\DOC BETA_CONV \TYPE {BETA_CONV : term -> thm} \SYNOPSIS Performs a simple beta-conversion. \KEYWORDS conversion. \DESCRIBE The conversion {BETA_CONV} maps a beta-redex {`(\x.u)v`} to the theorem { |- (\x.u)v = u[v/x] } \noindent where {u[v/x]} denotes the result of substituting {v} for all free occurrences of {x} in {u}, after renaming sufficient bound variables to avoid variable capture. This conversion is one of the primitive inference rules of the HOL system. \FAILURE {BETA_CONV tm} fails if {tm} is not a beta-redex. \EXAMPLE { # BETA_CONV `(\x. x + 1) y`;; val it : thm = |- (\x. x + 1) y = y + 1 # BETA_CONV `(\x y. x + y) y`;; val it : thm = |- (\x y. x + y) y = (\y'. y + y') } \COMMENTS The HOL Light primitive rule {BETA} is the special case where the argument is the same as the bound variable. If you know that you are in this case, {BETA} is significantly more efficient. Though traditionally a primitive, {BETA_CONV} is actually a derived rule in HOL Light. \SEEALSO BETA, BETA_RULE, BETA_TAC, GEN_BETA_CONV, MATCH_CONV. \ENDDOC