(* ========================================================================= *) (* Mizar-style proofs integrated with the HOL goalstack. *) (* *) (* John Harrison, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory *) (* *) (* (c) Copyright, University of Cambridge 1998 *) (* ========================================================================= *) let old_parse_term = parse_term;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* This version of CHOOSE is more convenient to "itlist". *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let IMP_CHOOSE_RULE = let P = `P:A->bool` and Q = `Q:bool` and pth = prove (`(!x:A. P x ==> Q) ==> ((?) P ==> Q)`, GEN_REWRITE_TAC (RAND_CONV o LAND_CONV o RAND_CONV) [GSYM ETA_AX] THEN REWRITE_TAC[LEFT_IMP_EXISTS_THM]) in fun v th -> let ant,con = dest_imp (concl th) in let pred = mk_abs(v,ant) in let tm = concl th in let q = rand tm in let th1 = BETA_CONV(mk_comb(pred,v)) in let th2 = PINST [type_of v,aty] [pred,P; q,Q] pth in let th3 = AP_THM (AP_TERM (rator(rator tm)) th1) q in let th4 = GEN v (EQ_MP (SYM th3) th) in MP th2 th4;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Some preterm operations we need. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec split_ppair ptm = match ptm with Combp(Combp(Varp(",",dpty),ptm1),ptm2) -> ptm1::(split_ppair ptm2) | _ -> [ptm];; let pmk_conj(ptm1,ptm2) = Combp(Combp(Varp("/\\",dpty),ptm1),ptm2);; let pmk_exists(v,ptm) = Combp(Varp("?",dpty),Absp(v,ptm));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Typecheck a preterm into a term in an environment of (typed) variables. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let typecheck_in_env env ptm = let penv = itlist (fun v acc -> let n,ty = dest_var v in (n,pretype_of_type ty)::acc) env [] in (term_of_preterm o retypecheck penv) ptm;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Converts a labelled preterm (using "and"s) into a single conjunction. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let delabel lfs = end_itlist (curry pmk_conj) (map snd lfs);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* These special constants are replaced by useful bits when encountered: *) (* *) (* thesis -- Current thesis (i.e. conclusion of goal). *) (* *) (* antecedent -- antecedent of goal, if applicable *) (* *) (* contradiction -- falsity *) (* *) (* ... -- Right hand side of previous conclusion. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let thesis = new_definition `thesis = F`;; let antecedent = new_definition `antecedent = F`;; let contradiction = new_definition `contradiction = F`;; let iter_rhs = new_definition `... = @x:A. F`;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* This function performs the replacement, and typechecks in current env. *) (* *) (* The replacement of "..." is done specially, since it also adds a "then". *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mizarate_term = let atm = `antecedent` and ttm = `thesis` and ctm = `contradiction` in let f_tm = `F` in let filter_env fvs = let env1 = map dest_var fvs in let sizes = map (fun (v,_) -> v,length (filter ((=) v o fst) env1)) env1 in let env2 = filter (fun (v,_) -> assoc v sizes = 1) env1 in map mk_var env2 in let goal_lconsts (asl,w) = itlist (union o frees o concl o snd) asl (frees w) in fun (asl,w as gl) ptm -> let lconsts = goal_lconsts gl in let tm = typecheck_in_env (filter_env lconsts) ptm in let ant = try fst(dest_imp w) with Failure _ -> atm in subst [w,ttm; ant,atm; f_tm,ctm] tm;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The following is occasionally useful as a hack. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let LIMITED_REWRITE_CONV = let LIMITED_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV ths = GEN_REWRITE_CONV ONCE_DEPTH_CONV ths THENC GENERAL_REWRITE_CONV true TOP_DEPTH_CONV (basic_net()) [] in fun n ths tm -> funpow n (CONV_RULE(RAND_CONV(LIMITED_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV ths))) (REFL tm);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The default prover. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let DEFAULT_PROVER = let FREEZE_THENL fn ths x = let ths' = map (ASSUME o concl) ths in let th = fn ths' x in itlist PROVE_HYP ths th in let REWRITE_PROVER ths tm = if length ths < 2 then EQT_ELIM(LIMITED_REWRITE_CONV 3 ths tm) else let ths' = tl ths in let th' = CONV_RULE (LIMITED_REWRITE_CONV 4 ths') (hd ths) in EQT_ELIM(LIMITED_REWRITE_CONV 4 (th'::ths') tm) in fun ths tm -> let sths = itlist (union o CONJUNCTS) ths [] in try prove(tm,MAP_FIRST MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC sths) with Failure _ -> try FREEZE_THENL REWRITE_PROVER ths tm with Failure _ -> prove(tm,GEN_MESON_TAC 0 30 1 ths);; let default_prover = ref DEFAULT_PROVER;; let prover_list = ref ["rewriting",(fun ths tm -> EQT_ELIM(REWRITE_CONV ths tm))];; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* "arithmetic",(fun ths tm -> *) (* let tm' = itlist (curry mk_imp o concl) ths tm in *) (* let th = REAL_ARITH tm' in *) (* rev_itlist (C MP) ths th);; *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Produce a "default" label for various constructs where applicable. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let default_assumptions = ref false;; let mklabel s = if s = "" && !default_assumptions then "*" else s;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Augment assumptions, throwing away an *unnamed* previous step. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let augments = let augment nw asl = if asl = [] then [nw] else if fst(hd asl) = "" then nw::(tl asl) else nw::asl in fun labs th asl -> let ths,thl = nsplit CONJ_PAIR (tl labs) th in itlist augment (zip (map mklabel labs) (ths@[thl])) asl;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Wrapper for labels in justification list (use K for preproved theorems). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let L s asl = if s = "" then snd(hd asl) else ((assoc s asl):thm);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform justification, given asl and target. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let JUSTIFY (prover,tlist) asl tm = let xthms = map (C I asl) tlist in let proof_fn = if prover = "" then !default_prover else assoc prover (!prover_list) in let ithms = map snd (filter ((=) "*" o fst) asl) in proof_fn (xthms @ ithms) tm;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Either do justification or split off subproof then call ttac with result. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let JUSTIFY_THEN wtm ((pr,tls) as jdata) ttac (asl,w as gl) = if pr = "proof" then SUBGOAL_THEN wtm ttac gl else let wth = JUSTIFY jdata asl wtm in ttac wth gl;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Utilise a conclusion. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (MIZAR_CONCLUSION_TAC:thm_tactic) = let t_tm = `T` in let CONJ_ASSOC_RULE = EQT_ELIM o GEN_REWRITE_RULE RAND_CONV [EQT_INTRO(SPEC_ALL EQ_REFL)] o PURE_REWRITE_CONV[GSYM CONJ_ASSOC] in fun th (asl,w as gl) -> let cjs = conjuncts(concl th) in let cjs1,cjs2 = chop_list(length cjs) (conjuncts w) in if cjs2 = [] then let th' = EQ_MP (CONJ_ASSOC_RULE(mk_eq(concl th,w))) th in null_meta,[asl,t_tm],fun i _ -> INSTANTIATE i th' else let w1 = list_mk_conj cjs1 and w2 = list_mk_conj cjs2 in let w12 = mk_conj(w1,w2) in let th' = EQ_MP (CONJ_ASSOC_RULE(mk_eq(concl th,w1))) th in let wth = CONJ_ASSOC_RULE(mk_eq(w,w12)) in (SUBST1_TAC wth THEN CONJ_TAC THENL [ACCEPT_TAC th'; ALL_TAC]) gl;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Transitivity chain stuff; store a list of useful transitivity theorems. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mizar_transitivity_net = ref empty_net;; let add_mizar_transitivity_theorem th = let pat = fst(dest_imp(snd(strip_forall(concl th)))) in mizar_transitivity_net := enter [] (pat,MATCH_MP th) (!mizar_transitivity_net);; let TRANSITIVITY_CHAIN th1 th2 ttac = let tm1 = concl th1 and tm2 = concl th2 in let th = if is_eq tm1 then EQ_MP (SYM (AP_THM (AP_TERM (rator(rator tm2)) th1) (rand tm2))) th2 else if is_eq tm2 then EQ_MP (AP_TERM (rator tm1) th2) th1 else let th12 = CONJ th1 th2 in tryfind (fun rule -> rule th12) (lookup (concl th12) (!mizar_transitivity_net)) in ttac th;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform terminal or initial step. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MIZAR_SUBSTEP_TAC = fun labs thm (asl,w) -> let asl' = augments labs thm asl in null_meta,[asl',w], K(function [th] -> PROVE_HYP thm th | _ -> fail());; let MIZAR_BISTEP_TAC = fun termflag labs jth -> if termflag then MIZAR_SUBSTEP_TAC labs jth THEN MIZAR_CONCLUSION_TAC jth else MIZAR_SUBSTEP_TAC labs jth;; let MIZAR_STEP_TAC = fun termflag lfs (pr,tls as jdata) (asl,w as gl) -> let tm = mizarate_term gl (delabel lfs) in if try fst(dest_const(lhand tm)) = "..." with Failure _ -> false then let thp = snd(hd asl) in let lhd = rand(concl thp) in let tm' = mk_comb(mk_comb(rator(rator tm),lhd),rand tm) in JUSTIFY_THEN tm' (pr,tls) (fun th -> TRANSITIVITY_CHAIN thp th (MIZAR_BISTEP_TAC termflag (map fst lfs))) gl else JUSTIFY_THEN tm (pr,tls) (MIZAR_BISTEP_TAC termflag (map fst lfs)) gl;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform an "end": finish the trivial goal. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MIZAR_END_TAC = ACCEPT_TAC TRUTH;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform "assume " *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (MIZAR_ASSUME_TAC: (string * preterm) list -> tactic) = let f_tm = `F` and CONTRA_HACK = CONV_RULE(REWR_CONV(TAUT `(~p ==> F) <=> p`)) in fun lfs (asl,w as gl) -> let tm = mizarate_term gl (delabel lfs) in if try aconv (dest_neg tm) w with Failure _ -> false then (null_meta,[augments (map fst lfs) (ASSUME tm) asl,f_tm], (fun i -> function [th] -> CONTRA_HACK(DISCH (instantiate i tm) th) | _ -> fail())) else if try aconv tm (fst(dest_imp w)) with Failure _ -> false then (null_meta,[augments (map fst lfs) (ASSUME tm) asl,rand w], (fun i -> function [th] -> DISCH (instantiate i tm) th | _ -> fail())) else failwith "MIZAR_ASSUME_REF: Bad thesis";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform "let ,..., [be ]" *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (MIZAR_LET_TAC: preterm list * hol_type list -> tactic) = fun (vlist,tys) (asl,w as gl) -> let ty = if tys = [] then type_of(fst(dest_forall w)) else hd tys in let pty = pretype_of_type ty in let mk_varb v = (term_of_preterm o retypecheck []) (Typing(v,pty)) in let vs = map mk_varb vlist in MAP_EVERY X_GEN_TAC vs gl;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform "take " *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (MIZAR_TAKE_TAC: preterm -> tactic) = fun ptm (asl,w as gl) -> let ptm' = Typing(ptm,pretype_of_type(type_of(fst(dest_exists w)))) in let tm = mizarate_term (asl,w) ptm' in EXISTS_TAC tm gl;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform "suffices to prove
by ". *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MIZAR_SUFFICES_TAC = fun new0 ((pr,tlist) as jdata) (asl,w as gl) -> let nw = mizarate_term gl (end_itlist (curry pmk_conj) new0) in JUSTIFY_THEN (mk_imp(nw,w)) jdata (fun jth (asl,w) -> null_meta,[asl,nw], (fun i -> function [th] -> MP (INSTANTIATE_ALL i jth) th | _ -> fail())) gl;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform "set " *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MIZAR_SET_TAC = fun (lab,ptm) (asl,w as gl) -> let tm = mizarate_term gl ptm in let v,t = dest_eq tm in CHOOSE_THEN (fun th -> SUBST_ALL_TAC th THEN LABEL_TAC (mklabel lab) (SYM th)) (EXISTS(mk_exists(v,mk_eq(t,v)),t) (REFL t)) gl;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform "consider such that by ". *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MIZAR_CONSIDER_TAC = fun vars0 lfs ((pr,tls) as jdata) (asl,w as gl) -> let ptm = itlist (curry pmk_exists) vars0 (delabel lfs) in let etm = mizarate_term gl ptm in let vars,tm = nsplit dest_exists vars0 etm in JUSTIFY_THEN etm jdata (fun jth (asl,w) -> null_meta,[augments (map fst lfs) (ASSUME tm) asl,w], (fun i -> function [th] -> MP (itlist IMP_CHOOSE_RULE vars (DISCH (instantiate i tm) th)) jth | _ -> fail())) gl;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform "given such that ". *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MIZAR_GIVEN_TAC = fun vars0 lfs (asl,w as gl) -> let ant = fst(dest_imp w) in let gvars,gbod = nsplit dest_exists vars0 ant in let tvars = map2 (fun p v -> Typing(p,pretype_of_type(snd(dest_var v)))) vars0 gvars in let ptm = itlist (curry pmk_exists) tvars (delabel lfs) in let etm = mizarate_term gl ptm in let vars,tm = nsplit dest_exists vars0 etm in if try aconv ant etm with Failure _ -> false then null_meta,[augments (map fst lfs) (ASSUME tm) asl,rand w], (fun i -> function [th] -> DISCH ant (MP (itlist IMP_CHOOSE_RULE vars (DISCH (instantiate i tm) th)) (ASSUME ant)) | _ -> fail()) else failwith "MIZAR_GIVEN_TAC: Bad thesis";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Initialize a case split. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MIZAR_PER_CASES_TAC = fun jdata (asl,w as gl) -> null_meta,[gl], K(function [th] -> let ghyps = itlist (union o hyp o snd) asl [] in let rogues = subtract (hyp th) ghyps in if rogues = [] then th else if tl rogues = [] then let thm = JUSTIFY jdata asl (hd rogues) in PROVE_HYP thm th else failwith "MIZAR_PER_CASES_ATAC: Too many suppositions" | _ -> fail());; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform a case split. NB! This tactic is not "valid" in the LCF sense. *) (* We could make it so, but that would force classical logic! *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MIZAR_SUPPOSE_TAC = fun lfs (asl,w as gl) -> let asm = mizarate_term gl (delabel lfs) in let ghyps = itlist (union o hyp o snd) asl [] in null_meta, [augments (map fst lfs) (ASSUME asm) asl,w; gl], K(function [th1; th2] -> let hyp1 = hyp th1 and hyp2 = hyp th2 in let asm1 = subtract hyp1 ghyps and asm2 = subtract hyp2 ghyps in if asm1 = [] then th1 else if asm2 = [] then th2 else if tl asm1 = [] && tl asm2 = [] then DISJ_CASES (ASSUME(mk_disj(hd asm1,hd asm2))) th1 th2 else failwith "MIZAR_SUPPOSE_TAC: Too many suppositions" | _ -> fail());; let MIZAR_SUPPOSE_REF lfs = by (MIZAR_SUPPOSE_TAC lfs) o by (TRY MIZAR_END_TAC);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Terminate a case split. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let MIZAR_RAW_ENDCASE_TAC = let pth = ITAUT `F ==> p` and p = `p:bool` in fun (asl,w) -> let th = UNDISCH (INST [w,p] pth) in null_meta,[],fun _ _ -> th;; let MIZAR_ENDCASE_REF = by MIZAR_RAW_ENDCASE_TAC o by (TRY MIZAR_END_TAC);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Parser-processor for textual version of Mizar proofs. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let add_mizar_words,subtract_mizar_words = let l = ["assume"; "take"; "set"; "given"; "such"; "that"; "proof"; "end"; "consider"; "suffices"; "to"; "show"; "per"; "cases"; "endcase"; "suppose"; "be"; "then"; "thus"; "hence"; "by"; "so"] in (fun () -> reserve_words l), (fun () -> unreserve_words l);; let parse_preform l = let ptm,rst = parse_preterm l in let ptm' = Typing(ptm,Ptycon("bool",[])) in ptm',rst;; let parse_fulltype l = let pty,rst = parse_pretype l in type_of_pretype pty,rst;; let parse_ident l = match (hd l) with Ident n -> n,tl l | _ -> raise Noparse;; let parse_string l = match (hd l) with Ident n -> n,tl l | Resword n -> n,tl l;; let rec parse_lform oldlab l = match l with (Ident n)::(Resword ":")::rst -> if oldlab = "" then parse_lform n rst else failwith "Too many labels" | _ -> let fm,rst = parse_preform l in (oldlab,fm),rst;; let parse_lforms oldlab = listof (parse_lform oldlab) (a (Resword "and")) "labelled formula";; let parse_just tlink l = if l = [] then if tlink then ("",[L""]),l else ("",[]),l else match (hd l) with Resword "by" -> let pot,rem = parse_string (tl l) in if rem = [] || hd rem <> Ident "," && hd rem <> Ident "with" then if can (assoc pot) (!prover_list) then (pot,if tlink then [L""] else []),rem else ("",if tlink then [L""; L pot] else [L pot]),rem else if hd rem = Ident "," then let oths,rst = listof parse_string (a (Ident ",")) "theorem name" (tl rem) in let ths = if tlink then ""::pot::oths else pot::oths in ("",map L ths),rst else let oths,rst = listof parse_string (a (Ident ",")) "theorem name" (tl rem) in let ths = if tlink then ""::oths else oths in (pot,map L ths),rst | Resword "proof" -> ("proof",[]),tl l | _ -> if tlink then ("",[L""]),l else ("",[]),l;; let rec parse_step tlink l = (a (Resword "assume") ++ parse_lforms "" >> (by o MIZAR_ASSUME_TAC o snd) ||| (a (Resword "let") ++ (parse_preterm >> split_ppair) ++ possibly (a (Resword "be") ++ parse_fulltype >> snd) >> (fun ((_,vnames),ty) -> by (MIZAR_LET_TAC (vnames,ty)))) ||| (a (Resword "take") ++ parse_preterm >> (by o MIZAR_TAKE_TAC o snd)) ||| (a (Resword "set") ++ parse_lforms "" >> (itlist (by o MIZAR_SET_TAC) o snd)) ||| (a (Resword "consider") ++ (parse_preterm >> split_ppair) ++ a (Resword "such") ++ a (Resword "that") ++ parse_lforms "" ++ parse_just tlink >> (fun (((((_,vars),_),_),lf),jst) -> by (MIZAR_CONSIDER_TAC vars lf jst))) ||| (a (Resword "given") ++ (parse_preterm >> split_ppair) ++ a (Resword "such") ++ a (Resword "that") ++ parse_lforms "" >> (fun ((((_,vars),_),_),lf) -> by (MIZAR_GIVEN_TAC vars lf))) ||| (a (Resword "suffices") ++ a (Resword "to") ++ a (Resword "show") ++ parse_lforms "" ++ parse_just tlink >> (fun ((((_,_),_),lf),jst) -> by (MIZAR_SUFFICES_TAC (map snd lf) jst))) ||| (a (Resword "per") ++ a (Resword "cases") ++ parse_just tlink >> (fun ((_,_),jst) -> by (MIZAR_PER_CASES_TAC jst))) ||| (a (Resword "suppose") ++ parse_lforms "" >> (fun (_,lf) -> MIZAR_SUPPOSE_REF lf)) ||| (a (Resword "endcase") >> K MIZAR_ENDCASE_REF) ||| (a (Resword "end") >> K (by MIZAR_END_TAC)) ||| (a (Resword "then") ++ parse_step true >> snd) ||| (a (Resword "so") ++ parse_step true >> snd) ||| (a (Resword "hence") ++ parse_lforms "" ++ parse_just true >> (fun ((_,lf),jst) -> by (MIZAR_STEP_TAC true lf jst))) ||| (a (Resword "thus") ++ parse_lforms "" ++ parse_just tlink >> (fun ((_,lf),jst) -> by (MIZAR_STEP_TAC true lf jst))) ||| (parse_lforms "" ++ parse_just tlink >> (fun (lf,jst) -> by (MIZAR_STEP_TAC false lf jst)))) l;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* From now on, quotations evaluate to preterms. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let run_steps lexemes = let rec compose_steps lexemes gs = if lexemes = [] then gs else let rf,rest = parse_step false lexemes in let gs' = rf gs in if rest <> [] && hd rest = Resword ";" then compose_steps (tl rest) gs' else compose_steps rest gs' in refine (compose_steps lexemes);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Include some theorems. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) do_list add_mizar_transitivity_theorem [LE_TRANS; LT_TRANS; LET_TRANS; LTE_TRANS];; do_list add_mizar_transitivity_theorem [INT_LE_TRANS; INT_LT_TRANS; INT_LET_TRANS; INT_LTE_TRANS];; do_list add_mizar_transitivity_theorem [REAL_LE_TRANS; REAL_LT_TRANS; REAL_LET_TRANS; REAL_LTE_TRANS];; do_list add_mizar_transitivity_theorem [SUBSET_TRANS; PSUBSET_TRANS; PSUBSET_SUBSET_TRANS; SUBSET_PSUBSET_TRANS];; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Simple example: Knaster-Tarski fixpoint theorem. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) add_mizar_words();; hide_constant "<=";; (*** Set up goal ***) g `!f. (!x y. x <= y /\ y <= x ==> (x = y)) /\ (!x y z. x <= y /\ y <= z ==> x <= z) /\ (!x y. x <= y ==> f x <= f y) /\ (!X. ?s:A. (!x. x IN X ==> s <= x) /\ (!s'. (!x. x IN X ==> s' <= x) ==> s' <= s)) ==> ?x. f x = x`;; (*** Start parsing quotations as Mizar directives ***) let parse_term = run_steps o lex o explode;; (*** Label the external facts needed ***) e(LABEL_TAC "IN_ELIM_THM" IN_ELIM_THM);; e(LABEL_TAC "BETA_THM" BETA_THM);; (*** The proof itself ***) `let f be A->A; assume L:antecedent; antisymmetry: (!x y. x <= y /\ y <= x ==> (x = y)) by L; transitivity: (!x y z. x <= y /\ y <= z ==> x <= z) by L; monotonicity: (!x y. x <= y ==> f x <= f y) by L; least_upper_bound: (!X. ?s:A. (!x. x IN X ==> s <= x) /\ (!s'. (!x. x IN X ==> s' <= x) ==> s' <= s)) by L; set Y_def: Y = {b | f b <= b}; Y_thm: !b. b IN Y <=> f b <= b by Y_def,IN_ELIM_THM,BETA_THM; consider a such that lub: (!x. x IN Y ==> a <= x) /\ (!a'. (!x. x IN Y ==> a' <= x) ==> a' <= a) by least_upper_bound; take a; !b. b IN Y ==> f a <= b proof let b be A; assume b_in_Y: b IN Y; then L0: f b <= b by Y_thm; a <= b by b_in_Y, lub; so f a <= f b by monotonicity; hence f a <= b by L0, transitivity; end; so Part1: f(a) <= a by lub; so f(f(a)) <= f(a) by monotonicity; so f(a) IN Y by Y_thm; so a <= f(a) by lub; hence thesis by Part1, antisymmetry; end`;; (*** Get the theorem ***) top_thm();; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Back to normal. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let parse_term = old_parse_term;;