nu itiya hu nini kiya u sapipalu sapiladum na mira,this used to be for water,train +69931,69932,69932,Aluman ku pasulinay i ci Yisan a Samariya a tamdaw nuya niyaru nawhani Mapasuwal Ningra kaku tu pulung nu nanu dmak aku han nuya fafahiyan cangra,many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman testimony He told me everything I ever did,train +69932,69933,69933,Tiyatu mapadangpadang tu amifariw itini san kina enal,so we all helped each other to cut down this plain,train +69933,69934,69934,nu matuʼasay iri,old man or woman,train +69934,69935,69935,tayni pacakay tu riku tu kiladum san,I am here to sell fabric,train +69935,69936,69936,sapalamlam tu cumuli,to be eaten with escargot,train +69936,69937,69937,sapaʼaraw numita i cairaan,the intention is to make them learn,train +69937,69938,69938,nanay u matuʼasay,may the elders,train +69938,69939,69939,Salikakaaw nanay mafana kamu tu nika pades niyam itira i Aciya Tadakarteng caay ku mamahadidi niyam kunini a pades Saka awatu ku sakauripaw niyam,we do not want you to be uninformed brothers about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia we were under great pressure far beyond our ability to endure so that we despaired even of life,train +69939,69940,69940,nu niyam hani malecadtu tu inian,ours is just like this one,test +69940,69941,69941,ma ku niyaru,it is because of religious sectarianism,train +69941,69942,69942,u maan ku nisangaʼan isu,what are some of the ones you have made,train +69942,69943,69943,misulac,scrub,train +69943,69944,69944,hananay,allusion,train +69944,69945,69945,i ka Ripunan tu i caay tu kau saenaf ku tanusuk a misapala mafalic misafunun tu,during the Japanese period the fire plowing method used by other indigenous peoples was gradually abandoned,train +69945,69946,69946,u nisangaan nu tuas nu mita a sasunien u nivuhangan tu vulu,it is a musical instrument invented by our ancestors which is made by making holes in arrow bamboo,train +69946,69947,69947,anu pahanhannan tunu kacidalan a minukay kaku,I will go back in the summer,train +69947,69948,69948,salil,net,train +69948,69949,69949,milimek i kafang,hiding under the covers,train +69949,69950,69950,misapara tu saan i,when a teenager wants to start sharing his food,test +69950,69951,69951,itiya ʼitʼit han ira saan a miala tiya fau sa kiyami,keep pecking at the tree to get rid of the infestation,train +69951,69952,69952,tini i Taytung Tumiyac,belongs to the Taitung Chungan tribe,train +69952,69953,69953,katayni dadahal ku umah niyam sankiya Taywan ci widang ci mama aku tiya Taywan,my father was a good friend of the Flatlander so he asked my father to go to his place to open up land,train +69953,69954,69954,ku fafahi,as a wife,train +69954,69955,69955,han nu kakitaʼan nira itiya,this is how Mr Ricci explains the young man,train +69955,69956,69956,matiya u hulu madudu namu ku suwal aku,it is like eating a meal if you follow my instructions,train +69956,69957,69957,mahapinang ni Yis ku harateng nangra saka suwal sa i cangraan Nawiru mahaen ku harateng nu falucu namu saw,Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked Why are you thinking these things in your hearts,train +69957,69958,69958,kalaliyaw,very changeable,train +69958,69959,69959,fedi,Frostbite,train +69959,69960,69960,u kapah nu Pangcah,young Amis,test +69960,69961,69961,maepud cingra miparu itini i fakar tuya mi pitpitan nira a heci nu kilang,he went down and put the fruits in the basket,train +69961,69962,69962,Lukuingen,important recording,train +69962,69963,69963,ina papah nira vangcal tu,it has beautiful leaves too,train +69963,69964,69964,o denga nu kedang i diput,Gonococcal conjunctivitis in a newborn,train +69964,69965,69965,itira tu ku aru nu maku sa,that is where I live,train +69965,69966,69966,u dungec hu hatiraay maemin ku dungec,it is just that the heart is like this,train +69966,69967,69967,o fuhefuhetan tu ku i pasaetipay a lutuk,the mountains to the west are full of squirrels,train +69967,69968,69968,Kafana kamu u mamacukacuk kita a tayra i Yirusalim imatini o mamapacakay ku wawa nu tamdaw i kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec ta pasteken nangra cingra i patay,We are going up to Jerusalem and the son of man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law they will condemn him to death,train +69968,69969,69969,enecleken,hold down,train +69969,69970,69970,anu huni satu,wait a minute,test +69970,69971,69971,mipatala cira tu tulu a fakar sapipatala nira tu heci nu kilang saka tayra cira i umah nira a mipitpit,he prepared three baskets for holding the fruits so he went to the farmland to pick,train +69971,69972,69972,maliwa,in case it is too late,train +69972,69973,69973,ci mama ku misangaay tu tatenuunan ni ina,Moms loom was made by Dad,train +69973,69974,69974,sahetu u nu Payrang a,they are all Han Chinese teapots,train +69974,69975,69975,pariharayen,the gift of peace,train +69975,69976,69976,mauraday i paputal cuwa ka ci dinay kaku,it is raining outside so I did not bring an umbrella,train +69976,69977,69977,O rumasatu O misawaday tu fafahi a tamdaw i paflien kuya fafahi tu sakalaliyas a tilid saan ku suwal a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad,It has been said Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce,train +69977,69978,69978,ha hatiraay ku pisanga,so that is what the gyro did,train +69978,69979,69979,yu misatapang tu kami a minanam i pasifanaen nu singsi^ kami tu pisausi^,in class the teacher taught us the Pangcah language of numbers,train +69979,69980,69980,i lawac nu riyar ku pikasuyan nu maku,I was at the beach collecting firewood,test +69980,69981,69981,seti,punch,train +69981,69982,69982,tangasa satu i kadakaw,when we arrive at our destination,train +69982,69983,69983,pacaliwen aku kisu tu sasipasip aku,I will lend you my eraser,train +69983,69984,69984,matepa^matama,find,train +69984,69985,69985,ngaʼayay kuni cuwa ka citafa,this type of gyro is better without the pointy ones,train +69985,69986,69986,Kafana a muruhu a mitaung tu matuasay,please learn to bend down and respect your elders,train +69986,69987,69987,sahetuay u kaulahan nu maku,they are all my favorites,train +69987,69988,69988,madakawtu tu cinamalay,by train,train +69988,69989,69989,anu patelas han cila mapuni misanga hu anu cila mapuni misanga,if you choose a tree at random it will soon rot and you will have to build a new hut again,train +69989,69990,69990,maedeng ilaay hu ku kalitusa a finawlan i niyaru,about half of the tribe still lives in the tribe,test +69990,69991,69991,hay,Yes it is all about that,train +69991,69992,69992,ta na itira kaku a mikesip i,when I am over there playing,train +69992,69993,69993,u nanay nu falucu nu mita haw,this is our wish and prayer,train +69993,69994,69994,Cikutuay kina kulung,this cow has bed bugs,train +69994,69995,69995,yu itiya henay,at that time,train +69995,69996,69996,kita Pangcah hani,what about us Amis,train +69996,69997,69997,han nira Si Pi Kuay ya han nira,Teacher please write it on the blackboard,train +69997,69998,69998,anu mililuc kaku i caay ka eca a milikut kaku,if I take a shower I will definitely wash my hair,train +69998,69999,69999,hatiraay ku fana nira wawa san,that is how smart this kid is,train +69999,70000,70000,Maluwid ci Mayaw,Mayo was defeated,test +70000,70001,70001,maratar,get up early,train +70001,70002,70002,saka pangangan saku Ripun kina niyaru haw i,that is why the Japanese named our tribe,train +70002,70003,70003,tanu lekal cangra a tumangic,they wailed,train +70003,70004,70004,mahaen ku pihining nu maku,the life we used to have on the farm,train +70004,70005,70005,minanam kamu tu maan,did you guys learn anything,train +70005,70006,70006,saka u yaan a kasuy iri sasipela han ta a mihanpung,in the form of felled timber,train +70006,70007,70007,parariting,connect,train +70007,70008,70008,Sulimeten ku impic,put your pen away,train +70008,70009,70009,macaday na maku anini tasaay tu,you see that is the way it is put it all together like that,train +70009,70010,70010,sefi,clubs,test +70010,70011,70011,tupelak,to peel off,train +70011,70012,70012,mahapinangay nu cecay faˈinayan salikaka tu malawaay nu niyah ku maanan ikur tu samaanay ku demak ningra,what did a brother see that he had overlooked what did he do,train +70012,70013,70013,ci Mayaw nawhan sarumiamiad sa misaicel minanam cingra,it is Mayaw because he practices hard every day,train +70013,70014,70014,pasuvanaima,please advise,train +70014,70015,70015,haw,Door opens,train +70015,70016,70016,ciep,do not suck water directly by mouth with hands or tools,train +70016,70017,70017,mira,its,train +70017,70018,70018,ya suwal tu kura kahengan ku tatelecang nu kaying sa,that is what they call a woman with a red waist,train +70018,70019,70019,icep ira tu tamaku,there is betel nut and there is cigarettes,train +70019,70020,70020,wataha,Wow,test +70020,70021,70021,Halu wa^cu a matefad tayra i nanum,the dog fell into the water,train +70021,70022,70022,o pidungecan nu finawlan kinian a lutuk,this mountain is where the tribe specializes in harvesting the heart of the vine,train +70022,70023,70023,matini sari mafukil misuwal tu Pangcah suwal satu ku wawa aku ri,I still do not speak much Amish my kids tell me,train +70023,70024,70024,anini satu,and today,train +70024,70025,70025,nicucukan,I have been stabbed,train +70025,70026,70026,saka mahirateng maku itiya hu i,Therefore I remember the early days very well,train +70026,70027,70027,hatu taraay itini i hiya kira,they are all out of town,train +70027,70028,70028,malalifet,athleticism,train +70028,70029,70029,sarakat haw i misiʼayaway ku tawki tu,First the boss faces the inspector,train +70029,70030,70030,hatiya tu lahedaw sanay tu,it just disappeared,test +70030,70031,70031,o udu nu fidac ku sapaamid ni Mayaw ci Osayan,Mayaws gift to Osayan is pearls,train +70031,70032,70032,Ccayen ku cukap aka piala tu sapatisud a riku han ningra,wear sandals but not an extra tunic,train +70032,70033,70033,misangaan aul,bamboo,train +70033,70034,70034,sikadang,with bracelet,train +70034,70035,70035,Pacauf sa ci Yis O niharatengan isu a suwal kunini haw Anu ^ca i u suwal nu tau tu pakayniay i Takuwanan haw han ningra,Is that your own idea Jesus asked or did others talk to you about me,train +70035,70036,70036,Telepen kuya kilang,fell that tree,train +70036,70037,70037,itini tuniya pasangaray siˈayawen a ˈawaled maduluay ku tamdaw mapaekel nu sarueru atu pasangaray nu kaˈurip,in these extraordinary times which are difficult to cope with it is easy to become overwhelmed by the pressures and problems of life,train +70037,70038,70038,tekipen kura,there is to be folded,train +70038,70039,70039,mararaway kaku han ni Kacaw ku kaput cuwa tu mamatawal aku ku lusid a miala ruma sa tu miahuwiday kaku tu kaput tu pipacaliw tu lusid,Kacaw apologized to the students and said that he would definitely bring his own things in the future and thanked the classmates for their willingness to lend him things before,train +70039,70040,70040,ta mapulung mamahadefek tu,our whole village will be wiped out,test +70040,70041,70041,ita u Pangcah ira tu ku niusawan tu lisin hananay,our Amis ancestors have left a so called ritual,train +70041,70042,70042,malingad miʼuway miurung tu kareteretengay,work in the fields picking rattan or carrying heavy loads,train +70042,70043,70043,away tu ku misangaan ira,he does not have anything else,train +70043,70044,70044,ira ku nipaluma ni ina tu tevus yu,Auntie has some sugar cane,train +70044,70045,70045,sa tu haw i ciheci sa tu cingra haw i,when it turns out,train +70045,70046,70046,maru,live in a place,train +70046,70047,70047,likelun,from the highs to the lows,train +70047,70048,70048,nu kungku^,storyteller,train +70048,70049,70049,Masakawili ku niyaru namu,your tribe is inconvenient,train +70049,70050,70050,Ruruh han nu kaput kaku i katayalan,a coworker at work married me,test +70050,70051,70051,pacucuen,breastfeed,train +70051,70052,70052,Hay miala^ kaku tu sasisit,Okay I will go get the cloth,train +70052,70053,70053,kaka na safa kaka ni Tyinamey kiya,Sister sister sister Tians sister,train +70053,70054,70054,micacak tu sakalafi ci ina,Moms cooking dinner,train +70054,70055,70055,tataʼangay a pida,Substantial funding,train +70055,70056,70056,papina ku tatayni a finawlan,how many clansmen are coming,train +70056,70057,70057,cacakayen,purchase,train +70057,70058,70058,anu ira tu ku nanum mamaan sanay ku matuʼasay,the elder said that as long as there is water it is fine,train +70058,70059,70059,i fulucu nu maku kina suwal nura fai,I will never forget what that aunt said,train +70059,70060,70060,hituli utauwa Isi yama musmi,the girl from stone mountain who was singing alone,test +70060,70061,70061,o papacakaten kuya matayalay,that worker is to get a higher position,train +70061,70062,70062,u masimsimay nu maku a nipibitingay nu matuasay kiniyan,it is the way I remember the old man fishing,train +70062,70063,70063,mapuniay,rotten,train +70063,70064,70064,makahi pakafana hahaha kuʼiday,no way I do not like teaching you either Oh it is already here Thank you,train +70064,70065,70065,tu umah u ruma a demakan,I have never plowed a field,train +70065,70066,70066,itiya i pasuwal sa ci Yis i finawlan Samatu micuayay sa tu kukung a cifunus cisapalu kamu a tayni a mirpet i takuwanan saw Maru kaku i Fangcalay Pitaungan tu rumiamiad a pasifana i tamdamdaw i caay pirpet kamu i Takuwanan,at that time Jesus said to the crowd Am I leading a rebellion that you have come out with swords and clubs to capture me every day I sat in the temple courts teaching and you did not arrest me,train +70066,70067,70067,o maenengay tu kira tamdaw maemin haw,almost everyone who rides in a car has seen it,train +70067,70068,70068,matungal tu ku ruray nu falucu aku anini,I have even more burdens of concern now,train +70068,70069,70069,mahaen ku suwal ni tumuk,that is what the boss said,train +70069,70070,70070,talumah satu a malahitay,I am going to the army,test +70070,70071,70071,miʼatulan tu misulinga,Confirmation of the area with a stone push wall,train +70071,70072,70072,mapacakayen nu niyam kina umah han niyam itini,we said we would buy the land,train +70072,70073,70073,papadetengen,set something Deliberately,train +70073,70074,70074,ura kaemangay i suʼelinay tu,Seriously our schoolchildren,train +70074,70075,70075,iʼayaw nu maku saka papitu kaku mala tumuk itini a Matadim a niyaru,the one before me when I became the seventh chief,train +70075,70076,70076,tu sakangaʼay,in order for the netting to go smoothly,train +70076,70077,70077,haen,that is it,train +70077,70078,70078,o muruhuen ku luma nu Futud a tamdaw,you have to stoop to go into Yami houses,train +70078,70079,70079,saka matira mapud sa tu cingra nengenghan nira awaay tu ku ccay a langa mararum tu kuya malingaday a tamdaw,so he went down and saw one basket was gone the farmer was sad,train +70079,70080,70080,mafana tu tataʼang ku taladaw,knowing that the water level of the Xiuguluan river has not dropped yet,test +70080,70081,70081,misakiruan,cured fish products,train +70081,70082,70082,Naunen ku karumakat,walk carefully,train +70082,70083,70083,hatiray hatiray sakaira nu nanum nga ira ku kakaen ita,such and such such and such the reason why we have water we have food,train +70083,70084,70084,oya muraraway atu sulinay a rayray nu demak i ayaw i hacecay a han nu maku a patalahekal,I have spoken of past mistakes and truths the best I can with nothing held back,train +70084,70085,70085,hay ya mucu i tira,Yes it is the wall,train +70085,70086,70086,Sapipana tu vavauy,you have to shoot a mountain pig,train +70086,70087,70087,tu wina tu wama,failure to take care of parents,train +70087,70088,70088,mangalay kaku a minanam tu ngingicu,I am interested in RD products and would like to learn more about it,train +70088,70089,70089,mitarang,go warm up,train +70089,70090,70090,sakurawit,hooks,test +70090,70091,70091,papidaduyen,Please weigh in,train +70091,70092,70092,palinik,stealthily,train +70092,70093,70093,vava,carry,train +70093,70094,70094,padama tu cuwahu ku mihakelungay a ramud nu salikaka,helping brothers and sisters with Unchurched spouses,train +70094,70095,70095,hatira ku harateng aku,my mouth is my heart,train +70095,70096,70096,pina satu a rumiʼad mahapinang tu kira itiya satu masasuwal ramakat tu,after a few days it became very clear and it was then that we talked to each other and went to the,train +70096,70097,70097,u kasadakan nu kakahung anini hay anini,is this the season for flying fish Yes it is,train +70097,70098,70098,fafakian ira kura kakitaan,the head of the family was an uncle,train +70098,70099,70099,pakayniay i kawsiung kami minukay itiya,that is when we came home from Kaohsiung,train +70099,70100,70100,paela san ku fukeluh a,split in half,test +70100,70101,70101,tala cacudadan,go to school,train +70101,70102,70102,o wahkad nu fafuy nu lutuk kinian,this is the road the boar took,train +70102,70103,70103,taraar,Cucumber,train +70103,70104,70104,Saka hmek satu cangra tu Kawas tu nanu dmak aku,and they praised God because of me,train +70104,70105,70105,tatusaay,people,train +70105,70106,70106,ini Palidaw hananay i saʼayaw mafulaw hananay,the earliest migrating Hengchun tribes,train +70106,70107,70107,kaemangay hu u siningkay ku miheca nangra,some are still very young in appearance,train +70107,70108,70108,hay u maan sa tu ku mira piharateng hiwawa,Yeah they are all trying to make a living,train +70108,70109,70109,mikilim tu vuting sukap ku apar,find a fish and catch it with your bare hands under the rocks,train +70109,70110,70110,ira henay ku hanhan,breathless,test +70110,70111,70111,pacayi,get out of the way,train +70111,70112,70112,Malangkes kuna dateng a kaenen cuwa ka sungilaen isu a misawsaw haw,this dish tastes gritty did you not wash it,train +70112,70113,70113,itiya hawi awaay hu ku nu Yucumin itiya,at that time there was no subsidy for aborigines,train +70113,70114,70114,maherek kaku a milusimet tu lalusidan,I have unpacked,train +70114,70115,70115,iniyan sahaenen naayaway nisangaʼan nu mita,as we have done in the past,train +70115,70116,70116,sangaʼan patatihefa hananay nian,made into a double stacked,train +70116,70117,70117,patilid kaku u ciwlu i tisuwanan Kayus u kaulahan aku a salikaka Sulinay u kaulahan aku kisu,the elder to my dear friend Gaius whom I love in the truth,train +70117,70118,70118,O Kitakit nu Kawas i matiya u dmak nu ccay a tawki maratar cingra tu dafak a masadak a mikilim tu milifunay a pakatayal i pisafadisusuan ningra,For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard,train +70118,70119,70119,mataliyuk,surrounding,train +70119,70120,70120,nu namafana caira sa ri,why would they know about us,test +70120,70121,70121,micerereh matira u a irang sapiirang kiyami,it is being pushed like a rice mill,train +70121,70122,70122,nu matuʼasay,it belongs to the elderly,train +70122,70123,70123,matukenih kura luma,the house will be tilted,train +70123,70124,70124,Orasaka sakatayraan kami i tamuwanan Kinatusatu kaku a sakatayraan i tamuwanan Nikawrira matna ni Satan kami,for we wanted to come to you certainly I Paul did again and again but Satan stopped us,train +70124,70125,70125,tayra kita a mipitaw han,are we going to loosen the soil,train +70125,70126,70126,pakayni i terung a malingatu,from the center of the field,train +70126,70127,70127,Paadiyamen ku picacak tu futing,cook the fish with some ginger,train +70127,70128,70128,tayra,go,train +70128,70129,70129,miafinung,copra,train +70129,70130,70130,sema^,tongue,test +70130,70131,70131,a mikilim tu nanenengen,or referable,train +70131,70132,70132,anini masa mangaay,making sweet rice cake nowadays,train +70132,70133,70133,tusa miheca cayka ilisin ku Matadim,it is been two years since we have had a Harvest Festival in Matalin,train +70133,70134,70134,iraay paliwalay tamiyanan haw cuwa pakafana,they sell them where we are but they do not teach them,train +70134,70135,70135,makutay tu ku Tapang nira ngangan,that is why his last name changed,train +70135,70136,70136,hatini hananay tu anini kuni misahatini,and so today with this,train +70136,70137,70137,Orasaka u mifalahay tu samamangay nunini a limuut u pasifanaay tu tamdaw tu sapihaen a mifalah i u mamalasasafaay i Kitakit nu Kawas Nikawrira u midu^duay tunini a Rikec u pasifanaay tu tamdaw tu sapihaen a midu^du i u mamalatadamaanay i Kitakit nu Kawas,anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven,train +70137,70138,70138,nga mafana kisu mitangtang tu hulu i,you will be able to cook,train +70138,70139,70139,citulakuay,it is got a truck,train +70139,70140,70140,ta haen han aku mama malimanan ku ranan han aku,I asked my dad what it was for,test +70140,70141,70141,u ruma tu ku vavainay nu maku itiya,by then I would already had another husband,train +70141,70142,70142,Pacauf sa ci Simun Pitiru a sumuwal O Wawa nu mauripay a Kawas ci Kristu Kisu han ningra,Simon Peter answered You are the Christ the son of the living God,train +70142,70143,70143,o marihadayay a emin ku nisawawaan aku,every one of my disciples is very kind,train +70143,70144,70144,mawmah kami i,we work,train +70144,70145,70145,maraʼud tuku kacifaʼinayan,it is time to get married,train +70145,70146,70146,aka ka viyaraw,do not panic,train +70146,70147,70147,minengneng ku finawlan tu dmak ni Pawlu i lkal sa cangra a misanu Likauniya a sumuwal Citireng tu nu tamdaw ku kawakawas a ma^pud a tayni i titaanan saan,when the crowd saw what Paul had done they shouted in the Lycaonian language The gods have come down to us in human form,train +70147,70148,70148,wa u maan nianan sa,Wow what are these what is all this,train +70148,70149,70149,ura lutukimu hananay,this volunteer labor,train +70149,70150,70150,hwana saan,foreigners,test +70150,70151,70151,u nihaenan caira u wawa ri,skills will be inherited by the ear,train +70151,70152,70152,macahiway kisu Ya Su han,did not you ask Jesus if your son was hungry,train +70152,70153,70153,malaliyas,separation,train +70153,70154,70154,anu u ci Pawlutu maedeng miakuˈiday tu sidaˈit ni Parnapas,on the other hand Paul must have appreciated the kindness and compassion shown by Barnabas,train +70154,70155,70155,o,be,train +70155,70156,70156,o sakangaay nu tiring nu fafahi ku lala,Menstruation is very beneficial to a girls body,train +70156,70157,70157,caay tu katekes isaw saan kira tawki awaay tu ku kakelulan,but the boss said that it is already very cheap and cannot be reduced any further,train +70157,70158,70158,ira kura selal haw,with age groups,train +70158,70159,70159,suʼelin mipamatangay hu ku malitengay i tiya hu tu umahumah,in the early days the old men opened up new land with their bare hands,train +70159,70160,70160,san ku suwal nu matuʼasay i ayaw,that is what the old folks used to say,test +70160,70161,70161,saka anu itinitini kami i syakay i,wherever we are,train +70161,70162,70162,tukayay,urban,train +70162,70163,70163,hay taʼangayay kiya mata na tilu kiya,that is a pretty big net,train +70163,70164,70164,o nian u niyaruʼhaw,for the tribe,train +70164,70165,70165,cilimaw kisu tu herek nu lahuk haw mangaay a lisuen aku kisu,are you free this afternoon I would like to visit you is that okay,train +70165,70166,70166,cialilis,there are eagles,train +70166,70167,70167,macahiwtu masuʼawtu haywawa i ta ira picafelan san ira ku masidayay tira a salikaka,it is good that there are brothers and sisters left behind who have a place to stay when they are hungry or thirsty,train +70167,70168,70168,anu mitafukud ku malitengay i,if the elders go fishing,train +70168,70169,70169,tungruh,on top,train +70169,70170,70170,pitala aku matiya,so I waited there,test +70170,70171,70171,minukay tayra i pusung,we will go back to Taitung,train +70171,70172,70172,miasik kaku ka ci Kacaw ku ucuren,I am sweeping the floor you ask Kacaw to help you,train +70172,70173,70173,mipadang mikilimay tu,help me find it,train +70173,70174,70174,u Hulaman itiya iraay ku ekim,there was only gold during the Nationalist government,train +70174,70175,70175,nayra naayaw kami yu wawa hanay iri,like before when we were kids,train +70175,70176,70176,Pacauf sa ci Yis Caay ka fana kisu i matini tunini a dmak Aku I ikuray nunini a mafana kisu han ningra,Jesus replied You do not realize now what I am doing but later you will understand,train +70176,70177,70177,o salipa nu fafuy kuni mana u nirakatan nu fafuy kuni a lalan,these are the footprints of the boar so this is the path the boar took,train +70177,70178,70178,Hai a matira padangen kaku mikakuy tunini a lalusidan patayra i fafaed,Okay then please help me carry these bags up,train +70178,70179,70179,O maan kura nitelian isu itiraw,what is that thing you put there,train +70179,70180,70180,o nafalucuˈan nu papina tamdaw kura ilaenuay,here is what some of them had to say,test +70180,70181,70181,Acucuclen aku,I will try it,train +70181,70182,70182,saka salipahak satu ku finawlan,Therefore everyone is very happy,train +70182,70183,70183,Malacaltu nangra ku fanaw macakat cangra i Kinisarit pakting hantu nangra ku tamina itira,when they had crossed over they landed at Gennesaret and anchored there,train +70183,70184,70184,matayal maʼurip,Work life,train +70184,70185,70185,hatiniay ku tayal nu akung niyam haw sukung saku sunasuna,the game that was once hunted by our forefathers,train +70185,70186,70186,icuwaay kura adadaay saan sa i,where is the tree that is sick with moths,train +70186,70187,70187,Mafuwiay ku niacaan ni ina a sinar,mom bought a watermelon cut open,train +70187,70188,70188,micu^cu,pushing,train +70188,70189,70189,fafelin sahu ku diput nira,her baby just rolled over,train +70189,70190,70190,ku nika herek nu Hulam,Taiwan was restored,test +70190,70191,70191,ha i,Yeah,train +70191,70192,70192,anu,over,train +70192,70193,70193,a suwal uniyan,original inhabitant,train +70193,70194,70194,sapikantuk,monitor,train +70194,70195,70195,taangay,Big Growing,train +70195,70196,70196,tusa nu semuutan ku tamdaw nu Yincumin i Taywan,the Aboriginal population makes up two percent of Taiwans total population,train +70196,70197,70197,caka hakuwa i ku cikang i ira tu kura,not long after there was a,train +70197,70198,70198,maanen ku fana paliyaw satu kaku mikihatiya,I have no choice but to join again,train +70198,70199,70199,sapimaʼan nu lalavuay a demak,used in everyday life,train +70199,70200,70200,cirut,bird of prey,test +70200,70201,70201,hay sa suwal sa ku ruma,people have other things to say,train +70201,70202,70202,Wamaaw san tu kita u nian ku haenen nu mita aka u,calling Abba father so honor the Lord Jesus and do not rebel,train +70202,70203,70203,hai nu itiniay a fufu,Yes it is her grand mom,train +70203,70204,70204,caay ka harateng aku kucudad i,I did not even think of writing a letter,train +70204,70205,70205,u sakamaumah nu niyam i Ciwidian,we are farming in Shuilian,train +70205,70206,70206,nu hatini haw malaheciay tu ku pi aku tisuwanan faki,I am going to end my interview with Uncle,train +70206,70207,70207,muta,vomiting,train +70207,70208,70208,hay saw Malaliday minanam kamu haw,Yeah do you guys practice a lot,train +70208,70209,70209,mahaen ku valucu nu tamdaw itiya maurip,it is the insistence of man that keeps him alive,train +70209,70210,70210,o ruma masuwalay ni Yihufa i Fangcalay Cudad ku Hungti Kitakit ni Misiya sumuwalayhu cingra u mapasimalay Krisciyang iraay ku hatukel tayra i kakarayan tahadaˈuc a maˈurip u ruma lupayˈay siri wa itini i sera a Lakuing tahadaˈuc a maˈurip,in addition YHWH speaks of the Messianic kingdom in Scripture and of the hope of anointed Christians for eternal life in heaven and the hope of the other sheep for eternal life in an earthly paradise,test +70210,70211,70211,luwad satu cangra a milaplap a pasadak ci Yisan nai niyaru patayraen nangra ci Yis i tunu nu katumirengan nu niyaru a tapuru Tfadaw ita i tini nasa cangra,they got up drove him out of the town and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built in order to throw him down the cliff,train +70211,70212,70212,ila ku mikingkiway tu caedung nu mita i,someone is here to study our costumes,train +70212,70213,70213,rafac,leisurely,train +70213,70214,70214,anu lumuwadtu a maurip nai patay ku tamdamdaw i caaytu ku caciramud matiyatu u i kakarayanay a cuyucuyuh ku urip nangra,when the dead rise they will neither marry nor be given in marriage they will be like the angels in heaven,train +70214,70215,70215,ira ku sasulut tu harateng nu wawa,give your kids a little incentive,train +70215,70216,70216,cukacuk,climb upwards,train +70216,70217,70217,talacuwa mapakaruray nu adada aku kamu nikawrira caay pi^pec caay ka usi kamu takuwanan Arawhani matiya u mihamhamay tu cuyuh nu Kawas matiya u mihamhamay ci Yis Kristuan ku nipihamham namu i takuwanan,even though my illness was a trial to you you did not treat me with contempt or scorn Instead you welcomed me as if I were an angel of God as if I were Christ Jesus himself,train +70217,70218,70218,ira kya cecay a matuʼasay,there was an elderly man,train +70218,70219,70219,caay kaku pina nenengay hu kina tayal aku,I did not calculate how much more work is needed,train +70219,70220,70220,safa ira kira kurira faki,that uncle was his brother in law,test +70220,70221,70221,dademak,operate,train +70221,70222,70222,hay suwal kita tunian tu taraan naca nu mita i tini i niyamay hananay ira niyaru tu turaan haw,we will come back to the Tachang tribe here,train +70222,70223,70223,matayal,go to work,train +70223,70224,70224,naay kaku mapatay,I do not want to be cut off,train +70224,70225,70225,Mulenekay ku pipalumaan niyam i rikur lunen,under the foundation of my house after the earthquake,train +70225,70226,70226,ma matengil namu icuwaay kina niyaru saw,did you hear where this tribe is,train +70226,70227,70227,miwakangay kira,because it is being done,train +70227,70228,70228,u mipalalanay ku misapalalanay a selal,these kids can be escorted home,train +70228,70229,70229,eluen,plead,train +70229,70230,70230,hana,floral,test +70230,70231,70231,katimulan,South,train +70231,70232,70232,Parukitacen ku sapiadawis tu icep,stretch out the long pole for picking betel nut,train +70232,70233,70233,tunu misiyakayay a falucu,thoughts on the matter,train +70233,70234,70234,pafalucuan,wish,train +70234,70235,70235,mapulung,all of you,train +70235,70236,70236,o teluc nu cidal a wawa ku Pangcah saka u kahengangay tudungay u cidal kuhecalay tudungay ci malataw a Kawas kuhetingay tudungay mitapalay a Kawas,the Amis are the people of the sun with red representing the sun white representing the sky God and black representing the ancestral spirits,train +70236,70237,70237,kakaenen nu Pangcah kinian i ʼayaw matuʼasay nu Pangcah i ayaw,it used to be the main ingredient of the clan,train +70237,70238,70238,Nanuya miraud ca Yis tu Yirusalim yu tayra cangra i Pitifaci atu Pitani a niyaru i Olif a lutuk suwalen ni Yis ku tatusa a nisawawaan ningra a miucur,as they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives Jesus sent two of his disciples,train +70238,70239,70239,Mananum nura fafahiyan ku cisapaenepay a epah,the girl drank a drink laced with Ecstasy,train +70239,70240,70240,a isu a isu han nu singsi a i maan caay katala,if you are the teacher and you are the teacher how can you not go,test +70240,70241,70241,wina ina,mom,train +70241,70242,70242,matira sa itiniay niyaru raramuramud san niya a tamdaw hatiniay awa ku tau,that is why in our tribe we all intermarry with each other and there is no one else,train +70242,70243,70243,Orasaka u pasulinay tu wawa nu Kawas a tamdaw i ira i falucu ningra kunini a suwal nu Kawas Nikawrira u caay pasulin tu suwal nu Kawas i u pakumangahay tu Kawas nawhani caay pasulin cingra tu nipipawacay nu Kawas tu pakayniay i wawa ningra,anyone who believes in the son of God has this testimony in his heart anyone who does not believe God has made him out to be a liar because he has not believed the testimony God has given about his Son,train +70243,70244,70244,ta iikur satu tihini tu kaminan,then come to us,train +70244,70245,70245,patileng satu ku Kuykay itini i Kiwit,finally established church in Chimay,train +70245,70246,70246,adihayen kamaen adihay ku nisafelan aku a sinafel,enjoy yourself I cooked a lot of dishes,train +70246,70247,70247,Nanuya malahaklung ci Yis atu ina atu salikaka atu nisawawaan ningra a tayra i Kapirnaum itira sahu cangra tu pinapina a rumiad,after this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples there they stayed for a few days,train +70247,70248,70248,ci ina aku ci mama aku tira pulung kami a tira maru,I live with my parents,train +70248,70249,70249,Sakapitu rumiad pipipay mapulung ku finawlan maaides masakeru atu malalefud hurirek panukay tu liteng,on race day the entire tribe competes in a song dance and race and they get a free Spirit for completing it,train +70249,70250,70250,ura iya ura tau ku mitangtangay,the mans family to cook,test +70250,70251,70251,manengneng nu kakridan nu sufitay kunini a dmak i hmek sa tu Kawas a sumuwal Sulinay u mu^celay a tamdaw Cingra saan,Jesus called out with a loud voice Father into your hands I commit my spirit when he had said this he breathed his last,train +70251,70252,70252,Singsiaw u kakanguduan niyam kisu,Teacher you are our favorite person,train +70252,70253,70253,malipahakay hakiya mararumay hakiya,but should I be happy or sad,train +70253,70254,70254,dukduk sa kami icuwa mikilim tnura suʼupuʼupu,finding hidden corners to gather,train +70254,70255,70255,i tira i tafatafayaran ri,Aunties taro,train +70255,70256,70256,u mawmahay,farm,train +70256,70257,70257,anu mamaanen tu ku mihimawan,if the patient in your care has a condition,train +70257,70258,70258,wakay hu kisu haw i,when you were young,train +70258,70259,70259,e masamaan tu kiya panay tu pilisu isu tayra i uma,what happened to the rice last time you went to the farm,train +70259,70260,70260,Taang ku lifawa nu kamay aku,my hands are huge,test +70260,70261,70261,an tatiʼih kura kamay ra anu adihayen tu ira tanu kahecihecid san haw,if you add too much salt it will only become more salty if you do not have the right hands,train +70261,70262,70262,awaay hu ku tamdaw niyaru tini kira,this place was not even inhabited before,train +70262,70263,70263,Mafana kisu a mitenuuy cima ku pakfanaay i tisuwanan,you are very skilled at weaving who taught you,train +70263,70264,70264,saka simanay sa ku urip nira tu rumiʼamiʼad,so he lives from day to day,train +70264,70265,70265,emel,take advantage of the coolness of the weather,train +70265,70266,70266,hay aluman tu kamu malikaka i,you have many brothers and sisters,train +70266,70267,70267,matuasa tu kami tangasa tu,we have grown up,train +70267,70268,70268,nguyanguy,shaking,train +70268,70269,70269,wacu,puppy,train +70269,70270,70270,patayraen ni ama aku itira,dad took me there,test +70270,70271,70271,hatiraay tu ku pieneng nu ikur,the next generation will value these facts,train +70271,70272,70272,anca u kalakalang ku dateng han aku a sumuwal,or all kinds of crabs I will say,train +70272,70273,70273,ta urira nanu lafii tahira kaci ucidalan nu dafak han,in this way from the early hours of the morning to the rising of the sun,train +70273,70274,70274,Maluwid nu salikaka ita kuya kangic pakayni i rmes nu Tufur a siri atu nanu nipipatnak nangra tu sulin maulah cangra a kinafalah tu urip nangra a mapatay,they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death,train +70274,70275,70275,maharek kumu mihaen kiynian ini cecay ini cecay,if you guys are done like this it is like this this one here this one here,train +70275,70276,70276,misalisin,offer sacrifices to the gods or ancestors,train +70276,70277,70277,Adapaw saan kira uner a mitala tu fitakula,the snake is waiting for the frog in ambush,train +70277,70278,70278,salipahak sa cingra a mulaliw i,he left delightedly,train +70278,70279,70279,Mafukil kaku mitapid,I cannot sew,train +70279,70280,70280,micuka,drawing,test +70280,70281,70281,kaku ku ci Apetayan,I am Apetayan,train +70281,70282,70282,edeng itya hu kalitengan,it is the oldest,train +70282,70283,70283,ruma miheca tangsul kaku mi misikin tu nu pakayni i hikuciw a sikin saka itira kaku i matayal tah tahira anini,the following year I immediately took an examination for a job at an airport I am still working there now,train +70283,70284,70284,masidayay tangasa ikurikur haw i yana tu kiya duʼes numita,this essence will remain with us for generations to come,train +70284,70285,70285,pinaangan nu Iwata tu tangal,the Bunun where they hide their heads,train +70285,70286,70286,adihay ku heci nu kilang nira,his fruits were plenty,train +70286,70287,70287,patadah kaku ngraan,I let him be unknowingly in debt to me,train +70287,70288,70288,onini a fafahiyan i u tluc ni Apraham falu ku safaw nu mihcaan a mapalit ni Satan cingra Saka anu u paslaslaan a rumiad i caay ka ngaay a mitdal cingraan saw han ningra a sumuwal,then should not this woman a daughter of Abraham whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her,train +70288,70289,70289,u titi nu rapic u turun atu kavi nu dungec,Grandpa treated us to flying squirrel meat glutinous rice cake and vine heart soup,train +70289,70290,70290,pasatimul,south,test +70290,70291,70291,vangcal ku nisangaʼan isu,you have done a beautiful job of that,train +70291,70292,70292,yan saka itini tunu hulan tu a tumuk hananay haw i,what about the current tribal leaders,train +70292,70293,70293,sanaw,the reason why,train +70293,70294,70294,parakaraken,Let run around,train +70294,70295,70295,marufuay,person being executed,train +70295,70296,70296,Milietan ci mama i tawkian nira,dad went to collect his paycheck from his boss,train +70296,70297,70297,o nanum ku sapainu ni Yuhani Nikawrira caaytu ka pina ku rumiad ta u Fangcalay Adingu ku sapainu i tamuwanan han ni Yis,for John baptized with water but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit,train +70297,70298,70298,itiya i mikaput kami i ci Yisan itira i Fangcalay a lutuk Saka kami ku mitu^tuay a mitngil tunini a nai kakarayanay a ngiha,we ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain,train +70298,70299,70299,Amis nakacuwa Amis,North north of what,train +70299,70300,70300,tada palukesay kisu tu luma,you have dishonored your family,test +70300,70301,70301,mahaenay niya nacila niya,like the other day,train +70301,70302,70302,cuenek,plug,train +70302,70303,70303,Mikakahung ciira tu daydaya,he catches flying fish every night,train +70303,70304,70304,haen han nitafu tafu han ripaen tu sasifin,you have to smother it for a while cover it with a towel,train +70304,70305,70305,mitalaay tu haw itini i minatu,I am waiting at the pier,train +70305,70306,70306,anu,or,train +70306,70307,70307,malaliyas ku inaayaway a lisin atu lalikid,in the old days the games and the Festival were separate,train +70307,70308,70308,itiya haw i u faʼinay nu maku ku itiya maalaay misinkiw,my husband was elected chairman of the board,train +70308,70309,70309,Tengilayma ku nikademakan nu misu,can you tell us about your work experience,train +70309,70310,70310,caay tu kavana kunu aniniyay a wawa,children of the younger generation are unaware of the,test +70310,70311,70311,tulangku sa uriku ccay,just a suitcase,train +70311,70312,70312,matepiʼay itiya,I passed the exam,train +70312,70313,70313,satu sa u lakaw,it is all garbage,train +70313,70314,70314,ira hen ku cacay a radiw haw hayi,Yes,train +70314,70315,70315,hakama pudac cira maʼicang tu mimin haw,slightly peeled slightly dried,train +70315,70316,70316,maratar masaupu,we will meet in the morning,train +70316,70317,70317,anu mamieliʼ mieliʼ hatiraay,Thatch thatch thatch that is it,train +70317,70318,70318,itiya haw u kasuy ku sapicacak malaalaw tu kasuy,we also lacked wood for cooking,train +70318,70319,70319,namafaliyus,typhoon,train +70319,70320,70320,caay ka sulinga ra midiput matiya cakapaising,maybe she did not take good care of herself and did not see the doctor right away,test +70320,70321,70321,aya kisu u mafanay kisu mitilid minengneng tu tilid nu Kaping,you guys can read and write Mandarin,train +70321,70322,70322,u liyal ira ku kerah atu malenu hananay na makayni i sumad nu Ticiw atu cidal atu Vulad,the phenomenon of low and high tides in the ocean is a result of the Earths influence by the sun and the Moon,train +70322,70323,70323,sakacipising,shame,train +70323,70324,70324,cima saw,who is it,train +70324,70325,70325,onini i u sakaciuripaw nu pulung nu pasulinay a mitier i cingraan tu midaucay,that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life,train +70325,70326,70326,micukiwat,hoist,train +70326,70327,70327,maraayay,it is far away,train +70327,70328,70328,anu mapatay maʼurip i ningra han ku tatudung u lemed ningra han ci ina,whether he lives or dies is up to him,train +70328,70329,70329,mansa tu misanga mituduh kunu mita u Amis kiya haw,that is why we the Amis when we burn them,train +70329,70330,70330,minengneng tu suta han kura tamud,sake yeast also depends on the soil,test +70330,70331,70331,mafana ku kaemangay han,kids will know what that means,train +70331,70332,70332,u misuvaway tiniyan,to get rid of the body,train +70332,70333,70333,felin sa tiyuren a mipalu itini i tangal,if he moves continue to pound,train +70333,70334,70334,mafetak,crack,train +70334,70335,70335,caay kuya likat cingra o papasuwal aca tu pakayniay tuya likat ku nika tayni ningra,he himself was not the light he came only as a witness to the light,train +70335,70336,70336,Malafinacadan nu Pangcah ku Taywan,the Han Chinese became an Aboriginal group,train +70336,70337,70337,teructeruc sankiya pinaʼaw hananay ya kilang itira,there is a tree that spews water all the time,train +70337,70338,70338,maherek a mawmah,end of farming,train +70338,70339,70339,o caay ka kumaen tu titi atu ^pah atu caay patahfikud tu salikaka a rumaruma a dmak i u ngaayay,it is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall,train +70339,70340,70340,u micudaday haw cira,is he a student,test +70340,70341,70341,kurira a iyaen hahecek nu luma,make the pillars of the house,train +70341,70342,70342,miʼurung tu tafu,carrying lunch,train +70342,70343,70343,sa malaheci ku ninian,finished these,train +70343,70344,70344,Hay padangen aku kisu a miparu i kalasay lima pulu a limuud ku aca,Okay I will pack it in a bag for you that will be dollars,train +70344,70345,70345,maulah ku wawa a mifacacidu,kids like to catch dragonflies,train +70345,70346,70346,maepud tu cingra tu sakinatusa nira a mipitpit m awa kunian a ccay a langa aku a suiguu,he plucked fruits the second time and went down How come one basket of fruits is gone,train +70346,70347,70347,pinalengaw,vegetative,train +70347,70348,70348,a mapapaliwpaliway hatira ya,that kind of mutual aid work,train +70348,70349,70349,a mangalay kamu tuna safalic aku saan nu,do you like my swaps,train +70349,70350,70350,sapaini tu matuʼasay anu i luma ku matuʼʼasay,if the elderly are at home I will treat them to something,test +70350,70351,70351,u inian ku hiya nira,it does this,train +70351,70352,70352,pacalaan,placement at the jawbone,train +70352,70353,70353,nu Dipungan payusayay cingra,my mom was a seamstress in Japan,train +70353,70354,70354,kasacued nu lutuk,the various recesses of the mountain,train +70354,70355,70355,caengaw,to awaken,train +70355,70356,70356,tuluay,books,train +70356,70357,70357,tiya keriden talapaputal a misalama,only then will you take the team out,train +70357,70358,70358,palataang,praise,train +70358,70359,70359,saka hatiraay ku picudad nu niyam ta tangasa i picuyapan i,upon completion of studies,train +70359,70360,70360,sa lahuk satu kaku,I will eat when it is time to eat,test +70360,70361,70361,nawhani minengnengay cangra tu nika ngudu namu tu Kawas atu nika fangcal a makurac ku dmak namu,when they see the purity and reverence of your lives,train +70361,70362,70362,sadamsayen,gentle,train +70362,70363,70363,fangcal tu awa ku kihar nangra,it is peaceful and they are not troubled,train +70363,70364,70364,sa micudad kami,that is why we went to school,train +70364,70365,70365,Nanikurahutan nu ayam kira wacu saka matalaw tu a miraud tu ayam kira wacu,that dog was scratched by a chicken so that dog will never go near a chicken again,train +70365,70366,70366,tunu sa kami haw,you can always apply for centralization in the future,train +70366,70367,70367,tumangic ku safa san tukunan caayay han aku,did your sister cry I said No,train +70367,70368,70368,Cicura a maemin ku fafahiyan i niyaru nu mita i kailisinan,every woman in our tribe wears a flower crown,train +70368,70369,70369,u wama aku ku pakungkuway itakuwan inaayaw,my father used to tell me stories,train +70369,70370,70370,suwalen aku kamu i tini i pulung nu tamdaw i tini i hkal i awaayhu ku ikakaay ni Yuhani Nikawrira u sasafaay a tamdaw i Kitakit nu Kawas i ikakahu ni Yuhani han ni Yis,this is the one about whom it is written I will send my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way before you,test +70370,70371,70371,Cuperas kina funga^,the sweet potato is so sweet,train +70371,70372,70372,kumi mirauday tu Taywan ku mapatayay i,only survived and died,train +70372,70373,70373,Matefu a pahanhan ku ekung i fadahung nu luma naira,the owl was perched on the roof of his house,train +70373,70374,70374,fulu,bamboo,train +70374,70375,70375,i pasaetip ku alumanay a misaciwciway,there are a lot of hatchery chicks out west,train +70375,70376,70376,misingkiw kinacecay,two year term,train +70376,70377,70377,tudung hananay tu aku mihatini,that is why it is imitated like this one,train +70377,70378,70378,Mamiaca hu kaku tu fitaul iraay haw,I want some eggs too do you have some,train +70378,70379,70379,Milisu kami tu akung i nacila,we went to visit Grandpa yesterday,train +70379,70380,70380,kararuman nu niyam haw i,of course there were some rough patches too,test +70380,70381,70381,vaki u ni kaurip nu misu kapah,Grandpa you have had a good life,train +70381,70382,70382,midutucay,inheritance,train +70382,70383,70383,Kauya iraay i falucu ita a Fangcalay Adingu ku sapiimer isu tuya nipacunuhan i tisuwanan a sulinay a suwal,guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us,train +70383,70384,70384,a ira ku a maharek tu kaku i padangaw aku san,some people do it and then they help the others,train +70384,70385,70385,Salangu^ngu^ngu sa ku nisawawaan O sakasumuwal Ningra tunini a suwal i u nika awaay nu ^pang ita hakiya saan,they discussed this with one another and said It is because we have no bread,train +70385,70386,70386,Pakamaan ci ama isu a micakay tu sinafel,how does your grandmother go to the grocery store,train +70386,70387,70387,u mikaenan niyam i u nu tukus a nanum u malitengay,and what do we eat water from the mountains old man,train +70387,70388,70388,nacilacila a cacay,three days ago,train +70388,70389,70389,paliyaw,then,train +70389,70390,70390,cayka lasawad kinian,this class will not go away,test +70390,70391,70391,kacaluway,liable,train +70391,70392,70392,u tadamaanay a demak nu lalavu nu luma ku nikararamud i niyaru,when someone in the tribe gets married it is a big family event,train +70392,70393,70393,ilaay kura nu afalaan,over the shoulder and under the shoulder,train +70393,70394,70394,Manurnurtu a malasawad ku hkal atu i tiniay i hkal a kangalayan nu tamdaw a ma^min Nikawrira midauc a maurip ku midu^duay a tamdaw tu nafalucuan nu Kawas,for everything in the world the cravings of sinful man the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does comes not from the father but from the world,train +70394,70395,70395,icuwa sa tu kuni a hacuwa sicafay kuna wawa,where will the kids live when will they meet someone,train +70395,70396,70396,ay maruray kaku tu ratuh nu petun aku san,I am tired of listening to my siblings,train +70396,70397,70397,ta caka ngaʼay anu adihayen a kumaen kunian,you cannot eat too much of this,train +70397,70398,70398,sarumiad kura,it will take all day,train +70398,70399,70399,u pawli kuraan,that is a banana,train +70399,70400,70400,Pakafasu^ kita,let us take the bus,test +70400,70401,70401,Mitusil kita tu kahacecay lumaˈ i kilac wa ira ku tuki nangra tahatengil tu ngaˈayay lihaf nu Hungti Kitakit,we preach to every family in the region so that they have the opportunity to hear the kingdom message,train +70401,70402,70402,tayra satu kami mihicera i,we are there,train +70402,70403,70403,tura sela nu niyaru itira kafekang itra i kanaʼamis hanay,that piece of land up north,train +70403,70404,70404,patalahekal tu ku raraw isu,confess your sin,train +70404,70405,70405,han,Virtual is,train +70405,70406,70406,Hai mafana cangra a sanu Pangcah,Yes they speak the ethnic language,train +70406,70407,70407,naun sa cangra tayra mitengil,they listened with care,train +70407,70408,70408,adihay ku caang i ccay a tatirengan nu tamdaw Nikawrira caay ka lcad ku tayal nuya caang a ma^min,just as each of us has one body with many members and these members do not all have the same function,train +70408,70409,70409,ya nu limaay pulu a sadak nu mihecaan tu sepatay pulu a sadak nu mihecaan haw i,people born between the or,train +70409,70410,70410,datimtimay,Bunnys vegetables,test +70410,70411,70411,ini tu kaku hatu ni Angah Alimulu,Anahole Arizona said yes I am coming,train +70411,70412,70412,unini a hewceng i patayra han i niyaru,if this standard is carried over to the tribes,train +70412,70413,70413,matiya u mitaungay ku varu,the flowers seem to be nodding,train +70413,70414,70414,salama hananay nira ku niya demak nira laheci sanay,it is easy as a game and it is done,train +70414,70415,70415,u harateng nangra awaʼay itini i kitanan u,because they do not recognize the Amis national culture,train +70415,70416,70416,u kakahemekan nu niyam u matuʼasay,to make the elderly especially happy,train +70416,70417,70417,ira ku tataangay a suni nu la^pa ta ucuren ningra ku cuyuh a patayra i kaamis katimul kawali ka^tip ta pasaupuen nangra ku nai cuwacuwaay nu hkal a nipilian ningra a finawlan,and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call and they will gather his elect from the four winds from one end of the heavens to the other,train +70417,70418,70418,rumakat,go away,train +70418,70419,70419,Duhduh hatu ku fangec nu kulung a micait i piringuan,cowhide hanging and roasting by the fireplace,train +70419,70420,70420,samaan ku rumiad anini,what is the weather like today,test +70420,70421,70421,o kafahekaan ku tayal nu wawa ita,our kids do amazing work,train +70421,70422,70422,Mapiiw ku rakat nira,he hobbled,train +70422,70423,70423,caay pinaʼun haw,Careless,train +70423,70424,70424,matama nira kunini u ccay a fawu,he found an insect,train +70424,70425,70425,faki^,uncles,train +70425,70426,70426,kungkuan,schools,train +70426,70427,70427,inian ku misahaenan anini midemakan aku uninian,that is what I am doing now,train +70427,70428,70428,pisupayan pihinuman,to ease the grief of the grieving family and to comfort their souls,train +70428,70429,70429,Kuhecalay ku cengel nu tuem i kakarayan,the clouds in the sky are white,train +70429,70430,70430,adihayay kiya mafulaway tayni kira,a lot of them have moved here,test +70430,70431,70431,macepet nu kingcat kura kukung,the police caught the thief,train +70431,70432,70432,o padadipisay kura wacu a milaklak tu hemay,the dog made the rice break up to attract cockroaches,train +70432,70433,70433,picakayan tu dateng i Kalingku,I am also going to Hualien to buy food,train +70433,70434,70434,Rieduc saan ku falucu nira wawa a miala tu saseking tu picudadan,that kid is hell bent on getting good schools,train +70434,70435,70435,sapakaen,Please Eat,train +70435,70436,70436,matira itiya hu,at that time,train +70436,70437,70437,ciluciluk,sparrow,train +70437,70438,70438,nika hadidi han mitilid,I read with patience,train +70438,70439,70439,man hatini sa hatu milaliway tu niyaru hatiraay ku maʼaraway aku sa,how did I see this we left the tribe like we were on a refugee,train +70439,70440,70440,ira tusa pulu ila ku lima,by the time it reaches twenty five,test +70440,70441,70441,panukayen tu ira kaku,my boss told me to go home,train +70441,70442,70442,anu siluma i ila kiya kahengan sanay,in addition if there is a rainbow,train +70442,70443,70443,Anini^ tangasa^ tu kami i Taypak matepaay tu kuya utufay ni faki^ hakiya,now that we are back in Taipei I do not know if my uncles motorcycle has been found,train +70443,70444,70444,ha mamaan kina hiya ita,why is it that our tribes,train +70444,70445,70445,ku mamerawan,multifarious,train +70445,70446,70446,ta,and then,train +70446,70447,70447,dademak,serious,train +70447,70448,70448,ani awaay tu anini ku matira a radiw sa tura sakalikuda a radiw,nowadays there are no songs like the traditional songs and dances,train +70448,70449,70449,hay iraay kura cikawasay hananay,there was a wizard,train +70449,70450,70450,Rina hatu han ci mama nu misu i sapacufelis a cudad,ask your father to stamp the contact book,test +70450,70451,70451,milepet tu maliangay mitakaway misakaniway,catching vandals thieves fraudsters,train +70451,70452,70452,malafafayuhay,turn into a caterpillar,train +70452,70453,70453,pakaala,can be obtained,train +70453,70454,70454,tu sakaytini i sapasevana tu wawa hananay,Roman Pinyin Universal ethnic linguistic Characterization for students,train +70454,70455,70455,saka sulinay,so it is true,train +70455,70456,70456,ura saka,the reason why,train +70456,70457,70457,u cikawas ku tini saka,there is a ghost here,train +70457,70458,70458,ku matiniay u,here is the deal,train +70458,70459,70459,ira ku mafukilay tu hiya,some of them do not,train +70459,70460,70460,pakalayap,receive,test +70460,70461,70461,Nanutiya,henceforth,train +70461,70462,70462,awaay ku maan nu lakat nangra itiyahu,I do not have any other ideas or where to go,train +70462,70463,70463,o kakaya ku wikul nina kulung,this cow has a long tail,train +70463,70464,70464,maalaala satu kaku pacaka tu mimaan sa kaku,I do not think there is any chance of being allowed,train +70464,70465,70465,Singaayay a keruan ira ku utiihay,some are hard some are easy just hold your hand and jump,train +70465,70466,70466,caay pakahiya tina langaw nira kiyami,it is not easy to make because of the tree phase,train +70466,70467,70467,Pinaun kamu aka pi^pec kamu tu ccaccay aca nunini a sasafaay a tamdaw nawhani suwalen aku kamu u misimaway cangraan a cuyuh i kakarayan i mararid a ira i tatihi nu wama aku i kakarayan,See that you do not look down on one of these little ones for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my father in heaven,train +70467,70468,70468,awaay ku mangamangah a suwal nangra awaay ku patlac nangra,no lie was found in their mouths they are blameless,train +70468,70469,70469,Kelacen ni ina ku impic nu wawa nira,a mom sharpens pencils for her baby,train +70469,70470,70470,taluc,late,test +70470,70471,70471,ta sumuwal hu kita,and then we will say it again,train +70471,70472,70472,oniya 550 a mirienangay salikaka itini tusa a lipay u mapalilamay nangra 6 a ˈufad a cacudadan,these evangelists who came to participate in the special event distributed about copies of the publication in two weeks,train +70472,70473,70473,mahenay ku demak nu niyam i salakat,that was the challenge we faced at first,train +70473,70474,70474,makeru i tukaydu itiya a remiʼad,everyone was dancing on the stage that day,train +70474,70475,70475,mahecad ku Li Wi Cang Cing Cu tu demak nu Yingcumin,the Aborigines seem to have built an illegal structure,train +70475,70476,70476,ngiha nu malitengay,the rhythm of the elderly,train +70476,70477,70477,o fitunay ku sapisanga nu Pangcah tu luma i tiya hu,the Amis used to build their houses out of bamboo,train +70477,70478,70478,Piʼyen Piʼyen kuranan kafekang,The above is the Northern Source,train +70478,70479,70479,isaka 1992 miheca mapanilnilay kaku malu maluhemay malitengay u saka cecay a Kirekis a tamdaw kaku tu malu maluhemay malitengay,I was appointed an elder in which was the first time a Kyrgyz was an elder in Kyrgyzstan,train +70479,70480,70480,nai,from somewhere,test +70480,70481,70481,o taangayay u mimingay emin han a miala,take all the big ones and the little ones,train +70481,70482,70482,ruhu,squat down,train +70482,70483,70483,o miintelay tu salikaka a tamdaw a ma^min i u mipatayay tu tamdaw Mafana kamu u mipatayay tu tamdaw i caay ka ciurip tu midaucay,anyone who hates his brother is a murderer and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him,train +70483,70484,70484,o tanektekay a kilang kunini,this piece of wood is strong,train +70484,70485,70485,hatiraay ku maku a urip tangasa anini,my life has been like that up to now,train +70485,70486,70486,matalaw tu mikuwan ku tumuk itiya hu,the head was afraid to manage it before,train +70486,70487,70487,satatengilan,Headphones,train +70487,70488,70488,pakayni tunini a saupu ku nipilahci nangra tu nafalucuan isu tu dadmaken isu pakayni i icel Isu,they did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen,train +70488,70489,70489,hatini aca ku pipaini nu maku,this is the end of my sharing,train +70489,70490,70490,kafutian takar,bedding,test +70490,70491,70491,kura payci turanan miala kami tura kasuy,the money we got from scavenging wood,train +70491,70492,70492,sasingaʼay san a awaay tu ku ilu,the tribesmen are not pursuing this,train +70492,70493,70493,hay samanen paʼurip ha ha ha hay i,how do you feed them ha ha ha ha Yeah I know,train +70493,70494,70494,akaa pisimsim tiniyan u paayaway kita tu niyar nu mita,for the sake of our tribe not to think that way,train +70494,70495,70495,ha mahiya kira Ripun,the Japanese colonial period,train +70495,70496,70496,misarunang,rolling in the mud,train +70496,70497,70497,ku niyam a luma,our home,train +70497,70498,70498,nanay pafliku sifu kami tu a kamiyan,I really look forward to the Governments provision of a permanent venue for us,train +70498,70499,70499,mipaʼicel ku suwal aku irahu ku,Therefore I encourage you to do so,train +70499,70500,70500,ya mutep ila ku cecay,eleventh year,test +70500,70501,70501,miparu,load,train +70501,70502,70502,mafelin,turn upside down,train +70502,70503,70503,Mangaay a pacaliwen kaku tu kuliciw isu haw,can I borrow your bicycle please,train +70503,70504,70504,milaheci kaku tu picudad i Tasiy,I must finish my college education,train +70504,70505,70505,Orasaka tahidang han nu hungti kuya kuli a sumuwal O tadatatiihay a kuli kisu mingitangit kisu i takuwanan saka palasawad han aku kuya tadah isu a ma^min kyami,Then the master called the servant in You wicked servant he said I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to,train +70505,70506,70506,matawa ku maanufay tu paysu a Farisay a tamdamdaw a mitngil tu suwal ni Yis a ma^min,the Pharisees who loved money heard all this and were sneering at Jesus,train +70506,70507,70507,nengneng sa ci Yis i cangraan a sumuwal Anu hatira i uya O kinafalah a fukluh nu misalumaay a tamdaw i malataenengantu nu luma sanay a matilid i Fangcalay Cudad i u maan ku tatudung nurira saw,Jesus looked directly at them and asked Then what is the meaning of that which is written The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone,train +70507,70508,70508,anini a pakaaraw kaku tu tadapising nu misu,today I really saw your true colors,train +70508,70509,70509,haca^,again,train +70509,70510,70510,itiya hu tayra iraay ku cecay,there used to be one here,test +70510,70511,70511,o incuming kisu haw,are you Aboriginal,train +70511,70512,70512,duduen nu maku a tala itilaay a umah,I followed him to the field,train +70512,70513,70513,o kakitaan ku cifalinunuay i ayaw,in the early days those who had tall stalks of glutinous rice were rich,train +70513,70514,70514,o taduk ku misukadiay tu unip,the ducks are trampling on the seedlings,train +70514,70515,70515,Misakuku ku kuku i kanikaran,the rooster crows in the early hours of the morning,train +70515,70516,70516,hay anu siriku i u cima ku ta tudung,if you are going to wear it who is the right person to wear it,train +70516,70517,70517,milatak,till,train +70517,70518,70518,malesi^,flood,train +70518,70519,70519,misanga tu siraw tiya fangcal ku siraw micumud ku cilah,if the salt penetrates into the meat it is a success,train +70519,70520,70520,o cadiway ku sapifuting ita i sauwac,we used a triangular hand net to catch fish in the valley,test +70520,70521,70521,patataaken,stretch something Bigger,train +70521,70522,70522,o papatalahkal ku tamdaw a ma^min tu nika u Tapang ci Yis Kristu saan a pahmek tu wama a Kawas,and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father,train +70522,70523,70523,paini kiraan ri,let us get down to business,train +70523,70524,70524,kakumaen,stammer,train +70524,70525,70525,u mama ri cay pakaʼaraw tu mama,where is Father I have not seen Father,train +70525,70526,70526,mituur malingday tu kami,we will follow the seniors,train +70526,70527,70527,ku niya seu seliwtaway,it is the and of the month,train +70527,70528,70528,o mipatrkatay tu lunan ci mama aku,my father drove a boat,train +70528,70529,70529,kasakeruan,dancing,train +70529,70530,70530,maperar,crumble,test +70530,70531,70531,satu,is or is not,train +70531,70532,70532,itira riyal awaay ku maaraway tu sakaicuwa,cannot see where we are going from the sea,train +70532,70533,70533,aka pisavel tu maamaan a datengan,do not cook any of the dishes,train +70533,70534,70534,langdaw ku kakarayan i Kalingku,the sky in Hualien is very blue,train +70534,70535,70535,misaaciyusay,hairpin,train +70535,70536,70536,pawalian,tanning Facility,train +70536,70537,70537,mu^etepay,Ten,train +70537,70538,70538,Talacuwaay,where are you going,train +70538,70539,70539,Pacaheni i takuwanan ku tahefud nu panay,the powdered rice makes me itchy,train +70539,70540,70540,anu u Lidaw hatu sulinay masametek ku niyan isaw,if it is the Dongchang tribe it is very strict,test +70540,70541,70541,caay pakadayum kaku tu kalim nu wadis aku,I cannot stand the soreness of my teeth,train +70541,70542,70542,pakayni i nika talahkal ni Yis Kristu u pauripay titaanan a mapahapinangtu anini i titaanan kunini a siniada palasawaden ni Kristu ku icel nu patay pakaynien ningra i Ngaayay Ratuh ku pipahapinang tu midaucay a urip,but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,train +70542,70543,70543,dafadafak,morning,train +70543,70544,70544,hatu lalu ku epah ira,the color is like rice water,train +70544,70545,70545,Mangaay kaku a miluing haw,would you mind if I do the video recording,train +70545,70546,70546,Cuwa hemek sa halafilafin ku nikasasuwal nangla,no way he is always on the phone and he is excited,train +70546,70547,70547,diput,care,train +70547,70548,70548,milipida,receive money,train +70548,70549,70549,nani cyataw lima^ seli nu tatukian i tangasa^ tu,it only takes five minutes after you walk out of the station,train +70549,70550,70550,tana,spring onion,test +70550,70551,70551,misanga kita tu emu anini,we now make sweet rice cake,train +70551,70552,70552,nu Siywkulan,the Xiuguluan River,train +70552,70553,70553,inacila^,yesterday,train +70553,70554,70554,matayal,have a job,train +70554,70555,70555,mahaen,this,train +70555,70556,70556,caay ka ngaay a misaluya kita tu rumiad a matayal tu tayal nu miucuray i Takuwanan anu tumantu i caaytu ka ngaay a matayal ku cimacima,as long as it is day we must do the work of him who sent me night is coming when no one can work,train +70556,70557,70557,Mipakituh ci akung tu suna nira,Grandpa tells stories to his grandchildren,train +70557,70558,70558,Caay malawidangay caira,No they are friends,train +70558,70559,70559,salipahak,gaily,train +70559,70560,70560,u fufu u fufu tu nu mita sanay ku harateng,I am looking forward to my children and grandchildren,test +70560,70561,70561,matiya yucisay kaku itiya,I was like,train +70561,70562,70562,anu ira ku epuc,preservation value if any,train +70562,70563,70563,kaen i malecad tu,the food is the same,train +70563,70564,70564,safanaway ku nanum,water is collected into a large puddle or pond,train +70564,70565,70565,namakatengil tu kaku tu mahaenay a kungku,I have heard stories like this,train +70565,70566,70566,pasungan,Hachisangan,train +70566,70567,70567,o mamaan tu,Oh yes you can,train +70567,70568,70568,Mihaenay wa mikitini kita i cuwa ku kalimlaan a demak miˈaca tu tuki,Therefore we need to buy time from unimportant activities,train +70568,70569,70569,anu silavang tu maraayay caay kanca patata tu sakapahay a kakaenen,when you have friends from afar as guests you will definitely put out the best food,train +70569,70570,70570,nanay caay ka tuka kamu ka u mitudungay kamu tu mitieray tu Kawas a kudaitay ku falucu a tamdaw ta malayap namu ku nanu nisuwalan nu Kawas a sapafli,we do not want you to become lazy but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised,test +70570,70571,70571,cadiw,grindstone,train +70571,70572,70572,Ngaayay tu ya mipacemutan a futing tangtangen itila tadangaangaay,it is fine it is a great place to cook the fish you catch,train +70572,70573,70573,matini u kedal mipakaʼuradan san ku matuʼasay,now it is drought or rain,train +70573,70574,70574,Curuk saan kita a misakuli,we take turns making money,train +70574,70575,70575,nikawrila ira ku ccay a mi mipakaenay tu siri a mitafsiw tu pipitpit nunian a ccay a tamdaw,However there was a shepherd who passed the person who was plucking fruits,train +70575,70576,70576,suwal sa ku ccay a tamdaw Namicakay kaku tu lima a ramud nu kulung O tatayrahu kaku a milifet tunini Saka ma^deng a samaanen Caay ku mamikaput kaku saan,Another said I have just bought five yoke of oxen and I am on my way to try them out please excuse me,train +70576,70577,70577,aluman ku viyaw isu tu Pangcah,do you have many Amis neighbors,train +70577,70578,70578,ca ka safulad ipan ku fulad,less than a month only half a month,train +70578,70579,70579,cacay ku wawa ni panay tu vavahiyn,there is only one girl in Panay,train +70579,70580,70580,Saka suwal sa cangra ci Arunan Sangaen ku mamikrid titaanan a kawakawas Nawhani anu mamaanaytu ci Musi uya namikriday titaanan a pasadak nai Icip han nangra,they told Aaron Make us gods who will go before us as for this fellow Moses who led us out of Egypt we do not know what has happened to him,test +70580,70581,70581,kalaliupan,a place to wash your face,train +70581,70582,70582,m maecad ila ku suwal nu,for example some say,train +70582,70583,70583,dudu satu,then,train +70583,70584,70584,tayra kaku i palafalan a paluma tu dateng,I am going to plant vegetables in the garden,train +70584,70585,70585,tu cacay hen ku wawa ni ina nu maku,and then my mom just had a baby,train +70585,70586,70586,kalamkamen,speedy,train +70586,70587,70587,Kamu u finacadan aku a Israil pitngil tu suwal aku matu nika fana namu pakaynien nu Kawas i ci Yisan nu Nacali ku nipidmak i tamuwanan tu ciicelay a kafahkaan a dmak a pahapinang i tamuwanan tu nika u nai Kawasay cingra,Men of Israel listen to this Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles wonders and signs which God did among you through him as you yourselves know,train +70587,70588,70588,maʼurip hu ku Tafalung han ni kaka aku,will there be any more Quakers,train +70588,70589,70589,fulesaken,sow seeds,train +70589,70590,70590,Nanuya pakayra ca Pawlu aci Silas i Amfipulis atu Apuluniya a tayra i Tisalunika ira itira ku kasaupuan a luma nu Yutaya a tamdaw,when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia they came to Thessalonica where there was a Jewish synagogue,test +70590,70591,70591,itiya i anu cimacimatu ku milungucay tu ngangan nu Tapang i caay ka ^ca u mamapaurip sanay,and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved,train +70591,70592,70592,o tingnaw ku kangalayan aku,the thing I want is a computer,train +70592,70593,70593,paaliwacan,Sunday,train +70593,70594,70594,Hay ina,Yes Mom,train +70594,70595,70595,i pusung ku luma nu widang aku,my friends family lives in Taitung,train +70595,70596,70596,mahaenay yaru etengen kiya nanum ta,that is how you block the water,train +70596,70597,70597,itini tuniya pasangaray a lintad sapaˈicelaw tu pakasuˈlinay falucuˈ nu salikaka milimasmasay ku likakawa tu adihayay a taykay,during this difficult period a number of conferences were organized in order to strengthen the confidence of the whole community of brethren the,train +70597,70598,70598,caay papinukay ya caay kaala papinukay nira,those who cannot go home and are not admitted are asked to go back,train +70598,70599,70599,unini u kulang,this is mustard,train +70599,70600,70600,yu dafak nu saayaway a rumiad nu fa^luhay a lipay yu sadak sahu ku cidal i tayra cangra i tadem,very early on the first day of the week just after sunrise they were on their way to the tomb,test +70600,70601,70601,saka tayra tini minatu tayni i minatu,went to the fishing port arrived at the fishing port,train +70601,70602,70602,O cima namu ku cikuliay tu maumahay anu ^ca i u pakaenay tu siri i anu minukay kuya kuli nai umah i ira ku Dadada kakumaentu sanay namu saw,Suppose one of you had a servant plowing or looking after the sheep would he say to the servant when he comes in from the field Come along now and sit down to eat,train +70602,70603,70603,suwal han tangsu suwal han tangsul san mafana kisu,you will be there in a minute,train +70603,70604,70604,ira kura keliw ini,here is the cable,train +70604,70605,70605,patayraen aca ci Tumukan a milimuut,and tell the chief to go,train +70605,70606,70606,cima hu ku tatayni a masaupu,who else is going to meet here,train +70606,70607,70607,anca anu iraay ku mamang a panay isu kiya,if there is some glutinous rice,train +70607,70608,70608,satadamaanay,salient,train +70608,70609,70609,kaus,lanyard,train +70609,70610,70610,Pina^ a wawidian ta tangasa^,how long will it take to get there,test +70610,70611,70611,palalukedaw,mistaken for leopard,train +70611,70612,70612,kaying,miss,train +70612,70613,70613,misusuay nani tini fawahan kira,but he knows that the devil reaches in through the door,train +70613,70614,70614,paaliwac,to take time off to do something,train +70614,70615,70615,namalasang,become drunk,train +70615,70616,70616,awaay ku nu misu vaki haw,Grandpa you do not have high blood pressure,train +70616,70617,70617,Matepung ku fadahung nu luma saan cingra pasifana i tamiyanan,he told us that there was a hole in the roof of his house,train +70617,70618,70618,Haklungen kunini a tamdaw a mikaput cangraan a mikurac tu tireng pasadaken ku sapaisis tu fukes nangra a paysu Ta u mangah kuya nitngilan niyam tu pakayniay i ci Pawluan o maimeray tu Rikec ni Musi cingra ta saan ku nika fana nangra a ma^min tu pakayniay i tisuwanan,take these men join in their purification rites and pay their expenses so that they can have their heads shaved then everybody will know there is no truth in these reports about you but that you yourself are living in obedience to the law,train +70618,70619,70619,ciku,elbows,train +70619,70620,70620,Nanuya halafintu ku rumiad i masasuwasuwal ku kakrikridan nu Yutaya a tamdaw tu sapipatayaw ci Sawluan,after many days had gone by the Jews conspired to kill him,test +70620,70621,70621,kakuwan a muku dadahal ku pala aku,stay with me my land is wide,train +70621,70622,70622,pasevanaay a haenen nu mak kisu a semuwal,here is what I am going to tell you teacher,train +70622,70623,70623,mitafi tu kaku tu pala,just plowing in the field,train +70623,70624,70624,misangaʼay tu malusapaluma mifiyul,engaged in the planting of seedling mothers,train +70624,70625,70625,cuwa kaulah kaku tu laluudan samanen haw i adihayay ku faliyus tu laluudan,I do not like autumn because there are lots of typhoons in autumn,train +70625,70626,70626,kahuten,grab a handful,train +70626,70627,70627,kiya mapatayay nanu sakatatulu cira sakasepat cira,a body,train +70627,70628,70628,Temuktemuk ku falucu aku,my heart is beating hard,train +70628,70629,70629,itini kita i maci awaay tu ku mafanaʼay tu caciyaw a kaemangay,we do not have many people in the metro area who speak the language anymore,train +70629,70630,70630,caay ka ulah kisu tu nisakimuudan a mituduh a sapatuaya atu sakahpul nu raraw a sapatafang,with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased,test +70630,70631,70631,cahucahu,in a short while,train +70631,70632,70632,yu miliyas ci Lutu tu Sutum i itiya a matfad nai kakarayan ku namal atu miwarakay a acfel a mitkup tu tamdamdaw a ma^min,but the day lot left Sodom fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all,train +70632,70633,70633,napakayra hu ku lalan taliyut tangasa i Bakung,at that time the road went from there to Toyohama,train +70633,70634,70634,caay ku nanu nisangaan aku kunini a ma^min saw sanay,has not my hand made all these things,train +70634,70635,70635,cay katama pihaen namu cay ka celak,you will not get to the point and start,train +70635,70636,70636,tangsa i tarawadaw haw i maedeng kaku a mipateli tu cahulak san kiya mama,when I got to the creek my father thought it would be a good place to put the fish,train +70636,70637,70637,ira ira ku usaw i hay ira hen sa hay,there is still some of them left in Yilan Yes,train +70637,70638,70638,ci kisa u taypiw cira,on behalf of Chung Chun Chuen,train +70638,70639,70639,tangki,child medium,train +70639,70640,70640,pasuwal,it is said that,test +70640,70641,70641,o mipatukuay tu paliding kaku,I am the one who stopped the oxcart,train +70641,70642,70642,Cuwa kakeliden nu singsi kita tayra i tukus,No our teacher is going to take us to the mountains,train +70642,70643,70643,o maalepaday ku matuasay nu mita naninalumaan a mafulaw a tayni,our ancestors migrated here in groups,train +70643,70644,70644,anu ^ca i papipasuwalen kunini a tamdaw i matini tu nihapinangan nangra a patlac aku yu tumireng kaku i kaayaw nu Lumaucay,or these who are here should state what crime they found in me when I stood before the Sanhedrin,train +70644,70645,70645,Kuesit a suwalen ciira,he is very difficult to persuade,train +70645,70646,70646,tangsa ci hiyaan ri,when you get to the one who is there,train +70646,70647,70647,nu midakaway tu lunan tataakay a,it is a big ship that runs the Seas and oceans,train +70647,70648,70648,ngicingiciw,sliced,train +70648,70649,70649,matenes tu kita itini i Su Aw i,I have been living in so O for a while,train +70649,70650,70650,matalienang,lay down,test +70650,70651,70651,taliyuk,surroundings,train +70651,70652,70652,Saka luwad satu kuya mapiay a minukay i luma ningra,and the man got up and went home,train +70652,70653,70653,maumah tu tu umah,just farm,train +70653,70654,70654,misatipay haw i ngaʼayay han a misamaan,you can do anything you want with a raft,train +70654,70655,70655,tansul hanay itira i kureng,just put it directly into the jug,train +70655,70656,70656,hatira ku fanaʼinay kiyamey ri,there are so many boys,train +70656,70657,70657,patayraen ku wawa aku i Taypak,take my child to Taipei,train +70657,70658,70658,tusa a mihca ci Pawlu itira i nicaliwan ningra a luma a maru hamhamen ni Pawlu ku tayraay a milisu a tamdamdaw,for two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him,train +70658,70659,70659,i sakalimatu saan ku nipiasip,I have been counting for the fifth time,train +70659,70660,70660,hay nandeysyu san han nira na Ripun ri,and then the Japanese guy said What is the point,test +70660,70661,70661,i tiyahu,In Before,train +70661,70662,70662,masay sapifalud,bind it with vines,train +70662,70663,70663,anu patay tu anu kalipahakan tu anu kararimaan tu,whether a tribesman has a funeral a celebration a hardship,train +70663,70664,70664,siwa ku nikadadadudu nu selal manay ira ku likid,there are nine age classes that is why there is the Bountiful years Festival,train +70664,70665,70665,Sakuesit san malecad u fakeluh,hard as a rock,train +70665,70666,70666,salipahak satu,they are all very happy,train +70666,70667,70667,nipinanam,practicing,train +70667,70668,70668,itiya maherek satu a milatak ku matuʼasay,when the elders have finished rolling and leveling the ground,train +70668,70669,70669,Orasaka malapiarawantu nu i Makituniyaay atu i Akayaay a pulung nu pasulinay ci Kristuan kamu,and so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia,train +70669,70670,70670,na mahaen hanipinanam hantu nu maku a misurit,not only can you practise writing but you can also practise writing,test +70670,70671,70671,o masekaay kira matuasay i luma,the old man was in shock at home,train +70671,70672,70672,pipafilungan,new Years Eve,train +70672,70673,70673,o cirunungay ku fanaw nu maku,I have carp in my pond,train +70673,70674,70674,Miciker kaku tu fatikar aku i picudadan,I have to lock my bike at school,train +70674,70675,70675,pakalemed ku matuasay i tamiyan mitulun a pakakilmel a micudad a malaluk aca a dademak,elders prayed for us and encouraged us to study hard and work hard,train +70675,70676,70676,saripa,the sole of the foot,train +70676,70677,70677,o mamalahci ku niktunan nu Kawas a suwal saan ku tanektek nu pasulin ningra,being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised,train +70677,70678,70678,adihay hu kuka fukilan niyam kira,there is a lot of places that will not,train +70678,70679,70679,kalumaamaan,anything,train +70679,70680,70680,mifalic micakay tu ku kita i u ekim sapicakay san kya itiyahu,we used to buy and sell in gold,test +70680,70681,70681,mapakafecul marenec ku salawinaan,bring more benefits to your relatives,train +70681,70682,70682,Hay pelaaw tu Paraserasen tu cilah kiya matungal ku alesu,Okay cut it up right away sprinkle a little salt on it it will taste better,train +70682,70683,70683,mikangkang ci mama i umah,dad is plowing in the field,train +70683,70684,70684,mahenay ku urip aku ri,that is my life,train +70684,70685,70685,ciira rey nihanghang cira matira kaku rey,he is gone to play and I am still here,train +70685,70686,70686,ku satapangan aku a mi,he is just starting his mission,train +70686,70687,70687,tangic,to beg,train +70687,70688,70688,Mafanatu ku salikaka tunini saka krid hantu nangra cingra a maluklun a tayra i Kaysariya ta patayra hantu nangra cingra i Tarsus,when the brothers learned of this they took him down to Caesarea and sent him off to Tarsus,train +70688,70689,70689,unini haw i u kungku tu nanum numita,this is about our water supply,train +70689,70690,70690,mahaenay ku sapibuting a salil,that is how the fishing nets look like,test +70690,70691,70691,hay u sapikpik ira kura,Yeah it is kind of a wing,train +70691,70692,70692,tuna u tatapangan nu urip ku Wama Saka haenentu ningra ku wawa a palatatapangan nu urip,for as the father has life in himself so he has granted the son to have life in himself,train +70692,70693,70693,anini satu u manengnengay a keru atu radiw nu Yencumin sahetu nai nu Pangcahan a miala kura rumaruma a finacadan,Nowadays most of the so called Aboriginal songs and dances are originated from the Amis tribe but they are also adopted by other ethnic groups,train +70693,70694,70694,saka manaʼun kami mansanay ku faeday hakiya,we will try to figure out what Gods will is,train +70694,70695,70695,iraay ku wawa ira,does he have any children,train +70695,70696,70696,mahiday,lose,train +70696,70697,70697,itira matalaw tu kami sa ikur caay tu katayra kami i a miala tu aʼuwang,we never went to little Liuqiu to dig for sea urchins again to avoid violating the law,train +70697,70698,70698,pairari,loose,train +70698,70699,70699,Tataluma tu kita,we were going home too,train +70699,70700,70700,milicay ci Nikutimus Ira ku matiraay a dmak saw han ningra,How can this be Nicodemus asked,test +70700,70701,70701,caay ka picuvay kaku a taluma,will you just go home,train +70701,70702,70702,sarakat aku micamul a mitayal tu tilid nu pancah itiya,it was the first time that I participated in the work on the Amis language,train +70702,70703,70703,o manmaan pihatatanam sahetu u sapalafainayan ira ku icel midipang tu niyaru atu sakatanektek nu parud paparayray tu lalengawan nu finacadan atu mamidutuc tu rayray nu finacadan atu serangawan,all training is to prepare men to be able to strengthen the tribe and guard the family that is to keep the tribe safe and to continue the lifeblood of the people and to carry on the history and culture of the people,train +70703,70704,70704,Mamiaca kaku tu riku,I want to buy some clothes,train +70704,70705,70705,patepu kuya cudad,the book was dropped with a thud,train +70705,70706,70706,hay faki ngaʼay hu,Hello Uncle,train +70706,70707,70707,nengneg iraw ku tayal,it also depends on whether there is anything else you need help with,train +70707,70708,70708,kararaya,long,train +70708,70709,70709,ku sera kiyami haw,there is a lot of cracks in the land,train +70709,70710,70710,awa tu ku lalusidan niya matuʼasay,the old mans tools are all gone,test +70710,70711,70711,matiyatu u,like a symbol,train +70711,70712,70712,Misatipeluk ku matuasay,an old man making paper,train +70712,70713,70713,sumuwal ku itiraay a tumirengay a papinapina a tamdamdaw Mimaan a tdalen namu kura tufur a lufa saw saan,some people standing there asked What are you doing untying that colt,train +70713,70714,70714,fatis,allocation or sharing of the hunt,train +70714,70715,70715,herek,end,train +70715,70716,70716,rutruten kiya sa mahiya isaw aca kahavet anu caay rutruti,you have to rub it or it will be too hard,train +70716,70717,70717,macuyse,anesthesiologist,train +70717,70718,70718,awaay kumi diputay kamunan a wawa namu,do not you two have any children to take care of,train +70718,70719,70719,usaw,remain,train +70719,70720,70720,malalu itu kira haw,soak the water,test +70720,70721,70721,han ku urip nu niyam itiya,this was my life back then,train +70721,70722,70722,akawangay a mangiliw,tall and thin,train +70722,70723,70723,lemuwad,get up,train +70723,70724,70724,futus,edema,train +70724,70725,70725,iraay ku kungku ni sera Nakamura tu itini i kaʼurip ningra,Mr Chow has quite a few memories,train +70725,70726,70726,mahaenay kuya ya urip nu u wawa hu i tiya hu,that is how life was when I was a kid,train +70726,70727,70727,mawacay tu apakaen tu rarapa,Naked herding cattle,train +70727,70728,70728,masalaw tu masadak tu ku cidal,the rain stops and the sun comes out,train +70728,70729,70729,adihay hu saan,I thought there was a lot more to collect,train +70729,70730,70730,mangataay,proximal,test +70730,70731,70731,tahira ku suwal aku i,that is all I am saying,train +70731,70732,70732,awaca ku rumaruma a dateng,there is nothing else,train +70732,70733,70733,u tudungay u laluwadan nu finawlan,it is the origin of our tribe,train +70733,70734,70734,i ayaw han nira a misera,he will send him back first,train +70734,70735,70735,Siceka i kawili a saripa nu maku,I have a splinter in my left footplate,train +70735,70736,70736,suwal satu,so he said,train +70736,70737,70737,misatadem,build a tomb,train +70737,70738,70738,a maanen saw nu maku a midemak,what should I do,train +70738,70739,70739,mamipakaenay tu kulung,I am a cowherd boy,train +70739,70740,70740,Pacingemipacing,just shoot,test +70740,70741,70741,cima ku pasifanaay i tisuwanan a rumadiw,who taught you to sing,train +70741,70742,70742,pakayniay tunini a pipaurip nu Kawas i mahrektu ku itiyaayhu a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a misungila a mikadkad tu pakayniay i malusapafli nu Kawas tamuwanan a mikumi,concerning this salvation the prophets who spoke of the grace that was to come to you searched intently and with the greatest care,train +70742,70743,70743,Wili,queer,train +70743,70744,70744,i suni manengnengay namu ku hatiniay,did you guys just see something like this,train +70744,70745,70745,rakar,fish cage,train +70745,70746,70746,hatiraay saw,is that so,train +70746,70747,70747,macicih,torn,train +70747,70748,70748,tayni misiwkang mipalalan tu niya sa,they are all here to help open up the south highway,train +70748,70749,70749,ira ku vangsisay a panay ira ku nu muhetingay a velac nisaturunan nu vinawlan,each house steams fragrant rice and mocha made of black glutinous rice,train +70749,70750,70750,un tu i sa maminukay kami sa kura malikakaay,after a while the brothers wanted to go home,test +70750,70751,70751,nu Pangcah mahaen tu ku,indigenous languages,train +70751,70752,70752,nikararamud,getting married,train +70752,70753,70753,a pasasaʼan nu picudadan i,even during the summer and winter vacations,train +70753,70754,70754,iraay ku siyataw nu pasu itini haw,is there a bus stop near here,train +70754,70755,70755,u manan kura sa i mafukil kira,what the hell is going on I have no idea,train +70755,70756,70756,maumahay ku mama^ aku,my dad was a farmer,train +70756,70757,70757,falu ku widi ku kalisawutan ita,our meeting time is eight of the clock,train +70757,70758,70758,tatiihay nira tulak haw iyaen hu,that bad skin it is still going on,train +70758,70759,70759,laed,distance,train +70759,70760,70760,mapalad sakapitu pacuwah,the plane went through on the seventh,test +70760,70761,70761,ya hayi sa ku wama aku,then dad agreed,train +70761,70762,70762,itiyaay satapang kaku maulah tura dita,that is when I fell in love with clay,train +70762,70763,70763,tayra i riyar,to the beach,train +70763,70764,70764,ci mali Siw Ni kiyami,it is sister Mary,train +70764,70765,70765,adihay ku kayki nu kusi anini,what a meeting the company had today,train +70765,70766,70766,misanga tu isu tu maamaan aca,making a wide variety of artwork,train +70766,70767,70767,i cangra a misaʼicel,they are working on legislation,train +70767,70768,70768,cidafungay,a rich person,train +70768,70769,70769,pipawalian,tanning Facility,train +70769,70770,70770,Hay cecay lian ira ku tulu^ pulu a kungfen tu ku takaraw aku,Yes I am centimeters now,test +70770,70771,70771,iʼaʼayawen nu heni ma ku hiya ku cadiway,they put that triangular net in front,train +70771,70772,70772,mihaen mifaliw mihaen,cutting grass like that,train +70772,70773,70773,cima ku ngangan nu safa isu,what is your younger sisters name,train +70773,70774,70774,u ruma ku nu palimu yu,thanksgiving is different,train +70774,70775,70775,maulah haw kisu tu keru atu radiw,do you enjoy singing and dancing,train +70775,70776,70776,miliyas tunahekal,leave the world,train +70776,70777,70777,liyawen hu pahaihai,dry from the new wind,train +70777,70778,70778,faedet,hot,train +70778,70779,70779,adihayen ku raka samanen taakayay kura fakeluh,there are many reefs and the rocks are huge,train +70779,70780,70780,Maraudtu ku rumiad i matini o mamaliwasak kamu a paytmek a minukay i luma nu tireng o mamapakaccay namu Kaku Nikawrira caay ka ccay Kaku ira ku wama a mikaput i Takuwanan,But a time is coming and has come when you will be scattered each to his own home you will leave me all alone yet I am not alone for my father is with me,test +70780,70781,70781,u kilang haw cuwa ku ngaʼaayay,it is the wood it is bad,train +70781,70782,70782,sapihulul nangra u wawa,there are children games to play,train +70782,70783,70783,mitilid,write,train +70783,70784,70784,kaenu nura kilang kilang i,under the big tree,train +70784,70785,70785,mingataay,close,train +70785,70786,70786,papisulingaen,tell someone to do a good job,train +70786,70787,70787,tiya mivutingay mahaen,fishers will be rewarded,train +70787,70788,70788,Kirami pasuwalen ni Yis cangra Nawiru u tluc ni Tafiti han nu tamdaw ci Kristu saw,then Jesus said to them How is it that they say the Christ is the son of David,train +70788,70789,70789,Tamaku ira tu haw,do you have cigarettes too,train +70789,70790,70790,itiya cecay maaraw aku ku ilisin nu niyaru,I saw that one time the tribe held a Harvest festival,test +70790,70791,70791,mahaenay cipucuʼan han nu matuʼasay,So the old folks called it a tumor area,train +70791,70792,70792,maka,exist,train +70792,70793,70793,tahini tu Liʼangan,all the way to the Lingya tribe,train +70793,70794,70794,u ina u ina na nahiya ma haw na Kameh,it is the mother it is the mother of Gamih and the others,train +70794,70795,70795,cima ku mipudacay kami tu,who removed the bark Ourselves,train +70795,70796,70796,matiya hu mahaen ku kilakil,that is how it was back then,train +70796,70797,70797,caay pilimek cangra,they are not hiding,train +70797,70798,70798,anu hakuwaay a rumiʼad i tayni kami sa kya kuntung,the Cantonese say we will definitely come back one day,train +70798,70799,70799,matiyatiya u tatavasan,like Taiwanese dates,train +70799,70800,70800,tayni kami itini Kilung,come to Keelung,test +70800,70801,70801,urung naku ku icep i pafelien aku tura akung,I would bring betel nut to my grandparents,train +70801,70802,70802,icuwa kura,what does the youth class do,train +70802,70803,70803,caay kafana ku tau san kaku san ku mamikilim amieli tangasa i matini,the kids said no one else knew anything about it so I had to lead them to thatch,train +70803,70804,70804,licay sa ci Yis O maan ku lalungucen namu i Takuwanan saw han ningra,What do you want me to do for you he asked,train +70804,70805,70805,maunic,fussy,train +70805,70806,70806,tu suwal ita u Pangcah mahaen ku Kicelung ita,this is the conclusion of the Amish mother tongue,train +70806,70807,70807,maalaway,snatched,train +70807,70808,70808,o maan ku milalingan nu misu,why are you moaning,train +70808,70809,70809,Suwalen ku finawlan nu Ciun Nengnengen iratu a tayni i tamuwanan ku hungti namu O misapu^neray ku falucu ningra Midakaw cingra tu ccay a lufa u tufurhu a lufa sanay,Say to the daughter of Zion See your king comes to you gentle and riding on a donkey on a colt the foal of a donkey,train +70809,70810,70810,paflien kami tu nu aniniay a sakaurip niyam,give us today our daily bread,test +70810,70811,70811,halikien aku nga manengneng sanay kaku,I want to see them right away,train +70811,70812,70812,a saan minenengay,I am just going to take a look around,train +70812,70813,70813,Mikitakaraw ku efer nu fasiyaw aku tu nu misu,my kite flies higher than yours,train +70813,70814,70814,misahafay,preparing for grain day,train +70814,70815,70815,samanen misanmga hukini kaku tu i,how does Dodi deal with each I was just thinking,train +70815,70816,70816,Mahaenay kuya suwal nuya matuʼasay,there is this ancestral proverb,train +70816,70817,70817,patikul talapitilidan nga sa hatatanamay,I will start learning again at school,train +70817,70818,70818,nu malitengay,sometimes it is important to help the elderly ease or,train +70818,70819,70819,ku nipatayiraan nu Ripun tu Cikasuwan,Japanese to Taitung,train +70819,70820,70820,sakautaan,nauseous,test +70820,70821,70821,u tevus kuni,this is sugar cane,train +70821,70822,70822,cadiwayi hayi,the fishnet Yeah,train +70822,70823,70823,Watakapah saan haw,Wow it must be beautiful,train +70823,70824,70824,mikulas,drainage,train +70824,70825,70825,takaraw ci Namuh puener ci Mayaw,Namoh is tall and Mayaw is short,train +70825,70826,70826,yu ccay a rumiad tumireng ci Yis i lawac nu Kinisarit hananay a fanaw Macacu^cu^cu ku finawlan a miraud ci Yisan tu sapitngilaw tu suwal nu Kawas,one day as Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God,train +70826,70827,70827,matawalay aku miala ku alapit,I forgot to bring my chopsticks,train +70827,70828,70828,pakayni tu Singku a milifet tu ini a malitemuhay ita a muntay,difficulties encountered in order to experience happiness,train +70828,70829,70829,hay dudu u niyaru tu kura haw,that is a tribal name,train +70829,70830,70830,fesir,gall bladder,test +70830,70831,70831,saka cacay tusa a mihca itiya ira tu kakaenen,after one year the next years Harvest came in,train +70831,70832,70832,u paenipay satu niyaru nu niyam,we are rice planting in the Shuilian tribe,train +70832,70833,70833,caay kanengneng nuya tamdaw tuya mikalicay,the person who climbed up did not see this,train +70833,70834,70834,sa pulung han ku miheca aku nai tiya wawa ku tayal maku tangasa anini i tu ku miheca nu maku anini,I look back on the years since I was a child and I am now years old,train +70834,70835,70835,rakat han,walking,train +70835,70836,70836,tu hatiniay nu mita u Amis a dangah a cufu a kuppu,Amis pots jars and cups,train +70836,70837,70837,Misaakuwakuway aca ku tamdaw,as long as people are self righteous,train +70837,70838,70838,wa ngaˈay kita mikitini masangaˈay a maamaan mafanaˈ tu capeling nu Kawas a mapaˈicel ku pasuˈlinay a falucuˈ,we can strengthen our faith by recognizing Gods qualities in all creation,train +70838,70839,70839,Wu,be,train +70839,70840,70840,pakapulungen nira ku faki nu luma nura wawa,the boy invited his uncles and grandparents to his home,test +70840,70841,70841,suwal sa cina aku han tu,at the time grandma's mom said there was,train +70841,70842,70842,faʼinayan ku paʼayaway,it is also the men who take the lead,train +70842,70843,70843,sarakatay ri u kaka tu,older first,train +70843,70844,70844,Akahu pikariang tu hkal atu riyar atu kilang tangasa i kahrekan niyam a mitupa tu pising nu matayalay nu Kawas ita saan,Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God,train +70844,70845,70845,wa mimaan kisu matini,Wow what are you doing,train +70845,70846,70846,maulah kamu a masasikahmek Nikawrira caay ka pilunguc kamu tu nai dengan a Kawas a sakahmek saka samaanen namu ku nipipasulin i takuwanan saw,how can you believe if you accept praise from one another yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God,train +70846,70847,70847,cayay kuna matiniay satu ira ci ina,it is not normal then mom came,train +70847,70848,70848,malaplap ci Satan,Satan has been banished,train +70848,70849,70849,tataak,coarse,train +70849,70850,70850,Ngaayhu han a paratuh ku kahaccaccay nu malaccayay aci Yis Kristu a mituuray Ngaayhu saan i tamuwanan ku kaput aku a mituuray,greet all the saints in Christ Jesus the brothers who are with me send greetings,test +70850,70851,70851,fangcal tuku paru nu niyaru,tribal life has stabilized,train +70851,70852,70852,wa tanutan sa kuya makaalaay,very profitable for those who catch,train +70852,70853,70853,puyu,shortness,train +70853,70854,70854,sa kaku minanam kaku,I will go to class,train +70854,70855,70855,tatulu atu kaku,the three of them and myself,train +70855,70856,70856,saka awa tu ku payci,that is why I do not have any money,train +70856,70857,70857,nengneng han awaay tu ku tangaayan,look at the four week environment there is nothing to agree with,train +70857,70858,70858,saka makirum samatiraay saka,so that is what worry looks like,train +70858,70859,70859,vayi,female elder,train +70859,70860,70860,sanay kina saka,that is it,test +70860,70861,70861,kangtang han micinglaw,a brief explanation,train +70861,70862,70862,Aluman kami u Pangcah mamin kirawah,are they all Amis then,train +70862,70863,70863,kacipa,ginger,train +70863,70864,70864,paekel,pressure,train +70864,70865,70865,ci Kacaw ku ngangan nu maku,my name is Kacaw,train +70865,70866,70866,sarumiamiad saan cingra a pakaen tu siri,he herds sheep for grass every day,train +70866,70867,70867,miriri,grasshopper hunting,train +70867,70868,70868,micengel,discolor,train +70868,70869,70869,patawsi patawsi,there is a song for drinking,train +70869,70870,70870,malakamukuay,make it short,test +70870,70871,70871,Kisu uya plengen Aku ku Fangcalay Pitaungan ta mapatireng Aku i tulu a rumiad kunini a Pitaungan sanay Dada anu u Wawa nu Kawas Kisu i ka^pud nai ciwcika a paurip tu tireng Isu han nangra,and saying You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days save yourself come down from the cross if you are the son of God,train +70871,70872,70872,pasuwalen ningra ci ina ci ama ningra,he reported it to his parents,train +70872,70873,70873,u mamaanay ku kaulahan isu a vavainay tarakaway masusuay malalukay,what kind of boys do you like Tall Fat Rich Hardworking,train +70873,70874,70874,nu anini a dumiad i ida ku tatulu a tamdaw tuna mihecaan i pakani tu tayal nu niyaru kamu i u sasa falucuen u sasa icelen namu kamu ku cacitudaung,for example there are three of you today and this year you must be especially committed to the affairs of your tribe your heart and your soul and your responsibility,train +70874,70875,70875,mafesul,be pierced,train +70875,70876,70876,itiniyay,exist,train +70876,70877,70877,sakacawka urad u cidal u urad,mitigating the effects of sun and rain,train +70877,70878,70878,tatulu kami a malekaka,there are three brothers and sisters in our family,train +70878,70879,70879,tahira kaikur awaay tu maʼaraw kiya mimaliay,at the end of the day you do not see these players anymore,train +70879,70880,70880,mansa u fanaʼfanaʼ sa ku fiyawfiyaw ira tu ku,so much so that neighbors public representatives,test +70880,70881,70881,itini hu i Langasan hananay a lutuk itini i kaʼamis kafaed nu Kiwit haw i,when I was in the Chilayas that is north above Chimay,train +70881,70882,70882,akakacaay kita a mitengil,we must listen,train +70882,70883,70883,karariting,wooden pin,train +70883,70884,70884,anu suwalen i ayaw u hiya kami u,Well back in the day we were the true Jesus Church,train +70884,70885,70885,hay hatini tu ku radiw haw,Yes that is all,train +70885,70886,70886,tuya pinukayan a lalan pasifuis kaku a mitulun,on the way home I made a wish with the stars,train +70886,70887,70887,u salipahakay tu cira,she is going to be so happy,train +70887,70888,70888,o rumasatu mahayda ku nipiiyuf nira a pafli tu saslaan tuya facu nuya saayaway a aadupen tu sakafanaaw nuya facu a caciyaw atu sakaciicelaw nuya facu a mipatay tu caay pitaung i ciiraan,he was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast so that it could speak and because all who refused to worship the image to be killed,train +70888,70889,70889,nanu manengnengay aku ka emangay itiyahu,what I saw when I was a kid,train +70889,70890,70890,aayawan,upfront,test +70890,70891,70891,Mafukilay midanguy kaku u tadakuki aku tu katangungul nu nanum,I cannot swim I am afraid of the depths,train +70891,70892,70892,pasengsengan,suit something fit,train +70892,70893,70893,itini kaku misiwkay tu niyaman a urip,I would like to introduce you to our life at that time,train +70893,70894,70894,Asenay i lumaay kisu haw,Asenay are you home,train +70894,70895,70895,malafalaku,leathers,train +70895,70896,70896,o kalaluk nira ku sakalemed nira,he was lucky because he worked hard,train +70896,70897,70897,sapilalat,measurement tools,train +70897,70898,70898,itini i Lidaw han tu i maratar ku heni,where is dong change they are early,train +70898,70899,70899,Adepet kira wawa tu piyang,the kid was very stingy with the candy,train +70899,70900,70900,tanam,to try,test +70900,70901,70901,tiniay itini,here it is,train +70901,70902,70902,tu cecay fulad nacecay a mimisa,Aboriginal Mass once a month,train +70902,70903,70903,pabiyaw sa ca ama aku,my father lived next door to them,train +70903,70904,70904,malasingsiay,being a teacher,train +70904,70905,70905,pitu a pulu ira ku tulu,seventy third,train +70905,70906,70906,halafin tu caka sasuaraw kami mailul tu kaku cingraan,we have not seen each other for a long time and I miss him a lot,train +70906,70907,70907,ira itira a maru ku papinapina a pasifanaay tu Rikec,now some teachers of the law were sitting there thinking to themselves,train +70907,70908,70908,ha ha,Ha ha ha,train +70908,70909,70909,micudaday ku safa i matini,my sister is now studying,train +70909,70910,70910,itira milakuwitay a macukacuk tu tukutukusan maraayay ku rarakaten kawra mahemekay kami tatusa padama tu itiraay a salikaka,There we had to cross mountains and travel long distances but we were both happy to be able to assist our brothers and sisters in the remote areas,test +70910,70911,70911,palikaemangay,selection of young,train +70911,70912,70912,palecat han ku hiya nara,that must be the same,train +70912,70913,70913,nacaay henay,not yet,train +70913,70914,70914,tahidangen aku cingra,should I call him back,train +70914,70915,70915,cafuul,feeling of urinary urgency,train +70915,70916,70916,paini a paruʼut palimuʼut nu matuʼasay itiya hu,sharing words of encouragement and discipline,train +70916,70917,70917,9 o sakatusa a tinakuan i samaanay ku pinengneng nu Kawas tu pakapulinay tu tau,the second example is what God has to say about tripping people up,train +70917,70918,70918,u kisu ku misitala,Designation of the person who waits for the rabbits,train +70918,70919,70919,itini iraku ku misaumahay,there are people farming here too,train +70919,70920,70920,Pakatufilen kira piutut nu misu tu tamdaw,you carve portraits to add lips,test +70920,70921,70921,ngaʼayay ku hatiniay u naliti hanaay,this kind of grass is good,train +70921,70922,70922,tayraen nira i cepu ku ayaw pateli ta telihan nira i kafafaw,first place the fish line at the end of the stream then place the fish line at the top,train +70922,70923,70923,suwal sa kiya cafay aku,my colleagues told me that,train +70923,70924,70924,mamang,little,train +70924,70925,70925,kamu,you guys you guys,train +70925,70926,70926,irahu kina uu nu fafahiyan anini,when these girls feet were healthy,train +70926,70927,70927,u taʼangaʼangay sa ku wawa aku itira i Futud,my child is growing up in Orchid Island,train +70927,70928,70928,itiya i matngil nu tarukus atu i tiraay i Yutaya a salikaka ku nika Halu ruma a finacadan a milayap tu suwal nu Kawas,the apostles and the brothers throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God,train +70928,70929,70929,rutruten haw ku sama anu kemaen hay,Yes,train +70929,70930,70930,u nisulingan nu kikay,Machined,test +70930,70931,70931,sisa malimad cira a tayni,that is why she moved here,train +70931,70932,70932,weyini kaku,hey I am here,train +70932,70933,70933,sa tuku matatelek tu suwal nira,and he covenanted with one another,train +70933,70934,70934,matalaw cangra tu talapangtaan nu lunan,they were afraid of the ship running into shallows,train +70934,70935,70935,Panawhanien kira malawaay a Cudad nira wawa,the kid left out the word why,train +70935,70936,70936,tayni kita i Suaw,let us go to so O together,train +70936,70937,70937,itini i mikilim tu mikilim,we are looking for broadcasting talent we are looking for,train +70937,70938,70938,mihalama,go and have fun,train +70938,70939,70939,haen han ku nu maku yinwi han a kemaen,I am all about the original flavor,train +70939,70940,70940,o dadu^duen ningra ku Fangcalay a nikatatlekan a siniada tu tatuasan namu saan cingra,to show mercy to our fathers and to remember his Holy covenant,test +70940,70941,70941,o dadaya^ satu talapatiyamay kami a malafi^,in the evening we went to the city to have dinner together,train +70941,70942,70942,limla kisu tu matuʼasay saan ku suwal ningra hai aca san,she also said I truly sympathize with the older members of the tribe,train +70942,70943,70943,itini haw i mamang i hu suʼelin itu,when I was a kid it did happen,train +70943,70944,70944,ya sapi mageyiri balatbalat han ku hiya,the machine that is going to rotate it is going to place it horizontally,train +70944,70945,70945,ku pifaliw nu maku paluma aku tuna lukut,since I cut down the planting,train +70945,70946,70946,o mitapiʼay Cu ku hamikadafu kura faʼinayan han,does not a woman labor require a mans labor,train +70946,70947,70947,i Kuhkuh a niyaru ci nganganay,only in Mizuhos tribe,train +70947,70948,70948,Matupusi ku nika kahemaw nu tireng,the body is as light as a cats,train +70948,70949,70949,o sakakaay kisu a wawa haw sakatusa,are you the oldest Second,train +70949,70950,70950,Patelay ku sava tu vavainayan sikavahalan nu kuntay a caay aca pihivang saan a pakucila tu lalipayan kiya a taluma isaw,the younger brother called back and said that the army suddenly could not take a vacation and would not be back until the next Sunday,test +70950,70951,70951,tusa ku acaen pina ku aca nira,how much for both,train +70951,70952,70952,han tu ku ngisngis isu haw,remember to shave your beard in the morning,train +70952,70953,70953,hantu taluma satu,Okay I am going home,train +70953,70954,70954,ruma ecay a mihecaan i canguʼutay tu,sometimes the years income is not enough to cover the expenses,train +70954,70955,70955,hay,really oh,train +70955,70956,70956,anu adihay ku waneng saredu,too much will make it too sweet,train +70956,70957,70957,simsim hatu ku sumal nu maku i tisuwanan,you just go and think about what I am telling you,train +70957,70958,70958,Fangcal,it is great it is fluent,train +70958,70959,70959,o danguy a cecay ku kaulahan nira a untu,he only likes swimming,train +70959,70960,70960,u nu i amisan a Pangcah i u nisufucan nu kawakawas saan nikaurira u i timulay a Pangcah i u masadakay nani fukeluh saan ku kimad a kungku,the northern Amis say their ancestors were born from a god while the southern Amis believe their ancestors were born from a rock,test +70960,70961,70961,caay pilaliw haw,will not he run away,train +70961,70962,70962,Nikawrira u mihinumay a Kawas tu matuleday a tamdaw i hinumen ningra kami pakayni i nika ira ni Titus,but God who comforts the downcast comforted us by the coming of Titus,train +70962,70963,70963,anu icuwaay ku siiyaay tuni,I do not know who is holding these,train +70963,70964,70964,lanikay a manguta ku nanum anu urad sahu haw i mangutaay tu ku nanum sanay,because when it rains the water in the streams gets cloudy,train +70964,70965,70965,tatusa tatul ku mitapiʼay,there will be two or three of them,train +70965,70966,70966,Ha mafanaay kamu tu suwal nu amis tada ngaay,you speak Pangcah that is great,train +70966,70967,70967,siniada,sympathy,train +70967,70968,70968,reci,diary,train +70968,70969,70969,pafli han nangra ci Yis tu ccay a krit a nituduhan a futing,they gave him a piece of broiled fish,train +70969,70970,70970,tira ruhepit ku widi i kuku,the leeches will stick to your feet,test +70970,70971,70971,terungsifu,middle,train +70971,70972,70972,ta suwal sa ci Yis i nisawawaan Ningra Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu caay ka rahuday ku cidafungay a tamdaw a malafinawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas,then Jesus said to his disciples I tell you the truth it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven,train +70972,70973,70973,anu ma tataʼkay ku mata ngaʼay kuni,if you want to make a big hole this is the best way to make a big hole,train +70973,70974,70974,Pakacilamalay,take the train,train +70974,70975,70975,malcaca ku valucu a makumud,of one mind,train +70975,70976,70976,katatamatama aca aku a malasadiput,just in time for me to become a leader,train +70976,70977,70977,ira tu i hiya niyam,we vaguely remember,train +70977,70978,70978,kupiten,close your eyes,train +70978,70979,70979,tada,very,train +70979,70980,70980,o cingki nu maku ca Mayaw a marumud,Mr and Mrs Mayaw are my in laws,test +70980,70981,70981,ora kilang hananay i,these trees,train +70981,70982,70982,falu,eight,train +70982,70983,70983,mahaen ku kalaluwaluwah,this laughter,train +70983,70984,70984,kunian a naliti,this Mangrove,train +70984,70985,70985,fangcal tu ku urp anini a wawa,the quality of life is very good nowadays,train +70985,70986,70986,kakahad ku luuluuhan niyam,we have an extensive banana plantation at home,train +70986,70987,70987,iya buting midanguy anu caay alai nu misu awaay tahekal ku remes,that fish does not normally bleed when it swims,train +70987,70988,70988,micapetay,the person who catches the ball,train +70988,70989,70989,pakira i suwal nu Kuwaping,regarding the Taiyuan Basin as it is called in Chinese,train +70989,70990,70990,nanay minukay kisu mitilid i,I hope you will come home from school,test +70990,70991,70991,Masekak ku ayam,the rooster crowed,train +70991,70992,70992,naw caka i tukay a pasifana,why not teach in the city,train +70992,70993,70993,san kya harateng aku,at that moment my mind was racing,train +70993,70994,70994,nairaan haw mafalic han tu ku ngangan,and the name of the organization has changed,train +70994,70995,70995,kaemangan,childhood,train +70995,70996,70996,ngaaytu a caay piharateng tu saki mama atu ina saan kamu,then you no longer let him do anything for his father or mother,train +70996,70997,70997,a parasit tu nipacudad nu tamdaw i remiremiad,delivering mail for people every day,train +70997,70998,70998,hahaha tanamen tu caya tu ka faking milinsiw hu,Ha ha ha they will learn,train +70998,70999,70999,Faki iraay tu kisu,Uncle you are here,train +70999,71000,71000,yu mamacakat ci Pawlu tu sacakat nu luma nu sufitay i cu^cu sa ku finawlan ci Pawluan tu sapikariangaw saka urung hantu nu sufitay cingra a pacakat,when Paul reached the steps the violence of the mob was so great he had to be carried by the soldiers,test +71000,71001,71001,naw han i anu mikawitkawit tu iya tura lalan a,in fact I was a young man with a very different mindset at the time,train +71001,71002,71002,tangasa kura saka siwa a fulad tu pisalumaʼan,until September when the house is being built,train +71002,71003,71003,mitukad,slaughter,train +71003,71004,71004,mamacidal,it is going to be sunny,train +71004,71005,71005,Du^duen ku rakat aku,follow me,train +71005,71006,71006,safaw tulu,thirteen,train +71006,71007,71007,adihayay ku tesel nu tadatalipay,the right skirt has more embroidery,train +71007,71008,71008,o tapudu nu fa^luhay a malu fafahi kunini,this is a brides veil,train +71008,71009,71009,maˈaraw ni Yihufa misarucud ku falucuˈatu harateng nu mita padutuc a ciheci tada u mamahemek Cingra,the Lord will be very pleased to see that we keep on bearing much fruit with all our heart and soul,train +71009,71010,71010,o nika pades niyam i u sakahinumaw namu u sakauripaw namu o nika hinum niyam i u sakafana niyam a mihinum tamuwanan a paicel ta matiya u nipihadidi niyam tu pades ku nika fana namu a mihadidi,if we are distressed it is for your comfort and salvation if we are comforted it is for your comfort which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer,test +71010,71011,71011,o maan ku malu lalan ita a milaheci tunini,how what method do we use to accomplish this,train +71011,71012,71012,pafatis han ku hatiraay haw,it is called sharing,train +71012,71013,71013,fana tu purud,do you know this word,train +71013,71014,71014,ʼukʼuken ngaʼayay hakini haen saku falucu numita pasasa,we are wondering if we will be able to drink it,train +71014,71015,71015,matini cimilicayay ku wawa tu tau tu tireng aku lina,make me whole the young man asked me what I wanted,train +71015,71016,71016,malaheciay tu ku tayal nu maku,my work is done,train +71016,71017,71017,u kunga u tali hatira ku demak niyam,there are groundnuts taro and so on and this is how we work,train +71017,71018,71018,sapirekal,use it to call,train +71018,71019,71019,nu kasakakakaka nu misu,appreciated by superiors,train +71019,71020,71020,u suwal ningra i,and then she said,test +71020,71021,71021,anu sipakayni i nasuwalan ni li Laywang siyaw cang nama kacuwaay ku kulit nu lusid nu Pangcah saw,according to Principal Lee Lai want the reason for the color of the Amis costume,train +71021,71022,71022,pacefcef,to force feed or eat,train +71022,71023,71023,anu u nu maku a falucu ku sakatayal aku tunini i kuna cilifun kaku Nikawrira u tatayatayalen aca aku kunini nawhani u nipaturudan nu Kawas kaku tunini a sikining,if I preach voluntarily I have a reward if not voluntarily I am simply discharging the trust committed to me,train +71023,71024,71024,katahecereman,downhill,train +71024,71025,71025,sakimad,fable,train +71025,71026,71026,o papanaen nu mita kira makimulmulay a tipeluk,that round paper is me,train +71026,71027,71027,misaapucukay,creating the Peak of the mountain,train +71027,71028,71028,matiyatiya,although,train +71028,71029,71029,inian tu u icep,this is betel nut,train +71029,71030,71030,kadufah,Harvest,test +71030,71031,71031,lingkiw,capsicum,train +71031,71032,71032,itini lutuk namuhaw hay,said this mountain was your hunting ground,train +71032,71033,71033,fana saan kisu cifalucu,you are such a good producer I am interested,train +71033,71034,71034,kaʼenen tu diyung atu kuku,feed them to the pigs and chickens,train +71034,71035,71035,hetecen kura miilangan a uled,squeeze the ground rice juice,train +71035,71036,71036,fuheci,peeling,train +71036,71037,71037,anengelay,it is bitter,train +71037,71038,71038,ona lutung tunian haw,the monkeys,train +71038,71039,71039,Mapadingki tu ku sacuedan nu luma aku,there is a light in the dimmest corner of my room,train +71039,71040,71040,malcad tunini u sasamatiyaen nu fainay ku nika ulah tu tireng ku nika ulah tu fafahi o maulahay tu fafahi a fainay i u maulahay tu tireng nu niyah,in this same way husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies he who loves his wife loves himself,test +71040,71041,71041,unul,mission,train +71041,71042,71042,sausi,number,train +71042,71043,71043,imacen,point,train +71043,71044,71044,u malu tatalutu a miala tu,we have to go to the mountains to get it,train +71044,71045,71045,Sulaling,pardon me,train +71045,71046,71046,misinga,storage,train +71046,71047,71047,mafuraw mafuraw tu tayra tu i tara katimutimul i Singku faʼeruhay niyaru,but then they moved and moved and moved to Duran and to the south to a new tribe,train +71047,71048,71048,u kita hay,we are a matriarchal society,train +71048,71049,71049,cecay falud tusa paysu,twenty cents a handful,train +71049,71050,71050,milinsiw mafana aca kami tu Pangcah,learn Amis writing here,test +71050,71051,71051,adihay ku paliding i patiyamay saka pakautufay kami a tayra,there are a lot of cars in the city so we go there by motorcycle,train +71051,71052,71052,pakangudu cingra,he is shamed disgraced,train +71052,71053,71053,mamuemu ira,prey drilling,train +71053,71054,71054,nikaurira,yet,train +71054,71055,71055,tahira cangra i Salamis i patnak cangra tu suwal nu Kawas i kasaupuupuan a luma nu Yutaya a tamdaw ira ci Yuhani Maruku a mihaklung cangraan a mipadang,when they arrived at Salamis they proclaimed the word of God in the Jewish synagogues John was with them as their helper,train +71055,71056,71056,ayaw nu lahuk,morning,train +71056,71057,71057,anu awaay ku aku saan,it is I do not feel a thing This,train +71057,71058,71058,matalaw tu renuk nu ada ku finawlan nu mita i ayaw,in the early days of our tribe we were most afraid of enemy aggression,train +71058,71059,71059,u Cilamitay hananay tura hiya kira sa,scope of Gilamiday,train +71059,71060,71060,misanasiay,pear growers,test +71060,71061,71061,nami kaku sepat a miheca matayal ca kaku,I have spent the last four years of my retirement working,train +71061,71062,71062,lkal sa cangra a sumuwal O Pauripay titaanan ku maruay i tadamaanay a anengang a Kawas ita atu Tufur a Siri saan,and they cried out in a loud voice Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb,train +71062,71063,71063,Malasingsi^ tu kaku ta taluma,I want to return to teach at the local school,train +71063,71064,71064,ira mihanghangay makawas sa haw i,the kinsmen who came,train +71064,71065,71065,naira ku nipasevanaʼan nu matuʼasay,the old man used to teach me,train +71065,71066,71066,ira ku pasangaay takuwanan,I was asked to make it,train +71066,71067,71067,nu litang pisanga i hatiniay ku nu liteng,the ancestors it is just a way to show that our ancestors did it,train +71067,71068,71068,fangcal,nice,train +71068,71069,71069,aka palacici tu tarimasa nu lumalumaan,do not think of your home gutter as a stream gutter,train +71069,71070,71070,Malitud kuya pacek,the nail came out,test +71070,71071,71071,maamaan,east and west,train +71071,71072,71072,mangalefay,aggravating,train +71072,71073,71073,Tumian ira hen ku enemay a lalumaʼan,Fortunately there are six families,train +71073,71074,71074,ca kalecad ku kanatal,different Islands,train +71074,71075,71075,mana hatira ku sikki nu malitengay itiyahu,why did the older generation design it this way in the past,train +71075,71076,71076,kilang,trees,train +71076,71077,71077,haenen nu Paycang,the platoon leader said so,train +71077,71078,71078,tahekal kami u kapah miundu,come out and exercise,train +71078,71079,71079,icuwaay tu kiya kaitiraan tu niyam kiya,where is the original station,train +71079,71080,71080,ci panay ku ngangan nu wina aku,my mothers name is Panay,test +71080,71081,71081,haciying asipen mutep san matekes,bucks is a lot of money for something like this,train +71081,71082,71082,mimaan anu han haw,and why is that,train +71082,71083,71083,tahira haw i cihu kalafi ri,we did not have dinner when we got there,train +71083,71084,71084,u malecaday a pinangan ku pipangangan tu Ranam Lafi^ Faliyus Oradsaanay,others are Lafi^ Faliyos Orad and so on,train +71084,71085,71085,o sakaci etan nu luma sa ku harateng kira,I have only one thing in mind and that is to make my family rich,train +71085,71086,71086,papidu^du^,I am going to follow you,train +71086,71087,71087,makena,possible,train +71087,71088,71088,El^eel^el sa kura tamdaw anu sumuwal,that man chokes up when he talks,train +71088,71089,71089,o fadic aca ku maaraway isu saw,are you taking this at face value,train +71089,71090,71090,mahaenay ku niyam itiya hu,our tribe used to be like this,test +71090,71091,71091,cikapi cingra tu Hulam,he has a Chinese mistress,train +71091,71092,71092,ha u maan ku tayal ira sapariri,then how do they raise them,train +71092,71093,71093,caay pakaemet kaku tu kalim nu wadis aku,I cannot stand the soreness of my teeth,train +71093,71094,71094,a saka tusa haw i malalipuing ku tayal nu maku,his second job was as a member of the Legislative Council,train +71094,71095,71095,i kungkawan malasingsi,just go to school,train +71095,71096,71096,u cuwacuwaan ku ngangan hakiya,may I ask which are the tribes,train +71096,71097,71097,yancumin,Aboriginal,train +71097,71098,71098,tungalan,plus,train +71098,71099,71099,awa ku maan itini,there is nothing here,train +71099,71100,71100,macahekit,frightened,test +71100,71101,71101,laymay,shoot ones mouth off,train +71101,71102,71102,Orasaka mahrek a mipatalaw ku lumaucay i tdal hantu nangra cangra Nawhani awaaytu ku pakayrakayraan nangra a mitfuc i cangraan pakayni tunini a dmak mipahmek tu Kawas ku alumanay,after further threats they let them go they could not decide how to punish them because all the people were praising God for what had happened,train +71102,71103,71103,yu mapatay,post more,train +71103,71104,71104,cay kaeca u nanaw ku ayaway nu kaen,always wash your hands before eating,train +71104,71105,71105,matu pasifana hanay aku ku tingwa ni atu nu maku,I will give him Lin Xinyis number and mine,train +71105,71106,71106,caay ka ngaʼay mihifang i,you cannot take a vacation,train +71106,71107,71107,Misacici caira i matini i pala nu maku,they are digging a small canal in my field,train +71107,71108,71108,maemin ma kuna Pangcah sa,I think we Aborigines would all be on our feet,train +71108,71109,71109,huni,I will see you later,train +71109,71110,71110,misuni,turn on the sound,test +71110,71111,71111,Acicim kura mami haw,is that orange sour,train +71111,71112,71112,u nian sakacecay hananay a likec niyam a selal,assignment of tasks and responsibilities,train +71112,71113,71113,itiya hu ca hu kaku kabana kaku tiya,I did not know that at the time at the time,train +71113,71114,71114,cilimaw kisu anucila^ hay mangalay kaku a mitengil i tisuwanan tu kungku^ nu Pangcah,are you free tomorrow I would like to ask you about the legends of the Amis,train +71114,71115,71115,mikasuy i lutuk,they are all up in the mountains looking for firewood,train +71115,71116,71116,kapahay,desirable,train +71116,71117,71117,mitatekes kaku i,I cut sugar cane,train +71117,71118,71118,sapiala tu acawa kadafu,I want a son in law and a daughter in law,train +71118,71119,71119,simsim saan cira,he thinks,train +71119,71120,71120,o nani Arapawananay kaku,B I am from Taiyuan,test +71120,71121,71121,misalesu tu lipahak nu nikaurip nu lalavu nu luma,enjoy the family and have a good time,train +71121,71122,71122,aka parariden ku wawa a pakaen tu piyang manguhed,do not let children eat candy too often as it will lead to tooth decay,train +71122,71123,71123,mitafu,packing,train +71123,71124,71124,u,Originally,train +71124,71125,71125,u maan ku kaenen namu,what are you eating,train +71125,71126,71126,Kalumuwad katumireng o sakapipaaraw aku i tisuwanan i u sapatirengaw tisuwanan a palamamatayal Aku o papasuwal kisu i tamdamdaw tu maaraway isu anini atu papaarawen aku i tisuwanan i ikur nunini a dmak,Now get up and stand on your feet I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you,train +71126,71127,71127,lsil cangra tu tayal,they divided up their work responsibilities,train +71127,71128,71128,tedac sa kaku a minukay,I will go home directly,train +71128,71129,71129,matalaw kaku caay pisanga tu matiraʼay,I would not dare to make one like that,train +71129,71130,71130,a mitupin,just carry it,test +71130,71131,71131,ya malakapahay hananay,that was a young man,train +71131,71132,71132,enemen,the case of a six month period,train +71132,71133,71133,tiih,dream,train +71133,71134,71134,o tahefud nu panay ku sakacicaheni nu tireng aku,the powder from the rice made my body itchy,train +71134,71135,71135,faes,glutinous rice cake,train +71135,71136,71136,talem satu ku hawan nu maku,my working pairing knife is sharp,train +71136,71137,71137,maherek kumaen malavi iri,after dinner,train +71137,71138,71138,awaay tu ku madukaay,the wounded fish are really gone,train +71138,71139,71139,Naunen Tahacifek i tafungaw nu falalutung,be careful do not fall into the spiders webbing,train +71139,71140,71140,mafawahay,door open,test +71140,71141,71141,malacafay tu madimadiay a salikaka matayal o taˈangayay sapalemed,it is a great blessing to work with faithful brethren,train +71141,71142,71142,palu kafanaˈan ita a suwal mahungyak ku Fangcalay Cudad u mamisamaan patahekal ku niyah tu misalimelaay tu Fangcalay Cudad,since the Bible has been translated into a language we can understand how can we show that we value the Bible,train +71142,71143,71143,u akuma kiraan yu,that is the devil,train +71143,71144,71144,padaydamen,with chili,train +71144,71145,71145,kiniyan,this one,train +71145,71146,71146,hecek,plug,train +71146,71147,71147,fangcal ku niunipan niyam,the seedlings we planted are beautiful,train +71147,71148,71148,saka caykakahi ku matuʼasay a patayni tu luma itira saan a muliked iraw i sapaday i kalala ku matuʼasay,that is why the old man refused to allow his family to move here so that everyone could continue to live in Mai Hok Soop Dinh,train +71148,71149,71149,Saka trep satu ku finawlan a ma^min ta tngil satu cangra tu nipisahci ni Parnapas aci Pawlu a pasuwal tu nanu dmak nu Kawas i cangraan a papidmak tu kafahkaan a dmak a pahapinang i ruma a finacadan,the whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the miraculous signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them,train +71149,71150,71150,malahitay satu,time of service,test +71150,71151,71151,aisedan,Principal,train +71151,71152,71152,hay ku misalamaay,that is the way it is with the Oblates,train +71152,71153,71153,wadis,teeth,train +71153,71154,71154,manawnawmacedas,flood,train +71154,71155,71155,Suelin masadak kuya awaay tu ku tihi anca fuduʼ san tataʼang ku urad tataʼang ku urad,widowers and widowers who do not listen to the taboos and go out to work can really get flooded,train +71155,71156,71156,tangsa anini,until now,train +71156,71157,71157,han nira mihaen,do this,train +71157,71158,71158,sakapapitu,Seventh,train +71158,71159,71159,edeng kini sa samanay ku ngiwngliw ku demak tu wayway nu malitengay,I do not know how long it took but the clan elders later had other factors that,train +71159,71160,71160,matama cikadafu ci Kimay awaay ca kaciwawa,he said he would choose a gold daughter in law who would not get pregnant,test +71160,71161,71161,o nu niyam a tayal i tiyahu,that is when we were working,train +71161,71162,71162,hanen han ku matiniay,that is how it is done,train +71162,71163,71163,tu salikaka a mipayfang itiya,going to visit the parishioners,train +71163,71164,71164,oya nitngilan atuya ninengnengan nuya pakaenay tu siri i madu^du ku nipasuwalan nu cuyuh i cangraan Saka hmek satu cangra tu Kawas a minukay,the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen which were just as they had been told,train +71164,71165,71165,yu cecay a rumiad misalama kami talapaputal,one day we all went on an outing together,train +71165,71166,71166,itira ku aru niyam itira tu ku kaen,I live and eat there,train +71166,71167,71167,naniwac ku savelen,cooked green beans,train +71167,71168,71168,sipasipen tu sapaiyu ku duka na maadah,the wounds need to be treated with medication to heal,train +71168,71169,71169,Anini mitudungan nu Krisciyang ci hana aci Samuil hakelung nu ˈurip dademak saki misangaˈay a Tatapangan,Today Christians follow the example of Hannah and Samuel and spend their lives in the service of their Creator,train +71169,71170,71170,acefel,smoke,test +71170,71171,71171,itiya satu suʼelinay tu ku pifulaw nangra saan,the people are in a state of panic,train +71171,71172,71172,mitakus tu sikawasay a tayni a mipuhpuh,ask the shaman to come here to perform the ritual,train +71172,71173,71173,ciheci tu mihecahecaan kura lusay,do those fruit trees bear fruit every year,train +71173,71174,71174,o maamaan itini i tireng nu maku a palusiyang,it is a positive helpful thing to say,train +71174,71175,71175,mikilimaw hu tu usawusaw nu ini u cahu kacuwat nu tau a mikawmah,to find land that has not been cleared for farming,train +71175,71176,71176,tungal sa tu nini a pasuwal tu naradiw tu nini,to add to the song,train +71176,71177,71177,tahini satu haw i pi tuya rumiʼad i,when I arrived at my destination that day,train +71177,71178,71178,mikidaway,flying squirrel hunt,train +71178,71179,71179,nimanay kisu sa telep hananay yaku limeken naku i kafutian da misahatira,what are you doing I am keeping my mouth shut I am hiding in my room that is what I am doing,train +71179,71180,71180,ira ku saselal hatini,there is still a class system,test +71180,71181,71181,itira,over there,train +71181,71182,71182,saka u maan a niyaruʼan han nu tamdaw i,so if someone asks what tribe that is,train +71182,71183,71183,o kapah cakaʼaluman itiyahu u fafahiyan ku alumanay mailisin,in the past there were fewer young people but more women participated in the Toyonen Matsuri,train +71183,71184,71184,tusa pulu mihecaan,it is been twenty years,train +71184,71185,71185,maan kunini a sanay haw i,what is a brain farmer,train +71185,71186,71186,maka muketeptu,nearly years,train +71186,71187,71187,mararid kami a mikansiya i Kawas tu pakayniay i tamuwanan nawhani kamu ku sakalipahak niyam i kaayaw ningra,how can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you,train +71187,71188,71188,caay ku rumiʼad,not during the day,train +71188,71189,71189,esun,the sound water makes before it boils,train +71189,71190,71190,awaay ku angil,to be very tired have no strength,test +71190,71191,71191,anu matastastas ku i tiniay i hkal a tudung nu cahung ita a tireng i mafana kita tu nika ira ku nipatalaan nu Kawas tu nisangaan ningra a midaucay a malukamaruan ita a luma i kakarayan,now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed we have a building from God an eternal house in heaven not built by human hands,train +71191,71192,71192,matayal,still working,train +71192,71193,71193,haengen ku pi haengen ku litapang,you have to start with the idea start with the fundamentals,train +71193,71194,71194,anini a mihecaan na i Taypak a pakahikuki ku paru nu luma nu faki aku a minukay,this year my uncle and his family flew back from Taipei,train +71194,71195,71195,atu itimulay a lise,Southside history,train +71195,71196,71196,maku haw a hufuc itini tu tura lima pulu ira ku tusa a mihecaan,I was born in the year of the ROC,train +71196,71197,71197,anu maulah kita tu Kawas a midu^du tu limuut ningra i pakayni tunini ku sakafana ita tu nika u maulahay kita tu wawawawa ningra,this is how we know that we love the children of God by loving God and carrying out his commands,train +71197,71198,71198,o sakaliclic aku i matini i u pakayniay i nisuwalan nu Kawas i tatuasan ita a pafalucuan aku,and now it is because of my hope in what God has promised our fathers that I am on trial today,train +71198,71199,71199,mapulita ey mapulita haw,look carefully do you hear me,train +71199,71200,71200,ta cayka muraraw kita u niyaru a miaʼul mikilang,tribesmen come to cut bamboo or trees so they do not get it wrong,test +71200,71201,71201,awa kafanaʼan haca apa sa kaku minengneng,I am looking around like an idiot but I do not know his name ha ha ha ha,train +71201,71202,71202,Itiyasatu paaraw cingraan ku cuyuh nu Tapang a tumireng i kawanan nu pipa^xiwan,then an angel of the Lord appeared to him standing at the right side of the altar of incense,train +71202,71203,71203,a itini kaku itini i i changpinkuusiaw a mitilid tu nu siawsuei,I went to Chang bin elementary school here,train +71203,71204,71204,sakaira nu Dikidiki,it is the Rikki tribe that is going to do it,train +71204,71205,71205,Matepu kira wawa nani kafutian,the child fell out of bed,train +71205,71206,71206,Sena han nu Amis aniini,now it is called Shunna,train +71206,71207,71207,macinacinas taʼisen hu,it is torn and you have to sew it back together that is it,train +71207,71208,71208,Sapilisuan kaku tisuwanan,I would like to visit you,train +71208,71209,71209,taletiih kita sa tayni kita i wali satu sa,we are going to have an unforeseen event so we are going to move east,train +71209,71210,71210,tukatuk,sleepy,test +71210,71211,71211,kita hatiniay tu miheca,clansmen of the same year,train +71211,71212,71212,parayray tu naʼayaway a radiw,to pass on previous songs,train +71212,71213,71213,siyakay,social,train +71213,71214,71214,yu masungilatu ci Yis i malamidaucay a pauripay cingra a paurip tu pulung nu mihaklungay i Cingraan,and once made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him,train +71214,71215,71215,ca paceba han aku pakafit,I will hang it up as I please,train +71215,71216,71216,maculuk,pierced with a spear,train +71216,71217,71217,itini i Suwiay misatenukay ku saaruˈan nu Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa,in the Soviet Union Jehovahs Witnesses were politically neutral,train +71217,71218,71218,o papacengu kira hana aku tinian a lipay,the flowers I planted this week will grow new shoots,train +71218,71219,71219,caay haw kahaen iniyan,it is kind of like that is not it,train +71219,71220,71220,ilisin nu niyaru niyam itira i sakapitu^ a fulad nu mihecahecaan,every year during the month of July our tribe holds a Harvest Festival,test +71220,71221,71221,Hehe matuʼas tu kaku,Yay I am an old man,train +71221,71222,71222,lalu^ misenger,soak,train +71222,71223,71223,cima cira,who is he,train +71223,71224,71224,hatiraay ku caciyaw nu malitengay,that is what the old timers say,train +71224,71225,71225,anu u misangaayay i tamuwanan a ccay ku nisangaayan namu i hakuwa ku nika tadamaan namu saw Haluciraraway a tamdaw a mahaen ku dmak,and if you do good to those who are good to you what credit is that to you even sinners do that,train +71225,71226,71226,sanga hananay ku kapa,make it in plastic,train +71226,71227,71227,samane miaʼuwang samanen mipacing samanen a micekiw saan,I will dig for sea urchins I will shoot fish I will collect shells,train +71227,71228,71228,Saicelen nu mita,we are all in this together,train +71228,71229,71229,nisangaʼan tu hiya,it is the one that is making it,train +71229,71230,71230,Papicucuen kami a maru i luma isu,let us sit next to each other in your house,test +71230,71231,71231,yu enem pulu ira ku tusa mihecaan adada ku atay tahanini kaku,I have had liver disease since,train +71231,71232,71232,nu Sakiraya ku nu Pangcah a suwal nu itiraay,the Amis community there speaks the language of the Zacharias,train +71232,71233,71233,sasavaay,smallest,train +71233,71234,71234,masamaanay ku rumiad itira kisunan,how is the weather there,train +71234,71235,71235,anu,at that time,train +71235,71236,71236,tanglalay a,bright and shining,train +71236,71237,71237,tini i Makutaay haw i,in the Maguadam tribe,train +71237,71238,71238,o ngaayay ku lihaf a tamdaw,a person of good reputation,train +71238,71239,71239,pitaw,plough,train +71239,71240,71240,o fafahiyan ku micekcekay tu amutu i pisalumaan,women are responsible for cement filling at construction sites,test +71240,71241,71241,cecay aca ku wawa aku,I only have one child,train +71241,71242,71242,hemek satu kaku tu wawa anini,I envy the children,train +71242,71243,71243,lukelung,downhill,train +71243,71244,71244,Kimuluay ku tilid nu malunem,the deers stripes are rounded,train +71244,71245,71245,hatiniay lafing anu awaay kuna,it is been so long,train +71245,71246,71246,neng han i ura siwni i u ising cingra,then we found out the nun was a doctor,train +71246,71247,71247,Treken kunini a demak,save this for further consideration,train +71247,71248,71248,watah ku taneng nu matuʼasay nu mita sakaku,I thought our elders were so wise,train +71248,71249,71249,itiya i luwad satu ku hungti atu mikumuday aci Perniki atu kaput nangra a maru,the king rose and with him the governor and Bernice and those sitting with them,train +71249,71250,71250,heni,they,test +71250,71251,71251,calecalengan,pine forest,train +71251,71252,71252,cidadingu hu,and a pair of very dark glasses,train +71252,71253,71253,anu hatira i pakayni i nipitier ita a sakapipalasawad ita tu Rikec ni Musi haw Caay u patanektekay kita tu Rikec,do we then nullify the law by this faith not at all Rather we uphold the law,train +71253,71254,71254,ya u maan tu kura demak haw,or anything else,train +71254,71255,71255,caay ka paputal,not outside,train +71255,71256,71256,kaka san aku i,where is my brother,train +71256,71257,71257,matuʼas tu ku ina mamang awa tu ku cedi ningra,Mothers strength is failing as she grows older,train +71257,71258,71258,masametek ku suwal ni Vavuy Liyal,the whale said categorically,train +71258,71259,71259,matiya u nipipaculi ni Yanis aci Yampris ci Musian ku nipipaculi nunini a tamdaw tu sulin Maapatu ku falucu nangra o awaay ku ^puc nu pitier nangra tu Kawas,just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses so also these men oppose the truth men of depraved minds who as far as the faith is concerned are rejected,train +71259,71260,71260,pacumud han mihaen mihaen tini,it is for wearing in,test +71260,71261,71261,hen,indistinct,train +71261,71262,71262,pacakayen cecay falu mutep,sold in bundles of dollars,train +71262,71263,71263,ta tli han ni Yusif i malutadem ningra ku tireng ni Yis o fa^luhay a nitu^tuan a ungcuy kunini a tadem walin han ningra ku tataangay a fukluh a patli i fawahan nu tadem ta liyas satu cingra,and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock he rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away,train +71263,71264,71264,uwid,iron lever,train +71264,71265,71265,atepen tu iya tu awul,press the thatch with a cut in half bamboo,train +71265,71266,71266,initu kina wawa,why are you here again,train +71266,71267,71267,ruruk,passing on from generation generation,train +71267,71268,71268,anu kumaen isu ku tinai malasang ku tamdaw ma,if you eat it you will get drunk and dizzy,train +71268,71269,71269,ca ka pakatusiya,not by car,train +71269,71270,71270,maʼusuy lima a pulu ku tuki,it will be minutes late,test +71270,71271,71271,malafaw,vole,train +71271,71272,71272,urasaka mangaʼay a masaʼupu cangra nata ku harateng nu maku,I thought to myself that I could plan for the opportunity to bring them together,train +71272,71273,71273,cay kafangcalay ku tireng aku,my body is not very good,train +71273,71274,71274,ya naliti kiya usaw han ku lima,leave five leaves in each branch,train +71274,71275,71275,ira ku ccay a matuasay tayra i alu mi ala tunini u kakaenen tu tatangtangen a kakaenen,there was an old man going to the river to look for something to cook and eat,train +71275,71276,71276,unian tu umatiniay a,we will just do another one like this one,train +71276,71277,71277,tayra a milapac tayra tu kamu,going to look for grass,train +71277,71278,71278,nikawitan nu matuasay,knitted by an old man,train +71278,71279,71279,mipalikat,get angry,train +71279,71280,71280,mitafuan hu tu tiya hu,just use,test +71280,71281,71281,o maan kinian sa,what is this,train +71281,71282,71282,maan satu hiwa terep sa pitengil,that is what we have been listening to,train +71282,71283,71283,suʼelinay ira tu kurira micumud tu ku tamina,fishing boats are really coming into the harbor,train +71283,71284,71284,mangalef ku nu Kawas a nipipatadu tu tumangicay a milunguc i cingraan tu rumiad tu dadaya a nipilian ningra a tamdaw,and will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night will he keep putting them off,train +71284,71285,71285,irawan na talud,the reeds over there,train +71285,71286,71286,miala tu cilah cilah tu safun a pakilac han tu,salt and soap and so on will be taken and distributed to everyone,train +71286,71287,71287,anu uniniay i u maan ku tatudung nu suwal nu Aims hanay,so the five language families define the Amis language family,train +71287,71288,71288,caay paaca a pawadis tu sapatarud a wadis ku matuasay,free dentures for the elderly,train +71288,71289,71289,u silamalay ku kalamkamay,trains are faster,train +71289,71290,71290,o midmakay tu kafahkaan a dmak a palafuay kunini a tatiihay a kawakawas tayra caira i hungtingti nunini a hkal a misaupu i cangraan a ma^min tu sakalaluuluudaw nu tamdamdaw i tadamaanay a rumiad nu Ciicelay a Kawas,they are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs and they go out to the kings of the whole world to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty,test +71290,71291,71291,pinaay a mihecaan kahufucan isu,you are a couple of years old,train +71291,71292,71292,itira tiya kilang a latek ira tuna epung nuya kilang uya takula aku nasa ku falucu nira,perhaps was in the hole of the tree he thought so,train +71292,71293,71293,nacima,it is that one,train +71293,71294,71294,milekal,shout,train +71294,71295,71295,caay ka hiya kisu makat naun han caay tu,do not you fall down when you walk No I will not just be careful,train +71295,71296,71296,naʼayaw wa awaay ku lunan ma,there were no boats in the past,train +71296,71297,71297,itiya tu haw a pacakat ku iciku tuni u salil,the first ship has started to take off,train +71297,71298,71298,anu hakuwa ira kisu,when will you come,train +71298,71299,71299,pafelien kaku wama,I pray to God to give me,train +71299,71300,71300,a micuwat tu lutuk,we are going to the mountains to open up the land,test +71300,71301,71301,hanaw tilid han naku mitilid,so I wrote it down,train +71301,71302,71302,macaelay,draped,train +71302,71303,71303,Maiwil kaku tu suwal nira i nacila,I was embarrassed by what he said yesterday,train +71303,71304,71304,anu dadaya tuhaw paririk hantuhaw,at night put the bait in,train +71304,71305,71305,awa sa tu ku kunga,there is no more groundnuts,train +71305,71306,71306,Patamaen i tangal kira,hit him on the head,train +71306,71307,71307,uculen,call,train +71307,71308,71308,hay samanen u matayalay ku urip nu itiyaay hu,I cannot help it my life used to be focused on work,train +71308,71309,71309,o nipaluwadan nu Kawas a paurip nai patay ci Yis o pawacayay tunini a dmak kami a ma^min,God has raised this Jesus to life and we are all Witnesses of the fact,train +71309,71310,71310,anu macahiw ku cima namu i ka i luma a kumaen ta caay ka pastek kamu i raraw yu masaupu kamu o rumaruma a dmak i anu tayra kaku i tamuwanan i itiya satu kaku a mihapinang,if anyone is hungry he should eat at home so that when you meet together it may not result in judgment and when I come I will give further directions,test +71310,71311,71311,hunihuni,frequently,train +71311,71312,71312,u sanga nu nu niyaru san ku suwal saka,we are a tribal wall by the way,train +71312,71313,71313,mikilumaʼan namu malinah tayni Pungudan,the house where you guys moved in with the bridge tribe,train +71313,71314,71314,cima kura tamdaw,who is that guy,train +71314,71315,71315,caay pilunguc kami tu nipipacakat namu atu nipipacakat nu tau tu ngangan niyam,we were not looking for praise from men not from you or anyone else as apostles of Christ we could have been a burden to you,train +71315,71316,71316,u sasuwalen aku i u urip ni wina aku,I would like to talk about the mother I remember,train +71316,71317,71317,nianay i matiya u ciwcika nianay haw,what about this one it looks like a cross,train +71317,71318,71318,a remadiw tu haw yu misakeru,do you want to sing and dance,train +71318,71319,71319,tuwa makaala tu seking,that is why I got in,train +71319,71320,71320,adihayay tu ku nikaenan nu maku ca tu kangaay a kumaen,I ate a lot and could not eat any more,test +71320,71321,71321,mikudasing,pick peanuts,train +71321,71322,71322,Mitifac ku fana nira tu singsi nira,he knows more than his teacher,train +71322,71323,71323,bekacen nu mita a talatukus,I will run up,train +71323,71324,71324,ngangan nu maku,there is an allusion,train +71324,71325,71325,sueda,snow,train +71325,71326,71326,Papancuen kira wawa,put some pants on that kid,train +71326,71327,71327,hay yaratu i masarevungay awaay ku hahicayan,Yeah it is gone too deep to catch the small fry,train +71327,71328,71328,suwalen caay kaliyang cangra,they will no longer be left to their own devices,train +71328,71329,71329,iray kura rafas nu tayal,there is more work,train +71329,71330,71330,hai hai,Yes yes yes,test +71330,71331,71331,Anini malinahay tayra i Miyanmar a salikakak sanay mitahidangay Katayni i Miyanmar padama tamiyanan haw,Today brothers and sisters who have moved to Burma to preach are appealing Please come to Burma and help us,train +71331,71332,71332,ititni i Fataan,in the light of the restoration,train +71332,71333,71333,maudangay,sexual assault,train +71333,71334,71334,o pitulun ku ngaay,you should pray,train +71334,71335,71335,a likakawa u kafanaʼan naku tu urip nu malitengay i tiyahu,ancestral life ethics as I have known them in the past,train +71335,71336,71336,keliw,rope,train +71336,71337,71337,kakeletan,hips,train +71337,71338,71338,u mahaenay isaw,that is it,train +71338,71339,71339,micudad satu i kaput satu kaku minengneng tu cudad,during class I and my classmates read the textbook together,train +71339,71340,71340,militemuh tiya,we met at that place,test +71340,71341,71341,tuwa alaen nira kaku tayra mihulul,dad took me there to play,train +71341,71342,71342,a rengreng sa ku Kawas temangic,the sound of ghosts crying,train +71342,71343,71343,kaedaway,strip,train +71343,71344,71344,hanhan tini balud han mikelec mahaen,from this side this is the way it is done,train +71344,71345,71345,u malatumukay itiyahu hatiraay,that is how it was in the old days when I was the leader,train +71345,71346,71346,Cifuhid ku luma naira,he is got the old betel nut at home,train +71346,71347,71347,hay matakupay u kaka aku,I am in a hurry it is my sisters cover,train +71347,71348,71348,etipelaraw,western Hemisphere,train +71348,71349,71349,Hahecid matiya u sicilahay,it is salty as if it contained salt,train +71349,71350,71350,tu salang pakutakutay han tu talacay a salang,alternate with canned pineapple juice,test +71350,71351,71351,siniʼada tu kaku,I cannot bear it,train +71351,71352,71352,lakec,wade,train +71352,71353,71353,Karanguyus ku malasangay a tamdaw,drinking drunks have lots of mouths,train +71353,71354,71354,sanay ku piharateng aku misatikutikur,I have been thinking,train +71354,71355,71355,Aluman ku finawlan a masaupu i cingraan saka midakaw ci Yis tu tamina a maru itira Tumireng i lawac nu fanaw ku finawlan a ma^min,such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it while all the people stood on the shore,train +71355,71356,71356,ita tu ku misumaday a palasawad tu serangawan nu tireng,we are the ones who have to change the culture and let it disappear,train +71356,71357,71357,matuʼasay i tangsul san ira ku micakayan nair tu funun,the elders soon bought them paddy fields,train +71357,71358,71358,ini ini ketun han kuninian ira ini,this is it cut it down,train +71358,71359,71359,kapi nu suwal nu maku u kita u tukay tayni tu i tukay,I am telling you again we are in the metro area,train +71359,71360,71360,awa san malasawad tu,it is gone,test +71360,71361,71361,tura mamamamamang matusas tu ku suna,the day of the Grandchildren as the grandchildren grow up,train +71361,71362,71362,hater,peaceful,train +71362,71363,71363,miuliday,dating,train +71363,71364,71364,sumuwal,it is said that,train +71364,71365,71365,pacedamen,flavor something,train +71365,71366,71366,pakeras,champagne nut blessing,train +71366,71367,71367,kaurila caay ka tuled ku falucu nuya faʼinayan,but the boys will not give up,train +71367,71368,71368,Nikawrira u tireng ni Yis ku nisuwalan ningra a Fangcalay Pitaungan,but the temple he had spoken of was his body,train +71368,71369,71369,sakatayra,go,train +71369,71370,71370,anu caliw han tu i ha ha ha ha,in Chinese it is four feet to the ground Ha ha ha,test +71370,71371,71371,lisin tu pifulesakan,misalisin,train +71371,71372,71372,matatawa,sense of humor,train +71372,71373,71373,itiya ya Yusinu pina ku niyaru,there was a collection of tribes,train +71373,71374,71374,rawis han nu maku a miala kira runi i sanga nu fiyaw,I reached out and grabbed a loofah that was on the fence next door to my neighbor,train +71374,71375,71375,milayapay,addressee,train +71375,71376,71376,itini i Cawi kuna kafudfudan kalaluuluudan,the battle of dispute took place in the Shizura tribe,train +71376,71377,71377,anu milukut hawi hatini han tu kamay mipitin,when harvesting break it by hand like this,train +71377,71378,71378,nukay satu kiya mama,father came home,train +71378,71379,71379,ngeru,hard,train +71379,71380,71380,cikafung,stigmatize,test +71380,71381,71381,Halusufitay a misamsam i Cingraan Raud sa cangra i cingraan a pafli tu acicimay a ^pah,the soldiers also came up and mocked him they offered him wine vinegar,train +71381,71382,71382,anu suwalen kuraan umaan kuraan,if we are going to talk about that what is it,train +71382,71383,71383,i lutu iayaw kinian mengaw,I used to grow up in the mountains,train +71383,71384,71384,anu apalu adihay ku apalu u apalu,if you have a lot of breadfruit eat breadfruit,train +71384,71385,71385,mahaʼenay ku urip niyam tiyahu,that was our life back then,train +71385,71386,71386,tanukamila,Hsu Multi phase machine,train +71386,71387,71387,Maluwid nu ada kita,we are defeated by our enemies,train +71387,71388,71388,tulunen kiya nu matuʼasay itiya hu,elderly people have to pray,train +71388,71389,71389,sa adidi saan,it is very tiny,train +71389,71390,71390,caay kanguta kina nanum kini saw san ku tamdaw a tayni minengneng,in fact people do not look at the water and see that it is not very cloudy,test +71390,71391,71391,ya maku harateng tu sakitini,my personal thoughts,train +71391,71392,71392,sapaluma singsi itira i singsi a miala hayi,Yes I did,train +71392,71393,71393,u kalangkalang ku kiliman ningra,still looking for crabs,train +71393,71394,71394,Mangata^ ku yufing nani picudadan hay,is the post office close to the school,train +71394,71395,71395,Maaraw ni akung kaku pakaen takuwanan tu kacawas pananumen hu kaku tu uciya,as soon as Grandpa saw me he invited me to eat watermelon and drink tea,train +71395,71396,71396,nu Recurd,I have to start all over again,train +71396,71397,71397,aledetay,adequate flavor,train +71397,71398,71398,vecul,full,train +71398,71399,71399,dadayday,Cicada,train +71399,71400,71400,yi limela nakamayan su,Huh cherish your creation,test +71400,71401,71401,cacinglawen,if you want to talk about it,train +71401,71402,71402,malateluc,descendant,train +71402,71403,71403,setel,chop,train +71403,71404,71404,kapah ku mata isu ina haw,Grandma you have good eyes,train +71404,71405,71405,a minukay ta tahidangen ningra ku widang atu fiyafiyaw ningra a misaupu a sumuwal Kihatiyaen kaku a lipahak nawhani makratu aku kuya masidayay a siri aku han ningra,and goes home then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says Rejoice with me I have found my lost sheep,train +71405,71406,71406,o patamurungay tu karetengay a maamaan ci faki i takuwanan,my uncle made me carry heavy things on my head,train +71406,71407,71407,kahengang,red,train +71407,71408,71408,caay ku Yincumin a tamdaw i pakatengil kira u nian hay,Non Aboriginal people can understand it,train +71408,71409,71409,nihanghang i paputal,they are all out having fun,train +71409,71410,71410,o wawa nu Amis kaku,I am an Amis child,test +71410,71411,71411,sakainain,reasons for walking with a limp,train +71411,71412,71412,pina rumiad kisu,how many days are you going back,train +71412,71413,71413,misa falucu tu kaku misyakay saka,want to join the social work,train +71413,71414,71414,sarakatay a masupa huw amukuʼay ku urip han i suʼlinay,the first one spat on has a short life it is true,train +71414,71415,71415,miseking kaku haw i cecay a fulad masadakay tu kura,the captains ticket came off a month after my exams,train +71415,71416,71416,itiya hu,at that time,train +71416,71417,71417,unu aniniay a nipatireng sikacaluway nu urip nu mita,modern facilities have made our lives easier,train +71417,71418,71418,paʼurip ku suwal nu Pangcah hananay,language Rehabilitation,train +71418,71419,71419,pasifana ititanan tu i tamuwanan u mangalayay mafana tu sapisanga tu siraw,you wanted to know how to make salted meat and I am going to let you know,train +71419,71420,71420,Sakacecay pecih nu fafuy Sakatusa tusafalud ku epah atu malunanum Sakatulu apelad nu turun cecay kawat nu kamay ku tataak cecay piku nu taludu ku kiftul pulung tusa ku safaw nu apelad,half of pork at least dozens of wine and beverages in boxes glutinous rice cake foot in diameter and inches thick pieces of glutinous rice in total,test +71420,71421,71421,sa mahatini kiya nicukaan aku ri,for this reason my paintings represent this awareness,train +71421,71422,71422,namu,Yours,train +71422,71423,71423,pasuwal,say,train +71423,71424,71424,anu mikukinay satu i,if you are going to stand guard,train +71424,71425,71425,haca,yet,train +71425,71426,71426,u pisanuhulam niyam a caciyaw,our Mandarin,train +71426,71427,71427,a talacuwacuwa a mihulul tuwa,traveling around the world,train +71427,71428,71428,makeru keru sa,Dance keep dancing,train +71428,71429,71429,maeferay,Flying,train +71429,71430,71430,o maatemay tu kikay ku kamay nu wawa aku,my child hand was caught in a machine,test +71430,71431,71431,ci panay,Barnet,train +71431,71432,71432,caay hen karemakat kami,we still cannot move forward,train +71432,71433,71433,mimaan a ingeten ku wawa,why do you talk to a child,train +71433,71434,71434,wunghuwa nu Amis mahemekay tu kaku,Amis culture I will be very happy,train +71434,71435,71435,adihay ku pacefaay a kukut nira i tayring,she made many unsubstantiated allegations to the police,train +71435,71436,71436,a fafahiyan cay manga mitafukud tu ay ku hiya,if you are a woman you can use a footer,train +71436,71437,71437,kafer,pants,train +71437,71438,71438,o nika tayal isu ku ngaay,you should work,train +71438,71439,71439,Tata midateng kita i tira i dahetal,let us go let us go to that plain over there and pick wild vegetables,train +71439,71440,71440,niupican,wet,test +71440,71441,71441,awaay kakaenen haen han i,that is what happens when there is a lack of material,train +71441,71442,71442,siwa ku nikasaselal nu Ciwidiyan,there are eight age classes in the Shuilian tribe,train +71442,71443,71443,hakenu caay pakaala kami tu misu nafalucuʼan saan ku wawa ri,why cannot the children learn my craft,train +71443,71444,71444,palakutaan,camel hut,train +71444,71445,71445,tuulen niyam ku singsi misausi rumadiw kami tu sausi a radiw,we followed the teacher to read we sang the number song,train +71445,71446,71446,nenengan,watch,train +71446,71447,71447,masakilemel,great effort,train +71447,71448,71448,ira ku fekeluh i aayaw tahastul sa tu kuya kuliciw nira tuya fekeluh,there was a stone in the front and the bike hit the stone,train +71448,71449,71449,Papicafien tu Payrang ku wawa ita u Pangcah a micudad,encourage me,train +71449,71450,71450,aka tengilen kura suwal u likaf aca kura,do not listen to that it is just gossip,test +71450,71451,71451,caay kakemaen tu vuting,no fish,train +71451,71452,71452,ta sikiwkay sa kami,we will have a church,train +71452,71453,71453,suʼuten tu kurira misakapah,it is in the finishing touches,train +71453,71454,71454,caayay kiya pinangan nu Pangcah a urip kuni padangan,nor is it really an assistance to our indigenous people in their lives,train +71454,71455,71455,tali,taro,train +71455,71456,71456,lemedsinitiih,dream,train +71456,71457,71457,Nikawrira caay ku hahaenen ku nu namu o mamalusasafaay ku satadamaanay namu o mamalumatayalay ku kakridan namu,but you are not to be like that Instead the greatest among you should be like the youngest and the one who rules like the one who serves,train +71457,71458,71458,felin,to pan fry,train +71458,71459,71459,Marang na icuwaay kisu,Marang where are you from,train +71459,71460,71460,sarairaaw,would love to have,test +71460,71461,71461,suʼlinay tangsa i taluan nira i,when the knot really came to the hut,train +71461,71462,71462,masimaw nu was ku falucu aku,God guards my heart,train +71462,71463,71463,i hacuwa cingra a tayni,when did he come,train +71463,71464,71464,macacamul,hybrid,train +71464,71465,71465,u niyam itiya haw mikihatiya mihakulung tu matuasay,we were seven years old when we followed the old man,train +71465,71466,71466,sapiadah tu adada san i ayaw ku matuʼasay,it is also an old age treatment,train +71466,71467,71467,hinatusaen ta kuni mangaʼayay tu,it is okay if we barbecue it twice,train +71467,71468,71468,fangsis a paadien tu mamang ku hemay anu u kasuy ku sapicacak,cooking with wood will allow the rice to be cooked until it smells like potpourri,train +71468,71469,71469,tipusan,in winter,train +71469,71470,71470,han,become,test +71470,71471,71471,Yamahiraay u lamit nu sukuy,the roots of that agaric plant,train +71471,71472,71472,anu vangcal ku ni palumaan i,if it is well planted,train +71472,71473,71473,isaka 1915 miheca ka limaan fulad ya Lusitania tamina makuwangay nu fakutang a matekeng ingata nu kakatimulan nu Aielan,in may Lusitania was torpedoed and sunk off the coast of southern Ireland,train +71473,71474,71474,kadengay,Enough,train +71474,71475,71475,midetek u,it is a cut,train +71475,71476,71476,fucicenpen,household transcripts,train +71476,71477,71477,kupit,slim,train +71477,71478,71478,masawi nira ku falucu aku,he influenced me negatively,train +71478,71479,71479,micedeng,it is been a long time since I have been home,train +71479,71480,71480,tu rumaruma a fau i,what about other kinds of creatures,test +71480,71481,71481,karu,worth,train +71481,71482,71482,mapiyuk,floating,train +71482,71483,71483,aya han han nira caina kira,Aaah the witch told mom,train +71483,71484,71484,o tartar nu paliding isu kiraan,that is a wooden post for your cattle truck,train +71484,71485,71485,tatusa ku kaka cecay ku safa aku,I have two brothers and sisters and one younger brother and sister,train +71485,71486,71486,Macukayay aku ku fukeluh i lalan,on the way the stone was kicked by me,train +71486,71487,71487,caayay tu paka paru tu ku tiyad kura aca nura hicay,the price of selling fish fry cannot even fill your stomach,train +71487,71488,71488,dedeng satu,that is it,train +71488,71489,71489,cipuyapuyay,pregnant women,train +71489,71490,71490,maparahuday,vapor something,test +71490,71491,71491,u inaka masainaka itiya,in the early days it was the countryside,train +71491,71492,71492,caykanca,particular,train +71492,71493,71493,tengil han fangcal ku likuda nu niyaru namu,sounds like your tribal Harvest Festival was a lot of fun,train +71493,71494,71494,anu ira ku ini u palumaʼan tu hafahafay san,if you can grow it grow millet,train +71494,71495,71495,matama ningra ku ccay a matkesay a cincu i minukay cingra a pacakay tu maamaan ningra a ma^min ta micakay tuya cincu,when he found one of great value he went away and sold everything he had and bought it,train +71495,71496,71496,ci ir i u wawa ni Yusuwa ci Yusuwa i u wawa ni Ilicir ci Ilicir i u wawa ni Yurim ci Yurim i u wawa ni Matat ci Matat i u wawa ni Lifi,the son of Joshua the son of Eliezer the son of Jorim the son of Matthat the son of Levi,train +71496,71497,71497,caay tu kafana ku wawa,kids these days do not know much about that,train +71497,71498,71498,itini i,this block,train +71498,71499,71499,satafu ita tu pakcang,wrap meat dumplings,train +71499,71500,71500,tu saday nu mama niyam tatusa ku kaka aku,I learned about my father from my brother,test +71500,71501,71501,anu suwalen anini i,if we are talking about this today,train +71501,71502,71502,kuna mararum kamu tu matiniay a dmak kuna u fafahfahen namu ku matiniay a mararaway a tamdaw nai tamuwanan Arawhani malataang kamu,and you are proud should not you rather have been filled with grief and have put out of your fellowship the man who did this,train +71502,71503,71503,tu mihecahecaan,each year,train +71503,71504,71504,o nima^ a Cudad kinian,whose textbook is it,train +71504,71505,71505,sakasepat,fourth,train +71505,71506,71506,caay tu katangtangen kuni kira,it is not cooked anymore,train +71506,71507,71507,sasadayen,preparation,train +71507,71508,71508,pakadangen,nose ring,train +71508,71509,71509,fangcal manengneng ku tilu ni Idek,is the rainbow beautiful,train +71509,71510,71510,pasuwal,words,test +71510,71511,71511,kura Mifalacay hananay nu niyam,this is the bravest young man in the tribe,train +71511,71512,71512,lumauc kita itini i sefi,we will have a meeting at the clubhouse,train +71512,71513,71513,sangawit,hook,train +71513,71514,71514,tuktuk han tatiʼihay ni,keep knocking and it will break,train +71514,71515,71515,salitataang,thumb,train +71515,71516,71516,ira ku pitalaan tu fasu^ itini hay,is there a bus stop near here,train +71516,71517,71517,u Pangcah atu Taiwan alapacakay ku heci nu icep,Nowadays everyone buys betel nut fruits regardless of their ethnicity,train +71517,71518,71518,siwaay a pulu,years old,train +71518,71519,71519,tatudung,to the right taste,train +71519,71520,71520,icuwaay malasingsi,where do you teach,test +71520,71521,71521,lahedaw,to disappear,train +71521,71522,71522,tumatu^,tomato,train +71522,71523,71523,hedawen tu ku i falucuay isu,put it out of your heart,train +71523,71524,71524,anu manaay kiya vavainay maanen ku nipivahvah,how do you get a man to leave if he does not want it,train +71524,71525,71525,Nikawrira u milukesay tu Fangcalay Adingu a tamdaw i caay ku mamahpul a tahadauc ku raraw ningra mapastek cingra i raraw a tahadauc han ningra,but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven he is guilty of an eternal sin,train +71525,71526,71526,ka picadatu tu inuˈ dmak 2216,arise and be baptized acts,train +71526,71527,71527,rahud,vapor,train +71527,71528,71528,tahira tu i Alapawan,Taiyuan tribe,train +71528,71529,71529,ya acefer ira ku mamiʼicang,smoke them dry,train +71529,71530,71530,itini tu kita san iti ra sa kami,dad said we would be fine here and we stayed there,test +71530,71531,71531,micerid a miˈusi tu Fangcalay Cudad,read the Bible regularly,train +71531,71532,71532,u kaawaan tu,it is mainly because there is no refrigerator,train +71532,71533,71533,sacitalakes sa kaku di adi u likes nisepel adi senatan,because of the mosquitoes or the grass cuts I am wearing a foot brace,train +71533,71534,71534,caka hecad kaikur ira i,they are not the same back there,train +71534,71535,71535,masakawalay,trapezoidal,train +71535,71536,71536,Nikawrira yu tahiratu cangra i ci Yisan i mahapinangtu nangra ku nika pataytu ningra Saka caay piteken nangra ku waay ningra,but when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead they did not break his legs,train +71536,71537,71537,hananay,related knowledge,train +71537,71538,71538,pakatulakuen,truck borne,train +71538,71539,71539,Misatuvang hananay tala i luma nu taʼu,helpers work in other peoples homes,train +71539,71540,71540,paranaan mahaenay san,it is so true,test +71540,71541,71541,nu nira pasing tira sa kaku sasinaran,I was watching from the window,train +71541,71542,71542,matu fuw sanay kuya matengilay aku kiya fadahung,I heard the roof whirring,train +71542,71543,71543,marepet aku ku dita kiya haw,when I was introduced to clay,train +71543,71544,71544,mamaan saw ka mangalay kaku a tayra i,why do you want to go to Taiwan cement company,train +71544,71545,71545,paka高鐵ay kisu a tala Takaw han,do you go to Kaohsiung by high speed Rail,train +71545,71546,71546,iraay ku Cu kasetikay a wawa sanay,there are children who do not gather by the sea,train +71546,71547,71547,Maarsak ku amutu,the cement does not have enough water in the mixture,train +71547,71548,71548,ngaʼay tu kaku tayra kakarayan,you can be happy to be in the sky,train +71548,71549,71549,10 o cecay faˈinayan salikaka i Kuriya na palafinay tu mirienangay tu pahatatanamay picudadan sanay ku suwal ningra Isalakat samisimisiay kaku tu papalafin cangranan hukira samanen raramud sanayhu kaku mimingay ku lumaˈ,a brother in Korea who hosted participants in the training programmed said At first I was hesitant to host them because I was newly married and my house was not very big,train +71549,71550,71550,Madimukus ni ina ku wawa aku,Mommy takes care of my children,test +71550,71551,71551,Naicuwaay kura likat,where did that light come from,train +71551,71552,71552,Papicekuren ku lafang ita tu kakahad nu riyad,let our guests look out over the wide ocean,train +71552,71553,71553,minuhiray,crawling on the dusty ground,train +71553,71554,71554,Fangcalay,desirable,train +71554,71555,71555,tangtang satu tu hemay misafel tu,I will cook in there,train +71555,71556,71556,u sapaveli ci vayiyan anucila,it is for grand mom tomorrow,train +71556,71557,71557,tuna matiniay masakaputay ku pifuting mikumuris hananay duedu sa tu rakat nu nanum i masacapaay a misedef misacieci malu karumakatan nu nanum makerah tu ku nanum tangsul satu caayay tu piusausaw tu cecacecay a fafutingan,Komoris is a collective fishing operation that takes advantage of water forks to set up temporary weir gates and divert the flow of water so that when the water recedes and the river dries up the fish are captured in a single net,train +71557,71558,71558,u mamidiput cangra tu pulung nu,they are guarding the whole tribe,train +71558,71559,71559,kay caay tu pakamelaw ku aniniay tu a tamdaw,maybe the modern man has not seen it,train +71559,71560,71560,tahepu han nira ku turus nira anu maru,cover your knees like this when you sit down,test +71560,71561,71561,samanay ku kalafulaw hananay,how did they migrate,train +71561,71562,71562,nikacacak,ripening,train +71562,71563,71563,pina ku larengusan,there are several plants,train +71563,71564,71564,tu pirara ira kura,to design the house,train +71564,71565,71565,lukuciw luku say itiya,I was already years old at that time,train +71565,71566,71566,Kauradan a rumiad salakiki sa tihelum mahuni,in rainy weather the flock makes a croaking sound,train +71566,71567,71567,naunen ku tayal,be safe,train +71567,71568,71568,Pacauf sa ci Yis Cima ku ina Aku saw Cima ku salikaka Aku saw han ningra,he replied to him Who is my mother and who are my brothers,train +71568,71569,71569,awaay a makilim nu maku ku katumayian,I cannot find the restroom,train +71569,71570,71570,Pakacakil nu tunu ku rakat ita ta tahenay a tangasa i katayalan nu mita kita,we have to take the steep and dangerous paths through the crags before we can reach our workplace,test +71570,71571,71571,saan aca,here is the deal,train +71571,71572,71572,hay tuni a ikuray haw sasuwalen aku haw,what I am going to say is this,train +71572,71573,71573,kiya mabana kamu,so that you can understand,train +71573,71574,71574,miwaci satu kaku i,when I want to operate,train +71574,71575,71575,hananay sa patudung hatu tuni u pifetik,so let us go with the consensus,train +71575,71576,71576,painien kami tu venek,please give us wisdom,train +71576,71577,71577,iraay ku tayal nu kaka isu haw,does your sister have a job,train +71577,71578,71578,naʼayaw,Yeah because it used to be,train +71578,71579,71579,nu miala tura suta samanen ita midemak hay,what are we going to do with the mud,train +71579,71580,71580,o paayaman nu fiyaw kinian,this is the neighbors chicken coop,test +71580,71581,71581,iray,desirable,train +71581,71582,71582,o mialawaay tu impic nu maku ci ira,she took my pencil,train +71582,71583,71583,Tadaʼadihay hu ku pihapinapinangan aku i kisuwanan,I have many many things to ask you,train +71583,71584,71584,u sasuwalen aku pakayniay tu na lifung,I am talking about the epidemic,train +71584,71585,71585,itini saka haw ku nika tayra satu i Takaw haw saikuray tu,almost always in the top ten and then Kaohsiung is at the bottom of the list,train +71585,71586,71586,Salikakaaw aka ka isang a midmak tu ngaayay a dmak,and as for you brothers never tire of doing what is right,train +71586,71587,71587,una maketunay,this is what it looks like when it is broken,train +71587,71588,71588,yu maaraw ni Yis kunini i makter Cingra ta suwal sa tu nisawawaan Pakunira han ku nika tayni nu wawa i Takuwanan aka lalangen cangra nawhani u matiniay a wawa ku finawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas,when Jesus saw this he was indignant he said to them Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,train +71588,71589,71589,mitulak,peeling the bark of a tree,train +71589,71590,71590,misalisin ku sikawasay i lalavu,the shamans in there doing his magic,test +71590,71591,71591,pacilah,salt,train +71591,71592,71592,macahiway tu kaku ina ila ku kakaenen han,Mom I am hungry do you have anything to eat,train +71592,71593,71593,caka pahiningen aku ku wawa tu,I will not let the kids know,train +71593,71594,71594,kuhecala saca tu pacikayan aca,it is because all the relationships that are leaving quickly are in vain,train +71594,71595,71595,utada duʼes tu kimad numita nu Yincumin i,historical stories are the essence of our Aboriginal people,train +71595,71596,71596,awaay ku sapafeli ningra tu sapicudad,I do not have money to pay for school,train +71596,71597,71597,mapawan kaku mihakiwid tu paysu^ caliwen hu^ aku ku paysu^ isu haw,I forgot to bring money can I borrow money from you,train +71597,71598,71598,mutep ira ku falu iraay tu ku pitu a suʼut falu a suʼut ku lifun,as little as days with a paycheck,train +71598,71599,71599,Orasaka hlungen ku mipuheday tu urip namu a katlangay a falucu onini a katlangay a falucu i u nanu masawiay nu anuf nu tireng a malamapuniaytu,you were taught with regard to your former way of life to put off your old self which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires,train +71599,71600,71600,lalidec lalidec falu nira,or the son of the tree,test +71600,71601,71601,dengayay a misaepah turaan,millet wine,train +71601,71602,71602,iraʼay ku kakaenen nu hiya,do the flowers of bamboo have fruits to eat,train +71602,71603,71603,adihayay ku uncuy tira mahapinangay tanu raka sanay,that place is obviously a lot of big rocks and very much a reef,train +71603,71604,71604,tahira han niyam i luma cakamaan kiya i lumaʼay,when I got home I saw that my family was not doing anything,train +71604,71605,71605,Daad matu sanay kaku tu tamaku isu,I seem to be choking on your smoke,train +71605,71606,71606,ukang,male,train +71606,71607,71607,Hayda hatini aca ku licay niyam Ahuwiday,Okay that is all we have to ask thank you,train +71607,71608,71608,sakatusa,inequality in education,train +71608,71609,71609,caay kahaen naayaw,in the past there was no such access to transportation,train +71609,71610,71610,pakuduhen,put a lasso on,test +71610,71611,71611,kalamkam,convenient and fast,train +71611,71612,71612,miciep,suck water through your mouth,train +71612,71613,71613,mitaung,worship,train +71613,71614,71614,ya cahuay tu cikafer ya caay hu miʼalapit tu Cudad nu Hulam haw i,he does not know how to wear pants how to hold chopsticks or how to write Chinese,train +71614,71615,71615,siwa^,nine,train +71615,71616,71616,cuwa kataangay ku pitilidan niyam cuwa kaaluman ku mitiliday sahtu u kananaman tu,all the children will gather in the playground play ball and chat together,train +71616,71617,71617,Sipakay raay a mimelaw tu niyaru ira ku tarakaway a adawang u mamelawan tu niyaru sapimaan ku adawagn tulu ku sasuwalen,if anyone seeks information about the function of the lookout and what it represents it has three very important functions,train +71617,71618,71618,u lalan itiya sa kaku,this is the only way,train +71618,71619,71619,aca ku lalumaʼan nira katayni,friends and relatives of the deceased are here,train +71619,71620,71620,tupelak,skin,test +71620,71621,71621,mavanaʼay mikingkiw nu,specialized in ethnic language research,train +71621,71622,71622,o damsayay,be gentle,train +71622,71623,71623,miwarak anu dafak saan mapulung ku kapah miwarak tara i alu,tomorrow morning all the youths will go to the river to release poisoned fish,train +71623,71624,71624,ngaʼay tu tireng sanay kaku,I think it is good for you too,train +71624,71625,71625,Milevu tu vavahi tevucen tu rarapa atu vavuy pakanguduen i alumanay u pihacengan a patelac sutsutan tu cupel ku sarepet,Rape covering up the difference with cows pigs wine et in serious cases the genitals are smeared with chili peppers,train +71625,71626,71626,pasuwal han aku,I will tell you,train +71626,71627,71627,ngaay hu,how are you,train +71627,71628,71628,mi kami matiya u raciw u,the sound effects and checkers we use in class,train +71628,71629,71629,saliyuten,surround,train +71629,71630,71630,sicekaay,spiny,test +71630,71631,71631,haha maemin aku ku papah alaen,Ha I have picked all the leaves here,train +71631,71632,71632,tahanini tayni tu kaku i Taypay nga,when I got to Taipei,train +71632,71633,71633,kararuman,sad,train +71633,71634,71634,u demak u tayal haw itiya hu malecacay,whether it is work or business we do it all together,train +71634,71635,71635,saan ku kaluay nu falucu nu mama nu maku a miharateng,my dads tired of thinking about it,train +71635,71636,71636,palacapuaw may ku hiya ku,will call the tribe together,train +71636,71637,71637,mahenay i cuwa kangaʼayay a finacadan ku hatiniay,such racial traditions are not desirable,train +71637,71638,71638,u adingu satu ku cavay nira tu ya lavii,that night she was accompanied only by shadows,train +71638,71639,71639,i sacumud nu niyaru,tribal crossroads,train +71639,71640,71640,i nian rita nanitiraay i lutuk,this ones on the hill,test +71640,71641,71641,hay nengen tu ku sasing cakasaan kisu kira ha,maybe you would like to see the photos,train +71641,71642,71642,awai,no footprints,train +71642,71643,71643,maumi,pampering,train +71643,71644,71644,hay maharek u sapituduh niyam saʼayaw uni,Yes next our old kiln tools are here,train +71644,71645,71645,paʼaludu sanay ri,what about the benefits,train +71645,71646,71646,nipacaliwan isu ci Kacaw,did you lend it to Kacaw,train +71646,71647,71647,kawili^,Left,train +71647,71648,71648,Saka suwalen ni Yis ku finawlan a pakamaru i sra,he told the crowd to sit down on the ground,train +71648,71649,71649,hay iraay ku cikawasay hananay,there used to be witches,train +71649,71650,71650,Maraudtu ku pilitudan saka ucuren ningra ku kuli ningra a patayra i mifuluday a papiala tu isal nu kinaira nu fadisusu,at Harvest time he sent a servant to the tenants to collect from them some of the fruit of the vineyard,test +71650,71651,71651,Fuenut han aku ku upih nuni ayam i pudac san ku fanuh nira,when I plucked the feathers of this chicken even the skin was peeled off,train +71651,71652,71652,Pangcah ku vavahi u Kaliyawan ku vavainay,Mrs Kaplan is an Amis and Mr Kaplan is a Kaplanite,train +71652,71653,71653,Pacawhien ku fanaw nu namu u malunanengnengan nu lafang,your pond should be stocked with bass for your guests to enjoy,train +71653,71654,71654,Marukruk ku nanum,the water is boiling,train +71654,71655,71655,ira ci mama ni tipus iraw tipus haw,and elder Myrtles father,train +71655,71656,71656,pakatayal han mafukil tu,it is impossible for him to do that,train +71656,71657,71657,misatapang tu a misafafatung tu sapililiwaw tu,we are going to start going door to door,train +71657,71658,71658,wa Suʼelinay tu mifutingan kura maluwamaay satu,father and son are really good at fishing,train +71658,71659,71659,mitatuuray kisu tu demak nu malitengay sa,you just love working with old people,train +71659,71660,71660,anu u Ngayngay ngaʼayay,Hakka is fine,test +71660,71661,71661,matira mitini ku kuya ku ilisin,rules for the Toyonen Festival,train +71661,71662,71662,malahitay a sa hamin,be careful when you are in the military,train +71662,71663,71663,itiya a tanektek ku Singku nu falucu,now I have a burning faith in God,train +71663,71664,71664,Nanuya micumud ci Yis i Fangcalay Pitaungan fahfahen ningra a pasadak ku malaliacaay a tamdaw,then he entered the temple area and began driving out those who were selling,train +71664,71665,71665,o kikay tu ku misupericay tu panay anini,now it is a machine to remove the gauze,train +71665,71666,71666,Atekakay tatu sakaemeden ku miming mamanay,it is too expensive cannot you lower the price a bit,train +71666,71667,71667,ta matira ku ilisin nu niyam nu kinanuka,that is what we are going to do with just the antlers for the Toyotomi Festival,train +71667,71668,71668,adihay ku fanuh nuni kuku,this chicken has a lot of feathers,train +71668,71669,71669,Pacauf sa ci Yis i cangraan Muraraw ku harateng namu nawhani mafukil kamu tu Fangcalay Cudad caay haca kafana tu icel nu Kawas,Jesus replied You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God,train +71669,71670,71670,pacaliwen,walk all over,test +71670,71671,71671,sapakalahuk,prepared lunch,train +71671,71672,71672,itiya hu kami i niyaru i matama matama tu pisarauʼan i,in the past when we encountered the seed Festival in the tribe,train +71672,71673,71673,fulad,moon,train +71673,71674,71674,Pasemuten ku pimalian ita,let the grass grow where you play,train +71674,71675,71675,pakayni i piselic tu dafung a mineneng tu Rikec nu Pangcah maaraw nu mita ku pinangan u taneng nu kacidafung nu Pangcah mikikaka tu nu ruma a finacadan ku nikatingalaw,looking at Amish law in terms of property inheritance it is also clear that the Amish have a clearer concept of property than other ethnic groups,train +71675,71676,71676,misekingay kaku itiya,that is when I joined,train +71676,71677,71677,pacici sa minukay sa kuya falucu aku,why are you forced to go home,train +71677,71678,71678,pacici saan matefad kiya kafung nira,even though he tried hard his hat still fell down,train +71678,71679,71679,puni saan kiya papah nu sukuy sanay,the whole leaf of Suppon is soft and rotten,train +71679,71680,71680,ira itiya ku papinapina a tamdaw a mituur ci Pawluan Pasulin cangra ci Yisan onini i ci Tiunisius aci Tamaris hananay a fafahiyan atu rumaruma a tamdaw nu lumaucay,a few men became followers of Paul and believed among them was Dionysius a member of the Areopagus also a woman named Damaris and a number of others,test +71680,71681,71681,icuwa ku katayraan isu,where did you go what place,train +71681,71682,71682,misaasuluay,the man who made the mortar and pestle,train +71682,71683,71683,Mpawantu ku rumaruma,some of them I cannot remember,train +71683,71684,71684,mimaan kisu anucila Mifuting kita makena,what are you doing tomorrow how about we go fishing together,train +71684,71685,71685,ngatu ita tuya nu talariyalay a demak,we are going to continue our conversation about going to the beach which we did not finish,train +71685,71686,71686,Mitakciay tu tatusa han,are you both in elementary school,train +71686,71687,71687,tangasa sa ciyunikace ku nu maku a muwa yu,mine will last until December,train +71687,71688,71688,hengad,beetles,train +71688,71689,71689,malaluk a patadu ci Kacaw a miceris tu liput ni faki nira,Kacaw attentively lights his uncles cigarette for him,train +71689,71690,71690,anu miliyaw tu i,next time we have a chance,test +71690,71691,71691,a mi pikilim aca aku tunini serangawan nu Amis hananay,visits to investigate the origins and culture of the Amis people,train +71691,71692,71692,anu caay pihayi kisu,if you do not say yes,train +71692,71693,71693,iyan tu i masa paytemek tu tu rakat cangra tahira i fatad nengnenghan nira ira ku kafung nuya wawa tiya kakunkunan nira patiku pafeli hu tuya wawa tuya kafung,then they walked away separately and halfway he saw the child hat at where the child fell he went back to gave the hat to the child,train +71693,71694,71694,u lama u vinawlan tangasa amin,like family all the tribesmen are here,train +71694,71695,71695,ku katayalan misadatengdateng tu ku tayal aku i,I am not sure about my job,train +71695,71696,71696,kamu itira,how many years ago was that,train +71696,71697,71697,katayni nu maku nu Kawas kuni falucuʼan kuni,it is also Gods good pleasure to accept this heavy work,train +71697,71698,71698,kisu hu ku cinglaway u mama,dad first please,train +71698,71699,71699,Mamalafi kami ilaay hu ku kamaruan,we would like to have dinner are there any seats left,train +71699,71700,71700,Hungay tayniay tu kaku misalama kita,Hongay I am here to play with you,test +71700,71701,71701,u tayal nu wawa aku i,their profession,train +71701,71702,71702,o turung u lacu haw,like a bullet right,train +71702,71703,71703,mangata haw maraay maraay wa,is it close very far very far Wow,train +71703,71704,71704,o tefutefusan ku pala nu Fataan,the fields in Matthews Saddle are all sugar cane plantations,train +71704,71705,71705,Pakamaru pakamaru han tu nira kaku itakar,they made me sit on a wicker bed,train +71705,71706,71706,misangpan misiyapan,going to work and coming back from work it is very stable,train +71706,71707,71707,awa tu ka fanaʼfanaʼan,it is like you do not know anything,train +71707,71708,71708,Itiyatu a mafana ku nisawawaan tu nika ci Yuhani u Painuay ku nisuwalan ni Yis,then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist,train +71708,71709,71709,Halipacefa tu suwal kura wawa,that child is a babbler,train +71709,71710,71710,safaw tusa^,twelve,test +71710,71711,71711,ta ira kira na ilisin san ku nu ayaway,in the old days the Festival was held after the harvest,train +71711,71712,71712,u tumuk nu niyaru,tribal leader,train +71712,71713,71713,Celaken ku Cudad namu,please open your books,train +71713,71714,71714,itini hatu a palahci kuni a,become present,train +71714,71715,71715,lataken tu nu matuʼasay,elders will then flatten the ground with wave logs,train +71715,71716,71716,micudad i Tafalung i kusyaw,I am going to Kwan Foo elementary School,train +71716,71717,71717,malitengay,elderly,train +71717,71718,71718,paka muetep tu,nearly years,train +71718,71719,71719,alacecacecay,one,train +71719,71720,71720,hay nu Kinmungay kuni,it is Gammon here,test +71720,71721,71721,fai,step mother,train +71721,71722,71722,caay ka turing sa mihibang,it is not a consecutive vacation,train +71722,71723,71723,hatutaliay ku urip ira haw,it grows like taro,train +71723,71724,71724,cukcuk,piercing,train +71724,71725,71725,a misaumh hantu ama a caay,when farming in the mountains you must,train +71725,71726,71726,anu sulinay,if indeed,train +71726,71727,71727,Ngaayayhu kisu haw,are you all right,train +71727,71728,71728,nika a cima saw ku misangaay tu lalan,but who is going to make the road,train +71728,71729,71729,maulah a mikulit kura wawa,that kid can draw,train +71729,71730,71730,cima ku mamipakukut tu nipilian nu Kawas a tamdaw saw Nawhani u awaaytu ku raraw namu han nu Kawas cangra,who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen it is God who justifies,test +71730,71731,71731,cacidapan,page,train +71731,71732,71732,Mila^pa kuya sakatatulu a cuyuh ta matfad nai kakarayan ku tataangay a fuis matiya u dawdaw ku tireng nira matfad i ccay nu kalitulu nu alualu atu i nemnem a ma^min kunini,the third angel sounded his trumpet and a great star blazing like a torch fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water,train +71732,71733,71733,itiraay saka unini ku acucul niyam itiya hu,it used to be like this so our gyro is this one,train +71733,71734,71734,Kaniw,lying,train +71734,71735,71735,o ruma a sapaluma i matfad i cifadalay a sra Lumahad kuya fadal i macu kuya lngaw Saka caay ka cihci,other seed fell among thorns which grew up and choked the plants so that they did not bear grain,train +71735,71736,71736,mifakungay,crab flower collector,train +71736,71737,71737,Namihakulung kaku tu matuasay sisa mabana tunu butingan a laylay,I do not know what kind of fish I am talking about until I have been with an old man,train +71737,71738,71738,matawal,forget,train +71738,71739,71739,anu pasangaren kita micada tu sarueru nu kaˈurip i ngangaˈay misamaan ku demak ita,what can we do when we find life pressures too much to bear,train +71739,71740,71740,bukulung satu sakapitu tu kuni,Next this is the seventh hole,test +71740,71741,71741,tayra sa kaku i nu,I went to the nurses office,train +71741,71742,71742,Misapeti tu kulung a maumah i funufununan ci mama,dad was working in the field whipping cows,train +71742,71743,71743,yu micumud ci Yis i luma i dukduk han nu nisawawaan cingra a milicay Nawiru caay pakafahfah kami a pasadak tuya palafuay saw han nangra,after Jesus had gone indoors his disciples asked him privately Why could not we drive it out,train +71743,71744,71744,taluma amin i niyaru,they are all going home,train +71744,71745,71745,funus,hunting knife,train +71745,71746,71746,ura niyaru Kinanuka tira tura paniyaruʼan,the antlers alone sit in this tribe,train +71746,71747,71747,masuaw,thirst,train +71747,71748,71748,kasimanay kilang leteken ningra miletek malahiya tu kira,you can cut down any tree,train +71748,71749,71749,pafelien ni ina^ kaku tu lima^ pulu a paysu^ tu pilipalipayan,mom gives me a week,train +71749,71750,71750,takura,ugly guy,test +71750,71751,71751,fangcal aca ku radiw nu maku,it is a beautiful song,train +71751,71752,71752,mahaen ku suwal ni Cang wenliyang pasevanaay,Mr Zhang Wenliang told us,train +71752,71753,71753,malahuk san i fafaluay a tamdaw ku tatulung,there were like eight of us at dinner,train +71753,71754,71754,suwal sa ci,mayor Lin said,train +71754,71755,71755,Satataang sa tu ngiha ci Yis a micli ta lafut satu ku sla ningra,with a loud cry Jesus breathed his last,train +71755,71756,71756,ci kira ci,That,train +71756,71757,71757,suelinay suwal sa ci ama niyam i takuwanan,it is true what our father said to me,train +71757,71758,71758,o kaliumahan ta sakami saka anu hatira aca ama linah hanta,arable fields in that case we would better move,train +71758,71759,71759,kalipahak,happy,train +71759,71760,71760,mihalhal tu adada nu tawu,expecting people to get sick,test +71760,71761,71761,Salangdaw sa ku kakarayan caay ka sienaw caay ka faedet sasaepi sa ku fali^,the sky is blue during the day the weather is neither cold nor hot and the wind is cool,train +71761,71762,71762,madeng ci upihay tiya sa kaku itiya,I think he was still of the feathered class,train +71762,71763,71763,iraay ku Fafukud iraay ku Tulik,there is east River and then there is Dochi,train +71763,71764,71764,Taluma satu kami na miadup i pafatis tu tama tu i niyaruay,when returning to the village share the hunted prey with the tribe,train +71764,71765,71765,anini satu i i kataynian nu maku i tayniay tu kaku i Su Aw,I came to Suao in,train +71765,71766,71766,mamalasingsi^,I want to be a teacher,train +71766,71767,71767,o manan a finacadan ku samamangay ku tamdaw,and what is the least populated ethnic group,train +71767,71768,71768,ta makurac ku falucu namu a mu^cel i kaayaw ningra tangasa i dauc nu urip namu sanay,in holiness and righteousness before him all our days,train +71768,71769,71769,tura Maukusi,it is Mavugu Creek,train +71769,71770,71770,cecay miheca haca kaku a mipadang maumah kaku ta,I spent a year helping with housework,test +71770,71771,71771,kalikiay mahererek ku hemek malacafay tu wawa samanen itini 1959 miheca pakayni piinsacu tu Cudad nu Fangcalay Cudad malepelay kaku,but the joy of being with my daughter soon came to an end when I was arrested in for printing Bible books,train +71771,71772,71772,lamlam,mix something with something,train +71772,71773,71773,saka pangangan tu Nikar Hana^ Panay Dungi^ Futul Tailsanay a ngangan,hence the names Nikar Hana^ Panay Dongi^ Fotol and Tail,train +71773,71774,71774,tatulu ku wawa aku sahtu fafahian,I have three children all are female,train +71774,71775,71775,misumad a tudi atu nipinanam,changing and learning little by little,train +71775,71776,71776,Kacifunus han ku kapah,tell the young man to bring a knife,train +71776,71777,71777,itira sa ku harafinay niyam maʼurip,we have lived there for a long time,train +71777,71778,71778,Pacauf han aku Anu maadah tu ku uu nu faki i katay hu i luma niyam a mihalama,I said when your foot gets better,train +71778,71779,71779,aka paafufuen kaku tu tadah namu,do not make me bear your debts,train +71779,71780,71780,itiratu anini mipudaway i hiya i makaniay a nanum,the river is where the small fish are caught and the water is only up to your chest,test +71780,71781,71781,suwalan amu sulinay haw han naku,to confirm the truth of the matter,train +71781,71782,71782,a iya satu midaemak icang sanay tu,sometimes it dries out while you are working,train +71782,71783,71783,sanay maku kuni saka itini aku pasuwal tu masamanay ku Talampu hananay,I am here to tell you what kind of tribe Dalanbu is,train +71783,71784,71784,kikul,tails,train +71784,71785,71785,hatu maliyangay suwalen i,they are all disobedient children,train +71785,71786,71786,watanu pahku sa ci ina,wow Auntie grows a lot of cat ferns,train +71786,71787,71787,fafahiyan a wawa^,girl,train +71787,71788,71788,ya tamina hanay hanay a tamina sanay,the ships name is Vanalee Cruises,train +71788,71789,71789,tu hatiniay a pakalic tura lalusidan nu,it is like loading this kind of cargo,train +71789,71790,71790,nanay haw i,may it also be hoped that,test +71790,71791,71791,kaherekan a miʼutʼut sarakatay a niʼutʼut ri,in addition to ending field mowing,train +71791,71792,71792,u palumaay a demak pasevaaʼan nu singsi,the teacher taught me how to farm,train +71792,71793,71793,way tu cecay tu,No there is only one left,train +71793,71794,71794,saka tulu mihecaan cira i,third grade at Yichang Guoxiao elementary school,train +71794,71795,71795,nawhani u sakangaay nu tamdaw a malayap nu Kawas a mu^celay caay ku nanu nitngilan nangra tu Rikec u nanu nilahcian tu Rikec ku sakapilayap nu Kawas tuya tamdaw,for it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in Gods sight but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous,train +71795,71796,71796,fahal sedak sa ku kuwakuwak a,suddenly a little egret appeared,train +71796,71797,71797,Saka sadak satu kuya palafuay nanitira tuya tamdaw a micumud tuya fafuy ta cikay satu kuya masaflaway a fafuy a maluklun i tunu a mihitfu i fanaw a maalul a mapataytu,when the demons came out of the man they went into the pigs and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned,train +71797,71798,71798,ecer,appearance of urine or hose water flushing out,train +71798,71799,71799,maadah ku san maadah ku adada nu tangal,Reduces high blood pressure and relieves headaches,train +71799,71800,71800,maan sa kisu Mayaw ateka kufalucu,please put down your pride,test +71800,71801,71801,minukay,come home,train +71801,71802,71802,adihay maalaay pacakay kiyami,there is a lot of them on the market,train +71802,71803,71803,matiya kulung,it is made like a cow,train +71803,71804,71804,awaay tu ku tueman taengad satu imatini,it is not dark anymore it has turned light,train +71804,71805,71805,o lusid nu sakiilisin caayay ka lalecad ku kasaniyaru u kasaniyaru nu Kalingku u kipin atu talip nu fafahiyan u kahengangay ku cengel nu pasawali i u kuhecalay ku kipin kuhetingay ku talip u eres nu funguh,the costumes of the Festival vary slightly from tribe to tribe in the Hualien area all the dresses are red on the east Coast the shawls are embroidered with sequins and beads and the skirts are black,train +71805,71806,71806,cefusen,Sprinkle please,train +71806,71807,71807,iraay ku pipahaku haw tura masangaʼay luma,do you have a tradition for new home completion,train +71807,71808,71808,tu dafak kira,in the early morning ah,train +71808,71809,71809,saosinciya hananay naw han,that is why this place is called Miyashita,train +71809,71810,71810,patalahkal cangra tu raraw nangra saka painuen ni Yuhani cangra i Yurtan a alu,Confessing their sins they were baptized by him in the Jordan River,test +71810,71811,71811,o mafanaay kaku anu saasaan ku tamdaw i caayhu ka fana cingra tu kalimlaan a kakafanaen,the man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know,train +71811,71812,71812,cecay suut ira ku sepat pulu a kungfen ku akawang aku,I am centimeters,train +71812,71813,71813,sakapahaw nu niyaru,beautify the tribe,train +71813,71814,71814,pawadis,showing teeth,train +71814,71815,71815,itiya 80 ku mihecaan ni Mari kawra mahemekay cingra mihayda,although Marie Madeleine was years old at the time she happily agreed,train +71815,71816,71816,ilaay ilaay matengil namu haw,have you ever heard of it,train +71816,71817,71817,maumah kami tini,we have got reclamation here,train +71817,71818,71818,adihay ku nipaahen ni vayi tu vunga tali atu lukiyu i takuwan u sapataluma nu maku saan,grandma brought me a lot of sweet potatoes taro and buckwheat and asked me to take them home,train +71818,71819,71819,unip,paddy,train +71819,71820,71820,sakapahay,prime,test +71820,71821,71821,u lingatu,commencement,train +71821,71822,71822,Saamitiren nu mita a misaanin a pakatawa tu lafang,we will entertain the guests with our faggot,train +71822,71823,71823,kilang,tree,train +71823,71824,71824,kahi a patangasa ku patakusay yan saka malatumukay,chieftain waiting for youths to pass on information,train +71824,71825,71825,matiraay ku lalengawan nu Amis,this is the root of the Amis people,train +71825,71826,71826,upuen aku ku wawa,I will gather the children together,train +71826,71827,71827,maleflef,foggy,train +71827,71828,71828,tengil han naku ku pakungku nangra itini takuwanan,Listen they are telling a story,train +71828,71829,71829,o papaleslesen ku piicang tu panay tina rumiad,our grain is going to stay in the sun today,train +71829,71830,71830,a mituʼur tu haw tu widawidang,Oh just follow the friend,test +71830,71831,71831,kaka saan mahanay,the only way is to accept their teachings,train +71831,71832,71832,cima ku misadufutay i niyaru nu mita,does anyone make Valentines bags in our tribe,train +71832,71833,71833,nikatuluan,due to a fall,train +71833,71834,71834,Pasaadawang nu picudadan ciira a rumakat,he headed for the school gates,train +71834,71835,71835,miculiay,talker,train +71835,71836,71836,ila hu ku caciyaw anu muusuy kaku hiwa masetik hu kaku kila haw masetik hu kaku miusuytu hu kaku han,there are other ways of speaking if I am going to be late I say at that time I am going to go fishing I am going to go fishing and I am late for that,train +71836,71837,71837,dadahal ku itilaay a liyal,it is a wide open sea over there,train +71837,71838,71838,ci mama aku,my dad,train +71838,71839,71839,kira,those,train +71839,71840,71840,ya natangal tinai,offal,test +71840,71841,71841,patademan,graveyard,train +71841,71842,71842,i tini i sin ka ku in miharateng kaku tu pinapina a muntay,I thought about it a lot while I was in seminary,train +71842,71843,71843,Suˈlin u Tingsukiw kami kawra cuwa ka pisakakinih ku fufu tu piduyungan saka naitiraay i widang ningra ira kunu piduyungan a cudad,although we were Catholic Grandpa was very open minded about religion so he took some religious books and magazines from a friend,train +71843,71844,71844,Salikakaaw kararid kamu a mitudung i takuwanan o rumasatu nengnengen ku piarawan namu a mitudungay takuwanan a tamdamdaw,join with others in following my example brothers and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you,train +71844,71845,71845,u suwal aku huni fafalu ku mihufucan niya u suwal aku huni i,at first I said my mother had eight children,train +71845,71846,71846,aniniay kaemangay haw wensiyang,now our children say,train +71846,71847,71847,alaen tu aku ku namal i parud nga sapanamal ira tu ungtu ira,I will help get the mother fire in the fireplace and light their pipes,train +71847,71848,71848,sanay ku caˈuf nu Fangcalay Cudad itini i loma 512 atu 2 Pitiro 39,look at what the Bible says Romans Peter,train +71848,71849,71849,maliyaw ku pinangan nira,his behavior has improved,train +71849,71850,71850,lipuwak san ku kapah a lalima san ri,the tribal youths are spread out in groups of five to mine,test +71850,71851,71851,o kacalemceman a demak ku mafukilay tu calemcem,not worrying is worrying in itself,train +71851,71852,71852,mahan haw mapulita,did you hear me,train +71852,71853,71853,palalanen nu cecay a mikieciway matatudung tu anu saan i matatuutuur tu a mifulud a rumadiw i taterungan i uruma malacecayay ku ngiha a radiw,First a male member of the clan with the best improvisational skills will lead the song like a guiding motor,train +71853,71854,71854,u kedal tu kunini sakakaay kedal sakatusa,it is all because of the drought the worst drought,train +71854,71855,71855,caay kafana ku pancah falahan mita u pancah san,but the Amis do not know to throw away the ripe red fruit,train +71855,71856,71856,papising,step in,train +71856,71857,71857,mikilim haw,looking for it,train +71857,71858,71858,micefung,launch,train +71858,71859,71859,mafawahay hu ku yufing hakiya,is the post office still open,train +71859,71860,71860,tera nu urad,drip,test +71860,71861,71861,o maan ku alaaw a midanguy,what are the benefits of swimming,train +71861,71862,71862,mahaen ey mahaen ku pikawit tu matiniay,that is how you weave a web of gossip,train +71862,71863,71863,a mapapadapadang,we have to help each other,train +71863,71864,71864,paflien kami tu mahenay a tamdaw pasifana mitulik misanga tu u maan fangcal ku matiniay,providing such teachers to teach us,train +71864,71865,71865,awaʼay hu ku makasangaʼay tu matiniya itini,crystal glass Lens in Taiwan,train +71865,71866,71866,naayaw u wawa henay mikumu san,back in the day when I was a kid playing slingshot,train +71866,71867,71867,mahaʼenay ku pipacuk niyam i tiya hu tu fafuy,that is how we used to kill pigs,train +71867,71868,71868,pala,areas outside the city,train +71868,71869,71869,u muwa kunian haw ina muwa haenen ku nu tau haw,this is how people pick yellow coin,train +71869,71870,71870,pisacerisan,match factory,test +71870,71871,71871,kakawang,naked,train +71871,71872,71872,mapulung amin a tayni a mipadang,we are all here to help,train +71872,71873,71873,icuwaay si Sapit aci Dihal,where are Sapit and Dihal,train +71873,71874,71874,tu ku tihi niyam micudad,my partners in third grade,train +71874,71875,71875,ci Cirupapil ku mama ni Apiyut ci Apiyut ku mama ni Iliyakim ci Iliyakim ku mama ni Acur,Zerubbabel the father of Abiud Abiud the father of Eliakim Eliakim the father of Azor,train +71875,71876,71876,tanukakunah,lots of ants,train +71876,71877,71877,kavukilan,dumb,train +71877,71878,71878,Acaw han nira mama ku nanum i tefun,the elder was drawing water from the well,train +71878,71879,71879,kelak tu suwal,to spread news all over the country side,train +71879,71880,71880,rina,superstructure,test +71880,71881,71881,talasefi ku mama nu luma,parents go to the clubhouse,train +71881,71882,71882,nu Hulam a ngangan i patangican a pangangan u saka cingangan a mitilid atu malukika nu tireng,Chinese names are taken by the mainstream government and are used for schooling or household registration,train +71882,71883,71883,kawra ˈalumanay a pingkusi cuwa ka ulah tu tayal nu niyah,I work in a bank and I have a lot of contact with lawyers but a lot of them do not like their jobs she says,train +71883,71884,71884,maan kara pi,as if,train +71884,71885,71885,paci^ciay,constrained,train +71885,71886,71886,matawalay aku a miala ku sasipasip,I forgot to bring the eraser,train +71886,71887,71887,mamimaan kura mapunepunengay,what do widows and widowers do,train +71887,71888,71888,anu hacuwa a minukay kisu a talaniyaru,when are you going back to the tribe,train +71888,71889,71889,Orasaka pakunira hantu nu Kawas cangra i kaanufan nu falucu nangra a kaackan a dmak Saka masasipakangudu cangra tu tireng,therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another,train +71889,71890,71890,masetiʼay tu ku maku kiya,I get hit a lot,test +71890,71891,71891,atu saan i nicuka saan i,Meanwhile while painting,train +71891,71892,71892,Tulun hantu nira pasayni pasawali,the shaman began to recite a spell to call out to the spirits toward the east,train +71892,71893,71893,pifutingan,fish,train +71893,71894,71894,adada ku tiyad ningra ira cingra i kamisian,she has a stomachache she is in the restroom,train +71894,71895,71895,maan satu kita san kuya mama,what did dad say we should do,train +71895,71896,71896,pasuwal sa kura cikawasay i,witches say,train +71896,71897,71897,malaakung,become a grandfather,train +71897,71898,71898,haw i caay kaemin ira hu i katimul kira,it will not run out and there is more of it in the east,train +71898,71899,71899,mirikap,sympathy,train +71899,71900,71900,o ngaayay ku cilah Nikawrira anu malasawad ku kahcid nu cilah i u maanhu ku ^puc saw kamatiya u cilah kamu a ci^puc ta mafana kamu a pararihaday saan ci Yis,Salt is good but if it loses its saltiness how can you make it salty again have salt in yourselves and be at peace with each other,test +71900,71901,71901,malalulaluk,they are all hard workers,train +71901,71902,71902,kura Cepu hananay haw,about grand harbor tribe,train +71902,71903,71903,karu,grapefruit,train +71903,71904,71904,man saan ku kalipahakan han,what do you call the kingdom of Heaven,train +71904,71905,71905,mataleday,it is very spiritual,train +71905,71906,71906,o dafak ku katahiraan niyam,we arrived there in the morning,train +71906,71907,71907,anu mitadiˈec atu miduedu tu Kawas ku kapah wa milifuk tu maanan a saka raheker hani,what blessings do young people receive for trusting and obeying God,train +71907,71908,71908,ya maku urip tiya hu,in my previous life,train +71908,71909,71909,sapitama tu kaying haw,shooting at beautiful girls,train +71909,71910,71910,anu hatini haw i,now what,test +71910,71911,71911,alumanay ha maan hantu i,people say why,train +71911,71912,71912,u fainayan nu niyam haw patikeday u kami tu fafahiyan haw matinitiniay kura mialaan nu niyam u rengus mahaenay kura pakelang hananay nu niyam anini nu dadaya satu unu pisetikan nu niyam ku sapakaen tura matuʼasay,our men will go fishing and our women will gather sea vegetables which is what we are celebrating today in the evening the old people will be fed with what they have gathered,train +71912,71913,71913,Cacay tusa tulu sepat lima enem pitu walu siwa masiday ku cacay,One two three four five six seven eight nine one less,train +71913,71914,71914,fufuan,grand mom,train +71914,71915,71915,tu misalumaʼay saan,do you have a job building houses,train +71915,71916,71916,Pinanumhu,please have some tea,train +71916,71917,71917,Mu^tepen ku fainayan,boys want ten,train +71917,71918,71918,masamaan ku rumiad tuna dadaya,how is the weather tonight,train +71918,71919,71919,macacuisay,Inverted opposite,train +71919,71920,71920,matatudung,it is a good fit,test +71920,71921,71921,i ikur nunini a dmak i miktun tu falucu ci Pawlu a sumuwal Pakayra kaku i Makituniya atu Akaya a tayra i Yirusalim Ta ikur nu nika tayra aku i caay ka ^ca tayra kaku i Luma saan,after all this had happened Paul decided to go to Jerusalem passing through Macedonia and Achaia After I have been there he said I must visit Rome also,train +71921,71922,71922,minukay cira anuhuni,he will be back later,train +71922,71923,71923,tadakitakit,real country,train +71923,71924,71924,liyawen nu mita ku udut hanay a demak a misafalucu,let us rethink the fight,train +71924,71925,71925,fahfah,witchcraft,train +71925,71926,71926,papina kamu a mahekulung,how many of you are going,train +71926,71927,71927,tatuliken ku cuwa eminen ku sasangaen tu nu,it can be used for knitting,train +71927,71928,71928,tangtang han tu nangra,start cooking,train +71928,71929,71929,maurip,live your life,train +71929,71930,71930,Ketun han tu ku suwal nu mita,let us bring our conversation to a conclusion,test +71930,71931,71931,midundun tu laklan pasaʼamis,head north past the riverbed beach,train +71931,71932,71932,limela ku malitengay tuya ruruh,pity about the old thatch,train +71932,71933,71933,Haydaw licayen hu,Well that is a pain in the ass,train +71933,71934,71934,pikayhid,seduce,train +71934,71935,71935,oya nuna niyaru niyam i iraay ku iya tini u urip Dipu Dipungan hu u pungkang,in our tribe there are still caves left over from the Japanese era,train +71935,71936,71936,epuc,significance,train +71936,71937,71937,Nikawrira awaay a maaraw nangra ku tireng ni Yis saka patiku sa cangra suwal sa Mapaaraw nu cuyuh kami Mauripaytu ci Yis saan a pasuwal tamiyanan,but did not find his body they came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive,train +71937,71938,71938,tanupusak,sprinkled with rice,train +71938,71939,71939,minukay hu kaku tayra i,I will just go back to class,train +71939,71940,71940,haen han mibaca,that is how you wash it,test +71940,71941,71941,Arawhani ckruh sa a miwanik ci Musian kuya padukaay tu tatihi a tamdaw suwal sa O maan kisu iru citudung kisu a mikuwan a misawkit tamiyanan saw,But the man who was mistreating the other pushed Moses aside and said Who made you ruler and judge over us,train +71941,71942,71942,safaw nu siwa a mihecaʼan nu maku itiya,I was years old,train +71942,71943,71943,Malumaan aku kisu caay ku sasaan ku mata tu kamay Malumaan aku kisu caay ku sasaan ku funguh tu waay,the eye cannot say to the hand I do not need you and the head cannot say to the feet I do not need you,train +71943,71944,71944,cai pakinalia tadacai a tataang ku rarum atu kesem ku pisiayaw tu ituanay,they do not see death as a painful parting,train +71944,71945,71945,satu ku paini nu sakakaay,that seems to be the rule for government officials,train +71945,71946,71946,Maharatengayhu aku tiya 12 ku mihecaan ni Kulsayra i maulahaytu cingra mitusil tu ilalanay a tamdaw,I remember my daughter Gursela who was only years old loved to preach the truth of the Bible to people on the street,train +71946,71947,71947,mipatala kami tu kakaenen nu lafang,we are preparing food for our guests,train +71947,71948,71948,mipaluma tu tu kida hanay atu kidafes atu nanges maamaan,planting Shakya or Palak or mango and any other plant,train +71948,71949,71949,saenar,at the foot of the mountain,train +71949,71950,71950,makaefer kisu hiwa itiya,unless you have jumped too far,test +71950,71951,71951,o milakisay tu fana nu tuasay ku tumuk nu niyaru,the head of the tribe is the one who passes on the wisdom of his ancestors,train +71951,71952,71952,Harawan,the one from the Lohas tribe,train +71952,71953,71953,a mahaenay saayaway nuna niyaru,that is how the name Tung Hing came to be,train +71953,71954,71954,Cima^ i,who is it,train +71954,71955,71955,hatiratuhanhan isu umaling tu madengay tu,that is it it is softer to the touch,train +71955,71956,71956,ira i pinsyang ku sinar hay,is there any watermelon in the fridge,train +71956,71957,71957,mikilim tu miʼedaway,looking for divination,train +71957,71958,71958,Anini^ a rumiad pasifanaen nu maku kamu u maan han nu Pangcah ku aadupen,I will teach everyone all kinds of animals in Pangcah language today,train +71958,71959,71959,masamaanay a fainayan ku kaulahan isu u akawangay u masu^suay u cipayciay u malalukay han,what kind of boys do you like Tall Fat Rich Hardworking,train +71959,71960,71960,hay u maku i itini kaku mala i ayaw i karurayan nu maku kunini,I used to work as a construction site supervisor it was tough,test +71960,71961,71961,a daremak tira i patirengan niyam a kufa,how good and how beautiful not to mention the fact that it is you,train +71961,71962,71962,mabulaw itini i Yamaseta,they moved to the lower part of the mountain,train +71962,71963,71963,halafin,long ago,train +71963,71964,71964,nikutay,tie,train +71964,71965,71965,suwal sa ci ina wa aira ku faliyus a tayni alatek,mom said maybe the typhoon is coming,train +71965,71966,71966,o misimsimay tu tatayalen,go ahead and think about the work,train +71966,71967,71967,Mifutek kaku tu mata,I closed my eyes,train +71967,71968,71968,macekuh kura,Cascading Coastal mountains,train +71968,71969,71969,sasiwa malikaka,nine brothers and sisters,train +71969,71970,71970,caay itiya hu a,No at the time,test +71970,71971,71971,itiya i maraaytu nu tamina ku lawac nu fanaw macuaang nu fali kuya tamina saka macuyacuy nu taplik cangra,but the boat was already a considerable distance from land buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it,train +71971,71972,71972,awaay kafanaʼan nu maku matayal,we are not going to do anything,train +71972,71973,71973,milicay kaku i ci ina^ enaw kahengan ku kakarayan han aku,I asked my mother why the sky is red,train +71973,71974,71974,hatayan tu a kinasuʼut kinapatay kaku,I have always wanted to kill myself and die,train +71974,71975,71975,iya limyin uya laluma ira ya papu ira i,the tender heart inside it,train +71975,71976,71976,awaay kuya takula,the frog was not there,train +71976,71977,71977,paenan,doorway,train +71977,71978,71978,Pasingda han nira ku suwal,he said something dirty,train +71978,71979,71979,u kunga atu tali ku adihayay,I eat more groundnuts and taro,train +71979,71980,71980,saka,envoy,test +71980,71981,71981,Saka kararid a mapalal a mitulun tu sakangaayaw namu a mitalif tunini a aira a dmak a ma^min atu sakangaayaw namu a tumireng i kaayaw nuya wawa nu Tamdaw han ni Yis,be always on the watch and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen and that you may be able to stand before the son of Man,train +71981,71982,71982,o maengengay caira a malama a tatusa,their father and son stutter,train +71982,71983,71983,tumelep tu,end,train +71983,71984,71984,miliyasay,the deceased,train +71984,71985,71985,nanum tahira i saseraan nu taladaw,go to the waters edge and kill the Qing soldiers one by one,train +71985,71986,71986,maulah rumadiw kaku atu kaka tu fainayan,both my brother and I like to sing,train +71986,71987,71987,haenay ku urip numisafunuay,this is the picture of a farmhouse,train +71987,71988,71988,hatira kura ku maku urip,my life at that time,train +71988,71989,71989,epah,wine,train +71989,71990,71990,satatuyatuyay tu,there is practicing in the hold,test +71990,71991,71991,mafukilhu kisu tu maamaan,I am not familiar with anything yet,train +71991,71992,71992,mafuluday,pack,train +71992,71993,71993,Lahuday,Easy,train +71993,71994,71994,Talakawcung a miseking ku wawa nu maku anini,our children went to the high school today to take their exams,train +71994,71995,71995,talalutuk a miperu tu kama ku lalavu nu luma na Panay,the Panay family went to the mountains to Harvest oranges,train +71995,71996,71996,satapang satu cingra a pasifana i cangraan suwal sa,and he began to teach them saying,train +71996,71997,71997,7 samaanay ci Yihufa pacaˈuf tu satulun nangra hani,how did the Lord answer their prayers,train +71997,71998,71998,mamaan aca ka pinengen kisu tu ayam,it does not matter then you go and watch the birds,train +71998,71999,71999,malukelungay,downhill,train +71999,72000,72000,Mangaay tu icuwa kita malalitemuh,Sure where should we meet,test +72000,72001,72001,natefad haw tura salil ku iciku mitaruh tu,as soon as the first boat is out of the net a joint double tow will be necessary,train +72001,72002,72002,anu u lumatu anu u palate tangasa iraay i luma a kaludafudafung u nu fafahiantu a mapulung,from the house to the farmland and even the household goods and possessions all belong to the wife,train +72002,72003,72003,a cima tu tu rucuk ninian a ngasaw,who will inherit this clan,train +72003,72004,72004,maapacaw,late,train +72004,72005,72005,Talaktak ku lusa nira,her tears dropped,train +72005,72006,72006,nisaturun,pounding common sticky rice,train +72006,72007,72007,cecay,one radical in Chinese characters,train +72007,72008,72008,awaawaay itini i Yamaseta ma,there is no police here,train +72008,72009,72009,maan ku mitengil kuya wawawawa hu cay pisulinga mitengil,I was too young to pay attention to the incantations they recited,train +72009,72010,72010,ka hatiya rumiʼad tayran kita,we travel on selected days,test +72010,72011,72011,u pikacawan han nu Pangcah ora pikacawan haw i anu ira ku mipalitaay tu u sapimaan u maan ku tatudung nunini a lalusidan saan haw i ira ku tuluay a kakalimelaan tunini,that is an important tribal marker the watchtower if anyone asks about the function of the watchtower and what it represents it has three very important functions,train +72011,72012,72012,itini tu i,in years,train +72012,72013,72013,tiya miucur cingra tu safasafa nangra a mimamaan haw,and then it is distributed to the lower classes is not it,train +72013,72014,72014,Nikar,female name,train +72014,72015,72015,Paacaen nu mita,we have to pay,train +72015,72016,72016,Maaraw ku fufu tu nikaulah tunu litengan a dateng tada malitaang atu maremed kaku,seeing my grandmothers passion for traditional food I feel very proud and honored,train +72016,72017,72017,anu u maan a dmakan nu tau ku kaulahan namu tu saki tamuwanan i haenen ku dmak tu saki cangraan,do to others as you would have them do to you,train +72017,72018,72018,ci falucu kaku itiya minanam,I studied very hard,train +72018,72019,72019,9 cipinangay ci Pawlu anu awa ku sadama nu Kawas tu niyah citulasay ku mamademak,Paul realized that he was limited in what he could do without Gods help,train +72019,72020,72020,namuwanan tu i awaay tu,your generation,test +72020,72021,72021,O pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw i pitngil,he who has an ear let him hear,train +72021,72022,72022,tanestes,handsome,train +72022,72023,72023,mihecaan lima mihecaan alaʼen tu aku,after five years my daughter in law wants to take it back,train +72023,72024,72024,maʼaraw tu ku Taytu i ruma mih paisingay ti hananay,I have been to a hospital like Taitung for the past few years,train +72024,72025,72025,nu nian u havay iri,the period of time is based on,train +72025,72026,72026,u raecusay nu mita tireng,bad,train +72026,72027,72027,manhan namu nu Hulam hay iraay iraw,what is the Chinese name for the rice mill Yes the rice mill over there,train +72027,72028,72028,kafel,pants,train +72028,72029,72029,tiniay i pusung atulan ku niyaru aku,my hometown is Taitung Dulan tribe,train +72029,72030,72030,ci Apraham pinaay miheca a mitala ikur ngaˈ mahufucay ku fufu ci Isau aci Yakup,Abraham waited many years for his grandchildren Esau and Jacob to be born,test +72030,72031,72031,suʼelin tu ura kiʼeciw u radiw,Really the leaders song,train +72031,72032,72032,halafin tu caka sasuaraw kita akawangay tu kisu,I have not seen you in a while you have grown taller,train +72032,72033,72033,mahaenay kina demak niyam tangasa i,in preparation for the year of the Republic of China,train +72033,72034,72034,malaliday,often,train +72034,72035,72035,micelem,diving,train +72035,72036,72036,ira ku mahiniyay a kakurut,Yes like this bitter melon,train +72036,72037,72037,masakawkaw,like a scythe,train +72037,72038,72038,iraay ku nani timulay nani Palidaway sanay,there is the Amis clan that migrated from the south from this side of Hengchun,train +72038,72039,72039,ira tu,Yes,train +72039,72040,72040,awa ku mafanaʼay kira,no one will know,test +72040,72041,72041,manevnev tu ku niyaru,the tribe will flood,train +72041,72042,72042,ri itini ku picudad aku haw hay,that is why I paint,train +72042,72043,72043,kangkang,rake,train +72043,72044,72044,ini han naku saw mahaen ku pikawit,here is a half finished piece I knitted first,train +72044,72045,72045,Mangangi^ ku tiked isu alatek cimaalaay a futing tengtengen ari,I will teach you how to make a fish trap next time,train +72045,72046,72046,satu terung nu laviiay,from the evening,train +72046,72047,72047,Kinatelel ku namal,the fire died out,train +72047,72048,72048,i namaka sawaliʼan ay tatip,from the east and from the west,train +72048,72049,72049,kafung,hat,train +72049,72050,72050,a pakatataak hu tukufa,I think the company could be bigger,test +72050,72051,72051,tekul,throwing,train +72051,72052,72052,sapatelung,gift,train +72052,72053,72053,caay ka itini i niyaru,but not in their own tribe,train +72053,72054,72054,ku akaway niyan a icep,the backbone of betel nut,train +72054,72055,72055,anu anu sibuting sa u labi salabii sa a mihicay,if there is a catch you have been fishing all night,train +72055,72056,72056,i hanahanaan,in the flowers,train +72056,72057,72057,u nisangaan a cadiway ku sapicadiway i lilis nu sauwac,fishing from the shore with the triangular nets they made,train +72057,72058,72058,yu mitngilhu ku alumanay tunini a suwal i patuur han ni Yis a sumuwal tu ccay a tinaku itiya i mangatatu ni Yis ku Yirusalim u tatangsul a talahkal ku pikuwan nu Kawas saan ku harateng nangra,while they were listening to this he went on to tell them a parable because he was near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God was going to appear at once,train +72058,72059,72059,mahaen ku nipisanga,that is how it is done,train +72059,72060,72060,aniniay awawa nu finawlan,children in the tribe,test +72060,72061,72061,caay kafilu aku cira a sumuwal,I cannot talk to him,train +72061,72062,72062,tuntun,chop,train +72062,72063,72063,Mitana ci mama aku,my dad picks prickly onions,train +72063,72064,72064,minanam tu piliyas tu luma,it is good to be away from home Oh,train +72064,72065,72065,Saraʼayan nu nirakatan nu Cikasuʼan tiya tangasa i sakaitini Tefutefuʼan han nu itiraay haw,the furthest place where the seven foot river people moved during that period was in Deerfield Taitung,train +72065,72066,72066,sakakaay kaka aku itini i Kalingku misawanengay mala kakelidan nu misawanengay,my older brother is a supervisor at the Hualien sugar Factory,train +72066,72067,72067,cay ka hacuwa,not for long,train +72067,72068,72068,mahuni kiya cirut paciʼciʼ sa caka fana u wawa hu kira,I was so young I insisted on going out when the birds were chirping,train +72068,72069,72069,ngaay tu tala han aku kisu i luma,Sure I will wait for you at home,train +72069,72070,72070,rawraw,noisy,test +72070,72071,72071,awaay ku ^puc nuya nilifetan namu tu masamaamaanay saw Ci^pucaytu sa kaku,have you suffered so much for nothing if it really was for nothing,train +72071,72072,72072,mavana ira ku adadaay a tamdaw i luma cira a mitala,he is waiting at home knowing someone is sick,train +72072,72073,72073,warak,be poisoned,train +72073,72074,72074,matiniay micakay,I am buying it now,train +72074,72075,72075,ini hay ira kuni ketal han tu mihaen,this one there is this to turn it on like this,train +72075,72076,72076,mapalal,Awake,train +72076,72077,72077,Papina^ ku kaka^ atu safa^ nu misu,how many siblings do you have,train +72077,72078,72078,sa nu kaeman hu kaku mafanaʼay tu pinapina nu,I have known a few instruments since I was a kid,train +72078,72079,72079,ya hunira haw awaay hu ku pakatausay a tunu Yincumin,no Aboriginal person can meet this standard,train +72079,72080,72080,malapifuwahan,turn it into a doorknob,test +72080,72081,72081,mahaen ku nipisangaʼan niyam,we did,train +72081,72082,72082,lilid han isu samanan isu mililid tu tingsa,how do you carry those boards on your bike do you tow them,train +72082,72083,72083,anu tahalifaay kisu tu matiniay a demak wa ngaˈay kisu misamaan miliyaw a lipahaken ku falucuˈ hani,if you are facing such a situation what can you do to regain your joy,train +72083,72084,72084,alamicuhcuh,everybody sucks,train +72084,72085,72085,ci Singkuy hananay a lutuk haw,Tsz Wan Shan,train +72085,72086,72086,mahaen midakaw vatikar iri,and that is how I got back on my bike,train +72086,72087,72087,caay kaala,for them,train +72087,72088,72088,suʼelinay miliyaw kaku tayra,Really I will come next time,train +72088,72089,72089,cincya eng yise u hiya lalumaʼan te,you are family so you are family too,train +72089,72090,72090,u maan a radiwan u nu Pangcah a radiw,the Amis song,test +72090,72091,72091,i cuwaay tu mikilim tura singsi sanay,where did you find such a teacher,train +72091,72092,72092,pasanga,send something to be repaired,train +72092,72093,72093,saripa,sole,train +72093,72094,72094,kaliumahan,domain,train +72094,72095,72095,u lingatu nina,early years,train +72095,72096,72096,nayira naayaw itira ku,there used to be this daycare,train +72096,72097,72097,hay hiyaen niyam misavaluvalud,Yes we are bundled together,train +72097,72098,72098,takudul tu mapacumud tu i hali,it is going up it is going into the beam,train +72098,72099,72099,cingusetay,snotty,train +72099,72100,72100,mafawahay ku Yufing han,is the post office open,test +72100,72101,72101,o mamatangay a pala kinafacal,this field is very fertile,train +72101,72102,72102,anu mavana tu ngudu atu lisin nu niyam dengay tu a mikihatiya,just be respectful and follow our taboos you are more than welcome to attend,train +72102,72103,72103,itiya hu u kapah maliyang masaseti,classes fought each other back then,train +72103,72104,72104,misatikutikul tu miharateng tu nu itiyaay hu a demak haw suelinay tu,I keep going back to the old days,train +72104,72105,72105,mafalatay,crosswise,train +72105,72106,72106,u salil wa ca pauburi,no holes in the nets,train +72106,72107,72107,mipaluma,planting,train +72107,72108,72108,13 anu maˈudang ku raramud nu Krisciyang u madimadiay i raramud a tamdaw wa misaˈusi tu sasamaan ku demak,if one of the partners in a Christian couple commits adultery the innocent partner has a decision to make,train +72108,72109,72109,nu wama aku caka pina caka hakuwa,not much,train +72109,72110,72110,a tayni kami padamsu a sa,we are going to have to come over and pay our taxes,test +72110,72111,72111,matini ku tuas aku halhal satu kaku tu pahafay nu wawa,I am old and decrepit and I just want to be fed by my children,train +72111,72112,72112,anu mahaen utiih a milawa tu midevungay nu tawu,Otherwise we cannot defend ourselves from the outside world,train +72112,72113,72113,Macada ku tikami isu anini mahemekay ku falucu aku,I was very happy to receive your letter today,train +72113,72114,72114,Or^ur han nu kaka kira safa a papikuliniw tu kamaya nu fiyaw,the older brother instigates the younger brother to steal the neighbors persimmon,train +72114,72115,72115,anu mihalama kamu,if you guys are out and about,train +72115,72116,72116,sakacicaheni,causes of itching,train +72116,72117,72117,akungan,Grandpa,train +72117,72118,72118,maiwawa,kid,train +72118,72119,72119,cayka lasawad kiraan kasaselal tamatini,the age class has not disappeared from the past to the present,train +72119,72120,72120,a kihepic tu mahaenay sa ku misasiraw,thinly sliced is the perfect ingredient for savory meats,test +72120,72121,72121,Ngaʼayaay,it is okay,train +72121,72122,72122,haw ngaʼayay ku ninian,this ones good too,train +72122,72123,72123,u ranan kuya saka lingad aku tayra i hananay,at that time I used him to work in the farmland of Dafeng Village,train +72123,72124,72124,paka捷運nay kaku a minukay,I go home by MRT,train +72124,72125,72125,mahenay ku pisangaay nu ku hatiray pisahakilang ningra,that is how they get the wood,train +72125,72126,72126,keru,dancers posture,train +72126,72127,72127,mahanay,here is the thing,train +72127,72128,72128,milikakawa,preparation,train +72128,72129,72129,sacecaycecay san i iraw itini hay aluman,one by one over there Yeah a lot,train +72129,72130,72130,o tayu a cecay ku iraay a kakawaw nu matukaay,the behavior of a lazy person is to be inactive at work,test +72130,72131,72131,nani Dipungay,from Japan,train +72131,72132,72132,cecay luma cecayay ku tayra misakuli,send one to work,train +72132,72133,72133,u mawumahay kiyami ku taterungan nuniyaru sisa mimaan a caay pidiput tu mawmahay,that is why you have to take care of the farmers because farming is the main focus of the tribe,train +72133,72134,72134,o citupiay kina luma,this family has pigeons,train +72134,72135,72135,na maherek maliumah,and the farming is over,train +72135,72136,72136,sisa ikudultu ku laying anu malenu ku liyal,that is why the waves go up at high tide Yes,train +72136,72137,72137,kafanaʼan nangra cecayay ku malahedaway sa,all we know about them is that one of them is missing,train +72137,72138,72138,sacacay sa kamu itira cacay,you are the only ones there just one,train +72138,72139,72139,awaay sanay,No no no no no no No,train +72139,72140,72140,ta pahiyaen ningra tu daheci a mitangtang,stir in arrowroot to make a soup,test +72140,72141,72141,ruma tu ku suwal,in other words,train +72141,72142,72142,Mitatuy caira tu exiw a mitaung tu liteng nira,they worship their ancestors with incense,train +72142,72143,72143,matuka sa caka fesu kira,when you are lazy you do not swell up,train +72143,72144,72144,Nikawrira yu canguut kaku i mipadang kamu i takuwanan Ngaayay kunini a dmak namu,yet it was good of you to share in my troubles,train +72144,72145,72145,tu namahaen in sa kiya vavuy,and then the pigs barked and squealed,train +72145,72146,72146,talaw,fear,train +72146,72147,72147,matapaay ku kamay,there is a cut in the hand,train +72147,72148,72148,caay kapawku,no flat tires,train +72148,72149,72149,Matifek tu ku panay niyam,our rice have been milled,train +72149,72150,72150,liyawen kuninan,this rewrite,test +72150,72151,72151,u nu atu nini a Taywan,the east coast fault in Taiwan,train +72151,72152,72152,Masapa ku tireng nira a nengnengen,he looks well and lazy,train +72152,72153,72153,wacifenengay tu ku matuasay nu mita,our elders are really wise,train +72153,72154,72154,ta ura kilang tura tata angay,those big logs,train +72154,72155,72155,tayra satu cira itini i Bilung,he is come to Meron,train +72155,72156,72156,Suˈlin u Tingsukiw kami kawra cuwa ka pisakakinih ku fufu tu piduyungan saka naitiraay i widang ningra ira kunu piduyungan a cudad,even though we were Catholics Grandpa was very open minded about religion so he took some religious books and magazines from a friend,train +72156,72157,72157,Milupas caira,they are picking,train +72157,72158,72158,macicihmatepung,torn,train +72158,72159,72159,ira ku ccay a wawa tu pakakurisiway,there was a child who was riding a bicycle,train +72159,72160,72160,tanuktuk,dynamic,test +72160,72161,72161,mita,we,train +72161,72162,72162, paˈaraw kisu tu ika a mitusil iraay ku maanan ngaˈayay a milifetan han,B what good experiences have you had playing these movies lately,train +72162,72163,72163,itini satu kami i saʼetip,we have always lived upstate,train +72163,72164,72164,dauc,forever,train +72164,72165,72165,nawhani haenen hu a mipalaluma,stick it in there first,train +72165,72166,72166,tuedaway kura palaturanan,it is a very long field,train +72166,72167,72167,miketusay han kura,it is called selective rice picking,train +72167,72168,72168,isun,inch,train +72168,72169,72169,Avavaen tu kira tutuy tayra miadup,we will carry the puppy on our backs,train +72169,72170,72170,safaw lima,fifteen,test +72170,72171,72171,o mausaway nu kaka nira ku sakaranam nu maku,his sister has left me breakfast,train +72171,72172,72172,u Isi yama hananay itini,this is called the stone mountain section,train +72172,72173,72173,a muketep ku nipivalic tu muketepay nu maku,I am going to change ten ten dollar bills,train +72173,72174,72174,hatiraay ku tayal nu ising atu kangkufu,that is what health care workers do,train +72174,72175,72175,Mikamkam hananay mihiya tira rengus,scratch the grass with your hands,train +72175,72176,72176,misaharaterateng,think about it,train +72176,72177,72177,dakaw han tu ku utufay ni mama isu a talapicudadan,take your dads motorcycle to school,train +72177,72178,72178,a mawmah,farming,train +72178,72179,72179,ira Halinung hananay ira kiya faki aku ci Okay,the Harlem witch and my uncle five Gates,train +72179,72180,72180,Taywan,we are all from Minnan,test +72180,72181,72181,itiyahu u mimaliay tayra i taykak mitilid cimira,former players went to college,train +72181,72182,72182,ha,Ha,train +72182,72183,72183,sa minengneng sa kaku tu itira i lihilihian salikaka i,I saw the brothers and sisters of the Ligi tribe,train +72183,72184,72184,u tatudung nunini midutucay tu ngangan nu tuas papinang u cecayay ku lilengawan malu saka fana nu cimacima a tamdaw u wawa niira kaku sanay,the intent is to carry on the name of ones ancestors and the system of representing the clan so that other relatives and friends know from which family one is descended,train +72184,72185,72185,mansa sapilicayaw kaku kisunan faki,that is why I want to know,train +72185,72186,72186,mamangay kiya hiya yu,that is a small one,train +72186,72187,72187,Orasaka du^du han ku suwal niyam ira i tamiyanan ku nanu miktunay tu falucu i Kawas a saspatay a tamdaw,so do what we tell you there are four men with us who have made a vow,train +72187,72188,72188,halafinay tu nisangaan isu hay,it is been a long hunt,train +72188,72189,72189,Mayasiyas ku remes nura masuntulay nu tusiya a tamdaw,the man who was hit by the car was bleeding profusely,train +72189,72190,72190,Tusa^ ku rinum nu tuki^,the clock has two hands,test +72190,72191,72191,Hay cedeng han ku rakat,Okay slow down,train +72191,72192,72192,nani uwanay awa kapu matiraay a radiw,this kind of leading is incomplete and useless,train +72192,72193,72193,misakuwaay,papaya,train +72193,72194,72194,mauh^uh,cough,train +72194,72195,72195,pidapidacan a lutuk,lofty mountains and steep hills,train +72195,72196,72196,mansa anu ira ku mapatayay itira a,so there are those who have passed on to the next life,train +72196,72197,72197,Cuwa u riku ni panay kuni,No this is Panays coat,train +72197,72198,72198,lecad,equal,train +72198,72199,72199,u mamu tu ku suwal hay ha ha ha ha,the language is grandmotherly ha ha ha ha ha,train +72199,72200,72200,mipuhpuhay tira mapatayay a tamdaw,when the burial is completed the family will seal the coffin and move it to the funeral,test +72200,72201,72201,culculen,make a call,train +72201,72202,72202,mimaanay ku tayal ni faki^ isu,what does your uncle do for a living,train +72202,72203,72203,paherek tu ku keter nu was tu raraw,God has been satisfied concerning sin,train +72203,72204,72204,mitaliyuk,make a circle,train +72204,72205,72205,cifainay tu kaku kira,then I got married,train +72205,72206,72206,milawuday tu sanay kura tudung nira Lalawudan hananay,the Laloran language means close,train +72206,72207,72207,u ruray u ruray faedet,hard work and sweltering heat,train +72207,72208,72208,adihay widi,a lot of leeches,train +72208,72209,72209,catu ka ngaʼay rumakat,they cannot even walk,train +72209,72210,72210,Ocung ku lalangaw i pisasinaran,there are a lot of flies in the watermelon garden,test +72210,72211,72211,u ama aku itiya miadup cecay i liyal,my dads hunting he is alone at the beach,train +72211,72212,72212,Papiridriden nu matuasay ci kaka aku a mipaluwad tu kapah nu niyaru,my brother was guided by Jains to lead the revival of tribal youth,train +72212,72213,72213,tayra,go to,train +72213,72214,72214,o kinatusa anini,this is the second time,train +72214,72215,72215,ilisin hu ku finawlan,the tribes also have a festival,train +72215,72216,72216,tira sa tira mi kiluma tu hiya,that is where I live,train +72216,72217,72217,mahaenay ku nipibuting nu riyar a,that is the way fishing is done at sea,train +72217,72218,72218,u tatenaan nu riyar,the ocean floor,train +72218,72219,72219,keni,blink,train +72219,72220,72220,tini i hiya i,at that time,test +72220,72221,72221,Misakulang ca Mayaw i kasienawan,Mayaw they grow mustard in winter,train +72221,72222,72222,ira ku papinapina a tamdaw nai Yutaya a tayra i Antiyuk Pasifanaen nangra ku salikaka suwal sa Anu caay pidu^du kamu tu Rikec ni Musi a makrit i caay ku mamapaurip kamu han nangra,some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the brothers Unless you are circumcised according to the custom taught by Moses you cannot be saved,train +72222,72223,72223,sakapahay ku tinsu,grades are the highest scores,train +72223,72224,72224,mitilid itini i kuucung i,only Chunghwa,train +72224,72225,72225,alaen ra aayaw mikalic haca fafaʼed nu ungcuy,put it in the front and slowly move up the side,train +72225,72226,72226,Hay mararid kaku a talalutuk yu u kapah hu,Yes I used to go hunting in the mountains when I was young,train +72226,72227,72227,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u mamalahci ku pulung nunini a dmak i ayaw nu nika patay nu aniniay a tamdaw,I tell you the truth this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened,train +72227,72228,72228,tuhem,be speechless,train +72228,72229,72229,awaay tu ku picacescesan i Taypak,there is no place to catch cobras in Taipei,train +72229,72230,72230,Pacadaen tu fakici kura lesa,please use a bucket to catch leaks,test +72230,72231,72231,hantu,indistinct,train +72231,72232,72232,milaliw ku saluafang nira,his soul has left him,train +72232,72233,72233,rayray,traditional,train +72233,72234,72234,sadahca nu Pangcah kami,all of us are Amis,train +72234,72235,72235,han nuya kuwaping haw kura acefel talafekang,water vapor is like smoke in the air which is called swirling in Chinese,train +72235,72236,72236,cima kina tamdaw sa kamu i takuwan,maybe you will think who this is,train +72236,72237,72237,adihay ku ma pakuyuc a Yencumin,many poor Aborigines,train +72237,72238,72238,itiya i fahal sa a ira ku cuyuh nu Tapang mapatdi nu likat kuya pirufuan Pa^pa han nuya cuyuh ku afala ni Pitiru a mipalal Kalamkamen a lumuwad han ningra ta tfad satu nai kamay ningra kuya lunayi,suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell he struck Peter on the side and woke him up Quick get up he said and the chains fell off Peters wrists,train +72238,72239,72239,o kaka^ nu maku,she is my sister,train +72239,72240,72240,maulah kaku minanam tu mipatikiriay tu radiw,I like to learn to sing choral rhymes,test +72240,72241,72241,u tudung tu halalan tu anu caciyaw anu ira ku hasasuwalen,symbolizes the channel of dialogue between man and God,train +72241,72242,72242,lipahak kaku tu nika tayni na Stifanas aci Furtunatus aci Akaykus nawhani cangra ku patudungay tu nika awa namu i tini,I was glad when Stephanas Fortunatus and Achaicus arrived because they have supplied what was lacking from you,train +72242,72243,72243,satumeked,independent,train +72243,72244,72244,ku^sanay,sweet,train +72244,72245,72245,a misapinang u maan ku sakaciepuc nunini nu nian a finacadan sa,First we have to figure out where we are leading our people,train +72245,72246,72246,Cakay,personal name,train +72246,72247,72247,malakahengangay,it is red,train +72247,72248,72248,maʼinal tu tu,I am so jealous,train +72248,72249,72249,ci Lifuk ku ngangan isu sa ku suwal nu ina aku,my mom said my name must be Satomi,train +72249,72250,72250,tini Pungudan i tiya hu,the former bridge tribe,test +72250,72251,72251,tayni tu mawmah tu tu umah nu Ripun,I am here to work for the Japanese,train +72251,72252,72252,O malmeday ku damsayay a tamdaw nawhani u mamilayap cangra tu nanu nisuwalan nu Kawas a sapafli a pala,blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth,train +72252,72253,72253,patay wa satu i liteng satu i,once you are old and dead,train +72253,72254,72254,matakupay hu ku ama aku,my father was still alive,train +72254,72255,72255,parikecen,make it lawful,train +72255,72256,72256,ngaʼay hu kamu ngaʼay hu kami wawa,how are you guys doing Hey kid Hello boys,train +72256,72257,72257,u saka ringesan tu,leads to the rule of law of the people against the Japanese,train +72257,72258,72258,Asiruma anu u lahengangay atu muhetingay,red or black is fine,train +72258,72259,72259,a ma ansa kita uraan kura luwanen,Ah if it does not feel right then it has to be cut,train +72259,72260,72260,Mangaʼay,may I,test +72260,72261,72261,misipasip,rub,train +72261,72262,72262,ira kirana tarangitang hananay,the bell that is tied at the waist,train +72262,72263,72263,kangalayan,care for somebody,train +72263,72264,72264,tu i maturin han saw,continuing through fourth grade,train +72264,72265,72265,mahadak i siyataw lima a fun ku karumakat tahiraay tu,it only takes five minutes after you walk out of the station,train +72265,72266,72266,Kasemuwal,Please,train +72266,72267,72267,misimsimay,reflective,train +72267,72268,72268,ira sa ku demak nu mikakeridan tu nu hatiniay nu mita u hananay,if there are activities related to local education,train +72268,72269,72269,anu sapikariangan ku cima tuya tatusaay i masadak i nguyus nangra ku namal a mitkup tu ada nangra anu sapikariangan ku cima i cangraan i caay ka ^ca ka haen a mapatay kuya tamdaw,if anyone tries to harm them fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies this is how anyone who wants to harm them must die,train +72269,72270,72270,hacikayay,swift,test +72270,72271,72271,ira itira tuya niyaru ci Simun hananay a tamdaw o cikawasay cingra tu hatiniay a pafahka tu finawlan nu Samariya o tadamaanay kaku sa cingra tu tireng ningra,now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria he boasted that he was someone great,train +72271,72272,72272,hay mahaenay,that is it,train +72272,72273,72273,han aku a milicay,let me put it this way,train +72273,72274,72274,saka sa han hanaku ku paini i titanan u iraay aca itini a mapulung sa,I will explain it to you this way,train +72274,72275,72275,pisalisinan nu Taywan,festivals in Taiwan,train +72275,72276,72276,kamenek,quiet state,train +72276,72277,72277,aya kakitan tuku anini a wawa,my thoughts,train +72277,72278,72278,ya kalanuʼay nira,down there,train +72278,72279,72279,awaay hu kura tahini takuwanan haw,I do not have the lyrics yet,train +72279,72280,72280,sakapulul,the reason why Caged,test +72280,72281,72281,papidungecen,call,train +72281,72282,72282,nu kuʼkuʼ aku,my foot bones,train +72282,72283,72283,cima ku kailulan nu misu,who do you miss,train +72283,72284,72284,u niket tu sakaurip a demak u nu kakumudan kumud han a midemak u nu tireng a demak mapapaliw a mapapadang anu ira ku nikaalaan mapapavatis,economic system common property is built by the tribal people private production work can be exchanged with each other and other harvested products are shared with each other,train +72284,72285,72285,o ruma satu a suwal nu manaangay a litid nu likisi i u sarakatay misanga tu atumu ku Amis a finacadan saan ku suwal,according to literature the Amis were the pioneers of the pottery culture,train +72285,72286,72286,sa mahenenay kiy mama aku,this is my fathers life,train +72286,72287,72287,sapikaputan,I would like to join,train +72287,72288,72288,anu hatini siyukayen aku kamu,now I will introduce you to,train +72288,72289,72289,awaaytu ku pinang aku a miharateng tunini a dmak Saka licay han aku ci Pawlu mangalay kisu a tayra i Yirusalim ta itira a sawkiten,I was at a loss how to investigate such matters so I asked if he would be willing to go to Jerusalem and stand trial there on these charges,train +72289,72290,72290,Matngiltu namu ku nanu sapimet a limuut nu itiyaayhu a tamdaw tuya Aka pipatay tu tamdaw O mipatayay a tamdaw i u mamasawkit sanay,You have heard that it was said to the people long ago Do not murder and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment,test +72290,72291,72291,tangila,ear,train +72291,72292,72292,hatira aca ku suwal aku kira,that is what I want to say,train +72292,72293,72293,tuna ira ku tadamaanay a dil anini saka malasawadtu ku itiyaayhu a dil,for what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory,train +72293,72294,72294,Paricaricen nu kulung i kilang ku tiyad,the cow rubbed its belly against the tree,train +72294,72295,72295,u kimad nu Pangcah nu taya nu punung satu kira,you can tell stories about the Amis the Thayas the Bununs,train +72295,72296,72296,minengneng tu ni alaan nuya malingaday a tamdaw nengnenghan nira tusa a langa watah ku haci nunini a kiyafes saan,he looked at what the farmer plucked and saw two baskets were full of guavas,train +72296,72297,72297,ira kura mafanaʼay a singsi a ciwlu,there is a very knowledgeable teacher and elder,train +72297,72298,72298,faʼinay nira i militekay tu kilang,his husband is chopping down trees,train +72298,72299,72299,u na engac hawi,and this months peach leaves,train +72299,72300,72300,yu masadak cangra i ira ku patayraay i ci Yisan tu ccay a maaruay nu palafuay a maapaay a tamdaw,while they were going out a man who was demon possessed and could not talk was brought to Jesus,test +72300,72301,72301,caay kaku patudung haw,I was not prepared,train +72301,72302,72302,o patingwaay ku tayal nira i kalahitayan,he was a Correspondent soldier during his service,train +72302,72303,72303,aluman fayfahi Kirasa kamu,you are both girls,train +72303,72304,72304,anu malikuda kita i,when we lead the spiritual dance,train +72304,72305,72305,Masaʼupu ku malinaay maemin,all the family and friends gathered,train +72305,72306,72306,tira kaku malatumuk kaku kaku itiya,I was the first head of Hoodlum,train +72306,72307,72307,oni a demak i mafana tu kaku tu nai pinalengaw nu Yincumin atu kakaenen a fenek ruma satu matinaku tu ku ruray nu mipaacaay,through this event I learned about indigenous plants and food and experienced the hard work of running a stall,train +72307,72308,72308,kan mala hiya kami u syentu kami,we will be the ones who lead the way,train +72308,72309,72309,ratar,good morning,train +72309,72310,72310,cadiway,triangle hand net,test +72310,72311,72311,Pinaun nawhani u rarpeten nu tamdaw kamu a patayra i piliclican o mamasti nangra kamu i kasaupuan a luma nangra,Be on your guard against men they will hand you over to the local Councils and flog you in their synagogues,train +72311,72312,72312,u wawa tu ini nusa falucu aku,I have been thinking about it in my mind too,train +72312,72313,72313,mipitaw kami mimaumah kami maala hu ku pecuh ya pudac nu pecuh nu riyal,when we mowed and plowed we dug up shells from the sea,train +72313,72314,72314,i Kalingku ku kasufucan nu maku,my birthplace is Hualien,train +72314,72315,72315,macaciyaw nu maku i sawni kami,I just mentioned it,train +72315,72316,72316,kinaira,Harvest,train +72316,72317,72317,salama sahu ku wawa,just playing around,train +72317,72318,72318,ta tayra satu kuya kulikuli i lalan anu tatiihaytu a tamdaw anu ngaayaytu a tamdaw ku maaraway nangra i hamhamen nangra a ma^min Saka tumes satu ku lafang i pitahkaan,so the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find both good and bad and the wedding hall was filled with guests,train +72318,72319,72319,Nanuya maaraw i Acutus a niyaru ci Filip rakat han ningra ku pulung nu kasaniyaruaru a patnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh tangasa i Kaysariya,Philip however appeared at Azotus and traveled about preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea,train +72319,72320,72320,caay kalecad tu aniniyay,festivals in the past were different from today,test +72320,72321,72321,Mireku tu unanay nu falucu nira,grant her hearts desire,train +72321,72322,72322,a suerap han nira kura alu,it is all about backtracking along the river,train +72322,72323,72323,o padadinguay i tisuwanan kira cudad,those books make you wear glasses,train +72323,72324,72324,cifaduwacay,ribbed,train +72324,72325,72325,itini manan a demakan patahekalay tu pakaˈmetay tu tireng ci Yihufa hani,in what does the Lord show self control,train +72325,72326,72326,tusa tulu a rumiʼad haw i,sometimes it takes days at a time,train +72326,72327,72327,san sa ka samatira satu,that is it,train +72327,72328,72328,anu lietec sa i,when it is cold,train +72328,72329,72329,nanay u sakangaʼay,I hope it improves,train +72329,72330,72330,misanga tu emu kira,making rice cakes,test +72330,72331,72331,pacamul hantu kiraan hayi san ku wawa,you can add any of these dishes and the kids will be happy to take them,train +72331,72332,72332,mahaen ku maku pisafalucu tiraan na kakeruan na Matadim,that is how I have been fighting for Martellins dancing Square,train +72332,72333,72333,Pavelian,Give,train +72333,72334,72334,saku falucu nu maku sisa,I keep telling myself that,train +72334,72335,72335,aya kuya malitengay,what the hell the elders,train +72335,72336,72336,Karaedu ku Iwatan a finacadan,the Bunun calf muscles are huge,train +72336,72337,72337,saka tengilaw nu ˈalumanay tu kimad ningra tumirengay i cukuwi ci Rusufu a mikimad,in order for the audience to hear his speech clearly Bro Lutzfeld also stood on the table and spoke,train +72337,72338,72338,malukes nira hai samatiraʼay ku sakapelpel nura,he is been criticized for being worthless,train +72338,72339,72339,kuengalay ri pudac han makaenhu safelen kaesuʼtu,ten hearts can be cooked very well,train +72339,72340,72340,Kinacecayay kaku aci Henri malacafayay tayra i kaˈamis a Pakistan mitusil,on one occasion I went with brother Finch to preach in north Pakistan,test +72340,72341,72341,Maktuntu ku pinapina a caang nu ulif a kilang ta mapatungud itira tuya kilang ku caang nu lifal a kilang malcad tunini a caang nu lifal kamu u ruma a finacadan Mikihatiyatu kamu tu Yutaya a tamdaw a makadufah ku urip namu,if some of the branches have been broken off and you though a wild olive shoot have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root,train +72341,72342,72342,maherak tu a malahitai u sasuwal nu matuasay maedeng tu kisu u fahinayan tu kisu,after finishing the military service the elderly said You have become a grown up man,train +72342,72343,72343,Mikenaw ku kaying,the ladies are picking green onions,train +72343,72344,72344,misimaway tu tanku,worked as a caretaker of the warehouse,train +72344,72345,72345,kalutamdaw,People,train +72345,72346,72346,Hay pakakawtyi kaku a tala Kawsyung,Yes I go to Kaohsiung by high speed Rail,train +72346,72347,72347,dengay a mitupin tu tipus,it can carry rice,train +72347,72348,72348,Anu miintel i tamuwanan ku tamdamdaw i kafana kamu tu nika i ayaw namu a makaintel nangra Kaku,If the world hates you keep in mind that it hated me first,train +72348,72349,72349,Mapurpur ku funus nu puut ni akung,Gongs knife blade is unfavorable,train +72349,72350,72350,o miuliday kaku i matini saka salipahak saan kaku tu rumiamiad,I am in love so I am happy every day,test +72350,72351,72351,a hay initu amin kamu haw,we are all alive,train +72351,72352,72352,Misafula tu fafahi nu tau cingra,he committed a sexual act against the wife of another,train +72352,72353,72353,minnasan ulutey ululimasiyu sa,Everybodys happy that is it,train +72353,72354,72354,aniba,kitchen,train +72354,72355,72355,nawhani Anu matfingtu aku ku kafafang ni Yis i u mamaadah kaku saan ku harateng ningra,she said to herself If I only touch his cloak I will be healed,train +72355,72356,72356,lupas,peaches,train +72356,72357,72357,Kalaanengang han nira ku fakeluh a maru,he used the stone as a chair to sit on,train +72357,72358,72358,mitakaway tu panaluma anu u mangah tu hi wawa i,stealing what was planted,train +72358,72359,72359,kahad ku sera niyam,we have a lot of land,train +72359,72360,72360,dadaya ri mafana ku futay nu hitay ri,the Counselor of the army knew about it at night,test +72360,72361,72361,Sipasiphan nu singsi tu sapaiyu a mitafu ku duka aku,the teacher rubbed me with medicine and bandaged my wound,train +72361,72362,72362,i pusung ku kamaruan na Osay,Osay and the others live in Taitung,train +72362,72363,72363,Itiyatu i cilusaˈay ci Pitiru a milicay O cecay nura malafelay a siri kaku han,Peter read it tears welling up in his eyes and he asked Dunn Am I one of the sheep,train +72363,72364,72364,icuwaay ci Panay malalifet tu cumikayay cingra anuhuni,where is Panay she is going to compete in a running competition later,train +72364,72365,72365,paekel,hold it down,train +72365,72366,72366,suelinay tu i,Really,train +72366,72367,72367,sulinay mahaen kiniyan u kulit nira,it is really just like its color,train +72367,72368,72368,pacacudu tu pawli,to give a banana,train +72368,72369,72369,nu kiwkay ira ku kapahay a,language learning to become a clan member,train +72369,72370,72370,anu tengteng han talikul ku rarapa,if you pull the cow straight go back,test +72370,72371,72371,mifafa ku ina awa ku midiputay tu wawa,the mom carried the baby because there was no one to take care of the baby,train +72371,72372,72372,tengil,listen,train +72372,72373,72373,haha Licencun hay,Oh Oh it is Mr Lim Jung chin,train +72373,72374,72374,naayaw mamaan ku nipilisin,how did it work in the past,train +72374,72375,72375,Maifur ku kulung ni Mayaw i kauradan,rainy day Mayaws cow bouncing,train +72375,72376,72376,kaka haw,brother ah,train +72376,72377,72377,Paadifen ku taliyuk nupadatengan nu mita,we need to put up a fence to enclose the vegetable garden,train +72377,72378,72378,pasapal,seedling,train +72378,72379,72379,penec,flatten,train +72379,72380,72380,u nini ku inurung nu maku saan ku maku a i ayaw huw tangsa anini,I used to think it was my duty until now,test +72380,72381,72381,o nipiucur tu wawa isu ku ngaay,you should send your son,train +72381,72382,72382,o nini a tayal ku kacalemceman nu maku,this job is the most dangerous in my opinion,train +72382,72383,72383,sapisafaes,for making mocha,train +72383,72384,72384,mitapi,be particularly attentive,train +72384,72385,72385,o sapakatawa cecay sapakatawa,it was a joke it is a joke,train +72385,72386,72386,Pasuvanaay adada ku wadis nu maku,Teacher I have a toothache,train +72386,72387,72387,Hayda u maan hu ku sasaalien isu,no problem and what else do you need,train +72387,72388,72388,mafilfil,shoot ones mouth off,train +72388,72389,72389,mali,sphere,train +72389,72390,72390,anu saʼayawan nu mitaʼungay i,before worshipping the ancestors,test +72390,72391,72391,cifiikay,with goiter,train +72391,72392,72392,maherek cangra anini mipakafit,after they are set up,train +72392,72393,72393,maraayay han aku,it is a long way off and I am answering it this way,train +72393,72394,72394,amuwaytu ku mabanaʼay,you are the only ones who know,train +72394,72395,72395,saan kaku,my will,train +72395,72396,72396,ira tu ku singsi pasifana tu kaemanay anini,there is already a teacher of the language,train +72396,72397,72397,caay hu karuhem,unripe,train +72397,72398,72398,mitangtangan,cookery,train +72398,72399,72399,asiruma,Whatever,train +72399,72400,72400,kalamkam,soon,test +72400,72401,72401,nengneng han nangra,they take a look,train +72401,72402,72402,mitafa,pile weir gate,train +72402,72403,72403,ira ku cincya han nu Ripun itini sakaʼamis,there is a Japanese shrine in the north,train +72403,72404,72404,anu Cu Ya Sin Wun Cang kiy huw,last Nights news award,train +72404,72405,72405,karaunih,lots of caterpillars,train +72405,72406,72406,Awaay o maan ku demak,she is not here what can I do for you,train +72406,72407,72407,iraay ci kaying i luma haw,is Kaying home,train +72407,72408,72408,sanay mahaenay ku urip niyam itini i niyaru,that is what tribal life is all about,train +72408,72409,72409,Miaca kaku tu kafung i cuwa ku paacaay,I would like to buy a hat where do you sell them,train +72409,72410,72410,anu hacuwa a patikuren aku kisu tu paysu saw,when do I have to pay you back,test +72410,72411,72411,anudafak mahanhan tu miming kura cedas san,the drought in the Xiuguluan river will be lower tomorrow,train +72411,72412,72412,iraan haw itini,on this mountain,train +72412,72413,72413,Pafesut han pakayni ku rakat,straight through here,train +72413,72414,72414,kafuti,Sleep,train +72414,72415,72415,huk cangra,they are eating lunch,train +72415,72416,72416,i Fataʼan ku puna,born in Matthews Saddle,train +72416,72417,72417,pakira i Cilamitay,passing through the Girardeau,train +72417,72418,72418,mitulun,encourage,train +72418,72419,72419,kalikien a micumud,come in quickly,train +72419,72420,72420,mafana kaku u wacu kiya pinang ku Hulam sa kaku cay kakumaen kaku,I am sure it is a dog because I did not eat dog meat when I was an expatriate,test +72420,72421,72421,o sasaraden ita ku nanum,we must accumulate collect water,train +72421,72422,72422,tangsa satu i kiwkay hawi,until the time of the church,train +72422,72423,72423,u patireng tu,for housing construction,train +72423,72424,72424,milikakicuh,stemming,train +72424,72425,72425,tahamatini,up until now,train +72425,72426,72426,kumimiten,make up,train +72426,72427,72427,Tumiyac,re an,train +72427,72428,72428,tu na itiya i ira,Yes I did,train +72428,72429,72429,iraay kura saraw,he had a vision of a ghost,train +72429,72430,72430,Kalumuwad Mitaung,please stand up Salute,test +72430,72431,72431,paceva han kaenan nu ayam sisa mamin nu ayam,the birds would come and eat it so it is all gone,train +72431,72432,72432,na i Ripun namicudad kiyami,I used to go to a Japanese school,train +72432,72433,72433,nanuiya haw i kita sa ya itiyaay hu,in that case let us start learning about ancient times ourselves,train +72433,72434,72434,mamang,few,train +72434,72435,72435,ta makatama kaku tu pakayni itini i,the job I got was a,train +72435,72436,72436,kumaen kisu tu ^pang haw,would you want some cookies,train +72436,72437,72437,Ocuren nu wama ku wawa ningra a mala Pauripay tu tamdamdaw i hkal Maaraway niyam kunini a dmak Saka pawacay kami i tamuwanan tunini,and we have seen and testify that the father has sent his son to be the Savior of the world,train +72437,72438,72438,anca u,or,train +72438,72439,72439,sipakaen han kita tu nisalisinan saan,we are still given food to eat after the rituals,train +72439,72440,72440,nga caka kahecid cimira,it is not salty,test +72440,72441,72441,ci ina aku u lamlam,Moms mixed,train +72441,72442,72442,Mafcul cangra a ma^min a kumaen Saupu han nu nisawawaan ku pinapcih a usaw a ^pang i matumes ku tusa ku safaw a fakar,they all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over,train +72442,72443,72443,en ciyantan ciyantan hananay,Easy easy easy,train +72443,72444,72444,hatiraay a ruray maharateng ku falucu haw i,at the cost of my life there is always something in my heart,train +72444,72445,72445,ku saʼusi,that is the plan,train +72445,72446,72446,fangcal tu ku nukay,smooth return,train +72446,72447,72447,malaluyuh nu baliyus,blown away by a typhoon,train +72447,72448,72448,Sakuesan sa kaenen kuna lusay,the fruit tastes sweet,train +72448,72449,72449,tayring mama naira akung aku,their father my grandfather is a policeman,train +72449,72450,72450,caay ka pacakat aku,it is coming up slowly,test +72450,72451,72451,aka pilaliw aka tatiih ku falucu han,do not leave and do not get any other bad ideas,train +72451,72452,72452,Mahinukup ku fainayan tumireng ku fafahiyan,boys get down girls get up,train +72452,72453,72453,i liyaliyalan kamu,you are all at the beach,train +72453,72454,72454,katahenay a milidu^ matu iraay ku maalaay,go and see our trap for it seems that we have caught our prey,train +72454,72455,72455,ca kaculi,never talk back,train +72455,72456,72456,umaan ku tayal ni mama i tansuy,what kind of work is done in fresh water,train +72456,72457,72457,sikarireng tu a min,they are all driving home,train +72457,72458,72458,palumaan han nira i,if there is a plant,train +72458,72459,72459,tayraay i ku palacan palacanan nu Amis,and now Checheng which is an Amis settlement,train +72459,72460,72460,nga malikat ku lamal,that is how you light a fire,test +72460,72461,72461,karumadiw,sing a song,train +72461,72462,72462,matama ku suwal nu matuasay tu dmak nangra O wacu i patatikul a kumaen tu niutaan nira saan o rumasatu O nipanginguyan a fafuy i miliyaw haca a mirunang i suta saan,of them the Proverbs are true A dog returns to its vomit and A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud,train +72462,72463,72463,imatini,Now,train +72463,72464,72464,fafaed nira i,what about the top of it,train +72464,72465,72465,a sumetay ku kasuy sanay itiya,because the firewood there is wet,train +72465,72466,72466,o malafunguhay nu niyaru kita,we became a think tank for the tribe,train +72466,72467,72467,Nanuya halafintu i iratu a minukay kuya tawki nuya kulikuli a misausi tu nitayalan nangra,After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them,train +72467,72468,72468,malaluk kaku a mikiskis itini i kaysiya sapicudad aku tu paysu,I worked very hard at the sugar mill cutting cane,train +72468,72469,72469,nu maadah ira pafelihan tu ira ku ina mama ira kira,when he is cured he will go to his mom and dad,train +72469,72470,72470,Sakasepat cecay fakar ku hakhak Sakalima cecay satu ku felac Sakaenem tusa ranap ku icep anini satu u waneng tu ku sapahinghing,a faker two dozens of rice two bunches of betel nut et are now mostly replaced by wedding cakes,test +72470,72471,72471,malakilac,ones share of,train +72471,72472,72472,Kincuen kaku tura nicakayan ni ina a riku,I think the dress mom bought is very tight,train +72472,72473,72473,halikien tu,I am in a hurry,train +72473,72474,72474,kuishii hitu yu,Beloved,train +72474,72475,72475,ira haw ku papadangen aku,is there anything I can do to help,train +72475,72476,72476,milicay tu malitengay,ask the elders,train +72476,72477,72477,anini tu i kaku tu i,and now I quote,train +72477,72478,72478,ira itini,here it is,train +72478,72479,72479,itira tu kaku a matuʼas,that is where I grew up,train +72479,72480,72480,halamham sa cangra ci Yisan a masaupu i Fangcalay Pitaungan a masasuwasuwal Latek caay ka tayni kuya tamdaw i pisalisinan kiya Maan saan ku harateng namu saan,they kept looking for Jesus and as they stood in the temple area they asked one another What do you think is not he coming to the Feast at all,test +72480,72481,72481,u tusa kura niyaruʼan,there are two tribes,train +72481,72482,72482,a ni kalalipuying caay kunu masamaan ku,the law is not a framework for me to be a member of the Legislative Council,train +72482,72483,72483,cihana saan matiya u cidal a hana,the flowers grow like sunflowers,train +72483,72484,72484,saka mitayalay kaku itiya,therefore I accepted the job then,train +72484,72485,72485,o maan ku nanengnengen namu a masadak saw o minengnengay kamu tu ma^resay ku cadung a tamdaw haw anu u ma^resay ku riku atu cidafungay ku urip a tamdaw i ira i luma nu hungti,after Johns messengers left Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John What did you go out into the desert to see a reed swayed by the wind,train +72485,72486,72486,kapah tamdaw misamacay micangacang tu nuˈadinguan a patusukan wa ira ku maanan a epuc hani,they strive for spiritual goals put evangelism first in their lives and are determined not to be influenced by the Spirit of the world,train +72486,72487,72487,u kasalaku caay kadadahal ku laku nu niyam,the arable land is not wide enough,train +72487,72488,72488,nu aniniay tu kura kaikur tu kura,it is a modern tree it was taken later,train +72488,72489,72489,kesem,it is hard to be sad,train +72489,72490,72490,pafelic,hand over,test +72490,72491,72491,lala,Menstruation,train +72491,72492,72492,Tusuk han cingra a sumuwal,speak to him,train +72492,72493,72493,Kacaw u talacuwaay kisu i huni miuntuay kisu han,Kacaw where have you been just now did you go exercising,train +72493,72494,72494,nu hatiraay kaysiya hananay,what about the company,train +72494,72495,72495,adihay ku faniw i pisakudasingan,many straw mushrooms grow in the peanut garden,train +72495,72496,72496,paraiten,hook something,train +72496,72497,72497,micudaday,student,train +72497,72498,72498,Ecu saan ku tamdaw nani Taypak a madakaw tu kasuling,the train from Taipei was very crowded,train +72498,72499,72499,Eses san ku futi aku i dadaya,I slept soundly last night,train +72499,72500,72500,mingitangit kamu i caay ka layap namu nawhani muraraw ku falucu namu a mingitangit o sakaacang namu ku nipingitangit namu,when you ask you do not receive because you ask with wrong motives that you may spend what you get on your pleasures,test +72500,72501,72501,hay hatini kuninian sakangaʼay nu tireng aku,this thing has healed my body,train +72501,72502,72502,caka harateng laheci sanay tu ku demak,without realizing it it is done,train +72502,72503,72503,u sakalahad nu wawa u kusuy,lemongrass is the best way to raise a child,train +72503,72504,72504,nawhan u Fataʼan i mahecad tuni kaukalimlaan a dateng nu matuʼasay itiya hu,because tree peas were the most treasured dish of our ancestors,train +72504,72505,72505,ira ku pasifanaʼay matiya ci i,for example Mr Ko Shimizu is here,train +72505,72506,72506,o masaupuay kami i kiyukay a milihay,we gather in the church for worship,train +72506,72507,72507,rasa anu silimaw kaku a taluma talaniyaru,so if you have time go home to your tribe if you have time go home to your tribe,train +72507,72508,72508,ha ngaʼay tu caay ka,it is okay No,train +72508,72509,72509,haratengen isu itiya hu pinaay ku mihecaan isu itaya hu,how old were you,train +72509,72510,72510,Tayratu kaku i pitilidan,I have to go to school,test +72510,72511,72511,samanay ku lumiad anini,how is the weather today,train +72511,72512,72512,sawaden ningra ku nu tireng a dmak palakulien ningra ku tireng ningra a palcad tu nu tamdaw miringi tu tireng nu tamdaw cingra a talahkal,but made himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness,train +72512,72513,72513,tuhem,perspiration,train +72513,72514,72514,malawit,more than,train +72514,72515,72515,lifeten a mihapinang ku tireng namu tu nika u sulinay hakiya ku pitier namu i ci Kristuan caay ka hapinang namu saw ku nika ira ci Yis Kristu i falucu namu anu caay ka hatira i u matfaday kamu,examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith test yourselves do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you unless of course you fail the test,train +72515,72516,72516,keling,bells,train +72516,72517,72517,Mipihpih tu sapikpik ku ayam,birds flap their wings and or fly,train +72517,72518,72518,manhan hu kuna sasuwalen saliyaliyaw wahan,what else is there to say Repeat,train +72518,72519,72519,say ka matiraay saka hadidi ha ku falucu,that is why I am suffering in silence,train +72519,72520,72520,makapahay u malacecay ku balucu,every heart is united,test +72520,72521,72521,makapui nu malitengay kaku nu puwpuw aku kaku,my mother in law used to scold me,train +72521,72522,72522,ira ku cincya itira patireng nu Ripun,the Japanese built a shrine there,train +72522,72523,72523,miʼanipay taralutukay,plowing in the fields and working in the mountains,train +72523,72524,72524,isaw,lack of appetite,train +72524,72525,72525,iniyan aca mikawit ini paputalay,it is just a hook Outside,train +72525,72526,72526,mamaan kisu san kuya ama na cenmin huy,Chen Minghuis grand mom said what is wrong with you,train +72526,72527,72527,tayni i Mavuwakay a niyaru,come to the south China tribe,train +72527,72528,72528,u sufuc nu maku haw i,I was born in,train +72528,72529,72529,pakaala tu tusa pulu a fen,it takes minutes,train +72529,72530,72530,maʼedeng tu ku mihecaan aku sa kaku,I think I am about the same age,test +72530,72531,72531,tayraay mitangicay amin,I am there to offer my condolences,train +72531,72532,72532,anu caay kaku tiniay i haw,although I am not from the undergraduate program,train +72532,72533,72533,caka patelas ku malitengay a miletek tu kilang,old people do not just cut down rafts of trees,train +72533,72534,72534,yu palatadamaanen nu wama a Kawas cingra a padil i ira kami itiya Pangiha sa cingra u tadamaanay ku dil a Kawas a sumuwal O kakaulahan Aku a Wawa kunini O kakahmekan Aku Cingra saan,for he received honor and glory from God the father when the voice came to him from the majestic Glory saying This is my Son whom I love with him I am well pleased,train +72534,72535,72535,o sakamukuay ku fafekacen nu maku,I am going to run the shortest,train +72535,72536,72536,Tayratu i taykak ngaʼay tu ku pimali maala tu nu tau mafana tu ku tau,after entering college he became a better player and was discovered,train +72536,72537,72537,mahirateng aku kiya kalahukan,I will always remember that lunch,train +72537,72538,72538,kami aca hu ku mitekeray saka,we are the only ones hunting,train +72538,72539,72539,nengneng han kura nanum hatini sa kura takaraw nura nanum han aku kuya mama,I told my father that the water in the Xiuguluan river is still very high and shocking,train +72539,72540,72540,awaaytu i tini Cingra u lumuwadaytu cingra a maurip nai patay haratengen ku suwal ningra i tamuwanan yu i tirahu i Kalili cingra tuya,he is not here he has risen remember how he told you while he was still with you in Galilee,test +72540,72541,72541,itira i makecuray,up high,train +72541,72542,72542,Kuracen ni Yis ku raraw nu tamdaw saka u ccayay ku mama ningra u mikuracay atu nikuracan ningra a tamdaw Saka caay ka ngudu ci Yis a u salikaka han ningra cangra,both the one who makes men Holy and those who are made Holy are of the same family so Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers,train +72542,72543,72543,singkiw san matama malatumuk naʼay han naku i,when the election came down to me I said I did not want it,train +72543,72544,72544,Hay u mitiliday kaku,Yes I am a student,train +72544,72545,72545,safuul,urinary urgency,train +72545,72546,72546,Orasaka u tatuuren ku suwal nangra u mikuwanay aka ka u nanu talaw tu pitfuc nu Kawas a ccay ku pituur ka u ngaayay a falucu isu ku piarawan isu a mituur i cangraan,Therefore it is necessary to submit to the authorities not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience,train +72546,72547,72547,iratu katayalan i matuʼas tu mihecaan,when you have a job you are getting older,train +72547,72548,72548,ira hu^ ku rumaay a cengel haw,how about this red one Do you have another color,train +72548,72549,72549,han satu kami itiya,that is how we got into this mess,train +72549,72550,72550,awaay hu ku umah u maumahay itini i Makutaay,there is no plowing here Maguda,test +72550,72551,72551,o mangiday a kilang kunini,this is an unhealthy tree,train +72551,72552,72552,misalama kami tu mali,let us play soccer,train +72552,72553,72553,nu Recurd,thank you sir,train +72553,72554,72554,fesu,inflated and inflated,train +72554,72555,72555,u tufay hiwa itiya ayaw,we did not have motorcycles before,train +72555,72556,72556,Vataan,pigeon pea,train +72556,72557,72557,saka mapatireng tirakamaruʼan na Taylin haw,I was going to build a police station,train +72557,72558,72558,a nu cai ka ngaay ku kalahulul nu mita u eked ku paherekan,if we do not have a good relationship we will have to end it with a separation,train +72558,72559,72559,Saka^nem a fulad i ucuren nu Kawas ci Kapriil a cuyuh a patayra i Nacali hananay ku ngangan a niyaru nu Kalili,in the sixth month God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth a town in Galilee,train +72559,72560,72560,Saka itira satu cangra i Nacali hananay a niyaru onini i u nika lahci nu nisuwalan nu paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas tuya O Nacali a tamdaw wa han Cingra sanay,and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth so was fulfilled what was said through the prophets He will be called a Nazarene,test +72560,72561,72561,tu tudung tunu katayal,Changers work,train +72561,72562,72562,Mitiwas ca panay tu sinar naira,and Barnabas picked the watermelons of their house,train +72562,72563,72563,tayra i luma naira natayra camira ci wina aku haw,Fortunately my parents are numerous and unaffected,train +72563,72564,72564,mala aca kaku mitilid i cucung itiya i,that is when I entered junior high school,train +72564,72565,72565,pakilacay,allocate,train +72565,72566,72566,ira aca ku suwal tu tayni kita i Kilung,it just so happened that a friend invited me to go to Keelung with him,train +72566,72567,72567,anu mimaamaan kamu iraay hu ku tuʼas iraay ku liteng,if you do anything there is the old folks,train +72567,72568,72568,feli,Give,train +72568,72569,72569,micevar maepu i vatikar micevar tu hiya tu saung,open it get off the bike and open the umbrella,train +72569,72570,72570,matefad ku kafung nira,his hat fell,test +72570,72571,72571,misupet tu sakapahay nu sapalangaw tu umah,and collect the best rice seeds,train +72571,72572,72572,o cidap nu nisangaan tu kalukilang ku malucafeng nu luma niyam,building our homes partitions with wood chips made from a variety of woods,train +72572,72573,72573,mahaen tu mamapulita ney,look at this did you get a good look,train +72573,72574,72574,anu ira ku matumayay i kailisinan i matira tu a matefuc tu tusa a sapad ku taheka u tudung tu ngudu nu tireng atu parud nu luma anu u mikuliniway tu,if a person commits theft he will be penalized as well if he commits a mistake he will be penalized,train +72574,72575,72575,hanaw sangaʼen ningra kura kukeng,Qing soldiers built a patio thatched roof on the west side of the Nana shelter,train +72575,72576,72576,itira kita misaʼupu itira kita mingatu tura penen,we met there and started collecting reeds there,train +72576,72577,72577,lumaan kunini,what is this for this is of no use,train +72577,72578,72578,nu mita u Pangcahay a radiw,a song that belongs to our Amis tribe,train +72578,72579,72579,awaay tu laliway tu,No it is gone,train +72579,72580,72580,inian Cudad di u ira u iran a Cudad u iraan,which word is this which word is that,test +72580,72581,72581,a nu singciw nu siwsing alatek a singing matefaday,it could have fallen from the crew of a merchant ship,train +72581,72582,72582,u sariwsiwan ku kaulahan nu maku caay kacaledes kasienaw saan,my favorite thing about fall is that it is not too cold or too hot and it is very comfortable,train +72582,72583,72583,nawhani nuhanen cayka kahi kaku han naku ci,Why I told Lin Wen yen I did not agree,train +72583,72584,72584,i cuwaan hakiya ku sakakaay a nikasaselal awaay tu ku pinapinang,I do not know which age class is the biggest now,train +72584,72585,72585,mangadu kaku a milicay,I blushed when I asked,train +72585,72586,72586,caʼit hanay nu malitengay salahuk itira,elderly people will hang their lunch boxes over here,train +72586,72587,72587,u lipida,the salary,train +72587,72588,72588, ciyuicikace tu i malecad atu Vataan,Wow November is about the same time as the beans,train +72588,72589,72589,anu kurumumu kuci haci kimasney han na akung eng,Grandpa said this kid is here,train +72589,72590,72590,ira ku kiyaves kuwa atu pawli adihay hen ku ruma u caayay kavana i ku ngangan,there were guavas papayas and bananas and many other fruits that I do not know the names of,test +72590,72591,72591,i lalud a suvucan kisu haw,were you born in the summer,train +72591,72592,72592,aku kura,that is my coldest,train +72592,72593,72593,cifiting,earrings,train +72593,72594,72594,sa ku falucu a mahemek,this is the joy of the heart,train +72594,72595,72595,fulad,month,train +72595,72596,72596,naunen tu haw san caka ku tireng namu,take care of your body,train +72596,72597,72597,imatini,at this time,train +72597,72598,72598,pawalien huura a maedeng i,still need to tan about the same,train +72598,72599,72599,itini ku,this is,train +72599,72600,72600,Makusiw ku kuliciw aku,my bike malfunctioned,test +72600,72601,72601,Satumli sa a madil ku riku ningra Awaayhu ku cima a pakacengelay tu hatiniay a nika tumli nu kiradum i tini i hkal,his clothes became dazzling white whiter than anyone in the world could Bleach them,train +72601,72602,72602,Suˈlinay mihaen kaku ˈalumanaytu ku misawacayan aku i pitusilan,I really did and as a result I was able to witness to more people when I preached,train +72602,72603,72603,u pisalumaan tunu finawlan tu luma,it is the whole tribe that wants to build a house,train +72603,72604,72604,u pitilidan aku mitilid tu Kawcun,I only flunked out of high school but I did not finish it,train +72604,72605,72605,u taucuran nu kalas ku tumuk hananay,it is a bridge for the people,train +72605,72606,72606,yan tu ux pateras a kuni a wawa,Hey this girl is so casual,train +72606,72607,72607,cingra tu ku mikilimay tu,let him find it,train +72607,72608,72608,cecay tu ku suna aku i caay tu patiking kaku,with a grandson I am not going to do the labor of tying up the rear,train +72608,72609,72609,o rumiad i pasifana ci Yis i Fangcalay Pitaungan o dadaya i masadak cingra nai niyaru a milafin i Olif hananay a lutuk,each day Jesus was teaching at the temple and each evening he went out to spend the night on the hill called the Mount of Olives,train +72609,72610,72610,fangcal a uwaken kuni a epah,this millet wine is delicious,test +72610,72611,72611,Sapipana tu vavyuy,you have to shoot a mountain pig,train +72611,72612,72612,ye tusa miheca,two years old,train +72612,72613,72613,niaadadaay,frequent sickness,train +72613,72614,72614,anu tinakuen cangra aluman,they are of the population that is a lot,train +72614,72615,72615,o kasaselal i niyaru nu Pangagcah haw i u tadamaanay a lekakawa nu finawlan o tada kalimelaan a saupu nu masakaputay nu masapangcahay itini i Taywan itiya hu,the Amis age class is the most important social organization of the tribe and is the most distinctive social class system among the Aboriginal groups in Taiwan,train +72615,72616,72616,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Dada haculen a patayra i citudungay tu tahka han ningra Saka patayra hantu nangra,then he told them Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet they did so,train +72616,72617,72617,malu,to be,train +72617,72618,72618,a maanen ku lalan,how was the trip,train +72618,72619,72619,sawmyawci,Scanners,train +72619,72620,72620,yu pakatngil tunini a dmak ku nisawawaan ni Yuhani i tayra satu cangra a miala tu hurac a tireng ni Yuhani a mitadem i tatademan,on hearing of this Johns disciples came and took his body and laid it in a tomb,test +72620,72621,72621,hirateng sa kaku,I have been thinking,train +72621,72622,72622,miradum,water collection water picking,train +72622,72623,72623,tada awa mahapinang nuca sa sikusikulen nu cengfu saw,does not this have anything to do with your government,train +72623,72624,72624,cima ku nipatikamian nu misu,who did you send the letter to,train +72624,72625,72625,wata ku luwi nura mamatukad a fafuy,the squeal of the pig to be slaughtered is so loud,train +72625,72626,72626,hay sakatusa a radiw iri u nu mahehululay tu naʼayaw,the third song it is also a song about a couple of lovers,train +72626,72627,72627,maherek kamu mirimu tu waʼay i aka pifakul tu nanum yu,when finished apply some ointment with the film and do not rinse,train +72627,72628,72628,misakunga,growing groundnuts,train +72628,72629,72629,Pacauf sa kuya tamdaw Nanu ka^mangan aku a midu^du tunini a limuut a ma^min saan,All these I have kept since I was a boy he said,train +72629,72630,72630,midanguy,swimming,test +72630,72631,72631,o tarud kunini a kikay tu matastasay,this machine is a substitute for the original which is not working,train +72631,72632,72632,u haharatengen nu mita kuni,we need to think about this very carefully,train +72632,72633,72633,nanum tu nu satefu cifakeluh kira,drinking water from the river has rocks,train +72633,72634,72634,malemeday kiruraan itira,the ones who stay there are luckier,train +72634,72635,72635,cipuyapuy,pregnant,train +72635,72636,72636,sa milimula ma haw,so it is a term of endearment,train +72636,72637,72637,u turun ku kaulahan nu maku a keman caay kaulah tu hulu,I like sticky rice balls not white rice,train +72637,72638,72638,Nikawrira ka u matatudungay i sulinay a sifana ku sasuwalen isu a pasifana,you must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine,train +72638,72639,72639,u suwal nu aniniay nu pasevanaʼay,for those who teach now,train +72639,72640,72640,cima tu ku mamauc,who is going to take care of the tribe in the future,test +72640,72641,72641,kefing,measles,train +72641,72642,72642,haw i pucung ici haw ira ku cecay a patungalay,Okay I will add one more thing,train +72642,72643,72643,kirafuting,fish,train +72643,72644,72644,ya satu kami matengil tu niyam kura ngiha,then we heard the voice,train +72644,72645,72645,pasata kita tu tingki,we pay our electric bill,train +72645,72646,72646,pasefien,you need a kitchen,train +72646,72647,72647,kaput i kilim tu niya fulad kira,calendar is selected by age group,train +72647,72648,72648,Taʼengad saan yu,it is very bright in there,train +72648,72649,72649,rakat han nu kelaʼkelaʼ a paliding itini i sifu nu niyaru,iron oxen go through the middle of the tribe just like iron oxen,train +72649,72650,72650,miliʼayaw tu,I am leaving,test +72650,72651,72651,o redu nu kamay nu fayfahi a makeru,the girls dance with consistent hand positions,train +72651,72652,72652,Usuwal aca nu biyabiyaw i saw haw,that is what the neighbors on the right side of the street say,train +72652,72653,72653,danguy,swim,train +72653,72654,72654,cavay,friends,train +72654,72655,72655,pakaeneenem puluʼmatiya u taterungan nu tuʼas kaku,about years old half of what I am now,train +72655,72656,72656,o mitieray tu Kawas ci Yakup saka yu mamapatay cingra i palmeden ningra ku wawa ni Yusif a tatusa o rumasatu pinuer sa cingra tu cukur ningra a mitaung tu Kawas,by faith Jacob when he was dying blessed each of Josephs sons and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff,train +72656,72657,72657,kepit,close eyes,train +72657,72658,72658,asiru,tangerine,train +72658,72659,72659,nengnengen kuni Tudungen kaku a miasip,look here please repeat after me,train +72659,72660,72660,paluwad naicuway a lamit i niyaru,the revitalization of Zagan begins with the tribes,test +72660,72661,72661,o pinangan nu amis ku la^dis a lisin,the fishing Festival is an Amis custom,train +72661,72662,72662,araw han i nukay ci mira mikilim tu tu tu,then the old man ran home to his partner,train +72662,72663,72663,tamdawen ma a mikuli,it is completely manual,train +72663,72664,72664,Kawra haratengen nu wama wina pala nisawawaan tu tamdaw hananay u maanan ku tatudung u papadama tu wama wina kuninian,However it is helpful for parents to think about what it means to make disciples,train +72664,72665,72665,Manca katalaw ku talaw sasiyaway han tu ku asiasik ku uu uu,how can you not be scared when your feet are so weak,train +72665,72666,72666,salaw ancila ayaw nu pafilungan kaku anini kaku caciyaw,that is why I am going to say this before the holidays,train +72666,72667,72667,ku,That,train +72667,72668,72668,tangasaay tu ku Uhira,arrive near Fengping,train +72668,72669,72669,mahaen ku dmak namu a maulah tu i Makituniyaay a salikaka a ma^min Saka salikakaaw paicel kami i tamuwanan nanay matungal a matungal ku pisaicel namu tunini,and in fact you do love all the brothers throughout Macedonia yet we urge you brothers to do so more and more,train +72669,72670,72670,pafeli takuwanan tu faeluhay a tuki ku wama,dad gave me the new watch,test +72670,72671,72671,sanay haw ku harateng,that is how I feel,train +72671,72672,72672,a maedengtu tu dafak sa ruma maratar,sometimes the news comes early in the morning that enough is enough,train +72672,72673,72673,mikuwan tu Cikasuan,manage Shichibukawa,train +72673,72674,72674,Kasatisil,there is a line,train +72674,72675,72675,sapifalic aku kuniyaan kuni u tadasay yaca,to change the headband,train +72675,72676,72676,ta pakukut satu cangra a sumuwal Maaraw niyam ku nipisawi nunini a tamdaw tu finawlan a milalang tu pipasata i hungti nu Luma Ci Kristu u hungti kaku saan cingra han nangra,and they began to accuse him saying We have found this man subverting our nation he opposes payment of taxes to Caesar and claims to be Christ a king,train +72676,72677,72677,paadimacengen,add Sapindales,train +72677,72678,72678,tedal,save,train +72678,72679,72679,Orasaka ^pud satu ci Pitiru a tayra tuya tamdaw suwal sa Kaku kuya nikiliman namu a tamdaw O maan ku sakatayni namu saw han ningra,Peter went down and said to the men I am the one you are looking for why have you come,train +72679,72680,72680,Pakarahayen ni ina nira ci Osay i umah,Usais mom puts a sunshade on her in the field,test +72680,72681,72681,matira ta itira misakilang ci Maʼuwid,that is why Malverde is reforesting the area,train +72681,72682,72682,ka timulu a talaˈayaw,moving forward all over the world,train +72682,72683,72683,nu ay,like a statue of a foreigner,train +72683,72684,72684,auwangay,sea urchin,train +72684,72685,72685,anu i Kikuay,if it is from the mouth of the river,train +72685,72686,72686,manguta^ay,translucent water,train +72686,72687,72687,o Amis kaku mansa itiya miharateng kaku,I am an Ami so I was thinking,train +72687,72688,72688,a malusapafli nu Kawas i tamuwanan pakayni i nipitier namu tu Kawas a mararid a madiput nu icel ningra kamu tangasa i pipatalahkalan tu nipatalaan a sapaurip i saikuray a rumiad,who through faith are shielded by Gods power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time,train +72688,72689,72689,vunga nu telu,sweet pot,train +72689,72690,72690,mihadidiay,patient,test +72690,72691,72691,kumuku tu sisuvawan tiya dateng,boil the water and add the washed vegetables,train +72691,72692,72692,mapatireng ku Taluan o Fangcalay a kaitiraan han ku saka ccay a rawang nunini ira itira ku padawdawan atu cukui atu papatlien i cukui a sapacakat i Kawas a ^pang,a tabernacle was set up in its first room were the lampstand the table and the consecrated bread this was called the Holy Place,train +72692,72693,72693,nu niyamay,our,train +72693,72694,72694,o manan ku kakaenen isu,what do you want to eat,train +72694,72695,72695,Matinakuay aku ku ulah atu siniˈada nangra,what is another great way to comfort someone,train +72695,72696,72696,kangdaway ku cengel nu lutuk,the mountains are green,train +72696,72697,72697,piyapiya,Rasa shellfish,train +72697,72698,72698,ngapa^,spout,train +72698,72699,72699,iniyan nisangaʼan niyam,and this one we made,train +72699,72700,72700,o patefuc nu matuasay i tisuwanan kinian,this is a small favor from the old man,test +72700,72701,72701,hanu ira ku hatiniay a lisin,why do we have this festival,train +72701,72702,72702,yaka tiniay aku,next to me,train +72702,72703,72703,anini satu iraay kuna lungucan tu nu niyaru itini i Cawi,now the Jingpu tribe has a request,train +72703,72704,72704,ruray sa kaku a miharateng,I am tired of thinking about it,train +72704,72705,72705,cumikay tu tala cuwacuwa tu mafukil tu cingra,running away he did not know where he went,train +72705,72706,72706,saka maru sa ca ka itira i hiya kaku i Su Se,However I do not live in dormitory accommodations,train +72706,72707,72707,a malinga tu milimuut tu demak nu heni,getting started on organizing,train +72707,72708,72708,O sulinay a fadisusu a kilang Kaku o maumahay ku wama Aku,I am the true vine and my father is the gardener,train +72708,72709,72709,yu sakasumuwalan ci Pawlu i pasuwal sa ci Kaliu i cangraan u Yutaya a tamdaw Anu ira ku patlac atu tataangay a raraw i kuna kaku ku cacitudung a mihapinang tu pipakukut namu,just as Paul was about to speak Gallio said to the Jews If you Jews were making a complaint about some misdemeanor or serious crime it would be reasonable for me to listen to you,train +72709,72710,72710,u Taywan pisanga kinian,often used by the Han Chinese,test +72710,72711,72711,adadaay sanay ku wama aku,my dad said it was sick,train +72711,72712,72712,aka pilukes tu tau aka ka caculi ka u mararihadayay kamu ka u damsayay ku falucu namu tu sakipulung nu tamdaw,to slander no one to be peaceable and considerate and to show true humility toward all men,train +72712,72713,72713,Sunien ku paliding isu,blow the horn of your vehicle,train +72713,72714,72714,o nipakaputantu kamu i ci Kristuan a mapaluwad a mapaurip nai patay saka pasayraen i kakarayan ku falucu namu nawhani ira itira ci Kristu a maru i kawanan nu Kawas,Since then you have been raised with Christ set your hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God,train +72714,72715,72715,caay kangaʼay nukay i kalahitayan a malafi,I cannot go back to the army for dinner,train +72715,72716,72716,tu sasangaan hu kira,it is for the house,train +72716,72717,72717,ci Maʼuwid,it is Malverde,train +72717,72718,72718,tu cian tuya turatuni,marked,train +72718,72719,72719,o kuhetingay ku wacu nu maku,my dog is black,train +72719,72720,72720,diyung,pig,test +72720,72721,72721,hatira aca ku suwal nu maku,that is it,train +72721,72722,72722,yuciwnic kami sepat pulu i,we spent days in mourning,train +72722,72723,72723,cecay rumiʼad aku,a days wages,train +72723,72724,72724,nawhan ni maemin i lumaʼay kuku faʼinayan nu i tiyaay hu,because all the boys used to be at home,train +72724,72725,72725,mitahepu tu nguyus,wear a mask,train +72725,72726,72726,misaatekakay,set something Hard,train +72726,72727,72727,hacuwaay ku kahufucan nu misu,what year were you born,train +72727,72728,72728,saka tuur han aku kuya pitingtu nu ningra i Singku,I have been following his preaching for years,train +72728,72729,72729,Tadatataang ku umi nu mama atu ina tu wawa saka caipitengil kira wawa,because parents spoil their children too much so the children do not listen to them,train +72729,72730,72730,alulung ka kumaen ira yu,it is too deep,test +72730,72731,72731,Macuwa ku pilakuwit nu misu tuya lutuk,how was your crossing of the mountain,train +72731,72732,72732,rumiad,one day,train +72732,72733,72733,kamisian,toilet,train +72733,72734,72734,mafanaʼay kisu a misanga tunini hetaw nu Pangcah,you are a creative Creator of traditional Ami cultural clothing,train +72734,72735,72735,ciʼirang,and blood,train +72735,72736,72736,mipatayay tu tamdaw u tataakay a patelac awaay aca ku nipatalikul tu valucu a patayan ku mahiniyay a tamdaw hakulungen a miadup kilalikul han a mipatay,Murder a person who has committed a grave misdeed without remorse shall be punished by death and shall be shot by surprise on the hunting ground,train +72736,72737,72737,ira ku vuting urang atu kalang i liyal,there are fish shrimps and crabs in the sea,train +72737,72738,72738,keriden nu singsi kami tayra i pinanuwangan anini misarayaray kami i kaayaw nu fawahan a miaca tu paya,today the teacher took us to the zoo and we lined up at the gate to buy tickets,train +72738,72739,72739,u caciaw nu pancah u facu nu pancah maemin a fangcal,the speech and the structure of the Amis language are all beautiful,train +72739,72740,72740,hatini sanay ku naliti mumuk hananay,through the reeds,test +72740,72741,72741,papikamecen,Let Grip,train +72741,72742,72742,maadah tu ku adada,the sickness is healed,train +72742,72743,72743,cicacelakan,with umbrella,train +72743,72744,72744,iraay ku penen itini haw,is there any manzanita in there,train +72744,72745,72745,matepa ku sapisamiciw nu hatiniay,this width can be found in the center,train +72745,72746,72746,yu yara i sasa nu Sibuluay adidi henay,it was small when it was still under the moons eyebrow,train +72746,72747,72747,A ira tu kisu a minukay,Ahh you are back,train +72747,72748,72748,Tanucafeng san ku kaitiraan nuya kiaamay awaay ku fadahung,the place where the beggar lived was all walls and no roof,train +72748,72749,72749,Hitapacek ku waay nura wawa,the child foot hit the nail,train +72749,72750,72750,caay pilaed patili nu misu nu misu masilsil tu i lilis nu riyar,at the beach place each triangular net in a neat row,test +72750,72751,72751,samatiya san u ma caay ka tingalaw manguta tu mamang,the water is not very clear and slightly turbid,train +72751,72752,72752,yan tu pina tu ku rumiʼad,after a while,train +72752,72753,72753,mitilid kita i ira kura ngala nura mitilidan nu mita,there are intervals in the writing,train +72753,72754,72754,tulu,surname San,train +72754,72755,72755,pakatar,sometimes,train +72755,72756,72756,nawey kisu ha Halu,Harold you are so pathetic,train +72756,72757,72757,sa,Help,train +72757,72758,72758,Pina^ tu ku mihecaan ni kaka^ isu tu fainayan,how old is your elder brother,train +72758,72759,72759,pacici sa a tayra sa sidemak sidemak tu,if you insist on going something will happen,train +72759,72760,72760,marepet nu sufitay Yis a mapalit,Jesus was arrested by soldiers and tied up,test +72760,72761,72761,saʼicelen tu nu mita,let us go for it,train +72761,72762,72762,kinatulu kaku a makatakup tu napalumaan,there were three encounters,train +72762,72763,72763,minanum,drink,train +72763,72764,72764,a pakapina a remiad i luma,how many days are you going back,train +72764,72765,72765,mahrek ci Yis a sumuwal tunini i supa sa tu sra a misasuta ta sadit han ningra i mata nuya mapuhaway,having said this he spit on the ground made some mud with the saliva and put it on the mans eyes,train +72765,72766,72766,u ya suni nuya ayam tuya lafii,the sound of birds in the middle of the night,train +72766,72767,72767,nanu yaan,at that time,train +72767,72768,72768,Orasaka kakudait ku falucu nu maimeray tu limuut nu Kawas atuya marariday a mitier ci Yisan a finawlan nu Kawas,this calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey Gods commandments and remain faithful to Jesus,train +72768,72769,72769,u sulinayaytu,that makes sense,train +72769,72770,72770,nikaurira i,But,test +72770,72771,72771,tuna ci nganganay,for example the well known,train +72771,72772,72772,milukut,Cai Shan so,train +72772,72773,72773,Matngiltu namu kuya Aka ka udang ya sanay a suwal,You have heard that it was said Do not commit adultery,train +72773,72774,72774,ku kapah tayra i kaʼayaw aku,the young men will gather here,train +72774,72775,72775,mivingkiw tunu,it is about learning,train +72775,72776,72776,papacilahen,salt will be added,train +72776,72777,72777,ira ku ulal aku kira huwa pancah ri,I have an Amis playmate too,train +72777,72778,72778,Stien aku ku tireng aku a papituur onini i u saka^caaw ka falah aku tuna u patnakay kaku tu Ngaayay Ratuh i tauwanan,No I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others I myself will not be disqualified for the prize,train +72778,72779,72779,wawa hen kaku hen,when I was seven years old,train +72779,72780,72780,misasiraw,cured meat,test +72780,72781,72781,macacawi a rumadiw,to sing in rounds to have an echo respond in singing,train +72781,72782,72782,hadidi hantu aku matayal itira,I worked there seriously,train +72782,72783,72783,ira ku nai Tipiriyasay a pinapina a pakataminaay a talahkal i ngata nu kakumaenan nu finawlan tu ^pang uya pikansiyaan nu Tapang tu Kawas siday han nangra ku tamina itira,then some boats from Tiberias landed near the place where the people had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks,train +72783,72784,72784,mararid tu rumiamiad ci Yis a pasifana i Fangcalay Pitaungan Misaimer tu sapipatayaw ci Yisan ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec atu kakrikridan nu niyaru,every day he was teaching at the temple but the chief priests the teachers of the law and the leaders among the people were trying to kill him,train +72784,72785,72785,a caka futi a kapah i,young people who do not go to sleep,train +72785,72786,72786,mafuti ay tu,I have had enough sleep,train +72786,72787,72787,cumikay tu kami a miraud,let us speed up and get over there,train +72787,72788,72788,wa mamilifet kaku tu mitekung tu mali,I will compete in croquet,train +72788,72789,72789,mangaʼay tu saan,he said he welcomed it,train +72789,72790,72790,i talulunga nu riyar,deep,test +72790,72791,72791,yu lukesen nu tau kami i u ngaayay a suwal ku sapacawi niyam tahamatini a matiya u lakaw matiya u lakad kami a nengnengen nu aniniay a tamdamdaw,when we are slandered we answer kindly up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth the refuse of the world,train +72791,72792,72792,ʼalumanʼaluman ku minukay a kapahkapah,we need more young people to come back and help,train +72792,72793,72793,tukay,municipal,train +72793,72794,72794,a sivavainay tu itiya sa sikapahayay ku vuduy atu sikucu kucu,when I get married I will have a decent dress and decent shoes to wear,train +72794,72795,72795,pawalien ku riku,hang up the clothes to dry,train +72795,72796,72796,palapasu,think of it as a bus,train +72796,72797,72797,midungec kuya matuʼasay tayra i lutuk midungec tu talud cay kalingad,I am not allowed to work but I am allowed to gather reeds and wild greens in the mountains,train +72797,72798,72798,ngarngar,Voice tone,train +72798,72799,72799,nenengen,looks like it,train +72799,72800,72800,casa pifadisaw iʼayaw,I have used hot water before,test +72800,72801,72801,tayra tu i Maivur ku ruma ruma,some of them are in Mali,train +72801,72802,72802,ta papulung han nira misacecay tuya futing,put the fish together into a fish wad,train +72802,72803,72803,acefelay kasulin,train,train +72803,72804,72804,micudasa tu awa kuni kafanaan aku,I cannot even learn when I go to school,train +72804,72805,72805,Taataak ku akaway nu vunga,the stems are very thick,train +72805,72806,72806,cecay lian ira ku sepat pulu ku takaraw aku,I am centimeters,train +72806,72807,72807,ketingcipat,attach,train +72807,72808,72808,Hai u mamaurad ku rumiad tuya rumiad,Yes it will be rainy that day,train +72808,72809,72809,ta suwal sa ku Tapang i cingraan Kalumuwad katayra i Mu^celay hananay a lalan kilimen ci Sawlu hananay a Tarsus a tamdaw i luma ni Yuta mitulun cingra itira,the Lord told him Go to the house of Judas on straight street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul for he is praying,train +72809,72810,72810,sikawasen nira kaku mafuti kaku,the shaman did a spell on me while I slept,test +72810,72811,72811,maharateng ku maku iayaw o kaying hu,when I think of the lady,train +72811,72812,72812,haw atu lipay tu kita haw pafilung tu kita,we are going to celebrate new Years Eve in a week,train +72812,72813,72813,o kapah malingad tayra tura piʼuwayan,youth cultivation goes,train +72813,72814,72814,ha,Oh Oh my God,train +72814,72815,72815,a pasevana hantu i,General childminder fluent in the language of the indigenous people,train +72815,72816,72816,anu masamaan ku sausi nu Tapang tu pakayniay i urip isu yu mitahidang ku Kawas i kahaccaccay namu a papituur i aka ka cangal tunini onini ku limuut aku i kasakiwkay,Nevertheless each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him this is the rule I lay down in all the churches,train +72816,72817,72817,sakuvad,wing,train +72817,72818,72818,cucu,breast,train +72818,72819,72819,haw,as for,train +72819,72820,72820,hatini ku pinanam ita anini^,class dismissed see you next week,test +72820,72821,72821,misakimulu,cutting into three dimensional round shapes,train +72821,72822,72822,i way a mihcaan,the,train +72822,72823,72823,anini a patayiraen nu mita,now we are going to put,train +72823,72824,72824,lunged,burnt,train +72824,72825,72825,red san kiya urad i,it is raining too much,train +72825,72826,72826,maacisay,dry,train +72826,72827,72827,a miala tura celung hananay a kilang,we are going to get some cedar wood,train +72827,72828,72828,kapapadang kamu,you must help each other,train +72828,72829,72829,naw mata hu kuraan haw i ca hu karuhem haw i,when it is still raw it is not even ripe,train +72829,72830,72830,Palululen ku matastasay,fix up what is spoiled restoring and returning,test +72830,72831,72831,licayen aku cingra mana padeteng sa mifalic tu ngangan ya telang a mitingkian a ngangan cuwa kangaay haw,I asked him why he insisted on changing his name was not the old registration method sufficient,train +72831,72832,72832,pasilusien,tag,train +72832,72833,72833,pikasuy,lumber,train +72833,72834,72834,Matefafac ku fanges aku,my skin is torn,train +72834,72835,72835,mafana a mirayray tu sapi nidemakan nu tuʼas itiya hu,it is the expertise in the transmission of traditional culture,train +72835,72836,72836,nipatireng,fig to rock and roll,train +72836,72837,72837,miritrit kami tu kusuy,while we are cutting lemongrass,train +72837,72838,72838,sa a ira ira aca alumanay ku salikaka imatini,the laity have been spreading their wings before they spread their wings,train +72838,72839,72839,haenen ni Vavuy Liyal,the big fish in the sea,train +72839,72840,72840,namaka tuluway a vulad limay enemay a vulad tangsa anini,from March May June to now,test +72840,72841,72841,i kafekacan caira,they are on the sports field,train +72841,72842,72842,o saka pihaen ningra a midmak haw i u sapatiriaw ningra i kasarayray nu urip tu nika tadamaan nu mikumi ningra i titaanan pakayni i ci Kristu Yisan a mapahapinang ku ulah ningra,in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus,train +72842,72843,72843,kadufah,affluent,train +72843,72844,72844,mademetay,overgrown areas,train +72844,72845,72845,caay kafana kita tu sukuy aniniay wawa mupyeykwu mupyeykwu han nu Hulam,we kids do not know that nowadays the Han people call it agarbizia agarbizia agarbizia,train +72845,72846,72846,tunipiladiw tu ni piladiw nu fainay numaku,after my husband passed away,train +72846,72847,72847,suwal sa Kamu u Kalili a tamdaw nawiru tireng sa kamu a pasikakarayan Onini a ninengnengan namu a miliyasay tamuwanan a makakuy a talakakarayan ci Yis i u mamahaen unini ku nipiliyaw Ningra a tayni han nangra,Men of Galilee they said why do you stand here looking into the sky this same Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven,train +72847,72848,72848,pitu ku tepung pitu ku tepung nira,it is got seven holes,train +72848,72849,72849,o mienafay kaku tu lakaw i putal nu mita,I was burning garbage in the square,train +72849,72850,72850,en sinsiya satu,so I came to Shinshe,test +72850,72851,72851,anu suwalen tu malalipuing hu aku han,if I were to start with being a member of the Legislative Council,train +72851,72852,72852,Cakay tu anini a wawa Cakay tu kikay sapikarut,Nowadays machines are used to plow the fields,train +72852,72853,72853,pakafana kita tu tilid,use of textbooks in teaching and,train +72853,72854,72854,Maaraw ni akung kaku ri pakaen ciira tu sinar i takuwanan atu paucya^ i takuwanan,as soon as Grandpa saw me he invited me to eat watermelon and drink tea,train +72854,72855,72855,o micacakay tu hemay kaku i sefi,I am cooking in the kitchen,train +72855,72856,72856,nika caay kapaceva isaw,but it is not random,train +72856,72857,72857,anu misakuli kami haw,if we are going to work,train +72857,72858,72858,madeng pina ku halafin nu rumiʼad pina fulad,how long has this been going on how many months,train +72858,72859,72859,iraay ku kungkuan i niyaru namu haw,do you have schools in your community,train +72859,72860,72860,kailisin satu,in the year of plenty,test +72860,72861,72861,maanen isu ku pifalic,how are you going to change it,train +72861,72862,72862,a hay,Yeah Oh,train +72862,72863,72863,pasneng kaku a pasuwal i ci Titusan tu pakayniay tamuwanan caay pakangudu kamu takuwanan matu nika sulin nu nika sumuwal niyam i tamuwanan ku nika sulin nu nipipasneng niyam ci Titusan,I had boasted to him about you and you have not embarrassed me but just as everything we said to you was true so our boasting about you to Titus has proved to be true as well,train +72863,72864,72864,milafin kura malikakaay i,hold it right there,train +72864,72865,72865,tata tayra i luma sa,wait at home,train +72865,72866,72866,u saca^desay a demak nu lisin,the strictest activities of the religion,train +72866,72867,72867,u miʼawʼaway u cirumiʼaday,someone who is guided someone who is organized,train +72867,72868,72868,i tini i Tayhuku itiya hu,I used to be in Taipei,train +72868,72869,72869,pararamuden kiya heci paenu nira,let their seeds mate,train +72869,72870,72870,o kaka^ aku ciira ci Kulas,he is my brother his name is Kolas,test +72870,72871,72871,Mikaput ku papinapina a Krisiya a tamdaw tuya tayraay i pisalisinan a mitaung,now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the Feast,train +72871,72872,72872,Mafutek ci ama a mitulun,grandma closed her eyes and prayed,train +72872,72873,72873,adawang,clubhouse,train +72873,72874,72874,u sanlika ku mikuwanay tu kawali nu niyaru itiyahu,it used to be a place managed by the Forestry department,train +72874,72875,72875,sanay ku suwal ni ama aku,dad taught us that,train +72875,72876,72876,Patirien kami tu fa^luhay a paliding isu,show us your new vehicle,train +72876,72877,72877,anu macuwa tu kaku anu macuwaay tu hakini,for me as a mom to listen to and learn from my kids,train +72877,72878,72878,u pilicay aku anini mihecaan,this year,train +72878,72879,72879,anu saikuray anu huni sakatusa,there is one more thing it is going to be in the second episode,train +72879,72880,72880,cuwa pitapi isu pinaay ku halafin,No how long have you been working,test +72880,72881,72881,pacaʼuf han ni kaka aku ci Safelu,my elder brother said to his wife,train +72881,72882,72882,tulu,stumble,train +72882,72883,72883,harateng aku u kahacecay lumaˈ wa ngaˈay miharateng tayra i Miyanmar a matayal,I think every family can consider serving somewhere like Myanmar,train +72883,72884,72884,pakayni i Takaw taliyuk awa ku lalan itiya i Kalingku,there is no way from Hualien it is from Kaohsiung,train +72884,72885,72885,mafukil mitengil tu,they often do not understand,train +72885,72886,72886,Cefusen tu nanum ku nipalumaan a hana,please sprinkle water on freshly planted flowers,train +72886,72887,72887,anu ira ku misafitayay i tayra kita miingkay,if the tribe has any enlisted soldiers we will be at the meeting,train +72887,72888,72888,kalulang kuude,port Caroline,train +72888,72889,72889,u ruma satu ri Matay u nanum ayaw,and the water,train +72889,72890,72890,o pipatalumaan tu wawa niyam anini,this is the day to marry our child,test +72890,72891,72891,tayra mi sa tuya rumiad,go there and be a cheerleader for your loved ones,train +72891,72892,72892,mahiya kaku,I would like to,train +72892,72893,72893,kapah,boys,train +72893,72894,72894,Mapeca ku kamay,the lower arm hangs loose at the elbow,train +72894,72895,72895,caay papicudadn niyam saan,we will let him read,train +72895,72896,72896,i ini itu sa cingra,It is here he said,train +72896,72897,72897,samaainiini tu saka ngaay,discuss with each other to make things the best they can be,train +72897,72898,72898,satumeli saan ku nikavuhcal,fair and transparent,train +72898,72899,72899,mipacukisay,brackets being put up to cover thatched roofs,train +72899,72900,72900,lafii^,at night,test +72900,72901,72901,Kales han tu ku fukes ni safa haw,remember to comb your sisters hair,train +72901,72902,72902,i ikur nu nika sumuwal ni Yis tunini tu falu a rumiad i kriden ni Yis ci Pitiru aci Yuhani aci Yakup a macukacuk a tayra i lutuk a mitulun,about eight days after Jesus said this he took Peter John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray,train +72902,72903,72903,saka cecay lalakaw mitadtaday tu manan ku tatudung nu mihelung tu katelangay a pinangan hananay atu hanu tada macaluhay a demak,the first text will explain what it means to she would old character and why doing so is imperative,train +72903,72904,72904,nipaeyuan,drugs,train +72904,72905,72905,anini a kaemangay haw,now the kids,train +72905,72906,72906,Tatemikay tu ku pacemut isu mapacemutay tu ku futing alatek halikien a mitengteng,your fishing rod is moving is not the fish on the hook pull it up,train +72906,72907,72907,itini caay kapapina ku tamdaw haw i,there were not a lot of people there,train +72907,72908,72908,pakatumireng han nu singsi itini i paputal kami awaay ku Cudad,the teacher made those who did not have stationery stand outside,train +72908,72909,72909,o nikaudangan nira kiraan a tadah nira,he has accumulated debts by committing adultery,train +72909,72910,72910,hay adihay kuni a cengel ira,so there are a lot of colors,test +72910,72911,72911,cima kini cima kini ira ku alasuwalay,who is who who is who who is the talkative old man,train +72911,72912,72912,caka halafin kaku itira i i,it was not long there,train +72912,72913,72913,malifut milakec kinananum sa ira kya alu namu tya mangutaay a nanum saka,do not you have a muddy Creek they are having trouble crossing,train +72913,72914,72914,cuwa tu kafangcal kiya ina sa kaka aku,my brother said that my mother was unconscious at that time,train +72914,72915,72915,Orasaka salikakaaw aku anu masaupu kamu tu sakakumaenaw tu saki Tapang a lafi i katatala kamu,so then my brothers when you come together to eat wait for each other,train +72915,72916,72916,mamu^eceray,extroverted,train +72916,72917,72917,matefing,rocked,train +72917,72918,72918,kumaenay tu tu epah hay malasang tu,after we have had a few drinks,train +72918,72919,72919,mikuwan,rule,train +72919,72920,72920,Pitusur han nira ku ina nira a milunguc,he got down on his knees and begged his mom,test +72920,72921,72921,cikesem Cirarum,it is sad,train +72921,72922,72922,anini a rumiad pasifana ku singsi misanga tu datuk atu ^epip,today the teacher taught us how to make a mouth organ and a bamboo flute,train +72922,72923,72923,o cisafakay ku felac nu misu,your rice pile is lined with empty she will rice,train +72923,72924,72924,anu cadiwayen ku nipivutingi,what about fishing with a trammel net,train +72924,72925,72925,Cuisen kunini,turn this upside down,train +72925,72926,72926,mafanaaypakafiluay,do,train +72926,72927,72927,itira cingra a mitala anini tangasa i papihinukupan nu Kawas tu ada ningra i pasaripaan ningra a malataripaan ningra,since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool,train +72927,72928,72928,Saka papipatireng hantu nuya Tapang ku parakatay tu paliding ningra ^Pud satu cangra a tatusa a maluklun a tayra i nanum ta painu hantu ni Filip kuya Tapang a tamdaw,and he gave orders to stop the chariot then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him,train +72928,72929,72929,tiya dafak malingad itiya mau suy tu kupiparananum niyan,I went out early to plow the fields but it was too late to divert the water,train +72929,72930,72930,sakalefutan,break,test +72930,72931,72931,ura keliw,the rope,train +72931,72932,72932,mapacangaw,being put on a necklace,train +72932,72933,72933,caay kalecad ku serangawan nu kakuniyaru,each tribe has a different culture,train +72933,72934,72934,parekuhen,stop,train +72934,72935,72935,Tumangic ci Yis,Jesus wept,train +72935,72936,72936,letu letu han ku pangangan,it is done and finished arrow bamboo,train +72936,72937,72937,urip nu maku nani kafanaʼan aku itini i tahira,this is my favorite memory from when I was to years old,train +72937,72938,72938,midemak tu maamaan demak nu mita,engage in our work related to agriculture,train +72938,72939,72939,o cinamalay ku harakatay,it is faster to take the train,train +72939,72940,72940,tuya tam nu iciku itiya,the first ship of the day,test +72940,72941,72941,maan han kiya,what is it called,train +72941,72942,72942,Ha taluma tu kisu,Oh you are done with school,train +72942,72943,72943,paladaen,share with others,train +72943,72944,72944,mamaan hanaku aluman ku pasangaay,I would say a lot of people have to do it,train +72944,72945,72945,masiwit,slant,train +72945,72946,72946,malasawad kura niyaru tuya lunen,the tribe was wiped out by a merciless earthquake,train +72946,72947,72947,makadufah,full of,train +72947,72948,72948,anu hapinang han ku nisuwalan,Analyze these works carefully,train +72948,72949,72949,itini tura picudadan tunu Cawi ta itira tu ku malupisak misa Cawiʼay,Shizuras school is where the Shizura clan started to spread out,train +72949,72950,72950,Satukian,wear a watch,test +72950,72951,72951,awai ku patelac,no mistakes,train +72951,72952,72952,pakelang faʼinayan maemin faʼinayan ya kapah tayra riyar micerem,all boys Celebration boys youth diving at the beach,train +72952,72953,72953,ha tinien,that is fine,train +72953,72954,72954,taʼakayay kakahaday kura sapikpik u sapikpik han ku pangangan pasuwal han tura,its wings are big and wide can we call them wings,train +72954,72955,72955,anu hatira maumah sa tu sa,if that is the case then let us do farming,train +72955,72956,72956,mikihatiya,to follow,train +72956,72957,72957,cirafas ku suwal nira,he talks too much,train +72957,72958,72958,kunucen,pull out,train +72958,72959,72959,wawa hu cay pisanka,and then they did not show up after hours,train +72959,72960,72960,kriden haca nuya Palafuay ci Yis a tayra i takaraway a pala pamlet a patiri cingraan tu pulung nu Kitakit nu hkal,the devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world,test +72960,72961,72961,ya pilaliwan isu a haw i patudungen a satu nu pikadafuan umaan sapatudun,what are you going to say if they want you to make up for the time you were gone,train +72961,72962,72962,ci Yisi ku mama ni Tafiti a hungti ci Tafiti ku mama ni Sulumun,and Jesse the father of king David David was the father of Solomon whose mother had been Uriahs wife,train +72962,72963,72963,pakakuliciway kisu a talapitilidan han,do you go to school by bicycle,train +72963,72964,72964,Kasiraw,salt pork,train +72964,72965,72965,mavecul amin haw kamu,have you all eaten,train +72965,72966,72966,ti huni tu aya wamangataay tu sakiya sa kaku,after a while I feel like I am getting closer,train +72966,72967,72967,terung nu lavii,midnight,train +72967,72968,72968,kuhtingay,black,train +72968,72969,72969,o cuang u fukung u tuda atu afar,Hos black fish cusk eel and shrimp,train +72969,72970,72970,tu sepat pulu tu limatu a miheca,years,test +72970,72971,72971,saka^esuay,best,train +72971,72972,72972,sapahiya tu nu masakapahay a wawa atu lalavuay nu luma a matuasay,it is for the young and the old in the family,train +72972,72973,72973,hay masuvuctu manay iratu ku hicay,there is a fry Yes it is spawning,train +72973,72974,72974,Kaesu haw,is it delicious,train +72974,72975,72975,Saka pacauf sa ci Yis i cangraan Liayawen aku a milicay kamu tu ccay Pacaufen Kaku,he replied I will also ask you a question tell me,train +72975,72976,72976,asik han nu wikul nira ku ccay nu kalitulu nu fuis i kakarayan a mifahkul i hkal Tumireng kuya kangic i kaayaw nuya mamahufuc a fafahiyan mitala ciira itira tu sakakumaenaw nira tu nihufucan nuya fafahiyan a wawa,his tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth so that he might devour her child the moment it was born,train +72976,72977,72977,miselal,age group,train +72977,72978,72978,rumiad urip,day,train +72978,72979,72979,hay iraay hu ku ruma tu aalaen isu,no problem and what else do you need,train +72979,72980,72980,suni,sound,test +72980,72981,72981,u nisa Tafalungay tu ada,foreign enemies in long Valley,train +72981,72982,72982,mimaan i lutuk paluma tu havay atu panay,what do you do in the mountains to grow millet and glutinous rice,train +72982,72983,72983,mamangay hu kaku hatu ciwkusay hu kaku itiya,I was young only years old,train +72983,72984,72984,savuut,yarn,train +72984,72985,72985,saka hatiraay tiya paluma san kami itiraay sakaʼamis nira Tangafuran,and then we built a house there just north of the Pimps,train +72985,72986,72986,sulin tumireng cingra maaraw nira kunini siri nu lutuk,he really stood up seeing a goat,train +72986,72987,72987,ci Angah Alimulu cacay ku tuanay,only Anahole Arizumi left,train +72987,72988,72988,Lupeng,mans name,train +72988,72989,72989,dadaya tu masaʼupu tu ku pakalungay,in the evening the young people get together,train +72989,72990,72990,Mafana kisu a mitenuun cima ku pasifanaay kisuwanan,you are very skilled at weaving who taught you,test +72990,72991,72991,Dada,come on,train +72991,72992,72992,laluma,brothel,train +72992,72993,72993,Pataduen kaku a miala tu saasik,please help me with the broom,train +72993,72994,72994,karaay,far,train +72994,72995,72995,tatelecan,girdle,train +72995,72996,72996,mihungku,grain mill,train +72996,72997,72997,kalingatuwan,commencement,train +72997,72998,72998,u yanan tu a mabawbaw ku Singku,if I had not gone bankrupt I would not have met Jesus,train +72998,72999,72999,tayni i lutuk miala tu aul tu maicangay,it gives the tribe light at night and makes the Festival go smoothly,train +72999,73000,73000,u niyan u lingatu,Xiaomi period,test +73000,73001,73001,sapahanhan,to breathe,train +73001,73002,73002,yu mahapinangtu ku sakapakalunanaw niyam a tayra i Itali i mapaturud ci Pawlu atu rumaruma a marufuay i ci Yuliyusan hananay a kakridan nu sufitay nu Luma o ccay nu misimaway tu hungti a sufitay cingra,when it was decided that we would sail for Italy Paul and some other prisoners were handed over to a centurion named Julius who belonged to the imperial Regiment,train +73002,73003,73003,ngaen nu was ku kakarayan atu hekal,God made the heavens and earth,train +73003,73004,73004,sekidusan de,stone mountain area,train +73004,73005,73005,minukay kamu haw i,when you get home,train +73005,73006,73006,misaupuay,collective,train +73006,73007,73007,mansa tulu pulu mihecaan aku kiya,that is why when I was,train +73007,73008,73008,kamadiw ri,sing a song,train +73008,73009,73009,sienaw tu mamang ku rumiad ka halinanum tu faedetay,it is a bit cold so you need to drink more warm water,train +73009,73010,73010,tu dafudafung sa kira ku matuʼasay,parents want to buy furniture,test +73010,73011,73011,i Ciwidian ku niyaru nu maku,my tribe is in the hydroponics,train +73011,73012,73012,adihayen ku mikaenan akaka ngudu,eat more do not be polite,train +73012,73013,73013,icuwa ku katayalan mimaansa hatira sa,where should I look for a job,train +73013,73014,73014,saka patireng satu tu saka ngaʼay nu kamaruʼan kura Kinanuka,so only the antlers were set up for a good living environment,train +73014,73015,73015,yu u wawa henay,it was like this when I was a kid,train +73015,73016,73016,saka hatiraay ku lalan aku a milifet,so a man tries to go his own way,train +73016,73017,73017,icuwaay ku paniyaruan isu,where is your hometown,train +73017,73018,73018,ci Ma La OSi hay mahengnay kira,an invitation from minister Maraos,train +73018,73019,73019,tiya dafak i tiya pafelian tu aku kura singsi,I will bring it the next day,train +73019,73020,73020,tadatataʼang ku nanum tataʼang ku fali,the water and the wind are really big,test +73020,73021,73021,mapulung a mikungling,training together,train +73021,73022,73022,tayra cangra i ci Filipan suwal sa cangra Singsiaw sapinengnengan kami i ci Yisan han nangra,they came to Philip who was from Bethsaida in Galilee with a request Sir they said we would like to see Jesus,train +73022,73023,73023,ira kiya hiya,there was that,train +73023,73024,73024,metek,concentrating ones thoughts and efforts,train +73024,73025,73025,piku,crosshair,train +73025,73026,73026,tayra kita mikihatiya makeru san kira Tangafulan san,the Pingpu say we will go to the Festival together,train +73026,73027,73027,na i Pusungay kaku,I am from Taitung,train +73027,73028,73028,pasikakalayan,upwards,train +73028,73029,73029,nu caay ka,what about the ones that are not,train +73029,73030,73030,cinwuy,guards,test +73030,73031,73031,faedetay tu kalaluudan kaurira saemelay tu dadaya,it is hot in the summer but it is nice and cool at night,train +73031,73032,73032,kapahtu anu pakungku saw,of course you can tell stories,train +73032,73033,73033,maherek tu kurana kira,that production is done,train +73033,73034,73034,o safanaˈ nu 1944 miheca a Ninkang sanay ku suwal Mipalusiyangay tu Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa itini i Mesiku kuni taykay,the Yearbook of Jehovahs Witnesses says This congress made Jehovahs Witnesses a household name in Mexico,train +73034,73035,73035,tikilu matama ku alulid haw haw,can you hit a sparrow can you,train +73035,73036,73036,Mafanatu kamu tu mikumi nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu nanu tadamaanay ku urip ningra Nikawrira malapakuyuc cingra tu sakalmed namu o sakasaan i pakayni i nika lapakuyuc ningra a malacidafungay kamu,for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor so that you through his poverty might become rich,train +73036,73037,73037,kafana tu suwal matayalay tunu Yakufa hantu san palu kira haw,you have to listen you work in the village office and then you have to hit him while you talk,train +73037,73038,73038,Ulah a saan kami,we would love to,train +73038,73039,73039,ira ku hikuzyu caay hen kaeput ku hiku,at the airport there were no planes descending,train +73039,73040,73040,kedal hiwawa itiya tu suʼelin,if there is a drought that day then we will know how serious it is,test +73040,73041,73041,o sapacuay kura titi nu fafuy,that pork is to be given as a gift,train +73041,73042,73042,unic,fussy,train +73042,73043,73043,u sakapahay nu maku a cavay ci Kacaw u wawa nu Pangcah cira,my good friends name is Kacaw and he is also an Amis child,train +73043,73044,73044,nawhani u lingad ku urip,because we are working for a living,train +73044,73045,73045,iratu papah,there is already tobacco leaves,train +73045,73046,73046,nisuwalan nu maku,I said,train +73046,73047,73047,cangra ku mi kira,they enjoy,train +73047,73048,73048,a urip itini hu itini i Paanifung maan kura,this is my childhood in Hing Cheong,train +73048,73049,73049,maumah ci mira a mipawali cingra pawali tu panay,he is working on tanning the grain,train +73049,73050,73050,Mialupaynay kita anu dadaya haw,why do not we go catch fireflies tonight,test +73050,73051,73051,tusa idengay tu ku sinavel nu Pangcah,two Amis dishes are enough,train +73051,73052,73052,Hay pasuwal hatu aku ci Kacaw,Okay I will tell Kacaw for you,train +73052,73053,73053,pawanengen tu kura,to know how to put in granulated sugar,train +73053,73054,73054,Palalukedaw aka kasaan tu pusi,do not look at the cat as a panther,train +73054,73055,73055,matini,in the process of,train +73055,73056,73056,eyra i kungyen nu hiya kiyami haw hay,it is in that park is it like this Yes it is,train +73056,73057,73057,Paadawangen nu mita itini,we are setting up the gate here,train +73057,73058,73058,nafuy san kaku mangic,I was on the floor crying,train +73058,73059,73059,Iratu ku kakafien a mikuhaw i ngaayay tu,It is good to have soup,train +73059,73060,73060,a tusa pulu ila ku cecay tayni tusa pulu ila ku tusa i,yes and,test +73060,73061,73061,taʼangay kuna a kali itini saan nga suwal tu niyam kituhen tu niyam ku kaemangay,why is there a ditch so big here at this point we will tell him and explain to the child,train +73061,73062,73062,paruk,quilts,train +73062,73063,73063,fucul,bow,train +73063,73064,73064,saka naikuran tu ninian haw,so after this incident,train +73064,73065,73065,axenan,chairs,train +73065,73066,73066,mapulung,whole body,train +73066,73067,73067,cuwa kataangay ku kungkuan niyam cakahakuwa ku mitiliday mafana a madadama kami,our school is not big there are not many students everyone knows each other,train +73067,73068,73068,makececay,blinking,train +73068,73069,73069,naniariri,warehouse,train +73069,73070,73070,midiput,nurture,test +73070,73071,73071,onini saupu i ira ku pinanam aku tu pinaluma nu Yin Cu min atu kakaenen nu taneng Halu ruray nu paliwalay a citinaku tu,through this event I learned about indigenous plants and food and experienced the hard work of running a stall,train +73071,73072,73072,tayra i tataʼakay lalan,go to the main road,train +73072,73073,73073,taʼangayay ku tapelik pacieci sa mi mitefad tu salil kuna iciku,the waves were very rough but the first boat still dropped the nets,train +73073,73074,73074,cay ka telien i pawti sulsul han tu Lamaw keliw,fish do not come in bags they come on strings,train +73074,73075,73075,o paypay ku pituuran nu alumanay a tamdaw,many people believe in worship,train +73075,73076,73076,Saka a hacecay han a nilahci ku niharatengan tu pakuniyaniyah pikuwan,in the future the ideals of indigenous self government will be realized step by step,train +73076,73077,73077,anu caay ka salalan ku nipaini nu maku,I am not being thorough,train +73077,73078,73078,anucila i ira ku rumiad isu helek nu lahuk tayra kaku tisuwanan,Then are you available tomorrow I will visit you tomorrow afternoon,train +73078,73079,73079,maranam hananay u milaylayay tu tanuhtuay a tireng mavekac,the meaning of breakfast is to train the body to be strong running,train +73079,73080,73080,ta sasiʼepah sa kita a tayraan,that is why we carry wine to the next level,test +73080,73081,73081,alaen hu ku cuking uli,can you get me a rag please,train +73081,73082,73082,^ecaw,millet wine,train +73082,73083,73083,Malaafih ku nitifekanni Hungay a panay,ho Ai pounds rice into chaff flour,train +73083,73084,73084,pirayrayan,according to,train +73084,73085,73085,anu ci cedicedi kisu,even with the ability to,train +73085,73086,73086,anu u pakapatikuay a tamdaw a ccay ku pacaliwen namu i hakuwa ku nika tadamaan namu saw Haluciraraway a tamdaw a mipacaliw i pakapatikuay tuyanan tu,and if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment what credit is that to you even sinners lend to sinners expecting to be repaid in full,train +73086,73087,73087,pina tu ku miheca isu ina,Grandma how old are you,train +73087,73088,73088,u nian haen,that is it,train +73088,73089,73089,sanay kuna licay nu singpung kisiya,it is a question for the interviewer,train +73089,73090,73090,anu awa sa awayay han i han na ina,mom said what can be done No that is it,test +73090,73091,73091,oniya kihpicay Cudad naicuwaay ira hani,where did this booklet come from,train +73091,73092,73092,o pateduay tu han niya ina pacici sa kiya mama,it is an impossible task Dads insistence on doing it is unbelievable,train +73092,73093,73093,Sadadahal saan caay kakapah haw anu lalahad,is the width too wide I do not think so,train +73093,73094,73094,itira aca i niyaru i Taytung,only in the tribes of Taitung,train +73094,73095,73095,wata ku siniʼada nira i tauan,he is so loving to others,train +73095,73096,73096,talakatumayian,going to the toilet,train +73096,73097,73097,matumus tu ku tusa a langa,two baskets were full,train +73097,73098,73098,i cuwaay ku mangataay nu mimukmukay a kasuling nu siyataw itini,where is the nearest MRT station,train +73098,73099,73099,faking,penalize,train +73099,73100,73100,papina kami,how many of us,test +73100,73101,73101,Ngaayay kupi usi isu,it is very well read,train +73101,73102,73102,maremes,bloodshed,train +73102,73103,73103,cima ku cungtung nu mita anini,who is our president today,train +73103,73104,73104,sulinay iya Kawas milaliw tu amin,it is true that ghost is gone,train +73104,73105,73105,anu mafanaˈ ku pacekiwan anca milisuˈan a tamdaw tu mipiliˈan ita a salama u misaka dademakay kaku tu sapasifanaˈ nu Fangcalay Cudad wa saan cangra miharateng han,if Bible students or follow up visitors knew what I chose to entertain would they think I was practicing what the Bible teaches,train +73105,73106,73106,kilim san i lutuk tu,look for it in the mountains,train +73106,73107,73107,mafacidul,harvesting breadfruit,train +73107,73108,73108,mahanenay ku kapah haw mahenay ku tamadaw,it is young people and people in general,train +73108,73109,73109,sakamangicang kaku ri samaenen,I could not help but cry,train +73109,73110,73110,malupatih,walls,test +73110,73111,73111,Icuwa^ mikilim tu cauf,where can I find the answer,train +73111,73112,73112,hai itiraay kaetip ku niyaru,Yes the tribe was still west,train +73112,73113,73113,lusid,traditional clothing,train +73113,73114,73114,ta sanga satu sa cira tunian u sapad,and he built it out of boards,train +73114,73115,73115,kawrira i nengneng han ku lifun i maedengay tu ku kati nu luma,However seeing that the salary is already sufficient to cover the cost of household expenses,train +73115,73116,73116,i sawalian nu niyaru ku paadawangan naira,their meeting place is on the east side of the tribe,train +73116,73117,73117,mamuraraw kiya pihiya naku na huni,I have just made a mistake,train +73117,73118,73118,Nikawrira caay ka ^ca ka u tatalahkal kita tu i cuwaay a kanatal han ningra cangra,Nevertheless we must run aground on some island,train +73118,73119,73119,yu miliyas ci Yis itira i ca^des ku pilikaf nu pasifanaay tu Rikec atu Farisay a tamdaw ci Yisan liclicen nangra ci Yis tu masamaamaanay a licay,when Jesus left there the Pharisees and the teachers of the law began to oppose him fiercely and to besiege him with questions,train +73119,73120,73120,pakay ni i funi ku tayal nu maku,this was my job at the time,test +73120,73121,73121,anu pina tu kuwang tu cacaliwen sa,assuming we need to borrow a couple of guns,train +73121,73122,73122,Singsi papahanhan kaku anucila sakacecay nu mitiliday o papaising kaku,Teacher I need to take a sick leave next Monday I have to see a doctor,train +73122,73123,73123,micakay kaku tu kenaw tusa^ falud,I want to buy two green onions,train +73123,73124,73124,riku ha awaay u suwal sanay ku,what about clothes it turns out there is not any just that it is,train +73124,73125,73125,itiya iratu tusa ku miheca pakaen tu kulung,after two years of herding cattle,train +73125,73126,73126,nanhan pakuyuc tatu ku luma i,but because my family is really poor,train +73126,73127,73127,maanen naayaw ku tavaku,what used to be cigarettes,train +73127,73128,73128,matu tayra i patademan,it is like going to the grave,train +73128,73129,73129,o cimacima kasafinacadan,which ethnic groups are they,train +73129,73130,73130,sa itiya kami sa funun,that is why we made paddy fields,test +73130,73131,73131,ya umah i kawikawiyan hananay,Mt Tomlongs eye,train +73131,73132,73132,sa mililit takayiw sefecung,so it is a minute loop,train +73132,73133,73133,anu pakungku kisu tu kungku nu niyaru,if you always tell the story of the tribe,train +73133,73134,73134,Naunen ku rakat,be careful on the road,train +73134,73135,73135,papiliyaw,deploy something redo,train +73135,73136,73136,caheniʼ saan,itchy skin,train +73136,73137,73137,Talalidung nu kilang a mikisasaemel kura mipanayay i kalahukan,at noon the rice cutters take a rest under the shade of a tree,train +73137,73138,73138,anu mitusil kami tahalifaay tu sacunged,we have encountered many challenges in our preaching,train +73138,73139,73139,misafununay,Farmers,train +73139,73140,73140,semusemutan,in the bush,test +73140,73141,73141,u macaculi tu faʼinayan,I had a fight with my husband,train +73141,73142,73142,o kahufucan aku a mimingay lumaˈ,I was born in this cabin,train +73142,73143,73143,ta patudungtu ku heni tu sakalahuk,so they offered lunch,train +73143,73144,73144,mapataytu ciira saan,he is dead,train +73144,73145,73145,calemcemay ku malitengay turan a a mahemek aca,parenting is a mixed blessing,train +73145,73146,73146,i herek tu nu lahuk ku lingad niyam a talapala,it was late in the afternoon before we left for the fields,train +73146,73147,73147,nianay a puut atu siuy han aku,I want this knife and this pot,train +73147,73148,73148,han na kuntun ya pacakayay,a Cantonese businessman asked this question,train +73148,73149,73149,vuduy,jacket,train +73149,73150,73150,tulu kina,there are three of those,test +73150,73151,73151,maduka kisu i ngaʼay tuktuk han kiya salang ira i,if you are hurt you can put a mallet of its juice on the wound,train +73151,73152,73152,u ruma ku radiw nu matiniay,the songs are not the same,train +73152,73153,73153,Suriten,write it down,train +73153,73154,73154,saan mahenay kaku han akuci sa,I will answer Julians question,train +73154,73155,73155,makadit,stain,train +73155,73156,73156,Patadas cangra anini a misaluma,they are beginning to build a house,train +73156,73157,73157,Nikar,daybreak,train +73157,73158,73158,talacuwaay,where did you go,train +73158,73159,73159,cura,flowers,train +73159,73160,73160,san ku lunguc maku hatini aca ku paini nu maku,that is what I am trying to say today,test +73160,73161,73161,caayhu kaedeng san,sometimes they say it is not enough,train +73161,73162,73162,cacudadan,school,train +73162,73163,73163,u mahaenay nu mita a lisin,our rituals and customs,train +73163,73164,73164,Mataluc ku demak nira,he was too late with what he did,train +73164,73165,73165,mahiya kaku,I have changed,train +73165,73166,73166,mihimed,concealment,train +73166,73167,73167,tayra kaku i tisuwanan i matini o sakapasuwal aku tunini i tini i hkal i ngaay matiya u lipahak aku ku nika tadamaan nu lipahak nangra,I am coming to you now but I say these things while I am still in the world so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them,train +73167,73168,73168,o singsi aku cira ci Takaki cira,he is my teacher Takaki,train +73168,73169,73169,siremes sinaada palaliwen aca,it is bleeding it is pathetic let him go,train +73169,73170,73170,ngaʼay hu kaku haw i ci Ngatu kaku,Hello my name is Nadol,test +73170,73171,73171,itini i laenu,it is down there,train +73171,73172,73172,nukay hu kami pakaen tu fafuy,brother in law let us go home and feed the pigs,train +73172,73173,73173,kalamkamay han tu,the evil Spirit of funeral,train +73173,73174,73174,mahrek ci Mariya a sumuwal tunini i sikul sa cingra Maaraw ningra ku nika tumireng ni Yis Nikawrira caay ka fana cingra tu nika ci Yis kunini,at this she turned around and saw Jesus standing there but she did not realize that it was Jesus,train +73174,73175,73175,kura ci Tusiku,that Ms Yeung man Lan,train +73175,73176,73176,mavana haw ku wawa tu nikatayira i karimucu,how would a kid in the corner of the past know,train +73176,73177,73177,ranam hatu han ku mama isu i pituay ku tuki,tell your father to have breakfast at seven of the clock,train +73177,73178,73178,tengil tengil han,listen more,train +73178,73179,73179,nu maku kira,my,train +73179,73180,73180,anu misiˈayaw kita tu pasangaray a sapalifet i nukaˈurip i sasamaan misamacay ku minengnengan ci Yihufaan hani,how can we keep our eyes focused on the Lord as we face life overwhelming challenges,test +73180,73181,73181,o maan ku radum sanay a suwal nu Pangcah saan kira wawa,the child was asking what picking water was,train +73181,73182,73182,tu hiya liumah tu langaw,when the seedlings in the field grow up,train +73182,73183,73183,anu matuastu kaku a adihay ku pida,when I grow up I will have a lot of money,train +73183,73184,73184,hay milecepay tu nanum,it will suck the water in,train +73184,73185,73185,nu aniniay a wawa a kapah atu sining,teenagers nowadays,train +73185,73186,73186,nisangicingiciwan,slide prepared for microscopy,train +73186,73187,73187,mitekul,throw,train +73187,73188,73188,Cisapatada ku faluhang naira tu matiyaay u marad a sapatada matiya u harengheng nu cumikayay a tayra i piluudan a nitaruhan nu alumanay a ^fa a sapiluud a paliding ku suni nu sapikpik naira,they had breastplates like breastplates of iron and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle,train +73188,73189,73189,Mafana kaku tu nu canguutay a urip Mafana kaku tu nu kadufahay a urip anu masamaamaanay a nika urip u nika fcul atu nika cahiw u nika kadufah atu nika canguut nu urip i u nanu milifetaytu kaku tunini a ma^min,I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry whether living in plenty or in want,train +73189,73190,73190,edil,light reflected from an object,test +73190,73191,73191,unini u dangah,here is the pot,train +73191,73192,73192,denghan i matuniʼay a suta,look at the sticky soil,train +73192,73193,73193,lawup,gird,train +73193,73194,73194,Putal mana mu^cel ku suwal isu tu nu Amis,Putal why do you speak Ami so well,train +73194,73195,73195,awaayay ku ceka a cihin hay,Mistletoe without thorns Yes,train +73195,73196,73196,ta pasitimul mi tafesiw tura cepu,then we will go south through Jungpo,train +73196,73197,73197,Pangcah hananay,tonguing pinyin,train +73197,73198,73198,micaliway tu nu ruma a finacadan a ngangan matu nu Dipun nu Payrang nu Ngayngay atu nu kiwkay a ngangan u katenak tu matiniay a pangangan matu mikikaka tu pingangan tu nanu rayray nu tuas ku pinangan,Instead they borrowed names used by foreigners such as Japanese Taiwanese Hakka and religious names and the trend seems to be replacing the traditional system of naming,train +73198,73199,73199,siʼuway han isu haw alulung ifecang,when you slice it it is too deep and stiff,train +73199,73200,73200,linalu,pickle,test +73200,73201,73201,Kafana kamu tu kakalimlaan a dmak aka ka u nu tireng a harateng ku dadu^duen a mitadtad tu ccaccay aca a nipaliayawan a suwal tu matiliday i Fangcalay Cudad,above all you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophets own interpretation,train +73201,73202,73202,papisasiket tiya ukak,connecting Fractures,train +73202,73203,73203,ya mirakatan ita kira hay,Oh that is where we have been,train +73203,73204,73204,pulin saan a mapulin kuya wawa,the child fell down,train +73204,73205,73205,tangasa i tini mavana tu kami hatiniya tu,we have a rough idea of your situation thank you,train +73205,73206,73206,mahelek tu i taktaken nira,when it is done he dumps it,train +73206,73207,73207,anu aʼadupen tu,hunting or not,train +73207,73208,73208,maherek kiniyan,afterwards,train +73208,73209,73209,cay pakakera tu katayalan hananay haw,unable to find a job,train +73209,73210,73210,ha,sound of child crying,test +73210,73211,73211,hay anini sumuwal kaku tuna tuʼas hu,I am going to share the story of my ancestors lives now,train +73211,73212,73212,ira kura hananay,there is the beautiful Xiuguluan River,train +73212,73213,73213,kanitusaay ku maku malingad,I have had two outings,train +73213,73214,73214,Hecep han ni safa a mihemin ku hacul nira,my sister sucked up all her milk,train +73214,73215,73215,Pacaiten ku si^uy i cafeng,hang the pot on the wall,train +73215,73216,73216,Tuluen,give me three packs,train +73216,73217,73217,u demak nu makapatayay nu mita,our funeral is over,train +73217,73218,73218,kaitira hu nura malitengay,when the elders were still there,train +73218,73219,73219,malu nanengnengan tangasa i wawa nu wawa,grandchildren watching,train +73219,73220,73220,aku hantu ku miherekay,I will do it,test +73220,73221,73221,itira i luma niyam kura faʼinayan,the man lives in my house,train +73221,73222,73222,awaay mipaluma kisu tu tatukem hay ilaay kura lengaw i,do you grow lobelia Yes I do,train +73222,73223,73223,itira a masasuvana kiniyan mahaen,this is where you meet your friends and family,train +73223,73224,73224,anu ya tu ya suwalan nu Taywan ya Suwana sanay i,or as the Han Chinese call it the special brunt,train +73224,73225,73225,mafana kaku tu nidmakan isu Mafana kaku tu nika mimingay ku icel isu nikawrira u midu^duay kisu tu suwal Aku u sulinay ku falucu isu i Takuwanan Saka mafawahtu aku i kaayaw isu ku caay ku mamadef nu nimanima a fawahan,I know your deeds See I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut I know that you have little strength yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name,train +73225,73226,73226,ira tu ku suwal nu kayki hananay,accounting reports,train +73226,73227,73227,Orasaka haratengen ku nitngilan isu atu milayapan a sifana sulinen kunini a midu^du pasasiyuren ku falucu anu caay ka palal kisu i matiya u nika tayni nu mitakaway ku nika caay ka fanaen isu ku nika fahal aku a tayni,Remember therefore what you have received and heard obey it and repent but if you do not wake up I will come like a thief and you will not know at what time I will come to you,train +73227,73228,73228,malaluk,very diligent,train +73228,73229,73229,likakawa nu liteng itiya hu,it was like this in the early days,train +73229,73230,73230,tu luma nira,listen to him,test +73230,73231,73231,pavatis,share with others,train +73231,73232,73232,Kau pifalic tu falucu a misafaʼluh tu tireng,as long as the mind is renewed and changed,train +73232,73233,73233,i cuwaay a mateli ku kawkaw,where are the sickles,train +73233,73234,73234,Kaulatan ku suwal isu,what you are saying is so ambiguous is not it,train +73234,73235,73235,misamaan tu demak kita hu ecaka mala misatekeday a maulah tu niyahan hani,what can we do to avoid becoming an exclusive lover of ourselves,train +73235,73236,73236,cayat,several people pull the same cloth at the same time,train +73236,73237,73237,kahirahira,various,train +73237,73238,73238,mahaen Iʼayaway maʼaraway aku atu kaku tu,I have been there before,train +73238,73239,73239,dungedung nu nihan aku kira lalan,I am coming back down the road,train +73239,73240,73240,mafana kamu tura tamdaw,how do you know who it is,test +73240,73241,73241,mitudung cangra,they can learn,train +73241,73242,73242,maliumah tu ku matuʼasay walikwik tu tini umaumhan,an old man tending to his field and turning over the soil,train +73242,73243,73243,u vavahi ita caay kasaan,I do not think about my wife,train +73243,73244,73244,Icuwa^ a mateli^ kuya kawkaw,where are the sickles,train +73244,73245,73245,Maucung ku lunguc nu finawlan tu sapisangaaw tu lalan nu niyaru,there is a lot of demand for roadway improvements in the community,train +73245,73246,73246,haʼen han a mipenay anu dadahal satu i,just cut it like this if the meat is too wide,train +73246,73247,73247,a maanen a misanga,how to make Amis traditional sweet rice cake,train +73247,73248,73248,nawhan ini a lutuk ya salikelun iraw pakayraw ku lalan itiyahu fafaed,because the road used to be behind this mountain,train +73248,73249,73249,mahadak ku hana i kahengangay,red flowers,train +73249,73250,73250,kadit,cloud,test +73250,73251,73251,maherek tu lafii mafuti tu,it is late at night and I am going to bed,train +73251,73252,73252,cecay ku kahngangay tusa ku kuhtingay,one is red and two are black,train +73252,73253,73253,Mapatada tu mingtang ku lesa nu urad,it has been padded with pots for raindrops,train +73253,73254,73254,mafana caira,they know we are coming,train +73254,73255,73255,caay ka ngaʼay ku halateng aku,because I am not comfortable with it,train +73255,73256,73256,yasa saka tulu u fafahiyan kuranan,the third one is a woman,train +73256,73257,73257,Is^is han ku wacu i u tangsul a tayni i kaayaw isu,whistle to the dog and it will come to you immediately,train +73257,73258,73258,Vangcal a melawan ku adipapang,butterflies are beautiful,train +73258,73259,73259,o telang a maemin ku Cudad nu maku,all my books are old,train +73259,73260,73260,Tawki miaca kaku tu impic atu ciwming,Boss I want to buy a pencil and a notebook,test +73260,73261,73261,taruhiyac,slide off,train +73261,73262,73262,Mafanaay kisu a mitingsa haw,do you know how to ride a bicycle,train +73262,73263,73263,mapangkiway,half,train +73263,73264,73264,kami itira tahekal kami,the three of us have been doing this for six years,train +73264,73265,73265,mipacucuen ira kura wawa yan tu i ngaʼayay kura iya ira i ura wawa ngaʼayay ku punu,a baby suckling on the mothers milk can increase the baby the brain is fully developed,train +73265,73266,73266,u maan u ingtuc,what is that a spear,train +73266,73267,73267,pakaynien nu raraw i limuut ku sapisafit i takuwanan a mipatay,for sin seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment deceived me and through the commandment put me to death,train +73267,73268,73268,atu caay ka citulas a kacaculiculi o mahaenay a tamdaw i maapatu ku falucu nangra caaytu ka fana cangra tu sulin o pili^tanan aku ku pituur aku saan ku harateng nangra,and constant Friction between men of corrupt mind who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain,train +73268,73269,73269,anu mikikung ku cima ira ku tumuk i matungal ku lipahak,when someone gets married and the chief gives his blessing or encouragement the clan feels great joy,train +73269,73270,73270,Talakalen aku ku piadup tumatira ciwacu^ kaku a cikuwang a miadup,I usually catch my prey with a trap but occasionally I hunt with a gun and a dog,test +73270,73271,73271,Maʼanuf cingra,it is caused by greed,train +73271,73272,73272,ta tama han ku i ngataay tu luma,choose the one close to home,train +73272,73273,73273,caka hapina ku rumiad aku itira i tuyuta,I do not spend much time in Toyota,train +73273,73274,73274,maanmananmimaan,what,train +73274,73275,73275,Pacucuen ku wawa isu tu hacul nu kulung,you have to feed your kids milk,train +73275,73276,73276,maringeray,revolving,train +73276,73277,73277,hai anu cima ku kaulahan isu sa,just find the one you like,train +73277,73278,73278,talakasi,Misty candy,train +73278,73279,73279,malayap tu nu misu ku nipatikamian nu maku haw,did you get the e mail I sent,train +73279,73280,73280,han sa karac kira,the rake looks like this,test +73280,73281,73281,patuaya,offerings,train +73281,73282,73282,ci Fihil ku ngangan nu wama nu maku,my fathers name is Fihil,train +73282,73283,73283,ira tu ku i tiya hu matengilay,in the past you could only listen to the radio,train +73283,73284,73284,Mitapi Yakup Lakiran aci Liyaan,Jacob worked to get Rachel and Leah as wives,train +73284,73285,73285,minuka^mika^red,twisting,train +73285,73286,73286,melaw han ku unduva saayaway a pilisin nu niyaru,look at the stadium it is the first time the tribe has been held here,train +73286,73287,73287,nengneng han ku naripaʼan iri,look at the footprints left behind,train +73287,73288,73288,tayra haca Cingra tuyanan tu a suwal ku pitulun,once more he went away and prayed the same thing,train +73288,73289,73289,limela kina matuʼasay i takuwanan san kaku,I think my elders just cherish me very much,train +73289,73290,73290,tukus,dry land,test +73290,73291,73291,Mapalawacu nira ku urip aku,he caused me to live a degraded life,train +73291,73292,73292,Papituay aca kura ngangasawan,there are only seven families,train +73292,73293,73293,mikiki aca tiya lavii,there was also a theater performance that night,train +73293,73294,73294,fahfah han nu Pangcah ku pifahuy tu palafuay a kawas,the Amis call the sacrifice that drives out evil demons fahfah,train +73294,73295,73295,cupelak a kaenen ku nicacakan a pawli,bananas do not taste good they taste dry,train +73295,73296,73296,ura i anu cecacecay,I am the only daughter though I am the only one,train +73296,73297,73297,o tikami nu tarukus pakalalukay tu saka cecay hahekalan a kasakupang kita anini wa ngaˈay mikitira milifuk tu sapakalaluk,the epistles of the apostles encouraged the congregations of the century and we can be encouraged by them today,train +73297,73298,73298,Itiya cuwa ka hakuwa ku payci niyam samaanan niyam misaluf kura demak hani,we did not have much money how did we manage,train +73298,73299,73299,celak,Blossom,train +73299,73300,73300,misa Pangcahan i Taynan ci,clansmen in Tainan,test +73300,73301,73301,o paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas ca Yuta aci Silas Saka adihay ku nipihinum nangra a paicel tu salikaka,Judas and Silas who themselves were prophets said much to encourage and strengthen the brothers,train +73301,73302,73302,tayra i luma ningra sarumaruma sa ku kaen,we went to another place for dinner,train +73302,73303,73303,sienaw,cold,train +73303,73304,73304,O maan ku lalungucen isu i Takuwanan saw han ningra Pacauf sa cingra Tapangaw u sapakaarawaw aku han ningra,What do you want me to do for you Lord I want to see he replied,train +73304,73305,73305,awa ku caayay pikadafu,there is no such thing as too much money,train +73305,73306,73306,hatira ku pisuykay ku nian,that is all I have to say about that,train +73306,73307,73307,anu tayra kisu i,if you have to go,train +73307,73308,73308,sahetu tu u tatihiay nu tireng nangra a,the things that are going on around us around us are just brilliant,train +73308,73309,73309,Papicakcaken tu tawhu ku kaka isu,ask your sister to cut the tofu into big chunks,train +73309,73310,73310,maaraw tu anini,I have seen it all before me,test +73310,73311,73311,Caay ka ecak cingra,I cannot get it to cook,train +73311,73312,73312,Hinam han aca malecad ku micakayan niyam a citing,as a result we both bought the same dictionary each,train +73312,73313,73313,itiya i pasuwal sa ci Pitiru Nengnengen masawadaytu nu niyam ku luma a mituur i Tisuwanan han ningra,Peter said to him We have left all we had to follow you,train +73313,73314,73314,o,Auxiliary Judgment,train +73314,73315,73315,suelinay cuwa ku u kilang,good beams are not just made of wood,train +73315,73316,73316,miwangawang,wave,train +73316,73317,73317,Kacaw matawalay aku miala ku impac ngaay pacaliwen kaku haw,Kacaw I forgot to bring my pen can you lend me one,train +73317,73318,73318,u Kawas sa kita naayaw,we used to call it the devil,train +73318,73319,73319,mafulaw,relocate,train +73319,73320,73320,mihalhal tu mahaenay,there is such a vision Hope,test +73320,73321,73321,mangaʼay kaku miditek tu saselaʼan nu adadaay,so that I can take a patients pulse in the hospital room,train +73321,73322,73322,misurit,write,train +73322,73323,73323,tu nanum matini nihiya pasiket kaʼapa ku nanum,the tribes have running water,train +73323,73324,73324,kicic,art,train +73324,73325,73325,o macikeray ku paliding nu misu haw,is your car locked,train +73325,73326,73326,i hacining makamelaw,doing laundry,train +73326,73327,73327,Karumadiw ku sakatusa a kumi,ask the second group to sing,train +73327,73328,73328,mitapiʼtapiʼay aca kamu u fafahiyan,all of you women will go to the mans house to work,train +73328,73329,73329,u keliw san ku mi,only with a rope,train +73329,73330,73330,aniniay,now,test +73330,73331,73331,masimsimay,most missed,train +73331,73332,73332,u saayaway ku Taywan a tayni,Minnan was here first Yes,train +73332,73333,73333,caaytu ku mamaaraw i tisuwanan ku likat nu dawdaw caaytu ku mamatngil i tisuwanan ku lipahak nu fa^luhay a mararamuday nanu tadamaanay a tamdaw i tini i hkal ku patiyamay isu Masafit nu misatangkiay isu ku pulung nu finawlan nu kasakitakit saan,the light of a lamp will never shine in you again the voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again your merchants were the worlds great men by your magic spell all the nations were led astray,train +73333,73334,73334,ira ku adihay ku rakes itini i kawali nina niyaru,there are many camphor trees planted in the east of the tribe,train +73334,73335,73335,caay sasinavelan namu naayaw,do not you have any food,train +73335,73336,73336,maulah kina Hulam tihi aku a tuungsinpin,the out of owner likes me he is my partner in the Correspondence Corps,train +73336,73337,73337,matiraay sa maherek tu ku cecay cecay hu kuni,it is like this the first ones good this is the first one,train +73337,73338,73338,aniniay a tamdaw matalaway tu,people nowadays,train +73338,73339,73339,a midateng kami sa,gathering wild vegetables,train +73339,73340,73340,masanek kuya titi,that meat smells,test +73340,73341,73341,maemin maduʼeng,they are all hearing impaired,train +73341,73342,73342,Matastas ku kuliciw aku,my bike malfunctioned,train +73342,73343,73343,udut,fight,train +73343,73344,73344,kami san malekaka hiwa i,we are brothers and sisters,train +73344,73345,73345,u pitulik nu matuasay,knitting tips for the elderly at that time,train +73345,73346,73346,Pisatengitengil tu hatiniay a suwal nu tuʼas hu,I thought what I heard was just a story told by an old man,train +73346,73347,73347,mahaenay ku ilisin nu masa Fakungay,this is how the Toyohama Toyonen Matsuri is done,train +73347,73348,73348,nikaurira iyuf hanen ma tu ku kiya ha ha ha,However a blowout of more than is worth it,train +73348,73349,73349,o safa ni lafin kaku ci anay ku ngangan nu maku,I am Lfins sister my name is Anay,train +73349,73350,73350,mipadang,help,test +73350,73351,73351,anu maeres kaku anu sa ku,if you want to fashion your own,train +73351,73352,73352,kaen sa kita Pangcah taha matini,our people have continued to this day,train +73352,73353,73353,Cedem san i falucu ku kimad nu fuksi,the pastors sermon went deep into my heart,train +73353,73354,73354,maresresay,shredded,train +73354,73355,73355,makaenay tu u wawawa adididi amin,it is ready to eat,train +73355,73356,73356,Macurah ku luma,fire spread to the house burning it up,train +73356,73357,73357,o malikelunay ca kaka ita nani lutuk a misinafel i matini,our brothers and sisters came down from the mountains to gather wild vegetables,train +73357,73358,73358,Yufing,post office,train +73358,73359,73359,ira ku pasuwalay i ci Yisan Ira i paputal a tumireng ku ina atu salikaka Isu mangalay cangra a miaraw i Tisuwanan han ningra,someone told him Your mother and brothers are standing outside wanting to see you,train +73359,73360,73360,cima sau,who is it,test +73360,73361,73361,a nini pasuwal tu sinafal nu mukasi,I am going to share the original wild food today,train +73361,73362,73362,tadamangic tu dadaya caira,they were really crying at night,train +73362,73363,73363,o papah nu daya ku sapicedet nu Pangcah tu matunatunay a duka,the Amis use Taiwan elderberry leaves as a hot compress for bruised areas,train +73363,73364,73364,ngaʼay mafana caira,let them all know,train +73364,73365,73365,acah sakuengelay a,it is tender,train +73365,73366,73366,Suwalsa ci ina aku,my mom said,train +73366,73367,73367,anu maulah kisu tu niyam tatayalan i,if you like our kind of work,train +73367,73368,73368,silsil han,arrange them in,train +73368,73369,73369,teka niyam miteker i tiya,so we started our new job,train +73369,73370,73370,uman ku ʼaʼadupan uyan mama niyam,what is this father in law of mine up to,test +73370,73371,73371,misaluma tu ku niyaru kira,the tribe is building houses,train +73371,73372,73372,macuwa,how to,train +73372,73373,73373,malaikay,turns into a block,train +73373,73374,73374,hanaku malingad kami tanu,of course I agreed to leave,train +73374,73375,73375,hatira sanay tu i,we will wait for luck to strike,train +73375,73376,73376,hai matama tu ku suwal isu,you are right,train +73376,73377,73377,caay kapeca,it is not easy to break,train +73377,73378,73378,mipaʼaludu han aludu han kiraan hay,it is called up a level Yes it is,train +73378,73379,73379,makeru^,dance,train +73379,73380,73380,haʼen han caay ka muwa,this way you will not roll the ramie,test +73380,73381,73381,a mararamud paʼurip tu wawa,we are raising a child as a couple,train +73381,73382,73382,malikakaay,siblings,train +73382,73383,73383,hay kerec han mikerec,Yeah just pull it tight pull it tight,train +73383,73384,73384,Micuhcuh tu dues nira ku ising i matini,the doctor is now puncturing his lumbar spine,train +73384,73385,73385,i dengay a midanguy kemaen tu kiyandi atu milisin anu saan kisu i,because in summer you can swim eat ice and have the Harvest Festival what about you,train +73385,73386,73386,anu i fadahungay kisu i aka ka ^pud a micumud i luma a miala tu maamaan,let no one on the roof of his house go down or enter the house to take anything out,train +73386,73387,73387,suʼelin ku laday satu haw pakayra tu a miduedu ku matuʼasay,the real old man followed,train +73387,73388,73388,Fahalen a mimaan tu pipacekuk tamiyanan,what is the point of scaring us all of a sudden Do not make a big deal out of it,train +73388,73389,73389,awaaytu ku fuhacalay,no white sugar cane,train +73389,73390,73390,mapasaterep,terminated,test +73390,73391,73391,pilenu,rising tide,train +73391,73392,73392,Liakungen nu maku ku marad a misalimulu,I am going to make the iron bends round,train +73392,73393,73393,u mahiniay a demak,this kind of seed Festival activity,train +73393,73394,73394,saicifaen,cover market,train +73394,73395,73395,sanay ku malitengay i,that is what the seniors think,train +73395,73396,73396,hananay a suwal pakaulah tuni u mifutingay,awarded to the crew that caught the fish,train +73396,73397,73397,faketaw,Carpenters ink line furniture,train +73397,73398,73398,caluwayay tu kuya matuʼasay anu harateneng,the old man was very wise in retrospect,train +73398,73399,73399,nawhani,because the only producer,train +73399,73400,73400,Pakanien i sapad nu situ,place a piece of paper on the students desk,test +73400,73401,73401,Cengawen ku mata a mipili tu idang saan ku matuasay,the old man said that you should keep your eyes open when choosing a friend,train +73401,73402,73402,ya ngiha aku,my voice,train +73402,73403,73403,suʼlinaytu aru san kiya matuʼasay namafulaway na i tini i Cilangsan ini i katimul naw u Cawi han kuna Cawi,since the battle of Seungsan why is the southern part of Jung Po named Jung to,train +73403,73404,73404,malaklak,decentralized,train +73404,73405,73405,Li^tec ku nanum i kasienawan,the water is cold in the winter,train +73405,73406,73406,taktak,pour,train +73406,73407,73407,na,That,train +73407,73408,73408,tayra sa kiya fafahi nira itini san,Madam said it is here,train +73408,73409,73409,u tilid nu nu Amis,Amis characters,train +73409,73410,73410,ira kiya Tawyin mi,a manufacturer from Taoyuan said,test +73410,73411,73411,Matalem ku suwal nira,his words are tactless,train +73411,73412,73412,sanay ku kapakuyuc nu urip itiya hu,it shows the poverty of those days,train +73412,73413,73413,papancuen,For put your panties on,train +73413,73414,73414,itiya hu kita u pancah haw i,we Amis at that time,train +73414,73415,73415,singsi singsi,Teacher,train +73415,73416,73416,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O sakahatira nura Kalili a tamdaw i u nika ikaka nu raraw nu alumanay a Kalili a tamdaw ku raraw nangra aka ka saan ku harateng namu,Jesus answered Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way,train +73416,73417,73417,muʼetepay mihecaan ku pihaen nura tawki,the boss has been doing this for years,train +73417,73418,73418,anini satu malecad tu Taywan anini maen san,the Amis now eat the same food as the Han Chinese,train +73418,73419,73419,u hiya hu cecay hu a fafafuyan,it was a full pig,train +73419,73420,73420,cahuk,scoop up,test +73420,73421,73421,i ikur nu nika rufu ni Yuhani i tayra ci Yis i Kalili a patnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh nu Kawas a sumuwal,after John was put in prison Jesus went into Galilee proclaiming the good news of God,train +73421,73422,73422,u faʼinay aku u yanan tu ku demak ira,my husband never changed jobs,train +73422,73423,73423,dapdap,fire spread,train +73423,73424,73424,tatusa ku wawa aku u mibutingay,my two kids are fishing,train +73424,73425,73425,kinacacay,once,train +73425,73426,73426,telaw,trusted aide,train +73426,73427,73427,ila,also,train +73427,73428,73428,onini i u laluwadan nu nika tatlek atu Kawas tu sakahpul nu raraw nu alumanay a tamdaw a masadakay a rmes Aku,this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins,train +73428,73429,73429,tuni u hiya nu mita pakay i tini i sanay hawnu Cikasuʼan kuni a niyaru,it also includes Heiwa villages and this situation is the history of the migration of the Chichibukawa tribe at that time,train +73429,73430,73430,kula,who,test +73430,73431,73431,nu ina hatira ku apa i,Moms is so stupid,train +73431,73432,73432,kinacecay,linear,train +73432,73433,73433,Wawahen mi nginguy tu,I used to take baths there when I was a kid,train +73433,73434,73434,cikanga aku muwad,I cannot get up,train +73434,73435,73435,maharek tu cira,when he had finished the work for the,train +73435,73436,73436,kawananay,Right,train +73436,73437,73437,kalamkam awaay tu,not anytime soon,train +73437,73438,73438,maan han kiya sanu ru ku yun kun niyun kun ha ha ha ha,what the hell is the teacher talking about,train +73438,73439,73439,u tatirengan a urip atu saan i,in their own lives,train +73439,73440,73440,makavasu,passenger transportation,test +73440,73441,73441,iraay hu hatini,do you still have it,train +73441,73442,73442,a sapilisin tiniyan u,ritual culture,train +73442,73443,73443,mikadafu haca raririden kaku tayra i,take me with you,train +73443,73444,73444,hay u,it is the bridge tribe,train +73444,73445,73445,na ira ku tudung,there is no such thing as distribution,train +73445,73446,73446,lidungen,in care of,train +73446,73447,73447,mangalay kaku a milisu i tisuwanan,I would like to visit you,train +73447,73448,73448,adada^,pain,train +73448,73449,73449,saka alaen nu ripun ku kakaenen,the Japanese took all the food,train +73449,73450,73450,makumud,in the same place,test +73450,73451,73451,sa u suwal nu tuʼas nu tuʼas sa ininian ku sasuwalen sa,this is the wisdom of the old mans old mans old mans old mans old mans old mans old mans old mans old man,train +73451,73452,73452,rengussemuttarud,grass,train +73452,73453,73453,Ngaay hu ci Alang kaku,Hello I am Alang,train +73453,73454,73454,lifawa^,swollen,train +73454,73455,73455,sahetu saan u mikeritay tu kusuy,they are all lemongrass cutters,train +73455,73456,73456,mahaen ku suwal nu Kawas i cingraan O mamafulaw ku tluc isu a tayra i ruma a Kitakit a maru o mamalakuli cangra itira tu spat a suut a mihcaan o mamasamsam cangra,God spoke to him in this way Your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years,train +73456,73457,73457,pakayni i nika painu namu a mapalaccaytu kamu aci Kristu Saka u micadungaytu kamu tu pinangan ni Kristu u iraaytu ku urip ningra,for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ,train +73457,73458,73458,carud,immediately,train +73458,73459,73459,halafinay ku liyun ira,it turns a little longer,train +73459,73460,73460,cima nu mita ku miedefay tu paenan nu suku i sarikuran nu luma,any of us go home to the backyard barn and close the door,test +73460,73461,73461,Nacahu i,never before,train +73461,73462,73462,awai ku tilu,no surprises,train +73462,73463,73463,aka satatiih i takuwanan,do not do me wrong be mean to me,train +73463,73464,73464,caay kadayum ku pisanga tu kukuy,traditional sweet rice cakes are not easy to make,train +73464,73465,73465,caipitengil kira safa saka palu hatu nu kaka,the younger brother does not listen so the older brother beats him,train +73465,73466,73466,haw siysiy haw malaheci tu kura haw,Okay thank you Okay this is over,train +73466,73467,73467,iraay tayra i sefi miala tu namal,we will go to the meeting place and get the kindling,train +73467,73468,73468,Kawas,ghost,train +73468,73469,73469,Naay caay kahakuwa ku kafanaan aku,do not I do not know much about it,train +73469,73470,73470,anu tusa ku macanguʼutay isu matilid i,if two words are missing,test +73470,73471,73471,kena kaytini maan sa ku tau tu tinaan a ngangan nu titiya hu,what was the name of this place in those days,train +73471,73472,73472,pacacuy,codpiece,train +73472,73473,73473,Saifangat sa kaku tu nanupicumikayan aku,I was sweating from running,train +73473,73474,73474,marasrasay,scattered,train +73474,73475,73475,aca,this only,train +73475,73476,73476,o halufaw,parsley,train +73476,73477,73477,picakay,I will take it,train +73477,73478,73478,cecay ku suwal nu tumuk pitengil,when the chief gives the order listen,train +73478,73479,73479,caay kira a cacay tanu vuting sa i matiya,there was more than one kind of fish there were many kinds of fish then,train +73479,73480,73480,hu hu hu,he he he,test +73480,73481,73481,Kiri han ni ina nira kura wawa kekeke sa a matawa,the kid giggled as his mom tickled him,train +73481,73482,73482,ca kapaka cinglawca paka tilid hay,I cannot speak it I cannot write it Yes it is,train +73482,73483,73483,nawhani u mingitangitay a tamdaw i mapafli o mikilimay a tamdaw i pakatama o mikungkungay tu fawahan a tamdaw i mafawah ku fawahan,for everyone who asks receives he who seeks finds and to him who knocks the door will be opened,train +73483,73484,73484,unini mahecaday,it is the same with this one,train +73484,73485,73485,tayni sai ira ku makapafay itini a paniyaruʼan,there is a great place when you get here,train +73485,73486,73486,masamaanay a fuday nu Pangcah hananay,Amis traditional clothing and crafts people,train +73486,73487,73487,cilimaw tu kira,there is time,train +73487,73488,73488,mafana kisu nga ira ku sapafecul isu tu,you will have to learn how to feed yourself,train +73488,73489,73489,hatira aca aca kaku,it is only two days a week,train +73489,73490,73490,o maamaan ku pakafanaan na fufu isu,what does Grandpa teach,test +73490,73491,73491,uni niyan haw u lingatu nu urip nu malaluʼungay haw i,this is the beginning of the life history of Maralu,train +73491,73492,73492,i cacudadan kaku a minanam,I learned it at school,train +73492,73493,73493,nu Hulam a suwal caay pinanam tu nu Hulam a suwal,Chinese not learning Chinese,train +73493,73494,73494,kaku tu i miʼarawan naku ku malitengay,so I went in search of the elders,train +73494,73495,73495,mikihar,care and participation,train +73495,73496,73496,itiya tu i,at this time,train +73496,73497,73497,itira sa i lawalawacan nu riyar ku tamtamdaw,people are heading for the coast,train +73497,73498,73498,harateng sa kuya a misimaway tu luma O mamasawad nu tawki kaku tunini a tayal Saka samaanen aku hakini anu misakuli kaku i awaay ku icel aku anu mikiaam kaku i mangudu kaku,The manager said to himself What shall I do now my master is taking away my job I am not strong enough to dig and I am ashamed to beg,train +73498,73499,73499,o widang aku cingra nasa ku harateng aku,I had thought he was my friend,train +73499,73500,73500,Malifut kaku,it is too much bother for me,test +73500,73501,73501,anca misamaanen ita midemak,or is there another way,train +73501,73502,73502,Salikakaaw nanay mafana kamu tu pakakmuday a sulinay ta caay pisamafanafanaay kamu onini a sulin i caay ka ^min a atkak ku falucu nu Israil a tamdaw deng tahira i pitalaan tu ka^minan nu ruma a finacadan a pasayni i Kawas,I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery brothers so that you may not be conceited Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in,train +73502,73503,73503,Halu sa i paniyaru sa itini cingra ura mafulaway nani Palidaw i,Hengchun Amis who later migrated here to new Zealand,train +73503,73504,73504,naayaway nipilisin,past festivals,train +73504,73505,73505,milangtu,ignite,train +73505,73506,73506,o papaliwal kita tu kakaenen tuya piuntukayan haw,will we sell food at the sports day,train +73506,73507,73507,pakira ʼaluʼalu kira,it is all along the rivers and streams,train +73507,73508,73508,natayra tu kami i Cilung minukas aca kami a tayni,we have been there and we are back here,train +73508,73509,73509,mitiya satu u mahaen ku kuku kakivetul nu hiya,the one with the thick foot that looks like something,train +73509,73510,73510,hai ngaʼayay kura suwal,Yes well said,test +73510,73511,73511,kiya taʼakay a sapad,that oversized table,train +73511,73512,73512,akung mimaan kamu,Grandpa what are you doing,train +73512,73513,73513,mipudac,peel,train +73513,73514,73514,aka tu kacumikay sangaayen ku rakat arawi a mapuling,do not run and walk slowly lest you fall down,train +73514,73515,73515,i saamisan niya hacining i tatudung niya hacining,it is right around the Shichibukawa River,train +73515,73516,73516,tu,Wobbly,train +73516,73517,73517,Saka aluman ku pasulinay nangra Aluman ku pasulinay a Krisiya a fainayan atu tadamaanay a fafahiyan,many of the Jews believed as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men,train +73517,73518,73518,ikur padutucay kami mitaykay i Amustetan itira mikalic tu hikuki minukay i Niwyuk,after that we drove on to Amsterdam where we caught a flight back to new York,train +73518,73519,73519,nikarira,however,train +73519,73520,73520,aca,it is only ten dollars,test +73520,73521,73521,Paʼilasan Paʼilasan hai,Fuyuan Fuyuan Yes,train +73521,73522,73522,araw culal satu ku vulad sa,before I knew it the moon came out,train +73522,73523,73523,Vayiyaw icuwa suvucen kiya tataakay awawa,where was your oldest child born,train +73523,73524,73524,mafuriakay,epilepsy,train +73524,73525,73525,satalifaken,take care of yourself,train +73525,73526,73526,Takaw2,kaohsiung,train +73526,73527,73527,Pakayni i kincuay a adawang kamu a micumud nawhani u sakatayra i katkupan a adawang i u kakahaday o ngaayay a rakaten a lalan saka aluman ku pakayraay a micumud a tamdaw,Enter through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it,train +73527,73528,73528,malunem,sambar,train +73528,73529,73529,malalisan ku ina nu fafahi ni Simun Saka mafuti cingra tahira ci Yis i tangsul han nangra a pasuwal ci Yis tu nika adada ningra,Simons mother in law was in bed with a fever and they told Jesus about her,train +73529,73530,73530,tuluway,three points,test +73530,73531,73531,maeminay tu ku hemay ira hu ku tana a yuping aku acaen isu haw,the rice is sold out I have tana pancakes would you like to buy them,train +73531,73532,73532,cima ka tihi ira a sumuwal hiwa,he is got someone who speaks his mother tongue,train +73532,73533,73533,Kalanipiasip han ningra tu nitilidan ni Isaya u paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas a Cudad ku nika maru ningra i paliding a minukay,and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah the prophet,train +73533,73534,73534,iʼayaw tu ku mama nu luma,first of all the parents,train +73534,73535,73535,Hayda ati kaenen ita,Okay come on let us eat,train +73535,73536,73536,caay ka fana kaku turanan,I do not know,train +73536,73537,73537,itila,There,train +73537,73538,73538,matuka kaku u sanay nira,he is saying he is lazy,train +73538,73539,73539,hatira sa kaku tu dadayadaya,I think about it every night,train +73539,73540,73540,Miculu tu kulang hakulungen tu kaku,I carry mustard with me,test +73540,73541,73541,pafeli,give,train +73541,73542,73542,saw u manamanan hu,so any of those will do,train +73542,73543,73543,cakatakup kiya wama nu niyam anu hiyaay,we cannot catch up with the old man if we can,train +73543,73544,73544,mituur,follow,train +73544,73545,73545,micudad,write,train +73545,73546,73546,lutlut,tumble,train +73546,73547,73547,u vutul nu edu sa kami,we are talking about the testicles of a mouse,train +73547,73548,73548,maliyas nu maku kuya katalawan,I avoided that horrible thing,train +73548,73549,73549,pakucima,mistaken for who,train +73549,73550,73550,kiemel kaku,think you are capable,test +73550,73551,73551,sakacipinang,objectives,train +73551,73552,73552,Malakaput kami tu rumiamiad a micudad atu misalama^,we read and play together every day,train +73552,73553,73553,anu hiya malingad tu kita tu pakaen tu rarapa tu,if we start at eight of the clock,train +73553,73554,73554,awaay tu a taluma,I did not go home,train +73554,73555,73555,Palaliayen kami,reconcile us because us to be reconciled,train +73555,73556,73556,tararuan,round bamboo basket,train +73556,73557,73557,ira kina cecaw nu,Actually I have a license from the elderly Association,train +73557,73558,73558,matawa kita,So we laughed and said,train +73558,73559,73559,ira ku uwaw ira,there is a call for him,train +73559,73560,73560,caay ka ci wawa kura sa,Auntie Zheng Guimei is childless,test +73560,73561,73561,matufainayan,it is very manly,train +73561,73562,73562,Tahasiket i caang nu kilang ku funguh nira,his hair got caught in tree branches,train +73562,73563,73563,Saka macaculi cangra ta licinuwas satu cangra Lahaklung satu ca Parnapas aci Maruku a pakalunan a tayra i Sayprus,they had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company Barnabas took mark and sailed for Cyprus,train +73563,73564,73564,o kasangasaw tu nu mita caira,they are also our family,train +73564,73565,73565,nipatirengan,covered and established,train +73565,73566,73566,Pangcah tangsa i fahul,Aboriginal tribes,train +73566,73567,73567,makesem,it is hard to be sad,train +73567,73568,73568,ira kiyaru ku nika,it is a pain in the ass,train +73568,73569,73569,u tumuk ku citudungay a miucur miala pataluma,the chieftain promptly summoned the tribesmen to their rescue,train +73569,73570,73570,liyuk,surrounding,test +73570,73571,73571,pasifanaʼen ira ku widang ira hatiraay ku nu,kids teach their friends that is how it works,train +73571,73572,73572,Tanutireng kuya kapah a minukay,that young man came home without anything in his hands,train +73572,73573,73573,cecay paysutusa paysu sanay,ten cents twenty cents,train +73573,73574,73574,malaluk,laborious,train +73574,73575,73575,Namafalah ci Musi i makra nu fafahiyan a wawa nu hungti nu Icip cingra Saka kalawawa hantu ningra ci Musi a midiput,when he was placed outside Pharaohs daughter took him and brought him up as her own son,train +73575,73576,73576,Mapuelac tu anini kuya demak,the matter has been exposed now,train +73576,73577,73577,itiya misekingay hu a micudad tu kawcung itiya ku nu niyam a urip,that is how I got my high school diploma,train +73577,73578,73578,paafangen,shoulder somebody,train +73578,73579,73579,ku sakafana aku,I am just learning,train +73579,73580,73580,o pikuliniw nira wawa tu fatikar ku sakapulul,the kid was in jail for stealing a bike,test +73580,73581,73581,Mipacufelis kaku tu kufung i niyaru,I am going back to the tribal official,train +73581,73582,73582,maedeng mitayku tu minukay,when the time is right you will be discharged and go home,train +73582,73583,73583,Kuiday ku pidama isu,thank you for your help,train +73583,73584,73584,aray paini isu,thank you for sharing,train +73584,73585,73585,nawhan maemin mikikaka,everyone is better than me,train +73585,73586,73586,anu circiren nu tau,if you are pushed,train +73586,73587,73587,o saka^caaw ka lukes nu tayal niyam saka caay picara kami tu cimacima a tamdaw,we put no stumbling block in anyone path so that our ministry will not be discredited,train +73587,73588,73588,awaʼay ku caka mawmah ku demak niyam iraʼay tu ku demak caka tuka kami a mawmah,our work is uninterrupted and never slack,train +73588,73589,73589,tatihi iri tumimul,away,train +73589,73590,73590,u tau tu ku saʼusi,you are already considered an outsider,test +73590,73591,73591,diku saan tu tumaru i luma kira,just sit at home,train +73591,73592,73592,anu mafukil cingra sanu Pangcah samanen nira mi saw,how can a priest preach if he does not speak Amish,train +73592,73593,73593,o Tapang nu kaput nu Huing nu Padaka ku miekuay tu salikaka misafelitay tu sarikec nu Spay suwal sa uniya sarikec u sapicunged tu salasil a ciepucay lalusidan sanay,the Attorney General of the united States indicted them for violating the Espionage Act which he described as an effective weapon against propaganda,train +73593,73594,73594,awa ku lifun,no paycheck,train +73594,73595,73595,itira satu mafuti ngaʼay tu,lay down that is the only way to go back,train +73595,73596,73596,u nu malselalay a nikasakapu,composition by age group,train +73596,73597,73597,cilimaw kisu i herek nu lahuk haw mangalay kaku mitengil i tisuwanan,are you free this afternoon I would like to visit you is that okay,train +73597,73598,73598,lalan,Marlowe,train +73598,73599,73599,mahaen aca ahaen aca ku luma tayra i fafaed miradum,I have been going up and down the slopes to fetch water,train +73599,73600,73600,misilsil cangra tu tama i adawang palilamen nangra ku finawlan,they would divide the prey at the entrance of the village and share it with the tribe,test +73600,73601,73601,ci Nawisan han,Vulcans,train +73601,73602,73602,mahaenay kira demak,that is what happened,train +73602,73603,73603,namu,you guys you guys,train +73603,73604,73604,mipatera,Bar Mitzvah,train +73604,73605,73605,o sasalikakaen aku cingra,he is a close relative,train +73605,73606,73606,nina mavelecay a hiya saan,a loved one who is about to leave,train +73606,73607,73607,milinsiw hu tu caciyaw nu mita u Amis,and learn to speak the language,train +73607,73608,73608,misaumahay,Opened,train +73608,73609,73609,Naitini i lumaˈ aku sepatay ku tatukian a mikalic tu kasuling tangasa i Palikeci,it is a four hour train ride from my house to Barekci,train +73609,73610,73610,Matepatu araw madikutu i lalikul nu tataakay a vukeluh,here it is it was lying behind the boulder,test +73610,73611,73611,tahira ci Sawlu i Yirusalim i Kaputaw aku ku nisawawaan nasa cingra Arawhani matalaw cangra cingraan nawhani caay pasulin cangra tu nika u mituuray ci Kristuan cingra,when he came to Jerusalem he tried to join the disciples but they were all afraid of him not believing that he really was a disciple,train +73611,73612,73612,ira ku papina,a few clansmen have arrived,train +73612,73613,73613,kaka aca aku,my brother and sister,train +73613,73614,73614,e kaku i caayay kaku pitilid tu takaraway tu pitilidan nawhani u siawsuei ku pitilidan aku,I did not receive higher education because I only attended elementary school,train +73614,73615,73615,sakacakat,raise to a higher level,train +73615,73616,73616,araw han i,look like,train +73616,73617,73617,cikaysingay,with a bowl,train +73617,73618,73618,pahanhan tu a mitilid masadak kaku a talaputal nu pitilidan,I walked out of the classroom when class was over,train +73618,73619,73619,Calcal han ni mama ku kilang,dad splits wood,train +73619,73620,73620,puyu,short,test +73620,73621,73621,nawhani u iraay ku nitatuyan i matungal a matungal a mapafli a marafas o awaay ku nitatuyan i halunitatuyan ningra a mamangay a maafas,whoever has will be given more and he will have an abundance whoever does not have even what he has will be taken from him,train +73621,73622,73622,pikali,digging a gutter,train +73622,73623,73623,parasit,see off,train +73623,73624,73624,masuaf,yawn,train +73624,73625,73625,Talaluma nu kaput kaku a mihulul,I went to my classmates house to play,train +73625,73626,73626,saʼicel sanay tu ku falucu a mifuting,we are going full steam ahead on the boat run,train +73626,73627,73627,nu Amis hananay sa hatilatila u miunduay a tamedaw kuna Amis sanay,the Amis are athletic,train +73627,73628,73628,lakat,go on foot,train +73628,73629,73629,Ngaʼayay,of course,train +73629,73630,73630,i emangan hu,during ones youth,test +73630,73631,73631,Tadamalaluk kisu,you are a hard worker,train +73631,73632,73632,cuwa,fault,train +73632,73633,73633,di haen han naku laliyas han ta hana,then I said let us just get a divorce,train +73633,73634,73634,kamaru,please sit down,train +73634,73635,73635,cecay mihecaʼan na cecay aca malengaw,it only happens once a year,train +73635,73636,73636,ira kinciyam i ayaw hay,was there a gold needle before,train +73636,73637,73637,syanghucwan syangyiwcwan sa,turn back and turn right,train +73637,73638,73638,Ngaayhu singsi,Hello,train +73638,73639,73639,Mafana kaku anu tayra kaku a milisu i tamuwanan i u mamahawikid aku ku makadufahay a mikumi ni Kristu i tamuwanan,I know that when I come to you I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ,train +73639,73640,73640,papisafalucu,center,test +73640,73641,73641,tiya ruray maku tayal itiya hu,the hard work at that time,train +73641,73642,73642,i satiraw haca kisu tu mamang,you go a little further over there,train +73642,73643,73643,sacacay,alone,train +73643,73644,73644,Malitiay tu kura wacu,the dog has been castrated,train +73644,73645,73645,ila ku suwal nu malitengay itiyahu masasuwasuwal kiya,it is been said that when the predecessors were discussing,train +73645,73646,73646,u utiihay saan,it is absolutely inappropriate,train +73646,73647,73647,alaen aku kuni a puut atu dangah,I want this knife and this pot,train +73647,73648,73648,awaay ku nanum nu niyam u Ciwidian,we do not have a water source in Shuilun,train +73648,73649,73649,itiyahu i matuʼasay i icuwa deng itini iraw i i ci wirukay ku iraay ku daheci,in the old days the elders said that bamboo shoots grew only in the area of Wendan,train +73649,73650,73650,mi mafulaw kamu i patengtengay namu tu tuwapay ku kulung,during the migration oxen were used to tie ropes to the rafts to pull them up,test +73650,73651,73651,hay ini sakaila nu singsing hatiraay,that is why these little bells appear,train +73651,73652,73652,a maanen isu miala ina miala tu tatak anu sani tu hay,I will use the hoe later,train +73652,73653,73653,matuʼas tu ku wawa,after the child grows up,train +73653,73654,73654,makeru sa ku malitengay,when elders dance,train +73654,73655,73655,Anuca u katatiʼihan a lafang hananay,or maybe it is just bad passengers,train +73655,73656,73656,Hai mafanatu kaku,Okay I got it,train +73656,73657,73657,Kiku tayni a padamsu,Xikou from Xikou to pay taxes,train +73657,73658,73658,sanay ku maku a mikantan tu a mipakafana kitanan tunini haw,this is my brief introduction here,train +73658,73659,73659,hasapuuten,knives,train +73659,73660,73660,tusur,knee,test +73660,73661,73661,nanay a mi,even educating children,train +73661,73662,73662,ya papah ira i tangtangan isu hai Halu ya heci ira,did you cook the leaves Yes the leaves and the chili peppers,train +73662,73663,73663,sisiten,wipe,train +73663,73664,73664,u maan sa matiniay han naku,my father asked me What is this that is it,train +73664,73665,73665,renget,headband,train +73665,73666,73666,menad,Showa grass,train +73666,73667,73667,awaay minukay kya kuntung sa mamanay kira awaay kya tamdaw,why have not the Cantonese come back yet,train +73667,73668,73668,muetep ira ku cecay,eleven,train +73668,73669,73669,ira ku tayal anini awa kaku i luma liyaw hantu a rumiad,I am out today how about another day,train +73669,73670,73670,mahakulung kita a mimelaw tu vuis,we will go stargazing together,test +73670,73671,73671,Nikawrira tuna iratu i matini ku pitieran saka caaytu ku Rikec ku misimaway titaanan,now that faith has come we are no longer under the supervision of the law,train +73671,73672,73672,awai ku dingki saka tueman tu dadaya i tini,there are no lights here so it is dark at night,train +73672,73673,73673,Katumerep aka caciyaw,please be quiet do not talk,train +73673,73674,73674,mavukil kaku tina demak a maan han,I do not know how I am going to lead my tribe,train +73674,73675,73675,nu misu itini i saan,in this Kaohsiung,train +73675,73676,73676,cungtungfu,Presidential palace,train +73676,73677,73677,malimad aca kami i kukudul,we are moving up,train +73677,73678,73678,aka pahining tu wawa,do not let the kids know,train +73678,73679,73679,a kulung sa kura tuyfang kura faʼinayan,the man on the other side said,train +73679,73680,73680,hay tu silumaʼay,it is for the bereaved,test +73680,73681,73681,rakerakesan,camphor wood,train +73681,73682,73682,lumuwad tu haw i,at the time of departure,train +73682,73683,73683,hatu nira,he said this,train +73683,73684,73684,itiya i adihay ku nidmakan nu tarukus a kafahkaan a dmak i tamdamdaw malaccay ku falucu nu mituuray ci Kristuan a ma^min a masaupu i pangpang ni Sulumun hananay,the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people and all the believers used to meet together in Solomons Colonnade,train +73684,73685,73685,caka paharatengan a misanga,you cannot just finish when you want to,train +73685,73686,73686,maherek miala tuninian,after this is done,train +73686,73687,73687,tatudung nu cecay a rumiʼad,it just happened to be daylight,train +73687,73688,73688,caay tu hakuwa kura mafanaʼay a mikiʼeciw,not many people can sing,train +73688,73689,73689,kuengel,fragile,train +73689,73690,73690,o fakeluh ku sapitalakal tu edu a mienec ruma i u wail ku sapitalakal tu tuluk a milamec matatudungay haenen,it is correct to catch mice through rangy and catch bamboo partridges through qjiulang,test +73690,73691,73691,tayra sa cingra sumuwal matiniay ku urip nu niyam,and then to tell us that our lives are so difficult,train +73691,73692,73692,o pakayniay i nipipakukut nangra tu dmak aku i matini i awaay ku maluwacay nangra a patiri i tisuwanan,and they cannot prove to you the charges they are now making against me,train +73692,73693,73693,saadihay sanay ku tusiya i lalan kanguduan tuni kausuy aku tahini,sorry I am late Traffic,train +73693,73694,73694,mamapalu,strike,train +73694,73695,73695,4 itini cuwa ka ulah tu suˈlinay kimad a kilac mitusil anu matuled ku falucuˈ isu wa ngaˈay haratengen ku milifetan ni Pawlu,if you are discouraged from preaching in unresponsive areas consider the experience of the apostle Paul,train +73695,73696,73696,cayku uway kini sa kami,we bought rattan too,train +73696,73697,73697,Sanga satu ci Yis tu ka^red a sasti laplapen ningra cangra a ma^min a pasadak nai Fangcalay Pitaungan halusiri atu kulung Warwaren ningra ku payci nuya mifalicay walinen ningra ku cukui nangra,so he made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple area both sheep and cattle he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables,train +73697,73698,73698,Pakawananen ku tayal,please help with orientation,train +73698,73699,73699,iyaan nu tau mikuliniyu ku hiya ku falac panay i luma,someone stole rice and paddy from their home,train +73699,73700,73700,pakidemay tu i tata malahakelung kita tayla milisu mamaan,it is serious let us go how about we go visit him together,test +73700,73701,73701,sa miaca kami tu niyam kiwkay itini,that is why we built the Catholic Church,train +73701,73702,73702,itini kiya safa aku,my brothers here,train +73702,73703,73703,u demak nira,in his story,train +73703,73704,73704,hatini aca haw ku sasuwalen nu misu,is that all you have to say,train +73704,73705,73705,tukituk sanay,constant repetition of work,train +73705,73706,73706,mahaen ku nu aniniyay nu aniniyayi,was it so now,train +73706,73707,73707,pipahapinangan,to show to indicate to exhibit,train +73707,73708,73708,itiniay tura hiya tira sa i,some of them are from Kansan,train +73708,73709,73709,lan tu falucu,to give direction to thinking,train +73709,73710,73710,malatu,fragile,test +73710,73711,73711,kih kitaan kita anu cai kafana ku ina atu mama i,starting with yourself as a parent if you do not,train +73711,73712,73712,kaketi,wasp,train +73712,73713,73713,nura kaysiya nu maku,I have worked there before,train +73713,73714,73714,mahaenay han aku caayay pakasawad kita nu Pangcah a sawal,there is no way it was not settled in Amish,train +73714,73715,73715,Suʼelinay kilim satu kaku tu tamdaw,I was talking to my friends,train +73715,73716,73716,nawhan caay ka urip ku salikaka numaku tu fafahian,because my sister was born dead,train +73716,73717,73717,tayraay tura pisakalian nira hadhad,formation of a lake out to the water to form a ditch road to their own paddy fields,train +73717,73718,73718,atekak,very hard,train +73718,73719,73719,Maraud ku Pitalifan a lisin tu mihcahcaan i ira ku pinangan ni Pilatu a mitdal tu nilungucan nu finawlan tu ccay a marufuay a tamdaw,now it was the custom at the Feast to release a prisoner whom the people requested,train +73719,73720,73720,i hay mahaen huw,Yes that is it,test +73720,73721,73721,samaanay ku rakat nuna malitengay,the old man cannot walk well,train +73721,73722,73722,patingwa,make a phone call,train +73722,73723,73723,Malangtu nu namal kuya luma,the house was burned to the ground,train +73723,73724,73724,panawen,Why,train +73724,73725,73725,autu,shortness,train +73725,73726,73726,palifunen nira ku Paliwan tu nura Dipung,Japan pays Paiwanese cents in Japanese currency,train +73726,73727,73727,maeminay tu a mapaliwal ku fitaul niyam,we are out of eggs,train +73727,73728,73728,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu ira i tini ku papakatakup a pakaaraw tu nika talahkal nu nipikuwan nuya wawa nu tamdaw i ayaw nu nika patay nangra han ningra,I tell you the truth some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the son of man coming in his kingdom,train +73728,73729,73729,Saka sasuwasuwal sa cangra Cakayen ita tunini a paysu ku umah nu misakurengay hananay u malupitademan tu mapatayay nu ruma a finacadan saan,so they decided to use the money to buy the potters field as a burial place for foreigners,train +73729,73730,73730,mikitangkuyay,honeycomb,test +73730,73731,73731,Sakacecay Tadafalucu nu niyaru o pulung a raraw atu satefuc sakinutireng aca a niyaru,I Tribalism all crimes and penalties apply only to ones own tribe,train +73731,73732,73732,na ku mimingan aku a iya aku demak aku,you can only think about it in terms of your own most heartfelt experiences,train +73732,73733,73733,mapalal tu,I am awake,train +73733,73734,73734,ulu tu rumiʼad kami,it is been three days,train +73734,73735,73735,anu cuku mihalatengan nu wawa i paʼini saenen,can you force a child to do something he does not want to do,train +73735,73736,73736,adahayay ku katang katang,what a lot of katydid trees,train +73736,73737,73737,Malalamu ku wacu i lalan awa ku kanguduan naira,dogs mating on the road they have no shame at all,train +73737,73738,73738,o safa aku kunini,this is my younger brother sister this is my younger cousin,train +73738,73739,73739,i Kiw Kay i ya haw i itini i limaay tu ku tuki haw tayra tu cingra i,Professor Xu the pastor of the church went to the radio station at five of the clock,train +73739,73740,73740,nitutuan,carvings,test +73740,73741,73741,ira haw ku nipalumaan,you are growing Boehmeria,train +73741,73742,73742,mahalek tu aku a mifanaw ku kaysing,I already washed the dishes,train +73742,73743,73743,masamatira kuraan rapitefu nuniyam fafahiyan,that is what we women do here in the mountains picking bamboo shoots,train +73743,73744,73744,ira ku rumiad isu tu harek nu lahuk haw sapilisuaw kaku tisuwanan ngaay haw,are you free this afternoon I would like to visit you is that okay,train +73744,73745,73745,kita u tamdaw anca ka pisaʼicel kita i,if we do not try,train +73745,73746,73746,kapah kuraan alaen,that is a good one,train +73746,73747,73747,cai ka san kaku kiya san mangalay kaku ninukas tala Silangkung i Yili,no one said anything I wanted to go back to Tamato Nagara,train +73747,73748,73748,ira ku demak aku i iraku kamawmahan aku i niyaru Madawdaway,Luckily you can find a job at Success Township in the palm of your hand,train +73748,73749,73749,aya awa ku micelemay ita mansa kita idang saʼupu mikayki kira kaput kira miaratu facidul,we do not know how to dive so what are we going to do man the team got together we gathered and we gathered breadfruit,train +73749,73750,73750,cisulipaay,there are slippers,test +73750,73751,73751,saan ira kuya tatuluay mitaelif mitatuy tuya heci nu kilang cangra a kumaen,there were three children passing by and they were holding and eating the fruits,train +73751,73752,73752,aka tawalen nu mita ku urip nu Amis,let us not forget the life life of our Amish people,train +73752,73753,73753,dadacdac,Cicada,train +73753,73754,73754,tifekan,wooden mortar,train +73754,73755,73755,ciira cira cira cima ku ngangan nu matuʼasay nu mita takusen kiya ngangan nira,Who who who who who what are the names of our ancestors the priests will honor our ancestors by calling out their names clearly,train +73755,73756,73756,vavainay ku taraay i lutuk han tu,if it is a male going to the mountains,train +73756,73757,73757,u lutungay hen cira,he is a baby,train +73757,73758,73758,misakaranam,go make breakfast,train +73758,73759,73759,fut ku sela,breath is broken died,train +73759,73760,73760,nanam satu tu itiniay i Pakaraʼac,I am getting familiar with Nanjukho,test +73760,73761,73761,nga ira sa ku mamikalat a fau kitanan i,when bugs try to bite us,train +73761,73762,73762,masilsil i satimulan sawali nu Taywan ku Amis,we Amis are located in the southeastern part of Taiwan,train +73762,73763,73763,pangangan tu rumiʼamiʼad nu fulad,name each days moon,train +73763,73764,73764,mangalay cingra a kumaen tu matfaday a pusak i kakumaenan nuya cidafungay a tamdaw Rauden nu wacu cingra a minacnac tu kaliwates ningra,and longing to eat what fell from the rich mans table even the dogs came and licked his sores,train +73764,73765,73765,u sapatala tu kadavu,for the expected son in law,train +73765,73766,73766,mimaan kita,what are we going to do,train +73766,73767,73767,sapikulay,extraction tool,train +73767,73768,73768,mafana kita miherateng i,if we take that seriously,train +73768,73769,73769,fafaluen,Eight,train +73769,73770,73770,luwad satu ci Yis a palimuut tu fali Katumrep palimuut haca tu taplik Kasaysaytu han ningra trep satu ku fali sarimadac satu kuya fanaw,he got up rebuked the wind and said to the waves Quiet be still then the wind died down and it was completely calm,test +73770,73771,73771,ayu katalawan,Awww scary,train +73771,73772,73772,ta tayni satu i Amis cangru,the Qing troops are moving north along the east coast,train +73772,73773,73773,Citafad cingra,he got a head,train +73773,73774,73774,mawmah itira misahafay misakunga misakudasing umaamaan kakaenen,I planted millet peanuts and other edible plants,train +73774,73775,73775,aci baki mabulaw malinah tayni,I moved here with Grandpa,train +73775,73776,73776,ci Kanas cira haw,is he Kanas,train +73776,73777,73777,u tavukud u vuvu atu salil maalatu ku vuting,fish can be caught with an eight hanging net a fish box and a one line net,train +73777,73778,73778,pakadefu^,do,train +73778,73779,73779,Maharatengayhu isu kuya Tapang nu sufitay nu Assiriya misamaanay a patalaw tu finawlan nu Kawas han,do you remember how the Assyrian Praetorian chief terrorized Gods people,train +73779,73780,73780,haenen tina kamay,you have to gesture like this,test +73780,73781,73781,cacay tusa tulu sepat tu haw sakalima tu,One two three four is five,train +73781,73782,73782,tadaikakaay nuya mangah a singsi ku icel nu cuyuh Nikawrira caay pipakukut ku cuyucuyuh tu dmak nangra a mitungangan cangraan i kaayaw nu Tapang,yet even angels although they are stronger and more powerful do not bring slanderous accusations against such beings in the presence of the Lord,train +73782,73783,73783,ayaw nu tusa a rumi ad,three days ago,train +73783,73784,73784,kaliyalaway hacalay ini,Yellow,train +73784,73785,73785,way hu ku tangku itiya nisanga nu Kuka,the country did not have running water yet,train +73785,73786,73786,mana capinanaw kisu tu kamay,why did not you wash your hands,train +73786,73787,73787,i ayaw nu ka Ripunan hu nisikang,in the old days we had to stay in the camps,train +73787,73788,73788,tiraay tu i mapatireng tu niyam ku,the Shiodome elderly care Association was established in,train +73788,73789,73789,cahetu umatayalay kaku,I have worked laboriously all my life,train +73789,73790,73790,pasa Kalingku,towards Hualien,test +73790,73791,73791,u urad nu laluud san ku matuʼasay itiyahu,the old man said it was summer rain,train +73791,73792,73792,cuwa ku ilisin aca iraay hu ku pakauladay a lisin,in addition to the Harvest Festival there is also the prayer for rain Festival,train +73792,73793,73793,Miliyastu kaku nanay miliyaw a pakatengilhu tu adihayay a kituh,I am going to leave now and look forward to hearing more stories next time,train +73793,73794,73794,angrer arenger,bitter,train +73794,73795,73795,u lawalawac palapalaan nu niyaru tura malengaw ku kalalengaw kura sanciyaru hananay,in the outskirts of the tribe and in the fields autumn awns are growing,train +73795,73796,73796,sahetu misalafiiay mikalic tu huce,they are all late night train wrecks,train +73796,73797,73797,anu adihay tu kapah tu a mileper,there is more than enough to hunt,train +73797,73798,73798,kura teluc nu matu asay,the elders,train +73798,73799,73799,kahemeken,be happy,train +73799,73800,73800,maʼasit han ku caay ka,infertility is unborn,test +73800,73801,73801,nu mawmahay yu itiya hen i paenipan,you can only hear this kind of laughter during the rice planting season,train +73801,73802,73802,lima a mihecaan ku kalalaed nu mihecaan niyam,we have a year age difference,train +73802,73803,73803,Kupit han ku mata a misaharaterateng,close your eyes and think,train +73803,73804,73804,anu adihay tu hatini katataak,if there were a lot of them they would be this big,train +73804,73805,73805,o nu fana minengneng,why would O watch it,train +73805,73806,73806,nawu mahaenay kiyami sisa sinabi ku heni tayni,that is why they brought their own pots and pans,train +73806,73807,73807,futfut,fig pull out patches of grass,train +73807,73808,73808,nira tu riku atu miliku anini ku suʼlinay san,there is milk and clothes,train +73808,73809,73809,caay pitengil tu suwal nu matuasay papipatusuren i aayaw nu alumanay liuten nu alumanay a micihi a mivalval pakanguduen,Ungratefulness kneeling before the eyes of everyone surrounded by scolding or whipping to embarrass the person,train +73809,73810,73810,Orasaka salipahak satu ku tarukus a masadak tu Pilaucan nawhani O nisausian nu Kawas kami tu matatudungay a mapakangudu tuna mituur kami ci Yisan saan cangra,the apostles left the Sanhedrin rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name,test +73810,73811,73811,u hahalhalen nu niyam kiniyan,that is what we have been waiting for,train +73811,73812,73812,anu u cima ku ngangan nura a kapah,depends on the boys name,train +73812,73813,73813,araw,original,train +73813,73814,73814,pakayni han i falucu mama,keep the father in your heart,train +73814,73815,73815,vaw,auxiliary words,train +73815,73816,73816,mamipudaw,catching small fry,train +73816,73817,73817,mahaen miduʼedu tu lalan sa kaku,we are going to follow in our footsteps,train +73817,73818,73818,mahenay sa cakatudung kuna kaysiya san ku falucu nu maku minengneng,then I realized that this company was not the right one for me,train +73818,73819,73819,mataelif taelif ku cecay ri,one by one as they pass by,train +73819,73820,73820,pawali,go to the east,test +73820,73821,73821,sa tataʼak kiya nanum nu tarawadaw maanen,what if the water level of the river is very high,train +73821,73822,73822,Tadakareteng kura wawa,that kid is heavy,train +73822,73823,73823,minanam i pakafanaen nu singsi kita tu sausi nu Amis,in class the teacher taught us the Amis language of numbers,train +73823,73824,73824,tatiih a mamang ku ngiru i lutuk tu dadaya,you cannot have a small fire roast at night in the mountains,train +73824,73825,73825,Atekaken ci fufu sakaemeden ku aca mamaanay han nira ku tawki a milicay,grandma thought it was too expensive and asked the boss if it could be cheaper,train +73825,73826,73826,kasumadan kura mihadakan nu misu,bringing up your sad past,train +73826,73827,73827,yu pakimadhu ci Pitiru i ma^pud ku Fangcalay Adingu i pulung nu milayapay tu ratuh nu Kawas a tamdaw,while Peter was still speaking these words the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message,train +73827,73828,73828,a kemaen tu nisangaan,I will have my moms homemade,train +73828,73829,73829,talimaamaan sanay samanen,he did not react because,train +73829,73830,73830,maan han nu Pangcah mafukil ku ngangan nu Pangcah,I do not know how to say it in Amis,test +73830,73831,73831,suwal sa ci Yis Hai Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu anu pakayniay i Kitakit nu Kawas ku sakapisawad ningra tu luma tu fafahi tu salikaka tu fainayan tu mama tu ina anu^ca u wawa i,I tell you the truth Jesus said to them no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God,train +73831,73832,73832,Nikawrira matngil nu wawa nu fafahiyan a salikaka ni Pawlu kunini a nipisaadapaw saka tayra satu cingra i luma nu sufitay a pasuwal ci Pawluan,but when the son of Pauls sister heard of this plot he went into the barracks and told Paul,train +73832,73833,73833, misamaanay hanu ucuren ni Yihufa ku cuyuh tayra i Sutum,b what do we see in the way the Lord treated Lots family,train +73833,73834,73834,u,Main,train +73834,73835,73835,pasuwal haca ci Yis O maan ku sapasasutiri aku tu Kitakit nu Kawas hakiya,again he asked What shall I compare the kingdom of God to,train +73835,73836,73836,Miduka tu tamdaway palamal micuhcuhay melawan hen anu mamaan ku pihaceng u pihacengay patevuc tu umah vavuy rarapa atu epah,injury and arson depending on the severity of the injury the heavier ones will be compensated with fields pigs cattle and wine,train +73836,73837,73837,Nikawrira matngil ni Yusif ku nipirucuk ni Arkilaus tu pikuwan nu mama ningra ci Hirutian tu Yutaya a pala Saka matalaw cingra a tayra itira Palimuuten haca nu Kawas cingra i lmed saka liyas satu cangra a tayra i Kalili a pala,but when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod he was afraid to go there having been warned in a dream he withdrew to the district of Galilee,train +73837,73838,73838,suwalen nira ka wama nira,he told Dad,train +73838,73839,73839,unini a haw sa anini mihecaan haw u haw mafalic u paylang tu,there is a Han Chinese mayor now,train +73839,73840,73840,Mucirid ku pitilid nu maku tu seking,I answered the question wrong,test +73840,73841,73841,kaku kura mikakuyay tu sapad,I was the one who carried the table,train +73841,73842,73842,makala,received,train +73842,73843,73843,Ngaay hu cima kisu,Hello what is your name,train +73843,73844,73844,alay alay mapalal,that is why I woke up,train +73844,73845,73845,laluudan satu,it is fall,train +73845,73846,73846,hu hay,Oh yeah,train +73846,73847,73847,satapang tu kaku a mikilim,I will start looking,train +73847,73848,73848,u nglu nu falucu,trouble of heart problem,train +73848,73849,73849,kina puci kira anca i u usaw nu micieciek,such as peeled or chopped,train +73849,73850,73850,mihulul kaku atu ci faki i kafutian adihay ku mipaladaan ningra a kimad,my uncle and I chatted in the room and he shared many stories,test +73850,73851,73851,a kira kiradum,it is that fabric,train +73851,73852,73852,O tatudung nunini a tinaku i u matiniay o sapaluma hananay i u suwal nu Kawas,This is the meaning of the parable the seed is the word of God,train +73852,73853,73853,tuwa iniyantu u,Harvest Festival,train +73853,73854,73854,makeruay kita kira,it is a dancing nation,train +73854,73855,73855,saman u nu kuwaping a tilid kura tilid nu Ngayngay tura minengan nira,because books in Hakka are written in Chinese,train +73855,73856,73856,Talafulang ku nguyus nira,he foamed at the mouth,train +73856,73857,73857,kaulahan,love,train +73857,73858,73858,makapahay kisu,you are beautiful,train +73858,73859,73859,Awaayhu ku pakaaraway a tamdaw tu Kawas o i tatihiay nu wama a dengan a wawa nu Kawas ku pahapinangay i titaanan tu Kawas,no one has ever seen God but God the one and Only who is at the Fathers side has made him known,train +73859,73860,73860,Maungang kaku,I am so stupid,test +73860,73861,73861,u tafulud nu ruma,some of them are lovers bags,train +73861,73862,73862,cima kuna patayni san,who the hell brought the food,train +73862,73863,73863,ikur tu mana misangkaay kura apet isu,and then I thought your sisters in law were in it,train +73863,73864,73864,ira ku lusay nu luma namu,do you have a fruit tree,train +73864,73865,73865,o pakayniay i nika kumaen tu nipacakatan i samiyay a kakaenen i mafana kita tu nika caay ku Kawas ku samiyay deng ccay aca ku Kawas awaay ku ruma,so then about eating food sacrificed to idols we know that an idol is nothing at all in the world and that there is no God but one,train +73865,73866,73866,Saan ri ta,later on,train +73866,73867,73867,painien aku ku hanghang a tayni micakay maedeng kaemihen haca tu mamang haw,I will introduce my friend to buy can you give a further discount,train +73867,73868,73868,kaacekan ku uta nu malasangay a tamdaw,the vomit of a drunk is the dirtiest,train +73868,73869,73869,ta,let us go,train +73869,73870,73870,midungdung tu lilis nu lutuk,along the mountains,test +73870,73871,73871,pecec han aku mipecec mihaen,I crushed it like this,train +73871,73872,73872,hay tunu yantu ngaʼayay tu ha,yes I am sure you will be fine,train +73872,73873,73873,mihaenay haw i suˈliˈlin caka ngaˈay ku ngihaˈ ita aka sawad saan rumadiw pahemek ci Yihufaan,Therefore we should not let imperfections stop us from singing and praising the LORD,train +73873,73874,73874,saka ila nu Amis ku kulung kaliki,they have quick access to livestock and cattle in the area,train +73874,73875,73875,Masamulal tu ku nipalumaan aku a dateng,the vegetables I planted are starting to show,train +73875,73876,73876,o mapatikamiay nu i faleday ku niyaru niyam,our tribe has been written to by superiors,train +73876,73877,73877,haen sa kaku itira papalidingan kira,I have been there all along in the garage,train +73877,73878,73878,nu tafukud madengay tu,this is the perfect size for a gossip net,train +73878,73879,73879,fafayien,call someone an aunt,train +73879,73880,73880,matini,now,test +73880,73881,73881,tayhira i satapang minanam,start learning,train +73881,73882,73882,mangaay,possible,train +73882,73883,73883,tusa rumiʼad tira kaku ci mamaan aku i alaen tu na ina panukay,if I go back to my dads for two days my mother in law takes me home,train +73883,73884,73884,aku,my,train +73884,73885,73885,Maraud ku Pitalifan a lisin tu mihcahcaan i ira ku pinangan nu mikumuday a mitdal tu nilungucan nu finawlan tu ccay a marufuay a tamdaw,now it was the governors custom at the Feast to release a prisoner chosen by the crowd,train +73885,73886,73886,ci Omus kaku awaay i luma ci Asenay wa mimaan saw anu minukay tu ci Asenay i pasuwal han tu aku cingra,Asenay is not at home I am Omos what can I do for you I will let him know when he comes back,train +73886,73887,73887,sa irasa tangasa anini rayray sa tangasa anini,fishing Rituals a legacy to the present,train +73887,73888,73888,faeluhay,new,train +73888,73889,73889,nina mapatayay sa kiya,there are remains of the deceased,train +73889,73890,73890,satu mipaypayyay itiyahu cahu kafana kita ci Yisan,they were just worshipping they did not know Jesus,test +73890,73891,73891,u maan ku sapitaker ita tuni aʼadupen,so what do we use to round up these prey,train +73891,73892,73892,cay ka sawadeng nira haw kura sasuʼut,he did not even let go of the rope,train +73892,73893,73893,makapah ku celak nu kaluhanahana,all kinds of flowers bloom beautifully,train +73893,73894,73894,aku wa cecay,it is me,train +73894,73895,73895,hanek,smell,train +73895,73896,73896,kakitaan,Leader Speaker chief,train +73896,73897,73897,maulah kaku a midanguy i pipahanhanan a rumiad makumud ku paru^ nu luma niyam a midanguy,I like swimming during the holidays our whole family go swimming together,train +73897,73898,73898,ta itiya satu kaku mi tu pakayniʼay itini i,I am just getting started,train +73898,73899,73899,remadiw ku cavay a minawaniw a mahaen hayi,my friends who mowed the lawn together would sing that is it,train +73899,73900,73900,tudungay nu pililit,it is like being surrounded by,test +73900,73901,73901,ngaʼay hu panay ngaʼay hu singsi,hello Barnet Hello maestro,train +73901,73902,73902,mangangata,neighboring,train +73902,73903,73903,u dadaya iraku,night shift leader,train +73903,73904,73904,u pakacuwa tu kita miilang tu saʼemuan sa,we are going there to grind rice for rice cakes,train +73904,73905,73905,tu fana nira tu taneng nira tu tudung tu sapisaniyaru hatira,these are the true essence of being a constructed tribe,train +73905,73906,73906,teli han nira kaku i picudadan,he let me out of school,train +73906,73907,73907,anu u kalipahakan atu kararuman tu a kimad malalen ku ulah aku a mitengil,whether it is a happy or sad story I love to hear it,train +73907,73908,73908,tu putuy nu tireng ta cima ku tihi cima ku tatihi mafuti san,who sleeps next to whom in his own unit,train +73908,73909,73909,mitilid i caliwen nira ku impic sasipasip anca u ciwming nu kaput,during class he borrowed pencils erasers or notebooks from his classmates,train +73909,73910,73910,ira ku adihay ku masamanay rengus saan,there are many kinds of plants,test +73910,73911,73911,mamuli,roll down,train +73911,73912,73912,o mamaʼicang,it will dry out,train +73912,73913,73913,ayaw nu cila^,day before yesterday,train +73913,73914,73914,itiniay i Tayciu i makaala tu 1 ufad 2 patek 3 nulei 9 pulu iraku 5 ku Pangcah,there are also people in Taichung,train +73914,73915,73915,a manevnev ku niyaru nu mita,our tribe will drown,train +73915,73916,73916,nanay saicelen namu u Yincumincu a mitiwatiw paini tu fana ta malahci ku nihaydaan nu Cen fu sulin mifalic ku muraraway a demak iayaw,please keep pressure on the government and right its course where necessary so that it will realize its commitments and right historical wrongs,train +73916,73917,73917,siubur sa ku matu paubur sa ku matuʼasay tu tabukud naʼayaw atu salil,in the past old people used to say that there were eight nets and that there was a fishing net,train +73917,73918,73918,sicikil,extra finger,train +73918,73919,73919,pakayraay i cuka aku safalucu aku,about my paintings and also about the thoughts in my mind,train +73919,73920,73920,mamangay hu kaku mafukil kaku u maan ya wama niyam kura luma,I was too young to know what kind of a person that was my father,test +73920,73921,73921,mitapid kay lihi ya mahedek i,tidy up and pave the floor,train +73921,73922,73922,patay a misimed tu patelac,search to protect ones reputation from scrutiny,train +73922,73923,73923,cacay kisu,you are the only one,train +73923,73924,73924,Hay u tadalusid nu Falangaw kunini,Yeah it is a traditional Malanamerican costume,train +73924,73925,73925,kapah tamdaw ka tanektek a Micuged ci Akumaan,young men must stand firm against the devil,train +73925,73926,73926,nu Recurd,Mizuho it is the same with Mitsuko,train +73926,73927,73927,caay ka caay ku mama ina caay ku Pangcah maemin,it is not true that both parents are Aboriginal,train +73927,73928,73928,Oy malanam ci Lapic kaku cima kisu,Hello good morning it is Lapic who is this,train +73928,73929,73929,malatumuk tu kaku misingkiwan mahaenay,it started after the election in,train +73929,73930,73930,pasadak nu Taywan,a Han man spends hundred dollars a month,test +73930,73931,73931,talulung ku nanum itira itini tu kita a midanguy,the water is deep there so we just swim here,train +73931,73932,73932,kisu ku sasafaay anu mamicudaday kisu,you are the youngest if you have been reading,train +73932,73933,73933,mapacidal,sun,train +73933,73934,73934,Kahemut san ku wawa aku tu fafahiyan,my daughter has a big ass,train +73934,73935,73935,Malamatelangay ku fuduy anu masaeru,if you wear your clothes every day and do not replace them,train +73935,73936,73936,ahuwid han aku ku pidama^ nu misu,I thank you for your help,train +73936,73937,73937,curuk hatiraay ku picuruk kasaniyaru nu Singcuwan tu,concentration of clusters in Shinjyou,train +73937,73938,73938,marikecay ku niyaru itiya hu,the tribes used to be very united,train +73938,73939,73939,malacecay ku kapah midipang tu niyaru,youth working together in defense of the tribe,train +73939,73940,73940,nanay ira ku matiraay a,I wish that young people with such aspirations,test +73940,73941,73941,fangcal,without mishap,train +73941,73942,73942,kamu tatulu haw san,you three,train +73942,73943,73943,papasulinen,reliably,train +73943,73944,73944,Pitu^ ku rumiad tu cecay a lipay,there are seven days in a week,train +73944,73945,73945,o muecelay a tamdaw cira,he is a man of integrity,train +73945,73946,73946,tahalamaan han nu malitengaʼay,so the old men played with it,train +73946,73947,73947,na cuka hay,this picture Yes it is,train +73947,73948,73948,Alayung singsi,goodbye teacher,train +73948,73949,73949,mingurngur tu umah i lutuk,I had to work hard at home in the fields,train +73949,73950,73950,mipatireng cangra tu nu amutu a kiwkay,churches with concrete walls,test +73950,73951,73951,pitakulaay tu saku malitengay lalamlam cakapitilid u maan kya kakaenen,the old man said We are going to catch frogs so we cannot go to school or we will not have anything to eat,train +73951,73952,73952,satepihtepih,vibrate,train +73952,73953,73953,awaay ku vunga ina haw awaay,No,train +73953,73954,73954,a malitemuh kami i pihivangan a tayra i luma nira a mipalita i ciraan,we had arranged to visit his home this holiday for the interview,train +73954,73955,73955,maurip,alive,train +73955,73956,73956,papeci tu fiyaw namu tu cecay a siri,divide with your neighbors one sheep,train +73956,73957,73957,o matiniay a mafukilay tu Rikec ni Musi a finawlan i u mamakak nu Kawas han nangra,No but this mob that knows nothing of the law there is a curse on them,train +73957,73958,73958,alilic,sparrow,train +73958,73959,73959,i pusung ku luma niyam,our home is in Taitung,train +73959,73960,73960,Madadutus ku tayal nangra,they take responsibility in succession one after the other,test +73960,73961,73961,tangasa katuʼasan,until I grow up,train +73961,73962,73962,malakuwit,cross over,train +73962,73963,73963,kuranan,soldiers are the first category,train +73963,73964,73964,nengneng han ya tamdaw,seeing someone,train +73964,73965,73965,Hatilaaw hen anu caay kadengay tungal hanaw tu,I will add more if it is not enough,train +73965,73966,73966,ikaka nu niharatengan niyam ku pipadahuf nangra i ayawen nangra ku pipacakat tu tireng i Tapang ta tuuren nangra ku nafalucuan nu Kawas a mipadama tamiyanan,and they did not do as we expected but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with Gods will,train +73966,73967,73967,awaay matengil aku ngaayay taangayen ku ngiha haw,I cannot hear you can you speak louder,train +73967,73968,73968,suelinay tu,truly,train +73968,73969,73969,karaw awaay ca kasulinga kura,but the shape is not clear,train +73969,73970,73970,ti Saka tusa satu rumiʼad i mihiya tu pakayatan pakayatan tu u fafahiyan,the next day is the leash it is the red leash that holds the girl,test +73970,73971,73971,tavayar,giant elephants ear,train +73971,73972,73972,maʼsam tu kaku tu tayal kira,I am tired of working from home,train +73972,73973,73973,awa tu ku hinang nuni sakalatim,the scissors are no longer favorable,train +73973,73974,73974,Ading han nu carapung ku cidal satueman satu ku rumiad,the clouds obscure the sun and the day is now cloudy,train +73974,73975,73975,sapisanga ira tu kuppu,used to make cups,train +73975,73976,73976,masefad tu ku tuman,dusk,train +73976,73977,73977,nu nikasalumaluma nu Cikasuwan,the Clansmans family,train +73977,73978,73978,hatu u kapah ya midemakay a matayalay,it is the young people who are doing it,train +73978,73979,73979,ciba satu a maanen saw a caay pihakulung tu laying,if you fall from a height you run with the waves,train +73979,73980,73980,anu caayay pihicay kaku a mavana haw a semuwal,how can I tell if I have not caught a fry,test +73980,73981,73981,matira tu haw,that is it,train +73981,73982,73982,ira ku tipeluk,take some scrap paper,train +73982,73983,73983,aka sapisanga tu racusay a demak,do not do anything bad,train +73983,73984,73984,matayra kami ri kaku ci Tusiyu ci Wangsenfa,in the past there was me Toshiyuki Wong Shing Fat,train +73984,73985,73985,mimingay,I,train +73985,73986,73986,Hai faedet ku rumiad anini,Yes it is hot today,train +73986,73987,73987,mamang hu ci ina aku caka papicudaden nu mama nira atu wina,his mother did not let him study since he was a child,train +73987,73988,73988,Alumanay ku tamdaw a midanguy itini,there are a lot of people swimming here,train +73988,73989,73989,itiyatiya hen saw ira ku alutuc,they still had the sharp tailed snail back then,train +73989,73990,73990,ura efung han a ilaay ku sama mimingay hu,there is some lettuce seedlings in that patch over there,test +73990,73991,73991,u sefi sa ira i,their meeting place,train +73991,73992,73992,o rumasatu a suwal ningra i Tieraw Aku ku Kawas saan o ruma a suwal ningra i Ini Kaku atu nipaflian nu Kawas i Takuwanan a wawa Aku saan,and again I will put my trust in him and again he says Here am I and the children God has given me,train +73992,73993,73993,malaheci,complete,train +73993,73994,73994,lafii,evening,train +73994,73995,73995,tukaytu,municipal,train +73995,73996,73996,u saman u Hungti han ita haw,let us call him the Emperor,train +73996,73997,73997,matahepu tu nu aul,covered by bamboo,train +73997,73998,73998,micakay kaku tu tamuhung,I want to buy a hat,train +73998,73999,73999,nikaurira,however,train +73999,74000,74000,o nika tadanca u nika awa nu ^puc nuya i ayaway a limuut saka mapalasawad kuya i ayaway,for it is declared You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek,test +74000,74001,74001,maitiya kangtanay a melawen ku hiyaan nira haw,it looks like it is very simple,train +74001,74002,74002,kasuy,firewood,train +74002,74003,74003,cikeng,bowler,train +74003,74004,74004,mana tayra kami i Kalingku milicay tu itiraay a malitengaymatuʼasay,why should we go to Hualien and ask the elders there,train +74004,74005,74005,Adayaw,may I ask,train +74005,74006,74006,kacifaluhang,be open minded,train +74006,74007,74007,Ngaayhu saan ci Timuti i tamuwanan o kaput aku cingra a matayal mahaen ku suwal nu finacadan aku a salikaka ci Lukius aci Yasun aci Susipatir,Timothy my fellow worker sends his greetings to you as do Lucius Jason and Sosipater my relatives,train +74007,74008,74008,cima aca,who is it again,train +74008,74009,74009,anu mihimaw tu maan kiya,what if I have to take care of something,train +74009,74010,74010,satakid,cup,test +74010,74011,74011,hadidi san kami,we will just have to put up with it,train +74011,74012,74012,mikeridan amin,leading the children,train +74012,74013,74013,fangcal ku malasingsiay adihay ku sapaini tu minanamay atu sapadama tu sakaurip,it is great to be a teacher to have a wealth of knowledge and security in your life,train +74013,74014,74014,ira hu mipitawan niyam,we were there,train +74014,74015,74015,cakumahcad ku niyam u para han niyaam mansa ira ku ngangan tura Mayaw,there are different ways to say it we are called pullers so there are different ways to say it,train +74015,74016,74016,tuya rumiʼad kerem tu nu rumiʼad,that evening,train +74016,74017,74017,hatiraay kunu u matengilay hu maku a,that is what I heard about the old man,train +74017,74018,74018,milisimet,pack up,train +74018,74019,74019,o wacay niyam tu pakayniay i ci Kristuan a Ngaayay Ratuh i iratu a mapatanuktuk i falucu namu,because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you,train +74019,74020,74020,ha hai ci Asiw han,ha ha it is called,test +74020,74021,74021,awa mahaenay ku pisanga saan,Ah so that is what this is all about,train +74021,74022,74022,patireng tu kufa,how dare you start a company,train +74022,74023,74023,mitilid,pedantic,train +74023,74024,74024,tunini a pakayraan tu suwal ita u Pangcah,about our Amis language,train +74024,74025,74025,tusa pulu tu tulu miheca mihecaan nu maku itira ri,I was,train +74025,74026,74026,ritrit,use a sickle to cut,train +74026,74027,74027,ka,table of contents,train +74027,74028,74028,Asimaanay saan cangra tu dafung aku,they showed no respect to my property,train +74028,74029,74029,yu patnak kami tu suwal nu Kawas i tamuwanan i mitngil kamu pasulin kamu o suwal nu Kawas kunini caay ku nu tamdaw saan kamu Sulinay kunini o Kawas ku matayalay i tamuwanan u pasulinay onini ku ruma a sakararid niyam a mikansiya i Kawas,and we also thank God continually because when you received the word of God which you heard from us you accepted it not as the word of men but as it actually is the word of God which is at work in you who believe,train +74029,74030,74030,Maduka tu ku patelaw aku caaytu pakatekul tu mali,my arm is injured and I cannot pitch anymore,test +74030,74031,74031,misakereng,thunder,train +74031,74032,74032,spat a pulu ku rumiad ni Yis itira a lifeten nu Palafuay caay ka kumaen cingra tu maan aca tuya rumiad saka malpun ningra kuya rumiad i macahiwentu cingra,where for forty days he was tempted by the devil he ate nothing during those days and at the end of them he was hungry,train +74032,74033,74033,o urip nu Pangcah caay ku pifuting atu pisafunun a ccecay ku fana a maurip mafanaay a midateng atu micekiw,in addition to fishing and farming gathering was one of the means of obtaining food in the primitive Amis society,train +74033,74034,74034,ama,Grandma Grandpa Grandma mom,train +74034,74035,74035,mikilimay tu wawa ira,looking for a child,train +74035,74036,74036,Hai tayra hu kami i ruma a niyaru,Yes we also go to other villages,train +74036,74037,74037,mahaenay iri,that is it,train +74037,74038,74038,cikangdaway,it is green,train +74038,74039,74039,maletep tu kura rumiʼad haw i,on the appointed day,train +74039,74040,74040,hadimelen nu mita,we have got to make it with care,test +74040,74041,74041,kakaumelaan,cherished,train +74041,74042,74042,caay ku salakec ku pilacalan niyam,it is not very shallow,train +74042,74043,74043,Paratuhen nu nisawawaan ni Yuhani ci Yuhani tu pulung nunini a dmak tahidangen ni Yuhani ku tatusa nu nisawawaan ningra,this news about Jesus spread throughout Judea and the surrounding country,train +74043,74044,74044,o sasalungaen ni akung kunini a awul,the bamboo was used by Grandpa to make baskets,train +74044,74045,74045,o ciim nu mami kinian,this is a Citrus shoot,train +74045,74046,74046,malusakalahuk,luncheon,train +74046,74047,74047,malifawa,swelling,train +74047,74048,74048,itiya satu kriden haca nuya Palafuay ci Yis a tayra i Fangcalay Niyaru patirengen nira cingra i apapunung nu fadahung nu Fangcalay Pitaungan,then the devil took him to the Holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple,train +74048,74049,74049,Ikur padamaan nu wama wina atu rumaruma salikaka matuuray ningra ku nuˈadinguan palinian malu miceriday misakafahay,Later with the help of her parents and other brothers and sisters this sister reached her spiritual goal and became a regular pioneer,train +74049,74050,74050,o Tafalung a niyaru itiya hu i u tataakay pisangaan tu atumu adihay ku misangaan tu sakiurip a lalusidan,the Tai Pa long tribe was the largest pottery production site at that time supplying pottery for the daily life of the tribesmen,test +74050,74051,74051,ya nu maku satu i,in my case it is,train +74051,74052,74052,fakec,belt,train +74052,74053,74053,papinaay ku kaka isu,how many older siblings do you have,train +74053,74054,74054,rudis,undulate,train +74054,74055,74055,ci tamdaw tu ku umah nika awaay ku mikawmahay,there is land but no one to plow it,train +74055,74056,74056,Hai wa sienaw i katipusan anu lalumihecaankaciriku tu kifetulay,Yes it will be very cold in winter next year so you need to put on extra layers,train +74056,74057,74057,Mafukil kaku a midanguy,I cannot swim,train +74057,74058,74058,mahafelut,sweep,train +74058,74059,74059,papawsa tu kaku ci mamaan niyam i kaysya matayal ci na mama niyam sanay saan kutay cira matayal ri puwsa han aku dadaya kina mama niyam kaku satu mihiyaay mihiniay tu luma,my father worked the night shift at the sugar factory and I had to bring him a lunchbox in the middle of the night so I had to take care of all the household chores at my young age,train +74059,74060,74060,waneng nu udal,honey,test +74060,74061,74061,ira ku paysin,what is the taboo,train +74061,74062,74062,hay nu ca ka hatiraen ita,if we had not done that,train +74062,74063,74063,Kuhecalay,white,train +74063,74064,74064,anu ma^cak ku panay i ritriten nu tamdaw nawhani maraudtu ku pipanayan saan,as soon as the grain is ripe he puts the sickle to it because the Harvest has come,train +74064,74065,74065,maʼaraw aku ku kiwkay,when I saw the Catholic Church,train +74065,74066,74066,Nikawrira caaytu pacauf ci Yis tu ccaccay aca a suwal Safahka satu ci Pilatu,but Jesus made no reply not even to a single charge to the great amazement of the governor,train +74066,74067,74067,o manan kura,what is that,train +74067,74068,74068,asilu,tangerine,train +74068,74069,74069,culed hanira aya laseping haira miseping kura faʼinayan culed a ira tuku icep,she puts it in her lovers bag ah she taps and touches touches the boy puts it in her lovers bag there is betel nut,train +74069,74070,74070,caay ku tadamaanay a caang nu tatirengan kunini nasa kita Arawhani u malakakalimlaen aca ita kunini o kanguduan a nengnengen a caang nu tireng i tahpu han ita ta caay ku kasimelangan a nengnengen,and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor and the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty,test +74070,74071,74071,nawhani nanu nipalitan cingra tu kinapinapina a mipakadang ku kamay atu waay Nikawrira lafulafut han ningra ku lunayi Pelpelen ningra ku kadang nu waay ningra Saka awaay ku pakafuutay i cingraan,for he had often been chained hand and foot but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet no one was strong enough to subdue him,train +74071,74072,74072,matu suwal i Fangcalay Cudad Awaay ku ccaccay aca a mu^celay a tatamdawan,as it is written There is no one righteous not even one,train +74072,74073,74073,miheca,year,train +74073,74074,74074,misinafelay,greengrocer,train +74074,74075,74075,maimeray,very discreet,train +74075,74076,74076,alapit,chopsticks,train +74076,74077,74077,tayni tu cingra i riyar,he is going to the beach,train +74077,74078,74078,mifulaw tura Cawi paculiay tura Hulam tuliiʼay kira haw,I was so confident because of the large number of people I did not realize it,train +74078,74079,74079,a ngangasawan,of the family,train +74079,74080,74080,kaay i way a mihcaan,year,test +74080,74081,74081,palu,strike,train +74081,74082,74082,misurut,raise money,train +74082,74083,74083,talacuwaay ku nanum,where is the water,train +74083,74084,74084,caay kadayum mikilim yu,it is hard to find,train +74084,74085,74085,sapaluma matini i enar hantu,planted on the plains,train +74085,74086,74086,tu ku miheca awaay ku kapah,years old no high blood pressure,train +74086,74087,74087,i sakacuwaay kamu a maru,where do you live,train +74087,74088,74088,u maan sa ku pinang tu nikapatay makilatulu tuluay nu kasuling,I will end my life on the train track without regard to you,train +74088,74089,74089,hahay mahatiraay tu,that is what we are doing now,train +74089,74090,74090,cima a,who,test +74090,74091,74091,o masimeday kunini a dmak anu hatira i uya pakaaraway tu masimeday a nidmakan isu a wama i kakarayan caay ka^ca pakaulah i tisuwanan,so that your giving may be in secret then your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you,train +74091,74092,74092,hanira kura wawa nira,tell her kid this,train +74092,74093,74093,o mamala Mama namu Kaku o mamalawawa aku kamu saan ku suwal nu Ciicelay a Tapang,I will be a father to you and you will be my sons and daughters says the Lord Almighty,train +74093,74094,74094,sanay ku suwal nu mira,that is what he asked,train +74094,74095,74095,mingatangata tu ci nanumay a maʼurip paniyaru kita upangcah,living close to the water and becoming an Amis tribe in the middle of it,train +74095,74096,74096,tayu,very slow,train +74096,74097,74097,sapacamul nira kulaput,on its food,train +74097,74098,74098,mana misasiraw,why do you marinate meat,train +74098,74099,74099,ngaˈayay saka dademaken ita ku tengilen Mihakelung ku Kawas Tahadaˈuc a Maˈurip,we can utilize the booklet obey God for eternal Life,train +74099,74100,74100,a i huni a minukay ca nufu na i pusung,Nufu just came from Taitung,test +74100,74101,74101,mituʼur tu kita tu pakayraan,we follow our faith,train +74101,74102,74102,Caay i kasienawan kaku a suvucen,No born in the winter,train +74102,74103,74103,mansa nu hatini saimer sanay kaku,that is why I am paying special attention,train +74103,74104,74104,halikangdaway,love the green,train +74104,74105,74105,mahaen ku futing sa kisaw,the same goes for fish,train +74105,74106,74106,kalamkamay,swift,train +74106,74107,74107,mawacayay,Naked,train +74107,74108,74108,sinar,cantaloupe,train +74108,74109,74109,Kunun han nu wawa nira a miasik ku lalinik nu kafutian,his children are on their knees sweeping under the bed,train +74109,74110,74110,u saka tusa a nanay nu falucuʼan haw,the second Hearts desire,test +74110,74111,74111,araw han i samaenen ku pihinta tu,in fact how am I supposed to respond to an invitation from this group of students,train +74111,74112,74112,hai hanaku,I said yes,train +74112,74113,74113,puhung,horn,train +74113,74114,74114,caay ka ngaay a mikaput i titaanan a kumaen ku matayalay i pitaungan nu Yutaya a citudungay tu taung i Taluan,we have an altar from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat,train +74114,74115,74115,laliniken,a little bit inside,train +74115,74116,74116,mangangaay,be close,train +74116,74117,74117,saʼayaw niyam malakapah i,we are first time advanced youth,train +74117,74118,74118,talaan tu tayni,I have come here to wait,train +74118,74119,74119,hay hay,Yeah Oh,train +74119,74120,74120,nu heni tuwa,their support,test +74120,74121,74121,Macucuk ku saripa nu tamdaw a rumakat i mapacekaay a lalan,walking on a thorn sprinkled road can injure your paws,train +74121,74122,74122,hanaw luwad sa cingra ya lafii saan,try to climb out,train +74122,74123,74123,pakamaruen,please take your seats,train +74123,74124,74124,Mafana kaku u falinunu ku sapisaturun,I know make sticky rice cake with sticky rice,train +74124,74125,74125,kalikiwkay sa,this church,train +74125,74126,74126,Dakala ira ku papah nira,so it is leaves,train +74126,74127,74127,malaheciay,completed,train +74127,74128,74128,hay mafana kaku kiya ama namay,Yes I remember our grand mom,train +74128,74129,74129,macuus,greed,train +74129,74130,74130,tala,wait,test +74130,74131,74131,caay haw kahaen ku vuvu,is not that a fish trap,train +74131,74132,74132,mifuhat,open up,train +74132,74133,74133,hamanan saw sumadi,why change it,train +74133,74134,74134,samamanen aku micudad i caytupicumud ku Cudad i tangal aku,I am trying so hard to read but I still cannot remember,train +74134,74135,74135,misaupu,gather together,train +74135,74136,74136,tadangaʼayay ku wama isu atu ina isu haw,your parents had the foresight,train +74136,74137,74137,atu validas maamaan sacaay pilaliw nu vuting,and mountain browns and the rest so the fish do not run away,train +74137,74138,74138,Cuwa u maminengneng tu tunpu kita,No we are going to see dragonflies,train +74138,74139,74139,nanu davak tangasa i lavii caay hen pahanhan cira,from morning to night she did not rest,train +74139,74140,74140,mihinam,to see,test +74140,74141,74141,anu malafinawlan nu Kitakit nu Kawas ku cidafungay a tamdaw i ikakahu nu pimumuk nu lakuta a micumud tu tangila nu rinum ku nika ^ca ka rahuday han ningra,Indeed it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God,train +74141,74142,74142,midenga,infectious,train +74142,74143,74143,adihay ku nipizunvi nu vinawlan tu kawlah kamuku aca,the tribesmen have prepared a lot of prizes and programs,train +74143,74144,74144,Parik,Oakland Hills California,train +74144,74145,74145,matungal,rise,train +74145,74146,74146,u ciʼciʼ hankura caay ku alu,that is a reservoir not a river,train +74146,74147,74147,u maan ku nanaman ningra haw i,what are you learning,train +74147,74148,74148,miadup i lutulutukan,hunting in the mountains,train +74148,74149,74149,sakesir,turner,train +74149,74150,74150,Cenu aka han ku nanum,do not immerse in water,test +74150,74151,74151,u pitipusan tu maruhem tu ku tipus,when the rice is ripe it is time to harvest,train +74151,74152,74152,falu pulu ira ku tulu,years old,train +74152,74153,74153,misanga tu sasapuran,just make a good plot for planting seedlings,train +74153,74154,74154,tada caluway tu kisu halafin ku pieraw haw,you are really talented does it take a long time to make,train +74154,74155,74155,u ruma ku sama kuni ini,this is another kind of dandelion,train +74155,74156,74156,ini u awaay hen ku heci u,it is here it has not grown any fruit yet,train +74156,74157,74157,Pawikulen kina fasiyaw,make this kite hang with a long tail,train +74157,74158,74158,Pacauf sa ci Yis Cahu ka asip namu saw ku pakayniay i nanu dmak na Tafiti atu kaput ningra yu macahiw cangra,he answered Have not you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry,train +74158,74159,74159,adihay iraw i Talanpu an tayra i Cihalaay,there is a lot of places like Foleys over there,train +74159,74160,74160,uraan nisuwalan nu misu nahuni,that is what you just said,test +74160,74161,74161,kaku han i wawa nu Pangcah rakasaan paka ci tingsiyaen naku a misera,as for me I am an aboriginal and I am driving home on my bicycle,train +74161,74162,74162,tayla i luma miteli tu kami,drop off the wood when you get home,train +74162,74163,74163,pikuliniw,pilfer,train +74163,74164,74164,Ngaay caliwen aku ku Cudad isu haw,can I borrow your book,train +74164,74165,74165,ngiyangi^,shaking,train +74165,74166,74166,Halinanges cira,he is super in love with mangoes,train +74166,74167,74167,ala han ni Yis a kumaen i kaayaw nangra,and he took it and ate it in their presence,train +74167,74168,74168,caliwen haca^ aku kina Cudad tulu^,I would like to borrow these three books,train +74168,74169,74169,caka samaan kalasafitay,Actually being a soldier is not that scary,train +74169,74170,74170,sakasepat tu sakasepat tu,fourth piece the fourth one,test +74170,74171,74171,tara i tarawadaw,we are going to the river,train +74171,74172,74172,tuni niyaru nu maku tuninian i Paanifung,the tribe is in Hing Cheong,train +74172,74173,74173,tu sakafalu hanaku maaenay satu mafalatay,how can I get lost in the eighth,train +74173,74174,74174,lima miheca ku tayal nu maku i tira i katayalan,I worked there for five years,train +74174,74175,74175,tira i Yangcyence pikadafuan ni nihiya Caycemey,at Yang Jianzhis place at Chois mother in laws,train +74175,74176,74176,mahaenay kaku itiyahu sanay kaku saka,that is what happened to me,train +74176,74177,74177,salangiwngiw sa kaku tura ama,I was wondering about grand mom,train +74177,74178,74178,dadingu,glass,train +74178,74179,74179,miʼecakay kuna demak nuna cinah tuna titi,this salt is for cooking meat,train +74179,74180,74180,ya itiraay tira tura ciyaay satukuan kiyami,is there a center mast somewhere,test +74180,74181,74181,Papicepcepen tu sapaiyu ku wawa isu,let your child suck on the medicine,train +74181,74182,74182,aka pikihatiya tu i tumanay u caay ka ci^puc ku dmak a tamdaw o pikrid cangraan a patayra i ta^ngaday ku ngaay,have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them,train +74182,74183,74183,kahecid ku sinafel anini,Todays dish is very salty,train +74183,74184,74184,nawhani u kasadakan atu pakayraan atu pinukayan nu kalumaamaan ku Kawas nanay mapahmek ku Kawas a tahira i dauc Amin,for from him and through him and to him are all things to him be the glory forever Amen,train +74184,74185,74185,mangalay kamu a mitengil tu,you want to hear it,train +74185,74186,74186,26 Nalifetan nu tamdaw yu adihay ku rawraw atu rarum aku i Mihinum ci Yihufa takuwanan,page Biography the Lord comforts me when I am troubled and anxious,train +74186,74187,74187,mangaʼay caay kakumaen anu ira anu adada kaku tatiih ku tileng aku a sapafelian han tu fainay,I do not have to drink it if I am sick I can just give it to my husband,train +74187,74188,74188,keliden nu singsi kami tayra i pinanuwangan misarayaray i kaayaw nu fawahan tu mamiaca kami tu paya,today the teacher took us to the zoo and we lined up at the gate to buy tickets,train +74188,74189,74189,haenen a misankaku,triangular like this,train +74189,74190,74190,hay makayni kiyami i sawaliyan ku cidal a tahekal kiyami,Yes because the sun rises in the east,test +74190,74191,74191,ha i nanu kaemang kiyami haw i,from childhood,train +74191,74192,74192,talacuwa cingra nu sasafaay kira,she goes wherever she goes,train +74192,74193,74193,i falisaw nga mangaʼay isu mifaheci,you are better off in hot water,train +74193,74194,74194,minukayay,return home,train +74194,74195,74195,aka pitapa tu ada isu,do not knife your enemy,train +74195,74196,74196,anu ira i paturud hatu kaku haw Aray,if you have one please give it to me thank you,train +74196,74197,74197,u hiya hen cah cah cah saan,or a steam train,train +74197,74198,74198,Miiduc tu Tumay caira,they went to tag the bear,train +74198,74199,74199,repet sa kaku mirepet maʼaraw ra kaku,they saw me holding on tight,train +74199,74200,74200,mafukil kaku patukuen,I cannot be bothered,test +74200,74201,74201,Masuaw kaku pafelien kaku tu nanum,I am thirsty please give me water,train +74201,74202,74202,paluma tu ariray u maamaan,plant corn all kinds of plants,train +74202,74203,74203,hai tangtangen tu niyam kuranan,Yes we do we are going to make it easier for you to give up your job,train +74203,74204,74204,miangtulay,expose something it smells like rotting meat,train +74204,74205,74205,matuni masatu,what if it gets soft,train +74205,74206,74206,han naku sa u sakupitu tuku mata pacuwah,I will tie this seventh hole for it,train +74206,74207,74207,laliw tu niya wawa tu faʼinayay,the men will leave,train +74207,74208,74208,pina ku aca nu cecay lufuc a felac,how much is this bag of rice,train +74208,74209,74209,ira henay haw,anything else,train +74209,74210,74210,Hakuwaay ku kafanaan isu a caciyaw,what languages do you speak,test +74210,74211,74211,hantu,well,train +74211,74212,74212,hay iraʼay tu nu mawmahay mawmah naiʼayaw haw i lutulutukan i umahay,Yes I do there is a couple of songs from when I was working,train +74212,74213,74213,hannanay kuna kaemangay nga sakafana nuni kaemangay,this is how we tell the children so that they understand,train +74213,74214,74214,aku ku sakakay tu vavahi,I am the biggest girl,train +74214,74215,74215,mademdem,to endure,train +74215,74216,74216,Nanuya matngil aku ku matiyaay u tataangay a rarawraw nu alumanay a finawlan i kakarayan suwal sa Haliluya o pauripay u cidilay u ciicelay ku Kawas ita,after this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting Hallelujah salvation and glory and power belong to our God,train +74216,74217,74217,misyapan tu dadaya kucihan say ku tuki,it is about at night when I get off work,train +74217,74218,74218,Mauraday tu cuwa kapiala kaku tu dinay pacaliwen hu kaku tu dinay isu,it is raining I do not have an umbrella can you lend me your umbrella,train +74218,74219,74219,makatengil kita tina kungkuwan,we have all heard the stories,train +74219,74220,74220,itiniay i Kanalaʼetip han tuna ciyping han niyaru,at the Hepingli Gaping tribe,test +74220,74221,74221,samanay kula pala,how about that place,train +74221,74222,74222,o Hapakuk mifanaˈay kitaanan anu tahalifa tu pades i samaan padadutuc mitiˈer ci Yihufaan,the book of Habakkuk tells us how to continue to trust in the Lord in times of trouble,train +74222,74223,74223,hai,it is really dangerous,train +74223,74224,74224,han satu vangcal,that is it it is beautiful,train +74224,74225,74225,u hulam haw i han nu hulam kina niyaru,in Mandarin it is called Miyamae,train +74225,74226,74226,kiya awul,and that bamboo,train +74226,74227,74227,matiya satu haw i tuʼas satu kaku kawakawasan haw i ira ku lihak itira i kiwkay,I am growing up and I am glad the church has information,train +74227,74228,74228,mipecih,break open,train +74228,74229,74229,nanay sangaʼen isu han naku,Therefore I hope that you can enact this ordinance,train +74229,74230,74230,mafana kaku mitengil caka adada ku falucu aku,and then I got it but I am not sorry,test +74230,74231,74231,mafahfah ku palafuay nai cingraan i caciyawtu kuya tamdaw Safahka sa ku finawlan suwal sa I tini i Israil awaayhu a maaraw ita ku hatiniay a dmak saan cangra,and when the demon was driven out the man who had been mute spoke the crowd was amazed and said Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel,train +74231,74232,74232,misawad kaku itira,just finish the job over there,train +74232,74233,74233,tayra i Tapang nu tukus,come to the foot of the mountain,train +74233,74234,74234,sakakapah nu tireng danguy a milenem mipacing mikanasaw,you can get fit and healthy as well as dive shoot fish and pick up sea urchins,train +74234,74235,74235,caay ka tatudung ku pisaicel nu niyam tu kasarayray u saka hatini namu a mapades tahanini i,our efforts have fallen short and succeeding generations have been blind to this inadequacy,train +74235,74236,74236,miliyas kaku tini tuna hekal,get out of this world,train +74236,74237,74237,saka itini i Makutaay haw i,so in the Maguadam tribe,train +74237,74238,74238,tura patiʼh,four walls,train +74238,74239,74239,Papicepcepen kura tufur tu cucu nu tawinaan,let the calf suckle the cows milk,train +74239,74240,74240,hanu pateras sa kuni a malitengay pasuwal takuwanan hani,why do the elders make fun of me so casually,test +74240,74241,74241,adihay ku faliyus i kaciherangan,there are many typhoons in summer,train +74241,74242,74242,malacafay,Companiontogether,train +74242,74243,74243,Paadipelen ni fayi aku ku talukan a mitaliyuk,my aunt fenced in the chicken house,train +74243,74244,74244,maanen misuwal,learning to speak ethnic languages,train +74244,74245,74245,papiadawisen,Please take it,train +74245,74246,74246,nu ayaway iri,before,train +74246,74247,74247,o nitilidan a raraw ningra a paya i O Hungti nu Yutaya a tamdaw saan,the written notice of the charge against him read the king of the JEWS,train +74247,74248,74248,Salikakaaw anu masamaan ku urip nu kahaccaccay namu yu matahidang nu Kawas i haenen a pararid i tini i nika laccay nu falucu isu atu Kawas,Brothers each man as responsible to God should remain in the situation God called him to,train +74248,74249,74249,Hay singsi maalaay tu niyam ku sakatayal,Yes sir we have got our tools,train +74249,74250,74250,inian ta u kakurut tu nu hiya ku kakurut kinian,this is also called bitter melon,test +74250,74251,74251,inacila tayni aca awaay,why did not you come the day before yesterday,train +74251,74252,74252,a pilalu tu kamu tu sacapuxen san hai sa ku fafahiyan milalu tu sacapuxen,Ah you should go and soak the rice for the seedlings the girls will go and soak the rice for the seedlings,train +74252,74253,74253,Pariparipen tu simal ku dangah a micacak tu sinafel,Grease the pot before cooking,train +74253,74254,74254,hatiya ku rakat nu fainayan mihiya,how far boys have traveled,train +74254,74255,74255,misatawkiay kaminan u wawa matayal,the boss invited us child laborers to work here,train +74255,74256,74256,sanek,taste,train +74256,74257,74257,makuli,tight,train +74257,74258,74258,itiya hu kaku mabana,that is when I realized,train +74258,74259,74259,kalasangraay,to be the first,train +74259,74260,74260,Saka u mahaenay a tamdaw kuya caayay pisuped tu saki nu Kawasan u saki nu tirengan a ccay ku nipisuped ningra han ni Yis,This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God,test +74260,74261,74261,Fanuhung ku siraw na Dakuc,Dakocs cured meats are very flavorful,train +74261,74262,74262,o tadamaanay a rumiad kunini,this is a special day,train +74262,74263,74263,pasuwal sa kuya tatihiay a tawki katayni a miaca tu futing aku taangayay kaemeday aca ku futing aku,the boss next door said come and buy my fish my fish is big and cheap,train +74263,74264,74264,maala tu ku enem pulu ira ku cecay ku mihecaan i matini,I am years old,train +74264,74265,74265,o situ^ kisu hay,are you a student,train +74265,74266,74266,dudu uni tu tapad,catch this little leg wrap,train +74266,74267,74267,pekpek han nira a mipalu kaku ri,and he hit me really hard,train +74267,74268,74268,saka adihay ku karurayan ita mihalateng,too many dilemmas,train +74268,74269,74269,macukiwatay,shafted,train +74269,74270,74270,sa ci Lifuk ku ngangan aku,that is why my name is Rifu,test +74270,74271,74271,hayhaihayda,yes,train +74271,74272,74272,falicen,change,train +74272,74273,74273,mala a singsi tu nu itiniay kaku patenak,I became a teacher here preaching,train +74273,74274,74274,cila satu a rumiad yu maluklun cangra nai lutuk i litmuhen nu alumanay a finawlan ci Yis,the next day when they came down from the mountain a large crowd met him,train +74274,74275,74275,a misiuway hen tu awul,and we are going to organize the bamboo,train +74275,74276,74276,hatira hu san mapadangen nu maku sa,there is a couple left Okay we will help you Here,train +74276,74277,74277,miliyaw makapah mafanaʼfanaʼ tu ciheci tu maʼikes tu nasaan,just when I am getting the hang of it I have to learn it all over again,train +74277,74278,74278,akak,crow,train +74278,74279,74279,salipahak saan ku valucu,I am so happy,train +74279,74280,74280,ciciken hu kuni,this needs to be sliced,test +74280,74281,74281,tanu uul saan ku kakarayan tu dafak,there are many clouds in the morning sky,train +74281,74282,74282,ngaʼay caedung caedung sa namu,it is easy for you to put them on in order,train +74282,74283,74283,mangalay kaku a kalamkam ku kafana,I am hoping for the academy soon,train +74283,74284,74284,Ngatuwa tu nguyus,I am just going to say it,train +74284,74285,74285,ira ku nipalecapu nu kudulay a misanga tu Cudad nu Pangcah,the government has a plan to invite professionals to compile books in the Amharic language,train +74285,74286,74286,man fana itiyahu pakuyuc awaay ku kakaenen,all I knew was that there was a lack of food,train +74286,74287,74287,malukesay,poor,train +74287,74288,74288,hay ilaay matengilay isu a suwal ilaay saka pipaluma kaku,Yes did you hear that Yes that is why I am growing a lot of it,train +74288,74289,74289,nu ikuikur a tamdaw sa i,these people who came later,train +74289,74290,74290,anu macuwahu ku tayal,if the jobs going to take a while,test +74290,74291,74291,Saicifaen nu finawlan i terung nu niyaru,the tribesmen build markets in the middle of the tribes,train +74291,74292,74292,maala sakatusa haenen,from the second line this way,train +74292,74293,74293,maʼaraw aku kuna lutuk itini,when I saw this mountain,train +74293,74294,74294,laluud,in summer,train +74294,74295,74295,patayraen haca isu kami i Tayanpay saan,you are still going to wear us back to that big Oh,train +74295,74296,74296,ku mifutingan nu hiya nu maluwamaay,the Harvest of their father and son,train +74296,74297,74297,safaled,on top of,train +74297,74298,74298,aka palecad tu cura sasaan,that is why I said not to bring the same flowers,train +74298,74299,74299,kuya aku angi aca aku,I am scared,train +74299,74300,74300,caay ka u singsing faeket te kiyang kiyang kiyang,it is not a little bell it is a big heavy bell,test +74300,74301,74301,hanaw anu mangata ku ilisan anu mapatay anini anu mapatay kuya tihi isu,if Mr Kurashige has just died less than a month ago and it is close to the Festival of the year of plenty,train +74301,74302,74302,nipaeferan,fly,train +74302,74303,74303,ya kayakay itiya hu ya kilangay hu a kayakay pakayra ku lala,to get there you have to cross this wooden suspension bridge,train +74303,74304,74304,masupet,meetings,train +74304,74305,74305,o mitiliday hu kisu,are you a student,train +74305,74306,74306,cuwi,water bird,train +74306,74307,74307,Saka licay han aku Tapangaw cima Kisu saw han aku i suwal sa ku Tapang Oya nikariangan isu ci Yis Kaku,Then I asked Who are you Lord I am Jesus whom you are persecuting the Lord replied,train +74307,74308,74308,namu Amis ku pangangan tura Sasadak hananay,Sasarak is the name given to the elders of the Amis tribe during their migration,train +74308,74309,74309,inian micukaan naku kuni,this is the drawing I made,train +74309,74310,74310,sa piala sa pitungal tu mi milenaf,increase the amount of money spent on paintings,test +74310,74311,74311,i Tafalung,in Tai Po long Valley,train +74311,74312,74312,ngitangiten nangra cingra tu sakahalafinaw ningra itira Nikawrira caay pihai cingra,when they asked him to spend more time with them he declined,train +74312,74313,74313,nai,from,train +74313,74314,74314,masinanutay,rigorous,train +74314,74315,74315,o sakangaay nu tireng,it makes the body healthy,train +74315,74316,74316,padangen hu kaku miala tu saasik,please help me with the broom,train +74316,74317,74317,mitumekel i,if you want to fast,train +74317,74318,74318,u lisin nu Ciwidiyan a niyaru kiniyan,this is the Shuilian Tribes Harvest Festival,train +74318,74319,74319,ku na matama kaku,almost got me,train +74319,74320,74320,han nu amis Maurad anini han nu Fataan atu Tafalung atu nu Pasawali Mauraday anini han nu Falangaw atu Palidaw,for this phrase Namsei Ami is expressed as Oradan acini Xiuguluan Ami and Coastal Ami as Maorad acini and Malan and Hengchun Ami as Maoraday acini,test +74320,74321,74321,minanamay kaku a mituris,I am practicing writing,train +74321,74322,74322,o sakatatusa a kaka aku ci Sawmah,Sauma is my second sisterbrother,train +74322,74323,74323,ta maherek haw i u,after that we will send out a screen to the brain farmer,train +74323,74324,74324,adihay ku nipizunvi nu vinawlan tu kawlah itiya a remiʼad,the tribesmen had prepared a lot of prizes that day,train +74324,74325,74325,aluman ku situ itiya,there were a lot of students helping out back then,train +74325,74326,74326, itini Fangcalay Cudad pasifanaˈay ci Yihufa kitaanan sasamaan ku waywayan a maˈurip,YHWH also teaches us in the Bible what kind of people we should be,train +74326,74327,74327,taluʼan,her kids used to sing all the time in the barracks,train +74327,74328,74328,malinah kamu tani i Taypak,since you came to Taipei,train +74328,74329,74329,itira i miming hu kami i,we were young,train +74329,74330,74330,ira aca ku nipitadihang,a notice of the Seeding ceremony is required,test +74330,74331,74331,mapawan,forget about,train +74331,74332,74332,malahad,grow,train +74332,74333,74333,macuwa ku suwal ni ina nira haw,whatever mom says,train +74333,74334,74334,anu miliyaw aca i tari i saw,why do not you come with us if you have a chance to go on a trip some day,train +74334,74335,74335,u safang saan hakenu tuya i tiya hu matuʼasay,I do not know about the old mans net,train +74335,74336,74336,pakaneneng ku mata nu lidep tu futing i nanum,the eagles eyes can see the fish in the water,train +74336,74337,74337,cima ku papasuelinen ita,who can we believe,train +74337,74338,74338,han han han satu cingra tengteng hatu ningra kuya dadanguyan mitengteng,dad rushed to pull the raft to shore,train +74338,74339,74339,itiniay ku hiya nira,what does it look like,train +74339,74340,74340,mifalah,lose,test +74340,74341,74341,Licayaw hu icuwa ku Cilangasan,excuse me where are the Chilacas,train +74341,74342,74342,pasemsem nira kaku,he tormented tortured me,train +74342,74343,74343,minengneng kita tu ariray a talaumah naunen ku rukat ira ku alunah atu kaketi^ yu,we are going to see the corn we grow in the fields but you need to be aware of the ants and bees,train +74343,74344,74344,ciwaaay,angular,train +74344,74345,74345,Nikawrira u sulinay ku dmak a tamdaw i maulah tu ta^ngaday nawhani mapahapinang i ta^ngaday ku nika u matatudungay i nafalucuan nu Kawas ku dmak ningra,but whoever lives by the truth comes into the light so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God,train +74345,74346,74346,han satu ci tumuk misimsim,I am thinking about it,train +74346,74347,74347,tangasa i wawawawa,passed on from generation to generation,train +74347,74348,74348,madiput kira sakakaay niyam tu faʼinayan,my big brother,train +74348,74349,74349,Saka tangsul han nu salikaka ci Pawlu a patayra i lawac nu riyar Nikawrira itira sahu i Piriya ca Silas aci Timuti,the brothers immediately sent Paul to the coast but Silas and Timothy stayed at Berea,train +74349,74350,74350,han kita u salikaka a paini nu maku a tayar,I would like to share with you what I have been doing here,test +74350,74351,74351,tafuen,bind up,train +74351,74352,74352,itiya,that time,train +74352,74353,74353,malinah kamu tayra Paʼepian i,when you moved to Patpong,train +74353,74354,74354,unini haw u malitemuhay nu niyam nu mita nu itiniay kakawasan anca nu ruma ruma a niyaru,this is what our tribe the rocky mountain tribe has encountered,train +74354,74355,74355,pacaedesay,it is grim,train +74355,74356,74356,o tumuk hananay i,what is a chieftain,train +74356,74357,74357,matilaay ku demak ni ama itiya hu,that is what my dad went through,train +74357,74358,74358,sisa mavana mipalitahen kami tuniyan,So we still have a chance to ask about the legends of the past,train +74358,74359,74359,nanuyanan haw i maherek tu mapaketing,the boat was already at the pier,train +74359,74360,74360,Miesaay kaku tu dateng,I am scalding the greens,test +74360,74361,74361,neng han i aniniay satu i ilisin ilisin saan,it seems that as a result the meaning of organizing the Harvest Festival is not known at all,train +74361,74362,74362,ira ku enemay a pulu,there is a hole one too,train +74362,74363,74363,anu ila ku acang nu luma i u maan ku saka kapah ita sanay,when there is joy in the family what do we do to pretty ourselves up,train +74363,74364,74364,masiday isu ku hiya ku maʼengiday a demak i niyaru ita,like throwing away a bad thing or a pillar,train +74364,74365,74365,lifadicpudac,peeling the bark of a tree,train +74365,74366,74366,u sakaneskesan ku mademakay nu heni,their brutal tactics have made the seven foot river people,train +74366,74367,74367,san cira hay hanaku,he said go for it and I said yes,train +74367,74368,74368,a,Ah,train +74368,74369,74369,saiyaiyaay sakapukaputay,companions,train +74369,74370,74370,Taangayay kunini falicen tu mimingay tu miming,this top is a bit too big please help me to replace it with a smaller one,test +74370,74371,74371,a dademak,working at Taiwan cement company,train +74371,74372,74372,u niket tu saka urip a demak unu kakumudan kumud han a midemak unu tireng a demak mapapaliw a mapapadang anu ira ku nikaalaan mapapavatis,economic system common property is built by the tribal people private production work can be exchanged with each other and other harvested products are shared with each other,train +74372,74373,74373,nga mangaʼay ku cuʼung ira sanay ku malitengay,the new shoots it grows will be good,train +74373,74374,74374,matawal nira ku piala tu cudad,she forgot to bring a book,train +74374,74375,74375,paatingid,avoid intentionally,train +74375,74376,74376,o malasafitayay ku tayal nira,he is a professional soldier,train +74376,74377,74377,suwal satu ku singsi i takuwanan miliyaw tu malatal a lumuwad aka tu kaapac,the teacher told me wake up earlier next time and do not be late again,train +74377,74378,74378,miverver kiyami,They are cutting it down,train +74378,74379,74379,Ngaay hu^ mapulung ci Tukung kaku,hello everyone my name is Tokong,train +74379,74380,74380,Siwa^ ira ku pangkiw nu widi^ a mafuti kaku,I go to bed at am,test +74380,74381,74381,maketer cingra,he is angry,train +74381,74382,74382,saan ku suwal aku tu falucu aku,that is what I am saying,train +74382,74383,74383,minanam tu suwal nu matuʼasay,especially learning the wisdom of the elderly,train +74383,74384,74384,angreray,bitterness,train +74384,74385,74385,mahayda ku nipidmak nira tu kafahkaan a dmak i kaayaw nuya saayaway a aadupen Saka sawien nira ku maruay i tini i hkal a tamdamdaw Palimuuten nira cangra a papisanga tu facu nuya mauripayhu a namapadukaay tu funus a saayaway a aadupen,because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast he deceived the inhabitants of the earth he ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived,train +74385,74386,74386,patatunguhtunguh han mipurud sa,string the threads together and roll them up,train +74386,74387,74387,maulah ku falucu aku a miharateng tu Rikec nu Kawas,for in my inner being I delight in Gods law,train +74387,74388,74388,Hai mafana kami,Okay we got it,train +74388,74389,74389,tayaay,tire,train +74389,74390,74390,misafalucu i tu,I am starting to figure it out,test +74390,74391,74391,Mafana kamu tu pakayniay ci Yisan nu Nacali paflien nu Kawas cingra tu Fangcalay Adingu atu icel Mikaput ku Kawas cingraan saka mirakat cingra tu niyaruaru a midmak tu ngaayay miadah cingra tu pulung nu masamsamay nu Palafuay,how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil because God was with him,train +74391,74392,74392,ada^,enemies,train +74392,74393,74393,itiya hu ira ku nu mitaay a hiya i,that is when we were still at that,train +74393,74394,74394,cutin,dictionaries,train +74394,74395,74395,pakayni i nika patay i ciwcika palasawaden ni Kristu ku matiniay a masasiadaay a pinangan pakayni i ciwcika ku sakalaccay nu tusaay a finacadan ta malaliay atu Kawas,and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross by which he put to death their hostility,train +74395,74396,74396,mafukilay hu mitengil tunu Min Ku suwal u,I do not speak much Mandarin,train +74396,74397,74397,u tayniyan mifangwan kakunan,people who come here to talk,train +74397,74398,74398,ta pafulien haca nuya widang nira tiya tatuluay a wawa kuya kafung tuya mitakaway tu suiguu a wawa,his friends those three children returned the hat to the child who stole the fruits,train +74398,74399,74399,Hales hatiraay ku pinangan nura tamdaw,that is it that is the way it is with that guy,train +74399,74400,74400,cakakahiʼen aku na malitengay,I did not say yes,test +74400,74401,74401, anu tahalifa ku raramud tu sapalifet i wa misaˈicel cangra misamaan tu demak,B if only one of the spouses is a God worshipper what should be done when the marriage is tested,train +74401,74402,74402,tura miʼadupan,the prey that was caught,train +74402,74403,74403,tayra kaminan i away tu i,not with us,train +74403,74404,74404,maraay haw,is it far,train +74404,74405,74405,falicen ku falucu isu,change your attitude,train +74405,74406,74406,itini i manikaw tu nanum,this place is very short of water at the moment,train +74406,74407,74407,vasis,pork,train +74407,74408,74408,Ku^sanay ku kuwawi anini a mihecaan,the longan is very sweet this year,train +74408,74409,74409,mamadayum,take responsibility,train +74409,74410,74410,cumikay a mikilim cingra ta matalaw ku falucu nira tuni ka ira nuna ma malunem,he ran and searched afraid of this deer,test +74410,74411,74411,maherek misahiya a miteng tu cilis mapuut tu amin ku nanum,when you are blocking water from the gutter you are blocking all the water,train +74411,74412,74412,a sakapahen nu misu,favorable wind and rain,train +74412,74413,74413,matu tatuur sanay tu ci cuʼung,and the new shoots of the branches,train +74413,74414,74414,Haliki,plain spoken,train +74414,74415,74415,i suwal nu tayal sulinay a demak sanay i Balay han kasasisulul sanay i Sbalay han ayaw nu Balay a tilid tungal han tu s a tilid i,in the Atayal language truth is called Balay and reconciliation is called Sbalay so you simply add an S sound to Balay,train +74415,74416,74416,hay u pengec hananay tu,it is called a headdress,train +74416,74417,74417,lilis han niyam ku lawac nuya kanatal a talaaayaw o nipaci^cian niyam ku sakatahira i Ngaayay a pataminaan hananay ira i ngata nunini ku Lasiya a niyaru,we moved along the coast with difficulty and came to a place called fair Havens near the town of Lasea,train +74417,74418,74418,mavana,will,train +74418,74419,74419,masadak ku cidal,sunrise,train +74419,74420,74420,atu tangila,have a spiritual ear,test +74420,74421,74421,ya sacuwa nuya Pailasan,in Fuyuan Where,train +74421,74422,74422,o ruma a tamdaw i maulah ngraan o ruma i caay ka ulah,some people like him some do not,train +74422,74423,74423,Mitaung,Salute,train +74423,74424,74424,hay anu awai ku mahanay a misuwalay i,Yes if there is no one who can pass it on like this,train +74424,74425,74425,nu misu aci tumuk,head to head conversation,train +74425,74426,74426,alupal,persimmon,train +74426,74427,74427,pakayni i nika laccay namu aci Kristu a mapaicel ku falucu namu o nanu ulah ni Kristu ku sakahinum namu Malakaput kamu atu Fangcalay Adingu Masasipaayaw kamu a siniada,if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ if any comfort from his love if any fellowship with the Spirit if any tenderness and compassion,train +74427,74428,74428,mangaʼay haw,may I,train +74428,74429,74429,tusaupu matusuwal isu,Panoramic view of the dance team performance,train +74429,74430,74430,haenen kunu muwa,this is how we pick the jute coin,test +74430,74431,74431,metmet han aku suwal kiran a fai,I will remember what Auntie said,train +74431,74432,74432,siwkayen hu ku tireng isu,please introduce yourself,train +74432,74433,74433,oya nanu masausiay tu mamicumud i Kitakit nu Kawas a finawlan i u mamafahfah a mapatayra i tumanay i paputal itira a tumangic cangra a mingric tu wadis han ningra,but the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,train +74433,74434,74434,Liyawenhu,do it once more,train +74434,74435,74435,cima kura tamdaw,who is that man,train +74435,74436,74436,cira,Him her,train +74436,74437,74437,sakadepuc,so perfect and convenient,train +74437,74438,74438,nitenasan,covered pot,train +74438,74439,74439,lalinik,internal,train +74439,74440,74440,nawhani mahufuctu anini a dadaya itira i Tafiti hananay a niyaru ku papaurip i tamuwanan o Tapang u Kristu cingra,today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you he is Christ the Lord,test +74440,74441,74441,nunini,Here,train +74441,74442,74442,matiya tapudu,it is like a shroud,train +74442,74443,74443,Paiwan,Paiwan one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan,train +74443,74444,74444,mahrek ci Yis a pasuwal tunini a tinaku i liyas sa cingra itira a,when Jesus had finished these parables he moved on from there,train +74444,74445,74445,mikerit,chip,train +74445,74446,74446,sisa misiteked ku ulah aku iciraanan,So I especially like to spoil her,train +74446,74447,74447,nga patikuran hu miparu tira,then put it inside again,train +74447,74448,74448,saan ku falucu aku saan,I thought I could do that,train +74448,74449,74449,raecus pakangeruʼen kiya u cacay,it cannot be just one girl,train +74449,74450,74450,ku urip nu mita haw i anu awa ku kakaenen i,if there is no food,test +74450,74451,74451,misa hemay ku ama kira,grandma stayed home to cook glutinous rice,train +74451,74452,74452,Cuwa u safa aku tu fafahiyan cingra,No she is my younger sister,train +74452,74453,74453,anu salafii sa makeru kura tamdaw tura,if someone is dancing all night long,train +74453,74454,74454,mamaan kura wawa turanan kura,that child will know exactly what is going on,train +74454,74455,74455,tu tatiihay ademak,it is not right,train +74455,74456,74456,i serangawan nu Yincumincu anu ira ku pararaway tu cima a tamdaw anu mangalay a masasisulul i palisauten nu matuasay ku miriangay atu makariangay a tamdaw masaupu^ caira i caay ku nika pitaung a cecay alapasadak caira tu nai falucuay a suwal,in indigenous cultures when a tribe member has offended another and intends to reconcile an elder brings together the offender and the offended not to produce a direct apology but to allow each side to frankly share their inner journeys,train +74456,74457,74457,ca^des ku suwal,words are stern or sting,train +74457,74458,74458,awaay ku epuc,no use,train +74458,74459,74459,kangudu kita tu matuasay,we must respect our elders,train +74459,74460,74460,mikakilim tu hakatayalan nu maku tu tayni kaku i lutuk,I was looking for a job in reclamation so I came to this mountain,test +74460,74461,74461,fariw han ni kaka ku semut,brother cuts the grass down,train +74461,74462,74462,Sakatusa^ miala tu nu tuas a ngangan a pangangan tu wawa^ unini haw i u sapirayray tu ngaayay a pinangan nu tuas atu u tudung nu midutucay tu urip nu tuas kunini a pinangan,Secondly naming a child after an elder or a grandparent is a way of naming a child with the meaning of transmission and inheritance,train +74462,74463,74463,Maaraw nu mikaputay i takuwanan kuya likat nikawrira caay ka tngil nangra ku ngiha nuya pasuwalay i takuwanan,my companions saw the light but they did not understand the voice of him who was speaking to me,train +74463,74464,74464,i Ripun haw nanyang ayaw ri mitacan ri,in Japan there was a war in the south Seas,train +74464,74465,74465,mafudih mapuhaw,blind,train +74465,74466,74466,saka,then,train +74466,74467,74467,caay hen kahemin a marueru namakalutuk tayira i enar,no one from the clan has come down to the plains,train +74467,74468,74468,Madinitu,like this,train +74468,74469,74469,u cikay,we have no choice but to run away,train +74469,74470,74470,malacafacafay atu widawidang,I am just talking to my friends and,test +74470,74471,74471,anu mafaliyus i tayra ku Amis i alu mifuting,when typhoons come the Amis go to the riverbed to catch fish,train +74471,74472,74472,ha ha ha,ha ha ha,train +74472,74473,74473,sipu,wipe,train +74473,74474,74474,i cuwacuwaay,from all over the world,train +74474,74475,74475,tayni,come over,train +74475,74476,74476,tusa a pulu ira ku sepat,twenty four,train +74476,74477,74477,anu papacem kaku a patikul,I will return it to you tomorrow,train +74477,74478,74478,kasafinawlan,each tribe,train +74478,74479,74479,cirunungay,there are carp,train +74479,74480,74480,u pilipayan anini a remiad,today is Sunday,test +74480,74481,74481,Saka kapa hantu ni Yis cangra ta liyas satu cingra itira,when he had placed his hands on them he went on from there,train +74481,74482,74482,piliyas,get out of the way,train +74482,74483,74483,nawhani u pasamu aca ku fana ita tu maamaan atu nika cirucek ita a pakimad tu suwal nu Kawas,for we know in part and we prophesy in part,train +74483,74484,74484,o rumasatu u mamatiya u dmak tuya rumiad yu mauriphu ci Lutu Kumaen mitauwak miaca mipacakay mipaluma mipatireng tu luma ku tamdamdaw,It was the same in the days of Lot people were eating and drinking buying and selling planting and building,train +74484,74485,74485,mikadabuay cira i takuwanan,he married me,train +74485,74486,74486,Iayaw nu piliyas aku malataang ci faki i takuwanan takaraw tu a tanektek tu saan,before I left my uncle praised me for growing taller and becoming more handsome,train +74486,74487,74487,Kirami mataseltu aku kamu awaay ku ulah nu falucu namu tu Kawas,but I know you I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts,train +74487,74488,74488,luwad satu cingra a tayra ira a malitmuh ningra ku ccay a malitiay a Iciyupiya a Tapang a tamdaw o misimaway tu pulung nu dafung ni Kantaki hananay a fafahiyan a hungti nu Iciyupiya cingra o nanu tayraay cingra i Yirusalim a mitaung tu Kawas,so he started out and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch an important official in charge of all the treasury of Candace Queen of the Ethiopians this man had gone to Jerusalem to worship,train +74488,74489,74489,cipatelaw,muscular,train +74489,74490,74490,itira ci ina aku suvuce i Taukak,my mom was born in Shuhu village,test +74490,74491,74491,pasuwal kaku i matini sangaayen ku falucu namu awaay ku mamapatay ita tu ccaccay aca deng u lunan a ccay ku mamalasawad,but now I urge you to keep up your courage because not one of you will be lost only the ship will be destroyed,train +74491,74492,74492,pasifanaˈ ku tarukus ci Pawlu tu Krisciyang mapakalaluk i hanu pasuwal cangranan tu tungalen ku pihaen tu demak hani,when the apostle Paul taught Christians to encourage one another why did he say to them And so much the more,train +74492,74493,74493,ta malaʼud tu ku rumiʼad paculukan a rumiʼad haw i,it is finally time to join the army,train +74493,74494,74494,kaketeren,exasperate,train +74494,74495,74495,yu itiya hen awaay ku Pangcah,there were no Amis at that time,train +74495,74496,74496,Kasasiuruurung kamu tu inurung namu haenen ku pidu^du namu tu Rikec ni Kristu,carry each others burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ,train +74496,74497,74497,tila sa matayal,I have been working there ever since,train +74497,74498,74498,tingsa,bicycle,train +74498,74499,74499,o tatirengan aca nu mia ku alaen sa,just take your body with you,train +74499,74500,74500,o sapatinaku kunini onini a tatusaay a fafahiyan i u tudung nu tusaay a katatlekan o ccay nunini i nai Sinay a lutuk a masadak ci Hakar kunini o nihufucan ningra i u kuli a ma^min,these things may be taken figuratively for the women represent two covenants one covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves this is Hagar,test +74500,74501,74501,tuud tuud tura pala tira saan,where is the Acacia tree,train +74501,74502,74502,saremiad,whole day,train +74502,74503,74503,awaay ku pakafiluay tu nimanima anu Taywan anu kita u misa Pangcahay sa kaku,even in the world no one is more intelligent than us Amis and I am proud of that,train +74503,74504,74504,tiya kaku turanan haw i sa ku suwal haw i sa,in the moment if you say so,train +74504,74505,74505,kina tulu,three times,train +74505,74506,74506,wakang sa kuya wacu mapuhpuh ni faki,the dog lies down while being petted by his uncle,train +74506,74507,74507,talenteng saku falucu nu maku tu,I do not know what to think I am sorry,train +74507,74508,74508,Aray anu sakalima nu mitiliday mikayki kita ira ku limaw isu,thank you we have a meeting on Friday are you free,train +74508,74509,74509,tangsul awa,it is all gone in a flash,train +74509,74510,74510,Muetep ku mihecaan aku,I am years old,test +74510,74511,74511,kamu ku sakatadamaan niyam atu sakalipahak niyam,Indeed you are our glory and joy,train +74511,74512,74512,Cikippuay kisu,do you have a ticket,train +74512,74513,74513,lima hu ku mihecaʼan aku mapatay tu ci ina aku,my mom died when I was five,train +74513,74514,74514,paladaʼen kaku saan,can you give me some charity,train +74514,74515,74515,a katangasaan tu,almost there,train +74515,74516,74516,anu ira ku rumiʼad i suwal tu aku,I will say it whenever I get the chance,train +74516,74517,74517,san haenen ku suwal sa ku ina niyan hai sa kami,the children obeyed their mothers instructions,train +74517,74518,74518,kalapipasetengan tu kulung itiyahu caay tu kalusimet,at that time the cows were tied up there without being tidied up,train +74518,74519,74519,anu haenen makacebar ku tavukud saan ku matuasay,the old man said it is the only way to start,train +74519,74520,74520,ciluma san i tayraw i kaʼamis,there are also those built in the north,test +74520,74521,74521,fafahiyan i mimaan ku fafahiyan i,what are women supposed to do,train +74521,74522,74522,nu sakaytini i niyaru,tribal trainees,train +74522,74523,74523,falicen,Changed,train +74523,74524,74524,Saka rpet hantu nangra ci Yis a mipalit,the men seized Jesus and arrested him,train +74524,74525,74525,karawaayay,Bigfoot,train +74525,74526,74526,caahan nira ku funguh nira i ira ku tatuluay a kaemangay wawa padanghan nira tura mipudpud tiya kilang,he looked up there were three children helping him pick up the fruits,train +74526,74527,74527,herek nu kimad i palilamen niyam tu Cudad nu Fangcalay Cudad i maulahay a tamdaw,after the presentation Bible books will be distributed to those who are interested,train +74527,74528,74528,Malakaput,altogether,train +74528,74529,74529,malcad tunini u makuracaytu kamu pakayni tuya nisuwalan aku i tamuwanan,you are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you,train +74529,74530,74530,tu sasangaen tu ningra a tatuliken,do what he is going to knit,test +74530,74531,74531,Musu ku nialaan nu misu a kuli,you are selling ice cubes that are dripping,train +74531,74532,74532,o manan ku nikalican ningra tayra i Takaw,what bus did he take to Kaohsiung,train +74532,74533,74533,o nu Amis a wawa kaku,I am from the Amis,train +74533,74534,74534,misafaʼeluh tuya luma maan han,do not you want to rebuild your home,train +74534,74535,74535,nawhani,because,train +74535,74536,74536,hacacay han nira a patangasa ku nipacudad i lumalumaan,he delivers every letter to every household,train +74536,74537,74537,sanga han nuniyaay,just make it yourself,train +74537,74538,74538,caay ka anu caay katatudung,the ratio should be accurate,train +74538,74539,74539,mitaelip kusatukaʼ caculi a san,the two seniors assigned will say they are lazy and talkative,train +74539,74540,74540,sa mahenay ku lisin nu tiniay Tapang nu lisin nika ira ira ku lisin nu Pangcah awa tangsa anini,this is the most important of the high level festivals but there are also traditional Amis festivals that have not survived to the present day,test +74540,74541,74541,mihakulung ira ku wina ma hakulung sa ku adidiay a,after the cow the calves will follow,train +74541,74542,74542,pakafana nu matuʼasay itiay hu,that is the way old people are raised,train +74542,74543,74543,u laylay nu awul,category,train +74543,74544,74544,micekiw,scallop,train +74544,74545,74545,ina ni Madadingu,Flawless delicate mother of the girl,train +74545,74546,74546,lemangway hakiya sisa i,I do not know if it is going to fit so,train +74546,74547,74547,ila ku cecay a tingsa aku,I have a bicycle,train +74547,74548,74548,awaay ku payci paycian a fana,my people have never had the concept of an economy like this,train +74548,74549,74549,micadiway ku micadiwayay,some are catching fish in traps,train +74549,74550,74550,Ax paʼayawan,I do not care,test +74550,74551,74551,elifita,elevator,train +74551,74552,74552,Kecec nu saan ku mata nira tamdaw,why did that mans eyes blink,train +74552,74553,74553,o nipakafanaan nu Tapang i takuwanan ku sasuwalen aku i tamuwanan yu mamapacakay ku Tapang ci Yis tuya dadaya i tatuy sa cingra tu ^pang,for I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you the Lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed took bread,train +74553,74554,74554,taw,then,train +74554,74555,74555,Pasaupuen haca ni Yis ku finawlan a sumuwal i cangraan Pitngil kamu tu suwal Aku pihapinang kamu,again Jesus called the crowd to him and said Listen to me everyone and understand this,train +74555,74556,74556,han i ca hu kafana tu mamaan i saapapa sa,I do not know what is what yet it is all a blur,train +74556,74557,74557,nanusaikuray,it was the last one,train +74557,74558,74558,ku malaupes tu,the language will disappear,train +74558,74559,74559,itiya hu i,previously,train +74559,74560,74560,tayni tini i ngata nu cacudadan,come to the school neighborhood,test +74560,74561,74561,matatusaay ku maku,I think that is what I have done twice,train +74561,74562,74562,aledah,spicy,train +74562,74563,74563,pangangan san i u Makutaay manguta ku alu sanay a matiya ku matuʼasay,the name of the tribe is a reference to the turbid waters of the river,train +74563,74564,74564,Pakaakuk nu han ku nikamaen tu hemay,why eat until you choke on your food,train +74564,74565,74565,saka kaku satu ku mitunguday a pakungku tini kungku nu Makutaay hananay,so let me tell you the story of the history of the Maguadayan tribe,train +74565,74566,74566,6 7 hanu taˈangayay ku raraw nu ˈaˈideman nu pihakelungan hani,why are religious leaders said to be highly culpable,train +74566,74567,74567,liliden,support,train +74567,74568,74568,he he he,ha is oh,train +74568,74569,74569,ma,on the hillside,train +74569,74570,74570,u kuli nu Tapang kita mapulung,we are soldiers of Jesus,test +74570,74571,74571,nisaaraawan,desired,train +74571,74572,74572,niusawan niyam tu nicakayay,we will sell the rest,train +74572,74573,74573,pihadidi,repress,train +74573,74574,74574,Hai wa tadasi^naw ku rumiad tu kasi^nawan anu ruma a mihecaan saka pakapien tu ku kaciriku,Yes it will be very cold in winter next year so you need to put on extra layers,train +74574,74575,74575,kahemaway,light,train +74575,74576,74576,tiniayay a kakaya,it is about that high,train +74576,74577,74577,tadanca ku tireng aku,I am not strong,train +74577,74578,74578,macucuk,to be moved,train +74578,74579,74579,amu ku mikiwahay tu runem nira,even digging up graveyards,train +74579,74580,74580,Masasipafeli^,exchange,test +74580,74581,74581,cuay,to repay,train +74581,74582,74582,iraay ku nu mita haw sanay kaku,did we I think so,train +74582,74583,74583,pisasutaan,place of origin of soil,train +74583,74584,74584,fenek,knowledge,train +74584,74585,74585,tuwa tayiraen i Cilung,then on to Keelung,train +74585,74586,74586,anini inian,Now what about this,train +74586,74587,74587,cecay a mihecaan kinacecay ku uner a mimudac tu fanges,snakes are molted once a year,train +74587,74588,74588,anu caay palalanen,if you do not pull the strings,train +74588,74589,74589,pihawikid ita tu salawina ita tu ngangasawan ita tayni,we have come to bring relatives and clansmen,train +74589,74590,74590,a pinaan ku remiad i isin,how long will I need to be hospitalized,test +74590,74591,74591,pacakay tu kulung,sale of cattle and buffaloes,train +74591,74592,74592,maulah ku Kawas i tamuwanan pilien ningra kamu a malafinawlan ningra Saka ka u adayayay u siniadaay u misapu^neray u damsayay u kudaitay ku falucu namu,Therefore as Gods chosen people Holy and dearly loved clothe yourselves with compassion kindness humility gentleness and patience,train +74592,74593,74593,kami tu ku ciseraay,we are landlords,train +74593,74594,74594,pasadaken ku nicacakan a sakalafi i matini,now bring out the cooked dinner,train +74594,74595,74595,Kalasapacpac han nira ku fuduy,he used his clothes as an instrument of whipping,train +74595,74596,74596,adawang nu Taytu i maraay heng,Taitungs clubhouse is still far away,train +74596,74597,74597,ura maʼuripay tu rumiʼa tamtamdaw,it is the story of the daily life of people in the don Valley of Russia,train +74597,74598,74598,pakuyuc ku matuʼasay,his parents are also poor,train +74598,74599,74599,Panahay caay ka saan,not only spiritual,train +74599,74600,74600,ari,pretty soon,test +74600,74601,74601,misacupu,levee,train +74601,74602,74602,kira matuʼasay,the old man,train +74602,74603,74603,anu ila ku tatakupen nira tu maan i,if there are things that need to be done urgently,train +74603,74604,74604,kaku aca ku milucukay tu kamay ra salikaka aku iraay tu paputal maumah,I have inherited my mothers craft and my family is out of town,train +74604,74605,74605,mipadang ci mama tu fiyaw a mipanay,dad helped his neighbor cut the rice,train +74605,74606,74606,sanay kura imi nira,that is what he meant,train +74606,74607,74607,Muetep a miheca ku pimali aku,I have been playing for ten years,train +74607,74608,74608,Tala Dipungay kami misalama,we went to Japan to play,train +74608,74609,74609,talatukus kami a milisu tu fufuan,we went up the mountain to visit our grandfather,train +74609,74610,74610,ku lulay aku han i,Ouch I have been working so hard,test +74610,74611,74611,hanu hiya mihaduy pasurul,bamboo rafting directly on the Laito river,train +74611,74612,74612,mipakpak,clap ones hands,train +74612,74613,74613,masamanay a cengel ku kaulahan isu,what color do you like,train +74613,74614,74614,cacay haw ku cafay nu maku ci Kacaw,I can only move forward it is a good thing I have something to fall back on,train +74614,74615,74615,o sataʼakay a niyaru nu Pangcah tira u Cikasuʼan u liklik nu niyaru i palumaan tu kustunay cicekaʼay aul haw,at that time the Shichibukawa tribe was the largest and large thorny bamboos were planted around the tribe to insulate it,train +74615,74616,74616,sepat pulu,forty,train +74616,74617,74617,nu,belonging,train +74617,74618,74618,Kuyuden niyam kuya turun,we are carrying rice cakes,train +74618,74619,74619,viyaw a wawa ku sava aku a,my neighbors childlike disconnect,train +74619,74620,74620,i tatudung nu mita itini,we are right,test +74620,74621,74621,pakayni tu nu,related to,train +74621,74622,74622,itiyatu i mipakaʼen tu kulung,and then we are going to let the cows eat grass,train +74622,74623,74623,way eming mafelec,they did not come back,train +74623,74624,74624,micaradaw,repeat chorus,train +74624,74625,74625,militapud,pas take,train +74625,74626,74626,mikerac kiya pii kira kuhepic,scrape the skin to make it thinner,train +74626,74627,74627,anu matumestu kuya salil i pasadaken nangra i hkal Aru sa cangra a mipili o ngaayay a futing i paruen nangra i patlian o tatiihay a futing i falahen nangra,when it was full the fishermen pulled it up on the shore then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets but threw the bad away,train +74627,74628,74628,caay kalasawad sa,it is not going to die,train +74628,74629,74629,miememay,painful,train +74629,74630,74630,pasuwal sa ci Pawlu Tadamaanay a Fistusaw caay ku maapaay kaku o sulinay a masinanutay ku suwal aku,I am not insane most excellent Festus Paul replied What I am saying is true and reasonable,test +74630,74631,74631,padangay tu matuʼasay a mikakuy miulung tu panay,helping elders carry grain and rice,train +74631,74632,74632,ya ceay haw i,the first is to respect the profession,train +74632,74633,74633,papilifeten nangra kami a mipana,they let us compete in archery,train +74633,74634,74634,u cavay u vinawlan,Friends tribesmen,train +74634,74635,74635,nengneng han tini i minatu ku tamdaw i sahetu sanay haw u Amis,I saw that all the people at the pier were Amis,train +74635,74636,74636,pinang,Login,train +74636,74637,74637,matiya kaku cilemeday,I feel very happy,train +74637,74638,74638,samaanen isu a mifalic,how are you going to change it,train +74638,74639,74639,adit,Scleroderma on wounds,train +74639,74640,74640,caay ka sadak ku mitiniay a cuka,it does not look like that,test +74640,74641,74641,mahaenay tu ku suwal ni wama nu niyam,that is what my father said,train +74641,74642,74642,nu mita tu,Alert reflect,train +74642,74643,74643,matengis ta sadak satu ku ina aku atu mama aku,it is been a long time since mom and dad showed up,train +74643,74644,74644,u ruma tu a miheca haw i,just the next year,train +74644,74645,74645,u kanikalan i tiyahu ku matuʼasay,the old man at first light,train +74645,74646,74646,mavalad,flood,train +74646,74647,74647,ira ku ngangan na maemin nina lutuk nu Makutaay,there is a name for every mountain,train +74647,74648,74648,naayaw kami u wawa hen,when we were kids,train +74648,74649,74649,cima cingra,who is he,train +74649,74650,74650,awaay nu mita a,we did not,test +74650,74651,74651,ta i aʼayaway a sufitay,in the previous soldiers,train +74651,74652,74652,a mikaymunu,to buy something,train +74652,74653,74653,anu mangalay kaku anu saan kisu ala han aray yu masipun kisu,if you think you like it take it thank you very much you are in for a treat,train +74653,74654,74654,aredet ku nisakafian ni ina,Moms soup is really good,train +74654,74655,74655,o maan ku micidekay i kailisinan,what are the special features of the festival,train +74655,74656,74656,caay kanca a pacavengen tu sakariharay,safety and security must build a wall,train +74656,74657,74657,anu cila palumaen kueli sasapalen hay itini,in the future thatch can also be used to grow rice,train +74657,74658,74658,fakic,bucket,train +74658,74659,74659,hakenu mahecad ku pisanga hatu saʼayaw hu,I do not know if it is the same way I did it before,train +74659,74660,74660,i Pisirian ku tadaluma aku i ayaw,my family used to live in Sansendai,test +74660,74661,74661,mansa caka pifuting hiwawa u manan ku kakaenen nu wawa sa,so if you do not go fishing what do you want your kids to eat,train +74661,74662,74662,u maan a kadavuʼan ku matiniʼay u tatuduhen ku vutul,what is the use of this kind of husband why do not you burn him,train +74662,74663,74663,ta,not until,train +74663,74664,74664,samaanan ni Ama isu a tayra miaca tu dateng,how does your grandmother go to the grocery store,train +74664,74665,74665,anu han iri sitekes kita u Pangcah,the Amis will feel inadequate,train +74665,74666,74666,a vayi nu vayi,Psst Joe,train +74666,74667,74667,piiw,lame person,train +74667,74668,74668,kaku tu tengil han aku anu matukaay sa kamu ngaʼay tu,I am as lazy as you want me to be,train +74668,74669,74669,Nengneghan adihay kuya damay,there are so many sea vegetables,train +74669,74670,74670,Pakakuwad tu tilifi kura wawa,that kid can lift a TV,test +74670,74671,74671,cima ku ngangan nu wama nu misu,what is your fathers name,train +74671,74672,74672,maulah a kumaen kaku tu lalupela,I love water fungus,train +74672,74673,74673,anu mahaen saan i,what if it stays that way,train +74673,74674,74674,Matalif ku pinapina a rumiad i malkakawa kami ta luwad satu kami a tayra i Yirusalim,after this we got ready and went up to Jerusalem,train +74674,74675,74675,iraay kura Iwatan misapitekupan tamiyanan,there are Bununs out there trying to kill us,train +74675,74676,74676,Sakenikeni sa tu mata kura kapah tura kay^ing matu mipainiay tu ulah nira,the young man kept winking at the young lady as if he was showing love,train +74676,74677,74677,Salaflaf ku falucu aku a maketer,I become inflamed with anger,train +74677,74678,74678,Hay u Yencumin kami,Yes we are Aboriginals,train +74678,74679,74679,pilekakawaan,farming land,train +74679,74680,74680,pacipaten,please paste,test +74680,74681,74681,ci Kacaw kaku,my name is Kacaw,train +74681,74682,74682,satapang i tiniay i,at first it was in new Taipei City,train +74682,74683,74683,tira kaku haw i tusaay miheca han aku paini,I was there for two years,train +74683,74684,74684,enaw mafutili ku kakarayan,why is there thunder in the sky,train +74684,74685,74685,awaiwai hu,Nothing,train +74685,74686,74686,awaay ku siyataw nu ciyun itini deng pipakahayya isu,there is no MRT station here you can only take a taxi,train +74686,74687,74687,mililiw tu kuya mapunengay ku faʼinay ya mapunengay ku fafahi,notify widows and widowers,train +74687,74688,74688,Kaenenta kuna kidafes,let us eat pomegranate,train +74688,74689,74689,kurtu,yam,train +74689,74690,74690,matama,to so,test +74690,74691,74691,a tayra kaku i Taytung a milisu ci vikiyan aku atu kaka tu vavahiyan i tina pihivangan a remiadan,this holiday my sister and I went to Taitung to visit my uncle,train +74691,74692,74692,Rangi saan ku pising aku atu nu misu,my face is very similar to yours,train +74692,74693,74693,tahira tu ciira i luma i tansulay faʼinay aku minengneng tiy ulat kamay na ina aku,my son in law checked moms pulse as soon as he got home,train +74693,74694,74694,nanumamang itira kaku a matuʼas,I grew up here,train +74694,74695,74695,ira ku itiraay a maninaay,there are relatives and friends there,train +74695,74696,74696,alaen kiya hiya ni ama isu cikcik han hapayci sa,go and take your fathers tear it up and turn it into a banknote,train +74696,74697,74697,Orasaka u teluc nu Yincumin aluman tu ku i tukayay a matuas anini^,that is why there are now many descendants of the Aborigines growing up in the cities,train +74697,74698,74698,kifetulay ku fafuy,Yamanashis is very thick,train +74698,74699,74699,Satueman saan ku rumiad matu mamaurad,it is so dark it looks like it is going to rain soon,train +74699,74700,74700,cangra ku mitatuyay tu icel nu Kitakit ita yu u Payrang,it is the Han people who control the state mechanism,test +74700,74701,74701,talatukus,go to the mountains,train +74701,74702,74702,wata kahalafin caka tayni kisu mailul tu kaku tisuwanan,you have not been here for a long time I missed you so much,train +74702,74703,74703,suwal sa Anu paturuden aku i tamuwanan ci Yis i makahi kamu a pafli tu maan i takuwanan saw han ningra Saka pafli han nangra cingra tu tulu a pulu a rimuud nu ^kim,and asked What are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you so they counted out for him thirty silver coins,train +74703,74704,74704,unisa tusa haw,these two types of grasses can also be,train +74704,74705,74705,pakahengangay,red,train +74705,74706,74706,o manan ku demak nuni misasingdiay tamdaw tuha sapicakayaw tura matekesay ku ˈaca a cincu,what is the merchant in the parable willing to do to get the pearl of extraordinary value,train +74706,74707,74707,fingkes,tobacco,train +74707,74708,74708,ngaen ku paliding isu,have your vehicle fixed,train +74708,74709,74709,alaan aku kiya vavahi,I have decided to marry this girl,train +74709,74710,74710,u a titi makapaha sasirawen ney,especially kurobuta is beautifully marinated,test +74710,74711,74711,nga nu maku a demak hatini pisanga tu nu mita Amis a tilung,and what I am making now is an Amis urn,train +74711,74712,74712,caay ka edeng ku cikang,there is just not enough time,train +74712,74713,74713,u i tiyaay hu a tamdaw,the people of a former time,train +74713,74714,74714,mikuliniway,steal,train +74714,74715,74715,nikidaan,picking up the Sakya,train +74715,74716,74716,pakaynien nu Kawas ci Pawluan ku nipidmak tu tadamaanay a kafahkaan a dmak,God did extraordinary miracles through Paul,train +74716,74717,74717,caay ka i laluma a makafit,the clan does not care about holding grudges,train +74717,74718,74718,du^du,smoothly,train +74718,74719,74719,patiyamay,store,train +74719,74720,74720,nanitira i Sena i tayhira i kafekang,from Shunna to the top,test +74720,74721,74721,Nawiru mafukil kamu tu suwal aku saw o nika ^ca ka ulah namu a mitngil tu suwal Aku,why is my language not clear to you because you are unable to hear what I say,train +74721,74722,74722,owa,Whoa,train +74722,74723,74723,sawaden ku kasimelangan a suwal atu misakmutay a suwal atu kaackan a lawla caay ka ngaay kunini a dmak o nipiahuwid tu Kawas ku ngaay,nor should there be obscenity foolish talk or coarse joking which are out of place but rather thanksgiving,train +74723,74724,74724,tini kita masaʼupu araway mararaw kamu haw,we will gather here before you make a mistake,train +74724,74725,74725,pawali,dry,train +74725,74726,74726,ila i tenuk nu niyaru ku tatekasan u sapirekal tu masakaputay a papisaupu,the mission platform is in the center of the tribe and is used to call the age groups to assemble,train +74726,74727,74727,nu niyan u havay,elves,train +74727,74728,74728,Padadinguen i tatihi nu paenan nu mita,we have to install glass next to our door,train +74728,74729,74729,kulawlaway,orange,train +74729,74730,74730,alumantu,many,test +74730,74731,74731,katayraan i riyal mitafukud,go to the beach and cast a net,train +74731,74732,74732,Nikawrira caaytu pakaaraw kaku tu maamaan tuna mapatdi nuya madilay a likat saka kayat hantu nu kaput aku ku kamay aku a tayra i Tamaskus,my companions led me by the hand into Damascus because the brilliance of the light had blinded me,train +74732,74733,74733,anudafak,for tomorrow,train +74733,74734,74734,man satu na ina su ama namu,how do your mothers and grandmothers feel,train +74734,74735,74735,pasinafelan,vegetable garden,train +74735,74736,74736,anu alaen aca ku kasuy,penalty for firewood,train +74736,74737,74737,hatira ku nu malitengay kasaw anengel nga,did not the elders say if it is hard,train +74737,74738,74738,o manan ku araaw nuni mitusilay demak hani,what is the purpose of this activity,train +74738,74739,74739,mamaan saw,there you go,train +74739,74740,74740,anu hatira tatata makeru kita,Well come on let us go dancing,test +74740,74741,74741,o sakatulu nu lipay anucila mihalama kita tu mali tu herek nu lahuk nu cila,tomorrow will be Wednesday let us go play ball tomorrow afternoon,train +74741,74742,74742,syangyiwcwan,turn right,train +74742,74743,74743,Karatalaw ci Kuraw ramakat tu dadaya,Gulan is afraid to walk at night,train +74743,74744,74744,kasihafay tu,to make the grain Harvest plentiful,train +74744,74745,74745,makuʼkuʼ tayra i lutuk,driven to the hills,train +74745,74746,74746,kalaluup,wash your face,train +74746,74747,74747,tangasa enem ku mihecaan aku,until I was six years old,train +74747,74748,74748,u ngayangay ku nipisanga,being a simple laborer,train +74748,74749,74749,a tamdaw,Man,train +74749,74750,74750,kuliciw sa tu cingra mi nukay,he rode his bike home,test +74750,74751,74751,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu i tini i pulung nu i hkalay a tamdaw i awaayhu ku ikakaay ni Yuhani a tamdaw Nikawrira u sasafaay a tamdaw i Kitakit nu Kawas i ikakahu ni Yuhani,I tell you the truth among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he,train +74751,74752,74752,nu misu a kaput,your companion,train +74752,74753,74753,Hay misu i o maan ku tayal isu,Yeah yeah yeah what about you what do you do,train +74753,74754,74754,Nikawrira pasuwal sa kuya kaka i mama ningra Haratengen Halafintu kaku a matayal tu saki tisuwanan Caayhu piliyang kaku tu limuut isu Nikawrira Pacuken ku ccay a tufur a siri tu sakaacang isu atu widang isu cahu ka saan kisu i takuwanan,but he answered his father Look all these years I have been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends,train +74754,74755,74755,aayaw,ahead,train +74755,74756,74756,u iniyan u kakawaw raecus tu a,you cannot even move,train +74756,74757,74757,kana padamek sa caay kaemaen,I have been fertilizing but it is not absorbing,train +74757,74758,74758,eysa anu mitafaʼen namu tini i iraw i iraku pisafafiuyay,but if you block the water supply here there are pig farmers above,train +74758,74759,74759,ura i nu haratengen hu aku,I was thinking,train +74759,74760,74760,o ni Yis Kristu a tamdaw i u mipacekaytu i ciwcika a mipatay tu pinangan nu tireng atu anuf nu tireng atu anuf nu falucu,those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires,test +74760,74761,74761,nu Pungudan a iya nanu Farangaw saʼayaw malinahay tayra,they also used to migrate from the Malan tribe to the bridge tribe,train +74761,74762,74762,o maan ku sapakaulah ita ngraan,what shall we give her for a reward,train +74762,74763,74763,caay pisumad tu ngangan nira,he will not change,train +74763,74764,74764,cifaʼinay tu cifaʼinay i,I am married I have a husband,train +74764,74765,74765,saka awai hu a matengil atu maaraw i nanu tuas nu niyaru i ira kira mipatayay tu tamdaw,I have not heard or seen any chopping in the traditional tribes,train +74765,74766,74766,tayra,until,train +74766,74767,74767,Misamanay hanu u misaˈadaay ci Yihufaan awaay ku taneng hani,why is there no wisdom in opposing the LORD,train +74767,74768,74768,itira i sacumud nu niyaru patayraʼen tu ningra itini i ciʼiw,instead of blocking the hordes doorway they are moving to the feeder line,train +74768,74769,74769,pacaliwen aku kisu tu nu maku a sasisit,I will lend you my eraser,train +74769,74770,74770,kakitaan katalawan ku urip,wealthy but dangerous,test +74770,74771,74771,Pinaun kamu tu saka^caaw ka safit a mapalit nu awaay ku ^puc a nuharatengan a fana Nawhani u nanu tatuasan a nika taturuturudan a lkakawa nu hkal atu lkakawa nu lisinan kunini caay ku nanu ni Kristu kunini,see to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ,train +74771,74772,74772,anu tangasaen i lutuk u kawali nu niyaru haw i,if it is connected to the mountains east of the tribe,train +74772,74773,74773,nika urira nengneng saan kiya mata sa kiya mama haw,Why the look in his eyes made my father nod,train +74773,74774,74774,naayaway a,previously,train +74774,74775,74775,tatusa kami ku miurungay tura kufaʼan,we are the only two left to carry a gutted company,train +74775,74776,74776,adihay ku naitiyaay a demak nu maku i patung,the diary is full of events from my past,train +74776,74777,74777,suwal sa O misawiay tu finawlan kunini a tamdaw saan kamu a patayni i takuwanan Nikawrira liclicen aku cingra i kaayaw namu i awaay a matama aku ku matiyaay u nipakukutan namu a raraw ningra,and said to them You brought me this man as one who was inciting the people to rebellion I have examined him in your presence and have found no basis for your charges against him,train +74777,74778,74778,fs ini katerang a suwal u mafanaʼay tini mahapinang nanu maan caciʼyaw tu nu Pungcah,the traditional language is the one you have been used to speaking since you were a child,train +74778,74779,74779,seraraw,Saturn,train +74779,74780,74780,itini i satipan a lutuk,on the west side of the mountain,test +74780,74781,74781,sakacecay a rumiʼad nimanay kimaden isu makenaay,what do you think happens on the first day of the festival,train +74781,74782,74782,lasawad hanay tu kiya,it just disappeared,train +74782,74783,74783,matiay i mikikung haw i,when you get married,train +74783,74784,74784,yu miduhkit ku Tufur a siri tu sakatulu a nitupaan i matngil aku ku suwal nuya sakatatulu a mauripay Katayni saan cingra nengneng sa kaku i ira ku ccay a kuhtingay a ^fa Mitatuy tu satingting ku midakaway tuya ^fa,when the Lamb opened the third seal I heard the third living creature say Come I looked and there before me was a black horse its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand,train +74784,74785,74785,u icep u icep kuna falat,use the betel nut tree as a beam,train +74785,74786,74786,kanikaran,wake up time in the morning,train +74786,74787,74787,ura makeruay i,the man who is dancing,train +74787,74788,74788,u dadaya matira masuni ku kuwang hiwawa,in the nighttime when the guns go off,train +74788,74789,74789,o pacukeray tu urip nu maku ku salikaka,my brothers and sisters are the support of my life,train +74789,74790,74790,udu,jade,test +74790,74791,74791,Orung han tu ku kasuy anu minukay kisu,you will have to carry some wood when you get home,train +74791,74792,74792,makaykic aku ilu nu lufang,I can help the elderly with their affairs,train +74792,74793,74793,u nikavanaʼan namu u tada Kaliyawan ku itiniay,as far as you know are all the people here from Kalywan,train +74793,74794,74794,Pangcah tu nu niyam niyaru,it is the Amis of our village,train +74794,74795,74795,onini ku sakakaay a limuut malalen a u tadakakalimlaan haca,this is the first and greatest commandment,train +74795,74796,74796,sakapahen,like a young man,train +74796,74797,74797,lahad sa malahad,constant growth,train +74797,74798,74798,Orasaka tahidang hantu nu tusaay ku safaw a tarukus ku pulung nu nisawawaan a misaupu a sumuwal Caay kangaay kami a matayal tu nu kakaenen nawhani macara ku pipatnak niyam tu suwal nu Kawas,so the twelve gathered all the disciples together and said It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables,train +74798,74799,74799,ya hakuwa na mafana,I wondered when I would say it,train +74799,74800,74800,talapala,go to the field,test +74800,74801,74801,katupih,bottles,train +74801,74802,74802,Ocung ku lutung i lutulutukan,the forest is full of monkeys,train +74802,74803,74803,Karalangkes sa ku hemay ita anini,what a sandy meal we had today,train +74803,74804,74804,marinaay,stamped,train +74804,74805,74805,yu adadatu mitakus tu sikawasay,when you are sick call a witch,train +74805,74806,74806,hayi o maan ku paysin,Yes it is what are the taboos,train +74806,74807,74807,itira i lakelal,in the riverbed,train +74807,74808,74808,palu nu luma,boudoir house,train +74808,74809,74809,ra maulah ku salikaka,because the brothers and sisters love it,train +74809,74810,74810,haen sa masasuvana kami a tiya vavahi,that is how we met the girl,test +74810,74811,74811,syasing,image,train +74811,74812,74812,misuni^,play,train +74812,74813,74813,vangcing sa,foreigner,train +74813,74814,74814,semuwal,language,train +74814,74815,74815,masaesa,park,train +74815,74816,74816,Miedaw tu sakatalalutuk a miadup ku matuasay i ayaw,in the early days the old man went to divination in order to get to the mountain,train +74816,74817,74817,mirucukay,legacy,train +74817,74818,74818,limasa,it is all five,train +74818,74819,74819,a matiraay ku falucu nura matuʼasay kira,that is what old people think,train +74819,74820,74820,saka ira hu ku usaw tu tatayalen,we have unfinished business,test +74820,74821,74821,inian a kaemang na mapatireng ku kiwkay,when the church was established when I was a child,train +74821,74822,74822,pacengceng kira vakivakiyan,the old man will build a home for the fish,train +74822,74823,74823,yahaw hatini sanay tu kita anini caayay,that is what we are doing,train +74823,74824,74824,pahiya hca mikaysiyak,Explanations are still needed,train +74824,74825,74825,i picudadan kaku a minanam,I am in school,train +74825,74826,74826,u Pangcah haw,I am an Amis,train +74826,74827,74827,Saikuray,final,train +74827,74828,74828,Masahefuhefung ku ungcuy,the rock is hollowed out,train +74828,74829,74829,Paecah sa ku suwal nira a mitestes tu wawa,he had no qualms about severely condemning his children,train +74829,74830,74830,macedem ku nipalumaan ni akung a sinar kaesu,the watermelon grown by Grandpa is very sweet and really delicious,test +74830,74831,74831,suwal satu anu papakuyuc aca iratu ku kakaenen ta kakilac saan atu viyaviyaw,there is a saying along the coastline We are so poor that we have only lobsters left,train +74831,74832,74832,niyan u nipizunvi,preparation,train +74832,74833,74833,hai,also,train +74833,74834,74834,namapatay ku wama aku i,after my father died,train +74834,74835,74835,mikaeleday itiya hu,I used to knead ropes when I was a kid,train +74835,74836,74836,na makayniay kina pilaedes,fishing and offering to the source,train +74836,74837,74837,cira ku hanaku anu saan haw,what if I were to choose him like this,train +74837,74838,74838,o tulaku a maemin ku sakatayal niyam i niyaru,we use trucks for all our tribal work,train +74838,74839,74839,sapatiyamsim,as a snack on the road,train +74839,74840,74840,o ruma satu unini a piilisinan a rumiad u kaulahan nu mihululay a tayra mikaput tu acang nu kaluniyaru,Meanwhile the period during which the tribal festivals are held is also the best time for tourists to visit the area,test +74840,74841,74841,milisin satu kami,when our Harvest Festival,train +74841,74842,74842,ciadadaay tu tu hatiraay u tungfung hananay,it is like gout,train +74842,74843,74843,o rakat nu tulawtulaw,Egrets walk,train +74843,74844,74844,i kahera nu Ting Tay kiyahaw hay,since the beginning of radio yes,train +74844,74845,74845,itini sanay mimiiya saka kalifetan kakahadahaday ku papah,the Paiwan say the turmeric leaves are too wide and it is a pain in the ass to Harvest them,train +74845,74846,74846,makerah,ebb or go out,train +74846,74847,74847,matawal aku miala^ ku paysu^ caliwen hu^ aku ku paysu^ isu haw,I forgot to bring money can I borrow money from you,train +74847,74848,74848,sa mahaenay kaku i ayaw sa herek satu i,I treasure my past experiences,train +74848,74849,74849,angrer,it is bitter,train +74849,74850,74850,i ikur kunu Taywan hiwawa sa kira,in fact it is true that the lunar new year is after germination,test +74850,74851,74851,safalahfah sa misawsaw tu nanum sinafel mifaca,it is a waste of water now washing vegetables washing clothes,train +74851,74852,74852,tudung han ku matuasay,follow the old man,train +74852,74853,74853,miemekay,submerged,train +74853,74854,74854,cingra sa na haw na miawaw a ya ca cingra tuya unal i,barked at the bees,train +74854,74855,74855,u maan kiya ci Singkuy han,why is it called the hungry mountain God,train +74855,74856,74856,rakat han nu keleʼkelaʼ a paliding itini i sifu nu niyaru,iron oxcarts are going through the middle of the tribe,train +74856,74857,74857,malalukay,Diligencelabor,train +74857,74858,74858,tu maamaan a demakan,in everything,train +74858,74859,74859,kani,glutinous rice wine,train +74859,74860,74860,matiraay ku demak tiya masanga ira mapalalan haw i,that is how you get the job done and open up the road,test +74860,74861,74861,itira masakeru ku finawlan,the villagers were dancing there,train +74861,74862,74862,mamaan hakiya a makayra kita i lutuk,wild vegetables from the mountains,train +74862,74863,74863,o maculalay ku nika ini nu misu a faheka ku alumanay,your sudden appearance after a long absence surprises everyone,train +74863,74864,74864,ayu nengneng han ca katatudung kira,Ouch it is not for me,train +74864,74865,74865,Faeket,heavy,train +74865,74866,74866,mahaennay a yaʼurip ku itiyaay hu,that is how life used to be,train +74866,74867,74867,telien,please place the,train +74867,74868,74868,i taypalang ya isal niyam ya niyam a ketun,Tai Pak long is also a branch of our family,train +74868,74869,74869,midemak,interests,train +74869,74870,74870,mahanenay tu,and so it is,test +74870,74871,74871,o mamiparayray tu urip nu Pangcah,Aboriginal life Heirloom,train +74871,74872,74872,ehufuc nu maku i,Oh my birth,train +74872,74873,74873,Nanuya lahaklung satu ci Yis atu nisawawaan ningra a tayra i Kisimani suwal sa i cangraan Tayra Kaku itira a mitulun i kamaru kamu i tini han ningra,then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane and he said to them Sit here while I go over there and pray,train +74873,74874,74874,tataak tu kiniyan haw,it is a big one,train +74874,74875,74875,anu tengilen ku kungku^ nu matuasay haw i caay ka matira,this is not the case if we follow the dictation of the Amis Jains,train +74875,74876,74876,hayra samanen paidaay tu,No I cannot help it let me do my own thing,train +74876,74877,74877,ci babahi tu isaw iri,as for girls,train +74877,74878,74878,kaedeng,enough,train +74878,74879,74879,o malikakaay kamu,are you brothers,train +74879,74880,74880,caay kami kacangal,not extravagantly,test +74880,74881,74881,sakaniw hananay nu maku,I asked the lady what her name was,train +74881,74882,74882,paaliwacan anucila malacafay kaku ci inaan a tayra i kiwkay,tomorrow will be Sunday I will be going to church with my mom,train +74882,74883,74883,ta kapa han ni Yis ku tireng nuya fafahiyan i tangsul sa a mafiyac ku kurur ningra Saka hmek satu cingra tu Kawas,then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised God,train +74883,74884,74884,haenen ku demak,this is the way to handle things,train +74884,74885,74885,matiya ci Asyung aku,just like my Hsiung,train +74885,74886,74886,nengneng han ku widang nu maku,look at my friend,train +74886,74887,74887,itini tu kuya niyam kalipahak,we are happy,train +74887,74888,74888,u ya suni nu fali tuya lafii sa kira,the sound of the wind in the middle of the night,train +74888,74889,74889,saka lahuluhulul ku tamaku atu icep,cigarettes and betel nut are the perfect blend for chatting,train +74889,74890,74890,lumalumaan,each,test +74890,74891,74891,ira kura nima sanay kira nga mafana ku tamdaw mitengal yahaw,you have to ask which one so that people will understand who you are asking,train +74891,74892,74892,pacaliwen hu kaku tu sasipasip haw,can I borrow your eraser,train +74892,74893,74893,pakayniay tu urip nu misu,about my life history,train +74893,74894,74894,hai ci Fihil ku ngangan ningra,Yes his name is Fihil,train +74894,74895,74895,likaf,gossip,train +74895,74896,74896,malaafihay,it is turned into bran powder,train +74896,74897,74897,kinacacay kina tusa kana tayra kaku taw,I think I have been there once or twice,train +74897,74898,74898,tuniyafulad,but the time of the month,train +74898,74899,74899,sakacedaah,causes of Sighs,train +74899,74900,74900,ira ku tira i Kiwit,Chimay has it too,test +74900,74901,74901,o maritusay tu kaku a malahitay anini a mihecaan,I have been drawn into the army this year,train +74901,74902,74902,awaay ku maanmaan a mihawikidan aku,I did not bring anything with me,train +74902,74903,74903,o safa ni talu kaku ci arik ku ngangan nu maku,I am Isins sister my name is Aing,train +74903,74904,74904,O milukesay tu wawa nu tamdaw i ma^denghu a mahpul ku raraw Nikawrira u milukesay tu Fangcalay Adingu a tamdaw i caay ku mamahpul ku raraw ningra,and everyone who speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven,train +74904,74905,74905,mikeret tu eli eli,mowing thatch,train +74905,74906,74906,futek,close eyes,train +74906,74907,74907,Makakereng ku rumiad,it is thundering,train +74907,74908,74908,ya tetirengan ira ketunen,cut down its trunk,train +74908,74909,74909,u damsayay u pakametay tu tireng o matiniay a dmak i awaay ku milalangay a Rikec,gentleness and self control against such things there is no law,train +74909,74910,74910,nu Fangcalay kamianini han namu,it is such a nice nice life,test +74910,74911,74911,patatudungen tu ku palafac ku cecay miheca,to make a years worth,train +74911,74912,74912,Mipela ci ina tuya sinar,mom cut open the watermelon,train +74912,74913,74913,Dakuc,female name,train +74913,74914,74914,Inipihicay iraay hen mamelaw tu ku nikataynitu,fishing there I can see it from a distance it is coming,train +74914,74915,74915,tura pisakuli ira ku lifun haw,does this job pay,train +74915,74916,74916,fawah,open up,train +74916,74917,74917,i ay a mihcaan itiya a tayni ci li acun,Li ah Chun came here in years,train +74917,74918,74918,u ditaʼay ku suta,the soil is clay,train +74918,74919,74919,awaay tu itini tu i paputal caay tu i tini i niyaru ku salikaka nu maku,my brothers and sisters are out of the tribe,train +74919,74920,74920,macacak,done,test +74920,74921,74921,cangra i tiyahu,they were there,train +74921,74922,74922,a nifakici tu nanum,draw water from a pail,train +74922,74923,74923,atekakay tatu ngaay saka emeden tu miming haw,it is too expensive can you make it cheaper,train +74923,74924,74924,usi ku liyun ira kini saw,it is been a long time,train +74924,74925,74925,malatumuk kaku itiya,I have just been elected leader,train +74925,74926,74926,sanay,here is the deal,train +74926,74927,74927,malecad tunian tu u cirut tu ku kafanaʼan nu mita,we also observe the behavior of the birds,train +74927,74928,74928,sakangaʼay nangra nu wawa san,to fulfill his hearts desire,train +74928,74929,74929,ci mama aku ku micikeray tu taluan i pala,it was my father who locked up the hut in the field,train +74929,74930,74930,anu kalakam kula tayal isu i mangata tu ku,if you are fast you can make up to,test +74930,74931,74931,maulah kaku a mineneng tu ika,I like to watch movies,train +74931,74932,74932,anu masakeru^ ku Pangcah haw i ira ku tuluay micidekay a kakalimelaan u facu^ u keru^ atu u mikieciway,there are three characteristics in dancing one is the formation the other is the steps and the third is the lead singer,train +74932,74933,74933,cima kuya macefuay a wawa i kafutian,is bedwetting that kid,train +74933,74934,74934,malalifetay ci Kacaw tu milalayapay a cikay anini haw,is Kacaw competing in croquet today,train +74934,74935,74935,mikilim tu ku finawlan,the mobilizers have all gone off to look for them,train +74935,74936,74936,anu masemutay,if the weeds are overgrown,train +74936,74937,74937,misemsem masemsem kuya adadaay,that sick person is suffering,train +74937,74938,74938,o parakatay tu tulaku ku tayal nira,he is a truck driver by profession,train +74938,74939,74939,Misaciciway ku tuas nu niyam i ka Ripunan,our ancestors,train +74939,74940,74940,sakalima kaku,I am fifth in line,test +74940,74941,74941,makaala tuku,even fasting,train +74941,74942,74942,o mitngilay u minengnengay tunini a dmak i kaku ci Yuhani yu namitngil naminengneng kaku tunini a dmak i hinukup sa kaku i kaayaw nuya patiriay i takuwanan tunini a dmak a cuyuh a sapitaungan,I John am the one who heard and saw these things and when I had heard and seen them I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me,train +74942,74943,74943,matiyatiya u nikauripan,the experience of life,train +74943,74944,74944,mikayki kilumaʼan anini sa i mikaykiay hu,organize business meetings for the Toyonen Matsuri,train +74944,74945,74945,ngaʼayay a patireng tu maanu kufaw u,it is the best time to build a building like a toolbox,train +74945,74946,74946,saka anini una mihecaan aku tahanini i mangata tu say,I am almost years old today,train +74946,74947,74947,Saka ^pud hantu ni Yusif a miala ku tireng ni Yis a mitafu tu fa^luhay a nisangaan tu kliw a kiradum,Joseph took the body wrapped it in a clean linen cloth,train +74947,74948,74948,fakici,bucket,train +74948,74949,74949,pawalian nangra kiya pala,that paddy field they use for tanning,train +74949,74950,74950,i ringuen pawali tu kucu,shoes at the fire Grill,test +74950,74951,74951,tu sakaytini,in order to,train +74951,74952,74952,yu pakaaraw ku nisawawaan tunini i kter sa a sumuwal Nawiru haen han a misaluya saw,when the disciples saw this they were indignant Why this waste they asked,train +74952,74953,74953,patebu sa ca ama aku itiya,when my dad and the boys landed there,train +74953,74954,74954,maulah kaku a tayra a lama,I like to go and relax,train +74954,74955,74955,tu cila tu a mitilid pacelem ci Kacaw tahira i kungkuan Patikulen tu ni Kacaw ku kaput tu nicaliwan a lusid,the next day at school Kacaw arrived at school early and returned everything he had borrowed from his classmates,train +74955,74956,74956,mamiparayray ku matuasay tu serangwan nu Pangcah,elders have a responsibility to pass on the Amis culture to future generations,train +74956,74957,74957,tayni a mafulaw i,when we moved here,train +74957,74958,74958,sangaʼay han nu maku a falucu atu maku a urip,and I am satisfied that everything is going well for me,train +74958,74959,74959,tating han miteli kuna futing,lift up the fish one by one,train +74959,74960,74960,lidung,under the shade of,test +74960,74961,74961,tiyahu mangaʼay kaku a mipatalahekal ami sanu Pangcah,it was then that I had the opportunity to put the Amis language on the table,train +74961,74962,74962,kapah,very good looking,train +74962,74963,74963,Hay matiya u cecayay a lalumaan kami i picudadan,Yes we are like family while we are studying at school,train +74963,74964,74964,nu Amis itiya hu i ngaʼayay tu sapiadah tu lasang,it is a sobering dish for the clan,train +74964,74965,74965,uranan ku sasuwlen a ma a maanuf ku tamedaw tu payci kiya iraay tu kuraraw,it is easy to sin if you are greedy,train +74965,74966,74966,pahanhan tu kita,class is over,train +74966,74967,74967,nipivuresak,sow seeds,train +74967,74968,74968,pamasiyen,Crosswalk,train +74968,74969,74969,sakatuwis,reasons for crippling,train +74969,74970,74970,hatiraay ku pifacu nu matuʼasay,so this is what happens when the elders make the base,test +74970,74971,74971,Maukah a mifelih tu pudek ci Kaniw a milawla tu wawa,Kanyu likes to roll up his eyes and tease children,train +74971,74972,74972,o tingalaw nu falucu ita ku sakacitaneng ita,we are wise because our hearts are clear,train +74972,74973,74973,licay aku tamuwanan u faki samanay,I asked the godfathers what they were doing,train +74973,74974,74974,tu pihimaw mihimaw tu adadaay,for the lasting care of the sick,train +74974,74975,74975,tahaanini,until today,train +74975,74976,74976,inian ina yu matiya u wawa henay kami haw,when we were young,train +74976,74977,74977,ku nipitesek tu sakaytini patireng,bringing together revitalized Amis languages,train +74977,74978,74978,mamang masakapah cayraan ri,when he was young,train +74978,74979,74979,Mapaiceltu cangra a ma^min saka paytmek satu cangra a kumaen,they were all encouraged and ate some food themselves,train +74979,74980,74980,faʼinayan kura,he is a man,test +74980,74981,74981,suwal sa Caay ka ^ca palmeden Aku kisu O papalnaken Aku ku tluc isu saan,saying I will surely bless you and give you many descendants,train +74981,74982,74982,hay hanan nu matuʼasay kyami kya saimulu sa,elders do it in circles like this,train +74982,74983,74983,paising,see a patient,train +74983,74984,74984,nanay hariki a mafana kaku,hopefully I will soon,train +74984,74985,74985,macefu,bed wetting,train +74985,74986,74986,Pananawen a maemin ku wawa ta pakalahuken i sefi,have all children wash their hands and eat in the kitchen,train +74986,74987,74987,itiniay tu ku adihayay ku siwkaku tu hiya tu maamaan,any kind of plant here is productive,train +74987,74988,74988,san kasa selal kiyami,there are classes are not there,train +74988,74989,74989,pafeli sa tu,presentation of first prize,train +74989,74990,74990,ira ku ccay a wawa,there was a child,test +74990,74991,74991,mahaen ku pacedil nu cidal u fuis nianay,the sun shines on the people this is the star,train +74991,74992,74992,iraay hu,and,train +74992,74993,74993,Lumengaw ku fuhid malaunanip,the dried betel nut fruit germinates into a betel nut seedling,train +74993,74994,74994,i tiraw nu Yurtan a alu i Pitani a ira kunini a dmak o pipainuan ni Yuhani kunini,this all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan where John was baptizing,train +74994,74995,74995,malapalu,fight,train +74995,74996,74996,mapacekaay,pricked,train +74996,74997,74997,maanen ku nipitemi tu,hand mixing,train +74997,74998,74998,maan han kiya ngangasaw,what about the clan name,train +74998,74999,74999,o caay pitngil tu suwal nunini a paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas i u tatkupen a mifalah nai finawlan,anyone who does not listen to him will be completely cut off from among his people,train +74999,75000,75000,anu u adit tu ku duka isu i u saka adahananay tu,if your wound is already crusted it is almost healed,test +75000,75001,75001,nikacay piruruh kita tu,how we,train +75001,75002,75002,ni yeycyen ni pusipan kaku tu dadaya,I go to night tutoring at night,train +75002,75003,75003,nu Recurd,Republic of China,train +75003,75004,75004,sanayanan cakat san,life has been progressing slowly since then,train +75004,75005,75005,iraay hu ku sasipasip isu,you have not returned me the eraser,train +75005,75006,75006,caay karucek ku kakumudan nu patekenan,you are wrong about the percentages,train +75006,75007,75007,o Amis ku saalumanay i niyaru niyam,most of the people in our village are Amis,train +75007,75008,75008,tiya alaen na faki nu maku,my uncle took them,train +75008,75009,75009,haenen u kiyamcay,like making sauerkraut,train +75009,75010,75010,miming ku payci,the money is small,test +75010,75011,75011,vangcal ku lusid nu misu serisering saan,you are so beautifully dressed today with so many bells on your dress,train +75011,75012,75012,awa kira ku,because there is no refrigerator,train +75012,75013,75013,Malafaedetay ku falucu nu mahinumay a tamdaw,the heart of the comforted feels warm,train +75013,75014,75014,sa ratuhan aku a Calaw han,that is why I told my sister,train +75014,75015,75015,maculalay,sudden,train +75015,75016,75016,Tadamarurayay ku wina,mom is really working very hard,train +75016,75017,75017,tuna pasneng ku alumanay a tamdaw tu nu tirengan saka Halu aku a pasneng,since many are boasting in the way the world does I too will boast,train +75017,75018,75018,matiraay a tamdaw mahaenay,such a life,train +75018,75019,75019,fahal,abrupt,train +75019,75020,75020,sapaiyu,medicine,test +75020,75021,75021,niedawan,divination results,train +75021,75022,75022,mahecad tura suwal aku,like I said,train +75022,75023,75023,ya mamalahitay a wawa haw i,a kid who is going into the army,train +75023,75024,75024,Tuur han tuna piratuh ni Ohay tu singpung salikaka,this is followed by news from OHare,train +75024,75025,75025,Namakayni mikayakay tangsa itila sariri,climbing from here to there on the pillar,train +75025,75026,75026,tataen nu tau ta mikusing itira han nu tau ri duedu sa i ayaw kaku sa mahaenay kaku i ayaw,I was invited by a fellow member of the group and was told that there were some trainings that I could attend,train +75026,75027,75027,Repunen hu nu mita kunini a tayal ta pahanhan kita,let us finish this work before we take a break,train +75027,75028,75028,matakup nu lifung awa tu ku pinang ca tu kakilumaʼan anini,due to the epidemic we are not sure when the Toyotomi Festival will be held,train +75028,75029,75029,anu sadim sadim han,if you sprinkle poison ivy and fish,train +75029,75030,75030,ura sa titi satu ku aru,so I settled,test +75030,75031,75031,maumah kami pacafayen hu kami maumah sa,we are just working can you help us work at home please I am sorry,train +75031,75032,75032,mapafeli,give,train +75032,75033,75033,sakatimul,South,train +75033,75034,75034,Iayaw nu 50 a mihecaan u luma nu Pangcah sahetu u kilang ku sapisaluma u eli ku fadahung u sapisaluma a lalusidan sahetu i lutuk mikilang miaul miuway,before the most Amis houses were built of wood with thatched roofs and the building materials used were locally sourced wood bamboo and rattan,train +75034,75035,75035,hay han hay,Yes Oh yeah Yeah,train +75035,75036,75036,misangatu kita tu,we made it for,train +75036,75037,75037,mahaen kiniyan,that is it,train +75037,75038,75038,O pakatngilay ku tangila a tamdaw i pitngil tu pipasuwal nu Fangcalay Adingu i kasakiwkay saan,he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches,train +75038,75039,75039,awaay mitini kaku,maybe I would not be where I am now yeah,train +75039,75040,75040,saka mahaenay ku suwal ira itakuwanan saka ini i falucu aku kiya suwal,the stories the old man told me have always stayed with me,test +75040,75041,75041,ira hu kira malitengay,the old man is still alive,train +75041,75042,75042,salinalinah sa mafulaw,migration and migration,train +75042,75043,75043,Kumimit han nu maku kira caiyay pitengil a wawa,I twisted and pinched that disobedient child,train +75043,75044,75044,ira a tayra a miradum ku ccay a Samariya a fafahiyan Pananumen Kaku han ni Yis cingra a sumuwal,when a Samaritan woman came to draw water Jesus said to her Will you give me a drink,train +75044,75045,75045,mansa pinengneng ningra takuwan matiya i,she was watching me,train +75045,75046,75046,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu u tatumangic kamu a mararum Nikawrira u lalipahak ku nu hkalan a tamdaw talacuwa u mamararum kamu nikawrira u mamalalipahak kuya rarum namu,I tell you the truth you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices you will grieve but your grief will turn to joy,train +75046,75047,75047,miciwiay,divergent,train +75047,75048,75048,a kapah ku nikaurip,leave a good life behind,train +75048,75049,75049,saka u cacangrahan han kira a lutuk tini i kawali nu niyaru,that is why one of the mountains east of the tribe is called Summers,train +75049,75050,75050,liyasen ku kaackan a awaay ku ^puc a suwal nawhani pakayni tunini ku sakangalef nu nika ^ca ka ngudu nu tamdaw tu Kawas,avoid godless chatter because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly,test +75050,75051,75051,Palemeden nu faki kami patuur hu palimuut tamiyanan tu sakalalukaw a matayal,elders prayed for us and encouraged us to take things seriously,train +75051,75052,75052,a kapah atu kaying mahaen ku pihining nu maku tu nuanini,especially young men and women like to swim in the sea,train +75052,75053,75053,caay tu ka fana cimacima tu kira,I do not know who is who anymore,train +75053,75054,75054,i cidemiay a mapateli ku siraw,the savory meat is in the kitchen,train +75054,75055,75055,cidahetal,plain,train +75055,75056,75056,pitu miheca yu maala hiwa i,it is been seven years since they took him away of course,train +75056,75057,75057,ira hu ku saneykang tu picudad aku ri,I am graduating in three years,train +75057,75058,75058,mangalay ci Pawlu tu nipihaklung ni Timuti i cingraan Saka du^duen ningra ku krit a lisin a mikrit ci Timutian nawhani mafana ku i tiraay a Yutaya a tamdaw a ma^min tu nika u Krisiya a tamdaw ku mama ningra,Paul wanted to take him along on the journey so he circumcised him because of the Jews who lived in that area for they all knew that his father was a Greek,train +75058,75059,75059,ira hu ku pitadiʼecan sa kaku,I think I will have something to fall back on,train +75059,75060,75060,kimit teli hena,twist a little and put it away,test +75060,75061,75061,tu nipaypayay atu pasuʼlinay tu Kawas,the difference between idolatry and faith in Jesus,train +75061,75062,75062,pacaliw,Lending,train +75062,75063,75063,fainayan a kaka,older brother,train +75063,75064,75064,melawi saw ku tangkuy ni ina,Look Aunties winter melon,train +75064,75065,75065,sakarut,plow,train +75065,75066,75066,salikakaaw aku aka ka aluman kamu a malasingsi nawhani mafana kita tu nika caay ka kahmaw ku piliclic titaanan u malasingsiay,not many of you should presume to be teachers my brothers because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly,train +75066,75067,75067,alalalilaliw,to run away from,train +75067,75068,75068,Ikur u salikaka aku maemin mala Misawacayay tamdaw ni Yihufa cangra,Later all my brothers and sisters studied the truth and became Jehovahs Witnesses,train +75068,75069,75069,iraay tu miraradiwan ira kura latek,maybe it is just someone who has a favorite,train +75069,75070,75070,ta patayraen nangra i tarukus ku aca nunini u kacanguutan nu kahaccaccay ku piarawan a mipakilac,and put it at the apostles feet and it was distributed to anyone as he had need,test +75070,75071,75071,ci wina aku matuas kaku i ku mihecaan,my mother took me to her house when I was,train +75071,75072,75072,cekeruh,shirk,train +75072,75073,75073,sa i ufang nu suta i nenghan i awa kiya takula uya masadakay sa i ira kiya edu a masadak,searched the hole but the frog was not there a mouse went out instead,train +75073,75074,75074,hananay,he is a member of the electric machinery trading Co,train +75074,75075,75075,ta citihi kaku,I have got a crush on someone,train +75075,75076,75076,u cucung kami itiya mi tilid,we used to go to middle school,train +75076,75077,75077,ni a laliding kiya haw,this steamer basket,train +75077,75078,75078,ira ku taakay a pipahutingan tu kulung i ngata^ nu luma ni faki^ pakacitingsya^ kami a tayra tuya pipahutingan,there is a big ranch near my uncles house and we rode bicycles to the ranch together,train +75078,75079,75079,i tiya i 1984 a suvucan kaku,I was born in,train +75079,75080,75080,paherek,arrival,test +75080,75081,75081,saka lupisak satu talatimul,that is why they are spread out in all directions,train +75081,75082,75082,misaringu,Heating baking,train +75082,75083,75083,ngaʼay tu matenesay tu kaku itini i Ku Siw mangaʼay kaku mifalic tada ma,I have been working at the elementary school for a long time I can help you with the translation,train +75083,75084,75084,suwalsa ci ali aku mafanaʼen tunu Taywan pacakay tu sinsfel,my sister in law said she thought she could sell vegetables if she spoke Taiwanese,train +75084,75085,75085,a u maan sasuwalen nira saw,what else can he say,train +75085,75086,75086,mama^,Father,train +75086,75087,75087,ilaay,some,train +75087,75088,75088,Mafana kaku a mirenaf,I can draw,train +75088,75089,75089,adihay ku kavanaan nira tu kakaula han a kungku Namakacuwa ku kalingatuwan nu hekal atu namakacuwaay ku tamdaw,he knows many interesting stories for example how did the world begin and where else did humans come from,train +75089,75090,75090,mamang,stop,test +75090,75091,75091,Sikafungay,connected,train +75091,75092,75092,paypay,part ways,train +75092,75093,75093,mapeci ku vatikar nu maku,my bike broke down,train +75093,75094,75094,hai itiya haw mianip i a itiya hu misalisin ku matuʼasay pakaen tu tuʼas mifetir pakaen ta tayra sa Cirangasan miʼadup,Yes it is in the past when rice planting was in progress the elders used to make offerings to the spirits before going to Kilai mountain to worship,train +75094,75095,75095,litud hananay sapalamlam tiya fila,rip it off and mix it in with the betel leaves,train +75095,75096,75096,kaapaku heci falefale,he is got big fruit,train +75096,75097,75097,caay pisamadah a mipalu tu wawa cira,he does not hit children gently,train +75097,75098,75098,mipanay minengnengay tu kura ku malitengay,at Harvest time et the elders will examine the projections,train +75098,75099,75099,sanay ku harateng a miningtay,we will just have to put up with it,train +75099,75100,75100,patedien,please illuminate,test +75100,75101,75101,pasadaken ku cudad,please take out your textbook,train +75101,75102,75102,Orasaka salikakaaw caay ku nu kuli a fafahiyan a wawa kita o wawa nu caay ku kuli a fafahi kita,Therefore brothers we are not children of the slave woman but of the free woman,train +75102,75103,75103,ku maan,What,train +75103,75104,75104,anu awa kiya kusuy haw i,what if we do not have lemongrass to work with,train +75104,75105,75105,tanu radiw sa kira tataheciw,the ocelot kept singing,train +75105,75106,75106,Afesaw ku fuduy nu maku a mifulud tu mitamakuay,my clothes smell like smoke when I am around people who smoke cigarettes,train +75106,75107,75107,pakafit cingrana tu sakacaay kakipatkipat,that is why they do not stick together,train +75107,75108,75108,fs100anu mipasafana tu nu Pangcah ya sulinga kasifana aka pisanuwawaay ku ngiha hayni,if you are teaching your mother tongue you must teach it well and not in a child tongue,train +75108,75109,75109,rakat sa cira tu ya lavii sa a misimsim iri,one night while walking along the road I thought to myself,train +75109,75110,75110,a sumuwal,can say,test +75110,75111,75111,cupelakay,it is bitter,train +75111,75112,75112,paaca,sell,train +75112,75113,75113,sitala cingra i lalan,he lay in wait on the road,train +75113,75114,75114,iniyan hatu ira ku icep u vila,this one there is betel nut and there is Lao,train +75114,75115,75115,iratu ku nipisaybang a demakan nu Ripun,the Japanese have a case for a criminal judgment,train +75115,75116,75116,tuna mahaen a u mamalasawad kunini a maamaan saka ka u Fangcalay ku dmak namu a masarucud i Kawas,since everything will be destroyed in this way what kind of people ought you to be you ought to live Holy and godly lives,train +75116,75117,75117,u mira tuku mikuwanay,he will run the tribal home,train +75117,75118,75118,Papikiskisen kira safa nu misu tu engaan nu siuy,please let your brother scrape the sides of the rice pan,train +75118,75119,75119,samaanen isu a tayra i futud,how are you going to get to Orchid Island,train +75119,75120,75120,yan tu aluman kami malikaka,because we have many brothers and sisters,test +75120,75121,75121,tafulud ku ruma,some of them are lovers bags,train +75121,75122,75122,caay kita ka vana caay pakamelaw kita tu,we do not know we do not see,train +75122,75123,75123,Tataang ku tangila nuya wacu,that dog has big ears,train +75123,75124,75124,mataelif niyam ku paliwalay tu titi suwal sa kuya tawki u manan ku aacaen nu misu taangayay masu^su aca kuni a kuku anini tulu a suut ku aca nu cecay,we passed the meat stall and the boss said What do you want to buy Todays chickens are big and fat and one is NTD,train +75124,75125,75125,ngra ku palipuwakay,it was he who spoke causing people to scatter in different directions,train +75125,75126,75126,Naw mana u yakiw,Why why baseball,train +75126,75127,75127,ulaw,smoky to black,train +75127,75128,75128,Orasaka misalisin kita i aka kau matlangay a tamud tuya ci camulay tu tatiihay a tamud kau caay ka ci tamud a ^pang uya ci camulay tu makuracay atu sulin a ^pang,get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast as you really are for Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed,train +75128,75129,75129,tayra satu cangra i Kisimani pasuwal ci Yis tu nisawawaan Ningra Tayra Kaku a mitulun kaitini kamu a maru a mitala han ningra,they went to a place called Gethsemane and Jesus said to his disciples Sit here while I pray,train +75129,75130,75130,Mapaluma tu hana ku liyuk nu luma aku,I grow flowers all around my house,test +75130,75131,75131,u dateng anu kaladatengen ngaʼayay kuni ini,you can also eat this as a vegetable,train +75131,75132,75132,haʼenen aca a mikilac a miʼala,hold it like this and cut it like this,train +75132,75133,75133,o icuwaay ku rahudayay a tayal,which job is easier,train +75133,75134,75134,u kapahay kiniyan,this is the best way to improve their native language skills,train +75134,75135,75135,fawahanpa^nan,door,train +75135,75136,75136,tahira tu,as far as sty is concerned,train +75136,75137,75137,o piacawan naira tu nanum kiraan a nemnem,that spring is where they scoop up the water,train +75137,75138,75138,cecayay aca liyad,it is also just a brief parting,train +75138,75139,75139,Nikawrira tanektek ku nipatirengan nu Kawas a paranaan a caay ka ngiyangi Matu^tu a matilid i paranaan a fukluh kuya Mafana ku Tapang tu nu Ningraan a tamdaw Matu^tu haca O nu Tapang kaku sanay a tamdaw ka piliyas tu tatiihay sanay,Nevertheless Gods solid foundation stands firm sealed with this inscription The Lord knows those who are his and Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness,train +75139,75140,75140,ini u funus,this is a belt knife,test +75140,75141,75141,Paladaen ku tau ta matiya u pipi^pi nu tamdaw a miseksek i satu a mitumes a mipafli i tamuwanan ku pipafli nu Kawas i tamuwanan anu u maan ku sapilatang namu a pafli i urira itu ku sapilatang nu Kawas a pafli i tamuwanan han ningra,Give and it will be given to you a good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap for with the measure you use it will be measured to you,train +75141,75142,75142,Pasaaredetan tu a tengilen kahacecacecayen a patayni,sounds delicious so let us order one of each,train +75142,75143,75143,manhan ku matiniay pangangan hatu tura facidur pangangan tura facidul u mahaenay,what is going on here you guys have a name so it is team Breadfruit,train +75143,75144,75144,a Kawasan caay ka vana,what kind of mountain Spirit is that,train +75144,75145,75145,Vataan pina a vulad miala tu Vataan,tree beans,train +75145,75146,75146,Ngaay,it is okay,train +75146,75147,75147,sapilaliwan ku falucu i,though I wanted to leave early,train +75147,75148,75148,caay,Never,train +75148,75149,75149,ini ku siyasing ni Halu patayni paʼaraw kakuwan,this is a picture of Harold he showed it to me,train +75149,75150,75150,tuni a minanam tuni a tawyi,learn this pottery,test +75150,75151,75151,kitus,Harvest,train +75151,75152,75152,Salangu^ngu^ngu sa ku nisawawaan O sakasumuwal Ningra tunini a suwal i u nika ^caan ita pihawikid tu ^pang hakiya saan cangra,they discussed this among themselves and said It is because we did not bring any bread,train +75152,75153,75153,u hatiniay ku sakaira nu mita wa sa kamu sanay ku harateng aku,We the Malan clan came to this place through migration,train +75153,75154,75154,Fungfungen ni kaka tu papah ku kamaruan nu utufay nira,my sister covered the seat of her motorcycle with leaves,train +75154,75155,75155,cahu katuʼas kaku,talking about life history is a bit undercooked,train +75155,75156,75156,Patatiku kaku tu Cudad ni Mayaw,I returned Mayaws book,train +75156,75157,75157,pisahakenu tu kaladamdaw ita,we have been denied the value of life,train +75157,75158,75158,pacaheni,tickle,train +75158,75159,75159,naw mamana han u tataʼang kiya futing cakafilu a taluhen palahan palifut,Yoshimo what is the matter Oh the fish is too big to haul in it is a bit of a nuisance,train +75159,75160,75160,ci daya cingra,he is Daya,test +75160,75161,75161,Au maan a selal ku midemakay amiaraw tu tatayalen ta cipinang a milaheci,how it is to be carried out and by which age group depends on the magnitude of the task,train +75161,75162,75162,Pakucuen ku safa,help your sister put on her shoes,train +75162,75163,75163,paluma,planting,train +75163,75164,75164,tayra tu,gone,train +75164,75165,75165,suʼelin naitiya haw i lahedaw sanay ku lasang aku,from that moment on my seasickness disappeared completely,train +75165,75166,75166,kailisinan saan tuya a rumiʼad,the day of the Toyotomi Festival,train +75166,75167,75167,Singsi adada ku tiyad aku tayra hu kaku i tataian,Teacher I have a stomachache I need to go to the restroom,train +75167,75168,75168,ci Futul kaku,my name is Ford,train +75168,75169,75169,iraay ku tudung tu nani timulay a hasakatayni a paluma sanay,there are clans from the south that want to come and live here,train +75169,75170,75170,adihay i tatapangan lunuk hanen mitukung,there are lots of them on the tree pick them yourself,test +75170,75171,75171,nikatengil nu maku kiyami haw,that is what I heard,train +75171,75172,75172,o kafi nu futing ku micuafay i ciraan,he was bored by the fish soup,train +75172,75173,75173,tanektek,good,train +75173,75174,75174,Calaw haw i u ngangan nu tireng Luuh haw i u ngangan nu mama^ Pacidal haw i u ngangan nu ngasaw,Calaw is the name of self Looh is the name of his father and Pacidal is the name of the clan,train +75174,75175,75175,o tireng nu tamdaw i u nihufucan nu mama atu ina Nikawrira u adingu nu tamdaw i u nihufucan nu Fangcalay Adingu,flesh gives birth to flesh but the Spirit gives birth to spirit,train +75175,75176,75176,malakayciw masamamanay haw,to serve as vice president,train +75176,75177,75177,Makaleng ku ngiha isu i tingwa,your voice was low on the phone,train +75177,75178,75178,itira i sefi,at the gathering house,train +75178,75179,75179,usi tu kisu,you are really great at discouraging people,train +75179,75180,75180,macedet,get burnt,test +75180,75181,75181,ma a ungungku heni a tayra,and they called to each other they call out to each other,train +75181,75182,75182,pitulas,relentless,train +75182,75183,75183,ira ku vakici sasuvin atu sasulac,and a bucket towel and toothbrush,train +75183,75184,75184,tayra haca cangra i Yirusalim yu rumakat ci Yis i laluma nu Fangcalay Pitaungan i rauden nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu pasifanaay tu Rikec atu kalas nu niyaru cingra,they arrived again in Jerusalem and while Jesus was walking in the temple courts the chief priests the teachers of the law and the elders came to him,train +75184,75185,75185,hatini ku masimsimay nu maku tu sakayvutng a demak,that is all I can think of about fishing,train +75185,75186,75186,Dihdih han ni Mayaw kura wacu mafireng,the dog got angry when Mayaw stroked it,train +75186,75187,75187,sapicakay tu sapakaen tu tangasaay iniyan u luma vinawlan,buy some for friends family and tribesmen who are here,train +75187,75188,75188,Saka yu tayra cangra a micakay i iratu kuya papararamuden a fainay Lahaklung satu kuya mipatalaay a limecedan atuya papararamuden a fainay a micumud i pitahkaan nu pararamuday ta def hantu ku fawahan,But while they were on their way to buy the oil the bridegroom arrived the virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet and the door was shut,train +75188,75189,75189,itini mingata mitepar tu cacudadan,it is closer here near the school,train +75189,75190,75190,away i Taywan,not in Taiwan,test +75190,75191,75191,caay kanca,most of all,train +75191,75192,75192,pakapalidingay kisu han,did you drive here,train +75192,75193,75193,Ngaay hu Mapulng Anini^ tataen aku kamu a tayra i hafahafayan a matayal,hello everyone today I will take you to work in the millet field,train +75193,75194,75194,sapaiayaw,breastplate,train +75194,75195,75195,Mieli ku sakatulu a kumi anuhuni,the third group will cut the thatch later,train +75195,75196,75196,Maminukay tu kami,we were going home too,train +75196,75197,75197,sapadec han turaan u nipalaʼan tu awul,with a bamboo blade made of bamboo,train +75197,75198,75198,itiraw cecay ku luma,that one over there,train +75198,75199,75199,hay tu,nothing wrong with that,train +75199,75200,75200,malaluk mituur kiya wina talacuwacuwa,so go to every tribe and be my moms ass,test +75200,75201,75201,o ruma a suwal a matilid i Mafanatu ku Tapang tu nika awa ku ^puc nu harateng nu citangalay a tamdaw saan,and again The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile,train +75201,75202,75202,nitilepuay tu waʼay,training feet,train +75202,75203,75203,na itiya haw i,at that time,train +75203,75204,75204,tadengal ku rumiad hawikiden tu nangra a panukay ku tama,at daybreak they returned with their prey,train +75204,75205,75205,suelin maʼaraw nu maku ku niyaru nu mita,Really I see our tribe,train +75205,75206,75206,mitatuy tuya turun caay kaitiya akumaen,take the make home and eat it,train +75206,75207,75207,tulu a dadaya ku tataʼakay a urad,it is been raining hard for three nights,train +75207,75208,75208,nikawrira caay pitulas kunini a mapunengay a miharara saka padamaen aku cingra anu ^ca haenen i caay pisawad cingra a tayni a micara i takuwanan saan cingra han ningra,yet because this widow keeps bothering me I will see that she gets justice so that she will not eventually wear me out with her coming,train +75208,75209,75209,caka inal kisu sapinukayaw,you are not going to be tempted,train +75209,75210,75210,saka pakayniay itini i demak nu amis mafanaay mimaan tunini u lising atu unini nu kawasan hananay,from Amis matters how do we know worship and God,test +75210,75211,75211,mahaenay tu,all of them,train +75211,75212,75212,o Paliwanay itini i ku niyaru nira,my wife is from the Mudan tribe,train +75212,75213,75213,iniʼan i anu adihay ku misasiraw i,there are a lot of ingredients in this one if you want to make savory meat,train +75213,75214,75214,iraay hu ku hiya fangafang nu Dipung miluʼud tuna Kuwaping,the Japanese are still attacking officers and men,train +75214,75215,75215,tuduhan aniniay tu i,now,train +75215,75216,75216,itiya hu ira ku mapatayay madepuc tu sa anca malatu tu sa ku suwal nu Pangcah awaay ku sumuwalay mapatay tu sanay,in the past the Amis called death Madepoc to or Malato to which means to cut off the breath in other words the word Patay is not used for death among the Amis,train +75216,75217,75217,18 Caay ku mamalasawad ku suwal nu Kawas,page the word of God shall endure for all time,train +75217,75218,75218,nenghan sasifu ku ruma i rawac ku ruma mahaenay ku niyam itiraay i ilisin nu hiya,look at the two pairs some in the center and some on the periphery that is what we have at the Harvest Festival,train +75218,75219,75219,kami satu matuʼasay i lumaay tu,only the old people are in the countryside,train +75219,75220,75220,nirenukan,previously violated,test +75220,75221,75221,anu caay ka tangsulen patireng haw i man ku luma nangra,where will they live if they do not build a house right away,train +75221,75222,75222,sapisaturun,making glutinous rice cake,train +75222,75223,75223,mangaʼay tienec tu ku tiyad saan,so that my stomach feels full,train +75223,75224,75224,ka u pafalucuan namu ku lalipahaken hadidien ku pades kararid a mitulun,be joyful in hope patient in affliction faithful in prayer,train +75224,75225,75225,nisimsiman tu nu tireng ku mahaenay u liwliw tu,the way to cook is to do what you want,train +75225,75226,75226,kiya mikitangalay,chopping off someone is head,train +75226,75227,75227,sunuk hanaku a mitakaw,sneaking into the RD department,train +75227,75228,75228,manhan minukay saka,how do I get home,train +75228,75229,75229,nanu tuas pakayniay i lenlen a kimad nu Pangcah itini i kasaniyaru maemin ira ku matiniay a kimad nika maemin ira ku malecaday atu kasasiruma a suwal,the flood legend of the Amis patriarchs is similar to that of all tribes but each has its own commonalities and differences,train +75229,75230,75230,afala^,shoulder,test +75230,75231,75231,suwal sa Paflien kaku tunini a icel Ta anu cimacima ku nikapaan aku i mapafli cingra tu Fangcalay Adingu han ningra,and said Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit,train +75231,75232,75232,sisa mangalay aca kami a palita tu lalangatan,so we are here again to ask why,train +75232,75233,75233,onini a pala^ i Taywan i ayaw nu 400 a mihcaan iraaytu ku maruay a tamdaw,four hundred years ago there were already people living in Taiwan,train +75233,75234,75234,Matatuud ku ali aku a siwawa,my sister in laws are having children one after another,train +75234,75235,75235,ada^,enemy,train +75235,75236,75236,madupuh a misanga tu kakitilaan madupuh a misanga a mawmah a kakaenen,if you work hard to build a house you have to work hard to make a living,train +75236,75237,75237,Pinukay satu nu maku tayni Cawi,when I returned to my hometown Jungpo,train +75237,75238,75238,kaenen,Eat,train +75238,75239,75239,yu tahidang han ni Yis cangra i liyas han nangra ku mama nangra ci Cipitay atu milifunay a tamdaw i tamina a mituur i ci Yisan,without delay he called them and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him,train +75239,75240,75240,Sarayarayen kira niletekan a kilang nu icep,the betel nut tree was cut down to make a bridge,test +75240,75241,75241,i,indistinct,train +75241,75242,75242,talakawili,to move to the left,train +75242,75243,75243,kalidkiday,swift,train +75243,75244,75244,maacek kaku tu suwal nira,I hate his words,train +75244,75245,75245,o tuʼud u tilefus u cidek,Acacia Beech Mistletoe,train +75245,75246,75246,cay tu ka tanektek,physical discomfort,train +75246,75247,75247,paenanay,incoming,train +75247,75248,75248,Eminen,case something finish it,train +75248,75249,75249,iraʼay ku miladaʼay kisuna tu tamaud,did someone ask you for yeast,train +75249,75250,75250,minukay tu cay tu kaku katayra i umah i luma satu kaku ti,then I stayed home and did not go to the mountains,test +75250,75251,75251,o fakeluh ku sapienec tu edu a miadup u wail ku sapitalakal tu tuluk matatudungay haenen,it is correct to catch mice through rangy and catch bamboo partridges through qjiulang,train +75251,75252,75252,i tini i pipakifalucu nu tamdaw tu suwal ningra a mahapinang ku nika u sulinay ku suwal nu Kawas sanay,the man who has accepted it has certified that God is truthful,train +75252,75253,75253,o misawad tu mapili takuwanan sanay,it is because the man thinks that I do not care about him anymore that I hate him,train +75253,75254,75254,o pifihekacan nu niyaru kinapala i ayaw,once upon a time this field was a tribal stand for swallows,train +75254,75255,75255,suwal sa cingra Mamaaw anu hatira aca i milunguc kaku i tisuwanan Ocuren ci Lacarus a patayra i luma nu mama aku,He answered Then I beg you father send Lazarus to my fathers house,train +75255,75256,75256,pawirukan,Mandarins treasury,train +75256,75257,75257,Malakaput kami tu rumiamiad a mitilid atu misalama,we read and play together every day,train +75257,75258,75258,misilsil,structure,train +75258,75259,75259,saayaway a midemak,it is serious,train +75259,75260,75260,saka macakat kaku i nuˈadinguan u nanu ˈicel nangra,I can say I owe my spiritual progress to them,test +75260,75261,75261,sangraay i u pikieciw nu cecay a tamdaw katangasaan tu i fulud hatu nu alumanay a tamdaw micaradaw mahaenay ku pikieciw atu picaradaw nu Pangcah a rumadiw,the way of singing is quite regular with one person leading a motivated part of the song followed by a group of people singing in unison which is the Amis method of leading and responding to the song,train +75261,75262,75262,malaluk amin ku kapah micacak tu kakaenen,all the young people are preparing the dishes,train +75262,75263,75263,kakahad ku pinginguyan na Turay,Toray has a spacious bathroom in his house,train +75263,75264,75264,maherek satu a patafu iri maanen tu ku herek nu demak naca,after all the rituals have been completed how do you end the ceremony,train +75264,75265,75265,anini adihay tu nika,nowadays there are more and more,train +75265,75266,75266,o kafanaʼan aku i edeng ku urip aku haw,life as I know it,train +75266,75267,75267,halusafa ni Hitaka singsi iraay haw,and Mr Hidakas sister too,train +75267,75268,75268,sansan,cleaver,train +75268,75269,75269,tu mafanaay cingra,he appeared to be knowledgeable,train +75269,75270,75270,Caay caay ka kumud kaku atu caira a muku^,No I did not live with them,test +75270,75271,75271,haenen nira a mimelaw,he looks at it this way,train +75271,75272,75272,mipausaay,I am going to deliver the meal,train +75272,75273,75273,makangkang,gross,train +75273,75274,75274,u kalahuk,just lunch,train +75274,75275,75275,ruma taling sa itini i kura afar haw i,sometimes the deck is full of shrimp,train +75275,75276,75276,tada mapakuniraay ku demak nira,he is too much on his own without accountability,train +75276,75277,75277,matiya u nika dapdap nu kaliwates ku nika dapdap nu suwal nangra mahaenay ca Himinayus aci Filitus,their teaching will spread like gangrene among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus,train +75277,75278,75278,Mapili kaku a mala mamatayal,I was chosen to serve,train +75278,75279,75279,paluma tu cungiliw,planting flowers,train +75279,75280,75280,kakunah,ants,test +75280,75281,75281,Malahakelung kaku atu cafacafay tayra i paliwalan tu tilid i nacila,yesterday I went to the bookstore with my classmates,train +75281,75282,75282,Hay maurun i tisuwanan Picumudi,Yeah I have missed you come on in,train +75282,75283,75283,tahira i kacanglahan halafinay tatu,that would have to wait until spring it is too late is not it,train +75283,75284,75284,kungkung sa tamuwan hayi hwana kungkung sa,Yes Pun Chai Silly,train +75284,75285,75285,madecdec,dense,train +75285,75286,75286,cima ci Suntuk,who is Sontok,train +75286,75287,75287,itiay hu ku matuʼasay,the early elderly,train +75287,75288,75288,kayaya han nira,the platoons loose,train +75288,75289,75289,han ya tumuk nu niyam kiya masamatira sasaka,the chief told the village office,train +75289,75290,75290,pakemut,Fun jokes,test +75290,75291,75291,hananay,you can hear all kinds of rumors,train +75291,75292,75292,masaniyaru tu,form a tribe,train +75292,75293,75293,u kakaenen nu heni i,they are going to eat,train +75293,75294,75294,o pasinafelan ni fayi kinian,this is Aunties vegetable garden,train +75294,75295,75295,tuaya,offerings,train +75295,75296,75296,o cimafulusiay cingra,he is a seer,train +75296,75297,75297,Mangaay kaku a misasing tu dademakay a sasing haw o saka narikayaw a pakaharateng tu ikur,can I record the video it will be easier to record in the future,train +75297,75298,75298,paaraw tu aniniay a wawa,it is for the kids today,train +75298,75299,75299,aya mipafilung tu nengnengen ku fulad iyu,Hi it is new Years Eve I have been watching Ryos changes,train +75299,75300,75300,maemin tu mafana a sumuwal kisu,do you know all the words,test +75300,75301,75301,Pulung a palimuʼut paruʼut i tisuwanan,all will be organized,train +75301,75302,75302,misaluma kita sa uʼeli hu,it is a thatched cottage and they want to build a new one,train +75302,75303,75303,raruman nu maku a mimeraw,how can I not be saddened by this,train +75303,75304,75304,ayaw tura niyaru haw tira i fafaʼed hu,before this tribe was on top,train +75304,75305,75305,hay dudu tu,right after that,train +75305,75306,75306,caka fana ku kapah,young people do not know what to do,train +75306,75307,75307,na lima ku nipicakay nu maku tu sapaluma,I originally bought five seedlings,train +75307,75308,75308,mitengil aca tu suwal niraan,he was a good friend of mine who listened to his words,train +75308,75309,75309,u ising atu misayvangay nu niyaru ku sikawasay rangatan ku liyut nu niyaru ira ku panan ira ku adawang caay pacumud tu nu tau a tamdaw,there were priests who acted as a tribal physician and the law punished those who disobeyed orders and broke tribal norms,train +75309,75310,75310,u picaferan nu malitengay sa kuranan alu kura alu,this river is where the old man must rest,test +75310,75311,75311,nawhani awaay kura sarikuʼan nu Amis,because there is no Amis in the dress,train +75311,75312,75312,mansa misatapangay kaku milinsiw,that is why I started studying,train +75312,75313,75313,pakaynien ita i icel nu Ku Ka,Leveraging the power of the state,train +75313,75314,75314,misafafuyay,pig farmers,train +75314,75315,75315,u subuc ni ama aku nu maku,when my father was born,train +75315,75316,75316,papirangien,let us make it similar,train +75316,75317,75317,a awaay tu,it is gone,train +75317,75318,75318,matiya u nika urad nu cangrahan itini,it is like summer rain in here,train +75318,75319,75319,malenuay,water surge,train +75319,75320,75320,anu tayni alu anu tayni i pariyaran,if you go to the river if you go to the sea,test +75320,75321,75321,luwad satu ku kapah a mitafu tu hurac a tireng ningra ta lilid hantu nangra a mipasadak a mitadem,then the young men came forward wrapped up his body and carried him out and buried him,train +75321,75322,75322,fawah hanen ku sasingaran,open the window,train +75322,75323,75323,halemhem,hot,train +75323,75324,75324,tayratayra i miʼaca tuya safang,everyone goes to Nagahama to buy fishing nets,train +75324,75325,75325,ci wawa sa satu kaku,I am having a baby,train +75325,75326,75326,yan tu hatu mamihawad kuna fafahiyan sanay kura faʼinayan,after that the man thought I would give up without him,train +75326,75327,75327,na cahu ka cecay ga cahu ka cifafahi u wawa aku nu hatin,one of my children is still married,train +75327,75328,75328,Hay makumud kaku atu ina^ atu mama^ a muku^,Yes I live with my mom and dad,train +75328,75329,75329,Tadakakaya ku fukes nura kaying,that lady hair is so long,train +75329,75330,75330,sanay sa aluman ku Amis a matayal,to a day so a lot of Aboriginals do it,test +75330,75331,75331,mi saan,it is time to retire,train +75331,75332,75332,miduedu tu tapelik hansa kiya wikul ningra,sometimes you will find a fish tail in the waves behind the boat,train +75332,75333,75333,tu sakaytini caay kaytini,not exclusively for children adolescents,train +75333,75334,75334,malinah a dademak,frequent mobilization and relocation of work areas,train +75334,75335,75335,haenen ka matiniay u tilid nu mita,we should at least compare the quality of the adult materials to that of the hemp,train +75335,75336,75336,isatini tu ci sapaday han namu kiya fukeluh kiyami,that rock you guys are talking about is called Soprano Top is not it,train +75336,75337,75337,i enar,what about the plains,train +75337,75338,75338,sivekacay,be fast,train +75338,75339,75339,citaruduay,fingerprint,train +75339,75340,75340,way pisakulian i luma san mawmah,there is no place to make money at home,test +75340,75341,75341,masapinangpinang kina kinay isaw,its texture is clearly shown,train +75341,75342,75342,nu danday nu,team,train +75342,75343,75343,matatapal ku tamdaw a misuʼut,the two ends of the man are fixed in place,train +75343,75344,75344,hiyu kaku ku milaliway san i falucu aku,I wanted to get out of there,train +75344,75345,75345,tiya mahenay ku maku itiya hu,it was a mixed bag of emotions,train +75345,75346,75346,cecay tusa,One no two,train +75346,75347,75347,a,dependency,train +75347,75348,75348,mafana sa a minengneng,but he could tell,train +75348,75349,75349,aru sa itini a maedeng tu,the place of residence is full,train +75349,75350,75350,Alumanay ku maruay i Piynan nu Pusung mansa u Piynan a Amis han a pangangan rikur tu i nilungucan nu finalaw ku Kitakit a mifalic ta o Falangaw hananay a tu ku ngangan,because most of the tribesmen lived in the Taitung Beinan area the name was Beinan Ami which was later changed to Malan Ami by the tribesmen,test +75350,75351,75351,o kaka aku cira ci Ngayaw ku ngangan nira,he is my brother Ngayaw,train +75351,75352,75352,kenu kakuwan a Halu sa ku ci mama,dad said Harold I do not know how I did it,train +75352,75353,75353,o nikutay ku sapanucay aku ci mamaan,the souvenir I gave my dad was a necktie,train +75353,75354,75354,awaay tu ku tayal itiya nisa,there is nothing to do on the farm,train +75354,75355,75355,wa sienaw i lalumihecaan nu katipusan,will it be very cold in winter next year,train +75355,75356,75356,sanay kira patestes sa ku suwal nu kakahulul mahaen ri,that is the worst kind of advice you can get from a senior officer,train +75356,75357,75357,walay,noodles,train +75357,75358,75358,Hai aray singsi,got it thank you teacher,train +75358,75359,75359,tanukangkufu,many nurses,train +75359,75360,75360,u aku itini i kiwkay Pa Pay Kuy ca tu cecay a fulad,my salary at the church is only a month,test +75360,75361,75361,miadimaceng,picking Sapindales,train +75361,75362,75362,ci Canglah Kaynga kaku,my name is Canglah Kaynga,train +75362,75363,75363,malalefud,run,train +75363,75364,75364,tayni i nuʼamisan haw i misulap cinra matamaay caira kiya,when they came to the north side they found it,train +75364,75365,75365,suwal sa ci Yis cingraan Ira ku ccay a patalaay a tamdaw tu tadamaanay a tahka matahidang ningra ku alumanay a lafang,Jesus replied A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests,train +75365,75366,75366,nu Recurd,we should follow them at home,train +75366,75367,75367,tayni kaku i satip,I am going west,train +75367,75368,75368,Matangu ku waay nira,his leg is broken,train +75368,75369,75369,ira hu kuna Dipung,the Japanese are still here,train +75369,75370,75370,u tatangalan u lawas,it is a pillow a bamboo kettle,test +75370,75371,75371,hatiraay ca,speaking of which,train +75371,75372,75372,saliyaliyad,again and again in succession,train +75372,75373,75373,sasaka paherek tuya raumiʼad haw i ira tuku riku nangra,after that day they will have clothes,train +75373,75374,75374,malahulul,exchanging conventional greetings,train +75374,75375,75375,a aray,thank you,train +75375,75376,75376,Vavaen kina wacu u tutuy hu,puppy with a doll on its back,train +75376,75377,75377,saʼicelen mita malikaka,let us go for it,train +75377,75378,75378,pakukuan,she would,train +75378,75379,75379,misatapang,commencement,train +75379,75380,75380,antu i tayra kaku i Singku i,so I went to Newport by chance,test +75380,75381,75381,cikakunah,there are ants,train +75381,75382,75382,pafati,ring,train +75382,75383,75383,sumuwal ku citudungay,the person in charge said,train +75383,75384,75384,ci salilitay haenen ya tuse u aniniay tu,costumes with crowns,train +75384,75385,75385,lakuwit satu kurakat tahira icuwa,where did you go over the mountains,train +75385,75386,75386,o maan ku nanengnengen namu a masadak saw o minengnengay kamu tu ma^resay ku cadung a tamdaw haw oya ci cadungay tu hatiniay a riku a tamdaw i ira i luma nu hungti,if not what did you go out to see a man dressed in fine clothes No those who wear fine clothes are in kings palaces,train +75386,75387,75387,caay ka ka pafeli,you will not even give it to me,train +75387,75388,75388,naayaw awaay kiyaru ku,the mobilizers help each other,train +75388,75389,75389,tayra ising tu kita a pacukcuk,we have to go to the hospital to get the vaccine,train +75389,75390,75390,uya tu kungakunga mamaan u lamelu,or some sweet potatoes or some millet,test +75390,75391,75391,tuey ya cecay masufuc u,that is right only one child,train +75391,75392,75392,pulung sa kami malahuk tu kalahukan,we will have Chinese food together,train +75392,75393,75393,ura pakerang hananay i,as for the Hachigami wave it is,train +75393,75394,75394,runu u a alaen tu litaul,the roe of the mackerel that is its eggs,train +75394,75395,75395,cepet,lit overturning,train +75395,75396,75396,malahitay cangla haw i,after enlistment,train +75396,75397,75397,mimetmet tu kimad nu faki faki,remember what your elders say,train +75397,75398,75398,caay kaidi ci ama niyam itiya hu,our father was very generous in those days,train +75398,75399,75399,suelin ku falucu niya tatuluay u fangcalay ku falucu nira,those three people were really kind,train +75399,75400,75400,mahelek tu ku ranan i,after that,test +75400,75401,75401,ci lusiday,dress up,train +75401,75402,75402,o ruma satu i saka lima tu i paherekan tu i pulung satu tu ku kapah atu fafahiya masakeru kakayakayat satu nenghan matumes ku taaluʼan awa tu ku pakayraan,in addition on the fifth day all the youths and women danced together and filled the meeting place with people holding hands,train +75402,75403,75403,dadahal kiya umah niyam itiraay,the fields there are very wide,train +75403,75404,75404,mipacekay,nailed,train +75404,75405,75405,sakatayal nu maku,my work kids,train +75405,75406,75406,Sulimeten ku impic,take out your pen,train +75406,75407,75407,yaan tu i kami tu i paadaay ku kita sa i,after that if you get sick,train +75407,75408,75408,Malakuwit nira ku lutuk,he has experienced is able to cross the mountain,train +75408,75409,75409,caay karawraw nu rumaan a vinacadan,no interference from other groups,train +75409,75410,75410,tusa ku cukap,there are two shoes,test +75410,75411,75411,ira kuna ira ku sa,there are Roman characters and Chinese characters,train +75411,75412,75412,caay kaku kasumuwal tiniyan,I will not say it again,train +75412,75413,75413,anuhuni,Later,train +75413,75414,75414,yasa kaku i,and I,train +75414,75415,75415,awatu mipalumaay tu fuhecal tefus,no one grows white sugarcane anymore,train +75415,75416,75416,patulapasan,give a headdress,train +75416,75417,75417,icining kaku i luma,about a year at home,train +75417,75418,75418,Kirami uya i kakarayanay a Yirusalim i caay ku kuli u ina ita cingra,but the Jerusalem that is above is free and she is our mother,train +75418,75419,75419,Mifuhat tu paenan kuya wawa,the kids opening the door,train +75419,75420,75420,sasevad,sling,test +75420,75421,75421,mahadakay tu ku hananay,the information you want will appear,train +75421,75422,75422,maranikayay,swift,train +75422,75423,75423,adihayay ku mikeriday,there are a lot of people with,train +75423,75424,75424,ifur,jump,train +75424,75425,75425,Masekak ku kuku i kanikaran,the rooster crows in the early hours of the morning at wake up time,train +75425,75426,75426,masamaanay ku aacaen nu misu,what kind of clothes do you like,train +75426,75427,75427,o mipadangay tu tayal ni Kristu a kuli atu citudungay a mitadtad tu pakakmuday a dmak nu Kawas a matayalay han ku pinengneng i tamiyanan,so then men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God,train +75427,75428,75428,palaslas,fall down,train +75428,75429,75429,a hakelungen i,if you follow the cells of your people,train +75429,75430,75430,milingkuay,apple picker,test +75430,75431,75431,ira ku ccay a malacaanay a fafahiyan tu maleslesay ku rmes tu tusa ku safaw nu mihcaan tayra i aikur ni Yis cingra a mitfing tu parungapingan nu kafafang ningra,just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak,train +75431,75432,75432,tu sapipatirengaw tura cahung,then start building the house,train +75432,75433,75433,u luma nu Cudad,house of books,train +75433,75434,75434,kaytinian nu Ripun nay ayaw mahaen,is it true that there are three immigration sites here,train +75434,75435,75435,aluman ku kapah,many young people,train +75435,75436,75436,saka,care for somebody,train +75436,75437,75437,u yu tahini kaku haw i,it is been about years,train +75437,75438,75438,ahecid ku nanum nu liyal,the sea is salty,train +75438,75439,75439,kalaskalas tu,they are all seniors,train +75439,75440,75440,sa haʼen sa kami a misanga tu siraw u matuʼasay,that is how we make salt pork the old man,test +75440,75441,75441,pakinali,increased,train +75441,75442,75442,o macepaay nu kafi a hemay ku kaulahan nu wacu a kumaen,the dog likes it,train +75442,75443,75443,matiya nu pancah papelu man naca haw,I am sorry just like the Amis,train +75443,75444,75444,nika ira aca ku,that is why this ritual is so important,train +75444,75445,75445,paliluc kaku tu rarapa,I bathe my cows,train +75445,75446,75446,matenes tu nu radiw tu,traditional ballads,train +75446,75447,75447,Su^lin tu kura suwal,this is true,train +75447,75448,75448,matini awaay tu ku Dipun haw i caay tu kaenga sanay tu ka u demak mifalic,there is a representative the one person who has the power is Chois father we will discuss it together,train +75448,75449,75449,saaluman,numerous,train +75449,75450,75450,Malakayakay namu kaku,I will be your matchmaker,test +75450,75451,75451,ira i ngata nuya tapuru ku alumanay a masaflaway a kumaenay a fafuy ngitangiten nu palafuay ci Yis haydaen ku nipicumud niyam tuya fafuy saan hayda hantu ni Yis,a large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside the demons begged Jesus to let them go into them and he gave them permission,train +75451,75452,75452,mangalay kamu a mikaput tu,are you guys interested in getting involved,train +75452,75453,75453,kisu a cecay ku mipacaufay tu suwal aku,you are the only one who responded to me,train +75453,75454,75454,sa aka paciʼciʼ a malingad sa matuʼasay itiya hu sa,then the ancestors would exhort you not to rush out of the house,train +75454,75455,75455,u capa,Bouncy bow holder,train +75455,75456,75456,u havay hananay,about the millet Festival,train +75456,75457,75457,liyun,rotate,train +75457,75458,75458,u rumasatu a sasuwalen aku,let us move on to the next one,train +75458,75459,75459,ma tacuwa tu kuna mi mialaan aku a heci nu kilang haw saan cingra,Where were the fruits that I picked,train +75459,75460,75460,tanu ulah sa,it will be a pleasure,test +75460,75461,75461,o pasawali a Pangcah i nani Fungkung tangasa i Madawdaw ira ku Fakung Makutaay Cawi Ciwkangan Kinanuka Madawdaw ku tataangay a niyaru,Coastal Ami Group from Fengbin Township in the north to Chenggong Township in the south the major tribes include Fengbin Harbor Changbin Ningpu Chenggong and other major tribes,train +75461,75462,75462,o pades nu ruma a finacadan ku saka cipuc nu mikuwanay,the Success of one ethnic people can be built on the suffering of another,train +75462,75463,75463,o sakapiucur nu Kawas tu wawa ningra a patayni i hkal i caay ku sapipastekaw tu tamdamdaw i raraw u sapauripaw tu tamdamdaw pakayni tuya Wawa,for God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him,train +75463,75464,75464,saka sepat haw i malamaan u misaitafaay,the fourth category of talent is to be a cook a seamstress,train +75464,75465,75465,hatiraay ku itiya hu,that is what it looks like,train +75465,75466,75466,salikaka^,sibling,train +75466,75467,75467,mafawah ku tadem lumuwad a maurip nai patay ku alumanay a namapatayay a Fangcalay a mituuray,the tombs broke open and the bodies of many Holy people who had died were raised to life,train +75467,75468,75468,o sakasaan aku i caay ku nika canguut aku nawhani u nanu milifetay kaku tu masamaamaanay a dmak a mafana a rahker,I am not saying this because I am in need for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances,train +75468,75469,75469,Ngaay ku rumiad tuya rumiad cuwa ku mamaurad,it will have no rain and be sunny that day,train +75469,75470,75470,ura saan a fafahiyan caay ka pitulas a tayra,and the girl kept going,test +75470,75471,75471,ketel saku aru nangra tura niyaru,and stabilized in this tribe,train +75471,75472,75472,itiraay i Litang cira puhayen aku cira,she is in the auditorium I will go call her,train +75472,75473,75473,dadaya^,evening,train +75473,75474,75474,suwal atu isurit nu,ethnic languages and Fonts,train +75474,75475,75475,itini aca i tukay pakayniay i dateng u kakaenen nu mita i,what about food in the city we live in now,train +75475,75476,75476,nawhani anu hakuwaay a rumiad i O malmeday ku maasicay u caayhu ka hufuc atu caayhu ka cucu nu wawa a fafahiyan u sasaan ku tamdaw,for the time will come when you will say Blessed are the barren women the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed,train +75476,75477,75477,tayra kita i luma aku,we are coming to my house,train +75477,75478,75478,anu hatira i sasing han nu maku,then I will just take photos,train +75478,75479,75479,aluman satu ku salikaka itiya,and the number of parishioners is growing,train +75479,75480,75480,tangsul sa a mihiya a mikumu haw,just eject it,test +75480,75481,75481,Ayaw tu kisu kilim hatu aku kisu anuhuni^,you go first and I will catch up later,train +75481,75482,75482,tatinakuan kuriranan,that was just an analogy,train +75482,75483,75483,tafangsis kinian sapacamul,add this to the mix and it will smell good,train +75483,75484,75484,malakisiyaay,being a reporter,train +75484,75485,75485,sa u Tabalung kamu haw hay hay anu mahaen,if that is the case then you are from Tai long Valley Yes,train +75485,75486,75486,o patelac nu kakawaw ita kira,our behavior was wrong,train +75486,75487,75487,tira kaku i kakaemang ku urip,when I was a kid,train +75487,75488,75488,Mulufic ku heci nu Luuh anini a miheca,this years banana trees are numerous,train +75488,75489,75489,nawhan malimaan haca kumatiniay san ku itiyaayhu a tamdaw,because people back then said these three pillars did not mean anything,train +75489,75490,75490,ta malakungkukang satu kaku itiyu i,I am officially a member of the national Guard,test +75490,75491,75491,aha ha ha,Ahh Hahahaha,train +75491,75492,75492,Tumesen ku pawti,fill the sack,train +75492,75493,75493,fs u hece nu luma niya sakatusa hu hay tira maru sa,that is the second family pole Yes that is where you live,train +75493,75494,75494,nanicuwaay kura icep sa,the elders asked me why I had betel nut,train +75494,75495,75495,ikur tu tusa miheca tiya 16 ku mihecaan aku misatapangay kaku misakafah,I started pioneering two years later when I was years old,train +75495,75496,75496,pasuwal sa cingra i matayalay ningra a tapatapang Ci Yuhani u Painuay kurira u nalumuwaday a maurip nai patay saka ira ku icel a midmak tu matiniay a kafahkaan saan,and he said to his attendants This is John the Baptist he has risen from the dead that is why miraculous powers are at work in him,train +75496,75497,75497,Pacucuken i rurung nu eli ku hawan a misimed,stick the sword in the thatched box and hide it,train +75497,75498,75498,mahaen tu u nu kiwkay saan,just like the church,train +75498,75499,75499,ci ina aku ku papitamurakay i takuwanan,my mom told me to pick pumpkins,train +75499,75500,75500,raecus,Never,test +75500,75501,75501,minukay tu tahira i niyaru i pafatisen tu aku ku fanawlan tu tama aku,when returning to the village share the hunted prey with the tribe,train +75501,75502,75502,o manan ku sa katayni nu misu,how did you get here,train +75502,75503,75503,tupi,feral pigeon,train +75503,75504,75504,awaay tu ku matuasay,there are no more old people,train +75504,75505,75505,finawlan,tribesmen,train +75505,75506,75506,Miadiyam ku Pangcah i palapalaan,Aboriginal people collecting ginger in the field,train +75506,75507,75507,taha tala tayra i ngatu,keep up the good work,train +75507,75508,75508,Cingala kisu anini,are you free today,train +75508,75509,75509,nga rumakat kisu sa hatira kura demak nura,then you will walk here is what they do,train +75509,75510,75510,minengneng milisu tiya hiya tayra i kiwkay haw,Yeah I go to church all the time,test +75510,75511,75511,itira kaku a caay karawis saan,I could not keep a fast hold on the rock he said,train +75511,75512,75512,o katalawan aku a tayra i tamuwanan i anu malalitmuh kita itiya latek caay ka lcad tu niharatengan namu kaku latek caay ka lcad tu niharatengan aku kamu latek ira ku macaculiay mainapay makteray misatkeday milukesay milikafay misatakaraway atu miparawraway a dmak namu,for I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be and you may not find me as you want me to be I fear that there may be quarreling jealousy outbursts of anger factions slander gossip arrogance and disorder,train +75512,75513,75513,ta ruma sa tu i anu maesing mafanaʼ tu maesing hai,and then if you sneeze,train +75513,75514,75514,ya radiw nira mihia a mi maw maw mimalapaliw a mimawmah tura hafay,that song he mentioned wasmutual assistance in farming millet the,train +75514,75515,75515,nu Recurd,we built this house here,train +75515,75516,75516,mapacena tuw amin ku cavay,friends and family,train +75516,75517,75517,ya mafanaʼay matayal,will work,train +75517,75518,75518,matengilawaay tu ni,hearing no more,train +75518,75519,75519,mitapi tu kurira wawa tu fafahiyan,the girl is very attentive,train +75519,75520,75520,citama,gain,test +75520,75521,75521,ritrit han nira ku tusa a Tapang i tadimucukan,symbolically cutting and plucking at the edge of the field,train +75521,75522,75522,mademec ku Ripun,Japan and us,train +75522,75523,75523,kararid kamu a lipahak tu nika laccay namu atu Tapang miliyaw kaku a pasuwal i tamuwanan kalipahak kamu,rejoice in the Lord always I will say it again Rejoice,train +75523,75524,75524,patiyul hu miharateng tu nisuwal an nu wawa tuyaan a cai kau mamasafalucu a kakafahekaan a demak,looking back at what modern children think is a fantasy,train +75524,75525,75525,a kingcal,police officers,train +75525,75526,75526,nanay salihaday tu ku lalumaan nu mita,I hope all is well with our family,train +75526,75527,75527,ya fadahung mifadis hanita mipakutay,the reason for the roof to be replaced is,train +75527,75528,75528,ta mahiya caira,they will,train +75528,75529,75529,o maikakungay ku waay nira wawa a tumireng,the boys feet are bent,train +75529,75530,75530,fangcal tu,it is beautiful,test +75530,75531,75531,sa makatengil tu ku matuʼasay,the elders heard the news,train +75531,75532,75532,o micaliwan aku i ayaw kuna tilid patikulen aku,this is the book you borrowed from me last time I give it back to you,train +75532,75533,75533,tayra i atulan i Turik hatiraay ku naʼunaʼuripan,some move to Tulane road or Dulwich life Journey,train +75533,75534,75534,Malaikay i nunul nu maku kira nisetulan nu paliding i lalan,my knee cap became chunky where it was hit by a car on the road,train +75534,75535,75535,puna nu paliding,hole in center of wooden wheel for axle,train +75535,75536,75536,nawhani uya i kaayaway nu tadamaanay a anengang a Tufur a siri ku mamidiput i cangraan o kakriden ningra cangra a patayra i nemnem nu sakaciurip a nanum o sasisiten nu Kawas a mi^min ku lusa nu mata nangra saan,for the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd he will lead them to springs of living water and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes,train +75536,75537,75537,anini ira tu ku way tayni i tatayra i Taypi atu maluwan tu ku i ay a Amis,Nowadays some people are moving north from Kaohsiung to Taipei or Taoyuan Kaohsiungs Aboriginal population has decreased,train +75537,75538,75538,iyah sani satu,Aah after that,train +75538,75539,75539,17 ˈAlumanay ku mieminay tu tuki a mitusilay Misawacayay cangra anu mafalic ku pakayraan i misarucud a mitusil wa padama cangraanan padadutuc mahemak atu tawlikay a harateng,many preachers who serve full time can attest that focusing on their work helps them to maintain a happy and positive attitude even when circumstances change,train +75539,75540,75540,Lasuay,the name of the Lassoi tribe,test +75540,75541,75541,o tumuk nu niyaru niyam kirawan a matuasay,that old man is the head of our tribe,train +75541,75542,75542,u pateras sa kuna malitengay,how can an old man just find someone,train +75542,75543,75543,Orasaka kaunini a suwal ku sakasasihinum namu,therefore encourage each other with these words,train +75543,75544,75544,anu pakalaluk kisu tu finawlan mita u Pangcahpangangan sa,if you want to encourage our people to sign up,train +75544,75545,75545,haciw sa vaesingan haw,ah chop do you sneeze like that,train +75545,75546,75546,Iraay talaayaw han ku rakat maarawtu ku saytaw nu pasu,Yes if you go straight ahead you will see the bus stop,train +75546,75547,75547,karawad,men mesh bag,train +75547,75548,75548,lunen,tsunami,train +75548,75549,75549,awaʼay tu ku mama aku kini,I would be fatherless,train +75549,75550,75550,nga uni a mana ira ku ufang,why is there a hole,test +75550,75551,75551,macacu^cu^,squeeze,train +75551,75552,75552,masatamdaw tu kinian a kilang u paciimay,this budding tree is getting better,train +75552,75553,75553,ri kakapahen kaku hay,I think it is beautiful Yes it is,train +75553,75554,75554,nian san ta u hiya kinian,here it is,train +75554,75555,75555,cay tu kalacecay ku suwal isaw,the language is different,train +75555,75556,75556,reken,hold down,train +75556,75557,75557,Mangataaytu kita a tahira haw,are we almost there,train +75557,75558,75558,sisa tayni kaku,that is why I am here,train +75558,75559,75559,cikatalaw anihul kalingsesan kalidkid,I will not be afraid of the current,train +75559,75560,75560,caira tu ku ayaw nu mama,of course they were the first to be toasted,test +75560,75561,75561,i cucu nu sefi ku pacikengan niyam,the place where we put the water tank is in the corner of the kitchen,train +75561,75562,75562,masadasadak u edu ku masadakay nira,a mouse appeared,train +75562,75563,75563,maan han tu anu mapatay kina wawa,what if the kid dies,train +75563,75564,75564,itiniay u sakaeca nu sakangaʼay nu rakat nu matuʼasay itiya hu,this is what the old man used to do when he went out to be safe,train +75564,75565,75565,pudsa kaku itiraw,I am in Taipei on Bade Road,train +75565,75566,75566,kirawan,That,train +75566,75567,75567,u ya suni nu fali tuya lafii,the sound of the wind in the night,train +75567,75568,75568,Nanuya tahira satu cangra i Yirusalim micumud ci Yis i Fangcalay Pitaungan fahfahen ningra a pasadak nai Fangcalay Pitaungan ku malaliacaay a tamdamdaw Warwaren ningra ku cukui nu mafafalifalicay tu paysu a tamdaw atu anengang nu pacakayay tu tupi,on reaching Jerusalem Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves,train +75568,75569,75569,pakasanek,heard,train +75569,75570,75570,anu hatira i,I guess so,test +75570,75571,75571,o aitira i lumaˈ nangra kunini a sapiˈkak ta matekup cangra a maemin sanay,if anyone of the LORDs people tries to hide his faults he will not escape the LORDs judgment,train +75571,75572,75572,Namapulin ku fatikar aku i u petek nu kamay aku,when my bike fell over I broke my hand on the spot,train +75572,75573,75573,caay ku pahemekay ku falucu nu maku,not showing off how good I am,train +75573,75574,75574,mama^,dad,train +75574,75575,75575,pakaciwan,a goose house,train +75575,75576,75576,o sakalahuk namu i kungkuan ku ninian haw,are these your school lunches,train +75576,75577,75577,o fasaw ku sakalahuk ita,we had leftovers for lunch,train +75577,75578,75578,makaamisay,the northernmost,train +75578,75579,75579,mitafumitafu tu sai fana sanay tu kumaen tu,wrapping betel nut naturally leads to eating betel nut,train +75579,75580,75580,mamisaturun,I am going to make mocha,test +75580,75581,75581,u u alumanay ku nu niyam,it is a big family,train +75581,75582,75582,samanta han haw,Raw,train +75582,75583,75583,u tatudungay tu pulung nu itiniay puwa a,taking over from the service people,train +75583,75584,75584,hu ni tata ang kuya faliyus,the typhoon is getting bigger and bigger,train +75584,75585,75585,cuwa,does not have to,train +75585,75586,75586,u maan ku kungku,any story,train +75586,75587,75587,ruma a tura ngaʼangaʼayay a fulad i,these are the good old days of the moon,train +75587,75588,75588,suwal sa ku matuasay Anu masuni^ ku rakuraku^ i u mamaurad anu masuni^ ku fanul i u mamacidal saan ku suwal,the old man used to say If the tree frogs sing it will rain if the doves cry it will be sunny,train +75588,75589,75589,cay hu pisanka kaku tu ilisin,I do not know anything about the Harvest moon Festival,train +75589,75590,75590,fakici^,mop,test +75590,75591,75591,Alacecay kita tu suwal,each of us is to say sentence,train +75591,75592,75592,sakilemelen,refueling,train +75592,75593,75593,tangsul,immediately,train +75593,75594,75594,Tatalacuwa ci Kacaw,where is Kacaw going,train +75594,75595,75595,Nawiru nu pacici nusa sapifalican tu ngangan han aku milicay tatiih hakiya lecaden tunu katelangay pangangan,I asked him why he insisted on changing his name was not the old registration method sufficient,train +75595,75596,75596,ira ku afal u tuda u fukung u cuang adihayay,Shrimp eel catfish carp et there are many different kinds of fish,train +75596,75597,75597,masatisil,whole row,train +75597,75598,75598,Sakakakemaen sakalahukan,for lunch,train +75598,75599,75599,tu mimamaan kunling kira,there is all kinds of training,train +75599,75600,75600,saʼusien ku ngangasawan nu Alapawan haw,count the number of family households in Taiyuan,test +75600,75601,75601,arifateng,spider web,train +75601,75602,75602,ciufangay hay,porous,train +75602,75603,75603,sanawsaw,worried,train +75603,75604,75604,cay kutengay masaʼamisay maulahay tu tafukud,the clansmen from the north are very fond of Gossipcom,train +75604,75605,75605,pasiwali,eastward,train +75605,75606,75606,kalitang,bean,train +75606,75607,75607,tadacai ku lengaw nu rurang i pala ni mama aku,structural trees grow haphazardly in my dads field,train +75607,75608,75608,alumanay kami a malekaka,we have a lot of brothers and sisters,train +75608,75609,75609,a miteka kami tu matiniay saka,the hunt is on,train +75609,75610,75610,miala tu tingting sulsulen nira kura tingting,string the reeds together,test +75610,75611,75611,iraay ku 550 a mafanaˈay tunu Tureky suwal a salikaka naitiraay i ruma Kitakit tayra i Tureky pacafay tu itiraay a mitusilay mitenak tu ngaˈayay ratuh,in addition some Turkish speaking brothers and sisters have come to Turkey from other countries to preach the good news with local evangelists,train +75611,75612,75612,ira ku Cunhetiyikwan,at the sports Complex,train +75612,75613,75613,ira hu tulu tu ku usaw,there are three cans left,train +75613,75614,75614,Halafintu a caka sasu araw kita,long time no see,train +75614,75615,75615,mala hiya aku,be mine,train +75615,75616,75616,u raan aemin u cadiway,they are all using the triangular nets,train +75616,75617,75617,caay kalasang ku naʼayaway a matuasay naʼun sa remadiw tu a tangasa i luma,in the old days elders did not get drunk and walked slowly and sang once they reached home,train +75617,75618,75618,suwal satu ci ama Adihay ku nisacacakan aku Ati Malafi^ tu kita saan,grandma said that she has cooked so much so let us eat together,train +75618,75619,75619,iraay ku nu maku hatiraay a falucu,I had this thought in my mind,train +75619,75620,75620,kateliian,dumb,test +75620,75621,75621,micuruk tu kahacecacecay a luma,to go to each home,train +75621,75622,75622,adihaytu,there is also a lot of,train +75622,75623,75623,hatiraʼay aca maan han tu ku sumuwal,that is it Anyway thanks for me,train +75623,75624,75624,ilaay tu ku kulung nangra sikulungay cangra,they already had cattle,train +75624,75625,75625,initu ku valiyus a tala cacudadan haw kamu anini,typhoon is coming do you have to go to school today,train +75625,75626,75626,maafes,it is hard,train +75626,75627,75627,Tsuu,Chow,train +75627,75628,75628,macicih nu wacu ku kucu aku,the dog ruined my shoes,train +75628,75629,75629,ci mama sa ci,my dad,train +75629,75630,75630,kedecen,fasten,test +75630,75631,75631,a cimatu saw ku midiputay itakuwan,who is going to take care of me,train +75631,75632,75632,tu matuʼasay itini maaraw niyam laluk nu misu,she said We are very positive about what you are doing,train +75632,75633,75633,o ngaayay ku tireng a kilang i caay ka tatiih ku hci nira o mangiday a kilang i caay ka ngaay ku hci nira,a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit,train +75633,75634,75634,o cinamalay ku sangraay a tangasa i Kalingku,the train was the first to arrive in Hualien,train +75634,75635,75635,siʼayaw han ku ira riyal,facing the sea right in front of us,train +75635,75636,75636,Pataduen,help,train +75636,75637,75637,celemcelem sa kiya mama aku,Dads constant diving,train +75637,75638,75638,i ayaw i awai ku Cudad a matilid a maanen ku satefuc a saan u pakayni sanay i kareteng atu patelac nu demak a mitefuc,in the early days there was no legal basis and punishment was meted out according to the severity of the offense,train +75638,75639,75639,Pina^ a rumiad ku cecay a lipay,how many days are there in a week,train +75639,75640,75640,niyan ri u,this one,test +75640,75641,75641,a tatayla kaku itukay misalama san awaay,I would not say that I do not even think about walking around the metro area,train +75641,75642,75642,niya mamangay i aka pisaluya kita,we cannot waste a creature that has not grown up yet,train +75642,75643,75643,minanam,learn,train +75643,75644,75644,miulid,dating between a man and a woman,train +75644,75645,75645,mahaenay tu cara tatusa anini,now this is two so,train +75645,75646,75646,hakiyari,round,train +75646,75647,75647,nu nacila sanay hu caay kahalafing,at a time not too long ago,train +75647,75648,75648,Micamul kaku tu saupu nu kapah nu niyaru,I go to tribal youth meetings,train +75648,75649,75649,han naku sa haenen pibalut,tie it like this,train +75649,75650,75650,malaayay han,is it far,test +75650,75651,75651,ira satu ku taneng nu falucu,I am starting to think about it,train +75651,75652,75652,hai unini haw i,it is so frustrating,train +75652,75653,75653,mihaen tu kami pacuker kiyami haw,let us hang on,train +75653,75654,75654,sakasied,seize something Choking,train +75654,75655,75655,tayni i Kilung mifuting haw i,when I came to Keelung,train +75655,75656,75656,matini asimaan sa niala tu fulahata i tatiih mawarak mawarak haw,Now if you pick them up you will pick up poisonous mushrooms and you will be poisoned Poisoned,train +75656,75657,75657,telengen tu telay a mipaenip,that is why they pull the strings for rice planting,train +75657,75658,75658,Nanuya tayra satu kaku i Siriya atu Kilikiya a pala,later I went to Syria and Cilicia,train +75658,75659,75659,Hayda yana kuhetingay a fuduy tu cecay han aku,Alright then I will take a black piece of clothing,train +75659,75660,75660,Matapenih tu ku dangah aku,my frying pan has tipped over,test +75660,75661,75661,Tangasa^ i Pusung pakapaliding ci faki^ a tayra i cyataw militemuh i tamiyanan,when we arrived in Taitung my uncle drove to the station to pick us up,train +75661,75662,75662,pahana tu i,and flowers,train +75662,75663,75663,micudad tu kaku itini i hananay a picudadan hawi,started elementary school,train +75663,75664,75664,cima ku ngangan nira tu nu Amis kiya,I do not know what is his Amis name,train +75664,75665,75665,hananay micudad itiya haw,when I was in junior high school,train +75665,75666,75666,anu kuwapingen i hananay nu Hitu,the Chinese translation is Manzhou Township Pingtung County,train +75666,75667,75667,Aciyh,Oh,train +75667,75668,75668,u pikungling itiya,when the training took place,train +75668,75669,75669,anu siadada ku tamdaw i u malepelay nu Kawas ku saluafang sanay,the reason why people get sick is because their souls are caught by the Kawas,train +75669,75670,75670,hay ura masangaay a luma,Yes the new house is built without tying the red cloth on the beams,test +75670,75671,75671,u dengan nu Amis a nimaan ku lalingsiwen nu mita,we do not have to learn only the ethnic language,train +75671,75672,75672,sicedam tu nipalumaan ni vaki tu ciyak saalesu sa a kaenen,the watermelon grown by Grandpa is very sweet and really delicious,train +75672,75673,75673,Pisarayaraytu kita haratengen ku hahawikiden a sakatayal,come and line up remember to bring your tools,train +75673,75674,75674,matngil ni Yis kunini i suwal sa O tanuktukay a tamdaw i caay ku papaisingen deng u adadaay ku papaisingen,on hearing this Jesus said It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick,train +75674,75675,75675,awaay hu ku mita a mamafana tu matininay a demak,none of us know about these jobs,train +75675,75676,75676,suwal sa ci Yis Nawiru matalaw kamu saw Aya ku nika tadanca nu pitier namu i Kawas han ningra luwad satu cingra a mikakter a sumuwal tu fali atu taplik i sarimadac satu kuya fanaw,he replied You of little faith why are you so afraid then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves and it was completely calm,train +75676,75677,75677,salahngang saan a mavunar ku pising,flawless and red,train +75677,75678,75678,anca u i ira hu ku kiyam i samaan satu kunian pitilid sanay marawraway ku falucu,I am still fretting about the loan debt,train +75678,75679,75679,Caay u singsi^ ciira,No he is a teacher,train +75679,75680,75680,i Devudevuwan,deer field,test +75680,75681,75681,Ciutufay kaku talakatayalan,I ride my motorcycle to work,train +75681,75682,75682,O harateng isu i i cuwaay nunini a tatuluay ku tau nuya makariangay nu kukung a tamdaw saw han ni Yis,Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers,train +75682,75683,75683,demak sa a mafekac kita haw,what we are going to do is run,train +75683,75684,75684,fadas,kidney bean,train +75684,75685,75685,tina,this one,train +75685,75686,75686,o samatukaay ci Aki,Aki is the laziest person ever,train +75686,75687,75687,nengnengen ta,let us take a look,train +75687,75688,75688,tu vangcalay a hirahiraan,natural beauty,train +75688,75689,75689,safa^ tu fafahiyan,younger sister,train +75689,75690,75690,picudadan,classrooms,test +75690,75691,75691,o rumasatu maruray kaku a matayal Kinapina a caay ka ala ku fafutien aku tu dadaya Macahiw masuaw kinapina kaku a awaay ku kakaenen mapades tu si^naw caay ka deng tu riku,I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food I have been cold and naked,train +75691,75692,75692,anu ira ku matiniay a pafalucuan ita i caay ku mamatuled kita nawhani u nipaflian nu Kawas i titaanan a Fangcalay Adingu ku sakapitumes i titaanan tu tadamaanay a ulah ningra,and hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom he has given us,train +75692,75693,75693,pakaen takuwanan teliteli han,buy me a drink,train +75693,75694,75694,pudek,upper eyelid,train +75694,75695,75695,a tala kiyukay kami a milihay,we are going to church for worship,train +75695,75696,75696,harateng sa maan sa tu kaku saan,he thought What should I do,train +75696,75697,75697,haen saan ku urip ita u Pangcah,the destiny of the indigenous peoples has always been to learn new languages,train +75697,75698,75698,masamaan,how,train +75698,75699,75699,yasakarac i,and the rake,train +75699,75700,75700,panan,door,test +75700,75701,75701,i kusyaw micudad tangasa i tangasa ku picudad aku itira Ciwidian,I went to fifth and sixth grade in Shuilian Village,train +75701,75702,75702,itiyai i tiya hu u sapisanga nu matuʼasay,the old man used to make them,train +75702,75703,75703,ura sa i na kura kumaenay tu cumuli,my father said they ate that snail,train +75703,75704,75704,makulacay,lost,train +75704,75705,75705,kuya makaalaay mahaenay masarumud henay,the one that catches the eggs of small fry,train +75705,75706,75706,taʼakayay a uner,like a very large snake,train +75706,75707,75707,i kaliku ku urip nu mita u kaemaay a mapulung,our children who live in Hualien,train +75707,75708,75708,Ikurtu i cicaedung tu cingra tu cisapikpikay,Later it wore a beautiful winged dress,train +75708,75709,75709,o micikcikay tu sapad kaku a mipalikat tu singasif,I cut the boards into pieces and used them to start the fire to boil the water,train +75709,75710,75710,karakafekafekacan nanay,it is like you are a very good runner,test +75710,75711,75711,cikamaruan,seats available,train +75711,75712,75712,saytaw,white radish,train +75712,75713,75713,pafeli tu kakaenen niyam u,there is food and pocket money for us,train +75713,75714,75714,ci faʼinay tu kaku,I am married,train +75714,75715,75715,u tayal nu maku,this was my job at that time,train +75715,75716,75716,ca kainu kaku tuya rumiʼad,I could not have taken a shower that day,train +75716,75717,75717,malalitemuh,to meet,train +75717,75718,75718,cakat cakat satu kaʼaluman nu tamdaw,the population is growing,train +75718,75719,75719,itiyahu Kalingku iraay ku mimaliay,there used to be a baseball team in Hualien,train +75719,75720,75720,tayni kita i pusung tuna Kakacawan tuna Taeman a niyaru,we came to Taitungs Changbin Township the Danman tribe,test +75720,75721,75721,tenuk,core,train +75721,75722,75722,pakalahuken,lunch,train +75722,75723,75723,u saayaw ningra faluhang ku adadaay,symptoms begin in the chest,train +75723,75724,75724,Ngaaytu a luduten ku tamana caayhu ka ngaay a luduteng ku hedut,the cabbage here is ready to be harvested but the Showa grass there is not yet ready to be harvested,train +75724,75725,75725,mareduay,terrific,train +75725,75726,75726,ruma,additionally,train +75726,75727,75727,a pateli tura mipurungan a talud,let us put on the grass knitting knot,train +75727,75728,75728,sapisisit,washcloth,train +75728,75729,75729,kusetay nu anu pinaay suut a mihacaan,I do not know how many centuries it is been,train +75729,75730,75730,maherek,after it is over,test +75730,75731,75731,i herek nu kaen misulac kaku tu wadis,after dinner I brush my teeth,train +75731,75732,75732,Sangaen ningra ku kuliciw aku,he helped me fix my bike,train +75732,75733,75733,matuka ci Aki,Aki is lazy,train +75733,75734,75734,o faedetay a nanum kuni,it is hot water,train +75734,75735,75735,sakasepat u Falangaw a Pangcah na itira i Madawdaw talatimul tangasa i Tamali nawhani maemin maru i pusung taliyuk nu Falangaw a niyaru sa u Falangaw a Pangcah han,Malan Amis the area is distributed from Chenggong Township in the north to Taimali Township in the south and is called Malan Amis because it lives in the area around Malan in Taitung,train +75735,75736,75736,mangutaay han i Makutaay han tu nu wawa mahaenay saka,it means turbidity but now they call it Magudan,train +75736,75737,75737,ci Yakup kaku u kuli nu Kawas atu Tapang ci Yis Kristu Ngaayhu ku namu u maliwasakay i cuwacuwa nu hkal a finawlan nu Kawas,James a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations Greetings,train +75737,75738,75738,anu caay kaedeng ku hatini saan ku suyci i misirsir ira,if the accountant says We do not have much left we will donate it to everyone,train +75738,75739,75739,mifalicay,translator,train +75739,75740,75740,nafalucuan,center,test +75740,75741,75741,u tumuk ku nipafeliay tu tayal kiraan,it is the boss,train +75741,75742,75742,i hadhad kiyami,the dry land work ah,train +75742,75743,75743,silalangaway,there is a fly in the ointment,train +75743,75744,75744,u tada Yincumin kaku,I am an aboriginal,train +75744,75745,75745,Limaen aca^ lian ari,count me in for okay,train +75745,75746,75746,sitapad kita i u nu mawmahay,I am dressed for work,train +75746,75747,75747,u mapiiway,a person who is crippled in his legs,train +75747,75748,75748,harateng kaku,I then thought,train +75748,75749,75749,tataakay ku nicakayan niyam tu bubu nira matuasayan,we are like the old man who bought a big fish trap,train +75749,75750,75750,taw tayra tu i Taytu tala tu kami i,we went back to Taitung and also to Keelung,test +75750,75751,75751,hatini sakaeper han a pangiha kita,what I am thinking now,train +75751,75752,75752,nuna wina nu wama aku haw aciyah u iya tu u tuda u maan han,it is the apple of their eye,train +75752,75753,75753,o maulaway a niyaru ku Tafalung,Taeba long is an ancient tribe,train +75753,75754,75754,u saka lipahak,it is about being happy,train +75754,75755,75755,u vavainay tara tu i Hutin,the men go to a place called Huting,train +75755,75756,75756,mafiyuray,impact,train +75756,75757,75757,u tuas nu mita mikilim tu kauripan anu ira ku nanum anu ira ku kakawmahan itira a paluma,in the past when our ancestors were looking for suitable land to live on they would live by the water to facilitate farming,train +75757,75758,75758,tumeli,bright,train +75758,75759,75759,matama niyam itira ku nisawawaan saka itira sa kami tu pitu a rumiad Mapasuwal nu Fangcalay Adingu cangra saka aka ka tayra i Yirusalim han nangra ci Pawlu a milalang,finding the disciples there we stayed with them seven days through the Spirit they urged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem,train +75759,75760,75760,tiya sumuwal tu tayni tu kiya yakuing nu niyaru,and then a member came to the tribe and said,test +75760,75761,75761,han kura niyaru,that village is called the greeting station,train +75761,75762,75762,hatiraay aca,that is it,train +75762,75763,75763,caay ku nipilunguc aku tu nu tamdawan a pipawacay o sakaciuripaw namu tu midaucay saka pasuwal kaku tunini,not that I accept human testimony but I mention it that you may be saved,train +75763,75764,75764,tayni kawali i,come back to the East,train +75764,75765,75765,pikiadingan,avoid,train +75765,75766,75766,u sapisatatak mavana kisu misanga,the hoe handle,train +75766,75767,75767,midiput,bless and protect,train +75767,75768,75768,u ngangan aku ci tamih,my name is Tamih,train +75768,75769,75769,sisa awaay tu nu Paliwan,that is why there is no Paiwanese,train +75769,75770,75770,misingsi kaku patayraen kaku nu,I am applying for the mustard seed Association,test +75770,75771,75771,kiya satapang macukacuk,we will start climbing up the hill,train +75771,75772,75772,Matamelac ku pising nuya wawa,the child face is nice and clean,train +75772,75773,75773,Hayda Tata,Yes let us go,train +75773,75774,75774,falicen ku riku isu,change your clothes,train +75774,75775,75775,hatu u malahedaway,a lot of it is been washed away,train +75775,75776,75776,sa kiya ci ina aku aci mama aku,that is what my parents said,train +75776,75777,75777,u tadafaʼinayan hananay,I call this a good real man,train +75777,75778,75778,mituduh miiluh palamal,whether it is in the burning fireplace,train +75778,75779,75779,unu timutimulan a ayamen anu caay kataluma a mikihatiya tu lisin nu niyaru,like in the south if you do not show up you get penalized,train +75779,75780,75780,u viyaw ku palilucay,the neighbor next door helps with the shower,test +75780,75781,75781,ira haw ku Cudad i kudul nu sapad,is there a book on the top of the table,train +75781,75782,75782,Tapang,sir,train +75782,75783,75783,engaan,rim,train +75783,75784,75784,pakaen nira ku niyaru,when you are feeding the tribes,train +75784,75785,75785,kuetimay,purple,train +75785,75786,75786,Nanuya maaraw aku i mapulusi ku mafawahay a fawahan i kakarayan itiya i pasuwal i takuwanan ku nanu matngilay aku i ayaw a matiyaay u suni nu la^pa a ngiha suwal sa Katayni a macakat Ta patirien Aku kisu tu aira a dmak i ikur nunini saan,after this I looked and there before me was a door standing open in heaven and the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said Come up here and I will show you what must take place after this,train +75786,75787,75787,satu ku hatiraay,when I graduated sixth grade,train +75787,75788,75788,mirunuay mialaay tu,these children are responsible for gathering food,train +75788,75789,75789,uninian,this one,train +75789,75790,75790,pavavuy ku heni,send a pig,test +75790,75791,75791,hatiraay ku limera nu malitengay tura kilang,old people treasure resources so much,train +75791,75792,75792,mafulufulud kami tu hanghang iʼayaw,all working together,train +75792,75793,75793,valvalen,flogged,train +75793,75794,75794,kahngangay,Red,train +75794,75795,75795,Makilatusa ku radiw nu Pangcah u cecay i citiliday u cecay i awaay ku tilid tanu ngiha saca anu awaawa ku tudung a heci nu suwal nika ira ku tudung malecaday tu suwal mikafit i kalaenu nu ngiha,Amis songs are categorized into ballads with real words and ballads with imaginary words vocabulary refers to the concepts that have no real meaning but have a form similar to lyrics attached to the notes,train +75795,75796,75796,cuka pakasanga,it cannot be done,train +75796,75797,75797,tukal,stair,train +75797,75798,75798,tira,there,train +75798,75799,75799,matefad na i kilang tu pisakalikalic nu ningra yusanay,I have been known to fall out of a tree when I am climbing,train +75799,75800,75800,itira tu i sancungmatuas tahiratuni,the golden years of our lives are in triple,test +75800,75801,75801,suuten,tie it up,train +75801,75802,75802,u keleteng nu uteng isu han naharateng han kisu misangaʼay,depends on how much weight you can carry,train +75802,75803,75803,matawalay aku a miala ku patafuan,I forgot to bring my lunchbox,train +75803,75804,75804,o nisangaan ni mama kunini a pakukuan,dad built this chicken coop,train +75804,75805,75805,tayni satu kami patatiku,then we went back to work,train +75805,75806,75806,Tataangtu kuya Wawa tanektek ku tireng ningra citaneng a citaneng cingra matungal a matungal ku nipipalmed atu nipikaput nu Kawas i Cingraan,and the child grew and became strong he was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him,train +75806,75807,75807,ca tu ka ngaʼay pipaliding mahaen nu nani i tayni i misamukung,carpenters cannot drive to work from Taoyuan to Taipei,train +75807,75808,75808,unini kiya u sapiiya tu uciya nga,this is for tea,train +75808,75809,75809,pawaa,longhorn,train +75809,75810,75810,kafacal ku faʼinay su,your husband may be good too,test +75810,75811,75811,ku sawinaay nu alumaʼan,that is my mother,train +75811,75812,75812,nawhan matuʼas ci mama aku kira,because my father is old,train +75812,75813,75813,saka itira a misatapang ku sikawasay a mifahfah tu lifung,so the wizard started to drive out the plague at Stonehenge,train +75813,75814,75814,kita u kapah hiwa wata idahiay tu kamu anini a rumiʼad tuna lafii,as youths you were great tonight,train +75814,75815,75815,sa aluman ku pacekukay tu maku,and for that reason a lot of people are very surprised by my questioning,train +75815,75816,75816,anu mararid kita a kudait i u mamikaput kita cingraan a mikuwan anu mihakenu kita i cingraan i u mamihakenu cingra i titaanan,if we endure we will also reign with him if we disown him he will also disown us,train +75816,75817,75817,itiya hu a lalan pakayniay,it used to be this way,train +75817,75818,75818,pacacaen,bamboo mat,train +75818,75819,75819,mamelaw,see that,train +75819,75820,75820,aka taʼangayen aka kuʼedawen,not too big not too long,test +75820,75821,75821,ira ku Cituciyaw aluman,many Christian,train +75821,75822,75822,itiya i matdal kuya saspatay a cuyuh o nipatalaan cangra tu hatiniay tu mamipatay tu ccay nu kalitulu nu tamdaw i nipatunekan a tuki tuya rumiad tuya fulad atuya mihcaan,and the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind,train +75822,75823,75823,palamlam tu na lukut ini,with this Yamazoo,train +75823,75824,75824,tahetecen matiya u misaʼemu,when it is done it is like making a rice cake,train +75824,75825,75825,adada,sick,train +75825,75826,75826,papimilmil,ask someone to examine something carefully,train +75826,75827,75827,away tu,no more,train +75827,75828,75828,u nikamaruʼan i lutuk,years of joint residence in the mountains,train +75828,75829,75829,nu niyaru a tamdaw haw,Tribesmen,train +75829,75830,75830,saan ku nisimsim nira,he thought,test +75830,75831,75831,awaay ku Cudad uya sa kimad nu malitengay,there are no books just old peoples stories,train +75831,75832,75832,alesu ku nikaen,appetite is good,train +75832,75833,75833,mipahapinang kaku tu i falucuay aku a sulin ni Kristu a pasuwal u mamatnak i pulung nu Akaya kuna kasnengan aku,as surely as the truth of Christ is in me nobody in the regions of Achaia will stop this boasting of mine,train +75833,75834,75834,miʼasikay kami tu ungtufa,we will clean up the sports field,train +75834,75835,75835,o kilang ku tatangalan nu maku,my pillow is made of wood,train +75835,75836,75836,petek,break,train +75836,75837,75837,cacaliwan tu Cudad,library,train +75837,75838,75838,uraur,rush,train +75838,75839,75839,kareteng kura anengan,is that chair heavy,train +75839,75840,75840,misafinawlan itini aluman ku kaka maku itini safulucuʼay tu hatini,there are many brothers who are committed to serving the future of the community,test +75840,75841,75841,Mangaay caliwen aku kura Cudad haw,can I borrow that book from you,train +75841,75842,75842,saluma satu tu rumiʼad matira,just working on the house all day,train +75842,75843,75843,pacena sa kaku minukay,I will go back to my hometown for a while,train +75843,75844,75844,pasasaeled han niyam a matalaw a mavurisak i kulul nu rarapa,we tie the forage tightly to prevent it from coming loose when it hangs on the cows back,train +75844,75845,75845,u langaw raecusay,in order to make the millet seedlings,train +75845,75846,75846,tu itini sa kaku talalutuk i,why am I here and he is up in the mountains,train +75846,75847,75847,sapasasisi,share,train +75847,75848,75848,Hacikacikay kisu haw,be fast,train +75848,75849,75849,Hayi caay kanca kataluma kami,Will definitely back to the tribe Will definitely back to the tribe,train +75849,75850,75850,sakailaaw,so there is,test +75850,75851,75851,makaen,eaten,train +75851,75852,75852,u saka itiya hu awaay hu ku tilid nu mis awaay hu ku fangcalay cutad,at that time there was no written Amis so there was no Amis Bible,train +75852,75853,75853,awaay ku kaput nu maadepetay a tamdaw,a miser has no friends,train +75853,75854,75854,kuku,chase after,train +75854,75855,75855,ira ku lusid nu heni,they have their tools,train +75855,75856,75856,na yanan tu haw i,at that time,train +75856,75857,75857,kaherek nu sakapitu fulad mihafay ku matuʼasay,at the end of July the old man grows millet,train +75857,75858,75858,o faki nu maku kura rumakatay,that walker is my uncle,train +75858,75859,75859,manay u suwal nu mita u pangcah ka lumela tu tireng yu maurip hen saka pahen ku demak saan,the clan members attach great importance to the value of life and encourage people to do more good deeds while they are alive,train +75859,75860,75860,pulung hananay tu ira kura,it was a celebration,test +75860,75861,75861,matengil aku i hani u suwal nu misu tayra kisu i kaysya mipadang tu kaysya hayi,I just heard you say you are going to work in a sugar factory,train +75861,75862,75862,kamay ci ilangay,my hands bleed,train +75862,75863,75863,midungec,Nakaito Shimizu Japanese writer,train +75863,75864,75864,nanay caay pitulas a mitulun tu saki tamiyanan Pasulin kami ira ku tingalaway a ngaayay a falucu mihai a mararid a rumakat tu mu^celay a lalan,pray for us we are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way,train +75864,75865,75865,u samanay kura ilaay ku masuwalay tura haw,Why is there an explanation,train +75865,75866,75866,cikampiwtaay,computerized,train +75866,75867,75867,pinangan,habits,train +75867,75868,75868,ira ira ku suwal nura kapah ku misu i,Later the youth class informed that,train +75868,75869,75869,aluman ku pangangan nu matuʼasay mineneng tu tamdaw,Well a lot of elders have names but it depends on the person,train +75869,75870,75870,caay kamasainakaay isaw,it does not look like a village,test +75870,75871,75871,i saka lima nu pilipayan wa masupet sanay lla ku lumiad isu mikihatiya,are you free for the meeting on Friday,train +75871,75872,75872,marawraw ku falucu nu mama nu maku,my father is very upset,train +75872,75873,75873,u sakaytayni nu maku vaki,the purpose of today visit,train +75873,75874,75874,u niyaru niyam i tiraay hu,our tribe is in,train +75874,75875,75875,yu maaraw nuya tamdaw ci Yis i raay i cikay saan a miraud i ci Yisan Pitusur sa cingra a mitaung i kaayaw ni Yis,when he saw Jesus from a distance he ran and fell on his knees in front of him,train +75875,75876,75876,mahan namin itiya ku demak tuwa,changing clothes is a sign of respect for the deceased,train +75876,75877,75877,pakelang tayni i riyar,celebrate the beach with a song,train +75877,75878,75878,hai adihay ku pifafuyan tu faʼinay awid nikaw urira mafukil,Yeah there is plenty of places to catch mountain hogs but my husband does not know how,train +75878,75879,75879,itila amin makumud,all together,train +75879,75880,75880,paʼarawan ku hakhak ha ha,I will show her it is sticky rice Ha ha,test +75880,75881,75881,ha initu kisu a idang hay,you are here are not you my friend Yes,train +75881,75882,75882,ira tu kaku misungira tu ku masamamanay,I will take care of everything,train +75882,75883,75883,anu minukay kami a mitilid haw i,when we come home from school,train +75883,75884,75884,kita sa kami caay ka vana kami,we do not know anything about it,train +75884,75885,75885,lengat,arouse,train +75885,75886,75886,malalengu tu suwal,discussion,train +75886,75887,75887,Mapatikurtu aku inacila kisu kiyami,did not I return it to you yesterday,train +75887,75888,75888,ura pakesangan hananay ameremerekay ku Fataʼan tura,but all the beans planted at Tuen Ng are very short,train +75888,75889,75889,cima kisu nataynitayni kisu saw han nira,ask who you are and why you are here,train +75889,75890,75890,hay sa ya itiyatu i,dad said yes,test +75890,75891,75891,minuwad,plum,train +75891,75892,75892,pakacilamalay,catch a train,train +75892,75893,75893,pacafayen hu kaku a miteli i kufaw haw,will you help me with the barn,train +75893,75894,75894,oninian i itiniay Eʼtulan kuna kahufucan nu kaku nu maku,but my brother was born in Tulane,train +75894,75895,75895,anu mihaen tu demak kita patahekalay tu misalimelaay tuni sapakaulah Halu patahekalay tu maulahay kita tu papitiliday tu Fangcalay Cudad a Yihufaan,we do this not only to show that we value this precious gift but also to show that we love Jehovah the author of the Bible,train +75895,75896,75896,taliyuken kiya mirumruman a datung,it will surround the trunk of a burning tree,train +75896,75897,75897,onini a dmak i u nika lahci nu suwal i Fangcalay Cudad tuya Caay ku mamapitek ku ccaccay aca a ukak Ningra sanay,these things happened so that the Scripture would be fulfilled Not one of his bones will be broken,train +75897,75898,75898,osawen niyam ku sakaluma a sapakilac,also left some unsold,train +75898,75899,75899,i enuc han ku lusa,swallow ones tears to turn ones stomach in tears,train +75899,75900,75900,Mipecih tu epang ku safa aku a mipalada tu kaput,my sister broke bread and shared it with her classmates,test +75900,75901,75901,tulu mihecaan kaku ira ku tulu fulad,three years and three months of study,train +75901,75902,75902,naayaayaway,formerly,train +75902,75903,75903,nawhani aca ku kakahad sanay,everyone is complaining about why it is only three pings,train +75903,75904,75904,tatuluay tu ku likid,three Rapids,train +75904,75905,75905,Caayhu ka araw aku cingra Nikawrira u sapahapinangaw aku a pakafana i finawlan nu Israil tu pakayniay i Cingraan Saka tayni kaku a painu cangraan saan,I myself did not know him but the reason I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Israel,train +75905,75906,75906,awaay ku pisacapuxan i niyaru niyam,our tribe does not have a nursery,train +75906,75907,75907,Kalaluup,face washing,train +75907,75908,75908,mililuc itira palapalaan,swimming in a field,train +75908,75909,75909,na ku paru nu luma isu,how many members are there in your family,train +75909,75910,75910,saayaway i,Nihongo,test +75910,75911,75911,i vaketay i ahemaway,Accent Allegretto,train +75911,75912,75912,Pamangahen nu misu tu mamang ku suwal a mipakatawa tu alumanay,you have got to be a little bit deceptive when you are making jokes about the public,train +75912,75913,75913,sepat a tatukian,about hours,train +75913,75914,75914,Nanuya miliyaw cingra a mitulun i matfadtu nai kakarayan ku urad ta cihcitu ku pinaluma i sra,again he prayed and the heavens gave rain and the earth produced its crops,train +75914,75915,75915,pakiseraayen,release ginger,train +75915,75916,75916,Pacunuhen nura mariangay a tamdaw kaku tu raraw nira,the bad guy blamed me for his faults,train +75916,75917,75917,Iranay i takaraway u facidul facidul,what about that tall tree that is the bread tree,train +75917,75918,75918,anu matira tatata masakeru kita,Well let us dance together,train +75918,75919,75919,caay ka hakuwa ku kasa na tini i wali i,it is not too far east,train +75919,75920,75920,pacakaten nu Kawas ci Yis a pakamaru i kawanan ningra a pala Kakridan a pala Pauripay onini i u sakapasasiyuraw nu Israil tu falucu a pasayra i Kawas ta mahpul ku raraw nangra,God exalted him to his own right hand as prince and Savior that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel,test +75920,75921,75921,miturikan ira han hay,weaving bamboo walls Yes,train +75921,75922,75922,mafawa nima ku faking ku luma,Unaffordable fines,train +75922,75923,75923,nacila ayaw mihca,before last year,train +75923,75924,75924,ci Rungac tu,Rongac of course,train +75924,75925,75925,culal culal satu ku,they are coming back one by one,train +75925,75926,75926,kumeceday,it is sturdy,train +75926,75927,75927,Pasilusien nu mita ku lalan i lutuk,we were marking the trail,train +75927,75928,75928,cicamahaway,it is an exaggeration,train +75928,75929,75929,masahatiniay han mararaway tu kaku salaw cuwa kapakacepecepet kaku,no wonder I am mistaken and that is why I cannot catch any of them,train +75929,75930,75930,mahaen ku nian kakurut angrer kaenen,this bitter melon is very bitter,test +75930,75931,75931,Mapetek ku impic nu maku,my pencil is broken,train +75931,75932,75932,mausuyay,late,train +75932,75933,75933,iri,whole village,train +75933,75934,75934,yan saka u malatumukay a tamdaw i,the man in charge,train +75934,75935,75935,Mapaising a maemin kura madaatay a tamdaw,all those who were choking on cigarettes were sent for medical treatment,train +75935,75936,75936,ninengnengan,I am looking at it,train +75936,75937,75937,masamanay ku itiyaay hu a rayray nu kapatumireng namu tu niyaru itini i Talampu,how did you establish the Dalembu tribe in the early days,train +75937,75938,75938,Masasing nira kaku,he took my picture,train +75938,75939,75939,manguyus,chatter,train +75939,75940,75940,anu han ku matuʼasay i,you ask the old man how many sections you are going to,test +75940,75941,75941,miduhduh,bake,train +75941,75942,75942,Matucacupi ku kamadikmik nu wawa caay kamenek,the child was wriggling like a maggot and was not at all calm,train +75942,75943,75943,cecaycecay hu ku luma saan,there are only a few,train +75943,75944,75944,hulintaw,peas,train +75944,75945,75945,itini aca i tarawadaw,there is a lot of river ones too,train +75945,75946,75946,tataʼang ku kedal kira haw,what was the drought,train +75946,75947,75947,siwawa sa ku malekakaay na ina aku haw na ama aku ahw,my mom my dads siblings,train +75947,75948,75948,naniraayay,from afar,train +75948,75949,75949,naicuwaay kisu,where are you from,train +75949,75950,75950,awaay ku cecacecay a dingki,there are no lights,test +75950,75951,75951,Mapasuvanaay yari ni vaki aci vayi kisu,Grandpa and grandma taught me,train +75951,75952,75952,sawad aku a mihiya u fafuy tunu tau ku maulahay,I gave it up because it is all for the pigs,train +75952,75953,75953,maʼamcepa caka ngaʼay kaenen sanay,you cannot eat it if it is burnt,train +75953,75954,75954,itini kuni kausasuwalen sa,that is where the education comes in,train +75954,75955,75955,i niyan i talulunga kuniyan,like this ones from the deep sea,train +75955,75956,75956,meraw sa naayaw misanga,used to watch homemade sweet rice cakes,train +75956,75957,75957,anu sialatulu saan tu muking ku cacayay a sikawasay,if a wizard needs three sticky rice cakes,train +75957,75958,75958,mahaʼen u han nu aniniyay hay iri,like blueberries now,train +75958,75959,75959,u yasatu u miʼedaway,the soothsayer,train +75959,75960,75960,Nanuya pakayra cangra i Pisitiya a tayra i Pamfiliya,after going through Pisidia they came into Pamphylia,test +75960,75961,75961,Panafuyen ni ina ku safa i sera,mom made her sister crawl on the floor,train +75961,75962,75962,tekes,osmanthus bamboo used in Chinese medicine,train +75962,75963,75963,saka kaku itiyahu matengil aku hatiniay a kungku ira haw i,when I first heard the story,train +75963,75964,75964,saka a enem kisu fayfahi awaay faʼinayan,you are the sixth daughter you do not have a son,train +75964,75965,75965,Oicel aku,my ability to back,train +75965,75966,75966,edu^,rats,train +75966,75967,75967,mafekac,March,train +75967,75968,75968,mangaʼay tu ku harateng,now I can rest easy,train +75968,75969,75969,san aku a paini,let me tell you this,train +75969,75970,75970,tu sakafanaʼaw namu a mipalitatu nafalucuʼan nu Kawas,that you may examine and for the goodness of God,test +75970,75971,75971,cay kapawan,I cannot forget,train +75971,75972,75972,pararid haca cingra a sumuwal O masadakay nai falucu nu tamdaw ku paacekay tu tamdaw,he went on What comes out of a man is what makes him unclean,train +75972,75973,75973,fadisaw tu nanum mirukruk cefung tu masamaanay a dateng u titi anca mialaan i riyar atu i pala a dateng maherek a mapacilah u tadafangcalay aledetay a kuhaw,boiling is the most common method Vegetables meat seafood wild vegetables and other ingredients are boiled with water and salt to make soup which is a rich and delicious dish,train +75973,75974,75974,u wawa nu Pangcah kaku,I am an Amis child,train +75974,75975,75975,tu sapakaytini,family learning,train +75975,75976,75976,maherek a micefus mimaan hu kisu,what do you do after you water the flowers,train +75976,75977,75977,i lutulutukan makamelaw,you can watch it from the mountain,train +75977,75978,75978,itira i a kiwkay i tastas hantu,the church over there was demolished,train +75978,75979,75979,matama tu haw,what is the what is the big earthquake,train +75979,75980,75980,pasuwal sa ci Pilatu i cangraan Olili Kriden ku mamisimaw a sufitay a patayra i tadem a papisungila a misimaw han ningra,Take a guard Pilate answered Go make the tomb as secure as you know how,test +75980,75981,75981,malecad ku riku ita,we have the same kind of clothes,train +75981,75982,75982,manayatay,contracted,train +75982,75983,75983,cedem,eloquent,train +75983,75984,75984,ruma maulah tayra i riyar,sometimes I like to go to the beach,train +75984,75985,75985,tu sapifahfah tuni u lifung nu mita pulung nu kanatal,our country drove out the epidemic,train +75985,75986,75986,Misiayaw tu riyar ku pasawali a Pangcah saka maraud tu ku sakatulu tangasa sakaenem a fulad tu mihecahecaan awaay tu ku tatayalen fangcal tu ku rumiad caayay tu kasienaw,the Coastal Amis live along the ocean and during the leisure period from March to June each year when the climate is relatively stable and the temperatures are warm the Amis are able to live on the ocean,train +75986,75987,75987,tilifi^,television,train +75987,75988,75988,saka sanga hananay tu cecay a fulad kinacecay a mimisa,that is why I have established a monthly native American Mass,train +75988,75989,75989,i nanunanuman pananum mililuc,after that you can take them to the river for a drink and a bath,train +75989,75990,75990,fereten aku ku sasuʼut cepeteng haw kura sasuʼut han aku,I threw down the rope and asked him to hold it,test +75990,75991,75991,patefuc,Shih Hsiao HUI Hong Kong actress,train +75991,75992,75992,haenen nira ku nipateli,that is how he came to place it,train +75992,75993,75993,citudungay,responsible,train +75993,75994,75994,salipa ku fawahan,the doorframe is rectangular,train +75994,75995,75995,sapisanga,Manufacturing materials,train +75995,75996,75996,o nu ingkak ku tatiliden aku,I am going to study music,train +75996,75997,75997,ngawa,tooth loss,train +75997,75998,75998,halikiay ku punuh nu hatiraay mitilid hu ka u ira tu kuna aku,these people are smart enough to get a diploma first,train +75998,75999,75999,nawhan u dadaya sakatayal ita,because they work at night,train +75999,76000,76000,Hay u nanuliteng a suwal kuni o nu Palidaw a suwal ku sakacaciyaw aku tu palu nu luma aku,Yes it is my mother tongue I talk to my family in Hengchun Amis,test +76000,76001,76001,aka kararum haw,do not be sad huh,train +76001,76002,76002,pataladangah,Casserole,train +76002,76003,76003,atu u salikaka nu maku mapuling kami tayni i sawali,and our whole family came to the shoreline,train +76003,76004,76004,na wawa i pakayni tuya ira ku ekung masadak matalaw milimek,after the owl came out the child was scared and hid himself,train +76004,76005,76005,ku hatiniay ngaʼay mafana caira,and learning they can learn to produce,train +76005,76006,76006,anu awaay ku miucuray i cima ku papatnak hakiya mahaen ku nika tilid i Fangcalay Cudad Wata ku nika kapah a nengnengen ku rumakatay a patnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh saan,and how can they preach unless they are sent as it is written How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news,train +76006,76007,76007,macedem kina heci^ nu lusay,the fruit tastes sweet,train +76007,76008,76008,mafana,know,train +76008,76009,76009,Nuhatini ci Rasier atu fafahi ningra misaka dademakan nangra ku mihatatanaman atu Nalifetan itiya padama tu kasakupang a salikaka mahemakay ku salikaka cangraanan,Now Russell and his wife use their past training and experiences to help people in the congregation much to the delight of their brothers and sisters,train +76009,76010,76010,itiya a patalaw,scare the birds when they come,test +76010,76011,76011,fafahian na wawa,it is a girl,train +76011,76012,76012,maulahay ku kulung kumaen,the cow likes it,train +76012,76013,76013,Yihufa Kawas ˈicel nu mita,Lord GOD our STRENGTH,train +76013,76014,76014,mangalay kaku a micakay tu tuper,I am going to buy a hat,train +76014,76015,76015,ay,Hey it is in Japanese I do not understand,train +76015,76016,76016,kilimen,find,train +76016,76017,76017,Suˈlin anu caka pasuwal cangra latek mamatira ci Tafitian ku harateng nangra Nanay pahemeken nu tamdaw kisu tu nika citanengay kisu,even if others do not say it out loud maybe they would like to say to us May it be appreciated that you understand,train +76017,76018,76018,cufukmucu,nook,train +76018,76019,76019,anu ira ku pasalat a mipiliˈ hanu cuwa ku aira ku fadangalan misaˈusi tu palinian nu ngaˈayay atu tatiihay hani,they think this way because they fail to see that freedom of choice is not the same thing as the right to decide what is right and wrong,train +76019,76020,76020,ira hu^ ku cecay kufuc i sefi^ hamaanen hu^ a micakay,there is still one bottle left in the kitchen so there is no need to buy one,test +76020,76021,76021,awaay ku ising awaay ku cyuhuce turaan sapinaʼun sa i,there is no doctor and no ambulance for immediate help,train +76021,76022,76022,aniniya a kungku,now the story I have shared,train +76022,76023,76023,tu hananay,year of Abundance Festival,train +76023,76024,76024,sakaku sa mahaenay kunu tataʼakay ku mata,I am talking about the one that makes the big holes,train +76024,76025,76025,man han,Yeah because what can I say,train +76025,76026,76026,dafak,mornings,train +76026,76027,76027,ilaay ku runi ila hamamaan,there is loofahs over there I do not need loofahs,train +76027,76028,76028,Lusimet hantu ku luma haw,please organize your housework,train +76028,76029,76029,hatira kuranan,that is what it says,train +76029,76030,76030,malaheci tu kura i samaan tu ku kaemangay hakini san,how the baseball team will accommodate its players after its establishment,test +76030,76031,76031,Hai wa faedet i laluudan adihayen ku ninanuman,Yes it will be very hot and you need to drink more water,train +76031,76032,76032,tu ruma i u fafuy anca u lawal latekay ira ku tuluk,sometimes it was a boar sometimes a flying squirrel and occasionally a pheasant,train +76032,76033,76033,O ngaayay ku cilah Nikawrira anu malasawad ku kahcid nira i,Salt is good but if it loses its saltiness how can it be made salty again,train +76033,76034,76034,saheci sanay tu itini kurana lutukimu,the establishment of such voluntary labor,train +76034,76035,76035,namu,we are,train +76035,76036,76036,tini i atu itini i mi3UD hananay,I want to be able to get a car from the Hong Kong Bureau or a domestic car,train +76036,76037,76037,ruhepit,attach,train +76037,76038,76038,uranan iraay kisu itiya,So you were there,train +76038,76039,76039,anu fafahi tu u kasaselal tiya haw i masadak tu ku fafahi mafanaʼay madiw,women of all ages can be invited to sing,train +76039,76040,76040,sa itini sa kaku a mipatireng tunian a Wen Cyin Can i,but I am here to participate in the Literacy Center,test +76040,76041,76041,la^dis,Nanshi Ami fishing Festival,train +76041,76042,76042,maemin maratar kuya faʼinayan nu niyaru,all the boys of the tribe early in the morning,train +76042,76043,76043,talalusa,tearful,train +76043,76044,76044,Masakalupuy ku mata nira,her eyes are like soup rounds,train +76044,76045,76045,tadengal tu ku rumiad i hawikiden tu naira ku tama a minukay,at daybreak they returned with their prey,train +76045,76046,76046,Hay tadafangcal a nengnengen ku talakar ni Idek,Yes the rainbow looks beautiful,train +76046,76047,76047,Matelang tu ku riku aku,my clothes are old,train +76047,76048,76048,u pangangan sa ku paylang saan,the Han people took it as Sanlingpo,train +76048,76049,76049,i adawang kita a matatala,we met at the assembly hall,train +76049,76050,76050,aka ka siwala kamu tu matiniay wawa namu,do not forget the exhortation of your children,test +76050,76051,76051,Mapalalantu aku cingra tu sapifalicaw ningra tu falucu Nikawrira caay ka sapisawadan cingra tu maudangay a dmak ningra,I have given her time to repent of her immorality but she is unwilling,train +76051,76052,76052,tayra kaku i picudadan i,I am at school,train +76052,76053,76053,o fafahi aku u miceriday a misakafahay marariday a lipahak cingra,my wife was a regular pioneer and she was always happy,train +76053,76054,76054,masamanay ku pakayraan nangra,what is their situation,train +76054,76055,76055,a caʼay ka fangcal kafangsismasanek,it is not good it smells good and it tastes bad,train +76055,76056,76056,muheting sa tu ku mahiniyay,it is all black,train +76056,76057,76057,o hatiraay ku fana nu tuas nu mita a limela^ tu rumiad saka kita u mauripay tunini Eciday hananay a tamdaw,the importance of time to our ancestors can be seen in the fact that we living in the E generation have to live in a world where time is of the essence,train +76057,76058,76058,pasuwalen nira kami maufangay ku fadahung nu luma,he told us that there was a hole in the roof of his house,train +76058,76059,76059,lukedaw cuwa ka hadak ka,tigers do not exist,train +76059,76060,76060,pacaliw,lend,test +76060,76061,76061,ira i pidanguyan cingra malalifet tu pidanguy cingra anuhuni,he is at the swimming pool he is going to compete in a swimming competition later,train +76061,76062,76062,ina emuy i yu matuasay sapimaan nu,old people use it for spring never grows old,train +76062,76063,76063,na awa tu kura singsi,after the teacher passed away,train +76063,76064,76064,laliwan nu faʼinay kaku kira haw i,since my son in law left,train +76064,76065,76065,han tu ha a maan han tu a tayra kita,we are going to go,train +76065,76066,76066,u han kuranan hakiya,he was a warrior at the time,train +76066,76067,76067,marara ku pinangan nira fafahiyan a mifihun,that biochemist is slow,train +76067,76068,76068,u vavahi wa u vavahi sa ku alumanay pakaen tu rarapa,Girls it is mostly girls who go to the cows,train +76068,76069,76069,muʼtep ku mihecaan ci falu tu,flowers bloom once every years,train +76069,76070,76070,dafak tansulay mi ci faʼinay tu ruma faʼinayan kiya ali aku,and the next day she is married to someone else,test +76070,76071,76071,mahaen tu ta maʼedeng tu,that is it,train +76071,76072,76072,sarumiʼamiʼad saan kaku maherek kaku mipadang matayal haw i,and yet I have been working all day,train +76072,76073,76073,satimulan,neighboring,train +76073,76074,76074,pahanhan,rest,train +76074,76075,76075,mafirang,get angry,train +76075,76076,76076,tatalaayaw,I am young,train +76076,76077,76077,Arayum naun hantu ku rakat,Goodbye have a good trip,train +76077,76078,76078,pamukuen,deploy something stay,train +76078,76079,76079,anu miyulan tusa ku rumiʼad cecay ku dadaya,sometimes a two day one night tour is offered,train +76079,76080,76080,anini a mihcaan 11 ku fulad saka 1 a rumiad litapangtu kami a nikenis pahapinang tu saliyuh a sera nu Yincu mincu,on November of this year we will begin to delineate and announce indigenous traditional territories and lands,test +76080,76081,76081,pulung san ku matuʼasay,all of them old people,train +76081,76082,76082,ci Sawa,it is Salva,train +76082,76083,76083,anu mananam kita tuya u nu ininan a dadahal haw,if we are used to such leniency,train +76083,76084,76084,u maan tu ku rayray nu tuʼas hakini sa a nisafalucu kami u matuʼasay,how to pass on the language of the previous generation this is the most disturbing thing for the elderly,train +76084,76085,76085,o patenakay cingra,he is an evangelist,train +76085,76086,76086,kulit,color,train +76086,76087,76087,tangasa itira awaay ku maamaan,there is nothing there,train +76087,76088,76088,sa tira kaku dademak itira i,I have been working at the Taiwan cement company for a long time,train +76088,76089,76089,mahrek a pakimad cangra i Pirka i maluklun cangra a tayra i Ataliya,and when they had preached the word in Perga they went down to Attalia,train +76089,76090,76090,siwa ila ku kalitusa nu tuki a mafuti kaku,I go to bed at am,test +76090,76091,76091,hatiraay kura,that is the way it is,train +76091,76092,76092,hay ira mapudac isu kira hatini han tu kuni,just peel off the freshly peeled ones,train +76092,76093,76093,oni cumuli kalang paheku u hakhak hu,I would like to order snails crabs cats and sticky rice,train +76093,76094,76094,mafukilay tu nu Amis,I do not speak the language,train +76094,76095,76095,Cisamu ku citusiya aku,my car has a defect,train +76095,76096,76096,anu awa ku cafacafay samaan han a,what happens if you do not have a partner,train +76096,76097,76097,o maan ku tatamaan nu adada nira,what causes his illness,train +76097,76098,76098,ayaway ku luma niyam i cuwa mipaʼayam mifafuy maruray kaku misimaw kaku tu safa aku,I had to raise chickens feed pigs and take care of my sister,train +76098,76099,76099,anu rumadiw ku Pangcah haw i saseliselic saan saepi a tengilen iniyan haw i u kalimelaan micidekay a kasasiruma nu radiw tu ruma a finacadan,the most important feature of Amis songs is that they are easy to sing without repetition,train +76099,76100,76100,nanitira tura sapitaw i taelif turanan i,after a small pool,test +76100,76101,76101,pakilacen isu ku kaulahan isu a fafahiyan haw,do you give them to your favorite women,train +76101,76102,76102,maulah kaku tu kaciherangan kisu i,I love summer do not you,train +76102,76103,76103,Paminatuen i fakung saan ku alumanay,many people have asked for a port in Toyama,train +76103,76104,76104,kaliyalaway,yellow,train +76104,76105,76105,Madecdec ni kaka ku maamaan a pateli i kafutian nira,my sister puts things in her room in a close proximity,train +76105,76106,76106,Suluten,recording,train +76106,76107,76107,ira ku matengilay aku ira ku mafanaʼay itini i niyaru,I heard that in the tribe,train +76107,76108,76108,o nipipatilid aku i tamuwanan u pasulinay tu wawa nu Kawas i u sakafanaaw namu tu nika ira i tamuwanan ku midaucay a urip,I write these things to you who believe in the name of the son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life,train +76108,76109,76109,ya nu Amis a kenaw ilaay ha ila,do you have any mountain onions Yeah they are over there,train +76109,76110,76110,teratera,drop by drop,test +76110,76111,76111,tatusaen cira yu ya pacuwah hananay yaku yaraw,two of them wore it together,train +76111,76112,76112,maan han namu Kalinku,how are you going to get to Hualien,train +76112,76113,76113,misaturun,making mocha,train +76113,76114,76114,misateka,invention,train +76114,76115,76115,ci ama aku ala tiya titi sivahekul han nira,my dad threw the meat out,train +76115,76116,76116,o silusi nu niyam i lutuk kiraan,that is our mark on the mountain,train +76116,76117,76117,mafulaw aca cingra tu i timul nangra,the southern part migrated to the present Hengchun,train +76117,76118,76118,mi sulsul tu kamay a tayra minengneng nenghan masadakay i u ekung,he stretched out his hand to see but it turned out that what came out was an owl,train +76118,76119,76119,ira itira ku tatayra a lunan i Fuinikiya Saka dakaw satu kami a miliyas,we found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia went on board and set sail,train +76119,76120,76120,o maan ku tayal isu,what do you do,test +76120,76121,76121,aka hatira kita,let us not do this,train +76121,76122,76122,nai Padaka u kafer u maamaan aca,Pants and all kinds of supplies food,train +76122,76123,76123,usawen,stay,train +76123,76124,76124,cirarikahay,it is got centipedes,train +76124,76125,76125,yu malakaputhu cangra i palimuuten ningra cangra Aka piliyas tu Yirusalim talaenhu kuya nisuwalan aku i tamuwanan tu nanu niktunan nu wama aku a suwal,on one occasion while he was eating with them he gave them this command Do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift my father promised which you have heard me speak about,train +76125,76126,76126,tala cuwa i,to go there,train +76126,76127,76127,kuna pinaay tu kaku a palitemuh tu hatiraay katalawan,I have been in a lot of scary situations,train +76127,76128,76128,Saka tayra satu cingra i Tikapulis a pala a palusiyang itira tu nanu dmak ni Yis i cingraan Safahka sa a ma^min ku tamdamdaw a mitngil,so the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him and all the people were amazed,train +76128,76129,76129,atu niyaru,bole,train +76129,76130,76130,cuwa paudang mikaeled,it will not be randomly knitted,test +76130,76131,76131,Tata mitenuk kita tu mali,let us play soccer,train +76131,76132,76132,mikihatiya tiya tu hiya tu Kawas ku itiyaay hu a tamdaw,they are all going to meet with ghosts and spirits,train +76132,76133,76133,kawili,queer,train +76133,76134,76134,mipatalumaan,married,train +76134,76135,76135,nga tayra i tiya Pacifalan iraay kiya Pacifalan kiya,and then we went to where the boat was docked,train +76135,76136,76136,Mikaput ku singsi^ i tamiyanan a misalama^ matiya u taakay a lalumaan ku picudadan,the teachers also play with us the school is one big family,train +76136,76137,76137,ti lingatu satu kami misatapang tu,and then we are on our way,train +76137,76138,76138,ya nu Tin Si Kiw kiyami ira kiyami kiya Ciw Ci Ka haen sanay,the bishop has a cross,train +76138,76139,76139,tusa pulu ira ku cecay a limuud maemin tusa pulu ngaay tu,the total is just count,train +76139,76140,76140,maulah a kumaen tu acicimay ku cipuyapuyay,pregnant women are very fond of acid,test +76140,76141,76141,u pancu saʼayawa nisangaʼan isu,the first piece was my fathers underwear,train +76141,76142,76142,tengtengen aku,I will pull him,train +76142,76143,76143,Tumayi kaku i kalahukan,I had a bowel movement at noon,train +76143,76144,76144,cued,dark corners of the room,train +76144,76145,76145,lalunah,ant,train +76145,76146,76146,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Katayra kamu i pulung nu hkal a patnak i tamdamdaw a ma^min tu Ngaayay Ratuh,he said to them Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation,train +76146,76147,76147,pakacaemut,I can remember,train +76147,76148,76148,Mafana ci faki aku a misanga tu fakar,my uncle is very good at making bamboo boxes,train +76148,76149,76149,Sumeling,dark and shiny,train +76149,76150,76150,Pakacitingsya^,Bicycling,test +76150,76151,76151,pakayni i pacekuk nu falucu nangra,about their psychological dismay,train +76151,76152,76152,mahaen ku nipakungku nu matuasay,that is how the old men tell their stories,train +76152,76153,76153,niyaru aku itini i,the hometown is in the big harbor,train +76153,76154,76154,rimuud,money,train +76154,76155,76155,Macapu nu palalanay ku awul niyam,our family bamboo was cut down by road openers,train +76155,76156,76156,hatira aca ku maku a halateng,I also believe in it,train +76156,76157,76157,anu maulahay kita tu Hungti Kitakit nu Kawas u mamisamaan tu demak kita,if we love Gods kingdom what would we want to do,train +76157,76158,76158,ira kami tu haw hatini kura kilang,and yet we still have to face the wood,train +76158,76159,76159,i,yeah,train +76159,76160,76160,u hiya tu nu,it is that one,test +76160,76161,76161,masamatini saakuakuway saan,so he pretended to be high and mighty,train +76161,76162,76162,tira itiya hu,until then,train +76162,76163,76163,waluway ku tuki tu davak,it is eight of the clock in the morning,train +76163,76164,76164,caay pakaala tu cecay patek ku aca nuni fuduy,this dress cost less than a thousand dollars,train +76164,76165,76165,Paafaten ku kadikuan nu kudiwis,put hay in the hutch for the rabbits to nest in,train +76165,76166,76166,yu masalalumahu nunini a dmak kamu i ayaw i hatiniay ku dmak namu,you used to walk in these ways in the life you once lived,train +76166,76167,76167,i pinsiyang,in refrigeration,train +76167,76168,76168,aya,interjection of pain or surprise,train +76168,76169,76169,hatiraay saka tataʼang kira adawang kira itira tu kami malikuda,so we held the Harvest moon Festival at a big place,train +76169,76170,76170,sanay ka sinciw nu niyam,our captain complained,test +76170,76171,76171,u makemutay a demak ira isaw ku,also interesting stories in it,train +76171,76172,76172,tusa pulu ira ku tulu ku miheca aku sa,at years old,train +76172,76173,76173,pakucila a micudad maratar ci Kacaw a i cacudadan panukasen ni Kacaw amin ku nicaliwan tu kaput,the next day at school Kacaw arrived at school early and returned everything he had borrowed from his classmates,train +76173,76174,76174,Liwal han nira ku pipacakay tu fuduy i piliumaluma,he went from house to house selling clothes,train +76174,76175,76175,anu itini itini aca,if it is here or if it is here,train +76175,76176,76176,makatengil,hear that,train +76176,76177,76177,samanen miteli tura hulu ma ura hulu sa kisu telien samanen miteli,What do you put in the rice the ratio of the rice I will stir the rice just the sauce,train +76177,76178,76178,u nika siheci kiya,spikelet,train +76178,76179,76179,o maan ku pamataan nu mita a tayni,what are we here for,train +76179,76180,76180,nanum,water,test +76180,76181,76181,Maraudtu ku pilitudan saka ucuren ningra ku kuli ningra a patayra i mifuluday a papiala tu isal nu kinaira nu fadisusu,when the Harvest time approached he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit,train +76181,76182,76182,sa nawhani itiya i,because at that time,train +76182,76183,76183,fafalu tu miheca mapulung,all together eight years,train +76183,76184,76184,a han nu maku saka,that is what I said,train +76184,76185,76185,Pasanga ci mama tu paliding nira,dad took the car in for repairs,train +76185,76186,76186,cimalulemay,Deer,train +76186,76187,76187,taʼangaʼangay sa ku wawa aku,my kids are growing up,train +76187,76188,76188,ku maan kiya,what is it,train +76188,76189,76189,ira tu ku suwal nu mira,so he said,train +76189,76190,76190,alaen aku kuna udax,I want this packet of cookies,test +76190,76191,76191,tu Pangcah han nira kiya sanay a suwal nu ni Tesiku han,matters relating to CHENGs Success in naming the indigenous peoples birthplaces and birthdays,train +76191,76192,76192,Tataang ku talaw nangra Saka sasuwasuwal sa cangra O maan hakini kunini a tamdaw halufali atu taplik a mitngil tu suwal Ningra saan,they were terrified and asked each other Who is this even the wind and the waves obey him,train +76192,76193,76193,tahidangen ni Pilatu ku kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu kakrikridan nu niyaru atu finawlan a misaupu,Pilate called together the chief priests the rulers and the people,train +76193,76194,76194,miaca,purchase,train +76194,76195,76195,i kaikur nira makeru i,and then the man who turned up and jumped,train +76195,76196,76196,hetec,pressing,train +76196,76197,76197,sa hatiraay aca ku maku ami pakafana tu itiniay,these are my experiences in seminary,train +76197,76198,76198,tu Paycang atu lyencang atu cesinkwan ri,to platoon sergeants and company commanders,train +76198,76199,76199,maririday,dragged,train +76199,76200,76200,mahaen cira mahaen ku sinausal,that is the way it is with kohlrabi,test +76200,76201,76201,mananuwangay,shaking,train +76201,76202,76202,tenuun,woven cloth,train +76202,76203,76203,matiya caay katatudung,this is not so ideal,train +76203,76204,76204,kakalayan,gray,train +76204,76205,76205,husu,water pipes,train +76205,76206,76206,malasaasi nu hiya nu sera,it can also be used as a house broom,train +76206,76207,76207,ya saan u kunga ngaʼayay kura,it is as good as that groundnut,train +76207,76208,76208,Mituur i ci Yisan ku alumanay a tamdaw ira a mihaklung ku masakaputay a fafahiyan o tumangicay cangra a mararum tu pakayniay ci Yisan,a large number of people followed him including women who mourned and wailed for him,train +76208,76209,76209,mitangtang tu kaku tu hemay,I will go cook,train +76209,76210,76210,sitama,hunt,test +76210,76211,76211,pakamaanay kisu a tayra i Penghu,how do you go to Penghu,train +76211,76212,76212,a mimelaw anu icuwa tu ku savangcalay nu kaying sa melaw sa ku siningkay,they are looking to see which lady is their favorite,train +76212,76213,76213,pifuting nu maku,this was my fishing days,train +76213,76214,76214,na u mavulaway ku ina namu daru,your mom and the others are migrating too,train +76214,76215,76215,itini i tuladay a rumiʼad,on a normal day,train +76215,76216,76216,siadada tu,you can get sick at,train +76216,76217,76217,furifur,disruption,train +76217,76218,76218,maherek kisu i anu tayra kisu itini i,you can enter the Taiwan Theological seminary,train +76218,76219,76219,tayni sa i pitilidan,come to school,train +76219,76220,76220,ci lisin ku ngangan ni kaka^ aku tu fafahian,my elder sisters name is Lisin,test +76220,76221,76221,mapuhaw,blind,train +76221,76222,76222,tamelac,clean,train +76222,76223,76223,sa kaku,that is what I always thought,train +76223,76224,76224,u manan kilangan u iya san,what kind of tree did this,train +76224,76225,76225,o suwal ningra O saaruˈan fadangalan hafay sahetuay cuwa ka halafin cuwa ku kalimelaan,Fame power and wealth are fleeting and not that important she said,train +76225,76226,76226,fafuy nu lutuk,boar,train +76226,76227,76227,suwal sa Ccay aca a tatukian ku nika tayal nu saikuray a tayni a matayalay i palcad han isu i tamiyanan u masarumiaday a matayal a mihadidi tu ruray atu fa^det nu cidal han nangra,These men who were hired last worked only one hour they said and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day,train +76227,76228,76228,mihulul,play,train +76228,76229,76229,malasangay tu a hahahiha a hihahiha sa tu,they were talking and laughing and having a good time,train +76229,76230,76230,yu rumakat ci Yis i lilis nu fanaw nu Kalili i maaraw ningra ku nipitafukud nu tatusaay a malikaka ci Pitiru hananay a Simun atu safa ningra ci Antiri o mifutingay cangra,as Jesus was walking beside the sea of Galilee he saw two brothers Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew they were casting a net into the lake for they were fishermen,test +76230,76231,76231,mafedi,Frostbite,train +76231,76232,76232,misa pang tatulu kita haw,come on all three of us together shoot at the same time and look at the bang,train +76232,76233,76233,Mirmiren nura kaying ku tatirengan nira a makeru,that lady dances and makes her body shake,train +76233,76234,76234,i ilisin tu u niyaru san i,it is the tribal weakness annual Festival,train +76234,76235,76235,ya naikulan maherek kuninian i,after this,train +76235,76236,76236,hatiraay kaku matayal,this was my workplace at the time,train +76236,76237,76237,Tiyahu i,at that time,train +76237,76238,76238,sanay ku falucu a mihareteng itiya,Inside I am wondering,train +76238,76239,76239,taruhiyac,slip off,train +76239,76240,76240,Pakahemeken ku Kawas,praise God with all your heart,test +76240,76241,76241,ira tu misakilang i matini,now it is always reforestation,train +76241,76242,76242,u kaulahan ira kaku sa kaku,he likes me I think,train +76242,76243,76243,pasuwal sa ci Yis Ora sumuwalay i tisuwanan i matini i urira Kaku han ningra,then Jesus declared I who speak to you am he,train +76243,76244,76244,nanu milifetay cingra tu pades a misemsem Saka ma^deng cingra a padama anini tu mapadesay a tamdaw,because he himself suffered when he was tempted he is able to help those who are being tempted,train +76244,76245,76245,palecad han aku tu nizukaan aku,do as I draw,train +76245,76246,76246,sikan satu,then I transferred to a grammar school,train +76246,76247,76247,o ngihaˈ nuka rumadiw atu ngihaˈ nuka caciyaw palecaden a taˈangay latek ikaka ku nika taˈangay,you should sing as loud as you speak or even louder,train +76247,76248,76248,maherek tu paliluc cilanan i micadad tu kami mitilid,after the shower we started our homework,train +76248,76249,76249,mamangay ki nian,this is a small one,train +76249,76250,76250,samanen iraay ca kira lamit,it is because of that big root,test +76250,76251,76251,anu,is or is not,train +76251,76252,76252,Oy Ngayaw singsi saaniniay mimaan kita,Hello Mr Ngayaw so suddenly what to do,train +76252,76253,76253,tanucacupi,it is full of maggots,train +76253,76254,76254,likuda,Chinese new year song and dance,train +76254,76255,76255,ngata^,near,train +76255,76256,76256,malakakaay tu sa kira,because we are a sister tribe,train +76256,76257,76257,o nika fana nu matiraay a tamdaw ku ngaay tu nika anu masamaan ku suwal i tilid niyam i tamuwanan i mahaenay ku dmak niyam a mikaput tamuwanan,such people should realize that what we are in our letters when we are absent we will be in our actions when we are present,train +76257,76258,76258,falilinglulung,bunch,train +76258,76259,76259,Pacipaten i kukufang ku saparatuh tu finawlan,please stick the Tribes message in the bulletin board,train +76259,76260,76260,amutu misaputal,mix sand and cement to make a tanning bed,test +76260,76261,76261,macaur,be driven up,train +76261,76262,76262,miʼangʼang tu ku fafaʼinay nira tu hiya,get his wife out of bed,train +76262,76263,76263,hatiraay u ilus sa nu malitengay i,spoons used to be used by the elders,train +76263,76264,76264,pinukay kita mapulung nawhan itiniay aca kita i pusung,all of us must go back whether we live in Taitung or not,train +76264,76265,76265,camahaw,an exaggeration,train +76265,76266,76266,ta krid hantu ningra kuya tatusaay a talapaputal Singsiaw maanen aku ku dmak ta mapaurip kaku saw han ningra a milicay,he then brought them out and asked Sirs what must I do to be saved,train +76266,76267,76267,tu pisanga tu tamud isu,you made the yeast,train +76267,76268,76268,mararid kaku a miahuwid i Kawas tu pakayniay tamuwanan anu mitulun kaku i maharateng aku kamu,I have not stopped giving thanks for you remembering you in my prayers,train +76268,76269,76269,ya kaʼemangay kami i,we are more delicate than that,train +76269,76270,76270,tataak kulangaw nu sama,mountain lettuce is huge,test +76270,76271,76271,anu cayka edeng tatudung kura cinah ira riyawen micinah,if the salt is not enough should I pickle it again,train +76271,76272,76272,saka satapang tu a mikerut,so start digging,train +76272,76273,76273,laluupen,facial cleansing,train +76273,76274,76274,ciwhacinic micingkangay,we will be in port in days,train +76274,76275,76275,uning,dirty,train +76275,76276,76276,adihay ku dungec tangtang tu dungec saka lafi,there is a lot of vine hearts too you can cook them for dinner,train +76276,76277,76277,o satapangan nu Ngaayay Ratuh tu pakayniay i wawa nu Kawas ci Yis Kristuan i u mahaenay,the beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ the son of God,train +76277,76278,76278,kuranan kiya tifek han mitifek,pound the rice and keep on pounding it,train +76278,76279,76279,caayay caayay u pi,No no No I am just reminding you,train +76279,76280,76280,ngaʼay hu salikaka mapulung,Hello everyone,test +76280,76281,76281,Himedan isu ku Cudad aku haw,did you hide my book,train +76281,76282,76282,a mikilem kita tu singsiw tala Pusung ita,the reason why I went to Taitung to cast the show,train +76282,76283,76283,ru faʼinaya masaʼupu hu tira i sefi,boys also in the square collection,train +76283,76284,76284,masamaan ku rumiad anucila^,how is the weather tomorrow,train +76284,76285,76285,ara hatu nu matuasay,the elders take them with them,train +76285,76286,76286,iraira haca ku mahenay ca,that is the basic requirement,train +76286,76287,76287,mahaen ku itiya niyam itini,that is what we used to do,train +76287,76288,76288,tu nanum maemin ku tamdaw,let us all go get some water,train +76288,76289,76289,Mapuyapuy anini ku panay,the rice is now in flower,train +76289,76290,76290,kiraan a bubu,the fish trap,test +76290,76291,76291,mipululay,it is a cage remover,train +76291,76292,76292,anu han itiraay ku tuʼas saan ku suwal niya akung atiya ama,grandma and Grandpa said so then the ancestors should have lived there,train +76292,76293,76293,iniʼan i kurur nu fafuy kuni,this is the meat from the back of the pig,train +76293,76294,76294,maletep aku ku demak nira,I overtook him in what he was doing,train +76294,76295,76295,u sikawasay naʼayaw pabahuy tu adadaay san,in the old days that witch would put a curse on people to make them sick,train +76295,76296,76296,herek nu lahuk tayra ci faian minanam a mitenuuy,in the afternoon I went to my aunts house to learn how to knit,train +76296,76297,76297,itiya i tayra i ci Yisan ku nisawawaan a milicay Cima hakiya ku satadamaanay i tini i Kitakit nu Kawas han nangra,at that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven,train +76297,76298,76298,itiyahu matuʼasay i,elders used to,train +76298,76299,76299,yari,Yeah it is,train +76299,76300,76300,na itiraay i Palidaw ku aru manay u Palidaw han ku nipangangan,they are called Hengchun Ami because they used to live in the Hengchun area,test +76300,76301,76301,i tamiyanan ku kapah a masakeru,youth dancing in our homes,train +76301,76302,76302,kaku adada,my dads been sick for two years,train +76302,76303,76303,miasik,sweep the floor,train +76303,76304,76304,tu pipasifanaʼ kita ititaan tu tafukud,we thank him for his instructions on how to make a gossip site,train +76304,76305,76305,pasuwal sa ci Yis tuya mitahidangay cingraan a tawki Anu patala kisu tu sakalahuk atu sakalafi i aka pitahidang tu widang isu atu salikaka atu malininaay atu cidafungay a fiyaw isu anu haenen isu i latek mitahidang cangra i tisuwanan a pacuay,then Jesus said to his host When you give a luncheon or dinner do not invite your friends your brothers or relatives or your rich neighbors if you do they may invite you back and so you will be repaid,train +76305,76306,76306,matatudungay,suitable,train +76306,76307,76307,o suwal nu misu hani,after what you just said,train +76307,76308,76308,nu hulu nu tainuan hananum niyam,it is used for cooking and bathing as well as drinking water,train +76308,76309,76309,siwa a pulu,ninety,train +76309,76310,76310,Orasaka matama i cangraan ku suwal ni Isaya tu nanu suwal nu Kawas tuya Talacuwa mitngil kamu i caay ku mamafana kamu talacuwa minengneng kamu i caay ku papakaaraw kamu,in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah You will be ever hearing but never understanding you will be ever seeing but never perceiving,test +76310,76311,76311,tadaadihay ku nikaenan isu tu piyang haw,are you eating too much candy,train +76311,76312,76312,cika u mangah aku tucyang nengnengen na,Dad I am not lying take a look,train +76312,76313,76313,ira tu tusa ku yuvin itini,Yes there are two,train +76313,76314,76314,maramud,pair,train +76314,76315,76315,nguyanguy,shake,train +76315,76316,76316,sa maʼaraw nu tumuk haw i,when the leader saw this,train +76316,76317,76317,tatalacuwa^,from where,train +76317,76318,76318,mafukil kaku mitengil han aku,I am telling you I really do not understand,train +76318,76319,76319,haen sa kami tatusa tuya wawa nuya,I have been doing it over and over with the chief executives kid,train +76319,76320,76320,inian u i tapuruay ku nipitadem i u nu i ka Ripunan tu a demak u tudung u pifuut tu Pangcah a ira ku patudung tu tapuru hananay u mamalu pitademan u sanay,the practice of cemeteries however was started because of the Rifan policy of the Japanese which led to the planning of the so called cemeteries,test +76320,76321,76321,ku uʼrp niyam iʼayaw,the way we used to live,train +76321,76322,76322,malalukay misaasikasik,he is a hard worker and a good cleaner,train +76322,76323,76323,hay aluman kamu malikaka,you have many brothers and sisters,train +76323,76324,76324,matini satu,I am just saying it is for the sake of my fellow man,train +76324,76325,76325,tu wawa a taluma,the kids back,train +76325,76326,76326,samanen haw i maalaay tu ku payci nu tawki,because I have already taken my boss money,train +76326,76327,76327,makerah,drought and famine,train +76327,76328,76328,i saamisan nu Makutaay,on the north side of the harbor village,train +76328,76329,76329,kalamkam cangra a mipaduka a mipatay tu tamdaw,Their feet are swift to she would blood,train +76329,76330,76330,caay ku maaraway nu mata ku niharatengan niyam o caay ku mamaaraw nu mata ku niharatengan niyam Nawhani u pasamuay ku maaraway o mamidauc ku caay ka araw,so we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen for what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal,test +76330,76331,76331,miʼurung tiya salil a talalutuk,carrying the network to the mountain,train +76331,76332,76332,masamanay ku katalawan itiyahu mifuting kisu i,can you tell me more about the dangers of fishing,train +76332,76333,76333,u ranan han i,that is the way it is,train +76333,76334,76334,pasuwal nu maku tu,in what is to be shared,train +76334,76335,76335,u ya kaku hakini han ku pisamaman ku akatu ka pisamaamaan ku harateng huw,be humble in everything you do yo,train +76335,76336,76336,masungtul,bump into,train +76336,76337,76337,ya malingad i matawalay aku ku kafang,when I was going to school I forgot to bring my backpack,train +76337,76338,76338,a mikuwan tu niyah a urip sanay kaku,to be able to manage the planning of your life,train +76338,76339,76339,mihulul,to play,train +76339,76340,76340,ira tu ku siningkay malecapuay i tukay tu a misatevuk,YMCA members gathered in the assembly hall to prepare for the cow slaughter,test +76340,76341,76341,lingatu sa han hanaku a misasiraw ku itiyaʼay hu a matuʼasay nengneng han naku,I used to watch the old man when he started making salt pork,train +76341,76342,76342,mata,eyes,train +76342,76343,76343,Paseneng sngi kita tu fana ita,we boast of our knowledge,train +76343,76344,76344,anu iraay ku hatiraay harateng isu pasuˈlinen ci Yihufa tu papadama tisuwanan ira ku timulu,if this is how you feel trust the Lord to help you take courage,train +76344,76345,76345,lafin,stay the night,train +76345,76346,76346,u ranan kura muetik,that is the purpose,train +76346,76347,76347,Kulas,sapling,train +76347,76348,76348,adihay satu ku hiya ku icep paluma ilutuk,more and more people are planting betel nut trees in the hills,train +76348,76349,76349,anu haen sa caay ka tatudung sa kaku,I did not think it was appropriate at the time,train +76349,76350,76350,laslas,drop,test +76350,76351,76351,anu ila ku pakayifay i niyaru u tadademak nu salawinawina,when someone in the tribe gets married it is a big deal for the whole family,train +76351,76352,76352,Ha patelac haw,is that right what is wrong with that,train +76352,76353,76353,nanay ci taneng ku wawa aku mahecad ci Yutingku san pangangan tu Maysan,I want my child to be as wise as Yang Chuan kiang so I named him after him,train +76353,76354,76354,itini ci Lingacay sanku suwal nu matuʼasay sa,the old man said this is the place of the Lingya tribe,train +76354,76355,76355,Sahapinapinang han aku a minengneng ku laluma nunini i ira i laluma ku ma^feray a ayam atu aadupen atu manafuyay a fau,I looked into it and saw four footed animals of the earth wild beasts reptiles and birds of the air,train +76355,76356,76356,Tawki mifalic kaku tuni sumuut a paysu palapayci,Boss I want to exchange this bill for coins,train +76356,76357,76357,Saka rpet hantu nangra cingra a pasadak i paputal nu pisafadisusuan a mipatay,so they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him,train +76357,76358,76358,pikacawan,observation deck,train +76358,76359,76359,misangaay,maker,train +76359,76360,76360,hinukup,lie prostrate,test +76360,76361,76361,caay kanca ayira aca ku nipisayvang,there will be a trial to dispose of it,train +76361,76362,76362,anu tatulu cangra haw i,on the basis of three individuals,train +76362,76363,76363,mitapay,roast,train +76363,76364,76364,tatulu kami tira i piangatan,the three of us were at the hairdressers store,train +76364,76365,76365,milifet tu nu mimukunay tu mali^ ci Kacaw i anini a rumiad haw,is Kacaw competing in croquet today,train +76365,76366,76366,fadisusu,wines,train +76366,76367,76367,ila ku mamu^tep a siri ni Kulas,Kolas has ten sheep,train +76367,76368,76368,naayaway kina kilang,past building materials,train +76368,76369,76369,yimutep ila pitu mutep ila ku falu,Then and,train +76369,76370,76370,Yusaany ku suwal nu ningra sanan haw,such a proverbial admonition,test +76370,76371,76371,macukacuk,uphill,train +76371,76372,76372,sakuheting han ci mira mihatini,you have to burn it so deliberately,train +76372,76373,76373,u wawa amin nu vuting ku pudaw,anyone with a small fry is a fish child,train +76373,76374,76374,tayni i Bilung ca ama aku itiya i,when my dad came to Metro,train +76374,76375,76375,kahina kaen tu heci nu lusay kiya kapah ku tireng,eat fruits often to have a strong body,train +76375,76376,76376,anu ira ku patalumaʼay,if someone marries,train +76376,76377,76377,Lihway ku nisangaan nu maku a fuduy,I make clothes that are very loose,train +76377,76378,76378,kali,gutter,train +76378,76379,76379,saw adihay han isu salakat i,that is why you have to use a lot of them in the first place,train +76379,76380,76380,tangasa katuʼasan nu maku kalaina kalamama han tu nu maku,I grew up thinking of them as my mom and dad,test +76380,76381,76381,suwal sa Anu mafanaay kisu tu nika ira ku sakarihaday isu anini i kuna mangaay Nikawrira caay pakahapinang kisu tunini,and said If you even you had only known on this day what would bring you peace but now it is hidden from your eyes,train +76381,76382,76382,u kisu ku ayaw mapatay hay ina ayaw mapatay san ku suwal ni ina aku,let us see if mom dies first or if you die first,train +76382,76383,76383,Fuhecal sa ku fukes nu misu,your hair is turning gray,train +76383,76384,76384,u mamihulul hanima vahal u kaka ku pakatelayan,maybe he called his brother or,train +76384,76385,76385,cicamulay tu tu,it is been mixed,train +76385,76386,76386,awaay,no,train +76386,76387,76387,tatudung nu lalan nu kiyami,is not that the way of the police,train +76387,76388,76388,Adihayhu ku sasuwalen aku i tamuwanan Nikawrira caay pakahadidi kamu a mitngil,I have much more to say to you more than you can now bear,train +76388,76389,76389,tayra tu kaku i tukay,I am already in the city,train +76389,76390,76390,saman sa kisu kamu hantu ira saka,so what are you two going to do,test +76390,76391,76391,ciadadaay,fall ill,train +76391,76392,76392,ya u Pangcah kaku kini hanen ku harateng,I am an Amis,train +76392,76393,76393,ira saʼamisan nu niyaru nu mita u Kutufuki namakayraʼay tu i Rinahemay ku Sulinli haw,the more northerly settlements of the Shoufeng tribe used to be in the area of the Suili tribe,train +76393,76394,76394,Pafasiyaw ku wawa,children flying kites,train +76394,76395,76395,Caay mafalitu sa^meray,No it is windy and cool,train +76395,76396,76396,lipahak ku tamdaw a pakalayap tu tikami,people are happy to receive the letter,train +76396,76397,76397,hatiraay aca ku sasuwalan aku,I shared it here,train +76397,76398,76398,ku Sei Lei,it is the Holy Spirit,train +76398,76399,76399,pakalafi tu paliaw saka uraur satu ku fekac niyam a taluma a misakalafi,tonight we had to treat the farmers to dinner so we hustled and took three steps home to cook dinner,train +76399,76400,76400,umah,cropland,test +76400,76401,76401,i tini tuna Taeman a niyaru ira aca kuna sapipihay nu mita a radiw,in our area the Dolman tribe also has a song where the female tribe members dance to send off the spirits,train +76401,76402,76402,ira ku Amis Tayan Paywan Punung Lukay Piwma Tau Saysiya Taruku Cuw Kafalan Sakiraya Secik atu Saw,the Amis Atayal Paiwan Bunun Rukai Penan Yami Saisiat Taroko Tsou Kavalan Sakia Sedek and Thao,train +76402,76403,76403,Namienip tu epah mavangvang ku valucu remadiw misakeru tuwaca awaay ku sasuwalen tu lipahak nu Pangcah,drinking on the mood to sing and dance the joyful atmosphere gradually soaring thick the more singing the higher dancing the more energetic very romantic,train +76403,76404,76404,mimaanay kisu tu dadayadaya,what do you do every night,train +76404,76405,76405,caay tu katawal i matini a nisanga,in order to keep the production techniques alive,train +76405,76406,76406,maedeng a ciʼicelay pakafana tu sanay kura minengnengay kira,all of them know how to be polite and courteous and are recognized as such,train +76406,76407,76407,u hatiniay awa ku niyah,we do not have any so called personalities,train +76407,76408,76408,ci Kacaw ku ngangan nira,his name is Kacaw,train +76408,76409,76409,pasuelinen,please believe it,train +76409,76410,76410,tavukuden tu kunu aniniyay a nipibuting,you are fishing with a gossip net now,test +76410,76411,76411,mi harakat tu tu sakalahitai,I was about to serve in the army,train +76411,76412,76412,nipadatengan u rum,vegetable rice cake,train +76412,76413,76413,matira ku urip nu niyaru itiya hu,that is how tribal life used to be,train +76413,76414,76414,pasevana,surname Jiao,train +76414,76415,76415,kala na nengnengan hantu saʼangentu iratu fuyun nu luma,to make house decorationsartifacts,train +76415,76416,76416,sacaayhu,However,train +76416,76417,76417,nu huwak atu kaciw nidanguy i riyar ri,duck and goose swimming in the sea,train +76417,76418,76418,u papatayen nangra Cingra nikawrira sakatulu a rumiad i u lalumuwad cingra a maurip nai patay han ningra rarum satu ku nisawawaan ningra a mitngil,they will kill him and on the third day he will be raised to life and the disciples were filled with grief,train +76418,76419,76419,anu ira ku mahaenay a nikatarakaw nu laying i kudukudul kasadaktu,if there is a wave as big as this one it is coming out,train +76419,76420,76420,Matingting tu kunini a futing,this fish is weighed,test +76420,76421,76421,kamatiya u nika fangcal nu mitahidangay tamuwanan a Kawas ku nika fangcal namu i pulung nu dmak namu,but just as he who called you is holy so be Holy in all you do,train +76421,76422,76422,kakeriden nu singsi kamu a tayra i lutuk anini,I will take you to the mountains today,train +76422,76423,76423,licayen hu aku ku rumaruma na,I have to ask the others,train +76423,76424,76424,ceris,matches,train +76424,76425,76425,mikilidung,looking for shade and coolness,train +76425,76426,76426,un^un,shouting and screaming to get the message across,train +76426,76427,76427,sakapades,pursue something Painful,train +76427,76428,76428,u Payniyaru nu Pangcah i matiya u ina haw ku miterungay mikadavu ku vavainay i vavahiyan a luma,the primitive Amis society was a matrilineal society dominated by women where men were married to women,train +76428,76429,76429,hatiraay saka u hatiraay ku demak niya Tangafulan san,that is how these Pingpu people behave,train +76429,76430,76430,o mamikilim kamu i Takuwanan nikawrira caay ku mamatama namu Kaku nawhani caay ka ngaay kamu a tayra i kaitiraan Aku han ningra,you will look for me but you will not find me and where I am you cannot come,test +76430,76431,76431,o manan a finacadan ku samamangay ku tamdaw,which tribe has the least number of people,train +76431,76432,76432,saka a pasuelin tu kaku unini tu ku suelinay sa kaku,I believed in it it was the truth I thought,train +76432,76433,76433,samanay ku pituul nu mita tu tu Kawas,how does Christianity follow,train +76433,76434,76434,saka i iraay ci hananay,there is a parishioner in Chungho Mr Lin Shilang,train +76434,76435,76435,Macuracur nu maku ku wawa aku a miseking tu fa^eluhay a katayalan,I have urged my kids to get new jobs,train +76435,76436,76436,Orasaka paalufuen nangra ku papinapina a tamdaw a paurur a pakasumuwal Matngil niyam ku pilukes ningra ci Musian atu Kawas a sumuwal han nangra,then they secretly persuaded some men to say We have heard Stephen speak words of blasphemy against Moses and against God,train +76436,76437,76437,kuni rarangawci rarangaway awaay kuniyam a,The flies there are flies we do not have sand windows,train +76437,76438,76438,Kasiniadaan ku adadaay,the patient is pathetic,train +76438,76439,76439,maratar haw kisu vaki,good morning Uncle,train +76439,76440,76440,anaya,try harder,test +76440,76441,76441,maka maan kisu a tala cacudadan,how do you go to school,train +76441,76442,76442,itira i urip nu maku,about my life,train +76442,76443,76443,Hay mafanaay kami,Okay we know,train +76443,76444,76444,mapetek,fracture,train +76444,76445,76445,masaciciway,it is like a piglet,train +76445,76446,76446,tiya tiya ca tu kakahi kaku micudad ha ha ha kunian,after that I never went to school again that is the second fear,train +76446,76447,76447,u tunuʼtunuʼ,it is a cliff,train +76447,76448,76448,yu mivuting ku heni,if they want to fish,train +76448,76449,76449,itini i tuʼas nu mita i,as we grow up,train +76449,76450,76450,anu maulaulad hawi ngaʼayay tu kasiʼenawan,a little rain in the winter would be nice,test +76450,76451,76451,masiwar,dishonest,train +76451,76452,76452,fafahi,Mrs Woman,train +76452,76453,76453,Miculek kami a tayra i pilumaluma nu finawlan a pakilac tu titi,we immediately went to the tribes to distribute the pork in the shortest possible time,train +76453,76454,76454,alaen ku tapangan nira sisil han mangaw tu cira,take the root of it as if it were a seedling and so grow a new one,train +76454,76455,76455,anu ciy^in ku pikalican isu i cuwa ku mamausuy kisu,if you take the subway there will be no traffic jam,train +76455,76456,76456,maharek ci Yis a sumuwal tunini i satataang sa tu ngiha a micli Lacarusaw kasadak han ningra,when he had said this Jesus called in a loud voice Lazarus come out,train +76456,76457,76457,Miyalatu tuni,just go get this,train +76457,76458,76458,sakainaneng nu mililitay saan ku imi nura,in order to make the people around me take it seriously,train +76458,76459,76459,tada adihay kina semut mifariw kaku pananumen aku anuhuni,there is too much grass I am cutting it I will have to water it later,train +76459,76460,76460,maanen aca maapac tu kaku,Sorry I am late,test +76460,76461,76461,o misuwalan nu ˈOlic 31 2 sinael uyaan matiliday i saka 16 fedengan nu saka 2 Samuil a demak,Psalm speaks of the events recorded in Samuel,train +76461,76462,76462,ira ku rumiad isu anucila haw iraay ku lalicayen aku tisuwanan tu Tawcikel nu tuas,are you free tomorrow I would like to ask you about the legendary story of the Amis Please change Amis to your respective tribe,train +76462,76463,76463,maulah ciira a mikumimit i takuwanan,she loves to pinch me,train +76463,76464,76464,tulu a ditek ku umah niyam,our field is three tenths of a hectare,train +76464,76465,76465,saan,that way,train +76465,76466,76466,an dafak i micudad tu kisu san ku suwal ira takuwan,tomorrow you will be in school,train +76466,76467,76467,tayni tu i paputal misiay misakapah kaku tu kucukucu nira rikuriku nira,when we play outside I ask for clean jerseys and shoes,train +76467,76468,76468,Cupu,levee,train +76468,76469,76469,tulu ku widi,three of the clock,train +76469,76470,76470,ta caʼay ka sawad ku suwal nu mita,our mother tongue would not be an endangered language,test +76470,76471,76471,pasuwal sa kuya tawki O ngaayay u karahkeran a kuli kisu Malaluk kisu i mamangay a dmak saka paturuden aku kisu a papisimaw tu adihayay a dafung aku Katayni kihatiyaen kaku a lipahak han ningra,His master replied Well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful with a few things I will put you in charge of many things come and share your masters happiness,train +76471,76472,76472,Pawaayen kinian a anengang,to make the legs of this chair,train +76472,76473,76473,kaetuhay,distilled Spirit,train +76473,76474,76474,lusimet,sort out,train +76474,76475,76475,mafafalic kita tu tayal,we exchanged work with each other,train +76475,76476,76476,Pakatayra kisu haw,will you be able to go,train +76476,76477,76477,ya iniʼan sa i malecaday tu mahaʼen tu a misanga tu siraw,what about this one do it the same way,train +76477,76478,76478,a mihaen,in that case,train +76478,76479,76479,valucu,the heart,train +76479,76480,76480,mipadang kaku a mikilang tu sapisaluma,I will help find wood to build the house,test +76480,76481,76481,malicang tu alaen tu nu niyam a pataluma sapaen tu rarapa,when they are dry you can take them home and feed them to the cows,train +76481,76482,76482,o nisangaan nu maku a cufel kuraan,that is the sheath I made,train +76482,76483,76483,cinglaw tu nu Hulam,even in Chinese,train +76483,76484,76484,ku liwliw nu niyaru,around the tribe,train +76484,76485,76485,o maminengnenng tu adipangpang kita,we are going to see butterflies,train +76485,76486,76486,hai ketun han ku tatirengan ira,Yes cut down its trunk,train +76486,76487,76487,tayni makilim tu kakaenen,come here for the food,train +76487,76488,76488,tayni tu tini u mipalumaan niyam Amis i,and so here we are the crops that we Amis grow,train +76488,76489,76489,hananay a demak,matters relating to,train +76489,76490,76490,dakaw,ride,test +76490,76491,76491,inaneng,diligence,train +76491,76492,76492,a latek u sanay nikaurira suʼelin ani dahetal caay kafilu,sometimes it is true you cannot do it in the middle of an open space,train +76492,76493,76493,cifafahi ciramue tu kira,because he has a wife,train +76493,76494,76494,kamaru tanamen a kumaen kuni nipalumaan aku a ariray,take a seat you should try some organic corn that I grow,train +76494,76495,76495,2 ˈArawhan mikiˈukay ku Fangcalay Cudad mitiˈeray ci Yihufaan a milimek a tamdaw aka marawraw tu mamapaekel nu matuleday a falucuˈ,However the Bible assures us that those who seek refuge in the Lord need not worry about being overwhelmed by feelings of guilt,train +76495,76496,76496,Miinuli satu kaku Tingsukiw i,when I attended Mass at Catholic,train +76496,76497,76497,hai ya dungec ira palamlaman ku nu malitengay,for its vine heart the elders practice is to add together,train +76497,76498,76498,i wawa nu heni u,how you will teach your children,train +76498,76499,76499,Singsi^ matawal aku ku impic aku,I forgot to bring my pen,train +76499,76500,76500,sakasak,trample on,test +76500,76501,76501,anu hatira i tayra kita i sefi Sicaedung kaku,then let us go to the community center I will wear folk costume,train +76501,76502,76502,u maan kiya Paliwan,What Paiwanese,train +76502,76503,76503,nu^etipan,West,train +76503,76504,76504,o karung nu kapah nu niyaru a mifutiing i tarawadaw kiraan,that is a sign of a young tribesman fishing in the river,train +76504,76505,76505,ni kasumuwal iri,a little carelessness,train +76505,76506,76506,sai tini i ngataay nu lutuk ku niyaru nu cikasuʼan,the tribes of the Shichibukawa river are located relatively far away from the mountains,train +76506,76507,76507,miparakar,fish cage trap,train +76507,76508,76508,mafanaʼay kaku minengneng tu ngaʼayay a tamdaw han,I do not know how to choose the right person for me,train +76508,76509,76509,ira ku tiniay i hiya,some of them are from,train +76509,76510,76510,anu cima ku kaulahan nu malitengay,depending on which child the parents like,test +76510,76511,76511,caay tu kaʼurip han ningra hahelek marukes na ningra kura kapah saan,what are you living for all the people are cursing at the youth,train +76511,76512,76512,maacang,have fun,train +76512,76513,76513,tangasa tu sakatulu pulu tu nika rarayray nu mihecaan mafiyul tu nu pituuran a kiyukay lasawasawad satu ku lekakawa nu finawlan awa tu ku kasaselal unini a taluan edeng tu u kalikudaan tu kailisinan atu kasaupuan tu anu ira ku maan a dademaken nu niyaru,after the tribal social organizations gradually disintegrated under the influence of foreign religions and the assembly halls apart from the annual Harvest Festival or assembly activities have been converted into community activity centers,train +76513,76514,76514,Nikawrira u sulinay a tatieren ku Tapang Saka u papatanekteken ningra kamu a midiput a paliyas tu dmak nu Palafuay,but the Lord is faithful and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one,train +76514,76515,76515,tini i hiya kami mikuwanan aca aku a mipapipisay,I will announce it right there,train +76515,76516,76516,ku tangal nu rarapa itini i puhung,tied to the horns of the bull,train +76516,76517,76517,Ta Mimali^ kita,let us play ball,train +76517,76518,76518,mahiniyay a nipilaylay u sapakilemel tu tireng kiya a kalawkaw mavana aca tu sakaurip,such training is not only to train youngsters in physical fitness acuity speed life skills,train +76518,76519,76519,pakukutay,informer,train +76519,76520,76520,matayal tayni i lutuk,I am going to work in the mountains,test +76520,76521,76521,sapalafang a taheka^,provision of a meal for guests,train +76521,76522,76522,adihayay tu ku nu Amis ka tacuwa sa tini tangal aku anini,there are a lot of songs in the language but I do not have any in my head,train +76522,76523,76523,mimaan kisu a tayra,what are you going to do there,train +76523,76524,76524,Iyu maan,what is that,train +76524,76525,76525,itira nangra mihecaʼan itiya iri,in their day,train +76525,76526,76526,o matiya tadancaay tu,it is like a rotten green bean,train +76526,76527,76527,siheci,results,train +76527,76528,76528,samaanen ita paihkal tu iraay ku ni Yihufa a harateng nu niyah caka midemak tu pakapulinay tu tau a demak hani,how do we show that we have the mind of the Lord and that we do not stumble,train +76528,76529,76529,mahaen ku pipalimuut nu Tapang o patnakay tu Ngaayay Ratuh a tamdaw i u nanu tayal ningra a patnak tu Ngaayay Ratuh ku sakaira nu sakaurip nangra saan,in the same way the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel,train +76529,76530,76530,saka pina nu lipay i anucila^,what day will it be tomorrow,test +76530,76531,76531,Iyuf han ni Osay a milikat ku namal,Osay blew up the fire,train +76531,76532,76532,sanay ku nu maku a harateng,that is what I think,train +76532,76533,76533,san,chant like this,train +76533,76534,76534,papinanam kaku tu pakayniʼay itini i,he taught me about the world,train +76534,76535,76535,Mapapatakid atu mapapaicep ku valuhay a maramuday,the groom and bridegroom pour wine for each other and pass the betel nut,train +76535,76536,76536,o maan a saupu kunini,what kind of a gathering is this,train +76536,76537,76537,sa ku malitengay itiya hu,that is what the elders used to say,train +76537,76538,76538,a papiparatuh tu pipauripan nu Tapang a mihcaan sanay,to proclaim the year of the Lords favor,train +76538,76539,76539,Halikiay ku wawa mitudung tu wayway nu matuasay,children can easily imitate adult behavior,train +76539,76540,76540,anu akawang akawang hatini ini,if it grows very tall use a tall one like this height,test +76540,76541,76541,cefis,robbery,train +76541,76542,76542,sapikuwan,management system,train +76542,76543,76543,Kalanipipalmed han ningra ku nipiliyas cangraan a makakuy a talakakarayan,while he was blessing them he left them and was taken up into heaven,train +76543,76544,76544,kapah hu kaku haw,I am still young,train +76544,76545,76545,sa kunini karariman tu kalasingsi hananay a suwal,the most worrying part is the discussion on the subject of teachers,train +76545,76546,76546,macupcupay,sucked,train +76546,76547,76547,telung,gifts,train +76547,76548,76548,yu matdaltu kuya tatusaay i nukay satu cangra i kaput nangra a pakafana tu nanu suwal nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung atu kalas nu niyaru,on their release Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them,train +76548,76549,76549,mimaan kisu itira kapud kapud han naku kay wawa aku san ku wina aku,what are you doing there get down from there,train +76549,76550,76550,paluwad,belt,test +76550,76551,76551,Miekuan nu mirikecay cangra miuwingay tu tamdaw misafelit tu sarikec manaˈayay mala sufitay misafelit tu kitakit padetengay misafelit tu sarikec tada u taˈakayay a raraw sanay ku mirikecay,the authorities accused them of inciting people to disobey orders refuse to perform military service and betray the State and considered them to be guilty of the most heinous of crimes committed with intent to violate the law,train +76551,76552,76552,tumatu,tomatoes,train +76552,76553,76553,naku,me,train +76553,76554,76554,mapasuuray,splashed with standing water,train +76554,76555,76555,o nika kakaya nu fukes nu fainayan i u sakangudu ningra caay ku pinangan nu dmak ku sakafana namu tunini hakiya,does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair it is a disgrace to him,train +76555,76556,76556,Pakamaan kisu a tayra i Punghu,how do you go to Penghu,train +76556,76557,76557,tangasa kataynian i kalinahan,moved all the way to Taoyuan,train +76557,76558,76558,nasaan tayniyan nu Taywan a tamdaw atu Hulam atu helang a macacamul naw Ripun atu Hulam ku mikuwanay tangasa anini mala cacaytu ku kanatal nu mita,Later our living environment became a mixture of Han Chinese foreigners and Hakka people the Japanese and Han Chinese ruled our island and now we are the country of Taiwan,train +76558,76559,76559,onini a suwal i u pipaliayaw ni Yis a pasuwal tu pakayniay i Fangcalay Adingu u lalayapen nu pasulinay ci Yisan a tamdaw itiya i cahu ka ucuren nu Kawas ku Fangcalay Adingu nawhani cahu ka cakat ci Yis a cidil,by this he meant the Spirit whom those who believed in him were later to receive up to that time the Spirit had not been given since Jesus had not yet been glorified,train +76559,76560,76560,a sumuwal Tapangaw kasiniadaen ku wawa aku nawhani u mafuriakay cingra saka tataang ku nipisemsem ningra Kinapinapinatu cingra a mapulin i namal anu ^ca i i nanum,Lord have mercy on my son he said He has seizures and is suffering greatly he often falls into the fire or into the water,test +76560,76561,76561,ira tatangan ku vali han nima,I do not know there is no way to predict the wind,train +76561,76562,76562,kuesan ku udal,honey is sweet,train +76562,76563,76563,tekip han misahatini,folded like this,train +76563,76564,76564,sapitartar,wood pile,train +76564,76565,76565,ya radiw namu nacila,the song you guys sang the other day,train +76565,76566,76566,initu ku mangalayay,Yes I want a buyer,train +76566,76567,76567,mapadesay,funeral,train +76567,76568,76568,cima ku pakaenay sanay ku harateng,who will take care of the feeding,train +76568,76569,76569,cecayay ku dinay aku malacafay kita ci dinay,I only have an umbrella let us stick together,train +76569,76570,76570,sa anini tu masaluf tu nu wina nu fafahi aku kira,until my mother in law corrected me,test +76570,76571,76571,macedemay,Eloquent,train +76571,76572,76572,kayat han ni Yis kuya mapuhaway a tayra i paputal nu niyaru Pasupa han ni Yis ku mata nuya mapuhaway ta kapaen ningra cingra Ira ku maaraway isu haw han ni Yis a milicay,he took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village when he had spit on the mans eyes and put his hands on him Jesus asked Do you see anything,train +76572,76573,76573,mahecad emin sa minanam tu tu fana tu taneng,it is like learning their wisdom in its entirety intelligence,train +76573,76574,76574,cisapikpikay,clothes with wings,train +76574,76575,76575,ira ku kaka isu tu fainayan,do you have a brother,train +76575,76576,76576,ngaʼayay hadaken nu misu kuniya,you can talk about this,train +76576,76577,76577,Yu spattu a pulu ku mihcaan ni Musi safalucu sa cingra tu sapilisuaw tu salikaka ningra a Israil,When Moses was forty years old he decided to visit his fellow Israelites,train +76577,76578,76578,matungalay ku harateng nu maku a maulah a mifuting,I think I like fishing better,train +76578,76579,76579,kaluserangawan,individual cultures,train +76579,76580,76580,tangtang,boiled,test +76580,76581,76581,hay sapaini niyam,we are treating you to four bottles of wine,train +76581,76582,76582,saku suwal u kya niyaru sa kira,that is what the tribes say,train +76582,76583,76583,uya kuhetingay raira ku tinaʼi ira ini i,the black one his insides are here,train +76583,76584,76584,u malatayxinay kaku i ayaw misawaday tu kaku nu hatini,I was a police officer but I am retired now,train +76584,76585,76585,nituktukan nu maku a micengel,I dyed it with mallet dye,train +76585,76586,76586,o pipaturudan a rumiad anini,this is the day that the responsibility changes hands,train +76586,76587,76587,marawraw ku falucu samaan huw kini sa,it is only when you have kids that you start to worry,train +76587,76588,76588,hatiraay ku itiyaay hu a demak,that is how the job was done back then,train +76588,76589,76589,ciiyaay tu iraay tu ku hananay,there is already a glaze,train +76589,76590,76590,saka unini a pi hananay haw,for this the mothers words are discouraged,test +76590,76591,76591,hay wawa hu kaku nu hatini,I am a child now,train +76591,76592,76592,aka ka citadah tu maan aca i cimacimaan ka u nika sasiulaulah namu a ccay ku lalahcien namu o maulahay tu tamdaw i u midu^duay tu Rikec,let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law,train +76592,76593,76593,Tadtaden ku tatudung nu sinael Halu sadaken ku tinakuan a sumuwal tu sasamaanen a kalasaka dademak i nukaˈurip,explain the meaning of the passage well and give examples of how it can be used,train +76593,76594,76594,layapen,please accept,train +76594,76595,76595,tiraay i nangyu a tali,taro from the south Seas,train +76595,76596,76596,lumengaw,grow,train +76596,76597,76597,Nikawrira anu u fadal atu udidal ku nipalahadan nu sra i awaaytu ku ^puc latek u mamakak nu Kawas kuya sra a mituduh,but land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed in the end it will be burned,train +76597,76598,76598,Saka matnak ku suwal nu Tapang tunini a pala a ma^min,the word of the Lord spread through the whole region,train +76598,76599,76599,Kincu ku falucu aku,I am embarrassed have no courage,train +76599,76600,76600,tatiʼitiʼih ku faki isu,the elders are not good,test +76600,76601,76601,aenemay,there are six,train +76601,76602,76602,paising,see a doctor,train +76602,76603,76603,o papikakuyay tu fafuy nu lutuk ci mama aku,father asked the men to lift the mountain pig,train +76603,76604,76604,sahetu nani i tiniay i waliay u mafulaway tayni maemin itiya huw i,especially since all the people from the east side moved here,train +76604,76605,76605,Iluh han nu kapah ku pala na Osap a miadup,the youths burned the land of the Osap family,train +76605,76606,76606,cima kula,who is that,train +76606,76607,76607,Pisuuy nu maku tuyadadaya,on the Eve of my upcoming enlistment,train +76607,76608,76608,saka tusa Laluud nu Hekal maluwiday nu Tuwic ku Frans,during the second world War France was occupied by Germany,train +76608,76609,76609,malaisingay,be a doctor,train +76609,76610,76610,ci Ipafras u kaulahan niyam a kaput u sulinay ku falucu a matayalay ni Kristu tu saki titaanan ku sakafana namu tu siniada nu Kawas,you learned it from Epaphras our dear fellow servant who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf,test +76610,76611,76611,Parasrasen,sprinkle,train +76611,76612,76612,Iraay rakaten talaayaw maarawtu kupi talaan tu pasu,Yes if you go straight ahead you will see the bus stop,train +76612,76613,76613,aku adihayen maʼamcepa,avoid burning rice,train +76613,76614,76614,ca kalasawad nu mita nu Amis,it is our people who will not be,train +76614,76615,76615,Urungen haw mamu ku cadiway,what do you guys do with the trammel nets do you carry them,train +76615,76616,76616,haanen haw ku pisanga tu emu,so it is the so called homemade sweet rice cake,train +76616,76617,76617,makayang,the body is in an arc,train +76617,76618,76618,tapuru,independent hill,train +76618,76619,76619,ngarngar,diligently,train +76619,76620,76620,fangcal tu ku tireng tahanini,I am still in good shape from all the training I did,test +76620,76621,76621,awaay ku icel nu Wili a kamay nu maku,I have no strength in my left hand,train +76621,76622,76622,hu kisu han sakaka mafanaʼay mipudac,you are the best at making money as a sister,train +76622,76623,76623,nikavanaʼan haw,it is just a matter of getting it all together,train +76623,76624,76624,mitulun ku vaki tu valuhay a maramuday tu sapakalemed i tuhenian,the male elders admonish the bride and groom and bless them,train +76624,76625,76625,Maupuh ciira a dademak,he works hard and fast,train +76625,76626,76626,sevayu,horse,train +76626,76627,76627,Mafana Yis a misedal tu falucu ita,Jesus knows how to set our hearts free,train +76627,76628,76628,u matiniay kuni haw,for what it is worth,train +76628,76629,76629,tayra satu kami i lutuk a i umah malingad,we are going back to work,train +76629,76630,76630,safa,young woman,test +76630,76631,76631,haluya,even that one,train +76631,76632,76632,han han nanay,this way this way,train +76632,76633,76633,maupicay macepa,wet,train +76633,76634,76634,sa maku kura harateng,here is what I think,train +76634,76635,76635,u lalu tu,it is just rice water,train +76635,76636,76636,unian u Pangcah hananay haw,this is an Amis,train +76636,76637,76637,o papadilen nu Kawas kita u i tumanay atu mamapatay a tamdaw o kakriden ningra kita a patahira i rihadayay a lalan saan,to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the path of peace,train +76637,76638,76638,misamaan ku heni,what do they do,train +76638,76639,76639,maleka sirenget amin kami a marengreng u tangasaay i patukuran kiya malaselaltu,we all wore headdresses and ran to the finish line to pass,train +76639,76640,76640,matahiya nu wawa matiri kina na macukaymas nu wawa ku niʼawitan nu maku i ayaw oh,it is a blanket hand hooked by my mother in the early days Wow,test +76640,76641,76641,Paluen ni mama ci safa nawhani kunisan ni safa ku tusiya nira,dad hit his brother,train +76641,76642,76642,mihai,agree with,train +76642,76643,76643,rey i lakelal hiwa i rey,because it is in the riverbed,train +76643,76644,76644,haen han a mikumu,that is how it is done,train +76644,76645,76645,ura,That,train +76645,76646,76646,ri tangasa satu matini,Today,train +76646,76647,76647,saku matuʼasay,sage Delivery,train +76647,76648,76648,hawitid cingra,he separated himself,train +76648,76649,76649,u tatala alualu aca a munanaw a mifuting ta mapulung a malahuk tu anu malafi tu u cecay nu kalialac han nu Pangcah u tudung nu u mapaherekay tu ku lisin atu paysin nu kaludemademak,they would go to the river to catch fish and eat it together in a ceremony called the Sacrament of Unholiness which symbolizes the lifting of rituals and taboos,train +76649,76650,76650,hay sa tumaic tu mamatawal ku harateng a limela,cherish the idea of listening to your teachers advice if you do not,test +76650,76651,76651,ita u Pangcah hantu,we are Amis,train +76651,76652,76652,marimuuday,the whole thing,train +76652,76653,76653,lisawut,set,train +76653,76654,76654,pakaen tiniyan u tuas,for the ancestors,train +76654,76655,76655,karaekung,lots of owls,train +76655,76656,76656,mansatu sa kaku kira hanaw hatiraay kinini sa,it is a shame it is not recorded,train +76656,76657,76657,u ciwawa tu,there is a baby,train +76657,76658,76658,Mitefus kaku anini a rumiad,I am picking sugar cane today,train +76658,76659,76659,Macahiwen kaku,I feel hungry,train +76659,76660,76660,dues,bone marrow,test +76660,76661,76661,cuwa ku pisadak aca tu nuˈadinguan a sadama u ruma Krisciyang wa midimukus tu halafinay adada a paru nu lumaˈ anca salawina misaaliay tu ulah atu mihadidiay,in addition to providing spiritual help some Christians also need to care for family members or relatives who are chronically ill which also requires love and patience,train +76661,76662,76662,o lupaiay a tamdaw cingra,he is a good person,train +76662,76663,76663,la mafulad cingra,she is menstruating,train +76663,76664,76664,pisaatumu,ceramics,train +76664,76665,76665,samau icuwa kiya samau ina ini,where is Cuscuta Here,train +76665,76666,76666,hatini han mikemkem ku nian ira i,chew it up like this,train +76666,76667,76667,nengnengen ku sisuy san,read the Bible,train +76667,76668,76668,pakawkaw,pick up the scythes,train +76668,76669,76669,o nu itiyaayhu a pasayraay i Kawas a makuracay ku falucu a fafahiyan i mahaen itu ku nika ^res nangra a mihaklung tu fainay nangra,for this is the way the Holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful they were submissive to their own husbands,train +76669,76670,76670,malatarukus nu tadaʼalumanay a kasarekadan,representing an army regiment,test +76670,76671,76671,milidu ku fainayan milidu ku tefu ku fafahiyan mikilim,boys patrol the traps girls look for bamboo shoots,train +76671,76672,76672,matatudung,suitable,train +76672,76673,76673,fangcal ku falucu nu maku,I am optimistic and cheerful,train +76673,76674,76674,tayniay kaku tini i pusung,I came to Taitung,train +76674,76675,76675,ku maanmaan a suni tu a adupen,various sounds of animals that want to hunt,train +76675,76676,76676,talalikul,recoil,train +76676,76677,76677,anu ira hen ku kapah isaw,if it is still there it is all good,train +76677,76678,76678,hiya han tu lufuc,wrap it in a bag,train +76678,76679,76679,ngaʼayay ya,it is good to use,train +76679,76680,76680,haʼenen a mipedik haʼen han a mipedik han nu Pangcah kuni,that is how it is folded the Amis call it folded pork,test +76680,76681,76681,Tadacifalucuay minengneng tu kalulisin ku Pangcah a finacadan nanu rayray ira ku cecay mahapinangay a lisin misacepu han,the Amis are an ethnic group that attached great importance to rituals and one of the most representative traditional rituals is the sea festival,train +76681,76682,76682,ku niyaru nu maku,my tribe,train +76682,76683,76683,papisacawka,Calling make a kitchen,train +76683,76684,76684,tusa caul a limuud unu nakamayan nu maku a misangaan kuni malalid ku pitatatiw cuwa hu kapiciw,it is a total of dollars I handmade these and they are guaranteed to last a long time,train +76684,76685,76685,ruma umaan ku kafanaʼan nisa ya macad i niyaru niyam ira kiya mafanaʼay mitayku haw,Like there is a guy in the tribe who is really good on the drums,train +76685,76686,76686,palicapu satu kamiyan u matuʼasay kira,after weighing them I will show them to the elders,train +76686,76687,76687,anu awaawa mapalatilid kunini a sarikec nu pinangan i nika awaay ku caayay pihai tuni dadueduen i urip nu Pangcah,although customary law is not written the Amis recognize it as an important norm of tribal life,train +76687,76688,76688,Kamaru o nipalumaan aku kuna ariray tu cuwa kasiwtuken tanamen a kumaen,take a seat you should try some organic corn that I grow,train +76688,76689,76689,masamaan tu nengnengen isu saan mafana tu ku mata aku minengneng han naku,he asked me how I was doing and I told him that I could see it with my eyes,train +76689,76690,76690,a mi a ziday,you are lucky,test +76690,76691,76691,namamaan cira itiya saan,telling stories of the dead,train +76691,76692,76692,macucu takudul,pushed up,train +76692,76693,76693,caira haw,where are they,train +76693,76694,76694,saka,this,train +76694,76695,76695,ci palumaen ita mafer kira,there is no need to plant his seeds they will fly,train +76695,76696,76696,pataruduen,with your fingers,train +76696,76697,76697,i ikur nu tusa a rumiad i liyasen ni Yis ku i tiraay a tayra i Kalili,after the two days he left for Galilee,train +76697,76698,76698,kaemangay,tender,train +76698,76699,76699,nawhani Aka ka udang yasanay a sumuwal a Kawas i Aka pipatay tu tamdaw saan ku ruma a suwal ningra Orasaka anu caacaay ka udang kisu anu mipatay kisu tu tamdaw i u miliyangaytu kisu tu Rikec,for he who said Do not commit adultery also said Do not murder if you do not commit adultery but do commit murder you have become a lawbreaker,train +76699,76700,76700,hatini maliteng tu i,I am old now,test +76700,76701,76701,malakaru,become a grapefruit,train +76701,76702,76702,cima ku ngangan nu mama isu,what is your fathers name,train +76702,76703,76703,matiya u nika ulah nu wama i takuwanan ku nika ulah aku i tamuwanan kararid kamu a mikalaurip tu ulah Aku,As the father has loved me so have I loved you now remain in my love,train +76703,76704,76704,cira a cacay ku vavahiyan a wawa nu maku,she is my only daughter,train +76704,76705,76705,Maradac ku lalan,the road is level,train +76705,76706,76706,pacungedisay,ivory,train +76706,76707,76707,Fadahung haw i nanikitira kaenu,the lowest part of the roof thatched in layers upwards,train +76707,76708,76708,tatiihay a demak,nasty business,train +76708,76709,76709,laʼafaʼafa sa nu u ruma laʼafaʼafas,sometimes they will rob each other,train +76709,76710,76710,yasapitais aku kura unian u tatusaay haw,I am going to knit the second one,test +76710,76711,76711,o siniada nu ina isu kinian a nihawikidan nu maku a suwal,the words I bring are your mothers sympathies,train +76711,76712,76712,e na ma paharek ku kalaluud nu Dipung i ira ku tayni ku hiya ku patenakay tu suwal nu Kawas mipakafanatu tunini u cituciaw hatiraay,after the war of Japan was over someone came to preach the words of God to preach Christianity,train +76712,76713,76713,matiya tu u caay ka u mangah ku sikawasay hananay,it is supposed to be non deceptive,train +76713,76714,76714,maalaay cangra pakarungay,they were selected as young men,train +76714,76715,76715,Eruren ku lamal mitapay kita tu titi,blow up the fire and let us roast the meat,train +76715,76716,76716,talalutuk milisu ci akungan kami,Yesterday we went to the mountain to visit Grandpa,train +76716,76717,76717,pulul,basket,train +76717,76718,76718,yu masiday ku salikaka aku,after my brother disappeared,train +76718,76719,76719,Sulanay a sama kuni,this is the original lettuce,train +76719,76720,76720,mahufuc ci wina aku tu sasafaay itiya i,when my mother gave birth to my youngest brother,test +76720,76721,76721,caay ka ngaʼay pakuniyaniya kami,we cannot say that about ourselves,train +76721,76722,76722,caytu kahiya ku falucu aku,I am not sad anymore,train +76722,76723,76723,i dafak tu pulung hu kami ta,in the morning when we gather,train +76723,76724,76724,a cacay tu caay kayi Ciwidiyan ku aru,there is one left the Shuilian department is empty,train +76724,76725,76725,hay haen han naku macahiw kisu Ya Su han naku,Yes I asked Jesus if you were hungry,train +76725,76726,76726,mipalimuut,exhortation,train +76726,76727,76727,tayni i mamaanay sa,can you come upstate to work,train +76727,76728,76728,maulah kaku a mikungkung tu tatepuan,I like to play the drums,train +76728,76729,76729,misacidalan,I am in the sun,train +76729,76730,76730,malumaan ku pipasuwal nu nima tu pakayniay i pinangan nu tamdaw saan ci Yis nawhani mafana ci Yis tu i falucuay nu tamdaw,he did not need mans testimony about man for he knew what was in a man,test +76730,76731,76731,ura sa maruyayay nenengen aku kura kaemangay nu mita,but I see that the schoolchildren are tired too,train +76731,76732,76732,ira ci kaka aku ri palawinaen kaku i kaku aku ina aku saku falucu nu maku,when my sister was there I thought Oh my sister I think of her as my mom,train +76732,76733,76733,i tiya,there it is,train +76733,76734,76734,ta u ruma satu mi sa awaay i niyaru ita,and there is been no drug cases,train +76734,76735,76735,fakifakian,people,train +76735,76736,76736,ira hu ku kacacinglawan,and someone to talk to,train +76736,76737,76737,yan tu hatira misalama sa tu,after that we go to the mans house to visit him,train +76737,76738,76738,madayum,competent,train +76738,76739,76739,o rumasatu caay pakapalipahak tu Kawas ku mipaci^ciay a mituur tu pinangan nu tireng,those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God,train +76739,76740,76740,Hay nu Palidaw a caedung kunini,Yes this is the traditional costume of Hengchun Ami,test +76740,76741,76741,Kinafalahen a pafli i Kawas ku tireng namu a mala karahkeran nu Kawas a maʼuripay a makuracay a sapacakat,the offering of the body as a living sacrifice is holy the,train +76741,76742,76742,awaay ku maan awaay ku kakaenen,there is nothing not even food,train +76742,76743,76743,yu ma^deng kanikaran i rumakat ci Yis i fanaw a tayra i cangraan,during the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them walking on the lake,train +76743,76744,76744,tusa ku fuhet maaraway aku i kilakilangan,I saw two squirrels in a tree,train +76744,76745,76745,u maan saw a niyaruʼan kiraan,what is the name of the tribe,train +76745,76746,76746,sakatayraaw i tukus sa i awa ku lalan,there is no way to get to the mountains,train +76746,76747,76747,Nanuya maraud ku kahufucan a fulad ni Ilisapic i mahufuc cingra tu fainayan a wawa,when it was time for Elizabeth to have her baby she gave birth to a son,train +76747,76748,76748,Paaceken nira ku tireng nira,he defiled himself,train +76748,76749,76749,Patalaen ku falucu isu,prepare your heart,train +76749,76750,76750,Masufuy kuya tuwasu,that rope is slack,test +76750,76751,76751,itini i malatumukay a mikilim tu matuʼasay a malatumukay itiya hu,the chiefs can benefit from the wisdom of the elders,train +76751,76752,76752,hatira kinian hatini ku lafin mu tep mihecaan,these memories have lasted for more than years,train +76752,76753,76753,mhm hai hai,Yes,train +76753,76754,76754,nisafalucuan,center,train +76754,76755,76755,ya malepun tu kunini a cecay fulad sa ku matuʼasay,the old man said the moon is coming down,train +76755,76756,76756,e ku aca nu hicay u ruma,the price is only for pentagonal or bicorn triangular,train +76756,76757,76757,ideng,Honey,train +76757,76758,76758,manengneng nira kura takula sulin a lipahak cingra,seeing the frog he was really happy,train +76758,76759,76759,Saiayaway talaayaw uni a katalalikul,start going forward do not go back,train +76759,76760,76760,picumudan nu lahud,it is to let the vapors in,test +76760,76761,76761,pacelem lumuwad misafaes kami,we woke up early in the morning to make mocha,train +76761,76762,76762,facaltu ku urip isu Halu pafelien aku kisu haw di,Harold your life is better now that I have given it to you,train +76762,76763,76763,maharek,when you are done,train +76763,76764,76764,atu pakayniay a remes aku saan,and about my blood,train +76764,76765,76765,itira kaku a manengneng nu,I had a chance to meet the Principal of the school,train +76765,76766,76766,maʼemin katayni kuya kaput ya selanl malahuk,all of them all of their peers and all of their class are going to lunch,train +76766,76767,76767,cima ku pitadiecan isu anini,whom can you depend on at present,train +76767,76768,76768,Ayi ura i kamayay nu misu a dateng paladaen kaku,please give me a little bit of the food you are holding,train +76768,76769,76769,iratu ku maherekay nu maku,I do it is already done,train +76769,76770,76770,ci Wikturia halafinaytu miasip tu Fangcalay Cudad kawra caayhu pakasuˈlin tu maulahay ku Kawas i cingranan,after years of studying the Bible Victoria still had a hard time believing that God loved her,test +76770,76771,76771,naw maan ku sakatepu i nanum,why did you fall in the water,train +76771,76772,76772,suwal sa cangra a pakukut Papiliyangen nunini a tamdaw ku finawlan tu rikec a papitaung tu Kawas han nangra,This man they charged is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law,train +76772,76773,76773,hai o adidemay hanay kuni,Yes it is called a mulberry tree,train +76773,76774,76774,o halipafeliay cingra,he is a generous giver,train +76774,76775,76775,Murucan,Makrola tribe name,train +76775,76776,76776,tu nu mita Amis a tilung atu cufu,our Amis pottery Ungs and jars,train +76776,76777,76777,hai misangaan nu malitengay kahilahila sanay,the elders make all kinds of things,train +76777,76778,76778,kita aca u finawlan i,our people,train +76778,76779,76779,Mahana ku katacumuli,that is what snails do,train +76779,76780,76780,Sirikuay tu kangdaway ku yufing,the letter carrier wears green,test +76780,76781,76781,miaca tu luma saku faʼinay aku hayda,my husband thinks he can buy his own house,train +76781,76782,76782,papisetulen,tell him to hit it,train +76782,76783,76783,Dihal satu ku fali ku cidal tu papacem haw i,early in the morning just as the sun rises it is dawn,train +76783,76784,76784,mikiliwiay u wawa ku mituruay san kunian u kafana nu maku,I understand the role of your father especially with children,train +76784,76785,76785,si Caki ku ngangan nu maku,my name is Caki,train +76785,76786,76786,nengneng han nangra kura,all experience,train +76786,76787,76787,kalahitayan,on the team,train +76787,76788,76788,Wadwad han tu kira nipateliyan a kilang aul a tiya rengusan,the old man will be blocked from the hill,train +76788,76789,76789,han aku ku suwal itini i kitaan,I am here to encourage you,train +76789,76790,76790,pulung caay ka saan,not all of us,test +76790,76791,76791,Halu kaku a nikilim,even I am looking for it,train +76791,76792,76792,u tali takarakaraw ku tali nu ayaway,it is taro taro used to be taller,train +76792,76793,76793,hacikay ci Mayaw yu masakapah hu,Mayaw was a fast runner when she was young,train +76793,76794,76794,muetep ira ku enem,sixteen,train +76794,76795,76795,yan saka u malatumukay i aka pitulas a minanam,doing head purposes uninterrupted learning,train +76795,76796,76796,u rakes maʼemin sa maʼemin tu anini kira maala nu misangaʼay tu simal,all of them are camphor trees which were later used to make camphor oil,train +76796,76797,76797,cawayni u papafanaʼen nira maanen pietan,it is logical to teach our people how to make money,train +76797,76798,76798,itini i Putawya Mikusam tu sapaluma nu Hungti Kitakit,sowing the seeds of the kingdom in Portugal,train +76798,76799,76799,caay pi,No it is not,train +76799,76800,76800,uruma satuadihay ku tayal tuna matiniay micadcad,also it is a lot of work to cut bamboo into thin strips,test +76800,76801,76801,talip ku nian ini,it is a dress Misunderstood,train +76801,76802,76802,caay ku talengteng,it is not pain,train +76802,76803,76803,macupelakay ku suwal,figuratively speech is unacceptable,train +76803,76804,76804,u malcadcadday tu a mavana ku Cikasuwan,all of our people have a consensus,train +76804,76805,76805,ta itiya satu ira ku i hawi,Luckily there is a sugar factory in Kwang Fu,train +76805,76806,76806,ku na mafana kaku i,when I know,train +76806,76807,76807,fangsisay,fragrant,train +76807,76808,76808,u sapitatak i u lalidec tu ku niala maamaan kini u,the handle of the hoe is also made of Rhizoma Ligustici,train +76808,76809,76809,hayken,I do not know about years ago,train +76809,76810,76810,na misawsaw tu kisu tu kaysing hay,did you wash the dishes,test +76810,76811,76811,saan ta malingatu kami a,that is why we moved to,train +76811,76812,76812,Macu^cu a mapatalamucu kura wawa,the child was pushed against the wall,train +76812,76813,76813,i kailisinan satu i nisaturun mipacuk tu fafuy atu pasadak tu eraw,during tribal ceremonies they pound millet kill pigs and serve brewed millet wine,train +76813,76814,76814,takaraw ku Cupu nu mita,my levees are high,train +76814,76815,76815,o a alaen tu nu fafahiyan ku tenas nu heni,dip for the ladies,train +76815,76816,76816,o ngaliwngiway cangra a miruruh tu tau Tuur han nangra ku tatiihay a anuf nu tireng o pasnengay cangra a sumuwal o sapilihiwaw nangra tu tau saka kuwaden nangra ku tamdaw a sumuwal,these men are grumblers and faultfinders they follow their own evil desires they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage,train +76816,76817,76817,o pikeridan nu wawawawa a talalutuk,the children follow the leader on the mountain,train +76817,76818,76818,u madukaay a buting,this is a wounded fish,train +76818,76819,76819,matayal ciira i pipaisingan,she works in a hospital,train +76819,76820,76820,nangsay i ngaʼayay tu a mikaput,how old are you,test +76820,76821,76821,ikur nu faliyus i makafutingay,there will be a lot of fish after the typhoon,train +76821,76822,76822,Nikawrira pacauf sa ci Fistus Ira i Kaysariya ci Pawlu a masimaw o nanarikay kaku a tayra itira,Festus answered Paul is being held at Caesarea and I myself am going there soon,train +76822,76823,76823,caʼay pasifana ku wama aku tu,and they did not teach me to read,train +76823,76824,76824,ina kavangi pina a remiad kisu a misanga,how many days did it take you to make this bag,train +76824,76825,76825,o adepetay kura matuasay caay kakahi palada tu pawli,that old man was very mean and refused to share the banana,train +76825,76826,76826,kura niyaru tuni,that is how this tribe is,train +76826,76827,76827,tatulu caira malahitay,three of them went to the army,train +76827,76828,76828,anu pinaay kura iya nu misu i anu tusaay i,how many if it is two,train +76828,76829,76829,mahaen ku Matadim,that is what happened to Martellin,train +76829,76830,76830,itiya hu,ancient times,test +76830,76831,76831,u i Taytung cengngay a tamdaw kaku,I am a Taitung Success story,train +76831,76832,76832,ya nu lisin hananay i adihay ku lisin nu mita u pancah,the so called taboos of the Amis are many,train +76832,76833,76833,pisekingan,exam day,train +76833,76834,76834,u vunga ku saparirik nu heni,their bait is groundnuts,train +76834,76835,76835,tuwa dudu sa u hananay,and then there is the cutting of the sacrifices,train +76835,76836,76836,Pinukay i luma isu a pasuwal tu nanu dmak nu Kawas i tisuwanan han ni Yis cingra a papinukay Saka tayra satu cingra i pulung nuya niyaru a patnak tu nanu dmak ni Yis i cingraan,Return home and tell how much God has done for you so the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him,train +76836,76837,76837,masakeru ku ci Kawasay itiya hu tatihi niya luma niyam hiwawa,the priest is my neighbor,train +76837,76838,76838,anu tangungulay sa i,if the river is deep,train +76838,76839,76839,u hana ku kasipiray hatiniay u pimaan kuranan,its flower is this and its efficacy,train +76839,76840,76840,tuki,of the clock,test +76840,76841,76841,u Cikasuan ku ina iri u Sakizaya ku ama,my mother is from the seven foot river and my father is from Zachariah,train +76841,76842,76842,mahapinangay i kafer nu mira matiliday,it is clearly written on the pants,train +76842,76843,76843,mainapay ku singsi ira i pitilidan,the teachers at his school are jealous,train +76843,76844,76844,ira hu ku tamdaw tata timul tayra i hiya,others are moving further south,train +76844,76845,76845,sakakayaay,longest,train +76845,76846,76846,Safana ira cingra inacila,he came unexpectedly yesterday,train +76846,76847,76847,samanay tu ku tayal namu i Taypak,how is your work in Taipei going,train +76847,76848,76848,mamang matiya maraayay,the sound seems low and far away,train +76848,76849,76849,away haw ku kakaenen away ku tatemuan,there would be no food,train +76849,76850,76850,Cilasatu a rumiad i irahu i tiraw nuya fanaw kuya finawlan Maaraw nangra ku nika ccay aca ku tamina itira mahapinang nangra ku nika caay pikaput ci Yis tu nisawawaan ningra a midakaw tu tamina nangra deng u nisawawaan a ccay ku tayraay saan cangra,the next day the crowd that had stayed on the opposite shore of the lake realized that only one boat had been there and that Jesus had not entered it with his disciples but that they had gone away alone,test +76850,76851,76851,patenas tu matuʼasay,for the elderly,train +76851,76852,76852,laliup hatu naira ku cuhel a matayal,they worked and sweated and washed their faces with sweat as if it were water,train +76852,76853,76853,u cepu sa i alaen tu niyam kira,it is all about the fiber we will collect it,train +76853,76854,76854,parapic kaku tu demak nira,I was made to be included in his activity,train +76854,76855,76855,panga,male genitalia,train +76855,76856,76856,pakayakay cingra tu sakangaay nangra a tatusa,he mediated for their reconciliation,train +76856,76857,76857,Rapeten ku putut,grab the cage,train +76857,76858,76858,Malahakelung,altogether,train +76858,76859,76859,ya tamaku saan i,where is the cigarette,train +76859,76860,76860,i mamaan saw,Hey what is going on,test +76860,76861,76861,neneng sa tu niya luma nu maku,look at my house,train +76861,76862,76862,tataak ku vana tu sakayi vinacadan nu heni kiyami kilemel aca a micaculi,because they know their people as a tough courageous resistant people,train +76862,76863,76863,kaku tiya tayra ci ama aku,my dad left the house to go,train +76863,76864,76864,mamaadah,I am going to get well,train +76864,76865,76865,hatini han u nu malitengay a pasifana,that is what the elders taught me,train +76865,76866,76866,tinaku ku sausi sa mahaen,because I have experienced it I know it,train +76866,76867,76867,malawawa kita nu cidal manay u lahengangay u cidal kuni patinaku u vuhecalay u malataw ku nipatinaku u muhetingay a saluavang kuni patinaku,the Amis are the people of the sun with red representing the sun white representing the God of agriculture and black representing the ancestral spirits,train +76867,76868,76868,taliyawen mimulu mipahiya,newly rubbed,train +76868,76869,76869,icyintse mahaen,it is always been like this,train +76869,76870,76870,taʼangay ku inurung ningra,it is a great burden to bear,test +76870,76871,76871,kacipaʼay,Yam,train +76871,76872,76872,ala sa kami tu lalusidan makat kami,we will just pack our bags and go,train +76872,76873,76873,cai ka sasiday kami i mamang kami kira huwa ri,we used to hang out when we were kids because we are family,train +76873,76874,76874,cima ku mitangtangay,who is cooking,train +76874,76875,76875,nikilawaan nira tu pawsinpey papah nu fahul di,that is her picking up leftover cabbage and taro stalks,train +76875,76876,76876,Mu^tep tu,ten years old,train +76876,76877,76877,araw matuas tu kami saw,we have grown up too,train +76877,76878,76878,matini paʼicel sa i kiwkay mipasifana tina matuʼasay ta mafana caira a paini tu suna naira,currently I am dedicated to teaching my elders at church so they can teach their grandchildren,train +76878,76879,76879,awaay tu ku etan tayraay tu i Taypay,many construction companies have come to Taipei,train +76879,76880,76880,ramuten a ruay kunini a suwal aku,remember what I told you,test +76880,76881,76881,malcad tu namal ku sma u kasadakan nu tatiihay a dmak nu hkal o ccay nu i tirengay ita cinira Nikawrira pauningen nira ku tireng ita a ma^min o namal nu pisemseman ku milikatay ciniraan o miiluhay cinira tu urip ita a ma^min,the tongue also is a fire a world of evil among the parts of the body it corrupts the whole person sets the whole course of his life on fire and is itself set on fire by hell,train +76881,76882,76882,sakatulu kina malaisingaydi taluma di siyasingan di,the third one took my picture when the doctor came back,train +76882,76883,76883,lumalumaan,household,train +76883,76884,76884,anini nu Payrang ney u siwngac nu Payrang ney,it is Chinese new Year,train +76884,76885,76885,o masidungay kura pala kira,the place is very lush with trees,train +76885,76886,76886,nu Recurd,the gathering is here start chatting,train +76886,76887,76887,hiya han tusa ku paetang,just two buckets,train +76887,76888,76888,Nikawrira caay ku mamalasawad ku suwal nu Tapang saan onini a suwal kuya nipatnakan i tamuwanan a Ngaayay Ratuh,but the word of the Lord stands forever and this is the word that was preached to you,train +76888,76889,76889,tangasa i,upon arrival,train +76889,76890,76890,kamakamay,meddlesome,test +76890,76891,76891,Papinukayen aku cingra i tisuwanan anini matiya u pipafli aku tu falucu aku i tisuwanan,I am sending him who is my very heart back to you,train +76891,76892,76892,anu u tamdawtu u takingkitu maenay tu fukesu,Mangold can be eaten by both humans and animals,train +76892,76893,76893,Tanutangic Tafiti a macukacuk,David wept as he went up hill,train +76893,76894,76894,pafesuʼur han hananay kura alu,follow the river,train +76894,76895,76895,pakira salikelun,from the slope there,train +76895,76896,76896,ya fadangaw adihay ku ngangan i,the butterfly Valley location has it is a name,train +76896,76897,76897,maacicay,infertile,train +76897,76898,76898,a ini ku sama isu ina u a tuy,Ah yes,train +76898,76899,76899,satapang satu ci,that is when father Koo started,train +76899,76900,76900,saka minanam tuna salikaka,brothers and sisters learn in this way,test +76900,76901,76901,u sa,also known as mountain sierra flat sierra,train +76901,76902,76902,saʼicelen,refueling,train +76902,76903,76903,Sarararen kinian a misanga,this is made into a small hoe,train +76903,76904,76904,ya awaay tu ku tihi nu faʼinay awaay tu ku fafahi,that is to say those who have no husbands and no wives,train +76904,76905,76905,ka cingangan ku malaluʼung tu ninianosinsiya hananay,that is why it was named Miyashita,train +76905,76906,76906,ku tu,it is for an hours lesson,train +76906,76907,76907,hatini ku pilicay aku Aray Aray,visiting at this stage thank you thank you,train +76907,76908,76908,o tatuuren nu tamdaw a ma^min ku mikuwanay tu kitakit nawhani u sausi nu Kawas ku sakatumireng nu mikuwanay o Kawas ku patirengay cangraan u mikuwanay a ma^min,everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities for there is no authority except that which God has established the authorities that exist have been established by God,train +76908,76909,76909,han ku nu niyam itiya,we are called Presidents,train +76909,76910,76910,pakacitingsiya,Cycling,test +76910,76911,76911,itiya itiraay hu kaku i pasaetip Taynan,I was still living in western Tainan,train +76911,76912,76912,hay u datung,large rooted wood for fire,train +76912,76913,76913,harateng sa kaku itiya,I was thinking,train +76913,76914,76914,kaemed ku falucu,responsive heart,train +76914,76915,76915,tayal nu maku,work experience,train +76915,76916,76916,haen hantu,that is it,train +76916,76917,76917,mahaen ku kungku nu niyam,that is what we say,train +76917,76918,76918,a mamiculu tura kilang i matalingay hu cilumaʼay itini lutuk i,to move the wood that the owners family had piled up on the mountain,train +76918,76919,76919,Mikawcung tu ku wawa nu maku,my kids are in high school,train +76919,76920,76920,saka pasifanaʼen nira,so teach him,test +76920,76921,76921,tudungay nu icel nu niyaru,it is a symbol of the tribe,train +76921,76922,76922,ira kiya suwal nu matuʼasay hanaw u mita anini sakira,the old man said Where are we now,train +76922,76923,76923,patatudungen haw,it is really important to take the right amount of time,train +76923,76924,76924,hatila ku masimsimay aku tu mivutingay hananay,that is all I can think of about the fishing part,train +76924,76925,76925,taw ira tu ku malataw ku mihiyaʼay ku mipakakapahay tu nian nika maru nu tuʼas nu mita itira i patafu nu mita,the gods help the tribesmen by giving them the blessing of peace health and prosperity through sincere worship,train +76925,76926,76926,tapal han tu Taywan,but the Han people think there is a problem,train +76926,76927,76927,tayraay kamunan huw,there you go,train +76927,76928,76928,sacingacinga,to look back and forth at each other,train +76928,76929,76929,tayni i picudadan a mitilid kaku haw,I am going to school too,train +76929,76930,76930,yu miliyas i cangraan kuya cuyuh a minukay i kakarayan i suwal sa kuya pakaenay Tatata Tayra kita i Piclihim Nengnengaw ita ku niparatuhan nu Tapang titaanan a dmak saan kuya pakaenay tu siri a masasuwasuwal,when the angels had left them and gone into heaven the shepherds said to one another Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has told us about,test +76930,76931,76931,pasuwal han ku wina aku i Inaaw mitilid,I told my mother Mom,train +76931,76932,76932,mafana tu kura Hulam awaay tu kuya kakeridan nangra,the Qing soldiers learned the news only to realize they had no one to rely on,train +76932,76933,76933,u fulad i aka pateras a mitaturu sa,do not point your finger at the moon,train +76933,76934,76934,mapapaliw kita a mipanay,let us take turns helping in each others fields harvesting,train +76934,76935,76935,mikilim kita tu malu sakaʼurip,we look for our life in,train +76935,76936,76936,maranam kita,let us eat breakfast,train +76936,76937,76937,miliyas tu luma haw,part of it was hard later on,train +76937,76938,76938,mangalay cangra miharateng,they have a need and they start to think,train +76938,76939,76939,ta yan sa ca ina iri,and then the mothers,train +76939,76940,76940,han aku ku kiya,I told the nursing director this,test +76940,76941,76941,Hay pulu tusa a pulu tulu a pulu sepat a pulu lima a pulu enem a pulu pitu a pulu walu a pulu siwa a pulu Aya Caay kadengay,Okay ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety Oops not enough,train +76941,76942,76942,suʼelin tu han hanaku ku suwal,I mean it,train +76942,76943,76943,pananawen,Letwash your hands,train +76943,76944,76944,han mihiya,the fire is fine,train +76944,76945,76945,kukudul nina sera,in this land,train +76945,76946,76946,caay ku maminaay kaku tu mikumi nu Kawas nawhani anu nanu pidu^du tu Rikec ku sakangaay nu tamdaw a malayap nu Kawas i u maan ku ^puc tu nika patay ni Kristu hakiya,I do not set aside the grace of God for if righteousness could be gained through the law Christ died for nothing,train +76946,76947,76947,pilipayan,worship,train +76947,76948,76948,hatiya u radiw nu kaka,it is like a brother or sisters singing voice,train +76948,76949,76949,matiraʼay ku urip nu maku itiya hu,my tribal life is so much fun,train +76949,76950,76950,yaan i nengneng han kira alu,looked at the stream,test +76950,76951,76951,Sausien asipen usien kunini a tilid,read this writing,train +76951,76952,76952,ca hu ka tadamafana kaku ka anini tu i maharateng aku,I was not quite sure at the time but now I am,train +76952,76953,76953,tangasa tu itini i pisawadan mitilid,it is vacation time,train +76953,76954,76954,kacalemceman tu,very dangerous,train +76954,76955,76955,matuasay,senior,train +76955,76956,76956,anu pacakat kisu tu sapaini i Kawas i pipacakatan i anu maharateng isu itiya ku nika tatiih nu harateng nu salikaka i tisuwanan i,Therefore if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you,train +76956,76957,76957,ca ka lasawad sa ku Pangcahca ka sa saripaʼripaʼ sa ku Pangcah,they are not going to be dog eat dog they are going to be dog eat dog,train +76957,76958,76958,ynien ku falucu,give me your full attention,train +76958,76959,76959,Sululen ku kilang a talalaenu,slide the log down hill,train +76959,76960,76960,anu sakapah han a misinga ku ira hen ku bubu,if the fish trap is properly placed it should still be there,test +76960,76961,76961,mipadang tu matuasay,assisting elders in farming,train +76961,76962,76962,raecus tu anu tadaadidik,it is not good to be too narrow,train +76962,76963,76963,mipapacingay ku mama aku anu malingad tu a mipacing tu kanikaran i adihaytu ku kinaira nira minukay sakimukimul satu ku wama atu ina a milicikaf,once upon a time my father loved to dive and always came home early in the morning with a big catch my father and mother were busy scaling and gutting the fish,train +76963,76964,76964,masawad kira cadiway u nimaanan saw a caay kataktak,how come the triangular net will not fall down when it is released,train +76964,76965,76965,Gaayhu han r a paratuh,greet Nikar,train +76965,76966,76966,alunah,ants,train +76966,76967,76967,matatihefahefa,overlapping,train +76967,76968,76968,maletak,split open,train +76968,76969,76969,hay kiya usi tu kisu,Yes Toume you are amazing,train +76969,76970,76970,tayni i niyaru,back to the tribe,test +76970,76971,76971,dadahal ku sera itini u enaran amin,the land is wide and plain,train +76971,76972,76972,suwal sa kiya akung aku,my Grandpa said,train +76972,76973,76973,cilimaw kisu anini haw,are you available today,train +76973,76974,76974,apet,brother in law sister in law,train +76974,76975,76975,fahalen,abrupt,train +76975,76976,76976,ira ku tumuk atu selal nu niyaru ira ku nanu tuas a lisin caay hen ka putun,there are tribal leaders and age classes there are traditional rituals that are practiced and actually performed,train +76976,76977,76977,kaku sa miradum,and me carrying water,train +76977,76978,76978,patikamien aku ku kaka^ aku,I wrote to my brother,train +76978,76979,76979,suwalen aku kamu i pisawkitan a rumiad i u nu Sutum a tamdaw a nika tfuc ku kahmaway tu nika tfuc nura niyaru,I tell you it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town,train +76979,76980,76980,Lidawtu a kaput,I am a student from Rikakusha,test +76980,76981,76981,rakam,barefooted,train +76981,76982,76982,cirunirunay,there is the bristlecone,train +76982,76983,76983,sa haensa ku paini nu maku,that is why I am here,train +76983,76984,76984,anu Tafalungay a tawdaw haw i i Tafalung ku niyarau u nu Tafalung ku suwal,the people of Tai Pak long live in the Tai Pak long tribe and speak the language of Tai Pak Long,train +76984,76985,76985,caay ku maku nu teked,I do not want to be alone,train +76985,76986,76986,Mafana kisu a rumadiw haw,can you sing,train +76986,76987,76987,o manan a finacadan ku saalumanay a tamdaw,what is the most populous ethnic group,train +76987,76988,76988,cakayan tu macicih kiya kikay,the machine broke down and was sold,train +76988,76989,76989,anu alaen ku pacek i,if you take a nail,train +76989,76990,76990,siheciay tu uraamerek hananay i tangsulay si heci,both will grow fruit but the dwarf will produce beans faster,test +76990,76991,76991,tu sakakapah,favorable weather conditions,train +76991,76992,76992,suʼut maemin kuriraan,tie it all up,train +76992,76993,76993,i tukus,ashore,train +76993,76994,76994,icuwa ku sapisurit nu misu,where is your pencil,train +76994,76995,76995,tusa sa haw a mihiya a nipicudad tu nu Pangcah iri,there is an Amish teacher in the third and fourth grades,train +76995,76996,76996,Hanpaw,Hamburg,train +76996,76997,76997,tara tu mulakatay tu nu Amis a,we are exploring the Amis legacy,train +76997,76998,76998,lilis nu riyar,the seashore,train +76998,76999,76999,anu tangsul tayra i matini maedeng hu a matakup,if we go there now we can still make it,train +76999,77000,77000,o pakikaemangay ku pikakilac tu kasi,hand out candy from the smallest,test +77000,77001,77001,u niyan u matuʼasay iri,this is an Amish elder,train +77001,77002,77002,matapa kiya itini aku,I got cut right here,train +77002,77003,77003,masaupu itila,gather there,train +77003,77004,77004,yu miperu iri,it is like this,train +77004,77005,77005,sanay ku malitelitengay ku Paliwan itiyahu,that is what the Paiwan elders say,train +77005,77006,77006,kaen,stammer,train +77006,77007,77007,tu viting tu kalang tu urang,Fish crabs shrimps,train +77007,77008,77008,o paparaan nu kaysing kiraan,that is the bottom of the bowl,train +77008,77009,77009,sanay kurira sa mitapi ku fafahiyan,it is all about the girls,train +77009,77010,77010,pinang,be clear about,test +77010,77011,77011,u rira ku tudungay tu misaraʼu nu kalala,that is why it is new Years Eve in Ghana,train +77011,77012,77012,ira hu ku mipaypayay mimaanay,with all kinds of beliefs there is also worship,train +77012,77013,77013,malulayay,very tired,train +77013,77014,77014,mamihiya satu tuni mata,put these knitted holes,train +77014,77015,77015,Serserenhu ku pipalumaan,let the land settle for awhile where are going to build a house,train +77015,77016,77016,i nu tawan a tireng kiya,inside someone else body,train +77016,77017,77017,samanay kura suwal hakini,what is that supposed to mean,train +77017,77018,77018,tatirengan,body,train +77018,77019,77019,mangataay tu,it is close,train +77019,77020,77020,ta tahini i hekal cingra,he swam back to shore,test +77020,77021,77021,o kacicenguan tu nu kilang i matini,it is the season for trees to grow buds,train +77021,77022,77022,Ana o wawa aku,it is dangerous my child,train +77022,77023,77023,kamu u caay ka sulin ku falucu a mituur tu Kawas a tamdaw caay ka fana kamu saw o misaadaay tu Kawas ku misawidangay tu hkal anu sapisawidangan ku tamdaw tu hkal i u palaadaay tu tireng ningra i Kawas,you adulterous people do not you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God,train +77023,77024,77024,Ciladem,bright,train +77024,77025,77025,kina cacay cira a maliyut caay tu kahemin a kaenen ku turun,he cannot even finish the glutinous rice cake,train +77025,77026,77026,alesu,delicious,train +77026,77027,77027,caka Cengawen ku mata isu i,if you do not open your eyes,train +77027,77028,77028,o sapad kinian,this is the table,train +77028,77029,77029,u vavahi hantu u mamiritrit tu tatipusen,the women will cut the rice,train +77029,77030,77030,misadateng kita itira,we cultivated a vegetable garden there,test +77030,77031,77031,yu maluklun ca Yis nai lutuk i tuuren nu alumanay a finawlan cingra,when he came down from the mountainside large crowds followed him,train +77031,77032,77032,mapakafana ta maala nu mita kapah,in educating young people who wish to nurture,train +77032,77033,77033,mapawan kaku a sikavang natala i cacudadan,when I was going to school I forgot to bring my backpack,train +77033,77034,77034,o kaka aku cingra ci Kulas ku ngangan ningra,he is my brother his name is Kolas,train +77034,77035,77035,onini ku sacidek aku a miucur i cingraan a patayra i tamuwanan tu sakafanaaw namu tunu i tiniay a dmak niyam ta mapaicel ku falucu namu,I am sending him to you for the express purpose that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts,train +77035,77036,77036,dakawen aku ku situsiya isu ninukay,I will take your car home,train +77036,77037,77037,kilim han nu ina aku atu wama aku ku sapaiyu,my parents are looking for herbs,train +77037,77038,77038,sanay kinian saka,that is what I am saying,train +77038,77039,77039,saka sangaʼayen misanga itiya,So we have to design it well and make it perfect,train +77039,77040,77040,Sulimeten tu ku tasalamaan,put your toy away,test +77040,77041,77041,aya matiya u maan kaku ya,Wow I am like what the hell,train +77041,77042,77042,tahekulen nira kura penen tura cecay,one leaf stem per throw,train +77042,77043,77043,nawhan i,because,train +77043,77044,77044,ira ku simpu tayni tiya ira tu ku kiwkay micumud hay,Yes churches began to come to Taiwan in the and,train +77044,77045,77045,nanay catu kalumuwad kaku saan,I hope we do not have to get up again,train +77045,77046,77046,3 awaay ku sasa u cisidaˈitay a wama Yihufa u mamihinum kitanan,there is no doubt that our father in heaven Jehovah who is full of compassion can comfort us the most,train +77046,77047,77047,rasa madiput ci ina nu maku nu fayi nira,adopted by my aunt,train +77047,77048,77048,halipacamahaw,a man of repetition,train +77048,77049,77049,matawal nira ku kafeng celihan nuya mitaelifay a tatuluay a wawa i,he forgot the hat so the three children called him,train +77049,77050,77050,Pauripen nu Kawas kita a paliyas nai icel nu tumanay a milinah a patayra i nikuwanan nu kakaulahan ningra a Wawa,for he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son he loves,test +77050,77051,77051,Pisakalahuki haw,cook a lunch,train +77051,77052,77052,suwal sa ku Tapang i takuwanan Olili ucuren Aku kisu a patayra i maraayay a papipatnak i ruma a finacadan saan,Then the Lord said to me Go I will send you far away to the Gentiles,train +77052,77053,77053,sacacacacay,one by one,train +77053,77054,77054,a miadup,hunt,train +77054,77055,77055,tatahengan,toilet,train +77055,77056,77056,adihay ku purang nu lalidec i tatihi nu lalan,there are a lot of fallen leaves of Kau Ligusticum trees along the roadside,train +77056,77057,77057,pacursquuay,retaliation,train +77057,77058,77058,sapatuaya ku tireng Yis,Jesus body became a blood sacrifice,train +77058,77059,77059,sa tu,here is the deal,train +77059,77060,77060,patelac,error,test +77060,77061,77061,Itungruh nuya i tiraw tura ngulngul tu itira kita paherek san,dad said we would pull into that spot,train +77061,77062,77062,fecacidu,dragonfly,train +77062,77063,77063,ya safaked nira masuʼut nira itini kaku tinira kaku misuʼut suʼut han nira,the belt is on my left wrist,train +77063,77064,77064,u maan kulalafn hananay,who is the guest,train +77064,77065,77065,ci,Grid marker,train +77065,77066,77066,Du^duen ku limuut niyam i ayaw i tamuwanan a masinanut ku dmak namu aka pikihar tu nu tau a dmak katayal tu sakaurip nu tireng,make it your ambition to lead a quiet life to mind your own business and to work with your hands just as we told you,train +77066,77067,77067,a malasawd sa,perish,train +77067,77068,77068,suwal sa kuya tawki i cingraan Kisu ku ruma u mamikuwan kisu tu lima a niyaru han ningra,His master answered You take charge of five cities,train +77068,77069,77069,matelii,get angry,train +77069,77070,77070,hai mitiliday tu cingra,Yes she went to school,test +77070,77071,77071,taneng 311 12 sanay Wawaaw aku aka manaˈay tu sarikec ni Yihufa samanen u kaulahan ni Yihufa a tamdaw mirikecan Ningra,Proverbs says O my son the discipline of the Lord thou shalt not refuse for the Lord rebukes those he loves,train +77071,77072,77072,miliyas ku rumaruma a tamdaw tunini a pasayra i awaay ku ^puc a kasasuwasuwal,some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk,train +77072,77073,77073,ira kiya suwal aku i huni,I just mentioned it,train +77073,77074,77074,anu hatini han cinas sa kira,of course it is going to rip if you do that Whoa whoa whoa,train +77074,77075,77075,kalasaca u itiniay yaca tumuk tahini tu ku kakitaan nu niyaru pulung tayni mama nu kapah,that is why the tribal chiefs and elders and youth leaders are here in person,train +77075,77076,77076,malasang tu kaku,I was drunk,train +77076,77077,77077,itini i lutuk,up here in the mountains,train +77077,77078,77078,anu caka talipaˈelal kita wa marefung i talakal mikasimaan misaka dademak tu kalimelaan a pasalat,if we are not vigilant we can easily fall into these traps and abuse our precious freedom,train +77078,77079,77079,Orasaka Anu nanu nima i caay ka fana kami han nangra a pacauf ci Yis,so they answered We do not know where it was from,train +77079,77080,77080,hinam han tu aku hena haw nga mafana kisu ila tuku rumiʼad i misahatira,I am looking for it you will see,test +77080,77081,77081,ira,cap,train +77081,77082,77082,telasuwalkadu,calling card,train +77082,77083,77083,hatiraay ku suwal nu mituʼasay,that is what the old folks say,train +77083,77084,77084,mimaan han isu ku patelian aku tu takula wa hananay nuna wawa kuna wacu,Why did you play with the bottle where I put the frog the child scolded the dog,train +77084,77085,77085,yu ruma u lavii ku nu ruma,there are times when changing households at night to irrigate,train +77085,77086,77086,haenhaensan,feel free to do this,train +77086,77087,77087,ira aca ku,also have,train +77087,77088,77088,tangsul san tayni itini i Ku Cun,directly from junior High Yes,train +77088,77089,77089,matawal aku ku a mihawikid ku tafu,I forgot to bring my lunchbox,train +77089,77090,77090,cuyuh caay kalecad i,angels are different so,test +77090,77091,77091,o raantu i,after that,train +77091,77092,77092,macara,beaten up,train +77092,77093,77093,maakunal,Bald,train +77093,77094,77094,paru,content,train +77094,77095,77095,pifalahan,junkyard,train +77095,77096,77096,awaay ku fana awaay ku awaay ku kilis,no skills or experience,train +77096,77097,77097,masasiulah,kiss and love,train +77097,77098,77098,Suelin tu cifalucu ku mama aku a palatamdaw i tamiyanan,that is right my dad was very intent on educating us,train +77098,77099,77099,mahaenay ira laba i saayaway muhting saan hay,like that Japanese bald shark that started out black Yeah,train +77099,77100,77100,mu^cel ku falucu,to be just honest a person of integrity,test +77100,77101,77101,hanu i niyaru awaay tuku ci nganganay tu Maysan atu lising cicedi ku tireng mamaan hai,So there is no such thing as a tribe that is named buyer or taboo Yeah,train +77101,77102,77102,tahiraay i tatelecan,almost to the waist,train +77102,77103,77103,o mamidmak cingra tu masamaamaanay a tatiihay a dmak a misafit tu mamatkup a tamdamdaw o nika caan ka ulah nangra a milayap tu sapaurip i cangraan a sulin ku sakatkup nangra,and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing they perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved,train +77103,77104,77104,Tayniaytu i hkal ku likat Nikawrira caay ka tadaulah ku tamdamdaw tu ta^ngaday o tumanay ku kaulahan nangra nawhani tatiih ku dmak nangra Orasaka mapastektu cangra i raraw,this is the verdict light has come into the world but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil,train +77104,77105,77105,anu madefit i,what if you lose your temper,train +77105,77106,77106,ngaʼay sapiasik tu maamaan,it can be used to sweep all kinds of,train +77106,77107,77107,tusa pulu ila ku tulu tusa pulu ila ku sepat,and,train +77107,77108,77108,hales,yes,train +77108,77109,77109,tulu a pulu ku aca nu kunga tu cecay a tingting,sweet potatoes are thirty dollars for a pound,train +77109,77110,77110,i lidung nu kilang ku pipaselaan nu mita,our resting place is under the tree,test +77110,77111,77111,u kungsiya ku pangangan nu Dipun,Miyashita is a Japanese name,train +77111,77112,77112,suwalan tu anini,it is like what we are talking about now,train +77112,77113,77113,u nipilimuud tiniyan nu Pangcah nu sikawasay hawi,Amis traditional priests organize funeral ceremonies,train +77113,77114,77114,patungalen patungalen patungalen han,they keep adding more and more to strengthen their conditions,train +77114,77115,77115,ira malavi satu anini malalikid hayi,Yes from now on,train +77115,77116,77116,ora safalat i,where is that roof beam,train +77116,77117,77117,tunika kaaisalisal nu matuʼasay tu ala mamang tu suta sanay matiya sa ku matuʼasay,the elders were equally divided into small plots of hillside land,train +77117,77118,77118,nikawrira san hay kira,in my heart I think so,train +77118,77119,77119,Papiceleden nu pasifanaay kami tu uteng i waay a mafekac,the instructor had us run with lead weights on our feet,train +77119,77120,77120,kira a,That,test +77120,77121,77121,icuwa na funun nanu sa itira i Casaan Casaan ira hu na funun namu i matini,where are your fields at the bottom of the hill is it still there,train +77121,77122,77122,ci Angah Alimulu kaku,my name is Anahan Arimlo,train +77122,77123,77123,pasasafa,Brothersister,train +77123,77124,77124,talaen hu^ tada tataak ku nikangangi^ nu lunan itini kaku a mitengteng tu tiked katayra hu^ kisu itiraw a miala^ tu salil,Wait the ship is rolling heavily I am here to pull the fishing rod and you should go there to grab me the net,train +77124,77125,77125,saka taengad nu mata nu maku,make me focus my eyes,train +77125,77126,77126,cuwacuwaay,where did it come from,train +77126,77127,77127,u talaw nira rumuhu sa ku maku naw masaʼapilis haw,I think it is because of the steepness of the slope and the fear of bending over,train +77127,77128,77128,nu Recurd,wash it so it does not get that black color,train +77128,77129,77129,iyuy,calling,train +77129,77130,77130,enem tu hani anini hanaku haw,it is the sixth one now,test +77130,77131,77131,a tayra ci ina anini a mitevu sa ci ina,Auntie is going to pick bamboo shoots,train +77131,77132,77132,o napapaliw hananay i,the changeover is,train +77132,77133,77133,i Taytu ku kalasufitayan nu maku,I enlisted in Taitung,train +77133,77134,77134,macukacuk tu kami,so we moved up,train +77134,77135,77135,patalahekal,it is openly stated that,train +77135,77136,77136,sisa u mitalaaytu kita,so we wait,train +77136,77137,77137,faliwfiw,the sound of the wind,train +77137,77138,77138,kemaen kamu haw tu pahku mimaan saw caay kaemaen,have you guys ever eaten cat ferns,train +77138,77139,77139,o tutuy hay ku maalaay,Yes the little hunter,train +77139,77140,77140,adihay ku kasuy,a lot of firewood,test +77140,77141,77141,hakuwaay,when,train +77141,77142,77142,misaʼupu tiya tarud,make a pile of grass,train +77142,77143,77143,ya mama aku atu ina aku,my mom and dad,train +77143,77144,77144,u maan kiniyan,what is this,train +77144,77145,77145,anu nu Kikuay a tayni sa,if you are coming from the mouth of the river,train +77145,77146,77146,anu awa sanay ku kusuy a paʼacaan tu simal,if you do not have lemongrass oil you can sell it,train +77146,77147,77147,malahekel,it is very satisfying,train +77147,77148,77148,u awaayay ku paysu a micakay tu karireng,because I do not have the money to buy farm machinery,train +77148,77149,77149,Matales ku puut nira,his knife is dull,train +77149,77150,77150,anu pahci^ han ku suwal i sulinay a kasasisulul i deng sulinen ku falucu a masasuayaw ta malahci ku demak,in other words only by facing the truth sincerely can reconciliation be attained,test +77150,77151,77151,matalakal,trapped,train +77151,77152,77152,nga satapang sanay tu ku malitengay a pahecek,the old man will be able to start work on the piles,train +77152,77153,77153,icuwa saw i luma,wherever you are born you are at home,train +77153,77154,77154,Satangasa itini i luma,at home,train +77154,77155,77155,ku niya a tafukud,this gossip website,train +77155,77156,77156,Mamu^etep,there are,train +77156,77157,77157,mihayi,agree,train +77157,77158,77158,Maaraw aku ku nika ^ca ka pidu^du nangra tu sulin nu Ngaayay Ratuh ta pasuwal hantu aku ci Pitiru i kaayaw nu alumanay Talacuwa u Yutaya a tamdaw kisu anu misanurumaay a finacadan ku urip isu i nawiru paci^cien isu ku ruma a finacadan a papisanu Yutaya a tamdaw ku urip saw han aku,when I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel I said to Peter in front of them all You are a Jew yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew how is it then that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs,train +77158,77159,77159,kaku tu ku milalatay,I will do the measuring,train +77159,77160,77160,Cuyuh,angel,test +77160,77161,77161,keru,dance,train +77161,77162,77162,masatepaday a lutuk,canyon,train +77162,77163,77163,ciferang,perspiration,train +77163,77164,77164,sinaepahan tu malipahak tu makakayat tu a rumadiw a makeru nanu dadaya tangasa saan i katanengalan tu dafak nu rumiad,singing and dancing in a circle similar to a group song and dance all night long,train +77164,77165,77165,u sasamaan,what should I do,train +77165,77166,77166,ira ku radiw tu pihay hananay ccay ku radiw,there is a song for sending Spirit but there is only one,train +77166,77167,77167,ira a maru i sasingaran ci Yutikus hananay a kapah halafin ku suwal ni Pawlu saka tukatuk satu cingra Marda cingra a mafuti saka tfad sa cingra nai sakatulu a tungruh nu luma Paluwad han i mapatayaytu cingra,seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on when he was sound asleep he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead,train +77167,77168,77168,10 licayen ku niyah O kaˈurip aku paihekalay tu suˈlinay kaku mafanaˈ ci Yihufa han,we can ask ourselves Does my lifestyle show that I really know the LORD,train +77168,77169,77169,hatira a rumi ad aca,how many days will it take,train +77169,77170,77170,hai u pacek a,Yes there are nails,test +77170,77171,77171,miʼaca tu tusiya ku ngaʼay sa,I want to buy a car,train +77171,77172,77172,o macidemay ku puut nu maku,my knife is sharp,train +77172,77173,77173,i kawanan nu misu kaku a maru,I will sit down on your right,train +77173,77174,77174,mi ku matiniay i,Sustainability,train +77174,77175,77175,pasuwal kaku i tamuwanan u ruma a finacadan o tarukus namu u ruma a finacadan kaku saka kalimlaan aku kunini a tayal,I am talking to you Gentiles Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles I make much of my ministry,train +77175,77176,77176,ta ya suwal sa tu niya,the disciplinarian said this to me,train +77176,77177,77177,lima tungalan tu siwa savaw tu sepat a makumud Caay katekes,five plus nine that is fourteen dollars not expensive,train +77177,77178,77178,mitangtang kaku u misahuluay kaku kira,it is my job to cook,train +77178,77179,77179,mangalay kaku tu mu^tep nu mu^tepay a pida^,I would like to exchange it for ten tens,train +77179,77180,77180,a sawni kiskisen a,we are going to have to shave it later,test +77180,77181,77181,hatini kuna lalan itini pabesuc tayra,the roads so small it goes straight there,train +77181,77182,77182,adi,wok,train +77182,77183,77183,Salikakaaw anu misatatiih kisu tu tau anu u cimatu kisu i awaay ku pakayraan isu a paading tu tireng tuna misatatiih kisu tu tau saka u malcaday tu midmakay kisu tu raraw nawhani u mipastekay i raraw tu tireng ku misatatiihay tu tamdaw,You therefore have no excuse you who pass judgment on someone else for at whatever point you judge the other you are condemning yourself because you who pass judgment do the same things,train +77183,77184,77184,Maapuh ku ngiha nuni laciw,the sound on this radio is muffled,train +77184,77185,77185,tataʼangay ya hiya,that is the big one,train +77185,77186,77186,o demak nu malitengay patireng tu hecek haw,what did the old timers do in the old days,train +77186,77187,77187,saka padungus kami situ hu kami itiya,so we went to see them off we were students at the time,train +77187,77188,77188,masamaan,how is it going,train +77188,77189,77189,itiya tu i paʼaca ci mira tu ta diyung haw i,when he was selling pigs,train +77189,77190,77190,lakec,crossing the stream,test +77190,77191,77191,ha mafukilay hu a sakakadit sa,I did not know it then will not it get dirty,train +77191,77192,77192,na ira aca ku tayniay i kungkuan nu niyam,some visitors came to the school and they brought gifts,train +77192,77193,77193,karaalungdas,produces brocade snakes,train +77193,77194,77194,itini kuni ka piaday nu maku tu,I am here to thank you,train +77194,77195,77195,sapicekiw,tools for picking and digging,train +77195,77196,77196,ilaay hu,and,train +77196,77197,77197,malingad tu,departure,train +77197,77198,77198,manay tangasa sa zyunikace,until December,train +77198,77199,77199,malecad haw tu nu Taluku ku nipiadup nu mita,are we hunting like the Taroko,train +77199,77200,77200,hanhan ta kifetulkihepic kuni,it is going to be thick it is thin here,test +77200,77201,77201,cika kaesu nu Pangcah aca sinafel maulah kita,we love to eat wild vegetables,train +77201,77202,77202,aka,do not,train +77202,77203,77203,400 a mihcaan tu ku pades atu masakakinih ku pulung namu na unian saka kumud a han nu maku ku Cenfu a mitaung kamu,for the four centuries of pain and mistreatment you have endured I apologize to you on behalf of the government,train +77203,77204,77204,Saka pakamay han nangra a milicay ci Cakariya Cimaen isu ku pipangangan cingraan han nangra,then they made signs to his father to find out what he would like to name the child,train +77204,77205,77205,u nikamawmah itini i laku,farming in the fields,train +77205,77206,77206,taluma tu ina,Mom you go back to your hometown,train +77206,77207,77207,sawni mapataytu ku kadabu itila,the daughter in law died right there,train +77207,77208,77208,Mipakauladay tu mihcahcaan han,do you hold a rain Festival every year,train +77208,77209,77209,pakalifetay,passed the test,train +77209,77210,77210,atiya ku widang aku,I called my friend,test +77210,77211,77211,adihay ku camahaw nu suwal nira,he is got a lot of words to say,train +77211,77212,77212,Haliepah cingra,he is addicted to the bottle,train +77212,77213,77213,namahaen satu mangalay hen a tayra i lutuk,I want to go to the mountains,train +77213,77214,77214,u hananay aku macat tu tahira tuku,so the direction is the same,train +77214,77215,77215,pasasifinan,towel hanging,train +77215,77216,77216,awaay hu ku,no computer yet,train +77216,77217,77217,ya mihicayay a kapah faʼinayan nu niyaru,when a young tribal boy goes to catch a fish fry,train +77217,77218,77218,tikking,rear,train +77218,77219,77219,suwal sa ci mama^ Arayen ita ku pipalemed nu tatuasan ta mararid a pakaala^ tu tama a miadup saan,dad said we want to thank the ancestors for their blessings so that we have a lot of prey to harvest,train +77219,77220,77220,Syawcang,Principal,test +77220,77221,77221,itit,nibble,train +77221,77222,77222,itiya i palimuut hantu ni Yis ku nisawawaan Ningra Aka pasuwal i cimacimaan tu nika ci Kristu Kaku han ningra,then he warned his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ,train +77222,77223,77223,malamlam tu anini,it is all mixed up now,train +77223,77224,77224,samanay ku harateng isu,what are your thoughts,train +77224,77225,77225,raecus milaliw ku ading saan,it is not good the spirits will run away like this,train +77225,77226,77226,Orasaka kalipahak kamu u kakarayan atu maruay itira Nikawrira u cacilafu kamu u hkal atu riyar nawhani matfad a tayra i tamuwanan ku Palafuay Mafana ciira tu nika caaytu ka hakuwa ku rumiad nira Saka tataang ku kter nira saan,therefore rejoice you heavens and you who dwell in them but Woe to the earth and the sea because the devil has gone down to you he is filled with fury because he knows that his time is short,train +77226,77227,77227,u nu tahicay a demak,helpful work,train +77227,77228,77228,tafukud,net,train +77228,77229,77229,uruma^ satu mifuting miadup misakulung misaayam micekiw atu midateng ku Pangcah a finacadan,in addition to agriculture there is also fishing hunting breeding gathering and so on,train +77229,77230,77230,Mifutfut ci ina tu semut nu padatengan,mom pulls weeds from the vegetable garden,test +77230,77231,77231,una suwal namu matilid tu a manaeng,what you are saying is being recorded and collected,train +77231,77232,77232,awaay awaay,No no No,train +77232,77233,77233,tangasa i katimul tini hu kisu han tu ku ruma,go to the south side and tell the others to wait here,train +77233,77234,77234,malalilid,equilibrium,train +77234,77235,77235,kita u Pangcah itiya hu haw i misafununay,in the old days we Amis were farmers,train +77235,77236,77236,awaay ku talaw aku,I am not afraid,train +77236,77237,77237,palusukan,candle holder,train +77237,77238,77238,katimulay,southern,train +77238,77239,77239,itiya mamitaeliv ku ayam,that is when the birds came,train +77239,77240,77240,tangasa tu itni i,we are here in neighbor number,test +77240,77241,77241,parakamen,pain something,train +77241,77242,77242,panengneng,Outpatient,train +77242,77243,77243,Rauden cingra,go up to approach him,train +77243,77244,77244,mafanaʼay misanga,very handmade,train +77244,77245,77245,micaliw,walk all over,train +77245,77246,77246,ci Alimulu,Ali Acre road,train +77246,77247,77247,u uradiw niyam u Kinanuka a tu likuda hananay a radiw,our tribes song at the Harvest Festival,train +77247,77248,77248,ku teluc nu hiya nu tefus ri,sugar cane hearts are delicious,train +77248,77249,77249,anu maredu isu ku niharatengan isu,if you keep a steady course to your decision,train +77249,77250,77250,mansa tayni tini Pungudan mipatileng tu luma,that is why I came to the bridge tribe to build a house,test +77250,77251,77251,nginguy,take a shower,train +77251,77252,77252,kemkem,chew,train +77252,77253,77253,misurarat,meet to resolve something,train +77253,77254,77254,mavuti,Sleep,train +77254,77255,77255,tini aca luma ita,in your own home then,train +77255,77256,77256,Mauraday tu cuwa kasidinay kaku,it is raining and I do not have an umbrella with me,train +77256,77257,77257,anu iraira ku tatiihay fikfik han ku tatiihay,if there is a bad one just get rid of it,train +77257,77258,77258,icuwa ku matadung i ayawen ku punu,where do we start we start in the head,train +77258,77259,77259,ranikay ku tayal niyam anini a rumiad,we are working fast today,train +77259,77260,77260,lengaw,Genesis,test +77260,77261,77261,iraay tu matengil nu maku ya itini hu i kwusyaw,when I was in elementary school I used to hear adults talk about it,train +77261,77262,77262,mitangic,to beg,train +77262,77263,77263,hansatu i,I am going to so O,train +77263,77264,77264,Nikawrira cli sa cangra Paceken i ciwcika Paceken i ciwcika saan,but they kept shouting Crucify him crucify him,train +77264,77265,77265,Mucerem,downhill,train +77265,77266,77266,Salungan,it is beautiful,train +77266,77267,77267,awaay ku kafanafanaan nu maku tu niyah tu a finacadan atu serangawan pakayni tu nika u Yincumin ku tireng ngudu sa kaku,when I was young I did not understand the culture of my ethnic group and I was a little embarrassed that I was an aborigine,train +77267,77268,77268,way aca ku faʼinay han naku,I said I do not have a husband,train +77268,77269,77269,itini ku wawa a mahufuc kira,both children were born in Taipei,train +77269,77270,77270,Hacuwa^ katakaraw kisu,how tall are you,test +77270,77271,77271,Macepcep nu widi ku waay nira,his feet were sucked by leeches,train +77271,77272,77272,falahhan nira kuya wacu atu ya lunem,he did not care about the dog and the deer,train +77272,77273,77273,mikangkang tuha piʼanipan,rice fields for transplanting rice seedlings,train +77273,77274,77274,fulafuladan mihecahecaʼan,day after day year after year,train +77274,77275,77275,irahu ku ruma tamina miraud,there are other vessels approaching,train +77275,77276,77276,yu ruma maala tu nu mialaay tu sapur,sometimes the seedling pickers see the work they have been given,train +77276,77277,77277,tangasa i waluway ku mihecaan,until I am years old,train +77277,77278,77278,nawhan i kina alu kina alu haw i caay ku mangutaay,Actually the river is not muddy,train +77278,77279,77279,8 mikitini pihufuc ci Yisan a maˈuningay wa ngaˈay mananam ita ku harateng ni Yihufa tu dafung atu hafay,from the account of Jesus birth we can learn the LORDs view of material wealth,train +77279,77280,77280,cuperasay,crisp,test +77280,77281,77281,awayay tu kura sinsiya i tiraw i fafaʼed nu ka Dipunan haw i,after the Japanese canceled and relocated the place of worship on the mountain,train +77281,77282,77282,miceliay,loud and accusatory,train +77282,77283,77283,a mitaneng,trial,train +77283,77284,77284,adihay ku karireng i tukay manay makautuvay kami a tayra i itila,there are a lot of cars in the city so we go there by motorcycle,train +77284,77285,77285,hanira mafirang,cursing him,train +77285,77286,77286,o suwal nu mita haw,our language,train +77286,77287,77287,ungteden,it is going to burn to a crisp,train +77287,77288,77288,hiratengay hu kaku anini kiraan a fukeluh,I am still thinking about this rock,train +77288,77289,77289,Tinaku tu nu Mangcelan a niyaru ira ku cecay fafahian a sikawasay iwa^ pulu tu ku mihecaan nira,let us take the example of the Amis Matsuura tribe after a year old priestess prayed for the blessing she said,train +77289,77290,77290,Pakacieying a mitilid kisu,do you go to school by MRT,test +77290,77291,77291,mipasadak,set out,train +77291,77292,77292,tahanini tu man tadutadu hantu a misaʼupu ku salikaka,until now this organization has managed the parishioners by assigning officers,train +77292,77293,77293,a pakanengneng tu miʼawitan nu mita a tatusa,the work we have been working on,train +77293,77294,77294,Cilasatu a rumiad yu miliyas cangra tu Pitani i macahiw ci Yis,the next day as they were leaving Bethany Jesus was hungry,train +77294,77295,77295,cikaycikay tel san kya san tu kya riyar san kira,run forward and you will be paddling on the sea,train +77295,77296,77296,Panay micaliway kisu tu payci i ci Kacawan han,Panay did you borrow money from Kacaw,train +77296,77297,77297,u ya apilis nu lutuk haw,on that hillside,train +77297,77298,77298,anu,king,train +77298,77299,77299,milaliway a milimek ii cuwacuwaay a Cikasuwan,fleeing Clansman,train +77299,77300,77300,a misiyakay a malitengay awaay tu,there are no more elders,test +77300,77301,77301,nu tada,Yes really,train +77301,77302,77302,kiya mahaen ku ngangan nu itiniay sa kaku,I wondered why the names of the places here were like that,train +77302,77303,77303,safalucuʼ san kiya ci mita mipaluma tu aʼul saan,Mitta planted the bamboo with great care,train +77303,77304,77304,Alacecayen ku pipafeli,give each one thing,train +77304,77305,77305,saka u cacangrahan han kira a lutuk tini i kawali nu niyaru,that is why one of the mountains east of the tribe is called Spring,train +77305,77306,77306,saka iraay tu ku harateng tu sapialaaw tu tipay,that is when I got the idea to buy a raft,train +77306,77307,77307,Angreray ku dungec ira ku ruma,the heart of the vine is bitter is there anything else,train +77307,77308,77308,mipacek,nails,train +77308,77309,77309,Cicawhi ku tarawadaw i rikur nu kalilisian,bass are inhabiting the grand river after the flood,train +77309,77310,77310,kangiyangi,shake,test +77310,77311,77311,minukay tu kiya ina minukay tu tangtangen nira,then I will go home and cook the fish,train +77311,77312,77312,mapasuwalay tu i anu caka lahecien i,the vow was made and if it is not fulfilled,train +77312,77313,77313,itira tira i fadangaw,butterfly Valley stream,train +77313,77314,77314,maufang,a hole,train +77314,77315,77315,hay han nu Tumukan a pacauv,the ringleader responded in the affirmative,train +77315,77316,77316,masanga nu matuʼasay nu kuciw san haw i,established in a tribal peoples referendum among themselves,train +77316,77317,77317,iraay ku Amis iraay ku Payrang,there are Amis and Han Chinese,train +77317,77318,77318,sangaʼay san kaku itini i pusung,so you can stay in Taitung without any worries,train +77318,77319,77319,u matenesay tu,it is been a long time,train +77319,77320,77320,a milisu kaku tu matuasay,I am going to visit the elders,test +77320,77321,77321,o tatilien tu hadateng kunini,this is the menu please refer to it,train +77321,77322,77322,mansa minengneng kaku tu adihayay a tilid,so I started reading a lot of books,train +77322,77323,77323,Namisaliway cingra tu spat a pulu a rumiad atu dadaya i macahiwtu ci Yis,after fasting forty days and forty nights he was hungry,train +77323,77324,77324,nanany rikecen ku falucu nu mimaliay,Hopefully the players mentality will be sound,train +77324,77325,77325,Tanulalangaw saan ku salawacan nu lakelal,there are a lot of flies along the river,train +77325,77326,77326,Karaekung ku fangas a kilang,lots of owls on the Bitterroot,train +77326,77327,77327,mahaen ku maku ku piharateng,I do,train +77327,77328,77328,icuwa,where,train +77328,77329,77329,misaaliay tu nananumen han,do you need a drink,train +77329,77330,77330,kakahad ira,its width,test +77330,77331,77331,Misalil kaku tu futing,we are releasing fishing nets to catch fish,train +77331,77332,77332,mafukil a miharateng,he cannot figure it out,train +77332,77333,77333,pinasanga,making,train +77333,77334,77334,hay hatira han naku haw hay,Yes that is it for me,train +77334,77335,77335,Cingangusuay ku aniniay a wawawawa,modern children are decorated with nose rings,train +77335,77336,77336,akakasaan,do not,train +77336,77337,77337,Awaay hadak sanay hu isawni cingra i o dadaya ku pinukayan ningra,No she is not she just went out and will be back in the evening,train +77337,77338,77338,hatini u wawa nira ku wawa nira,their kids are freshmen now,train +77338,77339,77339,a hatini,that is it,train +77339,77340,77340,Saka anu liclicen isu kunini a tamdaw i u mamafana kisu tu tatudung nu nipipakukut niyam tu dmak ningra a ma^min han ningra,by examining him yourself you will be able to learn the truth about all these charges we are bringing against him,test +77340,77341,77341,itiya hu mala Imengay kaku mituysiw tu anini,I was a police officer but I am retired now,train +77341,77342,77342,laluk,diligent,train +77342,77343,77343,ta mala nicuyakuay kak,that is why I became a translator,train +77343,77344,77344,masaluma tu maemin,all of it is being built into houses,train +77344,77345,77345,uraan tu i,what about the rest,train +77345,77346,77346,mahelek kisu a miteli kira mimulu haw,when you are done put it away,train +77346,77347,77347,away i tini i ayaw adihay macuwacuwaay fuhecalay a tefus,there are fewer white canes now but there used to be more of them,train +77347,77348,77348,tuurtuur sa nanira a malinaay tani ku niyamay,your brothers and sisters are with you,train +77348,77349,77349,aitini kita a maru,we live here,train +77349,77350,77350,laliyawen,reconsider,test +77350,77351,77351,satu ci wawa ci ina aku mamuʼetep,mother has children,train +77351,77352,77352,anu ma^mi^min ku dafung aku a malasapalada anu kinafalafalah kaku tu tireng aku a matuduh anu caay ka ciulah kaku tu tamdaw i awaay ku ^puc nu dmak aku,if I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames but have not love I gain nothing,train +77352,77353,77353,Pauripen nira kaku,he saved me physically as from drowning,train +77353,77354,77354,papirahekaden,steam,train +77354,77355,77355,satapangan han Misahafayay,the day of submission is the day of preparation,train +77355,77356,77356,u kaka aku cingra ci daya cingra,he is my brother his name is Daya,train +77356,77357,77357,mipacaenget,neuritic,train +77357,77358,77358,o parawraway cangra o nu tirengan aca ku harateng nangra awaay ku Fangcalay Adingu i cangraan,these are the men who divide you who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit,train +77358,77359,77359,adihayen ku mikaenan ngaʼayay ku fituka sanay ku cecay a matengilay aku,if you eat a lot of palace Vegetables you can improve this gastrointestinal problem that is what I heard again,train +77359,77360,77360,liwkang,hotel,test +77360,77361,77361,misiket ku falucu aku Yisan,my heart is attached to Jesus i I abide in Jesus trust in Him,train +77361,77362,77362,ciharatengay ci Satan mikayhid kitaana malafuay a waywayan misatakalaway a waywayan misakawasay a ˈicel,Satan tries to tempt us with immoral behavior pride and supernatural power,train +77362,77363,77363,caay tu kalignad kunu aniniay kaemangay wawa,kids do not farm anymore,train +77363,77364,77364,u man satuktukan saʼayaw u kilang,what kind of hammer first it was a stick,train +77364,77365,77365,awaay ku epuc nu malaafihay ku tayal,he who works like chaff is useless,train +77365,77366,77366,fafisunan,cradle,train +77366,77367,77367,u mimaanay ku demak nu nira,what does she do,train +77367,77368,77368,pareduen,it is got to be consistent,train +77368,77369,77369,u maan a kaviyan ku han nisu,what kind of soup do you want,train +77369,77370,77370,awawaay tu ku tekiteki,it is all gone,test +77370,77371,77371,tayni itini haw i mangaʼay a mimaan,getting here was not easy or simple,train +77371,77372,77372,taʼangay sa tu mitilid tu,when I grow up I will go to school,train +77372,77373,77373,hayi han aku kahenay minukay han aku,I agreed and asked them to come back as soon as they finished feeding the pigs,train +77373,77374,77374,mihiya kaku ta mihakelung kaku tauwanan tala kiwkay,so I followed the others to church,train +77374,77375,77375,filuwa^fakar,grain drying box,train +77375,77376,77376,ngaʼay makapah kaku sa kiya,that is what makes me feel pretty,train +77376,77377,77377,itini sawali nu alu,on the east side of the river,train +77377,77378,77378,i Fataan kaku a micudad,I studied in Matthew Ann,train +77378,77379,77379,amaanen a caay,how could anyone not take,train +77379,77380,77380,u hemin,it is all,test +77380,77381,77381,siniʼadaan hiwa,I am sorry to hear that,train +77381,77382,77382,tisyaba,Deerfield station,train +77382,77383,77383,Hay u mamaurad kuya rumiad,Yes it will be rainy that day,train +77383,77384,77384,mipacarcaran,temporary,train +77384,77385,77385,o maurunay tu fayi kaku saka talaniyaru hu kaku,I miss my uncle so I am going back to the tribe first,train +77385,77386,77386,Cilusa ku mata isu,are you crying,train +77386,77387,77387,haratengen ku suwal aku i tisuwanan nawhani u papakafana ku Tapang tisuwanan tu pulung nu masamaamaanay a dmak,reflect on what I am saying for the Lord will give you insight into all this,train +77387,77388,77388,sa rumakat macakat i lutuk ta maʼepud mitawac tu laklal,manually transported up and down the hill over the riverbed,train +77388,77389,77389,uni a misaitiway hananay,with a waist like this,train +77389,77390,77390,o safa i,what about the little one,test +77390,77391,77391,o Farisay a tamdaw ku miucuray i cangraan,now some Pharisees who had been sent,train +77391,77392,77392,sa ku suwal nu pipaluwad ni,these are the famous words of our revolutionary ancestor the Founding Father,train +77392,77393,77393,awaay ku wawa ira,he does not have any children,train +77393,77394,77394,tada tariktikay ci Kacaw maulah kami cingraan a mapulung,Kacaw is very energetic and everyone likes him a lot,train +77394,77395,77395,taysiuning,a lawyer who writes for so else,train +77395,77396,77396,anu miliyaw kisu milisuˈ cingranan i ngaˈayay saka dademaken ku naitiraay i Kawas a ngaˈayay Ratuh saka 7 fedengan misatapang malalengu tu Fangcalay Cudad,the next time you visit someone start a Bible lesson with them using lesson of the good news from God booklet,train +77396,77397,77397,i sakayi ci Madadinguwan,for the white flawless delicate girl,train +77397,77398,77398,mangiriw,leaner,train +77398,77399,77399,anu matira i anu ira tuku patelian tu adawang pafeli han ci san,in that case if you already have a place to build a clubhouse then give it to Kwok Kwok Leung,train +77399,77400,77400,o hacuwa^ ku sapisuni^ tu tiftif,when can I play the harmonica,test +77400,77401,77401,daya u fuhecalay ku hana haw,do elderberries have white flowers,train +77401,77402,77402,ura sa mamaan sa i,it was here that the land took root for a time,train +77402,77403,77403,u maumahay kira,agriculture based,train +77403,77404,77404,maherek cifafahi kaku tangsul sa tayni i Taypak,after I got married I came to Taipei immediately,train +77404,77405,77405,pasuwal sa ci Pitiru i cingraan Ayniyasaw adahen ni Yis Kristu kisu Kalumuwad Lusimeten ku kafutian isu han ningra i tangsul sa cingra a lumuwad,Aeneas Peter said to him Jesus Christ heals you get up and take care of your mat immediately Aeneas got up,train +77405,77406,77406,mikarkar,excavations,train +77406,77407,77407,matiya ira kira misawiʼay,it is as if someone is been hurt on the sly,train +77407,77408,77408,sahetu pulung caay kasanan kura kapah,not all of them,train +77408,77409,77409,itiya hu kina tuʼas,when he was a kid,train +77409,77410,77410,o sapiadup niyam a talakal tatiih ku fafahiyan a mitefing,our hunting weapons are untouchable to women,test +77410,77411,77411,Mu^tep ku wawa i putal a misalama,now there are ten children playing in the square,train +77411,77412,77412,alatek mihaen ku harateng nu mita Tukel ni Yihufa u masamaanay a tamdaw kita hani,we may wonder What kind of people does the Lord want us to be,train +77412,77413,77413,lalumaʼan nira luma saan,meet friends and family,train +77413,77414,77414,ku wawa tu vavahiyan,a girl,train +77414,77415,77415,litaen hu,keep taking a look into the situation,train +77415,77416,77416,ira ku kaheciday,salty,train +77416,77417,77417,o sakasaan ni Isaya a sumuwal tunini i maaraw ningra ku dil ni Yis saka pasuwal cingra tu pakayniay i ci Yisan,He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts so they can neither see with their eyes nor understand with their hearts nor turn and I would heal them,train +77417,77418,77418,sa,here is the deal,train +77418,77419,77419,Ngaay hu cima kisu,Hello,train +77419,77420,77420,tu velac,Oryza saliva car glutinous,test +77420,77421,77421,matalaw tuku lifung a micumud,and that epidemic will not come in,train +77421,77422,77422,nu kuwaping Sen Tay Mu,Chinese name is Shen Taimu,train +77422,77423,77423,cilaay,next,train +77423,77424,77424,o maamaan ku tayal isu i ayaw,what kind of work did you do before that,train +77424,77425,77425,Mahaenay saka Akripa a hungtiaw caay liyangen aku ku nai kakarayananay a nipaarawan ni Yis i takuwanan,So then king Agrippa I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven,train +77425,77426,77426,malavades itira,it is tough over there,train +77426,77427,77427,tulu kuya aul kira sapukaw san mahaen patelian ngara tu riku anu mihaduy,he made a curved cane fixture for rowing a place to put your clothes,train +77427,77428,77428,makaala,take out,train +77428,77429,77429,ira hu kuna saka ngaʼay san itira sanay tu kaku a mi ciʼetan tu mamang a paysu,it is good to be able to live off the sea and make some money at the same time,train +77429,77430,77430,kiya urip tiyahu tahira kaikuran mala kayingnan,it was a hard life until I was a young lady,test +77430,77431,77431,maherek ku tayal nangra miasik kaku,whenever they are done I clean up,train +77431,77432,77432,sepaten,on the fourth,train +77432,77433,77433,cima ku misangaay tura matakupay isu,who built this house did you catch up,train +77433,77434,77434,Sulimeten ku kakaenen,put your food away,train +77434,77435,77435,mimaan kisu minukay sa ku malitengay,mom and dad say you are back,train +77435,77436,77436,katepuan,where it fell,train +77436,77437,77437,mahaenay ku vayi yaku a saan,to leave a good example in our grand moms mind,train +77437,77438,77438,miadetengay,taking the sap of a tree,train +77438,77439,77439,saka tanamaw hu sa kaku,so I thought I would try it myself,train +77439,77440,77440,mafana ku matuʼasay minengneng,elderly people know everything,test +77440,77441,77441,iraan ku kanglayan nu maku tu nu tuas a tisaki,I want the early bags,train +77441,77442,77442,kakutu suwal nu Pangcah,speak fluent ethnic language,train +77442,77443,77443,masakalaw,formation of eyebrow shape,train +77443,77444,77444,sakaeped,soft,train +77444,77445,77445,hiya satu mi milisimet tu malulufuc,then the rice bags were prepared,train +77445,77446,77446,na saan ta,at that time,train +77446,77447,77447,palalen ni ina kaku tu ^enem tuki tu dafak,at six of the clock in the morning my mom woke me up,train +77447,77448,77448,yu makerah ku liyal a maanen saw a mihicay,it is impossible to catch small fry there at low tide,train +77448,77449,77449,kaeped ku sera,ground is easy to work,train +77449,77450,77450,pakafusen,put some shrimp on it,test +77450,77451,77451,riku,jacket,train +77451,77452,77452,hatini pisiyakayan haw i cecay fulad lima suʼut,if it is in a factory it is a month,train +77452,77453,77453,Pinaun Tahasifedaw i salil nu falalutung,be careful do not fall into the spiders trap,train +77453,77454,77454,nu ca kapatatudungen hatini kura nira,why do not you tailor your clan to improve his strengths,train +77454,77455,77455,ira haw ku laba laba hananay a pudaw,there is a Japanese baldhead shark in that little fry,train +77455,77456,77456,Orasaka anu matdal nu wawa nu Kawas kamu a mapakunira i u sulinaytu a mapakuniraay kamu,so if the son sets you free you will be free indeed,train +77456,77457,77457,pacudad,write a letter,train +77457,77458,77458,cahu kanengneng aku,I have not looked at it either,train +77458,77459,77459,u nikaurip nu misu pina tu ku miheca nu misu,how old are you now,train +77459,77460,77460,Taangay ku ufang nu ngusu nira,his nostrils are huge,test +77460,77461,77461,Mafuhat ku sasingaran,the window was open,train +77461,77462,77462,makapahay aki,this water is to be thrown away it is beautifully done,train +77462,77463,77463,Emek han nu wawa aku i tefun ku picadiwan tu hawan,my boy sinks the millstone,train +77463,77464,77464,pelu,point,train +77464,77465,77465,mipafatisay,sharing meat,train +77465,77466,77466,micumud i Lakuing,his blood makes us,train +77466,77467,77467,lalipana,caterpillar,train +77467,77468,77468,Anu hacuwa miliyaw a mitaykay Kita,When will the next convention be held,train +77468,77469,77469,u maan han kini,what is it called,train +77469,77470,77470,mararid,constant,test +77470,77471,77471,sululen kaku lina,please promise me,train +77471,77472,77472,u nu maan a cacupian,maggots of any kind,train +77472,77473,77473,masasuala hanta lecahan nu alumanay tatudusan,you have got to get your voices in the middle so we can all sing together and it will be perfect,train +77473,77474,77474,minukay,go back,train +77474,77475,77475,Paafufu tu ilu kuya singsi tu situ nira,the teacher blames his students for his own faults,train +77475,77476,77476,fuhat,open,train +77476,77477,77477,Malaum ku pida nira tu pikakaenan tu epah,he wastes his money on drinking,train +77477,77478,77478,mipudpud kami tu hiya tu papah,we will just collect leaves,train +77478,77479,77479,u Kiwit,it is Chimene,train +77479,77480,77480,u ruma satu pikiʼeciw tu tuladay a ka tu rumiʼadmiʼad,in addition on normal days the leader sings,test +77480,77481,77481,mimaliay,golfer,train +77481,77482,77482,Mangaay tu lituden kina itiniay a tamana^ nika caay hu^ ku lalituden kuya menad,the cabbage here is ready to be harvested but the Showa grass there is not yet ready to be harvested,train +77482,77483,77483,Hay mafulud kita,Sure let us go there together,train +77483,77484,77484,awaay ku kakaenen sanku hitay nu Ripun,the Japanese army did not have enough food to eat,train +77484,77485,77485,Itiya hu,formerly,train +77485,77486,77486,herek,to end,train +77486,77487,77487,sumuwal,speak,train +77487,77488,77488,ku suwal ri is,that is the way it is Isis,train +77488,77489,77489,Saka ktun satu tu falucu ku nisawawaan a sumuwal Pakaynien ita i icel nu paytmek ku nipipasadak tu sapadama tu i tiraay i Yutaya a salikaka saan cangra,the disciples each according to his ability decided to provide help for the brothers living in Judea,train +77489,77490,77490,nisatafilingan,opening up the hillside,test +77490,77491,77491,mifutingay,fish Catchers,train +77491,77492,77492,dengay tu kita a mipalita,we still have a chance to ask,train +77492,77493,77493,sa mi anu makedal awa ku urad pakaurad anini anu sa pakaurad ku finawlan,if there was a bought and it did not rain if people needed to pray for rain the society would pray for rain,train +77493,77494,77494,aka paʼapulen,do not pack that lime,train +77494,77495,77495,faedetay ku rumiad adihayen ku pinanum,it is a bit hot so you need to drink more water,train +77495,77496,77496,o sakasumuwal aku i tamuwanan tunini i u sakacirihadayaw namu tuna malaccay kita o aira ku pades namu i tini i hkal Nikawrira saicelen ku falucu maluwidaytu aku ku hkal han ningra,I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace in this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world,train +77496,77497,77497,remiremiad,every day,train +77497,77498,77498,tu^tu tu tayal,to keep working to the finish,train +77498,77499,77499,kararid kamu a mipatala Nawhani caayay ka harateng namu a tatukian i itiya a tayni kuya wawa nu Tamdaw han ni Yis,you also must be ready because the son of man will come at an hour when you do not expect him,train +77499,77500,77500,mahaen,in that case,test +77500,77501,77501,palamiten,root,train +77501,77502,77502,a mikerid tu salikaka,leading a parishioners visit,train +77502,77503,77503,wa kilimen ita ku caˈuf nuniya salicay wa milenguhu tu u maanan ku mamananam nu mita,we will find out the answers to these questions and talk about what we can learn,train +77503,77504,77504,yakayak,spreading rumors,train +77504,77505,77505,u tuʼas itiya hu cecay a haw,I will start with the highlights of the whole thing,train +77505,77506,77506,matuka kisu sanay ku imi ira,he is saying that if you are lazy you do not get to eat,train +77506,77507,77507,caay ka u kita ku maulahay tu Kawas o Kawas ku maulahay titaanan a miucur tu wawa ningra tu sakahpul nu raraw ita onini ku ulah hananay,this is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins,train +77507,77508,77508,Cuwa u miacaan ni ina,No this is what mom bought,train +77508,77509,77509,kangtang sa kita a minengneng,we see it as very simple,train +77509,77510,77510,Nikawrira padamaen nu sra kuya fafahiyan Tuwaen nu sra ku nguyus nira a miukuk tuya nicuplisan nuya kangic a nanum,but the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth,test +77510,77511,77511,maakiw,take on ones own responsibility,train +77511,77512,77512,aluman kami malikaka,I have a lot of brothers and sisters,train +77512,77513,77513,muetep ira ku pitu,seventeen,train +77513,77514,77514,tu sapisuuy nu misu itini i Micekiway,about going to the beach to collect,train +77514,77515,77515,aka kakumaen,do not eat,train +77515,77516,77516,itini i laluma nu talid kuya takula nikawrira masadak a milaliw kuya takula tuni kafuti nunian a wawa,but the frog inside the bottle went out and left when the child was sleeping,train +77516,77517,77517,mararaw tu ku demak nu mita a misafalucu tunini,we have lost track of our original program goals,train +77517,77518,77518,anu tayra i hiya i,what if we go there,train +77518,77519,77519,sa miduduay tu Kawas nu tuʼas matalaw ma hay hay hay,scared because of following the beliefs of their ancestors yes,train +77519,77520,77520,awaay ku pisiyakayan u sapisanga tu aliwal nu sapihicay,no work materials for making fishing nets,test +77520,77521,77521,sakinalima u tataakay i raay hen mamelawtu,the fifth time it was very big I could see it from a distance,train +77521,77522,77522,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan Tfaden i kawanan nu tamina ku salil namu Ta ira ku maalaay namu han ningra Saka tfad hantu nangra ku salil i saadihay sa ku futing Saka caaytu ka filu nangra a mitaruh,he said Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some when they did they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish,train +77522,77523,77523,o rumasatu anu milunguc ku wawa isu tu futing i tisuwanan i pafli han isu cingra tu uner haw,or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake,train +77523,77524,77524,anini tu na niyam tu a urip kiya,I am in this age now,train +77524,77525,77525,ura demak aku i caay kafana ku wawa,sometimes my kids do not even know about me,train +77525,77526,77526,cima ku ngangan ningra,what is his name,train +77526,77527,77527,malanimaay,whose is it,train +77527,77528,77528,alaan aku kiya nu singciw nu maku a mikilukan nira,I compared the captains records with mine,train +77528,77529,77529,mayseng vaki ku nikaurip nu misu haw,Grandpa you live a long life,train +77529,77530,77530,telien i mucu,put it against the wall,test +77530,77531,77531,alacay yu ku hiya yu ku lisin nina Kaliyawan,the Kavalans are united in their beliefs,train +77531,77532,77532,Atekesay ngaay saka^emeden tu miming haw,it is too expensive cannot you lower the price a bit,train +77532,77533,77533,matama haca aku ku,I finally got a chance to work for a national car,train +77533,77534,77534,laliw han aku yu,I will just leave,train +77534,77535,77535,tara sa iri siheci iri midakaw amin ku ruma iri,after going and seeing the fruit someone climbed up the tree,train +77535,77536,77536,sienaw ku rumiad anuruma^ a mihecaan tu kasienawan haw,will it be very cold in winter next year,train +77536,77537,77537,mangalefay ku adada nira,his illness has become even more serious,train +77537,77538,77538,paririkan nu heni tu asidaw tu bung,they have baits made of groundnuts,train +77538,77539,77539,matira kura kafanaʼan aku anu caay kasumuwal kuya wina itiniay,I did not know about this until my mother in law told me,train +77539,77540,77540,mansa ca tu kalaceaay ku nani Palidawan a tamdaw,so the clans from Hengchun got mixed up,test +77540,77541,77541,a sawinaan nu heni kisu saan ku tumuk,the ringleader says they are all,train +77541,77542,77542,u nini a kafana nu niyaru hanay ci kilisetuan hanay i,when the tribes knew that this Christian was Jesus,train +77542,77543,77543,micengelay,stained,train +77543,77544,77544,minukas aca itini mavulaw,let us go back here,train +77544,77545,77545,caay karanikay micacak tu emu,not easy to cook sweet rice cake,train +77545,77546,77546,Nikawrira u suwal namu i uya sapafli aku i tamuwanan i malasapa Kurpantu aku anu saan a sumuwal i mama atu ina ku cima a tamdaw i,but you say that if a man says to his father or mother Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is Corban,train +77546,77547,77547,lafin,mans name,train +77547,77548,77548,suta,soil,train +77548,77549,77549,kawaping,expatriates,train +77549,77550,77550,paefer,live,test +77550,77551,77551,mituuray kami Owawa ningra mimawmah,it is only natural that as a child you work with the land,train +77551,77552,77552,hay matuas tu kamu aka tu pibuting,Yes you are old enough to stop fishing,train +77552,77553,77553,matengil aku ku suwal isu,I can hear I have heard what you said,train +77553,77554,77554,epud,the following,train +77554,77555,77555,misalumaʼay a misanga,it is all a job for the roofers,train +77555,77556,77556,hatini hananay misetek i,cutting like this one by one,train +77556,77557,77557,mifihun,makeup,train +77557,77558,77558,vikat han ku kumu,just pull the rubber band,train +77558,77559,77559,u karuheman nu kama i kasariwsiwan,in the fall when oranges are ripe,train +77559,77560,77560,anu cuwahu ka pihakelung ku salawina nu mita micunged kitaanan wa mamararum kita,for the LORDs people it can be upsetting to have an unconverted relative oppose our faith,test +77560,77561,77561,ruhu,bend,train +77561,77562,77562,ci Liw siye siyan ci ya ci Sun cing cay masawsaw cangra,Afterwards Ms Lau Suet Heung and Mr sung Chun Choi came to organize the whole team,train +77562,77563,77563,taku,handmade Kites paper kites,train +77563,77564,77564,maicang,dry,train +77564,77565,77565,tadu pakika saan ku matuasay,it is just a name that is what the old man said,train +77565,77566,77566,tini tu miketun tu pisanga a misanga,seems like it is in a childhood production too,train +77566,77567,77567,Tunguden ku tayal isu,pick up and continue on with the project,train +77567,77568,77568,tulu a pulu Safangcalay,thirty is the best,train +77568,77569,77569,manengneng nu maku ku faki fai,I see my uncles aunts uncles aunts uncles aunts and uncles,train +77569,77570,77570,ta malaccay ku falucu namu a pangiha a pahmek tu wama a Kawas nu Tapang ita ci Yis Kristu,so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ,test +77570,77571,77571,pacakay ci vaki aku itiya,it is Grandpa and am who are selling it,train +77571,77572,77572,tahira tu i,when I get there,train +77572,77573,77573,herek sa kura demak sa,after the work is done,train +77573,77574,77574,awaay ku kutem i lavii sadak satu ku vuis,there were no clouds in the sky at night and the stars came out,train +77574,77575,77575,masaupuay tu kina kapah nu finawlan i fangcal tu san kiya falucu,I am thinking it is good that the tribes youth have started to gather,train +77575,77576,77576,liliden,move,train +77576,77577,77577,caay tu pakamelaw tu hiya,cannot see a thing,train +77577,77578,77578,naay u maan saw ku kakungkuen mangudu aca a semuwal,No what are you going to say I do not want to say it again,train +77578,77579,77579,ta milaliw cingra,Then he left,train +77579,77580,77580,nanay kita u salikaka tu u matayalay haw,may we the farmers,test +77580,77581,77581,o kasuling ku pikalican niira a talapusung haw,did he take a train to Taitung,train +77581,77582,77582,maseking aku tu suwal nu Pangcah sapasifana aku tu kaemangay,I also went to get certified in the Amish language in order to teach my students,train +77582,77583,77583,anu caay kisu kahayi a maramud,if you do not agree to marry,train +77583,77584,77584,u serangawang amin,passing on the culture of the ethnic languages to the next generation,train +77584,77585,77585,itini ci ama nu maku ma,because my dad was here at the time,train +77585,77586,77586,cecay falud hatini ku cecay falud nu mita kira,one of ours is so small,train +77586,77587,77587,Liyun satu ku tangal nu maku i matini,my head is spinning now,train +77587,77588,77588,mama maala tu kaku a micudad han aku,I told my father I got in,train +77588,77589,77589,icuwatu,where is it,train +77589,77590,77590,macurah,burned,test +77590,77591,77591,kaku ya sa i,I will not because I graduated from elementary school,train +77591,77592,77592,milicay ci Nikutimus Matuastu ku tamdaw i samaanen haca ku nipiliyaw a mihufuc saw Miliyaw haca cingra a micumud i tiyad nu ina ta hufucen haw han ningra,How can a man be born when he is old Nicodemus asked Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mothers womb to be born,train +77592,77593,77593,tayni kisu masaupu anucila han,are you coming to the party tomorrow,train +77593,77594,77594,ringer,revolve,train +77594,77595,77595,Orasaka anu tengilen ku matuasay tu kakakunis nu niyaru haw i awaay ku matiraay,Therefore if you listen to the elders about the division of the ministry there is no such division,train +77595,77596,77596,samaanen ni Lapic a tayra i kungkuan,how does Lapic go to school,train +77596,77597,77597,irawan ikur nu maku,behind me,train +77597,77598,77598,u kakaenan sa a cacay,I am the only one who can eat,train +77598,77599,77599,u na Ku Ka tu na finawlan,the needs of the people were not taken into account,train +77599,77600,77600,O cacilafu kamu u misamangahay ku dmak a pasifanaay tu Rikec atu Farisay a tamdaw Kuracen namu ku paputal nu takid atu sala Nikawrira matumes nu cuus atu anuf ku laluma nunini,Woe to you teachers of the law and Pharisees you hypocrites you clean the outside of the cup and dish but inside they are full of greed and self indulgence,test +77600,77601,77601,upu,meetings,train +77601,77602,77602,nani itini i taradaw haw,it is from the Xiuguluan River,train +77602,77603,77603,tiraay mifaca maemin ku,all of them were there to do the laundry,train +77603,77604,77604,u caay ka cangutan nu misu,what are your deficiencies,train +77604,77605,77605,o Pangcah kisu,are you Aboriginal,train +77605,77606,77606,u wina nu maku cira,he is my mom,train +77606,77607,77607,anini u wawa caaytu ka vana,until now the children were unknown,train +77607,77608,77608,nivahvahan haw ku Pamgcah,the Americans are being evicted,train +77608,77609,77609,nengneng sa kaku i matngil aku ku tataangay a ngiha nu ma^feray i karayan a ccay a lidep suwal sa Anu mila^pa kuya tatuluay a mamila^pa a cuyuh i u cacilafu u cacilafu u cacilafu ku maruay i hkal a tamdamdaw saan,as I watched I heard an eagle that was flying in midair call out in a loud voice Woe Woe Woe to the inhabitants of the earth because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the other three angels,train +77609,77610,77610,umaan ku maan ca ka recad,it is not the same but it is not the same,test +77610,77611,77611,itira saan i hiya nu luma i samucumucuan,hiding in the corner of the house,train +77611,77612,77612,lalumihca,next year,train +77612,77613,77613,Nakumaen cingra i tanektektu ku tireng ningra Mikaput ci Sawlu tu pinapina a rumiad tu i tiraay i Tamaskus a nisawawaan,and after taking some food he regained his strength Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus,train +77613,77614,77614,pacakayen kiraan a nidaecian namu anini,sell the bamboo shoots you picked today,train +77614,77615,77615,pielukantakulaw,throat,train +77615,77616,77616,Maucur nu was Yis,Jesus was sent by God,train +77616,77617,77617,Masenged nu wawa ku kafutian niyam,the children messed up our bedroom,train +77617,77618,77618,u ʼaʼayaw keriten aca ku eli,that is why the front thatch must be cut,train +77618,77619,77619,sapasinuvu,gift,train +77619,77620,77620,Nieliʼay kami tu sapikiyaki,we prepare materials for the fishing Festival,test +77620,77621,77621,pakaen,feeding,train +77621,77622,77622,iraay hu ku masamanay han,any other local creations,train +77622,77623,77623,itira i miliyas tu kaku tu itira tu kaku i matayal,that is when I left China ship and started a construction company,train +77623,77624,77624,Tadamatalaw cangra saka hinukup sa i sra pasuwal sa kuya tatusaay i cangraan Nawiru mikilim kamu tu mauripay a tamdaw i mapatayay a tamdaw saw,in their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground but the men said to them Why do you look for the living among the dead,train +77624,77625,77625,cecayan nu Fangcalay a pinangan nu tireng ku sapaaraw kita itini i finawlan,I became the poster child for the tribe,train +77625,77626,77626,suʼelinay caay ka kahenay a mafana ku wawa nu mita,it is not easy for a child to go to school,train +77626,77627,77627,u kangalayan a pacudad nu maku kiya maraayay a pusadak nu kaka,I would like to write a letter to my cousin who is far away,train +77627,77628,77628,caay kahaen nu aniniyay a vatikar,it is not like the bikes we have now,train +77628,77629,77629,itini tu nu Mikuk sanu Pangcahan nira,when Chinese is spoken here he translates into Amish,train +77629,77630,77630,anu mamangay u raan ku sapafeli nu Kawas,what does God give you,test +77630,77631,77631,a siruma ta mahakulukulung ma kita,gather the tribesmen,train +77631,77632,77632,sakinasepat haw ca kan ca katahekal saan,the fourth wave is coming you have to get out,train +77632,77633,77633,tanektektanuktuk,sturdy,train +77633,77634,77634,rumiad,daytime,train +77634,77635,77635,fawahen hu ku fawahan fufu,grand mom please open the door,train +77635,77636,77636,malacecay ku aru isu tu mama atu ina haw,do you live with your parents,train +77636,77637,77637,Lasak han tu kura nisalinikan a demak,open up about that secret thing,train +77637,77638,77638,anu itini mavuresak,if it comes from here it will fall apart,train +77638,77639,77639,hay tapiyasen hu hacuwa matumes aku kuna ciwkeng sa kaku,when will I fill up the tank after pouring out the water,train +77639,77640,77640,nisangan ni ama aku hayi nisanga ni ama aku haw,my father did it,test +77640,77641,77641,nawhani papilahcien nu Kawas caira tu nafalucuan ningra Saka laccay sa ku falucu naira a mipaturud tuya aadupen tu sakuwan naira tangasa i kalahcian nu suwal nu Kawas,for God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule until Gods words are fulfilled,train +77641,77642,77642,nikaenan,stammer,train +77642,77643,77643,mangaʼay tu kita a tahekal talatukus,it is easier for us to get out,train +77643,77644,77644,malalikungay ciwina aku atu ciwama aku sanay,my parents are divorced,train +77644,77645,77645,mapulin cingra ta malaklak kuya haci nu lusay,he fell down and then the fruits were scattered all over,train +77645,77646,77646,awaay ku wina atu wama nira masadakay,his parents are out of town,train +77646,77647,77647,17 ku mihecaan itini i Pitil nu Prukelin,started serving in Bertrams Brooklyn at age,train +77647,77648,77648,sakasiwa,Ninth,train +77648,77649,77649,ala han ku tatudung isu a minukay o harateng aku kunini saka palcad han aku i tamuwanan a palifun kunini a saikuray a tayni a matayal,take your pay and go I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you,train +77649,77650,77650,oni limaay a kasafinacadan i u misilsilan nu cifenekay a tamdaw anu dueduen ku kimad nu matuasay caayay ka matira,the names of these five subgroups are derived from the taxonomy of early anthropologists not so according to the dictation of the Albanian Jains,test +77650,77651,77651,awa tu ku malitengay icuwa hu kita milicay,the elders are gone where are we going to ask them,train +77651,77652,77652,kamu u maapaay a mapuhaway a tamdaw i cuwaay ku kakalimlaan tu tada^kim atuya palafangcalay tu tada^kim a Fangcalay Pitaungan saw,you blind fools which is greater the gold or the temple that makes the gold sacred,train +77652,77653,77653,mikulit,coloring,train +77653,77654,77654,pakacafuul,void something urinary urgency,train +77654,77655,77655,maen tu sweykwu kisu tu rumiamiad hay,you eat fruit every day,train +77655,77656,77656,matira kina demak a patireng nu maku kina Wen Cyin Can,this is how the station was set up,train +77656,77657,77657,pamirasras tu,Crumble,train +77657,77658,77658,patalawen nira kaku,he threatened me,train +77658,77659,77659,waneng2,sugar,train +77659,77660,77660,enucen,swallow,test +77660,77661,77661,o cara ku adihayay a pilisu nira i tamiyanan,he gave us a lot of trouble by coming to visit,train +77661,77662,77662,malingatu tu a siapunang ku Cikasuwan tu Ripun,hatred with the Japanese began to grow,train +77662,77663,77663,tahira tura tenuk kiya,when we get to the center,train +77663,77664,77664,unu,in the event that,train +77664,77665,77665,u ngangan nira u Pangcah masa Pangcah kura,the name is Ami Ami is a small hilly place that is very flat,train +77665,77666,77666,a mavulaw ku heni,beginning of the escape,train +77666,77667,77667,i matini mafukil tu ku kaemangay a misa Pangcah,Nowadays the next generation does not speak much of the language,train +77667,77668,77668,nawhani saʼayaway kira mitengil tanu hiya tunu Kuwaping a suwal hay hay,Why it is the first time I have spoken Mandarin Yes yes yes,train +77668,77669,77669,rakat satu kami a minukay,we will walk home,train +77669,77670,77670,samatira anini maherek satu kami maranam,after breakfast,test +77670,77671,77671,cuwa ku hirarek kuriraan,this ones over yeah,train +77671,77672,77672,suwal sa ci Yis Pitngil narikay kaku a tayni o papakaulah kaku i kahaccaccay tu tatudung nu dmak ningra saka hawikiden aku ku sapakaulah i cangraan,Behold I am coming soon my reward is with me and I will give to everyone according to what he has done,train +77672,77673,77673,mietan,earn money,train +77673,77674,77674,talahekal tu anini ku tatiihay a demak nira,the wrong he did has come to light,train +77674,77675,77675,fiting,women earring,train +77675,77676,77676,mavekacay haw adadaen tu nitaesan,cows run when they feel pain,train +77676,77677,77677,Miasisiw kita anucila,we will pick up the straw tomorrow,train +77677,77678,77678,liyawen,again,train +77678,77679,77679,mitefuc,penalty,train +77679,77680,77680,hayda han nuya Tapang nu sufitay cingra Saka tireng sa ci Pawlu i sacakat pasayra sa i finawlan a mikawih tu kamay yu tumreptu cangra i sanu Hipray satu cingra a pasuwal i cangraan,having received the commanders permission Paul stood on the steps and motioned to the crowd when they were all silent he said to them in Aramaic,test +77680,77681,77681,cacak,cook,train +77681,77682,77682,samanan isu a tayni,how did you get here,train +77682,77683,77683,kafekang,on top of,train +77683,77684,77684,ci Simun u malalukay tu nu Kitakit a saupu atuya pacakayay ci Yisan a Iskariyut a tamdaw ci Yuta,Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him,train +77684,77685,77685,hereken tu nu micudaday,it is up to the student to finish it,train +77685,77686,77686,Hatiraay ku urip nani itiyahu san kiya matuʼasay,the old man said that is what life was like in the early days,train +77686,77687,77687,mitanamay,taste,train +77687,77688,77688,Paur^ur cira tu widang a mitakaw,he instigated his friend to steal,train +77688,77689,77689,tapay,baking,train +77689,77690,77690,amid,gifts,test +77690,77691,77691,Emem han nira ina ku rarum nira,that mom has been putting up with her sadness for a long time,train +77691,77692,77692,misafangcal tu luma,to fix up the home very nice,train +77692,77693,77693,kalah,rush,train +77693,77694,77694,uraan sa tayni sa ca ama aku itini ngata nu cacudadan,that is why my dad and the others came to the schools neighborhood,train +77694,77695,77695,han aku pacaˈuf Hay miharatengay kaku,I said Yeah I guess,train +77695,77696,77696,mitiliday tu ku safa isu haw,does your sister go to school,train +77696,77697,77697,cukang sanay hu cecay rumiʼad itiyahu i,I will do anything,train +77697,77698,77698,melaw han awaay tu kira sakalahuk,the lunchbox is gone by noon,train +77698,77699,77699,kilimen,looking for,train +77699,77700,77700,tulamukang,Chinese parasol tree,test +77700,77701,77701,tulu ku nikacayan nu maku a cudad,I bought three books,train +77701,77702,77702,Laecaan ku safa aku i kafutian,my brother cannot afford to be sick,train +77702,77703,77703,u hiya acu ku alaen tangal atu tireng aca,to eat his head and his body,train +77703,77704,77704,pacedien,please push,train +77704,77705,77705,cay ka saan hani adidi hananay,but there is nothing we can do about it we will just have to live with it,train +77705,77706,77706,ku kaninian a wawa,now the kids,train +77706,77707,77707,ngaay hu singsi,Hello,train +77707,77708,77708,masadak,to appear,train +77708,77709,77709,misalama,play,train +77709,77710,77710,tu nu Pangcah iniyan ku,children of the clan,test +77710,77711,77711,a penen a eli a aul a panukay pasaʼupu tayni i luma,there are manzanita stems thatch bamboo take them home and set them up,train +77711,77712,77712,yu maurathu ci Pitiru a misaharaterateng tu tatudung nu maaraway ningra a mapulusi i itiya a matama nuya niucuran ni Kurnilius a tamdaw ku luma ni Simun tireng sa cangra i fawahan,while Peter was wondering about the meaning of the vision the men sent by Cornelius found out where Simons house was and stopped at the gate,train +77712,77713,77713,anu ira ku raecus,if this is violated,train +77713,77714,77714,adihay haw kira mahiraay a kilang,are there a lot of these trees,train +77714,77715,77715,maedeng pina tahaniay,how deep to this place,train +77715,77716,77716,mana cuwa kaitukay a pakafana,why not teach in the city,train +77716,77717,77717,alaala sanay ku pakarungay kiya saw,young people,train +77717,77718,77718,o fitay kuni,it is a sieve,train +77718,77719,77719,anini u waneng ku ayaw,now put the sugar first,train +77719,77720,77720,awaay ci mama itiya tu mi i,and my husband was away from home digging for coal in Keelung,test +77720,77721,77721,Culeken a talalutuk mikasuy,immediately go to the mountains to cut firewood,train +77721,77722,77722,siwa ku widi ira ku pangkiw a mafuti kaku tu lafii,I go to bed at am,train +77722,77723,77723,faecalay,desirable,train +77723,77724,77724,kapah kami malekaka,as the Scripture says Behold brothers living together in peace,train +77724,77725,77725,valuhay,mess,train +77725,77726,77726,paalanengen,please set up the ridge,train +77726,77727,77727,tira pakaʼuraday,the one that prays for rain,train +77727,77728,77728,awaayay ku tusiya kira,because I do not have a car,train +77728,77729,77729,talaumah,go to the field,train +77729,77730,77730,mitala tu katalalutuk niyam a milidu,he is expecting us to take him too,test +77730,77731,77731,u sapicudad,for reading,train +77731,77732,77732,pasakilemel,it can be passed on smoothly,train +77732,77733,77733,kita a misanga,our homemade sweet rice cake,train +77733,77734,77734,na,not until,train +77734,77735,77735,tanektek ku hecek nu luma niyam,the pillars in our house are very sturdy,train +77735,77736,77736,asad,grain,train +77736,77737,77737,ni,belonging,train +77737,77738,77738,unian i u maan kuni ina,what about this what is this,train +77738,77739,77739,u kilang hu u sapad hu kiya,it was still trees and boards,train +77739,77740,77740,tayra kaku i Falangaw i ira kuraan na i Kakinuwli hananay,in Malang when I went to Malang I heard someone came from Gagnon,test +77740,77741,77741,milcad tu namisangaan tu sra a tamdaw ku nu hkalan a tamdaw milcad tu tayniay nai kakarayan a tamdaw ku nu kakarayanay a tamdaw,as was the earthly man so are those who are of the earth and as is the man from heaven so also are those who are of heaven,train +77741,77742,77742,pasuwal sa ci Yis i cangraan O mikanguduan nu i cuwacuwaay nu niyaru nu tireng ngangasawan atu paru nu luma ku paliayaway tu suwal nu Kawas saan,Jesus said to them Only in his hometown among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor,train +77742,77743,77743,han,here is the deal,train +77743,77744,77744,matngil nuya mamu^tepay a nisawawaan kunini a suwal i makter cangra ci Yakupan aci Yuhanian,when the ten heard about this they became indignant with James and John,train +77744,77745,77745,sahetu saan u salang kura rengus,all that is left is the sap of the grass,train +77745,77746,77746,maatemay,stuck,train +77746,77747,77747,Cemhan iratu kuni,you will catch it on a shallow dive,train +77747,77748,77748,hakuwa,when,train +77748,77749,77749,macahiw ku mimaliay,the players are sweating profusely,train +77749,77750,77750,cai kahalafin,not for long,test +77750,77751,77751,tu iya ira,its shoots,train +77751,77752,77752,ta matemik tu matiya i,then my brothers vital signs seemed normal,train +77752,77753,77753,ana maseti kisu,why did you get hit,train +77753,77754,77754,mipisay satu tu radiw ya maherek tu misatu,it is a singing contest after Mass,train +77754,77755,77755,tayraen ira kaku,he took me there,train +77755,77756,77756,nawhan ira tu kura cedi kira,they still have that Spirit of helping each other,train +77756,77757,77757,Pasevanaaw nu maku kisu u hakhak ku sasaturunen,I will teach you sticky rice balls are made from sticky rice,train +77757,77758,77758,mapulung miduku ci Yihufaan,together we worship the great King Jehovah,train +77758,77759,77759,karacuhel,very sweaty,train +77759,77760,77760,fay pancah amin sa,Wow how come they are all Amis,test +77760,77761,77761,a ziday maan ku,modern,train +77761,77762,77762,Saka pitusur sa i kaayaw nu hungti cingra a mingitangit Nayarenhu ku rumiad Ta mapatiku aku a ma^min han ningra,The servant fell on his knees before him Be patient with me he begged and I will pay back everything,train +77762,77763,77763,Simahaenay a demak,it is going to happen,train +77763,77764,77764,han naku kiya singsi hanay,that is what I call a teacher,train +77764,77765,77765,Macefus tu nu maku tu nanum kira padatengan ni ina,I have watered Moms vegetable garden,train +77765,77766,77766,tangasa satu kaku mipadang cecay miheca i luma,ending a year of working from home,train +77766,77767,77767,ku vaki ita itisuwan sa,your ancestors spirit,train +77767,77768,77768,lira ku pitahidang nu Tung Se Cang,The chairman of Maraux has invited me to join him,train +77768,77769,77769,anu ngalef anu tungal han nu mita a misatakidtakid,especially with alcohol blowing,train +77769,77770,77770,siacefelay,train,test +77770,77771,77771,Hacuken ku nanum i alu,go to the river and fetch water,train +77771,77772,77772,anini hanu ngangaˈay tiˈeren ita ku pikerid ni Kristu,why can we trust Christs leadership today,train +77772,77773,77773,u raraw nu malitengay ku ninan han,is it the parents fault,train +77773,77774,77774,tu kafana an nu maku a urip,that is all I know,train +77774,77775,77775,mauraday tu haw,is it raining,train +77775,77776,77776,mahanay itini,is it the same here,train +77776,77777,77777,uyanan tu ku lasang aku,I am still seasick,train +77777,77778,77778,Pisirian,Sanxiantai,train +77778,77779,77779,aluman ku ha kamay aluman ku hacafacafay,I feel like I have a lot of help a lot of company,train +77779,77780,77780,yu ngatangata sa tu pakayni kaʼamis ku miraud mitaliyuk ku Taywan tya pakawali miraud san kira,the mainland vessels are coming from the north towards the east,test +77780,77781,77781,ruma ira ku hemay lalamlam san tu kunga awa ku pinang kaenhan,Occasionally there is a little bit of rice with groundnuts but I cannot help but accept it,train +77781,77782,77782,pahanaan,florid,train +77782,77783,77783,awaay tu mapatay tu,he died when he was a child,train +77783,77784,77784,felalutung,spider,train +77784,77785,77785,o pitier tu Kawas hananay i u sulinay kunini sanay a falucu tu pafalucuan atu caay ka araw a dmak,now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see,train +77785,77786,77786,anu lahulul anu papina kita matuʼasay kiʼeciw sa,in the course of conversation a few of the old men would join in the singing,train +77786,77787,77787,patefuc,compensation,train +77787,77788,77788,heca,also,train +77788,77789,77789,Fuwah han ni mama^ ku nanum nu kicun a pananum tu umah,dad turned on the water from the ditch to the field,train +77789,77790,77790,aluman ku cavay nu maku,I have a lot of friends,test +77790,77791,77791,caay ka ngaay Ka^meday tu kuni,No this is already very cheap,train +77791,77792,77792,tangal,head,train +77792,77793,77793,saan ku ina ni Madadingu,Flawless delicate mother,train +77793,77794,77794,takuwanan ku taneng nu kaput aku,I feel like I am in the same class,train +77794,77795,77795,panahayay hananay,nightly talks with the Watcher,train +77795,77796,77796,mahaenay sanaw sahatutu niyam tamdaw ku itiniay awaay ku tau,that is why it is all you and no one else,train +77796,77797,77797,nu aniniay san iraʼay tu ku kikay kira,they use machines nowadays,train +77797,77798,77798,mamusuay,dripping,train +77798,77799,77799,andafak misinafer tu sapakaranam tu matuʼasay,in the morning I have to pick wild vegetables for the elders,train +77799,77800,77800,haratengen ku suwal nira,do not forget remember what he said,test +77800,77801,77801,hayda,may,train +77801,77802,77802,tahacepuen,be persistent,train +77802,77803,77803,Sikiyamay kaku ciiraan tu lima a caul,I owe him grand,train +77803,77804,77804,Cuwaay u papalifet hu a mitungal,it is not bad but still needs to be strengthened and worked on,train +77804,77805,77805,sulinay makeru tu,that is it let us do the dance,train +77805,77806,77806,Decdecen a miparu^ ku fuduy,tighten the suit a bit,train +77806,77807,77807,tada u Pangcah ku kini huw hay,it is totally Aboriginal logic,train +77807,77808,77808,maan sananay kina suwal,what do those words mean,train +77808,77809,77809,tamdaw,humans,train +77809,77810,77810,hatiraay ku niyam a sikac itiya hu,this is how we used to live,test +77810,77811,77811,Militus kaku tu sakalahitay,here comes the lottery,train +77811,77812,77812,uta,vomiting,train +77812,77813,77813,ciicelay,forcefully,train +77813,77814,77814,tu malitengay itiya hu saw,old generation activities,train +77814,77815,77815,itiraay i Takaw i san ku suwal nu idang nu maku,my friend told me exactly what happened to her husband in Kaohsiung,train +77815,77816,77816,Mangata^ ku kamaenan nani cyataw hay,it only takes five minutes after you walk out of the station,train +77816,77817,77817,rey u maletep tu,and then it is time,train +77817,77818,77818,u cadiway henay amin kunu saayaway,in the old days we used to use trammel nets all the time,train +77818,77819,77819,u ranu caay pasuling tu Kawas hananay,that never believed in God,train +77819,77820,77820,pakumud,wine and blessings,test +77820,77821,77821,sipadesay,loss of life,train +77821,77822,77822,Taliyuken nira ku Kitakit niyam a rumakat,he traveled all around our country,train +77822,77823,77823,nairaan haw kueteng han aku misaʼupu ku wawa,I am forcing the kids to get together,train +77823,77824,77824,i sarawacay kaku a tumireng i matini,I am now standing on the bamboo roof skeleton,train +77824,77825,77825,aru sa i adihay sa ku cacumuli adihay ku dungec,because they had a lot of snails and a lot of vine hearts,train +77825,77826,77826,Pakaulahen cingra tu nanu nika laluk nira,reward her for her diligence,train +77826,77827,77827,ala rungurunguh cangra a caciyaw,they all had their heads together talking,train +77827,77828,77828,sa anu caay hu kalacecay ku pikaered kaered,the meaning of the rope is that if you cannot be united you cannot be tied together,train +77828,77829,77829,san kaku minengneng itu matini tu urip nu mita u maʼurip hu,I have been observing the way of life in today society,train +77829,77830,77830,nu Recurd,a little bit by myself a little bit by myself,test +77830,77831,77831,ora tatudung nura miʼadupay,as to the meaning of why we should hunt,train +77831,77832,77832,ira cingra a tayni haw Awaayhu,has he come yet No,train +77832,77833,77833,masamsam nu paylang kami Amis,we Amis were bullied by the Minnan,train +77833,77834,77834,u icel nu Ku Ka,it is national power,train +77834,77835,77835,halafin tu cuwa kaaraw kisu akawangay tu kisu,I have not seen you in a while you have grown taller,train +77835,77836,77836,sakangaay,field something health,train +77836,77837,77837,vesi,gallbladder,train +77837,77838,77838,cakahacuwa^,not much,train +77838,77839,77839,cilusay sa kaku tuna lukut sawi ira ku ʼaʼalaen aku a lukut,I will have something to Harvest after I plant the sassafras,train +77839,77840,77840,o apet nu maku ci Kacaw,Kacaw is my brother in law,test +77840,77841,77841,masanga ku matiniay a tapila itiya,when we have finished making baskets like this,train +77841,77842,77842,o lutung han ku lutun,even monkeys,train +77842,77843,77843,Hay milaplap kaku tu ayam,Okay I will go and catch the birds,train +77843,77844,77844,saka nawhaw i u tayala nu wawa i,and yet the child works,train +77844,77845,77845,akaa katawal tu nikaitinian niyam,we must not forget we were here,train +77845,77846,77846,himelen ta fangcal ku,the work should be exquisite,train +77846,77847,77847,nidemakan,do,train +77847,77848,77848,Mapacangray nu maku ku kasuy i mucu nu luma,I keep my firewood against the left wall of my home,train +77848,77849,77849,pasevana kaku nu,I will teach you,train +77849,77850,77850,mamimaan,what is going to happen,test +77850,77851,77851,itini hu i wawa i,as a child,train +77851,77852,77852,maseti aku kisu maseti nu wama kisu sanay kura wina aku,you will be beaten by me and you will be beaten by your father mother said,train +77852,77853,77853,tana awaay ku sapaluma aku,I do not have a seed because I do not have a seed,train +77853,77854,77854,Pingitangit ta mapafli kamu pikilim ta pakatama kamu Pikungkung tu fawahan ta mafawah,Ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you,train +77854,77855,77855,nani tukus kita u lukelung tu ku rakat ita,we walked downhill from the summit,train +77855,77856,77856,tanamentu kamu haw,you have to be more careful,train +77856,77857,77857,anu hakuwa tu mipangiha tura faʼinayan,we will see when we go to the mans place to say hello,train +77857,77858,77858,Ngaay hu,be close,train +77858,77859,77859,Ciyu saan ku suni nu nanum i huni,there was just a sound of falling water,train +77859,77860,77860,caay ka ngaay ku kicay nu mita,we have a bad economy,test +77860,77861,77861,nisupaan,spit,train +77861,77862,77862,cecay kira mahaen,there is only one this one,train +77862,77863,77863,matuʼasay nu niyam itiya,our ancestors at that time,train +77863,77864,77864,i lutu i faled i lutuk,at the top of the mountain,train +77864,77865,77865,ta telien nira itini i kaayaw nu nira,he put them in the front,train +77865,77866,77866,nu misu a ung nu misu a ung sa,what is yours is yours,train +77866,77867,77867,adihay ku kakunga,there is a lot of groundnuts,train +77867,77868,77868,Iraayhu ku eli a luma,there is still thatched roofs left,train +77868,77869,77869,masiwit,lean,train +77869,77870,77870,ciwciw,chickens,test +77870,77871,77871,manegneng tamdaw ta mafana haw,you have to see it to know who it is,train +77871,77872,77872,nipaluan,battered,train +77872,77873,77873,Mificin kaku tu felac i pipatifekan,I bought rice at the mill,train +77873,77874,77874,alatek u tamdaw haw,maybe human beings,train +77874,77875,77875,a u matiraʼay haensa cay pisulinga a miliclic masamatira ku demak nu itiay,I have not gotten very far into the facts of the early tribesmen that is for sure,train +77875,77876,77876,aluman tu ku salikaka saan saka,more parishioners will gather for Mass,train +77876,77877,77877,tunu aniniay inipisanga,Aboriginal language Proficiency certification test,train +77877,77878,77878,miala safalic tu panay sapakaen tu sakaʼurip nu i lumaʼay,in exchange for rice the family will have food to eat,train +77878,77879,77879,piciyawtaw,level crossing,train +77879,77880,77880,o aira ku tataangay a lunen kdal atu lifung i cuwacuwa o aira haca ku masamaamaanay a katalawan atu kafahkaan a dmak nai kakarayan,there will be great earthquakes famines and pestilences in various places and fearful events and great signs from heaven,test +77880,77881,77881,Rifuwas satu ku nanum nanifakici isu a kaka,sister water from your bucket is full,train +77881,77882,77882,Masidsid ku paru nu dufuc ni Kacaw i lalan,one by one the contents of the bag fell out,train +77882,77883,77883,o karihakedan aku Yis,Jesus completely satisfies me,train +77883,77884,77884,Talacuwaay ci panay saw,where did Panay go,train +77884,77885,77885,mulenekay,sinking,train +77885,77886,77886,pacena kita mipenen mikilang,temporary Mangrove harvesting and tree Felling,train +77886,77887,77887,nengnengen ku salang nira saan ci ina aku,mom told me to keep an eye on the water,train +77887,77888,77888,u tatalatukus kita anini han,are we going to the mountains today,train +77888,77889,77889,anu hiya kiya papaluma iri,if there is a field to plant,train +77889,77890,77890,uruma ku matiniay sa kaku,this ones very different,test +77890,77891,77891,nu wawa anini,children returning from homecoming,train +77891,77892,77892,ya iya kuni hulangkay ya mapiciday,it is a leaf split,train +77892,77893,77893,sa matini nipaini kaku tu Cudad cay kaedeng kaku tu Cudad ri,currently teaching but not sufficiently educated to continue,train +77893,77894,77894,u sakangaʼay nu tatireng tu tatireng sanay,it is good for your health the doctor said it is good for your health,train +77894,77895,77895,micamulay kaminan tu,into our troop,train +77895,77896,77896,sava tu vavahiyan ni li accun,Li ah chunk sister,train +77896,77897,77897,Mauning kura sasingaran sisiten hu uli^,that window is very dirty go clean it,train +77897,77898,77898,radiwan nu malitengay kuraan,a song that the seniors would have sung,train +77898,77899,77899,Saka mituur ci Yisan ku nai Kaliliay nai Tikapulisay nai Yirusalimay nai Yutayaay atu itiraway nu Yurtan a alu a alumanay a finawlan,large crowds from Galilee the Decapolis Jerusalem Judea and the region across the Jordan followed him,train +77899,77900,77900,ira tu ku luma mangaʼay tu harateng cifafahi tu ku wawa aku,it is a relief to have a house of your own and your kids are married and have children,test +77900,77901,77901,turun,glutinous rice dough,train +77901,77902,77902,anu mamang kiyami haw anu hatini i sepat lima mangaʼay,like the size of this root four or five pieces are fine,train +77902,77903,77903,anu misawsaw kisu tu felac pilien ku langkes,when you wash the rice make sure you pick out the small stones,train +77903,77904,77904,mifalic aca sasuwal sa tu,in other words,train +77904,77905,77905,hay a tumuk,Yes boss,train +77905,77906,77906,hapericen,grain flaking,train +77906,77907,77907,Patedien tu ulah nu misu ku falucu aku,please illuminate my heart with your love,train +77907,77908,77908,ini ku singsi aku,my teachers here,train +77908,77909,77909,tangasa tu itini i,at this point,train +77909,77910,77910,Caayay malalifet tu misaterucay cingra,No he is competing in high jump,test +77910,77911,77911,o misinafelay kami a macukacuk ilutuk,we went up the mountain to pick vegetables,train +77911,77912,77912,maru,take,train +77912,77913,77913,kimad,old practice,train +77913,77914,77914,umaan kiraan vayi,Auntie what is that,train +77914,77915,77915,ngaʼay rahuday hatira,it is as fast as,train +77915,77916,77916,itira ta malinah tayraw i laenu,and then we moved down,train +77916,77917,77917,ira ku cecay a alu tu mamangay a alu,there is a little stream,train +77917,77918,77918,tatiih,may not,train +77918,77919,77919,iraay i tila,Yes right there,train +77919,77920,77920,suwal sa i paliayaw a suwal awaay ku saway nu Taywan,in its foreword are these words Taiwan had no history,test +77920,77921,77921,saka matama nira kaku adihay ku pilicay nira,he found me and asked many,train +77921,77922,77922,u fungniyenciye han a nipiangang,it is actually called the Harvest Festival,train +77922,77923,77923,tungar tu kakahal nu tafukud,increase the width of the gossip network,train +77923,77924,77924,hai a alu,Yes the river of the beautiful mountains,train +77924,77925,77925,pacuungay,sprouting,train +77925,77926,77926,a mitemi,stirring,train +77926,77927,77927,o siacefelay,Train,train +77927,77928,77928,fuingkiw,telescope,train +77928,77929,77929,mecel,go straight,train +77929,77930,77930,ta u ira ku cecay a faʼinayan sa,there is a boy here,test +77930,77931,77931,kami satu i,what about us,train +77931,77932,77932,Pakaferen cira tu papah nu pawli,put some banana leaf pants on him,train +77932,77933,77933,malinah,moving Relocating moving away,train +77933,77934,77934,mahaen itiyaay hu ku urip,that is how life used to be,train +77934,77935,77935,kaemang kisu aki,you are so young,train +77935,77936,77936,kapicumud tayra kura kakeng hananay,the location is in a patio camp they dug themselves,train +77936,77937,77937,a maan hantu nu maku,what should I do,train +77937,77938,77938,Ocung ku naniul i lakelal,there are a lot of tadpoles by the river,train +77938,77939,77939,taw hatinay,Yes it is it is the right thing to do,train +77939,77940,77940,i ay a mihcaan,in the,test +77940,77941,77941,kamuku,shortness,train +77941,77942,77942,suwal han aku kiya ina aku ri,I will tell my mother about it when I get home,train +77942,77943,77943,hay,desirable,train +77943,77944,77944,na nanum hanira wata kaesu matatudung kuna nanum sa,just take a sip of the water wow the water tastes very sweet,train +77944,77945,77945,u tamdaw u wacuwacu u kukukuku ku misangaan niyam itiya hu,at that time I could make figures dogs and chickens,train +77945,77946,77946,lalima i ira ku karurayan nu malitengay tu,parents have to work very hard to raise these five children,train +77946,77947,77947,cukeruh,push,train +77947,77948,77948,ila ku pawli kudafes kuwa kacawas adihay a makahirahira,there are bananas guavas papayas watermelons and many more,train +77948,77949,77949,o pilipayan anucila tatayra kaku atu wina i kiwkay,tomorrow will be Sunday I will be going to church with my mom,train +77949,77950,77950,awaay ku ratuh tu yniay tu ilumaay aku Orasaka maruray kaku a miharateng,there is no news from home so I am worried,test +77950,77951,77951,cabayaw katayra saan,that is where my friend is going,train +77951,77952,77952,ta mitanamtu saku halatng,you will want to try it,train +77952,77953,77953,ina^,Mom,train +77953,77954,77954,Kaedah ku culi nira wawa tu ina nira,the kid talked back to his mom in an inaudible voice,train +77954,77955,77955,u nipiadup nira kina cacay a nikaala,he shot once,train +77955,77956,77956,laliwen kina faʼinay su,get away from that gentleman of yours,train +77956,77957,77957,padang,help,train +77957,77958,77958,i paenanay a macait ku sacukcuk,the key is hanging on the door,train +77958,77959,77959,mitawal hu kita haw,if we forget about it,train +77959,77960,77960,e ngaʼay hu kita u salaikaka,Hello friends and family,test +77960,77961,77961,micekusay,repatriated,train +77961,77962,77962,mipakumud satu i,it is time for a commendation,train +77962,77963,77963,pasayraen i kasasiriay malacafay sasipalada ku rakat nu mita i Taywan ta sulinay fa^luhay a Kitakit kuni,let us work towards reconciliation a shared existence and shared prosperity and a new future for Taiwan,train +77963,77964,77964,maratar kisu faki,Uncle good morning,train +77964,77965,77965,mapalemed nu Kawas kita,we are blessed by God,train +77965,77966,77966,a ku pinaluma niira pipanayan,they are growing it in the rice paddies,train +77966,77967,77967,panukay,take it home,train +77967,77968,77968,pasuwal sa ci Yis Maaraw Aku kisu i kala^nu nu sukun a kilang han Aku kisu saka pasulin kisu saw O mamaaraw isu ku ikakaay nunini a dmak han ningra,Jesus said You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree you shall see greater things than that,train +77968,77969,77969,Kasihilumitu,wear a safety helmet,train +77969,77970,77970,u suwal nu matuʼasay nu finawlan san,the tribal elders the Elders said,test +77970,77971,77971,Madacidac ku afala nu maku i ruma miheca,last year I got tinea versicolor on my shoulder,train +77971,77972,77972,itira tu mailisinay naherek nira,when the Toyotomi Festival is over,train +77972,77973,77973,tiya i halafinay u maan ku tayal nangra ya mitapi,what do those who work long before marriage do,train +77973,77974,77974,hai faki tadangaʼayay tu ku pakafanaʼnu misu tu wawawawa,Yes uncle share with us the way you raise your children,train +77974,77975,77975,Mahaenay ku dmak aku Saka namapaturud nu kakridan nu citudungay tu taung kaku tu sakacitudung aku i luwad satu kaku a tayra i Tamaskus,On one of these journeys I was going to Damascus with the authority and commission of the chief priests,train +77975,77976,77976,a u tu haw a mihelung hen tu rarapa,I cannot be number one all the time I have to loosen the cow,train +77976,77977,77977, misamaanay hanu ira ku hatiniay a harateng ni Yis hani,why did Jesus react this way,train +77977,77978,77978,pakapaliding kaku talakiwkay pakapaliding ku madepucay tu pakapasu,I will drive to the church because it is more convenient than the bus,train +77978,77979,77979,Wata ka kadufa anini matumes ku kupid,Great it is a bumper crop today with full fish baskets,train +77979,77980,77980,nu tumuk masakapahay amin,gather all the young warriors of the tribe,test +77980,77981,77981,mihecahecaan,year after year,train +77981,77982,77982,apiyan,opium,train +77982,77983,77983,halhalen nangra kami a misalafang tu tulu a rumiad,they entertained us as guests for three days,train +77983,77984,77984,miiduc,javelin,train +77984,77985,77985,Tumatira ira ku fafuy u fuhet atu tuluk,sometimes it was a boar sometimes a flying squirrel and occasionally a pheasant,train +77985,77986,77986,4 itini i saka cecay hahekalan u ruma tamdaw na micadaay tu milasilan ni Yis a kimad kawra ikurtu cuwa piduedu tu suˈlinay kimad a midemak,in the first century there were those who had accepted the preaching of Jesus and then ceased to walk in the truth,train +77986,77987,77987,neng han u matiniay futing ala ʼacaʼaca satu kami,once they saw it was this kind of fish everyone rushed to buy it,train +77987,77988,77988,unian haw i nawhan kuraan haw tayraay kaku i tunian haw i,I went to the ministry of health and Welfare for that,train +77988,77989,77989,anini ri kahengangay santu tefus,now all that is left is the red cane,train +77989,77990,77990,atu kimad ira tu maan,and what he said,test +77990,77991,77991,pedped han nu lafang ku luma niyam,our house was packed with guests,train +77991,77992,77992,macait,hanging,train +77992,77993,77993,cietan ku misinaraay anini a miheca,watermelon pickers are making a lot of money this year,train +77993,77994,77994,Cli sa cangra a milicay Ira i tini a milafin kuya ci Pitiru hananay a tamdaw ci Simun haw han nangra,they called out asking if Simon who was known as Peter was staying there,train +77994,77995,77995,Maaraw nu maku ku pitafesiw namu tu picudadan,I saw you guys walking by the school,train +77995,77996,77996,mahecad tu suwal aku i huni awaayay,it is the same as what I said earlier,train +77996,77997,77997,u saparirik nu heni,their bait,train +77997,77998,77998,misakay ku wawa aku i,kids at work,train +77998,77999,77999,mu^cel,very straight,train +77999,78000,78000,hamanen aku ku tayal sanay kaku,I cannot imagine how to get the job done,test +78000,78001,78001,ku niyan,Success or failure,train +78001,78002,78002,iraʼay hanima ku kaemangay a nini a matayal,maybe the young people are not coming to work,train +78002,78003,78003,matayal,at work,train +78003,78004,78004,ci Puypuyan,that is where the rice stack is,train +78004,78005,78005,o rama i itira i Luham masapadiyac misiayaw tu riyar u niyaru nu Sadipungan yu awaay hu ku tilid u iraay tu satelangay a serangawan nu Taywan kuni,the Baxian Cave with its unique sea and rock scenery is located on a cliff facing the sea in Sanmian Village Changbin Township Taitung and has one of the oldest prehistoric cultures in Taiwan,train +78005,78006,78006,tuya lafii i kriden nuya misimaway kuya tatusaay sawsawen ningra ku nanu nikastian a duka nangra ta tangsul satu a mapainu kuya misimaway atu paru nu luma ningra a ma^min,at that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds then immediately he and all his family were baptized,train +78006,78007,78007,liteng,juju,train +78007,78008,78008,cukacuk sanay kuna lutuk a,it is a steep hill,train +78008,78009,78009,caay paemin caay ka haemin han niyam,for the family,train +78009,78010,78010,masadak tu ku fulad,the moon appeared,test +78010,78011,78011,mafana kiya kaka nu niyam salikaka nu niyam,when my cousin found out that my siblings knew,train +78011,78012,78012,ilang,pulverized,train +78012,78013,78013,Caayay ci Kacaw ku ngangan nira,No his name is Kacaw,train +78013,78014,78014,malitemuh nira kaku,I was met by him,train +78014,78015,78015,cakadiput ku wawa sa mahaʼen ku halateng i,because of the worry that the shift system of the organization will affect the family,train +78015,78016,78016,undusu,sports department,train +78016,78017,78017,cai kangudu kira mikahutay tu kudasing a wawa,that kid who grabs peanuts with one hand will not be embarrassed,train +78017,78018,78018,yaan tu i talaumaumahan i,when we get to the field,train +78018,78019,78019,ta m mangaay ku falucu nira,he was kind,train +78019,78020,78020,tadacai ku ruray a niʼurung tu capux iraw,it is hard and far to pick seedlings,test +78020,78021,78021,u suwal nu mihufucay takuwanan a ina atu mama aku yu mafuraw kuna niyaru a tayni tuna paniyaruan itiya a mahufuc i tisuwanan saan,my mother and father who gave birth to me said you were born when we moved to this village,train +78021,78022,78022,pakapal,show of hands,train +78022,78023,78023,tu fana satu mitidid tu helakana,after years I learned to write in Japanese,train +78023,78024,78024,a milakec tu sauwac,we must cross the river,train +78024,78025,78025,maʼemin mi fulesak tu cilah ku luma,after every family has been salted,train +78025,78026,78026,Namaumah iri kalasuʼasuawan iri,when you feel thirsty at work,train +78026,78027,78027,Misiayaw ku luma niyam tu luma na Kacaw,our house faces Kacaw and his family,train +78027,78028,78028,ira ku limecedan ci Madadingu ku ngangan,there was a girl named,train +78028,78029,78029,sasepat cangra itira a matayal u ku na ira,there are four of them working together under the center,train +78029,78030,78030,pakungku amin itira namamaan cira,in the stories we share with each other,test +78030,78031,78031,i lutukay sananay a nipaheci,the name means on the mountain,train +78031,78032,78032,haen satu tatingtating han tu iri,so they started hanging dead cats from trees,train +78032,78033,78033,adihay ku nikaen,it is not until the time of aggression,train +78033,78034,78034,anca u iniyan,or,train +78034,78035,78035,o rucud nu harateng niyam a miala tu saseking i picudadan,we are fully focused on achieving good results in school,train +78035,78036,78036,a caay kangaay ku falucu,I will be sorry,train +78036,78037,78037,pafelian ira ku Palidaw paririʼan nu Palidaw ku Amis i,the British gave them to the Pingpu who fed them to the Amis,train +78037,78038,78038,o kimad itiya hu samsaman nu lutung ku alem,it is said that monkeys bully pangolins,train +78038,78039,78039,anu miliyaw a tayni ku Tapang ita ci Yis i caay ka u kamu ku kacifalucuan atu sakalipahak atu sakasneng a tamuhung niyam hakiya,for what is our hope our joy or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes is it not you,train +78039,78040,78040,tu nipaypayay,Buddhism,test +78040,78041,78041,kemaen tu saka lahuk ita sa,he will not eat our food,train +78041,78042,78042,Odawis aka hanen ku caayay hu karuhem a kamaya,do not pick the unripe tomato,train +78042,78043,78043,Marepat ku kuliciw,the bicycle is broken,train +78043,78044,78044,o lingku ku sakaulahan nu maku a lusay,my favorite fruit is apple,train +78044,78045,78045,itini sapikuwan tu pakayniʼay caku icuwa ku tananamen tu sapikuwan tu matayalay a maʼemin,it is the human resources department of the company concerned,train +78045,78046,78046,Tadaidahiyay tu kisu halafinay a misanga tuna epah haw,you are really talented does it take a long time to make,train +78046,78047,78047,mahaen makayra i tuemanay ira tu taluma kira sau cay ka saan,in the darkness sir returned and the wife was sexually assaulted in her sleep,train +78047,78048,78048,ya Censinmisa tuur tuur aluman aluman satu kura mamamama ngara a mimisa,after that many children followed them to the Mass of the sacred Heart,train +78048,78049,78049,Saka rarawraw satu ku finawlan nu niyaru rpet hantu nu finawlan ku haklung ni Pawlu a rumakat a Makituniya a tamdaw ci Kayus aci Aristarkus Safleng satu cangra a tayra i pikiarawan,soon the whole city was in an uproar the people seized Gaius and Aristarchus Pauls traveling companions from Macedonia and rushed as one man into the theater,train +78049,78050,78050,kicun,furrow in field,test +78050,78051,78051,nisalilan,net,train +78051,78052,78052,sakafana,solution,train +78052,78053,78053,hakereman,in the evening,train +78053,78054,78054,i luma alu sanay kaku i luma ira,I have been staying at his house,train +78054,78055,78055,malalicay camira tengil han aku kalalicay ra i,I listened to their conversation,train +78055,78056,78056,u hatapes nawhan anu u uway hanu san,as for the sifter if you are using rattan,train +78056,78057,78057,Saka uya tayraay tu lima ku tuki a matayalay i tayra satu a milayap tu alaccay a tinali tu lifun,The workers who were hired about the eleventh hour came and each received a denarius,train +78057,78058,78058,Nanay mapaini nu Tapang a Yis Kristu ita kamu a mapulung tu mikumi,the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all,train +78058,78059,78059,haenhanca papulita kitanan hani aray,is that all right thank you sir,train +78059,78060,78060,mipasifana tu ya matuʼasay tamdaw tu Cudad nu mita,where do I teach the old Mans language,test +78060,78061,78061,anu masungilatu ku pituur namu tu suwal niyam i itiya kami a mitfuc tu caay pituur tu suwal niyam a tamdaw,and we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience once your obedience is complete,train +78061,78062,78062,itini kaʼetip tunu,it is west of the airport,train +78062,78063,78063,hatira tiraay katakaraw kirana kahengay a hiya,it is as tall as that red one,train +78063,78064,78064,mifuting kami,I am a fisherman,train +78064,78065,78065,fa^edetay,heat,train +78065,78066,78066,atu kadafudafu nura luma,the son in laws of the family,train +78066,78067,78067,caayay kamimi cangra tira tu mitahidang,and the clansmen contacted each other,train +78067,78068,78068,faʼinay nu maku miliyas tu faʼinay nu maku,after my husband left,train +78068,78069,78069,patadekes a sumuwal,to speak bluntly,train +78069,78070,78070,cacay ku heni mituʼur tu radiw nu paradiway,there is a guy who sings along with the lead singer,test +78070,78071,78071,u nisimsim nu Cikasuwan anu awaay ku nikasaselal caay kalisimet ku niyaru,in the Shichigokawa tribesmen philosophy there is no discipline without age class,train +78071,78072,78072,Tadamarurayay,it is very hard,train +78072,78073,78073,kela,carat,train +78073,78074,78074,leceng,cut,train +78074,78075,78075,ilaay ku hemay haw,do you have a meal,train +78075,78076,78076,ila i taliyuk nu niyaru ku pikacawan u pidawaan tu rakat nu ada,the watchtowers are around the horde and are used to observe the movement of the enemy,train +78076,78077,78077,ira tu ku nitakus tu tuas,there is an invitation to the Spirit of the Lord to come to this place,train +78077,78078,78078,aka pisawad tu ngaayay a dmak atu nipipalada nawhani u kaulahan nu Kawas ku matiniay a sapacakat,and do not forget to do good and to share with others for with such sacrifices God is pleased,train +78078,78079,78079,ira aca ku ecu efa atu lukdaw i pinanuwangan sahtu sa u cuwa hu kaaraw aku i ayaw hu salipahak sa kaku a pakaaraw anini,there are elephants horses and tigers in the zoo I have never seen these animals before I was really happy to see them today,train +78079,78080,78080,mahirateng nu ayaway a misaniyaruʼay kira utuc,the ancestors and elders remembered the stone pillar,test +78080,78081,78081,araw sulinay matevad tu cira sa makinapatay,Unfortunately before she could see her the little girl jumped to her death,train +78081,78082,78082,Aka tataang ku urad i paputal,I cannot it is pouring outside,train +78082,78083,78083,nga lahecien isu nga makaen kura dungec,when you peel it off you can eat the heart,train +78083,78084,78084,Mihadefek ku taakay a lunen tu cecay a niyaru,the earthquake destroyed a whole city,train +78084,78085,78085,paini tu nu matuʼasay,it is an admonition from the elders,train +78085,78086,78086,Kuhcalay ku cengel nu kadit i kakarayan,the clouds in the sky are white,train +78086,78087,78087,hatiraay kura lutukimu hananay,that is what volunteering is all about,train +78087,78088,78088,u nian ku malitaenga hu ya pakacekingay kuni,it is the same old dark purple and black fabric,train +78088,78089,78089,tuka maanan naw,what is going to happen,train +78089,78090,78090,Hadimel han ni ina a midiput ku wawa nira,a mother takes careful care of her children,test +78090,78091,78091,emecen,pinch off,train +78091,78092,78092,cakanga mikiʼayaw maketer ku kapah,you cannot overtake the youth you will get angry,train +78092,78093,78093,iraay ku mafanaʼay tu mi,that is why some people recommend,train +78093,78094,78094,mamangahay,likes to cheat,train +78094,78095,78095,o paramud han nu Pangcah ku patatawus tu tatusaay,the Amis consider two people to be partners as a sign of marriage,train +78095,78096,78096,anu mipadang a mipuhpuh tu adadaay a mitulun tu sakalemedaw a miadah anu ca mikawanan a mikamay tu masamaamaanay a lisin,healing blessing praying and conducting a number of other rituals large and small,train +78096,78097,78097,midipdip,peeking,train +78097,78098,78098,onian kuya Sbalay sanay,this is Sbalay,train +78098,78099,78099,mifawah ci kaka tu fawahan atu sasingaran,sister opened the door and the window,train +78099,78100,78100,micaliw ciira tu nu kaput nika cauf han nu kaput ciira Awaay ku nu maku han naira,he borrowed toilet paper from his classmates but everyone told him that I did not bring them either,test +78100,78101,78101,o he,Oh,train +78101,78102,78102,makuri^ay,tight,train +78102,78103,78103,malipahak pakaʼaraw mahaenay aca san,ecstatic to see his first prey,train +78103,78104,78104,Mitiku aca kiya kakitaan,so the leader went back to collect,train +78104,78105,78105,dadaya,at night,train +78105,78106,78106,yu mipatnak kuya tatusaay tu suwal nu Kawas i citudung cangra a midef tu kakarayan tu saka^caaw ka urad o rumasatu citudung cangra tu nemnem a palarmes o harateng sa nangra a misamaamaan a mikariang tu hkal,these men have power to shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want,train +78106,78107,78107,sakatanetek nu mita u Pangcah,making the lives of indigenous peoples more secure,train +78107,78108,78108,itira cingra i mikumuday tuya kanatal ci Serkius Pawluan a maru onini a mikumuday i u citanengay a tamdaw mangalay cingra a mitngil tu suwal nu Kawas Saka tahidangen ningra ci Parnapas aci Sawlu,who was an attendant of the proconsul Sergius Paulus the proconsul an intelligent man sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God,train +78108,78109,78109,kaurira i mikakuy kaku i,but when I lifted him,train +78109,78110,78110,Itiyasatu fahal sa a maaraw nu tatuluay a nisawawaan ci Musi aci Iliya a masasicaciyaw i ci Yisan,just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus,test +78110,78111,78111,iraay hu hatini,it is still there,train +78111,78112,78112,micingcu kami tu sentanciye tira i Cuciyawkunsu,there was a Christmas celebration at the Bishops office,train +78112,78113,78113,inapil,tie leg pants,train +78113,78114,78114,matira kalahukan satu ira tu ku husu nu mama nu kapah,that is it two of the clock after noon the young fathers are on the air,train +78114,78115,78115,anu mahaen,if that is the case,train +78115,78116,78116,nipatingwaan,who to call,train +78116,78117,78117,mitilidan ira kamutuay ku urip ira,he wrote that he was short lived,train +78117,78118,78118,falu pulu tu ku mihecaan nuya malitengay nika nengneng han hatu tahatenukay hu ku mihecaan nira,the old man is already eighty years old but he still looks like a middle aged man,train +78118,78119,78119,safa nu wama aku talaayaw hu ku tileng ira,my fathers brother when he was young,train +78119,78120,78120,anu malasikawasay i cai kaca u mamilusimet tu pinapina a paisinay a demak a tahatulas nu urip a cai kamaen tu titi nu ayam atu kenaw,as a priest one must follow some specific precepts including one must not eat chickens in ones life and one must not eat onions or garlic,test +78120,78121,78121,awa kura fanges nira,if there is no skin,train +78121,78122,78122,u niyan,tillage,train +78122,78123,78123,hay sa hay han aku,is that right I said yes,train +78123,78124,78124,i luma kami a milaedis Cakay sa tu vuting,we buy fish at home and have a fishing festival,train +78124,78125,78125,sapicakay hantu niya tumuk masamatira,and buying materials that is what the boss said,train +78125,78126,78126,15 anu sapicadaaw ku wawa tu inuˈ papadamaen nu wama wina cangra misungilaˈa miharateng u maanan ku ˈinurung nu Krisciyang samanay ku pinengneng nu wawa tuniya ˈinurung,if a child expresses a desire to be baptized parents should help them to think carefully about what their Christian responsibilities are and how the child perceives them,train +78126,78127,78127,ura misangaʼan a,good policy of Legislative amendment,train +78127,78128,78128,sinuet,sweltering,train +78128,78129,78129,tini kaku misakilang,I am all about reforestation here,train +78129,78130,78130,matiya u mipakpakay tu kamay ku talud,the reed grass seems to be clapping,test +78130,78131,78131,mapui ku wina aku awaay ku payci hani,my mother was angry and told me I had no money,train +78131,78132,78132,pasuwal sa kuya pasifanaay tu Rikec a tamdaw Oya siniadaay tuya tamdaw han ningra Saka suwal sa ci Yis Anu hatira i haenen ku dmak isu han ningra,the expert in the law replied The one who had mercy on him Jesus told him Go and do likewise,train +78132,78133,78133,u Latingki kami,we are pulling the lights,train +78133,78134,78134,a idengay saan,it is okay,train +78134,78135,78135,lipahak,joy,train +78135,78136,78136,O malmeday ku pararihadayay a tamdaw nawhani u wawa nu Kawas wa han cangra a matahidang,blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called sons of God,train +78136,78137,78137,pi satuutuur nira tuna lutulutungan,they are chasing the monkeys,train +78137,78138,78138,nu miala tu saan,why are you still taking it,train +78138,78139,78139,simanay uya patetekan itiya hu u tika,at that time it was fixed with a simple mortise and tenon,train +78139,78140,78140,pasifana atu mihatatanam mamisimaw tu sakangaay nu niyaru masasipadang mamatayal tu nu kapulungan a demak nu finawlan misanga tu lalan atu kayakay unini tu u tatayalen a demak ku kacipinangan a milaheci,education and training maintenance of tribal law and order watchfulness attendance at public affairs repair of roads and construction of bridges et are carried out in a manner that depends on the severity of the task,test +78140,78141,78141,mafaliyus anini talakungkuan kamu haw,there is a typhoon today are you going to school,train +78141,78142,78142,makakitingay,redundant characters,train +78142,78143,78143,pilafinan nuya Iwatan kura,that is where the Bunun are staying,train +78143,78144,78144,a tayra kita i niyaru ni wama ita,I am going to my fathers hometown,train +78144,78145,78145,malapakarungay,become a junior,train +78145,78146,78146,fiwa,loquat tree,train +78146,78147,78147,puruk,men earring,train +78147,78148,78148,u saayaway a lalan iraw fafaʼed iraw fafaʼed,the road before that was up there up there,train +78148,78149,78149,talariyar,out to sea,train +78149,78150,78150,sapakaen i kamiyanan cai ka kaesu kaenen ku pawli i awaay,cook green bananas bananas do not taste good,test +78150,78151,78151,O caay pikitini i takuwanan a tamdaw i u paculiay Takuwanan o caay pikaput i takuwanan a misaupu i u palicinuwasay tu tamdaw,He who is not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters,train +78151,78152,78152,tu kina sakakaay aku itiya,my oldest was a junior in high school by then,train +78152,78153,78153,makilim tunu maku kisu haw,I have found you you are the best at weaving a gossip web,train +78153,78154,78154,u fafahian sa,and the girls,train +78154,78155,78155,u suʼelin ira miseti,is he serious about the fight or what,train +78155,78156,78156,en maan han anu matini saan i,Well as of now,train +78156,78157,78157,latek caayay ka suelin kaurira tu hatiniay mataleday,it is not always reliable but it is usually very flexible,train +78157,78158,78158,papina ku misangaan tu emu,there are a few people who make homemade sweet rice cakes,train +78158,78159,78159,away maaraw ku hemay satu sa u kunga,I do not see any rice in the main course and the whole pot is filled with groundnuts,train +78159,78160,78160,o Pangcah Tayan Paywan Punung Lukay Piwma Tau Saysiya Taruku Cu Kafalan Sakiraya Secik atu Saw,the Amis Atayal Paiwan Bunun Rukai Penan Yami Saisiat Taroko Tsou Kavalan Sakia Sedek and Thao,test +78160,78161,78161,Pacauf sa kuya kapah Madu^duaytu aku a ma^min kunini a limuut O maanhu ku caay ka^deng aku saw han ningra,All these I have kept the young man said What do I still lack,train +78161,78162,78162,mahaen ku niyam,we do,train +78162,78163,78163,ya kilang i tangsul sanay misalumaʼan ita,are you going to build a house out of the trees you took,train +78163,78164,78164,hay ya licay aku,Yes about what I am asking is,train +78164,78165,78165,hanhan mihaen matatudung tu ku kakahad rira san,that is the way to do it if it is the right width,train +78165,78166,78166,tu,Grounded,train +78166,78167,78167,ya micikcik tu titi i safecawfecaw han matiya tu iniʼan anini kina titi,pork in pieces slice by slice slice by slice like this one,train +78167,78168,78168,kahira nu wawa,my child,train +78168,78169,78169,alaan aku ku nu liteng hu a talip,I took the dress of my ancestors,train +78169,78170,78170,itini i pasaetip anu pulung han i makaala tu 10 ufad ku tamdaw u sapiliyas tu niyaru u pisahalaka a mikilim tu sakafangcal nu urip,However there are more than people in other parts of the western region who have left their homes to seek employment and create a stable life,test +78170,78171,78171,talacuwa kisu,where are you going,train +78171,78172,78172,nga tarien tarien kiya haw makueteng kura suta,then pile it up pile the mud on top of each other to make it sticky,train +78172,78173,78173,ya Fangcalay ita ku mitungalan,that is good you have to keep improving,train +78173,78174,78174,talalutuk a mikamuraw ku paru nu luma na Kacaw anini,Kacaw and his family went up to the mountains today to pick grapefruit,train +78174,78175,78175,Pulung fainayan nu niyaru matatuud tayra i riyar micelem atu mitafukud tu futing,all the men of the tribe went to the sea to dive and cast nets to catch fish,train +78175,78176,78176,i mahini i liyal,by the sea now,train +78176,78177,78177,hay a pasifanaen hu aku kita tu manan ku laruwadan nu maku,let us start with some basic information about myself and the tribe I was born in,train +78177,78178,78178,ata,let us go,train +78178,78179,78179,rakaten ningra ku i tiraay a pala adihay ku nipipaicel ningra tu salikaka ta tayra satu i Krisiya,he traveled through that area speaking many words of encouragement to the people and finally arrived in Greece,train +78179,78180,78180,harakatay tu kisu matayal satu kira tu,he will say You are doing it fast,test +78180,78181,78181,Paranikayen ku fekac nu kikay i palapalaan,make the machine go faster in the field,train +78181,78182,78182,palecaden tu mali ku pisakimulu tu kalupuy,the dumplings should be kneaded so that they are as round as a ball,train +78182,78183,78183,caay kangaay a micacacak i naayaw sisa semsem han tu a kemaen,in the past it is not easy to cook so I had to eat it raw,train +78183,78184,78184,tira sa kami milafin,we have been staying there,train +78184,78185,78185,Mafanaw ku pala niyam,our fields are flooded,train +78185,78186,78186,Sulinen aku a sumuwal kamu ira i tini ku papakatakup a pakaaraw tu pikuwan nu Kawas i ayaw nu nika patay nangra han ningra,I tell you the truth some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God,train +78186,78187,78187,ta itiya,at that time,train +78187,78188,78188,marenukay,assaulted,train +78188,78189,78189,ira tu ku parud nu misu sa parud na i tiraay tu ku ni patireng nira tu a misanga tu ni patireng nu luma taw ira ku ni sa parud i lalafu nu luma,do you have a family the main source is the idea of building a house before you have a family and then the family is complete with a stove,train +78189,78190,78190,i palapalaan pala niyam,plowing in our fields,test +78190,78191,78191,vangcalay a luma,a beautiful majestic home,train +78191,78192,78192,papinuhiren,move something crawling in the dust,train +78192,78193,78193,peti,penis,train +78193,78194,78194,ira ku ma yasuyay ira ku matekesay micakay,do you sell rice cheaply or expensively,train +78194,78195,78195,caay ka i matiniay tu nu aniniay a sifu hatini i,unlike the current government policy,train +78195,78196,78196,Maaraw nu ccay a tumirengay i kaayaw nu ciwcika a kakridan nu sufitay ku nika matira nu nipicli atu nika patay ni Yis i suwal sa Sulinay u Wawa nu Kawas kunini a tamdaw saan,and when the centurion who stood there in front of Jesus heard his cry and saw how he died he said Surely this man was the son of God,train +78196,78197,78197,mapapaliwpaliw kami u kaying a tu sining,our young lady and the young man are swapping jobs with each other,train +78197,78198,78198,itiya cacay tu a mihcaan,the time of year,train +78198,78199,78199,ya mama niyam pacedi a miiya,I am just starting out Fathers working hard,train +78199,78200,78200,malafi a fayi,Auntie for dinner Auntie good night,test +78200,78201,78201,Saka sarucuden ku falucu isu sarucuden ku urip isu sarucuden ku harateng isu sarucuden ku icel isu a maulah tu Tapang a Kawas isu saan onini ku kakalimlaan a limuut,love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength,train +78201,78202,78202,Tumay tu,it is a bear,train +78202,78203,78203,masawad a mimaan na nu mamang tangasa i tuʼas nu mita a urip sa kaku a wawa,from childhood to old age,train +78203,78204,78204,hay sakasepat satu a radiw iri haw,Yes the fourth song is like this,train +78204,78205,78205,mifakciwan tu,we need to measure too,train +78205,78206,78206,nanu Taywan amitahidang tuna Pikey hananay,is it translated from Taiwanese,train