import -- some stupid lemma about units import import Huber_ring.localization /-! # Rational open subsets and their properties We define a preorder on `rational_open_data` that will be used when constructing the valuations on the stalks of the structure presheaf. -/ open_locale classical local attribute [instance] set.pointwise_mul_comm_semiring local attribute [instance] set.smul_set_action local postfix `⁺` : 66 := λ A : Huber_pair, namespace spa open set algebra variables {A : Huber_pair} namespace rational_open_data variables (r : rational_open_data A) /-- The preorder on rational open data. Due to limitations in the existing mathematical library, we cannot work with the “correct” preorder on rational open data. The “correct” preorder on rational open data would be: def correct_preorder : preorder (rational_open_data A) := { le := λ r1 r2, rational_open r1 ⊆ rational_open r2, le_refl := λ _ _, id, le_trans := λ _ _ _, subset.trans } One can prove (in maths) that r1 ≤ r2 iff there's a continuous R-algebra morphism of Huber pairs localization r2 → localization r1. I think the ← direction of this iff is straightforward (but I didn't think about it too carefully). However we definitely cannot prove the → direction of this iff in this repo yet because we don't have enough API for cont. Here is an indication of part of the problem. localization r2 is just A[1/r2.s]. But we cannot prove yet r2.s is invertible in localization.r1, even though we know it doesn't vanish anywhere on rational_open r2 and hence on rational_open r1, because the fact that it doesn't vanish anywhere on rational_open r1 only means that it's not in any prime ideal corresponding to a *continuous* valuation on localization r1 which is bounded by 1 on some + subring; one would now need to prove, at least, that every maximal ideal is the support of a continuous valuation, which is Wedhorn 7.52(2). This is not too bad -- but it is work that we have not yet done. However this is by no means the whole story; we would also need that r1.T is power-bounded in localization.r2 and this looks much worse: it's Wedhorn 7.52(1). Everything is do-able, but it's just *long*. Long as in "thousands more lines of code". We will need a good theory of primary and secondary specialisation of valuations and so on and so on. None of this is there at the time of writing, although I see no obstruction to putting it there, other than the fact that it would take weeks of work. We have to work with a weaker preorder then, because haven't made a good enough API for continuous valuations. We basically work with the preorder r1 ≤ r2 iff there's a continuous R-algebra map localization r2 → localization r1, i.e, we define our way around the problem. We are fortunate in that we can prove (in maths) that the projective limit over this preorder agrees with the projective limit over the correct preorder. -/ instance : preorder (rational_open_data A) := { le := λ r1 r2, ∃ k : A, r1.s * k = r2.s ∧ ∀ t₁ ∈ r1.T, ∃ t₂ ∈ r2.T, ∃ N : ℕ, r2.s ^ N * t₂ = r2.s ^ N * (t₁ * k), le_refl := λ r, ⟨1, mul_one _, λ t ht, ⟨t, ht, 0, by rw mul_one⟩⟩, le_trans := λ a b c ⟨k, hk, hab⟩ ⟨l, hl, hbc⟩, ⟨k * l, by rw [←mul_assoc, hk, hl], λ ta hta, begin rcases hab ta hta with ⟨tb, htb, Nab, h1⟩, rcases hbc tb htb with ⟨hc, htc, Nbc, h2⟩, refine ⟨hc, htc, (Nab + Nbc), _⟩, rw [←mul_assoc, pow_add, mul_assoc, h2, ←hl, mul_pow, mul_pow], rw (show b.s ^ Nab * l ^ Nab * (b.s ^ Nbc * l ^ Nbc * (tb * l)) = b.s ^ Nab * tb * (l ^ Nab * (b.s ^ Nbc * l ^ Nbc * l)), by ring), rw h1, ring end⟩ } lemma le_inter_left (r1 r2 : rational_open_data A) : r1 ≤ (inter r1 r2) := begin refine ⟨r2.s, rfl, _⟩, intros t1 ht1, refine ⟨t1 * r2.s, ⟨t1, mem_insert_of_mem _ ht1, r2.s, mem_insert_s _, rfl⟩, 0, by simp⟩, end lemma le_inter_right (r1 r2 : rational_open_data A) : r2 ≤ (inter r1 r2) := by { rw inter_symm, apply le_inter_left, } -- The preorder defined above is weaker than the preorder we're supposed to have but don't. -- However the projective limit we take over our preorder is provably (in maths) equal to -- the projective limit that we cannot even formalise. The thing we definitely need -- is that if r1 ≤ r2 then there's a map localization r1 → localization r2 /-- The localization of a Huber pair A at the rational open subset r = D(T,s) ⊆ spa(A). -/ def localization (r : rational_open_data A) := Huber_ring.away r.T r.s namespace localization /-- The ring structure on the localization at the rational open subset r = D(T,s) ⊆ spa(A). -/ instance : comm_ring (localization r) := by unfold localization; apply_instance /-- The basis of open subgroups of the localization at the rational open subset r = D(T,s) ⊆ spa(A). -/ instance : subgroups_basis (localization r) := Huber_ring.away.top_loc_basis r.T r.s r.Hopen /-- The topology on the localization at the rational open subset r = D(T,s) ⊆ spa(A). -/ instance : topological_space (localization r) := subgroups_basis.topology _ /-- The localization at the rational open subset r = D(T,s) ⊆ spa(A) is a topological ring. -/ instance : topological_ring (localization r) := ring_filter_basis.is_topological_ring _ rfl /-- The uniform structure on the localization at the rational open subset r = D(T,s) ⊆ spa(A). -/ instance (r : rational_open_data A) : uniform_space (rational_open_data.localization r) := topological_add_group.to_uniform_space _ /-- The localization at the rational open subset r = D(T,s) ⊆ spa(A) is a uniform additive group. -/ instance (rd : rational_open_data A): uniform_add_group (rational_open_data.localization rd) := topological_add_group_is_uniform /-- The localization at the rational open subset r = D(T,s) ⊆ spa(A) is a an algebra over A. -/ instance : algebra A (localization r) := Huber_ring.away.algebra r.T r.s /-- The coercion from a Huber pair A to the localization at the rational open subset r = D(T,s) ⊆ spa(A). -/ instance : has_coe A (localization r) := ⟨λ a, (of_id A (localization r) : A → localization r) a⟩ lemma nonarchimedean (r : rational_open_data A) : topological_add_group.nonarchimedean (localization r) := subgroups_basis.nonarchimedean set_option class.instance_max_depth 38 /--If A is a Huber pair, and r = D(T,s) a rational open subset of Spa(A), and coe is the localization map A → A(T/s), then `power_bounded_data r` is the set { coe(t)/s | t ∈ T } ⊆ A(T/s).-/ def power_bounded_data (r : rational_open_data A) : set (localization r) := let s_inv : localization r := ((localization.to_units ⟨r.s, ⟨1, by simp⟩⟩)⁻¹ : units (localization r)) in (s_inv • (coe : A → localization r) '' r.T) theorem power_bounded (r : rational_open_data A) : is_power_bounded_subset (power_bounded_data r) := begin suffices : is_bounded (ring.closure (power_bounded_data r)), { exact is_bounded.subset add_group.subset_closure this }, intros U hU, rcases hU with ⟨_, ⟨V, rfl⟩, hV⟩, refine ⟨_, mem_nhds_sets (subgroups_basis.is_op _ rfl (set.mem_range_self _)) _, _⟩, { exact V }, { erw submodule.mem_coe, convert submodule.zero_mem _ }, { intros v hv b hb, apply hV, rw [mul_comm, ← smul_eq_mul], rw submodule.mem_coe at hv ⊢, convert submodule.smul_mem _ _ hv, swap, { exact ⟨b, hb⟩ }, { refl } } end end localization /-- This auxilliary function produces r1.s as a unit in localization r2 -/ noncomputable def s_inv_aux (r1 r2 : rational_open_data A) (h : r1 ≤ r2) : units (localization r2) := @units.unit_of_mul_left_eq_unit _ _ ((of_id A (localization r2) : A → r2.localization) r1.s) ((of_id A (localization r2) : A → r2.localization) (classical.some h)) (localization.to_units (⟨r2.s, 1, by simp⟩ : powers r2.s)) begin rw [← alg_hom.map_mul, (classical.some_spec h).1], refl, end /-- The map A(T1/s1) -> A(T2/s2) coming from the inequality r1 ≤ r2 -/ noncomputable def localization_map {r1 r2 : rational_open_data A} (h : r1 ≤ r2) : localization r1 → localization r2 := Huber_ring.away.lift r1.T r1.s (of_id A (localization r2)) (s_inv_aux r1 r2 h) rfl /-- The induced map A(T1/s1) -> A(T2/s2) coming from the inequality r1 ≤ r2 is a ring homomorphism. -/ instance {r1 r2 : rational_open_data A} (h : r1 ≤ r2) : is_ring_hom (localization_map h) := by delta localization_map; apply_instance /- To prove continuity of the localisation map coming from r1 ≤ r2 we need to check that the image of T1/s1 under the localization map is power-bounded in the ring (localization r2). This is done in the following lemma. -/ local attribute [instance] set.pointwise_mul_comm_semiring local attribute [instance] set.smul_set_action set_option class.instance_max_depth 38 lemma localization_map_is_cts_aux {r1 r2 : rational_open_data A} (h : r1 ≤ r2) : is_power_bounded_subset ((s_inv_aux r1 r2 h)⁻¹.val • (λ (x : ↥A), to_fun (localization r2) x) '' r1.T) := begin refine power_bounded.subset _ (localization.power_bounded r2), intros x hx, rcases hx with ⟨_, ⟨t₁, ht₁, rfl⟩, rfl⟩, let h' := h, -- need it later rcases h with ⟨a, ha, h₂⟩, rcases h₂ t₁ ht₁ with ⟨t₂, ht₂, N, hN⟩, show ↑(s_inv_aux r1 r2 _)⁻¹ * to_fun (localization r2) t₁ ∈ 1 ⟨r2.s, _⟩ • (of_id ↥A (localization r2)).to_fun '' r2.T, refine ⟨(of_id ↥A (localization r2)).to_fun t₂, ⟨t₂, ht₂, rfl⟩, _⟩, rw [←units.mul_left_inj (s_inv_aux r1 r2 h'), units.mul_inv_cancel_left], show to_fun (localization r2) t₁ = to_fun (localization r2) (r1.s) * ( 1 ⟨r2.s, _⟩ * to_fun (localization r2) t₂), rw [mul_comm, mul_assoc], rw ←units.mul_left_inj (localization.to_units (⟨r2.s, 1, by simp⟩ : powers r2.s)), rw ←mul_assoc, -- t1=s1*(1/s2 * t2) in r2 have : ↑(localization.to_units (⟨r2.s, 1, by simp⟩ : powers r2.s)) * (1 : A) (⟨r2.s, 1, by simp⟩ : powers r2.s) = 1, convert units.mul_inv _, rw [this, one_mul], clear this, show to_fun (localization r2) r2.s * _ = _, rw ←units.mul_left_inj (localization.to_units (⟨r2.s ^ N, N, rfl⟩ : powers r2.s)), show to_fun (localization r2) (r2.s ^ N) * _ = to_fun (localization r2) (r2.s ^ N) * _, have hrh : is_ring_hom (to_fun (localization r2)) := begin change is_ring_hom ((of_id ↥A (localization r2)).to_fun), apply_instance, end, rw ←@is_ring_hom.map_mul _ _ _ _ (to_fun (localization r2)) hrh, rw ←@is_ring_hom.map_mul _ _ _ _ (to_fun (localization r2)) hrh, rw ←@is_ring_hom.map_mul _ _ _ _ (to_fun (localization r2)) hrh, rw ←@is_ring_hom.map_mul _ _ _ _ (to_fun (localization r2)) hrh, congr' 1, rw [←mul_assoc _ t₂, hN], rw ←ha, ring, end -- Continuity now follows from the universal property. lemma localization_map_is_cts {r1 r2 : rational_open_data A} (h : r1 ≤ r2) : continuous (localization_map h) := Huber_ring.away.lift_continuous r1.T r1.s (localization.nonarchimedean r2) (Huber_ring.away.of_continuous r2.T r2.s _) _ _ _ (localization_map_is_cts_aux h) lemma localization_map_is_uniform_continuous {r1 r2 : rational_open_data A} (h : r1 ≤ r2) : uniform_continuous (rational_open_data.localization_map h) := uniform_continuous_of_continuous (rational_open_data.localization_map_is_cts h) end rational_open_data -- namespace end spa