:: {C}ross-ratio in Real Vector Space :: by Roland Coghetto environ vocabularies NAT_1, FINSEQ_2, REAL_1, XCMPLX_0, PENCIL_1, ALGSTR_0, ARYTM_1, ARYTM_3, CARD_1, EUCLID, FUNCT_1, INCSP_1, NUMBERS, PRE_TOPC, RELAT_1, STRUCT_0, SUBSET_1, SUPINF_2, VECTSP_1, XBOOLE_0, TARSKI, FINSEQ_1, RLTOPSP1, ANPROJ10, FUNCT_5, RLVECT_1, FUNCOP_1, FUNCT_2, FUNCSDOM, BINOP_2, PCOMPS_1, ZFMISC_1; notations ORDINAL1, XCMPLX_0, PRE_TOPC, TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, RLVECT_1, XREAL_0, SUBSET_1, NUMBERS, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FINSEQ_1, STRUCT_0, ALGSTR_0, VECTSP_1, FINSEQ_2, BINOP_1, FUNCOP_1, FINSEQ_4, RVSUM_1, FUNCSDOM, BINOP_2, PCOMPS_1, EUCLID, SRINGS_5, RLTOPSP1, EUCLID_4, ZFMISC_1; constructors FINSEQ_4, MONOID_0, BINOP_2, FUNCSDOM, PCOMPS_1, SRINGS_5, EUCLID_4; registrations MEMBERED, ORDINAL1, STRUCT_0, XREAL_0, MONOID_0, EUCLID, VALUED_0, XCMPLX_0, NUMBERS, RLTOPSP1, RLVECT_1, RELAT_1, FINSEQ_4; requirements REAL, SUBSET, NUMERALS, ARITHM, BOOLE; definitions TARSKI, XBOOLE_0; equalities STRUCT_0, EUCLID, XCMPLX_0, RLVECT_1, FINSEQ_1, FUNCSDOM, PCOMPS_1, FINSEQ_2, RVSUM_1, VALUED_1; expansions RLTOPSP1; theorems XREAL_0, EUCLID, XCMPLX_1, RVSUM_1, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_2, RLTOPSP1, EUCLID12, RLVECT_1, FINSEQ_4, JORDAN2B, FUNCSDOM, ALGSTR_0, BINOP_2, SRINGS_5, FUNCOP_1, EUCLID_4, ZFMISC_1, CARD_1; begin :: Preliminaries registration let a,b,c,d be object; reduce <*a,b,c,d*>.1 to a; reducibility by FINSEQ_4:76; reduce <*a,b,c,d*>.2 to b; reducibility by FINSEQ_4:76; reduce <*a,b,c,d*>.3 to c; reducibility by FINSEQ_4:76; reduce <*a,b,c,d*>.4 to d; reducibility by FINSEQ_4:76; end; theorem for a,b,c,d,a9,b9,c9,d9 being object st <* a, b, c, d *> = <* a9, b9, c9, d9 *> holds a = a9 & b = b9 & c = c9 & d = d9 proof let a,b,c,d,a9,b9,c9,d9 be object; assume A1: <* a, b, c, d *> = <* a9, b9, c9, d9 *>; set x = <* a,b,c,d *>, y = <*a9,b9,c9,d9 *>; x.1 = a & x.2 = b & x.3 = c & x.4 = d & y.1 = a9 & y.2 = b9 & y.3 = c9 & y.4 = d9; hence thesis by A1; end; definition let r be Real; attr r is unit means :Def01: r = 1; end; registration cluster non unit for non zero Real; existence proof take 2; thus thesis; end; end; definition let r be non unit non zero Real; func op1(r) -> non unit non zero Real equals 1 / r; coherence proof 1 / r <> 1 proof assume 1 / r = 1; then r * (1 / r) = r; hence contradiction by Def01,XCMPLX_1:106; end; hence thesis by Def01; end; involutiveness; end; definition let r being non unit non zero Real; func op2(r) -> non unit non zero Real equals 1 - r; coherence proof r <> 0; then 1 - r <> 0 & 1 - r <> 1 by Def01; hence thesis by Def01; end; involutiveness; end; reserve a,b,r for non unit non zero Real; theorem Th01: op2(op1(r)) = (r - 1) / r & op1(op2(r)) = 1 / (1 - r) & op1(op2(op1(r))) = r / (r - 1) & op2(op1(op2(r))) = r / (r - 1) proof A1: 1 - 1 / r = r / r - 1 / r by XCMPLX_1:60 .= (r - 1) / r; 1 - r <> 0 by Def01; then 1 - (1 / (1 - r)) = ((1 - r) / (1 - r)) - 1 / (1 - r) by XCMPLX_1:60 .= -r / (1 - r) .= r / -(1 - r) by XCMPLX_1:188; hence thesis by A1,XCMPLX_1:57; end; theorem op2(op1(op2(op1(r)))) = op1(op2(r)) & op1(op2(op1(op2(r)))) = op2(op1(r)) proof op2(op1(op2(op1(r)))) = 1 - (r / (r - 1)) & op1(op2(op1(op2(r)))) = 1 / (r / (r - 1)) by Th01; hence thesis; end; theorem op1(a) / op1(b) = b / a; reserve X for non empty set, x for Tuple of 4,X; theorem Th02: 4-tuples_on X = the set of all <* d1, d2, d3, d4 *> where d1,d2,d3,d4 is Element of X proof hereby let x be object; assume x in 4-tuples_on X; then consider s be Element of X* such that A1: x = s and A2: len s = 4; 1 in Seg 4 & 2 in Seg 4 & 3 in Seg 4 & 4 in Seg 4; then 1 in dom s & 2 in dom s & 3 in dom s & 4 in dom s by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then reconsider d19 = s.1, d29 = s.2, d39 = s.3, d49 = s.4 as Element of X by FINSEQ_2:11; s = <* d19, d29, d39, d49 *> by A2,FINSEQ_4:76; hence x in the set of all <* d1, d2, d3, d4 *> where d1,d2,d3,d4 is Element of X by A1; end; let x be object; assume x in the set of all <* d1, d2, d3, d4 *> where d1,d2,d3,d4 is Element of X; then consider d1, d2, d3, d4 be Element of X such that A3: x = <* d1, d2, d3,d4 *>; len <* d1, d2, d3, d4 *> = 4 & <* d1, d2, d3, d4 *> is Element of X* by FINSEQ_1:def 11,FINSEQ_4:76; hence x in 4-tuples_on X by A3; end; theorem Th03: for a,b,c,d being object st (a = x.1 or a = x.2 or a = x.3 or a = x.4) & (b = x.1 or b = x.2 or b = x.3 or b = x.4) & (c = x.1 or c = x.2 or c = x.3 or c = x.4) & (d = x.1 or d = x.2 or d = x.3 or d = x.4) holds <* a,b,c,d *> is Tuple of 4,X proof let a,b,c,d be object; assume A1: (a = x.1 or a = x.2 or a = x.3 or a = x.4) & (b = x.1 or b = x.2 or b = x.3 or b = x.4) & (c = x.1 or c = x.2 or c = x.3 or c = x.4) & (d = x.1 or d = x.2 or d = x.3 or d = x.4); set y = <* a,b,c,d *>; dom x = Seg 4 by FINSEQ_2:124; then A2: 1 in dom x & 2 in dom x & 3 in dom x & 4 in dom x; reconsider d19 = y.1, d29 = y.2, d39 = y.3, d49 = y.4 as Element of X by A1,A2,FINSEQ_2:11; a is Element of X & b is Element of X & c is Element of X & d is Element of X by A1,A2,FINSEQ_2:11; then y in the set of all <* d1, d2, d3, d4 *> where d1,d2,d3,d4 is Element of X; then y in 4-tuples_on X by Th02; hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:131; end; definition let X be non empty set; let x be Tuple of 4,X; func pi_1342(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.1,x.3,x.4,x.2 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_1423(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.1,x.4,x.2,x.3 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_2143(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.2,x.1,x.4,x.3 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_2314(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.2,x.3,x.1,x.4 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_2341(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.2,x.3,x.4,x.1 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_2413(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.2,x.4,x.1,x.3 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_2431(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.2,x.4,x.3,x.1 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_3124(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.3,x.1,x.2,x.4 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_3142(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.3,x.1,x.4,x.2 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_3241(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.3,x.2,x.4,x.1 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_3412(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.3,x.4,x.1,x.2 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_3421(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.3,x.4,x.2,x.1 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_4123(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.4,x.1,x.2,x.3 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_4132(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.4,x.1,x.3,x.2 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_4213(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.4,x.2,x.1,x.3 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_4312(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.4,x.3,x.1,x.2 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_4321(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.4,x.3,x.2,x.1 *>; coherence by Th03; end; definition let X be non empty set; let x be Tuple of 4,X; func pi_id(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.1,x.2,x.3,x.4 *>; coherence by Th03; func pi_12(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.2,x.1,x.3,x.4 *>; coherence by Th03; involutiveness proof let x,PI be Tuple of 4,X; assume x = <* PI.2,PI.1,PI.3,PI.4 *>; then x.1 = PI.2 & x.2 = PI.1 & x.3 = PI.3 & x.4 = PI.4 & len PI=4 by CARD_1:def 7; hence thesis by FINSEQ_4:76; end; func pi_13(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.3,x.2,x.1,x.4 *>; coherence by Th03; involutiveness proof let x,PI be Tuple of 4,X; assume x = <* PI.3,PI.2,PI.1,PI.4 *>; then x.1 = PI.3 & x.2 = PI.2 & x.3 = PI.1 & x.4 = PI.4 & len PI=4 by CARD_1:def 7; hence thesis by FINSEQ_4:76; end; func pi_14(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.4,x.2,x.3,x.1 *>; coherence by Th03; involutiveness proof let x,PI be Tuple of 4,X; assume x = <* PI.4,PI.2,PI.3,PI.1 *>; then x.1 = PI.4 & x.2 = PI.2 & x.3 = PI.3 & x.4 = PI.1 & len PI=4 by CARD_1:def 7; hence thesis by FINSEQ_4:76; end; func pi_23(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.1,x.3,x.2,x.4 *>; coherence by Th03; involutiveness proof let x,PI be Tuple of 4,X; assume x = <* PI.1,PI.3,PI.2,PI.4 *>; then x.1 = PI.1 & x.2 = PI.3 & x.3 = PI.2 & x.4 = PI.4 & len PI=4 by CARD_1:def 7; hence thesis by FINSEQ_4:76; end; func pi_24(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.1,x.4,x.3,x.2 *>; coherence by Th03; involutiveness proof let x,PI be Tuple of 4,X; assume x = <* PI.1,PI.4,PI.3,PI.2 *>; then x.1 = PI.1 & x.2 = PI.4 & x.3 = PI.3 & x.4 = PI.2 & len PI=4 by CARD_1:def 7; hence thesis by FINSEQ_4:76; end; func pi_34(x) -> Tuple of 4,X equals <* x.1,x.2,x.4,x.3 *>; coherence by Th03; involutiveness proof let x,PI be Tuple of 4,X; assume x = <* PI.1,PI.2,PI.4,PI.3 *>; then x.1 = PI.1 & x.2 = PI.2 & x.3 = PI.4 & x.4 = PI.3 & len PI=4 by CARD_1:def 7; hence thesis by FINSEQ_4:76; end; end; registration let X be non empty set; let x be Tuple of 4,X; reduce pi_id(x) to x; reducibility proof dom x = Seg 4 by FINSEQ_2:124; then len x = 4 by FINSEQ_1:def 3; hence thesis by FINSEQ_4:76; end; end; notation let X be non empty set; let x be Tuple of 4,X; synonym pi_1234(x) for pi_id(x); synonym pi_2134(x) for pi_12(x); synonym pi_3214(x) for pi_13(x); synonym pi_4231(x) for pi_14(x); synonym pi_1324(x) for pi_23(x); synonym pi_1432(x) for pi_24(x); synonym pi_1243(x) for pi_34(x); end; theorem pi_12(pi_13(x)) = pi_13(pi_23(x)) & pi_12(pi_14(x)) = pi_14(pi_24(x)) & pi_12(pi_23(x)) = pi_13(pi_12(x)) & pi_12(pi_24(x)) = pi_14(pi_12(x)) & pi_12(pi_34(x)) = pi_34(pi_12(x)) & pi_13(pi_12(x)) = pi_23(pi_13(x)) & pi_13(pi_14(x)) = pi_34(pi_13(x)) & pi_13(pi_23(x)) = pi_12(pi_13(x)) & pi_13(pi_24(x)) = pi_13(pi_24(x)) & pi_13(pi_34(x)) = pi_14(pi_13(x)) & pi_23(pi_12(x)) = pi_13(pi_23(x)) & pi_23(pi_13(x)) = pi_12(pi_23(x)) & pi_23(pi_14(x)) = pi_14(pi_23(x)) & pi_23(pi_24(x)) = pi_34(pi_23(x)) & pi_23(pi_34(x)) = pi_24(pi_23(x)) & pi_24(pi_12(x)) = pi_14(pi_24(x)) & pi_24(pi_13(x)) = pi_13(pi_24(x)) & pi_24(pi_14(x)) = pi_12(pi_24(x)) & pi_24(pi_23(x)) = pi_34(pi_24(x)) & pi_24(pi_34(x)) = pi_23(pi_24(x)) & pi_34(pi_12(x)) = pi_12(pi_34(x)) & pi_34(pi_13(x)) = pi_14(pi_34(x)) & pi_34(pi_14(x)) = pi_13(pi_34(x)) & pi_34(pi_23(x)) = pi_24(pi_34(x)) & pi_34(pi_24(x)) = pi_23(pi_34(x)); theorem pi_1342(x) = pi_34(pi_23(x)) & pi_1423(x) = pi_34(pi_24(x)) & pi_2143(x) = pi_12(pi_34(x)) & pi_2314(x) = pi_23(pi_12(x)) & pi_2341(x) = pi_34(pi_23(pi_12(x))) & pi_2413(x) = pi_34(pi_24(pi_12(x))) & pi_2431(x) = pi_24(pi_12(x)) & pi_3124(x) = pi_23(pi_13(x)) & pi_3142(x) = pi_24(pi_34(pi_13(x))) & pi_3241(x) = pi_34(pi_13(x)) & pi_3412(x) = pi_24(pi_13(x)) & pi_3421(x) = pi_24(pi_23(pi_13(x))) & pi_4123(x) = pi_23(pi_34(pi_14(x))) & pi_4132(x) = pi_24(pi_14(x)) & pi_4213(x) = pi_34(pi_14(x)) & pi_4312(x) = pi_23(pi_24(pi_14(x))) & pi_4321(x) = pi_23(pi_14(x)); theorem pi_13(pi_23(pi_13(x))) = pi_12(x) & pi_12(pi_34(pi_23(pi_13(x)))) = pi_34(pi_23(x)) & pi_23(pi_24(pi_14(pi_23(pi_13(x))))) = pi_14(x); theorem pi_23(pi_14(pi_34(x))) = pi_24(pi_23(pi_13(x))) & pi_34(pi_24(pi_12(x))) = pi_24(pi_13(pi_23(x))) & pi_24(pi_34(pi_13(x))) = pi_12(pi_34(pi_23(x))); begin :: Affine-Ratio reserve V for RealLinearSpace, A,B,C,P,Q,R,S for Element of V; theorem Th05: P,Q,Q are_collinear proof P in Line(P,Q) & Q in Line(P,Q) by RLTOPSP1:72; hence thesis; end; Lm01: for a,b being Real st A = (1 - a) * P + a * Q & B = (1 - b) * P + b * Q holds A - B = (b - a) * (P - Q) proof let a,b be Real; assume that A1: A = (1 - a) * P + a * Q and A2: B = (1 - b) * P + b * Q; A - B = (1 - a) * P + (a * Q - ((1 - b) * P + b * Q)) by A1,A2,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (1 - a) * P + ((a * Q - b * Q ) - (1 - b) * P) by RLVECT_1:27 .= (1 - a) * P + ((a - b) * Q - ((1 - b) * P)) by RLVECT_1:35 .= ((1 - a) * P + ((a - b) * Q)) + -((1 - b) * P) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= ((1 - a) * P + ((a - b) * Q)) + ((-1) * ((1 - b) * P)) by RLVECT_1:16 .= ((1 - a) * P + ((a - b) * Q)) + ((-1) * (1 - b)) * P by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (1 - a) * P + ((a - b) * Q + (b - 1) * P) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (1 - a) * P + (((b - 1) * P) + ((a - b) * Q)) by RLVECT_1:def 2 .= (((1 - a) * P + (b - 1) * P)) + ((a - b) * Q) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (1 - a + (b - 1)) * P + (a - b) * Q by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= (b - a) * P + (-1) * (b - a) * Q .= (b - a) * P + (-1) * ((b - a) * Q) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (b - a) * P - ((-1) * (a - b) * Q) by RLVECT_1:16; hence thesis by RLVECT_1:34; end; definition let V be RealLinearSpace; let A,B,C be Element of V; assume that A1: A <> C and A2: A,B,C are_collinear; func affine-ratio(A,B,C) -> Real means :Def02: (B - A) = it * (C - A); existence proof consider L be line of V such that A3: A in L and A4: B in L and A5: C in L by A2; consider P,Q be Element of V such that A6: L = Line(P,Q) by RLTOPSP1:def 15; A7: Line(P,Q) = the set of all (((1 - r) * P) + (r * Q)) where r is Real by RLTOPSP1:def 14; consider a be Real such that A8: A = (1 - a) * P + a * Q by A3,A6,A7; consider b be Real such that A9: B = (1 - b) * P + b * Q by A4,A6,A7; consider c be Real such that A10: C = (1 - c) * P + c * Q by A5,A6,A7; A11: a - c <> 0 by A8,A10,A1; set k = (a - b) / (a - c); B - A = (a - b) * (P - Q) by A8,A9,Lm01 .= ((a - b) / (a - c) * (a - c)) * (P - Q) by A11,XCMPLX_1:87 .= ((a - b) / (a - c)) * ((a - c) * (P - Q)) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= k * (C - A) by A8,A10,Lm01; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let r1,r2 be Real such that A12: (B - A) = r1 * (C - A) and A13: (B - A) = r2 * (C - A); C - A <> 0.V & r1 * (C - A) = r2 * (C - A) by A12,A13,A1,RLVECT_1:21; hence thesis by RLVECT_1:37; end; end; theorem A <> C & A,B,C are_collinear implies A - B = affine-ratio(A,B,C) * (A - C) proof assume that A1: A <> C and A2: A,B,C are_collinear; A - B = - (B - A) by RLVECT_1:33 .= - affine-ratio(A,B,C) * (C - A) by Def02,A1,A2 .= (- 1) * (affine-ratio(A,B,C) * (C - A)) by RLVECT_1:16 .= ((- 1) * affine-ratio(A,B,C)) * (C - A) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= affine-ratio(A,B,C) * ((- 1) * (C - A)) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= affine-ratio(A,B,C) * (-(C - A)) by RLVECT_1:16 .= affine-ratio(A,B,C) * (A - C) by RLVECT_1:33; hence thesis; end; theorem Th06: A <> C & A,B,C are_collinear implies (affine-ratio(A,B,C) = 0 iff A = B) proof assume that A1: A <> C and A2: A,B,C are_collinear; hereby assume affine-ratio(A,B,C) = 0; then (B - A) = 0 * (C - A) by A1,A2,Def02 .= 0.V by RLVECT_1:10; hence A = B by RLVECT_1:21; end; assume A = B; then B - A = 0.V by RLVECT_1:5 .= 0 * (C - A) by RLVECT_1:10; hence affine-ratio(A,B,C) = 0 by A1,A2,Def02; end; theorem Th07: A <> C & A,B,C are_collinear implies (affine-ratio(A,B,C) = 1 iff B = C) proof assume that A1: A <> C and A2: A,B,C are_collinear; hereby assume affine-ratio(A,B,C) = 1; then (B - A) = 1 * (C - A) by A1,A2,Def02 .= C - A by RLVECT_1:def 8; hence B = C by RLVECT_1:8; end; assume B = C; then B - A = 1 * (C - A) by RLVECT_1:def 8; hence affine-ratio(A,B,C) = 1 by A1,A2,Def02; end; theorem Th08: for a,b being Real st P <> Q & a * (P - Q) = b * (P - Q) holds a = b proof let a,b be Real; assume that A1: P <> Q and A2: a * (P - Q) = b * (P - Q); P - Q <> 0.V by A1, RLVECT_1:21; hence thesis by A2,RLVECT_1:37; end; theorem Th09: P,Q,R are_collinear & P <> R & P <> Q implies affine-ratio(P,R,Q) = 1 / affine-ratio(P,Q,R) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R are_collinear and A2: P <> R and A3: P <> Q; set r = affine-ratio(P,Q,R), s = affine-ratio(P,R,Q); P,R,Q are_collinear by A1; then R - P = s * (Q - P) by A3,Def02 .= s * (r * (R - P)) by A1,A2,Def02 .= (s * r) * (R - P) by RLVECT_1:def 7; then 1 * (R - P) = (s * r) * (R - P) by RLVECT_1:def 8; hence thesis by A2,Th08,XCMPLX_1:73; end; theorem Th10: P,Q,R are_collinear & P <> R & Q <> R & P <> Q implies affine-ratio(Q,P,R) = affine-ratio(P,Q,R) / (affine-ratio(P,Q,R) - 1) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R are_collinear and A2: P <> R and A3: Q <> R and A4: P <> Q; set r = affine-ratio(P,Q,R), s = affine-ratio(Q,P,R); A5: Q - P = r * (R - P) by A1,A2,Def02; Q,P,R are_collinear by A1; then P - Q = s * (R - Q) by A3,Def02; then r * (R - P) = -s * (R + 0.V - Q) by A5,RLVECT_1:33 .= -s * (R + (-P + P) - Q) by RLVECT_1:5 .= -s * (R - P + P - Q) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= -(s * ((R - P) + (P - Q))) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (-1) * (s * ((R - P) + (P - Q))) by RLVECT_1:16 .= ((-1) * s) * ((R - P) + (P - Q)) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (-s) * (R - P) + (-s) * (P - Q) by RLVECT_1:def 5; then A6: r * (R - P) + s * (R - P) = (-s) * (R - P) + ((-s) * (P - Q) + s * (R - P)) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (-s) * (R - P) + (s * (R - P) + (-s) * (P - Q)) by RLVECT_1:def 2 .= ((-s) * (R - P) + s * (R - P)) + (-s) * (P - Q) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (-s + s) * (R - P) + (-s) * (P - Q) by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= 0.V + (-s) * (P - Q) by RLVECT_1:10 .= (-s) * (P - Q); Q,P,R are_collinear by A1; then A7: s <> 0 by A3,A4,Th06; then reconsider s9 = 1 / s as non zero Real; A8: s9 * s = 1 by A7,XCMPLX_1:106; A9: r - 1 <> 0 by A1,A2,A3,Th07; (r + s) * (R - P) = (-s) * (P - Q) by A6,RLVECT_1:def 6 .= s * (-(P - Q)) by RLVECT_1:24 .= s * (Q - P) by RLVECT_1:33; then (s9 * (r + s)) * (R - P) = s9 * (s * (Q - P)) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (s9 * s) * (Q - P) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= 1 * (Q - P) by A7,XCMPLX_1:106 .= Q - P by RLVECT_1:def 8; then s * r = s * ((1/s) * (r + s)) by A1,Def02,A2; then r * s = (s * (1/s)) * (r + s); then r * s = r + s by A8; then s * (r - 1) / (r - 1) = r / (r - 1); then s * ((r - 1) / (r - 1)) = r / (r - 1); then s * 1 = r / (r - 1) by A9,XCMPLX_1:60; hence thesis; end; theorem Th11: P,Q,R are_collinear & P <> R implies affine-ratio(R,Q,P) = 1 - affine-ratio(P,Q,R) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R are_collinear and A2: P <> R; set r = affine-ratio(P,Q,R), s = affine-ratio(R,Q,P); A3: Q - P = r * (R - P) by A1,A2,Def02; A4: Q - P = Q + 0.V - P .= Q + (-R + R) - P by RLVECT_1:5 .= Q + (-R) + R - P by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (Q - R) + (R - P) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (Q - R) - (P - R) by RLVECT_1:33; R,Q,P are_collinear by A1; then r * (R - P) - s * (P - R) = s * (P - R) - (P - R) - s * (P - R) by A3,A4,A2,Def02 .= s * (P - R) + (R - P) - s * (P - R) by RLVECT_1:33 .= s * (P - R) + ((R - P) - s * (P - R)) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= s * (P - R) + (- s * (P - R) + (R - P)) by RLVECT_1:def 2 .= s * (P - R) - s * (P - R) + (R - P) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= 0.V + (R - P) by RLVECT_1:5 .= R - P; then R - P = r * (R - P) - s * (-(R - P)) by RLVECT_1:33 .= r * (R - P) - (s * ((-1) * (R - P))) by RLVECT_1:16 .= r * (R - P) - (s * (-1)) * (R - P) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= r * (R - P) - (-s) * (R - P); then (R - P) + (-s) * (R - P) = r * (R - P) + (- (-s) * (R - P) + (-s) * (R - P)) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= r * (R - P) + 0.V by RLVECT_1:5 .= r * (R - P); then 1 * (R - P) + (-s) * (R - P) = r * (R - P) by RLVECT_1:def 8; then (1 - s) * (R - P) = r * (R - P) by RLVECT_1:def 6; then 1 - s = r by A2,Th08; hence thesis; end; theorem Th12: P,Q,R are_collinear & P <> R & P <> Q implies affine-ratio(Q,R,P) = (affine-ratio(P,Q,R) - 1) / affine-ratio(P,Q,R) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R are_collinear and A2: P <> R and A3: P <> Q; set r = affine-ratio(P,Q,R), s = affine-ratio(Q,R,P); A4: r <> 0 by A1,A2,A3,Th06; A5: Q - P = r * (R + 0.V - P) by A1,A2,Def02 .= r * (R + (-Q + Q) - P) by RLVECT_1:5 .= r * ((R + -Q) + Q - P) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= r * (R - Q + (Q - P)) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= r * (R - Q) + r * (Q - P) by RLVECT_1:def 5; Q,R,P are_collinear by A1; then Q - P = r * (s * (P - Q)) + r * (Q - P) by A5,A3,Def02 .= (r * s) * (P - Q) + r * (Q - P) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (r * s) * (-(Q - P)) + r * (Q - P) by RLVECT_1:33 .= (r * s) * ((-1) * (Q - P)) + r * (Q - P) by RLVECT_1:16 .= (r * s * (-1)) * (Q - P) + r * (Q - P) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (-r * s + r) * (Q - P) by RLVECT_1:def 6; then 1 * (Q - P) = (r - r * s) * (Q - P) by RLVECT_1:def 8; then 1 = r - r * s by A3,Th08; hence thesis by A4,XCMPLX_1:89; end; theorem Th13: P,Q,R are_collinear & P <> R & Q <> R implies affine-ratio(R,P,Q) = 1 / (1 - affine-ratio(P,Q,R)) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R are_collinear and A2: P <> R and A3: Q <> R; set r = affine-ratio(P,Q,R), s = affine-ratio(R,P,Q); A4: 1 - r <> 0 by A1,A2,A3,Th07; A5: r * (R - P) = Q + 0.V - P by A1,A2,Def02 .= Q + (-R + R) - P by RLVECT_1:5 .= Q - R + R - P by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= Q - R + --(R - P) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= Q - R - (P - R) by RLVECT_1:33; A6: R,P,Q are_collinear by A1; then - (s * (Q - R)) = - (P - R) by A3,Def02 .= R - P by RLVECT_1:33; then A7: R - P = (-1) * (s * (Q - R)) by RLVECT_1:16 .= ((-1) * s) * (Q - R) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (-s) * (Q - R); r * (R - P) = (Q - R) + -(s * (Q - R)) by A5,A6,A3,Def02 .= (Q - R) + (-1) * (s * (Q - R)) by RLVECT_1:16 .= (Q - R) + ((-1) * s) * (Q - R) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= 1 * (Q - R) + (-s) * (Q - R) by RLVECT_1:def 8 .= (1 - s) * (Q - R) by RLVECT_1:def 6; then (r * (-s)) * (Q - R) = (1 - s) * (Q - R) by A7,RLVECT_1:def 7; then - r * s = (1 - s) by Th08,A3; then s * (1 - r) = 1; hence thesis by A4,XCMPLX_1:89; end; theorem for r being Real st P,Q,R are_collinear & P <> R & Q <> R & P <> Q & r = affine-ratio(P,Q,R) holds affine-ratio(P,R,Q) = 1 / r & affine-ratio(Q,P,R) = r / (r - 1) & affine-ratio(Q,R,P) = (r - 1) / r & affine-ratio(R,P,Q) = 1 / (1 - r) & affine-ratio(R,Q,P) = 1 - r by Th09,Th10,Th11,Th12,Th13; theorem for a being non zero Real st P,Q,R are_collinear & P <> R holds affine-ratio(P,Q,R) = affine-ratio(a * P,a * Q,a * R) proof let a be non zero Real; assume A1: P,Q,R are_collinear & P <> R; reconsider aP = a * P, aQ = a * Q, aR = a * R as Element of V; now thus aP <> aR by A1,RLVECT_1:36; Q in Line(P,R) by A1,RLTOPSP1:80; then Q in the set of all (1 - l) * P + l * R where l is Real by RLTOPSP1:def 14; then consider l be Real such that A2: Q = (1 - l) * P + l * R; reconsider aL = Line(aP,aR) as line of V; H1: aP in aL & aR in aL by RLTOPSP1:72; aQ = a * ((1 - l) * P) + a * (l * R) by A2,RLVECT_1:def 5 .= (a * (1 - l)) * P + a * (l * R) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (a * (1 - l)) * P + (a * l) * R by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (1 - l) * (a * P) + (a * l) * R by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (1 - l) * aP + l * aR by RLVECT_1:def 7; then aQ in the set of all (1 - l) * aP + l * aR where l is Real; then aQ in aL by RLTOPSP1:def 14; hence aP,aQ,aR are_collinear by H1; end; then aQ - aP = affine-ratio(aP,aQ,aR) * (aR - aP) by Def02; then a * (Q - P) = affine-ratio(aP,aQ,aR) * (aR - aP) by RLVECT_1:34; then a * (Q - P) = affine-ratio(aP,aQ,aR) * (a * (R - P)) by RLVECT_1:34; then a * (Q - P) = (affine-ratio(aP,aQ,aR) * a) * (R - P) by RLVECT_1:def 7; then a * (Q - P) = a * (affine-ratio(aP,aQ,aR) * (R - P)) by RLVECT_1:def 7; then Q - P = affine-ratio(aP,aQ,aR) * (R - P) by RLVECT_1:36; hence thesis by A1,Def02; end; theorem for x,y being Element of REAL 1 for p,q being Tuple of 1,REAL st p = x & q = y holds x + y = p + q; theorem for x,y being Element of TOP-REAL 1 for p,q being Tuple of 1,REAL st p = x & q = y holds x + y = p + q; theorem for x,y being Element of TOP-REAL 1 for p,q being Tuple of 1,REAL st p = x & q = y holds x - y = p - q; theorem for x being Element of TOP-REAL 1 for p being Tuple of 1,REAL st p = x holds - x = - p; theorem Th14: for T being RealLinearSpace for x,y being Element of T for p,q being Tuple of 1,REAL st T = TOP-REAL 1 & p = x & q = y holds x + y = p + q proof let T be RealLinearSpace; let x,y be Element of T; let p,q be Tuple of 1,REAL; assume that A1: T = TOP-REAL 1 and A2: p = x and A3: q = y; A4: p in Funcs(Seg 1,REAL) & q is Element of Funcs(Seg 1,REAL) by SRINGS_5:11; (the addF of the RLSStruct of TOP-REAL 1).(p,q) = (the addF of RealVectSpace Seg 1).(p,q) by EUCLID:def 8 .= p + q by A4,FUNCSDOM:def 1; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,ALGSTR_0:def 1; end; theorem Th15: for p being Tuple of 1,REAL holds - p is Tuple of 1,REAL proof let p be Tuple of 1,REAL; consider d be Element of REAL such that A1: p = <* d *> by FINSEQ_2:97; -p = <* -d *> by A1,RVSUM_1:20; hence thesis; end; theorem Th16: for T being RealLinearSpace for x being Element of T for p being Tuple of 1,REAL st T = TOP-REAL 1 & p = x holds - p = - x proof let T be RealLinearSpace; let x be Element of T; let p be Tuple of 1,REAL; assume that A1: T = TOP-REAL 1 and A2: p = x; consider d be Element of REAL such that A3: p = <* d *> by FINSEQ_2:97; reconsider x9 = <* -d *> as Tuple of 1,REAL; reconsider n = 1 as Nat; REAL is non empty & REAL c= REAL; then reconsider p9 = p as Element of 1-tuples_on REAL by FINSEQ_2:109; A4: the RLSStruct of TOP-REAL 1 = RealVectSpace Seg 1 & 0.REAL 1 = <* 0 *> by EUCLID:def 8,FINSEQ_2:59; A5: p + (-p) = p9 + (-p9) .= 0.TOP-REAL 1 by A4,RVSUM_1:22; the TopStruct of TOP-REAL 1 = TopSpaceMetr Euclid 1 by EUCLID:def 8; then reconsider x99 = x9 as Element of T by A1; A6: -p = <* -d *> by A3,RVSUM_1:20; x + x99 = 0.T by A1,A2,A6,Th14,A5; then - x = x99 by RLVECT_1:def 10; hence thesis by A3,RVSUM_1:20; end; theorem Th17: for T being RealLinearSpace for x being Element of T for p being Element of TOP-REAL 1 st T = TOP-REAL 1 & p = x holds - p = - x proof let T be RealLinearSpace; let x be Element of T; let p be Element of TOP-REAL 1; assume that A1: T = TOP-REAL 1 and A2: p = x; p is Element of REAL 1 by EUCLID:22; then reconsider p9 = p as Tuple of 1,REAL; - p9 = - x by A1,A2,Th16; hence thesis; end; theorem Th18: for T being RealLinearSpace for x,y being Element of T for p,q being Tuple of 1,REAL st T = TOP-REAL 1 & p = x & q = y holds x - y = p - q proof let T be RealLinearSpace; let x,y be Element of T; let p,q be Tuple of 1,REAL; assume that A1: T = TOP-REAL 1 and A2: p = x and A3: q = y; set p9 = p, q9 = q; reconsider y9 = -y as Element of T; reconsider qm9 = -q as Tuple of 1,REAL by Th15; A4: p9 in Funcs(Seg 1,REAL) & qm9 is Element of Funcs(Seg 1,REAL) by SRINGS_5:11; A5: (the addF of the RLSStruct of TOP-REAL 1).(p9,qm9) = (the addF of RealVectSpace Seg 1).(p9,qm9) by EUCLID:def 8 .= p9 + qm9 by A4,FUNCSDOM:def 1; x - y = (the addF of (TOP-REAL 1)).(x,-y) by A1,ALGSTR_0:def 1 .= p - q by A5,A1,A2,A3,Th16; hence thesis; end; theorem Th19: for T being RealLinearSpace for x,y being Element of T for p,q being Element of TOP-REAL 1 st T = TOP-REAL 1 & p = x & q = y holds x + y = p + q proof let T be RealLinearSpace; let x,y be Element of T; let p,q be Element of TOP-REAL 1; assume that A1: T = TOP-REAL 1 and A2: p = x and A3: q = y; reconsider p9 = p,q9 = q as Element of REAL 1 by EUCLID:22; x + y = p9 + q9 by A1,A2,A3,Th14; hence thesis; end; theorem Th20: for D being set for d being Element of D holds Seg 1 --> d = <* d *> proof let D be set; let d be Element of D; Seg 1 --> d = 1 |-> d .= <* d *> by FINSEQ_2:59; hence thesis; end; theorem Th21: for a,r being Real holds multreal.:( Seg 1 --> a, <* r *> ) = <* a * r *> proof let a,r be Real; reconsider r1 = a, r2 = r as Element of REAL by XREAL_0:def 1; a is Element of REAL by XREAL_0:def 1; then multreal.:( Seg 1 --> a, <* r *> ) = multreal.:(<* a *>, <* r *>) by Th20 .= <* multreal.(r1,r2) *> by FINSEQ_2:74 .= <* r1 * r2 *> by BINOP_2:def 11; hence thesis; end; theorem Th22: for a being Real for p being Tuple of 1,REAL holds multreal.:(dom p --> a,p) = a * p proof let a be Real; let p be Tuple of 1,REAL; consider d be Element of REAL such that A1: p = <* d *> by FINSEQ_2:97; A2: a * p = <* a * d *> by A1,RVSUM_1:47; dom p = Seg 1 by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 8; hence thesis by A1,A2,Th21; end; theorem for a being Real for p being Tuple of 1,REAL holds multreal.:(dom p --> a,p) = a * p by Th22; theorem Th23: for T being RealLinearSpace for x,y being Element of T for a being Real for p,q being Tuple of 1,REAL st T = TOP-REAL 1 & p = x & q = y & x = a * y holds p = a * q proof let T be RealLinearSpace; let x,y be Element of T; let a be Real; let p,q be Tuple of 1,REAL; assume that A1: T = TOP-REAL 1 and A2: p = x and A3: q = y and A4: x = a * y; set p9 = q; A5: p9 in Funcs(Seg 1,REAL) by SRINGS_5:11; (the Mult of the RLSStruct of TOP-REAL 1).(a,p9) = (the Mult of RealVectSpace Seg 1).(a,p9) by EUCLID:def 8 .= multreal[;](a,p9) by A5,FUNCSDOM:def 3 .= multreal.:(dom p9 --> a,p9) by FUNCOP_1:31 .= a * p9 by Th22; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4; end; theorem for T being RealLinearSpace for x,y being Element of T for a being Real for p,q being Element of TOP-REAL 1 st T = TOP-REAL 1 & p = x & q = y holds x = a * y implies p = a * q proof let T be RealLinearSpace; let x,y be Element of T; let a be Real; let p,q be Element of TOP-REAL 1; assume that A1: T = TOP-REAL 1 and A2: p = x and A3: q = y and A4: x = a * y; p is Element of REAL 1 & q is Element of REAL 1 by EUCLID:22; then reconsider p9 = p,q9 = q as Tuple of 1,REAL; p9 = a * q9 by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th23; hence thesis; end; theorem for T being RealLinearSpace for x,y being Element of T for p,q being Element of TOP-REAL 1 st T = TOP-REAL 1 & p = x & q = y holds x - y = p - q proof let T be RealLinearSpace; let x,y be Element of T; let p,q be Element of TOP-REAL 1; assume that A1: T = TOP-REAL 1 and A2: p = x and A3: q = y; reconsider y9 = -y as Element of T; reconsider q as Element of REAL 1 by EUCLID:22; reconsider q9 = -q as Element of TOP-REAL 1 by EUCLID:22; - q = - y by A1,A3,Th17; hence thesis by A1,A2,Th19; end; theorem Th24: for p,q being Tuple of 1,REAL for r being Real st p = r * q & p <> <* 0 *> holds ex a,b being Real st p = <* a *> & q =<* b *> & r = a / b proof let p,q be Tuple of 1,REAL; let r be Real; assume that A1: p = r * q and A2: p <> <* 0 *>; consider r1 be Element of REAL such that A3: p = <* r1 *> by FINSEQ_2:97; consider r2 be Element of REAL such that A4: q = <* r2 *> by FINSEQ_2:97; reconsider r1,r2 as Real; take r1,r2; A5: <* r1 *> = <* r * r2 *> by A1,A3,A4,RVSUM_1:47; then A6: r1 = r * r2 by FINSEQ_1:76; per cases; suppose r2 = 0; hence thesis by A5,A2,A3; end; suppose A7: r2 <> 0; r = r * 1 .= r * (r2 / r2) by A7,XCMPLX_1:60 .= r1 / r2 by A6; hence thesis by A3,A4; end; end; theorem Th25: for x,y,z being Element of TOP-REAL 1 holds x,y,z are_collinear proof let x,y,z be Element of TOP-REAL 1; per cases; suppose A1: z <> y; reconsider L = Line(y,z) as line of TOP-REAL 1; H1: y in L & z in L by RLTOPSP1:72; reconsider x1 = x,y1 = y,z1 = z as Element of REAL 1 by EUCLID:22; A2: x1 in REAL 1 & y1 in REAL 1 & z1 in REAL 1; consider xr be Element of REAL such that A3: x = <* xr *> by A2,FINSEQ_2:97; consider yr be Element of REAL such that A4: y = <* yr *> by A2,FINSEQ_2:97; consider zr be Element of REAL such that A5: z = <* zr *> by A2,FINSEQ_2:97; A6: zr - yr <> 0 by A4,A5,A1; reconsider r = (xr - yr) / (zr - yr) as Real; A7: (1 - r) * yr + r * zr = yr + (xr -yr) / (zr - yr) * (zr - yr) .= yr + (xr - yr) by A6,XCMPLX_1:87 .= xr; (1 - r) * y1 + r * z1 = <* (1 - r) * yr *> + r * <* zr *> by A4,A5,RVSUM_1:47 .= <* (1 - r) * yr *> + <* r * zr *> by RVSUM_1:47 .= x by RVSUM_1:13,A3,A7; then x in the set of all (1 - r) * y1 + r * z1 where r is Real; then x in Line(y1,z1) by EUCLID_4:def 1; then x in L by EUCLID12:4; hence thesis by H1; end; suppose z = y; then x in Line(x,y) & y in Line(x,y) & z in Line(x,y) by RLTOPSP1:72; hence thesis; end; end; theorem for T being RealLinearSpace st T = TOP-REAL 1 for x,y,z being Element of T holds x,y,z are_collinear by Th25; theorem Th26: for T being RealLinearSpace st T = TOP-REAL 1 for x,y,z being Element of T st z <> x & y <> x holds ex a,b,c being Real st x = <* a *> & y = <* b *> & z = <* c *> & affine-ratio(x,y,z) = (b - a) / (c - a) proof let T be RealLinearSpace; assume A1: T = TOP-REAL 1; let x,y,z be Element of T; assume that A2: z <> x and A3: y <> x; reconsider p9 = x,q9 = y,r9 = z as Element of REAL 1 by A1,EUCLID:22; reconsider p = p9, q = q9,r = r9 as Tuple of 1,REAL; set ma = affine-ratio(x,y,z); reconsider yx = y - x, zx = z - x as Element of T; q9 - p9 is Element of 1-tuples_on REAL & r9 - p9 is Element of 1-tuples_on REAL; then reconsider qp = q - p, rp = r - p as Tuple of 1,REAL; A4: qp = yx & rp = zx by A1,Th18; consider r1 be Element of REAL such that A5: q = <* r1 *> by FINSEQ_2:97; consider r2 be Element of REAL such that A6: p = <* r2 *> by FINSEQ_2:97; consider r3 be Element of REAL such that A7: r = <* r3 *> by FINSEQ_2:97; A8: qp =<* r1 - r2 *> & rp = <* r3 - r2 *> by A5,A6,A7,RVSUM_1:29; now x,y,z are_collinear by A1,Th25; then (y - x) = ma * (z - x) by A2,Def02; hence qp = ma * rp by A4,A1,Th23; thus qp <> <* 0 *> proof assume qp = <* 0 *>; then r1 - r2 = 0 by A8,FINSEQ_1:76; hence contradiction by A5,A6,A3; end; end; then consider a,b be Real such that A9: qp = <* a *> and A10: rp =<* b *> and A11: ma = a / b by Th24; reconsider s1 = r1 - r2, s2 = r3 - r2 as Real; A12: a = s1 & b = s2 by A9,A10,A8,FINSEQ_1:76; reconsider r2,r1,r3 as Real; take r2,r1,r3; thus thesis by A11,A12,A5,A6,A7; end; theorem Th27: for x being Element of TOP-REAL 1 for a,r being Real st x = <* a *> holds r * x = <* (r * a) *> proof let x be Element of TOP-REAL 1; let a,r be Real; assume x = <* a *>; then A1: x.1 = a by FINSEQ_1:def 8; reconsider x9 = x as Element of REAL 1 by EUCLID:22; A2: (r * x9).1 = r * x.1 by RVSUM_1:44; r * x9 in REAL 1; then r * x is Element of TOP-REAL 1 by EUCLID:22; then consider b be Real such that A3: r * x = <* b *> by JORDAN2B:20; thus thesis by A1,A3,A2,FINSEQ_1:def 8; end; theorem for x,y being Element of TOP-REAL 1 for a,b,r being Real st x = <* a *> & y = <* b *> holds x = r * y iff a = r * b proof let x,y be Element of TOP-REAL 1; let a,b,r be Real; assume that A1: x = <* a *> and A2: y = <* b *>; reconsider rb = r * b as Real; hereby assume x = r * y; then x = <* rb *> by A2,Th27; hence a = r * b by A1,FINSEQ_1:76; end; assume a = r * b; hence x = r * y by A2,A1,Th27; end; theorem for x,y being Element of TOP-REAL 1 for a,b being Real st x = <* a *> & y = <* b *> holds x - y = <* a - b *> by RVSUM_1:29; theorem for V being RealLinearSpace for x,y being Element of F_Real for x9,y9 being Element of V st V = F_Real & x = x9 & y = y9 holds x + y = x9 + y9; theorem for V being RealLinearSpace for P,Q,R being Element of V st P,Q,R are_collinear & P <> R & Q <> R & P <> Q holds affine-ratio(P,Q,R) <> 0 & affine-ratio(P,Q,R) <> 1 by Th06,Th07; theorem Th28: for V being RealLinearSpace for P,Q,R being Element of V st P,Q,R are_collinear & P <> R & Q <> R & P <> Q holds ex r being non unit non zero Real st r = affine-ratio(P,Q,R) & affine-ratio(P,R,Q) = op1(r) & affine-ratio(Q,P,R) = op1(op2(op1(r))) & affine-ratio(Q,R,P) = op2(op1(r)) & affine-ratio(R,P,Q) = op1(op2(r)) & affine-ratio(R,Q,P) = op2(r) proof let V be RealLinearSpace; let P,Q,R be Element of V; assume that A1: P,Q,R are_collinear and A2: P <> R and A3: Q <> R and A4: P <> Q; A5: affine-ratio(P,Q,R) <> 0 & affine-ratio(P,Q,R) <> 1 by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th06,Th07; reconsider r = affine-ratio(P,Q,R) as Element of REAL by XREAL_0:def 1; reconsider r9 = r as non unit non zero Real by A5,Def01; take r9; affine-ratio(P,R,Q) = 1 / r & affine-ratio(Q,P,R) = r / (r - 1) & affine-ratio(Q,R,P) = (r - 1) / r & affine-ratio(R,P,Q) = 1 / (1 - r) & affine-ratio(R,Q,P) = 1 - r by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th09,Th10,Th11,Th12,Th13; hence thesis by Th01; end; begin :: Cross-Ratio theorem for X being non empty set for x being Tuple of 4,X for P,Q,R,S being Element of X st x = <* P,Q,R,S *> holds pi_1234(x) = <* P, Q, R, S *> & pi_1243(x) = <* P, Q, S, R *> & pi_1324(x) = <* P, R, Q, S *> & pi_1342(x) = <* P, R, S, Q *> & pi_1423(x) = <* P, S, Q, R *> & pi_1432(x) = <* P, S, R, Q *> & pi_2134(x) = <* Q, P, R, S *> & pi_2143(x) = <* Q, P, S, R *> & pi_2314(x) = <* Q, R, P, S *> & pi_2341(x) = <* Q, R, S, P *> & pi_2413(x) = <* Q, S, P, R *> & pi_2431(x) = <* Q, S, R, P *> & pi_3124(x) = <* R, P, Q, S *> & pi_3142(x) = <* R, P, S, Q *> & pi_3214(x) = <* R, Q, P, S *> & pi_3241(x) = <* R, Q, S, P *> & pi_3412(x) = <* R, S, P, Q *> & pi_3421(x) = <* R, S, Q ,P *> & pi_4123(x) = <* S, P, Q, R *> & pi_4132(x) = <* S, P, R, Q *> & pi_4213(x) = <* S, Q, P, R *> & pi_4231(x) = <* S, Q, R, P *> & pi_4312(x) = <* S, R, P, Q *> & pi_4321(x) = <* S, R, Q, P *>; theorem for X being non empty set for x being Tuple of 4,X holds pi_1324(pi_1243(x)) = pi_1423(x) & pi_2143(pi_1243(x)) = pi_2134(x) & pi_3412(pi_1243(x)) = pi_4312(x) & pi_4321(pi_1243(x)) = pi_3421(x) & pi_3412(pi_1324(x)) = pi_2413(x) & pi_2143(pi_1324(x)) = pi_3142(x) & pi_4321(pi_1324(x)) = pi_4231(x) & pi_3412(pi_1423(x)) = pi_2314(x) & pi_2143(pi_1423(x)) = pi_4132(x) & pi_4321(pi_1423(x)) = pi_3241(x) & pi_1243(pi_1423(x)) = pi_1432(x) & pi_4321(pi_1432(x)) = pi_2341(x) & pi_3412(pi_1432(x)) = pi_3214(x) & pi_2143(pi_1432(x)) = pi_4123(x) & pi_4321(pi_3124(x)) = pi_4213(x) & pi_3412(pi_3124(x)) = pi_2431(x) & pi_2143(pi_3124(x)) = pi_1342(x) & pi_4312(pi_3124(x)) = pi_4231(x) & pi_4321(pi_3124(x)) = pi_4213(x); reserve x for Tuple of 4,the carrier of V, P9,Q9,R9,S9 for Element of V; definition let V being RealLinearSpace; let P,Q,R,S being Element of V; func cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) -> Real equals affine-ratio(R,P,Q) / affine-ratio(S,P,Q); coherence; end; theorem Th31: P,Q,R,S are_collinear & R <> Q & S <> Q & S <> P implies (R = P iff cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) = 0) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: R <> Q and A3: S <> Q and A4: S <> P; consider L be line of V such that A5: P in L & Q in L & R in L & S in L by A1; A6: R,P,Q are_collinear & S,P,Q are_collinear by A5; hereby assume R = P; then affine-ratio(R,P,Q) = 0 by A6,A2,Th06; hence cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) = 0; end; assume A7: cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) = 0; per cases; suppose affine-ratio(S,P,Q) = 0; hence R = P by A3,A4,A6,Th06; end; suppose affine-ratio(S,P,Q) <> 0; then affine-ratio(R,P,Q) = 0 by A7; hence R = P by A2,A6,Th06; end; end; theorem P <> R & P <> S implies cross-ratio(P,P,R,S) = 1 proof assume that A1: P <> R and A2: P <> S; R,P,P are_collinear & S,P,P are_collinear by Th05; then affine-ratio(R,P,P) = 1 & affine-ratio(S,P,P) = 1 by A1,A2,Th07; hence thesis; end; theorem Th32: P,Q,R,S are_collinear & R <> Q & S <> Q & R <> S & cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) = 1 implies P = Q proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: R <> Q and A3: S <> Q and A4: R <> S and A5: cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) = 1; A6: affine-ratio(R,P,Q) = affine-ratio(S,P,Q) by A5,XCMPLX_1:58; set r = affine-ratio(R,P,Q); A7: R,P,Q are_collinear & S,P,Q are_collinear by A1; then P + 0.V - R = r * (Q + 0.V - R) by A2,Def02; then P + (-S + S) - R = r * (Q + 0.V - R) by RLVECT_1:5 .= r * (Q + (-S + S) - R) by RLVECT_1:5 .= r * (Q - S + S - R) by RLVECT_1:def 3; then P - S + S - R = r * (Q - S + S - R) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= r * ((Q - S) + (S - R)) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= r * (Q - S) + r * (S - R) by RLVECT_1:def 5 .= (P - S) + r * (S - R) by A7,A6,A3,Def02; then -(P - S) + ((P - S) + (S - R)) = -(P - S) + ((P - S) + r * (S - R)) by RLVECT_1:def 3; then (-(P - S) + (P - S)) + (S - R) = -(P - S) + ((P - S) + r * (S - R)) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (-(P - S) + (P - S)) + r * (S - R) by RLVECT_1:def 3; then r * (S - R) = S - R by RLVECT_1:8 .= 1 * (S - R) by RLVECT_1:def 8; then r = 1 by A4,Th08; hence P = Q by A2,Th07,A7; end; theorem P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P9,Q9,R9,S9 are_collinear & S <> P & S <> Q & S9 <> P9 & S9 <> Q9 implies (cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) = cross-ratio(P9,Q9,R9,S9) iff affine-ratio(R,P,Q) * affine-ratio(S9,P9,Q9) = affine-ratio(R9,P9,Q9) * affine-ratio(S,P,Q)) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P9,Q9,R9,S9 are_collinear and A3: S <> P and A4: S <> Q and A5: S9 <> P9 and A6: S9 <> Q9; set r = affine-ratio(R,P,Q), s = affine-ratio(S,P,Q), r9 = affine-ratio(R9,P9,Q9), s9 = affine-ratio(S9,P9,Q9); S,P,Q are_collinear & S9,P9,Q9 are_collinear by A1,A2; then s <> 0 & s9 <> 0 by A3,A4,A5,A6,Th06; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:94,95; end; Lm02: for r being Real st P - Q = r * (R - S) holds Q - P = r * (S - R) proof let r be Real; assume A1: P - Q = r * (R - S); Q - P = - r * (R - S) by A1,RLVECT_1:33 .= r * (-(R-S)) by RLVECT_1:25 .= r * (S - R) by RLVECT_1:33; hence thesis; end; theorem Th33: P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q implies cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) = cross-ratio(R,S,P,Q) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P <> S and A3: R <> Q and A4: S <> Q; A5: R,P,Q are_collinear & P,R,S are_collinear & S,P,Q are_collinear & Q,R,S are_collinear by A1; set r1 = affine-ratio(R,P,Q), r2 = affine-ratio(S,P,Q), s1 = affine-ratio(P,R,S), s2 = affine-ratio(Q,R,S); A6: r2 <> 0 & s2 <> 0 by A2,A3,A4,A5,Th06; A7: Q - S <> 0.V by A4,RLVECT_1:21; A8: P - R = r1 * (Q - R) by A5,A3,Def02; A9: P - S = r2 * (Q - S) by A5,A4,Def02; R - Q = s2 * (S - Q) by A5,A4,Def02; then A10: Q - R = s2 * (Q - S) by Lm02; R - P = s1 * (S - P) by A5,A2,Def02; then P - R = s1 * (P - S) by Lm02 .= s1 * r2 * (Q - S) by A9,RLVECT_1:def 7; then r1 * s2 * (Q - S) = s1 * r2 * (Q - S) by A8,A10,RLVECT_1:def 7; hence thesis by A7,RLVECT_1:37,A6,XCMPLX_1:94; end; theorem Th34: for V being RealLinearSpace for P,Q,R,S being Element of V st P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q holds cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) = cross-ratio(Q,P,S,R) proof let V be RealLinearSpace; let P,Q,R,S be Element of V; assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P <> R and A3: P <> S and A4: R <> Q and A5: S <> Q; set r1 = affine-ratio(R,P,Q), r2 = affine-ratio(S,P,Q), s1 = affine-ratio(S,Q,P), s2 = affine-ratio(R,Q,P); per cases; suppose A6: P = Q; R,P,P are_collinear & S,P,P are_collinear by Th05; then r1 = 1 & r2 = 1 & s1 = 1 & s2 = 1 by A2,A3,A6,Th07; hence thesis; end; suppose A7: P <> Q; P,Q,R are_collinear by A1; then consider r9 be non unit non zero Real such that A8: r9 = affine-ratio(P,Q,R) & affine-ratio(P,R,Q) = op1(r9) & affine-ratio(Q,P,R) = op1(op2(op1(r9))) & affine-ratio(Q,R,P) = op2(op1(r9)) & affine-ratio(R,P,Q) = op1(op2(r9)) & affine-ratio(R,Q,P) = op2(r9) by A2,A4,A7,Th28; P,Q,S are_collinear & P <> S & Q <> S by A1,A3,A5; then ex s9 be non unit non zero Real st s9 = affine-ratio(P,Q,S) & affine-ratio(P,S,Q) = op1(s9) & affine-ratio(Q,P,S) = op1(op2(op1(s9))) & affine-ratio(Q,S,P) = op2(op1(s9)) & affine-ratio(S,P,Q) = op1(op2(s9)) & affine-ratio(S,Q,P) = op2(s9) by A7,Th28; hence thesis by A8; end; end; theorem Th34bis: P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q implies cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) = cross-ratio(S,R,Q,P) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P <> R and A3: P <> S and A4: R <> Q and A5: S <> Q; R,S,P,Q are_collinear by A1; then cross-ratio(R,S,P,Q) = cross-ratio(S,R,Q,P) by A2,A3,A4,A5,Th34; hence thesis by A1,A3,A4,A5,Th33; end; theorem cross-ratio(P,Q,S,R) = 1 / cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) by XCMPLX_1:57; theorem P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q implies cross-ratio(Q,P,R,S) = 1 / cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P <> R and A3: P <> S and A4: R <> Q and A5: S <> Q; A6: cross-ratio(P,Q,S,R) = 1 / cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) by XCMPLX_1:57; Q,P,R,S are_collinear & P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q by A2,A3,A4,A5,A1; hence thesis by A6,Th34; end; theorem P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q implies cross-ratio(R,S,Q,P) = 1 / cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P <> R and A3: P <> S and A4: R <> Q and A5: S <> Q; A6: cross-ratio(P,Q,S,R) = 1 / cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) by XCMPLX_1:57; P,Q,S,R are_collinear & P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5; hence thesis by A6,Th34bis; end; theorem P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q implies cross-ratio(S,R,P,Q) = 1 / cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P <> R and A3: P <> S and A4: R <> Q and A5: S <> Q; A6: cross-ratio(P,Q,S,R) = 1 / cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) by XCMPLX_1:57; S,R,P,Q are_collinear & P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5; hence thesis by A6,Th33; end; theorem Th35: P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct implies cross-ratio(P,R,Q,S) = 1 - cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct; A3: P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q & S <> R & P <> Q by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; set r1 = affine-ratio(R,P,Q), r2 = affine-ratio(S,P,Q), s1 = affine-ratio(Q,P,R), s2 = affine-ratio(S,P,R), r = affine-ratio(P,Q,R); A4: P,Q,R are_collinear by A1; then A5: r1 = 1 / (1 -r) & s1 = r / (r - 1) by A3,Th10,Th13; P,Q,R are_collinear by A1; then A6: r - 1 <> 0 by A3,Th07; A7: 1 - s1 = r1 proof 1 - s1 = 1 - r / (r - 1) by A4,A3,Th10 .= (r - 1) / (r - 1) - r / (r - 1) by A6,XCMPLX_1:60 .= (-1) / (r - 1) .= 1 / (-(r - 1)) by XCMPLX_1:192; hence thesis by A5; end; R <> Q & R,P,Q are_collinear by A1,A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; then A8: r2 * (P - R) = r2 * (r1 * (Q - R)) by Def02; A9: S <> Q & S,P,Q are_collinear by A1,A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; A10: S <> R & S,P,R are_collinear by A1,A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; then A11: P - S = s2 * (R - S) by Def02; S,P,Q are_collinear by A1; then A12: r2 <> 0 by A3,Th06; S,P,R are_collinear by A1; then A13: s2 <> 0 by A3,Th06; P - R = P + 0.V - R .= P + (-S + S) - R by RLVECT_1:5 .= ((P - S) + S) - R by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (P - S) + (S - R) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= s2 * (R - S) + (S - R) by A10,Def02 .= s2 * (R - S) + -(R - S) by RLVECT_1:33 .= s2 * (R - S) + (-1) * (R - S) by RLVECT_1:16 .= (s2 - 1) * (R - S) by RLVECT_1:def 6; then A14: r2 * (P - R) = (r2 * (s2 - 1)) * (R - S) by RLVECT_1:def 7; r1 * (Q - R) = r1 * (Q + 0.V - R) .= r1 * (Q + (-S + S) - R) by RLVECT_1:5 .= r1 * (Q - S + S - R) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= r1 * ((Q - S) + (S - R)) by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= r1 * (Q - S) + r1 * (S - R) by RLVECT_1:def 5 .= r1 * (Q - S) + r1 * ( - (R - S)) by RLVECT_1:33 .= r1 * (Q - S) + r1 * ((-1) * (R - S)) by RLVECT_1:16 .= r1 * (Q - S) + (r1 * (-1)) * (R - S) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= r1 * (Q - S) + (-r1) * (R - S); then r2 * (r1 * (Q - R)) = r2 * (r1 * ((Q - S))) + r2 * ((-r1) * (R - S)) by RLVECT_1:def 5 .= (r2 * r1) * (Q - S) + r2 * ((-r1) * (R - S)) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= r1 * (r2 * (Q - S)) + r2 * ((-r1) * (R - S)) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= r1 * (s2 * (R - S)) + r2 * ((-r1) * (R - S)) by A9,Def02,A11 .= (r1 * s2) * (R - S) + r2 * ((-r1) * (R - S)) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (r1 * s2) * (R - S) + (r2 * (-r1)) * (R - S) by RLVECT_1:def 7 .= (r1 * s2 + (r2 * (-r1))) * (R - S) by RLVECT_1:def 6; then r2 * (s2 - 1) = r1 * s2 + (r2 * (-r1)) by A14,A8,A3,Th08; then r1 * r2 - r2 = r1 * s2 - r2 * s2; then (-s1) * r2 = (r1 - r2) * s2 by A7; then s1 * r2 = (r2 - r1) * s2; then s1 / s2 = (r2 - r1) / r2 by A12,A13,XCMPLX_1:94 .= r2 / r2 - r1 / r2 .= 1 - r1 / r2 by A12,XCMPLX_1:60; hence thesis; end; theorem P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct implies cross-ratio(Q,S,P,R) = 1 - cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct; A3: P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q & S <> R & P <> Q by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; P,R,Q,S are_collinear by A1; then cross-ratio(P,R,Q,S) = cross-ratio(Q,S,P,R) by A3,Th33; hence thesis by A1,A2,Th35; end; theorem P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct implies cross-ratio(R,P,S,Q) = 1 - cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct; A3: P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q & S <> R & P <> Q by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; P,R,Q,S are_collinear by A1; then cross-ratio(P,R,Q,S) = cross-ratio(R,P,S,Q) by A3,Th34; hence thesis by A1,A2,Th35; end; theorem P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct implies cross-ratio(S,Q,R,P) = 1 - cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) proof assume that A1: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A2: P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct; A3: P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q & S <> R & P <> Q by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; P,R,Q,S are_collinear by A1; then cross-ratio(S,Q,R,P) = cross-ratio(P,R,Q,S) by A3,Th34bis; hence thesis by A1,A2,Th35; end; definition let V being RealLinearSpace; let x being Tuple of 4,the carrier of V; func cross-ratio-tuple(x) -> Real means :Def03: ex P,Q,R,S being Element of V st P = x.1 & Q = x.2 & R = x.3 & S = x.4 & it = cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S); existence proof dom x = Seg 4 by FINSEQ_2:124; then 1 in dom x & 2 in dom x & 3 in dom x & 4 in dom x; then reconsider P = x.1, Q = x.2, R = x.3, S = x.4 as Element of V by FINSEQ_2:11; cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) is Real; hence thesis; end; uniqueness; end; theorem Th36: x = <* P, Q, R, S *> implies cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) = cross-ratio-tuple(x) proof assume x = <* P, Q, R, S *>; then x.1 = P & x.2 = Q & x.3 = R & x.4 = S; hence thesis by Def03; end; theorem Th37: x = <* P, Q, R, S *> & P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P <> S & Q <> R & Q <> S implies cross-ratio-tuple(x) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3412(x)) proof assume that A1: x = <* P, Q, R, S *> and A2: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A3: P <> S and A4: Q <> R and A5: Q <> S; consider P9,Q9,R9,S9 be Element of V such that A7: P9 = x.1 & Q9 = x.2 & R9 = x.3 & S9 = x.4 & cross-ratio-tuple(x) = cross-ratio(P9,Q9,R9,S9) by Def03; ex P99,Q99,R99,S99 be Element of V st P99 = (pi_3412(x)).1 & Q99 = (pi_3412(x)).2 & R99 = (pi_3412(x)).3 & S99 = (pi_3412(x)).4 & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3412(x)) = cross-ratio(P99,Q99,R99,S99) by Def03; hence thesis by A1,A7,A2,A3,A4,A5,Th33; end; theorem Th38: x = <* P, Q, R, S *> & P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P <> R & P <> S & Q <> R & Q <> S implies cross-ratio-tuple(x) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2143(x)) & cross-ratio-tuple(x) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4321(x)) proof assume that A1: x = <* P, Q, R, S *> and A2: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A3: P <> R and A4: P <> S and A5: Q <> R and A6: Q <> S; A8: ex P9,Q9,R9,S9 be Element of V st P9 = x.1 & Q9 = x.2 & R9 = x.3 & S9 = x.4 & cross-ratio-tuple(x) = cross-ratio(P9,Q9,R9,S9) by Def03; H1: ex P99,Q99,R99,S99 be Element of V st P99 = (pi_2143(x)).1 & Q99 = (pi_2143(x)).2 & R99 = (pi_2143(x)).3 & S99 = (pi_2143(x)).4 & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2143(x)) = cross-ratio(P99,Q99,R99,S99) by Def03; ex P99,Q99,R99,S99 be Element of V st P99 = (pi_4321(x)).1 & Q99 = (pi_4321(x)).2 & R99 = (pi_4321(x)).3 & S99 = (pi_4321(x)).4 & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4321(x)) = cross-ratio(P99,Q99,R99,S99) by Def03; hence thesis by H1,A6,A1,A8,A2,A3,A4,A5,Th34,Th34bis; end; theorem Th39: cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(x)) = 1 / cross-ratio-tuple(x) proof consider P9,Q9,R9,S9 be Element of V such that A1: P9 = x.1 & Q9 = x.2 & R9 = x.3 & S9 = x.4 & cross-ratio-tuple(x) = cross-ratio(P9,Q9,R9,S9) by Def03; ex P99,Q99,R99,S99 be Element of V st P99 = (pi_1243(x)).1 & Q99 = (pi_1243(x)).2 & R99 = (pi_1243(x)).3 & S99 = (pi_1243(x)).4 & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(x)) = cross-ratio(P99,Q99,R99,S99) by Def03; hence thesis by A1,XCMPLX_1:57; end; theorem x = <*P,Q,R,S*> & P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct & P,Q,R,S are_collinear implies (ex r being non unit non zero Real st r = cross-ratio-tuple(x) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(x)) = op1(r)) proof assume that A1: x = <*P,Q,R,S*> and A2: P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct and A3: P,Q,R,S are_collinear; A4: P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q & S <> R & P <> Q by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; consider P9,Q9,R9,S9 be Element of V such that A5: P9 = x.1 & Q9 = x.2 & R9 = x.3 & S9 = x.4 & cross-ratio-tuple(x) = cross-ratio(P9,Q9,R9,S9) by Def03; reconsider r=cross-ratio-tuple(x) as non unit non zero Real by Def01,A1,A3,A5,A4,Th32,Th31; take r; thus thesis by Th39; end; theorem Th40: x = <*P,Q,R,S*> & P,Q,R,S are_collinear & P <> R & P <> S & Q <> R & Q <> S implies cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(x)) = 1 / cross-ratio-tuple(x) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2134(x)) = 1 / cross-ratio-tuple(x) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3421(x)) = 1 / cross-ratio-tuple(x) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4312(x)) = 1 / cross-ratio-tuple(x) proof assume that A1: x = <*P,Q,R,S*> and A2: P,Q,R,S are_collinear and A3: P <> R and A4: P <> S and A5: Q <> R and A6: Q <> S; A7: pi_1243(x) = <*P,Q,S,R*> & P,Q,S,R are_collinear by A2,A1; consider P9,Q9,R9,S9 be Element of V such that A8: P9 = x.1 & Q9 = x.2 & R9 = x.3 & S9 = x.4 & cross-ratio-tuple(x) = cross-ratio(P9,Q9,R9,S9) by Def03; consider P99,Q99,R99,S99 be Element of V such that A9: P99 = (pi_1243(x)).1 & Q99 = (pi_1243(x)).2 & R99 = (pi_1243(x)).3 & S99 = (pi_1243(x)).4 & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(x)) = cross-ratio(P99,Q99,R99,S99) by Def03; now thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2134(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2143(pi_1243(x))) .= cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(x)) by A7,A3,A4,A5,A6,Th38; thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3421(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4321(pi_1243(x))) .= cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(x)) by A7,A3,A4,A5,A6,Th38; thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4312(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3412(pi_1243(x))) .= cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(x)) by A7,A3,A5,A6,Th37; end; hence thesis by A8,A9,XCMPLX_1:57; end; theorem Th41: x = <* P,Q,R,S *> & P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct & P,Q,R,S are_collinear implies cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1324(x)) = 1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2413(x)) = 1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3142(x)) = 1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4231(x)) = 1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x) proof assume that A1: x = <* P,Q,R,S *> and A2: P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct and A3: P,Q,R,S are_collinear; A4: P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q & S <> R & P <> Q by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; A6: pi_1324(x) = <*P,R,Q,S*> & P,R,Q,S are_collinear by A3,A1; now x.1 = P & x.2 = Q & x.3 = R & x.4 = S & (pi_1324(x)).1 = P & (pi_1324(x)).2 = R & (pi_1324(x)).3 = Q & (pi_1324(x)).4 = S by A1; hence cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1324(x)) = cross-ratio(P,R,Q,S) & cross-ratio-tuple(x) = cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) by Def03; thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2413(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3412(pi_1324(x))) .= cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1324(x)) by A6,A4,Th37; thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3142(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2143(pi_1324(x))) .= cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1324(x)) by A4,Th38,A6; thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4231(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4321(pi_1324(x))) .= cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1324(x)) by A4,Th38,A6; end; hence thesis by A2,A3,Th35; end; theorem x = <* P,Q,R,S *> & P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct & P,Q,R,S are_collinear implies cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3124(x)) = 1 / (1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x)) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2431(x)) = 1 / (1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x)) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1342(x)) = 1 / (1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x)) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4213(x)) = 1 / (1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x)) proof assume that A1: x = <* P,Q,R,S *> and A2: P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct and A3: P,Q,R,S are_collinear; A4: P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q & S <> R & P <> Q by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; A7: cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(pi_3142(x))) = 1 / cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3142(x)) by Th39; hence cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3124(x)) = 1 / (1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x)) by A2,A3,A1,Th41; A8: pi_3124(x) = <* R,P,Q,S *> & R,P,Q,S are_collinear by A3,A1; now thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3412(pi_3124(x))) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3124(x)) by A8,Th37,A4 .= 1 / (1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x)) by A3,A7,A1,A2,Th41; thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2143(pi_3124(x))) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3124(x)) by A8,A4,Th38 .= 1 / (1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x)) by A3,A7,A1,A2,Th41; thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4321(pi_3124(x))) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3124(x)) by A4,A8,Th38 .= 1 / (1 - cross-ratio-tuple(x)) by A3,A7,A1,A2,Th41; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th42: x = <* P,Q,R,S *> & P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct & P,Q,R,S are_collinear implies cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1423(x)) = (cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) / cross-ratio-tuple(x) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2314(x)) = (cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) / cross-ratio-tuple(x) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4132(x)) = (cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) / cross-ratio-tuple(x) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3241(x)) = (cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) / cross-ratio-tuple(x) proof assume that A1: x = <* P,Q,R,S *> and A2: P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct and A3: P,Q,R,S are_collinear; A4: P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q & S <> R & P <> Q by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) <> 0 by A3,A4,Th31; then reconsider cr = cross-ratio-tuple(x) as non zero Complex by A1,Th36; pi_1243(x) = <* P,Q,S,R *> & P,Q,S,R are_collinear & P,Q,S,R are_mutually_distinct by A4,A1,A3,ZFMISC_1:def 6; then A5: cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1324(pi_1243(x))) = 1 - cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(x)) by Th41 .= 1 - (1 / cr) by A1,A3,A4,Th40 .= cr / cr - 1 / cr by XCMPLX_1:60 .= (cr - 1) / cr; hence cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1423(x)) = (cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) / cross-ratio-tuple(x); pi_1423(x) = <* P,S,Q,R *> & P,S,Q,R are_collinear by A1,A3; then cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3412(pi_1423(x)))=cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1423(x)) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2143(pi_1423(x)))=cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1423(x)) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4321(pi_1423(x)))=cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1423(x)) by A4,Th37,Th38; hence thesis by A5; end; theorem x = <* P,Q,R,S *> & P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct & P,Q,R,S are_collinear implies cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1432(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(x) / (cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2341(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(x) / (cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3214(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(x) / (cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) & cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4123(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(x) / (cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) proof assume that A1: x = <* P,Q,R,S *> and A2: P,Q,R,S are_mutually_distinct and A3: P,Q,R,S are_collinear; A4: P <> R & P <> S & R <> Q & S <> Q & S <> R & P <> Q by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 6; A5: P,S,R,Q are_collinear & pi_1432(x) = <*P,S,R,Q*> by A1,A3; A6: cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1432(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1243(pi_1423(x))) .= 1 / (cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1423(x))) by Th39 .= 1 / ((cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) / cross-ratio-tuple(x)) by A1,A3,A2,Th42; hence cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1432(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(x) / (cross-ratio-tuple(x) - 1) by XCMPLX_1:57; now thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2341(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4321(pi_1432(x))) .= cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1432(x)) by A5,A4,Th38; thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3214(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_3412(pi_1432(x))) .= cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1432(x)) by A4,A5,Th37; thus cross-ratio-tuple(pi_4123(x)) = cross-ratio-tuple(pi_2143(pi_1432(x))) .= cross-ratio-tuple(pi_1432(x)) by A4,A5,Th38; end; hence thesis by A6,XCMPLX_1:57; end; begin :: Cross-Ratio and real numbers line Lm03: for a,b,c,d being Complex holds ((a - c) / (b - c)) / ((a - d) / (b - d)) = ((c - a) / (c - b)) * ((d - b) / (d - a)) proof let a,b,c,d be Complex; ((a - c) / (b - c)) / ((a - d)/(b - d)) = (((-1) * (c - a)) / (((-1) * (c - b)))) / (((-1) * (d - a))/((-1)*(d - b))) .= ((c - a) / (c - b)) / (((-1) * (d - a))/((-1)*(d - b))) by XCMPLX_1:91 .= ((c - a) / (c - b)) / ((d - a) / (d - b)) by XCMPLX_1:91 .= ((c - a) / (c - b)) * ((d - b) / (d - a)) by XCMPLX_1:79; hence thesis; end; theorem for x1,x2,x3,x4 being Element of TOP-REAL 1 st x2 <> x3 & x3 <> x1 & x2 <> x4 & x1 <> x4 holds ex a,b,c,d being Real st x1 = <* a *> & x2 = <* b *> & x3 = <* c *> & x4 = <* d *> & cross-ratio-tuple(<*x1,x2,x3,x4*>) = ((c - a) / (c - b)) * ((d - b) / (d - a)) proof let x1,x2,x3,x4 be Element of TOP-REAL 1; assume that A1: x2 <> x3 and A2: x3 <> x1 and A3: x2 <> x4 and A4: x1 <> x4; reconsider x = <*x1,x2,x3,x4*> as Tuple of 4,the carrier of TOP-REAL 1; consider P,Q,R,S be Element of TOP-REAL 1 such that A5: P = x.1 & Q = x.2 & R = x.3 & S = x.4 & cross-ratio-tuple(x) = cross-ratio(P,Q,R,S) by Def03; consider a1,b1,c1 be Real such that A7: x3 = <* a1 *> & x1 = <* b1 *> & x2 = <* c1 *> & affine-ratio(x3,x1,x2) = (b1 - a1) / (c1 - a1) by A1,A2,Th26; consider a2,b2,c2 be Real such that A8: x4 = <* a2 *> & x1 = <* b2 *> & x2 = <* c2 *> & affine-ratio(x4,x1,x2) = (b2 - a2) / (c2 - a2) by A3,A4,Th26; take b1,c1,a1,a2; b1 = b2 & c1 = c2 by A7,A8,FINSEQ_1:76; hence thesis by A7,A8,Lm03,A5; end;