\DOC ASSUME_TAC \TYPE {ASSUME_TAC : thm_tactic} \SYNOPSIS Adds an assumption to a goal. \KEYWORDS tactic, assumption. \DESCRIBE Given a theorem {th} of the form {A' |- u}, and a goal, {ASSUME_TAC th} adds {u} to the assumptions of the goal. { A ?- t ============== ASSUME_TAC (A' |- u) A u {{u}} ?- t } \noindent Note that unless {A'} is a subset of {A}, this tactic is invalid. The new assumption is unlabelled; for a named assumption use {LABEL_TAC}. \FAILURE Never fails. \EXAMPLE One can add an external theorem as an assumption if desired, for example so that {ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]} will automatically apply it. But usually the theorem is derived from some theorem-tactical, e.g. by discharging the antecedent of an implication or doing forward inference on another assumption. For example iff faced with the goal: { # g `0 = x ==> f(2 * x) = f(x * f(x))`;; } \noindent one might not want to just do {DISCH_TAC} or {STRIP_TAC} because the assumption will be {`0 = x`}. One can swap it first then put it on the assumptions by: { # e(DISCH_THEN(ASSUME_TAC o SYM));; val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total) 0 [`x = 0`] `f (2 * x) = f (x * f x)` } \noindent after which the goal can very easily be solved: { # e(ASM_REWRITE_TAC[MULT_CLAUSES]);; val it : goalstack = No subgoals } \USES Useful as a parameter to various theorem-tacticals such as {X_CHOOSE_THEN}, {DISCH_THEN} etc. when it is simply desired to add the theorem that has been deduced to the assumptions rather than used further at once. \SEEALSO ACCEPT_TAC, DESTRUCT_TAC, LABEL_TAC, STRIP_ASSUME_TAC. \ENDDOC