/- Copyright (c) 2019 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Kenny Lau -/ import algebra.hom.group import control.applicative import control.traversable.basic import logic.equiv.basic /-! # Free constructions ## Main definitions * `free_magma α`: free magma (structure with binary operation without any axioms) over alphabet `α`, defined inductively, with traversable instance and decidable equality. * `magma.free_semigroup α`: free semigroup over magma `α`. * `free_semigroup α`: free semigroup over alphabet `α`, defined as a synonym for `α × list α` (i.e. nonempty lists), with traversable instance and decidable equality. * `free_semigroup_free_magma α`: isomorphism between `magma.free_semigroup (free_magma α)` and `free_semigroup α`. * `free_magma.lift`: the universal property of the free magma, expressing its adjointness. -/ universes u v l /-- Free magma over a given alphabet. -/ @[derive decidable_eq] inductive free_magma (α : Type u) : Type u | of : α → free_magma | mul : free_magma → free_magma → free_magma /-- Free nonabelian additive magma over a given alphabet. -/ @[derive decidable_eq] inductive free_add_magma (α : Type u) : Type u | of : α → free_add_magma | add : free_add_magma → free_add_magma → free_add_magma attribute [to_additive] free_magma namespace free_magma variables {α : Type u} @[to_additive] instance [inhabited α] : inhabited (free_magma α) := ⟨of default⟩ @[to_additive] instance : has_mul (free_magma α) := ⟨free_magma.mul⟩ attribute [pattern] has_mul.mul @[simp, to_additive] theorem mul_eq (x y : free_magma α) : mul x y = x * y := rfl /-- Recursor for `free_magma` using `x * y` instead of `free_magma.mul x y`. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive "Recursor for `free_add_magma` using `x + y` instead of `free_add_magma.add x y`."] def rec_on_mul {C : free_magma α → Sort l} (x) (ih1 : ∀ x, C (of x)) (ih2 : ∀ x y, C x → C y → C (x * y)) : C x := free_magma.rec_on x ih1 ih2 end free_magma /-- Lifts a function `α → β` to a magma homomorphism `free_magma α → β` given a magma `β`. -/ def free_magma.lift_aux {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [has_mul β] (f : α → β) : free_magma α → β | (free_magma.of x) := f x | (x * y) := x.lift_aux * y.lift_aux /-- Lifts a function `α → β` to an additive magma homomorphism `free_add_magma α → β` given an additive magma `β`. -/ def free_add_magma.lift_aux {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [has_add β] (f : α → β) : free_add_magma α → β | (free_add_magma.of x) := f x | (x + y) := x.lift_aux + y.lift_aux attribute [to_additive free_add_magma.lift_aux] free_magma.lift_aux namespace free_magma variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [has_mul β] (f : α → β) @[to_additive] theorem lift_aux_unique (F : free_magma α →ₙ* β) : ⇑F = lift_aux (F ∘ of) := funext $ λ x, free_magma.rec_on x (λ x, rfl) $ λ x y ih1 ih2, (F.map_mul x y).trans $ congr (congr_arg _ ih1) ih2 /-- The universal property of the free magma expressing its adjointness. -/ @[to_additive "The universal property of the free additive magma expressing its adjointness."] def lift : (α → β) ≃ (free_magma α →ₙ* β) := { to_fun := λ f, { to_fun := lift_aux f, map_mul' := λ x y, rfl, }, inv_fun := λ F, F ∘ of, left_inv := λ f, by { ext, simp only [lift_aux, mul_hom.coe_mk, function.comp_app], }, right_inv := λ F, by { ext, rw [mul_hom.coe_mk, lift_aux_unique], } } @[simp, to_additive] lemma lift_of (x) : lift f (of x) = f x := rfl end free_magma /-- The unique magma homomorphism `free_magma α → free_magma β` that sends each `of x` to `of (f x)`. -/ def free_magma.map {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (f : α → β) : free_magma α → free_magma β | (free_magma.of x) := free_magma.of (f x) | (x * y) := x.map * y.map /-- The unique additive magma homomorphism `free_add_magma α → free_add_magma β` that sends each `of x` to `of (f x)`. -/ def free_add_magma.map {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (f : α → β) : free_add_magma α → free_add_magma β | (free_add_magma.of x) := free_add_magma.of (f x) | (x + y) := x.map + y.map attribute [to_additive free_add_magma.map] free_magma.map namespace free_magma variables {α : Type u} section map variables {β : Type v} (f : α → β) @[simp, to_additive] lemma map_of (x) : map f (of x) = of (f x) := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma map_mul (x y) : map f (x * y) = map f x * map f y := rfl end map section category @[to_additive] instance : monad free_magma := { pure := λ _, of, bind := λ _ _ x f, lift f x } /-- Recursor on `free_magma` using `pure` instead of `of`. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive "Recursor on `free_add_magma` using `pure` instead of `of`."] protected def rec_on_pure {C : free_magma α → Sort l} (x) (ih1 : ∀ x, C (pure x)) (ih2 : ∀ x y, C x → C y → C (x * y)) : C x := free_magma.rec_on_mul x ih1 ih2 variables {β : Type u} @[simp, to_additive] lemma map_pure (f : α → β) (x) : (f <$> pure x : free_magma β) = pure (f x) := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma map_mul' (f : α → β) (x y : free_magma α) : (f <$> (x * y)) = (f <$> x * f <$> y) := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma pure_bind (f : α → free_magma β) (x) : (pure x >>= f) = f x := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma mul_bind (f : α → free_magma β) (x y : free_magma α) : (x * y >>= f) = ((x >>= f) * (y >>= f)) := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma pure_seq {α β : Type u} {f : α → β} {x : free_magma α} : pure f <*> x = f <$> x := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma mul_seq {α β : Type u} {f g : free_magma (α → β)} {x : free_magma α} : (f * g) <*> x = (f <*> x) * (g <*> x) := rfl @[to_additive] instance : is_lawful_monad free_magma.{u} := { pure_bind := λ _ _ _ _, rfl, bind_assoc := λ α β γ x f g, free_magma.rec_on_pure x (λ x, rfl) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by rw [mul_bind, mul_bind, mul_bind, ih1, ih2]), id_map := λ α x, free_magma.rec_on_pure x (λ _, rfl) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by rw [map_mul', ih1, ih2]) } end category end free_magma /-- `free_magma` is traversable. -/ protected def free_magma.traverse {m : Type u → Type u} [applicative m] {α β : Type u} (F : α → m β) : free_magma α → m (free_magma β) | (free_magma.of x) := free_magma.of <$> F x | (x * y) := (*) <$> x.traverse <*> y.traverse /-- `free_add_magma` is traversable. -/ protected def free_add_magma.traverse {m : Type u → Type u} [applicative m] {α β : Type u} (F : α → m β) : free_add_magma α → m (free_add_magma β) | (free_add_magma.of x) := free_add_magma.of <$> F x | (x + y) := (+) <$> x.traverse <*> y.traverse attribute [to_additive free_add_magma.traverse] free_magma.traverse namespace free_magma variables {α : Type u} section category variables {β : Type u} @[to_additive] instance : traversable free_magma := ⟨@free_magma.traverse⟩ variables {m : Type u → Type u} [applicative m] (F : α → m β) @[simp, to_additive] lemma traverse_pure (x) : traverse F (pure x : free_magma α) = pure <$> F x := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma traverse_pure' : traverse F ∘ pure = λ x, (pure <$> F x : m (free_magma β)) := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma traverse_mul (x y : free_magma α) : traverse F (x * y) = (*) <$> traverse F x <*> traverse F y := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma traverse_mul' : function.comp (traverse F) ∘ @has_mul.mul (free_magma α) _ = λ x y, (*) <$> traverse F x <*> traverse F y := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma traverse_eq (x) : free_magma.traverse F x = traverse F x := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma mul_map_seq (x y : free_magma α) : ((*) <$> x <*> y : id (free_magma α)) = (x * y : free_magma α) := rfl @[to_additive] instance : is_lawful_traversable free_magma.{u} := { id_traverse := λ α x, free_magma.rec_on_pure x (λ x, rfl) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by rw [traverse_mul, ih1, ih2, mul_map_seq]), comp_traverse := λ F G hf1 hg1 hf2 hg2 α β γ f g x, free_magma.rec_on_pure x (λ x, by resetI; simp only [traverse_pure, traverse_pure'] with functor_norm) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by resetI; rw [traverse_mul, ih1, ih2, traverse_mul]; simp only [traverse_mul'] with functor_norm), naturality := λ F G hf1 hg1 hf2 hg2 η α β f x, free_magma.rec_on_pure x (λ x, by simp only [traverse_pure] with functor_norm) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by simp only [traverse_mul] with functor_norm; rw [ih1, ih2]), traverse_eq_map_id := λ α β f x, free_magma.rec_on_pure x (λ _, rfl) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by rw [traverse_mul, ih1, ih2, map_mul', mul_map_seq]; refl), .. free_magma.is_lawful_monad } end category end free_magma /-- Representation of an element of a free magma. -/ protected def free_magma.repr {α : Type u} [has_repr α] : free_magma α → string | (free_magma.of x) := repr x | (x * y) := "( " ++ x.repr ++ " * " ++ y.repr ++ " )" /-- Representation of an element of a free additive magma. -/ protected def free_add_magma.repr {α : Type u} [has_repr α] : free_add_magma α → string | (free_add_magma.of x) := repr x | (x + y) := "( " ++ x.repr ++ " + " ++ y.repr ++ " )" attribute [to_additive free_add_magma.repr] free_magma.repr @[to_additive] instance {α : Type u} [has_repr α] : has_repr (free_magma α) := ⟨free_magma.repr⟩ /-- Length of an element of a free magma. -/ def free_magma.length {α : Type u} : free_magma α → ℕ | (free_magma.of x) := 1 | (x * y) := x.length + y.length /-- Length of an element of a free additive magma. -/ def free_add_magma.length {α : Type u} : free_add_magma α → ℕ | (free_add_magma.of x) := 1 | (x + y) := x.length + y.length attribute [to_additive free_add_magma.length] free_magma.length /-- Associativity relations for a magma. -/ inductive magma.free_semigroup.r (α : Type u) [has_mul α] : α → α → Prop | intro : ∀ x y z, magma.free_semigroup.r ((x * y) * z) (x * (y * z)) | left : ∀ w x y z, magma.free_semigroup.r (w * ((x * y) * z)) (w * (x * (y * z))) /-- Associativity relations for an additive magma. -/ inductive add_magma.free_add_semigroup.r (α : Type u) [has_add α] : α → α → Prop | intro : ∀ x y z, add_magma.free_add_semigroup.r ((x + y) + z) (x + (y + z)) | left : ∀ w x y z, add_magma.free_add_semigroup.r (w + ((x + y) + z)) (w + (x + (y + z))) attribute [to_additive add_magma.free_add_semigroup.r] magma.free_semigroup.r namespace magma /-- Free semigroup over a magma. -/ @[to_additive add_magma.free_add_semigroup "Free additive semigroup over an additive magma."] def free_semigroup (α : Type u) [has_mul α] : Type u := quot $ free_semigroup.r α namespace free_semigroup variables {α : Type u} [has_mul α] /-- Embedding from magma to its free semigroup. -/ @[to_additive "Embedding from additive magma to its free additive semigroup."] def of : α → free_semigroup α := quot.mk _ @[to_additive] instance [inhabited α] : inhabited (free_semigroup α) := ⟨of default⟩ @[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive] protected lemma induction_on {C : free_semigroup α → Prop} (x : free_semigroup α) (ih : ∀ x, C (of x)) : C x := quot.induction_on x ih @[to_additive] theorem of_mul_assoc (x y z : α) : of ((x * y) * z) = of (x * (y * z)) := quot.sound $ r.intro x y z @[to_additive] theorem of_mul_assoc_left (w x y z : α) : of (w * ((x * y) * z)) = of (w * (x * (y * z))) := quot.sound $ r.left w x y z @[to_additive] theorem of_mul_assoc_right (w x y z : α) : of (((w * x) * y) * z) = of ((w * (x * y)) * z) := by rw [of_mul_assoc, of_mul_assoc, of_mul_assoc, of_mul_assoc_left] @[to_additive] instance : semigroup (free_semigroup α) := { mul := λ x y, begin refine quot.lift_on x (λ p, quot.lift_on y (λ q, (quot.mk _ $ p * q : free_semigroup α)) _) _, { rintros a b (⟨c, d, e⟩ | ⟨c, d, e, f⟩); change of _ = of _, { rw of_mul_assoc_left }, { rw [← of_mul_assoc, of_mul_assoc_left, of_mul_assoc] } }, { refine quot.induction_on y (λ q, _), rintros a b (⟨c, d, e⟩ | ⟨c, d, e, f⟩); change of _ = of _, { rw of_mul_assoc_right }, { rw [of_mul_assoc, of_mul_assoc, of_mul_assoc_left, of_mul_assoc_left, of_mul_assoc_left, ← of_mul_assoc c d, ← of_mul_assoc c d, of_mul_assoc_left] } } end, mul_assoc := λ x y z, quot.induction_on x $ λ p, quot.induction_on y $ λ q, quot.induction_on z $ λ r, of_mul_assoc p q r } @[to_additive] theorem of_mul (x y : α) : of (x * y) = of x * of y := rfl section lift variables {β : Type v} [semigroup β] (f : α → β) /-- Lifts a magma homomorphism `α → β` to a semigroup homomorphism `magma.free_semigroup α → β` given a semigroup `β`. -/ @[to_additive "Lifts an additive magma homomorphism `α → β` to an additive semigroup homomorphism `add_magma.free_add_semigroup α → β` given an additive semigroup `β`."] def lift (hf : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) : free_semigroup α → β := quot.lift f $ by rintros a b (⟨c, d, e⟩ | ⟨c, d, e, f⟩); simp only [hf, mul_assoc] @[simp, to_additive] lemma lift_of {hf} (x : α) : lift f hf (of x) = f x := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma lift_mul {hf} (x y) : lift f hf (x * y) = lift f hf x * lift f hf y := quot.induction_on x $ λ p, quot.induction_on y $ λ q, hf p q @[to_additive] theorem lift_unique (f : free_semigroup α → β) (hf : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) : f = lift (f ∘ of) (λ p q, hf (of p) (of q)) := funext $ λ x, quot.induction_on x $ λ p, rfl end lift variables {β : Type v} [has_mul β] (f : α → β) /-- From a magma homomorphism `α → β` to a semigroup homomorphism `magma.free_semigroup α → magma.free_semigroup β`. -/ @[to_additive "From an additive magma homomorphism `α → β` to an additive semigroup homomorphism `add_magma.free_add_semigroup α → add_magma.free_add_semigroup β`."] def map (hf : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) : free_semigroup α → free_semigroup β := lift (of ∘ f) (λ x y, congr_arg of $ hf x y) @[simp, to_additive] lemma map_of {hf} (x) : map f hf (of x) = of (f x) := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma map_mul {hf} (x y) : map f hf (x * y) = map f hf x * map f hf y := lift_mul _ _ _ end free_semigroup end magma /-- Free semigroup over a given alphabet. (Note: In this definition, the free semigroup does not contain the empty word.) -/ @[to_additive "Free additive semigroup over a given alphabet."] def free_semigroup (α : Type u) : Type u := α × list α namespace free_semigroup variables {α : Type u} @[to_additive] instance : semigroup (free_semigroup α) := { mul := λ L1 L2, (L1.1, L1.2 ++ L2.1 :: L2.2), mul_assoc := λ L1 L2 L3, prod.ext rfl $ list.append_assoc _ _ _ } /-- The embedding `α → free_semigroup α`. -/ @[to_additive "The embedding `α → free_add_semigroup α`."] def of (x : α) : free_semigroup α := (x, []) @[to_additive] instance [inhabited α] : inhabited (free_semigroup α) := ⟨of default⟩ /-- Recursor for free semigroup using `of` and `*`. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive "Recursor for free additive semigroup using `of` and `+`."] protected def rec_on {C : free_semigroup α → Sort l} (x) (ih1 : ∀ x, C (of x)) (ih2 : ∀ x y, C (of x) → C y → C (of x * y)) : C x := prod.rec_on x $ λ f s, list.rec_on s ih1 (λ hd tl ih f, ih2 f (hd, tl) (ih1 f) (ih hd)) f end free_semigroup /-- Auxiliary function for `free_semigroup.lift`. -/ def free_semigroup.lift' {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [semigroup β] (f : α → β) : α → list α → β | x [] := f x | x (hd::tl) := f x * free_semigroup.lift' hd tl /-- Auxiliary function for `free_semigroup.lift`. -/ def free_add_semigroup.lift' {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [add_semigroup β] (f : α → β) : α → list α → β | x [] := f x | x (hd::tl) := f x + free_add_semigroup.lift' hd tl attribute [to_additive free_add_semigroup.lift'] free_semigroup.lift' namespace free_semigroup variables {α : Type u} section lift variables {β : Type v} [semigroup β] (f : α → β) /-- Lifts a function `α → β` to a semigroup homomorphism `free_semigroup α → β` given a semigroup `β`. -/ @[to_additive "Lifts a function `α → β` to an additive semigroup homomorphism `free_add_semigroup α → β` given an additive semigroup `β`."] def lift (x : free_semigroup α) : β := lift' f x.1 x.2 @[simp, to_additive] lemma lift_of (x : α) : lift f (of x) = f x := rfl @[to_additive] lemma lift_of_mul (x y) : lift f (of x * y) = f x * lift f y := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma lift_mul (x y) : lift f (x * y) = lift f x * lift f y := free_semigroup.rec_on x (λ p, rfl) (λ p x ih1 ih2, by rw [mul_assoc, lift_of_mul, lift_of_mul, mul_assoc, ih2]) @[to_additive] theorem lift_unique (f : free_semigroup α → β) (hf : ∀ x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y) : f = lift (f ∘ of) := funext $ λ ⟨x, L⟩, list.rec_on L (λ x, rfl) (λ hd tl ih x, (hf (of x) (hd, tl)).trans $ congr_arg _ $ ih _) x end lift section map variables {β : Type v} (f : α → β) /-- The unique semigroup homomorphism that sends `of x` to `of (f x)`. -/ @[to_additive "The unique additive semigroup homomorphism that sends `of x` to `of (f x)`."] def map : free_semigroup α → free_semigroup β := lift $ of ∘ f @[simp, to_additive] lemma map_of (x) : map f (of x) = of (f x) := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma map_mul (x y) : map f (x * y) = map f x * map f y := lift_mul _ _ _ end map section category variables {β : Type u} @[to_additive] instance : monad free_semigroup := { pure := λ _, of, bind := λ _ _ x f, lift f x } /-- Recursor that uses `pure` instead of `of`. -/ @[elab_as_eliminator, to_additive "Recursor that uses `pure` instead of `of`."] def rec_on_pure {C : free_semigroup α → Sort l} (x) (ih1 : ∀ x, C (pure x)) (ih2 : ∀ x y, C (pure x) → C y → C (pure x * y)) : C x := free_semigroup.rec_on x ih1 ih2 @[simp, to_additive] lemma map_pure (f : α → β) (x) : (f <$> pure x : free_semigroup β) = pure (f x) := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma map_mul' (f : α → β) (x y : free_semigroup α) : (f <$> (x * y)) = (f <$> x * f <$> y) := map_mul _ _ _ @[simp, to_additive] lemma pure_bind (f : α → free_semigroup β) (x) : (pure x >>= f) = f x := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma mul_bind (f : α → free_semigroup β) (x y : free_semigroup α) : (x * y >>= f) = ((x >>= f) * (y >>= f)) := lift_mul _ _ _ @[simp, to_additive] lemma pure_seq {f : α → β} {x : free_semigroup α} : pure f <*> x = f <$> x := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma mul_seq {f g : free_semigroup (α → β)} {x : free_semigroup α} : (f * g) <*> x = (f <*> x) * (g <*> x) := mul_bind _ _ _ @[to_additive] instance : is_lawful_monad free_semigroup.{u} := { pure_bind := λ _ _ _ _, rfl, bind_assoc := λ α β γ x f g, rec_on_pure x (λ x, rfl) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by rw [mul_bind, mul_bind, mul_bind, ih1, ih2]), id_map := λ α x, rec_on_pure x (λ _, rfl) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by rw [map_mul', ih1, ih2]) } /-- `free_semigroup` is traversable. -/ @[to_additive "`free_add_semigroup` is traversable."] protected def traverse {m : Type u → Type u} [applicative m] {α β : Type u} (F : α → m β) (x : free_semigroup α) : m (free_semigroup β) := rec_on_pure x (λ x, pure <$> F x) (λ x y ihx ihy, (*) <$> ihx <*> ihy) @[to_additive] instance : traversable free_semigroup := ⟨@free_semigroup.traverse⟩ variables {m : Type u → Type u} [applicative m] (F : α → m β) @[simp, to_additive] lemma traverse_pure (x) :traverse F (pure x : free_semigroup α) = pure <$> F x := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma traverse_pure' : traverse F ∘ pure = λ x, (pure <$> F x : m (free_semigroup β)) := rfl section variables [is_lawful_applicative m] @[simp, to_additive] lemma traverse_mul (x y : free_semigroup α) : traverse F (x * y) = (*) <$> traverse F x <*> traverse F y := let ⟨x, L1⟩ := x, ⟨y, L2⟩ := y in list.rec_on L1 (λ x, rfl) (λ hd tl ih x, show (*) <$> pure <$> F x <*> traverse F ((hd, tl) * (y, L2) : free_semigroup α) = (*) <$> ((*) <$> pure <$> F x <*> traverse F (hd, tl)) <*> traverse F (y, L2), by rw ih; simp only [(∘), (mul_assoc _ _ _).symm] with functor_norm) x @[simp, to_additive] lemma traverse_mul' : function.comp (traverse F) ∘ @has_mul.mul (free_semigroup α) _ = λ x y, (*) <$> traverse F x <*> traverse F y := funext $ λ x, funext $ λ y, traverse_mul F x y end @[simp, to_additive] lemma traverse_eq (x) : free_semigroup.traverse F x = traverse F x := rfl @[simp, to_additive] lemma mul_map_seq (x y : free_semigroup α) : ((*) <$> x <*> y : id (free_semigroup α)) = (x * y : free_semigroup α) := rfl @[to_additive] instance : is_lawful_traversable free_semigroup.{u} := { id_traverse := λ α x, free_semigroup.rec_on x (λ x, rfl) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by rw [traverse_mul, ih1, ih2, mul_map_seq]), comp_traverse := λ F G hf1 hg1 hf2 hg2 α β γ f g x, rec_on_pure x (λ x, by resetI; simp only [traverse_pure, traverse_pure'] with functor_norm) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by resetI; rw [traverse_mul, ih1, ih2, traverse_mul]; simp only [traverse_mul'] with functor_norm), naturality := λ F G hf1 hg1 hf2 hg2 η α β f x, rec_on_pure x (λ x, by simp only [traverse_pure] with functor_norm) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by resetI; simp only [traverse_mul] with functor_norm; rw [ih1, ih2]), traverse_eq_map_id := λ α β f x, free_semigroup.rec_on x (λ _, rfl) (λ x y ih1 ih2, by rw [traverse_mul, ih1, ih2, map_mul', mul_map_seq]; refl), .. free_semigroup.is_lawful_monad } end category @[to_additive] instance [decidable_eq α] : decidable_eq (free_semigroup α) := prod.decidable_eq end free_semigroup /-- Isomorphism between `magma.free_semigroup (free_magma α)` and `free_semigroup α`. -/ @[to_additive "Isomorphism between `add_magma.free_add_semigroup (free_add_magma α)` and `free_add_semigroup α`."] def free_semigroup_free_magma (α : Type u) : magma.free_semigroup (free_magma α) ≃ free_semigroup α := { to_fun := magma.free_semigroup.lift (free_magma.lift free_semigroup.of) (free_magma.lift _).map_mul, inv_fun := free_semigroup.lift (magma.free_semigroup.of ∘ free_magma.of), left_inv := λ x, magma.free_semigroup.induction_on x $ λ p, by rw magma.free_semigroup.lift_of; exact free_magma.rec_on_mul p (λ x, by rw [free_magma.lift_of, free_semigroup.lift_of]) (λ x y ihx ihy, by rw [mul_hom.map_mul, free_semigroup.lift_mul, ihx, ihy, magma.free_semigroup.of_mul]), right_inv := λ x, free_semigroup.rec_on x (λ x, by rw [free_semigroup.lift_of, magma.free_semigroup.lift_of, free_magma.lift_of]) (λ x y ihx ihy, by rw [free_semigroup.lift_mul, magma.free_semigroup.lift_mul, ihx, ihy]) } @[simp, to_additive] lemma free_semigroup_free_magma_mul {α : Type u} (x y) : free_semigroup_free_magma α (x * y) = free_semigroup_free_magma α x * free_semigroup_free_magma α y := magma.free_semigroup.lift_mul _ _ _