import tactic import data.set.finite import data.real.basic -- for metrics /- # (Re)-Building topological spaces in Lean Mathlib has a large library of results on topological spaces, including various constructions, separation axioms, Tychonoff's theorem, sheaves, Stone-Čech compactification, Heine-Cantor, to name but a few. See which for a (subset) of what's in library. But today we will ignore all that, and build our own version of topological spaces from scratch! (On Friday morning Patrick Massot will lead a session exploring the existing mathlib library in more detail) To get this file run either `leanproject get lftcm2020`, if you didn't already or cd to that folder and run `git pull; leanproject get-mathlib-cache`, this is `src/exercise_sources/wednesday/topological_spaces.lean`. The exercises are spread throughout, you needn't do them in order! They are marked as short, medium and long, so I suggest you try some short ones first. First a little setup, we will be making definitions involving the real numbers, the theory of which is not computable, and we'll use sets. -/ noncomputable theory open set /-! ## What is a topological space: There are many definitions: one from Wikipedia: A topological space is an ordered pair (X, τ), where X is a set and τ is a collection of subsets of X, satisfying the following axioms: - The empty set and X itself belong to τ. - Any arbitrary (finite or infinite) union of members of τ still belongs to τ. - The intersection of any finite number of members of τ still belongs to τ. We can formalize this as follows: -/ class topological_space_wiki := (X : Type) -- the underlying Type that the topology will be on (τ : set (set X)) -- the set of open subsets of X (empty_mem : ∅ ∈ τ) -- empty set is open (univ_mem : univ ∈ τ) -- whole space is open (union : ∀ B ⊆ τ, ⋃₀ B ∈ τ) -- arbitrary unions (sUnions) of members of τ are open (inter : ∀ (B ⊆ τ) (h : set.finite B), ⋂₀ B ∈ τ) -- finite intersections of -- members of τ are open /- Before we go on we should be sure we want to use this as our definition. -/ -- omit /- (Changing your definitions later can be less of a hassle in formalized mathematics than pen and paper maths as the proof assistant will tell you exactly which steps in which proofs you broke, it can also be more of a hassle as you actually have to fix things, so its still best to get it right the first time!) -/ -- omit @[ext] class topological_space (X : Type) := (is_open : set X → Prop) -- why set X → Prop not set (set X)? former plays -- nicer with typeclasses later (empty_mem : is_open ∅) (univ_mem : is_open univ) (union : ∀ (B : set (set X)) (h : ∀ b ∈ B, is_open b), is_open (⋃₀ B)) (inter : ∀ (A B : set X) (hA : is_open A) (hB : is_open B), is_open (A ∩ B)) namespace topological_space /- We can now work with topological spaces like this. -/ example (X : Type) [topological_space X] (U V W : set X) (hU : is_open U) (hV : is_open V) (hW : is_open W) : is_open (U ∩ V ∩ W) := begin apply inter _ _ _ hW, exact inter _ _ hU hV, end /- ## Exercise 0 [short]: One of the axioms of a topological space we have here is unnecessary, it follows from the others. If we remove it we'll have less work to do each time we want to create a new topological space so: 1. Identify and remove the unneeded axiom, make sure to remove it throughout the file. 2. Add the axiom back as a lemma with the same name and prove it based on the others, so that the _interface_ is the same. -/ -- omit lemma empty_mem' (X : Type) [topological_space X] : is_open (∅ : set X) := begin convert union (∅ : set (set X)) _; simp, end -- omit /- Defining a basic topology now works like so: -/ def discrete (X : Type) : topological_space X := { is_open := λ U, true, -- everything is open empty_mem := trivial, univ_mem := trivial, union := begin intros B h, trivial, end, inter := begin intros A hA B hB, trivial, end } /- ## Exercise 1 [medium]: One way me might want to create topological spaces in practice is to take the coarsest possible topological space containing a given set of is_open. To define this we might say we want to define what `is_open` is given the set of generators. So we want to define the predicate `is_open` by declaring that each generator will be open, the intersection of two opens will be open, and each union of a set of opens will be open, and finally the empty and whole space (`univ`) must be open. The cleanest way to do this is as an inductive definition. The exercise is to make this definition of the topological space generated by a given set in Lean. ### Hint: As a hint for this exercise take a look at the following definition of a constructible set of a topological space, defined by saying that an intersection of an open and a closed set is constructible and that the union of any pair of constructible sets is constructible. (Bonus exercise: mathlib doesn't have any theory of constructible sets, make one and PR it! [arbitrarily long!], or just prove that open and closed sets are constructible for now) -/ inductive is_constructible {X : Type} (T : topological_space X) : set X → Prop /- Given two open sets in `T`, the intersection of one with the complement of the other open is locally closed, hence constructible: -/ | locally_closed : ∀ (A B : set X), is_open A → is_open B → is_constructible (A ∩ Bᶜ) -- Given two constructible sets their union is constructible: | union : ∀ A B, is_constructible A → is_constructible B → is_constructible (A ∪ B) -- For example we can now use this definition to prove the empty set is constructible example {X : Type} (T : topological_space X) : is_constructible T ∅ := begin -- The intersection of the whole space (open) with the empty set (closed) is -- locally closed, hence constructible have := is_constructible.locally_closed univ univ T.univ_mem T.univ_mem, -- but simp knows that's just the empty set (`simp` uses `this` automatically) simpa, end /-- The open sets of the least topology containing a collection of basic sets. -/ inductive generated_open (X : Type) (g : set (set X)) : set X → Prop -- The exercise: Add a definition here defining which sets are generated by `g` like the -- `is_constructible` definition above. -- omit | basic : ∀ s ∈ g, generated_open s | univ : generated_open univ | inter : ∀s t, generated_open s → generated_open t → generated_open (s ∩ t) | sUnion : ∀k, (∀ s ∈ k, generated_open s) → generated_open (⋃₀ k) lemma generated_open.empty (X : Type) (g : set (set X)) : generated_open X g ∅ := begin have := generated_open.sUnion (∅ : set (set X)), simpa, end -- omit /-- The smallest topological space containing the collection `g` of basic sets -/ def generate_from (X : Type) (g : set (set X)) : topological_space X := { is_open := generated_open X g, empty_mem := /- inline sorry -/generated_open.empty X g/- inline sorry -/, univ_mem := /- inline sorry -/generated_open.univ/- inline sorry -/, inter := /- inline sorry -/generated_open.inter/- inline sorry -/, union := /- inline sorry -/generated_open.sUnion/- inline sorry -/ } /- ## Exercise 2 [short]: Define the indiscrete topology on any type using this. (To do it without this it is surprisingly fiddly to prove that the set `{∅, univ}` actually forms a topology) -/ def indiscrete (X : Type) : topological_space X := /- inline sorry -/ generate_from X ∅ /- inline sorry -/ end topological_space open topological_space /- Now it is quite easy to give a topology on the product of a pair of topological spaces. -/ instance prod.topological_space (X Y : Type) [topological_space X] [topological_space Y] : topological_space (X × Y) := topological_space.generate_from (X × Y) {U | ∃ (Ux : set X) (Uy : set Y) (hx : is_open Ux) (hy : is_open Uy), U = Ux ×ˢ Uy} -- the proof of this is bit long so I've left it out for the purpose of this file! lemma is_open_prod_iff (X Y : Type) [topological_space X] [topological_space Y] {s : set (X × Y)} : is_open s ↔ (∀a b, (a, b) ∈ s → ∃ (u : set X) (v : set Y), is_open u ∧ is_open v ∧ a ∈ u ∧ b ∈ v ∧ u ×ˢ v ⊆ s) := sorry /- # Metric spaces -/ open_locale big_operators class metric_space_basic (X : Type) := (dist : X → X → ℝ) (dist_eq_zero_iff : ∀ x y, dist x y = 0 ↔ x = y) (dist_symm : ∀ x y, dist x y = dist y x) (triangle : ∀ x y z, dist x z ≤ dist x y + dist y z) namespace metric_space_basic open topological_space /- ## Exercise 3 [short]: We have defined a metric space with a metric landing in ℝ, and made no mention of nonnegativity, (this is in line with the philosophy of using the easiest axioms for our definitions as possible, to make it easier to define individual metrics). Show that we really did define the usual notion of metric space. -/ lemma dist_nonneg {X : Type} [metric_space_basic X] (x y : X) : 0 ≤ dist x y := -- sorry begin have := calc 0 = dist x x : by rw (dist_eq_zero_iff x x).mpr rfl ... ≤ dist x y + dist y x : triangle x y x ... = dist x y + dist x y : by rw dist_symm ... = 2 * dist x y : by rw two_mul (dist x y), linarith, end -- sorry /- From a metric space we get an induced topological space structure like so: -/ instance {X : Type} [metric_space_basic X] : topological_space X := generate_from X { B | ∃ (x : X) r, B = {y | dist x y < r} } end metric_space_basic open metric_space_basic /- So far so good, now lets define the product of two metric spaces: ## Exercise 4 [medium]: Fill in the proofs here. Hint: the computer can do boring casework you would never dream of in real life. `max` is defined as `if x < y then y else x` and the `split_ifs` tactic will break apart if statements. -/ instance prod.metric_space_basic (X Y : Type) [metric_space_basic X] [metric_space_basic Y] : metric_space_basic (X × Y) := { dist := λ u v, max (dist u.fst v.fst) (dist u.snd v.snd), dist_eq_zero_iff := -- sorry begin intros u v, split; intro h, { have hf := dist_nonneg u.fst v.fst, have hs := dist_nonneg u.snd v.snd, have := (le_of_eq h), ext; rw ← dist_eq_zero_iff; linarith, }, { rw [h, (dist_eq_zero_iff _ _).mpr, (dist_eq_zero_iff _ _).mpr, max_self]; refl, }, end -- sorry , dist_symm := /- inline sorry -/ begin intros u v, simp [metric_space_basic.dist_symm], end /- inline sorry -/, triangle := -- sorry begin intros x y z, have hf := triangle x.fst y.fst z.fst, have hs := triangle x.snd y.snd z.snd, simp only [max, max_default], split_ifs; linarith, end -- sorry } /- ☡ Let's try to prove a simple lemma involving the product topology: ☡ -/ -- omit set_option pp.all false set_option trace.class_instances false set_option trace.type_context.is_def_eq_detail false -- omit set_option trace.type_context.is_def_eq false example (X : Type) [metric_space_basic X] : is_open {xy : X × X | dist xy.fst xy.snd < 100 } := begin -- rw is_open_prod_iff X X, -- this fails, why? Because we have two subtly different topologies on the product -- they are equal but the proof that they are equal is nontrivial and the -- typeclass mechanism can't see that they automatically to apply. We need to change -- our set-up. sorry, end /- Note that lemma works fine when there is only one topology involved. -/ lemma diag_closed (X : Type) [topological_space X] : is_open {xy : X × X | xy.fst ≠ xy.snd } := begin rw is_open_prod_iff X X, sorry, -- Don't try and fill this in: see below! end /- ## Exercise 5 [short]: The previous lemma isn't true! It requires a separation axiom. Define a `class` that posits that the topology on a type `X` satisfies this axiom. Mathlib uses `T_i` naming scheme for these axioms. -/ class t2_space (X : Type) [topological_space X] := (t2 : /- inline sorry -/ ∀ (x y : X) (h : x ≠ y), ∃ (Ux Uy : set X) (hUx : is_open Ux) (hUy : is_open Uy) (hx : x ∈ Ux) (hy : y ∈ Uy), Ux ∩ Uy = ∅ /- inline sorry -/) /- (Bonus exercises [medium], the world is your oyster: prove the correct version of the above lemma `diag_closed`, prove that the discrete topology is t2, or that any metric topology is t2, ). -/ -- omit example (X : Type) [topological_space X] [t2_space X] : is_open {xy : X × X | xy.fst ≠ xy.snd } := begin rw is_open_prod_iff X X, intros x y h, obtain ⟨Ux, Uy, hUx, hUy, hx, hy, hxy⟩ := t2_space.t2 x y h, use [Ux, Uy, hUx, hUy, hx, hy], rintros ⟨tx, ty⟩ ⟨ht1, ht2⟩, dsimp, intro txy, rw txy at *, have : ty ∈ Ux ∩ Uy := ⟨ht1, ht2⟩, rw hxy at this, exact this, -- exact not_mem_empty ty this, end -- omit /- Let's fix the broken example from earlier, by redefining the topology on a metric space. We have unfortunately created two topologies on `X × Y`, one via `prod.topology` that we defined earlier as the product of the two topologies coming from the respective metric space structures. And one coming from the metric on the product. These are equal, i.e. the same topology (otherwise mathematically the product would not be a good definition). However they are not definitionally equal, there is as nontrivial proof to show they are the same. The typeclass system (which finds the relevant topological space instance when we use lemmas involving topological spaces) isn't able to check that topological space structures which are equal for some nontrivial reason are equal on the fly so it gets stuck. We can use `extends` to say that a metric space is an extra structure on top of being a topological space so we are making a choice of topology for each metric space. This may not be *definitionally* equal to the induced topology, but we should add the axiom that the metric and the topology are equal to stop us from creating a metric inducing a different topology to the topological structure we chose. -/ class metric_space (X : Type) extends topological_space X, metric_space_basic X := (compatible : ∀ U, is_open U ↔ generated_open X { B | ∃ (x : X) r, B = {y | dist x y < r}} U) namespace metric_space open topological_space /- This might seem a bit inconvenient to have to define a topological space each time we want a metric space. We would still like a way of making a `metric_space` just given a metric and some properties it satisfies, i.e. a `metric_space_basic`, so we should setup a metric space constructor from a `metric_space_basic` by setting the topology to be the induced one. -/ def of_basic {X : Type} (m : metric_space_basic X) : metric_space X := { compatible := begin intros, refl, /- this should work when the above parts are complete -/ end, ..m, ..@metric_space_basic.topological_space X m } /- Now lets define the product of two metric spaces properly -/ instance {X Y : Type} [metric_space X] [metric_space Y] : metric_space (X × Y) := { compatible := begin -- Let's not fill this in for the demo, let me know if you do it! -- sorry rintros U, rw is_open_prod_iff, split; intro h, sorry, sorry, -- sorry end, X Y, X Y, } /- unregister the bad instance we defined earlier -/ local attribute [-instance] metric_space_basic.topological_space /- Now this will work, there is only one topological space on the product, we can rewrite like we tried to before a lemma about topologies our result on metric spaces, as there is only one topology here. ## Exercise 6 [long?]: Complete the proof of the example (you can generalise the 100 too if it makes it feel less silly). -/ example (X : Type) [metric_space X] : is_open {xy : X × X | dist xy.fst xy.snd < 100 } := begin rw is_open_prod_iff X X, -- sorry intros x y h, use [{t | dist x t < 50 - dist x y / 2}, {t | dist y t < 50 - dist x y / 2}], split, { rw compatible, apply generated_open.basic, use [x, 50 - dist x y / 2], }, split, { rw compatible, apply generated_open.basic, use [y, 50 - dist x y / 2], }, split, { dsimp, rw (metric_space_basic.dist_eq_zero_iff x x).mpr rfl, change dist x y < 100 at h, linarith, }, split, { dsimp, rw (metric_space_basic.dist_eq_zero_iff y y).mpr rfl, change dist x y < 100 at h, linarith, }, rintros ⟨tx, ty⟩ ⟨htx, hty⟩, dsimp at *, calc dist tx ty ≤ dist tx x + dist x ty : triangle tx x ty ... ≤ dist tx x + dist x y + dist y ty : by linarith [triangle x y ty] ... = dist x tx + dist x y + dist y ty : by rw dist_symm ... < 100 : by linarith, -- sorry end end metric_space namespace topological_space /- As mentioned, there are many definitions of a topological space, for instance one can define them via specifying a set of closed sets satisfying various axioms, this is equivalent and sometimes more convenient. We _could_ create two distinct Types defined by different data and provide an equivalence between theses types, e.g. `topological_space_via_open_sets` and `topological_space_via_closed_sets`, but this would quickly get unwieldy. What's better is to make an alternative _constructor_ for our original topological space. This is a function takes a set of subsets satisfying the axioms to be the closed sets of a topological space and creates the topological space defined by the corresponding set of open sets. ## Exercise 7 [medium]: Complete the following constructor of a topological space from a set of subsets of a given type `X` satisfying the axioms for the closed sets of a topology. Hint: there are many useful lemmas about complements in mathlib, with names involving `compl`, like `compl_empty`, `compl_univ`, `compl_compl`, `compl_sUnion`, `mem_compl_image`, `compl_inter`, `compl_compl'`, `you can #check them to see what they say. -/ def mk_closed_sets (X : Type) (σ : set (set X)) (empty_mem : ∅ ∈ σ) (univ_mem : univ ∈ σ) (inter : ∀ B ⊆ σ, ⋂₀ B ∈ σ) (union : ∀ (A ∈ σ) (B ∈ σ), A ∪ B ∈ σ) : topological_space X := { is_open := λ U, U ∈ compl '' σ, -- the corresponding `is_open` empty_mem := -- sorry begin use univ, split, assumption, exact compl_univ, end -- sorry , univ_mem := -- sorry begin use ∅, split, assumption, exact compl_empty, end -- sorry , union := -- sorry begin intros B hB, use (⋃₀ B)ᶜ, split, { rw compl_sUnion, apply inter, intros b hb, have := hB bᶜ ((mem_compl_image b B).mp hb), rw mem_compl_image at this, simpa, }, { exact compl_compl (⋃₀ B) } end -- sorry , inter := -- sorry begin rintros A B ⟨Ac, hA, rfl⟩ ⟨Bc, hB, rfl⟩, rw [mem_compl_image, compl_inter, compl_compl, compl_compl], exact union _ hA _ hB, end -- sorry } /- Here are some more exercises: ## Exercise 8 [medium/long]: Define the cofinite topology on any type (PR it to mathlib?). ## Exercise 9 [medium/long]: Define a normed space? ## Exercise 10 [medium/long]: Define more separation axioms? -/ end topological_space