(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) (* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq path. From mathcomp Require Import fintype bigop finset fingroup morphism. From mathcomp Require Import automorphism quotient action commutator center. (******************************************************************************) (* H <|<| G <=> H is subnormal in G, i.e., H <| ... <| G. *) (* invariant_factor A H G <=> A normalises both H and G, and H <| G. *) (* A.-invariant <=> the (invariant_factor A) relation, in the context *) (* of the g_rel.-series notation. *) (* g_rel.-series H s <=> H :: s is a sequence of groups whose projection *) (* to sets satisfies relation g_rel pairwise; for *) (* example H <|<| G iff G = last H s for some s such *) (* that normal.-series H s. *) (* stable_factor A H G == H <| G and A centralises G / H. *) (* A.-stable == the stable_factor relation, in the scope of the *) (* r.-series notation. *) (* G.-central == the central_factor relation, in the scope of the *) (* r.-series notation. *) (* maximal M G == M is a maximal proper subgroup of G. *) (* maximal_eq M G == (M == G) or (maximal M G). *) (* maxnormal M G N == M is a maximal subgroup of G normalized by N. *) (* minnormal M N == M is a minimal nontrivial group normalized by N. *) (* simple G == G is a (nontrivial) simple group. *) (* := minnormal G G *) (* G.-chief == the chief_factor relation, in the scope of the *) (* r.-series notation. *) (******************************************************************************) Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Declare Scope group_rel_scope. Import GroupScope. Section GroupDefs. Variable gT : finGroupType. Implicit Types A B U V : {set gT}. Local Notation groupT := (group_of (Phant gT)). Definition subnormal A B := (A \subset B) && (iter #|B| (fun N => generated (class_support A N)) B == A). Definition invariant_factor A B C := [&& A \subset 'N(B), A \subset 'N(C) & B <| C]. Definition group_rel_of (r : rel {set gT}) := [rel H G : groupT | r H G]. Definition stable_factor A V U := ([~: U, A] \subset V) && (V <| U). (* this orders allows and3P to be used *) Definition central_factor A V U := [&& [~: U, A] \subset V, V \subset U & U \subset A]. Definition maximal A B := [max A of G | G \proper B]. Definition maximal_eq A B := (A == B) || maximal A B. Definition maxnormal A B U := [max A of G | G \proper B & U \subset 'N(G)]. Definition minnormal A B := [min A of G | G :!=: 1 & B \subset 'N(G)]. Definition simple A := minnormal A A. Definition chief_factor A V U := maxnormal V U A && (U <| A). End GroupDefs. Arguments subnormal {gT} A%g B%g. Arguments invariant_factor {gT} A%g B%g C%g. Arguments stable_factor {gT} A%g V%g U%g. Arguments central_factor {gT} A%g V%g U%g. Arguments maximal {gT} A%g B%g. Arguments maximal_eq {gT} A%g B%g. Arguments maxnormal {gT} A%g B%g U%g. Arguments minnormal {gT} A%g B%g. Arguments simple {gT} A%g. Arguments chief_factor {gT} A%g V%g U%g. Notation "H <|<| G" := (subnormal H G) (at level 70, no associativity) : group_scope. Notation "A .-invariant" := (invariant_factor A) (at level 2, format "A .-invariant") : group_rel_scope. Notation "A .-stable" := (stable_factor A) (at level 2, format "A .-stable") : group_rel_scope. Notation "A .-central" := (central_factor A) (at level 2, format "A .-central") : group_rel_scope. Notation "G .-chief" := (chief_factor G) (at level 2, format "G .-chief") : group_rel_scope. Arguments group_rel_of {gT} r%group_rel_scope _%G _%G : extra scopes. Notation "r .-series" := (path (rel_of_simpl (group_rel_of r))) (at level 2, format "r .-series") : group_scope. Section Subnormal. Variable gT : finGroupType. Implicit Types (A B C D : {set gT}) (G H K : {group gT}). Let setIgr H G := (G :&: H)%G. Let sub_setIgr G H : G \subset H -> G = setIgr H G. Proof. by move/setIidPl/group_inj. Qed. Let path_setIgr H G s : normal.-series H s -> normal.-series (setIgr G H) (map (setIgr G) s). Proof. elim: s H => //= K s IHs H /andP[/andP[sHK nHK] Ksn]. by rewrite /normal setSI ?normsIG ?IHs. Qed. Lemma subnormalP H G : reflect (exists2 s, normal.-series H s & last H s = G) (H <|<| G). Proof. apply: (iffP andP) => [[sHG snHG] | [s Hsn <-{G}]]. move: #|G| snHG => m; elim: m => [|m IHm] in G sHG *. by exists [::]; last by apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym. rewrite iterSr => /IHm[|s Hsn defG]. by rewrite sub_gen // class_supportEr (bigD1 1) //= conjsg1 subsetUl. exists (rcons s G); rewrite ?last_rcons // -cats1 cat_path Hsn defG /=. rewrite /normal gen_subG class_support_subG //=. by rewrite norms_gen ?class_support_norm. set f := fun _ => <<_>>; have idf: iter _ f H == H. by elim=> //= m IHm; rewrite (eqP IHm) /f class_support_id genGid. have [m] := ubnP (size s); elim: m s Hsn => // m IHm /lastP[//|s G]. rewrite size_rcons last_rcons rcons_path /= ltnS. set K := last H s => /andP[Hsn /andP[sKG nKG]] lt_s_m. have /[1!subEproper]/predU1P[<-|prKG] := sKG; first exact: IHm. pose L := [group of f G]. have sHK: H \subset K by case/IHm: Hsn. have sLK: L \subset K by rewrite gen_subG class_support_sub_norm. rewrite -(subnK (proper_card (sub_proper_trans sLK prKG))) iterD iterSr. have defH: H = setIgr L H by rewrite -sub_setIgr ?sub_gen ?sub_class_support. have: normal.-series H (map (setIgr L) s) by rewrite defH path_setIgr. case/IHm=> [|_]; first by rewrite size_map. rewrite [in last _]defH last_map (subset_trans sHK) //=. by rewrite (setIidPr sLK) => /eqP->. Qed. Lemma subnormal_refl G : G <|<| G. Proof. by apply/subnormalP; exists [::]. Qed. Lemma subnormal_trans K H G : H <|<| K -> K <|<| G -> H <|<| G. Proof. case/subnormalP=> [s1 Hs1 <-] /subnormalP[s2 Hs12 <-]. by apply/subnormalP; exists (s1 ++ s2); rewrite ?last_cat // cat_path Hs1. Qed. Lemma normal_subnormal H G : H <| G -> H <|<| G. Proof. by move=> nsHG; apply/subnormalP; exists [:: G]; rewrite //= nsHG. Qed. Lemma setI_subnormal G H K : K \subset G -> H <|<| G -> H :&: K <|<| K. Proof. move=> sKG /subnormalP[s Hs defG]; apply/subnormalP. exists (map (setIgr K) s); first exact: path_setIgr. rewrite (last_map (setIgr K)) defG. by apply: val_inj; rewrite /= (setIidPr sKG). Qed. Lemma subnormal_sub G H : H <|<| G -> H \subset G. Proof. by case/andP. Qed. Lemma invariant_subnormal A G H : A \subset 'N(G) -> A \subset 'N(H) -> H <|<| G -> exists2 s, (A.-invariant).-series H s & last H s = G. Proof. move=> nGA nHA /andP[]; move: #|G| => m. elim: m => [|m IHm] in G nGA * => sHG. by rewrite eq_sym; exists [::]; last apply/eqP. rewrite iterSr; set K := <<_>>. have nKA: A \subset 'N(K) by rewrite norms_gen ?norms_class_support. have sHK: H \subset K by rewrite sub_gen ?sub_class_support. case/IHm=> // s Hsn defK; exists (rcons s G); last by rewrite last_rcons. rewrite rcons_path Hsn !andbA defK nGA nKA /= -/K. by rewrite gen_subG class_support_subG ?norms_gen ?class_support_norm. Qed. Lemma subnormalEsupport G H : H <|<| G -> H :=: G \/ <> \proper G. Proof. case/andP=> sHG; set K := <<_>> => /eqP <-. have: K \subset G by rewrite gen_subG class_support_subG. rewrite subEproper; case/predU1P=> [defK|]; [left | by right]. by elim: #|G| => //= _ ->. Qed. Lemma subnormalEr G H : H <|<| G -> H :=: G \/ (exists K : {group gT}, [/\ H <|<| K, K <| G & K \proper G]). Proof. case/subnormalP=> s Hs <-{G}. elim/last_ind: s Hs => [|s G IHs]; first by left. rewrite last_rcons -cats1 cat_path /= andbT; set K := last H s. case/andP=> Hs nsKG; have /[1!subEproper] := normal_sub nsKG. case/predU1P=> [<- | prKG]; [exact: IHs | right; exists K; split=> //]. by apply/subnormalP; exists s. Qed. Lemma subnormalEl G H : H <|<| G -> H :=: G \/ (exists K : {group gT}, [/\ H <| K, K <|<| G & H \proper K]). Proof. case/subnormalP=> s Hs <-{G}; elim: s H Hs => /= [|K s IHs] H; first by left. case/andP=> nsHK Ks; have /[1!subEproper] := normal_sub nsHK. case/predU1P=> [-> | prHK]; [exact: IHs | right; exists K; split=> //]. by apply/subnormalP; exists s. Qed. End Subnormal. Arguments subnormalP {gT H G}. Section MorphSubNormal. Variable gT : finGroupType. Implicit Type G H K : {group gT}. Lemma morphim_subnormal (rT : finGroupType) G (f : {morphism G >-> rT}) H K : H <|<| K -> f @* H <|<| f @* K. Proof. case/subnormalP => s Hs <-{K}; apply/subnormalP. elim: s H Hs => [|K s IHs] H /=; first by exists [::]. case/andP=> nsHK /IHs[fs Hfs <-]. by exists ([group of f @* K] :: fs); rewrite /= ?morphim_normal. Qed. Lemma quotient_subnormal H G K : G <|<| K -> G / H <|<| K / H. Proof. exact: morphim_subnormal. Qed. End MorphSubNormal. Section MaxProps. Variable gT : finGroupType. Implicit Types G H M : {group gT}. Lemma maximal_eqP M G : reflect (M \subset G /\ forall H, M \subset H -> H \subset G -> H :=: M \/ H :=: G) (maximal_eq M G). Proof. rewrite subEproper /maximal_eq; case: eqP => [->|_]; first left. by split=> // H sGH sHG; right; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset sHG. apply: (iffP maxgroupP) => [] [sMG maxM]; split=> // H. by move/maxM=> maxMH; rewrite subEproper; case/predU1P; auto. by rewrite properEneq => /andP[/eqP neHG sHG] /maxM[]. Qed. Lemma maximal_exists H G : H \subset G -> H :=: G \/ (exists2 M : {group gT}, maximal M G & H \subset M). Proof. rewrite subEproper; case/predU1P=> sHG; first by left. suff [M *]: {M : {group gT} | maximal M G & H \subset M} by right; exists M. exact: maxgroup_exists. Qed. Lemma mulg_normal_maximal G M H : M <| G -> maximal M G -> H \subset G -> ~~ (H \subset M) -> (M * H = G)%g. Proof. case/andP=> sMG nMG /maxgroupP[_ maxM] sHG not_sHM. apply/eqP; rewrite eqEproper mul_subG // -norm_joinEr ?(subset_trans sHG) //. by apply: contra not_sHM => /maxM <-; rewrite ?joing_subl ?joing_subr. Qed. End MaxProps. Section MinProps. Variable gT : finGroupType. Implicit Types G H M : {group gT}. Lemma minnormal_exists G H : H :!=: 1 -> G \subset 'N(H) -> {M : {group gT} | minnormal M G & M \subset H}. Proof. by move=> ntH nHG; apply: mingroup_exists (H) _; rewrite ntH. Qed. End MinProps. Section MorphPreMax. Variables (gT rT : finGroupType) (D : {group gT}) (f : {morphism D >-> rT}). Variables (M G : {group rT}). Hypotheses (dM : M \subset f @* D) (dG : G \subset f @* D). Lemma morphpre_maximal : maximal (f @*^-1 M) (f @*^-1 G) = maximal M G. Proof. apply/maxgroupP/maxgroupP; rewrite morphpre_proper //= => [] [ltMG maxM]. split=> // H ltHG sMH; have dH := subset_trans (proper_sub ltHG) dG. rewrite -(morphpreK dH) [f @*^-1 H]maxM ?morphpreK ?morphpreSK //. by rewrite morphpre_proper. split=> // H ltHG sMH. have dH: H \subset D := subset_trans (proper_sub ltHG) (subsetIl D _). have defH: f @*^-1 (f @* H) = H. by apply: morphimGK dH; apply: subset_trans sMH; apply: ker_sub_pre. rewrite -defH morphpre_proper ?morphimS // in ltHG. by rewrite -defH [f @* H]maxM // -(morphpreK dM) morphimS. Qed. Lemma morphpre_maximal_eq : maximal_eq (f @*^-1 M) (f @*^-1 G) = maximal_eq M G. Proof. by rewrite /maximal_eq morphpre_maximal !eqEsubset !morphpreSK. Qed. End MorphPreMax. Section InjmMax. Variables (gT rT : finGroupType) (D : {group gT}) (f : {morphism D >-> rT}). Variables M G L : {group gT}. Hypothesis injf : 'injm f. Hypotheses (dM : M \subset D) (dG : G \subset D) (dL : L \subset D). Lemma injm_maximal : maximal (f @* M) (f @* G) = maximal M G. Proof. rewrite -(morphpre_invm injf) -(morphpre_invm injf G). by rewrite morphpre_maximal ?morphim_invm. Qed. Lemma injm_maximal_eq : maximal_eq (f @* M) (f @* G) = maximal_eq M G. Proof. by rewrite /maximal_eq injm_maximal // injm_eq. Qed. Lemma injm_maxnormal : maxnormal (f @* M) (f @* G) (f @* L) = maxnormal M G L. Proof. pose injfm := (injm_proper injf, injm_norms, injmSK injf, subsetIl). apply/maxgroupP/maxgroupP; rewrite !injfm // => [[nML maxM]]. split=> // H nHL sMH; have [/proper_sub sHG _] := andP nHL. have dH := subset_trans sHG dG; apply: (injm_morphim_inj injf) => //. by apply: maxM; rewrite !injfm. split=> // fH nHL sMH; have [/proper_sub sfHG _] := andP nHL. have{sfHG} dfH: fH \subset f @* D := subset_trans sfHG (morphim_sub f G). by rewrite -(morphpreK dfH) !injfm // in nHL sMH *; rewrite (maxM _ nHL). Qed. Lemma injm_minnormal : minnormal (f @* M) (f @* G) = minnormal M G. Proof. pose injfm := (morphim_injm_eq1 injf, injm_norms, injmSK injf, subsetIl). apply/mingroupP/mingroupP; rewrite !injfm // => [[nML minM]]. split=> // H nHG sHM; have dH := subset_trans sHM dM. by apply: (injm_morphim_inj injf) => //; apply: minM; rewrite !injfm. split=> // fH nHG sHM; have dfH := subset_trans sHM (morphim_sub f M). by rewrite -(morphpreK dfH) !injfm // in nHG sHM *; rewrite (minM _ nHG). Qed. End InjmMax. Section QuoMax. Variables (gT : finGroupType) (K G H : {group gT}). Lemma cosetpre_maximal (Q R : {group coset_of K}) : maximal (coset K @*^-1 Q) (coset K @*^-1 R) = maximal Q R. Proof. by rewrite morphpre_maximal ?sub_im_coset. Qed. Lemma cosetpre_maximal_eq (Q R : {group coset_of K}) : maximal_eq (coset K @*^-1 Q) (coset K @*^-1 R) = maximal_eq Q R. Proof. by rewrite /maximal_eq !eqEsubset !cosetpreSK cosetpre_maximal. Qed. Lemma quotient_maximal : K <| G -> K <| H -> maximal (G / K) (H / K) = maximal G H. Proof. by move=> nKG nKH; rewrite -cosetpre_maximal ?quotientGK. Qed. Lemma quotient_maximal_eq : K <| G -> K <| H -> maximal_eq (G / K) (H / K) = maximal_eq G H. Proof. by move=> nKG nKH; rewrite -cosetpre_maximal_eq ?quotientGK. Qed. Lemma maximalJ x : maximal (G :^ x) (H :^ x) = maximal G H. Proof. rewrite -{1}(setTI G) -{1}(setTI H) -!morphim_conj. by rewrite injm_maximal ?subsetT ?injm_conj. Qed. Lemma maximal_eqJ x : maximal_eq (G :^ x) (H :^ x) = maximal_eq G H. Proof. by rewrite /maximal_eq !eqEsubset !conjSg maximalJ. Qed. End QuoMax. Section MaxNormalProps. Variables (gT : finGroupType). Implicit Types (A B C : {set gT}) (G H K L M : {group gT}). Lemma maxnormal_normal A B : maxnormal A B B -> A <| B. Proof. by case/maxsetP=> /and3P[/gen_set_id /= -> pAB nAB]; rewrite /normal proper_sub. Qed. Lemma maxnormal_proper A B C : maxnormal A B C -> A \proper B. Proof. by case/maxsetP=> /and3P[gA pAB _] _; apply: (sub_proper_trans (subset_gen A)). Qed. Lemma maxnormal_sub A B C : maxnormal A B C -> A \subset B. Proof. by move=> maxA; rewrite proper_sub //; apply: (maxnormal_proper maxA). Qed. Lemma ex_maxnormal_ntrivg G : G :!=: 1-> {N : {group gT} | maxnormal N G G}. Proof. move=> ntG; apply: ex_maxgroup; exists [1 gT]%G; rewrite norm1 proper1G. by rewrite subsetT ntG. Qed. Lemma maxnormalM G H K : maxnormal H G G -> maxnormal K G G -> H :<>: K -> H * K = G. Proof. move=> maxH maxK /eqP; apply: contraNeq => ltHK_G. have [nsHG nsKG] := (maxnormal_normal maxH, maxnormal_normal maxK). have cHK: commute H K. exact: normC (subset_trans (normal_sub nsHG) (normal_norm nsKG)). wlog suffices: H K {maxH} maxK nsHG nsKG cHK ltHK_G / H \subset K. by move=> IH; rewrite eqEsubset !IH // -cHK. have{maxK} /maxgroupP[_ maxK] := maxK. apply/joing_idPr/maxK; rewrite ?joing_subr //= comm_joingE //. by rewrite properEneq ltHK_G; apply: normalM. Qed. Lemma maxnormal_minnormal G L M : G \subset 'N(M) -> L \subset 'N(G) -> maxnormal M G L -> minnormal (G / M) (L / M). Proof. move=> nMG nGL /maxgroupP[/andP[/andP[sMG ltMG] nML] maxM]; apply/mingroupP. rewrite -subG1 quotient_sub1 ?ltMG ?quotient_norms //. split=> // Hb /andP[ntHb nHbL]; have nsMG: M <| G by apply/andP. case/inv_quotientS=> // H defHb sMH sHG; rewrite defHb; congr (_ / M). apply/eqP; rewrite eqEproper sHG /=; apply: contra ntHb => ltHG. have nsMH: M <| H := normalS sMH sHG nsMG. rewrite defHb quotientS1 // (maxM H) // ltHG /= -(quotientGK nsMH) -defHb. exact: norm_quotient_pre. Qed. Lemma minnormal_maxnormal G L M : M <| G -> L \subset 'N(M) -> minnormal (G / M) (L / M) -> maxnormal M G L. Proof. case/andP=> sMG nMG nML /mingroupP[/andP[/= ntGM _] minGM]; apply/maxgroupP. split=> [|H /andP[/andP[sHG ltHG] nHL] sMH]. by rewrite /proper sMG nML andbT; apply: contra ntGM => /quotientS1 ->. apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset sMH andbT -quotient_sub1 ?(subset_trans sHG) //. rewrite subG1; apply: contraR ltHG => ntHM; rewrite -(quotientSGK nMG) //. by rewrite (minGM (H / M)%G) ?quotientS // ntHM quotient_norms. Qed. End MaxNormalProps. Section Simple. Implicit Types gT rT : finGroupType. Lemma simpleP gT (G : {group gT}) : reflect (G :!=: 1 /\ forall H : {group gT}, H <| G -> H :=: 1 \/ H :=: G) (simple G). Proof. apply: (iffP mingroupP); rewrite normG andbT => [[ntG simG]]. split=> // N /andP[sNG nNG]. by case: (eqsVneq N 1) => [|ntN]; [left | right; apply: simG; rewrite ?ntN]. split=> // N /andP[ntN nNG] sNG. by case: (simG N) ntN => // [|->]; [apply/andP | case/eqP]. Qed. Lemma quotient_simple gT (G H : {group gT}) : H <| G -> simple (G / H) = maxnormal H G G. Proof. move=> nsHG; have nGH := normal_norm nsHG. by apply/idP/idP; [apply: minnormal_maxnormal | apply: maxnormal_minnormal]. Qed. Lemma isog_simple gT rT (G : {group gT}) (M : {group rT}) : G \isog M -> simple G = simple M. Proof. move=> eqGM; wlog suffices: gT rT G M eqGM / simple M -> simple G. by move=> IH; apply/idP/idP; apply: IH; rewrite // isog_sym. case/isogP: eqGM => f injf <- /simpleP[ntGf simGf]. apply/simpleP; split=> [|N nsNG]; first by rewrite -(morphim_injm_eq1 injf). rewrite -(morphim_invm injf (normal_sub nsNG)). have: f @* N <| f @* G by rewrite morphim_normal. by case/simGf=> /= ->; [left | right]; rewrite (morphim1, morphim_invm). Qed. Lemma simple_maxnormal gT (G : {group gT}) : simple G = maxnormal 1 G G. Proof. by rewrite -quotient_simple ?normal1 // -(isog_simple (quotient1_isog G)). Qed. End Simple. Section Chiefs. Variable gT : finGroupType. Implicit Types G H U V : {group gT}. Lemma chief_factor_minnormal G V U : chief_factor G V U -> minnormal (U / V) (G / V). Proof. case/andP=> maxV /andP[sUG nUG]; apply: maxnormal_minnormal => //. by have /andP[_ nVG] := maxgroupp maxV; apply: subset_trans sUG nVG. Qed. Lemma acts_irrQ G U V : G \subset 'N(V) -> V <| U -> acts_irreducibly G (U / V) 'Q = minnormal (U / V) (G / V). Proof. move=> nVG nsVU; apply/mingroupP/mingroupP; case=> /andP[->] /=. rewrite astabsQ // subsetI nVG /= => nUG minUV. rewrite quotient_norms //; split=> // H /andP[ntH nHG] sHU. by apply: minUV (sHU); rewrite ntH -(cosetpreK H) actsQ // norm_quotient_pre. rewrite sub_quotient_pre // => nUG minU; rewrite astabsQ //. rewrite (subset_trans nUG); last first. by rewrite subsetI subsetIl /= -{2}(quotientGK nsVU) morphpre_norm. split=> // H /andP[ntH nHG] sHU. rewrite -{1}(cosetpreK H) astabsQ ?normal_cosetpre ?subsetI ?nVG //= in nHG. apply: minU sHU; rewrite ntH; apply: subset_trans (quotientS _ nHG) _. by rewrite -{2}(cosetpreK H) quotient_norm. Qed. Lemma chief_series_exists H G : H <| G -> {s | (G.-chief).-series 1%G s & last 1%G s = H}. Proof. have [m] := ubnP #|H|; elim: m H => // m IHm U leUm nsUG. have [-> | ntU] := eqVneq U 1%G; first by exists [::]. have [V maxV]: {V : {group gT} | maxnormal V U G}. by apply: ex_maxgroup; exists 1%G; rewrite proper1G ntU norms1. have /andP[ltVU nVG] := maxgroupp maxV. have [||s ch_s defV] := IHm V; first exact: leq_trans (proper_card ltVU) _. by rewrite /normal (subset_trans (proper_sub ltVU) (normal_sub nsUG)). exists (rcons s U); last by rewrite last_rcons. by rewrite rcons_path defV /= ch_s /chief_factor; apply/and3P. Qed. End Chiefs. Section Central. Variables (gT : finGroupType) (G : {group gT}). Implicit Types H K : {group gT}. Lemma central_factor_central H K : central_factor G H K -> (K / H) \subset 'Z(G / H). Proof. by case/and3P=> /quotient_cents2r *; rewrite subsetI quotientS. Qed. Lemma central_central_factor H K : (K / H) \subset 'Z(G / H) -> H <| K -> H <| G -> central_factor G H K. Proof. case/subsetIP=> sKGb cGKb /andP[sHK nHK] /andP[sHG nHG]. by rewrite /central_factor -quotient_cents2 // cGKb sHK -(quotientSGK nHK). Qed. End Central.