(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) (* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq path. From mathcomp Require Import choice fintype bigop finset fingroup morphism. From mathcomp Require Import automorphism quotient action gseries. (******************************************************************************) (* This files establishes Jordan-Holder theorems for finite groups. These *) (* theorems state the uniqueness up to permutation and isomorphism for the *) (* series of quotient built from the successive elements of any composition *) (* series of the same group. These quotients are also called factors of the *) (* composition series. To avoid the heavy use of highly polymorphic lists *) (* describing these quotient series, we introduce sections. *) (* This library defines: *) (* (G1 / G2)%sec == alias for the pair (G1, G2) of groups in the same *) (* finGroupType, coerced to the actual quotient group*) (* group G1 / G2. We call this pseudo-quotient a *) (* section of G1 and G2. *) (* section_isog s1 s2 == s1 and s2 respectively coerce to isomorphic *) (* quotient groups. *) (* section_repr s == canonical representative of the isomorphism class *) (* of the section s. *) (* mksrepr G1 G2 == canonical representative of the isomorphism class *) (* of (G1 / G2)%sec. *) (* mkfactors G s == if s is [:: s1, s2, ..., sn], constructs the list *) (* [:: mksrepr G s1, mksrepr s1 s2, ..., mksrepr sn-1 sn] *) (* comps G s == s is a composition series for G i.e. s is a *) (* decreasing sequence of subgroups of G *) (* in which two adjacent elements are maxnormal one *) (* in the other and the last element of s is 1. *) (* Given aT and rT two finGroupTypes, (D : {group rT}), (A : {group aT}) and *) (* (to : groupAction A D) an external action. *) (* maxainv to B C == C is a maximal proper normal subgroup of B *) (* invariant by (the external action of A via) to. *) (* asimple to B == the maximal proper normal subgroup of B invariant *) (* by the external action to is trivial. *) (* acomps to G s == s is a composition series for G invariant by to, *) (* i.e. s is a decreasing sequence of subgroups of G *) (* in which two adjacent elements are maximally *) (* invariant by to one in the other and the *) (* last element of s is 1. *) (* We prove two versions of the result: *) (* - JordanHolderUniqueness establishes the uniqueness up to permutation *) (* and isomorphism of the lists of factors in composition series of a *) (* given group. *) (* - StrongJordanHolderUniqueness extends the result to composition series *) (* invariant by an external group action. *) (* See also "The Rooster and the Butterflies", proceedings of Calculemus 2013,*) (* by Assia Mahboubi. *) (******************************************************************************) Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Declare Scope section_scope. Import GroupScope. Inductive section (gT : finGroupType) := GSection of {group gT} * {group gT}. Delimit Scope section_scope with sec. Bind Scope section_scope with section. Definition mkSec (gT : finGroupType) (G1 G2 : {group gT}) := GSection (G1, G2). Infix "/" := mkSec : section_scope. Coercion pair_of_section gT (s : section gT) := let: GSection u := s in u. Coercion quotient_of_section gT (s : section gT) : GroupSet.sort _ := s.1 / s.2. Coercion section_group gT (s : section gT) : {group (coset_of s.2)} := Eval hnf in [group of s]. Section Sections. Variables (gT : finGroupType). Implicit Types (G : {group gT}) (s : section gT). Canonical section_subType := Eval hnf in [newType for @pair_of_section gT]. Definition section_eqMixin := Eval hnf in [eqMixin of section gT by <:]. Canonical section_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType (section gT) section_eqMixin. Definition section_choiceMixin := [choiceMixin of section gT by <:]. Canonical section_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType (section gT) section_choiceMixin. Definition section_countMixin := [countMixin of section gT by <:]. Canonical section_countType := Eval hnf in CountType (section gT) section_countMixin. Canonical section_subCountType := Eval hnf in [subCountType of section gT]. Definition section_finMixin := [finMixin of section gT by <:]. Canonical section_finType := Eval hnf in FinType (section gT) section_finMixin. Canonical section_subFinType := Eval hnf in [subFinType of section gT]. Canonical section_group. (* Isomorphic sections *) Definition section_isog := [rel x y : section gT | x \isog y]. (* A witness of the isomorphism class of a section *) Definition section_repr s := odflt (1 / 1)%sec (pick (section_isog ^~ s)). Definition mksrepr G1 G2 := section_repr (mkSec G1 G2). Lemma section_reprP s : section_repr s \isog s. Proof. by rewrite /section_repr; case: pickP => //= /(_ s); rewrite isog_refl. Qed. Lemma section_repr_isog s1 s2 : s1 \isog s2 -> section_repr s1 = section_repr s2. Proof. by move=> iso12; congr (odflt _ _); apply: eq_pick => s; apply: isog_transr. Qed. Definition mkfactors (G : {group gT}) (s : seq {group gT}) := map section_repr (pairmap (@mkSec _) G s). End Sections. Section CompositionSeries. Variable gT : finGroupType. Local Notation gTg := {group gT}. Implicit Types (G : gTg) (s : seq gTg). Local Notation compo := [rel x y : {set gT} | maxnormal y x x]. Definition comps G s := ((last G s) == 1%G) && compo.-series G s. Lemma compsP G s : reflect (last G s = 1%G /\ path [rel x y : gTg | maxnormal y x x] G s) (comps G s). Proof. by apply: (iffP andP) => [] [/eqP]. Qed. Lemma trivg_comps G s : comps G s -> (G :==: 1) = (s == [::]). Proof. case/andP=> ls cs; apply/eqP/eqP=> [G1 | s1]; last first. by rewrite s1 /= in ls; apply/eqP. by case: s {ls} cs => //= H s /andP[/maxgroupp]; rewrite G1 /proper sub1G andbF. Qed. Lemma comps_cons G H s : comps G (H :: s) -> comps H s. Proof. by case/andP => /= ls /andP[_]; rewrite /comps ls. Qed. Lemma simple_compsP G s : comps G s -> reflect (s = [:: 1%G]) (simple G). Proof. move=> cs; apply: (iffP idP) => [|s1]; last first. by rewrite s1 /comps eqxx /= andbT -simple_maxnormal in cs. case: s cs => [/trivg_comps/eqP-> | H s]; first by case/simpleP; rewrite eqxx. rewrite [comps _ _]andbCA /= => /andP[/maxgroupp maxH /trivg_comps/esym nil_s]. rewrite simple_maxnormal => /maxgroupP[_ simG]. have H1: H = 1%G by apply/val_inj/simG; rewrite // sub1G. by move: nil_s; rewrite H1 eqxx => /eqP->. Qed. Lemma exists_comps (G : gTg) : exists s, comps G s. Proof. elim: {G} #|G| {1 3}G (leqnn #|G|) => [G | n IHn G cG]. by rewrite leqNgt cardG_gt0. have [sG | nsG] := boolP (simple G). by exists [:: 1%G]; rewrite /comps eqxx /= -simple_maxnormal andbT. have [-> | ntG] := eqVneq G 1%G; first by exists [::]; rewrite /comps eqxx. have [N maxN] := ex_maxnormal_ntrivg ntG. have [|s /andP[ls cs]] := IHn N. by rewrite -ltnS (leq_trans _ cG) // proper_card // (maxnormal_proper maxN). by exists (N :: s); apply/and3P. Qed. (******************************************************************************) (* The factors associated to two composition series of the same group are *) (* the same up to isomorphism and permutation *) (******************************************************************************) Lemma JordanHolderUniqueness (G : gTg) (s1 s2 : seq gTg) : comps G s1 -> comps G s2 -> perm_eq (mkfactors G s1) (mkfactors G s2). Proof. have [n] := ubnP #|G|; elim: n G => // n Hi G in s1 s2 * => /ltnSE-cG cs1 cs2. have [G1 | ntG] := boolP (G :==: 1). have -> : s1 = [::] by apply/eqP; rewrite -(trivg_comps cs1). have -> : s2 = [::] by apply/eqP; rewrite -(trivg_comps cs2). by rewrite /= perm_refl. have [sG | nsG] := boolP (simple G). by rewrite (simple_compsP cs1 sG) (simple_compsP cs2 sG) perm_refl. case es1: s1 cs1 => [|N1 st1] cs1. by move: (trivg_comps cs1); rewrite eqxx; move/negP:ntG. case es2: s2 cs2 => [|N2 st2] cs2 {s1 es1}. by move: (trivg_comps cs2); rewrite eqxx; move/negP:ntG. case/andP: cs1 => /= lst1; case/andP=> maxN_1 pst1. case/andP: cs2 => /= lst2; case/andP=> maxN_2 pst2. have cN1 : #|N1| < n. by rewrite (leq_trans _ cG) ?proper_card ?(maxnormal_proper maxN_1). have cN2 : #|N2| < n. by rewrite (leq_trans _ cG) ?proper_card ?(maxnormal_proper maxN_2). case: (N1 =P N2) {s2 es2} => [eN12 |]. by rewrite eN12 /= perm_cons Hi // /comps ?lst2 //= -eN12 lst1. move/eqP; rewrite -val_eqE /=; move/eqP=> neN12. have nN1G : N1 <| G by apply: maxnormal_normal. have nN2G : N2 <| G by apply: maxnormal_normal. pose N := (N1 :&: N2)%G. have nNG : N <| G. by rewrite /normal subIset ?(normal_sub nN1G) //= normsI ?normal_norm. have iso1 : (G / N1)%G \isog (N2 / N)%G. rewrite isog_sym /= -(maxnormalM maxN_1 maxN_2) //. rewrite (@normC _ N1 N2) ?(subset_trans (normal_sub nN1G)) ?normal_norm //. by rewrite weak_second_isog ?(subset_trans (normal_sub nN2G)) ?normal_norm. have iso2 : (G / N2)%G \isog (N1 / N)%G. rewrite isog_sym /= -(maxnormalM maxN_1 maxN_2) // setIC. by rewrite weak_second_isog ?(subset_trans (normal_sub nN1G)) ?normal_norm. have [sN /andP[lsN csN]] := exists_comps N. have i1 : perm_eq (mksrepr G N1 :: mkfactors N1 st1) [:: mksrepr G N1, mksrepr N1 N & mkfactors N sN]. rewrite perm_cons -[mksrepr _ _ :: _]/(mkfactors N1 [:: N & sN]). apply: Hi=> //; rewrite /comps ?lst1 //= lsN csN andbT /=. rewrite -quotient_simple. by rewrite -(isog_simple iso2) quotient_simple. by rewrite (normalS (subsetIl N1 N2) (normal_sub nN1G)). have i2 : perm_eq (mksrepr G N2 :: mkfactors N2 st2) [:: mksrepr G N2, mksrepr N2 N & mkfactors N sN]. rewrite perm_cons -[mksrepr _ _ :: _]/(mkfactors N2 [:: N & sN]). apply: Hi=> //; rewrite /comps ?lst2 //= lsN csN andbT /=. rewrite -quotient_simple. by rewrite -(isog_simple iso1) quotient_simple. by rewrite (normalS (subsetIr N1 N2) (normal_sub nN2G)). pose fG1 := [:: mksrepr G N1, mksrepr N1 N & mkfactors N sN]. pose fG2 := [:: mksrepr G N2, mksrepr N2 N & mkfactors N sN]. have i3 : perm_eq fG1 fG2. rewrite (@perm_catCA _ [::_] [::_]) /mksrepr. rewrite (@section_repr_isog _ (mkSec _ _) (mkSec _ _) iso1). rewrite -(@section_repr_isog _ (mkSec _ _) (mkSec _ _) iso2). exact: perm_refl. apply: (perm_trans i1); apply: (perm_trans i3); rewrite perm_sym. by apply: perm_trans i2; apply: perm_refl. Qed. End CompositionSeries. (******************************************************************************) (* Helper lemmas for group actions. *) (******************************************************************************) Section MoreGroupAction. Variables (aT rT : finGroupType). Variables (A : {group aT}) (D : {group rT}). Variable to : groupAction A D. Lemma gactsP (G : {set rT}) : reflect {acts A, on G | to} [acts A, on G | to]. Proof. apply: (iffP idP) => [nGA x|nGA]; first exact: acts_act. apply/subsetP=> a Aa /[!inE]; rewrite Aa. by apply/subsetP=> x; rewrite inE nGA. Qed. Lemma gactsM (N1 N2 : {set rT}) : N1 \subset D -> N2 \subset D -> [acts A, on N1 | to] -> [acts A, on N2 | to] -> [acts A, on N1 * N2 | to]. Proof. move=> sN1D sN2D aAN1 aAN2; apply/gactsP=> x Ax y. apply/idP/idP; case/mulsgP=> y1 y2 N1y1 N2y2 e. move: (actKin to Ax y); rewrite e; move<-. rewrite gactM ?groupV ?(subsetP sN1D y1) ?(subsetP sN2D) //. by apply: mem_mulg; rewrite ?(gactsP _ aAN1) ?(gactsP _ aAN2) // groupV. rewrite e gactM // ?(subsetP sN1D y1) ?(subsetP sN2D) //. by apply: mem_mulg; rewrite ?(gactsP _ aAN1) // ?(gactsP _ aAN2). Qed. Lemma gactsI (N1 N2 : {set rT}) : [acts A, on N1 | to] -> [acts A, on N2 | to] -> [acts A, on N1 :&: N2 | to]. Proof. move=> aAN1 aAN2. apply/subsetP=> x Ax; rewrite !inE Ax /=; apply/subsetP=> y Ny /[1!inE]. case/setIP: Ny=> N1y N2y; rewrite inE ?astabs_act ?N1y ?N2y //. - by move/subsetP: aAN2; move/(_ x Ax). - by move/subsetP: aAN1; move/(_ x Ax). Qed. Lemma gastabsP (S : {set rT}) (a : aT) : a \in A -> reflect (forall x, (to x a \in S) = (x \in S)) (a \in 'N(S | to)). Proof. move=> Aa; apply: (iffP idP) => [nSa x|nSa]; first exact: astabs_act. by rewrite !inE Aa; apply/subsetP=> x; rewrite inE nSa. Qed. End MoreGroupAction. (******************************************************************************) (* Helper lemmas for quotient actions. *) (******************************************************************************) Section MoreQuotientAction. Variables (aT rT : finGroupType). Variables (A : {group aT})(D : {group rT}). Variable to : groupAction A D. Lemma qact_dom_doms (H : {group rT}) : H \subset D -> qact_dom to H \subset A. Proof. by move=> sHD; apply/subsetP=> x; rewrite qact_domE // inE; case/andP. Qed. Lemma acts_qact_doms (H : {group rT}) : H \subset D -> [acts A, on H | to] -> qact_dom to H :=: A. Proof. move=> sHD aH; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset; apply/andP. split; first exact: qact_dom_doms. apply/subsetP=> x Ax; rewrite qact_domE //; apply/gastabsP=> //. by move/gactsP: aH; move/(_ x Ax). Qed. Lemma qacts_cosetpre (H : {group rT}) (K' : {group coset_of H}) : H \subset D -> [acts A, on H | to] -> [acts qact_dom to H, on K' | to / H] -> [acts A, on coset H @*^-1 K' | to]. Proof. move=> sHD aH aK'; apply/subsetP=> x Ax; move: (Ax) (subsetP aK'). rewrite -{1}(acts_qact_doms sHD aH) => qdx; move/(_ x qdx) => nx. rewrite !inE Ax; apply/subsetP=> y; case/morphpreP=> Ny /= K'Hy /[1!inE]. apply/morphpreP; split; first by rewrite acts_qact_dom_norm. by move/gastabsP: nx; move/(_ qdx (coset H y)); rewrite K'Hy qactE. Qed. Lemma qacts_coset (H K : {group rT}) : H \subset D -> [acts A, on K | to] -> [acts qact_dom to H, on (coset H) @* K | to / H]. Proof. move=> sHD aK. apply/subsetP=> x qdx; rewrite inE qdx inE; apply/subsetP=> y. case/morphimP=> z Nz Kz /= e; rewrite e inE qactE // imset_f // inE. move/gactsP: aK; move/(_ x (subsetP (qact_dom_doms sHD) _ qdx) z); rewrite Kz. move->; move/acts_act: (acts_qact_dom to H); move/(_ x qdx z). by rewrite Nz andbT. Qed. End MoreQuotientAction. Section StableCompositionSeries. Variables (aT rT : finGroupType). Variables (D : {group rT})(A : {group aT}). Variable to : groupAction A D. Definition maxainv (B C : {set rT}) := [max C of H | [&& (H <| B), ~~ (B \subset H) & [acts A, on H | to]]]. Section MaxAinvProps. Variables K N : {group rT}. Lemma maxainv_norm : maxainv K N -> N <| K. Proof. by move/maxgroupp; case/andP. Qed. Lemma maxainv_proper : maxainv K N -> N \proper K. Proof. by move/maxgroupp; case/andP; rewrite properE; move/normal_sub->; case/andP. Qed. Lemma maxainv_sub : maxainv K N -> N \subset K. Proof. by move=> h; apply: proper_sub; apply: maxainv_proper. Qed. Lemma maxainv_ainvar : maxainv K N -> A \subset 'N(N | to). Proof. by move/maxgroupp; case/and3P. Qed. Lemma maxainvS : maxainv K N -> N \subset K. Proof. by move=> pNN; rewrite proper_sub // maxainv_proper. Qed. Lemma maxainv_exists : K :!=: 1 -> {N : {group rT} | maxainv K N}. Proof. move=> nt; apply: ex_maxgroup. exists [1 rT]%G. rewrite /= normal1 subG1 nt /=. apply/subsetP=> a Da; rewrite !inE Da /= sub1set !inE. by rewrite /= -actmE // morph1 eqxx. Qed. End MaxAinvProps. Lemma maxainvM (G H K : {group rT}) : H \subset D -> K \subset D -> maxainv G H -> maxainv G K -> H :<>: K -> H * K = G. Proof. move: H K => N1 N2 sN1D sN2D pmN1 pmN2 neN12. have cN12 : commute N1 N2. apply: normC; apply: (subset_trans (maxainv_sub pmN1)). by rewrite normal_norm ?maxainv_norm. wlog nsN21 : G N1 N2 sN1D sN2D pmN1 pmN2 neN12 cN12/ ~~(N1 \subset N2). move/eqP: (neN12); rewrite eqEsubset negb_and; case/orP=> ns; first by apply. by rewrite cN12; apply=> //; apply: sym_not_eq. have nP : N1 * N2 <| G by rewrite normalM ?maxainv_norm. have sN2P : N2 \subset N1 * N2 by rewrite mulg_subr ?group1. case/maxgroupP: (pmN1); case/andP=> nN1G pN1G mN1. case/maxgroupP: (pmN2); case/andP=> nN2G pN2G mN2. case/andP: pN1G=> nsGN1 ha1; case/andP: pN2G=> nsGN2 ha2. case e : (G \subset N1 * N2). by apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset e mulG_subG !normal_sub. have: N1 <*> N2 = N2 by apply: mN2; rewrite /= ?comm_joingE // nP e /= gactsM. by rewrite comm_joingE // => h; move: nsN21; rewrite -h mulg_subl. Qed. Definition asimple (K : {set rT}) := maxainv K 1. Implicit Types (H K : {group rT}) (s : seq {group rT}). Lemma asimpleP K : reflect [/\ K :!=: 1 & forall H, H <| K -> [acts A, on H | to] -> H :=: 1 \/ H :=: K] (asimple K). Proof. apply: (iffP idP). case/maxgroupP; rewrite normal1 /=; case/andP=> nsK1 aK H1. rewrite eqEsubset negb_and nsK1 /=; split => // H nHK ha. case eHK : (H :==: K); first by right; apply/eqP. left; apply: H1; rewrite ?sub1G // nHK; move/negbT: eHK. by rewrite eqEsubset negb_and normal_sub //=; move->. case=> ntK h; apply/maxgroupP; split. move: ntK; rewrite eqEsubset sub1G andbT normal1; move->. apply/subsetP=> a Da; rewrite !inE Da /= sub1set !inE. by rewrite /= -actmE // morph1 eqxx. move=> H /andP[nHK /andP[nsKH ha]] _. case: (h _ nHK ha)=> // /eqP; rewrite eqEsubset. by rewrite (negbTE nsKH) andbF. Qed. Definition acomps K s := ((last K s) == 1%G) && path [rel x y : {group rT} | maxainv x y] K s. Lemma acompsP K s : reflect (last K s = 1%G /\ path [rel x y : {group rT} | maxainv x y] K s) (acomps K s). Proof. by apply: (iffP andP); case; move/eqP. Qed. Lemma trivg_acomps K s : acomps K s -> (K :==: 1) = (s == [::]). Proof. case/andP=> ls cs; apply/eqP/eqP; last first. by move=> se; rewrite se /= in ls; apply/eqP. move=> G1; case: s ls cs => // H s _ /=; case/andP; case/maxgroupP. by rewrite G1 sub1G andbF. Qed. Lemma acomps_cons K H s : acomps K (H :: s) -> acomps H s. Proof. by case/andP => /= ls; case/andP=> _ p; rewrite /acomps ls. Qed. Lemma asimple_acompsP K s : acomps K s -> reflect (s = [:: 1%G]) (asimple K). Proof. move=> cs; apply: (iffP idP); last first. by move=> se; move: cs; rewrite se /=; case/andP=> /=; rewrite andbT. case: s cs. by rewrite /acomps /= andbT; move/eqP->; case/asimpleP; rewrite eqxx. move=> H s cs sG; apply/eqP. rewrite eqseq_cons -(trivg_acomps (acomps_cons cs)) andbC andbb. case/acompsP: cs => /= ls; case/andP=> mH ps. case/maxgroupP: sG; case/and3P => _ ntG _ ->; rewrite ?sub1G //. rewrite (maxainv_norm mH); case/andP: (maxainv_proper mH)=> _ ->. exact: (maxainv_ainvar mH). Qed. Lemma exists_acomps K : exists s, acomps K s. Proof. elim: {K} #|K| {1 3}K (leqnn #|K|) => [K | n Hi K cK]. by rewrite leqNgt cardG_gt0. case/orP: (orbN (asimple K)) => [sK | nsK]. by exists [:: (1%G : {group rT})]; rewrite /acomps eqxx /= andbT. case/orP: (orbN (K :==: 1))=> [tK | ntK]. by exists (Nil _); rewrite /acomps /= andbT. case: (maxainv_exists ntK)=> N pmN. have cN: #|N| <= n. by rewrite -ltnS (leq_trans _ cK) // proper_card // (maxainv_proper pmN). case: (Hi _ cN)=> s; case/andP=> lasts ps; exists [:: N & s]; rewrite /acomps. by rewrite last_cons lasts /= pmN. Qed. End StableCompositionSeries. Arguments maxainv {aT rT D%G A%G} to%gact B%g C%g. Arguments asimple {aT rT D%G A%G} to%gact K%g. Section StrongJordanHolder. Section AuxiliaryLemmas. Variables aT rT : finGroupType. Variables (A : {group aT}) (D : {group rT}) (to : groupAction A D). Lemma maxainv_asimple_quo (G H : {group rT}) : H \subset D -> maxainv to G H -> asimple (to / H) (G / H). Proof. move=> sHD /maxgroupP[/and3P[nHG pHG aH] Hmax]. apply/asimpleP; split; first by rewrite -subG1 quotient_sub1 ?normal_norm. move=> K' nK'Q aK'. have: (K' \proper (G / H)) || (G / H == K'). by rewrite properE eqEsubset andbC (normal_sub nK'Q) !andbT orbC orbN. case/orP=> [ pHQ | eQH]; last by right; apply sym_eq; apply/eqP. left; pose K := ((coset H) @*^-1 K')%G. have eK'I : K' \subset (coset H) @* 'N(H). by rewrite (subset_trans (normal_sub nK'Q)) ?morphimS ?normal_norm. have eKK' : K' :=: K / H by rewrite /(K / H) morphpreK //=. suff eKH : K :=: H by rewrite -trivg_quotient eKK' eKH. have sHK : H \subset K by rewrite -ker_coset kerE morphpreS // sub1set group1. apply: Hmax => //; apply/and3P; split; last exact: qacts_cosetpre. by rewrite -(quotientGK nHG) cosetpre_normal. by move: (proper_subn pHQ); rewrite sub_morphim_pre ?normal_norm. Qed. Lemma asimple_quo_maxainv (G H : {group rT}) : H \subset D -> G \subset D -> [acts A, on G | to] -> [acts A, on H | to] -> H <| G -> asimple (to / H) (G / H) -> maxainv to G H. Proof. move=> sHD sGD aG aH nHG /asimpleP[ntQ maxQ]; apply/maxgroupP; split. by rewrite nHG -quotient_sub1 ?normal_norm // subG1 ntQ. move=> K /and3P[nKG nsGK aK] sHK. pose K' := (K / H)%G. have K'dQ : K' <| (G / H)%G by apply: morphim_normal. have nKH : H <| K by rewrite (normalS _ _ nHG) // normal_sub. have: K' :=: 1%G \/ K' :=: (G / H). apply: (maxQ K' K'dQ) => /=. apply/subsetP=> x Adx. rewrite inE Adx /= inE. apply/subsetP=> y. rewrite quotientE; case/morphimP=> z Nz Kz ->; rewrite /= !inE qactE //. have ntoyx : to z x \in 'N(H) by rewrite (acts_qact_dom_norm Adx). apply/morphimP; exists (to z x) => //. suff h: qact_dom to H \subset A. by rewrite astabs_act // (subsetP aK) //; apply: (subsetP h). by apply/subsetP=> t; rewrite qact_domE // inE; case/andP. case=> [|/quotient_injG /[!inE]/(_ nKH nHG) c]; last by rewrite c subxx in nsGK. rewrite /= -trivg_quotient => tK'; apply: (congr1 (@gval _)); move: tK'. by apply: (@quotient_injG _ H); rewrite ?inE /= ?normal_refl. Qed. Lemma asimpleI (N1 N2 : {group rT}) : N2 \subset 'N(N1) -> N1 \subset D -> [acts A, on N1 | to] -> [acts A, on N2 | to] -> asimple (to / N1) (N2 / N1) -> asimple (to / (N2 :&: N1)) (N2 / (N2 :&: N1)). Proof. move=> nN21 sN1D aN1 aN2 /asimpleP[ntQ1 max1]. have [f1 [f1e f1ker f1pre f1im]] := restrmP (coset_morphism N1) nN21. have hf2' : N2 \subset 'N(N2 :&: N1) by apply: normsI => //; rewrite normG. have hf2'' : 'ker (coset (N2 :&: N1)) \subset 'ker f1. by rewrite f1ker !ker_coset. pose f2 := factm_morphism hf2'' hf2'. apply/asimpleP; split. rewrite /= setIC; apply/negP; move: (second_isog nN21); move/isog_eq1->. by apply/negP. move=> H nHQ2 aH; pose K := f2 @* H. have nKQ1 : K <| N2 / N1. rewrite (_ : N2 / N1 = f2 @* (N2 / (N2 :&: N1))) ?morphim_normal //. by rewrite morphim_factm f1im. have sqA : qact_dom to N1 \subset A. by apply/subsetP=> t; rewrite qact_domE // inE; case/andP. have nNN2 : (N2 :&: N1) <| N2. by rewrite /normal subsetIl; apply: normsI => //; apply: normG. have aKQ1 : [acts qact_dom to N1, on K | to / N1]. pose H':= coset (N2 :&: N1)@*^-1 H. have eHH' : H :=: H' / (N2 :&: N1) by rewrite cosetpreK. have -> : K :=: f1 @* H' by rewrite /K eHH' morphim_factm. have sH'N2 : H' \subset N2. rewrite /H' eHH' quotientGK ?normal_cosetpre //=. by rewrite sub_cosetpre_quo ?normal_sub. have -> : f1 @* H' = coset N1 @* H' by rewrite f1im //=. apply: qacts_coset => //; apply: qacts_cosetpre => //; last exact: gactsI. by apply: (subset_trans (subsetIr _ _)). have injf2 : 'injm f2. by rewrite ker_factm f1ker /= ker_coset /= subG1 /= -quotientE trivg_quotient. have iHK : H \isog K. apply/isogP; pose f3 := restrm_morphism (normal_sub nHQ2) f2. by exists f3; rewrite 1?injm_restrm // morphim_restrm setIid. case: (max1 _ nKQ1 aKQ1). by move/eqP; rewrite -(isog_eq1 iHK); move/eqP->; left. move=> he /=; right; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEcard normal_sub //=. move: (second_isog nN21); rewrite setIC; move/card_isog->; rewrite -he. by move/card_isog: iHK=> <-; rewrite leqnn. Qed. End AuxiliaryLemmas. Variables (aT rT : finGroupType). Variables (A : {group aT}) (D : {group rT}) (to : groupAction A D). (******************************************************************************) (* The factors associated to two A-stable composition series of the same *) (* group are the same up to isomorphism and permutation *) (******************************************************************************) Lemma StrongJordanHolderUniqueness (G : {group rT}) (s1 s2 : seq {group rT}) : G \subset D -> acomps to G s1 -> acomps to G s2 -> perm_eq (mkfactors G s1) (mkfactors G s2). Proof. have [n] := ubnP #|G|; elim: n G => // n Hi G in s1 s2 * => cG hsD cs1 cs2. case/orP: (orbN (G :==: 1)) => [tG | ntG]. have -> : s1 = [::] by apply/eqP; rewrite -(trivg_acomps cs1). have -> : s2 = [::] by apply/eqP; rewrite -(trivg_acomps cs2). by rewrite /= perm_refl. case/orP: (orbN (asimple to G))=> [sG | nsG]. have -> : s1 = [:: 1%G ] by apply/(asimple_acompsP cs1). have -> : s2 = [:: 1%G ] by apply/(asimple_acompsP cs2). by rewrite /= perm_refl. case es1: s1 cs1 => [|N1 st1] cs1. by move: (trivg_comps cs1); rewrite eqxx; move/negP:ntG. case es2: s2 cs2 => [|N2 st2] cs2 {s1 es1}. by move: (trivg_comps cs2); rewrite eqxx; move/negP:ntG. case/andP: cs1 => /= lst1; case/andP=> maxN_1 pst1. case/andP: cs2 => /= lst2; case/andP=> maxN_2 pst2. have sN1D : N1 \subset D. by apply: subset_trans hsD; apply: maxainv_sub maxN_1. have sN2D : N2 \subset D. by apply: subset_trans hsD; apply: maxainv_sub maxN_2. have cN1 : #|N1| < n. by rewrite -ltnS (leq_trans _ cG) ?ltnS ?proper_card ?(maxainv_proper maxN_1). have cN2 : #|N2| < n. by rewrite -ltnS (leq_trans _ cG) ?ltnS ?proper_card ?(maxainv_proper maxN_2). case: (N1 =P N2) {s2 es2} => [eN12 |]. by rewrite eN12 /= perm_cons Hi // /acomps ?lst2 //= -eN12 lst1. move/eqP; rewrite -val_eqE /=; move/eqP=> neN12. have nN1G : N1 <| G by apply: (maxainv_norm maxN_1). have nN2G : N2 <| G by apply: (maxainv_norm maxN_2). pose N := (N1 :&: N2)%G. have nNG : N <| G. by rewrite /normal subIset ?(normal_sub nN1G) //= normsI ?normal_norm. have iso1 : (G / N1)%G \isog (N2 / N)%G. rewrite isog_sym /= -(maxainvM _ _ maxN_1 maxN_2) //. rewrite (@normC _ N1 N2) ?(subset_trans (normal_sub nN1G)) ?normal_norm //. by rewrite weak_second_isog ?(subset_trans (normal_sub nN2G)) ?normal_norm. have iso2 : (G / N2)%G \isog (N1 / N)%G. rewrite isog_sym /= -(maxainvM _ _ maxN_1 maxN_2) // setIC. by rewrite weak_second_isog ?(subset_trans (normal_sub nN1G)) ?normal_norm. case: (exists_acomps to N)=> sN; case/andP=> lsN csN. have aN1 : [acts A, on N1 | to]. by case/maxgroupP: maxN_1; case/and3P. have aN2 : [acts A, on N2 | to]. by case/maxgroupP: maxN_2; case/and3P. have nNN1 : N <| N1. by apply: (normalS _ _ nNG); rewrite ?subsetIl ?normal_sub. have nNN2 : N <| N2. by apply: (normalS _ _ nNG); rewrite ?subsetIr ?normal_sub. have aN : [ acts A, on N1 :&: N2 | to]. apply/subsetP=> x Ax; rewrite !inE Ax /=; apply/subsetP=> y Ny; rewrite inE. case/setIP: Ny=> N1y N2y. rewrite inE ?astabs_act ?N1y ?N2y //. by move/subsetP: aN2; move/(_ x Ax). by move/subsetP: aN1; move/(_ x Ax). have i1 : perm_eq (mksrepr G N1 :: mkfactors N1 st1) [:: mksrepr G N1, mksrepr N1 N & mkfactors N sN]. rewrite perm_cons -[mksrepr _ _ :: _]/(mkfactors N1 [:: N & sN]). apply: Hi=> //; rewrite /acomps ?lst1 //= lsN csN andbT /=. apply: asimple_quo_maxainv=> //; first by apply: subIset; rewrite sN1D. apply: asimpleI => //. by apply: subset_trans (normal_norm nN2G); apply: normal_sub. rewrite -quotientMidl (maxainvM _ _ maxN_2) //. by apply: maxainv_asimple_quo. by move=> e; apply: neN12. have i2 : perm_eq (mksrepr G N2 :: mkfactors N2 st2) [:: mksrepr G N2, mksrepr N2 N & mkfactors N sN]. rewrite perm_cons -[mksrepr _ _ :: _]/(mkfactors N2 [:: N & sN]). apply: Hi=> //; rewrite /acomps ?lst2 //= lsN csN andbT /=. apply: asimple_quo_maxainv=> //; first by apply: subIset; rewrite sN1D. have e : N1 :&: N2 :=: N2 :&: N1 by rewrite setIC. rewrite (group_inj (setIC N1 N2)); apply: asimpleI => //. by apply: subset_trans (normal_norm nN1G); apply: normal_sub. rewrite -quotientMidl (maxainvM _ _ maxN_1) //. exact: maxainv_asimple_quo. pose fG1 := [:: mksrepr G N1, mksrepr N1 N & mkfactors N sN]. pose fG2 := [:: mksrepr G N2, mksrepr N2 N & mkfactors N sN]. have i3 : perm_eq fG1 fG2. rewrite (@perm_catCA _ [::_] [::_]) /mksrepr. rewrite (@section_repr_isog _ (mkSec _ _) (mkSec _ _) iso1). rewrite -(@section_repr_isog _ (mkSec _ _) (mkSec _ _) iso2). exact: perm_refl. apply: (perm_trans i1); apply: (perm_trans i3); rewrite perm_sym. by apply: perm_trans i2; apply: perm_refl. Qed. End StrongJordanHolder.