:: On the Instructions of { \bf SCM } :: by Artur Korni{\l}owicz environ vocabularies NUMBERS, AMI_3, AMI_1, FSM_1, ORDINAL1, CAT_1, XBOOLE_0, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1, FINSEQ_1, CARD_1, AMISTD_2, GRAPHSP, CARD_3, AMISTD_1, SUBSET_1, CIRCUIT2, FUNCT_4, FUNCOP_1, SETFAM_1, XXREAL_0, TARSKI, ARYTM_3, GOBOARD5, FRECHET, ARYTM_1, INT_1, PARTFUN1, NAT_1, COMPOS_1, GOBRD13, MEMSTR_0; notations TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, XTUPLE_0, SUBSET_1, SETFAM_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, CARD_1, ORDINAL1, NUMBERS, XCMPLX_0, INT_1, FUNCOP_1, PARTFUN1, FINSEQ_1, FUNCT_4, XXREAL_0, VALUED_1, CARD_3, FUNCT_7, MEMSTR_0, COMPOS_0, COMPOS_1, EXTPRO_1, AMI_3, AMISTD_1, AMISTD_2; constructors NAT_D, AMI_3, AMISTD_2, RELSET_1, AMISTD_1, PRE_POLY, FUNCT_7, DOMAIN_1; registrations XBOOLE_0, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, ORDINAL1, FUNCOP_1, XREAL_0, NAT_1, INT_1, FINSEQ_1, CARD_3, AMI_3, AMISTD_2, FUNCT_4, VALUED_0, EXTPRO_1, FUNCT_7, PRE_POLY, MEMSTR_0, CARD_1, COMPOS_0, XTUPLE_0; requirements NUMERALS, BOOLE, SUBSET, REAL, ARITHM; definitions TARSKI, AMISTD_1, AMISTD_2, XBOOLE_0, COMPOS_0; equalities AMISTD_1, AMI_3, FUNCOP_1, COMPOS_1, EXTPRO_1, MEMSTR_0, COMPOS_0, XTUPLE_0; expansions AMISTD_1, XBOOLE_0; theorems TARSKI, NAT_1, AMI_3, FUNCT_4, AMI_5, FUNCT_1, FUNCOP_1, SETFAM_1, AMISTD_1, FINSEQ_1, MEMSTR_0, FUNCT_7, CARD_3, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1, NAT_D, ORDINAL1, PARTFUN1, PBOOLE, VALUED_1, EXTPRO_1, AMI_2, COMPOS_0, XTUPLE_0; begin reserve a, b, d1, d2 for Data-Location, il, i1, i2 for Nat, I for Instruction of SCM, s, s1, s2 for State of SCM, T for InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM, k,k1 for Nat; theorem T = 0 or ... or T = 8 proof consider y being object such that A1: [T,y] in proj1 the InstructionsF of SCM by XTUPLE_0:def 12; consider x being object such that A2: [[T,y],x] in the InstructionsF of SCM by A1,XTUPLE_0:def 12; reconsider I = [T,y,x] as Instruction of SCM by A2; T = InsCode I; hence thesis by AMI_5:5; end; theorem Th2: JumpPart halt SCM = {}; theorem T = 0 implies JumpParts T = {0} proof assume A1: T = 0; hereby let a be object; assume a in JumpParts T; then consider I such that A2: a = JumpPart I and A3: InsCode I = T; I = halt SCM by A1,A3,AMI_5:7; hence a in {0} by A2,TARSKI:def 1; end; let a be object; assume a in {0}; then A4: a = 0 by TARSKI:def 1; InsCode halt SCM = 0; hence thesis by A1,Th2,A4; end; theorem T = 1 implies JumpParts T = {{}} proof assume A1: T = 1; hereby let x be object; assume x in JumpParts T; then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A2: x = JumpPart I and A3: InsCode I = T; consider a,b such that A4: I = a:=b by A1,A3,AMI_5:8; x = {} by A2,A4; hence x in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1; end; set a = the Data-Location; let x be object; assume x in {{}}; then x = {} by TARSKI:def 1; then A5: x = JumpPart(a:= a); InsCode(a:= a) = 1; hence thesis by A5,A1; end; theorem T = 2 implies JumpParts T = {{}} proof assume A1: T = 2; hereby let x be object; assume x in JumpParts T; then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A2: x = JumpPart I and A3: InsCode I = T; consider a,b such that A4: I = AddTo(a,b) by A1,A3,AMI_5:9; x = {} by A2,A4; hence x in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1; end; set a = the Data-Location; let x be object; assume x in {{}}; then x = {} by TARSKI:def 1; then A5: x = JumpPart AddTo(a,a); InsCode AddTo(a,a) = 2; hence thesis by A5,A1; end; theorem T = 3 implies JumpParts T = {{}} proof assume A1: T = 3; hereby let x be object; assume x in JumpParts T; then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A2: x = JumpPart I and A3: InsCode I = T; consider a,b such that A4: I = SubFrom(a,b) by A1,A3,AMI_5:10; x = {} by A2,A4; hence x in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1; end; set a = the Data-Location; let x be object; assume x in {{}}; then x = {} by TARSKI:def 1; then A5: x = JumpPart SubFrom(a,a); InsCode SubFrom(a,a) = 3; hence thesis by A5,A1; end; theorem T = 4 implies JumpParts T = {{}} proof assume A1: T = 4; hereby let x be object; assume x in JumpParts T; then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A2: x = JumpPart I and A3: InsCode I = T; consider a,b such that A4: I = MultBy(a,b) by A1,A3,AMI_5:11; x = {} by A2,A4; hence x in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1; end; set a = the Data-Location; let x be object; assume x in {{}}; then x = {} by TARSKI:def 1; then A5: x = JumpPart MultBy(a,a); InsCode MultBy(a,a) = 4; hence thesis by A5,A1; end; theorem T = 5 implies JumpParts T = {{}} proof assume A1: T = 5; hereby let x be object; assume x in JumpParts T; then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A2: x = JumpPart I and A3: InsCode I = T; consider a,b such that A4: I = Divide(a,b) by A1,A3,AMI_5:12; x = {} by A2,A4; hence x in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1; end; set a = the Data-Location; let x be object; assume x in {{}}; then x = {} by TARSKI:def 1; then A5: x = JumpPart Divide(a,a); InsCode Divide(a,a) = 5; hence thesis by A5,A1; end; theorem Th9: T = 6 implies dom product" JumpParts T = {1} proof set i1 = the Element of NAT; assume A1: T = 6; hereby let x be object; InsCode SCM-goto i1 = 6; then A2: JumpPart SCM-goto i1 in JumpParts T by A1; assume x in dom product" JumpParts T; then x in DOM JumpParts T by CARD_3:def 12; then x in dom JumpPart SCM-goto i1 by A2,CARD_3:108; hence x in {1} by FINSEQ_1:2,def 8; end; let x be object; assume A3: x in {1}; for f being Function st f in JumpParts T holds x in dom f proof let f be Function; assume f in JumpParts T; then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A4: f = JumpPart I and A5: InsCode I = T; consider i1 such that A6: I = SCM-goto i1 by A1,A5,AMI_5:13; f = <*i1*> by A4,A6; hence thesis by A3,FINSEQ_1:2,def 8; end; then x in DOM JumpParts T by CARD_3:109; hence thesis by CARD_3:def 12; end; theorem Th10: T = 7 implies dom product" JumpParts T = {1} proof set i1 = the Element of NAT,a = the Data-Location; assume A1: T = 7; hereby let x be object; InsCode (a =0_goto i1) = 7; then A2: JumpPart (a =0_goto i1) in JumpParts T by A1; assume x in dom product" JumpParts T; then x in DOM JumpParts T by CARD_3:def 12; then x in dom JumpPart (a =0_goto i1) by A2,CARD_3:108; hence x in {1} by FINSEQ_1:2,38; end; let x be object; assume A3: x in {1}; for f being Function st f in JumpParts T holds x in dom f proof let f be Function; assume f in JumpParts T; then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A4: f = JumpPart I and A5: InsCode I = T; consider i1, a such that A6: I = a =0_goto i1 by A1,A5,AMI_5:14; f = <*i1*> by A4,A6; hence thesis by A3,FINSEQ_1:2,38; end; then x in DOM JumpParts T by CARD_3:109; hence thesis by CARD_3:def 12; end; theorem Th11: T = 8 implies dom product" JumpParts T = {1} proof set i1 = the Element of NAT,a = the Data-Location; assume A1: T = 8; hereby let x be object; InsCode (a >0_goto i1) = 8; then A2: JumpPart (a >0_goto i1) in JumpParts T by A1; assume x in dom product" JumpParts T; then x in DOM JumpParts T by CARD_3:def 12; then x in dom JumpPart (a >0_goto i1) by A2,CARD_3:108; hence x in {1} by FINSEQ_1:2,38; end; let x be object; assume A3: x in {1}; for f being Function st f in JumpParts T holds x in dom f proof let f be Function; assume f in JumpParts T; then consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A4: f = JumpPart I and A5: InsCode I = T; consider i1, a such that A6: I = a >0_goto i1 by A1,A5,AMI_5:15; f = <*i1*> by A4,A6; hence thesis by A3,FINSEQ_1:2,38; end; then x in DOM JumpParts T by CARD_3:109; hence thesis by CARD_3:def 12; end; theorem (product" JumpParts InsCode SCM-goto k1).1 = NAT proof dom product" JumpParts InsCode SCM-goto k1 = {1} by Th9; then A1: 1 in dom product" JumpParts InsCode SCM-goto k1 by TARSKI:def 1; hereby let x be object; assume x in (product" JumpParts InsCode SCM-goto k1).1; then x in pi(JumpParts InsCode SCM-goto k1,1) by A1,CARD_3:def 12; then consider g being Function such that A2: g in JumpParts InsCode SCM-goto k1 and A3: x = g.1 by CARD_3:def 6; consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A4: g = JumpPart I and A5: InsCode I = InsCode SCM-goto k1 by A2; InsCode I = 6 by A5; then consider i2 such that A6: I = SCM-goto i2 by AMI_5:13; g = <*i2*> by A4,A6; then x = i2 by A3,FINSEQ_1:def 8; hence x in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; end; let x be object; assume x in NAT; then reconsider x as Element of NAT; JumpPart SCM-goto x = <*x*> & InsCode SCM-goto k1 = InsCode SCM-goto x; then A7: <*x*> in JumpParts InsCode SCM-goto k1; <*x*>.1 = x by FINSEQ_1:def 8; then x in pi(JumpParts InsCode SCM-goto k1,1) by A7,CARD_3:def 6; hence thesis by A1,CARD_3:def 12; end; theorem (product" JumpParts InsCode (a =0_goto k1)).1 = NAT proof dom product" JumpParts InsCode (a =0_goto k1) = {1} by Th10; then A1: 1 in dom product" JumpParts InsCode (a =0_goto k1) by TARSKI:def 1; hereby let x be object; assume x in (product" JumpParts InsCode (a =0_goto k1)).1; then x in pi(JumpParts InsCode (a =0_goto k1),1) by A1,CARD_3:def 12; then consider g being Function such that A2: g in JumpParts InsCode (a =0_goto k1) and A3: x = g.1 by CARD_3:def 6; consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A4: g = JumpPart I and A5: InsCode I = InsCode (a =0_goto k1) by A2; InsCode I = 7 by A5; then consider i2, b such that A6: I = b =0_goto i2 by AMI_5:14; g = <*i2*> by A4,A6; then x = i2 by A3,FINSEQ_1:40; hence x in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; end; let x be object; assume x in NAT; then reconsider x as Element of NAT; JumpPart (a =0_goto x) = <*x*> & InsCode (a =0_goto k1) = InsCode (a =0_goto x); then A7: <*x*> in JumpParts InsCode (a =0_goto k1); <*x*>.1 = x by FINSEQ_1:40; then x in pi(JumpParts InsCode (a =0_goto k1),1) by A7,CARD_3:def 6; hence thesis by A1,CARD_3:def 12; end; theorem (product" JumpParts InsCode (a >0_goto k1)).1 = NAT proof dom product" JumpParts InsCode (a >0_goto k1) = {1} by Th11; then A1: 1 in dom product" JumpParts InsCode (a >0_goto k1) by TARSKI:def 1; hereby let x be object; assume x in (product" JumpParts InsCode (a >0_goto k1)).1; then x in pi(JumpParts InsCode (a >0_goto k1),1) by A1,CARD_3:def 12; then consider g being Function such that A2: g in JumpParts InsCode (a >0_goto k1) and A3: x = g.1 by CARD_3:def 6; consider I being Instruction of SCM such that A4: g = JumpPart I and A5: InsCode I = InsCode (a >0_goto k1) by A2; InsCode I = 8 by A5; then consider i2, b such that A6: I = b >0_goto i2 by AMI_5:15; g = <*i2*> by A4,A6; then x = i2 by A3,FINSEQ_1:40; hence x in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; end; let x be object; assume x in NAT; then reconsider x as Element of NAT; JumpPart (a >0_goto x) = <*x*> & InsCode (a >0_goto k1) = InsCode (a >0_goto x); then A7: <*x*> in JumpParts InsCode (a >0_goto k1); <*x*>.1 = x by FINSEQ_1:40; then x in pi(JumpParts InsCode (a >0_goto k1),1) by A7,CARD_3:def 6; hence thesis by A1,CARD_3:def 12; end; Lm1: for i being Instruction of SCM holds (for l being Element of NAT holds NIC(i,l)={l+1}) implies JUMP i is empty proof set p=1, q=2; let i be Instruction of SCM; assume A1: for l being Element of NAT holds NIC(i,l)={l+1}; set X = the set of all NIC(i,f) where f is Nat; reconsider p, q as Element of NAT; assume not thesis; then consider x being object such that A2: x in meet X; NIC(i,p) = {p+1} by A1; then {succ p} in X; then x in {succ p} by A2,SETFAM_1:def 1; then A3: x = succ p by TARSKI:def 1; NIC(i,q) = {q+1} by A1; then {succ q} in X; then x in {succ q} by A2,SETFAM_1:def 1; hence contradiction by A3,TARSKI:def 1; end; registration cluster JUMP halt SCM -> empty; coherence; end; registration let a, b; cluster a:=b -> sequential; coherence by AMI_3:2; cluster AddTo(a,b) -> sequential; coherence by AMI_3:3; cluster SubFrom(a,b) -> sequential; coherence by AMI_3:4; cluster MultBy(a,b) -> sequential; coherence by AMI_3:5; cluster Divide(a,b) -> sequential; coherence by AMI_3:6; end; registration let a, b; cluster JUMP (a := b) -> empty; coherence proof for l being Element of NAT holds NIC(a:=b,l)={l+1} by AMISTD_1:12; hence thesis by Lm1; end; end; registration let a, b; cluster JUMP AddTo(a, b) -> empty; coherence proof for l being Element of NAT holds NIC(AddTo(a,b),l)={l+1} by AMISTD_1:12; hence thesis by Lm1; end; end; registration let a, b; cluster JUMP SubFrom(a, b) -> empty; coherence proof for l being Element of NAT holds NIC(SubFrom(a,b),l)={l+1} by AMISTD_1:12; hence thesis by Lm1; end; end; registration let a, b; cluster JUMP MultBy(a,b) -> empty; coherence proof for l being Element of NAT holds NIC(MultBy(a,b),l)={l+1} by AMISTD_1:12; hence thesis by Lm1; end; end; registration let a, b; cluster JUMP Divide(a,b) -> empty; coherence proof for l being Element of NAT holds NIC(Divide(a,b),l)={l+1} by AMISTD_1:12; hence thesis by Lm1; end; end; theorem Th15: NIC(SCM-goto k, il) = {k} proof now let x be object; A1: now il in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; then reconsider il1 = il as Element of Values IC SCM by MEMSTR_0:def 6; set I = SCM-goto k; set t = the State of SCM, Q = the Instruction-Sequence of SCM; assume A2: x = k; reconsider n = il as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; reconsider u = t+*(IC SCM,il1) as Element of product the_Values_of SCM by CARD_3:107; reconsider P = Q +* (il,I) as Instruction-Sequence of SCM; reconsider ill=il as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; A3: P/.ill = P.ill by PBOOLE:143; IC SCM in dom t by MEMSTR_0:2; then A4: IC u = n by FUNCT_7:31; il in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; then il in dom Q by PARTFUN1:def 2; then A5: P.n = I by FUNCT_7:31; then IC Following(P,u) = k by A3,A4,AMI_3:7; hence x in {IC Exec(SCM-goto k,s) where s is Element of product the_Values_of SCM : IC s = il} by A2,A4,A3,A5; end; now assume x in {IC Exec(SCM-goto k,s) where s is Element of product the_Values_of SCM : IC s = il}; then ex s being Element of product the_Values_of SCM st x = IC Exec(SCM-goto k,s) & IC s = il; hence x = k by AMI_3:7; end; hence x in {k} iff x in {IC Exec(SCM-goto k,s) where s is Element of product the_Values_of SCM : IC s = il} by A1,TARSKI:def 1; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; theorem Th16: JUMP SCM-goto k = {k} proof set X = the set of all NIC(SCM-goto k, il) ; now let x be object; hereby set il1 = 1; A1: NIC(SCM-goto k, il1) in X; assume x in meet X; then x in NIC(SCM-goto k, il1) by A1,SETFAM_1:def 1; hence x in {k} by Th15; end; assume x in {k}; then A2: x = k by TARSKI:def 1; A3: now let Y be set; assume Y in X; then consider il being Nat such that A4: Y = NIC(SCM-goto k, il); NIC(SCM-goto k, il) = {k} by Th15; hence k in Y by A4,TARSKI:def 1; end; reconsider k as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; NIC(SCM-goto k, k) in X; hence x in meet X by A2,A3,SETFAM_1:def 1; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; registration let i1; cluster JUMP SCM-goto i1 -> 1-element; coherence proof JUMP SCM-goto i1 = {i1} by Th16; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th17: NIC(a=0_goto k, il) = {k, il+1} proof set t = the State of SCM, Q = the Instruction-Sequence of SCM; hereby let x be object; assume x in NIC(a=0_goto k, il); then consider s being Element of product the_Values_of SCM such that A1: x = IC Exec(a=0_goto k,s) & IC s = il; per cases; suppose s.a = 0; then x = k by A1,AMI_3:8; hence x in {k, il+1} by TARSKI:def 2; end; suppose s.a <> 0; then x = il + 1 by A1,AMI_3:8; hence x in {k, il+1} by TARSKI:def 2; end; end; let x be object; set I = a=0_goto k; A2: IC SCM <> a by AMI_5:2; reconsider n = il as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; reconsider il1 = n as Element of Values IC SCM by MEMSTR_0:def 6; reconsider u = t+*(IC SCM,il1) as Element of product the_Values_of SCM by CARD_3:107; reconsider P = Q +* (il,I) as Instruction-Sequence of SCM; assume A3: x in {k,il+1}; per cases by A3,TARSKI:def 2; suppose A4: x = k; reconsider v = u+*(a .--> 0) as Element of product the_Values_of SCM by CARD_3:107; A5: IC SCM in dom t by MEMSTR_0:2; not IC SCM in dom (a .--> 0) by A2,TARSKI:def 1; then A7: IC v = IC u by FUNCT_4:11 .= n by A5,FUNCT_7:31; reconsider il as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; A8: P/.il = P.il by PBOOLE:143; il in NAT; then il in dom Q by PARTFUN1:def 2; then A9: P.il = I by FUNCT_7:31; a in dom (a .--> 0) by TARSKI:def 1; then v.a = (a .--> 0).a by FUNCT_4:13 .= 0 by FUNCOP_1:72; then IC Following(P,v) = k by A7,A9,A8,AMI_3:8; hence thesis by A4,A7,A9,A8; end; suppose A10: x = il+1; reconsider v = u+*(a .--> 1) as Element of product the_Values_of SCM by CARD_3:107; A11: IC SCM in dom t by MEMSTR_0:2; not IC SCM in dom (a .--> 1) by A2,TARSKI:def 1; then A13: IC v = IC u by FUNCT_4:11 .= n by A11,FUNCT_7:31; reconsider il as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; A14: P/.il = P.il by PBOOLE:143; il in NAT; then il in dom Q by PARTFUN1:def 2; then A15: P.il = I by FUNCT_7:31; a in dom (a .--> 1) by TARSKI:def 1; then v.a = (a .--> 1).a by FUNCT_4:13 .= 1 by FUNCOP_1:72; then IC Following(P,v) = il+1 by A13,A15,A14,AMI_3:8; hence thesis by A10,A13,A15,A14; end; end; theorem Th18: JUMP (a=0_goto k) = {k} proof set X = the set of all NIC(a=0_goto k, il) ; now let x be object; A1: now let Y be set; assume Y in X; then consider il being Nat such that A2: Y = NIC(a=0_goto k, il); NIC(a=0_goto k, il) = {k, il+1} by Th17; hence k in Y by A2,TARSKI:def 2; end; hereby set il1 = 1, il2 = 2; assume A3: x in meet X; A4: NIC(a=0_goto k, il2) = {k, il2+1} by Th17; NIC(a=0_goto k, il2) in X; then x in NIC(a=0_goto k, il2) by A3,SETFAM_1:def 1; then A5: x = k or x = il2+1 by A4,TARSKI:def 2; A6: NIC(a=0_goto k, il1) = {k, il1+1} by Th17; NIC(a=0_goto k, il1) in X; then x in NIC(a=0_goto k, il1) by A3,SETFAM_1:def 1; then x = k or x = il1+1 by A6,TARSKI:def 2; hence x in {k} by A5,TARSKI:def 1; end; assume x in {k}; then A7: x = k by TARSKI:def 1; reconsider k as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; NIC(a=0_goto k, k) in X; hence x in meet X by A7,A1,SETFAM_1:def 1; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; registration let a, i1; cluster JUMP (a =0_goto i1) -> 1-element; coherence proof JUMP (a =0_goto i1) = {i1} by Th18; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th19: NIC(a>0_goto k, il) = {k, il+1} proof set t = the State of SCM, Q = the Instruction-Sequence of SCM; hereby let x be object; assume x in NIC(a>0_goto k, il); then consider s being Element of product the_Values_of SCM such that A1: x = IC Exec(a>0_goto k,s) & IC s = il; per cases; suppose s.a > 0; then x = k by A1,AMI_3:9; hence x in {k, il+1} by TARSKI:def 2; end; suppose s.a <= 0; then x = il+1 by A1,AMI_3:9; hence x in {k, il+1} by TARSKI:def 2; end; end; let x be object; set I = a>0_goto k; A2: IC SCM <> a by AMI_5:2; assume A3: x in {k,il+1}; reconsider n = il as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; reconsider il1 = n as Element of Values IC SCM by MEMSTR_0:def 6; reconsider u = t+*(IC SCM,il1) as Element of product the_Values_of SCM by CARD_3:107; reconsider P = Q +* (il,I) as Instruction-Sequence of SCM; per cases by A3,TARSKI:def 2; suppose A4: x = k; reconsider v = u+*(a .--> 1) as Element of product the_Values_of SCM by CARD_3:107; A5: IC SCM in dom t by MEMSTR_0:2; not IC SCM in dom (a .--> 1) by A2,TARSKI:def 1; then A7: IC v = IC u by FUNCT_4:11 .= n by A5,FUNCT_7:31; reconsider il as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; A8: P/.il = P.il by PBOOLE:143; il in NAT; then il in dom Q by PARTFUN1:def 2; then A9: P.il = I by FUNCT_7:31; a in dom (a .--> 1) by TARSKI:def 1; then v.a = (a .--> 1).a by FUNCT_4:13 .= 1 by FUNCOP_1:72; then IC Following(P,v) = k by A7,A9,A8,AMI_3:9; hence thesis by A4,A7,A9,A8; end; suppose A10: x = il+1; reconsider v = u+*(a .--> 0) as Element of product the_Values_of SCM by CARD_3:107; A11: IC SCM in dom t by MEMSTR_0:2; not IC SCM in dom (a .--> 0) by A2,TARSKI:def 1; then A13: IC v = IC u by FUNCT_4:11 .= n by A11,FUNCT_7:31; reconsider il as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; A14: P/.il = P.il by PBOOLE:143; il in NAT; then il in dom Q by PARTFUN1:def 2; then A15: P.il = I by FUNCT_7:31; a in dom (a .--> 0) by TARSKI:def 1; then v.a = (a .--> 0).a by FUNCT_4:13 .= 0 by FUNCOP_1:72; then IC Following(P,v) = il+1 by A13,A15,A14,AMI_3:9; hence thesis by A10,A13,A15,A14; end; end; theorem Th20: JUMP (a>0_goto k) = {k} proof set X = the set of all NIC(a>0_goto k, il) ; now let x be object; A1: now let Y be set; assume Y in X; then consider il being Nat such that A2: Y = NIC(a>0_goto k, il); NIC(a>0_goto k, il) = {k, il+1} by Th19; hence k in Y by A2,TARSKI:def 2; end; hereby set il1 = 1, il2 = 2; assume A3: x in meet X; A4: NIC(a>0_goto k, il2) = {k, il2+1} by Th19; NIC(a>0_goto k, il2) in X; then x in NIC(a>0_goto k, il2) by A3,SETFAM_1:def 1; then A5: x = k or x = il2+1 by A4,TARSKI:def 2; A6: NIC(a>0_goto k, il1) = {k, il1+1} by Th19; NIC(a>0_goto k, il1) in X; then x in NIC(a>0_goto k, il1) by A3,SETFAM_1:def 1; then x = k or x = il1+1 by A6,TARSKI:def 2; hence x in {k} by A5,TARSKI:def 1; end; assume x in {k}; then A7: x = k by TARSKI:def 1; reconsider k as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; NIC(a>0_goto k, k) in X; hence x in meet X by A7,A1,SETFAM_1:def 1; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; registration let a, i1; cluster JUMP (a >0_goto i1) -> 1-element; coherence proof JUMP (a >0_goto i1) = {i1} by Th20; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th21: SUCC(il,SCM) = {il, il+1} proof set X = the set of all NIC(I, il) \ JUMP I where I is Element of the InstructionsF of SCM; set N = {il, il+1}; now let x be object; hereby assume x in union X; then consider Y being set such that A1: x in Y and A2: Y in X by TARSKI:def 4; consider i being Element of the InstructionsF of SCM such that A3: Y = NIC(i, il) \ JUMP i by A2; per cases by AMI_3:24; suppose i = [0,{},{}]; then x in {il} \ JUMP halt SCM by A1,A3,AMISTD_1:2; then x = il by TARSKI:def 1; hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2; end; suppose ex a,b st i = a:=b; then consider a, b such that A4: i = a:=b; x in {il+1} \ JUMP (a:=b) by A1,A3,A4,AMISTD_1:12; then x = il+1 by TARSKI:def 1; hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2; end; suppose ex a,b st i = AddTo(a,b); then consider a, b such that A5: i = AddTo(a,b); x in {il+1} \ JUMP AddTo(a,b) by A1,A3,A5,AMISTD_1:12; then x = il+1 by TARSKI:def 1; hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2; end; suppose ex a,b st i = SubFrom(a,b); then consider a, b such that A6: i = SubFrom(a,b); x in {il+1} \ JUMP SubFrom(a,b) by A1,A3,A6,AMISTD_1:12; then x = il+1 by TARSKI:def 1; hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2; end; suppose ex a,b st i = MultBy(a,b); then consider a, b such that A7: i = MultBy(a,b); x in {il+1} \ JUMP MultBy(a,b) by A1,A3,A7,AMISTD_1:12; then x = il+1 by TARSKI:def 1; hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2; end; suppose ex a,b st i = Divide(a,b); then consider a, b such that A8: i = Divide(a,b); x in {il+1} \ JUMP Divide(a,b) by A1,A3,A8,AMISTD_1:12; then x = il+1 by TARSKI:def 1; hence x in N by TARSKI:def 2; end; suppose ex k st i = SCM-goto k; then consider k such that A9: i = SCM-goto k; x in {k} \ JUMP i by A1,A3,A9,Th15; then x in {k} \ {k} by A9,Th16; hence x in N by XBOOLE_1:37; end; suppose ex a,k st i = a=0_goto k; then consider a, k such that A10: i = a=0_goto k; A11: NIC(i, il) = {k, il+1} by A10,Th17; x in NIC(i, il) by A1,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 5; then A12: x = k or x = il+1 by A11,TARSKI:def 2; x in NIC(i, il) \ {k} by A1,A3,A10,Th18; then not x in {k} by XBOOLE_0:def 5; hence x in N by A12,TARSKI:def 1,def 2; end; suppose ex a,k st i = a>0_goto k; then consider a, k such that A13: i = a>0_goto k; A14: NIC(i, il) = {k, il+1} by A13,Th19; x in NIC(i, il) by A1,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 5; then A15: x = k or x = il+1 by A14,TARSKI:def 2; x in NIC(i, il) \ {k} by A1,A3,A13,Th20; then not x in {k} by XBOOLE_0:def 5; hence x in N by A15,TARSKI:def 1,def 2; end; end; assume A16: x in {il, il+1}; per cases by A16,TARSKI:def 2; suppose A17: x = il; set i = halt SCM; NIC(i, il) \ JUMP i = {il} by AMISTD_1:2; then A18: {il} in X; x in {il} by A17,TARSKI:def 1; hence x in union X by A18,TARSKI:def 4; end; suppose A19: x = il+1; set a = the Data-Location; set i = AddTo(a,a); NIC(i, il) \ JUMP i = {il+1} by AMISTD_1:12; then A20: {il+1} in X; x in {il+1} by A19,TARSKI:def 1; hence x in union X by A20,TARSKI:def 4; end; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; theorem Th22: for k being Nat holds k+1 in SUCC(k,SCM) & for j being Nat st j in SUCC(k,SCM) holds k <= j proof let k be Nat; reconsider fk = k as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; A1: SUCC(k,SCM) = {k, fk+1} by Th21; hence k+1 in SUCC(k,SCM) by TARSKI:def 2; let j be Nat; assume A2: j in SUCC(k,SCM); reconsider fk = k as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; per cases by A1,A2,TARSKI:def 2; suppose j = k; hence thesis; end; suppose j = fk + 1; hence thesis by NAT_1:11; end; end; registration cluster SCM -> standard; coherence by Th22,AMISTD_1:3; end; registration cluster InsCode halt SCM -> jump-only for InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM; coherence proof now let s be State of SCM, o be Object of SCM, I be Instruction of SCM; assume that A1: InsCode I = InsCode halt SCM and o in Data-Locations SCM; I = halt SCM by A1,AMI_5:7; hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by EXTPRO_1:def 3; end; hence thesis; end; end; registration cluster halt SCM -> jump-only; coherence; end; registration let i1; cluster InsCode SCM-goto i1 -> jump-only for InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM; coherence proof let T be InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM such that A1: T = InsCode SCM-goto i1; let s be State of SCM, o be Object of SCM, I be Instruction of SCM; assume that A2: InsCode I = T and A3: o in Data-Locations SCM; InsCode I = 6 by A2,A1; then A4: ex i2 st I = SCM-goto i2 by AMI_5:13; o is Data-Location by A3,AMI_2:def 16,AMI_3:27; hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by A4,AMI_3:7; end; end; registration let i1; cluster SCM-goto i1 -> jump-only non sequential non ins-loc-free; coherence proof thus InsCode SCM-goto i1 is jump-only; JUMP SCM-goto i1 <> {}; hence SCM-goto i1 is non sequential by AMISTD_1:13; thus JumpPart SCM-goto i1 is not empty; end; end; registration let a, i1; cluster InsCode (a =0_goto i1) -> jump-only for InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM; coherence proof set S = SCM; now let s be State of S, o be Object of S, I be Instruction of S; assume that A1: InsCode I = InsCode (a =0_goto i1) and A2: o in Data-Locations SCM; InsCode I = 7 by A1; then A3: ex i2, b st I = (b =0_goto i2) by AMI_5:14; o is Data-Location by A2,AMI_2:def 16,AMI_3:27; hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by A3,AMI_3:8; end; hence thesis; end; cluster InsCode (a >0_goto i1) -> jump-only for InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM; coherence proof set S = SCM; now let s be State of S, o be Object of S, I be Instruction of S; assume that A4: InsCode I = InsCode (a >0_goto i1) and A5: o in Data-Locations SCM; InsCode I = 8 by A4; then A6: ex i2, b st I = (b >0_goto i2) by AMI_5:15; o is Data-Location by A5,AMI_2:def 16,AMI_3:27; hence Exec(I, s).o = s.o by A6,AMI_3:9; end; hence thesis; end; end; registration let a, i1; cluster a =0_goto i1 -> jump-only non sequential non ins-loc-free; coherence proof thus InsCode (a =0_goto i1) is jump-only; JUMP (a =0_goto i1) <> {}; hence a =0_goto i1 is non sequential by AMISTD_1:13; thus JumpPart(a =0_goto i1) is not empty; end; cluster a >0_goto i1 -> jump-only non sequential non ins-loc-free; coherence proof thus InsCode (a >0_goto i1) is jump-only; JUMP (a >0_goto i1) <> {}; hence a >0_goto i1 is non sequential by AMISTD_1:13; thus JumpPart(a >0_goto i1) is not empty; end; end; Lm2: dl.0 <> dl.1 by AMI_3:10; registration let a, b; cluster InsCode (a:=b) -> non jump-only for InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM; coherence proof set w = the State of SCM; set t = w+*((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)); A1: InsCode (a:=b) = 1 .= InsCode (dl.0:=dl.1); A2: dl.0 in Data-Locations SCM by AMI_3:28; A3: dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) = {dl.0, dl.1} by FUNCT_4:62; then A4: dl.1 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) by TARSKI:def 2; dl.0 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) by A3,TARSKI:def 2; then A5: t.dl.0 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.0 by FUNCT_4:13 .= 0 by AMI_3:10,FUNCT_4:63; Exec((dl.0:=dl.1), t).dl.0 = t.dl.1 by AMI_3:2 .= (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.1 by A4,FUNCT_4:13 .= 1 by FUNCT_4:63; hence thesis by A1,A2,A5; end; cluster InsCode AddTo(a,b) -> non jump-only for InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM; coherence proof set w = the State of SCM; set t = w+*((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)); A6: InsCode AddTo(a,b) = 2 .= InsCode AddTo(dl.0, dl.1); A7: dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) = {dl.0, dl.1} by FUNCT_4:62; then dl.0 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) by TARSKI:def 2; then A8: t.dl.0 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.0 by FUNCT_4:13 .= 0 by AMI_3:10,FUNCT_4:63; A9: dl.0 in Data-Locations SCM by AMI_3:28; dl.1 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) by A7,TARSKI:def 2; then t.dl.1 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.1 by FUNCT_4:13 .= 1 by FUNCT_4:63; then dl.0 <> IC SCM & Exec(AddTo(dl.0, dl.1), t).dl.0 = (0 qua Nat)+1 by A8,AMI_3:3,13; hence thesis by A6,A8,A9; end; cluster InsCode SubFrom(a,b) -> non jump-only for InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM; coherence proof set w = the State of SCM; set t = w+*((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)); A10: InsCode SubFrom(a,b) = 3 .= InsCode SubFrom(dl.0, dl.1); A11: dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) = {dl.0, dl.1} by FUNCT_4:62; then dl.0 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) by TARSKI:def 2; then A12: t.dl.0 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.0 by FUNCT_4:13 .= 0 by AMI_3:10,FUNCT_4:63; A13: dl.0 in Data-Locations SCM by AMI_3:28; dl.1 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1)) by A11,TARSKI:def 2; then A14: t.dl.1 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(0,1).dl.1 by FUNCT_4:13 .= 1 by FUNCT_4:63; Exec(SubFrom(dl.0, dl.1), t).dl.0 = t.dl.0 - t.dl.1 by AMI_3:4 .= -1 by A12,A14; hence thesis by A10,A12,A13; end; cluster InsCode MultBy(a,b) -> non jump-only for InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM; coherence proof set w = the State of SCM; set t = w+*((dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0)); A15: InsCode MultBy(a,b) = 4 .= InsCode MultBy(dl.0, dl.1); A16: dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0)) = {dl.0, dl.1} by FUNCT_4:62; then dl.0 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0)) by TARSKI:def 2; then A17: t.dl.0 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0).dl.0 by FUNCT_4:13 .= 1 by AMI_3:10,FUNCT_4:63; A18: dl.0 in Data-Locations SCM by AMI_3:28; dl.1 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0)) by A16,TARSKI:def 2; then A19: t.dl.1 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(1,0).dl.1 by FUNCT_4:13 .= 0 by FUNCT_4:63; Exec(MultBy(dl.0, dl.1), t).dl.0 = t.dl.0 * t.dl.1 by AMI_3:5 .= 0 by A19; hence thesis by A15,A17,A18; end; cluster InsCode Divide(a,b) -> non jump-only for InsType of the InstructionsF of SCM; coherence proof set w = the State of SCM; set t = w+*((dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3)); A20: InsCode Divide(a,b) = 5 .= InsCode Divide(dl.0, dl.1); A21: dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3)) = {dl.0, dl.1} by FUNCT_4:62; then dl.0 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3)) by TARSKI:def 2; then A22: t.dl.0 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3).dl.0 by FUNCT_4:13 .= 7 by AMI_3:10,FUNCT_4:63; A23: 7 = 2 * 3 + 1; A24: dl.0 in Data-Locations SCM by AMI_3:28; dl.1 in dom ((dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3)) by A21,TARSKI:def 2; then t.dl.1 = (dl.0, dl.1)-->(7,3).dl.1 by FUNCT_4:13 .= 3 by FUNCT_4:63; then Exec(Divide(dl.0, dl.1), t).dl.0 = 7 div (3 qua Element of NAT) by A22 ,Lm2,AMI_3:6 .= 2 by A23,NAT_D:def 1; hence thesis by A20,A22,A24; end; end; registration let a, b; cluster a:=b -> non jump-only; coherence; cluster AddTo(a,b) -> non jump-only; coherence; cluster SubFrom(a,b) -> non jump-only; coherence; cluster MultBy(a,b) -> non jump-only; coherence; cluster Divide(a,b) -> non jump-only; coherence; end; registration cluster SCM -> with_explicit_jumps; coherence proof let I be Instruction of SCM; thus JUMP I c= rng JumpPart I proof let f be object such that A1: f in JUMP I; per cases by AMI_3:24; suppose I = [0,{},{}]; hence thesis by A1,AMI_3:26; end; suppose ex a,b st I = a:=b; hence thesis by A1; end; suppose ex a,b st I = AddTo(a,b); hence thesis by A1; end; suppose ex a,b st I = SubFrom(a,b); hence thesis by A1; end; suppose ex a,b st I = MultBy(a,b); hence thesis by A1; end; suppose ex a,b st I = Divide(a,b); hence thesis by A1; end; suppose A2: ex k st I = SCM-goto k; consider k1 such that A3: I = SCM-goto k1 by A2; A4: rng<*k1*> = {k1} by FINSEQ_1:39; JUMP SCM-goto k1 = {k1} by Th16; hence thesis by A1,A3,A4; end; suppose A5: ex a,k1 st I = a=0_goto k1; consider a, k1 such that A6: I = a=0_goto k1 by A5; A7: rng<*k1*> = {k1} by FINSEQ_1:39; JUMP (a=0_goto k1) = {k1} by Th18; hence thesis by A1,A6,A7; end; suppose A8: ex a,k1 st I = a>0_goto k1; consider a, k1 such that A9: I = a>0_goto k1 by A8; A10: rng<*k1*> = {k1} by FINSEQ_1:39; JUMP (a>0_goto k1) = {k1} by Th20; hence thesis by A1,A9,A10; end; end; let f being object; assume f in rng JumpPart I; then consider k being object such that A11: k in dom JumpPart I and A12: f = (JumpPart I).k by FUNCT_1:def 3; per cases by AMI_3:24; suppose I = [0,{},{}]; then dom JumpPart I = dom {}; hence thesis by A11; end; suppose ex a,b st I = a:=b; then consider a, b such that A13: I = a:=b; k in dom {} by A11,A13; hence thesis; end; suppose ex a,b st I = AddTo(a,b); then consider a, b such that A14: I = AddTo(a,b); k in dom {} by A11,A14; hence thesis; end; suppose ex a,b st I = SubFrom(a,b); then consider a, b such that A15: I = SubFrom(a,b); k in dom {} by A11,A15; hence thesis; end; suppose ex a,b st I = MultBy(a,b); then consider a, b such that A16: I = MultBy(a,b); k in dom {} by A11,A16; hence thesis; end; suppose ex a,b st I = Divide(a,b); then consider a, b such that A17: I = Divide(a,b); k in dom {} by A11,A17; hence thesis; end; suppose ex k st I = SCM-goto k; then consider k1 such that A18: I = SCM-goto k1; A19: JumpPart I = <*k1*> by A18; then k = 1 by A11,FINSEQ_1:90; then A20: f = k1 by A19,A12,FINSEQ_1:def 8; JUMP I = {k1} by A18,Th16; hence thesis by A20,TARSKI:def 1; end; suppose ex a,k st I = a=0_goto k; then consider a, k1 such that A21: I = a=0_goto k1; A22: JumpPart I = <*k1*> by A21; then k = 1 by A11,FINSEQ_1:90; then A23: f = k1 by A22,A12,FINSEQ_1:40; JUMP I = {k1} by A21,Th18; hence thesis by A23,TARSKI:def 1; end; suppose ex a,k1 st I = a>0_goto k1; then consider a, k1 such that A24: I = a>0_goto k1; A25: JumpPart I = <*k1*> by A24; then k = 1 by A11,FINSEQ_1:90; then A26: f = k1 by A25,A12,FINSEQ_1:40; JUMP I = {k1} by A24,Th20; hence thesis by A26,TARSKI:def 1; end; end; end; theorem Th23: IncAddr(SCM-goto i1,k) = SCM-goto(i1+k) proof A1: JumpPart IncAddr(SCM-goto i1,k) = k + JumpPart SCM-goto i1 by COMPOS_0:def 9; then A2: dom JumpPart IncAddr(SCM-goto i1,k) = dom JumpPart SCM-goto i1 by VALUED_1:def 2; A3: dom JumpPart SCM-goto(i1+k) = dom <*i1+k*> .= Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:def 8 .= dom <*i1*> by FINSEQ_1:def 8 .= dom JumpPart SCM-goto i1; A4: for x being object st x in dom JumpPart SCM-goto i1 holds (JumpPart IncAddr(SCM-goto i1,k)).x = (JumpPart SCM-goto(i1+k)).x proof let x be object; assume A5: x in dom JumpPart SCM-goto i1; then x in dom <*i1*>; then A6: x = 1 by FINSEQ_1:90; set f = (JumpPart SCM-goto i1).x; A7: (JumpPart IncAddr(SCM-goto i1,k)).x = k + f by A5,A2,A1,VALUED_1:def 2; f = <*i1*>.x .= i1 by A6,FINSEQ_1:def 8; hence (JumpPart IncAddr(SCM-goto i1,k)).x = <*i1+k*>.x by A6,A7,FINSEQ_1:def 8 .= (JumpPart SCM-goto(i1+k)).x; end; A8: AddressPart IncAddr(SCM-goto i1,k) = AddressPart SCM-goto i1 by COMPOS_0:def 9 .= {} .= AddressPart SCM-goto(i1+k); A9: InsCode IncAddr(SCM-goto i1,k) = InsCode SCM-goto i1 by COMPOS_0:def 9 .= 6 .= InsCode SCM-goto(i1+k); JumpPart IncAddr(SCM-goto i1,k) = JumpPart SCM-goto(i1+k) by A2,A3,A4,FUNCT_1:2; hence thesis by A8,A9,COMPOS_0:1; end; theorem Th24: IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) = a=0_goto(i1+k) proof A1: JumpPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) = k + JumpPart (a=0_goto i1) by COMPOS_0:def 9; then A2: dom JumpPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) = dom JumpPart (a=0_goto i1) by VALUED_1:def 2; A3: dom JumpPart (a=0_goto(i1+k)) = dom <*i1 + k*> .= Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:38 .= dom <*i1*> by FINSEQ_1:38 .= dom JumpPart (a=0_goto i1); A4: for x being object st x in dom JumpPart (a=0_goto i1) holds (JumpPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k)).x = (JumpPart (a=0_goto(i1+k))).x proof let x be object; assume A5: x in dom JumpPart (a=0_goto i1); then x in dom <*i1*>; then A6: x = 1 by FINSEQ_1:90; set f = (JumpPart (a=0_goto i1)).x; A7: (JumpPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k)).x = k + f by A1,A2,A5,VALUED_1:def 2; f = <*i1*>.x .= i1 by A6,FINSEQ_1:40; hence (JumpPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k)).x = <*i1+k*>.x by A6,A7,FINSEQ_1:40 .= (JumpPart (a=0_goto(i1+k))).x; end; A8: AddressPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) = AddressPart (a=0_goto i1) by COMPOS_0:def 9 .= <*a*> .= AddressPart (a=0_goto(i1+k)); A9: InsCode IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) = InsCode (a=0_goto i1) by COMPOS_0:def 9 .= 7 .= InsCode (a=0_goto(i1+k)); JumpPart IncAddr(a=0_goto i1,k) = JumpPart (a=0_goto(i1+k)) by A2,A3,A4,FUNCT_1:2; hence thesis by A8,A9,COMPOS_0:1; end; theorem Th25: IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) = a>0_goto(i1+k) proof A1: JumpPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) = k + JumpPart (a>0_goto i1) by COMPOS_0:def 9; then A2: dom JumpPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) = dom JumpPart (a>0_goto i1) by VALUED_1:def 2; A3: dom JumpPart (a>0_goto(i1+k)) = dom <*i1 + k*> .= Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:38 .= dom <*i1*> by FINSEQ_1:38 .= dom JumpPart (a>0_goto i1); A4: for x being object st x in dom JumpPart (a>0_goto i1) holds (JumpPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k)).x = (JumpPart (a>0_goto(i1+k))).x proof let x be object; assume A5: x in dom JumpPart (a>0_goto i1); then x in dom <*i1*>; then A6: x = 1 by FINSEQ_1:90; set f = (JumpPart (a>0_goto i1)).x; A7: (JumpPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k)).x = k + f by A1,A2,A5,VALUED_1:def 2; f = <*i1*>.x .= i1 by A6,FINSEQ_1:40; hence (JumpPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k)).x = <*i1+k*>.x by A6,A7,FINSEQ_1:40 .= (JumpPart (a>0_goto(i1+k))).x; end; A8: AddressPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) = AddressPart (a>0_goto i1) by COMPOS_0:def 9 .= <*a*> .= AddressPart (a>0_goto(i1+k)); A9: InsCode IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) = InsCode (a>0_goto i1) by COMPOS_0:def 9 .= 8 .= InsCode (a>0_goto(i1+k)); JumpPart IncAddr(a>0_goto i1,k) = JumpPart (a>0_goto(i1+k)) by A2,A3,A4,FUNCT_1:2; hence thesis by A8,A9,COMPOS_0:1; end; registration cluster SCM -> IC-relocable; coherence proof thus SCM is IC-relocable proof let I be Instruction of SCM; per cases by AMI_3:24; suppose I = [0,{},{}]; hence thesis by AMI_3:26; end; suppose ex a,b st I = a:=b; hence thesis; end; suppose ex a,b st I = AddTo(a,b); hence thesis; end; suppose ex a,b st I = SubFrom(a,b); hence thesis; end; suppose ex a,b st I = MultBy(a,b); hence thesis; end; suppose ex a,b st I = Divide(a,b); hence thesis; end; suppose A1: ex k st I = SCM-goto k; let j,k be Nat, s1 be State of SCM; set s2 = IncIC(s1,k); consider k1 such that A2: I = SCM-goto k1 by A1; reconsider i1=k1 as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; thus IC Exec(IncAddr(I,j),s1) + k = IC Exec(SCM-goto(j+k1),s1) + k by A2,Th23 .= j+k1+k by AMI_3:7 .= IC Exec(SCM-goto(j+i1+k),s2) by AMI_3:7 .= IC Exec(SCM-goto(j+k+i1),s2) .= IC Exec(IncAddr(I,j+k), s2) by A2,Th23; end; suppose ex a,k st I = a=0_goto k; then consider a, k1 such that A3: I = a=0_goto k1; reconsider i1=k1 as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; let j,k be Nat, s1 be State of SCM; set s2 = IncIC(s1,k); a <> IC SCM & dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) = {IC SCM} by AMI_5:2; then not a in dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) by TARSKI:def 1; then A4: s1.a = s2.a by FUNCT_4:11; now per cases; suppose A5: s1.a = 0; thus IC Exec(IncAddr(I,j),s1) + k = IC Exec(a=0_goto(j+k1),s1) + k by A3,Th24 .= j+k1+k by A5,AMI_3:8 .= IC Exec(a=0_goto(j+i1+k),s2) by A4,A5,AMI_3:8 .= IC Exec(a=0_goto(j+k+i1),s2) .= IC Exec(IncAddr(I,j+k), s2) by A3,Th24; end; suppose A6: s1.a <> 0; A7: IncAddr(I,j) = a=0_goto(i1+j) by A3,Th24; A8: IncAddr(I,j+k) = a=0_goto(i1+(j+k)) by A3,Th24; IC SCM in dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) by TARSKI:def 1; then A9: IC s2 = (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)).IC SCM by FUNCT_4:13 .= (IC s1 + k) by FUNCOP_1:72; thus IC Exec(IncAddr(I,j),s1) + k = IC s1 + 1 + k by A7,A6,AMI_3:8 .= IC s1 + 1 + k .= IC s2 + 1 by A9 .= IC Exec(IncAddr(I,j+k), s2) by A8,A6,A4,AMI_3:8; end; end; hence thesis; end; suppose ex a,k st I = a>0_goto k; then consider a, k1 such that A10: I = a>0_goto k1; reconsider i1=k1 as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; let j,k be Nat, s1 be State of SCM; set s2 = IncIC(s1,k); a <> IC SCM & dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) = {IC SCM} by AMI_5:2; then not a in dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) by TARSKI:def 1; then A11: s1.a = s2.a by FUNCT_4:11; per cases; suppose A12: s1.a > 0; thus IC Exec(IncAddr(I,j),s1) + k = IC Exec(a>0_goto(j+k1),s1) + k by A10,Th25 .= j+k1+k by A12,AMI_3:9 .= IC Exec(a>0_goto(j+i1+k),s2) by A11,A12,AMI_3:9 .= IC Exec(a>0_goto(j+k+i1),s2) .= IC Exec(IncAddr(I,j+k), s2) by A10,Th25; end; suppose A13: s1.a <= 0; A14: IncAddr(I,j) = a>0_goto(i1+j) by A10,Th25; A15: IncAddr(I,j+k) = a>0_goto(i1+(j+k)) by A10,Th25; IC SCM in dom (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)) by TARSKI:def 1; then A16: IC s2 = (IC SCM .--> (IC s1 + k)).IC SCM by FUNCT_4:13 .= (IC s1 + k) by FUNCOP_1:72; thus IC Exec(IncAddr(I,j),s1) + k = IC s1 + 1 + k by A14,A13,AMI_3:9 .= IC s1 + 1 + k .= IC s2 + 1 by A16 .= IC Exec(IncAddr(I,j+k), s2) by A15,A13,A11,AMI_3:9; end; end; end; end; end;