/- Copyright (c) 2019 Kenny Lau, Chris Hughes. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Kenny Lau, Chris Hughes -/ import data.finset.order import algebra.direct_sum.module import ring_theory.free_comm_ring import ring_theory.ideal.operations /-! # Direct limit of modules, abelian groups, rings, and fields. See Atiyah-Macdonald PP.32-33, Matsumura PP.269-270 Generalizes the notion of "union", or "gluing", of incomparable modules over the same ring, or incomparable abelian groups, or rings, or fields. It is constructed as a quotient of the free module (for the module case) or quotient of the free commutative ring (for the ring case) instead of a quotient of the disjoint union so as to make the operations (addition etc.) "computable". ## Main definitions * `directed_system f` * `module.direct_limit G f` * `add_comm_group.direct_limit G f` * `ring.direct_limit G f` -/ universes u v w u₁ open submodule variables {R : Type u} [ring R] variables {ι : Type v} variables [dec_ι : decidable_eq ι] [preorder ι] variables (G : ι → Type w) /-- A directed system is a functor from a category (directed poset) to another category. -/ class directed_system (f : Π i j, i ≤ j → G i → G j) : Prop := (map_self [] : ∀ i x h, f i i h x = x) (map_map [] : ∀ {i j k} hij hjk x, f j k hjk (f i j hij x) = f i k (le_trans hij hjk) x) namespace module variables [Π i, add_comm_group (G i)] [Π i, module R (G i)] variables {G} (f : Π i j, i ≤ j → G i →ₗ[R] G j) /-- A copy of `directed_system.map_self` specialized to linear maps, as otherwise the `λ i j h, f i j h` can confuse the simplifier. -/ lemma directed_system.map_self [directed_system G (λ i j h, f i j h)] (i x h) : f i i h x = x := directed_system.map_self (λ i j h, f i j h) i x h /-- A copy of `directed_system.map_map` specialized to linear maps, as otherwise the `λ i j h, f i j h` can confuse the simplifier. -/ lemma directed_system.map_map [directed_system G (λ i j h, f i j h)] {i j k} (hij hjk x) : f j k hjk (f i j hij x) = f i k (le_trans hij hjk) x := directed_system.map_map (λ i j h, f i j h) hij hjk x variables (G) include dec_ι /-- The direct limit of a directed system is the modules glued together along the maps. -/ def direct_limit : Type (max v w) := direct_sum ι G ⧸ (span R $ { a | ∃ (i j) (H : i ≤ j) x, direct_sum.lof R ι G i x - direct_sum.lof R ι G j (f i j H x) = a }) namespace direct_limit instance : add_comm_group (direct_limit G f) := quotient.add_comm_group _ instance : module R (direct_limit G f) := quotient.module _ instance : inhabited (direct_limit G f) := ⟨0⟩ variables (R ι) /-- The canonical map from a component to the direct limit. -/ def of (i) : G i →ₗ[R] direct_limit G f := (mkq _).comp $ direct_sum.lof R ι G i variables {R ι G f} @[simp] lemma of_f {i j hij x} : (of R ι G f j (f i j hij x)) = of R ι G f i x := eq.symm $ (submodule.quotient.eq _).2 $ subset_span ⟨i, j, hij, x, rfl⟩ /-- Every element of the direct limit corresponds to some element in some component of the directed system. -/ theorem exists_of [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] (z : direct_limit G f) : ∃ i x, of R ι G f i x = z := nonempty.elim (by apply_instance) $ assume ind : ι, quotient.induction_on' z $ λ z, direct_sum.induction_on z ⟨ind, 0, linear_map.map_zero _⟩ (λ i x, ⟨i, x, rfl⟩) (λ p q ⟨i, x, ihx⟩ ⟨j, y, ihy⟩, let ⟨k, hik, hjk⟩ := exists_ge_ge i j in ⟨k, f i k hik x + f j k hjk y, by rw [linear_map.map_add, of_f, of_f, ihx, ihy]; refl⟩) @[elab_as_eliminator] protected theorem induction_on [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] {C : direct_limit G f → Prop} (z : direct_limit G f) (ih : ∀ i x, C (of R ι G f i x)) : C z := let ⟨i, x, h⟩ := exists_of z in h ▸ ih i x variables {P : Type u₁} [add_comm_group P] [module R P] (g : Π i, G i →ₗ[R] P) variables (Hg : ∀ i j hij x, g j (f i j hij x) = g i x) include Hg variables (R ι G f) /-- The universal property of the direct limit: maps from the components to another module that respect the directed system structure (i.e. make some diagram commute) give rise to a unique map out of the direct limit. -/ def lift : direct_limit G f →ₗ[R] P := liftq _ (direct_sum.to_module R ι P g) (span_le.2 $ λ a ⟨i, j, hij, x, hx⟩, by rw [← hx, set_like.mem_coe, linear_map.sub_mem_ker_iff, direct_sum.to_module_lof, direct_sum.to_module_lof, Hg]) variables {R ι G f} omit Hg lemma lift_of {i} (x) : lift R ι G f g Hg (of R ι G f i x) = g i x := direct_sum.to_module_lof R _ _ theorem lift_unique [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] (F : direct_limit G f →ₗ[R] P) (x) : F x = lift R ι G f (λ i, F.comp $ of R ι G f i) (λ i j hij x, by rw [linear_map.comp_apply, of_f]; refl) x := direct_limit.induction_on x $ λ i x, by rw lift_of; refl section totalize open_locale classical variables (G f) omit dec_ι /-- `totalize G f i j` is a linear map from `G i` to `G j`, for *every* `i` and `j`. If `i ≤ j`, then it is the map `f i j` that comes with the directed system `G`, and otherwise it is the zero map. -/ noncomputable def totalize (i j) : G i →ₗ[R] G j := if h : i ≤ j then f i j h else 0 variables {G f} lemma totalize_of_le {i j} (h : i ≤ j) : totalize G f i j = f i j h := dif_pos h lemma totalize_of_not_le {i j} (h : ¬(i ≤ j)) : totalize G f i j = 0 := dif_neg h end totalize variables [directed_system G (λ i j h, f i j h)] open_locale classical lemma to_module_totalize_of_le {x : direct_sum ι G} {i j : ι} (hij : i ≤ j) (hx : ∀ k ∈ x.support, k ≤ i) : direct_sum.to_module R ι (G j) (λ k, totalize G f k j) x = f i j hij (direct_sum.to_module R ι (G i) (λ k, totalize G f k i) x) := begin rw [← @dfinsupp.sum_single ι G _ _ _ x], unfold dfinsupp.sum, simp only [linear_map.map_sum], refine finset.sum_congr rfl (λ k hk, _), rw [direct_sum.single_eq_lof R k (x k), direct_sum.to_module_lof, direct_sum.to_module_lof, totalize_of_le (hx k hk), totalize_of_le (le_trans (hx k hk) hij), directed_system.map_map], end lemma of.zero_exact_aux [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] {x : direct_sum ι G} (H : submodule.quotient.mk x = (0 : direct_limit G f)) : ∃ j, (∀ k ∈ x.support, k ≤ j) ∧ direct_sum.to_module R ι (G j) (λ i, totalize G f i j) x = (0 : G j) := nonempty.elim (by apply_instance) $ assume ind : ι, span_induction ((quotient.mk_eq_zero _).1 H) (λ x ⟨i, j, hij, y, hxy⟩, let ⟨k, hik, hjk⟩ := exists_ge_ge i j in ⟨k, begin clear_, subst hxy, split, { intros i0 hi0, rw [dfinsupp.mem_support_iff, direct_sum.sub_apply, ← direct_sum.single_eq_lof, ← direct_sum.single_eq_lof, dfinsupp.single_apply, dfinsupp.single_apply] at hi0, split_ifs at hi0 with hi hj hj, { rwa hi at hik }, { rwa hi at hik }, { rwa hj at hjk }, exfalso, apply hi0, rw sub_zero }, simp [linear_map.map_sub, totalize_of_le, hik, hjk, directed_system.map_map, direct_sum.apply_eq_component, direct_sum.component.of], end⟩) ⟨ind, λ _ h, (finset.not_mem_empty _ h).elim, linear_map.map_zero _⟩ (λ x y ⟨i, hi, hxi⟩ ⟨j, hj, hyj⟩, let ⟨k, hik, hjk⟩ := exists_ge_ge i j in ⟨k, λ l hl, (finset.mem_union.1 (dfinsupp.support_add hl)).elim (λ hl, le_trans (hi _ hl) hik) (λ hl, le_trans (hj _ hl) hjk), by simp [linear_map.map_add, hxi, hyj, to_module_totalize_of_le hik hi, to_module_totalize_of_le hjk hj]⟩) (λ a x ⟨i, hi, hxi⟩, ⟨i, λ k hk, hi k (direct_sum.support_smul _ _ hk), by simp [linear_map.map_smul, hxi]⟩) /-- A component that corresponds to zero in the direct limit is already zero in some bigger module in the directed system. -/ theorem of.zero_exact [is_directed ι (≤)] {i x} (H : of R ι G f i x = 0) : ∃ j hij, f i j hij x = (0 : G j) := by haveI : nonempty ι := ⟨i⟩; exact let ⟨j, hj, hxj⟩ := of.zero_exact_aux H in if hx0 : x = 0 then ⟨i, le_rfl, by simp [hx0]⟩ else have hij : i ≤ j, from hj _ $ by simp [direct_sum.apply_eq_component, hx0], ⟨j, hij, by simpa [totalize_of_le hij] using hxj⟩ end direct_limit end module namespace add_comm_group variables [Π i, add_comm_group (G i)] include dec_ι /-- The direct limit of a directed system is the abelian groups glued together along the maps. -/ def direct_limit (f : Π i j, i ≤ j → G i →+ G j) : Type* := @module.direct_limit ℤ _ ι _ _ G _ _ (λ i j hij, (f i j hij).to_int_linear_map) namespace direct_limit variables (f : Π i j, i ≤ j → G i →+ G j) omit dec_ι protected lemma directed_system [h : directed_system G (λ i j h, f i j h)] : directed_system G (λ i j hij, (f i j hij).to_int_linear_map) := h include dec_ι local attribute [instance] direct_limit.directed_system instance : add_comm_group (direct_limit G f) := module.direct_limit.add_comm_group G (λ i j hij, (f i j hij).to_int_linear_map) instance : inhabited (direct_limit G f) := ⟨0⟩ /-- The canonical map from a component to the direct limit. -/ def of (i) : G i →ₗ[ℤ] direct_limit G f := module.direct_limit.of ℤ ι G (λ i j hij, (f i j hij).to_int_linear_map) i variables {G f} @[simp] lemma of_f {i j} (hij) (x) : of G f j (f i j hij x) = of G f i x := module.direct_limit.of_f @[elab_as_eliminator] protected theorem induction_on [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] {C : direct_limit G f → Prop} (z : direct_limit G f) (ih : ∀ i x, C (of G f i x)) : C z := module.direct_limit.induction_on z ih /-- A component that corresponds to zero in the direct limit is already zero in some bigger module in the directed system. -/ theorem of.zero_exact [is_directed ι (≤)] [directed_system G (λ i j h, f i j h)] (i x) (h : of G f i x = 0) : ∃ j hij, f i j hij x = 0 := module.direct_limit.of.zero_exact h variables (P : Type u₁) [add_comm_group P] variables (g : Π i, G i →+ P) variables (Hg : ∀ i j hij x, g j (f i j hij x) = g i x) variables (G f) /-- The universal property of the direct limit: maps from the components to another abelian group that respect the directed system structure (i.e. make some diagram commute) give rise to a unique map out of the direct limit. -/ def lift : direct_limit G f →ₗ[ℤ] P := module.direct_limit.lift ℤ ι G (λ i j hij, (f i j hij).to_int_linear_map) (λ i, (g i).to_int_linear_map) Hg variables {G f} @[simp] lemma lift_of (i x) : lift G f P g Hg (of G f i x) = g i x := module.direct_limit.lift_of _ _ _ lemma lift_unique [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] (F : direct_limit G f →+ P) (x) : F x = lift G f P (λ i, F.comp (of G f i).to_add_monoid_hom) (λ i j hij x, by simp) x := direct_limit.induction_on x $ λ i x, by simp end direct_limit end add_comm_group namespace ring variables [Π i, comm_ring (G i)] section variables (f : Π i j, i ≤ j → G i → G j) open free_comm_ring /-- The direct limit of a directed system is the rings glued together along the maps. -/ def direct_limit : Type (max v w) := free_comm_ring (Σ i, G i) ⧸ (ideal.span { a | (∃ i j H x, of (⟨j, f i j H x⟩ : Σ i, G i) - of ⟨i, x⟩ = a) ∨ (∃ i, of (⟨i, 1⟩ : Σ i, G i) - 1 = a) ∨ (∃ i x y, of (⟨i, x + y⟩ : Σ i, G i) - (of ⟨i, x⟩ + of ⟨i, y⟩) = a) ∨ (∃ i x y, of (⟨i, x * y⟩ : Σ i, G i) - (of ⟨i, x⟩ * of ⟨i, y⟩) = a) }) namespace direct_limit instance : comm_ring (direct_limit G f) := ideal.quotient.comm_ring _ instance : ring (direct_limit G f) := comm_ring.to_ring _ instance : inhabited (direct_limit G f) := ⟨0⟩ /-- The canonical map from a component to the direct limit. -/ def of (i) : G i →+* direct_limit G f := ring_hom.mk' { to_fun := λ x, ideal.quotient.mk _ (of (⟨i, x⟩ : Σ i, G i)), map_one' := ideal.quotient.eq.2 $ subset_span $ or.inr $ or.inl ⟨i, rfl⟩, map_mul' := λ x y, ideal.quotient.eq.2 $ subset_span $ or.inr $ or.inr $ or.inr ⟨i, x, y, rfl⟩, } (λ x y, ideal.quotient.eq.2 $ subset_span $ or.inr $ or.inr $ or.inl ⟨i, x, y, rfl⟩) variables {G f} @[simp] lemma of_f {i j} (hij) (x) : of G f j (f i j hij x) = of G f i x := ideal.quotient.eq.2 $ subset_span $ or.inl ⟨i, j, hij, x, rfl⟩ /-- Every element of the direct limit corresponds to some element in some component of the directed system. -/ theorem exists_of [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] (z : direct_limit G f) : ∃ i x, of G f i x = z := nonempty.elim (by apply_instance) $ assume ind : ι, quotient.induction_on' z $ λ x, free_abelian_group.induction_on x ⟨ind, 0, (of _ _ ind).map_zero⟩ (λ s, multiset.induction_on s ⟨ind, 1, (of _ _ ind).map_one⟩ (λ a s ih, let ⟨i, x⟩ := a, ⟨j, y, hs⟩ := ih, ⟨k, hik, hjk⟩ := exists_ge_ge i j in ⟨k, f i k hik x * f j k hjk y, by rw [(of _ _ _).map_mul, of_f, of_f, hs]; refl⟩)) (λ s ⟨i, x, ih⟩, ⟨i, -x, by rw [(of _ _ _).map_neg, ih]; refl⟩) (λ p q ⟨i, x, ihx⟩ ⟨j, y, ihy⟩, let ⟨k, hik, hjk⟩ := exists_ge_ge i j in ⟨k, f i k hik x + f j k hjk y, by rw [(of _ _ _).map_add, of_f, of_f, ihx, ihy]; refl⟩) section open_locale classical open polynomial variables {f' : Π i j, i ≤ j → G i →+* G j} theorem polynomial.exists_of [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] (q : polynomial (direct_limit G (λ i j h, f' i j h))) : ∃ i p, polynomial.map (of G (λ i j h, f' i j h) i) p = q := polynomial.induction_on q (λ z, let ⟨i, x, h⟩ := exists_of z in ⟨i, C x, by rw [map_C, h]⟩) (λ q₁ q₂ ⟨i₁, p₁, ih₁⟩ ⟨i₂, p₂, ih₂⟩, let ⟨i, h1, h2⟩ := exists_ge_ge i₁ i₂ in ⟨i, p₁.map (f' i₁ i h1) + p₂.map (f' i₂ i h2), by { rw [polynomial.map_add, map_map, map_map, ← ih₁, ← ih₂], congr' 2; ext x; simp_rw [ring_hom.comp_apply, of_f] }⟩) (λ n z ih, let ⟨i, x, h⟩ := exists_of z in ⟨i, C x * X ^ (n + 1), by rw [polynomial.map_mul, map_C, h, polynomial.map_pow, map_X]⟩) end @[elab_as_eliminator] theorem induction_on [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] {C : direct_limit G f → Prop} (z : direct_limit G f) (ih : ∀ i x, C (of G f i x)) : C z := let ⟨i, x, hx⟩ := exists_of z in hx ▸ ih i x section of_zero_exact open_locale classical variables (f' : Π i j, i ≤ j → G i →+* G j) variables [directed_system G (λ i j h, f' i j h)] variables (G f) lemma of.zero_exact_aux2 {x : free_comm_ring Σ i, G i} {s t} (hxs : is_supported x s) {j k} (hj : ∀ z : Σ i, G i, z ∈ s → z.1 ≤ j) (hk : ∀ z : Σ i, G i, z ∈ t → z.1 ≤ k) (hjk : j ≤ k) (hst : s ⊆ t) : f' j k hjk (lift (λ ix : s, f' ix.1.1 j (hj ix ix.2) ix.1.2) (restriction s x)) = lift (λ ix : t, f' ix.1.1 k (hk ix ix.2) ix.1.2) (restriction t x) := begin refine subring.in_closure.rec_on hxs _ _ _ _, { rw [(restriction _).map_one, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_one, (f' j k hjk).map_one, (restriction _).map_one, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_one] }, { rw [(restriction _).map_neg, (restriction _).map_one, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_neg, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_one, (f' j k hjk).map_neg, (f' j k hjk).map_one, (restriction _).map_neg, (restriction _).map_one, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_neg, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_one] }, { rintros _ ⟨p, hps, rfl⟩ n ih, rw [(restriction _).map_mul, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_mul, (f' j k hjk).map_mul, ih, (restriction _).map_mul, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_mul, restriction_of, dif_pos hps, lift_of, restriction_of, dif_pos (hst hps), lift_of], dsimp only, have := directed_system.map_map (λ i j h, f' i j h), dsimp only at this, rw this, refl }, { rintros x y ihx ihy, rw [(restriction _).map_add, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_add, (f' j k hjk).map_add, ihx, ihy, (restriction _).map_add, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_add] } end variables {G f f'} lemma of.zero_exact_aux [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] {x : free_comm_ring Σ i, G i} (H : ideal.quotient.mk _ x = (0 : direct_limit G (λ i j h, f' i j h))) : ∃ j s, ∃ H : (∀ k : Σ i, G i, k ∈ s → k.1 ≤ j), is_supported x s ∧ lift (λ ix : s, f' ix.1.1 j (H ix ix.2) ix.1.2) (restriction s x) = (0 : G j) := begin refine span_induction (ideal.quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem.1 H) _ _ _ _, { rintros x (⟨i, j, hij, x, rfl⟩ | ⟨i, rfl⟩ | ⟨i, x, y, rfl⟩ | ⟨i, x, y, rfl⟩), { refine ⟨j, {⟨i, x⟩, ⟨j, f' i j hij x⟩}, _, is_supported_sub (is_supported_of.2 $ or.inr rfl) (is_supported_of.2 $ or.inl rfl), _⟩, { rintros k (rfl | ⟨rfl | _⟩), exact hij, refl }, { rw [(restriction _).map_sub, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_sub, restriction_of, dif_pos, restriction_of, dif_pos, lift_of, lift_of], dsimp only, have := directed_system.map_map (λ i j h, f' i j h), dsimp only at this, rw this, exact sub_self _, exacts [or.inr rfl, or.inl rfl] } }, { refine ⟨i, {⟨i, 1⟩}, _, is_supported_sub (is_supported_of.2 rfl) is_supported_one, _⟩, { rintros k (rfl|h), refl }, { rw [(restriction _).map_sub, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_sub, restriction_of, dif_pos, (restriction _).map_one, lift_of, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_one], dsimp only, rw [(f' i i _).map_one, sub_self], { exact set.mem_singleton _ } } }, { refine ⟨i, {⟨i, x+y⟩, ⟨i, x⟩, ⟨i, y⟩}, _, is_supported_sub (is_supported_of.2 $ or.inl rfl) (is_supported_add (is_supported_of.2 $ or.inr $ or.inl rfl) (is_supported_of.2 $ or.inr $ or.inr rfl)), _⟩, { rintros k (rfl | ⟨rfl | ⟨rfl | hk⟩⟩); refl }, { rw [(restriction _).map_sub, (restriction _).map_add, restriction_of, restriction_of, restriction_of, dif_pos, dif_pos, dif_pos, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_sub, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_add, lift_of, lift_of, lift_of], dsimp only, rw (f' i i _).map_add, exact sub_self _, exacts [or.inl rfl, or.inr (or.inr rfl), or.inr (or.inl rfl)] } }, { refine ⟨i, {⟨i, x*y⟩, ⟨i, x⟩, ⟨i, y⟩}, _, is_supported_sub (is_supported_of.2 $ or.inl rfl) (is_supported_mul (is_supported_of.2 $ or.inr $ or.inl rfl) (is_supported_of.2 $ or.inr $ or.inr rfl)), _⟩, { rintros k (rfl | ⟨rfl | ⟨rfl | hk⟩⟩); refl }, { rw [(restriction _).map_sub, (restriction _).map_mul, restriction_of, restriction_of, restriction_of, dif_pos, dif_pos, dif_pos, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_sub, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_mul, lift_of, lift_of, lift_of], dsimp only, rw (f' i i _).map_mul, exacts [sub_self _, or.inl rfl, or.inr (or.inr rfl), or.inr (or.inl rfl)] } } }, { refine nonempty.elim (by apply_instance) (assume ind : ι, _), refine ⟨ind, ∅, λ _, false.elim, is_supported_zero, _⟩, rw [(restriction _).map_zero, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_zero] }, { rintros x y ⟨i, s, hi, hxs, ihs⟩ ⟨j, t, hj, hyt, iht⟩, obtain ⟨k, hik, hjk⟩ := exists_ge_ge i j, have : ∀ z : Σ i, G i, z ∈ s ∪ t → z.1 ≤ k, { rintros z (hz | hz), exact le_trans (hi z hz) hik, exact le_trans (hj z hz) hjk }, refine ⟨k, s ∪ t, this, is_supported_add (is_supported_upwards hxs $ set.subset_union_left s t) (is_supported_upwards hyt $ set.subset_union_right s t), _⟩, { rw [(restriction _).map_add, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_add, ← of.zero_exact_aux2 G f' hxs hi this hik (set.subset_union_left s t), ← of.zero_exact_aux2 G f' hyt hj this hjk (set.subset_union_right s t), ihs, (f' i k hik).map_zero, iht, (f' j k hjk).map_zero, zero_add] } }, { rintros x y ⟨j, t, hj, hyt, iht⟩, rw smul_eq_mul, rcases exists_finset_support x with ⟨s, hxs⟩, rcases (s.image sigma.fst).exists_le with ⟨i, hi⟩, obtain ⟨k, hik, hjk⟩ := exists_ge_ge i j, have : ∀ z : Σ i, G i, z ∈ ↑s ∪ t → z.1 ≤ k, { rintros z (hz | hz), exacts [(hi z.1 $ finset.mem_image.2 ⟨z, hz, rfl⟩).trans hik, (hj z hz).trans hjk] }, refine ⟨k, ↑s ∪ t, this, is_supported_mul (is_supported_upwards hxs $ set.subset_union_left ↑s t) (is_supported_upwards hyt $ set.subset_union_right ↑s t), _⟩, rw [(restriction _).map_mul, (free_comm_ring.lift _).map_mul, ← of.zero_exact_aux2 G f' hyt hj this hjk (set.subset_union_right ↑s t), iht, (f' j k hjk).map_zero, mul_zero] } end /-- A component that corresponds to zero in the direct limit is already zero in some bigger module in the directed system. -/ lemma of.zero_exact [is_directed ι (≤)] {i x} (hix : of G (λ i j h, f' i j h) i x = 0) : ∃ j (hij : i ≤ j), f' i j hij x = 0 := by haveI : nonempty ι := ⟨i⟩; exact let ⟨j, s, H, hxs, hx⟩ := of.zero_exact_aux hix in have hixs : (⟨i, x⟩ : Σ i, G i) ∈ s, from is_supported_of.1 hxs, ⟨j, H ⟨i, x⟩ hixs, by rw [restriction_of, dif_pos hixs, lift_of] at hx; exact hx⟩ end of_zero_exact variables (f' : Π i j, i ≤ j → G i →+* G j) /-- If the maps in the directed system are injective, then the canonical maps from the components to the direct limits are injective. -/ theorem of_injective [is_directed ι (≤)] [directed_system G (λ i j h, f' i j h)] (hf : ∀ i j hij, function.injective (f' i j hij)) (i) : function.injective (of G (λ i j h, f' i j h) i) := begin suffices : ∀ x, of G (λ i j h, f' i j h) i x = 0 → x = 0, { intros x y hxy, rw ← sub_eq_zero, apply this, rw [(of G _ i).map_sub, hxy, sub_self] }, intros x hx, rcases of.zero_exact hx with ⟨j, hij, hfx⟩, apply hf i j hij, rw [hfx, (f' i j hij).map_zero] end variables (P : Type u₁) [comm_ring P] variables (g : Π i, G i →+* P) variables (Hg : ∀ i j hij x, g j (f i j hij x) = g i x) include Hg open free_comm_ring variables (G f) /-- The universal property of the direct limit: maps from the components to another ring that respect the directed system structure (i.e. make some diagram commute) give rise to a unique map out of the direct limit. -/ def lift : direct_limit G f →+* P := ideal.quotient.lift _ (free_comm_ring.lift $ λ (x : Σ i, G i), g x.1 x.2) begin suffices : ideal.span _ ≤ ideal.comap (free_comm_ring.lift (λ (x : Σ (i : ι), G i), g (x.fst) (x.snd))) ⊥, { intros x hx, exact (mem_bot P).1 (this hx) }, rw ideal.span_le, intros x hx, rw [set_like.mem_coe, ideal.mem_comap, mem_bot], rcases hx with ⟨i, j, hij, x, rfl⟩ | ⟨i, rfl⟩ | ⟨i, x, y, rfl⟩ | ⟨i, x, y, rfl⟩; simp only [ring_hom.map_sub, lift_of, Hg, ring_hom.map_one, ring_hom.map_add, ring_hom.map_mul, (g i).map_one, (g i).map_add, (g i).map_mul, sub_self] end variables {G f} omit Hg @[simp] lemma lift_of (i x) : lift G f P g Hg (of G f i x) = g i x := free_comm_ring.lift_of _ _ theorem lift_unique [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] (F : direct_limit G f →+* P) (x) : F x = lift G f P (λ i, F.comp $ of G f i) (λ i j hij x, by simp) x := direct_limit.induction_on x $ λ i x, by simp end direct_limit end end ring namespace field variables [nonempty ι] [is_directed ι (≤)] [Π i, field (G i)] variables (f : Π i j, i ≤ j → G i → G j) variables (f' : Π i j, i ≤ j → G i →+* G j) namespace direct_limit instance nontrivial [directed_system G (λ i j h, f' i j h)] : nontrivial (ring.direct_limit G (λ i j h, f' i j h)) := ⟨⟨0, 1, nonempty.elim (by apply_instance) $ assume i : ι, begin change (0 : ring.direct_limit G (λ i j h, f' i j h)) ≠ 1, rw ← (ring.direct_limit.of _ _ _).map_one, intros H, rcases ring.direct_limit.of.zero_exact H.symm with ⟨j, hij, hf⟩, rw (f' i j hij).map_one at hf, exact one_ne_zero hf end ⟩⟩ theorem exists_inv {p : ring.direct_limit G f} : p ≠ 0 → ∃ y, p * y = 1 := ring.direct_limit.induction_on p $ λ i x H, ⟨ring.direct_limit.of G f i (x⁻¹), by erw [← (ring.direct_limit.of _ _ _).map_mul, mul_inv_cancel (assume h : x = 0, H $ by rw [h, (ring.direct_limit.of _ _ _).map_zero]), (ring.direct_limit.of _ _ _).map_one]⟩ section open_locale classical /-- Noncomputable multiplicative inverse in a direct limit of fields. -/ noncomputable def inv (p : ring.direct_limit G f) : ring.direct_limit G f := if H : p = 0 then 0 else classical.some (direct_limit.exists_inv G f H) protected theorem mul_inv_cancel {p : ring.direct_limit G f} (hp : p ≠ 0) : p * inv G f p = 1 := by rw [inv, dif_neg hp, classical.some_spec (direct_limit.exists_inv G f hp)] protected theorem inv_mul_cancel {p : ring.direct_limit G f} (hp : p ≠ 0) : inv G f p * p = 1 := by rw [_root_.mul_comm, direct_limit.mul_inv_cancel G f hp] /-- Noncomputable field structure on the direct limit of fields. See note [reducible non-instances]. -/ @[reducible] protected noncomputable def field [directed_system G (λ i j h, f' i j h)] : field (ring.direct_limit G (λ i j h, f' i j h)) := { inv := inv G (λ i j h, f' i j h), mul_inv_cancel := λ p, direct_limit.mul_inv_cancel G (λ i j h, f' i j h), inv_zero := dif_pos rfl, .. ring.direct_limit.comm_ring G (λ i j h, f' i j h), .. direct_limit.nontrivial G (λ i j h, f' i j h) } end end direct_limit end field