--- annotations_creators: - found language: - en language_creators: - found license: - unknown multilinguality: - monolingual pretty_name: English haiku dataset scraped from Reddit's /r/haiku with topics extracted using KeyBERT size_categories: - 10K>> print(d['train'][0]) #{'Unnamed: 0': 0, 'id': '1020ac', 'processed_title': "There's nothing inside/There is nothing outside me/I search on in hope.", 'ups': 5, 'keywords': "[('inside', 0.5268), ('outside', 0.3751), ('search', 0.3367), ('hope', 0.272)]"} ``` There is code for scraping and processing in `processing_code`, and a subset of the data with more fields such as author Karma, downvotes and posting time at `processing_code/reddit-2022-10-20-dump.csv`.