--- dataset_info: features: - name: shorturl dtype: string - name: title dtype: string - name: pubinfo dtype: string - name: preamble sequence: string - name: toc list: - name: content_title dtype: string - name: sub_toc sequence: string - name: main_text list: - name: main_content sequence: string - name: section_title dtype: string - name: subsections list: - name: content sequence: string - name: subsection_title dtype: string - name: bibliography sequence: string - name: related_entries list: - name: href dtype: string - name: text dtype: string splits: - name: train num_bytes: 160405734 num_examples: 1776 download_size: 90000475 dataset_size: 160405734 --- # Dataset Card for "stanford_plato" ## Description This is a collection of articles in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (https://plato.stanford.edu/index.html). This dataset includes 1776 articles, each explaining one philosophy term/people/topic. It has 8 features: - shorturl: The shorturl for the article. For example, the shorturl 'abduction' correspond to the page https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/abduction/ - title: The title of the article. - pubinfo: The publication information. - **preamble**: The preface text of the article. The data is a list, each item of the list is a paragraph of the data. I choose not to break the paragraph structure. Certainly, you can merge them by, for example, ''.join(data['preamble']) - toc: Table of contents. Also represented as list. Each item is a dictionary, the 'content_title' is the main content title, and the 'sub_toc' is a list of subcontent titles. - **main_text**: The main text of the article. The data is also a list, each item represents a section of the article. Each item is a dictionary, 'section_title' is the title of the section, 'main_content' is a list of paragraphs before subsections, 'subsections' is a list of subsections, each item is also a dictionary, has its own title 'subsection_title' and list of paragraphs 'content'. - bibliography: list of bibliography. - related_entries: list of entries related to the current entry. ## Copyright and license See the information at the offical website: https://plato.stanford.edu/info.html#c This is not an official release. May be deleted later if violates copyright. The responsibility of not abusing is on the user.