# Reddit Haiku This dataset contains haikus from the subreddit [/r/haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/haiku/) scraped and filtered between October 19th and 10th 2022, combined with a [previous dump](https://zissou.infosci.cornell.edu/convokit/datasets/subreddit-corpus/corpus-zipped/hackintosh_ja~-~hamsters/) of that same subreddit packaged by [ConvoKit](https://convokit.cornell.edu/documentation/subreddit.html) as part of the Subreddit Corpus, which is itself a subset of [pushshift.io](https://pushshift.io/)'s big dump. ## Fields The fields are post id (`id`), the content of the haiku (`processed_title`), upvotes (`ups`), and topic keywords (`keywords`). Topic keywords for each haiku have been extracted with the [KeyBERT library](https://maartengr.github.io/KeyBERT/guides/quickstart.html) and truncated to top-5 keywords. ## Usage ```python from datasets import load_dataset d=load_dataset('huanggab/reddit_haiku') >>> print(d['train'][0]) #{'Unnamed: 0': 0, 'id': '1020ac', 'processed_title': "There's nothing inside/There is nothing outside me/I search on in hope.", 'ups': 5, 'keywords': "[('inside', 0.5268), ('outside', 0.3751), ('search', 0.3367), ('hope', 0.272)]"} ```