\DOC ANTE_RES_THEN \TYPE {ANTE_RES_THEN : thm_tactical} \SYNOPSIS Resolves implicative assumptions with an antecedent. \KEYWORDS theorem-tactic, resolution. \DESCRIBE Given a theorem-tactic {ttac} and a theorem {A |- t}, the function {ANTE_RES_THEN} produces a tactic that attempts to match {t} to the antecedent of each implication { Ai |- !x1...xn. ui ==> vi } \noindent (where {Ai} is just {!x1...xn. ui ==> vi}) that occurs among the assumptions of a goal. If the antecedent {ui} of any implication matches {t}, then an instance of {Ai u A |- vi} is obtained by specialization of the variables {x1}, ..., {xn} and type instantiation, followed by an application of modus ponens. Because all implicative assumptions are tried, this may result in several modus-ponens consequences of the supplied theorem and the assumptions. Tactics are produced using {ttac} from all these theorems, and these tactics are applied in sequence to the goal. That is, { ANTE_RES_THEN ttac (A |- t) g } \noindent has the effect of: { MAP_EVERY ttac [A1 u A |- v1; ...; Am u A |- vm] g } \noindent where the theorems {Ai u A |- vi} are all the consequences that can be drawn by a (single) matching modus-ponens inference from the implications that occur among the assumptions of the goal {g} and the supplied theorem {A |- t}. \FAILURE {ANTE_RES_THEN ttac (A |- t)} fails when applied to a goal {g} if any of the tactics produced by {ttac (Ai u A |- vi)}, where {Ai u A |- vi} is the {i}th resolvent obtained from the theorem {A |- t} and the assumptions of {g}, fails when applied in sequence to {g}. \SEEALSO IMP_RES_THEN, MATCH_MP, MATCH_MP_TAC. \ENDDOC