import linear_algebra.finite_dimensional import ring_theory.algebraic import data.zmod.basic import data.real.basic import tactic /-! ``` ____ / ___|_ __ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ | | _| '__/ _ \| | | | '_ \/ __| | |_| | | | (_) | |_| | |_) \__ \_ \____|_| \___/ \__,_| .__/|___( ) |_| |/ _ __ (_) _ __ __ _ ___ | '__| | | | '_ \ / _` | / __| | | | | | | | | | (_| | \__ \ _ |_| |_| |_| |_| \__, | |___/ ( ) |___/ |/ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __| | / _| (_) ___ | | __| | ___ / _` | | '_ \ / _` | | |_ | | / _ \ | | / _` | / __| | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | _| | | | __/ | | | (_| | \__ \ \__,_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \___| |_| \__,_| |___/ ``` -/ /-! ## Reminder on updating the exercises These instructions are now available at: To get a new copy of the exercises, run the following commands in your terminal: ``` leanproject get lftcm2020 cp -r lftcm2020/src/exercises_sources/ lftcm2020/src/my_exercises code lftcm2020 ``` To update your exercise files, run the following commands: ``` cd /path/to/lftcm2020 git pull leanproject get-mathlib-cache ``` Don’t forget to copy the updated files to `src/my_exercises`. -/ /-! ## What do we have? Too much to cover in detail in 10 minutes. Take a look at the “General algebra” section on All the basic concepts are there: `group`, `ring`, `field`, `module`, etc... Also versions that are compatible with an ordering, like `ordered_ring` And versions that express compatibility with a topology: `topological_group` Finally constructions, like `polynomial R`, or `mv_polynomial σ R`, or `monoid_algebra K G`, or `ℤ_[p]`, or `zmod n`, or `localization R S`. -/ /-! ## Morphisms * `X → Y` -- ordinary function * `X →+ Y` -- function respects `0` and `+` * `X →* Y` -- function respects `1` and `*` * `X →+* Y` -- function respects `0`, `1`, `+`, `*` (surprise!) -/ section -- let R and S be rings variables {R S : Type*} [ring R] [ring S] -- let f be a ring homomorphism; now given an term of type R, construct -- a term of type S. example (f : R →+* S) (a : R) : S := f a /- This heavily relies on the “coercion to function” that we have seen a couple of times this week. -/ end /-! ## Where are these things in the library? `algebra/` for basic definitions and properties; “algebraic hierarchy” `group_theory/` ⎫ `ring_theory/` ⎬ “advanced” and “specialised” material `field_theory/` | `number_theory` ⎭ `data/` definitions and examples To give an idea: * `algebra/ordered_ring.lean` * `ring_theory/noetherian.lean` * `field_theory/chevalley_warning.lean` * `data/nat/*.lean`, `data/real/*.lean`, `number_theory/padics/*.lean` -/ /-! ## How to find things (search tools) * `library_search` -- it often helps to carve out the exact lemma statement that you are looking for * online documentation: new search bar under construction * Old-skool: `grep` * Search in VS Code: - `Ctrl - Shift - F` -- don't forget to change settings, to search everywhere -- click the three dots (`…`) below the search bar -- disable the blue cogwheel - `Ctrl - P` -- search for filenames - `Ctrl - P`, `#` -- search for lemmas and definitions -/ /-! ## How to find things (autocomplete) Mathlib follows pretty strict naming conventions: ``` /-- The binomial theorem-/ theorem add_pow [comm_semiring α] (x y : α) (n : ℕ) : (x + y) ^ n = ∑ m in range (n + 1), x ^ m * y ^ (n - m) * choose n m := (commute.all x y).add_pow n ``` After a while, you get the hang of this, and you can start guessing names. -/ open_locale big_operators -- nice notation ∑, ∏ open finset -- `finset.range n` is the finite set `{0,1,..., n-1}` -- Demonstrate autocompletion example (f : ℕ → ℝ) (n : ℕ) : 57 + ∑ i in range (n+1), f i = 57 + f n + ∑ i in range n, f i := begin sorry end /-! ## How to find things (jump to definition) Another good strategy for finding useful results about `X`, is to “jump to the definition” and scroll through the next 3 screens of lemmas. If you are looking for a basic fact about `X`, you will usually find it there. -/ -- demonstrate “jump to definition” #check polynomial.coeff /-! ## Exercise 1 We will warm up with a well-known result: “Subgroups of abelian groups are normal.” Hints for proving this result: * Notice that `normal` is a structure, which you can see by going to the definition. The `constructor` tactic will help you to get started. -/ namespace add_subgroup variables {A : Type*} [add_comm_group A] lemma normal_of_add_comm_group (H : add_subgroup A) : normal H := begin -- sorry constructor, intros x hx y, simpa, -- sorry end end add_subgroup /-! ## Exercise 2 The following exercise will show the classical fact: “Finite field extensions are algebraic.” Hints for proving this result: * Look up the definition of `finite_dimensional`. * Search the library for useful lemmas about `is_algebraic` and `is_integral`. * You can have a look at `is_noetherian.iff_fg`. -/ namespace algebra variables {K L : Type*} [field K] [field L] [algebra K L] [finite_dimensional K L] lemma is_algebraic_of_finite_dimensional : is_algebraic K L := begin -- sorry intro x, rw is_algebraic_iff_is_integral, apply is_integral_of_noetherian, refine is_noetherian.iff_fg.2 _, assumption, -- sorry end end algebra /-! ## Exercise 3 In this exercise we will define the Frobenius morphism. -/ section variables (p : ℕ) [fact] variables (K : Type*) [field K] [char_p K p] /-! ### Subchallenge -/ lemma add_pow_char' (x y : K) : (x + y) ^ p = x ^ p + y ^ p := begin -- Hint: `add_pow_char` already exists. -- You can use it if you don't want to spend time on this. /- Hints if you do want to attempt this: * `finset.sum_range_succ` * `finset.sum_eq_single` * `` * `char_p.cast_eq_zero_iff` * `` * `fact.out` obtains the primality of `p` from the typeclass assumption `[fact]` -/ -- sorry rw add_pow, rw sum_range_succ, simp only [nat.choose_self, mul_one, nat.sub_self, nat.cast_one, add_right_inj, pow_zero], rw sum_eq_single 0, { simp only [mul_one, one_mul, nat.choose_zero_right, nat.sub_zero, nat.cast_one, pow_zero, add_comm], }, { intros i hi hi0, convert mul_zero _, rw char_p.cast_eq_zero_iff K p, apply _ _ (fact.out, { rwa pos_iff_ne_zero }, { simpa using hi } }, { intro h, simp only [nat.le_zero_iff, mem_range, not_lt] at h, exfalso, apply _ h, exact fact.out }, -- sorry end def frobenius_hom : K →+* K := { to_fun := λ x, x^p, map_zero' := begin -- Hint: `zero_pow`, search for lemmas near `` -- sorry rw zero_pow, apply, exact fact.out -- sorry end, map_one' := begin -- sorry simp, -- sorry end, map_mul' := begin -- sorry intros x y, rw mul_pow, -- sorry end, map_add' := begin -- Hint: `add_pow_char` -- can you prove that one yourself? -- sorry intros x y, rw add_pow_char', -- sorry end } end /-! ## Exercise 4 [challenging] The next exercise asks to show that a monic polynomial `f ∈ ℤ[X]` is irreducible if it is irreducible modulo a prime `p`. This fact is also not in mathlib. Hint: prove the helper lemma that is stated first. Follow-up question: Can you generalise `irreducible_of_irreducible_mod_prime`? -/ namespace polynomial variables {R S : Type*} [semiring R] [comm_ring S] [is_domain S] (φ : R →+* S) /- Useful library lemmas (in no particular order): - `degree_eq_zero_of_is_unit` - `eq_C_of_degree_eq_zero` - `'` - `leading_coeff_C` - `degree_map_eq_of_leading_coeff_ne_zero` - `ring_hom.is_unit_map` - `is_unit.ne_zero` -/ lemma is_unit_of_is_unit_leading_coeff_of_is_unit_map' (f : polynomial R) (hf : is_unit (leading_coeff f)) (H : is_unit (map φ f)) : is_unit f := begin -- sorry have key := degree_eq_zero_of_is_unit H, have hφ_lcf : φ (leading_coeff f) ≠ 0, { apply is_unit.ne_zero, apply ring_hom.is_unit_map, assumption, }, rw degree_map_eq_of_leading_coeff_ne_zero _ hφ_lcf at key, rw eq_C_of_degree_eq_zero key, apply ring_hom.is_unit_map, rw [eq_C_of_degree_eq_zero key, leading_coeff_C] at hf, exact hf, -- sorry end /- Useful library lemmas (in no particular order): - `ring_hom.is_unit_map` - `is_unit_of_mul_is_unit_left` (also `_right`) - `leading_coeff_mul` - `is_unit_of_is_unit_leading_coeff_of_is_unit_map` (the helper lemma we just proved) - `is_unit_one` - `coe_map_ring_hom` -/ lemma irreducible_of_irreducible_mod_prime (f : polynomial ℤ) (p : ℕ) [fact] (h_mon : monic f) (h_irr : irreducible (map (int.cast_ring_hom (zmod p)) f)) : irreducible f := begin -- sorry split, { intro hf, apply h_irr.1, rw ← coe_map_ring_hom, apply ring_hom.is_unit_map, exact hf, }, { intros g h Hf, have aux : is_unit (leading_coeff g * leading_coeff h), { rw [← leading_coeff_mul, ← Hf, h_mon.leading_coeff], exact is_unit_one, }, have lc_g_unit : is_unit (leading_coeff g), { apply is_unit_of_mul_is_unit_left aux, }, have lc_h_unit : is_unit (leading_coeff h), { apply is_unit_of_mul_is_unit_right aux, }, rw Hf at h_irr, simp at h_irr, have key_fact := h_irr.is_unit_or_is_unit rfl, cases key_fact with Hg Hh, { left, apply is_unit_of_is_unit_leading_coeff_of_is_unit_map _ lc_g_unit Hg }, { right, apply is_unit_of_is_unit_leading_coeff_of_is_unit_map _ lc_h_unit Hh, } } -- sorry end end polynomial -- SCROLL DOWN FOR THE BONUS EXERCISE section /-! ## Bonus exercise (wicked hard) -/ noncomputable theory -- because `polynomial` is noncomputable (implementation detail) open polynomial -- we want to write `X`, instead of `polynomial.X` /- First we make some definitions Scroll to the end for the actual exercise -/ def partial_ramanujan_tau_polynomial (n : ℕ) : polynomial ℤ := X * ∏ k in finset.Ico 1 n, (1 - X^k)^24 def ramanujan_tau (n : ℕ) : ℤ := coeff (partial_ramanujan_tau_polynomial n) n -- Some nice suggestive notation prefix `τ`:300 := ramanujan_tau /- Some lemmas to warm up Hint: unfold definitions, `simp` -/ example : τ 0 = 0 := begin -- sorry simp [ramanujan_tau, partial_ramanujan_tau_polynomial], -- sorry end example : τ 1 = 1 := begin -- sorry simp [ramanujan_tau, partial_ramanujan_tau_polynomial], -- sorry end -- This one is nontrivial -- Use `have : subresult,` or state helper lemmas and prove them first! example : τ 2 = -24 := begin -- Really, we ought to have a tactic that makes this easy delta ramanujan_tau partial_ramanujan_tau_polynomial, rw [mul_comm, coeff_mul_X], suffices : ((1 - X) ^ 24 : polynomial ℤ).coeff 1 = -(24 : ℕ), by simpa, generalize : (24 : ℕ) = n, -- sorry induction n with n ih, { apply coeff_one }, rw [pow_succ, sub_mul, one_mul, mul_comm X, coeff_sub, coeff_mul_X], rw ih, suffices : ((1 - X) ^ n : polynomial ℤ).coeff 0 = 1, { rw [this, sub_eq_add_neg, add_comm], simp, }, clear ih, induction n with n ih, { simp, }, rw [pow_succ, sub_mul, one_mul, coeff_sub], rw ih, rw coeff_mul, simp, -- sorry end /- The actual exercise. Good luck (-; -/ theorem deligne (p : ℕ) (hp : : (abs (τ p) : ℝ) ≤ 2 * p^(11/2) := begin -- sorry -- I did not even start this proof sorry -- sorry end end