\DOC AP_THM \TYPE {AP_THM : thm -> term -> thm} \SYNOPSIS Proves equality of equal functions applied to a term. \KEYWORDS rule. \DESCRIBE When applied to a theorem {A |- f = g} and a term {x}, the inference rule {AP_THM} returns the theorem {A |- f x = g x}. { A |- f = g ---------------- AP_THM (A |- f = g) `x` A |- f x = g x } \FAILURE Fails unless the conclusion of the theorem is an equation, both sides of which are functions whose domain type is the same as that of the supplied term. \EXAMPLE { # REWRITE_RULE[GSYM FUN_EQ_THM] ADD1;; val it : thm = |- SUC = (\m. m + 1) # AP_THM it `11`;; val it : thm = |- SUC 11 = (\m. m + 1) 11 } \SEEALSO AP_TERM, ETA_CONV, MK_COMB. \ENDDOC