import math import torch import torch.nn as nn from htrans.norms import get_norm_fn from typing import Tuple from einops import repeat class EmbeddingComponent(nn.Module): """Component embedding including token embedding, positional embedding and (token type embedding)""" def __init__(self, config): # where is token type embds? super(EmbeddingComponent, self).__init__() self.token_embedding = nn.Embedding(config.vocab_size, config.emb_dim, padding_idx=config.pad_token_id) if config.pos_emb == "learned": self.positional_embedding = LearnedPositional(config.emb_dim, config.max_seq_length) elif config.pos_emb == "sinusoidal": self.positional_embedding = SinusoidalPositional(config.emb_dim, config.max_seq_length) elif config.pos_emb == "scaled-sinusoidal": self.positional_embedding = ScaledSinosoidal(config.emb_dim, config.max_seq_length) else: self.positional_embedding = None self.dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(p=config.dropout_prob) if config.normalization: self.norm = get_norm_fn(config.norm)(config.emb_dim, eps=config.norm_eps) else: self.norm = torch.nn.Identity() def forward(self, input_ids): embeds = self.token_embedding(input_ids) if self.positional_embedding is not None: embeds += self.positional_embedding(input_ids) return self.dropout(self.norm(embeds)) class SinusoidalPositional(nn.Module): """ The original positional embedding used in 'Attention is all you need' """ def __init__(self, emb_dim, max_seq_length=512): super(SinusoidalPositional, self).__init__() pe = torch.zeros(max_seq_length, emb_dim) position = torch.arange(0, max_seq_length, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1) div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, emb_dim, 2) * (-math.log(10000) / emb_dim)) pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term) pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term) # return a 3D pe so it can be broadcasting on the batch_size dimension self.register_buffer("pe", pe.unsqueeze(0), persistent=False) def forward(self, input_ids): r"""Inputs of forward function Args: input_ids: the sequence fed to the positional encoder model (required). Shape: input_ids: [batch size, sequence length] output: [batch size, sequence length, embed dim] Examples: >>> output = pos_encoder(x) """ return[:, : input_ids.shape[1], :] class ScaledSinosoidal(SinusoidalPositional): """Sinusoidal with scaling (see FLASH paper).""" def __init__(self, embedding_dim, max_seq_length): super().__init__(embedding_dim, max_seq_length) self.scale_factor = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor([1.0 / embedding_dim**0.5])) def forward(self, input_ids): r"""Inputs of forward function Args: x: the sequence fed to the positional encoder model (required). Shape: x: [batch size, sequence length, embed dim] output: [batch size, sequence length, embed dim] Examples: >>> output = pos_encoder(x) """ return self.scale_factor *[:, : input_ids.shape[1], :] class LearnedPositional(nn.Module): """Shorthand for a learnable embedding.""" def __init__(self, emb_dim, max_seq_length): super(LearnedPositional, self).__init__() self.emb = nn.Embedding(max_seq_length, emb_dim) self.register_buffer("position_ids", torch.arange(0, max_seq_length).expand(1, -1)) def forward(self, input_ids): position_ids = self.position_ids[:, : input_ids.shape[1]] return self.emb(position_ids) # Code stolen from GPT-X: class Rotary(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim, base=10000, def_seq_length=128, seq_dim: int = 0): super().__init__() inv_freq = 1.0 / (base ** (torch.arange(0, dim, 2).float() / dim)) self.register_buffer("inv_freq", inv_freq, persistent=True) self.seq_len_cached = def_seq_length self.seq_dim = seq_dim cos_cache, sin_cache = self._get_cos_sin() self.register_buffer("cos_cached", cos_cache, persistent=False) self.register_buffer("sin_cached", sin_cache, persistent=False) # Force fusions on batched version def rotate_half(x: torch.Tensor): x1, x2 = x[..., : x.shape[-1] // 2], x[..., x.shape[-1] // 2 :] # torch.split(x, x.shape[-1] // 2, dim=-1) # not faster return, x1), dim=-1) def rope_fn(cos: torch.Tensor, sin: torch.Tensor, query_layer: torch.Tensor, key_layer: torch.Tensor): QK =[query_layer, key_layer], dim=1) rotated = QK * cos + rotate_half(QK) * sin return torch.split(QK, query_layer.shape[1], dim=1) self.rope_fn = rope_fn # handle fusion on module level @torch.no_grad() def get_cos_sin_cache(self, x: torch.Tensor): seq_len = x.shape[self.seq_dim] if seq_len != self.seq_len_cached: self.seq_len_cached = x.shape[self.seq_dim] cos_cache, sin_cache = self._get_cos_sin() self.cos_cached = self.sin_cached = return self.cos_cached, self.sin_cached def _get_cos_sin(self): t = torch.arange(self.seq_len_cached).type_as(self.inv_freq) freqs = torch.einsum("i,j->ij", t, self.inv_freq) emb =, freqs), dim=-1) if self.seq_dim == 0: return emb.cos()[:, None, None, :].detach(), emb.sin()[:, None, None, :].detach() else: return emb.cos()[None, :, None, :].detach(), emb.sin()[None, :, None, :].detach() def forward(self, query_layer: torch.Tensor, key_layer: torch.Tensor): return self.rope_fn(self.cos_cached, self.sin_cached, query_layer, key_layer) @torch.jit.export def single_forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor): """For cases where shapes of Q and K do not match.""" cos, sin = self.cos_cached[: inputs.shape[0]], self.sin_cached[: inputs.shape[0]] return inputs * cos + self.rotate_half(inputs) * sin def rotate_half(self, x: torch.Tensor): x1, x2 = x[..., : x.shape[-1] // 2], x[..., x.shape[-1] // 2 :] return, x1), dim=-1) # torch.split(x, x.shape[-1] // 2, dim=-1) # not faster class RotarySanityCheck(torch.nn.Module): """not again...""" def __init__(self, dim, base=10000, def_seq_length=128, seq_dim: int = 0): super().__init__() inv_freq = 1.0 / (base ** (torch.arange(0, dim, 2).float() / dim)) self.register_buffer("inv_freq", inv_freq, persistent=True) self.seq_len_cached = def_seq_length self.seq_dim = seq_dim cos_cache, sin_cache = self._get_cos_sin() self.register_buffer("cos_cached", cos_cache, persistent=False) self.register_buffer("sin_cached", sin_cache, persistent=False) @torch.no_grad() def get_cos_sin_cache(self, x: torch.Tensor): seq_len = x.shape[self.seq_dim] if seq_len != self.seq_len_cached: self.seq_len_cached = x.shape[self.seq_dim] cos_cache, sin_cache = self._get_cos_sin() self.cos_cached = self.sin_cached = return self.cos_cached, self.sin_cached def _get_cos_sin(self): t = torch.arange(self.seq_len_cached).type_as(self.inv_freq) freqs = torch.einsum("i,j->ij", t, self.inv_freq) emb =, freqs), dim=-1) if self.seq_dim == 0: return emb.cos()[:, None, None, :].detach(), emb.sin()[:, None, None, :].detach() else: return emb.cos()[None, :, None, :].detach(), emb.sin()[None, :, None, :].detach() def forward(self, query_layer: torch.Tensor, key_layer: torch.Tensor): # cos, sin = self.get_cos_sin_cache(key_layer) # cos, sin = (cos[offset : query_layer.shape[0] + offset, ...], sin[offset : query_layer.shape[0] + offset, ...]) cos, sin = self.cos_cached, self.sin_cached return (query_layer * cos) + (self.rotate_half(query_layer) * sin), (key_layer * cos) + (self.rotate_half(key_layer) * sin) def rotate_half(self, x: torch.Tensor): x1, x2 = x[..., : x.shape[-1] // 2], x[..., x.shape[-1] // 2 :] return, x1), dim=-1) # torch.split(x, x.shape[-1] // 2, dim=-1) # not faster @torch.jit.export def single_forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor): """For cases where shapes of Q and K do not match.""" cos, sin = self.cos_cached[: inputs.shape[0]], self.sin_cached[: inputs.shape[0]] return inputs * cos + self.rotate_half(inputs) * sin # Adapted from who adapted from # Adapted from class RotaryEleutherAI(torch.nn.Module): """ The rotary position embeddings from RoFormer_ (Su et. al). A crucial insight from the method is that the query and keys are transformed by rotation matrices which depend on the relative positions. Other implementations are available in the Rotary Transformer repo_ and in GPT-NeoX_, GPT-NeoX was an inspiration .. _RoFormer: .. _repo: .. _GPT-NeoX: """ _seq_len_cached: int # _cos_cached: Optional[torch.Tensor] # _sin_cached: Optional[torch.Tensor] def __init__(self, dim_model: int, *_, **__): super().__init__() # Generate and save the inverse frequency buffer (non trainable) inv_freq = 1.0 / (10000 ** (torch.arange(0, dim_model, 2).float() / dim_model)) self.register_buffer("inv_freq", inv_freq) _cos_cached, _sin_cached = self._update_cos_sin_tables(torch.randn(1, 128, 1), seq_dimension=-2) self.register_buffer("_cos_cached", _cos_cached, persistent=False) self.register_buffer("_sin_cached", _sin_cached, persistent=False) @torch.jit.ignore def _update_cos_sin_tables(self, x: torch.Tensor, seq_dimension: int = -2) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: seq_len = x.shape[seq_dimension] # Reset the tables if the sequence length has changed, # or if we're on a new device (possibly due to tracing for instance) # if seq_len != self._seq_len_cached: # or self._cos_cached.device != x.device or self._cos_cached.dtype != x.dtype: self._seq_len_cached = seq_len t = torch.arange(x.shape[seq_dimension], device=x.device, dtype=self.inv_freq.dtype) # Don't do einsum, it converts fp32 to fp16 # freqs = torch.einsum("i,j->ij", t, self.inv_freq) freqs = torch.outer(t, self.inv_freq) cos_cached = repeat(torch.cos(freqs).to(x.dtype), "... d -> ... (d 2)") sin_cached = repeat(torch.sin(freqs).to(x.dtype), "... d -> ... (d 2)") return cos_cached, sin_cached def forward(self, q: torch.Tensor, k: torch.Tensor, seq_dimension: int = -2) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: # assert seq_dimension in [-2, -3] # Either (bs, h, s, d) or (bs, s, h, d) # self._cos_cached, self._sin_cached = self._update_cos_sin_tables(k, seq_dimension=seq_dimension) return ( apply_rotary_pos_emb(q, self._cos_cached, self._sin_cached, seq_dimension), apply_rotary_pos_emb(k, self._cos_cached, self._sin_cached, seq_dimension), ) def rotate_half(x: torch.Tensor): x = x.unflatten(dim=-1, sizes=(-1, 2)) x1, x2 = x.unbind(dim=-1) rotated_x = torch.stack((-x2, x1), dim=-1) return rotated_x.flatten(start_dim=-2) @torch.jit.script def apply_rotary_pos_emb(x: torch.Tensor, cos: torch.Tensor, sin: torch.Tensor, seq_dimension: int = -2): # NOTE: This could probably be moved to Triton # Handle a possible sequence length mismatch in between q and k cos = cos[: x.shape[seq_dimension], :] sin = sin[: x.shape[seq_dimension], :] if seq_dimension == -3: cos = cos[:, None, :] sin = sin[:, None, :] return (x * cos) + (rotate_half(x) * sin)