:: Construction of Finite Sequences over Ring and Left-, Right-, :: and Bi-Modules over a Ring :: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/. environ vocabularies NUMBERS, NAT_1, CARD_1, ARYTM_3, XBOOLE_0, XXREAL_0, TARSKI, STRUCT_0, FUNCT_1, SUPINF_2, FUNCOP_1, SUBSET_1, FINSEQ_1, RELAT_1, AFINSQ_1, ALGSEQ_1, POLYNOM1, FINSET_1; notations TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, CARD_1, FINSET_1, ORDINAL1, NUMBERS, MEMBERED, XCMPLX_0, NAT_1, XXREAL_2, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCOP_1, STRUCT_0, FUNCT_2, XXREAL_0, POLYNOM1; constructors FUNCOP_1, XXREAL_0, XREAL_0, NAT_1, RLVECT_1, RELSET_1, POLYNOM1, XXREAL_2; registrations ORDINAL1, RELSET_1, XREAL_0, STRUCT_0, FINSET_1, CARD_1, XXREAL_2, MEMBERED; requirements NUMERALS, REAL, SUBSET, BOOLE, ARITHM; definitions TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, POLYNOM1; equalities XBOOLE_0; theorems TARSKI, ZFMISC_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, NAT_1, FUNCOP_1, XREAL_1, XXREAL_0, ORDINAL1, POLYNOM1, XXREAL_2; schemes FUNCT_2, NAT_1; begin reserve i,k,l,m,n for Nat, x for set; :: :: Algebraic Sequences :: reserve R for non empty ZeroStr; definition let R; let F be sequence of R; redefine attr F is finite-Support means :Def1: ex n st for i st i >= n holds F.i = 0. R; compatibility proof thus F is finite-Support implies ex n st for i st i >= n holds F.i = 0. R proof assume A1: Support F is finite; per cases; suppose A2: Support F = {}; take 0; let i; assume i >= 0; assume A3: F.i <> 0. R; reconsider i as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; i in Support F by A3,POLYNOM1:def 4; hence contradiction by A2; end; suppose Support F <> {}; then reconsider A = Support F as non empty finite Subset of NAT by A1; take n = max A + 1; let i; assume i >= n; then A4: i > max A by NAT_1:13; assume A5: F.i <> 0. R; reconsider i as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; i in Support F by A5,POLYNOM1:def 4; hence contradiction by A4,XXREAL_2:def 8; end; end; given n such that A6: for i st i >= n holds F.i = 0. R; Support F c= Segm n proof let e be object; assume A7: e in Support F; then reconsider i = e as Nat; F.i <> 0.R by A7,POLYNOM1:def 3; hence e in Segm n by A6,NAT_1:44; end; hence Support F is finite; end; end; registration let R; cluster finite-Support for sequence of R; existence proof reconsider f = NAT --> 0.R as sequence of the carrier of R; take f, 0; let i; thus thesis by FUNCOP_1:7,ORDINAL1:def 12; end; end; definition let R; mode AlgSequence of R is finite-Support sequence of R; end; reserve p,q for AlgSequence of R; definition let R,p; let k be Nat; pred k is_at_least_length_of p means :Def2: for i st i>=k holds p.i=0.R; end; Lm1: ex m st m is_at_least_length_of p proof consider n such that A1: for i st i >= n holds p.i = 0.R by Def1; take n; thus thesis by A1; end; definition let R,p; func len p -> Element of NAT means :Def3: it is_at_least_length_of p & for m st m is_at_least_length_of p holds it<=m; existence proof defpred P[Nat] means $1 is_at_least_length_of p; A1: ex m being Nat st P[m] by Lm1; ex k st P[k] & for n st P[n] holds k<=n from NAT_1:sch 5(A1); then consider k such that A2: k is_at_least_length_of p & for n st n is_at_least_length_of p holds k<=n; take k; thus thesis by A2,ORDINAL1:def 12; end; uniqueness proof let k,l be Element of NAT; assume k is_at_least_length_of p & ( for m st m is_at_least_length_of p holds k<= m) & l is_at_least_length_of p & for m st m is_at_least_length_of p holds l <=m; then k<=l & l<=k; hence thesis by XXREAL_0:1; end; end; ::$CT 7 theorem Th1: i>=len p implies p.i=0.R proof assume A1: i>=len p; len p is_at_least_length_of p by Def3; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem Th2: (for i st i < k holds p.i<>0.R) implies len p>=k proof assume A1: for i st i < k holds p.i<>0.R; for i st ii proof let i; assume i0.R by A1; hence thesis by Th1; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th3: len p=k+1 implies p.k<>0.R proof assume A1: len p=k+1; then k=k and A3: p.i<>0.R; inon empty ZeroStr,A()->Nat, F(Nat)->Element of R()}: ex p being AlgSequence of R() st len p <= A() & for k st k < A() holds p.k=F(k) proof defpred P[Nat, Element of R()] means $1=A() & $2=0.R(); A1: for x being Element of NAT ex y being Element of R() st P[x,y] proof let x be Element of NAT; x =A()&f.x=0.R(); ex n st for i st i >= n holds f.i = 0.R() proof reconsider n=A() as Element of NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; take n; let i; i in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; hence thesis by A2; end; then reconsider f as AlgSequence of R() by Def1; take f; now let i; assume A3: i>=A(); i in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; hence f.i=0.R() by A2,A3; end; then A() is_at_least_length_of f; hence len f <= A() by Def3; let k; k in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; hence thesis by A2; end; ::$CT theorem Th4: len p = len q & (for k st k < len p holds p.k = q.k) implies p=q proof assume that A1: len p = len q and A2: for k st k < len p holds p.k = q.k; A3: for x being object st x in NAT holds p.x=q.x proof let x be object; assume x in NAT; then reconsider k=x as Element of NAT; k >= len p implies p.k = q.k proof assume A4: k >= len p; then p.k = 0.R by Th1; hence thesis by A1,A4,Th1; end; hence thesis by A2; end; dom p = NAT & dom q = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1; hence thesis by A3,FUNCT_1:2; end; theorem the carrier of R <> {0.R} implies for k ex p being AlgSequence of R st len p = k proof set D = the carrier of R; assume D <> {0.R}; then consider t being object such that A1: t in D and A2: t <> 0.R by ZFMISC_1:35; reconsider y=t as Element of R by A1; let k; deffunc F(Nat) = y; consider p being AlgSequence of R such that A3: len p <= k & for i st i < k holds p.i=F(i) from AlgSeqLambdaF; for i st i < k holds p.i<>0.R by A2,A3; then len p >= k by Th2; hence thesis by A3,XXREAL_0:1; end; :: :: The Short AlgSequence of R :: reserve x for Element of R; definition ::$CD let R,x; func <%x%> -> AlgSequence of R means :Def4: len it <= 1 & it.0 = x; existence proof deffunc F(Nat) = x; consider p such that A1: len p <= 1 & for k st k < 1 holds p.k=F(k) from AlgSeqLambdaF; take p; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let p,q such that A2: len p <= 1 and A3: p.0 = x and A4: len q <= 1 and A5: q.0 = x; A6: 1 = 0 + 1; A7: now assume A8: x=0.R; then len p<1 by A2,A3,A6,Th3,XXREAL_0:1; then A9: len p=0 by NAT_1:14; len q<1 by A4,A5,A6,A8,Th3,XXREAL_0:1; hence len p=len q by A9,NAT_1:14; end; A10: for k st k < len p holds p.k = q.k proof let k; assume k0.R; then len p=1 by A2,A3,A6,Th1,NAT_1:8; hence len p=len q by A4,A5,A6,A11,Th1,NAT_1:8; end; hence thesis by A7,A10,Th4; end; end; Lm2: p=<%0.R%> implies len p = 0 proof assume p=<%0.R%>; then A1: p.0=0.R & len p<=1 by Def4; 0+1=1; then len p<1 by A1,Th3,XXREAL_0:1; hence thesis by NAT_1:14; end; theorem Th6: p=<%0.R%> iff len p = 0 proof thus p=<%0.R%> implies len p = 0 by Lm2; thus len p=0 implies p=<%0.R%> proof assume len p=0; then len p=len <%0.R%> & for k st k < len p holds p.k = <%0.R%>.k by Lm2,NAT_1:2; hence thesis by Th4; end; end; ::$CT theorem Th7: <%0.R%>.i=0.R proof set p0=<%0.R%>; now assume i<>0; then i>0 by NAT_1:3; then i>=len p0 by Th6; hence thesis by Th1; end; hence thesis by Def4; end; theorem p=<%0.R%> iff rng p = {0.R} proof thus p=<%0.R%> implies rng p= {0.R} proof assume A1: p=<%0.R%>; thus rng p c= {0.R} proof let x be object; assume x in rng p; then consider i being object such that A2: i in dom p and A3: x = p.i by FUNCT_1:def 3; reconsider i as Element of NAT by A2,FUNCT_2:def 1; p.i=0.R by A1,Th7; hence thesis by A3,TARSKI:def 1; end; thus {0.R} c= rng p proof let x be object; assume x in {0.R}; then x = 0.R by TARSKI:def 1; then A4: p.0 = x by A1,Def4; dom p = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1; hence thesis by A4,FUNCT_1:def 3; end; end; thus rng p={0.R} implies p=<%0.R%> proof assume A5: rng p={0.R}; A6: for k st k>=0 holds p.k=0.R proof let k; k in NAT by ORDINAL1:def 12; then k in dom p by FUNCT_2:def 1; then p.k in rng p by FUNCT_1:def 3; hence thesis by A5,TARSKI:def 1; end; for m st m is_at_least_length_of p holds 0<=m by NAT_1:2; then len p=0 by A6,Def2,Def3; hence thesis by Th6; end; end;