/- Copyright (c) 2020 Eric Weiser. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Eric Weiser -/ import algebra.star.basic import algebra.free_algebra /-! # A *-algebra structure on the free algebra. Reversing words gives a *-structure on the free monoid or on the free algebra on a type. ## Implementation note We have this in a separate file, rather than in `algebra.free_monoid` and `algebra.free_algebra`, to avoid importing `algebra.star.basic` into the entire hierarchy. -/ namespace free_monoid variables {α : Type*} instance : star_semigroup (free_monoid α) := { star := list.reverse, star_involutive := list.reverse_reverse, star_mul := list.reverse_append, } @[simp] lemma star_of (x : α) : star (of x) = of x := rfl /-- Note that `star_one` is already a global simp lemma, but this one works with dsimp too -/ @[simp] lemma star_one : star (1 : free_monoid α) = 1 := rfl end free_monoid namespace free_algebra variables {R : Type*} [comm_semiring R] {X : Type*} /-- The star ring formed by reversing the elements of products -/ instance : star_ring (free_algebra R X) := { star := mul_opposite.unop ∘ lift R (mul_opposite.op ∘ ι R), star_involutive := λ x, by { unfold has_star.star, simp only [function.comp_apply], refine free_algebra.induction R X _ _ _ _ x; intros; simp [*] }, star_mul := λ a b, by simp, star_add := λ a b, by simp } @[simp] lemma star_ι (x : X) : star (ι R x) = (ι R x) := by simp [star, has_star.star] @[simp] lemma star_algebra_map (r : R) : star (algebra_map R (free_algebra R X) r) = (algebra_map R _ r) := by simp [star, has_star.star] /-- `star` as an `alg_equiv` -/ def star_hom : free_algebra R X ≃ₐ[R] (free_algebra R X)ᵐᵒᵖ := { commutes' := λ r, by simp [star_algebra_map], ..star_ring_equiv } end free_algebra