(* Author: René Thiemann Akihisa Yamada License: BSD *) section \Show for Real (Algebraic) Numbers -- Approximate Representation\ text \We implement the show-function for real (algebraic) numbers by calculating the number precisely for three digits after the comma.\ theory Show_Real_Approx imports Show_Real_Alg Show.Show_Instances begin overloading show_real_alg \ show_real_alg begin definition show_real_alg[code]: "show_real_alg x \ let x1000' = floor (1000 * x); (x1000,s) = (if x1000' < 0 then (-x1000', ''-'') else (x1000', '''')); (bef,aft) = divmod_int x1000 1000; a' = show aft; a = replicate (3-length a') (CHR ''0'') @ a' in '' ~'' @ s @ show bef @ ''.'' @ a" end end