story kennel cough in dogs february 24 2016 like humans dogs can experience a noisy dry cough caused by an irritated throat however persistent coughing paired with a fever nasal or ocular discharge or loss of voice may be symptoms of a more serious condition such as kennel cough canine infectious tracheobronchitis or kennel cough can develop in dogs when they inhale bacterial or viral particles into their respiratory tract mucus coating the respiratory tract normally collects these infectious particles but several factors can weaken this protection and expose dogs to viruses and bacteria that may cause the infection dr brad bennett lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the basics of kennel cough kennel cough is a respiratory disease classified by an infection in the throat caused by inhaling bacteria coming into contact with viruses or both bennett said kennel cough is usually illustrated by inflammation of the trachea but it can also lead to bronchopneumonia dogs who are exposed to crowded areas with poor ventilation such as those found in kennels or animal shelters are at higher risk for developing kennel cough cold temperatures exposure to cigarette smoke and travel-induced stress can also increase a dogs risk for developing the infection the symptoms of kennel cough including a dry honking cough coughing to the point of retching fever loss of voice and ocular or nasal discharge can be caused by multiple sources but the most common cause is a bacterium called bordetella bronchiseptica it is not unusual for dogs who become infected with bordetella to be infected with a virus at the same time this combination of bacterial and viral infections weakens the dogs mucosal protection in the respiratory tract against infectious particles increasing their risk for kennel cough although the coughing caused by kennel cough may sound awful the disease is not considered serious bennett recommended vaccinating your dog against bordetella to help prevent respiratory infections from evolving into kennel cough most local veterinarians have vaccines that can aid in the prevention of this disease bennett said these vaccines may be given intranasal or through a subcutaneous injection depending on the vaccination if you think your dog may have kennel cough you should contact your veterinarian and keep your dog away from other animals to prevent the spread of the disease though it is important to monitor your dogs coughing habits closely bennett reminds pet owners that there are many different problems that can cause a pet to cough including an obstruction in the throat primary lung disease parasitism cardiac disease as well as infectious disease pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print treating and preventing fleas february 18 2016 when dog and cat owners notice their pet excessively scratching biting and licking many of them associate these signs with fleas with so many products on market for flea treatment and prevention finding the right product to treat your pet and house can be both intimidating and confusing controlling fleas is a multi-step process and often involves assistance from your veterinarian especially in severe cases for every flea an owner finds on their pet it is likely that many other immature flea life stages such as eggs larvae and cocoons are in the pet owners home and yard thus an efficient flea treatment and prevention plan includes caring for both the pet and the pets environment however it is important to note that no flea treatment plan shows immediate results so it is important for pet owners to be patient and continue routine care for flea prevention dr adam patterson clinical assistant professor and chief of dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the importance of treating both pets and their environment for fleas the adult fleas owners see on their pet is just the tip of the iceberg as those fleas come from immature and unseen flea life stages in the carpet area rugs upholstery dog beds and shady places outdoors patterson said depending on environmental conditions it may take a couple of weeks to months for all of the eggs to hatch so if you dont keep regularly administering flea prevention to all fur-bearing animals in your home you are giving fleas an opportunity to come right back on your pet a successful flea control plan eliminates fleas from the pet as well as the indoor and outdoor environment thereby preventing immature forms of fleas from developing into blood-sucking adults owners should be guided by their veterinarian in choosing the safest and most effective flea control product to treat their pet and home veterinarians will choose a product based on the extent of the flea infestation and other considerations such as the pets health age and breed there are many products to treat your house and yard with but this should be something you discuss with your veterinarian patterson said some products may be harmful to some animals in your household so a veterinarian can recommend the best product for you in addition to using a flea control product owners can treat their homes and yards in other simple ways for an indoor environment vacuum thoroughly below drapes under furniture and where the pet sleeps be sure to remove and discard the vacuum waste bag after every use until the flea infestation is resolved washing the pets bedding on a weekly basis can also help in flea prevention controlling fleas in the great outdoors includes disturbing flea habitat to prevent adult fleas from developing to do this target veterinarian recommended products to moist warm and shady areas and areas in the yard where there is organic debris such as leaves fleas also populate in areas where pets spend much of their time such as under patios porches and outdoor kennels disturb these breeding ground areas by raking sweeping and applying an insecticide there are many flea control products for pets on the market including flea collars once-a-month topical spot-on treatments and oral tablets patterson suggested pet owners consult their veterinarian in choosing the most effective flea treatment for their furry friend as treatment for the pet is the most important step in good flea control although fleas are often viewed as just an annoyance for most pets it is important for pet owners to take immediate action when they notice signs of fleas allergic reactions bacterial skin infections anemia and the transmission of parasites are additional potential complications that may occur in pets with fleas of course if you notice any signs of itchy skin sores on the skin hair loss lethargy or weight loss in your pet you should have the pet examined by a veterinarian patterson advised the good news with fleas and ticks is that there are very good preventatives available if you are consistent and vigilant with preventative treatment you shouldnt have to worry about complications from fleas pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print equine lameness february 11 2016 equine lameness affects all types horseswhether they are ridden for pleasure racing or sport lameness a health condition that affects a horses gait is the most costly health problem in the equine industry in regards to the price of medical treatment and for time lost to rest dr ashlee watts assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained what equine lameness is and how it happens lameness is limping in the horse she said sometimes the limping can be so subtle that it is difficult or impossible to see and sometimes it is very obvious lameness usually happens because of a problem with the musculoskeletal system in a limb such as arthritis in a joint; however it can also occur because of neck or back pain orthopedic injuries or injuries that directly affect the musculoskeletal system are the most common cause of equine lameness and include any damage to the hoof bones joints or soft tissue according to watts signs of lameness can vary anywhere from limping to a mild reduction in normal athletic ability common signs of more severe lameness include head bobbing while walking or trotting head bobbing is usually a tell-tale sign of front limb lameness while hind limb lameness is usually identified by a hip hike or drop treatments available for equine lameness vary and depend on an accurate diagnosis treatment recommended by your veterinarian will depend on the diagnosis watts said sometimes the treatment recommended is surgery while other times it is rest medicine or something as simple as changing the horses shoes there is a long list of possible therapies because there are a lot of possible causes of equine lameness although equine lameness is a common health issue in horses there are ways horse owners can prevent the costly condition proper and timely foot care that commonly includes shoeing is one of the most important methods of preventative care; however it is equally important to choose a reliable and trusted farrier good routine care such as regular exercise and regular farrier care is imperative said watts working your horse on proper footing and avoiding heavy mud or overly hard ground will also help prevent lameness keeping the horse appropriately fit for the level of exercise that is being performed is also important in preventative care equine lameness potentially affects all horse owners and is the most expensive health problem in the equine industry; however the condition can sometimes be prevented through proper care and providing safe footing in stalls and working or exercise areas watts urged horse owners to contact their veterinarian if they notice any sign of lameness as this condition should never be neglected pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print preventing diabetes in dogs february 4 2016 diabetes mellitus also called sugar diabetes is becoming more prevalent in todays society like humans dogs can develop diabetes and may need medical care throughout their lifetime to manage the disease diabetes mellitus is characterized by a lack or relative deficiency of a hormone called insulin this hormone is produced by the pancreas and is needed to store energy from food and to use glucose for fuel dr audrey cook associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained how an insulin deficiency can negatively affect a dogs health in people the two most common forms of diabetes are type 1 and type 2 she said type 1 diabetics do not make insulin at all and will need insulin injections for life this is typically the type of diabetes that we see in dogs in some cases chronic inflammation of the pancreascalled pancreatitiscan gradually destroy cells that produce insulin in canines resulting in diabetes on rare occasions we even see dogs that become transiently diabetic following a heat cycle this is called diestrus diabetes health and lifestyle are a few contributing factors to the development of diabetes in people but genetics plays the most important role in dogs according to cook there are strong breed predispositions to diabetes with the australian terrier at particularly high risk other breeds with increased risk include schnauzers fox terriers and bichons intact female dogs of any breed are vulnerable to diestrus diabetes but the norwegian elkhound is at especially high risk signs of diabetes dog owners should look out for include increased thirst and frequent urination dogs with diabetes may also seem hungry despite eating a good meal and dramatic weight loss can occur if diabetes is left untreated affected dogs can become ill with vomiting and collapse and will die without aggressive medical care since these severe symptoms can occur within two weeks of signs first appearing cook recommended taking any change in thirst seriously and urged veterinary care unlike diabetes in cats there is little that most owners can do to prevent this disease as diet and lifestyle do not play a substantial role in the development of canine diabetes cook recommends spaying female dogs to decrease the risk of diestrus diabetes in dogs with a history of pancreatitis a low fat diet may reduce episodes of inflammation and prevent the interruption of insulin production however cook reminds dog owners that most diabetic dogs like people with type 1 diabetes are healthy before the disease strikes if you think your dog may be showing signs of diabetes contact your veterinarian immediately diabetes is a serious condition but it can be successfully managed through a joint effort between you and your veterinarian pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet transportation safety january 28 2016 the holiday season has ended meaning most families are returning from their travels for some people pets are a part of the celebration and are included in travel plans while some pets are easy travel companions others are better left at home in the care of a trusted friend or neighbor even if visiting your veterinarian is the most you travel with your pet every owner should understand pet transportation safety when making travel decisions it is important to consider your pets behavior health and daily needs for example if your destination will not allow you to spend time with fido and include his daily exercise then it is best he stay at home as a general rule most cats are more comfortable in their home environment and should probably stay home during family trips taking your pet to the veterinarian for a quick check up will also help you decide if your pet is healthy enough for travel especially if your pet will be traveling by airline your pets behavior is also a deciding factor in allowing them to travel for instance a playful and energetic puppy may not appreciate riding in a kennel for several hours traveling by car is the most common way to transport pets but many owners do not know the safest way to allow furry friends to ride in the car dr james barr clinical assistant professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the best way to transport your pet by car the best way to transport pets in a car is to restrain them in some way he said if you have a small dog or cat then they should be placed in a pet carrier they will be safer and less likely to climb in your lap and interfere with driving although this may not be feasible in larger dogs there are a number of seat belt devices that can be used for dogs to limit their mobility in the car in addition it is also recommended to keep pets in the back seat to prevent them from being a distraction from the road you may also consider inviting a friend or family member along to help watch the pets on long road trips this will allow you the opportunity to buy snacks or refuel while your pets are under the supervision of your friend it is common for pet owners to allow their dog to put their head out the window but the reality is that this can be dangerous although fido may enjoy the fresh air he can potentially be injured by debris there are a couple of problems that arise when a dog has his head outside of a moving car window barr said the first is the possibility that something could hit them at high speed such as bugs sticks or other debris this is especially problematic for the dogs eyes the next problem is with the possibility that the pet could jump out of the window and severely injure themselves in addition to these travel safety tips it is also important to never leave your pet unattended in the car having a friend with you to help watch the pets while traveling will solve most dangers associated with leaving pets alone although some veterinarians may not recommend allowing your pet to travel by airline it is not impossible the most important thing when it comes to airline transport is to ensure your pet is healthy enough to make the trip said barr airlines generally require that you have a veterinarian sign a health certificate to prove your pet is healthy enough for travel if the pet is to ride in the cabin then it will need to be calm enough to be carried through security in the baggage area your pet may get hot or cold so the health of the pet needs to be good to enable them to withstand that no matter the occasion knowing the basics of pet transportation safety is a must whether youre traveling by car or airline it is important to first consider the health and safety of your pet pet talk is a service of the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print inflammatory bowel disease in dogs january 27 2016 like humans it is normal for dogs to experience the occasional upset stomach or episode of diarrhea but experiencing severe symptoms such as bloody stools may be a sign of something more serious inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) refers to a group of gastrointestinal diseases that result in the inflammation of the intestines the exact cause of inflammatory bowel disease in dogs is unknown but bacteria and nutrients normally found in the intestine are thought to be the cause of the abnormal immune response that causes inflammation dr jonathan lidbury assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained ibds potential causes ibd is a syndrome that is characterized by chronic intestinal inflammation in dogs lidbury said the cause of ibd in dogs is not fully known but recent research has provided some important clues basically there is a loss of tolerance in the dogs intestinal immune system to the nutrients or bacteria that are normally found in the bowel this leads to inflammation of the intestines common signs of ibd in dogs include excessive diarrhea vomiting loss of appetite and weight loss dog owners may also notice rumbling sounds in the abdominal cavity flatulence and even bloody stools in dogs with ibd to diagnose the disease your veterinarian may ask for a detailed history of your dogs symptoms ibd in dogs is diagnosed by a combination of ruling out other causes of intestinal inflammation such as infections or parasites lidbury said they will also try to rule out metabolic disease dietary intolerance or allergies and an intestinal bacterial imbalance by treating with certain antibiotics it is also important to document intestinal inflammation by performing an intestinal biopsy if your veterinarian diagnoses your dog with inflammatory bowel disease it is important to note that the disease can be managed but not cured through careful treatment your dogs ibd symptoms can be managed with anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids such as prednisone providing appropriate nutrition will also help stabilize your dogs body weight and prevent dehydration following your veterinarians suggested dietary plan and drug treatment and being patient with the results often leads to stabilized patients; however check-ups with a veterinarian are necessary even in ibd patients whose symptoms are successfully managed pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print ear infections in dogs january 21 2016 many dog owners have witnessed their pet excessively scratching their ears or rubbing their head on a hard surface some owners may even notice redness swelling or odor in their dogs ear canal although we may do everything we can to keep our dogs clean these common signs could be a result of a canine ear infection according to dr alison diesel clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences canine ear infections are common and can be caused by multiple factors there are several contributing factors associated with the development of ear infections in dogs she said some factors such as excess hair in the ear canals excess wax production and increased moisture can contribute to the development of ear infections; however they do not solely cause the infection there is generally an underlying cause such as parasites allergies or foreign bodies other causes include hormone imbalances benign or cancerous growths in the ear canal or physical trauma if you think your dog may have an ear infection it is important to consult your veterinarian treatment for canine ear infections depends on the underlying cause of the infection as well as the specific type of infection involved ear cleaners or topical medications such as ear drops or lotion are common in soothing canine ear infections sometimes additional medications may be necessary to decrease swelling in the ear canals or treat infections that have migrated into the deeper structures of the ear such as the middle or even inner ear although it may seem as simple as thoroughly cleaning your dogs ears to relieve them of irritation diesel recommended avoiding home remedies for an ear infection some medications can be harmful or painful when used in certain infections she explained for example the use of a medication containing antibiotics may contribute to the development of bacterial resistance if used improperly it is best to consult your pets veterinarian prior to treating the ear infection at home if you have a cleaner your veterinarian has prescribed for ear infections in the past this may be tried initially; however a follow up examination should be pursued if clinical signs persist you may bathe fido regularly but this does not protect him from developing an ear infection to effectively prevent canine ear irritation be sure to check your dogs ears weekly for debris and wax build up if your dog swims a lot or has a history of ear infections you should talk with your dogs veterinarian about using an ear cleaner periodically as maintenance in some cases long-term maintenance ear care such as periodic ear cleaning may be helpful to help prevent infections diesel said to address this most effectively it is important to have a conversation with your pets veterinarian to help develop a long-term plan discussing particular activities your pet likes and or concerns you have will help your veterinarian formulate a righteous preventative care plan for example if you frequently plan on taking your dog swimming your veterinarian may recommend an ear cleaner that has some drying properties for use after swimming a veterinary dermatologist can also be an additional helpful resource for long-term ear care in your dog to prevent your dog from developing an ear infection remember to clean their ears regularly ear infections are one of the most common health problems in dogs but it is not a condition that should be treated at home without the guidance of a veterinarian be sure to seek professional help in treating your dogs ear infection pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print socializing your puppy january 14 2016 many dog owners have heard that socializing their puppy is important but many do not know where to begin it is important to show your puppy that not all people and animals pose a threat exposing your puppy to the world through proper socialization will help them develop into a social obedient and confident dog the most critical socialization time for your puppy is between two and 12 weeks of age during this time it is important to expose your puppy to a variety of people animals and situations allowing your pet to experience these things early in life will prevent fear and aggression in the future it will also promote your puppys obedience in critical scenarios a puppy who trusts their owner that there is nothing to fear will more likely obey their owner without hesitation dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained why it is important to socialize your puppy socializing your puppy is important because it will enable them to be more at ease and focus on commands from you without distractions she said socializing with a variety of people and animals also helps puppies develop socially without fear it is also very important to socialize puppies with kittens and vice versa although socialization can continue throughout puppyhood it is important to start the process early puppies begin to develop fear at about eight to 10 weeks of age so early reinforcement of positive behavior around other people and animals is critical for social development puppies who are not properly exposed to animals and people may find them frightening when they encounter them for the first time at an older age this may lead to aggressive behavior such as growling barking or biting however puppies that are properly socialized are less likely to exhibit these violent behaviors socializing your puppy isnt as simple as allowing any animal or person to interact with your pet before allowing your puppy to be exposed to new people or animals you should consider if each person or animal will leave your puppy with a positive experience for example if a child is unable to hold your puppy correctly then it is best not to let them do so if an adult may play too hard with your puppy then it is best to avoid letting your puppy play with them negative experiences during this critical learning period in your puppys life may lead to a fearful adulthood in addition you should also consider the safety and health of your puppy during socialization since puppies do not receive full vaccinations for diseases until about 15 weeks of age it is important to choose wisely when socializing your puppy with other animals older dogs and cats that have been vaccinated are safest for your puppy to interact with inviting healthy pets to your home instead of venturing into parks can also help prevent your vulnerable puppy from contracting illnesses such as parvovirus one of the best ways to prevent your puppy from contracting a disease is to invite people with vaccinated animals into your home eckman said while these pets can still carry some diseases vaccination makes them much less likely to shed and spread the diseases there are also several trainers who offer classes for socializing puppies in fairly controlled environments socialization can occur throughout puppyhood but it is important to begin socializing your puppy early exposing your puppy to a variety of animals and people will help them see the world as non-threating and grow into an outgoing friendly and well-behaved dog pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pets as holiday gifts december 21 2015 giving an adorable puppy or kitten as a gift this holiday season may seem like a wonderful idea but it is important to remember that pets need a lifetime of care and commitment long after the holiday season surprising your family with a new fuzzy friend on that special holiday morning is tempting but be sure to first consider these facts to avoid being unprepared when bringing a pet home giving the gift of a pets companionship requires a considerable amount of research and preparation there can be many reasons why a pet may be unsuitable for a home such as if the receiver is not financially or mentally prepared for a pet dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained how pets can often come with hidden expenses pets even healthy ones require a financial commitment for basic requirements such as food collars and leashes as well as medical needs such as basic vaccinations she said unexpected illnesses or injury may also add to that financial burden which can be too much for some owners to handle other reasons a pet may not be an appropriate gift this year is if the receiver is allergic to pets if the receiver does not have an appropriate place to keep the pet or if the receiver does not want a pet or have time to commit to a pet taking care of a cat or dog is a responsibility that is often simplified in the minds of children but the reality is that pets need care throughout their entire lifetime giving a pet as a gift to children who are not yet responsible to care for it can lead to pets being seen as play-things rather than living and dependent animals adults often take on the responsibilities of feeding bathing and cleaning up after the pet when the initial newness wears off sometimes adults are guilty of neglecting the pet too especially if they were unaware of the financial commitment from the beginning this can lead to many pets entering shelters for the remainder of their lives or until another family adopts them although there are many reasons why giving a pet as a holiday gift can be a bad idea a pet can make a great holiday gift for someone if the proper amount of research and preparation is done if the receiver has expressed their commitment to a pet proven their responsibility and are financially and mentally ready for a pet the gift giver must then consider the receivers pet preferences for gender and breed adoption is also a great option especially if the new owner prefers an older dog or cat many pets are patiently waiting in shelters for a forever home and the adoption staff at the shelter will be able to help you choose the perfect pet for the new owner although giving a pet as a gift this holiday season may seem like a wonderful life-long memory for your family there is a considerable amount of research and preparation involved in bringing a pet into a new home especially if it is a surprise to the new owner if the receiver has proven their responsibility and expressed their desire for a new fuzzy companion be sure to consider their pet preferences as well as adoption pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print preventing obesity in pets december 10 2015 like humans pets can become obese and develop excess body fat which can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes or degenerative joint disease in order to provide your furry best friend with the highest quality of life and increase their life span be sure to follow these simple steps to prevent obesity in your pet weight gain in pets is often a result of overfeeding and lack of exercise to keep your pet at a healthy weight be sure to provide a healthy balance between food intake and physical activity for example give your dog or cat two to three meals a day instead of providing food at all times and make sure to include at least one daily walk or some playtime maintaining a healthy weight for dogs and cats also depends on the type of food they eat on a daily basis owners should choose an appropriate pet food according to the animals age weight and activity level generally younger dogs and cats need to consume more calories per pound of body weight than older dogs and cats animals with active lifestyles and pregnant or nursing females require more protein minerals and calories in their diet dr audrey cook associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the best way to choose the healthiest option for your pet your regular veterinarian is the best person to give advice on what to feed your pet she said they will be able to provide an optimal diet type based on the animals age and body condition in general feeding guides on food products tend to overestimate the amount of food needed so these guides can be misleading in addition to diet and exercise pet owners can regularly monitor their pets weight by routinely weighing them around the same time of the day this can be effective in catching your pets weight increase before it becomes a more serious problem obesity in pets can also be caused by some serious health problems rather than simply reflecting poor diet and lack of exercise weight gain can be related to hormone problems such as hypothyroidism in dogs and acromegaly in cats which is defined as excess growth hormone production dogs with hypothyroidism gain weight without eating more food than usual while cats with acromegaly will experience an increase in appetite dogs and cats with cushings syndrome will appear as if theyve gained weight with their pot-bellied appearance but these patients rarely experience a weight increase no matter the cause of obesity in dogs and cats severe secondary diseases and health problems can develop if the obese patient is left untreated there is good evidence that obesity impacts quality of life as well as life span in dogs obesity is often associated with joint problems such as arthritis and loss of mobility cook said obesity in cats is strongly associated with diabetes mellitus in addition to these health conditions an obese pet may also have difficulty breathing become fatigued with routine exercise and be unable to groom itself effectively though it may be tempting to spoil your pet with table scraps and extra servings of food consider thinking twice about the consequences your pet may face as a result to provide your pet with a healthy and happy life consult your veterinarian in keeping a balanced lifestyle and choosing the right food for your pets needs pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print parvovirus in puppies december 3 2015 vaccinations can prevent many illnesses in puppies but viruses such as canine parvovirus are still a threat to dogs with developing immune systems young puppies often have immunity against the virus because they get antibodies from the colostrum in their mothers milk but these antibodies are not always as effective as a vaccine dr johanna heseltine clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the characteristics of parvovirus canine parvovirus or ‘parvo is a highly contagious virus that affects dogs and often causes severe diarrhea and vomiting in puppies she said parvovirus lives for months in the environment so many puppies can be exposed while their immune system is still vulnerable once dogs are fully vaccinated they seldom become infected even if a puppy has received some vaccines they are still at risk for infection because the antibodies they receive from their mothers milk can interfere with the puppys immune response to the vaccine in addition to this the puppys body has not made its own protective antibodies parvovirus attacks areas of the body where cells are rapidly dividing such as the intestinal tract and bone marrow tissue as a result victims of the virus experience a loss of appetite vomiting diarrhea weakness and lethargy since the virus attacks white blood cells in the bone marrow infected dogs develop low white blood cell counts which puts them at risk for a bacterial infection called sepsis said heseltine the severity of illness varies between patients but most of the dogs we see in the hospital develop severe bloody diarrhea and vomiting parvovirus spreads through fecal-oral contact meaning the virus can be transmitted through any animal person or object that comes in contact with an infected dogs feces a dog can shed parvovirus in its stool without showing any signs of illness and can continue spreading the virus for several weeks after recovering parvovirus is so common that it may be present anywhere that dogs frequently visit inanimate objects such as food bowls shoes clothes and carpet also serve as carriers for the virus for up to several months treatments for parvovirus are available but prevention through vaccination is essential to protect puppies health if infected puppies should be hospitalized and isolated from other dogs to avoid spreading the disease large amounts of bodily fluids are lost through vomiting and diarrhea so patients are replenished with electrolytes through intravenous fluid therapy antibiotics are also needed to help prevent secondary infections other treatments include antiemetic medication plasma transfusions or related therapies you can protect your puppy from this deadly virus by making sure they stay up-to-date on vaccinations limiting your puppys exposure to other dogs as well as keeping a secure backyard that prevents strays or other potentially infected animals from entering will also decrease the puppys risk of contracting the disease until your veterinarian declares it is safe try keeping your puppy away from dog parks or other areas where there is a high concentration of dogs if you think your puppy may be infected with parvovirus or has come in contact with another infected animal contact your veterinarian for assistance to prevent further spread of the disease it may be necessary to remove your puppys toys blankets and other belongings from the environment pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print advancing one health in south africa november 30 2015 south africa abounds in wildlife and livestock providing an ideal one health platform for collaborations in transboundary infectious and parasitic diseases to explore research and educational opportunities for texas a&m university dr rosina tammi krecek interim assistant dean of one health and visiting professor in veterinary pathobiology (vtpb) and dr angela arenas assistant professor in vtpb travelled to south africa in november 2015 south africa is a rich platform for exploring the one health wildlife-livestock-human interface to address societal needs krecek commented this wide biodiversity and broad experience of experts in this field continue to offer an ideal foundation for collaborative opportunities between texas a&m and the university of pretoria in south africa krecek and arenas met with south african academic government and industry partners to advance texas a&ms current and developing global projects at the university of pretoria they met with colleagues and students in veterinary and health sciences and presented one health seminars this included meeting with dean darrell abernethy dean of the veterinary school (faculty of veterinary science at onderstepoort) and with colleagues from that institution this was followed by meetings at the faculty of health sciences at the university of pretoria at health sciences dr marietjie venter professor of zoonotic viral diseases and director of the one health program for the us centers for disease control and prevention in pretoria south africa and dr wanda markotter associate professor viral zoonoses group faculty of natural and agricultural sciences hosted the texas a&m visitors krecek and arenas jointly presented seminars titled one health: the bridge to new opportunities to next-generation one health scientists arenas stated these collaborations can lead to exchange programs for graduate students and residents to gain experience about wildlife and livestock infectious and parasitic diseases current and developing global projects build on the strengths of texas a&m and the university of pretoria as well as collaborations to develop training and research capacities in infectious and parasitic endemic and transboundary livestock agents print thanksgiving pet safety november 25 2015 thanksgiving is when many people express gratitude for the blessings in life for many of us our pets are included in our thoughts of appreciation although you may consider fido a part of the family there are many reasons why he should not join you at the dinner table for the traditional holiday feast turkey is often the main course of a thanksgiving meal if you decide to treat your pet to a piece of turkey be sure it is boneless and thoroughly cooked to prevent salmonella poisoning in addition avoid letting your pet chew on any sort of leftover bones as they can be problematic to the digestive tract dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained the danger of allowing your pet to chew on a bone bones can become lodged in the throat or esophagus and can cause problems throughout the intestinal tract she said they can also splinter and the bone may require surgery to remove it may be tempting to offer your pets special treats during the holiday but fatty foods should definitely be avoided fatty foods can upset your pets stomach and cause vomiting and diarrhea in severe cases it may even progress into something serious requiring a hospital stay the more different the food is from your pets regular diet the more likely they will have digestive upset eckman said vomiting and diarrhea secondary to table food ingestion are the most common reasons we see pets in the emergency room or veterinary hospital after the holidays raw dessert batter is also unsafe for your pet this holiday be sure to keep fidos nose out of the mixing bowl to prevent any consumption of eggs which are sometimes contaminated with salmonella if you are planning on making homemade bread raw yeast bread dough can also pose as a threat to your pet if consumed the yeast will continue to convert the sugars in the dough to carbon dioxide gas and alcohol resulting in a bloated drunken pet this can be a life-threatening situation that can require hospitalization raisins and grapes which can cause kidney damage and chocolate which can be fatal for dogs should also be kept out of your pets reach if you absolutely must provide a special holiday treat for your pet there are safe options that will still leave fido begging for more try sticking as close to your pets normal diet as possible by offering them a bowl of their usual food mixed with lean boneless and skinless pieces of turkey and a small amount of gravy if you have fresh vegetables available such as green beans or sweet potatoes they will make an excellent addition to your pets healthy thanksgiving feast to ensure your pets safety this thanksgiving be sure to keep them away from any harmful food products in the spirit of the holiday season your pet will be forever grateful for keeping them healthy during thanksgiving dinner pet talk is a service of the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print intervertebral disc disease in dogs november 19 2015 shock absorption between our bones is essential to perform normal physical activities just like humans dogs can injure their bones and their joints making every day mobility a challenge in intervertebral disc disease (ivdd) the intervertebral discs or cushions in between the bones of the spine can degenerate from an injury or as dogs age intervertebral discs are cartilage tissue between the spinal bones or vertebrae that act as shock absorbers during movement deterioration of the discs make them brittle and weak so that the normal forces applied during movement cannot be effectively cushioned this often leads to deformed or ruptured discs which can press on the spinal cord above them resulting in signs that range from neck or back pain to complete paralysis of the limbs canine ivdd occurs in two main categories: type i and type ii in type i of the disease the inner portion of the disc is calcified or hardened this occurs quickly and leaves the disc brittle and more prone to rupture type ii develops slowly and the discs become hardened and more fibrous over time eventually bulging out and applying pressure to the spinal cord though both types of ivdd are caused by degeneration of discs dogs may be more at risk for one type of ivdd than the other dr beth boudreau clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained what breed of dogs are more at risk for the disease for type i disc disease breed plays a big role she said chondrodystrophic dogs which are canines that have genetic differences that cause skeletal disorders are more at risk for ivdd than other breeds because their discs may undergo very early degeneration there are many chondrodystrophic breeds including the dachshund the french bulldog corgi beagle basset hound and miniature poodle for type ii disc disease any breed of dog may be affected because of the slower nature of development for type of disc disease dogs with this problem tend to be older than those with type i disc disease if your dog shows an unwillingness to jump has pain or weakness in the rear legs cries out in pain or displays a reduced appetite and activity level you should consider taking them to the veterinarian for an examination diagnosis for ivdd starts with a complete neurologic exam by your veterinarian and possible x-rays but is confirmed with an mri or other advanced imaging if diagnosed with ivdd your dog will not have to endure pain for the rest of its life there are two main types of treatment available for ivdd: medical management and surgery medical management involves managing pain associated with disc disease in addition to a period of strict rest to give the stretched or ruptured disc time to heal itself boudreau said this is most appropriate for less affected patients especially those that are having signs for the first time alternatively surgery can be performed to remove abnormal disc material that is encroaching on the spinal cord this treatment option is recommended for patients who are more severely affected or for dogs that do not improve with medical management though intervertebral disc disease is manageable in dogs prevention is the best way to keep your pet pain-free even in breeds that are at a higher risk for disc degeneration feeding fido a balanced diet and helping him maintain a healthy weight can reduce stress on the neck and backbone if your dog tends to pull on the leash while on a walk invest in a harness to ease even more stress off the neck keeping steps next to the bed or couch may also prevent your dog from jumping and developing an injury these simple steps are a great way to keep you pet safe and healthy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print preventing diabetes in cats november 12 2015 diabetes mellitus (also called sugar diabetes) is becoming more common in our society genetics and lifestyle play an important role in humans; however numerous processes can contribute to the development of this disease in addition to the rise of human diabetes cases veterinarians are also seeing an increase in the prevalence of diabetes in cats diabetes mellitus is characterized by an absolute lack or relative deficiency of insulin the two most common forms of diabetes in people are type 1 and type 2 and most diabetic cats have a form that mimics human type 2 diabetes during digestion nutrients from the cats diet are broken down into smaller componentslike glucosethat the body can use as energy insulin a hormone responsible for the regulation of glucose in the bloodstream is produced by the pancreas glucose can only enter the cells to be used as energy in the presence of insulin if there isnt enough insulin the body begins to break down fat and protein leading to increased appetite and weight loss dr audrey cook associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained how diabetes can affect feline patients with this disorder the body becomes resistant to insulin and more of the hormone is needed to keep blood sugar within the normal limits she said eventually the pancreas essentially gives up and clinical signs of diabetes are evident although people with type 2 diabetes can sometimes be managed with diet and exercise cats usually need insulin injections some cats will go into remission after a few months and no longer need insulin; however relapse is common signs of feline diabetes include weight loss despite an increased appetite extreme thirst and frequent urination depending on the severity of the disease some cats can even become ill with a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis in which the cat will need intensive care there are several risk factors for diabetes but the most important one is obesity cats often live sedentary lives and can become markedly overweight this puts a lot of stress on the pancreas and can result in diabetes other risk factors include a high carbohydrate diet medications such as steroids and chronic inflammation of the pancreas known as pancreatitis though diabetes is a serious disease in cats there are prevention and treatment methods available talk to your veterinarian about your cats bodyweight and take action under medical guidance if you cat is obese cook said cats can have problems with rapid weight loss so you need to talk to your veterinarian about a safe weight loss plan before making any changes the type of diet you feed is also important most cats should be fed a high-protein high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet good routine health care including regular dental cleaning may also be protective it is important to note that most cats are will require insulin injections to manage their disease at least in the initial stages if you think your cat may be showing signs of diabetes contact your veterinarian immediately it is a serious condition but is often successfully managed through a joint effort between you and your veterinarian ***the feline internal medicine service at texas a&m is currently recruiting cats with a recent history of diabetic remission (meaning that the cat was on insulin injections but is now controlled with just diet) for a study looking at a new way to maintain remission please contact us at fim@cvmtamuedu if you think you cat may qualify and more information will be provided *** pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print what to do if you find a stray dog november 9 2015 pets are considered a part of the family for many pet owners the unique personalities and characteristics our pets possess are irreplaceable and it can be heart- breaking to lose their company stray dogs are a growing problem in the united states and a majority of these strays are forced to wander the dangerous streets or begin a new life in an animal shelter learning how to properly bring a stray dog to safety is vital for your safety as well as the strays safety when trying to care for a stray safety is always first it is easy to become swept up in emotions when you see a stray dog hurt or in a dangerous situationlike running in traffic even if you have good intentions it is important to consider all options before taking action to keep the situation from becoming even more hazardous there are numerous ways to find a stray dog but the most common scenarios are on foot or in vehicular traffic remaining calm is the key to keeping a clear mind and deciding the best option for the strays safety for instance if you are driving and encounter a stray in traffic try to pull over on the side of the road where it is safe if you are unable to pull over or are a passenger of the car take note of the animal its health condition and the exact location it was seen the driver of the car can either turn back around to help the dog or report the situation to animal control whether you are on foot or in the car analyzing the condition of the animal is important for your safety the dog may be injured sick malnourished or even rabid if the stray dog appears to be defensive and could bite or attack do not approach the dog instead take note of its location and give as much detail as possible to animal control a stray dog may also find its way into your yard which can be potentially hazardous for your outside pets as with any pet that you do not know well you must approach the stray carefully said dr james barr clinical assistant professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences if the stray is friendly make sure that they do not have any substantial contact with your pets the stray animal needs to be evaluated by a veterinarian for infectious disease and to ensure they are healthy strays are not likely vaccinated so they should be kept separate from other pets until they get an all clear from a veterinarian if you are able to safely handle and collect the dog the next step is to check for identification some stray dogs are lucky enough to remain identified through a collar and dog tag while others are branded through a microchip if the dog appears to have no identification it is still important to take the dog to the veterinarian or local animal shelter to scan for a possible microchip if the dog is marked with a microchip the contact information of the owner will then be provided through the computer system proper identification on dogs may make contacting the owners far easier than searching for the owner on your own while searching for the owner a trip to the veterinarian is essential to make sure the stray is not injured or sick the veterinarians will look for normal issues that occur in uncared for animals but they are also adept at trying to find owners for these pets if you are unable to locate them yourself explained barr additionally the animal control authorities will usually take these pets in if you are not able to take care of the pet that you found while it can be heart-breaking to find a stray dog in a dangerous situation it is important to thoroughly evaluate your options before letting your emotions get the best of you remember to remain calm and choose the safest option for both you and the stray dog and never approach a dog that poses as a threat it is best to save the number of your local animal control service in case you ever need to report a stray dog pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print halloween pet safety october 28 2015 though many people get a thrill from the frightening masks and costumes on halloween night our pets are less likely to appreciate the spooky tradition to ensure your pets safety this halloween weekend follow these simple guidelines collecting candy is one of the most well-known traditions of halloween we might appreciate the array of tastes in our assortment of candy but is it safe to offer fido a few bites dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained how candy can be harmful for pets for individual ingredients chocolate is the biggest offender she said dark chocolate is the most dangerous candy followed by milk chocolate and white chocolate chocolate can cause vomiting and diarrhea a rapid heart rate tremors seizures and death other ingredients in candy can also be of concern such as certain nuts and raisins eckman added that most general candies primarily cause an upset stomach diarrhea and vomiting in some cases consuming candy like those containing the artificial sweetener xylitol can lead to more significant diseases and even death in dogs and cats to prevent your furry friends from consuming harmful candy try storing the treats on a high shelf out of your pets reach other halloween items that should be kept away from your pet for its safety include pumpkins pumpkin seeds corn and electrical cords these objects are a hazard if consumed or chewed on by your pet if you suspect your pet has ingested harmful candy or other dangerous items eckman recommends contacting your veterinarian or the animal poison control center (apcc) the apcc can be reached at (888) 426-4435 halloween is most often defined by the famous tradition of wearing costumes your pet may look absolutely adorable wearing a princess gown or a superman suit but that does not mean they are enjoying the experience as much as you are to determine if it is appropriate to dress your pet for halloween night eckman recommended these helpful tips make sure the costume is not covering the animals face (mainly their mouth and nose) so they can breathe properly she said it is also important that the costume does not fit too tight around the neck the costume should not make the animal too hot if it is warm out and it should not trip them while running or walking lastly costumes with lights and batteries are a safety hazard if you are planning on dressing your pet for halloween eckman suggested dressing your pet in their outfit several times before the big party or event so they become accustomed to the fit animal cruelty is never acceptable but halloween is unfortunately a time when pranksters may steal tease injure and even kill beloved pets to protect your pets from cruel behavior keep them inside or in a secure fenced in area or backyard black cats are especially at risk during halloween which is why they should be kept inside several days prior and after the holiday you should also keep in mind that trick-or-treaters will be knocking on your door throughout the night which may startle your pets dogs can be especially territorial so it is important to keep them in another room so they do not bark or growl at guests proper identification is one of the most important factors in keeping your pet safe this halloween human and vehicular traffic may frighten animals and cause them to run off from the safety of your home if you are going to take your pet trick-or-treating with you walk them on a leash and provide them with a reflective collar or tape so they are more visible at night all pets need a collar with identification tags and it is also recommended by eckman to invest in a form of identification that cannot come off such as a microchip halloween is a fun night for people of all ages but it is important to remember that your pet may have a different perspective on the holiday keeping your pets safety in mind when planning parties and handing out candy is important because nobody wants to spend halloween night searching for a lost family member pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print ferret distemper october 21 2015 while it is not legally required by law to vaccinate pet ferrets for canine distemper it is imperative for pet owners to protect their ferrets against this fatal and highly contagious disease exotic mammals like ferrets are susceptible to diseases that affect many domestic pets including the canine distemper virus ferrets are highly susceptible to canine distemper and the disease proves fatal for virtually all of the ferrets that come into contact with the virus though the disease is extremely deadly proper vaccination protects ferrets from infection canine distemper is caused by a paramyxovirus (rna virus) that can affect numerous species including dogs foxes skunks badgers raccoons bears primates and large felids such as tigers and lions transmission of the virus is primarily through aerosol droplet secretions from an infected animal which can live in grass weeds trees and shrubs for up to 10 days once infected the animal can spread the virus for several months though canine distemper is considered highly contagious the virus can be quite unstable in the environment and most common disinfectants are effective in preventing transmission specific clinical signs of distemper in ferrets include ocular and nasal discharge anorexia diarrhea skin rashes in the chin and inguinal region hyperkeratosis brown crusts on the eyes nose lips and chin immunosuppression with secondary infections and seizures said dr michelle whitehead a zoological medicine and surgery intern at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) there is no treatment for distemper in ferrets other than supportive care death usually occurs in two to four weeks after coming into contact with the virus diagnosing distemper is usually based on clinical signs and inclusion bodies in the white blood cells and tissue cells to protect your pet ferret against the canine distemper virus be sure to contact your local veterinarian about vaccination ferrets should first be vaccinated at eight weeks old and then every two to three weeks after until they have reached 12 to 14 weeks of age an annual booster is required in order to provide continuous protection for your ferret into adulthood inactivated or recombinant viral vaccines are more effective than modified-live virus vaccines because modified-live vaccines have the potential to cause clinical disease in ferrets whitehead explained the current recommended vaccine is a canarypox vectored vaccine that is safe and effective and can be used in ferrets even if a ferret owner has properly vaccinated against the canine distemper virus it is possible that the ferret may experience vaccine reactions after vaccine injection the ferret should be monitored for 20 to 30 minutes by your veterinarian reactions include vomiting diarrhea lethargy respiratory distress restlessness seizures coma and rarely death though most reactions are seen within 30 minutes of injection it is important for ferret owners to keep an eye on their pet for the next 24 hours for a delayed reaction only one vaccine should be administered at a time whitehead said if a patient has a reaction future precautions may be taken such as pre-treatment with an antihistamine 15 to 30 minutes prior to vaccination although the canine distemper virus is 100 percent fatal for ferrets that come into contact with it a safe and effective vaccine is available at the cvm if you think your ferret has come into contact with the canine distemper virus restrict the potentially infected animal from other house-hold pets and contact your veterinarian pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print feline leukemia october 15 2015 feline leukemia virus (felv) is a relatively common infection in cats approximately two to three percent of the united states feline population is infected with the virus but symptoms are not always evident vaccinations may help protect your cat against felv but your understanding of the virus is also essential in defending your cats health felv is a worldwide infectious agent that has a substantial impact on feline health the virus is the most common cause of cancer in cats and it can also lead to blood disorders and immune deficiencies while healthy cats can normally fight off everyday bacteria and viruses cats that are infected with felv can develop severe illness from common microorganisms a weakened immune system hinders a cats ability to fight off other infections which can lead to some of the diseases associated with felv such as anemia although the number of felv cases is dropping in the united states due to proper vaccinations and improved testing protocols the virus is still a significant problem in this country dr audrey cook associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained how felv spreads the virus is present in saliva and we think that most cats are infected during grooming activities or by sharing food and water bowls she said it is also spread by biting and unscreened blood transfusions unborn kittens can also pick up the virus during gestation if the mother is infected fortunately the virus is essentially unable to live in the environment for more than a few minutes and is quickly killed by heat or disinfectants cook added that most veterinarians recommend testing new cats for the disease before allowing them to come into contact with other household cats though the signs associated with felv vary fever poor appetite and weakness are often the most common symptoms since cats can be asymptomatic for weeks months and even years after contracting the disease routine testing is recommended even in apparently healthy cats cook recommends that kittens are tested on their first visit to the veterinarian if an in-house test for felv is positive another test should be performed through a reference laboratory to confirm the results following exposure to the virus some cats may manage to avoid infection a second group will be transiently infected but manage to mount an effective immune response and clear the virus there is some evidence that even transient (also called regressive) infection may damage dna and predispose cats to cancer in later life the third subset of cats will remain persistently infected they will shed the virus and are likely to die within a few months of felv-related diseases such as anemia or cancer in order to prevent your cat from contracting felv cook recommends limiting the cats exposure to other cats and consistent vaccination the virus is primarily spread by intimate cat to cat contact so keeping your cat inside will prevent exposure if your cat goes outside it would be wise to consider vaccination against felv she said the vaccine is generally helpful but it is not sufficient to protect a cat that lives with a felv infected animal healthy cats that live with infected cats have a high level of chronic exposure to the virus making them more susceptible to contracting felv housing your cats in separate areas of the house will decrease the chance of the virus spreading among your furry friends unfortunately it is also important to keep in mind that many cats are not diagnosed until they have lived with other cats in this case all other cats in the household should be tested for the virus although felv is a common virus in cats limiting your pets exposure to other cats and routinely vaccinating for the virus will prevent the spread of the disease remember to test all new cats before allowing them into the household even kittens in order to protect your cats health and quality of life be sure to understand feline leukemia virus and consult your veterinarian if you suspect your cat has come into contact with an infected cat pet talk is a service of the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print ringworm in pets october 8 2015 although the name often misleads pet owners into thinking a worm has invaded their pets bodies ringworm is actually a fungus that can affect the hair skin and nails common in cats this fungus can lead to circular patterns of hair loss and red scabby bumps before you introduce another pet into your home knowing the facts about ringworm and how to prevent the skin condition from spreading is crucial dermatophytes fungi that feeds on protein in the skin hair and claws is the agent of ringworm infections are transmitted by contact with infected hairs from another infected pet in the environment or through bedding grooming tools and even fleas the fungus can be passed between animals and humans but young and elderly people are more susceptible to developing the infection those with weak immune systems are also more prone to ringworm dr adam patterson clinical assistant professor and chief of dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains the signs of ringworm clinical signs of ringworm may include excessive shedding broken hairs patchy or circular areas of hair loss dander scabs red bumps and occasionally deep-seated nodules he said some animals especially cats may be carriers of ringworm with no clinical signs diagnosis is based on history clinical signs fungal culture and possibly skin biopsy fungal culture is the gold standard in making a diagnosis but it may take up to three weeks for fungal growth to appear treatment for infected animals includes limiting their exposure to other animals and people since it is common for some pets to be asymptomatic all animals in an infected household should be treated and tested for the skin condition therapy is directed at killing fungus on the animal(s) and decontaminating the environment unfortunately dermatophyte – infected hairs can remain infective for up to several months necessitating environmental clean-up of shed hairs patterson explained if people in the household have ringworm-suspicious lesions then consultation with a physician is recommended limiting the infected pet to other animals and people can be effective in preventing the spread of ringworm but anti-ringworm treatments are required to eliminate the infection at its source shampoos lotions sprays dips and systematic therapy can all be prescribed to a ringworm-infected pet if the animal is long-haired clipping the coat can allow better contact with topical medicine and will remove infected hairs before they shed into the environment besides treating your pet for ringworm decontamination of the environment is essential to prevent further spreading of the fungus isolating your pet in an easily cleaned room (no carpet) is the first step in decontaminating your home wash all clothing that has touched the animal as well as destroy or thoroughly disinfect all collars bedding blankets scratching posts cat trees and grooming aids if possible disposable dusting sheets and lint rollers can be effective in capturing loose hairs in the environment and it is also recommended to launder exposed fabrics and pet bedding by washing twice in cold water with detergent thoroughly vacuuming rugs and draperies every one to two days will also prevent the buildup of infected hair disinfectants like lysol and a clorox mixture can be sprayed on tile floors windowsills vehicles the infected pet rode in countertops and any other non-porous surface the goal of therapy is to achieve two to three negative consecutive fungal cultures one to two weeks apart unfortunately this usually requires at least several weeks of therapy said patterson the risk of re-infection for a single pet is relatively low if they live indoors and the environment is cleaned thoroughly when adding a new pet to the household (especially cats) one should have the animal examined by a veterinarian and consider having a ringworm culture performed before bringing the pet into the familys living quarters ringworm is contagious to both owners and pets but the fungus can be treated through multiple methods if you think your pet may be infected with ringworm have your veterinarian examine him/her since several other skin diseases can mimic ringworm pet talk is a service of the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print hip dysplasia in dogs october 1 2015 hip dysplasia a condition that results from poor joint and bone health can significantly alter your dogs quality of life though larger breeds like labrador retrievers mastiffs and german shepherds are especially prone to hip dysplasia dogs of all ages and breeds can develop the painful condition genetics often takes the blame but there are many causes of hip dysplasia in dogs dr jacqueline davidson clinical professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains how the condition can develop in dogs of all ages and breeds hip dysplasia is considered to be multifactorial meaning there are many factors that determine whether an individual will be affected she said genetics is one factor but it is not simple breeding dogs that are free of hip dysplasia will reduce the risk of puppies with hip dysplasia; however it is possible for a puppy to develop the condition even if the parents were not affected in the early stage of hip dysplasia excessive abnormal movement in the joint is caused by a flexible hip bone the loose-fitting bone leads to abnormal cartilage wear and remodeling of the joint the end result is joint inflammation in the hip which is called osteoarthritis lameness becomes apparent as the osteoarthritis develops said davidson with severe arthritis a dog may be lame or reluctant to be active and may have restricted hip joint motion in younger dogs specific systems include a bunny-hop gait while dogs who have developed a more advanced case of hip dysplasia experience more serious symptoms in dogs with more advanced disease they may be lame in one or both legs davidson explained they may have difficulty rising and they may take short steps with the hind legs resulting in a ‘waddling gait with a lot of hip motion as they shift weight to their front legs they may develop bulky muscles in the front legs and wasting muscles in the hind legs though hip dysplasia can cause your pet to experience serious pain helping your dog maintain a lean body weight will help reduce the effects of the condition providing daily light exercise will also help your dog develop strong muscles which can support their joints more effectively if your dog does show signs of developing hip dysplasia your veterinarian can determine the best treatment options initially the osteoarthritis associated with hip dysplasia is managed medically explained davidson arthritic pain can be managed by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) along with other pain medications if indicated supplements of fish oil can also help reduce joint inflammation supplements of chondroitin and glucosamine may be beneficial in some individuals but ineffective in others if medical management is not sufficient enough to preserve your dogs quality of life then surgery may be necessary to eliminate the inflamed joint a femoral head ostectomy (fho) a surgical procedure that removes the femoral head from the joint may work well for some patients; however some dogs still show dysfunction after this surgery since the joint is gone they may always have a gait abnormality but the hope is that they are pain free keys to the success of this procedure are related to both the surgical technique and the postoperative rehabilitation davidson explained another surgical procedure includes a total hip replacement (thr) while most dogs have excellent results with this surgery not all patients are good candidates for this procedure your veterinarian must review your dogs medical history perform a physical examination and assess their radiographs before deciding if a thr is the best option for your pet although some breeds are more susceptible to hip dysplasia than others dogs of all ages and breeds are at risk for developing the condition if you think your dog is displaying symptoms of hip dysplasia your veterinarian will be able to determine if treatment is necessary pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print breeding guidelines september 23 2015 pets have a way of touching our hearts and becoming a part of the family its only natural to wish that our pets could be with us forever but this is unfortunately not the case sometimes owners become so close to their pet that they believe breeding them is the closest thing to duplicating the pet they already own in their mind breeding a pet with ideal personality and character traits will produce the perfect new puppy or kitten no matter the inspiration behind breeding your pet there are many important factors to consider first when some people think about breeding their pets the first thing they think about is how adorable the offspring will be many people also assume raising puppies or kittens is a fun experience though this is true there is a lot of time work and cost involved in producing healthy offspring for potential owners dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences recommends owners to first consider finances before choosing to breed their animal this is not a money-making endeavor for most people if there are no complications with the pregnancy itself which can be quite costly owners are still responsible for the medical care of the litter until they are old enough to go to new homes eckman explained it is a lot of work even when all goes according to plan besides the time commitment owners should also consider the health and physical condition of their pet there are many diseases and inherited deformities that can be passed from the mother and father to the offspring so it is important to have your pet evaluated by a veterinarian prior to breeding remember that testing should also be done on both the male and female to ensure a healthy litter there are many many congenital and inherited problems said eckman if you are thinking of breeding your pet consult your veterinarian for known disorders and how to best avoid them some of these cannot be screened for but there are screening tests for many genetic disorders if you do choose to breed your pet you should keep in mind that not all pregnancies result in a healthy litter health problems during the pregnancy can potentially leave the breeder with costly veterinary bills after properly deworming and vaccinating the offspring it is your responsibility to find each puppy or kitten a new home sometimes this can be time consuming especially if the litter requires special health care to become strong enough for a new home environment though unhealthy pregnancies can occur they are often preventable through a few simple steps talking to your veterinarian about proper diet and expected delivery dates can be very useful as well as what to expect if this is your pets first pregnancy if you are thinking of breeding consider discussing this with your veterinarian to ensure that your pet is as healthy as possible before conception said eckman this includes a healthy weight updated vaccines and deworming your veterinarian can also advise you as to appropriate nutrition during pregnancy and when to transition to higher calorie and protein diets if it is your pets first pregnancy they may not understand what is happening during the birthing process your pet may become very protective of herself and her new babies so monitoring her from a distance may be more suitable for her condition it is also important that you understand the timeline of the birthing process so you can identify anything abnormal it may take up to two hours between births said eckman if the mother is not attentive to the puppies or kittens you will have to clean them and tie off the umbilical cord typically the mothers eat the afterbirth; this is normal though choosing to breed your pet can be a rewarding experience there are many factors like cost and time to consider eckman reminds pet owners that there are many puppies and kittens already living in animal shelters and encourages pet owners to think carefully before breeding pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print colic in horses september 16 2015 although horses have historically been known as working livestock today they are often referred to as companion animals more and more people are seeking to own pet horses making large animal veterinary medicine even more important with a growing horse industry first-time horse owners should be aware and educated about one of the most common illnesses horses are susceptible to: colic colic in the horse refers to a pain originating from within the abdominal cavity most often colic is associated with the gastrointestinal tract; however it can also arise from other intra-abdominal organs like the kidney liver and uterus said dr noah cohen professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences horses that experience colic will show varying degrees of pain with varying clinical signs these can include turning to stare at the flank region pawing at the ground restlessness (such as getting up and down) rolling sweating having a high heart and respiratory rate and flared nostrils cohen continued so what causes colic and why is it so common in horses according to cohen there are many potential causes of the illness for example one cause is a volvulus of the small intestine where the intestine is obstructed by twisted on itself often the cause(s) of a volvulus (or any other displacement or twisting of the gastrointestinal tract) may be impossible to define or may be attributable to many factors such as diet level of exercise dehydration from sweat losses or inadequate water intake and so on cohen explained other common causes of colic include an abrupt change in feed high grain or low forage diets parasite infestation lack of water (which can lead to impaction colic) and sand ingestion (choose an alternative flooring for your stalls like concrete to prevent your horse from ingesting sand) another cause of the potentially deadly illness could be linked to the time of the year weather conditions have been associated with colic cases; however there is not enough data to indicate which specific weather patterns stimulate the illness when the ambient temperature and humidity are high there seem to be more cases of colic these cases are often colon impactions with food material; many of us attribute these to dehydration from increased sweat losses said cohen in cold weather horses will consume more warm water than cold water because water sources for horses are generally cold from the ambient temperature we also seem to see cases of colic attributed to inadequate water consumption during the cold weather although it may sound like almost anything can cause your horse to colic cohen explains that every horse reacts differently to situations that could potentially stimulate the illness one way to think about the multiple causes of colic is to think of a traffic accident he said rainy roads can contribute to an increased risk of accidents occurring but this doesnt mean that driving on a rainy road will always cause an accident…the same is true for colic not every horse that has a recent change in diet will colic…and not every horse that goes from being housed at pasture to a stall (or vice versa) will experience colic luckily for first-time horse owners there are plenty of preventative measures against colic that can help stop the painful disease in its tracks some of these healthy habits include feeding your horse regularly (even on the weekends) making slow changes in diet instead of sudden changes providing plenty of water and exercise providing a balanced diet fed in feed troughs (to prevent sand ingestion) and regularly deworming if you think your horse may be experiencing colic cohen recommends calling the veterinarian and withholding all feed but not water walking the horse may also keep the animal calm and will prevent injury from rolling or pawing at the ground knowing how to measure a horses rectal temperature heart rate and respiratory rate will also come in handy if you are trained to perform these tasks cohen suggests recording this information and sharing it with the veterinarian before owning your first horse make sure to know the causes and symptoms of colic although early detection is important in treating the disease prevention is truly the key to maintaining your horses health pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print kidney disease in dogs and cats september 9 2015 have you ever watched your pet eat their meal and thought wow did they even taste it though some pets require more energy than others it is important to know your pets normal eating and drinking habits so you are more likely to detect any dietary abnormalities being familiar with your pets standard schedule of urination and defecation is also important as any continuous irregular activity could be a sign of an illness one of the most common ailments in dogs and cats is kidney (renal) disease a broad term that applies to any disease process that leaves the kidneys unable to effectively filter toxins out of the blood and maintain water balance in the body in acute kidney disease signs can occur quickly and can be very severe while chronic renal issues include non-specific signs and the disease develops slowly dr johanna heseltine clinical assistant professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains how being familiar with your pets normal diet can come in handy in the early stages of kidney disease there are often no clinical signs the earliest clinical signs of kidney disease are non-specific and often include increased thirst and urination decreased appetite and decreased energy levels she said as the kidneys begin to fail and toxins build up in the blood stream other signs can develop such as vomiting and loss of appetite so what exactly causes kidney disease according to heseltine there are many sources of renal issues causes of acute (sudden onset) kidney injury include toxins (like lilies in cats and grapes in dogs) certain infections (such as bacterial urinary tract infections that spread to the kidneys or leptospirosis) and underlying health problems (like high blood calcium levels or shock) heseltine said in many patients with chronic (long-standing) kidney disease the underlying cause cannot be determined although older pets are especially affected by kidney disease dogs and cats at any age are susceptible to renal issues blood and urine tests are used by veterinarians to determine if there is a kidney infection present and what the primary cause might be when possible we treat the underlying cause explained heseltine for example if there is a kidney infection an appropriate antibiotic is administered it is important that patients with kidney disease stay well hydrated so some patients require iv fluids if needed we give medications to control nausea and vomiting she continued some patients with chronic kidney disease benefit from being fed a prescription diet designed for pets with kidney disease other therapies are tailored to the individual patients needs so without treatment for kidney disease can a dog or cat suffer from complete kidney failure according to heseltine the answer is yes kidney failure can occur in both acute and chronic kidney disease depending on the severity of the case heseltine emphasizes the importance of the kidneys in the body and explains that a lack of filtration can lead to deadly consequences the kidneys have many important roles including filtering toxins from the body when the kidneys cannot filter adequately the toxins build up in the blood stream and make the pet sick she said we assess this by measuring urea and creatinine concentrations in their blood these increased lab values do not occur until approximately 75% of kidney function has been lost patient outcome depends on how high the lab values are how sick the pet is whether the underlying kidney disease can be treated and how quickly the kidney damage is progressing she continued some patients with chronic kidney disease live for many years while for other patients decisions about quality of life have to be made though kidney disease is fairly common in dogs and cats there are ways pet owners can help prevent renal issues since many acute kidney disease cases are caused by toxic substances be sure to keep poisons and pesticides away from your furry friends as well as any specific foods or plants that can cause harm feeding a balanced diet is always important but consider looking into specialized pet food that aids in preventing kidney disease lastly remember to take note of your pets normal behavior so you are more likely to notice even the slightest change in diet urination or defecation make an appointment with your local veterinarian if you notice a change in behavior that lasts several days although pets of all ages are susceptible to kidney disease older pets are at an even higher risk by monitoring your pets behavior and attending regular veterinary check-ups you can help prevent kidney disease and preserve your pets quality of life pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print seizures in dogs september 2 2015 many of us would do anything to relieve our pets of a medical issue especially if it interferes with their ability to live a normal life although the veterinary care field is more advanced than ever some medical issues remain difficult to predict and treat seizures caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain continue to be a medical issue veterinarians sometimes struggle to monitor and treat in dogs little warning occurs before a seizure strikes making the episode frightening for both the owner and the pet fido may appear perfectly normal one minute but the next he is lying on the floor muscles twitching in a normal brain the neurons fire only when necessary and when stimulated with a seizure the neurons start firing rapidly and in synchrony explained dr joseph mankin clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences typically the dog may become agitated or disoriented and then may collapse on their side he continued they may exhibit signs of paddling vocalization and they may lose bladder control the seizure may last for a few seconds up to a few minutes and often they will be disoriented or anxious after the seizure occasionally they may be blind for a short period of time for some dogs a seizure is a one-time experience but in most cases seizures reoccur an underlying problem in the brain could be responsible for reoccurring seizures often resulting in a diagnosis of epilepsy between the many causes of seizures in dogs and the often normal lab results idiopathic (cause unknown) epilepsy proves to be a frequent diagnosis the most common cause of seizures is idiopathic epilepsy which commonly occurs in dogs that are young to middle aged said mankin however there are many other causes of seizures including ingestion of toxins development of neoplasia in the brain or a vascular event (stroke) other less common causes include congenital (where the dog is born with an abnormal brain) systemic disease or an immune mediated disease of the brain tissue though seizures may be difficult to predict and monitor taking fido to the veterinarian after an episode is the first step in trying to diagnose the cause of the abnormal brain activity a history of your dogs seizures vaccination records and diet may help determine an underlying problem in the brain along with blood tests and a urinalysis the age of fido may also play a part in his diagnosis dogs that are younger than one year of age are more likely to have been born with an abnormal brain condition while dogs that are older than five years tend to have specific brain disorders idiopathic epilepsy commonly affects dogs that are between one and five years of age treatment for dog seizures is important regardless of age with each seizure more nerves within the brain will fire rapidly making it more likely that another seizure will occur these seizures may become hard to manage for the owner and could also affect the dogs quality of life fortunately for dog owners there are many ways of treating seizures avoid exposing fido to toxins and vaccinations that could aggravate his condition and be sure to create a stress-free environment since many seizures often follow a stressful situation acupuncture chiropractic care and a simple change of diet can also help your dog avoid a frightening convulsion between veterinary visits your dog may experience seizures at home although the situation might be frightening it is important to remain calm and wait patiently for your dog to stop seizing at home there is little you can do to stop the ongoing seizure said mankin the dog may be barking and biting so it is important to keep your hands away from their mouth if a seizure happens the best thing to do is seek veterinary help immediately he advised although seizures prove to be a medical condition that is difficult to treat and monitor it is important to get veterinary care for fido soon after he experiences a seizure it may be hard for your veterinarian to identify the specific cause of your dogs seizures but taking action is a must in order to preserve fidos quality of life pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print geese as pets august 20 2015 if youre looking into a new pet but dont want to settle for the usual cat or dog geese might be a good pet for you in order to own pet geese you must have adequate space and check with city guidelines and neighborhood associations to make sure backyard poultry ducks and geese are allowed in your area although many of us have heard the horror stories of aggressive geese attacking park visitors pet geese who are hand raised and handled daily are often more docile before you jump into owning geese there are a few things you should know and consider in order to create a comfortable living environment where your geese can thrive your first step in owning pet geese is choosing the right breed there are a number of breeds to choose from many of them making great pets dr sharman hoppes clinical associate professor for the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences recommends breeds like the toulouse the american buff and the pilgrim as these breeds are considered to be good pets by her clients geese are also flock animals so consider getting 2-3 geese to help create a more natural environment females are less likely to fight with one another so they may make a better option as pets so what kind of housing do these birds need to ensure your birds are comfortable and have enough room at least one square meter per bird is recommended for indoor night housing and two square meters per bird for outdoor housing include grass floors and secure fencing in your outdoor housing arrangement to protect your geese from predators like rats coyotes and neighborhood dogs a larger pen filled with soft green grass should be available for your geese to roam during most of the day providing a swimming area and more protective fencing as a guide three geese will typically be happy in a 20×40 foot pen pet geese need a large yard with grass and housing that keeps them warm in the winter and can protect them from the heat in the summer explained hoppes geese also need water for swimming so a pool or pond is a must if you use a small pool as the water source it will need to be cleaned daily geese can overheat easily on a hot summer day if there is no water or shade available if you would like to own pet geese keep in mind that daily cleaning is essential if geese are not housed in a grassy yard with a proper swimming area serious health problems can develop geese that are housed without a water source for swimming or on hard ground or cement tend to develop foot issues that can become life threatening said hoppes since geese are such heavy bodied birds they need both legs for ambulating and if on an inappropriate substrate their feet will develop pressure sores that can lead to bone infections other common health problems in geese include intestinal parasites (deworming is a must) limb deformities in young geese due to poor diet and trauma caused by dogs coyotes or other predators older females may also be subject to reproductive problems such as egg binding anyone obtaining pet geese waterfowl or backyard poultry should make sure there is a local veterinarian comfortable with birds nearby and available for emergencies recommended hoppes you may be wondering what kind of diets geese survive on and fortunately for geese owners the answer is grass up to 70% of their diet depends on grass another reason why it is important to have a grassy area dedicated to your geese besides grass geese will also feed on insects as well as commercial water fowl diets these are available for different ages of geese and should be fed daily according to hoppes besides companionship geese offer a few other benefits for example geese are known to be very territorial and alert their owners when there is an intruder though they may seem aggressive most geese are docile and will not attack your visitors unless they are protecting a nest or chicks aggression during breeding season is quite common so hoppes recommends keeping an extra eye on your birds and visitors during that time of the year geese should not be around children without supervision since geese attacks can cause serious injuries including broken bones to the victim geese are also loud a major reason why they are not ideal for residential areas geese tend to vocalize when there is anything new in the environment including other birds wildlife the neighborhood dog or cat and anytime someone comes through the door geese also lay on average 10-50 eggs per year allowing you to use them however you please (they might look huge next to a chicken egg but they are certainly safe to eat) the feathers of geese can also be collected and used for crafts such as stuffing a pillow however you should never pluck feathers from your bird because plucking can be very painful only use feathers that the goose has lost due to molting if you are looking for a very smart and social pet that offers protection a flock of geese might be the choice for you remember to keep in mind the environmental requirements for housing pet geese and the daily cleaning that is essential in order to maintain a healthy habitat lastly do your research in finding a local veterinarian who is comfortable with treating birds if well taken care of geese can make a great companion animal that can live well into their teen years pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print vaccinating your pets august 13 2015 it is not uncommon for pets to be considered a part of the family which is why they deserve to live the happiest and healthiest lives possible while endless treats and belly rubs are some peoples idea of the perfect life for fido a more important factor plays into the quality of life your pet will have: their health you may have already heard about the benefits of vaccinating your pet for common diseases but educating yourself more on the subject is important before visiting the veterinarians office allowing vaccines to be a part of your pets health care routine can protect them from some of the most common companion animal diseases rabies distemper hepatitis bordetella parvovirus and feline leukemia are a few of the illnesses that your pet can be protected against through the use of a vaccine dr brad bennett lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains how a vaccine can be effective in reducing your pets chances of developing a disease in developing immunity vaccines work by mimicking the infection the infection usually does not cause illness (sometimes minor symptoms of the disease) but will allow the immune system to make antibodies and lymphocytes said bennett after the resolution of the infection the body will remember how to fight the infection through memory t lymphocytes and b lymphocytes there are several different types of vaccines including modified-live (attenuated) killed (inactivated) and recombinant even if your pet is considered an inside dog or does not come into contact with other animals bennett still recommends having your animal vaccinated we know that when widespread vaccination is performed we can reduce the prevalence of serious disease caused by highly pathogenic organisms with this knowledge we recommend most owners to vaccinate their pets he said though vaccinations are meant to prevent harm to your animal they are not always risk-free before making the decision to vaccinate your pet talk with your veterinarian about the potential risks and benefits of vaccination while vaccinating can be valuable it is not always harmless bennett said a discussion should take place between the veterinarian and the owner as to the probability of exposure severity of disease being vaccinated for and risk of adverse events he said owners should also discuss how often their pet should be vaccinated to effectively prevent disease as this varies with age so what kind of negative side effects from vaccines should owners look out for according to bennett swelling of the face vomiting diarrhea lethargy pruritus and hives are common allergic reactions to vaccines in pets more serious reactions can even include shock and sudden death (anaphylaxis) though there are some reported reactions lasting weeks most reactions occur immediately after injection or up to 48-72 hours later if an owner observes any of these side effects after their pet receives a vaccination bennett encourages them to seek immediate veterinary attention for the safety of their pet while veterinarians like bennett encourage pet owners to vaccinate their pet as needed some animal care specialists have argued that we are over-vaccinating our pets causing more harm than good my opinion is that i do not believe we are over-vaccinating our pets every day i see diseases in pets that could be avoided by vaccinating said bennett but just as we discussed before vaccinating is not always innocent in some patients vaccinations can be detrimental such as those with immune-mediated diseases and in instances of feline injection-site associated sarcomas as owners we want our pets to live a happy life with the help of regular check-ups and vaccinations against common pet diseases your animals quality of life may be improved although vaccines are meant to protect your pets health owners should be aware of the potential side effects that come with vaccinating your pet remember to discuss your concerns with your local veterinarian so they can determine the best vaccine plan for your animal to ensure a long and healthy life pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print getting your pets microchipped august 6 2015 many of us take every precaution we can to protect our pets with growing technology in the veterinary field new measures of protection for companion animals are now available to owners at a low cost microchipping one of the newest ways to locate and identify lost animals is growing in popularity and efficiency a microchip is a glass encased device that bears an identification number unique to every marked animal once the microchip is inserted under the animals skin and registered with the devices company the microchip can be activated with a scanner at a veterinarians office or local animal shelter with no batteries or power source required to activate a microchip this device will provide a permanent identity for your pet that will last their entire lifetime many owners protect and identify their pet with a personalized collar while this method can certainly help identify your pet there are many strong advantages in microchipping your animal for instance pet collars may fall or slip off and personalized tags may become unreadable after several years microchips do not face any of these challenges and have no chance of being removed no matter where fido wanders off to dr james barr clinical assistant professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains the biggest advantage microchipping has over other methods of identifying animals the biggest advantage is that a microchip cant be lost it allows access to detailed information about the pet and its owner with a quick phone call to the company he said barr also adds that most microchips can be installed at veterinarian offices and sometimes even spay and neuter clinics he further explains that the process of installing a microchip is very quick and does not hurt the animal contrast to what some owners might believe a microchip is implanted under the skin between the shoulder blades using a needle and plunger which is similar to a syringe he said the needle is a rather large needle comparatively to what would be used for a vaccine but it usually does not require sedation and is only transiently uncomfortable for the animal microchips which are about the size of a grain of rice can be installed into dogs cats horses ferrets and most other mammals if you are considering microchipping your pet consult your local veterinarian to see which microchipping companies are most commonly used in your area some chips are more universally read than others so it is important to consider which microchips your local veterinarian and animal shelters can read finally do not forget to register your chip to your name and phone number if you move to another address or change phone numbers you will be required to update this information with your microchips company a microchip will only bring your pet home if your contact information is kept up to date although personalized collars have been traditionally used as a method of identification in pets microchipping is on the rise of becoming the modern solution for lost animals even if your pet has been microchipped providing a collar for your pet is still important remember to register your pets microchip to your name and updated contact information in order for your pet to return safely home if they ever become lost pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print building the ideal dog house august 4 2015 for many centuries dogs have been referred to as mans best friend many of us consider our dogs a part of the family and would do anything to protect them whether your dog stays primarily outside or takes regular naps on your bed a dog house is essential for your pets protection outdoors providing a safe outdoor place for your dog is important especially if they live outside or are going to spend long periods of time outdoors portability durability and size are all factors to consider when purchasing or building an outdoor shelter for fido an effective dog house will protect your dog from extreme temperatures wind rain snow and even potential predators dr sarah griffin lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains why a dog house is essential for texas dog owners dogs dissipate heat by convection (fan or wind blowing) radiation (through their skin) conduction (laying on something cool) and evaporation (panting) on a summer day in central texas when the temperature is 100+ degrees 60 percent humidity and 5 mph wind the dog can only dissipate heat effectively by evaporation the dog needs a shelter to help him stay cool she said so how might an owner choose the most ideal dog house for their pet the easiest way is to know your dog for instance breeds with thicker coats and shorter snouts are more susceptible to heat exhaustion a dog house that will provide enough shade and air flow will work best for these breeds you should also consider the adult size of your dogs breed and provide just enough room for your dog to make a complete turn on the inside for owners who prefer a portable shelter for their pet a plastic dog house is a great option that also features easy clean-up owners can also purchase portable tents and pop-up play pens for dogs that only spend limited time outside choosing the material and location of the dog house is another important factor to consider if your dog is more susceptible to heat exhaustion a dog house that is made of wood rather than plastic or metal will keep your dog cooler in the summer heat wood can be painted with enamel or epoxy paints to make it easier to clean and more durable said griffin the roof can be made of wood too but covering it with metal or fiberglass shingles will make it more durable owners should also move the dog house to the driest and shadiest part of the yard to avoid an uncomfortable living environment keeping your dog house shaded from the sun and bad weather will also preserve the materials if you plan on building your own dog house you should consider lifting the floor of the house off the ground to prevent the shelter from sitting in mud rain or snow this will also promote more air flow keeping your dog cooler in the summer and drier in the winter lastly a slanted and hinged roof is ideal for an easy clean-up choose metal or fiberglass shingles to protect your pet and preserve your dogs house through any bad weather storm while many of us prefer to leave a safety light on in our house during the night this is not necessary for our dogs in fact it is estimated that dogs can see in light that is five times dimmer than what the human eye can see dogs eyes are made differently than peoples eyes the dogs retina is made of more rods which need much less illumination to detect the gray spectrum explained griffin the rods are also sensitive to motion allowing dogs to detect smaller movements and quickly sense a stranger or predator griffin adds that she does not recommend providing a steady light for dogs at night instead a motion sensor light placed away from the dog house may be a better option for owners who still desire some outdoor lighting at night whether your dog is a bed hog or an outdoor explorer providing a dog house for your dog is important remember to consider your dogs needs when building or purchasing a dog house if your dog lives or spends long periods of time outside shelter is essential for their health and protection outdoors pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print diets for pets with liver disease july 27 2015 have you ever been in a restaurant and noticed a strange dish on the menu you may have seen the word liver and cringed with disgust though there are many benefits in consuming liver it is not a common meal that you might serve during family fun night you may find this part of the digestive tract unappealing on the dinner table but have you ever considered all the important functions of this organ like humans pets depend on their livers to clean their blood and regulate their metabolism pets are susceptible to a variety of liver diseases that can be caused by birth defects or can develop with age fortunately for fido a change of diet can help manage some of these diseases and regulate the animals metabolism again one of the many roles of the liver is to regulate the bodys metabolism by cleaning the blood after digestion nutrient-rich blood passes through the liver where the blood is filtered the good stuff like vitamins and minerals is processed into forms the body can use and store the bad stuff like toxins is transported back to the intestine and will be excreted from the body since the liver plays a very important role in the regulation of the bodys metabolism disorders of the liver can be very serious dogs and cats can develop a wide variety of liver disease dr jonathon lidbury assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains some of the most common forms of liver disease our pets are susceptible to getting common liver diseases in dogs include chronic hepatitis (chronic inflammation of the liver) and portosystemic shunts (abnormal blood vessels that bypass the liver) common liver diseases in cats include feline hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver) cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts) and portosystemic shunts said lidbury early in the course of liver disease many of these dogs and cats will not show symptoms other pets experience symptoms that are not specific to liver disease such as weight loss decreased appetite decreased activity vomiting and diarrhea at a later stage in the disease symptoms like jaundice (yellow discoloration of the gum the whites of the eyes and sometimes the skin) a distended fluid-filled abdomen and unusual behaviors (such as walking in circles pressing of the head against walls or apparent loss of vision) can occur lidbury encourages pet owners to seek veterinary attention if their dog or cat experiences any of these signs if their pet develops liver disease owners should work with their veterinarian to formulate a treatment plan sometimes nutritional supplements are recommended while other situations require a change in diet to help regulate your pets disease diet can play a very important role in the management of liver disease but it is important to realize that the nutritional needs of patients with these different diseases vary lidbury explained for example some dogs develop chronic hepatitis due to accumulation of copper in their livers these dogs are sometimes started on medications to reduce the amount of copper in their livers but feeding a copper-restricted diet can also be beneficial dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts are at risk of developing hepatic encephalopathy which is a syndrome of neurological dysfunction due to liver disease lidbury continued these patients may benefit from being fed a moderately protein restricted diet though he uses this example in dogs lidbury discourages pet owners from feeding cats protein-restricted diets even while they are living with liver disease cats have a higher dietary protein requirement than dogs so they should not be severely protein restricted or fed a non-meat protein-based diet he explained the provision of adequate nutrition especially protein is essential for the treatment of cats with feline hepatic lipidosis these cats are often anorexic which can mean possible tube feeding your pets liver disease should be discussed with a veterinarian before you make any changes to their diet a number of commercial prescription liver diets are available for your pet as well as the option to cook meals at home for your pet under the supervision of a veterinary nutritionist an improvement in your pets health can be observed in as little as a day to several months though liver disease can have a negative impact on your pets life a change in diet can help monitor the disease and help improve your pets health pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print protecting your pets from killer bees july 16 2015 many of us remember our first experience with bees and its usually not positive you may have been the curious kid who got a little too close to the bee hive or you may have been the innocent victim who was stung completely by surprise no matter the situation the afternoon was spent running and screaming into the house looking for help although we know better our pets may think the humming and buzzing of a bee nest sounds like a good time before fido sniffs too close to a dangerous hive here are the facts you need to know about protecting your pet from killer bees africanized honey bees or so called killer bees arrived in the united states during the 1990s they appear no different than the common european honey bee and can only be told apart by an expert although the nick-name suggests a fatal sting killer bees are no more harmful than the common honey bee killer bees gained their nick-name from the aggressive way they defend their nests the more hostile bees readily protecting the nest the more likely a person or pet is to be stung multiple times even though it is common for people to have an allergic or even deadly reaction to a bee sting dogs are not as susceptible to these harmful responses dr james barr clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains the common reactions dogs experience from a bee sting in most cases of pets being stung by a bee there are not many side effects other than swelling and pain of the area that was stung they can have occasional more significant reactions but this is far less common than in people he said most of the bee stings in dogs are on the face and head as they are investigating the bee when it stings them occasionally there are pets that will try to catch and eat them a mouth sting could result in swelling of the throat but this is an unlikely occurrence barr adds the best way to protect your pets is to prevent bee stings owners should regularly check their property for bee hives and consult a pest control operator to safely remove it hives can be found in obvious places like trees and shrubs or in more secluded places such as in the ground an undisturbed flower pot or even inside your walls it is not safe to tease the bees in any way or try to remove the bee hive on your own pets should be kept away from the area until it is cleared by a professional the best prevention is limiting your dogs exposure to bees if you see them then keeping the dog away from the area until the hive can be removed is ideal advised barr if your pet happens to be stung by a bee swelling is the most important reaction an owner should watch for according to barr owners should have their pet seen by a veterinarian if the swelling seems unusually painful or causes trouble breathing giving your pet a bath after the incident to remove any remaining stingers may be necessary it is also important to scrape the remaining stingers from the skin rather than pulling or tweezing them out stingers can be effectively scraped from the skin with a knife or fingernail although it is uncommon for pets to have serious reactions to a bee sting prevention is still important to protect your pet from an afternoon of regret keeping your property clear of bee hives will significantly decrease the chance of fido coming into contact with a bee but remember to leave bee-keeping to the professionals pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print snakes as pets july 9 2015 between the puppy lovers the cat enthusiasts and the furry rodent fans a whole different category of pet owners exist: reptile lovers from turtles to geckos lizards to snakes taking care of any reptile is a unique experience with many safe breeds to choose from snakes are a popular choice for those who are interested in owning a reptile often associated with deadly incidents or even horror stories snakes are commonly misunderstood but can make fascinating companion pets like any pet snakes offer company and stress relief for their owners snakes do not require daily walks in the park and they are quiet during the day and at night with infrequent defecation a pet snakes habitat is also an easy clean-up before making the decision to own a snake there are many factors to consider researching different pet snake breeds and their life-span and health requirements are a must dr sharman hoppes clinical associate professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences suggests snake breeds that may or may not make a suitable pet ball pythons king snakes and corn snakes are great large boas and pythons do not make good pets for most people due to their large size hoppes said another factor to consider if you wish to own a snake is proper housing an escape-proof aquarium is essential to prevent any harm to your snake it is important for owners to recognize that no snake is safe without a lid that properly latches snakes also require precise habitats to survive hoppes explains that owners should provide lighting that produces a day and night cycle temperatures should be 80-85 degrees fahrenheit during the day with a cooler temperature at night that never falls below 75 degrees a warmer basking site that measures around 90 degrees should also be available to your pet under the cage heaters and heat lamps are the best way to regulate temperature hot rocks are not encouraged as they can potentially burn your pet snake hoppes recommends placing a thermometer on the cage to make sure the temperature in your cage is appropriate snake owners should research or ask a veterinarian how to provide the correct temperature since some breeds require warmer or cooler temperatures substrate or bedding is also necessary in creating the most comfortable and safe habitat for your snake substrate can be paper indoor or outdoor carpet artificial turf and aspen chips said hoppes i do not recommend sand because some reptiles may ingest it i also do not recommend pine or cedar as both of these contain oils that are irritating to snakes hoppes also encourages owners to provide a hide box for snake privacy if you happen to have an uneasy stomach or wince at the thought of a snake feeding on another animal owning a snake is probably not for you a snakes diet can range from insects and amphibians to warm-blooded rodents like mice rabbits or birds although some owners feed their snakes live prey hoppes discourages this snakes should never be fed live prey it is cruel to the prey animal and can also be dangerous to the snake she said the prey animal if not killed quickly can bite the snake in some cases where the snake is not warm enough or is sick the prey animal may even extensively chew on the snake last but not least you should consider your dedication and ability to care for a pet snake according to hoppes most of the health problems that occur in snakes are a result of improper husbandry for instance if the cage is too cold or dry the snake will have trouble properly shedding its skin resulting in patches of skin left unshed a snake in this habitat also has a chance of developing an upper respiratory infection or infections in the mouth if you do choose to purchase a snake after considering these important details hoppes recommends having new pet snakes examined by a veterinarian for skin mites and intestinal parasites before introducing them to other reptiles that might already live in your home although snakes are often misunderstood and sometimes gain negative attention they can make great companion animals and require minimal care if you are interested in owning a snake remember to research and consult a veterinarian that is familiar with the health requirements of snakes pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print 4th of july safety for your pets july 2 2015 many of us celebrate our nations independence day barbequing and relaxing with loved ones when the sun goes down it is a tradition gather together to admire and enjoy the bright-colored flashes of fireworks that light up our night sky you might not think twice about taking the necessary precautions to have a safe and fun-filled holiday with your family and friends but have you ever thought about the proper safety measures to ensure your pet has a safe 4th of july too the 4th of july might be a day of celebration for people but for pets it is a day of potentially hazardous situations dr james barr clinical assistant professor for the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explained that pets are at an increased risk for several dangerous scenarios during our holiday celebration most of the injuries or sicknesses that happen around the 4th of july in dogs have to do with an increased amount of outdoor activity barr said there are more dogfights car accidents involving dogs and heat related illnesses than any other time of the year barr also discourages owners from feeding table scraps to their pets because dogs and cats have exposure to a lot more food from barbecues and parties they tend to get upset stomachs from eating things they shouldnt he said sometimes it is seen as humorous for owners to share an alcoholic beverage with their pet but barr includes alcohol on his list of dangers for pets on independence day pets have much smaller bodies than we do and it can be quite dangerous to have them drink alcohol it can even be fatal in severe circumstances he said if you plan on bringing fido to an outdoor party be cautious of the dangers of mosquitos fleas and ticks spraying your pet with insect repellant may seem like a reasonable solution to the bug problem but some sprays are not safe for animals instead barr recommends using an effective flea and tick repellant prescribed by your veterinarian since heartworms are transmitted to pets through mosquitos a common summer nuisance barr also reminds owners to make sure their pet is taking heartworm preventative before they enjoy the holiday outdoors one of the most exciting traditions of the 4th of july holiday is fireworks although we might fall into a trance of admiration at the loud popping noises and flashing of colors in the sky our pets might not enjoy the show so much if your dog typically becomes frightened during thunderstorms chances are they will react the same way to fireworks if your dog is frightened by the fireworks you need to minimize the exposure that they have to the loud noise of the fireworks barr said this can be done by finding a safe and quiet room in your home where your dog can stay relaxed if fido is in attendance at your outdoor firework show keep him or her on a leash to prevent them from running away or jumping a fence in an attempt to find safety remember it is always important to properly identify your pet just in case they become lost although independence day is a fun-filled holiday for people it might not be the same case for our pets as a pet owner it is important to consider all dangerous situations your pet may experience on the 4th of july and make preparations to ensure their safety if you are concerned about the dangers your pet may face and want to fully protect them the simple solution is for fido to sit this party out in the safety of your home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print chagas disease in dogs june 26 2015 many of our furry four-legged friends love to bask in the sun or wrestle with other dogs in the soft green grass as owners we know how essential outdoor exercise is for our dogs especially certain breeds it would be comforting to believe our pets are completely safe while enjoying the outdoors but this is rarely the case chagas a potentially fatal disease transmitted to animals through insects is a danger for both inside and outside dogs the disease is caused by the protozoan parasite trypanosoma cruzi which is spread to dogs through insects in the reduviidae family also commonly known as cone-nose or kissing bugs dr ashley saunders associate professor of cardiology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains how insects are effective at spreading the disease the t cruzi organism is transmitted to the host from a bite from an infected bug or ingestion of an infected bug saunders said she also added that dogs can contract the disease without coming into contact with an insect transplacental transmission has also been reported as a method of transmission this means the disease can be spread from a mother to her offspring once the dog has been exposed to the t cruzi organism the parasite spreads through the body by becoming intracellular and invading the blood stream of the dog the brain and heart of the dog are the organs that are most vulnerable to the disease chagas symptoms can be categorized as acute or chronic while some dogs can even be asymptomatic of the disease in this case the protozoan parasite can have months or years to cause inflammation and damage to the heart if clinical signs develop the disease can become even more fatal causing sudden death or heart failure acute symptoms include diarrhea lethargy seizures swollen lymph nodes and increased heart rate while chronic symptoms include weakness fainting increased heart rate and fatigue dogs that experience acute symptoms are typically younger than two years old insect control is a major key in managing the disease since no vaccine currently exists to protect your resting pup at night reduce lighting to decrease the amount of bugs that may come into contact with your pet kennels with protective screens can also be effective in preventing the dangerous bite of a kissing bug wood piles and other brushy areas can serve as a breeding ground for infected insects so try to keep your pets backyard area clean and free of potential dangers saunders explains that chagas is commonly found in latin america and in southern states in the united states including texas she urges owners to contact a veterinarian if they think their dog is experiencing symptoms of chagas if a dog becomes infected with chagas it is important to test the other dogs in the household or litter as well females who are infected should not be used for breeding as they can transmit the disease to the litter via the placenta whether your dog prefers the outdoors or only embraces the wilderness for potty breaks your pet is at risk for chagas with no vaccine or treatment available awareness and prevention is critical in protecting your pet from chagas disease to find more information on chagas disease in dogs and identification pictures of kissing bugs click here pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print west nile virus vaccine in horses june 11 2015 the image of a cowboy riding off into the sunset on a palomino pony after a long hard day of rescuing a damsel in distress has reached the point of a cliché a cowboys partner will forever be his trusty horse and as long as his horse is healthy he can continue riding off into the sunset but what happens when a cowboys horse is infected by a deadly virus will there be a happy ending to that story west nile virus is defined as zoonotic which means it can be transferred between animals and humans the virus is mosquito-borne and spreads through intermediate hosts like blue jays and black birds for this reason the virus is more common in the summer or fall when birds are migrating from the north both humans and horses can be infected by west nile; however they are both considered dead-end hosts meaning they cannot transmit the disease to others west nile virus first infected horses in 1999 with a case in new york since then the united states has seen more cases of west nile in horses as well as humans the year 2012 was the most deadly for humans with 286 deaths nationwide dr leslie easterwood clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains the symptoms horses experience when they are infected by the virus west nile virus causes an encephalitis type syndrome with fever general depression and dull mental attitude she said horses may be unstable or show neurologic signs and can have a characteristic twitching of muscles along their neck and shoulders a vaccine for the virus is available for horses and veterinarians highly recommend it to horse owners vaccination has significantly decreased the incidence of west nile disease in horses in the face of a steady case number in humans where we have no vaccine available said easterwood horses are recommended to be vaccinated twice yearly in areas of the country where mosquitos are present all year as a horse owner it is important to recognize the signs of the virus and to have a veterinarian ready to call the sooner the symptoms are identified and the horse receives treatment the better chance the horse has in surviving according to easterwood one third of all equine west nile cases generally survive with proper intervention if an owner sees neurologic signs of wobbly stance unsteady movement depression not eating with or without muscle twitching they should call their veterinarian right away explained easterwood even if the horse has been vaccinated although the west nile vaccine has proven effective easterwood reminds horse owners that no vaccine is 100 percent protective pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print benefits of interacting with cats june 4 2015 weve all heard the saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away! but have you ever considered interacting with your pet as another way to prevent doctor visits many people are experiencing the social and health benefits of interacting with their four-legged cat and dog friends the proof is not only evident in happy pet owners faces but also in recent studies professionals and researchers have found specific benefits in cat ownership for many people cats offer social companionship without the fear of judgement having a cat around can prevent loneliness and depression and even improve your mood in general companionship through a cat is especially beneficial to those who live alone or are widowed dr jonathon lidbury assistant professor in the feline internal medicine department at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains the key advantages of owning a cat cats offer companionship which is especially beneficial to people who are socially isolated due to various reasons he said cats also offer stress relief and light exercise if you play with them besides social interaction and a reduced risk of suffering from social diseases like depression cats also offer many health benefits in fact the positive emotions you experience from playing or cuddling with your feline can help boost your immune system cats can also sense when their owners are sick and often offer them company this can help you feel better even sooner although it is common to find someone who is allergic to cats studies show that young children or infants who are exposed to cats often develop fewer allergies early and frequent exposure to cats may also prevent future upper respiratory problems in children as well for many people interacting with their cat provides a sense of comfort and relief from everyday stress caring for another creature and being sensitive to their needs can help distract cat owners from their daily struggles worries and negative emotions by lowering stress levels cat owners may experience lower blood pressure as well as less anxiety cats are smart and independent animals that are also naturally clean making them a great choice for a pet combined with their many health benefits the low maintenance aspect of cat ownership creates a great opportunity for companionship cats offer a great balance between being easy to take care of but at the same time being very good companions lidbury said they are playful intelligent and engaging pets that are very fun to take care of pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print allergies in pets may 28 2015 many of us look forward to the warm spring weather after enduring the harsh winter months the spring season brings peaceful fields of blooming flowers and a warm inviting sun unfortunately spring is also a time when many people suffer from allergies that can make daily life almost intolerable just like people pets can suffer from pesky allergies too it is important to know the signs of allergies in animals so you can alleviate any irritating sensations your pet may be experiencing dr adam patterson clinical assistant professor and chief of dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) defines an allergic reaction as the body overreacting to substances (like pollen) in the environment that are normally harmless this hypersensitivity to the environment can exist seasonally or year-round in both people and animals while humans suffer through allergy season coughing and sneezing into a handful of tissues pets deal with allergies differently an animals common reaction to an allergy is observed as itch in specific body areas which can result in skin irritations and infections an itch may be manifested as licking chewing biting rubbing scratching head shaking and/or scooting patterson said common itchy body areas include the face ears paws armpits groin rump and anal region horses may present with an itchy skin disease and/or hives patterson further explains that every animal has a different reaction to allergies just like people do every pet has its own itch tolerance which means the intensity and reason(s) for your pets itch may not be the same as another animal he said regardless of the animal allergic patients are prone to bacterial and yeast infections that can cause skin discoloration hair loss pimples scabs and/or ear disease according to patterson cats and horses can be affected by allergic skin disease he says that any dog breed can be affected as well but certain breedsincluding terriers retrievers dalmatians shar peis and bulldogsare more susceptible if your pet shows any sign of an allergy it is best to contact your veterinarian so they can properly diagnose the cause of itch which may include allergy your veterinarian can also perform tests to determine the most effective treatment plan to alleviate your pets discomfort allergens that most commonly irritate pets include fleas food pollen molds mites insects and dander treatments are tailored to the individual based on the extent severity and seasonality of signs patterson said the ‘absolutes of therapy include routine bathing to remove pollen accumulation infection control (topical and/or systemic anti-infectives) and flea prevention patterson also emphasizes to pet owners that allergies can be managed but rarely cured for pets that suffer from chronic allergies treatments may include changes in diet symptomatic medical therapy and or allergy vaccines specific to the animals environmental sensitivity patterson reminds pet owners that indiscriminate use of long-term steroids can cause serious health issues however if a pets allergies are left untreated there can be other harmful effects dr alison diesel clinical assistant professor at the cvm explains how your pet may suffer detrimental health problems without treatment allergies if left untreated/unmanaged can cause continued discomfort in your pet diesel said self-trauma to the skin can create wounds that can become secondarily infected we occasionally see pets that have spent so much time itching and scratching that they are not sleeping well and may even lose weight…in more severe cases a visit to a veterinary dermatologist may be quite helpful although many people suffer from allergies many of us do not recognize that allergies are just as common in animals if you think your pet may be afflicted with allergic skin disease your veterinarian can begin the process of helping your pet enjoy both the indoors and outdoors again pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print keeping fido safe in the summer heat may 8 2015 many people take advantage of mays warm weather by making resolutions to get themselves and their pets in shape for summer however when participating in outdoor activities like walking or running during these high temperatures extra precautions need to be taken to ensure your pets safety in the summer heat dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences says that humans are not the only ones who need to be cautious when exercising during higher than average temperatures animals do things they normally wouldnt do to stay cool which is an important thing to remember when outside stickney said if they are all riled up and having a good time they may forget how hot it is so it is important to always monitor them anytime you are outdoors or doing something active during the summer it is important for you and your pets to take plenty of breaks although you may be used to handling the heat and are aware when you need to stop and rest your pet especially if they have a thick coat may not fare as well in the summer months keep in mind that if youre thirsty your pet is most likely thirsty stickney said animals need plenty of access to fresh water you can even try putting ice cubes in it to make it colder and more refreshing however the warm summer temperatures dont mean you shouldnt participate in outdoor activities with your pets if you and fido enjoy long walks to the neighborhood park for example just be sure that he has access to plenty of water throughout your trip bringing along a water bottle and bowl for him to drink from is always a good idea also keep in mind that pavement can get very hot in the summer stickney said if your dogs dont have thick foot pads they could develop burns on their feet letting them walk on the grass instead of the concrete can help keep their foot pads from blistering any summertime activity that involves the water is good to partake in with your pet getting adequate exercise while also being able to cool off in the water is a perfect outdoor activity for fido however keep in mind that they will still need to have clean drinking water available as well as a shady place to rest once out of the water swimming for a long time can be draining on a dog not used to that type of physical exertion if your pet does accidentally overdo it in the sun there are signs you can watch out for stickney said panting unresponsiveness red whites of their eyes and bright reddish gums can mean that your dog is overheated and needs a break if you notice that your dog is beginning to exhibit any of these symptoms stop activity immediately and allow them to get a drink and cool off indoors or in the shade overall be smart and focus on safety when going on outings with your pets during the summer heat monitor your pets closely and be prepared to step in at the first sign of heat stress they may be enjoying your time together so much that they dont realize how hot and tired they really are! pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print breast cancer in cats april 20 2015 breast cancer is unfortunately prevalent not only among humans but also in our feline friends just like with people mammary cancer is very aggressive in cats and they have the best chance of survival if caught early eighty-five percent of mammary tumors found in cats are malignant and more that 80 percent will eventually spread to other locations in the body such as the lymph nodes lungs bone and internal organs said dr jacqueline bloch medical oncology resident at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it is found that siamese and domestic short hair cats are more at risk for mammary tumors siamese are especially prone to developing them at a relatively young age bloch said the average age is 10 years in other cats however it is a risk for any cat to develop breast cancer and like with other cancers it is important to get a proper diagnosis mammary tumors in cats are best diagnosed by a biopsy; this helps us to give prognostic information to the owners as well as diagnosis bloch said sometimes we can obtain diagnosis by a relatively non-invasive needle biopsy similar to dealing with other tumors the best treatment option is to surgically remove them because the form of mammary cancer in cats is so aggressive veterinarians generally recommend a staged bilateral mastectomy or the removal of all the mammary glands in a staged manner cats have four pairs of mammary glands and they are intimately associated and share lymphatic drainage which is why we recommend removing them all bloch said there should be one surgery on one side to remove the glands then after waiting for two-four weeks to let them heal we surgically remove the other side before executing such an extreme surgery bloch explains that they will perform what is called staging tests to look for evidence of cancer that has spread to other parts of the body this normally means an abdominal ultrasound to look for spread to regional lymph nodes or liver and spleen and chest radio-graphs to look for evidence of spread to the lungs bloch said if these show no evidence of disease we recommend going forward with the surgery depending on the case chemotherapy may be recommend following surgery if the tumor is very aggressive and the patient proves to be a good candidate although it is impossible to completely prevent breast cancer the early spaying of cats is very protective against developing these tumors spaying a kitten before six months of age can ultimately reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by 91 percent bloch said like with humans cats have the best chance of survival if the mammary tumors are discovered early regularly examining your cat by rubbing their belly and gently squeezing the mammary glands as well as taking them in for regular check-ups at the veterinarian is effective for early detection and catching the cancer in time for the best possible outcome pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pets like camping too! april 13 2015 for those who enjoy the great outdoors camping during the springtime can be a perfect weekend getaway however if you dont want to leave your pets behind while setting out on your adventure try bringing them along many campgrounds allow pets with certain rules and regulations said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences often the rules regarding pets can be seen posted on their website and if not questions can be easily answered over the phone however it is not advised that you show up with your pet without prior research and consent most rules will include things such as having your pet on a leash making sure they are supervised at all times and requiring proof of vaccinations stickney said even if they dont require health records or vaccination certificates its a good idea to bring them along just in case just as you need to pack food and other essentials for yourself dont forget to pack camping necessities for your pets as well some items youll need to bring are plenty of food a pet first-aid kit a harness and a leash even if the campsite has natural water resources such as streams or lakes you must still bring plenty of water for your pet to drink throughout your stay your pets will want to drink out of any pond and lake in sight but there are many different diseases they can catch by doing that stickney said so you dont want that to be their primary source of water coming into contact with wild animals is a definite risk when you are out in a national forest or grassland although most of the wildlife you run into wants to keep away from you as well you should have a way of containing your pet just in case if your pet does get into a tussle with a wild animal you do not want to get into the middle of it stickney said there is a very good chance you will be bitten or harmed your best method of action is calling off your pet or to try scaring away the wild animal in order to prevent such situations in the first place it is a good idea to keep your pets close to you throughout your camping expedition and to have a leash or harness available at all times before setting off on your camping adventure make sure your pets are up-to-date on all of their vaccinations especially rabies depending on the campsites location you may consult with your veterinarian about any other vaccinations that your pet may need as well as discuss appropriate flea and tick control to make camping with your pet an exciting experience for the both of you be sure to research the campsite ahead of time take note of any restrictions or regulations and bring the essentials along with you following these guidelines will guarantee a good time for everyone pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print rats as pets april 3 2015 although cats and dogs may be the most common types of pets for many other pet owners animal companionship doesnt stop there in honor of world rat day on april 2nd here are the ins and outs of caring for a rat as a pet rats are probably the most social and interactive of the small rodents said dr sharman hoppes associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences they are quite gentle and seldom bite though these rodents are fairly docile they arent typically recommended for small children without adult supervision if youre taking home a pet rat for your child be sure to keep in mind that you will end up being its primary caretaker small rodents should not be pets for very small children hoppes said children less than 10 years old should be supervised closely when handling them; therefore the care and monitoring of a rat is ultimately the parents responsibility while these rodents still require adequate care and supervision they are somewhat easier than gerbils or hamsters which have a tendency to nip and are much more active at night rats are active during the day which make them fairly easy to take care of hoppes said they also dont have special dietary needs or sensitive stomachs therefore compared to other rodents rats are fairly easy pets but this doesnt exempt you from the typical pet-owner duties rodents are still animals and therefore require your constant love and care all pet rodents need a large enough cage chew toys ladders plastic or pvc pipe and daily interaction hoppes said as with any rodent the cage should be cleaned one to two times a week to keep ammonia levels down keeping the cage clean will also help decrease the incidence of respiratory disease even though you cannot take them on walks or let them run around in the backyard ensuring that your pet rat gets enough exercise throughout the day should still be a priority rats may get obese in captivity so you should have exercise wheels exercise balls or a safe rodent-proof room for them to play in and get enough exercise hoppes said rats are very social intelligent animals and need companionship dr hoppes recommends getting two rats at a time so they have company while their owners work or go to school and to select an active social rodent with clean eyes clean nose and normal teeth you should also take note that the skin should is well groomed and that there are no visible lumps or bumps keeping these factors in mind a pet rat can be a great addition to your home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print fostering pets march 26 2015 as an animal lover you know just how hard it is to pass up that sweet puppy dogface while walking through your local shelter or rescue group if adoption isnt possible for you at the moment fostering can be an amazing opportunity to provide a homeless pet with a nurturing temporary home until they are able to find a permanent family its not as hard to find pets to foster as some might think said susan lobit a veterinary technician at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences and experienced fosterer checking with rescue organizations is a always good place to start before deciding to foster a pet there are important aspects of the job you should be aware of that many people overlook you need to understand that you are in the middle lobit said you help the pet get healthy rehabilitated with any social or physical problems and teach them about life in a loving home but then have to be ready to send them on to a forever home lobit explains that while letting go can be difficult to do knowing that youve helped make such a huge difference in an animals life makes the separation worthwhile if youre up for the challenge it is possible to foster more then one pet at a time but you cant forget that each individual pets needs and safety are still a top priority when considering taking on additional foster pets its important to ask yourself ‘is everyone getting along is everyone eating properly and staying healthy lobit said you also need to make sure that when you foster you dont forget about your own pets if you have any; they need you too as a foster you have many responsibilities aside from just providing an animal with a temporary home proper food and care you are responsible for getting that animal to the veterinarian and taking them various places to help find homes such as adoption fairs and pet clinics lobit said you are there to help prepare them to leave you and find their own happiness fostering a pet can be a very time-consuming job but one that is rewarding in the end once youve helped unite a deserving animal with its forever family of course you will also have those that we call ‘foster failures and thats where they end up living with us because we just cant let them go lobit said i have fostered many animals and had a few of those failures along the way the decision to foster a pet should take thoughtful consideration as well as a careful evaluation of how much time and care that youll be able to devote to the animal this in addition to remembering that youll eventually have to give them away are the two most important aspects to keep in mind before fostering you need to make sure that you will be able let go; this can be hard when you put in that much time and love lobit said but you also know that youve helped give both human and animal the chance to have that special relationship its incredibly satisfying to watch the progress of a challenged pet turn into a healthy beautiful family member fostering a pet will not only make a difference in a deserving animals life but in yours as well as long as you are aware of the responsibilities it entails fostering can be a rewarding experience unlike any other pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print household toxicities march 19 2015 although we may be extra-cautious when using household cleaners automotive products or pest control products in our homes and gardens it may come as a surprise that the tasty morsel we just dropped while preparing dinner could endanger our best friend chocolate can be found lying around the majority of households especially during the holidays depending on the size and type of chocolate it can be very dangerous to your pets health if consumed make sure that your children are aware of this as they might think theyre treating fido by sneaking him a piece of chocolate cake under the dinner table if your dog does get a hold of some chocolate is absorbed within about an hour so you should call your veterinarian immediately additionally grapes and raisins can cause renal failure in dogs if eaten said dr james barr assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the exact cause of this is unknown and the amount that needs to be consumed in order to be poisonous is unknown as well while the toxicity of many food items may surprise you the assumption that rat poison will only eliminate rats is a misconception rat poison can be lethal to both cats and dogs when ingested if you have pets in your home it is best to opt for another pest control method one of the most common and dangerous household toxicities for pets is antifreeze antifreeze contains ethylene glycol which is very toxic to animals barr said toxicity can be treated but only if treatment is instituted quickly using plants as décor can often liven up the backyard and even the inside of your home however there are many plants that cause health problems if eaten by your pets sago palms for instance can cause severe liver damage and even death if eaten lilies also have a strange effect when eaten in cats said barr it causes kidney failure that is particularly difficult to treat if your pet does ingests any harmful foods or household items it is best to play it safe and contact your veterinarian or the animal poison control center; they can help you determine if your pet needs to be seen by a doctor and if they consumed a toxic dose the texas a&m veterinary medical teaching hospital er is always available to advise on toxic ingestions always be aware of the dangers of the things your pets have access to if they are unsupervised a safe assumption is that they might eat anything they are in contact with said barr have a discriminatory eye and try to avoid having those items in your home there is no harm in being extra cautious when dealing with possible household toxicities be sure to keep these particular items out of your pets reach at all times and to call your veterinarian or poison control center immediately if they do come into contact with them pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print traveling with four-legged baggage march 12 2015 with spring break upon us and summer vacations right around the corner its time to start planning your much-needed getaways whichever destination you choose having your pet by your side makes it even more enjoyable however there are some important things to consider before letting your furry family member tag along on your travels the first thing you want to do before you go on a big trip with your pet is to go on a short trip with your pet said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences drive around and make sure that they dont get too nervous or car sick while theyre in the vehicle if you notice that fido is an anxious traveler but still need to bring him along consult your veterinarian about motion sickness medication or tranquilizers to help make the ride more comfortable anytime that you travel with your pets make sure that they are up to date on their vaccinations and that you have proof of the vaccination when you travel said stickney especially for rabies vaccinations this is very important to have in case they get sick lost or accidentally bite someone out of fear since your pet must be fully vaccinated before traveling to an unknown area they should be around five months of age or older in order to tag along if youre planning on taking a road trip remember that you will have to stop frequently and take your pet out for a walk and to use the bathroom this means you should have a leash and doggy doo bags handy youll also want to bring along a container of water and a bowl for food when they get hungry if traveling by air it is important that you contact the airline ahead of time to see what exactly they require for that pet to fly some require that they be in certain size carriers or that they need to be at the airport for a certain amount of time stickney said you need to make sure that you know the details of where they will be traveling inside of the plane and where you will need to pick them up when you land before traveling anywhere consult your veterinarian if your pet has any health problems or other special concerns for instance dogs that are brachycephalic or that have pushed in faces such as pugs or bulldogs are extremely sensitive to the heat you want to be very cautious of this when traveling in the summertime as they are prone to having heat strokes this is especially true if they are traveling by air because you dont know exactly where they will end up stickney said you dont want them to have to be on a hot tarmac for hours because they can certainly suffer very serious effects from that; these types of pets will want to travel in air-conditioned comfort keeping these considerations in mind before embarking on your journey your vacation can be an enjoyable getaway for the whole family the four-legged members included pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print lyme disease march 7 2015 lyme disease a common tick-borne disease in humans can be contracted by our canine companions as well the disease which is caused by a spirochete bacterium borrelia burgdorferi can often be difficult to diagnose hard-shelled ticks of the genus ixodes transmit borrelia burgdorferi said dr carly duff veterinary resident at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the tick attaches to its host and then as the tick is feeding spirochete bacteria migrate onto the host as the tick feeds for a longer period of time and becomes engorged there is greater risk of infection clinical signs in canine patients may include fever enlarged lymph nodes a lack of appetite and lethargy others may develop acute lameness as a result of joint inflammation which lasts for a few days before returning days later not necessarily in the same leg this is known as shifting-leg lameness more serious complications can include kidney damage and heart or central nervous system abnormalities in rare cases fortunately your dogs disease does not put you or your family at risk dogs do not appear to be a source for infection in humans dr duff said because they do not excrete infectious organisms in their bodily fluids to any appreciable extent in order to most accurately diagnose lyme disease it is important that you provide your veterinarian with a thorough description of your dogs symptoms and a history of their health and activities with this knowledge your veterinarian will be able to better determine the affected organs and method of treatment diagnostic tests may include a blood test urinalysis and/or a draw of fluid from the affected joints your veterinarian will use these tests to look for the presence of bacteria and parasites in the bloodstream fortunately lyme disease is treatable however there is possible risk of recurrence of the disease doxycycline may be prescribed for 30 days and dogs with lyme disease should respond within one to two days said dr duff other drugs such as amoxicillin and ceftriaxone have also been used as far as prevention goes limiting tick exposure by using tick repellents and avoiding frequent exposure to heavy tick-infested areas is the most effective controlling the deer population also has a direct impact on limiting the tick population additionally there are canine vaccines available to prevent lyme disease but you should consult with your veterinarian about whether this is the right option for your dog pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print horse enclosures february 27 2015 with the numerous enclosure designs and materials available today making a decision on which will be the safest and most effective for your horse may seem difficult when it comes to making this informed decision the best fencing to use is dependent on several factors including size of the horses size of the property number of horses and whether they are enclosed as a group or separately for example minis could be housed safely in a much shorter fence than warmbloods said dr leslie easterwood assistant clinical professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the safest fence is one that keeps the horses from being able to stick their feet or heads through the fence is tall enough to discourage jumping over and does not have other horses directly across the fence wood or synthetic materials are safe to use for plank fences but may become dangerous if they splinter or impale the horse when dislodged electric wires and tapes can be utilized in an attempt to keep horses away from the fences but are not always effective if they ‘ground out or the charger is not operational said dr easterwood these can be quite effective but as with any fence they require regular maintenance to ensure that they are operational many owners choose either a mesh or slick wire fence while others prefer barbed wire this decision must be based on numerous factors such as the number of horses within the enclosure or if kept separated the proximity they are to each other for example it would not be a good idea to choose a three-strand barbed wire fence if your horses will be housed across the fence from each other said dr easterwood they will generally approach each other across the fence strike at each other with their front feet and cause a heel bulb laceration that can be quite serious and even fatal in some cases but on the other hand barbed-wire fences for very large pastures with no horses across the fences to encourage engagement near the fence could be quite safe some factors to always consider are the type of horses number of horses on the property number that will be housed together finances (as some fencing options are cheaper or more expensive than others) and safety of materials said dr easterwood while youre deciding which fencing will be the safest and most effective for your horses keep in mind that any material can be made safe if designed and built properly to prevent injury in your specific situation there is no clear answer as to what enclosure type is best or safe for every environment; it is entirely dependent on these many different factors pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the benefits of spaying and neutering february 20 2015 one of the most important decisions that a pet owner must make is whether to spay and neuter their pets with world spay day coming up on february 24th there is no better time to learn the benefits of spaying and neutering though many are deterred by cost or medical concerns this procedure can provide many long-term benefits for your pets health and happiness all while saving the lives of other homeless animals and reducing the widespread epidemic of animal overpopulation in our world today behaviorally spaying or neutering your pet can keep them from roaming spraying and marking their territory; medically it can prevent disease or illness later in life said dr stacy eckman a clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences for example if a female dog is spayed before her first heat cycle the chance of the dog developing mammary cancer is less than 005% severe uterine infections are also common in unspayed females and can become life threatening surgical emergencies as can prostatic infections or cysts in un-neutered males these procedures can eliminate many health problems that may arise throughout your pets lifetime and can also reduce unwanted behavioral problems associated with sex hormones if high costs are major a deterrent of spaying or neutering your pet there are numerous low-cost services found in various regions of the united states and even many assistance programs that help subsidize the cost of spaying/neutering at local clinics however it is important to remember that like many other discount programs you might not always be receiving the best possible care and should thoroughly research them beforehand by choosing to spay or neuter your pet you can save a tremendous amount of money in the long-term when factoring in costs potentially incurred by a non-altered pet another common disparagement of spaying and neutering is the belief that the procedure will be painful for your pet or that it will have adverse side effects generally speaking this is not the case most pets even go home the same night as the procedure and there is a very brief recovery period just as every anesthetic/surgical event carries a risk this does as well but proper examination and testing prior to the procedure can mitigate many of these risks dr eckman said it is safest and most beneficial to spay or neuter your pet at around six months of age although it can be performed earlier if needed there is a wealth of information emerging about the link that hormones play on bone growth and development which is really important in large and giant breed dogs said dr eckman therefore it is acceptable in these breeds to prolong the procedure until they have grown into their frame remember that while a litter of puppies and kittens are undeniably adorable there are many cute pets at a nearby animal shelter in need of loving forever homes whether their previous owners lacked the time or the funds to care for them most animals brought into shelters are compassionate kind and no less deserving of a home the benefits of spaying or neutering your pet include acting in the best interest of the animals health saving money in the long run and potentially providing a deserving homeless animal with a loving home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pettalk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print farrier service for horses february 6 2015 international hoof care month is celebrated throughout the month of february during this time it is important that we recognize the significant contributions farriers make to the equine community farriers perform duties such as trimming horses feet and often applying shoes for protection said jason wilson-maki farrier for the texas a&m veterinary medical teaching hospital how complex the shoe(s) will need to be depend on the horses individual needs what activities he undertakes and what may be needed to address any hoof issues due to the fact that no minimum education is required to become a farrier a large diversity exists within the farrier community in regards to skill sets and knowledge however organizations such as the american farriers association offer a series of voluntary examinations by which individuals can earn credentials within the united states there is no minimum education or skill set requirement to trim or shoe horses feet; any person at any point may technically do farrier work said wilson-maki with that being said many horseshoeing schools both public and private exist and attempt to impart to their students a good basic skill set though they differ in job titles both the veterinarian and the farrier have important roles in the long and short term care of the horses foot a farrier works on the hoof capsule and corrects distortions that are evident by observation said wilson-maki however a farrier cannot diagnose nor treat lameness and are not required within the united states to have any formal education in contrast veterinarians have different tools such as regional anesthesia radiographs ultra sound and mris to diagnose lameness as well as a specified education and specific practice laws under which they work they may also treat the diagnosed lameness by means of medical treatment often shoeing and trimming protocols are an integral portion of the overall approach said wilson-maki as far as farrier service pricing goes it is known to vary greatly within the region and county what would be considered usury in rural texas may well below average in new jersey said wilson-maki an owner could ask about the pricing ahead of time and get a feel for what is normal within a given region each horse owner and horse will have different needs and expectations of a farrier a salient point that must be highlighted is that the owner must be able to communicate clearly and well with the farrier said wilson-maki an owner should seek out a farrier that can meet the needs of their animal and with whom they can communicate whether your horse is a champion barrel racer or merely a leisure-riding companion farriers are vital to your horses health and well being and finding one that meets their specific needs takes clear communication between horse owner and farrier pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the seeing eye guide dog birthday january 30 2015 the first school for seeing eye dogs was opened on january 29 1929 in nashville tennessee following a short-lived program in germany after world war i this guide school trained dogs to assist those in need and since then has influenced programs all over the world including the texas a&ms aggie guide dogs and service dogs (ags) today service dogs are exposed to very thorough and extensive training and their duties can extend much farther than assisting only the blind when people see a service dog in a vest they automatically think its a guide dog when in reality a huge percentage of service dogs assist people with all sorts of other medical physical and emotional things said dr alice blue-mclendon faculty advisor for ags and clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences some examples include mobile assistance dogs which help people who have trouble getting around due to cerebral palsy severe arthritis or other conditions and hearing dogs which help the hearing impaired by responding to sound with a certain behavior for instance when they hear a knock at the front door they might be taught to go sit in front of the person to alert them mobility assistance dogs can even be trained to do things such as push an elevator button open and close doors and even pick up car keys and credit cards off of the ground said dr blue-mclendon another type of service dogs that have recently become popular are ptsd dogs or emotional support these animals are taught a wide variety of skills to assist people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorders and are often aids to veterans as you can imagine these service dogs must go through vigorous training in order to learn and perfect the necessary skills to help their owner for ags dr blue-mclendon explains that there are two stages of training the dogs must complete they usually dont start formal training or ‘stage 2 training until theyre about a year and a half years old said dr blue-mclendon during formal training theyre matched with a partner thats a good fit for the dogs ability and personality this stage can take anywhere from 3-6 months and they will still need continual training and skill reminders for the remainder of their lives before they enter stage 2 the puppies must earn jacket privileges which are achieved through the different stages in their training some of the first jacket privileges are going to classes and retail stores and the last one they achieve is going to restaurants said dr blue-mclendon as animal lovers it is very tempting to go up and pet a service dog when they are nearby however its important to remember that service dogs are not pets and approaching them may distract from performing their important tasks if you want to learn more about the dog politely approach its owner who can then give you further direction pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print probiotics for your pets january 23 2015 probiotics or good bacteria can be defined as living microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts can offer multiple health benefits to the host though they have been gaining popularity amongst humans in the past decade the possibility of similar probiotic supplements for your pets health is on the rise essentially we are trying to give live bacteria in supplement form that have beneficial properties to an animal in order to improve their digestive health said dr jan suchodolski clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it is imperative that bacteria are alive once they reach the gut and that they are also delivered in high amounts thats why a high-quality product is needed in order to fully understand how probiotics work its important to know that the beneficial effects of probiotics are bacterial strain specific meaning every bacterial strain has a potentially different effect some probiotic strains for instance stimulate the immune system while other strains produce anti-inflammatory biomolecules or antimicrobial molecules to combat pathogens this is an area of active ongoing research as all probiotic strains have to be evaluated for their mechanism and only once the mechanism is identified can we identify which probiotic strain should be given in which disease said dr suchodolski there are several studies proving that specific probiotic strands are useful for specific diseases and dr suchodolski explains that the strongest of this data is available for preventing stress diarrhea in pets however a few selected products have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and may be useful in chronic gastrointestinal (gi) diseases dogs or cats that receive probiotics have a lower incidence of diarrhea compared to animals not receiving it dr suchodolski said the best effects are observed when probiotics are given in advance in anticipation of stressful events for example boarding flights long car rides etc with any new supplemental discoveries come the fear of negative complications generally the possible risk of side effects in probiotics for pets is very low only very few reports have been described in literature dr suchodolski said however very sick patients who are immunocompromised are at some risk and probiotic products should be avoided in those situations the most important thing to remember when considering the possibility of probiotics for pets is that they are not all created equally and results from one product cannot be extrapolated to other products there is much excitement about the potential of using bacteria as therapeutics but this area is very complex and more research is needed to understand the complexities of this combined bacterial and host ecosystem said dr suchodolski there are many products on the market that were produced initially without fully understanding the mechanism behind bacterial-host interactions and it is currently recommended to only use products that have shown results in clinical studies the possibility of using probiotics as disease prevention and health aides in both humans and our pets is not far off though further research is still being conducted in order to reap their full benefits having a healthier happier pet is something to look forward to pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print a walk in the park january 15 2015 although the cold winter weather may suggest otherwise january is national walk your pet month whether youve just brought home a new puppy or want to improve on old fidos walking habits here are some tips to make walking your dog ‘a walk in the park the absolute best length of leash is not 100% established but the key is to not have the leash be so long so that you are unable to control your pet when they are on the leash said dr james barr clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences dogs like their owners have all sorts of different personalities and activity levels while fido may become anxious for his daily walk as soon as the sun comes up fluffy might rather just curl up by your side all afternoon for those dogs that dont necessarily look forward to going on walks a little motivation can be helpful whether or not your dog needs rewards for walking depends on their intrinsic motivation said dr barr if they do not want to go on a walk then a reward system will help them be motivated to do so however most dogs dont need motivations; they love it walks are also great training opportunities so bringing their favorite treats along to practice obedience while youre out on your stroll can be beneficial this will not only convince them that going on walks can be fun but also helps with their training the length of the walk is entirely dependent on your dog young active dogs will likely respond positively to longer walks whereas older dogs may not be able to handle the longer durations the weather conditions at the time can also really effect how the pet does on a walk said dr barr especially when it is extremely hot and humid it is important to keep your dogs health in mind as well as the weather and terrain before dragging fido along on too rough of a walk that may do more harm than good when on a walk you should have your pets on leash at all times especially if they show signs of aggression toward other pets most municipalities have rules about having animals leashed said dr barr the main thing is to avoid a situation that may cause aggression in the first place and having them on leash usually mitigates this having your pooch on a leash and in your control can also help prevent them from running off if distracted or startled by something even the most well trained dogs can unexpectedly dart off after or away from something and it may be difficult retrieving them keep in mind that your pets just want to spend time with you no matter what youre doing walking your dog is a great way to get some fresh air and a little exercise and if done correctly by following these tips can be a daily routine that you both eagerly anticipate pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet birds january 12 2015 when people think of pets dogs and cats are typically what come to mind however if you crave a companion that barks a little less and sings a little more a pet bird may be just what youre looking for before adding this feathered-friend to your family be sure that youre able to meet their unique care requirements the care requirements for birds are different and can be demanding but a pet bird can be a joy to interact with said dr jordan gentry a zoological medicine resident at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences any family considering adding a pet bird should thoroughly research the specific species they are interested in as some may make better pets than others this is especially important for families with small children small birds like budgerigars or cockatiels are popular for children but any bird will need adult supervision to ensure care is being met said dr gentry any parrots expected to live with or around children should be well socialized and trained some larger parrot species should not be allowed around children without close supervision; large cockatoos and macaws for instance can cause severe injury if they bite purchasing an appropriate cage is crucial and can be big investment for the life of the bird in general i recommend as big a cage as possible (if bar spacing is correct) said dr gentry regardless of cage size birds need time outside of the cage for exercise and enrichment when feeding pet birds it is important to realize that the species of bird that you have as companion pets do not all have the same dietary needs however part of the daily enrichment for all species should include foraging for food items like they would search for food in the wild there are various companies that make complete pellet diets that can serve as the basis of a pet bird diet additional variety can be provided with fresh fruits and vegetables said dr gentry every species is unique and individual requirements should be researched prior to purchasing a pet bird birds are well known throughout history for their intuitive nature and ability to learn quickly parrots for instance are extremely intelligent and have the ability to learn unique behaviors some basic training of manners like step-up are necessary but many parrots learn much more advanced behaviors such as mimicking sounds one of my favorite behaviors ive taught my own bird a rose-breasted cockatoo is ‘recall where she will fly and land on my hand from across the room dr gentry said pet birds life expectancies vary greatly on species many common parrot species easily live into their 20s with proper care whereas other species can achieve much greater longevity there are reports of cockatoos reaching 70 years old and amazon parrots even older said dr gentry anyone considering a pet parrot should realize that it can be a lifestyle changing commitment for many years birds are very social creatures and given proper training and socialization they can provide beauty intelligence entertainment and companionship to your family pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print healthy pets make for a happy holiday december 19 2014 the season for indulging in holiday feasts and festive treats has finally arrived however while we try to be cautious of our own health and nutrition throughout the season it is just as important that we care for our pets nutrition as well while youre out grocery shopping for the perfect holiday meal is a good time to reevaluate the foods that youre feeding to your pet foods should be individualized for the pet not chosen based on what one pet needs and then given to all of the other animals says dr deb zoran associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the key is to feed a diet that is complete and balanced dry food for dogs is typically preferred due to its lower costs especially when supplying food for larger dogs however for both cats and dogs wet foods are perfectly acceptable as well as long as you know what to look for the decision of which to feed your pet should be based on which they prefer wet food has a high water content (about 80% water) and can also be high in protein and low in carbohydrates all of which is good for cats zoran said dry foods can be quite acceptable as long as they are high in protein (at least 40%) low in carbohydrates (less than 15%) and fed in meals not by free choice on the part of the pet as for all natural or diet dog and cat foods it is again most important that the food is balanced and has all of the necessary vitamins and minerals all natural pet foods are like commercial wet or dry (processed) foods in that you cant always be sure whether they are a high quality highly digestible product that is complete and balanced and if they will be a good choice for your pet the same considerations exist for diet foods said zoran in general diet foods are fine if they are high quality and fed in the proper amount however there is nothing magical about weight loss diets; if you feed them too much they will still gain weight or at least fail to lose weight consulting with a veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist is important if you are unsure about the quality of the food you are selecting although it may be tempting to slide your leftovers under the table and let them eat and eat to their hearts content there are many human food items that are unhealthy and even dangerous for your pet chocolate grapes raisins and onions are examples of common foods people eat that can have disastrous consequences for pets such as seizures kidney failure or anemia zoran said in general it is best not to feed dogs or cats anything spicy fatty or not in their typical diet zoran said however small pieces of cooked meat or a vegetable can be okay for example feeding a small piece (it should not be more than 10% of their total diet) of cooked chicken thigh with no bones or skin is completely fine and a reasonable treat when the first of the year rolls around fitness centers become filled with people beginning their new years resolutions to get in better shape but what about when our pets need to shed a little excess holiday weight to keep healthy just like with us weight gain is a combination of genetics metabolism what we are eating how much we are eating and how much we are exercising zoran said any of these can have a major effect on body weight so it is important to feed your dog or cat good food the right amount of it and keep them active the ideal situation is not to let your pet get overweightyou can help prevent this by weighing them often and then adjusting how much food they are eating up or down accordingly and asking your veterinarian for help if you have questions or concerns during the holiday season keep in mind that most of the treats we enjoy are not good for our furry friends instead of sneaking them the leftovers as a holiday treat stuff their stockings with pet toys that will keep them active and healthy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu editors note: in observance of the holidays pet talk will be on hiatus until jan 8 2015 wishing everyone all the joy of the season! print dog training- the gift that keeps on giving december 11 2014 whether you plan on getting a new puppy for christmas or just want fido to finally nail the sit command in time for your relatives to arrive it is never too late to begin training your dog here are some tips for having a well-behaved pooch just in time for the holiday season the first few commands are usually basic obedience commands such as sit down stay walking on leash and most importantly to come when called said elizabeth bachle a technician at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences pharmacy and an agility instructor at puppy love training these are a great foundation to training more complex behaviors and can keep your pet out of harms way new puppy owners often get caught up in the excitement of having a four-legged friend to play with and forget that training them early on is most effective however dont believe the saying that you cant teach an old dog new tricks even your loyal more seasoned companions can improve on current techniques or learn new skills training your dog not only rewards good behaviors but can also prevent unwanted behaviors before they begin said bachle i would highly encourage new puppy owners to attend a group class to socialize and create a strong foundation of learning but dogs of all ages benefit from a new challenge during training it is important to use positive reinforcements when theyre showing progress rather than punishing fido for all the things you dont want him to do concentrate on teaching him what you do want him to do when your dog does something good convince him to do it again by rewarding him with a treat or a nice long tummy scratch one of the most important decisions you can make for your dog is the training method you decide to use at home or in group classes there are many methods out there but i highly encourage the use of positive reinforcement techniques such as clicker training and discourage the use of punishment when training any dog said bachle punishment can have a lot of negative effects including fear aggression or distrust while reinforcement is effective builds confidence and makes training fun for you and your dog! if youve tried training them one-on-one at home but seem to be getting nowhere training classes can be a great alternative providing them with the opportunity to interact with other dogs and their owners in group classes can be a great way to socialize and expose your dog to new situations and distractions in a safe environment the foremost benefit of group classes is the guidance and knowledge of an experienced instructor to help troubleshoot advise and assist you to accomplish your training goals said bachle many trainers offer private lessons and behavior solutions in the case that you need more individualized help most importantly remember to be patient like children dogs have short attention spans and learn at all different paces if done with patience and persistence training your new puppy or faithful fido can be an enjoyable bonding experience for you both having a well-behaved dog will be a gift that keeps on giving this holiday season pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print a holly jolly (and safe) holiday for fido december 8 2014 the most wonderful time of the year is upon us and what better way to prepare for the holidays than including your furry friends in the festivities however with all of the hustle and bustle of this busy season we often forget to adapt our holiday celebrations for the safety of our pets here are some ways to keep fido and fluffy safe while rockin around the christmas tree when it comes to decorating your home there are a few items to leave behind if you have a curious dog or cat lurking around animals are often attracted to the sparkly tinsel and ribbons left lying out and these can easily obstruct their digestive tract if ingested often requiring emergency surgery make sure to keep these decorations out of reach or out of sight mistletoe especially can cause vomiting and diarrhea as well as neurologic signs such as seizures said dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences other holiday plants such as poinsettias can also cause vomiting and diarrhea when eaten holiday candles are another decoration that can make your home feel that much more festive but be sure to put them high enough up where a pet cannot accidentally knock them over to play it safe place candles on a stable surface and blow them out before leaving the room youve heard time and time again to not feed fido any leftovers but this can be especially difficult to abide by during the season of sharing and caring even when he gives you those puppy dog eyes remember that certain human foods especially chocolate and other sweets can be detrimental to his health if possible keep pets in another room during mealtime and make sure that there are lids on the trashcans to prevent any sneaky pets from getting ahold of the discarded pie many pets who are feed leftovers and are not used to them can develop vomiting and diarrhea due to the abrupt change in diet said dr eckman chocolate especially dark chocolate can be very dangerous with signs including vomiting and diarrhea hyperactivity tremors heart arrhythmias and possibly death depending on how much is eaten if you have a live christmas tree in your home make sure not to add fertilizer to the tree water as it can upset your dogs or cats stomach when drank whether your tree is fake or real it should be securely anchored to the ground to prevent it from tipping over and falling on a pet which can cause serious injury cats in particular like to climb the christmas tree or chew on the branches said dr eckman additionally any glass ornaments should be placed higher up on the tree leaving the low-lying branches for the less fragile ornaments as you celebrate this holiday season remember to keep the health and safety of your pets in mind; an emergency trip to the vet is not on your pets christmas list pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print cold weather tips for your pets december 2 2014 as the temperatures begin to drop many pet owners worry about their pets spending time outdoors here are some tips for keeping the four-legged members of your family warm and safe during the winter months for smaller pets keeping them inside as much as possible during the colder weather can be the most beneficial way to keep them warm if your pet is primarily an indoor pet this shouldnt be much of a change nonetheless short exposure to the outside cold can be fine and is usually not detrimental to the pets health dogs and cats shiver a lot like people this action is used to help generate body heat in cold climates said dr alison diesel clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences if your pet shivers while outside shorten the length of your trips together to help reduce this trembling providing extra bedding like blankets and towels will also keep your pets warm and cozy signs that your pet is uncomfortably cold may include excessive whining shivering appearing anxious slowing down or stopping and looking for a warm place to burrow if they begin to exhibit any of these behaviors you should bring them inside (if outside) or wrap them in a blanket in a warm room for larger pets that cannot come inside making sure they have an adequate outdoor shelter is important for their comfort and safety shelters such as doghouses and stables can be very helpful during cold winds and should have extra bedding (such as blankets towels hay etc) added for additional warmth an important thing to remember for outdoor pets is to make sure they always have a fresh supply of water said diesel if it gets cold enough to freeze this water source should be checked regularly to make sure the water doesnt freeze over moving water sources like fountains are less likely to do this you should also be extra-cautious with your senior arthritic or frail pet during the winter cold weather can be especially difficult for senior pets and those with degenerative joint disease or another chronic debilitating condition make sure that this pet has soft warm bedding that they can rest in and since arthritis worsens during cold and damp weather take special care to handle them gently finally cats that are left outdoors during a cold night may seek warmth by crawling up under the hoods of cars or into the wheel wells starting or moving the vehicle can hurt or even kill a cat taking shelter inside your car during the winter months its a good idea to bang loudly on your car hood before starting the engine as a warning to a cat that might be in or around your vehicle just like people some pets do better with colder temperatures than others it is important to take into consideration your pets size as well as age and health condition when preparing for the winter months ahead pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print falling for the holidays – accident proofing your home november 21 2014 as family members of all ages come into town for the holidays safety is always something to be kept in mind although youre probably already making sure that children arent running through the kitchen or touching the hot stove you should also be sure that animals are kept under control and cleared from the walking path especially for the safety of your elderly relatives a study published in the journal of safety research reports that more than 87 000 people are treated in emergency rooms each year due to falls associated with their pet dogs and cats and the highest percentage is among those 75 years of age and older elderly people should be very cautious around young and poorly trained pets said dr james barr assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences injuries can result from jumping up on the elderly owner and knocking them over which can be pure accident tripping over pet toys and getting tangled in leashes are other common causes of accidental injury some pets also have a habit of lying in frequently traveled hallways or doorways causing someone to trip if the animal is unseen however if you consider your pets to be part of the family youll want to include them in your holiday celebrations fido and fluffy can still join in on the family fun as long as you take a few precautionary measures to ensure the safety of those around them prior to the arrival of any guests be sure to clear the floors and stairs of miscellaneous pet toys or objects and place any food and water bowls out of the direct path your pet will likely be happy to give up their favorite chew toy if it means being able to interact with all of the new people also biting and scratching behavior can be a potential problem for those with compromised immune systems and fragile skin said dr barr be sure that your pet is comfortable around visitors to reduce the likelihood of lashing out or even jumping on them out of excitement although pets want to be around us constantly especially when were cooking in the kitchen this can often be very dangerous if possible keep them out of the kitchen while youre cooking and at meal times to avoid accidental injury this may mean letting them out into the backyard or putting them in their kennel temporarily even if fido is trained and well behaved the excitements of having visitors may cause him to jump or run excessively posing as a potential hazard to children or elderly family members you should use your best judgment in deciding whether it is safe to have your pet around family members and certain holiday traditions pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print ringworm november 13 2014 dermatophytosis otherwise known as ringworm is a fairly common fungal infection that can affect dogs cats and other pets the term ‘ringworm actually comes from the circular ring-like lesion formed on the skin of infected people; however the disease itself is not caused by a worm at all said dr alison diesel clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences dermatophytosis is a zoonotic disease meaning it not only can be transmitted to other animals but to people as well an animal or person can become infected with dermatophytes from contact with another infected animal transfer from infected materials such as bedding and grooming equipment or from the soil very young animals and older animals with other underlying illness are at higher risk for dermatophytes said dr diesel additionally certain breeds of animals such as persian and himalayan cats and jack russell and yorkshire terriers have a higher tendency towards disease development dermatophytosis is the most common cause of alopecia or hairloss in cats in addition to poor hair coat it can also cause reddened skin hyperpigmentation and lesions lesions will often involve little red bumps called papules scabs and circular areas of hairloss anywhere on the body may be affected by hairloss but face and paws will often have lesions said dr diesel because of this infections ability to spread all over the animals body and infect others you should be sure to see your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis a common way for veterinarians to diagnosis ringworm in pets is with a woods lamp exam this involves passing a fluorescent light source or woods lamp over the animal and looking for glowing hair shafts however only a few strains of dermatophytes may glow so this is not always considered to be the best approach a better option for diagnosis is to perform a culture for the organism said dr diesel infected hairs or material may be collected by plucking hairs or brushing the animal with a new toothbrush and then submitting these hairs to a laboratory for fungal culture/isolation although your pet may be able to self-cure the disease on their own therapy is typically recommended to minimize the amount of infective material present and thereby minimize spread of disease to others treatment may involve strictly topical therapy with antifungal agents (such as lime sulfur) or may also involve oral antifungal medication as well said dr diesel treatment of exposed animals and other animals in the household should be considered in order to prevent the spread of infection if you are concerned that your pet may have ringworm particularly if skin disease is noted in people in the household you should contact your veterinarian immediately pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print biting off more than they can chew november 6 2014 as doting pet owners we find our dogs eager and curious natures utterly irresistible after all who can say no those puppy-dog eyes when you open up a bag of new dog treats however this endearing characteristic often leads to biting off more of the bone than they can chew literally fortunately dogs do not ‘choke as often meaning that they dont get things lodged in their throat causing them not to be able to breathe said dr james barr assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences most commonly they swallow things that are too big to pass and end up stuck in the esophagus stomach or intestines although bones and other dog treats typically dont cause any harm many dogs will try to swallow them whole what looks like a bone that will last all week to you may be a quick after dinner snack to them the most common thing that causes actual choking are dog treats like rawhides that can be swallowed said dr barr bones and rawhides to a dog that chews them well pose little threat but dogs that want to quickly ingest their treats are the ones most likely to get things stuck in their throat though its too big to swallow they try anyway as one might guess puppies are more likely than older dogs to swallow something that they arent supposed to or take too big of a bite because of this it is important that they have careful supervision until they are out of their toddler phase and can be trusted to be alone childrens toys are common household items not unusual for dogs to ingest these can include small dolls trucks or balls said dr barr also poorly socialized dogs that are food aggressive are more likely to swallow household items even if fido properly chews his food before swallowing and knows better than to eat the tennis ball accidents still happen if your dog is choking or has something stuck in his stomach it is best to get to the veterinarian immediately there is not a universally accepted heimlich maneuver in dogs but it would stand to reason that a similar thing could work in a dog said dr barr however it can be very dangerous to try to remove the obstruction in their throat with your hands while a dog is still awake which why it is necessary to get them to the veterinarian as soon as possible more often than not keeping your dog from choking is possible try to put childrens toys and other household items that are small enough to ingest out of sight andkeeping your dogs personality in minddecide what types of treats and bones are safe to provide pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print canine diabetes october 30 2014 canine diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a common disease in dogs and is the result of inadequate insulin production canine diabetes is usually caused by an immune mediated attack on the pancreas which is likely related to genetic predispositions said dr audrey cook associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it may also be secondary to chronic pancreatitis or may occur in intact females following their heat cycle some predisposed breeds include the cairn terrier the dachshund and miniature poodles although these breeds have a higher incidence than others all dogs have a chance of becoming affected diabetes mellitus is known to cause excessive thirst and urination due to the high concentrations of glucose in the bloodstream hunger is also a common symptom in the early stages of diabetes followed by rapid weight loss said dr cook vision loss is sometimes reported glucose appears in the urine and can predispose the patient to urinary tract infections left untreated other signs such as vomiting dehydration and lethargy are expected it is usually recommended that the dog receives insulin by injection twice a day said dr cook unlike many human diabetics we cannot manage this disease with diet or oral medications canine diabetes is generally irreversible and dogs will need insulin therapy for the rest of their lives however if diabetesdevelops soon after a heat cycle some females may undergo remission following a spay each diabetic dog varies so you will need to consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate insulin dose and treatment regimen for your pet it is also important that insulin injections are administered properly so it is advised to have your veterinarian instruct and observe you giving the insulin to your dog at first you may be nervous giving your dog an injection but you can quickly learn how to do this with very little stress for your pet or for you another important part of diabetes management is ensuring that your dog follows a consistent stable routine they should be fed two meals a day of a well-balanced high quality diet said dr cook and definitely no table scraps although diabetes mellitus cant be cured the condition can be successfully managed helping your dog to lead a happy active life pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m universitystories can be viewed online at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet costumes-the good the bad and the ugly october 24 2014 if youre like many pet owners finding the perfect halloween costume for your pet is almost more exciting than finding your own seeing your dachshund dressed as a hot dog or your kitten prancing around in a super-man cape can add even more fun to the holiday just keep in mind that while a costume can be cute and funny to you your pet may not agree in general tolerance of costumes is pet dependent said dr stacy eckman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences some pets will tolerate them and others will not if fido appears indifferent towards being dressed as a giant spider or pumpkin then suit him up however there are still a few safety guidelines to consider when choosing the perfect costume make sure that the costumes do not obscure their vision do not block their nose or mouth so they cannot breathe and that they do not trip over them said dr eckman avoid anything that encircles the head or neck or that blocks their nose and mouth any attachments that they can rip off and swallow such as extra limbs or bones can also be hazardous fur-safe sprays are generally okay to use for changing the fur color as long as they are not applied too close to their eyes make sure that the spray is designed specifically for animal fur and that you carefully check the labels for any discrepancies it is smart to put the costume on a few times prior to the holiday to see how your pets react to being in it if they are uncomfortable it should be easy to tell if a pet isnt comfortable in a costume they may work vigorously to remove it constantly scratching or pawing at it said dr eckman it may affect the way they walk and move becoming a tripping hazard and can even affect their breathing causing them to pant or become anxious to ensure that your pet doesnt become uncomfortable after wearing the costume for a while they should be supervised at all times if they do begin showing any signs of discomfort remove the costume for a while and let them roam around out of character halloween costumes are not the only thing that may cause pets anxiety during this season some house decorations should also be avoided if your pet seems unnerved by them loud flashy decorations with lights and sounds may be stressful for certain pets causing them to harm themselves said dr eckman dry ice often used for the ‘smoking cauldron effect may also be dangerous if the ice itself comes into direct contact with their skin depending on your pet fake bodies or body parts may also be dangerous as they can cause choking hazards or gastrointestinal obstructions if they try chewing on or ingesting them as long as your pet is comfortable in a costume dressing them up can be fun for the whole family follow these general safety guidelines and fido is sure to be in for a howlin good halloween pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print halloween chocolate and dogs – a scary combination october 16 2014 the halloween season brings with it much amusement and excitement and one anticipated tradition is the variety of chocolate you have an excuse to enjoy while all of these halloween treats may only bring your children a sugar rush and a tummy ache it can do much more serious damage to your pets chocolate and caffeine belong to a group of plant molecules called methylated xanthine alkaloids which are commonly found in a variety of foods drinks and medications said dr medora pashmakova clinical assistant professor in emergency/critical care medicine at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences as stimulants they cause excitation of the central nervous system heart rate and respiratory centers of the brain and can also stimulate the bodys own secretion of adrenaline and when in the form of candy and chocolate bars they taste delicious which is why dogs love to eat them in such large quantities! as a rule of thumb the higher the cocoa concentration the more theobromine which is the active ingredient that is toxic in high doses bakers chocolate for example can be particularly concerning while white chocolate contains no cocoa and is not actually toxic to dogs the vast majority of ‘candy bars contain very little actual theobromine as they are comprised of milk chocolate covering a large amount of nuts caramel wafers etc so the actual chocolate ingestion is usually benign said dr pashmakova we become much more concerned with small dogs and the ingestion of dark chocolate if possible it is always a good idea to find out how much and what kind of chocolate your pet ingested in order to decide what actions should be taken chocolate is absorbed within about an hour so you must act quickly if the ingestion was toxic once you have identified the amount and type of chocolate ingested you can do some simple math and find out the ‘milligram per kilogram theobromine ingestion for your pet said dr pashmakova as little as 30 mg/kg of theobromine can cause cardiac stimulation such as fast heart rate or other arrhythmias central nervous system (cns) excitation erratic behavior and pacing are also common due to the simulant effects the higher the dose the more concerning these are if youre unable to determine the ingested dose the best thing to do is contact the aspca pet poison control hotline and talk to a toxicologist directly who can help you determine if your pet needs urgent medical care though there are no particular tests that your veterinarian can perform for chocolate toxicity if they do suspect a toxic dose has been ingested recently and the dog is not showing neurological signs they may induce vomiting at the hospital this usually is very successful in decontaminating the gastrointestinal tract and preventing further absorption however if dogs have clinical manifestations of cns excitation we typically will recommend supportive care and time said dr pashmakova this includes a dose of activated charcoal close monitoring of vital signs and lots of iv fluids to rid the body of the toxicity although chocolate is the most prevalent concern during the halloween season it is also important to keep in mind the dangers of caffeine tablet toxicity for dogs as always dont assume that human medications are safe for companion animals and when in doubt consult a veterinarian first a small dog getting into one or two tablets can be fatal if not caught early and not decontaminated and treated appropriately said dr pashmakova keep all stimulant drugs out of the reach of dogs and cats; their smaller body sizes and different propensities to metabolize drugs make things that are ‘safe for people really toxic for them no amount of chocolate or caffeine is healthy for your dog to consume even if it doesnt result in toxicity so keep the trick-or-treating baskets out of reach this halloween pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print feral cats october 9 2014 feral cats unlike strays have been born and raised in the wild or have been abandoned and must revert back to their primitive ways in order to survive most of these cats fearful of humans and too skittish to be handled often live in groups and take refuge wherever there is available food and shelter because of this they are unfortunately subject to harsh weather conditions starvation or diseases and sometimes even eradicated by humans in attempts to deplete the feral cat population in honor of national feral cat day on october 16th 2014 here is what you can do to help these feral undomesticated cats you will be able to tell if you have come in contact with a feral cat rather than a stray by their standoffish and notably quiet demeanor they will most likely keep their distance from you and scamper off when approached however this shouldnt deter you from trying to help feral cats have a great chance of survival if they live in a group or colony maintained by a dedicated caretaker this means providing regular feeding and proper shelter as well as spay/neuter services a popular and effective way to do this is the trap-neuter-return method or tnr this humane method helping to stabilize and over time reduce the population of feral cats traps the cats to have them spayed or neutered and vaccinated (against rabies) and then returns them to their colony at the time of the spay or neuter the veterinarian surgically removes the tip of one ear (ear-tipping) as a safe and effective means of marking cats thus sparing them from unnecessary trappings said dr carly duff veterinary resident at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences by stabilizing the population cats will be exposed to fewer risks of disease and will live healthier lives with more space and food to themselves you may call your local animal shelter for help in trapping a feral cat for tnr when they do this you shouldnt feed the cats for a little over a day as they must be hungry to enter the trap which is usually baited with tuna sardines salmon or other luxurious foods that feral cats arent accustomed to eating after they have been vaccinated and spayed or neutered they are then returned to their colony the aggie feral cat alliance of texas or afcat is a program here at texas a&m university whose main goal is to provide care and long-term management of feral cats on campus comprised of students staff and faculty from the texas a&m campus they also provide educational information on the costs and commitment of responsible pet ownership to help decrease the source of feral cats if you are interested in joining or want to learn more about them you can visit their website at afcat remember that although these cats are wild and often untamable they still need your help to survive with humane methods such as tnr and the involvement of dedicated caretakers you can decrease their risk of disease and starvation by helping to stabilize and eventually reduce the population of feral cats pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print choosing a dog trainer october 2 2014 choosing a good dog trainer is much like finding the right teacher for your child assertive but caring attentive and knowledgeablethere are many important qualities to keep an eye out for when making this crucial decision in order to choose one wisely it is advised that dog owners call interview and observe a trainer prior to hiring them there are numerous ways to train dogs in addition each animal has his/her own learning style and preferred motivators said dr bonnie beaver professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the american veterinary society of animal behavior or avsab endorses training methods that allow animals to work for things (such as food play affection) that motivate them rather than techniques that focus on using fear or pain to punish them for undesirable behaviors a good rule of thumb is to avoid any trainer who displays methods of physical force that may harm your dog including ones who routinely use choke collars shock collars or any other physical punishment as a primary training method look for a trainer who uses reward-based training with treats toys and play instead research shows that dogs do not need to be physically punished to learn how to behave and there are significant risks associated with using punishment such as inhibiting learning increasing fear and/or stimulating aggressive events said dr beaver because of its risks punishment should only be used by a trainer who can fully explain the possible adverse effects and instruct owners in one-on-one sessions how to perform the techniques correctly observing a class prior to hiring the trainer is a great way to get an accurate representation of their training methods and abilities you should evaluate not only if the attending dogs seem to be learning and enjoying the class but if their owners are as well are dogs tails up and wagging or down and/or tucked are the people talking with their dogs in happy upbeat voices or are they scolding or even yelling at them talk to the current studentsare they enjoying the class and feel that their dogs are learning dr beaver explains that asking these questions will help to evaluate the trainer and see if their teachings style will work with how you and fido learn ultimately you should feel comfortable doing whatever it is the trainer asks you to do to your dog said dr beaver if your trainer ever tells you to do something to your dog that you believe will cause you or your dog undue harm or distress ask them to explain why they recommend that technique what the potential drawbacks of the technique are and how these will be addressed should they occur it is important to keep in mind that all dogs are different and due to the variable and unpredicted nature of behavior a conscientious trainer cannot guarantee the results of training they should however be willing to ensure satisfaction of their services remember that training should not only be a pleasant and comfortable experience for fido but for you as well pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print rabies prevention september 29 2014 although the rabies virus is commonly known for causing a life-threatening disease many people are unaware of what exactly it entails and how to prevent its transmission in honor of world rabies day on september 28th here is some information to help further raise awareness about rabies and how to help protect your family and pets from this deadly disease rabies is an infection affecting the central nervous system or brain and spinal cord of humans and animals this infection is caused by a virus that is transmitted primarily from bites wounds scratches or tissue from an infected animal it is nearly always deadly if not treated before the beginning of symptoms symptoms include fever lethargy seizures and ultimately paralysis said dr stacy eckman lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences this paralysis can include paralysis of the muscles that control swallowing leading to a ‘fear of water or ‘hydrophobia that is often described with rabies behavior changes leading to abnormally aggressive behavior may also occur since humans and animals alike usually become infected through a bite by a rabid animal many believe that it will be easy to tell when or if the disease has been spread to them however it is entirely possible for rabies to be transmitted to you or your pet unknowingly bat bites or scratches for example may be so miniscule that they go unnoticed bats are the most common carriers of rabies in the united states said dr eckman it is important to always avoid any contact with them if you have come into contact with a bat inform animal control officers in your area so they can submit the bat for testing if possible and contact your doctor although bats are the biggest threat to humans household dogs can easily contract the disease if bitten by another infected dog or animal worldwide dogs are a common transmitter of the disease via bite wounds said dr eckman but it can also affect humans cats farm animals raccoons and many other warm-blooded animals the time from exposure to the virus until symptoms appear is usually only a few months and unfortunately once symptoms begin there is little hope in humans for survival there are treatments that can be given after a bite and before symptoms begin (post-exposure) that are useful said dr eckman they include human rabies immunoglobulin followed by a series of rabies vaccines given over a two-week period these shots help the bodys immune system destroy the disease in its early stages and getting them before symptoms appear is usually helpful in preventing infection however prevention is always said to be the best treatment and that couldnt be truer when it comes to the rabies virus the easiest method of prevention is to always steer clear of unknown or aggressive animals this includes avoiding contact with stray dogs bats or any wild animals as well as avoiding the handling of a dead animal depending on the situation preventative rabies vaccinations may also be a recommended method vaccination can greatly reduce the risk of infection for people who have a high risk of exposure such as those who work with animals including veterinarians said dr eckman companion animals and farm animals should be appropriately vaccinated by a veterinarian if you think that you or someone in your family has been exposed to the rabies virus wash the affected area with soap and water for five minutes after potential exposure and seek immediate medical attention rabies is more common than you might think and preventing its transmission to you or your loved ones is the most effective form of treatment pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print wobbler syndrome september 19 2014 cervical spondylomyelopathy also known as wobbler syndrome is a neurological condition in dogs that affects their cervical spine or neck region a compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots wobbler syndrome gets its name from the characteristic wobbly walk that affected dogs typically display from the disease there are two forms of cervical spondylomyelopathy said dr megan steele a veterinary resident at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences there is a disc-associated form that causes ventral spinal cord compression and dorsal lateral bone and joint proliferation causing dorsolateral spinal cord compression wobbler syndrome is typically a progressive disease most commonly found in larger dog breeds such as doberman pinschers great danes and mastiffs symptoms can vary widely from mild neck pain to an inability to walk in all four limbs said dr steele often pelvic limb weakness and ataxia or weakness is more severe than in the thoracic limbs a classic two-engine gait is seen in dogs with low cervical lesions causing a short choppy gait in the thoracic limbs and a long sweeping gait in the pelvic limbs other symptoms often include weakness difficulty getting up from a lying position and possible muscle loss clinical signs are typically slow and gradual in onset though acute worsening can occur if your dog appears to show signs of any of these especially difficulty walking or any unusual neck pains a trip to the veterinarian for a diagnosis is a recommended in order to properly diagnosis your dog for wobbler syndrome yourveterinarian may perform advanced imaging such as radiographs computed tomotherapy (ct) and myelographs to characterize the degree of spinal compression a definitive diagnosis is best made from an mri as this gives us the best information of what is happening to the spinal cord itself a soft tissue structure said dr steele treatment for wobbler syndrome like for many other disorders is greatly dependent on the location and severity of the problem cervical surgical procedures are typically the recommended treatment option for the best chance of improvement but as with any surgery there is always a risk of complications for affected dogs in which surgery is not appropriate medical management is another reliable treatment option medical management is a viable treatment option in dogs with mild clinical signs or dogs with spinal cord compression in multiple locations or that have comorbidities making them poor surgical candidates medically treated dogs need to have restricted activity for at least two months along with close observation and any other recommended therapy the goals of medical management are to provide adequate pain control and hopefully delay or prevent disease worsening there will be lifestyle changes such as walking with a harness instead of a neck lead minimizing rough play and restriction of jumping and using stairs that may need to be made said dr steele implementing these lifestyle changes along with rehab and pain management can have a success rate of around 50% dogs with progressive signs that are not responding to medical management are typically advised to undergo surgery surgical success is around 80% and with severely affected animals is the treatment of choice said dr steele the type and location of disease dictates the type of surgical procedure recommended some common procedures we perform include dorsal laminectomies ventral slots and occasionally distraction fusion even after both surgery and medical management some dogs with wobbler syndrome may never walk normally again however when combined with physical therapy and post-operative care these treatments provide a considerable chance of improving your best friends overall quality of life pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print national preparedness month september 12 2014 with september being national preparedness month it is important to not only prepare the people in our family for when disaster strikes but also our pets as well when creating a proper evacuation plan we must remember to include the needs of our pets along with our own an important step in preparing for disasters is to have an evacuation kit for your family and your pets ready at all times some things you may include in your pets evacuation kit would be plenty of food and water any medication that your pets are on their medical records and a picture of your pet there is also a preparedness plan available on the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences website that may be used as a guide to help you plan exactly what to bring depending on the disaster families may be away from their homes from a few days to a few weeks said dr deb zoran professor in the department of small animal clinical sciences and medical operations director for the texas a&m veterinary emergency team at a minimum people should prepare to take at least three days worth of food from the pets current diet water and medications for their pets with them photos of the family with the pets and any veterinary records are important both for sheltering of the pet at an evacuation site as well as reunifying with pets when returning home along with proper medication and plenty of food and water it is also a good idea to include blankets and other comforting items to put your pet at ease in the case of an emergency situation also include litter boxes for cats with litter cleaning supplies and paper towels and collars with their tags or some other form of identification pets cant communicate the anxiety and fear they feel during a disaster so its important to watch your pets for signs of anxiety in order to help calm them when evacuating with your pets have a secure carrier leash or harness to keep them from running off in panic small toys and appropriate sized carriers and crates may help to reduce the anxiety and stress that pets may feel during an evacuation said zoran adding these few items to a ‘go bag or ‘go box that you have ready to take in the event of an evacuation makes sure nothing important is left behind the most important rule of thumb is never to leave your pets behind they most likely will not be able to survive on their own and it will be difficult to find them when you return to make evacuating with your pet easier checklists and informational brochures also may be found at http://wwwreadygov/caring-animals or ask your local veterinarian for suggestions the important thing to remember is if at all possible take your pets with you if you have to evacuate said zoran if its not possible plan ahead and make arrangements to get them out of harms way taking a little bit of time in advance to create an appropriate plan for your family and your pets can save lives though an evacuation plan may seem unnecessary right now youll be thankful that your family and pets are well prepared if disaster does strike pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print cat scratch fever september 4 2014 cat scratch fever or cat scratch disease (csd) is a bacterial infection caused by bartonella henselae this disease is most commonly transmitted from infected cats to humans by way of biting or scratching although it can also spread from the saliva of an infected cat getting into an open wound on your body bartonella henselae is the actual bacteria causing cat scratch fever said dr audrey cook associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences this is a bacterium that likes to live inside red blood cells and is very hard to culture using usual methods it is difficult to tell whether your cat is a carrier of bartonella henselae as the cats themselves do not show any signs of illness from the bacteria regardless a large percentage of cats carry this bacterium at some point in their lives most commonly when they are kittens as the bacterium is adapted to live in cats they do not become ill but can harbor the infection for prolonged periods said dr cook it is usually spread from cat to cat by fleas and though other insect vectors may play a role fleas seem to be the most important vector cat scratch fever is usually not a serious illness in people with normal immune systems and generally resolves on its own without specific treatment your doctor may perform a physical examination or blood test to determine whether youve been infected and antibiotics may be prescribed if necessary clinical disease is very variable and depends on the immune system of the person said dr cook people are vulnerable to problems if they are on immunosuppressive drugs have cancer aids or are on chemotherapy some symptoms you can expect with cat scratch fever may include swollen lymph nodes chills vomiting fever and fatigue the best way to prevent cat scratch disease is to avoid situations in which you might be bitten or scratched by a cat dont play roughly with a cat and dont force your attentions on a cat that clearly does not welcome them it is also important not to allow a cat to lick an open sore or scratch on your skin if you are bitten or scratched by a cat wash the affected area well with soap and water and contact your healthcare provider even if the cat is not carrying bartonella a cat bite injury can cause major problems and prompt treatment is necessary in addition to avoiding rough play keeping your cats indoors as well as administering anti-flea medication can help reduce the risk of them contracting bartonella henselae which in turn lowers your chance of catching cat scratch fever pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print amphibians as pets september 2 2014 good pets come in all shapes and sizes more unique to the pet realm but still wildly popular are amphibians for those pet owners who enjoy the company of frogs salamanders and other slimy friends here are the ins and outs of owning amphibians as pets owners should educate themselves regarding the specific species or type of amphibian they are considering as a pet prior to purchasing them said dr laura kleinschmidt veterinary intern instructor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences (cvm) depending on the species they may have species specific requirements or traits that would be important to know for example some species secrete toxins from their skin or special glands that would make them a less than ideal pet amphibians can also have very delicate skin that functions in breathing and absorption and should not be handled more than absolutely necessary however if handling is necessary recommendations include wearing disposable gloves that have any powder rinsed off prior to handling it is also important to keep in mind that amphibians are dependent on their environment for temperature regulation and the preferred optimal temperature zone may vary depending on the species and part of the world they originated from temperate species usually require at least 60-70 degrees f tropical species will require higher at least 75-80 degrees f said dr kleinschmidt humidity requirements for temperate amphibians usually range from 75-80% whereas tropical species may require upwards of 85-90% which could also require misting waterfalls humidifiers etc to maintain an appropriate range to regulate this pet amphibian owners should have an appropriate thermostat to determine the temperature and temperature gradients should be maintained to allow the animal thermoregulation providing a type of water source will vary depending upon if the amphibian is aquatic or mainly terrestrial water should always be free of chlorine ammonia nitrite nitrate pesticides heavy metals etc said dr kleinschmidt in captive settings deionized bottled water is usually used and water should be tested regularly for appropriate ph and lack of these elements the specific water temperature for your amphibian is also very important and should be closely monitored with an appropriate thermometer water heaters are a must in most species to provide lukewarm water and all water should be changed regularly for cleanliness there should always be filters in place to decrease microbial counts in the water to prevent disease said dr kleinschmidt as far as feeding requirements go most amphibians will eat invertebrates such as insects and worms (usually live) because of this owners who are unwilling to handle live insects may not want to have an amphibian as a pet the food and water youve provided must be changed daily as well as the amphibians excrement make sure the species is being fed the appropriate diet to prevent disease said dr kleinschmidt most captive amphibians will need mineral and vitamin supplementation to prevent nutritional-deficiency diseases it is imperative that first time amphibian owners thoroughly educate themselves on the prospective species prior to bringing one home i would not recommend an amphibian as a pet for young children (especially without adult supervision) as they should not be handled regularly and when they are handled special considerations apply they also can suffer trauma if handled too brusquely amphibians are higher maintenance pets that have species-specific requirements for ideal care if you are willing to put in the effort to properly educate yourself on the species and their specific requirements as well as spend the money and- time to take good care of them they can be a great addition to your home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print when to call a veterinarian august 21 2014 though our pets dread the veterinarian there are many instances when a trip to the local animal hospital or clinic is essential to their health since fido cant express to you in words when he isnt feeling himself there are many symptoms you can look out for to help determine if its time to contact the veterinarian it is most important to remember that everything should be taken within the context of the other signs said dr jean rubanick veterinary resident instructor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) basically if there are multiple signs then taking a pet to the vet is indicated some common signs of irregularity may include extreme lethargy increased respiratory rate profuse vomiting or diarrhea anorexia or increased drinking and urinating while these are most widely recognized as indicators for veterinary attention some symptoms may be more unique and less recognizable abnormal circling (not to be confused with the occasional circling of an excited dog) head pressing seizures inability to rise weakness respiratory distress changes in the gum color and bubbles coming from the nose are some other sign to look out for said dr rubanick if your pet ingests something that poses toxic to animals whether it is a plant or food consultation with your veterinarian is vital to the animals health and safety eating sago palm chocolate lilies people medication or anything else unusual should also prompt a call to the veterinarian said dr rubanick although stomach abnormalities such as vomiting and diarrhea may be signs of sickness or ingestion of toxins it is also possible that fido merely scarfed down his dinner too quickly depending on the pet and their usual behavior a brief upset stomach may not be much cause for concern vomiting once or one bout of diarrhea is probably nothing to worry about as long as the pet is otherwise acting normally said dr rubanick likewise a pet that eats too quickly or drinks a lot of water and then vomits but continues to act normally afterwards is probably fine in general you should always contact your veterinarian if you notice any symptoms or behavior abnormal for your pet from there your vet will be able tell you if something does not need to be urgently addressed or if you should make an appointment right away whether fido is just having an off day or he ingested something poisonous it is always better to be safe than sorry pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print protecting pets from predators august 14 2014 as caring pet owners we do everything possible to keep our pets out of harms way however with more wooded and natural areas being developed into neighborhoods and businesses wild animals have fewer places to reside birds of prey such as hawks and eagles can pose a serious threat to cats and other small animals and depending on where you live coyotes and mountain lions may also be a danger since we share our habitat with wild animals learning how to prevent an attack and protect our pets from predators can make all the difference supervising your pets when theyre outside is an effective way to deter predators even in local outlying neighborhoods hawks coyotes and other predators can harm pets said dr stacy eckman lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences stay away from nesting predators such as owls and hawks if you know where their nests are and keep your pets area clean and free of debris or plant material that predators can hide in depending on the size of your pet and the area in which you live keeping your pet in the backyard overnight may not be safe if your pets are accustomed to being outdoors and are able to defend themselves such as a larger dog breed backyard housing can be suitable however keeping smaller animals in the backyard unsupervised is not recommended the caution with even larger dogs who encounter a predator is that they are still at risk for fatal diseases such as rabies said eckman at a minimum they will need a shelter of some sort a good rule of thumb is to appropriately fence in your backyard or outdoor pet area to keep out unwanted visitors depending on the region you live in this may include fencing with barbed wire or roll-bars on the top to make it harder for coyotes and other large predators to get over even raccoons have been known to attack small dogs in backyards in shelters said eckman keeping food bowls empty by discarding any leftover food to keep from attracting wild animals may also help if you come face-to-face with a predator while on a walk or even in your own backyard stay calm and never turn your back to run away if you have a small dog or cat with you pick them up and slowly back away grab the leash or collar of a larger dog carrying a walking stick is a good weapon to help fend off an attack as are sticks or rocks to throw at a predator if they look like theyre going to attack loud frightening noises may scare and deter predators as will threatening body language said eckman if your pet is attacked while walking seek medical care immediately even if there are no obvious wounds on your pet your veterinarian will perform a thorough exam to find any unnoticed injuries and vaccinate them for rabies the best tip in protecting your pet from a predator is to let them outside only when you are with them especially at night and to keep pet food and water either inside or empty all wildlife should be respected for their role in the environment and while healthy habitats need predators you dont want your beloved pets to be the prey pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print anal gland disease august 7 2014 the anal glands in a dog or cat are residual scent marking organs responsible for the production of an odor that identifies the individual and marks his stool to establish territory similar to the glands of a skunk the anal glands are typically expelled when the animal defecates or sometimes when they feel stressed or relaxed anal gland disease can include one of several medical issues involving the anal glands the most common form of anal gland disease is impaction where the contents are not expelled normally said dr alison diesel lecturer in dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) in this situation the animal may require assistance from a veterinarian veterinary technician groomer or owner to have the anal glands expressed other medical conditions of the anal gland include infections abscesses or even cancer one of the most recognizable symptoms of anal gland disease is when the animal scoots or drags their hind end on the carpet grass or other surface malodor and frequent licking are also good indicators if an infection abscess or cancer is the cause of disease exudate may be noted from the anal gland or tissue surrounding the anus said diesel depending on the particular disease treatment options are highly variable if you are concerned that your dog or cat may have anal gland disease you should schedule an appointment with your pets veterinarian to have them evaluated and discuss recommendations for the particular cause of disease for impaction periodic manual expression of the anal gland contents may be sufficient said diesel sometimes changes in diet may help with the disease or at least from expression being required quite as frequently if it is discovered to be cancer then surgery chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be the appropriate treatment depending on the specific type of cancer for infections and abscesses having the area clipped and cleaned by a veterinarian is generally helpful said diesel additional medication such as antibiotics (either oral medications or infused into the anal gland) may be required in general there is no way to prevent anal gland disease in your pets aside from having them surgically removed however this is not typically recommended as it is a bit aggressive for an animal that isnt showing signs of anal gland disease additionally there is the potential for complications associated with the surgery including fecal incontinence stricture formation (leading to potentially severe constipation) or poor wound healing said diesel as well this would not prevent medical problems which may mimic anal gland disease including parasites allergies or other types of cancer while anal gland disease is a fairly common pet health problem it is recommended that you consult with your veterinarian to establish the safest and most effective treatment method available for your pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print large animal health in summer temperatures july 31 2014 our cats and dogs arent the only animals that need special attention during the unbearable summer temperatures; horses and other large animals get hot too! though they may not express it in the same way as our domestic pets heat stroke is still common among large animals and prevention is the best cure the important things to consider during summer heat for animals are similar as for humans said dr leslie easterwood assistant clinical professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) it is best to provide clean fresh water at a rate higher than they would be losing due to sweat the progression from dehydration to heat exhaustion and ultimately heat stroke can occur rapidly in large animals providing your large animals with access to plenty of water and shade is the most important way to keep their body temperatures under control just as with humans and other animals the higher the temperature or activity level the more water is required to cool the body most horses will consume between 5 and 10 gallons of water per day and their daily requirement for maintenance is approximately 6 gallons for a 1000-pound horse said dr easterwood they will need more if they are exercising or if their housing conditions do not provide for shade or circulation of fresh air horses that are not sweating and are overheating can easily have their body temperatures rise to dangerous levels within minutes of exercising in the summer and their large muscle mass allows them to generate a tremendous amount of heat making them susceptible to a loss of water and electrolytes through sweat as the amount of sweat increases so does the imbalance of body fluids and electrolytes the only increased nutritional requirements for hot weather would be the intake of electrolytes said dr easterwood large animals that have access to mineral supplements will generally take in enough electrolytes to account for normal losses but electrolytes can be added to their daily grain ration if the horse will be sweating excessively or exercising since horses and other large animals cannot tell us directly that they are developing heat stroke we must pay attention to their appearance and behavior in order to distinguish their discomfort some signs to look out for are an excessive amount or absence of sweating increased respiratory rate depression lack of appetite apparent weakness or disorientation horses that are not sweating adequately will start to breathe rapidly in order to try to cool themselves via their respiratory system said dr easterwood this condition is called anhydrous and can cause them to overheat while exercising she explains that these horses are literally trying to ‘blow off steam and cool themselves by taking in air that is cooler than their own body temperature while blowing out the warmer air while most horses and other large animals are able to cool themselves by sweating taking in an adequate amount of water and staying in the shade you should still keep an eye out for signs of dehydration or heat stroke whether your pet whinnies or bleats barks or purrs they are counting on you to keep them healthy and comfortable during these hot summer months pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the dangers of leaving fido in a hot car july 24 2014 if we find the scorching summer temperatures unbearable outside of our cars imagine how our furry friends feel when trapped inside dog fatalities from extreme heat in cars are avoidable and all-too common although leaving your pet in the car while you run a few errands may seem harmless dogs can suffer from heatstroke in a matter of minutes even if parked in the shade with the windows cracked one study in the journal of pediatrics showed that cars parked in the sun showed an average of 40 degrees increase in internal temperature said dr james barr assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences this means in 100 degree temperature the car could reach 140 degrees although rolling the car windows down may seem like a workable solution this is not the case even if you only plan on leaving your dog in the car for a short period of time exposure to extreme heat for less than 20 minutes can still cause internal damage and be extremely harmful in the long run that same study in the journal of pediatrics showed that the rate of temperature rise was slower if the car window was rolled down but still remarkably dangerous and reached the same levels after 60 minutes said barr so just rolling the window down is not sufficient when humans overheat we sweat and as the sweat dries it takes excess heat with it our four-legged friends only perspire around their paws which is not enough to cool the body and pant to rid themselves of excess heat while this is efficient in controlling their body heat it is of extremely limited effectiveness in high humidity or when in close quarters such as a car the bodys internal temperature rises when the gain of heat outpaces the ability to dissipate heat said barr when locked in a car body temperatures reach dangerous levels and organ damage can occur while letting fido tag along on your grocery store run during cooler temperatures is safer keep in mind that temperatures inside of the car can still rise 40 degrees above the outside temperature this means that the car temperature can reach 115 degrees when the temperature is 75 degrees outside said barr additionally keep in mind that some states even have laws deeming it illegal to leave an animal in a confined vehicle as well as numerous local ordinances prohibiting this even without a specific state or local law this action could still constitute cruelty under some circumstances and you may ultimately lose custody of the animal in question also be especially cautious if your pet has a medical condition said barr respiratory cardiac and neurologic conditions may all impair the pets ability to dissipate heat so it is especially important to take precautions if you must travel somewhere with your pet during the summer make sure they have access to plenty of water and proper ventilation and that the temperature they are kept in is reasonably low fatalities from heat stroke occur far too often and our furry friends are relying on us to keep them out of harms way pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet pygmy goats july 17 2014 with their playful temperaments and small compact size it is no surprise that pygmy goats are often sought after as pets however since goats are deemed livestock you must check with your homeowners association or deed restriction before bringing one home if in doing this you discover it is allowed here are some tips for keeping your pet pygmy goats happy and healthy in their new home although some people do keep their pet goats indoors they are not easy to house train and due to their activity level curiosity and dietary needs we recommend they are kept outdoors said dr philippa sprake a clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences they should have an outside area to play and a shelter from the elements where hay straw or shavings serve as good bedding sources their bedding of whichever type you choose should be changed regularly depending on the weather size of shelter and number of goats keep in mind that goats do not like getting wet and they also require a cool area to withstand the summer heat since goats are herd animals having at least two housed together will help to decrease stress and allow them company dr sprake also explains that fencing around their enclosure is important as goats are skilled escape artists and often push on fences and gates fences made especially for goats are recommended although electric fences can also be used however goats will challenge them regularly so maintenance is important diet is the most important aspect of a pet goats life and most health issues we see are caused by inappropriate diets said dr sprake they shouldnt be fed human food and there are also some common garden plants that can be toxic to goats; therefore they should not be allowed out of their usual pen unsupervised goats are ruminants which means they require the predominant part of their diet to comprise of forage such as hay or grass said dr sprake we recommend that pet goats are fed minimal amounts of pelleted feed or grain as pygmy goats in particular tend to be ‘easy keepers and gain weight fairly easily they should also have access to a mineral block or loose mineral made specifically for goats to balance their diet of grass or hay fresh water should also be readily available for pygmy goats at all times two other important health care tasks are to vaccinate annually with a ‘cd&t vaccine that protects against over eating disease as well as tetanus and monitor for gastrointestinal parasites that cause anemia and diarrhea in goats you should consult with your veterinarian to set up a worm control program one common problem we see with male pet goats is bladder stones causing urinary tract obstruction and an inability to urinate which is usually caused by feeding too much pelleted feed or grain said dr sprake you should observe that your male goats are urinating comfortably daily (they usually urinate when they first stand up) and if you have any concerns contact your veterinarian immediately the temperaments of pygmy goats typically depend on the environment in which they were raised bottle fed kids in general will be much friendlier; however in some cases this can lead to behavioral issues such as head butting especially in the males we recommend that male goats be castrated at 3-4 months of age said dr sprake earlier castration can cause some health issues and at 3-4 months old the males will not smell ‘bucky yet though these playful animals can make good pets with the proper care you should still consult with your veterinarian or an experienced goat breeder prior to bringing them home if after consultation you decide pygmy goats are perfect for your family following these guidelines will help ensure your new pets feel right at home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the stevenson companion animal life-care center july 10 2014 the stevenson companion animal life-care center located at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) is a facility quite unlike any other this unique center provides for the physical emotional and medical needs of companion animals whose owners find themselves no longer able to do so whether they are entering a retirement home being hospitalized for an extended period of time or predeceasing a pet they can take assurance in the fact that their beloved pets are being well cared for at the stevenson center i believe the stevenson center is extremely unique in that it is the only life-care facility for pets that is an integral part of a college of veterinary medicine said dr sonny presnal director of the stevenson center this means that companion animals that are living with us at the stevenson center will receive the ultimate in veterinary care which is provided by our veterinary medical teaching hospital the stevenson center has veterinary students who live at the center to care for the resident pets at night and on weekends and holidays it is unique in another way because four veterinary students live at the center to provide around-the-clock care and companionship whenever the staff is off duty said dr presnal this is an excellent learning opportunity for the students and ensures a high quality of life for our pet residents situated on three acres beside the cvm campus the total space of the center including a recent second expansion since its opening in 1993 is about 11 000 square feet and will be able to house nearly 100 pets a stable behind the main building houses the centers resident llama with space for other large companion animals when the need arises residing in the center at this time are 19 cats 14 dogs and the llama there are a total of 480 animals currently enrolled to enter the program with 173 owners from 26 different states over the more than 21 years which we have been in operation many donors have supported the center by making contributions to our building fund unrestricted gifts and in many cases creating an endowment from their estate plans in excess of the minimum required endowment to enroll their pets said dr presnal we are extremely grateful for this support and this support is what has enabled us to create the exceptional facility and care that our resident pets receive at the center enrollment is not a complicated process and interested donors can contact the center by phone (979-45-1188) or email (stevenson center) we highly encourage anyone that might have an interest in enrolling their pets in the center to visit the center to fully appreciate the compassionate care that their pet would receive said dr presnal center staff will pick up enrolled animals anywhere in texas when necessary the first stop for the petsbefore they even enter the centeris the cvm small animal hospital where they go through a thorough examination before joining the others the hospital and its veterinarians also comprehensive care when a center resident is sick or injured ensuring the animals get the best care available we believe that the stevenson center provides the ultimate in life-care for companion animals comprised of exceptional compassionate care and the very best veterinary care available anywhere said dr presnal we highly encourage anyone interested in the program to schedule a visit to see the center ‘up close and personal pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print independence day safety june 26 2014 with the july 4th holiday come celebrations and outdoor activities that can be fun for people but sometimes harmful for our pets here are some tips to keep this day an enjoyable and safe holiday for the whole family fido included fireworks can frighten dogs and cause them to escape and become injured said dr james barr assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences make sure your pet is supervised during the day and nighttime hours as well the best idea is to keep dogs particularly those with noise phobias away from the commotion if at all possible another factor that can cause anxiety and stress in dogs is being around large crowds of unfamiliar people if you know ahead of time that your dogs do not do well with large groups it is better to leave them at home or board them for the day if you do decide to bring them to the festivities it is recommended to have a safe calm area where the dogs can relax being outdoors in the hot humid environment may cause those pets not used to the heat to have problems with heat said barr allow the pets to be in a shaded area and have plenty of fresh water available at all times additionally it is imperative that you closely supervise fido or fluffy throughout the day and night so that they arent tempted to indulge in the human food july 4th celebrations bring with them many tasty human treats that might be toxic to animals and with the large crows of people that can be easily and unnoticeably accessed by our pets accidental ingestion of rich foods and bones are common on july 4th said barr be careful about what your pets have access to and make sure to keep a close eye on them to avoid sickness another good rule of thumb is if you are going to be in a place where unvaccinated dogs might be such as soccer fields baseball fields or parks you want to make sure your dogs are up-to-date on their vaccinations it isnt smart to take an unvaccinated puppy or a dog that hasnt completed the whole vaccine series to a place with potential transmittable diseases or threats keeping these tips in mind you and your whole family can enjoy fidos presence while celebrating this fun-filled holiday pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print take your dog to work day june 19 2014 it has been said time and time again that the presence of animals helps to alleviate stress and benefit your overall mood this can also be true in the workplace as demonstrated by multiple studies having a pet in the workplace not only lowers stress levels and encourages a productive work environment but also helps to boost morale in honor of take your dog to work day on june 20th here are some basic guidelines to keep this a fun and safe day at the office there is a huge body of evidence that shows having pets around is a natural relaxant said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences there is definitely a benefit to having a less stressful work environment however the increased productivity and decreased stress levels is entirely dependent on the obedience and behavior of your dog an untrained dog that will wreak havoc on the office is not a suitable choice for this highly anticipated day first of all make sure you know what your office policy is on bringing your pet to work said stickney with that being said the quickest way to end take your dog to work day is to bring in a dog that cant behave itself and will be a nuisance all day long if you do have an obedient well-behaved dog that wont disrupt your work day there are still some basic guidelines to follow before letting him tag along for instance prior to bringing fido with you to work it is vital that you doggy proof your office and properly notify your fellow coworkers of his visit even if take your dog to work day is celebrated at your workplace it is still a good idea to let your immediate supervisor know that you will be bringing your pet that day said stickney if you have an office you will want to leave a note on your door explaining that there is a dog inside to avoid any unpleasantly surprised visitors or escapes through the open door additionally make sure that fido has non-squeaky chew toys to occupy him plenty of food and water a leash and ways to dispose of any accidents he leaves in the office if you have a puppy or avid chewer you will also need to make sure that all computer wires and other various cords are someplace where your dog cant get to them said stickney you wouldnt want your pet to be the reason for a system-wide shut down ensuring that they are up to date on their vaccinations and are completely flea-free is a must it is also recommended that you bring a copy of the paperwork proving this to work with you that day should any concern arise often times dogs that are well behaved at home will become nervous when placed in an unfamiliar environment said stickney it is imperative that they are up to date on their rabies vaccines in the case that they bite someone out of fear just keep in mind that while you may love your dogs slobbery kisses and welcoming leaps onto your lap a fellow co-worker may not be as big of a fan be mindful of others space and privacy on this day and always make sure fido is on a leash to prevent any complaints or accidents as long as it is in line with your companys policy your dog is well trained and properly socialized and you follow some of these basic guidelines take your dog to work day can be a fun experience for all involved pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print feline heartworm disease june 12 2014 heartworm disease is transmitted to an animal through the bite of a mosquito carrying heartworm larvae which eventually settle into the blood vessels of the lungs or within the heart itself although cats are less susceptible than dogs to heartworm infection our feline friends are still very much at risk of heartworm disease cats have some innate resistance to infection and the worms seem to prefer living in dogs rather than in cats said dr audrey cook an associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences in addition the tests we traditionally use in dogs such as the knotts test and heartworm antigen tests are not very sensitive in cats as the number of worms is much lower dr cook explains that though more sensitive tests are now available cats are still not routinely screened for infection it is highly likely that many cats are infected but are simply not identified although it is more probable for outdoor cats to come into contact with infected mosquitoes indoor cats still have a not-insignificant chance of contracting the infection as infection requires a bite from an infected mosquito indoor cats are less at risk overall said dr cook however we do still see this disease in strictly indoor cats most likely occurring when an infected mosquito gets inside of the house and then bites the cat some of the most common heartworm disease symptoms include frequent coughing weight loss vomiting lethargy and difficulty breathing however since many of the symptoms mimic those of asthma and other disorders affected patients may be misdiagnosed although some cats are diagnosed because they show some of the clinical signs and the veterinarian then performs the appropriate tests many cats are diagnosed with heartworm disease after suddenly dying and only then finding the worms in the heart or lungs said dr cook the blood tests available have substantial limitations and we sometimes only confirm the diagnosis by visualizing a worm in the heart using echocardiography if a veterinarian suspects heartworm disease in a cat he or she is likely to recommend radiographs (x-rays) of the chest along with antigen and antibody testing depending on these results an echocardiogram (ultrasound examination of the heart) may be indicated unfortunately there are currently no approved treatments for feline heartworm disease veterinarians often recommend using medications to limit clinical signs such as coughing and starting cats on preventative medications in order to stop future infection and hasten worm death in addition an antibiotic called doxycycline may be prescribed to the cat as it is also thought to weaken the worms and hasten their death said dr cook however sometimes the death of the worm causes an acute and fatal reaction in the cat so it is a very difficult disease for us to deal with indoor or outdoor young or old every cat is vulnerable to heartworm disease since there are no available treatments for this widespread infection preventative medications administered on a regular basis are a must for protecting your feline friend pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pool safety june 5 2014 school is out the temperatures are high and the days are long for children and pets alike this makes taking a dip in your backyard pool seem more attractive than ever although your children may be competent swimmers do not assume that your pets are preventing pool accidents for your pets takes adequate planning and careful supervision limiting their access to the pool is an easy and effective way to prevent accidental fall-ins and keep pets safe a good gate will be the best way to limit pet access to the pool said dr james barr assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences keeping the door closed at all times is important for children and dogs alike as is only allowing them to be in the pool area supervised contrary to popular belief not all dogs are efficient swimmers this common misconception can be life threatening to your pet the dogs that are considered to be brachycephalic such as english bulldogs american bulldogs and french bulldogs are notoriously bad swimmers said barr therefore it is smart to teach these dogs how to swim and exit the pool safely to prevent drowning another popular safety concern among pet owners is whether it is safe for fido or fluffy to drink pool water dr barr explains that while it typically is not safe there are some pool waters that are worse than others for drinking it is also important that your pools chemical balance is correct as algae can be disruptive to pets health the typical chlorine pool could be quite irritating to the gastrointestinal tract and could cause some electrolyte issues if enough is drunk said barr saltwater pools although not as salty as seawater can also cause electrolyte problems if enough is consumed though your pooch may be eager to splash into the pool on a hot summer day there should be set limitations for dogs of a certain ages or medical conditions you should always consult with your veterinarian before allowing your dog to swim by far the most common reason why a dog drowns or nearly drowns in a pool is because they suffer from dementia or are blind or both fall into the pool and are unable to get out said barr otherwise safety depends on your dogs ability to get in and out of the pool while there are many effective ways to ensure your pets safety when near a pool the most important precautionary measure is adequate supervision just like with children leaving them unattended around a pool can lead to unnecessary injury this along with teaching fido how to swim and correctly exit the water can keep the pool area a fun and safe environment pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print preparing pets for when disaster strikes may 29 2014 disaster can strike anywhere at any time and the best way to survive is to be prepared early for both yourself and your pets hurricane season begins june 1 and is a great time to review your personal preparedness plan said dr wesley bissett director of the texas a&m veterinary emergency team while you make sure all of your family members are covered in the event of a disaster make sure the four-legged members of your family are included in the planning process its important to remember that if you have to evacuate your home you will often have to do so very quickly know ahead of time the route you will take and identify potential shelter locations along the route make sure you know which shelters will accommodate pets or if there are designated shelters for evacuated animals nearby plan to carry enough food water and medications for your family and your pet for at least three to five days make sure you have veterinary records and photos of you and your pets and check that your pets tags are up to date and securely fastened on the collar bissett said these documents will help ensure your pet is cared for in the best way possible during a stay at the shelter and will also make the reunification process much easier if you have time microchips are a great way to make sure your pet stays safe and sound until you are able to return to the shelter pets cant communicate the anxiety and fear they feel during a disaster so its important to watch your pets for signs of anxiety when evacuating with your pets have a secure carrier leash or harness to keep them from running off in panic bringing a few items from home such as a blanket or special toy will help make your pet comfortable said bissett and will help to reduce their stress during the evacuation some people have livestock or exotic pets that can be problematic to plan for for this reason it is necessary to plan early if there is no shelter location designated for livestock feed and water should be left in place on the highest ground on your property said bissett gates between pastures and doors to stalls and barns should be left open so these animals can get to safety for smaller exotic pets such as pocket pets reptiles or amphibians it is necessary to call the shelters along your route ahead of time to verify they are able to accommodate exotic species most importantly dont leave your pets behind they most likely will not be able to survive on their own and the likelihood that you will be able to find them when you return is not great to make evacuating with your pet easier checklists and informational brochures may be found at http://wwwreadygov/caring-animals or ask your local veterinarian for suggestions communities in different locations face different types of disasters so in developing your plan be sure to assess the risks around you and prepare your plan accordingly being prepared for disasters saves people pets and property pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print osteosarcoma may 22 2014 osteosarcoma (osa) the most common bone cancer represents about 85% of bone tumors in dogs these aggressive tumors spread rapidly and once diagnosed should be taken very seriously osa commonly affects the limbs of large or giant breed dogs but can also occur in other parts of the skeleton such as the skull ribs vertebrae and pelvis said dr rita ho veterinary intern instructor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences dogs with limb osteosarcoma typically show signs of swelling at the affected side and associated lameness depending upon the animals unique condition and tumor location the tumors typically form at or near growth plates and occasionally the animal will exhibit a growth on their body or painful inflammation near the site of the tumor if swelling does exist it is likely due to extension of the tumor into the surrounding tissues diagnosis of osteosarcoma is begun with orthopedic and neurologic examinations a physical examination and various x-rays the biological behavior prognosis and treatment of osteosarcoma depend of the primary site and extent of the disease said dr ho therefore various diagnostic tests such as radiographs (x-rays) blood tests and sometimes a biopsy or fine needle aspirate are required to determine the most appropriate treatment depending on your pets specific condition there are various treatment options you can consider including surgery chemotherapy and radiation limb osa commonly causes lameness and pain because of invasion and destruction of normal bone; therefore surgery is usually the first recommendation said dr ho the surgery serves two purposes: it removes the primary tumor which is necessary for cancer control but it also removes the source of pain and may therefore dramatically improve quality of life surgery often involves amputation of the diseased limb which completely resolves the pain for your pet however for people who are reluctant to have this procedure done there are other surgical methods to spare the limb if your pet is not a good candidate or if you arent comfortable with the surgery just keep in mind that amputation is almost always well tolerated with the dogs and a 3-legged dog can do virtually everything 4-legged dogs can chemotherapy is administered to a pet following amputation to kill off any remaining cancer cells and radiation is recommended primarily for relieving bone pain and discomfort the average dog with osa will live only four months if treated with only surgery said dr ho with chemotherapy following surgery usually the life expectancy is 10-12 months as with any surgery activity and mobility after the operation will be restricted and pain management programs as well as various medications are typically prescribed for the animal after surgery however it is important to remember that you should never administer any pain medication without first consulting your veterinarian unfortunately osteosarcoma in dogs has not been found to be preventable with thorough examinations and early recognition of the symptoms however it can be caught soon enough to take the necessary measures to stop the cancer from spreading and to keep your pet healthy and happy for as long as possible pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print helping fido adjust to new surroundings may 14 2014 as were propelled into these summer months many changes and transitions often accompany the warmer weather whether youre relocating for work moving after graduation or just planning a long summer vacation here are some tips to help ensure that pets comfortably adjust to your new surroundings prior to the move it is important that you check the new surroundings for safety hazards such as hardware chemicals exposed wires or other dangers it is also smart to make sure to have a safe place to put them when you get there such as a closed off room or area with water food and shelter said dr stacy eckman a lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences doors opened often for moving in may be a tempting way out for anxious pets due to the chaos of moving a microchip or other form of identification for your pet is highly recommended in case they do sneak off unknowingly a microchip is nice because it cannot be lost but visible identification is also helpful if they get out and become lost since they are unsure of their new surroundings said eckman if youre traveling to your destination by plane it is a good idea to speak with your veterinarian beforehand about the travel specifics how long will the trip take how does your pet normally do during travel will your pet be in cargo or in the cabin with you questions such as these can be discussed with your veterinarian to ensure that your pet is as comfortable and safe as possible during travel all pets will also need a health certificate to travel even across state lines said eckman and those moving internationally will need an international health certificate which takes more time to acquire our pets thrive on routine and since most everything else their daily routine will be changing it is important that your presence does not once youve settled into your new location be sure to spend plenty of time with fido to help him acclimate to his new life often pets are nervous and anxious with all the activity and boxes as well as the new smells and sounds said eckman so frequent walks around the neighborhood are a good way to help them get used to their new surroundings just as it takes people a certain amount of time to get used to a new routine location and way of life the same goes for our pets however unlike us they are unable to vocalize their discomfort and anxiety as good pet owners it is important that we do all that we can to make moving as comfortable as possible for our pets this means keeping fido safe and at ease before during and after the move and most importantly showing him that amidst all of the changes he isnt losing you pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print to declaw or not to declaw may 8 2014 as much as you love your cat his constant need to claw your living room sofa isnt exactly desirable after furnishing your home with numerous scratching posts and still no improvement you may be asking yourself what now as a very last resort it may be time to consider declawing surgery a choice not without controversy the procedure should only be done after careful consideration with all of the facts when we perform a declaw procedure we are removing the entire third phalanx of the toe said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences so not only the claw that you can see but the associated bone that attaches to the next bone in the toe the declawing procedure is controversial in veterinary medicine today and like any other surgical procedure there are a number of risks that go along with the purported benefits people have a bad feeling about the procedure because they anthropomorphize to themselves of what it would be like to lose the end of their finger which would be a big deal for a person but a cat doesnt need to type or write like we do said stickney they extend those claws when theyre ready to do something destructive or to defend themselves; otherwise those digits are naturally retracted and unseen however you should be aware that once the declawing surgery is completed your cat will no longer have a way to defend itself from other cats or predators that come into its territory as a result the cat will need to be an indoor only cat for the remainder of its life following the procedure because we love our pets so dearly we want to do all in our power not to inflict any unnecessary pain on them though the declawing procedure is painful by using a good multimodal pain control protocol that targets the nervous system at different points in the pain pathway you can make the procedure as comfortable as possible for the next ten days postoperatively you need to restrict the cats exercise as much as possible so do not encourage them to run and jump around the house said stickney you also need to use either shredded newspaper or paper towel in their litter box as opposed to gravel based litter that could get into the little incisions before they heal the decision of whether or not to declaw fluffy is not one to be taken lightly however if his clawing is standing in the way of your companionship and ability to keep him in your family surgery may be your only hope if it is an indoor cat only you have exhausted all other methods of controlling the scratching problem and its a decision of whether or not youre going to have to get rid of your cat said stickney then the benefits of declawing surgery absolutely outweigh the risks pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print tomotherapy: high-tech therapy delivers high hopes may 1 2014 tomotherapy a state-of-the-art radiation therapy system that delivers precise image-guided radiation therapy allows veterinarians to pinpoint a tumors size shape and location seconds before radiation therapy begins though fairly expensive and meticulous the benefit and accuracy of this treatment certainly exceeds the costs when your best friends life is at stake tomotherapy literally means slice therapy said dr michael deveau assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences while standard radiation therapy is currently delivered using a few static fields helical tomotherapy delivers treatment with a rotating beam performing a 360 degrees rotation around the patient this allows for accurately directing radiation dose at the tumor itself while minimizing dose to the neighboring normal tissues as the location or shape of the tumor evolves over time the angles and intensity of the beams are also adapted to enhance the accuracy of the treatment the tomotherapy concept evolved to address deficiencies in radiation therapy and provides more precise radiation delivery to the tumor allowing for fewer side effects to normal tissue said deveau it basically is hybridization between all the functional parts of a conventional c-arm style linear accelerator a commonly used machine for radiation delivery in human and veterinary patients and a diagnostic imaging ct scanner radiation is not a benign form of therapy and tolerance to it is dependent on tumor type tumor volume and the volume of normal tissue irradiated the objective of radiation therapy used to treat cancer is to eradicate the disease without producing unacceptable normal tissue complications said deveau the tolerance to radiation of normal tissues depends on the volume and dose received unique to this radiation technique the tumor itself is being treated while excluding or minimizing the dose to surrounding normal tissue structures the conformal radiation beams provide more assurance that the dose will be confined to the tumor in turn producing far more favorable toxicity profiles when compared to similar treatments with inferior techniques and machines ranging anywhere from $6 000 to $7 000 for a four-week session this treatment only lasts for an average of 20 minutes but the preparation is fastidious combining linear radiation therapy and ct scanning technology tomotherapy has the ability to treat tumors that were once considered untreatable and offers new armament for modernizing the management of cancer in veterinary patients suitable for almost all clinical presentations it is one of the best if not the best machine for treating large complex tumors or clinical presentations requiring extended treatment fields said deveau when it comes to our beloved pets this high-tech therapy brings high hopes for their ability to live long healthy lives pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the importance of identification april 24 2014 while we do our very best to keep a close eye on fido he tends to let curiosity get the best of him when engaging in an unsupervised stroll around the neighborhood when this happens youll be thankful that you just invested in that slightly-overpriced-but-irresistibly-cute dog collar personalized identification tags and microchip id tags can help with identification in case they get lost or run away said dr stacy eckman a lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it lets people know that the dog is owned and is very helpful when trying to reunite the animal with the owner in addition to decorating your dogs with id tags microchips have become an increasingly popular way to keep track of your pets in the case they go missing unlike a tag or a collar it cannot come off and is placed under the skin with a small needle said eckman it is not painful to the pet and they will not notice it and neither will the owner in most instances many people have the misconception that microchips are a gps tracker and can locate a lost pet but really it just holds the pet and owner information once a pet is scanned the information can be looked up to try and reunite the owner and pet said eckman an important thing to keep in mind about microchips is that the information has to be updated if you moveit is not automatic they are very beneficial because most shelters and facilities scan for microchips when an animal comes in which makes it much easier to reunite an owner with their pet however it is important to keep in mind that microchips do not replace the need for dog id tags but merely supplement them some shelters do not have microchip scanners or the one they have may not read your pets particular microchip (though there are a handful of manufacturers on the market and the scanners are getting better at picking up all the different kinds) said eckman if a good samaritan finds your pet having visible tags will let them know it is owned this way they can quickly contact the owner without having to hassle with posting found pet signs around the neighborhood which some may find to be too much trouble even if fido and fluffy spend their time indoors having both id tags and microchips are recommended there are instances when they can run out the door slip through their leash or collar and get away said eckman identification will help them find their way home both of these painless precautions can save you and your pet a lot of heartache in the long run as important as our pets are to us having them go missing is a feeling we hope never to experience by investing in both a microchip and detailed identification tags your dog has a much greater chance of returning back from his sporadic squirrel-chase safe and sound pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print alternatives to debarking surgery april 10 2014 debarking surgery is quite the controversy in pet news today is it inhumane do the possible risks outweigh the perceived benefits these are viable questions to ask when considering debarking surgery to control your dogs chronic barking however with april being the prevention of cruelty to animals month it is also important to recognize the numerous available non-surgical alternatives to debarking surgery that are said to be safer and even more effective by veterinarians and trainers alike as decipherable from the name debarking surgery is the act of surgically disabling your dog from producing a loud barking sound although the procedure is called ‘debarking it does not result in the inability for the dog to produce any sound at all said dr kelley thieman a clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences instead the dog has a muffled quality to its bark and in time could even regain the ability to bark while the benefit of debarking surgery is the muffled-sounding bark there are still numerous complications that could arise and definitely should not be overlooked debarking surgery carries various risks said thieman during the debarking procedure itself risks could include bleeding swelling (preventing air flow) infection and anesthetic complications scarring of the larynx can also occur after the surgery and in some cases may be severe enough to restrict airflow this would require yet another surgical procedure to remove the scar tissue so the dog could breathe bringing with it more unnecessary risk though tiresome when heard for hours on end barking is an important way for our dogs to communicate with us excessive barking can often be fido alerting us that there is a stranger nearby or even that he is in pain surgically disabling him from barking though it might provide you with some relief may not be appropriate when barking can also be controlled with a similarly effective alternative the best way to prevent unwanted barking as advised by both veterinarians and professional dog trainers is proper training some other alternatives could include adequate exercise and environmental enrichment no-bark collars which discharge citronella spray or even a static shock in response to barking are also available said thieman however i think that obedience training combined with exercise and fun dog activities are great options for controlling excessive barking most veterinarians agree that debarking surgery should be used only as a last result when all other options have failed and even then some veterinary clinics refuse to perform the surgery when considering your options it is important to extensively consider the alternatives to debarking surgery to help decide if the risks of putting your dog through unnecessary surgery are really worth the benefit pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet first aid april 2 2014 many of us can remember being cared for by our parents when we were injured as children whether cutting our leg while climbing a tree or swallowing one too many pieces of candy our parents always came to the rescue with soothing words and a first aid kit in hand since our pets are beloved members of the family shouldnt we do the same for them here are some tips and tricks to help ease your pets pain in case of emergency just like for people there are some basic first aid supplies for your pet to always have readily available in your home a good idea is to have a pet first aid kit so that you can concentrate on what you can do for your pet constructively rather than looking all over the place for something that might ‘work but is less than ideal said dr james barr assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences however the most important thing is to have the phone number of your local veterinarian in case of emergency including what to do after hours some items to include in your first aid kit could be an assortment of bandages an instant cold pack gauze and roll pads medical gloves triple antibiotic ointment alcohol and antiseptic wipes a slip-style leash lubricating jelly tongue depressors and tweezers/forceps knowing how to perform basic cpr on your pet and stop external bleeding by applying a pressure wrap are also important skills you should acquire two common examples of emergencies in which basic first aid knowledge can be life saving for your pet include exposure to toxins and excessive external bleeding if your pet is exposed to a toxin get the name of the toxin and try to figure out how much they have ingested and then call your vet to give you further instructions said barr if your pet is experiencing severe blood loss resulting from external bleeding wrap the wound with a towel or bandage to help stop the bleeding and apply pressure to help slow the loss of blood just remember that if being injured is traumatizing for us imagine how it must be for our pets in the event of an emergency it is important to do everything you can to minimize their anxiety this will not only help prevent further injury for them but also to you and your family one must be very careful with injured pets because they are unable to communicate with us and us with them so they are often afraid said barr that fear is then translated into aggression and pets can injure even the best meaning bystander because they are in pain much like you would to a distraught person it is best to talk gently to them using comforting words while first aid is certainly not a substitute for proper veterinary care it may be extremely helpful in preventing further injury and easing your pets pain keeping these tips in mind can save you a lot of troubles in the long run and even ultimately help to save your pets life pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print guinea pigs march 27 2014 guinea pigs are friendly and playful animals and they can make for a wonderful addition to your family however there are always things to consider before welcoming any new pet into your home and guinea pigs are no different in honor of march being adopt-a-rescued-guinea pig- month here is some information on these fluffy friends to help you decide if they are the right pet for you as with any pet it is important that you have enough time to incorporate pet ownership into your everyday schedule the responsibility of caring for a guinea pig should not be taken any less seriously than that of a dog cat or any other pet guinea pigs need to be properly groomed and have their cages thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis and they require daily interaction outside of their cage all of these responsibilities are necessities and essential for a guinea pigs well-being guinea pigs are generally friendly and curious animals and can make great pets said dr caitlin burrell a zoological medicine intern at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it is important however that parents teach their children how to handle guinea pigs correctly how to clean their cage and change their food and how to tell if they are feeling ill if you are bringing a guinea pig into your home as a family pet make sure that your children are ready to take on the responsibility figuring pet ownership into a busy after school and weekend schedule can often be difficult for children to juggle adult supervision may also be required for younger children once you have decided you are ready to become a guinea pig parent your next task will be choosing a breed that best suits your family there are four types of guinea pigs commonly seen as pets: the shorthair or english the abyssinian the silky and the peruvian said burrell they can be found at pet stores but many shelters have small mammals such as guinea pigs that would love to be adopted! most animal shelters now accept small animals that are in need of loving homes and you could save a well deserving guinea pigs life while finding the perfect addition to your family guinea pigs can be housed in a variety of cages wire cages can be used but it is important to provide an area of solid flooring to prevent foot lesions said burrell cages can be filled with bedding materials like shredded paper or aspen shavings but cedar and pine shavings should be avoided bedding material also needs to be changed regularly so that toxic substances dont accumulate another factor to consider when creating housing for your new pet is the location of the cage make sure it is safe from any other pets in your home that may view them as prey and put somewhere that social interaction and out-of-cage play time may be supervised if you have small children they should also be kept in a temperature and humidity controlled area and should have places within the cage that they can hide said burrell as for food and diet guinea pigs are herbivores that require a proper balance of fresh pellets hay and fresh vegetables on a daily basis they need lots of high quality hay to promote dental health keep their gastrointestinal tract functioning normally and to maintain a healthy weight they can also be offered small amounts of guinea pig pellets and fresh veggies but the main part of their diet should be hay said burrell additionally guinea pigs need vitamin c in their diet because they cannot synthesize it themselves there are diets that have been supplemented with vitamin c but this can degrade rapidly as the food sits on the shelf burrell suggests that certain vegetables such as dark leafy greens peppers or parsley can be a good source of vitamin c as well rescuing a pet guinea pig from your local animal shelter could bring tremendous amounts of joy and life into your home with the proper care and adequate attention these small pets can earn a large spot in your heart pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print toxic household items march 20 2014 as caring pet owners we are typically well aware of the various dangers that threaten our furry friends safety keeping their vaccinations up to date making sure they are properly groomed and providing them with the most nutritious food to ensure good health are just a few things that we tend to with the utmost importance however numerous toxic items commonly found around our households are often overlooked and can be detrimental to our pets lives a large variety of household plants foods and chemicals that are considered safe for human use are toxic to our pets some of the most dangerous plants to keep out of your pets reach include any flowers in the lily family including sago palms oleander foxglove castor bean and poinsettias though these are bad for both cats and dogs the toxic dose often differs between species some of the most common foods that can be toxic to dogs are grapes and raisins or any food items containing the artificial sweetener xylitol which can be contained in chewing gum as well as many low-calorie foods as a sugar substitute said dr medora pashmakova a clinical associate professor in emergency and critical care at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences chocolate is also a well-known toxin to pets; however its particularly the dark chocolate and baking chocolate varieties that pose the real threats due to their higher cocoa and theobromine content although cats are more discerning when it comes to eating household items grooming themselves after coming into contact with any toxic chemicals can be very dangerous owners of cats should be vigilant about any chemical spills or even the use of countertop cleaning products which can be caustic when cats groom themselves after being in contact said pashmakova in addition even small volumes of ingested antifreeze or coolant fluid can be lethal to cats and requires seeing a veterinarian right away without waiting for clinical signs to appear a good rule of thumb is that if something is toxic to humans it is likely toxic to our pets as well at the same time medications considered safe in people (such as over the counter pain medications or cold/flu medications) are not safe for dogs and cats pashmakova said never give your dog or cat human medications without speaking to a veterinarian first dr pashmakova explains that keeping your pets safe is similar to keeping babies safe this sometimes includes pet-proofing your house and anticipating what cats dogs ferrets and other small animals can get into keeping cupboards secured bathrooms closed bathroom garbage stowed away medications locked up and any chemical spills cleaned up quickly and thoroughly are just some basics that all pet owners should keep in mind said pashmakova having a good plan of action in the event of ingestion is also key this can be something as simple as calling your veterinarian during daytime hours or calling an emergency hospital after-hours if your pet ingests any of these items it is best to play it safe and contact your veterinarian or the animal poison control center; they can help you determine if your pet needs to be seen by a doctor and if they consumed a toxic dose the texas a&m veterinary medical teaching hospital er is always available to advise on toxic ingestions and the animal poison control hotline affiliated with the university of illinois veterinary school is a 24/7 resource with board-certified toxicologists to advise owners or veterinarians on how to deal with toxicities there is no harm in being extra cautious when dealing with possible toxicities around the house be sure to keep these toxic household items out of your pets reach at all times and to call your veterinarian or poison control center immediately if they do come into contact with them it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the safety of your furry family member pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print diseases spread between you and your pet march 6 2014 as animal lovers we enjoy spending as much time around our pets as possible it is important to remember however that there are a number of infectious diseases transmittable between pets and their owners here are some zoonotic diseases relevant to our community how they are transmitted and what you should do to prevent them from spreading one of the more familiar zoonotic diseases rabies is a viral infection transmitted through an animal bite and attacks the brain this is by far one of the most serious infectious diseases that a person may get from a pet because it is usually fatal said dr renata ivanek-miojevic assistant professor in epidemiology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences luckily widespread vaccination against rabies in the western world has reduced occurrence of this infection in dogs and cats and has thus protected human health however the seriousness of the infection should be a reminder to keep our pets vaccinated and avoid contact with stray animals or animals of unknown vaccination status more than 55 000 people die of rabies every year mostly in asia and africa dogs are the source of the vast majority of human rabies deaths said ivanek-miojevic another fairly common disease salmonellosis is a bacterial infection of many animal species of particular concern is that pet reptiles and amphibians are often infected our dogs and cats can acquire salmonellosis as well through eating raw meat and contaminated commercial dry pet food people can get infected by touching animals and surfaces contaminated with the feces of infected animals said ivanek-miojevic an infected person may suffer from abdominal pain diarrhea vomiting and fever and it can be life threatening to very young people or older individuals the best way to prevent the transmission of salmonellosis is to thoroughly wash your hands after handling animals and to always keep your pets living quarters clean as per recommendation by cdc reptiles and amphibians should be kept out of households that include children aged <5 years or immunocompromised persons our feline companions can carry zoonotic diseases as well toxoplasmosis for example is a parasitic infection transmitted through cats feces cats can get infected by eating rodents birds or raw meat or by coming into contact with contaminated soil healthy people that acquire toxoplasmosis usually do not have symptoms but the parasite remains in their body in an inactive state and can be reactivated if the person becomes immunosuppressed said ivanek-miojevic worse a woman that acquired the infection during pregnancy may not experience symptoms but infection can transmit to her baby and result in a miscarriage a stillborn child blindness or mental disability of the child to prevent such transmission it is best to wear disposable gloves and thoroughly wash hands after changing cat litter cat scratch disease or bartonellosis is a bacterial infection that we can receive from cats cats may harbor infected fleas that carry the bartonella bacteria which can then be transmitted to people if bitten or scratched by the cat an infected person develops a mild infection at the point of a cat scratch or bite and lymph nodes around the head neck and upper limbs become swollen said ivanek-miojevic to prevent transmission of the infection people particularly immunocompromised individuals should avoid rough play with cats particularly strays and kittens in order to prevent scratches to play it safe you should always treat your cats for fleas and do your best to keep them away from strays both toxocariasis and campylobacter infections are spread through accidental contact with feces of infected animals toxocariasis a parasitic infection of dogs and cats may transmit to a person when the animal sheds toxocara eggs in their feces and a person accidentally swallows dirt that has been contaminated with it to prevent the infection people particularly children should wash their hands after playing in the dirt or in uncovered sandboxes said ivanek- miojevic feces of dogs and cats should be disposed of promptly and pets should be regularly dewormed particularly if they spend time outdoors and may become infected again the bacterial infection campylobacter is another zoonotic disease that can be spread through food and hands contaminated by infected animals feces aside from occasional diarrhea animals often do not show significant symptoms of the infection if a person becomes infected they may also develop diarrhea which can occasionally be accompanied by fever washing your hands after interacting or coming into contact with pets is a must to prevent the spread of this infection in summary our pets can have a wide variety of infectious diseases many of which could spread from pets to people ivanek- miojevic said in order to protect human health pets should be regularly vaccinated against rabies and treated against intestinal parasites and fleas the closer we share our lives with our pets the more important becomes their health to our own pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print basic grooming february 27 2014 dr mark stickney a clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine was recently mentioned in the article extreme groomers give dogs dazzle regarding creative and eccentric grooming for dogs everything from mohawks flower designs and temporary paint tattoos are created on the animal for bonding between a person and their pooch harmless yet extravagant this extreme grooming fad is becoming increasingly popular among dog owners while dr stickney admits in the article that this type of grooming is not for him he does agree that you should always be sure to keep up with your pets basic grooming just bathe them whenever they need a bath said stickney you dont want to give them a bath more than once a week unless told to do so by your veterinarian for some sort of skin condition any more frequently than that will only serve to dry out their skin if you have an unruly pooch that doesnt enjoy getting wet then some positive reinforcement should usually do the trick one way to encourage them is to use a positive reinforcement such as a treat whenever you put them in a situation where theyre going to get their face or paws wet said stickney also dont go overboard the first couple of times you bathe them easing them into the routine by only putting them in toe deep in the tub is a great way to start giving your cat a bath can provide a whole new meaning to the word unpleasant lucky for us feline lovers cats do a good enough job of grooming themselves without our intervention unless your cat is just filthy its best not to struggle with routinely cleaning them said stickney if they do need to be cleaned the easiest way to do so would be to buy a waterless shampoo that you can simply rub into their skin and then rub out as far as which shampoo to use any type that is formulated especially for animals should work just fine assuming that your pet has healthy skin youll want to use a shampoo specifically formulated for dogs or cats said stickney human shampoos and conditioners have ph levels that can harm your pets skin and cause irritation if however your pet has a certain skin condition or irregularity then consulting your veterinarian about which shampoo to use would be your safest bet one thing that you see commonly with animals that have a lot of loose skin and skin folds is that they will get yeast or bacterial infections in those folds said stickney in that case youll want to consult with your veterinarian as they will probably recommend bathing them more frequently and with some type of medicated shampoo while it may not be necessary to sculpt your dogs fur into exotic jungle scenes as mentioned in the extreme groomers article basic grooming and upkeep is vital to your pets health and happiness pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the importance of spaying/neutering your pet february 21 2014 todays widespread animal overpopulation is a direct effect of the failure of many pet owners to spay or neuter their pets with myths such as behavioral changes and health complications resulting from the procedure circulating it can be difficult to tell if spaying/neutering is the right choice for fido or fluffy in order to save millions of homeless animals lives as well as keep your animal in the best health possible these myths should be put to rest once and for all it is a popular misconception that spaying or neutering your pet can negatively affect their health or even alter their personality in addition to helping to reduce pet overpopulation spaying or neutering your pet reduces and can even eliminate the risk of hormone-associated cancer and diseases said dr bethany schilling clinical instructor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it may also reduce or eliminate unwanted behavioral problems associated with sex hormones if high costs are major a deterrent of spaying or neutering your pet then youre in luck there are numerous low-cost spaying/neutering services found in various regions of the united states and some areas have spay/neuter assistance programs that help subsidize the cost of the procedure at local clinics said schilling it is important to remember that there is also cost associated with providing for a litter of puppies or kittens and more often than not they are turned over to an animal shelter when the owner realizes this many loving pet owners are wary of spaying/neutering their pets as they do not want to cause them pain or harm most of the risk in spaying or neutering your pet is associated with the anesthesia for the procedure said schilling this is why a good physical exam and blood work are performed to help detect underlying issues prior to the procedure you can have your pet safely spayed or neutered at as early as 4 to 6 months of age prior to the onset of sexual maturity is most beneficial said schilling this is both healthy for your pet and effectively helps to reduce pet overpopulation it also beneficial in that it can eliminate various uncomfortable behaviors for fido or fluffy such as nervous pacing while in heat and even male aggression as adorable as a litter of puppies or kittens are there are just as many wonderful pets at a nearby animal shelter that are in need of forever loving homes whether the previous owners lacked the time or the funds to care for them most animals brought into shelters are loving and sweet and no less deserving of a home than any other animal if it is a purebred pet you desire according to the american humane society one out of every four animals brought into an animal shelter are purebred by adopting a loving dog or cat from an animal shelter you can find the pet of your dreams as well as save a deserving animals life spaying or neutering your pets will not only provide long-term benefits for their health and happiness but will also help to save the lives of homeless animals and ultimately reduce the widespread epidemic of animal overpopulation in our world today pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet dental health month february 5 2014 your pets dental health is much more complex than just maintaining a dazzling pearly white smile though easy to overlook our pets oral hygiene should be taken very seriously with february being pet dental health month there is no better time to begin awareness and maintenance of your pets oral hygiene oral hygiene has a direct effect on the overall health of your pet said dr bert dodd clinical professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences dental disease affects a significant number of pets during their lifetime and just like with people there can be serious consequences accompanied with poor dental health the belief that our pets are supposed to have foul breath is a common misconception although their breath certainly wont smell like roses extremely foul odor can be the first sign of a severe dental problem often exceptionally bad breath is the first indicator of oral disease said dodd some other indicators of oral disease may include excessive drooling inflamed gums and loose teeth periodontal disease or gum disease is a disease of neglect said dodd if preventative dental health is not practiced and periodontal therapy ignored other health complications may follow the infected areas of the mouth contain bacteria that can then spread through the bloodstream to other parts of the body such as the heart kidneys or liver preventing such detrimental side effects is possible with regular upkeep and awareness dental care for your pet should begin early on so it is vital that your veterinarian teach you how to properly care for their teeth and gums right away veterinarians can provide demonstrations of the most effective and hassle-free way to brush their teeth as well as which diets and toys are the safest and most effective another important step in caring for your pets dental health is to provide them with complete teeth cleaning under anesthesia with your pets veterinarian oral examinations and cleaning should be performed on your pet at least once a year said dodd they should be performed more frequently if home care cant be done or if there are other oral problems in addition to annual oral examinations daily home dental care is vital home care includes everything from brushing using proper dental chews water additives and dental diets said dodd a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically made for pets as well as wipes and pads are just a few items to invest in like regular grooming and exercise dental care should become a routine for both you and your pet to strictly follow regular tooth brushing accompanied by annual oral examinations and at home checkups will lead to one happy pet with a dazzling and healthy smile pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print equine lameness january 30 2014 with the chinese new year approaching on january the 31st it is time we recognize the new years chinese zodiac: the horse symbolizing character traits such as intelligence energy and strength while the chinese zodiac horse may be strong and full of energy what happens when yours adopts uncharacteristic behaviors of limited mobility and weakness though equine lameness is a problem seen in many horses during their lifetime there are ways of preventing and treating it to help your horse be as healthy as the chinese zodiac horse this year equine lameness or limping has various different causes some of the common causes are due to a traumatic event a performance induced injurysuch as a strained tendon or ligament or pulled muscleor a wear and tear type injuries causing arthritis or bone spurs in joints termed osteoarthritis said dr robin dabareiner associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences there are also some causes of lameness that young horses are born with termed ‘developmental bone disease where the cartilage and bones do not form correctly once recognized it is important to have a lameness evaluated immediately by a veterinarian noticing that your horse is limping or moving irregularly is an obvious way to detect lameness a horse used for barrel racing for instance will all of a sudden quit wanting to run the barrel correctly the next step would be for the owner to seek help from a veterinarian who will then observe his movement and perform nerve blocks to determine which area of the leg is hurting after localizing the source of pain diagnostic imaging is the next step said dabareiner using radiographs (x-rays) ultrasound or mri we can look at images of the area to see what is causing the pain treatments for equine lameness can include anything from rest and anti-inflammatory medications to joint injections with cortisone to surgery the treatment depends on what the problem is and there are usually numerous different treatments for every problem said dabareiner choice of treatment varies with many factors such as what the horses job is owner expectation severity of the problem age of the horse and cost of treatment in order to prevent lameness you should always be sure that the horse is in the right physical condition to perform the job he is doing some strategies for preventing such injuries could include letting horses get to know each other before turning them into a pasture together or using protective leg gear when riding or competing and avoiding deep or muddy grounds hopefully the chinese new year will bring your horse immense amounts of strength and energy if seabiscuit isnt behaving quite like himself however these tips for preventing and treating equine lameness should get him feeling race-ready in no time at all pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print polly want a home january 22 2014 when people think of animal shelters being inhabited by homeless animals dogs and cats are the typically the pets that come to mind unfortunately there are just as many unwanted birds in need of a loving home overrun with the more common pets like cats and dogs animal shelters often cannot appropriately cater to these abandoned birds needs this is where bird rescue foundations swoop in to save the day organizations have taken on this challenge of rescuing unwanted birds and providing forever homes or placing them in pet homes said dr jordan gentry a veterinary resident instructor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences depending on the organization there may be strict requirements to meet before even being considered as a bird adoption home if youre contemplating bird adoption requirements typically include extensive applications adoption fees and possible veterinary costs additionally some organizations only allow adoptions to people within a certain local area said gentry adopting a bird easily costs more requires more work and will limit you to only birds that have been given up for adoption; however sometimes the right bird becomes available and occasionally people meet the requirements of adoption just keep in mind that many relinquished birds could have severe behavioral problems such as biting and aggression that led to them going into the rescue center in the first place make sure you have the right environment for the bird as well as the time and patience to care for their specific needs if youre willing to accept the challenges and have met the specific requirements there are several preparations to make prior to pollys arrival if you have done your research you can have the cage set up in advance and take some steps to make your new birds transition easier said gentry most of the adoption organizations will have plenty of recommendations or requirements before you will be allowed to take the bird home and like with your other pets you should take your new bird in to be seen by a veterinarian within the first seven to ten days in their new environment there are various organizations in the united states to find rescued birds in need of a caring home located near college station there is the national parrot rescue & preservation foundation adopting birds in houston and the surrounding areas the gabriel foundation in denver colorado is another well-known parrot adoption venue in addition to these options pet birds are occasionally available from other venues such as classifieds internet forums or even through a&m zoological medicine service said gentry remember that it is always important to research any bird species you are considering bringing into your home while bird experts and enthusiasts may be the perfect fit for taking home a new winged companion remember that bird ownership is not for everyone adopting a pet bird from a rescue foundation means adopting all of the difficulties previous owners have created in the past so be sure that youre willing and able to provide for them if you do have the time and patience to care for these beautiful creatures though then providing them with a forever loving home and maybe a few crackers can make both you and polly very happy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print dog walking your way into the new year january 16 2014 just as many of us try and start the new year off with a healthy new workout routine the same should be true of our pets whether theyre old or young large or small all pets should be properly exercised on a routine basis to ensure their health and happiness since we all have busy schedules a simple way to provide this for our dogs is taking them on a daily walk walking your dog helps keep them physically fit can improve their behavior and improve the bond they have with you said dr stacy eckman lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences frequent walking has been proven to help potty train your pet as well the number of times a week that you should walk spot as well as how long the walk should be is very dependent on your dogs age and size as young puppies they may not be able to go as far but as they get older they will be able to go further if they are small one and a half to one mile may be plenty; however larger more active dogs could go for several miles said eckman the duration and frequency of the walk also depends on the purpose if it is done strictly for exercise once daily may be enough but if they are going for elimination they may require shorter walks four or more times daily it is also important that you only begin walking your dog once they are finished with all of their immunizations ideally they should be finished with all of their vaccines and be on heartworm and parasite prevention which is typically around 14-16 weeks of age to decrease their exposure to contagious diseases and parasites eckman said finding the time in your busy schedule to walk spot can be difficult but daily walks are important for both you and your dogs health some pets benefit from both morning and evening walksthis may cut down on behavior problems while you are away at work said eckman during the summer when temperatures soar it is best to go either in the early morning or late in the evening so they do not overheat often the struggle of getting your dog to cooperate can overpower your desire to walk them to prevent your dog from walking you or fighting the leash as opposed to creating slack basic training is a must teaching basic commands such as sit stay and heal helps keep you in control and also adds safety while on your walk said eckman there are also leashes that help keep pets from pulling like gentle leader or promise collar which take a bit of training to use but are most helpful when basic commands and routines are not working often once dogs get into a routine they settle into the walk and stop walking you so as you contemplate your new years resolutions be sure to add one that will benefit your best friend as well spot will be healthier happier and better behaved and you may be as well just as we sometimes need a buddy to hold us accountable it will be hard to turn spot down when he greets you at the door with a leash in his mouth; just say yes pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print home for the holidays december 19 2013 traveling over the holiday season is a tradition that many families uphold whether youre going to visit out-of-town family members or embarking on your annual colorado ski trip escaping from the hustle and bustle of everyday life can be quite the holiday treat for your furry family members however this is not the case being left alone at home while the people you love are away can be an unsettling experience so here are some tips for keeping your pets comfortable and happy while youre gone there are many viable options to consider if your pet is not accompanying you on vacation hiring a pet sitter boarding your pet at your veterinary clinic or doggy care facility or even asking your animal-loving neighbors if spot could stay with them for the week are all good possibilities it is your animals personality and preferences that determine which of these options will work best some pets do better at home like cats or dogs who are easily stressed but some pets can be destructive when left alone for too long said dr stacy eckman lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences both pet sitters and boarding facilities offer many benefits depending on the pet for the pet that would be more comfortable in his or her own home pet sitters can be a wonderful choice pet sitters can come often and check on not only your pets but also your home said eckman by staying at home your pets are in familiar surroundings with plenty of space to move around however if your animal is not tolerant of new people coming into your home it may be difficult for the pet sitter to come and care for your pet for instances such as this a boarding facility would be the better option however there are always risks to consider when sending your pet off to be boarded in most boarding facilities your pet is in a kennel and although some facilities offer ‘suites for your pets these are still much more confined areas than many pets are used to said eckman and while many facilities require immunization against many of the more common disorders your pet can still be exposed and susceptible even if they are properly immunized once youve weighed the risks and benefits to decide which option would work best for your pet it is time to evaluate which sitter or boarding facility is the perfect match when choosing a sitter ask for references from fellow pet-owning friends and follow up with the owners on how their pets were when they returned from their trip researching a boarding facility before your trip is a good idea as well visit the boarding facilities ahead of time and ask yourself ‘what do they smell like how is the noise level said eckman prior to leaving your house with the sitter there are some preparations you should make to ensure a comfortable and safe experience for both the sitter and pet unplug all unnecessary electronics especially those your pet can pull the cords on and close off any rooms the pets should not be in while youre away said eckman having the pet sitter come and spend a little time with your pet before the trip can also be helpful if youre leaving your pets at a boarding facility there are ways you can ensure their comfort during their time away from you some boarding facilities offer day visits to allow your pet to visit once or twice before a trip which can help them acclimate to the environment before a longer trip said eckman taking a special toy or blanket with your pet may make them a little more comfortable outside the home whether you choose to put your pet up in a boarding facility or have a pet sitter come to your home just remember that for your pets being left alone while their family is away can be a stressful situation make sure to give them plenty of love and affection before your departure and upon your arrival remember that while you may enjoy a vacation away from home for your pets there is no place like home with their family for the holidays pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu editors note: in observance of the holidays pet talk will be on hiatus until jan 9 2014 wishing everyone all the joy of the season! print nutrition for the holidaysa time to stuff your stockings not your pet december 13 2013 the holiday season is one filled with gleeful celebrations among friends and family often these celebrations entail large holiday meals festive desserts and snacks and enough leftovers for a months worth of sandwiches while we try to be cautious of our own health and nutrition throughout the holiday season it is just as important that we care for our pets nutrition as wellno matter how convincing fidos begging face is for the chocolate cake in the center of the table while youre out grocery shopping for the perfect holiday meal is a good time to reevaluate the foods that youre feeding to your pet foods should be individualized for the pet not chosen based on what one pet needs and then given to all of the other animals says dr debra zoran associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the key is to feed a diet that is complete and balanced for cats and dogs both wet and dry foods are perfectly acceptable as long as you know what to look for the decision of which to feed your pet should be based on which they prefer wet food has a high water content (about 80% water) and can also be high in protein and low in carbohydrates all of which is good for cats said zoran dry foods can be quite acceptable as long as they are high in protein (at least 40%) low in carbohydrates (less than 15%) and fed in meals not by free choice on the part of the pet dry food for dogs is typically preferred due to its lower costs especially when supplying food for larger dogs as for all natural or diet dog and cat foods it is again most important that the food is balanced and has all of the necessary vitamins and minerals all natural pet foods are like commercial wet or dry (processed) foods in that you cant always be sure whether they are a high quality highly digestible product that is complete and balanced and if they will be a good choice for your pet the same considerations exist for diet foods said zoran in general diet foods are fine if they are high quality and fed in the proper amount however there is nothing magical about weight loss diets; if you feed them too much they will still gain weight or at least fail to lose weight consulting with a veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist is important if you are unsure about the quality of the food you are selecting while we have all fallen victim to those big puppy dog eyes or soft sweet meows from underneath the dinner table it is vital that we are aware that some foods that can be incredibly detrimental to their health chocolate grapes raisins and onions are examples of common foods people eat that can have disastrous consequences for pets such as seizures kidney failure anemia zoran said in general it is best not to feed dogs or cats anything spicy fatty or not in their typical diet says zoran however small pieces of cooked meat or a vegetable can be okay for example feeding a small piece (it should not be more than 10% of their total diet) of cooked chicken thigh with no bones or skin is completely fine and a reasonable treat when the first of the year rolls around fitness centers become filled with people beginning their new years resolutions to get in better shape but what about when our pets need to shed a little excess holiday weight to keep healthy just like with us weight gain is a combination of genetics metabolism what we are eating how much we are eating and how much we are exercising says zoran any of these can have a major effect on body weight so it is important to feed your dog or cat good food the right amount of it and keep them active the ideal situation is not to let your pet get overweight – you can help prevent this by weighing them often and then adjusting how much food they are eating up or down accordingly and asking your veterinarian for help if you have questions or concerns this holiday season just remember that most of the holiday treats we enjoy are not good for our pets so to be sure that fluffy and fido enjoy the holiday celebrations as much as we do it is best not to share our holiday food instead stuff their stockings with pet toys that will keep them active thin and healthy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print a bed for fluffy and fido december 2 2013 just as we desire to curl up in bed after a long day at work our pets enjoy a comfortable place to rest from an afternoon of guarding the house or chasing squirrels in the backyard with so many types of elaborate bedding to choose from selecting the right one for fluffy and fido can be a bit daunting here are some tips to make the bedding hunt a little easier the best bedding for your dog or cat is one tailored to their specific needs and preferences first observe how they prefer to sleep does fido like to sprawl out on the floor cuddle on the couch or rest on a big pillow this can give you a good idea of what exactly they would enjoy in their own bedding next factor in their age size and any specific health requirements they might have puppies and kittens cannot regulate their body temperature so for them additional heat support to roughly a temperature of 90 degrees fahrenheit is necessary for the first couple weeks of life said dr medora pashmakova a clinical assistant professor in emergency and critical care at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences if newborns are wet or placed next to cold objects (such as metal cages or concrete floors) in drafts or in outdoor enclosures they can lose considerable amounts of heat because of this all puppies and kittens should be kept indoors where the temperature can be controlled and they have access to additional heat if needed if your pet has an allergy to a particular material by all means try to avoid it beddings these days are made of many different materials: cotton polyester woolso find whats right for your pet and what allows for easy cleaning said dr pashmakova dogs and cats can have sensitive skin and airways so using perfume and dye-free detergents can keep irritation to a minimum it is also recommended that if your pet has had or currently has a flea infestation paying special attention to bedding and its appropriate care such as bleaching or just replacing altogether is important to prevent future infestations when selecting the perfect bed you should also consider any medical conditions such as arthritis that your pet has many manufacturers now make heated beds which is particularly useful for older dogs and cats that have orthopedic diseases pashmakova said keeping their joints warm and on soft padding will make them a lot more comfortable in the winter months alternatively a simple plush bed with soft sides is usually more than adequate for the remainder of the year to help prevent your dog or cat from the catching diseases washing fluffys bed on a regular basis is recommended to keep the bed and surrounding environment clean and germ free the most important aspect of bedding is your ability to keep it clean and dry which will help to keep your pet free of disease and more comfortable said dr pashmakova with the weather becoming colder and the nights becoming longer out wandering the streets is no place for a cat or dog if you decide to take in a stray animal for a night there are ways to make them as comfortable as possible without exerting too much effort you dont need to go out and find anything special sometimes a cardboard box lined with towels can be perfectly comfortable said dr pashmakova both can be thrown away once the pet is no longer in your possession to prevent the transmission of disease or parasites that may have been on the homeless pet pashmakova explains that the space for the animal doesnt need to be very large just enough to provide them with enough room to sit lie down and turn around comfortably if fido is an outdoor-only dog his bed requirements might be a bit more particular outdoor bedding should include a shelter and non-porous bed that can be easily cleaned said dr pashmakova warm and dry bedding should be provided in the winter and cool shade and plenty of water in the summer however your pet really should not be left outside without shelter in extreme weather conditions if in doubt always bring your pet inside a good rule of thumb is ‘if its uncomfortable for you its probably even more uncomfortable for your dog or cat said dr pashmakova taking these tips into consideration will undoubtedly help you find the perfect snoozing spot for fido and fluffy whether its a plush heated bed or simply a cardboard box lined with old blankets just remember that they dont require elaborate expensive furnishings to be happy; all they really need is you pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print finding nemo (the perfect home) november 21 2013 though they may not be fun to play fetch with in the front yard and cant curl up with you on the couch after a long day a fish can still make a wonderful andunique pet fairly easy to care for and pleasing to the eye there are various species that will make a perfect addition to your home whether you choose your finned companion based on size color or unique attributes the next step in proper fish ownership is familiarizing yourself with nemos specific care requirements before bringing your new aquarium fish home there are some important things to consider primarily you need to keep in mind the size the fish will grow to be their tolerance of other fish and their specific water requirements in order to find the perfect aquarium there are two basic types of small aquariums: freshwater (tropical and temperate) and marine (saltwater) which should both be no smaller than 36 liters said caitlin burrell a zoological medicine intern at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences larger fish or fish with high oxygen requirements are better suited for large aquariums or ponds some common freshwater species suited for smaller aquariums are tetras guppies discus danios and various types of goldfish common saltwater species could include clownfish damselfish gobies and blennies burrell also recommends that before putting different species together in one aquarium you should research their individual needs to ensure they are compatible and wont show aggression marine fish in general are not often kept in large groups in home aquariums and it is important to make sure that fish housed together in one aquarium spend their time at different levels (for example bottom-dwellers and midwater fish) to avoid overcrowding said burrell additionally there are more aggressive fish that typically do not pair well with other fish after youve purchased the perfect aquarium for your fish you must learn how to keep them happy and healthy while living in their new home one of the most important aspects of a home aquarium is the water quality said burrell things like ph temperature dissolved gases (oxygen carbon dioxide and nitrogen) salinity and nitrogenous compounds need to be monitored closely and partial water changes should be performed on a regular basis just make sure that your fish doesnt execute his escape plan during your routine aquarium cleaning! as with any other pet feeding requirements vary greatly between species of fish marine fish can be carnivores omnivores or herbivores so it is important to research the type of fish to know what type of food to feed them said burrell for freshwater fish many commercial foods are available and can be found for any type of fish it is best to supply small amounts frequently to avoid excess food sitting in the tank and decomposing from aquarium specifications to feeding requirements the responsibly of caring for your fish should not be taken lightly however after thoroughly researching how to properly care for your new finned friend nemo will undoubtedly be happy to call his new aquarium home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print feline calicivirusnot your common cold november 14 2013 feline calicivirus or fcv is a viral infection causing severe upper respiratory problems in cats entering through the cats eyes nose or mouth this virus possesses symptoms similar to that of a common cold as loving cat owners it is important to be well informed of the causes symptoms and prevention of this fast-spreading infection to help keep our feline friends happy and healthy frequently seen in animal shelters or within multi-cat homes the fcv infection is typically spread amongst cats that are being housed together in large numbers or kittens with weak immune systems once the cat is infected with fcv they may carry the virus in their bodies for life approximately 10% of household cats exhibit this ‘carrier state and have the chance of becoming sick again during times of stress or other illness although many will not said dr kathy scott lecturer at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences they may continue to shed the virus however putting other cats they are near at risk of developing the infection depending on the strain of the virus infected cats can show a great variety of symptoms typical symptoms seen with fcv are similar to an upper respiratory infection involving sneezing nasal congestion and conjunctivitis with more severe cases exhibiting lethargy and poor appetite as well some cats will develop severe gingivitis and oral pain that may be significant enough to cause the cat to not eat while others may demonstrate lameness and fever scott said rarely a severe variant of calicivirus (called fcv-associated virulent systemic disease or fcv-vsd) can develop and cause critical illness multiple organ damage and even death luckily this form is very rare and outbreaks can be controlled through strict isolation and quarantine accurate diagnosis will help your veterinarian provide the best treatment possible and is also important if the infected cat lives in a multi-cat household to diagnose fcv the vet will evaluate the cats clinical symptoms and medical history in addition to laboratory testing a swab can be taken of the cats mouth or conjunctiva (a thin membrane of the eye) and tested for presence of the virus in those tissues scott said unfortunately the treatment of fcv is challenging there are currently no medications to completely eliminate the virus or eliminate the infection at a faster pace so the best thing you can do for your furry friend is to provide them with the support and care they need to help them feel comfortable due to their stuffy noses and possible ulcers in their mouths cats with fcv have a tendency to lose their appetite so it is wise to provide them with soft strong-smelling foods or pain medications that will make eating more comfortable we also recommend keeping their noses clean and sometimes using medications or vaporizers to help loosen the mucus in their noses making it easier to breathe scott said in more severe cases antibiotics may be needed to stop the growth of bacteria that have overgrown as a result of the fcv infection and if cats havent eaten in more than three days they will probably require a short period of hospitalization to receive fluids and some form of nutrition the most important measure you can take to reduce the likelihood of your cat contracting fcv is to ensure that their vaccinations are up to date at all times although there is no vaccination that provides 100% protection there is a vaccination available for fcv and it is part of the ‘core vaccinations recommended by veterinarians to all cats scott said this vaccine is likely to decrease risk of the development of upper respiratory infection but unfortunately cant protect against all strands of fcv so cats still may become infected though vaccinated cats still have a chance of becoming carriers if infected they do have a lower chance of spreading the infection to other cats than those that are unvaccinated if coming down with an upper respiratory infection is miserable for us imagine what it is like for our cats taking precautionary measurements to prevent them from coming down with fcv as well as keeping an eye out for specific symptoms can make a world of difference for both you and your feline friend pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pets that dont need a halloween costume october 31 2013 puli as you maneuver through the aisles of elaborate costumes at your nearest halloween store you are bound to come across various costumes for your furry friend a pumpkin for your pug a hat for your black cat or a hot dog for your dachshundthere are numerous halloween costumes that include your pets in the spooky fun some pets however dont need a strange-looking costume to get into the halloween spirit; they were simply born with one jordan gentry a veterinary resident instructor in zoology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences said that he has worked with multiple strange-looking pets during his year of residency we see many unique and exotic pets on the a&m zoological medicine service; even some relatively common animals have some bizarre physical features said gentry one animal we have treated at a&m is a pet tamandua a type of anteater from south america with a long tube-like mouth long sticky tongue prehensile tail and big hooked claws gentry explained that the tamanduas claws are so massive that they must walk on the side of their foot to avoid puncturing their footpads and they have a very unique odor similar to (but not as strong as) that of a skunk another type of strange-looking animal that gentry has worked with the brown pelican is a breed of protected birds in texas with some very unique features of their own they have short legs with huge webbed feet a squat round body and a long face said gentry the skin under the neck is thin and stretches to hold several gallons of water when the birds grab fish to eat gentry has come across many of these exotic birds at the wildlife center of texas and greatly enjoys working with them some of the more common but still unique animals that have become increasingly popular to own as pets are hermit crabs potbellied pigs and petauristini or flying squirrels all of these animals are easily adaptable to different home environments and with the right treatment and care can make a great addition to your family an animal that has been the star in many scary movies and animal planet documentaries the piranha has also intrigued many exotic pet owners though only recommended to experts due to their aggressive attitude and razor sharp teeth these carnivorous fish can certainly make for an interesting pet keep in mind though that piranhas are legal in only very few areas and texas is not one of them tamandua if you would rather stick to owning a dog but are in search of a breed with some unique features a puli could be just the pet youre looking for this breed of dreadlock-like coated dogs is full of life and can be a wonderful addition to your family as long as you dont mind the extra coat attention similar to the puli is the komondor another loving dog with a mop-like coat both of these uniquely coated canines are family friendly and can bring immense joy and laughter to your household the kitchen mop halloween costume would never go out of style for this pooch! whether youre an exotic animal fanatic or simply more comfortable owning a tabby cat these strange-looking pets are always fun to admire from at home or afar; especially on halloween as for pet halloween costumes i might dress up my dog said gentry but my exotic pets dont need a costume! pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print howl-oween safety october 24 2013 cobweb covered doorways porches lined with glowing pumpkins and miniature visitors draped in white sheets can only mean one thing: halloween is right around the corner with the holiday rapidly approaching it is time to start planning your favorite traditions in addition to the pumpkin carving and costume parties keeping your pets safe during halloween is an importation tradition to uphold whether they are your childs faithful trick-or-treating companion or the toto to your dorothy costume from the wizard of oz pets can be an integral part of your halloween celebrations it is more than okay to dress your pet up in a halloween costume as long as the costume fits them appropriately and isnt too tight says dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences a good rule of thumb is to make sure that you can easily slip two fingers underneath whatever bands are in the costume and to not leave the costume on them when they are unsupervised just keep in mind that while a costume may be cute and funny to you your pet may disagree when your pet is accompanying you on your trick-or-treating route or helping to welcome your sweet-toothed visitors make sure they are constantly under close supervision and on a leash there is definitely some mischief that goes on during halloween and it is highly recommended that you keep your pets inside the house said stickney if they are indoor/outdoor animals this is the night to keep them indoors stickney also recommends that outdoor-only pets be kept in a safe and secure location such as a fenced-in backyard with the lights on so you can routinely monitor their whereabouts people with black cats should be extra certain to keep them safe and indoors as they are unfortunately the target for many pranks on halloween night you should also make sure that your pet has proper identification such as a microchip or a collar with detailed contact information to keep them safe on halloween it isnt unusual for pets to slip through the frequently opened front door and if spooked by noisy groups of small goblins run too far to find their way back if scruffy is helping you greet trick-or-treaters at the door make sure he is comfortable with the intrusion of strangers some animals can become overwhelmed with all of the chaos and growl or even snap at the overzealous guests there is nothing like an emergency trip to the veterinary hospital to spoil your halloween fun so be certain to keep the candy bowl as far away from your pet as possible candy especially dark chocolate is extremely toxic to dogs said stickney if they do get a hold of it call your veterinarian immediately and tell them what exactly they ate and how much of it they consumed there are plenty of safe pet-approved treats to give them other than the leftover kit-kat bars they keep eyeing there are a few tips for decorating your haunted house as well one thing to potentially watch out for are any decorations with streamers or artificial spider webs said stickney if cats try to catch and eat these they could contract a linear foreign body which would require emergency surgery to remove keeping open flames like a candle inside a carved pumpkin out of reach is recommended as well curious puppies or kittens can easily knock them over getting burned or inadvertently setting your house on fire opt for a battery-operated candle instead parents take extra precautions so that their childrens halloween experience is safe and enjoyable but it is important to extend the same care to your beloved pets as long as you follow these general safety guidelines scruffy and fluffy are sure to be in for a howlin good halloween pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet vaccinations october 18 2013 vaccinations are a critical component to the preventive care of your companion animal your health as well as your pets depends on it while this may seem like common knowledge to some the topic of pet vaccination can be quite controversial making it a hot topic in veterinary medicine today most veterinary professionals agree that vaccinating your pets is the best way to protect them from various life threatening illnesses controversy about vaccinating your pet is usually centered around misinformation or the false concept in humans that suggest vaccinations cause autism said dr bethany schilling clinical instructor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences choosing vaccinations specific to your animals health and lifestyle should be an informed decision made between you and your veterinarian many pet owners believe that the possible dangers of pet vaccinations outweigh the positive aspects one risk that worries pet owners is the chance that their pet will have a negative reaction from the vaccination while this is a viable concern schilling and many other veterinarians agree that this occurrence is rare vaccine reactions are usually non-life threatening are easily treated and can typically be prevented in the future said schilling reactions in dogs are typically swelling of the face or hives and reactions in cats are typically vomiting or diarrhea vaccines do not guarantee that your pet will not become sick just like a human getting the flu vaccine can still catch the flu but it will likely minimize the seriousness of illness in your pet vaccines help build up your pets immune system so that their chances of becoming ill when exposed to disease are much lower they can prevent many upper respiratory diseases in cats such as herpes calicivirus and panleukemia as well as feline leukemia and rabies there are vaccines to prevent various diseases such as parvovirus leptospirosis lyme disease bordetella and rabies in dogs as well bordetella is found to be one of the causes of kennel cough a highly contagious respiratory disease in dogs the two classifications of pet vaccines are core and non-core vaccines core vaccines are things the entire pet population should be vaccinated against due to universal risk said schilling non-core vaccines are recommended based on region of the country in which the patient lives and individual patient risk factors like lifestyle and travel core vaccines would include vaccines against common diseases like rabies whereas vaccines against lyme disease or kennel cough are among the non-core vaccines non-core vaccines are not usually considered necessary but are available to pets that are at risk for illness due to geographic locations or specific lifestyle needs another debate among many pet owners is whether performing at home vaccinations on your pet is easier and more efficient than taking them to a veterinary clinic when making this decision it is important to keep in mind that vaccines are extremely sensitive to handling various factors such as extreme temperatures can inactivate them and vaccines purchased at a feed store are not guaranteed to be effective vaccines administered at a vet clinic are handled appropriately and care can be made to make sure the pet is vaccinated at appropriate intervals to ensure protection said schilling the pet is examined prior to receiving vaccines each visit to make sure they are healthy companion animals today have the opportunity to live longer healthier lives than ever before this is partly due to the availability of vaccines to prevent them from many infectious diseases there are always risks accompanying any medical procedure but the chances of your pet having an adverse effect to vaccine are minimal just think if we had stopped administering the smallpox vaccine after someone got sick from it where would we be today pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print a friendship that requires no sound october 11 2013 mans best friend is a term with no discrimination whether your dog is large or petite obedient or a little rebellious you love them just the same the unparalleled companionship between a human and their deaf dog is no exception it is a popular yet wildly misguided rumor that deaf dogs are unable to be a loving member of your family impossible to train aggressive and unruly and incapable of living a normal life are all stereotypes falsely attributed to deaf dogs adopting any dog means that you are committing your family to providing a loving forever home said dr david nelson clinical associate professor and director of emergency services at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the handicap is not the determinant of suitability but rather the training and assimilation that you are going to undertake the biggest difference between a hearing dog and a deaf one is that you cant use your voice to get the dogs attention training a deaf dog is not necessarily harder than a hearing dog; it just requires a different approach one key point in their training is that if they are not looking at you they cant receive feedback and they dont know you have information to provide said nelson they have to learn sign language and body posture which needs to be consistently delivered and just like any other dog you must not let them get away with bad behavior another training technique helpful for communicating with your deaf pooch is to train them to respond to a vibrating collar a push of the radio transmitter causes a vibration in the collar and you can then condition your dog that this is a fantastic opportunity for a reward after multiple positive rewards their attention should turn towards you immediately after signaling so you can then provide further instruction keep in mind that the vibration from the collar should never have a negative connotation or your dog will be afraid to respond in the future having them come to you without hesitation is extremely important so always be sure to provide positive feedback we hike in the national forests with him off leash and he actually is easier to manage than the other dog who can hear just fine said nelson about his own deaf dog we always have the safety net of the vibrating collar but rarely use it and he has learned to check back visually and will come to a hand sign without delay another common misconception of deaf dogs is that they are aggressive this makes many people question whether it is safe to have a deaf dog in their home around children it is not deafness which determines suitability of a dog to be with children but the personality of the dog the child and the home environment said nelson deafness does not mean that the dog is bad for this or that; the dogs personality and the owners training determine those results deaf dogs can be startled when touched unexpectedly so establishing a communication spot that you touch when you need to wake them up is a good idea we have trained him that the top back of his head is the communication spot and when we touch it and he is sleeping he immediately begins wagging his tail because he knows it is one of us said nelson certain breeds of dogs such as dalmatians carry a gene that causes deafness if the deafness isnt genetic it is still common for a dog to lose hearing from an ear injury or simply from old age just like people if you believe spot may be deaf there are various tests you can perform simple at home tests work just fine like clapping your hands together or ringing a bell but the most reliable way to test for deafness is called baer testing (brainstorm auditory evoked response) this test can be costly but it is extremely accurate and will let you know if your dog is partially or wholly deaf if you came and interacted with our two dogs you would not be aware that one is deaf as we talk to him just like the other dog and the hand signs are subtle said nelson he has been totally deaf since birth and is a wonderful boy that loves people animals and children despite the few adaptations you must make for training and living with a deaf dog the love and appreciation you receive far outweighs any perceived adversity from their disabilities the friendship between a human and their dog hearing or not knows no boundaries pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print a perfect companion for the elderly october 3 2013 the power of pet therapy is thought to be stronger than any medication not only for people going through tough times or in poor health but also for the elderly as well proven to increase mental alertness build self-esteem and decrease loneliness pets can provide a warm and fulfilling relationship that older people-or indeed all of us-desire pet ownership for older people can be very beneficial by giving them something to love and care for as well as a companion in the home especially if they live alone said dr sonny presnal director of the stevenson companion animal life-care center at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) i dont believe there are any appreciable risks providing that good decisions are made in the choice of a pet for older people having the responsibility of caring for a pet can be a healthy situation for most elderly people sometimes a pet can be the only reason that he or she feels a need to get up in the morning; it provides them with a sense of purpose it gives older pet owners something to care for which in the case of a dog may mean they are out taking the dog on a walk instead of sitting in the house said presnal in addition there are many studies that attribute pet ownership to relieving stress lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels and bettering mental health not only do pets help the elderly overcome various health ailments but also they can significantly decrease their owners sense of loneliness as you probably already know pets are automatic people magnets and are often a great conversation starter people love talking about their pets and others love interacting with the pets they encounter this can often lead to new friendships and can provide beneficial social interactions that elderly people may not have otherwise had the chance to experience this in addition to simply having something to care for significantly decreases loneliness and accompanying depression when choosing a pet you must take into consideration the limitations of the elderly persons physical and mental health a large active dog may not be suitable for older people due to the risk of injury to the owner from an accidental collision that may cause them to fall said presnal fractures from falls can be very dangerous for older people especially hip fractures a young puppy or kitten may not be a suitable choice either due to their high maintenance requirements an older dog or cat that has matured past their ball of energy phase can be a perfect companion not only does adopting an older pet benefit their owner but may save the pet from euthanasia as often people are (unfortunately) not interested in adopting older animals a concern that many elderly people considering pet ownership face is the possibility that they will no longer be able to care for their pet later on this can happen if their health suddenly decreases or if the animal becomes in need of extensive veterinary care there are many mobile veterinary services available for older persons who may not drive or who otherwise have problems transporting their pets for veterinary care said presnal there are also programs such as the stevenson center that provide for the physical emotional and medical needs of companion animals when their owners can no longer do so the stevenson center which presnal directs is a unique program that has veterinary students who live at the center to provide companionship and care for the resident pets at night and on weekends and holidays as part of the cvm the resident pets receive the ultimate in veterinary care at the veterinary medical teaching hospital said presnal we believe the level of care and companionship is unequaled by any other similar program it is proven that animals can help enrich the lives of their owners both physically and emotionally and this can be especially true for the elderly the right pet can provide them with a sense of purpose nonjudgmental acceptance and companionship that both animals and humans need to stay happy and comfortable pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print dog parks september 25 2013 whether you have fond memories of playing tag with your classmates or sharing secrets with your best friend on the swing set most would agree that parks can be an integral part of their childhoods this can also be true for your pooch but just as our parents took precautions when letting us run wild around our neighborhood park pet owners must also be aware of the risks that accompany dog parks for most dog parks are a great opportunity for exercise and socialization letting your dog run around unleashed helps maintain a healthy lifestyle by increasing longevity reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and extending muscles and joints in addition to getting exercise they gain valuable social experience with dogs and other people if your dog is friendly and loves interacting with others taking them to a dog park can be a wonderful experience however if your dog is indifferent when it comes to interacting with other canines dog parks arent always the best idea any dog that does not get along with other dogs should not be brought to a dog park out of respect for the others there said dr james barr assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences also if your dog is debilitated immunosuppressed or unvaccinated then they should not go either even if you have an extremely well-behaved and healthy dog there are still risks to keep in mind before letting them off leash at a dog park the most common and obvious are dog fights this happens daily at dog parks and owners all need to look for signs that dogs are posturing for a fight before it occurs as most fights or injuries can be prevented said barr the most important thing to remember is that you must always keep a close eye on your dog if your dog does engage in a fight remember that your safety is paramount your dog is only concentrating on fighting and will bite whatever comes close to their mouth said barr do not place your hands near their mouth; the use of verbal commands by both owners should be done first if that does not work attempts to pull the two fighting dogs apart should only be done very very carefully in addition to fights another risk to consider is the exposure to diseases carried and transmitted by other dogs while this is an uncommon occurrence the transmission of respiratory diseases (like kennel cough) and gi viral diseases (like parvo) can occur at dog parks barr said if these risks concern you alternatives such as doggy day care facilities that have vaccination records of all the dogs or supervised doggy play dates with a familiar dog are options to consider if you do decide that your dog is a viable candidate for the dog park choose a park best suited for both you and rover an area with access to running water to fill up your dogs bowl is ideal and a fence is a must said barr it is smart to consider the location of the park as it should be positioned away from any major roads and easily accessible to you and to be aware of the rules and regulations specific to that park just as you would do with your child never let rover out of your sight and always be cautious of your surroundings a dog park can be a great experience for the right dog and it is up to you to decide if the benefits outweigh the risks pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the importance of a peticure september 19 2013 you and your beloved pet may share a lot in common: enjoying long walks in the park snuggling up on the couch or even taking a relaxing dip in the pool but when it comes to an afternoon of pampering at the nail salon our pets dont typically share our idea of relaxation nevertheless even if they find it unpleasant and stressful clipping your pets nails is a crucial grooming technique for their overall health and well-being leaving your pets nails untrimmed can lead to pain and discomfort from many different sources nails that are too long can get hung on fabric blankets towels etc and get torn off which is not only painful but tends to cause a great deal of bleeding said dr stacy eckman lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) nails that are too long (especially the dewclaws) can also grow around and into the footpads causing pain and infection popular to contrary belief dogs arent the only pets that require a routine clipping our feline friends need some nail pampering on a regular basis as well outdoor cats who climb trees keep their own nails short but with the majority of our cats living indoors they too need nail trims eckman said they will naturally sharpen their claws if given adequate substrate to do this on (ie a scratching post or wood) but may need additional trimming especially on the back claws keep in mind that it is natural for cats to also use scratching posts to mark their scent and even cats that are declawed will use a scratching post for this purpose clipping your pets nails can be done as often as necessary for dogs trimming their nails whenever you bathe them can be convenient for both of you since we do not typically bathe our cats a thorough trim every 2 to 4 weeks is plenty as for the clipper itself there are several brands types and sizes to choose from including scissors pliers guillotine and nail grinders some work better on cats (ie guillotine) than others and some are better for larger dogs with thicker nails said eckman others claim to ‘find the quick so you dont cause the nail to bleed but i dont think these work very well it is best to research which will work best for your pet as well as test them out to see which style your cat or dog seems most comfortable with letting your pet become acclimated to nail clipping at an early age can also help the process go more smoothly once they become comfortable with you holding their paws as kittens or puppies gradually start clipping one or two nails a day and follow up with lots of positive rewards for their cooperation giving them their favorite treats or even a long tummy scratch should do the trick when trimming the nail be sure to avoid the quick or nerves and blood vessels located near the bottom of the nail just trimming the excess length will ensure a painless clipping process for all involved but even with the most painless technique and gradual of introductions there are pets that seem unable to get over their terror of nail clipping if your cat or dog falls under this category it may be helpful to seek help from an assistant to hold down and calm them while you do the deed if that backfires and your pet is still too stressed then talk to your veterinarian about strategies to help make nail trims less stressful eckman said just like people each pet is unique with various personalities and patience levels it is important to remember that even though they may not find their peticure enjoyable at the time they will undoubtedly thank you in the long run pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print parakeets september 13 2013 if you are a fan of movies you will undoubtedly know that birds play an important role in films that we have grown to love as both children and adults cinderella wouldnt have made it to the ball without the speedy wardrobe assembly from her little winged assistants and harry potter depended on his trusty owl hedwig to deliver crucial messages between hogwarts and the muggle world birds-whether behind a television screen or simply perched on our back porch-have always played significant roles in our lives it is no mystery that the popularity of owning birds as pets especially parakeets has increased tremendously throughout the years parakeets or budgies as some are called have become extremely popular pets due to their friendly gentle nature a well-socialized budgie can be an incredibly interactive and talkative pet said dr sharman hoppes clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences they can learn tricks and learn to fly to you with training and patience and many can learn to talk bred in captivity since the mid-1800s budgies are considered by most to be domesticated birds being playful and active animals they require a fairly large cage to allow room for exercise toys and foraging opportunities for mental stimulation they need a large parrot cage with bar spacing appropriate for a small bird hoppes said covering the cage with a cloth at night is also encouraged to help your budgie settle down for sleep even with a large cage budgies need play and socialization time outside of the cage as well birds that are cage bound tend to get overweight and have associated health issues said hoppes spending time outside of the cage is recommended for your budgie but always make sure that the area is free of any potential danger especially watch out for ceiling fans and open windows or doors when releasing the bird budgies can be very curious and if you cant provide a safe environment for flying keeping their wings trimmed is advised just like any other pet budgies require specific feeding and care requirements it is recommended to add variety to their diet including small amounts of fruits vegetables cooked rice sprouts and other healthy human foods they need a good pelleted diet along with some seed mix and fresh vegetables daily hoppes said they also need regular bathing with either a bowl or misting this can be done by simply placing a dish of water on the floor of the budgies cage or lightly spritzing water on them from a small spray bottle they are very smart birds and flock animals hoppes said they need daily attention and interaction but as you probably could have guessed budgies should be monitored closely around other pets such as cats dogs ferrets reptiles and larger birds a parakeet can be a great pet for an older child who understands how to gently handle a bird says hoppes i would not recommend a bird for a small child having eight budgies herself hoppes and many others would agree that these docile intelligent birds make for delightful pets inexpensive highly adaptable and easy to look after it is simple to see why both cinderella and harry potter took a liking to their little winged companions pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print house call vets: angels on wheels september 5 2013 whether it is your beloved barrel racer seabiscuit or your honorable hunting companion rover a trip to the veterinary clinic is usually not an activity of choice saving anxiety and stress for you and your pet many clinics provide both small and large animal mobile veterinary services that will see your animal in the comfort of your own home packing up their knowledge and expertise in that black veterinarian bag they will be at seabiscuits or rovers side in no time at all over the years most pet owners leisure time has become less leisurely when something unexpected arises at work or you lack the ability to bring your pet to the nearest veterinary clinic a house call vet is an excellent option there are many rewarding aspects about ambulatory practice such as getting to know your clients in their home or farm settings said dr leslie easterwood assistant clinical professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it is nice to be able to know your clients on a more personal level getting to meet all the pets kids and other family members as opposed to stationary veterinary practitioners house call veterinarians must be able to have the animals caught up in a small pen or barn and have the proper facilities available to work on the animals safely said easterwood farm call veterinarians frequently have to operate in a ‘mcgyver mode to get things done without all the conveniences of a clinic setting but most things can be done mobile vets just like a regular vet clinic must have their facilities and equipment regularly inspected just because the animal doesnt fit in your living room doesnt mean that it doesnt warrant the care of a house call veterinarian there are traveling vets for large farm animals and house pets alike farm (or house) calls are much more commonplace in large animal cases than in small animal said easterwood farm calls are actually a daily part of large animal practice just because it is easier to transport the veterinarian and their supplies than the large animal patient in some cases there are many varieties of mobile veterinarians so it is important to do your research ahead of time and find one that offers the exact services your pet needs most ambulatory large animal veterinarians have trucks or suvs that are equipped with supplies and the necessary equipment to do procedures on the farm said easterwood while the majority of them perform wellness check-ups and vaccinations emergency services might not always be available through mobile vets as expected rates for house call veterinarians tend to be higher than clinic visits due to the expense of travel however it is usually not difficult to find a reasonably priced mobile vet; you just have to do your research some mobile vets charge a flat rate per trip for needed services no matter the number of pets theyre treating on the visit traveling veterinarians mobile vets veterinarians on wheels or house call vets: although there are many different names for these miracle workers their duties remain the same they provide a stress-free solution for getting your pet-of any size-the care it needs these angels on wheels can be a busy pet owners answer to a prayer pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print preventing attacks august 29 2013 everyone gets frightened of something or someone from time to time and animals are no exception fear is an emotional response to danger and causes our survival instincts to kick into high gear even the most loving and docile of pets can lash out when put in a threatening situation and the results can often be dangerous in order to prevent an attack there are a few things you should always look out for when interacting with any animal the most important things to recognize are if the dog is staring at you its lips are pulled back so teeth are showing and it has a stiff tail pointing upward explained dr bonnie beaver professor at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences they also tend to be rigid and move slowly if youve noticed this body language and behavior from the animal it is best to back away slowly and find something or somewhere to separate yourself if you notice that the animal is becoming aggressive it is best to freeze and avoid direct eye contact said beaver just like if coming across a bear or other dangerous wild animal you should never scream and run away or make any sudden movements wild animals and pets alike may view you as prey when you run and it is their instinct to chase after you always stand your ground and keep your chest facing them and your eyes averted some general guidelines preventing dog and other animal attacks may seem like basic knowledge but it is always best for you and the others around you to double check your facts you should always keep your distance from unfamiliar dogs despite your urge to pet the unbelievably cute ones ask the owner prior to interacting with their pet as they usually know if the animal handles strangers well you should also let the dog sniff you or your hand before petting them its best to let them approach you first avoid dogs that are sleeping or eating as you may startle them and cause them to respond negatively hugging an unfamiliar dog is also ill-advised in dog world hugging is a dominant expression although you relish hugging your own dog it undoubtedly enjoys it less than you do while your own pet may tolerate your innocent hugs in an unfamiliar or shy dog they may warrant an unwanted reaction dogs like people are complex products of genetics upbringing training and experiences while some breeds may demonstrate traits such as shyness or extroversion more frequently generalizations are tricky you can never fully judge an unknown animal by its furry cover and it is always best to be cautious what if the shy aggressive dog in question belongs to you remember that dogs like children have inborn personalities that can be influenced to a certain extent but not changed dogs are masters at interpreting our facial expressions body language and vocal inflections your dog may sense your uncertainty and discomfort and become anxious if your pet is displaying aggression fear or any other troublesome tendencies consult your veterinarian veterinarians can often help these animals beaver said or can refer to or consult with a board certified veterinary behaviorist or an appropriate trainer in the community though you think it may never happen to you animal attacks are more common than many would guess to prevent them it is always important to keep in mind when interacting with any unfamiliar pets that though dogs may be mans best friend the wolf is still their second cousin pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print safely medicating spot august 22 2013 when it comes to the health of your pets medications play an important role in preventing disease increasing longevity and making for a healthier happier pet whether its antibiotics pain meds or flea and tick prevention there are various things to keep in mind when choosing the right medication for your pet avoid most human pain medications (such as ibuprofen acetaminophen and naproxen) as well as most combination cold/flu medications and pepto-bismol said dr micah bishop a veterinary resident at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences if an over-the-counter medication is prescribed ask your vet for the active ingredients you are looking for in a medication you should also be wary when purchasing any drug through a website some of these companies are not monitored by government regulatory agencies and their products may not contain what is claimed said bishop just like during your doctor visits veterinarians need to know the drugs or supplements that your pet is currently taking in order to appropriately recommend another medication some drugs can react differently with a drug or supplement that is already in your pets system so this information is important in order for your vet to choose the safest option for your pet you should ask how often the drug should be given whether it needs to be given with food or an empty stomach and for how long bishop said make sure that you are willing and available to give drugs that need to be administered two or three times a day if not let the vet know and they may be able to find an alternative giving medications as they are prescribed is vital to their effectiveness for the treatment of your pets condition not all pets are the same and various breeds can react differently to medications some breeds like collies are sensitive to de-wormer medications such as ivermectins at high doses due to a specific gene bishop said it is important to ask your vet ahead of time if the medication has any negative side effects specific to certain breeds should your animal have a negative reaction to a medication prescribed you need to let your vet know immediately although most drugs used in veterinary medicine are quite safe or cause only mild side effects some drugs can have severe or life threatening side effects if not recognized bishop said whether youre treating spot for pain fleas or worms his health remains your top priority it is always important to thoroughly research any new medications prescribed to your pet as well as keep a list of all current medications and supplements doing this in addition to closely following any directions or suggestions that your veterinarian provides will ensure that spots spots are tick free and he can return to his noble title as king of the couch pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet snakes: slithering their way into or out of your heart august 15 2013 for some animal lovers watching these exotic creatures slither across the animal planet screen isnt enough; you want to bring the thrill of snake ownership into your own home while they seem exciting and manageable through a television screen or from behind a glass wall there are a few things that every aspiring snake owner must be aware of before bringing one home as a pet the most common snakes kept by enthusiasts are cornsnakes kingsnakes and ball pythons many of these snakes like the corn and king are well suited for older children and first time snake owners due to their simple feeding methods and docile temperament however some species reach very large sizes in captivity and their considerable space requirements must be anticipated other popular snakes like boa constrictors and carpet python are better for an owner comfortable with larger snakes as they often get 7 or more feet long explained dr jordan gentry zoological medicine resident at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences green tree python rainbow boas and tree boas have slightly more specialized care and are less tolerant to handling but can make great pets for an owner that has researched the species large constricting snakes venomous snakes and snakes with difficult care requirements do not make suitable pets and should only be kept by experienced herpetologists doing research on the individual snake species you are interested in will provide you with husbandry recommendations including environmental sanitation and dietary considerations the habitat for the snake depends entirely on the species of snake as some are from an arid environment that does not require as much humidity as a snake from a tropical environment said gentry most captive habitats attempt to mimic the natural environment of the animal with sand rocks and live plants; however less natural paper substrate and plastic hide containers allow much easier cleaning and may actually be more beneficial to the animals health as for feeding requirements almost all pet snakes should be on a whole prey diet of pre-killed rodents such as mice or rats health and sanitation are also considerations that shouldnt be overlooked when choosing your pet hygiene is important said gentry salmonella is a bacteria that can be carried by pet reptiles and can be transmitted to humans; so washing hands is recommended after handling a pet snake though there are many snakes that make suitable pets for adults and children alike the safety of owning a snake as a pet is sometimes called into question by events that are widely reported in the media just recently two young boys were allegedly strangled to death while they were sleeping by an escaped pet python however gentry noted that isolated tragic incidents involving large constrictors or poisonous snakes shouldnt discourage people from choosing an appropriate snake species as a pet print children and pets: the benefits and risks august 3 2013 whether they want it to bark purr slither or squawk there comes a time when a pet appears on nearly every childs birthday wish list for most parents this decision can be a bit daunting is your child ready to take on the responsibility of caring for a pet will the new animal negatively affect his or her health though your child may think your wary attitude is unnecessary these are valid questions for every parent to ask themselves and their family before welcoming a new pet into their home the first thing that you need to think of is if your children are old enough and responsible enough to handle a pet around the house said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences you also need to be aware of the temperament of the new pet that youre bringing in low maintenance animals such as hamsters and fish prove to be great starter pets for children they require minimal amounts of time and care introducing the child to the responsibilities of pet ownership without giving them more than they can manage of course puppies and kittens are always crowd pleasers as well their high energy level and love for attention makes them the perfect child companion but what about when little bobby begs for that snake at the pet store with animals like lizards and snakes their care and feeding requirements can be a bit tricky as far as humidity temperature etc stickney said these animals also eat other animals for food which may be upsetting to some children depending on their age and maturity that might be something beyond a childs ability to handle when choosing a family pet it is also important to take into consideration your childrens sensitivity to various allergens one of the first things that you need to do is consult with your physician said stickney if your child is allergic to pollen or some sort of grass that an animal could track into the house an indoor animal such as a cat would be a non-issue however if your children still have their heart set on that fluffy puppy there are certainly ways to accommodate their desires some dog breeds such as poodles and yorkies are considered to be less allergenic than others based on the amount of fur that they shed stickney said and there is even evidence to support that infants exposed to animals earlier in life are less likely to develop allergies later on allowing your children to care for a pet is not all risk having a pet in your family has shown to be equally beneficial for both the animal and child dogs especially really enjoy having someone to play with them teach them tricks and do some basic obedience training said stickney its mentally stimulating for both the dog and child which can improve discipline on both ends research has shown numerous health benefits of owning a pet including lower blood pressure and elevated mood there is even evidence to support that interaction between pets and children with disabilities such as downs syndrome or autism is extremely beneficial the key is that you need to have a nice docile pet stickney said one that isnt too active or rough but that just wants to be loved on and to love right back pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print homeward bound: moving with your pet august 1 2013 moving to a new area can be a stressful ordeal for all involved especially your pets the chaos of packing moving furniture and the strangeness of a new area can leave your cat or dog spinning however with a little advance planning patience and affection you can help your pet quickly adjust to their new neighborhood before you move make sure that your pet is current on their immunizations and that you have any health statements or documentation like your pets rabies certificate that may be required in your new area said stacy eckman lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) also its important to start preparing early since interstate moving requires an interstate health certificate which is issued within ten days of travel and moving abroad means your pet will need an international health certificate which takes around thirty days to facilitate when it comes time to actually start the move making sure your pet is safe and comfortable is essential pets will often get nervous when the packing starts so it is vital to try and alleviate this anxiety by sticking to a normal routine with your pet by having regular play times walks meals etc while youre traveling its crucial that your pet be in a carrier if at all possible to ensure the safety of the pet as well as the cars occupants said eckman you should also make sure to factor in rest stops for the pet that include snack and water breaks for these rest stops make sure to have a reliable collar or harness to keep the pet safe and from running away when traveling by plane it is important to remember that many pets do well once they are actually on the plane and settled the ffa prefers that pets not be heavily sedated during flights especially those that are flying cargo due to safety concerns if you are concerned about your pet your veterinarian can help you develop strategies to aid your pets anxiety of flying often these will need to be tested at home before traveling in case the pet has adverse reactions so you will need to allow time for this when you finally arrive at your new home it is important to make sure that the area is safe and secure for your pet said eckman look for items that may have been left over from previous tenants like traps chemicals or tools and make sure that the homes perimeter is secure you should then let your pet get used to their new home and surroundings and try to get back into a normal routine with them as quickly as possible pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print bringing home babe: what you need to know before bringing home your first pig july 25 2013 when most people think of their ideal pet a certain breed of dog or cat instantly comes to mind however for those that love more exotic pets and are willing to put in a little more time and effort a pot-bellied pig can be an ideal choice pot-bellied pigs including mini and micro pigs can make good indoor and outdoor pets said philippa sprake clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) pigs are social animals and each has their own personality while pigs are unbelievably intelligent and undeniably adorable as seen here there are a few things pet-owners should know before bringing little wilbur home to stay the first thing future owners should do is check with their local homeowners association as well as their homes zoning regulations to ensure that pigs can be kept on the property pigs can be extremely noisy especially when adapting to a new environment and the last thing any new pet owner wants is an angry neighbor or landlord trying to have the pet removed when it comes to deciding on a piglet it is very important to choose one that is at least 8 weeks old weaned and comes from a reputable breeder to ensure that it is healthy said sprake also even though they are called miniature micro pigs can still grow to around 40 pounds and full size or traditional pot belly pigs can reach 100 pounds or more so it is important to see the parents of the pig you are planning on taking home to evaluate your piglets potential adult size when it comes to training your new pot-bellied pig it is important to remember that pigs can be as intensive a pet as dogs and as such they need exercise and social interaction or they may develop health and behavioral problems pigs can be trained very similarly to dogs using positive reinforcement techniques such as clicker training they are also highly food motivated so it is important to make sure that their treats are low in calories such as fresh fruits or vegetables in order to prevent obesity when it comes to feed young pigs should be fed a youth mini-pig feed until they reach around two years of age said sprake after this they can be fed adult or senior foods which are high in fiber and relatively low calorie to help curb obesity pigs should also have access to fresh water at all times and should never be fed human food as the high salt content can cause salt toxicity when it comes to deciding where to place your pigs bedding the first thing a pet-owner must decide is if they want to keep their new pet inside or out regardless all pigs need access to the outside so they can root which is an instinctive behavior where the pig digs in the ground with their snout searching for food and obtaining iron from the soil which is vital to prevent anemia pigs are sensitive to both hot and cold temperature extremes said sprake therefore they need shelter from the sun wind and rain if kept outside in texas for example they will need fans to compensate for the hot summer months as well as a kiddie pool or shallow pond to wallow in and cool off pigs can also be kept inside as they are easily housetrained or litter-box trained pet pigs like their livestock counterparts should be checked regularly by a veterinarian to ensure that they are healthy as possible pet pigs initially need to be vaccinated to avoid several diseases and should be spayed or neutered to prevent behavioral issues unwanted litters and other health problems said sprake pigs should also be wormed several times a year and need their feet trimmed regularly the biggest problems veterinarians see in pet pigs usually comes from owners providing an inappropriate diet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print second-hand smoke and your pet july 11 2013 we all know that smoking is bad for our health but what might surprise many pet-owners are the dangerous effects that second-hand smoke can have on their four-legged loved ones after some time there are studies that show that dogs exposed to large amounts of second-hand smoke have significant changes to their lung tissue over time said heather wilson-robles assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical science (cvm) these changes range from fibrosis or scarring of the lung tissue to precancerous and even cancerous lesions a case report published in 2012 showed a cat developing a tracheal carcinoma after being exposed to large amounts of second-hand smoke in the home and another study in 2002 published by the group at tufts showed that second-hand smoke may double the risk of lymphoma development in cats many veterinarians also feel that symptoms in their patients with respiratory diseases such as asthma or bronchitis improve if the owners quit smoking for those that do smoke there are a few ways to tell if your habit is affecting your pets health for animals with asthma allergic lung disease or bronchitis you might see a dry hacking and progressive cough said wilson-robles asthma patients may have more frequent asthma attacks and their symptoms may be more difficult to manage medically animals with allergic lung disease will often have more severe symptoms if they live in a smoking household and these symptoms may persist all year round rather than being seasonal disposing of your tobacco may also prove hazardous to the wellbeing of your pet if they tend to be nosy or like to dig in the trash ingestion of tobacco products may cause gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting diarrhea drooling increased salivation and trembling said wilson-robles high doses of nicotine may lead to excitement constricted pupils odd behavior seizures and even death cigarette butts are especially dangerous as they contain 25% of the nicotine found in the cigarette while the most efficient way to treat second-hand smoke problems with your pet is for the owner to quit using the substance there are other ways to keep your pet safe and keep your habit pet owners need to immediately quit smoking around the animal and wash their hands thoroughly after smoking before touching the pet or anything it may come in contact with said wilson-robles if your dog or cat eats a cigarette chewing tobacco cigar etc call an emergency clinic nearby for directions on how to treat this toxicosis in most cases the tobacco will induce vomiting by itself but if not vomiting should be induced to clean the stomach out and prevent systemic and possibly even lethal nicotine toxicosis if you believe your pet is suffering from tobacco-related issues of any kind schedule an appointment with your local veterinarian immediately pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print adopting an older pet july 5 2013 theres no mistaking it baby pets are adorable and many grow up to become magnificent companions unfortunately pet owners often forget the trouble involved with raising a pet from infancy and overlook the countless mature dogs awaiting adoption from shelters and rescue organizations consider adopting an older pet if you want to skip the house-training and want an animal that may already be obedience trained said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical science (cvm) another benefit with older pets is that their personality is set when you meet them and any health issues or special care needs may already be evident within the first week of adopting an older pet schedule a visit with your veterinarian to identify any health concerns and to update vaccinations heartworm prevention and parasite prevention when selecting a pet to bring home make sure their behavior and activity level will fit into your lifestyle which is much easier to determine when you meet an older pet said stickney for example a pet that is calm and relaxed for a smaller house versus super-active pets that need room to move around and a large yard you should also have it meet all of the family to make sure the pet will get along with the children males and females living in your home it is also important to ask the shelter or rescue organization about any known health or behavior issues or if the pet has been around other pets before or not preparing your home for an older pet is not that much different than a younger one with a few exceptions that many find easier when bringing home any pet it is important to have things such as the appropriate food bedding bowls and the appropriate toys like chew objects for dogs or a scratching tree for cats said stickney it is also essential to have a carpet cleaner around for a few accidents until the pet understands your houses routine and to make sure your yard is fenced with no breaks where the pet could escape and get lost if your pet has arthritis and has trouble moving and jumping you may need a ramp to help it maneuver steps older pets can also be easier to train because they do not get distracted as easily as puppies however if they have already learned certain commands you will need to stick with the same command words and gestures instead of trying to use new commands for the same trick to view adoption services and to adopt an older pet of your own check out services such as petfindercom or visit the local aggieland humane society pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet therapy in nursing homes: assisted living may never be the same june 20 2013 when the time comes for a family member to move into a nursing home or retirement community many worry that their loved ones will begin to feel lonely and unneeded as time goes by fortunately thanks to people such as kit darling and dr karen snowden and their work with organizations like aggieland pets with a purpose many elderly residents are getting the chance to experience the unconditional love of a pet people in nursing homes usually face a lot of physical challenges and having a pet live with them is not an option said kit darling infection control coordinator at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical science (cvm) but many nursing homes now will allow personal pets to visit or may schedule pet visits with an animal-assisted therapy group aggieland pets with a purpose or apwap is a local non-profit animal-assisted therapy organization apwap members and their therapy pets usually dogs or cats visit many assisted-living and nursing home facilities in the bryan college station community it is always very rewarding to see a person smile or talk about their pets when one of my apwap certified dogs like dexter or daschle visits a nursing home facility said darling each animal involved in apwap has passed a temperament test and receives regular veterinary care with parasite control and vaccinations in order to be a part of the program said darling it is also important for the animals that visit to be healthy and clean so all of our animals have a bath within 24 hours prior to a visit including having their nails filed and ears cleaned some retirement communities and assisted living facilities allow their residents to have pets live with them in these communities the residents usually have an apartment and must be physically able to care for their pets daily needs the pet must also be friendly towards other people and animals and should have regular visits with its veterinarian to ensure that it is healthy there may also be restrictions on the type and size of pets allowed depending on the facility having a pet can be greatly beneficial to the health of the older population said dr karen snowden professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical science (cvm) a pet can provide companionship and social opportunities for the elderly population as well as physical psychological and emotional health benefits after children are grown and maybe a spouse has passed a person may feel isolated and inessential said snowden having to care for a pet provides a sense of need and having regular interactions with a pet has shown to lower blood pressure decrease anxiety increase physical activity and enhance social opportunities pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print arthritis and your pet june 17 2013 the aggie family lost a beloved member when reveille vii the retired mascot of texas a&m university died last week ever since her arrival in aggieland reveille vii a female american collie had been receiving the best care available at the small animal hospital at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical science (cvm) stacy eckman a lecturer at the cvm had been treating rev for arthritis since last august when revs caregivers tina and paul gardner noticed that she was having trouble sitting down like she normally would arthritis can attack bones and joints in animals the same way the disease does in humans said zachary goodrich veterinary resident instructor at the cvm however some animals especially dogs can be affected by arthritis at a much younger age than humans generally are some pets will be affected by arthritis before they are even one year old reveille vii was twelve and a half although there is no certain way to prevent arthritis in pets owners can help stave off arthritis by making sure their dog has a good healthy diet and gets plenty of exercise dogs that are overweight tend to be more affected by arthritis eckman said reveille vii did not have that problem tina gardener did a great job keeping reveille slim and fit even with her reduced activity level in retirement eckman said consistent low-impact exercise such as walking and swimming helps maintain good muscle mass as well as keeping your pet at an ideal body weight said goodrich the more extra weight your pet carries around the higher the stress being placed across its joints which may worsen the arthritis or affect your pets quality of life there are several signs for pet-owners to look for if they suspect their animal is suffering from arthritis the most obvious sign is decreased activity level said goodrich the animal may not want to go as far as it used to on a walk or may not want to walk at all other signs can include stiffness when rising especially after sleeping and varying degrees of lameness it is also important to have your animal examined a veterinarian can take x-rays of the affected joints to diagnose arthritis however x-ray images cant determine the diseases severity their signs on x-rays dont necessarily coordinate with their physical findings eckman said in other words a lack of change in the x-rays doesnt mean your pets arthritis isnt getting worse although there is no cure for arthritis there are a number of treatments available to help your arthritic pet feel better these treatments vary depending on the severity of the case early detection-before the disease has progressed too far-is important to help maintain your pets ability to walk run and play there are several surgical and medical treatment options available depending on which joint is affected said goodrich joint replacements are performed on a case-by-case basis arthroscopy is also routinely used to evaluate and treat the joint in a minimally invasive manner a veterinarian may give your dog steroid injections to help relieve inflammation from arthritis drugs such as polysulfated glycosaminoglycan injections help protect cartilage with minimal side effects medical options include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of which there are several on the veterinary medical market said eckman most of them are actually formulated for osteoarthritis however never give your pets human medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin as they can cause serious harm to your pets stomach kidneys and liver when you use the drugs together you can actually use less drug overall because they complement each other said eckman physical therapy such as work on a water treadmill is very important for treating arthritis in dogs treatment for arthritis sometimes requires multiple types of therapy said jacqueline davidson clinical professor at the cvm reveille was given several different types of oral medication for pain and inflammation and received injections of a joint lubricant and a steroid into several of the more severely affected joints she also received injections of a medication in the muscle to help with joint pain and inflammation reveilles diet was also controlled throughout her therapy to make sure that she stayed at a lean body weight and she took several different dietary supplements for her joints one of which was an omega-3 fatty acid to help reduce pain associated with inflammation being overweight results in more stress on the joints because they are supporting more weight said davidson in addition excess body fat promotes inflammation in the body and can worsen the signs of arthritis reveille came to the tamu veterinary physical rehabilitation service several times weekly her treatments included electro-acupuncture and laser therapy for pain and she exercised regularly in the underwater treadmill walking in water is helpful for arthritis because the buoyancy of the water reduces stress on the joints allowing for more comfortable movement said davidson in addition the water provides some resistance which helps promote leg strength the tamu small animal hospital also provides nonmedical treatments to help with pain such as dry needling laser high-energy wave therapy therapeutic ultrasound electrical stimulation and electro-acupuncture a veterinarian can give recommendations for various dietary supplements and a home exercise plan as well as provide dietary counseling to choose the most appropriate diet to maintain lean body weight in your pet there is no one right recipe for every dog eckman said you have options and you have to determine what works and what doesnt work pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print what to expect when your pet is expecting june 7 2013 many people see their pet as their own child but what do you do when you find that your little one will soon be having children of their own knowing how to care for your pet during pregnancy and after childbirth is essential for any responsible pet owner so how do you tell if your pet is expecting some telltale signs to watch for in a pregnant pet are lethargy not wanting to eat as much not playing as much as usual and enlarged nipples said jean laird veterinary technician at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) these are attributed to a change in hormones and milk production even if you are sure there is no way a dog has gotten in your yard it is best to take her to the veterinarian to confirm if she is pregnant intact male dogs are surprisingly persistent when a female is in heat while there is a pregnancy test for pets a small litter may result in a false negative if you believe your pet is pregnant the first thing you should do is take her in to see a veterinarian certain conditions exist that may appear to be pregnancy but in reality are alarming and may even be life threatening one condition that can be deadly is called pyometra said laird it is a bacterial infection that occurs during their heat cycle and results in the uterus filling with pus this is a serious condition that requires immediate surgery and hospitalization symptoms include fever lethargy and vaginal discharge that is commonly confused with standard pregnancy discharge when preparing your home for a pregnant pet there are several conditions that must be met to guarantee that your pet is safe and comfortable throughout their pregnancy first your dog will need a whelping bed said laird this can be a kiddie pool or blocked off area with blankets as long as it is a secure area provides easily accessible food and water to the mother and is protected from the elements the mother will need to be fed high quality puppy food until her little ones are weaned though puppies are not born with their eyes open they move around a great deal so it is important to encourage the mother to stay with the puppies be extremely cautious about heating pads and if you decide to use one keep them on low at all times many puppies are injured and even killed because they do not have the ability to get off of a hot heating pad after your pet has given birth it is important that both the mother and newborn puppies be examined by your veterinarian as soon as possible the vet will be able to ensure the physical condition of the mother and her puppies as well as make recommendations to provide the best care your vet can also set up an appropriate schedule for your new puppies to be dewormed and vaccinated after your pet has given birth keep her confined with the puppies as much as possible and carefully observe her to see if she is gentle with the puppies and allows them to nurse said laird if she lays on them tries to injure them or does not allow them to nurse you will have to bottle feed the puppies there is powder milk available through your veterinarian and feed stores that is specifically made for puppies avoid giving them cows milk as this is not adequate nutrition for the growth and development of a puppy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print when disaster strikes may 24 2013 when a disaster suddenly strikes it can be frightening for everyone including your pet the best thing you can do for you and your pets safety is to be prepared develop a plan for emergencies and have it ready before the disaster strikes planning ahead is the key to keeping yourself and your pet safe before during and after a disaster before a disaster it is important to insure that all your animals are identified within a system that will allow you two to be reunited if separated said wesley bissett assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) identification can come in a variety of ways such as collars or microchips collars may be less expensive but they are much easier to lose whereas microchips may be more expensive but provide the advantage of being permanently within the animal you should also try to keep a photo of you and your pet together to verify ownership when preparing for a disaster it is imperative that all of your pets vaccinations are current if you do not typically have your dog vaccinated for bordetella or kennel cough consider doing so as storm season approaches said bissett this is disease prevention in case your pet is checked into an animal shelter when packing emergency supplies for your pet remember to store at least a one-week supply of pet food to keep the pets gi tract from becoming upset and enough water to meet you and your pets needs for up to three days if you must evacuate the area make sure to grab your pets food & water bowls before leaving if your pet is on a prescription for a chronic illness keep at least a two-week supply of medication as well as a copy of the pets medical records said bissett it may be difficult to have prescriptions re-filled in an emergency situation also make sure you have a kennel or crate to transport your pet in case of an evacuation during a disaster or other emergency it is important to follow a pre-written plan to ensure you and your pets safety this not only saves valuable time during the disaster but can also aid in remembering important details of the event afterwards it is also important to heed all evacuation recommendations and orders said bissett if the number of animals that you will be evacuating will require multiple trips plan ahead and leave early! if your pet is injured during a disaster immediately seek veterinary medical help which in many cases is available as part of the local or state response said bissett if help is not instantly available perform first aid until help arrives pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print controlling your cats hairballs may 10 2013 many pet owners love their feline friends and will do whatever it takes to keep them relaxed and happy this makes it especially alarming for pet-owners to witness their cat suffer from the discomforting symptoms that come with hairballs knowing how to prevent hairballs and how to treat them when they occur is essential to keeping your cat healthy a hairball is an accumulation of hair in the gi tract said james barr associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) it simply accumulates together and is usually contained within the stomach a hairball is formed when cats accidently ingest loose hair while cleaning their fur the fur that is not digested accumulates in the stomach forming a hairball while clinical signs of hairballs may vary common symptoms include decreased appetite constipation and vomiting in the worst case scenario the hair passes through the stomach and lodges in the small intestine said barr the result is an obstruction in the gi tract which can be life threatening if you believe your cat is feeling sick due to a hairball it is important to see your veterinarian right away they may prescribe medication or give treatments that can help cats deal with the discomfort associated with hairballs numerous cats especially those with long hair will occasionally vomit up hairballs and not show any clinical signs which may be completely normal for your cat said barr if there seems to be an abnormal amount of hairballs produced then steps should be taken to prevent the pet from ingesting large amounts of hair or to help the hair move through the gi tract before it accumulates together pet owners can also help prevent or reduce the severity of their cats hairballs by frequently brushing the cat and discouraging it from excessively grooming itself there are over-the-counter medications that are designed for cats with hairballs to aid in digestion said barr as always if there are concerns for your cats health please call your veterinarian for guidance pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print understanding and overcoming your pets fears april 25 2013 while many of us would like to believe our little puppy has no fear the truth is that there are many things a pet willexperience that may frighten it at first as it attempts to understand more pets can be fearful of all types of things says dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) thunderstorms fireworks cars and even children can all potentially be sources of fear for a pet pets become scared because they like all animals have evolved to recognize threats animals fear physiology is similar to that of humans with the heart rate blood pressure and body temperature rising when frightened dogs bred as pack animals need to be with their owners when afraid cats being more solitary hide when scared and may be less destructive the critical socialization period‐ 8 to 12 weeks of age‐ is an important factor in shaping the behavior of both puppies and kittens during this time the pet should have its first vaccinations and then exposed to all sources of stimuli including people things and sounds if you plan to have the animal accompany you while horseback riding take it to a place where it can see and smellhorses if you plan to take the animal along during hunting take it to the field where it can see and hear gunshots said stickney crate training is also imperative from the first day the pet comes home this gives the pet a place to feel safe when you leave the house the crate should always be a safe and happy place the pet should never be put in these crates to be punished or for any negative experience said stickney one way to overcome fear is to expose the pet to the source of its fear and reward them for when they are brave some dogs experience anxiety and become distressed when they hear keys being picked up one way to desensitize them is to frequently pick up keys and then sit back at home or leave the house for a minute and then come back the pet will slowly recognize to ignore these cues said stickney a current market trend is tight‐fitting pet jackets to aid in behavior while these may help they are shown to mostly aid in modifying mild behavior problems the idea is that animals feel safe and secure when they are compressed just like babies when they are swaddled said stickney to aid in more severe fears specialized veterinary behaviorists prescribe a combination of behavioral medication and pharmacological treatments pharmacologic therapy only serves to help the behavior modification there is no such thing as a single solution to fix the problem said stickney the sooner you address these issues the better it is because these fears do not go away on their own said stickney nothing is easy about rearing a puppy its a big responsibility but there are incredible benefits if you put in the time and effort early on pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the itch that keeps on itching: fleas and our pets april 12 2013 of all the joys spring offers us one of the most troublesome things about this time of year is the increase of insects on our furry friends of all these creepy pests adult fleas cause the most problems for our pets and the owners intent on controlling them in order to become adults fleas need warm weather between 70 and 80 degrees and around 70 to 80 percent relative humidity those ideal conditions are usually what we are experience during this time of the year which is why we generally see more fleas coming out in the spring said dr alison diesel lecturer in dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) unlike many geographical areas where seasonal differences occur fleas can be present year-round in texas because of our warmer winters while many people think fleas are relatively harmless except for making our pets itch fleas can cause numerous other health problems in our pets for example some animals may react to an allergen found in fleas saliva causing the animal to have an allergic reaction this causes the animal to itch and ultimately scratch which can lead to a secondary skin infection if there is a massive amount of fleas anemia could even become a potential problem especially with small animals that do not have large amounts of blood fleas also carry diseases like tapeworms and bartonella (which causes cat scratch disease) that can infect both pets and humans while there is no way to completely prevent fleas from reaching our pets a key factor to controlling fleas is breaking their life cycle either by killing the adults and/or at least one of the juvenile stages the flea life cycle has four phases: the adult fleas lay eggs the eggs hatch into larvae the larvae turns into pupae which eventually turn into adults said diesel targeting several phases of the flea lifecycle is best particularly when dealing with an infestation the easiest stage to target is the adult flea since they live on the pet the other stages such as eggs larvae and pupae are present in the environment with regards to specific therapy for fleas and secondary problems your pets veterinarian is a valuable resource for the best options and possible medications your pets veterinarian can help recommend the most appropriate product to help prevent fleas based on other factors (other skin conditions food allergies etc) as well as discuss the appropriate way to administer the product said diesel i suggest using a flea prevention that lasts the entire month and is still effective if the pet gets wet using flea control products once every 30 days provides the best protection for your pet from flea bites and can even prevent a flea infestation from being established in your pets environment it is important to minimize an animals exposure to fleas by avoiding infested areas and pets there are some things which can be done to minimize exposure to fleas: avoid known infested areas do not allow your pet to come into contact with wild animals or burrows and protect areas of the house where wild animals may enter to minimize wild animals from establishing residency in the first place said diesel if fleas become a problem inside the house try vacuuming once a week if the flea presence grows larger there are various in-house treatments and exterminators to aid in flea removal focus on places where the pets spends most of their time inside the house because that will contain the most concentrated area of fleas said diesel also dont forget under beds and furniture behind curtains and along hallways connecting rooms when treating the house for fleas it may be best to contact a professional exterminator when there is a large flea burden present in addition to treating animals and the inside of the home it may also be essential to treat the outside environment around your home this can be done by treating areas of the surrounding property that have an unusually high populace of fleas this includes shaded areas under trees and bushes in dog houses under porches and decks as with indoor control when the burden is high a professional exterminator may be the most help said diesel the best approach to controlling fleas is to practice prevention continuously throughout the year by treating all pets with proper medication as well as treating the inside and outside of the home if there is a suspected infestation it is much easier to prevent fleas than to treat fleas said diesel pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print bringing home your first rodent april 4 2013 while many may not find a rodent as a first choice for a pet with some insight and guidance you may be more receptive to the idea of a small hamster or rat becoming a suitable pet for your family rats are probably the most social and interactive of the small rodents said dr sharman hoppes clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences rats are gentle seldom bite and are active during the day and are fairly easy to take care of rats do not have special dietary needs or sensitive stomachs although they do need a good quality rodent block or pellet ‘the seed mix diets are not a nutritionally adequate diet to determine which pet may be best for you you need to evaluate your expectations when picking out a pet rodent you should select an active social rodent with clean eyes clean nose and normal teeth the skin should be well groomed and clean there should be no lumps or bumps on their skin said hoppes small rodents such as mice and hamsters can bite more and tend to be more active at night guinea pigs and chinchillas are a bit bigger and are gentle pets but they have special dietary needs and their teeth continuously grow gerbils are unlikely to bite if handled gently they have few health problems and are the cleanest of all the commonly kept pet rodents if you are more interested in observing your pet and dont have as much time a gerbil hamster or mouse is an option as they are happy living in their cage if you want a socially active pet that needs lots of attention and activity a rat chinchilla or guinea pig is a great pet said hoppes rats are so social that they should not be housed alone if you are a night owl then hamsters may be best since they tend to sleep all day and run in their wheel all night one important aspect of keeping a pet rodent is that their cage needs to be cleaned one to two times a week to keep ammonia levels down also keeping the cage clean will help decrease the incidence of a respiratory disease rodents are animals and therefore require care said hoppes all pet rodents need a clean large cage chew toys ladders plastic or pvc pipe and daily interaction beddings such as paper aspen or walnut shavings are best while corncob pine and cedar shavings should be avoided rodents need fresh water and food constantly guinea pigs and chinchillas have a special need for timothy hay since they have continuously growing cheek teeth this hay helps keep the teeth from overgrowing additionally guinea pigs need vitamin c daily all rodents can have a small amount of fruits and vegetables for treats chinchillas also need daily dust baths and they and guinea pigs are very sensitive to heat and humidity both are susceptible to heatstroke in temperatures as low as 80-85 degrees especially if the humidity is higher than 40% pet rodents do not need vaccinations said hoppes there are few diseases to be concerned with and while salmonella infection has been documented it is rare rat bite fever caused by a bacterial infection may occur after a rat bite this can be prevented by immediately disinfecting any bite wound from a rat while diseases are uncommon in rodents rats are prone to mammary tumors and hamsters often have diarrhea (wet tail) many rodents are also prone to respiratory disease it is important to keep pet rats away from wild ones and to wash your hands after handling any small mammal guinea pigs and chinchillas are susceptible to ring worm so any hair loss or patchy areas on the skin should be seen by a veterinarian for treatment immediately the life span of pet rodents varies mice and hamsters generally live one to two years rats two to three years gerbils three to five years guinea pigs five to seven years and chinchillas live eight to 12 years or longer small rodents should not be pets for small children said hoppes children less than 10 years old should be supervised closely when handling small rodents the care and monitoring of any pet is ultimately the parents responsibility pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print potty training your new pet april 1 2013 the day your new puppy first sees its new home is a special day for any new pet owner playing with them caring for them and watching them explore every room of their new home is heartwarming and fun regrettably many people forget that cleaning up your little bundle of furs mess in your home is a responsibility that can quickly become irritating that is why it is crucial to have a potty-training plan ready for your new pet as soon as you bring them home its important to start young with potty training because what we dont want to do is establish bad habits in our pets said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences once they learn one way to do something its hard for them to unlearn it and any change can confuse them begin training your dog as soon as you bring it home said stickney take it straight outside and give it plenty of time to go potty stay out there with it but ignore it until it is done then as soon as it is done give it a treat and ‘ooh and ahh over it while this progression may be irritating and time-consuming it will be well worthwhile when you no longer have to pick up messes inside your house when your pet is inside the house one of the most effective ways to train it is by crate training when you are not at home you should keep your pet in a crate inside your house said stickney this becomes their safe place or den and thus crate training takes advantage of their natural instinct not to make a mess in their own den as soon as your home instantly take your pet out of its crate and outside to do its business its not realistic to leave a puppy in a carrier for eight hours straight and not have an accident said stickney if at all possible you should try to come home or arrange for someone to come by and give it a potty break in the middle of the day if you work full-time it is important to never use your pets crate as punishment your pet sees the crate as its safe-place and if they are put in one as punishment the pet will develop a negative view of it and will no longer see it as their den this also goes for punishment of accidents never negatively reinforce their behavior said stickney if you swat or scold them when they have an accident they not only dont connect their accident to the punishment but it can cause anxiety and lead to slower potty training if you have followed these training recommendations and are still ineffective there are professional dog trainers who can help with the development you should also check with your veterinarian to make sure the animal does not have an underlying problem potty training is significantly different for cats and dogs while dogs need time attention to train cats are quite a bit easier litter training is instinctive for cats said stickney all you really need to do is put your kitten in the room with the litter pan and keep it in there when you are not playing with it or paying attention to it while there are a number of diverse litter-boxes available for your kitten the most important aspect to look for at least initially is that your kitten is comfortable and can easily get in and out you have to remember that when you bring home a kitten it is just a little baby and if you get a really high box it may have trouble getting into the box and therefore will not use it said stickney its also good to remove anything in the room that may resemble litter such as potted plants or they may become your pets bathroom when choosing a litter for your box it is important to remember that while there are many varieties available they are mostly marketed for human preferences find one that your cat will use and that works for you as well although all cat-litter brands are ok to use it may helpful if you know what kind of litter your kitten was using before it came to live with you and start with that if possible said stickney cats can be texture and odor specific with their litter so if you start with that you can gradually transition them to another litter later if you prefer if your dog or cat is already housebroken and suddenly starts having accidents it may be a sign that it has a health problem said stickney in this case you should definitely take the pet to its veterinarian for a check-up no one wants to deal with pet messes in their home if you have a potty training plan in place and are adamant about it you can have both a healthy happy and potty-trained pet and a clean fresh smelling home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print mange and your dog march 22 2013 we love for our pets to play outdoors with their friends but owners should be cautious about the dangers that lurk there youve probably heard the term mangy mutt referring to a poor dog with a ratty patchy coat thats actually how dogs with sarcoptic mange really look mange is a condition caused by an infestation of a specific type of mite that is too tiny to be seen with the naked eye in this country primarily dogs get sarcoptic mange or scabies said dr alison diesel lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it can be transmitted and carried by other wild canids including coyotes and foxes sarcoptes mites are very contagious and can be spread by your pet coming into contact with an infected source sarcoptes mites are spread by direct contact with an infected animal or from an infected environment (eg coyote den or fox burrow even dog parks or grooming facilities) said diesel it is important that all in-contact animals be treated for mites if one dog in the household is diagnosed with scabies the most common sign associated with sarcoptic mange is severe itchiness dogs may also develop a rash lose their hair and have crusting lesions on various body regions said diesel the most common areas include the ear margins hocks and elbows; however signs may become generalized very quickly veterinarians often use therapy or the pets history and clinical signs to diagnose mange sarcoptes mites can be very difficult to find as they live very superficially on the skin and are typically only present in very small numbers said diesel skin scrapings may help to identify the mites however often we do not find the mites on our patients a positive pinnal-pedal response (where the veterinarian folds the ear flap on itself rubs the two surfaces together and watches for the hind limb to exhibit the classic thumper or scratching response) can be supportive of the suspected diagnosis your dogs veterinarian will recommend the most appropriate therapy given your animals specific needs and preferences typically therapy lasts between 6-8 weeks thankfully sarcoptes mites are pretty wimpy said diesel several topical oral and injectable treatments are available for treating them certain breeds (eg collies shetland sheepdogs border collies) need to be specially considered as some of the therapeutic options can be toxic and cause severe side effects including seizures unfortunately sarcoptic mange can also be spread from dogs to their owners if a pet owner is concerned they may have contracted scabies from their pet particularly if their veterinarian diagnoses scabies they should contact their primary care physician for recommendations and let them know their dog is being treated for scabies said diesel the best prevention from mange is to keep dogs away from known infested environments including coyote dens and fox burrows if the owner knows their dog has scabies they should also keep their pet away from other dogs (including staying away from dog parks doggie day care and groomers) until the infestation is fully resolved said diesel pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet dental health march 13 2013 we all know that our dental health is important we even visit our dentist regularly to have teeth cleanings and oral exams keeping our teeth clean is vital to our health and well-being and that is no different for our pets ideally you should brush your pets teeth daily states dr johnathon dodd clinical professor at texas a&ms college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences make sure you are using special toothpaste that is made for pets and is safe for them to swallow they cannot spit or rinse like we do so our pets need specific kinds of toothpaste that is not harmful if ingested having your pets teeth inspected and cleaned is an important responsibility many owners overlook this seemingly slight slip of your pets dental health could be causing serious problems in your pets mouth gum disease is the most common disease occurring in pets today it results from the build-up of soft dental plaque on the surfaces of the teeth around the gums the bacteria in dental plaque irritate the gum tissue if it accumulates which leads to infection in the bone surrounding the teeth after plaque has formed hard dental tartar calcium salts from saliva that has been deposited on plaque begins to grow if the surface of the tooth does not stay clean tartar begins to form within a few days the un-brushed tooth provides a surface that boosts further plaque accumulation if plague is allowed to accumulate tartar is difficult to remove without dental instruments for our pets gum disease means bad breath and painful irritated gums that can lead to bleeding loss of appetite and the loss of teeth if the roots have been affected there is also the possibility that the bacteria surrounding the root of the tooth gains access to the bloodstream which can lead to microscopic damage of the heart liver and kidney as the severity of the gum disease increases so does the damage the best way to ward off potential oral disease in your pet is by keeping your pets teeth clean and checkups regular your veterinarian and local pet retail stores should carry toothbrushes and toothpaste for your pets different flavors of toothpastes are available for dog and cats your pet needs to get their teeth cleaned yearly said dodd most veterinary clinics should offer dental cleaning services but if they do not they can refer you to someone who does to help ward off gum diseases and bad breath there are products you can feed your pet that help improve and promote oral health there are certain dog treats that help promote good dental health said dodd the right kind of treat should crumble be easily crushed and contain chlorhexadine or a hydrogen peroxide-type additive that can help with the bacteria count in the animals mouth balancing this bacteria count can help prevent and get rid of bad breath a helpful guide to go by when considering your pets oral health is the veterinary oral health council website they have a compiled list of products that are intended to help reduce the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth of animals and have created the vohc seal of approval to see the full list of vohc approved products visit wwwvohcorg brushing your pets teeth taking them for a yearly dental health visit to the dentist and giving them vohc approved products are all ways that you can help make sure your pet has a clean and healthy mouth pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet heart health and heartworms march 7 2013 the heart is a complex organ and it is important for pet owners to be aware of the diseases it can develop such as heartworms pet owners should be aware of the signs and symptoms of heartworms so that they can provide their pet with the best possible care humid spring and summer days may cause dogs and cats to suffer more from mosquito bites that can lead to heartworm disease said dr sonya gordon associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences dogs have a high risk of heartworm infection but cats are also susceptible to the disease pets become infected when a heartworm-infested mosquito bites the animal transmitting the heartworm larvae into the tissue of the pet as the larvae develop they travel through the tissue and ultimately settle in the blood vessels of the lungs which leads to the development of heartworm disease heartworms should really be called lungworms because the adult worm typically lives in the blood vessels of the lungs not the heart said gordon if left untreated heartworms can lead to difficulty with breathing and even result in a clog of the right heart causing caval syndrome which is when blood is prevented from traveling through the right side of the heart and causes the pets abdomen to fill with fluid among other problems signs of heartworm disease can include coughing difficulty breathing fainting weight loss and an overall decreased activity level a blood test from your local veterinarian can determine if your pets have the disease while treatment for heartworm disease is possible it is frequently much more expensive and hazardous than preventative medication treatment for heartworm disease can cost up to $6 000 contingent on the disease severity and is generally considered a dangerous procedure since a lethal substance must be used to exterminate the worms in the blood vessels and the pets body must clean up the deceased worms itself treatment can last up to four months depending on the severity of the case during this time the pet must have their exercise severely restricted the best overall treatment for heartworms is preventative medicine said gordon pet owners have a variety of treatment options to choose from including once-monthly tablets tasty chewable tablets topical medicines and even injections that can be given by your veterinarian twice per year it is important to use the treatment that works best for you and your pet preventative medicine costs approximately $30-$100 per year and is typically administered once a month to prevent heartworm larvae from developing into adults even pets that receive monthly preventative medicine should have a yearly blood test to ensure that they do not accidentally become infected pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pesticides and your pet february 21 2013 while spring is a time to plant beautiful flowers in your yard it also brings pesky insects out in numbers because of this a potential hazard this time of year for pets is pesticides before choosing a pesticide read the label to ensure it is safe for your pet said michael golding assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences avoid products with bone-meal as these can be tasty to your pet and pesticides with organophosphates and carbamates as these can be extremely deadly the most common ways pets come into contact with pesticides is licking the toxic substances from their feet or coat or by directly consuming the product from a container that has been left out if your pet begins showing symptoms such as vomiting diarrhea seizures trouble walking drooling nausea and/or tremors contact your veterinarian immediately as these are signs that your pet is suffering from pesticide related toxicity a common way pesticides cause problems in our pets is through organophosphates and carbamates said golding they act as competitive inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase a key component of the central nervous system that allows the brain to regulate the body while newer more environmentally safe pesticides have a wider safety margin they are still not 100% safe a product that is labeled ‘green is not necessarily safe for dog/cat who decides to eat it said golding it is best to be safe so call your vet and read him/her the label information as soon as your pet has contact with the substance while pesticides are a main source for toxicity in pets there are many other toxins in a home that pets can come into contact with garage toxins such as antifreeze windshield wiper fluid and fertilizers and kitchen toxins like chocolate bread dough grapes and onions are examples of household items that can be problematic if your pet comes into contact with them said golding for any toxic exposure contact your veterinarian immediately another excellent resource is also the pet poison helpline at 800-213-6680 pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print first aid for pets february 15 2013 when a friend or significant other gets hurt we generally have a good idea of how to take care of them but what do you do when your pet is in an emergency unfortunately most pet owners do not prepare themselves for these tragic incidents until it is too late it is absolutely necessary to know if your veterinarian has an after hour emergency service and if not who they recommend calling in case of an emergency said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it is also imperative that you can call your veterinarian for advice on what to do to help your pet until you can get it to a clinic two common pet emergency situations that pet owners should be equipped for are poisoning and trauma if you suspect that your pet has eaten something toxic contact your veterinarian they may tell you to make it vomit by feeding it hydrogen peroxide states stickney while hydrogen peroxide is generally harmless there are some poisons that will actually make things worse if the pet vomits so it is important that you contact your veterinarian first having a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the medicine cabinet before you need it is a good idea as temperatures begin to rise snake bites become more and more common with pets if you think your pet has been bitten by a snake stay calm and take it to the vet right away do not use a tourniquet on the animal as this will limit the blood flow to the area causing more harm than good the area where the pet was bitten will swell up very quickly said stickney just because there is no visible puncture wound does not mean that your pet did not get bitten if you are able to kill the snake then take it to the veterinarian with you if they can identify it they will have a better idea of how harmful the bite is traumatic events such as getting hit by a car bike or other vehicle are sadly not uncommon for pet dogs and cats while the animal might look okay it is a good idea to have it checked out by a veterinarian anyway trauma can be very deceiving what appears to be a minor injury on the outside may hide a lot of damaged tissue on the inside said stickney the first thing to do if your pet has been injured and is bleeding is to put pressure on the area to slow blood flow wounded pets may bite from pain fear or confusion so it is good to have a muzzle to use in this type of emergency situation your pet might be your best friend but when dogs are hurt they may not remember that said stickney if you have a big dog i would also recommend that you have a dog stretcher they make it much easier to move large injured animals less severe accidents such as minor cuts and scrapes are common and can be handled much like you would treat yourself make sure that the cut is as clean as possible said stickney i would not recommend putting antibiotic cream anywhere your pet can lick it off as this just causes more germs to get in the wound if the cut is on an area they cant lick then something like neosporin will be fine elizabethan collars are useful for preventing a pet from gaining access to an injury pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print vaccinating your pet february 8 2013 even though they may be taken for granted pet vaccinations are vital for your pets health properly vaccinating your pet is an important part of pet care because vaccines can potentially help protect your pet against some serious health conditions and diseases vaccines are a suspension of altered microorganisms which will prevent lessen or treat disease without causing the disease said dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences vaccines are considered the cornerstone of preventive medicine knowing the different types of vaccinations and how they work can help pet owners provide the best care for their animals there are live killed modified live and recombinant vaccinations said stickney by exposing the immune system to bacteria or viruses that are genetically similar to the ones that will cause disease the immune system will develop antibodies that protect the body when it encounters the actual disease-causing organism some pet vaccines can be purchased over-the-counter and given by non-veterinarians said stickney however there may be quality control issues with vaccines if you are not familiar with the correct way to store and use them by law certain vaccines like the rabies vaccine can only be given by your veterinarian said stickney your veterinarian is also the best person to determine which vaccines your pet needs and how frequently they should be administered all puppies and kittens should receive the rabies vaccine at three months of age and again at one year of age vaccination schedules vary depending on the area of the country you are in and the prevalence of different diseases in that area said stickney puppies should be vaccinated for distemper virus adenovirus parvovirus and parainfluenza while kittens should be vaccinated for viral rhinotracheitis calicivirus and panleukopenia other vaccinations may also be recommended depending on the lifestyle of your pet booster shots are necessary in puppies and kittens to overcome ‘maternal immunity where the antibodies that the puppies and kittens acquired from their mother provide some protection but eventually break down said stickney vaccines are ineffective in the face of maternal immunity; therefore the puppy and kitten vaccine series is necessary to protect the pet during the time when the maternal immunity disappears booster shots remind the immune system of diseases it is supposed to protect against the frequency at which adult animals should receive booster vaccines has been a topic of debate among veterinarians for years increasingly we have evidence that most vaccines do not need to be boosted every year and that the risk of an animal catching certain diseases decreases with age your veterinarian will be able to tailor a protocol for vaccinating your pet based on its specific lifestyle no vaccine is 100% effective said stickney it is possible to overwhelm any vaccine and immune system with exposure to enough disease-causing organisms additionally adverse reactions can occur from vaccinations these reactions are most likely to occur the second time an animal receives a vaccine they usually occur within a few minutes to six hours of vaccination there are two types of reactions commonly seen anaphylactic and delayed hypersensitivity said stickney delayed hypersensitivity reactions are more common and less serious the pet becomes itchy and the face and ears swell these reactions can usually be treated with antihistamines anaphylactic reactions are less common and are serious and life-threatening said stickney the animal collapses and goes into shock epinephrine and intravenous fluids are necessary to treat the animal if your pet ever had an allergic reaction to a vaccine it is important to let your veterinarian know even pets that are allergic to a specific vaccine typically have no problems if they are treated with antihistamines before vaccinations remember vaccines are health products that signal protective immune responses in your pet your veterinarian can best guide you in the use and schedule for vaccinating your pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print cold weather and your pet january 31 2013 many pet owners love spending time with their furry friend outside but during the cold winter weather pet owners need to take special precautions to ensure that their pet stays warm and healthy when the temperature drops the good thing is that for most areas of texas even the ‘winter months do not get cold enough to cause serious problems in our pets or even most large animals said alison diesel lecturer at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the thick coats of most domestic animal species are sufficient to provide protection from the cold here in texas but on the rare occasion of a colder day some other things could be considered one precaution pet owners must take is making sure dogs cats and other large animal species have an adequate defense from the cold weather when they are outside making sure blankets are available and dry can be extremely helpful for this purpose said diesel also as with people turning up the heat can help keep our pets warm as well for smaller pets simply keeping them inside during the colder times can be the most beneficial nonetheless short exposure to the outside cold can be fine and is usually not detrimental to the pets health dogs and cats shiver a lot like people this action is used to help generate body heat in cold climates said diesel if your pet shivers while outside shorten the length of your trips together to help reduce this trembling providing extra bedding like blankets and towels will also keep your pets warm and cozy for larger pets that cannot come inside from the cold weather making sure they have an adequate outdoor shelter is important to their comfort and safety shelters such as dog houses and stables can be very helpful during cold winds and should have extra bedding (blankets towels hay etc) added for additional warmth an important thing to remember for outdoor pets is to make sure they always have a fresh supply of water said diesel if it gets cold enough to freeze this should be checked regularly to make sure the water doesnt freeze over moving water sources like fountains are less likely to do this conditions like frostbite and hypothermia while not typical in warmer climates like texas are severe conditions that are common in colder climates dehydration is a possibility as well if your pets water source freezes over said diesel pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print springtime gardening and pet safety january 23 2013 spring is the season for being outdoors for many that mean slipping on their rubber boots and gloves grabbing their shovel and planting seeds in the hope of an ample garden in the near future while preparing your plot its important to take steps to ensure that its safe for your pets to enjoy as well by avoiding any toxic plants when planting your garden it is important to note that there are numerous house and garden plants which can be toxic to pets said james barr assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences some include brunfelsia oleander and even lilies brunfelsia also known as the yesterday today & tomorrow plant causes convulsive seizures in dogs while cycads low growing palm trees used indoors and outdoors are toxic to the liver of dogs and they trend to chew on the roots when the liver is contaminated the dogs body stops producing the normal clotting factors and the dog starts bleeding excessively this can progress to the point where the dog bleeds to death said barr while brunfelsia and cycads have not been known to cause problems in cats lilies are especially harmful to them once ingested cats develop symptoms such as nausea vomiting depression and will stop eating altogether once ingested the cat must be treated by a veterinarian preferably within 24 hours and not later than 48 hours said barr the toxin(s) present in the lilies are very toxic to the kidneys kolanchoe is a house plant that is known to be toxic to pets it contains a chemical which is similar to the human heart medication digoxin the garden plant oleander also contains digoxin-like compounds both kolanchoe and oleander can be toxic to all animals including dogs and cats if ingested said barr spring is a great time to enjoy the outdoors taking the time to make sure that everything you put in your yard is safe for your pet will ensure this time is special for the entire family pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print should you scrap the table scraps january 17 2013 as winter break comes to a close numerous students find themselves back at home with a fridge full of leftovers for many pet owners this means a few less trips to the store for pet food while sharing food with your pet is possible owners should realize that your pet has particular dietary restrictions it must follow to guarantee that it stays happy and healthy people enjoy sharing food with their pets it is part of the bonding process said deb zoran doctor of veterinary medicine and associate professor at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) but proper control of the types and amounts of food pets are served is crucial for its safety for example a diet consisting too high of fats can very dangerous for dogs even causing such problems as diarrhea or in severe cases pancreatitis zoran said the additional calories found in average table foods can also lead to obesity problems in your pet if not controlled these problems arise not from the food itself as whole foods such as meat and potatoes are very nutritious and well digested but from the many spices added and the food not being in the proper balance for the pet the food itself is perfectly good for our pets zoran said if owners want to feed ‘human food and are willing to follow prescribed recipes set up by a nutritionist then it is an excellent way to meet their nutritional needs choosing to feed your pet in this fashion also leaves the owner with the responsibility for meeting their pets proper nutritional needs which are different for dogs and cats chicken is an excellent and frequently used meat source to feed pets with the fat removed for dogs and left in place for cats generally high fat things are potentially very problematic for dogs while cats dont need carbs in their diets at all zoran said spices and seasonings especially onions capsaicin and other additives are all potentially problematic in your pet food as well pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print matters of the heart: hypertension january 14 2013 one out of every three adults has high blood pressure or hypertension as with humans hypertension is seen in pet cats and dogs primary hypertension occurs when the blood pressure is higher than normal with no other cause secondary hypertension however occurs when the blood pressure is higher than normal as a result from a different disorder ordinarily both a cats and dogs blood pressure should be about 120/70 which is similar to the normal blood pressure of a human different from humans however animals usually experience secondary hypertension as a result from another disorder instead of primary hypertension said dr ashley saunders assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary & biomedical sciences said people get hypertension so they can relate to it saunders said the thing that is different between people and pets though is high blood pressure in pets is usually caused by something else high blood pressure can be a sign of kidney disease diabetes endocrine disease cancer in the adrenal glands and central nervous system and brain disease high blood pressure can also cause resinous problems such as blindness seizures and depression other signs include fainting anxiety and restlessness at night and loss of balance hypertension can result in blindness fainting episodes and can even contribute to kidney disease saunders said blood pressure on a pet is usually taken by shaving the underside of a paw and placing a cuff halfway down on the leg taking blood pressure on a pet is similar to that of a human an ultrasound machine is used to listen to the pets blood flow while the cuff is inflated and then released the animals blood pressure should be taken by a veterinarian the main treatment for hypertension is medication hypertension in pets is totally different than people because it is normally caused by another disease and it needs to be medicated saunders said people are used to hearing that they need to change their lifestyle diet and activity level when diagnosed with hypertension but that does not work for pets medication is needed since hypertension is also a symptom for underlying problems saunders explained that it is important to get the pets blood pressure checked regularly middle aged pets and older she added are more susceptible to having diseases that would cause hypertension once the pet is middle aged or older blood pressure should be taken regularly at least once a year saunders said this helps monitor their blood pressure and other possible disorders pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print matters of the heart: congenital heart disease january 4 2013 humans and dogs often have similar health problems one example of this is congenital heart disease congenital heart disease refers to a problem the animal is born with there are multiple types of congenital heart disease: valve malformations or dysplasia valve narrowing or stenosis abnormal openings between the heart chambers or septal defects and patent ductus arteriosus patent ductus arteriosus (pda) is the most common among dogs said dr ashley saunders assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) there are a number of diseases that your dog can be born with patent ductus arteriosus is the most common in dogs she said pda is caused when the ductus arteriosus an arterial connection between the aorta and pulmonary artery doesnt close properly after birth saunders said this results in blood being pumped back through the artery instead of through the rest of the body saunders added that different breeds such as german shepherds miniature poodles cocker spaniels pomeranians collies and shetland sheepdogs are more susceptible to the disorder female dogs are also predisposed to the disorder most dogs with pda have a heart murmur that the veterinarian will hear upon routine checkup most veterinarians will hear a heart murmur when the dog is taken in for a routine vaccination or first exam saunders said after hearing the heart murmur an x-ray is done to evaluate the heart size and possibly fluid build-up in the lungs a cardiologist would get an ultrasound or echocardiogram of the dogs heart to examine the blood flow through the ductus arteriosus based on the symptoms and the murmur we will do tests to determine which congenital disease the dog has saunders said a lot of times we will have to do a heart ultrasound to make a definitive diagnosis generally surgery is the treatment for dogs with pda the small animal hospital at the cvm is known for fixing pda with minimally invasive surgery saunders said if the animal has surgery their prognosis is great with a greater than90 percent survival percentage if undiagnosed and untreated pda can lead to heart failure since pda leads to heart failure 60 percent of dogs die when pda is untreated signs of heart failure are difficulty breathing coughing and exercise intolerance pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print dashing through the snow: signs of hypothermia december 13 2012 the weather in texas is extremely unpredictable one day its 60 degrees and raining the next its 80 degrees with sunshine winters can be even worse with unexpected cold fronts with extremely cold temperatures hypothermia is a possibility for pets hypothermia occurring in both humans and pets is a condition characterized by abnormally low body temperatures there are three phases of hypothermia: mild classified as a body temperature of 90-99 degrees fahrenheit; moderate classified as a body temperature of 82-90 degrees fahrenheit; and severe classified as a body temperature of less than 82 degrees fahrenheit with hypothermia the dog is no longer able to control a normal body temperature resulting in an abnormal heartbeat and difficulties breathing generally hypothermia results from spending too much time outside in the cold although there is not a specific time limit for a given temperature a dog should be left outside dr stacy eckman lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences said time spent outside in the cold should be restricted the amount of time a pet should spend outside varies based on how acclimated the pet is to cooler temperatures eckman said typically we do not recommend indoor pets to spend considerable amounts of time outdoors in cold temperatures without supervision hypothermia should be considered when taking any pet into the cold for long periods of time but some are more susceptible to the illness than others smaller younger dogs for example are likely to lose their body heat faster resulting in hypothermia eckman said geriatric patients may take medications that alter their ability to regulate their temperature and blood flow making them also more susceptible she said she added that arctic breeds such as huskies or malamutes can be less prone to hypothermia than other breeds because of their thicker coats if a dog is left in the cold for an extended period of times signs of hypothermia to look for are shivering lethargy weakness and shallow breathing the more severe the case of hypothermia the worse the signs will appear after a period of time the shivering stops and they become more neurologically affected eckman said their heart rates may drop to dangerous levels and it can be fatal it is important to take the pet to the veterinarian or seek a veterinarians advice if hypothermia is suspected once there the veterinarian can monitor the pets heartbeat breathing and temperature if the temperature falls below 98 degrees fahrenheit eckman said the veterinarian will start active warming on the pet active warming includes placing warm blankets or heating pads on the animal and feeding it warmed oats or rice eckman cautioned that owners should not perform these methods of treatment before consulting a veterinarian items such as heating pads should never be applied directly to pets as this can cause thermal burns she said for severe cases the veterinarian may give warmed iv fluids or warm water enemas to the pet another result from leaving a dog in the cold for long periods of time is frostbite frostbite occurs on areas least covered by fur such as ears and tails signs of frostbite include red swollen areas or pale white areas as with hypothermia it is important to consult a veterinarian if frostbite is suspected to prevent hypothermia and frostbite it is recommended that pets particularly smaller younger or older pets are not in the cold for extended periods of time eckman also recommended putting sweaters or booties on the pet to keep them warm dogs with coats and booties may look cute but this ‘fashion statement may protect from hypothermia she said this winter whether staying in texas or traveling to colorado remember to monitor the temperature if your pet is spending extended periods of time in the cold pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print bringing your 4-legged friend home for the holidays december 6 2012 for many pet lovers holiday traveling without their beloved pet simply wont do taking your pet along can make a holiday event fun for everyone if you plan carefully sarah griffin a lecturer at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) says the first step in preparing for your pets travel is to keep up-to-date with interstate and international travel regulations which can be found online at wwwaphisusdagov if you are going across state borders a health certificate is required which involves a veterinarian examining your pet updating their vaccinations and ensuring that your pet is travel healthy says griffin you should also make sure that pets are allowed at places you will be staying especially with inns and hotels must have items to pack for your pets travels include a collar and leash for walks during pit-stops a crate and blankets for a cozy place for your pet to sleep toys for your pet to relax and dishes for food water and medications a list of veterinarians and/or pet emergency clinics along the way and at the destination is important in case of any unfortunate accidents says griffin you should also make sure your pet has a form of identification with up-to-date information like a microchip pet owners should remember that traveling is stressful for pets in much of the same way it is for their owners make sure that your pet is habituated to riding in a car before starting an extended road trip while medication can be prescribed for anxiety it is highly recommended to just train your pet for extensive car outings when on outings make sure your pet is restrained in the car by either a harness a pet friendly seat belt or is safe in a crate as this protects the pet and the cars other passengers says griffin a pet bed or blanket should be kept with your pet at all times to help keep their anxiety in check it is also important to make sure the seats containing your pet have their air bags deactivated to prevent any unfortunate accidents while out on the road make sure to stop about every three or so hours to allow your pet to use the bathroom and drink water pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print strangles: understanding equine distemper and purpura haemorrhagica november 29 2012 one of the most alarming of infectious diseases in the equine industry is strangles which is noted for the characteristic large swelling of lymph nodes under the jaw or in the throat area sometimes the node enlargement progresses to the point of interfering with airway or swallowing functions creating a concern that the patient might strangle strangles also known as equine distemper is caused by a bacterial infection of the highly infectious streptococcus equi (strep equi) it most commonly affects young horses generally two years of age or less although the disease is potentially fatal the mortality rate is generally less than 10 percent the morbidity rate however is quite high due to the infectious nature of the germ and its ability to survive once infected horses contaminate the environment the disease has an incubation period ranging from a few days to two weeks therefore minimum isolation time of two weeks is recommended with horses that have been exposed or horses having an unknown history for biosecurity purposes we see it so commonly in young horses when the germ is found in endemic areas; the younger animals often lack adequate immune protection said dr glennon mays clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical science (cvm) that means that once a location is contaminated with strangles we often see it reappear in the horse population because the bacterium is located in that environment when horses are born or brought to that location if they dont have protective immunity they become infected the strep equi germ can survive in contaminated soil water troughs feed buckets and tack the germ can even be transferred by people from one location to another direct transmission between horses occurs through contaminated mucus excretions of the infected horse to the naïve horse contaminated horses may shed the germ for two to three weeks infected horses can exhibit several signs such as general depression and dull behavior runny nose or eyes and fever the classic symptom of the infection is swollen lymph nodes beneath the jaw or throat areas or in other external and/or internal body locations lymph nodes will usually swell two to three days after infection and horses will be able to spread disease for approximately two to three weeks after clinical signs appear these lymph nodes swell in reaction to the infection and often develop into large pus formations mays said after swelling when the nodes soften it is often therapeutic to drain the nodes by surgical incision but this requires great caution since large blood vessels are often in close proximity care to contain the recovered pus is necessary because it can be very contaminating wherever it collects the lymph nodes really serve as an area of collection of the bacteria and a concentration point of the infection you dont want that fluid getting into the soil or on objects that will come in contact with uninfected horses mays said remember that the person handling the infected horse or the infected material coming from the horse can become a vehicle for spreading the disease in addition to relieving the swelling of glands veterinarians will typically administer supportive care such as anti-inflammatory medications to horses that retain an adequate appetite hydration status and dont display difficulty breathing some patients may experience high fever spikes (103 f or more) and require more aggressive therapy in these instances administration of antibiotics electrolyte fluids and anti-inflammatories become necessary additional products believed to stimulate the immune system are sometimes incorporated into the therapeutic plan however many equine practitioners choose against initiating antimicrobial therapy unless the patient is fevered depressed and listless to the point of not eating and drinking adequately mays explained that in some cases equine strangles can develop into a clinical presentation called purpura haemorrhagica purpura causes vasculitis in the extremities resulting in painful swelling of the legs due to acute inflammation of peripheral blood vessels the legs become tender and sore because circulation is impaired horses that develop this condition are either infected with strangles and progress to the purpura stage or were previously exposed to the germ without developing an infection the reason behind this development is poorly understood mays said but horses that develop purpura are extremely depressed and actually show more clinical signs of illness – essentially sicker than with strangles alone the vasculitis in the legs can significantly prolong recovery and can be severe enough that the swelling permanently damages musculoskeletal structures laminitis is not an unusual resulting chronic condition complications from purpura can produce career-ending results for performance horses purpura can also become fatal if not treated in a timely or effective manner my biggest concern is purpura creating a systemic effect resulting in a generalized body-wide infection producing toxins that becomes a life-threatening condition mays said the best defense against equine strangles is to create a barrier through biosecurity avoid transporting young horses into contaminated or endemic areas isolate horses of unknown exposure history for a minimum of two weeks to prevent possible exposure of disease to other animals do not bring horses displaying signs of illness into contact with healthy horses remember the infection can be transferred on clothing tack vehicle tires or hands due to strangles extremely contagious character seek veterinary care immediately if suspected often the veterinarians prefer to examine the animal away from their clinic to avoid contamination vaccines have been available for decades but remain a contested topic for recommendation mays explained that many veterinarians approach vaccination recommendation with caution strep vaccines historically have more potential for reactive properties than other equine biological products many practitioners express concern for an increased frequency of post-vaccination complications with strangles vaccine mays said pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print training tips for dogs november 21 2012 taking care of a dog may seem like an easy fun task but many struggle with teaching their dog basic commands these commands such as sit and stay are important for your dogs safety and will also make your life with your new friend much more enjoyable training should start right when the dog is brought to their new home dr stacy eckman lecturer at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences said whether teaching a young puppy or an old dog commands should begin right when the owner gets the animal as puppies they are quite eager to learn it may take a little patience but start with the little commands she said even if you acquire your pet when it is a little older many are still quite capable of learning basic commands the training should begin with basic commands such as sit and stay which are easy for most dogs to master teaching these basic commands allow the animal to learn your training system after successfully teaching them basic commands eckman recommends teaching the dog heal come and not to jump on people i think the most important commands deal with listening to your instructions and are for their own safety such as sit stay heal and come she said teaching them not to jump on people is also good manners! to train a dog eckman said it is best to use simple one or two word phrases combined with hand gestures reinforcing good behavior and mastering of a skill with a reward is a great way to train a dog she added saying ‘sit coupled with a simple hand gesture works well and reward them when they get it eckman said another tip eckman suggested is training the dog in a place the pet will not be easily distracted instead of teaching the dog a skill at the dog park for example teach the task at home where there are not as many distractions have them master the skill at home or in a quiet environment initially before adding the additional challenge she said if the dog is struggling to grasp the command consult your veterinarian about the next step i think all dogs learn differently and need different rewards and that is where discussing with your veterinarian what your goals are is very important and they can help you in this area she said they can discuss with you the methods you are using and the goals you are trying to achieve then point you to a resource such as training classes or books that fit your methodology there are multiple methodologies used to train dogs ranging from positive reinforcement when the command is followed to punishment and negative rewards eckman said it all depends on the owners beliefs and goals for their pet training classes are another option many pet owners consider these courses are often offered at local pet stores and by obedience training facilities for recommendations on training courses eckman said to ask friends who have been to the classes and veterinarians for their recommendations it is not always necessary to send a dog to a trainer because many basic commands can be taught with patience and time dogs learn at all different levels-some just take longer than others to learn it eckman said be patient and reinforce the good pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print benefits of exercising with your dog november 15 2012 as the semester rolls on and tests pile up many students begin changing their daily routine to one that is more study friendly and unfortunately usually more desk-bound what most students do not realize is that while your dog lies next to you on the couch day after day it is being robbed of exercise that is vital to its health and provides many benefits multiple studies have shown that dogs benefit from exercise and have improved bone health and have improved organ and lung function it makes them look better feel better and they are less nervous when left alone exercise is good for maintaining general health and it helps keep your heart muscles and joints strong it also helps with maintaining weight and their coordination said jacqueline davidson clinical track professor at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences studies also show that dogs lacking exercise usually have poor muscle tone and are more prone to injury brain ailments and bone disorders they are also more susceptible to developing emotional problems and behavior quirks dogs that dont exercise are usually overweight have less dexterity and their heart & joints arent as vigorous davidson said a lack of exercise can affect you and your pet in similar ways like becoming chubby said davidson obesity is a big concern for most animals getting you and dog off the couch does not mean having to do a tedious and dreary daily exercise there are a lot of fun ways to keep your pet and you active for dogs the choices are easy they enjoy almost anything you enjoy doing said davidson this can include walking running playing with a ball or frisbee agility training and even such sports as canicross and bikejoring (ie running or biking with your dog attached by an elastic line) sports like skijoring and bikejoring while fun can potentially be a safety issue warns davidson if youre doing anything like attaching yourself to your dog make sure the dog has decent obedience training and responds well to voice commands the best way to exercise with your dog is to set a date with them while generally playing in any way with your pet is good dogs benefit most from a prearranged occasion running around the yard is okay but its better to have a structured activity where your pet is constantly moving davidson said this structure can also help with your dogs behavioral problems like chewing barking etc because you are giving them an outlet to expend surplus energy and spend time with you it is also important to be patient with your pet when starting a new activity or sport gradually build the time spent doing these activities if the dog is sedentary and you expect it to run for several miles or play vigorously for 30 minutes injury may result if the dog is not physically conditioned for the sport or activity davidson said pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print veterans and their dogs november 8 2012 decorated navy seal marcus luttrell was the only survivor of a 2005 mission in afghanistan he is considered the lone survivor because the mission was the largest loss of life in seal history upon returning from combat luttrell received a labrador retriever named dasy to help him cope with the loss of his teammates dasy who died in 2009 was an acronym named after the first letter in the names of luttrells fallen teammates dogs can help those veterans who have psychological and emotional problems physical disabilities and those who need help transitioning back into civilian life luttrell is just one example of veterans receiving help and support from dogs to help them transition into civilian life and if they have disabilities upon returning from the military transitioning back into civilian life can be an extremely stressful situation for many veterans dr jean rubanick veterinary resident instructor at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences said these dogs can help make the switch back to civilian life easier for veterans when a veteran returns from combat they have to transition back to the civilian world rubanick an army veterinarian said this can be very stressful for many of them when a veteran is given a dog they have a partner that they can depend on and something that depends on them dogs often offer emotional support for the veterans with problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder which is common among veterans after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event they offer emotional support for servicemen and women dealing with combat stress home front issues and sleep disorders rubanick said while people can be judgmental dogs provide a nonjudgmental presence for the veteran allowing them to open up more with the presence of the dog veterans and active duty service members are reported to speak longer and have more meaningful discussions with mental health professionals when the dogs are present she added these dogs can also be trained to assist wounded warriors by helping them do tasks such as retrieve items open and close doors and turn off and on lights many veterans have nightmares and can have a dog that is trained to wake them from the dream some dogs are even trained to recognize when a veteran is going to have a panic attack or seizure rubanick said although some veterans may buy or adopt a dog there are numerous nonprofit organizations with missions dedicated to training and donating dogs to veterans one nonprofit organization patriot paws described its mission to train and provide service dogs of their highest quality at no cost to disabled american veterans and others with mobile disabilities in order to help restore their physical and emotional independence these nonprofit organizations are always looking for donations and volunteers veterans are our nations heroes and these dogs are important in making their lives a little better and easier they help our veterans transition to civilian life cope with anxieties and assist with tasks made difficult by a physical disability with veterans day approaching sunday remember to thank a veteran for their service pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print tips for buying dog toys november 1 2012 tennis balls frisbees rawhides and kongs dog toys line the shelves of multiple aisles at pet stores with all of the choices which toys should or shouldnt you buy for mans best friend dr mark stickney clinical associate professor and director of general surgery services at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences said that when first giving your dog toys buy a variety of toys to see what the animal prefers they are going to have a toy preference the same way that children have toy preferences he said once you determine their favorites you can adjust your selection and your budget accordingly for the toys that entertain your pet to help guide your purchases stickney said its important to make sure the toy is made of nontoxic material and the appropriate size toy for the animal a five-pound yorkie for example will not be able to use an extra-large kong toy made for a rotweiller kong toys he added are one of his favorite brands because it keeps the pets busy by challenging them to get a treat out of the small hole of the toy kong toys are fantastic because the animal has to work but they are also rewarded for their hard effort stickney said he explained that they are virtually indestructible because they are made of a durable rubber for most kongs an edible treat is placed inside the toy for treats stickney said it is important to consider the amount of calories in the snack he advised that treats should encompass no more than five percent of the animals total diet it is important to limit the number of treats given so the animal does not put on extra weight another edible toy for dogs is rawhides stickney said rawhides are great for the animal to chew on because it will not damage their teeth he advises buying rawhides the animal can chew on for a few hours instead of a few days when rawhides sit around for too long they grow bacteria and can potentially make your pet sick stickney said ropes are a common toy that pet owners should avoid string can get caught in the animals intestinal track and cause a linear foreign body stickney explained that when the animal continues to pass it the string can end up sawing a hole through their intestines this is similar to them getting a rope burn on the inside of their intestines he said it can kill them nothing with string of any sort is good for them after giving the toys to the animal stickney said it is important to monitor the pet for a few hours you need to watch them to make sure they are not going to end up hurting themselves on it by tearing it into pieces swallowing it or cutting themselves on it stickney said once you know your pets cant get into trouble with their new toys it is fine to leave them alone with the toys that is the beauty of having things that enrich their lives stickney said this way they have something to do when the fun people are out of the house for a while it keeps them busy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print dangers of pet halloween costumes october 25 2012 with halloween less than a week away many pet owners have already purchased their animals costume while these outfits can be fun and festive the wrong outfit can pose dangers to your animal although costumes are a fun way to interact with your pet dr mark stickney clinical associate professor and director of general surgery services at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences stressed the importance of monitoring your pet in the clothing cute little costumes are fun to put on your animals while trick-or-treating but when you are not watching your animals make sure to take them off stickney said he also explained that this also goes for sweaters jackets or any other pet clothing while it may seem like pets need clothes to stay warm they can do more harm than good if the animal is not monitored more than likely your animal does not need to keep clothing on to stay warm even in the winter stickney said if you have a house pet that only goes outside for 15-20 minutes to go to the bathroom they will be more than fine without the clothing another thing stickney recommended avoiding in pet costumes are dangly pieces of fabric bells or other small objects that the animal can chew off and swallow these things can cause the pet to choke and possibly cause blockages in their intestinal track ribbons and bows are especially dangerous for cats stickney added these are things cats love to play with and chew on but if they swallow them it causes what is called a ‘linear foreign body this requires emergency surgery to remove or it can ‘saw a hole in the intestines stickney also warned of a pet being allergic to the clothing material or the laundry detergent used to wash the costume if an animal is allergic to a costume or clothing stickney said it may develop an itchy red rash the best thing to do is to take the outfit off of the pet and retire it stickney said there is no reason to cause your pet pain and discomfort finally stickney stressed that it is important to make sure the outfits fit correctly anything that can wrap around the pets neck paws or legs can cause them to panic or injure themselves this is especially common in small or young dogs as many costumes may not fit them correctly because of their size stickney said the best way to select pet costumes or clothing is to buy them at a pet store where you can take your pet with you and try the outfit on them that way you will know for sure that it not only fits correctly but that it also looks as adorable as you hoped pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print exotic pets: what to know before you buy october 22 2012 we all have that friend the one that sees a picture or video of a cute exotic animal and instantly thinks that it would be a perfect companion for them although owning an exotic pet can be a rewarding experience most people are not prepared for the responsibilities or expenses that are tied with these animals exotic pets typically need special caging specialized diets and forms of enrichment that can all become quite expensive especially in larger exotics pets said sharman hoppes associate clinical professor at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) despite these warnings there are those that see videos like this hungry chinchilla or this playful wallaby and decide that their next pet should be an exotic one if your heart is set on an animal like these make sure to follow a few precautionary rules to ensure that you and your new pet stay healthy and happy before purchasing or adopting an exotic pet make sure to know everything you can about the certain pet youre interested in never buy an exotic animal impulsively websites such as http://exoticpetsaboutcom provide a great resource for finding special requirements for certain animals as well as proper feeding and handling techniques legal research is also extremely important to see if your state and local laws even allow the animal to be kept as a pet before buying an exotic pet research everything about them hoppes said questions such as where they come from their diet if they climb their social ability how big will they get as adults diseases they are susceptible to and how long they live are essential before purchasing an exotic pet find a veterinarian close by that is knowledgeable and that will see the pet for routine things and hopefully if there is an emergency hoppes said another important step before purchasing your exotic pet is to estimate the total cost of the animal while the pet itself may be inexpensive the cost of things such as housing food supplies and veterinary care can quickly add up this research is crucial beforehand to ensure that you can provide everything your pet will need to keep it healthy costs are dependent on species hoppes said a rabbit cage enrichment and diet are not that much more or less than a dog but a large parrot will need a large cage which can be $500-$1000 veterinary care for exotic pets is also high a healthy bird exam can be several hundred dollars and a sick bird exam can be a $1000 most exotic pets have to be sedated or anesthetized for any handling so even a physical exam with anesthesia and monitoring can be expensive making sure you prepare your home for exotic animal life is also a significant step before bringing home your new pet setting up the animals housing beforehand and making sure that their habitats temperature is right is essential to ensure that your pet is immediately placed into an appropriate environment upon arrival preparing your home means an appropriate cage with bar strength and bar spacing appropriate for the animal hoppes said make sure that the cage is large enough escape-proof and that the animal has protection from cold heat and rain if housed outdoors if the animal will be indoors and out of the cage animal proofing a room can be similar to making a room safe for a child such as covering electrical cords and outlets etc when buying a cage you must prepare for the adult size of the animal a baby iguana is only 6 inches long but an adult can be 6 feet long! finally the most important step before bringing home any exotic pet is to think of how owning one will affect your life in the long run knowing what you will do with your pet in case of moves marriages and other life events is crucial before making any purchases to make sure that your pet can accompany you throughout its entire life several exotic pets are great with their owners but not with other people hoppes saidmany exotic pets are not good with children and your new girlfriend or boyfriend may not like your large macaw who wants to bite them or may be afraid of your pet kangaroo that can kick and box with the power of muhammad ali various exotic pets are also not welcome in apartments or rental properties so it affects where you can move if you want to keep your exotic pet and it is not easy to find a good home for an exotic pet when you decide you cant keep it anymore about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print feline hyperthyroidism: symptoms and treatments october 4 2012 is your middle-aged cat experiencing increased thirst appetite and urination is your furry friend losing weight or has a change in behavior if so your family cat may have hyperthyroidism this common disease is caused by an overproduction of thyroid hormones called t3 and t4 due to dysfunction of the thyroid glands in the cats neck there are two of these glands on either side of the windpipe both glands are usually affected but this is not always the case the symptoms mentioned previously are not the only signs of hyperthyroidism; other symptoms include vomiting diarrhea and a matted or greasy coat these signs start slowly and many owners may not initially realize that something is wrong said dr audrey cook associate professor at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) a drop in body weight is often the first clue that a cat is suffering from hyperthyroidism which is one of the reasons why regular vet visits are so important in older cats cook said if a cat starts exhibiting the symptoms of hyperthyroidism a trip to the veterinarian will confirm the diagnosis the veterinarian will perform a physical examination which will include careful examination of the neck an enlarged thyroid gland may be palpated but a normal exam does not rule out the possibility of hyperthyroidism to confirm the disease the animals thyroid hormone level will be checked through blood work since thyroid hormones affect most organs in the body it is important to test a cat for the disease if it is suspected if left untreated secondary problems can arise such as the heart enlargement with an elevated heart rate another problem resulting from untreated hyperthyroidism is hypertension or high blood pressure both hypertension and heart disease caused by hyperthyroidism will resolve with proper treatment of the thyroid disease left untreated the cardiac complications related to hyperthyroidism can be life-threatening cook said hyperthyroidism can be treated three ways: medication radioactive-iodine or surgery traditionally medication is the main way to treat the disease for this option an anti-thyroid medication is given to decrease the amount of the hormones released from the thyroid glands this is relatively inexpensive but the drug must be given once or twice daily for the rest of the cats life also side effects can include vomiting anemia lethargy and bone marrow suppression some owners have a hard time getting the medication in to their cat cook said we can get it reformulated in to a liquid if this is easier and sometimes we use a product that is rubbed into the ear and absorbed that way radioactive-iodine therapy is becoming increasingly popular when dealing with hyperthyroidism in cats for this long-term treatment the cat is injected with the radioactive iodine which destroys the tissue of the overactive thyroid gland although this procedure is usually very effective it is more expensive and requires the cat being confined to the hospital while the radioactivity decreases this is one of the best ways to treat this disease and the choice i made for my own cat when she was hyperthyroid cook said surgical removal of the thyroid gland(s) is another option available for this disease although the long-term success rate is good there is a risk of damage to the parathyroid glands located close to the thyroid gland the parathyroid gland is responsible for maintaining proper calcium blood levels we usually only recommend surgery if the gland is cancerous which is very rare or if medication or radiation are not a suitable choice cook said a veterinarian can help determine which treatment option is best for your animal in general the prognosis for a cat with hyperthyroidism is good after treatment long-term monitoring of the thyroid levels will help ensure the cat continues to live a happy life pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print eliminating rabies across the world september 20 2012 world rabies day is september 28 2012 it is a day to raise awareness about the impact of human and animal rabies more than 55 000 people die from rabies worldwide every year a rate of one person every 10 minutes this is an astonishing number especially because rabies in humans in 100 per cent preventable most of these cases are transmitted to humans by dogs world rabies day events have been held in 150 countries and have vaccinated 77 million dogs to date world rabies day was created in 2006 by the global alliance for rabies control the alliance consisted of researchers and professionals involved with human and animal healthcare including dr leon russell professor in the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) russell explained that the goal of world rabies day is to reduce the amount of rabies cases throughout the world by ensuring adequate animal vaccination and control educating people who may be at risk and increasing access to appropriate medical care for those bitten by rabies infected animals for more information about getting animals vaccinated on world rabies day in your area please contact your local veterinarian while there are various strains of rabies dogs are the primary source for transmission to humans across the globe however canine rabies virus strain has been eradicated in the united states because of proper and complete vaccination procedures our hope is to eliminate canine rabies across the globe russell said rabies is completely preventable we want people to understand the importance of vaccinating against the disease but while canine rabies has been eliminated there are still treats to humans and pets in the united states so people particularly pet owners need to take precautions dogs and cats contract rabies primarily from skunks raccoons and bats in the united states these canine and feline pets serve as bridge animals or carriers of rabies between wildlife hosts and people russell explained that if you suspect your dog or cat has been exposed to a rabid animal you should take your pet to a veterinarian immediately while russell says that it is good to be aware of potentially rabid bats skunks and raccoons nothing is as effective in preventing rabies as vaccination of your canine and feline pets there are two types of vaccines one protects pets for one year the other for three years russell said they are both great vaccines and sometimes local ordinances or price dictates which one pet owners choose – but regardless pets should always be routinely vaccinated against rabies in addition to dogs and cats russell recommends vaccinating cattle and equines as well while dogs and cats predominantly contract rabies from various wildlife species (skunks raccoons bats) horses and cattle most often contract rabies from skunks horses that are stalled particularly at night should be vaccinated russell said weve seen cases of horses that contract rabies from a skunk that gets into the stall; it isnt common but it does happen its better to be safe than sorry when it comes to rabies vaccinating your animals is the best prevention pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print assisting service dogs september 13 2012 although most people have pets strictly for companionship those with disabilities often use animals to help perform every day functions these service animals are trained to provide specific assistance tailored to their owners disability just like any animal however service animals can develop disabilities and need rehabilitation as well there are multiple types of service animals for example miniature horses are trained as guides for those who are visually impaired or in need of mobility assistance even capuchin monkeys can be trained to help with daily tasks that require grasping and manual dexterity dogs however remain the most common service animal service dogs are generally either rescued from shelters or bred in specific breeding programs although there is not a specific breed requirement for service dogs most tend to be golden retrievers or labrador retrievers one of the main determining factors for service dogs is size because they are expected to perform physical activities thus most assistance dogs are of medium to large size while these special dogs are trained to provide a variety of tasks the two most common jobs performed by service dogs are guiding the visually impaired or offering mobile support for the owner some service dogs can also be trained to pick up objects open doors or operate light switches in recent years service dogs have even been trained to help those with autism low blood sugar and psychiatric disability amazingly service dogs have been able to alert an epileptic person minutes or even hours before seizures dr jacqueline davidson clinical professor at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) small animal hospital said prior to dogs joining a service training program they are screened for potential problems to ensure they are healthy enough to complete their duties generally they are evaluated for congenital conditions particularly relating to their vision or hearing davidson said in addition dogs that are of medium or large breeds are evaluated for dysplasia of the hips and elbows joints may also be checked for other developmental diseases that could cause problems later in life davidson explained that this screening process means that dogs trained as service animals are probably less likely to develop certain orthopedic problems as compared to those of the general population that are not always tested for these things she said that there have been no reported health risks directly related to service animals but as with companion animals they can still develop health problems over time if a service dog does develop a disability through proper treatment the dog will be able to continue to serve we occasionally treat a service dog that has developed a disability davidson said but they often return to work after physical rehabilitation rehabilitation is important with any animal but davidson said it can be a crucial factor in the recovery of working dogs she explained that since service animals require a certain level of physical ability to perform their jobs they are expected to return to a higher level of function after surgery and rehabilitation than the average companion dog since service dogs have so many responsibilities its important they make a full recovery before returning back to work davidson a diplomate of the american college of veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation said the american college of veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation (acvsmr) is a specialty recognized by the american veterinary medical association created to encourage veterinary expertise in the structural physiological medical and surgical needs of service working and athletic animals the dedication of the new college by the avma shows the importance placed on having experts in the field of rehabilitation for service animals when service dogs are hurt they cannot fulfill their jobs through proper rehabilitation however the dogs can continue to serve their owners pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print staph infections and methicillin resistance in companion animals august 30 2012 staphylococcus (staph) bacteria are all around us in an intimate way since it normally lives on the skin and mucous membranes of both people and animals alike it usually is not of a concern to the individual if the skin is functioning normally and there is not a risk for infection (eg systemic illness and immune compromise) when infection is present usually of the skin most staph bacteria are susceptible to commonly prescribed antibiotics although many individuals walk around every day with staph bacteria not all staph are alike indeed staphylococcus aureus prefers people (as well as pigs and some horses) over dogs and cats staphylococcus pseudintermedius likes the skin of companion animals over man methicillin-resistant staph refers to staphylococcus bacteria that have developed a resistance to commonly prescribed penicillin and penicillin-like antibiotics making infections difficult to treat again most staph bacteria are susceptible to a wide array of antibiotics but these particular staph have developed resistance to typical antibiotics hence they are more challenging to eliminate dr adam patterson clinical assistant professor and chief of dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences small animal hospital explained staph skin infections (pyoderma) in animals present as skin sores recognized as redness pimples scabs dander and hair loss many times these infections itch and result from uncontrolled allergic skin disease when this type of infection occurs it usually responds to correctly prescribed and administered topical and/or systemic antibacterial treatments if the infection is not easily treated by an appropriate course of antibiotics then the chance for a resistant infection is heightened although subject to debate as this is an area of ongoing research patterson said risk factors for methicillin-resistant staph infections in both people and animals seem to include repeated courses of antibiotics chronic skin disease immune compromise recurring hospital visits and indwelling medical implants such as those used for orthopedic surgery when these risk factors are present in animals with pyoderma veterinarians perform a culture of the skin sore to determine if the bacteria are indeed methicillin-resistant a resistant infection doesnt look different than susceptible infections the only way to know is to culture the skin patterson said once it is confirmed the pet has a methicillin-resistant staph infection the veterinarian can determine the best course of action patterson said the most common treatments are topical such as antiseptic shampoos and culture-based systemic antibiotics when we can we try to treat them topically patterson said methicillin resistance doesnt mean that the bacteria are more pathogenic they just are not killed by common antibiotics anymore people with methicillin-resistant staph are said to have mrsa (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) since dogs and cats tend to have a different species of staph on their skin resistant bacteria are most often called methicillin-resistant staphylococcus pseudintermedius (mrspi or mrsp) people are normally not infected with mrspi; likewise dogs and cats are normally not infected with mrsa common transfer of mrspi from pets to people has been fairly rare and isolated to date while transfer of mrsa from people to pets is somewhat more likely again mrspi is predominantly found in companion pets while mrsa is primarily found in people we dont know much about dog-to-dog spread but it is a large component of research on the epidemiology of methicillin resistance as we move forward patterson said a few simple recommendations to help reduce the chance of transfer of staph bacteria between household people and pets once an animal has confirmed mrspi infection include: administering the veterinary-prescribed treatment as directed wearing gloves when treating the affected pet with topical therapy keeping young children and immuno-compromised people (cancer hiv/aids etc) away from the affected pet keeping personal skin wounds covered and protected discouraging the pet from licking the face of people and not letting the affected pet share the bed or linens with household persons above all patterson emphasized the need to wash all surfaces of the hands after handling the affected pet additionally a search into why the pet has a resistant infection should be undertaken and corrected once identified if you develop skin sores or have concerns about your personal health once a methicillin-resistant staph infection has been confirmed in your pet then consult your physician about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print how to protect horses with the recent increase in west nile virus cases august 18 2012 the west nile virus cases in humans and horses have been on the rise in 2012 and according to the cdc human cases are at their highest levels since west nile virus was first detected in the united states in 1999 dr tracy norman clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) large animal clinic suggests protecting horses by vaccinating against the disease and taking measures to prevent mosquito bites the virus is transmitted by mosquitoes from avian hosts to humans and horses both humans and horses are considered dead-end hosts of west nile virus which means it is not contagious from horse to horse or horse to human if bitten by an infectious mosquito the virus can multiply in the blood system cross the blood brain barrier and infect the brain there it can cause inflammation of the brain interfering with central nervous system functions most horses infected with the virus do not exhibit signs of the disease for those that do however symptoms are similar to other neurologic diseases and can include impairment of basic motor skills (including loss of coordination or asymmetrical weakness a change in behavior or drowsiness some horses with west nile may have a fever early in the disease and show symptoms such as sensitivity to touch and sound and muscle twitching in the face muzzle and neck these typical neurologic signs are not always present in infected horses sometimes infected horses just appear colicky norman said you should always consult with a veterinarian if you suspect a horse of having west nile virus confirmation of infection is easily diagnosed through a blood test then owners and the veterinarian can plan a course of treatment norman explained that the main treatment for west nile is supportive care often anti-inflammatory drugs (such as banamine steroids and dmso) and intravenous fluids are used if the horse is having difficulty balancing a sling can be used to support the horse as it recovers the idea is to keep the horse healthy so it can fight the virus norman said if the horse is down and cannot get back up on its own the outlook is pretty bad norman said the mortality rate for west nile is about 30 to 40 percent many infected horses will survive but many of those will have residual neurological impairment not all horses will regain their previous performance levels norman stressed that vaccines against west nile are the best way to prevent infection in horses while the vaccine is not 100 percent effective at preventing clinical disease the vaccine can help reduce the severity of the symptoms (because of some pre-existing immunity from the vaccine) vaccinated horses that do become sick with west nile virus are in general less sick requiring less intensive treatment are sick for shorter periods of time and have a better chance at making a full recovery than unvaccinated horses vaccination against west nile virus is recommended by the american association of equine practitioners as one of the core vaccines that all horses should receive additionally horse owners can take steps to reduce the amount of mosquitos around their facilities by eliminating standing water; keeping stalls and pens clean; using equine mosquito repellents fly sheets and fly masks; and placing fans inside stalls (mosquitos have difficulty flying in wind) the vaccines provide year-long coverage but in some areas like texas with long summers and short mild winters some veterinarians will give the vaccine twice a year norman recommends vaccinating horses that have not yet been vaccinated this year to help protect horses through the fall mosquito months about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to cvmtoday@cvmtamuedu print poisonous to pets: common household toxins august 9 2012 for the past two weeks pet talks have addressed poisonous foods and medications common in most homes this week the focus is on miscellaneous poisonous items around the house including plants pennies and insecticides plants there are several plants that can be poisonous to pets lilies for example are toxic to cats the ingestion of any part of any type of lily can lead to kidney failure the clinical signs can include vomiting depression or loss of appetite if you suspect your cat of ingesting lilies you should contact your veterinarian immediately there is no antidote and intense supportive care is needed for cats to recover also sago palms are a common decorative house plant that is toxic to pets the seeds leaves and cones of the plant can cause acute liver failure the most common symptoms are vomiting diarrhea loss of appetite and yellowing of the skin and eyes if your pet ingests sago and they show the clinical signs of poisoning the prognosis is guarded to poor dr dorothy black clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences (cvm) explained there is no antidote and supportive care is extensive and includes blood transfusions while lilies and sago palms are very toxic black explained that poinsettias are usually non to mildly toxic pets ingesting this plant either have no clinical signs or gastrointestinal discomfort poinsettias are usually referred to as highly toxic but they really arent black said so feel free to display the poinsettias at christmas! pennies it may be surprising to some people but pennies minted after 1981 contain significant quantities of the metal zinc and are poisonous to pets when ingested excess zinc is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and causes red blood cells to break apart pets then become anemic showing signs of lethargy vomiting diarrhea port/wine colored urine and yellowing of the skin and gums removal of the penny and aggressive supportive care with blood transfusions usually allows for a successful recovery black said chemicals and insecticides a dangerous chemical common in many garages is ethylene glycol it is found in radiator coolants brake fluids and many other household products when ingested it causes the pet to appear intoxicated and as the toxin is metabolized it leads to kidney failure although there are medications that can inhibit the toxin and prevent kidney failure it must be administered within the first three to six hours post-ingestion if kidney injury is already present prognosis is guarded but with immediate treatment prognosis is good ant bait is used extensively in texas especially pyrethrin and pyrethroid containing products when ingested in significant quantities these chemicals can cause total body tremors and seizures in cats and dogs and their body temperatures can become markedly elevated supportive care including muscle relaxants and anti-seizure medications are required until the pet can metabolize the drug not all ant baits contain pyrethrins some are safe for pets black said read the labels carefully before you make a purchase other insecticides that contain organophosphates are highly toxic substances when ingested these insecticides can cause severe clinical reactions including salivation tearing urination defecation vomiting respiratory distress tremors seizures and paralysis drugs exist to counteract the toxin and are used in addition to extensive supportive care black said but successful recoveries require prompt treatment rat bait is another household danger it is offered in three main varieties: anticoagulant bromethalin and vitamin d analog (cholecalciferol) all three types can lead to death of dogs and cats that ingest them anticoagulant rodentecides (brodifacoum bromadiolone warfarin) lead to uncontrollable bleeding although there is no antidote if the pet is brought immediately to the veterinarian treatment and decontamination can prevent bleeding from accidental ingestion bromethalin toxicity leads to progressive neurologic signs such as difficulty walking and can progress to seizures and death there is no antidote only supportive care also cholecalciferol bait causes renal failure and is highly toxic as with bromethalin there is no antidote only supportive care dialysis can be attempted if clinical signs are present if you think your pet has ingested any of these toxic substances contact your veterinarian immediately treating your pet quickly after ingestion is key to a successful recovery black said for additional information on substances that are toxic to pets please consult the resources below aspca animal poison control center: 1-888-426-4435 $65 consultation fee http://wwwaspcaorg/pet-care/poison-control/ pet poison hotline: 1-800-213-6680 $39 consultation fee per incident http://wwwpetpoisonhelplinecom/ pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print human medicines can be poison to pets august 2 2012 last week dr dorothy black clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) shared suggestions for keeping cats and dogs safe from potentially toxic human foods this week she discusses some common over-the-counter and prescription human medicines that are poisonous to pets many homes have these medications and it can be surprisingly easy for pets to get a hold of them black said whether pets open bottles chew on tubes lick topical medication or just pick up dropped pills off the floor these medications pose particularly dangerous threats even the most common over-the-counter medications can be dangerous non-steroidal anti-inflammatories nsaids such as naproxen ibuprofen acetaminophen and aspirin can be highly toxic to dogs and cats these human medications can have profound effects on the gastrointestinal tract kidneys liver and hemoglobin in red blood cells unfortunately there is no specific antidote and an overdose often requires hospitalization and supportive care most cases of nsaid toxicity have a prognosis of good to guarded depending on clinical signs it is best not to give any nsaids to pets unless under the direct supervision of your veterinarian black said and keep medications out of the reach of pets pets are naturally drawn to objects that we touch often and pill bottles are regularly handled so they carry our scent we typically use terms of ‘excellent good fair guarded and grave to give odds of survival in these types of cases excellent indicates we have little doubt that with appropriate care (typically very minimal care) their pet will return to normal function black said guarded prognoses usually have a fifty-fifty chance for survival with aggressive treatment and the pet may not recover to one hundred percent of what they were before poisoning without treatment the pet is likely to die vitamin d analogs which are used topically to treat psoriasis also top blacks list of toxic medicines if pets lick the product off the skin kidney failure could occur signs of poisoning are vomiting diarrhea and increased urination and drinking as with nsaids there is no antidote if the pet is decontaminated before clinical signs emerge the prognosis is good however if clinical signs occur the prognosis is guarded the topical medications are particularly alarming because if your pet licks the application site on your body they can unintentionally ingest the medication black said many people dont realize the danger that poses to pets medicines containing progesterone such as birth control pills and some topical cancer medications for humans are also dangerous or poisonous to pets if ingested in large quantities these medications can lead to bone marrow toxicity and seizures since there is no antidote for progesterone poisoning supportive care is the only treatment option if clinical signs are presented and at that point the prognosis is guarded amphetamines which are commonly used to treat attention deficit disorder (add) can also have alarming effects on pets if ingested by cats or dogs amphetamines can cause hyperactivity aggressive behavior vocalization elevated body temperature heart arrhythmias tremors and seizures although supportive care is usually successful high-dose intoxications carry a guarded prognosis it should be noted that supportive care can lead to successful recovery but it is rather expensive and can force some pet owners to make tough decisions black said this is one of those times that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure its best to protect your pets from the outset keep medications contained and beware of topical applications pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print human treats poison to pets july 26 2012 there are a number of things around your house that can be deadly to your cats and dogs some you may know and some may be surprising some are even in your kitchen cabinets and refrigerator dr dorothy black clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences (cvm) shares some enlightening information about common food items that may be toxic to your pet according to dr black the following foods can be particularly dangerous to cats and dogs these foods may not necessarily cause toxic reactions in every case of ingestion but its just a good ‘rule of thumb to keep these items off your kitchen counters and under no circumstances feed these foods to your pet black said grapes and raisins possess an unknown toxic substance that can lead to renal failure by an unknown mechanism toxic doses have been reported after ingesting just one to two grapes or raisins not all animals suffer kidney failure after grape/raisin ingestion and it appears to be an idiosyncratic reaction nevertheless it is best to avoid this food for your dogs and cats there is no known antidote only supportive care and renal dialysis to support kidney recovery grapes can be particularly tricky for dogs because many actually like to eat grapes so you have to be especially aware black said our pets are amazing creatures but they can really get into dangerous situations with human food very quickly chocolate is commonly known to be bad for dogs and cats the food contains two ingredients known to be toxic to pets caffeine and theobromine dark chocolate is particularly harmful because it has a higher concentration of toxic metabolites than milk or white chocolate clinical signs of distress seen after chocolate ingestion include: anxiety/anxiousness hyperactivity urination elevated body temperature seizures and irregular heart rhythms there is no antidote but supportive care is usually successful for recovery xylitol is a common sugar substitute now used in many home kitchens it is associated with a severe decline in blood sugar levels and liver failure if ingested by pets the exact mechanism of the toxicity is unknown and there is no antidote supportive care is typically successful for treatment of hypoglycemia however liver failure may still occur and prognosis is guarded it is important to remember that if you cook or use xylitol in your foods that those foods should not be fed to pets black said it is still toxic if used in cooking or baking onions garlic and chives are also foods toxic to pets they contain the toxin allicin which is released upon crushing or chewing the plant allicin damages the hemoglobin in red blood cells leading to anemia (such as heinz body anemia and methemoglobinemia) cats are especially susceptible to this toxin there is no antidote however supportive care is typically successful while cats are particularly affected by onions and garlic dogs are especially susceptible to macadamia nut toxicity an unknown toxin in the nut leads to difficulty walking high body temperatures depression and vomiting within one to two hours after ingestion while no deaths have been reported to date supportive care in the hospital is often required supportive care which is the usual treatment for food toxicity often works to recover pets who ingest these foods black said but these supportive treatments to get pets back on their feet are often very costly for the owner and difficult for the patient in cases that require dialysis pets have a difficult road to recovery the toxic foods mentioned here should be kept off countertops and out of reach of pets and under no circumstances fed to dogs and cats preventing your pet from ingesting these items is the best way to keep them safe but if they do ingest these foods dr black recommends contacting your veterinarian or the animal poison control center immediately pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print texas a&m parasitologist offers suggestions for horse deworming treatments in texas july 20 2012 deworming treatments are often a regular component of horse health maintenance but many horse owners may not understand the best schedule for their horse while deworming regimens vary by region there are some ground rules for owners to follow as they work with their veterinarians on a proper deworming schedule dr thomas craig professor at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) who specializes in epidemiology and the control of internal parasites in equines and grazing animals offered some insight into deworming craig explained that in a given population of horses about 20 percent will have 80 percent of the total internal parasites of the herd another basic guideline is that deworming should be based on the age of the horse there is a drastic difference in the deworming needs of a foal (less than a year) and an adult horse whats effective in adults may not be effective in foals craig said craig suggested deworming foals for the first time at two months of age parascaris equorum are of particular concern at this age i recommend using fenbendazole a broad spectrumbenzimidazole anthelmintic such as safe-guard or a pyrantel dewormer such as strongid for foals two months old craig said as the foal matures it is recommended that the same treatment be used at four and six months of age when the foal reaches a year old craig suggested using an ivermectin or moxidectin treatment for deworming when worming adult horses (older than one year) the approach changes considerably the most dangerous parasitic threat to horses are small strongyles which are present in most horses craig recommended testing mature horses through fecal samples to determine the number and types of parasitic eggs in the horses digestive system after strongyles the rest of parasitic control is really just a numbers game craig said in older horses you really only need to deworm horses with high numbers of parasites adult horses with less than a few hundred eggs per gram can be relatively left alone craig suggested treating all horses during the winter with ivermectin to combat bot fly larvae a good reminder is to treat your horse with ivermectin around christmas time craig said they often acquire bot larvae during the fall months so winter is really the best time to deworm with ivermectin aside from bot fly larvae other less common parasites are pinworms and tapeworms horses with pinworms are typically kept in stalls one of the most common signs of pinworm infected horses is an itchy tail craig suggested treating an infected horse with a fenbendazole dewormer once a month for three months along with a good shampoo of the horses rear end the pinworm eggs can only survive about 30 days so i recommend vacating the stall for a month until the eggs die on their own craig added there is no product to kill the eggs but allowing them to die on their own can be helpful in preventing re-infection tapeworms can cause mild colic in horses because they often attach to the valve between the small and large intestine craig recommended deworming horses in the fall (september october or november) with a dewormer containing praziquantel or a double dose of pyrantel these recommendations are all suggested guidelines for parasite management in horses craig recommended following these guidelines particularly in the texas region altering deworming according to your horses age and parasite testing results are the two most important guidelines and can help horse owners develop an effective and sustainable parasite program craig said about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print diagnosing and treating hypothyroidism in dogs july 13 2012 hypothyroidism is not limited to people; it is common in dogs as well this problem occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroxine a hormone with numerous functions such as regulating the bodys metabolic rate this disease is often seen in dogs that are 4 to 6 years old any breed may develop this disorder but some breeds such as labrador retrievers doberman pinschers golden retrievers dachshunds cocker spaniels and greyhounds appear to be predisposed since the bodys metabolic rate determines the way energy is handled hypothryroidism often leads to progressive weight gain without an increase in food intake explained dr audrey cook clinical associate professor at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences although many dogs tend to gain pounds as they age an unexplained increase in body weight can be a sign of low functioning thyroid cook said thyroxine is also important for maintenance of the skin and hair coat often the hair of a dog with hypothyroidism will grow slowly and may change to a lighter color the hair may appear thin all over particularly on the tail another result of the disease is flaky skin and pigmentation in the non-haired areas one of the classic signs of canine hypothyroidism is the so-called rat tail in which the hair is lost from the last few inches of the tail cook said in addition to the dogs overall appearance hypothyroidism can affect the pets mental state resulting in depression and apathy other signs of the disease include sensitivity to the cold muscle weakness problems with nerve function and persistent fatigue problems such as chronic skin or ear infections may also be a sign of hypothyroidism owners often mistake the signs of hypothyroidism with the aging process cook said however these changes can be reversed with effective management many dogs get a new lease on life when their hypothyroidism is treated veterinarians can diagnose the disease with simple blood tests these usually include measurement of total thyroxine levels (often called total t4) unbound hormone levels (‘free t4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) concentrations as with people dogs with hypothyroidism can take daily oral medication to replace the missing hormone once medication for this problem begins it is continued throughout the pets life sometimes the dosage has to be adjusted to get the hormone levels correct if the thyroxine levels are too high dogs can lose excessive amounts of weight and appear agitated we do recommend periodic checks on thyroid levels to make sure the dose is on-target but these tests are simple and inexpensive your veterinarian will tell you when to bring your dog in for a recheck cook said fortunately once hypothyroidism is diagnosed and the dog is given the proper medication the pet should feel better within a few weeks it can take a little while for the hair coat to improve but cook said energy levels and body condition tend to improve quickly about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pigeon fever in texas july 6 2012 there has been a surge in reported cases of pigeon fever in texas during the past year with summer and fly season in full swing now is the perfect time for horse owners to become aware and educated about pigeon fever there is no vaccine for the disease so prevention and recognition of its symptoms are of the upmost importance the disease is named after the symptomatic intramuscular abscesses and swelling of the chest and pectoral regions of infected horses causing a pigeon like appearance the infection is confirmed with a bacterial culture in reported cases pigeon fever also known as dryland distemper is common in drier regions like the western united states the bacterium that causes pigeon fever corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis lives and multiplies in dry soil and manure while pigeon fever is not new to texas the past year has seen a rapid increase in reported cases most likely as a result of the severe drought dr keith chaffin professor at the cvm commented on the disease and the increase in incidence we now we see about three or four cases a day in the clinic chaffin said and many more veterinarians are reporting cases across the state horses contract the disease through an open wound or fly bite with bacteria entering through these abrasions or wounds chaffin recommends a good fly control program for your horses (sprays sheets and repellents) basic sanitation and recognizing the symptoms quickly for prompt treatment while most of the cases present with external swelling some cases can result in internal abscesses that could develop pneumonia colic weight loss fever lethargy blood in the urine and other systemic symptoms most cases of pigeon fever involve external abscesses in the pectoral region and under the belly back to the mammary or sheath area chaffin said about less than ten per cent of cases reported involve internal abscesses which are most common in the abdomen or thorax the internal cases are the most dangerous some can be fatal treating external pigeon fever typically consists of surgically opening the abscesses to allow drainage timing and ultrasound are so critical to managing this disease chaffin said ultrasound allows the veterinarian to determine if the swelling has reached mature abscess stage also ultrasound allows the veterinarian to see what critical structures are nearby which helps prevent complications i dont know how you would ever treat this disease without ultrasonographic imaging because a recently drained abscess is potentially contagious it is important to lavage the abscess cavity with antiseptic solutions and i often prefer to place antimicrobials locally into the abscess cavity also it is important to completely disinfect any of the pus that drains from the abscesses this will help minimize spread of the disease via flies to other horses once the abscesses have been drained treated and healed the horses are generally no longer contagious if you recognize any of the symptoms of pigeon fever you should contact your veterinarian immediately to begin treatment about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print celebrating independence day with your pet june 28 2012 this wednesday most people will spend the day outside celebrating independence day watching fireworks with their family and friends often people bring their dogs to enjoy the days festivities there are a few things to know about ensuring your pets safety if you plan to spend july 4 outside with your furry friends dr melanie bolling veterinarian for the small animal hospital at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences said the most common problem associated with july 4 is dogs sensitivity to the noise from the fireworks a lot of dogs are noise phobic whether its fireworks or other loud noises such as guns cars backfiring and thunderstorms these noises are scary and if you didnt know what it was you might be concerned about your safety too bolling said bolling said the best idea is to keep dogs particularly those with noise phobias away from the commotion if that is not an option bolling suggested using anxiety wraps or thunder shirts a compression garment for dogs to wear that makes them feel secure bolling also recommended discussing appropriate anxiety-relieving medications with your veterinarian another factor that can cause anxiety and stress in dogs is large crowds of unusual people if you know ahead of time that your dog does not do well with large groups of people bolling suggested leaving the pet at home or boarding them if you are going to bring them she suggested having a calm area for the dog its a good idea to give your dog a quiet place where they can get away from all the crowds of people if they are just not that into it bolling said bringing pets to these crowded areas usually means contact with other pets some of which could be unvaccinated bolling said it is important to make sure your pets vaccinations are up-to-date if bringing them with you if you are going to be in a place where unvaccinated dogs might have walked such as soccer fields baseball fields or parks you want to make sure your dogs are up-to-date on vaccinations i wouldnt take an unvaccinated puppy or a puppy that hasnt completed the whole vaccine series to any of those places because they could pick up nasty little diseases along the way she said in addition to vaccinations parasites can pose a threat to your dogs health heartworms are spread by mosquitoes which tend to be out around july 4 while other parasites like fleas and ticks are spread through contact with contaminated soil or other infected animals so make sure pets are on heartworm flea and tick preventatives before heading out the heat is another issue to consider if your dog is going to spend the day outside with you bolling stressed the importance of bringing enough water you need to bring enough water to last the whole day and then extra especially if the dog is going to be active and running around they are going to be panting and losing water just through evaporative loss so they are going to need to replenish that she said in addition to water you should bring dog food because it is best to avoid giving your dog people food everybody wants to give their dogs a little snack so if it is something your dog is used to getting all things in moderation but try to avoid the temptation to feed them people food in excess she said it is a good idea to avoid giving your pet a lot of people food because then your dog may become sick bolling explained that on july 5 and 6 the hospital cares for a lot of dogs sick to their stomachs from eating too much people food you want to stay away from any meat that might have bones in it from raw meat and bad actors such as raisins grapes chocolate chewing gums things of that nature bolling said pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print planning for equine evacuations during hurricanes june 21 2012 evacuating when a hurricane hits the coast is a stressful and scary experience especially when evacuating with horses while tornadoes give little warning for evacuation hurricanes can give enough lead time to actually move people and horses out of the storms expected path but even with that time preparing for equine evacuations can be crucial to the survival of horses dr william moyer professor and special assistant to the dean at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences offered a series of suggestions for evacuating with horsestake the threat seriously you need to make the decision to leave as soon as you can if you wait until the last minute youre placing yourself and your horse in harms way over 100 000 animals were lost during hurricane ike moyer said he suggested that owners make sure their trailers are road-worthy before hurricane season begins or identify someone with reliable trucks and trailers who can transport horses for them another important aspect of evacuating horses is ensuring that your horses are comfortable with loading working with your horses ahead of time is particularly important if a neighbor or friend will be transporting your horse because ill-behaved horses can waste valuable evacuation time or refusal of transport evacuation traffic is often slow and crowded creating a dangerous situation for trailered horses you are often forced to move quite slowly filling up on gas or diesel before entering traffic is imperative and can keep you out of situations where your animal might overheat or become dehydrated should you run out of fuel moyer said moyer advised identifying evacuation destinations while moving inland during a hurricane is important finding a specific place to go is best during hurricane ike we sheltered 166 horses through a cooperative agreement with a local livestock arena operation the degree of planning for resources personnel and scheduling regular care can be daunting the state of texas recognizes that prior planning and implementation is live saving for both animals and people he suggested creating an equine evacuation kit with a brief and well documented health history a list of behavior peculiarities (if applicable) a first aid kit cash appropriate health documentation enough food and adequate safe water supplies for about four days and any necessary medicine for chronic or preexisting illnesses owners also need to ensure the appropriate health documentation accompanies the horse an up-to-date coggins test is necessary particularly if crossing state lines moyer suggested making sure you have these papers organized before hurricane season in addition to required documentation vaccinations are also suggested because evacuating can be a stressful time vaccinations can help decrease the likelihood of several diseases said moyer mosquitos can be a huge problem during hurricane season and moving them around coastal areas can expose them to new areas of infestation and diseases also prepare current paper and electronic copies of pictures of your horse for reclaiming purposes particularly if the horse isnt tattooed or branded ideally these would include a picture of the owner and the horse together to insure ownership moyer said if you cannot evacuate your horse or are forced to leave part of your herd behind there are also some precautions that can help you reunite with your horse keeping photographs can help but also attaching identification information to the horses body can be useful braiding information wrapped in plastic to horses manes and tails can help livestock paint works well to put identification information on the body and its waterproof or even taking a pair of clippers and shaving your contact information into the animals hair can help you reunite with your horse when you return in addition to preparing your horse for evacuation moyer also suggested preparing yourself have a personal evacuation plan too you have to take care of yourself first to be able to take care of your horse about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at /pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to cvmtoday@cvmtamuedu print plan for emergencies with preparedness proposal june 14 2012 its 5:30 pm and you just got home from work when there is a knock at the door it is a police officer explaining that you have 15 minutes to evacuate your family and pets from your home as a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed close to your property what could you grab in your house in 15 minutes that is necessary for your family and pets livelihood dr deb zoran associate professor and member of the veterinary emergency response team at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) presented the previous example and asked could you gather up your personal documents your pets rabies documents you pets food enough clothing and personal belongings for yourself in 15 minutes and not forget anything to ensure nothing is forgotten zoran recommends a preparedness plan for family and pets in case emergencies or natural disasters occur she said this plan should include discussing locations for evacuation meeting sites incase family members are separated or cell phones do not work and who is taking care of the pets zoran strongly encouraged not leaving a pet in an emergency situation rule of thumb that pet owners should always use is that if you are evacuating take your pet with you dont assume that you will be able to come home to take care of them because you probably wont she said zoran suggested people prepare a go bag a little bag that is packed with enough clothing medicine food water and other necessities this bag should also include important documents such as ids and cash incase power is out at atms and banks the other thing that needs to be in your ‘go bag is a little stash of cash because otherwise you may not be able to pay for gas food or anything if something truly monstrous occurs where the power shuts off she said there should also be a go bag for pets as well zoran said this should include their carrier leashes food and water for cats this would also include a litter box and litter as with people the go bag should include the pets vaccination and medical records in addition to identification documents in case of separation zoran said this would include information about micro chipping or photographs of the animals for both humans and pets zoran said the go bag should contain supplies for three to five days remember the emergency situation is not always a train derailment other disasters known to texas are hurricanes tornadoes wildfires and earthquakes a preparedness plan can help in all emergencies and natural disasters the truth of the matter is preparing helps you think more logically and clearly because you know what to take and where things are zoran said zoran explained that all disasters are different so it is important to be able to adapt to the situation the [preparedness] plan works until disaster hits and then what do you do you adapt to the situation … if you have a plan and an idea it is much easier to adapt she said if you are interested in learning more about go bags and preparedness plans dr zoran suggests the following web sites:avma: http://wwwavmaorg/disaster/petsamerica: http://wwwpetsamericaorg/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/disaster_checklistpdf pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print important to protect horses from increasing fly problem may 31 2012 if you are around horses or a stable lately you may notice an increase in flies such as stable flies house flies horn flies and horse flies dr leslie easterwood clinical assistant professor for the large animal clinical sciences department at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences said flies are worse in the summertime and this year they are particularly bad last year it was dry and hot so it didnt seem quite as bad but this year weve had rain and the temperatures havent been as high so there seems to be an increase easterwood said flies can be a nuisance to a horse because the horse tries to swat and get away from them other than annoying the horse the biting flies can cause physical irritations often the flies congregate around the horses face trying drink the fluid at the corner of the horses eyes since flies carry bacteria on their feet when they are looking for moisture they deposit bacteria larvae and parasites on the horses face and around the eyes the biggest thing is the transfer [of bacteria] and all flies can be bothersome easterwood said flies often deposit habronema larvae on open wounds and the horses eyes as the larvae migrate through the tissue they cause open sores and that is very common in horses this time of year easterwood said horse flies are even worse than normal house and stable flies easterwood said these flies are at least 10 times the size of a house fly have big mouths and transfer more diseases than a house or stable fly they can transfer diseases such equine infectious anemia a very fatal disease that we dont have a cure for she said easterwood said these irritations sores diseases and transfer of bacteria are the main reason it is important to have proper fly control good fly control extends to the face not just spraying the body but using stuff safe to use by their eyes she said easterwood recommended using sprays and ointments to protect horses and repel flies ointment can be applied to a cloth and used to wipe the horses eyes the repellent can be bought over the counter or through a veterinarian different environmental factors determine which product should be used for individual needs if there is a bad fly problem you would be better off to use a product every day that you can reapply frequently to keep the population down as opposed to if you have a very good environmental program you can apply the longer lasting product easterwood said she added that most people reapply fly products daily she warned however that many products claim the repellent lasts longer than others we have found that very few [products] last as long as they say they will easterwood said she explained that all fly repellent works on the various types of flies it repels all of [the flies] and mosquitoes easterwood said she also suggested covering the horse with fly sheets for their bodies and fly masks for their faces other options for protecting horses from flies include an automatic fly spray system in barns moving manure and trash piles away from the horses drying out the manure pile or the use of fly predators pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print summer heat could pose threat to pets may 30 2012 as we welcome the joys of summer such as swimming barbequing and baseball we have to greet the texas heat as temperatures are increasing-highs this week were in the low- to mid-90s-it is vital to take the necessary precautions to protect pets from heat exhaustion this summer although there is not a set temperature that is considered too hot for animals temperatures in the high-80s and above can pose problems for pets dr stacy eckman lecturer at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) said she added that generally if it is too hot for the pet owner to be outside it is too hot for the pet every pet is different however on the temperature they can endure cats for example are usually more tolerant of the heat than dogs and can often find a shady place to lounge it is very dependent on the pet itself for example overweight dogs and brachycephalic (short nosed dogs such as bulldogs) are at a greater risk for heat stroke/exhaustion for even short period of times in warm weather eckman said eckman said other dogs that have a higher chance of heat exhaustion are those genetically sensitive to the heat and those not acclimated to the heat such as indoor dogs both dogs with long thick coats and those with short thin coats can become overheated so she recommended taking precautions for all types of dogs she explained that even dogs who exercise vigorously can become overheated the perfect example of this is a dog who goes to the dog park on a nice warm spring day when they have not [been] all winter and they play [with a] frisbee [disk] and run more than normal eckman said she added that this was a common case of heat exhaustion eckman said generally the first symptoms of heat exhaustion in pets are lethargy and listlessness they pant to try to cool themselves and can be anxious as they try to find a cool place she said she added that if pets are outside for too long and become overheated they can develop diarrhea and vomiting which could lead to shock if a pet has these symptoms eckman recommended taking him/her to a veterinarian immediately for a diagnosis and treatment she stressed not to put cold water or ice packs on the animal because it makes it harder for them to cool off to prevent heat exhaustion eckman suggested providing shade and fans for pets she also emphasized the importance of having enough water for pets dogs cool themselves by panting and this can dehydrate them so they will need more water than you may think eckman said it is also crucial to not overwork pets in the summer heat so start slowly when exercising take breaks during exercise or play to make sure they cool down and off eckman said pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to cvmtoday@cvmtamuedu print prevention of fleas is important year-round may 25 2012 one of the worst things about this time of year is the increase of fleas on pets outside and possibly in homes flea prevention is crucial since adult fleas cause the most problems for pets in order to become adult fleas the blood-sucking creatures need warm weather between 70 and 80 degrees fahrenheit and about 70 to 80 percent humidity said dr alison diesel lecturer in dermatology at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) those ideal conditions are exactly what we are experiencing during this time of the year which is why we generally see more fleas coming out in the spring diesel said she added that fleas can be present year-round in texas because there is not usually a true winter fleas can cause various problems for pets some animals for example are allergic to an allergen in the flea saliva causing the animal to have an allergic reaction this causes the animal to scratch which could lead to a secondary bacterial skin infection if there is a large flea problem anemia could be a potential problem especially among small animals that do not have large amounts of blood fleas can also carry diseases such as tapeworms or bartonella and infect both pets and humans amanda friedeck a veterinary technician at the cvm said there is no way to completely prevent fleas but a key factor to controlling fleas is breaking the life cycle the best way to control fleas is to break the cycle more fleas lay more eggs … the best treatment either kills the adults or kills one of the juvenile stages friedeck said diesel said the flea life cycle has four phases: the adult fleas lay eggs the eggs hatch into larvae the larvae turns into pupae which eventually turn into adults ideally targeting several phases of the flea lifecycle is best particularly when dealing with an infestation the easiest stage to target is the adult flea since these lives on the pet the other stages (eggs larvae pupae) are present in the environment diesel said both diesel and friedeck said the best way to determine treatment of an animals flea problem is to take them to a veterinarian to discuss the best options and medications your pets veterinarian can help recommend the most appropriate product to help prevent fleas based on other factors (eg other skin conditions food allergies etc) as well as discuss the appropriate way to administer the product (eg orally or topically) diesel said diesel suggested using a flea prevention that lasts the entire month and is still effective if the pet gets wet using flea prevention every 30 days or more frequently in some situations can provide the best protection from fleas biting your pet can kill adult fleas rapidly and can prevent a flea infestation from being established in your pets environment diesel said diesel and friedeck agreed that it is important to minimize an animals exposure to fleas by avoiding infested areas and pets coming in contact with animals that have fleas such as wild animals there are some things which can be done to minimize exposure to fleas: avoid known infested areas do not allow your pet to come into contact with wild animals or burrows and protect areas of the house where wild animals may enter to minimize wild animals from establishing residency in the first place diesel said if fleas become a problem inside the house diesel and friedeck suggested vacuuming once a week vacuuming is a very good way to rid of fleas in the house but the bag must be thrown away and removed from the house friedeck said she added that if there is a large flea presence there are in-house treatments and exterminators there are some in-house treatments and bombs but they should only be used in heavily burdened environments friedeck said diesel suggested focusing on places where the pets spends most of their time inside the house when bombing because that will contain the most concentrated area of fleas dont forget under beds and furniture behind curtains and along hallways connecting rooms when treating the house for fleas again it may be best to contact a professional exterminator when there is a large flea burden present she said in addition to treating animals and inside of homes it may be necessary to treat the outside environment this can be done by spraying areas of the yard that are high in flea population this includes shaded areas under trees and bushes in dog houses under porches and decks as with indoor control when the burden is high a professional exterminator may be the most help diesel said diesel said the best strategy against fleas is to practice year-round prevention by treating all pets with flea medicine as well as treating inside and outside the home if an infestation is suspected it is much easier to prevent fleas than to treat fleas she said pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at /pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to cvmtoday@cvmtamuedu print pet cancer awareness month helps teach owners about leading cause of pet deaths may 18 2012 as the month of may gets underway so does pet cancer awareness month this month is designed to bring awareness to pet owners about the leading cause of death in pets cancer dr heather wilson-robles assistant professor for small animal clinical sciences at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) said cancer accounts for nearly 50 percent of all disease-related pet deaths each year 50 percent of all dogs over the age of 10 will die from cancer and 25 percent of all dogs get cancer wilson-robles said certain breeds such as golden retrievers rottweilers and german shepherds are considered at-risk breeds and have a higher risk of getting cancer wilson-robles said these breeds can have up to a 70-80 percent chance of getting cancer in their lifetime wilson-robles added that the number one type of cancer in dogs is lymphoma accounting for 24 percent one goal of pet cancer awareness month is to inform pet owners of symptoms to look for in their pet wilson-robles said to pay attention to bigger lymph nodes or for oral cancer bad breath and blood on a toy sometimes the owner may notice the dogs activity to be lower or a decrease in food consumption wilson-robles said a lot of times she said the dogs feel fine so the owners do not notice a change in the pet once [the dogs] start treatment and start feeling better [the owners] did not realize how much [the cancer] was affecting [the dogs] wilson-robles said wilson-robles stressed that wellness checks every year or six months are key to cancer prevention sometimes in many cases by the time [the animals] are already effected and sick it may be too late [for treatment] wilson-robles said to ensure the cancer is detected in time she urged pet owners to take a dog to the veterinarian if cancer is suspected and let them do blood work and biopsies if cancer is spotted wilson-robles said there are various treatment options for most types of cancer once you know what it is youre fighting then we can talk about various treatment options there is usually something we can do she said cancer treatment in dogs is similar to that of humans wilson-robles said different treatment options for different cancers include chemotherapy radiation surgery and therapy there is also different experimental research such as clinical trials the cvm for example has eight different clinical trials currently ongoing and various options using the new diagnostic and imaging cancer treatment center or oncology services wilson-robles said although frequent wellness checks allow for a better chance to detect the cancer there are not many ways to actually prevent the disease wilson-robles recommended a few tips that may help reduce the risk of cancer she said that as with humans cancer in dogs has been tied with obesity for this she suggested keeping dogs fit she added to avoid chemicals such as yard sprays and limit the uv exposure of dogs and cats with light-colored skin by using sunscreen uv shields on windows or t-shirts pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print security dogs may 3 2012 since their domestication thousands of years ago dogs have been used to protect the home and the workplace giving owners a sense of security against intruders the most common dogs used for protection are larger breeds like dobermans german shepherds rottweilers chows and pit bulls but pet owners should be careful when using a dog solely for protection says dr alice blue-mclendon clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences when dogs are trained to protect the home they are using their natural territorial instinct and can attack anyone unfamiliar to them which may include a friendly visitor says blue-mclendon dogs used for protection can also be unreliable depending on their own unique personality some dogs are naturally aggressive and may attack any animals or humans that violate their territory guard dogs are often trained to be aggressive toward people and may view anyone outside the family as a potential threat this may present a constant danger since owners can never be completely sure that their pet will not someday view a family member or friend as a threat aggressive behavior in a pet dog may become an added liability for its owner especially if the animal has bitten before many cities have laws regulating aggressive dogs and some require a special type of permit for those that have bitten other animals or people in most cases owners of protection dogs should look into increasing their liability insurance said blue-mclendon however if you do need a specially trained guard dog try to maintain control of the animal dogs in the wild remain submissive to the dog they view as the leader referred to as the alpha dog and will protect it and the surrounding territory owners and family members should all assume the role of ‘alpha dog by taking control of their pet while they are still young says blue-mclendon puppies often view humans as dominant because of their greater size and age owners can further reinforce this image by controlling access to toys and food rewarding animals for good behavior helps them to see the owner as the leader or alpha figure which provides them with greater control of their pet and may prevent attacks most guard dog owners do not realize that the presence of a dog is usually security enough and that specialized training may be excessive said blue-mclendon dogs are sensitive to their surroundings and will usually alert their owners to a disturbance by barking which may be enough to scare away potential intruders other security animals include some surprising ones – peacocks geese and parrots which can also offer some protection by using vocalized alarm calls to announce someones approach pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print heartworm awareness april 26 2012 april has been designated as national heartworm awareness month dont let april pass you by without educating yourself on this possible pet killer sultry spring and summer days may cause dogs and cats to suffer from mosquito bites that can lead to heartworm disease says dr sonya gordon associate professor in the department of small animal clinical sciences at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences dogs are usually the preferred host for heartworms but cats are also susceptible to the disease even indoor cats gordon notes to protect your pet preventative medicine should be used year round to avoid heartworm infection pets are often infected when mosquitoes carrying heartworms bite the animal and pass on heartworm larvae into the tissue the larvae mature as they travel through the tissue and eventually end up in blood vessels within the lungs causing heartworm disease heartworms should really be called lungworms because they live in the blood vessels of the lungs not the heart gordon says however if left untreated heartworms can clog up the heart causing caval syndrome which prevents blood from traveling through the right side of the heart and causes the belly to fill with fluid gordon says symptoms of heartworm disease are usually heavy breathing coughing and exercise intolerance pets with these symptoms should be taken to their local veterinarian for a blood test that can determine if the pet has heartworm disease treating heartworm disease is generally a risky procedure since a toxic substance must be used to kill the worms that live in the blood vessels within the lungs the body must then clean up the dead worms treatment usually lasts two to three months depending on the severity of the case gordon explains during treatment the pet must be completely rested costs associated with heartworms can be high treatment for heartworm disease can cost anywhere from $600 to $6 000 depending on the severity of the disease while the preventative medicine costs only about $30-100 per year depending on the size of the pet gordon notes preventative heartworm medicine is given once per month to prevent adult heartworms from forming if your pet has missed consecutive months it would be a good idea to visit your local veterinarian for a routine blood test even pets who receive preventative medicine should have a blood test once per year to be sure they do not get accidentally infected the best treatment for heartworms is preventative medicine adds gordon pet owners have a variety of treatment options to choose from including tablets tasty chewable tablets topical medicines and even injections that can be given by your veterinarian twice per year it is important to use the treatment that works best for you and your pet gordon says in this case an ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound of cure by preventing heartworms from forming you are saving your pets life and a lot of money pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print ligament tears april 19 2012 while ligament tears can cause serious setbacks in an athletes career a similar injury can mean surgery and rehabilitation for your pet according to dr sharon kerwin professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences anterior cruciate ligament (acl) tears or cranial cruciate ligament (ccl) injuries as they are referred to in animals occur almost as often as they do in humans cats and dogs have the same ligaments that we have in our knees says kerwin the cruciate ligament stabilizes your femur and your tibia so you dont get too much motion between those two bones ccl tears in cats often occur the same way acl tears occur in humans often there is some traumatic injury that occurs as a result of jumping from high places playing or getting the animals leg caught in something it takes a fair bit of force to rupture a cruciate ligament and it tends to occur more often in overweight cats says kerwin however in dogs this injury is often the result of a chronic degeneration of the ligament and occurs much more frequently than it does in cats in dogs we think the injury may be related to weight and body structure meaning that some large breeds such as rottweilers labradors and chow chows may be predisposed to ccl injuries said kerwin in some cases we think its either the shape of their tibia or the shape of their femur that predisposes them to this injury a ruptured ligament is usually characterized by limping or inactivity in cats they will not want to play the way they used to and dogs will often appear lame and sit awkwardly with their leg sticking out signaling a possible knee problem kerwin says if your pet shows signs of a ligament tear schedule an appointment with your veterinarian who will conduct a lameness exam in order to diagnose the problem the injury is often treated in cats with medical management by placing overweight cats on a strict diet with exercise restriction for three to six weeks followed by a check-up measuring progress if the injury fails to heal surgery is often recommended to explore and stabilize the joint but when dogs are afflicted with ccl injuries many times the best option is surgery as quickly as possible dogs often dont do well with medical management the injury will often worsen over time as the arthritis in the knee builds explains kerwin part of the problem is they tend to suffer cartilage tears that we dont often see in cats so we recommend exploring the knee and cleaning it through an arthroscopy just like they would do in a human and then stabilizing it says kerwin dogs often require 8-12 weeks of recovery including strict rest and rehabilitation once your pet has undergone the recommended period of exercise restriction it is important to encourage it to exercise its leg with slow leash walks or through playtime activities the biggest way to prevent ccl tears is to keep your pet at a proper weight kerwin says it is very easy for animals to gain weight especially if they spend most of their time indoors because they do not get the same level of exercise your veterinarian can advise you on the proper weight for your dog or cat about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print a case of the snuffles april 12 2012 if your peter rabbit has a runny nose he may have more than a case of the sniffles he could have snuffles a common upper respiratory infection in rabbits snuffles is a disease which affects the eyes and nose and sometimes the lungs skin or even the middle ear of rabbits says dr jill heatley associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) also referred to as paranasal sinusitis snuffles is most often caused by a certain bacteria known as pasteurella multocids but sometimes other bacteria can also be involved heatley adds snuffles is a very common disease of rabbits and can be found in up to 10 percent of rabbits which appear normal it is found in almost all rabbits that show clinical signs such as a runny nose skin infections or a head tilt symptoms for snuffles vary among rabbits according to heatley the most common signs to look for relating to snuffles are nasal discharge head tilting and skin sores many times a veterinarian will make a presumptive diagnosis of snuffles based solely on a physical examination explains heatley however radiographs (x-rays) and blood work are also often used to determine a diagnosis this disease can progress to a serious infection like septicemia and pneumonia which rabbits are very good at hiding the treatment plan for snuffles varies based on the clinical signs but antibiotics are often prescribed because it is a bacterial disease heatley says however one must be very careful with antibiotic use in rabbits as improper types or routes of antibiotic administration can cause problems within the rabbits stomach and intestines that could lead to death please make sure the veterinarian you visit is familiar with antibiotics that are safe for use in rabbits heatley also recommends using probiotics in rabbits because they help replace the good normal bacteria in the rabbits gut which it needs to live if you are looking into purchasing a new rabbit for your household it is best to talk with your breeder or pet store representative about a particular animals health history and breeding conditions very few facilities can guarantee a completely disease free environment if any rabbit in the facility shows even the slightest symptom of snuffles such as wet facial fur or paws due to a runny nose it would be better to look elsewhere for your new pet sub-clinical snuffles (infected rabbits that show no symptoms) can be diagnosed through a physical examination administered by your veterinarian physical examinations should be a routine part of your pre-purchase or initial ‘well pet health exam to try to avoid snuffles in your current pet keep its environment stress free most if not all rabbits have this bacteria and can have a bout with snuffles if they become stressed heatley says so for your rabbit we recommend a healthy diet stress free environment and plenty of enrichment and exercise their diet should consist primarily of grass hay such as oat or timothy but not alfalfa which has too much protein and fat a grass hay diet will ensure normal tooth wear and good gut health also remember to regulate their temperature because if they get too hot or too cold they will become stressed snuffles is extremely contagious among rabbits and infected rabbits should never be allowed to come into contact with healthy rabbits any cage or bedding that has been in contact with infected rabbits should be thoroughly disinfected with a mild bleach solution before using for healthy rabbits humans that handle infected rabbits should wash their hands and clothes before handling healthy rabbits pasteurella multocida as with most bacteria is contagious to man but usually requires a skin break such as a bite or a wound to enter the system says heatley this bacterium can cause diseases to other animals such as chickens and pigs so if your bunny has snuffles it should not play with other animals until it is well or at least until it starts an antibiotic treatment program with adequate care and treatment most cases of snuffles can be resolved and have a good prognosis heatley adds however some cases of snuffles can have multiple bacteria or may involve a tooth problem or bone infection in the rabbits nose these bunny patients may require months of treatment and require much patience on the part of the owner to ensure a healthy pet rabbit at home begin with a healthy rabbit and then maintain that good health by avoiding any contact that could infect your rabbit when in doubt hop down to your veterinarian for a complete checkup pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print animals and allergies april 5 2012 with the emergence of springtime comes the arrival of allergies although the landscape is lush many people experience the beauty that comes with the warmer weather as well as the bothersome allergy symptoms pets can also be affected by allergies and it is important to be mindful of any symptoms that your pet might be displaying people sneeze and wheeze with allergies while dogs tend to itch and scratch says dr adam patterson clinical assistant professor and a board certified dermatologist at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the hallmark sign of allergic skin disease is itch that can be manifested as licking chewing rubbing biting scooting head shaking and/or scratching typically the face ears paws armpits groin and rump are the most affected sites patterson explains that animals with allergic skin disease are highly prone to recurring skin and/or ear infections involving bacteria and yeast infections can cause increased itch redness pimples blackheads scabs dander hair loss skin thickening and odor horses many times will break out in hives animals tend to be allergic to many of the same things people are hypersensitive to such as pollen mold dust house dust mite and foodstuffs patterson explains an exception would be fleas – the most common thing dogs and cats are allergic to despite this many people are in ‘fleanial and refuse to believe just a few flea bites can be triggering the itch response in their pet likewise horse owners may not be aware how just a few insect bites could be responsible for or contributing to itchy skin disease allergic skin disease can be mistaken for many other forms of skin disease a veterinary dermatologist is trained to work with primary care veterinarians to get down to the bottom of how to best diagnose and manage skin and ear disease including allergies in animals see wwwacvdorg for more information it is important to understand that allergies can be managed but not cured just as with humans the goal is to reduce the extent and severity of signs not completely eliminate them management regimens might include increased frequency of bathing (washing pollens of the skin surface) antimicrobials or antibiotics flea prevention fatty acids antihistamines change in diet steroids and immunotherapy also known as desensitization or hyposensitization the use of the latter can be determined through a good step-wise diagnostic approach along with allergy skin testing and administered by way of allergy shots or oral allergy drops says patterson when it is time to take your pet in for allergy skin testing typically dogs should have allergy symptoms for at least 5-6 months out of the year before considering skin testing for environmental allergies which include reactivity to pollen molds house dust mite and house dust in order for the diagnostic tests and treatment to be cost effective over the long haul patterson recommends patterson explains that rainfall cuts down on airborne pollen and may provide itch relief to pets but at the same time rain may cause plants to produce more pollen over the next few weeks indeed rain fall might worsen flea and mold allergies because moisture and humidity are favorable to fleas and mold of course rain has no effect on food-related allergic skin diseases given the mild winter and lack of national weather fronts during the 2011-2012 seasons pollen is likely to be at an all-time high this year consequently there likely will be many itchy pets this year says patterson allergies are certainly not an uncommon thing to see in pets it is important to be aware of the symptoms and to notify a veterinarian when they persist for more information please visit https://vethospitaltamuedu/large-animal/dermatology/allergies/ pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu *photo- the cat was scratching because of allergies print feather plucking march 29 2012 nail-biting gum smacking knuckle popping – they can be irritating habits people have even birds display their share of odd behaviors feather plucking is a common habit among parrot-type birds says dr alice blue-mclendon a veterinarian with the winnie carter wildlife center at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences while most adult birds lose their feathers naturally once or twice a year in a process called molting it is not natural for a bird to pluck out its own feathers says blue-mclendon one of the clues that a bird is plucking its feathers is to look at the birds head since a parrot cannot pluck feathers from its own scalp a feather-plucking bird will have a full head of feathers but be missing a lot of feathers on other parts of its body as simple as it may sound the most common reason for a bird to pluck out its own feathers is boredom says blue-mclendon when a bird isnt stimulated by its environment it may begin plucking its feathers for entertainment or out of frustration she says because of birds high intelligence level environmental enrichment is extremely important for them blue-mclendon notes they need plenty of toys to play with especially ones they can chew the more time they spend chewing on toys and food the less time they have to chew on their feathers she adds some birds enjoy playing with their own feathers after they have fallen out naturally through molting although feathers are cheap and simple toys they arent appropriate ones playing with loose feathers may spawn a nasty plucking habit you dont want to encourage your bird to pluck its feathers out to have something to play with blue-mclendon says remove the feathers from the cage as soon as they fall out excessive grooming or preening as it is known in the avian arena is also not an appropriate pastime for birds you should curb this behavior early says blue-mclendon if you allow it to continue some birds especially cockatoos can become overzealous in their preening preening can be another common precursor to feather plucking again occupying its time with other activities can help rid your bird of its obsession with grooming blue-mclendon explains she says its important to try to break any bad habits as soon as you notice them temporarily changing your birds environment is a good start blue-mclendon explains try adding new toys to its cage or simply rearranging its existing toys also consider moving its cage to another area of the house possibly one with heavier traffic if your birds meals consist of only seeds try to incorporate new foods and flavors into its diet says blue-mclendon add colorful fruits and vegetables especially those that can double as chew toys like celery carrots and green beans however know that change is not always the best remedy sometimes variation especially sudden and dramatic variation in a birds environment can also lead to feather plucking says blue-mclendon stressful events such as moving a death in the family or a reduction in time spent with its owner can more than ruffle your birds feathers they can cause anxiety-based behaviors like screaming and of course feather plucking be sure to make changes gradually and monitor your birds progress also before you make any changes be sure your bird doesnt have a medical reason for plucking its feathers such as mite infestation a hormone imbalance or skin infection these problems would warrant a visit to your veterinarian breaking a bad habit can be quite a feat blue-mclendon adds but if your mother could convince you to stop biting your nails theres a good chance you can help your bird eliminate its feather fixation about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print horses and thunderstorms march 22 2012 severe weather can be a troubling event especially when there are animals whose welfare and comfort is of concern as well small pets can usually take cover with their owners during thunderstorms but what precautions can an owner take for larger animals such as horses the first step in protecting your horses and other livestock from severe weather is to realize what the severe weather risks are in your area says dr brandon dominguez clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine (cvm) & biomedical sciences and member of the cvm veterinary emergency team for many areas springtime brings threats of severe thunderstorms lightning flash floods and tornadoes often owners like to keep horses stalled in a barn to protect them from lightning during a storm but giving them the ability to travel could keep them safer generally if horses are in a pasture with trees or near a lightning rod the risk of the horse being struck is greatly diminished a three-sided shelter can help to keep them warm and dry during a storm in addition to shielding them from lightning strikes says dominguez dominguez believes that when storms become more severe to possibly include tornadoes or high gusts of winds horses are even safer outside of their stalls it is wise to keep barnyards and pastures clear of debris before storms are due to strike if a tornado were to hit a barn with horses secured in stalls the likelihood and severity of being hit by debris would be considerably increased says dominguez true horses in pasture may not escape completely unscathed but the cuts and contusions are usually less significant with torrential rainfall flooding and particularly flash flooding if horses are given the opportunity to move to higher ground away from danger they will follow their natural instinct for survival flash flooding if injury or obstacles prevent horses from escaping can lead to a horse being swept downstream and potentially drowning less harsh but just as serious are the consequences of standing in perpetually flooded pastures the chronic exposure to moisture could lead to softening of the hoof and sole leaving a horse susceptible to stone bruises sole abscesses white line disease and infection such as thrush says dominguez dominguez explains that rapid drying may cause hooves to crack and become brittle but keeping feet cleaned and picked out and applying hoof conditioners will help minimize the harm from flood waters additionally flooding may cause toxins to spread from storage areas to pastures where horses are gathered exposing them to contaminants that they would not ordinarily contact the most ideal confinement during severe weather would be a large pasture with a three-sided shelter to protect animals from the elements but that also allows them to escape from danger not being in the lowest portion of the field but in the vicinity of trees or a lightning rod is also advantageous says dominguez with the variety of horse-owners horse-properties and horses planning before thunderstorms occur should take into consideration the ability to keep everybody safe pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet toys march 14 2012 it is never desirable to leave a pet at home alone but when it is necessary it is nice to know the pet will be entertained but the price of entertainment can be high when the pet is left with inappropriate toys; some toys may cause choking or even require surgery to eliminate the problem buying safe toys for your pet is a must in order to keep them safe from harm the problem is that most people are not aware of the potential hazards that pet toys may cause their animal dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences recommends when looking for a toy for a dog dont buy anything too soft where the dog could bite off pieces and swallow them stickney warns that the dog could choke on these pieces or even swallow them if the dog was to swallow the pieces surgery may be needed in order to remove them toys that may be too soft are toys made of soft plastic or rubber; these materials are easy for dogs to bite through stickney also recommends that toys not be too hard he strongly suggests that dogs not be given animal bones bones are too hard leading the dog to chip or even break its teeth stickney advocates the use of raw hide chews he believes that dogs enjoy playing with them and that they are the safest material for the dog stickney also urges pet owners to buy toys that are appropriate for the size of their dog if the dog is smaller naturally the toy should be smaller; and the same holds true for larger dogs a safe toy is one that the dog can easily hold in its mouth without its teeth puncturing the toy yet the toy should not be small enough to fit down the dogs throat the best toys in stickneys opinion are called ‘kongs they are tubes that are filled with treats in the center they come in a variety of different sizes for different dogs and are hard enough that the dog cannot chew through them the tubes even have weight recommendations on their boxes signifying the most appropriate tube for the weight of the dog cats are a bit different with their toy preferences than dogs they tend to like toys that move and are stimulating to the eye stickney says that cats tend to like toys that are free such as playing with small aluminum and paper balls any toy that a cat can place under its paws and the toy springs out cats will often love stickney cautions that cat owners should not give their cats toys that have long strings the cat may swallow the string causing choking cats preferences on toys tend to be more varied than dogs but most prefer round toys that move the best places to purchase safe toys are places with a wide selection of pet toys such as petco and petsmart these places usually have a large variety and if a toy has proven to be harmful they are good about taking it off the shelves pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print its showtime! march 8 2012 for many ffa and 4-h youth and their animals its showtime now is the time of year when many young adults are showing off such livestock as cattle sheep swine and goats at fairs and competitions all over the country dr floron faries professor and extension veterinarian texas agrilife extension service texas a&m system has some advice for youth to help ensure their livestock show season is a big hit plans begin about a year before the livestock show in fact the health program begins before you even get the animal states faries faries recommends purchasing healthy animals from places that have good management practices as you travel and look for show livestock ask the seller to immunize prior to purchase allowing enough time for the immunity to become established faries adds if vaccinations cannot be administered at the sellers place begin vaccinations on day of arrival do not wait the day the show animal arrives home perform a visual exam and repeat the exam several times throughout the season watch the animal every day and observe its behavior and attitude faries stresses watch for healthy and unhealthy signs faries adds the most common medical problems seen in show livestock are respiratory diseases or lung diseases they can be viral bacterial or both respiratory diseases are common because during the show season animals are mingling with other animals at fairs or other central locations for weighing therefore every time your animal leaves home there is a risk of exposure and often an animal may return with a cough or fever follow a preventive program of administering vaccinations to avoid respiratory diseases become educated as to what viruses and bacteria may cause respiratory problems and talk with your veterinarian says faries the types of vaccines administered for each species vary so become familiar with what is needed for your animal be sure to read the label and know what vaccines must be repeated i find a common mistake is that the owner does not realize the shots need to be repeated because he or she didnt look at the label says faries unless otherwise directed by your veterinarian always follow labeling instructions to help ensure that the vaccination is most effective the noninfectious vaccines which are unable to multiply in the body usually require two injections faries says the second injection is given 3-6 weeks after the first the key to a healthy animal is starting early with disease prevention and not waiting until you arrive at the show to begin treatment says faries practicing good health management such as close observations and proper vaccinations will help your chances in any competition pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print canine cognitive dysfunction march 1 2012 like people dogs are susceptible to the negative effects of aging on the mind and body canine cognitive dysfunction or doggie dementia is a disorder similar to dementia in people signs for canine cognitive dysfunction include problems with learning housetraining awareness of surroundings and problems with the wake/sleep cycle said dr joseph mankin clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences dogs may also appear confused have increased episodes of restlessness and may have less interest in playing or appear irritable mankin says that cognitive dysfunction cases increase with age about a third of dogs show one or more signs at the age of 11 and most dogs show signs of the dysfunction at the age of 16 at this time there is no breed predisposition the only common indicating factor for dogs is the age if you feel your dog is showing signs of mind degeneration visit with your veterinarian to learn more about possible diagnosis and treatment plans the syndrome is diagnosed based on the patients clinical signs and activity/behavioral changes at home said mankin there is not a specific test to diagnose the problem although changes on advanced imaging of the brain can give some indication treatment of cognitive dysfunction includes certain medications environmental changes and changes in diet explained mankin with this syndrome there may be an association with the lack of dopamine and there are medications that can increase dopamine activity that can help with a patients clinical signs diets high in antioxidants can also be beneficial for your pets treatment plan hills has a line of diet options mankin recommends implementing increased activity among your dog to help slow the degenerative process environmental enrichment in the form of playing with toys interacting with other dogs and learning new tricks can be effective in lessening the signs of cognitive dysfunction added mankin there are also no proven preventative measures that an owner can take the best recommendations are to keep your dog healthy by giving it a balanced diet and continuing its exercise canine cognitive dysfunction is a function of the brain aging and unfortunately most of the time it is inevitable it is important to remember that not all dogs will display all the signs of this dysfunction that is why it is important to take your dog to your veterinarian if it displays any behavioral changes your veterinarian can look for common disorders that might explain what is going on with your pet if your pet is starting to become confused having accidents in the house or displaying any behavioral changes an appointment with your regular veterinarian would be indicated said mankin there are several other disease processes that can start with similar clinical signs so an exam and performing routine blood work is the first step in diagnosing the condition and ruling out other common causes if initial test results do not explain the cause for your pets abnormal behavior or if the results suggest additional information is required the next step may be to see a specialist like mankin your veterinarian can refer you to a veterinary neurologist whom can help determine what the problem is the natural aging process can be as painless as possible for your dog if you continue routine checkups with your veterinarian and continue to be aware of your dogs habits about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print tummy ache february 23 2012 a tummy ache is never fun for people but it can be life threatening for your pet its not uncommon for most animals to have upset stomachs and vomit from time to time but theres usually a simple reason says dr deb zoran associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences a pets vomiting may be caused by a hairball in the stomach or small intestine or by other foreign material such as plants rocks or bones diet could also be a cause if a dog or cat has had a change of diet or if it has eaten spoiled food it can result in nausea or vomiting adds zoran just like when humans get food poisoning the symptoms usually go away within 24 hours the digestive tract is cleared and whatever was causing the problem is gone however if the animal has repeated vomiting wont eat or the symptoms continue for more than 24 hours the animal needs to see a veterinarian immediately zoran says frequent pet vomiting can be a difficult problem to pinpoint the causes are numerous – food allergies infection or inflammation in the intestinal tract foreign objects that obstruct the bowel ulcers liver or kidney failure diabetes cancer – the list can go on and on says zoran if the animal has been vomiting for more than 24 hours the most serious problems are dehydration and electrolyte imbalances the animal has lost body fluids and they need to be replaced right away then the source of the problem can be examined x-rays can often detect the source of the vomiting and as with humans barium liquid can be administered to the pet to outline the digestive tract other tests that may be necessary include ultrasound blood work and an endoscopic examination to determine the problem one key question is does the cause of the vomiting come from inside the gi (gastrointestinal) tract or is it hidden elsewhere in the animal zoran adds if the problem is not in the gi tract it can be harder to detect if the pet owner detects blood in any food the animal has vomited that should be a warning sign that something is not right if blood is present its a serious problem and possibly a life-threatening problem says zoran unfortunately it may not look like blood because the stomach acids will digest any blood present and the blood may look something like coffee grounds the best answer is if you dont think it looks like food the animal needs medical attention as soon as possible says zoran other signs that should alarm pet owners: if the animal vomits every time it eats vomits multiple times per day or if the animal wont eat at all and appears to be weak and depressed all of these are warning signs that something serious is wrong and the pet needs medical help immediately says zoran frequent or persistent vomiting in any pet is not normal if the animal has been vomiting excessively its essential that it sees a veterinarian pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print canine car collisions february 16 2012 in seconds your life can be changed forever as distractions increase for drivers so does the number of car accidents unfortunately pets are often affected by distracted drivers and can incur serious injury if they are hit by a car on average here at the texas a&m small animal er we tend to see at least three to five animals that have been hit by a car each week said dr brooke smith veterinary resident instructor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences most of the victims are medium to large dog breeds that were playing somewhere off leash and ran into the road or dogs that escaped from the back yard smith added we do see smaller dogs and cats but unfortunately due to their size and the amount of trauma a vehicle can cause they sometimes pass away before they make it to the hospital if you do see an animal hit by a car please call your local animal control officer on duty immediately animals that have sustained serious trauma will be in a lot of pain smith says and there is a high risk that a good samaritan will be bitten while trying to help the hurt animal animal control officers are trained to handle these situations if you witness an animal getting hit by a car ask someone to assist you to place the animal in your car and bring it to the nearest emergency care facility however if your pet is in a lot of pain there is a possibility that it may bite you smith recommends placing a blanket or towel over its head to ensure your safety when helping your pet it is always good to know where the nearest 24-hour veterinary care facility is in case of emergency situations like this one important point to take away from this topic is to have your pet microchipped and to keep your contact information current with the company that supplied the microchip it is a misconception that pet owners think once their pet is microchipped that we can track the chip itself said smith we simply scan the chip with a special reader and it gives us a number of the chip we then call the company pass along the number and they contact you directly if you as the pet owner have not contacted the company to give them your current information we will not be able to find you if we cannot get your permission to treat your pet it may not receive the care it needs to survive smith also advises pet owners to provide their pets with collars that clearly state a current phone number to call in an emergency she mentions that a rabies tag is not always useful as most emergency cases occur after hours when veterinary clinics are closed owners can take precautionary measures to avoid serious car accident injuries other recommendations are to never place your pet in the back of a moving vehicle unless it is placed in a pet-safe kennel said smith even the best trained dogs can jump or fall out of truck beds and can sustain serious and/or life-threatening trauma the most common injuries involving vehicular accidents are bone fractures skin lacerations and abrasions and life-threatening internal bleeding smith added treating these kinds of conditions is very expensive and many times pets have to be euthanized because their owners cannot afford the care required to save their lives the best treatment is prevention – placing your dog in a pet-safe kennel in the truck bed can save his/her life owners should also keep their dog on a leash when in public it is also important to keep an eye on the dog while it is outside or to secure a barrier for the dog to avoid sporadic running toward a nearby road prevention is always the best treatment plan to ensure your canine companion is happy and healthy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print dental hygiene for dogs february 9 2012 an ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure but when it comes to your dogs health; practicing good dental hygiene may make a ton of difference in fact an animals teeth may be more important to its overall health than most pet owners realize says dr jr bert dodd clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences human dentists have done a really good job of educating people on practicing good preventive dental health but often we do not think about preventive dental health for our pets says dodd overall dental hygiene can be an indicator of current or future health challenges for humans and dogs as goes the mouth so goes the health taking care of your pets mouth and keeping it nice and healthy should help the animal live longer dodd said preventive dental care includes regularly brushing your pets teeth and getting an oral evaluation and dental cleaning at least annually by your veterinarian some pet owners may question the importance of dental hygiene maintenance for dogs based on their own experience with childhood pets but veterinary medicine has come a long way over the past 20 years it used to be that most of our pets died at younger ages so periodontal disease did not have a chance to impact their health and cause damage to their kidneys livers or other vital organs veterinary medicine has advanced such that we are now better able to treat these diseases and our animals are living longer healthier lives explains dodd dental therapy for pets includes many of the same procedures that help humans maintain healthy teeth gums and mouths available treatments include oral surgery periodontics endodontics restorations and even orthodontics on furry patients as needed some of these procedures may be offered by your family veterinarian or you may be referred to a board certified veterinary dentist dodd says it is important that pet owners become aware of the serious consequences of ignoring a pets dental health periodontal disease is a disease of neglect if preventative dental health is not practiced and periodontal therapy is ignored other health complications may follow says dodd teeth gum or mouth problems can cause infections and disease or they can be symptoms of serious illness in veterinary patients the teeth are 42 little patients in a dogs mouth so they need to be well taken care of and treated with respect says dodd it is best to begin home care when your puppy or kitten is between 8 and 12 weeks old; however it is never too late to start notes dodd the first step is to train your pet to accept brushing of the teeth and the best way to approach that is to establish a routine of brushing your pets teeth with gauze around your finger it may be helpful to use beef or chicken broth with dogs or tuna water with cats to get them accustomed to the routine instead of using cleaning agents once a pet is familiar with the daily routine you can switch out the gauze for a finger brush or a very soft toothbrush then you can incorporate using pet toothpaste do not use toothpaste intended for people because the ingredients can cause stomach issues in your pet if ingested between the age of 4 months and 7 months all of the baby teeth should fall out and be replaced with adult teeth it is important to monitor this process and make sure that the baby teeth do in fact fall out and not stay in the mouth when the adult teeth erupt these persistent teeth can lead to malocclusion and severe periodontal disease due to crowding and rotating of the erupting teeth prompt veterinary attention (extractions) can help prevent these problems contrary to some beliefs it is important not to give pets bones from leftover food to chew on in addition to gastrointestinal issues bones can cause teeth to break which leads to additional visits to the veterinarian and further medical problems more and more pet owners are recognizing the connection between dental hygiene and their dogs overall wellbeing dodd believes when you make a dental appointment for yourself it might be a good idea to make a veterinary appointment to have spots teeth cleaned and checked also an ounce of dental prevention could lead to a longer healthier life for you and your pet about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu *top photo: dr dodd works on a patients teeth as a veterinary student looks on bottom photo: dog receiving treatment for its teeth at the cvm veterinary medical teaching hospital print staying in pace with pacemakers february 2 2012 dr saunders checking a pacemaker what would you do if your pets heart suddenly stopped working properly february is the month of national heart awareness and valentines day february should also be a reminder for pet owners to educate themselves on their pets heart health the best place to start is your veterinarian if your pet has an irregular heartbeat or low heart rate it should be evaluated by your veterinarian and may indicate the need for a pacemaker pet owners are often amazed that their pets can live for years and feel much better than they have in a long time after receiving a pacemaker says dr ashley saunders assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) even younger working dogs that assist in border patrol and drug sniffing are able to perform their duties the same way a normal dog would after receiving a pacemaker dogs with low heart rates tend to move slower and are likely to tire more quickly because blood is not being efficiently pumped to the rest of the body they may experience symptoms such as fatigue fainting weakness coughing and a swollen abdomen canine heart rates usually range from 80 to 150 beats per minute but when rates drop below 80 pacemakers may be suggested to provide the users with ‘artificial cardiac pacing thereby raising and stabilizing their heart rates saunders explains pacemaker next to a quarter veterinary cardiologists performing pacemaker surgery generally set the pace of the heart at a rate specific to each pet patient allowing continuous stimulation for every heartbeat the two-hour surgical procedure is often done in one of two ways: transvenous (through the neck) or epicardial (through the abdomen) the most common method used in veterinary medicine is transvenous saunders said this procedure allows us to create about a three-inch incision in the neck exposing the vessel and allowing the pulse generator or battery enough room to comfortably reside before the pulse generator is introduced a pacing lead is inserted into the vessel and passed through the tricuspid valve and into the right ventricle where it successfully transmits an electrical charge from the pulse generator to the heart saunders says surgical patients are usually kept overnight for observation and brought in for a one-month check-up following the procedure and then evaluated every six months pet owners are advised to keep their animals calm for two to four weeks after pacemaker surgery so they can properly heal pet owners are also advised to use a harness instead of a collar if the pulse generator is placed inside the neck x-ray photo of a pacemaker a lead can be pulled out of place if the animal is too rambunctious during the two-to-four-week healing period saunders said if this happens the heart rate may return to its originally slow rate once you pace a dogs heart it often becomes dependent on the pacemaker this pacemaker dependency is less of a problem for pets after recovery because the body forms a type of cast around the pacemaker keeping it in place after recovery pacemakers have a long life and function like a wristwatch battery if the pacemaker begins to show signs of wear it will not stop automatically saunders adds it will first slow down dropping the heart rate thats why the check-ups are so important canine matters of the heart are best solved by those who love it most – its owners and its veterinarian pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print animals ringworm january 26 2012 it may be surprising for some to learn that the skin infection known as ringworm or dermatophytosis is not actually a worm or parasite at all but a fungus the lesion will not always be in the shape of a ring but it will appear scaly in the center with a red irritated color on the periphery household pets generally pick up the disease from other animals where the infection occurs on the skin there will be a bald patch but sometimes they may just have a few broken hairs says dr leon russell professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences ringworm is highly contagious and can pass from person to person either through direct contact through contact with an infected object contact with an infected pet or infected soil humans can contract ringworm from animals very easily by touching the infected area directly or through contact with objects which have been exposed contaminated with the fungus or its spores animal ringworm types usually from a dog cat or rodent are more likely to be transmitted to young children with children it is often found in the scalp region fungi that mostly live in human skin are called ‘anthropophilic those that live on animals are called ‘zoophilic and those that prefer to live in soil are called ‘geophilic fungi explains russell the anthropophilic ringworm is mostly seen in developing countries such as africa or parts of asia by human to human transmission many times this occurs from sharing hairbrushes or combs and unless someones immune system is highly compromised then the disease is not life threatening tinea pedis or athletes foot is the most common form of ringworm found in humans and the most difficult to treat the rash most often appears in the moist areas between the toes though the rest of the foot can be infected as well itching and burning are typical symptoms says russell community swimming pools used towels health clubs steam rooms and showers are common areas where athletes foot can be contracted rarely humans can transmit the disease to animals an example of this might be if a person with athletes foot comes home takes their shoes off and scratches or rubs ol fido with their bare foot says russell livestock such as cattle or horses are more likely to have ringworm when they are kept inside their stalls in the winter because of the rubbing up against wood and other stall materials these cases are seen more in the northern parts of the united states where the weather is colder generally when the weather becomes warmer again and the animals are turned outside into the sunshine of pastures the disease begins to clear up says russell in horses ringworm is seen usually in places where rubbing may occur such as where a saddle or bridle might touch adults are more likely to contract ringworm from a horse rather than children due to occupational exposure and handling the effects of ringworm tend to be superficial ones of appearance though if not treated in animals it can easily spread and cause scar tissue some people mostly children who contract ringworm from a pet can sometimes have a reaction with their skin tissue resulting in bulgy lesion-looking patches on the skin called kerions these are more severe in appearance compared to the normal reaction and can be very upsetting for the person the treatment for ringworm in humans or animals is usually going to involve a topical medication oral medication may be needed if the ringworm is chronic and therefore can sometimes take up to three or four months to clear it is certainly not a reason to get rid of a dog or cat because it can be treated says russell the most common fungal species that may cause ringworm in dogs and cats are microsporum canis if you suspect that your pet has ringworm a veterinarian will be able to determine if that is the case or not by examining the animal under special lighting wherein the fungus glows explains russell if a pet is diagnosed with ringworm it is best to take steps to disinfect objects that the animal has been in contact with using chemicals like chlorine diluted in water it is important to bring your pet especially young pets in for their vaccinations and checkups to ensure that diseases such as ringworm are not causing any problems about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu *top photo: veterinarian checking a cats ear for ringworms under uv light bottom photo: cat with a ringworm lesion on top of its left eye print managing pain in pets january 19 2012 imagine feeling ill and not being able to properly express it the language barrier causes many pets to feel this way toward their owners it is important to know the signs indicative of pain in your pet so that you can help them manage it even if they cant tell you about it according to dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences knowing if pets are in pain can be tricky all pets show pain differently says stickney cats are prone to hide when they are uncomfortable while dogs tend to show pain more outwardly than their feline friends there is a lot of variation when it comes to pets and showing pain and the signs of pain are not always obvious some common signs of pain are less energetic greetings and refusing to eat or drink stickney says some animals may pace or pant if they are in pain or they may growl or snap if the sore spot is touched your pets may show you all of these signs while some may show you almost none stickney adds cats are the classic example they can be in large amounts of discomfort and still hide their pain what it boils down to is owners know their pets best stickney says if you think your animal is uncomfortable and not behaving normally you should call your veterinarian for an evaluation stickney notes that the causes of pain can come from various sources we see several types of injuries like those caused by cars or other animals says stickney pain can also occur as pets get older from diseases such as arthritis the most common treatment for pain in dogs is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs says stickney these products will reduce inflammation and make the animals feel better they usually come in flavored preparations disguised as treats if you suspect your pet is in pain and a veterinarian cannot be reached human pain medication should never be an option animals metabolize drugs differently than we do stickney says human medication will usually cause more harm than good and could damage organs like the kidneys or liver but there are things you can do at home to help manage your pets pain and make them more comfortable try to make arrangements so your pet does not have to move as much says stickney keep him or her confined in a small room or crate stickney also suggests moving food and water bowls closer to the animal it is up to you as the owner to recognize behavioral changes that might indicate pain the veterinary profession has come a long way in recognizing pain in animals says stickney if you think your pet is in pain contact your veterinarian because there are numerous options to make your pet feel more comfortable pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print you received a pet as a gift… what now january 12 2012 its the week after the holidays you received everything you wanted this year… and then some a well-meaning relative decided that you needed a new pet in your life and gave you one as a gift what are you going to do now mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences says that whether or not you decide to keep the pet you have a few options it is never a good idea to give a pet as a surprise gift notes stickney there is no such thing as a ‘free animal proper care of a pet requires a lot of time and resources which the receiver of the pet may not be able to spare if you find yourself the surprise recipient of an unwanted pet do not panic or do anything drastic such as turning the animal loose this can cause problems for not only the animal but also for any people who find the animal never turn the pet loose states stickney the weather can be very unfriendly to abandoned animals especially during the winter in addition to freezing or becoming ill they may be hit by a car starve or be attacked by other animals pets are not accustomed to finding their own food or shelter so turning them loose is usually a death sentence rather than turning your predicament into somebody elses problem try giving the pet back to the giver if he or she can return the pet then the situation is out of your hands if that fails however another option is to take the pet to an animal shelter adoptions tend to be higher during the holidays especially for puppies if however you are too worried about the fate of the animal to leave it at a shelter you can still find it a suitable home if you have the time and patience fostering is a big responsibility but it can be very rewarding once you place your pet in the perfect home if you decide to foster the gift pet until a home is found there are several different avenues you can go through to locate that home you can post an ad online says stickney petfindercom is one site that allows the public to post animals that need homes if the animal is a purebred you can also ask breed-specific groups if they will post the animal for you on their site as a courtesy listing additionally there is the craigslist pet section but be careful when meeting people or when giving your pet over to them you never know who is on craigslist keep in mind if fostering a young pet that it will need vaccinations and socialization you may potentially keep the animal for a month or more while a home is located and you will need to make sure that you stay up to date on its puppy or kitten shots it will need at least three series of vaccines and deworming; these usually take place at six weeks nine weeks and twelve weeks if it is to be spayed or neutered this should be done before six months the first three months are very important for socialization explains stickney puppies need to be safely exposed to new stimuli such as people and other friendly animals so that they will be better adjusted and less fearful adults a well-trained dog is a happier and more relaxed individual if you decide that you would like to keep the gift pet there are several things that you will need to do keep in mind when deciding to keep the free puppy or kitten that the first five months can cost up to $500 in expenses flea and heartworm preventative the latter of which is especially necessary in the south are additional costs before you bring a puppy home says dr stickney there are a few things you will need to purchase these include food and water bowls puppy food appropriate chew items such as a small rawhide or squeak toy and a crate for house breaking and for providing the dog its own area a kitten will also need food and water bowls kitten food and a litter box particularly one with low sides for a smaller kitten if you have existing pets you will need to slowly introduce the new pet to them you will also need to take the new pet to a veterinarian within a week for a physical examination and to get it dewormed and vaccinated puppies and kittens come with their own unique warnings adds stickney especially around the holidays be prepared for some destruction and messiness if you have guests visiting be sure to alert them to the presence of the puppy or kitten so that they do not accidently step on or sit on your new friend also watch that your pet does not climb underneath furniture like recliners where it can be squished additionally kittens may try to climb christmas trees or swat ornaments they and puppies may chew on tinsel if tinsel is accidently swallowed it could require an emergency surgery puppies may gnaw on electrical cords causing a severe shock they may also try to get into treats such as dark chocolate which will make them very sick providing a new home for a pet can be a big commitment so pet ownership should never be an unexpected gift an unwelcome pet needs to be cared for until a suitable solution is reached and should never be dumped to fend for itself do your research and if you decide that you have the resources to take in a lucky kitten or puppy this holiday season make sure to provide for all of its needs so that it can grow into a healthy adult companion pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print relocating with pets january 5 2012 the new job is wonderful – the salary is great and you love the office however there happens to be a catch – it requires that you move to another country the place is lovely and it is perfect for your family but can you take little fluffy with you will she be happy with the new place moving is a difficult time for us but what about our pets moving with your pet can be a challenge therefore it is important to plan ahead says dr m a crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences what are the things that one should know before relocating with pets it is important to focus on making their transition to their new home smooth because an agitated pet can be scared and run away get confused and get lost or be stressed and be destructive crist says her suggestion is to keep the pet confined before and during the move and then settling quickly into an everyday routine after the move when talking about moving what are the options for transporting pets it is important to make travel arrangements in advance to avoid the unexpected dr crist says she suggests enquiring with travel agencies and pet transportation services these agencies take care of all the shipping details – pickup boarding and delivery – for an associated cost for pet insurance and transportation charges transportation of pets requires a lot of planning on the part of the owner for example if you are planning on air travel you need to know the specific regulations of the air carrier puppies and kittens less than eight weeks of age are prohibited from traveling by air transportation crist says pets are usually placed on the plane last so that they can be unloaded first weather can be a concern and it is better to ship pets during moderate weather and not in extreme heat or cold large pets travel as air freight small pets may be allowed to travel in the passenger cabin with the owner and those pets travelling without their owners need to be shipped by air express (usually rodents birds and tropical fish) these shipping containers are available at pet stores and pet supply companies crist recommends a strong container to withstand the pressure of other freight accidentally toppling on it she also suggests choosing containers with good ventilation and a leak-proof bottom other transportation modes require other precautions if traveling by automobile be sure to get your dog or cat accustomed to riding in the vehicle crist advises a travel kit with the pets regular food and fresh water is important changing the drinking water suddenly may cause stomach upset in some of our four-legged friends crist says a favorite toy treats scooper and plastic bags to clean up after your pet are recommended as well the recommendations for transportation vary for different pets crist recommends that fish should not be overcrowded in their transportation containers and the water temperature should not change suddenly horses can be transported by air freight or a horse trailer (ground transportation) horse transportation agencies are available and even have pick-up and delivery crist says birds are highly sensitive to changes in wind drafts and temperature not to mention being easily frightened it is recommended to travel with the bird cage covered but with plenty of ventilation during transportation remember to have travel identification tags with the new phone number attached to the pets collar dogs and cats can have this information on their collars while horses can have brands tattoos and registration papers and birds can have it on their leg bands she says most importantly one needs to be aware of the health regulations of the place you are moving to when transporting pets pets need a health certificate after a veterinary examination and an international health certificate for international travel these certificates have expiration dates and it is important to check that the valid period has not expired before you travel discuss with your regular veterinarian about recommendations for a veterinarian in the new location and travel with a copy of your pets records crist recommends the new state or country may have different laws for entry with a pet and it is important to know these beforehand there may be standard border inspection at some places and random inspections at other places this is especially important for unusual pets like snakes lizards monkeys or wild animals communicate well in advance with the regulatory agency of the final destination of the pet prior to moving to understand all of the requirements needed for that pet to be admitted to its final destination crist advises at the new home crist recommends to confine the pets till they are familiar with the new environment try to use the pets same food and water dishes blanket bed and toys and try to place them in a similar location as they were in their previous home she says relocating with pets requires extensive planning sometimes extra vaccinations and health documents are required six months in advance of the actual move so it is important to be aware of the rules and regulations of the place you are moving to it is best to make arrangements ahead of time crist advises so that both you and fluffy can have a stress-free relocation pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pancreatitis december 22 2011 if your cat or dog is suffering from vomiting and diarrhea it may be that fido or fluffy are spending too much time at the all-you-can-eat buffet but vomiting and abdominal pain may also indicate pancreatitis a fairly common condition among cats and dogs that can lead to severe complications and even death pancreatitis is an inflammation of the exocrine portion of the pancreas which produces the bodys digestive enzymes says dr jörg steiner professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences this inflammation actually causes the pancreas to digest itself adds steiner the most common signs are vomiting and abdominal pain but symptoms may also include diarrhea fever loss of appetite and behavioral changes pancreatitis is more difficult to detect in cats because the symptoms are milder steiner says there are two types of pancreatitis: acute and chronic acute cases of pancreatitis are more commonly severe and chronic cases are more commonly mild supportive care including aggressive fluid therapy to treat imbalances is given to try to stabilize the patient he adds and pain medications are used to make the patient as comfortable as possible steiner estimates that about 50 percent of acute cases result in death in cases of chronic pancreatitis your veterinarian will begin to treat the underlying disease process while administering symptomatic treatment including fluid therapy and pain relief while these patients tend to have a better outcome than those with acute pancreatitis chronic pancreatitis may eventually cause diabetes and/or other diseases that can greatly affect the animals quality of life in some cases this condition may go undiagnosed and untreated there are some conditions that may be found concurrent with pancreatitis including hepatic inflammation and intestinal inflammation said steiner to give the most accurate diagnosis possible your veterinarian will also test for diseases that mimic pancreatitis such as kidney disease and liver disease steiner recommends giving pets with pancreatitis a low fat diet this includes restricting animals from treats pancreatitis is a fairly common disease among cats and dogs says steiner there is no way to cure or prevent pancreatitis and there is no evidence to suggest that pancreatitis is more common among any particular age or breed of pet since vomiting and abdominal pain are symptoms common to many illnesses in pets it is crucial that an ailing pet be thoroughly examined by your veterinarian steiner adds it may just be an upset tummy but seeking your veterinarians advice early could actually preserve and improve your pets life and health steiner says new diagnostic tests are now available that can help your veterinarian diagnose pancreatitis early making successful therapy more likely pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print south american camelid basics december 15 2011 imagine a plateau high in the andes mountains covered by nothing but south american camelids and shrubbery over the past twenty years this picture has changed as some south american camelids have found new homes in the united states living very different lives than their predecessors the domesticated south american camelids – alpacas and llamas – are sprouting up on farms across the united states their intelligence and docile nature make them easy pets for agricultural settings dr juan romano associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) says that south american camelid interest has increased over the years prompting new south american camelid curriculum for veterinary students alpacas and llamas are the two most common types of south american camelids in texas romano said llamas are larger than alpacas with thicker wool alpacas wool is fine making it more suitable for sweaters and special suits alpacas also have ears that stick straight up while llamas have ears that fold over like bananas romano says the low-maintenance nature of alpacas and llamas make them viable animals for those with limited agriculture and animal raising experience romano adds that they also make great companion animals because of their protective nature and their cat-like personality in 2007 the texas government allowed camelids to be used for livestock purposes so we saw an influx of south american camelids farm growth then romano said today texas is one of the most populated states with south american camelids especially alpacas prior to starting a south american camelid farm it is advisable to speak with a veterinarian and do your research initial investment varies but basic requirements are a simple shelter fencing forage clean water and fiber even though the initial investment may seem feasible right now it is hard to fund a ranch in the united states because our prices are not competitive with south american ranches cost of production romano expressed it is important to do your research and understand the market before you invest in a farm it is also important to remember south american camelids natural habitat before starting a new environment for them alpacas and llamas originated from the high altitudes of the andes of chile peru and bolivia they were limited to grasslands of shrubbery and weather that is very dry and cold it is important to try to keep them in an environment their bodies are accustomed to if not you can supply their environment with fans shelter etc the texas heat is an issue for alpacas and llamas romano explained some regions of texas are at sea level and it is also very humid farmers should supply sprinklers fans and shade to avoid heat distress in their animals shearing once a year in the spring also helps alleviate heat distress south american camelids are familiar with a shrubbery landscape for food romano suggests supplying them with adequate quality fiber found from forage owners in the united states tend to overfeed these camelids because they are used to such limited low quality food sources avoid overfeeding to reduce additional health problems with expected lifespans of up to 25 years south american camelids can be a trusted farm companion their intellect and obedient nature make them enjoyable pets however it is best to do your research prior to investing in one of these camelids as they are not natural inhabitants in the united states landscape if you have any additional questions contact large animal clinical sciences at the cvm at 979-845-9127 pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the price of spaying and neutering december 8 2011 consider this: one pair of un-sterilized cats together with their offspring can result in 420 000 kittens in 7 years one pair of un-sterilized dogs with their offspring can result in 4 372 puppies in 7 years statistics also show that only one out of nine of these animals find a good home leaving the rest to suffer abandonment and/or euthanasia for years pet owners have questioned whether or not spay or neuter their pets however history and research show that there are many pros to having your pets spayed or neutered whether your pets are kept indoors or out there are many health and behavioral benefits associated with spaying and neutering says dr lynn ruoff clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) spaying and neutering pets results in fewer reproductive health problems and makes the treatment of epilepsy diabetes and other diseases much easier notes ruoff ruoff adds spayed pets will not develop pyometra or pus in the uterus and they have a greatly decreased risk of developing mammary gland tumors neutered pets are less likely to develop testicular tumors or an enlarged prostate another big pro can be peace of mind – a spayed or neutered pet is far less likely to leave the yard in search of other animals in both male and female pets sterilization makes them far less likely to roam which tends to safeguard against injuries due to fights and accidents adds ruoff neutered males are less likely to mark their territory by urinating in the house and will not be inclined to wander off in search of a mate spayed females are also less likely to wander and will not attract males who will fight over a female in heat in addition hunting guarding and other skills are actually improved in spayed and neutered dogs because they are not distracted by hormonal urges ruoff believes pet owners concerned with the pain and cost of the actual procedure can be put at ease by talking with their veterinarian ruoff explains that spaying and neutering while considered major surgery and performed under general anesthesia involve little risk in young healthy pets in the past it was believed that puppies and kittens should not be spayed or neutered until they were at least six months of age however recent studies conclude that sterilization of pets as young as three months of age does not increase the risks associated with surgery or the number of long-term complications animals also recover from these procedures much faster than one might expect stitches are usually removed 10 days after the surgery until which time pet owners are advised to keep the surgical area clean and to keep the animal calm most pets recover within a week or less often not requiring additional pain medication if cost has been keeping you from having a pet spayed or neutered it is wise to consider the expenses associated with the alternative without sterilization you may find yourself paying to treat pyometra mammary gland tumors prostatic enlargement or injuries caused by automobiles you cant put a price tag on a family pet that becomes lost or killed adds ruoff pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pot-bellied pigs december 1 2011 unlike their barnyard brethren pot-bellied pigs are commonly found as pampered pets living indoors with their owners these days native to the country of vietnam a full grown potbellied pig averages roughly around 120 to 150 pounds a good candidate for owning a pot-bellied pig as with any pet is someone who has time to devote to caring for the animal and who is prepared financially to provide veterinary care should it become ill or have other problems says dr kevin washburn associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences pot-bellied pigs are popular pets because they are very intelligent and can be housebroken pigs are also able to openly express their fondness for their owners much like other domesticated house pets these pets need a fenced area to protect them from dog attacks pigs no matter what their age have no defense against these attacks despite what some people thinkit is important for owners to research the animals diet even though it might be tempting to feed a pot-bellied pig table scraps or other human foods they have their own specific nutritional needs that must be met the only food pot-bellied pigs should eat is a commercially available pot-bellied pig feed says washburn people should not feed them human food as this usually results in obesity which therefore leads to health problems later in life washburn recommends feeding twice a day at amounts according to the instructions on the feed bags when looking to purchase a new pet the common health problems of the animal should be considered washburn explains that overfeeding leads to obesity which is the most common cause for discomfort in these animals obesity then leads to arthritis as the pig ages also in unspayed females uterine cancer is very common when they get older says washburn pigs should receive vaccinations hoof trimmings and physicals annually many people keep pot-bellied pigs as house pets washburn explains that this is okay but one must realize the potential pitfalls of this such as the pig rooting up carpet or floors eating walls or overturning household items such as plants or dining chairs it is best if the pig is kept only as a part time house pet for these reasons which are normally due to a pig becoming bored also if an owner is looking to keep an exceptional garden outside or a perfect lawn it would be wise to fence that area off pigs naturally root through the ground for the purpose of obtaining necessary vitamins and minerals from the ground as well as food such as grubs or acorns potential owners should make sure to check the local zoning laws before buying to ensure that keeping a pot-bellied pig is allowed pigs that have been neutered or spayed are generally sweet natured animals and they do not have sweat glands rendering them an almost odorless pet if a potential buyer is willing to put in the tender care and work that these adorable animals need a pot-bellied pig can make for a great pet! about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print feline diabetes november 23 2011 more than half of all cats owned in the united states are obese and one in every 50 cats is diabetic every november americans give thanks on thanksgiving and they also observe national diabetes month according to dr katherine scott lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) feline obesity is one of the most common reasons cats become diabetic during this season of entertaining remember to have healthy options for your cat too diabetes may occur in any age breed or gender of a cat but we see this disorder most commonly in middle-aged to older cats scott says feline diabetes is very similar to type 2 diabetes in humans feline diabetes is a deficiency in the bodys ability to change glucose (sugar) into energy insulin is needed for glucose to be transferred from the blood to the cells type 2 diabetes develops when the body does not properly respond to insulin or is resistant to the effects of insulin and cannot move glucose into cells scott explains that like type 2 diabetes in humans there is almost always a predisposing factor enabling feline diabetes to occur feline obesity is one of the most common reasons cats become diabetic scott says they can also become diabetic after receiving some types of medications like steroids or progesterone other diseases like pancreatitis cancer or an overactive thyroid might also be to blame scott indicates that there are signs owners can watch out for that are indicative of diabetes the most common signs are an increase in water intake urinating more often and in larger quantities excessive appetite and weight loss if owners note a change in the size or amount of clumps in their cats litter boxes or the water bowl is always empty it is definitely a good reason to have them checked out by a veterinarian scott explains if owners are dedicated and well-informed feline diabetes is manageable for affected cats and their owners sometimes diabetes can be temporarily or permanently cured dependent upon how long diabetes was present in the cat your veterinarian will help you with the best treatment plan for your cat for standard therapy scott recommends giving your cat injections of glargine (insulin also given to people with type 2 diabetes) twice a day along with the insulin injections we also almost always switch cats to a low-carbohydrate diet known as the ‘catkins diet scott says this diet sometimes alleviates the need for insulin injections for more information on low-carbohydrate diets for cats see a recent pet talk titled low carb for cats at /news/pet-talk/low-carb-for-cats scott adds diabetes is a very manageable disease in cats that responds very well to therapy however it is a real commitment for owners of these cats owners have to learn to give insulin injections make time to give these injections twice daily and bring their cats in at least every 3-6 months for veterinary visits some owners even learn how to monitor their cats blood glucose levels at home using a glucometer just like people do the most important preventative measure owners can take to avoid the pitfalls of feline diabetes is to keep their cats healthy and slim we cant control some of the diseases our cats will get that will result in the development of diabetes but owners have complete control over how many calories their cats can eat scott states so during this time of thanksgiving show some gratitude toward your beloved cats by providing them with a healthy diet to ensure a healthy happy life in the meantime it is important to stay informed and be cautious of your cats habits if you suspect or have any questions about your cat and/or diabetes contact small animal clinical sciences at the cvm at 979-845-2351 or at about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print dealing with pet fears november 17 2011 your cute puppy is usually a wonderful little bundle of joy however when lightning flashes and thunder strikes she transforms into a terrified bundle of fear and bolts straight to your lap knocking down your grandmothers favorite china along the way before wondering if your pet is unusual wait a minute; you are not alone pets can be fearful of all types of things says dr mark stickney clinical associate professor texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) he gives a variety of examples: thunderstorms fireworks cars hats and even children separation anxiety when you leave home can be destructive and potentially cost thousands of dollars he remarks so why do pets get scared all animals have evolved to recognize threats stickney says the fear physiology in animals is similar to that in humans with the heart rate blood pressure and body temperature rising when frightened he explains dogs which are bred as pack animals want to be with their owners when afraid cats being more solitary hide when scared and may be less destructive because they are smaller thus each animal responds differently but the greatest available body of information on pet fears is on dogs an important factor in such animal behavior is the critical socialization period – a time between 8 to 12 weeks (2 to 3 months) of age for both kittens and puppies during this period a young animal should get its first series of vaccinations… and then be taken everywhere and be exposed to all kinds of people things and sounds stickney advises if you plan to have the animal accompany you while horseback riding take it to a place where it can see and smell horses if you plan to take the animal along during hunting take it to the field where it can see and hear gunshots another important practice is crate training – a place for the pet to feel safe when you leave the house – right from the first day the puppy comes home its sort of like your favorite chair in the house stickney says the crate should always be a safe place always a happy place the pet should never be put in these crates to be punished or for any negative experience stickney also recommends puppy daycare – a place where puppies spend an hour playing together it includes obedience training helps them socialize and makes them more observant to social cues in this way they learn to notice things they may not otherwise pay attention to one way to overcome fear is to expose pets to the feared objects and reward them when they are brave for example you can expose your puppy to a small scary noise but keep it close by pet it and give it a treat as a positive reinforcement slowly you can keep increasing the threshold of the noise thus even if we do not change the fear we can at least desensitize the pet to such cues some pets experience separation anxiety and get scared when they hear keys being picked up one way to desensitize them is to frequently pick up keys and then sit back at home or leave the house for a minute and then come back animals will slowly recognize to ignore these cues stickney advises a recent market trend is tight-fitting pet jackets these help with modifying behavior in mild problems the idea is that animals feel safe and secure when they are compressed just like babies when they are swaddled stickney says for more severe fears specialized veterinary behaviorists prescribe a combination of behavioral modification and pharmacological treatments for example veterinarians sometimes prescribe sedatives for animals that tend to be terrified during long travel periods stickney emphasizes that the pharmacologic therapy only serves to help the behavior modification there is no such thing as a single solution to fix the problem he remarks so while leaving the pet alone first for a long time you can leave the puppy in its crate (maybe with a jacket) with its favorite toys and some old t-shirts stickney advises the puppy will feel a whole lot better and will probably sleep through most of it he says the take-home message: if you have a brand new puppy make sure that it is exposed to different types of people and places during the critical socialization period if you already have a dog with fears consult a veterinarian this is important because these fears are learned and do not disappear after a phase the sooner you address these issues the better it is because these fears do not go away on their own stickney says nothing is easy about rearing a puppy its a responsibility there are incredible benefits if you put in the time and efforts early on pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print sharing sickness november 10 2011 the little puppy you brought home is adorable she saves the best of her sweet looks and affectionate gestures for you in turn you want her to have the best of everything you can give in this mutual exchange of love you also need to ensure that the pet doesnt give you something you may not want to take – a zoonotic disease (a disease that can spread from animals to humans) we usually do not think that we get diseases from animals but these instances happen more than we think in many cases people do not realize that they may have got the infection from their pets says dr stacy eckman lecturer at texas a&m universitys college of veterinary medicine (cvm) in some cases the animals themselves suffer from the disease while in other cases they are not affected by it she says infestation with intestinal parasites such as roundworms and hookworms are common zoonotic diseases affecting household pets like dogs and cats a large percentage of the new puppies i see have hookworms and roundworms eckman says so what are symptoms of intestinal parasitic infection in pets that one should watch out for poor skin and hair and a potbellied appearance she states these zoonotic diseases are however more common in third world countries because of poor sanitary conditions proper hygiene is essential to help prevent the spread of these diseases to humans she says cat owners need to be aware of toxoplasmosis – a disease transmitted through the feces of cats that can affect the unborn child in pregnant women eckman recommends that households with pregnant women and cats contact their veterinarian and physician about precautions cleaning the kittys litter box twice a day preferably by other members of the household is a good option she says one could also get diseases from larger animals as well leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that can cause serious liver and kidney problems the infection can occur through skin contact with infected water contaminated with urine large animals like cattle goats pigs sheep and horses are reservoirs for this disease and may pass this to our companion animals eckman says humans can then acquire this disease from infected urine from their pets awareness and education helps prevent zoonotic diseases she says what can pet owners do to prevent these infections when you first get a new pet contact your veterinarian and have an exam performed most veterinarians talk to you about these things to protect yourself and your pets eckman says zoonotic diseases need not always be transmitted by pets other animals which we encounter can also pass on diseases for example bats are potential carriers of rabies a fatal disease eckman warns that people should never touch bats anybody who comes into contact with a bat must contact the local rabies authorities as soon as possible this is especially important in the case of young children since they may not be aware that they may have been bitten often times prophylaxis may be recommended especially if the sample is too decomposed to test she says the good news is that all these zoonotic diseases can be avoided with a little bit of preparedness veterinarians do routine exams for dogs to check for different diseases such as intestinal parasites and external parasites that may transmit blood borne disorders routine vaccinations for both cats and dogs are available with different protocols in different states monthly heartworm preventative medications also help prevent against parasites like hookworms and roundworms many zoonotic diseases depend on the local conditions prevalent in the area so what about texas we are hot and wet and so we literally get everything she says her take-home message: to consult your veterinarian regarding your pet each patient is different she stresses with awareness and care zoonotic diseases can often be prevented to ensure a healthy pet and a healthy owner pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print preventative care for horses in the fall november 3 2011 horses have a legendary history of helping mankind in all types of weather proving that they can withstand more than most seasons dish out however it is important to take preventative care measures before each season to ensure the health and happiness of your horse fall is no different as certain weather conditions and pesky visitors at this time of year can possibly cause harm to your horses health dr leslie easterwood clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) says the first thing to remember after the first freeze is to vaccinate your horse vaccinations for the following viruses and diseases are essential for the health of your horse: venezuelan eastern and western encephalitis; tetanus toxoid; west nile virus; strep; equine influenza; rhinopnuemonitis; and rabies (should only be given once a year) the most commonly encountered fall virus is west nile virus easterwood said the other viruses and bacterial organisms are year-round so it is important to have a year-round vaccination protocol deworming should also be year-round it is good to have a deworming schedule similar with your vaccination schedule to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken care of the most commonly encountered internal parasite that we deworm for specifically in the fall is bots easterwood said the fly vector responsible for bots is usually less prominent in the winter so we try to clear the adult bots out of the gastrointestinal tract after the first freeze all other internal parasites are encountered year-round so it is important to have a year-round deworming protocol another important aspect of preventative care for horses to keep in mind as the colder weather approaches is supplying appealing drinking water the colder weather makes the cold drinking water less attractive to horses less water intake leads to dehydration and secondarily to colic to avoid these side effects owners can add electrolyte powder to the horses daily grain ration increased water intake can also be accomplished by heating the water that is offered but this option is rarely practical for most horse owners easterwood added electric water bucket warming devices are commercially available the weather does not start to take a drastic drop in temperature until the winter months however starting protection plans in the fall is a good idea in case a freeze happens early easterwood recommends a wind break for the horses and a place to keep them dry when the weather is wet and cold blankets are another popular option for horse owners however easterwood notes that blankets are not necessary for every horse for the vast majority of horses it will never be too cold for them to live outside with no blanket easterwood said horses survive in very harsh winter environments with their natural hair coat those horses that would benefit from blanketing are those that are thin debilitated ill or have no natural hair coat we artificially keep our show horses thin haired in the winter so that we can show them with no hair easterwood added show horses definitely benefit from blanketing in the winter but most horses who are allowed to grow a natural hair coat do not need to be blanketed at all easterwood points out horses can actually sweat and overheat under blankets that are left on during the day when the temperature warms up especially in texas where the temperature varies significantly throughout the day it would be best to refrain from blanketing healthy non-show horses one last recommendation in the fall is to have a trained veterinarian check your horses teeth to ensure they are healthy horses are going to need more energy to function in the rigors of winter weather easterwood said they will need more energy and fiber in order to keep their body temperatures warm for this reason having the teeth in good shape is essential fall preventative care is necessary for a healthy and happy horse in the winter if you follow these simple guidelines and listen to the advice of your veterinarian your horse should be in tip top shape for the winter months pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print purchasing a new horse october 27 2011 it may be just one horsepower but before riding off into the sunset on a newly purchased pony it is important to investigate the quality and health of that animal dr michael martin associate professor specializing in equine primary care at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences has some tips on selecting a horse and how veterinarians can help there are many aspects involved when buying a horse in addition to answering health questions states martin the concern for a first-time buyer should and most importantly be the safety of the horse says martin buy a horse that is experienced and dependable one with a good attitude martin recommends that the attitude judgment be made by a friend or trainer who is qualified and knowledgeable about horses veterinarians only spend a very limited amount of time with the horse evaluating its medical condition so many veterinarians may be reluctant to make a judgment about the disposition of the horse says martin in addition veterinarians may be reluctant to make judgments about the horses conformation unless it relates to a lameness issue martin explains that three basic medical examinations are performed by a veterinarian on any individual horse a health certificate insurance exam and a pre-purchase exam provide different levels of information about the health status of a horse the health certificate is used to determine if a horse is free of any infectious or contagious diseases and is usually done when a horse is crossing state lines an insurance exam is more in-depth and focuses on satisfying the specific questions of an insurance company the company may be more concerned with what kind of mortality risk is present with the particular horse the pre-purchase exam is performed to inform the prospective buyer of the medical status of the horse at the time of examination so that a more knowledgeable decision can be made find a veterinarian to perform the pre-purchase exam who is knowledgeable and familiar with the discipline in which you desire to use the horse even if it is just trail riding adds martin then the veterinarian can examine the horse and provide a more accurate assessment of possible medical problems another important aspect of buying a horse is to become aware of the management techniques used to care for the horse when buying a horse be sure to have a plan and be knowledgeable about how the horse will be managed to include feeding and exercise programs martin stresses ask several questions about the horses history and specific needs for instance horses usually require routine hoof care ask if the horse requires special shoes or if leg or hoof problems exist in addition ask questions about the amount of time the horse is kept in a stall versus outside horses are managed differently as far as turnout time turnout time (meaning outside the stall) can make a huge difference in attitude says martin a particular problem may not have been evident prior to purchase but because of a change in management a horse may develop an issue as a result of excess energy from confinement or a change in diet horses are different concerning the amount of time they will tolerate being in a stall martin suggests that horses be turned out for at least three to five hours a day on days they are not ridden the ideal situation is if a horse could be out 8-12 hours per day says martin prospective buyers are often not aware of the daily requirements of caring for a horse and are more focused on getting the most enjoyment out of the experience asking questions about the horse that you are thinking about purchasing taking someone knowledgeable with you and including a veterinarians evaluation in the process can go a long way towards making the right decision for you and your new horse pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print safe treats for pets october 13 2011 halloween is around the corner and while we are enjoying the season with treats we would like our pets to share the joy too pet treats can make a great safe option when you want to treat your well-behaved little kitty or doggy with a sweet surprise however with a plethora of options for pet treats the decision-making can be scary for pet owners there are several questions to be answered: do all vegetables and fruits make good pet treats should children be allowed to share their candies and chocolates with their pets what would be safe and healthy pet treats and the fundamental question: are pet treats a good idea dont worry giving your pet treats is a great way of training them and it can also strengthen the human-animal bond between you and your pet says dr m a crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) her first recommendation is to opt for commercially available pet treats rather than human treats but are pet treats manufactured for all kinds of pets in the pet food industry one can find a commercial pet treat for just about any companion pet that they may own crist says the advantage of commercially manufactured pet foods is that they are designed to complement the pets regular diet (they) may even contain nutritional benefits such as improved digestive health or dental health crist says if you prefer homemade pet treats crist recommends trying the now popular pet food bakeries which make safe and pet-friendly food the treats come in a variety of fun flavors shapes and sizes and are usually associated with the holiday seasons or special occasions such as a birthday! she says more than what to give as treats for pets a big worry is what not to give crist lists food that should never be given to pets onions are a big no since they can harm the red blood cells and may cause serious illnesses even death raisins and grapes can also cause severe health issues in pets and should be avoided some pets experience gastrointestinal upsets with milk and milk-based products bread dough is another food that most dog owners do not realize is harmful to dogs crist says the yeast inside bread dough will expand in the dogs stomach leading to a very serious veterinary emergency macadamia nuts can be harmful to dogs hypothermia vomiting tremors loss of coordination dizziness and hyperthermia are some of the symptoms seen in the affected dogs luckily these symptoms usually disappear and most dogs return to normal within a couple of days crist reassures avocados – not just the fruit but also the leaves fruit seeds and bark – can be harmful to dogs by inducing diarrhea and vomiting some birds and rodents can be sensitive to avocados too crist says… (they) can develop congestion difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation around the heart which can be fatal she states salt in large quantities can be harmful to pets by causing excess thirst and urination some pets can even experience sodium poisoning some clinical signs of excessive salt intake can be vomiting diarrhea tremors and seizures so keep those salty chips away from your pets crist recommends what about the flavors of the season candy and chocolate one main substance to avoid giving pets is xylitol – a common sweetener in many everyday products such as toothpaste candy gum and baked goods toxic ingestion (of xylitol) can cause insulin release which can lead to liver failure crist states the initial signs of xylitol poisoning are lethargy loss of coordination and vomiting later seizures can occur followed by an elevation in liver enzymes and subsequent liver failure in a few days chocolate is a universal favorite for humans and animals alike but it comes with warnings too caffeine and theobromine are two ingredients in chocolate that may be harmful to animals a combination of these ingredients can cause a variety of problems the potentially fatal side effects include heart arrhythmias cardiac and respiratory arrests minor ones include vomiting and diarrhea how do we know how much of these chemicals are in chocolates it is difficult to quantify how much theobromine and caffeine is in different kinds of chocolate crist says a good rule of thumb is that the darker the chocolate the more harmful it is to the pet bakers chocolate and cocoa powder are considered the most dangerous with dark chocolate and semi-sweet chocolate somewhere in the middle and milk chocolate and white chocolate have the least amount of theobromine so what are the general rules for feeding treats to pets crists first rule when trying a new treat: introduce the new treat slowly and in small amounts she says just like in humans treats should not make up for the regular meals which contain all the nutritional requirements of the pet high calorie treats for pets may lead to obesity it is advisable to always reduce the pets main meal by an equivalent caloric amount according to the feeding guides says crist an ideal treat would be great-tasting nutritious and with low fats another tip: feed according to age requirements recommended on the label consult your veterinarian for any doubts about the size and the timing of pet treats crist advises her take-home message: feeding too many treats or the wrong type of treats to your pet can cause an imbalance in the pets diet and lead to weight problems do not over do it! pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print all about veterinary technicians october 6 2011 jean laird veterinary technician at the cvm helps with an endoscopy of a lion this year a week dedicated to recognizing the commitment veterinary technicians give to the veterinary profession – national veterinary technician week – will take place from october 9 to october 15 2011 in celebration of this week it is important to highlight the profession that does so much for the veterinary world according to jean laird canine internal medicine and endoscopy technician at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) the decision to be a veterinary technician is an exceptional career choice that requires skill dedication and ongoing desire for education and most importantly a serious respect and admiration for animals and the clients that consider them family veterinary technicians are trained to assist veterinarians in a variety of professional settings therefore diverse skill sets are essential for a technician to perform all of the necessary tasks some of the daily duties performed by a veterinary technician are assisting in surgery managing anesthesia and sedation performing a thorough patient assessment administering fluids and medications patient management critical care urinary arterial and venous catheterizations and medical record keeping laird said one of the most important aspects of veterinary medicine is client communication laird added it is of vital importance that a technician can communicate accurately and effectively with clients demonstrating empathy and patience is a key part of client communication as is the necessity of appreciating the human/animal bond by law veterinary technicians cannot diagnose perform surgery or prescribe medicine to a patient a veterinary technician has the opportunity to advance in his or her field by becoming a registered veterinary technician (rvt) laird explains that rvts are technicians that have completed state required experience state and national testing and two years of classroom and practical instruction from an accredited university to earn an associate degree in applied sciences a rvt is similar to a registered nurse in human medicine to maintain their certification status rvts are required to have a certain number of continuing education units (ceu) each year to retain a certification in texas rvts are required to complete five ceu hours per year after certification a rvt can continue his or her professional growth and strengthen his or her focus by obtaining an additional professional certification known as veterinary technician specialty (vts) a vts allows a rvt to gain a higher level of education skill and experience by specializing in a specific area of veterinary medicine laird said currently specialties available through vts are dentistry anesthesia internal medicine emergency and critical care behavior zoo equine surgery and clinical practice david sessum rvt and rehabilitation specialist at the cvm and abby rafferty rvt at the cvm help a patient during rehabilitation exercises job opportunities widely vary within venues of veterinary medicine for technicians according to laird some examples include but are not limited to: neighborhood clinics emergency clinics search and rescue entertainment shelters research specialty referral hospitals public health academia specialty parks and zoos after more than fifteen years of service as a veterinary technician laird has had some time to access the pros and cons of the profession veterinary medicine is an exciting and rewarding profession that awards the opportunity to make a difference in a person and an animals life laird said a veterinary technician is a tremendous asset to the ongoing changes and future of veterinary medicine the most difficult part of veterinary medicine is euthanasia laird said to lose a patient or pet is life-altering and devastating it is however a small price to pay for what a tremendous gift and enrichment any pets are to our lives the cvm holds special events every year for national veterinary technician week this year is no different each year we celebrate national veterinary technician week by providing sponsored breakfast lunch and continuing education dinners to our 77 small animal and 30 large animal technicians laird explains it is an exciting time and the entire hospital staff senior clinicians residents interns and students join together with the hospital administration to show appreciation to the hardworking dedicated technicians that are the foundation of the most exceptional veterinary care offered in the world as pets continue to become an integral part of the family the demand for skilled veterinary technicians continues to rise for more information please visit http://wwwveterinarytechniciancom/ the cvm has partnered up with blinn college in bryan texas to offer a vet-tech program for more information on this unique program contact (979) 209-7203 to learn more about the events surrounding national veterinary technician week please visit https://wwwnavtanet/events pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print do you have a cool pet september 29 2011 dont let em see you sweat … good advice if youre in the business world trying to close a deal but if you are dealing with a pet knowing how that animal keeps itself cool could be vital to its well being especially when temperatures are high fur-bearing animals may use different body mechanisms to cool themselves and maintain a safe body temperature notes dr adam patterson clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences after exercise your dogs temperature will rise to cool itself it will pant by taking shallow breaths as opposed to sweating through the skin like people the panting helps to dissipate excess heat quickly and is a natural cooling mechanism for your dog says patterson a panting cat is a different story cautions patterson overall panting in a cat is not typical usually a panting cat signifies a medical problem especially if the cat is in an air conditioned space heat pulmonary metabolic and kidney disease all can cause a cat to pant often cats with these conditions also display other signs such as altered behavior lethargy weight gain or loss changes in appetite inappropriate elimination in the litter box and/or poor grooming habits to name a few regardless if a household cat is panting it should be closely monitored for a few minutes to see if the panting stops if not or if panting resumes while indoors seek veterinary medical attention remember that dogs and cats do not perspire all over their body; they only really sweat on their paw pads explains patterson providing a shallow pool of water for your dog to stand in may be helpful keep your pet cool during the summer heat cats lick the bottoms of their paws and their chest and this moisture helps them to cool down your pet may also adapt to the heat by shedding some of its winter hair coat notes patterson losing body hair as the weather heats up is a natural occurrence and another way that mammals prepare themselves for the hot summer it is extremely important to provide plenty of clean drinking water for your pet urges patterson because warm-blooded animals lose water when they cool themselves it is important to give pets lots of drinking water especially in the hot and humid summer different animals have come up with interesting means of surviving summer heat notes patterson rabbits radiate heat from their long ears blood flowing into the ears dissipates heat from the body and this cooler blood then returns to the bloodstream and decreases the rabbits body temperature horses do have sweat glands in the skin along the majority of their body notes patterson during exercise and extreme hot temperatures horses will sweat like people as a means of removing excess body heat after exercising a cool water bath helps dissipate the excess heat from the horses body in the hot summer help keep your pet cool by knowing how your pet does or doesnt sweat and what measures can be provided to make your pet more comfortable when the temperature rises pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet burns september 22 2011 accidents happen and pets can get burned for one reason or another just like their owners can when this happens it is best to have a hands-off policy and leave your pets burn treatments to the professionals the best thing an owner can do in the case of a burn is get the animal to a veterinarian as soon as possible; burns are considered to be emergencies in just about all situations and the sooner they are brought in the better says dr alison diesel lecturer specializing in dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences sometimes pet owners will not notice the burned area for days or even weeks after the burn has occurred one thing to keep in mind with burns is that sometimes what is seen initially is only the tip of the iceberg what may look like only a red spot of skin on a pets side following a burn incident can quickly become devitalized dead tissue which is not only painful but also more at risk for infections over the next couple of days explains diesel infection in the animal is a big concern when dealing with burns especially if the burn goes deeper into the lower layers of the skin if the skin barrier is not intact and normal bacteria can quickly enter the wound causing not only local infection but also potentially it can get into the blood stream this puts the animal at risk for serious illness and potentially death says diesel diesel explains that very serious burns require hospitalization and care for several days to weeks at a time to monitor and provide treatment for any side effects of the pets burn cars are often one of the causes for accidents resulting in pet burns on a hot day the shade underneath a car or truck might seem very appealing to an animal outside even on a cold day the heat of a car engine can be comforting for a kitty out in the cold if the animal comes in contact with a hot muffler or catalytic converter even for a split second a serious burn can occur there are many other scenarios as well that could be the cause of pet burns such as: barbeque grills space heaters spilling hot liquids or food when cooking objects laying in the yard that conduct heat such as hoses or tools or puppies or cats chewing on plugged in electrical cords different types of burns require a bit different treatments explains diesel chemical burns for example might become much worse when water is applied to them so the nature of the burn helps the veterinarian know how best to treat it sometimes owners do not witness the animal getting burned so it is important to be able to try and distinguish if a mark that is found on a pet is actually a burn burns have a variable appearance based on the extent and severity on an animal says diesel initially it may start as the skin itself just looks a little red or inflamed while more severe burns can cause burning or singeing of the coat diesel explains that the pets hair may become dry brittle curled or even lost completely severe burns may show up as large areas of exposed deeper skin; this would look like a scraped knee for example which could be moist oozing and often very painful says diesel even what looks like only a mild burn can become much worse over time this is particularly true for thermal burns which may be caused by heat lamps water blankets or even hot water from a garden hose that was used for bathing the skin may look red initially but then may turn black crusty and become quite painful with these burns says diesel it is natural for an owner who witnesses a pet getting burned to want to try to help the animal and ease their pain but again the best thing to do is to get the animal to a veterinarian for treatment as soon as possible if it is not a chemical burn removing some of the burning material can be helpful explains diesel for example if the owner trips over a dog or cat and ends up spilling a hot casserole on the pet or spills candle wax on the pet then removing the hot material would be good in that case this is the extent to which an owner should try to help a pet with a burn a veterinarian will be best able to provide and recommend pain control given the pets other medical conditions and extent of injuries owners can sometimes unintentionally burn a pet when drying them off with a hair dryer after a bath hair dryers can be helpful for drying off a pet however owners need to be careful so as the hair dryer does not get too hot if the owner wants to use a hair dryer it should be done on a cool setting only says diesel less harmful ways of drying off a pet would include thorough towel drying or allowing the animal to dry outside in the sun when the weather is not too warm diesel recommends this as a good option to consider especially during the milder seasons such as fall long hours in the sun however can be too much for some animals particularly when it is still rather hot outside sometimes more serious situations can occur such as house or barn fires in this case the owner should closely monitor the pet not only for burns but also for signs of smoke inhalation smoke inhalation can be a big problem for dogs and cats especially if that animal already has any sort of respiratory condition such as asthma says diesel signs of smoke inhalation can include coughing sneezing or even turning blue gasping for air or losing consciousness smoke inhalation is often treated with oxygen and possibly fluid supportive care says diesel radiographs (x-rays) of the chest may also be helpful to evaluate the lungs when it comes to pet burns time becomes crucial the best thing an owner can do for their pet is to get them to a veterinarian as soon as possible to be monitored and evaluated for burn treatment this is the best way to ensure getting fluffy friends back to their playful and loving selves! pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet care for students september 15 2011 its that time of the year again students have entered another phase of their academic lives and there is so much to take care of at once- excelling in academics and sports eating healthy and staying stress-free many students live away from their homes during college and caring for a pet can be a great comfort when students miss having their family around but a big question remains: is maintaining a pet while at college a good idea having a pet in college has its challenges but it is not impossible says dr m a crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) students need to think about a number of factors before deciding to own a pet a very important consideration is the amount of time the owner is prepared to spend pets need to be walked fed and socialized and this can take up quite a bit of a students free time explains crist hence aquarium pets like fish which only need regular maintenance are a good choice – especially when sharing apartments with room-mates similarly cats make great indoor pets for students who do not have time for walks dogs are a popular choice even though they require more time for walks and socialization more and more college towns are developing dog parks to have areas where students can enjoy their canine friends crist notes apartment complexes may sometimes require special deposits for keeping pets and students need to plan for that extra expense some students love horses but they need to make arrangements for a stall at an equine facility and a pasture for riding pet nutrition is another concern for many students veterinarians recommend specific diets for pets based on individual requirements according to crist the most important thing in pet nutrition is to maintain continuity a constantly changing diet can cause gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and vomiting in some cases this may even lead to illness or death she warns however healthy pets can be maintained on a student budget many manufacturers of the commercial pet foods will provide coupons for your pet if you contact the company directly by email reassures crist such student discount coupons are also available on the internet keeping our furry feathered or scaly pet friends on a good quality diet will save money in the future to avoid unnecessary veterinary visits and expense a new pet needs to have an initial visit to the vet and must finish the series of puppy/kitten vaccinations it is recommended to spay or neuter and microchip their pet as well as keep them on heartworm and flea prevention says crist students can take advantage of the discounted services offered by veterinary offices at different times of the year for instance students staff and faculty at texas a&m university receive special discounts on pet food medicines and services at the cvm aside from nutrition and regular check ups with the veterinarian a students budget for pet care needs to include the costs of unexpected emergencies students also need to plan ahead for events such as road trips and parties situations have occurred where students have had parties and their pet got into a fight with another pet brought to the household by another partygoer says crist she also cites instances where pets have been lost or injured during parties when students have been too distracted to notice however with care and attention students can certainly make good owners of happy pets crist suggests that adopting a pet earlier in the summer would help one to know more about the pet and train it before school starts having a roommate who also likes pets helps avoid any potential conflict in the future if the roommate has another pet she advises that both the pets are introduced to each other early and have time to socialize and become friends before they are left alone doing such little things to make the pet feel at home would go a long way in making pet ownership by busy college students more manageable pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print modern day orthopedics for animals september 8 2011 strong bones joints ligaments and muscles are vital to healthy movement and a healthy lifestyle in animals now when these functions go awry in a pet due to unhealthy habits or unfortunate circumstances a pets quality of life can still be sustained due to the modern day procedures of orthopedics for animals dr sharon kerwin professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) and a specialist in orthopedics and neurosurgery says that orthopedics is the treatment or prevention of conditions affecting the bones joints ligaments and muscles kerwin notes that orthopedic procedures in animals are much more advanced than most people are aware of we perform many of the same types of procedures that are available for treatment of similar problems in humans with the goal of getting the injured animal back to normal activities as quickly and comfortably as possible kerwin explains advances in anesthesia implant technology pain control and physical rehabilitation have made this a great time to access top quality care for animals with injury or disease of the bones and joints kerwin says that two of the most common problems she sees in dogs and cats are cranial cruciate ligament disease (similar to an acl tear in humans) and hip dysplasia twenty years ago affected patients of these problems would have resulted in cases of crippling osteoarthritis fortunately with todays modern conveniences and knowledgeable specialists these patients may enjoy full recoveries the veterinary medical teaching hospital (vmth) at the cvm is trained and equipped to cover orthopedic problems in many different species on the large animal side there is an active sports medicine lameness and trauma service that provides arthroscopy [minimally invasive surgery using an arthroscope to treat damage in the interior of the joint] and fracture repair for horses and other large animal species kerwin explains our exotic and zoo animal service often sees birds pocket pets and exotic animals with bone and joint problems many of which can be treated successfully while dogs traditionally have been more common patients than cats we are beginning to discover that orthopedic disease particularly osteoarthritis is emerging as a major health problem for cats over 10 years of age orthopedic diseases in animals have not yet been confirmed to be related to just hereditary or environmental conditions a lot of research has been targeted toward the inherited basis of the more common orthopedic diseases kerwin suggests that orthopedic problems can spur from both aspects there is definitely a hereditary basis for hip dysplasia with multiple genes involved kerwin says environment plays a big role as well with diet and exercise as key factors involved in the development of signs of problems in affected animals certain types of problems are more likely to occur in certain breeds of dogs and cats for example the scottish fold breed of cat is predisposed to the development of osteoarthritis preventative measures are always important for owners to keep in mind and there are many preventative measures that may help alleviate future orthopedic diseases in animals kerwin suggests that the best thing you can do to prevent many diseases is to keep your pet healthy and in-shape this will not only help to ease orthopedic diseases but it will help in all aspects of your pets livelihood kerwin explains that research in dogs indicates that dogs kept in an appropriate body condition will live two years longer than their overweight counterparts which is a very long time in dog years in addition their risk for osteoarthritis is much lower kerwin also points out the necessary environmental precautions that an owner can take on a day-to-day basis such as allowing your trained dog to ride in the back of the truck may result in a tragic accident or even death always keep your pet on a leash in an unfamiliar environment to keep them out of harms way if you have a house cat ensure that all of the furniture is secured to the wall and will not fall in case your cat likes to explore kerwin is enthusiastic about where veterinary orthopedics has come but she also understands what is possible in the future and that there are a couple of challenges to face although this is a great time for veterinary orthopedics we have a lot of work left to do kerwin says educating pet owners regarding prevention of orthopedic disease is very important and an ongoing challenge in addition orthopedic treatments can be very expensive and we would like to explore ways to provide the best care possible in the most cost-effective way to reach the largest number of pets further work is needed particularly in cats regarding causes of orthopedic diseases and preventive strategies for dogs better outcome assessments are needed to help decide which treatments are best just as in people the vmth at the cvm is always eager to help educate pet owners and work with pets affected by orthopedic diseases for more information on veterinary orthopedics please visit /services/orthopedics pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print obedience training september 1 2011 it is a question many pet owners face: does my dog need some obedience training yes i recommend obedience training for all dogs because not only does it help provide basic obedience and command recognition it also helps bolster basic interactions between people and their pets dr stacy eckman lecturer at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) explains eckman suggests that all dogs are good candidates for training school those who are generally more timid may become less fearful or shy around other animals and people after training eckman says those pets that are very boisterous may learn some obedience training now encompasses classes for dogs of all types whether your dog is a puppy or needs training in a certain discipline classes today are not just for dogs that need correctional discipline due to an unruly attitude most of the classes focus on basic commands and communication between pets and humans certainly not just for dogs that act out eckman explains these classes are good socialization exercises also eckman adds there are ‘puppy classes that are offered that can be started when pets have a minimum number of vaccinations these are great classes for learning interactions potty training etc there are classes for all ages and stages so they can start at any time it is best to start at an early age because it is much easier to establish consistent rules from the beginning than to go back and try to retrain an undesirable habit the dog has been allowed to develop once a behavior has developed training takes longer animal owners have recognized the importance of obedience training and have expressed a need to have opportunities to help train their animals therefore there are a plethora of opportunities around the nation available for your dog to attend a class before you choose your trainer you should follow a checklist for instance you should find out how long the person has been training and how many animals has that trainer instructed you should also ask them how they keep up with the current knowledge in the field one last item is to check their training method do they use toys and rewards or do they verbally explain their disappointment to the effect that it can cause lasting damage to your dog then research trainers in your area who follow the same philosophy that you prefer after this word of mouth is the best resource when finalizing your pet trainer once the basics of training are learned these techniques can be applied at home and expounded on eckman says books can also offer great advice online information is also available but i am skeptical of these due to the large amount of mis-information that can be given over the internet owners should remember that dogs are all very different it is important to understand the needs of your dog so you can match them with the best trainer it is also important to be patient with your dog as they all learn at different rates if understanding patience and knowledge are in play obedience training can be very rewarding for all dogs and owners pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print reptile emotions august 18 2011 when thinking of reptiles the image that comes to the minds of most people can vary from a garter snake slithering through the grass to lizards of jurassic proportions roaming the earth the idea of bonding with such creatures may seem creepy or even impossible yet some people insist that their reptiles know them and enjoy being with them can reptiles feel or portray emotions generally reptiles do demonstrate basic emotions according to dr sharman hoppes clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the main two are fear and aggression but they may also demonstrate pleasure when stroked or when offered food a snake that is feeling aggressive may warn you with a hiss states dr hoppes this can occur when you are forcing your attention on the snake and if you persist they may strike out typically snakes hiss or coil when they are feeling hostile but most pet snakes are not aggressive animals unless threatened a reptile that is feeling fear may simply try to get away but it can also exhibit actions similar to aggression for this reason it is a good idea to keep handling sessions with a new reptile to a minimum until it gets used to you otherwise you may scare it into striking at you a perceived threat it is better to have a good session without upsetting the animal that lasts two minutes than a longer session trying to force a reptile to accept you a more controversial emotion in reptiles is the concept of pleasure or even love many feel that they have not developed this emotion as it does not naturally benefit them however most reptiles do seem to recognize people who frequently handle and feed them i dont know if it is love says dr hoppes but lizards and tortoises appear to like some people more than others they also seem to show the most emotions as many lizards do appear to show pleasure when being stroked another interesting fact is that while many reptiles lay their eggs and then leave their young to fend for themselves some such as prehensile-tailed skinks form family groups and protect their young female alligators also stay with their young and will guard them for up to six months teaching them survival skills and vocalizing with them through a series of grunts whether this is due to a survival instinct or concern for their individual offspring is unknown when it comes to interactions with humans some reptiles do seem to enjoy their company a tortoise that enjoys being petted might stick its neck out or close it eyes and become still and calm during the interaction the same is true of lizards some reptiles do appear to enjoy human contact adds dr hoppes especially when food is offered many will respond to feeding times coming to certain people they associate with food and certainly most iguanas prefer certain people over others iguanas have individual personalities that can vary from tranquil and laid-back to aggressive and dominating the latter can be very difficult to live with and care for the more calm iguanas however tend to bond with their person but may only endure handling by that individual it is the rare iguana who is social with strangers many reptile owners believe that their personal reptiles do recognize the good intentions they have towards them others deem that their cold-blooded dependents only tolerate them when they have to and would prefer to be left alone by careful observation and handling of your reptiles you can determine which are more social and which may not be quite so impressed with having a human as a best friend about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu ↑ back to top print chill out responsibly with your pets this summer august 11 2011 summer generally is a time for relaxation and fun in the sun short vacations can mean that you have more time to spend enjoying the company of your pet many people take advantage of the warm weather by making resolutions to get themselves and their animals into shape however when participating in exercise activities like walking or running with pets during the summer extra precautions need to be taken dr mark stickney clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences asserts that humans are not the only ones having to deal with the higher than average temperatures outside the animals know it is hot out states stickney they are doing things they normally wouldnt do to stay cool and thats an important thing to remember when were outside when they are riled up and having a good time they may forget how hot it is you need to monitor them and make sure they are not too hot taking frequent breaks like you would if you were out working in the heat is important for pets as well it is necessary to remember that although you may be used to handling the heat with no problem your pet especially if it has longer thicker hair or is overweight may not be faring as well if youre thirsty says stickney they are thirstier animals need plenty of access to fresh water you can even put ice cubes into it to make it colder summer does not have to mean a halt to normal exercise activities you participate in with your pet if rather than walking a circuit that takes you straight back to your house you enjoy walking your dog to a park and then resting there for a while just make sure to bring an extra bottle of water for your dog do not forget a bowl for it to drink out of as well also remember that the pavement is incredibly hot affirms stickney if they are not used to being outside they do not have thick foot pads and they could develop burns on their feet letting them walk on the grass instead of the concrete can help keep their foot pads from blistering a great summertime activity to participate in with your dog is anything that allows it to get into water where it can cool off it will still need to have clean drinking water available however along with a shady place that it can rest in when it gets out of the water swimming for a long time can be draining on a person; it can also have the same affect on a dog that is not used to the physical exertion if your pet does overdo it in the sun there are signs you can watch out for states stickney panting unresponsiveness very red whites of their eyes and bright pink reddish gums mean that your dog is very hot and needs a break if you notice your dog exhibiting any of these symptoms stop any activity immediately and allow the dog to get a drink and to cool off overall it is important to be smart and safe when going on outings or exercising with your pets during the summer monitor them closely and be prepared to step in at the first sign of heat stress take care of them like you would yourself in the heat and together you can have an enjoyable season pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print cattles summer needs august 4 2011 this year many southern states in the nation especially texas are experiencing the worst drought on record several farmers may resort to sell their cattle to keep their farms afloat during these hard economic and dry times according to dr kevin washburn associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) there are steps that owners can take to save money and ensure their cattle are staying healthy living off the weathered land the first thing to remember during the summer months is to provide adequate shade and clean water for cattle while this seems obvious trees are not as plentiful in some pastures and water sources are compromised because of the heat if trees are sparse on your land you can build loafing sheds for your cattle or there are commercially available free standing shades to provide escape from direct sunlight sheds or free standing shades are better than barns to protect cattle in the hot months explained washburn the higher the roof the better because it allows for wind to flow under for better cooling barns tend to be enclosed and dont allow for very much air flow standing water in a lake or tank may not be an adequate drinking source for your cattle especially in drought areas when the water levels fall and mud is present the water may become stagnant and unpalatable it is best to provide a water source that can be cleaned and refilled on a regular basis the best type of food for your cattle in the late and dry summer months is good quality grass hay if there is limited hay available owners can also feed cattle cubes as a supplement it is necessary to offer a food source like grass hay or cubes not only to meet nutritional needs but also because cattle may resort to eat the only green plants available which often are weeds many of these weeds unfortunately are toxic to livestock the most common poisonous pasture plants in the southern region of the united states are: coffee senna twin leaf senna pigweed curly dock oak leaves old acorns sneezeweed broomweed lobelia and silver leaf nightshade these toxic plants can be monitored and sprayed said washburn however be careful when spraying for weeds because the chemicals may make the toxic plants even more palatable actually increasing consumption if hay is not available washburn recommends contacting a producer co-operative as they have a network of sources where producers can purchase hay the downside to this method is the cost the hay sources are often far away requiring shipping at a premium price washburn suggests supplying balanced mineral mixes free choice and cattle cubes that are 20 to 40 percent protein this can help reduce the amount of hay required when supplies are limited in order to stave off starvation for your cattle and prepare for the dry months it is best to not overgraze when the pasture is producing and rains are heavy managing and storing hay when conditions are good allows for a plentiful supply however sometimes in extreme condition even the best planning may not be enough to survive during this long hot summer pastured cattle need adequate fresh water food sources and properly ventilated shade if there are any questions about dehydration or malnourishment consult your veterinarian or contact large animal clinical sciences at the cvm at 979-845-3541 pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print hot weather calls for cool care of your horse july 28 2011 in the good old summertime … its just plain old hot! for equestrian riding enthusiasts this may necessitate paying extra attention to your horses physical needs and changing your riding habits to avoid heat stress heat related illness such as heat stress can quickly become heat exhaustion if preventive measures are not taken notes dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences hot humid weather combined with over exertion and fluid loss can lead to heat stress signs of heat stress include dehydration elevated body temperature excessive sweating or no sweating accelerated heart and respiratory rates and sluggishness says mays to check for dehydration use your forefinger and thumb to pinch and pull the skin on the side of your horses neck; it should snap back in place when released if the skin is slow to form to the neck again your horse is dehydrated explains mays a horses normal body temperature range is 99 to 101 degrees f; body temperature above 103 f is cause for concern since 104 f and greater generally require medical attention additionally you should be aware of your horses pulse and respiration rates normal equine resting pulse rate is 32-44 beats per minute and respiration rate is usually 8-16 breaths per minute notes mays in addition to checking vital signs you can help your horse avoid heat stress this summer by providing clean fresh water good ventilation and shade also ride in the early morning or late evening when outdoor temperatures are cooler suggests mays adequate water intake is critical an average size horse needs about 10 gallons of fresh water per day in the summertime a physically active adult horse may consume more than 20 gallons of water daily notes mays water loss from sweating also means that electrolytes (sodium potassium and calcium) are lost and these need to be replaced after exercising free access to minerals and salt will help your horse maintain its electrolyte balance your veterinarian can advise you with instructions on ways to mix electrolytes into your horses water or feed your horses stall should be well ventilated with good air circulation regular fans help circulate air inside the building be sure that fans and electrical cords are out of your horses reach and safely distanced from water sources cautions mays for pastured horses provide shade via trees or loafing sheds during and after physical activity your horse moves warm interior blood through veins and into capillaries at the skins surface explains mays when the skin of your horse is cooled this surface blood is cooled also and thus the body temperature of your horse decreases a cool water bath will help your overheated horse dissipate excess heat faster the water conducts the heat from the surface of the horse and water evaporation from the skin cools your horses body standing the horse in cool water also helps to dissipate heat through the hooves heat related illness can be a very serious condition for your horse and should not be taken casually cautions mays a well-informed horse owner is capable of preventing overheating from occurring when he/she knows the signs of heat stress and what care to provide in the good old summertime continue to ride your horse but be aware of the signs of heat stress tailor you riding time to humidity and temperature conditions provide ample fresh clean water and additional sources of electrolytes set up fans to help circulate air around your horse also remember the rider exposes him/herself to potential heat-related issues take appropriate precautions for yourself as well! pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print emergencies july 21 2011 minutes can mean the difference between life and death when an emergency arises and a walk around the block or a hike through the woods may be dangerous or even prove fatal if you lack the right knowledge to care for a pet in an emergency situation dr sonya gordon associate professor at texas a&m universitys college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences gives pet owners some helpful tips on taking care of an animal when time is limited there are many every day activities that can be hazardous for pets if the right action is not quickly taken one of the most common emergency situations is when a pet is involved in a car accident any time an animal collides with a motorized vehicle it should be taken immediately to a veterinarian even for what appears to be minor bumps and bruises dogs and cats do not have the ability to tell us where it hurts and there may be internal problems that cannot be noticed by the owner said gordon when the damage caused by an accident leaves the pet immobile gordon suggests using a large towel or heavy blanket held tightly to simulate a stretcher to carry the animal never pick up an injured animal and hold it unless it is very small and can be sufficiently restrained it is important to be careful when working around injured animals that are in pain because they may accidentally bite or become aggressive even toward their owner remember to keep the pet warm and use clean fabric like a towel a bandage or a t-shirt to cover any open wounds this will help keep the wound clean and allow the blood to clot to help limit bleeding if there is profuse bleeding from a wound firmly apply a clean towel or some other fabric to the area and apply continuous pressure it is best not to use a tourniquet but if one is applied release it every ten minutes gordon added pet emergencies can also occur on routine hiking and camping trips and immediate veterinary care may not be available if a pet receives an open wound during the journey use clean tepid water to cleanse the area dishwashing liquid detergents astringents and alcohol are too abrasive for use on open wounds and can actually cause additional damage to the tissue a veterinarian should treat any infections that arise gordon advises against administering any human pain relievers or other medications to an animal unless directed by a veterinarian because many human drugs are not safe for animals and can lead to severe complications such as ulcers liver failure or even death while exploring the great outdoors be wary of snakes if an owner suspects a pet has been bitten by a venomous snake examine the animal closely and try to identify the location of the bite and if possible the type of snake (take a picture with your phone if possible) this information is extremely helpful to the veterinarian when deciding how to care for the pet face and neck bites are by far the most serious and require immediate veterinary care because severe swelling in this area can cause difficulty breathing ice packs will help control the swelling and blood vessel dilation that allows the venom to spread said gordon lakes and the ocean can present emergencies if a pet falls in and is not a strong swimmer it is best to purchase a lifejacket for your animal to wear when participating in water activities such as boating most lifejackets come with a handle on the back allowing the owner to pick up the animal safely and easily from the water if it falls in gordon noted if traveling to a natural setting especially during the summer months it is best to bring a lot of water as well as a leash even if the pet is well trained to verbal commands pets and humans both require a lot of water and leashes provide important restraint in case an owner needs to control their pet in a dangerous situation said gordon gordon explained that dangerous situations can arise outdoors but also inside a house hazardous chemicals and all medications should be kept out of reach at all times pets are like young children and the same precautions should be taken with both advised gordon being aware of potential dangerous situations and keeping mans best friend in mind when emergency strikes is an important part of being a pet owner and a special way of reciprocating the love that they provide every day pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the human-animal bond july 14 2011 humans and animals have interacted together for thousands of years from the very first people who decided to domesticate the dog to the present day pioneers that choose to keep goats and pigs in their houses animals have played huge roles in the lives of many people while early civilization saw them as mainly a food and fiber source or a hunting tool modern society views them as companions family and best friends the human-animal bond concept emerged in veterinary medicine as recently as the last few decades and it has caused the companion animal industry to explode according to dr m a crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the inclusion of pets in many non-traditional activities such as family ceremonies photos trips and gatherings drives part of the pet industry today many of todays pets are now considered part of the family and are treated as family members explains crist for example some clients have pet chickens that live in their houses the chickens wear little pantaloons to catch their droppings in the house so that they do not make a mess chickens are actually becoming quite popular as family pets many pet owners include their pets in their day-to-day activities and a lot of them include their pets in social outings some people raise and show pets as part of their livelihood while others do so as a sport the human-animal bond has definitely become stronger and more apparent says crist society is experiencing more legal issues with pets such as pets having guardians becoming heirs to large family fortunes or becoming disputed over in divorces people are wanting to make sure their pets are provided for in the event of their deaths causing the inception of companion animal centers that care for pets when their owners pass away or are no longer able to care for them an example of such a facility is the stevenson companion animal life care center in college station texas where animals are provided life-long care in a home-like environment what has caused this shift in the way people view animals in the past most dogs and cats were kept outside on the family farm or ranch states crist the dogs were sometimes used to help work the cattle or guard the sheep and the cats were kept around to keep the mice or snake population under control these working dogs and cats were usually fed table scraps and taken care of in passing when a veterinarian came out on a call to check a farm animal as populations changed and urbanization began dogs and cats started moving into the house and the human-pet bond thus began to grow and strengthen additionally the bond developed in food and farm animals as well youth began to get involved in ffa and 4-h programs in schools and became involved in raising and showing sheep steers goats pigs chickens rabbits and other food animals for competition explains crist many of these youth enjoyed the companionship of the farm animals that they raised and showed and then as adults they purchased farm animals to have simply as personal pets as humans and animals began living together the bond between them became more emotional traditional uses of animals were questioned and modified to satisfy the want of companionship as veterinarians we are seeing a trend toward some farm pets being kept in the house as personal pets reveals crist new miniature breeds or designer breeds are becoming popular so that these pets can be kept in smaller spaces for example the miniature micro pig or teacup pig is a pig smaller than the potbelly pig and is becoming a popular house-hold pet again this is an instance of how far food animals have come in regards to their relationship with humans years before food animals were raised simply for that- food- and did not have long lives asserts crist today some food animals are kept as pets and will live to be quite old as veterinarians we are now learning some of the diseases and issues that go along with geriatric (older) food and farm animals we have improved greatly at pain management for these animals and we have a better understanding of the pharmacokinetics (action of drugs in the body over a period of time) of the medications we can use in these animals snakes birds dogs horses goats cats- for all pet species there are humans that love them pet owners want their pets to live long lives so that they can have as much time with them as possible this simple need for companionship has helped to greatly improve diagnostics in veterinary medicine as many of the diagnostics and treatments that are available to humans are now available to animals too owners want the best for their pets and in return they receive a life-long friend that might bear a ring in a wedding pose in the family photo or follow them room-to-room while wearing pantaloons about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print cancer in canines july 7 2011 cancer is a debilitating disease affecting millions of americans daily the same is true for animals as approximately 50 percent of all dogs over the age of 10 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer being aware of the possibility of cancer in your canine and having your veterinarian perform regular checkups can help to ensure that you are doing the best for your dog according to dr heather wilson assistant professor in oncology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) the most common types of cancer in dogs is lymphoma (tumor of the lymph nodes) osteosarcoma (tumor of the bones) and mast cell tumors (skin tumor) lymphoma most commonly affects the lymph nodes but can also affect other parts of the body such as the liver spleen bone marrow gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system explains wilson this disease is generally not curable but is very treatable with chemotherapy osteosarcoma is a bone tumor that affects the limbs of large and giant breed dogs most often says wilson these tumors are again generally not curable but can be treated with amputation of the affected limb and chemotherapy does increase survival however most dogs will eventually succumb to the disease if it spreads to the lungs mast cell tumors commonly occur on the skin and they are the most common type of malignant skin tumors in dogs most of these tumors are removed and cured with surgery however some are very aggressive and are so likely to spread that chemotherapy must be integrated into the treatment protocol after surgery other tumors may require radiation therapy if they are not completely removed during surgery any dog can get cancer but certain breeds such as the golden retrievers boxers german shepherds rottweilers and bernese mountain dogs are predisposed to many forms of cancer notes wilson as cancer is so common in dogs annual geriatric exams with a veterinarian are strongly encouraged after a cancer diagnosis and treatment wilson recommends monitoring the pet for recurrence every two to six months for three years the frequency of the checkups depends on the type of tumor it is important to regularly perform at-home physical examinations on your pet you should look for any lumps specifically around the lymph nodes in the neck however not all tumors are visible; therefore regular veterinary visits are crucial to guarantee your pets health while cancer can be extremely stressful for owners and dogs the good news is that with the amount of resources and specialists that are now available to treat cancer in pets owners now have the power to make educated and responsible decisions to get their companion animals through this illness in recent decades veterinary medicine has progressively advanced to offer technology and treatment of human quality for pets to help aid in cancer treatment and other illnesses the diagnostic imaging and cancer treatment center (dictc) at the cvm is one example of the new state of the art facilities now available for companion animals the dictc is set to open its doors in the next couple of months and it will greatly improve the quality of care animal patients receive due to the highly advanced capabilities of the new technology the dictc will house advanced imaging equipment that will help us find and monitor cancer at a much earlier stage than was previously possible explains wilson the earlier we can identify cancer the better we can treat it additionally the tomotherapy unit will allow us to very precisely treat hard to reach tumors in animals that we were previously unable to treat because of their location such as brain or lung tumors additionally we can treat multiple sites in the same animal with relative ease allowing us to potentially treat dogs with radiation or multiple mast cell tumors when previously this was not possible cancers prevalent nature makes it an important topic to research and learn more about however cancer can be very complicated and hard to comprehend to learn more about cancer in dogs and how to treat it please visit the oncology section at the cvm website at vethospitaltamuedu/small-animal/oncology/ pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print shoo fly … dont bother me!- june 30 2011 shoo fly dont bother me! summer time is prime time for increased numbers of various types of flies that can irritate your horse and you put away that fly swatter because there are better measures that can be taken to limit the number of stable flies stable flies horse flies black flies deer flies sand flies and biting midge flies so many flies they all can bite your horse draw blood and possibly cause allergic reactions notes dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences flies will probably not be completely eliminated from your horse stable states mays but there are control measures that can be put in place to decrease the fly population in your horse facilities since stable flies are one of the most common summer pests your horse will encounter ill focus on this fly stable flies feed on the blood of warm blooded animals explains mays they pierce the skin with their mouth parts lacerate the skin and then inject saliva which contains an anticoagulant that keeps the blood flowing the bite can be painful and irritating depending on your horses skin sensitivity there could also be a reaction to the bite stable flies usually feed during the early morning hours and again in the late afternoon they also feed selectively preferring the legs and belly to other areas of your horses body the female stable fly requires blood meals to produce viable eggs and surprisingly eggs are deposited in decaying animal and plant waste generally not in fresh manure notes mays fly larvae can develop in stable waste that is a combination of damp straw and manure or under hay bales that are in contact with moist soil in the warm summer the entire life cycle from egg to adult can be completed in three to six weeks the hot summer temperatures promote increased fly numbers but sound sanitation practices in conjunction with other controls can limit stable fly populations says mays reduce larvae development by eliminating the environment where they can develop spread manure and stable bedding regularly so that it will dry out fast as possible modify drainage areas so that excess water is eliminated when stable flies finish feeding they seek a place to rest and digest their blood meal this instinctive habit makes way for control of adult flies with residual insecticides sprayed on stable surfaces explains mays sides of buildings (inside and outside) stall surfaces and fences are all areas where flies can be found resting residual insecticides can provide fly control over a period of time be sure to follow label recommendations for use mixing and spraying sprays and dusts may be used to protect your horse but these usually have short residual effect notes mays repellents containing deet are better suited for mosquitoes rather than flies the number of flies produced by a pair of stable flies and their offspring in the summer months is in the millions therefore it is best to establish good fly control practices a sound sanitation program is the first step needed to decrease stable fly populations at your horse facilities it will take a combination of controls to decrease stable fly numbers you need to implement measures to decrease fly breeding and larvae hatching any stable flies that make it through these stages should be chemically controlled with residual insecticides and direct animal applications explains mays knowledge of some basic stable fly facts in addition to good stable management practices will help you to have a winning chance to limit the pesky stable flies pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print birdy in the window june 23 2011 looking for a pet that does not need to be housebroken groomed or trained how about a flock of them if so consider making the front or backyard a haven for wild birds with very little effort one can enjoy the sights and sounds of these feathered friends all year long the best way to attract birds to a yard is by providing plenty of food and water most commercial feeders will work fine as long as they are sturdy easy to clean and have adequate drainage advised dr ian tizard director of the schubot exotic bird health center at the college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences at texas a&m university tizard says where the feeder is placed is more important than what type of feeder it is no bird wants to take the risk of getting ambushed feeders should be near enough to foliage that birds might use it to flee from predators said tizard however birds will be wary of feeders and baths placed too close to bushes since predators can easily spring from nearby foliage in a surprise attack birdhouses should be placed in a way that mimics the location of the birds natural habitat tizard explained for as many types of feeders that are available there are at least as many kinds of birdseed tizard recommends sunflower seed for attracting the widest variety and most colorful birds including cardinals and finches some mixes are designed to attract only certain birds so consult the package labeling for this information keeping birdfeeders baths and houses clean is also crucial to keeping healthy happy birds visiting the backyard cleaning feeders and houses will keep harmful mold from growing in them wood feeders which can be difficult to clean are not usually recommended said tizard supplying birdfeeders and baths causes more birds to congregate than would under normal circumstances explained tizard for this reason disease may spread more quickly but keeping feeders and baths clean can minimize the spread of disease tizard suggests using a solution of one part household bleach to two or three parts water for effectively cleaning feeders and baths at the very least they should be cleaned once a year but may require cleaning more often where exposure to the elements has fouled the seed and/or water birdhouses are usually vacated during the winter months so youll want to clean them out then to prepare for springs new tenants hummingbirds require special considerations according to tizard the best way to attract hummingbirds is to design a garden full of colorful fragrant flowers it is okay to provide hummingbird feeders with homemade nectar as a supplement but be aware that the males can be territorial tizard explained providing more than one feeder will ease the aggression associated with hummingbird males who will claim one as his own since homemade nectar can spoil it is important to keep a fresh supply in clean feeders also it is important to note that feeders placed too close to windows may actually be more harmful than helpful birds are often injured or killed flying into windows when the birds mistake the reflection in the glass for sky you can reduce the chances of window injuries by placing stickers or other reflection-marring materials on your windows silhouette bird stickers can often be purchased where birdseed is sold these window stickers intimidate smaller birds keeping them from flying into a window it is relatively inexpensive to create an environment that will attract wild birds by simply seeing to their needs a backyard can become a playground that is literally for the birds pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print hoof care and the farrier june 16 2011 horse care can be quite complex the purchase of a horse alone can be costly enough but horses have certain requirements that need to be met that generally far outweigh the cost of the horse itself one important facet of horse care in addition to proper nutrition and regular veterinary care is the maintenance of the hooves a science that is usually performed by a specialist in farriery according to jason wilson-maki farrier at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences horses need their feet trimmed every four to eight weeks many factors need to be considered regarding your horses foot care schedule states wilson-maki weanlings (baby horses that have recently been removed from their mothers) grow roughly half an inch of hoof in a month while geriatric (senior) horses may grow only one-fourth of an inch mature horses generally grow three-eighths of an inch other factors that affect growth include time of the year and physical activity horses in high level training may need to be shod every four to five weeks while older pasture pets may need to be trimmed less often such as every eight weeks the actual schedule for your horses feet should be dictated by its needs ideally the foot should not be allowed to grow longer than three-eighths to half an inch away from its trimmed length explains wilson-maki a farrier can tell you if your horse requires shoes they are generally necessary if wear exceeds growth or if a horse needs foot protection to perform its job some horses have tender feet and may need shoes if they appear foot sore in their natural environment some other good hoof care practices besides regular feet trimming are providing clean stabling conditions and regular turnout horses should not be kept in excessively wet conditions as the feet can become overly hydrated which can lead to abscesses or infections like thrush and white line disease very dry and hard feet however can chip and crack so some moisture is needed picking your horses feet several times a week and inspecting them often may keep small issues from becoming bigger problems general good husbandry practices go a long way towards maintaining healthy feet adds wilson-maki but in very dry conditions it may be helpful to overflow the water trough a few times a week in order to keep feet moisturized besides removing excess growth what else can a farrier do with a horses feet in addition to restoring order to overgrown structures a farrier can also use some form of appliance to support a hoof protect a hoof alter the stresses upon a hoof or provide traction says wilson-maki farriery is only a component of the correction of hoof problems; a definitive examination and diagnosis by a veterinarian can greatly enhance the chances of a positive outcome should your horse come up lame you can utilize the skills of two specialists for the creation of a well thought-out long term plan whereas the farrier trims and protects the horses feet with appliances diagnosing and treating lameness is the area of expertise for the veterinarian often times a veterinarian and farrier team is the best avenue for resolving lameness issues in a horse finally there are a lot of supplements available that promise to give your horse better stronger feet as with many human supplements it is a good idea to check and make sure they actually perform like they are claimed to most supplements appear to be ‘multivitamins for the horses feet asserts wilson-maki they should use what they need and fertilize with the excess if you have questions about supplements it would be a good idea to consult with your veterinarian the care of your horses hooves is essential to caring for it as a whole a lame horse may not be able to be ridden and may also have trouble doing something as simple as walking around its pasture by keeping a regular schedule with your farrier and monitoring your horse as often as possible you are ensuring that it will live the best quality of life possible for the both of you! about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print animal hoarding: identifying the disease june 9 2011 the welfare of animals is very important in american society and american families own more pets today than ever before according to the 2011-2012 american pets products association national pet owners survey 62 percent of american households own a pet which equates to 729 million homes unfortunately of those pets there are hundreds of new animal hoarding cases each year animal hoarding is a prevalent topic in mainstream television today due to the popular cable network shows even though the public is more aware of this issue it is still a very cryptic and confusing topic for many to comprehend the lack of studies and information about this disease make it a hard one to diagnose and treat there have been a variety of definitions for animal hoarding produced over the years but there are common themes in how it is typically conceptualized says dr derek bergeron psychologist for texas a&m university counseling services and satellite clinician at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) generally animal hoarding is indicated by the accumulation of a large number of animals overwhelming a persons ability to provide minimal standards of nutrition sanitation and veterinary care typically failure to acknowledge the deteriorating condition of the animals (including disease starvation and even death) and the household environment (severe overcrowding very unsanitary conditions) is demonstrated similarly there is typically a failure to recognize the negative effect of the collection on the hoarders own health and well-being and on the well-being of any other household members according to bergeron animal hoarders can cut across many demographics however some studies suggest that animal hoarders are more likely to be female elderly isolated and on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum also most hoarders have been identified with a comorbid mental health condition such as depression or a panic disorder as the group of people likely to be animal hoarders is so diverse it is also hard to decipher their motives and to put them into distinct groups the best attempt made by researchers is to place the hoarders into three groups: overwhelmed caregiver rescue hoarder and exploiter hoarder the overwhelmed caregiver generally arises out of a dramatic event such as the loss of a loved one economic hardship or a health scare the individual may already have many animals and cannot take care of them over time or will choose to take on more animals to mask the pain and to avoid dealing with the situation the overwhelmed caregiver type is likely to be more situational and these individuals typically have more insight into the situation notes bergeron they understand that there is a problem which is why they feel overwhelmed these individuals generally feel a strong attachment to their animal which makes addressing the situation more difficult for them rescue hoarders feel that they have a mission in life to save and protect animals these individuals are often actively engaged in rescue work and they may even own a shelter rescue hoarders often believe that they are the only people who can adequately care for their animals and feel that animals would die without them says bergeron these hoarders have a strong need for control and do feel in control of the situation despite the problems that exist the exploiter hoarders generally lack empathy for people and animals and are indifferent to the harm they cause their main concern is to be in control exploiter hoarders do not feel a strong attachment to their animals unlike the other two hoarder categories explains bergeron rather their hoarding behaviors are motivated by a need for control they have a strong need to feel dominant and to be the expert hoarding animals is the outlet they have found to meet all of their needs animal hoarding does not happen overnight it is a behavior that develops over time and people continue this behavior because it serves a role for them the function hoarding serves is typically related to regulating emotional needs and very likely involves other mental health problems most hoarders do not recognize their behavior as irregular however the hoarders who do recognize their behaviors as atypical the overwhelmed caregivers will hide their behavior out of shame and fear of possible consequences other hoarders may choose to hide their behavior even though they dont recognize their hoarding is dangerous or different the individuals who are not aware of their disease may not necessarily believe that they are doing something ‘wrong but they may appreciate that there are consequences if other people discover their behavior notes bergeron thus some individuals hide their behavior because they desire to continue hoarding animals it is important to identify the dangerous consequences for pets that animal hoarding can lead to the nature of hoarding leads to deficits in basic areas of care such as providing food medical care and attending to sanitation says bergeron thus hoarding can lead to starvation lack of medical treatment and increased risk of disease transmission hoarding can be very dangerous for the animal increased animal suffering and death are potential consequences if hoarding behaviors persist and are chronic to this date there have been no controlled studies done on treating animal hoarding therefore there are no recognized treatments with strong empirical support for addressing animal hoarding overall anecdotal evidence suggests that hoarding is a difficult problem to treat explains bergeron hoarding will likely require longer term therapy part of the complexity of working with hoarders relates to the likelihood of dual diagnosis with other mental health problems this means that multiple problems will need to be addressed to increase the likelihood that the individual will be able to make a change in the long-term however given that there are treatments with strong empirical support for other common mental health problems it may be easier to seek treatment for these other problems first if you suspect a friend or a neighbor is an animal hoarder ask your veterinarian for assistance veterinarians will know a responsible agency in the area to contact to get help for the individual and their pets pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print topical wound care for horses june 2 2011 sooner or later its bound to happen your horse comes in with a wound that needs care and attention do you know the best first aid for your horses needs a wound to your horses body can take the form of an abrasion puncture or full thickness skin cut notes dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the body has its own marvelous mechanisms for healing injured tissue states mays following the trauma the body sends white blood cells to the injured site to clean up the damaged cells and fight infection these white blood cells rid the wound of dead cells and bacteria this expelling of non-viable cells can be seen as either a clear or slightly yellow discharge the first thought at the sight of this oozing is to dry it up however the white blood cells need moisture to continue their healing work explains mays if additional moisture is needed an antibiotic topical ointment can be applied the body also responds to the wound with inflammation notes mays the cells that respond to the injured tissue do so to increase blood flow which facilitates clean up and repair of the wound this extra flow of blood brings swelling redness and heat to the injured area therefore inflammation should be controlled but not suppressed the body continues to remove contaminants while there is inflammation explains mays as decontamination continues cells that produce repair material move into the wound area then granulation tissue forms excessive granulation can result in proud flesh when the new tissue extends beyond the surface of the wound margins moisture does stimulate granulation and excessive moisture often results in proud flesh which prohibits continuation of the healing process if the wound appears to have excessive granulation tissue the aid of veterinary care is often needed wound treatment may include a combination of antibiotics to control infection anti-inflammatory injections for pain management and ointments for wound medication notes mays in treating any horse wound the first step should be to clean the injured flesh states mays flushing the wound with water or saline solution will help remove dirt and bacteria from the cut saline solution can be made by dissolving two tablespoons of table salt in one gallon of distilled water wounds that are exceptionally dirty may need an antimicrobial wash which contains iodine this wash will kill surface bacteria while cleansing the wound call your veterinarian if the wound is over a joint involves bone/ligaments or pulls apart when your horse moves explains mays a wound to your horses leg especially near a joint where there is motion should be referred to your veterinarian if your horse receives a below-the-knee leg wound it is best to seek medical assistance since leg tissue mass is limited and there can be contamination from dirt bandaging may not be necessary for some cuts and abrasions however leg wounds may need bandaging to reduce dirt contamination and skin motion so that healing can occur notes mays a bandage keeps topical medication on the wound also the light pressure of the bandage suppresses excess outgrowth of skin and promotes less scaring small wounds may go undetected cautions mays they may not be seen before contamination and infection occur since tetanus is always a threat be sure that your horse receives a tetanus vaccination and stays current horses are prone to injury knowing basic first aid treatments to care for a horses wound will allow you to assess the situation and determine the best treatment the right medication administered at the proper time by the proper person can facilitate the natural healing process of your horses body pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print raccoons may 26 2011 the late night ruckus coming from the back porch may not be a robber or even the friendly neighborhood cat raccoons love to filter through the trash and can frequently be seen doing so during the late hours of the night however fascinating this may be experts advise people to stay away from cute little rocky the raccoon homeowners should use caution when they see raccoons in their neighborhood said dr alice blue-mclendon a professor in the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences at texas a&m university although they are not inherently vicious they can carry a number of diseases including rabies and can attack humans and pets if provoked explained blue-mclendon raccoons are one of the most recognizable creatures in the united states and are found in almost every major habitat they have the unique ability to adapt to the changing environment and to navigate through storm sewers that lead to residential neighborhoods by surviving on a highly diverse diet ranging from acorns to fish they often cause problems for fruit and vegetable gardeners their characteristic bandit mask may be the least visible sign of their troublesome behavior raccoons living in neighborhoods have been known to rummage through trash cans pillage gardens and even enter households through pet doors they have been seen taking up residence in barns attics chimneys and the crawl spaces under buildings and homes often leaving a mess and destruction behind aside from the property damage they cause raccoons can carry rabies as well as an intestinal parasite that can cause serious brain damage and death if ingested said blue-mclendon this zoonotic parasite called baylisascaris procyonis or raccoon roundworm is contracted through feces if ingested larvae can hatch migrate through tissue and can invade the brain and eye area causing serious injury young children who still orally explore their surroundings or those simply playing in areas where fecal matter may be accidentally ingested may be affected blue-mclendon advises against keeping raccoons as pets due to the increasing prevalence of rabies aside from the risk of disease it is incredibly hard to tame these animals; they have sharp teeth and claws that can inflict pain and injury explained blue-mclendon for people who live in areas frequented by raccoons making sure family members wash their hands regularly when playing or working outdoors is a good precaution to take to protect a home and yard from the destruction left behind by raccoons trash cans should be secured and if possible kept in the garage or shed until the morning of removal chicken wire can be used to close crawl spaces under homes and entries into attics locks can be placed on pet doors and caps can be installed on chimneys the nuisance and damage caused by raccoons can be minimized when homeowners understand the behaviors of these animals said blue-mclendon like other urban wildlife species raccoons are very mobile and will usually move on in a few weeks however if homeowners find their patience growing thin neighborhood raccoons can be safely encouraged to relocate with the help of an animal control specialist about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print sun exposure and skin may 19 2011 summer time generally means vacations water and a lot of fun in the sun however the same concerns that affect people including sunburn can also cause problems for pets as the weather warms up many people take to bathing their pets outside it seems like a good idea as pets may dry faster and cause less water mess however according to dr alison diesel lecturer in small animal dermatology at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences it is important to remember that water coming initially out of the hose may be very hot one of the problems we see related to hot weather is thermal burns from hoses that have been sitting outside in the sun all day says diesel make sure to let the water run through the hose for several minutes before bathing your dog if it is too hot on your own hand it will be too hot for the dogs skin it is well known that staying out in the sun too long without any type of protection can cause sunburns in people the same is true of pets especially those that are lightly pigmented or have thinner coats white animals animals that like to spend time sunbathing and even certain parts on every animal such as the nose (especially pink noses) ears or abdomen are especially prone to becoming sunburned in order to prevent their animals from becoming sunburned one of the things that people can do is to apply sunscreen on lightly pigmented or thinly furred areas before the animal goes outside or lays in a sunbeam to bathe states diesel as with people the sunscreen will need to be applied once every couple of hours sunscreens that have high spfs (50+) and that are safe for infants are safe for a dog or a cat another thing an owner can do notes diesel is prevent sunbathing during the peak times of the day or when the sun is at its strongest this is typically from the early afternoon until evening cats that sit in windowsills particularly need to be monitored as with people one of the main concerns with pets getting a sunburn besides the initial burn itself is the possibility of cancer developing from the sun exposure if you notice a change in the appearance of your pets skin including increased redness raised skin legions bumps or wounds your pet needs to be evaluated by its veterinarian actinic keratosis a condition that causes raised red flat-topped areas of skin that may have a dry appearance is associated with increased sun exposure and may progress into cancer in the future if not addressed warns diesel as the thinly furred parts of animals are the highest risk areas for becoming sunburned these are the areas where this condition is often noted an additional problem exacerbated by sun exposure is discoid lupus an immune-mediated skin disease of the nose some dog breeds that are particularly affected by this are huskies malamutes and other northern breeds and shepherds explains diesel the normally dark colored nose loses its pigment and turns pink it can also become crusted and ulcerate; this may be noted as bleeding by the owners the decreased pigment puts the nose more at risk for sunburn it is important that dogs diagnosed with this condition have infant-safe sunscreen applied several times daily to avoid intensifying the disease while lighter-pigmented animals are more prone to developing burns darker colored animals are not without their own concerns according to studies in cattle that observed the effects of hide color and the risk of heat stress darker pigmented animals were more at risk for heat stress since their coat did not reflect as much light as lighter colored animals explains dr diesel this does not usually cause skin problems; however darker animals are more at risk for developing the side effects of heat stress which include over-heating and heat stroke these are emergency situations that require immediate evaluation by a veterinarian in spite of the many risks the rising temperatures bring with them it is possible for you and your pets to enjoy the summer out of doors provided the proper precautions are taken to avoid sunburn and other dangers train yourself to reapply your pets sunscreen each time you reapply yours and make sure your outdoor pets have access to fresh water and shady places to find some respite from the suns rays check the temperature of the water before bathing your pet out of doors and remember to enjoy your vacations with your best friend! pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print precautionary travel tips may 12 2011 most summer days are filled with outdoor activities and times spent on vacation as the summer months starts to approach it is necessary to understand the types of diseases that may affect your pets when they travel so if youre the outdoor type and you like to take your pet with you your pet may be bringing home more than memories as you venture through fields and streams when traveling there are some diseases your pet may encounter says dr leon russell professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences if there is a possibility of contact with mosquitoes ticks or stagnant water during your travels russell says to take certain precautions if dogs and cats come into contact with mosquitoes they could be subjected to heartworm disease heartworm disease poses a threat to pets across the united states because no state is entirely heartworm-free russell explains in areas where heartworm disease is highly endemic in dogs up to 20 percent of the cats may also have the disease heartworm preventative medicine is available but pets should be tested before they receive it possible contact with wild animals could expose your pet to rabies effective vaccination of dogs and cats to prevent rabies is available and should always be kept current says russell rabies is transmitted by a bite from an infected animal and the center for disease control (cdc) states that more than 90 percent of all animal cases reported annually to the cdc now occur in wildlife water activities are fun but certain waters may be infested with bacteria that could cause harm to your pet according to russell mud muddy water and stagnant water are prime sources for exposure to leptospira this bacterial organism can enter the body through cuts mucous membranes eyes or by ingesting contaminated water russell encourages a yearly vaccination with the appropriate strain of leptospirosis vaccine to reduce your pets chance of contracting this disease giardiasis is another disease that is caused by a waterborne parasite found in untreated water such as creeks and ponds it also occurs in mountainous areas where water supplies have become contaminated by infected animal feces chlorination of surface water will not prevent this disease cautions russell presently there are drugs to treat giardiasis but none to prevent this intestinal disease borreliosis or lyme disease is an infection caused by a bacteria that is spread by the bite of an infected tick and the disease is endemic in some areas of the united states explains russell symptoms include fever rash listlessness muscle stiffness lack of appetite and in severe cases arthritic-type joint pain the best method of prevention is to avoid tick infested woods brush and tall grass russell believes highly effective tick control products such as sprays collars and spot-on treatments are available through your veterinarian annual vaccination of your dog against the lyme disease is recommended if you live in or plan to visit endemic lyme disease areas in the united states check with your veterinarian about the need for the vaccination of your pets russell suggests that once you return home your pet should visit the veterinarian for examination to make sure no internal or external parasites were picked up while traveling an examination is important because worms can hide and they may not be detected until they cause a clinical disease russell adds ticks can be too small to be easily seen by the untrained eye they must be eliminated before they transmit diseases such as lyme disease tularemia and rocky mountain spotted fever also avoid environments with ticks and mosquitoes (dawn and dusk) and allow your pet to swim only in clear flowing water such as rivers or lakes notes russell be sure to bypass ponds or tanks time spent traveling with pets is important but it is even more important to take the necessary precautions during vacation to avoid any pitfalls when you return home pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print horse summer dermatitis may 5 2011 sweet… as a modern term denotes pleasure and enjoyment however for a horse sweet itch can be anything but sweet… sweet itch also known as summer eczema or equine dermatitis is one of several seasonal allergies that your horse may encounter notes dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences equine dermatitis can have varying causes explains mays allergens may irritant your horses skin but viruses and bacteria may also manifest themselves as dermatitis these foreign agents can cause inflammatory conditions in the skin and may affect your horses hair coat equine sweet itch is a seasonal allergic skin condition that can be caused by fly bites or midge bites horses that suffer from sweet itch have developed an allergy to these bites insects flourish in the summer and horses may have sensitivities to insect bites notes mays in particular black flies known as buffalo gnats can seek horses as hosts these flies feed on the blood of mammals and are attracted to hosts by smell heat and sight they prefer the hosts head hair and ears but will also bite any skin that is exposed the female black flies are blood feeders explains mays the fly bites by cutting into the skin and feeding on the pooled blood anticoagulants injected into the feeding sight cause an allergic reaction black flies feed during the day so stable animals during the day when fly populations may be more abundant fly repellents applied to the chest belly and ears can be effective if applied daily says mays cloth coverings fitted over horses ears may be used for additional protection coverings may also be used to protect your horses eyes and head allergic dermatitis can result from the black fly bite states mays antigens in their saliva can cause allergic reactions additionally the black fly bite can become painful and itchy as blisters form therefore protecting the face and ears from flies eliminates a major source of irritation for your horse equine dermatitis will usually result in symptoms such as scratching biting affected area crusts hair coat damage or loss flaky dandruff and thickened skin explains mays the itchy skin can be further irritated when the horse rubs the area (on fences or stalls) to the point of hair loss and scabbed skin this is when secondary bacteria can enter the skin and cause infection sweet itch is commonly seen in 4 to 6 year old horses notes mays repeated exposure to the allergen in this case fly bite is required for the allergy to develop to help reduce the incidence of sweet itch begin preventative measures before fly season is in full force suggests mays use a fan in your horses stall the constant airflow deters flies from lighting and biting if possible place fine-mesh screens over barn openings to prevent flies from entering stalls install automated insecticide mist systems to help control fly populations consult your local veterinarian for the best insecticide to use in your stables and on your horse black fly stable fly horse fly and midge bites all can cause allergic skin reactions in horses corticosteroids are the most useful treatment for controlling these skin allergies notes mays this anti-inflammatory helps stop the itching so that the skin can heal however there may be steroid side-effects in horses so they must only be prescribed by your veterinarian if your horse has an annual encounter with summer sweet itch help him to manage the itch by taking preventative measures to lessen the severity of an annoying allergy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print boarding a pet april 28 2011 sometimes you may find yourself in the position of needing to leave your animals for a few days if you cannot find a sitter to care for your pets in your home you may want to consider boarding them at a kennel and since there are more than 9 000 boarding kennels in the united states and canada there is probably one near you fees can range from $12 to $45 a day depending on the facility the type of services offered and other factors while boarding a pet may seem like a simple procedure there are still some questions you might want to ask says dr alice blue-mclendon clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences a good way to find out who the best boarders are is usually by word of mouth blue-mclendon believes people tend to be picky about their pets and they know who the good boarders are and which ones to avoid blue-mclendon says a prospective boarder should try to tour a facility before boarding the pet look to see if the facility is clean she advises also inquire about temperature control whether 24-hour care is available and if the facility allows multiple animals from the same household to be in the same holding area also are cats kept in a separate area away from dogs if not they could experience some trauma in addition is there proper security at the facility to keep intruders out and your pet from escaping is there adequate lighting at the facility and is the bedding for the animal sufficient for its needs if the owner is to be away for an extended time blue-mclendon says its a good idea to ask how often the animals get exercise or some form of entertainment dogs will usually enjoy a brisk walk she says but some facilities may not have the manpower for such activity parasites can often be a problem for some boarding facilities and the diseases they carry can be harmful to your pet blue-mclendon adds a common ailment associated with boarding of animals is bordetella commonly known as kennel cough although usually not serious the ailment can be a nagging problem and is caused by the pets close proximity with other animals vaccinations are available to prevent it blue-mclendon says once the animal has been picked up at the boarding facility you may want to see the log kept during its stay most facilities keep daily records of how often the pet was fed exercised or groomed boarding a pet can be a tough time for some animals especially if they are not used to it blue-mclendon says the best solution is usually to keep the animal at home and have someone care for it in its own environment but if that isnt possible boarding is necessary and thats when the owner needs to do a little homework most facilities are properly run but its always best to do a little checking around before you board your pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print here comes peter cottontail april 21 2011 chicks and bunnies are very cute especially when associated with easter baskets and bows however their baby-like appearance can sometimes lead to an impulsive decision to bring one home as a pet without considering that they will need to be cared for during their entire lives an impulse pet is always a bad purchase warns dr mark stickney clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it may look cute in the store but easter is gone in a day and then you have an animal to take care of long term stickney also explains that while baby chicks are very cute full-grown chickens might not be the best pets especially not for children its hard to interact with a chicken and roosters can be very aggressive they also get barbs on their feet that can cause a lot of damage notes stickney if you have put some time and consideration into buying a pet for your child a rabbit can be a good first pet as they are docile and are fairly easy to take care of in general the good news is that you do not have to walk or train a rabbit states stickney they will need to get some exercise so you have to let them hop around each day when selecting a rabbit as a pet there are a few basic guidelines to making sure you get a pet that is healthy and that will work well with your family when the rabbit is moving around in its pen make sure that it is able to move without limping and that it can keep its balance suggests stickney it needs to look proportional in its muscling check that there is no nasal or ocular discharge which could be signs of snuffles a respiratory disease also check and make sure its hind end is not wet or soiled which could indicate diarrhea or poor grooming the rabbit should have a nice hair coat with no missing fur be sure to keep in mind that if the rabbit is for a small child you will want to handle it first and see how it behaves pick the docile one that is willing to happily sit in your hands without biting or scratching if the rabbit is unhappy you will know; they have sharp claws and they will scratch or kick if they feel threatened a rabbit always needs to have its back legs supported when being held to prevent injury the down side to pet rabbits is that they are pretty messy while it is possible to litter train some rabbits for the most part they go to the bathroom wherever they are because of this they will need to be in a hutch of some sort most of the time make sure that if you do have a rabbit as a pet that you do not keep it in a wire cage it sounds gross but at night they secrete vitamins in their feces and they have to be able to eat these secretions to stay healthy says stickney although rabbits are easy to care for there are still things you have to do to keep them healthy and comfortable be sure to keep their hutch in a place with a comfortable temperature at all times and keep their dietary and veterinary requirements in mind a rabbits diet consists primarily of coastal hay and vegetables and a third of their diet should include rabbit feed explains stickney the hay is very important because it prevents digestive problems that rabbits get as a result of cleaning themselves like cats do hay is also important for a rabbits teeth a rabbit that is constantly nibbling on hay has a good appetite if it does not chew on hay constantly its teeth can overgrow teeth should line up nicely and not be uneven or tusk-like which could signify an improper diet if your rabbits teeth do overgrow it will have to be sedated and its teeth will have to be filed down by a veterinarian warns stickney its also important to remember that rabbits will chew on just about anything so watch out for things like power cords because they can electrocute themselves rabbits also have routine veterinary needs just like any other pet they will need to be spayed or neutered and can also get fleas you really need to get your rabbit spayed or neutered before sexual maturity or they can become aggressive advises stickney check with your veterinarian because not all of them spay and neuter rabbits you should also ask them for any flea preventative or treatment as over-the-counter products for dogs and cats can be toxic for rabbits while any pet can be a wonderful addition to a family it is never a good idea to buy a pet on a whim if you have researched your pet committed to its life-long care and believe your child is ready for the responsibility then a rabbit can be a fun furry companion just remember they do live 7 to 11 years on average so you could potentially have the rabbit even after your little one leaves the nest pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print a look at the alternative april 14 2011 this year marks the 250th anniversary of veterinary medicine as the worlds first veterinary school opened in lyon france in 1764 however veterinary medicine has been around since people and animals have coexisted and there are many ancient techniques in veterinary medicine that have been used for thousands of years those ancient techniques are reaching the forefront once more as clients demand all available treatment options for their pets and veterinarians start to consider the staying powers of antique methods according to dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) alternative veterinary medicine is best described as a term for a group of treatments or modalities that lie outside of the conventional or mainstream treatment of veterinary medicine occasionally the terms alternative veterinary medicine integrative veterinary medicine and complementary veterinary medicine have been used as synonyms; therefore veterinarians now use the acronym cam to reference all three terms the american veterinary medical association guidelines for alternative and complementary medicine state that holistic veterinary medicine includes but is not limited to the practice of acupuncture and acutherapy (involves the stimulation of specific points on the body by use of acupuncture needles low level lasers and other tools) botanical medicine (the use of plants and plant derivatives for treatment) chiropractic (refers to the adjustment and alignment of specific joints to create comfort) homeopathy (unique form of medicine) massage therapy (touch technique used to eliminate pain and to improve the blood-flow) nutraceuticals (the use of nutritional supplements to aid in treatment) as well as conventional medicine surgery and dentistry holistic veterinary medicine considers all aspects of the animals life in the context of its environment behavior medical and dietary history emotional stresses as well as a comprehensive physical examination and other factors that may play a role in the animal patients life explains crist in other words diagnosing and treating the animal patient in the context of the ‘whole patient most alternative medicine treatments are based on clinically accepted medicine however it is difficult to find scientific data to support the theory that these modalities are safe and effective more clinical data is becoming available but it is a very slow process due to limited funding for research there are still a lot of questions concerning alternative veterinary medicine techniques as some practitioners believe there is still little evidence today to back up the powerful claims some veterinary practitioners view complementary and alternative medicine as controversial notes crist some critics believe that there is limited to no evidence-based data to support unconventional therapies or modalities and others claim that the evidence-based data to support these therapies is of poor quality owners need to understand that some of these modalities are slow and gentle and take time to take effect says crist others may believe that alternative medicine does not work at all because they may have waited too long in the disease process and despite what therapy is used nothing will work the approach in the field of complementary and alternative veterinary medicine is the philosophy that an integrated approach with conventional veterinary medicine will increase the chances that the patient will do well explains crist conventional and alternative veterinary medicine is becoming more available from veterinarians because of client demand and also because some veterinarians are recognizing the value in using these alternative modalities in their patients if an animal does partake in any alternative technique without the care of its primary veterinarian it is necessary for the owner to notify its primary veterinarian of any alternative modalities; especially if a pet takes medications herbs and supplements on a regular basis some of these therapies may interfere with other medications prescribed by the veterinarian the fda has classified herbal products as food supplements and they are marketed as such says crist most herbal products or remedies are sold in various forms such as dried bulk herbs oils tinctures ointments creams and capsules it is important to purchase high-quality products from a reputable and established supplier if interested in learning more about alternative veterinary medicine practices it is important to visit with a veterinarian who is trained in cam to practice in any of these modalities veterinarians must first be certified and well versed in their area of interest within the scope of complementary and alternative medicine these modalities should be practiced by a veterinarian with licensure and referral requirements concerning each modality explains crist the certification includes hundreds of hours of continuing education in that field numerous examinations multiple case reports and hours and hours of shadowing an expert in the field it is important that if an owner requests any of these integrated modalities that he or she is referred to a veterinarian certified in that field it is also important that if they are referred by their regular veterinarian that the two work together to do the best for the pet alternative veterinary medicine is another option for the treatment of your pet it is your job to do extensive research and consult with your veterinarian to decide if it is the best option for your pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print texas box turtle…a good pet for you april 7 2011 in our hurried world we can be intrigued or frustrated by the pace of the texas box turtle most of us have seen this reptile making its way across a country road or paved highway you can stop and help the box turtle cross the road or take it home for a pet question is which is the better choice turtles are some of the oldest reptiles on the earth notes dr j jill heatley clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences they are slow-moving but these creatures have survived virtually unchanged for thousands of years the box turtle is a land animal that can also swim well states heatley it spends its life around water marshes or wetlands it is an air-breathing animal toothless and reproduces by laying eggs generally you can distinguish male from female box turtles based on the color of their eyes males have bright orange to reddish iris color while females have brown to tan iris color the box turtle is characterized by a high domed shell that hinges so the turtle can enclose itself thus the fitting name of box turtle notes heatley box turtles eat vegetation as well as insects slugs snails and dead flesh will this terrestrial creature survive the fast paced world of today can box turtles out-pace todays human desires for exotic pets run-ins with automobiles and loss of habitat turtles can make good pets but taking a turtle from the wild and placing it in your home may lead to a slow death for the animal cautions heatley like any pet turtles require daily attention care and have specific nutritional and environmental needs relocating the native turtle to your home can be detrimental to the animal turtles establish home ranges and they will try to return to their home territory if removed from it they may travel long distances looking for familiar grounds this is sometimes called ‘homing in the process they may come in contact with predators unsuitable habitat or they may lose the race while trying to cross the highway the most common question i get asked is ‘what do i do if i see a turtle crossing the road says heatley she recommends pulling your vehicle safely to the side of the road and put on your hazard lights when you can safely approach the turtle based on traffic pick the turtle up by the back of the shell and place it off the road in the same direction that it was headed injured turtles may be brought to the college of veterinary medicine at any time for care and repair resist the temptation to adopt a turtle from the wild the box turtle confines its activities to a small area (several acres) for its home range and breeding ground once removed from this territory many displaced turtles fail to establish a new home range and few find their way back to their original home range explains heatley since the box turtle is long-lived with a life span of 20 years or more they experience delayed sexual maturity (anywhere from 7 to 10 years) this turtle species requires a long life span and high population density to increase its population a box turtle must survive lawn mowers farm machinery predators and crossing roads during its growth years before it can add to the species the box turtle is also threatened by the pet trade notes heatley as more people collect box turtles as pets or to sell to others as pets the turtles population density would be expected to decline if levels get too low box turtles will not be able to sustain their numbers since box turtles take a long time to reach sexual maturity live in a limited home range and produce a small number of eggs in each clutch this animal is hard pressed when additional pressures are encountered explains heatley it is for these reasons that harvesting adult box turtles from the wild for pets is a concern in our hurried and fast-paced world if you make the time to look for the texas box turtle may you continue to find them in their natural setting may you marvel at this centuries-old creature who is trying to survive in an ever changing world remember that it is best to leave the texas box turtles on their home range pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print low carb for cats march 31 2011 according to dr debra l zoran a clinical assistant professor of small animal medicine and surgery at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences cats are metabolically adapted for higher protein low-carbohydrate diets more than 35 percent of cats in the united states are overweight or obese said zoran age sex and activity level are all factors that influence the weight of a cat; however feeding style is a significant contributor to obesity rates traditional weight loss plans include low-fat high-carbohydrate foods however cats are not traditional animals when it comes to their ideal diet cats are not only carnivores but they are obligate carnivores meaning they require additional protein and other nutrients that are only present in animal tissue said zoran zoran explained that cats utilize protein for energy even in the face of large amounts of carbohydrates in the diet because cats lack salivary amylase and have low concentrations of other carbohydrate-digesting enzymes digestion of sugars is very inefficient in cats explained zoran when it comes to cat food extra carbohydrates only mean extra calories which if not burned for energy are stored as fat in addition to their enzyme deficiencies a cats small intestine is much shorter than that of an equally sized omnivore such as a dog felines have longer gi tracts which allow them to handle complex carbohydrates instead of slimming down a fat cat a high carbohydrate high fiber diet may lead to abnormal intestinal function or even diarrhea while these [low-fat high carbohydrate high fiber] diets may result in weight loss they do so to the detriment of lean body mass which is protein in muscles said zoran losing lean body mass often contributes to weight regain because cats appetites are not reduced and satiety or a sense of satisfaction is never reached past studies evaluating the use of a canned low carb high-protein (45 percent or higher) diet for weight loss in cats has revealed that all cats lost weight and maintained lean body mass these diets not only resulted in sustained weight loss in these cats but also in normalization of appetite because they are satiated explained zoran this does not mean that cat owners need to bake some blackened tilapia for tiger or slap some ribs on the grill a high-protein diet for your cat does not call for extra fuss; suitable foods can be found in the pet food aisle the best commercial diets for achieving a high protein low-carb profile are canned foods like those used for growth such as kitten foods or canned diets specially designed for adult diabetic cats said zoran some cats will turn their noses up at the sight of canned food but no worries there are also dry food options that provide high-protein and low-carbohydrate nutrition however zoran recommends that most cats be fed at least some canned food as part of their diet to reduce both carbohydrate intake and overall caloric intake dry foods tend to be very calorie dense said zoran feeding them only 50 percent canned food is a good starting point sadly garfield might need to give up his lasagna dinners for a healthy serving of protein instead pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print living with lizards march 24 2011 you love pets you may have grown up around dogs and cats or even horses you are ready for the responsibility that owning an animal entails however you want something a bit more unusual than the normal pets of choice why not try a pet lizard according to teresa shisk-saling registered veterinary technician at the texas a &m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences there are several species of lizards that are good to keep as pets depending on your level of expertise as a reptile keeper in my opinion says shisk-saling bearded dragons and leopard geckos make good beginner level lizards chinese water dragons and blue-tongue skinks make good intermediate level pets argentina tegus and savannah monitors are good pets for the experienced reptile keeper and for the really brave (and experienced) there are water monitors of course there are pros and cons to each species and other factors to consider when deciding which is the right lizard for you such as how long each lives and how big they get it is also important to consider what each lizard eats if the idea of feeding live crickets makes you squeamish you may want to consider a different animal bearded dragons live 10 to 12 years and can grow up to be 8 to 10 inches long their smaller size is part of what makes them good beginner pets along with the fact that they are very personable and social notes shisk-saling they are fairly easy to feed but they can be picky eaters if you are not committed to feeding them right for they cannot live on crickets alone they can also be kept in readily available containers leopard geckos are also a good pet since they stay small (about 5 to 10 inches) and can be kept in a 10 gallon aquarium their whole lives (roughly 10 to 12 years) says shisk-saling they are fairly easy to feed and they require no special lighting however since they are nocturnal they can be a little nippy when their beauty sleep is disturbed! if you are looking for a slightly more challenging pet lizard a chinese water dragon or a blue tongue skink may be the pet for you each lives about 12 to 15 years the skink can grow up to 12 to 14 inches and the chinese water dragon at 2 to 3 feet with its tail is a bit larger blue tongue skinks are a bit more of a challenge but a nice sized lizard with impressive looks says shisk-saling they [and chinese water dragons] can be tamed down with some handling and are fairly easy to feed a downside to these lizards however is that without handling they can be flighty they also need warm temperatures high humidity and special lighting so a prospective owner needs to be aware of their maintenance needs two more unusual pet lizards are the argentina tegu and the savannah monitor both live around 10 to 12 years with the former growing around two to three feet and the latter growing to around three feet shisk-saling states that these are not for beginners but they can be very nice personable pets and they will even leash train when it comes to feeding them however these are not for the faint of heart as they are carnivores they also need quite large enclosures and like the chinese water dragon and the blue tongue skink warm temperatures and special lighting the final lizard the water monitor is a very impressive animal these huge lizards can grow up to 7 to 9 feet long and can live as long as 15 years for the very experienced reptile keeper they can be handle-able and personable but keep in mind their size because they can weigh up to 30 pounds adds shisk-saling it is always best to research the animal that you want to keep the worst reason to buy a lizard is because its cheap! some of the meanest nastiest animals available (nile monitors tokay geckos) are very inexpensive make sure you know what requirements you need to provide and what to feed and be prepared to care for the animal for its whole life above all if the animal is acting ill call a veterinarian do not try to get rid of it on craigslist once you have decided which lizard is the right pet for you what are some initial items you need to buy depending on the species you may get by with as little as just an enclosure (such as an aquarium plastic tote or a wire cage) with a hide box and water bowl says shisk-saling generally however people enjoy decorating their cages to make them look like the animals native habitat enclosures can also be as extensive as a multi-level enclosure with plants hides waterfalls aspen shavings etc explains shisk-saling remember that many lizards may need heat lights uvb lights or misters so timers and power strips could prove beneficial owning a pet lizard can be a fun and educational experience as long as you do your research before bringing your pet home not only can you learn a lot about reptiles in general but you can also amaze your friends and family with your new knowledge and your new pet if you will commit to their care lizards can give you many years of enjoyment pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the seriousness of stomach aches march 17 2011 it may seem like sparky has a cast-iron stomach but even he could be susceptible to bloat the technical term is gastric dilatation-volvulus (gdv) an extremely serious condition in dogs that can result in death gastric dilatation-volvulus also known as ‘bloat primarily occurs in deep-chested large breed dogs said dr michael willard professor at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences willard explained that bloating of the stomach is sometimes also associated with twisting (volvulus) of the stomach signs may include unproductive gagging and retching abdominal discomfort and/or distention shock difficulty breathing and in some cases even death diet exercise and the size and depth of a dogs chest may be predisposing factors while gdv is less common in pets than many other emergency conditions owners of large breed dogs should be aware of the rapid and often fatal effects of gdv gdv is a significant cause of death in large breed dogs animals with gdv that are diagnosed and treated early have a survival rate of about 70 percent whereas survival for those that are diagnosed and treated late is less than 30 percent willard advises any dog owners who believe that their dog has developed gdv to take it to a veterinarian immediately he or she will decompress the stomach and treat the animal for shock by administering fluids when the patient has been stabilized the veterinarian may need to perform surgery to untwist the gut if twisting has occurred gdv cannot reliably be prevented in some cases the twisting of the gut can be avoided by a surgical procedure (called gastropexy) in which the stomach is sutured (stitched) to the abdominal wall said willard prophylactic gastroplexy may greatly lessen the risk of recurrence but it is does not completely eliminate it unfortunately there are no medications that will cure gdv in dogs it can become fatal in as little as four to six hours and it is costly to treat willard estimates the average cost of treating a gdv case with surgery to be between $2 000 and $5 000 but if there are complications the cost could be much higher dogs that have had gdv in the past are at a higher risk of developing it again given the rapid and fatal effects of gdv owners should not wait to see if the ailing dog improves on its own if the dog is gagging unproductively willard advises taking the dog to a veterinarian immediately early detection and treatment just might save sparky from this often-fatal tummy ache pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print horse foaling march 10 2011 newborns evoke a smile and the birth of a foal is no different horse owners greatly anticipate the birth of a foal and are wise to prepare the mare for the birth on average a mare is pregnant 340 days before giving birth notes dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences but mare pregnancies can range from 315 to 387 days preparation for foaling should begin prior to the birth explains mays daily exercise will help the mare in foal tone body muscles and maintain a healthy heart and lungs which can benefit the mare and foal during birthing during the first eight months of pregnancy your mare can maintain nutritional balance on good pasture quality hay feed and minerals supplements but the last three months of pregnancy require dietary changes notes mays the unborn foal doubles in size during the last 90 days consequently there is a great need for more protein minerals and vitamins to support the foals growth additionally the mare needs more nutrients to prepare for lactation quality roughage should be the major portion of your mares diet grain should be reduced the week before foaling states mays oats and bran are good feed choices at this time since they will help decrease the likelihood of constipation after foaling grain can be increased gradually to resume full ration regular worming will ensure that the mare will not contaminate the pasture and foaling stall with worm larvae which the foal can ingest explains mays consult your veterinarian about recommended vaccinations for your pregnant mare generally six weeks prior to the foaling date the mare should receive a tetanus vaccination to boost the antibodies in her colotrum (first milk) a mare will only produce colostrum for the first 6-12 hours after birth after that she will produce milk the colostrum helps protect the foal against disease and aids in eliminating fecal material which can build up in its intestinal tract says mays mares prefer privacy when they are foaling and the majority of mares foal at night notes mays this could be a survival trait that ensured the mare and foal would be less susceptible to predators during the birthing process when horses were in the wild appropriate foaling facilities assure a safe and sanitary environment for the mare and her foal this may be a grassy paddock or pasture small enough with sufficient lighting to allow visualization of the mare for monitoring the birth process if a birthing stable be available it should be at least 12 feet by 14 feet and prepared in advance of the foals arrival the stall as well as water/feed buckets and manger should be cleaned and disinfected your veterinarian can suggest the best disinfecting supplies says mays he can also recommend bedding mares having difficulty with the delivery process may need assistance foals are born two front feet first and then their nose follows any deviation from this warrants a call to your veterinarian the mare is in active labor for about 30 minutes and once the foal is born both mare and foal may lie quiet for another 30 minutes notes mays during this quiet time blood is being pumped through the umbilical cord from the mare to the foal normally the umbilical cord breaks on its own below the foals abdomen; it should be treated with iodine to prevent infection some veterinarians recommend that the foal receive an enema to facilitate the initial evacuation of the rectum a 30 cc volume of glycerin administered per rectum (use a conventional syringe without a needle) is often effective after giving birth the mare will lick the foal and establish a bond with her offspring says mays the licking also helps to clean and dry the foal if the foal requires assistance to stand remember the young bones are soft aggressive handling can compromise bone structure especially at the rib cage dont rush in to help give the foal and mare some time alone unless foal distress is obvious notes mays mother nature has done quite well for a long time without human intervention the foal should stand without assistance within an hour start nursing within three hours and nurse at least once every hour some veterinarians prefer to do complete blood count and chemistry on the foal after 12 hours to determine if it received enough colostrum (and therefore antibodies) to help keep it healthy it is very important that the foal build immunity to fight exposure to bacteria in its new environment keeping your mare healthy prior to and after foaling will greatly increase the chances of having a healthy foal that will grow to be a healthy horse pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the dawn of spring allergies march 3 2011 as the trees start to pollinate the spring season starts to dawn and so do those pesky allergies a time to put the winter cold past us and a look to the brighter days are not so bright for those with allergies many pets are affected by spring allergies and it is important to be aware if your pet shows signs so you can lighten its discomfort and help provide brighter days according to dr adam patterson clinical assistant professor and a board certified dermatologist at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) an allergy is an exaggerated response in which the bodys immune system overreacts to normally harmless environmental substances known as allergens patterson explains that pets can show signs of allergies during only the spring or year-round dependent on what they are allergic to any cat and horse breed can be affected by allergies notes patterson any dog breed can also be affected but there are certain breeds that are more susceptible to allergies including: terriers retrievers dalmatians shar peis and bulldogs when people encounter allergic reactions they tend to sneeze and wheeze whereas animals tend to itch and scratch their way to a hopeful recovery but this can actually promote more severe skin problems an itch may be manifested as licking chewing biting rubbing scratching head shaking and/or scooting explains patterson common itchy body areas include the face ears paws armpits groin rump and anal region horses may present with an itchy skin disease and/or hives every pet has its own itch tolerance which means the intensity and reason(s) for your pets itch may not be the same as another animal regardless of the animal allergic patients are prone to secondary infections that can cause skin discoloration hair loss pimples or scabs if your pet does show any of these allergic signs it is in everyones best interest to contact your veterinarian your veterinarian can develop a customized treatment plan for your pet so the itch can be alleviated however patterson comments that allergies can be managed not necessarily cured treatments are tailored to the individual based on the extent severity and seasonality of signs says patterson the ‘absolutes of therapy include: routine bathing to remove pollen accumulation infection control (topical and/or systemic) and flea prevention other treatments can be prescribed based on what the patient is sensitive to and the response to the ‘absolutes it is important to recognize that allergies can be managed but often are not cured sometimes steroids are used to alleviate an itch however patterson warns that long-term use of steroids can cause detrimental health problems for this reason it is recommended that the underlying trigger of allergic signs be sought and managed with other less harmful treatments for those animals with chronic problems explains patterson the most common allergens that affect pets are fleas food pollen molds mites insects and dander as there are a lot of factors to consider when diagnosing what your pets are allergic to your veterinarian can perform tests and personal evaluations based on many factors to help determine the culprits elimination diet trials are used to exclude food allergies notes patterson skin or blood ‘allergy testing is used to select candidate pollens for immunotherapy (oral allergy drops or allergy injections) in animals with an environmental allergy it is important to recognize that these tests do not diagnose an environmental allergy as ‘normal animals can have ‘positive test results the diagnosis is based on the history clinical signs and the process of exclusion spring allergies are more common in pets than most people believe ten percent of the canine population is affected by allergies it is important to be aware of the allergic signs and notify a veterinarian when the symptoms persist if you have any questions pertaining to allergies or skin ailments you can call the dermatology department at the cvm small animal clinical sciences at 979-845-2351 or visit their webpage to review frequently asked questions and answers pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print assistance dogs: offering a new sense of freedom february 24 2011 imagine not being able to open a door not being able to pick up items that fall to the ground or not hearing an intruder enter your home many individuals with disabilities live with those concerns on a daily basis fortunately assistance dogs have been incorporated into their lives so they can receive help in performing those daily tasks an assistance dog is broken down into three sub-categories: guide dogs to assist vision-impaired individuals hearing dogs to assist with intruders or other sounds and service dogs to aid with all of the other duties that a guide or hearing dog does not cover assistance dogs have been around since 1929 when the seeing eye guide dog association was established the american with disabilities act (ada) defines service animals as animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities such as guiding people who are blind alerting people who are deaf pulling wheelchairs alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure or performing other special tasks service animals are working animals not pets service dogs provide an opening for people with disabilities to be accepted explains dr alice blue-mclendon clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) and the advisor for one of the many student run organizations called the texas a&m aggie guide-dogs and services-dogs (ags) service dogs not only help individuals with disabilities complete daily tasks but they give the individuals a new sense of freedom and independence there are about 15 000 individuals who use assistance dogs in the united states and there are many who are on the waiting list to receive one an assistance dog can help a visually impaired individual get around and they can also help individuals lacking the use of fine motor skills by opening and closing doors for them and picking up things that they drop some service dogs are even trained to pick up credit cards notes blue-mclendon each dog is trained to do specific tasks there are several national organizations who train and place assistance dogs with their owners each organization has different methods that they use to train dogs some organizations get their dogs from shelters and help find a second life and purpose for the dog some organizations use donated dogs to train with other organizations raise their own dogs to train with prior to training each dog is tested to ensure that it has the proper temperament and a high intelligence to be able to handle the training training assistance dogs involves two phases phase one includes puppies from 8 weeks to 16 weeks old and is about 18 months long it consists of obedience training and socializing after assistance dogs successfully complete phase one they are put into a more specific training regimen that usually takes from 6 months to a year after phase one there is a high percentage of dogs who have a ‘career change ' notes blue-mclendon some dogs do not perform as expected during the phase one training and they are ‘career changed for example they become therapy dogs where they visit places like nursing homes or they become pets it takes a dog with a special personality to be placed as an assistance dog at the end of a successful training a dog is matched with its new partner/owner according to the ada the dogs function is to assist the individual and is not a pet if you see an assistance dog in its jacket always ask the owner if you can pet the dog notes blue-mclendon an assistance dog may be working and its mindset may be thrown off if someone pets it without proper notification from its owner according to the ada people with disabilities cannot be asked to remove their service dogs from the premises unless the animal is out of control and the owner does not take effective action to control it or the animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others unless those two instances occur a service dog and a dog in training can go anywhere its owner goes dependent on their specific duty assistance dogs come in all shapes and sizes according to blue-mclendon the most common breeds who complete the training programs are: labrador labradoodle german sheppard and golden retriever ags have been training assistance dogs through phase one since 1997 says blue-mclendon our puppy raisers or trainers are students all across the university with different majors volunteers in other service dog organizations also range across the board however they all have one common goal and that is to help train an animal so that animal can dramatically improve an individuals life forever the success of the assistance dog program has initiated a new sense of power and freedom for its constituents the future is hopeful and looks bright as people become more aware of the positive effects that assistance dogs have on the individuals physically and emotionally about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print horse dental care (february is national dental month) february 11 2011 february is national pet dental health month as with humans horses benefit from having good oral hygiene and dental care dental disease can lead to pain tooth loss and infection in other organs when bacteria from infected teeth and gums enter the blood stream and circulate throughout the body regular dental care is important to the well being of todays horse notes dr cleet griffin clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences foals and weanlings are examined to check for proper skull and dental development as well as alignment of upper and lower jaws this is followed by routine checkups every six months until about five years old once the adult teeth are in place annual teeth exams should be performed horses have teeth with long crowns that are contained within a deep dental socket the teeth continually erupt into the mouth as the grinding surface is worn away notes griffin horses chew many times per minute when grazing and eating tough fibrous feed material the horses teeth slowly wear down when the upper and lower teeth grind one another while chewing the forage and feed explains griffin after a few minutes of chewing the food softens and is able to be swallowed not only does eating and chewing gradually wear the teeth down but sharp points also develop the horses anatomy (the horses lower jaw is narrower than its upper jaw) in combination with the horses continual tooth eruption and chewing motion contribute to the formation of sharp points along the edges of the teeth sharp dental points can cause irritation when the horse is eating or when being ridden because these areas cut and ulcerate the cheeks and the tongue notes griffin your equine veterinarian will examine your horses mouth for odor inflammation ulcers cuts tooth decay and abnormalities of wear juvenile age performance horses may require more frequent dental attention to monitor eruption of the permanent cheek teeth and incisor teeth explains griffin to give an equine dental exam sedation is commonly used it makes the procedure safer and easier by providing relaxation and analgesia which helps to keep the horse more quiet and still says griffin only a licensed veterinarian should administer a sedative to your horse it is also best if he/she can provide the comprehensive dental care too a speculum which is a type of brace is used to keep the horses mouth open during an equine dental exam the speculum is not painful to the horse when used properly it facilitates a better view inside the horses mouth and provides a safer working environment for the veterinarian since motorized floats and specialized dental equipment are now used in conjunction with manual files notes griffin both medication and medical tools are used by your veterinarian to safely remove ‘points and ‘hooks that could eventually cause discomfort when your horse eats or takes the bit explains griffin we float (file) the points off the teeth to prevent them from cutting the cheek tissue or tongue also floating often involves reducing the length of overlong teeth in order to allow free chewing motion and prevent trauma to opposing dental tissues horse teeth contain sensitive pulp and nerves when performed properly by the veterinarian the floating procedure does not cause harm or pain because great care is taken not to expose the sensitive tissues of the teeth the horses mouth is an efficient food-processing machine what your horse eats and where he eats it will affect how your horses teeth wear for example research has shown that horses fed a grass or hay diet utilize a greater side-to-side chewing motion chew more times per minute and spend more time per day chewing compared to horse that are fed grain concentrate with grain concentrate horses tend to utilize a more ‘up-and-down chewing motion which contributes to formation of sharp dental points notes griffin a thorough equine dental exam by a veterinarian can provide important information about the overall well being of your horse it is best to detect dental problems early because it is usually more difficult and costly to correct a later dental crisis a healthy mouth that is free from sharp points or painful areas should help your horse chew and perform more comfortably about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print love for pets heart february 10 2011 february definitely has heart its the month we celebrate national heart awareness and valentines day for those reasons february is a good reminder for owners to learn more about pet heart disease so that their pets can live a long happy and healthy life cats and dogs may be born with a congenital heart condition or they may acquire a heart disease as they age according to dr crystal hariu cardiology resident in small animal medicine and surgery at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) both congenital and acquired heart diseases may be related to structural defects or heart rhythm problems for instance a heart valve that did not perform properly or becomes abnormal over time may not function adequately and could cause problems says hariu congenital and acquired heart diseases may also be related to a heart rhythm problem meaning the rhythm at which the heart beats is too fast or too slow one of most common heart diseases for pets in texas is heartworm disease despite its name heartworm disease is caused by a parasite that primarily affects the lungs explains hariu however it often secondarily affects the heart and can be fatal fortunately heartworm disease is completely preventable a veterinarian can prescribe a monthly medication that will prevent heartworm disease and its devastating effects as with other conditions many of the heart diseases in cats and dogs are hereditary certain diseases have known genetic mutations that can cause the problem notes hariu other diseases do not have specific mutations worked out yet but are known to be passed on through breeding hariu recommends consulting with veterinarians prior to breeding because they can help owners make an informed and responsible decision any pet that has a congenital heart disease should not be used for breeding any dog can be born with or develop heart disease; however certain breeds are predisposed to a heart condition hariu explains that chronic valve disease is one of the most common acquired heart diseases in middle aged to older small dog breeds and is prevalent in the cavalier king charles spaniel dachshunds pomeranians miniature schnauzers and chihuahuas dilated cardiomyopathy is another acquired heart disease that develops in middle aged large breed dogs like the doberman pinscher great dane great pyrenees and irish wolfhound arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopthay is an acquired heart disease with at least one known causative genetic mutation it typically affects boxers; however pit bulls or english bulldogs can also be affected according to hariu the three most common congenital heart diseases seen in dogs are patent ductus arteriosus (pda) subaortic stenosis (sas) and pulmonic stenosis (ps) pda tends to occur in small dog breeds such as the bichon frise maltese and toy poodle; however larger breeds like the german shepard are also predisposed in contrast sas typically occurs in larger breeds such as the boxer german shepard golden retriever and newfoundland both large and small dog breeds are predisposed to ps and the most commonly affected are the english bulldog french bulldog beagle boxer mastiff and chihuahua some common precursors of heart problems to look for in a pet are breathing difficulty coughing decreased exercise weakness lethargy and episodes of collapsing if any of these signs occur at home a veterinarian should be contacted for a full health evaluation if heart problems do exist there are several procedures in modern veterinary medicine that can treat or ease the symptoms of heart disease in pets while some heart diseases can only be medically managed some can be helped with non-invasive catheter based procedures or surgery explains hariu for instance pda is a condition in which there is an abnormal connection between two heart vessels that should normally be separated in many cases a catheter can be used to non-invasively place a device across this abnormal connection effectively closing it some acquired heart diseases can also be helped with procedures says hariu for example some heart rhythm problems in which the heart beats too slowly can be effectively managed by placement of a pacemaker receiving yearly checkups with a veterinarian maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet exercising regularly and keeping pets regular on vaccines are the best ways to promote a healthy heart and the well being of a pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print what to know before visiting a dog park february 3 2011 the concept behind public dog parks is an exciting one for dogs and owners alike where fresh air and playfulness are plentiful because public dog parks are accessible by anyone each trip proves to be a different experience hosting a range of different interactions for a pet visiting a park is a social activity and unlike their owners dogs do not always know how to behave accordingly while this should be a fun and exciting experience for the dog owners should try to enforce proper behavior skills in their furry friend while maintaining proper park etiquette themselves always remember to pick up after your dog when they use the restroom; most parks supply dog waste bags and designate trash cans for this purpose one health risk that comes along with visiting a dog park is the amount waste from different dogs that your pet is exposed to one disease that animals can catch from drinking standing water that has been exposed to animal waste is leptospirosis said dr mark stickney clinical assistant professor at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences stickney explains that dogs can be vaccinated for this disease and recommends that any dogs visiting a dog park on a regular basis to stay current with this vaccination gastrointestinal parasites such as hook worms round worms and whip worms also pose a threat to any dog that is exposed to another dogs feces dogs like to sniff each others noses and rear-ends so if a dog has any type of respiratory disease signs of coughing eye discharge or nasal discharge then that is not the time to bring them to the park said stickney another common problem that is transmitted from dog-to-dog is fleas which here in texas is prevalent year-round so having a dog on a flea and heart worm preventative is another good step to take socializing dogs with other dogs and other people is one perk that dog parks have however if a dog is not accustomed to being around other dogs and people it might be a good idea to try socializing them with another dog that the owner is familiar with it is possible for a dog to do well around a couple of other dogs but then feel very overwhelmed when visiting a dog park setting with 20 other dogs the most critical period for socializing a dog occurs within the first 8 to 12 weeks of their life this is a good time to expose them to different people and types of animals in order to help avoid any anxiety or behavior problems in the future said stickney stickney explains that this is almost a double-edged sword because it is good to socialize a dog at a young age; however this is also when their immune systems are not the strongest and owners want to be careful to whom they expose them i like to take my puppy everywhere with me and to go visit my neighbors friendly dog often but i am not going to turn him loose at a park with many different dogs that i do not know said stickney also some dogs simply are not social creatures and are not comfortable around a lot of attention if a dog appears skittish or afraid in unfamiliar settings or frequently rolls over in a submissive position when other dogs approach it then chances are it will not enjoy visiting a dog park when dogs interact with each other for the first time in a park it can be a stressful moment if one is unsure of the response that will occur it is important not to bring a female dog that is in heat to a dog park this will result in having to deal with the constant bother of male dogs and even worse an unexpected litter of puppies! when fights break out in public areas between dogs usually it involves male dogs that like to display their dominance even if a dog is well-trained and able to run off of the leash it is always good to have a leash handy getting exercise is key to a dogs health so running around with them on a leash or playing fetch with them off of a leash are both rewarding forms of play visiting a dog park can be an exciting and interactive practice for a dog as well as the owner as long as owners are courteous and aware of their surroundings and the potential problems that can arise more time spent with a pet is always a positive thing! pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at here suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print cold weather colic in horses january 27 2011 cold winds and changing winter weather may not seem like contributing factors for equine colic however these conditions can foster changes in routine and eating habits that may affect the well being of your horse a common winter time equine health concern is colic notes dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences colic is a symptom of abdominal pain and can take the form of digestive problems intestinal blockage or a twisted intestine among other possibilities there are several reasons why horses tend to colic more as the winter months linger explains mays lack of quality grazing too cold water and reduced exercise time can contribute to equine colic springs lush green pastures provide grass that contains moisture which is absorbed in the gut and adds wet fiber to more readily move food along your horses digestive tract when there is no green grass to graze the possibility for impaction increases explains mays keep quality hay in front of your horse to provide roughage the horse digestive tract is designed for high volume food such as grass and hay and these should be fed before grain when temperatures drop the tendency is to increase your horses grain rations to meet the increased energy demands to stay warm however increased carbohydrates can upset your horses digestive tract when temperatures drop feed extra hay not grain since hay provides more efficient ‘heating fuel for your horse says mays roughage quality and availability may negatively affect a horses intake and digestion coarse dry grazing or baled roughage can result in soft tissue abrasions inside the horses mouth during the chewing process this seemingly minor trauma can result in a horses compromised ability to grind feed stuff due to soreness in the mouth notes mays adequate water consumption is essential for your horses well being horses tend to consume less water in colder weather since lower temperatures decrease their desire for water however they still need 10-12 gallons of water daily depending on work load also if the temperature of their water source is below 45 degrees horses tend to consume less water insufficient water intake can result in dehydration and decreased blood volume (resulting in fewer nutrients to cells and decreased efficiency of waste removal) when water intake is decreased your horse has an increased chance that its intestines may become impacted and colic can then occur explains mays frozen water sources obviously compromise water availability even best intentions like utilizing water warmers insulating pipes and warming coils can fail so check your horses water source to be sure that all is functioning also inspect plumbing for leaks when temperatures rise above freezing historically horses were foragers who moved and ate most of the day they were mobile and not confined to a stall or fed restricted feedings notes mays regular exercise and movement helps to keep a horses digestive system functioning properly even if you can only turn your horse out for a short time or just walk around the barn it is better than no exercise at all the ideal situation is for your horse to spend the majority of its time on pasture during the winter months you can minimize colic attacks if you monitor your horses water intake to be sure that it is being well hydrated feed quality hay that is free of impurities such as mold and exercise your horse or provide pasture for roaming says mays while colic is not always avoidable careful feeding sufficient water intake and plenty of exercise can reduce the chances of your horse being affected by cold weather colic about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print year of the veterinarian january 13 2011 veterinary medicine as a profession was born 250 years ago with the founding of the first school of veterinary medicine in lyon france the world veterinary association along with other leading veterinary organizations have designated 2011 as the year of the veterinarian and the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences is taking part in the effort to help promote the global spread of knowledge in veterinary medicine the year of the veterinarian is recognizing the first veterinary school in lyon france but it is also about encouraging the advancement of the education of veterinarians and sharing knowledge so that we can raise the bar for veterinary medicine throughout the world said dr leon russell professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences during the late 18th century europe was facing a cattle plague that eventually led to the death of approximately 200 million cattle because of a disease referred to as rinderpest this began to significantly affect the food supply and the pope ordered a decree for a method to be developed to eliminate the spread of the disease king louis the xv of france assembled a team in 1761 led by noted horseman claude bourgelat in order to form a veterinary school in lyon the new school successfully stopped the spread of rinderpest which eventually spurred the development of another veterinary school three years later in alfort france whose original building still stands intact today today veterinarians play vital roles all over the world concerning people and animals alike almost three-fourths of diseases that have emerged within the last 20 years are zoonoses or diseases transmitted between animals and humans explained russell whose teachings focus mainly on topics in public health and epidemiology many diseases such as hiv (human immunodeficiency virus) and sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome) are believed to have originated in wild animals and then transmitted to humans a potential source of new diseases may arise due to the tremendous amount of international trading of animals illegal trading in many cases that usually involve wild animals said russell russell noted an example of a small breed of rats that were being shipped to a company in texas via west africa while in texas the rats were housed with prairie dogs then both animals were shipped to 17 different states to be sold as pets veterinarians later discovered that the animals carried a disease known as monkeypox that was being contracted by people in the united states veterinarians work hard to prevent zoonoses and are called on to work closely with physicians to help in identifying cases like these said russell for example in the state of texas when any animal bites a person there are certain public health laws that must be followed if the animal that is believed to have inflicted the wound is captured and is a dog or a cat it must be quarantined for ten days and a veterinarian must then okay that the animal is free of rabies before it can be released rabies is a classic example of a global zoonotic disease which is responsible for the death of about one person every ten minutes somewhere in the world the human rabies is mostly still seen in africa or southeast asia as a result of dog bites dogs are the main carrier of rabies throughout the world although we are very fortunate in the united states to have eradicated the dog strain of rabies virus in dogs through our rabies vaccination program said russell russell explained that united states still has cases of rabies in wildlife however the eastern united states usually sees the virus in raccoons the southwestern states see it in foxes and everywhere in the country will see it in the bat populations in texas we just have to worry about seeing the virus in skunks and bats but the important thing for people to realize is that at least three-fourths of the human cases of rabies in the united states have been traced back to bat origin stated russell sometimes these diseases such as rabies can disguise themselves as something else and are not detected until it is too late but we do have very effective vaccines to prevent contraction of the disease in high risk people also post-exposure treatment is important in preventing the disease if one knows they have been exposed to a rabid animal and if they act quickly enough veterinarians also have public health oversight in many food industries such as beef pork and poultry they also promote food security by supervising animal production hygiene veterinarians are hired by the united states military to monitor the food quality and safety that the troops consume and also provide a safe food supply for our us government personnel in other countries water included said russell russell noted that the united states air force especially is known to use veterinary assistance for their environmental safety officers veterinarians are also vital in protecting the environment and the biodiversity of our planet through research efforts made in the fields of conservation and genetics many of the faculty at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences have international reputations for their expertise in reproductive biology cancer neurology biodefense infectious diseases equine and feline medicine and cardiology to name a few for more information about veterinary medicine you can check the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine website for links to the world veterinary association vet 2011 website the american veterinary medical association and the texas veterinary medical association russell who has served in the past as president of the world veterinary association the american veterinary medical association and the texas veterinary medical association noted that we are very fortunate in the united states to hold the gold standard in veterinary medicine the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences is one of only 28 veterinary schools in the united states the only one in the state of texas and is consistently ranked in the top five the college has planned three lectures to take place this year that focus on the past present and future of veterinary medicine information on these lectures will be on the college website at wwwvetmedtamuedu so in celebration of the year of the veterinarian please remember to take care of the health of your pets and thank your veterinarian for all they do to keep pets people and our environment healthy! pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print protecting pets from winter cold january 13 2011 there are many precautions people take when the cold weather rushes in for the winter pets can also be heavily affected by the drop in temperatures and so it is important to take note of the ways you can protect them from the cold prior to the first freeze schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for a checkup you need to be aware of the existing illnesses your pet has; some chronic illnesses can worsen in the winter if you have small pets it is best to keep them in a warm shelter like your house for nights below freezing as a precaution it is important to do a home inspection prior to the winter months because your furnace can leak carbon monoxide which can be a silent killer for you and your pets it is also necessary to check windows and door panes for drafts which can suck out the warm air and bring in the cold winter air if your pet does stay outside check its paws for sharp ice or embedded snow which can lead to frostbite and further damage if your animals can not be brought inside due to their size dr leslie easterwood clinical assistant professor in equine medicine at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) explains ways your larger pets can be protected from the cold temperatures herd animals tend to congregate together to conserve body heat and will generally protect the young ones in the center said easterwood if it is not wet and merely cold then all they should need is a wind break their natural winter coat traps air against the skin when it fluffs up and this insulates them notes easterwood their natural fat cover also helps to add insulation as well cold wet weather calls for some type of covered protection if at all possible said easterwood they will also need additional roughage or hay in order to produce their own body heat when providing extra hay for your animals to stay warm make sure the hay is fresh according to easterwood using old hay for bedding can pose problems with varmints mold inhaled allergens parasites and many more most large animals should stay outside unless they are newborns or debilitated animals most other large animals can withstand the coldest of temperatures babies are most adapted to being born in the spring when temperatures are milder explains easterwood again as long as they have a wind break and some cover from the rain (even if it is a shed with no sides) than they will be fine when the temperature drops it is vital to keep your animals hydrated proper hydration helps animals regulate their body temperature dehydration can cause major health problems for animals in the cold one of the most frequently encountered medical problems for horses related to the cold weather is impaction colic due to a decreased consumption of water explains easterwood horses do not like to drink cold water and we have studies to prove that they will drink more water if it is warmed for this reason they use bucket warmers up north in order to prevent the water from freezing and to keep it warm to encourage increased consumption in most cases we do not have to go to those measures here in texas but some individual horses who are very opposed to cold water would benefit from those extra measures some owners will top-dress their grain with oral electrolyte powder to encourage their horses to drink more in the winter notes easterwood keeping track of water consumption for their horse can give them a heads-up to impending problems if they notice a decrease during the winter months if you keep a cautious eye on your animals and do everything you can to protect them your pets will be able to withstand the cold months watching your pets and getting to know their individual behaviors body conditions and intake habits can be very helpful in maintaining a healthy animal through the winter says easterwood also it is extremely important to maintain a good relationship with your veterinarians so that they can help with any problems along the way pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print hotels staffing pets january 6 2011 hotels have recently jumped on the trend of accommodating pets in hotel stays however pet-friendly hotels are still limited across the country and so the next time that you travel for business or pleasure you may need to leave your pet behind on the other hand a new trend adopted by hotels may allow for a pet to be waiting for you hotels around the nation have slowly adopted rescued dogs cats and fish to ease travelers minds hotel visitors can schedule walks sit down appointments and hikes with these hotel companions while they stay at the hotels dr m a crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences is familiar with the positive effects animals can have on people and she sees this trend lasting studies have been provided that interactions with animals can be calming and even lower blood pressure for humans notes crist a beck and n meyers studied that ordinary interactions with animals can reduce blood pressure pets may also enhance the physiological and psychological well-being of many people this opportunity to interact with the animals may provide some travelers with the opportunity to meet others or for other travelers to be alone without being lonely the use of companion animals to aid in relaxation and to provide additional opportunities for exercise is healthy for the travelers this is healthy for the pets as well because the pets receive exceptional care from the hotel hotels chose pets who are very socialized and extremely people friendly most of the chosen pets are temperament tested and enjoy meeting people and the activities that they provide crist says the hotel pets are bathed regularly and are current on healthy veterinary wellness examinations and vaccinations protocols i believe that the hotel would not support or place an animal in harms way the resident hotel pets are very well taken care of and usually have an endless list of people waiting to share their friendship with them aside from the beneficial health factor this may have on both parties it is important to note the pros and cons of this situation according to crist there are several positives through this experience a rescued animal is provided a healthy home spent with people who will give it attention hotels are also very aware and give particular instructions so that their resident animal is not harmed while in the company of travelers any extra fees that may be charged are usually donated to a pet charity or a rescue shelter according to crist there are also some drawbacks to this operation some travelers may have allergies to animals and they can not be around them some travelers may have no desire to be around animals while other travelers may have an actual fear of animals and they will choose to stay away from them at all costs hotels provide specific instructions in the care of the resident pet so that a hotel guest or traveler does not cause unintentional harm to the pet outweighing the good with the bad crist does see this trend lasting because of the positive effects it has this trend may be long lasting because if promoted in the sense that the hotel is giving a rescued pet a place to live and an opportunity to have interactions with people who are pet friendly who would not want to support that trend explains crist some travelers are on the road so much that they cannot have a pet because they are not home long enough to take care of a pet properly and this can give them a chance to interact with a pet without the ownership responsibility other travelers may live in a place that does not allow pets and this gives them an opportunity to interact with a pet currently fairmont kimpton and the ritz-carlton hotel chains across the united states are staffing rescued pets for traveler companionship in the very near future we may see a rise in this as it may be a trend longing to stay pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print meeting your horses needs in the winter months december 23 2010 cold weather brings extra responsibilities for horse caregivers proper nutrition access to water adequate shelter regular hoof care and depending on circumstances dental attention vaccinations and parasite control are all winter concerns for the equine enthusiast preparing your horse for winter should begin before the first chilling winds hit notes dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences in late summer horses living in temperate climates should be allowed to slightly increase body weight so that the extra flesh and fat will provide additional insulation and heat reserve for the winter during the winter feed and hay ration should be adjusted to give your horse more energy for heat and warmth against the lower temperatures explains mays your horse may need extra forage and feed to develop more flesh and fat so that it does not shiver as easily because shivering burns fat and muscle tissue quality forage should be fed all year and especially during the winter months says mays the best food heat source for your horse is extra hay because as your horse digests hay heat is produced internally by bacterial fermentation this warms your horse from the inside higher protein legume hays provide more energy and nutrients and make a good choice for winter feeding forage and water complement your horses diet without water your horses body will not function properly notes mays as temperatures fall horses tend to reduce their water intake and reduced water intake combined with increased forage intake may lead to a greater likelihood of impaction and colic you may want to consider providing warmed water during the winter months since horses tend to increase water intake when there is access to 45-65 f degree water also providing loose salt may encourage your horse to drink more with food and water needs met now you can focus on protection from harsh winter weather the horses winter coat is the first barrier from cold notes mays the hair coat acts as an insulator and provides warmth a layer of air is trapped in the hair coat when a horse fluffs its hair an outside horse should be allowed to grow a long hair coat and additionally the ear and fetlock hair should not be clipped during the winter months it should be noted that once the hair coat becomes wet the hair lies down and loses its insulating properties for this reason your horse needs to be able to escape winters bitter winds snow or rain a small three-sided run-in shed is helpful be sure that the back wall is to the prevailing wind and that water does not run under the shed shelter for you pastured horse will reduce feed bills and stress related illness explains mays horses housed in stalls also have special needs during the winter months says mays damp stalls increased ammonia levels and inadequate ventilation can contribute to poor air quality when the barn is closed during cold weather ammonia dust and stale air can be trapped in the barn so good ventilation is crucial for your stall-housed horse it is best to open barn doors and have good air flow to reduce the possibility of respiratory problems cleaning stalls daily to remove manure and wet bedding greatly improves air quality in the horse barn whether you are riding regularly or not you should remove dirt from your horses hooves explains mays hooves are still growing in the winter months and appropriate maintenance is important teeth should be checked for wear and floated if needed sharp teeth edges can cut the tongue as well as prevent proper chewing of forage and feed resulting in wasted or poorly utilized nutrients notes mays horses may get undetected cuts during the winter so update any needed vaccinations and make sure your horse is immunized against tetanus states mays even though nature may be dormant during the winter months parasites are not especially in moderate climate environments says mays internal and external parasites have a negative influence on your horses health tick and lice numbers can increase in areas of confinement long thick hair cover aids in hiding these parasites so regular grooming is necessary shorter winter pastures may expose your horse to increased contact with nematode larvae and thus increased internal parasites attention to your horses environment as well as nutritional physical and medical needs will help your horse weather this winter and be fit for riding come spring pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print implications of fireworks on pets december 16 2010 as the new year approaches so does time for celebrations and fireworks fireworks are a celebratory gesture but many people dont realize the implications they may have on pets according to dr audrey cook clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) most pets are startled by fireworks and experience some degree of anxiety because of the unfamiliar loud noises and flashes of light they portray aside from anxiety and fear some pets can experience physical pains from firework encounters a direct injury from a firework is unlikely but could happen explains cook in fact the most common problems we see reflect the pets desperate efforts to escape from perceived danger cats may hide and run away and be injured in the process dogs may also hurt themselves trying to get away from the noise any injured pet should be examined by a veterinarian notes cook particularly worrying injuries would include anything on the face mouth or eyes bleeding wounds or burns should be loosely covered by a clean napkin to reduce further damage or infection before medical help is provided cook recommends approaching an injured pet with care as it can sometimes bite due to fear and pain the best thing to do is to move slowly and gently wrap the injured pet in a blanket to provide some reassurance and to reduce the risk of biting if your pet experiences anxiety from fireworks the best strategy is to simply act normal because if you change your behavior your pet will notice this will only reinforce its fears as your body language and behavior can tell your pet a lot easing their fears is difficult and sometimes we actually increase anxiety when we try to reassure a frightened dog or cat said cook our reaction tells them that fear is appropriate and we can actually heighten their response if we make a big fuss according to cook desensitization – meaning getting your pet used to fireworks – is not a very effective approach it is very hard to desensitize a dog or cat to the noise of fireworks as these are distinct and rarely encountered notes cook it is probably more effective to protect your pet from the noise or train it to focus on you when any loud noises occur the best strategies include trying to block out the noise with loud music on the television or providing a distraction like a favorite toy notes cook if you behave as though nothing is wrong and instead engage your pet in a game or training exercise it may deduce that there is no cause for anxiety in case of a severe phobia your veterinarian may prescribe an anti-anxiety medication or sedative for your pet however it should only be used if there is no other way to calm your pet down during these times it is also wise to give the medication about one hour before the fireworks are expected; waiting to give the pill when the animal is anxious may limit its effect the best way to avoid any anxiety from fireworks is to keep your pets inside or on a leash away and distracted from the sights and sounds of new years eve any place where they most feel safe is preferable for your pets pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print exercising with your pet december 9 2010 david sessum rvt looks on as cayenne walks in the water treadmill modern times have promoted lack of activity due to the busy schedules people lead in order for people to live healthy well-balanced lives they need to stay active with an exercise routine the same is true for pets as they continue to naturally become more sedentary than their predecessors according to the association for pet obesity prevention about half of the nations pets are considered overweight this is why exercise with your pet is more critical than ever before any activity with your pet helps encourage the human-animal bond that people have with their pets explains david sessum registered veterinary technician and rehabilitation specialist at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences regular activity helps promote a healthy lifestyle in both the owner and the animal the benefits of exercise are outstanding and well worth the time for you and your pet not only can exercise improve your pets health; it may also alleviate some of its nervous energy which can help in many factors sessum notes that any type of pet can exercise exercise can be tailored to the specific breed for example labrador retrievers were bred to retrieve so a game of fetch can provide a healthy exercise as well as satisfy the dogs instinctual desires with dogs simply taking them for a walk on a regular basis is beneficial explains sessum with cats enrichment activities such as playing with toys like a small ball or a string can promote a healthy lifestyle pocket pets such as gerbils can be placed in an exercise ball and allowed to roll around for a good workout it is important to take precautions prior to starting any exercise with your pet make sure that your pet does not overdo it also the more active your pet is the more water it will need just like people pets need to stay hydrated after a strenuous exercise with dogs an owner playing fetch in extreme weather conditions can lead to injury or illness for the owner and the dog said sessum problems occur when owners try to force exercise on their pet if a pet is accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle or lying around all day forcing them to exercise can lead to injury or serious health problems if you are concerned with your pets health and are not sure if it is fit enough to start an exercise program it may be best to consult with a clinician so they can perform a wellness exam david sesum rvt and abby rafferty rvt help emmy lou on the exercise ball the wellness exam can also include a body condition score to assess if a pet is a healthy weight explains sessum if a pet needs to lose weight a weight reduction program can be started if a pet has a known orthopedic or neurologic condition a consultation with a clinician can help prescribe specific exercises to help improve strength and also evaluate a pets pain level and prescribe pain medication if needed keep in mind to try to make exercise fun if you approach exercise as play time your pet will be more receptive to the idea exercise can help you look feel and be your best when you partner exercise with your pet the effects are most visible for the both of you the texas a&m veterinary medical teaching hospital offers a rehabilitation service for pets that need exercise or rehabilitation from an injury for more information on rehabilitation or sports medicine please call 979-845-2351 or find them on facebook at veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print how to ensure proper pet dental care december 2 2010 the american dental association recommends that people visit the dentist annually to prevent dental problems and even more serious medical problems according to dr johnathon dodd clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) who runs the small animal dental suite with thomas koenig registered veterinary technician ii at the cvm pets should get yearly dental care as well one of the most overlooked aspects in preventative maintenance is dental care explains dodd your pets teeth should be professionally cleaned at least once a year and more often if severe problems are present the most common cause of dental problems is periodontal disease periodontal disease starts off as a bacterial growth on the surface of the tooth which leads to inflammation of the gums and can eventually channel to a fatal disease according to koenig around 65-80 percent of dogs have periodontal disease before they are 3 to 4 years old periodontal disease can be easily avoided by investing a couple of minutes a day with your pet other than annual teeth cleanings and checkups by a veterinarian proper dental hygiene should be promoted on a daily basis at home it is best to begin home care when your puppy or kitten is between 8 and 12 weeks old; however it is never too late to start notes dodd the first step is to train your pet to accept brushing of the teeth and the best way to approach that is to establish a routine of brushing your pets teeth with gauze around your finger it may be helpful to use beef or chicken broth with dogs or tuna water with cats to get them accustomed to the routine instead of using cleaning agents once your pet is familiar with the daily routine you can switch out the gauze for a fingerbrush or a very soft toothbrush then you can incorporate using pet toothpaste do not use toothpaste intended for people because the ingredients can cause stomach issues in your pet if ingested it is also important to remember not to give your pets bones to chew on explains koenig in addition to the gastrointestinal issues bone chips can cause bones cause real problems for the teeth bones are notorious for causing teeth to break which leads to additional visits to the veterinarian and further medical problems koenig recommends rawhides or softer chew bones to replace bones as chew toys for your pet certain pet foods have enzymes that help with dental maintenance there are also water additives available on the market that can help with teeth health however the most proactive and reliable dental care for your pet is to brush daily and to keep it on a routine basis so your pet is more receptive to the process good dental care is essential to extend your pets life span and assure a good quality of life expressed dodd i really enjoy my profession because it is very rewarding as i can see firsthand how much healthier my patients are due to proper dental care for more information on pet dental problems or dental care please call the cvm small animal hospital at 979-845-2351 or visit their website at https://vethospitaltamuedu/small-animal/dentistry/ pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web here suggestions for future topics may be directed to cvmtoday@cvmtamuedu print fire is your pets worst friend november 25 2010 its still tailgating time thanksgiving is here and in a few weeks it will be christmas time outdoor grills fireplaces and electrical appliances pose a risk to our pets that shouldnt be overlooked so dont spoil the happiness of the season and take into account these pieces of advice for your pet and fire safety animals have an instinctive fear of fire and smoke; they will tend to stay away says dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the small animal clinical sciences the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) problems come literally when curiosity kills the cat this time of the year people set up space heaters and an animal doesnt know and knocks it over and the fire can start that way another thing is when the holiday lights are going up and animals chew the electrical cord and they can electrocute themselves specifically now near christmas time when you receive a new puppy or kitten and they dont now any better they start playing with the lights and they can get themselves electrocuted or they can possibly start an electrical fire stickney says other species that are infamous for chewing include rabbits the newly popular guinea pigs ferrets and any pocket pets that have easy access to items underneath furniture and close to the floor what about pet reptiles and fire safety they are not as fast movers so they are not going to knock over a space heater the problem in this case is that they can burn themselves its not so much a risk to the house but its a risk for them stickney says it is especially important to be more careful this time of the year because of all the stir in the house with the incoming guests and all of the extra decorations in the house you need to make sure that you are always around and that you never leave pets unattended with electrical appliances if you are not home please unplug them secondly make sure that you know where your pets are all the time if you have a new puppy or the children have been playing with the guinea pig make sure that they havent lost interest in the pet and that it is accounted for especially when there are guests in the house a helpful tip for pet fire safety is to go to your local fire department and ask for a sticker that you can put on an outside window that will tell the fire department how many pets are in your house the sticker is a great way in case theres an accident and your house is on fire for the firemen to know that there are animals in the house that need rescuing as well stickney says according to stickney the biggest thing to bear in mind if you have an outdoor pit if you are setting up the grill or deep-frying your turkey over thanksgiving is you want to make sure there are no pets around where the deep-fryer is if animals are not used to being around pits they can eventually run into them and burn themselves and potentially knock it over and start a fire in your yard says stickney when it comes to fire safety think of your pet as a 2 or 3 year old child who doesnt know any better and whos going to make the worst of any possible situation keep that in mind and that will keep you out of trouble states stickney pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print holidays hazards for pets november 18 2010 holidays can be a wonderful time spent with loved ones and being grateful for everything we have received over the past year however there are some things to be aware of when holidays are in session our pets can become vulnerable to some holiday hazards and it is important to be knowledgeable and cautious about those risks so they can be avoided the smells of food fills the air and even though it might be tempting to give your pet a treat please remember that there are a lot of pet specific treats that are not harmful to your pet but human treats can often be harmful for your pet chocolate is by far the most commonly ingested dangerous food around the holidays explains dr james barr clinical assistant professor in emergency and critical care at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) chocolate and cocoas contain theobromine a chemical highly toxic to dogs ingestion in small amounts can cause vomiting and diarrhea but large amounts can cause seizures and heart arrhythmias disorder of heart rate beating too fast or too slow barr says that alcohol toxicity is another frequent issue for pets around the holiday season affected animals can experience seizures dangerous drops in blood sugar blood pressure and body temperature as well as respiratory failure one should avoid foods containing grapes and raisins as they have been reported to cause kidney failure in dogs notes barr many sugarless gums and candies contain xylitol which has a strange affect on dogs causing a massive insulin secretion and a dangerous sometimes fatal drop in blood sugar one should also avoid fatty foods because this can cause severe inflammation of the pancreas known as pancreatitis which can lead to abdominal pain vomiting and can occasionally result in death it is also important to be careful when exposing plants to your pet some plants can be toxic to your pet so make sure that all plants are out of their reach poinsettias have classically been thought of as toxic but if ingested they only cause mild problems such as vomiting or diarrhea explains barr the same is true for holly berries or mistletoe although they are slightly more dangerous if large quantities are ingested more concerning plants are any flower in the lilly family because they can cause severe kidney failure in cats holidays would not be the same without decorations so keep your pet in mind when choosing decorations especially your christmas tree both real and artificial trees pose hazards for pets says barr the preservative for the water in the christmas tree can contain ingredients such as bleach and vinegar which are caustic and can cause some gastrointestinal irritations it is very important to keep pets away from drinking tree water it may be best to a keep a christmas tree in a stand where the water can be covered so pets dont have the option to drink the water also it is important to secure the tree with a fishing line string to a hook on the ceiling or wall to avoid it from falling over tree lights should not be plugged in when they are not being used so that your pet does not get tangled up in them pick up all tinsel ribbon ornaments and hooks off of the floor so a pet does not mistake them for chew toys decorate the bottom of the christmas tree with wood or plastic ornaments that wont break in case a pet likes to get close to the tree keep all of the gifts that contain human food off the floor so pets are not tempted by the smells burn candles in places that are inaccessible to your pets barr points out that liquid potpourri can cause chemical burns to the mouth and esophagus which can be very painful and dangerous for any pet if ingested lastly please avoid giving pets as presents without consulting the receiver of the gift first animal shelters see an increase of donations directly after the holidays from short lived pet owners while pets as presents may make for a popular parent it is a well-known fact that shelter populations increase after the holidays as there are a lot of those pets that are surrendered because a family is unprepared for them explains barr if you are considering a pet as a gift use the opportunity to visit a shelter and adopt a deserving pet from there it can be a wonderful opportunity where the giver and the receiver will gain a lot more from the experience if you believe that your pet has ingested a toxic substance please call: pet poison helpline at 1-800-213-6680 or the aspca animal poison control center at 1-888-426-4435 as always the texas a&m university small and large animal hospitals are always open for animal emergencies 24 hours a day 365 days a year pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print prosthetic limbs for dogs november 15 2010 prosthetic intervention has been used for many years in human rehabilitation to achieve mechanical and rehabilitative goals that is to stand up and walk again the use of these prosthetic limbs for dogs and other pets has been limited in veterinary medicine although published case reports have existed for over 40 years the use of prosthetic devices in veterinary medicine is in its infancy says dr jacqueline davidson clinical professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences usually most dogs and cats do really well with three legs and so in the past veterinarians just amputated the affected leg for most of these injuries even those that require the amputation of more than one leg there are other devices such as wheeled carts that can do the job in the last ten years people started to do more prosthetics davidson says lately we are seeing more small animals with prosthetics this surgery is not a cheap one and normally it is the owner who requests it there are different types of surgeries that involve prosthetic limbs one surgery involves fitting a prosthesis over the skin on the stump of the leg and the other one is more involved as the prosthesis is implanted into the bone davidson says according to davidson this kind of surgery though promising will still need some time to be more cost-effective right now you have to work with a prosthetist and you have to order the materials specifically for each animal it can be very expensive just like humans do pets that undergo this kind of surgery and get a prosthetic limb implanted need to go through a rehabilitation process sometimes getting the pet to adapt depends on the personality of the animal on the circumstances or their age but after some time they start to adjust and live a fairly normal life davidson says its important to remember that after a successful prosthetic limb implant dogs are not the only ones who recover several degrees of freedom their owners feel a sense of freedom because they are able to sit on the porch or sofa again and watch their cats and dogs run around the house about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print cosmetic procedures november 4 2010 whether it is for appearance purposes or for more ease in function and motion cosmetic surgeries are not uncommon these days from teeth whitening to liposuction people will sometimes elect to have these procedures even when there is no medical need present now some people are applying these same principles when it comes to their pets cosmetic procedures for pets might include wrinkle removal tail docking ear trimming declawing in felines debarking in canines and hair dying although many of these surgeries are unnecessary that is not to say that their value is purely aesthetic i look at declawing cats front paws only as a life saving procedure said dr phil hobson recently retired professor of the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences cats can be very difficult when it comes to clawing furniture and even children hobson recommends only removing the front claws this way the cat can still climb a tree to get away from a dog another option and one that does not involve surgery is material that can be adhered to the claws which can be very beneficial but it often comes off after a short period of time and may have to be replaced frequently as with any surgery there are risks one being if the removal is incomplete the claw can then regrow a deformed nail also too radical of an excision may result in poor healing and cause more pain for the cat said hobson wrinkle removal is used as the last option for dogs with skin infections according to hobson sometimes facial folds are removed particularly in short-nosed breeds of dogs because they tend to get infected at their creases pet owners are not exactly lining up for this surgery though it is not generally a surgery that the client would request to improve the animals appearance but rather for health reasons in fact sometimes owners do not want the surgery done because it detracts from the traditional look of the dog said hobson when discussing pet cosmetic surgery its important to remember that though some of the procedures are novel this is not a new field in veterinary medicine classic examples of cosmetic surgery include ear trims and tail docks which have proven to be quite controversial repairing congenital defects or implantation may also fall into this category said hobson surgery to correct congenital defects may improve the quality of life for certain animals and should be carefully considered pets with conditions such as luxating patellas (chronic dislocating kneecaps) and cleft palates would be candidates for this type of surgery veterinarians specializing in ophthalmology may be able to surgically implant eye replacements for dogs that have lost their sight as with glaucoma hobson notes in this case the inside of the eye is removed and a ball is inserted in its place this is purely for the owners benefit because some owners find it difficult to look at their pet and see an eye missing cosmetic surgeries are usually considered less risky than necessary surgeries though there is always an element of danger when working under anesthesia most of the time these animals go into surgery healthy so they have fewer complications said hobson also many cosmetic surgeries like those for congenital defects are done in young animals which will have a better prospect for recovery than older animals debarking or the removal of vocal folds in a dog is another surgery that owners have opted for in the past usually after all other techniques have failed to help control their barking habits it is usually a rather harmless and relatively simple procedure although we rarely have to do the procedure with a dog for persistent or loud barking because there are the other techniques that can be used by animal behaviorists hobson continues however we do a fair number of vocal fold removals (debarking) for usually older dogs with laryngeal paralysis to provide a better airway hobson explains that this surgery is usually adequate and thus doesnt require more involved surgery which may predispose the pet to other problems more specifically aspiration pneumonia besides surgery there are other less risky things that owners might subject their pets to for appearance purposes some people find personal preference in dying the hair of their animals such as bleaching a horses tail or a turning a puppy pink with horses remember that if you apply something unnatural or alter something it is important that you help them maintain this for example some people like to braid their horses manes this can be very pretty but if you turn your horse out in a pasture the hair can become tangled and knotted especially if rubber bands are used resulting in the chore of having to pick out debris and sometimes even having to cut the hair if the knots are too tangled horse-shoes are another example; if you do shoe your horse it is important to keep up with this if the shoe becomes loose it can irritate the foot and when it eventually falls off if there is an uneven number of shoes the horse will start to favor one foot over the other creating unbalanced muscle tone or potential injury even if your horse does not have shoes their hoofs need to be trimmed on a regular basis whether a cosmetic procedure for your pet is for appearance purposes or to help them maintain an easier lifestyle it is ultimately the owners personal preference some surgeries are more complicated and painful than others and the pros and cons should be weighed before opting for any surgery about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print trick or treat give me something good to eat! october 28 2010 trick or treat give me something good to eat! there are a number of healthy treats that your horse can enjoy these treats can provide pleasure and add beneficial nutrients to your horses diet however they can also precipitate into behavioral problems some fruits and vegetables make healthy horse treats notes dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences however feeding your horse foods other than their usual grain and forage can result in some unwanted results many horses enjoy apples and an apple cut into pieces makes a wonderful treat states mays apples should be cut into pieces since a whole apple may cause your horse to choke whole apples are the perfect size to become lodged in the horses esophagus nutritionally apples provide your horse with potassium which is important for proper muscle contraction and nerve function also potassium is an electrolyte which is important for cellular metabolism explains mays additionally apples provide calcium and phosphorus calcium is important for bone growth muscle and heart function and milk production phosphorus is required for bone structure and energy metabolism apples also provide all important fiber to the equine diet notes mays from healthy fruit to nutritional vegetable the carrot makes a welcomed treat for your horse mays notes to also be careful to avoid choking when feeding carrots cutting the carrots into thin slices will prevent a large chunk from becoming lodged in your horses esophagus carrots contain vitamin a which is needed for healthy eyes mucus membranes skin and hair states mays fortunately fresh pastures and quality hay provide horses with most of their needed vitamin a however lack of green grass in the winter may be reason to provide your horse with additional amounts of vitamin a during those months as in all treats moderation is the key over indulgence can mean future trouble warns mays digestive problems are one aspect of too many apples or carrots but behavioral problems can be much more difficult to contend with when a horse anticipates and expects a treat as routine and does not get the treat unacceptable behavior may occur your horse is a large animal and may become abusive when not given more treats states mays as long as the treat remains an infrequent unexpected reward apple or carrot pieces can be a true treat for your horse notes mays however it should be noted that giving your horse treats too frequently may result in your horse acquiring obnoxious behaviors giving your horse treats can become problematic because horses can become spoiled to the idea and therefore demand the treat so it is no longer a treat but becomes part of a routine explains mays when considering whether to give treats to your horse or not you should determine their intended purpose and role in your horses overall health and well being notes mays if your horse seems to be satisfied with the treat of a gentle pat on the neck or vocal praise then a food treat may not be necessary give your horse something good to eat for a horse something good to eat is a well balanced diet of grain and forage with some mineral supplements and maybe … just an occasional treat of chopped apple or carrot pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pets on wheels october 21 2010 some injures can lead to paralysis and drive our pets to a dead-end fortunately there are now options for animals that can make their lives go on wheels again literally for pets that have lost use of their legs because of paralysis or a disease wheelchair devices are now available that can restore lost motion a wide variety of devices are now on the market to help companion animals move around and they work very much like a wheelchair said dr alice blue-mclendon clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences blue-mclendon says a veterinarian can take measurements of the animals body to be fitted for the wheelchair devices which are custom-made for that particular pet the veterinarian can then contact one of several companies that make the wheelchairs which usually consist of a harness-like device with straps and wheels there are also several reliable companies on the internet that will work directly with the clients to make a custom wheelchair dogs are the most frequent users of the devices but they can also be made for cats ferrets goats rabbits and other pets costs usually range from $200 to $400 depending on the size of the pet blue-mclendon says that several medical conditions can cause a pet to need a wheelchair device one is hind limb paralysis which can be due to injury such as being struck by a car or a vertebral disk disease another cause is a degenerative condition in which the muscle or bone of the animals leg cannot function properly causing the animal to drag its legs or not move at all once the device is fitted to the pet it usually takes several days for the animal to get accustomed to the wheelchair blue-mclendon explains but animals are quick to adapt and after a few days they usually can get around very well with these devices she notes she stresses that it takes a commitment from the pet owner before considering whether to purchase a wheelchair for a pet it takes extra time on the owners part to take off the device at night because the animals must sleep without them blue-mclendon says and many times if the animal is paralyzed it still needs assistance several times a day with urination also since the animal can only use its front legs to get around it tends to get tired more quickly so the owner needs to be aware of this especially if taking the animal out for a long walk or other exercise blue-mclendon adds that once the animal is accustomed to the wheelchair it can lead a relatively normal life these wheelchair-type devices have become quite popular in the last 20 years or so she says they give your pet an option that it might not have had otherwise – that of regaining much of the mobility it once had if the owner is willing to make the commitment they can be wonderful aids for disabled pets pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print feline nutrition october 14 2010 about 40 percent of cats in american households are obese obesity is a serious medical condition and has been linked to other medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus degenerative joint disease and lower urinary tract disease explains liz kelley veterinary technician ii at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) there are a number of steps that you can take to ensure that your cat is healthy when choosing food for your cat the primary ingredient should include a high quality meat product cats are obligate carnivores and have very specific protein requirements that must be met and cannot metabolize plant proteins such as wheat glutens and soy as efficiently notes kelley in addition to the best primary ingredients many cat owners wrestle with the debate over canned food versus dry food and which is the healthier of the two kelley recommends canned food for a number of reasons canned food is a better choice for your cat says kelley it is easier to get a higher protein content as well as more water with canned food dry food is a high carbohydrate food and has a low protein content the high energy carbohydrates in dry food are also a major factor in causing obesity in cats and dogs if you feel your cat is obese you should consult with your veterinarian they will give you a specific diet and exercise regimen for your cat kelley explains that exercise alone does not work for weight loss in any species diet must be the key to weight loss and for cats a high protein low carbohydrate diet is the best choice suggests kelley protein is used for energy and also to maintain their muscle mass which increases metabolism and therefore weight loss in order for your cat to maintain a healthy lifestyle it needs to be properly hydrated an eight pound cat should drink about half a cup of water every day cats get most of their daily water intake if they consume canned food notes kelley if cats are fed a dry diet they do not get enough water from their food you can make water more tempting by using water fountains or flavoring it with a little bit of low sodium tuna juice if you would like to give your cat a treat kelley says that it is okay as long as it does not exceed 20 percent of its daily caloric intake the best treats to give your cat should include protein made from dehydrated meats the most important thing to remember is to make sure the protein is from a high quality source and that the diet is a balanced diet stated kelley nutritional deficiencies can take anywhere from months to years to become apparent there is a fee based website wwwbalanceitcom that is run by dvm consultants who are board certified veterinary nutritionists who can provide a balanced diet recipe or consult on a recipe that an owner is already using to make sure that it is healthy and balanced the clinicians and staff of the small animal hospital have taken a progressive approach to applying the best nutritional practices for their patients on october 18 the cvm will open a new $70 000 kitchen donated by nestle purina petcare to help ensure that all of their patients nutritional needs are being met not only will they house purina products but they will have other brands available so that they can guarantee to have the best options available for all of their patients as they are each given different meal plans by their veterinarian with the help of your veterinarian you can make the changes necessary to prevent your cat from becoming obese and take the steps to give them a healthier lifestyle please remember that while working toward a healthier lifestyle for yourself be sure to include your pets as well kelley states pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print ptsd in dogs october 7 2010 when most people think of post-traumatic stress disorder or ptsd veteran soldiers might come to mind or perhaps someone who has experienced a bad car accident or a natural disaster the reality is that people are not the only ones capable of having this anxiety disorder; animals experience it as well ptsd is an anxiety disorder or change in behavior following a stressful event; therefore anything deemed stressful by an animal has the potential for creating a stress disorder a severe thunderstorm a natural disaster (flood earthquake tornado etc) gunfire war bombings abuse and attacks by other dogs are just a few known events that have caused ptsd in dogs said dr dorothy black clinical assistant professor in emergency and critical care at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences many people may come into contact with dogs that display symptoms of this disorder the old saying let sleeping dogs lie should apply as more than just a saying when dealing with most any dog that one is unfamiliar with but especially if the dog is experiencing ptsd the most common behavior changes seen are fear shaking shying away from people (including those they know) hiding urinating when greeted inappropriate elimination (in the house on a bed etc) howling or barking and/or aggressive behavior explained black it is important to remember that these animals have been wronged in some way whether intentionally or not and should not receive harsh punishment or harmful reactions from a person when the animal displays these unwanted or odd behaviors sadly this is why some dogs that show up in animal rescue centers or shelters are not allowed to go on and be adopted because their behaviors are seen as unfit however it is possible just as in humans for dogs to recover and even eventually come out of this disorder each dog behaves differently and each dog follows a different course but time patience and consistency will all be key in restoring your dogs confidence said black black recommended seeking the help of an animal behaviorist trainer or veterinarian to start the healing process for your dog these specialists can help create a plan and monitor the dogs progress they can help determine if your pet may benefit from medications along with behavior modification when people feel stressed or frazzled often times they just need a getaway for some private time and the same applies for pets creating a kennel for the pet if one does not already exist could possibly help the pet feel safer creating a routine with set meal times dog walks and play time gives your pet a sense of control said black ultimately your goal is to desensitize your dog to situations they find stressful there are many approaches to this but all involve slow controlled small doses of stressful events and reinforcement of improved behavior canine ptsd is very similar to ptsd in humans dogs and people display similar behaviors after traumatic events and have similar biochemical changes explained black interestingly the recovery process from ptsd is also similar in humans and dogs the relationship between man and dog can play an integral role in this as both respond positively to that unconditional bond if your animal has been through something traumatic do not assume that any odd behavior they might be displaying is permanent because they cannot tell us how they are feeling it is important to take their mental health seriously and be patient with them so that hopefully the pet can regain a confident happy and healthy lifestyle about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print new advances in technology for pets october 1 2010 how do our pets benefit from technological advances in veterinary medicine some of the latest innovation in imaging and treatment technology has led to less invasive more accurate and even faster diagnosis of disease which improves outcomes for our pets veterinarians add these new tools to their treatment arsenal to identify the best treatment options for their patients with the ultimate objective of avoiding invasive procedures such as surgery when possible magnetic resonance imaging (mri) is a promising technological advance that veterinary medicine is incorporating into practice dr tige witsberger lecturer at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences thinks the use of mri in soft tissue surgery has exciting potential mri is currently used on a regular basis for our neurology cases we are hopeful that as the cost and time to perform an mri decreases well be able to utilize mri on a more regular basis on the orthopedic and soft tissue surgery services says witsberger we are currently building a new facility for a very powerful 3t mri that should be completed in the spring of 2011 this should allow us to perform faster scans and to use the mri for orthopedic conditions like acl and meninscal tears in addition identification of soft tissue masses prior to surgery could be greatly improved with the use of mri in addition to its potential use in neurologic orthopedic and soft tissue treatment mri is also an important technology for studying diseases of the heart however mri carries a relatively high cost requires the use of anesthesia and has limited availability making its widespread adoption relatively limited at present like with anything new that appears to be costly you have to show an added value for instance is the new technology less invasive to the patient or does it do a better job than other available diagnostic imaging technologies says dr sonya gordon associate professor at the college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences you need to use the best tools to get the most accurate answer without over utilizing a particular technology just because it is new; its a cost-benefit analysis however technology in veterinary medicine changes fast and other evolving imaging modalities may challenge mri as the tool of choice in specific situations ultrasound for instance has improved so much over the last ten years that it would be hard right now to find a reason to use mri in a clinical cardiology case says gordon we know that ultrasound has been around for a long time but the technology has dramatically improved leading to even 3d and 4d imaging options to name a few advances i think we will learn more about the usefulness of ultrasound and particularly well understand how the newer aspects of this technology can help us better understand diseases the current gold standard for evaluating many aspects of heart size and function is considered mri however given the advances in ultrasound imaging: its reduced cost relative to mri its availability the fact that patients do not require anesthesia and the relative ease of image acquisition and interpretation it is much better suited to serial evaluations which are very important in monitoring disease progression and tailoring therapy what is the next upcoming technology in veterinary medicine as cardiologists we strive to offer minimally invasive procedures that can be performed through access to arteries and veins that allow us to put in special devices to fix some heart defects or to dilate areas that are too tight with balloons resumed gordon for her the technological holy grail would be non-invasively repair mitral valves that leak which is a very common problem in old dogs according to gordon another great recent advance in veterinary cardiology was the development of the amplatz canine ductal ocluder (cdo) this was a revolutionary device because unlike previous devices that were used to non-invasively repair a common congenital heart defect in the dog this device was specifically designed for the dog it makes fixing these cardiac defects in the dog much easier and takes much less time its one of those things that costs a little bit more but works very well making it a great advancement gordon said as technology becomes more affordable and accessible in veterinary medicine the ability to integrate these new tools into veterinary practice will become routine and will ultimately improve the quality of life for pets everywhere pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print is a minimally invasive surgery a better option september 23 2010 it is scary when pets have to face the inevitable surgery and go under the knife the fear felt as a pet owner may be alleviated as veterinarians are now embracing a practice that has been around in human operations for years – one which may cause less harm and less stress for pets this technique is called minimally invasive surgery (mis) and it may be the best choice for those pets requiring surgery mis is a surgical technique that makes a small incision in the patient instead of making a large incision that opens the patient up like in open surgery using the minimally invasive technique the surgeon initiates a small incision through the skin and into the body cavity then a scope and camera are used to both visualize and magnify the area being treated next a small specialized instrument is used to perform the surgery within the patient there are many benefits to minimally invasive surgery that are not available in open surgery the incision is not as large as in open surgery which will cause pets less pain pets will be able to go home sooner due to the smaller incision which has a faster healing process in most cases pets can go home the same day or the next day because of the shortened recovery period dr tige witsberger faculty of small animal surgery at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences has performed several minimally invasive surgeries and is optimistic about the growth mis has had within the world of veterinary medicine just like in humans mis is becoming more popular in veterinary medicine because it allows the pet to be more comfortable with a smaller incision in addition a great advantage is the superior visualization achieved by the magnified camera view finally some procedures can be performed more quickly because opening and closure time is greatly reduced explains witsberger the two most common types of surgeries performed through mis are spaying procedures and gastropexies some animals are better candidates for mis the size health condition and type of surgery a pet is having will determine if mis is a good option for any pet ideally pets undergoing mis are larger to allow for easier placement of portals and scopes however it is possible to perform mis in small dogs and cats said witsberger mis cannot be performed on pets that already have excessive bleeding or pets who need to remove massive amounts of tissue as with any surgery there are always risks to consider before making a decision the biggest risk is inadvertent puncture of the abdominal organ during placement of the needle or instruments in the abdominal procedure this most commonly happens to the spleen and bleeding results usually this can be controlled by simply applying pressure but conversion to an open procedure is possible in severe cases explains witsberger another risk occurs because the abdomen must be filled with air for visualization in laparascopy or the lungs may collapse when performing thorascopy in addition anesthetic or cardiac complications are possible said witsberger a disadvantage to mis is some surgeries may be more costly than open surgeries as the equipment and the expertise needed is very expensive however sometimes the hospital stay is shorter so the final cost is equivalent to that of an open surgery while mis may be an option for many pets it is not for everyone be sure to ask your veterinary surgeon if mis is appropriate for your pets procedure about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print minerals: important for quality horse nutrition september 17 2010 when it comes to enjoyment and quality of life a horses true fitness may mean more than just a pasture and some oats while most horses get the majority of their nutrients from pasture and grain many may not be receiving the mineral nutrition needed for optimum health it is important to remember that mineral content of forages and hay are determined by the mineral make-up of the soil where they are grown notes dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences therefore if the soil lacks the mineral then the plant grown there will not have that mineral since soil types can vary from farm to farm and no one soil type has all minerals needed by a horse mineral supplements are necessary says mays horses foremost need the minerals salt calcium and phosphorus states mays salt is lost through sweat and urine so it should be available free choice to the horse at all times calcium and phosphorus are needed for healthy teeth and bones greatest need is in the first year of a horses life when it grows the majority of its height accordingly lactating mares need higher amounts of calcium and phosphorus to keep elevated levels in their milk calcium and phosphorus should be at least a 1 to 1 ratio explains mays since grains are low in calcium and high in phosphorus some grains are adequate to meet phosphorus requirements but not calcium needs therefore additional calcium is needed to develop the 1 to 1 ratio most hays have a high calcium to phosphorus ratio but the nutritional value of the hay is dependent on the amount of fertilizer applied to the pasture and handling of the hay by using a combination of grain and hay the proper calcium-phosphorus ratio can be obtained of course poor quality forage could result in mineral deficiencies notes mays the minerals magnesium and potassium are also important to a horses well being magnesium is needed for muscle and nervous tissue function while potassium helps maintain the cells ph balance and internal cellular fluid pressure says mays there are additional minerals (needed in very small amounts) that can make a difference in the health of a horse the trace minerals cobalt copper iodine iron selenium and zinc are needed to maintain healthy productive horses cobalt deficiency is rare but cobalt supplementation has been shown to enhance digestion and therefore increase energy from eaten forages notes mays copper is necessary to help the horse fight off bacteria and viruses as well as maintain connective tissue and hoof integrity iron is necessary for blood hemoglobin iodine is important to regulate metabolism and growth selenium is important to reproduction growth and the immune system zinc enhances bone development healthy hooves and coat and reproduction explains mays well balanced mineral supplements should be provided for your horse to insure quality health states mays the horse is a grazing animal with a unique digestive system it has a relatively small stomach and a large hindgut that holds fibrous matter which bacteria work to digest therefore forage should be the first food of choice however forages do not provide sufficient amounts of minerals for horses so supplements are necessary trace mineralized salt in block form will not meet the horses nutritional needs notes mays these blocks are mostly salt and contain low levels of trace mineral because of their high salt content the horse takes in small amounts of the supplement and even smaller amounts of trace minerals determine how much hay and grain your horse eats read the bag label for the analysis of the grain have the forage tested and nutritionally evaluated then determine which minerals and the amounts your horse is lacking explains mays purchase a mineral supplement that is closest to the needed nutrient requirements minerals are important ingredients necessary for your horses good health take the time to determine the amounts that your horse needs when you do youll enhance your horses performance and help prevent health problems pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet diseases that make people sick september 9 2010 sixty-four percent of american households own pets this percentage is a large indication of the importance that pets have on todays society people love their pets and their companionship provides positive health benefits to their owners however there are times that pets can cause harm to their owners because of the diseases they carry it is important to be aware of some of the possible diseases that pets can give to people roundworms can cause a disease that can be transmitted to humans by dogs and cats roundworms are parasites that can infect humans because their eggs live in the fecal contaminated soil and enter the body through accidental ingestion dogs and cats can carry adult worms in their intestinal tracts and shed the eggs in the animals feces the damaging eggs can be transmitted to children after the eggs mature one to three weeks in the soil and then infect soil ingesting children some symptoms include cough shortness of breath abdominal pain nausea diarrhea blood in the stool weight loss fatigue and presence of a worm in the victims vomit stool or behind the eye in extreme cases young children can lose an eye explains dr leon russell professor in the veterinary integrative biosciences department at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) children pick up the eggs from dogs and cats and their feces the roundworms hatch out and become larvae and they then migrate around the body until they enter the brain and cause damage to avoid this dogs and cats should be on a de-worming treatment it is also important to teach children personal hygiene at a young age so that they can avoid infection and contamination hookworms can also cause health problems to humans via dogs and cats because they can bring them into the house hookworm larvae penetrate the skin and they migrate to the lungs they then go into the trachea where they are swallowed and enter the digestive tract the larvae finally enter the intestines where they mature into adult worms and live off of the hosts blood coughing chest pain and fever are sometimes experienced by infected people severe infections can lead to anemia and protein deficiency toxoplasmosis also known as litter box disease is a rare disease that can be transmitted to humans by ingestion of the eggs one to two days after the eggs are passed in a cats stool this parasite can also be acquired by eating undercooked meat especially pork or mutton general symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes in the head and neck headache mild illness with fever muscle pain and a sore throat the severity of this disease heightens when a pregnant woman is infected because it can lead to an enlarged liver and spleen eye damage hearing loss jaundice and other health problems to the unborn child generally cat scratch disease is not as serious as other diseases but it can still cause health problems a cat infected with the bacteria bartonella henselae can spread the disease to humans via a bite scratch or contact with the cats saliva on broken skin or through the eye most cases improve without treatment if symptoms persist antibiotics may be subscribed to alleviate the conditions symptoms include a bump or a blister at the site of the injury fatigue fever headache swollen lymph nodes and overall discomfort giardiasis is a less publicized disease but it is important to note because 20 000 cases were reported last year alone people can contract this disease by drinking water from infected rivers where animals have defecated especially dogs with diarrhea symptoms include abdominal pain diarrhea gas or bloating headache loss of appetite fever nausea swollen abdomen and vomiting sometimes medicine is used to cure the disease but giardiasis usually goes away on its own giardiasis has been a real problem in day care centers said russell one child will contract the disease and they will easily spread it to the other children some animals and their habitats are sources of exposure to salmonella there are over 2500 types of salmonella bacteria salmonella can become a serious problem so it is important to be aware of the positive impact that cleanliness has on your health symptoms range from nausea to blood in the stool many animals are carriers of salmonella and pet turtles are very common carriers children with pet turtles need to be very careful when cleaning their aquariums notes russell children can easily pick up the bacteria if they dont properly clean and sterilize the aquarium and its contents nor properly wash their hands afterward inadequate cleaning and sanitizing can also result in contamination of other nearby utensils that are exposed as a lot of these symptoms are the same people should consult their healthcare professional if they think they have contracted any of these or similar diseases the best prevention for these diseases is to use common sense and to use good personal hygiene practices said russell if you have pets it is also important to talk with your local veterinarian and your physician so your pet and you can keep up with your vaccinations pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print when the wild meet the tame september 2 2010 with the rapid growth of urbanization these days people are coming into contact with wild animals more frequently than ever this means that our pets are coming into contact with them as well which can sometimes pose a dangerous situation if you own a smaller pet such as a cat or smaller breed of dog it is especially important to protect them and stay mindful of any signs hinting to the presence of wild animals near your home it happens quite frequently that domestic animals are attacked by wild animals said dr james barr clinical assistant professor in emergency and critical care at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences i have personally worked on several cases where coyotes have been confirmed as the culprit but it is not always the case that it is witnessed and the actual animal that did the attacking is sometimes unknown if there are known coyotes in your area be wary of leaving any pets outdoors especially at night coyotes are likely the most menacing of wildlife threats to domestic animals in texas and are often blamed (although not confirmed) for many pet deaths in the wild said barr snakes are another obvious threat to your animals if you have problems with them in your area refer to our venomous snakes of texas pet talk for more information on how to identify those more dangerous species in some cases our pets do not necessarily have to be involved in a violent situation with a wild animal to be affected by them wild animals can indirectly pose a threat to our domesticated friends through the transferring of their bacteria one of the most common infectious causes of renal failure that we see in our icu in domestic animals is leptospirosis explained barr leptospirosis is a disease carried by mice that can be spread to other animals many times with horses or livestock if an opossums or a skunks waste comes into contact with their food source the animal can become very ill when a horse consumes roughage with opossum feces or urine in it this can severely affect their nervous system and often lead to death on the other hand your pet might be the one attacking the wild animal a good example would be when dogs attack cane toads these toads are loud slow abundant in texas and unfortunately toxic to dogs ultimately intoxication with the bufo toxin can result in cardiac arrhythmias hyperthermia seizures coma and death in extreme circumstances said barr typically though barr explained that the clinical signs are mild and include hypersalivation and some tremors most bufo toad intoxications are no worse for wear said barr inevitably the line that separates us from the natural world will be crossed from time to time to protect your pets from wild animals and keep them safe and out of harms way try to stay as educated as possible on the types of wild animals in your area pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print thrifty thinking august 26 2010 occasionally money can get a little tight from time to time no matter whom you are or what your situation for those of us that own pets we want to still make sure that they are not neglected and remain in good care during these times when we are looking for more thrifty pet care options this poses the question: are pricier products worth the extra dough as consumers we want to make sure that we always get the best bang for our buck even when shopping for our pets whether it be food toys or training supplies which ingredients/materials are most important when trying to go with a more cost-conscious or generic brand if you are referring to any general product i would have to look at quality versus monetary value said dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences for any pet owner it is an individual decision to feed kibble canned diets semi-moist all-natural or homemade food and i recommend input from your veterinarian said crist numerous different ingredients are required for a puppy kitten dog or cats wholesome health and it is important that these are provided for them so that they continue to grow and thrive if one is unsure of what to feed then it is best to remain with the big commercial name-brand manufacturers because most of these companies have used feeding trials to test their foods explains crist the best foods are usually tested in actual feeding trials and not by nutritional analysis alone crist explains that one can look for the words complete and balanced nutrition on the product which is a statement that explains that the food has been tested for all life stages of the feline and canine if you are a dog owner chances are you have figured out by now that your pup most likely prefers the deliciousness that canned food has to offer however dry kibble is usually the less expensive choice as well as being easier to handle it can also be a good idea to try to buy in bulk and search for any possible coupons or sales that are going on it is very important that a felines diet contains taurine because research has linked taurine deficiency in cats to fatal heart disease said crist crist explained that commercial name-brand companies do usually provide higher quality grade ingredients but it is still important to read the label and make sure that it reads complete for all life stages and has the association of american feed control officials (aafco) which helps to govern quality control when looking for cheaper alternatives when you are low on cash or when you are simply too lazy at the moment to go and pick up some food for your pet; some people are tempted to share their food with their animals in place of pet food it is important to go easy with ‘people food and one has to be mindful that these cannot replace the balanced diet of the cat or dog said crist foods made for cats are formulated to contain the vitamins mineral and amino acids a cat needs for good health which is why it is important to feed them cat food but if one is looking for an occasional delicacy for their cat crist recommends trying small bits of cheese or cooked tuna chicken fish or liver carrots are a snack that sometimes we humans enjoy that can be fed to a dog along with broccoli green beans sweet potatoes pumpkin and zucchini said crist if you have a picky or more pampered pooch and would like to try out some homemade recipes: http://wwwpetdietscom and http://wwwbalanceitcom are two websites that have some great ideas i do have a quick recipe that i use to make quick and easy cookies for some of my canine patients they are fun very easy and dogs love them! a quick kitty recipe that i have used that has been passed around is this kitty recipe it is very fishy but cats like them going green for your pet is another thrifty pet care alternative when looking to save a few bucks catnip makes a fine low-calorie feline treat that most cats will love said crist both catnip and cat grass which is essentially a cereal grass similar to wheat or oats are easy to grow in a sunny window or purchased from a store either dry or fresh always be sure that the plant you are offering your furry feline is safe for them but do not be alarmed if your cat regurgitates the kitty grass that can be bought in-stores; some will do this and it is nothing to be alarmed by said crist if your cat is in fact regurgitating the kitty grass the catnip should suffice if any questions arise about the safety of a plant please refer to the aspcas website for more information or follow this link http://wwwaspcaorg/pet-care/poison-control/plants/ if it is believed that that the feline or any other animal might have eaten a dangerous plant call your veterinarian immediately or contact the animal poison control center at 888-426-4435 another good tip for dog owners might be to cut down on the number of unnecessary treats given throughout the day instead try ice cubes or bones that will last longer than a treat this will help save you money as well as help any canines who are a little overweight so if you find yourself in a period where you are pinching pennies remember that there are always thrifty pet care alternatives and options that can help keep you and your pet healthy and happy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print mosquito borne illnesses august 19 2010 2010 has been the hottest year on record in the united states so far the sweltering heat mixed with the wet summer days has increased mosquito activity as mosquito season is still lurking there are some important diseases associated with mosquitoes that can be transmitted to humans and pets that everyone needs to be aware of heartworm disease most commonly affects dogs however cats and humans are sometimes affected heartworm disease is caused by heartworms which live in the blood vessel connecting the heart to the lungs it is a life-threatening disease for dogs individuals are infected with the worm through the bite of a mosquito carrying the larvae of the worm it can be prevented in dogs and cats with monthly pills or topical treatments once an individual is infected treatment is very difficult and is risky treatment of heartworm disease is expensive and potentially dangerous explains dr mark stickney clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences there are numerous side effects to treatments for example the patient can develop blood clots the best option is to take preventative measures and develop a monthly heartworm preventative schedule to give to your pets the west nile virus is another mosquito borne illness that is common among animals it is spread when a mosquito bites a bird infected with the virus and then in turn bites another individual to spread the disease it first appeared in the united states in new york city in 1999 since then it has spread throughout the united states horses are the most commonly affected animals humans and dogs are also affected but on much rarer occasions the symptoms of the west nile virus are similar in horses and humans notes stickney both victims develop neurologic symptoms that include stumbling seizures and inability to use limbs when dogs are exposed to the virus their body normally does not show any outward reactions because their body usually fights it off when they do develop the disease dogs also show neurological signs at this point there is no treatment for the west nile virus scientists are currently working on a vaccine for humans one of the most dangerous mosquito borne illnesses that affects horses and humans is eastern equine encephalitis (eee) it affects the central nervous system and causes severe complications that may lead to death this virus also originates from mosquitoes biting an infected bird and then passing that infection on to their victim eee is also known as the sleeping sickness because its onset is very fast and is hard to diagnose symptoms of eee in horses usually break through within five days of the infected mosquito bite initially horses are depressed and quiet they experience impaired vision inability to swallow and aimless wandering as the virus strengthens the horse will start to exhibit paralysis convulsions and ultimately death death normally occurs after two to three days of the infected horse showing signs vaccines are available for horses and it is recommended that they get them yearly most people who are exposed to eee do not have any complications the rare few who are affected incur severe symptoms initially they experience headaches fever chills and vomiting the symptoms may advance to disorientation seizures coma or sometimes even death one can take preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of mosquitoes and mosquito borne illnesses avoid being outside from dusk until dawn during mosquito season when mosquitoes are most active explains stickney get rid of standing water if you have a pond lake or tank on your property put mosquito dunks in the water to prevent mosquito eggs and larvae from developing dont depend on flea and tick labeled repellants to ward off mosquitoes because your pet can still get bitten prior to mosquito season it is important to do a check up and mosquito proof houses fix or install window and door screens so that there are no leaks into the house make sure to remove areas or cover containers with standing water where mosquitoes lay eggs dont assume that just because your cat or dog has long hair that mosquitoes wont bite them because they will notes stickney if your pet is an inside animal they are also affected by mosquitoes because mosquitoes can force themselves inside too the best method is to take preventative measures because with all these mosquito transmitted diseases an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print keeping your horse cool in the summer august 5 2010 cool as a cucumber … but what if you are a horse! summer heat and humidity can be a dangerous combination for active horses heat and humidity affect the horse and with intense exercising the excess heat has difficulty dissipating notes dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences heat is a normal by-product of working muscles and increases during periods of increased exercise explains mays normally a horse cools itself by sweating which causes heat loss and thus its body cools as sweat evaporates from the skins surface when humidity is high less moisture can evaporate from the skin surface therefore the surface blood vessels will enlarge to help rid the horses body of excess heat overheating or hyperthermia in the horse is due to a disturbance in the heat regulating mechanism of the horses body says mays in addition to summer heat and humidity poor stable ventilation prolonged exposure to sun extreme exercise transportation/trailering stress as well as excess weight and poor conditioning may contribute to overheating if your horse does become overheated move the horse to a shady area or to a cool well-ventilated barn then spray with cool water and place ice packs on the horses head and large blood vessels on the neck and the inside of its legs states mays be careful to not spray the horses face or get water in its ears; just sponge these areas gently horses naturally tend to cool out while walking rather than standing still notes mays therefore application of ice packs can be challenging allow the horse to have several swallows of cool clean fresh water every few minutes there is a possibility of colic if your horse drinks large quantities of water in a short period of time to help your horse beat the heat provide plenty of fresh cool water notes mays keep water bucket or trough clean to promote drinking average size work horses can consume over 25 gallons of water per day when the temperature is above 70 degrees limit strenuous riding to late evening or early morning when the temperature is lower use less tack in the hot summer by minimizing saddle pads and leg boots also clip your horses coat and keep its mane and tail trimmed heat stroke can happen to horses whether they are working hard standing in stifling stables or traveling in unventilated trailers notes mays call a veterinarian and take immediate action if your horse has elevated respiration or pulse (in an inactive horse) body temperature above 103 degrees or irregular heart beat do the skin pinch test to check your horses hydration says mays test for dehydration by pinching the skin along the horses neck the skin should snap back quickly if the pinched area collapses slowly the horse is dehydrated hot weather does require that you give your horse special care but you and your horse can lessen summers hot days when you practice these cool tips to beat the heat pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print venomous snakes of texas august 5 2010 texans are no strangers to snakes especially during the summertime when many of them are out and about copperhead coral cottonmouth and rattler: these are the names given to the four species of venomous snakes in texas it is a good idea to educate others as well as yourself about these snakes and how to avoid them as best as possible snakes tend to follow their food source said teresa shisk-saling rvt veterinary technician at the texas a &m college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences if you have problems with snakes in your home area make sure to clean up any trash debris wood piles rock piles or building material laying on the ground shisk-saling continued last summer when it was very hot out a friend of mine had a problem with copperheads in her dog kennels so she took several litter pans and placed them along her fence line and kept them full of water after that there were no more snakes in the kennels because they were just looking for water problem solved broad banded copperhead out of these four snakes the copperhead is the most prevalent in the bryan/college station area they will mostly eat rodents and belong to the pit viper family this makes them unique in that they have a pit located between the eye and the nostril on either side of the head these openings house a pair of extremely sensitive infrared detecting organs which in effect give the snakes a sixth sense that helps them to find and perhaps even judge the size of the small warm-blooded prey they can look very similar to the water moccasin and are sometimes referred to as the land moccasin in general you want to be cautious around downed/decaying trees rock cuts and sheet metal lying on the ground trash rock or wood piles coral snake this snake is not to be confused by the similar colored and non-venomous milk snake whose red and black bands connect remember red and yellow kills a fellow red and black is a friend to jack mostly the coral snakes in the eastern part of the state eat snakes and those in western part eat lizards they tend to be very shy and secretive and will spend most of their time underground in deep leave litter dens and burrows there is no anti-venom being manufactured in the united states that is available for people bitten by this snake they possess the most potent venom out of any north american snake but thankfully account for less than one percent of the number of annual snake bites respiratory paralysis can occur suddenly or within hours after a coral snake bite therefore intubation and ventilation should be employed in a victim in anticipation for this western diamondback rattlesnake another member of the pit viper family these snakes primarily eat rabbits or other small mammals you can find them mostly south and west of the bryan/college station area and are likely hear them before you see them there are a number of snakes venomous and non-venomous that will beat their tail in grass and leaf litter trying to sound like a rattlesnake these snakes are a little more aggressive and will rarely back away from confrontation so it is best to always steer clear water moccasin (cotton mouth) these semi-aquatic pit vipers eat fish and frogs all snakes swim on top of the water however when they stop to rest or evaluate their surroundings venomous snakes will continue to float on top of the water and non-venomous will sink to where only their head will be visible (below: the non-venomous yellow-belly watersnake) (below: the venomous water moccasin) when water moccasins feel threatened they will stand their ground and flatten their bodies out to make themselves appear bigger also they will hiss and gape their mouths open revealing the lighter colored tissue in their mouth hence their name occasionally you will find a snake stretched out warming itself in a sunny area; just leave the snake alone and respect their space if you are going to continue admiring it these four snakes as well as most snakes act more on the defense than offence one of my favorite statistics is that 98 percent of snake bites happen to males between the ages of 18 and 28 and alcohol is also involved said shisk-saling despite urban myth these snakes do not chase people this is not to say that you may be standing between the snake and their hiding place (den cubby hole etc); giving them a reason to head your direction said shisk-saling the underbelly of a snake is very sensitive to vibration which helps them to sense any other animals approaching about 20 percent of venomous snake bites in people are dry (non-envenomated) bites but if you are bitten it is always good to be checked out by a doctor regardless if a person is bitten and envenomated by a snake they will know it because the pain will be immediate and intense the most important thing is to stay calm and remember the steps that you need to take following the bite explained shisk-saling anti-venom binds to and neutralizes the venom that the snake has injected into you halting any further damage but does not reverse damage already done thus it should be administered as soon as possible do not waste time trying to locate the snake if it is a venomous snake bite the bite pattern will be very different from a non-venomous snake said shisk-saling go immediately to the nearest medical facility and call ahead to let them know that you are coming; not every emergency room carries anti venom but they should have the expertise to stabilize the bite and take the necessary action said shisk-saling some ers have nurses and doctors that have experience and knowledge about how to treat snake bites another reason not to pretend like you are jeff corwin off of animal planet is the fact that anti-venom is not always easy to come by if available at all and is extremely expensive do not apply a tourniquet ice or heat and if possible lower the bitten area below the heart while someone else drives advised shisk-saling so remember snakes are not evil creatures seeking to attack innocent people even the venomous ones so if you are in a snakes home territory leave it alone if the snake is in your territory unless it poses an immediate threat leave it alone it will move on so that you can as well about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu pictures provided by teresa shisk-saling rvt veterinary technician at the texas a &m college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences print dealing with the loss of a pet july 29 2010 people have a special bond with animals because animals provide unconditional love throughout their lifetime therefore it can be very hard to cope after the loss of a pet it is very common for people to experience grief as a response and everyone grieves in different ways grief is as individual as those who experience it explains lucy wendt registered veterinary technician in the small animal clinic at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences at texas a&m university (cvm) grief describes the reaction to a loss including the emotional and physical process of fully understanding what has happened and coming to terms with it there are five stages to grief those stages include: denial/shock anger bargaining/guilt depression and acceptance/resolution the order length and degree of the stages vary with each individual some stages may not even occur at all one should accept the stages of grief and let them pass naturally in order to let the initial mourning pass however coping with the loss of any pet or other significant companion is a lifelong battle the affected individual needs to accept the reality of the loss experience the pain of the loss adjust to the environment without the pet and withdraw emotional energy from the deceased pet to reinvest that energy in other relationships and activities says wendt you should remember that it is absolutely normal to grieve over the loss of a pet you need to accept and know that you did everything you could to help your pet pet psychologists are available to individuals who are not able to talk to anyone else about their loss there are also support groups and hotlines available for more information on supportive methods visit wwwhumananimalbondtrustorg wwwaplborg wwwpetlosscom and wwwpet-lossnet when one is ready to invest in another companion animal wendt recommends that the new pet should not be adopted with the intention to replace the deceased pet your deceased pet is irreplaceable declares wendt never adopt with the purpose to replace an animal as you will be disappointed i recommend adopting a different breed and a different sex so that you dont ever compare the two it is not fair to your new pet nor is it fair to your deceased pet to have preconceived notions and expect them to be the same so that the void can be filled one has to go with their own instincts when deciding whether or not adopting a new pet is too soon every person is different as some deal with grief more readily than others people have a hard time dealing with the loss of the pet but some people have an even harder time deciding when it is the right time to euthanize a pet in pain i always let the client know that their pets will tell them said wendt they will tell you with their eyes like humans their eyes are the windows to their soul it is up to individual to decide if they should be in the room with their pet during the euthanasia i do not recommend small children being in the room but it is up to the owner to decide if they should be in the room or not explains wendt just remember this is a time that you need to be selfless for your pet you may want to be there until the end sometimes it is more important for the owner to be strong for the animal like the animal was strong for them honesty is always the best policy when trying to explain to a child what has happened to the deceased animal it is always best to tell the child the truth said wendt children are more resilient than we think and they deserve the right to know the truth let them know that their pet died and that we are all going to miss him/her but we will get through it together animals grieve too when dealing with other pets that bonded with the deceased pet it is best to sit with them and talk to them this process helps the animals as well as humans the biggest thing to remember when coping with the loss of a pet is that grieving is a natural process and in order to alleviate some of the pain one has to allow for that grieving process to naturally occur pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print traveling with your pet july 22 2010 vacation season is here! for most people this usually involves long car rides or traveling via airplane however not everyone can part with their beloved pets and would rather bring them along if you are planning on taking your pet on an airplane the best thing to do is to first check with your airline about their policies most airlines require a rabies certificate so you will want to make sure that your pet is up to date with all of their vaccines explains dr mark stickney clinical assistant professor at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences depending on where you are flying you may also need to get a health certificate which typically needs to be completed within 10 days before the day of travel stickney advises for this to be planned in advanced because not every veterinarian is accredited for this service airlines have become more proactive with tending to the needs of animals such as the temperature in the area they are stored in or making sure they have access to water even so it would be wise to be more cautious when flying if your pet is older or has health issues also remember to bring any and all medications they might need you do not want to be half way across the country trying to locate a veterinarian or prescription make sure that the dog or cat always has a collar and tags on them but also be careful that there is not anything hanging loosely from the collar that could get caught in their crate said stickney a microchip is an excellent way to permanently identify your pet deciding to stick it out on the road versus the air if you are bringing your dog or cat along for the ride make sure they have had their yearly exam and are healthy enough to handle the trip if you are traveling to a different climate with a pet it would be wise to educate yourself on any diseases or problems that the animals in that area can experience for instance when traveling from a northern climate to a southern climate your dog might need to be put on a heart worm and flea preventative for the trip said stickney along those same lines if your pet is used to being in a cooler area and the place you are traveling is hotter or more humid this can be particularly rough on them extra efforts should be made to make sure that they have plenty of rest and water and do not over exert themselves stickney recommends when traveling with a dog or cat that you always have a carrier or leash on hand in case of unforeseen circumstances like car trouble it is best to keep cats in a carrier when you are in the car so that they are not able to hop around and possibly cause any dangerous situations for the driver riding in the cab is always best for the pet but if a dog must ride in the truck bed then make sure they are in a carrier i have seen too many injuries and fatalities in emergency hospitals that were related to a dog being in the back of a truck bed tied up or with no security at all said stickney dogs can easily suffer burns from hot truck bed surfaces either on the bottom of their paws or belly chaining your dog up in the back of a truck bed can lead to them accidentally hanging themselves as well also as cute as it is and as much as they might enjoy it letting a dog hang out of a window can lead to severe injuries or death it would be a good idea leading up to a trip to do a few short test drives with your pet if he is not used to riding in a vehicle get him excited about riding along then eventually make the rides longer and longer to help wean the pet into the idea of a long drive recommends stickney this can help minimize fear and anxiety in the dog for the big trip especially if the dog is prone to getting nauseous there are sedatives that you can give dogs or cats if the animal has anxiety consult with your veterinarian for a prescription for your dog or cat then on the big day administer the medicine around one hour before your departure on an empty stomach if the pet is prone to car sickness or vomiting and the owner would like to use medication we prescribe dimenhydrinate which is the same drug that is used for people said stickney always consult with your veterinarian for correct dosing and safety of any drug for your pet along with running some test drives with your animal before the big trip it is a good idea to test out the medication beforehand to make sure that you will get the expected result every dog reacts differently to medication and some are not affected by sedatives said stickney stickney explains that many sedatives decrease a dogs ability to regulate their own body temperature; therefore it is important to keep them in a temperature controlled environment when traveling working air-conditioning in the car is essential the important thing when traveling with your pet is not to just throw them in the car and go some pets are more high maintenance than others but as long as you are sensitive to your particular pets needs when traveling; you can insure a much more enjoyable vacation pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print hydration habits july 13 2010 summer is here and most people seem to flock toward water whether it be the swimming pool out back or the beach these activities go hand and hand with the importance to stay hydrated with clean and fresh water our dogs however dont know the difference between a dasani and a toilet bowl many people like to include their dogs when swimming in the pool and as long as you keep an eye on them this can be a joy for both you and your canine friend but should you be worried about them drinking or ingesting the pool water the concentration levels of the chlorine should not be high enough to cause any problems for your dog if he takes a few laps of pool water explains dr mark stickney clinical assistant professor at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences however if you have a saline or salt water pool this would be very similar to ocean water which is bad for your dogs kidneys make sure there is always fresh water available near your dog stickney recommends changing this water out twice a day and keeping it as cold as possible after the fun in the sun is over most will want to clean up and cool off if you have been at the beach or lake all day it would not be a bad idea to give sparky a bath stickney advises not to give your dog a bath more than twice a week because dogs have natural oils in their skin you want to be careful not to over bathe them which could result in them having dry skin and dandruff rinsing them off with a hose is usually deemed efficient you are freshening up in the powder room when suddenly you realize that your humming has an undertone of sloshing noises only to turn around to find your fluffy friend who was drenching you in kisses just moments before drinking out of the family toilet! sound familiar this is definitely not a healthy habit for a dog to have due to the risk of them consuming the chemicals used to clean toilets not to mention all of the bacteria in there said stickney in a dogs eyes water is water and this includes standing water that can collect in miscellaneous areas around a property or street when taking your dog for walks or letting him run around a property try to avoid letting them drink this water other animals can urinate or defecate near standing water which can cause a common parasite called giardia to give your dog severe diarrhea if he drinks this water there is also a bacterial disease spread through animal urine called leptospirosis that can cause dogs to have liver and kidney failure explains stickney many people are very aware of the importance of having clean water as a part of their dogs diet others might have a picky pooch that turns his or her nose up at the site of anything second rate there are even vitamin water beverages now that can be purchased for mans best friend this water can also contain an assortment of flavors such as beef gutter water liver etc as long as your dog is regularly on a well-balanced diet there will not be any vitamin deficiencies grinned stickney in reference to this cute but unnecessary invention in most cases dogs will naturally regulate their water intake to meet their needs however if you suspect that your dog is dehydrated or you have a hyperactive dog that is running around a lot outside in the heat you should encourage the dog to take a break and drink cool water dog owners can also try switching out dry dog food for canned wet food which contains more water if they feel that the dog is having problems staying hydrated said stickney on the opposite hand very rarely will dogs binge drink but if you observe this unusual behavior in your dog hyponatremia can occur just as it would if humans consumed an excess of water one medical cause for this behavior could be acute renal failure which can be detected in a blood test one cause of this is a dog ingesting antifreeze that might have been on the floor in the owners garage the antifreeze causes crystals to form in the dogs kidney which disrupts proper fluid and electrolyte balance stickney continues addisons disease caused by hypoadrenocorticisn in dogs is also another possibility for binge drinking behavior this disease is trickier to diagnose but it affects the dogs ability to regulate electrolyte levels in their body most people do not think twice about how often we come into contact with water on a daily basis just remember that your dog does not always have the same common sense about what is healthy for them when it comes to water whether it is something they decide to drink or something they decide to jump into help them make it a good clean splash! pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print emergency preparedness with pets july 6 2010 if an area is not safe for you it is not safe for your pet as hurricane season is upon us remember those words when preparing for any emergency evacuation with your pet i never advise that you or your companion animal stay at home if an evacuation is ordered explains dr wesley bissett assistant professor at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine (cvm) and lead faculty member for the newly formed veterinary emergency team (vet) if you are disabled or can-not afford to leave there is always help provided during these situations so you can get out of harms way if you stay you put your life and the life of your pet at risk before leaving preparations have to be made to insure the safest recovery of pets bissett recommends bringing several days worth of food and water bringing several weeks worth of medication bringing health records so they can get the best care if they are placed in a shelter or away from the owner and making sure the pet is always identified by bringing current photos and proof of ownership if a pet is not able to go with the owner there are several options in place during emergency situations bissett recommends shelters as there are co-shelters where people and animals can stay together as well as animal only shelters there is also an emergency response effort that is federally mandated that requires the government to come up with a plan to provide for companion animals during an emergency situation check with the local county emergency team prior to leaving to ask for assistance and guidance the main thing to remember is to always be prepared natural disasters happen when one least expects them it is also good to be familiar with all of the natural disasters that affect each area and the best way to react to them if one is prepared with an emergency kit that has containers for food and water medical records identification information medications and comfort items than one should be ready when an emergency strikes it is also important to assemble a first aid kit for pets in case of an emergency the first aid kit should contain diarrhea medication hydrogen peroxide eye dropper towel blanket ice cream sticks that can be used as splints scissors tweezers liquid dish detergent to clean mild wounds and non-adherent bandage pads the key is to get everyone reunited after an emergency said bissett the best way to avoid problems is to plan prepare and stay informed for a more comprehensive list on developing an emergency plan and evacuation kit visit these websites:http://wwwdshsstatetxus/idcu/health/zoonosis/animal/disaster/http://wwwfemagov/medialibrary/media_records/2484 pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print small rodents as pets july 2 2010 think of mice and men are they foe or friend not your customary selection for a pet but with some insight and some guidance you may be more receptive to the idea of a small rodent becoming a suitable pet for your family rats are probably the most social and interactive of the small rodents notes dr sharman hoppes dvm diplomate abvp clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences rats are gentle and seldom bite says hoppes they are active during the day and are fairly easy to take care of rats dont have special dietary needs or sensitive stomachs other small rodents such as mice and hamsters can nip more and tend to be active at night notes hoppes guinea pigs and chinchillas are gentle sweet pets but they have special dietary needs and all of their teeth continuously grow if handled gently gerbils are unlikely to bite explains hoppes they have few health problems and are the cleanest of all the commonly kept pet rodents to determine which pet rodent may be best for you hoppes suggests that you evaluate your expectations if you want a social active pet that needs lots of attention and activity a rat chinchilla or guinea pig is a great pet states hoppes rats are so social that they should not be housed alone if you are more interested in observing your pet and dont have as much time a gerbil hamster or mouse is an option; they are happy in their cage notes hoppes if you are a night owl then hamsters may be best since they tend to sleep all day and run in their wheel all night rodents are animals and therefore require care states hoppes all pet rodents need a large cage chew toys ladders plastic or pvc pipe and daily interaction their cage needs to be cleaned one to two times a week to keep ammonia levels down also keeping the cage clean will help decrease the incidence of respiratory disease paper bedding aspen or walnut shavings are best notes hoppes corncob pine and cedar shavings should not be used rodents need to have fresh water and food guinea pigs and chinchillas have a special need for unlimited timothy hay since they have continuously growing cheek teeth the hay helps keep the teeth from overgrowing additionally guinea pigs need vitamin c daily all rodents can have a small amount of fruits and vegetables for treats none of them need seeds chinchillas need daily dust baths and they and guinea pigs are very sensitive to heat and humidity both can develop heatstroke in temperatures as low as 80-85 f especially if the humidity is greater than forty percent many rodents will get obese in captivity so you should have exercise wheels exercise balls or a safe rodent-proof room to play in notes hoppes pet rodents do not need vaccinations states hoppes there are few diseases to be concerned with and while salmonella infection has been documented it is rare rat bite fever caused by a bacterial infection may occur secondary to a rat bite it can be prevented by immediately disinfecting any rat bite wound it is important to keep pet rats away from wild rats and to wash your hands after handling any small mammal guinea pigs and chinchillas are susceptible to ring worm so any hair loss or scaly patchy areas on their skin should be seen by a veterinarian for evaluation and treatment when picking out a pet rodent you should select an active social rodent with clean eyes clean nose and normal teeth the skin should be well groomed and clean their feces should be well formed there should be no lumps or bumps on their skin rats are prone to mammary tumors and hamsters often have diarrhea (wet tail) many rodents are prone to respiratory disease the life span of pet rodents varies mice and hamsters live one to two years rats two to three years gerbils three to five years guinea pigs five to seven years and chinchillas live eight to 12 years or longer small rodents should not be pets for small children notes hoppes children less than 10 years old should be supervised closely when handling small rodents the care and monitoring of any pet is ultimately the parents responsibility pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print birds as pets june 25 2010 four-legged with fur or two-legged with feathers … which would be the best small pet for me birds can be included in your lifestyle but as with most pets there are certain criteria that should be considered birds can be wonderful pets but they are high maintenance notes dr sharman hoppes dvm diplomate abvp (avian) clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences birds do have certain advantages over other pets in that they do not have to be walked and they are housed in a cage says hoppes birds are smart they talk and like to play and snuggle they love to be around people and are usually very interactive however birds do have messy eating habits and can be noisy small and large birds can be loud notes hoppes birds require lots of attention and may scream or yell when they dont get it they are very social and do need daily interaction and time outside of their cage explains hoppes they have destructive beaks and can eat walls tables and wood work if allowed out unsupervised hoppes encourages prospective pet bird caretakers to research and find out about the personality of a bird before purchase dont base your decision on the cool factor color or size she also suggests that you purchase pet birds from quality breeders birds from pet stores and bird marts have a higher chance of disease since so many birds are housed together also some rescue organizations may have birds for adoption the type of bird best for you is determined by your lifestyle if you are busy or live in an apartment a smaller less demanding bird like a budgie or cockatiel is best says hoppes if you have more time and a house where neighbors will not be bothered by loud noise then a bigger bird may work for you larger birds typically cost more and so do their cages and toys notes hoppes cages need to be big enough for the bird to exercise climb around or fly in play gyms outside of the cage provide a place to climb and exercise a travel cage is beneficial when confined in a car correct diet and environment are important for maintaining a birds good health states hoppes birds should be fed a commercial pelleted diet with fresh fruits and vegetables seeds and nuts should be offered as treats only birds do not need large amounts of food but enough to last throughout the day she notes that proper diet and exercise help deter obesity atherosclerosis and heart disease in birds fresh water is needed daily for drinking hoppes notes that since parrots come from warm humid environments they need a bath several times a week; this may include showering misting with a spray bottle or offering a bowl of water for bathing bacterial infections from dirty cages and dirty water are common as are respiratory infections due to the birds sensitive airways explains hoppes they can get sick from poor ventilation mold in the air and fumes like teflon there are also several bird viruses: polyoma psittacine beak and feather and avian herpes virus that are potential pathogens in the pet parrot one of the more important diseases pet bird owners should be aware of is chlamydophila psittaci a disease that can be transferred from birds to humans it is most commonly transmitted to people with compromised immune systems: organ transplant recipients people on steroids or the very young and old this disease can cause runny nose eyes and upper respiratory signs in birds and progress to pneumonia or liver disease if untreated and causes flu-like symptoms in people hoppes notes that a new bird should be tested for this disease before coming into your home birds can be one of the most rewarding pets but you need to be an educated owner says hoppes birds can develop health and behavioral issues when not cared for appropriately anyone thinking about becoming a bird owner should learn about the different species and determine which bird would fit best into their life not all veterinarians see birds so you should locate a veterinarian close to you for a well bird check up when you obtain your bird and to have someone available in case of an emergency according to hoppes big birds have longer life spans and smaller birds have shorter life spans small birds such as budgies and love birds can live 7-12 year cockatiels and conures 12-20 years larger parrots 40-50 years and the largest parrots (the macaws) can live 60 to 80 years with good nutrition and a welcoming environment your pet bird can live a full life and bring you pleasure and companionship about pet talk: pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the dogs space at your place june 17 2010 we all know that a happy pet makes for a happy home so for dog owners it is our job to make sure that the home is a safe and comfortable living space from big ranches to one bedroom flats our dogs are forced to adapt to the homes that we have chosen the best thing you can do for a dog is to keep their needs in mind the same way that you keep your own every day dogs need food water and shelter however most dogs need more than that explains dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences dogs have emotional needs as well as physical requirements they are social animals and need to be a part of the family or be included in your daily routine some dogs acquire bad habits due to neglect or boredom they begin to bark or express numerous emotions such as anxiety aggression boredom playfulness hunger and can sometimes even become destructive crist continues enrichment toys are recommended to help with this these usually have foods placed in them and then the dog has to work on getting the food out over a period of time for potential dog owners who live in smaller environments such as an apartment condo or duplex-type of space it would be best to purchase a small breed dog with an expected mild-mannered behavior a crate can help limit access to areas that are off limits until all household rules are learned such as what not to chew on and areas the pet is not to eliminate in it should be just large enough for the pet to stand and turn around in and strong enough to securely contain the pet crist continues it might be wise to place the crate in your bedroom or a nearby place especially if the pet is a puppy then one can hear the puppy whine if it needs to get outside to eliminate according to crist older pets should be kept nearby so that crating is not associated with social isolation once the pet is comfortable in the crate near you one can gradually move it to the location you prefer crating a pet for separation anxiety will not solve the issue a crate can prevent the pet from being destructive; however the pet can be injured if trying to escape from the crate separation anxiety should be handled with desensitization training and counter-conditioning an owner may need to consult with a board certified veterinary behaviorist for further treatment we do have to be mindful if this pet is a puppy or an older dog because each requires different needs suggests crist puppies less than six months old should not be left alone or neglected for more than three to four hours at a time because they cannot control their bladders for long periods of time another consideration is if the apartment has a balcony then one has to always be mindful that the pet does not fall from the balcony stairs could also present a problem to some dogs if they are a senior pet or if they have arthritis some people with yards or larger properties often have dog houses for dogs that sleep outside or are outside for extended periods of time the idea that a dog is an ‘outside dog does not mean that the owner cares any less for it but if your dog is going to be outside for the majority of the day there are some things to keep in mind some believe that outdoor dogs can have a higher risk for being abandoned said crist when a dog lives as part of the family inside the house a tight and caring household bond can be formed occasionally some puppies that grow up outside receive no socialization or behavior training some dogs may become bored or lonely and can develop bad habits such as digging in the yard barking chewing on outdoor equipment sprinklers or housing crist added that some county laws do not allow the pet to be chained up outside and require the pet to have food water and shelter some dogs that are unsupervised in the yard or outside can be physically injured from hazards that might be present in the backyard they might want to chase other creatures like a skunk raccoon possum or other animals that might visit at night for outside dogs toxic plants and meter readers that may spray the pet with a deterrent for their own protection are also things to be mindful of so whether you carry your canine in your purse with you everywhere or give him the ranch to roam as long as you keep your tail-waggers best interest in mind along the way it will keep your home a happy one pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print horse cribbing and dentistry june 17 2010 pet owners sometimes forget that animals need dental maintenance just like we do it is important to stay on top of routine dentistry in order to help prevent more serious problems in the future aside from routine dental conditions that occur in horses owners might encounter a behavior that is referred to as cribbing or crib biting that can have a negative effect on the incisor teeth with cribbing (or crib biting) a fixed object is grabbed with the incisor teeth and air is drawn in repetitively through the mouth by the horse causing a characteristic grunting noise this behavior causes an abnormal appearance of the incisor teeth due to excessive wear explains dr cleet griffin clinical assistant professor at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences usually this behavior is associated with boredom or confinement of horses a remedy for every cribber does not exist prevention can include the use of mechanical devices to prevent grasping objects such as a muzzle the muzzle is worn continually by the horse and limits cribbing behavior but not eating or drinking in my experience these seem very humane and work well at preventing the behavior a ‘cribbing collar fits very snug around the throat latch area of the neck of the horse and discourages the horse from engulfing air these have been utilized commonly to help prevent cribbing behavior other approaches that have been practiced include surgery acupuncture nutritional alterations and environmental alterations to deter the behavior if a horse is cribbing and the owner is not aware of it they may notice that wood has been chewed away from the feed manger or surrounding fencing the behavior can also be very destructive to plastic water buckets and feed buckets an annual oral exam can detect abnormal wear of the incisor teeth that results from cribbing the annual oral exam also helps to detect sharp dental points that may cause discomfort during eating or riding the examination detects abnormalities of eruption damaged crowns and overgrown teeth as well stated griffin in texas it is unlawful for anyone other than a licensed veterinarian to perform dental procedures on horses for the annual visit horses require a primary care veterinarian who is accustomed to performing routine dental procedures in horses there are some veterinarians who limit their practice to dentistry and have undergone additional training to perform specialized procedures who may be needed in certain situations sometimes dental emergencies need to be addressed the most common emergencies that involve teeth in my experience usually occur in juvenile age horses and it is not uncommon for these horses to sustain traumatic fracture of the bone involving the upper or lower incisor teeth said griffin this can damage erupted teeth or the developing permanent teeth under the gum in many instances surgical wiring can be used to fix the bone and teeth back into place for healing also i have seen horses in which an acute fracture to the crown of an incisor tooth or canine tooth has occurred causing exposed bleeding dental pulp said griffin with fractured teeth there are emergency treatments that can be undertaken in many instances by the veterinarian to reduce pain and prevent contamination of the exposed dental tissue in an effort to allow healing and eventual restoration of crown besides obvious signs such as bleeding like the described case above there are other things to watch for that might indicate oral discomfort in a horse if while riding your horse displays abnormal irritated behavior such as head tossing gaping the mouth or slinging the head (especially after a bit is put into place) this could be a sign that the horse needs dental work if the horse begins to exhibit unusual behavior while eating or chewing such as excessive slobbering tilting the head to the side or dropping large chunks of poorly chewed feed material that is a sign that some dental work needs to be done said griffin most dental issues can be resolved or prevented with a yearly exam if horse owners become complacent and neglect their horses dental maintenance it is possible that more severe problems could lead to esophageal choke or impaction colic about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print does your pet need a summer shave june 17 2010 the summer weather in texas can become almost unbearable especially here in the brazos valley its the kind of weather that makes you realize how difficult it would be to survive without air conditioning we texans may complain about the intense summer heat but probably wont suffer near as much as pets that spend more time outdoors the hot and humid weather can create miserable circumstances especially for long haired pets dogs that are bred in cooler temperatures can develop problems because of this heat said dr mark stickney clinical assistant professor at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences for example the heat makes it difficult for the dog to pant which allows them to cool themselves down long hair also makes finding and removing ticks more difficult with short hair the ticks are much more easily recognizable then there are the texans all too familiar friends the mosquitoes it is a myth that long-haired animals get bit by mosquitoes less than short haired animals said stickney if your pets are going to be outside in the heat this summer there are some things to take into consideration make sure that all animals have access to fresh water (cold if possible) and some form of shade the shade is necessary to help prevent sunburns hot spots and blistering on the bottom of more sensitive doggie paws if you have a dog that is not usually outside or is going to be outside for an extended period of time sunscreen is an option to consider there are sunscreens that are made specifically for dogs and can be applied to areas with less hair such as the nose ears and belly another important fact to note is that dogs can have heat exhaustion and heat strokes just like people owners should encourage high energy dogs to take breaks when playing out in the sun because of this also people who exercise with their dogs either with a bike or by jogging should keep in mind that dogs (especially smaller breeds) need to be conditioned to work up their stamina so be mindful of sparkys capabilities before dragging him along on that three mile bike ride owners will sometimes make the mistake of grabbing a hose that has been lying out in the sun to spray down animals such as horses or dogs but the hot water that has been sitting in the hose can scald them before the cooler water comes through said stickney if you allow your cats to go outside the only problem would be mattes and/or hairballs in long-haired cats but this can be managed by brushing them daily to help keep them clean said stickney some people prefer the look of their cat when shaved which is perfectly fine however there is no medical need to shave your cat unless they are having problems with these things veterinarians will most likely hold different opinions on when or if to shave your pets during the summer heat depending on the region that you live in some might argue that long hair on certain breeds will work as a cooling mechanism this would not hold true in our climate because of the levels of humidity explains stickney if your dog seems exhausted and overheated ask your local veterinarian if shaving could be an option for you and your pet by keeping an eye on your pet and exercising caution when exercising in the heat and cooling your pet off the dog days of summer will be more enjoyable for everyone pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print fostering for thought june 10 2010 ever have a soft spot for that starry-eyed cat or dog behind the caged door at an animal shelter but maybe you are not sure if you can take on the responsibilities that come with being a pet owner for whatever reason just yet fostering a pet could be a good option that allows you to feed your personal wants while also keeping the best interest of the animal in mind many animals are fostered most are dogs cats puppies and kittens sometimes reptiles and pocket pets are fostered until a permanent home can be found dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains in the brazos valley area especially there are many young adults and college students who are in a transition stage in their life due to school or other reasons because of this some of us are more hesitant when it comes to making big decisions such as adopting a pet some young adults volunteer to foster an animal before adoption especially if they provide volunteer work to a shelter or rescue organization many young adults or college students who graciously provide their volunteer services do go on and adopt the animal they are providing fostering services for i believe this could allow the foster parent time to bond with the pet before making a lifetime commitment explains crist of course there are also people who foster animals without the intention of adopting if the relationship does not work out for a permanent home then the pet was housed for some time period and had human contact until new owners could be found pet fostering does allow some young people to enjoy the company of a pet but yet not have a lifetime commitment if they help find a permanent home for the foster pet said crist the process leading up to fostering a pet usually consist of filling out an application and maybe attending a short orientation session most shelters provide the food crate and everything else to meet the specific needs of your animal some pets that need to be fostered also have special needs due to them being young old or sick older pets come with an established character whereas usually young pets are developing their character older pets may have been abused in a previous environment and need extra time and care to get acquainted with the foster parent and foster household it is helpful to know the history of the foster pet if possible to provide the best care possible explains crist when introducing a new pet into your home there are some things to always consider some animals are timid or anxious before they become fully adjusted which can concern some new parents if they are unsure of this being a permanent personality trauma or problem if the foster pet has not responded to the new foster home or parent within a timely period and is displaying unusual behavior or unacceptable behavior then the foster pet needs to have a complete physical examination by their veterinarian the foster pet may need to be referred to a board certified animal behaviorist for further treatment occasionally the pet may need medications for their behavior which can be prescribed by the animal behaviorist said crist the foster parent needs to decide if the foster pet is going to coincide with the existing household pet or will they be kept separate until the foster pet gets a permanent home some things to consider is if the foster pet is young or old and will it get along with the household pet also does the household pet have a dominant or passive character and will it get along with the foster pet introductions need to be made slowly over a period of days to weeks the trick with kitty harmony is to introduce the felines slowly said crist take your new foster cat to your veterinarian for a complete physical examination for a healthy pet check have a prepared room with food water bowls a bed and a litter box which will be your new cats home until the two cats get used to each other do not put the food so close to the door in the beginning that the cats are too upset at each others presence to eat gradually move the food dishes to feed your resident kitty and your new cat on each side of the door to this room and this will encourage them to get used to each others smells and eat calmly once this is accomplished prop the door open enough just to allow the cats to see each other and repeat the whole procedure it is good to switch out the sleeping bed or blankets between to have them get comfortable with each others scent when the new cat is using the litter box and eating regularly it is also good to let your new cat have some free time in the house while the resident cat is confined to the new cats room this switch allows each to cat to experience each others scents and the new kitty to become familiar with its new house without being frightened it is better to introduce your pets to each other gradually so that neither pet becomes frightened or aggressive do not force the cats to be together and do not allow interactions that fearful or aggressive because if this is allowed it can become habit and it is difficult to change eventually you can encourage them to play with a cat fishing pole or cat toys on a string remember a litter box for each cat plus one crist adds introducing a cat to a dog can be quite tricky as well some dogs have such high prey drive that they should never be left alone with a cat usually dogs want to chase and play with cats and they become defensive afraid and sometimes injured or worse using the separate room technique as described above helps the introduction of a foster pet to a resident pet once the new cat and dog have explored each others scents and are comfortable eating on each side of the door a controlled face to face meeting is allowed the dog is placed on a leash on a down stay on one side of the room and a person on the opposite side of the room will sit quietly next to the cat and offer food or catnip to keep the cat around them without physically restraining the cat repeat this with lots of short visits rather than long visits until the dog and cat are tolerating each others presence without fear or undesirable behavior the next step is to allow the cat to investigate the dog with the dog on a leash on a down stay and praising good behavior it is best to keep the dog on a leash and with you whenever the cat is free in the house during the introduction phase allow the cat an escape route and hiding place and always keep the dog and cat separated when you are not present until you are quite certain that your cat will be safe be mindful that kittens are much smaller and can be easily injured or killed by a young energetic dog said crist or high prey drive dog as well as our senior cats sometimes it is best to allow the kitten to become fully grown at the end of the day we want always do what is best for the animal fostering an animal can help people decide if they have the time energy or accommodations needed for a pet the only negative would be if the young adult or college student over commits themselves explains crist sometimes the foster parent gets emotionally attached to the foster pet and it can be hard knowing they have to give up the pet at the end for most the foster parent is eager to find a great family who can make a lifelong commitment to the pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print toxoplasmosis and pregnancy may 14 2010 toxoplasmosis is a common parasite in cats cat lovers who are considering pregnancy are often warned by others to get rid of their cat before they get pregnant in order to avoid getting toxoplasmosis which is carried by cats in most cases this is simply unnecessary it is much harder to become infected with toxoplasmosis than you may think toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by the parasite toxoplasmosis gondii said dr sally purcell feline internal medicine resident at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences toxoplasmosis is one of the most common parasite infections and rarely causes significant disease in cats or other warm-blooded species both indoor and outdoor cats can be carriers but it is less likely that an indoor cat will be a carrier if your cat is a carrier of the toxoplasmosis parasite you will most likely never know the cat may get sick but in most cases the parasite will be carried in the muscle or brain without negatively affecting the animal since the parasite is carried inside a cat owning an infected cat will not cause direct infection to humans cats definitely play an important role in the spread of toxoplasmosis they become infected with the parasite by eating infected rodents birds or anything contaminated with feces from another cat that is releasing the parasite said purcell after a cat is infected it can release the parasite in its feces for up to two weeks the parasite can live in the environment for several months and contaminate soil water fruits vegetables sandboxes litter boxes or anywhere an infected cat may have defecated people become infected with toxoplasmosis by eating food drinking water or accidentally swallowing soil that has been contaminated with infected cat feces eating raw or undercooked meat that has been infected with toxoplasmosis is another way to become infected all meat should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees fahrenheit if a pregnant mother becomes infected with toxoplasmosis her unborn child will also be infected it is advised by veterinarians to not clean out your cats litter box while pregnant since you cannot know for sure if your cat is infected those with weakened immune systems should be particularly careful; toxoplasmosis will cause severe illness to a person with a weak immune system most of the people infected with toxoplasmosis are unaware of its presence in their body said purcell when the illness occurs it is usually mild some people may experience flu-like symptoms with swollen lymph nodes or muscle aches and pains that last for several weeks or longer some people like cats show no symptoms toxoplasmosis can severely affect an unborn child so expecting mothers should be particularly cautious when around strange cats if a pregnant mother becomes infected with the parasite for the first time right before or during pregnancy the infection can be passed to the child most infants who are infected while in the womb show no symptoms at birth but may develop severe symptoms such as blindness or mental retardation later in life a small percentage of infected newborns have brain or eye damage at birth an important thing to note is if a woman has been infected prior to conception the infant will be protected because the mother is immune some experts may suggest waiting for six months after a recent infection to become pregnant if a woman is already pregnant she should avoid stray cats especially kittens cover outside sandboxes do not get a new cat while pregnant and change (or have someone else change) your cats litter box daily because the parasite will not become infectious until one to five days after it is discarded in the feces pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print are people hazards to pets may 14 2010 dogs cats and other pets are a special blessing to the lives of humans pets are sometimes provided to the sick and dying to provide comfort and trained to assist the elderly and disabled in their daily activities pets clearly fill the role for companionship and positive emotions in humans they also provide an opportunity to teach children about responsibility and give people an excuse to exercise by walking their dog or playing with their cat scientific evidence shows that petting an animal will lower your blood pressure and calm your body however at least some people perceive pets as a potential household hazard with that in mind it is important to remember that less than one percent of emergency room injuries are associated with pets we see a great number of cases where a cat dog or ferret has been accidentally injured by their owner we see dogs all the time that have broken bones from the owners accidentally stepping or sitting on them and injured paws from paws or legs being caught in doors said dr mark stickney clinical assistant professor and director of general surgery services for the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences sometimes the pet has curled up in a recliner to sleep and been smashed when the chair decided to close or a cat or ferret has gone to sleep in the laundry hamper and gets thrown into the washing machine or dryer animals have eaten prescription medication cats crawling up in the engine of the car; the list goes on and on there are several things that pet owners need to know in order to ensure that the least amount of harm comes to their pet or themselves be aware of the pets environment by knowing where your pet likes to sleep or linger it may help to keep your pet out of harms way if they have a specific place designated for them to sleep if you have a small dog pick it up out of the way to avoid tripping or stepping on it a dogs desire to run and jump obnoxiously can be cured through obedience training every dog needs obedience training said stickney they need to know the basic commands; sit stay come lie down it helps the pet and also saves the owners from embarrassing situations when hosting visitors in the home if you are outside with your dog always have a leash to keep them under control even if they are well trained to go without one household items such as antifreeze rat bait and chocolate are fatal to dogs and cats if ingested obesity caused by accidentally overfeeding your pet is also a hazard to their health and livelihood a good way to make sure that your dog is not is not overweight is to look at them from the top their body should look like an oblong hourglass with a broader chest a thinner waist and broader hips two straight lines is too much weight! you should be able to feel but not see your dogs ribs added stickney dog parks are a great place to take your pet they are away from traffic and are made especially for the safety of dogs at a dog park your pet is safe to run and play as much as they want without running into furniture falling down the stairs or being stepped on by people pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print methicillin resistant staphylococci may 10 2010 it seemed like a miracle! when the first human infection was cured by penicillin doctors and veterinarians thought they would never again lose a patient to a bacterial disease but this optimism was short-lived as various organisms found ways to thrive despite antibiotic therapy and became resistant to these wonder drugs in 1961 a staphylocccus aureus strain from a patient in england was found to be resistant to methicillin; medical professionals were alarmed as this drug had always overcome this species in the past within twenty years similar resistant strains appeared in the united states and the battle against the methicillin resistant staph (mrs) had begun during the year 2005 in the united states 19 000 people died of infection with methicillin resistant staph aureus while 16 000 died of aids noted dr audrey cook clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences and over 30 percent of staph aureus isolates cultured from infected human patients were methicillin resistant an infection with mrs usually occurs when there is a breach in the bodys natural defenses such as a surgical wound skin break or iv catheter said cook the consequences of mrs depend on which part of the body is infected if the organism gets into the surgical site on a knee well see a bone infection if it gets into the blood stream we see an infection of the heart valves if it gets into the lung well see pneumonia so how do these infections occur in order to answer this question we need to understand a little bit about the biology of staphyloccocci these are very common bacteria and numerous species and strains have been identified staph aureus is commonly found on healthy people and animals while other staph species such as staph pseudintermedius are more often found on our pets both species of bacteria can be either sensitive or resistant to methicillin the methicillin resistant types are only a problem if they get into the tissues or organs; they are harmless when sitting on intact skin mrs are carried by a small percentage of healthy people and animals said cook these individuals are ‘colonized which means that the bacteria dont just sit on the skin but actually make colonies and reproduce the most common place for colonization to occur is the front part of the nose just inside the nostrils as the bacteria can multiply rapidly very large numbers of organisms can be present from the nose the organism can move around and contaminate the environment infections occur if the organism gets into a vulnerable individual and causes disease so the bacteria can move from people to people people to animals and animals to animals it is important to understand that a healthy person who is exposed to mrs has essentially no risk of infection but may be contaminated and spread the bacteria or become transiently or permanently colonized mrs can survive for long periods in the environment and on clothes and equipment fortunately simple steps can limit contamination and minimize the risk of actual infection frequent hand-washing is one of the best defenses along with maintaining a clean dust-free environment we dont know which people or animals may be colonized or contaminated with mrs said cook but if we pay attention to our own hygiene and keep our environments clean we can minimize the risks at present we still have a few antibiotics which can overcome mrs said cook but we cant take these for granted its important for those of us who treat patients to be vigilant and aware of how the bacteria are spread we need to make sure that pet owners understand that these infections can be serious and to follow through with treatments and rechecks as instructed the bottom line is be aware! mrs are bacteria that move freely from species to species and we place ourselves each other and our patients at risk if we are casual about these organisms pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print equine first aid and emergencies may 3 2010 although it is the most basic form of health care horse owners should be aware that horses need first aid care just as much as people do if not more there are many situations that a horse owner might run into such as soft tissue injuries like lacerations and puncture wounds ophthalmic injuries strains sprains other acute lameness issues colic fever depression and dystocia or foaling difficulties horse owners should be able to have the basic skills required to take care of a horse during an emergency situation until a veterinarian is available such as dialing the phone to seek professional help when needed probably the minimum competency skill level is comfort with applying a bandage in case of a hemorrhaging lower extremity said dr glennon mays clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences or understanding how to encourage a painful recumbent horse to stop rolling and get up off the ground and walk around in a circle while waiting for the veterinarians arrival in the case of colic cooperativeness on the part of the animal to accomplish routine acts can actually be practiced under non-emergency situations in order to succeed in time of crisis this cooperativeness is remindful of school children practicing a fire drill said mays if something is familiar it is more easily performed in a crisis situation if a horse is accustomed to having bandages applied to legs or being loaded in a trailer for no obvious reason then it wont seem quite so unusual a request during times of stress or pain in case of emergency there are a few things that horse owners should have on-hand; especially emergency phone numbers that are readily accessible in a tense moment the pre-determined numbers can be dialed in order of preference in case the first choice is unavailable secondary or tertiary selections have already been made said mays i also suggest having some bandage materials on hand beyond basic leg wrapping techniques other first aid supplies can vary according to the qualifications of the owner of the horse and the client-patient relationship with the veterinarian of course there will be times when it is absolutely necessary that the horse owner calls a veterinarian for assistance a professional caregiver should be summoned when the horses caretaker feels uncomfortable or inadequate providing the type of care that is necessary or whenever an animal insurance company is involved often professional care is provided more quickly when the patient is transported rather than waiting for a busy veterinarian to break away from a practice or hospital environment however many vets solely provide ambulatory service and dont operate from a clinic or hospital facility said mays some patients requiring emergency care cannot initially be transported depending on the experience level of the owner and ones ability to accurately interpret the situation of the animal in danger another factor to consider is the comparison of the facility where the horse located and the facility a veterinarian may provide general anesthesia may be avoided by transporting a young horse with a laceration to a veterinarians facility for example when the owners facility is not equipped with an area for safe restraint safety for the animal as well as the people providing the care of the animal is of highest importance there are several emergencies that tend to happen frequently to horses one of the most common involves soft tissue injuries since horses are flight rather than fight responders punctured lacerated or avulsed soft tissues are ordinary reasons for seeking emergency assistance another common emergency need is in response to engorgement due to inadvertent duplication at feeding time or inconsistency in feeding time introduction of new feed hay or grazing sources can create a need for emergency help at times said mays because horses are naturally inquisitive eye injuries are another common need for immediate assistance tearing excessively squinting the eyelids unnatural desire to stay inside a shaded area when pasture mates are out grazing are all indications of a possible eye problem when owners are examining their horse its often a good practice to take a look at both sides of the animal no matter how normal one side appears the inquisitive nature of horses can also create other emergency care opportunities horses become entrapped in cattle guards tree forks narrow chute spaces and even empty trailers where the wind has assisted in closing the gates of the trailer from a veterinarians point of view its very frustrating to be invited to attend an animal situation that has already progressed several days because the owners decision to provide therapy has proven a mistake said mays please dont wait too long and always listen to your conscience about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print proper dental care for pets april 23 2010 an ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure but when it comes to your pets health practicing good dental care may make a significant difference in fact an animals teeth may be more important to its overall health than most pet owners realize says dr jr bert dodd a board certified veterinary dentist at texas a&m universitys college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences human dentists have done a really good job of educating people on practicing good preventive dental health but often we dont think about preventive dental health for our pets said dodd overall dental health can be an indicator of current or future health challenges for humans and pets as goes the mouth so goes the health so taking care of your pets mouth and keeping it nice and healthy should help the animal live longer said dodd preventive dental care includes regularly brushing your pets teeth and getting an oral evaluation and dental cleaning at least annually by your veterinarian some pet owners may question the importance of dental health maintenance for pets based on their own experience with childhood pets but veterinary medicine has come a long way over the past 20 years it used to be that most of our pets died at younger ages so periodontal disease did not have a chance to impact their health and cause damage to their kidneys livers or other vital organs noted dodd veterinary medicine has advanced such that we are now better able to treat these diseases and our animals are living longer healthier lives dental therapy for pets includes many of the same procedures that help humans maintain healthy teeth gums and mouths available treatments include oral surgery periodontics endodontics restorations and even orthodontics on animal patients as needed some of these procedures may be offered by your family veterinarian or you may be referred to a board certified veterinary dentist it is highly important that pet owners become aware of the serious consequences of ignoring their pets dental care periodontal disease is a disease of neglect if preventative dental health is not practiced and periodontal therapy such as root canals and tooth extractions is ignored other health complications may follow said dodd teeth gum or mouth problems can cause infections and disease or they can be symptoms of serious illness in veterinary patients the teeth are 42 little patients in a dogs mouth so they need to be well taken care of and treated with respect added dodd more and more pet owners are recognizing the connection between healthy teeth and their animals overall wellbeing when you make a dental appointment for yourself it might also be a good idea to make a veterinary appointment to have your dog or cats teeth cleaned and checked pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print proper care of stray animals april 16 2010 strayed or lost … what to do when you find a stray animal wandering what steps should you take to help reunite them with their owner and keep yourself safe one should be careful when approaching a stray animal says dr ma crist a clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences if the animal is injured or scared it may inflict bite wounds or scratches to the person approaching or trying to handle the stray animal explains crist because the animal has an unknown vaccination history we do not know if this animal has been vaccinated for rabies therefore it is recommended that experienced personnel handle stray animals some rescue groups animal shelters and city animal control have knowledgeable personnel who are experienced in rescuing stray animals notes dr crist they can provide veterinary care for the sick or injured and also check if the pet is microchipped or has any other form of identification that may reconnect it with the original owner teach your children or young adults not to walk up to any animal that does not have an owner attached to it even if there is an owner present they should ask if they can approach the pet because it may not be friendly if they are allowed to approach the pet sometimes it is best to come from the side of the pet and try to avoid a frontal approach crist also suggests that one should be mindful of bringing a stray animal into a confined area such as your car the stray may become frightened and become a fear biter that causes harm to the person she recommends that if one does obtain a stray and needs to transport the animal it is best to place it into a pet carrier for transportation bringing a stray animal into your own home may be concerning notes crist the pet has an unknown vaccine history again the animal may become fearful and cause harm to people or other pets in the household the stray pet should be kept away from your personal animals because one does not know if this animal may be carrying other diseases and expose your pets to these diseases if you decide you want to keep a stray animal crist recommends having the animal examined by a veterinarian who can check for a microchip or other form of identification to determine an owner the veterinarian can advise on what the stray would need to have the best medical treatment and how to care for the pet good enclosures help to keep pets from escaping and getting lost explains crist but if they escape identifying mechanisms are helpful i would strongly encourage pet owners to microchip or permanently identify their pet it is recommended if a microchip is used to supply an additional contact name of a person not in your state we learned this when hurricane katrina came to louisiana and people were displaced lots of pets had contact names of people identified but these people were displaced as well the animal with a microchip that had an out-of-state contact gave us a person who helped to identify the pet owner crist notes that having pets spayed or neutered will certainly help with population control of unwanted animals it will also help control the unwanted pregnancies of the animals that might escape and become lost the best way to help a stray animal… what to do stay safe with safety first seek knowledgeable and equipped personnel and try to identify the pets owner pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print veterinary technicians help pets stay healthy april 9 2010 as pets become more of an integral part of the family the demand for skilled veterinary technicians continues to rise veterinary technicians play an integral role in your pets health if youre a self-motivated personable individual who likes working with animals and people you may want to consider a career as a veterinary technician a veterinary technician is the equivalent of a nurse in the human health field only they work with animals says mary sanders a registered veterinary technician in the college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences at texas a&m university veterinary technicians typically assist the veterinarian with exams administering medications bandaging laboratory work and assisting in surgery and post op recovery sanders says in some private veterinary practices the technician may also be running the front desk and cleaning out the cages in the back in addition to working in private clinics and animal hospitals veterinary technicians also may work in research facilities pharmaceutical sales federal and state government agencies wildlife medicine zoos livestock management boarding kennels animal shelters stables grooming shops and more persons interested in a veterinary technician career should have a solid background in math and science be personable and possess good communication skills says sanders because technicians at times deal with pet owners who are under duress it is helpful to know how to explain what is happening to their pet in a compassionate manner other beneficial qualities would include the ability to think on your feet and good organizational skills the american veterinary medical association (avma) accredits veterinary technician programs throughout the united states notes sanders most avma-accredited programs lead to an associates degree after two years but some lead to a four-year baccalaureate degree graduation from an avma-accredited veterinary technology program allows students to take the credentialing exam in texas as well as many other states in the country explains sanders candidates are tested for competency through an examination which includes oral written and practical portions to maintain their certification status in texas technicians are required to have a certain number of continuing education units (ceu) each year pet owners today are more willing to pay for advanced care because pets are considered a family member in many households spurring employment growth for skilled veterinary technicians in the old days your family was no more than two miles away from you in any direction now you may not even see your parents once a year or longer because of the distance that people live apart sanders says we live in such a transitional society and people need the comfort of coming home to something in many cases that is a pet also people are staying single longer and they want the companionship veterinary technicians earn salaries that compare favorably to those in other fields requiring a similar education salaries vary according to experience responsibility geographic location and employment type in may 2008 median yearly earnings of veterinary technicians were $28 800 veterinary technology offers a fast growing and challenging career for mature and motivated individuals sanders says that if you are a self-starter who likes to work with people and animals a career as a veterinary technician may be the perfect career choice the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences has partnered up with blinn college in bryan texas to offer a vet-tech program the first set of classes is scheduled to start in the fall of 2010 for more information on this unique program contact (979) 209-7203 about pet talkpet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print when the snakes come marching in april 2 2010 winter is gone spring is finally here and most of us cannot wait to get outdoors and explore what nature has to offer! springtime weather in texas is perfect for hiking trail riding water skiing fishing and floating the river during these activities we need to be especially careful about the snakes that have been hiding away all winter long because they also want to come out for some fun in the sun! once the days get up to the high 70s to low 80s the snakes that winter in more shallow quarters will start moving said teresa shisk-saling rvt veterinary technician at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences this includes king snakes rat snakes milk snakes among others the snakes that hibernate deeper down in burrows pits and dens will start moving after the ground around them warms up; this group most notably includes the rattlesnake the first thing they start looking for is food and water once they shed their skin they will be looking for a mate if you are hiking or camping be careful where you sit if you want to sit down on a downed tree or old log check it out first be careful of even stepping over a downed tree or old log because there might be a snake on the other side; snakes like to hang out in places they can hide typically if you find a snake in a tree it is non-venomous although be careful of low-lying branches of trees near the water because water moccasins like to hang around those areas watch out when you are moving rocks or rock climbing of where you put your fingers if you are clearing up an area or clearing up trash snakes like to hide under sheet metal (tin) or old boards and siding said shisk-saling if you do come across a snake in the woods fields rivers lakes or rocks you can admire it and even take its picture but leave it alone! rat snakes hognose snakes and king snakes are beautiful to look at but you are doing more harm to them than good by deciding to take them home with you this time of year (in texas) the king snakes milk snakes rat snakes hognose and garter snakes are all moving around (these are non-venomous snakes) said shisk-saling however copperheads and water moccasin will be out soon if you are boating or fishing and see a snakes entire body swimming on top of the water; that is a water moccasin non-venomous snakes will swim in the water the great state of texas is home to 37 different species of snakes and surprisingly only four of those are venomous the texas rat snake is the most commonly seen snake in the state despite the fact that snakes are not everyones favorite wildlife species they do serve a purpose in places where people have killed off all the non-venomous snakes then the venomous snakes will move in if you then kill off the venomous snakes the reason they were around becomes apparent usually rodents will be everywhere since you have killed off their predator if you have problems with snakes they are usually looking for water or food said shisk-saling clean up any wood piles trash building material or anything that rodents might find usable for housing it is helpful if you create water-stations in certain areas away from you but where the snakes can reach them just use shallow pans or even litter boxes kept full of water to keep the snakes happy and away from potential damage pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print easter pets march 26 2010 baby animals are a symbol of spring and renewal every year feed and pet stores sell chicks and bunnies to parents as easter presents for their children while these pets are adorable they are animals and must be taken care of for the rest of their lives an impulse pet is always a bad purchase warns dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences they may look cute in the store but easter is gone in a day and then you have a pet to take care of long term stickney also explains that while baby chicks are very cute full-grown chickens might not be the best pets especially not for children its hard to interact with a chicken and roosters can be very aggressive they also get barbs on their feet that can cause a lot of damage notes stickney if you have put some time and consideration into buying a pet for your child a rabbit can be a good first pet as they are docile and are pretty easy to take care of in general the good news is that you do not have to walk or train a rabbit states stickney they will need to get some exercise so you have to let them hop around each day the down side to pet rabbits is that they are pretty messy while it is possible to litter train some rabbits for the most part they go to the bathroom wherever they are because of this they will need to be in a hutch of some sort most of the time make sure that if you do have a rabbit as a pet that you dont keep it in a wire cage it sounds gross but at night they secrete vitamins in their feces and they have to be able to eat these secretions to stay healthy says stickney although rabbits are easy to care for there are still things you have to do to keep them healthy and comfortable be sure to keep their hutch in a place with a comfortable temperature at all times and keep their dietary and veterinary requirements in mind a rabbits diet consists primary of coastal hay and vegetables and 1/3 of their diet should include rabbit feed explains stickney the hay is very important because it prevents digestive problems that rabbits get as a result of cleaning themselves like cats do hay is also important for rabbits teeth if they dont chew on hay constantly their teeth can overgrow if your rabbits teeth do overgrow it will have to be sedated and its teeth will have to be filed down by a veterinarian warns stickney its also important to remember that rabbits will chew on just about anything so watch out for things like power cords because they can electrocute themselves rabbits also have routine veterinary needs just like any other pet they will need to be spayed or neutered and can also get fleas you really need to get your rabbit spayed or neutered before sexual maturity or they can become aggressive advises stickney check with your veterinarian because not all of them spay and neuter rabbits you should also ask them for any flea preventative or treatment as over-the-counter products for dogs and cats can be toxic for rabbits while any pet can be a wonderful addition to a family it is never a good idea to buy an easter pet on a whim if you are ready to make the commitment and think your child is too then a rabbit can be a fun furry companion just remember they do live seven to 11 years on average so you may have the rabbit even after your little one leaves the nest pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print separation anxiety march 12 2010 nearly all pet owners consider their animals an integral part of the family and treat them as such most pets do not make a fuss when you leave the house although they are always happy to see you return others have a disorder that is called ‘separation anxiety where the pets owner must be in sight at all times otherwise the animal will go crazy many dogs that have separation anxiety have a hyper-attachment to the owner; are excessively attentive to the owner and follow him or her everywhere they always want to be held touched or cling to the owner and sometimes even become anorexic when the owner is not present occasionally this behavior problem is seen in puppies and adult dogs from rescue groups or shelters or adult dogs that have to suddenly deal with schedule changes in which they are spending numerous hours alone when in the past the owner was always with them said dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences separation anxiety is usually about two things separation and anxiety or fear symptoms of separation anxiety in pets can include destructive behavior directed towards personal items like clothing remote controls bedding doorways and windows in an effort to escape from crates or confined rooms persistent barking howling and eliminations with urine and fecal accidents in multiple areas may all be signs of anxiety from being left alone if you notice hypersalivation with possible puddles of thick saliva in the crate or near a doorway or window it may be caused from your pet scratching in order to attempt escape these symptoms occur when the pet is alone or believes it is alone treatment of separation anxiety in pets will usually involve people interaction the dogs environment and sometimes anti-anxiety medication some common management steps can also include increasing your pets level of independence it is recommended to not reward anxiety attention seeking from dogs as a level of comfort providing attention during these situations will enable your dog and reinforce the unwanted behavior positive attention that is initiated by the owner and scheduled training can be helpful said crist keep your arrivals and departures to a minimum and non-eventful it is recommended to perform all departure activities 30 minutes prior to leaving such as feeding walking and eliminating do not leave in a hurry because the dog will pick up on this and can be nervous when the owner leaves the home evaluate some of the departure activities the owner performs such as getting the car keys picking up a wallet or purse or getting the cell phone any of these can be predictors that the owner is going to depart and make the dog anxious one can try to desensitize the dog to some of the departure of the activities by performing them at times when the owner is not leaving teach the pet to be left alone by providing dog bed areas in different rooms for the dog to lie down practice with the pet having them lie in these areas for longer periods of time each time and then begin leaving the home and increasing the length of time periods certain methods of distraction can also work well to keep your pet occupied while you leave the premises these methods include the owner leaving a treat that will take the dog a long time to consume or leaving the television or music on in the house dogs may be kept in a crate which sometimes can increase or decrease the anxiety level and may also protect the home from damage made by the unwanted behavior of the pet you may also use a synthetic dog appeasing pheromone (dap) throughout the household where the pet is located the pheromone may provide some degree of calming in dogs that experience separation anxiety sometimes dogs suffer from separation anxiety to a point where they need to be prescribed medication from a veterinarian or a veterinary behavior specialist said crist it is recommended that the medication and a behavior modification program go hand in hand and that the medication does not replace the modification plan the two veterinary approved medications for separation anxiety in dogs are clomicalm (generic name clomipramine) and reconcile (generic name fluoxetine) pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print blood banks are not just for humans march 5 2010 it seems that blood drives are going on everywhere all the time as a society we are aware that blood shortages are common at hospitals around the country and that it is imperative that blood is available for those who are injured or have to undergo surgery what we may not think of is that blood is also critical when treating our family pets texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences is more than aware of this need in fact they have a blood bank that maintains an on-call list of available animal blood donors for fresh draw components such as platelets and also purchases and maintains a stock of other frozen/refrigerated components its important to have a supply of different blood components available at all times because we are both a primary emergency facility and a large referral facility explains mary radcliffe blood bank coordinator at texas a&ms small animal clinic icu we see high risk critical cases which often require immediate treatment these types of patients may not even survive a 24-48 hour delay in receiving a particular component volunteer blood donors are crucial to the supply the clinic has on hand privately owned dogs and cats serve as blood donors and a friendly personality is a must my dogs do search and rescue operations and are also blood donors it does require a time commitment because you have to bring them in to the clinic if you are available when there is a need for your dogs donation but it is definitely worth it notes jaime greenway a veterinary technician at texas a&m university small animal clinic it makes me feel good that my dogs are not only helping to find people but are also helping other peoples pets as well both dogs and cats must be between one and six years of age spayed or neutered and in good health cats must weigh at least 12 lbs and dogs must weigh at least 55 lbs before accepting a dog or cat into the program they are blood typed and then if they are suitable they come in to the clinic for a complete physical examination and blood draw to rule out any medical problems states radcliffe they remain in the program for approximately two years and may donate once every three months right now there are 12 dogs and one cat that participate in the program all typing testing and annual physical exams and vaccinations for the donors are done at no charge to the owner between the commercial blood bank supplies which we purchase and our volunteer donors we generally mange to cover our blood needs but holidays are always a particular concern this is due to the increased caseload as so many other facilities are closed remarks radcliffe while the majority of the animal blood bank programs needs are currently being met many of the donors owners are students who graduate and move away with their pets also as pets get older they may have to retire from the program based on age or they may develop medical problems unrelated to being a donor that may force them into early retirement i am always accepting new applications for the program states radcliffe interested people in the bryan/college station area can contact me by email there are a variety of veterinary blood bank programs around the country from universities to private clinics and commercial businesses if you are interested in volunteering your pet for one of these programs contact your veterinarian for more information about what is available in your area about pet talkpet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print dog bites march 1 2010 according to the centers for disease control and prevention 45 million people are bitten by dogs each year while this is an alarming statistic most of these bites are preventable human behavior is a major factor in dog bites explains dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences children are commonly bit by dogs because of their fast uncoordinated and unpredictable movements that can frighten dogs and make them feel threatened because of this children under the age of five may unknowingly antagonize a dog into biting them boys between the ages of five and nine years old are actually the most likely to be bitten by a dog these bites which typically occur on the face head and neck are rarely fatal but they are obviously painful and can lead to infection if not properly cared for and disfigurement in extreme cases says stickney in addition to fear other common causes of dog bites include aggressive play territoriality over food or a special toy or perceived territorial boundary an aggression behavioral problem and pain a wagging tail does not equal a friendly dog warns stickney never approach a dog you do not know and always ask an owners permission to pet their dog when you do approach an unfamiliar dog with the owners permission move slowly and let the dog sniff your hand before touching it you also want to avoid petting the dogs face head and tail never bother an eating or sleeping dog or one that is caring puppies states stickney if you wake a dog abruptly you may scare them and their territoriality over food and babies may also cause them to bite while children are most likely to be bit by a neighbors or a friends dog adults are most likely to be bitten by their own dog although the best way to prevent a dog bite is to alter your own behavior around dogs there some precautions you can take with your own dog dogs that have properly socialized and received obedience training are less likely to bite people or other animals notes stickney also neutered and spayed dogs are less likely to bite if a dog does threaten you by growling remain calm and stand still or slowly back away till it leaves if a dog knocks you down to attack you curl into a ball and protect your face with your arms and fists advises stickney if the dog bites you get treatment at a hospital and make sure the dog is current on its rabies vaccinations while dog bites can be harmful to people they can actually be just as harmful if not more harmful to other pets carefully monitor interactions between new dogs and cats states stickney it is best if animals meet each other on neutral ground not in the area one considers its territory if your pet is bitten by another dog you will want to take the pet to your veterinarian immediately bite wounds in animals are usually worse under the skin then they appear on the surface and commonly become infected warns stickney as when an animal bites a person you will want to ascertain the rabies vaccination status of the biting animal you will also need to know if the bitten animal is current on their rabies vaccinations as well dogs play an integral role in many peoples families they are cute and cuddly and for the most part very sweet however it is important to remember that dogs are animals and will react with animal instincts when threatened or frightened taking these precautions when interacting with a dog or when your animal interacts with a dog will help prevent bites and keep it a positive experience pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print cat scratch disease february 18 2010 today most people own at least one pet whom they consider to be a part of the family we are very attached to our pets and try to provide them with the best nutrition and health care that we can possibly afford as pet owners we must remember that some very damaging illnesses can happen by neglecting simple hygiene rules with our pets or in our homes one of these diseases that typically go unnoticed in human beings is bartonella infection cat scratch disease in human beings is caused by the organism bartonella which is spread from cat to cat by fleas said dr john august professor of feline internal medicine at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the bartonella organism infects the red blood cells and the cells lining the blood vessel walls many cats who are exposed to fleas appear to be infected with bartonella organisms without any clinical signs when fleas feed on cats which is called having a ‘blood meal the bartonella organism grows inside the flea said august the flea will eventually pass the blood meal as feces and the ‘flea-dirt contains the bartonella organism if flea-dirt is located on a cats nail and then the cat scratches a person the contamination is transferred within the scratch most people diagnosed with cat scratch disease do not have any clinical signs noted august some may develop illness of a wide variety including fever and lymph node tenderness in the area closest to where the scratch occurred the lymph node soreness and fever may last for several days although some people develop enlarged lymph nodes that can last for weeks or months in a typical case of cat scratch disease a person will visit the doctor after feeling feverish lethargic and having headaches and lymph node tenderness if there is an infection in the scratch it will not be noticed until five to ten days after the scratch occurred said august it is not until seven to ten days after noticing an infected scratch that you will start to experience lymph node discomfort and at that time you may start feeling sick cat scratch disease can occur after the mildest of scratches csd cases are most often seen in children because they tend to play with kittens which are more likely to scratch and have fleas cat scratch disease becomes a serious problem when someone with a poorly functioning immune system is scratched and infected with the bartonella organism said august csd can cause serious problems which affect the brain eyes liver spleen and bones people who have contracted hiv should be cautious around cats of unknown background because cat scratch disease can cause serious disease in those individuals in temperate climates where fleas are common about 25 percent of cats are thought to be infected the best method of prevention is to keep fleas off your cat said august the only way that bartonella organisms can be transferred between cats is through fleas therefore try to use a very good flea control; especially in kittens another way to help keep children from getting the disease is to teach them how to play responsibly with kittens when a child contracts cat scratch disease it can be worrying for a parent who is unfamiliar with the disease symptoms of fever and swollen lymph nodes often cause parents to think that their child has a more serious disease the good news is that people rarely get cat scratch disease more than once many people with cat scratch disease will recover without any help from antibiotics but for others antibiotics shorten the length of the illness those with serious disease such as aids may require intensive treatment said august still the outlook is very good; within the last month there have been advancements with more sensitive and accurate ways of diagnosing cats who might be infected researchers at the college of veterinary medicine at north carolina state university have recently commercialized new types of diagnostic testing to determine if cats and dogs are infected about pet talk pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet vaccinations february 4 2010 even though they may be taken for granted pet vaccinations are vital for your pet properly vaccinating your pet is a very important part of pet care because vaccines can potentially help protect your pet against some serious health conditions and diseases vaccines are a suspension of altered microorganisms which will prevent lessen or treat disease without causing the disease ; notes dr mark stickney clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences vaccines are still considered the cornerstone of preventive medicine knowing the different types of vaccinations and how they work can help pet caregivers provide optimum care for their animals there are live killed modified live and recombinant vaccinations ; states stickney by exposing the immune system to bacteria or viruses that are genetically similar to the ones that will cause disease the immune system will develop antibodies that protect the body when it encounters the actual disease-causing organism; some pet vaccines can be purchased over-the-counter and given by non-veterinarians notes stickney however he says that there may be quality control issues with vaccines if you are not familiar with the correct way to store and use them by law certain vaccines like rabies vaccine can only be given by your veterinarian ; states stickney your veterinarian is also the best person to determine which vaccines your pet needs and how frequently they should be administered; stickney says all puppies and kittens should receive the rabies vaccine at three months of age and again at one year of age vaccination schedules vary depending on the area of the country you are in and the prevalence of different diseases in that area; stickney stresses that puppies should be vaccinated for distemper virus adenovirus parvovirus and parainfluenza and kittens should be vaccinated for viral rhinotracheitis calicivirus and panleukopenia other vaccinations may also be recommended depending on the lifestyle of your pet booster shots are necessary in puppies and kittens to overcome maternal immunity; where the antibodies that the puppies and kittens acquired from their mother provide some protection but eventually break down ; explains stickney vaccines are ineffective in the face of maternal immunity and the puppy and kitten series of vaccines is necessary to protect the pet during the time when the maternal immunity disappears booster shots remind the immune system of diseases it is supposed to protect against; stickney notes that the frequency at which adult animals should receive booster vaccines has been a topic of debate among veterinarians for years increasingly we have evidence that most vaccines do not need to be boosted every year and that the risk of an animal catching certain diseases decreases with age your veterinarian will be able to tailor a vaccine protocol to the specific lifestyle of your pet no vaccine is 100% effective ; stickney explains it is possible to overwhelm any vaccine and immune system with exposure to enough disease-causing organisms; additionally he notes that adverse reactions can occur from vaccinations they are most likely to occur the second time an animal receives a vaccine they usually occur within minutes to six hours of vaccination there are two types of reactions commonly seen anaphylactic and delayed hypersensitivity ; explains stickney delayed hypersensitivity reactions are more common and less serious the pet becomes itchy and the face and ears swell these reactions can usually be treated with antihistamines; anaphylactic reactions are less common but serious and life-threatening ; notes stickney the animal rapidly collapses and goes into shock epinephrine and intravenous fluids are necessary to treat the animal; stickney notes that if your pet ever had an allergic reaction to a vaccine it is important to let your veterinarian know even pets that are allergic to a specific vaccine typically have no problems if they are treated with antihistamines before vaccinations remember vaccines are health products that signal protective immune responses in your pet and your veterinarian can best guide you in the use and scheduling of vaccinations for your pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print the joy and trouble of feeding wildlife february 1 2010 i once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment while i was hoeing in a village garden and i felt that i was more distinguished by that circumstance that i should have been by any epaulet i could have worn – henry david thoreau the beauty of nature is awe-inspiring and magical it is no wonder that we try to get as close to it as possible while feeding wildlife can be rewarding there are precautions you should take in order to ensure your safety as well as that of the animals you are feeding you of course dont ever want to feed any kind of a dangerous animal like a bear or a wild hog warns dr alice blue-mclendon clinical associate professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences but some animals such as birds and squirrels are perfectly acceptable to feed and can be a great joy to watch its important to note that while feeding some animals is acceptable it should always be from at a distance never feed wild animals out of your hand any animal can mistake your hand for food and you dont want to be accidentally bitten advises blue-mclendon you also dont want an animal to think food is at the end of your fingers because they might think you have food when you dont or that your hand is part of the food because of these potential dangers its best to feed animals out of feeders or to throw it down as you would to birds in ponds there are many specialized feeders such as bird feeders and corn cob stations that can feed the majority of birds and squirrels if you are going to feed any animal it is best that you give them food that is formulated for them or stick with fruits and vegetables states blue-mclendon most feed stores carry special food for ducks birds and other wild animals if you are feeding animals such as peacocks and ducks by throwing food toward them there is a possibility that they may become aggressive if they know you have food if you encounter an aggressive animal you should first try noise-aversion to chase them off if they dont respond then just put the food down and walk away advises blue-mclendon while feeding wildlife from feeders is the best way to protect your body if you are feeding animals outside your home they can still damage your house and landscape you want to be careful when attracting any animals to your house warns blue-mclendon squirrels can chew on houses and deer have been known to get into landscaping and eat valuable plants such as roses and daylilies once these animals come into urban settings and destroy property they are known as nuisance wildlife and can cause hundreds of dollars of damage because this is a problem in many areas there are a variety of companies that deal with the removal of these animals however if you do have a problem the best way to get rid of the animals is to simply remove the food source i would advise that if you live in the city you only feed birds squirrels can still be a problem around bird feeders but they should not draw other wildlife explains blue-mclendon it really depends upon a persons situation though because if you live in the country and you want to attract things like deer you can find landscaping and plants that are deer-resistant another thing to consider when feeding wildlife is that some animals such as raccoons skunks foxes and opossums can carry rabies and other zoonotic diseases that can be spread to domestic pets some zoonotic diseases can cause severe neurological disease for other animals so its important to keep wild animals away from your pets states blue-mclendon they dont even have to bite your pet to infect them for example one intestinal parasite that raccoons carry is a cause of neurological problems in animals watching squirrels climb up trees and beautiful birds flying around your home can be an entertaining and peaceful experience by making sure that you are protecting yourself your property and the animals you can make sure that the experience continues to be a positive one pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print jogging with your dog january 22 2010 jogging with a friend can help keep you motivated and fit so should your jogging buddy be short or tall blonde or red-haired two or four-legged dogs need exercise just like people and jogging is a good way to do this notes j david sessum rvt veterinary technician at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university dogs enjoy being outdoors and spending time with their caretakers prior to beginning a jogging routine sessum suggests a veterinary check-up to make sure that your dog is in good physical condition and can cope with the physical strain of running additionally certain dog breeds may make better jogging buddies than others larger dogs do well with jogging explains sessum small dogs may have a more difficult time jogging due to their short legs short muzzled dogs should be evaluated to make sure their airway can handle strenuous activity such as jogging sessum recommends that an orthopedic exam be performed before beginning a jogging routine during this exam your veterinarian can evaluate your dogs body condition score weight overall fitness and help you develop a gradual introduction to a jogging routine dogs of different sizes have growth plates that close at different times explains sessum you should consult with your veterinarian for the best time to start strenuous activity with young dogs older dogs need to have a physical exam to make sure they are healthy enough for strenuous activity and dont have any underlying conditions such as heart disease once your pet is given the go ahead to become a jogging buddy there are additional considerations for your pets safety weather conditions food and water consumption as well as obedience skills become important issues if the weather is hot jogging should take place during cooler parts of the day notes sessum most dogs have a thick coat of hair and extreme heat can cause their temperature to elevate quickly body temperature above 105 degrees fahrenheit is dangerous for a dog this is when heatstroke becomes a real possibility sessum says that signs of heat exhaustion include heavy panting (deep breathing) weakness confusion and vomiting or diarrhea as the condition worsens there may be gum paleness shallow breathing and eventually slowed or absent breathing efforts vomiting diarrhea and finally seizures or coma adds sessum food should be avoided before immediate strenuous activity a large meal followed by exercise can lead to gastric dilatation and volvulus syndrome (gdv) known as bloat which usually requires surgical correction states sessum water can be given at any time as long as the volume is limited to small amounts at each offering heel is a great command so the dog stays next to you while running additionally tripping or pulling the pet will not be a concern notes sessum also consider jogging with your dog when vehicle and pedestrian traffic are minimal sessum notes that it is best to have your dog on a leash when you jog because a leash allows you to control your pet and keep them from hazardous situations a standard collar works well but if your pet pulls against a leash sessum says a harness might be a better option since it allows you to control the pets body not just its head and neck the standard 6-foot leash allows dogs to move freely on a relaxed leash a retractable leash is more difficult to hold while jogging and if the leash is totally released the dog may get into a dangerous situation or you could trip on the excessive leash length notes sessum when running with your canine jogging buddy take into consideration that you are wearing cushioned shoes your dog is not be aware of the type and temperature of surface on which you are running your dogs foot pads should be monitored for excessive wear notes sessum most dogs tolerate pavement and sidewalks well but be cautious in extreme hot or cold conditions follow these simple safety tips so that your canine jogging buddy running by your side experiences an enjoyable activity that keeps both you and your dog fit pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print pet first aid kit and emergency care information january 22 2010 be prepared is good advice especially if there is an emergency to be better prepared in a pet emergency a pet first aid kit is beneficial the biggest advantage for having a pet first aid kit would be so that you can concentrate on what you can do for your pet constructively rather than looking all over the place for something that might ‘work but is less than ideal notes dr james barr clinical assistant professor texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine the preparation of a pet emergency kit will allow you to mentally prepare for a problem says barr a waterproof plastic bin is the perfect container as it will keep the items in it from being ruined so that they will be available in an emergency barr explains that ideally pet first aid kits should be kept at home and in your car then you can help your pets in case they are injured at home or one that might have been injured in the street he notes that one of the most common injuries of pets is being hit by a car there are commercial first aid kits available for pets barr notes and some of the essentials would include: cohesive bandage/ace bandage assortment of bandages burn gel instant cold pack emergency blanket gauze pads roll gauze medical vinyl gloves hydrogen peroxide triple antibiotic packets alcohol wipes antiseptic wipes slip-style leash lubricating jelly safety pins bandage scissors one-inch adhesive tape tongue depressors tweezers/forceps and hand cleaning wipes he suggests that a deluxe pet first aid kit would also include sterile eye/skin wash sterile gauze pads roll conforming gauze 10 ml and 30 ml oral syringes cotton swabs/applicators digital thermometer tick remover and sting relief wipes be sure to include the phone numbers for your local veterinarian and emergency hospital that is open after hours in your area barr says additionally the animal poison control center is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year at (888) 426-4435 first aid is not a substitute for veterinary care barr stresses first aid implies there is at least second aid and the second aid should be your veterinarian depending on the emergency situation a restraint may need to be used when working with an injured pet one must be very careful with injured pets because they are unable to communicate with us and us with them they are often afraid that fear is translated into aggression and pets can injure even the best meaning bystander because they are in pain explains barr he notes that you should not try to restrain the pet at all if possible but in times of respiratory distress (difficulty breathing) it becomes critical that the pet not be stressed holding pets sometimes creates more stress this should be balanced with the recognition that the pet be prevented from harming themselves further a pet with spinal injuries needs to be restrained much the same way that a person should be restrained after what is suspected to be spinal trauma barr states he notes that instead of being on their back it is helpful to have the pet on its side taped to a rigid board so that its head and legs cannot move around in cases of poisoning barr explains that choosing to cause the pet to vomit the offending poison should not be standard procedure to treating poisoning of a cat there are circumstances when this is a bad decision you should always contact your local veterinarian or the pet poison hotline for instructions barr says that if you as a pet caregiver are tempted to dispense human medicines to your cat or dog you need to know that any product containing acetomenophin should never be given to a cat it is poisonous to them most of the over counter pain relievers especially ibuprofen and naproxen should not be used in dogs as they are very irritating to the stomach please call your veterinarian with any medication questions pet medical emergencies can be trying times but with prior preparation and a sufficient pet first aid kit the situation can be less stressful pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print captive bred vs wild caught january 19 2010 mom can i keep it is a question typically heard in reference to some type of wild animal such as a turtle or a lizard especially by a child who is on the lookout for a pet there is often controversy between reptile pet owners over whether people should buy wild caught or captive bred reptiles a wild caught reptile is obtained much less expensively than one that is captive bred but maybe expense should not be the main concern when considering the adoption of a reptilian pet diseases and behavioral problems accompany wild animals and this is something you want to avoid bringing into your home in my opinion people are much better off buying a captive bred reptile said teresa shisk-sailing rvt veterinary technician at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences some of the drawbacks to a wild caught pet include parasites disease (some blatant and some latent) stress and attitude of the captured animal many if not all wild caught animals have both internal and external parasites if not properly treated the animals do poorly in the environment you create for them and will usually die there are a variety of diseases that reptiles can carry and some of these bacteria and viruses are a normal part of living nature once the animals have been stressed with capture overcrowded shipping conditions dehydration relocation a new home and new food can greatly suppress their immune system then the bacteria and viruses can not only infect the host animal but the entire collection of animals being kept treatment for wild caught pet reptiles must include follow-ups to the initial treatment which will break the parasitic cycle; otherwise no progress is being made in the treatment the older the animal is the harder it is on them to be removed from their natural environment and introduced to a small area the food is different and they are not used to having people around handling them all the time all of that can be stressful to the point of death a wild caught animal depending on the species can be a dangerous animal they may take months (if ever) to settle in and relax they may never eat enough or eat at all because they do not always recognize what we feed as food there are a number of things to work with and be aware of when dealing with a wild caught pet said shisk-sailing of course all trade animals at some time started out as a wild caught specimen but unless you know what you are doing and are prepared to deal with all of the animals needs you are better off working with a breeder and captive bred specimen every generation bred in captivity can lose a little more of their wild instinct they are more dependent on us for food and diseases are less apparent as are parasites if given the proper screening and treatment protocols these animals also tend to be healthier and sometimes more docile buyers have a great resource and mentor at their fingertips when working with a breeder the breeder has a vested interest in the animals that they sell and most will help make sure buyers have the correct set-up and answer all of their questions and concerns about the addition of a reptilian pet into the home if you are looking for a particular type of reptile to adopt i would suggest a beginner herp said shisk-sailing animals in the beginner herps category include box turtles which are a good size hardy will eat anything live in a simple habitat and are very personable! types of snakes in this category include the ball python which is typically docile and content to sit in a lap for hours a corn snake is also of good size docile and can be very curious and animated which makes it a good pet for teenagers they are good eaters and can live their whole life in a moderate size tank; prey items are readily available and not terribly expensive beginner herp lizards include the bearded dragon and the leopard gecko the bearded dragon is a great pet that is easy to care for very social and loves to hang out with its owners the bearded dragon does well in a 40 to 55 gallon tank for their lifetime the leopard gecko is hardy and nocturnal so you do not need the special lighting that diurnal lizards must have they are a good size and very colorful as well as living in an easy-set-up habitat pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu print elderly people and pets december 17 2009 contact can lessen loneliness contact can lessen depression contact can bring a smile and that point of contact can be a pet an elderly person paired with an appropriate pet can be a winning combination humans and animals need love companionship and activity explained ms kit darling ms infection control coordinator at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences and aggieland pets with a purpose (apwap) volunteer the elderly who are in assisted living and long term care facilities enjoy visits from pets animal assisted therapy organizations such as apwap provide visits it is a very rewarding experience to see a person smile and enjoy time with dexter and daschle my pet dachshunds their presence causes residents to talk about pets they once had one lady gets so excited when dexter visits; she will invite him to sit on grandmas lap notes darling just as elderly in assisted living desire the companionship of animals seniors living independently can benefit from a daily routine that includes a pet darling explained that pets provide companionship decrease loneliness accept you as you are and provide a sense of being needed pets can give the elderly a different outlook because they live in the moment and help seniors do likewise they can bring laughter into ones life and increase socialization when walking the dog you meet other people in the neighborhood and this encourages conversation additionally recent studies have indicated that positive interaction with pets helps seniors overcome depression and lowers blood pressure/cholesterol levels pets keep seniors active both physically and mentally walking the dog or going outside with the dog will increase ones activity notes darling fresh air and sunshine are good for both stroking or brushing the animal is good exercise for the hands and arms pets may motivate the elderly to do activities they might not do otherwise an animal such as a cat or small dog that can set in a persons lap may be better for the elderly explains darling large dogs may be more difficult to control cats require less care than a dog and an adult animal may be easier to manage than a young one food grooming and veterinary expenses are some of the costs associated with having a pet these may be difficult for someone on a limited income notes darling a smaller animal may help to decrease some of these costs another consideration is lifestyle if you are a senior who loves to travel you will need to go to destinations where your pet can go; otherwise board your pet or hire a pet sitter darling says advanced planning is a must animals can carry disease explains darling good hygiene and keeping your animal healthy will minimize the risk of disease transmission the elderly who are frail or have weak immune systems may be more susceptible to disease and should seek their physicians advice darling emphasizes that the decision to be a pet caregiver is a personal one senior citizens must evaluate the advantages and disadvantages a pet will bring to their life and lifestyle only you can decide if you can care for a pet both physically and financially the human-animal bond can be great and pets may be considered a part of the family notes darling as one ages their children grow up their spouse and friends may die and the pet is very important to them you must decide if a pet will enhance your life and is right for your lifestyle people and pets can be a winning combination the right companion animal may help seniors and the elderly lead happier healthier lives pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print cardiac problems in pets december 4 2009 heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women worldwide pet owners should also be concerned for the hearts of their beloved animal friends the heart is a complex organ and it is important to be aware of the heart diseases a pet can develop and to know what to look for so that your pet can have the best possible care dogs and cats can be born with cardiac problems or develop them later in life said dr ashley saunders assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences some of the acquired cardiac diseases in animals are similar to cardiac disease in people and include leaky heart valves or a weak heart muscle resulting in heart failure dogs and cats can both develop high blood pressure even if your dog or cat was not born with heart problems it is important to have them checked regularly by a veterinarian for heart disease signs of heart disease in pets can include cough increased breathing rate breathing difficulty fainting or decreased activity level a heart murmur or irregular heart rhythm might be found during an examination diagnostic testing frequently using a combination of xrays heart ultrasound electrocardiogram and blood pressure is required to diagnose the underlying heart disease and select the most appropriate therapy treatment for heart failure includes a combination of medications and lifestyle changes related to diet and activity level some of the heart diseases diagnosed in puppies can be treated with minimally invasive procedures that use small incisions and catheters to fix problems in the heart at texas a&m we can perform minimally invasive procedures to fix specific heart problems; but ultimately the treatment that is used is dependent on the type of cardiac problem your pet has said saunders heartworm disease is a common problem in dogs and cats that is transmitted by mosquitoes said saunders it is one of the only heart related conditions that can be prevented with a monthly pill or topical liquid placed on the neck that absorbs into the skin treatment is possible but is more costly than monthly prevention dogs can be tested for heartworm disease annually specific breeds that are more prone to cardiac problems than others include doberman pinschers boxers cavalier king charles spaniels and maine coon cats if you are the owner of one of these breeds be sure to check them in to your veterinarian for appropriate health screening recommendations heart diseases cannot always be prevented but most can be detected by being aware of what to look for and having your pet regularly evaluated by your veterinarian pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print nutraceuticals november 19 2009 natural nutrients … natural herb … from a natural source … plants is this combination a better alternative than prescription treatments for centuries medications have been derived from plants and many drugs now synthesized originated from plants could unprocessed natural herbs and their nutrients achieve miraculous cures where traditional medicines have failed for pet caregivers nutritional and dietary supplements nutraceuticals can be used to maintain or improve the health and well being of their animal nutraceuticals may add nutrition pets should be getting from their environment but arent getting from their processed food nutraceuticals are dietary supplements from a food source thought to have properties for improving health preventing disease and providing nutritional supplementation explained dr glennon mays clinical associate professor texas a&m large animal clinical sciences department they are substances considered to have nutritional as well as therapeutic value nutraceuticals are thought beneficial for conditions ranging from anti-oxidants hypercholesterolemia cancer arterial health to joint health pet caregivers obviously desire improved health quality for their aging pet they desire to have the young pet population become a healthier aged one noted mays nutraceuticals are commonly used in large animal health care vitamin and mineral supplements for livestock and horses are used in range pasture and equine stable environments probably the most common equine supplementation is directed toward cartilaginous health within the joint other supplements target skin and hair coat quality explained mays the effectiveness of nutraceuticals is sometime scrutinized because of a lack of scientific study or documentation of reported results or improvement in a certain condition or disease process noted mays additionally there is concern that nutraceutical dosage and potency have not been determined since these drugs are not regulated by the food and drug administration to my knowledge there is no regulatory agency charged to determine guidelines for nutraceuticals explained mays this leads to speculations about the purity and consistency of products in this classification consequently dosages havent been formally established for natural remedies and are generally left to judgment or experience animals are potentially allergic to the plant or feed source of the nutraceutical product mays also noted since trial studies are not conducted and dosing is often subjective overdosing or an appropriately dosed product to an animal with hypersensitivity issues is potentially dangerous mays gives examples of glucosamine joint supplement which is an extract of shell fish and st johns wort a plant beneficial or toxic depending on the animals reaction upon ingestion and amount eaten because testing is not done we simply do not know for certain the interaction of nutraceuticals with prescription drugs cautioned mays research for the study of dosing possible side effects toxicity levels interaction with medications or effects on previously existing medical conditions is lacking mays explained that it is possible for any therapeutic device or external/internal application of natural or synthetic potion solution injection pill capsule or liquid to have or create an adverse affect biological systems react differently to foreign substances that are not naturally occurring within that individual system and certainly unexpected and unwanted results associated with untested products are possible determining that a condition exists for which one of the nutraceuticals might address or improve is the challenge stated mays the diagnosis of the condition is often the most difficult area once the problem has a name then a plan of therapy can begin any of the nutraceuticals are potentially dangerous depending on how the patients system responds to the introduction of the product natural nutrients … from natural sources … and still the best way to determine if nutraceuticals are right for your pet is to become informed and talk to your veterinarian about what treatments are available and how they should and should not be used pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print reptilian feeding frenzy november 13 2009 having a reptile as a pet is quite different from owning a dog or a cat since feeding is relatively simple in the canine and feline world after adopting your first snake lizard or other reptilian pet there is typically a controversy over what the correct method of feeding is for the animal many reptilian pet owners want their pet to be able to experience the thrill of the attack with their prey in other words they want their pet to feel like they are a wild animal in their domesticated habitat but sometimes snakes and other reptiles are attacked by the live prey as they fight the predator animal and your pet can become severely wounded or even die there are times when the snake is not in the mood to eat said teresa shisk-saling rvt veterinary technician at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences such times are when a snake is getting ready to shed or in breeding season when they are growing follicles or eggs if the owner leaves the prey item alive and unattended they can literally come back to a dead snake even if the snake does eat it sometimes they can get a bad grab and the dying prey will bite usually multiple times if the wounds from the bites are not treated the snake can develop a systemic infection and die many pet owners also fear that their snakes will not eat prey that is frozen and thawed we have had several snakes come live with us who the previous owner swore the snake would not eat frozen and thawed prey said shisk-saling as long as the item is warmed back to the original body temperature 99 percent of snakes will eat each reptile and amphibian is unique in its nutritional needs so pet owners must be aware of the specific needs that feeding each of these animals has people typically think of turtles as carnivores and will feed them only fish or turtle food what many owners dont realize is that turtles need calcium said shisk-saling be sure to feed your pet turtle lots of leafy vegetables so they are getting the appropriate amount of calcium that they need tortoises are sometimes referred to as ‘horses with a shell and are in need of a low protein diet which consists of grass hay and the ability to graze feeding is generally not a problem when it comes to some lizards although if too many crickets are thrown in the cage with the reptile and it only eats two or three of them the remaining crickets may begin to feed on your lizard! the big thing with both crickets and meal worms is that they must be gut-loaded before they are fed to the predator animal said shisk-saling without gut-loading the insects are just empty calories and you can actually starve your pet while feeding it gut-loading is a very important aspect of feeding when it comes to providing the right nourishment for your predator it involves feeding the prey a good source of calcium vitamin a and protein so that when the reptile eats the prey it is getting the proper nutrition it needs whatever the prey is eating thats what youre feeding your predator said shisk-sailing pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print alternative pet care november 9 2009 many people have biases toward alternative forms of healthcare because there is not much evidence based on research to support it for them more science and clinical data is needed to support acceptance of these therapies others are completely sold on the idea of alternative or ‘holistic medicine because it is known to be a cure for the source of problems and not just a treatment for the symptoms that result from those problems as has been suggested of the role of traditional western medicine alternative medicine for pets is referred to as complementary and alternative veterinary medicine (cavm) and it integrates multiple modalities for veterinary medical therapy such as acupuncture acupressure botanical medicine chiropractic care homeopathy and massage therapy some of the modalities include acupuncture which is one of the oldest forms of traditional chinese medicine and involves the insertion of a tiny needle into the skin to a predetermined area called an acupuncture point to treat or prevent disease said dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences with todays modern medicine we can also stimulate these points with electrical stimulation injections laser ultrasound ultraviolet and magnetic induction acupressure is the use of finger pressure on designated points on the body sometimes a few points are taught to owners to supplement their acupuncture alternative veterinary medicine includes a wide variety of medicinal and herbal treatments other than acupuncture and massage the purpose of these medicines is to attack the ‘root of the problem that the animal is experiencing other methods of alternative medicine include veterinary chiropractic care which is health care for animals involving manual spinal manipulation said crist it is the interaction between the neurological system and the biomechanics of the vertebral column therapy is directed toward prevention and treatment of disease aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from herbal plants for cause and effect of physiological or psychological response veterinary homeopathy is based on the principle ‘like is cured by like founded by samuel hahnemann in the 18th century it is more important to understand that homeopathic remedies are medications and the more diluted the remedy the more potent it becomes veterinary botanical medicine includes the use of herbal medicine to treat or prevent disease this may involve western herbs chinese herbal medicine or herbs from india most alternative medicine treatments are based on clinically accepted medicine however it is difficult to find scientific data to support the theory that these modalities are safe and effective more clinical data is becoming available but it is a very slow process because funding for the research is not readily available owners need to understand that some of these modalities are slow and gentle and take time to take effect said crist others may believe that alternative medicine does not work at all because they might have waited too long in the disease process and despite what therapy is used nothing will work to practice in any of these modalities a veterinarian must be certified and well versed in their area of interest within the scope of alternative pet care it is not just a weekend seminar said crist it includes hundreds of hours of continuing education in that field numerous examinations multiple case reports and hours and hours of shadowing an expert in the field it is important that if an owner requests any of these integrated modalities that they are referred to a veterinarian certified in that field it is also important that if they are referred by their regular veterinarian that the two work together to do the best for your pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-57189 print hypothyroidism in dogs october 29 2009 hair loss weight gain lethargy and exercise intolerance are symptoms that most pet owners attribute to the onset of old age in their beloved pups but especially if your dog is about four to six years old be aware that these might be symptoms of hypothyroidism hypothyroidism is a canine condition in which the thyroid gland functions insufficiently the thyroid gland is that which controls the metabolic rate of the body almost all primary hypothyroidism in dogs is caused by autoimmune destruction of the thyroid gland a lymphocytic thyroiditis which is a genetic disorder said dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences secondary hypothyroidism is caused by impaired thyroid stimulating hormone secretion or a congenital malformation which is usually less than five percent of all cases other causes can be from congenital defects common breeds that are predisposed to canine hypothyroidism are the english setter golden retriever irish setter doberman pinscher dachshund miniature schnauzer boxer and poodle feline hypothyroidism is extremely rare as a spontaneous disease although it may occur as a secondary reaction to hyperthyroidism surgery most dogs are adult middle-aged about four to six years old when clinical signs of hypothyroidism can occur said crist high risk and giant breeds may develop clinical signs at an earlier age skin and haircoat changes are a common finding such as symmetrical truncal or tail head hairloss dull dry hair coat fuzzy haircoat rat tail appearance poor hair growth after clipping thickened skin hyperpigmentation seborrhea and excessively waxy ears cardiovascular irregularities neuromuscular weakness ocular changes and reproductive disorders are less common but can also occur the diagnosis of hypothyroidism should be based on a good physical examination from your veterinarian and diagnostic blood tests thyroid function blood tests that are performed and interpreted by your veterinarian treatment of canine hypothyroidism consists of an oral administration of a thyroid supplement said crist response to therapy is monitored by the resolution of clinical signs and repeating a thyroid function test about once a month after beginning supplementation to monitor dosage most canines are supplemented with this medication life long after beginning therapy and are checked once or twice a year with thyroid function blood tests from their veterinarian the response to therapy with activity attitude and appetite usually occurs within 1-2 weeks and 4-8 weeks for dermatological issues to resolve there is a good deal of difference in hypothyroidism in dogs and hypothyroidism in humans people of any age can acquire hypothyroidism but older adults are more likely especially women over the age of 60 in dogs both males and females are equally affected by hypothyroidism anatomically the thyroid gland in animals is on either side of the trachea and in humans it forms an ‘h because it connects across the trachea noted crist the most common cause is hashimotos thyroiditis in humans in which the bodys immune system attacks the thyroid gland tissue and decreases the production of thyroid hormone leading to similar symptoms of feeling tired having dry skin brittle nails cold intolerant mental dullness and infertility issues diagnosis with thyroid function tests and medication with a thyroid supplement can be a lifelong treatment plan pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print spaying and neutering your pets october 22 2009 if we let one dog and all their offspring breed uncontrolled for six years we would have 78 000 puppies and if we did the same with cats we would have 76 000 kittens born within the same period explains dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences the above statistic emphasizes one important reason to spay and neuter your pets because some pets are not fixed or controlled the humane society of the united states estimates that over three million cats and dogs are euthanized each year because there is nobody to take care of them while the tragedy of having unwanted pets is a compelling reason for spaying and neutering many people would be surprised to know that the procedure can actually be beneficial for the health of their pet and the wellbeing of their family if you are not planning to breed your female pet you should have her spayed prior to her first heat cycle notes stickney this will almost completely eliminate the chance that a dog will get mammary cancer which is the most common cancer in dogs and there is evidence that it might be helpful to reduce incidents of cancer in cats as well neutering male dogs has a similar effect as it can eliminate the chance of testicular cancer and enlarged prostates neutering is an effective treatment of enlarged prostates in older dogs that were not neutered as puppies and spaying an older dog will still eliminate the risk of a uterine infection called a pyometra adds stickney another reason to have your pet spayed and neutered early is that the procedure might be easier on a young pet before six months of age reproductive structures are less developed this means that there is usually less bleeding after surgery and the animal recovers more quickly explains stickney along with the health of the animal the behavior of the animal can also be affected by spaying and neutering spaying and neutering early tends to decrease aggression especially in dogs states stickney it can also make them easier to train because they are not distracted by hormones with that said neutering an older dog may not have the same effect especially if they already have bad habits not only can neutering decrease aggression but it also may save your home from some pretty foul odors neutering dogs and cats can drastically reduce marking behavior explains stickney if youve ever had your animal lift their leg and urinate on your couch you know that that smell is quite unpleasant and almost impossible to get rid of when you do decide to have your pet spayed or neutered there are few things you should know about how to care for them after the procedure most pets are going to quickly return to their usual behavior especially with pain medication says stickney this can actually be a problem because they need to be calm for seven to ten days after the surgery and its hard to keep a puppy that feels good calm because of this you are probably going to want to separate them from other pets they play with and make sure they are not running jumping swimming etc as with any medical procedure there is always a cost associated the cost will depend on the city and the size of your pet but generally ranges anywhere from $100-$300 i know there are people out there that dont spay and neuter their pet because of the cost but if you look at it rationally it is really an investment having your pet spayed or neutered not only helps to reduce the pet population but it can also help to keep your pet healthy states stickney plus if your pet has babies you will have considerably more vet bills than what it would have cost to have your pet fixed and you may even end up with more pets that you didnt want once your kids see the cute little puppies or kittens you may have a hard time convincing them that you cant keep just one adds stickney pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print when does a horse need a farrier october 16 2009 we all know what it feels like to break a fingernail or toenail and it is certainly not comfortable luckily for humans we do not have to walk or stand on that nail after it has been cracked or split horses do not have that same luxury when a horse cracks or splits his nail the results can be especially painful since the horse must continue to stand and walk on the broken nail a horse cannot just clip his own toenail off; that must be done through the services of a professional farrier a farriers job is to provide shoes for horses and to administer care to hoof problems the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences does a great deal of work on lame horses and a big part of treatment for horses hooves often requires therapeutic shoeing and a specialist who knows what to do hoof growth is a constant occurrence though the rate of growth is affected by several variables said jason wilson-maki professional farrier for the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine and graduate of the heartland horseshoeing school weanlings can grow as much as half an inch a month; yearlings grow slightly less a mature horse will grow roughly 38 inches per month an aged horse has a slower rate of about 25 inches a month the seasons also play a factor in hoof growth during the summer when forage is plentiful the growth rate burgeons winter growth rates are usually slower another contributing factor is exercise a fit horse who is worked daily will have a greater growth rate this is most likely due to an increased metabolic rate individual genetic factors should also be considered: some animals just grow more foot extrapolating from these growth rates a schedule of four to eight weeks should be followed for hoof maintenance there are several signs that will inform an owner that a horse needs the ministrations of a farrier the first that comes to mind is excessive length said wilson-maki this is a subjective area and hard to quantify but excessive length will lead to chipping breaking of the horn and stumbling though not a hard and fast rule if the wall extends beyond the solar surface more than a quarter of an inch a trim may well be in order if a horse is shod other indicia will be present if the rear third of the foot has grown to the edge of the shoe or the clenches have become raised the horse should be reshod if a shoe becomes sprung or loosened attention would also be required if lameness arises your first call should be to your veterinarian but a farrier may be able to offer a degree of insight if the problem is hoof related the farrier may be a valuable asset to your vet the most efficient practice for assuring proper hoof care is regularly scheduled hoof maintenance by a skilled farrier this schedule should be dialed in to your horses specific requirements hoof care and farriery is as much an art as a science never say always! said wilson-maki employ a competent and educated farrier who is willing to listen to your concerns and follow a schedule that fits your horses needs perhaps most importantly do not allow a single ideology or belief to cloud your judgment many horses functions well barefoot while others cant limp to the pasture without some form of hoof protection there are many hoof care systems and methods which can be utilized to achieve the goal of a sound functioning horse allow the horse to decide which method works best for him the benefits to clients of the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine have been tremendous ever since they hired full time farrier jason wilson-maki last fall the direct communication between the clinicians and myself benefits the animal by reducing the risk of a miscommunication if i have any technical or application concerns these issues can be discussed said wilson-maki this facilitates an individualized comprehensive treatment for the animal which accomplishes the goals of the attending clinician and stays in step with the fundamental principles of sound farriery the farrier service at the veterinary medical teaching hospital has given the clinicians at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine another tool for helping their patients who need help with their hooves pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print animal abuse october 8 2009 a tragic yet not uncommon occurrence among pet owners is that of animal abuse it is hard for many of us to believe how someone could inflict harm on such loving and devoted creatures but it happens more often than not it is the stray and wandering dogs that have been abused we must be aware of the signs of animal abuse and know how to take the right precautions when welcoming a pet into the family who may have been abused you want to make sure the animal knows it is now in a safe and loving home where it will be cared for properly some warning signs of animal abuse and neglect can lead to behavioral issues of aggression barking destructive behavior disobedient behavior and inappropriate elimination that may have lead to owner punishment said dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine conditions that are suggestive of animal abuse are animal welfare issues such as a poor physical state abandonment the collar grown into the neck matted coat ectoparasite infestation and no veterinary care physical injuries such as bruising eye injuries fractures repetitive lesions or injuries internal injuries gunshot wounds drugs poisons and drowning are also evidence of abuse environmental concerns such as the large numbers of animals overcrowding with dead animals present and human welfare issues with the owner not able to afford to feed a pet fighting the animal or a ritualistic sacrifice are other conditions that an animal may be a victim of abuse oftentimes if an animal is shy it is difficult to tell whether or not they have been abused in the past is it shyness or fear caused by the abuse most of the times it is fear triggered from the original abuse said crist correcting this behavior is not always easy but rehabilitation can occur patience and time with the pet will take pressure off the pet and help speed the healing process with a severe fear that was caused by abuse and causes the dog to become injurious to themselves a veterinary behavior specialist is recommended this specialist can prescribe some behavior modification medication to deal with the fear if needed if this fear causes the dog to react aggressively toward people then a behaviorist will be able to address this issue as well if you have adopted a stray who you believe might have been a victim of abuse there are several things you can do to determine whether or not abuse has occurred have your veterinarian perform a thorough examination on the pet interestingly enough not all pets who behave as they have been abused were abused said crist sometimes the public tends to associate a withdrawal behavior to sudden movement as an abused animal and this may not be the case veterinarians have to be sensitive to the possibility that the abused pet could be the victim of owner-induced abuse or neglect we have to regard these concerns for the welfare of the patient but as well as other animals in the household veterinarians also have to be sensitive to the issue that the client might be a victim of an abusive relationship and that providing veterinary and foster care for the pet may provide an escape from the abusive relationship the veterinarian will document all findings on the thorough physical examination the pets mental status and initial behavior are evaluated and monitored said crist most often animals that are depressed initially often exhibit behavior changes as their physical and emotional status improves laboratory tests and whole body radiographs are performed pictures or videos of any wounds traumatic injuries neglect or collars or leashes embedded in the neck are gathered for evidence all of these elements can make a powerful case for animal cruelty abused animals may have problems like food guarding stress around strangers phobias of loud noises or fear of children if they have been abused by them there are several treatment options that can help your pet overcome these fears or at least to make him feel safe and secure whenever these situations occur if your pet has a food guarding issue you might consider not having a buffet of food said crist it might be recommended to keep the pet in another room or place a baby gate to separate the pet with an interactive toy or another canine companion holidays usually bring guests and if your pet gets stressed with strangers it might be beneficial to board your pet if your pet will not tolerate a boarding facility as some abused pets do not do well at these types of facilities ask a family friend that the pet has a good relationship with to babysit phobias of loud noises or thunderstorms are best treated with repeated medications prescribed by an animal behaviorist with short acting anti-anxiety medication do not put a fearful dog in a backyard because it is not protected from other humans or children entering the yard and setting up an unpredictable situation placing a dog in a crate can be stressful and if they are not used to it or it gives them a physical boundary they have to defend it may make matters worse for an abused patient tragically pet abuse happens every single day to sweet and harmless animals so the need to recognize the signs and document animal abuse is important to reduce animal cruelty pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print dont be lame – causes and cures for equine lameness october 1 2009 an athletes body is trained to handle an amazing amount of work and stress from runners to swimmers all athletes train to handle the specific stress their sport requires unfortunately it is still not uncommon for these athletes to injure themselves performing the very actions they trained for this is also true of a horses body many horses are trained athletes that are bred and conditioned for a specific sport such as racing jumping western performance or dressage while these sports are relatively safe just like a human athlete there is always a possibility of injury and in most cases with horses the injury tends to be lameness equine lameness is an abnormality of gait that is caused by pain or restriction of movement most of the injuries we see are muscular/skeletal lamenesses states dr kent carter professor of equine lameness and chief of medicine at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences large animal hospital the lameness can be a result of things such as chipped bones bowed tendons and other soft tissue injuries the type of equine lameness is generally dependent on the horses use for example race horses tend to present injuries such as bowed tendons or bone chips in joints jumpers on the other hand tend to have more soft tissue injuries probably the greatest number of cases we see are soft tissue injuries in the foot and lower limb notes carter foot lamenesses can be caused by traumatic injuries or as a result of a degenerative process of course your horse doesnt have to be an elite athlete to suffer an injury some can happen as the result of accidents such as stepping in a hole or on a rock during a trail ride and twisting an ankle horses can even injure themselves while bucking and playing in a pasture you should be as aware as possible of the terrain on which you are riding and make sure that your horse has the proper conditioning for the activity you are having it perform urges carter with that said even with the best care an animal can always injure itself as a horse owner it is fairly easy to recognize if your horse is lame as most likely there will be some limping if the injury is further up in the leg it is also possible to see swelling of the leg if you notice that your horse is limping or its leg is swollen the first thing you want to do is stop exercising them if you are knowledgeable you can also apply a pressure wrap around the leg advises carter if it is not getting better or if the limp is severe you should take them to their veterinarian as soon as possible depending on the type severity and location of the injury there are many types of treatment that a veterinarian can perform we prefer to start with rest and support wraps but when the injury is more severe we can do anything from pain killers and injections of anti-inflammatory drugs to surgery states carter of course you cant treat a problem until you can diagnose what the problem is and some lamenesses dont present at all or not fully until a rider is on the horse the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine recently added a state of the art lameness arena to our facility notes carter the surface of this arena helps us to better diagnose specific lamenesses by putting a rider on a horse and having them ride once the problem is identified and the veterinarian performs the treatment regimen there is always a chance that the horse will either not heal completely or will require additional rehabilitation while i would say that for the most part we can at least benefit most horses with lameness we cant heal everyone says carter we can however improve the outcome in the majority of cases most horses with lameness problems will probably have to have some form of rehabilitation while most rehab is done at home by owners in more severe cases the horses can be sent to rehabilitation centers rehab centers will have specialized equipment to deal with more difficult cases explains carter this can be anything from 24/7 monitoring to water treadmills with all the options for the treatment of equine lameness the cost of these procedures can range from relatively inexpensive to thousands of dollars its highly dependent on what we do we can give a simple injection of anti-inflammatory for less than $100 while some surgeries can cost over $4 000 states carter in order to avoid expensive procedures and painful injuries the best prevention is to be aware of your horses surroundings and try your best to keep them in good physical condition for their activities of course when injuries do occur its important know how to spot them and what to do in order to keep your four legged athlete in tip top shape pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print should your pet be a vegetarian september 24 2009 there are so many human vegetarians that some of you may have wondered if your beloved four-legged friend is able to share the same passion and cause as you if you have ever been interested in having your pet become a vegetarian it should be helpful to know the certain nutritional needs that your pet has in order to make the right decision regarding vegetarianism there is no scientific basis on the idea that a specific breed of cat or dog would fare better as a vegetarian it is simply an issue between the species in the canine world being a vegetarian has no negative effect on their nutritional needs dogs are opportunistic carnivores said dr john bauer ml professor of clinical nutrition at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences which means they will eat meat when they have the chance or when no other type of food is available for wild dogs prey is not guaranteed so especially in the colder seasons dogs will eat more plants and vegetables as meat is difficult to find as for pet dogs they can easily be converted to vegetarians and if done properly it is just as healthy as an omnivorous diet is for a dog dogs have the same types of protein balances in their bodies that humans have therefore making it easy and safe for them to convert back and forth from a vegetarian diet to one of an omnivore one problem with having your dog become a vegetarian said dr bauer is that it is easier to feed him meat and vegetable based diets without having to worry about protein types there are commercial plant and vegetable based diets around for dogs which seem to work well for the animals health and overall well-being if you happen to be a cat lover you must be aware that feline nutritional needs are entirely different from those of dogs cats are obligate carnivores said bauer it is essential for cats to have animal-based material in their diets for five specific reasons the first reason is because cats have dramatically higher protein requirements than other mammals secondly cats have an absolute requirement for one protein component called taurine (an amino acid) that is present in meat products muscle and skeletal tissue both dog and human bodies are able to produce taurine but cats cannot thirdly cats have a special fatty acid requirement for a specific omega 6″ fat which is not present in vegetables this particular omega 6 fat is only present in high enough concentrations in animal tissues and cannot be manufactured by a felines body reason four is cats cannot make vitamin a from beta-carotene that both dog and human bodies produce from vegetables such as carrots vitamin a is only present in animal tissues the fifth and final reason cats are required to eat meat is because the b vitamin niacin cannot be made from protein precursors and is readily found in meat products the five nutrients mentioned above cannot be manufactured by a cats body the exclusive place to get these nutrients is from animal derived tissues trying to make your pet cat become a vegetarian would be an ill-experiment as you can be sure it is unhealthy there is always the possibility that new vegetable based sources for cats may be discovered said bauer also as we learn more about metabolism in cats it might be possible to make plant and vegetable based diets for them of course it is a very low possibility at this point so it is best to not try out vegetarianism on your own cat as it would be hazardous to their health pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print you your pets and parasites september 17 2009 for many animal caregivers pets are an important part of the household environment as humans and pets co-inhabit your family is more likely to be exposed to internal and external parasites consequently quality family health may be determined by actions taken to maintain your pets well being because our pets live in an environment with many other animals they will be constantly exposed to parasites notes dr thomas craig professor of pathobiology at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences the local prevalence of parasites depends on the local environment dogs are infected by some parasites while still in the uterus from an activation of larvae in the mothers tissues both cats and dogs also transmit parasites in the milk for some species parasites enter the body by penetrating the skin or when the pet ingests microscopic worm eggs or cysts in the environment cats generally have fewer worms but tend to have several species of worms acquired by eating the prey they catch and devour explains craig in central texas the most common internal parasites of dogs are hookworms and heartworms with a lesser number being infected with roundworms whipworms tapeworms and coccidia dogs may be infected with parasites when bitten by ticks fleas or mosquitoes and additionally by eating ticks fleas bugs or beetles and other animals that have tissue forms of parasites dr craig says that the transmission to cats is by the same means as for dogs but cats spend less time resting on the soil and spend more time eating other creatures in the environment internal parasites are not easy to visually detect in dogs and cats about the only internal parasite the pet owner typically sees are tapeworm segments which resemble a grain of rice in size they are seen in fecal material or moving on the hair dr craig says occasionally a worm will be vomited and the animal may have clinical signs such as coughing white mucous membranes tires easily or a bloody stool all may indicate parasites however other things can cause these same signs so most infections are not obvious to the average person your veterinarian should be able to run fecal and blood samples from your pet to determine if there are internal parasites these should be part of your pets annual checkup external pet pests such as fleas generally are of little significance to human health but infect pets with other parasites such as the bacteria causing cat scratch fever which occurs in humans from a cat bite scratch or contamination of a wound by flea feces the most common tape worm of cats and dogs is acquired by eating fleas and occasionally occurs in young children craig notes that if flea infested pets have been in an environment but no longer are present then fleas will gladly feed on humans as pets get older they become resistant to some types of parasites but not others therefore parasite control will be required throughout the life of the pet continuing prophylactic treatment is especially important with heartworms which can be transmitted by mosquitoes every month of the year depending on the climate humans become infected by parasites of pets by walking barefoot or gardening without gloves in soil where a dog has defecated weeks earlier or by eating eggs or cysts deposited by a cat or dog in the environment for up to two years previously humans also share parasites transmitted by ticks and other invertebrates and these can be transmitted by bites or by eating bugs states craig there are health tips that can help protect family members wear shoes and gloves in the garden clean up the cats litter box daily pick up poop! cook or peel raw vegetables from the garden wash your hands after handling the pet or anything that has been in contact with the pet craig notes that prompt disposal of fecal material and wearing protective clothing is important one hundred years ago hookworm infection was common in the human population but use of toilets and regular wearing of shoes has eliminated the infection screens keep out malarial mosquitoes and the common roundworm and whipworm of humans are largely controlled by toilets and personal hygiene if it worked in humans could it work in pets pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print potty training for pets september 3 2009 bringing home a new pet is an exciting time for a family playing with a sweet little puppy or kitten and watching them explore their new home can be rewarding and fun unfortunately cleaning up messes your pet makes in your home is a part of pet ownership that can quickly become tiresome for this reason it is important to have a potty training plan for your new pets and start them on it as soon as you bring them home its important to start young with potty training because what we dont want to do is establish bad habits in our pets explains dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences once they learn one way to do something its hard for them to unlearn it and any change can confuse them potty training is a significantly different process for cats than for dogs while dogs require a good deal of attention and time to train cats are quite a bit easier litter training is instinctive for cats notes stickney all you really need to do is put your kitten in the room with the litter pan and keep it in there when you are not playing with it or paying attention to it while there are a variety of litter boxes available stickney suggests that you make sure you get one at least initially that your kitten can easily get in and out of you have to remember that when you bring home a kitten it is just a little baby and if you get a really high box it may have trouble getting into the box and therefore will not use it says stickney its also good to remove anything in the room that may resemble litter such as potted plants or they may become your pets bathroom when choosing your litter it is good to know that while there are many different kinds and varieties they are mostly marketed for human preference find one that your cat will use and that works for you although all cat litter brands are ok to use it may helpful if you know what kind of litter your kitten was using before it came to live with you and start with that if possible notes stickney cats can be texture and odor specific with their litter so if you can at least start with that you can gradually transition them to another litter later if you prefer as previously mentioned potty training puppies is a completely different process and quite a bit trickier than training kittens the process is slow and can take up to a year for some dogs to get the hang of it begin training your dog as soon as you bring it home urges stickney take it straight outside and give it plenty of time to go potty stay out there with it but ignore it until it goes then as soon as it goes give it a treat and ‘ooh and ahh all over it while this process may be time consuming it will be worthwhile in the end when you dont have to pick up messes in your house when your pet is inside the house stickney advises that most effective way to train it is by crate training when you are not at home you should keep your pet in a crate inside your house says stickney this becomes their safe place (or their den) and thus crate training takes advantage of their natural instinct not to make a mess in their own den as soon as you get home immediately take your pet out of its kennel and take it outside to go to the bathroom its not realistic to leave a puppy in a carrier for eight hours straight and not have an accident explains stickney if at all possible you should try to come home or arrange for someone to come by and give it a potty break in the middle of the day if you work full-time because the cage is your animals safe place it is important to never use it as a punishment if you put them in it for punishment it will have a negative view of it and will no longer see it as their den this also goes for punishment of accidents never negatively reinforce their behavior warns stickney if you hit them when they have an accident they not only dont connect their accident to the punishment but it can cause anxiety and lead to slower potty training if you have followed all these training guidelines and you are still unsuccessful there are professional dog trainers who can help with the process you may also want to consult your veterinarian to make sure the animal doesnt have an underlying problem if your dog or cat is already housebroken and suddenly starts having accidents this is also a sign that it may have a health problem states stickney in this case you should definitely take the pet to its veterinarian for a check-up while our pets are a great addition to our families and a wonderful source of enjoyment nobody wants to deal with pet messes in the home if you have a potty-training plan in place and are diligent about sticking to it you can have a healthy happy and potty trained pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print doggy day care august 28 2009 owning a pet is oftentimes quite similar to raising children including the need for finding them a place to stay while you are out of the house the majority of pet owners leave their pets at home unattended during long days at the office the downside to this is that dogs especially young ones need just as much exercise attention and love as children do one of the best alternatives to leaving a pet at home is taking them to a doggy day care while you are at work doggy day care is similar to the human day care system the pet owner drops their four-legged family member off in the morning on the way to work and activities will be set by the day care depending on the dogs interest level a doggy day care should provide exercise stimulation socialization and sometimes training to a dog that otherwise would be left at home alone during the day said dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it can help with that dreaded ‘potty training in young dogs hyperactive dogs have an outlet to release some of that excess energy and overweight canines needing to lose a few pounds can do so by exercising and playing in the play groups during the day doggy day care can greatly assist in the socialization of your pet it may provide them with an opportunity to meet and greet with a variety of other dogs according to the american veterinary society of animal behavior it is important to socialize puppies during the first three months of life enrolling puppies in a pet day care system can be an excellent way of socializing puppies in a safe environment where risk of illness and harm are minimized although pet day care is an excellent way to care for your pet while you are unavailable be aware that it is not the best option for every pet senior pets might be overwhelmed with the number of dogs romping and playing and might get knocked down shy dogs may be fearful and aggressive dogs should not be allowed said crist a well trained staff should be experienced in recognizing signs of disposition and anxiety that may indicate that your pet is not right for the day care setting you need to feel comfortable and happy leaving them at the day care you will know the answer when you pick up your pet at the end of the day if you have made the correct decision other benefits to the doggy day care system include the use of the day care as an adjunct with behavior modifications for treating separation anxiety the day care is a place you can take your pet so he or she will not be left home alone to suffer from symptoms of separation anxiety play areas should provide a supervised clean and relaxed setting for the dogs said crist small dogs should be with small dogs and large dogs with large dogs most play areas are roofed shelters indoor and outdoor fresh water always available imaginative toys with an attentive well trained staff most day cares do require vaccinations and that health records be up to date if the idea of pet day care does not appeal to you an alternative form might be a pet sitter that comes to the house and provides one-on-one attention to the pet a full-time company will provide a dedicated pet sitter to your pet in your private home which will cater to its every need said crist another service provided are dog walkers and dog runners that will come by the private home and take your pet for a walk or run! a second alternative is a privately-owned or in-home dog day care they are often less expensive and have a fewer number of dogs being cared for at any given time for dogs that are less social or shy this might be a better option said crist in-home or private day cares offer your pet a home environment and a closer human-animal bond the only negative might be the number of staff to the number of dogs being cared for at least two or three people for five dogs should be present in case an argument broke out because one person could not handle things if this happened all things considered the best way to fully care for your sweet fluffy friend is to give them the constant love and attention they need just as much as people do limiting the time that you leave your pet feeling neglected and alone will help him to become a better socialized and well-rounded pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print adding a (four-legged) member to the family august 21 2009 babies are wonderful additions to a family that can bring great happiness but also require special attention this of course applies to puppies and kittens as well before bringing these furry bundles of joy home there are a few things you should know and about preparing your home for a new pet the first thing to consider is if there is already another pet in the house explains dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences if there is a pet there already you will need to be prepared for dominance issues as the old pet will think it is the king of the house because of these dominance issues it is best to introduce your new puppy to your current dog on equal ground outside the home if possible this way the dogs can sniff each other out and get to know each other in an area where neither dog feels ownership notes stickney when you initially bring the puppy home try to do so when the older dog is out of the house and let the puppy explore for a while then you should confine the puppy to one room and let the old dog back in to sniff around and figure out that the puppy is there this process should really help get the dogs used to each other and in most cases is really fairly quick and easy states stickney however the process for acclimating cats to new kittens is slightly different as cats tend to have more problems adjusting to a new roommate with kittens you want to put them into their own room with food water and a litter box let the old cat and the kitten sniff each other through the door and over a couple of days to a week let them into more and more areas of the house making sure to supervise their first face-to-face visit unfortunately cats can be mean to a new cat for up to a year so you will need to be prepared for a long duration of family strife warns stickney if you are having a lot of trouble with your kitties getting along you can pick up a cat pheromone such as feliway at the pet store it resembles the pheromone they secrete when they are happy and should help to calm them weather you have another pet or not there are some things you will need to prepare for any new pet coming into the house water and food bowls food a collar and a bed would be a good start if you already have a pet it is important for your new pet to have its own separate food bowl and bed states stickney you should also feed them in separate areas so they dont compete for food one additional thing you should have if you are getting a puppy is a kennel it can aide in potty training and also give them a safe place to go just make sure you do not use the kennel for punishment reasons or they will no longer feel safe in it explains stickney cats like to climb and scratch so if you are bringing home a kitty it would be a good idea for your sanity and the fate of your furniture to have a scratching post and/or a cat tower you will also need a litter box and litter once you bring your new puppy home the first thing you should do is schedule an appointment with your veterinarian the most important thing you can do for your new friend is to make sure they are healthy notes stickney as soon as possible take them to get a check-up any vaccinations they need and have them put on a heartworm preventative and flea control even once you have taken care of all their needs there is probably still going to be a period of adjustment new puppies and kittens are babies and can get scared and cry during the night or when you are not with them if your new pet is crying at night i would suggest giving them something that smells like you such as the shirt you wore that day suggest stickney ticking clocks and the stuffed bears that are made for infants that stimulate a heartbeat are also very effective in calming dogs and cats although it might be a process preparing for a new pet the rewards almost always outweigh the negatives if you start out right by making sure they are healthy and happy they very well might do the same for you pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print sleeping disorders in animals july 31 2009 maybe youve seen the comical home video on ‘youtube titled sleepwalking fail it is a short clip of a sleeping dog that starts to run horizontally in his sleep then suddenly jumps up and slams into a wall! although the video is seriously funny there is nothing funny about what might be wrong with this animal this dog could be dreaming although it unknown for certain if animals dream according to dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine most likely this animal is displaying signs of a sleep disorder sleeping disorders are not healthy and as with humans we see disturbed sleep patterns as a sign of old age disease or life-altering illness the two sleeping disorders that are most dangerous to an animals health are narcolepsy and cataplexy if your pet has one of these disorders and is left alone or unattended near water they could possibly drown narcolepsy is the occurrence of uncontrollable rapid eye movement (rem) sleep phase characterized by the presence of rapid eye movements and fast phase activity said crist cataplexy is the sudden development of rapid duration voluntary muscle weakness flaccidity or paralysis of all muscles except extraocular and respiratory muscles these two sleep disorders are usually a congenital and inherited condition that can be brought on by excitement such as playing eating drinking or greeting owners and can last seconds to minutes many times a day or infrequently warning signs of one or both of these sleeping disorders are the animal may suddenly collapse into lateral or sterna recumbancy with no movements with narcolepsy the animal appears asleep and with cataplexy the animal is alert but cant follow motion with eye movements the pet can be aroused with petting external stimuli and loud noises these disorders are not curable older cats may also experience behavior changes in sleep cycles or waking in the night restlessness and pacing this is either related to senility or a disease called hyperthyroidism hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces an excess amount of thyroid hormone which can lead to cardiac disease and high blood pressure said crist a specific thyroid blood test can be checked to verify this abnormality and treatment can be initiated melatonin an internal hormone secreted by the pineal gland during darkness can also be given as an oral supplement usually with minimal side effects as a potential treatment for sleep disorders of course there are several things that pet owners can do for their animals before their sleeping disorders become too severe if owners notice their pet having a change in their sleeping pattern they want to take them to their veterinarian for a complete physical examination and laboratory analysis said crist medical problems may contribute to these disturbances and some medicines may need to be prescribed by a veterinarian to help combat their sleep disturbance while melatonin has been useful for treating sleep disorders that arise from hypothyroidism senility or cognitive dysfunction said crist it is not regulated by the fda so ask a veterinarian the correct dose for your pet acupuncture and herbal medications are other modalities that might be used to treat sleep disorders in pets placing your pet on certain diets can also aid in their sleeping troubles omega 3 fatty acids and diets that are enriched with antioxidants are good for dogs with cognitive dysfunction and sleep issues said crist therapeutic diets supplemented with antioxidants such as vitamin c mixed tocopherols beta-carotene flavenoids carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids had dogs show improvement on the performance of cognitive tasks than dogs on a non-supplemented diet it will always be a true mystery whether or not pets dream in mammals and birds studies have shown that long episodes of nondreaming sleep referred to as slow-wave or sw sleep is followed by short episodes of dreaming sleep referred to as rapid-eye-movement or rem sleep said crist if a disturbance in this pattern occurs then sleeping problems can begin however we will never really know if pets dream because we cannot talk to them however we do know that dogs have the rem sleep phase and this is the dream activity period in people dogs do have leg movements facial twitching vocalizations and tail movements therefore it might be likely they are having a dream crist mentioned that it is important to know some sleep disorders require a lengthy behavioral consultation and examination by a veterinarian selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants should be prescribed for these dogs and cats who have diagnosed obsessive-compulsive behavior disorders that are disturbing their sleeping patterns she also reminded that by always taking our pets to the veterinarian for their regular check-up many potential problems can be caught before they seriously affect your pets health pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print socially acceptable! july 30 2009 have you ever taken a brand new puppy on its first walk or to a dog park with other dogs this can sometimes be a difficult undertaking seeing as puppies have yet to be exposed to many humans and animals in their young life but pets need to develop social skills just as much as people do! it is important for an animals health and well-being to become a socially acceptable pet the most important time for puppy socialization is before the age of 12 weeks said dr ma crist clinical assistant professor at texas a&m college of veterinary medicine puppies should be handled from birth and exposed to as many new animals people surroundings and stimuli without causing fear overstimulation or avoidance behavior puppies should be encouraged to survey and investigate their environments and these exposures should continue into adulthood to help maintain an outgoing and sociable dog many cats are easily afraid and spend a lot of time hiding and trying to avoid the things they are afraid of they also seem to have a lack of socialization and therefore social skills kittens should be socialized before the age of 9 weeks it seems that many cats are not well socialized noted crist what is meant by this is that during their sensitive period for socialization too many young cats are not exposed to a variety of people unfamiliar places and other animals so as adults they can be calm and friendly in a variety of situations but when confronted with unfamiliar circumstances they hide this lack of socialization results not only in a fear of unfamiliar people but also of anything that is new and different if there is a new baby in the family it is important to socialize your dog by introducing it to the new baby sometimes with the addition of a new family member in the household it can be a struggle to adjust to the new routine that typically results with the addition of the new arrival the pet will also have to become accustomed to new noises and smells sometimes practice with a life-like doll and recorded baby sounds will help prepare the dog said crist parents need to be mindful or how their dogs will travel with a baby carrier in the car even how they may or may not jump on the furniture or bed if an infant is present teaching the pet to wait for a command or invitation to jump on the furniture can help with this dogs must also tolerate a crawling baby when the baby begins to crawl it is important to expose your puppy to as many different appearances as possible to build the pets social skills; such as short tall bearded and short-haired people with skin of all different colors expose them to different sounds and smells and let them get used to people running walking skipping skating or other activities such as riding a bicycle most households have more than one pet so it is also important to introduce your current pet to the new pet in the right manner the trick with kitty harmony is to introduce the felines slowly said crist it is better to introduce your pets to each other gradually so that neither pet becomes frightened or aggressive do not force the cats to be together and do not allow interactions that cause fearful or aggressive behavior because this can become a habit and is difficult to change introducing a cat to a dog can be quite tricky as well dogs can kill a cat quickly crist adds once the new cat and dog have explored each others scents and are comfortable a controlled face to face meeting is allowed allow the cat an escape route and hiding place and always keep the dog and cat separated when you are not present until you are quite certain that your cat will be safe sometimes it is best to allow the kitten to become fully grown dog parks are sometimes a good tool for building a pets social skills but are controversial some dogs function well in these types of environments and others do not make sure your dog is completely vaccinated before entering the dog park said crist some dogs can become ill from the contaminated soil of dog parks and dogs with a poor immune system should not be exposed to it dogs can have their temperaments ruined become injured or even killed at dog parks by other dogs most problems reported in dog parks are not that common ones but would not exist at all if people would use their common sense by being careful and considerate pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print preparing for pet emergencies july 24 2009 our pets are more than just animals; they are members of our families we rely on our pets for companionship just as they rely on us for love and care when a pet has an emergency or gets injured we are often left in a state of panic and chaos no one wants to think about the possibility of something awful happening to their pet states lucy wendt a registered veterinary technician at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences but planning ahead and being prepared can help a person function in a state of shock or stress having a plan of action in case your pet is somehow injured can not only help you get through the situation it could potentially save your animals life wendt recommends keeping multiple copies of your pets background information vaccination records medical history as well as the phone numbers of your veterinarian and nearby animal hospital in a convenient and accessible place if the animal hospital closest to you is not open make sure you have the number and location of the nearest 24-hour facility this way in the event of an emergency you can get to the documents and have the information you will need at your fingertips this will save precious time that could help to save your pets life having copies of the documents can also come in handy when you are leaving your pet in the care of someone else when you are leaving your pet think of it as leaving your child adds wendt what would you do if you had to leave them and give their care to someone else make sure you leave the caretaker with a set of the above referenced documents as well as a few additional important papers include a written affidavit that gives them permission to obtain medical treatment in case of an emergency phone numbers of where you will be and how to get in touch with you and the information of a place where your pet could be boarded if needed if you are traveling and decide to take your pet with you wendt suggests get the information for the closest emergency animal clinic to your destination twenty minutes is the farthest travel time you should allow for veterinary clinics and animal hospitals also take a copy of your ‘in case of emergency documents as well a few additional important papers if you are flying make sure you have the animals health certificate if you are driving out of state have a certified copy of your pets rabies vaccination certificate we can prepare for emergencies but we cannot control their outcome if your pet dies or suffers irreversible injuries and must be put to sleep knowing your options ahead of time can help ease the situation if you have a place to bury your pet do so recommends wendt if you do not have the land physical ability or emotional strength needed to bury your pet or you would prefer to have the animal cremated your veterinary clinic should have the contact information of a pet burial and cremation facility that can assist you a person can plan all they want but no one is ever ready when their pet faces an emergency situation or dies not only is it stressful it is devastating explains wendt though nothing can prepare us for these situations having a plan of action can help you function during traumatic events talk with your veterinarian about your emergency plans maintaining a good relationship with your veterinarian through the good times and the bad is extremely important for both you and your pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print picking a pet july 17 2009 whether you are a college student with the new found freedom to have your own pet the parent of a child pleading for a furry addition to the family or a veteran pet owner looking to add a different species to your family; choosing the right pet for your lifestyle requires thought and planning pets are a long-term commitment so impulse purchases or adoptions should be avoided to avoid getting into troublesome pet situations dr bonnie beaver professor at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences recommends answering four important questions before choosing to get a pet: 1) do you have the time to devote to a pet pets require more than just food and water evaluate your lifestyle and try to choose an animal that you know you will be able to care for said dr beaver if a dog or cat seems to be too much for you to handle there are other pet options however most pets will still need to be fed daily; if you travel often and do not have someone else that can look after your animal you should probably not have a pet 2) pets need food grooming toys and veterinary care- can you fit that into your budget it is important to think about the monthly cost of your pet be realistic in your budgeting and make sure that you can handle the added expense dr beaver states food is the largest expense for animals most people tend to think that the veterinary bill would be the most expensive part of owning a pet because the bill comes in one lump sum something to keep in mind while choosing a pet is the general rule that the larger the pet the larger the expenses 3) is my living arrangement conducive to the type of pet i am thinking about people who are looking for a pet need to take into account multiple issues relating to their home life find out if there are restrictions to the type of pet you can have because of zoning laws in your area and if your lease will allow you to have a pet will you have a pet deposit and if so does it fit in your budget if you live in an apartment a big dog is probably not going to be the best pet choice likewise a person who keeps an immaculate house may not do well with pets that shed often 4) do i have health concerns that rule out certain pets or place special requirements on having a pet dr beaver advises people who have allergies or weak immune systems should be mindful of the effects certain animals can have on their health you should talk with your doctor and a veterinarian if you have questions about your health and what animals could have an effect on your condition if you can answer those questions with no red flags you are probably ready for a pet choose a pet you like and can manage the internet is a great resource to find information about different animals and specific breeds also talking with a veterinarian before choosing a pet can help you to make the right decision for your lifestyle dr beaver reminds us that all animals require attention and upkeep-they are not pet rocks however if you are ready for a pet the experience can be rewarding and fulfilling pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print beware the skunks july 13 2009 with the fall season in sight many of us will venture to the great outdoors and go camping all kinds of fascinating creatures can be found in the great outdoors but when your pet is roaming around beware the skunks! puppies especially can become curious when they come across these foreign creatures but skunks are startled easily and have no mercy the skunk odor which is actually a poison can sometimes take years to remove from a dogs fur skunks have an incredible talent for spraying with accuracy they also have the ability to spray multiple times in a row reaching up to ten feet away the spray that a skunk emits is a type of oil accompanied by a horrific odor that will seep deeply into a dogs fur thankfully there are multiple options for getting rid of the odor most people believe that tomato juice is the best remedy for getting rid of a skunks odor but this is in fact false tomato juice is not very effective on animals and will sometimes stain a light-haired animals fur tomato juice is also very acidic and is thought to be harmful to cats but it is not known for certain just how harmful better options include hydrogen peroxide lemon juice dishwasher detergent or a variety of commercial products that are available at local pet stores or from your veterinarian while commercial products are more costly than home remedies they are often more successful at removing the odor on the first try dr alice blue-mclendon a veterinarian at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences at texas a&m university cautions pet owners to always wash their pet outside if it has been sprayed by a skunk she also warned pet owners to be sure pets do not get loose on the way to the bath tub because the odor-causing oil will stick to anything it touches there are no toxins in skunk spray so it will not harm your pet however it could become uncomfortable for them if your pet was sprayed in the face make sure to clean it properly said dr blue-mclendon wash the eyes out with a saline solution and clean out the nostrils with a damp paper towel or cotton balls the smelly skunk spray should not be the only concern to pet owners skunks carry rabies without showing signs of the symptoms one bite from a skunk and your pet could become infected with the rabies disease; his life in danger if there is a chance your pet has been bitten by a skunk dr blue-mclendon stressed that you should take your pet to see a veterinarian immediately if there is even a chance it has been bitten by a skunk skunks like to hide in dark places so it is a good idea to train your pet not to go under houses or decks and always have them updated on their rabies vaccinations if you own fruit bearing plants remove the fallen fruit quickly to reduce food sources that may keep skunks coming back to your property said blue-mclendon there is no way to train your pet to stay away from skunks noted blue-mclendon most pets will keep their distance after being sprayed once but some pets never learn their lesson and continue to be sprayed by the paranoid skunks pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print animal-assisted therapy june 25 2009 depression loneliness stress and anxiety threaten the health of our society oftentimes old age and rehabilitation foster the negative emotional psychological and physical ailments that can take a damaging toll on our well-being prescription medications and psychiatrists work hard to provide the suffering with help but sometimes a sloppy wet kiss from a furry friend makes for good medicine as well while not considered to be a conventional healing method animal-assisted therapy has proven to increase the health of those in agony and bring comfort to those in need the delta society defines animal-assisted therapy as a goal-directed intervention in which an animal meets specific criteria as an integral part of the treatment process says kit darling the infection control coordinator for the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences and owner of a certified therapy dog animal-assisted therapy provides multiple benefits including fine and gross motor skills; verbal tactile and auditory stimulation; ambulation and equilibrium; decision making and instruction following; memory recall; and extended and concentrated attention span with all of their abilities it is clear that animals can provide an excellent service to humans but how are these services positively affecting our health people can benefit from human-animal interaction socially psychologically and physically elaborates darling animals encourage social interaction with others increase activity levels strengthen motivation and restore a sense of well-being they also have the ability to decrease stress anxiety and blood pressure levels animals are used in many settings and with many different people to better the health of hurting individuals kit darling describes exactly how pets provide encouragement animal-assisted activities and animal-assisted therapy may be used in physical occupational recreational and speech therapy settings explains darling animals do not judge people by their looks or disabilities they simply want our attention the pets that perform animal-assisted activities and therapy are anxious to meet people and bring a smile to someones face their attempts to please help create a sense of well-being in humans pets in these programs often relieve loneliness for the elderly who have lost a spouse or whose children have moved away pets can help the elderly by being companions comments darling caring for a pet may help one feel a sense of purpose and increase activity oftentimes helping with loneliness receiving a visit from a pet can support social contact not only with the animal but also with the person bringing the pet for a visit but these furry companions are helping more than just the elderly animals can encourage the terminally ill and those recovering from extensive surgeries and rehabilitation programs pets can be comforting and calming decreasing loneliness that may be felt throughout these difficult situations notes darling animal-assisted therapy is useful in increasing fine and gross motor skills verbal and tactile stimulation and ambulation aiding the rehabilitation process sometimes patients will respond to animals even when they are not responding to humans the miracles of pet therapy on human health are evident and real perhaps this is why darling and her own pet actively participate in her local animal-assistance non-profit organization aggieland pets with a purpose i have been a volunteer since the organizations formation and my dog dexter was in the first group of animals evaluated boasts darling dexter is a long-haired dachshund that has touched many lives through animal-assisted therapy he has helped school children autistic children the elderly and those recovering from strokes and trauma i have seen several children talk to him about their problems and both adults and children talk to him when they were not talking very much to other humans i thank dexter that he allows me to go along and watch him work animal-assisted therapy and activity programs are providing support and increasing the health of those in need pets like dexter provide unconditional love that can better our lives when it seems like nothing else can pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print born to be wild june 11 2009 there is perhaps one moment in almost everyones life when they come across a baby raccoon squirrel or even deer fawn which seems to be helpless and alone we tend to think that the only way these cute little animals will survive is with our tender loving care other times our culture considers it trendy to own a wild animal as a pet what people often do not realize is that taking in wildlife animals as pets will actually hinder and hurt them more than it will help dr alice blue-mclendon veterinary clinical associate professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences strongly discourages the practice of capturing wildlife as pets wildlife animals are defined as native non-domestic animals and they are protected by the state of texas said dr blue-mclendon anyone wanting to capture one of these creatures must have a permit contrary to what may be believed these permits are not easily obtained in order to obtain a permit one must be an animal rehabilitator or be using the animal for some sort of educational purpose even then those who have permits do not usually intend to keep the animal for the rest of its life there are several major health concerns associated with having wildlife animals as pets the biggest concern according to dr blue-mclendon is rabies rabies is most prevalent in raccoons skunks and foxes the animals can harbor the disease for weeks without showing signs said blue-mclendon yet they are can still spread the disease to the humans holding them captive there is no vaccine against rabies that is approved for use in wildlife therefore it is impossible to prevent a wildlife animal from either getting the disease or passing it on to humans another concern is improper food and housing provided to the animals while in human captivity they may not be getting certain nutrients they need nor live in an environmental setting that is appropriate for healthy growth even though baby wild animals may at first seem to be quite fine in a domestic environment do not be fooled when they are young some seem to adapt noted blue-mclendon but as they get older and hit puberty they become aggressive and bite inflicting serious wounds in humans they do not make good pets she also said that some wild animals can be tamed or so it seems in reality some may be seemingly tame until some type of stress occurs causing them to regress to their wild instincts a wild baby animal found helpless in the woods by young children may be an intriguing and sometimes trendy option to have as a pet added blue-mclendon but be advised that the best type of pet for a young child is a small pocket pet such as a hamster mouse gerbil or anything that is adapted to a cage-type environment wild animals grow up and often become too great of a burden for any unskilled person to handle the majority of animals who have been captured are handicapped by human care and therefore unable to function in their natural habitat sadly many people cannot control their once helpless little pet and end up turning them loose only to die in a habitat they would have thrived in if left alone pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print pet hygiene june 5 2009 looking neat and smelling clean are crucial aspects of social interaction for most people while we also like our pets to smell and look nice there are many other important reasons to maintain their hygiene bathing and grooming your pets is helpful for their appearance but even more so for their health and well-being explains dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences matted hair cracked nails and rotting teeth can all lead to very painful conditions down the road bathing your pets regularly and brushing their hair a couple times a week helps to disperse the skins natural oils through it and keeps it soft and healthy its also important to bathe your pets for your own well being the cleaner your pets are the less allergens there are floating around your house states stickney while many people are tempted to use their own shampoo on their animals stickney points out that they make pet shampoo for a reason dogs skin has a different ph than humans if you use your shampoo on your pet it is likely to make them itchy and cause their hair to be brittle warns stickney indoor pets also need to have their nails trimmed regularly to avoid snagging and tearing its important to note that the longer nails grow and the longer interval between trimmings the longer the blood vessels and nerves grow if you let nails go too long the nerves and blood vessels what we call the quick will keep growing with them this means that when you do trim them they will most likely bleed and it will hurt your pet notes stickney if this does happen you want to trim just a little and next week trim a little more this will cause the quick to regress if bathing grooming and trimming your pets nails sounds like a little more than you would like to do on your own you can always take them to a local groomer one additional advantage to this is that a groomer may find a bump or mass on your pet that you might not have noticed adds stickney in order to get your dogs ready for grooming stickney suggest that you acclimate them from a young age i recommend that as soon as you get a puppy that you start regularly playing with their ears and their paws suggest stickney this will make it easier for both you and a groomer to work with your pet and will ease its anxiety regular bathing and grooming is required for most pets however there are some types and breeds that will need to be groomed more often than others larger breed dogs and short haired dogs will not need to be groomed as often as long haired dogs and small or toy breed dogs remarks stickney also if they are active outdoor dogs they will wear down their nails naturally so you shouldnt have to clip them as often while all dogs will need to occasionally be groomed and bathed stickney notes that most cats are able to keep clean and work out mats on their own its also good to note that pocket pets like hamsters and lizards also do not need baths states stickney you are really just going to upset them if you try even though not all pets need regular baths it is important to know that there are aspects of hygiene and maintenance that are required for all pets keeping your pets clean and healthy throughout their lives will enhance their quality of life and the time you spend with them 5 general tips for pet hygiene: keep fur brushed and free of matsbrush teeth every daybath regularly as neededexercise regularlyfeed a high quality diet for healthy skin and hair pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print ear care for pets may 29 2009 hot humid days are rapidly approaching as summer slowly begins the season means finally diving into the neighborhood swimming pool children on summer vacation running through the streets and grass lawns growing at seemingly breakneck speeds but summer could also mean painful ear infections for your pet heat moisture and even grass clippings could cause serious problems for your furry friends ear canals allergic skin disease affecting the ears and the ear pinnaes ear mites foreign bodies such as plant material like a grass awn or ectoparasites such as a tick are all probable causes of ear infections explains dr ma crist a clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences hair can grow deep in the ear canals causing the build-up of wax and moisture leading to bacterial growth and infection the causes range from a variety of factors but one fact seems to remain the same our pets often contract ear infections on a regular basis crist explains why our pets are so susceptible to contracting these problems the basic anatomy of the cat and dog ear canal has a vertical and horizontal section that predisposes them to ear infections waxy debris must work its way upward and outward instead of just straight out says crist irritation to the ear usually results in overproduction of waxy debris an ear infection can sometimes go unnoticed as our pets cannot always tell us when something is wrong fortunately there are a few warning signs that can let pet owners know when an ear infection might be present early signs that your pet may be developing an ear infection may include them scratching at their ears shaking their head redness of the ears holding one ear flap slightly dropped to one side or the animal may exhibit signs that ear or ears are painful when you pet or touch around the area notes crist debris or a discharge might be noted in the ear canal and an odor from the ears may become noticeable if symptoms go untreated ear infections could become very painful and cause the animal to have more severe clinical signs sometimes requiring the pet to be sedated or put under general anesthesia to have the ears examined severe infections of the middle ear can lead to facial nerve paralysis which gives a ‘droopy jaw appearance on the affected side of the face describes crist another complication is an aural hematoma and needs to be corrected surgically if you suspect that your pet has an ear infection it is important to visit your veterinarian to receive a full examination and diagnosis if a pet owner believes their animal to have an ear infection it is recommended that they visit a veterinarian for a general dermatological history and full examination complete with a thorough physical examination of the ear otoscopy and cytologic examination says crist a sample of the discharge will be obtained examined and identified once a diagnosis has been made medications are selected and home treatment is usually continued for several weeks the ears need to be rechecked to make sure the infection has been resolved fortunately there are several preventative measures that can be taken to keep your pet free from pain and your wallet from becoming empty prevention is key urges crist heat and moisture are enemies of the ear canal and allow bacteria and yeast to flourish keeping the animals ears clean and dry is important it is also important to check your pets ears regularly as part of their regular grooming routine to avoid ear infections giving their ears a quick glance daily could help prevent ear problems from arising while it sounds simple enough many pet owners are uninformed of the proper methods of ear care and some ignore ear care entirely routine ear cleaning is a simple method of providing ear therapy notes crist a variety of ear cleaners are available and your veterinarian will prescribe the most appropriate ear cleanser for your pet to use during their regular grooming routine the frequency of cleaning will also be determined by your vet ear cleaning is easy and can prevent major problems down the road and save your pet from extensive damage to their hearing abilities you want to begin an ear care regimen before your pet keeps you up at night shaking their head scratching at their ears or before the smell of their ears reaches you before your pet does emphasizes crist every moment that your animals ears are inflamed and infected causes damage to the ear canal it is important to seek veterinary care right away and to follow through with the treatment regimen dont let an ear infection put a damper on your summer fun following a few preventative measures and being aware of the warning signs will help ensure that your furry friends are both happy and healthy pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print animal influenza may 21 2009 the recent emergence and spread of the swine flu virus also known as h1n1 has affected people throughout the world from school closings to cancelled vacations the swine flu has caused a lot of concern these concerns have led many to take extended precautions for themselves their spouses and their children but what if any precautions should be taken for the furry members of our families the h1n1 strain may not affect our animals in the way that it does humans but similar type a influenza viruses can affect our pets in 2005 the first cases of the canine influenza virus were reported in florida and have since spread throughout the country the virus is a mutant of the h3n8 equine influenza virus and is a contagious respiratory disease that may mirror signs of kennel cough including sneezing coughing and fever nearly one-hundred percent of dogs that come in contact with the virus become infected regardless of age or vaccination history because the virus is new to them says dr deb zoran an associate professor and chief of small animal internal medicine at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences (cvm) of those infected an estimated twenty percent of dogs will show no signs of the disease of the eighty percent of dogs that exhibit clinical signs the majority will have only mild signs of respiratory illness explains zoran in most dogs the clinical signs include a low-grade fever nasal discharge and a persistent cough that could last up to three weeks in dogs that develop severe signs of illness the clinical signs include a high fever increased respiratory rates with difficulty breathing and other indications of viral pneumonia the testing results for the virus cannot be obtained quickly as the diagnosis of canine influenza is made by sending samples for testing to a laboratory at cornell university for pcr of the virus as a result your veterinarian may suggest that your dog be quarantined away from other dogs to prevent the possible spread of this respiratory virus to other canines fortunately most cases can be treated with symptomatic or supportive care including fluid support antiviral therapy bronchodilators and if needed oxygen if you believe your pet has contracted the virus it is important to contact your veterinarian as is the case in any viral infection antibiotics are not helpful unless the infection is so severe that secondary bacterial pneumonia is suspected notes zoran fortunately treatment even in the most severely affected dogs has been successful in about ninety-five percent of cases the key is early diagnosis and treatment so if your canine is showing signs of illness such as a decreased appetite lethargy fever or a cough it is important to contact your veterinarian for further evaluation your veterinarian is best qualified to make a diagnosis and to provide advice for caring for any dogs affected with the virus there is currently no vaccine for this virus and the disease continues to affect dogs throughout the country the best method of protection is to keep your animal companion away from infected dogs cat owners have fewer flu concerns as felines appear not to be susceptible to the class type a flu viruses and do not develop classic flu symptoms cats have their own versions of respiratory viruses but these viruses are not influenza viruses however the same cannot be said for birds which can be just as susceptible to contracting influenza as our canine friends avian influenza is a contagious bird disease says dr sharman hoppes an avian specialist at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences it is usually only infectious to birds but can occasionally infect pigs and people the disease is most common in waterfowl and is often an asymptomatic infection in ducks similar to the canine influenza virus there are two levels of severity observed in the avian flu there are two main forms of disease: a low virulence form and a high virulence form explains hoppes the low pathogenic form may manifest as ruffled feathers and a drop in egg production the high pathogenic form can cause respiratory and gastrointestinal signs and sometimes lead to death while uncommon it is possible for avian influenza to spread to people however this usually occurs only if the individual is in very close contact with an infected bird if an individual is infected with avian influenza he or she can actually become quite sick and the disease can often progress to pneumonia or death cautions hoppes avian influenza is much more serious when it crosses over to humans because most people do not have immunity to the disease fortunately avian flu has not been transmitted from person to person like the swine flu however one of the concerns of avian influenza is that it will mutate and develop into a disease that could transmit from person to person at this time it is highly unlikely that your pet bird will contract avian influenza but in the event that your feathered-friend becomes sick care is available while unlikely that your pet parrot will develop avian influenza it could be possible if you have pet poultry or waterfowl as they are more likely to contract the disease says hoppes if your pet bird does get sick it is more likely to be the low pathogenic form and supportive care is available the best way to prevent your bird from contracting avian influenza is to minimize their contact with waterfowl and poultry both the canine influenza virus and the avian influenza disease can cause detrimental health problems in your pet but knowing the warning signs and taking proper precautions could save both you and your companion the worries of influenza pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print adopting a pet april 30 2009 his pudgy nose tiny paws and sloppy wet kisses melted your heart in an instant but after giving in to desire and surprising the family with a new furry friend you found that caring for a new puppy was not exactly what you expected adopting a pet can be rewarding but certain steps must be made before both you and your pet can be ready for the transition its important to avoid impulse adopting emphasizes dr snowden an associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences pets are a life-long commitment dogs and cats can live ten to fifteen years while parrots and turtles will live much longer so how do you know if you are ready to adopt a pet snowden believes the first step of the process is to evaluate your needs and lifestyle before adopting a pet a potential owner needs to consider the amount of space in the home available to accommodate the pet says snowden evaluating the amount of time and care that can be spent with the animal as well as the activity level of both owner and pet is important too fish are not as demanding as a dog that needs jogging everyday and therefore may be a more suitable choice for a relatively inactive or time-pressed individual once you have decided which type of pet to adopt it is time to choose where to search for your affectionate friend some great places to find a dog or cat are the local shelters or breeders notes snowden there are fewer sources for reptiles and birds however many can be found at local breeders or rescue groups as well as at local pet stores but just finding the number for the local shelter in the yellow pages is not enough when searching for a new pet you must research and ask questions when looking for a new dog or cat its important to find out how much socialization the animal has been exposed to the more social interaction the animal has had the more likely it will be happy and exhibit good behavior adds snowden if you decide to purchase a pet from a pet store its a good idea to find out where the animal came from and ask questions such as ‘do the stores breed and raise the animals themselves or ‘are the pets coming from a variety of sources asking questions can give you an idea of how much socialization the animal has experienced if after asking the appropriate questions you decide to adopt from a local shelter there are several services that you can expect to be provided texas state law requires all animals in shelters to be vaccinated for rabies and be either spayed or neutered states snowden most shelter animals have been de-wormed and given a flea treatment or prevention medication in addition to these services most shelters and veterinarians offer microchipping at a reasonable cost an invaluable resource in the event that your adopted pet goes missing overall shelters hope to provide owners with healthy social pets with little initial expense even though some may choose to adopt a pet from a shelter many often refuse common misconceptions about shelters can unfortunately prevent affectionate pets from finding new homes there is a widespread assumption that shelter animals are unhealthy muts explains snowden this mistaken belief is not representative of many shelter populations in fact about one- fourth to one-third of dogs in shelters across the country are an easily identifiable breed once you have chosen what type of pet suits you best and where to find your loving companion the next step is to prepare your home for your new pet dogs need adequate food water appropriate dishes a collar and leash a plan for where he or she will spend most of their time and bedding or a crate for the animal to adopt as his or her ‘safe or ‘resting place notes snowden cats require similar items and you will need to decide whether or not the animal will be staying primarily indoors or outdoors if you decide to keep the cat indoors find a place for the litter box with daily sanitation in mind after preparing your home for your new arrival it is finally time to bring home your new friend however challenges often arise as your pet strives to figure out his strange new home when you bring home your pet it is necessary to begin a routine urges snowden establish when he or she will have time for play and exercise implement a regular feeding schedule that coincides with your daily agenda with a consistent routine in place your pet will rapidly adapt to his or her new environment adopting a pet can be a rewarding experience with proper research and appropriate care you and your new friend could develop a happy life-long relationship pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print springtime yard hazards for pets april 23 2009 springtime is garden time spring is when we plant new plants and get our yards ready to shine while you are preparing your outdoor areas for your family to enjoy just make sure you take the steps to ensure that it is safe for your pets to enjoy as well and free of yard hazards when planting your garden it is important to note that there are numerous house and garden plants which can be toxic to animals warns dr murl bailey professor of toxicology at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences several that come to mind initially are brunfelsia lilies cycads kolanchoe and oleander brunfelsia more commonly known as the yesterday today & tomorrow plant causes convulsive seizures in dogs that resemble strychnine poisoning we havent seen any problems in cats from brunfelsia as of this date notes bailey while this plant is mostly a house plant it could be in sheltered gardens in the southern part of texas cycads low growing palm trees which are used both indoors and outdoors are another type of plant that is toxic to dogs as they tend to chew on the roots the cycad has a toxin in the root and stems that is toxic to the liver when the liver is affected the dogs body stops producing the normal endogenous clotting factors and the dogs start bleeding excessively–to the extent that they can bleed to death explains bailey while brunfelsia and cycads may not be known to cause problems in cats lilies are especially harmful to them once cats ingest lilies they develop nausea and vomiting then they get depressed and stop eating why cats like to eat them i dont know probably boredom but once they do these cats must be treated by a veterinarian preferably within 24 hours and not later than 48 hours states bailey we do not know which toxin(s) are present in the lilies but they are very toxic to the kidneys kolanchoe is a type of house plant that is known to be toxic this plant contains a chemical which is similar to the human heart medication digoxin the garden plant oleander also contains digoxin-like compounds both kolanchoe and oleander can be toxic to all animals including dogs and cats if ingested says bailey while spring is a time to plant beautiful flowers in your yard it also brings pesky insects out in numbers because of this another potential yard hazard to pets this time of year is pesticides all pesticides can cause problems in dogs and cats if the chemicals are stored incorrectly and misused warns bailey bailey stresses that labels on all chemicals should be read very carefully and followed especially when used around pets he notes that animals do not have to eat the toxin; they can also become exposed through the skin and in the case of volatile agents can be exposed just by breathing the contaminated air if a pesticide is not specifically labeled to be used on dogs and/or cats the pesticide can cause toxicities bailey states some insecticides are labeled specifically for dogs and not for cats so it is important to read the labels thoroughly while there are more and more products out there that claim to be environmentally safe or green bailey is not entirely convinced of their worth many alternative and so-called environmentally safe compounds are usually not very effective in controlling fleas flies and ticks the best thing for an animal owner to do is follow the labeled instructions he adds spring is a great time to enhance and enjoy the outdoors taking the time to make sure that everything you put in and on your yard is safe for your furry friends will ensure this time is special for the entire family pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print first aid tips for pet owners april 2 2009 its the middle of the night and your phone rings your dog has gotten out and was hit by a car what do you do when our kids or our significant other gets sick or hurt we have a pretty good idea of how to take care of them unfortunately most people are not prepared to handle these occurrences in our pets to help pet owners deal with emergency situations april has been designated as national pet first aid awareness month dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences says that one of the most important things that you can do for your pets safety is to have a relationship with your veterinarian it is absolutely necessary to know if your veterinarian has an after hour emergency service and if not who they recommend calling in case of an emergency explains stickney its also imperative that you can call your veterinarian for advice on what to do to help your pet until you can get it to the clinic the two most common emergency situations that a pet owner should be prepared for are poisoning and trauma if you suspect that your pet has eaten something toxic contact your veterinarian they may tell you to make it vomit by feeding it hydrogen peroxide states stickney while hydrogen peroxide is generally harmless there are some poisons that will actually make things worse if the pet vomits so it is important that you contact your veterinarian first as spring and summer approach more and more pets will need first aid for snake bites dogs are especially curious and tend to get bitten the most on their noses faces and front legs the area where the pet was bitten will swell up very quickly states stickney just because there is no visible puncture wound does not mean that your pet did not get bitten if you think your pet was bitten by a snake stay calm and take it to the vet immediately do not put a tourniquet on the pet as this will limit the blood flow too much and cause more harm than good if you are able to kill the snake take it to the veterinarian with you if they can identify the snake they will have a better idea of how harmful the bite is recommends stickney its not uncommon that a dog or cat will suffer a traumatic event such as getting hit by a car bike or other vehicle while the animal might look ok it is good to have it checked out by the veterinarian anyway trauma can be very deceiving most of the time it looks better than it actually is and there is usually a lot of damaged tissue on the inside explains stickney the first thing to do if your pet has been injured and is bleeding is to put pressure on the area to slow the blood flow hurt dogs tend to bite so it is a good idea to have a muzzle on hand to use in this type of situation your pet might be your best friend but when dogs are hurt they may not remember that notes stickney if you have a big dog i would also recommend that you have a dog stretcher they make it much easier to move large injured animals less severe incidences such as minor cuts and scrapes are fairly common and can be handled much like you would treat yourself make sure that the cut is as clean as possible states stickney i would not recommend putting antibiotic cream anywhere your pet can lick it off this just causes more germs to get in the wound if the cut is on an area they cant lick than something like neosporin will be fine while there are a lot of ways that you can help your pet with simple first aid techniques you will probably never have to use cpr the reality is that the chance that cpr will help your pet is very low says stickney the good news is that this means there is very little reason you would have to put your dogs face in your mouth pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print so you want a pet bird march 5 2009 now more than ever americans are constantly on the go long days at the office coupled with the demanding extra-curricular activities for kids leaves little time spent at home so before adding another member to the family it is important to consider the responsibilities of caring for and choosing your pet bird there are several factors to consider before purchasing a pet bird explains dr sharman hoppes an avian specialist at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences space cost time family and life longevity must be taken into consideration before introducing a pet bird into your family the size of your home must be evaluated the cage can take up a considerable amount of space especially for large birds in addition to having a cage all pet birds should have a play gym to encourage exercise says dr hoppes because of their eating habits birds regularly require their owners to clean up around the cage owners must also be able to handle their noisy demeanor pet birds tend to be very messy they pick at food and leave crumbs everywhere often spewing their messes outside of their cage comments hoppes birds can also be loud so take neighbors into consideration especially if living in an apartment or duplex purchasing a bird can often be an impulse buy; however it is important to think about all of the annual costs before obtaining a new feathered friend a large cage toys and the appropriate food can become costly especially for large birds veterinary costs should also be considered as it is especially important to check for hidden illnesses notes hoppes for example parrots are prey animals and hide signs of illness or disease chlamydophila a zoonotic disease transferred not only from bird to bird but bird to person can be found in some birds and makes it absolutely necessary for pet birds to be initially examined by a veterinarian in addition to space and cost it is essential that the amount of time the bird will spend alone in the house be considered birds are flock animals and need a lot of socialization so sitting alone all day in a cage can be very stressful continues hoppes birds are also very intelligent and need plenty of mental stimulation they should receive lots of interaction with humans preferably outside of their cage for a minimum of a couple of hours each day considering the rest of the family is also important before purchasing a pet bird be careful if you have small children birds can bite and large birds can bite even harder a small child must be monitored very closely around pet birds comments hoppes it is also important to note that some birds live much longer than a dog or cat and owners must be prepared for a life-long friend a cockatiel can live for up to 25 years and a macaw or cockatoo can live for 60 years people have to be prepared for a very long-lived pet states hoppes if after considering all of the above a family decides to obtain a pet bird it is time to determine which type of bird best suits their needs budgerigars (budgies or parakeets) and cockatiels are the most common types of pet birds they are reasonably priced fairly quiet and do not require a large cage they can also be quite entertaining if hand-raised and interacted with frequently says hoppes when it comes to larger birds the african gray parrot and the yellow-naped or yellow-headed amazon are very popular because of their unique talking abilities the large macaws talk some but not as well as the amazon or african gray; however their large size and beauty make them popular with many routine care and veterinary visits are necessary for the health of a pet bird birds need to be seen by a veterinarian yearly or more frequently if they have health issues their wings and nails need to be trimmed two to three times a year notes hoppes their water and papers should be changed daily and a pelleted bird diet mixed with healthy fruits and vegetables should be maintained even though caring for a pet bird may seem overwhelming at first birds can be fun entertaining additions to the family parrots are amazing wonderful pets but people need to realize that they are loud messy and expensive to appropriately maintain i have seven and wouldnt give them up for anything! hoppes lovingly concludes with appropriate consideration and proper care pet birds make excellent companions and can become life-long friends pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print best pets for people with allergies february 27 2009 the asthma and allergy foundation of america estimates that one in five americans suffers from all types of allergies and of these between 15 and 30 percent have allergic reactions to cats and dogs with so many people affected by allergies it has become a growing trend to market pets as hypo-allergenic or suitable for people with allergies dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences discusses the causes of these allergies and how to keep them at bay while enjoying the companionship of a cherished pet while there are dogs and cats that are marketed as hypoallergenic there is really no such thing notes stickney people can be allergic to anything and it varies by person the most common causes of pet allergies from dogs are flaking skin called dander and seasonal allergies can be caused by pollen spores that have attached to a dogs fur and brought into a house the kinds of dogs that are probably less likely to cause allergies are those with short hair and those that are less-likely to shed these include terriers such as yorkies and westies poodles and schnauzers there are really no breeds of cats that are better for people with cat allergies because these allergies are usually caused by the cats saliva states stickney when a cat grooms itself the saliva dries on its fur and is then transferred to the pet owner there are some breeds of pets such as the chinese crested dog and sphinx cat that are mostly or completely hairless these pets may be less likely to cause allergies as the fur will not hold onto allergens while hairless pets may be an option for people with allergies these types of animals come with their own problems warns stickney hairless dogs have to be washed very often as they tend to have very oily skin and other skin problems there also alternative pet options for people with allergies if they are willing to be a little adventurous reptiles birds rats guinea pigs and fish are among the possibilities it may take some experimentation to find the right pet as different people are allergic to different kinds of animals but reptiles and fish should be safe for just about anybody says stickney however if one has their heart set on owning a dog or cat there are a few steps that they can take to alleviate some of the allergy risks bathing your pet once a week and vacuuming your house often are two precautions you can take to cut down on the allergens attached to your pets and floating around your house notes stickney if possible grooming should be left to someone who is not allergic as to minimize your contact with the pets fur and dander owning a pet is a fulfilling experience and something that many of us could not bear to live without while allergies may dictate the breed or type of animal one can live with everyone should be able to find a pet that they can love and that doesnt make them sneeze pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print dental care for your four legged friend february 20 2009 the american dental association recommends that we brush our teeth twice a day floss daily and visit our dentist regularly to have teeth cleanings and oral exams keeping our teeth clean is vital to our oral health and well being why should our pets be any different when was the last time you brushed your pets teeth or had them professionally cleaned for many people the answer could be never this seemingly slight overlook of your pets dental care could be causing serious problems in your poochs mouth according to the veterinary oral health council website periodontal disease (gum disease) is the most common disease occurring in pets and dogs gum disease is an infection resulting from the build-up of soft dental plaque on the surfaces of the teeth around the gums the bacteria in dental plaque irritate the gum tissue if allowed to accumulate which can often lead to infection in the bone surrounding the teeth after plaque has formed hard dental tartar which consists of calcium salts from saliva that has been deposited on plaque begins to grow if the surface of the tooth does not stay clean tartar begins to form within a few days the un-brushed tooth provides a surface that boosts further plaque accumulation if allowed to accumulate tartar is difficult to remove without dental instruments for our pets gum disease means bad breath painful irritated gums that can lead to bleeding and loss of appetite and the loss of teeth if the roots have been affected there is also the possibility that the bacteria surrounding the root of the tooth gains access to the bloodstream which can lead to microscopic damage of the heart liver and kidney as the severity of the gum disease increases so does the damage the best way to ward off periodontal disease in your pet is prevention keeping your pets teeth clean can help prevent oral health problems ideally you should brush your pets teeth daily states dr johnathon dodd a clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences make sure you are using special toothpaste that is made for pets and is safe for them to swallow they cannot spit or rinse like we do therefore our pets need specific kinds of toothpaste that is not harmful if ingested your veterinarian and local pet retail stores should carry toothbrushes and toothpaste for your pets different flavors of toothpastes are available for dog and cats in addition to brushing your pets teeth daily it is also important for pets to have their teeth cleaned and examined by a professional your pet needs to get their teeth cleaned yearly notes dodd most veterinary clinics should offer dental cleaning services but if they do not they can refer you to someone who does to help ward off gum diseases and keep bad breath at bay there are products you can feed your pet that help improve and promote oral health there are certain dog treats that help promote good dental health explains dodd the right kind of treat should crumble be easily crushed and contain chlorhexadine or a hydrogen peroxide-type additive that can help with the bacteria count in the animals mouth balancing this bacteria count can help prevent and get rid of bad breath a helpful guide to go by when considering your pets oral health is the veterinary oral health council website they have compiled a list of products that are intended to help reduce the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth of animals and created the vohc seal of approval pet products approved by the veterinary oral health council can be recognized by the vohc seal on the packaging to see the full list of vohc approved products visit wwwvohcorg brushing your pets teeth taking them for a yearly visit to the dentist and giving them vohc approved products are all ways that you can help make sure your pet has a clean and healthy mouth pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print how cold is too cold february 12 2009 heaters are on and blankets seem to have taken over our homes as we bundle up to wait out the winter season luckily we are able to add more layers or turn up the thermostat if we start to feel uncomfortably cold our outdoor pets and livestock are not so fortunate so it is our responsibility to make sure they have adequate shelter from the harsh winter weather and temperatures animals should be able to get out of the elements notes dr ma crist a clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences determining what temperature is too cold for your pet can depend on many different factors from fur thickness and length to body mass this makes it hard to determine an exact temperature that could be dangerous to your pets health explains crist however it is clinically accepted that indoor pets that are not acclimated to cold weather should not be left outside when the average daily temperature is below 45 degrees fahrenheit cats even if acclimated to outdoor temperatures should always have access to warm shelters kittens cats advanced in age or sick should never be kept outdoors when the temperature is below 45 degrees fahrenheit if pets are kept outdoors during winter weather dr crist recommends making sure the animal has a well insulated structure that is large enough to allow the animal to curl up and maintain its body heat the dog house or structure should contain a wind-block to protect it from northern winter blasts advises crist outdoor pets in colder climates should have an outdoor rated heating pad also adding blankets or dry straw in the structure can give the animal a place to bed down and keep warm just make sure the bedding stays clean and dry and remember to change it out frequently along with a well insulated structure animals kept outside need plenty of fresh unfrozen water heated water buckets are available to make sure your animals stay hydrated during the winter months outdoor pets need a significant number of calories to help keep them warm adds crist this increase in caloric intake needs to be maintained throughout the season food is the fuel our animals need to maintain their body heat sweaters can also help to keep pets warm; however there are a few guidelines that need to be followed to ensure your animals safety it is important to make sure the article of clothing fits the animal correctly notes crist the sweater should not be large enough to hang loosely or produce gaps that can prevent the animal from keeping warm on the other hand you do not want a sweater that is too tight and can cause circulation problems or irritation to the animals skin if you choose to provide your pet with clothing it is important to remember to never leave the animal unattended pets clothing can get caught on numerous things outside and that can injure the animal explains crist another worry is that the pet might catch the sweater on something and pull it off which means the animal will again be unprotected against the cold crist also suggests a few other guidelines that can help protect your pet from harm this winter: before getting into and starting your vehicle thump the hood of the car with your hand to make sure a cat seeking refuge from the cold has not crawled up into the engineif you are using antifreeze be careful to clean up any spills pets like the taste of antifreeze and it is deadly if ingested even in very small amountsproducts used to help ice melt can be very irritating to the skin and mouth these products can cause your pet to drool and vomitthe use of poison increases in the winter because rats mice and other small creatures are often trying to invade our homes to seek shelter during the winter if you are using poisons around the house make sure they are inaccessible to your pet if your pet ingests any type of poison and you need assistance or you are unsure if a product is safe for use around your animal talk with your veterinarian helpful information can also be found in the pet care section of the american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals website wwwaspcaorg with the temperature dropping and an abundance of hazardous materials in use winter weather means its time to take extra precautions to ensure the safety of you your family and your pets pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print joint health february 6 2009 as the winter season settles in the chill of the cold air often make us more aware of our joint health problems- the same goes for your pet though commonly bothersome in the winter joint discomfort can be a year round-pain that affects your pets quality of life joints are areas where bones come together explains dr sharon kerwin an associate professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences they are a combination of bone ligaments cartilage and the joint capsule and fluid if anything damages the cartilage or another structure in the joint then arthritis or deterioration results unfortunately at this point in time there is no cure for arthritis symptoms can be treated but arthritis is often progressive and gets worse with time though no cure has been found yet there are ways to prevent or postpone the onset of your pets joint problems while genetics do play a role in the development of some joint issues weight control and proper diet are essential in both prevention and treatment notes kerwin keeping a young dog particularly large breeds on a diet that does not have too much energy from carbohydrates and fat is essential to keeping them from growing too quickly this is important because if they grow too quickly it can result in both excessive fat and the formation of a mismatch between bone growth and muscle development which can lead to excessive stress on cartilage the specific ingredients in your pets food and the amounts of each ingredient can have astounding affects on your pets joint growth and health one of the main ways diet can be a contributing factor for joint health issue is if there is an imbalance in the ratio of calcium to phosphorous explains dr dan bauer a professor of animal nutrition at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical science for growing animals an imbalance in this ratio can result in metabolic bone diseases which greatly affect joint health making sure your pet is getting a complete and balanced diet can help to prevent joint problems in younger pets or ease joint health problems for older animals large dog breeds such as german shepherds golden retrievers labrador retrievers and irish setters are especially susceptible to joint health problems such as hip dysplasia getting your pet the proper nutrition at an early age can potentially help avoid such problems dietary supplements such as glucosamine and omega 3 fatty acids can also help ease your pets joint pain recent research has shown that the dietary supplement glucosamine which is an important dietary adjunct that supports joint health increases mobility and decreases pain adds bauer it is not a cure and more research needs to be done but many people believe it might be able to slow down progression of joint health problems omega 3 fatty acids can also help ease joint pain by reducing inflammation when joints rub together it creates inflammation the omega 3 fatty acids potentially can alleviate some of that notes bauer human grades of these dietary supplements can be used on animals and are worth a try if your pet is in pain however it is important to first talk to your veterinarian about dosages and specifics regarding your animal if joint health problems are plaguing your pet dr kerwin suggests keeping your pet slim and trim as good body condition is important in maintaining your pets health muscle mass should be promoted by moderate low -impact exercise like swimming and walking if your pet has more severe joint problems and more drastic medical attention is needed there are a variety of treatment options available specific problems such as cruciate ligament (acl) tears in the stifle (knee) joint can be treated by stabilizing the joint to decrease the wear and tear on the cartilage explains kerwin arthritic hip joints can be replaced surgically as is done in humans and medical management of joint problems can include pain management with medications such as nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs joint supplements and physical rehabilitation if your pet is at risk for or suffers from joint health problems talk with your veterinarian to make sure they are receiving the proper nutrition and medications if needed pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print dog dementia january 23 2009 as we age we notice our bodies and minds may not be as quick as they once were luckily for humans we are able to voice problems and pains and seek the medical attention we need; our dogs are not so lucky while doggie dementia or canine cognitive disease does exist dr daniel hicks a veterinary neurologist and clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences says the changes in your dogs behavior may be explained by other medical conditions many times what is thought to be dementia is actually connected to a larger scale problem such as a tumor infection or stroke explains hicks hicks states that subtle signs such as the loss of potty training deviation from normal behavioral patterns and changes in food preferences appetite or sleep patterns might be the result of an underlying neurological disorder an example of behavioral pattern changes in dogs could be that you have let your dog out the back door for the past 10 years and all the sudden they are going to the front door instead explains hicks changes in food preferences and signs that they are eating and sleeping much more or less can potentially be caused by a problem in their nervous system these subtle signs may be early indicators of illnesses that can be difficult to recognize for pet owners often dogs are brought to us after displaying obvious signs such as seizures circling a term that refers to when animals pace in circles vision deficits such as running into walls and head pressing which is when an animal presses their head against a wall or an object for no apparent reason notes hicks it is important to remember that not all dogs will display all the signs but if you notice your pet behaving oddly take them to your veterinarian for an evaluation they can look for common disorders that might help explain what is going on with your pet preliminary evaluations and routine testing can often find obvious problems states hicks routine testing can include a physical examination blood work and urine samples and help to diagnose diseases such as diabetes thyroid problems arthritis some forms of cancer or infections if initial test results do not explain the cause for your pets abnormal behavior or if the results suggest additional information is required the next step may be to see a specialist your veterinarian can refer you to a veterinary neurologist who can help determine what the problem is a focused neurological examination begins with another hands-on assessment explains hicks if there is concern that the problem stems from the brain we can sample spinal fluid test for various diseases and get a mri scan to get a better look at the problem magnetic resonance images commonly known as mris allow veterinary neurologist to classify various diseases of the brain including cancer strokes and hydrocpehalus the most important thing to remember when dealing with a pets problem is to be aware of options advises hicks knowing that advanced diagnostic tests and treatments are available helps guide people regarding the most appropriate level of care for their pet depending on the test results and ultimately the diagnosis there can be many different treatment options the symptoms can be the same for a large number of diseases hicks suggests that pursuing a diagnosis early on in the course of illness usually aids in more successful treatment outcomes some diseases once thought to be untreatable may now be very treatable notes hicks this includes some forms of cancer strokes and head trauma for instance cancer therapy has evolved to include sophisticated chemotherapy radiation and surgery which has lead to higher survival rates while some behavioral changes will be explained by the various tests performed not all illnesses including dog dementia have a specific reliable test currently since there is no single test for ‘doggie dementia we must rule out other diseases in other words the diagnosis comes by way of excluding other possibilities states hicks whether your pet is suffering from a known illness or a case of doggie dementia it is important to have them evaluated so appropriate therapy may be instituted pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print a resolution fit for you and your best friend january 8 2009 as 2009 opens a year of promise we all start pondering our new years resolutions for many people the top of that list includes weight loss and exercise while most people could benefit from this resolution so could most pets obesity occurs in up to 40 percent in our pet dogs and cats and it has many causes but inactivity is a major contributor animals require exercise to maintain a healthy weight just as people do states j david sessum registered veterinary technician at the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences at texas a&m university the difference between animals and people is that for the most part it is easier for pets to lose weight because the owner is the one who regulates their diet pets that have a recommended diet from a veterinary professional usually maintain a healthy weight because they are fed the correct amount of kilocalories in their diet that is suited for their level of activity i do believe that owners play a huge role in helping their pet lose and maintain a healthy weight notes sessum how easy would it be for humans to lose weight if we were only given two cups of a reduced calorie diet twice daily just as owners regulate their pets food intake another resolution can be to make sure their animals get enough exercise animals that exercise on a regular basis maintain a healthy body weight due to the fact that they metabolize their food during exercise says sessum a sedentary or inactive lifestyle helps promote an unhealthy weight just as it does in people as our pets inactivity increases their weight increases recent research in human and animals have shown that adipose tissue (fat cells) actually functions more as an endocrine organ like your pancreas adipose tissue actually releases inflammatory mediators that can make diseases like osteoarthritis much worse for obese patients in the clinic you can see dogs that may have orthopedic diseases such as hip dysplasia (a joint malformation) but are only diagnosed as incidental findings on radiographs because the dog is a healthy weight and remains active the owner never even noticed a change in the dogs level of activity explains sessum as far as osteoarthritis and existing orthopedic conditions are concerned an obese patient places extra strain on joints that are already unhealthy and weight loss or management can help reduce the load placed on diseased painful joints exercise is important for all pets but if you arent sure what level of exercise your pet requires when making your new years resolution a veterinarian or veterinary professional can assess your animals weight status by using a body condition score once a pets body condition is scored it is a helpful tool in developing an exercise program for pets notes sessum a pet with a healthy body condition score can maintain their normal daily activity and amount of food they currently receive as a pet ages its body condition score can be assessed and the amount of exercise and amount of food can be regulated to help ensure a healthy body weight exercises to maintain a healthy weight for dogs can include regular leash walks and normal activity such as fetching or swimming states sessum all of these activities can be done with the owner so helping your pet get exercise can also help you for dogs that are obese exercise is usually not tolerated very well due to their previous level of inactivity these patients must be monitored at all times during exercise for signs of fatigue or distress especially during summer months when extreme temperatures are encountered other exercises that owners can do with their pets include anything that will help with strengthening and improving cardiovascular fitness explains sessum walks up hills or inclines stepping over obstacles or walking through tall grass to increase range of motion in joints will all help to reduce obesity and maintain a healthy weight in both pets and humans it is important to remember that rest and recovery is as important sometimes as the exercise themselves to help prevent soreness and excess fatigue it is also necessary to avoid the weekend warrior mentality pets that have a sedentary lifestyle will not respond to exercise well if they are suddenly introduced into a strenuous workout program concludes sessum just like people if we lie around on the couch all week and then try to run a marathon it could lead to serious health problems our pets exercise regimen should be introduced in the same manner we would approach a new exercise program including a visit to the doctor! by following these guidelines and sticking to these resolutions both you and your pet can have a healthy and prosperous new year pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print gift ideas december 18 2008 sure santa claus is coming to town with gifts for little sammy and sue but what about your pet if your pet has been good this year it is time to reward them with a holiday gift pet stores sell all kinds of holiday presents for our animals states dr mark stickney clinical assistant professor and director of general surgery services at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences however not all those presents are good choices for your pet added holiday pounds are not just a worry for us; our pets can be at risk as well dr stickney recommends keeping a few things in mind if you are planning on purchasing edible presents for your animals too many sweets can make pets sick notes stickney it is also important to factor in the added calories from the treats so overfeeding can be avoided if you are planning on buying your pet an edible chew toy stickney recommends getting them one that will soften as they chew it such as rawhide things such as pigs feet and horse hoofs do not soften and can crack a dogs teeth in terms of toys stickney has a few suggestions when it comes to what to get your pet for dogs dont get them a toy that resembles anything they are not allowed to chew on a toy shoe or newspaper could be confusing and give the animal the wrong idea about what is or is not ok for them to chew on explains stickney also make sure the toy you get the dog is sturdy dont get your pet anything they could shred or destroy they might eat part of it which can potentially cause gastrointestinal obstructions comments stickney make sure to get a toy that is appropriate for the breed and age of your dog there is a great rubber dog toy called a kong these rubber toys have a hole in the center that can be filled with a treat which the dog works to get which is both fun and stimulating for the animal kongs are a great toy idea for any dog because they are virtually indestructible come in various sizes and provide hours of entertainment for your pet stickney also recommends avoiding toys that encourage tug of war games never encourage your dog to resist giving you things they have in their mouths when it comes to buying gifts for cats they will like anything that crinkles or moves unexpectedly states stickney beware of things that have strings they can swallow or bells they might choke on if you give your pet a toy that requires interaction on your part such as cat fishing poles that have long strings in which your cat can become entangled make sure the toy is put away when you are not playing with your pet birds and ferrets like anything new and novel comments stickney just know that birds will ultimately destroy anything that is put in their cages and ferrets often swallow things so make sure what you give them is strong enough to resist being pulled apart or chewed up if your pet is of the scaly nature they may not appreciate their present snakes and lizards wont really notice if they get a present notes stickney these animals like stability in their environments so adding something new may not excite them as it would other pets no matter what kind of pets you have on your list make sure you get them safe and appropriate gifts this holiday season pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print cancer and your pets: what you need to know december 4 2008 almost everyone has known a friend or loved one who has been affected by cancer while cancer in humans is definitely prevalent our pets are also afflicted with this disease according to dr heather wilson assistant professor of oncology at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences 50 percent of all dogs and 30 percent of all cats over the age of 10 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer types of cancers most common in dogs include: lymphoma (tumor of the lymph nodes) mast cell tumors (skin tumors) and osteosarcoma (tumor of the bones) some common types of cancer in cats are: lymphoma squamous cell carcinoma (which affects the head neck and mouth) and vaccine associated sarcomas cats are not nearly as prone to cancer as dogs but one of the most common cancers in cats comes from vaccine injection sites notes wilson while you can pick and choose some vaccinations rabies vaccinations are required by law however there is a non-adjuvanted rabies vaccine for cats that is less irritating thus less likely to cause cancer and is available at most veterinary clinics the type of cancer your pet has can also be closely associated with its breed in dogs lymphoma is most common in golden retrievers boxers and labs mast cell tumors are common in dogs with short noses such as boxers pugs and bulldogs large breed dogs such as rottweilers and great danes are more prone to osteosarcoma there is very little distinction across breeds when it comes to cancer in cats states wilson however cancer most commonly affects the siamese breed of cats once your veterinarian has diagnosed your pet with cancer you will then want to find a veterinary oncologist in your area that specializes in your pets specific cancer there are veterinary oncologists that specialize in medical oncology and radiation oncology there are also surgeons that specialize in surgical oncology explains wilson the best way to find a medical oncologist in your area is to go to the american college of veterinary internal medicine (acvim) website at wwwacvimorg treatment options range from chemotherapy surgery radiation therapy and immunotherapy and are administered depending on the type and severity of the cancer chemotherapy is the number one treatment option for animals with lymphoma says wilsonwhile cure rates in dogs vary greatly with the type of cancer overall response rates for dogs with lymphoma treated with the chop chemotherapy protocol (a multidrug protocol given weekly over 19 weeks) is greater than 80 percent response rates for dogs with mast cell tumors varies depending on the grade but with complete surgical excision plus radiation for low grade tumors the control rates is often greater than 80 percent at three years unfortunately the majority of dogs with osteosarcoma and metastatic disease do not achieve a cure states wilson also most cancers in cats are also very hard to cure when we do achieve remission in cats with vaccine associated sarcomas they often live 18-24 months before they have a recurrence cost is another important thing to consider when deciding on the treatment of an animal for cancer while costs range widely the average cost for a surgery is $2 000-$3000; chemotherapy regimen is $1 200-$3 000 and radiation averages $3 000 as cost is prohibitive to some families a good option may be to enter your pet into a clinical trial if possible notes wilson many of these trials have a financial incentive such as a free treatment regimen and they also help with future research for both veterinary and human oncology for more information on clinical trials at texas a&m universitys college of veterinary medicine go to vetmedtamuedu/clinical-trials while cancer in pets can be extremely stressful for owners the good news is that with the amount of resources and specialists that are now available to treat cancer in pets owners now have the power to make informed and responsible decisions to get their beloved pets through this illness pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print cat food for thought december 1 2008 anyone who owns a dog or a cat knows that they will typically eat anything they can get their paws on while it is not harmful for a dog to eat a cats food it can be potentially hazardous for a cat to eat a dogs food in moderation a cat eating a dogs food is probably safe but if the cat is only eating fidos dinner they are probably not getting the nutrients that are essential to their specific health needs cats nutrition requirements are different than dogs they have unique needs explains dr john bauer a professor of animal nutrition at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine &biomedical science your cat is not going to get ill from eating the occasional pieces of dog food but if they are only eating dog food then they are not getting nutrients they need for a healthy life if you have a cat that prefers to feast on their canine pals dinner it is important to know that there are five main nutrients essential to feline health that are not balanced properly for proper feline nutrition first cats require a higher protein to calorie ratio than dogs notes bauer cats eat less than dogs therefore they need to be getting the protein needed from a smaller amount of food by contrast dogs will eat a larger amount of food thus getting the proper balance of protein to calories also cats are not able to make their own vitamin a which has to be added to their food and is essential to their health dogs are able to make vitamin a from beta-carotene explains bauer since their bodies can create this vitamin it is not necessary for it to be in their food per se a dog could live with only small amounts of vitamin a added into their food as long as they are also getting beta-carotene a cat cannot thirdly bauer explains that cats are not able to make the amino acid taurine according to the iams website taurine is important to maintain proper feline heart function vision and reproduction it is also needed to form bile that helps with digestion a lack of taurine can lead to the weakening of the heart muscles which in turn can cause heart failure in addition to maintaining cardiac health this amino acid is also necessary for the proper development and function of the retina cells in cats eyes a taurine deficiency can lead to the cells dying which can cause impaired vision and blindness taurine also effects reproduction to ensure proper structural development of a kitten both the mother and the baby must maintain proper levels of taurine dogs are able to make taurine meaning it does not have to be a specific ingredient in their food notes bauer cats eating lots of dog food will not be getting the necessary amount of taurine they need to maintain their health bauer also states that dog food does not need to have arachidonic acid a fatty acid essential to feline nutrition according to the article special nutrition needs of cats found on peteducationcom arachidonic acid is necessary to produce an inflammatory response that helps the body protect itself it is necessary for proper blood clotting aids in regulating skin growth and is necessary for the functioning of reproductive and gastrointestinal systems again arachidonic acid is something that unlike dogs cats are not able to manufacture therefore it is found in food for cats but is not necessary in dog foods adds bauer bauer says the fifth nutrient cats need is niacin a b vitamin as stated by peteducationcom niacin deficiencies can cause loss of appetite inflamed gums weight loss and hemorrhagic diarrhea cats cant make niacin they need to ingest this nutrient from their food comments bauer cats and dogs require different levels and sources for nutrients they need to maintain their health if they are not getting proper amounts it can lead to health problems if your cat sneaks dog food once in a while it is not going to compromise its health notes bauer but if they are only eating dog food then they are not going to be getting nutrients needed to maintain their health it is important your animal is eating food designed for its specific nutritional needs likewise a dog that eats cat food wont be in danger of a lack of needed nutrients but that doesnt mean it is healthy animal foods are made specifically for that species states bauer its all about ratios; cats eat smaller amounts of food so their food contains higher amounts of nutrients per piece even if dog food had the proper nutrients for felines the cat would have to eat larger amounts of the dog food to get the same nutrients they would receive from a serving of cat food pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print communication is key in picking the right veterinarian november 14 2008 as our pets become more and more an extension of our human families their healthcare and who is providing it is increasingly important dr dan posey clinical assistant professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences explains that picking the right veterinarian is a serious decision and numerous factors should be considered the first would be if the veterinarian is a good communicator states posey i believe this varies with the clients needs large animal vs food animal vs small animal but all clients desire regardless of species or business relation a veterinarian that strives to have good client rapport although most pet owners may not know much about the actual medical procedures performed it is usually apparent if the veterinarian is compelled to serve and fulfill their clients needs and if this is a person that loves being a veterinarian the veterinarian should be both passionate about their profession and empathetic and compassionate towards their clients as seen through their professional service says posey while there should not be many differences in competency between a large animal veterinarian and a small animal veterinarian most do have specific interests competency is hard to assess even by the most discerning clients desire is not notes posey asking questions about their interest should help one learn about the mission and vision of the practices or veterinarians that they are trying to select exotic pet owners also have to make sure that their small animal practitioner can handle these less-common animals most private practices clearly state available services in exotic care some but not all small animal practices have veterinarians that are passionate about exotics and can easily handle routine needs of the pocket pet reptile and bird you will find other practices that have veterinarians that can go well beyond routine exotic care because of their desire and training says posey if your veterinarian does not offer or specialize in these services all private practices have the ability to offer referral services for the care of their patients and clients although their communications skills and interests play a vital role in picking the right veterinarian what makes them a medical expert is their training and education while all private veterinary practitioners have to earn a doctor of veterinary medicine pass a national licensing exam and receive a license through their state board veterinarians are life-long learners and are continually advancing their knowledge base through self study continuing education experiences and colleague interaction they also can advance their professional development and education through a variety of specialty training this could be internships certification programs residencies and different specialty board certifications states posey these are very important aspects of veterinary training and could be important depending of the needs of the patient when choosing a veterinarian reputation is important as well start by inquiring with family friends and co-workers about their veterinarians ask them if they have heard any complaints or recommendations regarding local practitioners i wouldnt take one opinion but a variety so that you can make a decision i then would set up an initial visit so that you can express your expectations and you can meet the staff and see the facility and make an informed decision advises posey problems and complaints occur in all practices they derive from a variety of situations from not meeting a desired outcome or expectation to the rare negligence case but it is important that clients understand the basis of the complaint if you are concerned about complains you have heard regarding a local veterinarian contact the state licensing board to confirm the accuracy of the complaints adds posey while there are so many things to consider when making this important decision the key to picking the right veterinarian is to communicate with them and make sure that they are committed to serving both their patients and clients well pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print exotic pets and children november 6 2008 depending on your familys lifestyle the responsibility of taking care of a cat or dog may be too time consuming left with the desire for a pet but time constraints that arent conducive to a cat or dog some people think that getting a pocket pet reptile or another exotic animal might seem like the right solution unfortunately if you have small children exotic pets can be dangerous to your familys health pocket pets are small animals often rodents that can fit into your pocket such as: hamsters hedgehogs mice rats and gerbils though they are slight larger guinea pigs also fall under the pocket pet category other exotic pets that people often turn to for companionship include baby chickens baby ducks and reptiles such as lizards snakes iguanas and turtles if you have kids under the age of 5 you should be extremely careful if you elect to have exotic pets in your home states dr sharman hoppes an assistant clinical professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences reptiles ‘pocket pets baby chicks and ducks are not always in the best health when we acquire them making these animals more prone to be shedding salmonella according to the department of human healths website salmonella is a bacteria that is passed from the feces of people or animals to other people or animals symptoms of a salmonella infection include diarrhea fever and abdominal cramps 12 to 72 hours after exposure in severe cases the infected individual may be hospitalized for dehydration furthermore if the infection spreads from the intestines into the blood stream and is not treated properly salmonella can cause death as adults we tend to be more hygienic then children meaning we are less likely to contract salmonella from exotic pets notes hoppes children however are constantly putting their hands in their mouths and often do not was their hands after handling these animals which puts them at greater risk for infection in addition to lacking the proper hygiene practices of adults kids are also more likely to get scratched or bitten by exotic pets this is primarily due to the fact that children often do not know how to properly handle exotic pets not using the proper handling techniques for these animals can cause them stress making them more likely to bite or scratch these wounds create a point of entry for bacteria explains hoppes because of the risk of contracting a salmonella infection from an exotic pet it is important to make sure our animals are healthy when we get them and that we maintain our pets health anyone adopting exotic pets should take the animal to a qualified veterinarian for a wellness examination advises hoppes make sure your animal is healthy and not under stress from lack of proper care and poor nutrition stressed animals are more prone to bacterial infections not all veterinarians are equipped to treat exotic pets adds hoppes if your veterinarian is not able to care for your pet ask for a referral to one who can once you find a veterinarian that treats exotic animals hoppes recommends asking them about the proper husbandry and nutrition for your pet animal husbandry refers to the proper way to take care of your species of animal animal husbandry includes how to house your pet properly and special needs they may have as far as temperature humidity and lighting proper nutrition includes type of food or diet how frequently to feed and the amount that should be fed explains hoppes making sure your pet maintains good health and employing proper animal husbandry and nutrition can help reduce the risk of the animal carrying an infection and thus lessen you and your familys chances of contracting an illness from your exotic pet to further reduce the chance of infection from exotic pets hoppes recommends the following: always wash your hands and your childs hands after handling an animalchildren handling pets should be under constant supervisionkeep the animals out of your kitchen and bathroom (dont let your iguana soak in the sink or bathtub)do not let your exotic pet have free roam of your house; this is dangerous for both you and themteach your children to avoid approaching exotic animals outdoors and avoid bringing exotic animals found outdoors into your home if you have young children under five years of age having exotic pets can be risky to your childs health if you choose to have an exotic pet make sure your animal maintains good health and that you employ the proper precautions to reduce the risk of infection pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print protect your pets from food hazards during the holidays october 30 2008 sweet treats and family meals are a hallmark of the holidays but for many of our furry friends these same indulgences can be dangerous dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences tells us how we can keep our pets safe from toxic foods while enjoying the holiday season one of the major food dangers to our pets during the holidays and beyond is chocolate eating chocolate especially dark chocolate can cause toxicity in dogs and cats which can result in death while chocolate is toxic to both dogs and cats we see chocolate toxicity much more often in dogs this is simply because dogs are much more likely to eat it however it is important to keep it away from all pets just in case notes stickney although chocolate has long been a known toxin for dogs other foods and vegetation can also be very harmful few people know this but both grapes and raisins can cause renal failure in dogs states stickney another thing to note is that easter lilies or really any flower from the lily family can cause kidney failure in cats while these foods are especially dangerous feeding any table scraps to your pets can cause them harm in the long-run because of this stickney stresses the importance of keeping your pets diet regular year-round during the holidays it is common for friends and family members to slip your pets food under the table while they think they are giving them a nice treat the high fat content of most table scraps can not only cause weight control problems but can also cause pancreatitis says stickney in order to avoid these situations stickney suggests that you ask any guests to avoid the temptation of feeding your dogs table scraps and explain to them the risks associated most people are more than willing to respect your wishes especially when they know the health concerns stickney notes of course children are another story the only thing you can do is watch them like a hawk even if they are not given food pets can sometimes find it themselves it is not uncommon in the commotion and food preparation of the holidays to find your animal knee-deep in your trash can its important to remember to always keep you trash closed with a lid or put somewhere your animal cannot reach it states stickney if they do get into it you may have a sick animal on your hands and no way of knowing what and how much they ate while it is best to keep your animals on their regular diet stickney does say that there are some foods that are safe for pets to eat if you absolutely have to give them something off of your plate hand them a green bean says stickney plain vegetables and unbuttered unsalted popcorn are both pretty harmless since they are mostly fiber and dont contain a lot of extra calories although toxic food is a major concern for your pets during the holiday season other common substances and smells can also harm them during this time birds are very sensitive to anything they can inhale during the holidays people like to burn smelly candles and our guests may want to smoke but these types of irritants can give our winged companions the bird version of a cold states stickney another thing to keep in mind as the weather gets colder and you start changing your anti-freeze to keep your dogs away from it anti-freeze has a sweet taste to it that dogs seem to like unfortunately it is extremely toxic and can cause renal failure notes stickney the important thing to remember is that your pets are part of your family by keeping an eye out for toxic foods and avoiding over-feeding pets you can make sure the entire family is enjoying the season pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print make sure pet costumes are a treat october 23 2008 as the weather turns colder and the holidays approach many pet owners start thinking of the adorable halloween costumes and cozy sweaters they can put on their pets while these outfits can be fun and festive the wrong outfit can cause harm to your animal dr mark stickney director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine veterinary medical teaching hospital shares some tips and insight on how to protect your pet while celebrating the season while dr stickney agrees that costumes and clothes are a fun way to interact with your animals he emphasizes that the most important thing to remember when dressing your pet is to monitor them cute little costumes are fun to put on your animals while trick-or-treating but when you are not watching your animals make sure to take them off said dr stickney he also stresses that this also goes for sweaters jackets or any other clothing you may put on your pet while you may think your pets need clothes to stay warm they can do more harm than good if the animal is not monitored dr stickney states more than likely your animal does not need to keep clothing on to stay warm even in the winter if you have a house pet that only goes outside for 15-20 minutes to go to the bathroom they will be more than fine without the clothing although it is important to watch your pets while they are dressed it is also important to make sure the outfits you buy them fit correctly anything that can wrap around your pets neck paws or legs can cause them to panic and seriously injure themselves this is especially common in small or young dogs as many costumes may not fit them correctly because of their size states dr stickney the best way to select pet costumes or clothing is to buy them at a pet store where you can take your pet with you and try the outfit on them that way you will know for sure that it not only fits correctly but that it also looks as adorable as you hoped other things dr stickney says to avoid in pet clothing are dangly pieces of fabric bells or other small objects that can be chewed off and swallowed by your pet these things can cause your animal to choke cause blockages in their intestinal track or worse ribbons and bows are especially dangerous for cats these are things cats love to play with and chew on but if they swallow them it causes what is called a ‘linear foreign body this requires emergency surgery to remove or it can ‘saw a hole in the intestines warns dr stickney one other minor problem that pets may experience when wearing costumes is that they may be allergic to the clothing materials or the detergent in which it has been washed dr stickney states if your dog is allergic to a costume or clothing they may develop an itchy red rash the best thing to do is to take the outfit off of the pet and retire it there is no reason to cause your pet pain and discomfort by keeping your pets safety and comfort in mind you can make sure this holiday season is a fun treat for you and your animal pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print pet wellness october 16 2008 taking care of our pets is a year round commitment however caring for our animals is more than simply making sure they have food water and shelter each day making sure pets visit their veterinarian for regular check-ups is vital to their overall wellness as well october is national pet wellness month sponsored by the american veterinary medical association and fort dodge animal health national pet wellness month is intended to promote awareness about the pet aging process disease prevention and the importance of pet wellness exams many people adopt the misguided belief that unless your pet is clearly ill or injured there is no reason to take them to the veterinarian just because your pet is not displaying discomfort does not mean it is healthy visiting your pets veterinarian for wellness exams can potentially prevent health problems lead to early detection of health issues that could become problematic and find existing problems that may be corrected make sure your pets see their veterinarian at least once a year once your animals reach their senior years they should be getting wellness exams every six months explains dr mark stickney the director of general surgery services at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicines teaching hospital of course what is considered senior for pets is drastically different from that of humans stickney explains that senior is defined differently for different animals average sized dogs and cats usually are considered to be senior pets once they turn seven large breeds of dogs are classified as senior after their fifth birthday our pets age faster than we do therefore diseases develop faster in them for example an illness that could take years to affect a human can develop in dogs in a few months states stickney our pets cannot tell us when something is wrong with them; scheduling regular wellness exams can help detect and treat illnesses early according to stickney during a wellness exam the veterinarian is checking: the pets body condition(not too fat or skinny) the muscular skeletal system to make sure there is no muscle wasting that could mean they are not using certain muscles because it is painful if the heart and lung functions sound normal the abdomen and organs to make sure they are normal in size and not causing the animal pain the lymph nodes are normal sized and symmetrical the condition of the eyes ears and teeth no unexpected lumps or bumps and no skin or internal parasites it is important to tell your veterinarian if your pet has been displaying any abnormal behavior changes in sleeping patterns eating habits obedience and displays of aggression can be signs of a bigger problem though some illnesses are unavoidable there are some diseases that we can prevent our pets from contracting by simply getting them immunized though rabies is the only vaccination required by law veterinarians recommend a few other vaccinations for our cats and dogs notes stickney common vaccinations for dogs include parvovirus distemper parainfluenza and adenovirus cats should be vaccinated for feline herpes calicivirus and panleukopenia according to stickney series of vaccinations generally begin when a puppy or kitten is between eight and twelve weeks old these series are scheduled about three weeks apart until they are around twenty weeks old at one year old pets should go in for booster shots because there are no set rules for when and what to immunize your pet for it is best to talk with your veterinarian about creating and maintaining a vaccination plan that works best for your pet we are able to treat more illness in animals than ever before states stickney taking your pet in for their wellness exams can give them longer better and happier lives yearly visits to the veterinarian are a small price to pay for our pets companionship pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print pet health insurance october 10 2008 in the past few years veterinary medicine has made leaps and bounds in the types of procedures that are available for animals pet medical histories are beginning to resemble that of their owners cancer treatments pacemakers and other surgical procedures are becoming more accessible and common for our furry friends with the rising costs and variety of pet procedures being offered pet insurance policies are becoming more logical than ever and opting for these policies can be beneficial pet insurance policies like all insurance allow you to plan for the event of a major medical condition states dr dan posey a clinical associate professor at the texas a&m college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences there is no doubt that veterinarians and pet owners have had to make tough health care decisions sometime in their pets life and with pet insurance it makes these decisions easier before opting for health insurance for your pet it is critical that you research what each companys plans cover and what is the best policy for you start with the basics talk with your veterinarian and research which policy suits your needs best there are numerous pet health insurance companies to choose from and the internet is a great place to start your research most pet insurance companies offer a variety of plans some common options are solely accident coverage accident and illness and plans that incorporate routine wellness exams there are differences between each companys policies and one should thoroughly understand what the insurance will and will not cover states posey pet insurance is similar to our own health insurance in the fact that most companies usually will not cover pre-existing conditions hereditary conditions are also commonly excluded from pet health insurance if the breed of your animals is susceptible to developing certain conditions chances are those health problems will not be covered a person should look for a pet insurance that does not have ‘per incident limits recommends dr ma crist a veterinarian at texas a&m university dr crist explains that often a person does not really understand what per incident actually covers if your animal has an accident and requires extensive surgery a person with pet health insurance usually opts for the surgery thinking it will be covered by their policy notes crist only later they find out that their insurance may not cover all of the expenses of the procedure or will only pay up to a certain amount for that surgery leaving the policy holder to pay the remaining amount crist also explains that if a complication arises from the surgery or the animal has follow up appointments or procedures stemming from that surgery the per incident policy will usually not cover those i would choose an insurance company that has a single level coverage which usually covers only accident and illness states crist this means no routine health care no per incident limits does not have a deductible and the premiums do not increase as the pet ages also find a company that pays the claims within 24 hours of receiving the paperwork it is important to completely understand your policy know the procedures it will cover and what percentage your insurance company will pay for each there is no doubt that veterinary medicine is advancing on a daily basis states posey the diagnostic medical and surgical procedures that were once only available in regional referral centers are now becoming more available in private practices with increased access to such procedures pet insurance can help make medical care more affordable pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print evacuating with your pets october 2 2008 hurricane season isnt over yet in the wake of hurricane ikes wrath we are again reminded of the stress and chaos that can come from evacuations though a difficult time for everyone pet owners have the added responsibility of making sure their furry (or scaly) friends are safe first and foremost do not leave your pets behind if the situation is not safe for you it is not safe for them there is no way of knowing how long the evacuation will last or what damage your home might experience saving the whole family a brochure in the american veterinary medical associations disaster preparedness series recommends planning ahead create a disaster kit that you can grab on your way out of course making sure your pet has food and water is the most important necessity for their survival but there are a few very important less obvious things you need as well the american veterinary medical association recommends having these essentials in your disaster kit: identification- make sure your pet has on id whether it is a collar tag microchip temporary neckband or tattoo your animals identification needs to be visible to others in case they get lost if they do not wear identification on a daily basis have a form of id in your disaster kit that is ready to be placed on your pet transportation/housing- have carriers for all your animals it is important to have a place to keep your animals in case you are not able to let them roam free once you get to your destination even if you are taking your pets to a friend or family members house says dr debra zoran a veterinarian at texas a&m university having a crate to keep your pet in is important to give them a sense of security as well as a place of refuge in the event there are problems between pets on the premises when dealing with cats zoran recommends having a crate large enough to hold their bed and litter box the bigger the crate the better the more the cat can move around the more comfortable it will be zoran adds veterinary records-make photocopies of vaccination records and medical history and take them along keep the list of vaccinations your pet has received and the dates on which they were given also make sure to have a copy of their rabies certificate in their medical history the avma suggests having important test results on file as well as a list of medical conditions emergency contact list-this list should be prepared before an evacuation situation some basic numbers to include are your personal phone numbers the number of someone that can be contacted in case you are not available your veterinarians name address and phone number a the information of a veterinarian where you will be evacuating to if you are evacuating with pets to a shelter proof of ownerships is essential get photocopies of registration information adoption papers proof of purchase and microchip information to keep with you have a list of each animals species breed age sex color and distinguishable characteristics it is also important to have current photos of your pets and pictures of you and your pet in case there is a dispute of ownership for more detailed information on these essentials as well as extensive lists for pet disaster kits view the saving the whole family brochure found at the american veterinary medical associations disaster relief website having a disaster kit ready can help you be prepared for an evacuation but the evacuation itself can be incredibly stressful on our pets if you get stuck in traffic dr zoran recommends letting your pets out frequently but have them on a leash at all times put the leash on your pet before you open the door it is best to keep cats in their crates but if you plan to let the cat out make sure you have a harness for it to wear suggests zoran if a cat is stressed and not in its crate when you open the car door it can easily escape evacuating can be just as stressful for your pet as it is for you dr zoran suggests having their favorite toys and comfort items on hand can give them a sense of normalcy in the situation prepare ahead of time for evacuations having a pet disaster kit ready to go at a moments notice can help make a stressful situation a little less traumatizing for you and your pet pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print prevention the key to eliminating rabies september 25 2008 sunday (sept 28) is world rabies day a global effort to raise awareness in support of animal and human rabies prevention this day was set aside to educate people around the globe about the impact of rabies how it can be prevented and how to eliminate the sources that contribute to the death of 55 000 humans from rabies worldwide in support of this effort dr leon russell a professor at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences shares some background on rabies and ways to prevent your pets and yourself from infection rabies in the usa is most common in the wildlife population and some of the more common hosts include skunks raccoons foxes and bats says russell in other parts of the world however especially in developing countries dogs are the major host for rabies because of inadequate vaccination programs to protect them there are different variants of rabies virus that are maintained by different wildlife hosts and they tend to be located in different parts of the country while raccoons are the major hosts in the atlantic coast states skunks dominate in the midwestern states while rabid bats are found throughout the us all of these wildlife hosts can and do transmit rabies to domestic animals especially dogs cats and cattle notes russell that is why it is so important to have your pets currently vaccinated because dogs and cats can transmit rabies from wildlife to people if the pets are not protected because of the risk of infection and transmission there are usda licensed vaccines available to protect horses dogs cats cattle sheep and ferrets to help with rabies prevention russell also notes that in the past 15 years there has been more rabies in cats than dogs because fewer pet owners have their cats vaccinated keeping your pets away from wildlife exposure year-round is also important rabies in wildlife does tend to follow seasonal peaks but it still occurs throughout the year for example raccoon rabies tends to peak in early spring skunk rabies is more frequent late spring and early summer and bat rabies peaks in late summer these seasonal trends are most likely related to the population density and mating season in terrestrial animals and the ‘swarming of bats related to their seasonal migration states russell if you do see an animal that may be rabid there are some behaviors you can observe there are three stages of clinical rabies in the first stage animals may wander and change their usual behavior for example in the first stage it not uncommon for shy dogs to become very friendly and wild animals may lose their fear of humans dogs may also ingest strange things like rocks says russell in the second stage animals will attack just about anything sometimes breaking their teeth in biting the third stage of rabies is characterized by partial paralysis usually involving the muscles of the jaw so the animals may have a dropped jaw along with a glazed look in their eyes russell adds that the animals may also have difficulty in walking which sometimes gives skunks a wobbling gait or prevents cats from climbing trees unfortunately regardless of the clinical signs the rabid animal will die in a few days or even a few hours if you see these signs in your animal contact your veterinarian immediately if it is not your animal you can contact the local animal control agency or the local health department the good news russell explains is that post-exposure treatment is very effective and safe in people however it must be prompt the treatment starts with prompt first aid which includes flushing the bite wounds out with liquid soap or detergent or just running water people should contact their physicians as soon as possible post-exposure treatment is safe but expensive and consists of a rabies injection plus a series of rabies five vaccine injections over the next four weeks however once clinical signs begin there is currently no effective treatment for rabies notes russell there is also a procedure for handling dogs and cats exposed to rabid animals so you should promptly consult your veterinarian about any potentially exposed pets he adds that the key is to remember is that prevention is the only way to keep rabies from spreading making sure that your animals vaccinations are current and keeping them away from wildlife can save them and you from the deadly disease pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print giving your pet pills august 14 2008 medicines are intended to enhance and protect the health of our pets but giving oral medication to companion animals can be a trying process have no fear pet caregivers there are proven techniques that will make pilling your pet a more pleasant experience for everyone involved choking and poisoning should be the first line of protection for pets taking medication and your veterinarians instructions should be followed to the letter states ms patty hug veterinary technician iii veterinary teaching hospital college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university pet caregivers should take precaution to avoid pet choking by administering pills when the pet is in a sternal or standing position never while lying down also hug suggests that if in doubt write the medication instructions down prior to leaving your veterinarians office this will help prevent over medicating pills may be given by hand but a safer technique utilizes a pet piller this instrument is made of durable washable hard plastic that has a rubber tip on which the pill is placed ever so gently place the pill end of the piller at the side of the mouth; the pet may open its mouth then the piller can be placed at the back of the tongue and the pill dispensed by ‘injecting it into the pets mouth hug says that it is important not to gag the patient with the piller also close the pets mouth and hold its snout until there is evidence that the pill has been swallowed gently stroking the pets throat or blowing on its nose generally makes the pet swallow the pill more quickly additionally be sure to offer your pet a drink of water for the pill to fully go down the esophagus; this is especially true for cats hug suggests another method to administer pet medication that involves ‘hiding your pets medication some pets need to have oral medicine hidden in a piece of bread extremely low fat cream cheese squeeze cheese (sharp cheddar is most popular) or canned food hiding oral medicine in a food item entices your pet to eat the ‘treat while diminishing the smell and taste of the medicine before it is swallowed hug also recommends a popular pill-taking enhancer called ‘pill pockets these are specifically formed for various pill sizes and are flavored to appeal to the most finicky medication-evading pet notes hug pill pocket flavors include beef salmon and chicken; they can be obtained at your veterinarians office oral medication should not be given if the pet vomits or shows any type of stress; never proceed thinking that the pet is just being difficult notes hug pets let us know when something is not right so consult your veterinarian if you are not able to pill your pet due to adverse circumstances follow your veterinarians oral instructions and the instructions as they are indicated on the medicine bottle some medications are labeled with a sticker that states give with food and this instruction should be followed so that your pet does not get an upset stomach while taking the medication never self-medicate pets with human medications advises hug only your veterinarian is qualified and knowledgeable to recommend or prescribe ‘human medications for your pet your veterinarian knows how the medicine will affect your pet in its current physiological state hug says crushing pills is only reserved for the veterinarian or the pharmacist to compound the medication into a substance that will support a ‘crushed pill if your veterinarian did not state to crush the medicine then dont many medications work in different ways and disrupting the actual pill may cause the medication to be of no benefit or diminish the effectiveness of the medication hug notes that capsules and pills in foil packets should never be crushed your pets health and well being may be dependent on medicines prescribed by your veterinarian but your pet depends on you to administer the medication learning pet pilling techniques will keep you safe and also protect the health of your pet and remember once your pet does take its oral medicine (and a gulp of water) offer it a pat on the head for comforting reassurance that all is well pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print cataracts may 29 2008 if your spot is seeing spots cataracts could be to blame as people age they often develop vision problems including cataracts the same holds true for your aging pet bumping into objects and failing to retrieve toys may be signs of vision loss these are especially significant if they occur within the pets normal environment but vision loss can be attributed to various eye diseases or conditions including cataracts cataracts are any opacity – a cloudiness of the eyes lens explains dr joan dziezyc a veterinary ophthalmologist in texas a&m universitys college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences opacities may be quite small and interfere little with vision or they may involve the entire lens causing blindness dziezyc says that cataracts may develop because of an inherited defect or they can be caused by inflammation trauma and diabetes the lens does become harder with age and thus appears grayer causing many people to mistake this change for a cataract this normal aging process does not impair vision other than making focusing on close objects more difficult diet does not seem to affect cataract development but heredity does certain animal breeds are afflicted with hereditary cataracts this is especially true in dogs dziezyc adds miniature schnauzer american cocker spaniel bichon frise all poodles labrador retriever golden retriever boston terrier siberian husky lhasa apso and australian shepherd are breeds that are prone to develop cataracts dogs and horses are most often diagnosed with cataracts but all animals are susceptible to the ailment dziezyc notes cataracts also can be a symptom of another disease such as diabetes inner eye inflammation or other conditions and thats why it is important to have the primary disease treated as long as a cataract does not impair vision no treatment is necessary but when vision is poor surgical removal may be considered dziezyc says that cataract surgery is delicate and after-surgery care combined with cooperation from the patient and treatments administered by the owner are essential for success modern cataract surgery employs ultrasound and lens replacement dziezyc explains a needle that is attached to an ultrasonic hand piece allows the cataract to be broken up (emulsified) and aspirated from the eye through a tiny incision intraocular lenses can be placed in the lens capsule inside the eye after removal of the cataract this lens allows images to focus on the retina and the patient has pre-cataract vision restored dziezyc says that eyeglasses arent an option for pets and without intraocular lenses images will not be completely in focus pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print safe toys for pets october 24 2007 it is never desirable to leave a pet at home alone but when it is necessary it is nice to know the pet will be entertained but the price of entertainment can be high when the pet is left with inappropriate toys; some toys may cause choking or even require surgery to eliminate the problem buying safe toys for your pet is a must in order to keep them safe from harm the problem is that most people are not aware of the potential hazards that pet toys may cause their animal fortunately there are people like dr mark stickney veterinarian at the college of veterinary medicine biomedical sciences to lend their expertise when looking for a toy for a dog stickney recommends dont buy anything too soft where the dog could bite off pieces and swallow them stickney warns that the dog could choke on these pieces or even swallow them if the dog was to swallow the pieces surgery may be needed in order to remove them toys that may be too soft are toys made of soft plastic or rubber; these materials are easy for dogs to bite through stickney also recommends that toys not be too hard he strongly suggests that dogs not be given animal bones bones are too hard leading the dog to chip or even break its teeth stickney advocates the use of raw hide chews he believes that dogs enjoy playing with them and that they are the safest material for the dog he also urges pet owners to buy toys that are appropriate for the size of their dog if the dog is smaller naturally the toy should be smaller; and the same holds true for larger dogs stickney proposes that a safe toy is one that the dog can easily hold in its mouth without its teeth puncturing the toy yet the toy should not be small enough to fit down the dogs throat the best toys in stickneys opinion are called ‘kongs they are tubes that are filled with treats in the center they come in a variety of different sizes for different dogs and are hard enough that the dog cannot chew through them the tubes even have weight recommendations on their boxes signifying the most appropriate tube for the weight of the dog cats are a bit different with their toy preferences than dogs they tend to like toys that move and are stimulating to the eye stickney admits that cats tend to like toys that are free such as playing with small aluminum and paper balls any toy that a cat can place under its paws and the toy springs out cats will often love stickney cautions that cat owners should not give their cats toys that have long strings the cat may swallow the string causing choking cats preferences on toys tend to be more varied than dogs but most prefer round toys that move the best places to purchase these safe pet toys are places with a wide selection of pet toys such as petco and petsmart these places usually have a large variety and if a toy has proven to be harmful they are good about taking it off the shelves pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print risks of shock collars and fences october 18 2007 there are many options available for new pet owners when it comes to training the new member of the family the most controversial method of training is the use of shock collars or shock fences many stories and photos have surfaced in the media recently showing animals who have been harmed by these devices the main reason some pet owners have chosen to use shock collars is to stop their dog from barking there are two types of shock collars commercially available one type is remotely controlled by the owner and the other is activated by a bark shock fences are a little more technical and are used to keep the dog inside a designated boundary the pet owner buries wires in the yard that mark the boundary the pet can encompass if the pet crosses this boundary the collar located on its neck will deliver a shock according to dr bonnie beaver veterinarian at texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences in theory they provide an instant punishment for a bark (the bark activated shock collars) or for a wrong move (remote controlled ones) when training a dog however the potential for over use and abuse of these devices far outweighs the benefit there are many instances where shock collars and fences do not work beaver offers this example in reference to shock fences strong instincts to chase (a running deer a jogger a stray dog) may cause a trained dog to chase through the boundary some dogs do not respect the shock and will run through the ‘boundary suffering the shock as they do this has been found in many cases rendering the shock to be unsuccessful many people have found shock collars and fences to be not only ineffective but also inhumane these devices [shock collars and fences] can provide an excessive punishment to the point that the dog is terrorized said beaver they can be ineffective because the amount of shock is too little (poor contact too much hair weak battery) they can be used out of context (remote control) because the owner is mad at the dog and ‘zaps at an inappropriate time out of anger it can also do significant psychological damage to a dog that does not connect the shock with the reason for the shock the shock is generally considered to be inhumane there are many more humane methods for training that have been found to be more effective than shock collars and fences beaver suggests collars for barking dogs that squirt a citrus smell and make a hissing sound that have actually been proven to be more effective than the shock collars and of course there are real fences for yards that are safer and more effective than the shock fences pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print the importance of supplements for your pets march 23 2007 we all want our pets to live long happy and healthy lives in order to achieve this we take them for their annual veterinary appointments make sure they get plenty of exercise and feed them the best pet food we can afford some of us even go so far as to give our pets vitamins or supplements to add an extra degree of protection but are these supplements necessary healthy animals with complete and balanced diets should not need supplements and therefore they are not necessarily recommended states dr john bauer professor of small animal medicine & faculty of nutrition at the texas a&m university college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences just as a healthy diet should provide people with their essential vitamins and nutrients the same is true for our pets pet food companies use a vitamin pre-mix for the particular species to which it is marketed says bauer for this reason a good quality food should already meet the nutritional needs of your pet if you formulate your own pet food at home there are easy and affordable options to make sure your pet is getting these vitamins as well when i formulate home diets for patients i have the owner add a human multi-vitamin explains bauer the amount will vary based on the size and breed of your dog so if you are formulating your own diet make sure to check with your veterinarian before for dosage guidelines while most pets do not require an additional vitamin for general health bauer does add that there is the rare exception one example i can think of is vitamin c production in cats and dogs under normal conditions both cats and dogs can produce their own vitamin c notes bauer however under times of stress it has been found that they may not make enough and may need to be supplemented bauer explains that the problem with supplements in general is that although we know what the minimal recommended amounts are there is little scientific data regarding what the optimal level of a particular nutrient is therefore it is difficult to address whether supplements beyond the recommended allowance are of additional benefit for normal healthy pets while i wouldnt suggest throwing a lot of vitamins at healthy pets there are a few that are commonly prescribed by veterinarians because there is some evidence that they have positive effects states bauer these supplements namely glucosamine fish oil and antioxidants may have a place in consultation with a veterinarian but there is no proof they will be effective in preventing ailments in a healthy animal although extra vitamins may not be proven to cure or prevent disease in a healthy animal because there is some evidence that a few may either put off or lessen the effects of some ailments in pets there are owners who may want to give them just in case while supplements can add up monetarily it is possible that they might save you some vet bills in the long run by slowing down the effects of some subclinical problems advises bauer its important to remember however that there is a safe upper-limit to any vitamin so if an owner wants to supplement their pets diet they need to consult with a veterinarian the difference between a food and a poison is the dosage explains bauer safety is always subjective based on the individual so its imperative that you check with your veterinarian and you can even consult with the supplement manufacturer as pet owners we want what is best for our animals and while its impossible to say right now if supplements will help its safe to say that they will not hurt if they are within the guidelines prescribed by your veterinarian because of this lack of absolute proof and the fact that these supplements can be costly its up to every pet owner to weigh the facts and decide whats best for their furry family member pet talk is a service of the college of veterinary medicine & biomedical sciences texas a&m university stories can be viewed on the web at vetmedtamuedu/news/pet-talk suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvmtamuedu angela g clendenindirector communications & public relationsofc – (979) 862-2675cell – (979) 739-5718 print