import ring_theory.localization import tactic.tidy import tactic.ring import Huber_ring.basic import for_mathlib.topological_rings import for_mathlib.algebra import for_mathlib.submodule import for_mathlib.nonarchimedean.basic /-! # Localization of Huber rings This file contains technical machinery that is needed for the definition of the structure presheaf on Spa (the adic spectrum). We start with a Huber ring A, a subset T ⊆ A, and an element s of A. Our goal is to define a topology on (away s), which is the localization of A at s. This topology will depend on T, and should not depend on the ring of definition. In the literature, this ring is commonly denoted with A⟮T/s⟯ to indicate the dependence on T. For the same reason, we start by defining a wrapper type that includes T in its assumptions. To realize this goal, we need to use several technical lemmas from the theory of topological rings. This file ends with the universal property of A⟮T/s⟯. We point out that this universal property is recorded in [Wedhorn, Prop & Def 5.51]. However, the running assumption of section 5.6 of [Wedhorn] is the conclusion of [Wedhorn, Lem 6.20], which explains our “detour” through section 6 of [Wedhorn]. (We only need the case n=1 of [Wedhorn, Lem 6.20].) # Notation We make heavy use of the following notation (also used in [Wedhorn]): - if S and T are two subset of a monoid A, then S * T denotes the set {s*t | s ∈ S, t ∈ T}. - if x is an element of A, then x * T = {x*t | t ∈ T} - if A is an A₀-algebra, x is an element of A, and M ⊆ A an A₀-submodule, then x • M is the submodule {x • m | m ∈ M}. - this generalizes to sets, for S ⊆ A, the notation S • M means the submodule generated by S * M. - in particular, if N is another such submodule, then the submodule M * N is the submodule generated by the product of sets M * N. -/ universes u v local attribute [instance, priority 0] classical.prop_decidable local attribute [instance] set.pointwise_mul_comm_semiring local attribute [instance] set.smul_set_action local attribute [instance] set.pointwise_mul_image_is_semiring_hom namespace Huber_ring open localization algebra topological_ring submodule set topological_add_group variables {A : Type u} [comm_ring A] [topological_space A] [topological_ring A] variables (T : set A) (s : A) /--The localization of a topological ring at an element `s`, endowed with a topology that depends on a set `T`-/ @[nolint] def away (T : set A) (s : A) := away s local notation `A⟮T/s⟯` := away T s namespace away /-- The ring structure on A⟮T/s⟯. -/ instance : comm_ring A⟮T/s⟯ := by delta away; apply_instance /-- The module structure on A⟮T/s⟯. -/ instance : module A A⟮T/s⟯ := by delta away; apply_instance /-- The algebra structure on A⟮T/s⟯. -/ instance : algebra A A⟮T/s⟯ := by delta away; apply_instance /-- The coercion from A to A⟮T/s⟯. -/ instance : has_coe A A⟮T/s⟯ := ⟨λ a, (of_id A A⟮T/s⟯ : A → A⟮T/s⟯) a⟩ set_option class.instance_max_depth 50 /--An auxiliary subring, used to define the topology on `away T s`-/ def D.aux : set A⟮T/s⟯ := let s_inv : A⟮T/s⟯ := ((to_units ⟨s, ⟨1, by simp⟩⟩)⁻¹ : units A⟮T/s⟯) in ring.closure (s_inv • of_id A A⟮T/s⟯ '' T) local notation `D` := D.aux T s /-- The set D is a subring. -/ instance : is_subring D := by delta D.aux; apply_instance local notation `Dspan` U := span D (of_id A A⟮T/s⟯ '' (U : set A)) /- To put a topology on `away T s` we want to use the construction `topology_of_submodules_comm` which needs a directed family of submodules of `A⟮T/s⟯ = away T s` viewed as `D`-algebra. This directed family has two satisfy two extra conditions. Proving these two conditions takes up the beef of this file. Initially we only assume that `A` is a nonarchimedean ring, but towards the end we need to strengthen this assumption to Huber ring. -/ set_option class.instance_max_depth 50 /--The submodules spanned by the open subgroups of `A` form a directed family-/ lemma directed (U₁ U₂ : open_add_subgroup A) : ∃ (U : open_add_subgroup A), (Dspan U) ≤ (Dspan U₁) ⊓ (Dspan U₂) := begin use U₁ ⊓ U₂, apply lattice.le_inf _ _; rw span_le; refine subset.trans (image_subset _ _) subset_span, { apply inter_subset_left }, { apply inter_subset_right }, end /--For every open subgroup `U` of `A` and every `a : A`, there exists an open subgroup `V` of `A`, such that `a • (span D V)` is contained in the `D`-span of `U`.-/ lemma left_mul_subset (h : nonarchimedean A) (U : open_add_subgroup A) (a : A) : ∃ V : open_add_subgroup A, (a : A⟮T/s⟯) • (Dspan V) ≤ (Dspan U) := begin cases h _ _ with V hV, use V, work_on_goal 0 { erw [smul_singleton, ← span_image, span_le, ← image_comp, ← algebra.map_lmul_left, image_comp], refine subset.trans (image_subset (of_id A A⟮T/s⟯ : A → A⟮T/s⟯) _) subset_span, rw image_subset_iff, exact hV }, apply mem_nhds_sets (continuous_mul_left _ _ U.is_open), rw [mem_preimage, mul_zero], exact U.zero_mem end /--For every open subgroup `U` of `A`, there exists an open subgroup `V` of `A`, such that the multiplication map sends the `D`-span of `V` into the `D`-span of `U`.-/ lemma mul_le (h : nonarchimedean A) (U : open_add_subgroup A) : ∃ (V : open_add_subgroup A), (Dspan V) * (Dspan V) ≤ (Dspan U) := begin rcases nonarchimedean.mul_subset h U with ⟨V, hV⟩, use V, rw span_mul_span, apply span_mono, rw ← is_semiring_hom.map_mul (image (of_id A A⟮T/s⟯ : A → A⟮T/s⟯)), exact image_subset _ hV, end /--A technical auxiliary lemma: for every finite set L contained in the ideal generated by T, there exists a finite set K such that L is contained in the subgroup generated by the set T * K. (Recall that T * K is the set of products of elements in T and in K.)-/ @[nolint] lemma K.aux (L : finset A) (h : (↑L : set A) ⊆ ideal.span T) : ∃ (K : finset A), (↑L : set A) ⊆ (↑(span ℤ (T * ↑K)) : set A) := begin delta ideal.span at h, rw [← set.image_id T] at h, erw finsupp.span_eq_map_total at h, choose s hs using h, use s.bind (λ f, f.frange), rcases hs with ⟨hs, rfl⟩, intros l hl, rcases hl with ⟨f, hf, rfl⟩, refine is_add_submonoid.finset_sum_mem ↑(span _ _) _ _ _, intros t ht, refine subset_span ⟨t, _, _, _, mul_comm _ _⟩, { replace hf := hs hf, erw finsupp.mem_supported A f at hf, exact hf ht }, { erw [linear_map.id_apply, finset.mem_bind], use [f, hf], erw finsupp.mem_support_iff at ht, erw finsupp.mem_frange, exact ⟨ht, ⟨t, rfl⟩⟩ } end end away end Huber_ring namespace Huber_ring open localization algebra topological_ring submodule set topological_add_group variables {A : Type u} [Huber_ring A] variables (T : set A) (s : A) namespace away local notation `A⟮T/s⟯` := away T s local notation `D` := D.aux T s local notation `Dspan` U := span D (of_id A A⟮T/s⟯ '' (U : set A)) set_option class.instance_max_depth 80 /-- If T ⊆ A generates an open ideal, and U is an open subgroup of A, then T • U generates an open subgroup. (This lemma is the main part of case n = 1 of [Wedhorn, Lem 6.20].)-/ lemma mul_T_open (hT : is_open ((ideal.span T) : set A)) (U : open_add_subgroup A) : is_open (↑(T • span ℤ (U : set A)) : set A) := begin -- Choose an ideal of definition I ⊆ span T rcases exists_pod_subset _ (mem_nhds_sets hT $ ideal.zero_mem $ ideal.span T) with ⟨A₀, _, _, _, ⟨_, emb, I, fg, top⟩, hI⟩, resetI, dsimp only at hI, -- Choose a generating set L ⊆ I cases fg with L hL, rw ← hL at hI, -- Observe L ⊆ span T have Lsub : (↑(L.image (to_fun A)) : set A) ⊆ ↑(ideal.span T) := by { rw finset.coe_image, exact set.subset.trans (image_subset _ subset_span) hI }, -- Choose a finite set K such that L ⊆ span (T * K) cases K.aux _ _ Lsub with K hK, -- Choose V such that K * V ⊆ U let nonarch := Huber_ring.nonarchimedean, let V := K.inf (λ k : A, classical.some (nonarch.left_mul_subset U k)), cases top with H₁ H₂, have hV : ↑K * (V : set A) ⊆ U, { rintros _ ⟨k, hk, v, hv, rfl⟩, apply classical.some_spec (nonarch.left_mul_subset U k), refine ⟨v, _, rfl⟩, apply (finset.inf_le hk : V ≤ _), exact hv }, replace hV : span ℤ _ ≤ span ℤ _ := span_mono hV, erw [← span_mul_span, ← submodule.smul_def] at hV, haveI : is_ring_hom (to_fun A : A₀ → A) := algebra.is_ring_hom, -- Choose m such that I^m ⊆ V cases H₂ _ (mem_nhds_sets (emb.continuous _ V.is_open) _) with m hm, work_on_goal 1 { show to_fun A (0 : A₀) ∈ V, convert V.zero_mem, exact is_ring_hom.map_zero _ }, rw ← image_subset_iff at hm, change to_fun A '' ↑(I ^ m) ⊆ ↑V at hm, erw [← span_int_eq (V : set A), ← span_int_eq (↑(I^m) : set A₀)] at hm, change ( (alg_hom_int $ to_fun A).to_linear_map _) ≤ _ at hm, work_on_goal 1 {apply_instance}, -- It suffices to provide an open subgroup apply @open_add_subgroup.is_open_of_open_add_subgroup A _ _ _ _ (submodule.submodule_is_add_subgroup _), refine ⟨⟨to_fun A '' ↑(I^(m+1)), _, _⟩, _⟩, work_on_goal 2 {assumption}, all_goals { try {apply_instance} }, { exact emb.is_open_map _ (H₁ _) }, -- What remains is the following calculation: I^(m+1) ⊆ T • span U. -- Unfortunately it seems to be hard to express in calc mode -- First observe: I^(m+1) = L • I^m as A₀-ideal, but also as ℤ-submodule erw [subtype.coe_mk, pow_succ, ← hL, ← submodule.smul_def, hL, smul_eq_smul_span_int], change ( (alg_hom_int $ to_fun A).to_linear_map _) ≤ _, work_on_goal 1 {apply_instance}, -- Now we map the above equality through the canonical map A₀ → A erw [submodule.map_mul, ← span_image, ← submodule.smul_def], erw [finset.coe_image] at hK, -- Next observe: L • I^m ≤ (T * K) • V refine le_trans (smul_le_smul hK hm) _, -- Also observe: T • (K • V) ≤ T • U refine (le_trans (le_of_eq _) (smul_le_smul (le_refl T) hV)), change span _ _ * _ = _, erw [span_span, ← mul_smul], refl end -- The above lemma is what we really need, but the version below is here for comparison with -- Wedhorn. /-- If T ⊆ A generates an open ideal, and U is an open subgroup of A, then T • U is a neighborhood of zero. (This lemma is case n = 1 of [Wedhorn, Lem 6.20].)-/ lemma mul_T_nhds (hT : is_open ((ideal.span T) : set A)) (U : open_add_subgroup A) : ↑(T • span ℤ (U : set A)) ∈ nhds (0 : A) := mem_nhds_sets (mul_T_open _ hT _) (submodule.zero_mem (T • span ℤ (U : set A))) set_option class.instance_max_depth 80 /- Our next goal is the lemma mul_left, which says that for every element a of A⟮T/s⟯ and every open subgroup U of A, there exists an open subgroup V of A, such that a • Dspan V ≤ Dspan U. We prove this statement using two helper lemmas. The first proves the case where a = s⁻¹. The second considers arbitrary powers of s⁻¹. -/ /--Helper lemma. A special case of mul_left, where the element a is s⁻¹.-/ lemma mul_left.aux₁ (hT : is_open (↑(ideal.span T) : set A)) (U : open_add_subgroup A) : ∃ (V : open_add_subgroup A), (↑((to_units ⟨s, ⟨1, pow_one s⟩⟩)⁻¹ : units A⟮T/s⟯) : A⟮T/s⟯) • (Dspan ↑V) ≤ Dspan ↑U := begin refine ⟨⟨_, mul_T_open _ hT U, by apply_instance⟩, _⟩, erw [subtype.coe_mk (↑(T • span ℤ ↑U) : set A), @submodule.smul_def ℤ, span_mul_span], change _ • span _ ↑( (alg_hom_int $ (of_id A A⟮T/s⟯ : A → A⟮T/s⟯)).to_linear_map _) ≤ _, erw [← span_image, span_span_int, submodule.smul_def, span_mul_span, span_le], rintros _ ⟨s_inv, hs_inv, tu, htu, rfl⟩, erw mem_image at htu, rcases htu with ⟨_, ⟨t, ht, u, hu, rfl⟩, rfl⟩, rw submodule.mem_coe, convert (span _ _).smul_mem _ _ using 1, work_on_goal 3 { exact subset_span ⟨u, hu, rfl⟩ }, work_on_goal 1 { constructor }, work_on_goal 0 { change s_inv * (algebra_map _ _) = _ • (algebra_map _ _), rw [algebra.map_mul, ← mul_assoc], congr }, { apply ring.mem_closure, refine ⟨t, ⟨t, ht, rfl⟩, _⟩, rw set.mem_singleton_iff at hs_inv, rw hs_inv, refl } end /--Helper lemma. A special case of mul_left, where the element a is the inverse of a power of s.-/ lemma mul_left.aux₂ (hT : is_open (↑(ideal.span T) : set A)) (s' : powers s) (U : open_add_subgroup A) : ∃ (V : open_add_subgroup A), (↑((to_units s')⁻¹ : units A⟮T/s⟯) : A⟮T/s⟯) • (Dspan (V : set A)) ≤ Dspan (U : set A) := begin rcases s' with ⟨_, ⟨n, rfl⟩⟩, induction n with k hk, { use U, simp only [pow_zero], change (1 : A⟮T/s⟯) • _ ≤ _, rw one_smul, exact le_refl _ }, cases hk with W hW, cases mul_left.aux₁ T s hT W with V hV, use V, refine le_trans _ hW, refine le_trans (le_of_eq _) (smul_le_smul (le_refl _) hV), change _ = (_ : A⟮T/s⟯) • _, rw ← mul_smul, congr' 1, change ⟦((1 : A), _)⟧ = ⟦(1 * 1, _)⟧, simpa [pow_succ'], end /-- For every element a of A⟮T/s⟯ and every open subgroup U of A, there exists an open subgroup V of A, such that a • Dspan V ≤ Dspan U. -/ lemma mul_left (hT : is_open (↑(ideal.span T) : set A)) (a : A⟮T/s⟯) (U : open_add_subgroup A) : ∃ (V : open_add_subgroup A), a • (Dspan (V : set A)) ≤ Dspan (U : set A) := begin apply localization.induction_on a, intros a' s', clear a, cases mul_left.aux₂ _ _ hT s' U with W hW, cases left_mul_subset T s Huber_ring.nonarchimedean W a' with V hV, use V, erw [localization.mk_eq, mul_comm, mul_smul], exact le_trans (smul_le_smul (le_refl _) hV) hW end /- Now that we have the lemma mul_left in place, we can define the topology on A⟮T/s⟯. We construct the topology using a basis of open subgroups. -/ /-- The basis of open subgroups of the topology on A⟮T/s⟯.-/ def top_loc_basis (hT : is_open (↑(ideal.span T) : set A)) : subgroups_basis A⟮T/s⟯ := subgroups_basis.of_indexed_submodules_of_comm (λ U : open_add_subgroup A, (span D (coe '' U.1))) (directed T s) (mul_left T s hT) (mul_le T s Huber_ring.nonarchimedean) /-- The topology on A⟮T/s⟯.-/ def top_space (hT : is_open (↑(ideal.span T) : set A)) : topological_space A⟮T/s⟯ := @subgroups_basis.topology A⟮T/s⟯ _ (top_loc_basis T s hT) /-- The natural map A → A⟮T/s⟯ is continuous.-/ lemma of_continuous (hT : is_open (↑(ideal.span T) : set A)) : @continuous _ _ _ (away.top_space T s hT) (of : A → A⟮T/s⟯) := begin letI := away.top_loc_basis T s hT, letI := away.top_space T s hT, haveI : topological_add_group A⟮T/s⟯ := subgroups_basis.is_topological_add_group, suffices : continuous_at (coe : A → A⟮T/s⟯) 0, from topological_add_group.continuous_of_continuous_at_zero _ this, unfold continuous_at, rw subgroups_basis.tendsto_into, rintros _ ⟨U, rfl⟩, suffices : coe ⁻¹' (Dspan U.val).carrier ∈ nhds (0 : A), { simpa only [show ((0:A) : A⟮T/s⟯) = 0, from rfl, sub_zero] using this }, apply filter.mem_sets_of_superset (open_add_subgroup.mem_nhds_zero U), rw ← image_subset_iff, exact subset_span end section variables {B : Type*} [comm_ring B] (f : A → B) [is_ring_hom f] variables (fs : units B) (hs : f s = fs) /-- The universal property of the localization of a Huber ring. (Let A be a Huber ring, s an element of A and T ⊆ A a subset that generates an open ideal. Let B be a ring, and f : A → B a ring homomorphism, such that f(s) is invertible. The natural map A⟮T/s⟯ → B is simply defined using the universal property of ordinary localizations. Under additional assumptions, this map is continuous. See lift_continuous.) -/ noncomputable def lift : A⟮T/s⟯ → B := localization.away.lift f (hs.symm ▸ is_unit_unit fs) /-- The natural map from the localization of a Huber ring to another topological ring (satisfying certain assumptions) is a ring homomorphism. -/ instance : is_ring_hom (lift T s f fs hs : A⟮T/s⟯ → B) := localization.away.lift.is_ring_hom f _ variable {f} @[simp] lemma lift_of (a : A) : lift T s f fs hs (of a) = f a := localization.away.lift_of _ _ _ @[simp] lemma lift_coe (a : A) : lift T s f fs hs a = f a := localization.away.lift_of _ _ _ @[simp] lemma lift_comp_of : lift T s f fs hs ∘ of = f := localization.lift'_comp_of _ _ _ end section variables {B : Type*} [comm_ring B] [topological_space B] [topological_ring B] variables (hB : nonarchimedean B) {f : A → B} [is_ring_hom f] (hf : continuous f) variables (fs : units B) (hs : f s = fs) variables (hT : is_open (↑(ideal.span T) : set A)) variables (hTB : is_power_bounded_subset ((↑fs⁻¹ : B) • f '' T)) include hB hf hT hTB /-- Let A be a Huber ring, s an element of A and T ⊆ A a subset that generates an open ideal. Let B be a nonarchimedean ring, and f : A → B a continuous ring homomorphism, such that f(s) is invertible. Suppose that f(s)⁻¹ * f(T) is a power bounded subset of B. Then the natural map A⟮T/s⟯ → B is continuous. -/ lemma lift_continuous : @continuous _ _ (away.top_space T s hT) _ (lift T s f fs hs) := begin letI := away.top_loc_basis T s hT, letI := away.top_space T s hT, haveI : topological_add_group A⟮T/s⟯ := subgroups_basis.is_topological_add_group, apply continuous_of_continuous_at_zero _ _, all_goals {try {apply_instance}}, intros U hU, rw is_ring_hom.map_zero (lift T s f fs hs) at hU, rw filter.mem_map_sets_iff, let hF := power_bounded.ring.closure' hB _ hTB, erw is_bounded_add_subgroup_iff hB at hF, rcases hF U hU with ⟨V, hVF⟩, let hV := V.mem_nhds_zero, rw ← is_ring_hom.map_zero f at hV, replace hV := hf.tendsto 0 hV, rw filter.mem_map_sets_iff at hV, rcases hV with ⟨W, hW, hWV⟩, cases Huber_ring.nonarchimedean W hW with Y hY, refine ⟨↑(Dspan Y), _, _⟩, { apply mem_nhds_sets, { exact subgroups_basis.is_op _ rfl (mem_range_self _) }, { exact (Dspan ↑Y).zero_mem } }, { refine set.subset.trans _ hVF, rintros _ ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩, apply span_induction hx, { rintros _ ⟨a, ha, rfl⟩, erw [lift_of, ← mul_one (f a)], refine mul_mem_mul (subset_span $ hWV $ ⟨a, hY ha, rfl⟩) (subset_span $ is_submonoid.one_mem _) }, { rw is_ring_hom.map_zero (lift T s f fs hs), exact is_add_submonoid.zero_mem _ }, { intros a b ha hb, rw is_ring_hom.map_add (lift T s f fs hs), exact is_add_submonoid.add_mem ha hb }, { rw [submodule.smul_def, span_mul_span], intros d a ha, rw [smul_def'', is_ring_hom.map_mul (lift T s f fs hs), mul_comm], rcases (finsupp.mem_span_iff_total ℤ).mp (by rw set.image_id; exact ha) with ⟨l, hl₁, hl₂⟩, rw finsupp.mem_supported at hl₁, rw [← hl₂, finsupp.total_apply] at ha ⊢, rw finsupp.sum_mul, refine is_add_submonoid.finset_sum_mem ↑(span _ _) _ _ _, intros b hb', apply subset_span, --show (↑(_ : ℤ) * _) * _ ∈ _, simp only [smul_def''], rcases hl₁ hb' with ⟨v, hv, b, hb, rfl⟩, refine ⟨↑(l (v * b)) * v, _, b * lift T s f fs hs ↑d, _, _⟩, { rw ← gsmul_eq_mul, exact is_add_subgroup.gsmul_mem hv }, { refine is_submonoid.mul_mem hb _, cases d with d hd, rw subtype.coe_mk, apply ring.in_closure.rec_on hd, { rw is_ring_hom.map_one (lift T s f fs hs), exact is_submonoid.one_mem _ }, { rw [is_ring_hom.map_neg (lift T s f fs hs), is_ring_hom.map_one (lift T s f fs hs)], exact is_add_subgroup.neg_mem (is_submonoid.one_mem _) }, { rintros _ ⟨_, ⟨t, ht, rfl⟩, rfl⟩ b hb, rw is_ring_hom.map_mul (lift T s f fs hs), refine is_submonoid.mul_mem _ hb, apply ring.mem_closure, erw [smul_eq_mul, is_ring_hom.map_mul (lift T s f fs hs), lift_of], refine ⟨_, ⟨t, ht, rfl⟩, _⟩, congr' 1, erw [← units.coe_map' (lift T s f fs hs), ← units.ext_iff, (' _).map_inv, inv_inj', units.ext_iff, ← hs], { exact lift_of T s fs hs s } }, { intros a b ha hb, rw is_ring_hom.map_add (lift T s f fs hs), exact is_add_submonoid.add_mem ha hb } }, { simpa [mul_assoc] } } } end end end away end Huber_ring