:: From Double Loops to Fields :: by Wojciech Skaba and Micha{\l} Muzalewski environ vocabularies XBOOLE_0, ALGSTR_0, CARD_1, SUPINF_2, VECTSP_1, SUBSET_1, RELAT_1, ALGSTR_1, ARYTM_1, ARYTM_3, STRUCT_0, RLVECT_1, BINOP_1, LATTICES, MESFUNC1, GROUP_1, ALGSTR_2, NUMBERS; notations SUBSET_1, XCMPLX_0, ORDINAL1, NUMBERS, REAL_1, STRUCT_0, ALGSTR_0, RLVECT_1, GROUP_1, VECTSP_1, ALGSTR_1; constructors BINOP_2, ALGSTR_1, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_1, MEMBERED, REAL_1, XXREAL_0, NUMBERS, GROUP_1; registrations VECTSP_1, ALGSTR_1, ALGSTR_0, MEMBERED, XREAL_0; requirements SUBSET; theorems VECTSP_1, ALGSTR_1, RLVECT_1, GROUP_1, STRUCT_0, ALGSTR_0, XCMPLX_1; begin :: DOUBLE LOOPS reserve L for non empty doubleLoopStr; Lm1: 0 = 0.F_Real by STRUCT_0:def 6,VECTSP_1:def 5; Lm2: for a,b being Element of F_Real st a<>0.F_Real ex x being Element of F_Real st a*x=b proof let a,b be Element of F_Real such that A1: a<>0.F_Real; reconsider p=a, q=b as Element of REAL by VECTSP_1:def 5; reconsider x = q/p as Element of F_Real by VECTSP_1:def 5; p*(q/p) = q by A1,Lm1,XCMPLX_1:87; then a*x = b; hence thesis; end; Lm3: for a,b being Element of F_Real st a<>0.F_Real ex x being Element of F_Real st x*a=b proof let a,b be Element of F_Real; assume a<>0.F_Real; then ex x being Element of F_Real st a*x=b by Lm2; hence thesis; end; Lm4: ( for a,x,y being Element of F_Real st a<>0.F_Real holds a*x=a*y implies x=y)& for a,x,y being Element of F_Real st a<>0.F_Real holds x*a=y*a implies x= y by VECTSP_1:5; Lm5: ( for a being Element of F_Real holds a*0.F_Real = 0.F_Real)& for a being Element of F_Real holds 0.F_Real*a = 0.F_Real by VECTSP_1:12; :: Below is the basic definition of the mode of DOUBLE LOOP. :: The F_Real example in accordance with the many theorems proved above :: is used to prove the existence. registration cluster F_Real -> multLoop_0-like; coherence by Lm2,Lm3,Lm4,Lm5,ALGSTR_1:16; end; :: In the following part of this article the negation and minus functions :: are defined. This is the only definition of both functions in this article :: while some of their features are independently proved :: for various structures. definition let L be left_add-cancelable add-right-invertible non empty addLoopStr; let a be Element of L; func -a -> Element of L means :Def1: a+it = 0.L; existence by ALGSTR_1:def 4; uniqueness by ALGSTR_0:def 3; end; definition let L be left_add-cancelable add-right-invertible non empty addLoopStr; let a,b be Element of L; func a-b -> Element of L equals a+ -b; correctness; end; registration cluster strict Abelian add-associative commutative associative distributive non degenerated left_zeroed right_zeroed Loop-like well-unital multLoop_0-like for non empty doubleLoopStr; existence proof take F_Real; thus thesis; end; end; definition mode doubleLoop is left_zeroed right_zeroed Loop-like well-unital multLoop_0-like non empty doubleLoopStr; end; definition mode leftQuasi-Field is Abelian add-associative right-distributive non degenerated doubleLoop; end; reserve a,b,c,x,y,z for Element of L; :: The following theorem shows that the basic set of axioms of the :: left quasi-field may be replaced with the following one, :: by just removing a few and adding some other axioms. theorem L is leftQuasi-Field iff (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a+ x = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+a) & 0. L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a holds 1.L * a = a) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st a*x=b) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st x*a=b) & (for a,x,y st a<>0. L holds a*x=a*y implies x=y) & (for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds x*a=y*a implies x=y) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L) & for a,b,c holds a*(b+ c) = a*b + a*c proof thus L is leftQuasi-Field implies (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a+x = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+a) & 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a holds 1.L * a = a) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st a*x=b) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st x*a=b) & (for a,x,y st a <>0.L holds a*x=a*y implies x=y) & (for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds x*a=y*a implies x =y) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L) & for a,b,c holds a *(b+c) = a*b + a*c by ALGSTR_1:6,16,RLVECT_1:def 2,def 3,def 4,STRUCT_0:def 8 ,VECTSP_1:def 2; assume that A1: for a holds a + 0.L = a and A2: for a ex x st a+x = 0.L and A3: for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) and A4: for a,b holds a+b = b+a and A5: ( 0.L <> 1.L & for a holds a * 1.L = a )&( ( for a holds 1.L * a = a )& for a, b st a<>0.L ex x st a*x=b ) & ( ( for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st x*a=b)& for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds a*x=a*y implies x=y )&( ( for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds x*a=y*a implies x=y)& for a holds a*0.L = 0.L ) &( ( for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L)& for a,b,c holds a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c); A6: for a holds 0.L + a = a proof let a; thus 0.L + a = a + 0.L by A4 .= a by A1; end; A7: for a,b ex x st a+x=b proof let a,b; consider y such that A8: a+y = 0.L by A2; take x = y+b; thus a+x = 0.L + b by A3,A8 .= b by A6; end; A9: for a,b ex x st x+a=b proof let a,b; consider x such that A10: a+x=b by A7; take x; thus thesis by A4,A10; end; A11: for a,x,y holds a+x=a+y implies x=y proof let a,x,y; consider z such that A12: z+a = 0.L by A1,A2,A3,ALGSTR_1:3; assume a+x = a+y; then (z+a)+x = z+(a+y) by A3 .= (z+a)+y by A3; hence x = 0.L + y by A6,A12 .= y by A6; end; for a,x,y holds x+a=y+a implies x=y proof let a,x,y; assume x+a = y+a; then a+x= y+a by A4 .= a+y by A4; hence thesis by A11; end; hence thesis by A1,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A9,A11,ALGSTR_1:6,16,def 2,RLVECT_1:def 2 ,def 3,def 4,STRUCT_0:def 8,VECTSP_1:def 2,def 6; end; theorem Th2: for G being Abelian right-distributive doubleLoop, a,b being Element of G holds a*(-b) = -(a*b) proof let G be Abelian right-distributive doubleLoop, a,b be Element of G; a*b + a*(-b) = a*(b+ -b) by VECTSP_1:def 2 .= a*0.G by Def1 .= 0.G by ALGSTR_1:16; hence thesis by Def1; end; theorem Th3: for G being Abelian left_add-cancelable add-right-invertible non empty addLoopStr, a being Element of G holds -(-a) = a proof let G be Abelian left_add-cancelable add-right-invertible non empty addLoopStr, a be Element of G; -a+a = 0.G by Def1; hence thesis by Def1; end; theorem for G being Abelian right-distributive doubleLoop holds (-1.G)*(-1.G) = 1.G proof let G be Abelian right-distributive doubleLoop; thus (-1.G)*(-1.G) = -((-1.G)*1_G) by Th2 .= -(-1.G) .= 1.G by Th3; end; theorem for G being Abelian right-distributive doubleLoop, a,x,y being Element of G holds a*(x-y) = a*x - a*y proof let G be Abelian right-distributive doubleLoop, a,x,y be Element of G; thus a*(x-y) = a*x + a*(-y) by VECTSP_1:def 2 .= a*x - a*y by Th2; end; :: RIGHT QUASI-FIELD :: The next contemplated algebraic structure is so called right quasi-field. :: This structure is defined as a DOUBLE LOOP augmented with three axioms. :: The reasoning is similar to that of left quasi-field. definition mode rightQuasi-Field is Abelian add-associative left-distributive non degenerated doubleLoop; end; theorem L is rightQuasi-Field iff (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a +x = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+a) & 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a holds 1.L * a = a) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st a*x=b) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st x*a=b) & (for a,x,y st a <>0.L holds a*x=a*y implies x=y) & (for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds x*a=y*a implies x =y) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L) & for a,b,c holds ( b+c)*a = b*a + c*a proof thus L is rightQuasi-Field implies (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a+x = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+a) & 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a holds 1.L * a = a) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st a*x=b) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st x*a=b) & (for a,x,y st a <>0.L holds a*x=a*y implies x=y) & (for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds x*a=y*a implies x =y) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L) & for a,b,c holds ( b+c)*a = b*a + c*a by ALGSTR_1:6,16,RLVECT_1:def 2,def 3,def 4,STRUCT_0:def 8 ,VECTSP_1:def 3; assume that A1: for a holds a + 0.L = a and A2: for a ex x st a+x = 0.L and A3: for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) and A4: for a,b holds a+b = b+a and A5: ( 0.L <> 1.L & for a holds a * 1.L = a )&( ( for a holds 1.L * a = a )& for a, b st a<>0.L ex x st a*x=b ) & ( ( for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st x*a=b)& for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds a*x=a*y implies x=y )&( ( for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds x*a=y*a implies x=y)& for a holds a*0.L = 0.L ) &( ( for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L)& for a,b,c holds (b+c)*a = b*a + c*a); A6: for a,b ex x st x+a=b proof let a,b; consider y such that A7: y+a = 0.L by A1,A2,A3,ALGSTR_1:3; take x = b+y; thus x+a = b + 0.L by A3,A7 .= b by A1; end; A8: for a holds 0.L + a = a proof let a; thus 0.L + a = a + 0.L by A4 .= a by A1; end; A9: for a,x,y holds a+x=a+y implies x=y proof let a,x,y; consider z such that A10: z+a = 0.L by A1,A2,A3,ALGSTR_1:3; assume a+x = a+y; then (z+a)+x = z+(a+y) by A3 .= (z+a)+y by A3; hence x = 0.L + y by A8,A10 .= y by A8; end; A11: for a,x,y holds x+a=y+a implies x=y proof let a,x,y; consider z such that A12: a+z = 0.L by A2; assume x+a = y+a; then x+(a+z) = (y+a)+z by A3 .= y+(a+z) by A3; hence x = y + 0.L by A1,A12 .= y by A1; end; for a,b ex x st a+x=b proof let a,b; consider y such that A13: a+y = 0.L by A2; take x = y+b; thus a+x = 0.L + b by A3,A13 .= b by A8; end; hence thesis by A1,A3,A4,A5,A8,A6,A9,A11,ALGSTR_1:6,16,def 2,RLVECT_1:def 2 ,def 3,def 4,STRUCT_0:def 8,VECTSP_1:def 3,def 6; end; :: Below, the three features concerned with the - function, :: numbered 20..22 are proved. Where necessary, a few additional :: facts are included. They are independent of the similar proofs :: performed for the left quasi-field. reserve G for left-distributive doubleLoop, a,b,x,y for Element of G; theorem Th7: (-b)*a = -(b*a) proof b*a + (-b)*a = (b+(-b))*a by VECTSP_1:def 3 .= 0.G*a by Def1 .= 0.G by ALGSTR_1:16; hence thesis by Def1; end; theorem for G being Abelian left-distributive doubleLoop holds (-1.G)*(-1.G) = 1.G proof let G be Abelian left-distributive doubleLoop; thus (-1.G)*(-1.G) = -(1_G*(-1.G)) by Th7 .= -(-1.G) .= 1.G by Th3; end; theorem (x-y)*a = x*a - y*a proof thus (x-y)*a = x*a + (-y)*a by VECTSP_1:def 3 .= x*a - y*a by Th7; end; :: DOUBLE SIDED QUASI-FIELD :: The next contemplated algebraic structure is so called double sided :: quasi-field. This structure is also defined as a DOUBLE LOOP augmented :: with four axioms, while its relevance to left/right quasi-field is :: independently contemplated. :: The reasoning is similar to that of left/right quasi-field. definition mode doublesidedQuasi-Field is Abelian add-associative distributive non degenerated doubleLoop; end; reserve a,b,c,x,y,z for Element of L; theorem L is doublesidedQuasi-Field iff (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a+x = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+ a) & 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a holds 1.L * a = a) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st a*x=b) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st x*a=b) & (for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds a*x=a*y implies x=y) & (for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds x*a=y*a implies x=y) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L) & (for a,b ,c holds a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c) & for a,b,c holds (b+c)*a = b*a + c*a proof thus L is doublesidedQuasi-Field implies (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a+x = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+a) & 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a holds 1.L * a = a) & ( for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st a*x=b) & (for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st x*a=b) & (for a,x ,y st a<>0.L holds a*x=a*y implies x=y) & (for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds x*a=y*a implies x=y) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L) & (for a,b ,c holds a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c) & for a,b,c holds (b+c)*a = b*a + c*a by ALGSTR_1:6,16,RLVECT_1:def 2,def 3,def 4,STRUCT_0:def 8,VECTSP_1:def 7; assume that A1: for a holds a + 0.L = a and A2: for a ex x st a+x = 0.L and A3: for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) and A4: for a,b holds a+b = b+a and A5: ( 0.L <> 1.L & for a holds a * 1.L = a )&( ( for a holds 1.L * a = a )& for a, b st a<>0.L ex x st a*x=b ) & ( ( for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st x*a=b)& for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds a*x=a*y implies x=y )&( ( for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds x*a=y*a implies x=y)& for a holds a*0.L = 0.L ) &( ( ( for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L) & for a,b,c holds a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c )& for a,b, c holds (b+c)*a = b*a + c*a); A6: for a,b ex x st x+a=b proof let a,b; consider y such that A7: y+a = 0.L by A1,A2,A3,ALGSTR_1:3; take x = b+y; thus x+a = b + 0.L by A3,A7 .= b by A1; end; A8: for a holds 0.L + a = a proof let a; thus 0.L + a = a + 0.L by A4 .= a by A1; end; A9: for a,x,y holds a+x=a+y implies x=y proof let a,x,y; consider z such that A10: z+a = 0.L by A1,A2,A3,ALGSTR_1:3; assume a+x = a+y; then (z+a)+x = z+(a+y) by A3 .= (z+a)+y by A3; hence x = 0.L + y by A8,A10 .= y by A8; end; A11: for a,x,y holds x+a=y+a implies x=y proof let a,x,y; consider z such that A12: a+z = 0.L by A2; assume x+a = y+a; then x+(a+z) = (y+a)+z by A3 .= y+(a+z) by A3; hence x = y + 0.L by A1,A12 .= y by A1; end; for a,b ex x st a+x=b proof let a,b; consider y such that A13: a+y = 0.L by A2; take x = y+b; thus a+x = 0.L + b by A3,A13 .= b by A8; end; hence thesis by A1,A3,A4,A5,A8,A6,A9,A11,ALGSTR_1:6,16,def 2,RLVECT_1:def 2 ,def 3,def 4,STRUCT_0:def 8,VECTSP_1:def 6,def 7; end; :: SKEW FIELD :: A Skew-Field is defined as a double sided quasi-field extended :: with the associativity of multiplication. definition mode _Skew-Field is associative doublesidedQuasi-Field; end; Lm6: 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) implies (a*b = 1.L implies b*a = 1.L) proof assume that A1: 0.L <> 1.L and A2: for a holds a * 1.L = a and A3: for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L and A4: for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c) and A5: for a holds a*0.L = 0.L; thus a*b = 1.L implies b*a = 1.L proof assume A6: a*b = 1.L; then b<>0.L by A1,A5; then consider x such that A7: b * x = 1.L by A3; thus b*a = (b*a) * (b*x) by A2,A7 .= ((b*a) * b) * x by A4 .= (b * 1.L) * x by A4,A6 .= 1.L by A2,A7; end; end; Lm7: 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) implies 1.L*a = a*1.L proof assume that A1: 0.L <> 1.L and A2: for a holds a * 1.L = a and A3: for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L and A4: for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c) and A5: for a holds a*0.L = 0.L; A6: a<>0.L implies 1.L*a = a*1.L proof assume a<>0.L; then consider x such that A7: a * x = 1.L by A3; thus 1.L*a = a * (x*a) by A4,A7 .= a*1.L by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A7,Lm6; end; a=0.L implies 1.L*a = a*1.L proof assume A8: a=0.L; hence 1.L*a = 0.L by A5 .= a*1.L by A2,A8; end; hence thesis by A6; end; Lm8: 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) implies for a st a<>0.L ex x st x*a = 1.L proof assume that A1: 0.L <> 1.L & for a holds a * 1.L = a and A2: for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L and A3: ( for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c))& for a holds a*0.L = 0.L; let a; assume a<>0.L; then consider x such that A4: a * x = 1.L by A2; x*a=1.L by A1,A2,A3,A4,Lm6; hence thesis; end; :: The following theorem shows that the basic set of axioms of the :: skew field may be replaced with the following one, :: by just removing a few and adding some other axioms. :: A few theorems proved earlier are highly utilized. theorem Th11: L is _Skew-Field iff (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a+x = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+a) & 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)) & (for a,b,c holds a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c) & (for a,b,c holds (b+c)*a = b*a + c*a) proof thus L is _Skew-Field implies (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a+x = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+a) & 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)) & (for a,b,c holds a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c) & (for a,b,c holds (b+c)*a = b*a + c*a) by ALGSTR_1:6,16,GROUP_1:def 3 ,RLVECT_1:def 2,def 3,def 4,STRUCT_0:def 8,VECTSP_1:def 7; assume A1: (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a+x = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+a) & 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)) & (for a,b,c holds a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c) & (for a,b,c holds (b+c)*a = b*a + c*a); now thus A2: for a holds 0.L + a = a proof let a; thus 0.L + a = a + 0.L by A1 .= a by A1; end; thus for a,b ex x st a+x=b proof let a,b; consider y such that A3: a+y = 0.L by A1; take x = y+b; thus a+x = 0.L + b by A1,A3 .= b by A2; end; thus for a,b ex x st x+a=b proof let a,b; consider y such that A4: y+a = 0.L by A1,ALGSTR_1:3; take x = b+y; thus x+a = b + 0.L by A1,A4 .= b by A1; end; thus for a,x,y holds a+x=a+y implies x=y proof let a,x,y; consider z such that A5: z+a = 0.L by A1,ALGSTR_1:3; assume a+x = a+y; then (z+a)+x = z+(a+y) by A1 .= (z+a)+y by A1; hence x = 0.L + y by A2,A5 .= y by A2; end; thus for a,x,y holds x+a=y+a implies x=y proof let a,x,y; consider z such that A6: a+z = 0.L by A1; assume x+a = y+a; then x+(a+z) = (y+a)+z by A1 .= y+(a+z) by A1; hence x = y + 0.L by A1,A6 .= y by A1; end; thus A7: for a holds 1.L * a = a proof let a; thus 1.L*a = a*1.L by A1,Lm7 .= a by A1; end; thus for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st a*x=b proof let a,b; assume a<>0.L; then consider y such that A8: a*y = 1.L by A1; take x = y*b; thus a*x = 1.L * b by A1,A8 .= b by A7; end; thus for a,b st a<>0.L ex x st x*a=b proof let a,b; assume a<>0.L; then consider y such that A9: y*a = 1.L by A1,Lm8; take x = b*y; thus x*a = b * 1.L by A1,A9 .= b by A1; end; thus for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds a*x=a*y implies x=y proof let a,x,y; assume a<>0.L; then consider z such that A10: z*a = 1.L by A1,Lm8; assume a*x = a*y; then (z*a)*x = z*(a*y) by A1 .= (z*a)*y by A1; hence x = 1.L * y by A7,A10 .= y by A7; end; thus for a,x,y st a<>0.L holds x*a=y*a implies x=y proof let a,x,y; assume a<>0.L; then consider z such that A11: a*z = 1.L by A1; assume x*a = y*a; then x*(a*z) = (y*a)*z by A1 .= y*(a*z) by A1; hence x = y * 1.L by A1,A11 .= y by A1; end; end; hence thesis by A1,ALGSTR_1:6,16,def 2,GROUP_1:def 3,RLVECT_1:def 2,def 3 ,def 4,STRUCT_0:def 8,VECTSP_1:def 6,def 7; end; :: FIELD :: A _Field is defined as a Skew-Field with the axiom of the commutativity :: of multiplication. definition mode _Field is commutative _Skew-Field; end; theorem L is _Field iff (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a+x = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+a) & 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)) & (for a,b,c holds a*( b+c) = a*b + a*c) & for a,b holds a*b = b*a proof thus L is _Field implies (for a holds a + 0.L = a) & (for a ex x st a+x = 0. L) & (for a,b,c holds (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)) & (for a,b holds a+b = b+a) & 0.L <> 1.L & (for a holds a * 1.L = a) & (for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L) & (for a holds a*0.L = 0.L) & (for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)) & (for a,b,c holds a*( b+c) = a*b + a*c) & for a,b holds a*b = b*a by Th11,GROUP_1:def 12; assume that A1: ( ( for a holds a + 0.L = a)& for a ex x st a+x = 0.L )&( ( for a,b, c holds ( a +b)+c = a+(b+c))& for a,b holds a+b = b+a ) &( ( 0.L <> 1.L & for a holds a * 1.L = a )& for a st a<>0.L ex x st a*x = 1.L ) and A2: for a holds a*0.L = 0.L and A3: for a,b,c holds (a*b)*c = a*(b*c) and A4: for a,b,c holds a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c and A5: for a,b holds a*b = b*a; A6: for a holds 0.L*a = 0.L proof let a; thus 0.L*a = a*0.L by A5 .= 0.L by A2; end; for a,b,c holds (b+c)*a = b*a + c*a proof let a,b,c; thus (b+c)*a = a*(b+c) by A5 .= a*b + a*c by A4 .= b*a + a*c by A5 .= b*a + c*a by A5; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,Th11,GROUP_1:def 12; end;