:: {AIM } Loops and the {AIM } Conjecture :: by Chad E. Brown and Karol P\kak environ vocabularies STRUCT_0, ALGSTR_0, BINOP_1, SUBSET_1, SETFAM_1, ABIAN, KNASTER, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1, XBOOLE_0, ALGSTR_1, ZFMISC_1, GROUP_6, GROUP_9, MESFUNC1, VECTSP_1, TARSKI, REALSET1, COHSP_1, ARYTM_3, FUNCT_2, PRE_TOPC, QC_LANG1, AUTGROUP, AIMLOOP, FUNCT_5, GROUP_1, FUNCOP_1; notations TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, REALSET1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, PARTFUN1, FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, FUNCOP_1, STRUCT_0, ALGSTR_0, ALGSTR_1, GROUP_1, VECTSP_1, ABIAN, KNASTER, FUNCT_5; constructors BINOP_2, ALGSTR_1, REALSET1, VECTSP_2, GR_CY_1, RELSET_1, ABIAN, KNASTER, FUNCT_5; registrations XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, KNASTER, PARTFUN1, FUNCT_2, REALSET1, STRUCT_0, ALGSTR_0, ALGSTR_1, VECTSP_1, RELSET_1, FUNCOP_1; requirements BOOLE, SUBSET; definitions TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, FUNCT_2, GROUP_1, COHSP_1, ALGSTR_0, ALGSTR_1; equalities BINOP_1, STRUCT_0, REALSET1, ALGSTR_0; expansions XBOOLE_0, TARSKI, BINOP_1, VECTSP_1; theorems TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1, SUBSET_1, KNASTER, ZFMISC_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, RELAT_1, ALGSTR_0, ALGSTR_1, REALSET1, ABIAN, RING_3, SYSREL, FUNCT_5; schemes FUNCT_2, FUNCT_7, SUBSET_1; begin :: Loops - Introduction ::We define division operations on loops, ::inner mappings T, L and R, commutators and associators ::and basic attributes of interest. We also consider ::subloops and homomorphisms. Particular subloops are ::the nucleus and center of a loop and kernels of homomorphisms. reserve Q,Q1,Q2 for multLoop; reserve x,y,z,w,u,v for Element of Q; definition let X be 1-sorted; mode Permutation of X is Permutation of the carrier of X; let Y be 1-sorted; func Funcs(X,Y) -> set equals Funcs(the carrier of X,the carrier of Y); coherence; end; registration let X,Y be 1-sorted; cluster Funcs(X,Y) -> functional; coherence; end; definition let Q be invertible left_mult-cancelable non empty multLoopStr, x,y be Element of Q; func x \ y -> Element of Q means :Def2: x * it = y; existence by ALGSTR_1:def 6; uniqueness by ALGSTR_0:def 20; end; definition let Q be invertible right_mult-cancelable non empty multLoopStr, x,y be Element of Q; func x / y -> Element of Q means :Def3: it * y = x; existence by ALGSTR_1:def 6; uniqueness by ALGSTR_0:def 21; end; registration let Q,x,y; reduce x \ (x * y) to y; reducibility by Def2; reduce x * (x \ y) to y; reducibility by Def2; reduce (x * y) / y to x; reducibility by Def3; reduce (x / y) * y to x; reducibility by Def3; end; definition let Q be invertible left_mult-cancelable non empty multLoopStr, u,x be Element of Q; func T_map(u,x) -> Element of Q equals x \ (u * x); coherence; end; definition let Q be invertible left_mult-cancelable non empty multLoopStr, u,x,y be Element of Q; func L_map(u,x,y) -> Element of Q equals (y * x) \ (y * (x * u)); coherence; end; definition let Q be invertible right_mult-cancelable non empty multLoopStr, u,x,y be Element of Q; func R_map(u,x,y) -> Element of Q equals ((u * x) * y) / (x * y); coherence; end; definition let Q; attr Q is satisfying_TT means for u,x,y be Element of Q holds T_map(T_map(u,x),y) = T_map(T_map(u,y),x); attr Q is satisfying_TL means for u,x,y,z be Element of Q holds T_map(L_map(u,x,y),z) = L_map(T_map(u,z),x,y); attr Q is satisfying_TR means for u,x,y,z be Element of Q holds T_map(R_map(u,x,y),z) = R_map(T_map(u,z),x,y); attr Q is satisfying_LR means for u,x,y,z,w be Element of Q holds L_map(R_map(u,x,y),z,w) = R_map(L_map(u,z,w),x,y); attr Q is satisfying_LL means for u,x,y,z,w be Element of Q holds L_map(L_map(u,x,y),z,w) = L_map(L_map(u,z,w),x,y); attr Q is satisfying_RR means for u,x,y,z,w be Element of Q holds R_map(R_map(u,x,y),z,w) = R_map(R_map(u,z,w),x,y); end; definition let Q,x,y; func K_op(x,y) -> Element of Q equals (y * x) \ (x * y); coherence; end; definition let Q,x,y,z; func a_op(x,y,z) -> Element of Q equals (x * (y * z)) \ ((x * y) * z); coherence; end; definition let Q be multLoop; attr Q is satisfying_aa1 means :Def15: for x,y,z,u,w be Element of Q holds a_op(a_op(x,y,z),u,w) = 1.Q; attr Q is satisfying_aa2 means :Def16: for x,y,z,u,w be Element of Q holds a_op(x,a_op(y,z,u),w) = 1.Q; attr Q is satisfying_aa3 means :Def17: for x,y,z,u,w be Element of Q holds a_op(x,y,a_op(z,u,w)) = 1.Q; attr Q is satisfying_Ka means :Def18: for x,y,z,u be Element of Q holds K_op(a_op(x,y,z),u) = 1.Q; attr Q is satisfying_aK1 means :Def19: for x,y,z,u be Element of Q holds a_op(K_op(x,y),z,u) = 1.Q; attr Q is satisfying_aK2 means :Def20: for x,y,z,u be Element of Q holds a_op(x,K_op(y,z),u) = 1.Q; attr Q is satisfying_aK3 means :Def21: for x,y,z,u be Element of Q holds a_op(x,y,K_op(z,u)) = 1.Q; end; registration cluster strict satisfying_TT satisfying_TL satisfying_TR satisfying_LR satisfying_LL satisfying_RR satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_Ka satisfying_aK1 satisfying_aK2 satisfying_aK3 for multLoop; existence proof Trivial-multLoopStr is satisfying_TT satisfying_TL satisfying_TR satisfying_LR satisfying_LL satisfying_RR satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_Ka satisfying_aK1 satisfying_aK2 satisfying_aK3 by ALGSTR_1:9; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th1: x * y = u & x * z = u implies y = z proof assume x * y = u & x * z = u; then x \ (x * y) = x \ (x * z); hence thesis; end; theorem Th2: y * x = u & z * x = u implies y = z proof assume y * x = u & z * x = u; then (y * x) / x = (z * x) / x; hence thesis; end; theorem x * y = x * z implies y = z by Th1; theorem y * x = z * x implies y = z by Th2; registration let Q,x; reduce 1.Q \ x to x; reducibility proof 1.Q * x = x; hence thesis; end; reduce x / 1.Q to x; reducibility proof x * 1.Q = x; hence thesis; end; let y; reduce y / (x \ y) to x; reducibility proof x * (x \ y) = y; hence thesis; end; reduce (y / x) \ y to x; reducibility proof (y / x) * x = y; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th5: x \ x = 1.Q proof x * 1.Q = x; hence thesis; end; theorem Th6: x / x = 1.Q proof 1.Q * x = x; hence thesis; end; theorem x \ y = 1.Q implies x = y proof assume x \ y = 1.Q; then x * 1.Q = y; hence thesis; end; theorem x / y = 1.Q implies x = y proof assume x / y = 1.Q; then 1.Q * y = x; hence x = y; end; theorem Th9: a_op(x,y,z) = 1.Q implies x*(y*z) = (x*y)*z proof assume a_op(x,y,z) = 1.Q; then (x*(y*z)) * 1.Q = ((x*y)*z); hence thesis; end; theorem Th10: K_op(x,y) = 1.Q implies x*y = y*x proof assume K_op(x,y) = 1.Q; then (y*x) * 1.Q = x*y; hence thesis; end; theorem a_op(x,y,z) = 1.Q implies L_map(z,y,x) = z proof assume a_op(x,y,z) = 1.Q; then L_map(z,y,x) = (x*y) \ ((x*y)*z) by Th9; hence thesis; end; definition let Q; defpred P1[Element of Q] means for y,z holds ($1 * y) * z = $1 * (y * z); defpred P2[Element of Q] means for x,z holds (x * $1) * z = x * ($1 * z); defpred P3[Element of Q] means for x,y holds (x * y) * $1 = x * (y * $1); defpred PC[Element of Q] means for y holds $1 * y = y * $1; func Nucl_l Q -> Subset of Q means :Def22: x in it iff for y,z holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z); existence proof set N = {x : P1[x]}; N c= the carrier of Q proof let x be object; assume x in N; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & P1[x1]; hence thesis; end; then reconsider N as Subset of Q; take N; let x; now assume x in N; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & P1[x1]; hence P1[x]; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let X1,X2 be Subset of Q such that A1: for x being Element of Q holds x in X1 iff P1[x] and A2: for x being Element of Q holds x in X2 iff P1[x]; thus thesis from SUBSET_1:sch 2(A1,A2); end; func Nucl_m Q -> Subset of Q means :Def23: y in it iff for x,z holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z); existence proof set N = {x : P2[x]}; N c= the carrier of Q proof let x be object; assume x in N; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & P2[x1]; hence thesis; end; then reconsider N as Subset of Q; take N; let x; now assume x in N; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & P2[x1]; hence P2[x]; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let X1,X2 be Subset of Q such that A3: for x being Element of Q holds x in X1 iff P2[x] and A4: for x being Element of Q holds x in X2 iff P2[x]; thus thesis from SUBSET_1:sch 2(A3,A4); end; func Nucl_r Q -> Subset of Q means :Def24: z in it iff for x,y holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z); existence proof set N = {x : P3[x]}; N c= the carrier of Q proof let x be object; assume x in N; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & P3[x1]; hence thesis; end; then reconsider N as Subset of Q; take N; let x; x in N implies P3[x] proof assume x in N; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & P3[x1]; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let X1,X2 be Subset of Q such that A6: for x being Element of Q holds x in X1 iff P3[x] and A7: for x being Element of Q holds x in X2 iff P3[x]; thus thesis from SUBSET_1:sch 2(A6,A7); end; func Comm Q -> Subset of Q means :Def25: x in it iff for y holds x * y = y * x; existence proof set N = {x : PC[x]}; N c= the carrier of Q proof let x be object; assume x in N; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & PC[x1]; hence thesis; end; then reconsider N as Subset of Q; take N; let x; x in N implies PC[x] proof assume x in N; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & PC[x1]; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let X1,X2 be Subset of Q such that A9: for x being Element of Q holds x in X1 iff PC[x] and A10: for x being Element of Q holds x in X2 iff PC[x]; thus thesis from SUBSET_1:sch 2(A9,A10); end; end; definition let Q; func Nucl Q -> Subset of Q equals Nucl_l Q /\ Nucl_m Q /\ Nucl_r Q; coherence; end; theorem Th12: x in Nucl Q iff x in Nucl_l Q & x in Nucl_m Q & x in Nucl_r Q proof thus x in Nucl Q implies x in Nucl_l Q & x in Nucl_m Q & x in Nucl_r Q proof assume A1: x in Nucl Q; then x in Nucl_l Q /\ Nucl_m Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A1; end; assume that A2: x in Nucl_l Q & x in Nucl_m Q and A3: x in Nucl_r Q; x in Nucl_l Q /\ Nucl_m Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A2; hence x in Nucl Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A3; end; definition let Q; func Cent Q -> Subset of Q equals Comm Q /\ Nucl Q; coherence; end; definition let Q1,Q2 be multLoop; let f be Function of Q1,Q2; attr f is unity-preserving means :Def28a: f.(1.Q1) = 1.Q2; attr f is quasi-homomorphic means :Def28b: for x,y being Element of Q1 holds f.(x * y) = (f.x) * (f.y); end; definition let Q1,Q2 be multLoop; let f be Function of Q1,Q2; attr f is homomorphic means f is unity-preserving quasi-homomorphic; end; registration let Q1,Q2 be multLoop; cluster unity-preserving quasi-homomorphic -> homomorphic for Function of Q1,Q2; coherence; cluster homomorphic -> unity-preserving quasi-homomorphic for Function of Q1,Q2; coherence; end; registration let Q1,Q2 be multLoop; cluster [#]Q1 --> 1.Q2 -> homomorphic for Function of Q1,Q2; coherence proof let f be Function of Q1,Q2 such that A1: f = [#]Q1 --> 1.Q2; thus f.(1.Q1) = 1.Q2 by A1; thus thesis by A1; end; end; registration let Q1,Q2 be multLoop; cluster homomorphic for Function of Q1,Q2; existence proof reconsider f = [#]Q1 --> 1.Q2 as Function of Q1,Q2; take f; thus thesis; end; end; definition let Q,Q2; let f be homomorphic Function of Q,Q2; func Ker f -> Subset of Q means :Def29: x in it iff f.x = 1.Q2; existence proof set N = {x : f.x = 1.Q2}; N c= the carrier of Q proof let x be object; assume x in N; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & f.x1 = 1.Q2; hence thesis; end; then reconsider N as Subset of Q; take N; x in N implies f.x = 1.Q2 proof assume x in N; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & f.x1 = 1.Q2; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let X1,X2 be Subset of Q; assume A1: for x being Element of Q holds x in X1 iff f.x = 1.Q2; assume A2: for x being Element of Q holds x in X2 iff f.x = 1.Q2; now let x be Element of Q; x in X1 iff f.x = 1.Q2 by A1; hence x in X1 iff x in X2 by A2; end; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:3; end; end; theorem Th13: for f being homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2 holds for x,y being Element of Q1 holds f.(x \ y) = f.x \ f.y proof let f be homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2; let x,y be Element of Q1; f.x * f.(x \ y) = f.(x * (x \ y)) by Def28b; hence thesis; end; theorem Th14: for f being homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2 holds for x,y being Element of Q1 holds f.(x / y) = f.x / f.y proof let f be homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2; let x,y be Element of Q1; f.(x / y) * f.y = f.((x / y) * y) by Def28b; hence thesis; end; theorem Th15: for f being homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2 st (for y be Element of Q2 holds ex x being Element of Q1 st f.x = y) & (for x,y,z be Element of Q1 holds a_op(x,y,z) in Ker f) holds Q2 is associative proof let f be homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2; assume that A1: for y be Element of Q2 holds ex x being Element of Q1 st f.x = y and A2: for x,y,z be Element of Q1 holds a_op(x,y,z) in Ker f; thus Q2 is associative proof let x,y,z be Element of Q2; consider x1 being Element of Q1 such that A3: f.x1 = x by A1; consider y1 being Element of Q1 such that A4: f.y1 = y by A1; consider z1 being Element of Q1 such that A5: f.z1 = z by A1; A6: a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Ker f by A2; a_op(x,y,z)= (f.x1 * f.(y1 * z1)) \ ((f.x1 * f.y1) * f.z1) by Def28b,A3,A4,A5 .= f.(x1 * (y1 * z1)) \ ((f.x1 * f.y1) * f.z1) by Def28b .= f.(x1 * (y1 * z1)) \ (f.(x1 * y1) * f.z1) by Def28b .= f.(x1 * (y1 * z1)) \ f.((x1 * y1) * z1) by Def28b .= f.((x1 * (y1 * z1)) \ ((x1 * y1) * z1)) by Th13 .= 1.Q2 by A6, Def29; hence thesis by Th9; end; end; theorem Th16: for Q1 being satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_aK1 satisfying_aK2 satisfying_aK3 multLoop holds for Q2 be multLoop holds for f being homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2 st (for y be Element of Q2 holds ex x being Element of Q1 st f.x = y) & Nucl Q1 c= Ker f holds Q2 is commutative multGroup proof let Q1 be satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_aK1 satisfying_aK2 satisfying_aK3 multLoop; let Q2 be multLoop; let f be homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2; assume that A1: for y be Element of Q2 holds ex x being Element of Q1 st f.x = y and A2: Nucl Q1 c= Ker f; A3: Q2 is commutative proof let x,y be Element of Q2; consider x1 being Element of Q1 such that A4: f.x1 = x by A1; consider y1 being Element of Q1 such that A5: f.y1 = y by A1; K_op(x,y) = 1.Q2 proof A6: K_op(x1,y1) in Ker f proof A7: K_op(x1,y1) in Nucl Q1 proof now let u,w be Element of Q1; a_op(K_op(x1,y1),u,w) = 1.Q1 by Def19; hence K_op(x1,y1) * (u * w) = (K_op(x1,y1) * u) * w by Th9; end; then A8: K_op(x1,y1) in Nucl_l Q1 by Def22; now let u,w be Element of Q1; a_op(u,K_op(x1,y1),w) = 1.Q1 by Def20; hence u * (K_op(x1,y1) * w) = (u * K_op(x1,y1)) * w by Th9; end; then A9: K_op(x1,y1) in Nucl_m Q1 by Def23; now let u,w be Element of Q1; a_op(u,w,K_op(x1,y1)) = 1.Q1 by Def21; hence u * (w * K_op(x1,y1)) = (u * w) * K_op(x1,y1) by Th9; end; then K_op(x1,y1) in Nucl_r Q1 by Def24; hence thesis by A8,A9,Th12; end; thus thesis by A7, A2; end; K_op(x,y) = f.(y1 * x1) \ (f.x1 * f.y1) by Def28b,A4,A5 .= f.(y1 * x1) \ f.(x1 * y1) by Def28b .= f.((y1 * x1) \ (x1 * y1)) by Th13 .= 1.Q2 by A6, Def29; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by Th10; end; now let x1,y1,z1 be Element of Q1; a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Nucl Q1 proof now let u,w be Element of Q1; a_op(a_op(x1,y1,z1),u,w) = 1.Q1 by Def15; hence (a_op(x1,y1,z1) * u) * w = a_op(x1,y1,z1) * (u * w) by Th9; end; then A10: a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Nucl_l Q1 by Def22; now let u,w be Element of Q1; a_op(u,a_op(x1,y1,z1),w) = 1.Q1 by Def16; hence (u * a_op(x1,y1,z1)) * w = u * (a_op(x1,y1,z1) * w) by Th9; end; then A11: a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Nucl_m Q1 by Def23; now let u,w be Element of Q1; a_op(u,w,a_op(x1,y1,z1)) = 1.Q1 by Def17; hence (u * w) * a_op(x1,y1,z1) = u * (w * a_op(x1,y1,z1)) by Th9; end; then a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Nucl_r Q1 by Def24; hence thesis by A10,A11,Th12; end; hence a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Ker f by A2; end; hence thesis by A3,Th15,A1; end; theorem Th17: for Q1 being satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_Ka multLoop holds for Q2 be multLoop holds for f being homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2 st (for y be Element of Q2 holds ex x being Element of Q1 st f.x = y) & Cent Q1 c= Ker f holds Q2 is multGroup proof let Q1 be satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_Ka multLoop; let Q2 be multLoop; let f be homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2; assume that A1: for y be Element of Q2 holds ex x being Element of Q1 st f.x = y and A2: Cent Q1 c= Ker f; now let x1,y1,z1 be Element of Q1; a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Cent Q1 proof now let u be Element of Q1; K_op(a_op(x1,y1,z1),u) = 1.Q1 by Def18; hence a_op(x1,y1,z1) * u = u * a_op(x1,y1,z1) by Th10; end; then A3: a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Comm Q1 by Def25; now let u,w be Element of Q1; a_op(a_op(x1,y1,z1),u,w) = 1.Q1 by Def15; hence (a_op(x1,y1,z1) * u) * w = a_op(x1,y1,z1) * (u * w) by Th9; end; then A4: a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Nucl_l Q1 by Def22; now let u,w be Element of Q1; a_op(u,a_op(x1,y1,z1),w) = 1.Q1 by Def16; hence (u * a_op(x1,y1,z1)) * w = u * (a_op(x1,y1,z1) * w) by Th9; end; then A5: a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Nucl_m Q1 by Def23; now let u,w be Element of Q1; a_op(u,w,a_op(x1,y1,z1)) = 1.Q1 by Def17; hence (u * w) * a_op(x1,y1,z1) = u * (w * a_op(x1,y1,z1)) by Th9; end; then a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Nucl_r Q1 by Def24; then a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Nucl Q1 by A4,A5,Th12; hence thesis by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; hence a_op(x1,y1,z1) in Ker f by A2; end; hence thesis by Th15,A1; end; :: following GROUP_2 definition let Q be non empty multLoopStr; mode SubLoopStr of Q -> non empty multLoopStr means :Def30: the carrier of it c= the carrier of Q & the multF of it = (the multF of Q)||the carrier of it & the OneF of it = the OneF of Q; existence proof take Q; thus thesis; end; end; registration let Q be multLoop; cluster well-unital invertible cancelable non empty strict for SubLoopStr of Q; existence proof reconsider Q1=the multLoopStr of Q as non empty multLoopStr; the multF of Q1 = (the multF of Q)||the carrier of Q1; then reconsider Q1 as SubLoopStr of Q by Def30; take Q1; now let x be Element of Q1; reconsider x1=x as Element of Q; x*1.Q1 = x1*1.Q & 1.Q1*x = 1.Q*x1; hence x * 1. Q1 = x & 1.Q1 * x = x; end; hence Q1 is well-unital; thus Q1 is invertible proof hereby let x,y be Element of Q1; reconsider x1=x,y1=y as Element of Q; reconsider z=x1 \ y1 as Element of Q1; take z; thus x*z = x1 * (x1 \ y1) .= y; end; hereby let x,y be Element of Q1; reconsider x1=x,y1=y as Element of Q; reconsider z=y1 / x1 as Element of Q1; take z; thus z*x = (y1 / x1) * x1 .= y; end; end; thus Q1 is cancelable proof thus Q1 is left_mult-cancelable proof let x be Element of Q1; let y,z be Element of Q1; reconsider x1=x,y1=y,z1=z as Element of Q; assume x*y=x*z; then x1*y1 = x1*z1; hence y=z by ALGSTR_0:def 20; end; thus Q1 is right_mult-cancelable proof let x be Element of Q1; let y,z be Element of Q1; reconsider x1=x,y1=y,z1=z as Element of Q; assume y*x=z*x; then y1*x1 = z1*x1; hence y=z by ALGSTR_0:def 21; end; end; thus thesis; end; end; definition let Q be multLoop; mode SubLoop of Q is well-unital invertible cancelable SubLoopStr of Q; end; definition let Q be non empty multLoopStr; let H be SubLoopStr of Q; let A be Subset of H; func @ A -> Subset of Q equals A; coherence proof the carrier of H c= the carrier of Q by Def30; hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1; end; end; defpred RQ[multLoop,Subset of $1,object] means ex y,z be Element of $1 st y in $2 & z in $2 & ($3 = y * z or $3 = y \z or $3 = y / z); definition let Q; let H1,H2 be Subset of Q; func loopclose1(H1,H2) -> Subset of Q means :Def32: x in it iff x in H1 or x = 1.Q or ex y,z st y in H2 & z in H2 & (x = y * z or x = y \ z or x = y / z); existence proof set H3 = {x : x in H1 or x = 1.Q or RQ[Q,H2,x]}; H3 c= the carrier of Q proof let x be object; assume x in H3; then ex x1 being Element of Q st x = x1 & (x1 in H1 or x1 = 1.Q or RQ[Q,H2,x1]); hence thesis; end; then reconsider H3 as Subset of Q; take H3; let x be Element of Q; thus x in H3 implies x in H1 or x = 1.Q or RQ[Q,H2,x] proof assume x in H3; then ex x1 being Element of Q st x = x1 & (x1 in H1 or x1 = 1.Q or RQ[Q,H2,x1]); hence thesis; end; thus thesis; end; uniqueness proof let H3,H4 be Subset of Q; assume that A1: x in H3 iff x in H1 or x = 1.Q or RQ[Q,H2,x] and A2: x in H4 iff x in H1 or x = 1.Q or RQ[Q,H2,x]; now let x be Element of Q; x in H3 iff x in H1 or x = 1.Q or RQ[Q,H2,x] by A1; hence x in H3 iff x in H4 by A2; end; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:3; end; end; definition let Q; let H be Subset of Q; func lp H -> strict SubLoop of Q means :Def33: H c= [#]it & for H2 be SubLoop of Q st H c= [#]H2 holds [#]it c= [#]H2; existence proof deffunc F(Subset of Q) = loopclose1(H,$1); consider f be Function of bool the carrier of Q,bool the carrier of Q such that A1: for X being Subset of Q holds f.X = F(X) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; f is c=-monotone proof let a1, b1 be set such that A2: a1 in dom f & b1 in dom f & a1 c= b1; thus f.a1 c= f.b1 proof reconsider a2 = a1,b2=b1 as Subset of Q by A2, FUNCT_2:def 1; let x be object; assume x in f.a1; then x in F(a2) by A1; then x in H or x = 1.Q or RQ[Q,a2,x] by Def32; then x in F(b2) by A2,Def32; hence x in f.b1 by A1; end; end; then reconsider f as c=-monotone Function of bool the carrier of Q,bool the carrier of Q; set LFP= lfp(the carrier of Q,f); LFP is_a_fixpoint_of f by KNASTER:4; then A3: LFP in dom f & LFP = f.(LFP) & f.(LFP) = F(LFP) by ABIAN:def 3,A1; A4: 1.Q in F(LFP) by Def32; reconsider ONE=1.Q as Element of LFP by A3,Def32; set mm = (the multF of Q)||LFP; now let x be set such that A5: x in [: LFP,LFP:]; consider x1,x2 be object such that A6:x1 in LFP & x2 in LFP & x=[x1,x2] by A5,ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider x1,x2 as Element of Q by A6; x1*x2 in F(LFP) by A6,Def32; hence (the multF of Q).x in LFP by A6,A3; end; then LFP is Preserv of the multF of Q by REALSET1:def 1; then reconsider mm as BinOp of LFP by REALSET1:2; set LP = multLoopStr(#LFP,mm,ONE#); reconsider LP as non empty SubLoopStr of Q by A4,A3,Def30; LP is SubLoop of Q proof now let x be Element of LP; x in the carrier of LP; then reconsider x1=x as Element of Q; x*1.LP = x1*1.Q & 1.LP*x = 1.Q*x1 by RING_3:1; hence x * 1. LP = x & 1.LP * x = x; end; then A7: LP is well-unital; A8: LP is invertible proof hereby let x,y be Element of LP; x in the carrier of LP & y in the carrier of LP; then reconsider x1=x,y1=y as Element of Q; reconsider z=x1 \ y1 as Element of LP by Def32,A3; take z; thus x*z = x1 * (x1 \ y1) by RING_3:1 .= y; end; hereby let x,y be Element of LP; x in the carrier of LP & y in the carrier of LP; then reconsider x1=x,y1=y as Element of Q; reconsider z=y1 / x1 as Element of LP by Def32,A3; take z; thus z*x = (y1 / x1) * x1 by RING_3:1 .= y; end; end; LP is cancelable proof thus LP is left_mult-cancelable proof let x be Element of LP; let y,z be Element of LP; x in the carrier of LP & y in the carrier of LP & z in the carrier of LP; then reconsider x1=x,y1=y,z1=z as Element of Q; x1*y1 = x*y & x1*z1 = x*z by RING_3:1; hence thesis by ALGSTR_0:def 20; end; let x be Element of LP; let y,z be Element of LP; x in the carrier of LP & y in the carrier of LP & z in the carrier of LP; then reconsider x1=x,y1=y,z1=z as Element of Q; y1*x1 = y*x & z1*x1 = z*x by RING_3:1; hence thesis by ALGSTR_0:def 21; end; hence thesis by A7,A8; end; then reconsider LP as strict SubLoop of Q; take LP; thus H c= [#]LP by A3,Def32 ; let H2 be SubLoop of Q such that A9: H c= [#]H2; reconsider H2c = [#]H2 as Subset of Q by Def30; f.([#]H2) c= [#]H2 proof let x be object; assume x in f.([#]H2); then A10:x in F(H2c) by A1; then reconsider xx=x as Element of Q; per cases by A10,Def32; suppose x in H; hence thesis by A9; end; suppose x = 1.Q; then x = 1.H2 by Def30; hence thesis; end; suppose RQ[Q,H2c,x]; then consider y,z such that A11: y in H2c & z in H2c & (x = y * z or x = y \ z or x = y / z); reconsider y1=y,z1=z as Element of H2 by A11; y1\z1 in H2c & y1/z1 in H2c; then reconsider yz =y1\z1,YZ =y1/z1 as Element of Q; the multF of H2 = (the multF of Q)||H2c by Def30; then y*z = y1*z1 & y *yz = y1 * (y1\z1)= z & YZ * z= (y1/z1)* z1= y by RING_3:1; hence thesis by A11; end; end; then f.(H2c) c= H2c; hence [#]LP c= [#]H2 by KNASTER:6; end; uniqueness proof let IT1,IT2 be strict SubLoop of Q such that A12: H c= [#]IT1 & for H2 be SubLoop of Q st H c= [#]H2 holds [#]IT1 c= [#]H2 and A13: H c= [#]IT2 & for H2 be SubLoop of Q st H c= [#]H2 holds [#]IT2 c= [#]H2; A14: [#]IT1 = [#]IT2 by A12,A13; A15: the OneF of IT1 = 1.Q by Def30 .= the OneF of IT2 by Def30; the multF of IT1 = (the multF of Q)||(the carrier of IT1) by Def30 .= the multF of IT2 by Def30,A14; hence thesis by A14,A15; end; end; theorem Th18: for H being Subset of Q st 1.Q in H & (for x,y st x in H & y in H holds x * y in H) & (for x,y st x in H & y in H holds x \ y in H) & (for x,y st x in H & y in H holds x / y in H) holds [#]lp H = H proof let H be Subset of Q; assume that A1: 1.Q in H and A2: for x,y st x in H & y in H holds x * y in H and A3: for x,y st x in H & y in H holds x \ y in H and A4: for x,y st x in H & y in H holds x / y in H; reconsider ONE=1.Q as Element of H by A1; set mm = (the multF of Q)||H; now let x be set such that A5: x in [: H,H:]; consider x1,x2 be object such that A6:x1 in H & x2 in H & x=[x1,x2] by A5,ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider x1,x2 as Element of Q by A6; x1*x2 in H by A6,A2; hence (the multF of Q).x in H by A6; end; then H is Preserv of the multF of Q by REALSET1:def 1; then reconsider mm as BinOp of H by REALSET1:2; set LP = multLoopStr(#H,mm,ONE#); reconsider LP as non empty SubLoopStr of Q by A1,Def30; LP is SubLoop of Q proof now let x be Element of LP; x in the carrier of LP; then reconsider x1=x as Element of Q; x*1.LP = x1*1.Q & 1.LP*x = 1.Q*x1 by RING_3:1; hence x * 1. LP = x & 1.LP * x = x; end; then A7: LP is well-unital; A8: LP is invertible proof hereby let x,y be Element of LP; x in the carrier of LP & y in the carrier of LP; then reconsider x1=x,y1=y as Element of Q; reconsider z=x1 \ y1 as Element of LP by A3; take z; thus x*z = x1 * (x1 \ y1) by RING_3:1 .= y; end; hereby let x,y be Element of LP; x in the carrier of LP & y in the carrier of LP; then reconsider x1=x,y1=y as Element of Q; reconsider z=y1 / x1 as Element of LP by A4; take z; thus z*x = (y1 / x1) * x1 by RING_3:1 .= y; end; end; LP is cancelable proof thus LP is left_mult-cancelable proof let x be Element of LP; let y,z be Element of LP; x in the carrier of LP & y in the carrier of LP & z in the carrier of LP; then reconsider x1=x,y1=y,z1=z as Element of Q; x1*y1 = x*y & x1*z1 = x*z by RING_3:1; hence thesis by ALGSTR_0:def 20; end; let x be Element of LP; let y,z be Element of LP; x in the carrier of LP & y in the carrier of LP & z in the carrier of LP; then reconsider x1=x,y1=y,z1=z as Element of Q; y1*x1 = y*x & z1*x1 = z*x by RING_3:1; hence thesis by ALGSTR_0:def 21; end; hence thesis by A7,A8; end; then reconsider LP as strict SubLoop of Q; [#](lp H) c= [#]LP = H by Def33; hence thesis by Def33; end; theorem Th19: for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2 holds [#]lp (Ker f) = Ker f proof let f be homomorphic Function of Q,Q2; f.(1.Q) = 1.Q2 by Def28a; then A1: 1.Q in Ker f by Def29; A2: for x,y st x in Ker f & y in Ker f holds x * y in Ker f proof let x,y be Element of Q; assume that A3: x in Ker f and A4: y in Ker f; f.(x * y) = f.x * f.y by Def28b .= 1.Q2 * f.y by Def29,A3 .= 1.Q2 by Def29,A4; hence x*y in Ker f by Def29; end; A5: for x,y st x in Ker f & y in Ker f holds x \ y in Ker f proof let x,y be Element of Q; assume that A6: x in Ker f and A7: y in Ker f; f.(x \ y) = f.x \ f.y by Th13 .= 1.Q2 \ f.y by Def29,A6 .= 1.Q2 by Def29,A7; hence x\y in Ker f by Def29; end; for x,y st x in Ker f & y in Ker f holds x / y in Ker f proof let x,y be Element of Q; assume that A8: x in Ker f and A9: y in Ker f; f.(x / y) = f.x / f.y by Th14 .= f.x / 1.Q2 by Def29,A9 .= 1.Q2 by Def29,A8; hence x/y in Ker f by Def29; end; hence thesis by Th18,A1,A2,A5; end; theorem Th20a: 1.Q in Nucl_l Q proof for y,z holds (1.Q * y) * z = 1.Q * (y * z); hence thesis by Def22; end; theorem Th20b: 1.Q in Nucl_m Q proof for x,z holds (x * 1.Q) * z = x * (1.Q * z); hence thesis by Def23; end; theorem Th20c: 1.Q in Nucl_r Q proof for x,y holds (x * y) * 1.Q = x * (y * 1.Q); hence thesis by Def24; end; theorem Th20: 1.Q in Nucl Q proof A1: 1.Q in Nucl_l Q by Th20a; 1.Q in Nucl_m Q by Th20b; hence thesis by A1,Th12,Th20c; end; registration let Q; cluster Nucl_l Q -> non empty; coherence by Th20a; cluster Nucl_m Q -> non empty; coherence by Th20b; cluster Nucl_r Q -> non empty; coherence by Th20c; cluster Nucl Q -> non empty; coherence by Th20; end; theorem Th21: x in Nucl Q & y in Nucl Q implies x * y in Nucl Q proof assume that A1: x in Nucl Q and A2: y in Nucl Q; A3: x in Nucl_l Q by Th12,A1; A4: x in Nucl_m Q by Th12,A1; A5: x in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A1; A6: y in Nucl_l Q by Th12,A2; A7: y in Nucl_m Q by Th12,A2; A8: y in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A2; for z,w holds ((x * y) * z) * w = (x * y) * (z * w) proof let z,w; ((x * y) * z) * w = (x * (y * z)) * w by A3,Def22 .= x * ((y * z) * w) by A3,Def22 .= x * (y * (z * w)) by A6,Def22 .= (x * y) * (z * w) by A3,Def22; hence thesis; end; then A9: x * y in Nucl_l Q by Def22; for z,w holds (z * (x * y)) * w = z * ((x * y) * w) proof let z,w; (z * (x * y)) * w = ((z * x) * y) * w by A4,Def23 .= (z * x) * (y * w) by A7,Def23 .= z * (x * (y * w)) by A4,Def23 .= z * ((x * y) * w) by A7,Def23; hence thesis; end; then A10: x * y in Nucl_m Q by Def23; for z,w holds (z * w) * (x * y) = z * (w * (x * y)) proof let z,w; (z * w) * (x * y) = ((z * w) * x) * y by A8,Def24 .= (z * (w * x)) * y by A5,Def24 .= z * ((w * x) * y) by A8,Def24 .= z * (w * (x * y)) by A8,Def24; hence thesis; end; then x * y in Nucl_r Q by Def24; hence thesis by Th12,A9,A10; end; theorem Th22: x in Nucl Q & y in Nucl Q implies x \ y in Nucl Q proof assume that A1: x in Nucl Q and A2: y in Nucl Q; A3: x in Nucl_l Q by Th12,A1; A4: x in Nucl_m Q by Th12,A1; A5: x in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A1; A6: y in Nucl_l Q by Th12,A2; A7: y in Nucl_m Q by Th12,A2; A8: y in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A2; for z,w holds ((x \ y) * z) * w = (x \ y) * (z * w) proof let z,w; x * (((x \ y) * z) * w) = (x * ((x \ y) * z)) * w by A3,Def22 .= ((x * (x \ y)) * z) * w by A3,Def22 .= (x * (x \ y)) * (z * w) by A6,Def22 .= x * ((x \ y) * (z * w)) by A3,Def22; hence thesis by Th1; end; then A9: x \ y in Nucl_l Q by Def22; for z,w holds (z * (x \ y)) * w = z * ((x \ y) * w) proof let z,w; (z * (x \ y)) * w = (((z / x) * x) * (x \ y)) * w .= ((z / x) * (x * (x \ y))) * w by A4,Def23 .= (z / x) * ((x * (x \ y)) * w) by A7,Def23 .= (z / x) * (x * ((x \ y) * w)) by A3,Def22 .= ((z / x) * x) * ((x \ y) * w) by A4,Def23 .= z * ((x \ y) * w); hence thesis; end; then A10: x \ y in Nucl_m Q by Def23; for z,w holds (z * w) * (x \ y) = z * (w * (x \ y)) proof let z,w; (z * w) * (x \ y) = (z * ((w / x) * x)) * (x \ y) .= ((z * (w / x)) * x) * (x \ y) by A5,Def24 .= (z * (w / x)) * (x * (x \ y)) by A4,Def23 .= z * ((w / x) * (x * (x \ y)))by A8,Def24 .= z * (((w / x) * x) * (x \ y)) by A4,Def23 .= z * (w * (x \ y)); hence thesis; end; then x \ y in Nucl_r Q by Def24; hence thesis by Th12,A9,A10; end; theorem Th23: x in Nucl Q & y in Nucl Q implies x / y in Nucl Q proof assume that A1: x in Nucl Q and A2: y in Nucl Q; A3: x in Nucl_l Q by Th12,A1; A4: x in Nucl_m Q by Th12,A1; A5: x in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A1; A6: y in Nucl_l Q by Th12,A2; A7: y in Nucl_m Q by Th12,A2; A8: y in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A2; for z,w holds ((x / y) * z) * w = (x / y) * (z * w) proof let z,w; ((x / y) * z) * w = ((x / y) * (y * (y \ z))) * w .= (((x / y) * y) * (y \ z)) * w by A7,Def23 .= ((x / y) * y) * ((y \ z) * w) by A3,Def22 .= (x / y) * (y * ((y \ z) * w)) by A7,Def23 .= (x / y) * ((y * (y \ z)) * w) by A6,Def22 .= (x / y) * (z * w); hence thesis; end; then A9: x / y in Nucl_l Q by Def22; for z,w holds (z * (x / y)) * w = z * ((x / y) * w) proof let z,w; (z * (x / y)) * w = (z * (x / y)) * (y * (y \ w)) .= ((z * (x / y)) * y) * (y \ w) by A7,Def23 .= (z * ((x / y) * y)) * (y \ w) by A8,Def24 .= z * (((x / y) * y) * (y \ w)) by A4, Def23 .= z * ((x / y) * (y * (y \ w))) by A7,Def23 .= z * ((x / y) * w); hence thesis; end; then A10: x / y in Nucl_m Q by Def23; for z,w holds (z * w) * (x / y) = z * (w * (x / y)) proof let z,w; ((z * w) * (x / y)) * y = (z * w) * ((x / y) * y) by A8,Def24 .= z * (w * ((x / y) * y)) by A5,Def24 .= z * ((w * (x / y)) * y) by A8,Def24 .= (z * (w * (x / y))) * y by A8,Def24; hence thesis by Th2; end; then x / y in Nucl_r Q by Def24; hence thesis by Th12,A9,A10; end; theorem Th24: [#]lp (Nucl Q) = Nucl Q proof A1: 1.Q in Nucl Q by Th20; A2: for x,y st x in Nucl Q & y in Nucl Q holds x * y in Nucl Q by Th21; A3: for x,y st x in Nucl Q & y in Nucl Q holds x \ y in Nucl Q by Th22; for x,y st x in Nucl Q & y in Nucl Q holds x / y in Nucl Q by Th23; hence thesis by Th18,A1,A2,A3; end; theorem Th25: [#]lp (Cent Q) = Cent Q proof A1: 1.Q in Cent Q proof A2: 1.Q in Nucl Q by Th20; for y holds 1.Q * y = y * 1.Q; then 1.Q in Comm Q by Def25; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A2; end; A3: for x,y st x in Cent Q & y in Cent Q holds x * y in Cent Q proof let x,y; assume that A4: x in Cent Q and A5: y in Cent Q; A6: x in Comm Q & x in Nucl Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A4; A7: y in Comm Q & y in Nucl Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A5; A8: x in Nucl_l Q by Th12,A6; A9: y in Nucl_m Q & y in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A7; for z holds (x * y) * z = z * (x * y) proof let z; (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) by A9,Def23 .= x * (z * y) by A7,Def25 .= (x * z) * y by A8,Def22 .= (z * x) * y by A6,Def25 .= z * (x * y) by A9,Def24; hence thesis; end; then A10: x * y in Comm Q by Def25; x * y in Nucl Q by Th21,A6,A7; hence x * y in Cent Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4,A10; end; A11: for x,y st x in Cent Q & y in Cent Q holds x \ y in Cent Q proof let x,y; assume that A12: x in Cent Q and A13: y in Cent Q; A14: x in Comm Q & x in Nucl Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A12; A15: y in Comm Q & y in Nucl Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A13; A16: x in Nucl_m Q by Th12,A14; for z holds (x \ y) * z = z * (x \ y) proof let z; (x \ y) * z = (x \ y) * ((z / x) * x) .= (x \ y) * (x * (z / x)) by A14,Def25 .= ((x \ y) * x) * (z / x) by A16,Def23 .= (x * (x \ y)) * (z / x) by A14,Def25 .= (z / x) * (x * (x \ y)) by A15,Def25 .= ((z / x) * x) * (x \ y) by A16,Def23 .= z * (x \ y); hence thesis; end; then A17: x \ y in Comm Q by Def25; x \ y in Nucl Q by Th22,A14,A15; hence x \ y in Cent Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A17; end; for x,y st x in Cent Q & y in Cent Q holds x / y in Cent Q proof let x,y; assume that A18: x in Cent Q and A19: y in Cent Q; A20: x in Comm Q & x in Nucl Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A18; A21: y in Comm Q & y in Nucl Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4, A19; A22: y in Nucl_m Q by Th12,A21; for z holds (x / y) * z = z * (x / y) proof let z; thus (x / y) * z = (x / y) * ((z / y) * y) .= (x / y) * (y * (z / y)) by A21,Def25 .= ((x / y) * y) * (z / y) by A22,Def23 .= (z / y) * ((x / y) * y) by A20,Def25 .= (z / y) * (y * (x / y)) by A21,Def25 .= ((z / y) * y) * (x / y) by A22,Def23 .= z * (x / y); end; then A23: x / y in Comm Q by Def25; x / y in Nucl Q by Th23,A20,A21; hence x / y in Cent Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4,A23; end; hence thesis by Th18,A1,A3,A11; end; begin :: Multiplicative Mappings and Cosets ::We now define a set Mlt Q of multiplicative mappings of Q ::and cosets (mostly following Albert 1943 for cosets). definition let X be functional set; attr X is composition-closed means :Def34: for f,g being Element of X st f in X & g in X holds f*g in X; attr X is inverse-closed means :Def35: for f being Element of X st f in X holds f" in X; end; registration let A be set; cluster {id A} -> composition-closed inverse-closed; coherence proof set I = id A; thus {I} is composition-closed proof let f,g be Element of {I}; f = I & g = I by TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by SYSREL:12; end; let f be Element of {I}; f = I by TARSKI:def 1; then f is Permutation of A & I*f = I by SYSREL:12; then f" = I by FUNCT_2:60; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1; end; end; registration cluster composition-closed inverse-closed non empty for functional set; existence proof take {id the set}; thus thesis; end; end; registration let Q be multLoopStr; cluster composition-closed inverse-closed non empty for Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); existence proof set I = id Q; I in Funcs(Q,Q) by FUNCT_2:126; then reconsider X = {I} as Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) by SUBSET_1:33; take X; thus thesis; end; end; definition let Q be non empty multLoopStr; let H be Subset of Q; let S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); pred H left-right-mult-closed S means for u being Element of Q st u in H holds (curry (the multF of Q)).u in S & (curry' (the multF of Q)).u in S; end; defpred PQ[multLoopStr,Subset of $1, Subset of Funcs($1,$1),object] means (ex u be Element of $1 st u in $2 & $4 = (curry' (the multF of $1)).u) or (ex u be Element of $1 st u in $2 & $4 = (curry (the multF of $1)).u) or (ex g,h be Permutation of $1 st g in $3 & h in $3 & $4 = g*h) or (ex g be Permutation of $1 st g in $3 & $4 = g"); definition let Q be non empty multLoopStr; let H be Subset of Q; let S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); func MltClos1(H,S) -> Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) means :Def37: for f being object holds f in it iff (ex u be Element of Q st u in H & f = (curry' (the multF of Q)).u) or (ex u be Element of Q st u in H & f = (curry (the multF of Q)).u) or (ex g,h be Permutation of Q st g in S & h in S & f = g*h) or (ex g be Permutation of Q st g in S & f = g"); existence proof set mQ = the multF of Q; set LH = {(curry' mQ).u where u is Element of Q : u in H}; set RH = {(curry mQ).u where u is Element of Q : u in H}; set SC = {g*h where g,h is Permutation of Q : g in S & h in S}; set SI = {g" where g is Permutation of Q : g in S}; set Y = LH \/ RH \/ SC \/ SI; A1: LH c= Funcs(Q,Q) proof let f be object; assume f in LH; then ex u being Element of Q st f = (curry' mQ).u & u in H; hence thesis; end; RH c= Funcs(Q,Q) proof let f be object; assume f in RH; then ex u being Element of Q st f = (curry mQ).u & u in H; hence thesis; end; then A2: LH \/ RH is Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) by A1, XBOOLE_1:8; SC c= Funcs(Q,Q) proof let f be object; assume f in SC; then ex g,h being Permutation of Q st f = g*h & g in S & h in S; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:9; end; then A3: LH \/ RH \/ SC is Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) by A2, XBOOLE_1:8; SI c= Funcs(Q,Q) proof let f be object; assume f in SI; then ex g being Permutation of Q st f = g" & g in S; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:9; end; then reconsider Y as Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) by A3, XBOOLE_1:8; take Y; let f be object; thus f in Y implies PQ[Q,H,S,f] proof assume f in Y; then f in LH \/ RH \/ SC or f in SI by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then f in LH \/ RH or f in SC or f in SI by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3; suppose f in LH; then ex u being Element of Q st f = (curry' mQ).u & u in H; hence thesis; end; suppose f in RH; then ex u being Element of Q st f = (curry mQ).u & u in H; hence thesis; end; suppose f in SC; then ex g,h being Permutation of Q st f = g*h & g in S & h in S; hence thesis; end; suppose f in SI; then ex g being Permutation of Q st f = g" & g in S; hence thesis; end; end; assume PQ[Q,H,S,f]; then f in LH or f in RH or f in SC or f in SI; then f in LH\/RH or f in SC or f in SI by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then f in LH\/RH\/SC or f in SI by XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence f in Y by XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; uniqueness proof let S1,S2 be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); assume that A4: for f being object holds f in S1 iff PQ[Q,H,S,f] and A5: for f being object holds f in S2 iff PQ[Q,H,S,f]; now let f be Element of Funcs(Q,Q); f in S1 iff PQ[Q,H,S,f] by A4; hence f in S1 iff f in S2 by A5; end; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:3; end; end; theorem Th26: for H being Subset of Q holds for phi being Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q) st for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = MltClos1(H,X) holds phi is c=-monotone proof let H be Subset of Q; let phi be Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q); assume A1: for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = MltClos1(H,X); let a1, b1 be set such that A2: a1 in dom phi & b1 in dom phi & a1 c= b1; thus phi.a1 c= phi.b1 proof reconsider a2 = a1, b2=b1 as Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) by A2,FUNCT_2:def 1; let f be object; assume f in phi.a1; then f in MltClos1(H,a2) by A1; then PQ[Q,H,a2,f] by Def37; then f in MltClos1(H,b2) by A2,Def37; hence thesis by A1; end; end; theorem Th27: for H being Subset of Q holds for phi being Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q) st for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = MltClos1(H,X) holds for Y being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st phi.(Y) c= Y holds (for u being Element of Q st u in H holds (curry (the multF of Q)).u in Y) & (for u being Element of Q st u in H holds (curry' (the multF of Q)).u in Y) proof let H be Subset of Q; let phi be Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q); assume A1: for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = MltClos1(H,X); let Y be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); assume phi.(Y) c= Y; then A2: MltClos1(H,Y) c= Y by A1; thus for u being Element of Q st u in H holds (curry (the multF of Q)).u in Y proof let u be Element of Q; assume u in H; then (curry (the multF of Q)).u in MltClos1(H,Y) by Def37; hence thesis by A2; end; let u be Element of Q; assume u in H; then (curry' (the multF of Q)).u in MltClos1(H,Y) by Def37; hence thesis by A2; end; theorem Th28: for H being Subset of Q holds for phi being Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q) st for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = MltClos1(H,X) holds for Y being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st for S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st phi.S c= S holds Y c= S holds for f being Element of Funcs(Q,Q) st f in Y holds f is Permutation of Q proof let H be Subset of Q; let phi be Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q); assume A1: for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = MltClos1(H,X); let Y be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); assume A2: for S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st phi.S c= S holds Y c= S; set SP = the set of all f where f is Permutation of Q; SP c= Funcs(Q,Q) proof let f be object; assume f in SP; then consider g being Permutation of Q such that A3: f = g & not contradiction; thus thesis by FUNCT_2:9,A3; end; then reconsider SP as Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); phi.(SP) c= SP proof let f be object; assume f in phi.(SP); then f in MltClos1(H,SP) by A1; then per cases by Def37; suppose ex u be Element of Q st u in H & f = (curry' (the multF of Q)).u; then consider u being Element of Q such that A4: u in H & f = (curry' (the multF of Q)).u; reconsider f as Function of Q,Q by A4; deffunc G(Element of Q) = $1 / u; consider g be Function of Q,Q such that A5: for x being Element of Q holds g.x = G(x) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; for x being Element of Q holds (g*f).x = (id (the carrier of Q)).x proof let x be Element of Q; (g * f).x = g.(f.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.(x * u) by FUNCT_5:70,A4 .= G(x * u) by A5 .= (id (the carrier of Q)).x; hence thesis; end; then A6: g * f = id (the carrier of Q) by FUNCT_2:def 8; for x being Element of Q holds (f*g).x = (id (the carrier of Q)).x proof let x be Element of Q; (f * g).x = f.(g.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.x * u by FUNCT_5:70,A4 .= G(x) * u by A5 .= (id (the carrier of Q)).x; hence thesis; end; then rng f = the carrier of Q by FUNCT_2:18,def 8; then f is Permutation of the carrier of Q by FUNCT_2:57,A6, FUNCT_2:31; hence thesis; end; suppose ex u be Element of Q st u in H & f = (curry (the multF of Q)).u; then consider u being Element of Q such that A7: u in H & f = (curry (the multF of Q)).u; reconsider f as Function of Q,Q by A7; deffunc G(Element of Q) = u \ $1; consider g be Function of Q,Q such that A8: for x being Element of Q holds g.x = G(x) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; A9: for x being Element of Q holds (g*f).x = (id (the carrier of Q)).x proof let x be Element of Q; (g * f).x = g.(f.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.(u * x) by FUNCT_5:69,A7 .= G(u * x) by A8 .= (id (the carrier of Q)).x; hence thesis; end; A10: for x being Element of Q holds (f*g).x = (id (the carrier of Q)).x proof let x be Element of Q; (f * g).x = f.(g.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= u * g.x by FUNCT_5:69,A7 .= u * G(x) by A8 .= (id (the carrier of Q)).x; hence thesis; end; A11: f is one-to-one by A9, FUNCT_2:31,FUNCT_2:def 8; rng f = the carrier of Q by A10, FUNCT_2:18,FUNCT_2:def 8; then f is Permutation of the carrier of Q by FUNCT_2:57,A11; hence thesis; end; suppose ex g,h be Permutation of the carrier of Q st g in SP & h in SP & f = g*h; hence thesis; end; suppose ex g be Permutation of the carrier of Q st g in SP & f = g"; hence thesis; end; end; then A12: Y c= SP by A2; let f be Element of Funcs(Q,Q); assume f in Y; then f in SP by A12; then ex g being Permutation of Q st f = g; hence thesis; end; theorem Th29: for H being Subset of Q holds for phi being Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q) st for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = MltClos1(H,X) holds for Y being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st Y is_a_fixpoint_of phi & for S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st phi.S c= S holds Y c= S holds Y is composition-closed & Y is inverse-closed proof let H be Subset of Q; let phi be Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q); assume A1: for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = MltClos1(H,X); let Y be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); assume Y is_a_fixpoint_of phi; then A2: Y in dom phi & Y = phi.(Y) & phi.(Y) = MltClos1(H,Y) by ABIAN:def 3,A1; assume A3: for S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st phi.S c= S holds Y c= S; thus Y is composition-closed proof let f,g be Element of Y; assume A4: f in Y & g in Y; then f is Permutation of Q & g is Permutation of Q by Th28,A1,A3; hence f * g in Y by A2,Def37,A4; end; let f be Element of Y; assume A5: f in Y; then f is Permutation of Q by Th28,A1,A3; hence f" in Y by A2,Def37,A5; end; theorem Th30: (curry (the multF of Q)).u is Permutation of Q proof set f = curry (the multF of Q).u; deffunc G(Element of Q) = u \ $1; consider g be Function of Q,Q such that A1: for x being Element of Q holds g.x = G(x) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; for x being Element of Q holds (g*f).x = (id Q).x proof let x be Element of Q; (g * f).x = g.(f.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.(u * x) by FUNCT_5:69 .= G(u * x) by A1 .= (id Q).x; hence thesis; end; then A2: g * f = id Q by FUNCT_2:def 8; A3: for x being Element of Q holds (f*g).x = (id Q).x proof let x be Element of Q; (f * g).x = f.(g.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= u * g.x by FUNCT_5:69 .= u * G(x) by A1 .= id Q.x; hence thesis; end; rng f = the carrier of Q by A3,FUNCT_2:18,def 8; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:57,A2, FUNCT_2:31; end; theorem Th31: (curry' (the multF of Q)).u is Permutation of the carrier of Q proof set f = curry' (the multF of Q).u; deffunc G(Element of Q) = $1 / u; consider g be Function of Q,Q such that A1: for x being Element of Q holds g.x = G(x) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; for x being Element of Q holds (g*f).x = (id Q).x proof let x be Element of Q; (g * f).x = g.(f.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.(x * u) by FUNCT_5:70 .= G(x * u) by A1 .= (id Q).x; hence thesis; end; then A2: g * f = id Q by FUNCT_2:def 8; A3: for x being Element of Q holds (f*g).x = (id Q).x proof let x be Element of Q; (f * g).x = f.(g.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.x * u by FUNCT_5:70 .= G(x) * u by A1 .= (id Q).x; hence thesis; end; rng f = the carrier of Q by A3,FUNCT_2:18,def 8; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:57,A2, FUNCT_2:31; end; definition let Q; let H be Subset of Q; func Mlt H -> composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of Funcs(Q, Q) means :Def38: H left-right-mult-closed it & for X being composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st H left-right-mult-closed X holds it c= X; existence proof deffunc Phi(Subset of Funcs(Q,Q)) = MltClos1(H,$1); consider phi be Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q) such that A1: for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = Phi(X) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; reconsider phi as c=-monotone Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q) by A1, Th26; set Y = lfp(Funcs(Q,Q),phi); A2: Y is_a_fixpoint_of phi by KNASTER:4; then A3: Y in dom phi & Y = phi.(Y) & phi.(Y) = Phi(Y) by ABIAN:def 3,A1; A4: for S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st phi.S c= S holds Y c= S by KNASTER:6; reconsider Y as composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) by Th29,A1,A2,A4; take Y; thus H left-right-mult-closed Y by Th27,A1,A3; let S be composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); assume A5: H left-right-mult-closed S; phi.S c= S proof let f be object; assume f in phi.S; then f in Phi(S) by A1; then PQ[Q,H,S,f] by Def37; hence thesis by A5,Def34,Def35; end; hence Y c= S by KNASTER:6; end; uniqueness; end; theorem Th32: for H being Subset of Q holds for u being Element of Q st u in H holds (curry (the multF of Q)).u in Mlt H proof let H be Subset of Q; let u be Element of Q; assume A1: u in H; H left-right-mult-closed (Mlt H) by Def38; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem Th33: for H being Subset of Q holds for u being Element of Q st u in H holds (curry' (the multF of Q)).u in Mlt H proof let H be Subset of Q; let u be Element of Q; H left-right-mult-closed (Mlt H) by Def38; hence thesis; end; theorem Th34: for H being Subset of Q holds for phi being Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q) st for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = MltClos1(H,X) holds Mlt H is_a_fixpoint_of phi & for S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st phi.S c= S holds Mlt H c= S proof let H be Subset of Q; let phi be Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q); assume A1: for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = MltClos1(H,X); Mlt H in bool Funcs(Q,Q)& phi is quasi_total; then A2: Mlt H in dom phi by FUNCT_2:def 1; A3: phi.(Mlt H) c= Mlt H proof let f be object; assume f in phi.(Mlt H); then f in MltClos1(H,Mlt H) by A1; then PQ[Q,H,Mlt H,f] by Def37; hence thesis by Th33,Th32,Def34,Def35; end; A4: for S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st phi.S c= S holds Mlt H c= S proof let S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); assume A5: phi.S c= S; set SP = {f where f is Permutation of Q : f in S}; A6: SP c= S proof let g be object; assume g in SP; then ex f being Permutation of Q st g = f & f in S; hence thesis; end; S c= Funcs(the carrier of Q,the carrier of Q); then SP c= Funcs(the carrier of Q,the carrier of Q) by A6; then reconsider SP as Subset of Funcs(the carrier of Q,the carrier of Q); A7: for f being Element of SP st f in SP holds f is Permutation of the carrier of Q proof let f be Element of SP; assume f in SP; then ex g be Permutation of Q st f = g & g in S; hence thesis; end; for f,g being Element of SP st f in SP & g in SP holds f*g in SP proof let f,g be Element of SP; assume A8: f in SP & g in SP; reconsider f,g as Permutation of the carrier of Q by A7,A8; f*g in MltClos1(H,S) by Def37,A8,A6; then f*g in phi.S by A1; hence thesis by A5; end; then A9: SP is composition-closed ; for f being Element of SP st f in SP holds f" in SP proof let f be Element of SP; assume A10: f in SP; then f in S & f is Permutation of Q by A6,A7; then f" in MltClos1(H,S) by Def37; then A11: f" in phi.S by A1; reconsider f as Permutation of Q by A10,A7; f" is Permutation of Q; hence thesis by A11,A5; end; then SP is inverse-closed; then reconsider SP as composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) by A9; for u being Element of Q st u in H holds (curry (the multF of Q)).u in SP & (curry' (the multF of Q)).u in SP proof let u be Element of Q; assume A12: u in H; then (curry (the multF of Q)).u in MltClos1(H,S) by Def37; then A13: (curry (the multF of Q)).u in phi.(S) by A1; (curry (the multF of Q)).u is Permutation of Q by Th30; hence (curry (the multF of Q)).u in SP by A13,A5; (curry' (the multF of Q)).u in MltClos1(H,S) by Def37,A12; then A14: (curry' (the multF of Q)).u in phi.(S) by A1; (curry' (the multF of Q)).u is Permutation of Q by Th31; hence (curry' (the multF of Q)).u in SP by A14,A5; end; then H left-right-mult-closed SP; then Mlt H c= SP by Def38; hence thesis by A6; end; Mlt H c= phi.(Mlt H) proof for f,g being Element of phi.(Mlt H) st f in phi.(Mlt H) & g in phi.(Mlt H) holds f*g in phi.(Mlt H) proof let f,g be Element of phi.(Mlt H); assume A15: f in phi.(Mlt H) & g in phi.(Mlt H); then f is Permutation of Q & g is Permutation of Q by Th28,A1,A4,A3; then f * g in MltClos1(H,Mlt H) by Def37,A15,A3; hence thesis by A1; end; then A16: phi.(Mlt H) is composition-closed; for f being Element of phi.(Mlt H) st f in phi.(Mlt H) holds f" in phi.(Mlt H) proof let f be Element of phi.(Mlt H); assume A17: f in phi.(Mlt H); then f is Permutation of Q by A3,Th28,A1,A4; then f" in MltClos1(H,Mlt H) by Def37,A17,A3; hence thesis by A1; end; then phi.(Mlt H) is inverse-closed; then reconsider S = phi.(Mlt H) as composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) by A16; for u being Element of Q st u in H holds (curry (the multF of Q)).u in S & (curry' (the multF of Q)).u in S proof let u be Element of Q; assume u in H; then (curry (the multF of Q)).u in MltClos1(H,Mlt H) & (curry' (the multF of Q)).u in MltClos1(H,Mlt H) by Def37; hence thesis by A1; end; then H left-right-mult-closed S; hence thesis by Def38; end; then Mlt H = phi.(Mlt H) by A3; hence thesis by A4,ABIAN:def 3,A2; end; theorem Th35: for H being Subset of Q holds for f being Element of Funcs(Q,Q) st f in Mlt H holds f is Permutation of Q proof let H be Subset of Q; deffunc Phi(Subset of Funcs(Q,Q)) = MltClos1(H,$1); consider phi be Function of bool Funcs(Q,Q),bool Funcs(Q,Q) such that A1: for X being Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) holds phi.X = Phi(X) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; for S be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) st phi.S c= S holds Mlt H c= S by Th34,A1; hence thesis by Th28,A1; end; definition let Q; let H be Subset of Q; let x be Element of Q; func x * H -> Subset of Q means :Def39: y in it iff ex h be Permutation of Q st h in Mlt H & y = h.x; existence proof set xH = {h.x where h is Permutation of Q : h in Mlt H}; xH c= the carrier of Q proof let y be object; assume y in xH; then ex h be Permutation of Q st y = h.x & h in Mlt H; hence thesis; end; then reconsider xH as Subset of Q; take xH; let y; y in xH implies ex h be Permutation of Q st h in Mlt H & y = h.x proof assume y in xH; then ex h being Permutation of Q st y = h.x & h in Mlt H; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let xH1,xH2 be Subset of Q; assume that A1: for y holds y in xH1 iff ex h be Permutation of Q st h in Mlt H & y = h.x and A2: for y holds y in xH2 iff ex h be Permutation of Q st h in Mlt H & y = h.x; for y holds y in xH1 iff y in xH2 proof let y; y in xH1 iff ex h be Permutation of Q st h in Mlt H & y = h.x by A1; hence y in xH1 iff y in xH2 by A2; end; hence xH1 = xH2 by SUBSET_1:3; end; end; definition let Q; let H be SubLoop of Q; let x be Element of Q; func x * H -> Subset of Q equals x * (@ ([#] H)); coherence; end; definition let Q; let N be SubLoop of Q; func Cosets N -> Subset-Family of Q means :Def41: for H be Subset of Q holds H in it iff ex x st H = x * N; existence proof set LCS = {x * N : not contradiction }; LCS c= bool the carrier of Q proof let x be object; assume x in LCS; then ex y st x = y * N & not contradiction; hence thesis; end; then reconsider LCS as Subset-Family of Q; take LCS; thus thesis; end; uniqueness proof let C1,C2 be Subset-Family of Q; assume that A1: for H be Subset of Q holds H in C1 iff ex x st H = x * N and A2: for H be Subset of Q holds H in C2 iff ex x st H = x * N; thus C1 c= C2 proof let H be object; reconsider H1=H as set by TARSKI:1; assume H in C1; then ex x st H = x * N by A1; hence H in C2 by A2; end; let H be object; reconsider H1=H as set by TARSKI:1; assume H in C2; then ex x st H = x * N by A2; hence H in C1 by A1; end; end; registration let Q; let N be SubLoop of Q; cluster Cosets N -> non empty; coherence proof 1.Q * N in Cosets N by Def41; hence thesis; end; end; begin :: Normal Subloop ::We define the notion of a normal subloop ::and construct quotients by normal subloops. definition let Q be multLoopStr; let H1,H2 be Subset of Q; func H1 * H2 -> Subset of Q means :Def42: for x being Element of Q holds x in it iff ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z; existence proof set H3 = {x where x is Element of Q : ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z}; H3 c= the carrier of Q proof let x be object; assume x in H3; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x1 = y * z; hence thesis; end; then reconsider H3 as Subset of Q; take H3; let x be Element of Q; x in H3 implies ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z proof assume x in H3; then consider x1 be Element of Q such that A1: x = x1 & ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x1 = y * z; thus thesis by A1; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let H31,H32 be Subset of Q; assume that A2: for x being Element of Q holds x in H31 iff ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z and A3: for x being Element of Q holds x in H32 iff ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z; now let x be Element of Q; x in H31 iff ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z by A2; hence x in H31 iff x in H32 by A3; end; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:3; end; func H1 \ H2 -> Subset of Q means for x being Element of Q holds x in it iff ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z; existence proof set H3 = {x where x is Element of Q : ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z}; H3 c= the carrier of Q proof let x be object; assume x in H3; then ex x1 be Element of Q st x = x1 & ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x1 = y \ z; hence thesis; end; then reconsider H3 as Subset of Q; take H3; let x be Element of Q; x in H3 implies ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z proof assume x in H3; then consider x1 be Element of Q such that A4: x = x1 & ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x1 = y \ z; thus thesis by A4; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let H31,H32 be Subset of Q; assume that A5: for x being Element of Q holds x in H31 iff ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z and A6: for x being Element of Q holds x in H32 iff ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z; now let x be Element of Q; x in H31 iff ex y,z be Element of Q st y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z by A5; hence x in H31 iff x in H32 by A6; end; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:3; end; end; definition let Q be multLoop; let H be SubLoop of Q; attr H is normal means :Def44: for x,y being Element of Q holds (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H & for z being Element of Q holds ((x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H)) & ((y * H) * (x * H) = (z * H) * (x * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H)); end; registration let Q; cluster normal for SubLoop of Q; existence proof reconsider Q1=Q as non empty multLoopStr; A1: the multF of Q1 = (the multF of Q)||the carrier of Q1; the OneF of Q1 = the OneF of Q; then reconsider Q1 as SubLoop of Q by A1,Def30; take Q1; A2: for x,y being Element of Q holds y in x * Q1 proof let x,y be Element of Q; ex g being Permutation of Q st g in Mlt (@ ([#] Q1)) & y = g.x proof reconsider g = (curry (the multF of Q)).(y / x) as Permutation of Q by Th30; A3: (@ ([#] Q1)) left-right-mult-closed Mlt (@ ([#] Q1)) by Def38; g.x = (y / x) * x by FUNCT_5:69 .= y; hence thesis by A3; end; hence y in x * Q1 by Def39; end; A5: for x,y being Element of Q holds x * Q1 = y * Q1 proof let x,y be Element of Q; for v being Element of Q holds v in x * Q1 iff v in y * Q1 by A2; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:3; end; now let x,y be Element of Q; for v being Element of Q holds v in (x*Q1)*(y*Q1) iff v in (x*y)*Q1 proof let v be Element of Q; thus v in (x*Q1)*(y*Q1) implies v in (x*y)*Q1 by A2; assume v in (x*y)*Q1; ex u,w st u in x * Q1 & w in y * Q1 & v = u * w proof take v,1.Q; thus thesis by A2; end; hence v in (x*Q1)*(y*Q1) by Def42; end; hence (x*Q1)*(y*Q1) = (x*y)*Q1 by SUBSET_1:3; let z; thus (x*Q1)*(z*Q1) = (y*Q1)*(z*Q1) implies (x*Q1) = (y*Q1) by A5; thus (z*Q1)*(x*Q1) = (z*Q1)*(y*Q1) implies (x*Q1) = (y*Q1) by A5; end; hence thesis; end; end; definition let Q; let N be normal SubLoop of Q; func SubLoop_As_Coset N -> Element of Cosets N equals 1.Q * N; coherence by Def41; end; definition let Q; let N be normal SubLoop of Q; func Coset_Loop_Op N -> BinOp of Cosets N means :Def46: for H1,H2 be Element of Cosets N holds it.(H1,H2) = H1 * H2; existence proof deffunc G(Element of Cosets N,Element of Cosets N) = $1 * $2; A1: for H1,H2 being Element of Cosets N holds G(H1,H2) in Cosets N proof let H1,H2 be Element of Cosets N; consider x being Element of Q such that A2: H1 = x * N by Def41; consider y being Element of Q such that A3: H2 = y * N by Def41; G(H1,H2) = (x * y) * N by Def44,A2,A3; hence G(H1,H2) in Cosets N by Def41; end; consider g being Function of [: Cosets N,Cosets N :],Cosets N such that A4: for H1,H2 being Element of Cosets N holds g.(H1,H2) = G(H1,H2) from FUNCT_7:sch 1(A1); take g; thus thesis by A4; end; uniqueness proof let LCL1,LCL2 be BinOp of Cosets N such that A5: for H1,H2 being Element of Cosets N holds LCL1.(H1,H2) = H1 * H2 and A6: for H1,H2 being Element of Cosets N holds LCL2.(H1,H2) = H1 * H2; for H1,H2 being Element of Cosets N holds LCL1.(H1,H2) = LCL2.(H1,H2) proof let H1,H2 be Element of Cosets N; LCL1.(H1,H2) = H1 * H2 by A5 .= LCL2.(H1,H2) by A6; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; end; definition let Q; let N be normal SubLoop of Q; func Q _/_ N -> strict multLoopStr equals multLoopStr(#Cosets N,Coset_Loop_Op N,SubLoop_As_Coset N#); coherence; end; registration let Q; let N be normal SubLoop of Q; cluster Q _/_ N -> non empty; coherence; end; registration let Q; let N be normal SubLoop of Q; cluster Q _/_ N -> well-unital invertible cancelable; coherence proof set QN = Q _/_ N; A1: for H being Element of QN holds H * 1.QN = H & 1.QN * H = H proof let H be Element of QN; H in Cosets N; then consider x being Element of Q such that A2: H = x * N by Def41; A3: H * 1.QN = H proof reconsider H as Element of Cosets N; (the multF of QN).(H,1.QN) = H * (1.Q * N) by Def46 .= (x * 1.Q) * N by A2,Def44 .= H by A2; hence thesis; end; 1.QN * H = H proof reconsider H as Element of Cosets N; (the multF of QN).(1.QN,H) = (1.Q * N) * H by Def46 .= (1.Q * x) * N by A2,Def44 .= H by A2; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by A3; end; A4: for H1,H2 being Element of QN holds ex H3 being Element of QN st H1 * H3 = H2 proof let H1,H2 be Element of QN; H1 in Cosets N; then consider x being Element of Q such that A5: H1 = x * N by Def41; H2 in Cosets N; then consider y being Element of Q such that A6: H2 = y * N by Def41; reconsider H3 = (x \ y) * N as Element of QN by Def41; take H3; (the multF of QN).(H1,H3) = (x * N) * ((x \ y) * N) by A5,Def46 .= (x * (x \ y)) * N by Def44 .= H2 by A6; hence thesis; end; A7: for H1,H2 being Element of QN holds ex H3 being Element of QN st H3 * H1 = H2 proof let H1,H2 be Element of QN; H1 in Cosets N; then consider x being Element of Q such that A8: H1 = x * N by Def41; H2 in Cosets N; then consider y being Element of Q such that A9: H2 = y * N by Def41; reconsider H3 = (y / x) * N as Element of QN by Def41; take H3; (the multF of QN).(H3,H1) = ((y / x) * N) * (x * N) by A8,Def46 .= ((y / x) * x) * N by Def44 .= H2 by A9; hence thesis; end; for H1 being Element of QN holds H1 is left_mult-cancelable proof let H1 be Element of QN; for H2,H3 being Element of QN st H1*H2 = H1*H3 holds H2 = H3 proof let H2,H3 be Element of QN; H1 in Cosets N; then consider x being Element of Q such that A10: H1 = x * N by Def41; H2 in Cosets N; then consider y being Element of Q such that A11: H2 = y * N by Def41; H3 in Cosets N; then consider z being Element of Q such that A12: H3 = z * N by Def41; assume A13: H1*H2 = H1*H3; (x*N)*(y*N) = H1 * H2 by A10,A11,Def46 .= (x*N)*(z*N) by A10,A12,A13,Def46; hence thesis by A11,A12,Def44; end; hence thesis by ALGSTR_0:def 20; end; then A14: QN is left_mult-cancelable by ALGSTR_0:def 23; for H1 being Element of QN holds H1 is right_mult-cancelable proof let H1 be Element of QN; let H2,H3 be Element of QN; H1 in Cosets N; then consider x being Element of Q such that A15: H1 = x * N by Def41; H2 in Cosets N; then consider y being Element of Q such that A16: H2 = y * N by Def41; H3 in Cosets N; then consider z being Element of Q such that A17: H3 = z * N by Def41; assume A18: H2*H1 = H3*H1; (y*N)*(x*N) = H2 * H1 by A15,A16,Def46 .= (z*N)*(x*N) by A18,A15,A17,Def46; hence thesis by A16,A17,Def44; end; then QN is right_mult-cancelable by ALGSTR_0:def 24; hence thesis by A1,A7,ALGSTR_1:def 6,A4,A14; end; end; definition let Q; let N be normal SubLoop of Q; func QuotientHom(Q,N) -> Function of Q,Q _/_ N means :Def48: for x holds it.x = x * N; existence proof deffunc F(Element of Q) = $1 * N; consider f be Function of Q,bool the carrier of Q such that A1: for x being Element of Q holds f.x = F(x) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; A2: dom f = the carrier of Q by FUNCT_2:def 1; A3: rng f c= the carrier of Q _/_ N proof let H be object; assume H in rng f; then consider x being object such that A4: x in dom f & H = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 3; reconsider x as Element of Q by A4,FUNCT_2:def 1; H = x * N by A1,A4; hence thesis by Def41; end; reconsider f as Function of Q,Q _/_ N by FUNCT_2:2,A2,A3; take f; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let f,g be Function of Q,Q _/_ N such that A5: for x holds f.x = x * N and A6: for x holds g.x = x * N; let x; thus f.x = x * N by A5 .= g.x by A6; end; end; registration let Q; let N be normal SubLoop of Q; cluster QuotientHom(Q,N) -> homomorphic; coherence proof set f = QuotientHom(Q,N); thus f.(1.Q) = 1.(Q _/_ N) by Def48; let x,y be Element of Q; reconsider xN = x * N as Element of Cosets N by Def41; reconsider yN = y * N as Element of Cosets N by Def41; f.(x * y) = (x * y) * N by Def48 .= (x * N) * (y * N) by Def44 .= (Coset_Loop_Op N).(xN,yN) by Def46 .= (the multF of Q _/_ N).(f.x,yN) by Def48 .= (the multF of Q _/_ N).(f.x,f.y) by Def48; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th36: for H being SubLoop of Q holds for x,y holds for x1,y1 being Element of H st x = x1 & y = y1 holds x * y = x1 * y1 proof let H be SubLoop of Q; let x,y; let x1,y1 be Element of H; assume A1: x = x1 & y = y1; x1 * y1 = ((the multF of Q)||the carrier of H).(x1,y1) by Def30 .= x * y by A1,RING_3:1; hence thesis; end; theorem Th37: for H being SubLoop of Q holds for x,y st x in the carrier of H & y in the carrier of H holds x * y in the carrier of H proof let H be SubLoop of Q; let x,y; assume x in the carrier of H & y in the carrier of H; then reconsider x1 = x,y1=y as Element of H; x * y = x1 * y1 by Th36; hence thesis; end; theorem Th38: for H being SubLoop of Q holds for x,y holds for x1,y1 being Element of H st x = x1 & y = y1 holds x \ y = x1 \ y1 proof let H be SubLoop of Q; let x,y; let x1,y1 be Element of H; assume A1: x = x1 & y = y1; the carrier of H c= the carrier of Q by Def30; then reconsider x1y1 = x1 \ y1 as Element of Q; x * x1y1 = x1 * (x1 \ y1) by Th36,A1 .= y by A1; hence thesis; end; theorem Th39: for H being SubLoop of Q holds for x,y st x in the carrier of H & y in the carrier of H holds x \ y in the carrier of H proof let H be SubLoop of Q, x,y such that A1: x in the carrier of H & y in the carrier of H; reconsider x1 = x,y1=y as Element of H by A1; x \ y = x1 \ y1 by Th38; hence thesis; end; theorem Th40: for H being SubLoop of Q holds for x,y holds for x1,y1 being Element of H st x = x1 & y = y1 holds x / y = x1 / y1 proof let H be SubLoop of Q,x,y; let x1,y1 be Element of H; the carrier of H c= the carrier of Q by Def30; then reconsider x1y1 = x1 / y1 as Element of Q; assume A1: x = x1 & y = y1; then x1y1 * y = (x1 / y1) * y1 by Th36 .= x by A1; hence thesis; end; theorem Th41: for H being SubLoop of Q holds for x,y st x in the carrier of H & y in the carrier of H holds x / y in the carrier of H proof let H be SubLoop of Q,x,y; assume x in the carrier of H & y in the carrier of H; then reconsider x1 = x,y1=y as Element of H; x / y = x1 / y1 by Th40; hence thesis; end; scheme MltInd {Q() -> multLoop, H() -> Subset of Q(), P[Function of Q(),Q()]}: for f being Function of Q(),Q() st f in Mlt H() holds P[f] provided A1: for u being Element of Q() st u in H() holds for f being Function of Q(),Q() st for x being Element of Q() holds f.x = x * u holds P[f] and A2: for u being Element of Q() st u in H() holds for f being Function of Q(),Q() st for x being Element of Q() holds f.x = u * x holds P[f] and A3: for g,h being Permutation of Q() st P[g] & P[h] holds P[g*h] and A4: for g being Permutation of Q() st P[g] holds P[g"] proof deffunc Phi(Subset of Funcs(Q(),Q())) = MltClos1(H(),$1); consider phi be Function of bool Funcs(Q(),Q()),bool Funcs(Q(),Q()) such that A5: for X being Subset of Funcs(Q(),Q()) holds phi.X = Phi(X) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; set SP = {f where f is Function of Q(),Q() : P[f]}; SP c= Funcs(Q(),Q()) proof let f be object; assume f in SP; then ex g being Function of Q(),Q() st f = g & P[g]; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:9; end; then reconsider SP as Subset of Funcs(Q(),Q()); phi.(SP) c= SP proof let f be object; assume f in phi.(SP); then f in MltClos1(H(),SP) by A5; then per cases by Def37; suppose ex u be Element of Q() st u in H() & f = (curry' (the multF of Q())).u; then consider u being Element of Q() such that A6: u in H() & f = (curry' (the multF of Q())).u; reconsider f as Function of Q(),Q() by A6; for x being Element of Q() holds f.x = x * u by A6,FUNCT_5:70; then P[f] by A1,A6; hence thesis; end; suppose ex u be Element of Q() st u in H() & f = (curry (the multF of Q())).u; then consider u being Element of Q() such that A7: u in H() & f = (curry (the multF of Q())).u; reconsider f as Function of Q(),Q() by A7; for x being Element of Q() holds f.x = u * x by A7,FUNCT_5:69; then P[f] by A2,A7; hence thesis; end; suppose ex g,h be Permutation of Q() st g in SP & h in SP & f = g*h; then consider g,h being Permutation of Q() such that A8: g in SP & h in SP & f = g*h; consider g2 being Function of Q(),Q() such that A9: g = g2 & P[g2] by A8; A10: ex h2 be Function of Q(),Q() st h = h2 & P[h2] by A8; P[g*h] by A10,A3,A9; hence thesis by A8; end; suppose ex g be Permutation of Q() st g in SP & f = g"; then consider g being Permutation of Q() such that A11: g in SP & f = g"; ex g2 being Function of Q(),Q() st g = g2 & P[g2] by A11; then P[g"] by A4; hence thesis by A11; end; end; then A12: Mlt H() c= SP by Th34,A5; let f be Function of Q(),Q(); assume f in Mlt H(); then f in SP by A12; then ex g be Function of Q(),Q() st f = g & P[g]; hence thesis; end; theorem Th42: for N being SubLoop of Q holds for f being Function of Q,Q st f in Mlt (@ ([#] N)) holds for x holds x in (@ ([#] N)) iff f.x in (@ ([#] N)) proof let N be SubLoop of Q; reconsider H = @ ([#] N) as Subset of Q; defpred P[Function of Q,Q] means for x holds x in H iff $1.x in H; A1: for u being Element of Q st u in H holds for f being Function of Q,Q st for x being Element of Q holds f.x = x * u holds P[f] proof let u; assume A2:u in H; let f be Function of Q,Q; assume A3: for x holds f.x = x * u; P[f] proof let x; thus x in H implies f.x in H proof assume x in H; then x * u in the carrier of N by Th37,A2; hence thesis by A3; end; assume f.x in H; then reconsider xu1 = x * u as Element of N by A3; reconsider u1 = u as Element of N by A2; the carrier of N c= the carrier of Q by Def30; then reconsider xu1u1 = xu1 / u1 as Element of Q; A4: x * u = (xu1 / u1) * u1 .= xu1u1 * u by Th36; x = (xu1u1 * u) / u by A4 .= (xu1 / u1); hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; A5: for u being Element of Q st u in H holds for f being Function of Q,Q st for x being Element of Q holds f.x = u * x holds P[f] proof let u; assume A6: u in H; let f be Function of Q,Q; assume A7: for x holds f.x = u * x; P[f] proof let x; thus x in H implies f.x in H proof assume x in H; then u * x in the carrier of N by Th37,A6; hence thesis by A7; end; assume f.x in H; then reconsider ux1 = u * x,u1=u as Element of N by A7,A6; the carrier of N c= the carrier of Q by Def30; then reconsider u1ux1 = u1 \ ux1 as Element of Q; u * x = u1 * (u1 \ ux1) .= u * u1ux1 by Th36; then x = u \ (u * u1ux1) .= (u1 \ ux1); hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; A8: for g,h being Permutation of Q st P[g] & P[h] holds P[g*h] proof let g,h be Permutation of Q such that A9: P[g] & P[h]; let x; x in H iff h.x in H by A9; then x in H iff g.(h.x) in H by A9; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:15; end; A10: for g being Permutation of Q st P[g] holds P[g"] proof let g be Permutation of Q such that A11: P[g]; let x; x = (id the carrier of Q).x .= (g*(g")).x by FUNCT_2:61 .= g.((g").x) by FUNCT_2:15; hence x in H iff (g").x in H by A11; end; for f being Function of Q,Q st f in Mlt H holds P[f] from MltInd(A1,A5,A8,A10); hence thesis; end; theorem Th43: for N being normal SubLoop of Q holds the carrier of N = 1.Q * N proof let N be normal SubLoop of Q; A1: the carrier of N c= the carrier of Q by Def30; thus the carrier of N c= 1.Q * N proof let x be object; assume A2: x in the carrier of N; then reconsider x as Element of Q by A1; A3: (curry (the multF of Q)).x in Mlt (@ ([#] N)) by Th32,A2; reconsider h = (curry (the multF of Q)).x as Permutation of Q by Th30; h.(1.Q) = x * 1.Q by FUNCT_5:69; hence thesis by Def39,A3; end; let x be object; assume x in 1.Q * N; then A4:ex h be Permutation of Q st h in Mlt (@ [#] N) & x = h.(1.Q) by Def39; 1.N = 1.Q by Def30; hence thesis by Th42,A4; end; theorem Th44: for N being normal SubLoop of Q holds Ker (QuotientHom(Q,N)) = @ ([#] N) proof let N be normal SubLoop of Q; A1: the carrier of N c= the carrier of Q by Def30; set f = QuotientHom(Q,N); for x holds x in Ker f iff x in @ ([#] N) proof let x; thus x in Ker f implies x in @ ([#] N) proof assume A2: x in Ker f; A3:x * N = f.x by Def48 .= 1.(Q _/_ N) by Def29,A2 .= 1.Q * N; A4: 1.N = 1.Q by Def30; reconsider h = (curry (the multF of Q)).(1.Q) as Permutation of Q by Th30; A5: h in Mlt (@ [#] N) by A4,Th32; A6: h.x in x * (@ ([#] N)) by Def39,A5; h.x = 1.Q * x by FUNCT_5:69; hence thesis by A6,A3,Th43; end; assume A7: x in @ ([#] N); A8: for y holds y in x * N iff y in 1.Q * N proof let y; thus y in x * N implies y in 1.Q * N proof assume y in x * N; then consider h being Permutation of Q such that A9: h in Mlt (@ ([#] N)) & h.x = y by Def39; h.x in @ ([#] N) by Th42,A9,A7; hence thesis by A9,Th43; end; assume y in 1.Q * N; then reconsider y1 = y as Element of N by Th43; reconsider x1 = x as Element of N by A7; ex h being Permutation of Q st h in Mlt (@ ([#] N)) & y = h.x proof reconsider y1x1 = y1 / x1 as Element of Q by A1; reconsider h = (curry (the multF of Q)).(y1x1) as Permutation of Q by Th30; take h; thus h in Mlt (@ [#] N) by Th32; h.x = y1x1 * x by FUNCT_5:69 .= (y / x) * x by Th40 .= y; hence h.x = y; end; hence thesis by Def39; end; f.x = x * N by Def48 .= 1.(Q _/_ N) by A8,SUBSET_1:3; hence thesis by Def29; end; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:3; end; theorem Th45: for Q2 being multLoop holds for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2 holds for h being Function of Q,Q st h in Mlt (Ker f) holds f*h = f proof let Q2 be multLoop; let f be homomorphic Function of Q,Q2; set H = Ker f; defpred P[Function of Q,Q] means f * $1 = f; A1: for u being Element of Q st u in H holds for h being Function of Q,Q st for x being Element of Q holds h.x = x * u holds P[h] proof let u; assume A2: u in H; let h be Function of Q,Q; assume A3: for x holds h.x = x * u; P[h] proof for x holds (f*h).x = f.x proof let x; thus (f*h).x = f.(h.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= f.(x * u) by A3 .= f.x * f.u by Def28b .= f.x * 1.Q2 by A2,Def29 .= f.x; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:def 8; end; hence thesis; end; A4: for u being Element of Q st u in H holds for h being Function of Q,Q st for x being Element of Q holds h.x = u * x holds P[h] proof let u; assume A5: u in H; let h be Function of Q,Q; assume A6: for x holds h.x = u * x; P[h] proof for x holds (f*h).x = f.x proof let x; thus (f*h).x = f.(h.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= f.(u * x) by A6 .= f.u * f.x by Def28b .= 1.Q2 * f.x by A5,Def29 .= f.x; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:def 8; end; hence thesis; end; A7: for g,h being Permutation of Q st P[g] & P[h] holds P[g*h] by RELAT_1:36; A8: for g being Permutation of Q st P[g] holds P[g"] proof let g be Permutation of Q such that A9: P[g]; P[g"] proof for x holds (f*(g")).x = f.x proof let x; thus (f*(g")).x = f.((g").x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= f.(g.((g").x)) by FUNCT_2:15,A9 .= f.((g*g").x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= f.((id the carrier of Q).x) by FUNCT_2:61 .= f.x; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:def 8; end; hence thesis; end; for f being Function of Q,Q st f in Mlt H holds P[f] from MltInd(A1,A4,A7,A8); hence thesis; end; theorem Th46: for Q2 being multLoop holds for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2 holds for x,y holds y in x * Ker f iff f.x = f.y proof let Q2 be multLoop,f be homomorphic Function of Q,Q2,x,y; thus y in x * Ker f implies f.x = f.y proof assume y in x * Ker f; then consider h being Permutation of Q such that A1: h in Mlt (Ker f) & y = h.x by Def39; f.x = (f*h).x by Th45,A1 .= f.y by A1,FUNCT_2:15; hence thesis; end; assume A2: f.x = f.y; ex h being Permutation of Q st h in Mlt (Ker f) & y = h.x proof reconsider h = (curry (the multF of Q)).(y / x) as Permutation of Q by Th30; take h; f.(y / x) = f.y / f.x by Th14 .= 1.Q2 by Th6,A2; then A3: y / x in Ker f by Def29; h.x = (y / x) * x by FUNCT_5:69 .= y; hence thesis by A3,Th32; end; hence thesis by Def39; end; theorem Th47: for Q2 being multLoop holds for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2 holds for x,y holds y in x * lp (Ker f) iff f.x = f.y proof let Q2 be multLoop,f be homomorphic Function of Q,Q2,x,y; y in x * lp (Ker f) iff y in x * Ker f by Th19; hence y in x * lp (Ker f) iff f.x = f.y by Th46; end; theorem Th48: for Q2 being multLoop holds for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2 holds for x,y holds x * lp (Ker f) = y * lp (Ker f) iff f.x = f.y proof let Q2 be multLoop,f be homomorphic Function of Q,Q2; A1: for x,y holds f.x = f.y implies x * lp (Ker f) c= y * lp (Ker f) proof let x,y such that A2: f.x = f.y; let z be object; assume A3: z in x * lp (Ker f); then f.x = f.z by Th47; hence z in y * lp (Ker f) by A3,A2,Th47; end; let x,y; x * lp (Ker f) = y * lp (Ker f) implies f.x = f.y proof assume A4: x * lp (Ker f) = y * lp (Ker f); f.y = f.y; then y in y * lp (Ker f) by Th47; hence thesis by A4,Th47; end; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem for Q2 being multLoop holds for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2 holds lp (Ker f) is normal proof let Q2 be multLoop; let f be homomorphic Function of Q,Q2; set H = lp (Ker f); A1: for x,y holds (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H proof let x,y; for z holds z in (x * H) * (y * H) iff z in (x * y) * H proof let z; thus z in (x * H) * (y * H) implies z in (x * y) * H proof assume z in (x * H) * (y * H); then consider v,w such that A2: v in x * H & w in y * H & z = v * w by Def42; A3: f.y = f.w by Th47,A2; f.z = f.v * f.w by Def28b,A2 .= f.x * f.y by Th47,A2,A3 .= f.(x * y) by Def28b; hence z in (x * y) * H by Th47; end; assume z in (x * y) * H; then A4: f.z = f.(x * y) by Th47; ex v,w st v in x * H & w in y * H & z = v * w proof take z / y,y; A5: f.(z / y) = f.z / f.y by Th14 .= (f.x * f.y) / f.y by A4,Def28b .= f.x; f.y = f.y; hence thesis by A5,Th47; end; hence z in (x * H) * (y * H) by Def42; end; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:3; end; for x,y holds (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H & for z holds ((x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H)) & ((y * H) * (x * H) = (z * H) * (x * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H)) proof let x,y; thus (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H by A1; let z; thus (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H) proof assume (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H); then (x * y) * H = (x * H) * (z * H) by A1; then A6: (x * y) * H = (x * z) * H by A1; f.y = f.x \ (f.x * f.y) .= f.x \ f.(x * y) by Def28b .= f.x \ f.(x * z) by A6,Th48 .= f.x \ (f.x * f.z) by Def28b .= f.z; hence (y * H) = (z * H) by Th48; end; assume (y * H) * (x * H) = (z * H) * (x * H); then (y * x) * H = (z * H) * (x * H) by A1; then A7: (y * x) * H = (z * x) * H by A1; f.y = (f.y * f.x) / f.x .= f.(y * x) / f.x by Def28b .= f.(z * x) / f.x by A7,Th48 .= (f.z * f.x) / f.x by Def28b .= f.z; hence (y * H) = (z * H) by Th48; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th50: 1.Q in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) & 1.Q in Cent Q proof the OneF of (lp (Cent Q)) = 1.Q by Def30; then 1.Q in [#] (lp (Cent Q)); hence thesis by Th25; end; theorem Th51: for f being Function of Q,Q st f in Mlt (Cent Q) holds ex z st z in Cent Q & for x holds f.x = x * z proof set H = Cent Q; defpred P[Function of Q,Q] means ex z st z in H & for x holds $1.x = x * z; A1: for u being Element of Q st u in H holds for f being Function of Q,Q st for x being Element of Q holds f.x = x * u holds P[f]; A2: for u being Element of Q st u in H holds for f being Function of Q,Q st for x being Element of Q holds f.x = u * x holds P[f] proof let u; assume A3: u in H; then A4: u in Comm Q by XBOOLE_0:def 4; let f be Function of Q,Q; assume A5: for x holds f.x = u * x; P[f] proof take u; thus u in Cent Q by A3; let x; f.x = u * x by A5 .= x * u by Def25,A4; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; A6: for g,h being Permutation of Q st P[g] & P[h] holds P[g*h] proof let g,h be Permutation of Q; assume A7: P[g] & P[h]; consider u such that A8: u in H & for x holds g.x = x * u by A7; consider v such that A9: v in H & for x holds h.x = x * v by A7; take (v * u); u in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) & v in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) by Th25,A8,A9; then v * u in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) by Th37; hence v * u in H by Th25; u in Nucl Q by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A10: u in Nucl_r Q by Th12; let x; (g*h).x = g.(h.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.(x * v) by A9 .= (x * v) * u by A8 .= x * (v * u) by A10,Def24; hence thesis; end; A11: for g being Permutation of Q st P[g] holds P[g"] proof let g be Permutation of Q; assume P[g]; then consider v such that A12: v in H & for x holds g.x = x * v; v in Nucl Q by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A13: v in Nucl_m Q by Th12; P[g"] proof take (v \ 1.Q); A14: 1.Q in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) by Th50; v in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) by Th25,A12; then v \ 1.Q in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) by Th39,A14; hence v \ 1.Q in Cent Q by Th25; let x; reconsider h = (curry' (the multF of Q)).(v \ 1.Q) as Permutation of Q by Th31; for y holds (h*g).y = (id Q).y proof let y; (h*g).y = h.(g.y) by FUNCT_2:15 .= h.(y * v) by A12 .= (y * v) * (v \ 1.Q) by FUNCT_5:70 .= y * (v * (v \ 1.Q)) by Def23,A13 .= y; hence thesis; end; then (g").x = h.x by FUNCT_2:60,def 8 .= x * (v \ 1.Q) by FUNCT_5:70; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; for f being Function of Q,Q st f in Mlt H holds P[f] from MltInd(A1,A2,A6,A11); hence thesis; end; theorem Th52: y in x * lp (Cent Q) iff ex z st z in Cent Q & y = x * z proof thus y in x * lp (Cent Q) implies ex z st z in Cent Q & y = x * z proof assume y in x * lp (Cent Q); then y in x * Cent Q by Th25; then consider h being Permutation of Q such that A1: h in Mlt (Cent Q) & h.x = y by Def39; consider z such that A2: z in Cent Q & for v holds h.v = v * z by Th51,A1; take z; thus thesis by A2,A1; end; given z such that A3: z in Cent Q & y = x * z; reconsider h = (curry' (the multF of Q)).(z) as Permutation of Q by Th31; ex h being Permutation of Q st h in Mlt (Cent Q) & h.x = y proof reconsider h = (curry' (the multF of Q)).(z) as Permutation of Q by Th31; take h; thus thesis by FUNCT_5:70,Th33,A3; end; then y in x * Cent Q by Def39; hence thesis by Th25; end; theorem Th53: x * lp (Cent Q) = y * lp (Cent Q) iff ex z st z in Cent Q & y = x * z proof thus x * lp (Cent Q) = y * lp (Cent Q) implies ex z st z in Cent Q & y = x * z proof assume A1: x * lp (Cent Q) = y * lp (Cent Q); 1.Q in Cent Q & y = y * 1.Q by Th50; hence ex z st z in Cent Q & y = x * z by A1,Th52; end; thus (ex z st z in Cent Q & y = x * z) implies x * lp (Cent Q) = y * lp (Cent Q) proof assume ex z st z in Cent Q & y = x * z; then consider z such that A2: z in Cent Q & y = x * z; z in Nucl Q by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A3: z in Nucl_m Q by Th12; for w holds w in x * lp (Cent Q) iff w in y * lp (Cent Q) proof let w; thus w in x * lp (Cent Q) implies w in y * lp (Cent Q) proof assume w in x * lp (Cent Q); then consider v such that A4: v in Cent Q & w = x * v by Th52; ex u st u in Cent Q & w = y * u proof take (z \ v); z in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) & v in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) by A2,A4,Th25; then z \ v in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) by Th39; hence (z \ v) in Cent Q by Th25; w = x * (z * (z \ v)) by A4 .= y * (z \ v) by A2,Def23,A3; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by Th52; end; assume w in y * lp (Cent Q); then consider v such that A5: v in Cent Q & w = y * v by Th52; ex u st u in Cent Q & w = x * u proof take (z * v); z in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) & v in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) by A2,A5,Th25; then z * v in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) by Th37; hence thesis by Def23,A3,A2,A5,Th25; end; hence thesis by Th52; end; hence x * lp (Cent Q) = y * lp (Cent Q) by SUBSET_1:3; end; end; theorem Th54: lp (Cent Q) is normal proof set H = lp (Cent Q); A1: for x,y holds (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H proof let x,y; for z holds z in (x * H) * (y * H) iff z in (x * y) * H proof let z; thus z in (x * H) * (y * H) implies z in (x * y) * H proof assume z in (x * H) * (y * H); then consider v,w such that A2: v in x * H & w in y * H & z = v * w by Def42; consider v1 being Element of Q such that A3: v1 in Cent Q & v = x * v1 by Th52,A2; consider w1 being Element of Q such that A4: w1 in Cent Q & w = y * w1 by Th52,A2; v1 in [#] lp (Cent Q) & w1 in [#] lp (Cent Q) by A3,A4,Th25; then v1 * w1 in [#] lp (Cent Q) by Th37; then A5: v1 * w1 in Cent Q by Th25; A6: v1 in Comm Q by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4; A7: v1 in Nucl Q by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4; A8: v1 in Nucl_m Q & v1 in Nucl_r Q by A7,Th12; w1 in Nucl Q by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A9: w1 in Nucl_r Q by Th12; z = ((x * v1) * y) * w1 by Def24,A9,A4,A3,A2 .= (x * (v1 * y)) * w1 by Def23,A8 .= (x * (y * v1)) * w1 by Def25,A6 .= ((x * y) * v1) * w1 by Def24,A8 .= (x * y) * (v1 * w1) by Def24,A9; hence z in (x * y) * H by Th52,A5; end; assume z in (x * y) * H; then consider w such that A10: w in Cent Q & z = (x * y) * w by Th52; w in Nucl Q by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A11: w in Nucl_r Q by Th12; ex u,v st u in x * H & v in y * H & z = u * v proof take x * 1.Q,y * w; thus thesis by Def24,A11,Th52, Th50,A10; end; hence z in (x * H) * (y * H) by Def42; end; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:3; end; for x,y holds (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H & for z holds ((x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H)) & ((y * H) * (x * H) = (z * H) * (x * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H)) proof let x,y; thus (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H by A1; let z; thus (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H) proof assume (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H); then (x * y) * H = (x * H) * (z * H) by A1; then (x * y) * H = (x * z) * H by A1; then consider w such that A12: w in Cent Q & x * z = (x * y) * w by Th53; w in Nucl Q by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A13: w in Nucl_r Q by Th12; x * z = x * (y * w) by A12,Def24,A13; hence y * H = z * H by Th1,Th53,A12; end; assume (y * H) * (x * H) = (z * H) * (x * H); then (y * x) * H = (z * H) * (x * H) by A1; then (y * x) * H = (z * x) * H by A1; then consider w such that A14: w in Cent Q & z * x = (y * x) * w by Th53; A15: w in Comm Q by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 4; w in Nucl Q by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A16: w in Nucl_l Q by Th12; z * x = w * (y * x) by A14,Def25,A15 .= (w * y) * x by Def22,A16; then z = w * y by Th2; then z = y * w by Def25,A15; hence y * H = z * H by Th53,A14; end; hence thesis; end; begin :: AIM Conjecture ::We define the set InnAut of inner mappings of Q, ::define the notion of an AIM loop and relate this to ::the conditions on T, L, and R defined by satisfies_TT, etc. ::For AIM loops we will prove the nucleus and the center are normal. definition let Q be multLoop; func InnAut Q -> Subset of Funcs(Q,Q) means :Def49: for f being object holds f in it iff ex g being Function of Q,Q st f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g.(1.Q) = 1.Q; existence proof set I = {g where g is Function of Q,Q : g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g.(1.Q) = 1.Q}; I c= Funcs(Q,Q) proof let f be object; assume f in I; then ex g being Function of Q,Q st f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g.(1.Q) = 1.Q; hence thesis; end; then reconsider I as Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); take I; thus thesis; end; uniqueness proof let I1,I2 be Subset of Funcs(Q,Q); assume that A8: for f being object holds f in I1 iff ex g being Function of Q,Q st f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g.(1.Q) = 1.Q and A9: for f being object holds f in I2 iff ex g being Function of Q,Q st f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g.(1.Q) = 1.Q; for f being object holds f in I1 iff f in I2 proof let f be object; f in I1 iff ex g being Function of Q,Q st f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g.(1.Q) = 1.Q by A8; hence thesis by A9; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; end; registration let Q be multLoop; cluster InnAut Q -> non empty composition-closed inverse-closed; coherence proof set I = InnAut Q; thus A1: I is non empty proof set g = (curry (the multF of Q)).(1.Q); ex h being Function of Q,Q st g = h & h in Mlt ([#] Q) & h.(1.Q) = 1.Q proof take g; g.(1.Q) = 1.Q * 1.Q by FUNCT_5:69 .= 1.Q; hence thesis by Th32; end; hence thesis by Def49; end; thus I is composition-closed proof let f,g be Element of I; consider f2 being Function of Q,Q such that A5: f = f2 & f2 in Mlt ([#] Q) & f2.(1.Q) = 1.Q by A1,Def49; consider g2 being Function of Q,Q such that A6: g = g2 & g2 in Mlt ([#] Q) & g2.(1.Q) = 1.Q by A1,Def49; set h= f2*g2; f*g = h & h in Mlt ([#] Q) & h.(1.Q) = 1.Q by A5,A6,FUNCT_2:15,Def34; hence thesis by Def49; end; thus I is inverse-closed proof let f be Element of I; consider f2 being Function of Q,Q such that A7: f = f2 & f2 in Mlt ([#] Q) & f2.(1.Q) = 1.Q by A1,Def49; ex h being Function of Q,Q st f" = h & h in Mlt ([#] Q) & h.(1.Q) = 1.Q proof reconsider f2 as Permutation of the carrier of Q by Th35,A7; take f2"; (f2").(1.Q) = ((f2") * f2).(1.Q) by FUNCT_2:15,A7 .= (id the carrier of Q).(1.Q) by FUNCT_2:61 .= 1.Q; hence thesis by A7,Def35; end; hence thesis by Def49; end; end; end; theorem Th55: for f being Function of Q,Q holds f in InnAut Q iff f in Mlt ([#] Q) & f.(1.Q) = 1.Q proof let f be Function of Q,Q; thus f in InnAut Q implies f in Mlt ([#] Q) & f.(1.Q) = 1.Q proof assume f in InnAut Q; then ex g being Function of Q,Q st f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g.(1.Q) = 1.Q by Def49; hence thesis; end; thus thesis by Def49; end; definition let Q be multLoop; attr Q is AIM means :Def50: for f,g being Function of Q,Q st f in InnAut Q & g in InnAut Q holds f*g = g*f; end; definition let Q,x; deffunc Tx(Element of Q) = T_map($1,x); func T_MAP(x) -> Function of Q,Q means :TM1: for u holds it.u = T_map(u,x); existence proof ex f being Function of Q,Q st for u being Element of Q holds f.u = Tx(u) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let f,g be Function of Q,Q such that A1: for u holds f.u = Tx(u) and A2: for u holds g.u = Tx(u); let u; thus f.u = Tx(u) by A1 .= g.u by A2; end; end; theorem Th56: T_MAP(x) in InnAut Q proof set f = T_MAP(x); reconsider g = (curry (the multF of Q)).x as Permutation of the carrier of Q by Th30; reconsider h = (curry' (the multF of Q)).x as Permutation of the carrier of Q by Th31; A2: f = g" * h proof for u holds (g * f).u = h.u proof let u; thus (g * f).u = g.(f.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.(T_map(u,x)) by TM1 .= x * (x \ (u * x)) by FUNCT_5:69 .= h.u by FUNCT_5:70; end; then g"*h = g"*(g*f) by FUNCT_2:def 8 .= (g"*g)*f by RELAT_1:36 .= (id the carrier of Q)*f by FUNCT_2:61 .= f by FUNCT_2:17; hence thesis; end; g in Mlt ([#] Q) by Th32; then A3: g" in Mlt ([#] Q) by Def35; A4: h in Mlt ([#] Q) by Th33; f.(1.Q) = T_map(1.Q,x) by TM1 .= 1.Q by Th5; hence thesis by A4,Th55,A2,Def34,A3; end; definition let Q,x,y; deffunc Lx(Element of Q) = L_map($1,x,y); func L_MAP(x,y) -> Function of Q,Q means :LM1: for u holds it.u = L_map(u,x,y); existence proof ex f being Function of Q,Q st for u being Element of Q holds f.u = Lx(u) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let f,g be Function of Q,Q such that A1: for u holds f.u = Lx(u) and A2: for u holds g.u = Lx(u); let u; thus f.u = Lx(u) by A1 .= g.u by A2; end; end; theorem Th57: L_MAP(x,y) in InnAut Q proof set f = L_MAP(x,y); reconsider g = (curry (the multF of Q)).(y * x) as Permutation of the carrier of Q by Th30; reconsider h = (curry (the multF of Q)).x as Permutation of the carrier of Q by Th30; reconsider k = (curry (the multF of Q)).(y) as Permutation of the carrier of Q by Th30; A2: f = g" * (k * h) proof for u holds (g*f).u = (k*h).u proof let u; (g*f).u = g.(f.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.(L_map(u,x,y)) by LM1 .= (y * x) * ((y * x) \ (y * (x * u))) by FUNCT_5:69 .= k.(x * u) by FUNCT_5:69 .= k.(h.u) by FUNCT_5:69 .= (k*h).u by FUNCT_2:15; hence thesis; end; then g"*(k*h) = g"*(g*f) by FUNCT_2:def 8 .= (g"*g)*f by RELAT_1:36 .= (id the carrier of Q)*f by FUNCT_2:61 .= f by FUNCT_2:17; hence thesis; end; g in Mlt ([#] Q) by Th32; then A3: g" in Mlt ([#] Q) by Def35; h in Mlt ([#] Q) & k in Mlt ([#] Q) by Th32; then A4:k * h in Mlt ([#] Q) by Def34; f.(1.Q) = L_map(1.Q,x,y) by LM1 .= 1.Q by Th5; hence thesis by Th55,A4,A2,Def34,A3; end; definition let Q,x,y; deffunc Rx(Element of Q) = R_map($1,x,y); func R_MAP(x,y) -> Function of Q,Q means :RM1: for u holds it.u = R_map(u,x,y); existence proof ex f being Function of Q,Q st for u being Element of Q holds f.u = Rx(u) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let f,g be Function of Q,Q such that A1: for u holds f.u = Rx(u) and A2: for u holds g.u = Rx(u); let u; thus f.u = Rx(u) by A1 .= g.u by A2; end; end; theorem Th58: R_MAP(x,y) in InnAut Q proof set f = R_MAP(x,y); reconsider g = (curry' (the multF of Q)).(x * y) as Permutation of the carrier of Q by Th31; reconsider h = (curry' (the multF of Q)).x as Permutation of the carrier of Q by Th31; reconsider k = (curry' (the multF of Q)).(y) as Permutation of the carrier of Q by Th31; A2: f = g" * (k * h) proof for u holds (g*f).u = (k*h).u proof let u; thus (g*f).u = g.(f.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.(R_map(u,x,y)) by RM1 .= (((u * x) * y) / (x * y)) * (x * y) by FUNCT_5:70 .= k.(u * x) by FUNCT_5:70 .= k.(h.u) by FUNCT_5:70 .= (k*h).u by FUNCT_2:15; end; then g"*(k*h) = g"*(g*f) by FUNCT_2:def 8 .= (g"*g)*f by RELAT_1:36 .= (id Q)*f by FUNCT_2:61 .= f by FUNCT_2:17; hence thesis; end; g in Mlt ([#] Q) by Th33; then A3: g" in Mlt ([#] Q) by Def35; h in Mlt ([#] Q) & k in Mlt ([#] Q) by Th33; then A4: k * h in Mlt ([#] Q) by Def34; f.(1.Q) = R_map(1.Q,x,y) by RM1 .= 1.Q by Th6; hence thesis by Th55,A4,A2,Def34,A3; end; registration cluster Trivial-multLoopStr -> AIM; coherence proof set Q = Trivial-multLoopStr; let f,g be Function of Q,Q; for x being Element of Q holds (f*g).x = (g*f).x by ALGSTR_1:9; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:def 8; end; end; registration cluster non empty strict AIM for multLoop; existence proof take Trivial-multLoopStr; thus thesis; end; end; registration cluster -> satisfying_TT satisfying_TL satisfying_TR satisfying_LR satisfying_LL satisfying_RR for AIM multLoop; coherence proof let Q be AIM multLoop; thus Q is satisfying_TT proof let u,x,y be Element of Q; set f = T_MAP(x); set g = T_MAP(y); A3: f in InnAut Q & g in InnAut Q by Th56; T_map(T_map(u,x),y) = T_map(f.u,y) by TM1 .= g.(f.u) by TM1 .= (g*f).u by FUNCT_2:15 .= (f*g).u by A3,Def50 .= f.(g.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= T_map(g.u,x) by TM1 .= T_map(T_map(u,y),x) by TM1; hence thesis; end; thus Q is satisfying_TL proof let u,x,y,z be Element of Q; set f = L_MAP(x,y); set g = T_MAP(z); A6: f in InnAut Q & g in InnAut Q by Th56,Th57; T_map(L_map(u,x,y),z) = T_map(f.u,z) by LM1 .= g.(f.u) by TM1 .= (g*f).u by FUNCT_2:15 .= (f*g).u by A6,Def50 .= f.(g.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= L_map(g.u,x,y) by LM1 .= L_map(T_map(u,z),x,y) by TM1; hence thesis; end; thus Q is satisfying_TR proof let u,x,y,z be Element of Q; set f = R_MAP(x,y); set g = T_MAP(z); A9: f in InnAut Q & g in InnAut Q by Th56,Th58; T_map(R_map(u,x,y),z) = T_map(f.u,z) by RM1 .= g.(f.u) by TM1 .= (g*f).u by FUNCT_2:15 .= (f*g).u by A9,Def50 .= f.(g.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= R_map(g.u,x,y) by RM1 .= R_map(T_map(u,z),x,y) by TM1; hence thesis; end; thus Q is satisfying_LR proof let u,x,y,z,w be Element of Q; set f = R_MAP(x,y); set g = L_MAP(z,w); A12: f in InnAut Q & g in InnAut Q by Th58,Th57; L_map(R_map(u,x,y),z,w) = L_map(f.u,z,w) by RM1 .= g.(f.u) by LM1 .= (g*f).u by FUNCT_2:15 .= (f*g).u by A12,Def50 .= f.(g.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= R_map(g.u,x,y) by RM1 .= R_map(L_map(u,z,w),x,y) by LM1; hence thesis; end; thus Q is satisfying_LL proof let u,x,y,z,w be Element of Q; set f = L_MAP(x,y); set g = L_MAP(z,w); A15: f in InnAut Q & g in InnAut Q by Th57; L_map(L_map(u,x,y),z,w) = L_map(f.u,z,w) by LM1 .= g.(f.u) by LM1 .= (g*f).u by FUNCT_2:15 .= (f*g).u by A15,Def50 .= f.(g.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= L_map(g.u,x,y) by LM1 .= L_map(L_map(u,z,w),x,y) by LM1; hence thesis; end; let u,x,y,z,w be Element of Q; set f = R_MAP(x,y); set g = R_MAP(z,w); A18:f in InnAut Q & g in InnAut Q by Th58; R_map(R_map(u,x,y),z,w) = R_map(f.u,z,w) by RM1 .= g.(f.u) by RM1 .= (g*f).u by FUNCT_2:15 .= (f*g).u by A18,Def50 .= f.(g.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= R_map(g.u,x,y) by RM1 .= R_map(R_map(u,z,w),x,y) by RM1; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th59: for f being Function of Q,Q st f in Mlt (Nucl Q) holds ex u,v st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & for x holds f.x = u * (x * v) proof set H = Nucl Q; defpred P[Function of Q,Q] means ex u,v st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & for x holds $1.x = u * (x * v); A1: for u being Element of Q st u in H holds for f being Function of Q,Q st for x being Element of Q holds f.x = x * u holds P[f] proof let u such that A2: u in H; let f be Function of Q,Q such that A3: for x holds f.x = x * u; take 1.Q,u; thus thesis by A3,A2,Th20; end; A4: for u being Element of Q st u in H holds for f being Function of Q,Q st for x being Element of Q holds f.x = u * x holds P[f] proof let u such that A5: u in H; let f be Function of Q,Q such that A6: for x holds f.x = u * x; take u, 1.Q; thus thesis by A6,A5,Th20; end; A7: for g,h being Permutation of the carrier of Q st P[g] & P[h] holds P[g*h] proof let g,h be Permutation of the carrier of Q; assume A8: P[g] & P[h]; consider u,v such that A9: u in H & v in H & for x holds g.x = u * (x * v) by A8; consider z,w such that A10: z in H & w in H & for x holds h.x = z * (x * w) by A8; take u * z, w * v; u in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) & z in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th24,A9,A10; then u * z in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th37; hence u * z in H by Th24; w in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) & v in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th24,A9,A10; then A11: w * v in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th37; then A12: w * v in Nucl Q by Th24; thus w * v in H by A11,Th24; A13: u in Nucl_l Q by A9,Th12; A14: v in Nucl_r Q by A9,Th12; A15: w in Nucl_r Q by A10,Th12; A16: w * v in Nucl_r Q by A12,Th12; let x; (g*h).x = g.(h.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= g.(z * (x * w)) by A10 .= u * ((z * (x * w)) * v) by A9 .= (u * (z * (x * w))) * v by A13,Def22 .= ((u * z) * (x * w)) * v by A13,Def22 .= (((u * z) * x) * w) * v by A15,Def24 .= ((u * z) * x) * (w * v) by A14,Def24 .= (u * z) * (x * (w * v)) by A16,Def24; hence thesis; end; A17: for g being Permutation of Q st P[g] holds P[g"] proof let g be Permutation of Q; assume P[g]; then consider u,v such that A18: u in H & v in H & for x holds g.x = u * (x * v); A19: u in Nucl_m Q by A18,Th12; A20: v in Nucl_m Q & v in Nucl_r Q by A18,Th12; take 1.Q / u,v \ 1.Q; 1.Q in Nucl Q by Th20; then A21: 1.Q in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th24; u in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th24,A18; then 1.Q / u in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th41,A21; hence 1.Q / u in Nucl Q by Th24; v in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th24,A18; then v \ 1.Q in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th39,A21; hence v \ 1.Q in Nucl Q by Th24; let x; reconsider k = (curry (the multF of Q)).(1.Q / u) as Permutation of Q by Th30; reconsider h = (curry' (the multF of Q)).(v \ 1.Q) as Permutation of Q by Th31; (k*h)*g = id Q proof for y holds ((k*h)*g).y = (id Q).y proof let y; ((k*h)*g).y = (k*h).(g.y) by FUNCT_2:15 .= (k*h).(u * (y * v)) by A18 .= k.(h.(u * (y * v))) by FUNCT_2:15 .= k.((u * (y * v)) * (v \ 1.Q)) by FUNCT_5:70 .= k.(((u * y) * v) * (v \ 1.Q)) by Def24,A20 .= k.((u * y) * (v * (v \ 1.Q))) by Def23,A20 .= (1.Q / u) * (u * y) by FUNCT_5:69 .= ((1.Q / u) * u) * y by Def23,A19 .= y; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:def 8; end; then (g").x = (k*h).x by FUNCT_2:60 .= k.(h.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= k.(x * (v \ 1.Q)) by FUNCT_5:70 .= (1.Q / u) * (x * (v \ 1.Q)) by FUNCT_5:69; hence thesis; end; for f being Function of Q,Q st f in Mlt H holds P[f] from MltInd(A1,A4,A7,A17); hence thesis; end; theorem Th60: y in x * lp (Nucl Q) iff ex u,v st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v) proof thus y in x * lp (Nucl Q) implies ex u,v st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v) proof assume y in x * lp (Nucl Q); then y in x * Nucl Q by Th24; then consider h being Permutation of the carrier of Q such that A1: h in Mlt (Nucl Q) & h.x = y by Def39; consider u,v such that A2: u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & for z holds h.z = u * (z * v) by Th59,A1; take u,v; thus thesis by A1,A2; end; given u,v such that A3: u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v); ex h being Permutation of the carrier of Q st h in Mlt (Nucl Q) & h.x = y proof reconsider h = (curry' (the multF of Q)).(v), k = (curry (the multF of Q)).u as Permutation of the carrier of Q by Th31,Th30; take k*h; h in Mlt (Nucl Q) & k in Mlt (Nucl Q) by Th33,Th32,A3; hence k*h in Mlt (Nucl Q) by Def34; (k*h).x = k.(h.x) by FUNCT_2:15 .= k.(x * v) by FUNCT_5:70 .= y by A3, FUNCT_5:69; hence thesis; end; then y in x * Nucl Q by Def39; hence thesis by Th24; end; theorem Th61: x * lp (Nucl Q) = y * lp (Nucl Q) iff ex u,v st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v) proof thus x * lp (Nucl Q) = y * lp (Nucl Q) implies ex u,v st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v) proof assume A1: x * lp (Nucl Q) = y * lp (Nucl Q); A2: 1.Q in Nucl Q by Th20; y = 1.Q * (y * 1.Q); hence ex u,v st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v) by Th60,A1,A2; end; given u,v such that A3: u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v); A4: u in Nucl_l Q & u in Nucl_m Q by A3,Th12; A5: v in Nucl_m Q & v in Nucl_r Q by A3,Th12; for w holds w in x * lp (Nucl Q) iff w in y * lp (Nucl Q) proof let w; thus w in x * lp (Nucl Q) implies w in y * lp (Nucl Q) proof assume w in x * lp (Nucl Q); then consider u1,v1 being Element of Q such that A6: u1 in Nucl Q & v1 in Nucl Q & w = u1 * (x * v1) by Th60; ex u2,v2 being Element of Q st u2 in Nucl Q & v2 in Nucl Q & w = u2 * (y * v2) proof take u1 / u,v \ v1; u in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) & u1 in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by A3,A6,Th24; then u1 / u in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th41; hence (u1 / u) in Nucl Q by Th24; v in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) & v1 in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by A3,A6,Th24; then v \ v1 in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th39; hence (v \ v1) in Nucl Q by Th24; w = u1 * (x * (v * (v \ v1))) by A6 .= ((u1 / u) * u) * ((x * v) * (v \ v1)) by Def23,A5 .= (u1 / u) * (u * ((x * v) * (v \ v1))) by Def23,A4 .= (u1 / u) * (y * (v \ v1)) by A3,Def22,A4; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by Th60; end; thus w in y * lp (Nucl Q) implies w in x * lp (Nucl Q) proof assume w in y * lp (Nucl Q); then consider u1,v1 being Element of Q such that A7: u1 in Nucl Q & v1 in Nucl Q & w = u1 * (y * v1) by Th60; ex u2,v2 being Element of Q st u2 in Nucl Q & v2 in Nucl Q & w = u2 * (x * v2) proof take u1 * u,v * v1; u in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) & u1 in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by A3,A7,Th24; then u1 * u in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th37; hence (u1 * u) in Nucl Q by Th24; v in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) & v1 in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by A3,A7,Th24; then v * v1 in [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) by Th37; hence (v * v1) in Nucl Q by Th24; w = u1 * (((u * x) * v) * v1) by A3,A7,Def24,A5 .= u1 * ((u * x) * (v * v1)) by Def23,A5 .= u1 * (u * (x * (v * v1))) by Def22,A4 .= (u1 * u) * (x * (v * v1)) by Def23,A4; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by Th60; end; end; hence x * lp (Nucl Q) = y * lp (Nucl Q) by SUBSET_1:3; end; :: Suggested result and proof by Kinyon Sep 10 2018 :: as crucial part of proving the nucleus of an AIM loop :: is normal. theorem Th62: for Q being AIM multLoop holds for x,u being Element of Q holds u in Nucl Q implies T_map(u,x) in Nucl Q proof let Q be AIM multLoop; let x,u be Element of Q; assume u in Nucl Q; then A1: u in Nucl_l Q & u in Nucl_m Q & u in Nucl_r Q by Th12; for y,z being Element of Q holds (T_map(u,x) * y) * z = T_map(u,x) * (y * z) proof let y,z be Element of Q; Q is satisfying_TR; then R_map(T_map(u,x),y,z) = T_map(R_map(u,y,z),x) .= T_map((u * (y * z)) / (y * z),x) by Def22,A1 .= T_map(u,x); hence thesis; end; then A2: T_map(u,x) in Nucl_l Q by Def22; for y,z being Element of Q holds (y * z) * T_map(u,x) = y * (z * T_map(u,x)) proof let y,z be Element of Q; Q is satisfying_TL; then L_map(T_map(u,x),z,y) = T_map(L_map(u,z,y),x) .= T_map((y * z) \ ((y * z) * u),x) by Def24,A1 .= T_map(u,x); hence thesis; end; then A3: T_map(u,x) in Nucl_r Q by Def24; for y,z being Element of Q holds (y * T_map(u,x)) * z = y * (T_map(u,x) * z) proof let y,z be Element of Q; deffunc M(Element of Q) = y \ ((y * ($1 * z)) / z); A4: M(u) = y \ (((y * u) * z) / z) by Def23,A1 .= u; consider m be Function of Q,Q such that A5: for v being Element of Q holds m.v = M(v) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; A6: m in InnAut Q proof reconsider h = (curry' (the multF of Q)).z, k = (curry (the multF of Q)).y as Permutation of Q by Th31,Th30; A7: h in Mlt ([#] Q) & k in Mlt ([#] Q) by Th32,Th33; then A8: h" in Mlt ([#] Q) & k" in Mlt ([#] Q) by Def35; k*h in Mlt ([#] Q) by A7,Def34; then h"*(k*h) in Mlt ([#] Q) by A8,Def34; then A9: k"*(h"*(k*h)) in Mlt ([#] Q) by A8,Def34; A10: for v being Element of Q holds (h*k).v = (y * v) * z proof let v be Element of Q; (h*k).v = h.(k.v) by FUNCT_2:15 .= h.(y * v) by FUNCT_5:69 .= (y * v) * z by FUNCT_5:70; hence thesis; end; A11: for v being Element of Q holds (k*h).v = y * (v * z) proof let v be Element of Q; (k*h).v = k.(h.v) by FUNCT_2:15 .= k.(v * z) by FUNCT_5:70 .= y * (v * z) by FUNCT_5:69; hence thesis; end; for v being Element of Q holds m.v = (k"*(h"*(k*h))).v proof let v be Element of Q; (y * (m.v)) * z = (y * M(v)) * z by A5 .= (k*h).v by A11 .= ((id the carrier of Q)*(k*h)).v by FUNCT_2:17 .= ((h*h")*(k*h)).v by FUNCT_2:61 .= (h*(h"*(k*h))).v by RELAT_1:36 .= (h*((id Q)*(h"*(k*h)))).v by FUNCT_2:17 .= (h*((k*k")*(h"*(k*h)))).v by FUNCT_2:61 .= (h*(k*(k"*(h"*(k*h))))).v by RELAT_1:36 .= ((h*k)*(k"*(h"*(k*h)))).v by RELAT_1:36 .= (h*k).((k"*(h"*(k*h))).v) by FUNCT_2:15 .= (y * ((k"*(h"*(k*h))).v)) * z by A10; then y * (m.v) = y * ((k"*(h"*(k*h))).v) by Th2; hence thesis by Th1; end; then A12: m in Mlt ([#] Q) by A9,FUNCT_2:def 8; m.(1.Q) = M(1.Q) by A5 .= 1.Q by Th5; hence thesis by Def49,A12; end; set t = T_MAP(x); t in InnAut Q by Th56; then A14: t*m = m*t by Def50,A6; M(T_map(u,x)) = m.(T_map(u,x)) by A5 .= m.(t.u) by TM1 .= (m*t).u by FUNCT_2:15 .= t.(m.u) by FUNCT_2:15,A14 .= t.(M(u)) by A5 .= T_map(u,x) by A4,TM1; hence thesis; end; then T_map(u,x) in Nucl_m Q by Def23; hence thesis by Th12,A2,A3; end; theorem Th63: for Q being AIM multLoop holds for x,u being Element of Q holds u in Nucl Q implies (x * u) / x in Nucl Q proof let Q be AIM multLoop, x,u be Element of Q; assume u in Nucl Q; then A1: u in Nucl_l Q & u in Nucl_m Q & u in Nucl_r Q by Th12; deffunc Tdx(Element of Q) = (x * $1) / x; consider t be Function of Q,Q such that A2: for v being Element of Q holds t.v = Tdx(v) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; A3: t in InnAut Q proof reconsider g = (curry (the multF of Q)).x, h = (curry' (the multF of Q)).x as Permutation of Q by Th30,Th31; A4: t = h" * g proof for u being Element of Q holds (h * t).u = g.u proof let u be Element of Q; (h * t).u = h.(t.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= h.(Tdx(u)) by A2 .= ((x * u) / x) * x by FUNCT_5:70 .= g.u by FUNCT_5:69; hence thesis; end; then h"*g = h"*(h*t) by FUNCT_2:def 8 .= (h"*h)*t by RELAT_1:36 .= (id the carrier of Q)*t by FUNCT_2:61 .= t by FUNCT_2:17; hence thesis; end; A5: g in Mlt ([#] Q) by Th32; h in Mlt ([#] Q) by Th33; then A6: h" in Mlt ([#] Q) by Def35; t.(1.Q) = (x * 1.Q) / x by A2 .= 1.Q by Th6; hence thesis by Th55,A6,A4,Def34,A5; end; for y,z being Element of Q holds (Tdx(u) * y) * z = Tdx(u) * (y * z) proof let y,z be Element of Q; set f = R_MAP(y,z); A8: f in InnAut Q by Th58; f.u = R_map(u,y,z) by RM1 .= (u * (y * z)) / (y * z) by Def22,A1 .= u; then Tdx(u) = t.(f.u) by A2 .= (t*f).u by FUNCT_2:15 .= (f*t).u by A8,Def50,A3 .= f.(t.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= f.(Tdx(u)) by A2 .= R_map(Tdx(u),y,z) by RM1 .= ((Tdx(u) * y) * z) / (y * z); hence thesis; end; then A9: Tdx(u) in Nucl_l Q by Def22; for y,z being Element of Q holds (y * z) * Tdx(u) = y * (z * Tdx(u)) proof let y,z be Element of Q; set f = L_MAP(z,y); f in InnAut Q by Th57; then A11: t*f = f*t by Def50,A3; f.u = L_map(u,z,y) by LM1 .= (y * z) \ ((y * z) * u) by Def24,A1 .= u; then Tdx(u) = t.(f.u) by A2 .= (t*f).u by FUNCT_2:15 .= f.(t.u) by FUNCT_2:15,A11 .= f.(Tdx(u)) by A2 .= L_map(Tdx(u),z,y) by LM1 .= (y * z) \ (y * (z * Tdx(u))); hence thesis; end; then A12: Tdx(u) in Nucl_r Q by Def24; for y,z being Element of Q holds (y * Tdx(u)) * z = y * (Tdx(u) * z) proof let y,z be Element of Q; deffunc M(Element of Q) = y \ ((y * ($1 * z)) / z); A13: M(u) = y \ (((y * u) * z) / z) by Def23,A1 .= u; consider m be Function of Q,Q such that A14: for v being Element of Q holds m.v = M(v) from FUNCT_2:sch 4; A15: m in InnAut Q proof reconsider h = (curry' (the multF of Q)).(z), k = (curry (the multF of Q)).(y) as Permutation of Q by Th31,Th30; A16: h in Mlt ([#] Q) & k in Mlt ([#] Q) by Th32,Th33; then A17: h" in Mlt ([#] Q) & k" in Mlt ([#] Q) by Def35; k*h in Mlt ([#] Q) by A16,Def34; then h"*(k*h) in Mlt ([#] Q) by A17,Def34; then A18: k"*(h"*(k*h)) in Mlt ([#] Q) by A17,Def34; A19: for v being Element of Q holds (h*k).v = (y * v) * z proof let v be Element of Q; (h*k).v = h.(k.v) by FUNCT_2:15 .= h.(y * v) by FUNCT_5:69 .= (y * v) * z by FUNCT_5:70; hence thesis; end; A20: for v being Element of Q holds (k*h).v = y * (v * z) proof let v be Element of Q; (k*h).v = k.(h.v) by FUNCT_2:15 .= k.(v * z) by FUNCT_5:70 .= y * (v * z) by FUNCT_5:69; hence thesis; end; for v being Element of Q holds m.v = (k"*(h"*(k*h))).v proof let v be Element of Q; (y * (m.v)) * z = (y * M(v)) * z by A14 .= (k*h).v by A20 .= ((id the carrier of Q)*(k*h)).v by FUNCT_2:17 .= ((h*h")*(k*h)).v by FUNCT_2:61 .= (h*(h"*(k*h))).v by RELAT_1:36 .= (h*((id the carrier of Q)*(h"*(k*h)))).v by FUNCT_2:17 .= (h*((k*k")*(h"*(k*h)))).v by FUNCT_2:61 .= (h*(k*(k"*(h"*(k*h))))).v by RELAT_1:36 .= ((h*k)*(k"*(h"*(k*h)))).v by RELAT_1:36 .= (h*k).((k"*(h"*(k*h))).v) by FUNCT_2:15 .= (y * ((k"*(h"*(k*h))).v)) * z by A19; then y * (m.v) = y * ((k"*(h"*(k*h))).v) by Th2; hence thesis by Th1; end; then A21: m in Mlt ([#] Q) by A18,FUNCT_2:def 8; m.(1.Q) = M(1.Q) by A14 .= 1.Q by Th5; hence thesis by Def49,A21; end; A22: t*m = m*t by Def50,A15,A3; M(Tdx(u)) = m.(Tdx(u)) by A14 .= m.(t.u) by A2 .= (t*m).u by A22,FUNCT_2:15 .= t.(m.u) by FUNCT_2:15 .= t.(M(u)) by A14 .= Tdx(u) by A13,A2; hence thesis; end; then Tdx(u) in Nucl_m Q by Def23; hence thesis by Th12,A9,A12; end; :: This proof was difficult and required a hint from Kinyon. :: Kinyon's hint was essentially the proof of NuclT above. theorem Th64: Q is AIM implies lp (Nucl Q) is normal proof assume A1: Q is AIM; set H = lp (Nucl Q); A2: for x,y being Element of Q holds (ex v being Element of Q st v in Nucl Q & y = x * v) iff (ex u,v being Element of Q st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v)) proof let x,y; thus (ex v being Element of Q st v in Nucl Q & y = x * v) implies (ex u,v being Element of Q st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v)) proof given v being Element of Q such that A3: v in Nucl Q & y = x * v; take 1.Q,v; thus thesis by A3,Th20; end; thus (ex u,v being Element of Q st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v)) implies (ex v being Element of Q st v in Nucl Q & y = x * v) proof given u,v being Element of Q such that A4: u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v); take T_map(u,x) * v; T_map(u,x) in Nucl Q by A1,Th62,A4; then T_map(u,x) in [#] lp (Nucl Q) & v in [#] lp (Nucl Q) by A4,Th24; then T_map(u,x) * v in [#] lp (Nucl Q) by Th37; hence T_map(u,x) * v in Nucl Q by Th24; A5: v in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A4; y = (x * (x \ (u * x))) * v by Def24,A5,A4 .= x * (T_map(u,x) * v) by Def24,A5; hence thesis; end; end; A6: for x,y being Element of Q holds y in x * H iff ex v being Element of Q st v in Nucl Q & y = x * v proof let x,y; y in x * H iff ex u,v being Element of Q st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v) by Th60; hence thesis by A2; end; A7: for x,y being Element of Q holds x * H = y * H iff ex v being Element of Q st v in Nucl Q & y = x * v proof let x,y; x * H = y * H iff ex u,v being Element of Q st u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v) by Th61; hence thesis by A2; end; A8: for x,y holds (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H proof let x,y; for z holds z in (x * H) * (y * H) iff z in (x * y) * H proof let z; thus z in (x * H) * (y * H) implies z in (x * y) * H proof assume z in (x * H) * (y * H); then consider x2,y2 being Element of Q such that A9: x2 in x * H & y2 in y * H & z = x2 * y2 by Def42; ex v being Element of Q st v in Nucl Q & z = (x * y) * v proof consider u being Element of Q such that A10: u in Nucl Q & x2 = x * u by A6,A9; consider v being Element of Q such that A11: v in Nucl Q & y2 = y * v by A6,A9; take (T_map(u,y) * v); T_map(u,y) in Nucl Q by A1,Th62,A10; then T_map(u,y) in [#] lp (Nucl Q) & v in [#] lp (Nucl Q) by A11,Th24; then T_map(u,y) * v in [#] lp (Nucl Q) by Th37; hence A12: T_map(u,y) * v in Nucl Q by Th24; A13: u in Nucl_m Q by Th12,A10; A14: v in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A11; A15: T_map(u,y) * v in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A12; z = x * (u * (y * v)) by Def23,A13,A11,A10,A9 .= x * ((y * T_map(u,y)) * v) by Def24,A14 .= x * (y * (T_map(u,y) * v)) by Def24,A14 .= (x * y) * (T_map(u,y) * v) by Def24,A15; hence thesis; end; hence z in (x * y) * H by A6; end; assume z in (x * y) * H; then consider v such that A16: v in Nucl Q & z = (x * y) * v by A6; ex x1,y1 being Element of Q st x1 in x * H & y1 in y * H & z = x1 * y1 proof take x, y * v; A17: 1.Q in Nucl Q & x = x * 1.Q by Th20; v in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A16; hence thesis by A17,A16,Def24,A6; end; hence thesis by Def42; end; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:3; end; for x,y holds (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H & for z holds ((x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H)) & ((y * H) * (x * H) = (z * H) * (x * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H)) proof let x,y; thus (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H by A8; let z; thus (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H) implies (y * H) = (z * H) proof assume (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H); then (x * y) * H = (x * H) * (z * H) by A8; then (x * y) * H = (x * z) * H by A8; then consider w such that A18: w in Nucl Q & x * z = (x * y) * w by A7; A19: w in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A18; x * z = x * (y * w) by A18,Def24,A19; hence y * H = z * H by Th1,A7,A18; end; assume (y * H) * (x * H) = (z * H) * (x * H); then (y * x) * H = (z * H) * (x * H) by A8; then (y * x) * H = (z * x) * H by A8; then consider w such that A20: w in Nucl Q & z * x = (y * x) * w by A7; A21: w in Nucl_l Q & w in Nucl_r Q by Th12,A20; set v = (x * w) / x; A22: v in Nucl Q by A1,Th63,A20; then A23: v in Nucl_m Q by Th12; z * x = y * (v * x) by A20,Def24,A21 .= (y * v) * x by Def23,A23; hence y * H = z * H by Th2,A7,A22; end; hence thesis; end; registration let Q be AIM multLoop; cluster lp (Nucl Q) -> normal; coherence by Th64; end; registration let Q be multLoop; cluster lp (Cent Q) -> normal; coherence by Th54; end; ::$N Main Theorem The AIM Conjecture follows ::from knowing every AIM loop satisfies ::aa1, aa2, aa3, Ka, aK1, aK2 and aK3. ::This theorem justifies using first-order theorem provers ::to try to prove the AIM Conjecture. theorem (for Q being multLoop st Q is satisfying_TT satisfying_TL satisfying_TR satisfying_LR satisfying_LL satisfying_RR holds Q is satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_Ka satisfying_aK1 satisfying_aK2 satisfying_aK3) implies for Q being AIM multLoop holds Q _/_ (lp (Nucl Q)) is commutative multGroup & Q _/_ (lp (Cent Q)) is multGroup proof assume A1: for Q being multLoop st Q is satisfying_TT satisfying_TL satisfying_TR satisfying_LR satisfying_LL satisfying_RR holds Q is satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_Ka satisfying_aK1 satisfying_aK2 satisfying_aK3; let Q be AIM multLoop; reconsider Q1 = Q as satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_Ka satisfying_aK1 satisfying_aK2 satisfying_aK3 multLoop by A1; set NN = lp (Nucl Q); set fN = QuotientHom(Q,NN); A2: for y being Element of Q _/_ NN holds ex x being Element of Q st fN.x = y proof let y be Element of Q _/_ NN; y in Cosets NN; then consider x being Element of Q such that A3: y = x * NN by Def41; take x; thus thesis by A3,Def48; end; Ker (QuotientHom(Q,NN)) = @ ([#] NN) by Th44; then Nucl Q1 c= Ker fN by Th24; hence Q _/_ NN is commutative multGroup by Th16,A2; set NC = lp (Cent Q); set fC = QuotientHom(Q,NC); A4: for y being Element of Q _/_ NC holds ex x being Element of Q st fC.x = y proof let y be Element of Q _/_ NC; y in Cosets NC; then consider x being Element of Q such that A5: y = x * NC by Def41; fC.x = y by A5,Def48; hence thesis; end; Ker (QuotientHom(Q,NC)) = @ ([#] NC) by Th44; then Cent Q1 c= Ker fC by Th25; hence Q _/_ NC is multGroup by Th17,A4; end;