% !TeX root = hott-online.tex \titleformat{\chapter}[display]{\fontsize{23}{25}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{it}\selectfont}{\chaptertitlename}{20pt}{\fontsize{35}{35}\fontseries{b}\fontshape{n}\selectfont} \chapter{Formal type theory} \label{cha:rules} \index{formal!type theory|(}% \index{type theory!formal|(}% \index{rules of type theory|(}% Just as one can develop mathematics in set theory without explicitly using the axioms of Zermelo--Fraenkel set theory, in this book we have developed mathematics in univalent foundations without explicitly referring to a formal system of homotopy type theory. Nevertheless, it is important to \emph{have} a precise description of homotopy type theory as a formal system in order to, for example, % \begin{itemize} \item state and prove its metatheoretic properties, including logical consistency, \item construct models, e.g.\ in simplicial sets, model categories, higher toposes, etc., and \item implement it in proof assistants like \Coq or \Agda. \index{proof!assistant} \end{itemize} % Even the logical consistency\index{consistency} of homotopy type theory, namely that in the empty context there is no term $a:\emptyt$, is not obvious: if we had erroneously chosen a definition of equivalence for which $\eqv{\emptyt}{\unit}$, then univalence would imply that $\emptyt$ has an element, since $\unit$ does. Nor is it obvious that, for example, our definition of $\Sn^1$ as a higher inductive type yields a type which behaves like the ordinary circle. There are two aspects of type theory which we must pin down before addressing such questions. Recall from the Introduction that type theory comprises a set of rules specifying when the judgments $a:A$ and $a\jdeq a':A$ hold---for example, products are characterized by the rule that whenever $a:A$ and $b:B$, $(a,b):A\times B$. To make this precise, we must first define precisely the syntax of terms---the objects $a,a',A,\dots$ which these judgments relate; then, we must define precisely the judgments and their rules of inference---the manner in which judgments can be derived from other judgments. In this appendix, we present two formulations of Martin-L\"{o}f type theory, and of the extensions that constitute homotopy type theory. The first presentation (\cref{sec:syntax-informally}) describes the syntax of terms and the forms of judgments as an extension of the untyped $\lambda$-calculus, while leaving the rules of inference informal. The second (\cref{sec:syntax-more-formally}) defines the terms, judgments, and rules of inference inductively in the style of natural deduction, as is customary in much type-theoretic literature. \section*{Preliminaries} \label{sec:formal-prelim} In \cref{cha:typetheory}, we presented the two basic \define{judgments} \index{judgment} of type theory. The first, $a:A$, asserts that a term $a$ has type $A$. The second, $a\jdeq b:A$, states that the two terms $a$ and $b$ are \define{judgmentally equal}% \index{equality!judgmental} \index{judgmental equality} at type $A$. These judgments are inductively defined by a set of inference rules described in \cref{sec:syntax-more-formally}. To construct an element $a$ of a type $A$ is to derive $a:A$; in the book, we give informal arguments which describe the construction of $a$, but formally, one must specify a precise term $a$ and a full derivation that $a:A$. However, the main difference between the presentation of type theory in the book and in this appendix is that here judgments are explicitly formulated in an ambient \define{context}, \index{context} or list of assumptions, of the form \[ x_1:A_1, x_2:A_2,\dots,x_n:A_n. \] An element $x_i : A_i$ of the context expresses the assumption that the variable \index{variable}% $x_i$ has type $A_i$. The variables $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ appearing in the context must be distinct. We abbreviate contexts with the letters $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$. The judgment $a:A$ in context $\Gamma$ is written \[ \oftp\Gamma aA \] and means that $a:A$ under the assumptions listed in $\Gamma$. When the list of assumptions is empty, we write simply \[ \oftp{}aA \] or \[ \oftp\emptyctx aA \] where $\emptyctx$ denotes the empty context. The same applies to the equality judgment \[ \jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{b}{A} \] However, such judgments are sensible only for \define{well-formed} contexts, \index{context!well-formed}% a notion captured by our third and final judgment \[ \wfctx{(x_1:A_1, x_2:A_2,\dots,x_n:A_n)} \] expressing that each $A_i$ is a type in the context $x_1:A_1, x_2:A_2,\dots,x_{i-1}:A_{i-1}$. In particular, therefore, if $\oftp\Gamma aA$ and $\wfctx\Gamma$, then we know that each $A_i$ contains only the variables $x_1,\dots,x_{i-1}$, and that $a$ and $A$ contain only the variables $x_1,\dots,x_n$. \index{variable!in context} In informal mathematical presentations, the context is implicit. At each point in a proof, the mathematician knows which variables are available and what types they have, either by historical convention ($n$ is usually a number, $f$ is a function, etc.) or because variables are explicitly introduced with sentences such as ``let $x$ be a real number''. We discuss some benefits of using explicit contexts in \cref{sec:more-formal-pi,sec:more-formal-sigma}. We write $B[a/x]$ for the \define{substitution} \index{substitution}% of a term $a$ for free occurrences of the variable~$x$ in the term $B$, with possible capture-avoiding renaming of bound variables, \index{variable!and substitution}% as discussed in \cref{sec:function-types}. The general form of substitution % \[ B[a_1,\dots,a_n/x_1,\dots,x_n] \] % substitutes expressions $a_1,\dots,a_n$ for the variables $x_1,\dots,x_n$ simultaneously. To \define{bind a variable $x$ in an expression $B$} \indexdef{variable!bound}% means to incorporate both of them into a larger expression, called an \define{abstraction}, \indexdef{abstraction}% whose purpose is to express the fact that $x$ is ``local'' to $B$, i.e., it is not to be confused with other occurrences of $x$ appearing elsewhere. Bound variables are familiar to programmers, but less so to mathematicians. Various notations are used for binding, such as $x \mapsto B$, $\lam x B$, and $x \,.\, B$, depending on the situation. We may write $C[a]$ for the substitution of a term $a$ for the variable in the abstracted expression, i.e., we may define $(x.B)[a]$ to be $B[a/x]$. As discussed in \cref{sec:function-types}, changing the name of a bound variable everywhere within an expression (``$\alpha$-conversion'') \index{alpha-conversion@$\alpha $-conversion}% does not change the expression. Thus, to be very precise, an expression is an equivalence class of syntactic forms which differ in names of bound variables. One may also regard each variable $x_i$ of a judgment \[ x_1:A_1, x_2:A_2,\dots,x_n:A_n \vdash a : A \] to be bound in its \define{scope}, \indexdef{variable!scope of}% \index{scope}% consisting of the expressions $A_{i+1}, \ldots, A_n$, $a$, and $A$. \section{The first presentation} \label{sec:syntax-informally} The objects and types of our type theory may be written as terms using the following syntax, which is an extension of $\lambda$-calculus with \emph{variables} $x, x',\dots$, \index{variable}% \emph{primitive constants} \index{primitive!constant}% \index{constant!primitive}% $c,c',\dots$, \emph{defined constants}\index{constant!defined} $f,f',\dots$, and term forming operations % \[ t \production x \mid \lam{x} t \mid t(t') \mid c \mid f \] % The notation used here means that a term $t$ is either a variable $x$, or it has the form $\lam{x} t$ where $x$ is a variable and $t$ is a term, or it has the form $t(t')$ where $t$ and $t'$ are terms, or it is a primitive constant $c$, or it is a defined constant $f$. The syntactic markers '$\lambda$', '(', ')', and '.' are punctuation for guiding the human eye. We use $t(t_1,\dots,t_n)$ as an abbreviation for the repeated application $t(t_1)(t_2)\dots (t_n)$. We may also use \emph{infix}\index{infix notation} notation, writing $t_1\; \star\; t_2$ for $\star(t_1,t_2)$ when $\star$ is a primitive or defined constant. Each defined constant has zero, one or more \define{defining equations}. \index{equation, defining}% \index{defining equation}% There are two kinds of defined constant. An \emph{explicit} \index{constant!explicit} defined constant $f$ has a single defining equation \[ f(x_1,\dots,x_n)\defeq t,\] where $t$ does not involve $f$. % For example, we might introduce the explicit defined constant $\circ$ with defining equation \[ \circ (x,y)(z) \defeq x(y(z)),\] and use infix notation $x\circ y$ for $\circ(x,y)$. This of course is just composition of functions. The second kind of defined constant is used to specify a (parameterized) mapping $f(x_1,\dots,x_n,x)$, where $x$ ranges over a type whose elements are generated by zero or more primitive constants. For each such primitive constant $c$ there is a defining equation of the form \[ f(x_1,\dots,x_n,c(y_1,\dots,y_m)) \defeq t, \] where $f$ may occur in $t$, but only in such a way that it is clear that the equations determine a totally defined function. The paradigm examples of such defined functions are the functions defined by primitive recursion on the natural numbers. We may call this kind of definition of a function a \emph{total recursive definition}. \index{total!recursive definition}% In computer science and logic this kind of definition of a function on a recursive data type has been called a \define{definition by structural recursion}. \index{definition!by structural recursion}% \index{structural!recursion}% \index{recursion!structural}% \define{Convertibility} \index{convertibility of terms}% \index{term!convertibility of}% $t \conv t'$ between terms $t$ and $t'$ is the equivalence relation generated by the defining equations for constants, the computation rule\index{computation rule!for function types} % \[ (\lam{x} t)(u) \defeq t[u/x], \] % and the rules which make it a \emph{congruence} with respect to application and $\lambda$-abstraction\index{lambda abstraction@$\lambda$-abstraction}: % \begin{itemize} \item if $t \conv t'$ and $s \conv s'$ then $t(s) \conv t'(s')$, and \item if $t \conv t'$ then $(\lam{x} t) \conv (\lam{x} t')$. \end{itemize} \noindent The equality judgment $t \jdeq u : A$ is then derived by the following single rule: % \begin{itemize} \item if $t:A$, $u:A$, and $t \conv u$, then $t \jdeq u : A$. \end{itemize} % Judgmental equality is an equivalence relation. Note that the type theory of this presentation diverges from that used in the main body of the text in not including the judgmental uniqueness principle $f \jdeq (\lam{x} f(x))$ for functions. Such an equality requires that judgmental equality be sensitive to the type of the terms involved, as this equality only makes sense when $f$ is known to be a function, whereas in this presentation the convertibility relation is type-independent. The second presentation in \cref{sec:syntax-more-formally} includes the uniqueness principle. \subsection{Type universes} We postulate a hierarchy of \define{universes} denoted by primitive constants \index{type!universe} % \begin{equation*} \UU_0, \quad \UU_1, \quad \UU_2, \quad \ldots \end{equation*} % The first two rules for universes say that they form a cumulative hierarchy of types: % \begin{itemize} \item $\UU_m : \UU_n$ for $m < n$, \item if $A:\UU_m$ and $m \le n$, then $A:\UU_n$, \end{itemize} % and the third expresses the idea that an object of a universe can serve as a type and stand to the right of a colon in judgments: % \begin{itemize} \item if $\Gamma \vdash A : \UU_n$, and $x$ is a new variable,% \footnote{By ``new'' we mean that it does not appear in $\Gamma$ or $A$.} then $\vdash (\Gamma, x:A)\; \ctx$. \end{itemize} % In the body of the book, an equality judgment $A \jdeq B : \UU_n$ between types $A$ and $B$ is usually abbreviated to $A \jdeq B$. This is an instance of typical ambiguity\index{typical ambiguity}, as we can always switch to a larger universe, which however does not affect the validity of the judgment. The following conversion rule allows us to replace a type by one equal to it in a typing judgment: % \begin{itemize} \item if $a:A$ and $A \jdeq B$ then $a:B$. \end{itemize} \subsection{Dependent function types (\texorpdfstring{$\Pi$}{Π}-types)} We introduce a primitive constant $c_\Pi$, but write $c_\Pi(A,\lam{x} B)$ as $\tprd{x:A}B$. Judgments concerning such expressions and expressions of the form $\lam{x} b$ are introduced by the following rules: % \begin{itemize} \item if $\Gamma \vdash A:\UU_n$ and $\Gamma,x:A \vdash B:\UU_n$, then $\Gamma \vdash \tprd{x:A}B : \UU_n$ \item if $\Gamma, x:A \vdash b:B$ then $\Gamma \vdash (\lam{x} b) : (\tprd{x:A} B)$ \item if $\Gamma\vdash g:\tprd{x:A} B$ and $\Gamma\vdash t:A$ then $\Gamma\vdash g(t):B[t/x]$ \end{itemize} % If $x$ does not occur freely in $B$, we abbreviate $\tprd{x:A} B$ as the non-dependent function type $A\rightarrow B$ and derive the following rule: % \begin{itemize} \item if $\Gamma\vdash g:A \rightarrow B$ and $\Gamma\vdash t:A$ then $\Gamma\vdash g(t):B$ \end{itemize} Using non-dependent function types and leaving implicit the context $\Gamma$, the rules above can be written in the following alternative style that we use in the rest of this section of the appendix: % \begin{itemize} \item if $A:\UU_n$ and $B:A\to\UU_n$, then $\tprd{x:A}B(x) : \UU_n$ \item if $x:A \vdash b:B(x)$ then $ \lam{x} b : \tprd{x:A} B(x)$ \item if $g:\tprd{x:A} B(x)$ and $t:A$ then $g(t):B(t)$ \end{itemize} % \subsection{Dependent pair types (\texorpdfstring{$\Sigma$}{Σ}-types)} We introduce primitive constants $c_\Sigma$ and $c_{\mathsf{pair}}$. An expression of the form $c_\Sigma(A,\lam{a} B)$ is written as $\sm{a:A}B$, and an expression of the form $c_{\mathsf{pair}}(a,b)$ is written as $\tup a b$. We write $A\times B$ instead of $\sm{x:A} B$ if $x$ is not free in $B$. Judgments concerning such expressions are introduced by the following rules: % \begin{itemize} \item if $A:\UU_n$ and $B: A \rightarrow \UU_n$, then $\sm{x:A}B(x) : \UU_n$ \item if, in addition, $a:A$ and $b:B(a)$, then $\tup a b:\sm{x:A}B(x)$ \end{itemize} % If we have $A$ and $B$ as above, $C : (\sm{x:A}B(x)) \rightarrow \UU_m$, and \[ d:\tprd{x:A}{y:B(x)} C(\tup x y) \] we can introduce a defined constant \[ f:\tprd{p:\sm{x:A}B(x)} C(p) \] with the defining equation \[ f(\tup x y)\defeq d(x,y). \] % Note that $C$, $d$, $x$, and $y$ may contain extra implicit parameters $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ if they were obtained in some non-empty context; therefore, the fully explicit recursion schema is % \begin{narrowmultline*} f(x_1,\dots,x_n,\tup{x(x_1,\dots,x_n)}{y(x_1,\dots,x_n)}) \defeq \narrowbreak d(x_1,\dots,x_n,\tup{x(x_1,\dots,x_n)}{y(x_1,\dots,x_n)}). \end{narrowmultline*} \subsection{Coproduct types} We introduce primitive constants $c_+$, $c_\inlsym$, and $c_\inrsym$. We write $A+B$ instead of $c_+(A,B)$, $\inl(a)$ instead of $c_\inlsym(a)$, and $\inr(a)$ instead of $c_\inrsym(a)$: % \begin{itemize} \item if $A,B : \UU_n$ then $A + B : \UU_n$ \item moreover, $\inl: A \rightarrow A+B$ and $\inr: B \rightarrow A+B$ \end{itemize} % If we have $A$ and $B$ as above, $C : A+B \rightarrow \UU_m$, $d:\tprd{x:A} C(\inl(x))$, and $e:\tprd{y:B} C(\inr(y))$, then we can introduce a defined constant $f:\tprd{z:A+B}C(z)$ with the defining equations % \begin{equation*} f(\inl(x)) \defeq d(x) \qquad\text{and}\qquad f(\inr(y)) \defeq e(y). \end{equation*} \subsection{The finite types} We introduce primitive constants $\ttt$, $\emptyt$, $\unit$, satisfying the following rules: % \begin{itemize} \item $\emptyt : \UU_0$, $\unit : \UU_0$ \item $\ttt:\unit$ \end{itemize} Given $C : \emptyt \rightarrow \UU_n$ we can introduce a defined constant $f:\tprd{x:\emptyt} C(x)$, with no defining equations. Given $C : \unit \rightarrow \UU_n$ and $d : C(\ttt)$ we can introduce a defined constant $f:\tprd{x:\unit} C(x)$, with defining equation $f(\ttt) \defeq d$. \subsection{Natural numbers} The type of natural numbers is obtained by introducing primitive constants $\N$, $0$, and $\suc$ with the following rules: % \begin{itemize} \item $\N : \UU_0$, \item $0:\N$, \item $\suc:\N\rightarrow \N$. \end{itemize} % Furthermore, we can define functions by primitive recursion. If we have $C : \N \rightarrow \UU_k $ we can introduce a defined constant $f:\tprd{x:\N}C(x)$ whenever we have % \begin{align*} d & : C(0) \\ e & : \tprd{x:\N}(C(x)\rightarrow C(\suc (x))) \end{align*} % with the defining equations % \begin{equation*} f(0) \defeq d \qquad\text{and}\qquad f(\suc (x)) \defeq e(x,f(x)). \end{equation*} \subsection{\texorpdfstring{$W$}{W}-types} For $W$-types we introduce primitive constants $c_\wtypesym$ and $c_\suppsym$. An expression of the form $c_\wtypesym(A,\lam{x} B)$ is written as $\wtype{x:A}B$, and an expression of the form $c_\suppsym(x,u)$ is written as $\supp(x,u)$: % \begin{itemize} \item if $A:\UU_n$ and $B: A \rightarrow \UU_n$, then $\wtype{x:A}B(x) : \UU_n$ \item if moreover, $a:A$ and $u:B(a)\rightarrow \wtype{x:A}B(x)$ then $\supp(a,u):\wtype{x:A}B(x)$. \end{itemize} % Here also we can define functions by total recursion. If we have $A$ and $B$ as above and $C : (\wtype{x:A}B(x)) \rightarrow \UU_m$, then we can introduce a defined constant $f:\tprd{z:\wtype{x:A}B(x)} C(z)$ whenever we have \[ d:\tprd{a:A}{u:B(a) \rightarrow \wtype{x:A}B(x)}((\tprd{y:B(a)}C(u(y))) \rightarrow C(\supp(a,u))) \] with the defining equation \[ f(\supp(a,u)) \defeq d(a,u,f\circ u). \] \subsection{Identity types} We introduce primitive constants $c_\idsym$ and $c_{\refl{}}$. We write $\id[A] a b$ for $c_\idsym(A,a,b)$ and $\refl a$ for $c_{\refl{}}(A,a)$, when $a:A$ is understood: % \begin{itemize} \item If $A : \UU_n$, $a:A$, and $b:A$ then $\id[A] a b : \UU_n$. \item If $a:A$ then $\refl a :\id[A] a a $. \end{itemize} % Given $a:A$, if $y:A, z:\id[A] a y \vdash C : \UU_m$ and $\vdash d:C[a,\refl{a}/y,z]$ then we can introduce a defined constant \[ f:\tprd{y:A}{z:\id[A] a y} C \] with defining equation \[ f(a,\refl{a})\defeq d. \] \section{The second presentation} \label{sec:syntax-more-formally} In this section, there are three kinds of judgments \begin{mathpar} \wfctx\Gamma \and \oftp\Gamma{a}{A} \and \jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{a'}{A} \end{mathpar} which we specify by providing inference rules for deriving them. A typical \define{inference rule} \indexsee{inference rule}{rule}% \indexdef{rule}% has the form % \begin{equation*} \inferrule*[right=\textsc{Name}] {\mathcal{J}_1 \\ \cdots \\ \mathcal{J}_k} {\mathcal{J}} \end{equation*} % It says that we may derive the \define{conclusion} $\mathcal{J}$, provided that we have already derived the \define{hypotheses} $\mathcal{J}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{J}_k$. (Note that, being judgments rather than types, these are not hypotheses \emph{internal} to the type theory in the sense of \cref{sec:types-vs-sets}; they are instead hypotheses in the deductive system, i.e.\ the metatheory.) On the right we write the \textsc{Name} of the rule, and there may be extra side conditions that need to be checked before the rule is applicable. A \define{derivation} \index{derivation}% of a judgment is a tree constructed from such inference rules, with the judgment at the root of the tree. For example, with the rules given below, the following is a derivation of $\oftp{\emptyctx}{\lamu{x:\unit} x}{\unit\to\unit}$. % \begin{mathpar} \inferrule*[right=$\Pi$-\rintro] {\inferrule*[right=$\Vble$] {\inferrule*[right=\ctx-\textsc{ext}] {\inferrule*[right=$\unit$-\rform] {\inferrule*[right=\ctx-\textsc{emp}] {\ } {\wfctx {\emptyctx}}} {\oftp{}{\unit}{\UU_0}}} {\wfctx {\tmtp x\unit}}} {\oftp{\tmtp x\unit}{x}{\unit}}} {\oftp{\emptyctx}{\lamu{x:\unit} x}{\unit\to\unit}} \end{mathpar} \subsection{Contexts} \label{subsec:contexts} \index{context}% A context is a list % \begin{equation*} \tmtp{x_1}{A_1}, \tmtp{x_2}{A_2}, \ldots, \tmtp{x_n}{A_n} \end{equation*} % which indicates that the distinct variables \index{variable}% $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ are assumed to have types $A_1, \ldots, A_n$, respectively. The list may be empty. We abbreviate contexts with the letters $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$, and we may juxtapose them to form larger contexts. The judgment $\wfctx{\Gamma}$ formally expresses the fact that $\Gamma$ is a well-formed context, and is governed by the rules of inference % \begin{mathpar} \inferrule*[right=\ctx-\textsc{emp}] {\ } {\wfctx\emptyctx} \and \inferrule*[right=\ctx-\textsc{ext}] {\oftp{\tmtp{x_1}{A_1}, \ldots, \tmtp{x_{n-1}}{A_{n-1}}}{A_n}{\UU_i}} {\wfctx{(\tmtp{x_1}{A_1}, \ldots, \tmtp{x_n}{A_n})}} \end{mathpar} % with a side condition for the second rule: the variable $x_n$ must be distinct from the variables $x_1, \ldots, x_{n-1}$. Note that the hypothesis and conclusion of $\ctx$-\textsc{ext} are judgments of different forms: the hypothesis says that in the context of variables $x_1, \ldots, x_{n-1}$, the expression $A_n$ has type $\UU_i$; while the conclusion says that the extended context $(\tmtp{x_1}{A_1}, \ldots, \tmtp{x_n}{A_n})$ is well-formed. It is a meta-theoretic property of the system that if any judgment of the form $\oftp{\Gamma}{a}{A}$ or $\jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{a'}{A}$ is derivable, then so is the judgment $\wfctx\Gamma$ that the context $\Gamma$ is well-formed. The premises of all the rules are chosen to include just enough well-formedness hypotheses to make this property provable, but no more. For instance, it is not necessary for $\ctx$-\textsc{ext} to hypothesize well-formedness of $(\tmtp{x_1}{A_1}, \ldots, \tmtp{x_{n-1}}{A_{n-1}})$, as that will follow from the derivability of its premise; but it is necessary for the $\Vble$ rule in the next section to hypothesize well-formedness of its context. This choice is only one of the many possible ways to formulate a type theory precisely, but a detailed investigation of such issues is beyond the scope of this appendix. \subsection{Structural rules} \index{structural!rules|(}% \index{rule!structural|(}% The fact that the context holds assumptions is expressed by the rule which says that we may derive those typing judgments which are listed in the context: % \begin{mathpar} \inferrule*[right=$\Vble$] {\wfctx {(\tmtp{x_1}{A_1}, \ldots, \tmtp{x_n}{A_n})} } {\oftp{\tmtp{x_1}{A_1}, \ldots, \tmtp{x_n}{A_n}}{x_i}{A_i}} \end{mathpar} % As with $\ctx$-\textsc{ext}, the hypothesis and conclusion of the rule $\Vble$ are judgments of different forms, only now they are reversed: we start with a well-formed context and derive a typing judgment. The following important principles, called \define{substitution} \indexdef{rule!of substitution}% and \define{weakening}, \indexdef{rule!of weakening}% need not be explicitly assumed. Rather, it is possible to show, by induction on the structure of all possible derivations, that whenever the hypotheses of these rules are derivable, their conclusion is also derivable.\footnote{Such rules are called \define{admissible}\indexdef{rule!admissible}\indexsee{admissible!rule}{rule, admissible}.} For the typing judgments these principles are manifested as % \begin{mathpar} \inferrule*[right=$\Subst_1$] {\oftp\Gamma{a}{A} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA,\Delta}{b}{B}} {\oftp{\Gamma,\Delta[a/x]}{b[a/x]}{B[a/x]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Weak_1$] {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\Delta}{b}{B}} {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA,\Delta}{b}{B}} \end{mathpar} and for judgmental equalities they become \begin{mathpar} \inferrule*[right=$\Subst_2$] {\oftp\Gamma{a}{A} \\ \jdeqtp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA,\Delta}{b}{c}{B}} {\jdeqtp{\Gamma,\Delta[a/x]}{b[a/x]}{c[a/x]}{B[a/x]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Subst_3$] {\jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{b}{A} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA,\Delta}{c}{C}} {\jdeqtp{\Gamma,\Delta[a/x]}{c[a/x]}{c[b/x]}{C[a/x]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Weak_2$] {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i} \\ \jdeqtp{\Gamma,\Delta}{b}{c}{B}} {\jdeqtp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA,\Delta}{b}{c}{B}} \end{mathpar} % In addition to the judgmental equality rules given for each type former, we also assume that judgmental equality is an equivalence relation respected by typing. \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \inferrule*{\oftp\Gamma{a}{A}}{\jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{a}{A}} \and \inferrule*{\jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{b}{A}}{\jdeqtp\Gamma{b}{a}{A}} \and \inferrule*{\jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{b}{A} \\ \jdeqtp\Gamma{b}{c}{A}}{\jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{c}{A}} \and \inferrule*{\oftp\Gamma{a}{A} \\ \jdeqtp\Gamma{A}{B}{\UU_i}}{\oftp\Gamma{a}{B}} \and \inferrule*{\jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{b}{A} \\ \jdeqtp\Gamma{A}{B}{\UU_i}}{\jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{b}{B}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} % Finally, we assume that judgmental equality is a congruence respected by typing, i.e., that each type and term-former preserves judgmental equality in each of its arguments. For instance, along with the $\Pi$-\rintro\ rule, we assume the rule \[ \inferrule*[right=$\Pi$-\rintro-eq] {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA}{B}{\UU_i} \\ \jdeqtp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA}{b}{b'}{B}} {\jdeqtp\Gamma{\lamu{x:A} b}{\lamu{x:A'} b'}{\tprd{x:A} B}} \] Completing the case of dependent function types, two similar rules, $\Pi$-\textsc{form-eq}\ and $\Pi$-\textsc{elim-eq}, are assumed. Taken together, these local principles (at every type) imply the global congruence principles $\Subst_2$ and $\Subst_3$ above. We will omit these local rules for brevity. \index{rule!structural|)}% \index{structural!rules|)}% \subsection{Type universes} \index{type!universe}% We postulate an infinite hierarchy of type universes % \begin{equation*} \UU_0, \quad \UU_1, \quad \UU_2, \quad \ldots \end{equation*} % Each universe is contained in the next, and any type in $\UU_i$ is also in $\UU_{i+1}$: % \begin{mathpar} \inferrule*[right=\UU-\textsc{intro}] {\wfctx \Gamma } {\oftp\Gamma{\UU_i}{\UU_{i+1}}} \and \inferrule*[right=\UU-\textsc{cumul}] {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i}} {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_{i+1}}} \end{mathpar} % We shall set up the rules of type theory in such a way that $\oftp\Gamma{a}{A}$ implies $\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i}$ for some $i$. In other words, if $A$ plays the role of a type then it is in some universe. Another property of our type system is that $\jdeqtp\Gamma{a}{b}{A}$ implies $\oftp\Gamma{a}{A}$ and $\oftp\Gamma{b}{A}$. \subsection{Dependent function types (\texorpdfstring{$\Pi$}{Π}-types)} \label{sec:more-formal-pi} \index{type!dependent function}% \index{type!function}% In \cref{sec:function-types}, we introduced non-dependent functions $A\to B$ in order to define a family of types as a function $\lam{x:A} B:A\to\UU_i$, which then gives rise to a type of dependent functions $\tprd{x:A} B$. But with explicit contexts we may replace $\lam{x:A} B:A\to\UU_i$ with the judgment % \begin{equation*} \oftp{\tmtp xA}{B}{\UU_i}. \end{equation*} % Consequently, we may define dependent functions directly, without reference to non-dependent ones. This way we follow the general principle that each type former, with its constants and rules, should be introduced independently of all other type formers. % In fact, henceforth each type former is introduced systematically by: \begin{itemize} \item a \define{formation rule}, stating when the type former can be applied;\index{formation rule}\index{rule!formation} \item some \define{introduction rules}, stating how to inhabit the type;\index{introduction rule}\index{rule!introduction} \item \define{elimination rules}, or an induction principle, stating how to use an element of the type; \index{induction principle}\index{eliminator} \item \define{computation rules}, which are judgmental equalities explaining what happens when elimination rules are applied to results of introduction rules; \index{computation rule} \indexsee{rule!computation}{computation rule} \item optional \define{uniqueness principles}, which are judgmental equalities explaining how every element of the type is uniquely determined by the results of elimination rules applied to it. \index{uniqueness!principle} \indexsee{principle!uniqueness}{uniqueness principle} \end{itemize} (See also \cref{rmk:introducing-new-concepts}.) For the dependent function type these rules are: % \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \def\premise{\oftp{\Gamma}{A}{\UU_i} \and \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA}{B}{\UU_i}} \inferrule*[right=$\Pi$-\rform] \premise {\oftp\Gamma{\tprd{x:A}B}{\UU_i}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Pi$-\rintro] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA}{b}{B}} {\oftp\Gamma{\lam{x:A} b}{\tprd{x:A} B}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Pi$-\relim] {\oftp\Gamma{f}{\tprd{x:A} B} \\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{A}} {\oftp\Gamma{f(a)}{B[a/x]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Pi$-\rcomp] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA}{b}{B} \\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{A}} {\jdeqtp\Gamma{(\lam{x:A} b)(a)}{b[a/x]}{B[a/x]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Pi$-\runiq] {\oftp\Gamma{f}{\tprd{x:A} B}} {\jdeqtp\Gamma{f}{(\lamu{x:A}f(x))}{\tprd{x:A} B}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} The expression $\lam{x:A} b$ binds free occurrences of $x$ in $b$, as does $\tprd{x:A} B$ for $B$. When $x$ does not occur freely in $B$ so that $B$ does not depend on $A$, we obtain as a special case the ordinary function type $A\to B \defeq \tprd{x:A} B$. We take this as the \emph{definition} of $\to$. We may abbreviate an expression $\lam{x:A} b$ as $\lamu{x:A} b$, with the understanding that the omitted type $A$ should be filled in appropriately before type-checking. \subsection{Dependent pair types (\texorpdfstring{$\Sigma$}{Σ}-types)} \label{sec:more-formal-sigma} \index{type!dependent pair}% \index{type!product}% In \cref{sec:sigma-types}, we needed $\to$ and $\prdsym$ types in order to define the introduction and elimination rules for $\smsym$; as with $\prdsym$, contexts allow us to state the rules for $\smsym$ independently. Recall that the elimination rule for a positive type such as $\Sigma$ is called \emph{induction} and denoted by $\ind{}$. % \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \def\premise{\oftp{\Gamma}{A}{\UU_i} \and \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA}{B}{\UU_i}} \inferrule*[right=$\Sigma$-\rform] \premise {\oftp\Gamma{\tsm{x:A} B}{\UU_i}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Sigma$-\rintro] {\oftp{\Gamma, \tmtp x A}{B}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{A} \\ \oftp\Gamma{b}{B[a/x]}} {\oftp\Gamma{\tup ab}{\tsm{x:A} B}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Sigma$-\relim] {\oftp{\Gamma, \tmtp z {\tsm{x:A} B}}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp x A,\tmtp y B}{g}{C[\tup x y/z]} \\ \oftp\Gamma{p}{\tsm{x:A} B}} {\oftp\Gamma{\ind{\tsm{x:A} B}(z.C,x.y.g,p)}{C[p/z]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Sigma$-\rcomp] {\oftp{\Gamma, \tmtp z {\tsm{x:A} B}}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma, \tmtp x A, \tmtp y B}{g}{C[\tup x y/z]} \\\\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{A} \\ \oftp\Gamma{b}{B[a/x]}} {\jdeqtp\Gamma{\ind{\tsm{x:A} B}(z.C,x.y.g,\tup{a}{b})}{g[a,b/x,y]}{C[\tup {a} {b}/z]}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} % The expression $\tsm{x:A} B$ binds free occurrences of $x$ in $B$. Furthermore, because $\ind{\tsm{x:A} B}$ has some arguments with free variables beyond those in $\Gamma$, we bind (following the variable names above) $z$ in $C$, and $x$ and $y$ in $g$. These bindings are written as $z.C$ and $x.y.g$, to indicate the names of the bound variables. \index{variable!bound}% In particular, we treat $\ind{\tsm{x:A} B}$ as a primitive, two of whose arguments contain binders; this is superficially similar to, but different from, $\ind{\tsm{x:A} B}$ being a function that takes functions as arguments. When $B$ does not contain free occurrences of $x$, we obtain as a special case the cartesian product $A \times B \defeq \tsm{x:A} B$. We take this as the \emph{definition} of the cartesian product. Notice that we don't postulate a judgmental uniqueness principle for $\Sigma$-types, even though we could have; see \cref{thm:eta-sigma} for a proof of the corresponding propositional uniqueness principle. \subsection{Coproduct types} \index{type!coproduct}% \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \inferrule*[right=$+$-\rform] {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp\Gamma{B}{\UU_i}} {\oftp\Gamma{A+B}{\UU_i}} \\ \inferrule*[right=$+$-\rintro${}_1$] {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp\Gamma{B}{\UU_i} \\\\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{A}} {\oftp\Gamma{\inl(a)}{A+B}} \and \inferrule*[right=$+$-\rintro${}_2$] {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp\Gamma{B}{\UU_i} \\\\ \oftp\Gamma{b}{B}} {\oftp\Gamma{\inr(b)}{A+B}} \\ \inferrule*[right=$+$-\relim] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp z{(A+B)}}{C}{\UU_i} \\\\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA}{c}{C[\inl(x)/z]} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp yB}{d}{C[\inr(y)/z]} \\\\ \oftp\Gamma{e}{A+B}} {\oftp\Gamma{\ind{A+B}(z.C,x.c,y.d,e)}{C[e/z]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$+$-\rcomp${}_1$] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp z{(A+B)}}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA}{c}{C[\inl(x)/z]} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp yB}{d}{C[\inr(y)/z]} \\\\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{A}} {\jdeqtp\Gamma{\ind{A+B}(z.C,x.c,y.d,\inl(a))}{c[a/x]}{C[\inl(a)/z]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$+$-\rcomp${}_2$] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp z{(A+B)}}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA}{c}{C[\inl(x)/z]} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp yB}{d}{C[\inr(y)/z]} \\\\ \oftp\Gamma{b}{B}} {\jdeqtp\Gamma{\ind{A+B}(z.C,x.c,y.d,\inr(b))}{d[b/y]}{C[\inr(b)/z]}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} % In $\ind{A+B}$, $z$ is bound in $C$, $x$ is bound in $c$, and $y$ is bound in $d$. \subsection{The empty type \texorpdfstring{$\emptyt$}{0}} \index{type!empty|(}% \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \inferrule*[right=$\emptyt$-\rform] {\wfctx\Gamma} {\oftp\Gamma\emptyt{\UU_i}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\emptyt$-\relim] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp x\emptyt}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{\emptyt}} {\oftp\Gamma{\ind{\emptyt}(x.C,a)}{C[a/x]}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} % In $\ind{\emptyt}$, $x$ is bound in $C$. The empty type has no introduction rule and no computation rule. \index{type!empty|)}% \subsection{The unit type \texorpdfstring{$\unit$}{1}} \label{sec:more-formal-unit} \index{type!unit|(}% \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \inferrule*[right=$\unit$-\rform] {\wfctx\Gamma} {\oftp\Gamma\unit{\UU_i}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\unit$-\rintro] {\wfctx\Gamma} {\oftp\Gamma{\ttt}{\unit}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\unit$-\relim] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp x\unit}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma}{c}{C[\ttt/x]} \\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{\unit}} {\oftp\Gamma{\ind{\unit}(x.C,c,a)}{C[a/x]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\unit$-\rcomp] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp x\unit}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma}{c}{C[\ttt/x]}} {\jdeqtp\Gamma{\ind{\unit}(x.C,c,\ttt)}{c}{C[\ttt/x]}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} % In $\ind{\unit}$ the variable $x$ is bound in $C$. Notice that we do not postulate a judgmental uniqueness principle for the unit type; see \cref{sec:finite-product-types} for a proof of the corresponding propositional uniqueness statement. \index{type!unit|)}% \subsection{The natural number type} \index{natural numbers|(}% We give the rules for natural numbers, following \cref{sec:inductive-types}. \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \def\premise{ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp x{\N}}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp\Gamma{c_0}{C[0/x]} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp{x}\N,\tmtp y C}{c_s}{C[\suc(x)/x]}} % \inferrule*[right=$\N$-\rform] {\wfctx\Gamma} {\oftp\Gamma{\N}{\UU_i}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\N$-\rintro${}_1$] {\wfctx\Gamma} {\oftp\Gamma{0}{\N}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\N$-\rintro${}_2$] {\oftp\Gamma{n}{\N}} {\oftp\Gamma{\suc(n)}{\N}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\N$-\relim] {\premise \\ \oftp\Gamma{n}{\N}} {\oftp\Gamma{\ind{\N}(x.C,c_0,x.y.c_s,n)}{C[n/x]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\N$-\rcomp${}_1$] {\premise} {\jdeqtp\Gamma{\ind{\N}(x.C,c_0,x.y.c_s,0)}{c_0}{C[0/x]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\N$-\rcomp${}_2$] {\premise \\ \oftp\Gamma{n}{\N}} {\Gamma\vdash {\begin{aligned}[t] &\ind{\N}(x.C,c_0,x.y.c_s,\suc(n)) \\ &\quad \jdeq c_s[n,\ind{\N}(x.C,c_0,x.y.c_s,n)/x,y] : C[\suc(n)/x] \end{aligned}}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} % In $\ind{\N}$, $x$ is bound in $C$, and $x$ and $y$ are bound in $c_s$. Other inductively defined types follow the same general scheme. \index{natural numbers|)}% \subsection{Identity types} \label{sec:more-formal-identity} \index{type!identity|(}% The presentation here corresponds to the (unbased) path induction principle for identity types in \cref{sec:identity-types}. \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \inferrule*[right=$\idsym$-\rform] {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{A} \\ \oftp\Gamma{b}{A}} {\oftp\Gamma{\id[A]{a}{b}}{\UU_i}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\idsym$-\rintro] {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{A}} {\oftp\Gamma{\refl a}{\id[A]aa}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\idsym$-\relim] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA,\tmtp yA,\tmtp p{\id[A]xy}}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp zA}{c}{C[z,z,\refl z/x,y,p]} \\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{A} \\ \oftp\Gamma{b}{A} \\ \oftp\Gamma{p'}{\id[A]ab}} {\oftp\Gamma{\indid{A}(x.y.p.C,z.c,a,b,p')}{C[a,b,p'/x,y,p]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\idsym$-\rcomp] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp xA,\tmtp yA,\tmtp p{\id[A]xy}}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp zA}{c}{C[z,z,\refl z/x,y,p]} \\ \oftp\Gamma{a}{A}} {\jdeqtp\Gamma{\indid{A}(x.y.p.C,z.c,a,a,\refl a)}{c[a/z]}{C[a,a,\refl a/x,y,p]}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} % In $\indid{A}$, $x$, $y$, and $p$ are bound in $C$, and $z$ is bound in $c$. \index{type!identity|)}% \subsection{Definitions} \index{definition}% Although the rules we have listed so far allow us to construct everything we need directly, we would still like to be able to use named constants, such as $\isequiv$, as a matter of convenience. Informally, we can think of these constants simply as abbreviations, but the situation is a bit subtler in the formalization. For example, consider function composition, which takes $f:A\to B$ and $g:B\to C$ to $g\circ f:A\to C$. Somewhat unexpectedly, to make this work formally, $\circ$ must take as arguments not only $f$ and $g$, but also their types $A$, $B$, $C$: % \begin{narrowmultline*} {\circ} \defeq \lam{A:\UU_i}{B:\UU_i}{C:\UU_i} \narrowbreak \lam{g:B\to C}{f:A\to B}{x:A} g(f(x)). \end{narrowmultline*} % From a practical perspective, we do not want to annotate each application of $\circ$ with $A$, $B$ and $C$, as they are usually quite easily guessed from surrounding information. We would like to simply write $g\circ f$. Then, strictly speaking, $g \circ f$ is not an abbreviation for $\lam{x : A} g(f(x))$, because it involves additional \define{implicit arguments} which we want to suppress. \index{implicit argument} Inference of implicit arguments, typical ambiguity\index{typical ambiguity} (\cref{sec:universes}), ensuring that symbols are only defined once, etc., are collectively called \define{elaboration}. \index{elaboration, in type theory} Elaboration must take place prior to checking a derivation, and is thus not usually presented as part of the core type theory. However, it is essentially impossible to use any implementation of type theory which does not perform elaboration; see \cite{Coq,norell2007towards} for further discussion. \section{Homotopy type theory} \label{sec:hott-features} In this section we state the additional axioms of homotopy type theory which distinguish it from standard Martin-L\"{o}f type theory: function extensionality, the univalence axiom, and higher inductive types. We state them in the style of the second presentation \cref{sec:syntax-more-formally}, although the first presentation \cref{sec:syntax-informally} could be used just as well. \subsection{Function extensionality and univalence} There are two basic ways of introducing axioms which do not introduce new syntax or judgmental equalities (function extensionality and univalence are of this form): either add a primitive constant to inhabit the axiom, or prove all theorems which depend on the axiom by hypothesizing a variable that inhabits the axiom, cf.\ \cref{sec:axioms}. While these are essentially equivalent, we opt for the former approach because we feel that the axioms of homotopy type theory are an essential part of the core theory. \index{function extensionality}% \cref{axiom:funext} is formalized by introduction of a constant $\funext$ which asserts that $\happly$ is an equivalence: % \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \inferrule*[right=$\Pi$-\textsc{ext}] {\oftp\Gamma{f}{\tprd{x:A} B} \\ \oftp\Gamma{g}{\tprd{x:A} B}} {\oftp\Gamma{\funext(f,g)}{\isequiv(\happly_{f,g})}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} % The definitions of $\happly$ and $\isequiv$ can be found in~\eqref{eq:happly} and \cref{sec:concluding-remarks}, respectively. \index{univalence axiom}% \cref{axiom:univalence} is formalized in a similar fashion, too: % \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \inferrule*[right=$\UU_i$-\textsc{univ}] {\oftp\Gamma{A}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp\Gamma{B}{\UU_i}} {\oftp\Gamma{\univalence(A,B)}{\isequiv(\idtoeqv_{A,B})}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} % The definition of $\idtoeqv$ can be found in~\eqref{eq:uidtoeqv}. \subsection{The circle} \index{type!circle}% Here we give an example of a basic higher inductive type; others follow the same general scheme, albeit with elaborations. Note that the rules below do not precisely follow the pattern of the ordinary inductive types in \cref{sec:syntax-more-formally}: the rules refer to the notions of transport and functoriality of maps (\cref{sec:functors}), and the second computation rule is a propositional, not judgmental, equality. These differences are discussed in \cref{sec:dependent-paths}. \begin{mathparpagebreakable} \inferrule*[right=$\Sn^1$-\rform] {\wfctx\Gamma} {\oftp\Gamma{\Sn^1}{\UU_i}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Sn^1$-\rintro${}_1$] {\wfctx\Gamma} {\oftp\Gamma{\base}{\Sn^1}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Sn^1$-\rintro${}_2$] {\wfctx\Gamma} {\oftp\Gamma{\lloop}{\id[\Sn^1]{\base}{\base}}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Sn^1$-\relim] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp x{\Sn^1}}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma}{b}{C[\base/x]} \\ \oftp{\Gamma}{\ell}{\dpath C \lloop b b} \\ \oftp\Gamma{p}{\Sn^1}} {\oftp\Gamma{\ind{\Sn^1}(x.C,b,\ell,p)}{C[p/x]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Sn^1$-\rcomp${}_1$] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp x{\Sn^1}}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma}{b}{C[\base/x]} \\ \oftp{\Gamma}{\ell}{\dpath C \lloop b b}} {\jdeqtp\Gamma{\ind{\Sn^1}(x.C,b,\ell,\base)}{b}{C[\base/x]}} \and \inferrule*[right=$\Sn^1$-\rcomp${}_2$] {\oftp{\Gamma,\tmtp x{\Sn^1}}{C}{\UU_i} \\ \oftp{\Gamma}{b}{C[\base/x]} \\ \oftp{\Gamma}{\ell}{\dpath C \lloop b b}} {\oftp\Gamma{\Sn^1\text{-}\mathsf{loopcomp}} {\id {\apd{(\lamu{y:\Sn^1} \ind{\Sn^1}(x.C,b,\ell,y))}{\lloop}} {\ell}}} \end{mathparpagebreakable} % In $\ind{\Sn^1}$, $x$ is bound in $C$. The notation ${\dpath C \lloop b b}$ for dependent paths was introduced in \cref{sec:dependent-paths}. \index{rules of type theory|)}% \section{Basic metatheory} \index{metatheory|(}% This section discusses the meta-theoretic properties of the type theory presented in \cref{sec:syntax-informally}, and similar results hold for \cref{sec:syntax-more-formally}. Figuring out which of these still hold when we add the features from \cref{sec:hott-features} quickly leads to open questions,\index{open!problem} as discussed at the end of this section. Recall that \cref{sec:syntax-informally} defines the terms of type theory as an extension of the untyped $\lambda$-calculus. The $\lambda$-calculus has its own notion of computation, namely the computation rule\index{computation rule!for function types}: \[ (\lam{x} t)(u) \defeq t[u/x]. \] This rule, together with the defining equations for the defined constants form \emph{rewriting rules}\index{rewriting rule}\index{rule!rewriting} that determine reduction steps for a rewriting system. These steps yield a notion of computation in the sense that each rule has a natural direction: one simplifies $(\lam{x} t)(u)$ by evaluating the function at its argument. Moreover, this system is \emph{confluent}\index{confluence}, that is, if $a$ simplifies in some number of steps to both $a'$ and $a''$, there is some $b$ to which both $a'$ and $a''$ eventually simplify. Thus we can define $t\conv u$ to mean that $t$ and $u$ simplify to the same term. (The situation is similar in \cref{sec:syntax-more-formally}: Although there we presented the computation rules as undirected equalities $\jdeq$, we can give an operational semantics by saying that the application of an eliminator to an introductory form simplifies to its equal, not the other way around.) Using standard techniques from type theory, it is possible to show that the system in \cref{sec:syntax-informally} has the following properties: \begin{thm}\label{thm:conversion-preserves-typing} If $A : \UU$ and $A \conv A'$ then $A' : \UU$. If $t:A$ and $t \conv t'$ then $t':A$. \end{thm} We say that a term is \define{normalizable} \indexdef{term!normalizable}% \index{normalization}% \indexdef{normalizable term}% (respectively, \define{strongly normalizable}) \indexdef{term!strongly normalizable}% \index{normalization!strong}% \index{strong!normalization}% if some (respectively, every), sequence of rewriting steps from the term terminates. \begin{thm}\label{thm:strong-normalization} If $A : \UU$ then $A$ is strongly normalizable. If $t:A$ then $A$ and $t$ are strongly normalizable. \end{thm} We say that a term is in \define{normal form} \index{normal form}% \index{term!normal form of}% if it cannot be further simplified, and that a term is \define{closed} \index{closed!term}% \index{term!closed}% if no variable occurs freely in it. A closed normal type has to be a primitive type, i.e., of the form $c(\vec{v})$ for some primitive constant $c$ (where the list $\vec{v}$ of closed normal terms may be omitted if empty, for instance, as with $\N$). In fact, we can explicitly describe all normal forms: \begin{lem}\label{lem:normal-forms} The terms in normal form can be described by the following syntax: % \begin{align*} v & \production k \mid \lam{x} v \mid c(\vec{v}) \mid f(\vec{v}), \\ k &\production x \mid k(v) \mid f(\vec{v})(k), \end{align*} % where $f(\vec{v})$ represents a partial application of the defined function $f$. In particular, a type in normal form is of the form $k$ or $c(\vec{v})$. \end{lem} \begin{thm} If $A$ is in normal form then the judgment $A : \UU$ is decidable. If $A : \UU$ and $t$ is in normal form then the judgment $t:A$ is decidable. \end{thm} Logical consistency\index{consistency} (of the system in \cref{sec:syntax-informally}) follows immediately: if we had $a:\emptyt$ in the empty context, then by \cref{thm:conversion-preserves-typing,thm:strong-normalization}, $a$ simplifies to a normal term $a':\emptyt$. But by \cref{lem:normal-forms} no such term exists. \begin{cor} The system in \cref{sec:syntax-informally} is logically consistent. \end{cor} Similarly, we have the \emph{canonicity}\indexdef{canonicity} property that if $a:\N$ in the empty context, then $a$ simplifies to a normal term $\suc^k(0)$ for some numeral $k$. \begin{cor} The system in \cref{sec:syntax-informally} has the canonicity property. \end{cor} Finally, if $a,A$ are in normal form, it is \emph{decidable} whether $a:A$; in other words, because type-checking amounts to verifying the correctness of a proof, this means we can always ``recognize a correct proof when we see one''. \begin{cor} The property of being a proof in the system in \cref{sec:syntax-informally} is decidable. \end{cor} \mentalpause The above results do not apply to the extended system of homotopy type theory (i.e., the above system extended by \cref{sec:hott-features}), since occurrences of the univalence axiom and constructors of higher inductive types never simplify, breaking \cref{lem:normal-forms}. It is an open question\index{open!problem} whether one can simplify applications of these constants in order to restore canonicity. We also do not have a schema describing all permissible higher inductive types, nor are we certain how to correctly formulate their rules (e.g., whether the computation rules on higher constructors should be judgmental equalities). The consistency\index{consistency} of Martin-L\"{o}f type theory extended with univalence and higher inductive types could be shown by inventing an appropriate normalization procedure, but currently the only proofs that these systems are consistent are via semantic models---for univalence, a model in Kan\index{Kan complex} complexes due to Voevodsky \cite{klv:ssetmodel}, and for higher inductive types, a model due to Lumsdaine and Shulman \cite{ls:hits}. Other metatheoretic issues, and a summary of our current results, are discussed in greater length in the ``Constructivity'' and ``Open problems'' sections of the introduction to this book. \index{metatheory|)}% \sectionNotes\label{subsec:general-remarks} % This presentation is strongly inspired by two Martin-L\"of 1972 and 1973. The system of rules with introduction (primitive constants) and elimination and computation rules (defined constant) is inspired by Gentzen natural deduction. The possibility of strengthening the elimination rule for existential quantification was indicated in \cite{howard:pat}. The strengthening of the axioms for disjunction appears in \cite{Martin-Lof-1972}, and for absurdity elimination and identity type in \cite{Martin-Lof-1973}. The $W$-types were introduced in \cite{Martin-Lof-1979}. They generalize a notion of trees introduced by \cite{Tait-1968}. \index{Martin-L\"of}% %inspired from unpublished work of Spector. The generalized form of primitive recursion for natural numbers and ordinals appear in \cite{Hilbert-1925}. This motivated G\"odel's system $T$, \cite{Goedel-T-1958}, which was analyzed by \cite{Tait-1966}, who used, following \cite{Goedel-T-1958}, the terminology ``definitional equality'' for conversion: two terms are \emph{judgmentally equal} if they reduce to a common term by means of a sequence of applications of the reduction rules. This terminology was also used by de Bruijn \cite{deBruijn-1973} in his presentation of \emph{AUTOMATH}.\index{AUTOMATH} Our second presentation comprises fairly standard presentation of intensional Martin-L\"{o}f type theory, with some additional features needed in homotopy type theory. Compared to a reference presentation of \cite{hofmann:syntax-and-semantics}, the type theory of this book has a few non-critical differences: % \begin{itemize} \item universes \`{a} la Russell, in the sense of \cite{martin-lof:bibliopolis}; and \item judgmental $\eta$ and function extensionality for $\Pi$ types; \end{itemize} and a few features essential for homotopy type theory: \begin{itemize} \item the univalence axiom; and \item higher inductive types. \end{itemize} % As a matter of convenience, the book primarily defines functions by induction using definition by \emph{pattern matching}. \index{pattern matching}% \index{definition!by pattern matching}% It is possible to formalize the notion of pattern matching, as done in \cref{sec:syntax-informally}. However, the standard type-theoretic presentation, adopted in \cref{sec:syntax-more-formally}, is to introduce a single \emph{dependent eliminator} for each type former, from which functions out of that type must be defined. This approach is easier to formalize both syntactically and semantically, as it amounts to the universal property of the type former. The two approaches are equivalent; see \cref{sec:pattern-matching} for a longer discussion. \index{type theory!formal|)}% \index{formal!type theory|)}% %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "hott-online" %%% End: